116630-117146_10-17-1939_12-07-1939s Oda��u O,y as,` "O o 1", aid i OA , gay '�a aZ, 9�\ SONVQNVIS 30 nV3ene 1VNoI1VN m , 9-1 I �'T �Z LIIIII �, o�z����� °' L•L VIII z:z����� s s zNll' 8 Z'' 0.1 VIII ° L ?�\ � Cl, ti IV o 1 � 1 J � � ill m SERIAL 110. OF ROLL 9 DEPARTNFNT 0'AA C le ROLL IDENTIFICATIOI' SLIP / PERMANENT RFTENTIOV DATE TO BE DESTIPYF..D LIMITED RF,TENTION If Limited DATE !IICROFILIED Ja Z� Iql CONTENTS � �.� � c. ` �. r 3 t S z NM3ER OR NAI°E OF FIRST DOCUP?T!T OF REGULAR CONTENTS Ck�o\-,).v Ili 193 NUI43ER OR NATE OFILAST DOCUUENT IIICROFIIJED r' D BY Supervisor SIMPD Operator JOI';T CITY COUNTY I±ICROFILN "��Cbl,Inal to Cay D"k CITY OF ST. PAUL �e NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '630—By W. A. I COUNCIL RESzOLUTION--GENERAL FORM 'toy" c, xnnwn� ton for niter to t- -1 -ton relrtnve PRESENTED BY .. a...— `n __DATIn t COMMISSIONE _ __. -E_ . per y I..ste6nlnt;� 'IilliI enc 5' ton Che rtppllrl -[tle men' WHEREAS, Floyd G. Kongeviok has made 'application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to\\d61i'quent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lot 6, Block 1, Stebbings Coma View; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the' sum of $760.30, and tate . e applicant offers tb pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $447.561 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $289.20 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $447.56, and that said sum of $289.20 shall` be paid to the City Of Saint Paul in'settlement of.delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $760.30. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss �itfQlAn ?t" , Parranto Peterson R9sen --T�Pre� Mr. t (Fallon) 5M n 3& CP 1718 Adopted by the Council OCT , OCT 1719 �Approved--- ___ 193_ JIn Favor �/jY d Q ICLf yor AgainA � � jttre>I.a5lien 0,10W 1. 6, ❑v4 t 116631 p - CITY OF ST."PA"UL ,,0. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,P _ .. I COU RESOLUTION ---GENERAL F ilssn-13y e a r \ cutloh twh nuce I IS �• pllPor well f t i -` r ,. x coo inl.y,lon .I l the ..d theni,� full r t[I •� 61; thl 1 WHEREAS, Lawrence L. Brack has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: (Except N. 25 ft.) Lot 10, Block 6, Nelson, Stevens h Ring's Add.; and WHEREAS, the delintyuencx totals the sum of $367.13, and the applicant offers to pay in fall settlement thereof the sum of $307.83; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the A sum of $7.03 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $307.63, and that said sum of $7.03 shall lle paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement -of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $367.13. COUNCILMU Yeas Nays Barfuss &indlan Parranto Peterson t, R1sen !j 411 mr, Mr. President (Fallon) IM ll 38 CB OCT 1710 Adopted by the Council 193____ i - OCT 1719 Approved _-193_ Afl -In.Favor O y Y -.___Against +Afiitl,i3FiEP1 �� 40 0011.-1 1. Clh n.,k CITY OF OFFICE E CITYCLERK IcL CE OFNo. gI)�cD2 COUNCIL. RES CU ION ---GENERAL FORM r1Le PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONER— _ _. DATE October 10, 1938 Milt.. It, urfhea tile Pnrk f, nbrier Avg - r eC. F. '9, Id _ In the matter of changing the grade regrading and ^"' surfacing the Alley in.Block 16, Oakville ark from W&lsh Avenue to Greenbrier Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 114942 approved May 24, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 115767 approved August 1, 1939. 1 EFSOLVED, kt the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for' the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Torks be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with r the construction of the above named, improvement, in accordance v,ith the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1436, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $653.00, and be it FURTHFR RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary ma.tfriels. 0 CdUNCLMEN Yeas / Nays , Barfuss arto Pe�ar�r� ­LIR Favor Peterson l / Against Mr. President_.W,*..�..a - r k IbOtl 2-38 Ca. a Adopted by the Councilo 71939 - _ 193 Y Appro d OCT 171939 Mayor .fit-rsirsr�r..p 6 ��� Petition Gj4jj633 Council File NO ......... i ...... MPROVEMENT .6633— PROPOSAL FOR I he , a and d qurfing thO, ,-a�n Park AdAd1, t - n jot ­ PRELIMINARY ORDER. the making ofithefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz The undersigned hereby proposes .......... .... ...... ........... Sylvan Park Additiu.n. .?... from ... ............ Grading and of the .itBlock ,.. _n the Alley ............. ......... Palace Street to Jefferson Avenue Also construe tre t, _d..in.palace.. to Palace S...e . .. .... .. . ........ oint $ feet north of Palace Street .... . ... ........................ ....... 193.9 .... Dated this... 10 ...... .. day of .... .. ..... Qctobc-r ........... it / Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: lock q, SYl�,p.Park ..A.d.d.i.t.iiA4..fF?m ........... ............ nd surfecing the Alle . ..... in the Alley .. ....... sevier. .... ... .......... construe .. ....... . ..... .... palace Street to Jef Fs?n. . Avenue. ri��e cl ...... ........... . .. .. ... ... Street to Palace Streets in PELla - ce ...... .. .... ..... . ...... „from a_.point BO feet north,cf Palace .................. ................ ................... . ..... . tr.ept ........................ ;resented to the Council of the City Of Saint Paul .................................... having been therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. petition of three or more owners. 4. To state whether or not said, improvement is asked for on the p — 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Financi ..... O.GTAT.19M ................. Ad ,y.V!d by the Council ....... YEAS NAYS Approved.......... O.G.T.1 7. 10 Councilman BARFUSS ribiniAh - � PARRANTO PETERSON ......... ROSEN ......... or. I MR. PRESIDENT I ABpSHED 8166, 34 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEI Mesa+_ A Abstract. t . 'he Lollowi.'m Its al Lor and s Drox•+, an,l'4 taklnR an •�x Jtii� PRELIMINARY ORDER, ry r,.. „•x_x>v The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fill in the grading and surfacing of.the.Alley.in.Block 9, Sylvan Perk Addition, from .......... ................................... Palace Street to Jefferson Avenue. Also constructing a sewer in the Alley from a ............................................nue............................................................................. point 80 feet north of Palace Street to Palace Street, and in Palace Street from .......11ey...............•.':...................... Avenue. .......r'........... .... the Alley to the sewer in Pascal P_vFnue. � Dated this..... ..... day of... ......... 193.9.... 10th Ocf ober a e Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning end taking an eesement in the lend necessery for a.lopes, cuts and fills in .............................................................................................................................. the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 9, Sylvan Park Addition, from .............................................................................................................................. Palace Street to Jefferson Avenue. Also constructing a sewer in the Alley frdm a .............................................................................................................................. point 80 feet north of Palace Street to Palace Street, and in Palace Street from ............................................................................................................................... the Alley to the sewer in Pascal Avenue. .1 having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..: ................................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 11 4. To state whether or not said, improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council............r,............... YEAS NAYS < 77 .Councilman BARFUSS Approved ...............�.......1. I \ PARRANTO - PETERSON ROSEN M yor. MR. PRESIDENT / v.nLlsl>zD D IM 12.38 0 0r191u1 to CITY Clak CITY OF ST. PAUL OFI?tgE OF THE CITY CLERK // �_— O U NCt�/ ASO LUTION--- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �/ s COMMISSIONER .�e No.d f) )t r DATE_ October 10 1959. a Sri �— 3f2 8 -t--t- c --x- o£ grading and oiling the Alley in Block -5O A _ �' o-tzisn's Rearrangement of Sigel's Addition from 'a Johnson to Atlantic Street, also constructing a. sever 0, in the A:]L--t or^ n point 160 feet east of Atlantic Street to the sem er 3 r— 3ar_tic Street, under Preliminary Order / — C. 1-- 1 -Z -el 4=g .