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s Obb`e Oyb� Y r S O yor >yyoa, of � by f� Ol\ j� k • � aarHo as3a noumos3a .ao�on��n SCIHVONV1S d0 nV3mna 1VNOIIVN o � � � � 9•illllh �•LIIIII �Z•tlllll ', 8•i VIII , o z mill s :�k z.Zlllll sE,I ,, 0•i VIII SZIIIII e�ll�'MEN 0 - i \ r \ondp�~a plc �ac0^ate ��\ 44P%lk 5 w Am ti j�0 5 4 0 - i \ r \ondp�~a plc �ac0^ate ��\ 44P%lk 5 w Am ti j�0 5 4. SERIAL NO. OF ROLL DEPARTMENT ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP t' PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED If Limited7. LIMITED RETENTION DATE MICROFILMWDnL�ti j+(p CONTENTS 00Lc//Gi. cv e.:-"/tF, NUMBER OR NAME OF F�jIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAPE OF LAST DOCUMENT MTICROFILIED - SIGNED Operatnr JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervisor -OUNQi B]'' M FILE NO. y In the matter of -condemning and taking an easement in the Land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the east and west alley in Block 2, -Milham Park, from Fry St. to the north and south alley, and the grading and surfacing of the north and south alley from the east and west alley to Shields Avenue C. F. No. 118705—By W. A. Farrant0 (By request) i. the am matter f dethe and to eerYes v. rut.v ,land 9lly cin e,1. $P r h under Preliminary Order 118008 approved_ March 1940 Interinediary Order 1183$q approvedApril 16, 1940--__ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recominendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the pr ent to be made by the said City is Condemning and taking an eas�a in the land necessary for ea, it s and fi the grading and surfacing of eaat and west alley in B1 2, lham Park, from to the north and south all , d the grading andrfacing of the north an th alley from the east and w allay to Shields Avenue All orders in tha c' ;; r,: ':.r'Le c7id the t,!ms are hereby caneelledr annulled, and rescinded and all proc:c',:ga in said matter be discontinued. e a he Council hereby orders said improvements to he made. i RES VED FURTHER, that the following land, la s or easements therein be and the sa c are hereby ordered to be ken, appropriated and condemned for the pu ose of making said improvements, . 'z.: Zd r elopes, outs and fills in the ceding and surfacing of th east and west ey in Block 2, Milham Park, Yro Fry 9t. to the north and outh alley', .and the gra g and surfacing of the north d south alley from the st and west alley to Shi ds Avenue, to the extent sho on to plan on file in the office of the Coumti ioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Co issioner of Public Works be and 's -hereby instructed and di• rected to prepare plana and specifications for sat improvement, and the proper city cials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making o improvement in �ance th( ith. Adopted by the Approved—- -_ MAY 141940 19- Councilmen Barfuss , Findlan Parranto Jleterme efresil'M` . I ar.l(�ioF ,ident(T[Lllt) City Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL • '� DEPARTMF4T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE A (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • 4' In the matter of condemning and takinm an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts anu fills in the rruaini, and surfacin> of the east Ana west alley in Block 2, 1.'ilham Park, from Fry St. to to north and soutn allt , and the .Fraaint and surf,=cin, of the north and south alley from the east and west alley to Shields Avenue 41 - under under Preliminary Ordcr approved '.!e.re:-. 5, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: i The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement is25.00 The total estimated a®maB�®fc�ssmeatmRYimxhadai�pnavzB�txax $ The estimated cost perfoot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as Oast reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LanWkLUATIQB1y dg. 1 2 Milham Park, 2amsey Co.#Minn. $6040 $4050 2 2 do 860 4050 S 2 do 550 7000 4 2 do 550 2800 5 2 do 550 S00 6 2 G do 550 1700 7 2 do 550 1900 8 2 do 550 4500 9 2 do 850 1800 10 2 do 550 1850 Por- B. B. 10 TOTAL, (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL -, ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t '' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION Lot 16 and Went 40 ft. of East 40 ft. of Lot 18 and West 8 ft. of LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED j'e3dVALUATIO%ld9. 1177$600 11 2 IKlham Park, Ramsey Co., Minn. $580 12 2 do 460 1180 16 2 do 1260 4460 17 2 do 600 2660 17 2 do 776 1600 19 2 do 676 6260 20 2 do 660 7600 21 2 do 660 4200 22 2 do 660 2860 28 2 do 660 1800 24 2 do 660 1600 26 2 do 680 1260 26 2 do 880 2100 27 2 do 660 1880 26 2 do 680 2800 29 2 do 600 1980 Total $16,400 $75,980 - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated April 12, 19' 40 Commissioner of Finance. IF— B. B. 12 �- SaIY. ALLEY'BLK. 2 M/LN.4MPA.pK �� From Fey.St Ta i,,t,d dutine Cut. AL SOA6.SALLEYBL./f?/ IL11A"7P .� as Filll. From E. S YY`J//ey To.ShiC%ds A✓ . l' b,show a l.e s slopespertytiins .9 X-Sec.Bk.No.IBl9 , 893 -RY ST Z t-2-7 iij p 6'• Li/ac Z.3' j7 S6 A ,2 K 'V 0( M L H A � Q Q e. E. 25 26 27 28 2-09 F' 20 2/ 22 23 ?4 /9 40 Z n 1. - 8B•E• r C up� F:1 F Fr. r0.3 Qg ^ GOr GOr F . N C � h r. °4IH 'amuu'p1. aha 49 iA� gp Gor Gw� ♦ I Gon G ,k Gvr: ao' 3�e 40' %O 9 i ys 7,POO, 4 ` ,,, � . .. ti �f it • Office of the Commissioner of Public Works A m Report to Commissioner of Finance March 15 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Worksr having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118008 approved- March 5 1930—, relative to nrmaArrning and x;na an easement in the land necessary for slopes_cuts d- _ and fi-l-ls in the Brading_ and_aurfacfbg_of the east and west alley in Block 2, Milham Park from Fry St, to the North and South Alley, and the grading and sur- facing of the North an South Alley from the Saet and st WeWiley to S e s ve. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S--_ _—, and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:,.- ---- --- - -- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - -- --- - --- _ 5. Said improvement is ---asked-for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. CUM, Ur f I NANCf Commissioner — of Public Work sI_t� MAR 18 1940 � • o ' ,,COUNCIL FILE NO. - By. - - -- 6 C. F. No. 118706— In the Natter o[ grading and .111. the At in F K. enft'a Pacifle 9tree A"ddition. a Addltlo4 .. FINAL ORDER 10 18706 In the Matter of ... grading -And __oiiinF _the-_ALl�y__in F�_ILrauft:�__a'aaifie__Street------ ---- Add it�n,__ 1dcLean_9� enue__Additinn,-_and--A] ocic-2r--king-'-&_Addition_-fr_nm. ie- _ter ---S t-10--- the_- east _line--nf--Kax4g'-s_� d dit ianr--alsa_L onatruc_tia,' . a --- aweria_th_e__eaaement__to--he--- _o3tainQd__on__th_e _alisce]ianenus__-trant--n£--1and__adjacent-_to---and--aast_o£__B1ack2 __Finl'.s Addition--from_the_Aliey--tO_-the_- Avenu�.---------- ------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------- - --- ----- 118129 :.approved March --19,1W------ - - --------------- - under Preliminary Order__-_-----------_------------------- - - - _ IntermediaryOrder ------------------------------- - $ppfoved -------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above --improvement upon due notice, and the Council ' having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; ther6ore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ---- grade_ an -d -oil_ the --- Alley __in_ F.__Knauft's Pmlf1c____- _5 tie_et_Addition+--'fie&a-Avenue_-.dciitinn>-s-nd--Black__2-,.__Kin.;'_s_-Addii inn_frnm__� star__. St. to the east line___ of_King's_Addition,___._Also__pQI ilet_a___seprer_in__tae essemer�t_____ _to__b-e--.obtained-on_-the_mi-scellanen-traat_af_-land-ad3acent a-A^� P'°t--nf B7arc-2,- Kin1ls,Additiony_fro --the All to_the_sewer_1n__hGLean_ 5s�ntan_-__=-____-_____--------- a ---------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and dire@ted to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there Adopted by the Council -------MAY-I#-M- ------- 1�� ✓- - - - - --------- - City Clerk. Approved --------- - - --- _ _, 192 - - --------------------------------- ---------------------------- - - File 8944 a r. Councilma \ Councilma B' i`t o Councilma 'errsnto CouncilmanuidWmwo Councilman CouncilmangffiEenjoheom1 Mayor 1 Mi. Vice Piesideut(1'� Form B. S. A. 8-7 // 1 U CITY or ST. PAUL DEPARjMENT OF FINANCE roe REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ffline the alley in F. Knauft's Pacific St. Aad., ?AcLean Avenue In the maFterof gradinU and o Adaition, and Block 2, Kinds Addition from Hester St. to the east line of KinT.'s AA.d. Also con:tructznz, a sewer in the easement to be obtained/ n the misce.fant6us tract of ` land adjacent to and east of Block 2, Kin;,'s Addition., from the Alley to -ti:e sewer in Avenue under Preliminary Order approved ?.l..rch 19, 1, 4C To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ _ $ 552.11 fr n` - - - - $ n ss The estimated cost perXooi for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each.lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED _ 9 DESCRIPTION ' LOT BLOCK ADDITION _ Lan VALUATIONI i P 1 F. Knauft's Pacific St. Add. $650 $211300 2 do 60o do 600 3050 3 do 600 2150 4 do 60R 2800 5 do 600 2350 6 1 McL,.an Avenue Addition 325 4500 2 do 425 3800 a do 425 250 3 do 450 2550 4 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL " m. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) • ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Len yALUAT 10f�11dam. 5 McLean Avenue Addition $4500 $'3 700 6 do 550 4150 1 2 Kin='s Addition to St. Paul 225 2 2 do 225 3 2 do 300 4 2 do 375 5 2 do ) 100th 650 y 6 2 do 7 2 do 150 3 700 8 2 do 11)0 9 2 do 150 10 2 do 150 2700 11 2 do 175 1850 12 2 do Part of Section 33, Township 29 North, Ranke 22 -Nest described as follows: Com. at the 'dB corner of Block 2, KinR's Aud.; thence South on the E. line of said Ada. 138 ft.; thc-nce E. 60 ft. to the W. line of Block 30, Sucurban Hilis; thence North alon-_ said West line to a point 300 ft. South from the center of the Point aouclas 3oad; thence West 20 ft.; thence North to the South line of Pacific 450 1700 St., thence 'Nest 40 ft. to beTinninP. Part of the Southwest -1 of the Southeast ,i of Section 53, Township 29 worth, Ranee 22 West de:;cri.bed as follows: A stria of land , 60 ft, wide, bounded on the North by a line 158 ft. South of and wicl the south line of Pacific St.; on the L. by Schorr's 400 ,rarallel Sub.; on the South by McLean -ve., on the West by Kin?'s Addition. - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. '7 _ Dated April 11 19 40 Commissioner of Finance. . Borm B. B. 13 St_ Paul, Minn ........ _,-_ ..... .......... - ... - - 193-- ----- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the foil ing improvement to be made: _ - -- -- ---- - - - - - ate.___ Q , �� ` - --- /sc` `— - �/°"^'`` - -_ _ � from .------ _ .y - _.. _.. --- ------- St afire, to------ - ...... i(. -- -- !-- ----'w----- NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION ANn ' ;M :�7 - 236 •S%? S. E %4 SEC33-T29-R. V u Noa I— hA.ST/ Al i c / 1 Mcl EA/Y i i AVE. � I C_ - — 1\ .SUBURBA.�Y . — AVE 1x Office of the Commissioner of " Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance April 2, ----1934-0 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known As Council File No. 118129 approved March 19" 19340, relative to grading and oiling the Alley in F. Knauft's Pacific Street Addition, McLean Avenue , Addition_B -andlocic 2 Xing's- Addition from Hester St ee othp_Qaaline of ging'_ Addition, also constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the miscellaneous tract, of land -adjacent to and -east _of_Block_2, King's Addi-ttQn 1Qm_the–AL ey—t2 the sewer in McLean Avenue. and hiving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) Sesirahle. Cost per frontcot $•55 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_. -55-2-11and the total cost ereof is $-- Engineering $101.20 Inspection $8.84 Frontage 1011.97 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_ _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.---- 5. Said improvement is _ asked for upon petition of three or more Vner of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, - A ,{ Commissioner of Public Works. w Jk v APR 2 Inco CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota Commissioner Miltom Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and oiling the Alley in F. Knauft's Pacific Street Additioh, McLean Avenue Addition, and Block 2, King's Addition from Hester Street to the east line of King's Addition, also constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the miscellaneous tract of land adjacent to and east of Block 2, King's Addition from the Alley to the sewer in McLean Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118129 approved March 19, 1940• Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Engineering Inspection Frontage Approved for transmission tothethe Commissioner of.F ante MILT&kI ROSEN Commissioner f Public Works 0552.11 0.55 101.20 8.84 1011.97 ft. Yours ve truly, (C7 RGE SHEPARB ief ineer . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MIL.ITON ROSEN, COMMIBBIONER BUREAU OF CONST. • REPAIR DONALD F. VOIGT. DUTY COM MISEIONER BUREAU OF BANITATION W. S. COCKROFT. BUPT. GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER FRED DRIVER, BUFT. OFFICE SNOIH66q April 1, 1940 BUREAU of BRIDGES G. H. HERROLD M. S.ORYTBAK. ENGINEER CHIEF ENGR. CLERK BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS MARK W. WOODRUFF RAY J. KARTAK, BUFF. Commissioner Miltom Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and oiling the Alley in F. Knauft's Pacific Street Additioh, McLean Avenue Addition, and Block 2, King's Addition from Hester Street to the east line of King's Addition, also constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the miscellaneous tract of land adjacent to and east of Block 2, King's Addition from the Alley to the sewer in McLean Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118129 approved March 19, 1940• Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Engineering Inspection Frontage Approved for transmission tothethe Commissioner of.F ante MILT&kI ROSEN Commissioner f Public Works 0552.11 0.55 101.20 8.84 1011.97 ft. Yours ve truly, (C7 RGE SHEPARB ief ineer . COUNCIL FILE_ NO. By FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION kOCEEDINGS 118707 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the' land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grad ng an of ing o ley n F. Snatift's Pacific Street Addi- tion, McLean Avenue Addition, and Block 2, King's Addition, from $eater Street to the east line of King's Addition under Preliminary Order 118190 approved March 19 1940 Intermediary Order 118392 approved _April__161 19¢0 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be rlade by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cute and fills in the grading and oiling of Alley in F. Knauft's Pacific Street Addition, McLean Avenue Addition, and Block 2, King's Addition, from Hester Street to the east line of King's Addition c. F. N, , Parranto By, In tAi and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and oiling of Alley in F. Knauft's Pacific Street Addition, McLean Avenue Addition, and Block 2, King's Addition, from Hester Street to the east line of King's Addition, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement i ccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_MAY 14190 MAY 141940 '✓ City Clerk.. Approved - 19 Mayor. Con tmen _BiC/rfuss j Fjndlan arranto � awkiw ice Ite5 dent (1YaW 441�9z,�_ e CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF.,FINANCE REPORT OF COMA&LONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of condemning^ and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the-<^rading and oiling of Alley in F. Knauft.'s Pacific St. Addition, *!eLean Avenue Addition, and Block 2, Kina's Addition from Hester St. to the east line of Kin,t's Addition under Preliminary Order approved Haroh 19, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement is 25.00 The total estimated aaRaundcclf xosaruenfmtldm aomRr� - $ The estimated cost pegfoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assedsor, are as follows: "DESCRIPTION C Form B. B. 10 LOT BLOCK 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0 2 3 4 ADDITION F. Knauft's Paoific 6t. Add. do do do do do NoLean Avenue Addition do do do" TOTAL, ASSESSED L9Md/ALUATION. ag , $680 $2300 600 600 3050 600 2150 690 2800 600 2380 328 4800 428 3800 428 250 480 2880 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMFENT,OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DE$CRPP�'''CON Q LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED AtIVATI 'Land Hldg� P 8 McLean Avenue Addition $450 $3700 8 do 860 4160 1 2 King's Addition to St. Paul 225 2 2 do 225 e e 3 2 do 300 4 2 do 375 5 2 do ( 1000 860 6 2 a do 7 8 ' do d 160 3700 S 2. do 150 9 2 do 150 10 2 do 150 2700 11 • 2 do 176 1850 41 12 2 do 250 2150 Part of Section 33, Township 28 North, Range 22 West described as follower Cad. at the NE corner of Block 2, Hinges Add.I thence South on the E. line of said Add.'138 ft.1 thence E. 60 ft. to the W. line of Block 308 Suburban Ndllsl thence North along said West line to a point 300 ft. South from the center of the Point Douglas Road] thence West 20,ft. s thence, North to the South line of Pacific 450 1700 St.j thence West 40 ft. to beginning. Part of the Southwest j of the Southeast J of Section 33, Township 29 North, Range 22 West described as followsl A strip of land 60 ft. wide, bounded on the North by a line 138 ft. South of and parallel with the south line of laoiPie St.) on the E. by Sohorr's 400 Sub.' on the South by McLean Ave., on the West by King's Addition. A. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has inveftigated all of the aforesaid matters, and - hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in.. reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated April 11 19 Commissioner of Finance. '^ Norm B. B. 12 A& — Indicot,s Fill Typical Nc'a',o,, ' FwucesabcvP :u,es�cw Cul or Fil l r F,operty 'me. - Fiaures belory L , Low d'slonr_e fo Hbich slooe> �s-Ana beyond p,opertv fine, L-,c 8'n,04o.253'h_',ec Hk Nc253' ALL TS PAC/F/CSTADo iYl sL EAN AVE. A00 � B� K. 2 f�/NG.SAOo. heS�er Sf E.L. of (ir�ys Ado 4 89 /</YA OF T.S Phi C' / F / C S T. A DD, j i� / /Y G S I� I It 41 ac 60 I .. -�r,� F�� �� J Sf✓. �� I t�� F �� o ° I 45 7 j � I E A /Y A V Z � i INLEA/Y AvE. ae Dr 2 No.59�1 , s I I I Go�l �I I I I I I I I Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance April 2 0 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: f The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council. File No. 118130 approved March 19 19#0 _, relative to condemning and _taking an easement in the land necessa for slopes, cuts and __fills .in the grading and oiling_ of Alley_ in F. Knauft's Pac%fic Street Addition, McLean Avenue Addition, and Block 2, King's Addition from Hester Street to the east line of King's Addition. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S and the total cost thereof is S--, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:-- 3. ollows:-3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 -- — — — -- -- -- -- S. Said improvement is __— asked for u=re 'on of three or more owners f property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, O= HIJANI L / Commissioner of Public Works. APR 2 1940 co F COUNCIL FILE NO._ 19 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS C. F. No. 118t88- -In the matter of condemning and tak- ing Bn eaaemenl r the purp-Be of v Beam ...e ^-tll n J18708 In the matter of condemning and taking en easement for the purpose oonstructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across a strip of at. in n of wid t on he westerly 8 ft. of a miscellaneous tract of land in the SII 1/4 of Section 33,Township 29, Range 22, lying between Block 2, Single Addition and Schorrta Subdivision, and extending from McLean Ave, to the north line of the alley produced in Block 2, King's Addition. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 ft. in width on the east side of the above easement and on the easterly 5 ft. of Lot 12 in Block 2, Singta Addition, under Preliminary Order 118128 approved March 19th 1940. Intermediary Order 118390 approved _____April 16th, 1940. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: A strip of land 8 ft. in width on the westerly 8 ft. of a miscellaneous tract of land Lit the Southeast 1/4 of Section 33, Township 29, Range 22, lying between Block 2, Singts ,lMidition and Sehorrta Subdivision and extending from McLean Ave, to the north line of the alley produced. in Block 2, Single Additton. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes on'a strip 5 ft. in width on the east side of the above easement and on the easterly g ft. of Lot 12 in Block 2, Singts Addition. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed ano di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in ec rda a therewith. Adopted by the Council MAY 141940 9 v City Clerk. A 41 pprovedI 9 19 _ kQ- Mayor. Couu sen ours $arranto wo w Vice Pli--fdeut(Trux) CITY OF ST. PAUL j DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Y i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY QRDER In the matterof condemning, and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing_ and maintaininr- a public sewer on, under and across a strip8 ft. in width on the westerly 8 ft. of a ast h of Sec. 33, Town. 29, Ran e 22, lying miscellaneous tract of land in the southe pbetween'Blk. 2, Kinte's Audition and Schorr's. Subdivision, and extending; from L'.cLean Ave. to the north line of the Alley produced in Block v; Kina!s Addition. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 ft. in width on the east side of the above easement and on the ee�sterly S ft, of lot 12, in Block 2, Eine's Aeaition, o under Preliminary Order approved 64,:,.h 19, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance htheyabovesas easement is $_50.00 cost of xo�nRAh1�c _ - The total estimated The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION Lang Bldg. Part of Sec. 30, T. 29 North, Ran;e 22 'Nest described as follows: Com. at the NE cor. of Blk. 2, Kin;*'s Add.; thence S. on the E, line of said Add. 138 ft.; thence .`. 60 ft. to the 'Nest line of Block 30, Suburban Hills; thence N. alone said N. line to a point ;YJO ft, S. from the center of the Point :iou71as ;4oad; thenceW. 20 ft.; thenco North to $450 31700 the S. line of Pacific St.; thence W. 40 ft. to bee,inning. Part of the Sl^1Y of the SE;- of Sec. 33, T. 29 North, Range 22 W. described as follows: A strip of land 60 ft. wide, bounded on the N. by a line 138 ft. S. of and parallel with the S*line of Pacific St.; on the E. by 400 Schorr's Sub.; on the S. by McLean Ave.; and on the West by King's Add. 12 2 Kin¢'s Addition to 5... a'Il,'."--inn. 250 2150 Total $1100 $3850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference, to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Apr it 11 ---- ----- -- --- Dated -------19- - Commissioner of Finance. Form D. S. A. 8.5 D N � SC TRAP r 5[ . SEC99.2922 SEwER4fA5e`+EHr moi 1539 . N^ -y56 A +DISC, TRAC- in 5E,� SEC 39 2522 '2eonA ✓e -h': c°4/leo �roCin Kenos Adi B/k2 SEWER EASEMENT 3—,-1, -! Enq�neers �4O-1 Scale 1l'=iO0 89 mL C/ IVT 0C)UG4,4S JQj PACIFIC ST 4 3ROpp i ancr T 5F'< SEC 33 2922 �' �� 52 - F ._ L a. ' �I � .•�. 5 .t 3 _ CY I MCLEAN AVE. I N � SC TRAP r 5[ . SEC99.2922 SEwER4fA5e`+EHr moi 1539 . N^ -y56 A +DISC, TRAC- in 5E,� SEC 39 2522 '2eonA ✓e -h': c°4/leo �roCin Kenos Adi B/k2 SEWER EASEMENT 3—,-1, -! Enq�neers �4O-1 Scale 1l'=iO0 89 mL 1 f Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance April 3, _19340 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 118128 March 19 - 40 Council, known as Council File No. approved 193—, relative to condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a up blit sewer on, under and across a strip of land 8 ft. in width •on the W'ly 8 ft, of a miscellaneous tract of lend in the SE of Seo�ion�j� owns p " X22;-lyiZr� between Block 2, King's Addition and Schorr's Subdivision, and extending from McLean - Avenue �o the north line "of the Alley pr"ueed In --Block 2; lfing`s A3dition� -Also----- condemning and tsking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 ft. n w de -of -the --abo v a -easement and -on the -easterly- 5 ft of I of 1 o in Block 2, King's Addition. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S___ and the total cost thereof is S and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is - asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . 00 P ")M, pF Ff y1 $ yr Commissioner of Public Works. APR COUNCIL FILE NO. By a I5 � I 1187(98 In the Matter ofconstructirg_a_-sewer_o-- the south side of7a'.versz' e' �res_thf_terminus-_nf_"tha_extstiI _sewer--273__faet-nest-0-f_QZf'Qr_d_lt-5t------- 19B_feet _________"_--------------------------------- .------ _---------------- _---- _--------- �._______C. F.__ In theNo. 118709— Matter of conetructing a newer - on the south side of University Ave- ' nue from the [ermir __---"-_- — _.--"--__----- Ing •r: Tar• - --- _--------- .-------------- .--------------------- ___.________.. under Preliminary Order_______ 115157 ----- ---------------- approved __ _ 1,1exch_ 21,__1940-_.__--__--_----_-- ___- IntermediaryOrder------------------------------------------------- -$PProved------- ---- ------- ----- -------- - - - A public hearing having been hat] upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered. the same; therefore, be it �.RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that 1m- nroJeulent to be made by t aid City isco_ tract a_sewer on t ._ -o rth_ side of _Univ---- y -- -- -------------------------------------------- ---- ------------ -------- - ------- All orders In the. a'acvo nalcr be and the same are hereby cancelled) annulled, ------------------------ ----------and nacinded and att pros to aid mater �e �iseoaEleued -- --- — - -- an the Council hereby orders said impr vement to be made. R OLVED FURTHER, That the Com • sioner of Public Works be and is by instructed and directed repare plana and specifications for • improvement, and submit same to a Council for approval;tha on said approval, the proper city offs ' is are hereby authorized and dire d to pro- . Geed with the ma of'said improvemyent in ^accordance erewith. 1 Adopted by the Council---------�1 -14 -�4V--------, 192 _-----_- 3 ---__•. _ _..__--________ _____________________ _ _____--------- City Clerk. Approvedd----------------AM1 _lei -Y1V. , 192----- File 8950 Xayor. Councilman Barfww Councilman Findten CouncilmangiiWinglim Parranto Councili< an .•. ; s+l 1i1 D Y Q Councilman )- Councilman Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 Mr. Vice liesiiknt (Trmx) /1 � �// CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER J (D) ' r on the.south side of University Avenue from the terminus In the matter of constructing, n sewe of the existine sewer 273 feet west of Oxford St., thence w,st 196 feet under Preliminary Order approved I. 'arch 21, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 541.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 2.18 front_ _ - - - - - $----- The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATIOIt DESCRIPTION Lane 8 1 Linterann's :ubdivicion of 31600 Lots 9 �md 10 of 11',de Durk Addition to the Cit.;' of St.Fuul (Excert Lexin;lton 81vd.) i -girt North of Aurcra Avenue of 15 Hyde !'ark18,000 Z, 80(? I Tots.1 X19,600 $2,800 � � m ^' ' aforesaid matters, an The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Datedil 11______ _.____19-_ --- _ — Commissioner of Finance. Moan B. S. A, 8.5 D W J b OD m do TvWit0 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance - April 2_ - 1930— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118157 approved March 21 1934- relative to conatruati,a sewer on the south side of University Avenue Prom the terminus of � the existing sewer 273 feet west of Oxford Street, thence west 196 feet and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. based on W.P.A. Labor 2. The estimated cost thereof is $---- , and the total cost thereof is $— Cost of Mtls., Plans, engineering, supervision etc. $541.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ---- - -- — Cost per front foot $2.18 Frontage 248.68 ft. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is -- .-asked for upon petition of three or more ow ers of i property, ' subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. Commissioner of Public 1 9 944 qPR •� 10 P CITYOF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, D[PUTT C... IERION[R BUREAU OF SANITATION BUREAU OF CONT. a RRAIR GEORGE M. BHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER FRED DRIVER, au". W. a. CACKROFT. SUR. BUREAU OP ORIOO[E N OFPIO[ EGIN[[. M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER G. H. HERROLD April 1, 1940 `BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS CHIEF ENO". CLERK RAY J. KARTAK, SUPT. MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn - Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on the south side of University Avenue from the terminus of the existing sewer 273 feet west of oxford Street, thence west 196 feet, under Preliminary order C. 1'. 11.8157 approved Maro'A 21, 1940• This estimate is based on W.P.A. Labor The cost of materials, plans, engineering, supervision, etc. if $541.00 Cost per front foot 2'18 Frontage 248.68 ft. Yours very truly. R n SH ARD Chi. It D , eer Approved for transmiesi th Commissioner inane jt�RSW Commissioner of Public Works 'Arr. President Fallon /'°", President Fallop^ An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250}, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Ssint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor", approved August 20, 1914, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peaoe, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250j, approved August 20th, 19148 as amended, bgr and the sane is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 79 in the Skilled Labor Service, imme- diately after the title "Tile Layer", the title "Terrazza Worker." Section 2. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessw y for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. -Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. S'cas Councilmen Nai, Bar(uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen J Truax Mr. President {•Faltnrf Attest, - CityClerk :101 12-94 CS 21:24 AN 7 1940 Passed by the Council In Favor 1t___ Against Prov i _ _JL.�__—L------- C. F. No. 118710–.Ordinance No. 8109— By W. A. Parranto 6y request— An ordinance amend ing- Ordinance ' oriRie.1 to City C'I,A ORD No. 8290X. entitled An adminletrative ordinance relat- Ing to the Civil Service, Bureau of gyp' j the City of Saint Paul. -oing and a pti.g rnl ,, • - •aar. . ,,, JJl f .COUNCIL r, NO.-. Attic - ugPRESENTED t' / - �ff�•,I� ORDINANCE NO. O PRESENT �Y/ -. - An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250}, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Ssint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor", approved August 20, 1914, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peaoe, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250j, approved August 20th, 19148 as amended, bgr and the sane is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 79 in the Skilled Labor Service, imme- diately after the title "Tile Layer", the title "Terrazza Worker." Section 2. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessw y for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. -Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. S'cas Councilmen Nai, Bar(uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen J Truax Mr. President {•Faltnrf Attest, - CityClerk :101 12-94 CS 21:24 AN 7 1940 Passed by the Council In Favor 1t___ Against Prov i _ _JL.�__—L------- M Odglnd to OH Clerk PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 10 M— C~ -__DATE MaLy 9. 1940 — 1 . . No. 11,871-1 RESOLVED, That Herbert A. Lyon, Senior Assistant Examiner of the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, be and his hereby directed to attend the CENTRAL REGIONAL CONFERENCE of the Civil Service Asslembly to be held in Chicago on May 15, 16, and 17, 1940= and be it further RESOLVED, That the proper, city officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to reimburse Herbert A. Lyon for traveling expenses incurred by him to attend the said CENRAL REGIONAL CONFERENCE of the Civil Service Assembly from the Civil Service Fund, Code 30-11, upon presentation of itemized statement of traveling costs. C. F Mo. 118711—By J. S. Findlan— Resolved That Herbert A. Lyon, Senior Assistant Examiner of the Civil Service Bureau of the City f St. Paul, be and he Is hereby directed to attend ttheCentral Regional Conference of the Ci vii Service Assembly to be held in Chl cago on May 16, 16, and 17, 1940: and be It further Resolved, That the proper city of- j dolals be and they are hereby author- j ' Ized and directed to reimburse Her- bert A. Lyon for traveling a pensee Incurred by himto attend the s Id Central Regional Conference of the Civil Service Assembly from the Civil Service Fund, Code 30-B upon present - /1 ation of itemized statement of it"sI- /ii„�f� Ing costa. t/✓`—/ f Adopted by the Council May 19, 1990. 2V Approved May 19, 1940. (May 18, 19994 0) SAY 14 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -----9940-193 Yeas / Naye sg OKAY 141940 F�indlan Approved —193— �Parranto --1n Favor eterson ----- - ayor =��Against 6M s,3SMb Vice rrebkWnt (Tenex) fh1gW1 W UM 0-'k�np i8712 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —2'mUNCIL RESOLUTIQfjot-GENERAL FORM Whereas, Hugh Appleton, Lighting,Inspect#r, of the Department of Public Utilities will be in apacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period from May 1, 1940 to May 12, 1940, and Whereas, The Commissioner of Public Utilities has, recommended that Hugh Appleton be and is•hereby granted a leave of absence for disability with pay from May 1, 1940 to May 12, 1940, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper City authorities be and hereby are authorized to grant a leave of absence for Hugh Appleton from May 1, 1940, to May 12, 1940, with full pay. C. F. No. 118712—By W. A. Parranto— C� Wheres, Hugh Appleton. Lighting \ rnapec[ora, of the Department of Pub- ll. Utilities will be Incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for period from May 1, 1940 to May 12. 1940, and Whereas, The Commissioner of Pub - Utilities has recommended that HughAppleton be and Is hereby grant- ed a leave of absence for disability with pay fromMay 1, 1940 to May 12, 1940, said leave being In compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be It Resolved, Thatthe proper City au- th—hies be and hereby a e author"', to grant a leave of absence for Hugh Appleton from May 1, 1940, to May 12, 1940, with full pay, \ Adopted by the Council May 14, 1940. Approved May 14, 1940. (May 18, 1940) W COUNCILMEN Yeas/ Nays - Uss �F/i9dlan /Parranto 4Z.11 resid bM a� jyiee F'1'e�ident (1ioAIK1 MAY 141940 Adopted by the Cou Approved Ny 141940-193— (,-k 41940193—(`i// In Favor — ^ Mayor , /Jl Against OrI91-1 la cit, O.'k118713 CITY OF ST. PAUL " NO._- a. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 1.18713—By G. x. Bartuse— �"J _ CO CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FO Whereas, Edward.Dnvis, ClleY _ad �ll erWh Ia the Bnreau oT Pollce and Fire A1�a,rm. Departmaint of p't '1r PRESENTED BY ahletto COMMISSIONER - — - ---DA ::'e:r'-'Y'Yr"1 P1 t"wi e� 11HBEPJ8, Edward Davis, Chief Operator in the Bureau of Police and"Fire Alarm, Department of Public safety, will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of thirty days, from May 2 to May 31, inclusive, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public safety has recommended that said employe be granted a leave of absence for disability, with pay, for said period, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to grant a leave of absence to said Edward Davis for the period from May 2 to May 31, 1940, inclusive, with full pays COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ati Fin n �. rrrragnto -^ PMV—to_-_-// /Ifi�n Favor // LAgainst lon 1500 2-39 u • Vioe 1'rtstdent(1Yt7) 11 Adopted by the Councilor 14 1940 193— Approved MY 141940 193— - M or T�FI,ISHI�D � Odidml to City CIuY d 187_1_4 CITY OF ST. PAUL - .����`" NO. n FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , /'_ COUN L RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER i�tTt13 Air _— — —_SATE 1riaTl4940 1 WHEREAS, John Tuchner, detective in the Bureau of Police, Department of Public Safety, w111 be incapacitgted and unable to perform his duties for a period from May 10th to May 31st, 1940, inclusive, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Pubile Safety has rec- ommended that said employe be granted`st leave of absence - for disability, with pay, for said period, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and theyare hereby authorised to grant a leave of sibsencse to s aid John Tuchner for the period from May 10th to May Slst, 1940, inclusive with full C. F. rro. 118714-sy c. x. Berinaa- �y� thea Htireau Job. olice,Tuchn Department 1f Public S. fetyo 7111 be incapacitated and unable to perform hie duties for a periodfrom Man 10th to May 31st, 1940, 3n elusive, a Rrlaereas, the Commissioner f Pub- llc Safety, has recommended that Auld j P1 Y. be granted a lenve o[ abeence • for disability, ith pay, for Bald perlod, id I.— being In bompllance Ith Paragraph E, 9ectbn 41 t the Civil Service Rules, there[or5 be L[ Resolved, that the proper city o[- fic s ba and they are hereby author- • tied to grant leave of absence to id John Tuchner for the period from May 30th to May 31st, 1940. Incl .sive, with full pay. 7} Adopted by the Council May 14, 1940. Y Approved May 14, 1940. , (May 18 1940) WY 141940 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193 Yeas / . Nays S, MAY 141340 Findlan �� Approved 193— —Parranto In Favor�— rson �ayor Against 1500 2.93 l:ti Y1QeF `+1WAV Orlait-1 to City Clerk • `1 87 1,5 CITY OF ST. PAUL - uusaa NO ------- -----..-._._--. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTS BY 0 COMMISSI��i16�i _='Y�— DATE 1J1?i.ar 1 .� 1 �'4n Resolved, That the Furchasin;; AL_ent 'be, and he `s }iereby authcrizec.- to purchase, kith the c,rnsent of the Cc --troller, Fl�xlhle Steel. Sever Rods as manufactured b -v t„e Flexile Se° _r-Roi Eaui,;ment Co. of Los An;eles, California, at a cost not �o exceed $/'72.48, vAtrout askin For r,o:eneti�ivF bids, as these are pat=rated urtieles an, no a,.vari-a._e roold b= ;_sinew th-reby. CharE;e Int. Sewer- 12-33-134 COUNCILMEN Yeas �- Nays / Ba�f ties /`Findlan /Yarranto of 1 lQ esideut Tt ) v C. r. No. 118715—By W. A. Parranto (By eQueet)— Reand h Tis the Purchasing uthori Agento t be, 'rad he is hereby ...rt authorized the Com Dtroller7Fltexlble Steel $ewer Rod. as manufactured by the Flexible Sewer -Rod EQuiDonent Co. of Loa An- gelse, CB.lffornfa, at a coat not to' ex - std $472.48, without asking forte tea Vetltive bldB, s these are Da could be articles and no =mage gained thereby. Charge Int. Sower- 12-Da-134. AdoDtedby the Council May 14, 1940. APPr_cd bilary 14, 19401940) . MAY 141940 Adopted by the Council _ . _____ __ _.._...19._.-.-. MY 141940 / Approved....... .._.. _AV _ .._.In Favor - Mayo -... Against — a originaltoCity Clerk a wtmca �`x �-=---gill--- CITY OF ST. PAUL ran NO....----:.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNNCLLLL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM - RESOLVED, that Resolution, COuncit File No. 42446, u. as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by ,,&r rika.ng out, where it appears therein, the line: "Terrazza Worker .. ...............4 .90 per hour" and by substituting in lieu thereof the lines "Terrazza Worker .................$1.25 per hour". C. F. No. 118718—BY W. A. FarrantO Reere oreedeSt)— Resolutlpn, Counoll Flis No. 42448 amended' ended and the la r am herewyherer it e appears there - striking out. in, the line:Worker 0 hour" Terrauba t1tutlhg In 1leuthereof the and by e line: Terr.... Worker .. 1.2a per hour . Adopted by the Coanc1l May 14, 1940. Approved M y1940 811946) (ma COUNCILMEN Yeas /. Nays �rdla Findlan 1--p'arranto )M 1'. 1fident (Tmulc) v-� In Favor MAY 141940 Adopted by the Council.___..._ _.__.___.. Approved. .1I 14 (A.._...19.. -- ortalnel to C/ty CIWk - r CITY OF ST. PAUL ��NO.-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN B /y/)����r _ //-�`aioA,.E— -May 14, 194C+ COMMISSI N -�i` --- WHEREAS, Ralph W. Trine, Assistant Civil Engineer -Sewers, of the Department of Public Works will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of sixty days from May 15, 1940, to July 14, 1940, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Works has recommended that Ralph W. Trine be and is hereby granted a leave of absence for disability with pay for a period of sixty days from May 15, 1940, to July 14, 1940, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City authorities be and hereby are authorized to grant a leave of absence for Ralph W. Trine for a period of sixty days from May 15, 1940, to July 14, 1940, with full pay. C.F. No. 118717—By W. A. Parranto (By reauest)— Whereas, Ralph W. Trine, Assistant CivilEngineer-Sewers, of the Depart- ent of P11,111 Work, will be Inca. ttci- toted and unable to perform his duties to +4 `h for period of days from May l5Whe1940and JulyCommissioners reas* Th, of Pub - 11. Work. has recommended that Ralph W. Trine be and Is hereby granted a leave of, absence for disability with pay for per led of aizty days from May 15, 1940, to July 14, 1940, ,aid leave being In c pliance with Paragraph E, Sect l on 41 of the Civil Service Rules: therefore, be It Resolved, That the proper CRY -. autho r itis. be end hereby u author- ' i..d to grant a leave of absence for Ralph W. Trine for a period of sixty days fromMay 15, 1940, to July 14, 1940, with full pay. - Adopted bv the Council May 14, 1940. ! Approved MMay 191940. j l a w MAY 141940 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council........_.__ _ .___....19..__. - Yeas �1�3nffvss ... 94 /Findlan Approved _ .--- --. - -: _........19..---- ,f'arranto - �eEefeea _._........In Favor _ .._L.. - _ yor ...Against ' q 1�� Ib) IMF. %sWiWsideut(Trtmx) . priAfna,l to City Clerk ry % 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL ur4ca NO. I -- -------_"^'>�--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PREEIIIETEo�ev9 X12: 2_t::._ = oaTE--�I3X-may 1 94 I COMMCOMMSSI E — Resolved, TT%t the h)rchasin,_ A,lent be,%arr he is hereby authorized to purchase, with •the consent of the Mayor Tnd the �omrtroller, one tank car, ai;proximately 9000 iallons 11a" leaded gasoline, 70-72 octane, from the FUEL OIL & GaS CO. at a price Of $ .11071 per gallon, including state r tax •and state inspection, less 1-% discount from refinery price, to be spotted on Ylurn .cipal Eouipment Burcau sglr at Da]_e ot. , on irfortal bi s, as an evaer. ency exists rr:.ere failure to act promptly would work a hard- ship to the best interests of the C' t;'- Equipment- 1003-1,34 COUNCILMEN YeasNays ss E} dlan / �Yarranto arae,t._ _._-In Favor ,�.Agaillst 1M 11139' tit\4`�Mq/ Charr'e General pi, .inicipa.l C. F. No. 1.18X13—By W. A. Parranto Resolved. That the purchasing A eto be,and he is hereby au purchase, with the consent of the one tank Mayor sd%p o Imately d the Comptroller, c gallons "t2' Is.Aed §a onae, 7o -7z etane, from the FUEL OIL & GASt a price of $.11071 per gallon, lnciudCO. In state tax nd state Inspection, less 1% discount nt from tannery price, to be epoeted Municipal Equipment Eu as an emr t e Dane St., n informal bids, y lets where failure to ct promptly would w rk a Hardship to the best interest. of the It Chnrge General Fund—Munlclp-1 Equlpment- 1003-134. Adopted by the Council May 14, 1940. Approved May Y 4' 1940) Adopted by the CouncAAAY 141940_ 19--..-... Approved _MAY 14 1944 ..-- -- 0,191.41 to Clh Cie& RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL .��e NO. Al 871.9 OFFICE OF TME CITY CLERK COUDFet'L RESOLUTIOM1---GENERAL F C. r08B, Bs rprovided Ibr Council (� File No. io t 118906, e➢proved April 9, 1940. obthe 1940, natl tns o'clockthe JA_ M.n on i -- — the council Chamber r the court — •.,,.-, ,•-- Hall hold a public WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 118308, approved April 9, 1940, the Counoi1 did, on the 3rd day of May, 1940, at ten otclock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain one-story frame dwelling 9 at 205 Florida Street, located on Lot 11, Block 21, Marshall's Addition, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building 1s unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wreaked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property; be it FURTHgR RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgroudda and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arLttss "F�indlan -Yarranto L---'" /-in Favor vainst 1600 238 Mr. vice l r sident ( n=) Adopted by the Council MAY 14 190 193 Approved MAY 141940 193— ---- _ _ _ LY 1—'L— -- J ayor J g.--,,j,15F1ED OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota FFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON and Commissioner of Registration Mr. John W. McConnelcug a Corporation Counsel Cit,• Hall Com' May lo, l.94o Dear Sir: The Co L.cil requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the one-stcry frame dwelling at 205 Florida St., on Lot 11, Block 21, Marshall's Addition. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Oti.ln.t to City Ct.ky6ly;�l "Le 118720 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO._— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY0 _._,_DATE May 14. 1940 -- That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated RESOLVED be and the same 'fre hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees; Tena Gunderson 403 Selby Ave. Bakery App. 41669 New 0.- L. Morris Dorfman 254 Grove St. Junk Gatherer n 41799 11 Osro D. Baker 213 Glencoe St. Vehicle Peddler " 41803 " Foodstuff V. P. " 4190 n Abe Tennenholtz 130 Robertson St. U' Junk Gatherer 11 41811 " John Stevens 24 Tilton St. Junk Gatherer " 41812 " John Leibgot 289 E. 14th. St. Junk Gatherer " 41839 " Jos. Bubiszewski 990 N. Syndicate St. Vehicle Peddler " 41859 " n n it n Foodstuff V. P. " 41g60 n Peter G. Hrones 995 Ivy St. Foot Peddler " 41g64 it COU ILMEN Yeas Nays fuss Findlan ,--Parranto (In Favor ax Against ly�fY.�r At taco ass C - Vi-President(T=W C.W. A. Parrnnto, Fy;K. Trina Barruss. Resolved. That llcea ass the hest ed for by the persona .—d be d the [.shed eo Vh'. resolution and the City hereby granted Clerk nis instructed to Iseve ch 11 - Cl the payment into the city treasury of the required Ysee. Ado,tvdd y the 141940. May 14. 1940. (af¢y 19, 1940) Adopted by the CouncilAY 14190 193__ MAY 1419+10 Approved 193— / _ - -- yor .T ” odsh.l to city Clerk„tee CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 118723—By G. H. B-INM F. M. Truax— W. A. Parranto, M ..aot�ea. Tho' Ilceuaea vvue OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORd rur the Ilk at- ' - _J jk, i--' n . PRESENTED aY DATE COMMISSIONER -- at the addresses indicated RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to inane be and the same such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees; 1939 University Ave. oil Burner App. 41450 Renewal Gruden Co. Joe Spector 3Concord St. Grocery " n 41477II " 414 It u " II " Butcher " 41479 " Itn off Sale 3. 2 National Furnance Co. 262 University Ave. Oil Burner I' 41524 " The Hubbard Co. 410 N. Syndicate St. 011 Burner n 41644419 I' Guardian Life Bldg. Restaurant n 41646 it Charles Lau Sam Crea 190 Concord St. Off Sale 3.2 " 41661 it n 41662 It n Confectionery Oscar E. Sandberg 1229 Payne Ave. Restaurant It 41670 " Harry Robertson 1784 E. Minnebaba St. " n Restaurant On Sale 3.2 n It41 9 " 11 4169 It n off Sale 3.2 It 41695 " Laura Peterson 1112 Arcade St. n n n II n On Sale 3.2 Off Sale 3.2 7 n n 41 10 ItMrs. " 41711 Drank Caruso 1181 E. Minniehahn St.Restaurant II " On Sale 3.2 " 41713 It It 41714 n off Sale 3.2 It 41715 Gerhardt Redmann 927 E. Seventh St. Barber n 16 " 41716 Terse St. Junk Gatherers " 41723 it Max Rubin 326 Miller &Holmes 501 Lafayette Ave. Gas Station " 41727 " Miller & Holmes 486 Mississippi St. Gas Station " 41728 It COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barf uss Findlan Parranto ,Rejeff. iii __ In Favor -Peter-We""', T.,am Against Isoo ."We lice 11—i&IIt(Trua ) Adopted by the Council 193_ Approved 1 193— 0r1■1-1 m Olr clak (2) - CITY OF ST. PAUL a� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ----- ----------SATE _ RESOLVED n John H. Grapp MA 62 So. Hemline Ave. Oil Burner App. 41731 Renewed St. Paul Furnance Co. Matte Leohtman 350 Ravoua St. Junk Gatherer a 41757 a Town & Country Club 2279 Marshall Ave. On Sale 3.2 n 40782 a Wm. Feldman 748 Iglehart Ave. "er Veh. Peddler ^ 41808 n a n n it Foodstuff V.P. 41809 n Morrie Rosenabum 306 E. Winifred St. Junk Gatherer" 41810 n Sam Erlich 1024 Iglehart Ave. Junk Gatherer" 41834 " David Lands 304 E. Winifred St. Junk Gatherer" 41838 " Bill Goa 515 St. Peter St. Foodstuff V.P. 41841 " II Veh. Peddler 41842 II Abe Lipschultz 194 E. Fairfield Ave. Junk Gatherer 41846 ^ Morris Rosenblum 271 E. Congress St. Junk Gatherer 41855 II 1, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfus, Findlan / Parranto -4jasev,4VEEW__In Favor •—Fetvnee� . Against .Iwo z�y��'.VieeF'1�tdent(TIOYM) - Adopted by the Counc.1 14 1940 Approved MAY 141M193— Y" 41M193— yor NOTICE TO PRINTER • CITY CIF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL, FILE NO. 118724 COUNCIL RESOLUTION May 13. ,.A RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 6COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 71128 TO 711?9 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. AW14I ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 4 1 i93 - coMFr IWAY woLL6w APPROVED 193_ NOTICE C,TY CIF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. ion To COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER _ UAV 10_ RESOL\/EE>, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 9 1L+0. 78 CO-,/ERINC3 CHECKS NUMBERED 71040 TO71070 INCLUSIVE. AS PER A� C. F. Nos, 1187;2,- 118723, be 7d24, 118725 CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ,,,e , ,.., ,h 99r 87-�e checks SAY 14 1940 mom ADOPTED B,Y TF -TE COUNCIL 193__ el PTwoLLew Et!! APPROVED MAY 14 1940 193_ BY 1 8'7221 8723 87,2.,, !, j j NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. r l ✓ 25 To COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER May 13 ,I93Q RESOL4,VEa THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TR,��I�URY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT ,0 03 71237 pF $ li, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO --INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MAY 14 tg4a i93CiTy CO—ROLLER APPROVED MAY 14 1940 193_ NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. 118 18723 COUNCIL RESOLUTION )Lay 11 _ 1e34D— RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $6949 -66 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 71071 T0711?Z INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MAY 14190 i93� "✓L/ MAY 141940 woLLew APPROVED 193_ N_ SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD A 536 111 0� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER..... ;':•�1-1� ROLL CALL^+� BA,VFU5S PINDLANETERSO PETERSON "FAVDR AUDITED CLAIMS ''11o/� lay 1�)f 193Yy- )l ROSEN TRUAXAGAINSTi WENZEL RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_ _ COVERING MR PRE5 FALLON 7 - INCL/1}'SIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBERED_ �.O BYO 71 IT pTPT ROLLER OFT CY/C 1940f1940O iZ-_—=- PER CHECKS O E O E ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- APPROVED -I 3_ NUMBER ' -M ev��✓✓ �/L�/L'� l xi'-"// �� _. Jo0 T.Je Cs __ All 1 Y01 e, - - - - --- — -- - TOTAL p DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF R TRANSFER ECK.KS ,RETURNED I�. BY BANK R IDISBURSEMENT � CHECKS I I h e u I BROUGHT FORWARD _ 526 47Q_30 ® 71040 Edwin. Brown of Fin. 3333 4 50615 ' 71041 John S. Findlan.Comm. 30000 71042 Elsie Loeslin & Nel-Mohan & age 1470 j 71044 3 Mrs.EmilesLan$issieniere 6400 71045 John Fitzpatrick 82311 71046 George N. Burg. Co. 22700 71047 71048 Mrs. Thos. E. Dahill Metropolitan Transportation Co. 2574520 71049 Pink Supply Co. '"ater 72 71050 Lawrence A. Soler. Dept. 00 71051 St. Paul Musicians Association 3�5 00 71052 The Van Hoven Co.. Inc. 37 7105 Voe. School Petty Cash Fund 68 21 21 7105 Waterous Engine Works 24 71055 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 27,qe p4 7lo56 Mrs. Elizabeth Literski 11315 71057 Capitol Stittionery Mfg. Co. 107 00 71058 North Star Bakery 17 90 71059 J. H. Tierney 22436 71o6o Amer. Rad. & Stand. San. Corp. 13864 71061 Capital City Lime & Cement Co. 2425 71062 Capitol Env,lope Co. 22 00 71063 Carolina Nut Corporation 11086 71064 Devoe and Raynolds'Co.. Inc. 89914 71065 Fuel Oil and Gas Co. 2296 71066 J. W. Hulme Co. 33 34 71067 Motor Power Equipment Co. St. Paul Corrugating Co. 44 71068 Fund 6552 71069 Voc. School Petty Cash 58 34 71070 R. B. wbitaore & Co. a N_ SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD A 536 111 0� a 1 �� 1 CLERKi CITY OF SAINT PAUL - COUN,CIL`, DUPLICATE TO CITY OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NU E, - -- ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON _ -.-._.IN FAVOR' AUDITED CLAIMS May. 11,I9$0- ROSEN TRUAX RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS AGAINST THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT BE DRAWN ON HE CITY TREASURY OF S f�µ�.Fbb__. COVERING WENZEL MR PRES FALLON _ - TO INLUSI AS C LER ' 14 194® CHECKS NUMBERED_ -71071' TO 7117 JJ94 OF F�CE OF T C TY COMPT R'O THE VER CHECKS O F)LE LY'7SiE JL ✓/� - ADOPTED BY _-. �- a'C_ ten �_ 93--_ NUMBER APPROVE. JJ� - ,00 - oe cs MAro —_ - -- TOTAL DATE (RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECK. If p 5 BROUGHT FORWARD _536 lll._cz r'-- -- _ 71071 Hawk Manufacturing Co. 21 9011 20 00j` ® 71072 Heger Products Co. Hines & vilkerson, C. P. A. 16 OOj 30 65? 71073 71074 .4. Hoffman Printing Co. l5 651 71075 R. 1'. Hulme Awning & Shade 4 55i 71076 Herzog & Hueffineier, Inc. 98 64; 71077 H. R. Huntting Co. Assn.Chiefs of Pol. 5 0o„ 23 40 71078 71079 Intesnat'1 Joe's Live Bait Store 21 90' 71080 C. I. Johnson Mfg. Co. 64 56 71081 Johnson Service CO - 65 71082 Co., Joyce Insurance Co., Inc. 32 7108] 71084 Jurgens Co. CoQ K. 0. Grocery 1 36.; 54 0sI'' 71085 Kelox Mfg. Co. 4 00' 71086 I. Kessell and Oo. 85 751' 71087 The Kindermart 11 05,, 71088 Kisoh's Food Market 36 oo' 71089 H. B. Fred Kuhls Co. Lawyers Co -Operative Pub. Co. 15 00' 3 00, 71090 71091 Jim Lee sales Co. 74 19!, 71092 Librarian# Library of Congress 85. 5 5 � 7109 Line Material Co. Carbonic Corporation 2 59 7109 71095 Liquid Little. Brown and Co. 29 52' 71096 LongeansQ Green and Co. 39 00; 71097 Mason Publishing Co. 90; 71098 Mocall Corporation 23 72' 71099 McGraw-Hill Book Company 38 62 71100 MoKessons wholesalers Inc. 10 00. 71101 Dr. Meinioke's Antigens 28 01; 71102 Melady Paper Co. 7 41! 71103 Memmer's Food Market 20 53'' 71101+ Merrill. Greer, Chapman 8 36; 71105 71106 Gus D. Messing 3. 9. Meyrowitz, Inc. 16 04, 71107 Michaud Friedman i5 28; 71108 Midway Creamery Company 82 80.1 71109 Annesota Chemical Co. 241 861 71110 Minnesota News Company 217 30; 71111 Minnesota News Company 29 6C�! ® 71112 71113 Mitoadd Heck Co. Monrroee Adding Machine Co. Mowrey company 3 00 , 17 50, 415 45 71111E 71115 w. E. Multigraph Sales Agendy 9 90 71116 71117 R. A. Myers & Co•95 National Fduoation Association 40 70 71115 National Mower ('o. Pub.9Oh.Bus.Gff. 4 00 71119 flat. 4ssn. of 33 57 71120 71121 Nicols Dean. & Gregg , North erican Fibre Produc*s 4m 23 25 3 731 75 71122 Northern States Power Co. 61485' 71123 71124 Northern states Poorer Co. Northwest Airlines Inc. 156 75' 23 00; 71125 Nutria Peat Moss Co. 4 24 75 71126 witkower'9 1 00 71127 Blancbe Young 5HEET TOTAL—FORWARD 542 960 71�4 y I I i t i . f ,f• i i , TY OF SAINT PAUL • 0 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - CI _ ,4 i., COUNCILFILE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER NUMBER._ ROLL CALL BARFUSS a✓ FINDLAN IN FAVOR. May 131 PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS I934o ROSEN RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRCW,N�]OpN T'HQE CITY TREASURY TRUAX _ AGAINST COVERING W ENZEL MR PRIES FAL LON ---- ,. p�' Env 14 X91 j,_ TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f St_�L-G�ai.7--- t9� 1-1 71.179_ INCLUSIV AS CHECKS NUMBERED_ Y PER CHECKS ON- E OF OF THE CITY CO MPTR LLER OUNCIL--------- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL---------------- - �'� ,/-�- A 1� APPROVED._.... U�J-�B3- APPROVED NUMBER S.. , 9. CS MAYOR CHECK NUMBER 71128 71129 71130 71131 71132 71133 71134 71136 1137 71139 ^7113 9 7114o 71141 711432 71144 71145 71146 71147 71149 71149 71150 71151 71152 7115 7115 71755 71156 71157 71159 71159 71160 71161 71162 71163 71164 71165 71166 71167 71168 71169 71170 71171 71172 71173 71174 71175 71176 71177 71178 71179 IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD Carl Maronde George M. Mueller `L. Paulle-Midway Fixture Co. Park Maohine Company perfeotion Type Company Personal Book Shop, Inc. G. C. Peterson Machinery Co. Peter Pirsch and Sons Co. Phillips Petroleum Company Price Electric Company Rihm Motor Company Row, Peterson and Co. St. Paul Book & Staty. Co. St. Paul Book & Staty. Co. St. Paul Book & Staty. Co. St. Paul Bottling Co. St. Paul Foundry Co. St. Paul. Stamp works St. Paul Typewriter Tx. Co. St. Paul Vocational Schools St. Paul 'fielding & Mfg. Co. Saroo Company, Inc. Jacob 9ohmUt Brewing Co. Sehelen E1 'ctrie Co. Schulz Food Market John L.Scott Scully Steel Products Co. The Seagrave Corporation Frank Shepard Company Silver-Burdette Co. Speedometer Serv. A. Aoc. Co. St indard Brands, Inc. Standard Spring Co. Steinway & Sons Record Shop Supreme Publications Telautograph Corporation Texas Company or Thurston Supply Co. Transit Supply Co. Trane -Mississippi Supply Co. Truck Parte, Inc. Twin City Bag Mfg. Co. The Tyre Shop Univ=real Iron Foundry U. S. Bedding Co. Univer;i*y of No. rc11nR Preae T4ebb Publishing Co. H. R. 1?PdPlstaP.dt Co. ,Qestern Sign Co. Te9tinghouse Tleotric Co. 1401ters Auto Supnly Co. The loodex Polish Co. SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD TOTAL DATE .RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS P �. -542 964.14 .. ._ 33 42 7 00 241 % 189 61I 49 �o 27 13 41 �5 3 60. 45 02!' 77 � 6 519 31; 242 561 173 94, 152 5011 510 161; 1o4 oo 48 ooi, 9 75 39 35; 96 oo 71 25 9 00 9 07! 8 05 175 40 32 00 50 94 31 65. 13 4o'r, 9 69 1 00'. 90'; 80 i4: 191 24'. 1 813 505'I 9 00 19 351 4o 00' 95 16, 59 32 10 75., 50 20 00 251 39 8 15 182 62-0-1w.�v 53 93' 22 501 548 990 03 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL �1 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN11 PETERSON - --A IN FAVORI AUDITED CLAIMS /� May 13, 1.3'21- ROSEN TRUAX AGAINST, RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY _ W NZEI_ QMR PRES FALCON TO THE AGGREGATE A. M OUNT OF S_ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_ 011 O i ii ...777 r INCL/U/SIVE. AS 71180 /, 7 Z7 4RO-LER PER CHECKS ON F E'OP�C(E OF THE CITY CO ADOPTED BY THE Ryy N�C L_ TEI APPROVED _—_ NUMBER soT.ae c.. .—OR ._._-12L BY 4 Y �•� -- _ - - TOTAL DATE ECK IN FAVOR OF RANS ER TG - D'... RSEMENT RETURD IBY DANNEK DH MBER HECHB CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD _ 548' 990 Q3!,j - i _ ® 71180 J. S. F1ndlan,Comm. of Fin. Mrs. Louie Fay 861 84 28 801 71181 48 OOj 71182 Pioneer Typewriter Co. 15 001 71183 Frank A. Massey 666 66 711811. St. Paul Institute 71185 Reuben L. Anderson;7 �, 71186 Berg Auto Company 71187 Trustees,Bethlehem Luth. Church 7 00;' 71188 Brozek's Food Market 8 00: 71189 Mr3. Jane H. Cameron 7 W, 71190 Mabel F. Carller 7 50' 7 501 71191 Domenico Ciresi 8 00 71192 Citizen's Fuel & Ice Company 7119 Clean Rite Cleaners & Tailors 8 00',, 7119 Cleveland Avenue Food Market 8 OOr 71195 The Commodore Hotel 8 OOjI 71196 Secy, ConKregation of Moses 8 00'. 71197 D. Davis 10 00 71198 Tm. H. DeJonker 8 00 71999 Fast Side Motor Sales Company 7 00 71200 Trustees First Christian Churc`i 00 g 71201 Formanek Brothers 00 71202 Hubert Franz 7 00 _ 71203 Geer's Grocery 8 00, 71204 Carl P. Geld erman 8 00, 71205 Jacob Gillman 9 00 71206 Gottfried's Grocery 10 00, 71207 Martin Grabner 8 00, 71208 Grand Service Garage 8 00; 71209 Grere & Ouhl 8 00!; 71210 Hetfield-Parry, Inc. 8 00 71211 Hogrefe Food Market 8 00, 71212 H. C. Howard 8 00 71213 Joe. C. Bunn 10 00,,; 71214 Hutchins Garage 1 501, 71215 Secy, Intaernational Institute b OO` 71216 Anton Johnson & Son 8 00 71217 Joy Bros. Motor Car Company 9 00', 6 00 " 71218 H. E. Kempe 8 00, 71219 Kemper Motor Company 71220 F. J. Kiesling Tire & Battery Coi 71221 Mrs. Antonia Kinderman 8 00' 71222 ® Klos Grocery 8 00 71223 Rev. J. C. Krebs 8 00 71224 Rer. Justian Kugler 7 00 71225 Lehman's Grocery 8 00 71226 Linwood Drug Store 8 00 71227 Paul McGuire e, 00 8 00 71228 D. J. McKenzie 71229 Lilly A. Miller 00 71230 Rev. John P. Milton 17 00 71231 Modern Motors, Inc. 8 00 71232 Rev. Terran" L. Moore 8 00. 71233 Murray Auto Body Cry. 8 71234 North End Service Garage 0000 71235 Northern Motor Comnany 8 00 71236 Oakview Apartments 8 00 71237 Frances O'Brien 8 50 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 9, Council FileNo-------- .----- ...---- ..............MENT.TIONS RATIFYING ASSE' 118726 1, CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Cfad.n= California Avenue from =rotto St. to Dale St.; Iown Avenue from-'rotto -�t. to Dale St.; Coleman Sc. from California Avenue to Iowa Avenue; It. Albans St. from California Avenue to Iowa Avenue; ani Lan;-tr.v St. from California Avenue to Iovra Avenue, under Preliminary Order.... --.-111449--.--. Intermediary Order......, Final Order..... 11211&........, approved - -August 23--- ----------19....3!? I A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in, ----------------- aq-Mt installment. Adopted by the Council ------------------------ MAY ..-�-1gaU .. :........ ..... GG G _ "°' ....... - City Clerk. Approved..............MAY 15-194Q-.----..19.....--- -------.. Bile 8481 �V �. !..._....�....._.......... ..... ayor. I'—, B. B. IS M ■o] IME CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment _1940.__._..._, In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses fork F:radin7. California Ave. from Grotto St. to Dale St.; Iona Ave. from grotto St. to Dale St.; Coleman St. from California Ave. to Iowa Ave.; St. Albans St. from California Ave. to Iowa Ave.; and Lanr,try ;t. from California Ave. to Ioioa Ave. under Preliminary Order. 111448 ..... ...... _... Intermediary Order 111916 Final order.._112148 approved Au,7ust 23, J....38-_ _..._., To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Fat ri is Equipment, c;nTineerinP 557,_1.5__...... Cost of wait . Supervision $-- Cost of publishing notice . $0 70 Cost of postal cards --- Inspection fees (included in upervieion) $ Amount of court costs for confirmation $_ -20.70 Total expenditures . $ 602.69 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ _._602.69 ___..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits confvrred thereon; that the said as.se—n,"t has poen vnuplh�ted, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered ,,proper. - .. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. H. 17 a Council File No ----------------------------------- By................_...... ...._._....._ .......... Resolution it WtifCITY 0 ST. PAUL ying Assessment 118727 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for cradins Alley, in Blocl: 3, Louden r:rk, frc:r. Cretin A,:en-]e to ?:`cunt Curve Poulevard; also constr-uctir:g a sev.cr in tine Alle frlrn a point 114 feet east cf "cunt Curve Boulevard to t :e selvcr in -cunt Curve Boulevard, --- In the n m bennefll" under Preliminary Order...._113068_______ Intermediary Order....._ 1.J;"137----- Final Order....-7I-�9Q.�........, approved ......:arch_Z1,..................... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is°hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ........ .........-....../........equal installments. MAY 151940 Adoptedby the Council ------------------------------------------------------------ .......f .............. ............. City Clerk. MAY 151940 Approved-------------------------- ------- ----- -------- ..---- 19..... - Form B. B. IB File 8576 �..., Mayor. - r1,IS1L. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report 'of Completion of Assessment April�....— In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses forXha radium .Elle in clock 3, Louden nark, from Cretin. Avenue to '{cunt Curve Boulevard; also construct4nr. a sewer it the Alley from a point 114 feet east of Mount Curve Boulevard to the sewer in Mount Curve Gculevard, i under Preliminary Order __ 1131068-______ Intermediary- Order......113737 ___......... 21s 114009 - W.arc1 Final order....... __..__.... ._,: approved.. _. _.._ -.._._.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - meet, viz: materials, equipment, en^ineerinp-R266.35 Cost of emasbraat= supervision $......._-------_—..--..- 1.35 Cost of publishing notice . $---- -- ------ .27 Cost of postal cards $..__.........._..... ....... _—..-- Inspection fees Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 1.35 Total expenditures $__269.32 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ __269,.12.__. -_____........__..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered .proper. ............. h Commissioner of Finance. 5 1 Council File No .......... _....................... 118728 By........................................................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and esoenses for vrad:n? Pmd ciliri- alleys in 91ocl: 1, Sort, Shore T:ecraska Avenue to Nevada Avenue, and from Adars Street the north and south alley ��•51 C. F. No. 118729— In the r under Preliminary Order....._1.1446$...-- Intermediary Order.... 115000.__.__.... Final Order .......... approved....--...... 1 J' .14.................... 19.. 3 9.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ----------------------- ..... installment -t. MAY 151940 Adopted by the Council------------------------------------------•------------ 4•----- ------------ l/ Clerk. ------... l`... ........... ...... ... MAY 151940 Approved--------------------------------------- : -------------- 19 - le 8683 ..........'{l ...... .. .... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment kQ.............?r38a..._.._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tbxx ?radium and oilir.r alleys, in Block- 1, Tiorth Shore Addition, from 11ebraska Avenue to Idevar'.a .Avenue, and from Adams Strcet to the nort" ane south alley 14465 Intermediary Order 115000 under Preliminary Order1 . __ __._.... y ... _.. .._..__._..... ...... 115311 July 14, 1939 4)Nx.x-_• Final order. _..._ __.._._...._ _ approved .____... _..__. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: materials, equipment, en?ineerin- and _gzq 55 Cost of om: otrmeti:onx. aurervis'_on $ _ Cost of publishing notice . , $.----3'-�C--------- Cost of postal cards $ Inspection fees $ _ _......... Amount of court costs for confirmation $ • 3C Total expenditures $_ 3.35. (?l_.____ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 336'81 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered ,proper. 2 _ Commissioner of Finance. Form D. B. 17 - 118729 Council File No ................................... By........................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution .Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbinP on the west side of Greenbrier Avenue from Geranium Street thence south to alley, C. Ft No. iter 0 In [he mutter f the assessment for of benenfe, coats and expenses ses'f 11 coil strutting c rbing onf^ohm Ger.., of G^'en brier A "? and under Preliminary Order ..._UAH.7.........., Intermediary Order.... -1.7 ---------- Final Order .-..12-U7.4 ......... . approved..:lul c . 2 5 ............................. 19.._3 9- A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. MAY 15 1940 Adopted by the Council............................ ............- ... 9 . . 5 1940 -- -- ------ - ------ =----/ --. _...:-...:. MAY 15 clerk. Approved...-----------------------------------.............19------ File S4274 ..-_........rY 4 n!--...� ...., Mayor. Form B. B. 18 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL 4' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment April 17, 1940__...._,x&_....._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and exrenses forXh7S constructin7 curbin,fc on the west side of Tree^.brier Avenue fro^ 9erar,ium Street, thence so'ith to a11e_; 114837 Intermediar Order .._115157 under Preliminary Order _ -, y 115674 July 25, 193 Final order.. approved__- _. .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: ^aterials, equipment, engineerinc z surer- 51.33 Cost of 0MUOMatim . . vI i ox $ Cost of publishing notice . $- -� 03 Cost of postal cards $...__ ................._..._....—...... Inspection fees $ ........_.............. --....... Amount of court costs for confirmation $------ '�5 ' Total expenditures $. 52.,_41___ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of^$ ...___ 52,5]_______....___upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ............................... :::..'._-._.......:.......... ...... .:..._ Commissioner of Finance. Farm D. B. 17 a t` yy Civ g t to City Cterk cotmca. - Fl� crrY o� S T_ PAUL E! No------------ - ----- • OFFICE OF" THIS CITY CLERK C. F. xo. 1137�o—By John S. Findlan— Whereas, BY Cha➢ter 371. Sesalon I. COO L RESO LIJTI Orsi �3EIVERAL FORM r-aw9 of 1937, and Chanter and Session ows of 1937, any county and anyactty 1h4h fltyt c6— �•i thin 9ach c minty,, COMM ISS ONER •���CEX Cwt . pA-,-E h—•"c -•` WHEREAS, by Chapter 372, Sssans ia►=; 3-mRs3 oS 1929, and Chapter 343, Session Laws of 1937, s=m3r y a.z>aa SLIMY city of the first class within such county, whic3bL G M- ftg.� 4=_-o3mtal8s tazable property .)saving an assessed valuation oS aox-e �7-aan ns,nety-rive per oent (95%) of the assessed valuatioza re:r ptarposes of all Iproperty within such county, are create, by resolution of the county board and goveraiz3g or svach city, a County Welfare Board, charged among other- with the relief of the poor in such city of the Pira[ c:Ls aoe. 4Eft-T+8 such county; and WHEREAS, the County or sramei tkie City or Saint Paul, ftunicipal corporations or the g&tae-w_- a: o r ldir>lrse sots, come within the classification of said Acts, 4m_x%md s$i4& GosMnty of Ramsey and City of Saint Paul have, pursuant to 934Eft' 4C3 pct s , appoisated a County „�,Welfare Board; and WHEREAS, said Chapter 343 SB am SLE i©n i.awe or 1937, provides that said County Welfare Board 9w3mLAa 3 Zs a Tirwmced by the City and County jointly, to -wit, se�ren'tY —_%-_- o AM Wg o3M-4-_-Y2a1r per cent (72*%) by the County, and twenty-aeve3am ao3cmwcM mc=w3c&8-2aa1r per cent. (27-j%) by the City; and WHEREAS, the County Boas -Jai or 3ERa9=asy Covtnty and the City Council of the City of Sai=nt 3P49L-%:&1 sue sd©pte& their respective lyudgets for the calendar year c3p S :]L- 34E:2� a mdL neither the County Board nor the City Council has po-were z- -r o :3-IMc:3rease said budget appropriations; and WHEREAS, since the time aaic'9L appropriations were made, demands for relief have iz3crc8sed and are still increasing; and WHEREAS, the funds ror t33L6 s=smLaLppcsrt and relief of the.Ap r made available for the County wed Fare Bosrd lIa the respective City and County budgets for the year �94p have been .s�austed, and funds from other sources are nearly so : 4ma 3rnd it is necessary that proceed- ings be started at this time to 4m%1Lz3 eagh Prom the sale of bonds so that funds will be avai3_a1mP1e a x- the tat or July,, 1940, , to continue such relief; an8 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson o en Truax Mr. President (Fallon) las 1029 41w® adopted by the Council. ----... -.. _-__..-.- _19 ..- -. Approved _. _... - - . -- -......19.- --- -c:> 3r - or----.........___....-..._.- Mayor PTIBL.ISFIED (2) WHEREAS,, a large number of residents of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey are wholly or partially dependent upon aid e County Welfare Board for food, clothing, shelter, and medical mid If eto., these l for residentst!Ill be destitute; reason fall to nish and such food, cloWHEREAS, in the opinion of the Council an emergency exists because of the reasons hereinbefore set forth, making it imperative ofrtheepoorI andSItnhasaul n been estimated obtain athatothehsum oforelief City of two Hundred Seventy-five Thousand Dollars (=275.000.00) is the amount necessary for the in ce its shareiof Saint Paul to of such poorlrelieftl foran I defllnite period thereafter; and WHEREAS, it 1s the opinion of the Council that bonds of the City of Saint Paul in the amount of Two Hundred Seventy-five Thousand Dollars (275,000.00) s9quld be issued for the purpose of obtaining such cash; and �= WHEREAS, by Chapter 120 of the Session Laws of Minnesota for 1933, as amended by Chapter 48, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1935, Chapter 105, Laws 1937, and Chapter 108, Laws 1939, the City of Saint Paul is authorized to issue bonds to defray the cost of the support and relief of poor persons, without submitting the question to a vote of the people, whenever the governing body declares an emergency to exist, and the Governor of the State of Minnesota certifies that such emergency does in fact exist; and WHEREAS, the Chaster of the City of Saint Paul requires the auestion of referendum tvotehe 88and oe of bonds to bif the Charterprocedureewere followed d to the rin y this case a wpeoial election would have to be called, at a great expense to the City, and the funds could not be obtained until some months had passed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul issue and sell negoti- able bonds of said City in the sum of Two Hundred Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($275,000.00) for the support and relief of the poor, as defined by Chapter 120, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1933, as amended by Chapter 48, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1935, Chapter 105, Segel o Lags for 1937, and Chapter 108, Session Laws for 1939, .without subitting to a referendum vote the question whether such bonds shall be issued and sold, but first submitting the question of the emergency to the Governor of the State of Minnesota, as provided by Section 3 of said Chapter 120, as hereinafter detailed; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said bods shall bear date the first day of the month in which they are sold; that such bonds shall be In the forst of serial bods, a portion of which shall be payable each year after issu®.,-but none of said bonds shall run for a longer period than ten (10) years; and the Council shall fix, by subsequent resolu- tion, the denomination and form of such bods and the dates of maturity thereof. Such bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per cant (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually, and both principal and od¢mm to city caert A . counca'" fi 873 r CITY OF ST. PAUL ras NO--- ---- -------------- -�- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEE ONER DA COMM ISS(3) Interest shall be payable at the office of the Commissioner of, Finance in the City of Saint Paul, or at the Fiscal Agency of the City of Saint_ Paul in the City of New York, State of New York. The coupons attached to said bonds may be authent0ated by the engraved signatures of the Mayor and the Comptroller. The faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul are hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithful payment of both principal and interest of said bonds; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council shall negotiate and sell said bonds from time to time in such amounts as it sees fit, and in the manner provided by Section 1943, Mason's Minnesota Statutes, 1927, at not lees than par and accrued interest, to the highest responsible bidder or bidders, and the proceeds thereoY,'inoluding any premiums realized thereon, shall be credited to and placed in a separate fund for the purpose of poor relief; provided, however, that the bonds authorized under the provisions of this resolution shall not be issued and sold when such bonds, plus the outstanding bonds of the City of Saint Paul, will exceed the authorized legal indebtedness of said City. The proper city officers are hereby authorized, ordered and required to set aside annually from the revenues of the City of Saint Paul a sufficient amount to pay the interest on said bonds and the principal of any such bonds maturing in any such year; this provision being in addition to the pledge of the general faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul for the payment'of such bonds and is not in lieu thereof. The proper city officers are hereby directed to submit this resolution to his Exoellenoy,,Harold E. Stassen, the Governor of the State of Minnesota, together with such other facts as he may require, so that he may investigate and determine that the amount herein set out is required and is within the reasonable needs of this City for the purpose hereinbefore described, and that no other funds are available in view of other governmental needs, and that an emergency exists. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ MAY 15194019 Yeas�' Nays BaMyTfuss 151M Approved Aindlan r Payranto , terson __-...._In Favor Ma r Against /Truax Mr. President (Faflon) 4�/406 IM 1039 '40'Q itTTi-'T 1,;I (g) WHEREAS, a large number of residents of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey are wholly or partially dependent upon the County Welfare Board for food, clothing, shelter, and medical aid, and if said Board shall for any reason fail to furnish such food, clothing, etc., these residents will be destitute; --and WHEREAS, in the opinion of the,Council an emergency exists because of the reasons hereinbefore set forth, matting it imperative for the City of Saint Paul to obtain cash for the support and relief of the poor, and it has been estimated that the sum of Two Hundred Seventy -flue Thousand Dollars ($275,000'.00) is the amount necessary for .the City of Saint Paul to obtain about July 1, 1940, to finance Its share of the cost of such poor relief for an indefinite period thereafter; and t WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Council that bonds of the City of Saint Paul in the amount of Two Hundred Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($275,000.00) should be issued for the purpose of obtaining such cash; and WHEREAS, by Chapter 120 of the Session Laws of Minnesota for 1933, as amended by Chapter 48, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1935, Chapter 105, Laws 1937, and Chapter 108, Laws 1939, the' City of Saint Paul, Is authorised to issue bonds to defray the cost of the support and relief of poor persons, without submitting the question to a vote of the people, whenever the governing body declares an emergency to exist, and the Governor of the State of Minnesota certifies that such emergency does in fact exist; and WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Saint Paul requires the question of the issuanoe of bonds to be submitted to the voters by a referendum vote, and if the Charter procedure were followed in this case a special election would have to be called, at a great expense to the City,and the funds could not be obtained until some months had passed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul issue and sell negoti- able bonds of said City in the sum of Two Hundred Seventy -rave Thousand Dollars ($278,000.00) for the support and relief of the poor, as defined by Chapter 120, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1933, as amended by Chapter 48, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1935, Chapter 105, Session Laws for 1937, and Chapter 108, Session Laws for 1939, without submitting to a referendum vote the question whether such bonds shall be issued and sold, but first submitting the question of the emergency to the Governor of the State of Minnesota, as provided by Section 3 of said Chapter 120, as hereinafter detailed; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said bonds ahall bear date the first day of the month in which they are sold; that such bonds shall be in the form of serial bonds, a portion of which shall be payable each year after issue, but none of said bonds shall run for a longer period than ten (10) years; and the Council shall fix, by subsequent resolu- tion, the denomination and form of such bonds and the dates of maturity thereof. Such bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent (6$) per annum, payable semi-annually, and both principal. and 118731 alsln.l to CHI,CIuY (_ nuc No. Vr+' CITY OF ST. PAUL tv� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM May 15, 1940 PRESENTED BY _ - DATE-" COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, application 41744, On Sale Malt Beverage, a, application 41745, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 41746, applied for by Clifford Fleming at 142 W. Seventh St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees; New Informally approved by council, May 9, 1940 Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas� Nays /kindla ��l!ndlnn -'Yarranto In Favor e[elson ruax _Against ,&�. President (MOM) (Fallon) 1500 zas Ce C'F 'MN Truax7a W BA. Parra Bao-rfuas— aReat.solppd.c t oat 41744 xeOnn SaleQ9Malt Beverage. PP llcatfon 41745, and ,O ff Sale Malt Beverage, pPlicatlon 41746, �PlSeventh b9 t.O be orddF thef name 142 hereby Granted nndn[he Itysrlerkn in Instructed to Inoue ucI , treasury of the paYmeat Into the city o the re le Ire fees. 1940. ` Adopted by the Council May 15, $ ADProved . 1940 � Sfay 1R, 1940) MAY 151940 Adopted by the Council 193 Approved Iff 15 1940 193-- Gn�%�-� �` Mayor 00.18.1 m car CNAe�r'�f'-�:*�COUNC CITYOF ST. PAUL r��� NOOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM May 15. 940 PRESENTED BY -DATE— 1 7.MMISSIONE RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, application 41720, 0n Sale Malt Beverage, application 41721, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 41722, applied for by Hent HOYf at 1534 E. Minnebaba St, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees; New, informally approved by Council May 9. 1940 Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas s[fuss Nays ,"F�indlan xarranto r Oen �[ __In Favor et .on ruax Against Mr. President (Chibso) (Fallon) Isco .J8 Ce .e. C. F. No. 118732-13y G. H. Barfuse— F. At Truax—W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That license for Restau- nt, application 41720, On Sale Malt Beverage, ppilcation 41721, and Orf Sale Malt Beverage, apyyllestlon 41722, applied for by Kent HOR at 1534 E. Minne h aha St. be and the sanos hereby granted and the city clerk .19 Instructed to Issue such licenses upon the payment Into the cl ty treasury of [he req red fees. Adopted by the Council May 15, 1940. j Approved May 15, 1940. i (May 18, 1990) l AY 151940 Adopted by the Council _193 -- MAY 151940 Approved 193— Ojol..l to City 0"U10 RRRR �A- ti �t Y OF ST. P^UL ICE OF THE CITY CLERK a�E ` NO._ C. F. No. 118733—BY G. H. Bar[uea— CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FC, RD w. A. Parrnntn—F; Ftuolvr SL Tr -- nn ned f(,r b . . PRESENTED BY "— — _ MATE ^^* 1 ]may 15, 1 1940 COMMISSIONER -- RESOLVED That lioenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indioated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instruoted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City Treasury of the required fees a S. J. Reese 1783 St. Clair St. Butoher App. 35943 Renewal Maloolm Lofgren 1844 IInivevs1ty Ave . Gas Station it 41473 " H. G. Knapp & Co. 1826 Grand Ave. Butcher It 41484 ^ Maurioe Kromann 2024 Marshall Ave., Restaurant ^ 41499 If E. J. Raess 1783 St. Clair St. Grocery " 41504 " Edwin E. Brandes 1402 Portland Ave . Grocery " 41544 " It n n it w TM Off Sale Malt " 41545 " Airoon Heating Co. 1669 Selby Ave. Oil Burner ^ 41557 ^ Installation R. K. & S. J. Miller 739 Selby Ave. Grooery ^ 41561 ^ " s A It It It n n Off Sale Malt " 41562 W. X. Wilmeroth 435 N. Grotto St. Grooery " 41582- 1582Thos. Thos.McElhone 981 Fuller Ave. Grooery " 41595 " Off Sale Malt " 41596 " Kray Raymond Kra 925 Selby Ave. Restaurant " 41598 " " n� On Sale Melt " 41599 Off Sale Malt " 41600 " Viotor G. Tsohida 33 W. Sixth St. Restaurant " 41603 " It n It n n On Sale Malt " 41604 " Jamea Williams 560 St. Anthony Ave. Restaurant IS 41612 It It It n TM On Sale Malt " 41613 " It n +t ++ Off Sale Malt " 41614 " Levi Garratt 365 N. Westa$n Ave. Reataurant " 41615 " n n n ++ On Sale Malt " 41616 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _193_ Yeas Nays us1 Findlan / Approved 193- -�P'arranto 3oVoTr- ree In Favor _ __ Peterson _ Mayor Against President (fiehalr) Fallon 1500 2-35 Ce 0,111..1 1. city a..k Y OF ST. PAUL ' No. 2�FICE OF THE CITY CLERK F7 ! xr y `" NO. .« — .CIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY May, 15 1940 COMMISSIONER _—DATE RESOLVED- - Appl. No. Seven Corners Liquor Store, Inc. 158 W. Seventh St., Confectionery 41623 Renewal ^ it " " " 158 W. Seventh St. Off Sale Malt 41624 " Yvette Rutman 471 Wabasha St. Confectionery 41625 " Wm. Helmeriok & Clement Gervais 167 N. Snelling Ave. Grocery 41626 " Clarence Schwendner 540 University Ave. Restaurant 41637 " Hagelin Bros. 2175 St. Clair St. Grocery 41655 " Laura Maas 346 W. Sixth St. Grocery 41682 " Restaurant 41683 " On Sale Malt 41684 " 0£f Sale Malt 41685 " E. B. Gould 376 N. Cleveland Ave. Grocery 41691 " Edward J. Cafferty 224 N. Cleveland Ave. Gas Station 41702 " Edward J. Cafferty 224 N. " Ice Station 41703 ^ Joseph H. Carter 292 Rice St. Restaurant 41704 " r if 292 " On Sale Malt 41705 " it it 292 " Off Sale Malt 41706 " Sidney Holmgren 381 N. Prior Ave. Gas Station 41717 " 381 it Ice Station 41718 " Levi Barnes 988 Jenks St. Ice Delivery 41753 " Lucy Dombovy 679 Mississippi St. Off Sale Malt 41784 " Louis Katzovitz 189 E. Congress St. Junk Gatherer 41863 " Ruben Star 251 E. 13th St. Junk Gatherer 41874 " Jack Garnett 153 E. Isabel St. Junk Gatherer 41875 " COUNCILMEN Adopted A by the Council MAY 15y4An193_ Yeas Nays Barfuss A w@ky Findlan Approved 193 — Parranto -Roag?r— Pearee _ ____ _In Favor �i t ��ayor Peterson Truax Against Mr. President (C--han)Fs_llon 1500 238 C9 o . • ... ® a 118734 original to City Clap coca. No ------ ---------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL la.a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - C. F. No. 118784—Dy Tohn 9. Flndlan— PRESfiNTED BY DA' Whereas Zenith Land Company ha.e = COMMISSIONER..__---- made application for relief to the Min- _ so to Tax Commission relative to de -- linquent taxes and a m'ntet on t' e W'E AS, Zenith Land Comnanyilhas made annlication for relief f, to tine I i,-:r.�sota Tax. Com,cission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments or the followinT described proncrty, to wit: Lot 2:�, -,,lode `L, Ryan Place; and the delinquency totals the sum of $1193.76, and it has been stirulated t?iat t;�e annlicanp na:r in full settlement thereof the sum o" $664.49; therefore, be it RS3l)LVkD, That the Council of the City of Saint Pail hereby an^roves said setl.lc:q�nt; provided, lioy::ever, that the sum. of $602.93 shall be first deducted from the total r.a,.,ment of $664.49, and that sl -id sum of $602.93 shall be paid to the City 01' Saint Paul in settl=_meat of delinquent assessments included in the total delincuency of $1193.76. MAY 15 1940.1x.... COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council._.:. ..- Yeas Nays UY-15194L4.1n Approved. _ . ..- .- 'Parranto In Favor ,4�eterson ayor �ruax Against President (Fallon) ,,,Mr. 111 1100-39 Orleln.l !o Gh Cl.rk �' - 118735 CITY OF ST. PAUL :1_ No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CL RK C. F. No. 11873s—By Fred M. True— COUNCIL ue COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORA whereas, The commtesmner or Parks. Playgrounds and Pu bile Buildings has reported to the Council that the barn PRESENTED BY 1n the reser nt 784 East Cook BA on COMMISSIONER �'�� 1 ---DATE Lot 4, a Arlington Hills Addi- tlbn .,d-- s dilanl^ ^ ra• a us T wHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the barn in the rear of 764 East Cook Street, on Lot 4, Block 9, Arlington Bills Addition, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said barn,` on the 7th day of June, 1940, at ten o1c lock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said'property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such herring to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. �•��' " MAY 1519A0 COUNCILMEN y i �dopted by the Council_J.__-193__ Yeas / Nays �/ J IP FLigarranto � Ydlan /1 -Pen In Favor --- n-"- u�ers�P o' ax Against /My Presiden sco za6 ca (44Fe4m (Fallon) FMT 151UW Approved--193— a pproved_193—a or CITY OF SAINT PAULt`�� Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration may 14, 1940 Mr. John N. McConnelmg Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the barn in the rear of 764 E. Cook St., on property described as Lot 4, Block 9, Drlington Hills Addition. Yours very truly, City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Perks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner r CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner -1 May 11, 1940 Hon. Council City of St. 'aul Gentlemen: This Department is receiving complaints relative to the condition of the barn in the rear of 764 Fast Cook Street, on property described as Lot 4, Block 9, Arlington Hills Addition. Our insrector reports the 'arn is on the r.ar of the lot, is old, dilapi'.ated, shingles are off, wa113 are o,t of plumb, aiding is off, windows and dors are open, it is an eyesore in the community, a fire hazard, and dange.•ous to life, limb, and adjoining property. The owner is C. 0. Melland, 1293 Arcade Street, and a Dang3.- Notice has .,.en posted. Kindly set a hearing in connection with condamna_tion pro- ceedings ao s -t Forth in Section 1-1.4 of the building code. truly, _Iy ch_tect i 01 OdslnJ to CITY 0.14 ` • r,te • "• CITY OF ST. PAUL No.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERA cORI CF. No. The on r Fred M. Truas— `` 'Whereas,The Commlesloner f Pa ka, Playg ans nd Publlc B.nd', has. • rto the Conncit tl PRESENTED BY �fLl__A 7�j\/ A "lam.^ __---- Lot 4E. Truax ! ? i —DATc a __' _ , ,p COMMISSIONER '11' { RESOLD and Public WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds HuildY�igs has reported to the Council that the dwelling located on ,Lot 42, Mayhem's Addition, also described as No. 1310 Danforth Street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessal,ty of wrecking said building, on the 7th day of June, 1940, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place &Ad nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. f, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto '=V_Ce .. In Favor Peterson TruaxAgainst Mr. President Wiekarri (Fallon) 1500 EJ9 Ca ' Adopted by the Council MAY 15 1940193 MAY 15 1A93 ayor x NLIBLISHED-���` CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R, S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration May 14, 1940 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall ,.Dear Sir. The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the dwelling at 1310 Danforth St., on Lot 42, Mayhem's Addition. N yours very truly, City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD • Suot. of Parks Supt of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner May 13, 1940 Hon. Counc'_.l C'ty of St. Paul Gentlemen; This Department is receivin., corp•laints relative to the dilapidated condition of the dwelling at 1310 Danforth Street, on Lot 42, May -ham's Addition. This is an old dwellinS, rear stoop dangerous, siding weathered, no sew^r or water facilities, no rainwater., leaders, a fire hazard and dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. The old sheds in the rear are also past reasonable repair. s The owner is recorded as Dennis J. Hayes, 1310 Danforth Street, who is now deceased. The property is now under the jurisdiction of Hon. John F. Findlan, Land Commis- sioner. A Danger Notice has been posted. Kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building codes. Your, truly chi tect Od,ls.l to c1l, cluk CITY OF ST. PAUL- OFFICE AULOFFICE OF THEITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM 1 8737 .lea " No. COMSMISSI ONER �/ /�(, ?j''b n •�l�=�_ __ BATE_ may 15, 1940• WHEREAS, Alfred F. Larson has applied for permission to erect a barn on the South One-half. of thio Worthsest Quarter of Section 10, Township 28, Range 22, on Wax -=ex- Road near the railroad :tracks, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-13, Subdivision (b), of the Building Code, a publte hearing on s aid application was held before the City Council on May 14, 1940, and there beim no objectors appearing thgeeon, now therefore be it RESOLVED, tbat the said applicatiLcxm is hereby granted, and the CommissL oner of Parka, Playgrounds and FA2b11c Buildings is hereby ordered and directed to issue, aermit for the erection ofthe said barn• c. wilNo.yy eas11 A1fredB F. Flrearso haeaxp- pltaa forpermission to erect a barn thio South One-half ofthe North- t ter of section Township arnerO Road the ailroad3 track., and ne Whereas, Pursuant to Section 16-13, Subdivision (b), of the Buildingg Code. a publ[c hearing n id pplloatl,, held before the City Council May 14. 1940, and there being ob_ jectors appearing thereon, now there-, a fo Ft.—fled, That the said application �. is hereby granted, and the Commis -;1 loner f Parks, I, ro..ds and Pub -1 i-? lic Buildings Is hereby ordered and di- ra .ted to Issue permit for the exec- i VI barn. j tion of the a Id Adopted by the Council May 16, 1940. j Approved May I6, 1940. (May 18, 1940) i m � t . COUNCILMEN c Adopted by the Council MAY 1519Q 193_ Yeas Nays fuss --- ar Ai�/� ��/� MAY 15 1NO �'Pipolan Approved 193— Parranto —Peprce __--In Favor --- ./Peterson _��-- mayor i fir ax Against President (cxxoW Fallon 1500 238 Ce NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A EARN Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on May 14, 1940, to the City Oouncil of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, by Alfred F. Larson for permission to erect a barn on the following described real estate, situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: South 1/2 of N. W. Sec. 10, To. 28, R. 22 Saint Paul, Minnesota On Warms Road near R. R. Tracks Dated at St. Paul, Mi-n-sota April 29, 1940 NOTICE OF APPLICATION YOR PERMIT TO ERECT A BARB Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on May 14. 1940, to the City $ounoil of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, by Alfred F. Larson for permission to erect a barn on the following described real estate, situated in Ramscy County, Minnesota, to wit: South 1/2 of N W. Seo 10 To. 28 R. 22 Saint Paul, Minnesota On Warner Road near R, R. Tracks Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota April 29. 1940 Affidavit of Publication STATE. OF MIIVIKESOM � County Of Ramtiey, says: ' ll o west Paul ntwIsn, ndnhbduisrihnegr aolfl tthhee tnimewesphaepreerin Imstoawtend ehsasthbeee�n clerk of the No.rtSht- . full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one Year Smmedistely prior to the publication therein o1 the palated ...... ...... a.......... .. ."•z, .`�'� �Ll.`^.'„thereto attached, said newspaper Y. ....... was printed and published in the English language from its known office of Publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued, daily at least six days of each week In column and sheet form equiv"t in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and ime any; has not duplicated wholly, any other Publication; has not been entirely made up of patents. Plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near .Its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffim of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the NI�TiCE or wrpfac.trtoN Fox P•s:x- office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper Mfr xo aatecr tilt s proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- .. Ce LNe rebY 61ven N cls i eami II Ltcatien of legal notices. $roo.Ze n t ±ei 4Dapgu�elci ico°w cool Alice a; P 'I a baro on b touowits d=lbea real .... Np TICE .... hereto attached sante. Rlu. neeoea.er ei .............. neeon. LotUM�M Int RemeeY Couo1e. M1n11 That the ................... . rebn for Permleelon to so. of N. W. Be.. io, to xe. r, and was printed and published therein m earn[ nm, Mi W. Be., on warren Road was cut from the columns of said newspaper, netween x nat% It Bain[ Peul. Mlnnew P - aa. 1p"s. =+ [arse. s >rnp. Apr. ae—Mly i-zlalu.i the English language, oma eelr, for....... .... ... that it was /first so published on.. �...... the........ . �.:....... day of ✓/�(�(/L.... and thereafter °f_.rYr'W°ek .......................... ....................... i9r�-zmd that the following is s printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and Publication of said notice, tc-wit: t S. b c d e t s It i i k I to op gr et uv w: Ye 4 Subscribed and sworn to before me this.... Z . da of ✓ - ........ .--............ ............... tary 'Public, Ramsey Cotmty, Mbinesota L_ Mccool� My commission e�Plres 1'ifocar4 Public: IGpmeeY.=ntincYtn.... 19... 15, L9 � ItiY Comailsvon tixFirtx llx• 15, L943. Affidavit of Publication STATE OAie i(/MESOTA, 9!. Coway of Rw-eyr I abed e f 6 h i Xt>L 0 PQ* e t u v wJi)• ... ..... �..1.......... .... of .. ........ 19.7.E Subscribed and sworn to before me this c-24 Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota ]. L MCCOOL, .. My eommissi expir .. Norary Rubl�t. P� 15, 5 19}3. 19.. . My C',ommieslom says; the h now fa, and durhYlg all the time herein�o� � e St Paul Dispatch, 9k ,vest pub tions, Inc., publisher of the newspaper �, and has full lmowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately Prior to the Publication therein of the . X1. �. p9•Inted . ..��• . .........�. � . • .. • ... hereto attached, said newspaper v""... . .... .... was printed and published in the English language fmm its known office of o which I esota' fr in In the city of St. Paul in omen and sheet form least County of das Ramsay, each week 1n purports W -be issued, dally at equivalent in space, to at least 450 running Inches of single column two inches wide; in said Place of publi- has been issued from its ]mown office as above stated. established men erial for preparing and workand the necessary mat cation, equipped with skilled devoted printing the same; has had In Its makeup twenty-five oche ws colluum s workf which to local news of interest to said community it Purports two scent known office of publication; has contained general news, com- has been done in its said has t been wholly, any other hash been circulated in and entirely made pa>'� platenotuplicated matter and advertisements; Of to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered R ER-' new its said place publication to laying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the been and 1s on 111e in e so E'OF waPilceTtox MIT TO ERECT Bt "maH81w gWe-,'"t Nodes VNo vtvthe Cf local postoHice of its said Place of Publication; that there has of the County in which said publication was made, proper 210, oramnnee ta. cou[emade Psu1, Mmneeo 30�int office of the County Auditor for pub having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper ibeMC11yy 14•L Pave. Mti Desch e1proof Alfred F. IJnm for P"' 1 1011—mg Mm_ by one lilation o1 legal notices. on Cmm, a hero the _state. vituated in Ra—eY To 18 R. el• to wlr newts BP. v x. w. sea ung warrev goad M hereto attached saint Seaul. Tneeeote. 9etween R. R. ,u Mmae.eta. acro P 1. -3)n9' at Dip. 9q, 1910. Apr, 60—MnY Ifereee k nfec� That the ... ................ ..... NO'CSCE ..................... .... n r, and was Printed and Published therein in was cut from the columns of said newspaper, — for... ........ sx°aeaaiye•weeka, the English language, ............ . - ..the........ 3. ..... day of .�. that it was first so published on.... .., 19.7.0 and thereafter on . /!: 1 • .�f./ .�.. ! y.. ......................... l -,—+d th inclusive, er the that the following is a Printed COPY of low )fid type in theo composition and is hereby acknowledged as being the and of used and publication of said notice, to -wit: abed e f 6 h i Xt>L 0 PQ* e t u v wJi)• ... ..... �..1.......... .... of .. ........ 19.7.E Subscribed and sworn to before me this c-24 Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota ]. L MCCOOL, .. My eommissi expir .. Norary Rubl�t. P� 15, 5 19}3. 19.. . My C',ommieslom aa1-1 to city u.'w CITY OF ST. PAUL? OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 118738—Ay Fred M. Traaz t wh sae. R. 6. Donovan and Roger COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORK Berg ears vaeatea, ser ParagraQh (dn of aeo[Ion 20 of the E�n1aR ^r'Ma PRESENTED By ---- COMMISSIONER - - RKXXZXZM WHEREAS, R. G. Donovan and Roger Berg have appealed, permission e onto usedthef Sootion following�describedof the Zoning promisedaas Ordinances, golf driving tee, to -wits The easterly 225 feat of the north 645 feet of the westerly 525 feet of the Worth Jr of the Southwest } of Section 15, Township 280 Range 23, except avenues, which said described property is located on the southerly side of Montreal Avenue, beginning proa- P imately 350 feet east Ofthe eastPaullain of Snelling Avenue, in the City of SaintI, WHEREAS, said property Is in aevelo edthaportion Of aid appeal the City, and the Board of Zoihing has ree-urn --dbe granted, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the said R. a. Donovan and Roger Berg are hereby granted permission to use the above described property as a golf driving tee for a period not exceeding ten years, the period of such use to be limited by the terms of such lease as may be entered Into betweenthesa n thee said R. G .oPDnovan and Roger Berg and the Land Com ssioner FURTHER RESOLVED, that the said R. (3. Donovan and Roger he .City of Saint Paul a bond in the sum of 115000, Berg shall give to t subject Section to of tterms and conditiOrdinanons set forth in Paragraph (d), • MAY 151940 193__ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ -- Yeas Nays 8r�[L5 y FFindhln Approved f 193—_ i �arranto - •g/e Favor/Mayor 'Peterson � ,,'I'ruax Against Fallon -Xr. President (� $�VBL1:iiil:D 1500 2x8 Cs 'OrG-.TY OF & O ORR ®e e aces8111114118 � Bye symre at ee iy 6 Y IG04 .v 401 ARTHUR S MILINOWSKI. Ch.,- "UGUST HCHPISMN EDWIN H LUIIDIC BERNARD 1 NkGLYNN EGIN WA MA CHARLCS BAWORD, (:,,y Ad,h GfORrlE II HfRROLD. THE BOARD OF .ZONING Esroblkhed by Ordinance No' 5840 July 71h, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE Yr. L. F. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir : April 26th, i.94o. In the matter of application of Donovan do Berg to use "A" Residence property for a driving ran The enclosed sketch shows the location of the proposed driving range just south of Highland Park and a short distance east of Snelling Avenue. This is an undeveloped section. The applicants will lease the land from the State Land Commissioner for one year and put up a bond from year to year if the lease is continued. The Board of Zoning recommend that the application be approved. Yours very truly, Lam..--� • ; T%�.,.� George -H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh April 22, 1940. CITY COUNCIL Or ST. YAU1,, *�NIIRSOTA: We hereby appeal to this honoraole oody under paragrbph D, Section 2U, of Zoning Ordinance to permit us to use the hast 225 ft. of North 643 ft. of West 525 ft. of N._,.t of S. W. 4 of Section 15, Township 28, Range <3. (Except Aves.) for a drivit,g range. Respectfully submitted, 4y CD Uj J •�—cc C-1 U -ZU W I - � A I Y i As ft i K dciq+•i Y 5*'$ v'b,b, '`,.y,•i,, rr.c ' R" c, <r`�' CITY OF ST. PAUL ioiNO. OFFIC F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE S, 1940 COMMISSIONER_ That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to excavate for and build manhole and install duet and cable on the North side of Arch, between Eine and Park. listimate #3Oj508. z atN the 1 Northern mIlton StatesRPower Company be glue. permission to ex- cavate for and bulla manhole and In- stall duot and cable on the North side +of Arch, beRween Rio. and Parlt. ��.. Bsttrn to No. 90760R. Adopted by the Council blay 16, 1940. Approved May 16, 1940. (May 18, 1940) 15 1940 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council MAY p.^193— Yeas Nays MAY 15 1.wy asss n an Approved 193— anto Peterson .Favor ____/ t i� (/fj Ma or r 'Against fr. President (Fallon) am eas cs � A$ MAY 1519W COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays /ss _ Fan J/1 Approved MAY 1519 0 193 - /Parr nto eterson In Favor Mayor r-� Against r. President (Fallon)LISHED 6M 8-38 CB _ .- � -aouwc. 118740 CITY OF ST. PAUL OF 1 OF THE CITY CLERK - COUN ESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM _ - COMMISSIONEY_ ff�., �w DATE No ; 19`w That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the South - vast corner of Escanaba and Yaulcon, with necessary guys, anchors. wires. and Telephone Company wires. - Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal Estimate #132988. � A$ MAY 1519W COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays /ss _ Fan J/1 Approved MAY 1519 0 193 - /Parr nto eterson In Favor Mayor r-� Against r. President (Fallon)LISHED 6M 8-38 CB _ Petition 1 1 18741 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMi9MT and PRELIMINARY OROR. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Conatruot new concrete sidewalk on the north side of McLean Avenue Prom .......... ........................................................... .............................................................................................................................. 14th May O Dated is ...........day of ........................... ? aK� C. F. No. 118741— - PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHER�Sa'�ritten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 1. Eons�zuvt.nesv.cvnvfivte..aide�alk.4u.t�e.s�de_of,Bacxee.Avenue. from......... .......... ........................................................... . ..........................................................................................................`..................... .. .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it " RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on. the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 15 1940 d Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS MAY 151940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON RO` SEAN � ......... ..� � ... ................ . TRUAX y......... , �' a or. MR. PRESIDENT ISA 12.38 Lr PL'BLISFiF,D 413742 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPRQ;�MENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Curbin the.west„aide.oY.De.Soto.,Street.Prom-Case-Avenue-.to-York..Avenua. &.. . ........................................................ .......................................................... /... /.. �.. un .... ....:.. Dated this...4...........day of .................. Council PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .......... Ctubi, the west aide,oY. De.Soto.,Street Prom Case Avenue to York venue. ...................................... ....................................................................................... C. F. 11Zo. 118742— � is ........................................................... ................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.. . . . . .......................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. opted by the Council ................ MAY 15.19& ..- ........ . YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved... /-1.��?`lM............................ FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSONAj ... ....... Mayor. TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT ISI I2,38 �j /� Petition 418743 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Curbing Barrett Street.Yrom;Front Avenue to Hatch Avenue ...................................... .......................................................................................................................... ....................... .................. j.................. ........................................................ ...... ......................................................................................................I................... Dated this ....... WA -day of.................gay........ ... ......,:::.,,... 1934....' 0 Cbquncilm. �,. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ......... Curbing. Barrett. Street .from. _Front, Avenue to Hatch Avenue ............................................................. ........................................................... ........... I.............. C. F. No. 118743— �„ lbetr*,' .................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and gtimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. /" �5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattt.ters to the Commissioner of Finance. !r/Adopted by the Council ............... . MAY 1 t✓r I ..................... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved"Y IN � .19...................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON TRUAX Q Y MR. PRESIDENT us Izaa PUBLISHED Z-) Petition Council File No.....Y..".t•� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: b e or Avenue Prom dicate Street to Gri$ga Street �..�............................. ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................ ......................... !....................................................................... .............................. Dated this.. W14...... day of................ MBY...._.. 1,)40..... n Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curbing Eleanor Avenue from Syndicate Street to Griggs Street ....... ..................................................................................... C. F. No. 118744— A...trect wt ..................................................................................... ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ MAY 151940 Adopted by the Council................................................ YEAS NAYS MW l a L94U Councilman BARFUSS Approved................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ............ . TRUAX C7 on MR. PRESIDENT IM 12•38 iz)ni.t�;til:iJ Petition Council File No.. .118745 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENTt and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Curbing. SOheYf er, ................................................................................ Dated this ... l4t4...... day of ........ ........ .�....... ...".. ,.., 1940.... v Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curbi Soheffer Avenue from Seventh Street to Milton Street .................. """"""�"��� C. F. No. 11879a'— ....................................................................................... Abp'. .. ....................................................................................... ,r... , y... .... ..................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... tbefefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. / MAY 151940 v dopted by the Council.............................1.94 ............. YEAS NAYS �A ��n Councilman BARFUSS Approved .............. MAY.l,5.19Q • . • • .. • • ... • • ""' FINDLAN 4t PARRANTO PETERSON - -KUsLN1... ::. TRUAX �) ............ ayor. MR. PRESIDENT M uaaIIi ISHED E Council File 4-18746. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEl�iT and PRELIMINARY OROER_ 1r' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public irrsprovcrnentbythe City ofSaint Paul, viz.: ..,,,,C�ondemming,and.teking, an.easement, Yor, the --purpose_ oY _constructing. and main- ,,.. twining a public sewer on, under and across the feet of tike • • •weeterly -6• •feet; of. -lot- •8•; • Blook- 4j- •GliCtoa= -Dela - mom- -Sown - Avenue. to • the Alley in the rear of said lot. Also condemning and to c:L— aL temporary easement for ....... construotion *purpoaee on a strip'oP'land"7'feet - Szi-�rSdt7i" -ori' th'e"eae s e o e .....Above. pl..lot 9 in said Block 4 from Ipwe Avenue to the Alley tt, Clifton Dale. Dated this...............day o ..........................:,.._ i - 193. F. N.. 118746-- PRELIMINARY 18748- PRELIMINARY OROER- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followirsg irr provement, viz.: Condemning.and„taking.an.,easement.Yor.the.purposa_ off_ constructin&.and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the easterly 1. :68t of the westerly b feet of ....lot 8f--B1-0ok•4; Clifton -Dale- from. I-owa-•AVenua-#.o- --tie- -A11ay--in • the' rear- -of.sai,d•..- lot. Also condemming and taking a temporary 4Das4e=1Lgx3L-t f'or construction purposes ""'on a strip"'dY'Tarid"7'feet in width"d'n'ifie' aAst- "A93:d-g - 4rT--thB--AbO'd8"AasBttre>,ti ""' on•t}e.we�ter]y 2,ieet,oY,lot.6,,-and.,the•-easterly_ _ 5 _ �eet__oY_lot,9,in„said........... Block 4 from Iowa Avenue to the Alley in Blocic 4. . C2 i Ston Dale. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul- - _ - - - - - - - - . . . . ..................------------------- therefore, be it I RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be aria is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said irzzprovement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for ors the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Cornr"issiorzer of Finance. 1/.g ' tldopted by the Council.............MA� �t a� • • • . • - YEAS NAYS JIMY 15 1940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved... . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... - ........................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ................... or...... TRUAX .... MR. PRESIDENT IM 12.38 �Ts.� 3 Y. ' T tiT-IL• �--?�� �/� C> 30L Couricil File No..11874 / PROPOSAL FOR /MPROV W&Am WWWW and PREL/M/NARY ORDER_ The undersigned hereby proposes the mak ingoftl-lefollowir-.gpublicirr�proverl�ezitbythe City ofSaint Paul, viz.: , Grade and-oil,the.Alley,in, Bloch_ _4>. _ C1i1'toa �a- ®_- _ on Parkway North to _Dunlap.EStr@et*,,, 84..aoT�$trnct_ _ a _ s@wer _ ia% _ _tlze _ a4PV—at_ _ to _ ba, .obtained. on. e... Dated this ..... �4th.... day of......... - - - - - L_ F- No. 118747— ' PREL/M/NARY ORDER_ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the follog irrlproverizent, viz-: Gs a rde..n3.oil..tha.A17BY..in.Blocit- 4�-PaTT� k9>3Y..NS1h..... tn-to. to -Dunlap..Btreat....... Also. .0013,0 �a�at- -a. •$g��r_ _ za - Gl7s _ aA Qe�P�.t- _ _ _ _ _easterly,-4.Yeet,•of,the.weater1y_ _6_ _meet _ off_ _lot_ _S_,_ _ S1oc7s _ I� a _ _Clifton Dale. .............. having been presented to the Council of the City of Sair1C therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public W orlCs be acid is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the 11181cir1F—' of said improvement. 2_ To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said irrlproverizent, and the total cost thereof. 3_ To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said imp roverl�erlt _ 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petltlorz of three or more owners. --� 5. To report upon all of the foregodrxMAYg r"attler AAA C—omnlissiorzer of Finance. �/ -Adopted by the Council.......... . .. 3L��- ��-11-�� - - - - - - - - - YEAS NAYS V Csi iSO Councilman BARFUSS Approved - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • . :..................... FINDLAN PARRANTO ' PETERSON _ _ ................... ........ i _AQ6EN — - TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT Irl 12.38 Council File No$�`•'� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and �• PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for 'slopes, cuts and fi]Js..in..tbe.Srading. .encl. .QLI ing.ot..the.Allay.lin.gook.l«...C7JP.toA.Aala..tsow.......... Lexington Perkway..North„to. Dun1,aP..Street............................................. I............... .............................................................................................................................. Dated this..1.4t1?....... day of... ............ 9ay......._ "......... - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .,,..Oondemning.and,taking_an.easement.in,the, land..neoessary_Yor..sloRea, cute. and,..,.., fills in. the grading and oiling of the Alley in Block 4, Clifton Dale from ..... Lexington.Parks+zay..North.to. Dimlap. eet....... C. F. No. 118748— Ab.t—,t- ........................................................................................ Whe• .4 ��t• ,. ,.,..J. for k having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. /1'' MAY 151940 v�” Adopted by the Council................................................ YEAS NAYS upr y ..C..IWO Councilman BARFUSS Approved...........1��.1.1f.................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON .... .......................... TRUAX 1 �yor. MR. PRESIDENT " 1\1 12.38 /. I TJBT;YSI;IETD L/y/// 118749 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING Imo' iUMN AND FIXING 1IMM Of -HEARING ON THE AWAn 010 MWS In the matter of__ conde;nnin; aru taitiit An- eft sementn_the land_necess=r^ for_slones,_ cuts and fills in o`' AIit.vs in Mock 1, :%attler's A.cdition from Al-ert Avenue to the I.-ortn and soata alley, and from ayard Avenue to Hartford Avenue, APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIY- ING:•TIHE OF HEARING THERPO^ AND FIRING TIME OF ' ON THE AWARD OF r under Preliminary Order -__115087 --------------- approved ---- June_ 6,_ 1939______-----___-_-__, 115692 approved___-Jul.yy 25, 1939 Intermediary Order ---------------------- ---------------- Final Order ___------------ 115930-------------- approved ---- ��?ril_17, 1940_______________ -- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment'of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the___- __ 12th --------- day of----- lqnq ------------------- 19-40-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. MAY 151940 _ Adopted by the Council------------------------- P MAY 15119 - -- ------ - - City Clerk. Approved--------------------,19---- i;e 3739 ---------- Councilman Councilman FindlaD % Councilman 1'arranto j Councilman Peters w CouncilmanStwE CoUneilmanTruui Councilman Mayor F.11.. COUNCILFILE NO ........................................ By........................................................................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Weide avenue from 8h"heelock Park; -my to Montana Avenue and on Montana Avenue from a noint 200 feet east of Walsh Avenue to Weide Avenue, and on RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- Nebraska Avenue from �Nalsh Avenue to Aeide Avenue, ING ASSESS.IIENT. under Preliminary Order.....1 514 Intermediary Order ............... I,1247 ......................... ....., Final Ordcr.........,1,11N6 ........................... approved.......................T+a�'...1Q..................................,19... E i s s connection with The assessment of... henof > ts, ens �s a �d @x. gt� a .....................................for and m co ect n .............. ................... . the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That, the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........... 12th ........... day of June 19 40 at the hour of 10 o'clock A, M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof,'and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. MAY 1519s Adoptedby the Council................................................................. ...... MAY 1'5190 -....... '...:. .....:.._ ...!% City Cleric. Approved................................................19......... File 8401 Ij(� /Q..'.��ii..... Mayor. Councilman Barfnee Councilmannion;y Councilman Find tan o n n -. ]an� Pnrranto Councilman ._ f'.•tereon Councilman dheimer Councilman Mayor FIn- im Fallon V.— S. E. 17 .J PUBLISHED �0 COUNCILFILE NO ......................................... By........................................................................ CITY OF ST. PAUL $,!8?5i Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructin^ a sewer in the southeasterly boulevard on Par%cwa,; Drive from a point arroroximately 15 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of Lot 3, °lock 4, UFton :rove Plat 3 to a point 15 feet southwesterly of the northeasterly line of +ts7s1— Lot 6, 5lock 4, Upton .rove Plat 3 f the assessment of i expense. Por con- - , the southeast- rkway Drive 'mately 15 south - Block • '7t 15 'h• under Preliminary Order......11Q69O ............................ Intermediary Order.......11 9................................,...., Final Order ......-11139B ------------------------------ :., approved ................... ...............-. The assessment of.........bane.fi-tam .costs..and.. expenses................................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and ^found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .........._12th ........... day of June ................:........................ 19-..4Q, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount :assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. �1� pAn Adopted by the Council, ------....MAY.. 1.51.99Q ............... .. . ....i.. City Clerk. MAY 151940' Appmv ed ------------------ . ... ............ ....19.--.. -... Fiie 8427 .......................... T,,L...-....LI. ....... ....... Mayor. Councilman Clancy—-.,, Rnrfusa Councilman Ferggsgn,._,,_ Findlan Councilman *Donald ..l Pnrranto � Councilman hland J e Peterson '�fi1 SHED Councilman Sudheimer _ men Councilman 19eRP l.:;::_.., Truax Mayor H Fallon Fom B. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE NO ......................................... By C. F. No. 118762— In the matter ^' benefits ..,. strap'.. .t. r• CITY OF ST, PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructinP curbinr on both sides of Macalester Ave. from Highland Parklvay to Bayard Ave.; on the norti, side of Scheffer Ave. from tdacalester Ave. west 54.25 ft. and east 80 ft.; on the south side of Scheffer Ave. from `..'acalester Ave. west 43 ft.; on the south side of Payard Ave. from 'tacalester Ave. vest 59.25 ft. and east 40 ft., s g 114353 114729 underPreliminary Order .................................................... Intermediary Order ............................................................ I 1150HJuno 6 39 Final Order ...................................................... approved ......... .,.......... ....................................................... ,19........ benefits, costs and expenses for and in connection with Theassessment of......................................................................................................... the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. 12th RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the................................day of June19 40 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council_. ............... MAY 151940 MAY 151940 Approved................... .....---------------- ._..... 19 File 6666 Councilman Barfuse Councilman if`6 p9ma-"Se""' Findla❑ Councilman DftD"oaald--" � Parrante Councilman Rohland- _- = Peterson ` Councilman Sa'dheiider Councilman 19Faer'r== Truax Mayor Fallon Form B. B. 17 :..... .......... . . ................ ................ ..................... City Clerk. ...................... Mayor. NOTICE TO PRINTER ` 1187,53 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. COUNCIL "RESOLUTION May 14. ,..40 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 9-223-6c—, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED7123S TO73,291_INCLUSIVE, AS PER. F 7ver11876�8t �w....,.e CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLERY, ba l�a� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL AAY.]519M I93 � � � 71r:.� aITY' -ROL- 151940 YAY APPROVED 193 BY 000 �� vkji3Ll:i11�D /�� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ ,,. r Iddr r•/' coDN --- CALL ROLL CALL - - THE COMPTROLLER OFFICE OF FILE UMBER._ _ NUMBER BARFUSS FINDLAN _- -,IN PETERSON FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS _. May 14.,.19340 ROSEN TRU" AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON HE CITY TREASURY WENZEL MR PRES FALLON ��/� TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF CHECKS NUMBERED 238 MAY 151940 5 . COVERING 1 _ INCLUSIVE. S PER CHECKS ON, ADOPTED BY THE CMAYLN- 193_.—. F OF THE ITY COMPTR ER o. rr noen APPROVED-__ _..-- — 100 38 CS _.-- NUMBER --S8 HA --- -- - TOTALDATE IN FAVOR OF - RETURNED II y CHECK NUMBER TRANSFER i' DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS 1 CHECKS i BROUGHT FORWARD �. 551 032 3 I— 8 OOj S 71238 Ohio street Grocery 8 00 71239 Olson/s Food Market 8 00 71240 B. Orenstein 9 001 71241 Parkway Service Garage 7 00' 71242 Rev. T. A. PTinton 8 00' 71243 (wick Service Battery CO. 8 00� 71241E Regolo Brothers 10 OOI 71245 P. Rosenberger 8 00'; 71246 Ruby Motor Car Company 8 �I 71 47 St. Paul Buick Carage 8 00!' 71 8 Schmidt Brewery Company 8 00; I 712 9 w. F. Smith Tire & Battery Co. 8 OOII 712 Dr. George W. Snyder 8 � 71 1 Rev. F. A. 9p,,ng 8 00j• 71252 Sterman Grocery 8 00 7125] Rev. Geo. D. Strohm 6 00 11 4 Ann Trevis 8 00^ 71255 Edward L. Trudeau 8 001 71256 vogel'a Food Market 8 00'1 71257 Trustees/ 'Heeley M. E. Chapel 8 001 71258 Dr. Karl C. Wold 8 OOV 71259 Geo. J. Aondra 8 0011 71260 Rev. Frank Zoubek 1 859 551 71261 Blue & white Cab Oo. 113 00! 71262 Marks' Seed Company j 405 87 7126 Northern States Power Co. 310 25 712 Co. 110 91 7 J. L. Shiely�o,Eleetrio 69 57 71266 E. J. Stilwell Paper Co. 277 82? 71267 Tri-State Tel. Teleg. Co. 128 81' 1268 Tri State Tel. & Tel -g. Co. 95` 4128 71269 Tri-State Tel. & Tele g. Co. p'4+ 71270 Mrs. Elizabeth Literski 30 80: 71271 Amer. Rad. & Stan. San. Corp. 150 00II 71272 Bacon & Kemps 76 93' 7127] S. Berglund Lumber Co- 49 9SI 71274 Callender Sporting Goods Co. 79Z 70 71275 E. I. Dupont De Nemours Co. 71276 W. 1T. Dyer and Bros. 48 91 71277 Griggs -Cooper and Co. 35 741 71278 The Grinnell Co., Inc. 55 0`, 71279 Lampland Lumber Co. 703 46 71280 W. A. Lang. Inc. 13 66 71281 Maendler Brush Mfg. Co. 82 51 71282 F. J. MOTse ane? Co. 52 F0 71P83 Frank Mudra 40 i7 71284 National Lead Co:St. Paul Tial Co. eLPadrs a&POil 60 85 s3 9 1E 71286 9t. Paul White CO- 29 56 71287 G. Sommers and Co- 133 50 71288 Thompson 's R-staurant 197 53 71289.11 Ozmun Kirk & CDr 148 34 71290 Fyrwell Ozmun Kirk & CO.CorD. Electric 3upnly 149 70 71291 General SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 560 255 93 11 I St. Paul, Minnesota June 10th, 19110 To the Honorable, the City Council, Gentlemen: Saint Paul, Minnesota. I, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 118754, being Ordinance No. 81081 adopted by the Council on June 3rd, 1940. ANGUS J. 01 May 15, 1940 To the Honorable City Council: We, the undersigned, do hereby make application to construct.and maintain a well and well room in front of 24 West Ninth Street. ti e Or] 1 1 CI Clerk 118755 a na to ty CITY OF' ST. PAUL rauec[L No. ---------..-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C- F. No. 118756—BY John S. Flndlan— Whereas, The Council did, by sollt- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tion known a Council File No. iia77e, pproved .tY 15. 1940, thorize the issuance and sal t $275,000 par ire PRESENTED BY A" or the bonds at the City ^ �'•.1^t P pr rt COMMISSIONER _. DAT>r^-yip,... ;,yr•,^ja-7sa� WHEREAS, the Council did, by re solution mown as Council File No. 118730, approved May 15, 1940, authoriwe the issuance and sale of $275,000 par value of the boxids vi the City of Saint Paul for the support and relief' of tLe poor, under authority of Chapter 120, Session Laws of Mf sY+eaota for 1953, as t amended by Chapter 48, Session Laws of Minn® so to for 1935, and as further amended by. Chapter 105, Session Laws oP Mine a for :• 1937, and Chapter 108, Session Lass f ass oMi nT+e s o is or 1939; sad WHEREAS, s aid resolution of the Council ve8s submitted to his Excellency, Harold E. Stassen, Governor of the State of Minnesota, for his review and approval; and WHEREAS, the said Harold E. Stassen d3.ct,, by certif Bate as provided by Section 3 of said Chapter 120 Session Laws of Minnesota for 1933, a a amended, approve said fsauance of $275,000 par value of its bonds by the said City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, s aid Council File No. 1187SO c31.c3 provide that the Cpauneil of said City should by subsequentre' - -r•e ao3ution fithe - - - denominations of said bonds and the dates of maturity thereof, and diff also provide that such bonds be sold ixx the manner provided by Section 1943, Mason'a Minnesota Statutes 1927; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the bonds authorised to be issued and.sold by said rewlution, Cortasell File No. 118750A- VO4s, issued and so]& in the manner provided by law, in tha e morsat of $275,000, said.. boade to be in denom+ration or $1,0001 -eaahv tz> be dated Jule 1, 1940, bear interest at a rate not eacseodiag s3.a per cent (6%) per annum, payable semi—annually, on DS00w30b61'w 1st and June let, according to the coupons to be attached to s4mL3c1 bonds. Said bonds shall be serial; a portion thereof $,2aa3_1 be payable each year, but none of a aid bonds shall run for s longer term than ten (10) years, and sha11 be numbered 521943 to 52470 inclusive. The dates onwhich said bonds shall mater@ 9L3mc3 the amounts which shall mature annually over said period ,glhim-1 1 b e as follows COUNCILMEN Yeas �^ f Nays Peterson os�------------------An favor Tru�'Lyi�� Warren -----.-.-----Against ago• --- 7vlr—r:e s 'fit 3M I1-36 I:IiVk . VICe 1•I_-�ident (ZI173X)' Adopted by the Council._..................................193...... Approved -------• ...... --- ----_----193.---- - ..................... Mayor r 18155 Date of Maturlt3 Boaad Numbers Amount June 1, 1941 52296 - 52220 $25,000 June 1, 1942 52221 - 52246 26,000 June 1, 1945 52247 - 52272 26,000 June 1, 1944 52273 - 52299 27,000 June 1, 1945 52300 - 52326 27,000 June 1, 1946 50-5,W7 - 52354 28,000 June 1, 1947 v 52355 - 52382 28,000 June 1, 1948 52+88 - 52411 29,000 Jur., 1, 1949 524.12 - 52440 29,000 June 1, 1950 52441 - 52470 30 000 s The sed. ci 'b 4 �s3 shall be is the Following form which has been prepe.rac3 bg t31rs4ft BI -k- rag F-Und Commit ttee and app^ oved by the Corporatioaz Co-szaserl of said Clty�, and is hereby apir owed and a dopted, viz "UN I TL.0 OF AiA:isRXCA S1'L'TIs ACIREP' M31XNV=OTA C cam IJE� OV RALM519Y C J1'EY O -=;-,' SA 3: T PAIIZ. PiT131.3r4_- F'ARR BOLI) No. .... ;41,000.00 "KNOW ALL B _T_=Vnff- -1.7HESE PRESEWTS, that the City of Saint Paul, in the Comity o:E� BA*&Aey and State of Wtrmesota, acknowl- edges itself to owva s >w -ad Por, value zreceive l hereby promises to pay to bearer. the ssz3wm oP Ona Ttoussad Dolleurs (tr1,000.00) on the first day or a 39- - - - - - , toga than wri th interest thereon from the date lex-eon szzxtil paid, at the rate of .............. per cent per anuemza� payable semi- r%3nually on the first dayof December and the P'1r2s *-- day of Jwno in each year, as evidenced by and upon the pr*wsass Cation euucl surrender of the annexed Interest coupons as w-axADg a evara3ly become due. Both principal and interest on tom; s woad are payable 11n lawful money of the United States or xzz+R-r-:X_csw at t av3 office oY the Commissioner of Finance in the Cites cs-:C' Salm Paul, or at the Fiscal Agency of the City of SaSZit Pau3_,. 2m t%e City of Dies York., State of New York, at the oVt:i<�a= 4=s,1V tise: holder; and Por the prompt payment of this bond, bolht jpo'r-s xcipal sad Imterast, at maturity, the faith and credit of t33,B 4--3t-_y of 5siztt Paul a rs lrrevocal5ly pledged. "This bond 3-m cares csP a s®rias aaouating in the aggregate to the sum of lira 73c3 Seventy-five Thousand Dol3ars (W5,000) issued by the Cites cs_:r' _--_&s13mt Paul for taxa purpose of support and relief of the poofr� a38 suthorizmd bgg Chapter 120, Session Laws of P,innesota for ? 93r�ie sees amended by mapter 4S, Svesion Laws of. Minnesota for est Purtlaer amended by Chapter 105, Session e Laws of Minnesota P'car X937, and Chapter 1Q8, Session_ Laws of Minnesota for 1939 aaarx<X Council N31a No- 118730, passed and approved May 15, 1940. Pit is hereby s=Asr lfiawd. and r6cG�atita�ti Sand things, acts and oonditlor m regi irasd by the of the State of and the Ch'rtsr of smid City to happen and be dona cited per=formed Precedent to au d in the issuance of this bocci 2s,a-_v4W isappensd and basora dFsse and per- formed in regular, aric3 mc2mmmm form and times s as ra►sNaiired by la'r, and that the to tat t rs w3j ta<irss as of aa3.d C i tga 1Zlcluding this bond, does not exts4qpg4d3 stay coastitnti�XMZ a stgtntory, or charter limitatioa- �IR WITNESS WimIS�,OFa tYje City of Saizat PiaxxXv by its Coun oil, has caused t� f m b and to b e aaa IL w JL t2z Sts oorpora to seal, to be signacl t>g it a bisyory attBat$d 1=0:Y' ti3e City Clerk, and Gauntersigned by f t s Camptrollery aund eatcrz of flee interest coupons hereto attached to ls� acce=nted by tha 1it3zogrzLyAmed facsimile signa- tures of said offio:ers � this firat day of -Ttas= 1940• Attest: • � � city Clez-br Countersigned: •••city compt; - X3Eam-� •• No. Is ......... D6tssa:3aer on this i'i-w-s t day of arms 18 the City of Saint Pall, to pay t?se tsemrer.. Do3.lara C �• • • • - ) a&*; the office Of tha�Conrmis� oast of F+si-Tca in tisa City of Saint Paul, or at the FS ecal Agency a i' t=ame City of Saint P se21 its the City of New York, State of Ne= 7M!-o3Cw3z,, at tkie optiaba of tte holder, for interest due that day on its P 13 -SL 1C IA'SLF'A R BoWDv cia ted June 1, 1940. No. ........... Attest: Countersigned: Ci tg 4--14m=-It Ci t<g CcamptroJi.lera 2NAyor J Date of Maturit June 1, 1941 June 1, 1942 June 1, 1943 June 1, 1944 June 1, 1945 June 1, 1946 June 1, 1947 June 1, 1948 June 1, 1949 June 1, 3,950. Bond Numbers 52196 - 52220 52221 - 52246 52247 - 52272 52273 - 52299 52300 - 52326 52327 - 52354 52355 - 52382 52383 — 52411 52412 - 52440 52441 - 52470 1 "n87 55 Amount x$25,000 26,000 26,000 27,000 27,000 28,000 28,000 29,000 29,000 30,000 ;PZ7b QVU The said bonds shall be in the following form vhich has been prepared by the Sinking Fund Committee and approved by the Corporation Counsel of said City, and ie hereby approved and adopted, viz: "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF SAINT PAUL PUBLIC WELFARE BOND No. .... $1,000.00 "KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the City of Saint Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, acknowl- edges itself to owe, and for value received hereby promises to tray to bearer the_ sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) on the first day of June 19......, together with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of .............. per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of Dsce*Ser and the first day of June in each yeas, as evidenced by and upon the presentation and surrender of the annexed Interest coupons as they severally become due. Both principal and interest on this bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America, at the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul, or at the Fiscal Agency of the City of Saint Paul, in the City of New York, State of New York, at the option of the holder; and for the prompt payment of this bond, both principal and interest, at maturity, the faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul a re irrevocably pledged. "This bond is one of a series amounting in the at agate to the sum of Two Hundred Seventy-five Thousand Dol3a rs 0276,000) issued by the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of support and relief of the poor, as authorized bChapter 120, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1933, as amended by CSapter 48, SS seion Laws of Minnesota for 1935, and as further bmended by SS 105, Session Laws of Minnesota for 19372 and Chapter 108, Suasion Laws of Minnesota for 1939, and Council File No. 118730, passed and approved May 15, 1940. "It is hereby certified and recited that a.11 things, acts and conditions repaired by the Cons titntioa and ]awe of the State of Minnesota and the Charter o� said City to happen and be done and performed precedent to anal in the issuance of this bond have happened and beers dose and per- formed in regular and due form and time, as ragaired by law, and that the total indebtedness of said City, including this rJ bond, does not exceed any constitutional, statutory, or charter limitation. "IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Saint Paul, by s Counoil, has caused this bond to be sealed wi tYi i corporate seal, to be signed by its Mayor, attested by City Clerk, and 8oumtersigaed by its Comptroller, and each o�r the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the lithographed facsimile signa- tures of said officers, this first day of Jams 1940. ......... ......Mayor ....... . Attests ....................... City Clerk Countersigned: ....................... City Comptroller COUPON No. '.... . t December On this first day of June 19 s .. the City of Saint Psnl, Minnesota, promises to pay the bearer .. . Dollars (s....... ) at the office of the CommisaL oner of Finance in the City Of` SiELMrit; Paul, or at the Fiscal Agency of the City of Saint Pa„1 is the City of New York, StdLte of New York, at the opti6n of the holder, for interest flue that day on its PUBLIC WEih'ARF BOND, clatad June 19 1940. No. ........... .............. . .......... Mayor Attest: ... ..... City �Clerk � Countersigned: .......................... City Comptroller" Original to City Clerk �: -�: 875 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL ca NO.---._---.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GftkRAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ __._.___. __.. DATE__ _ RESOLVED -4- RFW LVED FURTHER, that sealed proposals be received at the office of the City Comptroller, in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, up to ten o'clock A. M. on June 6, 1940, for the sale of all or none of said bonds, after giving due notice of such sale in the manner prescribed by law, in the Saint Paul Review, the official paper of said City. Each Bidder shall be required to accompany his bid by a certified check or cash deposit for two per cent (2%) of the amount of bonds bid for, which shall be forfeited to the City as ZlWdated damages if the bonds are not taken a nd paid for when ready for delivery. The City Comptroller shall, at the next meeting after receiving bids, present the same to the Council fdr its action thereon. The said bonds shall be offered to the person who will pay par or better therefor, at the lowest rate of interest not exceeding six per cent (6%). COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuas PC"-. Peterson fteeen-- ....................In favor `Frani Findlan„ — Waise� --------------------Against canto 3M 11-35 �- Vicel'r�adentilYpa� MAY 161940 Adopted by the Council._._ .................__ ----- -..... 193.._._ - MAY 16 1940 Approved-------------.... - - -----------193 Ma Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL 41 - MUNco. NO.-......._\lY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO%+NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PREND BYCOMM STSIONER _ NLS!=._f�i_— DAT6Q� 16, 1940, od mmmaiao WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of the Corporation Counsel, reciting that special circumstances exist, rendering it,necessary to employ special counsel to pass upon the validity of the issue of $275,000 Public Welfare Bonds of the City of Saint Paul, authorized by Council File No. 118730, approved May 15, 1940; be it RESOLVED, that the Sinking Fund Committee be and it is hereby authorized to employ Dennis D. Do3y, attorney of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and Thomson, Wood & Hoffman, attorneys of New York City, New York, to pass upon the validity of the above issue of bonds, at a compensation of not to exceed $206.25, payable out of the Debt Service Expense Account. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _Barfues j Peterson ----ftmmr- -" - --....._.In favor —indlan 16111=31; _ gran o _4 ...:.Against am li-as Mr- Vice Prisident(7'nzW No. 118756—BY John S. "y sof �Saint Paul, Minnesota, and H i Thomson. Wood & offman, attorneys of New York City, New York, to pass upon the validity of the nbova issue o[ bonds, t a c Den eatlott [ not to e d 5206.25, pay able out of othe Debt a%rvlce Expense Account. 1940. 1 Adopted by the Council D[ay 16, ADproved 16. 1940. (Dray 18. 1940) Adopted by the Council._�PI 16 1940 ----- ----------- 193 MPY16MO Approved .......... ........ ......... ...- 193..... i yor ai.l..l I. City a.dk 1.18 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL " NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C/O,UNLCJL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL F.'RM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER -- RESOLVED, that the application of The Texas Company for permission to install an additional 1,000 -gallon underground gasoline tank at 1200 Arcade Street, be and the same is hereby granted, said tank to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul,°and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Zs /n Parranto � _[n Favor Peterson r —YTvax Against 'ZW 1500 2a9 Cs W- Vice I re ident (T[oax) C. F. No. 118767—By- Fred M. True— Resolved. Teaas Compnn thforappli� 11 The isslon to install an additional pe1,000-gallon underground gasoline tank at 1200 Arcade St.. be and the same Is hereby granted, said tank to be Installed In accordance with the ordinances of the City of SL Paul, and under the tllrec- lion and to the at is feed on of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Adopted by the Council May 16, 1940. Approved May 16, 1940. (May 18, 1940) � AY 16 1940 Adopted by the Counci _ _ 193_ W 161940 Approved 193__— ka1 Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration may 15, 1940 f Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution 4gx-=-tet :Ing the attached application of The Texas Co. by A. W. Bohn, For pex-m i s sion to install one additional 1000 -gallon underground gasoline tanlx at 1200 Arcade St. Yours very tr ily, city cler)s_ ��zY of THE BO F—> OF ZONING E,tabkhed by Ordnance No. 5840 July 71h, 1927^ SM 3VT PAUL, MINNESOTA �! Z 79 COURT HOUSE C11 an 9 B14 � BEES®e6�O■ `e eve3resr1n4ej to Sb ' YpgGM �A�n� Q d+ •ss• h b ar a Way 14th, 1940. ARTHUR S MILINOWSKI, Cb-. AUCU�.T HOHE NSTEIfI EDWIN H LUNDIE BERNARD J. Mc GLYNfJ - EGIN WAHMAI-( CHARLES BASSFC)RD, C.ry A,J, - .=EOR�E H FiE RROLD. Mr. L. R. S. Fergus o a City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the mat ax- o:C application of the Texas Company, by A. W. Bohn, to is t4r=L2L1 ome additional 1000 gallon under- ground gasoline tan% 8t 1200 Arcade St. This station was rebuilt in November —allr 93g— This is the southeast corner of Arcade and Maryland _ There is ao objection to the installation of this one additional 1000 a@@EEgM811oa tank which will be more than 30 ft. from Arcade S _ -EK-1 15 ft. from the alley in the rear of the station. The Board Z. Yxing recommend that the application be approved. It doe sot call for a hearing nor a publication. Yours very truly, George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOC�. M_ D_ WM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITE— OF SAINT PAUL �� pital of Minnesotan/ �e�azt�ree — f a� /�icbCic �a�etc� Ten - and Minnesota Streets G. H_Commissioner JOHN P. JSP Deputy Commissioner May 14, 1940 Mr. L. R. S. Fergu =� oa City Clerk Saint Paul, Minns s cyst a Dear Sir: Reror,= - nig -to application made by A. W. Hohn of the Texas Compa_=K-Zr £or permission to install ons additional 1000 ga Son uzi,Jergrouna gas tank at 1e00 Aroade Street: An ira oP these premises was made by William C. Barr—ten. C1zieP Fire Inspeotor. His report thereon is attaclze Vary trulurs, Commissioner of licf---by IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE UZ:> ARTNv ENT O� PUBLIC SAFETY 'OF THE —CITY OF SAINT PAUL i r`i T R -OFFICE COMMUNICATION May 13th, 1940 Ron. G. R. Be s-_ = a . Conmmissioner o =!C- :3E=—vcx-1b11c Safety. Dear Sirs � 3C3_ r®apard to the application rade by -A-- W _ Bohn of the T o s OcImpany for permission to install oas additional 1.O>4C:30dC::> gallon mmderground gas tank and to tae loca- ted on the aorta 24-0 feet of bots 13, 14 and 15 of :W31 -4--a- 1 of Eastville � eights Addition also described as 1200 -A-resde Street. 7W.Nnft tzsve _investigated the foregoing lo¢s tion and report ttmvsm -tt would be no serious increase is 'the fire hazard o =9--- -wacinity nor would there be any :2acz-ease in the rates to adjacent properties if this additional tank is permm- t • - Yours truly, Chief Fire Ipspactor . WCB/z C17Y OF ST. PAUL ILEO BN 1Hi cliv OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLiR— OFFICE ,4mmmmkation For License ,omft-- %__7TOM OBILE FILLING STATION YYl 3 _,sbk� DATE -- TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA LIGATION Is Hereby Made 77 W • LIL)I OF FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL I oRIYe Iry/�O q� INgIo6 i 1 AUTOMOBILE FILLINGSTATION T D BE t_OGAT EO ON LOT DEJ���----tr--T ---- — ALSO SCRIBED AS 2-0 To ..,Qi.•. — ---'s � :A.. I sTRFeT ,No N—a.RI ' A PACITY OF EACH TANK_____--------- NOMPS NO OF GAS TANKS RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CL —E DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC. 8AF ET Y BY By b6�v �— . : oREgg RECEIVED COPY F M CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD CITY OF ST_ PAUL - P1G� NO ---------- ........ ..- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -COUNCIL RESOLUTION_GWNERAL FORM ej " PRESENTED BY _ Etat 1ST 1940 _ CO M M I SSI ONER .- MAT>F' - WHEREAS, the Co»tssioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Cou>xcil that a certain one story frame dwelling located on Lot 1, Block 13, Marshall's Addition, also known as Ido. 228 E. Incliana Street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous caondition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down, therefore be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing sha11 ba bad upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 12 th day of June 1940, ,at ten o l clock A. X_ i the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, izx the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; and be it FURTHER RESOINED, that not leas thaw ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Cornnaiasioaer of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings sha11 .'ani 71 to the la st known record owner of said property, at h2s last Icimovm address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, s notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of a aid hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be g2ven by one publication in the official newspaper of the City of Saint Paul, said notice to be published not Mese than five days prior to the date of said hearing. C_ P'_ No_ 118758-13y Fred M. ' PWhereas, The Commission nr . - laygrou nda nA Pubii . I COUNCILMEN Yeas' , Nays — Ro9CL—-----,------.In favor 'frtiBR"-"— i 0---- Against Vis.. President _j1'ae II`aY 3M I1-35 Mr. Vise � f _:1.?�llt (1Cn31L) 'AY 16 1940 Adopted by the Council ._------- ._- ........................193.-.-_. Approved --------AY 16 1940__.._193.._.. - �- ---- -1 -- --------- ------...------ yor le. CITY OF S,0%siNT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FEi2GUSOtV City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration M -Ly '15, 940 Mr . S. W. McConneloug CorlDoration Co'u:sel City Hall Dere- Sir: The Council requested that fir^ prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the cord-essiation of the one-story frame dwelling at 228 M. IndiFaa Ave. �a Lot 1_, Block 13, Mar shat l ' a Addition. City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Par. Supt of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner 1,iay 14, 1940 Hon. Council City of St. Paul G ntlemen: There is an old one story fra-me dwellin; at 222 Last Indi- ana Street, rhich l:as been referred to this Department for investi,3ation. It is located on Lo`_ 1, -locl: 13, Marshall's Add,'_ tion. It is vaca;,t and in a dila,)idatel condition, open, yr ndows m's ;Ing, out of level, and dan;,erous to life, lirr'_, and ad- joining property. The last known owner is Tillie Cohen, 440 Iglehart Avenue and A. I Levin, 405 Comr^erce 2uilding, has an int:�re t in it. A Danger ;lotice has been posted. Kindly set a hearin;; in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. Yours trulj, City Arch'tect ,V/� Original to Ctty Clerkk • - CITY OF ST. PAUL r c1` NO........................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /o✓-� CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /�O 1 1 COMMISSIONER __1._111._ __ DATF — RESot.u.0 RESOLVED,. that the application of the Northern Parking Station for permission to install and operate a drive-in parking lot on Lots 6 and 7, Block 13, Whitney & Smith's Addition, also described as No. 384-388 Jackson Street, under the provisions of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, be and the same is hereby granted. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay� T>t - uss e,erson ®- ----- ..._._.In favor �-goo.000&r w1''lndlan 0Against arranto - 3M 11.35 ]�. Vicr 17ideut (71tt8x) C. lk *0. 118769—By Cue H. Bartuss— the Northern TParkinthe $tation for npp or mission to Install and operate a drlve- In parking lot on Lots 8 and 7, Block 13, Whl[ney & Smith's Addition, also described as No. 984-388 Jackson St., 5 of Order the inance No. 6840. be rc tihe andsame Iaherebygranted. Ado D"ad by the Council Mny I6, 1940. Approved May 18, 1940. (May 18, 1940) MAY 161`0 Adopted by the Council.....................................193...... MAY 161940 Approved_ ............... ........... --- ----------- _�....... ........- _,------- Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAULA >; Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration May 15, 1940 Mr. 'John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Northern Parking Station for permission to install and operate a drive-in parking lot at 364-399 Jackson St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. �� POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINAt� GE St. Paul, Minn. 'i. 4 _-19._.40 You are hereby notified that the Council of the -City of St_ Paul will con- sider the matter of acrlic:_cion Por dri`=—i'--.a-- t on rari o: Lots Fr.;: 1ar•'.- 1.., Loi. 1C, lc,c 1- .._.,they and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on �'a:, 1`' . 1 9 _1O in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Jot;n ,t 7i. r— ci lan, ..¢:'i ua Commissioner of Finance. Filc BJj72 CLIN9POW A_ HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH. M_ b_ - WDi_ J. SLT3Dk9:I1X11ff C. E. BRISSMAN ChieY- o£ Police Health Offices Fire Clmie£ Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota .:2)erad"'Le"f 01 �.t�Lic Saj /Y Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Comxaissioaea_ MAA, y 8, 1940 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to the application of tkza Worthern Parking Station for permit to ins s11 and operate a drive-in automobi]e parking station to be located on Lots 6 and 7, Block 13 of I4hitney sad Smit1x • s Addition, which is also described as 384-8' Jackcsonz S-traet- Inspeotioxns vrera mEada by Harry N. Wattergren, Superintendent of Traffic, and @7i.3-3-iam C. I3arron. Chief Fire Inspector. Their rapor--ts covering the ins paations are attached. Vary truly yours Cover of brio Safety IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE U1— �ARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �l�i c �R—OFFICE COMMUNICATION May 7 1940 Mr. G. A. Barfuss , Commissioner of Pub - mac Sgfety Dear Sir: This is in referent a t o applioation made by the Northers Par7�— ing Station for pa to install and operate a drive-in automobile parkinK e t at ion to be 1ooated on Lot 6 and 7 Block 13, of Whitne arsd Smith's Addition, which is also described as 384-8 Street. you may be advised z1-iat = have made the usual inspection of the blueprints ani 1-za premises, and I find that remodaliag of this station axzc�_ t--ia addition of another driveway to the parking lot will rt®t rris-herially interfere with traffic _ From a traffic s -b M::-ozut there would be no objeotion to the granting; of this Pa a-m3t _ Yours truly, " -1/L , Harry N. Wettergren Superintendent of Tra£f i a HNW/ie THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL .. I "TER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION May 7th. 1940 as Hon_ G_ H. a Muss Comaissione�- of Public Safety. Dear Sir: M a regard to the application made by the Northern P�r1�3 ag Station for permission to install and oper- ate a drive—iaz automobile parking station to be located on Lots 6 aril ? B3oc=_ 13 of Whitney and Smith's JLddition, also described R %z-� 384-8 Jackson Street. W*-- have made the usual inspection of the foregoing 2 o cation and report that there would -be no serious increase is the Fire hazard of that vacinity nor, would there be any in the insurance rates to adjacent -properties If the procto sed station is permitted. Respectfully yours . Chief Fire Inspector- WCB/z .V. =g the matter of application Of the a Northern �ar7�iag station to install and op erate drive -:La aris`iag lot on Jackson St. Just E SOuth of Sixth corner of Sixth) St. This 7:2-s 21ght industrial zoning. Slaar® is a filling station on the Southeast corner of Sixth Streets. The two buildings Just to the soutY.x_ oS the gas Station have been torn down, and the applicsat d®sisea to put in a parking lot which would 1ld have a 51 ft- Sroataga 03MJackson St. and running backft to the a 3 ey Pram the plans attached you will note that the filling x111 have access to this parking lot from Sixth st applicant asks for a 16 ft. driveway off of Jacksoa treg t in order to take traffic immediately from this stra et be grant --WEEM*d gh-rh 11 The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit Yours very truly, George H._ Harrold, Engineer Secretary. THE B O ARD OF ZONING G1TY OF EStab[ = shed 'oy Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA lti 'tom 279 COURT HOUSE _ 14. O eev Bete®oemme 44mf a9eem � a6 'db 1940. Mny 10th, S gee• o . aP ARTHUR WLINOWSKI (7h --n AUGUST HOHRI`,T; IN EDWIN H. LUt iDIE BERNARD J f.1cGLY N': EGIN WAHMAtl CHARLES BASSFCRD, 01v GEnR ,E H I-IERROLD. Mr. L. B. � gerg�ison, city clerls-- g u i l d ----qm_ a 6• Dear Sir = =g the matter of application Of the a Northern �ar7�iag station to install and op erate drive -:La aris`iag lot on Jackson St. Just E SOuth of Sixth corner of Sixth) St. This 7:2-s 21ght industrial zoning. Slaar® is a filling station on the Southeast corner of Sixth Streets. The two buildings Just to the soutY.x_ oS the gas Station have been torn down, and the applicsat d®sisea to put in a parking lot which would 1ld have a 51 ft- Sroataga 03MJackson St. and running backft to the a 3 ey Pram the plans attached you will note that the filling x111 have access to this parking lot from Sixth st applicant asks for a 16 ft. driveway off of Jacksoa treg t in order to take traffic immediately from this stra et be grant --WEEM*d gh-rh 11 The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit Yours very truly, George H._ Harrold, Engineer Secretary. BUREAU of CONST. R_ W. OCKROFT. SUPT. OFFICE ENGINesR G. H. HERROLD CHIEF ENGR. CLERK MARK WOODRUFF 1 CITY OF SAINT -PALL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD F: VOIGT. DEPUTYGOM MISaION ER GEORGE M. BHEPARD. CNIEF EN -EER Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minn. May 15, 1940 w BVRswu F SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUPT. B UR: e.wu oP BRIoceE M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER B UREAII of C.... IeNs RAY J. KARTAK, SUPT._ Dear Sir: The matter of the application OP the Northern Parking Service to install and operate a drive-in parking lot ou T8Cic80n Street south of Sixth Street, has been referred to zae3 for report. You are advised that the driveway plan as s+jkwn3_: ttad conforms to the standards of this department. The application is consequently approved from an engineering Standpoint. Yours very truly. S%iEPARD Chi Fsngineer O,lelnd to &�ker--.-'444-1-UNCIL Jt `= 76(1 CITY OF ST. PAUL �t� NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK o RESOLUTION--- GENERAT''FORM v May 16, 194o PRESENTED BY I Q� DATE RESOLVED That permission be and it is hereby granted to the Mounds Park Booster Club to conduct a festival at Bates and Hastings Aves. for the period from May 18th. to May 24, 1940, inclusive, aid Mounds Park Booster Club to pay any license fees that may be required. Informally approved by Council May 14, 1940. COUNCILMEN YeasNays arfuss / Findlan Parranto .In Favor Peterson 9P. flux �Agai/nst 1500 7.48 Ce mr. Vice iTftident C.F MN. TruaBxs WBA_ ParraBao[fuas— Resolved, That Permission be and it is hereby granted to the Mounds Park Befeet taseand1 Fla t/ngsnAvea .a for theapeat lod f[otn May 18th to May 24th. 1940, I ncluslve, said Mounds flask[ Booster Club t Ped. any May AP.l,ted May 180 1940, May 18, 1940. (May 18, 1940) ' 161940 Adopted by the Council 61940 193_ Approved 193— Mayor 0,18-1 le City GaIY CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.�- t// A(✓t.y' OFFICE OF THE G*Y CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DATE may 16, 1940 RESOLVED That license for Merry Go Round, application 41897, applied for by the Mounds Park Booster Club, at Bates and Hastings Aves., for the period from May 18th. to May 24, 1940, inclusive, be and the same is hereby granted, provided all ordinances applicable thereto have been complied with and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. Informally approved May 14, 194o. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan / Parranto —jtajVrjCM=—_--_[n Favor Peterson i ruax Against j-_ 1600 2-36 Ce 07M. 77hident(TraWo" C. F. No. 118761—By G. H. Barfuss— F, i Truax—W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That license for Merry -Go - Round, application 41697, applied for Bab the unds Park Booster Club tes n do Hastings A .. for the per- lod from May 18th to May 24th, 1940, Inclusivted.e, be and the sameis hereby nlicable heretoedhave all basin nncee p- WIlh and tlied he ity clerk is Instructed oti.eintoethe city treasury ofhthpay- - r- quired fee. Adopted by the Council May 16, 1940. Approved May 16, 1940. (May 18, 1940) MAY 161940 Adopted by the Council 193_ MAY 161940 Approved 193. Mayor 118702 O .I,ie., .o_C, n. OF ST. PAUL �� NO.__ .� CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C.F. N..Pnrranto H.rtartuea-- BF. G. UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM VV.ReA. solved, Th: • ny the d. BYeld•y'194Q ' PRESENTED COMMISSIONER 1 rz�.•4•f- Rt✓sot_vEo That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the acme are hereby granted and the City Clerk be instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into tho City Treasury of the required fees: Sevv-ioe Club 206th Infantry Armory On Sale Malt App.41388 Renewal Sylvester -J. Francois 142 Concord St. Restaurant " 41541 " " " n n n n On Sale Malt 41542 Off Sale Malt " 41543 " 14e11ie Hagen 335 E. Seventh St. Hotel " 41587 " petroleum Service Co. 317 Como Ave. Gas Station " 41611 ^ A. C. Schabacker 11 1338 Bayard Ave. nOff Grocery Sale Malt " 41628 " " 41629 " Geo. E. Jung 1058 N. Western Ave. On Sale Malt " 41632 " ^ " „ „ n n Restaurant 41633 Off Sale Malt " 41634 " Geo. Markfelder 1125 Rioe St. Barber " 41642 " David Bennett 135 W. University Ave. Florist " 41645 " John Farkas 1199 Albemarle St. Grooery " 41651 " William Nadeau 140 Front St. Gas Station 41659 " Ray Cikanek 462 S. Snelling Ave. Confectionery " 41664 " LeRoy Marshall 569 Arundel St. Off Sale Malt " 41707 " John McCormick 412 Jackson St. Restaurant " 41729 " John B. McCormick 234 W. Kellogg Blvd. Restaurant " 41730 " First Arcade Wine Shop 343 Robert St. Confectionery " 41750 ^ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193_ Yeas Nays Bar -fuss Findlan Approved 193— Parranto ----- [n Favor -- --- Mayor Peterson Against 1500 z -as Vice Itesident (Twax) Oryl..l t.,Clt. Oat { Nays it uss • T CITY OF ST. PAUL ...... NO._ Peterson �- No. 2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MO 1300 2-98 C8 •�• • �`^ aGYYGL[ yrj]�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _DATE RESOLVED Sam Segal 204 W. Seventh St. Off Sale Malt App. 41761 Renewal Montgomery Ward & Co. 1400 University Ave. Restaurant " 41767 " Q E. P. Essner & 645 Selby Ave. Restaurant " 41779 " Geo. H. Williams n " It n n ItOn Sale Malt " 41780 n Off Sale Malt " 41781 " Roy "L. Ives" 389 Selby Ave. n n Restaurant " 41805 " On Sale Malt " 41806 " Off Sale Malt " 41807 II Fred C. Roth 21 E. Fifth St. n Restaurant It41835 11n On Sale Maltn " 41836 Morrie Fisher 2126 Plymouth N. 11pls. Foot Peddler " 41902 It Geon Georgonolas 1621 Niles St. It ° Vehicle Peddler " 41904 11 Foodstuff Vehicle It 41905 it Peddler Alex Rosenberg n " 8 W. Fifth St. On Sale Malt " 41785 " " " Off Sale Malt " 41786 " CO� ILMEN Yeas Nays it uss FFindlan &4,a n Pruree (/ _�--_In Favor Peterson �- Against MO 1300 2-98 C8 •�• • �`^ aGYYGL[ yrj]�� Adopted by the Council MAY 16 194019; Approved MAY 16 194(1 193_ 2 yor RMISHED Petition » 18'763 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Con�truct.•s.,sidewalk,on.the.•north•,aide.of .Berke... . reet from ..................... ........... Grigga . Street . to.. Syndicate . Streat................................................................. . ............................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ . Dated this.... 15th ..... day Y of....................May......... 1934G... .... ........�..... ... �.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .......... Construct. a..sidawalk . on..the..narxh..sl de..of . Bexkel ey..StT.09t . RTQ7R ..................... ........... Gri.Bge..StreSt.&O..Syud cite..Street ............................. C. F. No. 118763— .:„ ....................... �. havingbeen presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ..................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. r� MAY 161940 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS MAY 161940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ..................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON �Ytl35EF�-- ........... ......... yor. Mr. WePresident(1Yt7Stt) 1M 12.38 .)fSL1SNi:D . 118764 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and "C PRELIMINA&RY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making c f rhe following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: _ . Reconstruoting,..relaping• and, repairing the sidswallc_ -on -the west _side oY ................ Ssas111ng.Avenue.Brom.4an.$oxen.AvR*�t=e --themes..nort21.10.7.Saet.,.3ac7..uaing..two..... . ........G 21). ±'u1l .width. drivavays.................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. Dated this...15Vt ......day of ............. ]KEW. - - ........ Councilman. .a• PRELIMINARY ORnER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz-: Reconstructing,,rel yi-ng.and.repairing -the_-sidewaLl�_ on -tl?e_-west_ ............ C. F. leo. 118764— {2}.Push-width•drivenrays•.------------------------------------------- ..................................................••---------.........------.....---••-- ,max, .>�....... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul-. . . . . . . . . ...................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making c f said improvement_ 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition o.f three or more owners. � �5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance_ Adopted by the Council ..................... MAY 16 1940 ................'-- YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved_ MAYy V 6 7 FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON or. C'',PRESt, Mr. Vice 1'resident Mass) IM 12-38-� �L/F3L1�1--i ti=13 �/ _ _118765 Council File No ..........:.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c. F. No. 118766— Ab.tra 4. and Whereas a. �•L.. -.ronoeal • r the V•na_iclnm PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reconstructing, repairing and relaying the sidewalk on the west side of Tatum ----- Avenue,-from,Mtmtshaha*A-ventre'; -,themes,earth"-22-feet;hegirmim •i53 -ft_ -farther ..... aorth, thence 117.27 ft. to Chalton Ave. and on the east aide of Tattmt Ave. from a point 127 ft, north of Mlnnehaha Ave., thence north 10 ft. construct - - - --driQewag;..baginnin&.bb• ft... Ye rthev.,uowth,..thence. uomth.2 0.,ft.. • to- •Chelton Ave.,... and on the southerly side of Chelton Ave. from Tatum Ave., thence west 100 ft. and- -from' Tatum' Ave:'; - th'ehce- • A -eat' '50 -ft:............................................................... Dated this ... l5th..... day of ..................... May ............... 1e40..-. Counci man. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz-: Reconstructing, repairing and relaying the sidewalk on the west side of Tatum - Avenue PromMinnehaliaAvenue, theri8e�riortIi'22''Peet;''tSegi'2ltiiii9'253'Yt':'Yar sr""" north,..thence.117.27..ft...to-.Chel.ton..47.e,.,..4414• op,.the,east- aide.of. Tatum.Ave....._... from a point 127 ft, north of Minnehaha Ave., thence north 10 ft. construct xlrt-weway; • beginning• fib • ft •farther • north; - -thence, -north - 24O • ft -: - to- 40h-elton -Ave.., ... and om the southerly side ..of Chelton Ave. ..from Tatum Ave., thence west 100 ft, ..................................................................................................... and from Tatum Ave., thence east 50 ft, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 161M _Aclopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS MAY 16 194Q Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON - lrt/ ........................ FRCA7C"� F V Mayor. Mr. lb �Vresideut (1Ytrsx) r o i 32_38 - TRT rCT�T�1%4_ Petition G-171 118766 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT IF and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: .... Grading.end..e=:E cing,.0i..the.A11eg..la.S]O.OIC.1>.IeR#74HA. .iieas..fl4on........... and C. C.. Van Dykes a Addition do Emil' a Rearrangement oY. C. C... 4an,,Dyke! s.......... Addition,. irom,Chatsworth. Street,to, O�dord,Street............................................. ............................................................... ..................................... I...................... Dated this ... lSth...... day of ............ MAY ............... ...�)..., 19lQ.... (.....'. .... ................ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: GFadRB aid gtlriaging, oY,the.AleY,in,Block.l,..LePiman.&.Haas!„Addition,,.......... Van..DYke's Additiont.Yrom Chatsworth Street.to.Oxford Street. C. F. No. 118766— • Ab.t- Whr.' 'l to, the having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ..................... ................................ . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ Adopted by the Council ............... MAY.16, t�............. YEAS NAYS < MAY 16 1940 Councilman BARFUSSApproved............11....................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON M or. PRt'StDHV'f'r: Mr. Vice L'rc�-ident (Truax) ISI 12.38 %/�O council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 118767— and Ab.t--t. Wherene. PRELIMINARY ORDER. k1nR •rte The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ....._-,,,.condemning.and,taking-an.easement.-in.the-land- necessary Por slopes, onta..... and Yills in the gradin and sur -Pacing or the Alley in Block 1, LeYYman & _ ....... Hess? Addition, and C. C.- Qan_ .Dy Fp s Addition & I+�il• s Rearrangement oY .......... C. C. Van Dyke's Addition Prom Chatsworth St. to Ox:rord St. Dated this. 15.44....... day ja& ............... Maw......... ...r.. .... 1 )4,0.... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .......... Condemning.and.keking..an.RasE�iBAt..in. -the_ -land. necessary- Yor elopes, cute ----.,,..,,Dii��,.�p-tj1�..gFading.and.-stirYacistg_.oP the Alley in Block 1, LeYYman & ........... ...... .......... C. C. Van Dylce•s Addition & Emil'a Rearrangement of .......... C ...C... Ban. Dyke.'. B..Alidj t� OR . �TQ�I . �jyat sygorth , St . • to_ _ OaPord - S t .. . . . . . . . . . . ... „ .. . having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. � 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �U Adopted by the Council .................. MAY..1. U. 1940........... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ............. MAY 1 6.194.0 FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ............ . Mayor..... MIMI PRESMEW_T IM 12-38 Mr. trice President (Truax,) �- _ �- PL7RLI S FiT'D / Petition G.24 Council File No...118768 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEM&HT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz ........ Grading. a4d..sgrr.ao;Rg..the. A l-gY..1n . RIPPX . ...... Midway Addition, and Block 2, George S. Anderson's Midway Addition, from Fry Street- -to•Aldine--Sbreets--- Also•-eonotructxng-a- sewer-1xv-the-Aller from•a-point 170 feet,weat of Fry Street to the sewer, in F`ry Street .......... ........................................................ Dated this ... XVX..k5VbJay of..............U47............ .....i: 19349.... Councilman. 'PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 2, Stierle, McConville & Seeger's >Sdidw�-'Addi'tion, and --$lock -2-; George T� cTarson*-e-)Sbidway-Ad3ition'; 3`rom 1'iy'"""""" Street..to..Aldine. $traet.....Alao..canstruntt�D . a . aewer . in -.the. A.11 ........... 170 feet west of Fry Street to the sewer in FSty Street. ........................ :............................................................. C. F. No. 118768— Ab t. ........................................................................ .............. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .............:.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. �5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. '� Adopted by the Council ............... • , MAY . 1 • 6 -• 1`+ •G ...... YEAS NAYS MAY 16 1940 Councilman BARFUSS - Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN ............ .>�. ... ... �yor. ......... � 7M 12.38 JITBLISHLD ---vl 18769 Council File No ............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 4A and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning. and, .tpl4n q g. j��.p"P]Aq3A. ........ and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Stierle, ...... McConville - &- Seeger-I.S. *idway- Addition -i - and - Bloek - 2j. -Geerge .,T. - -AndereenlZ ....... Midway Addition, from Fry Street to Aldine Street. .. • ............... ............................................................................. .............................................................................. Dared chis..... ..... day of .......... .... *E�y ..... 19340 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: and talon easement land ........ ........... g44qmnig ....... .............. ........... and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Stierle's mecenv13.1e. -&.Seege-ri a -Midway -Add1tAen,snd- -Block. 2, George. T. - �dersOW- 6 ........ ......... Midway Addition, from I Fry .. Street . . .. to 0 . Aldine .. Street. . . . . C. F. No. 118769— Abmftnct. ................................................. o ..................................... Wh—, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................... ... ................. ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. 1 To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foreing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 4-91- MgoAY 16 190 • Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON --tosm— jT$ DEN 1%4 12-38 MAY 161940 '1;1;L1SHLD4 Petition 1 8 A 7q9 9 Council File No ................ 9 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and • PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ............ Dunedin. Terrace. Prom ,Ada .Street_ to 245. Peet ................ ............. of. Ada„Street. ................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................... Dated this...... 15th... day of ..................!.... .. .. 1950.... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............constrict . a. &ewer.. on..Dunedim..Tarrac.e. from .Ada .S.treat .-to..245..%eet .................. ............ wasterly.of. .Ada. .9troet........................................... C. F. NO. 118770— . Ab.tr ........................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ Adopted by the Council .................... MAY. 10. 1 ......... YEAS NAYS V I e Councilman BARFUSS Approved........... �.A y �% 13A 40 FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON -- -._..Rosm- ...........�........... y....... ;RNt�dE�'� a ,.li�,P,RE5IDENT � �� IM 12.39 Mr. VkE i'IL..1dE21L (7Ycau) ;�„_) i�Yaa.iSriLli Petition Council File No...8771 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: .......... Av.exxue.. Yrox. ATeAl" .................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................. ............................... ........................................... .................................................................................. Dated this.... 15th..... day of ... .......... May . .......... .... I ........... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .......... marbing.8haLmo.d. A4eane..:r7ro3U. TFJn-udrxpx. AYP4?49 ................... C. Y. NO. 118771— Ab - V the............................................... ...................................... .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5* To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..................MAY -1-6-1-940 ........... .. . .... YEAS NAYS MAY 16 1940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARPANTO PETERSON --Reset+— ........... MrVtPrideuti.ernax) IM 12,38 *VftASHED--- d Original to City Clerk1187 7 2 CITY OF ST. PAUL CO1�"t` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM } PRESENTED BY j��J DA,.� May lrfj 1940 COMMISSIONER — WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 78429 which provides for depart- mental charts, firing the number of employes that may be employed in each department, provides in Section 17 that in the event the chart of a Oarticular department does not provide sufficient employs to do temporary or emergency work, the head of the department may secure from the City Council, by resolution, authority to employ a designated number of additional employes for the duration of the emergency; and WHEREAS, the chart of the Department of Public Safety provides for only one painter, and it is necessary to employ six painters for not to exceed six weeks to paint curbing In the regulation of the parking of vehicles in the City of Saint Paul; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Safety be and he is hereby authorized to employ, in accordance with the Civil Service ordinance, not to exceed six painters for a period not exceeding six weeks for this emergency. COUNCILMEN Yeas Barfuss Nays Raise Peterson 3M 11-35 R-_ ..In favor dlan .Lal+ltew-..----.--- _Against i�eveel+ Mr. President (@k+wer)- Fallon No. 118778—By O. H. Barfuss— reas, Ordinance No. 7842, which as for departmental charts, ax- ppe u umber of employes that may in ro- Seotl on ell hthat in that eve nt tart of pe that department of provide .fileparticular ""t employee to tporary o emergency work, the -� y employ ussignated bet num- of additional employes for the dura- tion f the mergency; act Where., The hart of the Depart -1 ment of Public Safety provides for only, e painter and it len ..ry to e ' one six painters for not to exceed atx eek. to paint urbing In the regula- tion of the parking o[ v hlclee In the City of Se Paul; therefore be it Resolved. That the heCommissioner of i tPublichoriz 'Safety be and 6e le hereby au - the Civil to employ, In accordance with I the Clvll 9ervlce ordinance, not to ex- ceed six Dalnters for a pperiod not ex- ceeding Six week. for this emergency. Adopted by the CouncilMay 17, 1940. Approved May IT, 1940. (May 25, 1940) MAY 17 1940 Adopted by the Council ................193...... Approved - MAY11 /1.9YY � e2ftayor Barf uss Findlan 1 18773 odfl..l t. otr CI^Y , - CITY OF ST.- PAUL cou" ��� %.,p----- --Arne%-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK c•w• No. nsvr3=ay G.et.H. serf"ee—, [veQa ThntM_F' ',. Trus{,� COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM pwq for R, at - PRESENTED BY DATE lay 17 1940 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk be instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City Treasury of the required fees: R. A. Myers Co. 1535 Marshall Ave. Fumigator App. 41313 Renewal C. E. Poirrier 1537 Como Ave. Confectionery " 41538 " Lloyd 8- Leslie Momberg 2310 Como Ave. W. Grocery " 41649 " Frank A. Hefner 893 Rice St. Butcher ^ 41653 " Mrs. M. Cambray 2256 W. Como Ave. Butcher " 41658 " Frank Zaspel 1921 Butler Ave. Ice Delivery " 41671 " So. St. Paul John Hahn 425 S. Robert St. Barber " 41718 " Theodore Pepin 502 N. Snelling Ave. Barber " 41754 " M. Trantanella 580 Robert St. Grocery " 41762 " R. J. Roy 1278 Selby Ave. Grocery ^ 41764 " R. J. Roy " " Off Sale Malt " 41766 ^ M. N. German 126 State St. Grocery " 41776 " n n It ^ " Off Sale Malt " 41777 " Elmer Johnson 352 E. Seventh St. Confectionery " 41787 ^ Frank J. Young & Co. 46 S. Baldwin Ave. Oil Burner Install. 41789 " H. B. Brindley 1054 Payne Ave. Gas Station " 41795 " Beecher -Cummings, Inc. 48 E. Sixth St. Oil Burner ^ 41815 " Gladys G. Dusek 251 W. Sixth St. Restaurant " 41819 " " n n ^ it On Sale Malt " 41820 n n ^ ^ Off Sale Malt " 41821 " MAY 17 1940193_ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays Barf uss Findlan +Peaect _ [n Favor Peterson --Arne%-- Against Mr. President teehaa)- (Fallon) 1800 2-38 C8 Approved MAY 171940 193— _' • // ayor PUBLISHED 118774 CITY -OF ST. P^Vlr- Fee NO ....................................... OFFICE OF THE GI -r GLERK OUN IL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL PRESENTED BY �1. 88 _-__DATE____..-_._-__...a.T.♦...1,QQ._..._.._........_........ .......................... .. ...______.._..._—,_._-___ ._-____ RESOLVED That Chief of Fire William J. Sudeitil be sad z s izereby directed to make a survey of the various oitias - is is Saxe, Franoisco, Oakland, Californias Salt Lake City. D49av403c->. sad Qtmaiss,, for the purpose of obtaining informatiOn Which mEay be oP value to the Department of Public Safety, April 27 to 136B.y :3L -a-- inclusive, and be it further Resolved That the proper city officials be and tl3ay sx-a laera%y authorised and directed to re-imburse the said Wi11iam 'j S�deith Por traveling expenses incurred by him to malas such l3. sursey from Fire Fund 8 A 2, upon presentation of itemized etatemeat oP tx av4slixig costa. C_ F_ No. 118774—By O. H. Barfues— Re-31-1, That Chief of Fire William J_ r_dtelth ba and Is hereby directed to malca a survey of the various cities, as Sol2ows- San Francisco, Oakland, Ca11- COUNCILMEN Yeas aYs Barfuss Findlan In favor Peterson -,J _ Against Mr. President (9eha1) (Fallon) I M 606 L tiO J. ]Part—nt of Public Surety, April 14, inclusive. and be It Y u rtla l.z- - Raso3�ed. That the proper city of l- cXaXa 1— and they are hereby authorized ad 4X'_tad to re-imburse the said SGT uliam-J_ Sudeith for traveling expen- iz,curred by him to make such a eye from Ftre Fund 8 A 2, upon a ra se ntatlon of itemize. elate ment oe Lra veiling cate. Adopted bY the Council May 17, 1940. Approved May 17. 1040. (May 26. 1940) MAY 171940 Adopted by the C. uncil__ _ 193...... MAY 17 1940 Approved. 193...... " q ayor L�"luN. MTe TRILDRA.CARLgANDA D TIADIOGRAM uNlnRECEIVEDATRT RTMsot w TADDRClR CP THC-go"' D6IGNATWO RDICf.mL lm W TH< COMPANY'S TAR T RAC11 OPFlC[ ANONPILLWRN W ADTXDRTIDL TELEPHgi[ YOUR TELE6RAM9 O��,PL.TV TO POSTAL TELE6 RAPX /G �% ^/ ➢b®1RA / V / / RXC A133 25/27 2 EXTRA B LOSANGELES CALIF 24 1242P 1940 APR 24 PIA 2 56 CHIEF SUDITH FIRE DEPT CAN YOU COME LOSANGELES AND SERVE ON ORAL BOARD FOR FIRE CHIEF EXAMINATION MAY THIRD AND FOURTH WITH ALL EXPENSES PAID. REPLY COLLECT VIA POSTALTELEGRAPH BURTON L HUNTER GENERAL MANAGER LOSANGELES CITY CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (55)•R 1 x.8'777.5 lo"N L CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO. ........................:......_...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM May 17, 1940 PRESENTED BY .DATE .......................... ............ COMMISSIONER_....._...._.........__......_.--___.......___..___._�_...._..._...__.._. RESOLVED That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to i4sue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Edward M. Morgans 1674 W. Seventh St. Grocery App. 41485 New " n " 11 Butcher n 41486 " " " n 11 Off Sale " 41487 " Milton D. FagelY 500 Robert St. Ben Goldstein 1216 Selby Ave. Burd Cigar Co. 339 Wabasha St. M. A. Swanson 1455 Frankson Ave - Ben Goldstein 1216 Selby Ave. Joe Zucker 155 Minnetonka St. Roy C. Hagen 553 Laurel Ave. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor 90 won Peterson ^ Against Trdu: -?FmwY^ar, efs»t c Mr. President (CT@SW (Fallon) t14 sad Restaurant n 41609 " Grocery " 41782 " Confectionery 41797 " Grocery 11 41798 " Off Sale 11 41866 " Junk Gatherer" 41593 " Foot Peddler " 41933 " 0. L. 0. L. 0. L. 0. L. 0. L. 0. L. 0. L. 0. L. C. F. Ao•Parrantto— . M. TruBaxtusa— Aeeplved, That licenses ppl7ed far by the persona named on the Ilatat_ tached to thls r solution be ad the ams re hereby g anted and the Clty Cleric Is instructed to Issue such llcen- trea .4n of the Cequtred rnent tees the elty Approved blaY 7� 19cil 40. May 17, 1940. (May 26, 1940) i MAY 171940 Adopted by the Council_ _ 193..... MAY 171940 Approved.. 193....... Y A mayar 0061-1 to City D"" CITY OF ST. PAUL r��. NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 40 COMMISSIONER — DATE May 1%, 1" RESOLVED That permission be and it is hereby granted to the Wilder Booster Club to conduct a festival at Case and Edgerton Sts. for the period from o May 20th, to May 26, 1940, inclusive, said Wilder Booster Club to pay ani any license fees that may be required. Informally approved by Council May 3, 19140 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan / ,Rse wa Agnq me Peterson _j -_In Favor Truax _2Against Mr. President (C[) (Fallon) 1500 2�6 Ca C. F. No. 118770—By G. H. Bartuee— Is hereby granted torthessWllder Boost• Reol er Club to conduct a feetivand al at Case May 2Otthrtto St..for f28, •1940 a Incluetve, Id Wilder Booster Club to DaY any It Ada. fees that ay be e0'Ired. Adopted by the Council May 17, 1940. ADdroved May 17, 1940. (May 26, 1940) Adopted by the Council MAY 17 1940 193 MAY 17 1A Appprrovveed� 193— May-or 93.—Ma r Od�in�l b Cih •CI•rY I 118777 CITY OF ST. PAUL :����� NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Ak COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY May 17, 1940 -DATE COMMISSIONER , RESOLVED That license for Merry Go Round, application 41932, applied for by the Wilder Booster Club, at Case and Edgerton Sts, for the period from May - 29th. to May 26, 1940, inclusive, be and the same is hereby granted, provided all ordinances applicable thereto have been complied with and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. Informally approved by Council May 3. 194o COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan -Parr'awty- -EC gn—Fam 8 .__,( In Favor Peterson Truax /Against Mr. Prfsident ((?aa =) (Fallon) 1500 238 Ca C. P. No., 118777—By G. H. Barfuae-- Round Resolved Th., catlonlo 91932foappLefl too by the W(Ider Booster klub, at Case d EdTrton Ste., for the period from May 20th to May 28, 1940, Inclusive, be and the same le hereby granted, pro- haved been° coltnylled ap hlc ndletLeeret[Y clerk le Instructed to Iseuea uch llcense upon the payment lot. the city treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council May 17, 1940. APP roved May 11, 1940. (May 25, 1940) Adopted by the Council MAY 171940193_ Approved MAY 17 1940 193— / Ma or 118778 eouHc,� NO_......_ ............................... CITY OF ST. PAUL ^�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—•GENERAL FORM Mery 17. 1940 I _- ........... .1 ............. - __ ................. RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, application 41771, On Sete Malt Beverage, application 41772, and Off Sete Malt Beverage, application 41773. applied for by Charles Zang at 140 So. Webasha St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees; New Informally a roved by Council May N, 1940 Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor -.Revere—o§M Peterson Against Trate �PveewMa- � Mr. President (Wa* (Fallon) t e,t eaa C. F. No. 118778—By G. H. Bartuee— rnnt s aDDlicationt 41171 On Sale Malt Beverage, aDDllcatlon 41778, and Oft 9VnVle Nish Beverage, ➢Dllcailon 41778, Plied ehaos[.bvb Ch Flea Zang at 140 So. e and the same are here- by grantedan d the lty clerk le In- ttrusted to Issue such licensee upon he payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Addpted byy the Cou ncll May 17, 1990. Approved (to 17 1940. (May 21;, 1940) MAY 1? 1940 Adopted by the Council._ _ ..193...... NO Approved_ MAY 17 1 _.193_... 1 � Mayor )18779 CITY OF ST. PAUL coueci� NO. ........................................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COU IL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM tsV.J/i74AIna May 17, 3.940 RESOLVED That Restaurant license $1455, On Sale Malt Beverag; License #6170 and Off Sale Malt Beverage licebse 0993, all expiring Jan. 24, 1941, issued to Nettie Cardelli at 330 Jacksoh St. be and the same are hereby transferred to Nettie Cardelli at 301 E. Seventh St.and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the transfer of said Restaurant license $1455, On Sale Malt Beverage license $6170 and Off Sale Malt Beverage license #9993, from Nettie Cardelli at 301 E. Seventh St. to Nettie Cardelli at 327-329 Jacksoh St. is hereby approved, effective about June 15, 1940. Transfer informally approved by Council, May 14, 1940. COUNCILMEN Yeas N j�ffidn In favor etereon Against Trauz Mr. President (Iah3m) (Fallon) 1 m 6.36 s Adopted by the Council... MAY 17 1940193....... Approved. MAY 17 1940 193-- I 93. Original to City Clerk 8 m 1 i_�(�� CITY OF ST. PAUL mtCa. � ..&& 11 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Peterson/] COMMISSIONER -=-(, LJC 11DATE May1%• 1940 RESOLVED= that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ised to enter into an a greement with George Gray, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $20.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Education on the 13th day of April 1949; be it FURTHM RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay to said George Gray the sum of $80.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General bland, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including May 11, 1940. 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Peterson -"^A'^ In favor Truax , Against [�exee Mr. President (Gehanj 3M 11-35 ' C. F. No. 118780—By Axel rate of 7;20.00 per week du uch time as he hall be totally dl ab a ancon f Inlurles received b Im while In the e ploys f the Depnr ant [ Educa- i tion on the 18th day of April 1940; be i Further Reeoived, That In t accordnnc Mooren-toid herebynauthsriato- gay to said George Gray the num of 180.00 t of the Workmen's Compo. en9atlon tai au [tlementeof his clnlm aga natpt r City, ebeing for the period to Ind In- I eluding hiay 11, 1940. Adopted by the Council May 17, 1940. j 1 Approved May 17, 1940. y (May 25, 1940) MAY 171940 Adopted by the Council._----------------------- ... -....... 193...... MAY 171940 Approved............................. ........ ...193..--- -� .......-------44-----....------ M11yor a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss / Findlann tem, Fervor 1711aruax x aglinst Mr. President ((ne.Ki 150 z3s Ce n! C. Y. No. 118781- Fred M. T Whereas, W. LaMont 113781-Fred.!. Blot Lot 7 ann'de allddo=l [ The E% 48, Hayden Heights Addition; Lo r the reason that the same wbre ads toerror, now therefore be It Resolved, That the Council recom- ends that the Minnesota Tax Com- issloner grant the relief re Quested. dopted by the Council May 17, 1940. A MAY 17 1940 19i_ Adopted by the Council Approved MAY 17 194019,— � Mayor 3 A 18781 s— Cnw Cl.h G a —� Y O F' ST- PAUL NO.-- OFFtG1E OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL F2>E OLtJT10iV --- GENERAL FORM Y8Y 16, 1940. PRESETED BY �(iV —�� E — _—DAT COMMISSIONER--�---N� WHEREAS, W. LaMa gnus Superintendent of Parks, has made application -mow_-- v t ha Y'Lxw esota Tax Commissioner for abatement of the trayrt—S�o assessments for the year 1939 upon the folio—; _= g propartiea: Lot 8, Sellyl a+�—s>aarrangameut; Lots 15 and 3Et5.w -�s -taa• a Acda3.ti0n; Lots 3 and 4,. R 7, DeamI s Second Addition; Lot 6 Block 2.w ��+rn* s Addition; The j4 of Lot 4-3 — Amncl a11" of Lot 48, Hayden Hmuammm. 3g23ts Addition; for the reason that8 s ams ware made in error, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that +a Cosaxcil recommends that the Minnesota Tax Commissioner tha relies requested. a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss / Findlann tem, Fervor 1711aruax x aglinst Mr. President ((ne.Ki 150 z3s Ce n! C. Y. No. 118781- Fred M. T Whereas, W. LaMont 113781-Fred.!. Blot Lot 7 ann'de allddo=l [ The E% 48, Hayden Heights Addition; Lo r the reason that the same wbre ads toerror, now therefore be It Resolved, That the Council recom- ends that the Minnesota Tax Com- issloner grant the relief re Quested. dopted by the Council May 17, 1940. A MAY 17 1940 19i_ Adopted by the Council Approved MAY 17 194019,— � Mayor NOTICE c1r of SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. TO COQ 2-4CIL RESOLUTION 4�'- PRINTER May i6„94o RESOL1131 ,,6"T CHECKS BE DRA ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ , COVERING CHEF— KS NUMBERED 4110k TO 71401 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFFI—on iTY COMPTROLLER. ;� _ + on 117� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL I93 _ cin cowvrwo��ea APPROVED MAY 1 193 B soo - � 3a - PU13L1Sii�D I M I -E I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER-. _ - ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN _ - _ _IN FAVOR PETERSON /I AUDITED CLAIMS .. _ ay, 15, ISy ROSEN TRUA% _ _ AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE I CITY TREASURY WENZEL 1///����jQ, EAS TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f�. COVERING MR PRES FALLON MAY 17 1_ `_ CHECKS NUMBERED__ - -� G - Tl INCLUSI . AS If1 - PER CHECKS ON OF OF H ITY COMPT LLER ADOPTED BY THE Ro�� APPROVED __ _ ._ _ - -..-__ 193 _- NUMBER ]00 ) JB CS / MAV ---. 9 TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF RETURNED CHECK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK Ii I NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS I,I I N W SI i BROUGHT FORWARD r56� Z55 03 _ O 11 1292 Reviev Publishing ON 539 93 60 5 71293 Treeber %681 Ino, 6 0 12 4 petexe Image & Meats, Ino, 5 1 9 878 85 7129 H. K. Stahl Company i3 921 02 7129 J. 9. Findlan, Comm. of Fin. 645 70. �i2�9 a NN N 27644 15 1 71 N N N N 1 992 12 71M?98 N N N 89135 71301 N N N N 30 765 19 N N N N 561 33 i. 71:302 N " N N 10 864 21 7130; 713043 266 75 " r N N 7 264 777130 1 123 3371305 185 07 I71307 2 882 70 71306i7i3o9 4 93 g 71310 I B 71311 Capital City Lime & Cement Co. 121 65 71312 Consumers Milk Co. 100 91 71313 Farwell Ozmun Kirk aria co. 192 71 8916 �Q k �d lot 16 x�t�r.Cit raper oa, 59 3 71317 Junior Literary Guild 15 9 71318 Ray J. Kartak 7 l 71319 1. A. Lang, Inc. 64 37 71320 John Leslie Paper Co. 71321 Lewis Bolt & Nut Co. 31 50 1i 71322 Meier Sales & Equipment Co. 186 20 ,i 71323 Northern Coal & Dock Co. 2 701 00 71324 Rockford Screw PrOAuCteCO. 46 79 71325 Sanitary Food Mfg. Co. 33 38 71326 Schubert Club 547 52 71327 K. J. Stilwell Paper Co. 20 00 71328 1. S. Swenson 713�9 J. S. Findlan, Comm. of Fin. 1 062 15 71330 Tri-State Tel. & Tepg. Co. 124 il' 71332 N N N 182 05 7133 N N N N N 75 94 7133 N N n N N 383 4 7133 Crane Co. of Minn. 36 Z0 71335 Cudahy Packing Co. 105 30 71336 Kelley -How -Thomson Co. 26 06 71337 Lineer Bro-m Mfgrs. oo. 10 35 71338 Melady Paper Co. 28 C16 71339 Minn. Dept. of SoalAs, -hts. b 00 71340 E. L. Murphy Trucking Co. 49 50 71341 Price Elect"icco. 9$ 60 713423t. Paul Builders Mt. Co. 105 07 71343 Soheff�r-RosGum Co. 18 62 71-jU4 Amerhest Wilier Ch»-ity 50 00 71; 48 645 American Development Co. a.-71346 " Brown and white (;ab Co. 249 10 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 683 908 74 I 1i1 i I I ,I i DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER-. _ - ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN _ - _ _IN FAVOR PETERSON /I AUDITED CLAIMS .. _ ay, 15, ISy ROSEN TRUA% _ _ AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE I CITY TREASURY WENZEL 1///����jQ, EAS TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f�. COVERING MR PRES FALLON MAY 17 1_ `_ CHECKS NUMBERED__ - -� G - Tl INCLUSI . AS If1 - PER CHECKS ON OF OF H ITY COMPT LLER ADOPTED BY THE Ro�� APPROVED __ _ ._ _ - -..-__ 193 _- NUMBER ]00 ) JB CS / MAV ---. 9 TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF RETURNED CHECK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK Ii I NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS I,I I N W SI i BROUGHT FORWARD r56� Z55 03 _ O 11 1292 Reviev Publishing ON 539 93 60 5 71293 Treeber %681 Ino, 6 0 12 4 petexe Image & Meats, Ino, 5 1 9 878 85 7129 H. K. Stahl Company i3 921 02 7129 J. 9. Findlan, Comm. of Fin. 645 70. �i2�9 a NN N 27644 15 1 71 N N N N 1 992 12 71M?98 N N N 89135 71301 N N N N 30 765 19 N N N N 561 33 i. 71:302 N " N N 10 864 21 7130; 713043 266 75 " r N N 7 264 777130 1 123 3371305 185 07 I71307 2 882 70 71306i7i3o9 4 93 g 71310 I B 71311 Capital City Lime & Cement Co. 121 65 71312 Consumers Milk Co. 100 91 71313 Farwell Ozmun Kirk aria co. 192 71 8916 �Q k �d lot 16 x�t�r.Cit raper oa, 59 3 71317 Junior Literary Guild 15 9 71318 Ray J. Kartak 7 l 71319 1. A. Lang, Inc. 64 37 71320 John Leslie Paper Co. 71321 Lewis Bolt & Nut Co. 31 50 1i 71322 Meier Sales & Equipment Co. 186 20 ,i 71323 Northern Coal & Dock Co. 2 701 00 71324 Rockford Screw PrOAuCteCO. 46 79 71325 Sanitary Food Mfg. Co. 33 38 71326 Schubert Club 547 52 71327 K. J. Stilwell Paper Co. 20 00 71328 1. S. Swenson 713�9 J. S. Findlan, Comm. of Fin. 1 062 15 71330 Tri-State Tel. & Tepg. Co. 124 il' 71332 N N N 182 05 7133 N N N N N 75 94 7133 N N n N N 383 4 7133 Crane Co. of Minn. 36 Z0 71335 Cudahy Packing Co. 105 30 71336 Kelley -How -Thomson Co. 26 06 71337 Lineer Bro-m Mfgrs. oo. 10 35 71338 Melady Paper Co. 28 C16 71339 Minn. Dept. of SoalAs, -hts. b 00 71340 E. L. Murphy Trucking Co. 49 50 71341 Price Elect"icco. 9$ 60 713423t. Paul Builders Mt. Co. 105 07 71343 Soheff�r-RosGum Co. 18 62 71-jU4 Amerhest Wilier Ch»-ity 50 00 71; 48 645 American Development Co. a.-71346 " Brown and white (;ab Co. 249 10 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 683 908 74 . f('o 4 a DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL I' I /, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CIL FILE NUMBER ------- ROLL CALL FILE BARFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON N FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS _ _ May lb,193 4n ROSEN TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVE, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN O'1',� NTHE ,�CITY TREASURY WENZEI RELATE AMOUNT OF E-} }— COVERING TO INE AGG ' MR PRES FALCON ' TO _ J` ...INC SIVE, AS 01 CHECKS NUMBERED N PER CHECKSONF CE Of C MUIR ADOPTED BV TN N i------�-•-• ' I� .f�,. �� COMPiNOIIh APPROVED... ._.I_..._..._.....193..._ NUMBIR I YR 400 7 38 CS MA 0 IN FAVOR OF CHECK NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS TOTAL j DISBURSEMENT CHECKS p BROUGHT FORWARD 1 [e-7 anu • 7i347 Commonwealth F.leotric Co. Ti348 John Bi Probst 71349 Peoples Eleotric 00, 71350 Aome Linen Service CO. 71351 Air Reduction Sales Co., Inc. 71352 American Jewish world 7135 Harold Bealka 7135 Beabh Nut Packing Co. 71355 Bireley's, Inc. 71356 Campbell Coal & Oil Co. 71357 Central Soap Company 71358 Chain Belt Company 71359 Citizens Ice Co. 71360 Clark Controller Co. 71361 Coca Cola Bottling Co. 71362 Colts Patent Fire Arms Mfg. 71363 Co -Operative Plating Co. 71364 The Covered 'flagon 71365 Detroit Stoker Company 71366 Ilk Linen Supply Co. 71367 Klvgren Paint Supply Co. 71368 Farwell ozmun Kirit and Co. 71369 Fisher Nut Co - 71370 Leonard Frank Co. 71371 The Frederic Rotel 71372 Gangl and Co. 71373 R. L. Gould and Co. 7137 Theo. Hamm Brewing Co. 71375 Johnson Printing Co. 7137 1. A. Larson,Lambert Simpson 71377 Lowe & Campbell Athletic do. 71378 C. B. Lyon and Bros. 713t9 MoFadden-Lambert Oo, 71380 MOClain and Hedman 71341 MoGill-Warner Co. 7i382 uorton Salt Company 7138] New Calif. Fruit & Veg. Garden 713844 Northern Jobbing Company 71385 0. 4. Pearson, Inc. 71386 Postal Telegraph CableCo. 71387 St. Paul Glass Co. ® 71388 St. Paul Hatchery 71389 St. Paul Shoppers Guide 71390 M. Schofield Fuel Co. 71391 Scientific Products Co. 71392 Thoele Printing Co. 71393 Thornton Bros. Co. 71394 H. Torland, Hobart Mfg. Co. 71395 Vander Bies, Inc. 71396 Victory Printing Co. 71397 Villaume Box Lumber Co. 71398 Wagner Paint and Varnish Co. 71399 'vestinghouse Air Brake Co. 71400 Woodex Polish Company 71401 Yoerg Brewing Co. SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD DATE RETURNED BY BANK 1i 2 200 33�I 38 4 (, 159 1�}i 35 54;. 118 801. 14 ool 6 001! 26 oo 80 3 912 40 79 77, 8 82!' 93 48. 3 52+ 260 00' 8 556 12 0 6 00; 97 so!. 72 79 24 12' 6o 4111 33 00ij 41 601 31 50, 26 251, 133 1011 241 5011 143 70'1 9 45; 28 30; 36 0011 791 04 126 31' 25 20 10 00 12 96!! 22 �2 101 5 7 09 20 61,1 28 301' 21 84 11 50! 29 5440 , 25 001 43 65l 165 Coll 242 00!1 258 841 112 74. 844, 16 00� 71 25'1 r&93 923 64 - orfni:..► to Cita Clerk cotmctt- NO--------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL •� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . �./tOU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE sENTED ' COMMISSIONER V,Xn 1A8, the Sinking Fluid Committee has received the following offerst MAIM OF FIRM KIND OF BOND RATE MATURITY AMOUNT BASIS Salman & Company St.Paul School Bond July 1, 1951 1,000 2.50 Duran. Moody & Rice it Bond 4j% July 1. 1954 10,000 2.25 and recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Committee in the purchase of these bonds for the Participating Certificate Fund, and WHERI, S. the Council is of the opinion that the above offele ahonld be accepted, therefore be it, 't., RB^SOLYED, that the Mayor, the Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to const,***, ate the transactions. C. F. No. 118784—By John S. FlndInn— Whereas, The Sinking Fund Commit- has received the following offers: Name f Firm Kalman & Comyany; Kind of Bond, Firm, Paul School Bond; Rate, O%'bfatur[ty, July 1, 1951; Amount,Bas18. 2.50. o Name of Firm, Juran, Mopdy & Rice; Kind of Bond, St. Paul Bond: Rate, 4Y,%; Maturity, July 1, 1954; Amount, 10,000; Basis, 2.25 and r commends that the Council con- t In the action of the Committee In the purchase of these bonds Lor the Participating Certificate Fund, and Whereas, The Council fs f the opin- ton that the above offer. should be ac- cepted, therefore be it,Ma j Resolved, yor, the Com- I missions* of Finance and the Comp- ', troller be d they are hereby author- ' iced and directed to consummate the 1 trammed Ono. Adopted by the Co Il May 17, 1940. ' Approved May 17, 140. (May 25, 1940) MAY 17 1940 Adopted by the Council - .. - -1i) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays MY 11W Barfuss Approved _ �--------19-------- Findlan Parranto r�- - --- - Peterson .In Favor - Mayo _4;eeeW— U Truax _Against Mr. President (Fallon) 1M 10-39 .01EA39.® C'lsl"°I to Cttr Clwk r— 1 TY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IS)LUON ENERAL FORM UN —DATE_ – RESOLVED VBN=Sv the Cemiasicmaer or Pablia Utilities has reported in a°oordanoe with hich rendered B00060`m=y Seetion 53 of the City Chax-* "L P the esistenoe r an rtmenttaforey more than eight hours per the employment of pertain �xLoyea of he pater Department deer mid eenlo�aemt being s:aDse than usual hours of employment, he follows be it gg�yygp, That the proper pity o �aelrs are hereby employmenrized toPayfor the extraaime h�ereiaeSter employes at the rate otherewia® Sized for extra employment a..t rertht Overtime HAIL Yidgo T. Anderton Peter Yeysre Chas. DdVianeY Brawl[ B. Truso Peter Babio Joseph Y. Tungwirth Certified eorreot Zsonard H. Thompson General Superintendent COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 9FXT B Laicm p8troiman.-R.D. Dinah digger us-� o�ReDais�an Ditch digger Baur-mbsd lab. -- Barfuss Findlan Parrahto In Favor Peterson V Mr. P—Against '^ Mr. President Tvcna"� 1500 2-36 CS Regal -- 16 —16 bra. 6 .63-314 6 ' 2 . 65-314 2 .60 65-314 1 M C F. No. 118795 13Y W. A- Pnrranta-- `V✓hereas, the Commis eloper f Pub_ llc U[llltlee has rep 53 ted the City Charter the exlste Cce of no he .-P1oY– whlch renders ne essarY ent of certain employes f the Water Department for more than eight hours per day. 1d emDloemployYebeing there- than lahoure ofmen ifore, be it That the proper city Hicers areehereby authorized to pay the f01– lowtng na ed pl., the rate otherwise r for extra ploymertt. for the extra time hereinafterL$Ke forth: Vtdgo T. Anderson, Title, Name. _ Overtime: Sunday. 16 thrsm Rate- 61y . Name, Peter Mtyers, Titl6e.h gtchR$Le– ger, Overtlme: unday, '"s. DeVirn% Tltle, Emerg- Name, Overtime: Sund.Y. 6 hrs_: Repalr66 a,4. Emerg. Rate, Fran lr B. True-; Title. Name. Overtime: Sunday. Repalr.�; t Rate, Name. 66 PetPablo: Sundny.Title. 2 Dletch�dLQ a– ger; Over ime. .60.Name, Joseph Si. Jungwirth; Title• Water -shed 81.; Overtime: Sunda Y. 16 hrs.; —is -b 1940' Adopted db `Say 17�u1940, May 17, Approved (May 86, 1940) cr 17 1940 < 9 Adopted by the Councl MAY 17 1940 Approved- _ -- -- -- -----19 3 — Nay 17, 1940 T - An OMOMSAW bm* arisen in the Water Department ren409126 BraT the he asplojaint of certain employes of that departmentI for 20" then eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Z Vaamais and Sucker _Lakes-* Hi tem en work at. Sto This emergency arose by reason Of the following factsanA airammetespes: *TO preventrs.VW.,M. -but s. BoM 01 WATM OMOILSMOMS OertALedICorrG0t*- Leo ,asneral j*p,�,iutendeut I N COUNCIL FILE NO. BY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 118786 In the matter of condemning : nd C. F. No. 118786—By Milton Rosen— to l IIna or In the atter of ndemning and stir - taking for the widening of E, e In and for a Duhlle rlgh .. �+• Ilowln, de—Wh. under Preliminary Order 118074 approved March 12th, 1940 118470 April 23rd, 1940- Intermediary Order approved— A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking land for the widening of Eustis 8t. and for a public right of way. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: -strip oY land 1. c'dtT ex to nd inx from Contn ^. rry L.: RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plansand specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the makingofsaid improvement in ac rdance therewith. Adopted by the Council MAY R11940 /�9h MAY 211940 Approved ---- —_— --, 19 Coq�Anien (uas than / arranto ( J on -Aosen oxen Ve s �P idem -:4 s give Pr:Quant (Truax) Mayor. �LISHED � v CITY OF ST.`PAUL L DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of • CoaderinE and taking far the eidenlaK st 1Ssfatie street and for a Vablieiot or Zoe Wawa the foilssis8 deseribed lend, all 2r104 xitbia the 9* of the > j of Teva -I, Range 23, a strip of land 13 feet In width estendlag lion OOao ATeeros beat to the WWth City Liwits wed lying between the west line of Stria stet «And that strip of in d somerod to the U01""It7 of "am"" b dead recorded and tiled 1a the oftiee of the Register of ;mss in nud for Ransel c0n0ws "an't's is Hook 609 Of Deeds• page 549. avid 00"pareienlKsTtr identitied by blas print attoched to X014 deed of GOAT4ra"o attd made a part thereete also a strip of lead 10 feet in width extendlue from the north line of OWAO AV*"* Rest to the north City Limits. the -at-17 howidmry of "Id strip beinG a liar "ecribea as to"* t Beginning at a point on the north fifes of the 8113' of M;* of section 20w Roan 29e Bela � of R 23, 63 feet west of the nOrtheaet eornsr of et section 20, thence segaerly and porellel to the east line cf send ofWtOr Section 200 a distance of 141.6 test then" southmrsistorly an a tanKOUt surra of 90 Moot redlnss Menne of 28.6 !slat, 160900 SOU"M es' erly :a a taageat afro Of 50 foot radius a distmnce of 26.0 fest. thence soutbmaterly on a %A14900 to line of Iasi described o+url►e a dl�ltawe of 13-41 test to a point era the northerly line Como f of Cam* TOMW V1ast aadaea lis oht'the Intersection v&1oh. 1a 63 feeweeterly of osad Vft"llleel tc the e*st lice of said 811} of i* of section 20. Alec a trleagalar piece of leDd creat of end adpining the obwe described 20 foot strip and easterly of a ilne drewn from a Point on the north line of the said set of nV. of section 20e 95 fact newt of the northwest ooraer or "I'ddt�nto e point n the west bound r'fotehae aboveve3aescribed 10 foot strip 20 of the northern boundary .,.,.. _.,, ........�..... .... _... ,. .........._,�..../ .., e„vv .7r1'P/ Lar-ent to .. said curve, 1.40 ft, to a point in the N'ly line o: Como Ave. lr., thence SE'ly along- said ?F'lp line to a point 33 ft. due Y1. of the W. line of laic $650 i Y Section; thence N. to the place of beginning. (Exc. Eustis St.,, the E. 33 ft. lying Ti. of Como Ave. cf the S1`1I of the ,%'Wi of Section 20, Tovmshin 29 1,orth, Rance 23 Ylest Commencin, at a oo-nt on. the T,rrth line of the SWI of the PIYY'4 of Section 20, Town. 29 1.., RaiirW e 23 est, 63 ft. W. from th,. NE corner thereo^; thence S. parallel with the E. line thereof 191.60 ft.; thence S'ly-ndIN'ly on a curve tangent to lost coi;rse, radius 90 ft -i 23.60 ft.; thence on a curve, rad! -.s 50 ft., 26.50 ft.; thence SW'ly t&n: erAt to said curve 13.40 ft. to the Ntly line of Como Ave. W., thence PiN'11• alon7, said T2'ly line of said Ave. to the T;. line of said s 1 Section, thence East to bePinn=n,. 2875 Total 13525 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ hrri20— —_--19 - 44_ Form B. S. A. 8-5 D Commissioner of Finance. or �;, >. •tk`"� in'tfP' a. it is y _..� ry _ N .. r .-v.' .. under Preliminary Order approved MarcF 12, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of Vh, above crd4 ervttzt ori is - _ $ 25.CC The total estimated The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Land VALUATION ldr. Commencinf, 33 ft. W- of the NE corner o1 the UK,' of the Npy.I of Section 20, Township 29 North, Ran7re 23 Vvest; thence W. 50 ft.; thence S. 191.60 ft.; thence S'ly h W'1y on a curve taneent to last course, radius 90 ft., 28.60 ft.; thence on a curve, radii:s 5C ft., 26.6C ft.; tt:ence SY•,'ly tar^e:-t to said curve, 16.40 ft. to a Foint in the N'ly line of Como Ave. vi.; thence SE'ly alen- said N'ly line to a point 33 ft. due W. of the vJ, line of said j650 11 : Section; thence ?i. to the ^lace of bec,inninr. (Lxc. Eustis St.) the E. 33 ft. lying 11. of Como Ave, cf the SWI of the --- of Section 20, Townshir, 29 North, kanee 23 Jest Commencin^ at a noint on the North lire of the S'vYl of the NW- of Section 20, Tovm. 29 N., Ranre 23 West, e3 ft. W. from t};,_ NE corner thereof; thence S. parallel with the E. line thereof 151.60 ft.; thence S'ly -nd Y'1}' on a curve taneent to lest course, radius 90 ft.; 28.60 ft.; thence on a curve, radi':.s 50 ft., 26. 80 ft.; thence Slyly taneent to said curve 13.40 ft. to the :v'ly line of Cono Ave. W., thence 701% alone, said N'1 line of said 2875 Ave. to the N. line of said y Secticn, thence Last to bepinn'_na. Total 13525 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. H n , Dated — a i 20—_ --1944. --- ---- '" .. -- ----=- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D £ 7G £CUTIVE BOA'tD M Jlrv2�1- 8. EAi P—id-nt l\d,olal. Id -n. Vi— PrWd-nt �(S<%'��%%%/%^;� P2ailip Houpht ung B.m- _ . T-- V Minnesota I& it $ _t x-- <W rgartization of the ?Mind --a is .BSO "Pounded arzd Maintains the Home for the Blind" Ria R ALL ROUTE S. CODriO STATION 1605 EU� S'TR£ET . - ST_ PAUL, MINNESOTA MZ 6400 February 12, 1940 City Clerk Courthouse St. Paul, Minn— Daar Sir: DIRECTORS My Robut. Wd— bl a J.— 0-1- 0 XJL -acr- -1» Osi=- Board of Directors are considering the advis- ability of havizag a s3Ld4m_sllc constructed from the Home for the Blind at 1605 SaAiiiiii, z s Mt root doge to Como Avenue, a distance of probably 200 feba-t $o:sv®r, to complete the walk would necessi- tate passing thro�lx a p349oo of property between our ova property and Como Avenue- -.-aT® era of the understanding that such piece of property is vont t?xa jurisdictic�p of the City of St. Paul. To would Bice t ha approval of the city council to pass through this piac a 4�= property and desire to make application for such approval W cb%z2d appreciate it if you would advise us ' in the matter - Thanking pos: f or your attention to the matter, I am MI N1`7 Yours very truce, Philip , ougItel , Secy. STATS QRG . OF T BLIND �1 cusr,s 8r fomaAve N-a�.SI✓Y HW-.Sbt29.z� OPENING 0, r. - 3 P4 -J so EUST / S ST F CamoAve. W-�4y bne SW% NW%+Sec 20-29-23 OPEN/NG Bureau of Engineers o v 13,934 e a, c ts—lK l» I - Office of' the Cc> rrmissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance — ASereh 1_43�- - To the Commissioner of Finance of the 4�— F ty of Saint Paul: 19y.0 The Commissioner of Public Wow 1Lc-_s, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 11 �+ approved March 12 19,4q—, relative to Coadwna ng and tsldna far tih+a dLamnAL2%g of Ebbs street and •for a pabiio right of waft the fo11aw1ng deserlbea z r s s►11 ]TIAs xltbin the d8* of tXMW Mk,of Seetlon 20, 'TOM -290 i• a strip 02, 3c+sm& 33 foot in wsdth estendl.ng fsaolsa Como AV411m beat to the Barth City Linitis -wftAw& X-jrI rg between the w00% alas or 34astis 8traot and tint scalp of lead soalrged tAnnowsommo► !>ds t "Vereity of wiaaesota bw dlewQ reoorded end road in the arrise of the carr of Deeds in and for $asleep► 6Dava ws am*oota, I& Dow 6" of boada, pep s and savors palrldeotasty Zdesatirled VW a blue print a9tao)" to sold deed of alald made a pert therser, also a strip of load Lo foot in wtath aatandisg r nna idles namrth 11ae of 06ND ANeawe Win* to the Borth City Limits, the aaaterip vt said strip being a line died as folloaef Heslnnl" at a point an %be mr,%ft 'e =+r or the 8* of B* or SPOSSam 210, ?owe 29, rafts 2% 63 feat went of UUM ust eoraer of •ala 84 or or Section 29, 4bell lw♦ 3p end pare' ami, i� 1.� iwet Ila* of said or or Section 20, a l"N"t i1.6 tssi, s4=g2*avweeterJ, on a tangent eiaww'm of 90 foot radios, a dietase of 98.6 r wfte. 112a4winee sos#fewee:erly ca a tanewsst meso of 50 fast re"Ve a aiataste or 3 ' =asal, , hoauae southwestar&7 on e, %sagnt to 2A*t described serve a dist mom asf 13.41 'fast to a point on the, zwow therlp 11m of Como Avenue Beat 3,14.36 fest arty or the iatereeetioa or t3* northerly line or Oow A7enue !lest .and a li VdhM0 L *a+ 63 reef 100tsr3y or and pars11e1 to the east line of east SK of Nl* mow`' HsartLI.as 20. Aleo a triongwUr piece of 1 aoo.sL it and adfolaing she abWws AADOOVIbod 10 feat strip and ownerly of a 11ne, ra point on the aertb it'vew ser the said 9* of X* of Section 20, 75 grew" of the aorthoaat eoraer of =asld NJ to a Valat on the west bounds: air -ftft,s ai>We dssoribed 10 foot stirip 00 =set south of the northern boundary or 934 - — MAR ,_ - 40, and having investigated the matters --&"d things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is - - necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-- -----. and the total cost thereof is --- and the nature and extent of said i:zz provement is as follows:---- 3, ollows: --3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and trade a part hereof. 4 ---- — --- - --- -- S. Said improvement is ------.—asked for upon petitioo n f three or more owners of pro erty, subject to assessment for said improvement. / U1F Commissioner of Public Works %r - 8934 1940 COUNCIL FILE NO, -...---...... By--- ------------ --- ----------- ------- ----..._.. IS76 In the Matter ofcurbing Cook_ Street from Earl_Street _to - Cypress__ , Street____--__"__-_- C. F. No. 118787- - ------------ In the Matter of curbing Cook Street -- ------------'-'— ----- - "----""" .- - -- *,.r t nl :Earl Street tqqOO C9Dr4He Street, _.-.___________________.___..-___. ___..._ p liedPRI)ah�1 tr er 118188 aD- ___-----_------------------------- A ))*b bearing having been be?., upon 1— uV _ •t uDoa dl•1 under Preliminary Order_____ 118125 approved _ March 19, 1940 --------------------- IntermediaryOrder -------------------------- - --- - — -- _approved ---------------------------- ----- ----------------------- i ' ��� U o� ��� SbOV� 1� roV�ill�ut upon d»C notic�i a�Id tho Gouucii uc ' ' omrnondation� rolati�e theroto, and 6V4 14 c61s arod haaing hoard .all por�ona, ob�ectlons and ret the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that , y e sal l y ls-----�---°----re---------------------------------- o _�oress-----Fee , ---------------------------------------- or , and resclndcd a_id ail-proc �ir�,a in said irwtter be d.t.,ontinuedt T_ .-_ _______________------_-- an he Council hereby orders said i rovement to be made. R LVED FURTHER, That the Co 'ssioner of Public Works be and is reby instructed and directed to are plans and specifications for prgvement, and submit same a Council for approval; that u said approval, the proper city officia a hereby authorized and direc a pro- teed with the makin said improvement in cordance ther ith. JUH 14 �� Adopted by the Council -------- -- N-----4 -------------------1 192--------- Approved- JUN 14194 ------------------------ 192 ------ File 8951 Councilman Clancy Barftw Councilma) Findlan Councilma MR Perranto Councilma a Peterson Councilma llosen Councilma h� Truax Mayor gallon Form B. S. A. 8-7 ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- - - ► CITY OF ST. PAUL 'DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT Oma- COMASSIONER OF FINANCE 0�— 3V PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of turbine Cook -' St. from_ Earl St. to Cypress St. under Preliminary Order approved Viarcl Y To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby w- ports aS follows: The total estimated amount of the asse srzaent for the above improvement is - _ _ $ 632.55 - - _ _ 8 0.53 The estimated cost per foot for the abo e_�e improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may b assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are a Z3310— :Follows: Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT --C>CK ADDITION VALUAT"gicn Lan(1 'best 20 ft. Of 17 1 POu£C1as Addition j650 $4000 Lot 16 and Lot 1P. and Fa:a 20 ft. of 17 1 do 600 3000 1 9 1 do 400 2600 20 1 do 400 2850 2 1 1 do 400 1300 2 2 1 do 350 2 3 1 do 400 r 2-4 1 do 400 3700 2 5 1 do 400 3000 2 6 1 do TOTAL, 400 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE O P �LIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION South 85 ft, of 26, 29 and North 40 ft. of 1, 2 and 27 1 Douglas Addition 30 1 do 3 2 do 4 2 do 5 2 do 6 2 do 7 2 do 8 2 do 9 2 do 10 2 do 11 2 r'o 12 2 do 13 2 do 14 2 do 15 2 do ASSESSED VALUATIO'�ld Land r_.. $375 $2800 1300 900, 650 1050 150 125 100 75 75 100 350 2450 400 2400 400 100 400 1400 40C 2950 450 3100 Total $9750 x37,800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated April 20 19 40 --Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ti RD 118125 St. Paul, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ............. st-Ave. from St. .14~. to ..St. Ave. NAME ADDITION SM -7-37 s� of , =�� i ..� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance April 2 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118125 approved March 19 1934, relative to curbing Cook Street from Earl Street to Cypress Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $.53 632'65 2. The estimated cost thereof is S _ , and the total cost thereof is Engineering $96.00 Frontage 1194 ft, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:— __- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. S. Said improvement is . __.-asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, Commissioner of Public Works. CDA CA APR 2 1940 CITY OF SAINT PAUL • Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF CONST. S REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER W. B. COCXROFT, SU - 0111C L ENG. NEE. G. H. HERROLD April 1, 1940 CHIEF ENGR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City 'of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: BUREAU OR SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU OF 8.ID6ES M. B. ORYTBAK. ENGINEER Bu.ewu 11C -11 F Co.RceTIONE RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Cook Street from Earl Street to Cypress Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118125 approved March 19, 1940• Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Engineering Frontage Approve for transmissio to th sioner of nance 2'ILTON ROSFN Commissioner of Public Works $632.65 0.53 96.00 1194 ft. yours truly, ...� R SAEPARD hie Engineer 118788 COUNCIL FILE NO.- . -- - BY------.- . --- ----- - ---- ------- --- --------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.._radinFi Nevada Avenue from Arcade-Street--to-Walsh-.Ayenue,_and.___- Weide A?enue_from.h`:ontana.-�Ygs�ue-.te--��teelo01 T-iirhmy-------- C. F. Na. 118788— In the matter of grading New nue fro- nc•,a+, Street to ---------- - Avera r 4ve-, ---- -- ----- ------ --------------- - - -- - ------ --- - --------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order -_-118159 --_-_-_--_-: _-.__-..approved -._ March -_21-, -1940-___-__________-__-_-..__ Intermediary Order-------------------------------------------approved------------------on-du --notice---a ---the----------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is....arade_Neyada. Avenue..from.-Aaadgtr�Q.4.. Avenue, and Weide Avenue from M ntana_Avenue to_WheeLo Parkway ....... _......_...... _.... _........ .-"I . ...................... I ..... - Q and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therew' >��r MAY 211940 -- ,1 // Adopted by the Council _-__--__---_-.-------------- =-/------ -- --- _ City Clerk. Approved MAY21-1940---- ., 192 - - - --- Mayor. File 8946 Councilman SWg=WM rfusa Councilman / en Councilman rFinm Councilman Councilman 52 ,aen Councilman Via - Mayor Hama=- ..,Hort" .. . h..,v.Mr. vice!� Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST_ PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE •r REPORT OF COMM IS5}ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORMER (A) In the matter of radia Nevada Ave. from Arcade c;t. to v:glsh Ave., and ':�eide Ave. from T:4efntana Avc. to 'Nheelock Pkwy. under Preliminary Order approved L'nrcY. 21, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ _ $ 2,785,74 front_ _ g 0.92 ,rhe estimated- cost per/loot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: A OOITION ASSESSED O E5 G R I P'rr ON LOT BLOCK VALUATIO Land ldr;. 1 Eiclze?niaub` s Addition $175 9 do 250 10 do 225 11 do 150 12 do 50 13 do 25 c 14 do 25 l8 d o 50 16 do 50 C1 DaY,1 i_ri s Fczrlcv.ay Addition 200 TOTAL. Form a. B. 10 OC) CITY OF ST_ PAUL DEPARTMENT OF Ft(VAlVGE - ? °REPORT OF OF FINANCE ON PRELIM[1*IARY ODER OESGRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 2 Dai"i1 -x-n' n Parkway Addition 3 do 4 do 5 do 11 do 1 S TD ir3.riP r' s Addition lg do 1 6 R Sclzrnitz - us Addition 2 6 do 1 7 do 2 7 do 1 12 do 2 12 do 7 3 La3se Phalen Addition 8 3 do 9 3 do 10 3 do 11 o do 12 3 do 91ock 4 do ASSESSED Lan,ff UATICftig. $150 150 150 200 550 175 150 200 200 200 150 150 600 $5500 300 300 300 300 300 400 4975 1950 Total $11,000 $7,450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereori to tne iCouncil, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. April 23 40 - . k Dated —19—Commissioner of Finance. Form 13. H- 12 - Cr -3 / November 17 �_ Paul, Minn- -_ 193__9_ ----------------- - T'o The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Cientlamen We, the undersigned property owaers, hereby petition your Honorable $ody to cause the following. improvement to be made : - — --r x------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- --- �bcs�oc k ADDITION �fli�s o. i Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance April 2 19340 To the Commissiocer of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118159 approved March 21 VAR_ relative to _gradin� Nevada Avenue from -Arcade Street to Walsh_Avenue�_a-nd Maide AvenUe- -- from Montana -Avenue -to Wheelock Parkway. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $.92 2. The estimated cost thereof is S-- 2,783-74---, and the total cost thereof is 5---- - Engineering $428.27 Frontage 3,058 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_- t�: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . - - — 5. Said improvement is -asked for upon petitiott of three or more owners of roperty, subject to assessment for said improvement. 2 `;t Commissioner of Public Works APR `M 1940 4� 4 _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital OF Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEFuvv GOMHIss1oHER BuaEwlj of CON{T. s RVA1R GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENG---- S.COCKROFT. a11Ff. OFPICEENGINEER April 1, 1940 G. H. HERROLD CHIEF ENGR.CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF .A Co=issioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn- B. OP SANITATION FRED DRIVER. BUFF. BUREAU OF BRIOGEI M. B. GRYTBAK, ENGINEER SURE oP GORRECT10H6 RAY J. KARTAK. 8 - Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Nevada Avenue from Arcade Street to Walsh Avenue, and Weide Avenue from Montana Avenue to Wheelock Parkway, under Preliminary Order C, r, 118159 approved March 21, 1940 - Estimated Cost $2,783-74 Cost per front foot 0.92 Engineering 428.27 Frontage 39058 ft. This order is intended to replace Final Order C. F. 112012 approved August 9, 1938, for grading Weide Ave. from Wheelock Parkway to Montana Avenue, and Nevada Avenue from Walsh Avenue to Weide Avenue. No expense has been incurred under the aforesaid final order, and the work contemplated in that order can be more advantageously carried out under the present proposal. Appov for tr smiesi to t Co er Commissioner of Public Works Yours very truly, M. Sffi'ARD iR ef Engineer OD Q0 -- C. F. No. 118789—Dy Milton Roaen— In the matter "t > and COUNCIL FI NO. "g a" BY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 113'7,89 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Nevada Avenue from Arcade Street to a Walsh Avenue, and Weide Avenue from Montana Avenue to Wheelock Parkway r under Preliminary Order 118160 approved_ March 21 1940 Intermediary Order 118473 approved _.. Apr' I Z, 1940 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is I' Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in gitading of Nevada Avenue from Arcade Street to Walsh Avenue, and Weide Avenue from Montana Avenue to Wheelock Parkway and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Nevada Avenue from Arcade Street to Walsh Avenue, and Weide Avenue from Montana Avenue to Wheelock Parkway, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accor an therewith. Adopted by the Council 1R1'IY 21 1940 .dd1e�� Approved ----MAY 211940 19_ Coun en "fuss an dldlan �a Z'/P erson Ed=President_ aa�fa�ice i7citietlt (1'ctl�l� _ ) mayor, U81dSHED CITY OF ST. PAUL �. DEPARTMI rqT qF FINANCE + REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER jc ,�b (A) In the matterof condemninT and taking an eGsement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the; Pradin� of Nevada Ave. from Arcade St, to 'iiai:h Ave., and :pPide Ave. frocrY.ontana Ave. to'hheelock PITKY. under Preliminary Order approved `:?arch 21, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above e em,nt is _ _ _ 25,00 The total estimated avztomuDaEcDdresrrzenZ#mxemxRgzs g The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $— The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot ov.- parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED a g Lana ALUATIONB1d 1 Eiohen1aut.'#-44d1ti0n $176 g do 260 10 do 226 11 do 160 12 do 60 18 do 26 14 do 26 16 do 60 16 do 60 1 Dahlia's Parkway Addition TOTAL. 200 Porm B. B. 10 a CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION C �i Lan yALUAT'C dg. 2 Dahlin Ia Parkway Additior $180 3 do 180 4 do 160 8 do 200 11 do 880 1 Spinner's Addition 178 16 do 160 1 6 B. Sohnitsius Addition 200 2 8 do 200 1 7 do 200 2 7 do 180 1 12 do 180 2 12 do 600 =8800 7 3 Lake Phalen Addition 300 8 3 do 300 9 3 do 300 10 3 do 300 11 3 do 300 12 3 do 400 Blook 4 do 4878 1960 Total $11.000 $7.460 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said jWjy k# the CommissioW of Public Works. Dated ' 19- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 J Q + Indicates Cut ® Fill -Indicates Fi Typical Notation3-75 Figures above line show Cut or Fill at property line. Figures below line show d�stonce to which slopes extend beyond property line. Loc. Bk. No. L541 X Sec Bk No.? -541 B. SCNN/TZ/US ' ADO I *, 7 M 1.� P "1 bo. r.lio ..,In nj A46 vada Ave AIcOde 10 Weae S/oPe O, 2 No 594 W Q NE VA DA A VE - Arcade St. Weide A ve. 45 a Iy 41 L A if f- 7 7 ooyym� nI� 12 D. SCNN/TZ/US' L A /f E ADD. P H A L E N A D D. 3 A ° -- -- -------- G a :.Im �Ilo loin d r ooyym� nI� 4 P —f0 A L E N 00 �I \' C3 OI VIS N O .0 C) la A D D. W 0 V Q 4 P H A L E N A D D. W 0 V Q YYE/DE A✓E. - Fiwrn YYhee/ac,F iv/aldi%, /YE✓AOAAvE.-From rroish fo YYaidr S/off D� Z /Ya.49 Ty • Indicate,, Cut. AIL— Indicates FI II. Typicol Notalton Figures above line show CO or Fill al properly Irna. Figures below bne show distance is vrhici, 510pcs ccfend beyond properly line. Loc Bk No, 2486 X.5ar 9, ND 748(. YYE/DE AYE. Fiom h'hee%c E PFwy To ti/onfono Av NEYAOA AYE. •' Yl'o/sh A✓e• •• IYei�e Ave. rf.04 L S N AVE, .nz of 4.902 O.i 9 ar �v 7 ' R '.A .d 31 3 ./3 - 2qR/4 P//Y/YE ADD/T/0 Q Q zK) 49J 60 •,^�t- rt m a': d'mo � �.�`•, r °r o�� r � v,o v" mea � -� mr, �,a �a a m': z, o D D. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance April 2,--1934A— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118160 _ approved March -21 19A0, relative to con demuiandtaking an easement for slopes, cutea�3d fills in -Abe -grading of Nevada Avenue from Arcade Street to Walsh Avenue and Weide Avenue from Montana Avenue to Wheelock Parkwa�-_-_ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ �� -- and the total cost thereof is 8 -- and — and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ---- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 5. Said improvement is - __-__ asked for upon petition of three or more owners o1i property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FIN ANU Commissioner of Public Wor . `'sc :moi°✓ APR 2 1940 COUNCIL FILE b. �� e /�'—' BY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 118790 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the northerly 4 ft. of the southerly 6 ft. of Lot 11, Block 1, Hoytta ReArrangement of Hoyt's Como Cutlot from Snelling Ave. to the alley in the rear of said lot{ also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 7 ft. in width on the north side of the above easement and the southerly 2 ft. of Lot 11 and the northerly 5 ft. of Lot 12 in said Block 1 from Snelling Ave. to the alley in Block 1, Hoyt's ReArrangement of Hoyt's Como Outlots, under Preliminary Order 118191 approved March 27th, 1940 Intermediary Order 118471 approved ___April 23rd, 1940 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be pfede by the said City is condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing a public sewer. C. F. No. 118790—By Milton Ros- t In the matter of mmi—rtnq at } Ing an eager - and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose ofmaking said improvements, viz.: �� _a The northerly 4 ft. of the southerly 6iYt, of Lqt 11,, Block 1, Hoyt -Is ReArrangement of Hoytts Como Outlots from Snelling Ave. to the alley in the rear of said lot. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 7 ft. in width on the north side of the above easement and the southerly 2 ft, of Lot 11 and the'northerly 5 ft. of Lot 12 in said Block 1, from Snelling Ave. to the alley in Block 1, Hoytts ReArrangement of Hoptls Como Outlots. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the. Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plansand specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in at-clilrdance therewith. Adopted by the Council MAY 211940 / ��p�/ ��AA ^' — City Clerk. Approved_ MAY .L�`tt--, 19_ l , .fliBL1SIiED711; eoaMWVke President CITY OF ST. PAUL ~ DEPARTMENT pF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER d� In the matter of condemning and taking, an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the Ylly 4 ft. of the S'ly 6 ft, of lot 11, Block 1, Hoyt's Re. of iloyt's Como Outlots from Snelling .Ave, to the Alley in the rear of said lot; also ccndemnin? and takinc; a temporary easement for constriction rurposes on a strip of land 7 ft. in width on the north side of the above easement and the southerly 2 ft, of lot 11 and the northerly 5 ft, of lot 12 in said Blk. 1, from Snelling Ave. to the Alley in clock 1, Iloyt's Re. of Iloyt's Como Outlots under Preliminary Order approved 1!areh 27, 19-40 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance heerheby reports as follows: The total estimated cam oct7dfRXtit4e aZc ser en iA-'-4 rbV=aNX $ 50.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bldg. Lnt 11 and South ` of 10 1 Hoyt's Rearninmemer.t Of Iloyt's ,$900 Como Out Lots 12 1 do 600 :x'3750 To'lal $1500 $3750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. !� 4 I Dated Anril 22 19_� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D w Q i 0 z J J W z N HOY75 RE aF HOYTS COMO DU"ZOT5 LJT// 9Lk.1 SEW P/J EASEMEni"^c � �4,0, H O Y T AV E. 6 'y42 sca'c -40 8 — 8 9 I W Q ,o Nom of o - L) OF co 12 La J �`S r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance April 10 _Iyg0 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118191 approved March 27 100 relative to condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the northerly 4 ft. of the S'ly 6 ft. of lot 11, Blk. 1, Hoy—Rearrangement ofHoytTs Como Outlots from Snelling ve oo theAlley in -the rear of said lot; also condemning and taking a temporr,ry easement for construction purpose -s -oxt a-s-tr2-p of land 7 ft. In-WMITi on the north at3€-o-f the tibev�€asemsat and the southerly 2 ft. of lot 11 and the N*ly 5 ft. of lot 12 in said Blk. 1 from S -Aliey--inBlk. I., !foyt*---ReS=rangeme-nt--of Hoyt4 . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable 2. The estimated cost thereof is S-- �0��c2cx—x ._ ., and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_____ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. S. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owne s of property, subject to assessment for said improvement.-- Commissioner of Public Wo r �� ; •�; 194U 118791 COUNCIL FILE NO. - By rt In the Matterof constructinp a sidewalk on the south --side of Ea--st-Lake_Corto_� --------- ------------------- ------- --------- Pha.LerAvanue, TrQm__I�hite -Be&r-_A_venuB__ta__F_1andrau _strpet_,__ o_-&ce.p_t__iYhex_e___zo_o_d _8.ud----- --- su i; _noiv _e s ------ --------------- C. F. No. 118791— s, dewaiks In the Matter of constructing . aide - walk on the south aid. of East Lake Como & Phalen Avenue from White Beer Avenue to Fl..dl.0 Street, ex. --------- -1 -here good and sufficient aid. - exist, under Prellml ary 27 1 March 19 ----- - - -- -------- - ---- ----------------- --------- - -- -- ---------- ---------- 118127 under Preliminary Order__--------_- ------------------------ approved March 19, -- 19 - 40 ------------- IntermediaryOrder -------------------------------------------approved------------------------------------------------------------------ A --------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that "k is__- construct "?wi.ement to be made by the said"k is tru- - --------------------------- n et a - ------ �-uvh__side of -- ------------------------------------ ------------- — -- Ithd rescinded nod a:i tra hereby cancoliedi "nallidj - — ----------------------- — -------- — -- — — — J=t;L-ba-4i�0119 ---- — ----- — -- — an e Council hereby orders said impro�v�ent to be made. 0 0 u RES ED FURTHER, That the C mmissi r of Public Works be and is here instructed and e nt' and submit here t Council fo directed to pre e plans and specifications for said I ovement, and submit same to t Council for 1 t c approval; that upon *�d approval, the proper city officials a ereby authorized and directe o pro- ceed It i accordance I . t � wl ceed with the making o id improvement in , accordance t�herewi nAn Adopted by the Council - --------- _14 AN ---------- 192___--_. JUN 92--------- JUN x.41949 Approved. File 54331 Councilman r1a— Berfuss Councilman Findlan Councilman Purranto Councilman g;_9A@ft3= Peterson Councilmanm%&91n#r� 12osen CouncilmanrWe Truax Mayor Fallon Form B. B. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE NEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) J. In the matter of constrrictin,* a sidewalk on the south _-ice of E. Lake Como sr Fhelrr Ave. from White [ear Ave. to =Iandrau St. under Preliminary Order approved Nerci� 19, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: N The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ squppro 4" ?�onglit,h1c, J0- 17 _ _ $ 0.25, 6" monolithic The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is _ s /. "C i' .i G ' G The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LeL v V,ALUATION 6 Lars ons 'n, el 1-ar}: 'icmestes °$350 7 do 75 do 7 `' g do 75 E. I of 1C do 35 W. of 10 and a1: cf 11 do 115 12 do 75 300 13 do 75 14 do 75 15 do 75 TOTAL, I- B. B • 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE FtEPOttT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Lar YALUATIO ld; 16 Larson,- I:az01 i'r rk li,mesites w75 17 do '75 Total $1175 $300 P The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Ancil 20 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 v J Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance I April 5, 1940.— _ _193 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 118127 March 19 1940 relative to Council, known as Council File No. approved constructing a sidewalk on the south side of E. Como"Phalen Avenue -from White Bear Avenue to Flandrau Street. u and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate in report) 2. The estimated cost thereof is S_.-__- - and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:- __ --- --- - - - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. & - - -- --� 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. A �.�t. OF FINANCE, Commissioner of Public Works. I 4i l APR u 1941 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF CONST. a REFA IR DONALD F. VO IGT, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER W. a. COCKRQFT, SUFI. GEORGE M. 6HEPARO, C. ENGINEER OFFICEENGINEER G. N. HERROLD April 3, 1940 CHIEF ENGR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul,,,Minn. BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER, SUFI. BUREAU OF BRIOGES M. S. GRYTSAK, ENGINEER BUREAUOF CORRECTION. RAY J. KARTAK, SUPT. Dear Sir: 1 transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sidewalk on the south side of E. Como Phalen Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Flandrau Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118127 approved March 19, 1940• Estimated Cost - 4" Monolithic Concrete Walk — $.17 per sq. ft. 6" n " Crossing — .25 a R R Length 598.36 ft. Frontage 582.36 ft. assessable .160 (Alley) Estimsttd Cost - W.P.A. 4" Walk - material, equipment and miscellaneous exclusive of engineering — $.12 per sq. ft. 6" Crossing - material, equipment and miscellaneous exclusive of engineering -- $.156 per sq. ft. 1 ApprovedYorltr��gsion to the Commis-6)oxtdr of ti 7/" /MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works a Yours , M. SBEPARD ?Chq, Engineer .11812;1 St. Paul, Minn.... ......... ...._. ___.._ _193......... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: j y� )J Ave. From _J�J�1/�f �/V. Ave. to..... G� . 7 7NA7NMIE LOT BL,O ADDITION o�1C/wat_l!?....�1 /'fes `.L�• J J V SE6-i-ai V_ COUNCIL FILE NO. __ BY FINAL ORDER 118792 C. F. No. 118792— In the matter of reconstructing laying and repairing the Bide _1 r ' the south side e' "rd Ave., ring at a P - ford K In the Matter of__ reconstr>>ctine�._relay_r�_-an_repairin;__the-_sdevalk_on- t} e__-_____- _,aou_th_siA __a£-_f:rand_Ase-_,__he. ronin; _at__a_ eo nt__5B.-Seel_west__n£__O�c£ard Sty>._tYienre--- west 2 feet; beainnine, 80 feet farther vest, thence west 120 feet; be_7Dan inP.......... _120__feet_farther_west,_.thgnce_gest__20 ------------- _sidewalk a__nnttt_exi_at---------------------------- ---------------- — 118126 ____--_--_aoved _ r _March 19__1940 under Preliminary Order____.______-__ approved IntermediaryOrder --------------------------------------- - - --------- approvea ---------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__ reconstruct, relav_and repair_the__sidewalk__on_-the south side ofrand-Ave_._,_beinninat__a__po_izli -_Qf--- Q.gfQr�__5;,_,___th�llGe___ -- - - - west_2 feet; beiinnin_,_80_feet_ farther _vrE st_,__}}eQe__i_+e-_�20__Seett__¢-Q^i1Bhlt _120__.£aQt__Sarther__w�_st._thezls.�__west_20__SasL,__4xnE¢t__whEra__epnd__and_suiFi �i sidewalks now exist ----------------------- and -------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewi Adopted by the CouncilMAY2- t9A__ ---------- 19 Approved--------- MAY -2-1-1940 _ , 192 --- File 54330 aw— I Councilman'' Councilmanto Councilman Councilman Councilman Mayor ftfifto_ Form B. S. A. 8-7 Mr. Vice 1 pry ideat (1'raas) ------------------- k -- ------ ------------------ Mayor. T.ISHED under Preliminary Order approved '?ereL 15, 1940 - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ sgpare Relav o1- tile, $4.08;- �_ 0.15 (new The estimated cost per ooe for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK CITY OF ST. PAUL ASSESSED VALUATIOJ�d L DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Lena „ 1 ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE wG500 ,5500 4 38 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 2000 5 1 do 1800 6 38 do 1800 •3'�C 36 do 900 East 15.-� ft. of In the matter of recon:tructimr, relavin�, and repairing the si.aewlalk on t.hc south side of -rand cO West 20.08 ft. o'I,ot 10 h Avenin-, Le-innin^ t a point 58 feet wes., o; Oxfly, f,t., thence :;est G f•r°c; t:e�inr.in- 2700 12.100 80 _'est fartFir west, thence '::est 1�,0 feet; beinnin- 1' 0 feet f:_rthei st, thence W—t 2U feei, under Preliminary Order approved '?ereL 15, 1940 - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ sgpare Relav o1- tile, $4.08;- �_ 0.15 (new The estimated cost per ooe for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIOJ�d L Lena „ 1 38 6u�-L-iit !`-rk f.d'iitlen wG500 ,5500 4 38 do 2000 5 38 do 1800 6 38 do 1800 10 36 do 900 East 15.-� ft. of West 20.08 ft. o'I,ot 10 h all of 11 38 do 2700 12.100 Total $15,700 $17,600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaidmatters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ,aril �O 19 40Dated ,. Q-- - Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D t .r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance April 1 -1930 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 118126 approved March 19 1989 -, relative to Council, known as Council File No. PP the sidevialk on the south side of reconstructing, relaying and repairing- - _ eta point__58- feet -west of Ozford_St. thence west 2 at; G -rand Avenue, beginning - beginning 80 feet farther west thence west 120 feet• be inning :— �_ 120 feet farther --- — -- west, thence west 20 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is - necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost -- Relay old the at $•08 per sq. ft. , and the total cost thereof is S— ---- - 2. The estimated cost thereof is 5---- at $.15 Per sq. ft. Lay new the and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:- _ - - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. - - _ _- - - --. --- PON - - --.. -. JJ i. Said improvement is _ _ —asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, I' �y subject to assessment for said improvement.-- - — � COM, OF FINAWA __- - ` Commissioner of Public Works. APR 2 1940 11"a1vo1 `o C1ty C1rrk ORDINANCE 118793 COUNCIL FILE NO._ PRESENTED BY .�.�(,L/\-/ ORDINANCE NO. _ An ordinanoe amending Ordinance No.°840, entitled : "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restrictions of the location of trades and industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum sizd of lot line courts and other open paces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said plirpo�es," approved July 7th, 1922, by adding to paragraph "o" Section 20, Article Y, provisions for the issuance of permits in certain cases \ P_ for the remodeling of houses in "A" and "B" Residence Districts to provide for multiple family accommodations. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain a Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840 approved July 7th, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to paragraph °o", Section 20, Article D, the following subdivision t (e)"Permit the remodeling or reconstruction of the interior of a house in an "A" or "B" Residence District erected prior to the effective date of this ordinance and possessing a gross ground area delineated by its foundation walls of at least 1000 square feet, so that the same shall contain separate accommodations for several, not in excess of four,families; providing that the substantial alteration of the exterior of any such house shall not be authorized in any such case; and provided further, that the Council shall expressly find in each such case that such relief shall be consistent with the public health and general welfare." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and ublication. > �� V'i � / yl Yeas Councilmen Nay's Passed by the Council Barf uss / ,/ Findlan In Favor Parranto f --- Peterson Rosen _ __Against Truax Mr. President (Fallon) Approved:_ _ _ . — Attest: City Clerk 300 12.38 1:0+21724 IOriSinal to City Clerk COUNCILNO --- r'�318 9 94 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF E CITY CLERK _1 /JCOUNCIL RESOL ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY L� W`� `' ' / --r------ DATE__ MQY 202 1940 --- COMMISSIONER ------------------'— RESOLVED In the matter of curbing Magnolia Avenue from Edgerton Street to Burr Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 115095 approved Tune 6, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 116463 approved October 3, 1939 – Contract No. 40-C-17- RESOLVED, 0-C-17.RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Cp7maissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the CoutgEesioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the con– struction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104627 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $820.00. RESOLVED FURTMM, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No. 118794—BY Milton In the mattet_er curbing 9 COUNCILMEN Nays j Yeas /tF*r`rc Pet ison Rosen ...................In favor W.1 fell ----_------_Against 3M 11-35 Mr. Vice llud�t U11 miseloner�ot Public Works be s d htle proceedlawithh the scorer action ordthe a nave d Improvement, In ac d- a ce with the terms oI ordinanoe 7708. C'. F. 104227 approved Septengber 12. 1036- the s_:1, xdln¢BandteuDarvieWit Resolved Further, That thea he Pnr- r chasing Agent he and he to herein a - j thorized d directed to purchase the i necessary materials. I Adopted by the Council May 21, 7940. Approved May 21, 1940. { (May 26, 1940) 1 MAY 211940 Adopted by the Conneil--------------_------- ----------193...... MAY 21190 Approved---------- _--..--------- '--- -------...193..... -- --------- a- --- ----- l Y Original to City Cleric RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE TY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM DATE 1.18795 —.—L No.. FILE....................... Y In the matter of curbing Jessie Street from jessamine Avenue to Cook Avenue, ,under Preliminary Order C. F. 115088 approved Tune 6, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 116353 approved September 26, 1939, Contract No. 40-C-16. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 10!4827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $588.00. RESOLVED FURTHKR, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. ✓ COUNCILMEN Yeas ,,` ..Nays.' . PQt rsoq L '�osen .............._...In favor ....-------....._Against Wenzel —' -P esl3efft�f'] 3M ll-35Mr.Vi0eITCSideul(IrUax) 11 1936, too t--•6lneerin6 and super—' -- being $588.0equipme0. That the Fur - Resolved Furthe nd ho is herein an- } chasing and entdlDre In ihorized to purchase the necessary mnterinls. Adopted Dy the Council 91aY 21, 1940.'1 d AVprov�ed ay 2l, 1940. (May 25, 1940) W2110 Adopted by the Council ---------- -------------- ---..-----193...... MAY 211940 Approved.��----//--•-%%- -•-- ----•----- -- --------193..... ............l a.!Y.-- ----- M-ayor 8706 In the matter of curbing both sides of Scheffer Avenue Street from Macalester Street to Davern , and the north aide of Scheffer Avenue from Macalester Street to he 1Oeastfeet east line of lof 18, Block 9, Mattock Park, produced (app Order the west line of Roy Street produced), undter Preliminary C. F. 116129 approved September 1, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 116760 approved October 31, 1939 –Contract No. 40-C-32• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works r approved, r the aCovme named improvemer of Public, be and the same are hereby Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with e with the construction of the above named imprevama�ovednSeptember c12, the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 101,827 PP nt, engineering and 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipme supervision being $637.00. RESOLVED FURTBER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. L7 /COUNCILMEN Yeas Barfuss Findlan Parranto Nays _.In Favor Peterson Rosen r. IFT tram ��..__Against .4'r sldeti�t fFa}Yonj': In, 1�•"`utl-Truax) - Mqy 211944 Adopted by the Council..___ ._....._- --- 19 - AE 211940 Approved._-- _...._.......__. . 19- - -- ayy or _.. _.. _gUbj4S11ED4 c Utica_ NO.---------------'----- oNgmel to city clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL `I`H OFFICE. F THE CITY CLERK 116798—By Mntoo Hoaen— COUNCIL FL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM rnsch""' +venof ue rhfrom nd he niCh street, a _�� /�� / street to Davern Bide of 8oh.frer Avenue 1; om MaCBlea- ...� ..,n+.l teat io tre n PRESENTED BY COMM IBS, ONER..---_------- � �/ /`/L In the matter of curbing both sides of Scheffer Avenue Street from Macalester Street to Davern , and the north aide of Scheffer Avenue from Macalester Street to he 1Oeastfeet east line of lof 18, Block 9, Mattock Park, produced (app Order the west line of Roy Street produced), undter Preliminary C. F. 116129 approved September 1, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 116760 approved October 31, 1939 –Contract No. 40-C-32• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works r approved, r the aCovme named improvemer of Public, be and the same are hereby Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with e with the construction of the above named imprevama�ovednSeptember c12, the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 101,827 PP nt, engineering and 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipme supervision being $637.00. RESOLVED FURTBER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. L7 /COUNCILMEN Yeas Barfuss Findlan Parranto Nays _.In Favor Peterson Rosen r. IFT tram ��..__Against .4'r sldeti�t fFa}Yonj': In, 1�•"`utl-Truax) - Mqy 211944 Adopted by the Council..___ ._....._- --- 19 - AE 211940 Approved._-- _...._.......__. . 19- - -- ayy or _.. _.. _gUbj4S11ED4 n r � (:OUNCIL.•• o'[0-1 to city clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL rlLa No ------------ OFFI OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTD BY ----_.-- COMME ISSIONER._-- In the matter of curbing Roy Street fro FSchaffer Street to Highland Parkway, under Preliminary order 116130 approved September 1, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 116689 approved October 24, 1939 - Contract No. 40—C-33• RESOLVES), That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above naffed improvement r of Public, be and the same are herebyapproved, Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with theconstruction of the above named improvement ovednSaccordance with ptember the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 app ineering and 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, ang supervision being $603.33• RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials./ +ACOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays l Barfuss Findlan- Parranto Peterson • _ .._...._In Favor Rosen � _ _.-.__.Against e tfiFsllea);,. ,�, 11im Vjg�}�Sideu(ClrUdx) C. In the No. _Itter 1 f ,tember 1, .116689 ap- '.ontract No. en Commlis- the above d the same be eando hs tstructed to tion of the being $603.33. That the Pur - Resolved Further,d he Is herein P.-,r- Resolved be a hale the rhorlaed d dl rested to Durc e esary materials. n Adopted by the Council May 21. 1940. Approved May 21, 1940. (May 26, 1940) MAY 211940 -.... Adopted by the Council_..____.__. . - - - 19 Ay 2 11940 Approved..-_.._..._._ _..-_.19------ 1 Y/ - P.1' 86 ;N Or4pinel to city ark CITY _._. CITY OF ST. PAUL Foe 0...___ ............. OFFICE 6 THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL R LUTION—GENERAL FORM - j Ma 16, 19�__...__— PRESENTED BY DATE_..------'� COMMISSIONER.__— --- -------------- In the matter of curbing Eleanor Street Oder Com Fredericka241, Avenue to Underwood Ave�9uee,,'unndeerFPreliminary C. F. 1C. F. approved September 13, 38 approved 7anuary 9, 1940• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by. the Commissioner of Public Works f r the above named imof Public be and the same are hereby approved, Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with in accordance with the construction of the above0named10 P8rOvapproved September 12, the terms of Ordinance 7708, engineering and 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, Ilg supervision being $466.05• RESOLVED F[TRTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No, 118798—BY M11[on Roeen— In the matter Of curbing EleanorStreet from Fredericka Avenue to Under - `wood Avenue, under Pled September der C. F. 116241, aPyr er 13, 1939, and Finel 8 der C. F. 117438 pprov ed Janunry 9. 1940. Re'olved, Tbanith aPbyne and ecift- the C Mm e- catlona a 'coder LaPublic Works [or the above the nnmed Improvement, beaadd the Come herebYo PDroved. nrlsaloner L Public Work' be and thhto hereln Is thorlaed n d ihe[rueted to proceed with the constructlin accord- s nbuve amed Improvement, e with the terms oL Ordlnance 7708, § Cnc F. 109827 approved September 12, 1936, the estlmnted coat L maleriaon - y Ipment. eng In eering and su Very lsl being 5466.05. u CC hasingd vAgsntbeh and he 1, herein pur- r thorlaeand directed to purchase the sn y material, neAdopted by the Connell May 21, 1940. G Approved May 21, 1940. (Olay 25. 1940) the Council-.- 1940 19 Adopted by -- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays I�q® Barfuss Approved__. -. _... .----..19..----- Findlan Parranto } / Peterson ___._In Favoror Rosen Trans— __- ._._Against ; PP,ryessipd�e�nttr�(FeHOIl) 1M �.M t urvca NO.--------------------- orlBtnal to city Cl -k CITY OF ST. PAUL "'$ - OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R LUTION—GENERAL FORM May 16,_ 1940 DATE.— PRESENTED BY _ COMMISSIONER._.-- -- _— _— In the matter of curbing Juno Street from mCretin Avenvedu to Finn Avenue, under Preliminary order September 26, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 117439 approved January 9, 1940• Contract No. 40-C-35• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of public wfor andthe theaCov7mnissioneed rmof Public, be and the same are hereby approved, Works be and he herein is authorized rovement,tin accordance with ed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, September 12, the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 PP 19362 the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being 4644.50• RESOLVED FURTEZR, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C: F. 1�0. 118799—Bu nllllot in the matter of c_ rb.nB 1 In iswltht -c neCrucit" of the. eed i d Irtprovement, In ac d- I O.newith the terms ota OadlnancbeeC7712, being $644.su. thed Far- Further. Resolved That Resolvedhe Is heren gent be i thorlaed d directlalsed [o purchase the c ssary mate neAdopted DY the uncil 'day 21. 1910. rCo. Approved MaY 21. 1940. (Slay 25, 1940) MAY 211940 1"C-OUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council._.._ -....--. -..--- .----19 Nays MAY 21-194G Yeas Barfues / APProved...___..._ _.. 19-- Findlan Parranto Favor' layor Peterson Rosen __..Against Int �e �t (��fGl1t� orlgloal to City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL cour4ca NO.— P� — r - OFFICE OF 1q4E CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL ION—GENERAL FORM y 17 1940 PRESENTED BY ONERDATE_ ----- COMMISSI......_.._— _--------- —' In the matter of curbing Pascal Avenue from Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Nebraska Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 116936 approved November 15, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 118225 approved April 2, 1940 - Contract No. 40-C-37• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104627 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $539.65- RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No. 118800—By In the matter of cu, sionerof Public Works for the above med Improvement, be and theearn arehereby pproved, a d the Come mis.loner of Public Works be and he herein Is authorized and instructed to proceeaboved altd I �ar, ovetnent tlIn accord- with the terms of Ordl nanee 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of material., epu I trent, engineering and supervision being$539.65. Resolved Further, That the Pur- chasing Agent be Ind he Is here In a thorized and dire'ted to purchn.e the ary in, terial.. necAdopted by the Council May 21. 1940. Approved May 21, 1940. (May 25, 1940) ✓,, MAY 211940 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-. _._ 19.-...... Yeas Nays W4 Barfusa �` 21 W4Ii Approved..___ _.. _.._ ...._... _.---....19 Findlan........ Parranto Peterson - In Favor ... -- - __.... .... Mayor Rosen / ax _._.Against sldenE IJl Ib8s9VIa�IdenL (TfOa1�) Original to City Clerk 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL ca NO- ------ - OFFICE OFT E CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL,t9 ON—GENERAL FORM " PRESENTED BY,, �,//� COMMISSIONER /�%%`-'�'� - DATE MHS lbr 1Q1,n In the matter of curbing Geranium Avenue from Forest Street to Cypress Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 115928 approved August 15, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 116690 approved October 24, 1939 - Contract No. 40-C-27. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Com- missioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and in- structed to proceed with the construction of the above mined improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equip- ment, engineering and supervision being #599.00• RESOLVED FCRTBER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. P. No. 118801—By Milton Rosen— Inthe Avenue from of Street to Canlum YPress Street, under edPreliminary Order C. F. Final approved August 15, 1929, and Final Order C. P. 118890 approved October 24, 1939 `ontrnet No. 40-C- 27. 4 40-C- 27. Resolved, That the plans and om is - e tions as suhmitied by the a above of Public Works for the above camed Improvement, approved, be and the Came ehereby Public d, n d the Come ,,e ln is u Public Works tr and he herein Is with t �e ' and Instructed to Proceed with the improvement. of [he anovew d im➢rooemen t. In accord- with c d- ith the Lerma of Ordinance 7708, r C.OP. 104827 approved september 12, 1930, the estimated coat f materla)s, f being f599.00,i neer Ing and eupervlslon chaeingVAgentubehaad belt 1. herelnPut- au- < thorlaed and dlrected to purchaee the c.saary materials. neAdopted by the Council May 21, 1940. Approved May 21, 1940. (May 25, 1940) MAY 21190 Y COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council..-.- _____. __...._.__19- .._.. Yeas Nays Barfuss MAY 211940 _ Findlan Approved _ - _.._ ..... -.-.. _-.......19-..----- Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Mayor Traax Against IM UN V40ki id=t(Traax) Original to City Clerk CITY OF~ ST. PAUL a8 ca NO_ ---- ------------------- OFFIC THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTION—GENERAL FORM Y PRESENTED BY —� Dnp may 16, 1940 COMMISSIONER a In the matter of curbing Congress Street from State Street to Ada Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 115201 approved June 14, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 116484 approved October 3, 1939 - Contract No. 40-C-19. RESOLVED, That the plans and specificA ions as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, 0. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $238.95. RESOLVED FIMT>EER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No. 118802—By Milton Rosen— In the atter of curbing Congress Street [rpm state Street to Ada .Ytree[, under preliminary Order C. F. 116201 approved JuOrdne 19, 1939, and October 3,e 1939 --Contract N16484 o p40�Ca 19. REsolved, That the plans and speclfl- Vations^a subntl tted by the Commis - estimated coaL materials, glneering and supervision 1.95. 1 Further, That the Fur - gent be and he Is herein au - .d directed to purchase the by ttherhos. Council May 21, 1940. a May 21, 1940. (D1ay 25, 1940) 1141191 - V ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councl 'pY.C+1 `940 19 _.4 Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan / Approved _AW 21 1940 19_.... Parranto Peterson _-In Favor m /v �l Mayor Rosen J ruax _ _.. _ ...Against IM 19mvi4mbf®ident(l rtnax) - - Original to miry Clark WUNcu. No.-"- 18 v CITY OF ST. PAUL vnE --'------' .F--' OFFICE OF ? E CITY CLERK IL _ C, N�CIL RE" ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ✓ `^ _ DATE_ COMMISSIONER — -- RESOLVED In the matter of curbing East Fourth Street from Maria Avenue to Mounds Boulevard, under Preliminary Order C. F. 115207 approved June 14, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 116482 approved October 3,1939 - Contract No. 40-C-18. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Forks be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the con- struction of the above named iidprovement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $360.00. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. ✓ u C UNCILMEN Yeas / ,.e..t.c.:1/ Na3'�" ce / Pe rson r �•,� rf{osen -------------- -In favor ------.--.Against r�,�` .e.,,s�l�u.]a�L��,t�.�) 3M Il-3-TAr V�1411 t✓r�.nt�1 ) C. liesoly ed, That batnitt C byn the commis- ,inner of aI'ubllc Worka for the above named Improvement, be and the ame n hereby DDrovedI and the Come are issloner of Public Works be and he j to herein le uthorized a d Instructed he 8roceed with the coral—tT,11 a L the nc'e me d Improveement, ' with the terms [Ordinance 7708, L. 104 N'. 827 an P to ved September 12, 1936, the estimated coetndte Dervislon pulDm ent, en g i neering a u bel u6 5360.00. klesolved Further,That the Pur- 'a aaln6 ggen[ ba.an d hs is herein a thorin d directed to Purchase th che neAd• aaarY ester op tea by the ncil May 21, 1940. ADP roved \Say 21, 1940. (May 26, 1940) MAY 211940 Adopted by the Council.---------- ------------ -----------193....-. ,!AY 211 Approved........--------- --- ------- --- ---....----193..... ��A�/Mayor Original to City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL nX `R NO..-. ........ . -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ///{`, ( COUNCIL L�UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY f/w'� /-`�--i-� DATE 8y 16 t 1940 94 -M In the matter of curbing Euclid Street from Earl Street to Cypress Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 115281 approved June 21, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 116485 approved October 3, 19,1, Contract No. 40-C-22. 37 RESOLVED, That the plans and Specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the said& are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $540.00• RFSOLVFD FURTFIER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No. In the m undo E unser 1 1936, the estimated coat of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $640.00. ! Resolved Further, That the Pur - hosing Agent be ad he Is herein au- y ,,..,a*.•' t ltorizedd directed to purchase the ne) ce wary ma terlals. , Adopted by the Council May 21, 1940. AV proved May 21, 1940. (May 26, 1940) 1940 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-_ 19 Yeas Nays YV MAY 211940 Barfuss / Findlan Approved_ Parranto KS i Peterson __..In Favor _ .._ ._/ .�._..... - - - . . ay Rosen or T. ._ Against .Vii' ,y wig w IM ig V il�llt j rii97i� orlalasi to city Clerk 1 �`) IbUNCR No..-.--�L LY, if-- CITY OF -ST. PAUL vus OFFICE OF -)THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY_l�� t�✓�-, ___ DATE.-.--. mer !6_191,0— � COMMISSIONER.---- In the matter of curbing Hyacinth Avenue from Hazel Street to Ruth Street, -also curb the east side of Hazel Street from Clear Avenue to'the south line (extended) of Lot 13, Block 15, Hayden Heights, under Preliminary Order C. r. 115568 approved Tuly 14, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 116560 approved October 10, 19,W - Contract No. 40-C-23. �q RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $1250.00. 41 RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No. 118605—By Mnton Rosen— II�Avenuemfrom Hanel St eer of et 11, Ruth Street, leo rb the eat side of Hanel Street from Clear Avenue to ` the ,-40p5hHavdeline n He I.hts. under Pre- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuse Findlan Parranto Peterson _ __......In Favor Rosen Ts U.- �_.. _ _ -Against gMffEATkisidefit (F916n) I.I 189:- �,ideul jrUa20 s and speclft- the Comml.- _I r the above_-; the some proceed with the oonstru I— r i e sbove named improvement, In a d- fan,e with the term. of ordinance 7706, C. F. 104847 approved Ssptemberi 12: 11936, the es[Imated costnd�supe supervision b,uipm. Et,260.oii. ring a Resolved Further, Tha[ the Pur- ha,ing Agent be and he I. herein n thorlaea d directed to Bach... the ....... t a nrtths coaneu May 21, 1940. 9 Approved May 21, 1940. (May 25, 1940) - -- MA" 11940 Adopted by tt e Council-.._ .. ......... ..........__.19..-.--- �r�a1� Approved_.. _ ...- - 19... - Original to City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL Co—' NO... --- _-_-- 7_ OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY-�� COMMISSIONER._._--_.—__—_—__-__ DATE--it'lay 16, 19 40____ In the matter of curbing Orleans Street from George Street to Robie Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 115655 approved Suly 20, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 116554 approved October 10, 1939 - Contract No. 40-C-24. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $318.00. RESOLVED FURt1HR, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No. 118806—By 2,111 n B�s��— m the mnt[er of curbing Orleans S[reet from George Street to Roble Street, under Preliminary Order C. 11. 115656 approved July 20, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 116554 approved October 10, 1939—Contract No. 40-C- 24. Resolved, That the plans ndspecifl- fs loners of a Pubbicl Work. fore then above named Improvement be and the s or.hereby approved, and the Come misalone, of Public Works be and he herein Is authorized and Instructed to r. ub c. evoed wltd Itmprocemhe tent tlIn on a f o de th With the terms of Ordinance 770R, C.3 F. 104824 approved September 12, 1956, the esti mated coat of materials, quip men[, being $318.0on 0.glneering and supervision Resolved Further. That the Pur- chasing Agent beand he Is herein a - thorized and dire eted to purchase the necessary materials. Adopted by the Council May 21, 1940. , Approved May 21, 1940. (May 25, 1940) j A1lfi1T T TJ40 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. _.__........ .... _.- -------- 19...__. Yeas Nays Barfuss MAY 2111 Findlan Approved-------------.._..--- Parranto Peterson _.._.In Favor __._....---.'--_-.-:.- or Rosen Mt'D[' q'i tnex ....Against -•�residenb (F.gj%,gP) IM !ffi°. �79�'Plcicien' . i rnaxl `° orilllnal to City Clark1 0 88I 00-11. No --- '-------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL — OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL/ R LUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER.-_-- PRESENTED BY In the matter of curbing the south side of Burd Avenue from the east side of Dewey Place (vacated) to Josephine Place, Calder Preliminary Order C. F. 116219 approved September 12, 1939, and Final Order.C. F4 116908 approved November 14, 1939 - Contract No. 40-C-30 RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public :Yorks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $175.45• RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No. 118807—By In thRosen— Milton e matra� .,e ...._w,__ .�_ _ F kl_"COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuas Findlan ti Parranto Peterson _ ...._In Favor Rosen --'—' ........ _-... Against gggr=4�residerrt fF"orr) tat ;l�Vi.ic�sl:[t1'rn3u,) , ea01ved, That the plans ad apeeifl- aaone s Submitted by the CoRmis- stoner f Public Works for the bove named Improvement, be and t s, { iisaionern of Publlce Works be th'e' he 1 herein Is uthorized and Instructed to proceed wl[h the roo .,,,.r ,... wIM the terms of Ordinance 7708, ]086, the4827 Imatedved t eePtember 12. 4 uipmente9 gineeringsa nd materials, being $176.45. supervislon Resolved Further, That the Pur- chasing Agent be and he is herein a heo rized nd directed to purchase the 1 Adopted by t thee Council May 21. 1940, Approved May 21, 1940. (May 25. 1940) _ —U 1 tU4 14 Adopted by the Council. Approved. ... __ -19--.- -- MAY 211940 __..... _ _ I__ odgmal to City Clark courvcR No.._..__ .. --------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Fp= OFFICE OF YHE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE Mei— _— COMMISSIONER..__.. -- - —' In the matter of curbing Cook Avenue from Payne Avenue to Edgerton Street, under waniminary order C. F. 1.16128 d Final Order C. F. 116692 approved approved September 1, 1939, October 24, 1939• gESOLVED, That t4- plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Pu is Works for the above named improvement, be an4 the same are hereby Proved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is aut orized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above d improvement, in accordance N with the terms of Ordinance 770 , C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being.$547;40- RESOLVED FQRTg911, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No. 118808—By Milton Rosen— In the matter of curbing Cook Avenue from Payne Avenue to Edgert Street, under Pre41m1nary O C. F. 116128 approved Septembe 1, 1939, d Final Order C. F. 11669 approved October 24, 1989. Resolved, That the pl and specla- cation. n submitted y the Commis- sioner of .Public Ike for the shove named Improve to be and the herreby d, and the Come misalone Public Work. be d he I herein i authorized a d Instructed to ; proce wnamed Improvemtent[1on ac tae C�e.with the terms of Ordinance 7708, F. 104827 approved September 12, 1938, the estimated cost of materials, e quipmant. engineering and super, i slop being E547.40. Resolved Further, That the Pur- thor-d a d bead he o Is herein a- P purchase the aeAdessary material.. s, opted by the Council May 21, 1940. Approved May 21, 1940. (May 25, 1940) MAY 211940 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -.__ ---.----19.....-.. Yeas / Nays B uss WIA ( 211940 I it Approved-._.. I-1 Approved-.. 'ayor canto L /Y ._..-. son .el In Favor . 1- Oa ¢x Against ideExiF�F�ll,(,ln), ut AM Vid1&r&idcu: (Truax) Orlpina► tb City Clerk 88 ",l 1 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL rile NO•------- --- ICE OF THE CITY CLERII CO L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY %%i'1./`�'�' = !1"�-'<_"�'� DATEY Z�latt 1940• —�. COMMISSIONE __ —. -- - RESOLVED, That the plat of Cregg's ReArrangement, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Wbrks, be and the same is hereby accepted. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Fill dl.. / iYarranto (`11 ,15'eterson _.In Favor Posen —w-- _Against , nl p*=ent (T=x) C'RResolv'ed. That Btne Viet at Crsa6 Re-Arrangg went, a recommended by the Plat Co mleelonand appry o d by the Cammiesloner of Public W ks, be u the same Is hereby Cceptet.. Addopted by the Council May 21, 1940. Approved (Msy1.,11940) MY 211940 Adopted by the CounciL._ ._ __ ._ ................19........ MAY 211940 �Appr�oved-_......-_. _. _.----....... _..-------19------ I.K 1rrF--.-. - ..P .............................. Mayor flat Commission of gumsq eountV, Minnesota ovFi 294FCITY HALL wnr i p May 218t, 1940• To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen : Attached please find plat of Craggta ReArrangement of a portion of Block 1 Capitol Addition to the City of St. Paul, submitted to you Avenue is graded Plat Commission for your approval. between Temple Court and St. Anthony Ave. but is not sewered. St. Anthony Ave. is graded and severed. Cleveland Avenue is paved and sewered. Temple Court is graded and sewered. This property is owned by the Tri- State Telephone and Telegraph Company. mww-rh e Yours veryQ truly, Mark W. Woodruff, Secretary. OrW1ae1 to City clink P, ; \ 1 r' % 'i T .� CITY OF ST. PAUL Qu"cm NO... --- __----_..____ OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL. OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 11�i8V 2n, 19.0 COMMISSIONER__ _---.._____ ____ DATE_ Resolved, That thr FurchasinE Ai nt be, and ',e is hereby a.,thorized to purchase, T%:z_tt: the consent f t' -ie .a,ror _:no the Comrtroller, one tank car, _Nproxitnataltl 8000 LLILions 11x11 !�-aded r-asol�_ne, 70-72 octLne, from the li. K. 31AiiL CO, at a trice of .11_07 rr-r Tailor, i,�ClauinE,. state tax a :o state inspection, less 11> d..iscourt on refi n<ry price for payment in ten days, to be spatted on Liunicip�.l &uipment. B3 rcau spur at Dole St., on informal bids, as an emer;_ ncy exists where failure to act promptly viould. ..ork a hardship to the best interests o ' t,l,e City. Char�_e ,enerul Fein - ...unici^al Eo»irment- 1103-134 svortea on municlVV 1 Equipment Bu- spursun at Dale Stg on Informal bide, Dr toacte lie CY exists where fallure yIy would work ohard- Ship to the Beet Interests f the City. Charge General Fund — Municipal Equipment -1003-184. Adopted by the Council May 21, 1940. Approved May 21, 1840. (May 25, 1940) MAY 211940 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ ... ..... ---__.._.._19.__.... Yeas � Nays �Bilyfuss / MAY 211940 Findlall / I Approved. .... .__... _ . --.... __._...._19-..---.. —Parranto / __Peterson _ - ..-..._In Favor��"!�..""..R. �iosen "/—' Mayor ...B A ainat _.President- -Qi tej� t 1881-1 chiain.l to Cit! al.rk COUNCa No.._-_'-'-'--- CITY OF ST. PAUL. •� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCa-, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , p PRESENTED BY ' r - /'' /\ _` %--- _— DATE— M y 21�. COMM ISSION£R..__- -/ V 4,y WHEREAS, tA/ commissioner rCof Public rWorks has reportedstence in accordance with Section 53 e,t of certain employes an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, I be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized extray employment for the eextralttime hereinAfter set fixed for the followinforth. Name Title No.Hrs. Rate of Pay Brown, Arthur IInsk.Lab. Goossen, James A. Sew.Mtc.Lab. McGee, Frank D. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 2 .55 Pastuch, John Sew.Mtc.Lab. 2 .55 Proulx, Harvey J. Sew.Mtc.Lab. .53 74 A, Putnam, Fred A. Crew Leader -PW Rowan, Adrian R. Staty.Fire. .55 Schrenkler, Louis W. Sew.Mtc.Lab. Tracy, John M. Watchman 16 .62-k Winklesky, Otto Kettle Fire. p, C. F. No. 118811—By Milton Rosen— Whereas, The Commissioner of Pub- lic Works has reported in c rdance wl[h Sectlon 68 �, �.I[V Charter, eRe existenc, .hr- dsr••d MAY 211940 Adopted by the Council___ .._.__... ...........19._..... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays MAY 21-1940 /rfuss / Approved...-...._.._.._..— Findlan Parranto / r _- Peterson 7In Fr — Y^ .. Favor _.._-- - Ma or Rosen _._.Against tdeo yyI3L15I D g� ,t An emergency has arisen in the DEPARTIMIT OF PUBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Answering emergency complaints on sewage stoppages, tending fires and watching equipment at Asphalt Plant on Sunday. This emergency arose ty reason of the folloving facts and circumstances: Emergency calcis on sewer stoppages received after working hours, and necessity of keeping fires an atehing equ t on Sunday at Asphalt Plant.' COMtdISSIOMR OFPUBLIC WORKS 4 thiglnel to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL - r�o.sNO.--.:_>7:.��i�:.-... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,,�L.COUNCIL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / DATE May 20 1940 COMMISSIONER — In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alleys in Block 4, Kensington Parr Addition from Eleanor Street to Schef`•er Street, and from Albert Avenu to the North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118694 approved May 10, 1940. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded, and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. C. F o 11r812 -BY silt- R ---- in tak- .. epag an easement in the land ec - y for slopes, is d 1111,the In the I. Block 4n Kensington Park Additic At on from 1. leanor Street to Scheller Street, and from Albert A—as to the North and south All. oder Preliminary Order C. F. 118694 ap- yroved Dlay 10, 1940. matterow—d, Tod Lthe ll osame In a hereby celled, ,nulled and r salnded, and , ull proceedtng. In such n atter discon- tinued. Adopted by the Council May 21, 1940. Approved 1940. (May y , 1940) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.. MQY 21 1` *9 Yeas Nays �a�InBa MAY 211940 ndlan Approved _- -..19.-.----- --I�arranto ./ —Peterson -. n Favor / V ► ={ - ( Mayor i$osen Against .. , , i..,..-r..� IM ��� I&Iltln.l to city Clerk e COUNCIL 118" 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fns NO------------------------- OFFICE OF THE 'CITY CLE C. F. No. 11Cha- By 62 orf— ::IL r o[ biln- �— IL RESOLUTIONGENEF neeotm?�.>928, authorizes tee city coun- cil ny _..i.tepality. by resolution er at^..to per- . :. DATE '.r.__l�g� QZ�-•ZS�A.O.� WHEREAS, hap r Chapter 232 Laws of Minnesota 1928 authorizes the city council of any municipals*, by resolution adopted by five -sevenths vote, to permit its fire department to attend and serve at fires outside the limits of the municipality, and WHEREAS, said Act provides that contracts may be entered into with municipalities or private groups for fire protection service, and WHEREAS, by Council File No- 100153, approved March 19, 1935, the Council of the City of Saint Paul authorized the entry into contracts with outside munioipalities at the rate of 00.00 for the first hour or fraction thereof for each piece of sppara- tus used on a call, and $25.00 for each succeeding hour or fraction thergateethe Cith ty toemaakevany calls or orunsounlessstheould s amenobli- gate ordered by the Chief of the Fire Department in his discretion, and WHEREAS, at this time a private group, consisting of the following people, namely, - C. H. Bigelow, Jr. Reuel D. Harmon John H. Burr John Musser C. F. Coders F. M. Owens C. A. Cumblaan Julian B. Baird L. L. Erickson Richard T. Angell Bryn Mawr Farm, Inc. Estate of Frederick R. Angell, located around Sunfish Lake in Inver Grove Township, has requested that a similar contract be entered into between the City and them- selves, for fire service at the rate provided for in Council File No. 100153 aforesaid, and said individuals have agreed that if such contract is entered into they will provide a bond to secure pay- ment to the City of any sunk due for such service, therefore be RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel be and he hereby is authorized to prepare a proper contract with the aforesaid group of people for such fire service, and the proper city officers are COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas Barfuas IQA y Pearce Peterson 'V:rn"ddlan ---- ------------ -- In favor yarrantO .190roe.l --------------------Against -Wen el. Truax Mr. President (@k"rt) Fallon 3M 11-35 Adopted by the Council_ ..................... ..193...... Approved........................... -- ........... 193_ _.. Mayor innl to City Cleric l_1[N6_j_rjl . COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL rrL� No...--.-..- a...........�r. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRLy6ENTED BY DATE---------- hereby ATE __ hereby authorised to enter into and execute such contract, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby further authorised and directed to prepare a proper bond to secure to the City the payments due under aitch contract; be it FURTHER RESOLVED that such contract shall conform to the requirements of Council File No. 100153 with reference to charges for and obligation to perform such services, and to such further terms ankoonditionsas the Commissioner of Public Safety shall deem necessary for the protection of the City. M, Adopted by the Council._ A'K.2-1 19.'!x._.193...... Approved------- � 193 .............:.!..-1J.T.�.. ------ May PU 13L1:i. �.-D COUNCILMEN Yeas Bgrfusa Nays –�=eanee.– Peterson Rosen In favor �Findlan arx"_-.....Against w1az'an to aay - .. 3M 11-35 W. `j� I�IP51d Adopted by the Council._ A'K.2-1 19.'!x._.193...... Approved------- � 193 .............:.!..-1J.T.�.. ------ May PU 13L1:i. �.-D 118814 OriginWBY11:3:2� CAUNe1L CITY OF Si. PAUL rnE NO --------------+--------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F No. 118814—By G. H. Barfuea— COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOI W' A, pxrrnnto—F. HL Traax— Whr 4 nun; r May 21, 19,k PRECOMMISSIONER------ �GBe heretofore an "off sale" liquor license was granted to Yvette Hut"U to operate an enclueive liquor store at Vo. 471 Aabasha Street, and tt1MMMAS, the said Yvette Batman desires to operate such liquor business in conjunction with a general food store and has requested that the classification of his license be changed from an ex&sivs liquor store to a general food store, so as to permit him to operate such general food store at that -AA GBP and 1- 111R81rd8, the Council is of the opinion that such change in classification is proper, therefore be it ESSOLYBD, that the request of the said Yvette Rutman be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is directed to submit such change to the Liquor Ooutrsla Co®issionsr of the State of Minnesota, and when approved by said Coomissioner the City Clerk is directed to make the necessary Changes in the City"s records. COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays Peterson Rosen ----- - In favor ------ t0 3M 11-35i'I0 MAY 21 IN Adopted by the Council--------- ---- --- ------- 193....-. MAY 211W Approved------------------ --- ----------- ----------- 193 r ---------- Mayov PUBLISHED ' STATE OF MINNESOTA,. LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER STATEMENT TO BE EXECUTED BY APPLICANT FOR OFF -SALE LICENSE This Statement Must Be Acknowledged by a Notary Public Whoever shall knowingly, wilfully, and corruptly swear falsely thereto shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. In answering these questions, "APPLICANT" refers to an individual, to all members of a partnership, or in case of a corporation, to all officers, directors, and principal stockholders. Every question must be answered. I, L. Yvette Butman (al individual owner, officer, pannrr, or managing offirrr) .for and in behalf of MY aelf hereby execute the following questionnaire. 2. My residence at present and for the past five years is as follows: 1815 S1.1t 3. I was born May Pgtb, 1913 at _c+ n .,i Minnaaotn mo NF day year city, oi(lagq or borough lfolr o+ r nrry 4. State whether applicant is a citizen of the United States Yea . If naturalized, state date 5. If married, give wife's or husband's full name and address l'Poran R,uTtm n 6. If a corporation, date of incorporation --- , state in which incorporated amount of authorized capitalization , amount of paid in capital if Nbsidiary of any other corporation, so state_— give purpose of corporation — name and address of all officers, directors, and principal stockholders _. _._ JL_!ncorporated under laws of another state, is corporation authorized to do business in this Stale? Number of certificate of authority Also include a certified copy of Articles of Incorporation and By-laws. If articles and by-laws have al- ready been filed and no changes have been made, so state 7. If not a natural person, give name of manager or registered proprietor _.. --- 8. Address of location for which license is being applied for 1171 Wabasba St. description of premises reaul Ar around floor 9. State present and proposed nature of your business at said premises off RAI A 1 i zuor store 10. If operating under a zoning ordinance, how are premises classified? Are the premises located within the prescribed area for such licenses? 11. On what floor is the establishment located? ground ft orm _ 12. If the establishment is located near an academy, college, university, church, grade or high school, state approximately the distance the store is from the school or church none _ 13. State name of owner of business premises Rai Estate Holding Co. residence a corporation length of ownership several years has owner any connection, directly or indirectly, with applicant no 14. Specify the date of deed or lease for premises as the case may be—M9xcli-12. 1939 15. Are the taxes on the above property delinquent? no 16. Have you ever been engaged in the production or sale of intoxicating liquor any time prior to Janu- ary, 1934, and if so, state nature and extent of such business? no 17. If application is for a renewal of your Off -sale license, give date that you first began to operate March 12, 1939 18. State whether applicant has ever had an application for license rejected by any municipality, state authority, or Federal authority; if so, give date and details no 19. State whether applicant has ever been convicted of any violation of any law of the United States, or the State of Minnesota, or of any local ordinance with regard to the manufacture, sale, distribution or posses- sion for sale or distribution, of intoxicating liquor; if so, give date and details no If a corporation, have any of fhe nri—inal ,fre .v and .lircc t... been indicted, err—led, or convicted?_ _ 20. Has the applicant ever had a license under the Minnesota Liquor Control Act revoked for any viola- tion of any such laws or local ordinances; if so, give date and details no 21. State whether applicant was ever indicted or convicted of any crime other than as stated in No. 19, in this state, or any other state, or under the Federal Law, and if so, give date and details--Ug-- 22. etails no 22. State name of individual hired to manage liquor store, if such is the case Harvey n _ ant=n 23. State whether any person other than applicant has any right, title, or interest in the leasehold, or in the furniture, fixtures, or equipment in the premises for which license is applied for, and if so, give name and details none 24. State whether applicant has any agreement or understanding or intention to have any agreement, or understanding with any person, partnership, or corporation to obtain for any other, or transfer to any other person, this license, or to obtain it for any other but the specific use of the applicant; if so, give name and details ------ 25. Has applicant any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in any other liquor establishment in the State of Minnesota; if so, give name and address of establishment none — 26. What occupation have you followed for the past ten years? Houseirife 27. Furnish the name and address of at least three business references, including one bank reference. and briefly state the nature and extent of business relation with each A F T)mler. 1969 w Crane Alyd D Z. Greenwald Pioneer Blda Ilulurance �h�i � -l;�k watt o>, we,_ - —_ bank, - 28. State whether applicant is rated by any commercial agency, and if so, give name and details of rating Po9sibly Thin & ttrad=t-reet 29. State whether or not applicant intends to handle certain exclusive brands of intoxicating liquor, and if so, give details of contract or arrangement with person from whom purchased or to be purchased nona_ - -- --- --- 30. State whether applicant is engaged in any other business or intends to engage in any business other than the sale of intoxicating liquor; if so, give type of business none location name of employer — 31. If the Off -sale application to operate an exclusive liquor store is made by a hotel proprietor or an employe and is to be located on the premises of the hotel, will the establishment be an entirely separate busi- ness, and situated so that it is in no way connected with the hotel? If not, state the arrangement 32. Does applicant intend to sell intoxicating liquor to other than the consumer? no 33. State whether or not the applicant intends to possess or operate or permit the keeping, possession, or operation of, on the licensed premises, or in any room adjoining the licensed premises, any slot machine, dice or any gambling device or apparatus, or permit any gambling therein no If a renewal, state whether applicant has ever permitted gambling devices on premises where liquor was sold 34. Give number of Federal Stamp Tax Receipt 861,93 — 35. Under what classification is the license applied for EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR STORE, DRUG STORE, OR GENERAL FOOD STORE General Food afore 36. If a drug store, state length of time the store has been in operation---none-- 37. peration none 37. If the Off -sale establishment will operate under a trade name, state name to be used-- 38. sed - 38. State whether applicant will be granted an On -sale license in conjunction with the Off -sale license and for the same premises uv ---- 39. Do you intend to deliver, by vehicle, liquor sold in the Off -sale establishment? area — 40. In case this application is for a transfer of an Off -sale license, state the name of the former licepsee, location of Off -sale establishment and state whether or not any consideration, money or property has been, or agreed to be, or will be paid, or given or exchanged by any one, and by whom and to whom for the purchase or transfer of the license; also state the amount of the consideration"—nn I hereby verify the above statemen (Signal -- ---Jl-e _ --- — ---- — u,of rormrr firen,ed 41. State whether applicant will comply strictly with all the laws governing the sale of liquor, and the rules and regulations to be made from time to time by the Commissioner, as well as the municipal ordinance, I hereby state that I have read the foregoing questions and answers and that the answers to said questions are true of my own knowledge. Ssc 'bed and sworn to before me this da Y 19 �4 tipD REPORT ON APPLICANT BY POLICE DEPARTMENT _Police Department has Th—if , ,o that the----- a aiuc -—I'd ..,, ii, ..j ,,,, ..t.,.. ......1 .. »e,... ,.s J,., L:, His His record of arrests and convictions so f as our investigation has disclosed is as follouv: This department approves—disapproves the issuance of the above license. POLICE DEPARTMENT TITLE Form 14 4eIR, C "" I !am Bti APPI,ICATION FOR .AN OFF SALE TRANSFER LICENSE State of Minnesota County of--- -Rarsey- - --- - - - To the Council of St.- Paul. Iturn., - - County of--- RS-IuX-- - - - - To William Mahoney Liquor Control Cohuuissioner 2645 IIniversity Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 1'hcundersigned Yvette-RutMn- of the uuuticipalitc of---St'-pant- -- _. _-- - -- --i-ouutc of Fam.'&l------ - State of Minnesota, lwn by makes application for a trau-fcr of the Retailer's "IT Sale Intoxicating Liquor License suodto---Yvette-Ru#.man---- -- -------------- \0.�4_-_ ---- located ,t t_�auj_ _ _ 7� _V�bfl5115_St-- ----------- __ _ muuic•ipnlity of o whirh licrosc is to be locatedlab3Sh8--St..- - _ munieipalit\ of at. Falll .—. - - - --- ---- in acrmdanee with provisions of the Lancs of 1933-34. Chapl, 1 46, for a period of .Qm; -YPar ifX-Q 1.1''£hsl5t- - - - - ---- - - -- - cnuimrncing - --- ---- --- --- ----- -- — 193 -- and ending----- The undcrsign(d agrees to rumple with all the iminoipal and state laws and with all the rules and regulations prescribed by and to he prosc'ib, d Iqthe liquor Control C'omtnissioner. _6th -- - dn. of_S11ZE - - PERSONAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MISXISSUTA Counts of.-F-14Fse1'-- --- - '„ YY tt�- --- -- --- hr•ing first dull' sworn, deposes an rays that he is the applicant nauted above, that he has read said application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge. Subscribed and sworn to bcfine me this v of 19- ns CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT SPATE, OF MINNESOTA C'ountc of-- --- On the--- —day of- - -- - --- -- - - - - -- 19:i--, before tile, a notary public, duh' cuniinission -d in :in(] for said county, calm the_ - -- - - - --- - -- — of the_---- - ------ rompan�, who, b. me being duly sworn, deposes and saes that he is the_ that he, knows the seal of said company, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said company and that he signed his name thereto as. of the--- company, he--company, and acknowledges the execution thereof to he of his own free act and deed and free act of said company. Subscribed and sworn to before me Ity-- this----_ -day of--- - 193--_. (SEAL) i 8S15, I, COUNCIL - CITY OF ST. PAUL NO..............fo ........................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORS . i PRESEN BY............_...._DATE......_._X._.�Z.1.1.._Z84O.................................. COMMISSIONE.__....................................................... ......... __.___........._._. _.�...__.._............_. RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the some are hereby granted and the City Clerk be instructed to issue licenses upon the into the City Treasury of the required fees: such payment Francis Herber 2134 Vassar Ave.. Ice Delivery App. 40390 Renewal J. B. Welter 1198 E. Seventh St. Restaurant " 41126 " " J. B. Welter " " On Sale Malt " 41127 " J. B. Welter " " Off Sale Malt " 41128 M. J. Foley 131 E. Sixth St. Confectionery " 41566 " Barrett & Zimmerman 477 N. Snelling Ave. Hotel " 41573 Riverview Herman Hall Ass'n 454 Onega Street On Sale Malt " 41735 " Olive Boston 512 Rice St. Restaurant " 41740 " On Sale Malt " 41741 " Off Sale Malt " 41742 " A. J. Weston 363 Jackson St. On Sale Malt " 41763 " Geo. T. McBeath 442 Rond t.Ice Station " 41766 " Raohmiel Gozansky 207 E. Ind Ave. Junk Gatherer " 41778 " Alfred Ituehner 652 E. Third St. Gas Station " 41791 " Ben Lehmann 537 Greenwood Ave. Restaurant " 41794 " Commerce Liquor Store, Inc. 2 E., ourth St. Confectionery " 41796 " W. F. Grewe 878 S. Smith Ave. Confectionery " 41800 " Ferris M. Shen 380 Jackson St. Restaurant " 41816 " It It " ^ On Sale Malt " 41817 " It It " " Off Sale Malt " 41818 " F. H. Sorenson '& Co. 642 S. Smith Ave. Confectionery " 41822 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. _ 193...... Yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan 6 oven In favor .19 Approved.. 193....... Peterson Against Mayor.. P / 1 M 636 M . vim Pimalent (T=20 f 1188115 CITY OF ST. PAUL nes NO ................... ........... #2 OFFICE OF THE CITY' CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDB'� ...._--_....._._. _ .__ .__. _. _..DATE.......................2.1..L�I4O.......................... COMMISSIONE.............. _....................... _................. .._......._...__�__. - RESOLVED 20b7 Randolph St. Grocery pppl. 41823 Renews Academy Food Mar]net n n Off Sale Malt to 41824 n n Ton n n 1f Butcher It 41825 to 874 E. Seventh St. Ice Station it 41826 " Paul Sohnaith 571 Cypress St- Off Sale Malt " 41829 " Ray Ryan 67 E. Seventh St. Florist " 41830 " H. L. Green Co. H. L. Green Co. 67 E. Seventh St. Pet Shoe to 41831 i1 lAwrenoe A. Goodman 531 Wabash& & 11 W. Tenth St. On Sale Malt " 41837 " Ernie A. Seabloom 1080 Payne Ave. 11 Restaurant On Sale Malt n 41848 " 41849 " n ton n n 11 Ittooff Sale Malt 41850 " Mrs. Gladys Lein 606 Selby Ave. Confectionery t'Y 1! 418611 176 E. Seventh St. Motion Picture 1' 41852 n mustard & Rowe Theatre Hoffman Bros. Co. 1594 University Ave • Grocery It41853 of 301 Std St. Junk Dealer to 41865 11 Solomon Gi7awn Gray Cut Rate Drug 970 Payne Ave. Confectionery " 41869 It 418 YVabasha St. Confectionery " 41870 to Gray Cut Rate Drug Tony Soiecente 30 Leech St. Grocery to 41878 to 559 Carroll Ave. Grocery It 41880 " Harry Bauer A. Niesemreig 441 Rondo St. Grocery to 41899 " Sam Tatkin 474 Carroll Ave. Junk Gatherer " 41944 " w COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council._ 193..... Yeas Nays Barfues Pindlan In favor osen Approved_ _ 193..... Peterson Against '_T?Mr_ Mayor -- .P�eor�1 on ) IM saa Mr. V3oe President (Trmx) IOUNCIL � 8815 CITY OF ST. PAUL .I« NO ............._..._................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B ........... _ ......_ Y __.... ....... DATE ....__.......WY...Z.1a._.�,n9..�Q....._...............:........ COMMIS S I O N ER_ ... .................. ................_............................_..._... _._. .. ......____ ._ .._ ........ RESOLVED Benny Gepner 208 E. 13th Street Junk Gatherer App. 4h998 Renewal Alex Georgeopolia —1'1621 Niles Ave. Vehicle Peddler " 41999 n n n II Foodstuff - Vehicle 42000 n Peddler COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council._.DIY 211940.... 193...... Yeas (0 Barfuss Findlay eeA In favor Peterson Against auz_ '-" an- llon) M 6.36 Mr. Vice ent (Tmax) Approvedl_ v MAY.21194n..I93...... 1>1UBLISHED 5 5 =40 Original to city Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL ca No----------------------- 0 ---------------7-c----OTHE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R LUTION--GENERAL FORM D BY COMMISSIONER DA'TF May 20 1940 In the matter of grading and surfacing the Alleys in Block 4, Kensington park Addition, :from Eleanor Street to Schaffer Street, and from Albert Avenue to the North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118693 approved May 10, 1940• RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded, and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. �1 COUNCILMEN Yeas ��- Nays /$yarfuss / /Findlan --Parranto Peterson /-.---- In Favor Rosen Against �e�ideut IM 1dsoVjirlent(1YuerJ C. F. No. 118818—By Milton Rosen— In the matter of gradings d sur- facing the Alleys In Block4, en. e ington Park Addition, from Eleanor Street to Schaffer Street, and from �lbert Avenue to the North and south lley, under Preliminary order -C, F. 118883 approved M -Y 10` 1940. Resolved, That 11 o dere In the above matter be and same are dere- snd all prccaedings lInd uch m tter die continued. e a Adopted by the Council May 21, 1940. Approved May 21, 1940. 1 (May 26, 1940) 7 -99_99 -- Adopted by the Council. MAY .2l 1970 MAY 211940 Approved... _ _9___9_99_.._ ---- _.19....._. 1. ..�. Player- Original to City ClerkCOUNCR NO(„}CULT CITY OF ST. PAUL F� '"'--"'"-'- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION _ --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY • _ _=Ste_—_=_ DATE' COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent and he is hereby authorized IF and directed to purchase fifty zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul from the Lithoprint Company of New York, Inc., according to the terms and conditions as outlined in the letter of the Board of Zoning under date of May 15, 1940, the cost thereof to be charged to Official Publications Fund, Code 4 A 3; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to distribute said zoning maps, free of charge, to the various city officials, as needed, and to sell copies thereof to the public at 50¢ each. C. F. No. 118817—By F. M. Truax, by queat— Reeolved, That the Purn�� riaed Agent be and he Ss hereby U . directed to Purchase at" zoning mage [ the City of 9alat Paul hom the Lithoprint Company of Ngn 'Monk, Iac.. according to the Lerma d ditlone a outlined Sn the letter of the Board of Zoning under date of MaY 16, 1940, the oat thereof to be had 4 to Ofdt i clal Publfcatlone Fund, Code,4 A 8: be it Further Resolved, That the City Clark is hereby authorized to distributee Id son ng apB, tree of char6e. to the varloue city lacial., as needed, and to Bell copies thereof to the Public at 60c Q6Adopted by the Council May El, 1940. ApprovedIblsyz25, 1940) COUNCILMEN Yeas i Pe e Nays G' t pe rso Rosen------------ -------In favor /--,Against Z"srWh - s --------- Pfir en .� .lM 11-E6 v .vjw(UWX) WY 211940 Adopted by the Council._..................................193...... MAY 211944 Approved ............. .... ............... ........ .193.._.. Mayor 0,11t..1 to City Cl -k CITY OF ST. PAUL --w,u c' .NO..._ -_------ ---------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK c. P. No. 118818—By John S. V_ COUN%, RESOLUTION—GENERAL' FORM Wh,,op-. Roman T ''. rt , • 'V PRENTED BY COMM ISSIONER--— Vim ?EAS , Roman J. 'TELUtZir.7er has made an r,: I icati on for r,;lief to tee ?Jirnesota Tax Co_=;_ss'_on relakive to uelinquent taxes ancL assessments on the oiloc,in- described property, to wit: Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 1, Stebbinrs Como 7iew; and WRh AS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1,651.45, and it has been stipulated that the- applicant nay _n full settlement thereof the sum of $995.04, therefore, be it RhS(JL1JED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said settlemunt; provided, however, that the sum of $493.11 shall oe first deducted from the total payment of $985.04, and that said sum of $493.11 shall be said to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1,661.45. MAY 2114 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__._ ..._.._...__........19.....-_ Yeas Nays Iss MAY 21190 "Findlan Approved._ ............. 19 ,'jraxranto erson In Favor M - ay - or ..'e. ..-.-Against NZWTzesident- PUBLISilE-1) I Mo4&M Or p .l to City P-1, 00t = Q tQ CITY OF ST. PAUL MK NO...___.._:. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ..._COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORK C. F. No. 119919—By John S. Find1: . a C ,.John N. 9teiche. r teas; m. PRESENTED BY (J' �y� Gyyti DAA_ COM M ISSI ONER-- �sE'1 00 f '� -+ & iyrvine',� 11nuency ,nd jt I— YuERBAS, John N. Steichen has made application for relief to the Kinnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following; described property, to wit ; Nw,ly 32 ft. of S61ly 90 ft. of Lot 1, Block 27, Rice & Irvine's Addition; and "Esr.AS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1169.62, and ii has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum o^ $503.11; therefore, be it RLSOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul herebv acoroves said settlement; nrovided, however, chat the sum of $146.02 shall he first deducted from the total pa;;meat of $503.11, and that said sum of $145.02 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1139.62. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen 1mMira�Ji,�yt (1Yuax) MAY 211940 Adopted by the Council__._ --- ----- ...__-------- 19..-..._- /� MAY 211940 Ap�proovve-d.._... _........... .._.._-----------19 ----In Favor------ Tyor _.Against 6 1,'UIILISHED r ` or gimi to City ©ark couNca { � CITY OF ST. PAUL n.e NO..-------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ._ C. F. No. 118820— whereas. 1882 Whereas. Z-' D BYea COMMISSIONER.— tiv� DATE.. fall -----.w A'}-rrHEAS, Zenith Land Com -,any has made aaplication for relief to the ?Ainnesota Tax Colmnission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Lot 24, ".lock 2, Ryan Place; and WIrERE'AS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1,193.62, and it has been stipulated that the applicant oay in full settlement thereof the sum of $632.03; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby avnro7es said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $602.84 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $632.05, and that said sum of $602.84 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1,193.62. COUNCILMEN ~ Yeas Nays Barfuss / Findlan Parranto Peterson __...In Favor Rosen Against tnl idwt('lrtutlek MAY 211940 Adopted by the Council_ _. --------- _.---------19-------- MANY 211940 �Approv�ed... -- --- - --- ---- .. ........19.- ' Mayo PUBLISHED !'5--; 6 W >r 118821 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT PAELININA¢Y ORDERS. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint j'aul, viz.: Gxadlsa�.ancl.eurx�alz� .the..AJ 1.aYA..in..>�J 4o>F..4...KeuBltt3fo .P.kc. A4.di.tlon........... ....from . Elsanon . Avenue..ta . Schaff ar..Avenue , ..and..fxom. Alhert..Straet . to -the ............... South.?) �eY•..............................................:....................................... ........................................................................................................................ Dated this... 21st...... day of ................... M§Y................... ......, le4Q.... .............................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvemerrt, viz.: Grading, and. arLrYacing the Alleys. in. Block ["'y�..%eneington Park Addition ............................ ....from.Fleanor..Avanue..to..Scheffar. �,renua,..and..from.Alhert. Bisset. to..tha...........:... North and South Alley. ............................................................... ................................................................................................ - - ---- ---- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ,� _ .. MAY 21640 0 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS MAY 211940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN ............ . . t. ... _ yor. �. Vioe f�esideut (q� _ t♦t'_ IM 12.38 _} J PUIiLPSPi'1•"D��•�- L Ll 18822 I Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C F. No, 118822— Bed PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: po3�dgpluing. and. taking ,an. easement, _in. the land neoesAary for s open, and fills Tn the adin and surfaoing„of the �..eys in Block 4, Kensing. ............ ..... to n ...... .. Park•Addition,�•from Eleanor,•Avanue•to SCheffer,Avenu..,.,and. from Albert ...ree .• .... ........... .....to. the• Noxth. and- South- ltl-lag........................................................ .10...day of......................May........... ............ 19�...... Dated this...... ............ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ... ........ ,..,,Condemning,and.taking,,en.easement,.in.the.land,necesa for,.slopest cu s Kensington Park and .fills. •in the grading, and surfacing oP All s. in Block ..... Additionfr .om Eleanor Avenue to Schaffer Avenue! end from Albert Street o ......... the..xvrth.aud.S.o Ah.AU.eq................................................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. so fir^ �i Adopted by the Council .................. .. ... 1. ........... YEAS NAYS MAX.2 Approved......... .21. 940 ....................... Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON , ROSEN . . . May r. R� &PRESI ;�r.yioerre�c(�% Im 12.38 l./ PUBLISHED 5r -118823 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ;-C6 _ANG i f; i�F4\ ,;� -• - - - - - ES - A`NARD QF DAMAGES In the matter an ease t_,t_ ir__ he _tend_ ne-cessar__ for slooes�__ cuts and fi is in the =_radir.�: and oili-;c of the in ''.aoc': 'Aarrendale, from ?,'cRenty Str et to the Mast and Piest All1� ; and from the, North and Soutc Alloy to chrtsworth 3 rest, RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL "PROV- ING_ AS4ESS -NIj FI%ING 7'�g _- N AND 4 under Preliminary Order__9______________, approved --- Fov_er1 e -r ______________, Intermediary Order _______117�6Fi______________- approved___ D =°=',her_ 1 _ 1935______________ Final Order -------------- 1 7501__-----------_, approved ---- `-Frit_ 1 __1940 ------------------ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That. a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ t__________hday of______Jure_________________, 19- 4Q, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. MAY 21 1940 MAY Adopted by the Council------------------------------- --- 211940 - - - ---=----- -- �- ------------ MAY City Clerk. Approved------------------------------ 19 ---- File 8673 -- - Fp -------------------- H:�rt�,sa Mayor. Councilman C _� 1;;,,,ii;,n Councilman F Councilman [ ecr n r, . Councilman R -B Rbc plibL151R ll � Councilman Councilman S _ Mayor^,resident (1=W COUNCIL FILE NO ......................-- ............... By RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT. -41 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for repaving the existinF roadway on Lexin.oton Parkway, from 7Jniversicy Ave. to ;;eiby Ave. by removi.n- the -,rood blocks ana resurfacing the existinm base with o.snhalt, wideninm the roadwa; from 77niversity Ave. to Selby Ave. to a width of 56 feet, mrading and pavinm the widened portion of the roadway, reconstructinm ornamental 1AThts; also constructing sewer, .rater and qas connections from street mains to pieperty lines, where necessary, maki.nr.necessary chanTes in water mains and apturtenances, curbin- and paving- alley and driveway approaches, vnere necessary, under Preliminary Order .......... ll3°44.............................. Intermediary Order.1.1.41.Z4............................... Final Order.................14.3.ZQ.......................... approved .......... 1ipx.iL--lR.................. __..------. ....., 19.39. The assessment of ------------ benefits,--cost-s--and._expenses............................. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said' assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved., RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the....... 1.9th...............day of June 19.40, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the tizae and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ----------------------------- MAvv -21-� � w'.� ..City Clerk. MAY 21190019 oApproved------------------------------------- ---------- ------- File 8638 ............. Mayor. Mayur. Councilman (id _ Rarfuss Councilman F"erguuso. - .. gindlan Councilman AAfaDonaid Councilman ROhland —son 1 Councilman $udheimer i„ ern C�,� Councilman ewcel'- _ _ PUGL'.CHEI) Mayor Form B. B. 17 Mr, Vice President ('liter} <� NOTICE +CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. N 18825 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER May 17, Ies RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT I OF $ 53,932.98 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 71402 TO 71443 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. C. F No. 118B86— �f1 drawn on ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MAY 21 1940 � � `eRp� I �/ APPROVED MAY .21'M193_ CITY COMPrROLLIR By / PUBLISHED MA! i , I I _0 ON A DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK x CITY OF SAINT=AUL OFFICE OF 7HE COMPTROLLER COU rvcIL i7 L>b„i•�t'4 FILE NUMBER— ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON ROSEN IN FAVO A CLAIMS May 17,"'4o- TRUAX AGAINST_ RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY _ W ENZEL MR PRES FALLON ADOPTED BY THbpryL TO THE A�GREGAI'E AMOUNT OF 5 53-iCZrJ COVERING [rr TO �INCLU5IVE. AS Y 211940 CHECKS NUMBERED 1+�[QQ�� ITPEMP�LLER PER CHECKS yyE E OF T CI _ � v I�tI.rLL11 �T 2L1 A%i APPROVED __ _ __ 1�3 _ NUMBER � L foo --- TOTAL DnrE IN FAVOR OF _ - RETURNED ` CHECK NUMBER TRANSFE R D SBU RSEM ENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 64T.__._. 693 71 02 • 4 - Dr. weltersG.nHagmann -923 4 94 15 �I 71404 George Sadek I 71405 County Welfare Board 12 199 85,, 71406 0rs.,Agnes Weise 2 9 71407 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 13 714o8 County Welfare Board 2 71409 Martin Fisher 60 00 71410 Michaud Bros., Inc. 5 00 71411 Arthur E. Nelson i3 0� 71412 John Rauscher 7141] L. J. Rozyoki 5 0O. 71414 F. G. Wagner 64 0 71415 71416 Jos. Pavlicek ” " 6 71417 " " " 3s 6 17 & 71418 71419 " Armour and Company 83 1Q 1 640 57 71420 B. Berglund Lumber Co. 691 go 71421 Cutler -Magner Company 71422 Farwell 0 mun Kirk and Co. 102 46 71423 Farwell ozmun Kirk and Co. 83 7142 Federal Power Commission 2 Od 00 71425 General Chemical Co. 1 071 99 71426 'Hilex Company 7 5 �7 71427 Jacks Mf_,. Co. 71428 Lampert Lumber Co. 62 04 57 71429 tdiller supply Co. 7�i R 71430 National Lumber Co. 181 lo' 71431 Northwest Publications, Inc. 4 372 22 71432 Northern States Power Co. 1 740 91 71433 Northern States Power Co. Co. 35 73 71434 Paper Calmenson and 39 71435 Parke -Davis and Co. 2 18 2 71436 Robinson Cary Sands Co. I 77 71437 J. L. Shiely Company . 1 8 06 71438 Washington Foundry Co, 2 60 71439 E. 0. Peterson g 621 93, 71440 Standard stone Co.. Inc, 687 50 71441 Capitol Staty. Mfg. Co. 9 720 08'I 71442 J. 4. Fin„lan, Comm. of Fin". 10 815 76 ® 71443 3 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 747 456 62. I. n ! I _'18826 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__ condemninr_ an�_takirv_ an_e.sement in_t'r:e_ land recesserv_for_ slcees, cuts and fills in the -rad ine and surfacinn rith bituminous surf,,cinr of theiEast and West alley in Plock 1, P.Iattock F'ark, from the "orth and oouth alley. to Y,aoA`lester Aven•:e REft"' TION aA 11 AND CON- .. `EMNATI -IF-TP under Preliminary Order__ 117654 --------------- approved___ January 30, 1940 Intermediary Order _______ 115010 -----, approved ____"_arch_ 5,-1940 Final Order --------------- 11523 -------------, --- ---- approved____Arril 2, 1940 ----------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefl*k,,be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. c bme�c sf xbhecaaitb sus�esemestx mmd dt aisx1eeb3xAetermHecbcta,�ba=)paysbie< ggxx xxxxxxx;cxg$galx i138rtiS>S8 Xci4x IlaIIQ8L7�d�desC6tlx E]YbToYif? ---� -190 ----- Adopted by the Council ________ MAY -221940 - -- c�/ ---- Approved -------- MAY 221940 ----------------,19---- city Clerk. File 8913 ----------- - t- ----------- -- Councilmanoy-_- .�i Councilman W_rguson �/ • - Councilman NtcDOpAM s r Councilman ]Iffice Councilman N laiid PUBLISHED 5- 5 Councilman 80 helms£ - Mayor L;Fia�.:_ O f • ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS ANP CIS' B?,:lEF'IT8 conde;rciir.- enc. tear.:- an easericnt in the land necessar:. for sleres, In the matter of------------------�-- L---------------------------------------�---------- .� c•,.zts an,:, .'i,is i.n. -.e -re:,'.;n• am si:ir_acin- wit: 4itlm ncus sart�-.c'_n- of t}:e �_st and 'Sest ail,- "'leek 1, '.:?atcoc:: ..rk, from tae `;crt:-: an,. tc��th elle;: �o .:_�calaster ..venue, under Preliminary Order__ 117F_�-____ approved--_-- JfiL, rL' ���-15`=G_______________________ Intermediary Order ----__ 11801G____-- approved--___ "arce:_5,_ 194G--------------- ---- 118223 ��ril ` -1940 ------------------------------- Final Order ----------------------- approved THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ------------------- Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTIONS "^RING A887TL, Council File No..... ----- -------------------_- } ` 1-18827 By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damam,es, costs and expenses for chaneinF the erade o" the alley in Block 16, Oakville Park, from Walsh Avenue to Greenbrier Avenue, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade beinz. shown by the blue line thereon; also rep�radin:-7 and surfacine the Alley in Block 16, Oakville Park, from Walsh Avenue to ;reenbrier Avenue, to the proposed red line when established, 01 . 148 115767 under Preliminary Order 114942 --------- ................... Intermediary Order - 1 --.........54..-.-......-, Final Order.........-..-.............., approved..---- .:44 Ftis ................ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FJ.jRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in...... ...............equal installments. MAY 221940 Adopted by the Council.......----------------------------------- ---- ............... City Clerk. MAY 22 1940 Approved.................... -............--------- .....19_...... File 8720 -------- .... ........... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 �� PUBLISHED—�� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Ap r i 1..._2 3 ,..._1940.......xmg_— In the matter of the assessment of -benefits, da -.a, -es, costs and expenses for Stmt chanrine the ~-rade of the alley in Plock 13, 0a;,ville F rk, from Walsh. Avenue to :reenbrier Avenue, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a cart hereof, the present established erade bein> sho= by the blue line thereon; also re7radine and surfacinT, the Alley in Plock. 1�i, Oakville Park, from 'aalsh Avenue to ;reenbrier Avenue, to the nroposed red line -schen estasFlished, under Preliminary Order.. 14$4 - Intermediary Order 115448,.... ... ...... ._...... —, Final order._._ 115767 ............ approved_... AuZust 1 _1939 -....._. , 1W........... To the Council of tbj City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: materials, equipment, en>ir.eerin,P and Cost of/CWmbMobbxx . supervision Cost of publishing notice . $. -- -z •—�� ---- Cost of postal cards . $ _...-._.4.._54.._...._....._ Inspection fees . Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures $....546._99,_....,. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, ..upon each and ever lot,• art or parcel of land deemed tamed, to -wit: the sum of $_._...._ ._......._....__.__.. p Y P benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered .proper. Commissioner of of Finance. Form D. H. 17 Council File No .......... ------------------------ 118,828 By..... ................. ............................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for gradin,7 and surfncin2 t!.e Alley in =flock 1, Peroman's Division from Johnson Parkway to Clar;,nce Street; also-radinr Clarence atrcet from Sixth Street to h:arraret Street C. F. No. 118828— ^ 'tix Malte[ ' -• of under Preliminary Order. -.-._112805---..__ Intermediary Order .......... Final Order.....1�329-$------., approved.--.2e1ember--13................1938 --• A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FI,jRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ....................... equal installments. c� Adopted by the Council ..............MAY--2-2-t9� r^ �� - ----- ----> 1ty Clerk. MAY 221940 Approved------------------------ ---------------------.....19.....- Mayor. ------------ -L - E� ------- --- ......... ............ Form B. a- 18 File 8557 r CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE C0MMSSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment April...23,__194Q.._......... ., t92c..-- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses forXhEx grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 1, Bergman's Division from Johnson Parkway to Clarence Street; also F-radine, Clarence Street from Sixth Street to Mar?aret Street under Preliminary Order__....112$QS... - .1 Intermediary Order -._.____11,.3,4.J,_7......___._..__.___.....__.._.._—, Final order... 1132.93_ .............. ..._.__ approved.. .Dece^lber_13,..._1938.... _......... _...... &83........... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: materials, equipment, eneineering & Cost of%gMW sppervis.ior$._....._ 86.65 -_...._ $ 3.60 Cost of publishing notice . --.--- ------ Cost of postal cards . $._...._ 0.72 .......... Inspection fees . $ . ............... -- Amount of court costs for confirmation $,._..... ... .... 3.60 Total expenditures . $......_794..-51._...___._... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_.._794...57......_.- ..........................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered -. proper. Cjvr� _ c s z c ,.ai ✓ Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. B. 17 018829 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND a ASSESSMENT THEREFOR co+:de;.ni.n7 and takin:� an easement in tre lane r.ecess,ry for s In the matter of------------=-------------------------------------------------------onPs1__ ----- cuts and fills in the ,=radin= and surfacir.- n1` ti:u Alley in 'Flock b, Kuhl's 2nd Addition from Who to Pear Avenue to Flandrau Street, RESOLUTION RATIFYING FItXING -NDEV- AWARDS •• under Preliminary Order- __116826______-----_ approved ____e°':em er-_z_1959-------------- 117200 ---__-_--- approved____Lecember 12, 1939 Intermediary Order ____________-------------------, Final Order ---------------- 11746--------------- approved ----- Aoril_101940 ----------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered thb same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatjAdW the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the' ` of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. r Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. $ecib:�nxlsha�ncl�ea&IYx�xk�tsexauia�.tstyi?�x>�#�aexl��>xle�irndx EaoJxe: ale �dnxxxzsx�cx�cxxagaahansfs3lmasx�c>�e�:3oExlend�cdesetid�edc gkareanx MAY 2 2 1940 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------d -- ------ ------------------- MAY 221940 city clerk. Approved ----------------- ----,19---- File 8859 ------------ -1- / 4`r1 -- -- --- -- - ayor. Councilman M�' s� Councilman Councilmand ..----^-- / Councilman Aaree. r / J Councilman Rpt#and //////111 j PUBLISHED Councilman SUdheimei' Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1f ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS HVNEFITS In the matter of__ condern r.> and-ta__irr_ aneasement in tate land r.ecessary for slot s, n, Its Rr,i _i1 n ^r...._.- an c. sirf'.e;n- of Lnc A11e^ in loci: , fuhl's 2nd Addition rror'Wh it, Sea' ".venue to--landrau Stree'%, under Preliminary Order ---116A26 __-- approved_-- Intermediary Order ------- - ----- F_er .3 39 ------------------------ 117'3�-------' approved----Decet_er_l s-1c3G ----------------------- ---- Final Order --------------1.17436 __-- approved-_--Ap0-------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, ggntaining the undersigned's finding on said matters. - ---------------------------------------------- Commissioner of Finance. original to City Cleric CITY OF ST. PAUL CaX ca 'WO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �--, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE May 22, 1940 — RESOLVED, that F. J. Gang, Airport Director, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to attend the annual meeting of the Airport Executives Association and the Aviation Forum at Washington, D. C. May 25th to 29th inclusive, and the proper City Officers be and they are hereby authorized and instructed to issue a warrant in favor of F. J. Geng in the sum of One Hundred Eighty-five Dollars ($185.00) payable out of the Holman Municipal Airport Fund. Code 21-D2. to defray his expenses and any balance remaining to be returned to said fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas 1d4 NaysParV` 8II't0 /. Rose " _..---..-..._.In favor _:FmTrn— ............. Against 3M 11-35 rn,V iZ— q n f ( r....e Adopted by the Council ._..M~.._22.1.t.�......I93...... Approvve.dn----M1 LL�..Z0--t`3-40 ----------- 193.. --. ----- Mayor Council File No------------------------------- 018831 By......... .............. ....... ........... . CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for eradins and surfacin the Alley in Block 1, ,. V. Racon's Addition from Kennard Street to Flandrau Street, except the westerly 80 feet of alley to be Praded to a width of II 16 feet only, in Fthe oMatterl of the assessment of heneats, costs and expense. for grad- ing and surfacing the 1P, inV. S^rk 1' c. Irene[ to Ft neaat�o„ r ' rly 80 feet r under Preliminary Order.....113191-_-_._. Intermediary Order......11381§----_.-- Final Order....---11�kQ.$9....... approved ............. Anri 1--11----------------19....39 A public hearingh wing been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further condtred by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered toe submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT 15;1 EII RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.........._................_..e{ ual installments. iI W22194 Adopted by the Council ....................... ------------ /L! -.Clerk. Clerk. MAY 221940 Approved------------------------------------------ -----------19........ File 8582 ------------ -----00'=-.-��L....- E `�....✓/�J...., Mayor. F.— B. E. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment _ April 23, 1940 In the matter of the assessment of benefitst costs and expenses fork 7radinr, and surfacine the Allcy in i'lock 1, V. Pacon's Addition from Kennard Street to 'r'landrau Street, exceat the westerly 80 feet of alley to he r,raded to a width of 16 feet only, under Preliminary Order 113191 Intermediary Order_ 113 31,6. 114089 a roved April 11,__1939__._.....,�X_2 Final order._ _...__. _ PP' - - _...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz: terials, equipment, ea�ineer sr, and Cost ofT_i_0tr�La I supervision ,� 939.30 _ �. 4.35 Cost of publishing notice . $------------- — .... - 0.87 Cost of postal cards -'"" ---- Inspection fees $..._.... _...._ 4.35 Amount of court costs for confirmation $- -- - Total expenditures $ 948.87 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of E ....__ 948.87---------11--,._..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered :proper. �-*-- , . �•' �, `".�— ........_...._.__... Commissioner of Finance. Form D. .. 17 - Counet�File No..-------- - ----------- ------- --- 18832 By I CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for pradinq, partially surfacing,ar:d oilirv� Alle;;, in Law -ton's 3earranre!nent of 'lock 23, Proem and Jackson's Addition, from Brown Avenue to Andrew Street, C. F. No. 118832— In the matter benefit.. r�- 1ng Alt, BMS' d:" under Preliminary Order ..._ 113669 .......... Intermediary Order.._.._113952--.--- Final Order......._114199.--. approved .......... r i 1._18-------------------19 3 9.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable T in -------------------------......equal installments. MAY 221940 Adopted by the Council.------------ ................................... --- -- • -- .. y Clerk. MAY 221940 Approved---------------------- .------------------------------- 19.... File 8618 Form B. B. 18 / ............. _., Mayor. of CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE J Report of Completion of Assessment ...:Apr?1.._2321940 _ $.95....._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for bb= P,radin-, partially surlacine, and oilin, Alley in Lat,ton's Rearrangement of Flock 23, Brown and Jackson's Addition, from Brown Avenue to Andrew Street, under Preliminary Order 113668 _ _...._, Intermediary Order........113952 _.... _ ..__.... Final order........ 11419.9approved April _.181_.1939 _._... >�Sx....._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: �ryryaaterials, equipment, enmineertnrr ?, super - Cost of/oax. vision $......._ 25.4..15.-__--...... Cost of publishing notice . $......_.....__2,40 _..,_ Cost of postal cards $....._.........._0.48._—.,,-_ Inspection fees $......_.........__...—_---.- Amount of court costs for confirmation $--.----- 2' 4--- --- Total expenditures $__...... 259-43, Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, .. ..-upon each and ever lot, art or parcel of land deemed tamed, to -wit: the sum of $ .___2 _. P y p benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a,part'hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered -proper.��� Commissioner of Finance. Foran B. B. 27 original in City Clerk ` cotmca. (� CITY OF ST. PAUL va.e NO_______.......________ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEbrrED BY/ , COMMISSIONER / �/ DATA May 22 X940 WHEREAS, at the time the final order was passed for the grading of Hoyt Avenue from Parkway Drive to Greenbrier Avenue, Final Order, C. F. 115829 approved August 8, 1939, the estimated cost of the grading by W.P.A. was $216.20, or $.25 per front foot, and WHEREAS, since that time the W.P.A. has established a require— ment that 25% of the total cost of the work must be furnished by the sponsor, and in conformity with this ruling the est3!mated cost of the grading to be assessed is now $864.82, or $1.00 per front foot, if the work is done by W.P.A.; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That an informal public hearing be had on the matter of proceeding with the above improvement on the basis of the revised estimate on the 6th of June, 1940, and the Commissioner of Finance notify the property owners of the date and subject of this hearing. C. F. No. 118833—By Milton Rosen— Wwashereas, At the tlme fhe final order IYCOUNCILMEN Yeas ��. Nays /Bar�uss Parr / Can Parrnnto oxen ^ /Mr. President (Fallon) 1039 9 ,O conJ'Urmity With this rultng the eetl� mated coat of the gradlag to be -ti- 1 ....cd Is now $884.82, or $1.00 CCar front foot If the work le done by .v P. A,; therefore, be It hearingvbe` hadaod the `patter] oPublic p lo- eedlha b ith the above Improvement eels [ the evlead estimate the he [ Sune, 1940, and the Com - or (owners oofn the datetf¢ndh subject ofth Adoi,ted by he Council May 22, 1940. !tPDroved May 22, 1940. (May 26, 1940) n AWAY 221940 Adopted by the Council. .. _ _ ._.-..___ Approved.. MAY 2.2 1W _.- .-....InFavor yor _ _Against Oriiii—I to City Citric CITY OF ST. PAUL wC` NO ................ --------- OFFICE ---- -OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /C.OUNCIL RESOI UTION—GENERAL FORM C. F. '• - ', �iAr. � " (�ADD- r7e"' COMM SSIONER-,X.r— .. DAT' .. c WHEREAS, by Council File No. 118839, approved April 30, 1940, the Council determined that the old foundation on Lot 49, Auditor's Subdivision No. 10, located on the west side of Wabasha Street near Tilton Street, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7tlO, and no appeal has been taken byNthe owner or his agent, and said lfolt>ad8t oUt has not been removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner -of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things whidV in his opinion may be necesssry for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. COUNCILMEN MAY 22 1940 Yeas Nays , Adopted by the Council ........................ ........_.-193.._-. -Pe,scesarruesr � MAY 221940 �>� Rosen ----- ---------__In favor Approved------'..---_--_...----------- ........ ---193__.. �taax -W.—Findla ----------- Against -w 4 Parraato MVor Mr. President 4C.el*l}(Fallon) pfd 3M 1135 PUBLISHED � ��- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ` OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �/ c L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration May 21 , 1940 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Coats el City Hall Lear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. j) authorizing and directing the Comsr. of Parks, P. & P• B. to enter upon the premises and tear down and remove the foundation on Lot 45, Auditorrs Subdivision No. 10, located on the west side of Wabasha St. near Tilton St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. 