- approved Titer— �z�roved Mey S, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 115309 :Ez:!'7 1939.' � s TYint the pl-ans and specifications as submitted by the Corrzrr_ over of Public Works for the above named improve- ment, same are hereby apnroved, and the Commissioner Of Public 7WV7 s IDE and he herein is authorizcd and instructed to proceed vsz tea -_ze construction of the above named improvement, in accordar, c the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September =I[- =_ 936, the estimated cost of mal erials, equipment, engiric-- o_ supervision being $418.85, and be it FLTP-_TT--i R3SOLVED, That the PurchasinC Agent be and he is herein ata v— z Ed and directed to purchase the necessary materiels. — • uss3a—f+y xulnn en. ,leer or KrndlnK nd 30. A. ' In nlO,k q, enI Of `31Ke1'' Au Pnrk—y t0 Ai ,[ruitlnK 760 - ' , pnfnt feet beet d Ihn e. 'f. under F'relln .91, apprnred \ I 0,d -t•. 1. _S. IBRO 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by Council OCT 17 193919; Yeas _ Nays the — • --Barfus, —i-mvitrrr� -_ � . OCT 171939 ' C�P��ta.rc�ra�anto - - Approved 193__ �l+earetr�_._� _In Favor Peterson ayor A"K a i Mr. President- 1300 2-33 C6 1'. Ynx. 111111:: n--Ilt{6:ST— � .�� It -0—d. Th:rt r•{�:r•kx be \,rx\\'n un 11.66131 r•I[)' lren�trr>, f. the r ITKr11,, k, CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. S3 � NOTICE ��I nr E1:11.71u sJ, � eri n}G rau•r'k.. °n "red '"I" F` `'° Inel°xieq UNGL RESOLUTION TO I rf�•tr r-h—kx n r Ill. IIl thr• nrflce of the pYll� IIY `.,IIID""nel'. October 1�4 9 PRINTF .vanPtea nY u,r 1. jWig. 0'.1. r'. Iq II. \Irirrn�'rd r)e 1. li, . 193 193_ I RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE, DAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 6414 OF $ +;- 5 w COVERINGIOCKS NUMBERED gVgg3 TO642.57INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE O THE CITY COMPTROLLER. OCT f 7 1939 " > ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILOCT 17 1939 393___ �� _ ts,. '�--" wn� v ,• �tTY PT «e9 APPROVED -193- 7-38 93 ' DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL et OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE .f'13 NUMBER--- • ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLA N_IN PETERSON : __ FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ___ _qotober_1_3____,._9_ ROSEN IRUA X WENZEL - AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE TO THE AGGREGATE AM NT 01 RxON �THE�Ciy TREASURY S COVERING MR._PRES FALLON CHECKS NUMBERED I CLU VE AZ ADOPTED BY THEEC.UNCIL ACT 17 10 PER CHECKS 0 1 HE ICE 0 HE CITYXOMPTR-LLE. APPROVEDNUMBER 500 7 38 cs _A� B TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF------ TRANSFER " RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS i CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 9 168 11,491 413 90 .64150 Hapbes Sales, Inc. 46 60 ®64149 Blue & White Cab Company 1. 1 014� 45 64151 Brown & White Cab Company 23 6415e Ballard Motors & Romp 24 5 65 6415 Hotel St.Paul Ramp Garage 641544 5 Saint Paul Athletic Club 4 go 64155 Dr,Albert E. Ahrens 55 0 6415b Dr.' C.C. Chatterton 25 00 64157 Dr. William Ginsberg 69-16 64158 Drs. Ames Naslund & Russell Mares 20 00 64159 Dr. A.R. Pederson 25 00 64160 St.Luke's Hospital 10 27 64161 Dr. George W. Snyder 12 00 64162 Dr. Wm. H. von der Weyer 125 75 6416N Mrs. Emile LaBlesoniere Z3 60 64:Lr Joseph J.. Kramer 1 07 64165 John,% Findlan, C. of Finance 2 6Z U 6416 John So Findlan, C. of Finanol 73 8 64167 John S. Findlan, C. of Finanop 1 922 43 64168 John So Findlan, Co of Finance, 3 502 39 64169 John So rindlan, 0. of Finance 186 20 64170 John So Findlan, C. of Finance 7 406 73 64171 John 94 findlan, C. of Finance 1 129 .63 64172 John So Findlan, 0. of Finanoi �4 367 45 64173 John So Findlan, 0. of Finance, 854 93 64174 John So Findlan, C. of Finance 4 990 13 64175 Mrs. Hannah Peterson i 912 64176 John so Findlan. C. of Finance 11 255 35 64177 John So Findlan. 0. of Finance, 3 306 66 64179 Martin Falk Paper Company 26 35 64179 H.w. Fisher Company 95 07 9 66 64180 Leonard Frank Company w 64181 Fuel Economy Engineering Company 4o oo 64182 H.B. Fuller Company Zi 47 641 Gager's Eleotrio Refrigeration,! a 6412 The Gamewell Company 7 64185 Gangi and Company 37 50'• 64186 General Eleotrio supply Company 321 95 64197 General Eleotrio Supply Company 157 16 64188 German Book importing Company 14 68 64189 OPinn and Company 79 75 64190 R.L. Gould & Company in 16 6a 64191 Grant Piston Ring Company 64192 Haag Roofing & Cornice Company 7 50 142 50 6419 w,J. Bass Mfg. Company 7 14 64194 Hall Eleotrio Company 41 8 12 64195, 'Theo. -Ramm Brewing COMP=7+ 64196 Haroourt, Breast IN Company 30 77 64197 P.R.L.RardenbeTgh Company 6 as * ,l d swk Mfg. Company 2 70 15 7 .0. Heath & Company 642o0 H..T. Heinz Company 1 7 642n1 lietfield-Parry, Inc. 20 64202 The Hilex Company, 7'50 1 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD jijjZ_z3 I Q. 7- 11 y ` � � , i � I f i DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCI OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER BARFUSS FINDLANI-IN FAVORj 193 PETERSONAUDITED CLAIMS -Oatobs- 14- ROSEN , THE CITU'COVE TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON 'COVERING WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S MR �ES _FALLON CHECKS NUMBERED ' -_ j-'_0,R:.NCLUSIV E, AS PER CHECKS ON�'LM5F.T 71TY ...PT,'91L.R, '7'T -OCT 17 10 ADOPTED BY THE �.,NC,, APPROVED ACT 171 NUMBER 192 4"'1 --- SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 9 16g 1$'623132 10 TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RAN S FER TRANSFER RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS i CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 168 .11 537 09 6420 Charles Peacock h C. Finance 9 24 14 44755 75 64204 John S. Findlan, of 00 642 5 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 64206 Roy F. Morgan 15 00 65 00 64207 Nick Nittl 64208 Lyle F. Gray 10 00 64209 Paul S. Amidon 35 00 4 503 71 64210 A,G, tttel & Company 642n ' Capitol Stationary Mfg- Company 5 95 64212 Mrs. Thos. E. Dahill 2150 5 944 �23 6421� 6421 Fuel Oil & GascCompany S.O. Johnson & Son, Inc. lo4 50 64215 Lee -Hoff Mfg* Company 20 09 64216 Frank Mudra 52 50 1 56 64217 9t.Paul Milk Company 21 69 64218 st.ftul Voo.Sohool Revl.Fund 64219 T.O. Hardwood Lumber Company :3 64220 Waldorf Bindery Company, Inc. 95 106 7 64221 Warren Webster Company 64222 M,I, Welch Company 58 75 28 407 09 6422 John 8,-Vindlans C. of Finance Finance 31 478 90 64224 John S. Findlan, 0. of 26 74 64225 Oo-Ope Laundry Company 43 00 64226 Cudahy Packing Company 64227 A,C. Dege 3 30 64228 General Janitor Supply House 1 Q0 64229 Hersohler Sales 50 - 64230 J.J, Hill Reference Library 2 39 64231 H.R. Huntting Company -38 03 64232 tnduatTial Grease & Drum, Ino, 10 00 1 64234 International Library Association 13 96 6423 Jewish Pub. Soo. of America 2 3 64235 Jobs & Careers 1 00 64236 Johnson Printing Company 22 gO 64237 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company il 4 64238 Kellett-Riehle Studios 5 00 64239 Kennedy Brothers Arms Company 13 05 64240 League of Minnesota Municipalities 5 00 64241 Leary-Stuart-OomPsnY 13 70 64242 Lonpans. Green & Company 73 ll 6424 Lyon & Healy 1 00 33 42 6422 64245 Carl Maronde J.L. Connolly 19 93 64246 Ben Storey, Jr. 10 00 91 64247 Assoc. of Childhood Mduoation 20 61 64248 Capital City Lime & Cement Company oo 64249 Hauenstein & Burmeister, Inc. 4 64250 N.W. Hardware Company 32 64A;J~, - 111:'- - ? i , 200 00 1 462 3.8 64253 om n�-, y Farwell, ozmun Kirk & Company 43 17 23 43 6425? 64255 J.L. sbieiy & company Tri-State Tel. & Tplg. Company 976 95 -64296 Tri-State Tel. & Telgo Company 170 53 64257 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 238 73 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 9 16g 1$'623132 10 1166138 138 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING MEKEON AN FIXING TIME OF �'.?;`;S 1':1'_ AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of__openingl_widening_and_ extending_an_ elley_20_ feet in width from Niagara Street to Lexington Parkway through Block 8, Como, the south side of said alley to be 125.75 feet north of the north line of` Hoyt Avenue and parallel thereto, of ,P,nmg. Asaatter 20� J ra sere,• �hrnu R� under Preliminary Order__ 115757 ----------- approved__ July -28,_ 1939 Intermediary Order --------11§859 --------------- approved __August 81- 1939 -------_-------_ Final Order --------------- 11814_8--------------- approved --- September_8,_1939--______-____-- The Commissioner of Finance -having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said -assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing bead before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ---- URI! --------- day he____15th____-__--day of_._Nov_ember________________, 19__x9, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to. give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. OCT 1710 � d -- Adopted by the Council__________________________ OCT 171939 -- Cityty Clerk. Glek. Approved------------ ----------------19-- File 8778------------a-C r'- --- M------ iayor. Councilman Conroyi Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald ~ g°LtUL18Hill U ��� Councilman Pearce �- Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Mayor 116639 In RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING idEREO% 'N) FIXING TIME OF 111-U'' ' 0'1 T11F .AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of_ °OndemninA and-takiz an_easement _in_the_ land necessarCY_for_ slopes,__ outs and fills in the grading of alleys in Block 6, Mattock Park, from Hartford Ave. to Watson St., and from Macalester Ave. to the North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order= --115613 _ approved____ July 18, _1939_________ Intermediary Order ______1160b1 _____________, approved ---- August 29,_19$9------------____, Final Order _______________116362 --------------- approved____September_26 _1939_____-_-----_ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ 16th ---------- day of___ November ................. 