611 0 W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt -of Perk; Supt of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX„Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner May 21, 1940 Hon. Council City of St, 'aul 3entlemen: This Department has railed the proper notices to Henry Ley, 732 Holly Avenue, which notices pertain to the con- demnation o` the foundaticn on Lot 49, Auditor's Subdivi- sion No. 10, located on t1 -e west side of Ysabasha Street near Tilton Str et. In accordance w'th Council File "1o. llE539, pl.ase be ad- vised that the fotu,aation is still in place and the owne has not appealed for a rehearing of the condemnation rro- ceedings. LAP... U a Y truly, rchitect 1 188@1i5 OriBid9l to City Clerk - CAUNCR CITY OF ST. PAUL e.. NO— --- __-- i C, F- No. 118836—By F. M. Truax— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Whereas, 81 provided by Couneu File No. 118360, approved April 12, COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM1940, the CQ;-, •. 7" COMM SSIONER_—t�-1►�L--�' v !vD BYL•`•CL`�� ...... DATE _.-- A WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 118350, approved April 12, 1940, the Council did, on the 7th day of May, 1940, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking the five -story brick building on Lot 6, Block 9, Whitney & Smith's Addition, also described as No. 365 Sibley Street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22,, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a odpy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, 'said.Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN MW 221940 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ------- ..............._....193.....- -PeaTee- Barfuse/ MAY 22 1940 ---- Rosen --In favor Approved -----...---193 F1AQlan / .Against L -......i ...Or....... F vite,1e4Parranto \ Mr. President (E,ehftn) (Fallon) \1 PUBLISHED r)'�5 3M 11-36 ti CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration May 21, 194o Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the five -story brick building on Lot b, Block 9, Whitney & Smith's Addition, also described as No. 365 Sibley St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. K /�17 66t I r>h- April 17, 19140 Mr. P. W. loot Attorney at Luw 356 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Yr. toot$ se are referring your letter of April 9th on behalf of Superior Beal $state Go.. relative to the ndea ahsoTnOfAnd tbO Oommo d Western Supply Co. building, to the Build0ounaing Dep 7th when this matter comes up for also refer it to the Oounoil on iday 7 hearing. L Yours very truly, City Clerk. April 17, 1940 Hon. P. Y. Truaz Comer. of Parke, P. & F. B. Oity Rall Dear Sire Attentiont 16r. 0. A. bassford Attached is a Copy of a letter of Superior Beal Estate 00. calling attention to a party wall agreement p®staining to the building formerly occupied by the Western Supply GO- A hearing on the condemnation of this buiiaing has been set for may 7th. Yours very truly, City Clerk. i April 17, 1940 Hon. John 3. Finflnn Commistiorer of Finance Oity Hall Dear Sirs Attentions Mr. L. 0. Seamer Attached is a Copy of a letter of Superior Ret%l Rotate Oo. Calling attention to a party wall agreement pertc,ininp to the building formerly occupied by the 'Western Suprly Co. A hearing on the Condemnation of this building has been set for May 7th. Tours very truly, e Oity Mork. �4 0 1 Mar 7th, 1940 Hon. John S. Bir.dlen Land Commissioner City Hall Dear Sir The Council laid oxer to May 14th the matter of the condemnation and wrecking of a building at 365 Sibley St. and referred to you the attached letter of the Superior Real Setate Co. relative to a party wall agreement affecting this building. The Council would appreciate your recommendation in this matter. Tours very truly, City Clerk. Orl,iad to Cit, Ck �ire CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE PILE NO.__ .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIPN --- GENERAL FORM COMSMISSIONER _____ _.. _. __ ... WSERW, by Council File No. 119835, approved Nay 22, 1940, the Council determined that that sertain five -story brick building located on Lot 6, Bleat 9, Whitney it Smith's Addition, also described as No. 368 Sibley Street, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and shculd be wreaked and removed; and wHzM AS, due notice has been given as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 72110, and no appeal has been taken by the owner 6r Lie agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it R9803M, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and BT{b4o Buildl.ngs be and he is hereby authorised and directed to enter said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dawesoue structure, and to do any and all things whish in As opinion my be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. COURCILMETI ijeas nags t3ajjuss F'indlan /Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President;�'McDonough Sm -a C52a338 In Favor Against Adopted by the Council _ _ ___. _. _ te4_._ --------194-- .____..._. Magor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota 4 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration June 12, 1940 I Mr. John W. McConneloog Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: L The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 3) authorising and directing the Comsr. of Parks, P. & P. B. to enter upo the premises and tear down and move the five -story brick building on t 6, Block 9, Whitney & Smith's Addition, also described as No. 3® Sib St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. 0 W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds ��3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL' I Capital of Minnesota 1, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner June 10, 1940 'P Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: A copy of Council File No. 118835, adopted by the Council May 22, 1940, has been mailed to Mr. F. W. Foot, Superior Real Estate Company, 356 Cedar Street, St. Faul, and Hon. John S. Findlan, Land commissioner, which resolution has reference to the condemnation of the five story brick building at 365 Sibley Street, described as Lot 6, Block 9, Whitney & Smith's Addition. The building is still in place and the owner has not filed an appeal for a rehearing of the condemnation action. Yours truly, City Architect LAR..0 Crwnel to City OWL couwca CITY OF ST. PAUL vn.[ NO.-------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL -FORM, c. F. NO. usea9— Y By John S. Findlan— DColumeh aaa, Pet«r Fph has Prealdent Iof PRESENTED BY /� - ��/ /1�.. DATE._, 't" ' has a.- COM M 11 ONER_ <y;AS, Peter i'ahey, 1'r(.-sident of Columbus Fall Assn., has made applicati.o;� for reli.c.f to the Idi.nnesota lax Commiseior, rela- tive to -delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described 0 pro ne r`n;, to wic: Lots 6 anu '7, Glock 55, lice _ Irvine's A:dition to St.ie'.Q; end rT-_-'?:AS, the delinquency totals the stun oC $21,101.60, and the aonlicant offers to nay in full settlement V ereof tine sum of $7,135.93; therefore, bA it 'Chat t'ne Council of the ^i+,.. of Sa;.nt Pa'�,.1 hereby approves said offor of provided, however, that the sum of $3426.48 shall be first deducted from the total E5�ment of $7,139.93, and that said sum of $426.48 shall be paid to the Cite of Saint Pw:l i. n. .,eti-,leme.It of delinquent assessments included in zhe total delinquency oi' $21,101.60. COUNCILMEN Yeas `` Nays �1 ;�Findladlas / n - ,,'Parranto --�- ._.__......In Favor /Rosen _Xf"ST-_ ... �. _. Against ,/'Mr. President (Fallon) Im 1oa9 sem'® "' MAY 221940 Adopted by the Council_._ _..__....__......19....... - MAY 22 1940 Approved -- -- _.._ ..._-.19......_ yor r -r -y� )eUBLISIILD , original to City CWk rT' `, CITY OF ST. PAUL In.i ca NO ------ _--------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C. F. No. 118837—ny Sohn S. Flndlan— PRESENTED E DA7F__ Whereas, U!e , (.r emann hae Lade COMMISSIONER_—__–..�/�A.-� anpll _ __ Y ^r '� the Minne- — W7.RS'AS, ''enr� cr?esann has made application _`or relief to the :'i-mesoca ax Co;=fission relative to aelinq r.nt taxes and assessments on 'tine follo-s,i^_r-. Iescri,,ed nrorerty, to wit: Lot :'lock :1, 1losno;er r_r'-c; and ei _. _,.. , tt:e uelin _aenc.,, totals the sum of X742.91, end it h�s been sti.*"hated Leiat t^,e arnlionnt na- in full settle- ment I,ncreo�.' the sum of $562.15; therefore, be it ih,,t the ronnc`1 0" t e Ci h- oi' bai.nt he re b-; n.roves ��id seia:lem_nt; nrot;.oed, hor:ev�r, t-�a� lile slam o^ $268.71 shall be first ded,.lcted fru: the total pavluent of ,$562.16, and t:•lat said sun of $266.71 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settla.ment of delinquent asses.,,ments in- cluded in the total delinquency of $742.91. - MAY 221940 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -....__.__ ...................19 -------- Yeas Nays Barfues Ag. 1940 Findlan Approved..__._ ... ....... _-... _ Iye Parranto .-PeieT90ff"�� . .. -....In Favor --- - ......__------- �ayor Rosen --- v_._ a -SYPH x Against / Mr. President (Fallon) PUIiLISILLD 1M 10.39o" COUNCIL FILE NO.— INTERMEDIARYCIR 118838 r DER In the Matter of constructive a sidewalk on the west side of South Albert St. from St. Clair SL. to Jefferson Ave., INTER31EDIARY ORDERS. C. F. N, under Preliminary Order 118466 approved_ April 23 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a s idewa1k on the west Bice or South Albert S,,. from St. Slair St, to Jefferson Ave., except where.,00d and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-0.15 oer square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 18th ---day of June. 1940 ANx_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons -and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as as ' ated. Adopted by the Council__ 9 Y 22 1 ---. 193 Ili_ i 221940 Approved _ 193_—_ City Clerk File S4636 i —Mayor Councilman Barfvso Councilman _ Findbm Councilman Councilman R�•�:a-ersert-- Councilman T -v —1 1 Ll. seu //// Councilman- Xrmrx-- J 515 Mayor Mabwonnow 77� Fallon • Form B. S. A. 8.6 91 COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 118839 ,� In the Matter of constructing a monolithic sidewalk on the south side of Hoyt Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Albert Street, C. F. No. 1188399— In the matter a mono- . llthlc sld.-•" of to under Preliminary Order 118636 __approvers May 7 1940. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a monolithic sidewalk on the south side of Hoyt Avenue fro!n Snelline Avenue to Albert Street, except where mod and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 0.15 per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 18th day of June, 1940 xpg_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as est}'tpated. /f Adopted by the Council �p� 22 190, 193 ����1/ MAY 22 1940 Cit Clerk Approved 193- Y File S4347 Mayor Councilman Councilman OPEL Councilman. Councilman Councilman MEOW bieean �� +�Il Councilman.. �- `/ Mayor Fnllote PSJj3LISIIiD 5� JT` ' FOTm.B. S. A. 8.6 NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL % COUNCIL RESOLUTION Pgjg R18. COUNCFlCE.� MAy 21.1,_.,JiQ- RJSOL /EDiTHy T CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ,, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED-TO-7)56Q—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MAY 221940 193- clrr co 3o�Len APPROVED 193____ BY NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF, SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION May 21, ,a40 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $4,557.19 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 71457 TO 71505 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MAY 221940 i93 MAY 22 1940 APPROVED 193_ NOTICE TO PRINTER /j� olrr cowrrxouen BY • CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.f 1884 COUNCIL RESOLUTION %A -a 20,3 4o RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAW ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 23,267.31 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 71444 TO -Z1 6_INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTRO LER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MAY 221940 MAY22 1a90 clrr cuwPrwu��an APPROVED 193_ eoo - ae BY pUBLISHED �' D • �✓ SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 770 723 93 I I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITT OF SAINT PAUL - - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER � CO rvclL FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINOLANIN FAVO PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS `' may a, 19340- ROSEN TRUA _ AGAINST' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL TO 7HE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_ .COVERING MR PRES FALLON � � 1940 RED 44 14 6 INCLUSIVE. AS CE OF TH _INC ✓U/}V CHECKS NUMBERED (� ROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ---64 ------ PER CHECKS ON F IN-AbfE APPROVED _. NUMBER 7r BY �. — TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF CHECK NUMBER RANSFER DISBURSEMENT TCH ECKS CHECKS RETURNED 'v BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD ��II 747 456.6 2 OOj ® 71444 Mrs. Charles Tuohner 56 71445 Mrs. Mabel Murphy 4 00 j! 0 71446 John Lennon 80 00; 71447 Geor,Se Gray 40 00 71448 Josephine M. Ayd, Gnd. 39 ;q g0 :1 71449 E. B. Maliaki 45 0071450 John S. Findnlan. Comm. of Fin. 67 i n n 3 599 1 676 3bj 71452 r x 11 1 093 57 ; 7 2 188 2 51 71452 Arthur A. Steuart 71455 John 9. Findlan, Comm. of Finn. 9 12 1}58 5'I 324 56 71456 A • �✓ SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 770 723 93 { J DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL , OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FICOUNCIL FINUMBER-- ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN IN FAVOR, AUDITED CLAIMS May 21, B ROSEN TRUA% AGAINST, RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS 9E LIRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY �j�-. WENZEL MR IRE FA LLON TO THE AGGREGATE AM.QJ4N y S_L}45 COVERING IjIF LII/ TOrtE INCLUSIVE. AS Lq1 1Ey�(��y/y� L MAY 22 9 0 PER CHECKS ONRFD ADOPTED BY rH�YN j94D---- ------ - X93- TI OFF OF THE CIS T� COI'IP FROLLER _ APPROVED -- NUMBER 93 BY �/V 'N'•l _ i�-s��v«Z OF TOTAL DATE ' ED- CHECK IN FAVOR - TRANSFER RETURN S DISBURSEMENT BY BANK! NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 770 723 91 _ ® 71457 Harry R. & Ma~garet wieken 10 00' 15 71458 M & L Motor Supply Co. N 278 63; 71459 Mack Intl. Motor Truck Corp. 12 99 71460 m astyper Co. 5 51 71461 McKesson Wholesalers 9 4 71462 Meier sales and Equipment Co. 71463 Meyer Engroaving Co. 22 2? 71464 Midway Chevrolet Co. 36 00 71465 Minnesota state Prison Friend Laundrymot 4 1 71466 Mother's 10C�'56�' power gYear Book 5 00. 71466 TheoMunicipalr 100 11 71469 National Bushing & Parts Co. 58 89. 71470 Nicols, Dean and Gregg Co. 10 951 71471 North Central Publishing Co. 143 63'' 71472 Northern states Power Co. „ 473 43' 7147 „ „ R „ 362 Oq 7147 71475 Northwestern Petroleum Co. 188 41. 127 23 71476 Park Machine Company 7 8 71477 Perfection Type, Inc, 110 50 71478 Raymer Hardware Company 131 50 71479 Reay Engrlpaving Company 5 041 71480 Rochester Germicide Co. 26 C0 71481 Royal 011 Company 9 70 71482 Rumsch Keen Edge shop / 714 „ 1 St. PauBook & stationery Co. i �13 9 80 7 g4 71485 292 3 71486 St. Paul sausage Co. 1hite & Indiana sere. 90 OOI' 3 71487 St. Paul 71488 Fred J. Saam Co. 9 89 71489 kndrew Schooh Co. 17 75 71490 Schreier's Auto Top 12 7 71491 Scott, Foresman Co. 66 11 66 71492 L. i. Singer Publishing Co. 113 80 74493 L. C. Smith & Corona, Inc. 172 48 71494 H. R. Stahl Company - 40 71495 Standard Oil Company 68 h 71496 swift and Company 3 68 71497 stein's Food Market18 00 71499 • Inc.71498 Supply Division, United Ruling and Binding Col 10 00 49 04 71500 universal Iron Foundry 15 00 71501 universal sign Co., Inc. 48 59 71502 valley Iron Works 48.1 71503 'Qaidorf Paper Products, Inc. 53 1 71504 Geo. T. Walker and Co. 28 05 71505 ,yorthington Gammon Meter Co. SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 775 281 14 1 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD y 11 781 360 24 r DUPLICATE TO CITY CL RK CIT OF SAI T PAUL * tI I) ROLL CALL • OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILECOUN L FILE NUMBER - BARFUSS NFAVDR'P AUDITED CLAIMS PETERSON ROUEN May 2l . 19�. IDID R UA% AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE URAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WIENPZREE R S FALLON g� TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ]may /p �V �����yyq COVERING Ay 2+Ni I� O CHECKS NUMBERED % (� 'YO��'T' (]. INCLUSIVE. AS 1 •f.V� T1509IITY- ADOPTED BY THE yCry�OeUVCIALy. 4PPROVE D 'TOUN PER CHECKS ON FILEN;5N6OF 'CC' Aj_ L+M NUMBER C.MPTROLLER soo T9a Cs B\' � --�iL_— . TOTAL DATE IRE CHECK UMBER IN FAVOR OF _ - TCANSFER DISBCRSEM HECKS CHECKS uR 'I BY B hKD n BROUGHT FOR 775 N u 2914 1�� _ 71506 .kmerioan Linen supply Co. Amer. Rad. & Stand. San. Co. 11.8 73!' 213 04' 41507 5 1508 John D. Anderson 4 9 95'5' 71509 G. A. Ashton Co., Inc. 185 751 71510 J. V. Bailey Nurseries 9 77r 71511 Belmont Corporation 783 54 71512 Berwind Fuel Company 5 11' 71513 Booth Cold storage Co. Carnegie Dock and Fuel Co. 569 12 71514 71515 Carnegie Dock and Fuel Co. 225 11 12 87' 71516 Chicago Apparatus Company 2 90 71517 Commercial Refrigeration, Inc. 217 60' 71518 Corning -Donohue, Ino. 23 40 71519 Curtis Candy Company 13 60 71520 W. J. Dyer and Bros, l� 400 49. 71521 Elgin Sweeper Company l 50„ 71522 Funk and wagnall Company 17 22' 7152] General Equipment Co. 30 00 71524 Gleasons Plantation Coffee Co. 71525 Margery Goodkind 1 00, 122 00: 71526 Gopher Stamp and Die Coitpany 87 94'' 71527 R. L. Gould and Co. 12 021' 71528 E. M. Hale and Co. 71529 Hannaford -O'Brien, Inc. 16 20! 71530 Hawk Manufacturing Co. 49 95 71531 Healy -Ruff Company 25 73' 71532 D. 0. Heath and Company 57 71533 B. Herder Book Co. 45 25. 71534 Highway Trailer Co. 1 82 71535 Internat'1 Business Mach. Corp. 71 71536 The %awneer Company 76 71537 Reeshin Motor Express Co., Ino. 71538 71539 I. %essell 'Ernest Kluegel and Co. 12 00 3� 80, 60 71540 Koenig's Bakery 149 0o, 71541 Lake City Nurseries,Anc. 4 71542 Lee & Hoff Elevator Co. 70' 18 44 71543 Library of Congress, Librarian 6 00 71544 Lydon-Brioher Mfg. Co. 202 93 71545 Minnesota Milk Company 19 28 71546 71547 Model Laundry Co. Northern states Power Co. 20 663 05 71548 • Northern States Power Co. 71549 Owens Motor sales Co. p16 38 !} 71550 71551 " " " " " " " " 179 1 120 12 71552 Purity Baking Company 69 65 1 55 7155 J. F. Ptaoek & son. 3 30 7155 Rei star Yeast Company 30 71555 St. Paul Book & staty. Co. " "99 37 71556 69 56 71557 St. Paul Milk Co. 28 80 71558 The St. Paul shopper 6 �7 71559 Standard Brands, Inc. 211 43 71560 westlund's Market House SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD y 11 781 360 24 r CITY OF ST. PAUL N01.1` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK "L` I C. F. No. 118843—By G.H. Barrasa— COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERALFOR( W. A. �m x Be�� �.. 3 ifT .h•� - . a: ."23, i94o" .,.....____DATE ...... _................ .................. ... ...._.................... ...... RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed t0 issue licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees; such e Fred J. Kaezcher 569 -Nd:" Pascal Ave. Grocery App. 41574 New O.L. n n a n Off Sale " 41575 n n n Paramount Fuel & Oil Co.590 N. Fairview Ave. Gas Station It4163.L " it " Rodney W. Button 1555 Malvern Ave. Oil Burner " 41660 it 1q. L. Home Heating Co. 779. Selby Ave. 011 Burner " 41747 " " n Abe Brudnick 251 State St. Junk Gatherer " 41775 " Walter Scbrankler 571 Earl St- Ice Station " 41792 " O.L. S. E. Aarestad 152 E. Eight St. Gas Station " 41514 " N.L. A. J. Howat 1214 Selby Ave. Butcher n 41545 it " " R. C. Herrmann 2111 Ford Road Gas Station " 41556 it O.L. Luella Boggs 1795 E.Minniebaha Grocery " 41561 " " " Harold Ronning 1321 Arcade St. Ice Station " 41576 " n " Zimmerman Meat Co. 939 E. Third St. Grocery " 41559 it A.L. Mrs. Frank Kellerman 1293 Rice St. Grocery n 41900 " O.L. James Joseph 341 W. Seventh St. Gas Sta. 1 Add. 41901 " " " Morris Kanter 676 University Ave. Grocery " 41936 "11ifn n n " Off Sale " 41937 it n e Max Herman 203 E. Indiana St.Junk Gatherer " 4196g " Sam Rom 77 W. Isabel St. " n n 42061 It MAY 2 31940 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.._ Yeas Nays Barfuss 61. MAY 2 3194Q Findlan favor . Approved. ...193....... Rosen$s� Petersonn / J ' Against L/ Ir Y TZ.— (' 1�� a or y Parranto wed PUBLISHED I 6416 Mr. Vice ITuident(1Yaax) COUNCIL lJ�� CITY OF ST. PAUL .IL. No ..................:................� .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKy--- COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persona at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk be instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the City Treasury of the required fees: Bert Miller 2309 Como Ave. W. Off Sale Malt App. 40433 Renewal Walter Mayer 1205 Selby Ave. Confectionery " 40612 " John J. Ganzer 859 Front St. Confectionery " 41546 " Florist " 41547 " Off Sale -Malt It 41548 " Harry Lennon & Geo. Richter 1581 University Ave. Restaurant " 41549 " It " ItIt On Sale Malt " 41550 " " Off Sale Milt " 41551 " John C. Olin 789 Raymond Ave. Butcher " 41570 " Dennie Mart 633 University Ave. Confectionery " 41606 " If " it It Off Sale Malt " 41607 It Clarence Johnson 638 N. Snelling Ave. Bakery " 41621 " Belvin Jellesed 585 Front St. Ice Delivery " 41627 " R. 71. Lonna 313 Front St. Gas Station " 41663 " Morris Ait 734 N. Snelling Ave. Grocery " 41673 " Frank & Henry Selbitechka 691 N. Dale St. Restaurant " 41696 " n n n n ° On Sale Malt " 41697 It Off Sale Malt It 41698 " H. M. Robbe 642 N. Snelling Ave. Restaurant " 41708 " Paul Weise 856 Edmund St. Butcher " 41709 It Peoples Ice & Fuel Co. 212 W. Sycamore St. Ice Mfg. & Storage " 41732 " R.L. Stevens 121 W. Sing St. Oil Burner to 41734 " CAUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.._ 193...... Yeas ,. N�ya Biguss Find '.eg Peewees In favor Approved.. ... .193-1..... Peterson --Traux , [ Against Mayor IIS Parranto I M, 6,416 W. Vice Yre9dent (TrWx) 11884- #2 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ...................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__........_.............._......._......................_......._..._...__.._.._...___._._. _. DATE......_....... May...2r't...._1.940 RESOLVED Geo. M. Hagen 1304 Marion St. Ice Delivery App. 41751 Renewal Oscar Moskovita n 1577 University Ave. Confectionery " 41769 It .n it It Off Sale Malt It 41770 It J. Wiener & Son 670 Canada St. Off Sale Malt it 41790 It C. J. Schiller 1039 Charles 8t. Off Sale Malt It 41793 It E. F.Janssen n It 1218 Thomas Ave. Butcher It 41801 " It n Grocery " 41802 " A. G. Siegfried 829 E. Seventh St. 2nd Hand Dealer " 41827 It German House, Ino. 444 Rice St. On Sale Malt " 41857 " John W. Ortman �� �� 841 Hastings Ave. Confectionery " 41671 " " " Off Sale Malt " 41872 IT R. J. McLaughlin 440-42 Selby Ave. Gas Station it N41877 It Ernest Jackson, Sr. It n 408 Wabasha St. Restaurant it 41882 It " It n It On Sale Malt It 41883 " It " Off Sale Malt " 41884 " Frank M. Gaertner 442 Wabasha St. Confectionery It 41885 It Pearl Lawson " It 719 N. Hamlin Ave. Confectionery " 41886 If It it Off Sale Malt " 41887 " Anna Sterman 91 W. Sycamore St. Grocery " 41890 It " it Off Off Sale Malt " 41891 it H. W. Schaffner 686-88 N. Snelling Av.Confeotionery " 41892 It L. A. Smith 1820 St. Clair St. Gas Station " 41894 it Mrs. Edgar Thompson 1568 Como Ave. Confectionery " 41898 " West & Evans COUNCILMEN 1620 Como Ave. Grocery " 41903 " Yeas N Adopted by the Council_ 193...... MAY 23 194fl Barfuss 17 Findlan �g �9�y 2 3 1M ��MA oxen In favor Approved_ 193 .... Peterson J _Against ayor W=Nc Parranto ,a d PUBLISHED—E--'25:;; 1' Mr. Vice I'r sidmt (TPOBx) 1. J ISS45 odds.no city Clark " NO.-,—_--- CITY OF, ST. PAUL � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL REESO LIT ' yQN- E(/RAA�L{ FORM '����'�i��r✓�v WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Education has reported to thew Council in accordance with Section 53, of he Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employ menta therefor, be t RESOLVED,�that the proper city officers are hereby au- thoria�e$�d to pay the following named employes, at the rate o herwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Building Division, Main .55} $ 8.84 Francis J. Elliott Elevator Operator 16 C Comml -lona et f Edu- WheNo r ..,8Th. cation he r Dorted to the Council In cionordhe a with 8ectlon 63, o. the CICY Charter the a faience o4 a mergency neceseflrY the ea Plaoy_ which end erect Mont o4 cer talar employee of lii9 1 hours May 8-15 1940) n[ for Ymemore-than therefor, their belt o of mpint: , Resolved, ThatntehoDr to C' the (Overtime for + cera are herebyd uapl�oYea at the rate followin6 therwfae Axed for [ra emeto(octht for extra time here lna[[er s Building Division bl nin, Fran- y Nnme, cfe J. Elliott; Title, )✓levator Operator; 5940). I 18'Imea Time. (Over for6 biny Bo161, b1aY 23, 1940. Adopted by the Council blaY 23, 1940. ADDroved (May 26, 19 40) ,l 2819- MAY 40 193_ 23 19 Adopted by the Council_-.— COUNCILMEN yea'/ Nays Barfuss / MAY 2$ i 193--- , � �fin dlan Approved - _ n to .Son rItn ---�In Favor f - _ _ _ ayor -_ -_.Against CE;;111y�.:,;r g ' yy�t�enE nm a-Ja 2e' V7CE I'resldeut (Z�L17DY% a FOR! M NO. 1 May 22, 1940 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education Bureau of Public Librariec, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Absenoe of Mrs,Mabel Patrick oa s^"^'„+ of iiinees This report is in accordance with section 53 of the Charter. P PJ -HB Librarian A origin.) to City Ckrkcounca • 1188,17 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ^ FILE NO.—___ OFFICE OF THE 'CITY CLERK \� COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORIi °•F.No. r'�ax4Pw A. Pat,.. st� . SOP- Whereas.GO N, the1 Inc. T h s petitl .li h :u• ' PRESENTED DA d I t COMMISSIONER _. _.__. _ .. __ WHEREAS, Goldie's Super Stations, Inc. has petitioned the Council for permission to install and operate a drive-in filling station ortheastkcorneriof Grand Avenue and Addition, and Syndicate Street; and WHEREAS, said (oldie's Super Stations, Inc. has submitted pumpulocation, sidewalkpso,,setc. rint of the proed foruthewinformation ith ybof the TO WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to said Goldie's Super Stations, Inc. to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan ae approved will automtically void the permit. Said station shall close of later than nine o'clock P. M. every day. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, dtainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever said Council shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. cou ICILITIETI I]eas / ° Tlays t an ranto / In Favor Peter3oerso� /� JZo§en / Against nm 5- 0 cs Mia Vice l'resident('1'ItiW MAY 231940 Adopted by the Council __ __ __ _ 10— ® n Approved_.moy 231940 194 RTa r pUBLiSHED=�"�— CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration C Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: May 22, 191+o The CouncT requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached applicatI n o£ Goldiets Super Stations, Inc. for permission to install and operate a drive-in filling station on Lots 10 and 11, Block 1 of Stinson's Boalevard Addition, also described as the north- east corner of Grand and Syndicate, the resolution to contain a pro- vision that the station shall close not later than 9 P. M. every day. Yours very tral<v, City Clerk. (�/ -*-j POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE CQIvt'"MONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn—_ A -2r_1 27. _ 19 90 Pursudnt to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St Paul, Juhl'ith, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of ;oluies Suaer St,utiors, inc. to erect and, install a filling station located at ']ortheast corner of ,rand and oyn,icate Aves., cn LoIs P` , rid 11 Hock 1, Lt'.n�on'., ilocievard A(tciiion will come ffp for consideration before the Counell in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the _ Sth dag of May ', l9 4 at io o'clock A. M. J01111-$. FIRDLATI, Commissioner of Finance. Page File 8869 • L Police ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH G. I— BRISSMAN Chief of P CLINTON A. Police T Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesotac �eradweat og pwl;c chap, Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner April 27, 1940 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Siri This is in reference to the application made by Goldie's Super Stations, Inc., for permit to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station on Lots 10 and 11, Block 1 of Stinson's Boulevard Addition, which is also described as the noxi east corner of Grand and Syndicate Street. Inspection reports by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, and William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspector, are attached. Very rulyours, y 1LA� Commissioner of Pdblic Safety IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION April 26 1940 Mr. G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sirs This in reference to application made by Goldie's Super -Stations, Ino. for permission to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station to be located on Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, of Stinson's Boulevard Addition, which is also described as the northeast corner of Grand and Syndicate Street. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints of the proposed station and driveways and do not find that this will materially interfere with the movement of traffic. From a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours truly, +4om Harry N. 'A tergreq Superintendent of traffic a= w/f a THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION April 24th, 1940 Hon. G. H. Barfass, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: In regard to the application made by GolckL Super Stations, Inc., for permission to install and opera a drive-in automobile filling station to be located on Lots-, 10 and 11, Block 1 of Stinson's Blvd. Addition, also described as the northeast corner of Grand and Syndicate Streets. We have investigated the foregoing location and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard of that vacinity nor would there be any increase in the insurance rates to adjacent properties if the proposed installa- tion is allowed. Respectfully yours, F Chief Fire Inspector. a,ta__t.G.r WCB /z CITY OF ST. PAUL -- IN TR[ Cliv TRIPLICATE c�eprc n oErlcE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUT MOBILE FILLING STATION DATE _ April Us —193W TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF 3T. PAUL. MINNESOTA APYLICA0TION Is Hereby Made Hoidiells Eomer Stat.ioIIe Inc. ---- - BV --—._ InAMe o -- R. Op drlvs�in nntoraobileG FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A.. �- I ORIv I p I Ten BLOCK._ .-' AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOc,T ED ON LOTe COQ even --- —- Stinnonla poulevnrd Addition to St. PauL being located on thn northeast ALSO DESCRIBED AS Igip[[T 4R0 uRn:nl t� _ No OF GAS TANKS th� CAPACITY OF EACH TANKIk� - NO. OF PUMPS ---- FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY ww 69 SWM STATI�cNRS 11110.vp`I BY - Pleeidnnt - 461 CedMr Street RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE - -- CITY PLANNING BOARD BY — _"_ CRY u THE BOARD OF ZONING G P Eslabkhed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 71h, 1922 it SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA h 279 COURT HOUSE �O eao sees®masse � �S I Nco-0047M o d •apes ov April 26th, 1940• .0.4. ARTHUR S MILINOWSKI, Chau AUGUST HOHENSTEIH EDWIN H LUNDIE RERNARD 1 M,( ANN EGIN WA.HANN CHARLES BASSFORD, Gry A,cho, GH1RGE H W RROLD, Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of Goldie's Super Stations, Inc, for a filling station at the northeast corner of Grand and Syndicate. This is commercial zoning on Grand Avenue running back to the alley on Syndicate. The plans call for two standard driveways, one off of Grand Ave. and one off of Syndicate. There are to be two pump islands parallel with Syndicate 13 ft. apart. The office building will set back45 ft- frame Gr not Avenue bed and 45 ft, from Syndicate. Synd but the applicant agrees to put in curbing to define his drive- way on that street. The gasoline storage is three l000 gallon tanks. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, ` George H. Herrold, Engineer Secretary. gh—rh 6, ST. PAUL,MINNE SOTA. MAY 2nd, 1940. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. GENTLIDREES- We the under -signed citizens, property owners, and tax -payers, object strenuously to allowing the "Goldies Super Stations, Inc. to erect and install a filling station to be located at Northeast corner of Grand and Syndicate Aves., on Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, Stinson's Boulevard Addition. We feel that this would be another detriment added to the neighbor- hood oommunity -qe now have the railroad tracks and a filling station at Grand and Griggs, and another filling station at Hemline and Grand, which in our opinion shouad sufftoe. if 97 -� a �y ally `�. �{�W✓ 1-27 a7 �a76 �r� f �4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital OF Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN'COMMISSIONER BU RGD OF COM.T. • REF... GEORGE F. VOIOT, DEPUTY COMMI..IONER W. B. COCKROFT, SUPT. GEORGE M. BH .PARD, CHIEF ENOINRER OPPICE ENOIHEER G. H. HERROLD CHIEF ENGR. CLERK April 30, 1940 MARK W. WOODRUFF Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir; BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER, Burt. BUREAU OF BRIDOEE M. a. GRYTBAK, ENGINEER BUREAU OFCORRECTION. RAY J. KARTAK, SUPT. In the matter of application of Goldie's Super Stations, Inc. for a filling station at the northeast corner of Grand Ave. and Syndicate Ave., you are advised that the plan for driveways conform to the standards of this department. The plan as submitted is consequently approved from an engineering standpoint. Yours very truly, M. SBSPARD Chi f Engineer C 0 p Y- Mr. Shepard April 26th, 1940. Yr. L. A. a. Ferguson. City Clerk. B u 1 1 d i u g. Deer Sir t In the matter of application of Gold1e96 Super Stations, Inc. for a filling station at the northeast corner of Grand and Syndicate. This is commercial zoning on Grand Avenue running back to the alley on Syndicate. The plans call for two standard driveways, one off of Grand Ave. and one off of Syndicate. There are to be two pump islands parallel with Syndicate 13 ft. apart. The office building will not back 43 ft. from Grand Avenue and 43 ft. froze Syndicate. Syndicate Avenue is not curbed. but the applicant agrees to put in curbing to define his drive- way on that street. The gasoline storage is three 1000 gallon tanks. The Board of Zoning.recommend that the Vomit be granted. Yours very truly. George H. Harrold, Bngineer Secretary. gh-rh --_-_ ,_._ I' , I �-.—I —._- ____._.. v ._ ___. -_ ._. JI':• r..la�aysro�e col I•_re� in accarc�n;�ce wltn��z I,nnesocd _ Ion rY�le+ i'-8445 iordrlve sin la�er ea5 � � a^Y P I ` . - I _ � 411nlr;ictt-» rea ur In$l>r� sor aonGre*c clr+Jc:+ny s=na4) Com �cv,t�1 1 c �i } c 'gut 11� mks ���• �?ecl%+c,At pn5 Tor si,lewal s Sec, _� I 'L '5. �,;/An ho• r,ve I, drive ways aYe f•o be construcieci :c,47A ) no Ion e m.+ \ ,al t• III 'A!-,'sn Into qu4ier::. . ! nIlia 11 r Cnrt5F1'LIL�C.-( TO SQI'711dP4 C1,10-1:1$EGT10ll "As 00 , i I r- A e 1 _ ^ j ; L, poiea `.t9nJ'I051• I ' � •,� � I ,_ j'Strt:t� _ C-..---� _ - Slin'ol,� ao�llevarzl Acld�. - II d i Concretein ` ' 1•' i (I V. - j !! f I I f o � - \ o i I It �2 �'ID�I=� tY.:.". std'-D ro , ,� fp > 1aP � 4 a � � � T -t Ori" C' I 'FC �x�o.octor; jDin} a H I t,i 'S) *1h1C; E. 1`f f I Ott r S"', Pk�: ''`� 1 ��r�• 6.1 II � I Original to City Clerk lw— 8 CITY OF SAINT PAUL count.. �_() ` 8 ° FILE NO.__.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM c- .F M OTruax98WH AGPa ra anrnsa— w�J t where., The certified Ice & Peel c.,m,.. . PRESENTED B COMMISSIONER .. DATE._,_;_.________ r.l WHEREAS, the Certified Ice & Fuel Company has made application to the Council for permission to install an ice -house at the south- east corner of Curtioe and Robert Streets, on Lot 8, Block 10, West St. Paul Real Estate & Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 1; and WHEREAS, proper notice has been given pursuant to Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said Certified Ice & Fuel Company a permit for the erection of said ice -house, the building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code and to be set back five (5) feet from the sidewalk line of both streets. This permit may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. COUTICILI IEn (leas j Tlags Barluss ,,4indlan /Parranlo ,Peterson In Favor /.Against Fallon ,in ,_ao a halite Preaidcnt (Truax) Adopted bq the Council _ MAY 2319401" Appproved�—�_—'---------- 194_ PUBLISHED •7 S CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capita _I of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration �7 May 22nd, 19+0 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Certified Ice & ruel Co. for permisdon to install an ice house at the southeast corner of Curtice and Robert Sts., on Lot S, Block 10, West St. Paul Real Estate & Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 1, the resolution to contain a provision that the ice house shall be set bark 5 feet from the sidewalk line of both streets. Yours very truly, City Clerk. POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn.,...__IF.a:{1_l.e_.1.940.._..._.193........ Pursuant to Paragraph F, Section S, as amended, of Building Zone Ordinance, approNed July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application—_F.u.e.l_._G9..__._--- ... ...... ................ ...... ....... ... for permission to erect or continue retail ice station located.— .................. at Southeast corner of Curtice and Robert Sts, on Lot 8 Hlocl, 10, The Wd;st St. Paul Real Estate & _.�--__....—..—..--- ... _.....—_ — — Tmnroeemen—t Syndicate Addition No. 1 will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Cham- ber in the City I -fall and Court (louse Building on the .._.-................... .._.............. 22nd ...... ... ....... ....day of_ ... ....... YP y, 1940 -....._......., 193........., at 10 o'clock A. M. A -£ iS._JOHN S. FINDLAN Commissioner of Finance. Page. ............................. File...._8 97_ ........ _.. 448p�O OvTY OF f O aee°eeeeeaesea a Roe 0.3010 ae ooa eo°.:o ARTHUR S MILINOWSKI, Ch,,,—, AUGUST HOHD ISTHN EDWIN H LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYHN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, C,!v Ar,hnco GEORGE H HFRROLD, Engin��r ScrMary m THE BOARD OF ZONING Esiabkhed by Ordinance No. 5640 July 71h, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir May 16th, 1940. In the matter of application of the Certified Ice & Fuel Company for an ice house at the southeast corner of Curtics and So. Robert Streets. The Board of Zoning recommend that this permYt be granted and that the ice house be set back 5 ft. from the side walk line of either street. gh-rh Yours very truly, O , /---7 George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. It ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt of Playgrounds CIN Architect Supt. of Parks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner Vay 14, 1940 Iron. i'red '14. Truax Corr=issioner Dear Sir: In reporting on the al;_ilication of the Certified Ice & ^,-lel Ccr.,pany for a cash ani carry ice station to be loca'ed on I' sout�east corner of Curtice and F.otert Streets, I wish to advise that this property is zoned as Commercial and the nearest ice station is two blocks from this site. Yo�f truly, i City Architect � L:%". .0 / IN • CITY OF ST. PAUL Lf_ NO ""0 D IN in[ CITY \\ DU PLIC AfE TCl TT` ap"54E OF THE CITY CLERK cLanrc a oFFica i ppliction For License 1 ;)' AUTOMOBILFr. FILLING STATION SS DATE _193. TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Madq. G Ry I`NIMl If�FIll OR INDIII Y / r FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND. -RATE A N AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT _ BLOCK DESCRIBED pEJd4'�NO ai w M sy Tom. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK 19. DATE 19_ CITY PLANNING BOARD BY _—_ Oriilla.l to City Ckr4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL council IF RILE NO.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ----- DATE.— - RESOLVED, that the application of H. H. Johnson for permission to operate a drive-in root beer stand at 1074 Grand Avenue, be and the same is hereby granted, and upon payment of the required license fee, the proper city officers shall issue a license to said applicant, and that In the operation of said business, the licensee shall comply with all governing provisions of lap. C. F. N.][18849—By G. H. Berl— F. M. Trpa . A. Parrantp— Resolved, That the pyyllcatlo1 o[ R. H. Johnson for permlaslon to operate t drive-in root beer stand at 1014 (!rend Avenue, be and the a e Ia hereby granted, and upon payment f t1�crequired r, u shall issue fee,ll ease proper Gild ty aVVllcan[, and that Gln the operation of avid business. the liceneee Ghali mply With all governing provisions of le W. f Adopted by the Council May 23, 1940. i Approred May 23. 1940. (May 25, 1940) I t MY23190 COUTICILTIIEll Adopted by the Council_ . _ __194-__ ljea3j nay9 $ $ 1NO �ia�uss FFin53lan Approved- - -- -- - ----I0- az nto �Pe�erson In Favor--- � Or iRosen / /1 - ��---- Against . �alllon IM -4o cs3 Vix k'ttsideut (1iQ8X,) I] CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON , City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration 'Y-1 May 22, 1940 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of B. H. Johnson for permission to install and operate a drive-in root beer stand at 1074 Grand Ave. Yours very truly, City Clerk. �� -�—_-___—._~� /y ` ,~�°-'=� -'--',^o / ' . A\ ,*`�_ �r� �y "Y '_ � �«`~� ' K � POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn. 'r ., 11, 19 _ 40 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will con- sider th.e matter of a^rlicn'_i r:n of R. h. Join; o'. for .:r9 vc-in root 1: r s?.er.:'. at 107, 7rund A-.enur, ur: Lo,. 9 ur:C -:-st 19.9? of Lo:, 1. , I look and that a public hearing will be held in the -Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on `.'e^ ?L. 19 40 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. •�+ - Commissioner of Finance. � r'ile 'Ji�'iG THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION May 9 1940 G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir= This is in reference to application by R. H. Johnson for permit to install and operate a drive-in root beer stand to be located on Lot 9 and half of Lot 10, Block 38 of Summit Park Addition, which is also described as 1074 Grand Avenue. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises and the blueprints. According to the blueprints Mr. Johnson proposes and asks to be permitted to out the curb for another driveway 17 feet West of the present driveway, which is the regulation driveway 22 feet at the building line and 35 feet at the curb line. Parking space is very much needed in this locality. Therefore, I would object to any more curb being out for an extra driveway as the present driveway is ample to serve patrons coming to this root beer stand. There would be no objection to the location of the root beer stand, but I do recommend that a new driveway shall not be Pranted. If they are willing, to use the present driveway, there will be no material interference to traffic; therefore, there would be no objection to the granting of this application for the root beer stand permit. Yours truly, Harry N. Wettergren Superintendent of Traffic HXW/ie THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION may 7th, 1940 Hon. G. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety' Dear Sir: In regard to the application made by R. H. all and operate a drive-in root Johnson for permission to instt 9 and half of Lot 1 beer stand to e located daon also described as 1074Grand oAvenue- of Summit pa We have made the usual inspection of the foregoing location and report that there would be no serious increase in ncrease the fire hazard of that vacinity nor would there be any acent properties if the proposed in the insurance rates to adi station is permitted. Respectfully yours, s Chief Fire Inspector. WCB/z THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1922 ti� 9f SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA " 279 COURT HOUSE a cc, eao �eemm�mmme .2 A Cw : »° ho May 16th, 1940. ARTHUR S MII_INOWSKI, Ch,- AUGUST 4!OLLHSTIN EDWIN H LUHDIL BERNARD 1 McGLY .N EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, Gly A,chm- GFnR':P H Hi RROLD. F-1111.11 C,.-r111;y Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of R. H. Johnson for a drive-in root beer stand at 1074 Grand Avenue. Mr. Johnson described his property as Lot 9 and half of Lot 10, Block 38, Summit Park Addition. C. The root beer stand is now in place. The certified survey submitted herewith is not correct as there is a driveway, shown in red, between the root beer stand and the food store. The property back of the root beer stand is used for a parking lot for customers of the food store. This is valuable curb space as this is a retail district, and is built up with stores at°the corner of Lexington. The Board of Zoning does not believe that another drive- way is necessary. As the stand is already there they approve its location but recommend against a second driveway. Yours very truly, George H: Harrold, gh-rh Rngineer Secretary. CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH Chief of Police Health Officer Fire Chief CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota "�e,vartrr od al PUL Sa7�ela Tenth and Minnesota Streets VV G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner Mr. R. L. S. Ferguson City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir; G. I- BRISSMAN Supt. rof Police and Fire Alarm May 9, 1940 Referring to the application of R. H. Johnson for permit to install and operate_A drive-in root beer stand to be located on Lot 9 and half of Lot 10, Block 38 of Summit Park Addition, which is also described as 1074 Grand Avenue, Inspections were made by William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspector, and Harry N. Wettergren, Super- intendent of Traffic. Their reports are attached. Ve truly yours, I Commissioner o Public Safety IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY R ® W : ■ a � .a' 0.. as .a s Rai 2nd.3 Laid over to 3rd. &app.Adopted Yeas Nay `' �rFU59 Yeas /t Nays f rl�PEll86 Fi Ian elan �arranto �/�//^ rtt'rson % / / !/Roosen `ayranto `Pete on /1 ( l /Truax oxen Truax ?qtr. President Fallonr. President Fallon C. F. No. 118850—ordinance No. 8116— Byo W. A. Parranto— miRi—I to Cio Cierk A rdinan,, e,1111,g the lalm of the O R D I N. New England Mutual Life Insurance Company ( Boston, Maes I......ce at Inst the Board f Water Com- mleelonere of the City of 9alnt Paul. c' Thle In an emergency ordinance ren- ^' fnr the PRESENTED BYComm'r ?arrant — ORDINANCE No. An ordinance settling the claim of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company of Boston, Massachusetts; against the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul. This Is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay, out of the Water Department Fund, to the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company of Boston, Massachusetts, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) in full settlement of its claim against said Board for the flooding of its premises at No. 141-153 West Seventh Street, caused by the breaking of a water main on Fifth Street,,during the night of January 26, 1940. Section 2. Said sum shall be paid to said claimant upon Its executi and delivery of a release in full to said Board of Water Comminers, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by it in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen —iPreH7i^� Mr. President, tFaHtmr— Attest: City Clerk� —�' U0 12-38 CS 21734 JUN 121940 Passed by the Cou In Favor Against 34 y Approved: Uil Mayor odanel to city clerk WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the two-story brick apartment building and garage at 169-171 Carroll Avenue, located on the east half of Lots 7 and 8, Block 7, Rondo's Addition, are in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant their being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said buildings, on the 18th day of June, 1940, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or ° occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said -hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication - n the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. 7- COUNCILMEN Yeas BarfUee Nays / Adopted by the Council.MAY 2. 193...... 'P`Iindlan 11Y tis 1910 Peterson Parranto Rosen ---- ---------------In favor Tru-axr— -Wwreff --.---'/� ._---Against �t ylze}— 3M 11.35. R_ on Mr. Viae !'resident (17tlax) Approved............................... ........... 193 ------------- o� ayor IV. JBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL rgpNCIL NO...._�.l�,�tJ�,pi. OFFICE.,OF THE CITY CLERK o9UNCIL RESOLUTION�EN ERAL FORM Whe Tb, Commleelpner Tb,de pea pr Pnrka, Pln. and Popnp Buli of inge has reported tp the Codnell the twn�....., b'Ip ---- DATE fi9,nPartment 171 Cor WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the two-story brick apartment building and garage at 169-171 Carroll Avenue, located on the east half of Lots 7 and 8, Block 7, Rondo's Addition, are in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant their being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said buildings, on the 18th day of June, 1940, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or ° occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said -hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication - n the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. 7- COUNCILMEN Yeas BarfUee Nays / Adopted by the Council.MAY 2. 193...... 'P`Iindlan 11Y tis 1910 Peterson Parranto Rosen ---- ---------------In favor Tru-axr— -Wwreff --.---'/� ._---Against �t ylze}— 3M 11.35. R_ on Mr. Viae !'resident (17tlax) Approved............................... ........... 193 ------------- o� ayor IV. JBLISHED CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration May 21, 19110 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that ,you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the two- story brick apartment building and garage at 169-171 Carroll Ave., on the east one-half of Lots 7 and S, Block 7, Rondo's Addition. Yours very traly, J7 City Clerk. 71 %� 11 I_ W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD 'Supt. of Perks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner May 18, 1940 Hon. Counc'l City of St. Paul Gentler er_ t This Department has received cor,,laints reletive'to the two story brick apartment building and garage at 169-171 Carroll Avenue, on the East one-half of Lots - and 6, Block. 7, Rondo's Addition. our inspector advisPs that this is an old brick apartment building occupied at present, with foundation badly crack- ed. The front porch is bad, the brick walls are cracked, the two story frame stairsin the rear are dangerous. The garaZe is old with rotted sills. Both structures are un- safe and dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. Danger ?Iotices have been posted and the owner, James A. 7,11ite, 17 '':. Surar t Avenue, has been notified of their con- dition.. Kindly set a hcarin� in accordance with Section 1-14 of the bu'_ldi_r.1 code covering condemnations. trul Y, y ch'_tect LAR .. t' i� Original to City Clerk C- p CITY OF ST. PAUL r NO......................... ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 118862—By F. M. Truax— - Whereas, The C—solamloner of Parka, ' �:O NNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Playgroundm and Public Buildings has G repo tea to theCounell that tLat cer- tnl1 rbarn on te mouth 160 festor " west half p. PRESENTED BY111 Addltltt" - ODMMISSIONER ,y�1�1'.JC' DATE_ f wrr�—--v.. RX&MMMID WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain barn on the south 150 feet of the west half of Lot 9, Block 7, Rondo's Addition, also described as No. 165 Carroll Avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said barn, on the 18th day of June,, 1940, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court house and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not lees than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN MAY 2 31940 Yeas Nay 1 j Adopted by the Council.....................................193...... �.rfuee i .�arco Peterson Rosen�— ............ .. In favor a�PtQ—x _WlLnndlan ........... Against Fenzel-Parranto 3M 11-35 Mr. ke Yresideut('lYOttr� Approved..! �.�.. 1940 . ........... 93.._.. yor PUBLISHED. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ((66����d�S Capital of Minnesota^'R% OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration May 21, 1940 Mr. John W. McConneloig Corporation Counsel city Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the barn on the rear of the property at 165 Carroll Ave.) described as the south 150 ft. of the west one-half of Lot 9, Block 7, Rondo's Addition. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Cc� W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD SupL'of Parks Supt of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner D`.ay lb, 1940 Hon. Co,nc'.1 Citi o£ St. "aul .,entI en; This Department has received a. complaint relative to the barn on the rear of the property at 1CO Carroll Avcnue, de- sc.-ibed as the South 150 feet of the ':est One -Half of Lot 9, Blocic 7, Rondo's Addition. `ur inspector reports that the barn In the rear is approxi- mat_ly eighteen by twenty feet, is in bad chane, leaning, in dar;--er of collapse, out of plum and level with a very bad roof. It is danserous to life, limb, and adjcin'.ng property. The owner is P'ranlc V.-agner, 924 Forest Street. A Dander No- tice hap been posted. Kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section 1-14 of th builcl,g code. truly, City t chitect 1st._-__ 2nd. Laid over to 3rd. & app. b Adopted Yeast's.Nay J Yeas / Nays s a nto ❑ 4"aa;ranto "Peterson /Ros s� osen ruax Truax O. F. No. 118853—Ordlnaoce No. glll— IlriRinal to Cil)- Clrrk An F din neeM. d a ending Ordlnance O R D l No. "An a titled m An rdlnance for the p rpoae f yoromotlag the Dobl(c health, este ny, rd o Venleace, DroaDe Ity a d� - � welfare byp oym(ng r 1 .LE NO. - - - repulatlon ( ,• LJy PRESENTED BY fPV =rtdi71N.4 NCE NO._ a An ordinance amending Ordinance N0. 5840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classifioa- tion, regu1, ation and restriction of the location of trades And industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7th, 1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to re- zone Lots 14 and 15, Evergreen Rearrangement, located at the north- east corner of Snelling and Jefferson Avenues, in a Commercial District, instead of "A" Residence as at present. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. 0 JUN 121940 Yeas Councilmen Naps Passed by the Council Bar(uss Findlan Parranto In Favor Peterson Rosen -_._-__- -----Against -Tr� Mr. President d: �— Approved: JUN -12 IWO Attest: n— - --- A City Clerk _ =�L :100 1"-38 ( ` 2i72a yLL'LISIIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration May 22, 1940) Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council regaested that you prepare an ordinance granting the attached petition for the rezoning of Lots lu and 151 Evergreen Rearrangement, being the northeast corner of Snelling and Jefferson, from "An Residence to Commercial District. Yours very truly, i City Clerk. � �'�„ V`' /i r � � a �-:->r,ti.�. C."TY OF �4. tOQ R 'A e°ea eeeeeeeeee "I ansa en �y a �a eiee• ARTHUR SMILINOWSKI. Ch—� ,, AUGUST FIOH,11STEIN EDWIN H LUNDIE BERNARD J WGLYNN EGIN WAHMAH CHARLES BASSFORD, C,i, A,,h�i : GEORGE H HERROLD, S-1-11 THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 71h, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 779 COURT HOUSE May 15th, 1940. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen : In the matter of the petition for rezoning Lots 14 and 15, Evergreen ReArrangement, this being the northeast corner of Snelling K-07efferson Avenues. This is now "A" Residence property. The Commissioner of Finance advises that the petition is sufficient. Attached is a list of the property owners in this block who appeared before the Board of Zoning opposed to this rezoning. These owners claim that the property was restricted by deed but no evidence can be found in the Abstract Office that this is so. When the zoning ordinance was drawn in 1922 the property on the west side of the street had deed restrictions running for eighteen years, and therefore, both sides of the street was placed in an "A" Residence District. These deed re- strictions have expired. The trend on Snelling Avenue is toward a business development and each new business will bring another. Both Snelling Avenue and Jefferson Avenue are heavy traffic streets. While the Board of Zoning appreciate Hilly the objectors viewpoint, they do not believe that the logical development along Snelling Avenue should be retarded. They, therefore, recommend that the rezoning of these two lots be approved. i k t Yours very truly, George"H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh enol. JOHN S. FINDLAN Commissioner P. E. McDERMOTT Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valwtion and Ansnment Engineer HARRY- A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier -Gil. r. May 7, 1940. To the Council, city of St. Paul. Gentlemen: Of I have checked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 14 and 15, Evergreen Rearrangement--N.E. corner Snelling and Jefferson Aves. from "A" Residence District to Commercial District and find that same is sufficient. Yours very truly, P John S. Findlan, Commissioner of Finance. l Saint Paul, Minnesota. To the Honorable, The City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein, and we, owners of 5040 or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honor- able Body to change the following described property: Lots Fourteen (14) and Fifteen (15), Block Five (5), Evergreen Rearrangement of Block 5,,Sylvap Park Addition to the City of Saint Paul, according to the plat on file in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, from a Residential District to a Commercial District. This petition is made nursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840. Record Owner Lot Block Addition - 1 - S y y y¢rKOH� Rea rre2fM 4,v' sr1eoN �nrl�Al 'V- �ww P, - Record Owner X JIV STATE OF MINNESOTA) 7 )) es. COUNTY OF RAMSEY being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the person who circulated -the within petition consisting of one and one-half pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presenoe of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. pp Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 1938. MAWORIF F.. 3ELINEE, 9. o I Yu blic. Ramsey County, 10 a.I < <„mmissioo H:zpires Feb. ?5, 1830. The following people appeared at the Board of Zoning Meeting May 14th, 1940 and opposed the rezoning of the northeast corner of Jefferson and"Snelling. Name Address .John T. Henry 325 Brimhall Ave. W. A. Woolstencroft 337 Brimhell Ave. G. Schlueter 314 So. Snelling Ave. Mrs. Charles F. Bern 303 Brimhall Ave. Mrs. R. Wiegand 309 Brimhall Ave. Mrs. H. A. Johnson 3k9 Brimhall Ave. Mrs. A. W. Englund 369 So. Brimhall Ave. Mrs. Arthur E. Nelson 320 So. Snelling Ave. F. J. Klein 328 So. Snelling Ave. Mrs. F. J. Klein 328 So. Snelling Ave. Mrs. A. W. Tents 321 Brimhall Ave. Mrs:°G. E. Boscher 334 So. Snelling Ave. G. W. Tents 321 Brimhall Ave. Arthur E. Nelson 320 So. Snelling Ave. Rose E. Wisgand 1452 Jefferson Ave. Mrs. John Porte 362 So. Snelling Ave. Virginia Wiegand 1552 Jefferson Ave. Original to City Clerk W NCIL -11 k 1 Y CITY OF ST. PAUL vnu NO.._.. -._.2.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C. F. No. 1]8864—By F. It. Truax— __ COMM Wherexa, Under date of October 30, 1889, the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul tiled In the of thep at SSEIONER .._ }-�(��l'L,cLi �-xr __ V • DA7 of "Garfle d rglsterwhere, e� ,a said Boalyd of Park Commissioners atte�-ntsd to _ plat certain proDerUea I�cryt City o[ Saint Yaul the t of as WHEREAS, under date of October. 30, 1889, the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul filed in the office of the Register of Deeds a plat of "Garfield Park" wherein said Board of Park Commissioners attempted to plat certain properties located in the City of Saint Paul as a public park for the use of said City, which said premises comprised all of E. f Bryant's Rearrangement of Block 124 of West St. Paul Proper, and all of Blocks 125, 128 and 129 and Lots 5 and 6 in Block 112, and Lots 5 and 6 in Block 113 of est St. Paul Proper; and WHEREAS, the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul proceeded no further with the acquisition of said property for park purposes; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has never used said premises for park purposes and it is not now intended so to do, and the City of Saint Paul makes no claim that any right, title or interest inured to the City through said proceedings of the Board of Park Commissioners; and WHEREAS, it is claimed that by the filing of said plat, there remains a cloud upon the title in and to said premises in private hands; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that any and all proceedings taken by said Board of Park Commissioners in connection with the filing of said plat of Garfield Park be and the same are hereby annulled, cancelled and set aside. COU�FCILMEN Yeas B/ _Arse 14eterson Rosen Nays _.In favor —W-arrQ. d}ati-----(..Against B's� arranto AMENOW M124nt 3M 11-35 � `/ F�fFSId t ( Yniy MAY 23190 Adopted by the Council._..................................193...... Approved�_� V -1-f J�--�--- -----------193..... W. LA MONT KA'UFMAN - ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parlor Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner May 15, 1940 *dr. John MIc Connoloug Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul liear Sir: Attached 'hereto -is correspondence and sketch o' proposed 7arfield Park considered by t -'-.,e old Par''k Board. Proceedings ;.n connection therewith were apparently left in an incomiDleted state, causing a cl)ud on title to properties effected. This department has no plans for such park, and therefore suggest that your office take such steps as may be necessary to clear the records in the :natter. Yours truly / CorWissione/r February 21st 1890: The Board of Park Commissioners adopted the following resolution: - RESOLVED that the Secretary of this Board file for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey Colznty, certified copies of all resolutions adopted by the Board by which all pro- ceedings in respect to lands heretofore designated for parks, were abandoned and annulled. Commissioner Stevens moved that a Commitee of three,of which the President be one, be appointed to call upon the City Comptroller and explain to him that the action of the Board in rescinding action with regards to parks was in accordance with law. March 14th 1890* At the regular meeting of the Board the Secretary reported that on February 26th 1890 he filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County duly certified copies of all resolutions by the Board rescinding action conde4ng parks. That on the same day he transmitted to the Common Council a copy of XKxmi* resolution requesting issue of Bonds. C G _ (Ordinance No:1411- approved Sept. 17th 1890) P.37/ �•T''ejn,� THE CITY PLANNING BOARD Few °may SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA o � `Af, 1•�"S"s .rw AC WILLIAM H. FALLON. MAYOR GEORGE W HERROLD CGEIOR FLINDSARO ORonARV CRAIRMAR ILAIII R URT HOUSE OF T.F BO May 6t4, 1940. Hon. Fred M. Truax, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Dear Sir : I am enclosing a paper sketch showing the lend described in the enclosed letter from Miller & Lenertz of South St. Paul. It would appear that the Board of Park Commissioners started proceedings for acquiring a park in West St. Paul covering four blocks and also four lots adjoin- ing Elizabeth Street. It also appears that the Board of Park Commissioners never completed the proceedings. Will you kindly have the records looked up on this matter and determine whether the proceedings were discontinued by a resolution of the Park Commissioners, or whether this attempt at acquiring a park is still hanging in the air thus bringing a cloud upor,�ihh�property Y Yours very truly, George H. Harrold, Planning Engineer. gh-rh encl. T.I.phone La 5a110 1414 Lew Offices Warren Miller & L. L. Lenertz Drovers Exchange Bank Building South St.Paul.Minn. May 3rd, 19 40 Mr. George Harrold `r Department of Public Rorke Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirll- I am referred to you by our mutual friend Gerhard Bandl Ia. In examining an Abstract to Lot S. E. R. Bryante Rearrangement of Block 124. Deet St. Paul Proper. I find that under date of October 30th. 1889. the Board of Park Oommmissioners of St.Paul filed in the office of the Register of Deeds a "Plat of Garfield Park" which affects all of S.R. Bryants Rearrangement of Block 124 of Beet St. Paul Proper and other lands. That Plat is on record in Book "1" Park Plate 13:1 The certificate states that they have caused the designated land to be "surveyed and platted ""for the use of said city." The statement on the Plat is in fall as YollOwsi "Plat of lands said grounds designated and caused to be surveyed and platted by the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of St. Plsnl.. for the ug so of a Public Park for the use of said Oats, to be called Garfield Park. by and under the Resolutions adopted by said Board on the 4th day of October A.D. 1889 and comprising all of B.R. Bryants Rearrangement of Blo 124, and all of Rlocke 125,128 and 129 oto 5 and 6 in Block 112, and Lots 5 and 6 in Block 113, all in Best St. Pani Proper in the City of St. Paul, according to the pla*s thereof on record in the office of the Register of Deeds. Ramsey County. Minn. Approved, adopted and confirmed by the Board on the 4th day of October, A.D. 1889. Frank G. Peters, Bee. Im. A. Van Slyke. Pres. " (Park Comm.Seal Mr. George Herrold - Page $2 5-3-40 I understand that the City never has made any attempt to use this ground for park purposes, and both the Abstract office and the St. Paul Abstract & Title Guarantee Company tell me that nothing has ever been done to release this notice to the public that this land has been appropriated "to the use of said City". In the hands of private owners, it seems clearly to stand as a cloud on the title. I believe, therefore, that the City should take the necessary steps to release this property from any claim of the City thereto,if the City does not intend to improve it for park purposes. In this connection, may I suggest the possible advise, bility of consulting the City Legal Department on the question of •ðer Court action is not necessary to effect this release, on the ground that there is a public interest there, and that once streets. alleys, or other public grounds are dedicated to the public, Court action is nec@ssary to divest that g `rfrom such public use or purpo sei a'T ��� . w I will very much appreciate your cooperation in an early solution of this question. Thanking you and awaiting your early reply. Yours very truly. MILLER & LMMRTZ WM: CW IN, ry origwt w city cler¢ CITY OF ST. PAUL •as NO,-------- OFFICE OF HE CITY CLERK 12'1'� OUNCIL RES ION—GENERAL FORM DATE May 1., 40 — PR BY COMM 1SS10NER_---- — — nt be, and he ie hereby autho-•ized o Resolved, That the �arci�isin ALe fo^ the St. Paul P ol1., troller, 102 hoes purchase, vit'_. ciie consent of the C iiorklzouse, at tot sl cost o ' ; 748.43, r, -)m G^0RG7? 1.. $L'RT CO:.;F.."Y, ;. a purchase or' )-ivestock can be out, advertiseme t, ss t lis i s the my v:Y ma:;e on ti..e South St. Paul ':arlcet. C�:••-.r<> F lblic ';;orks- 'norkhouse 101 3-1-;] C. Resolved 1That ha p IrchaelnB Agent be, and he le hereby authorised to purchaee, wit02 hogs forethe 9t. Paul ComVtroller, at a total ost of 5748.43. aa Work Geo eg'e N. Burt Company. with - 1 m Sl out edve urchaee L L slivelecockthe n nti made aon the -8outh 9L Peulo khouste Charge �ubllc Worke 1019-131. Adopt ed Mage 23� 19410. May 23, 1340. Pro(yPay 28,1940) COUNCILMEN yeast Nays grd /Fi/ndlalan Ir.,nto --....In Favor ?son n _ ... _Against '.�j(.sesiaent (h�� I M l w*'�&ww MAY 23 1940 Adopted by the Council.__..-..-.--..- 19-- MAY 2 31940 Approved___..- --...__._._.. - 19 - - Mayor•i��v�_ Original to Cult CITY OF . PAUL COUNCILFHX Not -1-8F OFFICE OF T CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYM22 �,Wy� / __CCpOMM��M.�I��SSSI�I .O.,NER - ` DA,8S , 1940 d]L*)�7C, ve In the matter of constructing a sewer in Pinehurst Avenue from Hemline Avenue to 80 feet west of Syndicate Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118165 approved March 21, 1940, and Final Order C. F. 118703 approved May 14, 1940, Contract No. 40—S-42. RESOLVED,,That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materiels, equipment, engineering and super- vision being $920.00. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No. 118866—By Milton Rosen— No. iproceed with the co110ruc11on of the above named Improvement, In accord- oncethe term, of Ordinance 7708, i ' C9 F. 104827 nppro ved September 12, 1930, the sell mated coat of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $920.00. Resolved Further, That the Par - chasing Agent be and he Is here In a thoriaed and directed to purchase the neAy materials. Adopted med by the Council May 23, 1940. Approved May 23. 1940. IMnY 26, 19401 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ._.........1AAY_?,.3.19693...... 15mom Findlen q Qj(� MAY 2 v 1940 Peterson l� Rosen - -.......In favor "'+* Approved .................. .193.. _PrI79r VYWM7_rfusa:..._Against If V ._........-- •-� - •---- - - ---- •---------------- arrento sY or 3M I1-35 M `Ji- Yrevdent (ziUeXj Oriplmd to City Clerk COUNCIL1L8'A-0 CITY OF ST. PAUL ----------------- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO ION—GENERAL FORM 1940 PRESENTED BY --^- COMM ISSIONER In the matter of grading and surfacing the Alley in lots 5 and 6, Block 8, Como, from Lexington Parkway North to Niagara Street, under Preliminary Order 118049 117483 33vappo ved January 11, 1940, and Final Order C. ed March 129 1940 - Contract No. 40–G-76. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above ra.aed improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827.approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $959.19• RESOLVED FURTBER, That the purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. Y COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays x /arfusa Peterson Rosen ..........._....._In favor VjMZ=arrp ant ._/....Against 'indlan Al Q 601' 3M 11-35 m* ((rt Mr. Viceil \1Yaw t•. F. No. 118857—By Stilton Rosen— ln the matter of grading nd s [—ng the Alley in lots 5 and 0, sleek 9 Como,from-.<tngton Pnrkway North to Nt a ^et. 1. .let Pre - MAY 2 31940 Adopted by the Council ._----------------------- ----------- 193...... MAY 2 31940 - Approved............ ----- --- ----------- ----------- 193__.. N �J --- - ----------- o� mayor/� PU111.1SFTED � l 7 Petition G-87 t/ (� Council File No.118.8 58 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT118868 - and wr PRELIMINARY ORDER. „ The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: .,,,�r�de,and,aur�QQe,the,/�}sQy,in„$sock, lE,,Merrlam.Parlc.Third.Addition_ from......._ „Howell. Street„Street, to, Prior Agenue.... Also„conatruct..s sewer in the=Alley....... from a,Roint 80 feet east of Prior Avenue to Prior Avenuex_and in Prior Avenue ....................................... ............. from. the, Alley to_,the„sewer„in.Portland;�+venue........ , ..... Dated this ..... 21st.... day of ........................ . .... ..................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade .and surface .the Alley in Block 16, Bierriam Park Third Addition from Hoyvell.Street to Prior Avenue.,, Also construct a sewer in the Alle�t ....... from.a.Qolnt.80..feet.east.,oP.Prior.Avenue to.Prior Avenue,., and in. Prior Avenin. ................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..% ................................................ therefore, be it %, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. V Adopted by the Council ................ MAY 2 3 1.940 . ........................... ... YEAS NAYS MAY 23 1940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN S— )....�. ayor. Mr. Vice President (TrWx) IM 12.38 — PUBLISM13 v' 118859 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 118859— ' I��/tseL and Wb.- PRELIMINARY oe PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ........... n8. an .easement . ln..the..Zansl . nec.easazy . xvx . alQ➢es ............... .......... cute.and. Yl��B.�P..tk4Q..E3?flQ�R&.9x.Nevad¢. Aq�R1�Q.���P..M��.�4R.St7Ce�t..tR............. ...........Chatsworth, Street ........................... ......................................................................................... ............. . Dated chis. 2 ?a.......day of...............Kay......................... .... 19�Q.... .......................................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER.. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........... CAnlI811MA ng, ADA..t eking •an..eeAment.. iA. the. I'40..pec eaearp..for. ,slopes,, . . .... . ....... ...........outa. and. Alla. i n .the..gFading .Ox. Ne4eaa..41P.@Rue, from, Milton. Street. ,to .............. ........... Chatsmrth . Streat....r..................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ ' Adopted by the Council ................... MAY. 2 3 1940 ..................... YEAS NAYS MQY 2 31940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON .......... . .. yor. IM IMS •� �wY-i YU 13LISIILD��--=- V Petition G-93 48860 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: 0XIla t.Neveaa.AmeAt?d.frPAXiIt9n.StT.@et, to,Q]lataworth..Street....... I .......... I....... .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. Dated this ..... 23F.4 .... day of ................. WLY........ ..................., USO.... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vi;.: ........... Grads. Navada.Avenue. .......................... ..................................................................................... C. F. No. 118860— .... ...................................... . ........................................ 18860—.................................................................................... _ ........................... a-. m.. ......................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of, Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓�' Adopted by the Council ............. MAY.23.................. YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved..............AWAY.......2 31940. �............................ FINDLAN PARRANTO _w PETERSON ROSEN ....... . ..1. ... .......... `.. ..... �..�� JL/or. Mr. Vice 1're:adent (Truax) 1.41 12.38 �"' �' WBLISIIGD�-----=--� -- Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 128881— end eh.unM. Where- PRELIMINARY her PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condgmning and taking an easement in the land ..neceee.....axy.. for...elope, ..outs .......................s.............. of the Alley in Block 16 Merriam ..,,,,,,,,,Park Third Addition Prom Howell Street to Prior Avenue. .......................................................................... ...................................................... Dated this .... 21st.....day of .................. MBY.................... ......., 1..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. fi= WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imp, rvement, viz.: t ........... Condemni2 and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, cute ...........and.x11]a.xn.the..gradlug.aud.�urYQv7na.Q ..t>ae.A�.�es*.. n.Elock..}6,.. erriam ........... �k.Thlxci.A$4U t.�pA..��Ql4.HQW.6�.1 ..Street.,to,Prior, Avenue. ., .................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To -report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. +Lpted by the Council........... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN Mr. Vim l ('Dai IM 12.38 ............................... Approve �. j ..................... -- ............. I . .yor. PUBUS111";n NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL , • • • COUNCIL FILE NO. 111886 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER May 21. +es_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 109,1, 7.72 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 71561 TO -71I5 --INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MAY 2 31940193( - 193 APPROVED MAY 23 1940 ��� CITY CAMPTNCI L!M _ PUBLISHED '5-057-4"o 11 DUPLICATE TO CITY "CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ++ )1 \ /, •/ In' COUNCILFILE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER NUMBER _ - ---- -- ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN_ __ _IN FAVOR�I AUDITED CLAIMS � y C193 0 ay ROSEN TRUAI AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN O H �.fTY TREASURY 1 C WENZEL I MR PRES FALLON TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF SJ . COVERING MAY 2 31940 CHECKS NUMBERED_ �.- "f0 _1 1- INCLU VE. AS OF T CITY COM OLLER. PER CHECKS ON ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL._-- -- ---- '— / CE -- __ NUMBER APPROVE— iT�W�/93_— i) ,'/'{) so ��a. cs BY MAY K - - - - - - TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF- - RETURNED y E I CHECK NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS BANK DIED U RSEME T CHECKS ' BROUGHT FORWARD _ - 7S1 36.0 2 71561 _ E. xrey Mary E Carlson 32 0011 50 00 71562 Earl & Inca 7o 46, Asbestos Products Corp. 23 761; 7i563 64 71565 Geo. +J. Ball, Braunig and sone Baking Co. 85 1S!' 25 611; 71566 Elkhart Brass Mfg. Co- 321 SSI:, 71567 General Eleotrio Supply Corp- 1 033 001; 71565 Conrad Haglund 63 63 60` 71569 National 441 00!. 7?570 Neptune Meter Co. 205 191! 71571 W. C. Stanton Lumber Co. 134 861 71572 woodburWelfarendl 49 749 341 7157 county Board 137 00 7157 Dr. Albert E. Ahrens 10 00' 71576 G. Alion Sr'J .Baileyl&g0omrany 14 00' 7157 174 so; 71577 Bethesda Hospital 5 00 ,. 71578 Dr. C.C. Chatterton 15 00,. 71579 Drs. Cole & Tilliamson 4 50; 0 Earl lFehr 00 124 7158 George 24 ' 50 71582 Dr. Im. Ginsberg 00; 7158 Dr. W. A. Hanson Dr. w. H. Hengstler 2 001 2 7158844 35 75; 71585 Midway Hospital llo oo:• 71586 Dr. H. A. Molander 27 50, Drs. Naslund & Morse 71587 1588 Dr. A. H. Pederson 6 o 71589 Dr. H. J. Prendergast 25 00; 71590 71591 Dr. George N. Ruhberg St. Joeenh's Hospital 7 00 15 00; 71592 St. Paulevoc. Seh1ePetty Caah Fund 77 35 19 021 7159 71595 J. L. Connolly J. 9. Findlan,Treas.Pol. Pension 10 000 00, 6 500 00: 71596 J. s. Findlan,Treas.Health Employees 8 000 00 71597 St. Paul Teachers Retirement Assn. Fin. 7 500 00 71595 71599 John S. Findlan,Comm. of Mpls.—St. Paul sanitary sewer Dist. 000-00;.00 00' 15 71600 Board of Mater commissioners 1 701 78 416 67 71601 Elsa M. Chat. County Treasurer 27 39 71602 Ballard Motor & Ramp 5 00 ® 71603 Mr. Sam Gormin Hotel Co. 3 00 71604 The Roth l5 71605 Saint Paul Athletic Club 4 0 71606 Mo Gowans 20 2 71607 71608 Camp Fire Girls1 Legislative CCor &,rarmers Union 58' . 43 23' 71609 Montgomery w 14 33 14 71610 St. Paul Council Girl Scouts 292 27 71611 4merican Linen supply Co. 173 50, 71612 Nat, Expert Tinflow Cing. Co. 4 100 62, 71613 Northern states Power Co- 1 224 00 71614 otic Elevator Co. 1 50 71615 Sup?r vacuum Sert'ice CO - SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD N 9 201 78 980 316 18 l prlpinai to City Clark CITY. OF ST. PAUL Flli �•-��j.;',i�z*"'-' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .*( 'I \ y/ May24 1940 PRESENTED B '6.lrt./ 7 "t (.'•.t�"+--�'/ DATE COMMISSIONE .0 Resolved, That the Fvrchain A,.ent be, e.n,i he is hereb.- :authorized to purglnase, - t'ne r )rsent of tre Cn roll r, .r. tri 0,D -n mar- et, ;.ithout advertisement or competitive kids, I,Iazda electric lDmps for the use of all cit,, aeLartrnents, as they are uatented articles and no advanta e could be -ained by acvertisement or competitive bins. COUNCILMEN Yeas�� Nays arfuss In an //eterson /Rosen _ ddent (Fallot. .M bApV ldeut("iruax' C. F. No. 118863—BY F. 'J1. Truax, by Request—That the Purchasing Agent Resolved, be, and he is hereby authorized % pur- chasa, Wlo the oPenthe entof arkethewIth0 t troller, market, bides, V Ll ement oY ll _ Mazda electric lamps for the u atented clfY departments, asdventCa6ee could be articles and etitive gained by advertisement or comp bids,Ado1940. ApPDoved ted M(June 7, nYe241940 May 24, 1940) — MAY 2 41940 Adopted by the CounciL_..__._.------- .-.--..---.19...-.... nA AY 24190 Approved..... _.._.. -... 19.- ... /- In Favor - Mayor . r. --Against 4 1 8»A Original b City Clerk COUNCIL ,m CITY O SAINT PAUL rlLi NO. OFFIIEE THE CITY CLERK Cha. _ COUNCIL 1RESO TION ---GENERAL FORM .:. PRESENTEDBV._ _ __ _— DATE_ COMMISSIONER --- ---- — — — HESOLVPD, That resolution, Council File No. 117686, adopted and approved February 1, 19+0, be and the same hereby is amended so as typographical to correct an obvious error and to effect the intention of the Council by striking the figare "30" where the same appears in Paragraph numbered "(2)" therein, and by inserting in lieu and in place thereof the figure 1120", and that such amendment shall be effective as of the date of the adoption and approval of said resolution hereby amended. C 18Th'[ By b11ut1o.R Resolved C uncil ,,Is No. 117626, dopted and approved Februaebyry 1, 1940, be and the a to am obvious typographicaln error aodeto effect the intention f the Council by -appear. strikingthe figure '20' where the e e In Paragraph numbered "(2)" 1 therein, and by Inserting In lieu and in • Dlnce thereof the figure '20;' and that such amendment hall be ffective ae of date of the adoption and approval of id resolution hereby me deg. Adopted by the Council May 24, 1940. Approved May 24, 1940. (June 1, 1940) (i Adopted by the Council _l AY ¢ IM— tea_ - C011TlC1L[iIEII -% yeas T�y9 MAY 24 9840 'fuss APProvad---- -- an---- �.. _ln Favor eterson // ,or en Against t, Ttic�loattn'gi24� dice Prerideut (Truax) ,ine-4o COUNCIL A 188615 NO CITY OF ST. PAUL •iu �..:_-_..-- ........... ...__.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK T COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESEN D BY ...._._.._.._......... ... .._DATE........ ..... _9 ..............._ COMMISSIONER_....._....._........................................__....._. RESOLVED That license for Merry Go Round, application 1+2081, applied for by the Margaret Recreation Center Men's Booster Club, at the Margaret Playgrounds, Earl and Beech Sts., for the period from June 3rd. to June 9, 1944, inclusive, be and the same is hereby granted, provided all ordinances applicable thereto have been complied with and the City Clerk is irstructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the required fee. C, F. No. 118885—sy G. H. Barfusn and F. M. Truax— r Go- Resolved, �Icattoa 49081 �r DPlled for Round, Margaret Recreatlon Cee�e[ ^+e by the t the 3tur6 Mem a B... or Club. d Beech Sta., for playground", F.nr June 3rd to June 9, the Period from be and the me Is 1940, inclusive, ided all ordoranesd hereby granted. Provis -PP, thereto Clerk is instructed with and the City the PQYnleed to IaeUs ch license uD pf the iu Into the Ci,y Treasury 1 fee. the Council May 24, 1940. Adopted by 1940. Approved (June 41, 1940) Informally approved by Council May 10, 1940 COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas Barfuss / � (" In favor Rosen Brmts Peterson Against ent, ,__^._\ tM 696 Mr. Vim President(lil�J r MAY 2419 Adopted by the Council__ SAY 24 }gam Approved 193..... - _. .__. Mayor 118866 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO .................................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM May 24, 24, 1940 PRESENTEDBY — __..._-------------------- --------------------- ..._. ----- DATE......-...._................._................_..............._.........._..... CO M M I SSi O N E R.. RESOLVED That permission be and it is hereby granted to the Margaret Recreation Center Men's Booster Club to conduct a festival at the Margaret Play - 9 . "UndB, lay-grounds, Earl and Beech Sts. for the period from June 3rd. to June 9, 191+0 inclusive, said Margaret Recreation Center Men's Booster Club to pay any license fee tbat may be required. - infarmally approved by Council May lo, 1940. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nayg Barfuss 1// an In favor Rosen Aemis Peterson Against mut (flESagtaga3lon) 1 M 646 Mr. Vice 1,r:2sident (Truax) C. F. No. 118866—By C. H. Barfuss and F. M. Truax— Re 1—cl, That permisslon be and it le hereby granted to the Margaret Recreation Center Men's Booster Club to ...duct n feetival at the Margaret Pln ygrounds, Earl and Beech Ste., [or the period from June 3rd to June9th. 1940, incluslve, .valid Margaret Recrea- tion Center Men'e Booster Club to pay any license fee that may be required. Adopted by the Council May 24, 1940. Approved May 24, 1940. (June 1, 1940) MAY 2 41940 Adopted by the Council.. 93 ..... 1 AY 24 1940 Approved _hr�r Mayor .E COUNCIL NO......_118867 CITY OF ST. PAUL �« OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM May 24, 1940 PRESENTED BY ..._...... DATE ............... ..__ ...........__....... COMMISSIONER_............ _.......... ......... .......... ...._........... ....... ..... _..__----------- RESOLVED . _. RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, application 41990, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 41991, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, appliaation 41992, applied for by victor Zachman at 620 A. Seventh St. be and the same are hereby v granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City Treasury of the required fees; New Informally approved by Council, May 21, 1940 Old location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DBa_rfuss T , 4�' In favor Rosen Peterson Against -Trees = nt (�yyfy ion) r. 1C(= Pren1Q C. F. No. 118867—By O. H. Barfuss and F. M. Truax— Resolved, That license for Restau- rant, application 41990, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 41991, and OR Sale Malt Beverage, application 41992, applied for by Victor Zachman at 620 W'Seventh St. be and the same are hereby granted and She City Clerk is Instructed to Issue such llcenses upon the payment Into the City Treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council May 24, 1940. Approved il(ay 24. 1940, (June 1, 1940) MAY 241940 Adopted by the Council 1_ 193 ..... MAY 24190 Approved_ 193 _. �... Mayor COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL .a. NO._.. ..............._.. ........ .._..... 1' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK c. F N.- ti' *. BarfusaV'm11. Y�,� COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORK A.'parrs.. u by " a to 24 1940 PRESENT E .DATE...•,...v_ i...........L....._.._.. ........... COMMISSIONER_............_ .... ............................... ................. _...... _. .._.._......_-._._...._.._......._......_.._....___. RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee Yeas indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk be _- M10- instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City In favor Treasury of the required fees: Peterson Against R. H. Jackson 1075 University Ave. Confectionery App. 41813 New N.L. HenryJepson y pn 1074 Hastings Ave. Grocery " " 41529 " O.L. n If n Off Sale Malt 41530 Jalmar Johnson 646 S. Snelling Ave. Oil Burner " .41640 " N.L. Installation Arthur Hanson 1324 W. Seventh St. Foodstuff " 41641 " N.L. (Milk) Sarah Belfer 381 Edmund St. Grocery " 41678 " O.L. Butcher " 41679 " O.L. n n " Off Sale Malt ° 41680 " O.L. Steve Mallon 1332 Selby Ave. Gas Station " 41867 " O.L. R. H. Mayland 2290 Como Ave. Confectionery " 41879 " N.L. Super Service Oil Co., Inc- 301 W. Seventh St. Gas Station " 41920 " N.L. Mrs. Mary A. Rose 539 N. Grotto St. Grocery " " 41921 " O.L. Off Sale malt 41922 Carley Wright 650 Rice St. Ice Station " 41927 " O.L. Carley Wright 650 Rice St. Gas Station " 41928 " O.L. H. D. McCarthy 175 W. University Ave. Gas Station " 41984 " O.L. Morris Cooperstock• 257 Constans St. Junk Gatherer " 42062 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss _- M10- sen In favor Peterson Against xt IM IS." Mr. Vicalir�ldeut TICBX) "AY 2 4194d Adopted by the Council MAY 241040 Approved. 193..... _. Mayor ti ( 1 ) CIL � t�869�/ t CITY OF ST. PAUL . . NO.. 1.._..._.........,�.tJ.._ C�N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C C. F. Not1RR89—R OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL I Reeoi:e h ' m _..... by the C rrta�L PRESEN D ......._._...... _...._ . DA'iE....___._. lk3!._�L..4.e...1940......._..................... COMMISSIONE ""' RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk be 41934 instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City Restaurant " Treasury of the required feess " On Sale Malt " 41939 Wardner Radio Else. Co. 1675 Grand Ave. Oil Burner App. 41454 Renewal 41941 " Installation Jos. Brunner 678 Lafond St. Bakery " 41906 " Alrick & Mathison 120 E. Fifth St. Bakery " 41909 " Altick & Mathison 937 Payne Ave. Bakery " 41910 " Alrick & Mathison 520 Rice St. Bakery " 41912 " Clement Janisch 625 Selby Ave. Restaurant " 41913 " Morris Rutman 15 E. Seventh St. Confectionery " 41914 " Howard Bauerfield 590 E. Seventh St. Gas Station " 41916 " Harry Lipinski 1781 E. Minnehaha St. Confectionery " 41917 " E. A. Brandt 828 White Bear Ave. Confectionery " 41918 " Henry Moore 320 Carroll Ave. Restaurant " 41923 " On Sale Malt " 41924 " " " " " Off Sale Malt " 41925 " Park Co-op. Oil Ass'n E. G. Sanders n n Michael Lendway n n n n 2277 Como Ave. W. 1051 Forest St. n n 609 University Ave. n n n n Chas. A. Hamlin 1041 University Ave. C. A. Lee 2214 Hendon Ave. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuse os_ In favor Peterson Against wenaei Z lion) M eae Mr. Vice i'resideut (11MW Gas Station " 41931 " Grocery " 41934 " 0£f Sale Malt " 41935 " Restaurant " 41938 " On Sale Malt " 41939 " Off Sale Malt " 41940 " 2nd Hand Dealer 41941 " (Autos) Ice Delivery " 41946 " Adopted by the Council_ 193 Approved 193 _. -- - Mayor '118869 oum— CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ................................. .fe . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 24 194 COMMISSIONER_. ..... ...._....._................................................. ...... .... _____.... _.___._.._..... ........... ........ .___...._......DATE_...._.....__... ...Y........_ 0 .._.._...........................:__. RESOLVED Dov,. Godfrey Johnson 1562 Como Ave. Grocery App. 41951 Renewal ^ ^ ^ ^ Off Sale Malt " 41952 " Johanna Pitheon 2624 W. Seventh St. Grocery " 41955 " Alphonse A Meister 2015 E. Minnehaha St. Ice Station " 41970 " Perry Z238 Earl St. On Sale Malt " 41975 " ^ " " Off Sale Malt'" 41976 " Elizabeth A Kaiser 922 Selby Ave. Grocery " 41977 " Gerald Leach 744 E. Third St. Ice Station "' 41978 " John 0. Hassell 959 Earl St. Grocery " 41979 " ^ it " " Off Sale Malt " 41980 " Fred J.Harms 930 Raymond Ave. On Sale Malt " 41983 " E. F. Janssen 1218 Thomas St. Off Sale Malt " 41985 " R. J. Ballard 1852 Grand Ave. Restaurant " 41988 " Sam Niedorff 649 Holly Ave. Junk Gatherer " 42014 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Ron In favor Peterson _ C) Against Weeeall�� �� lion) 1 M 636 Mr. Vice Itmident (Truax) MAY 241840 Adopted by the Council.. _ 193 Approved.ltlQY 24- IN 193- ... • v f T &ayor PUBIASIIGD G d_ 7 0'j2jW 6. Div Gk COU CIL CITY OF ST. PAU OFFICE OF THE CI LERK COUN L RESOLUTION NERAL FORM PRE5ENTED BY DATE ----i COMMISSSIONER RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to oil the following streets and alleyes Hyacinth- to Mendota y C. F. No. 118870—BY Milton Rosen— Orange--Arcade to Mendota Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he Iv hereby Alley --Cook, Magnolia, Frahk, Duluth puthnrl:ed and dlreoi-+ to ou he fol - Alley --Geranium, Rose, Mendota, Forest s„a Alley --Maryland, Hawthorne, Walsh, Weida Arlington--Flandrau to White Bear Fish Hatchery Road FauquierT-Clarence to Etna Fauquier--1624 Fauquier to 1634 Fauquier Ruth --Manitou to Stillwater Alley --Margaret, Beech, Atlantic, Johnson Parkway Alley --Pacific, Hudson, Clarence, Etna E & W Alley-- Third, Fourth, Bates, Maple Alley -Bayard, Hartford, Syndicate, Griggs Alley -Isabel, Delos, Clinton, Greenwood Alley-Gharles, Edmund, Western, 79' West Alley --Western, Hand, Cook, Jessamine Alley --Case, Jenke, Jackson, 110' East Midway Parkway North Service Drive --Pascal to Hemline Alley -Sherburne, Charles, Aldine, Fry Cleveland --150' North & South of #1020 Cleveland I Finn --Highland to Eleanor Finn --Alley North of Eleanor to Schaffer "T” Alley --Sargent, Princeton, Howells Fairview Alley -Wentworth, Pelham, Doane, St. Anthony Alley--Woodlawn, Mt.Curve, Randolph, Jefferson Hoyt --Lexington to Oxford Hoyt --172' East of Chatsworth to Victoria Hoyt --Avon to Grotto Idaho; -Avon to grotto Iowas-Avon to Grotto MAY 2 '190Pgarrkkview--Como Blvd to Victoria COUNCILMEIQ` ort-Hu4boldt and Robie Adopted by the Council-193— Yeas ouncil 193—.Yeas mag Nays MAY 241Q40 / Approved 193— P,etelson In Favor _ VIP— �� M or 2Against aeell t 1Yolut) [uBLIS14ED Y i 6 Council File No ...... a. 8871 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the Cit Saint Paul, viz.: .......... }39APA4trAP.t1A�.. JC6P T.lid..flr4..rc1aYfA&.the..sidewalk. on..the, west. eide of„Msakubin, Street„from„>�niveraity„Avenue,,,thence„south. 120. Peet,..,,,... ......................................................................................................................... Dated this...�tth......day of .................... .................... ...., 1,49.... j ............................................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............ RenPnet=cting., . ............ 4Y..MeR1F?;Gxm..StTSOt .� pIR..UASoeF.S� t3 . Ayenug., ,thence: _south, _120. ,feet...................... .................................................................................... PRELIMINARY ORDERS. C. F. N.. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ............................... :.................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To staei'tvhether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ^ 4 MO Adopted by the Council.......... MAY 2 YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................... AY. •2 4 -1940 ............... rem— J _ PETERSON ROSEN ayor. V�WCR:IP'sldent(Z ) IM 12.38 PUBLISHLD Petition 118872 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the Cie y of Saint Paul, viz.: ...Eurbing, the, east,,sili.@. 0�.�48Rd9.tl�.StF.Qetr..�#'9W.M§T.fi?�'>�.tr.St,�e9t,.t.0..$a9Cl3.,Strae:�.. .................................................................... . v ............................................................................................. ...................... t ..... Dated this ....4:0 .....daY of .................. M0.. y............... 1tbD ..... le ......................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 4ucb)nr3.th9..e.�R..�)de.of.Mendota. Street from Mar�e?et Street to Beech Street ........................................................... :.......... c. F. No. 118872— ............................................................... .. ...... ............. Abstract. Whereas. A wrt%ten V�, ...........,� .. ,i. it having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of'said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 2 41940 � Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS MAY 241940 Councilman BARFUSSApproved................................................... --ULAN „ PETERSON " ROSEN —,)mayor. �Y�C1'��i:�w_"'b:' Mr. Vice President ('1'17=) ' IM 12-38`� PU13L1St1iD Petition 17 l Council File No .............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 118873— Ab.teret. and Wherena, A Itten aking of the folio^ - ,i. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: aChange the grade of the Alleys in Block 1, Pavilion Park, and Block 2, Stebbing's Como View from the East and West Alley to Lakeview Avenue, and from Osage Street to the North and South Alley, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present estab. lashed grade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also grade and surface the Alleys in Block 1, Pavilion Park and Block 2, Stebbing's Como View from Parkview Avenue to Lakeview Avenue and from Osage Street to the North and South Alley to the proposed red line when established. Also construct a sewer in the East and West Alley from a point 54 feet east of the North and South Alley to the North and South Alley, and in the North and South Alley from the East and West Alley to the sewer in Lakeview Avenue Change the grade of the Alleys in Block 1, Pavilion Perk, and Block 2, Stabbing's Como View from the East end West Alley to Lakeview Avenue, •nd from Osage Street to the North and South Alley, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present estab- lished grade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also grade and surface the Alleys in Block 1, Pavilion Park end Block 2, Stabbing*;, Como View from Parkview Avenue to Lakeview Avenue and from Osage Street tc the North and South Alley to the proposed red line when established. Also construct a sewer in the Eest end West Alley from a point 54 feet east of the North and South Alley to the North and South Alley, and in the North and South Alley from the East and West Alley to the sewer in Lakeview Avenue To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. P' Adopted by the Council ................. MAY •211544 YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved. �AAARMMIC'�'� PETERSON ROSEN -TRV1eC—' Mr. Vice President (Trapp IM 12.38 MAY 2 41940 l V �'!.:............ Mayor. -/—`/ PUBLISIiCD petitionel Council File No ................ eu - IJ ;.6 ,. :: u'. CI7OX oj bo7u. 21 xe 31 .; Ir+p fTTsn r o u9 _ec , rn .,.puu uol F77 tp;c• T cca, r. r. , ., :r.up ru ,•. C i s 'you T7zPay ', ye psra epoMv ';,e acre rats �j7:..ec - . co Os.on.•:c� bLo 7 s P61 -6,"o I I- T NuG u{ c,__,T irita 1'-N „HUR G,F ?9IIon Fp .%'o „~rWG :L.q"i`FAT 'rUGHrGii Bn: t.Lo r Ito rA .... ...............::........—........... _ ::9 ............................................. NIH Dated this ...... 23r4 ... day of.................MAY..................... .....1940. ... C.um lman. F. . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Change the grade of the Alleys in Block 1, Pavilion Perk, and Block 2, Stabbing's Como View from the East end West Alley to Lakeview Avenue, =md from Osage Street to the North and South Alley, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present estab- lished grade being shown by the blue line thereon. also grade and surface the Alleys in Block 1, Pavilion Park and Block 2, Stabbing's Como View from Parkview Avenue to Lakeview Avenue and from Osage Street to the North and South Alley to the proposed red line when established. Also construct a sewer in the Rest end West Alley from a point 54 feet east of the North and South Alley to the North and South alley, and in the North and South Alley from the East and West Alley to the sewer in Lakeview Avenue `�5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ' Adopted by the Council ................. MAY..2i 4. i94. • • • • • . • • • • • YEAS NAYS MAY 2 41940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... PETERSON -YRUMr — Mayor. Mr. Vice President (1taW / 7M 12.38 /� � ,/ PUBLISHED -1-4 0 Petition Council File No........ L 07 F e f J rg- :. 41.1 fIJIj-J ,O _ -1 •-ty fiJ JI i -J` f'I {. T.fC..T 6.. -1. 1117':'r -' ..A {.Cr cup'.: �. ;:s TIT, J1 ., rl" PTJJI-Ji ,, a I,.VW4 t 0& dl. �Jr +,: .i.,,ur. Lq 0 . ................................. ..... .. .. ..... Jf . ........... I............................................................... .i ....... n...e.i this ...... arcl ...day of ................. AV .................... .....41940 • •. - .TTG- o A -1;1-h F I of :.rrc ur OL aspptu6, (,,Wo Ttse , CrJm kt .,rx1 b� Y;ls:. ��. 1'.Jcel,r,rs 'e"rarr, .t: ...................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. P'HAdopted by the Council. ................ MAY .211M............ YEAS NAYS MAY 241940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... -4v RR — SON PETERCV\'.'..... v ROSEN ...... .� Mayor. Mr. Vice I`resitimt (7YaW 1%1 12.38 '—_ PUBLISHED -�—`� 118874 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 118874— and Ab" ant. . ,`,Vhereae, A written DrOPOORI ror the PRELIMINARY ORDER the t011^W''4 Improvement. ent The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: . Cond�ni,�.and..taking. an.easement.,in.the land, necessary,. for, slopes,, cuts.and f i lle, . in, the, .gradipg, ,apd, .$urRac 1 Rg, ,qt ,the, , All,eys. ,in . plo ck .1,, . Payi 1 i on ,ar1<......... . aza.Alack.2,.Btehbing!a.Como..View. Pram Parkview.Avenue..to.Lakevieta. Lvenue.and ..... �rom..0aage..Strs et.to..the. NArtb .and.South. AJ laY................................../............... Dated this .... 23ra..... day of.......................Max.................. 4. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning„and talons an easement in the land necessary Por sloRear cuts and ....and .B.lock .2, . Stebbi.zlg'. a..C.omc. Viev¢ . exam. }?askei.av? .AQsnua..to..I,akevl �:. Avenve.. and ..... Ysvm. Asage. Stseet..iv..the. Nosth..and. �autb. A1leY.................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the nece,5a^ity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 2 41940 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS MAY 241940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... `---PARRXRT= PETERSON ROSEN ............ ..1.. �... �..../ ............ ........... �. Mayor. now 20"Oftwo Mr. Vice President (Trmx) IM 12.38 PUBLIS11LD ' j Petition 118875 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and— ft PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the city of Saint Paul, viz.: .. , , ,Construct. e, monol�,thio . oonarete, .sidewalk , on. the. soti'th. ,aide , of, Idaho ............. ..................................... ........ ............................................... ....... Dated this... 24.th...... day of.................4"" ................ _ t .............. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ...Construct, a,monolithic.conaret.e,.sldewalk..on, the• south. side„of,Iydaho,_....... C. F. No. 118878-- Streat..to..F.ernwood. Avenua• Ab•troet Avenue..1Eest ,.. from. AunlaR .. . 4 WCl lowI PLOPo.- for .............................. .......................... ................................................................... I ........................... ................ ..,u having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul... therefore, be it ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and n hereby 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. petition of three or more owners. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 41. Y .......... I Adopted by the Council ................... '2'�•�9 YEAS NAYS MAY . 2 °4.1940 ................. Councilman BARFUSS Approved ..............,.-.. PETERSON N/ �/J, �.i ✓ ROSEN Mayor. '--- I Mr. Vicwalme 11reddent(1YUax) IM 12,39 Mr. NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -j - COUNCIL FILE may 23. ,oy — RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $41,190_30—, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 71416. TO 63 ---INCLUSIVE. AS PER on ,78- - / lw� CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. c Ft N a ^ MAY 2 41940 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193- s / CITY C MPT 01-1-91% MAY 2 41940 APPROVED 193_./1 / A RUBL15ifEA f I 1 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL T @ 7 ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLERi. - FILENCOUNCIL FILE NUMBER_ SARFU SS FINDLAN P TERSON '- -- --IN FAVOR AUDITED r AIMS CLAIMS �l jl 11111 it 1J 1).�1.✓ _ 9 L. ay 22,.� ROSEN TRUAX AGAINST, RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON H CITY TTREASGRY W .EL MR PRE5 FALLON - BY THE COUNCIL— 1 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S L" 190- 30— COVERING _ MAY 241940 CHECKS NUMBERED - 1616T 669. INCLUSIVE. S Ij'i J -T E CHECKS ON �E�fN fFTHE C COMPTRO ER. P R ADOPTED Non, �__ � APPROVED- NUMBER 3 - coKv.nar. -- ]oo ]e c] rnAvoP .� BY / / - - ----- -- -- _ - -- - - -- TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF _ TRANSFER CHECKS - - .RETURNED. DISURSEME T BY BANK R CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 9 20178 J It RI � h 1 990 �16 10�_ Y ® 71616 John S. Findlan. Comm. Fin- 23 223 481' 5 001 71617 AmerjQW' Insurance Agency 1 00 71618 Boeringer and Son 183 561 71619 Builders Iron Foundry Co. 1 269 82; 71620 outler-Magner Company 222 50; 71621 Mrs. Thomas Dahill 63 94_ 71622 R. C. Duncan and Co. 96 65' 71623 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 2 00, 71624 Federal Power Commission 33 45' 71625 Chas. Friend and son 12 29; 71626 H. B. Fuller company 2 962 6T 71627 General Chemical Company 21 57 71628 Guaranteed Concrete Company 163 16 71629 A. P. Hersohler Factory 563 57 71631 71630 A. J. Koch Company John Leslie Paper Co. 10 176 92 716722 Northern states Power Cc- 282 25 7163+ Northern states Power Co. 20 97, Parke -Davis and Co. 218 38 71635 Pittsburgh Coal Company 80 68 71636 Robinson Cary and sands Co. 71637 g. M. Roncone 5 50' 42 89' 71638 sanitary Food Mfg. Co. 6 00 71679 St. Paul Electric Plating Wks. 62 18 71640 St. Paul Waite Lead & 011 Co. 751 84! 71641 Tri-State Tel. & Teleg. Co. , 105 40 71642 Tri-state Tel. & Teleg. Co. 110 05 7164] Tri-state Tel. & Teleg. Co. 294• 71644 Wagner Paint & Varnish Co. 4 75: 71645 S. J. Walsky 1 71646 The Waterous Company 27 27 71647 A_1 stenographic Bur -au 71648 Aerotezt Publishing Co. �11 71649 American Mat Corporation 14 408' 71650 Anchor Paper Company 00 71651 J. J. Augustin, Inc. 11+1 S0' 71652 The Barrett Company Brady-Margul Co. 20 71653 Nook, I Rental Lib. 4743 2 0 71654 Book ., 0,,. 1 5 50' 71655 Brown steel Tank Co., 1 71656 Buckie Printers Ink Co. 1 5 17 1 71657 Co -Operative Laundry Co., Inc. 1 01 0 5 71658 ® Follett Book Company 6 50 71659 Fuller Brush Comrany 3 75 5 75 71660 Great Northern Chair Co. 1 71661 Haskell Institute 31 20 1501' 71662 Hawkins Chemical Co. 71663 Hennepin County Review &1 71664 Herzog and Hueffineier 6 71665 P. J. Kenedy and Sons 11 99; 71666 w. W. Koepke 43 74 71667 Librarian, Libra -y of Congress 327 191 71668 0admus Books 5$ 7 5 71669 Joesting and schilling Co. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 9 201 74 921 506 4$ COUNCIL FILE NO.. By------ - ---- FINAL ORDER 118877 In the Matter of___- constructing-a--four-foot sidewalk on both -sides_ of_3orman_Avenle' betxeer_lyyomin�_Street_ard_AnrarolisStreet,-except--whEre_good_and_su:ficient_s_-die- ._walks_-naw_exist.,---------------------------------------.__.- ---- _. _ FINAL ORDERS _f".. F. Nc 118877— — — . ----.. .. .... ......•_ --- ___----------- ____--------------- under Preliminary Order ------- 118415- ----------------------- approved .._ _ .Aori1.17 -_1940__-----____----_-______-- Intermediary Order --------- --------------------------- ------------approved --------- ---- - -- --- -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- constrict a four -foot sidewalk on both sides f provement to be made by the said City is____-__-_-------_--_----------------------------------------------------o-- . Gorman_Aveiue_betrr�Qn-Yiy�min�-Stxeei__nnd_Annap4l��__Stxegt��x�aDi��ze-�,o4si_B�sL--- ..auffiaient_sidevoilks-saw__existr--------------------- -------------- ----- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officialsare here authorized and directed to pro - teed with the making of said improvement in accordance there h MAY 28 1940 Adopted by the Council _ - -- ---------------------------- ---- MAY 28 VO City Clerk. Approved --------------- - - --- 192- 'A�ayor. -- File 54333 / Councilman B/�'(u„d Councilman Z,"'au w Councilman �(yrranm Councilman cetera,,,, / Il Councilmancn /� iJ I Councilman Mayor. Mr. Vice Ptesident Form B. S. A. 8-7 PUrLT D CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE J ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of constrictir.7 a :our-:'ooc side-al'r, on both --ides o; '.onnan Ave. betv.een ';;yomin- St. and Annapolis St. under Preliminary Order approved A�,ril 17, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 0. The estimated cost per, oot for the above improvement is �j q�lmbro i Yc The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lund 4 L A,) iLor's ,'ahcivlsion o. 125 L1 , „". i n'.11, ..'.inn. 5 2 do 350 1 2 Janzen'5 :tion to S;L..r�ui 125 14 2 do 400 To'_a1 $1000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon 'to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated rril =�-- --19-40 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D SM i -37 St. Paul, Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to,].ZQ made: Con struct sidewalk on both Sides of Gorman Avenue A between Wyoming and Annapolis Streets. ....St. Ave. from St. Ave. to ..St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 7T 'LAI SM i -37 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance w April 23---19W— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118415 approved April 17 JAQ _ relative to the oonstructing of a four foot sidewalk on both sides of Gorman Avenue between Wyoming Street and Annapolis Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost -- 4" Monolithic Concrete Sidewalk at $.15 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-_ , and the total cost thereof is $_ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_____ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - -- - - - - - --- -- - --- — -- I 5. Said improvement is __ _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FIN 1'Cf- �,� Commissioner of Public Works ,, 4 i APR 118878 COUNCIL FILE NO-- - ----------- --- By-- - -- -- - ------- - - In the Matter of_Eradi-ng- and __sur_fnoin;_�he-A11eys_in_King' _ Ii>Zcnl>Z 'ark from _______ Ford Parkylau._ta_P.inehur-st-.Avenue_anti--from.-Kenneth--Avenue--to- aha--North--a�-�tl�------- Alley ---------- .__ ______ 8..-_-_---_ .---- ------------------------- ________ . _--__._ C. F. No. 118878— In the Matter of gradin -g and surfac- ing the "ey9 t 1_ " s Lincoln Park frn�. --..-___. horst , under Preliminary Order ------ 118.2.63- --------------------- __.approved ._ April -3_194D 194Q Intermediary Order ----------------- - -----------------approved -------------------- ----- ------- ----- — - — ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that Drov t to be made by the said l �rade_and-_surface-_the At�gy_s__ in _Kin s_Lin __ In — South -- Alley---__-__-___---_--- ---- ---- sad rescinded "J r ----- Ell p; .-aui.,Zs is c_;.t tc,�iz r Ua dlsccuiii:ued. — ----- ------------------------------------ - and t ouncil hereby orders said impro ment to be made. RESOL FURTHER, That the Comm1 r of Public Works be and is hereb • strutted and directed to preps lens and specifications for said l Tent, and submit same to the until for approval; that upon a • approval, the proper city officials are by authorized and directe pro- ceed with the making o aid improvement in rdance therewith. MAY 28 � Adopted by the Council _--- ------ ----------- -- ---- -, 192---__---• MAY 281940 Approved ----- - -_- ------ - -, 192 File 8966 Councilman Bi rruse Councilman F!ndien Councilman MAR911401 Pmrerttn Councilman Jfafilogam== I'etersnn Councilman bdbyinrerr .M Nolen Councilman Ybomk2aimm T- av_ Mayor Hgs Mr. Vice I'resident (Tr=) Form B. S. A. 8-7 -- Mayor. 2 ��tt U ' '` PUBLIS/D-` 0 ,Is the undersigned owners of property abutting on alleys in King's Lincoln Park from Ford Parkway to Pinehurst Avenue and from Kenneth Avenue to North & South alley most strenuously object to the grading and surfacing of said alleys at this time. This proposal under Preliminary Order 118263 and 118264 was approved April 3, 1940. name address Lot Block Addition 1, the undersigned, circulated the above petition and verify the above signatures. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this dey of 1940 O. �=M�i Notarf Pnblk, M7 OommWbnBsVu'• u"+-_..�, 1945, L CITY OF ST. PAUL Ct DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OP FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of 7radin- and surfacin, the Alleys in Kin's Lircoln Pr,rk from Ford 'r.rk:.a7 to • -r'ir.ehurst Avenue anc from K,i neth Avenue i.o the Porth -am: aouth�.11ey ti under Preliminary Order approved Anri i 6, 1.40 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assesament for the above improvement is front The estimated cost peyfoot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ALUATIO ,. Land yld.-. 1 Kinl's Lincoln Ee.rk $425 2 do 550 3 do 350 4 do 350 JR 5 do 350 g do 350 7 do 350 8 do 350 351C0 9 do 350 475C 10 do 350 4750 TOTAL, I- B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF.FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C)ASSESSED „DESCRIPTION • LOT BLOCK ADDITION ^LUATIO Land %ld&. » 11 Binge Linooln Past $325 $4750 12 do 860 13, 14 and 15 do 1723 1000 18 do 578 17 do 900 15 do 500 19 do 500 20 do 500 21 do 600 22 do 500 23 do 500 24 do 500 25 do 500 26 do 500 27 do 500 88 do 800 Total $13,350 $20,350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 40 —� R , Dated---' April 29 g— Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 P E T I T I O N 11 The undersigned, hereby, petition the City Council W,;.-(FC•*NOERS of St. Paul to grade and put an oil top in alleys A In back of lots 12 to 2B inclusive, King's Lincoln Park Addition, Lots 7-o_z3-z./_2.f �;f Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance April 16 __19340 To the Commissioner of FinaAce of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 116263 approved April 3. 1� > relative to _�radand stu'facing .of Alleys in King's Lincoln Park from Ford Perkwf___ to Pinehurst Avenue and from Ksnneth_Avenue -to the _Kgrth-and-South A1197-- and 1197__ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.09 2. The estimated cost thereof is S— 1,352.26 , and the total cost thereof is 5—. Inspection $24.08 Engineering $124.34 Frontage 1,243.4 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----- 3. o ows:—.--3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - - _- 5. Said improvement is ----asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, 1 subject to assessment for said improvement. COCA, OF fINANC , - -- o Commissioner of Public Works. �� e APR CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIOT,'V__ COMM ........ BUREAU,OF CONT. A RQAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENOIN-R W. a. COCKROFT, OuFT. OprICE ENGINEER April 15, 1940 p, H. HERROLD CHIRP ENGR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Ooymissioner Milton Rosen Department of public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirt BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SY►T. Buz.— OF 19—...M. B. GnYTBAK, ENG ccR BUREAU or CORRE—ONS RAY J. KARTAK. SU— I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for grading and surfacing of Allays in Sings Lincoln Park from Ford Parkway to Pinehurst Avenue and from Kenneth Avenue to the North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. 11.8263 approved April 3, 1940• Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - $1,352.28 Cost per front foot - - - - - - 1.09 Inspection - - - - - - - - - - 24.08 Engineering - - - - - - - - - - 124.34 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - 1,243.4 ft. Approved for trammmiaeio to t commissioner oY nanoe (/ MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works Yours very truly, 00 M An (;F1.7 Engineer 1 `BUUNCIL F E NCT.�� J.18S79 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement iA the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alleys in King's Lincoln Park from Ford Parkway to Pinehurst Avenue and from Kenneth Avenue to the North and South Alley C. F. No. 118879—ay Mntnn R—n— In the matter of 'onl d. .• and tak- ina g _ _ r _ Y f- sa, Y. under Preliminary Order 118264 approved April 3, 1940 Intermediary Order 118541 approved _ Apra 30, 79-40 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council o the City of Saint Paul that p ement to be made by the said CI is Condemning and t an easement in the land n axy for slopes, cu and fills in the grading surfacing of the Alleys in is Lincoln Park f For Parkway to Pinehurs enue and from Kenneth Avenue to the North and th All f111 D JtQ 1.1 C., , ... .,.,, -.,':J C:J ilt;rwbjy Q4liLY11YYI rnl JilY�i and rescinded and all p;occ:,ddin„s in z4id lactwr ba 6i"011unued. an a Council hereby orders said impro ments to be made. RES\bed RTHER, that the follows land, lands or easements therein be an the same are hereby ordered to appropriated and condemne or the purpose of making said improve ents, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fill in the grading and. surfacin of the Alleyg Lincoln Park from Ford P ey to Pinehurst Avenue and rom Kennee the North and South Alley, o the extent shown on the an on fie of ce of the Commissioner of lie WorksRESORTHER, Th t the Commissioner of Public Works a and is hereby instructed an di. rected to pns and specifics. ' ns for said improvement, and the pro city officials are hereby auth - ized and diproceed with the king of said improvement in accordan a therewith. Adopted bythe Council MAY 2R 1940 19_ Approved_ MAY 28 1940 — 19_ C�/i�t�4�t�i 49 uUg Mayor. Councilmen Barfuss Findlan �1 Parranto Peterson ' Rosen; PUBLISHED T^- ru�' aiSn-dice Yt>�idetrt (1YOit:� CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RftPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ( In the matter ter of condemnir., ani fakir, an easernen, _, _ the 1rn�. neces:,[.r,- "or ::lon'.`, cups e_n � fil...`in thu •r�.dir- an r. s lr£acin- of tihe R.11E:vo in Kir.-'s Linco,r_ i'.rk fro - Fore. rinehurst Avenue am! £ro72 Kt--nneth Avenue to th'! `±ortiand • outh Alir�; under Preliminary Order approved Aril .5, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the a� ove ersement is $ 2�,-OQ The total estimated xmoz=x CfRhaca==CWx>m:fM4kJc akmxczmpzaYzx WWiax The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ADD ASSESSED VALUATION Hdc-. Land 1 Kin -'s L-nocln Fark 5425 2 do 350 3 do 350 4 do 35o 5 do 55C E do 350 7 do 3bo do 350 --1Go 5 :o 65!, 47:;0 do 350 4750 10 TOTAL. B. B, 10 (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REISORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 11 12 13, 14 and 15 16 17 19 19 z0 21 2L 23 24 25 26 27 28 ADDITION Kinv's Lincoln Park do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ASSESSED LandvALUATIOnhl dg. 4325 $4750 650 1725 1000 575 900 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 600 Total $13,350 $20,50 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. I Anril 29 Dated 19 J Commissioner of Finance. Porm B. B. 13 ' K27+ Indico}es CU}. AILIndica}es Fill. Typical Nofo}ion +io Fiqures obove line show 5 Cuf or Fill of properF line. Figures below Ilne show disfonce io which Slopes exlendbeyord prope4y ane• Loc. Book No Z543X-SecA.tic, 754311 9/kysKi�gJLinco/in o4. FerdP.Frry-Pi�rhu S/apc Oc 2/Yo.597 Alf'v�L EY.S, irIZVO:� L %/YCOL /YAMRK Flom' isoi d Pa�kvYoy 7o .Pmehui_s f Ave. Fiona A-enneih /ave: To N c5, S. A//ey k. P//YEHC/�2 S T -a? "I � A VE, r z+ -7o.3- 7o.3a3 o-3°e . 'y I i 0 75 Ry 0 N O r 5 L / N CO L /Y I .y ob t'/0 9 B 7 6 I _5 I 4 � O ° F. Fr. Pgplcr3� I I O � Got Goc Gec �o .. t e 60 1 oz •i� T" o.�e. _.�c`, _ `-4r .00l o. �I�� olo. olc olc a. `V —o�o. olo o of .oz oIo o alo + oIc of= _ clo. oho oh 'Im V � o Liobf Liahl L�hf [i<hf r` II O Ql n e z0 2/ I Z. z.j 24 z5 z6 27 ze \� L� .h -'5 -p5 a K/ N G S L / /Y C O V FO.QO — ° -= ° .o PKVYY. F a+oo - Office of the Commissioner of Public Works ------------- Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary. order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118264 approved April 3 19A0 , relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land neeesearg for _elopesl cuts end fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alleys in King's Lincoln Park from FordVn– to Pinehurst Avenue and from Kenneth Avenue to the North and _ South "lley. and having investigated th gs referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is - necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S----, and the total cost thereof is $—_ , i and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. S. Said improvement is _ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject t f to�,� Wm6nor said improvement. F / UY1 FIVANCF � G� ✓ Commissioner of P�ubblricW�ork y �J11 APR 1 1940 w COUNCIL FILE NO.. By_ --- _ - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__-_ onsf, a sewer on Pascal Avenue from Hewitt Avenue to the --- -- ----------------- -- -- ----- - --------- ----- ---- - - texmLzi�Ls__of__thQ__exlst t _s_ewer_ 7,2_feet_-north_of _Capitol_-Ayeaui_____-.____-__-____---____--___ ______ ______ C. F. No. 118880— '---- ''------ - - 1n the ,lfatter of constructing a sewer on Pa—al Avenue from Hewl[t Ave- exlatln� __.-----'------------------- - ---- ------.-_.. _. _-------- i. ------- ---------------------- --_______ _ --------- 118363...........................April 12, 1940 under Preliminary Order -- -- approved -...... - - IntermediaryOrder--------------------------------------------approved------------------ --------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is -.--s 9xistnlct e_ sewe_or� Pasea� Avenue__Prom_ ------ Ave-nue-to ____Avenue to the terminus of the existin; seiner 337.2 feet north of Capitol Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewi Adopted by the Council-------MAY-`,&-19--------, 19 V ` MAY 281940 City Clerk. Approved ---- -- ---- - -------- -- ----- , 192 - File 8970 -- -- _ Mayor. Councilman Jimum, _1414ue6 Councilman ibmgammorm /fwdlru 1 Councilman u/ly rtsi1O Councilman /1'r"^o Councilman 6t- Councilman Mayor H Mr. Vire � � pUBLiS D1s� Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT�OF FINANCE Ar REPORT OF COMNISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Sc P4+✓ In the matter of constructinc a sewer on Pascal Avenue from Y.ewitt Avenue to the terminus of the ex'stin, sewer 337.2 feet north of Capitol Avenue under Preliminary Order approved Arri1 12, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1,282.00 fro .t - 2.03 The estimated cost pe f Ot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION East 86.8 ft. of 1 and Lois 3 and „ k (Exe. h. 6.97 ft..) Form B. B. 10 LOT BLOCK 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 2 2 6 2 ADDITION Faust's Re-Arianrre^;unt do do do do do do do Famine do TOTAL, ASSESSED Lan XALUATIONn 1 w 775 $4900 550 4200 700 4600 700 4250 700 3900 7(,0 3900 700 3900 700 4800 1350 ( 1850 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT 4RF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIMSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION East 106.90 ft. of LOT BLOCK ADDITION 4 2 Hamline 1 3 do b ASSESSED Land vALUATIO�ld4. $3500 775 $1900 Total $11,150 $58,200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ Dated Arril 29 1940 Commissioner of Finance. F— B. B. 13 W/P 1.18363 St. Paul, Minn..........._ ..........19 � To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlernerr:-,-. , We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the folloWing improvement to be made: .... . ...... V11 777 .. .. . ..... . St. Ave. from . .......St. Ave. St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION f Al — - — - ----------- SM -7-37 M.eA,-7— OL681 HcCW�i?_ v Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance - April 19 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118363 approved April 12_ 190— relative to constructing a sewer on Pascal Avenue from Hewitt Avenue to the terminus _ of_the_eaistlna-aewer 337.2_feet.Aorth oY__Oapitol_Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: I. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost (W.P.A.) $1282.00 Cost per front foot $2.03 2. The estimated cost thereof is and the total cost thereof is $ Frontage 633 ft. and the nature and ejtent of said improvement is as follows:---- 3. ollows:--_3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 --- --- - 5. Said improvement is — _—asked for upon petition of three or more owns s of pro subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF VINANCJV Commissioner of Public Work SPR .:194: BUREAU OF CONST. O REPAIR W.. B, COCKROFT. Bu". OFFIGe ENGINEER G. H. HERROLD CNIEF ENO.. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMIBBIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, DEIUTT COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEF E..'.... April 18, 1940 commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Forks City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. Su— BUREAU OF BRIDGES M. S. GRYTBAK, ENGINEER BUREAUOF CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK, SUIT. I trenemit herewith preliminazy estimate Of cost for constructing a ewer on Pascal Avenue from Hewitt Avenue to the terminus of the existing sewer 337.2 feet north of Capitol Avenue, under Preliminary Order 0. F. 118363 approved April 12, 1940• Estimate is based on F.P.A. Labor The cost of materials, plane, engineering and supervision eta. is - - - - - - - - $1282.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- 633ft- costper front foot - - - - - - - - - - 2.03 Yours truly, M 00 Chief Snkineer CD Ap d for trenemiss n ftQ to Commissioner Finance _��Pj MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Yorke COUNCIL FILE N0.- .-----------.-- -- By'------- - - FINAL ORDER 118881 In the Matter of__constructinp: a side•ualk on the south side of 0ranm- Street _from___ _Arcade__Street__to__1Fendota_St-Lee_t_,__�x4c.Fi--ed eTe--toou_n1_uffickent_szdey_alks__nQyv------- C. F. No. 118881— ._eX1Str_____. _--- _____-------- __..__..--. ------------- .-------------------- In the blattPr of ^n-• ting a side- s ------------- ---- ----. e under Preliminary Order____ 118361 --------------------------- approved __ .-_..A-P IntermediaryOrder ----------------------------------------approved -------------------- ------ —------ --------- —----- ------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise ilature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ----- construct- a__sidewalk _on__the_south_side_of_Oren�e Street from Arcade_ Street__ to_liendota__StreFtexcept__where od_and_sufficient_side- ---- -------- - ------------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewit Adopted by the Council ---------- MAY_2.8-_l99_ _------ -, 192 '___�_ MAY 28 City Clerk. Approved -------------------------------- , 192. - File 54332 ------------- - ,� �4cEirtg Mayor. Councilman ME 1111 dune Councilman Pj.tdlan Councilman � -to Councilman a / Councilman en Councilman Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 Jam. Vioel'2F9tdE7i@ PUBLISHED-/'-/- go CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART4ENT dF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of constructing; a sideways on the south side of Oran Ke street from Arcane St. to ,Iendota r,t. under Preliminary Order approved Aarii 1L, 1S lG To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ sq are (4" monolitr;ic;) _ _ $ 0.15 The estimated cost pegfoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: A DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK (Except Street) 1 2 (Excert Street) '-:act 60 £t. Of. 2 'L ('-xcei-t "t.) ',Nest 10 ft. of 2 ) and East 30 ft. oi' 3 ) ` (Except St.) West 10 ft. o!' 3 Pc all 4 2 (Except Street) 5 " do 6 2 do 7 ` do 8 ` do 9 2 Form B. B. 10 ` d ADDITION ASSESSED i VALUATION Land BleP. ylilders Addition to S Fa'al, 8150 ii no. do 100 P do 150 do 20r� do 150 do 150 $4200 dO 150 In 150 do l5(? 2550 TOTAL, (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMESNT OK FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (Except St.) 10 2 Wilders Addition do 11 2 do do 12 2 do do L, 2 do do 14 2 do CIO 15* 2 do 1 ASSESSED Land AwanDNP Bld ,. $100 50 50 100 400 ,1500 700 2400 Total $2750 $10,650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Anril 29 19 40 Commissioner of Finance. Funs B. B. 13 4136 St. Paul, Minn ....... ..... . ...... ... 193 m The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the,following * t t b;zgde: .;i n improve't o o�Nl�E'St. ase. from St. 14~. to .......... St. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION V Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _ April 18 __19Y+9_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118361 approved April 12 193RD , relative to constructing a eldewelk on the south side of Orange Street from Aroade_ Street to Mendota Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Estimated Cost 4^ Monolithic concrete walk $.15 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ _, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. --- ------ ------ - -.. _ __ 5. Said improvement is _--asked for upon petition of three or more owner/q7 of proper subject to assessment for said improvement. / (;OM' OF FINANCE Commissioner of Public Work 03% APO l9 1940 ,r. "18882 COUNCIL FILE NO._ By—�---- - -- .--- - -- - -- - ---- - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of___ reconstructin„_-rel yin and -repairing the sidewalk on the -_ e _side -_of North_ Olbert-_S_treet from- a_ -point -_112 -feet- north of_ Nebraska_ Avenue---------- ----- __-_ -- +ti e„ ne _north approximately-.3Q_.f aet_e..,capt_whQre. z eft-__ eXl Stl_--_---_-_ ”- _ _____ _ ____ C. F. No. 118882- - --_________________________.._ -----------"-""-----"--_-- - - In the Matter of reconatr.etin g, relay- lag and repairinr, the aid- on eaet s,do r. ''th t" ____ ________________-_-__--__—.--_ __--------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order -------- 118412 - --- -------- - ---------- --approved _ A-ril 17,- - 1940------------------------------- -------- IntermediaryOrder --------------------------- --------- ----- -------- approved _------ -------- - ------- - ------------- A --------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ---- reconstruct, -_relay -_and -repair the__sidewalk on the ea6es_a1de___oS-_Ilos_ih_AJber_t__Str_eek_flocl;__- _112__feet_north of_Rebraska Avenue,___ thanee_=xth_tapFr_aximetel,__30__Jeet�_excegt_where_-uood_and_suffi , eat_ sidewalks now and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there Adopted by the Council -_---MAY 28 190 - / ------------ -- - - City Clerk. - MAY 28 City Clerk. Approved -------------------------------- ----------- 192. - File S4334 ------ a- - - -- - ���, Mayor. Councilman a Councilman dean Councilman canto Councilman �tereon Councilman en Councilman Mayor iPaltoS . VioeI�udeiu( Form B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER +� (D) In the matter of reconstructing, relayin; and repairing the sidewalk on the east side of � N. Albert Sb. from a point 112 ft. north of Nebraska Ave., thence north arrroxi-aa`.ely 30 ft. under Preliminary Order approved A.,ril 17, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ s tare $ 0.15 The estimated cost perooc for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 9 1 ri. Jur,7ensen's Addition ASSESSED LanuALUATION pldg. $500 x2500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i 1 Q.,r �- 40 Dated Anril 30 19� -- --- --- Commissioner of Finance. Form 9. S. A. 8-5 D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance April 23 -19#0 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the_ Council, known as Council File No. 118412 approved _ April 17 1930— relative to reoonatruoting, releyi� and repairing the sidewalk on the _east side of N. Albert Street from a point 112 Peet north of Nebraska Avenue, thence north approximately 30 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- _ necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost - 4" Monolithi%-.cojorete Sidewalk at $. 15 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ and the total cost thereof is 8 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----- 3. ollows:-_ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. PP 4 - - - --- __ __... - -- --- i 5. Said improvement is -_— asked for upon petition of th�ee or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. f Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. -- ----.-- ----- -- By - - AT FINAL ORDER 118$83 In the Matterof_ reco_n__struc;-ing,_ relay_- ng_ and repairing -_t - sidewalk__on _both__ si des_ of Laurel Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street,_ except_ where zood and __ sufficient sidewalks now exist, u. F. No. 118888— _-_ --_.____ __-___.____ reconstructing, relay- "-""-'----""-"------"��-------------- In the Matter o[ B� �nq end repairing the Idewalk n^ n[ TAU A --------------- — -----------_______________.._- 118414 -.approved __ _. _April 17, 1940 under Preliminary Order_____-___.___- - -- - ----- -- Intermediary Order ------------------------ -- ---- —------- pproveu ----------------------- — — — ------ — — ----- — --- — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, $y the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- nt to be made by the said City is___ reconstruc �__relsy_and repair the sidewalk -on ----- — ho_th_sides__oS__I,s,uz'_el venue__fs_om__C.hwkaw9s h_Str_�et___t_o__Q�cEord Street. ec�ce�it_wha e_ good_-azd sufficient s idewalks_now_exist,_------ ___-- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewi, 940 Adopted by the Council ._.-_----�Ai� 2'$ -------- - -- - MAY 28 $40�7 City Clerk. Approved -- -- ---- - - ---- - ----------- - , 192 File S4335yor. Councilman Wasams Councilman Fi 4a n Councilman rranm Councilman dficGhwaa=Prc�eon Councilman ftmEniM anoeCn Councilmandumodwomm Mayor ISS Mr. we l'xrideut ilYvuc) Form B. S. A. 8-7 / PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT 9F FINANCE ., REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE A� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A)J In the matter of reconstructing, relayinv_ and repairing the sidewalk on both sides of Laurel Ave. where 'Seeessary, from Chatsworth St, to Oxford S— under Preliminary Order approved 21,1,11 17, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ ;yomre y0,07,_ rel,gLyirLF 03-d tile; _ $ 0 14 new tile. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan YALUATIOV1d.. 15 8 Rovers A .dition to ; t. a a $1250 $4000 16 8 do 950 3550 17 8 do 950 2250 1,9 8 do 950 4550 19 8 do 950 600 20, 60 950 2700 L1 a do 950 2550 2?. 8 d0 950 2900 23 8 do 950 2450 24 8 do 950 3150 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REOORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AD ASSESSED d Lan LUATIONldo• 25 8 Rof*ers Addition to St. FRUl $950 $1900 26 6 do 950 1400 27 8 do 900 500 S. i of 29 8 d0 850 2400 Lot 1 and East 1C ft, Of 2 31 SijTmnit :'t-rk .Addition 2050 7300 Lot _ and '?fest 30 ft, Of 2 31 do 1925 7000 4 31 do 1100 2450 5 31 do 110n 3000 6 31 do lln0 3200 7 31 do 1100 5000 8 31 do 1100 6000 9 31 do 1100 3150 10 31 do 1100 3100 11 61 do 1100 7000 12, 13 - 14 31 do 5925 100,000 Total $30,150 $180,100 The Commissioner of Finance further feports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated A-ril 0 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 - Office of -the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance April 23 19,0 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118.414 approved April 17 19M relative to reconatr� n&-rrelavina and repair the eidewalk_on both sides of Laurel Avenue (where necessary) from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost - Relay with old tile at M7 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 3 --, and the total cost thereof is 3 Lay new tile walk at $.14 per sq. ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - - - - - -- — S. Said improvement is --__ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, A subject to assessment for said improvement. / Commissioner of Public Works. 90 O` e.. (_ APR ' io6o otipitt.l t. City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL FIL. L OFFICE OF THE CITY C.I_ERK OUNCE RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORS aR soi,-A11tha°t—sr c 'n fleets nP "•1 Pani. ;• 88 1940 PRESENTED BY _. ----E--- --- -- COMMISSIONER—_ _ - --'" - - "' ----- HWOLI D, t the proper city officers be and they hereby are authorized, on behalf Of the City of Saint Paul, to execute and deliver a warranty deed wherein the City of Saint Paul $hall be grantor and Maurice 0. Petersen grantee and whereby there shall be conveyed by the grantor to the grantee that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota described as follows, to -wits The North eighty-three (83) feet of Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3),. Chas. Weidets Subdivision of Block Thirty-five (35)9 Arlington Hills Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, in accordance with the terms and provisions of that certain resolution of the Council bearing Council File No. 117629, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Council that all conditions provided to be performed prior to the delivery of said deed have been fully performed. ,0 MY 2$ 1940 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council_ - - _194_ _ Meas / Ilays 3➢ c (; uss Fig 194 Approved_ 194_ Fi Ian - - — — Par nto In Favor etesson - - - - �Cf.�R� ma"01. �•� Against Mr. Pre On YUliL15H1 I1�Y C� 3M .e Cs ,,,,.MT. ViCe PrWdMA (TmaX) S COUNCII, FILE N0._ _ BY- -- - - - - - ---------------- FINAL ORDER In the, Matter of__constructinr curbing on the north side of Lafond_Street from _A Virginia_Agenue.-to_1M1estern-Ayenue�__and__on_the_south--side_-of Blair Street --from__-.--_____ - . -- . Virglni8- 4ve71uB--tD--iiasternAve` 148 -- ------- -- ----- ----- C. F. No. '118996In the matter of Cone*n,rtiag c b- ing on the Orth eld `11 (,ted At. from virginin Ave. ------ --------- ----- _---- -_.-. ___------- .---... --------- . and ------------ ------------------- —'f- _--___-_____—_______________ .-___--.-.. --- __----- _.----- ._.------------ .------ _------------- W ,• ------------------------- - __-__-_-..---------------------------_-------__-_____--_-__.- ________________ _-._________-__._i_ under Preliminary Order ----- 118H4.------- ------------ -,-approved ----- --April-l2,-_1940--------------------- ------_— Intermediary Order ---:-------- ------------------- --- p ------------------------------ — -- --- - • - —a proved A public hearing having ,been had upon the above•linAirovement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations -relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul At the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is --- construct -curbing on_ the_ north__side of Lafond— — S tr_e-et_�1•nm_Iiir_ginia�emla__�n__Nfs�tern_AvBnue_,:_an.d_nri_tho__south_ride._a£_Bla__Sbras� from Vir;inia Avenin to Western Avenue, --___— ------------------------- --------------------- ------------- — - =— - ------------------------------ --------- -- ------ — - - ---------------- --- and 'the Council hereby orders said imprdvement'to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Wdrks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications, for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper oily officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - teed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .--_--_27_ 19_-_ ----;___ 192__-___. JUN 27 194 City Clerk. Approved, ---- ------------------------------ --._.. , 192 , File 8968 Mayojjr Councilman Councilman & Fi Ian ( l/ Councilman Iprrar,tn Councilman Councilman Councilman zeb — Mayor H Form B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLISHED -� I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OFP ELIMMmISSIO ORDER FINANCE on the north side Of Lafond Gtreet from. Vir,inia In the matter of constructing curbin^, Ave. to ':r,,`:,..ern Ave., and on the sough sire of Flair St. fro, Virginia Ave. to `C;y- 1' stern Ave. under Preliminary Order approved Apr; 1 113, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 330 00 (!__ i•F_�A•) assessment for the above improvement ,s The total estimated amount of the The estimated cost pe��-Ottfor the above improvement is ts for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefi parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED ADDITION LatVALUATIOIpl jr B LOT LOCK flfl DESCRIPTION The ?iortl of Lot. 1 and (Lxcept SE_) Lot 2, and all of Lots 3l 4' 7 8 and 9 24 Lafond's Addition to Saint $7900 93109,500 and 12, and (Exc. 10, 11, T_� Lots pain, 1,1.innesota £300 5 24 do 1000 2,40G g 24 do Total 969700 $111,900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and ort made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the rep i reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ril `2B _19-40 — _— Commissioner of Finance. DatedPp------- Form B. S. A. B -S. D 1;8364 • 3 St. Paul, Minn.C�- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, > hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made 77 .R. Ave. from ... . ..... .......... ft. Ave. to.. wew NAME LOT BLOCKADDITION , -- 1-21- 10 " -3.4 4_ AAA 5 -10.ff-1-4 1 a r Note This e4ir? 46;3, 4save for lot 6, i bleele-'-I Add. —1-ffur,017 --1 Propertr-'�--•l 5M.7-37 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance April 18 19'0 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118364 approved_ April 12 1949---, relative to constructing curbing on the north side ofLafond Street from Virginia Avenue to Western Avenue, and on the south aide of Blair Street from Virginia Avenue to Western Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost $330.00 Cost per front foot $.55 2. The estimated cost thereof is S and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ---- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached pntjiiiade a part hereof. 4 .-. _—__. ___------------ --- ---. -. __. - _._ _.. i. Said improvement is _-._-___asked for upon petition of three or more oy,•ners of property, . subject to assessment for said improvement. / OM.0� FINANU Commissioner of Public Wto R APR i` 00 u CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY GOMYI.[ION[R BURL of CONT. a REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER W. •a. COCKROPT. SUM Agril 18, 1940 OFF'.[ ENOINEG O. H. HERROLD CHIEF ENOR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Oomm<issioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Miffi. — BUREAU OF 41"ITATION FRED DRIVER. SV-. BUREAU OF SRIOO[a M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU or CORRECTION[ RAY J. KARTAK. Su". Dear Sirt I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for rb constructing curbing on the north side of Lafond Street from Virginia Avenue to Western Avenue, and on the south side of Blair Street from Virginia Avenue to Western Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118364 approved April 12, 1940. Work to be done by W.P.A. Materials, Equipment, etc. Engineering & Construction Cost per Stunt foot Approved r transmi ioa to the asionar Y public Works /�" 131101 ROSEM Commissioner of Public Works # 280.00 50.00 330.00 $155 Yours very truly, . BARD ie Engiaeer May 28th, 1940 Hon. JoIn pindlan 0omsr. of in+a09 0ity Hall Dear Sirs The Oouncil laid over to June 2-ith • final order in the matter of constructing curbing on the north si 6 of Lafond St. from Virginia Ave. to. Western Ave., and on the south side of Blair St. from Virginia Ave. to Western Ave., and requested that you send new notices to property owners giving them the new estimate of cost which will be computed lY Mr. George M. Shepard. Tours truly, city clam. 4x May 28th, 1910 Hon. Milton Rosen Comer. of Public Works City Hall Dear girt Attentiont Mr. George M. Shepard The Council laid over to June 27th the final order in the matter of constructing c'srbing on the north side of Lafond St. from Virginia Ave. to western Ave., and on the south side of Blair 8t. from Virginia Ave. to sestern Ave., &nd requested that you prepare new estimates of coat in this matter, it having been decided not to do the aork as a N.P.A. fob. Will you kindly oonvey this new estimate of oast to the Binance Dept. so that they may send now notices. We have written them asking them to send new notices on reosipt of this estimate of oostj Yours very truly, i City Cleric. 0091001 to City Clerk �, �.-�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO.—.. _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I'- COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM May 29 r 191}0 DATE—___._____._.__ RESOLVED: That Restaurant license $979, expiring July 11, 1940, On Sale Malt Beverage license $5944, expiring July'( 11, 1940, and Off Sale Malt Beverage license #9449, expiring July 11, 1940, issued to Mrs, Edith O'Day at 297 Rice St. be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and guilty plea of Thomas O'Day to the charge of sale of b$er before 12.00 noon on Sunday. COunCILmen Ileas nags �i ss Findlan - 4arranto .::on / In Favor ossa s'^•-- Against Mr. r- llon ,'m -4p CSAU. Vice 1t'wW=(TMM) C. F. No. 118886—By O. H. Barfuss, W. A. Parranto, F. M. Truax— Resolved, That Restaurant license No. 979, expiring July ll, 1940, on Sale Malt Beverage license No. 6844, sxpir- Ing July 11, 1940, and Off Sale Malt Beverage Ilcenae No. 8448, expiring July 11, 1940, Issued to Mrs. Me LO'Day at 287 Rice St. be and the sa hereby r voked upon r end- ation'of the Bureau of Pollee because of the arrest and guilty plea of Thomas O'Day to the charge of sale of beer before 12:00 noon on Sunday. j Adopted by the Council May 28, 1940. Approved May 28, 1940. (June 1, 1940) t 14AY 28 IND Adopted bg the Council__ . --- _____ _194__ Approved--- Ckrk /l ? " Orlpiaal �o Cit), CITY OF SAINT PAUL couNut. /ILE l J NO._._ -l— . • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C F No. 118887—BY G. H. Bar[uas. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM R... Truax- 4rrr l by ' r taa [ �b�i-_l_�� - - (N PRESENTED B COMMISSIONE — --- --- -- -- - - - _ _... __ _ DATEs.t� --- RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Sigwald Eng. Corp. 2937- 4th Ave.S.Mpls. 011 Burner App. 41389 Renewal , Roth Hotel Co. 3 St. Peter St. 59 Hotel 41396 " Gar Wood Industries Inc. 430 Univ. SE. Mpls. 011 Burner " 41437 " Langer Bros. 200 Concord St. On Sale Malt ^ 41656 " " 41657 " " It n u Off Sale Malt Earl Wildman 279 Atwater St. Ice Delivery n 41733 Andrew B. Benson 3624 12th Ave. S. Mpls. 011 Burn ' " 41858 " Recreation Lunch 25 W. 7th St. Restaurant 41595 n " 41596 11 It n n On Sale Malt Walker -Pence Co. 75 N. Western Ave. Dance Hall " 41926 " Yale Johnson 379 Wabasha St. Grocery ^ 41929 " Geo. Geisner 126 W. Central Ave. Restaurant it 41961 " 41962 " n It N n It II is n On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt " 41963 " E.Schweitzberger 1074 Rice St. Restaurant " 41972 " Christ Sunness 1515 Randolph St. Grocery " 41952 " E. W. Speedling 373 University Ave. Confectionery " 41994 " Hubert Franz 544 Park Ave. Grocery " 41996 " Joe Cohen 655 Selby Ave. 2nd Hand Dlr. " 41995 " G. A. Morton 2175 Marshall Ave. Gas Station " 42002 " St. Paul Sanitation 205 Court Block Scavenger " 42003 " Adopted by the Council- COUTICILMETI IJeas Tlays Barjuss Approved_. - -----------194__ _ Findlan Parranlo In Fdpgr - --- _ — Peterson Mayor Rosen f --- Against T; IIIIIIIffilillINWall on em a-ao c�.�agi'iP�,1deRLt1Y I i 0,191..11. City clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL- �^✓"' FILE NO.— - -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER — _2_ Blommer Ice Cream Co. S. Schribman Frank C. Machovec t1 of West Side Floral Co. Harold M. Francis n n n n R. J. Flanagan Ben J. Durand Jacob Kaplan n n Baar & McDonald It of to of M. Freeman Gerald Brennan n n n a James Mee Reliance Auto Parts Robert Helfman Edwin R. Johnson 6 W. 7th St. 654 Hall Ave. 995 W. 7th St. if to 666 Gorman Ave. 1834 St. Clair St. n n n n 90 N. Dale St. 150 E. 5th St. 175 E. Winifred of 11 859 Randolph St. u n If of 329 E. 7th St. 449 N. Snelling Ave. of of of of 1110 W. 7th St. 391 E. 7th St. 674-6 Grand Ave. 1169 University Ave. COTITICILITIETI leas Rays 'Harjuss ,findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen ,To"e,e_,Against ,m -.. M � ¢IYre it tiWtJ llon Confectionery App. 42011 Renewal Off Sale Malt " 42018 of Restaurant 11 42019 If On Sale Malt of 42020 1t Florist If 42025 1i Restaurant 11 42031 11 On Sale Malt 11 42032 If Off Sale Malt 11 42033 " Gas Station It 42035 " Oil Burner of 42036 t1 Grocery of 42044 " Off Sale Malt of 42045 " Restaurant of 42046 of On Sale Melt of 42047 " 0£f Sale Malt of 42048 " 2nd Hand Mr. If 42050 1' Restaurant If 42052 of On Sale Malt " 42053 " Off Sale Malt of 420N " Confectionery " 42056 of 2nd Hand Auto pts. 42057 " Off Sale Malt Afp. 42059 " Confectionery 11 42063 11 MAY 281940 Adopted by the Council__._ MAY 291949 Approued-------. ---_----- --104--- kin- //fiCttif�' ITlayor PliBLISIIT D 4- 1— — � sou NCL CITY OF ST. PAUL ..0 NO..._ ............ / • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ReSOL-WED* WHEREAS% heretofore "On Sale" Liquor license #1287 was issued to Fred Roth at 21 E. Fifth Street, and WHEREAS: Fred Roth and the Payne Ave. Recreation, Inc. have reques`ed that said license be transferred to Payne Avenue Recreation, Inc. at 893-95-99 Payne Avenue, and WHERFASf the said Payne Ave. Recreation, Inc. has filed a bond in the sum of $30000.00 as required by City Ordinanoe; and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESCLVED That "On Sale" liquor license #1287, heretofore issued to Fred Roth at 21 E. Fifth Street, be and the same is hereby transferred to Payne Ave. Recreation, Inc. at 893-95-99 Payne Avenue, and the bond of the said Payne Ave. Recreation, Inc, is herebyapproved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller and the Corporation Counsel is authorised and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said Fred Roth from any further liability arising after the date this reso- lution is published. C. F. No. 118888—BY G. H. Samosa, F. 111. Trunx— Whereaa, "On Sale" LI- ❑uor'II, na i—.-, to Frer Transfer informally approved by Council, May 21, 1940. New location It COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan Rosen �e In favor Peterson 1 Against rranto Wenzel arms) I M sae Mr. VIM Press al Adopted by the Council. MAY 281940193 _. MAY z 8 19 Approved. 193 ... Mayor J PUBLISHED " �- O CITY OF SAINT PAUL (�r� J �� APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR4'-E APplic No .......................... ;lame of Applicant .............. Payne. Ave. Rbdreation,..Ino........ .... ........ .......... Age.::..................... Residence Address.........893-.8�5-8�9..Psyne. Averi08i ...........................Tele one No. Are you a citizen of the United States?........ . • • Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink p or, or business of similar nature? ....................no..................................................................... Whenand where? ...... ..-.r.-.n.-.n......................................................................................... If corporation, gine name and general purpose of corporation .......... PayneAve...Recr-e�a..ti0n,.. Inc W ... ...:....� • � S ..n.... t �l • 3r he ncor2 ipoCr�ated :y�tlL If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for dub members? ............................................ Howmany members? ....... ............. ........................................................................................ ;,ames and addresses of president and se:retary of corporation, and name and add ss of general manager .................... Imil.Johnson.•..720.Hawthorne. St...St...Paul_ Minnesota.:.. .... R1gte. Petere0A.771 inneeo.ta...j� ....................Rai?..Johnson Give name of surety company which will write bond,•if known..J0.4ePb..4.•. RQgerP. QR. flRY....................... umber Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 893-895-899 Payne Avenue` York Street: York and Wells Streets Birgit Hos, many feet from an academy, college or university tmeasured along streets)?................Anne................... How many feet from a church (measured along streets)? ....................... Ona..blOGk................... ........ ....... l lotw many fee. from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets!?..... two..b.IOCko.... .. Name of closest school ..... .— ....... ............... JObn6on. High -School .... ........................... ................ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? ......................... Comgeroial. . .... ........................ On what floor located'.......... .. Blret...... .......................................... 0" premises owned l "leased Si,-- rmb—Payne. Ave ...R6CraIt10A... If a restaurant, give seating pacityt.. r.. r.. r.. r.. .......................... if ho.el, seating capacity of main dining room?......... ......... G se bero, the name, inberj or other d ccr, tion of )4ch additional -70m in'why�h liquor bales a , inte�ed: G'/..r { "...•... ....... � ........... .. .._............................ ............ .........._ ;- _ ._......................... ............. _........._............................................. . (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Ilow many guest rooms in hotel?............ ...... ..........................._.... ........................... i•.ame of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) ...... r.--..—.�`�... - Give names and addresses of three business references: ............ . .. . . .. ... .. . ...... ..... ............. 1..Biret.State. Ban k.nf..St...Paul,..PByMei.Avenne,. and.Case.Street.,. St..2. .Pan),.Idlnnesota..... AW.0--Ace...R3'14R40X- Arl.IA90n.Tleot4c. Company,..Peyne,.Ayemie,..St..•Paul,, Minnesota... 3..�..A,.. RBatFQa.. 9$`#. Pte. ApQnne,,,St, Pan),..1linnesota........................................... THIS APPLICATIO MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Application checke I by Dated ... ..........................193...... License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA,I )j ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. $mild...qqA........................................... being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this....................day of ..... ..thhY.........19#..4Q. — ................................................. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires ... Novehbei 2.9t.. ..... STATE OF MINNESOTA,) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. .......................................... Emil Johnson._.....„.....:.........................being first duly sworn, deposes and says that .... h0..is......... the; ..............:...............lp”-s1.4Ont.......................................... of ....... ....... ............... lF.8yn0..ATO...20..gmtJon,.Ine.............................................. I a corporation; that ............ UO. 44a ... ... .......... 5as read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of............ A0...............knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of.Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. , Subsanih and sworn to before me this.../Q... . day of....... ...l� 19xV.. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires...997"b0;. 29..,1946,,,,... ARTHUR E. SHANAHAN Mlnn. publll, Ramsey County. tsalon Expl res Nov. 29th, 19 MYm4A CnUMDi� - r/t CITY OF ST. PAUL NO .................................. 1 �/,"�,`•_/1:� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK [ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM p1• PRESENTED BY _..._......DATE._............�2..4�._1J`!9_........_......._........._ RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, application 41964,On Sale Malt Beverage, application 41965, Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 41966 and Bowling alleys (6) application 41967, applied for by the Payne Ave. Recreation Inc. at 693-95_99 Payne Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the pa3rment in,o the City Treasury of the required fees; New Informally approved by Council May 21, 1940 New location. COUNCILMEN Yeas N s Barfuss Findlan In favor Rosen P /J\ Peterson %�% Against Parranto I M 6.46 M,- V, I. ai C. F. No. 118889—BY G. H. Beaus., Rlie vedr Thnt license for Restaurant, or. c,atlon 41964, Gn Sale Balt Bev- BeveregeDllDPlleIItlon941968rc Shc Boµ,j� Ile 11, lie aDDIlcIItion 41987, [lona Inc. b[ 8gpg_ Payne Ave. Recrea-: d the a 95-99 Payne Ave.a be the CI tysC¢rkn le hnatruclgranted d to dlsaue' ch Ilcenoes upon toe t Ymen[ Into the Clty Trefla ry I the requlred, [hes. Adopted by the Council hl -28, 1940. ADProvsd May 28, 1940. (June 1, 1940) Adopted by the Council.. Approved MAY 2 8 1940 ............193..... g 1941 ...193....... �� Mayor Original to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL Y..l/�/r�'• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO.— \ � 1, I COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY '~ May 26,_1940 COMMISSIONER-----------------��������� --- -- --- RESOLVED: That license for Merry Go Round, application 42122, applied for by the Mounds Park Booster Club, at Bates and Hastings Avenues for the period from May 25th to May 31, 1940, inclusive, be and the same is hereby granted, provided all ordinances applicable thereto have been complied with and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C W. A, oParranto Fy 1& Tr�gsarfues, Resolved, That license for Merry Go Round, application 4218'A, applied far by the Mounds Park Booster Club, at Bates and Hastings Avenues for the Plqy1�lod from Maty 25th to May 81, 19 0, 1.L�Iusi ve, be d the a Is her. , 91—ted. rble thereto (have all ordirtan res appll- s and the City Clerk Is inat,ru leddto isvit- In ch license upon the pa " at Into the city treasury f the qulrsd � fee. Adopted by the Council May H. 1940. Approved May 28, 194(. tSune 1, 1940) Second Week Informally approved by Council, May 24, 1940, . C011nCil.mEn Adopted by the Council_MAY 28 19 _ 4 t94___ leas nays Barjuss Findlan I Approved_II MAY_24_.;__._194_ . Parranto Peterson ✓ In Favor � Rosen � J IActiry' ax // _Against Fallon am a-ao Ift3lyloe ON0fa.1 to CUY ckrt CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOE�� NCIL 3� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE _ May 29._1940 COMMISSIONER__.—_—.— - ---- - - - -- RESOLVED: That permission be and it is hereby granted sn to the Mounds Park Booster Club, at Bates and Hastings Avenues fad to conduct a festival at Bates and Hastings Avenues for the period from May 25th to May 31, 1940, inclusive, said Mounds Park Booster Club to pay any license fee that may be required. Second Week Informally approved by Council. May 24, 1940. C011nciLmEn yeasnays Har ss �P�rfIan nt anto J Paterson In Favor /�osen n Against / Mr. MISMa l on ,m _o csXieVi-1'regdd-t(114W o. 118 1—By G. H. n bean d It C. F• N at permlaelon Resolved, d to the Mo nde Park Is hereby Bran t Bates d Hastings Booster Club duct a festival at Bates A—n— 'A,%nues for the period fand Hosting- rom MaY 35th to bloy 1840, Sr pmteer cluIn e's; said Molicense fee at y Club to pay any beArdequi d by the Council May 28, 1940. Approved bla' 28, 1940. (June 1. 1940) MAY 28 1940 Adopted by the Council_.. . _ . _ -_ -- _194__ __ 1atE'. "o 1940 Approved_. 194_-- !Utz ITlayor // - x jaa)AiFa erldlo d to City Clerk �..� ;L CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU111. lL FILE NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Y ` __ DATE M' -2g 19:0 COMMISSION RESOLVED: That license for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 41986, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 41987, applied for by Anthony C. Frederick at 103 W. 7th St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, May 21, 1940, Old Location. COUTICILMETI geas Tlays 1_Urfuss Findlan /Parranto In Favor /Peterson /Rosen _Against .m �.<p m� llon 1� , Vice 17esideat (Trasx) C. F. No. 118892—By f3. H. Barfuse, W. A. Parranto, F. M. Truax— Reaoly er ge ] li.all for On Sale Mal[ Beverage, ppllcatlon 41980, and Off Sale Mall Beverage, application 41987, applied for by Anthony C. Fred- erick at 103 W. 7th St. be and the clelrk Ise hstru ctedrnto ed issue such the clliy upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fee.. Adopted by the Council May 28, 1940. Approved May 28. 1940. (7une 1, 1940) wx Adopted by the Council_ 28 1940194__ - Approved_ MAY 28 19 -194-- " - ;CtlllC4 Mayor -- SSo93 Original to City Ckrt CITY OF SAINT PAUL couPILEncil NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C6UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM / N ,1 May PRESENTED BY I T _ DATE--- -,2g– COMMISSIONER— RESOLVED: That Off Sale Malt Beverage license $9341, expiring April 7, 1941, On sale Malt Beverage license #6420, expd)ring A May 17, 1941, and Confectionery license $5697, expiring December 2, 1940, issued to Fred J. Harms at 930 Raymond Ave, be and the same are hereby transferred to Fred J. Harms and John S. Harms at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. C. F. No. 118893—By G. H. 1!!` s. N. A. Parran[o, F. M. Truax— eolved, Thal Oft'is Malt Bee— Heage Ilcenae No. 9341, expiring April 7 1041, On Sale Malt Beverage Ilcenae f No. 6420, expiring May 17, 1941, and Confectionery license No. 5697, explr- Ing December 2, 1940,- 940, issued to Fred J. Herma at 930 Raymond Ave. be and the h Fred aJmHaa rma andereby transferred to John S. Harms at' the aama address and the proper ity otacers Instructed to make the Drover are in the clty'a records . Adopted by the Council May 28, 1940. ApDroved May 28, 1940. (June 1, 1940) 4rsf. Informally approved p by Council, May 23, 1940, Old Location. MAY 281W CoUnGILMETI Adopted by the Council_--- lleasnays MAY 14y ar uss IYA@'66 Gtk Approved_ indlan _ — --- 'parranto �! In Favor pG -!1/y I__ 4aterson-- /Rosen 1 Against Tg'6L.T4ORNEW Fallon nm a -4a �3�=1'tepident(1YztexJ edyin.I t. CITY A f 8' ' CITY Of SAINT PAUL COU FILE a F I FILE NO.-- - T OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM �l PRESENTED BYMay 28, 19110 _ COMMISSIONER___— _ _ DATE RESOLVED: That Gas Station license #5339, expiring March 1, 1941, issued to Art W. Groh at 2060 Randolph Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to R. W. Mack at the same address and the proper city officers are Instructed to make the proper change% in the city's records. C.FF.MNt 118894—BY G. H. Barfuss, Resolved. That Gas Station 19 i e Ise No. 6338, a plring March 1, ued to ArtxW.dG oh at 20601e aherebY Avenue be macere trflna[erred to R. W, black 'tY he me address and the p muer ° Instructed Co ke She proper rnnngea In the city, as. Adopted by the Council 14,Y 28. 1940. '• Approved MnY 28. 1940. 1 (June .1940) Old Loc. -tion. A W 98194n 4-- COUTICILITIETI Adopted bq the Council__ _ lieas Tlags B�sY 1940 /Findlan Approved— --__---.28 _ ,.Farranto ,-Peterson In Favor /i(os�n Against Mr. lon l ^ _• ,m ,-<e cs Ak. Vice 1`reSideW (TlliirJ o J Original to city C V / CITY OF SAINT PAUL Co HNCIL NO._ a r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FIL� r1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ry s PRESENTED BY May 2$, 194o coMMISSIONER RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 42008, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 42009, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 42010, applied for by Geo. W. Conary at 8 W. 5th St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by council, May 23, 1940. Old Location. COUTICILMETI I]eas hays Barf uss indlan -'Parranlo "Peterson In Favor Rosen _Against resl9eirt; Fall on ,in .Mr.V:IseYresr1ent(1YTmx) C W A. oParraento F M. True.— Re ru Barfuse. aReaolPyd•ca[lonstau- t 42008 license 9aee D1alt Beverage, application 42009, and OR Sale Malt Beverage, application 42010. applied for by Geo. W. Conary at'S W. 6th sand or. It ed and the city clerk is instru ty- ed,to Issue ch licenses upon the paY- ent Into the city treasury of the re- quired Cees. ' Adopted by the Council May 28, 1940. Appry .,,cd May 28, 1940. Mune 1, 1940) 1 MY 281940 Adopted by the Council__ _ _ _194____- rk Appropad_..._----- �� 4 LiIGl,� ITlayor OriAiaal to City Clerk ® 118896 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO- .