19391 at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. OCT Y? IM /-- Adopted by the Council___________________________ nrT Cit Clerk. Approved- - ---- - — _, 19- //y File 8766 ----------- ��L c�___ ---4 -- ----------- P, , - Mayor. Councilman donroy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce r Councilman Rohland Councilman. Sudhcimer ••-.--rte" Mayor r. Orldnd b City Clak i �. f)()` 0 ` } CITY OF ST. PAUL aI# NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUT��RAL FORM PRESENTED BY `f1{�` COMMISSIONERDATE__.._ —__—_ WHEREAS, the specifications for the contract with 6 Wm. Baumeister for the Addition and Alterations to Harding High School,,Docket Minnesota 1392—F, Section II, Contract No. A A, provide that the Council may order payment of 95 per cent of the contract price whenever the City Architect certifies that the work is substantieilly completed, and WHEREAS,the City Architect has certified that the work under this contract is substantially completed, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized'to pay to the said Wm. Baumeister 95 per cent of the contract price under the aforementioned contract. I'vl,.rnu„— \\'In•.rr„n, lh�� .li.•,il llt�:,l ltrhr rt�r tlir- "na'Ith \\',,,. Rxurne•Intrr Tar lhr \.Itl:lll1,.n,l .\I lcrntl,:,,. In Ilnrtlln� I llh S, , „��1 h. 11-krt llln„A A, 11392-11.. :, I,rr �•nl l„f lh., t� rn lrn�'l Vrlc•r• rvl,�•n- lht• ,'It>- .\rrhlir•r•l �t•rl lllru tl,;il �,\\'hl•r,•,tn, lh. ,'ltd:\rtliilt•�, tln���I [I,:tt ,rk , ntlrr thlw �o„lr„i'l ,��-Itr�nlr rti, tl,ul tht• {rrrrlri•r t�lll' ur- h,�uth,ir- r /"i I���r .•�nl 1erf lhi�`i inl r:t��l Ir ri��.. , nrl�•r . :,h�. :, Pnrrn,.•i,l liin.•cl i �t,nt1 ( [het :,,n,'l), I. 17. I!,:t!,, it 72,111913.1 T 1 " OCT 171939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -- Yeas Nays Inarfuss . ,,.�. 7 &iwesu r Approved------ —193--- - iParranto /rete son _ _In Favor _ � _ ” \ M or osen Attests Against 141 r. President (Fallon) '�M "3s ('9 City eTk. W, LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS.' A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY' OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, .PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commission CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Co—iui—, Hon. Council City of St. Paul ^entlei,nen: Ocl-ober 16, 1 39 The Clm. Baumeister Construction Company, general contrac- tors for the improvement described as the addition, altera- tions and repairs to the Harding Hi^h School ''u_ldin , has made application for a payment of ninety-five per cent of their total contract, in accordance with the provisions of tho second Dara;;raph of -Article A -27A of the " mitral C,onli- tions Of the SDoC_.flcnti Ons. e have checked the viorlr nerformed to date and _ind.the cork under the �enera.l contract has been substantially completed and reconriend that th_s pa -Ment of ninety-five per cent of the contr ct mice be Haid in accorlance with.Lhe specifica- tions. Yours truly, Architect f a 0,10 .1 b Olr clerk VS " CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM rmrtrv,t ei 111111,11d �ail to sine, rr liu PRESENTED BY pro n� tnr .' COMMISSIONER _. ..__-. _ ._ —..__DATE ,_ nI Lot r o _ —__ Pninli from \R I'- ' V•r WHEREAS, Peter McDonald has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to 'delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: That part of Lot 7 lying N'ly of a line drawn from a point on W'ly line of said lot 48 ft. from NW'ly'corner thereof to a point on the E. line of said lot 31 ft. from N.S. corner of said Lot 7, Auditor's Sub. No. 14; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $703.51, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $293.82; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $57.85 shall be first deducted from the total payment of =293.82, and that said sum of $57.85 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $703.51. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council"T- 171939 --_193 Yeas Nays Barfuss ACT' ry Approved—-� �. 193__-_ Parrapto Peterson J —In Favor Rosen- __Trff9r_ J _Against Mr. President (Fallon)HED 3 URLIS .SM if 11 Cs 2 Olivind to OW Cl.h a 161"11L 116642 CITY OF'ST. PAUL ruc NO._ —_— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /COU�JN/CILL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ---- COMMISSIONER_ K�l-��5 t �"'�s - --DATE_------ — WHEREAS, the Council did by Resolution No. 116248, appAffed September 15, 1939 authorizetheissuance and sale of $135,000 Airport Bonds and as the proper city officers have fully caused the said bonds to be advertised for sale and said advertisement required bids to be submitted on October 19, 1939 and as bids were submitted and were opened, examined and tabulated by the Council, and the jointbid of The Wisconsin Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin and R. W. Pressprich & Co., Chicago, Illinois, was found to be the most advantageous bid; RESCLVED, that the jointbid of The Wisconsin Company and R. W. Pressprich & Co. bei accepted and said bonds awarded to The Wisconsin Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, .and R. W. Pressprich & Co., Chicago, Illinois, at a price, namely, par and accrued inter at, a with an interest rate of 2.4%, and a premium of $27.50. Further Resolved, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of said Committee in connection with the sale of said bonds- N-- onds ' nll:nri'ir Il�r I. .i1 y .r a. " o 1 OCT 81939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -----193 Yeas Nays saw — OCT 181939 :� ar anto `j �1��eterson /l Approved---- 193_ "" __—In Favor - -- --- ...._ -`- _ _ _ or 'A osen �.----Against /]y�j� r President (Fallon) i?UBLISRED 5M 6-3e cs p 116643 Ori9liul to CityO.rk i I • - CITY OF ST. PAUL . NO.* OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEFIK �OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .� COMMISSIONER_— WHEREAS, the Council did by Resolution No. 116182, approved September 8, 1939 authorize the issuance and sale of $275,000 Public Welfare Bonds and as the proper city officers have fully caused the said bonds to be advertised for sale and said advertisement required bids to be submitted on October 18, 1939, and as bids were submitted and were opened, examined and tabulated by the Council, and the joint bid of Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. and Blair & Co., Inc. was found to be the most advantageous bid: RESOLVED, that the joint bid of Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. and Blair & Co., Inc. be accepted and said bonds awarded to Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. and Blair & Co., Inc. at a price, namely, par and accrued interest, with an interest rate of 21% and a premium of $242.00. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of said Committee in connection with the sale of said bonds. 5... Itnri �3—Itr N'. 11 x, mr ah t -,'P "I'n n ilfilfi_. ZX nut❑nr(zr [hr xxnn� 'ed n0 I'u hli\\'elfnrr rnper ritr nmr<- xn la u.l "id OCT 18 W9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ _ 193 Yeas Nays ar uss OCT 18 IM9 __— Approved -1�arranto L� _ /1''eterson---.—In Favor �" 9ayor iR.osen - - _ ___.. .. Against / /1G1r. President (Fallon) 6M 6.38 C9 f ` #. c h• ��+7�� a �,' r F �tf d Y t �°) tt rytF P ��.. A yMan t k on ( NAM— V, �yF� 1 °r .s,'�J� " }frd,t r4_Y'r •1 .r � 1 +'" ?N^ 5 k�„ $ t a _ t ,Y ,p.. ^�' h r' �Pra vV^ � �`� r�•j �'� r �L �q,� � r:. 'F" ,,.�a; 4:�j ,4 i s Yt � .€r '°+' "s� M ,y5 3at,H.d `.ss' .. .l att qis { 6 k 1`+"1 yr .'rd ftp l' is y ♦ ?" t �FLr¢ .. AMA.— rF +4.r���y• 't r G.�akr%s f, .Yfi 17, '�'G. 1�d' / t y ��±.}� !�4'•` i q!c�� �4v � ;� � � p'rr-fit. . . '.. t'y�LY.ro .,3y ,h t,. �'R'•P� isik '?6 s r d 3� , �N . t rV j. s a h t'k}# }t3�' ear I t i bpi 2,F 7r.^,6�'t N } t� °E1�*k,,a �j�.< ��. � s r�-�'�. 3,a ky �t ?.�zr-7 � N r •t�: 5. '�+ yi �^&�� of g�i� �. a'r� r ".k "`g ''i y 9 i 'fity. �, Not a Bray' ' '� ` r'2'u� f F,n6 1 t3�a E rar u" /� tn*Y r - > kfz i r 'ik 1 M �t �. H � �jh I 'L •R f t '%i 3YY l A .7 ( � h Wn v MUM M, 4 x 3 i' tS a yi �p p? � 35#' � +fit ,C...�' � � �L�,w., �, 1 t f,a B ' yTs h,• y ��dwYp� f s>�x4 �w�'j"i v 'tb" v�^ �� b S� �':r ��:. 