__ OFFICE OF THE,CITY CLERK COU CI ES4LUTN---GENER,}K FORM C. F. No. 118696—By G. H. Barfuss— Whereas, Charles W. Cronquist, line- man -in the Police and Fire 'Alarm PRESENTED BY pp ; ,t�Bureau oftheDepartment of Pubilc COMMISSIONER_yts+B._ _._ _._ ___. _ _ `^. - ___ -__ -_ DATI Safety. has been and will be Incapacl- hie dutles _ 19th r WHEREAS, Charles W. Cronquist, lineman in the Police and Fire Alarm Bureau of the Department of Public Safety, has been and will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of 30 days, from May 19th to June 17th, 1940, Inclusive; ti and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Safety has recommended that said employe be granted a leave of absence for disability, with pay, for said period, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence to said Charles W. Cronquist for the period from May 19th to June 17th, inclusive, with full pay. COUTICTLMETI Teas Tlags /93 Findlan ,,15d�ranto eterson 'xosen `/ _--- ion AT am n 0 C3'Yyt 617'oe YteEklent i MAY 2 S 1940 Adopted bil the Council (� /J Approved ._.. ---------194_ _. In Favor �I Gl19 mayor - Against PUBLISHED ' j- oriale.I to iliq Clerk ( r• CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ��• d FILE NO.—.__- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 'C. F. No. 118897—BY G. H. Bnrfues— Whereas, under. dale �[ *Tny 1. 1' PRESENTED BY the City of 9t. P' Co MMISSIONER __r �_-..__.._._ _ .. _ _ DATE �.' RI77. N• artl ri • 1.. WHEREAS, -under date of May 3, 1935, the City of St. Paul rendered Registered Bill No. 3-657 in the sum of $75.00 to s American Legion Poet No. 8 for the use of the auditorium in the Public Safety Building for meetings held by said Post during the months of February, March and April, 1935; and WHEREAS, it is provided in Sections 4382, 4383 and 4384 of Mason's Statutes for 1927, that the legal custodian of any public building in this state shall, whenever not inconsistent with the public interests, set aside any portion of such public building as the meeting place of Veterans' organizations, said organizations to,'be provided the free use of such quarters without charge for heating and lighting the same; and WHEREAS, said Registered Bill No. 3-657 was rendered without knowledge of the existence of the provisions of the statute above set forth, and the same remains on the records of the City as an unpaid bill; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said Registered Bill No. 3-657 in the sum of $75.00 is hereby cancelled and annulled, and the proper city officials are authorized and directed to cancel the same. MAY 28 1940 counCILTTIETI Adopted by the Council_ Teas � Tlays Liaruss MAY 28 lan / Approved—_ arranto ,Peterson In Favor °/Kosen L��—M^oay^o�r' Aqainst cellon / // nm -ao a is C2 I'resident(Troeg) YUBListILD 1St. _._V 2nd. Laid over to 3rd 8 app._ , Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas / Nays BB��arfuss / rfuss an / Wan ete r s . pet/eryOn / /1 7R en ruax rasa \4r. President Fallon r. President Fallon nriRloal le ell,. Clerk eO R D I N A N C E �. ' COUNCIL FILE NO. Y PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.- - v...3 C. F. No. 118898—Ordinance No. 8118— By G. H. Bnrfuneea— o An ordinance r Deaiing that Lain ordinance approved October 7. 1869(; providing [or the licensing ofp�pigeon hole tnj; f ordlnan a a.M An ordinance repealing that certain ordinance approved October 7, 1869, providing for the licensing of pigeon -hole tables, said ordinance appearing as Article •LI of the Municipal Code of 1884, and as Sections 1169 and 1170 of the 1931 Compiled Ordinances of the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That that certain ordinance approved October 7, 1869, providing for the licensing of pigeon -hole tables, said ordinance appearing as Article •LI of the Municipal Code of 1884, and as Sections 1169 and 1170 of the 1931 Compiled Ordinances of the City of St. Paul, be and the came Is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Par?anto Peterson Rosen is tfsx----- 1\4r. President (FalForr)— Atteet/-:��t/� �J City... :100 12 Jh 1'C 21724 Passed by the Council JUN 131940 In Favor 7 qq —Against Approved )_Mayor 7�i - (C 1'Tp;L1SlILD �•. iiins�e, �: ala}. WS .:: : �' � :� : �.ES -..i / PICEON-HOLE TABLES. 1159. License—Provi J.—Ary suitable person, upon application made to the mayor, city clerk common council may receive a license to keep a pigeon -hole table, or ther like table, within the City of St. Paul, at any house or saloon in s. city, upon payment to the citytreasurer of the sum of five dollars &($5), such house or saloon to be designated in said license; provided, at such table shall not be used for the purpose of gaming. No licen8t shall be issued by the city clerk until he has presented to him the city treasurer's receipt for the money. (Ord. approved Oct. 7, 1809, in Article LI., Municipal Code of 189.1, § 1.) 1170. Penalty.—If any person or persons within the corporate limits of said City of St. Paul, without having a license therefor, as provided in the preceding section, shall keep at any saloon or house any pigeon -hole table, or any table of like nature, to be used by any person or persons except the family of such keeper, or shall suffer or permit any game or games to be played uponany such table for money, such person or persons shall, on conviction before the judge of the municipal court be fined not less than five dollars ($5) nor more than twenty dollars ($20). (Id.§2.) f 2nd. Laid over to —_ t 3rd. & app.— Yeas pp. Adopted YeasNays Yeas / Nays ass B�rfues /Fin 'an /Findlan a�lnto 11'arranto /P/eterson `e1erson R n 4osen coax Truax \lr. President Fallon ] 4r. President Fallon original to cur clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO.. ¢Q..(Ji Q) PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1842, entitled "An ordinance granting the Salvage Corps and Fire Patrols of the St. Paul Board of Fire Insurance Underwriters the right of way on the public streets and avenues of the City of St. Paul in responding to fire alarms," approved October 7, 1895. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 1842, approved Octob r 7, 1895, be and the same Is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Mr. Preside9t t +Fa44� r - Attest: l City Clerk 900 12 38 1'S 21724 1' C. F. No. 118899—Ordinance No. 8114— By G. H. Barfuss-- No 1842 Ing "Anaordtna Ordinance I,. the Salvage Corps and Fire Pa - trots o[ the St. Paul Boad of Fire In- 9urance Undar—Iter. the right of W on the blic streets and avenues of the City" s St. Paul In responding to are alarms approved October 7, 1895. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordn ne SECTION 1. October hat Ordinance 1895,be and the Haeme le .hereby repealed. SECTION 2. DeTlnlstoree nth, rtyshall daYa take alter9 passe age and publlcat(on. Passed by the Council June 13, 1940. Y'aParrans o Peterson, RoeenesMFI Pre.- Ident (McDonough) -5. Naye—None. Approved June 13, 1940. JOHN J. MCDONOUGH, Attest: Mayor. H. T. O'CONNEIr, City Clerk. (June 15, 1940) JUN 131940 Passed by the Councfl — In Favor _CJ -__ _Against JUN 131940 PProve - — ---- - - — Mayor I 4 / A SALVAGE CORPS AND FIRE PATROL, (ST. PAUL BOARD OF FIRE INSURANCE UNDER R Privile es to be subordinate to like privileges of police and fire 1318. Right of w'ey on streets in responding to fire alarms and perform- .ing duty— ft departments—Police and are departments not amenable t Bn prow Whereas, The St. Paul board of fire insurance ud firenderwriters have a Patrol provided rooms for the acerosop to a� °as superintendent, rintenden , t° discover tand�prevent Ryes, of men, and a person to save and preserve property and life at fires, with a suitable apparatus the legislature of the State of Minnesota; as authorized by an act Now, therefore, the common council of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: .. That the members of the salvage corps and fire patrols ofVt ten he Paul board of fire insurarce underwriters be and they are hereby g?onding of way upon the nd in the performance ofand avenues of e th Citit duties of St. Pass haul in r members; to p fire alarms, provided, however, that nothing is this ordnance contained shall give tq such members any right upon said streets or avenues superior to but the flictng with those of the police and fire deparment of said city, an priviliges theesaid policeeand fire depd shall be ar ment, a te dtthei�meke mbersoofssaid joyed by police and fire department of said city in the performance of their duties shall not be amenable to this ordi ince. preamble and $ 1•) (Ord. No. 1842, approves I Oct.1319. Not to be obstructed or hindered—Use of streets tc be surrendered corps and fire i shall patrols obstruct, ntrespondingrt or alarhms andb n the perfoers f said rmance of their duties as such members, but each and every person, except as here- amalbove nd avenues of the City shall urrender of St. Paul, so that theysthe m°), haveof tthehfree and unobstructed use thereof in responding to fire alarms and in the perform- ance of their duties. (Id. $ 2.) 1320. Penalty.—Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordin- ance shalt be punished by aifine of not sonment notlless ess than an ten (10) nor more than nor more than fifty (60) dollars, or by imp _ sixty (60) days. —^ s U ` < 060i..1.. ('il)('� ' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE�f,�`� COUNCIL FILE NO. _.nP_. __—_._.— ORDINANCE NO.__—Y_ An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1840, entitled "An ordinance relating to vagrancy," approved September 21, 1895. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 1840, approved September 21, 1895, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. C. F. No. 118900—Ordinance No. 8115— By G. H. Barfuss— An rdlnance repealing Ordinance No. 1840, entitled "An ordinance re- lating to grancy." approved Sep- tember 21, 1895. f The Council othe City of Saint Paul doe. ordain: SECTIythe That Ordinance uped ,,That 21, 1895, a isherebyrepealed.SECTIThis ordinance sht andbe inorcethirty dDass- age and publication. Paeaed by the Cou1990. Yeas _ 0o ccnmen Bturf—,Findlan Parranto, Peterson, Rosen, Mr. , Pres. 1 /dent (McDonough) -5. r Nays --None. Approved June 13, 1940. JOHN J. MIDONOUGH. Attest: Mayor. H. T. O'CONNELL, City Clerk. (June 15, 1940) - Yeas Councilmen Nave Bartuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Mr. President -(-FattdV77 AtteeCt���_ r City Clerk :mu 12.9.r ('A 21724 JUN 131940 Passed by the Counci e Y In Favor Against t940 proved: JUN .- 13 ---- -- -- — — — Mayor i� 2nd. u Laid over to - y 1 3rd. & app.— Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas / Nays B�yfuss Fin an Ba ss �dlan ar to ayranto ,�et (% eterson 1 %) on Ro nJ Rosen ruaxTruax Mr. President Fallon 'Ir. President Fallon 060i..1.. ('il)('� ' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE�f,�`� COUNCIL FILE NO. _.nP_. __—_._.— ORDINANCE NO.__—Y_ An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1840, entitled "An ordinance relating to vagrancy," approved September 21, 1895. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 1840, approved September 21, 1895, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. C. F. No. 118900—Ordinance No. 8115— By G. H. Barfuss— An rdlnance repealing Ordinance No. 1840, entitled "An ordinance re- lating to grancy." approved Sep- tember 21, 1895. f The Council othe City of Saint Paul doe. ordain: SECTIythe That Ordinance uped ,,That 21, 1895, a isherebyrepealed.SECTIThis ordinance sht andbe inorcethirty dDass- age and publication. Paeaed by the Cou1990. Yeas _ 0o ccnmen Bturf—,Findlan Parranto, Peterson, Rosen, Mr. , Pres. 1 /dent (McDonough) -5. r Nays --None. Approved June 13, 1940. JOHN J. MIDONOUGH. Attest: Mayor. H. T. O'CONNELL, City Clerk. (June 15, 1940) - Yeas Councilmen Nave Bartuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Mr. President -(-FattdV77 AtteeCt���_ r City Clerk :mu 12.9.r ('A 21724 JUN 131940 Passed by the Counci e Y In Favor Against t940 proved: JUN .- 13 ---- -- -- — — — Mayor i� .VAGRANTS. 1779. Vagrants to be fined or imprisoned.—All vagrants and all persons guilty of vagrancy, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars ml, or be imprisoned for not more than thirty ($0) days. (Ord. No. 1840, approved Sept. 19, 1895, § 1.) Repeal.—Article LXXXII, of the Mun. Code of St. Paul for 1884 is hereby repealed. (Id.. d'" v ft i .VAGRANTS. 1779. Vagrants to be fined or imprisoned.—All vagrants and all persons guilty of vagrancy, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars ml, or be imprisoned for not more than thirty ($0) days. (Ord. No. 1840, approved Sept. 19, 1895, § 1.) Repeal.—Article LXXXII, of the Mun. Code of St. Paul for 1884 is hereby repealed. (Id.. d'" v ft 571. Carts, trucks, etc., for hauling goods—Regulations.—No person or persons shall let for hire or keep or use for hire upon the streets within the City of St. Paul any cart, truck, wagon or other vehicle for the hauling or carrying of goods, mares or merchandise within said city, unless in pur- suance of the regulations hereby established. (Ord. No. 1537, approved Sept. 5, 1895, § 1.) 572. Same--To be registered with city clerk.—Every cart, truck, wagon and other vehicle for the hauling and carrying of goods, wares and mer- chandise within the City of St. Paul which shall be let or kept or used for hire upon the streets of said city, shall before being so let, kept or used, first be registered in the office of the city clerk thereof, and shall thereafter be so registered on the 1st day of January of each and every succeeding year dunng any part of which such vehicle is so let, kept or used. (Id. § 2.) 573. Same—City clerk to keep register—Registry number—Name of owner or driver—May be changed.—The city clerk shall keep a register in which upon payment of the fee hereinafter required, shall be listed a de- scription of each vehicle so registerd, with the name of the owner and of the driver thereof, and with the date of registration, and with a separate and distinct number designating each several vehicles so registered. Such number, which is hereinafter referred to as the registry number, shall as nearly as possible remain the same for each vehicle from year to year. Upon payment of the further fee hereinafter required the name of the owner or of the driver may be changed upon such register. In order to ascertain the name of the true owner or of the actual driver of any vehicle which it is proposed to register, the city clerk may examine the person making the application upon his oath. (Id. § 3.) 574. Same --Name and number to he on vehicle.—Every vehicle described in section two (2) hereof shall have conspicuously flxed upon the outside thereof the name of the owner and the registry number thereof. (Id. § 4.) F �D 4 COMPILED ORDINANCES CITY OF ST. PAUI. 165 575. Owner or driver to be registered—Driver's badge.—No person shall drive or use such vehicle for hire unless he be at the time actually register- ed as the owner or driver thereof; and the driver of every such vehicle shall while soliciting or engaged in the business of hauling or carrying as aforesaid with such vehicle, wear conspicuously a badge of silver plate or plated metal, rectangular in form, having plainly engraved thereon the word "dray" or "express; or other word indicating the kind of vehicle driv- en by him , and also the registry number thereof. The badge shall be worn upon the breast of the coat in such manner that it may not be hidden by accident or by design. (Id. § 5.) X76. Same—Registration fee—Fee for changing name of owner or driver. --There shall be paid to the city clerk for the use of said city the sum of one dollar ($1) as a fee for the registration of every vehicle herein required to be registered, both when such vehicle is first registered and upon the re- newal of such registration in each succeeding year thereafter, as hereinbe- for provided; and there shall be paid the further fee of one dollar ($1) upon the changing of the name of the owner or of the driver of such regis- tered vehicle upon said register. (Id. 577. Same—Rates for hauling.—The price or rate to be charged for the carrying or hauling of goods, wares and merchandise, and for the loading and unloading of the same by the owner or driver of such vehicles, shall be as follows: First—For loads not exceeding five hundred (500) pounds weight, fifty (50) cents, except merchandise. When the distance exceeds one (1) mile, twenty-five (25) cents for each and every additional mile. Second—Over five hundred (500) pounds, fifty (50) cents for every ad- ditional five hundred (500) pounds, or fraction thereof, except merchandise. Third—Household furniture, per load or one-horse truck, within two (2) miles, one dollar ($1). When the distance exceeds two (2) miles, an extra twenty-five (25) cents for each and every additional mile. Fourth—For a double truck load within two (2) miles, one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50). when the distance exceeds two (2) miles, fifty (50) cents extra for every additional mile. (Id. § 7.) 578. Same—May stand at what places.—No owner or driver of any vehi- cle aforesaid shall wait upon the streets for employment with such vehicle at any place other than as herein specified, as follows, to -wit On Ninth street, between Cedar street and Minnesota street, on Minnesota street, between Ninth street and Tenth street; on the west side of Wacouta street, be- tween Fifth and Sixth streets; and on Wacouta street, between Third street and the Union depot; and at such points as the common council may by resolution hereafter designate and determine. (Id. § 8.) f -_ (As amended by Ordinance No. 2463, approved Aug. 5, 1904.) 1! 579. Same—Name, address and number to be given when requested.— Every owner and driver of any vehicle aforesaid, and every person having charge thereof, shall upon being requested so to do, give to any person or persons the number of such vehicle, the name of its owner and of its driver, and their place of abode and stable. (Id. § 9.) 580. Same—Police may order removal and must enforce ordinance.— The officers of the police department shall have power and authority to or- der and cause the driver or person having charge of any vehicle aforesaid, r 1 2nd. t Laid over to ---c---- 3rd. & app. ---�/?--- Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas / Nays B as U68 m len F}+�dlan at, nto �j� P onto ✓/ �%� eterson Pete on Rp0en oxen Tru ax Truax Mr. President Fallon /Mr. President Fallon urilfin el to Cily Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY/ ORDINANCE NO. - Y1,11 An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 2819, entitled "An ordinance to provide for the licensing of drivers of automobiles and to regulate rates for automobile livery in the City of St. Paul," approved February 20, 1909. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 2819, approved February 20, 1909, is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force hirty days after its passage and publication. In Favor ' C. F. No. 118902— Oldlnance No. 8117- 82 G. It Barfuas-- _- Ar. ordinance repealing Ordinan No- 2819ce entitled An _ ' - , dlnance to provide for the licensing a drlvera of automobiles and to regulate tea for utomobile livery In the C,t of St. Paul;'approved February 20, 1909. The CounclI of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. ...... aroved -hereby F bruaryO 1909, iso repealed. SECTION 2. Thi. ordinance shall take effect and In force thlrty day. after its paa.- ibe age and publication. Passed by the Council June 13, I940. Yeas—C.ouncllmen Barfu.s, Flndlan, Parranto, Peterson, Rosen, Mr. Prea- �'dent (McDonough, R Nay.—None. j Approved June 13. 1940. I JOHN J. MCDONOUGH, Attest: Mayor. H. T. O'CONNELL. f Clty Clerk. (June 16, 1940) Yeas Councilmen Nays Bar(uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen - rrmt,t.- Mr, President fFaTtr?f1-- Attes�!_�- i City Clerk :100 12.33 ('F 221724 I Passed by the Councti&IR13 S4 In Favor _Against Approved: 131940 !UN -- - -- -- / _ - or Bd F No. 28966—Ordinance No. 2819. An ordinance to provide for the licensing of drivers of automobiles and to regulate rates for automobile livery in the City of St. Paul. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: 1588. See. 1. Taxicab—License of driver.—That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate any automobile within the j City of St. Paul without such driver or operator fust paying a license there- for as provided in and by Ordinance No. 376 of the City of SL. Paul, ap- proved March 18, 1884, provided the license fee therefor shall be the sum of one dollar ($1.00) Der annum, and no person under the age of eighteen years shall be eligible to receive such license. All of the provisions of sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of said Ordinance No. 376, except as herein modified, shall be applicable to all persons driving or operating any automobile for the carriage of passengers for hire. I Sec. 2. Regulated rates of fare. Repealed by Sec. 6, Ord. 3221, ap- proved June 10, 1914. 1589. Sec. 3. Penalty.—Any person who shall violate any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than one Nt hundred dollars ($100.00) or by imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days for each offense. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed as amended by the Board of Aldermen Feb. 16, 1909. Passed as amended by the Assembly Feb. 18, 1909. Approved Feb. 20, 1909. (For Ord. 376, approved March 18, 1884.) (See Hackmen and Draymen.) 1— 89`2 t'_ Isl. _ _I ,"2nd. Laid ober to 3rd. & app. - --- - Adopted _ Yeas Nays arfass Yeas/ Nays $ytt �tSe /Fin Ian / ar)'anto �erson an �arrarlw iPeterson �� Rosen /Truax /sen Truax Mr. President Fallon Mr. . President Fallon 069inai to city" clerk OR INANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. _.—__— --- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 409, entitled "An ordinance in relation to driving animals on bridges," approved 1-1 - June 28, 1884. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 409, entitled "An ordinance /7 In relation to driving animals on bridges," approved June 29, 1884, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Buff ss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen —Tlnax Mr. President.�-FFaHtm)— City (Jerk :foo 12 3s i s 91794 C. F. Milton SR"'a- An � Ordlnane. No. 8118— An ordinance .pealing Ordinance etlon0 to entitled g ,A 'I d' on bridges." approved June 17,a1884. The Council of the Cfty of Saint Paul does ordain: SECTION I. That Ordin sees No. 409, titled An ordinance in relation to drt vl ng a 1- mais n bridges; approved June 11, 1884, be and the same is hereby re- pealed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and age and Publication iaya after Its pasa- Pas eed by the ouncil June 13, 1940. Yeas --Councilmen Barfuae, Findlan, dent (McDonte.90—G.Rosen. Mr. Pres- Naya—None. Approved June 1 J McD 940. JOHN J. McDONOUGH, Mayor. Attest: H. T. O'CONNELL. City Clerk. (June 15, 1940) JUN WA Passed by the Council---- ouncil__In InFavor - --- - -----_Against JUN 131540 Mayor 0 IIIIIIIM;+ COMPILED ORDINANCES CITY OF ST. PA4JL 45 112. Sec. 3. Penalty.—If any person, firm or corporation shall sell, offer or expose for sale any bread, the loaf or loaves of w h are not standard one and one-half, d uble triple, quadruple, four and ne-half quintuple or sextuple loaves, as fined in Section o of this dinance, or shall sell, offer or expose for sa a any standard loaf or loav of bread which do not weigh one pound each or any bread, the loaf o loaves of which do not weigh as much as the eight marked thereon, o of the tolerance per- mitted by Section 1 here f, or any bread, the to or loaves of which do not have affixed thereon the abet marked as he inbefore provided, contrary to the provisions of this dinance, such per on, firm or corporation shall be fined not less than Te Dollars, nor mo a than One Hundred Dollars, for each offense. 113. See. 4. When not plicable.-7�e provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to crackers, p tzels, bigFuits, buns, scones, rolls, or loaves of fancy bread weighing not t exceed three ounces avoirdupois, nor shall the provisions of this ordinance as tojXveight, apply to stale bread sold as such. 114. Sec. 5. Enforcement.—Th ,City Market Master and his deputies and assistants shall he charged w3 the duty of enforcing this ordinance, and for that purpose may at all,'rea nable times enter and examine any bakery, bake -shop, store grocetx`or of r place in said City where bread is sold or offered for sale at retail, and •eigh up any bread found in any of said places sold or offered for sale. e Sec. 6. That Ordinance�No. 3097, app;4ed November 2nd, 1911, and all ordinances and parts of ,ordinances inconsi4ent herewith are hereby re- pealed. ! Sec. 7. This ordin 4 e shall take effect a4d be in force thirty days after its pa -age and publication. Adopted by the $Duni] Dec. 21, 1917 Approved Dec. 1, 1917. - BRIDGES. /// 115. Animals not to go faster than a walk.—That no person or persons shall ride, lead, or drive faster than a walk any animal or,animals of any kind over and along any of the bridges in the City of St Paul. (Ord. No. 409, approved June 17, 1884, § 1.i i 116. Animal with vehicle not to go faster than a walk.—No person or persons shall drive any animal or animals, in a vehicle of any kind, over and along any of said bridges, at any time faster than a walk. (Id. § 2.) I 117. Droves of cattle, etc.—No person or persons shall drive or lead large droves of cattle, mules or horses packed to large bodies, so as to en- danger said bridges, or either of them, but shall separate them as into small droves, and so cross the bridges. (Id. § 3.) Penalty.—Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, before the ,judge of the municipal court, be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars ($5) nor more than twenty dollars ($20), for each and everyry offense. , (Id. § 4.) 116. St. Paul bridge—Animahi and vehicles not to go faster than walk— Penalty.—No person shall ride or drive any horse or horses, mule or mules. 46 COMPILED ORDINANCES CITY OF ST. PAUL carriage or vehicle of any description, on or across said bridge at a greater speed than a walk; and for any violation of this section the offender, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars �($10) nor more than seventy-five dopa($75). �X I _�5$'4 J,1 (Ord. Aug. 1, 1876, Sec. 2. C„�_� 119. St. Paul bridge—Cattle, etc, how driven—Penalty.—No person or Eshall drive, or cause to be driven, over said bridge, any cattle, horses or mules, any greater number together than five head or less, each group to be twenty-five (26) feet apart, and with each group there -shall be a man or boy in charge, who shall drive them across the bridge to the man- ner prescribed in this section; and aneon violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction therey of be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10), or more than one hundred dollars ($100.00). (Id. § 3.) 120. St. Paul bridge—Poaters, advertisements, etc., forbidden—Mutila- tion and defacing forbidden—Penalty.—No personshall place on, or attach to, any part of said bridge any sign, notice bills, posters, placards, adver- tisements, device or other thing, or shall in any manner injure, mutilate, or deface the same; and a violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars ($5) or more than twenty-five dollars ($25). (Id. § 4.) 121. St. Paul bridge—Interference with fire prevention apparatus—Pen- alty.—No person shall interfere with, remove, displace, or injure any water barrels, buckets, or other apparatus placed on said bridge for the preven- tion of fire and pons ofreservation of the bridge; and any person violating any of the more than twenty this dolla dollarssection lessnthanvfive dollars ($5). fined not (Id. § 5.) 122, St. Paul Bridge—Obstructions—Penalty.—No person shall place any obstruction on said bridge, or block up or impede the travel thereon, either on the foot or carriage way of the same; nor shall there be any structure of an kind thereon, either movable or fixed, except suer as may be re- quired for repairs to said bridge, or as the common conned may by resolu- tion consent to. And (upon) any violations of the provisions of this sec - ex eeding twenty conviction less thereof, bea dol iat the ars ($5). by a fine not (Id. § 6.) 123. St. Patil Bridge—Vehicles, cattle, etc., to keep to the righty -Penalty. —In traveling on and over the carriage way of said bridge, all carriages, vehicles, horses, cattle, etc., shall keep to the right-hand side of the car- riage way, so as to admit of the uninterrupted passage of the travel com- ing in opposite directions. And (upon) any violation of the provisions of this section, the offender, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of five dollars ($5) for each and every offense so committed. _ (Id. § 7.) //////. / 124. Marshall venue brid Transfer Rams count intere�s to city—City to tptain.—Wh eas, The rd of unty missiop rs of the County of nosey, Sta of Minne ata satin f said b d held / March 17, 1 0. adopted resolutio s toll s: "Resol d, That al a rights d int est of nosey co ty in and to Mars avenue b ' ge be an he sa a are h by tran erred to the ... ,.e . na,a • ,,,• ided- that a sai city tak all the r possibility of have ryas erred to it said olutioh; . therefore, all resp sibility of main - said r lution, upon the Paul. .. - 1.) L'ja over to I Adopted 3rd. & app. Yeas Nays ays Yeas Nays F an 'F in d I :n nto parr to et"tio. terson Za. n Truax /Mr. President Fallon President Fallon 7-1 filigil.1 t. ('10 Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BYi/ ORDINANCE NO. J7 C. F. No. 11 8 904 --Ordinance No. 8119— By Milton Rosen— An ordinance repealing that certain ordinanceapproved August 1. 1876, =bitl.g, th!�,B .4'that bridge n u1 Hd for -,'&in purpos- An ordinance repealing that certain ordinance approved August 1, 1876, prohibiting the use of that bridge known as St. Paul Bridge for certain purposes; said ordinance appearing as Article LXXI of the 1884 Municipal Code, and as Sections 118 to 123 inclusive, of the 1931 Compiled Ordinances of the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That that certain ordinance approved August 1, 1876, prohibiting the use of that bridge known as St. Paul Bridge, for certain purposes, said ordinance appearing as Article LXXI of the 1884 Municipal Code, and as Sections 118 to 123 Inclusive, of the 1931 Compiled Ordinances of the City of St. Paul, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the CounciAH Barfuss Findlan Parranto In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President taj�' 13 A roved: Attest: City Clerk M or 1-1-:1. 1 1 21721 .17) L31 1� A an t jw"j-1 it, I L .1-1 JAI k A N ( 2nd.--- — i Laid occr to _. `L Adopted -----� i 3rd. & app---#�-- Nays Yeas Nays Yces ss Barf/ uss indlan / indlan Xarranto iFarranto eon /Pete eterson oxen j/�'fpsen �ruax Truax 2r. President Fallon NIr. President Falion priFinai to t'1.,. clerk ORDINANCE "k COUNCIL FILE NO.. ----_-_-- f PRESENTED BY . L�- ftp �/� LA'./r-1 ORDINANCE NO.-. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 2546, entitled "An ordinance relating to electric wires and wiring in the City of St. Paul," approved December 22, 1905. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 2546, approved December 22, 1905, is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. �1 Peas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen --Jilr� ,,, Mr. President . ,, Attes`ti'l� � _ Qty Clerk .n111 i_ .11 . 21:_4 R! C. F. No. 118906—Ordinance No. 8120— By Fred M. Tranx— An dlnance epealing Ordinance No. 2546, entitled 'An ordinance r luting to electric Ire. and Irina' In the Clty of St. Paul.' approved Decem- ber 22, 1905. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 2546, approved December 22, 1905. Is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force thirty days after It. pas- . age and publication. Yease—Councilmen Balrfue.e F(ndlan, Parranto, Peterson. Rosen, Mr. Pres - f Id (McDonough) -6. NayeNone. Approved June 12. 1940. Attest: JOHN J. McDONO1G Hor I ay H. T. O'CONNEII., City Clerk. (June 15, 1940) ., Passed by the Council JUN 13 In Favor Against Approve. - - _. -- ���1ft IN_ - — Mayor S] COMPILENDINANCES CI4 OF ST. PAUL 105 duit shall be obligatory, upon both part. and conditions upon which such applyi such conduit. Nothing herein contained the grantees to surrender such space in own business , and in no event to any current, which would impair the effici question of interference to be decided b, 355. Telegraph patrolmen—( —Authority to enter premises - badge, enter premises, etc.—Pat, etc., of other companies, without ing or operating underground .ions of this ordinance may des desire to be telegraph patcolme enter with the consent of the ov way or other private place for t ing any wires, cables, conduits, ground electric service; and s of their duties, wear in a con printed or engraved the words' of the person or company by w thus designated shall wear sue under pretense of being emplo' graph patrolman shall in an wires, cables, conduits or fixtu in whose employ he may be, agent thereof. and shall constitute the terms companies shall enter and use .11 be so construed as to compel conduits as is necessary for its ipany using a stronger electric of the present company, the bitration as above provided. icompanies may designate employes e—Only person designated to wear not to interfere with wires, conduits. ority.—All persons or companies own- , cables, or conduits under the provi- .e such of their "I yes as they may ;uch employes shall have authority to agent, or occupant, any building, alley irpose of placing, extending, or repair- ther fixtures, pertaining to the under - persons shall when in the discharge on" place a �adge on which shall be ?aul Telegraph Patrol," with the name R." And no person except those )ge or seek to enter any private place n such service, and no authorized tele - alter, remove, or interfere with the �ny person or company other than that proper authority from the owner or (Id. t 14.) 356. Liability as to miss ce or in ry arising from subways or conduits —Damage, city not to be jig le for. othirlg in this ordinance shall be so construed as to obeolvs so grantee ,their successors, or assigns, from any legal liability or proce ing: n re train or abate any nuisance arising from the construction or eration of aid conduits or subways ,nor from any liability from injury person ortproperty resulting from the negli- gence of the grantees her n, their successors or assigns, or their contrac- tors, servants, or employ,in construe{rng or operating said subways, or to render the said City o t. Paul liablk to any person or corporation for any damage caused by a construction\ or operation of said conduits or subways by the grants herein, their ' uccessors, or assigns; and said grantes, their successor and a..igns, shall protect and save the City of St. Paul harmless from an suit of claim for injuries or damages arising from their negligence, o that of their con ractor or or or employes, in the construction or eration of said co duits or subways. (Id.§15.)' 357. Grantees to corl5ply with ordinances and police regulations—Penally for failure to comply.—The grantees herein, their successors, and assigns, shall at all times be subject to and comply with all the ordinances of the City of St. Paul now in force, or that may be hereafter passed, governing the use of and occupancy of streets of said city, subject only to the limita- tions herein provided, and shall comply with all police regulations now in force or hereafter enacted; and should said grantees, or their successors or assigns, at any time fail or refuse to obey and comply with any of the provisions herein contained or hereafter enacted, subject to the limitations above, then saidgrantes, their successors or assign's, shall forfeit all right, power, and privileges by this ordinance granted and conferred. (Id. § 16.) r 358. Bond of grantees.—That, before the construction of said conduits and subways, the grantees herein, their successors or assigns, shall execute the City�dition d that said bond, es, their successors, and assigns, thousand dollars asigns, ($20,000), shall ($ 106 COMPILED ORDINANCES CITY 0 ST. PAUL indemnify a d save the City of St. Paul harmlsa against all suits, damages, costs and ex ensthat shall in any way res t to the city from the laying, relaying or ing of said conduits or manh es, or the wires therein. Said bond shall be igned by two (2) or more g and sufficient sureties, to be approved by a city comptroller who sh 1 report to the common council at least once a ear as to the liability of a said sureties, and should the common council of the City of St. Paul by resolution, deem the sureties on said bond ins fficient at any time d ing the continuance of this fran- chise, the grants herein, their mecea rs, or assigns, shall, within thirty (30) days after n tics of said resolut' n has been served upon the proper officer or person in harge of the cons action or operation of said conduits or subways, file a n bond with goo and sufficient sureties as above pro- vided. (Id § 17.) S59. Acceptance of rdinance y grantees.—The said grantees, their successors and assigns, all, wi sixty. (60) days from the passage and approval of this ordinance, file wi the City Clerk an acceptance, in writin of the terms and conditio her m named, which written acceptance shalg l be in such form as may b so sfactory to the corporation attorney, who shall endorse thereon his ap al of the form hereof, and no person, com- pang, or corporation shall ac uire any rights under this ordinance until such acceptance be filed with City Clerk as aforesaid. Id. § 1S.) 360. SL Paul City Rail y's cessary wires and poles excepted from operation of ordinance.—A elec wires and poles necessarily used by the St. Paul City Railway Co any, or , assigns, in the operation of its street car lines, are hereby e pted from a operation of this ordinance. (Id. § 9.) 361. Rights under dinance granted or thirty years.—The rights and franchises herein gran ed are granted for hirty (30) years from the pass- age of this ordinance and no longger. (Id. § 20.) 362. Edison Elec ric Light and Power Company, Northwestern Tele- phone Exchange C pang—Section 5 of ordiiiitance not to apply to.—The provisions of recti five (5) shall not apply t the Edison Electric Light and Power Comp ny, and the Northwestern 1 lephone Exchange Com- pany. (Id. § 21.) This ordin cc shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and a roval. (Id. § 22.) Faul. An ordinance relating to electric wires and wiring in the City of St. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: 363. Sec. 1. Churches, theaters, etc.—That all wiring for electric lights or power hereafter installed in churches theaters and other places used for public gatherings in the City of St. Paul shall be installedin suitable metal conduits to be approved by the Electric Inspector of said city, and all such wires installed in unfinished basements shall be likewise placed in similar conduits, unless a different method of. installation is firsCap- proved and permitted by said Electrical Inspector. 364. Sec. 2. Penalty.—Any person who shall violate any of the terins or requirements of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be pun- ishedby a fine of not more than fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than ten days for each offense. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from slid after its passage approval and publication. (Ord 2546, approved Dec. 22, 1906.) I y I r 2nd._---- No. 8121— BY Fred M. Truax— No. 24361,dentltled inance 1"AnaordinaOrdinannce r( Laid over to The Council 0f the City of Saint Paul does ordain: SECTION I. 3rd. &app. - ted Adop Is hereby repealed Yeas uss Nays Yeas Nays B uss ZZ1 i! bell nlslorce nth(r[Ysdayis takeeffect and /Fincllan iPatranto lan ^ / arranto r t r Passed the Yea9-'-�:ou ncllmenn Balrfua9e 13, 1940. _ eterson son n Rosen Approved June 13, 1940. Truax ruax Fallon / /I 4r. President Fallon H. T. O'CONNELL, Mr. President City Clerk. nr�claei 1e (it, t•lerk , ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO._ VNo.V x,/- )- ----- �Ot l PRESENTED BY '(% /L v r •l, ORDINANCE Bar(uss / Findlan a An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 2436, entitled "An ordinance relating to lumber yards and wog4 yards," approved March 19, 1904. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 2436, approved March 19, 1904, Is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. 0 C. F. No. 118906— Ordinance No. 8121— BY Fred M. Truax— No. 24361,dentltled inance 1"AnaordinaOrdinannce ce ting , lumber yards and wood yards;' a The Council 0f the City of Saint Paul does ordain: SECTION I. That Ordinance No. 2436, a d March 19, 1904, Is hereby repealed SECTION 2. i! bell nlslorce nth(r[Ysdayis takeeffect and -9- b ublica^lon. a pass- Passed the Yea9-'-�:ou ncllmenn Balrfua9e 13, 1940. _ dent Parra(IDonouterser. Rosen, Mr1i Pres-� Nays --None. ahl-6. Approved June 13, 1940. JOHN J. McDONOUGH, Attest: Mayor. H. T. O'CONNELL, City Clerk. (June 15, 1940) JUN 131940 �-� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Bar(uss / Findlan a Parranto In Favor Peterson Rosen JJUN 11ft 41 Mr. President -tPrfotfr" Attest:/— -- — -- -- �rote City Clerk 3011 U:11 rF 21724 ( Mayor i 0 I Bd F No. 18974—Ordinance No. 243G— An i Ordinance relating to lumber yards and woad yards. The Common Council of the City of SL Paul do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That hereafter n PP r. , c panys or corporation shall establ leh, maintain nd c duct neny lumber yard or wood yard •ithin o hundred fist' feet of In- habited portion of nv Idence district. Ithout first a uring the consent and do. fission of the Common Council so SECTION 2. )) th11 e pt' person1h. of this ordinancel a nosnail be pl uv and upon eon- gullty T misdemeanor, lcllon thereof .hall be tm .,ddDollars fine of xceeding One H ($100.00) for each and every offense, and mef, o and duct titin violation sof nthls ordinanceshall be a separate offense. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Board of Aldermen March 16. 1994. Yeas—Aid. Banti, enn, Moria Corning, Donner, Elder, Hinkena, Moriarty, Rob- land. Mr. PresWent.1s Nays—Aid, DahlauiKJ' FRANK 3. HUBER, President Board of Aldermen. Passed by the Assembly March 17, 1904. Yeas—Mesar.. Doren. Haas, Rosen. Van SI)•kt'e, Wheeler. Mr. Vice President -6.. Nes 9. Vice President ofC he ASselmbly. Approved March 19. 1904. R. A. SMITH, Attest: GEORGE T. REDINGTON,r City Clerk. March 21-1904. 1Q 1 1st. 2nd. Laid o,cr to 3rd. & app.__ Adopted Yeas / Nays Yeas Nays indl as Ba Findlan lndlan unto r15--;;anto Peterson ete Rosen S✓ oseconn Truax Truax Mr. President Fallon /11 It. President Fallon d.,Rla.l 1. t i1, CI r ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY, . ORDINANCE NO. V /� -�T'`� " ' A � z 1\ An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 2710, entitled "An ordinance to regulate the location of lumber yards, wood yards, or yards for the storage of wooden boxes, cases or barrels, in the City of St. Paul," approved August 12, 1907. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 2710, approved August 12, 1907, is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and `publication. Yeas Councilmen Na}'s Bartuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen —TXAI W Mr. President (Falfmr)--- Attesyt: `/' / ( �1..I City Clerk 300 13-:18 ('S 21724 C. F. No. 118907—Ordinance No. 8122— BY Fred M. Truax,— di No. 2710, entitled "Aneorldlig Ordinance ulate the location of lumber yato rds, of le- den sboxee Yardsor the storage the City or, S[. pa�j .• or barrels, In Au- .net 12, 1907. approved Au - The Council of the Cify does ordain: o[ Saint Pau] SECTION 1. That ' August Ora 1907c is .. 2710, repealed. SECTION pealed. SECTION 2. be in Thls ordinance shall take effect end force thirty days after Its pass- age and publicationhe . Yeas UCuuncl" nalrhssa F(ad lan, Parranto, Peterson, Rosen, Mr. Pres- ident Nay (McDonough) -3. Approved June 13, 1940. JOHN J. MCDONOUGH, Attest: Mayor, H. T. O'CONNEM C1tY Clerk. (June 15, 1940) 0 Passed by the Council 3_1940 In Favor Against (t ..Approved: l JUN 13 1940 G Mayor i Y ( LUMBER YARDS. 1#d F No. 25781 -Ordinance No. 2910. An ordinance to regulate the location of Paulumber yards, wood yards Sor yards for the storage of wooden boxes, eases or barrels, in the City of St l The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows; 836. Sec. 1. Permit.—That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any per-/ son, company r corporation to locate or establish any lumber yard or wood' Yard or yards for the storage of wooden boxes, cases or barrels, within t limits of the City of St. Pan), without first obtaining a permit therefor from the inspector of Buildings, as hereinafter provided. 837. See. 2. In fire limits—Approval of Fire Commissioner.—No lumber Yard or wood yard or yard for the storage of wooden boxes, cases or bar- rels, shall hereafter be located or established within the fire limits of said city vrithout the approval of the Board of Fire Commissioners of said city. 838• Sec. 3. Consent of property owners—When requested. --No lumber yard or wood yard, or yard for the storage of wooden boxes, mass or barrels, shal be located or established in any block laid off in lots, if the lots fronting on the same street as the lot or lots on which such yard is to be located or established are occupied by residences, or are intended for residence p es, and are equal to or exceed one-half of the enitre frontage of said block, on said street, unless the written consent ther4to is obtained from'a mad7'ority of the owners of real property fronting on the lo - cared within fortynfeet of any,and in buil ngno cam without thel)writixn consuch sent of the owner thereof. 839• Sec. 4. Application for permit. –Any persons, company or corpor- forothedesiring atoraff of wooden bote and de cases or lumber be�lsdorranyytthereof ow(thin said city, shall make written a lication to the Inspector of Buildings for a permit therefor, in which shall be set forth a description of the land and ptamisea proposed to be occupied by such yard, and such application shah be accompanied by such written consent and approval as may be re - y q�ired under the terms of this ordinance. Upon compliance with all of the re nirements of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of said Inspector of Bid dings to issue a permit, without charge, to the applicant. 840. Sec. 5. Penalty.—Any pperson who shall violate- any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and hnndred eondction ollars thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than one days, for each offense.0 �). or by imprisonment for not more than sixty Sea 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. -Passed the Passed by the Board of Aldegrme1907. sed 6, 1907. A proved Aug. 12, 1907. (Repeals Ord. 2436. Approved Mar. 19, 1904, by implication.) C. F.y No: 1n Rosen— to -0rdlnance No. 8123— ``` + �^ By Milton Rosen— j(,[)Y is 8 ily'inel to City Clerk An rellttanee granting rade Scen er , O R D I r J J. Kale to Partially grade 9aherter Avenue from Montcalm Place east " 4� the east line f the ••.uth alleyrinVF- COUNCIL FILE NO._— PRESENTED Eay ORDINANCE NO.__—lL. An ordinance granting permission to J. J. %eis to partially grade Schaffer Avenue from Montealm Place.east to the east line of the west, north and south alley im Block 4, Lexington Park Plat 11. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain s `z_ Section 1. That permission and authority be and they are hereby given to J. J. Seis for partially grading Schaffer Avenue from Montealm Place east to the east line of the west, north and south alley in Block 4, Lexington Park Plat 11. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said J. J. $eis for partially grading of said street upon his compliance with the following conditions, viz s (1) Said licensee shall grade said street entirely at his own cost and expense and to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the plans and profiles prepared by said Commissioner. (2) Said licensee shall pay the cost of engineering and inspection of said work. (3) Before entering upon or doing any of said work,sald licensee shall procure from the abpaping owners such easement in and to the abutting property as may be necessary ,slopes, for cuts and fills and shall obtain a written release, relees ing and discharging the City of St. Paul from all damages for the taking of such easements for slopes, and releasing the City from all con- sequential damages by reason of the grading of said street. (4) Said licensee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute same continuously with diligence and shall complete said work on or before the 15th day of September 1940. If said licensee shall fail to complete the work within said time, the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized, and the licensee expressly agrees, that he shall have power and authority, to complete said work, and the licensee will pay to said Commissioner of Public Works the reasonable cost incurred or expended thereby, and such cost shall be a liability upon and a condition of said licenseets bond. (5) Said licensee shall give a bond to the City of St. Paul in the penal am of $5000.00 conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance, and to indemnify and save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all loss, liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same. (6) Said licensee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance W-47ahall.within five days from and after the passage and publication of this, }I -..I y p t f c 4 2nd.--- Laid over to Adopted — 3rd. & app.---- Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Byfuss �{6ss / 4indlan Fe�in �err nto /' eterson lint / /Yar anto V et on ., J ^ Rosen /Rosen ruax Truax Fallon President Fallon \tr. President '1/11 C. F.y No: 1n Rosen— to -0rdlnance No. 8123— ``` + �^ By Milton Rosen— j(,[)Y is 8 ily'inel to City Clerk An rellttanee granting rade Scen er , O R D I r J J. Kale to Partially grade 9aherter Avenue from Montcalm Place east " 4� the east line f the ••.uth alleyrinVF- COUNCIL FILE NO._— PRESENTED Eay ORDINANCE NO.__—lL. An ordinance granting permission to J. J. %eis to partially grade Schaffer Avenue from Montealm Place.east to the east line of the west, north and south alley im Block 4, Lexington Park Plat 11. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain s `z_ Section 1. That permission and authority be and they are hereby given to J. J. Seis for partially grading Schaffer Avenue from Montealm Place east to the east line of the west, north and south alley in Block 4, Lexington Park Plat 11. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said J. J. $eis for partially grading of said street upon his compliance with the following conditions, viz s (1) Said licensee shall grade said street entirely at his own cost and expense and to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the plans and profiles prepared by said Commissioner. (2) Said licensee shall pay the cost of engineering and inspection of said work. (3) Before entering upon or doing any of said work,sald licensee shall procure from the abpaping owners such easement in and to the abutting property as may be necessary ,slopes, for cuts and fills and shall obtain a written release, relees ing and discharging the City of St. Paul from all damages for the taking of such easements for slopes, and releasing the City from all con- sequential damages by reason of the grading of said street. (4) Said licensee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute same continuously with diligence and shall complete said work on or before the 15th day of September 1940. If said licensee shall fail to complete the work within said time, the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized, and the licensee expressly agrees, that he shall have power and authority, to complete said work, and the licensee will pay to said Commissioner of Public Works the reasonable cost incurred or expended thereby, and such cost shall be a liability upon and a condition of said licenseets bond. (5) Said licensee shall give a bond to the City of St. Paul in the penal am of $5000.00 conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance, and to indemnify and save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all loss, liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same. (6) Said licensee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance W-47ahall.within five days from and after the passage and publication of this, }I -..I y p t f c 4 Itrytlo el t. ('11, Cierk ORDINANCE.t��`� COUNCIL FILE NO.__ PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.__ U ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. If such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section y. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council JUN 131940 In Favor _Against JUN 131940 }as Councilmen Nays Bar(uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen _--- Mr. President fl`wHerrj^ Attest: City Clerk 900 12.98 CF 21724 Passed by the Council JUN 131940 In Favor _Against JUN 131940 St. Paul, MinneaD to June lith, 19�O To the Honorable, the City Council, Gentlemen, Saint Paul, Minnesota I, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council F Ordinance No. 8123, adopted by the Council o Em THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL�� INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION May 23, 1940 Mr. George M. Shepard Chief Engineer Dept. of Public works Dear Sir: Please note the attached communication from Mr. Keis. Should this matter be brought before the City Council? Yours truly, Milton Rosen Commissioner Encl. 40 ALDEN H. JOHNSON. P. A. GAFFNEY, v -1 J. J HEIS, seer HA% J ALBERTS.—Al SOUTH ST.PAUL,MINN. May 22, 1940 Commissioner Milton Rosen City Hall & Courthouse St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Commissioner: Sometime ago, a request was made to the City Council by Mr. John Bohland to grade a 20 ft. roadway as the extension of Scheffer Street. At my request you deferred action. Mr. Bohland and I have now agreed that we request the Council to permit us to do the work under a private contract. We hereby make the request to be permitted to proceed. lie request the Council to in- struct theDepartment of Public Works to set grade stakes on the center line of Scheffer Street, extended f the so as to to reventthe ewaterments from cuttingfuture l2 through the and also to p alley from the lest. We will agree to furnish a 05000.00 bond for the approval of the Corporation Council's approval for the protection of the City. Yours res eiKeis ly J. q JJK:AC • C. F. No. 118008—Ordinance No. 8124-- tiriQinai to Cil, CI«rk ' - By Ci. B. Barfue Ate ordinance regulatingg the eels f llpuor wl,hln o "o""'ng malt O tqe my t Aalnt Paul, providing for • ///��` ehoh salts by duly llceased Dereone, for the ober- y eetabllehing regulations at mn nt nt,r�= where •„+nhnon•into-_ FILE NO. i mould' C7 — e .th.il•. R �xj PRESENTED BY - _. _ __ � r ORDINANCE NO._ An ordinance regulating the sale of non -intoxicating malt liquor within the City of Saint Paul, providing for such sales by duly licensed persons, establishing regulations for the operatic Of places where such non -intoxicating malt liquor is sold, prow - Ing regulations for the granting of such licenses, fixing lioen e fees, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and repeal ng all inconsistent ordinances. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, hea th and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. It shall be unlawful to sell non -intoxicating malt liquors at retail except when licensed as hereinafter provided. There shall be two types of licenses issued for the sale of non - intoxicating malt liquors, as hereinafter set out, namely: (a) g0n sale" licensee shall permit the licensee for the sale of said non -intoxicating malt liquors to sell such for consumption on the premises. NOn sale" licenses shall be granted only to restaurants, hotels, drug stores, and bona fide clubs. (b) "Off sale) licenses shall permit the licensee of such non-intoxioating malt liquors to sell same in original packages for consumption off the premises only. Section 2. Any person desiring either of the licenses as hereinbefore described shall first make an application therefor to /44 the Council of the City of Saint Paul by filing with the License 1st. ]1T. 2nd. �Inspector of said City for presentation by him to the Council of an application in writing therefor, which said application shall Laid over toeat forth with reasonable accuracy the name and place of residence of the applicant, the exact location of the place at which the 3rd. & app. ('' Adopted applicant proposes to carry on the budiness of selling non - intoxicating malt liquors, and whether or not he has at any time Yeas/ Nays Yeas Nays previous to the date thereof been engaged in said business or in a uss yr gact„se the business of selling foodstuffs in the City of Saint Paul, and �pdtif so, when and where. Said application shall be signed by the Ian an / applicant in person or by an officer of the club seeking said a nto Pa��rranto license or by an officer of the corporation seeking said license, eterson ' ,,./ iPeter n (%% and when received by the License Inspector shall be by him placed Ro n osen C on file, and the name of the applicant shall be by him registered in a book of registration to be kept in the office of said License Nae Truax Inspector for that purposeg provided, however, that said License .Mr. President Fallon _1�r• President Fallon Inspector shall not receive such application or register the name of such applicant unless the application is accompanied by a receipt from the City Clerk provided for in the next section. 0S Section 3. Before the filing of an application for either of the licenses hersinbefore provided for, the applicant shall deposit with the City Clerk the sum of Fifty Dollars (160.00) if the application is for an son sale' license, and the sum of Five Dollars (=6.00) if the application Is for an "off sale" license, and the said City Clerk shall thereupon deliver to such applicant duplicate receipts therefor, containing a statement of the purpose for which such deposit was made, and one of said receipts shall be attsched.to and filed with said application. Section 4. The applicant shall permit the officers of the Bureau of Health of said City, as well as representatives of the Bureau of Police and the Bureau of Fire Prevention, to inspect and examine the place of business described in the application, together with all the appliances and instruments used or to be used in the' transaction of the business for which the license is sought, and any refusal on the part of such applicant to permit such inspection shall be deemed as sufficient ground upon which the Council shall refuse to issue the license applied for. Section 6. The License Inspector shall, upon receiving reports from the Bureau of Health, the Bureau of Police, and the Bureau of Fire Prevention, transmit the said reports together with, his recommendations to the Council, which shall thereupon consider the application and grant or deny the same. Seotion 6. No corporation to which a license has been granted hereunder shall transfer any stock in such corporation without the consent of the City Council. It is hereby made the duty of the officers of any corporation holding a license issued under the authority of this ordinance to notify the City Council of any proposed sale or transfer of any stock in such corporation, and no such sale or transfer of stock shall be effective without the consent of the Council. The transfer of any stock without the knowledge and consent of the City Council shall be deemed sufficient cause for revocation by the Council of any license granted to such corporation under the authority of this ordinance or any other licensing ordinance of the city under which such corporation has received any license from too City. Such corporation officers shall also notify the City Council whenever any change is made in the officers of any such corporation, and Us failure to so notify the Council shall likewise be suffioisnt pause for revocation of any license issued to such corporation. ar Section ?. It shall be unla*ftl to sell such non -intoxicating: malt liquors_to any person under F#8A y -one years of age. Section S. No sueh nah-intoxicating malt liquors in excess of one-half of 1% of alcohol by volume shall be sold either "on sale" or "off sale" between the hours of 1:00 o'clock A. M. and 7:00 o'clock A. M. on week days, nor between the hours of 2:00 o'clock A. M. and ;;on on Sundays. No "on sale" licenses shall permit any such non- - intoxicating malt liquors in excess of one-half of 1% of alcohol by volume to be consumed on his premises during the hours when the sale thereof is by'this ordinance prohibited. Section 9. Dancing wherein the public participates and dancing, singing and other vaudeville exhibitions or entertainment are hereby at all times prohibited on the premises of any "on sale" licensee; provided, however, that if such premises are duly licensed for operation as a tavern under the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul relating to taverns, such dancing, exhibitions or entertainment may be permitted. (3) Section 10. All music, by whatever means provided, is hereby prohibited upon the premises of any "on sale$ licensee between the hours of 9:00 P. M. of any one day and 9:00 A.,9. of the following day, except where such premises arV duly licensed as a tavern under the ordinances of the City; provided that an "on sale" licensee is hereby permitted to operate a radio and obtain music therefrom between said hours of 9:00 P. M. and 9:00 A. M., provided further that the tone of such radio is modulated so as not to annoy the occupants of nearby premises. the failure of any "on sale" licensee using a radio between said hours to keep the same from becoming a nuisance to occupants of nearby premises shall be deemed sufficient cause, in the discretion of the Council, to revoke his license to sell such non-intoxioating malt liquor. Section 11. Any act of a" clerk, barkeeper, agent, servant, or employe, in violation hereof, shall be deemed the act of the employer and licensee of such place, as well as that of said clerk, barkeeper, agent, servant, or employe, and every such employer and licensee shall be liable to all the penalties provided herein for the violation of same, equally with the said clerk, barkeeper, agent, servant, or employe. Section 12. It shall be unlawful for any person duly licensed to sell non-intoxioating malt liquor, but not duly licensed to sell intoxicating`liquor, or for any of his agents, servants, or employee to have in their possession.on said licensed premises intoxicating liquor for the purpose of consumption by any one. Section 13. It shall be unlawful for such licensee, his agents, jse#rants, or employes, to permit the consumption of intoxicating liquor upon said premises. Section 14. For the purposes of this: ordinance, intoxicating liquor is hereby defined to mean and include ethyl alcohol and any distilled, fermented, spirituous, vinous, or malt liquid of any kind, potable as a beverage,'which liquid contains an alcoholic content in excess of 3.2 per cent thereof by weight. Section 15. It is hereby made the duty of the Chief of Police to notify the City Council whenever any person is convicted of a violation of this ordinance. Such conviction shall be deemed sufficient cause for the City Council to revoke any license issued to such convicted person under this ordinance. Section 16. Licenses herein provided for shall run for a period of one yea; from date of issuance. Section 17. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit the sale and delivery in original packages direct to the consumer by the manufacturer or -distributor of non-intoxioating malt liquors. Section 18. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.005 or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety days. Section 19. That Ordinance No. 7461, approved March 31, 1933; Ordinance No. 7512, approved Qk$o'ber 17, 1933; Ordinance No. 7590, approved October 17,-1934; O:4fnance No. 7861, approved November 9, 1937; Ordinance No. 7993, appiO ed February 9, 1939; Ordinance No. V 4.Ho„o k. ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. __.---- -- �ia ORDINANCE NO. --- PRESENTED BY -- ----- (4) 8032, approved August Al 1939, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed; but such repeal shall not affect any right which accrued, any duty imposed, any penalty incurred, nor any proceeding commenced, under or by virtue of the ordinances hereby repealed. Section 20. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 21. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. 0 s Peas Councilmen Nays Barluss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen .Tre87P— Mr. President_ {FathnTJ— Atte.t: n�n City Clerk :wa 12-5H cs zrza JUN 131940 Passed by the Council__. --- In Favor ,1y ----Against Approved:_— -- JUN 1319A0 .— ---- ` M ayor, ' 1111JIBlaSi3ED__����4 !/ ¢� Orlpinal to City Clark - - - COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL .ae NO ----- . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK,' AJQOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONE RESOLVED, that the application of Martha McCool for permission to install and operate a parking lot on the southwest corner of St. Peter Street and Fuller Avenue, under the pro- visions of Paragraph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 58400 be and the same is hereby granted, subject, however, to the payment of delinquent taxes on said property, and the construction of a bumper or fence around the lot to prevent exit by way of the alley, in accordance with the parking lot ordinance. - �11,_ COUNCILMEN Yew IM C. F. No. 118910—By O. H. Barfuss— F. M. Truax— Resolved, that the applicationof Dlartha McCool for permisalon to In- stall and operate a parking lot on the ou thwest corner of St. Peter Street ; and Fuller Avenue, under the provl- signs of Paragraph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 6840, be and the cam Is hereby granted, subject, however. to the payment of delinquent taxeson sald property, and the constructlon of a bumper r fence around the lot to In aecordanceiw ith they parking lots alley' { n Ado Adopted by the Council May E8, 19401a Approved May 1940. eiq (Sone. 1 1, 1940) MAY 201940 Adopted by the Council ....___------------- "-"-------- 19......-. Approved... Was -.. _.-. _.....19.-..--- - - .In Favor r v---yoT' .... --- - - AC nq _ .._�_gainet CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK - L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration April 10, 1940 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir; The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Martha McCool for permission to operate a parking lot on the southwest corner of St. Peter St. and hiller Ave., subject to the payment of delinquent tfces on the property and the construction of a bumper or fence around the lot, as mentioned in the letter of the Zoning Board. Yours very truly, City Clerk.. n POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn. • March .30,___.19 4=a.. you are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will con- sider the matter of aeplication of j&,rtl, ;'c Cool for parkin, lot un southwest corner of St. Peter St. f< Fuller Ave. on Lot �1, Hlcek 11, EwinK fr Chute's Addition and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on April 10 , 19 40 in the City of St. Paul, at Io:00 o'clock A. M. John S. Findlan, yc Commissioner of Finance. File 8939 CITY pip THE BOARD OF ZONING V11 Established by Ordinance No. O July 7th, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,� 279 COURT HOUSE p,d O son �eesseemDe ee® B9®e he a MOOD ODnI[D p April 5th, 1940• �rrne0-.. h ♦ r Y ARTHUR S MILINOWSKI, Ch. --1 AUGU,,T H0I:1r `THN FDWiN H LU011 BERNARD J MCGLYNIJ EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, Cy Aidu�r GEORGE H HERROLD. Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of Martha MoCool to operate a parking lot at the southwest corner of St.Peter and Fuller. This is Lot 21, Block 11, Ewing k Chute's Addition. This is commercial zoning. There are to be no curb cuts as the 40 ft. lot will be entered from the alley. It is directly opposite the State Office Building. There is no objection to this location for a parking lot. The applicant will be required to put in a bumper or fence around the lot to prevent people driving across the sidewalk instead of using the exit by way of this alley, in accordance with the parking lot ordinance. The Board of Zoning recommend that this permit be granted. gh-rh Yours very truly, George H. Harrold, &agineer Secretary. CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesotan/ // cc �erartweat 4 public clap, Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner April 1, 1940 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to the application of Mrs. Martha MoCool for permit to operate an automobile parking lot on Lot 21, Sleek 11 of Ewing and Chute's Addition, which is also described as the southwest oorner of St. Peter Street and Fuller Avenue: Inspections were made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffio, and William C. Barron. Their repo fts on these premises are attached. Very/ txyuly yours, Co /mmi(ssssiio�ner of lio Safety IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION April 1 1940 Mr. G. H. Barfuss Cmuiseioner of Public Safety Dear Sirs This is in reference to application made by Mrs. Martha MoCool for permission to operate an automobile parking lot to be located on Lot 21, Block 11 of Luing Addition, which is also described as the southwest corner of St. Peter Street and Fuller Avenue, entrances and exits to be from the allay. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises on Y&ioh this parking lot is to be established. There are no blue prints in connection with this inasmuch as the lot will be graded down to alley level and the entrance made to the property through the alley. I find, however, that the ourbing around this property on Fuller Avenue and St. Peter Street is very low. Therefore, any motorist can easily drive up over the curb and tion alk and on to the lot. Unless the party making app a dil agree to put up an abutment or fence in acoordanoa with our recently passed ordinance, regulating parking lots, I would object to the granting of this permit as being a hazard to pedestrians walking on the sidewalk. If such an agreement as above stated is had, then there would be no objection from a traffic standpoint to the granting of this permit. Yours truly, $"N.rg Superintendent of Traffic w.f 0 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 29th, 1940. Hon. C. X. BRrfuss� Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir; In regard to the application made by Mrs. Martha McCool for permission to operate lanof tto gilceCPark- ing lot to be located on Lot 21, Block Addition, which is also described as the southwest corner of St. Peter and Fuller Streets; the entrances and exits to the lot to be from the alley- - We have made the usual inspection of the foregoing location and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard of that vacinity if the proposed lot is permitted. Respectfully submitted, Chief Fire Inspector. WCB/z 4. TELHPHONH: CEDAR 0230 g01 ADICA ENGINEERING & SALES SERVICE 7I3 PIONEER BUILDING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA April 5. 1940. Mr. John S. Findlan, Commissioner of Finance, St.Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Referring to the application of Mrs. Martha McCool for Parking Lot on SE Car. St? Peter St. and Fuller Avenue, on Lot 21, 31. 11, Ewing & Chute's Addition: Due to illness, it will not be possible for me to personally appear but I wish to go on record that I approve such action on the part of Mrs. McCool and have no objection to such parking lot. Yours truly, couN9IL 11891 t original to City Clerk Nom'."--'""-"-------"------ CITY OF ST. PAUL FI'� OF E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL I50LUTION-GENERAL FORM pA v 26-19-40 soda COMM 16510NEY WEEMS, one certain Chrysler Air-flo sedan, bearing 1939 Minnesota license No. B-650-625, the property of Allan McGill, was picked up in error and placed in the Saint Paul Municipal Garage, and yEEMS, the Bureau of Municipal Equipment recommends the release of the said automobile upon payment of $10.00 to a cover storage, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that upon payment of said sum of $10.00, the said automobile may be released. C. F. No. 118911—By bliltdLt�een— Whereas, on cartaln Chrya Air - co Bad.., bearing 1939 Minneeota ll- cenee No. B-060-826, the property of Allan McGill, w pinked p in—or lnd placed in the 9atnt Pant Muntc- pal Garage, and Whereas, the Bureauf Municipal Equipa men,recommends the release of the ld automobile upon payment of $10.00 to co1ver storage, now therefore. It f Resolved, th be leased. at upon payment of said sum of {10.00, the said automobile may Adopted by the Council May 26, 1940. Approved May 28, 1940. f (Sone 1, 18{0) COUNCILMEN Yeas Barfuss Nays 13ee1e» Peterson Rosen :............In favor Rirp,et��..._Against wE aavanto 1 on 3M 11.35 Mr. Vice 1'rerident (TIGSX) MAY 2$1940 Adopted by the Council ._----------------------- ---------- 193-----. 28 Approved... -------- -• -----------193... / at,dir'�Y Mayor COUNc0.-------------- °�{D°t tO qty perk CITY OF ST. PAUL r� NO. -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO C► RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM %gyp i DnrE Tlav?�-040— PRESENTED BY COMM ISSIONER--�----i— — Resolved, That the Purchasing Ade n+ , an: he is hereby authorized to purchase, ;.itn t'n" consent of the Comptroller, g Remington- Rand 3 -drawler, legal si-ze, counter re.i;ht steel filim_ car:inets, Revere quality x/14213.1 at a cost rot to exceed. $300 -'DO, sit .ou* asl;i.n 'o r competitive hiss, as tress are stented articles and ro adva1-:+a,e cou d be ,rained '.hereoy, Ch_r_t, Fu tic Libre..•y- Lit,rary S=rvice- New gqui.oment_ 16 -AS C 'Resolved , That the Purchasing Agent be, and he la hereby authorized to pur- hase, th the conacut of the Comp- troller, 3 Remington -Rand 3-drawer, Legal slxe, counter height steel aling caDlnete, Revere qualit No. 14213.1 at a coat not to exceed 5300.00, without asking for competitive bide, as these e patented articles mr. o dvant- age could be gained thereby. Charge4 Public LibraryaLlbrary 8ervlce—New t Eq doment—lfi-Afi. - - 1940. Adopted by the Council May 23, Approved Mdune 1,19419 0) MAY 281910 Adopted by the Council..._ - . Yeas/COUNCILMEN Nays i�ff98 Barfuss Approved _ ---- --- --. .....----- ..._19 ... �F1nd1eII l �yrtanto / . // : YV - al1v ayor _......_.-In Favor pson. oseu .__Against ax ) 111Ans�t (Tt� Odow in Qty (7aY .peg. L 118913 CITY OF ST. PAUL me NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLLlTION--- GENERjtL FORM TAMAR, Gerald A. Beaubien, Senior Clerk in the Fater Department of the City of Saint Paul, Will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties,for a period of at least thirty -(3O) days from and after the 26th !-lay of May 1940, and WAMAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities hem recommended that herald A. Beaubien be granted a thirty day leave of absenee for disebllity with pay, beginning -May -26th, 1940, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph 2,_Section 41 of the Civil- Service exiles, therefore, be it BZS0VMj that the proper City authorities be and are hareby autherised to grant—a. lea" of absence to Oerald A. Beaulieu for thirty (30) days beginning May 26th, 1940, With full pay. C. F. No. 118913-131 W. A- t ior B period OI at least thirty (80) Jaye Iron and attar the 26th day of May, 1940, and Whereas, the Commisslo..r f Pub- lic Utilities has recommended that Ger- ald A. Beaubien be granted a thirty day leave of absence for disability with pay, beginning May 26th, 1940, Id leave bel ng in compliance with Paragraph P, Section 41 f the C(vll Service Rules, therefore, be it Resolved,that the proper city au thetdties be and are hereby authorised to grant a leave f sheen.. to Gerald A. Beaubien for thirty (10) days be- glnning May 26th, 1940, witb full P. Adopted by the Council May 28, 1940y. Approved May 28, 1940. (Tune 1, 1940) MAY 28 IM COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays MAY 28 a alli Ian Approved 193— Eurson' ant In Favor _ �l YJit tlRg, ayes, Against bDi t,��ry�a.\ili�#J ltd Odsioa to City cite, .CITY OF ST. PAUL r��: NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK' �0UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER_ PRESENTED BY `�^,��^/` DATE May 24 1940 '— WHEREAS, Dr. H. J. Prendergast, Medical Examiner in the Civil Service Bureau, will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of sixty days from May 16, 1940, to July 15, 1940, inclusive, and 41kWHEREAS, The Comptroller and Civil Service Commissioner has recommended that Dr. H. J. Prendergast be and is hereby granted a leave of absence for disability with pay for a period of sixty days from Ide.y 16, 1940, to July 15, 1940, inclusive, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City authorities be and hereby are authorized to grant a leave of absence for Dr. H. J. Prendergast for a period of sixty days from May 16, 1940, to July 15, 1940, C. F. No. 118914—By J. s. Findlan— inclusive, with full pay, Whereas, Dr. H. J. P rendergast, Med- . xaminer 1n CI•Service • vill b Y � MAY 28194 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193 Yeas / Nays MAY 28 N40 /llajfuss IfindIA _ Approved 193 :t'a/ nto In Favor ,I eterson_-rte —J."ayor Atosen Against 6M 6-38 ca 4 COUNCIL FILE NO 46 INTERMEDIARY ORDER 118,915 In the Matter of constructing a sewer on Tennessee Street from a point 30 feet west of Chester Street to a point 170 feet west of Wyandotte Street INTERMEDIARY ORDER 118916— 1f c nstructing a ,.I u. under Preliminary Order 1 1 8644 _approved M- v 1 44n The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sewer on Tennessee Street from a point 30 feet west of Chester Street to a point 170 feet e west of 6yandotte Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 241.00 (Based on W.P.A. labor). Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ` 25thday of June 1940 at the hour of 10 o'cloc$ A. M., in the Couficil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City, of St. Paul. That the CommissionG of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the impr94ement and the total cost thereof as estimated., i Adopted by the Council MAY 281 _, 193 G ���i?;Lz Approve WAY �R 193 File 8989 CouncilmotraMcDonald CouncilmazMay _ CouncilmaiMEirce n Councilmai=bldu- Councilmaf - Councilmaffi*Qftd�7�-T1 s Mayor Mr. Vice Form B. S. A. 8-6 President (Ttasx) COUNCIL FILE NO. r INTERMEDIARY ORDER 118,916 In the Matter of eonstructinP a sidewalk on both sides of Hazel Avenue from Fourth Street to Fifth Street, and on the north side of East Fourth Street from Hazel Avenue thence east 137.11 feet, C. F. No. 118916— In the Matter of conetructtng a side- walk on both aide. of Hazel Ave- nue from Fourth Street to F'r.. .rest, and on the north side ti Street from Haz.i .under Preliminary Order 118450 approved Anri1 12, 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sidewalk. on both sides of Hazel Avenue from Fourth Street to Fifth Street, and on the north side of East Fourth Street from Hazel Avenue thence east 137.11 feet, except vhere good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.15 per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 25th day of June. 1940 pts at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in -the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time: and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as es ted. Adopted by the Council_—-_ „, 28 1940193i/ 1Y 28 190u tau/ Approved 193 City Clerk File S4337 ACW Mayor Councilman4WEBUWdt—j Councilmatga}--=='J Councilman TEm>L--"M CouncilmanR#8eRF!27--_X Councilma —=� 13arfuss Findlao Varranto Peterson Rosen Councilman rlr� Mayor Form B. S. A. 8.6 11r. Vioe Pte 1181917 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING AMMMEWROM 1 M1 00 1 TBEREON AND FTXINf► TIME OF ?iEAR":j ON' TILE .AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter= z l_widenin_ and extendip_ __elv_idere_St,FeeL_to a width_o _____ 60 It. by takin7 a strip of lend 30 ft.. 'r...idth from the richt-o,`-waY o` the ,:a -n, i?ock Island Facifis Railwat, easi to Jeanne Avenue excert v:here already 1; onened, said stria heir.cr north of anc parallel to the :i0 ft. dedication for ielvidere Street in the -nest lit. PF -1 Rcai Estate I,nroveaient Syndicate Addition o_r No. 4, z under Preliminary Order__ 1i788?_-------------- approved...... February 21s_1940 ----------- Intermediary Order --------118131--------------- approved ------0__________---__, Final Order --------------- 118369 -------------- ------- approved______ --------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved.—' Resolved further,,That a public hearing be had before the Coun6il upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the--__ _26th___________day of --------- ,1ne-----------------, 19A(2-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give nAtice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ----MAY 28 --------------- ----- ____--(_-- ---- MUSA City Clerk. Approved --------------- A-- �----------,19_---! elle 9919 ------ ✓ �,!-�s �n— A-- -`�- - =°7 Rarfuss / / ACtInj Mayor. Councilman Condjg===•:7 Fmdlao E Councilman Fer l ,irrmifo Councilman Mc Councilman P rO Councilman Role - 'PUBLISHED Councilman Su - 'TruaT— Mayor Mr. Vice President (T=x) AV 1 8W 8 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING fREREON AND FIXING TLME OF I, „ o� NIE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of____co_rdem�_n«_and te_kir:__an_ easer..er.t n_ the land recess---- for s----- -----land ---- sar,. for s----- c1rts and fills in the gradin^ of Iowa Avenue fro^ Lexin:,ton Farkisa, 'forth to Duni Street, C. F. No. 118918— In them er or -n, Ing under Preliminary Order---- jj2qCC ------------- approved ----------- 5y 1 40______-----> Intermediary Order 118313 ------------° _______________ _ roved-----------4nrr-`-1940-----------I approved 1- 9 Final Order ----------------118614------------- approved ----------- ufl,_-7,-1°------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- --------- day he____-_-_--__-day of --- June--------------------- 19_ 40 , at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the nt,—f— MAY 28 194 Adopted by the Council_____________--__-___ Approved------------------------------ 19 ---- File -------- -----------------,19---- File 8928 �'.�-'m -j 1iA h' ss Councilman C _•a Fm,11,n Councilman F l,,tiratlto Councilman — (-manta Councilman P Councilman Councilman S Mayor =mamma W. Vice President (TrMm) City Clerk. ACUF.� Mayor. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING DIAMAMENNIEW THEREON IND FICiv'I Tl".F n° 7"_"_ T.,r {WA°n nP DAMAUS conde,�n'r. an:i to ir. an ease;nenc i^. t�F lanc, necessary; for syncs, In the matter of-----I,17L,-------- --------------------------- ----------}---------------- cuts and Bilis in t::e -ra:.:n and surfacinz of the r'.lie, in Flock 4, :icate ':e. � Ad,Ation Yro-r A cn btreet to `Jictor,a �trtet, C. F. No. I I q r ,i under Preliminary Order ----- 11$_99J------------- approved ---2 r.=ch------------------. 118510 ---------- a l 9 1'_40 Intermediary Order ---------------- approved Arr ----------------- =----- Final Order -----------------11361 ----------- approved- ---I'fl__ 7, -1y -49 --------------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also hav' submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, ther ore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_ --- -26th ----------day of --- June --------------------, 19--40, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. MAY 28 194 Adopted by the Council___________________________ - � --- -- -!/ City Clerk. Approved-----------------------------,19---- rile 8952 ----- - ---L-------- - - tt; "r / „C11ltQ Mayor. Councilman F ,11 Councilman i Councilman Councilman K Councilman Counciiman T - Mayor®� Mr. Vice President 44tTBLiSHF.D RR90�'-TIO•' � � .. � COUNCIL FILE NO......................................... tAi By---- ------ --------------------------------------------- ------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sideealks. Estimate No. 4, Contract 89 -It -9, 1989 --Assessable-- F.D. 115044 Arbor Street, both sides, from James Street to Palace Street and on the south side of Palace Street from Arbor Street thence east 120 feet F.O. 115679 Bates Avenue, east side, from a point 75 ft. southerly of Van Buren Place, thence southerly 45 feet; beginning 8 feet farther south thence south 10 fest] beginning 18 ft. farther south thence south 18 ft.j and including corner =tensions on the no t ao agr of,, des Ave. and.BuC}�#i Btu F.O.' 116099 I;„�raoh'' Vt., north side, 16ap e 8 nye"ern to.. _ "dots Sfxset` elnndin9 drivowy to Lot lle E9 �, bdivision, and s 24'ft, reta#ain� j9t11 to 'tot It,, Rolferts 8ubdi n, and on the west side of Mendota relaying the walk from Hydson Avb. thence npr•.th IVXe'et F.O. 115040 Ada St.., west side, 'Vk*'Ia point 91.5 fti north of Robts St.., thence north,lO ft.1 begianing IkD: ffi. farther north, thence.z4fth &IftiI and on the Nest side of Ada St. from Robie St. thence north 10 ft.j beginning 54 ft .Earthsr north; thenoe narth 16 ft.j beginning 30 ft. farther north, thence north 8 ft. for drivmwayj beginning 28,.5 ft. farther north, thence •north, 58 ft.-eonstruct ng monolithic sidene kt thi*cm.north 20 ft. relaying sidecalk inoluding,00rner aprons at the southeast corner of Adelsit 'cad Waifr6'r' St; F.O. 115218 Page St., north side, from Smith Ave., thence east l* sty iring with monolithic concretes beginning 20 ft: farther e$st"ienaas s$0 ft. relaying tiles beginning 44 ft. farther east thence Oast 12 N. relaying tiler beginning 12 ft. farther east thence east 18 ft. relaying tile] sad Aa.ihe„pgath gl¢y,cf�Page-Str from Smith Avo. thefice4imt #Ob°°ft. repairing with monolithic. o=pacts j, thegg„gag+A„ 15Q, ft.._.rglaying tiler and frim Mon min -A.", thence, .east-100:ft. relaying tiiej thence east 108 ft. constructing ==olithio concrete walkj thence east 92 ft. re- Uying Ule *Llkj and on the south aide of Page St. from Seminole St. .thence east 50 N -;p th monolithic oonox'etej thence east 214 ft. ielnying tilaj eaQA en side of ]Zags girt- $om a point 52 ft. east of Seminole St. thence east 8 ft. 0anitrd*t1ng.drft'6 �y F.O. 111295 Cao Banlsvard,Eii�iit•, beginning at a point iipprozimait r% '70 Peet west of Como Avenue North, thence westerly 95 feet F.O. 116335 E. Seventh St., north Bide, Fran Minnesota 8t. thence east 80 feet, and on the east side Minnesota St. frau B. 7th St. thence north 122 ft., 9 ft. in width, and the bar -faded radius curbing on the northeast corner B� h6sota and E. h Sti, also closing up the existing opal -holes and �adhQre and co0tructinj? waterproofed concrete slab over areaway lrohss``below the ddewalk slab F.4*;31or Sm James Street to Palace 8trast, and on the south si o Prom Arbor Street thence cast 120 feet F.0 115679 Bates Avenue. east si -,, flan a politt 75 M southerly of Van Buren YL4e TO tee;' Pe? -19- ;Fenoe OGN lea eETmr. ssB b*o* mea Bw;ea 9Aeune' N eolrpp eTge oL LLOW`' h'0. 7720,73 VLPo" E;Leefs eTQ $FL9l3f fo btr�wca E;Les;' wuq on ;Fe 4., wLcfroe Popm !TeA ef ?O=GL ob ps,;ee YAe• ,q ,si.F1Js nfFt' f}Tevice aonfp 78 Lf'' sL'q eETmr. ssB beef UMfpeL eonfp f}ror7oe aon;V fr SA Lf' eoff4_(7eLra oL ASW 13'1Len bTeoe LLOW`' OL 2pLea; fpeno® ewe; TSO beef LOX q . $FL9l3f fo btr�wca E;Les;' wuq on ;Fe -� ; 700 L;' "Tlr2quE fTIal-- L�iTggousTIT Aq#P' fge"aon mouoTTfl7To cailcr®fes fpeuca st*er TIC, *4• L TWXTrF efs3 fi%.4rg6 ob-bwEe.gf• ;1101U8WT;Y Yds' fFeuoe Gore; 700 TIP* fire] PeErrmrR rS F;' LeF@T,:estlp,4}7enoa awe; TE L;' ierwlrnE;TTet ieTATnE f;Tel POET -7 R ff LP' Lwz eL ewa mouoT?;F?a oouoie at ;F f ;Fence ewaf j3� f PaETuuTnE SO W. bwj-FFeL easf ;;�reuesles; �'� b�A';xTA$ ,bet 9 84" Q -PIT QT.ga. T,— aW;F YAG,, ;Fauca ewe; TTA Lf raeTew�r_rvE•m?fN Vow Ef wu L q R.F. fpavcsLOTUXTuuozT4wwTR ruoT`19PE aozueL wbione w; fFa eonfPswsf corneL ob fF 2e Lf' aouefLncfT3R mouol"PTc eTgemwTF' ;Fence zroLfF SO i.f' A3 Lf' LeLfpezuuoiF E L;' ;OL (JirAouwl,: psErz7nTuE S8'2 Lf' LwzfFez IT J1 Oil ;p a ;F fFenoe uoI;F Te u-)'= poET—TuE oo L;' LwLwGL Ewe; e ?4s O L YQB Ef' ;Low EOPTs Ef' ;Fence noL;F 70 L;•t Pe ET—Tyre noLfF TO L;*I PeETunTuE SO Lf' L�7FeL -L;F' ;F -os uoL;F a Lf'l wuq 1 'D' 772030 94w E;•, msef @Tge' TA ar"vL€X:tffl*;F of -50RT-0-tp ' 4-08 ;Fe rR oBr $a4eoa'ves' mWee -1,64y TO LQ®P ro;1-2,TSoTLez,e 2 P4TA?eTou' wuq on fFe meef ergs 0:Lygsugofw zs7wlrvE 772088 Hn o Ae�•rnoL7r Bo7Le Le EnP4?ATaTou' 9179w S3 L;' LefwTnTua s1w77 ;o � $ ;F eT4e tLtlnt Wbrs 8fieef fo 1Ysn4ofw 2fiss vo n coiusL-AxfeueToue ou f ? 7 42;- TO Lea ' ;WG u 9L}FYwef oozvez oL pwfse YAs• wnq gncr?4 2f' ;• Pe Te LT uE 78 L;' LgLfIJeL eon;p r®nae eon;F 78 TP -I wng ruerngTuE ;pence SUryaILrA fA Leef1 PegTbv?wZ 8 Eee bwLfPeL eofnry ;Fence eonfy E'0' T7A8J8 Bsfes YAenne ewe; eT4e' LLom w h0Tnf 12 L;' eon;FeLrn Ob Awv pnLBn bTwce' aonfp ergs oL bwTwce E;Les; LLQW VLpOL 2;Lae; 7penos esef TSO Lss; L*O* I7203d YLPOL 2f L68f' FOPW eTg62' ILO_:! 19;702 2;LOF, " f ;o b979cs 2rLsc, wvq cu Fila mm�a�lii®axyo43mdesxxx�xsxa.s:ocxx�cxxxxicx�C3aDfAA,�x-�x -xxxxxsxs_-xrxx, �tarrbczk•�larxs�cxaxxxxxxxxx xx.�sxxlcxxxx�spraxe¢ic:.z.xxzacxxzxx:: x:.�_axx.�cxxnxxlx:.xsc� xl&svx The assessment of..............._bgnefits...costs._.arl_gex�e�,,es------.-.•-.--------.....for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ......_26th -day of ?e.------__................................ 19._.�2 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. enxpo eAA Adopted by the Council .g.....p....1...MAY.21 �t7.�X.----.-------------- ... -- MAY2 8 IJRi/ -----...------ --City Clerk. Approved............................. ...... .- - .19........: Councilman $ireaey Barfuae Councilman PergusmL—x Findlan Councilman McDonald -- P;irranto Councilman R.ahland _. Peterson Councilman Sudheimer U srn Councilman 4anzel� -44 mo - Mayor Form B. B. 17 W. vim Premdent (Tn ) O.r�L,...... Mayor. � �1Ctlny v �r1sxED��v CITY OF SAINT PAUL I " VICIL FILE NO. NOTICE TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1' PRINTER MBSid 24 , oq0 RESOI X, zDg!OAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY,7REAffY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S � , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED = TO 7177 INCLUSIVE. Ac PER C._F. 11898x, — CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. �" Tha4.5hecks 11892tb °` �^ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MAY 2 81940— --i93_ x-�% / pern co --------- APPROVED W 2'R 6W,--193._ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Foury FILE NUMBER _ -.- ROLL CALL ' BARFUSS FINDLAN___ PETERSON --- IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS May 24, -I93 4© ROSEN TRUAX _ AGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WEN TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5/,p--2�7�'JLL-g�- COVVyJE,RING MpyyG��IER(R�(E�6„VFA,�L L,OSN,� �jT�{, l �A^�^ e/y//� pER CHECKS ON' CHECKS RED�FPIC,OF�THt LIIY CiOMPTftOLLAS ER IL. V BK i ll�4ddlt ilit�.. ?AAYIi1Vl'/f61V1 '��,yyC EE OUNCIL ---- y ` ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL------ - L APPROVED -` NUMBER'^ —_ BY ------ TOTAL DATE � IN FAVOR OF - - - RETURNED 'K CHECK TRANSFER '1 DISBURSEMENT BY B NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS �� BROUGHT FORWARD 1- 78- 921. _ 265016-484- 71670 miss M. Obat, County Treasurer company 14 900 4811 42 53111,1 71671 Allis Chalmers 6 95;, 71672 American Hoist & Derrick Co. 6 00! 7167 B Line service 24 50 7167 The Blue Products Co. 1 758 71675 Capital City Auto Parts Co. Rapids Engineering Co. 31 321 71676 Cedar Ry. 4 7711 71677 C.,M.,St.Paul and Pacific 12 921; 71678 City Dairy Company 1' 103 7911 71679 .Consumers Milk Company 63 17 71680 The Crane Co, of Minnesota 50 101 71681 Harley Davidson Co. Co. 199 8011 71682 L. Eisenmenger Meat 10 50,1 7168 Thos. J.ngel Welding Wks. Finch Do town Chevrolet Co. 2 5 6 7168 194 04', 71685 Goodyear 4erviee stores 128 70'1 71686 Theo. Ham* Brewing Company 36 151 71687 S. A. Hansen Coal Co. 4s'1 71688 Joy Bros. Motor Car Co. 71689 Larry's Auto Glass CO. 17 671 71690 M. and L. Motor supply Co. 47 76;! 71691 Mack Internat'l Motor Truck Corp. 36 101 71692 Maya Ice Cream Corporation 6 25'. 71693 71694 John Maurus Midway Chbvrolet Co. 71695 Model Laundry Co. 52 45,1;; 19 20;; 71696 Motor Power Equipment Go. Inc. 50 00'`� 71697 Multi -Pull, 810 65; 71698 Northern States Power Co - 373 89' 71699 71699 Northern states Powpr Co. 3�7 36, 71700 Northwestern Tire Company 71701 Owens Motor sales Company 44 9' 5 71702 Owens Motor sales Company 144 3B 7170 Paper, Calmenson and Company 78 14 - 7170 Rihm Motor Company 22 55; 71705 Riley Company 134 301i 71706 roorman N. Rosho3t Company 16 56! 71707 71708 Geo. T. Ryan Co. Schmidt Breving Company 128 701; 144 00; 71709 shell Oil Company 36 471 -71710 Speedometer serv. & Ace. Co. 108 51 71711. ® Standard Unit Parte Company 2 05. 71712 superior Refining Company 71713 Western Machine Mfg. Co. 28 iii 7171 R. B. 'Qbitacre and Co., Inc, 134 11; 71715 R. B. Whitacre and Co., Inc. 54 56; 71716 Wolters' Auto supply Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 9 201 78-.943 345 291 u F ; I 1 ' 1 9 201 78-.943 345 291 u F ; I I I I I ' I1I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERKCITY OF SAINT PAUL y - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL BARFU SS FINDLAN __ _IN FAVOR! PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS 2 It, 1y - M4Y 241�0 . 193 V. ROUEN _-- TRUAX AG I."-. AIN STI RESOLVED. CITY TREASURY THAT CHECKS BE D 6^14106N �06N 4 F COVERING z;sw TO THE AGGREGATE AMp/y INC LU VE. Mr.-VimJL' F t�Jl - CMEC KU NUMBER�� / . TO. R PER CHECKS pDf T E F CE OP E CITY COM: ROLLER ADOPTED BY THE p♦p�Uhaj(aC j[I�}L�yJ� �! ��L_ — APPROVED._ - 193— NUMBERA 'J 3, CS 614-4 .—- /�` rn AVOa TOTAL DATE NCHECK UMBER IN FAVOR OF- - -" - RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT ". CHECKS CHECKS n I BROUGHT FORWARD q N! p 207j�1 94.3.. 345_29 _ y_ 1 - — 71717 F. J. Geng, Airport Director _ 1 II. ® 71718 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 2ffi 8 71719 Mrs. Louie Fay �7 71720 Mrs. Louie Literski 63 84 71722 Mrs. Anna R. Foley 249 71721 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 7172' Amer. Had. & Stand. San. Corp. 54 7172 Brown and Day, Inc. 16 71725 Crane Company of Minnesota 176 5 76 71726 Farwell ozmun Kirk and Go. 5 71727 Glovo Products Company 1D 6 71728 Goodrich Silvertown stores 28 2 71729 Griggs Cooper & CBmpany 752 71730 Hersey Manufacturing Co. H; 71731 Latuff Bros. a 71732 C. B. Lyon and Bros. Co. 27 5 7173 G. A. MacArthur 57 7 7173 Millar & Tarras Co., Inc. 71735 Motor Power Equipment Co. 8280 2 71736 National Meter Company 21 71737 Jos. Pavlloek X34 71738 Raymer Hardwarecompany 71739 Roe -James Glass Co. Nursery 465 71740 Rose Hill 95 71741 Sharp and Dohme, Inc. �! ± 71742 Twin City Book and 9taty Co. 21 0 71743 Thomas Shanley 130 2 71744 Wallace J. Murray 33 4 71745 Carl Maronde 193 5' 71746 Capital City Staty. & Mfg. Co. 29 0 71747 Herbert A. Lyon 47 3 4 717 8 Wm J 9 udelth 5 40!': 71749 J. w. & E. G. Manning 36 71750 Mpls. Honeywell Regulator Co. Ti (} 7 71751 Minn. League of women Voters 1 OP 71752 Natl Bureau of Economic Research 8 71753 Nati. Educational Publishing Co. 2 4 7175+ Ohio State University 5 3 71755 Owens-I111noisGlass Co. 2 65 71756 Pacific Press Publishing Assn. 5 71757 Personal Book Shop, Inc. Power Book Company 7 71758 Committee 66} O 71759 ® Public Affairs 71760 RegertB of the Univ.odsC alif. 5 0_ 71761 Ronald Press Company 2 1� 71762 Ryerson Press 52 71763 St. Paul Brass Foundry Co. 7 7176 Schorn Radio Engrs. Co. 4 8 71765 L. Schuoman 39 71766 Stewart Research Laboratory Corporation 26 71767 Telautograpb 71768 Tome River High School 1 476 Oq 71769 Tran8i t Surnly Com -any 14 00 71770'r University of Chicago 3 09 71771 Vitality Goat Dairy 2 65 71772 71773 wm. L. weber western Badge & Novelty Co. 25 73 71774 H. I. Tilson Co. 3720 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 9 201 74 949 745.78, Council File No ---------- ------------------------ 118923 By- ................................................. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of bene_`its, costs and expenses for curbin? Juliet Street from Frior Avenic to Kenneth Avenac, RESOLU'MON RATIFYIN! • � IF4�3_ ' under Preliminary Order.. -1142 ............ Intermediary OrderFinal Order....._11 759•._•., approved.......- AA --A 1----- --19-3H ___ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU TITER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in................................equal installments. MAY 29 2 Adoptedby the Council-----..............._............-----•------..................----- -= 1-9-- Clerk. MAY 291940 Approved............... - --._--...........------------19........ File II709 - V :..// _^`!/�^ .1 Mayor. Form B. B. IS ✓ r' ,T 4L� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment _ April_._30.,.._ 19410 _xggr n__ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for fiw curbinc Juliet Street from Prior Avenue to Kennett: Avenue, under Preliminary Order___ _114285„ ......I Intermediary Order 115450.__ _._..__....._...._.—, Final order_.... 115759_.____.,approved.... Au-ust 1 1939 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - meat, viz terials, equip7pent, eneineerine and $__..._._..........------...... 580.34 Cost oaatla0x . supervision Cost of publishing notice . $----.,4... 50--- - Cost of postal cards fees Inspection fees $-- =----- - Amount of court casts for confirmation --- Total expenditures $....5.94..2.4_.....______.. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.__._590_.24, _._. _.___ ..___...___.....upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered i Troper. . .............:._...— — Commissioner of Finance. Form B. H. 17 Cbtineit File No .......... - ------------------ -- By............................ ................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and exrenses for �racir- kith Avenue from Keler. Street to Lake Cc-ao ani l'.nalen Avenue C. F. No. 118929— In the matter of the assessment beneflta, roste and ezpsnse9 for Ing under Preliminary Order.... -_110872_._--- Intermediary Order.... 1-113-20 .......... Final Order...11.15.8&......... . approved --------------------19._58.. - 118924 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.......----- ..---------equal installments. MAY 29 1940 Adopted by the Council ------- --- -- - --- - ----------------- = 9 %.......................City Clerk. MAY 291940 Approved------------------------------------------------------ 19.. - �w ? Rc n ---------•-- J'."..'.'--........'.----...../--., Mayor. F— B. B. is File 8435 / VMASHED �� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMHIISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of-. Assessment 9pri1..._50,..__1940..__, In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs an x nses for Aimx >radinl Ruth Avenue from Helen Street to Lake Como and F alen Avenue under Preliminary Order __110872 Intermediary Order. 11.1320 Final order..... 111596 a roved ... June 28 1938 -____-___._ _ _ PP To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: materials, equipment, en-ineerine, and Cost of g=X supervision 1.95 Cost of publishing notice .--------- Cost of postal cards $ 35 Inspection fees $............. --..._ _ Amount of court costs for confirmation $.-.. 1.95 Total expenditures $ _134.15 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..._._._134.15 __._..__.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered rproper• r i Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. B. 17 Council P.le No. .....-....................... -018&/�5 By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for >radinz Dunedin Terrace from a rozr.t 25!.2 feet vest of Ada .Street to Ada Street, "C. F. s 11 TP o the matter of the asae ent f beneata, costs Terra.- e[ s for gr.nt nq Du. �" -1 Ads StrW under Preliminary Order -...110 78 Intermediary Order.._.110E16.._....., Final Order .._1 108 9 5---------, approved - ARK1-1- 2-6 - - .......... 19..-3-E . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..............A---<........... equal installments. MAY 2 9 1940 Adopted by the Council-------------- -- - --------------------------- -- ---_ • -- ---...... --.G........- ............. City Clerk. MAY 29 Approved------------------------------------------------------ 19 .... File 8366 Porn e. B. IB i AW ing iIn ................. Mayor. ------------------ fMISHEI) CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment April 30, 1940 xW In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for lbw o,re.dir.p, Dunedin 7errece from a roint 251.2 feet west of Ada Street to Ada Street. under Preliminary Order 110178 ......._. _._ _....., Intermediary Order.._ Final order....._ 110995. approved.._. __April .26, 19 38 .... _ xg92cx.._.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: „crials, egi:ipment, en�ineerin, Cost of/ on $._._....._�........---..—_.... Cost of publishing notice . $..__.._...1. 65 Cost of postal cards - $.....-.__..... 33 Inspection fees . $....._..................— —.._.. Amount of court costs for confirmation $...... 1.65 Total expenditures $. 1G3'.28---.-- ...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $......1..k3.28_..._._ __.._ . ...-upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tided by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered ,proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 11 - , Oddd b nC11Y Clint council N� CITY ST. PAUL •"` OFFICE HE CITY CLERK �//�/ COUNCIL RE 'TION ---GENERAL FORM ��Ln eer�r.tTrn ov // /if ..`Yif/Lti DATE 23t C. F. No. 118928—$' Muton Rose.— That th Northern Ross.— St I.; ewer In Company be given permleelon to In Bridge. 5 pole, East or 99Ln B Cherokee twee. Water Street Sad Cheroke0 Heights Blvd., with necessaryr guys, _ "'hot' .and moved hen Pole, n d w1res to ` .. be reeueeted to do e by the Common Council and Cost 1 said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. timate 30510. Adoptad by the Ceuneil May 29, :940. A Pprov ed May 29,1940. (June 1, 1940) Theft the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 5 poles East of High Bridge, yehrasn Water Street end Cherokee Reights Blvd, with necessary guys. anchors end wires- Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do eo by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company Eetimate 30510. pl. (DIY 291940. Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Yeas Nays Approved MAY 291940 193-- �_Vr4indlsn lf"to !In Favor Fe. Against (�._—..fir`_ j[pit%� �Mr. y�ccon ice res, eteraon) M- C. M- 4, �I ti4�1 r, 1; I 1 oaF�ac"a.e CITY OF ST. PAUL ilii"`` No. OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK 4—'-6Cz— CIL S LUTION--- GENERAL FORM < PRESENTED BY /— DATE May 22 1940 COMMIS9I.ON ER_ ftloo:C•hN`89RTatthe aer' Company be ¢7 n It • on t _ i. .. i. < •:Ise e£ That the northern States Power Company be given permission to install,1-35 foot pole on the north side of Charles, east of Prior, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the northern States Power Company. / r Estimate #33102. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen bend Vice Pres. (Petcrso>) MA1940 193— Adopted by the Counci —Y-29--- / MAY 28 1946 Approved 193— a , In Favor Ma Rn/tMayor y Against Against �!/ COU CIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCM RE JTION---GENERAt=EQRU -.- - TE It wumAS, Sasmel B. Schein* -collector in the Rater Department of the City of Saint Paul, will be incapacitated and unable to perform Ida duties for & period of at least thirty (30) days from sad after the 3rd day of May 1940, and wHOEAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has recommended that Semurr B. Schein be granted a thirty day leave of absence for disability with -pay, beginning 1by 3rd, 1940, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph 3, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore, be it RBSOLVZO, that the proper city authorities be a" are hereby authorised to grant a leave of absence to Samuel B. Schein for thirty days beginning May 3rd, 1940 with full pay. COUNC MEN yeas Nays B uss indlan �r nto sf)n sen .—Sratar1!-- sM Mj nd Vice Pres.(Peterson) �In Favor Against C. P. No. 118928—By Wm. A. Parranto— R'herW, Samuel B. Schein, Collector In the Water Department of the City of Saint Paul, ill be Incappaacitated-: and able to per his dudes for a from andriod of oft atat the 3rd thirtdday3 o)f May, 1940, and Whereas, the Commissioner [ Pub - So Utilities has commended that Samuel B. ,Schein beegranted a thlrty- day leave o[absence for diaablll[y lesu,iiva Pay, genni mplMlancerd Iib Operas graph E. Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore, be It Resolved, That the proper C1ty a - thoritlea be and are hereby authorised to grant a leave [ absence to Samuel B. Schein for thirty deya beginning May 3rd, 1940 with full pay. Adopted by the Council May 29, 1940. Approved May 29. 1940. (Tune 1, 1940) MAY 291940 Adopted by the Council 193— Approved.— MAY 29 1W 193— -0 jqA=IMayor 0091 .l to cur CI rk SAINT 17 fi CITY OF PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FOFNCIL NO._-__ —,��- COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM c.w F. w Pa«g92o ,BY hc.,x.� -b Resolved, That by the -sone PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_-- ----- ""- -- _... _._ DATE------------------"' RESOLVED, That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to 1•esue such and licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: J. J. Rauscher 933 N. Dale St. Ice Station App. 41412 Renewal Armin Eckhoff 707 State St. Barber " 41945 If Tracy 011 Co. 1345 Marshall Ave. Gas Station " 41995 of George Bias 198 Front St. Barber of 42004 of Crist Batroot 193 Ramsey St. n x Restaurant of On Sale Malt " 420& ofae 42065 of n a n x Off Sale Malt If of If n Joseph Kulhanek 7th St 603 W. 11 Restaurant " n 42067 of 42068 If n n n On Sale Malt " 42069 " n n x n Off Sale Malt C. Giovannelli 431 E: 7th St. Bakery " 42071 " Frieda Bork 332 N. Lexington Confectionery " 42073 " Floyd Anderson 551 Rice St. Barber " 42077 n C. J. Schneider Aurora Ave. 5111 Push Cart Peddler 11 to 42085 " 42086 " n n 11 Foodstuff Anthony Rtaj f ton 835 Keeney St, 11 n Vehicle Peddler " Foodstuff VP. n 42103 " 42104 " Catherine Arbuckle 1537 University etaurnt of42113 If " 4211of p n n u IfOnsSaleaMalt n n n Off Sale Malt 11 42115 " Abe Goldberg 201 E. Indiana Foodstuff VP. to of42159 42158 If 11 n Is It to pebAtle Peddler COLITIC-T[IETI Ijeas Tlays Err ss tan to Rosen -Against Mr. PAN r 9on 1m 1-w Cs �bSecon. ice res. 'eterxon)71L � 0 Adopted by the CouncilMAY .29_ .194-_ __-.l94_. _ MAY 29 1940 Approved-----"---- --------194_ In Favor / � l buy' Rlayor �9L,ISHED <���lJ C W. A. oParranto F. M. TG. ruaxarfuss. Resolved, That Ilcenaeapplled for by the per—s named on the Ihitat- tached to this resolution be and the same re hereby granted and the City Clerk le Instructed to Issue a ch li- censes the payment into the City Treasuryof the Cqulred fees. Adopted by the ouncil May 29, 1940. Approved May 29. 1940. (June 1, 194 0) MAY 2 9 1940 COURCILMEn Adopted by the Council_- _p__-_r1 te]4_ f Ile -as nays k%y 2 8 ', arf uss �� Approved_. _. - - -- -- - ----194--- - ,dlan 4sa to In Favor �.e.._. �Or Against [ilayor oxen x Mr. >!t on sin a -au c!Ms.ficcond Vice Pres. (Petersen) edylnd is City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL i`i FILE o•- \��)- COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM, 1��---- PRESENTED BY _..__ _ DATE---Ma+p---�9�- COMMISSIONER_----------- - - - - "--_ -- - RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Emory T. Clark 430 S. Robert St. Gas Station App. 41701 New New Loca. Steve Mallon 1334 Selby Ave. Ice Station 11 41868 11 Old Loca. Leo E. Lewis 327 N. Grotto St. Barber It 41919 " Old Loca. Mrs. Anna Drucker 979 Randolph St. Off Sale Malt " 41971 " New Loca. Yvette Rutman 471 Wabasha St. Grocery n 41997 " New Loca. A. G. Nelson 1406 Ardade St. Gas Station n 42012 n Old Loca Isaac Abramovsky 179 E. 13th St. Junk Gatherer " 42110 Ii Joe Flanagan 300 Vance St. Foot Peddler " 42137 " C W. A. oParranto F. M. TG. ruaxarfuss. Resolved, That Ilcenaeapplled for by the per—s named on the Ihitat- tached to this resolution be and the same re hereby granted and the City Clerk le Instructed to Issue a ch li- censes the payment into the City Treasuryof the Cqulred fees. Adopted by the ouncil May 29, 1940. Approved May 29. 1940. (June 1, 194 0) MAY 2 9 1940 COURCILMEn Adopted by the Council_- _p__-_r1 te]4_ f Ile -as nays k%y 2 8 ', arf uss �� Approved_. _. - - -- -- - ----194--- - ,dlan 4sa to In Favor �.e.._. �Or Against [ilayor oxen x Mr. >!t on sin a -au c!Ms.ficcond Vice Pres. (Petersen) F s Orlylaal to City Clerk I � i �0/j CITY OF SAINT PAUL ou""'Fi��.OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE---May-29.- 1 4Ia-------- COMMISSIONER—_— -- RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 42039, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 42040, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 42041, applied for by Mrs. Josephine Scalze at 565 Payne Ave, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C Resolvo. ed 11That lice. ce ee PorBResfaU- rarvt, aPPll oatlP catlo2039! n 942040, 9a1e Mal[ Bevera6e, app and OK $ale Malt Beverage. ppliehlr. 42097, applied for by Mre. Josephine Scalae y, t 606 PSYne Ave. be and the aIe 1. q hereby granted and the Clty sClerk le II instructed to Issue h licenses upon the vs)'m en t into thea Clty Treasury of the e4u Ire fe es. Adop tedd Mays 290 1940. MaY 29. 1940. Approve one 1, 1940) New, Informally approved by council, May 23, 1940, Old Location. COUTICILITIETI 1]eas nays ar ss m len arranto osen ILUdX� mr. t ,r :;*ilor ,m -4p cR .8econd Vice fres, tPererson� my 291940 Adopted by the Council_ / Approved_.. tY A Rv --194..-- - In Favor 11'y - — J mayor Against OriQioH le Cty Ckrk t CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 'ILE roe NO.— - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 1w PRESENTED BY 2 tl'1 DATE M y -2j; ft;;-1.91.Fp--------- WHEREAS, T Arthur Boyd desires to withdraw application 41873 for On Sale Malt Beverage license at 556-8 Rondo St, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Arthur Boyd the fee of $50.00 and to cancel said application for license. C. F No Where", Arthur 8932—By G. H Arthurr Boyddealrees to lthdrawapplioatlon 41973 for On gale Walt Beverage Ilcenee t 666-9 Rondo I and requeeta the eturn of the 11- cense fee depoalted thereon, therefore, be It of- Reeolyed. That the property city flcera be and they ar hereby thor- leed to refund to Arthur Boyd the fee of $60.00 and to cancel Baldappn-- tlon for license. App owed May 99� nnell 1940. May ;29' 1940. (June 1, 1940) COUTICILMETI Adopted by We CounciP'AY 2'-9 _j ___194__. 1]ea5 / hays MAY 29 IVA sa /h'i[utlan I 1 Approved__ ------------------194_.-. ///PPP///err to /5 e erson In Favor -R6sen / Rlayor-- Tluffx -- Against TTIr. �4l +(dent cellon ,m ,-<o cs ,I§5cond Vice Pres. (Peterson) NOTICE `7., T() CITY OF SAINT PAUL PRINTER COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO, May 28 40 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 1LVED59 OF $ ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 71U CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLL T 'I& s ��NCLUSIvE�AS PER CNo. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MAY 29 19Q"•� r'9aaur to oh,e aggregate b ._:.^,:.'x59. Hovering checks 193_ APPROVED_ ' t MAY 9 193_ mTr eo ROLLeR ' �• I ' I � i t I tt '+ ) 3 a DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAIjL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILEILENUMBER ROLL CALL SARFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON - -- ROSEN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS _ May 28. ,J}Q-- TRUAX__ WENZEL ALAI RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY Q�1 COARING MR. PRES FALLON TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 'U ME MAY29 1940 OF 511, „�''6J�CJ17 IV TO VE. AS 17,75��T SOCCER PER CKHECKS N� ADOPTED BY THE _:.-. E� CE CITY COMLU APPROVED Oct-__flf li r -,93 —___- NUMBER - oMAYaR 99 BY - - TOTAL CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFERDISBURSEMENT DATE RETURNED BY BANK CHECKS I CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD O 7 201– 71949 _745 T�1:------ - ® 71775 'World Book Company 34 24! 71776 Writers' Editions 2 12" 71777 Minneapolis Dredging Company 1 000 00;i 71778 The Belmont Corporation S. Lumber Company 27 04i,: 629 65' 71779 Berglund 71780 F. J. Brings and Company 361 25' 71,781 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 10' 71782 George N. Burt Company _�6�a l43', 7178] Capital City Lime & Cement Co. 29 33 71784 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 82 85' 717 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 53 51 717 Fletcher -Terry Company 17 64', 71787 General Electric Supply Corp. 442 85. 71788 The Grinnell Company 64 89' 71789 The Improvement Bulletin 5 40 71790 Josten's Mfg. Company 38 91 71791 Maendler-Brush Mfg. Co. 75 11 71792 Maryland State Dept. of Educ. 51 7179 w. P. & R. S. Mars Co. 12 22 7179 Miller Supply Company 61 44' 71795 Neptune Meter Company 158 76, 71796 Northern States Power 168 52 71797 North-rn States Power 3 360 76'' 71798 Paper, Calmenson and Company 1 077 65 71799 Pioneer Electric Co.. Inc. 113 78 71800 Pioneer Typewriter Company 127 28 71801 St. Paul Voo.Soh.Petty Cash Fund 3 71802 J. L Shiely Co., Inc. 25 5 71803 Tri-§tate Tel. & Tel. Co. 68 69 71804 Waldorf Bindery Co. 290 61 71805 Kohler Ice Cream Co.,Assignee 483 31 71806 Air Reduction Sales Co., Inc. 51 84 71807 Air Reduction Sales Co., Inc. 61 0 71808 Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co. 16 43 71809 American City Magazine 2 00 71810 Belden -Porter Company 9 14. 71811 The Bemis Bag Company 16 80' 71812 Buffalo Meter Company 28 12; 71813 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Co. 31 64 71814 Curtis 100O.,,,.Inc. 333 20' 71815 Fuel aoonomy Engineering Co. 809 26 • 71816 The rrPA W. Hanks Co. 326 49 71817 Haenstein E. Burmeister 5 00 71818 International Filter Company 33 24 71819 Mpls., St. Paul, & Saulte Ste.M. 11 00 71820 Mueller Company 4 50 71821 National Technical Laboratories 31 25 71822 Northwestern Stamp Works 1 50 71823 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Co. 260 22 71824 Water Works Engineering 3 00' 71825 Wm. H. Ziegler Company 24 66' SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD r 9 201 78 ,961 701 95 I , t III DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF SA1�T OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER cOu rvcl McER__ - - ROLL CALL LE Nu RARFU SS FINDLAN -_ IN FAVOR PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS _ _ May 28, .40_ ROSEN TRUAX _ AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THECITY TREASURY WENZEL TO TH11E AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF E "y 1�— COVERING MR PRES FALLON MAY 291940 P _ (O CHECKS NUMBERED T _ INCLUSIVE. 5 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- -- __— ER CHECKS ON F 'OFFIE F THE Y COMPTRO R APPROVEDjAW —?,9 �fL _ -193_-_ NUMBER -- 1 co�. v+/n/o�cce/•\"� HA.oP -_ �li.� TOTA L IN FAVOR OF _. - ___ 1 DATE RETU Rh EO CHECK 3/ NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CH ECK. CHECKS 1 P K .. BROUGHT FORWARD — 9J 98 201,. 79-}_ 701'75 _ a q fl 311 20 e 71826 Board of water Commissioners 751 33', 71827 1 71828 4,30 59 71829 " " 1 526 23, 71830 " " 586 87 71831 " 71832 Bureau of Auditor= 600 00 7183 John S. Findlan, C.P.R.F. 861 491 7183 R. A. Parranto, Pub. Util. 422 00 71 3 Axel F. Peterson, Comm. Eduo. 245 00 45 718376 Hilton Rosen, Public works 869 18 71838 " 1, " "5 761 92 719 9 n " N n 36 718 07 " " " " 3 63579 71841 n q n a 1 j30 63 77184n qn aNn aa 2 71 2 3 4 186 171 4 2 101 641s44��746 N a fl " 528 02 71g47 a a n u 1 OR 91, 71848 n n n n 71-94.9 N n a n 207 17{l7} 71850 a N fl n 630 19. 225 0 71852 a N « „ 644 06 71853 n fl a fl 646 75 71s5 q N a N 718'555 a n N fl 2 435 90: 71856 Fred H. Truax, P.P1yds.,P.B. 498 73 loo 00 71857 Winton Christianson 71358 Joseph Coria d 100 00 71659 Edward Landeen 100 00 71860 Johp S. Findlan, Finanoe 137 643 505 71861 W. PP Davidson 71862 Hamlin University 1 00 71863 E. J. Pennig Company 2 71864 B. X. Rioe 30 7186$ Ed. Shimon 2 7o 71866 Mrs, M. weber 66 00 71867 Dr. A. H. Pedersen 71868 St. Josephs Hospital 57 20 e 71869 State of Minn., J. flA. Schmahl p 212 00 71870 71871 N fl fl n 351 55 71872 Dept. of Education, A. E. TrudPau 37 80 7187 Mr. A. J. Crocker 15 00 7187 Mr. George W. Lawson 7 50 22 29 71875 Junior League of St. Paul 71876 Ann F. Campion, widow 30 00 71877 Helen sullivan, widow 30 00 71878 society of Prevention of Cruelty 200 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ^ 45 794 19. 103 290 9f T„ 1 r ri 01191n0 W City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL pILE NO.--- - - -` OFFICE OF THE C" CLERK C. F. Na. 119IIA—By G. B. BarfURS, AF` A40NCIL RES UTION- ENERAL FORM wnuzeea' n® t ist by ceancu r 1, A zpq owed May 2 18 ., on the 29th A- 'A'�...�-+lock PRESENTED BY.—: - COMMISSIONER -- WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 118593, approved May 2, 1940, the Council did, on the 28th day of May, 1940, at tan o'clock A. M.in the Council f the Court City Hall, hold a, Chamber public hearing utheoadvisabilityHande and necessity of wrecking that certain two-story frame dwelling located on Lot 14, Block 18, Mackubin & Marshall'a Addition, also described as No. 434 'Rondo Street, following due notice oapproved of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said buildis to property andushouldabe wreckeduand removeo nsafe d; thereforelimb and ,beiit RESOLVED, thisthat resolution, directingg be wrecked removed, the wreckingand removal that a COPY of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public BVildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing ccuo�,noappealhasbee inotice tsaid n takenfro gm thishis heopantorder, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. MAY 291940 Adopted by the Council_- .. _ _ _.194_.__ C011iICILRIETt leas / Ilays MAY 291940 TSa jxss % Approved_.-- FF�indlan -Parranto In Favor' --- [Itayor /1 osen _Against Mr. MIIaden :. lon WDUSHED-_- - ,m -- cd ukccond Vice Pres. (Peterson) CITY OF SAINT PAUL�•� Capital of Minnesota`��� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Cleric and Commissioner of Registration May 28th, 1940 Mr. John W. McConneloig Corporation Counsel City Hall Deur Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the building at 434 Hondo St., on property described as Lot 14, Block 18, Mackubin & Marshall's Addition. Yours very tral;, , City Clerk. / O,laieel to Cit, Ck-,k CGMM1651EONER I I S91114 coU"CI. NO.— - CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. N. 118936-�-By F. M. Truss, G. UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM H. Barfuee, by ReaueEt--- Whereas, Aa proylfled by Counbil F1le F94 pD oy d May 2, 1940, '"'Id, n th 28th day f 1 DATE __-- �.1, A M. fn f WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No• 118594, approved May 2, 1940, the Council did, on the 28th day of May, 19'0, at ten otclock Q• M• in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain one and one-half story frame dwelling located on Lot 27, Block 8, Mowing due Anotice nOfasaid described as No. 281 Rondo Street, following hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 721that 0, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council ounmb and lad oinixsgdPropertyg is unsafe and dangerous to life, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. CoUnCILMETI Ileas / nays /gauss ,,findlan �'Farnto rdl�"+"'""" ,,#'osen anon ,m ,,.�,,Sm "d Vice Plea, (Petenonl Y 291940 -T� - Adopted by the Council.MAY - Approved_____._(1-� -' )", Iilayor avor 4-1 Against a�it}i�}L.ISHEI% CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration May 29th, 14 O Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir.' The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the buildire on Lot 27, Block 8, Niningerts Addition, also known as 291 Rondo St. Yours very traly, �. �ir i City Clerk. ' 0rl4inol I. City Cork CITY OF SAINT PAUL cou,+ciL FILE IVO.— — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 11898ATBy F. M. Truax, G. CO CIL RESOLUTIO --GENERAL FORM H. Bartuea, bP 'Request— u � s By Cou III FYIe No T%, 1 V B. 1940 th. , � DATE PRESENTED BY �M_ __ ,"; -- t 1'-- COMMISSIONER --- — - - - - -- ' 9 WHEREAS, by Council File No. 118653, approved May 8, 1940, the Council determined that that certain large horse barn located on Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 2, Fletcher's Subdivision of Brewster's r Addition, also described as No. 126 WestPennsylvania Avenue, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be nfsessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. couTtCILMETI ljeashags barjuss ��ndlan iParranto `, In Favor sen •L!^ _ ,% -Against Fallon sm "1°qp. , Pmnd Vice Pres. (F`1:1 sont MAY 291940 Adopted by the Council___--_ MAY 291940 Approved--—�-------------104_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Resistration May 28th, 10,40 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall. Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. j) authorizing and directing the Comsr. of Parks, P. & P. B. to enter upon the premises and tear down and remove the large horse barn on Lots 5, o, 7, and 8, Block 2, Fletcher's Subdivision of Brewsterts Addition, also described as No. 126 W. Pennsylvania Ave. Yours very truly, City Clerk. C. F. No. 118938—Ordinance No. 8118— odginsitoCit>Clerk' By G, H. Barrues, by rnQueet— O R D I as nramanc.e aeaaamst, oramanon � 8911 Q •,. tzto, aainm �. Tt. ' all •:2DdNCIL FILE, NO. --__— — PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.— An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, as amended, entitled: "An ordinance providing for all matters concerning, regulating or affecting the construction, alteration, regu- lation, repair, removal, maintenance, use and inspection of all buildings, walls or structures erected or to be erected within the limits of the City of St. Paul for the protection of property against fire, and for the purpose of securing healthful, safe and sanitary environments for the oocnpants Of buildings used for human habitation or otherwise, to compel the owners of such buildings, w alls or structures to alter, recon ruct or modify the same, or any part thereof, for the pur ose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or oecupaiff6y of all buildings, walls or structures; estab- lishing fire limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions; providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing all ordinances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved May 22, 1930. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section•l. That Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 220 1930, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out paragraph (a•) of Section 8-36 and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "(a) For a dwelling or apartment house h r- after erected one story in height, with or wieoout attic, on a lot with less than a forty foot frontage, the side yard space shall be not less than three (3) feet." Section 2. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out paragraph (b) of Section 8.36 and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "(b) For a dwelling or apartment house here- after erected one or two stories in height, with or without attic, the side yard space shall be not less than four (4) feet." Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. JUN 13 1940 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Barfuss Findlan Parranto In Favor --- -- Peterson L, Rosen _ _ _--__Against Mr. President CFattOtr? j'�� i •t1>�°r�.i Approved:—_ Attest: a City Clerk / Mayor t t 'iI :100 1235 CS 21724 Y. 41 s 1. + ter. 1 Znd. Laid over to - -- — Adopted 3rd. &app• Yeas Nays � %Ba ss Yeas / Nays /B a s n in an arr O /" ar to / eterson eterson Ros oxen ruax \2r. President Fallon Truax r. President Fallon C. F. No. 118938—Ordinance No. 8118— odginsitoCit>Clerk' By G, H. Barrues, by rnQueet— O R D I as nramanc.e aeaaamst, oramanon � 8911 Q •,. tzto, aainm �. Tt. ' all •:2DdNCIL FILE, NO. --__— — PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.— An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, as amended, entitled: "An ordinance providing for all matters concerning, regulating or affecting the construction, alteration, regu- lation, repair, removal, maintenance, use and inspection of all buildings, walls or structures erected or to be erected within the limits of the City of St. Paul for the protection of property against fire, and for the purpose of securing healthful, safe and sanitary environments for the oocnpants Of buildings used for human habitation or otherwise, to compel the owners of such buildings, w alls or structures to alter, recon ruct or modify the same, or any part thereof, for the pur ose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or oecupaiff6y of all buildings, walls or structures; estab- lishing fire limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions; providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing all ordinances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved May 22, 1930. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section•l. That Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 220 1930, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out paragraph (a•) of Section 8-36 and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "(a) For a dwelling or apartment house h r- after erected one story in height, with or wieoout attic, on a lot with less than a forty foot frontage, the side yard space shall be not less than three (3) feet." Section 2. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out paragraph (b) of Section 8.36 and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "(b) For a dwelling or apartment house here- after erected one or two stories in height, with or without attic, the side yard space shall be not less than four (4) feet." Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. JUN 13 1940 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Barfuss Findlan Parranto In Favor --- -- Peterson L, Rosen _ _ _--__Against Mr. President CFattOtr? j'�� i •t1>�°r�.i Approved:—_ Attest: a City Clerk / Mayor t t 'iI :100 1235 CS 21724 Y. 41 s 1. + ter. 1 W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner May 27, 1940 Hon. John McConneloug Corporation Counsel Law Department St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Will you kindly draft an ordinance which will amend the building code relative to side yards for buildings as follows? Strike out paragraph (a) of Section 8-36 and substitute in lieu thereof the following: (a) For a dwelling or apartment house hereafter erected one story in height, with or without attic, ion a lot with less than a forty foot frontage, the side yard space shall be not less than three (3) feet. Also strike out paragraph (b) of Section 8-36 and substi- tute the following in lieu thereof: (b) For a dwelling or apartment house hereafter erected one or two stories in height, with or without attic, the--s-1-de yard space shall be not less than four (4) feet. Y9ura t ly, City Architect LAR..0 Original to City ©ark CITY OF ST. PAUL 00uwca No. _....--------------- OFFICE OF THE li-10Y CLERK G��COUNCI��OLUTIOIt�ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��((// June 3, 1940. COMMISSIONER _ DATE Resolved, That the 1-i1rchasing Arent be, and he is hereby aut'riorized to purchase, •i.ith th- coi_:;e:.t o- the o: the Bt. FRUl 7:ork_.ouse, �r 100 hots at a total cost of x;644.42, from E. B. BECK & CUI.:' aR'Y wit'..out advertisement, as this is the oily c.a,r a purchase of livestock can be made on the oouth ot. 1 -au]- Liarket. CharLe 'lnrkhouse Farm- 1016-131_ C. F. No. 118940—By Milton Rosen— Resolved,- That the Purchasing Agent be, and he la hereby authorized to purchase, with theconsent of the Comptroller, for the St. Paul Work- hou9e, 100 he ga at a total coat of 1844.22, from E. B. Beck & Company without advertisement. this le the my way a purchase of livestock ca be madethe South St. Paul Market. I Charge Workhouse Farm -1018-181. f Adopted by the Counell June 8, 1940. ' Approved June e,1940. �t (June 8, 1940) ap 23 JUN 3 1940 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. _ ...._ _.. - .._.__19..._... Yeas Nays "! N 3 1940 "Findlan / , Approved .. _.. _. _... _.. ............. 19....-- i /-Parranto ��e4epsea .... In Favor - _......_ .�.. �..5.1 - ...... .._.- IVI or.._... Rosen /1(ruax Z . Against /Ir. President (Fallon) IM 10-89 .440 @ ,.l 0,hisal is Chy Clerk 189111 CITY OF SAINT L POUaNC�L NO. _ -- - OFFICE THE CITY ERK COUNCIL RESO TION ---GE RAL FORM 1 PRESENTED BY _ - -_ DATE__---Mune--.,-1-9-.-- _oMMISSIONER—___------- ------ -- - RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to enter into an agreement with John Corcoran, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week during such time as he shall be toltally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works on the 18th day of May 1940; be it - FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement the proper city officers are hereby authorized by pay to said John Corcoran the sum of $16.67 out of the Workmen's Compensation' Account of the General Fnnd, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including May 25, 1940. C.Resol11. MilIttY ----- opter cIon ved. That the P l5- ere be and they are hereby anthor- i ed to enter into an ngrIemeor tnt path o[rccompensation ment to him at the rate of $16.00 per eek during such time as he shall be, totally disabled by reason ohim thelD while In thefemployinl-e of partment of public Works on the 18th day of I May. 1940; be it Further Resolved, That In accord - nee said agreement the proper I 0-e. re hereby au thorlaed to F1 pny to said John Corcoran the aum of; pay ut o[ the Workmen's Compen- . eat' on Account o[ the General Fund, 1 1n final settlement o[ Itis claim against ? the Clty, be ing for the period to and including May 11 1840. Adopted by the Council Juas 3, 1940. Approved June 3, 1840. (June 9, 1940) 7 0'� JUN 31944 Adopted by the Council COUTICILMETI ljeas / Tlays / I 't 319" BarfnSs Approved - - _ __ /F`indlan ( /L'arranto In Favor-- - .Ill �n ruax Against 1 or President,iRcDoltouelk Fallon ,in s•ao CS vase Original to City Clerk ti 118-942, � ri CITY OF INT PAUL COFILU— COUNCIL NO• OFFICE Ori HE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOL (1N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-/ DATE --- May -x_1940 In the matter of constructing curbing on Geranium Street from Abell Street to Cortland Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118501 approved April 25, 1940. RESOLVP, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded, and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. n the matter hof conetrActing ocurb- tnB n Qeranlum BL from Abell et. O - CAnd et., under Prellminnry Order C. F. 118601 approved April 26, 1940. Resolved, That all orders In the bo.b matter be And the e hereby cancelled, annulled ani re I .at, a, na all proceedings In such matter discontinued. Adopted by the Cau CII Tune 3, 1940. 3 i Approved Tune 3, 1940. &33} (June 8, 1940) COUTICiLMEn Adopted by the Council_ 194_ _ leashays /' 13arJuss lFindlan1`'- /1 Approved_ In Favor r /t ruax j//. _Against President, 1m 3 Cs 33338 8943 original to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL vas NO.----- __--------------- OFFICE F THE C CLERK COUNCIL R OLUTIONNERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE May 31, ] 940 _ COM M ISSI ONER.—. - Resolved, Thal- the Purc,�asi-nL A.�ent be, znf` he is hereb:, authorized. to vircP,ase, ,,it -,h the consent of :he 'u?ayo_- anr, the CoppLroll -r, one tank ',Q,I leaded easoline, 70-72 octane, from car, approximately 8000 iallons the H. K. STA:?L CO. at a price of 1 .1107 per Lallor , ncllz-r' state tax anal state inspection, less 1%' ten days discount, or, refin,-:ry price only, to be spo .ted on Lunici-pal Fouipment Boreal) spur at Dale St., on ini'ormal bids, as an emer.L;ency exists vrhere fa --Lure to act promptly v;)uld Iork a hardship to tl',e best interests of the City. Char -_e General F�nd- Municipal Equipment- 1J03-134 COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays /$arfuse /Findlan i arranto ( j Favor --Rosen /Pruax -..Against `j*�y+� President (Fallon) IM io- mislo.o C. F. No. 118943—BY Milton Rosen— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he Is hereby author- ized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Cl P0g 001allons tank car approximately • Q-, leaded gasoline, 70-75 octane, from the H. K Stahl Co. at a price of 11.1107 per gallon, Including state tax and state inspection, leas 1 ten day. discount on refinery price only, to be .potted on Municipal E ulpment Bureau spar at Dale St..on formal 1 bide, a mergency e here failure eto act promptly would work .F hardship to the beet Interests of the } City. Charge General Fund—Muni- cipal Equipment -1003-134. Adopted by the Council June 3, 1940. )$ Approved June 3, 1940. y (June 8, 1940)_._-..._._--_ { :R 3 M0 Adopted by the Council. ._.__............_---------- 19.-_.... jW3luo 9 ... Approved.-....-----._----....._.__ . t ' SRI O""n" to City Clerk , CITY OF S"A PAUL counca _ `.t_�? FILE NO._. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM C. F. ;o. 118944—BY G. a. Barfnea— P. M. Truax—W. A. Parranto— Whereae, Edward Blaeohka has P.- PRESENTEDtltIoned th ^; ., 1 BY - DATE --- COMMISSIONER ---.----------- _ - WHEREAS, Edward Blaschka has petitioned the Council for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station on Lot 21, Block 26, Rice & Irvine's Addition, located at the northwest corner of Exchange and Eagle Streets; and WHEREAS, said Edward Blaschke has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out With driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc.,for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to said Edward Blaschke to install and operate said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage, or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permission herein granted may be revoked by the Council whenever it shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. COUTICILMETI IJeas hays ar ss i_�ndlan iParranto In Favor os:3n "rua� - „Against 1p-.. President•71�[m%k Fallon em e . c5--1 Adopted bq the Council —JUN 3 1940, -- — JUN 3 19 Approved _ _-_-- .._-----1®4_. 'V ��I �_---------- or ,�jj$115HED CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Ma? 29th, 1940 )Ar *John W. McConncloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Edward Blaschka for permission to install and operate a drive-in filling station at the north-west co ne4ddition. r of Exchange and Eagle Sts., on Lot 21, Block 26, nort Yours truly, City Clerk. w v POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Pauf, Minn.,__ ,j{l_._- _19 41Z Pursuant to Section s as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St Paul, July'i1h, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of Edward :ilascrika to erect and install a filling station located at NQrthv -s or-' r o" E.dQLun-e and F ;-1 Stn on 1A) 21 nloc -6 Rice t- T,-..,-, 4.,. F, -- will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the Cily Hall and Court House Building on the 29th day of_ "a" _, 19 40 , at 10 o'clock A. IA: .. JOHn S. FInIDLAn, Commissioner of Finance. Page __File 8982 G�TY p ¢4F F �'A 'ea aceseaoeee d a �� rr ae e�•Mo� ARTHUR S IAILINOWSKI, Ch-manAUGUST HOH�I TFIN EDWIN H LUN DIE BERNARD J. McGLYNH FGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, &y Archei GFORGE H HFRROLD. Gn �r tica�i,ry THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 71h, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE Hr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : may 16th, 1940. In the matter of application of Edward Blaschke for a drive-in filling station at the southwest corner of Exchange and Eagle Streets. This is Lot 21, Block 26, Rice do Irvine's Addition, with a frontage of 72 ft. on Exchange St, and 76 ft. 6 inches on Eagle St. 1 The plans call for one driveway on Eagle St. and one off of Exchange St. As this is across the street from the end of the Kellogg Boulevard ramp, the plans have been carefully revised from their original design and present the least hazards possible, and the Board of Zoning believe that the present design should be approved. The property is zoned as Light Industry and is now occupied by billboards end rubbish. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary, i gh-rh ! t 9 CLINTON A. HACKERT Chief of Police ROBERT B. J.SCHOCH, >t. D. K'M.,J. SUDEITH l:. E. BRISSMAN }leaItlth Ufficci. Fire Chief Supt. of I'olire and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capitol of Minnesota J e artrrae�at o u cc a et 'tenth :md Minnesota Streets G. H. RARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. IICLLANEY, DcPurtq C.nmmissionrr May 21, lAO N Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk Saint Paul, bfinnesota Dear Sir: Referring to application maue by Edward Blaschke for permit to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station to be located on Lot 21, Block 26, of Rice and Irvi_ne's Addition, which is also described as the southwest corner of Exchange and Eagle Streets: Inspections were' made by Harry K. ',lettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, and ';iilliam C. Barron, Chiof Fire Inspectur; their reports arr aLtache . V'eu1, yours Commissioner of Public,_Safety IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY Of SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION May 21 1940 Mr. G. H. Barfuss, commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by Edward Blaschke for permit to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station to be located on Lot 21 of Block 26, Rioe and Irvine's Addition, which is also described as the south- west corner of Exchange and Eagle Streets. you may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises and blueprints and I do not find that this station or the driveways will materially interfere with the movement of traffic. From the traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. yours truly, Harry N. Wettergren Superintendent of Traffic HW/GW THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION May 17th, 1940. Hon. G. R. Earfuas, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sirt In regard to the application made by Edward Blaschke for permission to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station to be located on Lot 21, Block 26 of Bice and Irvine's Addition also described as the southwest corner of Ezchange and Eagle Streets. We have made the usual inspection of the foregoing location and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard of that vacinity nor would there be any increase in the insurance rates to adjacent properties if the proposed installation is per- mitted. WCB/z Respectfully yours, '14cly - L. _<�-1—n! . Chief Fire Inspector. /V_ TH 0 9A CITY OF ST. PAUL IL[R In TKF _Y TRIPLICATE cLeRrc a oi�lcc OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMO L FILLING STATION - i. Ji J -f LGA.' ✓ — t E TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made ( r BY -- - - iNAVE of FIRM oR �noly lnunL FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL ANO OPERATE A.oRrvl sIo c[ AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT — — ALSO DESCRIBED AS _ ' r -�BER T 1_ RE[T Ano nu MBfR� . --- — N OF O GAS TANKS— --CAPACITY OF EACH TANK J_ NOOF PUMPS RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK - _IgG1_ DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD — BY_-- odaln•1 to cur Clerk rt FILE 18;94,.5 - ----_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL t•ae NO.-- — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL .FORM Junes+..1940 — _ DATE---- --- PRESENTEb - - COMMISSIO R WHEREAS, heretofore non Sales iquor license $1466 was issued to Leo Thienes (now deceased) and William Klein at 1013 Front St. and L WHEREAS, William Klein and the administrator of the estate of Leo Thienes have requested that said license be transferred to William Klein only at the same address, and WHEREAS, the said William Klein has filed a bond in the osum ofveds $3-00to 0.00 asere ution aired by City Ordinance, and said bond bas been app by the Corpora�lon Counsel; therefore be it RESOLVED, that non Sale" Liquor license x¢1466, heretofore issued to Leo Thienes and William Klein at 1013 Front St. be and the same is hereby transferred to William Klein only at 1013 Front St. and the bond of the said William Klein is hereby approved and the City Clerk 1s directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and on the bond of the said William Klein and Leo directed to release the surety ty arising after the date this resolution VhSbnes from any further liabili Is published. C. p. No. 118945--BY 189y WBA G. H. Burff-se— Whereae, Heretofore "On gale' Li- quor 11..... No. 1488 was feaued to it.. K1elnI.— Thlanesatnow lots Fr ntaataand B- Whereas, William Klein and the ed- minlstrator of the estate of Leo Thienes have requested that said 11- cense be transferred to Wtlllam Kish only at the me address and Whereas, The aid VI)igtam Kle)n has Bled a bond In the um of ss,000.0o as required by City Ordi- 11 ounce, andt. auld bond has' been aD- Y thevCoFpor tion Covne 1; tharefoore be It' Resolved, That her afore Liquor lt- enae No. 1486, heretofore feaued to Leo Thienes and William Klein at 1013 Front 8t. be fnd the same fs hereby transferred to William 81e1Is Transfer informally approved by r ly at lois Front at ana the bens I of the- said William Klein le hereby Council, May 23, 1940. ae� ea o a o sit thCity same Clerk thee onto. Old Location. of the coir Comptroller and the Cur- Old fe authors and n tied to release the surety n the bond of the eafd William Kletn and Leo Thlenee tromany further Babllitr rfeing after tae date this resolution 1e publlahed. Adopted by the Council June 3, 1940. une Approved 40. �Jyu�n�e 8p 11, 11940) Adopted by the Council-I�— C011IlCILMETI yeas nays Joh 3190 Bs Approved_— ---�L94--_ Zar, _an anto In Favor 7n //�� Against run / President, p sin s-4o as osssr �`� - CITY OF SAINT PAUL //P/ `T f— �-,?-/a APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No......................... Name of Applicant.. W.L 11 Lam.. Kl,e Ln................................................... Age....... 34 ............. Residence Address.......... SP0tI,M%9.8.o..Blvd.1..............................Telephone No.....HA...52.7.7....... Are you a citizen of the United States?..................................................................................... Have volt ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? ...................... X.ea........ ................... ..................................... .............................. ............ When and where? ....... 4..y.earP..At.,1013.-Fy.Q31t.. 3tT)eet, "I. t,,,.PaU1"..MLDrI.@aD.ta................... If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation............................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... When incorporated?.................................................. ............................................................. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?............................................ How many members?...... "" """"""' Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ...................... ................................. ................................ ......... I...... ...................... Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known .... A1 tAg................................................ umber Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 1013 Front St. North Word & Argyle 12th How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)?..... 2. mile9......................... How many feet from a church (measured along streets)?....................................................................... Ilow many fee, from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets)?... 3.. b1,Oeke.......... McCullon School Nameof closest school....................................................................................................... How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?........C.ommerei4l................................................ On what floor located?............ ....................... Fire.t..I''IQQ;o A ......................W.... . I2.n..de .......on .......... . Are premises owned by you or leased? ... Leaatng.. ...If leased give name of owner... 2011"'Froylt"St':""' - If a restaurant, give seating capacity? ......... About..7.0....................... ........................... ............... ..... If ho.el, seating capacity of main dining room?................................................................................. Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor "sales are intended: .................................... nn e.. SA.pm.................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... IThe information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room ior liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel?... .......................... .................................................................. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)................................................................ Give names and addresses of three business references: ..................... . ... ........ - . ............... I........ ..... ................ ...... .f....................................................... Hammes Brewer z......................... .... Y.......... .......................................................... .......................... Benz Liquor Company 3.......................................... THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended L.pplication checke 1 by Dated...... MAY ..2.3xd... ...... 19340... ............................................................ ....................... ....... I.............. License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE Z ■xM V = N STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY. H1�.1 i &Tp .ILS 6.iri.................................................... being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the following application acid knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. SUbsc ibed ands n t befor me this........ T .. d o .......Ma ........19AC ... ................. .oft ................... J of y Public, Ramsey ounty, Minn. My c in ission expires..... I . „26th,.. 19.AI.. STATE OF MINNESOTA,1 COUNTY OF RAMSEY. j ss. ......................................................................................................... being first duly sworn, deposesand says that.....................the...................................................................................... of................................................................................................................... a corporation; that.....................................has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of................................knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporal n; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board o irectors, and said application and the execution. thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. ^�=C���/ ?� ✓ .. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .................... day of ..................... 193.. ............................................. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires. 0 Od,butl to City Ck,t CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fou Nt:IL FILE NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM aline _5. 1940 - PRESENTED DATE—__ - COMMISSIONEY --" --- RESOLVED: That On Sale Malt Beverage license #6269, expiring April 7, 1941, Restaurant license $1632, expiring April 7, 1941, and Off Sale Malt Beverage license $9177, expiring April 7, 1941, issued to Leo Thieneaa (now deceased) and William Klein at 1013 Front St, be and the same are hereby transferred to William Klein only at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. Trsf. informally approved by Council, May 29, 1940. Old Location. COURCILMETI Teas Tlags / Ddi]❑S3 ,'Findlan 145d/rrantto�' �ose'�R n / truax Ttir President, t—m—dyt, ' ,m o C8 I.— r(;.^j P'9{_, C. F. No. 118948—By G. H. Barfuee— R. A, parranto—. Resolved, That On Sale Malt Bev - rage Ilcenee No. 6869, ezplring ADrll 7, 1941, Reetaurnnt license No. 1683, Maltt Beverage license pApra 71841,and Ott Bale BNo. 9177, plying April 7, 1941, Issued to Leo Thlenea (now deceased) , William Klein at 1013 Front 9t, be and the me hereby transferred to Wil- liam Kleln only at the same address end the proper city officers are In- trusted to make the proper changesthe ' In— n tdoptedb y the Council June 3, 1940. .Dproved June 8 1940. (June k 1940) .DUN 31940 Adopted bit the Council_ 3 1940 / Approved_------ —194— . In FavorRlagor �J�-+�`"-----agar _Against C. F. No. 118817—B9 G. H. Barft- '081947 F. M. TruaaParraa[o-- OrIgi—i to MY Ctrrk Wbereas, The Wabaeha-Tblyd til ha,. made a:.... ...., �.�o? .�^ ]..•C _.__ CITY OF SAINT Pi to or--te NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY' __. _—___ DATE__.___'1un8 COM MISSIONE---------------- ---- WHEREAS,. the Wabasha-Third Corp, has made application 41386 for license to operate as auto rental cars upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, two (2) automobiles described as follows: Car Rental No, Make Motor No Insurance Co, Expiration 11 Ford 15-5649243 Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co. policy $HSC 120688 May 1, 1941 12 Ford 18-5602599 a ° May 1, 1941 WHEREAS, said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of St. Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as auto rental cars upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same are hereby granted to the Wabasha-Third Corp, and the City Clerk is inathucted to issue such licenses upon the payment into t�e city treasury of the required fees. 1 New. COUTICILMETI I]easTlays 1f ass l Findlan �Paarranto IR '�trudX /(Clr, PresidenYgRleHvne�� nm 3 -aa cs a VOUN 81940 Adopted by the Council____ _____.____ _..194__ JUN 3 1940 Approved �—/-----------194__.. ��� In FavorI i _Againat.��� C 0001-1 to Clly Ckrk COUNCIL (� CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO.___ _-- \ h OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OO -'1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM U CORTICTLIIlETI COMMISSIONER - - RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue be and the same are into the city treasury of the required fees: such licenses upon the payment Peleleen - 224-30 E. 7th St. Butwinick Bros. 3 2nd Hand Dlr. App.41929 Renewal Rusterman Bros. 2264 Como Ave. Confectionery " 42039 " Stanley Fedorowski lOg4 Earl St. GasStation " 42o42 " " 42043 " It It a " Ice Station Mrs. Anna Hoffman 1260 Arcade St. Gas Station " 42075 " John Zittel 1102 W. Larpenteur Gas Station " 42076 " John B.Mauer & Tena Winter 73-75 W. 7th St. Restaurant " 42079 " " 42079 " " " a " It On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt " 42040 " C.Soanos & G.Lekas 495 Jackson St. On Sale Malt " 42092 " " 42093 " n " n a Off Sale Malt John J. Colbert 596 Rice St. Restaurant " 42105 " " 42106 " " tt II n On Sale Malt t " It " Off Sale Malt It 42107 It Pete Georgantones 251 Iglehart Vehicle Peddler" 42171 " " 42172 " 11 Foodstuff C. P," No. 119948—By G. FI. Bectu, W. A Parranto—F. M. Truaz— bYBthel Dare That arced a n `[lis applied lat a[r tacked to his r solutloa be and the Clerk le he -by ce aaeo°issue auahthe ClilY of ty etreasury the the required tteee.he Adopted by tha Connell June 3, 1940. ADProved June 9, 1940. (June 8, 1940) U CORTICTLIIlETI ljeas / Tlays Barf uss �ndlan I� ,,Oarranto :J to Favor Peleleen - Al ..n / G / l ruax � _Against /thr. President, r 3111 e-ao Cs ]CJJe Fallon Adopted by JUN the Council_._. -- 31940 ---------194— App�rov�edJUN319 yor t onaln.l to coy Clerk n CITY OF SAINT PAUL ( rae NO.– - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 11 _ DATE --_M PRESENTED B - -- COMMISSIONER_------�"- — -- -- � - - "------ WEEMS, Frank G. Capetz desires to withdraw application 1+2182 for Barber license at 232 S. Snelling Ave, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Frank G. Capetz the fee of $3.00 and to cancel said application for license. councli'mEll LleasTlays ar s � /indlan /Yarranto in Favor /qd en �icuax Against /6'. Pmsidenl, 309MAXAM am e -ac Cs --- Fallon C. F. No. 118949—By G. H. Earfuse— F. M. Tru W. A. P&rranta— Whereas• Frank G. Capeta desire.. Harbert license at 2188aS. Snelling Ave. and resueeis the return [ the license fee deposited thereon• therefore, be it Resolved. That the proper citym- ce a be and they re hereby author- ,Ised to refund to Frank G. Capets the, jfee of $ 8.00 and to cancel old appli- ' cation for license. Adopted by the Council June 8, 1940. i I Approved June (94 June 88, 11946) JUN JUN S 1944 Adopted by the Council---1�-- Approved juv.- 8-1940 --194_ - original to City Clete CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU CIL File NO._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Z PRESENTED BDATE----- COMMISSIONER-M8''.�J�-s-.-13-------- COMMISSIONER - "-- -"- _---- RESOLVED; That licenses applied. for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instruct3d to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Harry Dietsch 498 Lafond St. Grocery App. 42097 New Old Location Havir F. Stirzl 931 Tuscarora Ave. Phot Peddler 11 42163 it Sam Berkman 205 State St. Junk Gatherer 1' 42174 n Morris Tillipman 654 Broadway St. Junk Gatherer n 42184 " COUTICILITIETt Ileas % Tlays / 5artuss / ,,findlan / Parranto / In Favor --paicrnvn----� ^ / Aosen 'Yfuax J\) Against ' Z6r. PresidenK Fallon < sm Cs sass C. F. No. 118960—By G. H. Barfuss— W. A. Parraato—F. BL True— Resolved, rue — Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persona named on the list at- tached to this resolution be and the are hereby granted and the City Cle,k is instructed to Issue such li- censes upon the payment Into the city treasuryf the required fees. Adopted by the Council June 3, 1940. Approved June 3. 1940. P (June 8, 1940)l Adopted by the Council____ _. - _..-_.-___ - _-104_-- Approved__._JUN. 8-W 194_... oriaioal to City Clerk 11i11�_.. • CITY OF SAINT PAUL cou.c., s t. . .. _ ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO.— COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL TORN c'wherosa 188The BYCommiaTrutt — • -Parke, playground.^and Publlo 3t8 6 h s reporter .n,n PRESENTED BY fF house a COMMISSIONER Truax —_ ___. ' - -.. _ DA1µ.,, nr sn: •-I s.li _..- gess WHEREAS, the Commissio" r of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the louncil that the house and shed lo- cated on part of Lot 9 northerly of line commencing at a point on Cherry Street 97.40 feet southerly from easterly corner of said lot, thence northwesterly at an angle of 72 degrees 20 minutes from southerly line of said lot, 80.7 feet, thence angle to the right 15 degrees 10 minutes 95.40 feet to a point on the northwesterly line of said lot, 122.40 feet southwesterly from the northeasterly corner thereof, of Lot 9, Fred Althen's Subdivision of Block 61, Lyman Dayton's Addition to St. Paul, also described as No. 619 Cherry Street, are In such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant their being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said buildings, on the 25th day of June, 1940, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber at the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of COUTICILIIIETI Adopted by the Council v Barjuss Findlan Parranto •""-P6terson--��� Rosen Truax Mr. President, favela&NWh sm >-ao Cs sense alCp.., Approved__ V In Favor Mayor Against 009iaEl to City Clt•rlt 11 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.—_-__ _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL40RM PRESERTED BY COMMISSIONER--..____.._.- ___.____. _-....._-.. - _ _ DATE--- (2) ATE___(2) said property ->,&*--his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of the property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days priot to the date of said hearing. 0 N COUTICILMEA Ijeas nags barj uss Findinlan Parranlo pelelsen In Favor Rosen Truax I� -Against Mr. President, MaCkMRaqk Fallon 3M 1.40 CS 13,3E Adopted bit the Council_ JUN 3 iW0194__ A Approved _-_ ____---_ _—.-_-104_ ... //mo�or// CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota }' OFFICE OF CITY CCK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration May 29th, 19110 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel Cit, Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the house and the shed at 619 Cherry St., as more fully described in the attached letter of the City Architect. Yours very truly, City Clerk. 11 W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNFST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner May 28, 1940 Hon. Council City of St. caul Gentlemen: The house and shed at 619 Cherry Street are referred to you for condemnation. The property is described as that part of Lot 9 northerly of line commencing at a point on corner of saidCherry t 97.401 lot, thence rtenorthwesterly at an f ananglerom aofe72ydegrees 20'min- utes from southerly line of said lot 80.74, thence angle to the right 15 degrees 10 minutes 95.404 to a point on the northwesterly line of said lot 122.401 southwesterly from northeasterly corner thereof of Lot 9, Fred Althen's Sub- division of Block 61, Lyman Dayton's Addition to St. Paul - The chimney is ready to collapse, the porches are rotted and unsafe, the exterior is very poor and both buildings are dilapidated and dangerous to life, limb, and adjoin- ing property. A Danger Notice has been posted and the own- er, Andrew Schoch, Seventh and Broadway, h8ts been notified of its condition. Kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. o truly, LAR. Cit Architect .0 i � orim..l !. Chs Ckr4 18952 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL- _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 118962—By F. M. Truax. Whereas, The Commfesfoner i'. C911LlCIL RESOI JION---GENERAL FORNrarra, Playar... ft In6e 6a the 4 1 �Io PRESENTED ER Nax �1�/ ,{� k.� - _ _ _ _ _ DA - --- — COMMISSIONER ._—---�'—""""—"� - - "" - - "'- WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the garage on Lot 9, Auditor's Subdivision No. 52, in the rear of No. 172 Nina Avenue, Is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it ( RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability Iand necessity of wrecking said building, on the 25th day of June, 1940, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the/ time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the officigl newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. JUN 3 COUTICILRIEn / Adopted bq the Council __ 194_ __. leas nags Jul a 13 Barjuss Findlan Approved_ J Parranto In Favor k Rosen Truax ... Against Fallon [A of L,ISHED Mr. President, =Mabby4h am 5.40 Cs assay CITY OF SAINT PAUL a. Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration May 29th, 1;4O Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir, The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the garage in the rear of 172 Nina St., on Lot 9, Auditor's Subdivision No. 52. yours very truly, G� City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNESf W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD -Supt: of Parks Supt of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner May 28, 1940 Eon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: This Department is receiving complaints relative to the condition of the garage at the rear of 172 Nina Street, on Lot 9, Auditor's Subdivision No. 52. The garage is very dilapidated and a fire hazard, danger- ous to life, limb, and adjoining property. A Danger Notice has been posted and the owner is listed as Honorable John S. Findlan, Land Commissioner. Kindly institute condemnation proceedings in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. ou truly, City rchitect LAR..0 odow to city cke. 89953 CITY OF ST. PAUL nii NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCLL,. RESO}JTfOrq,jGENtRAL FORM � RESOLVED, that rater mains be laid in the following streets in the City of Saint Pault Soheffer Av. from So. Albert St. to So. Pascal St. Osage St. from Carbon St. to South St. Idaho Av. from No. Grotto St. to Ash St. Larpenteur Av. from Overbrook Av. to Harvard St. Dunedin 'Terrace from Ada St. to State St. Otis Av. from Summerville Av. to West City Limits C. P. No. 118968—ny W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That water -alae be laid in the following streets in the City of Salnt Paul. Sch.M.r Ave. from So. Albert SL to So. Pascal SL; St.; Osage St. from Carbon St. to South Idaho Ave. from No. Grotto 9t., to Ash SL; Larpenteur Ave. from Overbrool, Ave, to Harvard SL; Dunedin Terrace from Ada SL to StateSt.; Otis Ave. from Summervllle Ave. to WestCity Limits. Adopted by the Council June 3, 1960. I Approved June 8 1940. 1 (June �, 1940) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciI4" 193— Yeas � MNays Jtt7 ON 9 Fian Approved_ h! 193— /Pain�ndlrranto e e In Favor 1Imayor ,Wsen Truax Against Mr. President (Fallon) 681 648 CB 2nd.—�� #' Laid over to 3rd. &app. L� Adopted \ YeasNays Yeas Nays B Us' B�Muss ZFi an /N't ian / unto rranto Pyterson � Peter n J c/ Rosen R )en Truaxruax /Mr. President Fallon sr. President Fallon 11ri¢i-1. ('ity CI—k t ORDINANCE1f�{� COUNCIL FILE NO._.-__ PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.__- __ _v u-0— An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 8088, approved Jam3ery 16, 1940, entitled. "An ordinance settling the claim of Leo C. Stewart against the City of Saint Paul." The Council of the City of Saint Paul does Ordain: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8088, approved January 16, 1940, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. C. F. No. 118964—Ordinance No. BIse— Hy G. H. Ilnr[uea, by requeat— An ortlinance repealing Ordinance No. 8088, approved January 18, 1940, en- titled: "An ordinance settling the claim of Leo C. S Saint Paultew"art against the City of The Council of the City of Saint Raw, doe. ordain: SECTION 1. ThatJanuary OIs.11940, beosnd 8thea...a 1. hereby repealed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall. take effect and be In force thirty days after its pas- sage and publication. Passed by the Councll June 26, 3840. Yea. —Councilmen Barfus.. Findlan, Parranto, Peterson, Rosen, Truaa, Mr. President (McDonough) -7. NapeovNone. Approved June 26, 1940. JOHN J. MCDONOUGH, Attest: Mayor. H. T. O'CONNELL, Clty Clerk. (June 29, 1940) Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Faiferr)- i Attest City C;lerc :hill 12-3M ('V 21724 JUN 251940 Passed by the Council_ 7 In Favor Against JUN 251940 pro' Mayor P Petition � JL171�e��� ' Council File No................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, v iz.: Construct a sidewalk"on both aides of Pinehurst Avenue from ...................."" Howe17 . Avsnue..tp..Kenneth.Avanue...................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. ..........................a..................................................:......... Dated this..2.9.th....... day of...... .............. ...Y............. / ......., 193t9.... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .... Construct a sidewalk.on.both_sides"of Pinehurst Avenue from ............................ ......... Howell .PQenue..to. Xonnath .Ave.nue...................................................................... .................................................................................... c. F. No. 118966— . .............................................................. I..................... ,. ............. a having beej presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ JUN 31940 / Adopted by the Council................................................ YEAS NAYS JUN 3190 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO � �$OSEN ................. �... �... ............ `fRUAX� "1. ayor. MR. PRESIDENT IM 12.38 See petition with preliminary order for sidew k between Council File I o..g..00me..l`imita PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1189,56 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: „..,,,,,,,Curbing,Pinehurst.Avenue..Prom.Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Street .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. ..................... Dated this .... 4 ........day of............ I.fW ......................... .. - e—. ............I .............`............................. ..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .,................... ......................................................................................... - l`.118858— .''z-"' ............................................................... ............. ..............46,tiwet. ......................................................................................................'.: having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2.. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing gmatters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓' Adopted by the Council ................... x1f�....a4 1940.......... YEAS NAYS s� Councilman BARFUSS Approved ............ �/BtJ..... 3194® FINDLAN PARRANTO %!� ---Pf EIER�7J • : • • N— ROS�j �......... ............ TRUAX /V ` ' yor. MR. PRESIDENT/��/��% IM 12.38 ISFMD4L 4 Petition Council File No...1 189-5 / PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT CC PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: .................. Curhing..the. narth..sida . af..Iry.. A-Penua . Ysom. 9accada . Str..eat.......... ........ ........ ..................G9..Td@Ad9.Ge.S.tF.@et................................................................................... ............................................................. .................................................. .................................... &t�— Dated this.... 29th..... day of................May................ j 1 -, ............ .................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Cvrbin$,the,Aorth,side, of. ivy..Ayenue. Prom Arcade Street .............................. ................. ....to.Mendota,Street.................................................. C. F. N.. 118957— .......... .............................................................. . having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ / Adopted by the Council ............JY�e....e�.� ................. YEAS NAYS Approved JUN 3190 �...................... Councilman BARFUSS PP """""' FINDLAN PARRANTOPEfERSOW— _ ROSEN • •••.�..... . ................. .......... ........... ayor. TRUAX J MR. PRESIDENT 1M 12.38 C/-,G 04 Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ..... Q.Wb1u9.QQr DA=. Avenus..Yspm. Abeu. Stye.et.......................... ... ....................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ JUN 31940 Adopted by the Council ................................................ WAS NAYS IM 12,38 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ....................................... JUN 31940 FINDLAN PARRANTO ROSEN • . • TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT �,. ......... Ma r. -rBT,ISiTED 4 / Petition L__ 118959 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR II#PROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: „.„.„Conetruotiag, e, sewer, on,Hazel,Street from.Eifth Street to... point . .. ...... ............100 feet south of Fourth Street................................................................... ............................................................................................................. .................................................7.. Dated this ... 4th. ....... day of......................u.ne ..................... 1940.... ............................................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: laoMnstrnyoting ya. sewye�r�..o.n Haazel Street from Fi.fth .Street to a .POW.. .............4W.Y.tir"t r............................. C. F. Na. 11889959— A ��trect ....................................... ................................................... i.................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. • JUN ✓/ Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS p . ! Councilman BARFUSS AppJUN roved ..................... $........................... FINDLAN PARRANTO MOSEN _- R�� \> .............. 1. ... ............ TRU J yor. MR. PRESIDENT l IM 12.38 WIWSHED Petition !/ 11 Council File No.c.1...8...b�0 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Constrnot a aeaer on Marshall Plaoe from the terminus of the existing .......................................................................................................................... . sewer.36�,2,feet,� O5. f. Farrington Street to a P.0 int. 130 feet east ox. �ezr� aBtan .Street..................................................................................... ................ Dated, this ....04 ....... day of.................June................ ........., ly�4.0 . i Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: apt}qt,.ey,136!f¢r.on,pierahall,Plaoe,from the terminus of the existing eeerer 36?.2.feet east of Farrington Street to a point 130 feet east of ...........ke?z isgton,Street................................................. C. F. No. 118880— ............................................................... ....................... Wher—, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................... ....................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 00 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUN a 1940 U" Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS u ��p Councilman BARFUSS Approved........ JUN ... 3.194 • • • ... • .. • . • . • • • • • . FINDLAN PARRANTO " F/ i' PETERS0 ROSE/in//� ............ TRUAX (a/ ,p Anyor. MR. PRESIDENT 1?'[i 1BLISfIED `/fo 1M 12.38 i 118961 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY &DER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement byttea heCit�yo Saint P ul viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk, and reset greni. . . . ......... .. on -t . . . . . . . . .. . ......... ... .. int 120 feet east of 7eolcaon Street, south„side•oY E. Fourth Street Prom a ................................ thonos� . aaRt..54 . R�Qt................................................................................. . Dated this ... hth....... da of....................?une.,.......... Y �i+�--- .............. ............... /... ......................Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .ar.the.eidd t �ai.ts..Fab on t.h.e..... , ........ � int 120 feet east of 7aFkson Street, .......................................... ........��1@4Re..�Qtt.�Q..�QQt.T......................... .............................. C. F. No. 118961— ct ........................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul......................................'.°.F`,,, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. / --b-JUN bJUN 3190 ✓ 0 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS JUN 31940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO —PrrEFSOIT f J ........ r ..... ROSEN ............... . ... TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT i L ���� Council File No....A 8962 +, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and f PRELIMINARY ORbER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: $econstrpcti t}g,. ,reP.�irinB .and .rel aXiAS. the. ai.dewal k . on..the. north. aida . of.......... .6-wm er..Straet . Yram .Rica. Street. A.Q . a. point .125. teat-east................................. . ......................................................................................................... Dated this...............day of................ MgY................ . 29th ........... 194.... .......................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstructing,. repairing,.and _rel ging the sidewalk on the north side of ...._ 9twatar. straet.aro�u.Rica.Stzeet..tR.a.P.9nt.}?S..YQet,,east.................................. C. F. No. 118963— ............................................................... ............................ Ab.t—t. ........................................................................................... r.,a. A wrnt?Z In - f'- • Z having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................. ••.- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...................: !! ...... 1940................. YEAS NAYS nAA Approved........... JU.. 3 1 Councilman BARFUSS """"""""' FINDLAN PARRANTO RoSEPIjerERSNaro-- / .. S ./.. TRUAX (" S Mayo MR. PRESIDENT IM 12.38 .iT"T.'.r"WLJ.ay+i 5/vn PROPOSAL FOR.aIMPROVEMENT an PRELIMINARY ORDER. 118(#i3 Council File No ................ C. F. No. 118963-- The 18968— The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the north aide of Ninth St. from ........................................ • 81b1ey� -St;.; •thenoe"east' 8' feSt;' Bd'gi'niiing' 66"ft:"f'eith�er east, thence east 106 ft. , and on the south side of Ninth, St.• froly•Sibjey, St,,,,.tjlauae..ta.Waaouta.St_,..and.•on. the ..................... iiest��side*oi Wacouta St. from**'a point 35 feet south of Ninth St., thence south 10 ft.; beginning.f10.3t...farcher••southy•thenoe• south •55 Ptv•....•............................. I .......... ...................... Dated this.....?9th.... day of.................A4ty............................. 19 9..2*�-_�- ...................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the north side of Ninth St. .from ..., '�tbley•5t.,• tlierice•®asli$feet; beginning 66 ft, farther east, thence east 106 ft., .end..On.tha.south.side..of.Ninth.St_.fram..Sibleg.St_,..thence.co..Waoouta..�t.•r and on. - the west side of Wacouta St. from a point 35 ft. south of Ninth St., thence soutrh 10 ft beginning 60 it: farther'sotrth;'tih'eiTee'south'55'-fti...................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. _75. am p Adopted by the Council ......................... ....`.....��.... YEAS NAYS JU� Councilman BARFUSS Approved ....... ...................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO4, ROSEPEiERS�IC"" C ............. TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT May ' USHED� IM 12.38 NOTICE A CITY OF SAINT PAUL � CO{Jry�IL PILE NO. TO COUNCIL RFcni i ITInM PRINTER C. F. X.S. 118964 -' oy 1Yea, May 31, I99 RE�?, 18ED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TRAMIURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT -94 OF COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED WW TO 7204 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF �T ;TY COMPTROLLER. JUN90 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL yyCt�ppG� ® i93_ / TYC LLUR . APPROVED .JuN 8ICA 993_ C1� BY ,oa o IgTRT.TSHFD_ 118965 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. TO NOTICE COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER may 29, '940- RESOLVED, R4:—RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $7 6', r_34 ISSl -- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED ?-1937 TO--719&-L--INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JUN S IN i93— j TY coNvrRo lL R APPROVED 3194 _193_ 110 NOTICE ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO, _118964 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER ��.- ilay 29, 40 IRs_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $P5#_,�_.,"93 45 _, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 7ig7g TO7g;b--INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 1 31940 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JUS i93- /•./���/ L.Ol c RaLLRR APPROVED ,JIIN � 9�`�' 119/3__ � BY �V DUPLICATE TO CITY CLEF N. CITY OF SAINT PAUL lT OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLt- ER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER._ ROLL CALL - BARFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON IN FAVOR: /� AUDITED CLAIMS May 29, 194CL ROSEN TRUAX _ .AGAINST': RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY COVERING M EN ZEL MR PRES FALCON TO TME AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S^ C L AS jU 19� CHECKS NKS ON - 1S� / OF TH �C ITY COMPT SI LLER PER CHEC V Oy ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL APPROVED _ i{{ —._. - }� SeLV NUMBER —E -93—��//I T — TOTAL DATE. CHECK IN FAVOR OF _ - - TRADISBURSEMENT RETURNED ., BY BANK NUMBER I }}ECKS //CKS CHECKS f n f p BROUGHT FORWARD p/� 45 794 19 .1103 290 96-- 71879 John S. Findlan, Finance e 107 360 67 22 126 94': 71880 11 n n. n a 1 256 71881 71882 General Ins. Co. of Amerios 631 7 60 71883 A. L. Huckli 40 00 71881} John Lennon 1 85' 71885 Addressograph Sales Agency 20 84 8415 71886 Air Associates, Inc. 48 71887 Alexandria Food Market 71888 American Insurance Agency 10 00 23 00 43 71889 American Library Association 85 79' 71890 Amer. Rad. & Stand. San. Co. 35 00 71891 Atlas Gas and Oil Co. 194 82, 71892 J. V. Bailey Nurseries 71893 Bernie's Cash Grocery 77' 11T 71894 Blomberg's Grocery 71895 Booth Fisheries Corp. 1 50 71896 R. R. Bowker Company 71897 Boy scouts of America 82 98 51 71898 F. J. Campbell Meat Co. 176 71899 Campbell Coal and 011 Co. j 48. 71900 Capital Ice and Fuel Co. 20 08i; 71901 Capitol Laundry Company 80' 71902 Coca Cola Company 9o5'I' 71903 Alam Decker Hardware Co. 05' 71904 F. J. Morse and Company 71905 Diamond Iron 'forks, Inc. 1 71906 A. H. Dick and Company 10 70; 71907 Dunn's Market 19 OOL 71908 Fast Side Grocery Co. 11 20°. 71909 Electrio Blueprint Co. 237 88 15 56; 71910 Emporium Department Store 20 15 71911 Bsslinger and Company. 18 00, 71912 Feist mall Animal Hospital 48 20 71913 Field Schliok Company 7191 J. J. Gillen 32 75 75 603 71915 H. W. Fisher Photo Supply Co. 71916 M. A. Gedney Company 81 11: 71917 General Eleotric Supply Corp. 272 O 71918 Graybar Electric Company 71919 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co. 156 e`+ 17 41: 71920 The Grinnell Company 61 22r 71921 • Gruber Auto Electric Company 75 71922 T. G. Hells Company 28 05 71923 Joe's Live Bait Store 71924 Johnson and Barnes 73 3 71925 Junior Literary Guild Corp. 54 71926 Kennedy Bros. Arms Co. 71927 Kenny Boiler and Mfg. Co. 102 21, 71928 Kline's Key Shop 3 75 7 24 71929 Klosterman and Son 12 00 71930 Martens Market 49, 1 71931 Memmers' Food Market 23 42'", 71932 Michaud -Friedmann 247 84 7193 McClain and Redman Company 7193 Miller -Bryant -Pierce Company 11 00 725 43 71935 Minnesota News Company 71936 Multigraph Sales Agency 25 20 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 45 791,`1 19 1361 484 41 b b 3 y _ - DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL/ •. hg� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE - FILE LEIU MRER— - ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS May. 29, _ _ _ �N FAVOR, '1 /� p9 4Q- ROSEN TRUAI AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 4 COVERING MR PRIES FALLON �(p j r 71,937 �. INCLUSIVE. AS 999 t TO TCHECKS NUMBERED, ���—���'''U y ADOPTED BY THE (ANIL-.q PER CHECKS ON jL OF OF TH ITY CO ROLLER �'bDo ��4j '8Li'. _ _.__._ / APPROVED _ — - - JS3 - coMvrno Len �r - -- NUMBER --�{`{- r YOA l - --- - TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF RETURNED a/ CHECK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT I BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS 6 1 � 'y4 ', I BROUGHT FORWARD 45 794.19 1361.49.41. ---------- - , y �a y 47 09'. • 71937 National Cylinder Gas Company 71939 Nicole, Dean & Gre Compton p 81 7199 9'b 19, 25 71 Alemann's Grocery 71941 Northern Auto Electric Company 6 63 71994+2 Northern states Power Company 4 057 9 ' " 510 67' 71944 North Star Varnish Company 6 09 71945 Northwest Printing & Binding Co. 23 75 71946 N. w, sanitary Supply Company 61 50 71947 Oak Grove Sanitary Dairy Farm.1no. 13 17' 71949 Owens Motor Sales Company, Ino. 13 19. 71949 Perkins -Tracy Printing Company 72 6 71950 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 71951 Ramsey County Boiler Inspector 51 00 71952 Rapp & Wittman 9 11 71953 Ray Oil Burner Service Company 3 75 71954 N. 0. Robinson, Clerk Dist. Ct. 147 50. 71955 Rudeen Food Market 5 92 71956 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co. 141 90 71957 • " " 65 12 71959 " " 215 84' 71959 St. Paul Foundry Co. 1�9'' 71960 St. Paul Stamp Works 3 53 71961 D. B. Shotwell Company 7 00 71962 Shrine Circus Committee 33 67 95 71963 W. F. Smith Tire Co. 67 71964 South Park Hydrant & Pump Co. 21 609 71965 Sperry Office Furniture Co. 155 94; 71966 H. X. Stahl Company 71967 star Machine Works 12 00 71969 sta.-vie 011 Company 109 11' 71969 G. E. Steohert & Co. 35 34,1 71970 Sun Rayed Products Sales Co. 226 00 71971 The Texas Company 191 24 71972 Tilden Food Market 73 7197 Underwood -Elliott Fisher Company 32 25 7197 United Ruling & Binding Company 36 00' 71975 Victoria Food Market 1 93 71976 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 462 92 71977 Martin Wunderlich Co. -Acme Const. 24 00 ® 71979 Zinsma9ter Baking Company 50 40$0 71979 Erick Ahlquist 990 Inter State Posting Service 33 94 71991 Chemical 3ples & Safety Co. 3 75 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 4 4 1369 119 02 5 79 1�, „ I TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROSLER COUNCL FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL _ - BARFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON — IN FAVOR•. AUDITED CLAIMS may 31, 40— ROSEN TRUAX _ I AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY AMOUNT OF E COVERING WENZEL MR PRES FALLOI•T— TO THE AGGREGATE CHECKS NUMBERED 71."2 �TO 7'� NCLUS E. AS JUN J F E OF T C COMP OLLER PER CHECKS Cfi7 �c r ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL; - __V'*- ``—/-� 14 -WR 193- _ 'NE" 1 -0 - � •e+nn.n APPROVED. NUMBER X112 V Y. �✓ _ _ _ ]oO 7) 5 HAYOR TOTALDATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF — TRANS EE FR O SCHECKSE T i 'RETURNED BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD 45 7911 19.1369-119 021_ TJ 7 T T 4127 71982 John S. Findlan, Finance 7517 39 905 97; 719 ® x M p 1992 18 71985 n ^ ^ n 30 747 97 413150''. 719 71987 n a " " " 10920 70' 48'I 71988 " p a n a ^ 3 218 4 983 53' 71989 2509 46 71990 71991 n a a 107 75' 71992 71993 " " " ^ ^ n 7 50� 185 08'''. 7199 71995 ^ n n " 1 114}14} 30:; 7 247 23' p 71996 " ^ " 2 884 71997 ^ " 6 4 883 65'' 71998 " " p 5 005 14, 14509 92 71999 72000 Sp Mrs. Carlotta Trainor Pi �aeer T ewriter Company 22 90; g Arhur Bo Weise 5b, 0 7200444 Mrs. Agne C. 4. Hackert, Chief of Pol. 273 59" 72005 Electric Supply Company 53 33 99, 72006 Voc. School Petty Cash Fund 9231 72007 Amer. Rad. & Stand. San. Corp. 10 00 72008 Baldwin Piano Company 43 95'! 72009 R. Birnberg & Co. Wm. R. Bratter 2 0'J 22'; 72010 772011 2012 The Crane Company General Electric Supply Cor,'. 66 72013 Goodrich Silvertown, Inc. 75 92,' 275 92. 18 72014 Hersey Mfg. Co. 48 31 72015 Ingvoldstad Lumber Co. 45 19',I 72016 Kelley—How—Thomeon Company 10 68 72017 E. L. Klingel' Company 20 52' 72018 Lam-oland Lumber Company 8 20! 72019 Lineer Broom Mfg. Co. 61 72020 Link Belt Company 72021 W. B. Martin Company 23 62 72022 Minnesota Chemical Company 17 60 7202 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. 35. 7202 N. '4. Hardware Company 8 85, 72025 ® Prentioe-Hall, Inc. Mfg. Company 21 371: 2026 72027 R. C. A. George T. Ryan Co. St. Paul Corrugating Co. 795 0 122 5 1 1 72028 72029 St. Paul 'Shite Lead & 011 Co. 69 9 79 72030 Raymer Hardware Company 62 39 72031 G. Sommers and Company 16 00 72032 Star Photo Company 6 40 7203 Toro Manufacturing Co. 166 00 7203 72035 The Van Haven Co., Inc. Viliaume Box & Lumber Codipany 63 98 72036 Western Union Telegraph Co. 27 87 72037 J. S. Findlan, Finance $3 351 75 65 00 72038 Victor A. hdasanz 72039 St. Paul Book & stationery 67 50 72040 Royal Typewriter Co. 50 50 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 45 794 19„1548 476 94. K CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO �A-s��� CITY CL -a APPROPRIATION TRANSICERS—RESOLUTION FORM ER CHARTER SECTION 205 1 PRESENTED Y COMMISSIO DATE USY 29I19s I'�' 3, e RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED IT[M FROM-ITO 21 DR Airport AMOUNT I TRANSFERRED DR. CR. 12.000.00 21 D1 2.000.00 21 D2 99500sw' 21 D9 500000 21 D4 6.00a.00 C. F. No. 118967 By W. I. inrranto— �KO.j Rea IVed, That the [ollowfa f ra be made g trans avoidable ae ab the book. of the Idable t by said In Boal loin as it... may be me[ by said tr...feraithout 0 hampering the work provided by the money In the Itemp trom which the tranafere re made. 1}'om code 21 DR Airport 31E,000.00; To code 21 Dl A1rport, 11,000.00; To de 21 D2 Airport, t3,tT' C ; T12,11d, 21 D3 Airport, 5000.00; To code D4 Airport, $6 000.00. Ad Died 6y the Council June 3, 1940. 3 ADDroved June 3 1940. - (June �, 1940) YES IV) COUNCILMEN (V) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL jow �� "— 193— FARC p� ( P E ON APPROVED 193_ ti, I � RO .IN FAVOR 0G L TRU x /l W N AGAINST LL / W NZ COUNTERSIGNED By CITY CO—ROLLER 9(lCri� M . PR IDENT oR1on+AL ro CITY OF SAI �{ eouuel_ R �jQ nrr cLaRlc N� PAUL 'ILa NO... ............... APPlt®PRIATION TRANSFERRESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SE N 298 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.................... Fr.ACL..M......TTLl8;7i........................................... DATE..................................................................... RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER.,A! BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT _ TRANSFERRED A PPORTIONEO ITEM - FROM TO DR. OR. P=laygrounds: 19-B-1 Athletics, Sports, Salaries 5,500.00 g " " Supplies 1,500.00 19-C-1 Maintenance, Salaries & Wages 3,000.00 � 19-C-3 " Supplies /6,500.00 4 " Repre. & Ren. 3,500.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 C.E fe F. Na. . That tb Fred M. Resolved. That tb. foltow)n• �[era be z., 1—,1. ' Com w. L COUNCILMEN NAYS \� LA F GU ON HO N ...................IN FAVOR MCD ALD /(/�� BUD 1 ER ....3.1•,L. .....AGAINST ^µ WE I G{ ( MR. RES DENT roRM oza loo 1+•z+ JUN 31940 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ..................................... 19........... III APPROVED ....................... ........... ........ .. 45 ................................ roa .......... cL� I COUNTERSIGNED BY....1./......YL......(��5�%•���•�•'.T• COMITROLL[R Original 1, Cit, Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL CO ENca NO.__ -- ,✓q ,� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION--=G L FORM C.Reeolved18ThatBthe iow'g_ ' lcJ c^�rovedda� whl r q have b PRESENTED BY w ..� as to COMMISSIONER✓� DATE 'yam '^r 1 -uti n b RESOLVED, that the following official bonds,whioh bonds have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same are hereby approved and accepted, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit them with the City Comptroller, with the exception of the City Comptroller's bond, which shall be filed with the Commissioner of Finance, viz: Principal, Fred M. Truax, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; amount $10,000.00; surety, Glens Falls Indemnity Company. Principal, G. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety; amount $10,000.00; surety, Saint Paul -Mercury Indemnity Company. Principal, Harold F. Goodrich, City Comptroller; amount $50,000,00; surety, Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland. Principal. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works; amount $10,000.00; surhy, New York Casualty Company. Principal, William A. Parranto, Commissioner of Public Utilities; amount $10,000.00; surety, The Aetna Casualty and Surety Company. Principal, Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Education; amount $10,000.00; surety, United States Casualty Company. Principal, John S. Findlan, Commissioner of Finance; amount $200,000.00; sureties, The Aetna Casualty and Surety Company, American Surety Company of New York, and National Surety Corporation of New York. JW 41940 COUTICILMEn Adopted by the Council_ tlC gess/ nays - -- - -- l9a aass JUPI 41940 /inolan Approved_ t94_ Alet In Favor osen[nayor - t ru '�. �.-Against / r President, McDonough �UBLIST D v 3171-40 Cs 2-8 Clerk 118970 CITY OF ST. PAUL couti— No --------------------- P1E OFFICE OFTHECITY CLERK OUNCCIILj RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ DATA._ June 4, 1940 � a pf / J� ^ / RESOLVED, that ..1 911 .).i ..I..:1.1 and he hereby I& elected City Clerk for the period of two years from and after June 4th, 1940, and until his successor shall have been elected and qualified. COUNCILMEN Yeas Ber fuss Nays Peterson Rosen In favor lawnnto n ggW 910. ......---'✓---.--- Against 111111���Pppplllllllrr.. vvaaPrr.•esident (8hftn) MoDonou& 3M 11-93 C. F. No. 118970—%j r - 1,�Donough— bs andl heeher by is elected'Ci�t Connell for the Period of two year' urpm lark after June 9th, 1840, ntil pia uceeeeor shall have been elected and auallfled. Adopted by the Council June 4, 1990. Apr -roved June 4 1940. (June !f, 1940) JUN 41940 Adopted by the Council.-.... _............... ..--.-----193..... 'IN1 41940 Approved_................. - ----- _ ............ 'IL'---------------- - -- - ( May or i priiiin.lto City Clork couecn. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ------------- rna OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATET lume 4,-194A - RESOLVED, that ..:�:/ �"i�.::�• is hereby elected First Vice President of the City Council, and ::.... is hereby elected Second Vice President of the City COUnOil. COUNCILMPN Yeas $arfnee Nays Na y PmTee Peterson Rosen _.:.....-_.In favor Tnalen Wearer .....-------..Against ^�arranto wOIi3C Mr. President (G3MUIX 11ODonough 3M 11-35 C. F. No. 118971—ny J. J. Dfenonuugh— Reaotved, That Axel F. Petoraon le hereby yYlected Firat Vice preelden[ of la ehereb Ceouncll, and Fred DL Truax t lected 6econd Vlce Preel- dent of the C1tyAd Council, ADupovedh Tuna 9,01840 June 4, 1940. (June S. 1940) JON 41940 Adopted by the Council ._....... -------- -------- ----------- 193...... JUN 4 I Approved -_------- ------ ----------.193...-. �.............._....-. Mayor Orldiasl to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL FIL. NO. f 11 897? COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORMo( PRESENTED BY �__ DATE RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Mayor of Frank E. Haas, as Secretary to the Mayor, be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. C. F. No. 118973-14Y J. J. McDonough— Re9olved, That the ppolrtt 88 Sece the or L Frank be .,Id the ea etary to the Mayor, roved. �1, hereby oncurred In and aDD Adopted by une 4,019 401 June 4, 1940. Approved(June 6. 1940) I COUTICILIIIEn Adopted by the Cougbil _4011 - 4.M- tea_ leas / nags JUN A IM Har s Approved_._-- /iudlan Er.. to In Favoron{ --- - J -- - - - - _ TCl r Truax % -_- Against President, McDonough nm c-aD Cs —1. Original to City Clerk 118973 CITY OF ST. PAUL CONCI`' No.__._._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PRESENT. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM D BY COMMISSIONER_- ADATE RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Commissioner.of Public Safety of John P. Mullaney as Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety, is hereby concurred In and approved. C. F. No. 1esolre7 That thy Gua 8. Barfusa-- the Comma.esloner iota putillene f [y of John P.- Mullaney os De Duty Commis- eloner f Public Safety, ishereby con- curred inand aDDroved. Adopted bythe Council June 4, 1940. ADProved Tune 4. 1940. (June 8, 1940) COUNCILMEN Jun 4 W Yens Nays Adopted by the Council.__.. ....... ... -... ... ...........193_..... Findlan.4 Peterson Rosen .......... In #"6 ( _oor Approved...... ,= -4.---__...193..---- -- - Truax %� _ �b Par2!aAY.o-/... j -Against ®Iat= Barfuss / / / C Mayor 3M 11-63 Mr. President ( McDonough .�• RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Commissioner of Public safety of Dr. R. B. J. Schoch, a Chief Health Officer of the City of Saint Paul is concurred in and approved. - C eao vad I T7�G.gBartuea_ the Commi.alone4+oto 118974 ONp/nal to Clty Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL CAUNCIL FI,� NO ------ _--- -------------- '(^- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Rosen ---------- i ---...Ill favor /x-11 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Trua rranto ---- � _.-Against PRESENTED By Barfuae COMMISSIONER----- DATE " 9ir�¢» Findlan RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Commissioner of Public safety of Dr. R. B. J. Schoch, a Chief Health Officer of the City of Saint Paul is concurred in and approved. - C eao vad I T7�G.gBartuea_ the Commi.alone4+oto JUN 4 SW Publlontment of ORlcer- n J' eoChtroh, aSaf s Chle[ �. He concurred lno nd Y of alth aDDroavnod.t Paui la +tDDrovedb j the Council June 4, 1840, une 4, 1940. (June Pearce Peterson 8, 1940) COUNCILMEN JUN 4 SW Yeas Nays Barfusa Adopted by the Council._... _-..--.---_.-_ .. ........... 193 Pearce Peterson JUN 4 Rosen ---------- i ---...Ill favor Approved----------------------------- 193. Trua rranto ---- � _.-Against , - - 1:. /- --- " 9ir�¢» Findlan Mayor 3M 11-63 Mr. President (IZZIUM McDonough Orl6itml to City Clerk COU CIL1.18975 N CITY OF ST. PAUL FILe NO.-..____________________ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYp�� 44COM M ISSIONER_-_�i'� --- DATE RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Commissioner of Public Safety of Heal C. McMahon as License Inspector, be and the some is hereby concurred in and approved. C. F. No. 118976—By Gus H. Barfuse— the C mmissli nec the ot Public Safety of Neal C. McMahon as License Inspector be and the same Is hereby concurred In andVproved. Adopted y the Council June 4. 1940. ApprovedbJune 4, 1940. (June 8. 1940) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays JUN 1�Wp�,, Adopted by the Council-_-----.-.-.-_4..1i171L._._A93_._. Bai'iue e momm Ja 4 No Peterson Rosen .............. In favor Approved-- ......-------------------... 193----- ruax rranto - - 2 --Against --•-- -" .....-----... ----- -- ------ --------•---- / V� Fiselan Mayor � am II -63 Mr. President McDonough -_ 1189wi original to City Cleric GOUHa G A CITY OF ST. PAUL CFELII C)U NO ------ _----------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 41 PRESENTED 13Y RHM' PLA9 _ DATE COM M ISSIONER__. ---- RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Commissioner of Public Safety of William J. Sudeith,as Chief of the Fire Department of the City of Saint Paul, be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss Peterson Rosen ............. .....In favor Truax arraIItO'----Against Findlan Mr. President ("'III' ; MODonough 3M 11-53 C Resolved 18ThaC $ha0ue 8. Bartuee-- the Commleeloner t PublicuSafetytreent by Fit. D part,cc i,l of, ChB Chyfot S the Paul, be and the-spame le hereby cru. int uAdopted brred In y the p(;o ncl-June 4, 1940. Approved June 4,1940. (June 8, 1940) JUN 419 Adopted by the Council _........... ......................193_.-.- A�vdd.._..-JUN----(------ ------------------------------------------- May o 11897'7 Original to City Clerk WUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NQ.------•---------•----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE,�2AL FORM PRESENTED BY HBHr '[f DATE COMMISSIONER_.___. ----- - RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Com- missioner of Public Safety of Oscar J. Pederson, as Assistant Fire Chief of the City of Saint Paul, is hereby concurred in and approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Peterson o en ..................In favor I.Mandlan t0 ---_!-_•.....-Against Wenzel Mr. President 3M II -53 ( MCDOIIOn& C. F. Seal That the°g ' Bar[ueo-- the r urn asloner of PubltcnSafety tettY of Oscar J. Paderoon, aa Aaslstaut Fire Chle[ of the Clty, o[ Saint Paul, la hereby concurred In and a Droved, Adopted by the Councit June 4, 1940, AD.r—ed June 4, 194pQ,�.,,�� (June 8, 194Y.p Adopted by the Council ------ -luk__i.SM-193..... JUN 4 f91Q Approved ----- ---- ............. ..--- t Mayor f 18979 Oripinel to City Clerk rAUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL rlLe NO.--..-_----------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLAK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESENTED BY—na�-�68 DATE COM M ISSI ONER___ — RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Com- missioner of Public Safety of Dr. A. E. Nichols as Deputy Health Officer of the City of Saint Paul, be and the same is hereby approved and concurred in. COUNCILMEN COUNCILMEN Yeas Barfuss Nays 1111MIX /'l Peterson Rosen ..................In favor Truax /�/7 to ! __--._Against 8n VtLwmk Mr, President (LTi) McDonough 3M 11-53 C. F. No. 118978—ay Oue K. Sarfuse— Resolved, That the appointment by the Commissioner of Public Safety of Dr. A. E. Nichols as DenV ty Health Olecer of the City of Saint Paul, be and theame Is hereby approved and - concurred In. Adopted by theCouncil June 4, 1940.1 Approved June 4, 1949. (June 8, 1940) JUN 41940 Adopted by the Council__.._ _.._..... _._ ..............193..._. JUN 4 X10 Approved.: ......... 193. ---- Mayor l origind maCOUNCIL NOi ty Clerk �`�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE ......_-------•-•------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION—f ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �,J �/1^ �' _ DATE Time 4• 7940 - COM M ISSIONER-_.__. - RESOLVED i that the appointment by the Commissioner of Finance of PatrickE% McDermott .... as 'Deputy Commissioner of Finance, is hereby Concurred in and approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Barfuss Nays .RgawAk /J Peterson Rosen ............. In favor Trua>.,indlan � / Against Wt�ratYt�O.. WamiIi– Mr. President (Bthw* MCDOXIOU& 3M 11-53 C. F. N. 118979-13Y John, - by iteeolved. That the aDD j rCckCE. Moermottt ael Deputy COQ ri.k. aer 01,) Finance, ie hereAy con- curred In d aVpro,.d. 1940 Adopted by the Couacll June 4, Approved J tine % 11990) JUN 41910 Adopted by the Council------ -. ---- _._--- ---- ----------- 193..._. JW 41910 Approved......................---------- -----------193. _ Mayor original to City Clerk 118980 CITY OF ST. PAUL p°LeNce' NO._ -- - ----------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY C RK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN L "FORM lr� PRESENTED BY DATE._.�>1nA 4_ 1 Adn OOMMISSIONER--- RESOLVED, that the appointment by the City Comptroller of E. M. Skipton as Deputy Comptroller, be and the same is hereby approved. J 0 COUNCILMEN Yeas Barfus s Nays I�ntte 'f Peterson Rrxo��senn .................---In favor Fwman !..._Againet �Wwar rAnto ease Mr. President "ehmtj* MODOnOU& 3M a -s3 — _ _ C. F. No. 118980—By John e,lt nby Resolved. That the ea Point the city Co CowDte.ru%r,Eheip aadtas he same is hereby pproved. 1940. Adopted by the Counctl Juae 4, ADDroVed June 4 1940) 1940. (June k. Adopted by the Council _�N4"193 __ in -..... 41W Approved ................... -- i Mayor nriAle.l to City Clerk PRESENTE BV _ COMMISSIO VE - --- June -- CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -neeni nT11-W--- rFNAAL FORM 118981 COUNCIL N(7. FILL 4, 1940 HB ouw, that the appointment by the Co)ffiSiBSloner of Public Utilities of Bernard T. Holland, as Deputy Commissioner, is hereby concurred in and approved. C. F. No. 118981—By W. A. Purranto— ReeoivedThat the pv.intment by the Commissioner t Public Utilities of Bernard T. Holland, ae Deputy Commlaelonar, is hereby concurred in anAdopted by the Council lune 4, 1940. Approved (June ne 48, 94094, 1940) COIlTICiLTREIl lleaa nays in Ian iPaatprito _ln Favor ipe�son �o'an .Against IAf President, mcDonough sin s-40 ee 23336 Adopted by the Council _ AM _- -- Approved — `�U- -� ---4 1W 194_.. _ — - - — - -- �_M-10 118982 COUNCIL NO ......................... orlplaal to Clay Cleh CITY OF ST. PAUL FRE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM " PRESENTED COMMISSIONERER RESOLVED, that the appointment of 0 as Librarian of the City of Saint Paul, for the term commencing June 4th, 19402 and ending on the first Monday in June 1942, is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Be. USS Peterson Rosen --------------- In favor Truax .A;wmV'y ndl8p......�.....Against W.Jarranto Mr. President MCDonough 3M 11-35 C geeolved,118982—BY Peters— That thea aVl Intmentn f pf Ct rSaintopeel. for as ither term fc lmme[h Ing June 4th, 1940, and din6 n ii at MondaY In June 1948, le hereby aDAdopted by the Council June 4, 1846. ADDroved ne (June 48,1940. 1848) .--193...._ Adopted by the Council._..-J...UN 4.__ ................ JUN 4 iW Approved --------------------------- ....... 193-- ....................... ----- ------ - Mayor L_ co"I. 'I 18q83 orlatnal re City Clem CITY OF $T. PAUL cnJ= NO------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ARES T GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER — R.SOLVED, that the appointment by the Commissioner of Education, of ...... u1.$. A44* .................... as Superintendent of Schools for the term commencing June Sth, 1940 and ending on the first Monday in June 1942, is hereby concurred in and approved. COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas $arfuss Na y —PQ"W- Peterson Rosen _---- -- ---- --- In favor Try i dlan � Wil+pea—---"'--/-J`'---Against �Paarranto Mr. President (Gehatf) MODOnOugh 3M 11-35 C. F. No. 118982 --Hy Axel F. Peterson— Resolved, That the appoint�Pout by the Commissioner of Education of Schools foaul S. r the term idon as Superintendent o smencl g June 8th, 1940 and end! c the Mt Mon- day In June 1942, Is hereby concurred In and approved. Adopted by the Council June 4, 1940. Approved June 4, 1940. (June 8, 1940) JUN 41940 Adopted by the Council -_----------------------- ----------- 193..... - JUN 419+10 Approved"---------------- --------------- ----------- 193__" i L� Mayor // Original to City Clerk COUNCIL ; 18981 CITY OF ST. PAUL vnE NO ......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /CrNCI RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 4 DATE--,-------- COMM ISSI ONER__—.-- "— RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Com- missioner of Education of ... Geo -He ia-ober.......... as Superintendent of School Buildings for the term commencing June 4th, 1940 and ending on the first Monday in June 1942, is hereby concurred in and approved. F. C. F. Resolved 8 Thatnthe SaD9 Intment nby the rGeor6 0 ]i Jalcobs as e Dat Ed arttion endent he term com- o[ School unef blth x1940 for tnd ending on the first Mondd,n In d u pDtoved is hare- byAdoDteda June council June 4, 1940. 940. ADDrove (,lune 8, 1940) COUNCILMENJUa 4 1W Barfus a Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.-.... .........193...... ➢e"oe n Peterson >/ 4 Rosen ------------------In favor APProved- ------ ....._193--- TWindlan q Wa4rrear .......11.......Against r - - V?arr£anto M r Mr. President (6*k") McDonough 3M I7 -J5 '118985 original to City Clorh COUNCIL NO..... CITY OF ST. PAUL - FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1 `�t�✓ _ v E. —.--- DAT._ COMMISSIONER - -�•— `�,, RESOLVED i that the appointment by the Comm!Lsal.oner of Sdu afion of Feldmsnn............ sa Deputy Conm►l.eaioners is hereby oonourred in and approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Barfue a Nays Ptat•Ce Peterson Rosen ------------- _.-In favor I fnalan Against 1�ant0 ------:-- 9� Mr. President 3Lf 11-63 (Gehae)- MCDonough C. F. No. 1 ThatBY Asap yotrm Tntn of Be",lved. That that" HldncattOCom- johnCCm Feldmann ae curred amteeton-r, le harebY concurred I, and ➢Ad-VLed by the Council in -- d un- 4, 1990. A"r— d June 4• 11940) (June e. JUN 4 iW Adopted. by the Council ------ _------ -------------- 193...... JUN 41M Approved---------- ----- --------19i )• - . - ✓ - --- Mayor original ro City Clerk 918986 CITY OF ST. PAUL �U'ca. OFFICE OF THE CITY CrLERK �t1NCI L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM G i. PRESENTED BY L�,i _ DATE- JnnA ti, 1840. COMM SSI ONER-___.._..__ RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Com- missioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, of . .' d :". . Q. �.��: ! t.1- Superintendent of Parks, be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. C Re..lved1l 71' Bthe aeGGd M. Trunz— the Commlaeloner pPa kerne Playy f grounds and Public Buildings of Wm'. of Parkae be tendent thea F and ease la c by concurred In d pproved. Adopted by the Couoell June 4, 1940. AOproved June 4, 1940. (June 8, 1840) JUN 4p COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council._.__ ............. ... ........ ..193..._. BSA 11ss /J Peterson ,/ JS 4 Rosen In favor Approved_ -------- ............. ...........----....193---.- Truy _ dl� t'ln. .Against ---------------- -Mayor ----•- -------- - ----------- 4VZrrant0 / Mr. President ( MODonough 3M 11-53 I A"8987 Ori9,laul to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL PitscouNCR No... ------------------- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM --! DATE- u e A- N 1 A d () PRESETED BY ._--- COMMISSIONER..-------- RESOLVED j that the appointment by the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Publio Buildings. of . r: c � .. 7 - r-. • t Y• `�` : I • Y►"� as City Arahiteot, be and the same is *hereby oonourred�in and approved* COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas Barfuse I""- Peterson (/ Rosen ---.In favor Trua>�,��� ��i -------Against We1Tt'arrant0 W"mq- Mr. President (6e1m+t)* McDonough 3M 11-53 C. Resolved, That Btee appointFred BL ment by the Commi" It t Parkao P1aY- ground. and Publio Buildings t Cha.. ' A. Blame Is he eby concurred 1bn and nd approved. Adopted by the Counetl June 4, 1940. Approved ,one 4. 1940. (June 9, 1940) SO Adopted by the Council'_.-_-,��_._.... -193.-.... JUN 41910 Approved---------- ---- ----------------193----- Mayor 118988 original to City Clerk r 11 CIL CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ------- --• -_---.------------ nLa OFFICE OF THE CITY g,tLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEt FRAL FORM r� PRESENTED BY t __ PATE- TffiA i 1940. COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Coamdiasioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings of .............. A... as Deputy Conmi7 saioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildinga, be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Barfuss Nays Rewe Peterson Rosen .................In favor Truiindla Rr"'K�R1;ranto/).-Against Pa...-- - fike4sael- Mr. President (Gehwv)- NDIbnOL41 3M I1-53 C. P. No. 118888—By Fred M. Truaz— Reeolved, That the appolntment by the Con""" It f Pat, and Public Buildings f Carl B. 9peakes ae Deputy Commissioner of Parks, Playgrohnds and Public Buildings, be and the same le hereby concurred In and approved. Adopted by the Council June 4, 1040. Approved June 4, 1840. (Tune 8, 1840) JUN 41910 Adopted by the Council..- .--------------193---- JM 4 Approved... ------------------- ------------193. -- --- ... —� Ma ' 18-989 Original to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL F1La NO..--.-_.-_----•-------- POF E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC 'SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,� = 4 PRESENTED BY �1l _ DATE COM MISSIONER..__-._—_------'--- mb M�a.gt RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Com- missioner of Public Works Of ...fit A'-aQq)WDtt ....... as Superintendent of the Bureau of Construction and Repair, is hereby concurred in and approved. C, F. No. 118999-8y Milton Rosen-- Reeolved. That the Dvlo Wont b1 �prightm9./Cockrottt ee SuD rint ndent of the Bureau otc nnuccedilin aRv- vatr, Is hereby and 1840. Oroved.4. AdOPoved Jun' 4.01940. June (June 9, 1949) `UN 4140 Yeas Nays COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ._.__-......-..--- --- ------ -.... 193...... f►rfUsa %I JUN 41940 Peterson Rosen In favor APProv------------ -------------------- .----------- Tr dlan /�V ?------------- fiiar:efL Against - - / Ma Y or -- -- _`rant0 iLs�itl McDonough Mr. President WO 3M 11-53 118990 original to City Clerk couNea CITY OF ST. PAUL vire NO.--_.-_..------------- OFFIC OF THE CIT1( CLERK - ��OLL'TION—U.I�NERAL FfJRM PRESENTED BY —__ DATE June 41, 1.-40. COMMISSIONER———— RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Com- missioner of Public Works of . APtL"d6 7r.x0.w............... as Deputy Commissioner of Public' Works, is hereby concurred in and approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Barfuss Nays D wa Peterson Rosen ......... ..... In favor ""'Findlan RraTreff- ........ .. Against warranto Mr. President (Gdlaa). McDonough 3M 11-53 C. F. Resolved,l That the p,3oint enMilton t by the Commissioner of Public Work. of slonerdofPubit c WDDorka, e r by oon- curd in end Ad Adopted by thepCouncl June 4, 1940. Approved June 4. 1940. (June 8, 1940) JM 4 VQ Adopted by the Council---------- -- ------ --------A93---- JUN 41940 Approved. 4t 0 Mayor orlalna to City Ckrk CITY OF SAINT PAUL /►, FILE _ - FILE IVO.—,._ _ - OFFICE THE CITY CIC'RK ,— `C/O,U/NCCIIL RES /TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By /�" t�✓`� _" 7tme 4� 1940 DATE_-------------------- raCSOLVED, That the appointment by the OoMissioaer of Public Works of George M. Shepard as Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Works, pursuant to Section 325 of the Charter, is hereby concurred in and approved. COIITICILMETI I]eas/ nails3/1/a ss in Ian a�rranto /Te arson do uax Xr. President, McDonough 3m 5 -no CS 3353. C. F. No. 118991—By Milton Ro.en— Resolved, That the aVoi.t.ent by the C...1-10—of Public Work. of.? M. Shepard as Chief Egl- neer g of the Department f Public Work., -pursuant to Section 386 of the Charter„ 1s hereby concurred in and apAdo a by the Council June 4, 1940. Approved June 4, 1940. (June 8, 1940) JUN 41940 Adopted by the Council _ . _ . _ 194_ Approved_ _ JW__ 4 — t94_. _ i In Favor �-,Against COU Original to City Clerk Co. 118992, N CITY OF ST. PAUL FaX NO.----.-.------------- OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTION—GENERAL :ORM PRESENTED BY _—_—_�.—_ DATP Ams 4.1 ],940 COMMISSIONER.__ ------------ RESOLVED, that the appointment by the COmmieIIL oner of Public Works of 1%AP;14 i as Superintendent of the Workhouse, is hereby concurred in and approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas rfua s Nays s .awwe.- Peterson Rosen In favor Truax vzas.wa dl in.. -Against wrantO ' Mr. President (CiChae4/ HcDOnOu& 3M 11-33 C. F. No. 11899"y Milton Rosen— the ... C---I-el onerThat thbt -Peb lcn''Arty dentR-1 thedSVorkhouee, le herebynten- curred in and approved. Adoptedby the Council June 4, 1940. Approved June 4, 1940. ( (June 8, 1940) JUN 41M Adopted by the Council.-.- _-........-----.--- ------- 193...... JUA 4 X10 Approved-------- --------------------- .--- ----------- ----------- ---- 193 - __ Mayor fAUNCIL-- orwlnsl to ct`y cterl� CITY OF ST. PAUL N ..La o.--------____------._• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK zCOG�/UNCI OLUTION- —GENERAL�F�ORM GATE PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.—.— --- RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Com- missi over of Public Works of ..;;ed A� -Driver- , as Superintendent of Sanitation, is hereby ooncnrred in and approved. COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas Bsrfuss rQ88" Peterson Rosen/-.//-J---..In favor T�1e�ndlan.-----! /-....... Against ,,,&Fanto Mr. President (f]ekrntl) McDonough 3M 11.53 C. F. Ne. 118998—By Milton Rosen— R theeeoComm That the appointment by ieafoner of Public Works of Fred A. Driver as Superintendent of Sanitation, Is hereby concurred In and approved. Adopted by the Council June 4, 1940. Approved June 4. 1940. (June 8, 1940) JUN 4I= Adopted by the Council_.- ---..--. --- ---- --- ----------- 193 JUN 4 Approved -----.193..- 1Vlayo i Urlylael to City clerk_ " � CITY OF SAINT PAUL CoU NCIL FILE AVO.—. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLJW-- COUNCIL RES LUTION---GE AL FORM C. Raso o d, 'That t$the °i S. oM- .1 bond.; whleh bead. have been ."�!'• t� - ".,.[erm and ezeeudon by PRESENTED BY ruu!.el, be and the COMMISSIONER_ '���DATE__ �JSil®_-�,--la Yvt�t^a and aD- RESOLVED, that the following official bonds, which bonds have been approved as to f orm and execution by the Cor- poration Counsel; be and the same are hereby accepted and approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit them with the City Comptroller: Principal Off ies Amount Surety Edward W. Hanft Constable at $1,000 Fidelity and Deposit Large Company of Maryland Edward K. Delaney Justice of Peace $1,000 The Fidelity and at Large Casualty Company of New York William J. Bollan Justice of the $1,000 Hartford Accident and Peace Indemity Company John S. McGrath Justice of the $1,000 United States Peace Casualty Company Harry Crosby Constable $1,000 Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company Thomas J. Nash Justice of the $1,000 The Aetna Casualty and Peace Surety Company 41940 COURCII-METI Adopted by the Council_ _194_ ljeas j nays JUN 41940 Ba .s Fin Ian �In Approv-ed_ 104_ . .-- _ arranlo et on Favor ru r. president, McDonough Against / stn -0 Cs 23,138 p�yW.1513}%D �O OriQlnai to City Clem8 COVNCIL-9 f CITY OF ST. PAUL .n.e No----- ----•----------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--G-0&-�_L FORM RESOLVED, That the free use of the arena section of the St. Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby given to th^ American Legion and the Forty and Eight on the evening of September 17, 1940, for the purpose of holding a public m_�eting in o`..servance of Constitution Day; be it FUY,TliE.R R33OLVED, That an amount equal to the cost of op:nint; and operating the artma section on said date for the above occasion be �;:t up in the budget in Auditorium Fund No. 1021. C. F. No. 118996—nY Axel F. Foter.on— geaolevectlo¢That of tha free 8L Paul oAudie .n be and It 1. hereby 61Ven to ._� .. _ n'nrty COUNCILMEN YeasNays uss 7anan /Peterson In Favor /11 -sen �r r. President4211ioaj-, ....Against lM 10-39gg..� /, �`�Awolo ,fA Fns a t abltc be It C Further L esoD.l Thet a¢ amount Further gesolV ed, l d ate equal to the cost efDt`yoonlnBeaid date ra[ln6 thhe _r ens ¢ t p 1p for [he bove salon be the bud..t In Audltorlum Fund No. lUAAdopted by the Council June 4, 1949. '1 Approved June dn9,U 11940) AN 41940 Adopted by the Council .__.... ........ -._....__....19__ ... JUN 41 0 proved. __------....._.._............ ....19.___. _2 Mayor CL WALSH AND WALSH ATTORNMYS AT LAW FICHARO A.WALSH MINNESOTA BUILDING HOMA W.—SH HAnSM.WALSH SAINT PAUL May 31, 1940 Honorable Axel Peterson Commissioner of Education Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Axel: Tne American Legion and the Forty-and- Ei,,nt prepared the folloi%ing resolution. tie nope it is in correct form ana respectfully request that you introduce it in the Council. Tr,e Committee will appear before the Council at 10:00 o'clock on June 6thto invite the Coun- cil to attend the meeting and to urge tnem to gess this resolution. There will be a big parade includin:: the American Legion band and Drum Corps, the 3rd Infantry Band from Fort Snelling, a great many marcninL units from Saint Paul civic clubs, and other interested citi- zens in the parade. Tney rill then go to the arena of the Auditorium wrere a national speaker will address tLe new citizens. Constitution Day is celebrated in all of the large cities tnrougnout toe nation and tae Forty-ond- Eight Lias taxen an active osrt in noldin End conducting tnese celebrations for new citizens. Anticip<ting your courtesy in this matter, and tnsncing you, I am, Very respectfully yours, 1St. _____—__._ 2nd. Laid over to o � Aa dlnance granting Dermlaeloa to Anna M. Backen to grade the alley in Block 6, Aurora Addition from W"te 0 3rd. & app. Adopted YeasNays Yeas Nays Zussfuns ��lan �Parranto rson l /F�indlan /Y///ayyyrrranto /Yetereon osen // /F�Osen / /Truax j Truax KSr. President Fallon Mr. President Fallon a 1 NO.8���� Y_A___ _ _—// 9j NO. � An ordinance granting permission to Anna M. Beckon to grade the alley in Block 6, Aurora Addition from white Bear Ave. to Van Dyke Street. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain : Section 1. That permission and authority be and they are hereby given to Anna M. Beckon to grade the alley in Block 6, Aurora Addition from white Bear Ave. to Van Dyke St. Section 2. The Commisaioner of Public works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to d Anna M. Beckon for the grading of said alley upon hills compliance with the following conditions, viz (1) Said licensee stall grade said alley entirely at her own cost and expense and to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the plans and profiles prepared by said commissioner. (1) S` Iioemsee shall pay the cost -of -engineering and inspection of said work. (3) Before entering upon or doing any of said work, said licensee shell procure from the abutting owners such easement in and to the abutting property as may be necessary for slopes, for outs and fills and shall obtain a written release, releasing and discharging the City of St. Paul from all damages for the taking of such eseements for slopes, and releasing the City from consequential damages by reason of the grading of said alley. (4) Said licensee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute some continuously with dilgenoo and shall complete e d work on or before the 15th dry of August, 1940/If said licensee shall failjo complete the work within said time, the commissioner of Public Works is hereby uthorized, and the licensee expressly agrees that h'e'shbil.'heve power and authority, to oomplete,sAid work, and the licensee will pay to said 0ommiesioner of Public Works the reasonable cost incurred or expended thereby, and such cost shall be'.ikibility upon and a condition of said lioenseets bond. 'Wv`, (5) Said licensee shall give a bond to the City of St. Paul in the penal am of $5000.00 conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance, and to indemnify and save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all loss, liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages, and expense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same.' (6) Said licensee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance and shall, within five days from and after the passage and publication of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved C. F. No. 118996 --Ordinance No. 8181— By Milt.. R.- . — 0r�ioel to City clerk , � d/ � o � Aa dlnance granting Dermlaeloa to Anna M. Backen to grade the alley in Block 6, Aurora Addition from W"te 0 - Bear Ave. 10 Van Dl>'a street. Th-: an em• X__�_� FILE PRESENTED BY �_ ORDINANCE a 1 NO.8���� Y_A___ _ _—// 9j NO. � An ordinance granting permission to Anna M. Beckon to grade the alley in Block 6, Aurora Addition from white Bear Ave. to Van Dyke Street. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain : Section 1. That permission and authority be and they are hereby given to Anna M. Beckon to grade the alley in Block 6, Aurora Addition from white Bear Ave. to Van Dyke St. Section 2. The Commisaioner of Public works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to d Anna M. Beckon for the grading of said alley upon hills compliance with the following conditions, viz (1) Said licensee stall grade said alley entirely at her own cost and expense and to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the plans and profiles prepared by said commissioner. (1) S` Iioemsee shall pay the cost -of -engineering and inspection of said work. (3) Before entering upon or doing any of said work, said licensee shell procure from the abutting owners such easement in and to the abutting property as may be necessary for slopes, for outs and fills and shall obtain a written release, releasing and discharging the City of St. Paul from all damages for the taking of such eseements for slopes, and releasing the City from consequential damages by reason of the grading of said alley. (4) Said licensee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute some continuously with dilgenoo and shall complete e d work on or before the 15th dry of August, 1940/If said licensee shall failjo complete the work within said time, the commissioner of Public Works is hereby uthorized, and the licensee expressly agrees that h'e'shbil.'heve power and authority, to oomplete,sAid work, and the licensee will pay to said 0ommiesioner of Public Works the reasonable cost incurred or expended thereby, and such cost shall be'.ikibility upon and a condition of said lioenseets bond. 'Wv`, (5) Said licensee shall give a bond to the City of St. Paul in the penal am of $5000.00 conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance, and to indemnify and save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all loss, liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages, and expense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same.' (6) Said licensee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance and shall, within five days from and after the passage and publication of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved Omit..[ t. Cit, CI«rk ' ORDINANCE 1181996 COUNCIL FILE UO..— PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.- - J� by the Corporation Counsel. If such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. t Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. NMOWM Yeas Councilmen Nays Bar(uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. Presiden/. �FaHrrtr)-'— r" Attest: �— City Clerk 300 1238 C821724 JUN 2 51940 Passed by the _— --In Favor �l ___Against JUN 251940 PPr -- /tea or WmLis LD C✓ /i7 i" May 28, 1940 s Honorable Yayor and City Council St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: I, the undersigned wish to grade as a private job the alley in Block 6, Aurora Addition from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Street. P Sincerely yours, Anna M. Bec en To the Honorable,the City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen. St. Paul, Minnesota July 1st, 191+0 I, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 119996, being ordinance No. 9131, adopted by the Council on June 25, 1940. mac. 771 Am M. BECnN Ist.. _ _ 2nd Laid over to 3rd. & app. Adopted X Yeas i Nays rf Yeas Nays ��auss /Findlan rfuss *Ian ,Parranto / Peterson �/✓ Pa anto iPe%t son /Rosen Truax 'sen / " �'j'ruax t Fallon X1. President Fallon C. F. No. 118997-01dinance No. 8129— Ry It" Roeen— ori8ineitoCit) rierk An dinnnce 1,181 perm, yJL app. O R D I t°e h>;ica�Ba sstfw . tlPf6 P�cldcRallroed C ora- 18(��� tion, to nstract sad a e '1n Y/ trn�k acroea Poecal St. e�ween M rr a e 4 end PRESENTED BY. - %u—`,r ^ORDINANCE NO.— An ordinance giving permission to the Chicago, Milwaukee, at. Paul k Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation, to construct and maintain spur track across Pascal St. between Marshall Ave. and Dayton Ave.,approximete]y 70 feet south of Marshall Ave. The COnncil of the City of Saint Paul does ordain : Section 1. Permission is hereby granted to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul do Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation, to construct and maintain spur track across Pascal St. between Marshall Ave. and Dayton Ave.,approximately 70 feet south of Marshall Ave. Section 2. Said permission is granted upon and subject to the following conditions t (1) Said licensee shall indemnify and save harmless the City of St. Paul from aj and all liability, *adgments, suite, costs and damages that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the maintenance, use, presence or removal of said track. (2) Said traok shall be constructed and maintained under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works and when ordered eo to do by said Commissioner, said licensee shall plank and replant the crossings so as to render travel safe and convenient thereon, and shall at no time allow oars to stand or remain upon said street so as to interrupt or interfere with public travel. (3) The City of St. Paul shall have the right at any time to enter upon any of the streets or alleys that may be covered by the track or tracks of said railway company for the puurpose.of constructing or repairing sewers, watermains or other public improvements. (4) Said track shall be taken up and removed and the street restored to its original condition at the cost and expense of s4dd licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) Said licensee shall within ten days after the passage and publication of this ordinance file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President 4F-&+Ion�— Attest: lerk3City Clerk- 300 00 12-38 CS 21724 Passed by the Council AN 251940 Favor __ Against Ap�Troved:JUNyor�o2r YUBLISfiLD �J ..:mac•._,A ,:&.,. HAL .inti a, ft Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company HENRY A. SCANDRETT. WALTER J. CUMMIH.S. GEORGE I. HAIGHT, TRUSTEES Law Department F. W. ROOT C. O. NEWGOM9 Minneapolis, Minn., A. C. ERDALL 25 Milwaukee Station May 24, 1940 Mr. George M. Shepard Chief Engineer City of at. Paul 234 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Shepard: It is desired by the Trustees of the Milwaukee Company that by ordinance or resolution, which- ever is proper, they be given permission and authority to construct, maintain and operate a certain spur track in the Midway District, and I enclose application therefor. While Pascal Avenue at this point is a platted street, yet it is very little traveled, and as the proposed new track follows practically the line of an existing track there can be no ob- jection to the granting of the application. Just talked with Mr. McConneloug and he suggested that we prepare and send the application to you and upon your approval he would endeavor to get the matter through at the earliest possible moment. Yours very truly, A �, R:L Solicitor E no � ,- d`M Eoa■ -. ��nce1oLs1t#bt g r T u k�w .PvwXFw�i.hgSc'�'x�.$r�r �' �4�''V i�Z MF.' Xk f -h.R �b A ••.� �' .�"/�S C. { X11 ,^. At x r d �e3!;k#�a�owoeeas et T4s i�rciiree w O rAineva�R?soa. Y e q - p�peT R, beer ►H '��a r e; m Mlo e ` aid �as,n epv7� �15 irr �'�� ;� ��► �`D�si��'e�.: a �`� , �` r r P OR, AVende-,Alf e,yaiEd x nadn faheti!�� L�?�htoa{- e a�5pi�p�oa r , t lcg4 l��b , Mae#e�i?6��g .tsoa�ua"�ak itee?u< y ' e11ldUgh 1 t �l� b+ur7:! s l {ilAH�tON � 3 � * _ Y�r�iPry� ir�t�l qs a e i k .n,m �K M '.� � �°A ,, _ �i,,.' � o �` ,^"�k�.4?�' � k' ��&C+�� � " Vyi'r3 ,y� + }F '�� ��• C,yn TO THE HONORABLE THE COMMON COUNOIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA: Your petitioners, Henry A. Soandrett, Walter J. Cummings and George I. Haight, Trustees of the property of Chicago, Milwaukee, St.Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, respectfully request that permission and authority be granted them, their successors and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate a certain spur track crossing Pascal Avenue,be- tween Marshall Avenue and Dayton Avenue, and the alley in Block One (1), Boulevard Addition, in said City of St. Paul, as shown in yellow upon the blueprint accompanying this application, for serving the North Western Fuel Company. Dated May 24, 1940. Respectfully submitted, HENRY A. SCANDRETT, WALTER J. CUMMINGS AND GEORGE I. HAIGHT, TRUSTEES OF THE 'PROPERTY OF CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY 801 ,tore a 7 h - Q EC 3,Ll - - � t.- ss -co ne6,st¢c G derSpanS.- Mighway x.�,� Alf E`. ,. — "T". �fi - n �- w La�•e�rcht,ID3 NA • T �_ 14ORTNWEST¢RN FUEL GO --- ---_ ____�.___.. .--_--�I �� I aJ Pio"ked.7 —jr ,. s.�•ori W eeal stisa 1 �per cool rs_ na _ i. ��< a a FRQ R �,...\ + ' R/VV " "�htos N F Ce: _ s�4m=>•-.. - ` � ! � - 1 , 1� (7 47 7 '` - •—. � ; ; ? n�,PiCemm. °rt0°1 \�. ��`� • `w po: Obi Cp{ �« ".� TW O s ♦ ., /'� i m` ♦ e• f ,GARNEGIE FUEL CO A. -• IV j�-- + U'C' j"SV ...e��_......_._ ¢q Fy 14ORTNWE3TERN FUEL :. _.__- __ _ _- ._ __. .. _._ -_.,; 11� r l COGO{ Cool Shed 1 �.. Fy W,Q <� w e4 05%g FROG R/Wgii ei'OPf&S F N co..�. \ al .�. F.- _� A46 1ofP�' '7°_ -.- __!�- - rA 1.•�..� y r v 1 i 207+27 P.6. C '� - cc,F _OAC ' ..r wt �• rT - �f C,GARNEGIE. FUEL' CO. I C, E I 1 � � � f •11 � 1 E-10-99-0 6M Form 720 Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company HENRY A. SCANORETT• WALTER J. CUMMINGS. GEORGE I. HAIGHT. TRUSTEES Office of Division Superintendent Minneap®lis, Minnesota July 9, 1940 City of Saint Paul Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk and Comm stoner of Registration St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: I am sending you herewith acceptance of Ord- Inance No. 8129, granting permission to this Company to construct and maintain spur track across Pascal Ave. between Marshall and Dayton Avenues; approximately 70 feet South of Marshall Ave., St. Paul. I am also referring your bill in the amount of $3.05 to our Accounting Department for preparation of voucher. Yours very truly, - Ba el l —Superintendent W Form 729 E-10-89-0 5M Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company HAIGHT. TRUSTEES HENRY A. SCANORETT. WALTER J. C------ UMMINGS. GEORGE I. office of Division Superintendent St, Paul, Minnesota July let, 1940 To the Honorable, the City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions Council ou cil File No. 118997, being Ordinance No. 8129, adopted by the Council on June 26th, 1940. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL & PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Original to City Clerk ' - �_ � I CITY OF SAINT PAUL covncit _ FILE NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM •L -- WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the council, in accordance with Sec. 53 of the city charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of hi s department for more than 8 hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That per city are by followingnamedrs theemployes,eat authorized to payay e employment for the the rate otherwise fixed for extra extra time hereinafter set forth: TITLE HOURS RATE OF 01 TIME NAME Patrick Roan Stationary Fireman 16 8 •6s* d Dewey Michela o 16 @ •691 9 ® •�4-.3%4 John Fandry Refectory Sales Clerk C. F. No. 118998—By Fred M. T 9 a fll- ReaolvedPvBhat the proper c o hereby uthoriaed to pay c eri era are talo employes in the Department PbllBuild( Parks, playgrounds Ment a eet u[ oY tonnge for extra e p e the list attached to thio r e ,1941).1 Adopted 419491 June 4, 1940. dby une Approve (June 8, 1948) CDllnCILTREn Adopted bq the Council _ JUN. _- i. •.`^.`�_lB4_- _ seas nails JUN 41940 �Barjuss 104__. / Approved_ ----------- /findlan /-Kdrranto� , ✓j'j/(�(� In Favor _.. [Clagor /Paterson Mosso jTruax .Against Ar. President, McDonough SIR 44. cs assse W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A BASSFORD Supt. of Parks - Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota' DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner June 3, 1940 To the Honorable, The Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than 8 hours per day in doing work involving care and fireing of greenhouse boilers. This emergency arose by reason of cold weather necessitating operation of greenhouse boilers to protect stock. Yours truly At va"r Commissioner 118999 od.b,r to City CJok CO—CIL No. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO RESOLUTION -'--GENERAL FORM n Ga�CI�,�,A q „;rF RESOLVED. That pursuant to Chapter 181, Minnesota Sessions Laws 1939, the City of Saint Paul, throgh the Commissioner of Education, will hold and conduct special summer classes for crippled children at the Mary Helen Lindsay School during the year ending June 30, 1941, wherein the City shall perform a function of the State Board of Education and expend moneys allocated by said Board fdr such purpose tentatively in the sum of $2385.90, p ny o the further sums which may become available, subject, uallyhowever, eachtpupil in suchion that such allocation shall not exceed $50 classes and that all moneys received by way of reimbursement or othervrise by the City in connection therewith from the State, shall be reserved as a separate item in the Department of Education Fund No. 15. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays art, t sn ret �nto In Favor son 4Against ru r. President (44HQGT^ 6M 648 ca monern a such purpose tentatlVely a e r same I othl ch996.9 becoone aavallable,s subect, which mato the limitation that such how allocation shall not exceed $60 an - u lly for ach puDll In such Closes; way andr that all moneys re :rwi by [ etmbursement or otherwles by the City In connection 'ved as &trap rah¢ stnte, shall be r It.Fund lNo. hl6.Department of Education proved June 40 unall 1940. June 4, 1940. (June �, 1940) JUN 4 10 Adopted by the Council— 193— JUN 4 iW Approved 193-- yor 0,191-1 b CITY Clete .. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CO [NCIL1ILNO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM C. F. No. 110000—. W A. Parranto PRESENTE BY DATE SaTiae A� iglra _ COMMISSIO E .--- .f=------- - --- RFSOLTSD, MMMS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accords= - with section 53 of the City Chartery the existence of an emergeacy which rendered necessary the employment of certain employee of the Water Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra emiployment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Overtime NAME Tr= Sunday Regular Rate Vidgo T. Anderson Lake Patrolman-W.D. 16 bra. 8 hrs. .61-1/2 William T. Novak Filter -plant Lab. 8 8 .63-1/4 Dan slater do 8 • •65-3/4 Lester J. Corcoran Ditch digger 8 • .60 6o Tann B. Gardner do 8 • George T. Moharies do 8 " .60 .6o T. Leo swift do 8' Anthony Flipp Unskilled laborer 8 • •50 William D. Carlson - - Filter -plant lab. 8 • .65-3/4 •65-3/4 Tulian T. Duren do 16 • .6o Walter Scott Ditch digger 14 " •65-3/4 Frank D. Strong Haerg.Repairman 14 " .63-1/4 Reymond A. Hoover Water -shed laborer • Ernest Coy Ditch digger a 3.2 .60 Frank Dean Ditch digger 3 14 .60 Hervey Donahue Utilityman-W.D. 34 .73 .62-1/4 Thomas Fahey Chas. DeVinney Meah.helper Fimerg-Repairman 14 ' •65-3/4 Peter T. Murphy do 14 14 " •65-3/4 .65-3/4 Frank B. Truso Stanley Rasmussen do Filter Plant Lab. 12 • 3/4 Mike Alfonso Ditch digger 8 ' " .60 Peter Fabio Walter Heidenreich do Water -shed lab. ' 8 ' • .6o .65-3/4 Toseph M. Tungwirth do 16 B 8 " .65-3/4 65-3/4 Martin O'Connor do 4 ' .60 Irvin M. Haley Ditch digger g ' .60 Dan Looney do Certified correc JUN 41846 194--- C011nCILTnEn eonerd N.Thompeon opted bm the Council yeas nays r s eaerel Superintendent m n Approved _ J -UN_ -4940--194 - _ Zarranto / Peterson _-In Favor yor mnt Against �r. President, McDonough / nal b•ao Ca 9A33e lune 4, 1940 An emergency has arisen in the Water Department rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Patrolling Veduais and Sacker Lakes.* Mummenu work at Storesard and Office, Operating Filter $lantJ Changing Ik meter. 2389 University Ave.jM This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: *To present treapassina. # Decoration Day. Mork had to be done outside business hours, acot. shutting off of water. Certified correct: Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent 0 .•e Original to GW clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLU;k10'G E AL FORM WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, oft h Citywhich ed Charter the existence of an emergency necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employ ment; therefor, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby ou thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Rn,nl i ne Branch Lim William Sading Janitor 4higineer 28 .88 X14.49 Merriam Park Bronoh Library a e 10 .88 8.80 George L. Davenport St. Antiro3ar Park Branch Library Patriok P• Biokey Janitor w 5 .88 3.1b (overtime for month of Meyy) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Sit F' in tan a ranto _ —In Favor eterson n --4gainst resident, (Feiievj ,- /ru bm 8-38 Cd ����/✓ l�lF�JAA- i gid' yf`� C. F. No. 119001—By Axel F. Peterson— Resolved, That the proper city oei- eere are hereby auth.ri.ed to Day C.r- taln employe In the Department of Education, Bureau of Public Llbrarlee, for extra employment as set out on the list attached to this resolution. Adopted by the Council June 4, 1940. Approved dune 4, 1 — f dune 6, 4. 194 JUN 4= Adopted by the Council— --- -- -- —193— im 4In Approved------- May pproved---- --May FORM NO. 1 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education Bureau of Public Librarieo, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: �$ _ Merri--I* —A $t- An#}►ocs Park Branoh Libreria m opgM,ejad to elto buil -=Q This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: ,Ngoess= w '' these buildizpe opea.oa.aog—mt p sl eo ties at buil s.. This roport is in accordance with section 53 of the Charter. ubt%xian PJ -HB Original to City Clerk WUNCIL f% 9° Q CITY OF ST. PAUL vnB No r------ OFFICE OF TH TY CLERK C. F. No. 119002--Byabtthe Milton Roer of OUNCIL RESOLUT ENERAL FORMP 0801 Works abs hens commissioner loherebf authorized d ^ - " nubl cary an PRESENTED BY MILTON DAI. aav�28, 1940 — COMMISSIONER r RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions and alley crossings to be constructed at the locations listed below by PEDERSON BROS. CQMPANY, under their annual sidewalk contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-4.., at a coat not to exceed $150.00, based on the unit prices bid for Monolithic Concrete sidewalks and driveways for the current year, which cost is to be charged against the P.I.R. FUND - TAX EXEMPT PROPERTIES: Southeast Corner of KENNETH ST. and BAYARD AVE. (double aprons) Southeast Corner of VIEW ST. and JUNO AVE. (double aprons) Southeast Corner of GRIGGS ST. and WATSON AVE. (double aprons) Southwest Corner of THOMAS AVE. and MACKUBIN ST. (double aprons) Southwest Corner of PAYNE AVE. and GREENBRIER AVE. (double apron) Alley Crossing on the West Side of ASBURY ST. between Van Buren Ave. and Blair Ave. Alley Crossing on the West Side of HAMLINE AVE. between Portland Ave. and Summit Ave. JUN 41910 Adopted by the Council ._.....---_-_-. ----_ -----------193...... in 419+10 ........................ ..........193.. rte'--_-'-�-----�-----....._- - . Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Parrantog—oe Peterson Rosen .... .... i .......... In favor Truax Barfuss Warmer __-Against Findlan $iauwL Mr. President, (fiekc!m) — 3M II -35 JUN 41910 Adopted by the Council ._.....---_-_-. ----_ -----------193...... in 419+10 ........................ ..........193.. rte'--_-'-�-----�-----....._- - . Mayor See petition with sidewalk order at sane location Council File No.......... b..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT All a PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'the undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: .........Caaat7Cti4t..ei.s7.d��G.RD..tA6.,0�7t.s�de. of ,Hamli]ns_Ageaue..xrom,Hoyt, Avenue......... to.Idsha . Avsmle.............................................................................................. . ........................................................................................................................ ........................................ ...................................................... Dated this ..... .4.th..... day of............... .TIMP..... ..... .... ..... ........ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. yWHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of tllowing improvement, viz.: Construct a sidewalk on the east aide ofu= Avenue from Hoyt Avenue ..................................................... .... :Co..Idaho-AAenus............................................... ............. PRELHUNARY ORDERS. .................................................................................................. .......:.LWa.i�...`1..U..... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul. ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. /Adopted by the Council....................LUPI .......4 I...................... YEAS NAYS JUN 4IM Councilman BARFUSS Approved.......................1.�..(./....................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON i 1i ROSEN TRUAX / 1 May r. IM 12.38 MR PRESIDENT 1191 iv q Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ADA6tFv P.t..CvlTb.1A8..QA . t)3� . eat..4! 4e . of, Hemline, Avenue ,Prom, Hoyt.. Ageane............. tP..Idaho.,Aveaue. .............................. :............ ............... .................................. . ................................................................... .0 ............... ........ ... ....., 193!!..... / Dated this....4t), .......day of.............J....une.................... ...................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ................. .. .,._, Construct, onrbi,, on,the.esat, aide. of gamLiae Avenue from Ho t ve 119004— ......to to. . Avalux- I ........................................................ Ab.trnet. —ritter ................................................................... I........................ }, _ '. ^ .�. ,.. .. ....................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state %yhether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ' Adopted by the Council ................... >W • • • 4190 .....""' YEAS NAYS JUN 41M BARFUSS Approved ................................................... Counci man FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON /................!!!�. Y......o... . ROSEN Mayor. TRUAX MR, PRESIDENT CkJ IM 1238 u• RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- all File No.........._ .................... MENT. m ... 7 v a By........ ......... ............................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution .Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits,costs and expenses - for constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks. Estimate No. 3, Contract 39-4"a 2.939 Msessable-- F.O. 115218 Hancock Street, northeasterly Bidet from Third St. to Foot* St. F.O. 115100 Sime St., north aide, from Edgerton St., thence east to the vast line of the most easterly alley F.O. 118043 Abell Street, vast side, from a point 37 feet north of Jessamine Street thence north 87 feet including driveway to Lot 2, Block 2, Pottgieser`s Subdivision and on the north side of Jessamine Street from Abell Street thetilsiG�Mest 100 feels "Atjnstg%w4ng near"monolithie eiincretirtsalk F.O. 115.123 Summit Avenue, south side, beginning 48.55 ft. east of Lexington Parkway =, tl ftao -salt 2' "ti beginning 18 ft. farther east, thence east 46 Peet F.O. llsl$1 St. Glair St.. south side, from Macalester Ave. to Snelling Ave. and on South side St. Clair St. from Maoalester Ave. thence west 180 feet F.d. 'T Y9` eerlboter°Avdfiue, botlf 9106 # from 8t. `ftair Ott to-Serk 1W Ave`., ant . the :est sirs cf gter Ave. from+HgrYe]3l�F AN*- acs `.oath 160 fsetj beginning 48 A. farther south thence south 85.5 ft., and on the east side of Macalester Ate. from a point 112 feet south of Berkeley Avenue r then" south 88 fostc imcUtding-momer so�*ns�aa F.O. 115117 Sri* Street, east side, from a point 93 ft. south of Oraee°Street, tfmidi 6Mth 140 Testy thenbe south I%S teat Woii`i�rasti7ng' mbifofithio ` asiisrs�te'walk F.O. 115216 Lincoln Ave., north side, from Albert Ave. to Pascal Ave., and on the aout4'► sA,d* Liucoln Ave. from Pascal Ave. thence east 80 feet= b6@60100601-- .teeth- �-_3$0'YCY'� F.O. 115122 Sargent Avenue, node,.from Albert'Ave. to a point b2w43 ft. east] beginning 160 ft. farther east, thanos bast 80:ts'j begiiniidg 40 ft. far- thcr stets ths6:.east 80 Pt. j beginning 148 ft. Farther seat thence east 14 Pe.o acid on the south side of Sargent Ave. from a point 92 ft, west of Hamlin Ave. thence west 120 feet, and on the cast side of Albert -Ave. from Sargent Ave. thsnc north 100,fta, and on:the west side of Hemline Ave. from Sargent Ave. thence north 20 feet, including extensions --Hon Asseseable— C.F. 115608 Resolved that the Commissioner of Public Works be'and he is hereby authorised and directed to vause the neasssa.ry sidewalk extensions to be constructed at the"lboativnl listed belowi H.W. and H.E. corners of Ashland Ave. and Arundel St. S.W. and S.W. corners Minnehaha and Oxford Sts. S.E. corner Jessamine St. and Duluth Ave. F•0. 114121,8!;. Clair St., south side from Macelester Ave. to Snelling Ave. f - .Aadige &f P.T7 8Pis g;•' eon;}r a, VTPYjkP yam, ;fleogr'yae•'' axJq or ,ire w 8P" CTVTL W fro 8;eutor g �yae- 3WGSrTaePaL VA9• ;0 2ueTjUe Vaa- 8•g• cosuos gee,Aiue .8 7nPX tlAe' vuq -2.9d• c$xFesB+ I!` ' wq')I•S• co7 07.1tof ssrg OxLD?'9 Ef°$• q Vim' sirq VrntegoT EP• Pe oaare;rnoPeq sr;� PFS' Tp TTgpq PdTQ&r ga�QaJg378oqpq, a ;bra crehaaae aTwwT): a rgauaiora ;o (I•F• T7EWS jp.Taeq tpirP wQ.40r•$ * S,nn TTo uO?-Z&,DA Irrf[i-ffm.. rs tmx nnA -�fp..�,r���FPos. asap.._„�rsuna.�o[ret•-gp t,¢+D..F!q�Eal�iE �'-•=fisapires»�aap sorr€p eige nwooiw yee• ;noir bs6on qee• rpeuoe e”; 80 Lee4i rwi-v�- - L•C' 77PST0 unanu Ves" uoL;y eige' tr.- VTpaxp VAs• Po bgaosT VAG" Qwq oa ;pe ooncl." AWTR Ppeuco eon;p 11tO Le9;1 ;peuos sonPK T8& teem OouePLaWT-ug wouo7ifFic L•0' TT21TI ELie 8;LGG;' age; eTge' Luow s baize; 82 U- e.ort;p of OLgoe 8;zea;' yAeurre ;pauoe ew;7 Be Leap iucTngMR oosuex. "usioue PFe Ova; eige oL Woajea;eL.VA*- LLow g BOTuP TTS bee; eOn;p OL BezlCs7eii 700 Lee -F1 PORT—P? 18 LT' LgJ.;pes 10011;!;IJe#oe 801MI e2'2 W" guq orJ guq ou ;pe maeP eige oL WcsTas;sL yes• Lsow gesicsTaa VAs• pyauoe eon;y L'0. 77P778 WOWTsa;eL-VAeuns' po¢p si,gea' LLom 8f• OTgiL 2P• Po geLreT01% yee" 2-47 aige 2P• CTVTL 2P• tLow -fWosjaa;eL VAo' ;pOIIoa rasa; j$0 Lea; 110• TSPTST 8P' CTgis 2F•' aonFp,e{r * w WQITTGR;GL yr►e• "p.8us7J7ut VAca• grrq on ;}rasrce esaP S te41 D� < e`T8 bF' taz rez. airs;' Ppaztoe OUR; 12 Lee; L'0' TTPT32 2n=T; Vesune' eon;p aiga' PagiiruiII& 18.22 bP• age; oL rexiuR;ou baml=l ;peuoa mea; 700 Les; ooua;urc;TUC :ram wouOM YTO Ocnoze;e AVTR 8npgieieiO1J eztq ou ;pe upr;}r aige oL gesegxjue a;Les; ;LOW VpeTT a;Lae; ;Ireuce Jsos;p 81 Les; TUGTnQiu1? (TLidewa Po ro; S' BTooR S' boFF�Tsaes,e E-'0' TT80g2 VPOTT 8;x.66;' mea; 2Tge' LLOw g boiu; 2A Lao; uoL;p of loquawlvs 2;zee; Ppd moa; .,.. L•0' TT 7tA'83 '' ixus.�yr Is LL-EgULPosr:8;•' ;pouts age; ;e fire aaee; T: ns o 'a`0' TT88Ta� OOolC 2;Leo;' 1JOLPpase;"TX aiga LLOw yprLq EP' Po Lo1fW 2.p- ----------------- A f•-------------- A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby orders o be submitted_to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in................................equal installments. JUN 121540 Adoptedby the Council ............................................................ ---------- -----19......... JUN 12 so Approved----------- ------------------------------------------ 19.... -- Form B. B. IS �� D City Clerk. (y� ' �. 7Sr Mayor. IIIIr� / 1` IA CITY OF ST. PAUL ( OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE f Report of Completion of Assessment f`:.a.Y._7_t140..__._._., 192. --- In the matt*of the assessment of benefits, cost§ and expenses fortka 000struoting, reconstructing and relaying oessent sidewalks, Estimsts Ho. 3, Contract 39•m•9, 1939 —Assessable— P.O. ssessable-F.O. 116813 Hancook Street, northesstarly side from 'third St. to P01W St. F.O. 116M Sims at,, north side, from Edgerton St., thence east to the wast liar of the most easterly alley F.O. 116043 Abell Street, west side, frame a point 37north hlof Jos PottBiStreet Street � Lot north 67 feet including driveway , 'Jftdblitan ted On the north side Of 4448 101AO Street from Abell Street thence goat 300 feet constructing new monolithic ocnorete telilL F h 1`t 123 Stmt kfenue, south sili & 'funning 48055 ft* asst of Lebon Pavy Mance east 2 ffet) bsgbMing 18 ft. farther east, thence east 46 feet F.O. 116151 $t. (EKGs' ft ' sbitth side, firm Hkoalester'va0 to well Arre. and an south NJ St. Clair St. from 16malester Ave. Usnos wayt H.O. '115119 k esWr A'va v*, `both sidle $, Pram sE. Olair M4 to ffrr'itelliy , snd on tis west side of Uscalester Ave* !rano Berkeley Ave. thence sottiir Beit) beginning 48 ft. farther south them$ s 03.5 t t•, and an At1w east venue t e1 enoe south feet iinncluding corner 112 foot netongioassout0i of Berkeley F.O. 116117 ft. south Of Grace Street, th south 140 fast; a 76 thence 176 feet constructing monolithic concrete walk F.O. 115218 Lincoln Ave., north side, from Albert Ave. to Pascal Ave., and on the south side Lincoln Ave. from Pascal Ave. thence east 80 fbetf-*e -Albext. AX*.,.. sergans — '-'We=e s., — -- ... Poo. 118122 Sargent Avenue, north aids, from Albert Ave. to a point 52*43M .at beginning 160 ft. farther east, thence st Sot .Ibeginningeast thefts far- ther east them east 8o ft. t beginning mot 14 ft., and on the south side of Sargent Ave. from a point 92 ft, west of Hemline Ave. thence west 120 lest, andon the east side of Albert Ave. from Sargent Ave. thence north 100 ft., stud on the west side of Hemline Ave. from Sargent Ave• thence north 20 feet including extensions --Nan-Assessable- C.F. 115808 Resolved that the Casmissicner of Public Works bei lk cin hereby to authorised and,direoted to cause the necessary be constructed at the 1000tians listed belows HsW. and H.E. camera of Ashland Ave. and Arundel St. H.W. and S.W. corners Nimcehaha and Oxford Sts. S.E. corner Jessamine St. and Duluth Ave- P.O. 118181 St. Clair St., south side fan Vicalester Ave. to Snelling Ave. F.O. 116119 vacalester Ave., both sides from St. Clair St. to Stanford Ave. F.O. 115216 Lincoln Ave., north side, from Albert Ave. to Pascal Ave., and on the south side Lincoln Ave. from Pascal Avs. thence east 80 feet A. . �.,A� iti'lr} os y #q gTL";Nq $ s 7u6�taaaeL?. aTgereeT)G axFauarous 4-0, C'Y+' T7Eo08 T 7`°fi�� We 0�e ' Jrde G&P pe -q Pe To PaaapA --�as�veaes�7a-- 87 QT, ge37Me Yca• uoTl P.e'7LO6t393F FPauoo aaLFP SO b®sF 7uo111g71ffl mss;. ol9s riiaOL de• LOm 88s.&0up YAa a oa 0014P Too LC•' _q ou FPa 3gof• swq ou rye ®es; srgs of �• •a. r�1t:.:�•� 6x ;aeuoa gostW 110 t00#1 fPeuos . son off, owes t;L98; L•00 J72TTS ZL7a IIf=�aF' WS; UNG' 82 u Yasune ;PaaatO ean.,a 84 LaeF «nig O bo7stf T15 .LAO; a;}a.. 01 - We b BeLge7ola We we; o Tge oZ g�roej OUP16,11 oA s @8'E = F' �4 on beaf Jm"Tt' " 3.F' �¢x.{tPea. ttcut a Jmu * . song I. O t . gaayca . VAa ;p�??a tur ;Pa mao; s7ge oL k ?i L,. L'0. 77ETTB Yl CWTeg;aL Yaaurta` pofp ItTgO 2f• 0T�*7L ;P a sonpp 2Tge eW C7sTL 8f' Ls oe Wou7ee{aL Yae ;PWG9 euq oat L••0. 772TST W OTwTL 2;'' song aTge' blow y� es;sLOL G* +0 asso® a+rsF 10 tom; varoe airs; S Lea;t PGE4=Tog To €f" i�Lf3' L•0' JT2T38 2rsWT; YAaama' son;P erge' pe2T=TVZ 88622 W ase; o{, Iax7o fou bBLK� veno MaWT0o 300; ooueFLnofruE nam wouo7TfpTo oouaa.e;e marc 8npgTAToroar ozrq ou ;Pe 110UW eTgo oT jeaeumque B+Leeooe`-0m bPOIT o;;tiTaeeLee ;}rause uoa;p BS baa; Tu07rtg3u8 gLTeasa7ti ;o Pof 5 B7o_ as ue 2fLeef L'o' 772018 YPOTT 2,La0;' mos; eTgo' ;L= a boTuF 2& Lae; uoL;P L i g ;P0 Nos; sae+ -'.T ` erne, SF•' t7pauoe 0"'P 40 �, 0 m®s; JTZ o rs;0« _.; R+8 MMW ergs ase LTX TW LLorr SPT 9 2;• ; LCAT47 2;• L � arRlt�eiaminargx E3xdexxxxxxxzxxxxxxxxxxxxhxa >:1�4e�md�dtaXXxQXd4� x_. _ __._........__......___...__._ _....... .... .....—, ��Ys>4�acxxx_�:ca�cx:_, �:_xKc�cxfx�c:t�c ;"agp7'c�c-�ctxxx_xxrxncrx_; x�rr..�cxx�>�&:c.xxx To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . Cost of publishing notice . Cost of postal cards . Inspection fees . . Amount of court costs for confirmation Assessable Non -A s ssabl Towle expenditure's . . $.... 3.r.2 2 4_.05 ._..._ 13.05 2.61 322.40 $. _......... _.......... __- 13.05 3,575.16 322.77 3 89793 -- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of ........ each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered tProP er.- ZL'i2's ......... ............... v✓�-�. aL-IiL' Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment 119')o6 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for mradins Iowa Aven.ie from 3rctto Street to Ash Street, Idaho Avenue from 3rotto Street to Ash Street, and the northerly 5 feet of Fo-;t Avenue from sotto Street to !;sh Street, also Ash Street from f?oyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue, 111ONS RATIFYING A89®9S- under Preliminary Order.._ 113628._._.__-_. Intermediary Order....._11401°----- Final Order.....1 approved.----- h_29------------ .19..3.9.. ---- ":`. arc-•----- A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 3n ............. ............ equal installments. JUN 51940 Adopted by the Council. ....... -................ --............ ..................................... 19. ......... City Clerk. --... JUN 5 so Approved-------- - -------------- ----------------------------19 File 8622 --- 0A----- a•. Form E. B. IB CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Hi the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs ar:d ex?senses for thm rradinF Iowa avenue from Irotto Street to Ash street, Idaho Avenue from ,rotto Street to Ash Street, and the northerly 5 feet of Hoyt Avenue from ;rotto Street to Ash Street, also Ash cJtreet from Fc,:,t Avenue to Idaho Avenue, under Preliminary Order 113628 Intermediary Order.....114019 ................ . _ ...... Final order....... 114255. _....-.._ _ approved_.._ arch 28, 1959__ 192........... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: materials, equinment, en-ineerinr and 63225 Coat of amzst�otma supervision $ -------'-- 7.20------ Cost of publishing notice . $- -- - -- 1.44 Cost of postal cards $.........._........... ---...... Inspection fees $.........._...._.....--...._ 7.20 Amount of court costs for confirmation $.....--.-.--. --------- Total expenditures $._ _648.09.,.,_.._._ ...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of 6...W,_09_,_. -.._,._......_..__.._.-upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attaehed,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered ,proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 jk Council File No .......... _....................... By------ --------------------- ............. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and ex-.enses for �radin> and surfacin? Alleys in Plock 2, King's Arcade Perk, from Denm, Street to Cottage Street, and from the Horth and Soith Alley to Walsh Avenue, PION B.ATIFYLYG ASSESS - under Preliminary Order..114354, Intermediary Order...._1118! _-..--, Final Order ..._1:15,1_0"5......... . approved- -June - L 2 - -------------- --19 -34• A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment 1 having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore \ RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. 'BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ................................equal installments. JUN 51940 Adoptedby the Council ......................--.......... - ---------•----......----....19....--.... `—�-- ------ -t----1--•---- -----------------_ �.-:-----., City Clerk. Approved. .................................. .--- ------- -- ..... ----.. ---- ,' Mayor. File S C 61 Farm B. B. 18 o `r CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment i;tav 7, 1940_..._..___.._., 192..._— In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and ex•enses for Am .gradin, and s,.rfacinQ Alleys in Block 2, Kin7's Arcade Park, from Denny Street to Cottage Street, and from the North and South Alley to 'vi ish Avenue, under Preliminary order.__...11.4354_.... Intermediary Order....____.114fl4H........__._..____.__.__.......___, Final order_.__. 115155. approved ... June _22 1939 192.......-... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: materials, equipment, en-ineerin,g and 1164.58 _ _ Cost of XW5M%amlaix . supervision $...................------ ... Cost of publishing notice . y..._-.-....-__4.20 _ 94 Cost of postal cards $.,..,.....,_....._._• Inspection fees Amount of court costs for confirmation $---------4.20----- Total expenditures $.__..-.17 7..3.,.92.....___... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of 6_.._.._. 1173.92 _._.... ___.____upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered .proper. / -�-�. x Commissioner of Finance. Farm E. 13.17 , :.y t 1 119ol is Council File No ---------- ---- .------ ......_----- By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for radinr, and sirfucins tie Alley in _,+lock , Palace Addition, fros Avon Street to 1rotto Street, RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS— RENT. 1, se under Preliminary Order_ .._11S404_ Intermediary Order Final Order .....L1rsQaZ------- - approved - e• -ch 7 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said asbessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .................. .......equal installments. Adopted by the Council--- JUN �_�9�.................----------19.....-.-. .a! - City Clerk. 1940 Approved------------------------------------------------------ 19 F; pproved------------------------------------..----------19Fi le 8603 — - - - .......................... mayor. Form B. B. 18 j "� PUBL, _ J C.- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment lfay 7, 1940------__.....192--- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and exenses foriimc rr^din7 and surfacing to Alley in Block 2, Palace Addition, from Avon Street to Grotto Street, under Preliminary Order 113404113814 ...................., Intermediary Order____.._._ __.._....._.._........_._....__... Final order114057 a roved _._r arch 7, 1939 IgT .......... ....... app To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: materials, equipment, en+ineerine and 1037.34 Cost of onastmxxion . - supervision $......_ ................ _ _._ Cost of publishing notice . - $--- .– -------- .----- 4.35—.._ Cost of postal cards $ ................_....._.___. .87 .... _ Inspection fees $.................._.....– —...._ Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 4.35 Total expenditures . $......- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_.._..._ 106.91__.____....._..........upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tifled by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered groper. Commissiqner of Finance. Form B. 8. 17 , 0,191.9 to Div O.rk 19 M)9 CITY OF T. PAUL ro:a`C� NO. OFFICE OF/,'fH)t CITY CLERK s> COUNCIL RES U ON ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY May Z% 1940 COMMISSIONER_ DATE C. F. No. 119009—By Mllton Ro'$_ That the Northern S« Power Company h. given .tall 1 40 -foot corner of F w1: h That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the north- east corner of Fauquier and yaa`Dyke, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and coat of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal Estimate $33130. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays a ss ipolan Par lit son -7 In Favor ate os n ru ' Against r. Presiden"fF'� 6M CB e;14C JUN 5 1940 Adopted by the Council— JUN 51940 A owed or `�IJIiL1SI That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole in the Alley south of Benson, east of Grace Law; and 1-40 foot pole on the south side of Benson, east of Grace Lane, with necessary gine, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do no by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal Intimate $33127. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bar(uss Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Against' Mr. Presideitt� r 6M 0.38 CB .i fit" �'t' f""' JUN 5190 Adopted by the Council 193— AN A roved--193— M oved 193— j M �1 qq x 5 Odtled to CRY CIM CITY ST. PAUL wi"`" NO. OFFICE O E CIT�rY CLERK COUNCIL RE TION---Cih"NERAL FORT( g. No. 119o10—Dy Muton Rosen— That the North.rn 8tatee Power Company PRESENTED BY co MI$SIONER_ be given Darmleaion to -la - tal1 1 40 -toot pole In the Alley south t Denson, east of Grace Lane: aad 1 40 -foot pole on the oath Ida of Beacon, east of Grace Lane, with nep- eseary guys, anchors, wires, and Tele- pphone Company Tree. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do eo Dy the Common Council and coat L said removal to be borne by the I Northern. etatas Power Comyany. Muntclpal Heti mate No. 89127. AdoDtted by the Councll June 6, 1990. AplIrdved ,one 6, 194o. (June 8, 1990) — I That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole in the Alley south of Benson, east of Grace Law; and 1-40 foot pole on the south side of Benson, east of Grace Lane, with necessary gine, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do no by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal Intimate $33127. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bar(uss Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Against' Mr. Presideitt� r 6M 0.38 CB .i fit" �'t' f""' JUN 5190 Adopted by the Council 193— AN A roved--193— M oved 193— j M orlyln.I to City Clerk ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRECOMMISS ONER_-_---St+%T S(t-• COUNCIL ^ 199 II_� H FILE NO.—___-- 0 i f RESOLVED, that the application of John E. Blomquist for permission to erect an oversize private garage at 654 South Snelling Avenue, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUTICILMETI Leas nays Aarfuss jFindlan .1Parranto itseterson In Favor -tosen /Truax _Against Mr. President, McDonough 3111 3-40 C3 23338 C. F. No. 119011—Ey Fred M. Trusa— Resolved , That the PPilcatIon of John E. Elompulst for Permission to er ect an overslae Private Bart¢e at 864 south Snelling Ave., is hereby granted, and the Commfeeloner of Pnrks, lstsygrounde and Public Solid - I Inge le hereby authorised and instruct- edAtdoto PPtedeby the Counermit cil June 6, 1940. i APProved June 6, 1940. t IJune 8, 1940) JUIN 5 I Adopted bq the Council_ - _194 �s �•- i' � X940 Approved__- .--- -------194__.-. Magog CITY OF SAINT PAUL�9 Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration June 4th, 1940 Mr. John W. UcConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir; The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of John E. Blomquist for permission to erect an oversize private garage at 654 So. Snelling ave. Yours very truly , city Clerk. /% STATE O,F HIA7VESOTA, e& County of Ramsey, Affidavit of Publication .�'.�.�.�.-.11 .. being duly swOrn, on oath the time .ted Bays: that he now 1s, and during the time here ted hes been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch -lilt. 2mi,Wne,prms, and bas full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prJ7 the Publicationtherein of the , `Zr (� .:................... ........... ..... hereto attached, said newspaper 'woo printed and Published in the I1sh language from its known office of Publication 4z the city of St. Paul 1n the C ty Of Ramsey. State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued, daily at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running Inches of single column two inches wide; has been Issued from its known office as above stated, established In said place of publi- cation, equipped withskilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to Bald community It Purports to serve. the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; ther publi�catgion;ral heaenot been meat and tsnrnnny; hes not duplicated wholly, any entirely made UP of Patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postuRice of its said Place of Publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said Publication was made. Proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- hcation of legal notices. That the ........................ NOTICE ......................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and wes�Printed published therein in /and sueee-aW1s: � . Q.... /". "„ " ...... the mghsh language, baee•-eadr-weekrt"e�r.......T�. that it was first So published on..�Ilthe.......... ....... day of y// y o ... 19.[ and thereafter on .. . ...... /... ef-earit�vask _ MIOF APPLICATION FOR PER' II NOTICE T TO ERECT AN OVERSIZE PRI- �• .................... day of ....................... 19....; and that the following is a Printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, VATIC OARAnE* Nott. Dei? i°oivtueact� raleeami ne and 1s hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used 1n the composition eis peat _I� iuw aP ueauov wtl� Z", is4b. �O mP pIt comvn Doy "Dlr�nee°tec yclty1 and Publication of said notice, to -wit: - - the Saint Paul r. E. B1.4ol't for permoenl tDe�foliawinH ��/ d¢Telae Prwo Hara6e eecrlDed re 1 eZg ,mated In nsmseY wit: Iuti 3. S.", • D o d e f 6 h l 1 t l m Coanly' Minnesota, to __ Ideal Honle Sites Addition at _ \ HHU1, tilnneeom. Oh ilia et Sne11, RBA_ hated et4same` Pau65" 1 iota. Dfay 17. ...•• .'.................. ..... ... .............. . 7940. (prove k DUDatc6 MaY ... ... /...day Subscribed and sworn to before me this. of ......... �.:. • • • M... 19 . /q fff . .................................. Notary Public, Ramsey County.. ¢sots. J. L Mc(Dooi_ My co on moires..ry ......., 19... >•iOtaq i'Ublit; Ramsey (:sun Minn. - My Camwlssios Expires Dee. 15, IZ. STATE OF MINNESOTA, es County of Ramsey, Affidavit of Publication ................................. ..... .... being duly morn, on oath Says: that he now is, and durin 1 the time herein St d has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the`�" 1��'��s�a!^-''•. St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has frill knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated Thatfor more than one year immediately p#,m)to`.t_hee pub117 Ulereln of the printed.............///�.',7y/):-... :.—. �v6sprinted and published Sn the Ea language from Sts known office of publlcatlon In city of fit. Paul fn the Coon of Ramsey, Slate of Minnesota, cram which it purports to be issued, daily at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent In space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done In its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mall matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on Hie in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ........................ NOTICE ......................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language,.... ..... .'.......... suass9okrweeils; that it was first so publish on................�.... the......../j. �...... day of / ° y0 d i/��pf o ......... 10...., and thereafter on .... .................... k to-and-iUclu -the ....•..................... day of ....................... 19....; and I NOTICE bP APPi.1CATIox Pox PEs• that the following is s printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive, VATS OAR ZC AN OVERSIZE PR1- and Is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition Nonce le hereby glue. khat p.r-..t to and publication of Said notice, to -wit: Ordinal". No. 7'LIe•ppocff�tMe Caryl at San, P-1, Minro Pta, Ptdi theon will De made _ 41h.C"Y....tasl by an an. t SO. Paei Min 1. E. BCILleregast for pelmiselon to erect sa abode f g h i) k I m e o p rate v r a ENae pr vote garage on ate [o1A_.Y eecrlDed 1 estate, Itualed In Ramsar Cq tr. Minnesota, to wit: Lot 3, Hlpck • PaW, til Ts eOit,$ddition. Bmlit 7vhaAaxomb.ePYaLgo SoJ"alaA............................ .— ... taalntal,MinneotnMav7. .... .. ........... ... 1940. (Press k Dispatch May I8-10-11-1940) _ Subscribed and sworn to before me this.... /..day of ..�1,... ...., 19.... ......... '.. ........................../... .. INetaiy Public, Ramsey Covntyr MmDesota My comtoldon expirees ....Notary•Aa'o1rK Rd3iseq. (]ociitty; Mttib.l9... My Commissloa Expires Dec. 15, 1943. 119:1.2 Original to City Cork • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F. No. 119012 Mr ax— Whereas Tb- _ ^ark., ` -COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORMES 1 report, BY v PRESENTED BY �I�'L%t4n-� - __ -. __._ DATE COMMISSIONER_——vv-----:J------ - -- �.. WHMMS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to M e Council that certaigement of barn located on Lot 7, Block 16, Blocks 7 to 10, 16 and 30, at No. 1965 Carroll Avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing shall be had up on the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the CChamber in the yCourt�House at eand 'City Hall,clock A,�inntheeCouncil df City Of Saint Paul, Minnesota; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property at his last knowna edstass or to the agent or occupant of s d property, and he the time, place and nature or pose of said hearing, shall also cause a notice of en hearing to be given by one publication in the official new aper of the City of Saint Paul, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. 12� COUTICILMETI IJeas � nags /8arjuss �ndlan � Parranto In Favor ,Peterson ,.Rosen ,'Oruax Against illf. President, McDonough am a -.e Ca Daae. JUN 51940 Adopted by the Council__ _ _194_ _ JUN 5 1540 Approved��_ mag% CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration June 3rd, 19110 Mr. John 9P. McConneloug Corporation. Counsel City Hall Dear Sir. The Council requested tof hat you prepare a resolution. setting a date for hearing in the r16, Merriam's Rearrangement of Blocksthe condemnat ion of the arn at 975 Carroll Ave., on Lot 7> Block to lo, 16 and j0. __ //"Yours very truly, City Clerk.�. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminloner May 29, 1940 Ron. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen; CHAS, A. BASSFORD City Architect The barn at 1965 Carroll Avenue has been referred to this Department for investigation. It is located on Lot 7, Block 16, Merriamts Rearrangement of Blocks 7 to 10, 16 and 30. The barn is out of plumb, the roof sags, sills are rotted, siding is off, and paper and rubbish is strewn around. Part of it is used for garage purposes. It is dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property and a Danger Notice has been posted. The owner is John W. Patterson, 1966 Iglehart Avenue, and a Danger Notice has been posted. Kindly institute condemnation proceedings in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. Y ruly,/ y chitect LAR..II oriam.l to cur clerk ? P () I..I CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL t NO.__._ - - F OFFICE OF THE�SITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTION---GENE44AL FORM PRESENTED BV DATE---_ATU219 COMMISSIONER—.--- ----- -- RESOLVED, that the following official bonds, vh ioh bonds Coun counselsbeen and theasame are o form ereby accepted d execution and apprthe oved, tend the City Clark is directed to deposit them with the City Comptroller: Principal Office Amount Surety John C. Feldmann $2,000 united States Casualty Deputy Commissioner Company of Education W. Lamont Kaufman $5,000 Superintendent of Parke Frank E. Haas p. E. McDermott COUTICILITIETI 1]eas $lays �s �Z'.Krento dlan terson .KOwn -It/.11 —PI" McDonough ,in , .o C5.111. Secretary to $5,000 the mayor Deputy Commisadoner of Finance $5,000 C. The Aetna Casualty and Surety Company The Aetna Casualty and Surety Company Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland posit 1.htva, dohnt C. FleldmanComptroller: Offie, Deputy Commissioner f Education; Amount, $2,000; Surety oUnited 9tntea CaeualtY Comppany 4 Principal, W. L. ont Kaufman; O[- fits, Superintendent of Parke; Amount $6,000; SuretY, The Aetna Casualty ani Surety Company. Princlpal, Frank E. Haas; Office, Secretary yy Amount, $6,000; Surety, tThe Aetna Casualty and Sare pany. Principal. P. E. McDermott: Oince, Deputy Commleeloner [ Finance' Amount, $6,000; Surety Fidelity ani y Deposit Company of DfarVaud. Approved June 6- 1940. June 6, 1940. (June S. 1940) i #— Adopted by the Council_ _194_- _ JUN 5 t Approued_ A In Favor - G Rlagor _ Aqainst ( 1 orialasl to Ci q Clerk .Vt CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL - - (� FILE NO.-----.- - I I A A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE* , 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Barfuss -.-... DATE_ COMMISSIONER—._-_..--_— - DATE-- --- ----- __ ---- -- WHEREAS, CharlesWillis, Superintendent of Apparatus In the Fire Departlaent, ll be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of thirty days from and after June 7th, 1940; and WHEREAS, the Co.�lmissioner of Public Safety has recommended that said employe be granted a leave of absence for disability, with pay, for said period, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence to said Charles L. Willis for a period of thirty days from and after June 7t* 1940, with full a o'Wha eas,o.1 901Ch�ey 1. WlllleaSuper- p pay. Intendent of Apparatus In the Fire Department, will be incapacitated and unable toperform his duties for a per- lod of thirty days from and after June 7th, 1940; and Whereas, The Commissioner of Pub- lic Safety has recommended that said mploye be granted a leave of absence i for disability, with pay, for said Der- t lod, aid leave being In compliance w, In Pnragr. h E. Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city offl- fi ere be and they are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence to said Charles L. Willie for a Verlod f thirty days from and after June 7th, 1940, with full pay. Adoptedby the Council June 6, 1940. Approved June G. 1840. (June 8, 1940) `AI COUTICILMETI leas / Tlays IF'indlan 4arranto 'eterson 7n x jffir. President, McDonough sin n-ao Cs sass. JM 51940 Adopted by the Council_ N l / Approved_..- in Favor -_Against ' C ¢ 4 original 1...41x4 - �. • � CITY of ST. Paul OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C_Reeolved... That the proper ratty -'s- oar. are hereby authorised to pay cer- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORN Publlc.plorke [ rthetD.p.rtr. , yme I as set out on the list attached to thle PRESENTED BY reolutlo COMM ISSIONER._.__ Mi ltOn ROSAn DATE Adn. opted by the Council June 5. 1940. -- Approved June 0. 1940. —__ ._---------- -- (June 8. 1940) WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers pay the following named employees at the rate employment for the extra time hereinafter set are hereby authorized to otherwise fixed for extra forth. Name Title No.Hrs. Rate of Pay Hennessy Edward J. Brown, Ldwin J. Truck Driv r Pow.Shov.Bpr. y 18 331 1:5�0� Brunner, Joseph Util,Fore.-PW 16 800 Dickey, Paul Caretaker 8 .62-j Dieckman, Roy M. Unsk.Lab. 6,50 Elliott, George Road Mach.Opr. 8 .701 Goossen, James A. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 2 .55 Hagerty, C. J. Unsk.Lab. 8 .50 Hayek, Joseph Unsk.Lab. 8 .50 Henry, Alfred J. Unsk.Lab. 2 .50 Klemenhagen, Albert W. Utilityman-PW 8 Kubik, Frank Caretaker 8 Lindstrom, Arvid A. Caretaker 8 ;62; 6 Locke, Clinton S. Unsk.Lab. 8.50 Lyons, Wilfred H. Utilityman-PW 8 .701 Maloney, Daniel J. Unsk.Lab. 6 .50 Maloney, Thomas Unsk.Lab. 8 ,50 McKillop, Alex Sew.Mtc.Lab. 8.55 Olsen, Thomas Perry, Boniface J. Staty.E Tr,O.D,1*T. 3 .76j Putnam, Fred A. Crew Leader -PW 5 12 1,50 .70-f Rhode, Steve Unsk.Lab. 6 .50 Richardson, Lawrence W. Utilityman-PW 8 ,73 Riley, Thomas Unsk.Lab. 7 .50 Schaefer, John Unsk.Lab. $ .50 Schrenkler, Louis W. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 8 .55 Sterns, Leland A. Road Mach.Opr. 8 JUN 5 19 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council___ ____. -_-_..._.._19._._.. YeasNays Zad C JU_.._.N Ian _ Approved. ..J._ -I --19 - Parranto ,f�terson _..._.......In Favor'"� _... ... - - - - - -- .. . ,,Rosen r Mayor ,,,Truax _._..Against Mr. President (1 n) An emergency has arisen in the DEPARTIO NT OF PUBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Preparing streets for oiling, answering emergency calls for sewer stoppages, watching materials and equipment on Sundays and holiday. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Rushing street repairs which were delayed by recent rains, opening sewers after hours in answer to emergency calls, watching materials and equipment necessarily left on streets over Sundays and holiday. ComlISSIMTFR OF PUBLIC V� Original to MAY CIrrk COUCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE"' NO.— --- - - -- OFFICE 9§ Y* kE CITI&CLERK COUNCIL 7tTION --- GINER*AL FORM PRESENTED BY A DTE COMMISSIONER_— .__ _- ___ - - In the matter of reoonstrneting, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the north side of Milford Street from a point 30 feet west of Rice Street, thence west 100 feet, under preliminary order 0. F. 118500 approved April 25, 1940• RT6SOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. In Fton tha matter 16f $reconeltructnBene- laYlnB ad PalriPgilfoTfl 1BL fromoa the Orth "de o[ MM Point 80 feet west oaRice Si-I' ti-I inarY west 100 teat, d April baor . F. 118600 approve Resolved. That all order- 1n the �! above matter be and the arae are 1 i hereb c 11ce 'edicl-lin ed such matter dl""to ed. . 1940- ""to 840. Adopted by the Council Sun. 6, APDroved June 6, 1940. (June 8, 1940) 4/ ' COUTLCILmcn Leas Ilays /1/aylnss F' in Ian arranto 'Ve'terson osen ,Truax Mr. President, Mct )onough em ' _s JUN 51940 Adopted by the Council_ - - - - -194--- r Approved- JON -- --- ------ In Favor _Against �,'� Orlyiaal to City Ckrk "947 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL •n_E NO._----_ -.. _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � DATE__---_- COMMISSIONER—_—------------------------ In the matter of constructing a sewer on Pascal Avenue from Hewitt Avenue to the terminus of the existing sewer 337.2 feet north of Capitol Avenue, under Preliminary Order 0. F. 118363 approved April 12, 1940, and Final Order 0. F. 118880 approved May 287, 1940 - Contract No. 40-3-44. RESOLVED, That the plane and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Oommissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, 0. F. 104827 approved September 12, 19369 the estimated coat of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $128266. RESOLVED MUM, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No. 119017—Ey Milton Rosen— In the m iter oI onatructing .ewer on Pascal Ave. from Hewitt Ave. to the terminus of the ea""" sewer 987.2 feet north f C.DDltol Ave., under Preliinary Order C. F. 118889 approved Aprll 12, 1940, and Final Order C. F. 118880 approved May 28, 32, ,3936, Ins estimated coat of Ma- terials, equipment nglneering and supervlelon being ><1,282.00. Resolved Furthers That the Pur- - chasing Agent be nd he le herein uthorl.ed and directed to purchase the...sa ary materials. Adopted by the Councll Sun. 8, 1940. Approved June 5. 1940. (June 8, 1940) COUTICILMEn Adopted bq the Council__- leasIlags ��ajr c jns9 JUN 5190 iFindlan Approved-_..----- ----- - -t�- ,/Karranto /P�eterson in Favor r 'Rosen � -Against r. President, McDonough .m -1. Cs ».�. Original to City Ckh f( co`Nci� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Li OFFICE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1r COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM I. ,,,j n -- - --ltuea-- ,r .PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER —------------- — - —_. __ DATE— RESOLVED: That licensesaapplied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Harry L. Kramerman 1171 Cortland Off Sale Malt ,App. 40949 Renewal Stats Hotel Corp. 339 Wabasha St. Hotel ^ 4163o " Frank W. Ingham 441 St. Peter St. Hotel " 41774 " Roy Miles 568 Canada St. Ice Station " 41844 n R. L. Gould & Co. 496-502 Jackson Florist ^ 41gn " James & Wm. 01>rady 241 E. Kellogg Blvd. Restaurant ^ 41947 ^ St.Paul Ball Club Inc. 1156 Univ. Ave. Ball Park ^ 41950 " Humbert Rigali 1944 University Confectionery " 41953 " Phillip Levy 237 Grove St. Grocery " 41973 " ° 41971} " 11 11 ^ Off Sale Malt James A. Cooper 830 S. Robert St. Ice Station " 42001 it Ratterman Bros. 92 N. Snelling Florist " 42027 it Tracy Wilcox 149 W. Summit Ave. Restaurant " 42034 n Joe Havlish 1553 Univ. Ave. Restaurant " 42049 ^ George Nelson 1185 E. Minnehaha Gas Station n 42051 " Chas. Maier 710 N. Snelling Bakery 42055 " M. D. Warren 579 Broadway St. Off Sale Malt " 42074 ^ Mrs. Geo. Mathison 64 W. 10th St. Hotel " 42094 ^ John Berken 447 S. Wabasha St. Grocery ° 4209ee9 COUTICILMET1 Adopted by the Council__ Ileas/ Tlays BB�arf uss k'!p� n JUNI 5184 /Findlan _ �) Approved --------------t04__-- , ar auto In Favor '--`- iPeterson ------- ------- IDa� r 'Rosen ,,Truax -Against Air. President, McDonough z .in efao cs nesse COUTICILME11 leas hays B��ar(uss /t'indlan �atranto 11�sterson /Rosen "Truax /Mr. President, mcDonough 3111 3.40 CS 23335 Adopted by the Council__-164--- jUN 5 �> Approved_--- In Favor IRs / - _Against �� Oriyi—I to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL nLe NO._. _ - .- --- O THE CITY CLOW ERTION---GENERAL COUNCIL RESES OLUU FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONE---------- _– DATE___—June --- for by the following persons at the addresses indicated RESOLVED: That licensee applied hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue be and the same are the into the city treasury of the required fees: such licenses upon payment Conditioned Air Equip.0o. 2455 University Ave. Oil Burner App•41472 New New Loc 159 N. Snelling Restaurant to 41567 11 New Loi Edw. J. Neumann 935 N. Dale St. Confectionery It 42021 s New Lo J. J. Rauscher W. Central Gas Station n 42095 it Old Lo Everett Gardner 376 Lawrence Gelbman 1297 Rice St. Ice Station v 42148 a New Lo Merrill Hart 927 Univ. Ave. Bakery u 42149 it Old Lc 374-84 Robert St. Pitch.Peddler It 42200 a Raymond Lindsay 11 „ II n ii 42229 Raymond Lindsay 658 Hague Ave. Junk Gatherer it 42252 " Naftl Cohen G. H. Bartues— C. F. No'fruaa19—By ftesolved, That licenses applied for list at - bed on e and the by the persona nameutl do ta_he s tea this reeTanted and the City hereby B e h 1t- I Clerk Is Instructed to meet into khe no into the city ' neeeupon treasury t the ea.i,.d fees. Tune 6the o 1940. uncil June 6, 1940.`[ Approved (June B, 1940) COUTICILME11 leas hays B��ar(uss /t'indlan �atranto 11�sterson /Rosen "Truax /Mr. President, mcDonough 3111 3.40 CS 23335 Adopted by the Council__-164--- jUN 5 �> Approved_--- In Favor IRs / - _Against Original to CityiBY j P� i CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO.— PRESENTED `COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER_____—_______ RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 42015, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 42016, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 42017, applied for by Nick D. gotsonaros at 559 St. Peter St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Liquor transfer inf. approved by Council, May 24, 1940. COUnCILMETI Deas Rays arf uss -"Findlan 174, anto /Peterson cogen /truax fMr. President, McDonough 3m s -4o Cs asasa C.F F. No 119020—By O. 11. Barruas— Aeeolved, ThatllcenseO�o 8a1eI MAA an4 aPPllcatl lfention642016, and OK Beverage, PD �pplledator$bY Ncic Dpgotsonaroe0lgi 669 et. Peter 9t. ba anl�d tht .,orka In f hereby granted sn uch licensee upon ' Instructed to I9sue treasury of the r. t 1-[ Into [he City the repuired fees. 1840. Adopted by the Coun it Sone 6, 1 ppDroved lune 5. 1940. 4 (Sune B, 1940) 1, Adopted by the Counciliuk 51940_194_ 5190 Approved___ - - ___1.94__- In Favor � \ — - Rl yor f ..Against o1v Ori/laat to c5 r,• Irri, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fou CIL rua NO.--- OFFICE O._—OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY --- COMMISSIONER---- -------- - -- - RESOLVED: That On Sale Liquor license $1483, expiring January 31, 1941, issued to Nick D. %otsonaros at 115 W. Tenth St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Nick D. gotsonstros at 559-561 st. Peter St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. Trsf. informally approved by Council, Mw 24, 19 40. counciLmEII teas Ilays l Bot-}usa v/J ``Fin[ilan ,Pa onto on In Favor �oxen _Against /trua3 President, McDonough IM 1-4o Os .3— C. F. No. 119031—By O. H. Barfues— Reeov d�,a That On Sale ...ry V- enae No. 1 a, mDlrlor tsonary 81, 1941, I ... ed to Nick D. d t eonaroe at hereby W. [ranaterred atonNicke D. 8ot- naroe at �[Y bo�cera pada lnetruoted the Draper o [ Changed In the city Bake gide. Dr Co ADDro ed June 6� 1940, June 5. 1940. (June 6, 1940) l JUN 5 " Adopted by the Council _ _ _ _ 194_ ._ �.1 qw i�AM, [a� IITproved _--- __-_---194_-_ - \J1j l ID 9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No ......................... 'Tick D. Kot son09Age....53................. Name of Applicant .................................................... .............. Ceder 9313 Residence Address ....... i42:+e=.t. Lolle Telephone No......:' ................. Are you a citizen of the United States? ..... :Ccs ................................................................................ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? Yes When and where?...$115. ,oAt..ic,:,ti:,,at, .or,last saver.,ears. ............._..,.........,........................ If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation............................................................... --...... _...................................................................... Whenincorporated? ................ ..... .................... .................................... ........ I .......... I ........ ..... If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? ................................... _....... Howmany members?.............................................................................................................. tames and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager ............................................................................................................................. ....... .............................. Cice name of surety company which will wri.e bond, if known...5cr.lofird.Su2'Cty..Co+ umber Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward - - �`^59--:g?-t.pet, r gest lOt*, nc? colle-c Fourth corner St.F for & 0011e; -e Ilow many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)? ...... One . 1i10..2.C.�4.&st.........,, Ilow many feet from a church lmeasured along streets)?...... }ve.nundre`d................... ................. ...I........ I low many fee: from closest public or parochial grade or high school lmeasured along streetsi?...=ive blocks Name of closest school....Assu pth9 ..Cizurc -School....... How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? ... ..CRm.":eF.G7.a�..s`:nd,'ousiness nro�ert;% Onwhat floor located? ....... Fir.st....................... ........................ ..................... ........... Are premises owned by you or leased?. bY. roe...... ...If leased give name of owner.. Ifa restaurant, give seating capacity? ........ o1t:................................ _............................................ If ho.el, seating capacity of main dining room?................................................................................. Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: .....................none ... _.............. ......... ................. ....-.......... ........... .............. ....................... ...................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ................... ........... ............ .......... .................... ................ ...... .... ..... ............ I................... ...................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................... _................................... ................................................................. ....................................................................................................................................... (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). I io,% many guest rooms in hotel?....................................................................... .......................... Name of resident proprietor or manager trestaurant or hotel) ............................................................... Give name; and addresses of three business references:................................................................... , chtii d t. Eretow n ..Ca= -Ir ........................ ..... _........................................................ Hc-:rn Brewing Coamn: T .............. ......................a.....:........ . _........................................................................ 3.... LO i. s. H.Pgte.r..296 Sn lling Ave.SOu'I1.................._.......................................... THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED: ,^.pplication che�ke 1 by Issuance of license is not recommended Dated... _ .... ...................193...... ......................................................... License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE t f r STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. :Ac': :).-._otson`1-10S'..................being first duly sworn, .................. ..................................................................... deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me / this..................c.. da f.... "Y............1910. ..:. otary Public, Ramsey Cotx%y, Minn. , My commission expires... ..ly..11tn.19.;1......... ... STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. ............................................................. ..................... being first duly sworn, deposes and says that.....................the...................................................................................... ..................................... ........... .... ...... ............................. I a corporation; that.....................................has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of................................knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this....................day of ..................... 193. .......................................................... Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. : My commission expires ............................... Council File No ....11922........... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEAWT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz: Reoonstruat .with, monol,7 t1} j o „QoAVF9t ex ,the , d1 deYP..9A. the . avntherly . a1[ie....... oY 3tmmmit..Agenue,Yrom.$t,,,Det.er..StF9e.,..tkense..eaeter�s.U.k.ft...and. reaet..;.,. ...........9PPR4A1WAtexy..24. Xeet..o.Y. zreche..ourb............... ............................................. ........................................................................... Dated this ..... 5.ttb...... day of...............dune.............................. 19310.... j .................................. ................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconetruot_ with.monolithio„aoP�r@te,. the, sidewalk,on.,t1�Q..,ot}ti}er)y..$jde....... of. Suwmlt.Avenue.frsamSt..Petsr-Street,..thence.saster]y.Idd .Yt—enc .reset...... aP.Pro:14�.t6)Y..2,4. f eat- -9f . gr=lta . aurb,.......................................................... . ................ .............................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the fo�g�ia'�� r{eggoingmatters to the Commissioner of Finance. ,Adopted by the Council.............JIM .............................. YEAS //NAYS C 1 JO 1 Counciltnaa�AREUSS Approved............. .......94....... • • .... • • • • • . /FJNDLAN ZPIRRANTO /PETERSON /TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT I:b7 12.38 �X--•--- ff E:PgpLUTION OF COUNCIL "PSOF- ^ 'r~'fi SSESBA ENT AND FI -G //////3 ^ 1£;" G THEREON AND �l l 2 F Ha:11RING ON fd RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND F i i?V(s TML OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES oner._n� widen�n� and extanainr• .-aze'. ove. - ta__��__gny_co*�c;.•.g;�� In the matter of---------- ------------[--- o ------------- m--- ^ all that hart of the �&r„ o" the 5:�.- o' V., f Section 2, ioti4nshi c9, Range s2, bounded or. the -hest b;: the east rl,- Line of }Tazel.:s lorate'i a^c onene•i the -oard of Public ',.orks of th;" e 'itv o: Pa il, under an order dated Ji:l•� 6, 1905, and bo,.tnded on the southeast t;y the ceegterl-; line of lot 96, "or.tcill._, `1111 -on and „arrer.s 'ro�nect Auu' tion vacated as ori-inally locates accordin- to the recorded I t thereof as file, in the ...'ice of the; Re-ister of Deeds, Rfr,se. 2ount anti tour.:ed on the .crtt;east the so.ithuesteri•: 11ne of land ta!ren and condemned or a treat under a _final order _: the Co.^oil o`_' the ..ity of ..t. Faui ^�o:•.n as Council idle No. 66796 and cibii,hed on t'' -e trd da" of Jol1926, under Preliminary Order ----- 116075----------- approved ---- '_arch 12i 1940 ________________ t Intermediary Order -------- ------------ approved ---- ------------------ Final -----------------Final Order ----------------- _1:L6_9 ---------- approved--- '1x__14, - ------------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ _____3rd______ -_day of____ILIA--------------------- 19_40_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and'he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. JW 5 Adopted by the Council-------------------------------- - Juia rJ 1� �� --- -------------- ------------- City Clerk. Approved------------- ----------,19---- File 3940 -------- --------- - Ma r. �.-=1 Rarfusa Councilman �• p„,dt:,n Councilman � _-� Councilman Councilman I'r• ers<,n Councilman _ zzi Ltoscn Councilman Truax / l Mayor! ��m b3... �Ietr 10:24 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING Wall j�ER�O� AND FIXING TIME OF �Ir ;g;�� ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES l , conde::.n-�-t� ar:d tiakin- an ease-n-r.� in the land �:ecessar•; for lon;s, Inthe matter of------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ .-. '.he �rvcin� c,r�ir,-. o' 'ine:^.'.zz-st A, _n1i,, :romn^ :.venae to .v UTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- A89E99MENT AND FIXING OF REARING' "-P- N AND TW- 7N under Preliminary Order .... 11?1S4______---_-_, approved___'arch clL_190__________________, Intermediary Order _________113 _:------------- approved__ 940 _________________- Final Order ----------------11--=` ------------- approved --- -------------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ----------- day he-___d--_____-__day of_1Hxl;------------------------ 19_40_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ---JUN 51940 ---------------------------- /--' 19 ---- City Clerk. Approved ------------------------------19---- {�. ! ,41•, .9,947 -- -'`-� --�-------`---- ----------- - Rarfase Ma r. Councilman Fmd1an Councilman Councilman4� Parranto Councilman '=�a t'•ceraon Councilman lk—-= 1t,Neen Councilman Truax ' b Mayor 9. COUNCIL FILE By... ............. __. CITY OF ST. PAUL r Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of here^its, costs and expenses for �-radir., the Alley in _.-'log;_ r, 'o-:ecro`t Ad(litier `Yon _�-cumt:e hoar. to R®llevue _venue, and construotinr, sewer on easement to be o:tained on the vresterl� 8'feet of lot 8 in said --lock 5 from the said alley to the sev.-.r in 14ordsworth P.treei, 11' ;799 113888 under Preliminary Order ..---------11 99 Intermediary Order ....................... .....................38 Final Order _.._11 135 pp fart.. 14 19 .39 ................... approved................................ - The assessment of._......beaefitsl costs and exver,ses __.._,_--_-__._....for and in connection with ..._...... - the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......3rd_................ _day of .rule 19..40 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. C Adopted by the Council................�UN 51 19........ City Clerk. JUN5 1940 ---- -'-- --' �:>:,,.. �.., Approved........................ ................... e ,' l e 8601_........, M or. Councilman XAaney._:,.r..� Barfusa j CouncilmanFindlan PURI J.n- Councilman LWI)od- ald- Parranto CJ Councilman®Rahland' P,-teraou Councilman-14aslheimer k4�8atf Couneilmanz[We�- Truax Mayor AWIFiWO Form B. B. 17 Original to cur Clerk � '26 NO.— CITY OF SAINT PAUL couNCR rae _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLOAK � CO N/C,IL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY __ DATE— 7n. _-J1e_.-rJt-1.8-4Q— --. COMMISSIONER_ ---'-- RESOLVED, that the following official bonds, h ich bonds have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same are hereby accepted and approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit them with the City Comptroller: Principal Office Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Harry T. O'Conne.11 Secretary of the Water Board CORRCiLMER leas / Rays Ba uss i��ndlan Aparranlo / eterson Asen /truax ,ftlr. President, McDonough ]Ill —0 CS I.— Amount surety $5,000 Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland $10,000 New York Casualty Company of New York C. F. No. 119026—By John S. Findlnn— $eeelved, That the following official bonds, which bonds havebeen aP- thevCorporation Counsel. be nand th same are hereby accepted and. ap- proved, and the City Clerk to at,cted to deposit them with the City Come - troller: 'Principal, $arty T. 'O'Connell; O[Ilce, 'C'Z Clerk; Amopat, 36;000; Surety, land. -ty 8i Deposit Company ofrinc]PlMary- land. 90cretarYaof $ e'ar,eWateiT. °Hoard;ll- oMon Amoun t, 510;000; Surety, New York Casualty ; ompany of New York. Adopted by the Oonncll Tune 6, 1910. .e."_." June 6. 1910. (June a. 18 90) Adopted by the Council JUN 51 0 -194--- 5 t94--- - APProved__ -- In Favor— � may° Agaim Ist._I:1 2.d. Laid over to 3rd. & app.- 'n * h--- Adopted Yeas ''Y/ Nays Yeae Nays 11188 1C. U88 In an Findlan arranto ' �t�n /�ter>aon osen (/ �� en 'Truax / President Fallon Truax dr. President Fallon An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7731, approved December 31, 1936, entitled "An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organised under the 1408 of the State of Kinnesota, its successors and assigns, permission to use the streets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for the purpose ofoonduoting and supplying electricity for all purposes for a term of five (5) years from and after January 1, 1937; pre- scribing rates which such corporation may charge for snob service, and determining the amount which such corporation shall pay to the City for the use. and occupanoy of its streets or other public property. This is an emergency Orth a rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, hem-,qafety,• by striking out that part of Section 4 of said 0 cv leo. 7731 entitled "Street LL'ightinding loraratee !o by in a rent otherlightila in lieu thereof, pro - THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DONS ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 4 of Ordinance No. 7731, approved December 31, 1936, is hereby amended by striking out that portion of Section 4 entitled "Strest Lighting Rates,” and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Street Lighting Rates. "Effeotive on all service rendered after January 1, 1937. •CLASSIFICATION: "lee of electricity to the City of Saint Paul for street lighting usage. "(a) for electrical energy metered and used in the overhead system (where the diitrit.ioa_t.and maintained by the Company) - the enm €1._ %M net _ "(b) For eleotrioal enerV meterNl:-and used in the ornamental system (where the underground distribution system is Qwned and main- tained by the City) - the sum of 1.0 net per HWH. "(c) Rates for remaining service to remain unchanged. !She above rates for (a) and (b) are based upon the present City budget for electric energy for street lighting totaling approximately $125,000.00. The rates provided in items (a) and (b) above will be reduced to 90 and 1.50 net respectively in any calendar year in which under these reduced rates the Company receives a �laimum payment of, 0450,000 for this service." Section 2. This ordinance shat] date effect and be in force thirty days after its passer, app -and-publication. . )h, C. F. No. 119827 1-0rdl.ance No. 8123— eriRlneltol.'ItyCl.rk O By W. A. Pa¢anto— An rdloa oe amending ordinance *, No. 7731, approved DocemEer 31, I838, anUtled An ordinance. granting 'to - Northern States Power Company, a con ➢oration ornised under the laws D the State on,1nneM' wO. and ate ga31! � Pi°rLFILE N tuner' and"o[h ted in t-g,„ryi' PRESENTED B�W52 _ _ Durno'` ORDINANCE NO. -.-- An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7731, approved December 31, 1936, entitled "An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organised under the 1408 of the State of Kinnesota, its successors and assigns, permission to use the streets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for the purpose ofoonduoting and supplying electricity for all purposes for a term of five (5) years from and after January 1, 1937; pre- scribing rates which such corporation may charge for snob service, and determining the amount which such corporation shall pay to the City for the use. and occupanoy of its streets or other public property. This is an emergency Orth a rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, hem-,qafety,• by striking out that part of Section 4 of said 0 cv leo. 7731 entitled "Street LL'ightinding loraratee !o by in a rent otherlightila in lieu thereof, pro - THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DONS ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 4 of Ordinance No. 7731, approved December 31, 1936, is hereby amended by striking out that portion of Section 4 entitled "Strest Lighting Rates,” and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Street Lighting Rates. "Effeotive on all service rendered after January 1, 1937. •CLASSIFICATION: "lee of electricity to the City of Saint Paul for street lighting usage. "(a) for electrical energy metered and used in the overhead system (where the diitrit.ioa_t.and maintained by the Company) - the enm €1._ %M net _ "(b) For eleotrioal enerV meterNl:-and used in the ornamental system (where the underground distribution system is Qwned and main- tained by the City) - the sum of 1.0 net per HWH. "(c) Rates for remaining service to remain unchanged. !She above rates for (a) and (b) are based upon the present City budget for electric energy for street lighting totaling approximately $125,000.00. The rates provided in items (a) and (b) above will be reduced to 90 and 1.50 net respectively in any calendar year in which under these reduced rates the Company receives a �laimum payment of, 0450,000 for this service." Section 2. This ordinance shat] date effect and be in force thirty days after its passer, app -and-publication. . )h, JUN 251940 Yeas Councilmen 'Nays I4/ Passed by the Council- —Baf`IUCS Findlan Favor Parranto__Io Peterson C �- Rosen -- — -_Against Truax 190 Mr. President C YODOIIOugh t1PPro JUN 25 --------- -- �, Mayor Uity Clerk 'Soo 1238 CS 21724 o PL'LLIS-1 -.1 - - - -- - - - - - ._ ,_.... �._........ >.,_..�.. - ec M a 21 - 9, T .. i, . A migi,ai to City C1erk ORDINANCE COUNCIL F y' PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO.._ - Yeas Attest: An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7731, approved Deoembet 31, 1936, entitled: "An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, permission to use the streets and other public prop– erty located in the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of conducting and supplying electricity for all pur– poses for a term of five (5) years from and after January 1, 1937; prescribing rates which such corpor- ation may charge for such service and determining the amount ah ioh such corporation shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets or other public property. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety." The Council of the City of Saint Paul does Ordain: Section 1. That Section 4 of Ordinance No. 7731, approved December 319 1936, is hereby amended by striking out that portion of Section 4 entitled "Street Lighting Rates" and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "STREET LIGHTING RATES "Effective on all service rendered after January 1, 1937. "CLASSIFICATION: Sales of electricity to the City of Saint Paul for street lighting usage. "(a) For electrical energy metered and used in the over- head system (where the distribution system is owned and maintained by the company) - the sum of 2.25 pet per.KWH. "(b) For electrical energy metered and used in the ornamental system (where the underground distribution system is owned and maintained by the city) - the sum . of 1.6¢ met per..M. 1 �✓ "(c) Rates for r emaining service to remain unchanged. "The above rates for (a) and (b) are based upon the present city budget for electric energy for street lighting totaling approximately $125,000. The rates rovided in items (a) and (b) above will be reduced to 2.124 and 1.55 net respectively in any calendar year in which under these reduced rates the Company receives a minimum payment of $1509000 for this ser- vice, and further, the rates provided in items (a) and (b) above will be reduced to 2X and 1.5¢ not respectively in any calendar year in which under these further reduced rates the Company receives a minimum payment of $200,000 for this service." Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Bar(uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Dor. President O City Clerk 300 12.38 C8 21724 In Favor _Against Approved:—---- ---------.— ___ ayor KV UriRin.l to ('ilr Clerk ORDINANCE '27 COUNCIL FILE NO...---. PRESENTED BY - ORDINANCE NO_ _— Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nuys Bartuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President McDonough Attest: City 300 12-$N CF 2172_4 r Passed by the In Favor Against Approved:----- ----- ----- - --- Mayor Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereby accepts and agrees to abide by and keep and perform all of the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions of Ord'rance Number 8125 adopted and approved June 25, 1940, and duly published on June 29, 1940, entitled: "An ordinance amending Ordinance N0.7731, ap- proved December 31, 1936, entitled "An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a cor- poration organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, permission to use the streets and other public property lo- cated in the City of 'Saint Paul for the purpose of conducting and Supplying electricity for all purposes for a term of five (5) years from and after January 1, 1937; prescribing rates which such corporation may charge for such service, and determining the amount which such corporation shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets or other public property. This is an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preser- vation of the public peace, health and safety, by striking out that part of Section 4 of said Ordinance No.7731 entitled "Street Lighting Rates" and by.inserting other language in lieu thereof, providing for rates for such street lighting. CY �y F- Dated this 2nd day of July , 1940. cJ W M Cn Jr_Wof 4 f NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY o vC.� M �o� B Vic esi t oved as to form: L . r1 rporation Counsel 1 C. F. No. 110038—Ordinance No. 8188— Electricity HY W A. Parr nco— Ori,innl to Cit, Clerk - Ah ordiimoee granting to Northern . Btatee Power .t2omDany. a orporatloq 1 , 1 . ` RR t °orgaalaed ander the• laws of the etato- a oilpof U! aeeotn 1S Ovcc__a, a' nr - �!� -- v COUNCIL FILE NO._._�, PRESENTED Bj1 %K�/�- ORDINANCE NO.—__ An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, an extension of the permission granted by Ordinance No. 7731 to use the streets and other public property located in the City of St. Paul for the purpose of conducting and supplying electricity for all purposes for a further term of five (5 years from and after January 1, 194e; providing for regulation of rates which such corporation may charge for such service, and determining the amount which such corporation shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets or other public property. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, being a public service corporation supplying electric energy within the City of Saint Paul, its franchise having expired, and all of the temporary licenses authorized by the Charter of the City of Saint Paul to be issued having been given and having expired, and said corporation having thereafter continued to furnish such service and in so doing uses the streets and other public property of such city, and permission having been granted to said Northern States Power Company by Ordinance No. 7731, approved December 31, 1936, to use the streets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for such purposes for a period of five (5) years from and after January 1, 1937, the permission hereto- fore given to said Northern States Power Company, its successors and assigns, by said Ordinance No. 7731, is extended for a further period of five (5) years from and after January 1, 1942. This permission shall extend to the use of all the streets and public property now being used by said Northern States Power Company and such other streets and public places as may from time to time be designated by the City Council. Such permission to use the streets and other public property located in such City shall include such use for the purpose of erecting, laying, con'd-tgucting, installing, maintaining and oper- ating posts, poles, w`ir$rs, conduits, subways, pipes, manholes, service boxes, cables,Jeonductors, and all other necessary appliances used in conducting, distributing and supplying electric energy for public and private use, and for the purpose of conducting said electric energy to and through said City; provided, however, that such electric service appliances shall be A located as in no way to interfere with the safety and convenience f ordinary travel along and over said streets and public property and so as not to interfere with othsr.useil to which the City of Saint Paul shall put said streets and public property; and provided that said grantee in the installation and maintenance thereof shall be subject to such reasonable regulations as may be imposed by the Council from time to time by ordinance or resolution; and provided Peas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Barfuss Findlan Parranto In Favor Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Fallon) Approved:__— -- — ---------- Attest : City Clerk Mayor :foo 12-38 CS 21724 11rigi-I lu City Cl, -,k`28 s ORDINANCE r� ()' COUNCIL FILE NO._ PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. - (2) further that in the event, during the term of this permission, it shall become necessary in the furtherance of any public improvement or at the instance of the grantee, to remove or relocate the physical property of the grantee within or upon any of the streets and other public property in the City of Saint Paul, that said grantee shall remove and relocate its said appliances without cost to the City of Saint Paul and shall place the streets and public property in the same condition as they were prior to said removal or relocation. Section 2. No poles, masts, or conduits shall hereafter be erected or laid by said grantee except upon application to the Commissioner of Public Works and permission therefor granted by him in writing, subject to the approval, however, of the Council by resolution. Section 3. On or before the first Monday in March of each year during the term of the permission hereby granted, including the first Monday in March, 1947, said Northern States Power Company shall pay into the treasury of the City of Saint Paul a sum equal to 5,% of its gross earnings during the preceding calendar year derived within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul accruing from the exercise and enjoyment of the privileges granted by this ordinance and for the use of such streets or other public property. "Gross earnings" shall be held to mean and include all sums received by the grantee from the sale of electricity or electrical energy distributed and used within the city limits of the City of Saint Paul. Section 4. For the period ending December 31, 1941, all of the rate schedules of Northern States Power Company now in force and effect and on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall remain in effect and continue in force thereafter until changed as herein and in Section 5 provided. On and after January 1, 1942, the City Council shall have the right, from time to time, to review the operations of the grantee in the City of Saint Paul and to prescribe reasonable rates which it may charge { for electric service. '�— Section b. Should the operating expense of Northern States Power Company increase over and above the normal increase due to the growth of business, through causes beyond its control, said Company, in view of the then changed conditions, will be entitled to a revision of its rates to offset such increases; provided, always, that such revised rates shall be just and reasonable and subject to reasonable regulation by the Council. Section 6. The Northern States Power Company by acceptance hereof agrees that it will, during the term of this ordinance, negotiate with the City for a franchise for electric service in the City of Saint Paul, to be granted in accordance with the terms of the City Charter and the laws applicable to such grant. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Bar(uss Findlan PIn Favor arranto Peterson _Against Rosen — -- - Truax Mr. President (Fallon) Approved:------ Attest: pproved:____Attest: City Clerk Mayor 300 12.38 CF 21724 Original to City C1,k - ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.� (3) Section 7. Said Northern States Power Company shall, within thirty days after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep and perform all the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions of this ordinance. Section S. Said Northern States Power Company shall file with the Commissioner of Public Utilities monthly reports on or before the twenty-fifth day of each month, on forms to be approved by said Commissioner, which reports shall show all of said Company's revenues of every kind and value and all its expenses and net earnings for the preceding month based upon its utility operations within the City of Saint Paul, properly classified, under this ordinance so that the,Company's entire electric business in Saint Paul shall be reported, and the Council, Mayor, City Comptroller or any other competent person or persons designated by the Council or the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall have the right at all reasonable times to examine the books of account, records and vouchers of said Company. Said Northern States Power Company shall also file with said Commissioner of Public Utilities within two months after July first and January first of each year a complete detailed statement on forms to be approved by said Commissioner, of all additions to and retirements from the Company's property in the City of Saint Paul, a statement of financial conditions, usually called a balance sheet, as pertaining to the Saint Paul Proper Department of the Company, together with such break down and analyses of operating statements as the said Commissioner may request. Section 9. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting to the Northern States Power Company, its successors or assigns, arly.exclusive, indeterminate or perpetual permit or franchise. The permission herein granted is subject to all the provisions of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul applicable hereto. Section 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication and upon its acceptance, as provided in Section 7 hereof. 16 Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Ila rranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President 11FhUW McDonough Attest:� City Clerk 300 1238 CS 21724 Passed by the Council JUN 251940 In Favor Against .0N1251940 Approv_- Mayor q YC:L'LISHED h-- — 4 Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereby accepts and agrees to abide by and keep and perform all of the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions of Ordinance Number 8126 adopted and approved June 25, 1940, and duly published on June 29, 1940, entitled: "An Ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, an extension of the permission granted by Ordinance No.7731 to use the streets and other public property located in the City of St. Paul for the purpose of conducting and supplying electricity for all purposes for a further term of five (5) years from and after January 1, 1942; providing for regulation of rates which such corporation may charge for such service, and determining the amount which such corporation shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets or other pub- lic property."" i Said Northern States Power Company further agrees that the privilege conferred by said ordinance shall be held and exercised subject to all the conditions and limitations in the Charter of the City of St. Paul prescribed, including the payment of a sum equal to 5% of the gross earnings received by it from the sale of electricity or electrical energy distributed and used within the city limits of the City of St. Paul, according to the terms of Section 3 of said ordinance, for the use and occupancy of the streets and other public property o . he City of St. Paul fated this 2nd day of July 1940. LJ _J Y w _LL.- Z w NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY v .on �o� By Vice es e�. / aUJ oo udi A roved as to form: rporation Counse . C. F. No. 118088—Ordinance No. 8127— By W. -A. Parranto An ordinance granting to Nodb rn tr111oei to City C.Irrk States Power Company. a corDCratloA organised und- t'•> In wa of the State �, Gab Tttnneeotr a aM .ae_ —` ( 2(j s., ,i - C permentiwne - e 9 „�:.: �.. C;+o:. ICIL FILE NO.___-_._..- --..— C/l/)^y GAS 11 PRESENTED(8Y ki /- ORDINANCE NO. _ An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, an extension of the permission granted ;j by Ordinance No. 7732 to use the streets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of conducting and supplying gas for all purposes for a further term of five (5) years from and after January 1, 1942; providing for regulation of rates which such corporation may charge for such service, and determining the amount which such corporation shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets or other public property. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, being a public service corporation supplying gas for all purposes within the City of Saint Paul, its franchise having expired, and all of the temporary licenses authorized by the Charter of the City of Saint Paul to be issued having been given and having expired, and said corporation having thereafter continued to furnish such service and in so doing uses the streets and other public property of such city, and permission having been granted to said Northern States Power Company by Ordinance No. 7732, approved December 31, 1936, to use the streets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for such purposes for a period of five (5) years from and after January 1, 1937, the permission heretofore given to said Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, by said Ordinance No. 7732, is extended for a further period of five (5) years from and after January 1, 1942. This permission shall extend to the use of all the streets and public property now being used by said Northern States Power Company and such other streets and public places as may from time to time be designated by the City Council. Such permission to use the streets and other public property in such City shall include such use for the purpose of erecting, installing, maintaining and operating gas mains and all other necessary appurtenances used in conducting, distributing and supply- ing gas for public and private use and for the purpose of conducting said gas to and through said City; provided, however, that said gas mains and gas service appliances shall be so located as in no way to interfere with the safety and convenience of ordinary travel along and over said streets and public property and so as not to interfere with other uses to which the City of Saint Paul shall put said streets and public property; and provided that said grantee, in the installation and maintenance thereof, shall be subject to such reasonable regulations as may be imposed by the Council from time to time by ordinance or resolution; and provided further that in the event it shall become necessary, during the term of this permission, in the furtherance of any public improvement or at the Peas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Barfuss Findlan Parranto _ In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Truax Mr. President (Fallon) Approved:---- ------- ----- -------- Attest: City Clerk Mayor 300 12.29 C9 21724 iNgina 1. city CIrrk ::ORDINANCE "�►�19 �2g COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO_._.. (2) instance of the grantee, to remove or relocate the physical property of said grantee located within or upon any of the streets or public property in the City of Saint Paul, that said grantee shall remove and relocate said appliances without cost to the City of Saint Paul and shall place the streets or public property In the same condition as they were prior to said removal or relocation. 'Section 2. No gas mains shall hereafter be laid by said Northern States Power Company except upon application to the Commissioner of Public Works, and permission therefor granted by him in writing, subject to the approval, however, of the Council by resolution. Section 3. On or before the first Monday in March of each year during the term of the permission hereby granted, including the first Monday in March, 1947, said Northern States Power Company shall pay into the treasury of the City of Saint Paul a sum equal to 5,% of its gross earnings during the preceding calendar year derived within the corporate limits of the City of Sai* Paul accruing from the exercise and enjoyment of the privileges granted by this ordinance and for the use of such streets or other public property. "Gross earnings" shall be held to mean and include all sums received by the grantee from the sale of gas distributed and used within the city limits of the City of Saint Paul. Section 4. For the period ending December 31, 1941, all of the rate schedules of Northern States Power Company now in force and effect and on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall remain in effect and continue in force thereafter until changed as herein and in Section 5 provided. On and after January 1, 1942, the City Council shall have the right, from time to time, to review the operations of the grantee In the City of Saint Paul and to prescribe reasonable rates which it may cl}prge for gas service. The rates referred to above are based upon t50-b.t.u. gas. During the life of this ordinance, the Council and the Northern States Power Company may mutually agree to change the heating value of the gas to be furnished. Section 5. Should the operating expense of Northern States Power Company increase over and above the normal increase due to the growth of business, through causes beyond its control, said Company, in view of the then changed conditions, will be entitled to a revision of its rates to offset such increases; provided, always, that such revised rates shall be dust and reasonable and subject to reasonable regulation by the Council. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Bar(uss Findlan Parranto _ In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Truax Attest: Mr. President (Fallon) Approved:____ City Clerk Mayor 300 12.98 C9 21724 pp-, I st. _a _'�a___ 2nd. Laid over to 3rd. & app. �� Adopted X Yeas Nays Yeas `/ Nays ��r}uss Zara .fuss 1��'indlan 'Findlan //// Pa/rranto auto {�1-/ 'Peterson / e�t on !/ o/sen (/� �f3bsen / X. M uax /Mr. President Fallon xtr. 'President Fallon :O-RDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO,,---- PRESENTED OS..--PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. - (3) O. (3) �0 Section 6. The Northern States Power Company by acceptance hereof agrees that it will, during the term of this ordinance, ne otiate with the City for a franchise for gas service in the Ci of Saint Paul, to be granted in accordance with the terms of the City Charter and the laws applicable to such grant. Section 7. Said Northern States Power Company shall, within thirty days after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep and perform all the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions of this ordinance. Section 8. Said Northern States Power Company shall file with the Commissioner of Public Utilities monthly reports on or before the twenty-fifth day of each month on forms to be approved by said Commissioner, which reports shall show all of said Company's revenues of every kind and value and all its expenses and net earnings for the preceding month based upon its utility operations within the City of Saint Paul, properly classified, ° under this ordinance, so that the Company's entire gas business in Saint Paul shall be reported, and the Council, Mayor, City Comptroller, or any other competent person or persons designated by the Council or the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall have the right at all reasonable times to examine the books of account, records and vouchers of said Company. Said'Northern States Power Company shall also file with said Commissioner of Public Utilities, within two months after July let and January list of each year, a complete detailed state- ment on forms to be approved by said Commissioner of all additions to and retirements from the Company's property in the City of Saint Paul, a statement of financial conditions, usually called a balance sheet, as pertaining to the Saint Paul Proper Department of the Company, together with such break down and analyses of operating statements as the said Commissioner may' request. Section 9. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting to the Northern States Power Company, its successors or assigns, any exclusive, indeterminate or perpetual permit or franchise. The permission herein granted is subject to all the provisions of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul applicable hereto. Section 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication and upon its acceptance, as provided in Section 7 hereof. Yeas Councilmen Bariuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President Nays crista¢ McDonough Attest: Gty Clerk :IOU L" -.:{V I S 217L4 Ap o ___ JIIN — 1940 Mayor JUN 251940 Passed by the Council -In Favor _ Against Ap o ___ JIIN — 1940 Mayor I St. ----'-- 2nd. 1, Laid over to y 3rd. & app. --- Adopted YeaNays Yeas- Nays rs es n iinndlan ,"' anto a�Tdnto ete n �/� ete�on o n J �R�geen / �� ruax �� /Truax 'A r. President Fallon 'Ar. President Fallon Northern.States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereby accepts and agrees to abide by and keep and perform all of the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions of Ordinance Number 8127 adopted and ap- proved June 251 1940 and duly published on June 29, 1940, entitled: "An Ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, an extension of the permission granted by Ordinance No.7732 to use the streets and other public property located in the City, of St. Paul for the purpose of conducting and supplying gas for all purposes for a further term of five (5) years from and after January 1, 1942; providing for regulation of rates which such corporation may charge for such service, and determining the amount which such corpor- ation shall pay to the city for the use and occupancy of its streets or other public pro- perty." Said Northern States Power Company further agrees that the privilege conferred by said ordinance shall be held and exer- cised subject to all the conditions and limitations in the Charter of the City of St. Paul prescribed, including the payment of a sum equal to 5% of the gross earnings received by it from the sale of gas distributed and used within the city limits of the City of St. Paul, according to the terms of Section 3 of said ordinance, for the use and occupancy of the streets and other public property of the Ciiy o;E St. Paul. Co J0-i -j ,, Dated this 2nd day of July , 1940. NORTHERN STATES POWER CGu;PANY $oma a - B r'v y � ¢ z= ce esident � yyyy,�, w Q ._ OOV S N ' roved as to form: orporation Counsel y C. S..No. 119030—Ordinance No. 8128— .Steam By W. A: Parranto— Wiginel to city c]"k An Ordinance granting to Northern 7r State, Power Company, a cogp.wttd7Ft o l organized under the laws of ttte State of IIVas t.. A. ......sora and algal, an -est. -Lo. or the P. I. xraated by Ocdlnahpe No. 773° o (Yt FILEFNO.