04- PAS �.. � V`i' d� -+1. M*xtu�'p,pit r n r +a• '4.a,�'+�''',�2� t ^l7 rxa .P xY t ,{,irF4+'�- t " r`+. lZRIT. v° -.'Y � t ��'' ° ,rtr •t S t ''� y�f '� 'a3 m t a� �' '� �+t ���; ''��� .� A' � _ � cy�� n P `"j i.f��",�*; f .s'�x•r � ; r� City of' Saint Paul, Minnesota $275,000 PUBLIC WELFARE BONDS $135,000 AIRPORT BONDS Not Exceeding 6°7, TO BE SOLD AT 10:00 A. M. October 18, 1939 OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF BOND SALE Comptroller's Office 109 Court House. September. 21, 1939. Notice is hereby given that settled proposals will be rereiccd at the office of the City Comptroller in the Court House Rud City Hall Building in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, up to 10:00 A. M., October 18, 1939, and the Council will ret said time meet to open and consider bids for the sale of all or none (BY ISSUE) of the following bonds: $275,000 Par Value Coupon Public Welfare Bonds of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to be issued under authority of and in all respects in full compliance with Chapter 120, Laws of 1933, as amended by Chapter 48, Session Laws 1935, Chapter 105, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1937, and as further amended by Chapter 108, Se -ion Laws of Minnesota for 1939, and Council File No. 1115182, approved Sep- tember 8, 1939. These bonds are to be issued under date of October 1, 1939, in de- nominations of $1,000 Each, to bear interest at a rate not exceeding Six ler cent (ti%) per annum, payable semi-annually, and are serial matbriug as fellows: PUBLIC WELFARE BONDS Dole of Band Date A gond Ms1- , NOmhere Al ,ole M.-ky Numbcre Amount O et. 1, 1940 51780.51810 525,000 Oct. 1, 1945 51917-61944 F28:00D Oct, 1, 1941 51811-51836 25,000 Oct. 1, 1046 5104b-5111]2 28,000 Oct. I. ID42 51837-51862 26,000 Oct. 1, 1947 51973-54001 29,000 Oct. 1, 1943 51863-5188D 27,000 0r1. 1, 1!148 52002-52030 29,000 Oct. 1, 1944 51890-51918 27,000 a Oct. 1, 1149 52031-52015(1 30.000 S'!].59aro $135,000 Par Value Coupon Airport Bonds of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to be issued under authority of and in all respects in full compliance with Section 217 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, and such other sections thereof ee may O Or thereto, and more specifically ordered by Council File No. 108310, being Ordinance No. 7838, a roved September 21, 1937, and ratified by the electors of the City at an Election held November 16, 1937, and Council File No. 116248, approved September 15, 1939. These bonds are to be issued under date of October 1, 1939, In denominations of $1,000 each, to bear interest at a rate not exceeding Six per (•cut (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually, and are serial maturing a. follows: AIRPORT BONDS Dote of Bm1d Doe of hood NI -61y Numbers Amount Slsturity Numbers Amount Oct. 1, 1A40 52061-52065 85,000 Oct. 1, 1950 52120-52126 37,000 Oct. 1, 1941 52066-52070 ::000 Oct. 1, 1951 52127-52133 7,000 Oct. 1, 1942 52071-52075 :5,1100 Oct. 1, 1952 52134-52140 7,000 Oct. 1, 1943 52p76-52081 6 talU Oct. 1, 1D53 52141-52147 7,oan Oct. 1, 1944 52082-52087 1'.!100 Oct. 1, 1054 52148-52155 &000 Oot. 1, 1945 52088-52093 0..00 Oat. 1, 1955 52150-52163 8,0011 Oct, 1. ID46 5'!(11)4-52099 Ol8)0 Oct. 1, 1056 .5!164-521, 1 8,01111 Oct. 1, 1947 52100-52M, 9.000 Oct. 1, 1057 52172-52179 8.0011 Oct. ], 1948 52106-52112 7.11110 Oct. 1, 1968 52180-52187 8.000 Oct. 1, 1949 52113-52110 7,1ID0 Oct. i, 195'9 52.18&52195 8,0!81 8!35,000 The approving opinion of Thomson, Wood k Idoffmmn, Attornevs, New York City, New York, and Dennis D. Duly, Attorney, St, Paul, Minnesota, will be fur- nished with these bond. at time of sale and nal bid, must he i namditional. Under and by the terms of the Ordinance or Resolution, as the case may be, the faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, are irrevocably pledged to pay the principal and interest at maturity on the above issues of bonds. Bids may be submitted in multiples of 1/10% or is%. Bonds must bear one rate of interest (BY ISSUE). Each bidder must accompany his bid by a certified check or cash deposit for T ­ per cent (2%) of the amount of bonds bid for, which will be forfeited as liquidated damages if the bonds are not taken and paid for when ready for delivery. Make checks payable to the City of Saint Paul. No bide mill be considered which are not in accordance with this proposal or for less than par and accrued interest, and the right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Bonds will be furnished by the City of Saint Paul, but delivery shall be at pur- chaser. expense. HAROLD F. GOODRICH, Compt roller. 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL,.MINNESOTA DEBT STATEMENT As at August 31, 1939 GENERAL RhVENUE BONDS: CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Purpose of Issue: -�" BALANCE SHEET Auditorium Bund... .. ...... 1,006,000.00 ,C;ENERAL, CAPITAL AND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS 498,000.00 As at August 31, 1939. .. 121,000.00 Court House and City Hall Bonds.- ... ASSETS: Fire Department Bonds .............. ....... 175,000.00 General Obligation (Cash Basis) Bonds.......... 'Current Assets: ' Hospital Bonds.. ......... ................ 141,000.00 Library Bonds...... ................... Cash Bal..res...:.............. .............. $1,391,292.66 ' 190,000.00 Park Bonds. ...... ...... ...... ...... General and Special Funds......... $581,977.93 419,000.00 ""^'•' ;116®1a CgpttrtL.Accounts................. 170,651.35 " River Terminal Bonds ... ... ......... ha•nl Improvement Accounts...... 638,663.38 673,000.00 School Bonds ............... ........... ..... Petty Cash Balances.... ....... . . ............. 5,105.00 4,223,000.00 Welfare Bunds......... ............... Itreeivables—Miscellaneous Revenue.............. 1,276,097.19 224,000.00 $25,151,000.00 EXEMPT—Special Statute -10% Limitation: Inventory—Materials and Supplies..... 208,820.49 $ 552,000.00. St. Paul -Minneapolis Sanitary District Bonds.... Budgget Requirementa....... ................. 185,609.00 Total General Revenue Bonds Outstanding.......... 15',% in Prowess....... ; ............ 505,981.84 Prepaid F.xI.—c ..._ .................. 983.24 Total Csrrwit A..rt..... ................... $3,573,889.42 Invemnsnty: General Sinking Fu 1. .. .. .. 5,167,701.17 1, rel Impruvrmet t Funds... 205,('00.00 Total Investments.... ......... 5,372,701.17 Deterred Assets: 'I'axas Receivable. ... .... _... 3,265,522.09 Delinquent Taxes Receivable... 2,607,908.35 A. —orients Receivable...... 523,099.74 •�_�m Delinquent Assessments Receivable... .. 1,156,293.75 Total Deferred Assets... _ ............. ... 7,552,823.93 ._ ....�.. Fixed A - ets: Land .... ....... .. ... .. ... 10,243,123.47 _...- Bedding, and Stns turn. ...... 26,652,375.75 Eqnipment _ ... _ ..... ...... 2,925,776.61 'Total Fixed Asset.,.. .... 39,821,275.83 - Other Assets: Assessments Receivable --Tax Ec ,apt ............. 138,763.34 ' Objections—In Litigation.... ... .. 1,418.40 Advance—P. I. It. to Interceptor Sewer Bond...... 10,000.00 Total Other Assets ...... 150,181.74 Total A, -,t,,..... ... $56.470,872.09 , LIABILITIES: Current Liabilities: Vouchers Payable....... .. ............. .. $105,387.30 '^-'^^aeerait Notes Payable .......... ...................... 185,609.00 Contracts Payable....... .... ......... .. 142,861.49 -"- _ Awards Payable—Acquired Property.. .......... 2,014.69 Interest Coupon. Due...... ..... 170.00 ... Appropriations. ... ... ........3,879,488.43 Paving Aid—Feleml Aid...... '...... 99,092.60 Total Current Liabilitics... ............. $4,414,623.51 Deferred Liabilities: ® Advance Sewer Payments...... Advan .. .... 15,2110.32 ....... Offi,W Publications..... ... . -. 266.71 Total Deferred Liabilitic,:... ............ 15,467.03 Fixed Liabilities: ........�,.. General Bonds Outstanding..... ...... 30,022,000.00 " In)eal Improvement Bonds. ... 6,000,000.00 •'•.^=�" Total Fixed Liabilities... .............. 36,022,000.00 Reserves and Surplus: Reserves: - General Funds..... $3,148,034.38 General Sinking Fund ......- 5,244,523.76 . - Total Reserve ... 8,392,558.14 General Fund, ..... $ 818,4110.05 Capital Arruunts... 9,893,1.61.59 10,711,564.64 1 IAunl Improvemegt Fund Deficit.._ 1,o 3,066,34 L23 'Total Surplus ............. .... ..... 7,626,223.41 -.-....>- IJ Total Reserves and Surplus............ ... 16,018,781.55 > 'Total Liabilities, Reserve. and Surplus.. $.56,470,872.09. 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL,.MINNESOTA DEBT STATEMENT As at August 31, 1939 GENERAL RhVENUE BONDS: $310,785,2.52.00 Purpose of Issue: $5,209,722.68 Air ,,t Bdnds .. ..... ........ $ 766,000.00 Auditorium Bund... .. ...... 1,006,000.00 Bridge Bonds....... .. ...... 498,000.00 Bridge Approach Bonds. .. 121,000.00 Court House and City Hall Bonds.- ... 1,852,000.00 Fire Department Bonds .............. ....... 175,000.00 General Obligation (Cash Basis) Bonds.......... 705,000.00 Hospital Bonds.. ......... ................ 141,000.00 Library Bonds...... ................... 