___— PRtSENTED BY — ORDINANCE NO.— ___� Peas Attest: An Ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, an extension of the permission granted by Ordinance No. 7733 to use the streets and other public property located in the City of St. Paul for the purpose of conveying and supplying steam to oonsumera for all purposes for a further term of five (5) years from and after January 1, 1942; providing for regulation of rates ah ich such corporation may charge for such service and determining the amount which such corporation shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets or other public property. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Northern States Power Company, a corporation Organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, being a public service corporation supplying steam to consumers for all purposes within the City of Saint Paul, its franchise having expired, and all of the temporary licenses authorized by the charter of the City of Saint Paul to be issued having been given and having expired, and said corporation having thereafter eontinubd to furnish such service and in so doing uses the streets and other public property of such City, and permission having been granted to said Northern States Power Company by Ordinance No. 7733, approved December 31, 1936, to use the streets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for such purposes for a period of five (5) years from and after January 1, 1937, the permission heretofore given to said Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and asaigns, by said Ordinance No. 7733 is extended for a further period of five (5) years from and after January 1, 1942. This permission shall extend to the use of all the streets and public property now being used by said Northern States Power Company and such other streets and public places as may from time to time be designated by the City Council. Such permission to use the streets and other public property located in such City shall include such use for the purpose of con- structing, maintaining and operating a system of pipes, subways and manholes with all necessary appurtenances for carrying on the business of conveying steam to consumers for all purposes; provided, however, that such system of pipes and other appurtenances shall be so located as in no way to interfere with the safety and convenience of ordinary travel along and over said streets and other public property, and so as not to interfere with other uses to which said City of Saint Paul shall put such streets and public property; and provided than said grantee in the installation and maintenance thereof shall be subject to such reasonable regulations as may be imposed by the Council from Councilmen Nays Passed by the Bar(uss Findlan Parranto In Favor Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Fallon) Approved: City C 300 1278 CS 21724 nr;gin.1 t. (,Ir Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. -- - PRESENTED BY - _ ORDINANCE NO_ _ -2- time to time by ordinance or resolution; and provided further that in the event it shall become necessary, during the term of this permission, in the furtherance of any public improvement or at the instance of the grantee, to remove or relocate the physical property of the grantee located within or upon any of the streets or public property of the City of Saint Paul, that said grantee shall remove and relocate said appliances without cost to the City of Saint Paul, and shall place the streets or other public property in the same condition as they were prior to said removal or relocation. Section 2. No pipe or pipes or other appurtenances used forthe conveyance of steam shall hereafter be made or installed by said grantee except upon appligation to the Commissioner of Public Works and permission therefor granted by him in writing, subject to the approval, however, of the Council by res6lution. Section 3. On or before the first Monday in March of each year during the term of the permission hereby granted including the first Monday in March 1947, said Northern States Power Company shall pay into the treasury of the City of Saint Paul a sum egial to five (5) per cent of its gross earnings during the preceding calendar year derived within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul accruing from the exercise and enjoyment of the privileges granted by this ordinance and for the use of such streets or other public prop clude all sumsereceived bysthe graannteeahallfroom b he eld sale of mean ofsteam distributed by It and used within the city limits of the City of Saint Paul. Section 4. For the period ending December 310 19460 the rates to be charged by said Northern States Power Company shall be the same rates now charged for steam except as the same may be changed or modified with the consent of the Council, and provided always that said rates shall be fair and reasonable and shall be subject to reasonable regulation by the City Council. Section 5. Should the operating expense of Northern States Power Company increase over and above the normal increase due to the growth of business, through causes beyond its control, said Company, In view of the then changed conditions, will be entitled to a revision of its rates to offset such increases; provided, always, that such revised rates shall be just and reasonable and subject to reasonable regulation by the Council. Section 6. The Northern States Power Company by acceptance hereof agrees that it will, during the term of this ordinance, negotiate with the City for a franchise for steam service in the City of Saint Paul, to be granted in accordance with the terms of the City Charter and the laws applicable to such grant. Section 7. Said Northern States Power Company shall, within thirty (30) days after the passage, approval and publication of Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Barfuss Findlan Parranto In Favor Peterson Rosen __ _ _—_Against Truax Mr. President (Fallon) Approved:------ ------ ------ Attest: City Clerk Mayor 300 1238 CS 21724 Ori`In.l to City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. -_ -- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.__._-�/._� this ordinance, file with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep and perform all the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions of this ordinance. Section 8. Said Northern States Power Company shall file with the Commissioner of Public Utilities monthly reports on or before the twenty-fifth day of each month, on forms to be approved by said Commissioner, which reports shall show all of said Company's revenues of every kind and value and all its expenses and net earn- ings for the preceding month based upon its utility operations vd thin the City of Saint Paul, properly classified, under this ordinance so that the Company's entire steam businessVin Saint Paul shall be reported, and the Council, Mayor, City Comptroller or any other competent person or persons designated by the Council or the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall have the right at all reason- able times to examine the books of account, records and vouchers of said Company. Said Northern States Power Company shall also file with said Commissioner of Public Utilities within two months after July first and January first of each year a complete detailed statement on forms to be approved by said Commissioner, of all additions to and retirements from the Company's property in the City of Saint Paul, a statement of financial conditions, usually called a balance sheet, as pertaining to the Saint Paul Proper Department of the Company, together with such b reek down and analyses of operating statements as the said Commissioner may request. Section 9. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting to the Northern States Power Company, its successors or assigns, any exclusive, indeterminate or perpetual permit or franchise. The permission herein granted is subject to all the provisions of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul applicable hereto. Section 10. This ordinance shall take effeot and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication and upon its acceptance, as provided in Section 7 hereof. V Peas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson 'Rosen Truax Mr. President (Fatlnrr) McDonough Attest: City Clerk 300 12.38 CP 21724 Passed by the Council SUV 2 5 1940 %I In Favor Against Approved' Mayor / PUBLISHLll —,;2 1st._-V\1�1 _— 2nd. Laid over to I 3rd. & app. Adopted X Yeas —�.- Nays Yeas /B�arfuss iR�rfuas Nays --Findlan Findlan ,4'a'rranto _"larranto �erson ' / --� Peterson sen Rosen --f;Z - Truax President Fallon i `Mr. President Fallon PRESENTED BY mm A N C E •n. COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO. this ordinance, f ile with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in forrmpto be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and therein shall agree tcf abide by, keep and perform all the terms, limitations, conditions sAid provisions of this ordinance. Section 8. Said Northern States Power Company shall file with the Commissioner of Public Utilities monthly reports on or before the twenty-fifth day of each month, on forms to be approved by said Co=do sioner, which reports shall show all of said Company's revenues of every kind and value and all its expenses and net earn- ings for the preceding month based upon its utility operations ud thin the City of Saint Paul, properly classified, under this ordinance so that the Company's entire steam business in Saint Paul shall be reported, and the Council, Mayor, City Comptroller or any other competent person or persons designated by the Council or the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall have the right at all reason- able times to examine the books of account, records and vouchers of said Company. Said Northern States Power Company shall also file with said Commissioner of Public utilities within two months after July first and January first of each year a complete detailed statement on forms to be approved by said Commissioner, of all additions to and retirements from the Company's property in the City of Saint Paul, a statement of financial conditions, usually called a balance sheet, as pertaining to the Saint Paul Proper Department of the Company, together with such break down and analyses of operating statements as the said Commissioner may request. Section 9. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting to the Northern States Power Company, its successors or assigns, any exclusive, indeterminate or perpetual permit or franchise. The permission herein granted is subject to all the provisions of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul applicable hereto. Section 10. This ordinance shall takeeffeot and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication and upon its acceptance, as provided in Section 7 hereof. Yeas Councilmen NaS's Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Paffotr) McDonough Attest: / City Clerk 300 12-95 CS 21724 Passed by the Council JUN 251940 �J In Favor __Against :D'miP' h. rs u Approved ------------- Mayor PUBLISHGll1-) —,2�� 1st. - -- 2nd. l Laid over to . ' X 3rd. & app. Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas it53riues Nays arfgas mdlan rranto .Findlan /Yar;anto ' e!�terson - erson �Itosen iRosen � � /✓✓✓ Truax %Truax ,,X1r. President Fallon Air. President Fallon ' IlriQin•i to('it) Clerk PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. - ORDINANCE NO. — 1-�- this ordinance, file with the City Clerk of said the Corporation Counsel, City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by and therein shall a gree to abide by, keep and perform all the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions of this ordinance - section 8. Said Northern States Power Company shall Milt with the Commissioner of Public Utilities monthly reports on or before the twenty-fifth day of each month, on forma to be approved by said Commissioner, which reports shall show seds nses andne net of every kind and value and all its tapethin jugs for the preceding month based upon its-6 derythiaroridinan e the City of Saint Paul, properly y's entire steam business in Saint Paul shall be so that the Compea reported, and the Council, Mayor, City b Comptroller any competent person or persona designy tat all reason- Cb�ssionele times tooexaPamine theibookasofaccountll , records the right and vouchers of said company. Said Northern States Power Company shall also file with said Cdimniasioner of Public Utilities within two months after July first and January first of each year �issioner,lete dofaalldadditions ttonand forma to be approved by said Cit of Saint Paul, retirements from the Company's property in the y a statement oftoin osa�intoPauliProperauall DepartmenteofsthelCompany,et, as pertaining sea of operating statements together with such break down and request- as the said Commissioner may Section 9. Nothing contained herein shall construed ea or granting to the Northern States Power Company, its successors cessors ra assigns, any exclusive, indeterminate or perpetual permit or Franchise. The permission herein granted is subject to all the provisions of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul applicable hereto. d be in force Section 10. This ordinanoe shall take dfublieot eation and upon thirty (30) days after its passage, approve and p its aoceptence, as provided in Section 7 hoof. Yeas Councilmen Barruss Findlan ParrantO Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President Nays (Falletr) MCDonough Attest:��/--' r / -t�� qty Clerk :'00 ", 3. 1'a 21: �J ni Passed by the Council Al 251940 In Favor pp Against Approved • -- �- PCltl.lSlic.i� r 46 C;1 Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereby accepts and agrbes to abide by and keep and perform all of the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions of Ordinance Number 8128 adopted and ap- proved June 25, 1940, and duly published on June 29, 1940, entitled: "An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, an extension of the permission granted by Ordinance No.7733 to use the streets and other public property located in the City of St. Paul for the purpose of conveying and supplying steam to consumers for all purposes for a further term of five (5) years from and after January 1, 1942; providing for regulation of rates which such corporation may charge for such service,and deter- mining the amount which such corporation shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets or other public property." Said Northern States Power Company further agrees that the privilege conferred by said ordinance shall be held and exercised subject to all the conditions and limitations in the Charter of the City of St. Paul prescribed, including the payment of a sum equal to 5% of the gross earnings received by it from the sale of steam distributed by it and used within the city limits of the City of St. Paul, according to the terms of Section 3 of said ordinance, for the useandoccupancy ofhe streets and other public property of the City of S N Paul.on f wp s Djesl thi2nd day of JAY , 1940. J ;>_JK O � NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY In UU 2 OH B ��� � �►-U Y e esident QQ� v to _ proved as to form: orporation Counsel. ,yg /`�I 7�.: J7 Orlq/nel to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL C Mcm .q a No ------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK >\ 119031—$ ; T.'"B.Flgdtan— ( CO L RESOLUTION—GEN$RAL FORM �hn °gefl Mnv Reno•' PRESENTED BY stir COMMISSIONER ^�� _ v ate' �' ` DATE J MUOMAS, the Council did by Resolution No. 118730, approved May 15. 1940, authorize the issuance and sale of $275,000 Public Welfare Bonds and as the proper city officers have fully caused the said bonds to be advertised for sale and said advertisement required bids to be submitted on June 6. 1940. and as bids were submitted and opened, examined and tabulated by the Council, and the joint bid of The First Boston Corporation. the First of Michigan Corporation and 0. S. Ashman Company was found to be the most advantageous bid; RESOLVED, that the joint bid ofA)p Hirst Boston Corporation, the First of Michigan Corporation end C. S. Ashman Company be accepted and said bonds awarded to The First Boston Corporation, the First of Michigan Corporation and 0. 8. Asbmun Company at a price, namely, par and accrued interest, with an interest gate of 2% aro a premium of $294.25. -1 FCRMM RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves r irh and every act of.said Committee in conrection with the sale of said bonds. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. --....v-'-_.......19.._..-. Yeas Nays JUN 6190', 13atfuss /. /fiudlan �; Approved_ .......... .-19..._._ Farr to f _.._...In Favor _.c.____..-- _...._.-.--.... 1 L_ J UBL15�IliL ruax Against IM Nifte �)Ycc Pres. (Perereon) 0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Bonds to be issued in coupon form, but may be exchanged for Registered Bonds, both as to principal and interest, at a cost of $1.00 per Registered Bond, plus Postage. Bonds are payable in lawful money of the United States of America, at the office of the Commissioner of Finance, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, or the Fiscal Agency of the City of St. Paul, in the City of New York, State of New York. Bonds are exempt from taxation. The City of St. Paul was incorporated March 4, 1854. POPULATION 1930 Government Census ...................271,606 The Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds are issued against deferred installments of Local Improvement Asse—ents and are a first lien upon the collection from said assessments. The general credit of the city is pledged to pay all deficiencies in case the collections are insufficient to pay the bonds in full. Provisions are made annually through the budget for all debt service charges and a direct tax levied which insures ample appropriations to retire all obligations at maturity. -A The Water Department has no tax limitation which would prevent the redemp- tion of bonds at maturity. This department operates under a budgetary control system. The interest and bond redemptions are fully provided for by its earnings. The value of the Water Works which includes real estate, plant and equipment is conservatively estimated by engineers to be $17,000,000.00. The amount of the capital assets as stated in the balance sheet is based on an appraisal made in 1912, with improvements at cost added since that date. The City of St. Paul has never defaulted on any of its obligations, and the prin- cipaland interest on its bonds previously issued have always been paid promptly at maturity. r City of Saint Paul, Minnesota $275,000 PUBLIC WELFARE BONDS Not Exceeding 6% TO BE SOLD AT 10:00 A. M. June 6, 1940 OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF BOND SALE Comptroller's Office, 109 Court House, May 18, 1940. Notice is hereby given that scaled proposals will be received at the office of the City Comptroller in the Court House and City Hall Building in the City y of Saint Paul, Minnesota, up to 10:00 A. M. June 6, 1940, and the Council will ` at said time meet to open and consider bids for the =ale of all or none of the an following bonds: $275,000 Par Value Coupon Public Welfare Bonds of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to be issued under authority of and in all respects in full compliance with Chapter 120, Laws of 1933, as amended by Chapter 48, Session Laws of 1935, Chapter 105, Session Laws of 1937, and as further amended by Chapter 108, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1939, and Council File No. 118730, ap- proved May 15, 1940. These bonds are to be issued under date of June 1, 1940, 6AK" in denominations of $1,000 each, to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually, and are serial maturing as vai follows: Dsteot Bond Datc of Bond Msturlty Numbers Amount Maturity Numbers Amount June 1, 1941 6219632220 $26,000 June 1, 1946 62327-52354 28,000 June 1, 1942 62221-52246 26,000 June 1, 1947 52366-52382 28,000 June 1, 1943 6224732272 26,000 June 1. 1949 6238332-011 20,000 - June 1, 1944 6227832299 27.000 June 1, 1P49 62412-62440 29.000 ' June 1, 1946 6230032826 27,000 June 1, 1950 62411-52470 WWI 62 15,000 a The approving opinion of Thomson, Wood & Hoffman, Attorneys, New York City, New York, and Dennis D. Daly, Attorney, St. Paul, Minnesota, will be furnished with these bonds at time of sale and all Lids must be uncon- ditional. Under and by the terms of the Resolution, the faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, are irrevocably pledged to pay the principal and interest at maturity on the above bonds. Bids may be submitted in multiples of 1/10%. or 1/4%. Bonds must bear one rate of interest. Each bidder must accompany his bid by a certified check or cash deposit for two per cent (2%) of the amount of bonds bid for, which will be for- feited as liquidated .damages if the bonds are not taken, and paid for when ready for delivery. Make checks payable to the City of Saint Paul. No bids will be considered which are not in accordance with this proposal or for less than par and accrued interest, and the right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Bonds will be furnished by the City of Saint Paul, but delivery shall be at purchaser's expense. HAROLD F. GOODRICH, Comptroller. ,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA BALANCE SHEET Cunent Liabilities: GENERAL, CAPITAL AND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS As at March 31, 1940 156,638.30 Bridge Bonds ............................ ASSETS: 61,513.28 50,000.00 Current Assets: 71,019.21 Fire Depd7tment Bonds ................... Cash Balances ............................$ 830,720.67 470,000.00 Petty Cash Balances ...................... I. 5,075.00 Library Bonds ............................ Receivables—Miscellaneous Revenue ........ 2,200,426.20 185,000.00 Inventory—Materials and Supplies ......... 240,409.36 Paving Bonds ........................ Budget Requirements ...................... 61,513.28 $ 8,216,473.96 Work in Progress ......................... 514,286.72 River Terminal Bonds ..................... Prepaid Expense .......................... 7,132.83 661,000.00 Total Current Assets .............................. 155.26 $ 3,859,564.06 Invest �ents: Welfare Bonds ........................... 17,456.96 General Sinking Fund ..................... 4,903,772.25 Local Improvement Funds ................. 205,000.00 Total Investments ................................. 6,000,000.00 5,108,772.26 Deferred Assets: Total General Revenue Bonds Outstanding 35,359,000.00 Taxes Receivable .......................... 6,773,537.15 Purpose of Issue: Delinquent Taxes Receivable ............... 2,355,239.94 6,000,000.00 Assessments Receivable ................... 363,893.23 Total Special Revenue Bonds Outstanding ............ $12,658,000.00 Delinquent Assessments Receivable ......... 919,136.45 DEDUCTIONS: Total Deferred Assets .............................. 7,807,368.41 10,411,805.77 Fixed Assets: 750,000.00 Inter -City Bridge Bonds .................. Land ... .. ........ .................. 10,011,300.27 4,166,000.00'• Buildings and Structures .................. 26,683,394.08 Water Dept. Net Bonded Debt. $5,015,817.60 Equipment ............................... 3,350,095.74 Total Fixed Assets ................................ 6,558,000.00 $22,950,868.28 40,044,790.09 Other Assets: 8,120,646.25 0...... ..... 13,120,943.28 Assessments Receivable—Tax Exempt ...... 94,594.91 $15,928,014.66 Objections—In Litigation .................. 1,418.40 $59,520,945.48 Total Other Assets ................................ Bonds due in 1940 included 96,013.31 Total Assets ...................................... $59,520,945.48 LIABILITIES: Purpose of Issue: Cunent Liabilities: Airport Bonds .............................$ 867,000.00 Vouchers Payable .........................$ 156,638.30 Bridge Bonds ............................ Notes Payable ............................ 61,513.28 50,000.00 Contracts Payable ......................... 71,019.21 Fire Depd7tment Bonds ................... Awards Payable—Acquired Property ....... 1,838:51 470,000.00 Interest Coupons Due ..................... 232.60 Library Bonds ............................ Appropriations .... 7,725,889.56 185,000.00 ..... ..... . Paving Aid—Federal Aid ....... 200,342.60 Paving Bonds ........................ Total Current Liabilities ............... ........... $ 8,216,473.96 Deferred Liabilities: 129,000.00 River Terminal Bonds ..................... Advance Sewer Payments ................. 17,301.60 661,000.00 Official Publications ....................... 155.26 Sewer Bonds ............................. Total Deferred Liabilities .......................... Welfare Bonds ........................... 17,456.96 Fixed Liabilities: 216,000.00 $24,330,000.00 General Bonds Outstanding ........-......... 29.359,000.00 Local Improvemer% Bonds ................. 6,000,000.00 St. Paul- . Sanitary District Bonds...... Total Fixed Liabilities ............................. Total General Revenue Bonds Outstanding 35,359,000.00 Reserves and Surplus: Purpose of Issue: Reserves: Permanent Improve. Revolving Fund Bonds. .$ 6,000,000.00 General Funds .............$ 2,685,493.47 6,558,000.00 Total Special Revenue Bonds Outstanding ............ $12,658,000.00 General Sinking Fund ...... 5,121,874.94 DEDUCTIONS: Total Reserve ......................... 7,807,368.41 4,948,868.28 Surplus: 750,000.00 Inter -City Bridge Bonds .................. General Fund .$ 831,721.00 St. Paul-Mpls. Sanitary District Bonds...... 4,166,000.00'• Capital Accts. 10,771,999.31 $11,603,720.31 6,000,000.00 Water Dept. Net Bonded Debt. $5,015,817.60 Less: Water Dept. Sinking Fund Local Improv. Fund Deficit.. 3,483,074.06 6,558,000.00 $22,950,868.28 Total Net Bonded Debt ...........................$18,761,131.72 Total Surplus ......... ................ 8,120,646.25 0...... ..... 13,120,943.28 Total Reserves and Surplus ......................... Valuatiga)..$31,872,075.00 $15,928,014.66 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surplus ....... ...... $59,520,945.48 a CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA DEBT STATEMENT As at April 30, 1940 GENERAL REVENUE BONDS: Purpose of Issue: Airport Bonds .............................$ 867,000.00 Auditorium Bonds ..................... ... 964,000.00 Bridge Bonds ............................ 498,000.00 Bridge Approach Bonds ................... 50,000.00 Court House and City Hall Bonds .......... 1,816,000.00 Fire Depd7tment Bonds ................... 150,000.00 General Obligation (Cash Basis) Bonds ..... 470,000.00 Hospital Bonds ........................... 141,000.00 Library Bonds ............................ 600,000.00 Municipal Market Bonds .................. 185,000.00 Park Bonds .............................. 958,000.00 Paving Bonds ........................ 409,000.00 Playground Bonds ........................ 75,000.00 Public Works Storehouse Bonds .......... 129,000.00 River Terminal Bonds ..................... 83,000.00 Safety Bldg. & Fire Alarm Bonds .......... 661,000.00 School Bonds ............................. 9,503,000.00 Sewer Bonds ............................. 4,152,000.00 Welfare Bonds ........................... 2,403,000.00 Wharves & Levee Bonds ....... ........... 216,000.00 $24,330,000.00 EX Eh T Special Statute -10% Limitation Int i ridge Bonds ...... .. .......$ 551,000.00 St. Paul- . Sanitary District Bonds...... 4,263,000.00 $ 4,814,000.00 Total General Revenue Bonds Outstanding ............ $29,144,000.00 SPECIAL REVENUE BONDS: Purpose of Issue: Permanent Improve. Revolving Fund Bonds. .$ 6,000,000.00 Water Department Bonds .................. 6,558,000.00 Total Special Revenue Bonds Outstanding ............ $12,658,000.00 Total Gross Bonded Debt ...........................$41,702,000.00 DEDUCTIONS: General Sinking Fund (Cash and Securities).$ 4,948,868.28 1940 Serial Bond Retirement Appropriation.. 750,000.00 Inter -City Bridge Bonds .................. 528,000.00° St. Paul-Mpls. Sanitary District Bonds...... 4,166,000.00'• Permanent Improve. Revolving Fund Debt.. 6,000,000.00 Water Dept. Net Bonded Debt. $5,015,817.60 Water Dept. Sinking Fund (Cash & Securities) ........ 1,542,182.40 6,558,000.00 $22,950,868.28 Total Net Bonded Debt ...........................$18,761,131.72 F, Margin for future Bond Issues ........ .. 0...... ..... 13,120,943.28 Statutory Bonded Debt Limit Qi0/ of Assessed Valuatiga)..$31,872,075.00 * $23,000 Inter -City Bridge Bonds due in 1940 included in Serial Bond Re- tirement Appropriation. •* $97,000 St. Paul -Minneapolis Sanitary District Bonds due in 1940 included in Serial Bond Retirement Appropriation. The percentage of the Net General Bonded Debt of the Assessed Valuation is .............................................. .07393660` The percentage of the Net General Bonded Debt of the True Value is ...................... ........................... .04166006• ° Bonds exempt by special statute included in this computation. STATEMENT OF ASSESSABLE PROPERTY AT THE FULL AND TRUE VALUE REAL ESTATE VALUATION (1939) ...................... $313,941,579.00 PERSONAL PROPERTY VALUATION (1939) Class No. 2 subject to 25% of full time ..... $15,418,300.00 Class No. 3 subject to 33%% of full value.. 66,066,520.00 Class No. 3A subject to 10% of full value .. 2,650.00 Class No. 4 subject to 40!0 of full value .... 12,703,938.00 $ 83,181,408.00 MONEYS AND CREDITS -10% of full value ...............$168,529,860.00 $565,652,847.00 STATEMENT OF ASSESSED VALUATION 1939 Real Estate Taxable Valuation. ........... $109,412,629.00 Plus Assessed Valuation due to Homestead Law (Chapter 359, Laws of 1933) ........ 16,063,872.00 $125,466,501.00 1939 Personal Property Taxable Valuation. .................. 24,724,389.00 1939 Moneys and Credits Taxable Valuation .................. 168,629,860.00 $318,720,750.00 VALUATION .............................$150,190,890.00 1939 Tax Rate—City Purpose ......................$61.41 1939 Tax Rate—One Mill School .................... 1.00 1939 Tax Rate—County Purposes .................. 27.09 1939 Tax Rate—State Purposes .................... 9.70"' $99.20 **State Rate Applicable to Homesteads ..............$ 3.63 TAX COLLECTION STATEMENT UNCOLLECTED TAXES _ As At End of As At As At Tax Year Dec 31, 1939 Feb. 29, 1940 TAX LEVY • Per Per Per ear Amount Amount Cent Amount Cent Amount Cent 1 4-1935 $8,856,900 $1,380,695.55 .1659 $577,918.75 .0653 $566,502.51 .0639 193 1936 8,016,846 885,515.27 .1105 433,459.21 .0541 427,585.65 .0533 1936- 37 7,620,468 688,150.27 .0903 424,659.95 .0557 420,009.78 .0651 1937-1-. 8 8,296,253 638,291.50 .0769 427,570.17 .0615 416,270.93 .0502 1938-193 8,179,477 576,401.03 .0705 576,401.03 .0705 524,871.07 .0642 1939-194 8,236,315 0641.•1 t. city &A V r COUNCIL 119 112 CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO.— - - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n. 118032—BY F. M. Tru— COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM eh. 1�.�� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__ RESOLVED, pursuant to the recommenditon of the Corporation Counsel, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to disburse the sum of X300.00 from the Judgment and c argemofeItem Of all claimshofOtheral Funds in plaiinttiff setull forthtinethetdis- charge amended complaint in that certain adtion pending in the District Court of Ramsey County, Minnesota, entitled: "Morris Lieberman,plaintiff, vs The City of Saint Paul, defendant,", wherein the plaintiff seeks to recover damages against the defendant in the sTmi of $1200 on account of alleged wrongful injury to plaintiff's real a st44te,- "The west 40 feet of Lot 50 Block 18, Marshall's Addition Wthe City of Sd nt Paul", resultant from the construction and maintenance by the City of a fill and sewage pumping station upon contiguous premises, and the diversion of surface water, soil, silt therefrom upon plaintiff's said real estate, and the alleged wrongful excavation and removal of soil upon and from said real estate by the City, provided that plaintiff shall deliver to the City and file in said action a dis- missal deliverthereof, Citywith apwritten releasedandfurther hargethat ofplaintiff claimo 11 set forth in his said amended complaint, absolving and acquitting the City from all liability thereon, and provided further that / plaintiff shall deliver an instrument to the City, capable of V record, whereby there shall be granted unto the City the perpetual right to maintain said fill and said sewage pumping station as the same now exist, subject only to the alteration of the grade on the west slope thereof, so as to conform to the accompanying blue print plan, and the installation of a wall and gutter at the base thereof, as shown on said plan, without any liability to said plaintiff or his suooessor or successors ininterest in relation to his said real estate on acro t of the diversion of airfare waters, soil or silt from said contiguous premises upon plaintiff's said real estate, andprovided further that all such instruments shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel. C011nCiLTn£TI geas nays fuss PPan arraa6ranto In Favor Against ,in ,.#jTCS489"Vice Pres. (Peterson) JUN S MO Adopted bit the Council__ -194---- JUN G to -------�------------194. f PL BLiSiit;il�� SEC T/ O/Y.S. 9 e- d- _ 3 P cs 7 Gfi'/Gf�GO A/�F J2 z 4 e e " io iz is ie •� SECT/O/Y 5 SOUTH OF CH/CF/GO Alice .iYaJ/�. Guffeir cirr l - 3 �. --- 9 - 8 o• � .0 I 7 /�'1F7RSHA L S .90D. I p Oa SECT/ON � 25 SOUTH OF CH/Cf1Go _ AJ�E - /o h I Proms, G _ 7 - fisTs--6 - 5 _ 1✓HLL d GvrTC.2 - - J`5C7/0// 4S SOJJTfN OF CH/CAGO. 4ye� - Se.wye Pump t1v. - ". - I Chic0�0 6 Robertson - it - Original b city Clerk i'. W 3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU "CILIILNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK fCOU G RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM r• PRESENTED BY PATE COMMISSIONER—_ - — - -- — - That John S. Findl, Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul, be and is hereby directed to attend the Municipal Finance Officers' Conference to be held in the City of Detroit, Michigan, June 16, 17, 18, and 19, 1940; and be it Further Resolved, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to reimburse John S. Findlan for such traveling expenses incurred by him in attending said Conference. Charge Finance Department Fund, Code 6-A3• councILmEII yed9 nails "J" s ittdlan r � !/err to Il In Favor ruaxAgainst em 3-40 best -Mice Pres. (Pe non) � Resoived That John 8, FlndlaneCom- mlasloner of Flnance of the City f 9L' Paul, be and to hereby directed to at-� tend the Municipal Finance Onlcers' Conference to be held In the City of Detrol[ Michigan, June 16, 17, 16, and 19, 194b; a d be It It lFurtmhCe Resolved, That the Properi Y re are hereby authorlaed and' directed t.'a John. S. 11lndian for uch travellnI eapenses Incurred by hfm In attending said Conference. Charge Finance Department Fund. Code 6-A9. Adopted by the Council June 6, 1940.PJune 6, 1940. (Juno 9, 1940) } JUN 6 60 Adopted by the Council _ . - 194-_ - ai.l�! 6 t (approved- -- orifi—I w City Clerk9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU CIL NO.- OFFICE O. OFFICE OF THE CRY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY d DATE D /�� -- COMMISSIONER- F�4�� `r-�-`� r'� - -- - _ - ------ That Leonard C. Seamer, Valuation Engineer of the City of St. Paul, be and is hereby directed to attend the Municipal Finance Officers' Conference to be held in the City of Detroit, Michigan, June 16, 171, 18, and 19, 1940; and be it Further Resolved, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to reimburse Leonard C. Seamer for such traveling expenses incurred by him in attending said Conference. Charge Finance Department Fund, Code 6-A3. COUTICiLITIEn Ileas i Rays uss i Ian Par In favor Against �m � y, Vice Pine. (Petoteon i C F No dlan— Reeolved 1 That L ona9d Cin Seamer, ,an, beenand fe herof ebY theCRYt St - Paul, tend' the ffiunlolpa] Flnanca Ofecere' Conference to be held in [he Clty o! Detroit.Mioalgaen,it no 16, 17, 18, and 19, 1940: a E at the pronpnr Fartmheera ebol ereby uthorixed d Cityare d lreoted to reimboree Leonard C. Snem_I er forur h travelin6 expenAd eConfer-� red by hlm to attending ea ante. Charge Finance Department Fund, Code 6-A8 Adopteda Junkie 6, 19401 lune 6, 1940. Approve (June 8, 1940) 3 JUN 61940 Adopted by the Council __ _ _ —194_ Approved ----_— 6194 _. 1 � _ _ �-Ma, -- Isc. +_ i 1 _ 2nd. I Laid over to 3rd. & app. i- Adopted Yeas /�' Nays Yeas Nays B�fuss B rfusindlan d lans —Y'Farranto ar ..to f/ .Yet�on / � eraon I(/ Rosen / /r ax I ruen ax Ixr. President Fallon An President Fallon C. F. No. 119036—Ordinance No. 8132— nriRinell.Ci�rClerk "y F."Truax- -_An ordinance amending Ordinance No. . e O r i� t6.,.aDDroved Janua`Y 2 3, 1926, en• C� .C�� L COUNCIL FILE NO.. — --- PRESENTED BYCti ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5446, approved January 23, 1925, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positionsald employments." This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to Section V thereof, immediately after Subdivision (d), the following: "(e) Motorcycle police employed in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildinis may be granted an allowance not to exceed 40.00 per month when such employes furnish motorcycles for said use, provided however, that such allowance shall be payab]e only during the time that the employe is per- forming actual service as a park motorcycle policeman." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Nir. President (2290 j: McDonough City Clerk :fuu 12 38 f S 21724 Passed by the Council JUN 2 5194D In Favor _ _Against JUN_ 2.51940 -_ - -- original to city Clerk 1 1 9 i 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO..... ------------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.. -1=%L DATE Tnn fi Resolved, That the Purchasing 'Agent be, and hd is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons "Qf1 leaded gasoline, 70-72 octane, from the FUEL OIL & GAS CO. at a price of $ .11069 per gallon, less 1,% dis- count, including state tax and state inspection, on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge Water Department Fund. CMEN Yeas Nays B as Fi��ndlan iParranto Favor ruax �.._.Against( M rough Im i"M VicePres.(Petersoq) 144-'l A. be, at a ice of inolUdinge [a a ltax rad 2'aa ln,pecItrou.t tion, on Informal bid, n, an emergency ezleta where failure to act promptly would w rk a hardship to the beat In - terrain of the Clty. Charge Water De- partment Fund. Adopted by the Cottrell June 0, 1940. 1 Approved June 0, 1140. (June 8, 1940) Adopted by the Council -JUN _..6..90....19-------- JM g IN Approved....�.,_p..�-------19---.-- jCf _�✓ or 0,191.4 10 City CL- J coU µl CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILH NO.- - - -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM \ June 6, 1940 PRESENTED --- ---- COMMISSION R------ - RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Flora Van 457 N. Western Ave. Confectionery App. 39975 New New Loca. n 4220 n Old Loca. Raymond Thomas 1161 Sherburne Ave. Grocery n 42206 u n n H n II n Off Sale Malt W COUTICILMETt fleas / Ttays TS��arf nss indlan /F'ar to BANOW sm ,.,r.q;0V*%v{.Vice Pres. (Peterson) 144- G. A4 G. 8. Barfus.. F. M. Truax W. A. Parrnnat lied for Roeolved. at liceneee nLPama gd_ DY the tollowiP6 Der nd [hLYacleI 1. dre..ae Indicatedaba tl,h ll,et enae. .Dan hereby wanted inetructe t foto ache aet" treaury a4 tha DaY I d tee.: Con- �hFloru Van. 467 N. We.tern Newl,oca- fectionerY, APP 39976 New, tion. 1161 New. old Raymond ThaAmD -, 422o5 New. Ave.. Orocer Y. burn¢ Location. d Thoma., 1161 Sher Rgymon APD 42206 New, 0 I L cattoane lye C 1940. Adopted by the Cou rccll lune 6. ADD —roved June B, 1940. - (June 8, 194) JUN 6194 Adopted by the Council__ _ __ _ _ _ __ -- - _ _ 194__. 61940 P+PProved_-----------T�- - In Favor (� _ Againsl ` (� `38 orlyl"l to CItY C r CNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'OU NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ILt COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM [ p _ DATE_—_June__- COMMI991EONEit-_. - -. -- -- -- RESOLVED: That license for Tavern, application 142185, and Dance Hall, application 42186, applied for by Joseph and Pdartin Michalitsch at 785-7 University Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Co$ncil, June 3, 1940. Old Location. COUTICILMETI Teas Tlays lBa busy indlan 'Frdrr nto n rvax eneetd-Wice Pres. (Peterson) C. 1,. M TWrua., BA. ParrranaMusa, Resolved, That lleenee for Tavern, applie.0— 42196, and Dance Rall, ap- V1,ention 92126, pplied for by Joseph ve,sltY Ave.tbefoandi the ams at Bare her-- by nd the fty clerk fe In- trusted to Issue uch peones. upon the payment tato the city treasury of the egalred feos. t Approved June e, 19401 June 6. 1940. 1 (June 6, 1940) 0 Jum, 6 im Adopted by the Council _ _ _------194— — j SSW Approved_ __—_—_-_-----194_ _. �v In Favor -- — _Against i 119 ofelod to city ok�, COUNCIL _ . CITY OF SAINT PAUL pn.e NO.- -,- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM C'11. MN Truaa08 W.RA Pa Bao a r{peB' Resolved, That licene a applied for by the person, named 0. the list at- 'tnched person, re.oIntl— be and the PR EBENTED BY - _ _ DA4 same are hereby granted and the City COMMISSIONER -- -- Clerk is Instructed to ,}sspe such 11-_ -- __ __ - the Payment unto the city tresaury.'or tha aetlntred rase. RESOLVED; That licensee applied for by the following persons EL Adopted by the council June S. 1940. 1 .Approved June 0, 1840. be and the same are hereby granted and the city cler (Junea,l9946)-- such licenses upon the payment into the city tress - - _ -- David Crimmins 395 Wabasha St. Restaurant App. 41360 Renewal Claude Hoffman 420 So. Hamlin Ave. Grocery It 41523 n Africk & Mathison 393 Wabasha St. Bakery " 41911 " F eter Vogt 2307 W. Como Ave. Gas Station " 42072 " n Geonge Sirott 740 Iglehart Ave. Confectionery 4206742068 n George Sirott 740 Iglebart Ave. Off Sale 3.2 Joseph Taylor 866 Rice St. Gas Station " 42109 Ralph L. Hutchinson 2205 University Ave. Gas Station " 42112 " Gibbons & Gallivan 372 Wabasha St. On Sale 3.2 " 42116 " M. G. Johnson 761 N. Snelling Ave. Confectionery 42117 " H. C. Toenjea 661 Selby Ave. Grocery " 42123 " 129-33 W. Seventh St. On Sale 3.2 " 42124 " Stephen A. Donohue n it 0£f Sale 3.2 " 42125 " n n Kalil Soman 460 Greenwood St. Off Sale 3.2 " 42126 " A�rphain Zacks 525 Wabasha St. Barber " 2127 it Gas Station 42128 is Cloutier 1056 Ross St. l Claude Whitlock 481 Broadway St. Confectionery 42129 " Golden Ray Bakery 2040 Marshall Ave. Bakery it 42130 n F. E. Shepherd 650 Canada St. Ice Station " 42136 " C01111CILMETI leas Tlays Barjuss Findlan Parranto e-$l"?stnte -.,J-Resert"� Truax ,m,-MrAWvw .Vice Pres. (Paterson) � rr Adopted by the Council_____. Approved____..__-. In Favor - Against 01r91n.l t, Cityclerk (2) COUNCIL 319: 39 CITY OF SAINT PAUL �tLF NO.--_. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RAL FORM COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENE June 6,- PRESENTED ER - - COMMISSIONER_- ... __ Henry W. Stromwall 992-4 Arcade St. On Sale Malt App. 42139 Renewal It n n n Off Sale Malt " 421110 ^ H. W. Coughlin 41 S. Cleveland Ave. Restaurant " 42144 n n n n " On Sale Malt it 42145 42145 R n Off Sale Malt " 42146 if n ^ A. Stacker 243 E. Fairfield Ave. Grocery It 42150 " John Dornbach 2059 Randolph St. Restaurant It 42154 " " " International Harvester Co.215 University Ave. 2d. Dr. 421 55 Autos 4215 St. Paul Liquor House Inc. 200 E. Seventh St. Confectionery " R R. H. Protestor 1401 White Bear Ave. Ice Station " 42157 it Edward Ritt 992 Grand Aver Gas Station " 42167 " Rothstein Bros. 99 Payne ne Ave. Off ,Salle Malt " 42168 ^ � M. C. Wagner 650 Grand Ave. Gas Station " 42169 It Joseph L. Comnolly 2117 Ford Pkwy. Restaurant " 42173 " Gustave Fluegel 861 University Ave. Gas Station " 42176 " Trackage Oil Co. 1685 University Ave. Gas Station " 42183 11 Mark Madigan 738 University Ave. Off Sale Malt " 42194 n 42 Ohio St. Grocery " 42195 to Bernice Gottlieb 5n " Off Sale Malt " 42196 ^ n H. M. Baird 1,956 University Ave. Auctioneer " 42203 " Edmund E. Sharpe 1558 St. Clair St. Restaurant " 42212 " n " n 11 On Sale Malt 11 42213 " n n it " Off Sale Malt " 42214 1' JUN coUTICILmETI Adopted by C the ouncil _ 61940- leas `/, Tla9s u9s -JUN 794_ / PProved-------------- Fin Ian ar to In Favor _Against ruax I � �m „j&,$gI;MT✓d'N1icc Pres. (Peterson) ISI Orlaiaal to City Clark-" L '-9 CITY OF ST. PAUL �� ca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC RESO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY John S. Findlan, Commissioner of Finance HATE June 6. 1940. _ COMMISSIONER._ 9040—By J. S. Findla- • Mlanle May .Delano• - • lane•, to the owe ,sa•. - 'tFaul Particlya•^ WHEREAS, Minnie May Delaney and Joseph Delaney, are the owners of City of St. Paul Participating Certificates No. 245526 and No. 245527 to- gether amounting to Two Hundred Dollars; and WHEREAS, said certificates have been lost and said owners have made application for duplicates to be issued in lieu thereof; and whereas, the said Minnie May Delaney and Joseph Delaney have filed a bond in the sum of Four Hundred Dollars, or double the amount of said certificates, indemnifying and saving harmless the City of St. Paul from any loss or damage growing out of said lost certificates or the issuance of new ones, and W EREAS, said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to surety by Judge James C. Michael, of the District Court all pursuant to Section 1971 of General Statutes of Minnesota for 1927; THerefor, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are authorized to issue to the above mentioned Minnie May Delaney and Joseph Delaney duplicate oertif- icates in lieu of the said certificates No. 245526 and No. 245527 which have been lost or destroyed. COUNCILMEN YeasNays / �rfuss /7lan nt JI ...In Favor .Against IM pg09aasqW�*cePte9-(Peterson) l 4-11 JUN 61940 Adopted by the Council_ ___._.__......__-------- 19-....... Approved. . - - 1 -.19-- - 119041 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER June 4,ps40 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $89.994.64_, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 72041 To 72090 wci ucIVF Ac PER F No. 119041— CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. "` Th"` :" to °T+:° aT°`°° °" ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JUN 6 190 /< Y cm c5IMPT°oLu° APPROVED JUN a 1m 113_ �• ,� i i i � I I j I - I I CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ,�� COUNCIL 1 �. OFFICE OF THE COMPT3PDL'L.ER FILE NUMBER-_- _- - +j -�'- ROLL CALL S BARFUSS FINDLAN- IN PETERSON FAVORI' AUDITED CLAIMS June 4, 140-- ROSEN RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE ORA- O TH CITY TREASURY 0 COVERING TRUAX AGAINST' �1 -�__ TO TME AGGREGATE AMOUN1T. OF Sys-r}� FAIL 72/�[yl T 7209 _ INCLUSIVE. AS '�.K P12ES CHECKS NUMBERED m �����'��� }} it E, NGYANaLL IlC l Cl'S. �iCLCC50Il) JUN S' ---_ PER CHECKS ON E �3E OFFI OF THE Y COMPTR LER - - [• ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-------- /I -- -.- . OVED- _a_.. H.��((��1.7MlJ��((�� Iv3—. 6f�/ - ♦ pun no[[[n loo 7.1 �1� 1 _. I TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF - RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD - 72041 Mrs. Charles Tuchner 32 00 100 00 • 72042 Hamilton Kenny 11 ©4 0o43 Fire Dept. Relief Assn. 41 72411 Capitol Stationery Mfg. 00- 65 00 72045 limon Botnen 43 91 72046 American Can Company 70 00 72047 72048 Charles F. Bruess central H. S. Claes 0i 1941 2P 72 4 59 72049 Company Eivgren Paint supply4 72050 Rm. H. Hale and Company 40 50 72051 F. J. Morse and Company 5 08 72052 North Star varnish company 272 39 72053 Paper, Calmenson and Company 38 81 72054 swift and Company 0 00 7205 Josephine M. Ayd, Gnd.. S. Findlan, Finance 75 72056 John 342 72057 1 605 78 N " 789 95 758 2059 72060 " County 'welfare Board 35 192 70 10 72061 " q 174 45 72062 Mrs. Thos. E. Dahill j 169 78 7206 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Company l 5 572 72064 W. A. Lang, Inc., 5 73 72o65 Malady Paper Company 49 98 72o66 Ray S. Miller, Agt. Coal and Dock Co. 2 756 28 72067 Northern 68 24 72066 Price Eleotric Company 31 80 72069 Remington—Rand, Inc. 60 02 72070 St. Paul Builders Material Co. 28 82 72071 E. J. Stilwell Paper Co. 15 19 72072 Sharp & Dohme, Inc. 52 27 7207 Willie Insurance Agency �5 �5 72074 S. Ronoone 16 67 72075 John Corcoran 88 50 72076 W—H. Fallon, Mayor 5 o8 24 John S. Findlan, Finance 50 00 7778 " 1 589 25 72079 5 4o 72080 Midway Cigar company 56 25 72061 72082 Wm. Segal County Welfare Board 12 273 25 2 00 72083 ® Snyder Aircraft Corporation Tel. & Tel. Co. 1�2 84 72081} Tri—State " " " 117 20 72085 72086 " " Frank P. "rhite Co., Agt. 17 64 3 50 72067 F. & F. Cheokwriter Sa1Ps 133 85 72088 John S. Findlan, Finpoe 120 00 72089 72090 q n n 48 90 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD $9 994 64 S 1 7 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD $9 994 64 i t 1 j7� I I l Original to City Clerk i�� ".11.) 2 _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERV FILE NO._... _. _.. `'/�`///%�C�ODUUjNNCIIL RESOLUTION --- GE ESOLUTION---GE RAL FORM PRESENTECOMMISSIONER_____.__L—"__`_�`-y1i=k� DATE___._.__jXUje_ 7,._ 1940 - Resolved, That the committee assignments made by the Mayor, according to the attached list, be and the same are hereby approved. councilmen teas uss nays i Fi Zlan o �son Rosen - ,-ruax Tlr. President, McDonough ,in 1-ap Cs ,— a C. F. No. 119042—By J. J. McDonough— Reeolved. That the mmlttee ae- Igntnents made by the Mayor, accord- ng to te he attached llet, be and the hereby approved. eaAdopted by the Council June 7, 1940. Approved June 7, 1940. i (June 15, 1940) Adopted by the CouncilJUN 7 1940_104__ -_ JUN 71940 Approped_. - - - - ------ -------t94_. In Favor mayor _Against C. F. No. 119018—By Fred M. Truax— n ' Whereas, W1111am J. Gerdts has pe - 0,191 -1 e-0,191 -1 to City Ckrk titioned the Couell for permission to Install an nd aluts!'� drive -In filBng OU -1- CITY t,i„�a, on *.nt,- •••• -, . ,...dry LE NO.—. _. OFFICE OF THE Cf &ERK •• d --COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENER*L FORM PRESENTED BY /�', �.��hJ _ - DATE_ .- _ _...JunB -7 1-9.4" COMMISSIONER_.—. �_ - 7. --.- WHEREAS, William J. Gerdta has petitioned the Council for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station on Lot 7, Block 5, Foundry Additions located at the southeast corner of Burgess Street and Como Avenue West; and - WHEREAS, said William J. Gerdts has submitted a blue -print of the proposed layout, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Paragraph F. Section 5, of Ordinance No. b840, therefore be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to William J. Gerdts to install and maintain said station in accord- ance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. Mae tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and ]a ndsoaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and any changes in curb- ing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satis- faction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever said Council shall determine that the maintenance of said station con- counct titates a fire or traffic hazard. Adopiedbythe Council -AN 7 1940 _1.94__ ljeas ❑ays l��11AA�� ry 7ry�Bf1 Ba ss °••117 4 Ia�A{/ Approved_. _ l94_ - rindlan Parranto In Favor Iilayo Peterson ruI ax _ _Against L /Krr. President, McDonough ,in a-Qo cs Hasan A; e CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration June 5, i 94 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporaticn Counsel City Hall Dear Sir; :he Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of William J. Gerdts for permission to install and operate a filling station at the southeast corner of Burgess St. and Como Ave. W., on Lot 7, Block 51 Foundry Addition. Yours very traly, City Clerk. 7 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTONROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, DEPuir Corn Mie EioRER BUREAU or CORET. n REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C 11 Er+a1 ER W, S. COCKROFT. SUPT. lime 5, 1940 OIIICH ENGINEER G. H. HERROLD C .,'N6 CLERK MARK W. WOODR IIFF Mr. HarryC1Cionnell City Clerk St. Paul, Minn. BUREAU or SAN—T.— FRED AN—T. RFRED DRIVER, Sufi. BUREAU Or BRIoOEs M. S. GRYTBAK. ERciR EER BUREAU or CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. Dear Sirs In the matter of application of William 7. Gerdts to install and operate a filling station on Lot 7, Block 5, Foundry AdditiU, I beg to advise you that the plane for driveways as submit d oonform to the standards o at es deparinB standpoeintPli- cation is oonsequently approve yours very truly, 4-0-j M. S�. R Chi f gngineer POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . St. Paul. Minn., Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St Paul, July zth, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of i.l i it.rnJ. ,emits toe:cctand install filling station located Pt SUt- col^. _ r^'c: "a::o o- Lo'. ,.in .r- Ac� tior. will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House building oti'the _ _5th day of --June 19 10 , at to o'clock A. M. Jt)HTI S. FInDLAn, Commissioner of Finance. Page -. _ File ,1b90 Mrs. Emma E. Hedman, 545 Como Ave. W. phoned. Is opposed to filling station on S.E. corner Burgess & Como Hearing June 5, 1940 TH CITY OF 6T, PAUL II.[o In Tna CITY ORIGINAL c�[RK [ OFFICE ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION is DATE may dt b— TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY Will tam J. Gerdte FtiTina _3taiion,Drive in - FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL ANDOPERATE A I oBly[ Iry oR Irvslo[ cwn"I Q-ebva1 9n/ AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOcwT EO ON LOT- AS1SI ( / _BLOCK___ _ fiv_Fi P,T ALSO DESCRIBED p6 rnT R[ .ry NO OF GAS TANKS. CAPACITY OF EACH TANK _ NO.OMPS - ----- FILED wF BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK 8_ DATE DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY BY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH CLINTON A. HACKERT Health Officer Fire Chief Chief of Police CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota// // c �erxcl fed 01 pamc 'Saletcv Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota G. E. BRISSMAN Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm May 18, 1940 Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by William J. Gerdts for permit to install and operate an automobile filling station to be located on Lot 7, Block 5 of Foundry Addition, which is also described as Como Avenue and Burgess Street. Inspections were made by Harry N. Pfettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, and William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspector. Their reports are attached. Very truly yours Commissioner o Public Safety IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION May 17 1940 Mr. G. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sirs This is in reference to application made by William J. Gerdts for permit to install and operate an automobile filling station (drive—in) to be located on Lot 7, Block 5 of Foundry Addition, which is also described as Como Avenue at Burgess Street. you may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises and the blueprints. I do not find that the driveways will materially interfere with the movement of traffic. From the traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. yours truly, Harry N. Wet rgren Superintendent of Traffic HNW/GW THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION May 16th, 1940. Hon. G. H. Barfuse. Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sirt In regard to the application made by William J. Gerdts for permission to install and operate an automobile drive-in Adddition, alsoon to be located described as ComonLot Avenue, Block 5 Of and Burgess Foundry Street. We have investigated the foregoing location and rease in the d of thhaatrvaciat there would be no ity nor would there becany increase inrthe a insur- ance rates to adjacent properties if the proposed installation is permitted. Respectfully yours, ALz 0? -r Chief Fire Inspector. WOB/z IAIII DUPLICATE CITY OF ST. PAUL EE,oc ILEO IH iH¢ CITv OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK cL[wK a o r , Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made J. .^.�rdts RY --, H[ O IAN sntemobile Sii»ngo _?.eLlfln,Eive ln, FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A , oRIV[ IR ow IHslo[ aARw Gi 1 seven(7) AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT En BLDCK—_ f_i_v� (5) FoUldry Acldilt ioL-_.ALSO OE9CRIBED AE l�fl1]'(1 ^V s7 [.�_�LT-x`¢..'...�}__.__ NO. OF PUMPS _ NO OF GAS TANKS CAPACITY OF EACH {/ �/ �� / r'/ 51[.HAtu wE of wvwLlc NT FILED BY z a s,....o... RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE --19.--- DATE. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY PLANNING BOARD BY BY THE BOARD OF ZONING G/TY OP •E,tibkhed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE W eem memeeo O %so aeee:omomme a flea m�s A A v'd+ eoe June 4th, 1940. ARTHUR S WLNOWSKI. rh......T•, FDN/IN II LU UL"'. F4RrtARD J ,GIN WAWaN-t y Archn. OHARLLS BA --ORD. C� �Fnni=L H IIIUOLD. To the Honorable Mayor and City Cou.,cil, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlenen : In the matter of application of William J. Gerdts to install and operate a filling station on Lot 7, Block 5, Foundry Addition. This is a Light Industrial District. This is a triangular piece of land lying between Como Avenue and Burgess St. The location is acceptable and the plana are approved, there being two driveways on Como Avenue with a 30 ft. island between and one driveway of standard width on Burgess Street. Yours very truly, t_. George H, Herrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh OH91-11. Clb, Cl -k ` 9! I'� CITY OF S C. V. No. 119044 -By Fred M. Truax- AL NO.- - - OFFICE OF TF �wnereae Boy r, a1 -11n n_ae wade .,I- t RESOLUTIOK,, AaENEn.AL FORM- . � .11 . �` PRESENTED BY /;��, -�V DATE---+TUIIe-- Z.} -1840♦ -- COMMISSIONER_—.__ (�-!�'-�- - -- -- -- - - WHEREAS, Roy L. Smith has made application to the Council for a permit to erect a cash and carry ice station at No. 548 N. Snelling Avenue, on the north 25 feet of Lot 16, Block 4, Hemline Syndicate Addition No. 3; and WHEREAS, proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph F of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said Roy L. Smith a permit for the erection and maintenance of a cash a ndearry ice station on said property, said building to be constructed in accordance with the, Building Code. Said permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. COUTICILTUEn gear nays igdlan teterrnto son uax _H"r. President, McDonough CM moo cs -11. JUN 7 1940 Adopted by the Council- _ 194_ .SUN 7 5940 I Approved_. SII i In Favor [Ttayor �� _Again CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota Offtgk CSF CITY,C4ERK City Cira2 Comminwner o M.1- ration June 5, 194o Mr. Jo`. = W. KcConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application o; Hoy L. Swit'. for periI.-Ic. to erect an ice station at 548 No. Snelling Ave., s'abject to the payment of all delingaent takes. Yours very truly, 1-1 rn , City Clerk. If POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul. Minn., ay, 2b,__1J40mk_._ Pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 5, as amended, of Building Zone Ordinance, approved Ink 7th, 1923, .ou are hereby notified that the; application of_..Rm' .L.__Sc, 1x _ ... for permission to erect or continue retail ice station locate._........- at 548 '1. Snellir,e Ave. on the 'forth 25 ft. o'.' Lot 1C, --'--...—..--..- .................. ...... __._....---........................................................ ...------............ _......... _....-...-............................ 131ock 4, iia^a ne SmBicete .;edition 110. 3 will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Cham- ber in the City hall and Court 1 -louse Building on the-_..___.._..___.__.____.. 5th..._....._._.._....- _day of, -__Jure ....1 J4.0._.._.._. x . _ _, at 10 o'clock A. M. - . JOHN S. 81-11 Commisvoner of Finance. Page. .................. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKEDaputy Commissioner j•a_ nz 1,��f) .ruav )rr ; s . Dn,r r� ;;-3. of -.of L. _ '.? f.,'T.`9bi_... to er-ct a~caF!!- ._.,.. cam ice ,3'at'O:: _. ,,,Orth 3n, '1 ..V Bn'a P,, ^lr']L.."?: -r 0_ .. ?c c... ..^c'a11 7one,,f, ... 1'ja-,-,,:t !at, ata.'.. tl':nr. ars' r0 O:.j`-'Cti-••i:',. YcCurs truly, _t dre ! pct -I - tat his been an ice station in this block for the past ten years. Recently removed to make Way for new stone building. (Signed) Roy L. Smith CITY OF ST. PAUL DUPLICATE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License lox �$2XMZMU STATION DATE _194Q -- TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made Roy L 8�afth FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AN OPERATE rla. `ZOB---- ----- - - --- --- 1 Dnlv6 IN iiix A. TO BVLO—TED ON LOT I BLOCK— 4 -- -- --- mous Ad81t• _ALBO OE6CRIBED A NO OF PU� --NO OF GAS �S RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFE" BY t$52 Ro th SueUtmg AVWMW CAPACITY OF EACH TANK_ BY_�LY- - ----- -_ `7 �o RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CI,Y PLANNING BOARD .Y R THE BOARD OF ZONING G."TY 0B Etilabll.hed by Oidma— No. 5840 July 7th, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA F 'lam 279 COURT HOUSE O eeo sees®o®m°e � lune 4th, 1940. ARTHUR S WLIHOhSKI, rh iii loan \LCUST IICi H!WTW1 DWIN H LU�IDIL BERNARD 1 f•1 -1,l Y'I'I EGIN W/.HN.\i-I Aich�.' CHARLLS BA f^RD. Ci r F H HIRR,OLD. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen : In the matter of application of Roy L. Smith for an ice station at 552 No. Snelling Ave. This is commercial zoning. This ice house is now in operation. ¢, It is in the rear of an apartment nbuilding facing Charles St. and between the apartmentg and a billboard on a vacant lot. It is Just opposite the Kimbell Hotel. There has been an ice house operating in this block for some time and it appears that this ice house was simply moved and continued operation in order to make room Pore new building going up. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, i George �H Harrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh 0r10in.1 io City Ck•rk PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ ti CITY OF SAINT PAUL cou"" FILE NO. —. -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM i' DATE—_.. RESOLVED, that the application of Shell Oil Company, Inc. for permisd.on to install one additional 4000 gallon underground tank at its station at Ramsey and Pleasant Avenue, be and the same is hereby granted, said tanks to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. C. F. No. 110046—By Fred M. Trunk— ` Resolved That the VVIIc.tien. of Shell Oil dompany, Inc. for yermieslon to Install oneadditional Its4 stationlloat Ramsay and Pleasant Ave., be nd the nme 1. hereby granted, aid tanks to be Installed in c ordance with I he ordinances of the cCity of Saint Paula d under the direction and to the tle[action of the Comm lmain nsr } of Public 8Mety. Adopted by the 'Council June 7, 1940. AD proved June 7, 1940. (June S. 1940) COUTICILITIEn geas hays m n ar to eterson ,Tfualy 'Pt. President; Inc0onough am —6 CS ansa. JUN 71940 Adopted by the Council_ _ JUN 71940 Approved_ — In -_-----104_. In Favor / Rlayor Aqainst CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration June 5, 1940 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of Shell Oil Co., Inc. :or permission to install one additional 4000 gallon underground tank at their station at Ramsey and Pleasant. Yours very truly, City Clerk. .( CvtY OF O eeo See�ea®use a --pp ane svve of a r rM�.NCM C^�xO Q ppe ARTHUR i. lAILINO,NSRI. F,hTmin 4UGU .T HOH 11:',T11r1 EDWIN H LUIiUIi BUNARD 1 EGIN WA'-1:.1A:J CHARLES BAS -.F000. C, Aich,- GEnRr:� II F'rCRC I THE BOARD OF ZONING EstablAed by Ordinance No, 5840 July 7th, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE Mr. Harry T. o'Connell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Deer Sir : June 5th, 1940. In the matter of application of the Shell oil Company, Inc. for permission to install one additional 4000 gallon underground hank at their station located at Ramsey and Pleasant. This is merely additional storage, no change in station layout or driveways. No public hearing is required. The Board of Zoning recommend that this permit be granted. Yours very truly, George t Bier"ro- ld, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh `—. ~ ti � - - (�� - - ./ .. 'S •ice � �/ � \ �\ �yNr. - -' I . , AO rf i r f i / - ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL counCa raE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -- - —COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM No 119046—BY Fred AL 'rraa:, Gr0uec— erne., Underdate of f r1l 4, PRESENTED BY renr^ rapt n Law I COMMISSIONER—..._ WHEREAS, under date of April 4, 1934 pursuant to Chapter 61, Laws of 1929, as amended, the City bouncil of the City of Saint Paul executed a quitclaim deed, transferring to the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul any and all right, title and interest the City of Saint Paul had in and to Lot 1, Block 21, F. Amb's Addition to the City of Saint Paul, and WHEREAS, subsequent thereto the City of Saint Paul acquired a further interest in the said premises by means of a deed from the Administrator of the Estate of Ori L. Lamprey, which deed was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, on May 25, 1935, in Book 953 of Deeds, page 531, and WHEREAS, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has requested that the City Council execute a further quitclaim deed in and to the said premises in order that all of the right, title and interest of the City of Saint Paul be trans- ferred to the said Port Authority, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they hereby are authorized and directed to execute a quitclaim deed running to the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, thereby convey- ing any and all right, title and interest the City of Saint Pahl now has in and to said Lot 1, Block 21, Be Amb's Addition to the City of Saint Paul, the said deed to carry the same limitations as to alienation of the said property by the Port Authority as were contained in the deed heretofore executed on April 4, 1934. JUN 71940 COUnCILMETI Adopted by the Council_ lJeas// flays JUN 7 1940 Bar[uss Fi lap Approved _ ___-_____t9a_ Par nto gterson In Favor / Rlayor �Rohn Ic U u x � .Against YPresident, McDonough N C-ommissi—, WM. F. DAVIDSON, P-.. HAROLD E. WOOD, VI .P CLARENCE C. GRAY, T.......r - PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL City Hall and Court House ST. PAUL, MINN. May 5, 1940 Mr. J. W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City of St. Paul Court House Dear Mr. McConneloug: I believe you have copy of the survey of Port Authority property prepared -by the City Planning Survey of the Works Progress Administration in 1938. In connection with Tract No. 69, which is Lot 1, Block 21, F. Amble Addition, it is recommended that a quit claim deed should be executed conveying title to said lot from the City of St. Paul to the Port Authority. If, upon examination, you concur in this suggestion, will you kindly prepare the necessary document for action by the City Council. Very truly yours, 1 H. MUELLER Secretary—General Manager HM: LEE H .5—rerary-Genera1 c9tC ger HERMAN MUELLER Fu. Ne. 1000-2 _ orhu -1 to City Clerk . �� •t . CITY OF SAI " '117 NO._.. - - OFFICE OF THE �•. No. lls That t Fred M. Truax olved That the or D,, lion _ tUil Otl GfomDa'n�. 1PC. for yermleit t COUNCIL RESOLUTION make ther owing rent ,a ,meatE etnlro et r g -4 be PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ -- -- ----- - - --- - RESOLVED, that the application of Shell 011 Company, Ino- for permission to make the following replacements and installs. tions of storage tanks, be and the same is hereby granted, said tanks to be installed in accordance with the ordlnand% s of the City of Saint Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Com- missioner of Public Safety: Replace one 1000 gallon tank with one 2000 gallon tank at Its drive-in filling station at Dale and Minnehaha Streets; Relocate one 550 gallon tank and install one 2000 gallon tank at its filling station at Hamlin and Thomas Streets; Replace one 1000 gallon tank with one 4000 gallon tank at its station at Sixth and Broadway; Replace present 1000 gallon tank with a 2000 gallon tank at its station at Jenks and Arcade Streets; Install one additional 4000 gallon underground tank at its station at No. 1110 North Snelling Avenue; Replace present 550 gallon underground tank with one 4000 gallon tank at its station at 914 Randolph Street; Install 1 additional underground storage tank of 4000 gallon capacity at its station at Marshall and Cleveland Avenues; Install 1 additional undergrourd storage tank of 4000 gallon capacity at its station at Randolph and Cleveland Avenues; Install 1 additional 4000 gallon underground tank at its station at Rice and Summit. C01111CILMETI fleas/• llags B5arfuss /Fi dlan ranto ,*/ejerson iRo rVun President, McDonough nrd �•-o Cs ]osae Adopted by the Council JUN 71940_194-_ -_ proved_ In Favor _. Ma Against CLINTON A. HACEERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH G. I- BRISSMAN Chief of Policc Ileaith Officer Fire Chief Sllpl. oC Police and Fire .Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota e�ar1ment o� Pudic =�a�dj Tenth and %linnes.ta Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOIIN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner June 5, 1940 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, 1innesota Dear Sir: I am returning applications made by the Shell Oil Company for permit to install and re -locate under- ground tanks at the following locations: Randolph and Cleveland i Sixth and Broadway 1110 N. Snelling Avenue Dale and Minnehaha Rice and Summit 914 Randolph Street Jenks and Ar,:ade Hemline and Thomas v Marshall and Cleveland v Also 86 ttached is report by William C. Harron, Chief Fire Inspector, who made inspections at the locations mentioned. very truly your a' Commissioner of Public Safety IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION June 3rd, 1940 Hon. G. H. Barfbss, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sirs In regard to the ten applications made by the Shell Oil Company for permission to install and re- locate underground tanks at the following locations in the city: Randolph & Cleveland 6th and Broadway 1110 H. Snelling Dgle and Minnehaha Ramsey & Pleasant Rice and Sbmmlit 914 Randolph Jenks & Arcade Hemline and Thomas Marshall & Cleveland. We have investigated these foregoing locations and report that there will be no serious increase in the fire hazard at these locations nor will there be any increase in the insurance to the adjacent properties if this work is permitted. Respectfully yours. Chief Fire Inspector. WCB�z TRIPLICATE CITY OF ST. PAUL lien 11 ine clic OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK cLenrc s ovvlcc Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE_-_ S� 1931{ TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made �ijFLL Lil q !�•yc_ . RY FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AN'MT"9"IATE A—. / — r OA. --g AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON --ALSO DESCRIBED AS JJQEC�_—l—iLT--1—�"�+--y NO OF PUM PS_ --- NO OF GAS TANKS I CAPACITY OF EACH TANK , -7,7z FILED /C/ seen A,unE eF .vPele Anr BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY CITY OF ST. PAUL IL[o IN ,KF C� r J TRIPLICATE cLeRK s or FtcE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE-----�---193-.� TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby made --- - - BY. -- --- —, rvePc or alwN cR Ino�viou A�, FOR PERMIT TO N� __BLOCK__. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOTS ALSO DESCRIBED AS NO. OF PUMPS 3 — NO OF GAS TANKS �' _CAPACITY OF EACH TANK _--- ��'-- FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE_— DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY � BY BY _�� TRIPLICATE CITY OF ST, PAUL ILEO Ix THE <liv OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK c�eKn a oFrlcE Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE 4rZ,'7 _-193-4--G TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY 11— o 1-1 OF PERMIT TO INSTALL AN'C4I'T"717'A_-/ p�d�-6-- LSO DESCRIBED AS1�1 NO OF PUMPS -.� _. _-- NO OF GAS TANKS 3 CAPACITY OF EACH TANK.1 FILED // EIUR.. uKE oc .no.lc. Nr RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD BY CITY OF ST. PAUL iLeO IN TN[ elTr TRIPLICATE CL a OFFICc OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE�z/ 2 — —_7B TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY 6� (NwMe OF FOAM On INDIvID AL FOR PERMIT TO INIIIRLL RR��! RATE Al+sl—i 1 1 AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT ALSO DESCRIBED AS (gTR ¢[T ANON 1 NO. OF PUMPS NO OF OAS TANKS CAPACITY OF EACH TANK yM rV RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK 19 �_ DA� CITY PLANNING BOARD BY 16 TRIPLICATE CITY OF ST. PAUL ILEO In TO "1MAD liv 1^ c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —.— .11— Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE 193-*eQ TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is hereby Made FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AMESPr9rI? A /- '--- I"DRIVE IN OR INS—DA"1 AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT ALSO DESCRIBED A6� d�aA�.yy'E�- Sit (ADDITION) , 111((! VMeaRI NO. OF PUMPS 3 .NO OF OAS TANKS—..� CAPACITY OF EACH TANK T_ •PPLICANi FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY -'ex,-:2 7 / ; /a S 9/.n./' f7.Lha�t_ I., auelNaes A/6Rass. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE IB - CITY PLANNING BOARD BY CITY OF 6T. PAUL..... Iry — "TY TRIPLICATE- cLeAK a ovFlc[_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE 193 J�L,(o TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made By ry FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL A A I Aa AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT DESCRIBED A6J�--` [T wrvo rvu I NO. OF PUMPS NO OF GAS TANKS ZiCAPACITY OF EACH TANK�S FILED BY_ --- I2= -.11W99 ADIRE— RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE — DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY EIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK IS—_ DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD BY CITY OF ST. PAUL (LED IN THE CITY TRIPLICATE CLERK" OFFICE. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE S' p93(/ TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made �a�L QiL C6 FIRN DR IN��L - By E A //g'/`"�A a a' /,� owe � /`ate �„/ �Qkr •- '9� I �tA6Q'7 fs�' FOR PERMIT TO IfIBT7ltE�'A���r's I AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT % Id�i Tr C� I� 4 DESCRIBED A6 o i IETREE w NO. OF PUMPS _ NO OF AS TANKS RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF EACH TANK_ r BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD I BY BY TRIPLICATE - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application' For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE .s;/z -- —193--'V40 TO 193 y4 - TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST, PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY A N"F J���9G ER /i/ sad7� `e61I /An.t�_J�,f�}_;gpGmlF /IIf1/�( FOR PERMIT TO IR9'1'REL�RI�1�P�>A� I..p • 1 AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT DESCRIBED ASJ I NO. OF PUMPS NO OF GAS TANKS CAPACITY OF EACH TANK moo« 4 zcd T.�s E aF FILED BYI!!? RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY 19_ RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD BY CITY OF ST. PAUL TRIPLICATE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY nwMc OP FIRM IKON i�UwL yj-% `Y.fTA� s—s��, FOR PERMIT YO INSTALL AND OPERATE A—� O IK IOE w 1 AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT DESCRIBED A6.� ECT A I _193 /[. NO. OF PUMPS NO OF GA6 TANKS ___--? CAPACITY OF EACH TANK ,Z'URE IF 11FLIC.NT l , FILED BY i312 RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AAA BY IS_ RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE — CITY PLANNING BOARD BY CITY OF ST. PAULIleo IN THE CITY TRIPLICATE C�ERE E OFFICE. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE S ��, TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY / I—�(►:L Irwet¢ oP Vig l oGUAL, ----- FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AI,I' AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT DESCRIBED AS IgTREai ANO NUNeERI -- InoolTlUnr NO. OF PUMPS NO OF 6A5 TANKS' 3 CAPACITY OF EACH FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY IF —PLIC—T RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD BY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration June 5, 1940 Mr. Jonn W. MoOonneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution or resolutions granting the attached applications of Shell Oil Co., Inc. for permission to: Replace one 1000 gallon tank with one 2000 gallon tank at their drive-in filling static -1 at Dale and Minnehaha Sts. Relocate one 550 gallon tank and install one 2000 gallon tank at their filling station at Hemline and Thomas Sts. Replace one 1000 gallon tank with one 4000 gallon tank at their station at Sixth and Broadway. Replace present 1000 gallon tank with a 2000 gallon tank at their station at Jenks and Arcade Sts. Install one additional 4000 gallon underground tank at their station at 1110 No. Snelling Ave. Replace present 550 gallon underground tank with one 4000 gallon tank at their station at 914 Randolph St. Install one additional underground storage tank of 4000 gallon capacity at their station at Marshall and Cleveland. Install one additional underground storage tank of 4000 gallon capacity at their station at Randolph and Cleveland. Install one additional 4000 gallon underground tank at their station at Rice and Summit. Yours very truly City Clerk. Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Shell 011 Company, Inc. for permission to replace one 1000 gallon tank with one 2000 gallon tank at their drive-in filling station located at Dale and Minnehaha Streets. As this is an application for additional storage, the Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be approved. No public hearing is necessary. gh -rh encl. Yours very truly, n rI George HRerrold, Engineer Secretary. THE BOARD OF ZONING CITY 0" �If Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 71h, 1922 "I SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .f, 279 COURT HOUSE hr Big 40 a ►j O 40 eeeeeaesae see as®a ea b as a r�xc�»a�iXo 0 pbeI ti e.a May 29th, 1940. ARTHUR S MILINOWSKL Chrir ,\000',T "0O HSTUM - EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. WGLYIM EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, Ow Arch,,o GKIRGE H I IRROLD, F"'i S�ac,uy- Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Shell 011 Company, Inc. for permission to replace one 1000 gallon tank with one 2000 gallon tank at their drive-in filling station located at Dale and Minnehaha Streets. As this is an application for additional storage, the Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be approved. No public hearing is necessary. gh -rh encl. Yours very truly, n rI George HRerrold, Engineer Secretary. ¢� �,TY oFTHE BOARD OF ZONING Eslabllshed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 71h, 1922 h SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE p' ee ee e O eeo eeeeseeeee B,Is a ab a •C•..0eA1[O 0 Y • • eP May 29th, 1940. ARTHUR S .MILINOWSKI, (71,-- AUGUST 71,— anAUGUST HOHENSTEIFI EDWIN H LUNDIE BERNARD J M,GLYNN EG IN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, Ciy A,,h,,-c. G[PR�E H HERROLD. Fon, �r S•���iary Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of aoolicetton of the Shell d 011 Company for permission to relocate one 550 gallon tank and install one 2000 gallon tank at their filling station located at Hamline and Thomas Streets. As this is an application for increasing the storage, the Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. No public hearing is required. Yours very truly, George �It. Harrold, U . Engineer Secretary. gh-rh IQ 14 L IA- >L,....} __ d '-:� r:_—.: -==T -.---_--_— - --_-- I � Esso•,. I' •� � ,,,. � Y '` � W � I 4-- - I l I 6 �-- -- 45c- _. I M • - II. - .. _ --"+MC.1.K ✓nTGY. J a..y n� - 1. - - I - -' I ` ✓� f 18'. > i --------------------------- --------------- L. _ _- . 4 < u L t S, 4 N 3 n N' A E .) int - I •O O P1 = I 1 _ _ - • i "Z.37�rT,46111, 1 0 Z/ 14 .' F,l LO= 1,5. T✓D'E /S ✓EO - - if, - - ... ,_ .. - - _ . - - - •:.e¢.4o.� _s - - ,'i`/t ��1�.�jp � i J 1, . iv i I y QTY oA THE BOARD OF ZONING C Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1922 0 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA h �� 279 COURT HOUSE O sea eeeemmeame a +e emmm ae sy '.C.Q.00m o Q �� YI1NCOe� h « May 29th, 1940• ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, C1,111— AUGUST HOHEP6TEIN EDWIN H LUNDIE BERNARD J M<GLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, C,ty Arch -c GFORGF H HFRROLD. Fngmcecr y Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Shell oil Company, Inc. for permission to replace one l000 gallon tank with one 4000 gallon tank at their station located at Sixth and Broadway. As this is merely an application for additional storage, the Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. No public hearing is required. Yours very truly. . George Harrold, ghh Engineer Secretary. wm-rh G�TY OA Fy xer, r.��ogna ,t, -E. rl O FqP Fees.®CPlmtl9 �55.RR=mq RC}gp THE BOARD OF ZONING Mr. 11. �. City Clerk, T3 u 1 1 a 1 n Deer °Lr . May 29t_i, 1940. In t:ie mutter of ann'!. u,-^. A )n ,r the She_ 1 'l11 '--,MID1Riy, Ia2. for penrisst,111 to rep 1!2e pre ::'. 1000 ,r,.IL�n t,;=nk with e 2000 r;=,!i.in tank ar. r ne'_- st�rion at Jenks end �Iro,,de Streets. Tnere no o'oJection to t�i9 ins'.�_.et,ion or this new tenk, an.i t:,e i3cu^•d -,r 'Lon;n,q to t the ;,enr,;' 'oe g_^ -.rno. It d—.3 no, cn'u f.i•. .= p:.,:i � neerin�. Y,,,ir.: v •ry tra17, Geurrze H. Herruld, l En,v!n-gar Secret. 01 -ft f✓AT JON= 7-0 //,-v M/Ne'O /N 7*.c I - - � �. -� �_. r ..�.. �_/3.-0 41 - --��� .i, S. 7.. 1. /t.1/�E OQ Lve✓El J DE/dA L. .0 `rC .'O/r .'lf`U; GCMG.. _. . �1 \ c/gc, r /\�� .. - - \� 4 - I'i., .I -1- + e° vs I okL '�1, - 7 r \• -. 41 Q e 2'1. % G - 3 - •. „ -X %ANSIo.A ✓e JN�3. — _. _ - _ _. i ` �a - `�,. It �� �- � -_ �m Fri —( � � - .. .. `:" - _ �--�--j----�.\ � •Hi � - eN c/E 1Y �KTfN N' _ i � d g - A Ib"r— _ — � � � - . I // All IJT uNEs (.vrw� - _ -Nsw sse 6A II; �I I f'. % io• 7"1 .. _- ._._ o W ' Cy1L, U.4. TNR NEV =� I O h + •r I ^ I _ 'Q' \' I tI / , / O 16 N - - .IA,, R.Fy.1MP di.,N/reGO je RRa3SNj 2eDe •) >[ 0 �_._n 1\ 1]]{{ / - _ -_ - .. - 4AL. TAN p• � p Li _ 11�.1// ' L4ef Si. — ---- — — -- J" j; - 1 L — I r f _ I r I ;y it I i -------------- .EN• LAj'o VT Cn/Ew� ro �REA L/NF 9 LC 3e4 9 f•1'CC-1 ,PLAN VL O/ - � B,. � /J i ,-,t E.�rov.,�' s.�-T, « fes,✓« .�' — _ - - -- _ ___ __ _ ---, - ------ :..� `" _ � �--4cB ELE✓A�j row/; _ C - - r2� "NEA/N f�/v rU A'XAV CONI Cu.[m %jAy 0,4/Q SEL✓ cE GF T.0 }� 1 - �� { •o 1 - tv - .4 13 c"G _._ . / N t TA L L'rs w rn .✓ - _ - ---- -----j a�4'rELLd LrFj — { 07 ao - - .. ;`, _ - -y cl __.__. _._/G•-o�. __ 13 0l �./3�'0.. .�,-.2 ' _ _ -SCE✓A lOrt .. ry PB .DETER tir/NcO /N. TA•E tllC44, - - LoN/Ey -11GE&1 - : A TA' M •J � z r _. ! d =` I s. It !1 '� Q W Q SLE CT,2r g§ !!R }{ u /o':Sr ccHc. N/N L!!---- + t 41,1 EX 1ANS v � z / _ JLr Tu r.v Liur ,� -2 - - _ V c f!o, TAN,c I i � j ' ♦ »'Rm /iy �aucTie.J i' 4��,� ,Yr �`� � , ti2 '� I' .: CGv3 HLD ROGK -�• � L/NLS " l .. - - ����_ �, T—c -'W/ NEV 70Cb { O rri� y i• 0 - "_ �., -� ., � i IIS..'µ � �'. �•,, �jvr-:a. ..-v_. � �� 1V. _' ._ "- G�TY OF rl � •ov aeeaeees.s J +e e9e9®moi b A Y qCM .Atw 0 Q sa• e.v ARTHUR S MILINOWSKI, Ch -- AUGUST HOHFNSTEIN EDWIN H LUNDIE BERNARD J. M,GLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, C,,y A,,h,, GFORSE H HFRROLD, Foam r,1 -. i ", THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir : May 29th, 1940. In the matter of application of the Shell 011 Company, Inc. for permission to install one additional 4000 gallon underground tank at thbir station located at 1110 No. Snelling Avenue. As this is merely an application for increasing the storage at this station, the Board of Zoning recommend that the application be granted. No public hearing is necessary. Yours very truly, George H Harrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh oo- I j I ' :I _7 r T - 7 - I ! \ I SOI NQUT1 (i:a i I'A1, i.•}., (I lU: GyTY OF O0 6e9 ee see e®o ®eeeeoeeee e+® es®Fa as y .1 4.119 a eo4 �l -o • fp ARTHUR S MILINOWSKI, Ch— — AUCU'T H011Q1�7[1-I EDWIN H LUNDIE BERNARD J M_GLYu': EGI!I WAHWrl CHARLES BAS',IORD. Ciro A,ch,n,- ,EnRr:E H H! RROLD. THE BOARD OF ZONING E,iablRhed by Ordinance No, 5840 July 71h, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir : May 29th, 1940. In the matter of application of the Shell 011 Company, Inc. for permission to replace present 550 gallon underground tank with one 4000 gallon tank at their station located at 914 Randolph Street. The Board of Zoning recommend that this application for additional storage be approved. No public hearing is necessary. Yours very truly, , George H. Harrold, p, Engineer Secretary. F gh-rh encl. 0 C"TY pFTHE BOARD OF ZONING '0Qp r t O eeo nr�e-`e enm � � a9y flair. PA b May 29th, 1940- Mr.LR. Q. Yer�us.,n, CitvClerK, B u i i d i n g. DeF!r Sir : In the matter -.)f i�n ref t'.^.e Sne11 oil ComoarTn,, f;r pe.•mianion to in_tall one additions', unaer,,�r;'Jn'. storage t•+nk of 4000 gallon cap"city a, t eir Sinn �Dr,nt.ed at Marsh• -'_1 4. C'.e'�a:�nd Avenues. Tui? .� =L . mere117 an appl_c-tiro for adds,irIe' storage. The Boar' cf Zon; ng recom:nem9 t:v: t the permit be gra:.ted. No pau,11c heartnh is ne^essar7. Yo°u•s ver;' t r.ily, Georgc+ H. :ierr A d, hngineer 3e0re1— r;. g` -r`. ARTHUR S MILINOWSRI, Chr�mr�� AUGUST I-WRISTERI EDWIN H WWII IUNARD J If,��-�'CVI [GIN WP.HMA"I LHARL6 BWI(1P.D. Cry A,ch— G�C1RrE H H!RROLD. Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Shell 011 Company, Inc. for permission to install one additional underground storage tank of 4000 gallon capacity at their station located at Randolph and Cleveland Streets. The Board of Zoning recommend that this permit be granted. No public hearing is necessary. Yours very truly, George" if., Harrold, Fagineer Secretary. gh-rh THE BOARD OF ZONING �,TY nF Esiablched by Ofdinance No. 5840 July 71h, 1922 �9� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Few 279 COURT HOUSE f"' O mea mmmeme � mem aeemmemmmm .a � e5® LA .4,w`m°ma"::m 9 mm• ~ May 29th, 1940. ARTHUR S MILINOWSRI, Chr�mr�� AUGUST I-WRISTERI EDWIN H WWII IUNARD J If,��-�'CVI [GIN WP.HMA"I LHARL6 BWI(1P.D. Cry A,ch— G�C1RrE H H!RROLD. Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Shell 011 Company, Inc. for permission to install one additional underground storage tank of 4000 gallon capacity at their station located at Randolph and Cleveland Streets. The Board of Zoning recommend that this permit be granted. No public hearing is necessary. Yours very truly, George" if., Harrold, Fagineer Secretary. gh-rh THE BOAF0 OF ZONING W me ®�n9gm`e C !me gceRrggmm`n I ao� Via, o q May 29th, 1940. Mr. L. R. S. Ferguscn, City Clerk. Deer Sir : In the metier of application _` the She—'l 011 company, Inc, for permissicn to install one edditicnal 4000 gF.11on underground tank at tt,eir stntion located at. Rice end Summit. As this application is for additional s±orage only, the Board of Zoning recommend that the auplic„ricn be am;rOYt (J. F0 Yoaro ver; '.ri'v, ;eo••-;e it. •lierrld, Engineer Sec r•;t+r✓. j F— B 6 u i F D ! d cl o � v - ,law 40 rat o a7-4 s�.io - oall—I to city ©art CITY OF ST. PAUL •aX OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORhc, F. No. 119o4s—ny sono 8. Fln rn— Whe Whereas, Phnllpp Levy "Iae m D^ tni a^I II to relfer t•. zq Y PRESENTED BY f^/t (/l(VC-�/Y1 D�F_�_, �� n Mel eR COMMISSIONER._ 4 — P! _E=tiA,�, Phillip Levy has made upplica..ion for relief to t'ae Winne sra Tax Co^rr.is..ion rel:..•, ive to : elincucnt taxc,s and assesuments on the foliowin- described rro-erty, to Zeit: Lot 5, Block 1, Chute's Aaaiti.on; and h hRcAS, the delinquency cetals the sura of $2,004.66, and the applicant offers to es,;; ir, full se,.tie:ae:it tnereof the sum of $1,224.21; therefore, ce it t1E6CLThD, That the Council of the City o:paint raui hereby approves suid offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of L,7.4y shall Le :iro:, u,oueeed from enc total r,_..:anent of p1,2L4.21, -.n%I teat said sum of ,$1:7.49 Shull uQ puiu to the City of Saint raul in set lemer.' of deli_:quent assessments in- ciuded in tae total rielingl.ency of "tS,2,004.62. 0 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �rfues Findlan 'Ya;ranto ��etereon Al.sen A.ax "�Ir. President (Fallon) IM 1049 ®(dj JUN 71940 Adopted by the Council_.. 19-------- /7 Approved_......_.._.-JUN._(.7. -- --....... In Favor- ..--- --------- .... _.......... - Al r /.._Against Original to City ckrk A CITY OF SAINT PAUL counca. ru.e ._. NO_ _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 'Y _ DA7E--1�- -� -- COMMISSIONER - 9 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: John E. O'Rourke 374 Wabasha St. Hotel App, 41292 New Old Loa Holmes Coal & 011 Co. 209 Eagle St. Fuel Dlr. " 42060 it New " Norman Zettler 190 E. Indiana Gas Station " 42118 " Old " e 10 George M. Bates 220 Virginia Ave. Foot Peddler It 42344 n C. F. No. 119049—By G. s, aerfuae— W. A. Parraato—J. S. Flndla by the ruiei son �e,11 t atr &ached to thte teaolutloa be and the aame are hereby araated sad the City Clerk le lastruoted to leave aveh II- eeasea uDon the Payment Into the Clty treasury of the reppulred feec. Adopted by the Couacll June 7, 1940. �1DDroved June 7, 1940. (June 15, 1940) 11tt 7 1940 CoUrICILMETI Adopted by the Council 1]eas/ nay9 , i JUN 71940 �ndlanApproved__--------------t94_ _Aitrranlo In Favor__.-_: �tetson ,Rosen .� _Against I"/aax 1I r. President, McDonough 3111 3-23 C3 2333. C0111ICiLITIETI leas�Rays r indlan ""isrranto Terson /iosen 'Truax President. McDonough ,in a-ao CS Harz. JUN 71940 Adopted by the Council_ Approoed— --JUN- 7194k4 In Favor C % mayo �-._Against YCi;Li:ilil. original to City Ckrt /+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ COUNCIL . . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 119060—H G. Eartuee— W. A. Petr ato S. pl. Alaa— COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FC neeotpea. That I/cenea. a"puna f by the per, one ramee r u4 PRESENTED B �4...,; DATEr-----�3��-. 1-949--- --- - COMMISSIONER ---------- -- - -- -- - _-- --_-_ _ RESOLVED: That licenses applied ,for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Ryan Hotel Co. 400 Robert St. Hotel App.41287 Renewal Harold Christian 653 S. Snelling Barber n 42175 " George Hauser 554 Cedar St. Barber " 47193 " Marx Reimers 377 W. 7th St. 2nd Hand Dlr. Is 42197 " Edw. W. Jacobsen 802 E. Third St. Barber " 42199 it Hall & Anderson 2060 Fiord Pkwy. Off Sale Malt n 42201 " Confectionery " 42202 n Rose Berkus 257 Arundel St. Grocery " 42211 Edw. J. Courtney 2095 W. Como Ave. Restaurant " 42215 " n n n n Confectionery " 42216 " Julius Klein 580 Rice St. Grocery " 42223 n Jake DOrOshow 500 W. Central Ice Station " 42227 n Louis Bans 449 St. Peter St. Pawnbroker " 42257 " C0111ICiLITIETI leas�Rays r indlan ""isrranto Terson /iosen 'Truax President. McDonough ,in a-ao CS Harz. JUN 71940 Adopted by the Council_ Approoed— --JUN- 7194k4 In Favor C % mayo �-._Against YCi;Li:ilil. 0 West to City rkl CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL - rtLc NO. t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �Hy COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FOF q w: w.°P-anis �t' a ;F n, a a, ��lle� Resolved, That Ifrr q*.plled t by the persona ne;, i• d.Infl the '. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER -__ _. _.__ -. tached t --- same ano I,;�$a Clerk t •sy---_---. — RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at file addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue suck licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: E. E. Sharpe 1558 St. Clair Restaurant App. 34992 Renewal p 11 It a On Sale Malt it 3499 " n it It " Off Sale Malt " 3499 if Jerry Wharton 6 W. 6th St. Barber " 35026 " J. J. Baumler 2191 University Ave. Gas Station " 35253 " F. C. Tucker 1461 Payne Ave. Butcher " 35279 It Mrs. Bessie Lazer 689 Selby Ave. Grocery " 35293 " Arthur Barnett 860 Selby Ave. Butcher ^ 35448 ^ Morris %oropov 556 Fuller Ave. Ice Station " 35469 " Annie Berman 779 W. Central Grocery ^ 35471 " Mrs. Wm. Salisbury 778 E. 7th St. Ice Station " 35496 " Annie Berman 779 W. Central Off Sale Malt " 35961 " C. M. Smith 194 Concord St. Butcher 3600s " Leah & Esther Schaffer 223 W. 7th St. Grocery " 36067 " p n n p e Butcher ^ 36068 " Louis Minur 519 Wabasha St. confectionery ^ 36158 It n a n 11 Pool Hall " 36159 ^ Prior Ice Co. Selby & Victoria Ice Station it 36245 " D. B. Cardelli 98 X. Smith Ave. Grocery " 36346 " Sale ^ " p p n n Off Malt 36347 Shear Bros. s6o Thomas St. Ice Station It 36381 " COnnCiLmETI Adopted by the Council—_ yeas nays Barjuss Findlan Approved___.-__—�__—_-104_ _ Parranlo In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Truax - _ _--Against Mr. President, McDonough am '... Cs nesse ' 011!lual to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 9 51 COUNCIL rae NO._ PR COMMISSIONER_ESENTED ____.._ DATE -- -Tune-7, 194 --_-.--_—_-.- _ ___ _2fl a P. H. Johnson 1560 Como Ave. W. Ice Station App. 36020 New Cld Lo tion Low J. Sansome 812 parkway Drive Ice Storage 11 36225 " " n (Theae are applications for licenses,held on account of delinquent taxes,which are about to reach their expiration date.) COUTICILMETI Ileas nays Barjuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough ,in I... Cs 1.13. JUN 71940 Adopted by the Council JUN 71540 .� Approved___ In Favor C- Rlayor / Against D lNUli L i., erldiad to city Cl k COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL , rag NO.__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLARK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE— COMMISSIONER - - -- --- - - - - _ —_- RESOLVED: That Barber license #2450, expiring January 9, 19'41, issued to C. R. McMillan at 240 S. Fairview Ave. be and the same is hereby transferred to C. R. McMillan at 1808 St. Clair St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. Transfer informally approved by Council, Jane 3, 1940. COUT/ICjL RLE11 Tleas/ Tlays Ba M mdlan arranto In Favor 6t on yen /Tr/�y[ Against , J TRr. President, McDonough sin ao os vase C. F. No. 11906 By Q. H. Barluss— W. A. parranto—J. S. Flndlan Resolved, That Barber license No. 2460, ylring January 9 1941 issued to C. R. MCMlllan at 241{ S. 8'alrvlew Ave, be and the. same Is hereby trane- terred to C. R. McMillan at 1808 St. Clair St, and the proper city otacers are Instructed to make the proper Changes in the city's records. Adopted by the Council June 7, 1940. Approved June 7, 1940. 1 (June 16, 1940) JUN 71940 Adopted by the Council___ _ _194____ 11)N 7 194® Approved_-- --.--_ 194_ ._ ------------- _ orlma.l to city c rt Y , CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED S COMMISSIONER _ .._ DATE— uY38 I.r_ 1940 ___ RESOLVED; That license for Restaurant, application 42141, Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 42142, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 42143, applied for by The Flame, Inc. at 15 E. 5th St, be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Liquor transfer inf. approved by Council, June 3, 1940, Old Location. COUTICILMETI Ueas nays H/ arjuss ��indlan /t�arr�lnlo /Ffeterson XrudX 1--S(r. President, McDonough 3111 3.40 CS 23336 C. F. No. 119063—By G. H. Barfuss— W. A. Farranto—J. 8Flndl— Do�WRest— rant. Dats 2141, Of Sale Beverage, application 42142, and On Hale Malt Beverage, arplication 42143 PDlled [or by The Flame, Inc. at id ID. 5th 8t. be and the same are hereby ranted and the CItY clerk is instruct- ed to Issue such licensee anon the pay- ment Into the city treasury of the re - cubed fees Adopted by the Council June 7, 1940. Approved June 7, 1940. (June 15, 1940) JUN 71940 Adopted by the Council_- JUN 71940 Approved—.--.- ------ ---- --184_ In Favor �� ma ef' �- __Against ,l Orlaiosi to Clty CIr CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL. NO._. t`( OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 1' PRESENTED B COMMISSIONER_ ._.. DATE—._.-Jxine_7,_ 1944- __. _-. _. _—.. WEEi7AS: heretofore "On Salell Liquor license $1577 was issued to Marvin Hoyt and Herman Peterson at 15 E. Fifth St. and WHEREAS: Marvin Hoyt, Herman Peterson, and the officers of "The Flame, Inc." have requested that said license be transferred to The Plaine, Inc. at 15 E. 5th St, and WHEREAS: the said Flame, Inc. has filed a bond in the elm of $3,000,00 as required by City Ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED: that "On Sale" Liquor license $1577, heretofore issued to Marvin Hoyt and Herman Peterson at 15 E. Fifth St, be and the same is hereby transferred to The Flame, Inca. Ilt the same address and the bond of The Flame, Inc. is hereby approved and the City C1eRris directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said Marvin Hoyt and Herman Peterson from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. C. F. No. 119064—By G. H. Barfues— W. A. Farranto—J. S. Fludlan— Whereas, Heretofore "On" Ll- quor license No. 1677 was MLII to Marvin HOKt and Herman Peterson at 16 E. Fifth et. and - Whereas, Marvin Hoyt, Herman Pe- "er' " and the officers [ The Flame, Inc." Have requested that 'aid license be transferred to The Flame, Inc. at 16 E. 6th SL and Whereas. The aid Flame, Inc. has filed a bond in the e m of 19,000.00 as required na n e by City Ord—vedinance, and said orm and execution by the Corporation Cas to oun- eel; therefore be it Resolved, That "On Sale" Liquor Il - Mnee No. 1677, heretofore Issued to arvin Hoyt and Herman Peterson at 16 E. Fifth St, be and the eam le hereby transferred to The Flame, Inc. t the same address and the bond of The Flame Inc. to hereby approved and the City dlerlt fIt directed to, deposit Transfer informally approved by t the same In the o®ce of the City Comp- trolner and the Corporation Coun'e1 Council, June 3, 1940- Is authorizes a d dnrectaa to cele. -p the surety n the bond of the Mid Old Location. Marvin Hoyt arlemegLafte I the date this resolution is published. Adopted by the Council June 7, 1940. Approved June 7, 1940. (June 16, 1940) JUN 7 1940 COUTICiLMETI Adopted bq the Council _- _ - _ _ 104__ _ yeas / nags &}fuss JUN 71940 ,i,, an Approved �P/.rrranto - - -� I --- IPA Peterson n Favor i Rosen i 9- iTruax ._- Against /Mr. President, McDonough ,in I." Cs 1-1. CITY `OF SAINT PAUL rA�, / I T �.l,D APPLICAtION' FOR ON SALE LIQUO LICENSE Application No.. Name of Applicant '.... TRK. FLAZ�.V ...ZW..................................................... Age........................ Residence Address ...... 15..F4a6.Y..Fi?.t...St,._..................................Telephone No ...... Ged....3u51... Are you a citizen of the United States?...... ... QQtr.n.Qx Flt.iAn.>......................................... Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? ...........................D?..o......._................................................................. ............................ _ _ Whenand where?.................................................................................................................. If corporation, give name and general purpose gf corporation ... To restaurant• .... .... ..................... I ................... When incorporated? ........ ATzr..i.3...2c,...1.9Cn.:................................_...._............. ............ .... If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?.. ............. ............ _... ..._...... How many members?.............................................................. .............. `.aures and addresses of president and se;reiary of corporation, and name and address of general manager ...gi nry..Gree.i1e..-7.k"'G.i.ient,--..17..E•..._th St..,_St. Pau ,..',.inn•..; ................. ?reyer Herma -- Secretary --.1327 Portland Ave., St. Paul, ;;inn.) j Cice name of surety company which will � ri.e bond, if known.::2X;73, tM..d..Casualt.y..CamiDany..:.............. umber Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 15 East 5th Forthabasra and Cedar Fourth Ilow many feet from an academy, college or university imeasured along streets)?. ..... Two. .miles .................... Ilow many feet from a church (measured along streets)?..., five 1.: locks I low many fee, from closest public or parochial grade or high school tmeasured along streets)? ..... 5„ 1Opp s.,,,,,,, Name of closest school ....... ........... ASsuRh.t.1 PR....,................................................................ ... How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? ..._!+ot;;ii;erei>al ....................................................... On what floor located? ............. Graund...................... .......... ..... ....... .... ......... ._..... ...... ........... Are premises owned by you or leased! .... Leaa..d... .... If leased give name of owner..Dr...F,.D.,..Ke.lv?ri.Gk,.., If a restaurant, give seating capacity? .... .si Rty..De.i.Sons......................................_.................... ..... sixtyoe-s ons If ho.el, seating capacity of main dining room? .......................... _......................................... .......... Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: . ... ... ........... ... ..... ) ........ l.Gl.f/ Y \. .... ... .... .. ....... .. ... ....._...'........................... ..................................................................... _................-:....................... n .............. ............................................................................................................................ (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales) Iioa many guest rooms in hotel?.............Ninet.y....................._..............._. .................. ;.ame of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) ...... Henry..Gr.e.ene...l................... Give names and addresses of three business references: ............. ....... ......_.......... ................ ..... Rammts RrewinK; Co., St. Pau! -inn. Sci.midt t s Brewin, Co St. Pau , ,inn ....I.........._._......... 1 ...... ........ ....... ......... .......... .... .... 3...." leishman Yeast Conmany,.,".inneaoolis, :.iin1l.r................ ............-........... THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended P.ppiicatton checke I by Dated... ............ ............193...... SEE OTHER SIDE to® License Inspector. STATE OF MINNESOTA,l COUNTY OF RAMSEY. I ss. He17:'.Y.. vSe,2.T}2................................:........:.................. being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribe and sworn to before me this....2�otary day o ... .. :.`?.Y..... ��.. lic, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires...All045-+..•.•..... STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. Henry Greene .................being first duly sworn, deposes and says that .... }.e..18 ......... the ...... RxeS1.G-eri ............................ ................... THE FLA: iE , Inc . .... a corporation; of ............................................................ ....................... ...................... that ................ )ie .................. has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of.....................knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that s ' plicatio t signed, settle e cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Dcto is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Y� ......................... Subscri andsworn to before me this...... uJ. ...... day...,...... Q�.. RALi.H.. ...................... Notary ublic, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires... ..::y..Q.-..�F ...... 1.:ay 27. 1940 City Council of St. Paul Courthouse St . Paul ,)!inneFota. 8ent'emen: le ge be advised th-t su:,ject to your a-,nr,-,va1 an transfer,+,znrle� sihave ave sold the liouor license Yo. 1="-39 OE, to T::e Flame, Inc., a "innesota cornoration, -hick license no- is located at 17 Fast Fifty: Street and will be located at ti:!.t ^ddres� r, / t:.e eros, ect _ve nur- c.aser. T:.an'- you. Re s�reecctfull y' }y�000rss , Herman V.1. Peterson 1'arvin ,. Hoyt .ay 27, 1040 State Liquor Contril Co r- ission S ate Onnitol St, Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: pip^se be acvised two P".ject to yuvr anoroval and trans*Pr, the ung+ersi„ped, have sold the liquor License 70. 150.3930o, to tae Flame, Inc., a Winresota corporation, rhich licencP no- is loca.tpO at 11 East Fifth Street, am *ill be located at that addre-s by tap �nosnec`.ive n.ir- cna . . Tuank you. Respectfully yours, Herman W. F °terson *40 Ya2vin Y oyt gni Petition Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and % PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Open, widen and extend a public alley across a miscellaneous tract of land in the ............................................................................................. South 1�2 of Section g� Townahip.28, Range 23, bounded by the followings Randolph .. ............ ...... Juno Av.; Greenman's Addn. and Seaburg Addn., the said alley to be 20 ft. in width ....................... and extend from the easterly and of the alley in Grsormans Addition to the stPr y ............................................................. end rsf the 921ay'in Seabnrg lLdfi 111 Dated this.... btk4...... day of .... .......TVA9.................... ........... • PRELIMINARY ORDERS. C. F. No. 110066— ._.__._ _ --.--- . PRELIMINARY ORDER. 4i WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .. Opens•widen,and,extend •e •public. alley. across a miaoellaneous tract of land..in....a e South 1�2, of Section 8� ToymehiR.28, Range 23, bounded by the following: Randolph A.. Juno Av.; Greenman's Addn and Seeburg Addn., the said alley to be 20 ft. in width ....... ......... and extend from the easterly end of the alley in Greenman's Addition to the westerly ................................................... ............ erid•.oi` tlie•a11ey in Seeliurg Aafftl:oa. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. r/ Adopted by the Council............JUN ....... 7 .... 1 . 940 ........................ YEAS NAYS JUN i 1940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved........................./............................ FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN................................... May r. TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT— McDonough pI1BLISII,rD ��� IM 12.38 j Petition '--� I 1 Q it�6 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Paving Oneida St. from W. 7th St. to 100 feet north of the north line of Jame. St., including -construction.of•-a-&teVa-water •drain••from•W.••7th-St.•-to -the•.oath.line -of ..... Palace St. vacated. Also constructing sewer,water and ga. connection from street mains"to'pdrotihty 4biiib 6a�ple£e;'iiliere not"aTrea 'made;"Oiirliitig"&hd"pa�frig'drIV9taay aRDF0A0h0� i . NheIB. Ad9�B�$77f....................................................................................... . Dated this ..... 6.th..... day of............ T?We ............................... 193fi�.... C. F. No. 118088— Abut- 1. Pr. Joeal t.r the ens. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: pgoj,Ag•Q�iga.,$,t�,•,�g14-yi<,.-7tlt. S�,.,�o.�,QO,�eet. north. of.the.north,line, of James St.� including construction of a storm water drain from W. 7th St. to the north line of palace •St - vacated. ---Also• -constructing -sower j- water- -and••gas•-eonneotions••fram•ataeet.... mains to property lines complete, where not already made, curbing and paving driveway p sprbs6h'66'..whereae '6eeeery......................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council t.9 ................... J.U.n.1.... 7. ......4.i} ........... YEAS NAYS ,JUN 7 IM Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON !� ROSEN ................................... ... TRUAX Mayor., MR. PRESIDENT 1M 12.38 ...... COUNCIL FILE NO. NOTICE r — TO CC C. F. No. 1190670 Reeolved, That hacks be drawn on the city treasury, to the aggregate June PRINTER amount of .341.828.88, overing ohe-ke tes_ yynumbered 7 001 W 72148 1a03ustve, ae gr cheek. o file in the office 0[ the Adopted by the1 June 7, 1949. 1940. June 7 .0 THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAM Approved .1040. (June 16, 1840) OF $ 7 ,'[2&-�6 -, COVERING CNecKs NUMBERED -7 —TO-7:-i43,—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ` JUN 7190 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - i93— (tnYL MPTROLL6a APPROVED JUN 7 1 193_ BY/ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ' CITY O SAINT PAUL L ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPT(tOLLE� COUNCI FILE NUMBER BARFUSS FINDLANIN FAVOR! PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS June 6_9,,40_ ROSEN TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE --N ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL 1 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF Ste` J,_r. COVERING MR PRES FALCON ��� t94� � UJ CHECKS NUMBERED. j7209i O .. INCL//l/j111E. A ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—__.— PER CHECKS ON•'F) O E OF TH CITY COIA'P'TROLLER AWEDU.BII --- BY so TOTALDATE CHECK 1N FAVOR OF RTRETURNED NUMBER RAN EFER DI5 BL —SE M ENT BY BANK CTIN CHECKS t q � A BROUGHT FORWARD g9 994 64; ® 72091 John S. Findlan, Finance 10 414 52 72092 011 12 948 79 7209 " 3 286 39,j 7209 Mrs. Sophie Lawrence 64T 55 72095 F. Grube 4 7, 25 00 72096 A. J. Hanvill 72097 Macalester College 23 01 72098 Dr. Albert E. Ahrens 63 72099 Frank W. Gallagher 85! 72100 A. P. Jurgens 3 011 72101 Weyerhaueser Timber Company 2 50' 72102 Ballard Motors & Ramp 33 781 72103 Hotel St. Paul Ramp Garage 1 46i 7210 Lowry Garage 60' 72105 saint Paul Athletic Club 18 80% 72106 Harvey M. Smart (Texaco Sta.) 1 85;i11 4 72107 John S. Findlan, Finance � 61 72105 Pioneer Typewriter Company 5 45; 155 50 72109 Dr. Albert E. Ahrens 5 72110 or. Frank E. Burch 19 00- 72111 Dr. c. c. chatterton 235 00, 72112 Cobb Clinic 55 501 72113 Drs. Dole & williamson 170 00! 72114 Earl Clinic 3 00 72115 Dr. Fred G. Franhein � 06 72116 Dr. Wm. Ginsberg 72117 Dr. Wm. F. Hartfiel 2 00: 72118 Industrial Commission of Minn. 8 00 72119 Dr. C. A. Ingerson 10 001; 72120 Dr. M. H. Lax 3 00' 72121 Drs. Paslund & Morse �5 00' 72122 Dr. A. H. Pedersen 448 o 72123 Dr. Joel L. E. Peterson 20 001 72124 John Powers 6 001, 72125 St. Joseph's Hospital 711 45' 72126 St. Luke's Hospital 68 3, 72127 John S. Findlan, Finance 510 65 72128 J. H. Hamilton, Agent 89 R 72129 Inter -City Paper Company 72130 Royal Typewriter Company 10 00,: 72131 St. Paul Stamp '9orks 36 06! • 72132 Sperry Office Furniture Co. 52 29 72133 E. J. Stilwell Paper Co. 106 62. 72134 Twin. City Sawdust Co. 20 00^ 72135 Acme Fast Freight, Inc. 4 gds59. 72136 Brozek's Food Market 6 32 72137 Dunn's Fairway Market 72138 'Past Side Grocery Company 14 27 72139 Hazel Park Grocery 15 63' 72140 Geo. Heimel 7 17 3 34 72141 Janssen's Grocery 14 64 72142 xiso*ls Food Market 12 27 72143 H. C. Klosterman and Son SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 131 321 00 i 0 IV • i ! i SI SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 131 321 00 i 0 IV I Ori{lad to City Ckrk COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL BILE NO. - 0 ICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,/ COMMISSIONER------ — In the matter of curbing Pinehurst Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to KennetliStrrest, under Preliminary Order 0. F. 118956 approved June 3, 1940• TiFMLT/ED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded, and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. �-COUTICILTIIETI 1]eas Tlays tBay}tiss Findlan nto T1.1erson ' osen �Zpxe+r ,Mr. President, McDonough ,in e -so Cs -- C, F. No. 118068—BY Milton Roeen— InAvenu matter Cleveland curbing Avenue rto Order C. p. Street 181189 approved11Jno' S 1940. Resolved, That all order. in the above matter be nnvl ed ... a do rete herebyy cancelled. cinded, d all proceedings In auto matter discontinued. Adopted by the Council June 11, 1940. Approved June 11. 1940. (June 19, 1940) JUN 111940 Adopted by the Council_ __ .- 194_ Approved_. 4R--11940 __l94_. In Favor — =� A ains r Original to City Clerk Wuwca CITY OF ST. PAUL FiLi NO ------- ----------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK,; C. F. No. 119069—By J. S. Findlan— COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL F wherease,, zenith land company has �afle aDPlleatlon for cellar to the No 'to T*� r•nm� ^native to do: he PRE BYCOMMNTED ISSIONER-_---- YricR v Lanita L_,.n,i Comram; has mace an licuuo^. for rolief to the ?ei.nnesota 'jRX Commission relative to delincucnt tares and aesessmcnL. o: tho-o13ovrin- described -,�ronert7-, to vrii:: Lot , "lock -, Ryan Ple.ca; and she uclinquency totals the sum of 1,193.62, and it has t�eer, s ti: late i t'ne a. I icant Pa;' it full settlement tnercoi' t7,e sum of 86:12.03, there fore, be it RSSUL'rE;ll, That the Co ncil of the Cit:; of Saint rso,i h-re'o• ar,-ro-*ec sa'_ set -,lenient; provided, he ever, that the sum of 7455.d1 sk:u]i Le first deducted Prem the Lotal na:;mcnt of $6:;2.00, and Lhat said sum of ,ja455.S1 shall be puid to the Citi of Saint Paul ir. settlement of delin;uent assessments included in the total delin.uenc,., of COUNCILMEN Yeas arfusa Nays -4i'ndlan / ZPa nto �eet�terson d4osen President nI 10.339 OO (A JUN 111940 Adopted by the Council ------ _._..__ ...... .........19-....... JUN 111940 Approved...) InyM Favor r. - or- ..Against ,r v r {• oriyinel to City Ckrk CITY OF SAINT PAUL �O ENCIL NO._ /rR/7N' V�l(Yn) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE June 7,- 1940♦ -- - COMMISSIONER --- - - _._ _ _ - --- -- RESOLV'SD, that the application of Rea Oil Company for per- mission to increase their storage at their station at No. 207 Como Avenue, by three 12,000 barrel fuel oil tanks, be and9le same is hereby granted, said tanks to be installs d in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Sd nt Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the commissioner of Public Safety♦FFMhTruaz th9080—BY O. H. Bar[uee, Resolved, at the ap pllcntion of Rez erm salon to Incr theiro storage at for that, t.ti.. ataNo. 207 Como Avenue, by three 12,000 bar - 1 fuel oil tanks, be and the same la hereby granted,aid tanks to be in- stalled In c ance fen the ordl- unnces of the Cdity of Saint Paul, a d under the direction and to the atla- faction of the commissioner of Public Safety. Adopted by the Council June 11, 1940. i AVDroved June 11, 1940. (June 16. 1940) counciLmn lj asTlays art us. /F'iolan dnto 2/rson O/9en coax r. President, Mcr)onough ,in mao CS .— Adopted by the Council_JUN 11194 la,-___ — ` Approved_ - �. N 1.11940 194- f� In Favor Aqainst CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota 119 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 5 L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration June b, 1940 Mr. John W. McConneloag Corporation Counsel City ?-Tall Dear Sir; The Council recfaested that you ?repare a resolution grn_nting the attached application of the Rex Cil Co. for permission to increase their storage by tlree 12,000 barrel fuel oil tanks at their station at 207 Como ;eve. Yours very trL'V, City Cleric. W Fe-ctly pip 4. mp m9 gam � O mmm eeemmaemmm A m9m B�llmg B� ro �� rem• ACHUR S IJ,IL II:OWSKI. Ch., �m.i nUI-U"T H^,hl"I'Tr','I EDWIN H LUrlDlf BERNARD J t,% r.Lyl� l EGIN WAll'Aj CHARLE 6Ai>fCRD ori Ar,h GFORc,' II IdRROLD. THE BOARD OF ZONING E i&bl;,hed by Ordinance No 5840 July 71h, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk. Deer Sir : lune 5th, 1940. In the matter of the application of the Rex 011 Company for a permit to increase their storage by three 12,000 barrel fuel oil tanks. The present layout of the Rex Oil Company is shown on blue print attached. The proposed new fuel oil storage is colored yellow. While the blue prints do not show the dikes, inspection discloses that all of the existing tanks are properly diked and that it is their intention to dike the three new storage tanks which is to be covered by a supplementary letter. This is a Heavy Industrial District lying north- easterly of Como Ave.snd north of Lafond, the nearest one of the proposed new tanks being 265 ft. north of Lafond Av. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh 6 -� r. i OFFICERS AND DIRE F. D. WILLIAMS. VIDE-PR®IDENT . �..R I . E. C. KA ND. T VICLPRE91Do.T JOS. MI JOHNSON A. J. SWAN S N. SW EI JOS. MILTON, SN. C. L SWANSON, SECRETARY R REL LSON T. H. ARUNDEL R. RELF R. ARUNDEL F. O. SECS ETH C. W. JOHNSON. .-ALMANADER June 5, 1940 Honorable Council of the City of St. -'eul Court House 7entlemen: Supplementing our request for a permit to install three 12,000 barrel fuel oil tamps at our present location and supc,lementing the blueprints attached thereto, we will augment our present dikes by sufficlent amount to take care of the additional storage requested. REX u1L COL: ,kk'Y $y I ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL I'll 11-1-01 TO 11 All 11 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK cLeRK a FF"I�eo iN T— —Yc t Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE__ June 5 TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY Hex oil Company FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL �__. .. iD 2a onaR biloa Rual 011 Tanks OARO BE LOCATED ON LOT PSVe BLOCK_ Brand's Subdivision _ALSO DESCRIBED AS 207 Como ave• NO. OF PUMPS NO OF GAS TANKS 4ACITY OF EACH TANK FILED eic or T BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD BY WM. J. SUDEITH ;. F. BRISSMAN cLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH. M. D. _ Fire Chief S111)1. of Police and Fire Alan" Chid of Police Health 011icer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of \linnesola �e�actHzerat u� �u��cc ���et�. 'Penlh and Minnesota Streets I G. H. BARFCISS, (,ommissioner .101IN Y. MCLLANF.)', Dcpuh Cmumissioncr June 8, 1940 M Mr. Harry T. O'Connell city Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to the application of the Rex Oil Company for permit to install three additional ose storage tanks of 500,000 cellons each for the purpose of storing fuel oil at their location at 207 Como Ave nue . I am attaching hereto report covering inspection made by William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspector. Very ruly yours, Commnissionar of Pub is Safety IN 'PIIS MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION June 7th, 1940. Hon. G. H. Barfuss, Oommiasioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir= In regard to the application of the Rea Oil Company located at Como Avenue and Marian Street for permission to install three additional storage tanks of 500,000 gallons each for the pur- poses of storing fuel oil. This department has investigated this application and report that that company has agreed to comply with all the sug- gestions made by this department as follows., Plant is to be equipped with foam type generator for fire protection. The additional tanks are to be separately diked so as to isolate them from the present storage tanks. The company has further agreed to so install and situate tanks as to allow the greatest distance possible between each of the tanks and to adjacent property lines. If these recommendations are fully complied with, we do not believe that the fire hazard of the neighborhood would be greatly increased. Respectfully yours, Chief Fire Inspector. WCB/z .S. Brnad Comb #oil Co. YArd JE,XCHVHT/ON — TH/VKS for -r-?&X OIL CO. Bu/h P/qnf Como qt L,vrond /940'i. CIE -in Sc 4j t' orialual to city rk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL rae NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /'w� 1 O COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C / - _ -. _ DATE _'TUIIB 11� 1-9:0---_-- - _- COMMISSIONER- 1Y --------- - - - - RESOLVED: That Butcher license $6167, expiring March 26, 1941, issued to H. G. Knapp & Co. at 1926 Grand Ave. be and the same is hereby transferred to H. G. Knapp & Co. at 736 S. Robert St, and the proper ity officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. COUTtCILMET1 i]easTlays 7a lan "arranlo ,-Peterson 'A�osen TTftff-,r- Xr President, McDonough aln a-ao os —3. C'F. w A. Parranto, JB 6. p'IndlanBarfuea, Resolved. That Butcher license No. 6167, expiring March 26, 1941, Issued to g, p. Knapp & Co. t 1826 6raad Ave. he and the same to hereby transferred et. $and thea proper clty di.are are Int atrueted to make the proper changes ,the city's ecords. Adopted by the Council June 11, 1940. Approved June 11, 1940. '(June 16, 1940) JUN 111940 Adopted by the Council __ - - -194-- -- - JUN 111940 —ice-- / Approved_ In Favor = ._Against (. 0091-1 to CITY Ckh ; 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Councu waE NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENT Y _ DATE—_J� 11, 1 40 COMMIS SIO R_------ -- 9-----�-�- PZSOLVED: That permission be and it is hereby granted to the Palace Playgrounds Associe.tion to donduct a festival at Palace Playgrounds, View and Jefferson, for the period from June 11th to June 17, 1940, inclusive, said Palace Playgrounds Assn, to pay any license fees that may be required. Informally approved by Council, June 7, 1940. COURCILMETI I]eas Tlays ,,-�a,juss I-Plndlan /Farranlo -P1aterson /Kosen — -Ar. President, McDonough sm a-ao Cs I.— C. F. No. 319082—Hy O. H. Harfuse, W. A. Parranto, J. s. Findlan— fe here' ed, That permleelon be -ad 1t ground. Aeeo la rantelon to con acts a fee- tival at Palace Playgrounds, caa and 1 it thelto "T" for 17he1940ri Inclusive, Bald Palace playgrounds Ae.n. to VVay any Ilceaee tees that may be repulred. Adopted by the Couacll June 31, 1910. ADproved June 11, 1910. (June 16, 1940) Adopted by the Council 1 IN 1 11940 . -194_ _ lsao Approved_euro ._..._..... i 1 ._... _194... In Favor _ . �'or �_ _Against / 01101..1 to CRY Ckr V '� `p CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ro "'CIL NO._. )� _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY I ' COMMISSIONER DATEJune11'13..___—___-____. RESOLVED: That license for Merry -Go -?found, application 42391, applied for by the Palace Playgrounds Assn. at Palace Playgrounds, View and Jefferson, for the period from June 11th to June 17, 1940, inclusive, be and the same is hereby granted, provided all ordinances anplicable thereto have been complied with and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C. F. No 119063—"." . a. aartusa Resolved. Thato(lce- foIndian ndi n. by nth; palglat p a 48201, applied for Palace Plargrounds, Yfewde Assn and Jeir at on, for the perlad from June 11th to same le�hereb Inclusive, be and the ralnancea a, I�ableed thereto have been compiled with and the eto Clerk is Inatzucted to Issue such license n the payment Into the city treasury of the required fee. Adopted by the Council Juna 13, Approved June 11, 1910. 1910. (June 15, 1910) , Informally approved by Council, June 7, 1940. JUN 1 11940 COUTIC1LMEn Adopted by the Council __ _ _ _ __ - _ 194___ leas hags JUN 111940 liarf uss Findlan Approved_ Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen I a or Fenete J Against Mr. President, McDonough 5111 0-10 C9 33338 Orb tool to City Ckrk I .li .9 - . 6 1 'CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 'ILfi OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ` June 11, 1940 _ _ DATE— COMMISSIONER —_- _-- __— —__. _.. ____. -_. _._ ._ ___ A RESOLVED; That license for Merry- Go- Pound, application 42371, Tplied for by the Milk Wagon Drivers Dairy Employees Union at Harriet Island for June 20, 1940, only, be and the same is hereby granted, provided all ordinances applicable thereto have been complied with and the City Olerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUIICILMETI yeas Tlat)s arjuss �ndlan ,P/'ar5anlo elerson /]CO3en ---Trmr — /[T�r President, McDonough am—,6 Cs naaae C. F. NA.o. 119009—Hy p, g, Barfuee, Remolvede That License [or Morcy_aq_ Hound, aa Dllcatlon 48371, applied for by the Mlik Wagon Drlvera Dalry Em- nloyeee Union at Harriet Ielaad for June 80, 1940, only, be and the came le hereby granted, provided ail rdl- nances COMPlied,DDlleable thereto have been Inst ucted �tlo hleaue and euc he Clty Clerk le the payment Into the ej llcenee upon the required fee. Y treaeury of Adopted by the Council June 11, 1940. ADnroved June 11, 1940. (June 16, 1940) JUN 1119ao Adopted by the Council_ e.Jif j 1 �YTI Approved_ _ 94_ _.. i -� In Favor _ Against C , erl(lesl t. City 1 119 1;15 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM , June ll4 194o lESENBl� 9MMISTED ED ER - - ___ DATE ---- --- - - -- _ - RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Liuella Boggs 1785 E. Minnehaha Butcher App. 41862 New Old Loca. H. W. Prodger 777 Front St. Florist 11 41989 " New Mrs. Dave Ballard 604 S. Smith Ave. Butcher " 42026 " Old " A1'?ithur L. Ketchum 317 W. 7th St. Foodstuff " 42111 " New " Sarah Schribman 559 St.Anthony Grocery ° 42131 '1 6 Old " Sam Mark 880 E. Third St. Butcher 11 42147 un Old Edgewood Dairy,Inc. 808 Rice St. Confectionery 11 42226 It New I1 R. H. Johnson 1074 Grand Ave. Confectionery 11 42233 11 New " Amelia Josephs 234 E. Fillmore n Grocery it 2259 Old u Ted Bies 1141 Forest St. Off Sale Malt i1 42294 it New 11 Louis Orloff 6 Selby Ave. 77 Gas Station " 42303 " Old 11 Carl B. Flonsky 93 E. 9th St. Gas Station " 42305 " Old " C. F. No. 119086-321y G. H. Barfuea, W. A. Parranto, J. S. Findlan— Resolved, That licenses applied for by the person. named on the list at- tached to this resolution be and the ..me are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to is... ouch li- cense. upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fee.. Adopted by the Council June 11, 1940. Approved June 11, 1940. (June 16, 1940) JUN 11190 C011nCILMEn Adopted by the Council__ p� I]eas nays JUN 11 1940 a/r[�uss iFindlan / Approved 4arranto In Favor erson Ao sen Againd / Xr. President, McDonough ,tm >- cs Is— orminal to City Ckrt � P fir) CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICENO.—_ _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM w PRESENTED Y COMMISSIONEp DATE_J_ 8 11 RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 42240, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 42241, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 42242, applied for by John Ekholm at 856 Payne Ave, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, June 6, 1940, Old Location, CounCILmsn teas nags ass V��lan Iparranlo 46eterson /404en /[-4rmr� President. McDonough sm s -do GS �s�as C. F. No. 119066—By G. B:. Surfuee. W. A. Nei, J. 8. Flndlsn— ahItesolved, That license for Baetaur- Severage, pplle tion 42241,eaandMOff Bale Malt Beverage, application 42242at , PaynedAver bey and John the Ekbolmem a e strugted her- tobran to Issue he chtylicense. clerki upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council June 11, 1940, Approved June 11. 1940. (June 16, 1940) JUN 111940 Adopted by the Council t94 % JUN 111940 Approved_ i In Favor (/ m r "I . Against orlil"�i Clty Ckrt �- CITY OF SAINT PAUL council FILE O. NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OFFICE p/✓�COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERPlL FORM ° w' A "< Tanto-7Yga F1 elan'—Kase, `Iet 11cell..N applies for Ree•'' b. ... •.� ed . e Inst I t - 1 PRESENTED B/' y.•,� -- __ __ DATE ;"—'Tune�- b COMMISSION -------- :4iw RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: such licenses upon Mike Hannon 302 E. 7th St. Tavern App. 41293 Renewal 4129 11 n s It Dance Hall ^ W. J. Robb 289 Maria Ave. Butcher " 41736 " Hoffman Bros. Co. 1594 University Butcher " 41854 " Allen Bros. 928 Raymond Ave. Butcher " 41930 " Olaf Waldum 321 University Ave. Butcher n " 4195 Emil Melon 976 Stryker Ave.W.St.Peul Ice Del. n " 4195 Christ Sunness 1818 Randolph St. Butcher " 19gi u Aaron Schribman 160 State St. Butcher " 42013 " Re Bros. 1201 Edgerton St. n Grocery " 42022 ^ " 42023 11 n u 11 Butcher Woodburn & Brandl g54 Rice St. Grocery n " 420 90 " 42091 n 11 ,I II Butcher John R. Sevcik 419 N. Dale St. Butcher n 42092 " Floyd R. Atwood Como Golf Course b Confectionery 11 42098 " Myrtle Newman it It 319 W. Central Ave. II 11 Grocery Off Sale Malt " 42101 ^ " 42102 " Cyril J. Masek 676 S. Ave. GroceryButcher I' 4211 " " 42120 ^ n n u n ISmith II n Off Sale Malt ^ 42121 ^ Jennie Dandridge 560 Rondo St. Restaurant " 42135 " C011NCILMETI leas Tlags bar f uss Findlan Parranto In Favor Peterson Rosen --TTWJT'— _Against Mr. President, McDonough em D-ao Cs ]eDae Adopted by the'Council_ _ -19- - Approved_ - -------194 _ -- Magor Z a () ,1.f Original Cur Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL riLc NO—__- -. -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER—_. —_—_ DATE_�un�_�1,._79_.___—_—_—__._ Gus Schleifer 438 Lafond St. Butcher App, IL2138 Renewal Mrs,Hattie Hegge 1136 Rice St. On Sale Malt ^ 42177 " if if if it n Restaurant " 42178 " n n n 11 n Off Sale Malt ^ 42179 ^ 11 n u 11 n Pool Table " 42180 ^ Edw. J. Aydt 2424 University Ave. Restaurant of 42187 " 11 ^ 11 " On Sale Malt ' 42188 " n 11 It it Off Sale Malt ^ 42189 " A. Gottfried & Son 1041 Thomas St. Grocery 11 4190 " of 11 11 11 11 Off Sale Malt " 42191 " Antoinette Donato 302 Rice St. On Sale Malt " 42207 " n of IT " Restaurant " 42208 " n 11 11 ^ 0£f Sale Malt " 42209 " Julius Klein 1326 Grand Ave. Grocery " 42217 ^ ^ n 11 It Butcher ^ 42218 " 11 11 11 11 Off Sale Malt " 42219 Miller & Folmes 1786 University Ave. Gas Station ^ 42228 " Joe Robins 248 E. Fairfield Restaurant " 42231 " John Di Santo 156 W. 7th St. Restaurant 4224 it " On Sale " 42244 " It 11 11 it Off Sale Malt 11 42245 11 Jose -oh Gordon 2121 Randolph St. Butcher ^ 42250 ^ Morris Oglansky -205-7 E. 14th St. Off Sale Malt " 42258 ^ Rudolph Tschida 1197 Payne Ave. Off Sale Malt " 42269 to Guy Mauro 442 Broadway Restaurant ^ 4227 11 n n n n On Sale Malt 1' 4227 11 n ^ 11 " Off Sale Malt " 42275 " CODUCILMETI Adopted by the Council -JUN I1_ I]eas Tlags d�T usS JJ� � 194 indlan APProved—iti .. _ — --N- S5-��---- ,-7---7--- l04_ F�dIrdnlo i zPe/tgrson In Faugr osendgoT-- ._� 1 Agai _ T'C' LISIllCli /� Mr. President. McDonough n111 n-ao cs vane OdYin l to CRY Cltrk' ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RE LUTION---GENERAL FORM c F No. 11909&—By a. a. B se— (BY request)— Whereas, ae Drovfded by Council Flt. Nq 119736 ayDro ed May 15, 190, PRESENTED BV - _ DATE h. CouncBafdld. U thO.ak 7th da the COMMISSIONER - -- -- - - - - - - - - '"'Aring WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 118735, approved May 15, 1940, the Council did, on the 7th day of June 19409 at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber ofathe Coility House and City Hall, hold a public hearing Upon the and necessity of wrecking the barn in the rear of 764 East Cook Street, on Lot 4, Block 9, Arlington Hills Addition, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoin- ing property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it FURTHER RESOTdrED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Com- missioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COUTLCLLTTIETL Teasnags r"ss infllan ,Parranlo - 4eterson .,Posen 1�111. President, McDonough sm a a. cs �aaae JUN 111940 Adopted bq the Council_ _... " .... _..-._194____ Approved---- - - -- --- ---194___ In Favor - j Igor �.iii Agains� .•hi_V '_�"'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration June 7, 1940 Mr. J. W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (Ho. 2) confirming the condemnation of the barn in the rear of 764 B. Cook St., on Lot 4, Block 9, Arlington Hills Addition. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Original to Cily Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL CDUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO._._. -. CIL RES UTION---GENERAL FORM c. F. Ne. 119069—By G. H. Bartuss— (By request)— Whereae, ae Drovld0d by council PRESENTED BY Flin No IIg768 approved May 16, 1940, .1 did on t11��e 7th day of COMMISSIONER__ __- __.____-cot.— __.. __ DA'� �--at til o''•n7 ttin' WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 118736, approved May hj 1940, the Council did, on the 7th day of June 1940, at 10 otclock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that dwelling located on Lot 42, Mayhen's Addition, also described as No. 1310 Danforth Street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it Is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address,or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if within 10 days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. JUN 111940 COUTICILITIEn Adopted by the Council__ I]eas j nays J JUN I1 19M arjuss f,/indlan ,arranio _ Peterson In Favor /t�osen n / Aqainsi /,Mr. President, McDonough em aro Cs I.— Approved----__. ..-_--- _-_T94 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Resistration June 7th, 15110 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the dwelling located on Lot 112, Mayhem's Addition, also described as No. 1310 Danforth St. Yours very truly, City Cleric. 1st. _. "A\ — G �L/ 1 Laid over to (( _ 3rd. & app %_`'Adopted 2 �, Yeas/ Nays Barf�iss Fit YeasNaye B use an i an �Parranto �nto ete�s6n et v Truax 1r. President Fallon ^Truaa President Fallon miRin.l to City Clerk F. No. 719070—Ordinance No. 8184— pay Oee-- • , H, Bartaa p y� O R D I An ordinance ep'aling 3rdlnanr« p■ �� ' 1 0 6896, appr— PE11 I c 9 n _ COUNCIL FILE NO. _ PRESENTED BY /l ORDINANCE NO.___' An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 5895, approved Ogtober 18, 1922, entitled: "An ordinance regulating persons, firms and corporations engaged in the chattel mortgage loan business in the City of St.Paul, and repealing Ordinances No. 5725 and 5803 of said City. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety." This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the pre- servation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5895, approved October 18, 1922, entitled: "An ordinance regulating persons, firms and corporations engaged in the chattel mortgage loan business in the City of St. Paul, and repealing Ordinances No. 5725 and 5803 of said City. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," be and the dame is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Bar(uss Findlan Parranto --Peeff9mr— Ros Truax Mr. President (F&Wem� McDonough Atter City Clerk :100 I2 -3a ('.S 21724 JUL 91940 Passed by the Counc I In Favor J Against JUL 3 190 Ap roved: Mayor THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION June 4, 1940 Commissioner G. H. Sarfuss Department of Public Safety Dear Sir: In reply to your request of May 22 you will find attached letter from Assistant Chief Tierney wherein he states his opinion and that of the License and Pawnshop Inspectors concerning regulations of loan companies operating in St. Paul. Mr. McConneloug's letter to the Council is here- with returned to you. very truly yours Chief of Police THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION June 3, 1940 Mr. C. A. Heckert Chief of Police Public Safety Building St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Chief: Relative your letter of May 22, 1940, requesting that I state what is to be done relative regulations of loan companies operating in St. Paul, the following opinion is shared by License Inspector Neal McMahon and Pawnshop Inspector Thomas McMahon: I believe that our present regulations covering pawn- shops are sufficient to give us proper check on stolen articles. The chattel mortgage and salary loan companies licensed under the State Banking Department investigate applicants and loans pretty thoroughly, and I do not believe that it would be necessary for us to have access to their files for the purpose of checking on collateral they may require fortheir loans. In addition to this, they co-operate with the Department and frequently check with the Department upon applicants who in their opinion might be people the Department has come in contact with. I believe Mr. McConneloug's suggestion that the ordinance be repealed should be approved. Very truly yours, ` ..J. ey Assistant Chief of P ice CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HOMER GANNAWAY HILARY J. FLYNN JOHN W. McCONNELOUG COMPDI%A ION ATTORNEY EDWIN MURPHY CORPORATION COUNSEL IRVING GOTLIES JAS. P. SULLIVAN ROY E. H. SWEDEEN A991HT�NT9 CLAIMS ATTORNEY May 20th, 1940 To the Council. Gentlemen: This office has for some time been studying the conditions surrounding the licensing of small loan companies, the question having been raised by the State Banking Depart- ment as to whether or not the City of Saint Paul would attempt to continue the licensing of this type of business. The Charter of the City of Saint Paul does not specifically grant the Council any power to license and regulate chattel mortgage or small loan companies, and it appears that the Council adopted its licensing ordinance pursuant to Sections 7042 and 7043 of Mason's Statutes, which regulated corporations engaged in this business and required such corporations to obtain a license from the municipality in which it carried on its business. Follow- ing the enactment of the provisions of Sections 7042 and 7043, the City Council under date of October 18, 1922, adopted two ordinances, being Ordinances No. 5894 and 5895. Ordinance No. 5894 was designed to regulate all persons and co -partnerships engaged in this type of business, but specifically eliminated corporations from its terms. Ordinance No. 5895 required that all persons, firms and corporations engaged in the chattel mortgage loan business 1n file a bond and to make certain reports to the Police Department. The 1939 session of the Legislature in adopting Chapter 12 of the Session Laws for that year, pr�ovided for the regulation of persons, firms and corporations—engaged In the business of making small loans, and required the operators of this type from the State Banking Department and to file a bond with the State. The terms of the bond so required cover the same matters as required by the bonds under Ordinances No. 5894 and 5895. By the terms of said Chapter 12, the Legislature Specifically repealed Sections 7042 and 7043 of Mason's Statutes, above referred to. It is the contention of the Banking Department that by the enactment of Chapter 12, Laws of 1939, Bind the specific repeal of Sections 7042 and 7043, the Legislature intended to take away from the municipalities J ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HILARY J. FLYNN JOHN W. MCCONNELOUG HOMER NNAWAY EDWIN MURPHY CORPORATION COUNSEL COMP[NE�TION ATTORNEY IRViNG GOTLIM JAS. P. SULLIVAN ROY E. H. SWEDEEN AHSIET - CLAIMS ATTORNEY Council — 2 5-20-40 any power of regulation. It Is certain, of course, that the condition of the City's ordinances above referred to is now obsolete and some action should be taken with regard thereto. We have at the present time ton loan companies operating in this city under city license, the said licenses to expire during the months of June, July, and September of this year. The same licensees have already obtained licenses pursuant to Chapter 12, Laws of 1939, and are operating under the direction and supervision of the State Banking Department, and it is our understanding that they do not intend to renew their city licenses when they expire. The only power that the City Council would now have since the repeal of Sections 7042 and 7043 would be the possible power of regulation under its police powers and the general welfare clause of the Charter. It is clear, however, that the Council, in order. to license under such power, should have some reasonable basis for the regulation, and such regulation could not be in conflict with the state law. The Council would be powerless to fix any maximum interest rates to be charged on such loans. All of the regulatory matters contained in Ordinances No. 5894 and 5895, with one exception, are con- tained in the state law and the regulations issued pursuant thereto by the State Banking Department. That one exception is the requirement under our ordinances that licensees report promptly the description of all jewelry and watches which have been taken as a pledge for a loan. I have discussed this matter with the State Banking Department and they feel that this would be a proper regulation to be issued by the Banking Department, and they will undoubtedly do so. In the event such a regulation is issued by the State Banking Department, all of the matters which the City Council covered by the above mentioned ordinances will have been completely cared for by the state law, and it is possible that by so doing, and especially in view of the specific repeal of the statute under which the City originally enacted its ordinances, the Council may have lost any power of regulation. This matter is submitted to you for your consideration CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HOMER OANNAWAY HILARY J. FLYNN JOHN W. MCCONNF�.LOUG COMPb/eAT101,1 ATTORNEY EDWIN MURPHY CORPORATION COUNSEL IRVING GOTLIES JAS. P. SULLIVAN ROY E. H. SWEDEEN ABBIEY — CLAIMS ATTORNEY Council - 3 5-20-40 and advice as to what action you desire to take. Yours very truly, Corporation Counsel. JWMcC-U Ist.. Laid over to — 3rd. & app.--,tAdopted J Yeas/Nays Yeas Nays Bass ss r't an i2d1an Parr to Parranto Pe. on � � Peter e P�osen ruax flruax "TZr. President Fallon __)t'Ir. President Fallon C. F. No. 119071—Ordinance No. 8133— nriRinel to City Clerk B9 O. 11. Ear""_ O R D I Nu ns89 dlapproved DOctot er 1 8 1°1982, �(,/��/^� ort led: NA IvUNCI _ a �� NO.__ PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 5894, approved October 180 1922, entitled: "An ordinance regulating all persons and firms, except corporations, engaged in the salary loan or chattel mortgage loan business in the City of St. Paul. T4is is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety." This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preser- vation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5894, approved October 18, 1922, entitled: "An ordinance regulating all persons and firms, except corporations, engaged in the salary loan or chattel mortgage loan business in the City of St.Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety," be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto R." ANN Rosen Truax Mr. President (Fallon) McDonough Attest: City�� _ 900 12-3H CS 21724 fr I u L 31940 Passed by the Council In Favor Against JUL 31940 pprov -- --— ---- — Oripival to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILFIL-__ COUNCIL -GENERAL FORM NO. . OFFICE -PF F THE CITY CLERK -- -- --- RES` UTION-- PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER _-__1_940 _ Tune 11 �____._- Inathe matter of constructing a sidewalk on both sides of Pinehurst Avenue from Howell Avenue to Kenneth Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118955 approved Time 3, 1940. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. C.In t No. matte' o—HonMliton Roses— . In the Iter t tructing a 1de- wnik on both eldee of Plnehuret Ave- C°.nue a Howell Avenue to Kenneth .. e• under Preliminary Order R' P 1''18966 aDDroved Tune 3, 1140. de above matter be all orders In he hereby cancelled, anno led and reec are d7Bcld lnue-11 droaeedinge In such [nd- matter Adopted by the council June il, 1940. j A➢Droved June 11, 394 0. p fJnne 16, 1940) V ' counc 'MEn Adopted by the Council—' l U _t _ ig4 leas nags �B7t.1 / JUN 11 190 F]polan �•, Approved-,--U,tl-----,y-Q-�----1.04.- - Partanto �P�terson In Favor - - - ma Rosen / J Against I -Mr. President, McDonough 3111 a-40 CS 2333a Original to City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL , ca NO.....___ -------'.------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCJL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t PRESENTED BY John S. Findlan COMMISSIONER.__ _ "�"'� _ �h DATE Whereas, The League- of Minnesota Municipalities is holding its annual convention in the City of Two Harbors, Minnesota, on June 17, 18, and 19, 1940; therefore be it Resolved, That the City officials attending and those employes r. delegated by them to attend are hereby authorized and directed to attend said convention, expenses of said attendance to be charged to the respective office funds and to be paid upon itemized statements furnished to the City Comptroller on their return, C. F. No. 119078—By J, S. Flndlan— Mun cipalitiesThe ih holding f It. lnar.u.1 Minnesolta. on In the June itof T- Eshete17, 18. and 19,r 840, therefore be It Citto ingVen�d gVen�d1hat thoeehmployee deilegated to to attend are hereby author - v and directed to attend said con- ention, expense. of Bald attendance to be charged to the respective odlce tonde and to be paid upon Itemised statements furnished to the City Comp- troller on their return. Adopted by the Council June 11, 1940. Approved June 11,19 0. (June 15,1940) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc4u..N .1` .-.--.19..-_..- Yeas Nays °� JUN 111940 F�i��nlilan Approved _.. _.....-._..-_...... _.._._-..19------ iYarranto -4// eterson ..In Favor y - .... _-......r /�iosen s'I' x —1/1 ...Against / /Mr. PresidenttF9ftr1)_ J IM 10-89 Original le City Clerk CITY OF SfillNf PAUL FILE NO._ _-_0__V)!44 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� ��, _. _ —J=O- _11*_ . 3,940— COMMISSIONER___DATE_ _.. _ _ __. RESOLVED, that the bond of Benedict Q. Fischer, in the amount of $1000, wherein the American Surety Company of New York is surety, covering the duties of the said Benedict Q. Fischer as constable, which bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same with the City Comptroller. C. F. No. b 119074—By J. S. Findlan— Resolved, that the ond o1 Benedict G. Flecher, In the amount of $1,000, whereip the American Surety Company of New York is surety, covering the duties of the said Benedict G. Fischer constable, which bond has been ap- proved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the aame le hereby approved, and the City Clerk to directed to deposit the same with the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council June 11, 1940. Approved Jane 11, 1940. (June 16, 1940) JUN 111940 COUnCILMEIl Adopted by the Council _ 194_ ._ Ijeas hays "16arfuss f JUN 11194;0 indlan+/n Approved_ -- __—_-194_... nto �['eterson-. in Favor _ ayor — Against President, McDonough em e-ao Cs riga. orlaloel to Clty Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL a�g-g11iOm No ---- __-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKC. F. No. 119076—By J. S. Findlan— Whereas, Jame. Tracy has made ap- COU GCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOF, plication for relief to the Mlnne.ota 1i T. Cummla.lon relativo to dean went e' .. tax.. and a.ar.9� !.11owing PRESENTED BY Npy ety - deeerl�+. nn.. .... „ -- _ D COMMISSIONER— ATE_..y�h_+! W}iSREAS, Jaraes Tracy has maae arnlication for relief to the 1.?innesota Tax Commission relative to dol n-,uent taxes and assessments on the following aescribed nronert,,,, to wit: Lots 8 and 9, i:loci, 3, 1+utmans Addition; and W=� :t}AS, the delinquenc�i totals the sura of $1869.90, and it has been stipulated that the arpli.cant paw in flab settlement thereof the of $1065.78; therefore, be it hS L�Lli, Tnat the Council of the City of Saint Pa_:1 hereby anproves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $21.30 shall be first deducted from the total payor nt of $1065.78, and that said sum of ,$21.o0 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paui in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1839.90. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ``gdlan 'Yazranto i1'et�rson __...._....In Favor osen ax ..........Against Mr. President {FaR p) Im 10$9 per® j�!'J d i r,s" _,p¢ JUN 11 X10 Adopted by the Council___ _..._.. --........_._.19......-. JUN 111940 Approved. ------ - ._.._._..... --19..... ./ . yor Origi—I W C117 Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL Fc Y��, dp^� __ DAT f 19 �76 WIIA,cm No -- -- - --- - ------- WERLkS, ',,orthwestern State -ank has made application for relief to 1-!-.e 7 inn(coa ax Cori7ission rel,,itive to dellnquen+ f.r rI,I11.f It. the lealon )Attv. W aeeaeamente Pq taxes and assoosm—,iLs on the follrovAn,- described ronert., to wit: Lot 20, Charios �ri enids Is Suis. of ;lock 108 oj' Lyman 'javcon Addition; and VIHErILLAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $67.85, and the ani:)licant offers to pay in full settlement thereoi the sum of therefore, be it. RE6�L',`10, That the Council of the City of Saint Pw:l hereby anproves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sur - 011 $13-79 shall be first deducted from the total m:,rmr�nt of and tliat said sum of $13.79 shall be caid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement o" dclincuent assessmcyits included in the total delinquency of $67.85. JUN 11194 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .. .... ... .... 19 Yeas Nays Barfuss JUN 111940 __19 Findlan Approved Parranto Peterson -,.-.In Favor -Z, -'A Rosen 1___Tru_ax_� .Against Mr. Prcsidentl%ft�_ 10-39 4ffb.(40 !1 19 1177 Original to City Clwk CITY OF ST. PAUL COas�eti NO._______ --------------- OFFICE _______ _OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 119977—By T. S. Findlan— COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Whereas. American National Bonk has made aDP1lPatfon for relief to the Minnesota Tea Commfealon relative to PRESENTED BY �y� a/r• drttinaue�! �•p wn•` '.menta n COMMISSIONER DATE_.. ... _•..�r�•,,. .rrv. to- yWn }+rfuSy American 17ational ;iank has made application for relief to the Mi.nneSete 'i'ax Commission relative to aelin,iuent taxes and assessments or, the _cilowin;- describeci orooerty, to wit: Lots o and 4, Blom, l•7z±, Rohurtsor_'s Addizion to West St. Pa:1; e.nd W':Eid;AS, the delinquency totals the sun of $2540.31, and it has been s�,i7ulated tl:ut the w li.cant oav in Hill settlement trurecf the sum of $1717.53; therefore, be it REb0L`:_1ii, That the Council of the City- uiSaint Paul hereby acproves said settlement; provided, however, that the sun of $465.70 shall be first deducted from the total pa;;ment of $1717.63, and that said sum of $465.70 shall be raid to the City of Saint Paul in settlemLnt of delinquent assess:ae:.ts included in the total delinquency of $•L540.31. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Barfuss Findlan r Parranto Peterson _.... Favor Rosen / I-TrTa—x (...... _._.Against Mr. President-(Fallea�-- IM 10-98 40® Ill" �' t 'o( JUN 1119Q Adopted by the Council... - ........ __------------ 19 -------- JUN 111940 Approved. - 19 - - - - - ----------- --- ----------- `- or � J Cirliival to City Clem ` I • L' CITY OF SAINT PAUL hl `� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK g NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER DM 11JI 78 COUNCIL FILE NO. SAS, Samuel Be Schein, Collector in the nater Department of the City of Saint Paul, will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of at least thirty (30) days from and after the 3rd day of Juns 1940, and NIEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has recommended that Samuel B. Schein be granted a thirty day leave of absence for disability with pay, beginning Tune 3rd, 1940, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph B. Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorised to grant a leave of absence to Samuel Be Schein for thirty days beginning June 3rd, 1940, with full pay. C. F. No. 118078—BY W. A. Parranto- Whereas, Samuel B. Schein, Collector ,in the Water Department of the City of Saint Paul, will beIncapacitated and unable to perform hie duties fora pe- ri d of the ..at th8rd l day (9f) Junes 1940, , from ana d Whereas, the Commlesioner f Public Utilities Schein be recommended grant d that Be-- thirty day leave of absence for disability with pay, beginning June ard, 1940, Bald leave being In compliance with Para- I graph Li, Section 41 of the Civil Serv- to grant a leave or a ccs ••• �• B. Scheln for thirty days beginning June 3rd, 1940, with full pay Adopted by the Council June 11, 1940. Approved June 11, 1940. (June 16, 1940) JUN 111940 counciLIDEn Adopted by the Council _ _ __ _ __ __-194- u�9 Tlalls JUN 111940 r{uss � Ap /Findlan to —In Favor lPl!etarson Against /Tlr. President, McDonough aln 1-4o Ca ,sac. That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to excavate for and build manholes: (1) Alley north of St. Clair, 125 ft Bast of Snelling; (2) West side of Snelling, opposite alley North of St. Clair; (j) Northwest corner of Snelling and St. Clair; (4) North side of St. Clair, opposite alley Bast of Macalester; (5) North side of St. Clair at alley West of Macalester; (6) Alley West of Macalester at alley South of St. Clair; (7) Alley West of Macalester, at alley South of Berkeley. Also excavate for and install fibre ducts with cables therein from manhole ntmiber one to manhole number seven. Re That the Northern States PowerCompany be given permission to ezcavate for and build manholee: Estimate 31149$. Aly9ofEastofnelling, 2) Clair, side Cla/r;'(9)INorthwest'corner got Snell-' Ing and St. Clair; (4) North side of St. Clair, opposite alley East of Macai- eater; (6) North aide of St Clair at tley West of Macalester; (6) Alley j West of Macalester at alley South of St. Clair; (7) Alley West of Macalester, at alley South of Berkeley. Aiso ez- cavate for and Install fibre duct. - Ith cables therein from manhole number i I one to manhole number seven. j EeNmate 3114911, ttt Adopted by the Council June 11, 1940, Approved June 11, 1940. (June 16, 1940) JUN 1110 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ---193— Yeas Nays JN 11" arfuss tndlan n Approved-- 193— /arranto �terson In Favor yo %sen Against r. President (raRSf/) 8 CS <r' .� I 19079 Odped Is aly a.& CITY OF ST. PAUL :°i NO.-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ DATE iyne T. 191LO 1 l - V That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to excavate for and build manholes: (1) Alley north of St. Clair, 125 ft Bast of Snelling; (2) West side of Snelling, opposite alley North of St. Clair; (j) Northwest corner of Snelling and St. Clair; (4) North side of St. Clair, opposite alley Bast of Macalester; (5) North side of St. Clair at alley West of Macalester; (6) Alley West of Macalester at alley South of St. Clair; (7) Alley West of Macalester, at alley South of Berkeley. Also excavate for and install fibre ducts with cables therein from manhole ntmiber one to manhole number seven. Re That the Northern States PowerCompany be given permission to ezcavate for and build manholee: Estimate 31149$. Aly9ofEastofnelling, 2) Clair, side Cla/r;'(9)INorthwest'corner got Snell-' Ing and St. Clair; (4) North side of St. Clair, opposite alley East of Macai- eater; (6) North aide of St Clair at tley West of Macalester; (6) Alley j West of Macalester at alley South of St. Clair; (7) Alley West of Macalester, at alley South of Berkeley. Aiso ez- cavate for and Install fibre duct. - Ith cables therein from manhole number i I one to manhole number seven. j EeNmate 3114911, ttt Adopted by the Council June 11, 1940, Approved June 11, 1940. (June 16, 1940) JUN 1110 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ---193— Yeas Nays JN 11" arfuss tndlan n Approved-- 193— /arranto �terson In Favor yo %sen Against r. President (raRSf/) 8 CS <r' .� 11 Od11al to DIV a„t CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI ESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM ,,1.,� PRESENTED BY / / �� �, DATE June 7 1940 COMMISSIONER_ That the Northern States power Company be given permission to excavate for and build manhole 260 ft west of Hemline, and install fibre ducts from Hemline to manhole, in the alley south of Goodrich, west of Hemline. Estimate 311418. C ResolvedThat BtheMNlorth-" sties Polder Company be @;Ivan peermfsslon to excavate far d build nhole 280 duct h e8from Hamlin. t ofat d Install manhole. In the e1leY south of Goodrich, west of Hemline. Estimate 211418 Adopted by the Councll June 11, 1940. Approved June 11. 1940. - (June 15, 1940) 0 JUN 11 WO COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas / Nays JUN 11 M Ba use dlan pproved 193— ralito In FavorD /P/eterson - — — ayo /Rosen - j �Agai r r. Presidents[ ens "a cs ,;i`%1'+ .s-� �I��r�j Odliad to cur clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL cousclL _ FILE NO.— OFFICE O E CITY CLERK COUNCIL R7 ON ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _- C.*TEJUnP-7y 1940 COMMISSIONER Resolved, 'j'hat the Furchasin�; A;-ent b,:, anu 1�e is herebyauthorized to purchase, with the consent of the 1Jayor ani the Comptroller, or,e tank car, approximately 8000 Iallons ILII leaded asolire, 70-72 cctane` from the H. Y. STau� CO., it a Trice of .11126 per allon, inclucin state tax na state i_nsuecti.on, l.e=s 1/ ten gay ciscnunt on refinery price only, to 'oe spotted on ,.iurici_ual Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on inforrr,-1 bids, as an emerEeney exists ,,,here failure to act pro,nptly would ork a hardshiu to the b-st interests of the Cit;,'. CharLe General Fund- Yunicival Equipment- 1003-134 C. F. No. 119081—By Milt— Rosen— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase.. with the consent of the COUTICILTTIETI geas Rays ar use 1 an a/rranto � p rson 7osen Zresident, McDonough 3111 3.40 C3 23338 H. K. EITAHL CO., t a price of E.111 d per gallon. Including tato t a d .tate Inspection, lea's 1% ten day dis- unt on finery price nly, to be .potted on rMunicipnl Equipment Bur- enu spur at Dale 8L, on Informal bide, s an emorgency ezlsts wherefailure to i act promptly wobld w rk hardship { to the Deat intere.t. of the CRY. Charge ii General Fund—Municipal Equipmenb- 100A0dopted by the Council June 11, 1940. 1 Approved June 11, 1940. (June 15, 1940) JUN 11194L Adopted bq the Council____ JUN 111940 .. L In Favor - ----- - ------------ -- [[I or C J _Against C -9 original to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL vpB NO -------------- OFFiCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R SC)LUTION—GENERAL FORM DAT June 11 1 RESORTED, That Major T. A. Holdahl, 18th &.3ttalion Reserve Corps, U.S. !„crines, be and he is hereby given without charge the use of Ramsey Hall in the St. Paul Auditorium, one night per week, for the year July 1, 1940 to June 30, 1941, for use as a drill floor; be it FURTHiR RrSOLVED, Thai an amount equal to the cost opening and operating Ramsey Hall for the said period on the above occ Bions be placed in the city budg^t in Auditorium Fund Iio. 1021. C. F. No. 119082--ny A. jr. Peteraon— Resolved, That Major TC. A. Holdabl, 18th Rattallon Reserve orps, U 8. Marines, be and be Is hereby given without charge the use of Ramsey Hall 1pn the at Paul Audltorlum, one night June er 30,1911 for user asua drlll9 Boor bo It Further Resolved, That an amount equal to the c tot opening and atlag RatnsZp. Hall for the Bald Derlod on the above occaslo.. be Dlaced In the Ity budget In Audltorlum Fund i the -021. Adopted by the council Juae 11, 1910. ADD roved Tune 11, 1910. (June 15, 1910) JUN 11 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _.._ ..._..19 ..-- . Yeas Nays a fss 1n Ian Pproved. _ _ - -_ _..__.._..... ._ ....19._..... h'arranto � ....__.----In Favor`............._..---._-...-gyo�.. 'Pett;rson - Deiix / - ..Again /141r. Preeident44'e�_ IM 10-39 '*eJIywQ Odtfe.l to city C.& coU CIL 11% 83 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO. OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ---GENERALFORM 1� PRESENTED BY DATE Jffie 4, 19Q COMMISSIONER_ That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-35 foot pole on the north side of Idaho, west of Dunlap, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. C. a lv 119088—nth Milton rn en— Stat y� Resolved, That the Northern I". " Estimate A 209- Power Company be given p h. north 33 aide install Idaho, foot pole on the north aide of Idaho, west of Dunlap, with pecessaey guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone ComDaay wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do o by the Common Council and coat of id removal .to be borne by the Northern States Powbr Company. Estimate No. 98808. Adopted by the Council June 11, 1940. Approved June 11, j940. (June 16, 1940) / G1A 4 4— COUNCILMEN YeasNays aruss iFJincjIan rya anto e71. ,4(osen r. President� 6M 6-38 C8 101111 I 'full JUN 11190 Adopted by the Council-- 193— A,pproved- JUN 11 Im 193-- (�9In Favor_. -- - Against OdakW to Oh Oak ST. PAUL COUNCIL eJ i �L CITY OF NO. OFFICEO THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE UTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 171 DATE June li. 1940 _ COMMISSIONER_ C. F. No. 119081—.Ry Milton Roaen— Reeolved, That the Nortb RO states Power Company be given Dermhu on to Install 1-40 foot - Dole on the west aide of Kenneth, south of Ford Parkway, with necessary guys, anchors, wfrea, andand T Iresa toe beOnremaved lrwhan PON quested to do so by the Common Coun- 11 and coat [ said removal to be ComDan borne by the No States Power Y. No. Adohe Estimate by ta Council June 11, 1940. Ap➢roved June Il, 1950. (June 15, 1940) , That the Northern States Power Company be gi to install 1-40 foot pole on the west side of Kenneth, South of Ford Parkway, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Setimate #32905. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bar ss Fidlan Handl Parranto Peterson ]n Favor Rosen CD Against Mr. President fFaftdfZ ' 6M BJB CB Adopted by the Council JUN 11190 193 -- JUN 11 pproved 193 4Abtu1 aro auY Fl e..��,. 119019115 ' NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R UTION--- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE jure ,1 4'1940 COMMISSIONER - P. C. P, No.~119086—Av vei...., a....__ whenCrequestedntwires s tobyethe Coma mon C...t1i and coat of said removal to be borne by the Northern states I Power Co.pany. Municipal Estimate No. 33189. Adopted by the Council June 11, 1940. Approved June 11, 1940. (June 13, 1940) That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the south side of Lsfond. between Grotto and St Albans, with necessary guys' anchors. wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the 00mmon Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal Estimate #33169• COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -4 n im 193— Yeas Nays Barfuss Approved 193— Findlan Parranto _ In Favor Peterson Rosen ' Against Mr. President 6M648 CS '�/%J Petition. � � Council File NAY .. Y� . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a sidewalk on the north side of Pinehurst Av. Prom Cleveland Av..._...... ............................................... to the east line of Prior Av.(vaaeted) end on the south aide from Cleveland Av...to ............................................. Howell St. ......................................................................................................... . .............................................. � Dated this .... llth. ...day of.................7une 1y3�r .... . ............. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .......CRRktSV.Qt..9..B3.d9Y[91k..GA.'kh9..ART.th.s.Ide.of. Pinehurst. Aq,,,rpm. CFeyelgad.AV.......... ,to, the. east line, of. Prior..Aq..(veaated).,snd on the south aide from, Cleveland .Av..to,. HOrll St. ........................................................................ C. F. No. 119086— Ab"—t. .............................................................. I.......................... I - . 11 -1 ... having been presented to the _Council of the City of Saint Paul ..................................'.................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUN 11190 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS . JUN 111940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved .............................. FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT_ McDonough IM 12.38 0-55 See petition with preliminary order for sidewalk 1vvlS7 between same limits. Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 011 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ............ Curbing Pinehurst Av. on the north aide .. from Cleveland Av, to the east ............................................................. vaoated and on the south side from.Cl®veland.Av..to ......... Howell St. ................................................................................ ........................................June................. ..................2."_ Dated this...............da of........................... 11th � Y .�. .......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: QurblAg.PSaehurgt..Av...on..tha.Ro.Ttb.Atde.,fFpin,CIeTeland.pv .to..the..east.... ..... ed don the eouth,elde from. Cleveland.Av. to ......... Howell St •C. F. No. 119087— ........................................... ......... ...... ... .. ... .. ... ............ ........................................... Abstract. , ... -qui. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ..................... _... ....................:'..'... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �""��+A^d���opted by the Council ............ ..JUN.....11...1940 .......................... .1-4414. YEAS NAYS JUN 11194Q Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON / ROSEN ,....................... Mayo MR. PRESIDENT -McDonough ' IM 12.38 !� da 119088 COUNCIL FILE NO— INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructin? a sewer on Scheffer Street from Albert Street to Pascal Avenue, 118468—approved Apri1 Z5 X940 ---- under Preliminary Order — The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sewer on Scheffer Street from Albert Street to Pascal Aven,ie, INTERMEDIARY ORDERS. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1 974.00ibased on W.P.A. labor). Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -9th day of July, 1940 44Va at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chagiber,of theCout"t House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the �Commissi&= of Finan v�n ft of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided b the Charter, stating the time $n ,p r- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL_,HW_n 193_ U 193— City Cluk Approved ----JM— ayor File 8975 CouncilmatnWDonalcl - I I:Ariurq XT 13LIS11L_ ���-fid CouncilmarWay . ' Findlaq _ Councilmat rrO-.:-- Parrantq CouncilmatR'ItosetrIZ: Peterson Councilman" *+rte= _r. -;:':J Rosen Councilman •-Z-VASN— Mayor McDonoug4 Form B. S. A. 8-6 r C. F. No. t In the Matter of 19089 er of construAvenue from a sewer Bo West Ivy Avenue from Como Boulevard ^rt ta point Et �� feet west t nage [Streett ae lai'. • .te north COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sewer on West Ivy Avenue from Como Boulevard to a point 20 feet west of Osage Street as laid out on the north side of West Ivy Avenue; also a Lemporary connection to the terninus of the existing sewer on Osage Street approximt.tely 58 feet south of .Gest Ivy Avenue, under Preliminary Order 1181192 approved may 10 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sewer on West Ivy Avenue from Como Boulevard to a point 20 feet west of Osage Street as laid out on the north side of West Ivy Avenue; also a temporary connection to the terminus of the existing sewer on Osaee Street approximately 58 feet south of 7.est Ivy Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 979.00 for portions marked "P_" and "B" on sketch, or $388.20 for portions marked "B" and "C" on sketch (based on yf.P.A. labor) Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of July. 1940 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement AN the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JUP;I 1 193— JIM I 1 so Approved 193— Cit�Clerk File 8986 yor Councilman Barfass Councilman Findlan Councilmarill&— C � Parranto CouncilmanAR',b Peterson v Councilma ax Rosen Councilma ruaz Mayor 1 1*-1cL0aough Form B. S. A. 8-6 4 119f 00 COUNCIL FILE NO_ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the westerly side of Hone St. from East Fifth St. to East Sixth St., C. F. No. 119090— In the Matter Ingand of econetructing, eiay- e repairing the t esterly eldewnre on alae of Hope q* rom •".'t� 9r. to F.a .. under Preliminary Order ' 118444 °PProved__April io loon The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the westerly side of Hope St. from East Fifth St. to East Sixth St. per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof/is $0.07._ re__ lam; r old tile; $0.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement onthe 9th July, 1940 day of VW— at the hour of 10 c'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give no said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chartertice of , stating the time and place o hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JUN 1 193 Approved JUN I 11940 193_ City Jerk File S4339 Councilman I i,,, � uas Court c man Councilman*aFL--e:— -- l 1 ',' /�_ n .m I'•,,rarno Councilman Wised ' ^=:2 Peterson Councilman �"t'Yiai�""' Rosnn Councilman tt p – `T"ax^ Mayor Mahmapm McDonough Form B. S. A. 8.6 :�_N e. F. No. 119091— In the Mater o1 conatructlag a new moaollthlc concrete sidewalk o the '���� South slde of Sherwood Ave, from 111. 4 i�I Furness Ave. to Ruth Ave., and from Ruth Ave. thence easterly „n,the_east Ilna o1 ]o[ le COUNCIL FILE NO._—_ — INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a n' w monolithic concrete sidewalk on the South side and from Ruth Ave. of Sher -wood Ave. from Furness Ave. to Huth Av*thence easterly 740.12 feet to the east line of lot 15, Mehsikomer's RearranPemcnt, and on the North side of Sherwood Ave. from Ruth Ave. thence west 106.08 feet,- and on the East side of Huth Ave. from Sherwood Ave, thence south to Helen St., under Preliminary Order 118469 _approved April °3 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a new monolithic concrete sidewalk on the South side of Sherwood Ave. from Furness Ave. a d from Ruth Ave. to Ruth Ave.,7hence easterly 740.12 feet to the east line of lot 13, Mehsikomer's Rearransement, and on the North side of Sherwood Ave. from Ruth Ave, thence west 106.08 feet, and on the East side of Ruth Ave. from Sherwood Ave. thence south to Helen St., except where good and sufficient siaevaiks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.15 oer suuare foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of July, 1940 1pg3x , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement �a�n�d(�the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council—_ A'"_" , 193 r JUN111W Approved193— ity Cler — � — File S4638 f� Myer Councilman Mcl)orvaU. CouncilmanrMay - ,. Findinri CouncilmarATearc_e_- -._-; l"i,_ral;to CouncilmanE-'Rosen..:-_ . -� pc' t-' roon Councilman Trua7c. Rosen Councilman—u� Mayor Mahoney, .iCDonough Form B. S. A. 8-6 119j X92 COUNCIL FILE NO.�x INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructin> a sidewalk on the north side of Juno St. fron Fredericka St. to Fairview Ave., C. F. m the eli M119-09�- atter of constructing a side- walk on the north aide of Jon, at. from Fredericka St.to ^rlrl:e., r FellminarY O`...... Is. 1�,:r R •.li under Preliminary Order 118448 approved_ April 12, 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sidewalk on the north side of Juno St. from Fredericka St. to Fairview Ave., except where good and sufficient side-:;alks now exist, V with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.15 Per seas: e foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th -day of July, 1940 , 193,_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__ JUN 11_ W JUN 111840 File 54345 Councilman Barfuss CouncilmanO:rA' Findlan Councilman -==-A Pn rra rn to Councilman r$t3sea=_ a Peterson Councilman Rosen Councilman_Tr„aa Mayor Nbhopm—NcUonougb Form B. S. A. 8-6 City Mayor ------------------- ------------------------------------- 119103 --------------------------------- COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER - 119 03 In the Matter of constructing a sidewalk on the north side of Berkeley Ave. from Grig•s St. to S;mdi care St., C. F. No. 379099— In the Mater n constructing of a side- walk r the north side of Berkeley Ave. Idem Preliminary St. to Syndicate 3t, ander PreBmtnari Ordrr 118789, ay i6, 1910. ... t the ':� .- �-•��.1 Paul under Preliminary Order-----!-3--approved May 16 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sidewalk on the north side of Berkeley Ave. from Origrs St. to Syndicate St., except where Tood ana sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.15 per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of ,July 1940 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimmated. Adopted by the Council �UN' �,� , 19 �L!/ JUN 11 File S4359 Councilman 13arfuse _ PUaJSHED / , /.S_ J714 Councilman Findlan Councilmania Parranto Councilman' Peterson / Councilmaaa�r=t "� Rosen Councilma_� -T" Mayor Mtlwney .,cootiou At6 Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constracting curbinc on the north side of. Juno Strect from Fredericka Street to Fairview Avenue C. F. No. 11909d— In the Matter of conetrueting curbing n the north aide of Sun, . et from Frederleka at— -Ve- nue, under P„ approved "- The Co,• havine -� m IF under Preliminary Order 118449 _ ___approved April 19- The 9 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct curbing on the north side of Juno Street from Fredericka Street to Fairview Avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 264.25. Resolved Further, That a publichearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of July, 1940 M at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council U19M�193—__ Approved JUN 21 IN 193— t� City Clerk File 8981 / yor Councilma Bindle CouncilmA0%bf91ZB2W= Rindtan—g�FI1JD _L 1f Councilma5c.aFM Parranto Councilmaw$.oscn-- i Peterson Councilmaa:1rrum: --m Rosen Councilor^, - -t902EL - .-T*etra-� Mayor &11pX.L llclluuoagb Form B. S. A. 8-6 _119 ;95 COUNCIL FILE NO._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of construct in ff a sidewalk on the north side of Sherwood Avenue from Flandrau Street to Yahite Bear Avenue, C. F. No. 119096— In the Matter of constructing a side- walk on the north side, of Sherwood Avenue from Flandrau Street to White Bear Avenue, und- Prelim in'ry Order 1111— ^• ' 19, 1910. under Preliminary Order 118447 __approved April 19, 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. construct a sidewalk on the north side of Sherwood Avenue from Flandrau S-�reet to White Bear Avenue, except where Pood and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.15 per square foot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 10th day of July, 1940 , 4g;t_x at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvementandthe total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council— JUN 11 1m 193— Approved JUR t t 193- �� City Clerk File S4346 Councilman Barfnea Councilman Findlan Councilmanw Parrento Councilmant4gt+,-. ; peteraon Councilman5rusof_,-:_ ,7A it„arn Councilman[ Mayor Mahoney :1ru„m,u:h Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.—__ By r � 91;96 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, repairinp- and relaying the sidewalk on both sides of Jessamine Street from Mendota Street to Forest Street, C. F. No. 119099— In the Matter of reconstrt oting, repair- ' Ing and relaying the eldawalk oa both eldea of Jeeeam(ne Street frAm Mendota street +.o Fnreef.; •v.. der Prellmin -1 Ar under Preliminary Order 116446 ___approved April 19, 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, repair and relay the sidewalk on both sides.of Jessamine Street from Mendota Street to Forest Street, except where Tood and sufficient sidewalks now exist, per .s/quare foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereo(Y is $0,07, rrayina old tile; 40.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 10th day of July, 1940 _PW— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That theCommissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JUN 11 s 193__ / 6v JUN 111M f CA- e<'- A..n —d - 193 --- rN fi _ City Clerk File 54340 / CouncilmanMcRonalcl y i3ariuea CouncilmanLhtil y __.; ,-Z g;„d an Councilman r'CC;y.';-`�i P.rranto Councilman: Peterson Councilmanr�rim Rosen �. Councilma _4� Mayor I -m McDonough Form B. S. A. 8-6 rm t 119397 COUNCIL FILE NO.----- By— INTERMEDIARY O._ -- ByINTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying_ and repairing the sidewalk on the north side of ifilford Street from a point o0 feet west of Rice Street, thence .est 100 feet, C. F. No. 119091— In the Matter or reco—t... ung, elay Ing and repairing the sidewalk °OD the north side of Milford street from3 a 'point so feet west of Rlee street, ,heet., under Prelim - under Preliminary Order 118500 approv ' April 25 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the north side of a'ilford Street from a point 30 feet west of Rice Street, thence west 100 feet, except where •;,00d and sufficient sidewalks now exist, 3� per s , e foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $0 07 relayine old tile; $0.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 10th day of July, 1940 1_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the [Wanner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council JUN 11 193— JUN 11' - Approved_ 193— City Clerk yor File 54341 Councilman MODWAlbbats Barfuss Councilman F►Fa§' at Councilman Parrarranto Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen Councilman _Tsuar-- Mayor McDonough Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. C. F. No. 11909 0 In the Matter f r oonet—ting, r - ;'Icing and relaying the sidewalk north aide of Morton Street lows Sirast a 03 netee st• INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, repairing and relaying the sidewalk on the north side of Morton Street from Bellows Street, thence east 103 feet; beginning 47 feet farther east, thence east 75 feet; and on the south side of Morton Street from Bidwell Street, thence west 106.5 feet; be inninr 20 feet farther west„ thence west 120 feet, under Preliminary Order 118445 unproved April 19 1940. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of -the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, repair and relay the sidewalk on the north side of Morton Street from Bellows Street, thence east 1OS feet; beginning 47 feet farther east, thence east 75 feet; and on the south side of Morton Street from Bidweil Street, thence west 106.5 feet; beginning 20 feet farther :vest, thence best 120 feet, except where Boon and sufficient sidewalks now exist, per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost there ros'$0-07r-al_ —rinp old tile; $0.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 10th _day of July, 1940 ; pqg_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JUN 11640 193— � JUN 11 Approved 193— City 7-MaClerk File S4342 Councilman JjmWbmjWmng Barfuss ?FAi1,ISIIL D CouncilmanFindlan CJ Councilman118erc€i'�= � I'arrantn -- Councilman � Peterson Councilman r-- Rosen Councilman _q`raM_ Mayor Nbdl x..- McDonough Form B. S. A. 8-6 119, 09 C. F. No. 119099— In the Matter of reconstructing, re]ay- ing and repairing the aidewalk o the southerly aide of Eaet Seventh Street from a point IS tee, Orly e. of Arcade Street, thence t6 1. COUNCIL FILE NO._ _ end°r By -- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructin.m, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the southerly side of East Seventh Street from a point 18 feet westerly of Arcade Street, thence westerly 45 feet, under Preliminary Order 118504 __approved Al2ri i 25 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the southerly side of East Seventh Street from a point 18 feet westerly of Arcade Street, thence westerly 45 feet, except where Food and sufficient sidewalks now exist, per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof/is $ 0.07, relayina_ old tile; $0.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_—l-Ot.h day of July, 1940 193z_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 3UN i VW , 193 File S4343 Councilman Parities - Councilman*ftEV— Findian CouncilmanSONZ Parranto CcuncilmanUfr- -c = Peterson Ccuncilman W-Vff#x -- Rosen Councilman Mayor Ntd •_..,, Mcllonouglt Form B. S. A. 8-6 City Clerk C. F. No. 13010 1 rn the Matter nf reconstructing. re- _ n on 'he west trelidee ngfthWoodbrld8e 1 et-eet from a point60 fr-t nor% warsste feet. ,«. _ COUNCIL FILE NO.__ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstmlctin,e, repairing and relaying the sidewalk on the west side of Woodbr:dee Street from a point 50 feet north of Wayzata Street, thence northerly 210 feet, and on the east side of Woodbridge Street from a point 85 feet north of Wayzata Street, thentherly 200 feet, under Preliminary Order 118505 approvedApril 25 1940. -- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstract, repair and relay the sidewalk on the west side of Woodbridge Street from a point 50 feet north of wayzata Street, thence northerly 210 feet, and on the east side of Woodbridge Street from a point 85 feet north of Wayzata Street, thence northerly 200 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof/is $_4..07 relay'nc old. tile; $0.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That it public hearing be had on said improvement on the 10th day of Ju;y, 1940 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 1 Adopted by the Council JUN 11 193— .SUN 111n Approved_ 193--�`Z,n 0.(1 City Clerk File S4344 Councilma Barfriss Councilman Findlay Councilman Parlanto Councilmal Peterson Councilma Rosen Councilmal0ftmWw- s m^,-- — Mayor Vshmaz McDonough Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER a 1911101 In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the west C. F. No. 118381— side of Arcade Street from Rose Street to Geranium Street, Ininge natteer of recing tstrahe eldewarelay. it on the west side of Arcade Scree• from Rose Street to Qeran' der —slimina— av Ue' under Preliminary Order 118642 approved May 7, 1940. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvementis hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidevalk on the west side of Arcade Street from Rose Street to 'Geranium Street, except where 7ood anu sufficient sidewalks now exist, per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof/e $ 0.07 elarin old tile; $0.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 10th day of July, 1940 > at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JUN 1110 '193 JUN 11 1W Approved 193 City Clerk File S4348 ayor Councilman Barfuse CouncilmanlbG= Findlan Councilmani''ars. Parranto C) D _ /5' L{ b Coun6ilman�&96e Peterson ----. CouncilmaRosen Councilma Mayor bjgLpgey.,, McDonough Form B. S. A. 8-6 4 C. F. No. 119102— 1191tiq In the Matter of rec...tr-ting, re - ]eying and repairing the sidewalk ,N on the north side of Case Street from a polo[ 90 feet east of Cypress 9tr«.et, thence east to Earl 9tre p „ the south aide Ca.� of Earl Street to.. r: - Preliminp: COUNCIL FILE NO. May 7. The F INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the north side of Case Street from a point 80 feet east of Cypress Street, thence east to Earl Street, and on the south side of Case Street from Earl Street to Cypress Street, under. Preliminary Order 118640 approved Mav 7, 1940. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report fof the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the north side of Case Street from a point 80 feet east of Cypress Street, thence east to Earl Street, and on the south side of Case Street from Earl Street to Cypress Street, except where p;ood and suf_'icien't sidewalks now exist, per sq re foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof/is $ 0.07 r eyinv old tile; $0.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 10th day of July, 1940 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. PauL That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council 11 Wl 193— � 1~� Approved JUN 111940 193— , Cit`y Clerk File S4349 yor Councilman M400taMPM Berfnee Councilman M Pi an _ Councilman Pe to /\ Councilman Peterson y a Councilman 'SSR"'--�_-"' Rosen Councilman T="UL — Mayor Mks] McDonough Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO....... CITY OF ST. PAUL 1191-03 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs arv-, ex-enses for gradin., the Alley bet,.eer. lots 1 to L0, i nciusive, .:lock L4, ... ?'once ?r,_n's Sub- divi_ion of clocks 19 and �4, Stinson, i'rcim ani R:,.u;ey's Adr._-ion fros Janes Street to Palace Street, REBOLIMON OF COIINCm eeraov_ 1NG ASSESSMENT. C.F. No. 11910'1, ` In the ,11 under Preliminary Order ----------- 11 7 ---------------------------- Intermediary Order ....................................... Final Order 114138h. approved.....-_ hrch---141---...------........__.......................1 19... G. The assessment of ............... is t costs -.and. ex_ ^gses-.________________________for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...:...11th day of July, 1940 .......t ................................... 19...... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ------------- JUN 11$0 JUN 1166 Approved ------------ 19 File 8605 Councilman _ , Herfnee Councilmanrgtteee m� Findlan CoancilmangMellco0d--. l', rranto Councilman r.tohland-:-_-- Frierson Councilmgn::$udheiluer „rn Councilmhneffenaet-- Mayor Hwa Form B. IS. 17 //Y't �/ ----------------------- ...... 19........ .. -4 City Clerk. . -------...... -- . ........................................... Mayor. NWHISHED COUNCIL FILE By....................... CITY OF ST. PAUL I 191; Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and exrenses for -r-d",.- an,; oilin, Alley _..166nsiko:aer =arden Lots, lots 11 ons I', and "look Z, Peterson's Re -!,r from ',ver.:e tc o7;: "et.t east of R,,:h ,ivenu e, C. F. No. 119104— In the matter of the asseeaiitay���i�,- of beneate, costa and eapendeW for grading and oitin¢ Aay In Mehalk- omer Gard. and 12, 7113756 Intermediary 114845 under Preliminary Order -113..................................y Order........ -------------------------------------- Final --.... ......Final Order ........a.].b.].59------------------- .... approved ........._.-- t?uII ...1.v............................... .......... 19_39. The assessment of.... -....._......._ benefit s�_costs_and__expenses.-_____....__._._for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the....... 'J h day of July19..40., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JUN 11 ti940 Adopted by the Council ........n.............._...........---..........------------- ----------------- 19--..... JUN 11 M0l✓ W......, City Cleric. Approved. ........................................19.-- File 8663 Mayor. ---•... ........ .......................................... -- Councilman Barfuss Councilman Ferguson- --Fr9 Findlan - Councilman McDonald--- c ['s,rranto Councilman Roh]and - t'rlersun (/ Councilman Sudheimer k,,sen (� Councilman 0e=44:; Mayor HMPNT Form B. B. - COUNCIL FILE NO ..........................-......... . By ......................... ..... -................................... ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for construct:n- storm v,ater ,,.,.:ter on iiclton :.:^m;e fron serer in ',lnor.d otreet to a point 90 feet sout of Almon:,. .;trcet, C. F. No. 11910'— ` In the matter of the assessment of benefits. costa and expenses for acting storm water sewer on t,. f -in All r t e.uth nlnary under Preliminary Order..... -...111L00 _______________ Intermediary Order .......... 11198° Final Order. ..... ............................... approved .................... LjZusL_N.................................. 19.38... its, costs and ex-nenses The assessment of.benef ......:..._............_......................................_............................ for and in connection with --....-----. the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ 1 lth ....._day of July--------------------------------------- 19.49.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council... JUN 1118+10 ,JUN 111940 ApI1ioved------------------------------------------------ 19 File 8459 Councilman Clancy Barfuss Councilman Ferguson- Findlan Councilman McDonald 1,0rra��y, Councilman Robland ['stere Councilman Sudheimer. l:„ern Councilman Wtnael --� Mayor Hwyy;. Form B. B. 17 �l��Ci ------- --......................................... City Clerk. e ....... ------ ............................. ........................................... ---- Mayor. ZJBIASHED C —15 - /ro COUNCIL FILE By IN CITY OF ST. PAUL 119 1116 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and exrenses for constr.lctinr a sevrer on Scheffer Avenuu,Pro^ RoTers Avenue to a point 130 feet west of Ro-ers Avenue C. F. No. 119108—. In the matter of the nsaesament of beneata,coat. and expenses for Construct, struct,ng a sewer on 9ohsffer Avenue from Rog re Avenue to point 180 feet west of Vim, ++ nue, under Prelimina. Intermediary Ord, der 112426, ap 1938. The user - and exp... with t+ - been, +-w under Preliminary Order............111 8. ............... Intermediary Order .......... ........112172............................. Final Order- ..112425 ................................ approved...-..... eote psi'...:.................................19.._39 benefits, costs and The assessment of.....-'-"'----- ex . and in connection with - ._........ - - - ..................... the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.._.... l lth day of Jul ✓_____________________________________ 19.-40 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JUN 111 Adopted by the Council .............. ................................_..... .................... 19.... - .W_ City Clerk. Appkbved.............. Jll.N..1.1.. ....19.... - File 8496 Councilman Barfuss Councilman Eergus�e� Findlan Councilman Kafolrald—_; Pnrraoto Councilman Rehland 1'rlerson Councilman SiAbeimer Councilman 4ea¢e1--- - Mayor cy� 1 Form B. a. 17 --------- ........................... ------ --- Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. By.......................................................... -............ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructin; a sewer on Kennard Street from Kerwin Street to a fo nt 126 feet south of Kerwin Street, C. F. N,11119107— In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses -for constructs =Paver on Kennard .rest to a point -t. on: nter- n,I der under Preliminary Order ........... 98 ............................ Intermediary Order ........................ 12.1.zu ....................... Final Order .......114443 ...................... approved ...._.....4p. it 18 ......... ............I................1 19__39. The assessment of......?e of s,-_costs--a;........................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the 'Council hiving considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the day of July 19 49 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............................. ---... 19........ i _ ...' ...:....E�� City Clerk. Approved......... .... ...19 Fi le 86 44.......... Mayor. -.............................................. . Councilman W21fiftwWN Barfuss Councilman r. Findlan Councilman gAftld Councilman &blandz_ _ [',Terson Councilman BwMeimeS_ u,,sen Councilman Nhm ..gear Mayor 04#" Form H. H. 17i�%7g�/ Q ..t G H; t 1�9J08 Rdaolved ht= the aggregate NOTICE llhe C1tY 9Yd ooerin checks COUNCIL FILE NO. amount of 96,93, - TO COnumhered 9914 0 72189 Inc uefve, as 11 yer cheoke oh 91d 1n the office of the PRINTER Cmv comytroller. Adopted ¢Y the Council June 1$ 1940, i June 6 40 '. ApDroveA June 11. 1940. rtes_ (June 16, 1840) RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN-oN T C TY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $5-710-84 ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 7-2144 TO 72186 INCLUSIVE) AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. JUN 111940 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL i93 ,JUN 111940 coM APPROVED 193 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL -� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL, FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON IN FAVOR'. AUDITED CLAIMS i June 6j1840- ROSEN TRUA% WENZEL AGAINST' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ' TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT O4F`S COVERING MR PREFALCON CHECKS NUMBERED_ JUN11190PER CHECKS O j U T E OF pppp yC QOPTROLI RINC LUSIVE S ADOPTEDD BY THE COUNCIL-- APPROVED- II __ -�_�._L1�193-. NUMBER BY yl/Q _ - TOTAL DATE CHECKBV NUMBER IN FAVOR OF _ TPA NSFER CHECKS RETURNED O SBU RSE ENT BANK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD n 131-321• oaf ® 72144 John S. rindlan. rinanoe St. Paul Musidans' Aeon. 1 459 77! 94 0o 0" 72145 55 72146 Collector of Internal Rev. 14 Cal 72147 Edward A. Furni, Supt., Aud. 56 68 72148 Capital City Lime & Cement Co. 72149 Tri-State Tel. & Tel. Co. 23j 81;1 76 34N 72150 72151 Villaume Box & Lumber Co. Mfg. Co. 571 23 95 72152 Wagner Paint 72153 72154 Acme Linen Service Co. Air Reduction Sales 00. 0 8511 14 00?, 72155 Ault & wiborg Carbon & Ribbon Co. Transfer Company 15 30� 72156 Ballard 00,1 72157 Harold Bealka R. Bonbright Co. 21 72158 J. Co. 47 5"r 72159 S. Brand Coal & 011 108 72160 Century Lighting Co., Inc. Fuel Co. W, 32 OO 72161 Citizens Ice and Company 180 sol' 72162 Coca Cola Bottling 72163 Creseent creamery Co. Company pg 11 72164 Elk Laundry 14 30;: 72165 Fisher Nut Company 31 2311 72166 The Grinnell Company 236 25;! 72167 Theo. Hamm Brewing Company 1 16;I 72168 Howell-Soskin Co., Inc. 27 94;1 72169 Joy Bros. Motor car Co. 72170 Linoolniana Publisher — 147 23;1 72171 Mo0111-warner Company 5 201 72172 Minn. Fire Extinguisher Co. 6 IsW 7217 Northern States Envelope Co. 61 41 7217 St. Paul Bottling Company 22 501 727.75 Parkside Ice Cream Co. 1 90Q 72176 R. M. Perry Co. Inc. 7 65', 72177 Peters Sausage & meat Prod., StNaty. Coy. 210 72178 SN. Paul Book & ,181 396 941 72179 72180 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Co. 135 00 1� 72181 Soh^eler's Auto Top 5011 4 oI' 72182 72183 Mrs. Arletta Shipman Universal Sign Co., Inc. John C. Winston Company 5 00; 1 2214 00 72184 6 37'' • 72185 72186 Wobig and Co. yoerg Brewing Company 47 25'1 •i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD i y 137 031 84 , I a Orlin—I to City Cork CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.--...- -. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C N ' 6 S LUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_____ DAT „n e__'Z.f.190 Resolved, That the Conncil hereby approves the aware, of the Fiirchasir.G Committee therefor and hereby awards the ccntract for fitrr i sTlinq Nianuad Trainin, Tools and. F��uipment. reCrired For the Vocational Training School to R0311.1-301:, CARY & SAiCDS C01, rLATY, in accorGarce v,ith city Spec if] _cations therefor hereto attached enc the Formal Si.6 P'o, 379 of said Robinson, Cary & Sands Com,any, at a contract price of 514,235,67, such bic being the loti�est r=asona:le bid and- s:.id 3obinsnr, Cary & 3:+n(1s Com-,eny brl_ng the lowest reliable and reasonable bidders, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to dra,., up the proper form of contract t',erefor, and the proper city officials hereby are authorized to execute said con- tract on behalf of the City or' Saint Fa,zl. F. B. 4379 C. F. No. 118109—RRIVy A, g, pateraon— prove.ed, That the Council hereby pprovee the award of the Purchasing C lu'fnittee therefor and hereby award. the contract for turnIshing kTanual TrAining Toole and laQulpmentror reQulred ROBINSON. CARY Vocational Tr&alnfeANDBh COM PANY, In accordance with cly apecln- catfont eretor hereto attached and 13 dcontrathe ct prn rice BaNiod47Company, at or said ba ontract price of =14,288.87, such bid being the lowest reasonaDis bid and i beinsaidg then lowest rel ablena8 mean i Counselable s be rand and hereby els dI actedcr.tto raw up of therefor, -and he the Proper rer �clty...tract hereby are .I,.rised to wears Said ! Pntract on behalf of the City of Saint aul. F. B. No, 879. Adopted by the Council June 11, 1940. Approved June 11, 1940. (June 15, 1840) JUN HIM COUrICILI IETI Adopted by the Council----- __. _ _ _ —_ iO4__ geasnags f JUN I1. ndlan Approved_. /PCtemon In Favor ayor en �� Against r. President, McDonough eln e-40 cs oaaee RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of- _conder.•r.:n and taZin - , ar. easement in --- t�e land necessary for slope y _ cuts and fills in the -radia¢ of Alleys in Til — 1, Settler's Addition from Albert Avenue to the: t:orth arid So -a,": Allev, and from Fa;;ard Avenue to rartford Avenue, A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. x13x�atx�l7mthr:Kxl�e9�Idltad:xit>�etc t#g�islxa�aaria�ak>l�>cjfiioise�erebxcsla6ezalda�xtea��xeclaaXabde ��.�cx�cxx�4>�1xlme�xx�atRxx:�cxk vfc�3s;lt�aereslx�tse�es„iitc JUN 121940 Adopted by the Council --------------------- ______------ ----- ----- - ------------------ ,n � Approved-------JUN-12-1949 __, 19---- City Clerk. File 8739 _ __-- v- ----------- ----- Councilman Councilman F legueon D Councilman 7eDonald_ Councilman Mice Councilman Rohland Councilman Siidheimer Mayor RESOLUTIONS RATIH'YING AND CON_ 1,I XNG CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND AS- SESSMENTTHEREBOR. C. F. No. 119110— In the matter of condemning and tak- ing an easement In the land neces- snry for clones under Preliminary Order____ 115087 ------------ approved___June 61 1939 -------------------- Intermediary Order 115692 ____---__- ---------- --- ---- approved___ Jul; 25, 1939 ----------------------------- FinalOrder ----------------------- 115980___ , approved___ Aoril 17,_1940 ------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. x13x�atx�l7mthr:Kxl�e9�Idltad:xit>�etc t#g�islxa�aaria�ak>l�>cjfiioise�erebxcsla6ezalda�xtea��xeclaaXabde ��.�cx�cxx�4>�1xlme�xx�atRxx:�cxk vfc�3s;lt�aereslx�tse�es„iitc JUN 121940 Adopted by the Council --------------------- ______------ ----- ----- - ------------------ ,n � Approved-------JUN-12-1949 __, 19---- City Clerk. File 8739 _ __-- v- ----------- ----- Councilman Councilman F legueon D Councilman 7eDonald_ Councilman Mice Councilman Rohland Councilman Siidheimer Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS A,M) BFNEFITS In the matter ofcondenni:i- and tar Ln^ an easeae:a in ti:e land necess�tr;r for slor,s, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cuts an,: .illsn the racin- of AlIe�c in -lock 1, ,a -tier `s Ad di tior. from Alert ..-:-snue to the ';ort- and .,oui.n ;�.11 y, and from Pa��ard revenue to I'artford �venie, under Preliminary Order ----- 1JOflZ___,approved ---- June 6, 1959 ---------------------------- Intermediary Order ---------115692 approved ---- -959 --------------------------- Final Order ---------------- 115980-_- approved___-_4pri 1 17t 1940 -------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ----------------------------------------------- Commissioner of Finance. Council File No ---------- ---------------------- - By ..' CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of -+'benefits, costs and expenses for + constractin a sevrur or, Beide Avenue from 'f,heelock Farkvra^ to Y:ontana .-.venue and on %ontana Aven.ie frac.a _point 200 feet east oC Y,alsh Avenue to Avenue, and on Nebraska nrenu^ fro2l-Irai 5,1 Avaime to ,eMe Avenue, �,2"—'19l�- '&TIFYING Assess_ under Preliminary Order ....._ 110514 Intermediary Order........_11Q7 7 Final Order......]1Q1.6._...., approved..."fa_C.10-------------------------- -}8:. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F!!�URTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in --------------/D ......... equal installments. JUN 12 1940 Adopted by the ....:... - - City Clerk JUN 12194® Approved------ ---- --------------------------------------19 File 6401 1 U—y'---- -- ... - - ........ ..ayor. F- B. E. 18 // �� CITY OF ST. PAUL f OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment May_ 15_,._1940._ ____... =_.— In the matter of the .assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for thex constructinF� a sewer on 'beide Ave. from Wheelock Parkway to Montana Ave. and on Montana Ave. from a point 200 ft. east of halsh Ave. to Weide Ase., and on Piebraska Ave. from Walsh Ave. to Weide Ave. under Preliminary Order .__110514 Intermediary Order .110747 __.... _.... __, Final order......... __11,1016 approved..... _ }'a}:.10, 1938.... _...__... , _......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: materials equipment, en�ineerine and Cost of avcE%ai . - • supervis•ion• Cost of publishing notice . - Cost of postal cards . Inspection fees Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures $._4� 107._.40 $..._—.... 4.65 S3 4.65 $ ....... .._._............. ........ ..... $ _ 4.,117_._6 3 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.__ —117.._53-___ ....... ... ... ._.__.._upon each and every lot, part tr parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered iproper. ............ ......—.....__........_........_......._. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 27 - 91 �.2 Council File No .......... _--------------------- By............................... .................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constr.:cti::c a sewer ir. the southeasterly 'boulevard on Parke.ay Drive fro -.1 a roint araroxirlately 15 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of Lot 3, Plock 4, L'ftnr, ,rove "Plat 3 to a roint 15 feet south-esteri , of t!',e nortiivasteriy line of RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS - Lot 6, Plock � , '.'fton rove Plat 3, MENT. 11911?— under Preliminary Order -_110690 e Intermediary Order....111133_--_--.- Final Order..1�139.$,_-- --, approved. J me 14'........ ---........----..19..39 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in --------------------3 ------- -qual installments. JUN 1219410 Adopted by the Council ...................................................-- 19 JUN i 2 494 Approved-------------------------------------- .--------------- 19. - File 3427 Form B. B. I8 T,-0 -., City Clerk. 1 } �: ....---'... ., Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses fortinc constructing a sewer in the southensterly boulevard on Farrway Drive from a point approxi-gately 15 feet nortcer.sterly oP the southv.esteriy line of Lot 3, °lock 4, Ufton wove Plat 3 to a aoint 15 feet so.rthwestf:rly o± the northeasterly line of Lor, 6, "lock 4, Upton. ?rove Flit 3 under Preliminary Order 110690_ Intermediary Order. 111139 _ Final order....... _ll -1.3,918-_11 I approved ... _June141938 _ _---.. ........... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: materials, equipment, en,eineerinS h Cost of tic . . supervision. Cost of publishing notice Cost of postal cards $__ .................x_12__.—..__ Inspection fees . $..__........_.....':--...._ Amount of court costs for confirmation $,.... .60 Total expenditures . Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $........_.147'29__......._____...............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. L-rC f ez- Z_- Commissioner of Finance. Form D. H. 17 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbin^ on both sides of i.'acalester A_rr,. from H -J hland Farkv+ay to Fa'ard Ave.; on the north side of Scheff�r Ave. from ':`acalester Ave. ..est 54.25 ft. and east 80 ft.; on the south side of Scheffer Ave, from-acales:er A -re. rest 43 ft.; or: the south side of 9ayard Ave. fror': "acaies;,er ve. .+est c?. -S ft. and east 40 ft., under Prelimihary Order.... -114353 Intermediary Order..__114729_-.------ Final Order.-....._1 approved ...----.June .-.6. ----------- 19 9. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUR....equR RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 1n........................- al installments. JUN 12 Adoptedby the Council ............................ ..............•-'---------...... ------19 ..... JUN 121940 Approved.----......... ---------------- -------------------- 19..... File 8666 F— B. B. 13 - - City Clerk. --------------- - Mayor.K)BUST 117) - ILID90LUTI0N RATIFYING A99ID88- WIT council File No.-----...._ .................--- - C. F. No. 118113— In the matter o[ the asees.ment of ! ba he M coats and ..Pensee for con- atructin curbin _ �- $y DSacaless.fft P-R..!`� a/ Pkwy. side qt ' eat'' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbin^ on both sides of i.'acalester A_rr,. from H -J hland Farkv+ay to Fa'ard Ave.; on the north side of Scheff�r Ave. from ':`acalester Ave. ..est 54.25 ft. and east 80 ft.; on the south side of Scheffer Ave, from-acales:er A -re. rest 43 ft.; or: the south side of 9ayard Ave. fror': "acaies;,er ve. .+est c?. -S ft. and east 40 ft., under Prelimihary Order.... -114353 Intermediary Order..__114729_-.------ Final Order.-....._1 approved ...----.June .-.6. ----------- 19 9. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUR....equR RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 1n........................- al installments. JUN 12 Adoptedby the Council ............................ ..............•-'---------...... ------19 ..... JUN 121940 Approved.----......... ---------------- -------------------- 19..... File 8666 F— B. B. 13 - - City Clerk. --------------- - Mayor.K)BUST 117) CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment 15, 1940 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, casts and expenses forte constructin,, curbing on both sides of Nacalester Ave. from Hiehland Parkway to Ba,ard Ave.; on the north side' of Scheffer Ave. from !.'.acalester Ave, vest 54.25 ft. and east 80 ft.; on the south side of Scheffer Ave. from ldacalester Ave. wrest 43 ft.; on the south side of Bayard Ave. from 1,%calester Ave. west 59.25 ft. and east 40 ft., 1143 114729 under Preliminary Order. 53 _......... .... _..., Intermediary Order _........_ _..._ ..._......._.__.> 1150 38 roved._ June 6 1939 ...... 192x ._. _• Final order......._ _ 11 1.5. ___..__ __ ___, app __..._...._......_ _. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: terials, equipment, en;*ineerincand Cost of supervis•ions 895...S8. Cost of publishing notice Cost of postal cards $--_-t-4=-----_ Inspection fees . $.___............. ...._—__.... _ Amount of court costs for confirmation $-._ 2.40 Total expenditures - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ ..900.96 ._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper._ .............. Commissioner- of Finance. Form B. B. 17 ,_ OdRloal to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE _.-NO__.. - - - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i C F ere s, Th —By of J. J. MoDaint o ugh d COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORIv1 theyc.Pnt3 ofhRameyey have been deals° F? nested as one of the even. in which ®, _ the cotton stagn Plan for the dletrtbu- PRESENTED BY _. DATE lion Or be Put COMMISSIONER— - - - - ---- ---- - -- WHEREAS, the City, 0 aint Paul and the County of Ramsey have been designated as one of the areas in which the cotton stamp plan for the distribution of cotton surpluses would be put into effect; and WHEREAS, in the operation of said cotton stamp plan the Revolving rund of the County Welfare Board of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey, in the opinion of the City Council, must be increased from $250,000 to $275,000, and the portion of the City of Saint Paul of the additional $25,000 to be so provided would be the sum of $6,875.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the sum of $6,875.00 is hereby appropriated to the revolving fund of the County Welfare Board of said City and County, the said sum to be paid out of the Board of Public Welfare Fund, Code 24; said sum to be in addition to the amount heretofore appropriated by Council File No. 107753, adopted June 11, 1937, Council File No. 109968, adopted January 28, 1938, and Counctl File No. 116940, adopted November 16, 1939. counciLmETI Leas Rays B`ay{tiss _ n arranto 14 -sen 7rr. President, McDonough ,in .o cs a.... 3a 121940 Adopted by the Council__ iljd �4 tea_ . Approved_ in Favor-- Rlay r _Against """ C. F. No. 118116—By MIR— Roeen— Whereae, In oonnecUon with ComD- OAil—I to C1.y Cork trotter's Contract L-4118, Docket Minn. 1416-F, Deing the Daving of Stn Clair cour+ciL CITY Ave. trom eat Seventh t r- Osceola FILE NO.—..- Ave., the Standard Bto�. - -ac- OFFt tor, was unable l ---GENE _ -- •�1- COUNCIL L.n.°v:a�l�41FORM PRESENTED BY /�// dune 12, 1940 COMMISSIONER — ----------_ DATE_-_.-_---------_- WExFIEAS, in connection with Oomptrollerts Contract L-4118, Docket Minn. 1416-F, being the paving of St. Clair Avenue from Test Seventh Street to Osceola Avenue, the Standard Stone Company, contractor, was unable to furnish the bituminous material for surfacing the St. Albans Street approach from St. Clair Avenue to Michigan Street, thus making it necessary to deduct the cost of furnishing and laying of this material from the contract, and WHEREAS, the change order for the deduction of such material, including the federal grant which would be lost on account of such deduction, has been agreed upon between the Commissioner of public Works and the contractor, the total amount of such deduction being $1451.48, and WMffffAS, it is necessary that the St. Albans Street approach to St. Clair Avenue be completed for use by the public without delay; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Comissioner of Public Works, be and he herein is authorized to proceed with the furnishing of materials and the necessary labor and equipment to complete the construction of said approach, the estimated cost of such work to be done by the city being $1010.00, to be paid from the City Paving Aid Fund, Code 91E1. Ift t/T,,,..,ss. JUN 121940 C011RCILRIEII Adopted by the Council__.__ - _ _ _194— 1Jeas / Rays Barn JUN 121940 --- ------ l04_ in tan cooed - l arranto In Favor -- -- - M qor Rosen //) /` �LISIiI"U G '- � r. President, McDonough Int 1— Cs 11— othiloel w City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL` CIOU '� NO. OFFICE Of THE CITY CLl'iM ' C. F- No. 119116—g john 73 Findlnn— C�JEICIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM wereoe, John ,, ' llfWheu hae made /U appllontlon for relief to [he Mlnneeota k Tax Commiealon relative to dellnquen[ �> taxaN and noeesamento on the foltow- PRESENTED BY _t/✓L - _ _ DA -1.17 deecribed property, to wit: COMMISSIONER__.._. - - Blook 2, Da ytone Addition: u rri3:il2i:a�, John W. 'itched has m._de aonlication for relief to the i�ir.nesora Pax 8omrni.ssion relative to delinquent taxes and 0-1 he followinm, described Property, co Y.`t: Loi u, i cc'o-- 2, Dayzon's 9c:-iition; and -he ueiin--tens} totals t'ae SILT, o° MEO.2b, and it in,s been stinulated that the applicant nay in full set'cle- ,mmt tn�rrc_' tn� sum of *0..7.44; be i.t the Council of r.ne _ of :,,in, ranl heret�; al proves said settlement; nroviue,_, ho,.ever, „ha•a ti[e sum of 4:3.04 shall ue firs, deducced irom the Local payment of $337.84, and that said sum of $28.54 shall le pain to the Cit;; of Saint F.-il 4n settlement of deli:.,uent assessments in- cluded i.:: ti:a total delinyuenc,: of 46b0.25. ,DUN 12 1940 COIITICILMEn Adopted by the Council tea_ peasnays XBar}uss n� �' ti proved__ WN- 19--'7Yli _ -tea _ /F�tndlan_ ,Parranto � �i In FavorFe—sm - ( / ayor ,z61;en Y an J Against kl7I3LiSaai Li C- o �r. President, Mcl)onough 3m —0 CS 73336 4 '1110117 orwaal to city ©.rt CITY OF ST. PAUL co _ - ut+ca. NO...,---------------- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 119117—By John S. Pindlan— Whereas, Ray relief E. Mile. hae made SOU; CIL ON—GENERAL FOR a➢➢ilCatfoa forell to the Mlnneeota — (\/fJ— Taz C ti.; of tr relative h Mi nq...to tazes and aese emente on the follow- - In deacrlhed �ro➢erty, to wit: PRESENTED BY �1/VL DATEI,^ce➢t 7C COMMISSIONER._------ _ yy-Ii„;Ab, Roy�i1Ccn has msae Unnlication :or relief to the 14innosota tax CoiTtni-.sion relative to oelinyuent taxes t,a�,i ,...sessrarr,ts o-1 tr.� follo•,ir,- described rro,.er4 , to x2t: (gxc__t E. 5.5 feet taken for erior Ave.) Lot Zh, block 5, Underwood's fhird Addition; and l"!_,-�:aS, the nc-l�-n,�cal;c. totals t11e sun of `P,J05.5:5, and it has teen stipulated thr.t tiro applicant na; in 11.111 settle- ment �;,ereof the sum of $255.20; ih,rcf'ore, oe it R SOLJiill, 'That the Colncil of ti:r; Oit�� of aairt caul h_:r�b.. _rt,roves saiu settlem nt; provided, hoar_ver, that the sum of X155.01 shall l",e first deducted from the total pay-ment c_' X255.20, and that said sum of X155.01 shall ,... nail-' to the L;.,•' of, saint Paul in setl,lement of delinquent assessments i^cluaee in ',ile i:utal del�_u-,uene,; of $509.93. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto erson Rosen Mr. Presiden"F-ftnT_ 1bi 10.99 JUN 121844 Adopted by the Council-. _ -----..19--_-... Uq 12 184D r — Approved.. ......._..._ _. - 19- -- - ....-------- - Favor _.......__..__. �Mayol• v..Against pUBIdSHEp Original to. City Clark cOmca CITY OF ST. PAUL rni O'"-"-"--------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CVERK CfOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL Fol C. F. No. 110118—Hy John S. Flndlan— Whereas, Mrs. Maryry Hang,i has ' made applicationCom toy relief to the de- nesota Tat es and ass relative to de- I.11—it tdesc described assessments tt on the PRESENTED BY DATI following descrtbed Droperty-to wit: COMM IBSIONER Lot SB, Block 10 Cheloea H+i–T.ts; Wheres• A., 'elan --i has made anr,lication for relief ,o --ne Wnnesota lax Com::is,i W, rul�zci re co nelinquent taxes �.nd as:.ess:nonts o : trc folio .iri,- ae cr iueo nrop�rty, to vrit: Lot , ;;lock 10, Chel..ea .eights; and delinquonc;• tcLais the :.'lm of W)"o4, anti the applicant oiferc -„o Y ;11 i'il: settlener.t tiiareoi' the .;)Lm of plu',: ir_st 4 rom. UL—e ncer Confession of .�u_. ,lent; ti:eref'ore, he 5� iha ti:e Council of ur:e oi Saint Paul hercbv anpr•oves said offer of settl:.ment; provi.aeo, howover, that the sum of $66.91 plus interest shall. b_ 2'irst deducted from the total payment of X5296.00 ulus ir:ter_st, an:: t—t said ,um of jlb6.81 ,plus intertest shall be p::id to the City of Saint "aul in settle:ny-nt of delinventi as:_essrnenus iaciuded in -,r-, total delinquency of $bOb.o4. JUN 12 1940--19-------- COUNCI;LMEN Adopted by the Council.__....._..._ ... �ry Yeas Nays JU:d 9 1940 Barfuss Approved_..... _.__...19- - Findlan Parranto pptarsen _.q _ - -In Favor :.Z�r�1.r...___............. ____ _ M or Rosen ! l _- ..Against PIED O �I IS Mr. President{fVbU7 I'M 10-39l WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reportod to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendeibid necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set fortal: JANITORS & TITLE - REGDL®8M OVERTIP�ATE TOTAL NAN.E Charles C. Baker r Christian Bauer 'ill George CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO. .119 Henry OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 119119 - Arthur A. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL F Resolved, Tnat the Drnppe cltr eifi- hereby to Do. Ralph cera are authorised Day cer- tain employee In theDeDarlment of PRESENTED AXEL Ili COMMISSIONER_ . PETERSON 9flucatlon, Bureau of Pub.. schools, for ztra mgl.yment as set out on list Do. Cecil P. C the attached to this resolution. Adopted by the Council June 12, 1940. Do. Arthur Approved June 12, 1940. St.Fireman John (June 16, 1940) WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reportod to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendeibid necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set fortal: JANITORS & TITLE - REGDL®8M OVERTIP�ATE TOTAL NAN.E Charles C. Baker Jan Eng. Christian Bauer Do George Barrett Do.. Henry Bauer Do. Arthur A. Beisang Do. Ralph Bogue Do. Fred Bursinger Do. Cecil P. Carlsen Do. Arthur Copley St.Fireman John Dipple Jan Eng. Joseph Elmquist Do. Charles EngelbretsonDo. Gabriel Gagliardi Do. Oscar Halgren Do. Frank Hayek Do. George Hayes Do. Werner Hesse Do. Elmer Hintz Do. Emil G. Keller Do. Lyman G. Larson Jan. George Lautner St.Fireman James Re Lynn Jan Eng. Harry Me -Donald Do John Munkelwitz Do Charles He Niegm3Ac. Do Paul Be Oas Do T COUNCILMENoddy Do Yeas Nays a, s tndlan rranto arson �en r. Presiden on . eM Cs 2 Hrs. .51 1.02 12 " .63 7.56 3 " .63 1.89 8 " .63 5.04 2$ .63 1.58 8 " .63 5.04 25 to .63 15.75 9 " .63 5.67 49 " .60 3/4 29.77 8 of .63 5.04 42 " .63 26.46 32 ° .63 20.16 8 " .63 5.04 2 " .63 1.26 5 it .60 3/4 3.04 21 " .63 13.23 8 to .63 5.04 21 " .63 13.23 3 it .51 1.53 2 " .56 1/2 1.13 29 it .63 18.27 5* " .63 3.47 7 to .63 4.41 2 of .63 1.26 2 ".48 3/4 .98 3 to.63 1.89 3Adoptedn by the CS63il 1.89 193 JUN 121940 .JUN 121940 Approved,, oma, 193 In Favor {�1 M tor / Against JUNE 12-1940 JANITORS & ENGINEERS - REGULAR OVERTIME NAME TITLE TINE RATE TOTAL Clinton C Sandercock Jan. Eng. 2 Ers. .51 1.02 Albert Schooner St. Fireman 20 " .58 1/4 11.65 Lloyd Spetzman Jan. Eng. 13 1/2" .63 8.51 Robert A. Stahnke Do 34 Hrs. .51 17.34 Charles Starz Do 6 " .63 3.78 Christopher Tarte Do 33 " .63 20.79 Albert Thompson Do 9 it .63 5.67 James Watson Do 15 " .63 9.45 Thomas F. Waters Rd. Jan. 2* °. .63 1.58 John Wilwert Jan 20 " .56* 11.30 TOTAL - 291.74 FORM NO. 1 June 12 1940 `�• JanijDrs & Engineers — Regular overtime An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessar the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, _ in doing the following work; L r Thissoorgency arose by reason of the fcllowing facts and circumstances ; Z}loess oY re ar employees. ,)phis report is in accordance with Section 5: of the Charter. odow 10 aty cla6 . 19120 CITY OF ST. PAUL °:aCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 119120- - COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORD Resolved. That the proper City -oM- cera are hereby authorised to Pay er-'. H4uC.tloolo Bureau of Public achuole, COMMISSIONER_ AXEL F. PETERSON rer extra employsuaut ae set out on DAT the list attached to thisesolutlon. Adopted by, the Council June 12, 1940. Approv.d June council (June 16, 1940) WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education hasthe Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence Of an emergency which rendeDed necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth; JANITORS & ENGINEERS - EXTRA CUUjaULAR OVE$2, NAME T.U.trt�'�- gra TOTAL Christian Bauer Jan Eng. 5 Hrs. .80 4.00 George Barrett Do 5 tt .80 4.00 Fred Baumgart Do 4 If 080 3.20 John Blomberg Do. 5 80 4.00 Harold A. Boeckmann Jan. 2-'° 4' .56 11.48 RalJoie Bogue Jan.Eng. " .80 1.20 Buhl Do 4 " .80 3.20 Charles F. Burlingame Do. 11 If 80 .80 8.80 Fred Bursinger Do. 17 it 13.60 Oreste Ciampi Do. 4 11 .80 3.20 William Be Cording Do. 11 " .80 1.20 Carl E. Dahlby Do. 7 " .80 6.00 Henry Domnosky Jan. 3 " .56* 1.70 David Donovan Jan. Eng. 2 " .80 1.60 Joseph Elmquist Do. 4 It .80 3.20 Charles Engelbretson Do. 4* " .80 3.60 Joseph Ellenson Do. 12 " .80 9.60 Joseph Fedlmeir Do." 28 .80 22.40 Earl Albert He Foster Fuller Do. Do. 3 13 11 " .80 2.40 George Gray Do.- .80' 10.40 2680 George Gunther Do. 2 " 080 .80 1.60 Anthony Haider van. 4 It .44- 1.78 Charles Hammarlund Jan. Eng. 13 " 80 10.40 Harry C. Hammersten Do. " .80 2.40 Frank Hayek Geor a LW RS Do. DO. 5 " .80 4.00 §dopted by the CA91JUN 4 00 193 Yeas Nays 12 1940 Barfuss JUN 121940 Findlan Approved 193 Parranto �In r _-Peter" Rosen Favor C-)-- M r T, Unit- Against Mr. President 0d,4s1 to Cav G.ikr .' 1 x.9120 CITY OF ST. PAUL mi"c` NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 219130 - COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORD Resolved, That e wedt ,. care are hereby authortaedthDronter o Dayty, cer taln emDleyee ]n the Department of PRESENTED BY fu u ez`tra emuployme t aebleet gout Dori COMMISSIONER_ AXEL F PETERSON oar the Ilet attached to thle reeolutlon. Adopted I,the Council June 12, 1940. - ADDroved June 12. 1940. (June 16, 1940) MMEAS, The Commissioner of Education has the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the rendeped ecessaryxthe eemploymenteofrcerthich city Charter eof an ienn employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for eXtra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth; JANITORS & ENGI TNS - EXTRA CURPLIMMAX OVE TOTAL NAME Christian Bauer George Barrett Fred Baumgart John Blomberg Herold A. Boeckmann Ralph Bogue John Buhl Charles F. Burlingame Fred Bursinger Oreste Ciampi William E. Cording Carl E. Danlby Henry Domnosky David Donovan Joseph Elmquist Charles Engelbretson Joseph Ellenson Joseph Fedlmeir Earl Foster Albert H. Fuller George Gray George Gunther Anthony Haider Charles Hammarlund Harry C. Hammersten Frank Hayek Ge or POUNCILM s Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto =- . aft - Rosen ,'Truax Mr. President Jan Eng. 5 Hrs. *80 4.00 Do 5 " .80 4900 Do 4 " .80 3.20 Do. 5 " .80 4900 Jan. 201 08 .56 11948 Jan. Eng. 1 It .80 1.20 Do. 4 it .80 3.20 Do. 11 is .80 8.80 Do. 17 It .80 13.60 Do. 4 It .80 3.20 Do. 1 " .80 1.20 Do. 7 to 680 6.00 Jan. 3 it .561 1.70 Jan. Eng. 2 " .80 1.60 Do. 4 " .80 3.20 Do. 4* " .80 3.60 Do. 12 " .80 9.60 Do. 28 it .80 22.40 Do. 3 " .80 2.40 Do. 13 " .80 10.40 Do. 3* " .80 2.80 Do. 2 It .80 1.60 Vau. 4 " .44t 1.78 Jan. Eng. 13 " .80 10940 Do. 3 " .80 2.40 Do. 5 " .80 4.00 Do. $,d.pted by the CdA91 2 j 00 193- JUN 121940 Approved 193 �7In Favor M r Against June 12,1940 1191211 r JANITORS & ENGINEERS - EXTRA CURRICULAR OVERTIME NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Carl Hedlund Jan. Eng. 2 Hrs. .80 1.60 Frank Hedlund Do. 3 " .80 2.40 Otto Hesse Do. 2 " .80 1.60 Elmer Hintz Do. 4 " .80 3,.20 William C. Holden Jan. 8 " .54 1/4 4.34 Emil G. Keller Jan. Eng. 3 " .80 2.40 Leonard M. Kirchen Do. 2 " .80 1.60 Andrew A. Kolstad Do. 3 " .80 2.40 Mrs.Elisa Larson Janitress 5 if .59 3/4 2.99 Gus Linde Jan. Eng. 2 " .80 1.60 Giuseppi Lucia Do. 4 " .80 3.20 George E. Mc -Kinnon Do. 4* " .80 3.60 Edgar J. Malaske Jan. 4 " .51 3/4 2.07 Edward L. Manska Jan. Eng. 14 " .80 11.20 Nola Martin Jan. 2 " .56 1/2 1.13 Robert E. Metzger Jan. Eng. 2 " .80 1.60 Lester Mollers Do. 4 " .80 3.20 Thomas R. Mulcahy St.Fireman 15 " .63 9.45 John Munkelwitz Jan. Eng. 4 If .80 3.20 Charles H. Niemela Do. 2* " .80 2.00 Paul E. Oas Do. 8 it .80 6.40 Nels Paulsen Do. 3 If .80 2.40 Leo Peet Do. 10 " .80 8.00 George Runyon Jan. 556 1/2 2.83 Benjamin H.Samuelson Jan. 10* " .56 1/2 5.93 Joseph Sander Jan. Eng. 2 " .80 1.60 Otto Schneppmueller Do. la If .80 1.20 Bert Seidler Do. 2 If .80 1.60 Lloyd Spetzman Do. 4 If .80 3.20 Henry M. Spriestersbach Sch. Eng. 15 it 75 11.29 Harold Stake Jan. 9 it :5 4.88 Charles Starz Jan. Eng. 12$ " .80 10.00 Joseph Strommer Jan. 4 " .56'* 2.26 Christopher Tarte Jan. Eng. 4 " 80 3.20 Edward Thomas Do. 9 " .80 7.20 Isaac W. Thompson Do. 2 080 1.60 George R. Turnquist Do. 4 " .80 3.20 Thomas F. Waters Hd. Jan. 3 " .63 1.89 Max Werner Jan. Eng. 2 It .SO 1.60 TOTAL - 290.82 FORM NO. 1 Jan. & Engineers Extra Curricular Overtime. An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work; Thisemergency arose by reason of the fc1lowing facts and circumstances : xggp;ng school buildings open for extra curricular activities. _ This report is in accordance with Section 5' of the Charter. OrI41--1 to Cily Ckrk 6 CITY Of SHIN �'�'� T PAUL COUNCIL OFFIC THE CITY CLERK 'ILE NO. COUNCIL RE TION ---GENERAL FOR►�1 COMMISSIONER^. WHEREAS, Lillian m. Pranke, Senior Clerk-Typist,of the De- partment of Public Works will be incapacitated and unable to perform herOduatneds for a period of thirty days from June 5, 1940, to July 4, WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Works has recommended that Lillian M. Pranke be and is hereby granted a leave of absence for disability with pay for a period of thirty days from June n to July 4 19401 said leave being in compliarice with Paragraph , 1940, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City authorities be and hereby are authorized to grant a leave of absence for Lillian M. Pranke for a period of thirty days from June 5, 1940, to July 4, 1940, with full pay. COUTICiLMEn I]eas/� nays B3r�uss F, an Parranto 'e eraon sen c� ul t'resident, McDonough 3n1 3-40 C9 33336 No. 119121-33y b(Ilton Rosen— eae, Lillian id Prankarte, Senior Cyplat o[ the De ment of abIs to De III nP�ea�rieaa �d o[ thirty days (ram June 6, � Jufor ly 4, 1910, antl eke - nes a ommended IssionerthatPLl- rPrenke be and le hereby grant_ iyv[or f Absence for tllsabillty el 6, IBa-otooJuly 4 1940 eaid eing la comDllance with f+ara- ' Section 41 ( the Clvll 8erv- ss; therefore, be It ved, That the proper City cu- be anfl hereby are authorised t a leave of beence for Lillian As fora period of thirty ays une b, 1940, to July 4, 1 d940, Il ppay. ed by the Council June 1E, 1840. ved June 12, 1940. (June 16, 1940) ; ) Adopted by the Council_JUN 12J3'ill_l94__ JUN 12 IN roped----- ---�— -- —104— - - In Favor M got _ Against Orldlu.l b City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /'1L` NO. COUNCIL RESOLUT ---GENERAL FQR� C. F. No. 114122—By W. A Parra"te— I Where- , There have been a num- PRESENTE BV ber of Change- in routing o[ the bus COMMI SSI ER lines of the Twin City Motor Be. Com- -- D/ Pmea-nyt Irl. time to 1, In -e- i - - - e the �. --�„ doe. no- on Whereas there have been a number of changes in routing of the bus linea of the Twin City Motor Bus Comany from time to time in order to meet the changing traffic and other condi- tions, and the routing of record does not conform to the actual routing at the present time, end 3�7 Whereas the Twin City Motor Bus a filed with the Railroad and Warehouse Commission a petition for approval and confirmation of the present routing so as to bring the records up-to-date, Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the present routing of the bus lines of the Twin City Motor Bus Company, within the City of St. Paul,as set forth in the petition of the Twin City Motor Bus Company dated June 11, 1940 to the Railroad and Warehouse Commission for approval and confirmation of present routings, schedules, and fares, be and the some is hereby approved. COUnCILMEn geas nays /Bar s n �/ 1paarranto / /1 �P/eterson .__..11l_lll___ln Favor /Rosen Against /411r. President, McDonough SIR D . CS 1D Adopted by the Council JUN 1 2.,'�__ 194_ JUN 12 1940 pproved----------- \ yor erlAlad to City CkA �f(�j9� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cou NCIL FILa NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RFSnl_11TION --- GENERAL FaRM DATE--- -Jane ],21. 190. _- -- ;jesolved, That the rurcl sin" A, nt be, and r, is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the CanItroller, 12-0 -/411 rubber valves and 500 valve springs :'or same, iroT 'a,,e Allis-Chalm::rs Co., .t a total cost not to exc: ed $375.00 Y.o,b. Yilwalzkee, :.itnov-t isl:in_ for comp�titive rids, as Li_b-,e are patent&& articles an,d no -dv--- a1_e could be Lained +.hereby. Char,.e 'dater Depart.mert. C. F. No. 119123—By W. A, Parranto— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorised to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 1,200 'x3%' rubber elves and 600 valve springs for same, from the Allis-Chalmers Co., at total cost not to steed $376.00 f.o.b. Milwaukee wlthout asking for c aetitive bi- ds, as these are patented rticl6,and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water De- partment. Adopted by the Council June 12, 1940. Approved June 12.1940. (June 16, 1940) i I JUN 121940 CourICILMETI Adopted bil the Council gess Tlatis d .1 Har)uss L Q Approved-- - .. l94_- - /Findlan -- - - -- yanto -10eterson In Favor _ .__._ qor Against r. President, McDonough 9m -o cs »» ppy � erl4{ed to CityCoUrk CITY OF SAINT PAUL 11L. � ae NO._- _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENYhAL FORM 1 PRESENTED BY // - _ DATE----- June C OM M I S S IONER RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 42263, On Sale Lialt Beverage, application 42264, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 42265, applied for by Edward C. Wiggins at 693 Westminster St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, June 6, 1940 Old Location. counctLMETI Deas / hays Bd/C(u Findlan / 141'rranto In Favor _.F'-'t'9rson sen / 1 .Against . President, McDonough IM 1— cs Doane C7o n 8. FlndlflnByW. A. Parranto— Resalved, That license for l. M.I- n[. aDDNcatfan 42269• On Sale Malt and ot geverage, DDl)catlon 4j8cation 42 66, Sale Malt Beverage, aDD sp Dlied for Dy Edward C. Wlad gagI " at g99 We4tmineter St. be the city clerk e hereby granted feinstructed to issue such llceneee uryno the meet required tt, he city treae- ADD*oved dune co t1940.June 12, 1940. (June 16, 1940) Adopted by the Counci �l_U% 12190 184_-- .11IN 12 i9�0 �pproued_ v _ _ L, orlyin.l to City Clerk : -, - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILF NO._ _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL. FORM COMMMTE�O— �t''^ PRESENTE E ___.._--.________—_. ___._. _ _. DATE—__June 12 _ __ _.t12 _ .. . la. RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 42283, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 42284, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 42285, applied for by Michael W. Scheidness at 499 Thomas St, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, June 6, 1940 Old Location. counc1LMETl 1Jeas Tlays arf us ,-'f`i'ndlan ,15�rranto .Xeterson oxen Presiden 't, McDonough ,m o cs a.nae C. F. No. 119126—By 6. H. Barf.. — J. S. Flndlan—W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That license for Re.tau- ranB ve.rege li Epp, ca[ on 3'On 42284,5ale and Malt OR Sale Malt Beverage, application 42286, applied for by Michael W. Scheldne.s at 499 Thoma. St. be and thea same is a instrU i a° toe Issue such itl scene e uponthe payment Into the city treae- r u y of the required fees. Adopted by the Council June 12, 1940. Approved June 12, 1940. (June 16, 1940) JUN 1.219 Adopted by the Council __ _ _ t94__. __ JJN 12190 Approved_ _--------.__ --_--_-194_ _ �-_—'In Favor Jj�\ _Against Original to City Ckrk� r�t F_l CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNO COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERALORM NCIL - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �e PRESENTED COMMISSION •�` Junee 12, 1940 AESOLPED: That license for Restaurant, application 42266, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 42267, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 4228, applied for by David Mucha at 459 Rice St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, June 6, 1940 Old Location. COUTICILMETI fleas Tlays �Bay}nss Findlan Z=o n .Rosen ilr. President, McDonough ,in a-eo Cs aaeaa C. F. No. 119126—By O. H. Barfuas— J. 3. Findlxn—W. A, Pa -aa, — Resolved, Th¢t license for Reetau- ne er¢application e llc pp 11, tion fi,4 267 Sale and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 42268, nicei St. fbe by the id msame aha hat 459 ereby gran to ted, le9ti [such t lice BpsleUinetru he Payment into the city treasury he required fees. Adopted by the Council June 12, 1940. Approved June 12, 1940. (June 16, 1940) Adopted by the Council JUN 12 IN _tea_ J0 t Approved_. _- —._.— -_--- - —194_-- In Favor - ✓ r � mayor . Against Q�{ 9 ApL L 0091 1 to City rk 11CIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILECOUNNO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DATE J_u_ a 12, 1940, COMMISSIONER _,_ _-.-.__ - .. _._ - - RESOLVED: That license for On Sale Melt Beverage, application 42237, Restaurant, application 42239, and Off Sale malt Beverage, application 42239, a:plied for by Anthony Lemaniak at 926-29 Arcade St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Rew, Informally approved by Council, June 6, 1940 Old Location. COUTICILMETI 1]eas nags /Bat{uss /1'6ndlan /farranto � In Favor "Ptiterson ,tosen -•-— / Against �l.. Mr. President, mcoonough ,in -K Cs mane C, JF.e NoFindl119127-13Y W. aPa �t'anirofuen— Malt Sale plve That license tlon Ono 227. Restaurant aPPlicatlon 4228. and Ott Say. Galt —1- thon glfT a n1ak29t nd pre herebY granted and the thtY clerk 1 on the payment dOto thecititylicenses urY of the required fees. c pyy�led Jthe ane Sa u1940 June 12, 1940. (June 16, 1940) Jt1N 121940 Adopted bil the Council __ 194- -- (� Y54� Approved-, C' 009inll to Clty Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL ` COUNCIL 119198 __. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'ILC NO._'.' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 11,,n COMMISSION R _ . . __. _. _._... DATE___ J�.�.2. _l94..____.____ _ & RESOLVED; That license for Restaurant, application 42270, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 42271, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 42272, applied for by Mrs. Camille Paul at 252 E. Fairfield Ave, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee u upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, June 6, 1940. Old Location. COUTICILR1BTl teas hays Ba ss ndlan i'ranto son ,Rosen President, McDonough 3m -40 C9 33338 'C. J. F. Ne. 119128—By G. H. Barf se Beaolved dlThalRlicA. Paforn etau- Sol. ale age 11 application -'42719 andMCR 6yay1GGe Malt Beverage. yyDBcation 42278, 2621Ea Fairfield Ave. Ba and the enure N a inclerk strucherebted granted eleeue such the I loenses upon the payment Into the city treas- ury of the required fee.. Adopted by the Council June 12, 1940. Approved June 12, 1940. (June 16, 1940) JUN 12 1940 Adopted by the Council _ _ _194 f lal'IN 121940 ---- Approved_._ i94_ In Favor / [Ray Aqainst l/ Orlploal to Cl, rk s :... CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.__a - _... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM June 12, 1940 PRESENTED ER DATE COMMISSIONER --------- - -- -- -- '----- RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 42260, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 42261, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 42262, applied for by Mario Carbone at 680 E. Seventh St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee, PROVIDED, HOWEVER: that this establishment shall not be open for business after 2 A.M. on Sundays. -- C. F. No. dIen W O. H, ,Barfuse— J �• ed. That jj A. Pfrranto— $$Reaol pil That Ilcenee for Reetau- Heve aDDlfoatlon 42280, On Sale Malt rage, a➢Dllcatlon 42281, and OR sale Malt Beverage, p llcatlon 42262 H pSeventh St b arlu Carbone at age hereby granted an ryth't same are Instructed to leave each Lceaeee Don the De Lent Into the city treasury of the req ulred tea, Provldsd, However That this ea- tabllahmeat sppall not e open for buel- nese after 2 A. M. on Sundays. Adopted by the Council June 12, 1940. AD➢roved Tune 12, 1940. on 16, 1940) , New, Informally approved by Council, June 6, 1940. Old Location. CounCtLmen LeasTlalIs Fss_fu Parranto Peterson /Rosen TTMv - Z. President, McDonough am e<. cs asses JUN 121 Adopted by the Council_ _ `, APP ved—_-------. In Favor atIor Against OAYIad to city CkrL CITY OF SAINT PAUL �' Couwctt. wac NO— -- - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ----- - -- OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORI c•JF.aNFIn'aia3 wBy G arf— b yolved, That Noenxee appned for the pt,7 - flet at - PRESENTED BY taehed ._, yLF_4 and th. COMMISSIONER ..._ -. . --. - __ D,,.' ,,• RESOLVED; That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Fred L. Eisenmenger 516 Rice St. Butcher App. 38683 Renewal Ray 011 Burner Co. S34 Marshall Ave. 011 Burner " 41960 " Frank J. Liska 551 Michigan Grocery " 42192 " John Lugar 599 N. Dale St. Restaurant " 42253 11 n n " II On Sale Malt " 42251} " It n tI It Off Sale Malt " 42255 It 04as.Thompson Memorial Rall,1824 Marshall Ave. on Sale Malt " 42256 It Minn. Amusement Co. 1595 Selby Ave. Motion Picture " 4227.6 it Margaret Faber 1390 Prosperity Grocery If 42277 " Evelyn Rolm 454 Selby Ave. Restaurant It 42278 " u II is If On Sale Malt If 42279 it u It " It Off Sale Malt " 42280 " V. M. Lee 556 Rice St. Confectionery If 42281 If Nettie Lettengarver 726 E. 7th St. Grocery " 42286 If Montgomery -Ward & Co. 1400 Univ. Ave.(rear) Gas Station t' 42287 If Wm. F. Lehman 1220 W. M'haha Grocery " 42289 ". " n It tt " Off Sale Malt " 2290 -----if Carmen Delmont 901 Payne Ave. Restaurant " 42291 " If n On Sale Malt 42292 " v u It If Off Sale Malt " 42293 Frank Bifulk 196 E. 7th St. Restaurant " 42295 if W if n n On Sale Malt " 42296 it If it 11 II Off Sale Malt " 42297 n C011T1C LMETI Adopted by the Council JUN 12 194 ,. _ I]eas Rays AN 12190 tj 99 Findlan Approved_ te4_ —Rdiranto In Favor } F19terson .Against /-Mr. President, McDonough- sm y -aa C9 -.. A oriatn.l to Cit+VIft CITY OF SAINT PAUL awwctt. OFFICE OF THE CITY CL�K C. % No. 119131 -By Milton Rosen - Whereas Additions a d d CIL RE LUTION GEN AI n eductions Which might Drove to be necessary In the Improvement described se the Paving f SL Clair St. trom West Seventh St. to Csr«ola Ave., Comp - PRESENTED BY troller' Contro-+ Standard COMMISSIONER__ ._ Stone pro WHEREAS, additions and deductions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the Paving of St. Clair Street from West Seventh Street to Osceola Avenue, Comptroller's Contract L. 4118, Standard Stone Company, Inc., contractor, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices stipulated therein, and agreed prices, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following additions and de- ductions: ADDITIONS: Lin. ft. of curb not reset @ $ 0.24 $ 22.08 0.8 cu. yd. of Class "A" Concrete @ 9.00 624.5 lin, ft. of straight cu� @ $ 0.55 $ 343.47 6.5 lin, ft. of radius c>$-'@ 0.65 4.22 14.0 lin. ft. of 1211 V.C.Pipe (S.I. to C.B.) @ 1.00 14.00 2 - special side inlets @ 20.00 40.00 82.0 lin, ft. of concrete curb to remove @ 0.10 8.20 32.95 cu. yds, of Hi -early Str. concrete @ 2.00 65.90 Total Additions $ 475.79 DEDUCTIONS: 92.0 Lin. ft. of curb not reset @ $ 0.24 $ 22.08 0.8 cu. yd. of Class "A" Concrete @ 9.00 7.20 0.23 ton of Class "D" Asphalt not placed @ 7.20 1.66 (1303.0 sq. yds, of 2" Bit. Surf. a@ $1.16 $1511.48) ( -Less cost of oiling: 400 gals.g151K 60.00) 1451.48 Total Deductions $1482.42 Total Additions Net Total Deduction $1006.63 WHEREAS, the net deduction 1s $1006.63; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approve the aforesaid deduction made in accordance with the specifications therefor in the sum of $1006.63, said sum to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named intthe contract known as Comptroller's Contract L. 4118, for the making }g-aforesaid- improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Standard Stone Company, Inc., that the sum of $1006.63 is the correct amount to be deducted from the above contract. Counte�(jg_i dA/ City Comptroller 1 1 `ItounclLmETI Ijeas <-1 nays Ba uss Ff�indlan �Parranto ,11/seterson In Favor 40sen _-.!_-,/__..._Against --Mr. President, ficDonOil ough sin a-ao CS 3a STANDARD STONE COMPANY, INC., Contractor. President. Commissioner of Public Works JUN 12" Adopted by the Council______ _tgy lljl� 12 Approved - -- ---- -t�- DISHED NOTICE -e. C. F. Noe. 11812a-119192— COUNCIL FILE NO. TO Resolved, That check. be drawn n the city treasury, to the aggregate PRINTER amount f 21s�st.s1, covering necxa umbers. vz195 to 72222 innlu.+"e, a Gp r check. on file 1. the office of the .TfITp T7 ,,^ ty Comptroller. fjtn Adopted by the Council June la, 1910. '°°rOVed(une 12 RESO$,D7T AT CHECKS BE DRI, i'9o�1 , TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT — OF $_, COVERING CH— ECKS NUMBERED TO 72283 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS CON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. i ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL y JUN 12 1940 JUN 12 03_ / APPROVED cincoa .oLLe. t93 - CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER– -- ROLL CALL BARFU5S FI"DLA" --"FAV°R'June 10, , ' AUDITED CLAIMS B PPETERBON "- OBEN RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE RAWN THE CITY TREASURY TRUAX _ AGAINST J4 � 1q_ i5__. COVERING WENZEL �� yyry o THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF E 7�� NCLU E. AS MR PRES FALLON �W• 1 CHECKS NUMBERED_T2 7 W. YYY 11 ``� ¢I _ /ATO V PER CHECKS O IIC 1THHE OFFI E OF T CITY COM OLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 6 ��}{-----'--- � ` - , . Glut — APP 'E —_ _ NUMBER / cau»naien 307 –� HA Ov soO e s TOTALI' DATE IN FAVOR OF - RETURNED DISBURSEMENT i CHECK TRANSFER NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS " N • BROUGHT FORWARD --_ i37 _031-3`4 72187 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 21 447 99' 72188 24 92 John S. Findlan, Comm. Finance 6 049 91 72189 Commonwealth Electric Company 48 90 72190 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Company P1 21, 72191 Maendler Brush Company 52 50, 72192 Frank Mudra 61 22 7219 St. "aul Builders Material Co:50 44 7219 Vocational School Petty Cash Fund 13 17' 72195 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Co. gg4 02' 72196 Fuel 011 and Gas company 33 6499 72197 Magnus Chemical Company 5 72198 Panama Carbon Company 109 26' 72199 Paper, calmenson and Company 49! 2200 H. B. Stahl Company 885 72201 Twin City Textile Mille 64 00 72202 John Fitzpatrick 53 96 72203 Mrs. Emile La Bissionniere 3 00 72204 Frank G. Caretz 3 978 11 72205 John 3. Findlan 29 g0 72206 Mrs. Louis Fay 27 04 72207 Mrs. Elizabeth Literski 8 75' 72208 George M. Mueller 93 96! 72209 Capitol Staty. 'erg. Co. 1 779 42. 72210 Pederson Bros. Co. 33 2, 72211 Carl Maronde 3 469 97'' 72212 John S. Findlan, Comm. Finance 948 321, 72213 Cutler -Magner Company 26 61' 72214 The F1ox Company 90` 72215 Grig,3e Cooper & company 10 78' 72216 A. J. Koch Company 8 9g: 72217 G. A. MacArthur Company 253 03' 72218 Miller supply Company 128 16, 72219 St. Paul White Lea.' & Oil Co. 300 001; 72220 Morris Lieberman & Albert Miller 1 1}22 23' 72221 Blue and White Cab Company g 00: 72222 M. Bodene 88 44' 72223 Capital Envelope Company 33 90` 72221} Perrie Jones, Librarians 1 127 75' 72225 Walter Kidde and Co., Inc. 2 75 72226 G. 9eestedt Company 6 80 72227 skinner Tngraving Company 341 82 72228 Socony Vaocum Company 2 00` 72229 Stack's Numimatiete 63 41' 72230 W. M. Welch Company SHEET TOTAL–FORWARD lgl 151 29' . r f yr r SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD .183 529 45 17 w7 tr �__r KTP i DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - CITU OF SAINT PAUL P 1.? YY < OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER <� COFILE UMBER -- U `N`U ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON - IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS June 11.,S.40- ROSEN TRU A% AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY W ENZEL MR. PRES FALLON TO TME AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S?r378. 16 COVERING C LUSIVE, AS CHECKS NU MBERE _ 2 rr�� , IN 12 fE� TOE O17C CITY COF�ROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -]-�?J�JU,N ._ PER CHECKS O F APPROVED — '� - �G ,.00 ,.� 1. HAYOR -- les TOTAL CHECK IN FAVOR OF - - -- - TRANSFER .RETUFNED T BY BANK D SCHECK N UMBER CHECKS I SURSEVE BROUGHT FORWARD i_i 151..29 ® 72231 Amer. Asan. of school Admin. 2 00 4 51: 72232 Amrr. Automatic Flee. Sales Co. T75 72233 American Federation of Arts 3 50: 72234 American Public Works Assn. 72235 American Technical society 7 51 12 95'. 72236 Amerioana Corporation 72237 Architectural Forum 7 00i 72238 The Art Shop 22 25` 41 72239 Armour & Company 60 72240 Automobile Legal Association 1 24 72241 Behrman's Jewish Book House 5 89 72242 Booth Fisheries Corporation 72243 Bureau of Publications 5 251:, 2 78 72244 Burgess Publishing Co. 72245 Catholic Art & Book Shop 2 �1 72246 Chicago Park District 3 52; 72247 College Book Exchange 52 851' 72248 Detroit Stoker Company 3 16 72249 Diebold Safe and Look Co. 5 40 72250 E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. 25 64" 72251 Eagle signal Corporation 71 11 72252 Eastern Book Corporation 55 00;' 72253 The Elgin Sweeper Co. 50: 72254 Erie Book store 13 11 72255 Freeberg Pies. Inc. 28, 72256 R. L. Gould and Company 54, 72257 Girl scouts. Inc. 1 051, 3 96, 72258 72259 The Golden Rule Gopher Stamp & Die Co. 310 00' 72260 Graphic Arts Engraving Company 5 50 1 06' 72261 Harian Publications 1 50 72262 James Jerome Hill Reference Lib. 72263 Wendell Huston Company 2 74' 72264 International Textbook Co. 72265 Jorgensen Fruit Company 10 75, 2 69' 72266 Living American Art, Inc. 72267 Clara Mac Gowan 1 00 612 81' 72268 72269 McFadden—Lambert Co. Milroaukee County Handidraft Fund 533 72270 E. A. Moeller Company 055 30 00; 72271 Monroe Calculating Machine Co. 72272 Music Teachers' National Assn. 226 580 72273 • National Biscuit Company 2 30 72274 Nati. Council for the Soo. studies 05 72275 Natl. vducation Assn. of the U.S. 373 434 72276 Northern states Power Co. 72277 Personal Book Shop, Inc. 85' 72278 Puolic Utilities' Reports, !no. 15 72279 Ronald Press Company 000 i3 40' 72280 St. Paul Eleotro Plating Works 72281 sanitary F=rm Dairies, Inc. 329 82' 11 60 72282 Soheffer and Rossum Co. 32 50 72283 Leslie Schuldt Co. SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD .183 529 45 17 w7 tr �__r KTP i or,M.t to cit, Cl-k A . CITY OF SAINT PAUL couwcn_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 1196[4—By ezet F. Peterson C CI RE LOTION---GENERAL FORM wrw ra P';t toil nd° 11 ofthe r n th eumo PRESENTED (� r't/' ._. _ i ..,} C A __ COMMISSIONERER __aqF --L- WERMAS, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul for and In consideration of the payment of the sum of $3,469.60 has offered to convey to the Northern States Power Company, a corporation, any and All right, title and interest which said Port Authority has in ana to the following described premises situate in the GOIRMy of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, to-wit: that portion of the Upper Levee lying in the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter (Noi of Nra), section twelve (12), Township twenty-eight (28). Range twenty-three (23), bounded by the following described lines: On the northwest by a straight line southeasterly of and parallel to the north- westerly line of the Upper Levee and distant 66 feeti�;thersfroa; on the northeast by a line common 9g at a point.on the northwesterly Tile ofaid levee which is 126.77 feet sonthwe, erly of the intersection of the 1p�oly-,1l,�►e._sff__Sh+a-Ser Levee th iih" north line of said Sectiones said line extending southeasterly at an angle to the +.'left *;",49 degrees, 53 minutes from the northw+p�sr lino of the Upper Lpvee ap C s�[di �u wee erly from the aforesaid point;; on the southeast by the 1[iseissippi Ai4or, and on the southwest by a line drawn at right angles to the northwesterly line of the Upper Levee from a point thereon which is 473 fent southwesterly of the intersection of said mer Levee line with the north line of said Beption 3.2; including therein parts of Lots 10, i1 and 12, Block 4, and parts Of Lots 1, 2 and 3. Block 8, of Kinney, Bond t Trader's Addition, together with the vacated streets and alleys within the described area, together with all riparian rights, accretions and re- lictions accruing to or appurtenant to said land. COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council_. 1-1�- -- yeas Tlags Barf uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen —Truaw-- Mr. President. McDonough >m . Cs sant. In Favor Aqainst Approved_.. Magor OH91.41 to City clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL cour+clL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FOR 'i PRESENTED BY DATE — — COMMISSIONER_ AND wHERS►S, the Northern States Power Company has agreed to pay said sum of $3,459.80, and the matter has been submitted to the City Council with the request that said sale be approved; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve said sale add hereby authorises and directs the Port Authority of said City to execute a deed conveying said premises to the Northern States Power Company. C011nCILMETI I eas /� nays lzinn� an �Pa nto Zson n r. President, McDonough 1,40 Cs veae JUN 13 1940 Adopted by the Council__ 194_ _- JUN 13 W /. Approued__ _194 �In Favor (clay / ,Against - JIMBHI✓D Original to City Clerk• —q. CITY OF ST.+AUL rns NO ------------------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA FORM COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, That the Retail Department of the St. Paul Association of Commerce be and it is hereby given without charge the use of the theater section of the St. Paul Auditorium for a public meeting of the Cotton Stamp Plan Council on the evening of Wednesday, June 19, 1940; belt FURTI1r,R RESOLVED, That an amount equal to the cost of opening and operating the theater section on said date for the above occasion be set up in the budget in Auditorium Fund No. 1021. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � 1lydlan /f�arranto 4/'eeterson ,Rosen r. President fFBtt/0;[j'— IM 1039 OW,p11��"f(%'= C 119135—BY A. Resolved, That the Retail, Depart- ent of the St. Paul Aeeoclation of Commerce be and It le hereby given without charge the use f the theater action of the St. Paul Auditorium for public meeting f the Cotton Stamp Plan C1,1-11 or. the ening of Wednesday, June 19, 1940; be It Further Resolved, That an a unt eratloQ the theater scost of ection and said date for the above occasion be set up In the budget In Auditorlum Fund No. 1021. Adopted by the Council June 13, 1940. Approved June 13, 1940. (June 15,1940_ JUN 131940 Adopted by the Council_ ______...__.........._19 III 131940 / Approved - Mayor ._..In Favor - Against erldinal to City Cle.k,�,� I v i IN CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL __ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 119136 --By Milton xoaen— Whereas, Additlonn and deduc[lona .Q. might grove to be necessa COUNCIL RESO ION ---GENERAL FORM ry In the 1mDrovement deacribed u the Con etrueflon of street sip'-., ro hec PRESENTED BY /`�V✓� ntract L. COMMISSIONER—____ DATE—_�,•—w�., Com.y'"" WHEREAS, additions and deductions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the Construction of Street Signs, Comptroller's Contract L. 4116, Gopher Stamp & Die Company, contractor, have been pro- ved for in the specifications and unit prices stipulated therein, and a eed prices, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following additions and deductions: ADDITIONS: Item: (h) 10 Wing type signs ® $ 5.00 $50.00 " (e) 72 C -C Number signs ® 3.50 252.00 Total additions $302.00 DEDUCTIONS: Item: (a) 25 C -C Name signs ® $ 9.80 $245.00 If (d) 9 old signs removed to shop and refinished @ 2.00 18.00 If (f) 1 Wing type number sign Q 0.75 00.75 ED Total deductions $263-75 Total additions $302_00 Total net addition $ 38.25 WHEREAS, the net addition is $38.25; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approve the afore- said addition made in accordance with the specifications therefor in the sum of $38.25, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L. 4116, for the making of the above aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Gopher Stamp & Die Company, that the sum of $38.25 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. n Counte7i :ed City Comptroller CDUTICILMETI J]eas / days /Fin an b 4. unto on In favor / ,_Against r. President, McDonough 3111 3.90 C3 23339' GOP ER STAMP & DIE COMPANY, Con actor, President Commissioner of Public Works Adopted by the Council_ JUN 13 194Q iea JUN 131940 MAP roved --------------tom-- -------- ----------- _---- mayor _ 5 -- o Ortai6 l t6 Cb* Clerk 6� / CITY OF SAINI*AUL CouNCu. FILE NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM C_ F. No. 1.19187—By G. B. B-fue— by reque6t Wherotln, AB P111_1 1-1 Oy Council PRESENTED BY Ftle Nr. 9, of COMMISSIONER DATE the -C -.__.__c"—____ _. ,1ny of the .. ,eg WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 118671, approved at ten o;clockkathe A.Id.Cin the Couuncil nell Chamber on the 4%h of the Courof t Home and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wreaking the dwelling and barn located on the west 90 feet of Lot 6, Block 9, Como Addition, also described as No. 1880 Niagara Street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it Is the opinion of the Council that said buildings are unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wreaked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said buildings be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wreaking and removal of said buildings, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner m f said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property; be„it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COIITICILMETI 1]eas a Tlays �a fuss ,findlan ,4drranto _4'eterson "Xos-n rue Mr. President, McDonough Sm 15"CS 1-3. In Favor .Against ` JUN 131940 Adopted by the Council_ JUN is IM Ap cued_._. Maqor �iBHED_ G• — /5 — a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration June 11, 1940 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the dwelling and barn located on the west90 ft. of Lot 6, Block 9, Como Addition, also described as No. 15580 Niagara St. Yours very truly, (� /� City Clerk. C Orl,lael to CnYkrk fff��� (\ _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO.--- OFFICE O.— - - 1-0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM °'nyyF' , ;, 119139—By G. H. B foe wftere"' By Council PYIe No. 1i303s, .aPorov d Awl 30th, 1840, the Council PRESENTED BY +*miner , COMMISSIONER—.iZiial-_______—____. _._. ___._ _ _ _ ... DATE.. WHEREAS, by Council File No. 118658, approved April 50th, 1940, the Council determined that that certain barn located on the east 60 feet of Lots 6 and 6, Luhn's Subdivision of Block 6, Rondo's Addition, also described as No. 826 Rondo Street, to unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given as required by Beotion 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7810, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLt$D, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorised and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. COUTlC1LMET1 ljeas/ Tlays Bus3 /Findlan /Pfarranto _ tF'e n sen :Vrd- N. _'1W President, McDonough Sm 1-90 (_O v338 Adopted by the Council _ JUN 131940_ 194— JUN . J 13 1949 - \ / Approved__ l94_- In Favor ayorr r / y0 �� Against - jjEll 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;1.9"apo Capital of Minnesota r•�l, OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration June 12, 1940 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested than you prepare a resolution (Ho. 3) authorizing and directing the Comar. of Parks, P. & P. B. to enter upon the premises and tear dorm and remove the barn located at the rear of 226 Hondo St., on the east 50 ft. of Lots 5 and 6, Kuhn's Subdivision of Block 5, Rondo's Addition. Yours very truly, i City Clerk. 11 w /[ .9 or+4la.l to City rk coU NCIL p.C. CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO._._ n OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 111V7\ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERA FORM c•by eau0 as—sr G. x. sarcine-- Wh re e, By council File No 117875, -ell Fehrua y E1 1940 the Coun- cil det rmlaed n Ildiapa PRESENTED BY _ -_ "_ DATE Jo, + ,. COMMISSIONER T-—_.____._—._.__ _._.. _.. WRO$AS, by Council File No. 117876, approved,,February 21, 1840, the Council determined that the two buildings located on Lot 10, Block 3, J. N. Rogers' Fourth Addition, also described as No. 1680 Fauquier Street, are unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and rep -moved; and WHEBUS, due notice has been given as required by Section 1-18 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said buildings have not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be end he is hereby authorised and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structures, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. COU11CILMETI yeas �sinddlan Ilays � iP�arranlo /P11eterson �lcosen President, McDonough ,M .o Cs Jut 1940 Adopted by the Council_-- ;' i Igo Approved_ l04_ In Favor or N y Against FrJ tL1STiED CITY OF SAINT PAUL �. Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration June 12, 1940 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. j) authorizing and directing the Comsr. of Parks, P. & P. B. to enter upon the premises and tear down and remove the two buildings on Lot 10, Block j, J. N. Rogers' Fourth Addition, also described as No. 1680 Fau- quier St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. �� Origin.] t. CI[,Ckrk • ,II CITY OF SAINT PAUIt-� FIL. L NO.__-�.. �`� �nn OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEk j ./) CoullQIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM J onre—_-June. _13j_1940-_-_-- ---. RESOLVED WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Publio Safety has reported in accordanoe with Ordinanoe No. 5255 (dated February 24, 1920), the existenoe of an emergenoy whioh rendered neoessary the employment of oertain employee for night work, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper oity offioers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for night employment as hereinafter set Porth$ John Graos, 658 Dayton Ave., Painter, Martin L. Anderson, 394 Fuller Ave., Painter, COUnCILMETI Qeas - nays tss ��Findlan � L'aarrranlo �Petprson �R/osen silent,McDonough 3In 3.40 C6 23338 55 hours at $1.80 per hour 55 hours at $1.80 per hour C. F. No. 119140—By Go. 8. Bar[uee^- Reaolved Where—, rhe Commiselon- er of Public safety has reported In m- ordanceith Ordinance No. 6256 (dated February 24, 1920), the ez- Istence of an emergency which ren- dered necessary the employment of certain employee for night work, therefore, be It Resolved, That the proper city cis. corn are hereby authorised to pay the follow] ng named employee, at the rate otherwlee need for night employment as hereinafter set forth: John Grace, 668 Dayton Ave., Paint- er, rs at $3.80 per •h, 65 houour. Martin L Anderson, 394 Fuller Ave., Painter, 66 hours t $1.80 per hour. 1 Adopted by the Council June 13, 1940. Approved June 18, 1940. (June 1 6, 1940) JUN 131940 Adopted by the Council_._ JUN 131940 rApproved-_ I� In Favor / oyer -_Against (/ CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WS1. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN .� Chief of Police health Officer Fire Chief Suet. of Police and Fire Al:uvi CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of 'Minnesota .�era,rlmeizf 01 P,11;c a et Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner June 12, 1940 An emergency has arisen in the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY rendering necessary the employment of certain em- ployes for night work to do the following work: Painting parking stall lines on the streets in the downtown district. This emergency arose by reason of the fact that traffic congestion would result if this work were done during daytime or business hours. 1 4 Commissioner of Pub is Safety IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY 9! 41 Oriyln.l to City Cie k OU NO._. CITY OF SAINT PAUL FCILE L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM C. 111. A Parran8Y to -.l. SS..' F -:$8nrll°B— �'� a, m.1- , Th� for f"- PRESENTED COMMISSIO E _ ___ DATE -. ✓ RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Louis Hahinsky 194 E. Seventh St. Restaurant App. 42299 Rental On Sale Malt " 42-00 ■ ■ a ■ ■ Off Sete Malt " 42301 ■ Helen A. Perry 1819 W. Mthaha Confectionery ■ 42304 " Romeo Hathaway 531 W. 7th St. Restaurant ■ 42306 " On Sale Malt ■ 42307 " ■ ■ ■ n ■ N a ^ off Sale Malt ■ 42308 " Mrs. Lillian Oleson 1040 University Restaurant a 42309 " a a N a ■ on Sale Malt ■ 42310 " ■ - a a a n Off Sale Melt " 42-11 c Certified Ice & Fuel Co. Albert & St.Clair Ice Station " 42312 ^ " 42318 " ^ ■ ■ ^ a ■ III & Minnebaba Ice Station Burt & Minnebsba Ice Station n 42322 ■ a a ■ Arcade & Lawson Ice Station n 42323 N N " ■ Rice & Tilton Ice Station "42327 a N " ■ lase and Burr Ice Station if 42329 " John A. Carr 860 University Ave. Restaurant ■ 42-32 a a a a a On Sale Malt " 4233 " a a a a off Sale Malt ■ 4233 ■ Twin City Jobbers 513 St. Peter St. 2nd Hend Dlr. " 42335 " Louis Lieberman 442 Jackson St. 2nd Head Dlr. ■ 42336 " Chester E. Anderson 370 S. Snelling Ave. �6oeery a 42337 " Independent 011 Co. 255 Eaton Ave. Fuel Dealer ■ 42339 " Eva Brisson McLevich 120 S. Robert St. Restaurant ■ 42341 " ■ ■ a a a On Sale Malt a 42342 " n n ■ " ^ Off Sale Malt 01 i+2�;►3 a JUN. 13 C011IlCILiTIEiI Adopted by the Council -104---- 1.]eas nags nwn- JUN 13 Iwo arjuss 194_- Approved_ -- ---- - - ------ i//ndlan /Parranto in Favor --- erson - ayor ^ /R/osen u y O r / Against r. President, TilcDonough 3m S -a° CS 23338 Orsis.1 to cur C",k l 1;1. 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU FILE It 1 r PILE NO.—.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- (iit�ERAL FORM ESENTE B DATE.____ -N June . 12, 1*0 ._ MMISSIO BESCLMM: That license for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 42132, Restaurant, application 42133, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 42134, applied for by Mrs. Marty Martini at 191 N. Western Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, May 28, 194o. Old Location. COURCILMET1 leas slags / DdCj933 Andlan `,11'`arranlo -1�5eterson ARosen r. President. McDonough em 5140 CS 23336 C_ F. No. 119142—BY g, Ftndle,nuee�-- ar, A. d, Th tc--�DDlicntton 42132. Resolved. That license for On Sale Malt B ... rgDpiicatlon 42133, and Ott Restaurant, llcatfont 2 34. Sale Me',, BeverMre, }KertY Mur yplled r .r 191 N. Weeter�'Is- nd the cltyyo clerk are hereby Bt' vehi licenses is instructed to issue it treas- upon the par'qulrednfees- urY of the ethe Council Ju Approved 13, 1940. Approved June 13, 1940. (June 16, 1940) JUN i 31940 Adopted by the Council__ / 1CyLd �. c� 1940 Approved_ 194_ In Favor �. a9 Against nrlalad to city Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMM IS -Al NEY - - -_ - _. ____— _ D aIoi j! eoUNCa FILE NO. Nhereas. Joseph Pe Kennedy. Lighting Inspector, of the Department of Public Utilities will be incapac2ated and unable to perform his duties for a period of thirty (30) days from June 12, 1940 to July 11. 1940. inclusive. and, TCterease The Comaissioner of Public Utilities has recommended that Yr. Joseph P. Kennedy be and is hereby granted a leave of absence for disability with pay from June 12. 1940 to July 11, 1940, inclusive, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph S. Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore. 4p� Fasolved. That the proper City authorities be and hereby are authorized to grant a leave of absence for Joseph P. Kennedy from June 12, 1940 to July 110 19409 inclusive, with full pay. J` counciLmEn Leas / nays tryrl u99 /Fin¢lan �a ranto !J /Peterson__ -In Favor oxen %1 / Agains( �� TR/ r. President, McDonough snt s,4o CS ..... J/ - C. F. No. 119143—By W. A. Parranto— WhereaE, Joseph P. Kennedy, Light- ing inspector, of the Department f Public Utilities will be Incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for period f thirty (30) days from June 12, 1940 to July 11, 1940, lnclu- a,ve and, 'Phereae, The Commissioner of Pub - Ito Utilities has recommended that Mr. Joseph P. Kennedy be and is hereby abilitydave with spay from sJune 12, 9140 to July 11, 1940, inclusive, said leave hot ng in compliance with Paragraph E�Section 41 of the Civil Service ulee; therefore, be It Resolved, That the proper City au- thorltlea be and beret, are author- `ized' to grant a leave of absence for Joseph P. Kennedy from June 12,� 1940 to July 11, 1940, Inclusive, with full pay. Adopted by the Council June 13, 1940. Approved June 13, 1940. (June 16, 1940) JUN 13 two Adopted by the Council __ JUN 13 law Ap roved -----.__.__-----lea. .. ay r` Petition G-103 X19444 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Uft and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: i}rade•piley•1a,Block j,. River Boulevard Addition from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue. Also construct sewer on the wester y our est o e ... • . • •Easterly -six- •feet • of. -lot. .25, -in - said. -Block..5..from. the. Alley. t.o..the..eawar..1A...... Bayard Avenue. .............................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................... Dated this.... 13th ..... day of .................... June 0 �. Councilman. N iPRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grgd@.A71�Y..�A.BIA.G.S...Riger.Bovleyerd Addition from FHount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue. Also construct sewer on the westerly Your feet of the easterl?• •sax• feet • of. -lot. -2,5). 4n- said. -Block, • 5, from. the . Alley. to..the..eawer. A.U...... Bayard Avenue. ................................................................................... C. F. No. 119144— Ab"met. ......................................................................................... Whereas. A written n••_ De having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .............. making o: the tr•� t. .................... ..,- Grade All— therefore, be it Addlitlon (r RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .................. jUN..3..194............ ............ YEAS NAYS JUN 131940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON 1 ROSEN J 1...... 'TRC1pr-- M or. MR. PRESIDENT IM 12.38 11914 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Abd I PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Gondeumning and..taJcl�+g.>, easement„in the land necessary for slopes, cuts ......... . and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 5, River Boulevard Addition' ....... from'Mount • Ourve • Bouleverd • to. -Cretin • Avenue. ............................................... . .......................................................................................................................... Xjth June Dated this...............day of....................... PRELIMINARY ORDER. LL0 ............................................. Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Conrle®ing.snd.teJcing.an.e eAt..iR.d,neceeeexlr,for elo�esr cuts and fills in the grading of ley in Block 5, River Boulevard Addition .......... irom'Motmt ,0urve -Bouleverd'to retin enue.......... ...... C. F. No. 119116-- .......................................................... C... .......................... Abstract. Whereas, A written Dropposnl far the ” • • • • •'' • """"""' maof viz: the king following 1mDrovement, ........................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul,_ ........ Condemning and taking an easement to the land necessary for lopes, cuts Bad fill. In the graduelg of An— therefore, be it clock 6, River Blvd. Adni•' mount Curve Blydi. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereb hof°tha ?Pn-tuttected: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �l Adopted by the Council............ JUN,13.1 9.................... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX— MR. PRESIDENT IM 12.38 juri 13 194 ...................................... .......................................... �.ayor. 19146 Council File -No ........ .�:... . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. no46— Ab.traet. and m Wheereas, A rltten propoeal for the f the following mDrovemani, PRELIMINARY ORDER. g aq easement �Vating• and The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vii Cond—ing and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a pulilia sewer on, um$er and across the westerly 4 est o e ...... easterly. b. fast. of. lat. 25,..Bloak..5., .Riper..boulavard .Addition... frow..the........... Alley in said Block 5 to Bayard Avenue. Also a temporary easement for construction' purposes • an' the, •east' onerbulf • of - said lot 25; "except . part......... . oovered by the permanent easement above described. .............. ..................... .................... ............................�............ Dated this .... 13th.,...day of................Jame................./............ 13?..... ........................................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ,�gpt}e�Flg„�}d..tekiag,sr�, eaeement,for.the.purpo,se,of, conatruoting and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 4 feet of the easterly -6 - feet- •of• •lot --25; • Block. •5-; -River •Boulevard Addition,• -from• -the ... ... Alley in said Block 5 to Bayard Avenue. Also a temporary easement for ooiist'3hidti8ri” puTpdsee "on''thd-'east'-ode-ihdlf''df -9'di'd-'lut-25;-'eXd6pt''part''''' PQ9.@F.@d.b3..h@. 99.�41@i1@R..@�J4flAt.. gboy®,described............................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. t� JUN 13194 1 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS q AA Councilman BARFUSS Approved........ �UN. 13194Q .............................. FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN — MR. PRESIDENT <� I'UlSl.15HEIa rm -- 5 —'�6 IN M38 "' NOTICE TO PRINTER COIC. F. No. 3191a7— Reanlved, That checkf,he an^� r the city �r>z!^•e amour COUNCIL FILE 119147 unI3 l?. i. AQ_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_21.,7IITr67--, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED�R294 TO -72335 -INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON eE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILJUN 131940 193_ —JUNJ-✓ /// carr coyyrrto«en By APPROVED 793_ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAULCIOUCIL OFJ-IC E OF THE COMPT13d LLER FI ENNUMBER.. -� ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN_ PETERSON IN FAVOR: AUDITED CLAIMS June 12 j, 40- ROSEN TRUAX AGAINST, RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY _ WENZEL �1 .y 194 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT LF OF $_'1 ACL-L'f—. COVERING �lJ� V (_INCLU MR PRE S FALCON JUN Y 1, 1' X CHECKS IV E. AS O � 1TY COM DLLER �O E O py/C'� KS ON 1D__ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— - PER CHECKS ON F{LE 13194 R3 APPROVED_._ - - NUMBER foo T ]B <s //�� wnv I --tog BY TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF ._ T RASFER CHNECKS - DISBURSEMENT CHECKS RETURNED BY BANK I BROUGHT FORWARD q i83 5 5 II 3 00 72284 ® Minnesota Homozone company 22 50 it 50 72285 Chemical sales & Safety Co. 64 12 72286 Amer. Had. & Std. San. Corp. 478 00 72287 72288 Louie L. Kraus S. Berglund Lumber Company 79 143 'j 14320 432 72289 Capital City Lime & Cement Co. 279 50 72290 Chicago, Milw-, St- Paul & Fac. Ry. 41 99576 72291 The Crane Co. of Minnesota 07 , 72292 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 20,21 72297 « « « , 125 44 I, 72294 Griggs Cooper and Company 67 32 72295 The Grinnell Company 64 29 72296 Ingvoldstad Lumber Company 4 90 72297 Lewis Bolt and Rut Company i 5 24 5 72298 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company 1 99 72899 F. J. Morse and Company 202 37 ` 72300 Northwest Publications, Inc. 16 2 72301 St. Paul Structural Steel Co. 33 99 72302 Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph 121 33 33 72303 Tri-State Telephone & Tel -graph 2 0 325 72304 The Van Hoven Co.. Inc. 5 96 72305 Wagner Paint Company 9 00 72306 Dr. Albert E. Ahrens 50 66 72307 R. L. Anderson 3 00 72308 E. V. Conley 2 80 72709 tars. T. Connett 2 99 72310 72311 J. P. Drews Dr. A. H. Pederson 2 00 1 00 72312 Donald W. Taylor. Agent 416 66 72313 72314 Elsa Obst, County Treasurer Mpls.-8t. Paul San. Sew^r Diet. 15 000 00 00 OO 11. 72315 John S. Findlan, Comm. Finance 19 50 72316 " « " 182 90 72317 72318 Kohler Ioe Cream Mix Co., Inc. 500 29 00 l 72319 7232e John Lennon Canital City Lime & Cement Co. 297 48 72321 72320 Leonard C. Seamer John S. Findlan, Comm. Finance 175 001 200 00 611 40 72323 Review Publishing Company 72 72324 Canital C;tv Lime & Cement Go. 316 05 72325 Blue and White Cab Co. 56 66 ' 72326 • Cretin High School 4 35 7?327 Devoe and Reynolds Co., Inc. 4 50 72728 J. 'v. Hulme Company 1 98 72329 Joesting and Schilling Co. 46 13 72330 J. L. Shiely Company 111 1 71 72331 National Lumber Company 2 25 .i 72332 F. 1. Tqpel 19 85 72333 Van Pap supply Company 11 29, 72334 Westinghouse Electric Co. 77 98'' 72335 R. 3. tacre and Co., Inc. d SHEET T?L L—FORWARD1 205 237 12 n C. F, No. 118108—By F,- M. Truapt— Resolved, That the Drover city of- dciala be ad they herein are author- / 0091.N to Dip• Ckrk Iced to convey to the State of Minne- Q �, � S nota for hl�hma• cn^noeeet the fol- ' CITY OF SAIN lowtag deecr.: - ^ ?'�" " NO.—_ - 1 county, OFFICE OF THE � por^Np..K~ COUNCIL /jRESOLUTION}--ve"I�IERAL FARM PRESENTED BY 4�- / Tune 7, 1940_ _ COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be and they herein are authorized to convey to the State of Minnesota for highway purposes, the following described real estate in Ramsey County, this property being required for the construction of Trunk Highway N0.61, commonly known as the Point Douglas Road. All that part of the following described tract: That part of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter ()JO ink) of Section 3, Township 28 North, Range 22 Nest, described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Section 3; thence south along the most line of said Section 3 a distance of 304.64 feet to a point; thence south 420281 east a distance of 569.45 feet to a point; thence south 720481 east a distance of 532.35 feet to a point; thence north W261 east a distance of 425.3 feet to a point on the A9it1h_and- south quarter -quarter line of said Section 3; hence north along said ! north and south quarter -quarter line a distanoe of 772.25 feet to the y north line of said Section 3•,_!thenoe gest along said -north- iirie of said Section 3 a distancA of 1317.02 feet to the place of beginning; which lies easterly of a line rum parallel with and distant 75 feet westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the north line of said Section 3, distant 1231.6 feet east of the northwest corner thereof; thence run southerly at an angle of 89048' with said north section line (when measured from east to south) for a distance of 190.9 feet; thence deflect to the left on a 50001 curve delta angle 570261 for a distance of 700 feet and there terminating; together with all that part of the above described tract which lies westerly of the above described strip and northeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the westerly boundary of the above described strip, distant 50 feet southerly of its intersection with the north line of said Section 3; thence run northwesterly to a point on said north section line distant 50 feet west of said intersection; excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highways; containing 2.13 acres, more or less. An COUnCILMETI Adopted by the Council JUM-14_19` --_104 1]eas - nays Har uss --Findlan ,Parranto 'geterson In Favor >-n ty_ / Against( PT�.�President, McDonough em a a .-- JUN JUN 141948 Ap roved__.------_.- -----_.---194_. _. yor Form No. 448 Rev. 1\I 10-39 (Corpornti-lo a (yl 1348 C Prepared by Checked by R5 HIGHWAY EASEMENT q _ 6220 _ (61=101-25) �eg,__5__ County of_ HaTIs — Route Seetlon Trunk nlChwey City of Saint Ilaw,l-- .(a corporation under the laws of the State of— grantor, of—_-- Ramsey Count___ ___ Minnesota for and in consideration of CingAaddls/1w=_==_ — —_ - - - — --Dollars (S 1.00 - - - - ) hereby conveys and warrants to the State of Minnesota, grantee, for highway purposes, together with the unrestricted right to improve the same, free and clear of all incumbrances, the following described real estate in the County of tite State of Minnesota: All that part of the followin. described tract: That hart of the northwest auarter o` tl.e north:^.est auvrtcr (P.K of Section 3, 2ewnship 26 ]forth, '?a 7e 22 r,'est, described as folloers: Pecinnin- P, "the ncrthviest corner of said Section 3; thence south along the west line o= said Secticn 3 a distance of 30L.'l feet to a point; thence south 1l2°28' eo.st a distance of r ;.115 feet to a -point; thence south 72°1'.6' east a distance of �32.7ti feet to a point; thence aorta. 7L°26' east a distance of L25.3 feet to a point or. the north and south quarter-ouarter line of said Section 3; t'.:ence north along said north end south ouarter-ouarter line a distance of 772.25 feet to the north line o." seif: Section 3; thence west alon-- said nort lire of said Sec'-�:--. 3 a distance of 1=,17.02 feet the -,lace o_" be Jn-ninF; which lies easterl-• of a lire run parallel with and r" -Stant 75 feet westerly of the followin^ described line: Befrinnin; at a point on the port- line of said Section 5, distant 1231.E feet east of the r.orthvrest corner thereof; t}-�ence run southerly at an anile of pug°L:f;' with said north section line (when measured from east to south) for a distance of 190.g feet; thence deflect to the left on a 5°00' curve delta ar_gle 5726.' for a distance of 700 feet and there terminating; together with all that part oi' the above described tract which lies westerly of the above described strip and northeasterly of the followinr described line: Pe inrinr at a poirt on the westerly boundary of the above described strip, distant 50 feet southerly of its intersection with the north line of said Section 3; thence rtm northwesterly to a rout cn said north section line distant GO feet west of said _r.-'-crsec`_ion; Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of By — ` Its — _President i ------ f i r Form No. 448 Rev. 1\I 10-39 (Corpornti-lo a (yl 1348 C Prepared by Checked by R5 HIGHWAY EASEMENT q _ 6220 _ (61=101-25) �eg,__5__ County of_ HaTIs — Route Seetlon Trunk nlChwey City of Saint Ilaw,l-- .(a corporation under the laws of the State of— grantor, of—_-- Ramsey Count___ ___ Minnesota for and in consideration of CingAaddls/1w=_==_ — —_ - - - — --Dollars (S 1.00 - - - - ) hereby conveys and warrants to the State of Minnesota, grantee, for highway purposes, together with the unrestricted right to improve the same, free and clear of all incumbrances, the following described real estate in the County of tite State of Minnesota: All that part of the followin. described tract: That hart of the northwest auarter o` tl.e north:^.est auvrtcr (P.K of Section 3, 2ewnship 26 ]forth, '?a 7e 22 r,'est, described as folloers: Pecinnin- P, "the ncrthviest corner of said Section 3; thence south along the west line o= said Secticn 3 a distance of 30L.'l feet to a point; thence south 1l2°28' eo.st a distance of r ;.115 feet to a -point; thence south 72°1'.6' east a distance of �32.7ti feet to a point; thence aorta. 7L°26' east a distance of L25.3 feet to a point or. the north and south quarter-ouarter line of said Section 3; t'.:ence north along said north end south ouarter-ouarter line a distance of 772.25 feet to the north line o." seif: Section 3; thence west alon-- said nort lire of said Sec'-�:--. 3 a distance of 1=,17.02 feet the -,lace o_" be Jn-ninF; which lies easterl-• of a lire run parallel with and r" -Stant 75 feet westerly of the followin^ described line: Befrinnin; at a point on the port- line of said Section 5, distant 1231.E feet east of the r.orthvrest corner thereof; t}-�ence run southerly at an anile of pug°L:f;' with said north section line (when measured from east to south) for a distance of 190.g feet; thence deflect to the left on a 5°00' curve delta ar_gle 5726.' for a distance of 700 feet and there terminating; together with all that part oi' the above described tract which lies westerly of the above described strip and northeasterly of the followinr described line: Pe inrinr at a poirt on the westerly boundary of the above described strip, distant 50 feet southerly of its intersection with the north line of said Section 3; thence rtm northwesterly to a rout cn said north section line distant GO feet west of said _r.-'-crsec`_ion; Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of By — ` Its — _President i ------ ... a ., ,w. aa,.•�,. xam � Kgv�'13d 10-89 tcor➢oradoa) �° m® 1848 , k� Prepared And said grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns, does covenant never to cut, damage, destroy, or remove any tree or shrub or other natural growth upon the hereinbefore described premises for the continuation of this casement, and docs hereby grant and con- vey to the State of Minnesota all grasses, shrubs, trees and natural growth now existing on said lands or that may be hereafter planted or grown thereon. And the said grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns, does hereby release the State of Minnesota, its successors nred assigns, from all claims for any and all damages resulting to the lands through and across which the parcel of land hereby conveyed is located by reason of the location, grading, construction, maintenance, and use of a public highway over and upon and the removal of materials from the remises hereby conveyed and from the uses incident thereto, and the State of Minnesota shall have the right to use and r move a earth and other materials ed and on the lands adjoining he parcel hereby conveyed, such powithin the rtable snow rcel of fencesbduring such memths athe s weather conditions makeht to construct and r necessary. And the said grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns does further covenant never to construct, erect or maintain or allow or suffer any other person to construct, erect or maintain, any sign or bill board or other advertising device upon the lands adToining the parcel hereby conveyed, closer than one hundred (100) feet from the said premises unless a permit therefor in writing shall have first been obtained from the Commissioner of Highways. Dated this day of 19114 gR IGtfilimaug Wheieaf, The said grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its corporate name by its— ----President and its CORPORATE _and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed SEAL -' the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of By `` Its —President ------- ----- Its---- — ------ -��'t l.di x� ■' — — - — Form No. 448 Rev. 131 10.30 (Corporation) -® 1348 1 Prepared by— Checked by HIGHWAY EASEMENT 6229 - -. (61-104-25) -- deg._ -� —, County Rou[e seer ion Trunk Highway City of Saint Paul (a corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota- — ), grantor, of-- - Balteey amity - —, Minnesota for and in consideration of fte and 1fo/100--------- - -- --- !!-'Dollars 'Dollars (S 1.00 - ) hereby conveys and warrants to the State of Minnesota, grantee, for highway purposes, together with the unrestricted right to improve the same, free and clear of all incumbrances, the following described real estate in the County of 2101049 in the State of Minnesota: All that part of the follesing d"GraO #ae'tt That part of the hortbwest quarter of the northwest quarter (HW4 HYWJ) of Section 3, Township 28 Horth, Range 22 West, described as follows Beginning at the northwest corner of said Bastion 31 theme south feet a along the most line ofdiatoms Section 3 a diatos of 304-84 point{ thence south 42*28 east a distance of 589.45 toe point{ thence south 72.481 east a distance of 532.35 test to a points thence north 740261 east a distance of 425.3 feet to a point on the north and south quarter -quarter line of said Section 31 thence north along said north and south quarter -quarter line a distance of 712.25 feet to the north line of said Section 31 thence west along said north line of said Sections 3 a distance of 1317.02 feet to the place of beginnings which lies easterly of a line run parallel with and distant 75 fest westerly of the following described lines Beginning at a point an the north line of mid Section 3, distant 1231.6 feet suet of the northwest corner thereofi theme run southerly at an angle of 89'48, with said north ovation line (whets mmsured from east to south) for a distance of 190.9 fact{ thence deflect to the left on a 5'009 curve delta angle 57.261 for a distance of 700 feet and there torminatingi together with all that part of the above described tract which lies westerly of the above described strip and northeasterly of the following described lines Beginning at a point on the westerly boundary of the above described strip. distant 50 feet southerly of its intersection with the north line of mid Section 31 thence run northwesterly to a point on said north section line distant 50 feet west of said intersections excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highwayal containing 2.13 &ores, more or lose. rte -seal to be herqWto Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of ) I3p—___ — - -- rIts— _-President Form No. 448 Rev. 1\r 10-30 (Corporation) 'G 1348 Prepared by i And said grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns, does covenant never to cut, damage, destroy, or remove any tree or shrub or other natural growth upon the hereinbefore described premises for the continuation of this casement, and does hereby grant and con- vey to the State of Minnesota all grasses, shrubs, trees and natural grmvth now existing on said lands or that may be hereafter planted or grown thereon. And the said grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns, does hereby release the State of Minnesota, its successors and asns, from all claims for any and all damages resulting to the lands through and across which the parcel of land hereby conveyed is locasigted by reason of the location, grading, construction, maintenance, and use of a public highway over and upon and the removal of materials from the premises hereby conveyed and from the uses incident thereto, and the State of Minnesota shall have the right to use and remove all earth and other materials lying within the parcel of land hereby conveyed and the right to construct and maintain, upon the lands adjoining the parcel hereby conveyed, such portable snow fences during such months m weather conditions make necessary. And the said grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns does further covenant never to conArtirt, erect or maintain or allow or suffer any other person to construct, erect or maintain, any sign or hill board or other advertising dewire upon the lands adjoining the parcel hereby conveyed, closer than one hundred (100) feet from the said premises unless a permit therefor in writinz ,l,t1l h:,vc first been obtained from the Commissioner of Highways. Dated this day of ___, j9 4. Eil�mnmr idheEenE, The said grantor has caused these presents to -be executed in its corporate name l,y its_— _—President and its __--and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence ofIts---- _ Its __President --- - ---- --- ---/-------- Its ---- IsoCammi in e 4 kkkf i ' IsoCammi in ae1 eass i Form No. 448 Rev. lyf 10.39 (Corporation) Sag'^ ® 1348 1 . Prepared by Checked by HIGHWAY EASEMENT _ 6M _ _ ( _ ) Seg. -9—, County Route Soro.. Trunk 1110 ,y City or smut pout -- — —_-- (a corporation under the laws of the State of__ i$nieeneta --- - --- ) grantor, of------- R-801MCaffi�----- Minnesota for and in consideration of Cse a06d tlo/10E9 • - r • r • •=-.=___--- "Dollars (SAO • • ) z • s hereby conveys and warrant to the State of Minnesota, grantee, for highway purposes, together with the unrestricted right to improve the same, free and clear of all inmynbranees, the following described real estate in the County of __._____in the State of Minnesota: An ttle�t'iwwof `twooft' diawrjW, gnat part or is auftmt quarter of the norOw"t quarter (ml at) of Seetim 3. ?oanahip 0 North. Range 22 West, described as foilosM Hnglnning at the northwest ocrasr of aid Basilan 39 Messes 600th &lung as west line or aid scenes, ) a distance of 304A feet to a points thanes south !mel east a distanoo of 589.45 root to a points thane south 72.489 eget a distance of 5N*35 feet to a point/ theme north 74.269 east a distaewe ar 485.3 root to a print on the north and north and south b quartst lira or said mid north end gnatr-quar6er d a distanes, of 778779*" restttto Me aorta lice or said Section 31 t Ong "at along said north line of aid Sennas 3 a dintonee of 1317.02 last to the place of beginning) uhioh lies eamtetly of a line ran parallel With and distant 75 fest `00~27 of the followlM described lira s�peg��lunft at a point on the north line of aid section 3, distant 101.6 feet east of Ms nartheeet corner Meteor) theses run southerly at an angle of 89°481 with said nosh nsstios► line (When measured !tram most to south) for a distance or 190.9 feat) Mmnoe defloat to the left an a 5roo* anus delta angle 571126V for a dlstaneo or 700 rest and there t)s�aatlrg) together With all that part or the above desaribed tract Which Use westerly of the above deseribed strip and northeasterly or the following dsestibed then Beginning at a point on the watmrly bow dUT or the above denatibod strip. distant 50 feet southerly of its intersestien With the north line Of said $See= 31 tbnee ran aoramostw2y to a point on Said north setons line distant 50 fest west of said intersections excepting therefrom the right of Way of existing highwayee acetaiaing 2.13 aoree, more or Sees. L:j t, corporate acral to 1,e hereunto affixed the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of By------------- - - I1�-_- .President Its------- �t ; r tFt Y 1 i F mNa tan- IM 10.38 (CurpoMO-W Prepared by r And said grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns, does covenant never to cut, damage, destroy, or remove any tree or shrub or other natural growth upon the hereinbefore described premises for the continuation of this easement, and does hereby grant and con-vey to the State of Minnesota all grasses, shrubs, trees and natural growth now existing on said lands or that may be hereafter planted or grown thereon. And the said grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns, does hereby release the State of Afinnesota, its successors and assigns, from all claims for any and all damages resulting to the lands through and across which the parcel of land hereby, conveyed is located by reason of the locaticn, grading, construction, maintenance, and use of a public highway over and upon and the removal of materials from the premises hereby conveyed and term the uses incident thereto, and the State of Minnesota shall have the right to use and remove all earth and other materials Iying within the parcel of land hereby conveyed and the right to construct and maintain, upon the lands adjoining the parcel hereby conveyed, such portable snow fences during such months m weather conditions make necessary. And the said grantor, for itself, its sucaes.sors and assigns clues further covenant never to construct, erect ormaintain or nllo•.e or suffer any other person to construct, erect or maintain, any signor bill board r,r other ad, ,tising device upnnthe lends adjoining the parml hereby conveyed, closer than o,e lumdmrt (100) feet fr,,m the said pnvnlsec unL - a permit tho refor in writing shall hnyc first been obtained from the Commisei,mer of Ilighcvac Dated this da) ui ---- -- 19 4 — - .`���_'- Ltiltlsi,�.11 1N saicj.. g'auLwLas ca u.cd titcw I—nls to l.,• ro•e� led in i., ru ri arale name I.v its. _ _f't--ident and its ..and it, corinrute road to I I,,, reuurlo affixed the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of 1 By___ .- - - - ll _— _ _f�_ .President b �. _. BEG. 0 10 H DE 99,883- STA.2 *90.0 , j , .Pesfi-; CfivP S/ope Eescinen� ' G5� Q, h \ 2 from Twii� Cif BP. ;. R Co dofedc%yCrZ99- J� \ j / From Twin City de/t /if Co. to Do d 2 , A e.P het / /F.` s 7 4 L'P. 1. 44"•21.G\ .I. 44 •49:3 _ ,�_ 19 4 _ - - - - - }r� % . l.! /[gyp"/ � �. //%/ / ,i �• � ° / i , 440 5 , e. z 1 Ml/N/C/PAZ - \ - BUREAU of CONaT. a REPAIR W. S. COCKROFT. 9UFT. OIFICE ENGIREER G. H. HE R ROLD CHIS• ENG!. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, GO MMISSIo N ER DONALD F.VOIGT. Devuir CONN15aIONeR GEORGE M. 9HEPARD. CHIS. ENGiNeeR June 7, 1940 Hon. Fred M. Trues Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: BUREAU or ""TArIOR FRED DRIVER. Suer. BUREAU o. BRIDGE& M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINE.. BUREAUof CGRREGTION1 RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. In accordance with your recent request, I have checked over the attached description and plat showing property acquired by the Minnesota Department of Highways from the City of St. Paul in connection with the construction of the new Point Douglas trunk highway construction. I find that both the plat and description are correct as describing the property taken by the State of Minnesota. I am attaching hereto suggested form of resolution authorizing the city to convey this property. Yours ve truly, RGEZ SHEPARD hiefinner C. F. No. 119149—By F. M. TrU"— Oriplosl �o Cn, Clerk Whereas, by Counall Flle Ne, 1}1642, aD roved June 22, 1938' F. 5f, Blom- � CITY OF S qn�:t •-as frlven nermiseton to erect a NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLt-. - 'don o the aeterlr _ dlne'e eGarden CQLIL`LCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FC. `. --n., PRESENTED BY GG ^ ' _ ' .. COMMISSIONER—__...._ _.....__-.— ____. F_u_a�pt�.� _ -. -_ DATE -'-__- ... _ t WHEREAS, by Council File No. 111542, approved June 22, 1938, F. M. Blomquist was given permission to erect a drive- in filling station on the easterly 80 feet of Lot 1, Gerardine's Garden Lots, located at the northwest corner of Maryland and White Bear Avenue, and WHEREAS, said F. M. Blomquist has been granted extensions of time in which th complete the erection of such station, the last of such extensions expiring June 22, 1940, and WHEREAS, said F. M. Blomquist has requested a further extension of six months time from June 22, 1940 in which to complete the erection of such station, now therefore be it RESODIED, that said F. M. Blomquist is hereby granted a further extension of six months from June 22, 1940 within which to complete the erection of said filling station. councILITIETI Teas Rays /rjuss --F�Indlan -'Parranto -eterson Essen �[ruax -ftir. President, McDonough sm .o cs -- JUN 141940 Adopted by the Council_ __ _. __ _. . _194___ ]ON 141940 Approved_...._.___ _.._..._--t94_._ In Favor mayor -Against KFMD CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Deer Sir: June 13, 1940 The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of P. M. Blomquist for an extension of time for a further period of six months from June 22nd, 1940, in which to complete the erection of a filling station at the northwest corner of Maryland and White Bear. Yours very truly, i City Clerk. AFFILIATED WITH NORTHWEST BANCO -T- �-: N1:} 7SN i•lt 1�i 1'bI ItYV ��. Vit. ouu1.Mitt 1T V s ataa June 12, 1940. Honorable City Council, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. -entlemen: The undersigned has a permit for the erection of a drive-in filling station to be erected on the Easterly 80 feet of Lot 1, Gerardine's Garden Lots, property being located at the northwest corner of Maryland Avenue and White Bear Street. Inasmuch as arrangements for the erection of the building thereon have not as yet been completed, may I request that the permit be extended for a further period of six months from June 22nd, 1940. I am hoping that arrangements in connection therewith can be completed at an early date, but I am afraid that same will not be in readiness by June 22nd. Thanking you in anticipation of your courtesy in connection therewith, I am ours very truly, F. M. Blomquist. FMB: EK erl¢in.l to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL FIL.L ILH NO._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY y.��!l-.✓L,�l.'�` __... _. _ -_. - D/VY£--_-Juna-. 1.4,-1940- COMMISSIONER- !-x-y-------- -- --- RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with James S. Dinwoodie, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $20.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings on the 27th day of May 1940; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Jamea. S. Dinwoodie the sum of 423.33 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and C. F. No. 119160—By FM. Truax— including June .11, 1940.. a Resptvod; that the p.roper city or- l� ail COUIIClLMETt 1]eas / Tlays Ear s ��indlan -Parranto eterson ' 6' President, McDonough IM CS 1333. Adopted by the Council_ _JUN 14 JUN 14 194 Approved_.._- ------194_-. In Favor - _ �tr_ Against ° 1711 Ori,lo.l to Coy Clerk „ CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 119161—By F. Dr. Tru"— Whereas, IL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Wner.aa, the Commleafon9r ho Ra It a, Playgrou de land Pubtf1 Bulldln¢U b 9 reyorted to the Council that the 89d . / N nal Laundry B-1101-9 at 137-1 W/ 6 d WabaehsU t •..At dAd PRESENTED BY /GL- - DATE -M�. ..ik.—_ COMMISSIONER— i 'R WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the old National Laundry Building at 137-139-141 South Wabash& Street, located on Lot 4, Block 180, A. E. Bobertson's Addition, is in Bush a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 9th day of July, 1940, at ten o'clock A. M. in the moil Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not lees than ten days prior to the tine fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not loss than five days prior to the date of said hearing. counciLmEII `'' O�j� " , Adopted bq the Council JUN 14 leas nags //4fussp JUN 14 1 FindI ,� Approved_....__.,. _--Iparranto iP'eterson In Favor _ �qainst Remo t Truax ,,.Mr. President, McDonough .m -.o Cs ..... CITY OF SAINT PAUL„ Capital of Minnesota a OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration June 12, 1940 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the old National Laundry Building at 137-139-141 So. Wabaaha St., on Lot 4, Block 180, A. E. Robertson's Addition. Tours very truly, City Clerk. I 0 W. LA MONT KAUFMAIV ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD ,56pt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner June 10, 1940 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: This has reference to the old National Laundry Building at 137-139-141 South Wabasha Street, on Lot 4, Block 180, A. E. Robertson's Addition, which is now vacant. The City Finance Department records show that Henry W. Ivey, 758 Capitol Heights, is record owner and Rose H. McCaffrey, 1180 Grand Avenue, has an interest. This is a three story brick building, with outside porches and stairs ready to fall, windows and doors open, a fire haz- ard and dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. The old frame sheds in the rear are also useless and a fire menace. Kindly institute condemnation action in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. LAR..II Are hitect i �� Orl,loel to City Ckrk coiNCIL Nn CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a•� T9 ." t119162—BY e Cammleatoner of patk" COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORD r,�aQTt;{Ceu�J aest thaceaacli psRdtthe'eno-- I.ygme b JI n` a YeQQ bn the �t e, q .Ig Atlington PRESENTED BY lrliaxlLi/`'t _._ _ _ _ _ DATE COMMISSIONERWHIREA— S, the Commissioner of parks, Piggromhds and PUblie Buildings has reported to the COUncl.l that the one-story frame building located on the east 40 feet of Block 49, Arlington Sills Addition, also described as No. 799 Payne Avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had Upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 9th day of July, 1940, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court Souse and City Sall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Perks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known reoord owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said heart JUN 14 ICA C011IlCILitIETI Adopted by the Council_ -1�- — leas Ttays JUN 14 r ss Approved___ indlan - - i �/ l irarranlo in Favor- �erson - /iilayor Against (` Tfnax / Mr. President, McDonough ,M n-ab cs ansee CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration June 12, 1940 Mr. John 1. McConneloug corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (Ho. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the building at 789 Payne Ave., located on the East 401 of Block 46, Arlington Hills Addition. Yours very truly, city Clerk. ERNEST W. JOHNSON - CHAS. & BASSFORD Supt. off Parks W. LA MONN Supt of Playgrounds City Architect s CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner June 10, 1940 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen., This Department has received complaints regarding the building at 789 Payne Avenue, located on the East 401 of Block 48, Arlington Hill's Addition. This is a one story frame building. formerly occupied as a fuel office, windows are out, it is open, on the street line and beyond repair. It is vacant and dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. The record owner is Louis J. Johnson, et al, Swanville, Minnesota. Kindly institute condemnation proceedings in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. r truly, y Architect LAR. .0 Original to Cr)' Ierk� 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Councu. FILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM a PRESENTED DATE ` =Tune 14�-1940---- COMMISSION WHEBEAS: W. F. Jolly has made application 42427 for renewal of his Gas Station license, 4 pumps, at 19 A. &inth Street, and has paid as a license fee the sum of Fifty Dollars (50.00), and WHEMS: the license fee for four (4) gasoline station pumps is $45.00, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to R. F. Jolly the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) and make the proper changes in the city's records. 5 COUTICILMEIl gensdays /Ha ass ndlan larnto Paterson Truax . President, McDonough IM a -<o Cs neve C. F. No. 119163—By G. R. Barfuss. Station license, 4 pumph at 19 W. Ninth Street, and has paid as a license fee the sum of Fifty Dollars (560.00), and Whereas, •the license fee for four for,, np (4) ' tatlon Dumps fe 546.00, thera- ;ore, of It or. be That the prober city of- : 'care he and they are hereby JInyt author - of v refund to W. F. Jolly the sum pt Five Dollars in the and make the proper changes In the clty'erecord 1940. Adopted by the 14 194: June 14, 1940. Approved June 14 194F) (J.une E1, 1940) JUN 141940 Adopted by the Council_ .194 JUN 141940 Approved____ 194. In Favor _ ... _. _... ._. Against -191 Original to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL council PILH NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM i PRESENTED BY . _. _- DATE—._.._JllnB GOMMISSIO -- '- RESOLVnI That license for Restaurant, application 42387 On Sale Malt Beverage, application 42389, and Off Sale Mal t Beverage, application 42389, applied for by Elmna George at 258 E. Fillmore Avenue be and the same are hereby granted and the city cleric is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by council, June 11, 1940 Old Location. COUTICILiTIETI 1]eas Tlays �ss Findlan /farranto Oeterson sen ,Truax Mr, President, mcOonough 3m 3-.1 cs 1333. C. F. No. 119154—By O. Pl. Barfuss, W. A. Parran to, J. S. Findlan— Resolved, That ]leen.. for Restaur- alt Bevant�erage1t�D011catlotion n 4 888 $aaaflle MOff gulps Malt Beverage, application 48889, Fillmore q by Emma George at 868 E. and herere by gramea°and the cliyeclerka le InatrucSed to issue such licensee upon the Payment into the city treasury of the reeu Ired fees. Adopted by the Council June 14, 1940. Approved June 14 1940. Unna 8i;, 1949) JUN 14190 Adopted by the CouncilApproved __- �� 'UN -14.190 194_ In Favor // Aqainst 1 - � 0ritlio.1 to City Clerk cour+ca a � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK vo^ 119166—Hy c. x. Harfoae, n COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Arran to, J. 9. FIn Ilan— [or �C June 1910 ac PRESENTED B COMMISSIONE DATE--. - --I-4', ----- RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by following eiaddrresses persons at the iI be and the same are hereby gr anted and the city clerk indicated such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: M. L. Glischinski 1060 Hand Ave. Off Sale Malt App,40768 Renewal Arnold Hoppenstedt 953 Arcade St. Confectionery " 41300 " Thos. Prokoponlez 270 E, 7th St, Barber " 1310 a Roy J. Nadeau 320 Stinson St. Grocery " 42224 " " 42225 " a a N N Butcher Nick Arvanitis a 448-50 St. Peter Restaurant " 42249 " Automatic Heating Co. 643 UniT. Ave. oil Burner " 42335 " Geo.A.rthen & Edw.Winkel 429 S. Hobert Restaurant " 42351 " " 42352 " n N a N u a On Sale Malt a N a N N " Off Sale Malt ^ 42353 " Gust Swenson 1209 Arcade St. Bakery " 42355 " Wm. Liebo 507 Wabasha St. Grocery " 42357 " Geo. R. Jensen 2289 Ford Road Gas Station " 42359 " S. Bystrom 363 S, Snelling 011 Burner ^ 42360 " Lawrence Pepin 6nj E. 3rd St. Barber 42361 " Arthur Barnett 86o Selby Ave. Grocery ^ 42363 " Walter P. Brown 438 Rondo St. Restaurant Malt " 42372 " " 42373 " 0n Sale Off Sale Malt N 42374 a Mrs. Mildred Christensen 469 N. D91 a Grocery " 42376 " "'i 42377 " N N N N N Off Sale Malt 14 1940 C011nCILMEn Adopted by the Council _JUN - t94- a s teas n9 �ns6 JUIN 141940 Findlan Ap roved___ -- 194-- [ranto In Favor eterson Against , Mr. President, McDonough 3m -.o cs aeose CITY OF SAINT PAUL sou Hclt. COU NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM (/ N VVESENTED aY DATE 'MMISSIONE BESOLVEDt That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Aichele Ice & Fuel Co. 909 Johnson Pkwy. Ice Station App.40933 New New Loca. Hedman Bras. 916 Rice St. Confectionery " 41658 " New Loca. Certified Ice & Fuel Co. 1253 Payne Ave. Ice Station " 42316 " New Loca. Vart Boranian 736 Selby Ave. Off Sale Malt " 42345 " Old Loca. Geo. 0. Anderson 540 University Restsalrant it 42361 " Old Loca.. H. L. Pratt 1336 Randolph St. Confectionery " 41171 " New Loca. Eugene Frisco 563 Payne Ave. Butcher " 39665 " Old Loca. John J. Kerwin 225 Rondo St. Foodstuff(milk store) 41493 " New Loca. C. P. No. 119160—By D. R. Barfuss, J. S. Finale,W. A Fnrranto— Resolved, That licensee yplied for by the persons named on the list at- tached to thin resolution be and the cams a hereby granted and the City lerk nis fnetronte0- to I..tie such li- censes upon the payment into the city treasury of"' required fee B. Adopted by the Councll June 14, 1940. Approved June 14, 1940. (June 22, 19401 JUN 141940 C011IlC/IlMEn Adopted by the Council__ _ken_ fleas / nays JUN y ZBa uss tt S tan -Approved_ - 104_ arranlo in Favor / AgaSnat ru - r President, McDonough IM I— Cs a» WHUAS, certain street improvements, including paving extensions and reconstruction, drainage oonstruotion, sidewalk and curb construction, no part of which can be assessed, appears necessary, the list of such improvements with estimates of cost being as follows: Northerly and southerly corners of the intersection 10.00 of St. Peter and Fifth Streets - - - - - - -------- Northerly and southerly corners of the intersection of Lexington Parkway and Mlnnehaha Avenue (made necessary by curbing order) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Intersection of the east side of Lexington Parkway and alley between Hoyt Avenue and Idaho Avenue - - - - - Northerly and southerly corners of the intersection of Earl Street and Euclid Street (made necessary by curbing order) - - - - - - - - - - Reconstruct island and paving at intersection of xellogg Boulevard and Washington Street - - - - - - - - Widen roadway' on Aroade Street from Maryland Avenue and Hawthorne Avenue (made necessary by congested traffic condition) --------------- - - - - Total 850.00 130.00 60.00 200.00 3420.00 5370.0 ,and) WHEREAS, the estimated cost of these improvements is $5370.00; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the plans and speoifications for such work be and they are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public lllorks instructed to proceed with the making of such improvements, the cost of same to be defrayed from the City Paving Aid Fluid, Code 3181• 04 JUN 141940 C011nCILII v Adopled by the Council____._. _____�_�_p_l94_-- Ijeas / nays. JUN 14 190 a s / 194_. _. luasn Zanto In Fauor ___--__-- _-__ rson � "-- qq a or Truax _Against 1-111r. President. McDonough. stn 1— cs .sass Original to MY Clrrk CITY OF INT. PAUL ' c IL Ncl� RILE NO._. - OFFICE T E CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES ON ---GENERAL FORM 0.,1P. a 1i9certaln mares, It.— Where, tael ng. -y s, ertenslon and tion, recons tt'u ldralfiflgd Ccn,t and curb con trhAflnn no PRESENTED BY COMMIssiON ER_-- ------- _ - -_— DAT eldewalk Pflrt of which Con the 11•r ::_ .- -- - neceeeazY w{th-- e a Nor,' WHUAS, certain street improvements, including paving extensions and reconstruction, drainage oonstruotion, sidewalk and curb construction, no part of which can be assessed, appears necessary, the list of such improvements with estimates of cost being as follows: Northerly and southerly corners of the intersection 10.00 of St. Peter and Fifth Streets - - - - - - -------- Northerly and southerly corners of the intersection of Lexington Parkway and Mlnnehaha Avenue (made necessary by curbing order) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Intersection of the east side of Lexington Parkway and alley between Hoyt Avenue and Idaho Avenue - - - - - Northerly and southerly corners of the intersection of Earl Street and Euclid Street (made necessary by curbing order) - - - - - - - - - - Reconstruct island and paving at intersection of xellogg Boulevard and Washington Street - - - - - - - - Widen roadway' on Aroade Street from Maryland Avenue and Hawthorne Avenue (made necessary by congested traffic condition) --------------- - - - - Total 850.00 130.00 60.00 200.00 3420.00 5370.0 ,and) WHEREAS, the estimated cost of these improvements is $5370.00; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the plans and speoifications for such work be and they are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public lllorks instructed to proceed with the making of such improvements, the cost of same to be defrayed from the City Paving Aid Fluid, Code 3181• 04 JUN 141940 C011nCILII v Adopled by the Council____._. _____�_�_p_l94_-- Ijeas / nays. JUN 14 190 a s / 194_. _. luasn Zanto In Fauor ___--__-- _-__ rson � "-- qq a or Truax _Against 1-111r. President. McDonough. stn 1— cs .sass Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL coumcmNo *- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORW PRESENTED BY Jeri (�., i�'✓� COMMISSIONER_ DATE M3REAS. the Sin1ping Fund Committee has received the following offer; NAME OF FIIW KIND OF BC2TD BATE MATOBITY AMOUNT BASIS Juran, Moody & Rice St.Paul, Minnesota 2—j Dec.1.1959 1,000 2,60 and recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Committee in the purchase of this bond for the Participating Certificate Fund, and WEMUS, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Mayor, the Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. COUNCILMEN Yea Nays B`ay" }}} rrrrrld l a n Yartanto �PPeterson �Prnax Yr. President) /!40 (io and inn tlet) W eine Pat- � Ion that the above offerlshou debepac- cepted, he be ItR680, hat the to Iasi nler A� ft Flnnn.. ndrtheeComp- trollet be and they are hereby author- ised and directed to consummate the transaction. Adopted by the Council June 14, 1940. Approved June 14 1940. (June 2�, 19 40) Adopted by the Council._.JON 14194 _ 0..19 .__. Jute i4 1940 Approved_ _. ._-_....19_.__. ....In Favor - _._... M� _Aga st Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL rauiten- il c ( 2 .da No ---f. -- ••- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /vx (/"t. (�'✓� COMMISSIONER_ DATE WHER0.S, the Si*ing Fund Committee has received •the following offer; NAME OF FIRM KIND OF BOND BATE MATURITY AMOUNT BASIS Juan, Moody & Rice St.Paul, Minnesota 2-3 Dec.1.1959 1,000 2,60 and recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Committee in the purchase of this bond for the Participating Certificate Fund, and WHEREAS, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Mayor, the Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. COUNCILMEN Yeas/ Nays Bass • // /1}ndlan / � 1 ZteantO eteraon .�-1..-..._.In Favor ruax�• .:Against I. Zr. Preside No. 11916a—Rv ♦ a and recommends that thecur In the Council con - tion the Purchase cOf thle bhedCforithetee Par- ! tl gating Certificate Fund, and lonvhat theth boveuncil oReri ehouldebepac- cepted, therefore be It, Resolved, that the Mayor, the Com- troilerner of be and Pi are hereby authorr_ Ized and directed to consummate the trnn..cu.. Adopted by the Council June 14, 1940. Approved June 14 1940. (June .). '199'40-) JON 141940 Adopted by the Council_ _. _ _.-.- - .19 .- . JUN 141 1940 i Approved.- ---_.._.-........ ._19.....-.. G 0am..1 to city Cler¢C CITY OF SAINT PAUL f0..CIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK fcOUNCIL RESOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM c wpNo. 119169 --By 1W 1t- C?s hm th . to I `SL oppllce tion or rellet to the Mlnneeota r • missl n.rela v to delfagalat PFlEBENTED By e ments on the follow, — MM •�1�v._ _ —. ^egyp, COM ISSION ER __. J ut'ER,r1S, pys.lter C. Sehm hu.s m.aue a -Plication for r lief to the \`innesota Tax CO, ,ission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments or tl-,e following- described oroporty, to wl.t: Lot 10, Auditor's Sub. :,*.0. 1.,; and t?u; delinquency totals tae _j, of $194.88, and it has beol,, stipulated that tae a:)n1'cant nav i^. full settle- ment thereo- t'ne sum of $150.24; therefore, be it P, 60L I` D, That the COSIIICil of the City o" Saint ra!ll here's;; ar proves aid settls;nent; pro•rided, however, at tile SUM of $12.04 shall be first deducted from the total payment of 4150.24, and that said stun cf y.12.u4 shall be paid to the Cir, • of Saint t`'aul in settlement of „elin4uent assess,lents included in _ne total delinquency of $194.88. JUN 141940 Adopted by the Counoiltga- C011TICILiTIER ljeas nags J U N 141940 4pproved - _lea 7:%lan a autoln Favor- - ay r 41 C .Against ( WBUSIu:l) ruax �itlr. President, McDonough am e/o cs ansa. OrlBiaal to city CleteFOU�Ne1l NO () � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--- GENERAL FORRM �gy J, e. FlnAlan- Whereis, Loals 311— has made ` reit t to Y1nne9ota DA1 - n r31 } j, ,,11nluent` PRESENTED By ,���L — _ --- i �roy X11 COMMISSIONER _._- - --/ -�✓� saeec atnd i83L:2[lo = °� Fs3 AS, Louis: lulln,r has made u-rlicaticn for relief sum iax ^,on^..issi:»� relative to cielincuent taxes aad assessments on tine follo-:dnz descriLed aropert>-, to wits cast 5 ft. of So.;tit 90 ft. of L,,t 29 and South 90 ft. of Lot 30, r,locic 4, S�muicate '�o. 2 Addition; and the delinquency totals the sura of $826.10, and it has oeer sti-,ulatei that the applicant pay in full settle- ment thereof the sum of $718.97; tl;erefore, be it ��LVSD, That, ti.e co,acil of'the 1of Sain nL;� t raul here�� approves said setciement; Irovided, however, that the sum of $32.57 snail he first decucted from the total t,aynent of $718.97, and that said scan of $3'L.57 shall 5e paid to the Ci c: OT' Saint Paul in so��cie;aenc o£ uelincuen� as sossmerts included in Lha total ceLr.7uenc�: 0£.:323.10. C011nCILMEn leas nays barjuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Truax Mr. President, TncDonough sin 3.4o C523336 JUN 141` Adopted by the Council - -194- JUN,14 190 Approved_... k� . In Favor Z - --- L' __ Against d/ p COUNCIL FILE By....................... 1191(jl CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, ccsts and exren:ses for co struct_n- t. sevier on the ,r s- sic(, .,_ 1te _r.r Avenu•: :r(m a re'_ -.t 4C Beet nort_ of Feller co-,nect tvi,: existin- sew._r crorosir:utel.N 000 feet nortt of RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- }.e:le:' INO ASSESSMENT. C. F.".11" . ` '1B381— 7 p of under Preliminary Order .......... 113766 Intermediary Order ..................................... Final Order-ll4=41...:....................._ . l .. ...........................-, 19....3.9 ---- approved_. ----........---r ---......- ............ The assessment of............herefits, coats ..rd exocr,sc-s for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ......17th................day of Ju,.y.........................................I 19. -AQ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JUN 141940 Adopted by the Council ._................-.................................................1 19. .. Z.WCity Clerk. . ............... Approved ............. j&..}4+ ............ 19_ ='ile c�:J4Mayor. Councilman Rarfuse Councilman EMU4ea�--_ "I F,, 1 an / Councilman $IQDonal nr�nuto PUBUSHLI). -2 /"-d Councilman Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman tW.enzel - - Mayor ,(' Furor S. H. 17 COUNCIL FILE NO ................................... — g (� By------ _------------------------------------------------------------- 1i a i B CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs ane exrenses for constructir.e a sevrer on Helen St, from auth Ave. to 658 Pt.. easterly of the east L-ne of Ruth Avenue C. F. No. 819192— Inbeseata, cositsta of ezpeneese for con atructing a40'wer n Helen at. from Ruth Ave. 868 ft. easterly of the et line of Ruth anmmer Pre- liminary Order 114n,19 lir.• Order 112642. proved 0&, The e and o under Preliminary Order 112241112.5.4.2 Intermediary Order.........112542 ..................................... Final Order ..........U222H ------------------ ....- approved .............. to?�er--`5-........-- -, 19_M. The assessment of.......... oenefi,ts-�--co - s --Rn ,.expenses ...............................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........ 17th day of July ------ .................................. 19 �..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amountassessedagainst the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. l U N 14 1940 Adopted by the Council ............._................... .._.................................._.. 19....- �.u•�4 1 J4�--.._......._'.la�!r.!%E.^i.:F .�1..-., City Clerk. Apphoved......... ......._............. _........----19......... le 9525 llfayor. Councilman Ham i L� Councilman f5 Fmdian Councilman ippald, I':::,"auto Councilman wand" - Councilman $Rte@imer -41 Councilman el -_4_._. inial, Mayor Hadgsas. ---q _ Form B. B. 17; C 2Y�arG4.<-t�j COUNCIL FILE NO .................................... By..........................'---.....------......--------.......---------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost:, and ex senses for gradin- and sur.'..c'_1.- t::, all,- in ! lock , ;41 11ert's 'reen.,ay ',Dart ;'rer-. "or:: �'osd to .1 In C. F. tha No. 119168-- matter of the aeaesament of beneHta, nn�ts aad eapeaeea for grad_ 4s' ^�vthaye alley tey in Block . _ from nh"r ghland Park;--. •, under Preliminary Order6. .................................. IntermediarY Order ............... :.........__.......... --+ Final Order..._.L,:1.Jti'_-----_--- ------- _............. approved..............I:L.YS:, .................................. 19...31 benefits, costs and ex? enses for and in connection with The assessment of......... ----- --............................ ........ .- ......----- the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...__ !7th.... ..-.day of July- ................ 1 19-_40 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Chartev, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JUN 14194Q Adoptedby the Council...._.............................---.................................----....... 19..._--- JLl IJwN �_L. ......... City Clerk. Approved_ ................ _....._._.19 File 8543 Councilman_e3 a_.m P,nrftxea Councilman Wgrgu.son•--_-! F:+.dlao CouncilmanLlcDonaid - , _10. Councilman dWhland 1s..n Councilman Effudheimer CouncilmanO�- Mayor XMBF§66=a Form B. B. 17 ...'................. ............----..../..._/.._ ...r...., Mayor. P C. F. No'matter 119164— Iobensate costs and the exDeness; eeraa! In>. Ing the Aney, to the ,9 1-1, ive, sum - to the COUNCIL FILE By---•--- 11964 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefito, costs and expenses for Trading and surfacin^ the Aile;; ;n the rear of Lots 4 to 12, inclusive, Summit Crescent, fro:. Sixl,r Wit. tc the east line. of ; 11-Iriit Creseer.t, Alsc constrrvetin. e sever in the t'n to a roirL 14 ea:,t ah St., Alle; fro-. a '0i _It ft.r. �� and in an easement to be obtained across Lots 4, E and 7, Swtr,it 7r�scent, from the east line of Si-aLh St. tc t-`northerl% line of said alley, 113188 113739 under Preliminary order ------.._...-------.._............................ Intermediary Order -----...................... , 19...? 113approved_ ...................................._........ .. FinalOrder...................................... r. benefits, costs and expenses ..........-for and in connection with The assessment of --------------I........................... .. . the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .-..._17th ................ day of Jul :- 19._40, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court I-------------- -- House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JUN 1419 is Adopted by the Council---- ........................................... City Clerk. Approved ----...-�..: .:» 19......... File 3580 Mayor. Councilman Barfuss Councilman LFergusow-a•-7 F-dlan - Councilman jNcDonald Councilman kohland son Councilman Sudheimer — i+arer-- Councilman atenzel--j, Truax Mayor Fund B. B. 17 k COUNCIL PILE NO ... _...................... >f� By...... •............. ................................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of ber.e;ir.s, ecsts and exr-nses for Trading ar.r. oili.-:e th:e alley in Flock 1, li'.rcenber,n --e' hts from ..'-xelester A-:enue to Crdervrooc Avcn•.ie C. F. No,. 119,166— Inb n fltB aoate and th meas—t of Inand olilnp donbery under Preliminary Order ----------„----------------- Intermediary Order....... 113155 Final Order 113435 ......................................., approved ...........-Decesber 2' 38. . ...._......... - - 19...... The assessment of........................................benefits, costs ar.d expenses for and in connection with -.....- .. ......--.....- the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the....17 r..................day of duly----------------------------------- 19.40.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. - JUN 141940 Adopted by the Council..-_ ................. — 119 19. --- JLN 1419 - ::.....,.. ' - ........ --..........._., City Clerk. App,myed------------------- ............__...._.......19......_. - File 8563 j <Mayor. Councilman Barfvee Councilman Fgrrgusou--,..,,1 Firdlan Councilman McDonald P;,,,;,nto Councilman Rphland —n Councilman Sudheimer- Councilman 'Wenzel --- _, h, :,x Mayor H 'm Form B. B. 17 jl`ji(]y�„—_f COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 119166 In the Matter of reconstrletin,, relayin7 and repairin,F the sidewalk or. the north side of Como Ave. he^inninc at a point 24 feet west of the east line of 'iolton ?.venue (produced) thence east 62 feet, INTERMEnunr ORDERS C. F. No. 119166— In the Matter of reconstructing, re- laying and repairing the aid-- on the north afde o* r ginning at . a n the east 11r, auced) V Prellm' under Preliminary Order—__11863-5---- —approved 7 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered. said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay anro, renair the sideways on the nort;: side of Corlo Ave. beTinninF at a point 24 feet west of ti.e east line of Holton Avenue (produced) thence east 62 feet, except where 7co(i and sufficient sidewalks now exist, per sdnare foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof his $0.07, relavine old tile; $0.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That a public Bearing be had on said improvement on the 16th day of July, 1940 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL__ ` UN , 4 1940 , 193— JUN 141940 Approved 193 City Clerk File S4350 / ayor Councilman 11 Barfuse C� Councilman Findlan Councilman Parranto Councilman Peterson Councilman Reeerr Councilman Truax Mayor Miihop .J1c1) ](,Uzh Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. C. F. No. 119107— In the Matter of reconetrucnng re- laying and repairing the eldewaik on the north side of Geranium at. from h uolat 180 fL east of Edgerton 8t., ft a1—the mouth n Edgerton in– 20 INTERMEDIARY ORDER 11967 In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the north side of Geranium St. from a point 130 ft. east of Edgerton St., thence east 286 ft., and or, the south side of Geranium St. from Edgerton St. thence east 110 ft.; beginning 20 ft. farther east, thence east 28 ft.; beginning; 34 ft. farther east, thence east 234 ft.; be7innin� 53 ft. farther east, thence east 110 ft., under Preliminary Order 118643 approvedy 7 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the north side of 'cranium St. from a point 130 ft. east of Edgerton St., thence east 266 ft., and on the south side of Geranium St. from Ldgerton St., thence east 110 ft.; beminnin� 20 ft. farther east, thence east 28 ft.; beginninP 34 ft. farther east, thence east 234 ft., beginning 53 ft. farther east, thence east 110 ft., except where rood and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $0 0" Fpr sq. ft., relayinm old tile; $0.14 per sq. ft., new tile. 16th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the day of ,July. 1940 _, I93,_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the ,Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 11JN 14190 193— JUN 141940 Approved 193— City Clerk rile S4351 �— yor Councilman garfnee Councilman FindlausF G Councilma Parr -onto f Councilma Peterson - Councilma 1� R_ Councilma Truax Mayor gkaag McDonough Form B. S. A. 8.6 Ia he Matter lof recon8tructing, relay- ing and reDafring the Idewalk o fhe rth Ide f GoodrfCh Ate= Hamllne Ave. thence beginning 80 ft fa "ll weei 80 tt.; be weal. than ...th COUNCIL FILE NO._— Doth alae, Hamh-' begin. By WW INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstrugtinrr,, relaying andrepairing the sidewalk on the north s' de of Goodrich Ave. from Hamline Ave. thence west 280 ft.; beminning 80 ft. farther west, thence west 80 ft.; be-innin> 40 ft. farther west, thence west 40 ft.; and on the south side of Goodrich Ave. from Marline Ave. thence west 45 ft.; be,_inninm 160 ft. farther west, thence west 120 ft.; beeinning 60 ft. farther west, thence west to -lbert Ave., under Preliminary Order_ I t RAnB approved? 7 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon• the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the north side of Goodrich Ave. from Hamline Ave. thence west 280 ft.; be,vinning 80 ft. farther west, thence west 80 ft.; beginni.ne 40 ft. farther west thence west 40 ft.; and on the south side of Goodrich Ave. from Hamline Ave. thence west 45 ft.; beginninm 160 ft. farther west, thence west 120 ft.; be:-inninm 60 ft. farther west, thence west to Albert Ave., except w-erc mood and sufficient sidewa with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0 07 per t., relavint now ex old tile; $0.14 per sq. ft., new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 16th day of Julv. 1940 x at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JUN 141940 193_ JUN 141940 ��` {_zP A ,, r� PA _193— T\ �1 i. City Clerk p File S4352 Councilman Aubmtel6jamRarfu �/ r Councilman:: _- N„.dlna i Councilmanic�_—,� I'n rrae to Councilman- Peterson OWMISHLI) 6—>7✓ Councilman�'��_¢ neero Councilman Truax Mayor N ti=ey,-; McDonough Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO C. F. No. 119169— 1191,69 In the Matter or reconstructing, re- ,alring and relaying the sidewalk 't the north sl = ^[ Mlnnehaha St. .r "'ept,ot#synddll- e. INTERMEDIARY ORDER e Matter of reconstructinm, ret airing and relaying the sidewalk on the north side of Minnehaha St. from a point 120 ft. west of Syndicate Ave, thence west 324.5 ft.; beginning 35.5 ft. farther west, thence west 40 ft., and on the south side of Minnehaha St. from Syndicate Ave. thence west 360 ft.; beginning 40 ft. farther west, thence west 40 ft.; beginning 80 ft. farther west, thence west to Hemline Ave., under Preliminary Order 119637 approved May 7 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 7 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, repair and relay the sidewalk on tjte north side of Minnehaha St. from a point 120 ft. gest of syndicate Ave. thence west 324.5 ft.; be?inning 35.5 ft. farther west, thence west 40 ft., and on the south side of htinnehaha St. from Syndicate Ave. thence west 360 ft.; beginning 40 ft. farther west, thence west 40 ft.; beginning 80 ft. farther west, thence west to Hemline Ave., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $D-.07 per sq• rt., relaying old tile; $0.14 per sq, ft., new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 16th day of July. 1940 Il at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That theCommissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JUN 1413 , 193— JUIN' 141940 Approved 193—; City Clerk File S4353 a Count mansilbAvoupeRem Barfaas Councilmarillibi.Wk=;- Fiudlan CouncilmatARK033MBEEZ Porranto (_ D Councilma Councilm'arfiWWXXX9Es� —a Peteraon o Councilmar6WA0ff2EkGBWM Truax eMayor Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F. No. 119170— In the Matter of recoahtructhe ting, re- 1 alk fromlaying Wheeleiand paAveg theacede went n the north aide of Mintahahs St. west the beginning 179.34 tt. fu�rrther weai, the.... hence west 118.66 ft; b'eglh- ning 69.78 ft. farther west. thence west 69.78 ft., and' on the south side COUNCIL FILE NO. [ne e west . tt from heelaffig 28Ave. farther west, thence By beginning 40 fL farlh- we•3..