1100,000.00 Municipal Market Bonds ...................... 190,000.00 Park Bonds. ...... ...... ...... ...... 970,000.00 Paving Bonds.... ... _ _ _ _ _ ........... 419,000.00 Playground Bonds... ............... 75,000.00 Public Works Storehouse Bonds ................ 134,000.00 River Terminal Bonds ... ... ......... 90,000.00 Safety Building and Fire Alarm Bunds.......... 673,000.00 School Bonds ............... ........... ..... 9,956,000.00 Sewer Bonds...... ... ...... ... 4,223,000.00 Welfare Bunds......... ............... 2,333,000.00 Wharves and Levee N ds... .... ... 224,000.00 $25,151,000.00 EXEMPT—Special Statute -10% Limitation: - Inter -City Bridge Bonds ...................... $ 552,000.00. St. Paul -Minneapolis Sanitary District Bonds.... 4,319,000.00 4,800�0.-00 _ Total General Revenue Bonds Outstanding.......... $30,022,000.00 " SPECIAL REVENUE BONDS: Purpose of Issue: Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds. $6,000,000.00 Water Department Bonds ..................... 6,637,000.00 Total Special Revenue BondwOutstanding... .... 12,637,000.00 Total Gross Bonded Debt ................ ......... $42,0.59,000.00 DEDUCTIONS: $310,785,2.52.00 General Sinking Fund (Cash and Securities)...... $5,209,722.68 1939 Serial Bond Retirement Appropriation...... 374,000.00 Inter-Cityy Bridge Bonds ....................... 552,000.00 St. Paul-Miemeapoh. Sanitary District....: -.: st 4,263,000.00' Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Debt.. 6,000,000.00 Water Dept. Net Bonded Debt... $5,194,454.89 .04:,17943' Water Dept. Sinking Fund $538,579,198.00 (Cash and Securities)........ 1,442,545.11 6,637,000.00 23,035,722.68 Total Net Bonded Debt. .......................... $19,623,277.32 '$56,000 St. Paul-Minneaplis Sanitary District Bonds due 1939 included in Serial Bond Retirement Appropriation. 14,959,788.00 Airport Bonds authorized but not issued..... $ 135,000.00 $310,785,2.52.00 Margin for future bond authorizations........ 9,571,721.78 Margin for future issues ............ ...... .... '...... $9,706,721.78 Statutory Bonded Debt Limit (10% of Assessed Valuation)........ 29,329,999.10 The percentage of the Net General BoAded Debt of the Assessed 2,200.00 Valuation ie .. t ..... .. ... .08351270' The percentage of the Net General Bonded Debtrof the True Value is .04:,17943' 'Bonds exempt by special statue included in this computation - $538,579,198.00 STATEMENT OF ASSESSABLE PROPERTY AT THE FULL AND TRUE VALUE Real Estate Valuation (1938) .................................. $310,785,2.52.00 Personal Property Valuation (1938): Class No. 2 subject to 25% of full value... $15,075,000.00 Claes No. 3 subject to 33 1/3% of full value 55,317,064.00 Claes No. 3A subject to 10% of full value.. 2,200.00 Class No. 4 subject to 40% of full value... 13,377,162.00 8.3,771,426.00 Moneys and Credits -100% of full value ........................ 144,022,520:00 PER $538,579,198.00 STATEMENT OF ASSESSED VALUATION 1938 Real Estate Taxable Valuation.......... $109,242,647.00 Plus Assessed Valuation due to Home- CENT stead Law (Chapter 359, Laws of HIM). 14,959,788.00 .0784 $639,863.67 124,202,435.00 1938 Personal Property Taxable Valuation.... ....... 25,075,036.00 1938 Moneys and Credits Taxable Valuation.... ......... 144,022,520.00 Valuation.......... ........... $149,277,471.00 1938 Tax Rate—City Purposes ...................$61.60 19M Tax Rate—One Mill School..... ....... L00 1938 Tax Rate—County Purposes... ... ... 25.83 1938 Tax Rat—State Purposes... ... 9.77- JULY 31, 1939 $98.20 " a[e Rate Applicable to Homest.cads....... 8 4.19 TAX COLLECTION STATEMENT As at July 31, 1939 ' UNCOLLECTED TAXES As AT END OF As AT As AT TAX LEVY T.. YEAR DEc. 31, 1938 JULY 31, 1939 PER PER PER YEAR AMODNT AMOUNT CENT AMOUNT CENT AMOUNT CENT 1933-1934 $8,499,610. $1,599,827.52 .1882 $666,598.06 .0784 $639,863.67 .0753 1934-19M 8,856,900. 1,380,695.55 .1559 668,312.94 .0754 629,214.37 .0710 1935-1936 8,015,846. 1936-1937 7,620,468. 885 515.27 4d 150.27 .1105 483,852.50 .0903 477,053.89 .0604 461,590.27 .0626 453,256.92 .0576 .0595 1937-1938 8,296,253. 638,291.50 .0769 038,291.50 .0769 525,572.80 . 0634 1938-1939 8,179,477. ...... ... ...... .. . 3,265,522.09 .3992 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Bonds to be issued in coupon form, but may be exchanged for Registered Bonds, both as to principal and interest, at a coat of $1.00 per Registered Bond, plus Postage. Bonds are payable in lawful money of the united States of America, at the office of the Commissioner of Finance, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, or the Fiscal Agency of the City of St. Paul, in the City of New York, State of New York. Bonds are exempt from taxation. The City of St. Paul was incorporated March 4, 1854. POPULATION 1930 Government Census ...................271,606 The Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds we issued against deferred installments of Local Improvement Assessments and are a first lien upon the collection from said assessments. The general credit of the city is pledged to pay all deficiencies in case the collections are insufficient to pay the bonds in full. Provisions are made annually through the budget for all debt service charges and a direct tax levied which insures ample appropriations to retire all obligations at maturity. The Water Department has no tax limitation which would prevent the redemp- tion or bonds at maturity. This department operates under a budgetary control system. The interest and bond redemptions are fully provided for by its earnings. The value of the Water Works which includes real estate, plant and equipment is conservatively estimated by engineers to be $17,0110,000.00. The amount of the capital assets as stated in the balance sliest is based on an ` appraisal made in 1912, with improvements at cost added since that date. The City of St. Paul has never defaulted on any of its obligations, and the prin- cipal and interest on its bonds previously issued have always been paid promptly at maturity. V . r > � City of, Saint Paul, Minnesota $275,000 PUBLIC WELFARE BONDS $135,000 AIRPORT BONDS Not Exceeding 61/,ARM: _.__.___,._: TO BE SOLD AT •• 10:00 A. M. October 18, 1939 AWL -- OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF BOND SALE ------• Comptroller's Office 109 Court House. September 21, 1939. ill be reeeii at the office of the Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals wvet J City Comptroller in the Court House anCity Hall Building in the City of Saint Paul, .. Minnesota, up to 10:00 A. M., O<,tober 18, 1939, and the Council will at said time meet to open and consider bide for the sale of all or none (B]' ISSIi E) of the following bonds. $275,000 Par Value Coupon Public Welfare Bonds of the City of Saint Paul,' -, Minnesota, to be issued under authority of and in all respects in full compliance with Chapter 120, Laws of 1933, as amended by Chapter 48, Session Laws 1935, Chapter 105, Sewion Laws of Minnesota for 107, and ss further amended by Chapter 108, --m+-r-=-^x-'- Sessitm Lacs of Minnesota for 1939, and Council File No. 116182, approved Sep- tember 8, 1939. These bonds are to be issued under date of October I, 1939, in de- y- nominations of $1,000 Each, to bear interest at a rate not exceeding Six per cent ((S%) per annum, payable semi-annually, slid are serial maturing as follows: PUBL:C WELFARE BONDS >:�•-- - -. Dses lit um,d Maturity b.. Amount Mnturit5' Numbers Amount ,,.-- 51N, Oct, 1, 1940 51780.518m 825,(100 Oct. 1, 1945 51917-51944 628,000 Oct. 1, 1941 SI811-618,96 26.000 Oct. 1, 1946 51946-51972 28,000 Oct. 1, 1942 5183751862 26,000 Oct. 1, 1947 51973-.52001 29,00 Oct. 1, 1943 5186.9-51881) 27,00 Oct. 1, 1948 5202-52030 29,00 i' W -. .. a Oct. 1, 1944 51890.51016 27,00 Oct. 1, 1949 52031-5'10M 30,(100 $27.5,1816 9,7�r•n r'-.mc+rnap�tepavp! $135,000 Par Value Coupon Airport Bonds of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, Mimi— ------- - to be issued under authority of and in all respects in full compliance with Section 217 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, and such other sections thereof as may be applicable thereto, and more specifically ordered by Council File No. 108310, being - Ordinance No. 7838, approved September 21, 1937, and ratified by the electors of the , City at an Election held November 16, 1937, and Council File No. 116248, approved September 15, 1939. These bonds are to be issued under date of October 1, 1939, in Anominations of $1,000 earh, to bear interestat a rate not exceeding Six per rent _ (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually, and are serial maturing sa follows: AIRPORT BONDS Dste f uvnd Dole of Bund Maturity Numbere Amount blat9rity Numbers .Amount Oct. 1. 1940 62061-52065 $5,0110 Oct. 1, 1950 51120.52126 $1,18)0 w�g�•• ,_ _ Oct. 1, 1941 52066.52070 5,000 Oct. 1, 1951 '2127-62133 7,00 ' Oct. 1, 1942 52071-62075 5,000 Oct. 1, 1962 52134-52140 7.00 Oct. 1. 1943 5207&62081 aI'm Oct. 1, 1963 52141-52147 7,00 Oct. 1, 1944 52082-52087 o.000 Oct, 1, 1954 52148-52155 8.000 Oat. 1, 1945 5208&520113 6.00 Oct. 1, 1955 52156521(13 8,000 Ocr, 1, 1946 5'04-5200 0.00 Oct. 1, 1W :i'IM-52171 8.000 Oct. 1, 1947 5-100.52105 (1,000 Oct. 1, 1957 52172-52179 8,00 Oct 1, 1948 62108-5211'1 ].UUU Oct. 1, 1958 62180-52187 8,00 Oct. 1, 1949 52113-5^--119 7.00 Oct. 1. 19:1)) 52!8&52195 N,Ofq ' The approving opinion of 'Thomson, Wood & Hoffman, Attorneys, New York City, New York, and Dennis D. Daly, Attorney, St. Paul, Minnesota, will be fur- nished with these bonds at time of sale and all bids must be unconditional. ,�.-, -_,,,• -Under and by the terms of the Ordinance or Resolution, as the case may be, the faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, are irrevocably pledged to pay +may - - the principal and interest at maturity on the above issues ofbonds. Bide may be submitted in multiples of 1/10% or ;a%. Bonds must bear one rate of interest (BY ISSUE). 11ID�R8' --" - - '•�^: M• . ' `• - Each bidder must accompany his bid by a certified check or cash deposit for Two per cent (2%) of the amount of bonds bid for, which will be forfeited as liquidated - -- - - -- • damages if the bonds are not taken and paid for when ready for delivery. Make checks payable to the City of Saint Paul. No bids will be considered which are not in accordance with this proposal or for .g. less than par and accrued interest, and the right is reserved to reject any or all.bids. _ - Bonds will be furnished by the City of Saint Pall, but delivery shall be at pui- ' chaser's expense. HAROLD F. GOODRICH, Comptroller.,,„_- Qll,lad to CITY Cl.tk a 11604 CITY OF ST. PAUL l .��: ` NO. — OFFICE OF TF+E CITY CLERK' e COUNCIL R SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM. PRESENTED BY//—�/'�/^ ,G, COMM[SSIONER_ �J _DATE I RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of -Public Works be and -he is hereby ordered and directed to,forthwith oil the traveled roadway of the following described section of public street in the City of Saint Paul, to -wit: n 0 tree from 0 to ; .8 and that the cost thereof shall be assessed against the abutting property, as provided by the Charter. 1'. M'. No, 11664{—Ry 11'. A. I'nrrunto--I'. Resolved, Thu, the ::nl��l�ner P&bllc Wnrku be and I:e Ix hereby tiered and directed to forthwith oil the tra—led roadway of the followlag de.9rrmed section of pub] let_et In - the City Suint Paul, to of -wit: Call fornia Ave. d Iowa from Dale Sl. to St. A11 :nd that the cout thereof nhali be au- s ed egalnst the abuttirg property, fi uv provtded by the Charter. • Adl "ed by the Coovrll Oct. 19, 1939. I ii 1 Alnet. I8. 1939. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -Ian Findlau / arranto L. -Fe'ierson ---In Favor -Rosen j __TVff;z �"' .�( -Against SMT. President (Fallon) 5M a-38 C8 Adopted by the Council OCT 18 IM9 193 -- OCT 181939 Approved__193 16645 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR ,In the matter of_ condemning_and taking an easement in the land -necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading,of Sue Place, from Eleanor Street to Bayard Avenue, e646— of ,ndemning ent in the 1— '""fill sue pl— from ' {rd Avenue, u .� 716851, nppr n edlnr i under Preliminary Order ---- 115354------------- approved -------- June 27,1939-------------, Intermediary Order ---------115621 -------------, approved --------- pay 15,_1939-_-_____, Final Order ---------------- 115938------------- approved --------- August 15, 1939_ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby" ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �ec�ceoc�ot+c�tt4OCT xo�Qaad(c�n�n�a�aAleIDE�dt�mmdoik�msxk >mecc Adopted by the Council __________________________ OCT 181939 - ---- City Clerk. Approved------------------------,19---- File 87484----------------� --------- t - Mayor. Councilman Conroy ~� Councilman Ferguson Councilman" cDonald 0� Councilman Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS SND 'TITS In the matter of condemning and taking an -easement in_the -land -no oeesary_for _-__-- slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Sue Plaoe, from Eleanor Street to Bayard Avenue, under Preliminary Order --- 115354 ------ approved ---- June_ 271 1939 ---------------------------- Intermediary Order ------- 115621------ approved --- _July 18, 1939 ---------------------------- Final Order --------------- 115936 --- approved___ Augaj j5,_1939 ------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and thk persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the and signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 1 AM ---------- Commissioner of Finance. I 116646 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND �LB`ela A °, CONFIRMING o��hin 'Oa " CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND'.>as}:o-8nbe,c°a " ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of- Ueninpr xidening and ezpanding_the_ intersection of Weat__S_e_v_e_n_t_h_ Street, -------- Psceola'Avenue� and Randolph Street, by taking and condemning all that southerly part of Lot 16, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Block 31, Stinson, Brown do Ramsey's Addition, except part taken for street, measuring 13 feet on Osceola Avenue and 13 feet on West Seventh Street, under Preliminary Order -____115441 ----------, approved______ July 8, 1939 Intermediary Order __115791__ --------- approved ------ °goat 1 i_1939 _ -------------,.. __ _ Final Order_________________1_1_8080 -------, approved____-- A°gust_30� 1939-------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and a]- upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council ouncil having duly considered the same, now therefore'be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council __OCT 181939 OCT 18 IZ, - - - - �- <n.✓ ---------- APpl�)bed------------- ----------- -------- -------, 19---- City Clerk. File 8750 Councilman Conroy --- Councilman Ferguson Mayor. CouncilmanfignalldCouncilmanCouncilman CouncilmanLISIi1 D May— _._.. er 1, r i m { REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS -] FITS In the matter of_ OP2n11 g�_ dening_and_expandinp the interseotion of West- Seventh 4 Street, Osceola Avenue and Randolph Street, by taking and eondemning all that southerly part of Lot 16, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Block 31, Stinson, Brown k Ramsey's Addition, except part taken for street, measuring 13 feet on Osceola Avenue and 13 feet est Seventh Street, under Preliminary Order --- 11b441 ------ approved ,___,Tvly_5 1 $3$----------------------------- Intermediary Order -------116731 --- approved-__ August -1_1939---------------- --- Final Order -------------- approved-__ h11gustL301939 -------------------------- TO -__--- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of lAamages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits <to property, fropi the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment doll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 1 s ---------------------------------------------- Commissioner of Finance. al.ualmall, a.a NO. CITY OF S7. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ DATE_ October 19, 1939 RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 37316, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 37317. and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 37319, applied for by Alvin Dahlstrom, at 871 Arcade St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city.clerk is instflotet to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Il'. Itexol vr•d, Thxt IIcenxifor 7icxlau- '�ot, appllcx tlon 37316. On Sale Malt Itev eraFe. aeplicatlon 37317, sad Off �Sule \salt Itevor:.l; e, ppllcallon 3i:'t R, Pplied (or b>' Alvin Oa hl x [rom at 871 Arcade St, he ad the hereby e4'ranteIsd and the CItY Clerk farinatruct- d no-v�o xnrh llreaxcx upoto [hr• Pay- t Into the cii3" Irenvury f the r �l ui rod tecx. e� mea'. In(onnalp' PProvetl 11, Counts.. rll, Ort. 13, 1939. Old locution. Adopted 4 the Council Oet. Oct. 13, 1939. nr'nrn�',•a ls. leas. (Oct. 31, 1839) New, Informally approved by Council, Oct. 12, 1939 Old Location. OCT 1819 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--193— Yeas ouncil 193Yeas Nays w rg� Approved OCT 18193_— acranto �Yeferson In Favor _ _�_ _.i �osen - --� �Ilayor Against r. President (Fallon) 6M "8 C8 d Oddml to Car Dwk ������� No. CITY OF ST. PAUL .�a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL, RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY DATE October 16, 1939 _ COMMISSIONER_ RIpSOLvED= That license for Restaurant, application 36982, on sale Malt Beverage. application 36983, and Off Sale Malt Beverage. application 369814, applied for by Theodore Tetsoe at 1611 Rice St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instrmcted to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. NOW, Inf. approved by Oouncil. Sept. 21. 