+=."'— __ west 130 ft_z,%� Falrvl_ ther - INTERMEDI.ARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstruct in e, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the north side of ?tfinnehaha St. from yiheeler Ave., thence west 179.34 ft.; beginning 179.34 ft. fartiler nest, thence west 119.56 ft.; beginning 59.78 ft. farther west, thence west 59.78 ft., and on the south side of htinnehaha St. from Wheeler Ave. thence west 43 ft.; beeinninP 280 ft. farther west, thence west 120 ft.; be- ,-inning 40 ft. farther west, thence west 120 ft., and on the east side of Fairview Ave. from Vinnehaha St. thence south 80 ft., under Preliminary Order _118041 --approved "-ay 7. 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the north side of hiinnehaha St. from Wheeler Ave., thence west 179.34 ft.; be!*inninP 179.34 ft. farther west, thence west 119.56 ft.; becvinning 59.78 ft. farther west, thence west 59.78 ft., and on the south side of ?dinnehaha St. from Wheeler Ave. thence west 43 ft.; begi.nninr 280 ft, farther west, thence west 120 ft.; beginning 40 ft. farther .vest, thence west 120 ft., and on the east side of Fairview Ave. from PMinnehaha St. thence south 80 ft., except where ,00d and sufficient sidewalks now exist, per suare foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof/�is $ -� old tile; $0.14, neer tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the--' 6th__day of July, 1940 , ifg&— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JUN 141940 193_ JUIN 14, File S4354 Councilman VeNewaWsmm Barfuss Councilman 16KP=mEv= Findlan Councilman 6082MMEmEmn Parranto Councilman ftweanimm= Peterson Councilman g _� Councilman Tru" Mayor 611'Uouoogb Form B. S. A. 8-6 �- ..City Clerk Mayor COUNCIL FILE NO. By -- INTERMED)north ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relari n the sidewalk on the east side of Pelham St. from Myrtle St., thfeet, �-- C. t . No. 119171— n In tde Matter of reconatrpaf(ag„reYgy- Ing and reDalr(ng the the east side M PeIhA rt1e eL, 1. n7th 827�t, .. .. llex "Lee ap. under Preliminary Order— 118639—approveMa 7 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the east side of Pelham St. from 15yrtle St. thence north 327 feet, except where good - and sufficient sidewalks now exist, p7r square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0-07 relaying old tile; $0.14, new tile, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 16th day of July, 1940 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JUN 1 ¢ _—_, 193_ Approved JUN 1¢ '940 193_ City Clerk File 54355 y Councilman�-=-�' K' ,fuss Councilman 4RVF-''M Findlan Councilman x-��� Parranto Councilman ORK-W '" Peterson Councilman Councilman Truax Mayor M�iwe%y=J McDe❑❑❑�h Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO.-- _ _ -.- -- .- - FINAL ORDER 119,172 In the Matter of__-constructinc, a sidewalk on tae west side of South Albert St. from ----------- ------ -------__..-------- - ----- St. Clair St. to Jefferson p.ve.,_ except_ where�ood anrt s,zf- icient si.der.--a-lks--- . now _ _ - .-- - ----- ----- -- _-- - -- - -- --- --------- - FINAL ORDERS. exist, Cr-. F. mat[er9172— - . - ------ __.. __ .. ____. __ _________._- _.. - - --. ____ .- ._._-____._____--__ _____.______-_._------- _ 118466 April 23, 1940 under Preliminary Order------ __--- 6 ---------------------.approved _. - ---- -- -- ------------- IntermediaryOrder --------------------- ----- ------- --.-----------approved-------------------------------------------------- — -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- __on ct a sidelval:; on the west side of South provement to be made by the said City is_- _______---_---- _--- ---_----__.------th- e- we s.--- side de -------------- Albert St. .11 from St. Clair St. to Jefferson Ave., excert where and sufficient - ------------------ - -- - ---- - — -- - -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council __ _ JUN -19- , 192____ _. / n�,�//�� -- - ---- --- JUN 25 194 City Clerk, Approved -- ----- ---- ---- ---- - -- 192 File S4336 --- ------tpUBLI6Jt-1LD:" --- - r - Mayor. Councilman - Councilman "r/ Councilman '"""�""o � ® Prtrreiotl Councilman koa+ae Councilman eo.N Trua>1 �� ( ouncilman Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) r+ In the matter of cons tri,dirt- r, sidown1'K on the �..es`� 0 de of .,. er.. ;.o Jefi(;r•son Ave. r�- 0 under Preliminary. Order approved �,_,,• l��nl� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 0.15 sc,,.anre The estimated cost perooc for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 Jef!'crsor: . _ 1'1` .i" to t^ Ci C -dict i a.:.. 30 do 1 do do 1 6 <lo oC G do 1 7 do 0 '7 do Totr,l ASSESSED VALUATION Land Pld�. ;1800 x:4750 775 1100 '775 1400 ,„ 37v. 7'r5 23^G 77.h 3 t50 775 2600 77E 2550 X7225$22,350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 7 DatedCommissioner of Finance. Porro B. S. A. 8-5 D %OV 5M-7-37 St. Paul, Minn ./.. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property ownars, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the followin5 improvement to be made: on., (We St. 4;Ve-to from . Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 136 A4 ek— X., %OV 5M-7-37 Office of the, Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 13 466 approved April 23 19342 , relative to constructing a sidewalk on the west side of S. Albert Street from St. Clair Street to Jefferson Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Eat. Cost 4" Monolithic concrete walk at $.15 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S ----, and the total cost thereof is $—___ --, and the nature and ektent of said improvement is as follows:__ - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - ---- - - -- - -- - - ----- r i S. Said improvement is asked for upon petition,of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ���, t)i• f ' tip NGF Commissioner of Public Works. �-01 . +ks MAY 7 1940 i 1t COUNCIL FILE N0.- ___ 1-19.1.73 By- - - -- - - In the Matter of__construct_it_.e_a_mo_no_lithic_sideyalk_o_n _t oe__scuth_side__of_H�yt_Ay� from Snellin= Ave._to_Albert_StrEet,__except_yheregood-anti _suffic ent_sideyielks_.___ --- - C. F. No. 119173— nowex;s-s ' _ _ __- In the matter of conetructin a mono- _ - - - -- - ---"----'------'--- -- lithlc sidewalk on the south aide of Hoy't Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Al- bert Street, ezceyt where good and _ __ ____ __ _ _ -- -- - ---------- auffictent etdewalka now eziat. under -- - - Preliminary Order 118686, approved ._._____-______--- May 7. 1940. --- -------- ------ under Preliminary Orden ---- 118636 -------------------------- approved _.. `s 7_19-4-0 IntermediaryOrder --------- ----------------- -------- ----------.approved -------------------- — ----- ------------------ -- - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that 153•ovement to be made by the's l ity is___construct a_monolithics�de_yN Q _the_ so_utb,_sidQ fro:•1 Jnellln__»e.__Zo____greeds__e-,may_�__wIA4__�..vv_u_ne.�u_�u.a= s iflews lk s no a x i s t,_ --------------------------------------------- -- -- -- All MIQ ►eteinded cd s;i Nroc , ;.:,_ ii: s i {nC :er L 6i"ditinued. --------- - --- an Council hereby orders said imp vement to be made. RES ED FURTHER, That the Com Toner of Public Works be and is he�direc ted and directed to pre plans and specifications for s ' 'mprovement, and submit samncil for approval; that upon id approval, the proper city offiel are hereby authorized ato pro- ceed with the making o aid improvement ^inA� eordance t with. Adopted by the Council --JUN 25 - ----- 192__ ----- - Approved JUN 251 - - 940- - ,192- - - - - - --- � -- - - ----- ------------ --- -- -------- 54347—i %- ayor. Councilman Claacy Councilman Councilman 1%� %j / / Councilman [ ,•t J 1' Councilman ltrenn I• {� Councilman Tama rlayor A� -ten Form B, S. A. 8-7 �° CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM)"SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRM� LNARY ORDER the (a[terof constructing a monolithic sidewalk on i.ne sc:ctt; side of Po,, -i, Ave. from. In 'inc,11i11- co Alters JCr•.•et under Preliminary Order approved To- the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is � sy are - - - - - - The estimated cost perToot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATIO Lend �ld!*.. DESCRIPTION 1 1 O 'i 5 kP.ar2'an "t' :enG Oi $600 s �Omo Out LOtS X5000 do 675 do 525 5350 1 2 do 575 4150 30 2 do 57,q .1 3 do 775 5000 anr9 ]:orth 13 ft. o; 29 3 do 575 4500 1 4 800 4550 Lot.. 50 and North 15 ft. of 29 4 do do 575 3900 1 5 575 4000 ;50 5 do TOTAL. t Fmm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRMIty MARY ORDER (C) ® DESCRfPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Eld_,. (Lxcent4.50 ft.) 1 6 Tio,:t's iienrrnr.:•-cm,nt of $625 .$4150 lzo9,t's Como (T.a Lots 2n 6 do 625 3300 191 Total X7500 M, 9)Oov The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19_ Commissioner of Finance. I- B. B. 13 • t J %P36 To the City Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota A PETITION y This honourable body is respectfully petitioned by the undersigned property owners of property abutting the proposed improvement to provide and construct a monolithic sidewalk four feet in width extending eastward from Snelling Avenue to Albert Street on the south side ofon by f•Hoyt Avenue. It is furtherto be assessed witht this rk be such charges as are customary where affected property w.P.A. labor is used. Name Address Name Address -S- INQ NRS _ KO �y /sem r .� .�.• 1Sd"9 0 4347 • I Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance May �3 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 118 —36 approved May 7 19,40, relative to Council, known as Council File No. pP constructing a monolithic sidewalk on the south side of Hoyt Avenue_ from Snelling Avenue to Albert Street. --- — — and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement isnecessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost - 4" Monolithic concrete walk at $.15 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S_-- and the-total cost thereof is 5----- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:--- 3. o ows:__3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4Skii . Said improvement is __ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of proper subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, of FINAwet -- ��- L/ Commissioner of Public W I r ' COUNCIL FILE NO. - By ---------- -- - O._By---------- - - a 119174 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_-constrzctin a sewer on Tennessee Street from a n.-— - oint 30 feet - ---------------- - - ------ -------- - - = - vrest �' Ches_ter_Street -tq n -mint -170_-i'eet west -.o_W-yandotce__Street_-_-_. -__-.--___.__ C. vo. 11917o1 ._- -__- ... ____________________ In the matter co netructin a sewer �n Tennessee St. from a point 80 qr eP Chester SL to a Doint under Preliminary Order ----- 118644--- - -- -_approved _ 'tap 7, 1940 -- IntermediaryOrder --------------------------------- -----------approved --- ------------------ ---------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to he made by the said City is___ construct_a sewer on Tennessee Street from a __ point _30feet_ west_of__Chester_Street_to_-a point__17Q_feet_v_est_of_'vandotte Street and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouncilJUN � , 19--��2� / JUN 25 »� / City Clerk. Approved -- - --------- ------ --- - 192_ File 8989 ----- - --- ----------------- - ---- - (_ ayor. Councilmanlang_-2 '7— Councilman 9Councilman '.: — PUBLLSIiEI) Councilman z 9 Councilman V&QWZ=== Councilman -+M nom° �j ✓ ° Councilman JhwzsbWBZMruga, Mayor H2djosmvw. Form B. S. A. 8-7 0 4 t CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER per° (D) In tile matter of constructin'7 a sewer on Tennessee 6trc t iron: a coint 3( feet west of Chas-;e� Street tc a mint 170 fees, west of ;,Vandott:e titrcet under Preliminary Order approved , To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - _ $ L41..00 (vnsed on �. letcr) The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 10 7 Tmvn of ?rookl.`nId 11 7 do 12 7 do 7 R do 6 13 do .,. -4 ft. o; 1 14 do 2 14 do 14 do ASSESSED .QQ,4 VLUATION,' l.n^lc[". $:C 0 300 350 375 375 $1'150 250 450 300 950 3c') 650 To',al .~✓2560 $30100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ' DatedG'_L---- Form B. S. A. 8-5 n Commissioner of kiinance. I � a 118c,ij • St. Paul, Minn....... 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: St. Ave. from . ....._.St. Ave. to. St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION -e��. / L--- i VI Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance may 16 193 ._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the �a Council, known as Council File No. 118644 approved May 7 1930, relative to constructing a sewer on Tennessee Street from a point 30 feet west of _Chester Street to a point 170 feet west of Wyandotte Street., and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable 2. The estimated cost thereof is S__. 241'00 and the total cost thereof is S__ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:--- 3. ollows:—_ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - 5. Said improvement is _..__.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, suhject to assessment for said improvement. COM, 0' f_ly^Y(,f )1z" _.. Commissioner of Publi /� MAY 17 1940 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DepartMzntaT- INTER-01TVIDE COMMUNICATION May 15, 1940 Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Tennessee Street from a point 30 feet west of Chester Street to a point 170 feet west of Wyandotte Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118644 approved May 7, 1940• The estimated cost is based on W.P.A. Labor. The cost of materials, plans, engineering, supervision, etc. is $241.00 The amount of frontage to be assessed should be reconnended by the Bureau of Assessments. Yours truly. IRGSFIEPARD ef Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance S OD Bi1±LTON ROSEN commissioner of Public Works Go W J19175 COUNCIL FILE NO.. By----- --- - - - -- - - ----------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__constructinr_eipAiAlk on_both_s des__q%.I�eze1_Asenue__£r_c�-Fourth_ Stree! __tQ_Fifth__Stxeet,._anri_on_the ior_th. aide.nf-.F.ast-Feur-th_Str-eet_£rom--}[aael------- _Axe 1151e__ th encs _ea � t_ 13 7.11 _fQo_t,_.Exce�t_ urger -e _dao d_and--suii:i.cient--sidewalk::--now--exist , _ ___------------------------ -_-_ _.-_-.. -___. C. F. No. 119176— aide _t" - ------ - - In the matter of constructing n hot" elders of 11-1 A- ------------------------ v a. ---.._---_________________________—_____.-_ .. ---_ - _..-_--.-._._....�"_•_ _.______-._-___ q _____.______..___..______..___.______._______—_.______ ___ _______________ under Preliminary Order ----- 118450 -- --------------------- _-Anxil_17_,._19.40-__. IntermediaryOrder ----------------- ----------------------approvea ---------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ---- coastruct a_s;deryalk _on_both_sides_ o Haze _Avenue from-courth-Street-to... Fif'th_Streety_-and__on__the__north__si9e--- of -East Fourth Street from •Hazel Avenue thence_ east__137.11 feet excec;t where good and sufficient sidewalks and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _____JUN 25190 192 - - ---------------- e� AA City Clerk. Approved -- ----- -----JUN 25 1W _ '192 -- - - File 54337 =-----------------------------------------------ayo Councilman Councilman Councilman ouaTd; � „ t i, iro �;� Councilman I'rtrre .n Councilman Liaer,n Councilman Truax Mayor Hwd�Foeml Form B. S. A. 8-7 / _ CITY OF 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE •- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) x, Inthematterof constructin- a sise.alk on both sides of 9azei Aven , froom ?o,.rth 6,. f'if'th St., un•i on tha, 1lorth :;icje of E- Fourth ;;t. fro,-, Faze1 Ave., thance LKst 137.11 "Pet under Preliminary Order approved �-Tr4.1 19, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ The estimated cost perre oot for the above improvement is $ 0.15 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land °ld-. 100 ft. of Lr*;, 1 to 7 6 e0 ert L. „are's i,..'_crr. m550 $3100 I ei -},ts S. 100 ft. of ::. 2C0 ft. of Lois 1 to 7 6 do 275 2350 S. 50 ft. cf a. -50 ft. of Lets 1 to 7 6 do 125 1000 S. 54.24 't. of the _:. '•, of Lots 1 to 7 6 do 176 1 1 7iild rose A,- ,i'_tion 100 70o 2 1 do 75 3 1 do 75 4 1 do 75 5 1 do 75 f 1 do 100 Total a1f,25 $7150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 12a^ 2-,i - —19 44 -_ ' - Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8_5 D SM -7-37 Kill 6.? TO The Honorable, The Council, St. Paul, Minn......................_193-4p. City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property ownars, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: cJ1-.C1-("t0 Li-cs on ez-1 ............... 'riazel AV Q.. QQ layeu. ........ ... .......St. Ave. From Fourth... St.. St. Ave. to ..St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION oo 'P "7 co SM -7-37 , r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance MaY 4 -- 1940— To 194 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118450 approved April 19 1949— relative to constructina sidewalk on both sides of Hazel Avenue from Fourth Street to Fifth ____Stzaat_,-An.d-on the north side of E. Fourth_ Street from Hazel Avenue, thence east 137.11 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Coat – 4^ Monolithic concrete walk at #.15 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $— ., and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:---- 3. ollows:_-- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is _--asked for upon petition of three or more owners of proal subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Wo s. I Y�co +Ay 7 1940 0HO.dlo CITY bkrk t P -19.11.1741), - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL rtes NO._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM C - V& No. 119170—gy O. 8 Ba,faaa . Whereas, Oeorge Hammond hereto- . tore tlapoelted the aum of One Hundred Dollars (1100.00) I lth the Clerk of the PRESENTED BY M•t�'^'nal Courtas all money to secure COMMISSIONER_ --.-_ -._-_ - __ _ -___ _ DATE ;ti; •�aoe is Coart on blay SBth, tea.. .wer .0 a carea then Denfl- - . ,4 WHEREI►S, George Hammond heretofore deposited the sum of One Hundred Dollars (;100.00) with the Clerk of the Yunioipal Couri as bail money to secure his appearance in Court on May 29th, 1940, to answer to a charge then pending against him; and WHEREAS, said George Hammond was unable to appear in Court because of illness, and said bail money was forfeited and turned into the city treasury; and WHEREAS, the Hon. John W. Finehout, one of the Judges of said Court, has recommended that said case be reinstated on the calendar and said bail money returned to the Clerk of the Municipal Court; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in the sum of $100.00 in favor of the Clerk of the Municipal Court. COUTICILMETI I eas nays Bar ss lj'I �F/indlin I. nto eterson j In Favor Against �ruax ,R`r• President, McDonough sm I— Cs ]esee Adopted by the Council 'JUN 5 1 90 _. _._._194_ Approved___-__ - - ayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) as. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) State of Minnesota, Plaintiff, VS. George Hammond, Defendant, MUNICIPAL COURT CITY OF ST. PAUL PETITION James D. Swan, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the attorney for the above named defendant. That on May 21, 1940, the said George Hammond was arrested and charged with having in his possession certain beaver hides in violation of Section 5543, Mason's Minnesota Statutes'af 1927. That the said defendant furnished one hun4red ($100.00) dollars as bail for his appearance in Municipal Court of -the City of St. Paul. That on May 22, 1940, said case was con- tinued until May 29, 1940. That on said May 29, 1940, because of the failure of the defendant to appear in court, said bail in the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars was forfeited, and in the regular course of business, bail money was turned over to the City Treasurer of the City of St. Paul. That on said May 29, 1940, the defendant, George Hammond, was sick in bed at his home at Foxboro, Wisconsin, and was unable to appear in Court in St. Paul on said date. That when the defendant was sufficiently recovered, he came to St. Paul on June 13; that he consulted Dr. Albert Hoff, who examined him and took x-rays and diagnosed his ailment as acute arthritis. That on the same day the said defendant consulted this affiant,and appeared in Municipal Court with his attorney on June 14, waived examination and was remanded to the District Court of Ramsey County, where such proceedings were heard and said defen,�ant pleaded guilty to technical Violation _�1 I .I `'V - ' I- L of said statute above mentioned and was thereupon sentenced by Judge Kenneth G. Brill to ninety (90) days in the work house of the City of St. Paul, and said sentence was suspended. That the said George Hammond is in the business of raising beavers and muskrats on his property in Wisconsin and had brought a number of beaver skins from his fur farm to St. Paul for the purpose of sale. That the laws of the, State of Minnesota provide that under such circumstances, said fur raisers shall have tags as prescribed by the statute affixed to said furs, which this defendant has failed to do. That this affidavit is made for the purpose of requesting the City Council of the City of St. Paul to authorize the proper city officials to refund to the said George Hammond the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars which had been forfeited to the City of St. Paul as above set forth. Subscribed and sw n to beore me this /day o 1940. 0.,A. Blanchard Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires February 7, 1941. The undersigned, one of the judges of the Muaioipal Court of the City of St. Paul, hereby approves the above application for ref udd of bail mopey. , u ge of MunfeTpal Court i�- I hereby approve the above application for refund of bail. 7-1"o rney C. F. No. 119177 -By Milton Ro.en- Whereas, Addition. aad deduction. erional to City Clerk which might Drove to be necessary In CITY OF S the 'improvement described a the 1939 NO.-.:_. .i•-f�-¢--- Annual Sidewalk Contract, C. -trol- ler. Contract i.. 4011„ !on1 OFFICE THF Co., inc., contr vida P sd for in d_,rzt2_C, OUNCIL LUTIC yrwa. .nn,<AL FORM yrlcen ►.�. w'. y. . PRESENTED DAM COMMISSIONER ER WHEREAS, additions and deductions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the 1939 Annual Sidewalk Contract, Comptroller's Contract L,4063, Standard Stone Co., Inc,, contractor, have been pro- vided for in the specifications and unit prices stipulated therein, and agreed prices, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following additions and deductions: ADDITIONS: (For the removal of tree roots in connection with the work of sidewalk repairs ordered by the Council) LABOR -ON FAIRMOUNT AVE between Hamline Ave. & Saratoga St. HRS, Lots: 9,10,11,12,13, & 14, Blk.4, Den E, Lanes' Homesites Addition - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7.0 Lots: 2,4, & 67 Blk. 3, Den E. Lanes' Homesites - - 6.0 Lots: 13, & 14, Block 21 1111 11 It- - 3.0 Lots: 15, 17, 19, Blk. 11 - - 3• Lots: 1,2,3,41 & 81 Blk, 2, Midway Park Add. - - - - 5.0 Lot: 7, Block 1, If It 11 - - - - 1,0 Lots: 112,3, Block 2, Ward's Sub. - - - - - - - - - 4.5 Lots: E.40' of lot 1 & lots 4,5,6,7,8,9=12 & the E. 80' of lot 13 Block 4, J.N.Roger s Add, - - - 12.0 Lots: 13,15,16,17,16,19,20,21,22,&-23, Block 8 of Summit View Addition - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11,0 -ON TUSCARORA AVE between Chatsworth and Victoria Sts. Lots: b,10, & 11, in W. T. Barton's Addition - - - - 7.0 Lot : 13, in Barton's Addition - - - - - - - - - - - 1,0 Lots: 19,21, & 30, Block 4, Watson's Addition - - - 4,0 ,Lot: 20, Block 4, Bryants Randolph Street Add,- - 6.0 Lot : 2, Block 5, Watson's Addition - - - - - - - - 5.0 -ON PORTLAND AVE between Oxford St & Lexington Pkwy. Lots: 2,4, 8, & 13, Block 40, Summit Park - - - - - -0 Lots: 17,21, & 23, Block 41, 11 if5. - - - - - - •0 -ON DAYTON AVE between GrigEs & Syndicate St. Lots: 17, lb, & 20, Block 3, Anna E. Ramsey's Add. - 5.0 Lots:. 13 & 14, Bloct 6, u n II II_ - 3.0 -ON CARROLL AVE. between Victoria & Milton Sts. Lots: 2 & 3, Stone & Roger's Addition - - - - - - - 4.0 Lots: 11, 13 & 14, J. W. Fallihee's Rear: - - - - - 6.0 -ON BURGESS ST between Mackubin St & Como Parkway Lot '%: lb, Block 4, Denslow's Addition - - - - - - - 1,0 -ON E. SEVENTH STREET beEarl St & Frank St. Lots: , 97 10, Block 7, Terry's Addition - - - - - 4.0 TOTAL HOURS Qd $0.75 x 111.5 $ 83.63 Soc. Sec., Unemployment Ins., Supervision, profit and overhead - - - - - - - 9, 20% $16.73 �/ TOTAL ADDITION $100.36 WHEREAS, the net addition is $100.36; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approve the aforesaid addition made in accordance with the specifications therefor in the sum of $100.36, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L. 4063, for the making of the above aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Standard Stone.. Co., Inc,, that the sum of $100,36 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. Countersigned Cit Comptro er CounGu.mEn yeas nays B� ,uss /Fin art # arranto }:Peterson §! i ,"Rosen /Cruax 'r r. President, McDonough sm s- o cs to Favor /I __Against STANDARD STONE CO., INC. Contractor. President Commissioner of Public Works Adopted by the CouncilJUN-25 190 - 1.94 JUN 251940 Approved _ _l94_ _. _.. .--------------Rt A o Original to city clock cou"Cd CITY OF ST. PAUL No..---.------- ----------------- -------- FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU L pRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM — PRESENTED BY DATE._— COMMISSIONER.__ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to oil the following streets and alleys: Nebraska - Parkway Drive to Payne N & S Alley - Cottage, Sherwood, Mendota, Forest Alley - Magnolia, Jessamine, Arcade, Mendota Alley - Rose, Maryland, Walsh, Weide Ames - Flandrau to White Bear Conway - Earl to Tell Hazel - Prospect to alley south Newcombe - Seventh to Omaha Railway White Bear - New Hudson Road to Old Hudson Road Alley - Sixth, Margaret, Arcade, Mendota St. Albans - Michigan to St. Clair Scheffer - Rogers to Chatsworth Water - Lot 10, Block 11 Tuttle's to Belle Kent - Front to alley south Alley - Lafond, Blair, Kent, Mackubin Brompton - Pierce to Buford Idaho - Hemline to Chelsea Alley - Albany, Almond, Aronaj- Pascal Alley - Edmund, Thomas, Syndicate, Griggs Alley - University, Sherburne, Albert, Hemline Alley - Randolph James, Kenneth, Prior N & S Alley - Seiby, Dayton, Finn, Cleveland Alley - Warwick, Pascal, Randolph, Palace Alley - Blair, Van Buren, Lexington, Oxford Alley - Central, Fuller, Milton, Victoria Alley - Sherburne, Charles, Victoria, Avon Alley - Van Buren, Minnehaha, Lexington, Oxford And private property for the following: Chesed Shel Emes Society - cemetery. Seeger Refrigerator Co, 850 Arcade - Henry Linder, 275 W. Wheelock. Behren's Wittmann Fuel Co. - Yard at COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ar uss in�an �srranto �eterson Acsen 11 /ruax ,Mr. President INl id-Bg fir® C. rt�aoivedNo 1 That the Cllton —rub"ioner of Public Works be and he le hereby authorized and directed to oil the fol - wing streets and alleyya�ve t^ .,.gyne. .. 'ebraeka—ParkwaY D - od. Al1eY—colt Foreei Parking lot. 601 Drake. JUN 251940 Adopted by the Council_._. _._._ ....._._...-_19.....-. roved.. JUN ?,5 1940_...__...19_..._. _In Favor D 'o /......Against D Pl?BLI.IIU': Original to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL rn-E NO.— OFFICE OFT E CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL N --GENERAL FORIv1 PRESENTED BY \ June �5 1940__._--_ COMMISSIONER—__--.—.—_ --. - _ DATE_— _ __— _——.- Gil In the matter of grading Emerald Street from the north line of Emerald Avenue (vacated) to the south line of Hollinshead's Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. 113999 approved February 28, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 115167 approved June 13, 1939• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifioations as submitted by the Commissioneg of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same a6l hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he 14i*ein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction o'f the above named improvement, in accordance with �5 the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12,..1936, the estimated cost'of Materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $164.15, and be it RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No. 119179-6y Milton R[ In the atter of grading I Street from the north line of 1 Avenue (vacated) to the so, lieeolved, That the plane ander epecl- flcutlon. as eubmltted by the Commis - el ner of Public Works for the above t named. Improvement, be and the sa e 1 are hereby approved and the Commis - loner of Public Wo'k. be aad he here- ! i in la authorized and Instructed to pro- 'so the construction of the above nam Improvement In accordance wl th the terms o[ Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1938, the stimatedost of Materials, equip - ant, glneering ad supervision be- ing 5184.16,and be 1t Resolved Further, That the Perch Ing Agent be and he Is herein uthor- ized and directed to purchase the nec- essary .materials. I Adopted by the Council June 26, 1940. AD proved June 26, 1940. (June 29, 1940) �/' ' CounclLmen Adopted by the Council JUN 251940 leas15 nays t� Approved_- -- JUN_2 5_1940 194. and n art., �erson In Favor - � Ina r ru(lx Agaigst r/ l i Mr. President, McDonough 3111 3.a0 Cs 13338 Origio.l to City Ckrk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL - RILE NO._. OFFICE Of E CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL ION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY June 24, 1940 COMMISSIONER__._ �/%'✓W�. - - _. DATE.__.___... ____ In the matter of grading Hoyt Avenue from Parkway Drive to GreenbriW Street, under Preliminary Order 0. F. 115083 approved Tune 6, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 115829 approved August 8, 1939• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $864.82, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent .be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No. 119180-133, Milton R(m ran Int the atter 0Y gDr, [o yt Avbr,c, rom Street,PrelimincryGOrder. d F. 116083 pproved June 0, 1839, n Final Ord 1839, F. 116829 aDProvcd AUguet 8, Resolved. That the plana and specl- aIoneIlest,r of P.hUn Worltsyf or othe above named 1 improvement, be and the same e hereby pprdved, dthe Commie- f are t Public WPrka be and he here- in Is authorized and instructed to pro- } teed with the conetruct/on at the above mad Improvement, In accordance with the terms of Ord1. ce 7708, C. F. 104827 a roved 9e tember 12, 1930, the estimated o t of Materials, equip- ment, en Bgg8I eering a d supervision be- 7j t Furt her222eao1ved,iThet the Purchas- Ing Agent be d he is herein other lzed raynd d`rrecta1ad to purchase the neo- es Adopted by the Council June 26, 1940. Approved June 26, 1940. [June 29, 1940) JUN 251940 V c6UT1CILMEi1 Adopted by the Council TeasAays ' a USS JUN 251940 ndlan roved _ --------194-- -- adlranlo . In Fauor Peterson , m r ,R6sen !/ ruax _Against 'Mr. President, McDonough sm a— Cs 1113. Oripinal to City Clerk CRESENTOMM SSIONER CITY OFSAIN PAUL cour+c n. ru.e NO._. OFFICE OF THE TY CLERK ,COUNCIL RESOLUTI,O ---GENERAL FORM ` > DATE—_..-.-11-A_.25r. 19140_____-._ _. In the matter of grading Sue Place from Eleanor Street to Bayard Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 115353 approved June 27, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 115894 approved August 15, 1939• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improve- ment, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $760.00, and be it RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. / - counCILMETI leas nays � Z68 mdlan Pa'rranto _Peterson sen Xruax lKr. President, McDonough 3111 -0 CS 1303, C. F. No. 119181-13y Miltogn Rosen— lot the Eleanor Strematter of et tan Bayard ASue lvee oder Preliminary Order C. F. 116363 approved June 27, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 116894, approved August 16, 1939. cations &a Thbmliceat thed bynthe Compmis- .1mor ofPublicWorks for the above named Improvement, be and the a hereby aI r Ved and the Controls:we ,boar of Public WorSce be and he here in lea thorlaed and Instructed to pro - sed with the construe tion of the above d named Improvement, In accordance with the term, of Ordinance 7708 104827 approved September 1h. ti1936, )q the estimated cost of Material,,eeulp- agineering a d aupervlsl ton be - Ing {760.00, and be It Resolved Further, That the Purchas- ing Agent be and he Is herein author - Iced and directed to purchase the nee- ,f e sy atlale. Adopted by the Council June 26, 1940. i Approved Tune 26, 1990. (i (June 29, 1940) JUN 2 51940 Adopted by the Council—_ - . _194__ JUN �5 194 Approved_.-___ _. l94_ In Favor )71, 1 m r i Against Original to Clty Clerk CITY OF S 1 PAUL COU.CIL PILE NO._ OPRCE OF TH CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUt N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` �` Tune 25, 1940 COMMISSIONER ---._. DATE In the matter of grading Iowa Avenue from Lexington Parkway North to Dunlap Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118002 approved March 5, 1940, and Final Order C. F. 118613 approved May 7, 1940. RESOLVED, That the plans and speoifioations.as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improve— ment, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $1108.79, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No. 119182—By MI In the matter of aradlm are sinner of hereby bllC Works be and he here - In is authorized and instructed to pro- naemed Improvemethe nt,, Intaccordance with �. f the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved Sey[emher 12, 1930; 'the et, mated Cost Of Materlale, equip- ant, gglnaering and 9upervl.lo¢ be- "'or' e- Ins 51,10 8.79, and be it Further Resolved. That the-orchae- Ing Agent be nal he Is here In author_ and directed to purchase the nec- ea.ary torial.. t Adopted by the Councll June 25, 1940. ADproved June 26, 1940. *(June 29, 1940) JUN 25 �19 4' C011IlC1LMEi1 Adopted by the Council_- _ _ _1e4_ ._ leas 13arjuss nays /-a JUN 251940 groped_ ��ndlan � - - - ---- --- i['arranlo �elerson In Favor - (. or 4 n r - /Cuax .Against "ord'. President, McDonough 3111 3-eo C3 3303. p , Or(alod to MY Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF SAI T PAUL FILE NO._ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE C)LU N ---GENERAL FORM , June 25, 1940 PRESENTED BY _ _.. _.._ DATE —___- --_--. _.--....- COMMISSIONER— in the matter of grading California Avenue from Lexington Parkway North to Dunlap Street , under Preliminary Order C. F. 117513 approved January 16, 1940, and Final Order C. F. 117969 approved March 5, 1940. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improve- ment, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7706, C. F 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $906.36, and be it TURTMM RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the, necessary materials- Further aterials- 14�- / , CounCILmen Qeas nays Har an ��Ii� .Parranto on noxen In Favor 'Pat,t�s Xruax . AgainSl President, McDonough lMr. ,in J-ao Cs 1-11 F ther Reeolved, That the P. -I -s - Ing anent be a d he to herein uthor- �faed d d1 ectad to purnhaeo the us.- eaAdopted by materials. Connell June 26, 1940. 1 Approved June '26, 1940. j (June 29, 1940) JUN 2 51940 Adopted by the Council__ -_ _194__._ proveJUN 251940_194_ )71- n--___ --- -- /l" // Original to City Clerk �, -•,� CITY OF S T PAUL Coti"CIL NO._ OFFICE OF T CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLD N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -- Tune 2 COMMISSIONER—_ ._. — _ _______—_______. _-.- __ DATE____.__._ 5l. �-940...._.- In the matter of changing the grade and grading Luther Place from Como Avenue Best to Grantham Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 111654 approved June 30, 1938, and Final Order C. F. 11242 approved September 20, 1938. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and super- vision being Nil, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and direeted,to purchase the necessary materials. In the No. matter 1191f $cn nging heMilton eegrade and grading Luther Ptaee from Como Avenue West to Grantham Street. on - It ... Il.d. n it...Il.d, That the plane and specl- flcatlons n s 'm to tied by the l:ommts- slonert Public Works for the above me nad Improvement be nd the oreen e Pt aloner, otbP.bile Wor6e [e and hehere- ; In Is authorized and Instructed to pr e eetl with the construction of the above I named Improvement, In accordance with he terms of Ordlnance 7708, 104927' upproved September 1L, 1996, the estimated oat of Materials, equlp- ment, engineering and supervision ba- ng NII, d be It %rther Resolved, That the Purohae- Ing Agent ben d he Is here In u[her- laed and directed to purchase the nec- es -y material.. Adopted by the Council June 25, 1940. Approved June 26. 1940. (Js une 2s, 1940) JUN 251940 COURCILMEl1 Adopted by The Council__ _ _ 194_ leas Rays B 9s JUN 251940 Fi tan i A proved _ 194_- _ i a�r nto 'Peterson In Favor _ _ . - ----- ------ [Tia ,X�6'sell / .I't'4- - =Against /--'-. President, McDonough em 3.40 Cs 2-11 II()? Original to City Clerk cotmca CITY OF ST. PAUL rae NO ......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i COMMISSIONER • i1DA I WHEREAS, the Sinking Fund Committee haereceived the following offers NAM OF FIRM $IHD OF HOED HATE` MATURITY AMOUNT BASIS Juran, Moody & Rice St.Paul, Minn, 0 July 1,1955 5,000 2.40 and recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Committee in the purchase of these bonds for the Participating Certificate Fund, and WHMIE S, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor, the Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorised and directed to CO^a+tmmate the transaction. COUNCILMEN Yeas % Nays /Barfuss 4Findlan /Parranto /tSeterson .._-....-....In Favor -4 en Truax .Against ,26. President -(-Faf on) 1M 10-394*w® C. F. No. 119185—By John S. Yartic/pnting Certi9cate fon lthat sthe ¢above ciof[trof shoulthe d be F i aocepted , therefore be IC a Resolved, That the blal'or, a mieeloner of Finane d Comp-' troller be d they -are hereb uthor-; [ laed and directed to consummate the y 1 transact) on. - Adopted by thg Council June 25, 1940. Approved Ju ke 25, 1940. ' (June 28, 1840) JON 25 19 0 Adopted by the Council_ _ ._ . .11 .. ..19 - _. JON 5 Approved ayor k -A CITY OF SAINT PAUL Oou t. NCl '1L. NO._ Orl/la.l to City C OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _____ DATE__sI}l_.ryy-19-`___. COMMISSIONER ._ --.-------- --_ _ RESOLVED: That license for Holler Skating Rink, application 410552, applied for by Raymond M. Lalaver at the Northeast corner of University and Vandelia be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed Lc issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C. F. No. 119186—By G. H. Barfuee— W, A. Parranto—John S. Flndlan— Reeolved, That license for Roller Skating Rink, appllcatton 41062, app it for by Raymond hL LaFaver at the the"'tcorner of University and b V andalla e and the same1. hereby granted and the city .clerk 1s Instructed to issue eu ch ]Ice nse upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fee. Adoptedby the Council June 25, 1940. Approved June 25, 1940. i (June 29, 1940) Nee, Informally approved by Council, Apr. 16, 1940 New Location. JUN 2511 COUnCILMETI Adopted by the Council_ ._ yeas Rays ' JUN 25 1a4 gg jFin jinn A proved— - --- —lam- /��P//arranlo i['elerson In Favor - - ma sen /, /iruax Against , Mr. President, McDonough ,in sao cs -- Original to CltyCtert CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL Fac NO.—__ _-- OFFICE OF THE CfTY CLERK 4� P111NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM June 2, 1p40 DATE—_ __5_._L-- WHERELS, Phillip E. Gier desires to withdraw application 42627 for Roller Skating Rink license at the Northeast corner of Vandalia and University and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to refund to Phillip E. Gier the fee of $25.00 and to cancel said application for license. C. F. No. 119187—By G. H. Bar[usa— W. A. Yarranto—John S. Findlan— WhereasaYhllllp E. Gler desires [o l[hdraw DDllcatlon 42627 for 1A !ler ro'l g RV k license t the Northeast of V—doll. and University e d ceyu"" [he return of the !leen.. Zen deposited thereon, therefore, be It Resolved, That the prober city otfl- s be and they are hereby nuthorized Lor refund [O Yhllllp E. Gler [he tee or �E6.00 and to cancel laid application for Adopted by the Council June 26, 1940. Approved June 26, 1940, IJune 29, 1940) JUN 251940 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council__ . _ . _ 194____ yeas i nays /ISarf nss Jji'i, Z5 1940 /Findlan �� Approved__ -----.__.-----_---194_. _`arranlo /Peterson In Favor uayor /Rosen/ / _Againel C ' Hr. President, McDonough Jyn cs 23338 orl4m.l to cion ckrt CITY OF SAINT PAUL cour4ca 4° \ t 'Ve OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NO.— �✓ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BOL COMMISSION ____-._.... ... _. DATE__-Tnne_2�,._194a_—___._—_..- RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 42457, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 42456, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 42459,.applied for by Leo Perzichilli at 616 Payne Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of -the required fees. C. F- No. 1191,88—By G. H. Barfuse— k'. A. Pnrrnn[o— Resolved, That license for Rest.. 'ant, application 42457, On Sale Malt 3altee Malt Beverage. pollcalication 8tlon 424059, polled for by l.co Pe111ch131i at 816 pay.. ta anted andbthe cltyhclerk le lne [acted m nt Into a the citylicentreaeirynofhthe re qulred fees. - Adopted by the Counoil June 25, 1940. ADproved June 25, 1940. (June 29, 1940) New, Informally approved by Council, June 13, 1940 Old Location. JUN 251940 C01MCILMEn Adopted by the Council_- l]eas `/, ' nays 53 � indlan _ Approved_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- 194_ . . -Parranto Peterson In Favor peen Rlayor �. 'TIuax _Against JW President, McDonough Jul 3.40 C1 23338 Ortdin.l to CItYCMrk t/VL/ /, / _ -.. „AAWW//// CITY Of SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 'ILEac NO.— ". OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B JnIIe 25, 1 DATE—____.___—. COMMISSIONE --------- _ - _ -------"-" -- R]CSOLVED: That Batcher license #5957, expiring December 3, 1940- Off Sale Malt Beverage license #8793. expiring December 3, 1940, and Grocery license #5656, expiring December 3. 1940, issued to So1.Winnick at 902 University Ave. be and the same are hereby transferred to Sol Winnick at 804-906 University Ave. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. COUTICILITIET1 "eas TTays ilss Fiin�ndlan iP/acranto ,'Peterson -Rosen %Cruax x6 r. President, McDonough ,ino C ,in ansa. C. W. F. No. 119189—By G. H. Barfuea- 6967, A. Yarranto— Beaolver tng Itt Butcher Iicenas No. xDiDecember 3, 1990, Off Sale Maltexpiring Bnvernga ''cense No. 8768, I I.e... Noe 6666,ar Uiring D—rnbere3 1940, Issued to Sol Winnick at 802 Unl- erelty Ave. be and the a here- by transferred to Sol WI n IIick are so4- 806 University Ave. end It a DroDer olty iotllcern tna[racted to Maki the DroDer changes In [he ity,a r da. Adopted by the Councll June 25, 1940. Approved June 26, 1940. t1 (June 29, 1940) 40 Adopted bil the Council_ j - �g— - PProved_. In Favor__ -- ma r \ Against/ (-' Sig^ Orisia.l t ItY Clerk _ IV/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL couNcil. .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rue NO.— COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ) n PRESENBY --__ DATE GOMMI591DDI N - - RESOLVED: That license for Hotel, application 42397, applied for by Cecil L. Ammerman at 128 W. 7th St, be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the r§qlired fee. C. F' i 119190— > G. H. Harfuss— N. A. Farranto— H—I-d, That license foforr Hotel, ap- L. Amemermanton 4297, at 128p1W. 7th St. be is d the s is hereby granted and the city clerk le Instructed to Issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. i Adopted by the Council June 25, 1940. ' Approved June 25, 1940. (June 29, 1940) New, Informally approved by Council, June 11, 1940. Old Location. JUN 251W COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council— _ _ 194__ 1]eas / Pays �Ba loss indlan proved_ __ ------194_ '1--rranto �terson In Favor ,A�osen ' Against \/_-% ,Tilr. President, McDonough am a 0 cs assse Oripioal to City CIVA YA CITY OF SAINT PAUL cour4cn 'ILK NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED - _ DATE_—._-- - ------ COMMISSION --- ---__---- RESOLVED: That Gas Station license #5092, (3 pumps) expiring August 11, 1940, and Gas Station license #5lj 10, (1 additional pump) expiring August 11, 1940. issued to Lawrence Johnson and Edward Boehm at 1042 Grand Avenue be and the same are hereby transferred to Erwin A. Jung at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. C. F. No. 119191—By G. H. Serf— W. A. P¢rranto— Resolved, That Gas Station license No. 6092, (3 pumps) expiring August 11, 1940, and Gas Station license No. 6110, (1 additional pump) expiring Au- gust 11, 1940, Issued to Lawrence John- son Edward Boehm at 1042 Grand Avenue be and the same are hereby transferred to Erwin A. Jung at the came Teddresa ¢nd the proper lty otn- re or. Instructed to make the proper changes In the city's records. # Adopted by the Council June 26, 1940. ; Approved June 26, 1940. (June 29, 1940) Old Location. JUN 25 'so COUTICILITIETI Adopted by the Council_-T1�4--- lfeas / Tlays yU9� hy� 13a[f uss / ! . 25 ISO ,+...,,. .t 4-P Prouad_. /Cilld{an - ------ arutilo � � In Fallot - / rl / ayor );fuax __ Againsl TRr/t�esiden[, McDonough 0091,11 to city Ckrt CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL Foe NO.—._. _._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM C. *P' No. 119192 --BY n 9 Fina anBo- t .^solved, That licensee IDd for this ea,. •^ �ernamed on th• Dlle,11st DATE.__ et- PRESENTE B his reeelu[loR ..t n„ u- COMMISSIO RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the"same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: John J. Kerwin 894 Rice St. Foodstuff (milk) APP -41943 New New Loca, Aaron Barenbsum 1816 St. Clair St. Grocery a 42048 " Old ° Edward G. Harris 448 Selby Ave. Bakery " 42210 " New " Samuel Greenberg 393 N. Western Ave. Butcher a 42346 " Old ^ n a a n Grocery " 42347 " Old a OffSale Malt a 42348 a Old " Mrs. Lillian Johnston 47.8 Canada St. Ice Station a 42369 a Old ■ Albert Widowsky 500 Sherburne Ave. Grocery a 42405 " Old " 11 n a " Off Sale Malt ^ 42406 a Bose Cleveland 1535 Como Ave. Restaurant " 42417 " Old ° Paul & Ruth Shiely 1848 W. 7th St. Confectionery a 42423 " Old " Sena Gilbertson 554 Robert St. Hotel " 42448 " Old " Apron Sarenbaum 1816 St. Clair Off Sale Malt " 42466 " Old " Nick Eger 61 N. Kent St. Grocery " 42480 a Old ° a p n a Off Sale Malt " 42481 a Old " Jack Batush 184 E. Fairfield Restaurant ^ 42486 It New " Abe Gilman 286 State St. Junk Dealer ° 42487 " Old " Ben Freeman Gas & 011 Co. 296 W. 7th St. Gas Station a 42489 a New " Daniel R. Webster 113 W. 10th St. Restaurant " 42494 a Old ° Harold J. Schaffer 334 N. Chatsworth Grocery " 42504 " Old " August DeMarre 670 Canada Junk Gatherer a 42615,rt" COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council _1UN2,5- t3�Ni_l94___ I]eas / Tlays .p qpp /s/ar s 5 19'W r� - aPproued_ - ilan----------...-------tom-. �;l anlo / In Favor �_ra Against1H;. ,Rlr. President, McDonough ,in ,-.o cs ,. OrIgi—I to City CLA CRY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL PILE NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ,41`1 PRESENTED BY - DATE _ June 25, 1940-• -- COMMISSIONER--. --Peterson -- - - - RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Lyle M. Robbins providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $20.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Education, on the 27th day of May 1940; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement. the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Lyle M. Robbins the sun of $80.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including June 24th, 1940 • C. F. No. 119194—By Axel F. Peterson 1940. That the DroDer city o1fl- 1 Lei COUTICILRIEn leas Rays arjuss indlan ,#arranto In Favor '4�eterson ,'fZosen 'Truax J Against /Tnr. President, McDonough IM a -<o Cs -111 JUN 25 IN Adopled by the Council—, .i1N?5190 proved_ -.__. _.__.__194_.. ._ _. lar F, ortala.l to City clerk I CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL rae NO._. OFFICE)?F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL :REVSOUTION--- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER___. __ ____ .._. �''-�-"'_ _ _ DATE—__-_ RFWLM, that Council File No. 118443, granting the petition of Frank Jannett and ophers for the vacation of 15 feet on the east side and lb feet on the west side of Charlton Street between West Winifred Street and West Congress Street, said resolution having been approved April 19, 1940, be and the same is hereby cancelled and rescinded for the reason that the conditions imposed by said resolution have not been complied with within the required time. COURCILMEn 1jeas nags rjuss �f "'Indian Jarranto ,Peterson In Favor 1-t, sell 'Truax _ Against Mr. President, McDonough IM D 0 Cs vase C. F. No. 119195—By Milton Rosen - 118A48 lgrant nga the petition oil o[l Frank Jannett and other. for the vacation 16feet on the east side and 16 1, t n the est aide t Charlton Street be- tween West Winifred Street and West Congress Street, yyid resolution ha'ing thansamer is shereb yl cancelled and and r re- scinded for the reason that the condi- 1 tion.lmpo..d by said resolution have 1 not be eenl c mDlled With Within the re - Adopted by the Council June 25, 1940. 1 Approved June 25,1940. (June 29, 1940) JUN 251940 Adopted by the Council _ _ _ _194— i ON 194__— iON 245 1940 A proved_ l , 1 I � COURCILMEn 1jeas nags rjuss �f "'Indian Jarranto ,Peterson In Favor 1-t, sell 'Truax _ Against Mr. President, McDonough IM D 0 Cs vase C. F. No. 119195—By Milton Rosen - 118A48 lgrant nga the petition oil o[l Frank Jannett and other. for the vacation 16feet on the east side and 16 1, t n the est aide t Charlton Street be- tween West Winifred Street and West Congress Street, yyid resolution ha'ing thansamer is shereb yl cancelled and and r re- scinded for the reason that the condi- 1 tion.lmpo..d by said resolution have 1 not be eenl c mDlled With Within the re - Adopted by the Council June 25, 1940. 1 Approved June 25,1940. (June 29, 1940) JUN 251940 Adopted by the Council _ _ _ _194— i ON 194__— iON 245 1940 A proved_ Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G_ZNERAL FORM IILK"` No ------------------------- RESOLVED, That the freeuse of the fifth floor of the St. Pau.1AAuditorium be and it is hereby given to the Works Progress Administratl for the period July 1, 1940 to January 1, 1941, for its handicraft} project; provided that the Workc Progress Administration shalf pay the cost of electric current used for said project for light and power* COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `ss /Ba indlan /Z?arranto /Peterson ..........In Favor iRosen 7nUaX Against ,kr. Presiden'ty/(Phffmir -- iM 10-39® ✓//'t��'I. G�.7LbG6� C. F. No. 119196-13y Axel F. Peterson— Resolved, That the free use of the fltth floor of the et. Paul Auditorium be and It is hereby given to the Works Progre.e Administration for the pe- lorl July 1 1940 to January 1, 1941, for it. handicraft project. provided that the Work. Progress Administration shall pay the cost of electrler e t used for said project for. light and. power. Adopted by the Council June 26, 1940.1 Approved June 26, 1940. (June 29, 1940) JUN 25190 Adopted by the Council..__ ... ___......... ._..19- JUIN 25 1940 Approved.. ... _........ ---... _.. _...... _. _ 19. _. _.. 0,111-1 w City Clete _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CRY CLERK �COUNCILLOTION---GENERAL FORM 95VCOMMI10E_— DA'1 COUNCIL FILE NO. WHEREAS, Gerald A. Beaubien, Senior Clerk in the.Water Department of the City of Saint Paul, will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of at least thirty (30) days from and after the 26th day of Tune 1940, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reconded that Gerald A. Beaubien be granted a thirty day leave of absence for disability with pay, beginning Tune 26th, 1940, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore be it a RESOLVED, that the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorised to grant a leave of absence to Gerald A. Beaubien for thirty (30) We beginning June 261 1940 with full pay. JUN 251940 COUTICILMER Adopted bil the Council _ Tea- lleas T1a93 J 0 N 925 1940 ss Approved _ irydIan V -- ------ anto / Favor PMrson - -- ---- - ---. --- --- — r --- /Rn ru President, McDonough am '... CS ...ne Original Olty Clint fi r: CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUFILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C IL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE June 16, 1940--.---.- COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance With Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency Which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of the Water Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time herein- after set forth: Overtime NAME TIM Sunda3r Regular Rate Vidgo Anderson Lake Patrolman-W.D. 16 bra. .61-1/2 Chauncey T. Barett Water -shed lab. 3 hra. .65-3/4 Mayland V. Remick do $ " -55-1/4 Dem Slater Filter plant lab. 4 " .65-3/4 Peter Meyers Ditch digger 8 " .6o Roy Munson Utilityman-W.D. 4-1/2 bra. .73 Leonard Munson do 3 bra. .73 Chris Rauer Filter -Plant lab. 3 " .65-3/4 Ed Kordell Mach. Helper 4-1/2 • .62-1/4 "Sam Ranelli do 4-1/2 * .62-1/4 James Tighe „Fmerg.Repairman 4-1/2 " .65-3/4 Leo Boyle Ditch digger 3 bra. .6o Toe Bruno do 3 • .6o Tommaso Mazzola do 4-1/2 • .6o Gust A. Johnson Utilityman-W.D. 12 " .73 Walter Heidenreich Water -shed lab. 2 " .65-3/4 Irvin M. Haley Ditch digger 4 a .6o erti ed oorreat C. F. �o. 119198—By W. A. Parranto— QQQ\\\ ]]t{���I ra are her by t t h.,i.cd eto pay c.riy tal e e eDloyee in the extra emp oy t eof Public Utilities for extra Dloyment set cut on the list attached to this lotion. re�Aodopted by the Councll lune 25, 1940. Leonard N. Thompson ADDrovefl (June 228, 11940) General Superintendent --- — JUN 2519A0 COUTIC1LMEn Adopted by the Council __ . . _ _____194_ Deas nays 5 1948 TSarfuss findlan proved _ __194 , �anto i /r/P rson In Favor, /R 0 / o osen (, Itruax Against VOBL1SxFn �.--�- Mr. President, McDonough 3M 3.48 Cs 23338 ,91��8 -Toad 18, 1940 An emergency has arisen in the Water Department rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Patrollin/t Vadnais and Sucker Lakes.* Blushing mains ,# This emergency arose by reason of the following fact and circumstances: *To prevent 4re6paaei4g.Huergency condition account of tastes and odors _ in the water. BOARD OF WATER IONERS 6President CertifV-e-,dA ed correct: 01x///,..- ---� Leonaed N. Thompson V General Superintendent I f, O'Wad 1. OW cWh CITY OF ST. PAUL 11L.��� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RO ,ION---GESENERAL FORM„1�wCOMMSSOER X:OUNCIL DATE _ June17 1940 — L” That the Northern States Power OospW be given permission to c emoaveto for and install fibre ducts with cables therein from the present manhole Nest of the Nigh Bridge on the North side of Upper Levee, southwest across the Upper Levee to now manhole to be built on the south side of the Upper Levee. Also ezfavate for and install submarine cables from said new manhole to river. n Zstimste 31330- COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays a ss Ilan �an[o In Favor /Peterson f /1i den Against jFruax 7Z9 �Mr. Preside c �_4 BM BJ3 CB C. F. No. 119199—By Milton Rosen— That the Northern State. Power Com- pany be given permission to eYeava[e. for and'lnetall fibre ducts with oablee therein from the present manhole West of the High Bridge on the North side f Upper Levee, southwestacross the Upper Levee to new manhole to be bunt the south side of the Upper Levee. Also aatileee frog said nInstall w manhole to river. Eetlmate 31330. Adopted by the Council June 25, 1940. Approved June 26, 1940. (June 29, 1940) JUN 25 'W Adopted by the Council----193— JON 25 1 ouncil ---193-- JON251 14 pprovefd` . r i 1192)"() Ods4ul to Oir Cltrk u CITY OF ST. PAUL s�c NO._ OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL S LOTION ---GENERAL FORM ^,,n r PRESENTED BY .P ��--� %�---` DATE dross lj. 19� COMMISSIONER_ — That the Sorthern States Power Oompaay be given permission to excavate for and build manhole on the north side of Mater 8t. approximately 600 ft vest of the High Bridge, and excavate for and install ducts with cables tbereiu froa new manhole south across Mater St. Astimate 30T28. COUNCILMEN Yeas /g Nays a loss !/ in dIan 1-411rranto gyp/ � In Fav9r ¢t�rson j�s -Againq Presidenons en C. F. No. 119200—By Milton Roeen— That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to ex- cavate for and build enh ., ole on the 6Orth aide of Water St, appV oximately 00 ft. west of the High 6rldge. and excavate for and install duets with cables therein from new manhole outh across Water St. Estimate 20728. Adopted by the Council June 25, 1940. Approved June 26, 1940. (June 29, 1940) 3UN 25 �� Adopted by the Council_ 193— .ION 25 iA proved — —193— a ( y- orwaal to City Clete • CITY OF ST. PAUL "OuNca NO... --- __----------- OFFICE OF E CITY CLERK C. F. No. 119201—By ffiJlton Roeen— COUNCIL RESO U ION—GENERAL FORM Resolved, That the proper clay cer- a are hereby authorized ar me of taln em s In the Department o[ ^ti, Public Works for extra employment ae COMMIPRESETIO E DATE_. eat t on the 11et attached to this COMM15310NER_ -- – reaolatlon. Adopted by the Council lune 26, 1940. Adopt d June 26, 1940. (June 29, 1940) WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergEncy which rendered necessary the employment of certain e mployes of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunlay, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following -named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title No.Hrs. Rate of Pay Ferraro, Antonio Unsk.Lab. 4 .50 Glancy, Ives Unsk.Lab. 6 .50 Goossen, James A. Sew.Mtd.Lab. 4 .55 Johnson, Matt Unsk.Lab. 4 .50 Keller, Anthony P. Tr.0.D.1j-T. 4 1.50 Klemenhagen, Albert W. Utilityman-PW 8z3 Lund, George H. Util.Fore. -PW 4 .t50 Marzitelli, Domenico St.Sweeper 4 .50 Marzitelli, Mike St.Sweeper 4 .50 McGee, Frank D. S6w.Mtc.Lab. 7 .55 Milani, Luigi Unsk.Lab. 4 .50 Nitkowsky, Nick Unsk.Lab. 4 .50 Pastuch, John Sew.Mtc.Lab. 2 .55 Plumbo, Anthony Sew.Mte.Lab. 2 .55 Putnam, Fred A. Crew Leader -PVP 12 X50 i.Remore, David Unsk.Lab. Rinke, Henry Tr.O.D.ljT. 4 1.50 Roberto, Tony Unsk.Lab. 4 .50 Schrenkler, Louis W. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 55 .62 Winklesky, Otto Kettle Fire. JUN 251840 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ _____-- __ _._....19........ yeas/ Nays Ainsa �� �� dlan Approved...... -... - _- - ...19....... ,Piyranto 1 Peterson __-.--..In Favor--- ..-l� -Rosen j Truax _ _.....,Against \ f[[Mr. President IM �® -bi(tt `P An emergency has arisen in the DFPARTIOWT OF PUBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following works Answering emergency complaints on sewer stoppages, tending fires and watching material and equipment on Sundays at Asphalt Plant, preparing streets for oiling. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Opening sewers after hours in answer to emergency calls, necessity for keeping fires at Asphalt Plant on Sundays and watching material and equipment, rushing street repairs which were delayed by recent rains. COMCISSIC31TER OF PUELT/ 1 F5 oNeb.l 11 cur ca.t f, � 129 � Yc. • CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL HCIL NO._ _ /-)OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK" COU I RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONER DATE_. June 18, 1940 Resolved, That the Ftirrchasln; A. rt be, and ') is hereby au-.!.orized to purc'nase, ith the ccnsen*. 01' ',?'e I ayor _na lie Corl��troller, one tank car, a a�roximntely c -'J00 :11ors 'IQ" 1-- -ded Lasoltne, 70-72 OCtLir-, from A. JRE'IS as trust -.e l or DE" 3i CI GiL CORF 03nT�t^', at a i r . Cl of .1107 per Lz:ilon, irclu,in: stare tuz and si;ate inspC_ct.ior, less ten cop discount and 3o T AC,to be spotted on Ylnicipal 5quipm�rt Lu -eau spur at uale',9t., on inioriaal Lids, as an emerLency srists c%nere failure to act proniatly uld.`>;ork a hardship to -L� best inter-sts of the Cit>. d • Char: e J r. ,_ _1 F`�nd- i�.ri ci pL.L ro'1 i,_a,;nt- 1003-134. COnnCILMEn leas nays dT ss ��indlan iParr o r. ��e�tey�don �Koy�n lCru President, McDonough 3M 3-20 c3 23335 I 1940) JUN 251944 Adopted by the Council / . Approved----"--" -----194___ j - L In Favor C tray . _Against nritinel to City Chrk CITY OF SAINT PAUL CounCIL ►iLE NO.— _ -- O E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LPUTIJON---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` _ DATE_—ZIe--�.aG .,--�`=Q—_-----_- COMMISSIONER_---. _- Resolved, That the FurcE:_sin, A_ent be, unu re is -re'uy ,u;i.o to purchase, ',ith file cort-ent of the Com.ItroliPr, for t_r:_ St. !—j Worl,hou.se, 100 pigs at a total cost of $6139.07, from F• f C. ,At,,nlit a!ivertlset, as tLis Js the a ci. livestock can be made or the South St. P-11 Ibar'��et, iionkho,lse 1015-131 COl1TICILMET1 leas / nays B� m n arr nto e/t�rson In FatIor 3111�vll.jdent, Against McDonough ,in a-ao cs U.I. C'F. Resolved 1Tha8t the Pu/rche ,g Agent be, and he In hereby authorized to D rchaee, with the oneent of the Comptroller, for the gt. Paul Work- house 100 pigs at a total cost of =889.817, from E. B. Beck & Co., with- ' k ,j out advertleement, ae thie Is the only We a n tMchaee o[ livestock n be Charge Yub sc uth WorkeaWo khoue. 7 1018-191. �_ Adopted by the Council Jun. 25, 1940. Approved June 25, 1940. wnne z9, 1949) JUN 25 1940 Adopted bit the Council__ _ . -- _ _ --194_ 194 - JUN 25 &0 Approved— _- --_----TB4-_- !;-4-. Original to City Clerta CITY OF SAINT PAUL' - COUNCIL FILE NO.— OFFICE V [7.— - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , CO CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ER _ DATE_._ JUnQ_-i�.rJ,. 1940• _- COMMISSIONER_-_ ___ _....._. _. -._ __- _ `�. WHEREAS, Mrs. Minnie Moor, a policewoman in the Depart- ment of Public Safety, will be incapacitated and unable to perform her duties for a period of thirty days, from June 1st, to and including June 30th, 1940, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Safety has recommended that said employe be granted a leave of absence for disability, with pay, for said period, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence to said Mrs. Minnie Moore for the period from June let to and including June 30th, 1940, with full pay. C. F. No. 119204—BY G. 11. Barfuss— Whereas, Mr.. Minn)e- Moore, po- linewomh Inthe be In lap He Safety,nciteted and un- " able to perform her duties for a Ve- rlod of thirty days, from June lst, to _ arid Including June 80th, 1940, sad Whereas, The Commisaloner L Pub- ]Ic Safety has recommended that said ,ployl be granted n leave of absence for disability, 11fthp.Y, for said parlod, id leave Ueing in Vllance lth Paragraph E. Section 41 of the Civil Service Hulas; thererors be St Resolved, That the Droper cltu[hor- cers be and. they are hereby a lied to grnt a leave f beer— t- ..I Mrs. Mlnnfe Moore for the period from June let tb nd Including June S oth, 194o, lth full pay Adopted by the Councll June 28, 1940. ' Approved (J une ne?ZV 1940. 1940) --- JUN 251940 C011nCILITIEn Adopted by the Council_- Ljeas nays Basjuss /4indlan Approved___ i /�arrantct eterson ^ In f=avor �Rogen ( [Tie r iTrua Agflmst ' esident, McDonough bm ,..b CS,.... Original to City Clerk - ` � S, CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO._. .. ICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY J. T Ine ' L_.._ 24, 1940 COMMISSIONER— -.___.—____-___ _.__.______ __. .___.- _. __ _._ DATE—_._._-._______._._.-._._- Resolved, Th8.t the et_ent hP, an:'.he is 1: -ruby c..'tr'.oriz.?d t,0 purchase, v;:.ti; t",e )�sent of *,t: Co;s_,troller, for the St, Fa"'l Work- hoiise, 100 pias at a total cos`, of ,;7�:2.68, f'r„m 970RUF -T7R1 CO., ,ri+hmt advert's°,.ent, as t' s Ss t nl t �r Lase o{' livestock can be .nape �,1, the South St., Pa_” I.:arket. CI�L,r_P-11 11 ho -se IC16-1.31 y C'k'�nolved1�1.1 the YurchaanB Agent nd heIn hereby authorizen to .urchane, With Ith the 'onnent t the com.troiler, for the St.t Yt a0.i IeWorKf hou.6 8. fromD� urge N. hurt Co.�wlth- out advert )eement, n this le the o l K purchn be a6e oY livestock wide on the South St. Paul Market. {{ Charge Pub IC Works—WorYhouee i 10d. AovI261940.` Ado. ted by the Council June , A..roved Jutte 26, 1940. (June 29, 199U) JUN 251944 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council _ . _ _ . - ._ .194_ I]eas Tlays y� �p aarjuss AN Fr�� y I. �q o Findlan1 Approved -_--__-----194— Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen � � 7L) _ Rlayor Truax gainst Mr. President, McDonough ,in a -ah cs -111 ^ 0,191"1 to city clerk Y j. y)46 -pi! a �Y CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CQUNCSOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM C. F. ere . Zenith lobo S. Findlan— Q'�J(CJ s whereas. Zenith Lana S. Fi n l has ode app I—tion for relief to the 3tin- tle6ota 'fax =w iael�oen r,Iattve to the PRESENTED BY Unguent taxes ��" ---^.R on COMMISSIONER_ _.._-. __. _.-- --_ - _.. DATI;nllowl`B^ yi:' Zenith Lana Comnan" I Fxs -lade a--!'Iicatior. for reiief to the ,"inrosota "iax Corvninsion relazi,.,, to uelinquent taxes and as see:, --len Cs on tii:e follor,fr.'- ._iesnrib+. rronerty, to i.it.: Lot � Block 2, R;<a:1 'rl_,ce; and - "5;',iAS, the delinq,,ency totals the sum of 5,1,416.94, and s has beer. scioulated that te.e arilicant nap in full settlement thereof the sum of therefore, he it i71:aCLis), Ynat the Council of the (7i cv. o: �,ai:.t Paul hereby a- ?roves s.aid settlem�r"t; nrovidea, ho-urever, that c::e sum of ,600.49 shall be first deducted from the total „ai-rent of $622.59, and tr.--t said sur: of $600.49 ^mall be raid to the City of Sairt Yaul in se,Llemer_t of deli^,q:ientasses!; erlts inc_�icied in the total delinqucncj o; $1,410.94. JUN 25 tfl40 COIlnCILII.En Adopted by the Council I]eas / nags �jpp��EE { ��q / Findtan ApB[oued_ f _ -- a��rtanto ` iPat fson In Favor ma 1406 en v _ ruax .. Against VUBLISHLD_(�.--�'—'""" Ar. President, McDonough .in e . cs as»R Original b City clerk ! q 9 i i'7 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU CIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RSO UTION---GENERAL FORM c. F. No: ]]9207—By John s. Finalan— Wit—e .• Anna C. Mar 'gall has made DDlicationfor relief •--•,, Minnesota PRESENTED BY • ^A W r� DATE tTex "Plindlesion r^',COMMISSIONER—�OUYIL _ -_-- __ _ y aseeaer�— , , deecr)h• `3 L S, A_•.a C. 7,arshall has rinde a-olic cion for relic -f �;e i:iru;cccta 'rax Commissio:: relative to delinquent taxes and assos:;aents o.. rho folloi.in- aescrib�d crob,rty, to ::it: Loc ,;i,, locl: 10, 3a:_rey's Su:,, of 'f11 -s. 101 and 10'x, L,-nan Da, -con's :,--:iuicion; _nal the deli-.griency totals the swn of ',688.u5, and u�u ar,nli_cani. o_fers to _ :1:11 so-tle:.iellt -UL -ea: the san o: 4-30; therefore, be it H2 —L:.–ED, iLut the Ccancil of tha Citi.,- o� C�i llriAla.l to City Cl.rr CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU CIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBV COMMISSIONER -�. ^' _ _ DATE_ --_ `_ .- —_.. - WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. RATE OF NAME TITLE HOURS OVERTIME Riley B. Dutcher Utilityman Playgrounds 13 @ .691 John A. Olsen Tree Trimmer 4 .71 John F. Sullivan, Jr. Utilityman Playgrounds 6 V.6 Joseph Tetrault Tree Trimmer 14 .71 Ray T. TeachouIt Tree Laborer 4 .55 John Maurer Plumber 6 1.25 .M LJ COUTICILTREIl Meas /" nays Fi Ian Fi an rilto �son 'Ros roar Xr. President, McDonough am 3-40 C9 23338 C. F. No. 119208—By FrEd U. Truax— Resolved, That the proper city offi- cers are hereby authori.ed tc pay Cer- tain employes In the Department f Parke, Playgrounds & Public Bulld- mge for extra employment as set out on the list attached to this resolution. Adopted by the Council June 25, 1940. Approved June 251940. (June a3, 1940) JUN 25 IN Adopted by the Council _ _ . _ __ ____ _ 1e4_ Aoved _.__.._...-----------104_ _ `q Favor /j// Til or i Aqainsi W. LA MONT KAUFMAN _ ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD . Supt. of Parka Supt of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota 4 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner June 18, 1940 To the Honorable, The Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgio unds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than 8 hours per day in doing work involving cutting of grass on golf courses made, necessary due to weather conditions; also emergency repairs to plumbing. This emergency arose by reason of necessity to provide services to the public. Yours truly Commissioner 1119 Od.intl to u» Clerk V1119 CITY OF ST. PAUL r��. NO. OFFICE OF. HE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /�^�- DATE. June 10 1940 COMMISSIONER_ ---- C. F. No. 119209—By Milton Rosen— That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to Install 1-36 foot pole In thelley west of. Ddgecumbe, south of Jullet, with nec- weary guye, anchors, wires, and Tele- obe phone removed when Pole and wires o do o by the Common Coun"I tanded t cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. E.- tlmate 39209. Adopted by the Council June 25, 1940. Approved June 26, 1940. (June 29, 1940) That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-3§ foot pole in the alley west of Edgeoumbe, south of Juliet, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cc --t of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate 33209. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays err "s Ian Znto on —_ln Favor o len Against Presiden� sM s -as cs JUN 251940 Adopted by the Council 193— JUN 25,94 A —M _ _ _ 193— WSW 1. Gly U.,k „�. "` No.-- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFL? OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTCOMMISSIONER_ IORDATE. Jame 1940 OMMISSNE_ C.1 at theNorthern here states Power Company be givenNpermission to Install 8116 o the orth ids of Bayard i. '•y W,.t ^f Cleval^.rC 1 nal, b That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1 pole on the North side of Bayard at alley West of Cleveland; 1 pole in Alley West of Warwick, North of Randolph, and 3 poles in Alley East of Snelling, South of Lincoln, with necessary guys. anchors, wires and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the b Northern States Power Company. Estimate 30264. COUNCILMEN JUN 251393_ Adopted by the Council.----- Yeas ' Nays JUN 25 " "r Bartuss Findlan Parranto _ in Favor Peterson % '✓ Rosen Against Truax Mr. PresidBO�fh am ass Cs �-4oved --- .— — - � M or Od,Nti to Ory clu4 IIg9AI CITY OF ST. PAUL CoU p" NO. OFFICE OF'IE CITY CLERK _—COUNCIL RESOL ION ---GENERAL FORM MM SSIONER PRESENTED _ �L DATE:— 7T11Le 11- 19W OR That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 5 Poles in the Alley South of Orange, last of Mendota, with necessary gays, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Notimate 33202. C That o.[h192Northera Miltateaoss.— Power Companybe given permtesion f.01.14.11 Eastle. or Mendota,nWith neceeearyys outh of range, anchors wires, and Telephone Com- pany wires. Poles,and wires to be r Common Councilu antddcostd do said res orthIrn States t Power be borne Company.the Estimate m 83202. Adopted by the Council Ju.e 26, 1940. j Approved Tune 25, 1940. f{19 (June 29, 1840) rr COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bar(uss Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax A�ainst Mr. President 6D4 "S ce �F4:He/sj�. f �'17�,^✓t.{ JUN 25 10 Adopted by the Council----i93— JUN ouncil— _ 193— JUN 25 SO Approved 193— - -------------- a or Y Ddtl.el 1. at, De& CITY OF ST. PAUL NO._ _ OFFICF9 OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTION --- GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER_ DATE _ June 6 194o That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 6 poles on aurora, east of Lexington. with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. C. F, xo. 119212--ByMilton Rosen— That the Northern State. Power Netlmate d Companyo be given Det'ml.elon to In.ta 1 $32779• S poles n Aurora, east of L.zington, with n c .... ry guye, nchore, wire., and T lephone ComDanY wlrae. Poles a d wl ea to be removed when que9t- ed to do eo by of aid the recoConn.—rCouncll byd the [Northern State.l Power born m- pang. Estimate No. S2779. Adopted by the Council June 25, 1940. G Approved June 25 1940. � � (June 2�, 19401 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Against Mr. President o ' 5M e-39 C0/�� JUN 251944 Adopted by the Council_ 193— A: JUR 251944 odto cd, Ciao COUNCIL NO. � WW CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMIIONER_ DATE 311 1910 SS C. F. No. 119219—By Milton Ross That the Northern states Power Comyany be given Permission to Install 1-96 foot Dole aad 1-10 toot Dole the northwe nd and ..hheast cam: �u. wlr� wu That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-35 foot pole and 1-110 foot pole on the northwest and southeast corners of Norfolk and Kenneth, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the 8ommon Council and cost of said removal to be borne by s the Northern States Power Company. 39timate 32670. C - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bar(uss Findlan Parranto Peterson in Favor Rosen --Against Truax Mr. President+Fatf6n-7_ 6M 9de C6 ter, JUN 25" Adopted by the Council-193— JUN 25 1940 proved_193— Mayor 193.— Mayor 119214 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and& PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ............. ...........Erie OU400-0.. thg. ...... .......... PAq jX:1.0. Hal 3.;b..C=peny..tra9k.A. and. Greco. Street_ ........................................... ...................................................................................... .................. Dated this.... 25th .... day of ......................Time.............. ............. . ................................................ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .......... ............. .......... ...... .......... Pacific. Railway. jCc=q=q..trackS. and. Grace. Street....... . r ELIMINAP!^ ......................................................................................... ....... .............. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................%0.2.5. M ............. YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUqmh,,. Approved. FIND PA P N ROSEN TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT IM 1248 jo 25 00 .............. ........ i� .......... �4ayor. PUBj,IS111'D-/ 19915 Council File No..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ..Reconstructing,, ,with, monolithic . oonQrete,, ,the ,sidewalk, .and. ,aurbing.:on .the .south . _ ,side . of . Congress, Street, .between ,Concord ,and, ,Livingston, Streets,, , including . , . , .. , . .... repairs . to. 3rivewv- • entrance. east • of - Llvtngston -Street. .................................. . Dated this..... 25th.... day of .................. dune.................. ......, 1931,0.... �.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reoonstructin, with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk and ourbing on the south . �......................... aide, of„Congress, Street..between.Concord.and..Livingaton. Streets,including........ ....... .east.of. L vingston.Streat..... C. F. Aisars— Ab�tracL Id - .............................................................................................. rvr ....... 11 ... ............ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. / Adopted by the Council .............JO.N.g'.r.r5.. ................ Ay�p. ✓ "�' YEAS NAYS �Y� m t5 190 Councilman BARFUSS Approved. FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT IM 12.38 _0 r Mayor. 'he ,....rte Petition attached to sidewalk O4x 921 6 Council File No ................ 9 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c. F: No. 119216-- 1111eb.taet. and Whereas, ^ written for the PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Curbing on the north side of E. 4th St. from the west line of lot 48, Block 1, Wild Rose Addition, to Ruth St.; on the s uth aide of E. 4th St. from the west line of lot 19, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition to Ruth St.; on the north side of Fremont Ave. from the west line of lot 47, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen St.; on the south side of Fremont Ave. from the west line of lot 19, Block 3, Wild Rose Addition to Pedersen St.; on the north side of E. 3rd St. from the west line of lot 46, Block 3, Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen St.; on the south side of E. 3rd St, from Ruth St. to Pedersen St.; on the west aide of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 5th St.; on the east side of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 4th St. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curbing on the north side of E. 4th St. from the west line of lot 48, Block 1, Wild Rose Addition, to Ruth St.; on the s;uth side of E. 4th St. from the west line of lot 19, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition to Ruth St.; on the north side of Fremont Ave, from the west line of lot 47, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen St.; on the south side of Fremont Ave. from the west line of lot 19, Block 3, Wild Rose Addition to Pedersen St.; on the north side of E. 3rd St. from the west line of lot 46, Block 3, Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen St.; on the south side of E. 3rd St. from Ruth St. to Pedersen St.; on the west side of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 5th St.; on the east side of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 4th St. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .....................JUN -2-5-10 .................. �� YEAS NAYS io 2, 5 t Councilman BARFU$S - Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO j PETERSON �..... �Lyor. ......�ROSEN . .... TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT IM 11.78 �D AJ petition attache& to sidewalk 0r -v%9 _j� Council File No ................ Curbing on the north side of E. 4th St. from the west line of lot 48, Block 1, Wild Rose Addition, to Ruth St.; on the s uth side of E. 4thggt. from the west line of lot 19, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition to Ruth St.; on the north side of Fremont Ave. from the west line of lot 47, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen St.; on the south side of Fremont Ave. from the west line of lot 19, Block 3, Wild Rose Addition to Pedersen St.; on the north side of E. 3rd St. from the west line of lot 46, Block 3, Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen St.; on the south side of E. 3rd St. from Ruth St. to Pedersen St.; on the west side of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 5th St.; on the east side of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St, to E. 4th St. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.....................JUN 2510 ........................... ✓t�,, !� YEAS NAYS df iD / Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN , PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN). ........................................... TRUAX Mayor. - MR. PRESIDENT , IM 12.38 7 Petition attaahed to sidewalk A-4-9216 Council File No ................ ns0%ft0%CA2 Rf%0 1&An=0%%ffCjLA=bJV ................ I ............................................................................................. Dated this .... ..... day of .............. June ........................................./.... �19Aq� ............ . ....—.. . . .Councilman. ouncilm an. A! I "q! r �P. FIT, 6 0, TOjP dT FTou Fn 11r;T ..TOO I Vq,j 7;70., Co _bG991.2011 �]-r OTT G 1,j�GWCMP Vas' TMow PIT- AGGP TTJJG oT. TO[ �%S' BTOGI< J, ^4114 boee 013 -o .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JON 25 IM Adopted by the Council .....................:�U...� 25.................... ✓ YEAS NAYS j U 5 19W Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN ............................ TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT IM 12,38 ...................................................................................................... ................. ................ I ............................................................................................. Dated this .... ..... day of .............. June ........................................./.... �19Aq� ............ . ....—.. . . .Councilman. ouncilm an. A! I "q! r �P. FIT, 6 0, TOjP dT FTou Fn 11r;T ..TOO I Vq,j 7;70., Co _bG991.2011 �]-r OTT G 1,j�GWCMP Vas' TMow PIT- AGGP TTJJG oT. TO[ �%S' BTOGI< J, ^4114 boee 013 -o .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JON 25 IM Adopted by the Council .....................:�U...� 25.................... ✓ YEAS NAYS j U 5 19W Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN ............................ TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT IM 12,38 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reppp,atructing,..repairiag.and .rsl.aying.the. sidewalk -on - the north- -side of W-. Fourth St. from a point approximately 82 feet west of St. Peter St., thence ��•��xeat g ftc'repair'tirap=d0or;'Degiiitli'1ig'T2"feet"Parifie;^'ivest;'tlienoe�•best 46 feet heyinning l8 Yeet•.farther •west,,.thepp•0.W9.at..j3.feat., .................. I......... ....................................................... .... Dated this...z5th......day of..............June...................... ........ 149.... ................................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ReppAatamating...repairing.and. relaying..the.o dewa1k.on..the.north.stda.of........... V. Fourth St. from a point approximately 82 feet west of St. Peter St., thence ..... most - 5 • ft•:. repair• -trap—door; beginning -12 feet - farther, west•; "bhenoe• 'West ........... 46 feet; beginning 18 feet farther west, thence west 13 feet. ........................................................ C. F. No. 119217— ..............................................................................................Abstmet. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ..................... a .............. ......... nue. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............... �d9+..5 5.1944 .............. YEAS NAYS 1 JUN 25 ft Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN.... ..... ...... ............................. TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT 1 PUBLISHED i 1) IM 12.38 ;� 01.94_1�S Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPRIOVEMENT and C. F. No. 119218— A6truct. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followingpublicimprovement bythe City ofSaint Pau l,vis.: r R......ruoting with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the northwesterly !........................................... ................... 40�►.8�..9R.��4RA$..ap,$,Up,7,verQlty,{1,vekues.,,from University Av�ue; thence northerly .... J.6A . �t....9Ad. STQAI .�.$Y744Rd .!'.Y6.... t1i6AP.6. westerly„ 210. , ft .., . including. full.. apron , at, . ............................................... Dated this..., z5.th.....day of ................ June .................... .............................................................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Re.00natrue ting with monolithic aonoreta the aidewalk on the northwesterly ..................................................................... ,corner.oP,Raymond.sad Uaiverait. Avenues from IIaiveraity Avenge thence norther �6Q.,;t.�„�{d.,�'rqn}.R�ynAond,�ye.,..thenoe,weaterly 210.Pt,t including Pull apron at QP.�A9F.'............................................................. .................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........... YEAS NAYS JUN 251940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX .............. MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. 161 12.38 1 119219 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT an PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ....,,.Reoonstruoting,,relsying,and..repa ring, the„sidewalk. on. ,the, west ................... a1de..Qf.. Sua111ng. Apenua . fram .Shields. AYenua, ..thenoa . south .170 -feat .............. . .............................................................................................................................. ..................... 5........... y ....................................... Dated this ... 2..th...... da of................June.................... ...... 19}�.... ti. .............................................................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ReaonstruotlnQ� relging aad repairing the ............on the the west I ........ ....................... Bide . ef..SnBZ] i ne. AVAU34 .. from. Shialds. Avenue., ..thenoe.. s.Qnth .170..feat............... ...........................................................................................•1".q. No. 119219— . .,�r ........................................................................................... Ali having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. jUN 25 1940 // Adopted by the Council ................................................ v YEAS NAYS a [[11p�/(�� Councilman BARFUSS Approved ....... .... JUN 25 19.40.. ................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON a TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT P._Li IM 12.38 / v Council File No.. 119220.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 119220— AW111e and w1,__. n PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ER Construct a sidewalk on the north side of B. 4th St. from the west line -f lot 48, Block 1, Wild Rose Addition, to Ruth St.; on the south side of E. 4th St, from the west line of lot 19, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition to Ruth St.; on the north side of Fremont Ave. from the west line of lot 47, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen St.; on the south side of Fremont Ave. from the west line of lot 19, Block 3, Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen St.; on the north side of E. 3rd St.from the west line of lot 46, Block 3, Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen St.; on the south side of E. 3rd St. from Ruth St. to Pedersen St.; on the west side of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 5th St.; on the east side of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 4th St. PRELIMINART ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a sidewalk on the north side of E. 4th St. from the west line .f lot 48, Block 1, Wild Rose Addition, to Ruth St.; on the south side of E. 4th St. from the west line of lot 19, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition to Ruth St.; on the north side of Fremont Ave. from the west line of lot 47, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen St.; on the south side of Fremont Ave, from the west line of lot 19, Block 3, Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen St.; on the north side of E. 3rd St.from the west line of lot 46, Block 3, Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen St.; on the south side of E. 3rd St. from Ruth St. to Pedersen St.; on the west side of Ruth St. from B. 3rd St. to E. 5th $t.; on the east side of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 4th St. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foreggo`ng�tt jW the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.... ✓/ , YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ....... J.UN .2 5.. W ...... • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . .. FINDLAN PARRANTO/ PETERSON i ROSEN..................... .... . TRUAX i Ma r. MR. PRESIDENT / f IM 12.38 ' iJ 11922'0 r nrmcil File No ................ urge I>:, tSn I Ltcu: k' ALJ :-.: k7 :FP ;+'•. !:.P. • ov fll" ,..: �IF}r a;qo.. L 31` f' ; L .W xrt Fu ..+ + i, . :Laeu ' u +Pe Mtit:� I;• 3L7 ':.F.,y_.' 4Pa�. e ap'T1ue 3L Tor '�k'' uT;ne 3' 1t,7T' >loac `.vU?Fi ''u' FJ vi, Tei 7J' - >'•}' 3' MTT,r goeo g'TFi;'v' pu bageLecrr orr :pe uoLF)r ^Tqe regeLeou 2F'• �u +Ps U,13,p eT s o+,.zvz:1;,L:.r t,ee• 7,aa.; Fpe 1e0a; True vor.�Jr�zrlle oT, yr.oarou„ '-ae• L.alu FPO m -Vi I,- I& "L T04' BTocic S' 1671q };oae I'M= FPe mevF 11'vb oy I 7d' E'Tocy- :,' M?Tg BOa9 31q,9TC4o1J to 15n9p 2F' : or. ;;re 1OF V8, T' ti,TTq rioa> vggfpTov' Fo iSrrFP ?t': un {Pe 2011 -PP 2196 UL Ts' YFp ul'ge...... �u bpd uoLr} t... c. .............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................... .................... O ......... Dated this .....5........day of ................... 2 June ....................... 1U34Q... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. i ,. .III. A9•. - �' r ,I. r, .. 1 ,_.. �-_ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the fore�glooing ttfft the Commissioner of Finance. C/�y�Aidopted by the Council... ✓ / . YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ....... JUN .25. -ft ......................... FINDLAN PARRANTO iL PETERSON ROSEN ..... .... . TRUAX May r. MR. PRESIDENT ✓ - J`.� , / 1 IM 12.38 / 1� curbinc and cinder side,.alks on Goth sides of the street from Winifred Street to Con -rens Street, M Y under Preliminary Order 118451 _approved_ April 19 1g�0 ._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered_ said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement- �p hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the,nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Trade Charlton Street to a width of 40 feet,. and construct turbine and cinder sidewalks on both sides of the street from 4':inifred Street to Conrress Street, with no alternatives, and -that the estimated cost thereof is $ 684.81. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said: improvement on the 23rd day df July, 1940 —)FW— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JUN 251940 Adopted by the Council 193— JUN 251940 ' Approved 193 City Cle / S File 8974 ayor Councilman 1 -� Itartur; PUBLISHEDCouncilman -=T.!-i F:.C1:1n Councilman _T ',i: ,m,,w CouncilmanE9WM1:—_n:_-;, [el"sort Councilmal1W7t1S IMI: --:3 Rosen , Councilman Truax L) Mayor Atttnnev _ 14cLouough Form B. S. A. 8-6 . 192A INTERMEDIARY ORDFdts. C. F. No. 119221— ' In the matter of grading Charlton St. COUNCIL FILE NO.—.. i to a wtdt, of 49 ft.,nd conetruc[- Ing ng and nder aldewallt. ci n bocurbith aides of the .[rest from Winifred St. to 'Congress St., under B By Preliminary Order 118451, approved l19,19900. Council f the Clty of St. PaulLAi received the report of [he Com - of Finance uponthe above INTERMEDIARY ®RDE�e. In the Matter of ,rading Charlton Street to a r.idth of 40 feet, and. constructing curbinc and cinder side,.alks on Goth sides of the street from Winifred Street to Con -rens Street, M Y under Preliminary Order 118451 _approved_ April 19 1g�0 ._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered_ said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement- �p hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the,nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Trade Charlton Street to a width of 40 feet,. and construct turbine and cinder sidewalks on both sides of the street from 4':inifred Street to Conrress Street, with no alternatives, and -that the estimated cost thereof is $ 684.81. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said: improvement on the 23rd day df July, 1940 —)FW— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JUN 251940 Adopted by the Council 193— JUN 251940 ' Approved 193 City Cle / S File 8974 ayor Councilman 1 -� Itartur; PUBLISHEDCouncilman -=T.!-i F:.C1:1n Councilman _T ',i: ,m,,w CouncilmanE9WM1:—_n:_-;, [el"sort Councilmal1W7t1S IMI: --:3 Rosen , Councilman Truax L) Mayor Atttnnev _ 14cLouough Form B. S. A. 8-6 . I COUNCIL FILE NO._ C. F. No. 119222— In the matter f changing the grade of the Alley of Block I, 9t. Cay' - e in ; Park •,29 .,.. ,,,, ,. 119222 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of chanein 7 the Trade of the Alley in Block 1, St. rather' ne Park Second Addition from 120 feet crest of Cleveland Avenue to Finn Avenue to conform to the red line on the prefile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the -:resent established -rade bein- shown by a blue line thereon. Also grading and surfac :g the Alley in Block 1, St. Catherine Park Second Addition from Cleveland Avenue to Finn Avenue, under Preliminary Order— 118502 approved April 25 1940,The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is chance the grade of the Alley in 9lock 1, St. Catherine Park Second Addition from 120 feet west of Cleveland Avenue to Finr Avenue to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hs.reof, the Present established trade bein- shown by a blue line thereon. Also Trade and surface the Alley in Flock 1, St, Catherine Park Second Addition from Cleveland Avenue to Fin:, Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,087.25. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the— 23rd day of July, 1940 M at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilJUN 25 10 193_— . � Approved 193— City Clerk File 8985 Councilma Barfuss CouncilmaIRW7 Findlan Councilman'==° Pnrranto CounciIma1PR6Wfr = Peterson Councilma` "aii ltosen Councilmaut�=� Triaz Mayor tdzhonc,:: ?,rL n„ueh Form B. S. A. 8-6 a or PUBLISHED N tF.h No. tlsanof condemning 119223 1 (�2 the naeeaeemente 1�9 and Jif 9 n8..n ror el .ent _ - �n4 �. COUNCIL FILE NO. _ ti INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condentninP and taki.n,, an easement in the land necessary f or s iores, Ln; fills in the -_zc__.- unu :ur.,ac= of the Alley it Block. 1, .`".t. Catherine r,_.r- 2nd Adcii�io^ fro-; cle-relal;^ .:verv,c to Finn -venue, 118503 a roved— April <3 1940. under Preliminary Order __approved— The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and te.'-e an ease-aer.,_ _n the land necessar-r fcr slopes, e.rts and fills in the radir- e-:: suriacintr. of the A1lev in Mock 1, Sc. t:atherine Perk 2nd ._,cit.ion 'ro- Cirveler.0 fFea to i irn Avenue, in accoraanee tnoblue rri-.t :ncr_tc _..tached and ;.sale a par', hereof, the hatched cortions sho"ir.- the cuts arc s:.naded norticns shoe:inm the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd day of July, 1940 lA5x_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ,JUN 25 193 JUN 2 5 190 Approved 193 City Clerk :ile 8984 r Councilman Councilman = F-_nd6:u PUB1,ISHI-.i_i - d - Councilman — P; rau o Councilman Petvta u Councilman koscu Councilman Truax / U Mayor M tNertefl-7 Plcl�nuo,, h Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. i. F. No. 119284— 119224 n the matter of e'hanging the grade of the east Nor' rlv and Southerl y -alley In BI 4,, Part,. rth in INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of chanrinrr the -race of the east Northerly & Southerly alley in Block 31, St. Anthony Park North to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attac`Ied and rade a Sart hereof, the present established -rade being shovm b}' the blue line thcr,on. Also gradin, and surfacinP the east Northerly & Southerly alley _n :,lock 31, St. Anthon,, Fark "rrth, from. Carter Avenue to Doswell Avenue, under Preliminary Order— I I R69n— approve, - 10 1440 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is chan.Te the -rade of t!.e east ?Iortherly .`c Sol.itheriv ailey in Block: 31, St. Anthony F- rk 'dorth to conforms ' to the red line on the nroiile hereto attached and made a nart hereof, the present -stablished *rade bein.,, shown by the blue line thereon. Also -rade and surface the east Piortherly z Southeriy alley in Block 31, St. Anthony Park tdorth, from Carter Avenue to Dos -ell Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 676.09. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd ___day of July. 1940 , 1*3m, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. c ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JUN 25 9940 — 193—_ jUN Fi 5 1940 Approved 193— City Clerk File 8994 /' ayor Councilman Barfvss PL T.iS;lr '; CouncilmaroMm^_n3?-—n Fir u< n Councilmar ' ai°. n Pnrravto CouncilmarfiSDusea—m Peterson CouncilmargMmx-_--.= Rosen CouncilmarF=e^�= , Tru, / Mayor nqy_. 111c Luvnv ah Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. m 1 . No B 119225— ` 1n the tter of damming and tak- Iag an eaeemea, In c the land aces- ����� nary for sees, - slopes, cuts and flus In the grading and urfacing o[ the east N therly end Southerly alley In Blockr 3l, St An"�T'ark North rnm Carter A• , •.rw.rn ... COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and takinc an easement in the land neoessar, Por loves, eul.s an, fills in the ?ra,iin an_. sur`.ucin�r of the east Northerly and :,outherly alley in 51ock ,,1, 6t. Anthony Park North from Carter Avenue to Doswell Avenue, under Preliminary Order 118691 approved iBav 10 1940. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and ailopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills it the zrv,dinp, and surfacinc of the east Norti-:eriy and SoutherlY alley in Plock Sl, St. Anthony Ff�rk North from Carter Avenue to Dosvaell ,.venue, in zccordance .._t.. th uIlit print hereto attached and made a part he.eo-', the hatched portions shov:in- the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the rd —day of duly, 1940 )M— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvemenjdnd.IlLe tgt�l cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council---, 1, - 193-- N 25 , Approved 193—_ . City Clerk File 3993 j Ma Councilman ideWomijimm Barfuss Co '1 61— i ma uncn Findlan Councilman Varranto Councilman Qszc=m===m Peterson Councilman— Rosen p Councilmand1bW&MMUS Trna x 1 Mayor3 Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F. Non 119226 ` Infaein6 atterA f egradfng and sur - 11.1 u - It Wood, f%r- `, 119226 COUNCIL FILE NO... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of re_,radin;, and surfacing the Alley in lots 1 to 30, Summit Rood, fro;n Finn Street to Cretin Avenue, under Preliminary Order lld4ri7 approved Aoril 'Lo. 1940. __ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council lecommends is reRrade and surface the Alley in lots 1 to 30, Surmnit ylooc, from Finn Street to Cretin Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,095.10. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd day of July, 1940 *W_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council UN 251940 193 J€ N 251940 Approved— 193-414 ity Clerk File 8979 r M or Councilman XWORNISEMM i3rlrfitse Councilman Findinn Councilman WKW25ZEEM Porranto Councilman xtoa�" RF - Peterson Councilman 4TFRRosen / ,\ Councilman Truax V Mayor tv�edeg--9 111cL0n0ugh Form B. S. A. 8-6 N COUNCIL FILE NO. ___ ___ By C. r. No. 119227— (/�Y'// In the'matts' or rbing Charles Ave. 119'[J�f<2 r Aamil a Ave. to Albert 8t., - . .. , 118410, ao- ..F f�e INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curb in, Charles Avenue from Hamline Avenue to Albert Street, under Preliminary Order118410-___ approved Anril 17 1940, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Charles Avenue from Hamline Avenue to Albert Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_890.90. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__ 23rd _ --day of July, 1940 Ay3x , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the`� Chamber of the Court House and City. Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commission : o7 finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating thi'ttme and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council- AN 2510 193 LiV � Approved JUN 25 193_x_ 'City Clerk i File 8980 Councilman_ da=�7 Barfn ..` 1/ PUBLISHED Councilman r_.", --;T � -L Fi❑dian enc• Councilman --= I Parranto Councilman Peterson i Councilman'= Rosen Councilman Truax Mayor I�' MCD(M.Uch Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F. No. 119228— .119228 In the matter f constructing new LJ co —to sidewalk on the north side of McLean Ave. from Griffith St. ^>� eat 286 ft., , P�eiiml- COUNCIL FILE NO._— INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructin^ new concrete sidewalk on the north side of McLean rn;enue :from Griffith Street thence ;rest 285 feet, under Preliminary Order 118741 approve M—Ir In- X940 ---- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and ha*ing considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct new concrete sidewalk on the north side of McLean Avenue from Griffith Street thence west 285 feet, except .,}here good and sufficient side•;;alks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0-1 5 per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd day of July, 1940 t M at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the LK improvemenyagd stpr,O`IV �ost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council—_e-----, 193— JUN 25 19Af!C��� Approved — 193- City Cler File S'4356 /h ayor Councilman _i liariu, i Councilman F r,d1a„ PUBLISFtED' :+ CouncilmanRauzl%"-- Par anm Councilman Peterson Councilman 4NB=- Roeen Councilman Truax Mayor Mead �z DicDouough Form B. S. A. 8.6 9229— of T29o— In the t reconstructing, gtheeflere-119229 IaYlt re➢%Irinlr the eldew—. n the Ide � �- A.�e. COUNCIL FILE NO.-- __ — INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructinP, relayine and repairing the sidevralk on the west side of Snellin, Avenue frora Van Buren Avenue thence north 107 feet, including two full -width driveways, under Preliminary Order 118764 approved l" -ay 16 1940. _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on tike west side of Sneilinp Avenue iron: ','an 7iuren Avenue thence north 107 feet, includine two full -width driveways, except where mood and sufficient sidewalks noir exist, n7 square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ n n7, - ..] Aadu old tile; X0.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd -----day of July, 1940 1:93:x at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement �and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council�N 251900 _, 193— ?,5 1940 Approved ----L93 City Clerk File S4357 — Mayor UBLI5lCouncilman pa*f. P� i Councilman Findlau Councilman dWm3zzzM= Parmnto Councilman dhmnm=m=2= Petetaon Councilman Rosen CouncilmandRUMEbOMEM Truax Mayor McLt u u ugh Form B. S. A. 8-6 v C. F. No. 119830— In the matter of recouetruetleg, re- pairing and relaying the sidewalk on the west side of Tatum Ave. from hllanehaha Ave. thence north ft.; beginning 103 ft. farther ,a{P.—r.. s'ti .• thence 1-19230 COUNCIL FILE NO.-- INTERMEDIARY O. — INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, repairint; and relaying the sidewalk on the west side o£ Tatum Ave. from h.innehaha Ave. thence north 22 ft.; beginning 153 ft. farther north, thence 117.27 ft. to Chelton Ave., and on the east side of Tatum Ave. iron a point 127 ft. north of Efinnehaha Ave., thence north 10 ft. constructing driveway; be?innir 66 ft. farther north, thence north 240 ft, to Chelton Ave., and on the south side of Chelton Ave. from Tatum Ave., thence west 100 ft., and from Tatum Ave., thence east 50 ft., under Preliminary Order 119765 approved-. fav 16 1940. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, repair and relay the sidewalk on thewestside of Tatum Ave. from Minnehaha Ave. thence north 22 ft.; beginning 153 ft. farther north, thence 117.27 ft. to Chelton Ave., and on the ost side of Tatum Ave. from a point 127 ft. north of h`innenaha Ave., thence 116'kr 10 ft. construct driveway; be,7innina 66 ft. farther north, thence north 240 t `to Chelton Ave., and on the south side of Chelton Ave. from Tatum Ave., thence west 100 ft., and from Tatum Ave., thence east 50 ft., excer_t where ,.rood and sufficient sidewalks now exist, ger square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.07. relaying, old tile; $0.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd day of July, 1940 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JUN 251940 193— JUN 251940 Approved_ 193 City Clerk File 54358 / Councilman gartwae L'UBLISi11.1 i��r� Councilman Findimi CouneilmanMft=Parranm CouneilmanlmoossPnternott C,ouncilmarilIMIGIR22ZmEaRm Rosen Councilma Trutu (-) Mayor 14aboammMcLuuuugh Form B. S. A. 8-6 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT AND FIXXN TIME OF HEARING TTFIUREON AND FIXING TIME ..RING ON T"M 19231 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING w7xmn 20"WWO90 Of DAMAGES Inthe Matter of ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C C wa, cc) rL' c. tie "�,5 Sectim7 'le e S In- v .hin t V' la 0- exte- -1 own .`.n I P e r. 191.6 f crvc '71t t G an c,: 28.6 fF e Ce, ten-enl c: 1� a Q1 o ance ri Section " t r a,.` -n �'-c -e .scorn t r - osaid S� S �7, 0 t n 2 0 75 �et v-st i tj e �c to a on Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- --- 2" t ----------- day of ---------,11 --------------------- 19°'-=L_ at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council---------------------- 19---- ----------- City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19---- 77 ---- Councilman Councilman 1— n Councilman Affitid Councilman 11661,66 Councilman Fohhwd-=z=-- Councilman Sudhainnnwa -rx- MayorxmwnjNemM� 0_ � 9ew— 119231 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AN D under Preliminary Order .... 11.=_.7--------------, approved__ srch-_lci_1__'_C ----------------- Intermediary Order ---------11 ==--------------, approved __s__-'-1_21-1----------------------- l„-"---- 1� Final Order -----------------la --- -------- approved----` _'1— ------------------------ ----- ---------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ ---j1i;F--------- day of______".ul--_.__________________, 19 4�1_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council____in _ 25 __190 ---------------- 19---- C ____ ity Cle_____rk_ � . Approved ---- ----------------,19---- , _ Ll:+rfiiss Ma r. Councilman r,,,,llan J Councilmann:� Councilman orirtld t rrera,>n �` Councilman Free`= Councilman Ilti�d=. z l: srn Councilman =m lheism�—_^ '1" nt,a Mayor numusigmIq U 09 RESOLUTION OF COUNOIL APPROV- ING ASNESFMANT AND FIXING ` - TIME OF, •^�•• TRERF.n' AND 19232 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N H FIXING TIME OF HEARING WLW,,N} '.HEREON AND FIXING 11ME OF 0:l AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of cg_de nnin _ c d_ tak4i 1 a:': eaue:r,ent for uic rurcose o_ _cg=s=r:_c =inland ---------------- --------------------- tne rozn r on, under and ,crr;s a s[rir o'; la -.iscelia n _lis _ract of i..d _.. :;ohon 33,. _o .sLin lvin- `....✓ -lock :..: -'s Ad_.: -.;o-. a: -.d :: cnorrls ,vsicr an: exte:_'.n., _.:e. 1'nc o• .-'s '_on; also '..:drS:.' a ease�=t for c,:s-zract;on ,_ro_es on :.trig 5 on - _ o- t�� an. on -..c ".crl;r _ ci Lot 12 in 4 on, under Preliminary Order ---- afi1Zfl____________- approved_____ _cn 19_1C - - ----------------- Intermediary Order --------- 1-= ------------, approved-- rJ L_i ,_1f Q----------------, i :a- i4, 1L-`-------------------- Fina] Order-----------------i---� --------------' approved Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public Dearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the-.-- --------- day he_.__=_____-__day of________ '_? ------------------ 19_=.L, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. - Adopted by the Council_____JUN 251 _9 _ __, 19--- Fity L k. Approved ---------------------------- 19---- \ File 74'66 �---------- - ------- ------ ---- - .._'------- ate•'-� Itrrin... .% -ayor. Councilman1 Councilman Councilman ri Councilman y Councilman Isitd=— '= Councilman Tn,as Mayor 1SOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV Rl0 A89Eq.'.R ANT AND PIXWO � �.,' ... ... - 7R��Is ON AND l ON TAr' 1_19233 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING INNER"; THEREON AND FININ'r MAr of ii? 1.^T� ; nN TTIF AWARD OF DAMAGES co'::' - : "..- „ ' cul• ^ an ca e t, - £or tte rurno.=,e c [ cor s_ r c - c --_-n': In the matter of---------- ==----=---- ----------- --- - ---- ----- --- - - .....:......... r, nu�19.c sever cr, u,..der and acr.;..., :-.ort:-.orl. E C. Lot 11,-1nc':c 1, .. 3rsn•a`>e-.,.;r.- of o,t. '.:oro Cutlots ire [;r.e1L•I- 1 c ^1c r..,� 1Lr.- _ . ie re; ^ e'.' �....ic. 1o:.; glee cc,r �e arc tr..k-�r- � tera,crar•,• r,a e.7en "or c,c*-.stri ction _r o cc rir o[' ler; 7 't. �n,%idth o* t!ie ,crth SS 1e .. ...._ 6.:0": " e.r.onc w-.: e „her,- 2 tt. c;` !-c-, it r,-... ._ ^er...- b it. o:' I 12: inc'. ], r ..r.cll r.'- ^, ,, �.._ alle'- loci 1, ::, , Rer.rra,:>e- rdtr c1re?mnta'sry Oor^d.oerU_'_:t1l---------------, approved -a._^ ____________-----, Intermediary Order ------- il'_,-,----- - ---- approved-----'-f`J-----------------> Final Order-------------,-----------------approved------------------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a pdblic hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- --------- day he_____________day of_______ _________________- 19_L_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. JUN�519Q Adopted by the Council_________________________________, joh Z 5 1940 Approved -----------------------------,19---- Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman I�"re`e•=�"-�"' Councilman 1i =._=3 Posen Councilman Truax // Mayor a �� =------------- City-- — -- City Clerk. --- Ma or. i _119234 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING F—MOMMMMM (111 11116900 [1EREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DVdAGE,S oseder_ gin- ar.d takin, c^ rUsec.�..0 in t:' Land n�cessi r, .or slopes Inthe matter of------------------------------------------------------------------------ t-- ca',s ar:.: . i11s in r::-iin- em,. oilin- o' .-i.11 ... F. Fnarft's °acii'ic Street -..iL•.On, .'cL, �. _1a'In'�) ..�'n�.�.io�., e 10-... -.-!,„'on, _ :es -.,,r Street RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- :._ .. .. t�C•-:, ING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING% AWARD OF IDA—— under A"•— under Preliminary Order--- 1311_(--------------, approved---- c'c_ll,_a c�-----------------> Intermediary Order -------- ==--------------I approved -------- ----------------- Final Order --------------- .,,.. 1'�_,',--------------' approved----, 1. ,.,.0 ==----`-�-1=`--------------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ___ 24th --------day of -------- SLt11f'---------------- 19A')--, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ----- --------------- 19---- .7-1, 9____r ,j ” y to � ! City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19---- "1 / i - i1- F9. ;,1� ---- ---------------- - ----------May-- Fiarf"" Councilman Fmdlan Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman h Bahtazrd=----.=' 4ru Councilman gMrNreiDt� T—ax Mayor v r<r9 , at 2 i 19285 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING HEREON AND Fi.XING TIP,11r: 0; ::.`.'.. TES AWARD OF DAYA-AGES c� jc,zi, a„� rr,:,_;n,_ i „e - -- In the matter of .m ;._. m r.t r- ---1_------9--------- r--- one c.,tz .�. .ill. _- �:.c re<i' - ,� i _., .. _. - ;-e Lile;. .n "loci i, l _ ��. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING 'fl`.^�� -. - ING ASSESSMENTAND FIZING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING ^' ��` ARARING under Preliminary Order --_L1=1 ______________, approved ---2 ' �= ------------____-�. Intermediary Order--------i--i3-o-=',--------------- approved--- _------------------ Fina] Order---------------113==--------------approved----IVie-`-14s_19_>------------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- he_____?4th - 2_4�'h ----------- day of__J_' l '----------------------, 19 `r_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. JUN 251940 Adopted by the Council_____________________ ^:^ •; ,arr�� ____ 19____ ri----------- JUN, 4U - -lL City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19---- =------------------8:i5? h---- or. iiarfves Councilman Fii,d�av Councilman Councilman � larraufn 'S� Councilman Councilman RwbiRnd.= __- I:- Councilman S+�dllei[ --- 7 utls Mayor C. 8980!% 119286-119237-119388-119239- .COUNCIL FILE NO. 119236 NOTICE e. ?eeolvea, That eMoke ba dm— TO on 0241— 1M treasury, to the a TO C ,. _ AA.� .h^Cke PRINTER J mo 14.1 +s — RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $Pb3-,1Sk 09 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 72336 TO72389 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL .SUN 25194(O 193 r JUN 251940 e,rreoMrrxo«en APPROVED 193_ Y 119236 119237 1.1923,3119239119`?,17 _ NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. 111 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER a'a3ie C_�II T �_i es J�o_ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 590,369.73 723366 OF $ , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED tffift TO---7Z612-INCLUSIVE, AS PkR CHECKS ON FILE. IN THE OFFICE OF T E CITY COMPTROLLER. JUN 25194 ')' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCiC 193 �' JIM 2r)1940 t_�p_ CITY �aoLL� APPROVED 193_ BY NOTICECITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. $ ;92,39 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER June 20 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT Of $ 66, 646.62 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -TO --INCLUSIVE, 72469 72513 AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JUN 251940 i93 APPROVED cITY COra PT LLHP JUN 251940 193 s E NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL . COUNCIL FILE NO. " TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER June 21 0 189_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $4,614.21 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 72514 T0----T25,64NCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. JUN 251940 — C� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193_ APPROVED JUN 251940 �—=—I' C`TYoo 'x PT oL p�L/ 193_ BY NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. 1-1.9237 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION NOTICE PRINTER,,11,�,, TO 'Tune 17 19$� PRINTER RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 123•445^44 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 72390 T0--7-24alNCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OFF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JUN 25190 1 . i93__ 1�7 193_ APPROVED JUN 251940 1 _ --� clrr coNrTnoLL .a aoo - Tao BY 171� Q�Cl6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. R 9� .L COUNCIL RESOLUTION JttTte �� a40— RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 79,197.76 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED"ATO 7p46AINCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. JUN 25194G J �` ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL i93 UN 251940 CITY c P oLLKR APPROVED 193_ y " ,/ M C" n 10.� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER. ROLL'CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON - - - - IN FAVOR. AUDITED CLAIMS June 14, -340- ROSEN T RU A. AGAINST. RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY W ENZEL pp� q�ppq,� T�: -HE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 2 ail nA COVERING MR PRES FALCON — N ry 7{d/il� TO��7, �T-gptv�T C/l IIVE. AS - RII'' l��7��PA CHECKS NUM BE / __,CCE OF TIP�CITY CO1gPTROLLER PER C'.-IECKs ON,F�LE O ADOPTED BY TH UN I 9 -------- '`f�� A PPR�V ED _ — -- - 1 HUMBER / % By eoo � e cs oR TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF - RETURNED CHECKRANSFER RCEENT BY BANK M NUMBER CH ECKB CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD _205- 237 12-_ • 72336 Harold F. Goodrich, Comptroller 200 00 72337 John J. Faricy. Dept. Aec untant 200 00 644 22 72338 E. B. Beck and Company 79 01 72339 S. Berglund Lumber Company 110 46 72340 Glaoital City Lime & Cement Co. 72341 Ifhe Cracker Jack Company 142 10 72342 Fatwell Ozmun Kirk and Company 102 14 72343 General Electric Supply Co. 176 46 72344 Gillis and Company 909 44 72345 Oscar Gottfried 280 75 72346 Ingvoldstad Lumber Co. 117 42 t 72347 Lamprey Products Co. 6 86 72348 Mies Louise Markert, Gray Shop 2 50 72349 St. Paul Builders Material Co. 69 68 72350 St. Paul White Lead & Oil Co. 63 08 72351 Voe. School Petty Cash Fund is 12 g6 70 72352 Mrs. Arletta Shipman 72353 G. Sommers and Company 39 482 23 72354 Tri—State Telephone & Telegraph '335j „ a In a a h 180 35 72356 Villaume Box & Lumber Co. 75 02 42 00 72357 Wagner Paint Mfg. Co. 62 50 72358 Mike Rilley 5 723559 John S. Findlan, Comm. Finance l07 436 6 �+ 72361 22 026 31 72362 n x M e 124 420 79 723'3 St. Paul Institute 666 68 72364 American Mat Corporation 64 86 72365 kmerioRn Insurance Agency 17 50 72366 American Linen supply Co. 313 05 72367 Brings and Company X52 45 72368 Chicago, St, Paul, Mple. & Omaha Ry. 2 70 72369 Commonwealth Electric Company 87 00 72370 tars. Thos. E. Dahill 338 02 72371 R. C. Duncan Company 54 00 72372 Archie Ewart and Company 6 51 72373 General Equipment Company 1 80 4 Harmine Hardware Company 72375 R. E. Hulme Company 4 20 72376 Little, Brown and Company 3 64 72377 McKessons "iholesalers Co, Inc. 100 00 72378 Mpis.,St. Paul,& Sault Ste. Marie Ry. 33 42 72379 Minneapolis W.P.A. Handicraft Project 4 75 72380 Frank Miske 59 85 72381 National Mower Company 837 75 72382 New Method Book Bindery, Inc. 62 75 72383 184 4 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Co. 8 7238) Northern States Power Co. 5 72385 Northern States rower Co. 644 29 72386 Otis Elevator Company 612 CC, 72387 Postal Tele�rarh Cable Co. 24 09 72388 J. L. Shiely Co.. Inc. 163 06 72389 Thoele Printing Company 29 50 \ SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 468 421 21 t I� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL. .. FILE NUMBER _ -- ROLL -CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON IN FAVOR' AUDITED CLAIMS June 17 4'0 93 ROBEN y.�... RRAr PRS. `an �,_gGgIry ST. RESOLVED. THAT lilt ^', 1'D THE AGGREGATE , MR PRES `4,I, McDonough � 1'_ CHEwC�KS BE DR�Q�J�LJ'l4".44 TREASURY 7`- 9[0 S___+�.7�. 11...^l._ COVERING / GJ%VINCLU AS �. NUMBERED t JU*25_S40 PERC CHECKS ADOPTED BY THE CO�UjNCIL_.---- PER CHECKS O.K' Fl LCF IVE. , /1 M1'�JI/E CE OF THE CITY CAMP OILER . APPROVED _ ($ _ 19u__.._c� NUMBER �. BY _ _ co.a..eE.. Oa 9a Cs „„o, . - TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF - RETURNED 171MBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS I BROUGHT FORWARD u q 468 421 21 • 72390 tira. Carlotta Tre.inor Weiss 22 90 25 72391 Mr a. Agnes Finance 46 923 7 72392 John S. Findlan, C. of 1 992 12 ., 7239 7239 John 3. Findlan, C. of Finance John S. Findlan. C. of Finance 3 581 33 72395 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 3 305 68 72396 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 185 07 72397 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 125 83 424 72398 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 7 24 2 885 95 72399 Sohn 9. Fin -Ilan, C. of Finance C. Finance 4 883 81 72400 72401 John S. Findlan, of John S. Fin1lan, C. of Finance 5 007 87 72402 Join S. Findlan, C. of Finance 14 437 73 72403 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 30 532 31 72404 John 3. Findlan, C, of Finance198 00 72405 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance l0 g37 45 75 72406 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Company ' 72407 John J. Bailey 5 00 72408 C.V. Mo Geary 5 00 5 00 72409 G. J. O'Donnell 72 3 72410 Capital Envelope Company 167 14 72411 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 2 993 16 72412 Federal Ba*ge Lines 72413 Republic Flow Meter Company 12 50 72414 ;t.Paul Builders Material Company 15 85 ; 70415 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 156 51 72416 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Campany 33 60 72417 Twin City Brick Company 72418 U.S. Rubber Company 20 38 I► 72419 Victory Printing Company 1 185 75 72420 Amherst H. Wilder Charities 50 00 27 638 69 72421 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 72422 72423 Homer Gannaway Mrs. Charles Tuohner 7 05 2 00 72424 72425 Mrs. Mabel Murphy F.J; Morse & Company 9 56 707 99 72426 L.A. Soler, Cashier 'v.Deptl 416 13 888 6c 72427 H.K. Stahl Company 760 72428 .lest-rn Oil & Fuel Company 724-9 Hall Electric Company 25 72430 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 445 5 00 72431 S.F. Bowser & Company, Inc. 161} 70 ® 72432 ?;.M. S#ipton, D.C.Comptroller 35 00 7243] Qilliam F. Wright 35 00 35 00 72434 Patrick F. McDermott, D.C.Finance 7?435 Aa.L. Buckli 1 50 a SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD . 591866 65 a I � I I I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER couNclL FILE NUMBER.. - -- -- ROLL- CALL BARFUSS FINOLAN PETERSON _ INFAVORi AUDITED CLAIMS June 19 B ROSEN TRU— AGAINST. RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY t"'�- P irranto - THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S— 1 '` COVERING RES F -L= N McDonough - a� ' Y rpINCLU SIVE. AS QI CHECKS NUMBERED 111 [/� FFF 7 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- _____ _ {94O PER CHECKS ON{I6�3V �' OF TFTE COMPTROLLER JF.194 NUMBER - {j"( 112 By TOTAL DATE NG.— �ECK IN FAVOR OF _ RETURNED U BER RAN'SFER DISBURSEMENT + BY BANK rCH EC.. CHECKS pi BROUGHT FORWARD '' -591 866 65„ - • 72436 w.v. Smith Tire & Battery Company 176 68: 72437 John A. Burns, .Attorney for Josephine Floody 300 001 72439' County Welfare Board 47 706 72 72439 John S, Findlan, Tress. of P.P.F. 10 000 00 72440 't.Paul Teachers' R.F.Assoo. 8 000 00' 724u1 Bacon & Kempe, Agents 150 00 72442 Board of P. gelfare 22 85 72443 American Rad. & Standard San. Corp. 523 12 7244 CaolStal City Lime & Cement Company 62 00 72445 Crane Company 396 69 72446 Flvgren Paint,Supply Company 26 21 72447 The GTBnnell Company 221 48: 72449 R.T. Hulme Company 22 20 72449 A. J. Koch Comnany 123 23 72450 Northern states Power Company 3 226 67 72451 Paper, Calmenson & Company 31 27 72452 John.9. Findlan, C. of Finance 201 60 72453 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 2 760 0o, 72454 Everett & Thiel 500 00' 72455 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Company 324 0p` 72456 Mrs. I.H. Rousseau 1 10, 72457 kmerican Colloid Company 1395 72458 Belmont Corporation 24 33 72459 Brown & nay, Inc. 584 787 72460 Ca ital City Lime & Cement Company 15 44 72461 Crane company 3 72462 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company 141 85, 9 29 7246 General Electric supply Corp. 72464 Lampland Lumber Company 52 4o 662 86 72465 J.L. Shiely Company 72466 Mr. 9.C. Trowbridge 5 00 72467 Washington Foundry Company 179 4o' 72468 National Carloading Corp. 4 oo 72469 Marg E. Krey 32 00 72470 Rose Brothers Wrecking Company 8..50 72471 9t -Paul Book & Stationery Company 157 3 72472 3t.Paul Book & Stationery Company 272 01 72473 Porter Sargent 5 40 72474 Schneiders, Inc. 33 6o ® 72475 9eldon-Watts Seed Company 12 50 72476 The 9ervioe Press 19 00' 72477 L.I. Singer Pub. Company 18 75 r, 72478 >ocony-Vacuum oil Company, Inc. 357 35` 72479 Texas Company 371 291 72480 Transit Supply Company 1 272 00 72481 Trap Rock Company 138 35 72482 Twin City Show Card Company 1 20 72483 U.9. Bedding Company 12 50 72494 Universal Iron Foundry 29 68 72485 Valley Iron 'vorks 148 55 72486 H. z. Wedelstaedt Company 184 78 72487 "estern Sign Company 20 25 72488 Julius Wisotzki 32 77 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 671 o54 41 ; { 0 0° 489 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 878 25 72490 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 11 339 561 72491 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 12 525 73 72492 Ruth Strong, etc. t County 00 72493 John Finn,C. of Finance 33185 43 i are 12 r John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 3 r I 31 66, 72496 , I 10 759 410 04' 72497 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 10 72498 DUPLICATE TO CItV CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL4�ri�0� 23 33' 72499 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F E NNUUMBER _ FILE 23778I 72500 ROLL- CALL SS 26 383 22' 56, 72501 BARFU FINDLAN PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS _ IN FAVORI ROSEN M Jim 20 1934a 17 76- 72502 TRUAX AGAINSTi RESOLVED. THAT'CHECKS �i. BE DR—N ON THE CITY TREASURY 05i 72503 PaSr,ranto, TO THE AGGREG.,ATE .AMOUNT OF S. 6g, 64g �j2-- COVERING �'�2�'55�`� 1 040 INCLU—S AS MR PRES FALCON McDonough 1'1 (�` JON z� , CHECKS NUMBS —/;OF7TH y FOFtp ROLLER CHECKS Oh FILEI" The Trane Company _ ADOPTED BY THE LCA{'(,'�yI,�J{PER 1�71VF� �'✓ y yL/�/' Jakgg Van Heel 1 �5 587 193 -._— APPROVE � NUMBER I _ BY- �.^-._/_ Restern Oil & Fuel Company 4o __..�� 72507 mrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian TOTAL DATE _. 2 80'' rCHECK IN FAVOR OF .. UMBER 4 AN SEER TC HECK. R.1 DISE URSEM ENT BY BANK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 671 054 41'i _ 50 S 72511 Lampland Lumber Company 0 0° 489 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 878 25 72490 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 11 339 561 72491 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 12 525 73 72492 Ruth Strong, etc. t County 00 72493 John Finn,C. of Finance 33185 43 72494 are 12 72495 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 3 073 31 66, 72496 Standard Stone Company 10 759 410 04' 72497 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 10 72498 Jam --3 S. Dinwoodie 23 33' 72499 Brown & White Cab Company 23778I 72500 Certified Concrete Company 26 383 22' 56, 72501 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company 17 76- 72502 Kelley -Now -Thomson Company 05i 72503 '"."V. Koepke & Company 1 040 72504 The Trane Company 2505 Jakgg Van Heel 1 �5 587 00 19 2506 Restern Oil & Fuel Company 4o 00 72507 mrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian 72508 Bertha Colter 2 80'' 72509 Arthur E. Thom, Agent 72510 Community Rural Telephone Company 50 00 72511 Lampland Lumber Company 56 70 72512 Max Friedland 3 00 72513 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 2 523 77 • I 0 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD. 744 317 24 n ` i i f j i I l 1 f I 1 ` 4 - DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL I `I1 j ROLL- CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER cou NCIL - FILE NUMBER- - RFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON ROSEN IN FAVORII AUDITED CLAIMS W—� June1 193 "' TRUA% _ AGAINST, RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL MR PRES FALLON COVERING T(: THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5 � INCLUSIVE. AS SUN 25 1949 PER CKHECKS ONRFD[ �FFC' TY COMPTROLLER 177��' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— -,------ --- r �// - ,C / couayen JA VED, NUMBER 114 / TOTAL �IIIII'� DATE IN FAVOR OF .. - - RETURNED NUMBER UMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT :`1 BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS ,BROUGHT FORWARD 739 703 03'T _ ® 72514 Millar-Tarras gompany. Inc, 44 72515 Ca-)ital City Lime & @ement Company 47 94, 72516 Air Associates, Inc. 36 83; 72517 Aiduetion Sales Company, Inc. 54 67' 72518 Amei4oan Jewish gorld 14 ml 72519 John D. Anderson 66 24 51 72520 Bodine Piano Company 12 001 72521 Lew Bonn Company 45 72 72522 Booth Cold Storage Company 11 07 72523 Braunig & Sone Baking Company Company 75 03;i 10 45'I 72524 Brown and White Cab 32 76 72525 Capital Ice & Fuel Company 14 34' 72526 Capitol Laundry Company 72527 Consumers Milk Company 89 059 5 60i" 72528 Daily News Corp. 72529 Dennison Mfg. Company Company 1 OOI 178 13,1 72530 L. Eisenmenger Meat '?leotric Company 34 o 1 72531 Blue Print 72532 Elkhart Brass Mfg, Company 5� 00'! 72533 F.O.%irk & Company 3 65' 7253+ Firest ne Auto supply & S.S. 3 90 72535 Foreign Policy Association 12 001j 72536 Leonard Frank Company 35 20i 72537 ,angl and Company 26 00 72538 The Geiger Company 6 891 72539 J.J. Gillen, Peg. of Deeds 36 25 72540 A.E. Hoffman Printing Company 135 65' 72541 ?."P. Honas & Company 108 00, 72542 Int. City Managers Assoc. 5 00; 72543 ?nt. Fuel Company 13 50' 72544 72545 Johnson Pub. Company Lyle Culvert & Pipe Company 6 5 145 26, 72546 Midvay Creamery Company 213 36j1 72547 Midweet Equipment Company 480 05r 72549 Minnesota Milk Company 174 6o 72549 Model Laundry Company 69 11 72550 Municipal Sanitation3 Company onj 36 75'' 72551 National Cylinder Gas Company 215 46 72552 Northern states Power 72553 North?rn states Power Company 376 051 72554 N.'o. Petroleum Company 517 83. 72555 Perkins -Tracy Printing Company 101 251• • 72556 G.C. Peterson Machinery Company 11 00; 72557 Purity Baking Company 530 93 72558 Red star Yeast Company 4 24 72559 gt.Paul Letter Company 5 72569 St.Paul Milk Company 231 77 72561 Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc. 300 6411 72562 Testlund's Market House 186 89 72563 Woodburn and Brandl l37 45'' 72564 7lnsmaster Baking Company 53 36! SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD. 744 317 24 n ` I l SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD a 7 500 00,799 046 , I i i � I I I i ` DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL, ' ! ROLE- CALL ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER BARFUSS FENDLAN PETERSON ROSEN IN FAVORi AUDITED CLAIMS June 24 s�+4- TRUAX (J1 `AGAINST' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE W TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF r$n W DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY S_r.,]—�+E�1_ll--. COVERING �(�1ViINCLU MR FP L M ---- , n�� McDonough ]L! 2; 13'�l CHECKS NUMBER�D//q}((����]] ADOPTED BY THE d OUNCIL_I• - — ---- PER CHECKS OIYF�$^Ipt?I OF SIVE AS F r�1 {/1` O CITY COMPTROLLER APPRO IS -- NUMBER cow=vo «En -- ��5`%G'lrL—rM� o a CS vnvoa BY a. AL TOT CHECK NCHECKS IN 'FAVOR OF TRANSFER DATE IRET.R. EDUMBER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD p ". 74't 1, ,, 3�7 244 ®, 72565 8moblauch Typesetting company 41 38, � 72566 Kohler Ice Bream Miz, Inc.Ino 445 69 72567 71vin First Aid supnly Comnany 23 34i 72568 Chas. Fr4end & Bon Paper Company 3 34! 8 00'j 72569 72570 Inter City Frank Mudra 52 501; 445 11 72571 Neptune Meter Company 368 68;; 72572 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Company 7257] Sanitary Food Mfg. Company 35 77 72574 Werner Transportation Company 14 6011 72575 Hoge 'well Company 298 92,', 72576 John S. Findlan, C, of Finance 22 998 95' 72577 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 24 2! 72578 Carl Maronde 33 2j 72579 Mrs. Louis Fay 28 80' 72580 Mrs. Anna R. Foley 63 80'. 72581 Burroughs Adding Machine Comnany 81 15,i 72582 F.J. Morse Company states Power Company Z5 53 9 726 56' 72583 Northern 7P594 Rose Valve Mfg. Company 47 76 72585 South Park Foundry & Machine Company 663 15 72586 TT.S. Bedding Company 3� 32y 72587 Mrs. Mary Emily 'hristy 5 00, 72588 Mrs. Elizabeth Literski 27 n4 72589 Commonwealth T,'leotric Company 1 071 00 72590 Board of 'pater Co. issioners 1 807 05' 72591 John S. Findlan, of Fin. 7 500 00 72592 United Properties, Inc. 3 48 72593 Mayor John J. McDonough 75 72594 Saoco's Upholstery Shop 6 00 7259 Department of Education 0 02 7259 Larry's Auto Glass Company 4 40':1, 72597 R.D. Duncan Company 29 21, 72598 Anthony Finberg & Son 21 00' 72599 Hannaford, O'Brien, Inc. �j 00 72600 Hughson & Whitacre, 24 00' 72601 T. A. Lang, Inc. b 19;; 72602 T.P. Lowe & Company 21 0"': 72603 John W. Mitchell, Agent 21 00 72604 Nitional Lumber Comnany 39 20' 72605 Northern States Power Company 3 209 51. • 72606 Northern States Power Company 244 86, 72607 Price Electric Company 22 26 72608 3t.Paul Book & Stationery Company 50 19 726nq St.Paul Book & stationery Company 692 29 7261n Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Comnany 637 65 72611 Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Company 60 83; SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD a 7 500 00,799 046 , I i i � I C. F. No. 111242—By John S• Flndlan— Orl,l.sl to City CI«rk , Whereas, Continental OIt Company hae petlLoned the Council for Dermle- t sho to Install and m, taro drive -In •� CITY OF SAID filling station on Lots 14 andal6, Block . NO.— EV«r, own Re -arrangement [Block OFFICE OF THE Gt...„:%w ditton, located at the �OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Ili g and ae[- PRESENTEDBY COMMISSIONER _—__ v DATE -Tulle .--Eg-,1940.-- WHEREAS, Continental 011 Company has petitioned the Council for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station on Lots lA and 15, Block 5, Evergreen Re -arrangement of Block 5, Sylvan Park Addition, located at the northeast corner of Snelling and Jefferson Avenues, and 0 WHEREAS, said Continental 011 Company has submitted a blue -print of the proposed layout, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; and 1% 4HEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Paragraph F, section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, therefore be it RESOLVEDA that permission and authority are hereby given to Continental 011 Company to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accorftnce with the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, under the dir n of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, raps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfactio& of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted11 be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever s d Council shall determine that the maintenance of sAid station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. JUN 261940 CCUTICILITIrn Adopted by the Council_.- _194_- I]eas� days igayfuss JUN 261940 /Flndlan proved_ _ 194_ ,Parranto �. terson In Favor l _. ,) lilayor n �” x -Against'- President, McDonough YIJI3LIl;;:EIJ��� nm �. s - CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY June 26, 1440 0 To the Honorable, the City louncil of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen; Marjorie E. Jelinek has made anrlication for license to erect and operate an automobile filling station on the two lots at the northeast corner of Jefferson and Snelling Avenues, in the City of Saint Paul. :diss Jelinek is under agreement to deed these two lots to Continental Oil ^,omnany, and we -Io hereby request that the license be issued direct to the Continental Oil Comnany. Very truly �ioure, CONTII L OIL COMPANY Py City Manager. I do hereby subscribe, consent to amt request that the license above mentioned be issued direct to Continental Oil Comrany • POST CARD NOTICE ' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ✓ St. Paul, Minn,, J'lr. _ 15 - __ - i9 40 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St Paul, July Zth, 1922, you are hereby notified that the aPPlication of 7t', icrie JeLnep to erect and install filling station located at Sr.c 1_tL,. efit. r: ct: Lves.. �r Ln'� 11 r. 1L :c r or will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the zLt - day of _June lg 40 , at 10 o'clock A. M. JOHII S. F111DIJAli, Commissioner of Finance. Page____File DCC7 _ CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D: WM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police ' Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minrgkotaa �e�a�ctraeat al Pallic Saletcy Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner May 18, 1540 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Attached is report from harry N. Viettergren, Super ntendent of Traffic, in connection with the appli- cation of Marjorie E. Jelinek for permit to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station to be located on the northeast corner of Snelling and Jefferson Avenues. Ver truly yours, 40 Commissioner of Public Safety IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION May 15th, 1940 Hon. G. H.. Barfuss. Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sirs In regard to the application made by Marjorie E. Jelinek for permission to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station to be located on the northeast corner of Sneliing and Jefferson Avenues. We have investigated the foregoing location and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard of that vacinity nor would there be any increase in the insurance rates to adjacent properties if the proposed station is allowed. Respectfully yours, Chief Fire Inspector. WCB/z ORIGINAL CITY OF 6T. PAUL c�cRK ° oErlc[ ILEO In rK[ clrr OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE _-- ae ay S -----,aa 40 TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made Teli_ne . ---- ------ variorie E -__--- - — --- BY -- I nwRe of EiPM OR In oivlDuwL FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE "--- I oRiv[In oR Insloa cwawa[ 1 AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT s 14 and 15 _F LnBLOCK 5 �vereen Re-Arrang.ement o` 51ock 5, Tortilenat corner of Snelling •end Jefferson avenues Sylvan Park ALO' ition _ -ALSO DESCRIBED A6 gT R[[T AN° V c -- 6550a 1 _- � ----- AS TANKS __ CAPACITY OF EACH TANK NO.OFPUMPS NO OF G _ -- - FILED �l p -j By • -1115 Pirst ration l Hank Rla�•, §aunt Paul, ;Ainnps t, RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE --- --- 19 DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY _ BY BY GST Y OF �4� sir ee ee fieO eae aeeeeeecee a)a eeee Be Al? lk 7A S .ee°e h e.a- ARTHUR S MILINOWSKI. Ch, nm AUCWT HOII'IIUW1 �DWI�J H LUNDIL BERNARD J M._GL1�1'I EGIN WAHMAN CHARL6 BMifORD¢ , Ow Ahi,o.' GLnpcf H tI RROLD. THE -BOARD OF ZONING E=.tabkhed by Ofdmance No, 5640 July 7th, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE June 25th, 1940. 3 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, -B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir In the matter of application of Marjorie E. Jelinek(For Conoco 011 Company) for permission to construct and operate a drive-in filling station on Lots 14 and 15, Block 5, Evergreen ReArrangement of Block 5, Sylvan Park Addition, being the northeast corner of Snelling and Jefferson. This site has just recently been rezoned to Commercial. This location is approved by the Board of Zoning subject to revision of plans which have been agreed upon and which are now being redrawn in the Oklahoma Office of the Conoco 011 Company. This matter should be postponed one week in order that the Council may consider the revised plans. Yours very truly, THE BOARD OF ZO Engin�e/r Secret �Aoting Secre� tary. 1 gh-rh THE DEPARTMENT' OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION May 15 1940 G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir; This is in reference to application made by Marjorie E. Jelinek for permit to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station to be located at the northeast corner of Snelling and Jefferson Avenues. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection and find that Jefferson and Snelling Avenues are located in an "A" Zone Hesidential District. No oil station can be erected in such a district. Therefore, there is no action to be taken on this application at this time. Yours truly, Harr�iettergren Superintendent of 'Traffic iIDPPi/i e RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- MENT. Council File No By---------------_------_- --------- .. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benef'_ts, costs and exren;es for reravin- t::e existing roadway on Lexinmtor. Par;n'ra:- from !Iniversit;,, Ave. to del-�y Ave. by removin- the wood blocks and resur.'acinc t;e exi_stinr base w4t.. aso^alt, wider.! .^., the roadway from lniversity Ave. to ::el.:v Ave. to a width of 56 feet, ,rad in s- anti oevin.- tie v;ieened portion of the roadway, reconstractin* ornamental liPhts; also constructiar sewer, water and -as connections fry,-. street mains to oronerty lines, i,!,ere necessary, -:.kin- necessar}, cha-zes in coater mans and appurtenances, c`Irbin�- and pawn- alley and drive -„_.y s.^^roaches, ;.!.ere necessary, under Preliminary Order.....113 44..-__.... Intermediary Order.....l.Ja]'1........., Final Order.._..li4SZ0......., approved- -peril.-1 ------------.199.*.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT�FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .............. equal installments. JUN 261940 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------.....- i Approved ------------------------.....----...-------..........19 Farm B. B. IB le 8638 City Clerk. r - - - ........ .....Mayor. PUBLISHED-� CITY OF ST. PAUL 'rOFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment _1Fay..211.,_._1940.D9&x....— In the matter of the assessment of bene'_ts, costs: and exrenses for fit renavir., t:n.e existing roadway or Lexington Far;_�ray from 7niversity Ave. to Selby Ave. by removin- tae wood blocksand resvrfac i- ti:e exictin, base with asrhalt, widenir the roadway from ':niversity Ave. to Selby Ave. o r, width of 56 feet, ,radin� and Cavi n? the widened portion of the roadway, rccor,structinp: ornamental li,hts; also constructing sewer, water and ,as connections from street mains to nronerty lines, w'..ere necesss:r'y, makin, necessary chan�,es in c,at� r mains and ann,irtenances, curbin:- and ravin' alle:: and drlvewa.i a':nroache.s, vhere necessary, under Preliminary Order .113944 -...., Intermediary Order. 11417; Final order _ 114670 ..___.__.. _ approved_.. Aril 19 1909 ._. cx.......' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cor constrrac".or. . . . . . . . . . . . . . a;6, ,...32 Co o' ��blis'.'^.- r.c�ice . . . . . . 9.70 Cost of -,octal car' .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1.74 arectio , ":('5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '47-A-36 mount o`_' cm�irt cnsts `cjr _.,.... 8.70 Total . . . . . . . . . . . 387,966.32 Code 31 E 1 . . . . . . . . . .. :i . W.r._. Jocket 16F . . 74.;70.5 _ "0,7_.52 Asses,;,.ent . . . . . . . . . . . . tij 7, c1i.. �C C Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of *.....7....915..u.0___..____..__.. ..... .... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. } Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 11f244 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR Conde -min- anc talon- an easem,nt in the land necess,r^ for slopes, Inthe matter of----------------------------- - ---- ---- ------------------------------- cuffs ani :'ills in the -rn;;;:r` and oilii-,. cf the Alleys I..:loek ii, :',arrendale Prom .er.er. S`.r,ect to the was' acd ..,. an9 "rc.. t: -s 1:r r' . acu Jo,Itn Alley.,., Drth Street, RA MMXY O AND CONFIRMI D ()ONS D AND SESAME OP DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT TAEREFOAE. THEREFORE. C. F. No. }19244— _. In the - i under Preliminary Order ---- 1?%?'-------------- approved___'_�'__d�_F__ _=.__1939____ ___ Intermediary Order ......... approved___ bcCe-Mb er- 1_9,__1939 Final Order ----------------117501.............. approved---- ^_''-1 16, 1`40 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and - made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �8ecayc#mKtbeuResolaie4x:that Ahe; said, assessmemt,.be:and,itis,:hevebr::determined,ta_<bw-payablac islxxxsxxxxxyxagxahinstana mstsvasXtD: each,.parml:OL Ian&describe&kherein.( Adopted by the Council __ JN 2 6 1940 _�________ �-- I ----------- JUii 1940 City Clerk. Approved ------------------------,19---- /� .i le 9873 -- -- C&4 -4-A, -- a_jW..Councilman : � Councilman Councilman _ onald �LLLISIIl Councilman ce Councilmano$tand Councilman 94dhelmer Mayor Ob REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter --------------------------- .�-- ----- --- --- arre-1P IP, r^ r ':nrl , - 1 11703- under Preliminary Order--____-- �-__---, approved----��-'---------- „-q , nve,:-er '4,_-_,_�� ------------------------- Intermediary Order ------=__-_-- 17iu ___-- approved---- ace_ for 1_', 1939 ----------------------- Final Order --------------11= C-1 ------ approved ----i lJ i=`-1-zT='--------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: a_ That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessrpent roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. i --------------------- Commissioner of Finance. ' ItE9ULtiTIUP" RATIFYING ASSESS - 1- i9245 KENT. Council File No.. . i By...............................- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefitse-costs and ex^enses for r constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, 3stimate Ho. 4, Contract 39-M-9, 1939 —Assessable-- F.O. 115044 Arbor Street, both sides, from James Street to Palace Street and on the south side of Palace street from Arbor Street thence east 120 feet F.40.-116679 Bates Avenue, east side, from a point 75 ft. southerly of Van Buren Place, thence southerly 45 fest] beginning 8 feet farther south thence south 10 feet] beginning 18 ft. farther south thence south 18 ft.; and including quer extensions on the ,n*� .a,=er of Bates Ave.. ands Euclid St. 12$Q9J`66on Ave., north side, frslt *ple Street to Mendota Street including driveway to Lot U, RolfeAs Subdivision, and a 24 ft. retaining wall to tot 13, Rolfails Subdivision, and on the west side of Mendota relaying the walk from Hudson Ave. thence north 10 feet F.O. 115040 Ada 8t., west side. from s. point 91.6 ft. north of Robie St., thence north 10 ft.j beginning 20 ft. farther north .thanes north 8 ft.j and an the East side of Ad} St. from'ttbie SW4 aortt't lV ft.; beginning 64 ft. farther north, thence north 16 ft.j beginning 30 ft. farther north, thence north 8 ft. for driveways beginning 28,5 ft. farther north, ,thence north 56 ft. constricting monolithic sidewalk] thence north 20 ft* relaying sidewalk including corner apron at the southeast corner of Ada St. and,Winifred St. ,F.O. 115218 NO 8t., north side, from Smith Ave., thence east 115 ft. repairing with monolithic ooneretej beginning 20 ft. farther east thence east 20 ft. relaying tiles beginning 44 ft. farther east thence east 12 ft. relaying tiles beginning„18.fty_ her east thence east 18 ft. relaying tiles and on, the sou side of Page St. from Smith Ave. thence east 100 ft. repairing with monolithic ocnorstej thence east 150 ft. relaying tiles and from Manomin Ave. thence east 100 ft .relaying tile] thence east 1 ft. oonstruotiag monolithic oonorete milk; thence east 92 ft. re- ying tiTe wslfcj curd on the south side of Page St. from Seminole St. nae east 50 ft. repairing with monolithic ooncretej thence east 214 ft. re g tile] and on the north side of Page St. from a point 52 ft. east of Seminole St. thence east 8 ft..coas'truoting driveway F.O. 111283 Como Bculevard,fiae beginning at a point approximately 70 feet west of Como Avenue No thence westerly 95 feet F.O. 116135 E. Seventh St., north side, from Minnesota St. thence east 80 feet, and on the east side Minnesota St. from E. 7th St. theatre north 122 ft., 9 ft. in width, and the bar -faced radius curbing on the Northeast corner Minnesota and E'.7th St., also closing up the existing coal -holes and trap doors and constructing waterproofed concrete slab over areaway arches below the sidewalk slab --Non-Assesegble-- F.O. 115044 Arbor Street, both sides, from James Street to Palace Street, and on the south side Of Palace Street, from Arbor Street thence east 120 feet F.O. 115679 Bates Avenue, east -sift. from a point 75 ft - ✓� ems +� y pprsl" O G% -TA f2 t, G;l PQRPM 'c 8 LGG; LvLfYGL eoa;Y �.VGUca qo" F VO' 112ela By;Ge ,gne' eve; eTgB' ,Lau v boTu; . 2 L;' 20n9TeLT7 OL Avu EOLGIT BTvo0 eon;p OL LvTa-oe L80fi' S.Low rVLPOL 2;Lee;.rFGUCe eve; TSO Lae; );'0' TT2014 VLPOL 2' . a;' po;Y 2Tgee' T,Low Ivxee 2;Lea;; 'Co bvTvoe 2;LGG;' evq cu ;Ye __Ross-Va 2e a 2b'PTG- erLopee .#'Tom 4:Y6 a Tgemr T c BTgYi .pleb qdd vrzq ooua;Lao;Tue aeep9LbLoobeq couose;e 131UP OAeL ULerAW1 14I7 eeo .vu9 n'' J;Y.. 2fi'`:9T$9?.<?Ta Tug. it:b, F® .GxxTa TUP qGv -fro ea ear4 SEW;F®L Csa:P 4PS900 OWUP T8 b;' "TvATpa ;;Tea LaIwX UE ;ITs1 PG9TVrTuE 6l L;' LvL;FOL OMP VOIToe eveP IS W LGTO24112 WOUoTT;FTG oouose;el paRT= 9 SO L;' LUL;Y®L sae; ;jrencG eve; SO L;' 0' TT2ST8 Le96 2;•' UOLPY 2790' LLom 2mT;Y TAG" 0eues eve; TTQ L;' LebvTLTuo AT;F Vqe 2;' vUq MT33TLL89 2;' LsTvaTUR eTgeJWTK TucTngTzt oosnaL abLoue v; Pe 8011;YGve; ooLUGL oL ;YeUoa UOL;F PQ L;• ooue;LacPT-A souoTTVTa ergGWT7c1 pFenoO uoL;Y SO L;' uoL;Y' ;Ysuoe uaL;Y 8 L;' LOL gLT-&aAull pGETUUTuE S8'2 L;' LfrL;YeL uoL;Y' QcT T.,— LvL;YsL r7oL;Y' ;Fsuce uoL;Y Te Lp'1 pe433171UE 20 L;' iaL;PGL ou PYG Eva; eTgG oL Vqv 8;' LLo,u YOPTO 2;' PYsuos uoL;F TO L;''• peETuuT-J2 UOLg'T TO LF'1 PG27UUTuE SO L;' LvLPFes f?OL;PW ;Y-oe uaL;Y a Wl vuq 1'0' T720d`0 Vqv 2;'' mea; aTge' LLow a Lo Tu; 8T'2 LF' uoL;Y'OL BoPTO 2;'' PjGttoe ;Y© KvT1, LLom Hrtgeou VAs• ;Yeuce UOL;Y TO L86; ro; T3' NoTLeLae 2npgIATeTov' aUq ou ;Ye use; eTge oL glarTgo;a L010 quR gL7As x eo roP TT' 50TLe +e 2nPgTAIeT-* v119 If Sd L;' LG;vjtTuE will ;o Iy'0' 11208a Hrsgeou VA.*' UOL;Y aTge' LLW KubTe 2;Les; ;0 14Gzg0;9 2;Lse; Tu0Tn9TuE coLUGL GX4G1Ye70u2 OU ;YG 3J0L;Te68; GOLJJeL aL 2OPe2 VAG' vuq rl'OTIq 2;' To LOW PGRI—TuE T8 L;' LsL;FOL 8017;P ;YGUoe eon;Y T8 L;'1 emq TucmngTu PFeUOG eonPYeLTR f2 LeaP1 ps€TUUTUE Q LOG; LvL;YeL eof';V pYGueG u* -1;Y E•0' TMA8 P"GO VAOUnG' sae; eTgG' LLOM a boTw Ap L;' son;YGLIX oL Airy] anzGU 1,1ece' eon;p Ofge oL LvTucG 2;LGG; -,Lor YLpoL 2;LGG; ;YeUve 092; TSO ;GG; h'o' TT20,fd VLpOt 24PLs0;' poPF eTgbe' LLow ae-GO 2;Lae; ;0 LvTvee 2;LOGP UUg on r}` xl�xl2i���dsga�.—� �:::_.:b�c;s�i3abcame$i:t�g�c Qc-scars..:xc�:.::::.rx�>:Qrr3ar:.x:.c�.xy:�si•::�. Jappie xodc x,xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxX-x xxb9cxxx A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in, ----------- J ..........equal installments. JUN 261940 Adoptedby the Council --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------.-19....- Ce,<-4City Clerk. ""4 A0 y a.ia9ti 1 Approved----------------------------- ------ ..._...-------- 19....._. r ---------- ---------. ........ ---------- --------......... ..... Mayor. F... B. B. IS PUBLI§IIED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment 1,'ay 2 1940__ In the matter of the assessment of L-enefite., costs an%1 exr.enses for Or, constructing, rec on �3tructi I: d rel a vin, cement , -d e,nm I }-E , Estimate 7o. 4, Cort rr_,i r,4, Ar _...c )r tre cxer., 7 rtheast rcrr r u -e, .0. 1 j boj�', �,�i,n Ave. rot -'L,, 'en s. freer lrive,irc to Lct, 11 Let 1:, ior's c,,! e nor r r is r f Jiro "i . -str money, ci.,e hence e%i�,. 214 ft. P r -1,j rz,',a �._once 7er,. feet, a,.d r r� 9 ft. o� e L X coal-�,cles aiia tray. r, . r �:.,-nce ear t 12C Pet rl,, Var --ur— Place viJi, ri, 41-, e, -ce S, ,h e- rt:•"t. , and ..._.:r 1.s ,n t I%f! nor i I r, ti:_ 1 corner c: .,Rtes Ave. an' Euclid Street a� �uhi; gntr3r�:•rr r �. r. s,� itrsp#�"�'��'} �. 4.•r ',' i,`: t`{+a in., znl r , 81f 04 wto ud b L7 C Vila u.r f:Lr,or7uu wouol;Iy., ' t ..r • I aadama$raMntiaaogaArdsxxsx�cxs_:-axx rssr rx::xv_ir,xlart enagadisxgz®xdercxsr_zrzxss r x Yrxx xxx:: �cxxxy ic4nadxnxlen_xxxzrxzxrxxstxx�•.r_rxxx�:<aggnosedzxs x�zr�c.:;ixxxs�c_:x�c..:xxxsxi:34&xxxx To the Couneil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for az d in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: " 2,�SC.35 Cost of construction $.....- --------- . 7.8C Cost of publishing notice . $.....-- - - ------ - 1.56 Cost of postal cards $__.._......__.__..__._._—._.... Inspection fees $._.._...........__...._._ —...._ 80 . Amount of court costs for confirmation $ -..--- 7 7.8C Assessable3,240, .54 n� NoAsaers,,bI 107.32 Total expenditures . -347— Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tfined, to -wit: the sum of $ _ 3, 347. P.6 ....._..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed ._........._ ........ b efited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. B. 17 -7- c - i a v. t :�_ r� i r ri i ti, � i, rr� t .1 �uhi; gntr3r�:•rr r �. r. s,� itrsp#�"�'��'} �. 4.•r ',' i,`: t`{+a in., znl r , 81f 04 wto ud b L7 C Vila u.r f:Lr,or7uu wouol;Iy., ' t ..r • I aadama$raMntiaaogaArdsxxsx�cxs_:-axx rssr rx::xv_ir,xlart enagadisxgz®xdercxsr_zrzxss r x Yrxx xxx:: �cxxxy ic4nadxnxlen_xxxzrxzxrxxstxx�•.r_rxxx�:<aggnosedzxs x�zr�c.:;ixxxs�c_:x�c..:xxxsxi:34&xxxx To the Couneil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for az d in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: " 2,�SC.35 Cost of construction $.....- --------- . 7.8C Cost of publishing notice . $.....-- - - ------ - 1.56 Cost of postal cards $__.._......__.__..__._._—._.... Inspection fees $._.._...........__...._._ —...._ 80 . Amount of court costs for confirmation $ -..--- 7 7.8C Assessable3,240, .54 n� NoAsaers,,bI 107.32 Total expenditures . -347— Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tfined, to -wit: the sum of $ _ 3, 347. P.6 ....._..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed ._........._ ........ b efited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. B. 17 -7- c - i a v. t :�_ r� i r ri i ti, � i, RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS qF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR RADEMNA [OWN CONF NII WS IID9 CON - OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFORE. In the matter of__oner._•_n�_i_rr.denir__ and_extet;dirc Eelcidere .,treat to e_ -i -- -- EO "t - -- -------- ------ctrce --------------of F0 te;c ir.P a strip of lane SC _£t. in...'th fro- tLe ri Tht-cf-Hm.^ o^ the Chien -o, '?oc:: Isleni :ac4fic east to Jeenne ".venue exce—, -o: here P..lren:i:: orer.ed, said stri- teir* nort.1 cf an' iv rallel to t -.e Zr'ft. dedca- ion for =elvi dere Street i.n. tr.e',vest St. -n•.:t Real !state cate ..dditicn 3io. 4, under Preliminary Order___ 11ZgPZ_____________- approved___Februa EY- 21,__1990-____-______-_, Intermediary Order ---------11?131------------- approved____`r:rch 19, 1S4C Final Order --------------- -1-1_3_>9-------------' approved ----=---1 1:,]94C --=------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ld;c�tklta.>�saok5f�)sxt<�hft;�,i� rsdseaarR�a& sndx3tx as; �hershY.xdetermtRed >bQ: be i>3a 3sf_�1�'zxs�:_ecpml,:ien4s�;tDrearrlxr�az'eel�cifc;}aa�i:deseribedTticeaei� N! JU__26____1940_____________ Adopted by the Council ____ 19 � v >y is 1940 --- -- --- - --- ------ ------- Approved --------------- ---------19---- City Clerk. O ok File _ ..Mr. _ _ ayo Councilman'G+bnroy Councilman Ferguson/^ 4` Councilman McDonald ` Councilman Pearce PUBLISi LD "/ d Councilman Rohland Councilman Sm1heimer - /1 Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS 1 '�'' , , , 1. 1,L-"EFITh open''.n^ .�:ir.:..._i..- and ex*er..:: - °elvidere >tr...,, „e . wi.; c. In the matter of__---___-_-_____------ -- } ------------==------------------------------------- 60 ft. t�: to}:i_ a .,tri;' o.` lap: r. ... .ti: .`Tor: i:e ri ht-o^-;:a�; o^ ti,e C'^tide-o, 3o c'e ?slr-.rd Fr. ci fidi2F:i1-ne^ �,ast �7ear_ne=ven�ie ecce^t ..'..ere alrqd% onened, said stri-,t:eir:m nerd. of anti rarr.11el 'L� SO It. dec4cetic7 for Felridere-Stre,r, ;n t""e Slcst t.i .,state _.^ro.eT.cn� Tante .._.Mien '" o. 4, v under Preliminary 1178 = - ' ----, approved ----- -=-'r-,=,-r'-c 1'-1'' ) ---------------------- Intermediary Order --------1191c ------- approved-----' arch_ lz_1 =40 ------------------------- Final Order --------------- 11536`--+--- roved----- =r-'=- 1'=-1_i40-------------------------- ----- approved TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the 'gnature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---------------- ----------- ---------- Commissioner of Finance. 119247 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of con err.:r, ¢nd takir':�- an easer.un* in t%:e lar . necesscry -cr slcnes, cut., a .. .41 _. in ?o ;en fro^ Lex. -to,. Fa...:+¢;:'!rrth tc Dunla}. t, RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CON- DEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSE99MENT TRERF�^ under Preliminary Order --- !LE90M--------------- approved ----_-`Frcn_515=0 Intermediary Order ........ 11`;313 -------------, approved-----. r _l 9z_1�40 _-__-_----__ Final Order---------------il ='1-' -------------- approved ------- e�-7,- 1-40 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. lie i3� fwt6k rr eaedm�six thRA:t e,.a»b aASRSRax�n to �iaaci 4sxhareb3 Ref xta,be<pegablec xinx a��x xa>e :iastai nts,.aaxt¢ ch>.Fattcek&Aan&de=ibedxkkeDeirLx JUN 26 1940 Adopted by the Council --------------------------------, 19 --- - -f` ----------- i City Clerk. Approved ------------------------,19---- File 892P /------- ---v--------------M3Y r� r; Counci]man oY - i Councilman guson_ % Councilman Donald Councilman 111 rce i Councilman Rabland Councilman Sadheimer -- - - Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS r ITS m In the matter of,_e 2'.c `-ek,. ... ,i•, c- r- 1 ^ e - ` - under Preliminary Order -_1_`== ------- approved-------Er11:-_ ._] _YQ-------------------------- Intermediary Order ------ 115: 12------> approved------ r _ - , i i 40 Final Order .............. 118rl4----- approved ------`i--='-194r------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: \ The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and dete&ined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -------------- Commissioner of Finance. F RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR co::'e-rn=r.- and '.;e:_i^ �,_ eLo—cnt i^ the lana �:Fcess_,re "�r ::lonea, Inthe matter of----------- -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------ ca!a rind _ills i,i tae -radin- d.` ll," in °lock 4, ,naioste ':o. 2 RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CON - on '^ro!n. Avon ,i,.. to_. ._'ria 5z. DEMNATION AND AWARDS OF "-" DAMAGES AND ASSESSMr,N" TREREFOIL, under Preliminary Order ---- 11_u_;1-------------- approved-- _____--_____._ Intermediary Order--------- - 61 --------------- , approved- _April_°,_ .: Final Order-------------------=-�-----------� 11'i61 approved---"',-- 7, 7, i:��o public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the award's of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said . assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ,Be A)further_3teob&k.<thatxtha.:saiak aex nzer bje and.stxis(3 eby.dete�iaed tG<h� payabia in x�azxxs�nak instknext� ea.:ta.:eacdt :{taCSedxa� �BdDikdesarabed,thnminx Adopted by the Council --- JIIN-26-1940--------------- , 191__ --T City Clerk. Approved ------------------------,19---- % i� ------ ayor. Councilman 1 �l Councilmanlgnsoif Councilman FlMoriald Councilman wee Councilman Habiand Councilman eimer- _.,x Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS a crl' lil,"NEFITh In the matter of- =---=- --- --- ------iur ----'- -- - fro*. A711_ a --.--� under Preliminary Order- ll'="-?_----- approved------ flrc - -),--I 1 ------------------------------ Intermedia Order -----?------, approved ---- i „ Final Order ------------ 1 =1 = ---- approved ------ ---154----------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined th%value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to prope, ,y, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---------------------- Commissioner of Finance. Orl,laal to cur Ckd couCIL • + CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO._ - - - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RBSOLvED, that upon due consideration of the appeal of the Tri-State Telephone and Telegraph Company, pursuant to Section 20, Article 5 of Ordinance No. 8840, and the favorable report and reoommendation of the Board of Zoning thereon, said Company is hereby granted permission to extent; the commercial use now in existence on part of Lot 1, Cragg's Rearrangement, to the entire lot, except that such commercial use shall not extend beyond the building line established by the residences located on Temple Court. C. F. No. 119249—$Y F. M. True:— ' Resolved That upon due slder- [lon of" pPeal of the Tri-State Teleohone and Telegraph C mpany, Board of Zoning therPeon, aid Company tends they.onmeediale in, 6elo- In 11- I Istence on port erl Lot 1, Cragg'e Re- angement, to o[he entire lot, ezcept " that each commercial use shall not e - tend beyond the huildin. line tnb- llehed by [he reeidencee located o Temple Court. rovJune 26 u1940 ?ane 26, 1840, Apped (June 29, 1940) JUN 26 1940 C011nCILMETI a Adopted by the Council___. _ _ __ ____ __ -__1.94---- leas '- nays fa U 1Aa ass / v� Approved----.— - 26 1---194_ n - Parranto In Favor � - - -- - ---- — l?Peterson ,icosen i -Against %ax /M President, McDonough sm -0 CS .Secs A f,99 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration June 25, 19+ C Mr. John A. McConnelougrp Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of the Tri-State Telephone and Telegraph Co. to extend the commercial zoning on part of Lot 1, Craggta Rearrangement, to cover the entire lot, this property being situated at the southwest corner of St. Anthony and Cleveland. Yours very truly, City Clerk. (� '001-01TY OF fir¢ �4J' k +q e C ++449 eeeeseeeac In e�ee Bep J� a �� rwc�oge O. V•D ARTHUR S MILINOWSKI, Chap , AI;C:U`T HIWI- ,T1"I cDWIN II LUIIDIL 9ERNAP,D J Mr;=,L1N�J EGIN WP -H' A, CHARLLS BAS-,ECin C, Archr..- G.., r.'lC II 11"RROLD. THE BOARD OF ZONING E%tabkhed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7b, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE June 15th, 040. 4 o the Honorable Mayor and City Council, a City of St. Paul. Gentlemen In the matter of appeal of the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company to extend the commercial zoning on part of Lot 1, Cragg*e ReArrangement to cover the entire lot. This is the old telephone exchange at the southwest 06im er of St. Anthony and Cleveland. Part of the land was zoned for commercial purposes - 195.6 ft. on St. Anthony Ave. and 109.6 ft. on Cleveland Ave.- and part for residential purposes. This appeal is made under paragraph ^a^ Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance, that the zoning on one part of the lot be extended to cover the entire lot. As there are residences on Temple Court, the owners have established a buildit?g line on Temple Court which conforms to the residences and no commercial use will extend beyond this line. The Board of Zoning recommend that this rezoning be granted as it makes possible the use of this plant for commercial purposes. Yours very truly, THE BOARD OF ZON;�NG. Geo ue 1d,S c� - gr. 1 heating Secretary. reh I ,� 0 W THE TRI-STATE TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Subsidiary of Northwestern Bell Telephone Company BELL SYSTEM S -r. PAU L.M 1N N. May 17, 1940., To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: We are the owners of Lot 1, Cragg's ReArrangement. We appeal to your Honorable Body under paragraph "a" Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance that the commercial zoning on St. Anthony Ave. and Cleveland Ave. be extended to cover the entire lot in order to make use of the Telephone Exchange Building and accessory buildings on this propertt for commercial purposes. d•: The plat of Cragg's ReArrangement establishes the building line on Temple Court in line with the houses already erected on that Court and in accordance with the Building Zone Ordinance. The extension of this commercial use is not to extend beyond this building line. Yours ver7 truly, i President Se y S SERIAL NO. OF ROLL -, S `?,d DEPARTMENT ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP Ll PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED If Limit—e-37- LIMITED imited LIMITED RETENTION f DATE IIICROFILh1ED CONTENTS �OLc/lGi� /joae�Li' _ NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS C r //I( iIO� fal /•1 1�lI NUMBER OR/}NA14E Or LASST+ DOCUIVIT IU- RO/FILNED SI( IED(, Operator JOINT CITY COUPITY MICROFILM BY Supervisor l •NJ 1531 NOiIlIl05.. ♦d000tl..n ` S08VONVIS 30 0V3808 1VN011VN t f � 9•t����� �-i �,Z-11111 � '� 8.111111 —0. zI.1 VIII ' —Z. Zs,� �� 0•i VIII - SZVII' dZ a 1n J 0 0 \S o 5� a d� oaaoa C5 5 40\\ y 5