1939, Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays B.1 fams a[zanto �eterson B,osen r. President (Fallon) BM "s Cs C. F. No. 116648-135' N\'. A. Pnrranto— Itexolved, That 11 e. enxeOno ga}2ex\lett nnt, np pllintlon 369%2, Itev ernb'e, nppllcatlon 30983, and OR gale Mnl[ nevernge. ap Pl lcatlon Te[xon at 1611 1611 ;tpPlled for b)' Theodore iticc St- be a d the m ar hereby J nr to ted and the City Clerk ix fnx[ruct- it ed t`[ Intoe the 'It)' trenyurnon ft thhe e n)- ya Ired teen. ° re INew. Informnllr npprov ed 11 Coun- I il, Sept. 21, 1939. Old locnt lon. ` .\doPted dbytthel R,olt93cgi Or[. 1%. 1939. Appro�r root. 21, 1939) OCT 181939 Adopted by the Council_ —193— C--�1 OCT 181939 Ap�pr�ov�ed193— —In Favor W �� - M or Against I oa,l..l I. city ah CITY OF, ST. PAUL :oE NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ROLUTION --- GENERAL FORM - COMMISSIONER /��� '^- DATE Oat_ 18. Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent b -e, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, for the St. Paul Workhouse, 100 hogs at a total cost of $953.37 from Bangs and Terry, without'advertise- ment, as this is the only way a purchase of livestock can be made on the South St. Paul Market. Charge Public Works- Workhouse 10-D-131 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bel fass�-� L �aarrranto -Peterson - In Favor �en Against President (Fallon) 38er. 6M Cs Milton Hoxen— ('. I \o. 118649—Eiy Itexnl�ed, That the Pnrc hail ng Agent he, and he is hereby authorized 1l pur- chaxe. w'llh the c n nl f the e. troller, for the 9[.x ilalli Yaul N rkh�uo to l00 hngx 1 total co t f $"3,27 Bangx and Terry, without xdver[ixe- nl. x this is the .%I I"-)' a Our - i hnxe of ll�'exl—k be ode the !loath St. Paul Aixrk et. Charge Puhllc W—kx—W-1, h on xe 10-D-131. .an��rnead (' thei R,o193- (0,(, 93 1 ort. 1N. 1939. (n,(. _1. 1939) 1 a CT 181939 Adopted by the Council-------- Approved ouncil--_--__ Approved -QCT 181939 193 yor I160DO Ori/lul to pav O.Ik ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL rll! '� I166E0-Ry p OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ie,"Tutu tn_ �reny Hurn COUNCIL RE [ON --'-GE NERAL FORM r_ � :..: -------- PRESENTED BY .. _-.- —DATE_._--.— COMMISSIONER_ WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Section 53 of the City has reported to the Council, in accordance with an emergency which rendered necessary Charter, that existence of an of his for more h oersaid the employment of emDloymentin being morerthanttheir eight hours per day, usualours of employment. ers That tnamedoemployees, atper city c the rateare hotherwise Therefore Be I to forth. payethe°£ollowinged authorized p y for the extra time hereinafter set fixed for extra employment TITLE HOURS RATE OF OVERTIME NAME John M. Holmes Utilit an --Playgrounds 24 .71 Roland J. Hinshaw Caretaker of Zoo 24 .75-3/4 Dewey G. Michels Sta. Fireman 24 .71 4 .70 John A. Olsen Tree Trimmer Jahn Petro Unskilled Laborer #11 24� .50 , 1 /v:�•� ..1-.:ir n,. 1 t h _ ,_tee a . ,• : -/ 24 Patrick Roan, Sta. Fireman .71 24 .63-3/4 Robt. W. Rycknan Tree Trimmer Geo. W. �um lhart 'Caretaker e 8 .61 Harry H. Schossow Htilityman--Playgrounds 24 .71 S .32-3/4 Geo. Hafiz Pickup Boy 8 .56-3/4 Golf Ranger Chas. Kadas g H4 .56-3/4 Vincent J. Losinski Golf Ranger Earl P. McDonnell Local Ref. Manager 6 '5q 8 .56-3/4 Golf Ranger Vincent Me Cabe g 24 Wm. Watters Pickup Boy OCT 1 1939 COUNCILMEN Adopted a by the Council _ - --- -- --- ----- ---Yeas YeasNays OCTA 1939 uss iice - Approved -----193- — -'Ptranto Peterson — — — _yor -Rosen >4i. President (Fallon) IM6-38 Cs W. LA MOI�T.XAUFMAN LKNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A BASSFORD Sup, of Pa,k, Sup,_ of Playg ounds City Architect .CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS gas City flan FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner October 17, 1939 To the Honorable, The vayor and Members of the City Council. Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Pub. Bldgs., rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that department for more than 8 hours per day in doing work involving ranging on golf courses; sales and pickup work at park refectories, tree trimming and firing of boilers at the greenhouse. This emer ency arose by reason of necessity of providing services in the interest of the public. Yours truly Conuri ss i ones 0 0,191"1 to City O.tk • . ��, e CITY OF ST. PAUL r��e � NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U L VE(SpT/L�/UTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTN EVR— —DATE _ COMMISS-'�- I lffhereas, in the improvement described as the Addition and Alteration to Harding High School, Vim. Baumeister Construc- tion Company, Contractor, Comptroller's Contract Yo. s 4018, it was found necessar- to make the following addition to the Con- tract. Addition For furnishing all labor and material required for changes to column connections and supports at col- umns No. 25 and No. 26 at the lst floor, 2d floor, 3rd floor, and roof, including plastering and paint- ing in accordance with drawings No. W and No. X X658.42 Whereas, the total net addition is ti?658.42, now there-" fore be it Resolved that the City Council approve the above addi- tion made in accordance with the specifications in an amount not to exceed X650.42, said sum to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contract Imovm as Comptroller's Contract i`o. 1 4018 for the making; of the aforesaid improv^ment. The Commissioner of 'Education has agreed with the Contractor, Vim, Baumeister Construction Company, that the sum of `,?658.42 is the correct amount to be added to the above con- tract. Funds to coveil this addition are available in the prop- er account and the City of St. Paul,agrees to pay same. ' 16661—n� A: In Ihr I1, 1 :\tltl ill.: rel tll;h S,h.ol rntnt�t !v 181939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the OCT Counci —193-- - YeasNays _I; OCT 181939 �.. s• .+�.�. / Approved 193_ Parranto ` P_�u.In Favor------�.tt..-__... —— Peterson --------------- ayor Rosen —Against Attest: -_. Mr. President (Fallon) SM n 3A CS 116652) Odvomi to City CI,,k ., CITY OF ST. PAUL .Iw '' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ��.•�R�E/S/Q/ryyU I�ON�----GENERAL FORM. PRESENTED BY _�/C'�t� --!.. •._._y.C. Y-F_✓"TJL �L--._.— _.__- _—_ DATE._- ' -- COMMISSIONER_-- RESOLVED, by the Council of•the City of Saint Paul in the matter of the proposed sale by the City of Saint Paul of buildings located on the premises heretofore condemned by the City, Block C. Saint Anthony Park North, that the action of the Commissioner of Finance accepting the following bids,the same being the highest in each case, be and,the same hereby is approved and confirmed, to -wits Bidder Building No. Price Bid Jacob I. Anderson, 1455 Chelmsford Ave. 1409 Grantham St. $351.50 Rodney H. Keller, 1480 Raymond Ave. 1424 Grantham St. 301.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Finance be and he hereby is authorized to sell said buildings to said bidders in accordance with their said bids and to execute a bill of sale in each case, subject to the conditions set forth in Council File No. 116010, which bill of sale shall be approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel and shall convey unto the purchaser in each case all interest of the City in the building thereby conveyed.^ 1'rtrr.nn— I:rnnlarlt, h. thr 1• of th1• lhr nt mut try of the l� li Trnnn.rrj t.'a Ir Ito Ihr t'it> of .taint ,,ft ..f hnil.ln K. I, 1 Ihr (trim lIly lirrrinf nrr ....... .nn m`d h>I th.• lrl)', filnrk 1'. V%.Int n �' 1'%trk \nrth, I that the :Irtlnit of [hr 1'nm mluvinn�r „( Fin(,nrr Srrrnll n{t thr fnllnx'fnK hi.M1, thr numr holo Rtth; hl. he.t In rn' by : nl un. , tt" 1--bs I, .•d 1rnnllrnn �d. 11" nfddrr_Jntnh Aer— . and1 lanii. r 1• t [hum tit.'. 1'rirr nVd—fM1f'1. fi 0. nd 1 nlddrr--Itnrf' II. Ke11er15119 f1!`tttal- r1 i mrl .\rr.: nulldinv 'S 1' I loam vt.; 1'rirr Itld—E3n l.11n. \ !I' Ito •nl,'.+inns, rt n.tef Ininn�t r.ed•he a 11 the l r herohfIr a Ilhnri ir. In Hell :.uid hnil.- { In_v I.%lid hlddrr. in :t trdantwi11i thrix +aidhl.�� and to rr 'nte a hVn of •t l. in e'trh r;1< •.un'rrlr to lhr ro .f- tl„cn -1 In m'u r•nr Win. Itfi.`tt 0, aahlrh hill n.f nils eh:tll I_ e- pn rd to form b} tn.. florPnratlnu C—n—I and �hnl' �I”— —In In,. lily-' t,huurr {n .arh r1�r 1x11 intrrelannaf 1 1 It �' in thr h Il.inti the rrh�' l :`dnTttrd dh(11h.1`n'ttni'nil flit. la. tn.^,u ttftrna ' I(lrl. '_'1. I!1:i�1 1 OCT 181939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ Yeas Nays OCT 1!71939 Approved — —— 193 arranto ---- or fn Favor .__ _ - /�etetson 1 �-- �R/osen _ __--.Against A�i,Leat• / r. President (Fallon) city bM 6-38 C8 11653 Orl,kul b Oily Clark n c 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO._._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , ,COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRE ENED COMMISSIONER_ Tivaa 1 DATE -- WHEREAS,.as provided by Council File No. 118321, approved September 21, 1939, the Council did, on the 17th day of October, 1939, at ten o!clock A..M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity .of wrecking the two brick buildings in the.rear of No. 199-201 West Seventh Street, located on the west 30 feet of Lot l3, Block 53, Rice & Irvine's Addition, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said buildings are unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, we it RESOLVED, that said buildings be wrecked and removed and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal thereof, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said buildings; be it FURTHER RESOLVED -j that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. - provided did. un Ihr 17 t Irn o'rlork e. Ut, 1 COUNCILMIJN Adopted by the Council uT 18 Yeas Nays 1 n^^fuac — UL1 lU Approved— 193_ Peterson _. f ___In Favor_ Ma -Y - - or �t hi,osen / � Against zMr. President (Fallon) XUBL1SHED bM 6-38 Ca CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK����' ; L. R. S.- FERGUSON rt. City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Oct. 17, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the two brick buildings in the rear of No. 199-201 W. Seventh St., located on the west 30 ft. of Lot 13, Block 53, Rice & Irvine's Addition. Yours very truly, �I City Clerk. a� 0 5 4 l A I)Ua 0,191.1 r. chC .A .. — CITY OF ST. PAUL _ - NO.-- ," OFFICE' OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM At T PRESENTED BY �_._— I ,t /�}'/�Y/ / �l_{_ DATE -- WHEREAS, as prgvided by Council File No. 116322, approved September 21, 1939, the Council did, on the 17th day of OctobeiL, 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain frame dwelling located on the west half of the north 100 feet of Lot 2, Block 54, Rice & Irvine's Addition, also described as No. 232 West Fifth Street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said building;*be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commis- sioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall. report said fact to the Council. "I I1Wa—r+y r.\1 n. by Rc4u oN'lid �th, ,a 181939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_O--GT -- - —193__ Yeas Nays OCT a 3 t ��A/p�pr�oYwe/fid �1niCA-� 193_— //aTranto N1 4etCrson ---In Favor - Mayor sen ._.Against ,pof President (Fallon) 2lJ 1.1 ti l iCl; am a-38 Ce 7 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSQN City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Oct. 17, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall e Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the frame dwelling located on the west half of the north 100 ft. of Lot 2, Block 54, Rice & Irvine's Addition, also described as No. 232 W. Fifth St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CJ a 55 Oel,Ind O„ 1u Clerk. .Ip f �f CITY OF ST. PAUL " NO.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESO - ENERAL FORM r' , 1. PRESENTED BY COMMJSSIONER_TTrt WHEREAS, by Council File No. 116362, approved September 26, 1939, the Council determined that that certain one and one-half story frame dwelling located on the south 25 feet of the north 82 feet of the east 25 feet of Lot 1, Block 5, Robert k Randall's Addition, also described as No. 541 Minnesota Street, Is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is �ej(rreby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises andIRT down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, eture and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb 116656—H>' F. M. and adjoining property. r , orso�. hr Hea�P. ,y Cuuncl] File V.. ember 26, 7Y." ., y Iha 265 i ' is OCT 181939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council----- —193 Yeas Nays OCT 18 impApproved 193— - .r-F�•irlhFstr—� / _,Narsanto In Favor /P'eterson �ayor /Rosen ._Against r. President (Fallon)1.152iL;1� 6M n38 CEI - r u CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK y L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Oct. 17, 1939 d Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 3) authorizing and directing the Comer. of Parke, P. & P. B. to enter upon the premises and tear down and remove the building at 541 Minnesota St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ERNEST WJOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD WW. . LA MONT KAUFMAN Guy Architect $l,pt. of Parks -� Supt. of Playgrounds CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner r,ARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commis,ion.r October 16, 1939 1-1on. Coo.ncil City of St. Paul Centlenen: Council rile ..o. 116362 relative to the ccndenznation of the dwelling at 541 1:_innesota Street has been mailed to the i?eelr Realty Company, 418 Rice Street, last 1nnovm oerner. . The dwelling has not yet been removed and the ovrncr has not appealed to this office for a rehear_n__; of the con- demnation proceedin.s. LAR. -U W M Yours truly, City Architect Od&W to OIY CI.d- 116656 CITY OF ST. PAUL •�. �NO- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI/Lf RES ON---!yG,ENERAL FORM, � I PRESENTED BYTruaX COMMISSIONER_ _ - �'- — ---- WHEREAS, as provided by Council file No. 116324, approved September 21, 1939, the Council did, on the 17th day of October, 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court w House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain dwelling located on Lot 10, Block 12, Town of Brooklynd, also described as No. 320 Alabama Street, following due notice of said hearing given pur- suant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within mailing of this notice to said property the occupant, no appeal has been taken Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and report the said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Yarranto _Yeterson`` sen `ftemr---- ,M'r. President (Fallon) bM N -3R CS e�/ —_—In Favor -----Against ten days after the owner, his agent, or from this order, said Public Buildings shall 11. N, 119656-13Y F. M 'el F. Petersen, by R ­. t .est r s pruvlded by Cnu t_4,n nPPr—ed Se Ptein 9" Council did, —the ' 1939, nt ten o'e I., r hell Chamber u[ I tY Han, holed - 'he adviN '01 -- OCT 181939 Adopted by the Council-- 193 --- U U 1 18 1939 Approved----- 193_._ rY_ Mayor VIIJU LSI]ED 13117 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration a Oct. 17, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Ball Dear Sirt The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (Ho. 2) confirming the condemnation of the dwelling on bot 101 Block 12, Town of Brooklynd, also described as No. 320 A3 - &b -St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Petition _--G-1,440 Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEME14rFesz— A ttzact ten Ae loe Dom' and iAouo..lnF .. W PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Changing the grade of the Alley in Chute Bros. Division No.15 from Avon Street to Victoria Stre'et'''tb''C'6h'fUftCto-the ''tEd''1in2''on'the' -pro file-hereta-attached-and -made-a part bereof, the. present, established grade being shown by a blue line thereon. Also grading the Alley in Chute Bros. Division No.15 from Avon Street to Victoria Street to the pro osecl red - -1lwne - when. -eetabl.ished,.. end •constructing. -a. sewer, .from . the. P-11-ey.. to..Charle.s. Stre.et.. in the easement to be obtained on the easterly 8 feat of lot 10, Chute Bros. Division No.15 . .........y......................................................................................... Dated this ... 1.7.ih...... da of .................. Q9tQber........... :,..........1 193..9... L C �_ .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Changing the grade of the Alley in Chute Bros. Division No.15 from Avon Street to Victoria Street, --to coriiorn ti the irea"1:lie"oii'ilia'profile'"hereto'i3't't2c'Aed'atid"mtrde t:'part''h2reof, the-.p�ceserit..E.stgblis� ed -,grade. being,.shown_.l y_ a blue line thereon. Also grading the Alley in Chute Bros. Division No.lS from Avon Street to Victoria Street to the proposed red••1•ine-avt�err-ea tc+bll•shed•,•and•aonstructt�ag •a.•aQw.er..fxom.. e.Alley..to..�haTlas..S.tree.t.in the easement' Co be obtained on"th�E easterly 8 feet of lot 0, Chute Bros. PivlsioA 11o.15. .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and 'the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all'of the'foregoing matters to the'Commissioner'of Finance. OCT 181939 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS O 7 Councilmatt-D7�RMIS -- Approved ........... OCT 8 193 ...................................... --�ARPANTO -PETERSON AROSEN ..............�.4,!.................... ........ M ayor. R. PRESIDENT iI31Ii1.D IM 12-38 / �� Council File No... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEM! IIfi66Y— Abetrect. and 8iAItten yrop , Lne iouoWh a + �a PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ............. Condemning,and,taking._an.eesement,.in.the.land, necessery..for..�].00es, ......... cuts.end.fill ,in..thE„gFacing„of,the..All.ey.in..Chute,Rros,.,PiviG o.. ......15.... from Avon Street to Victoria Street. ..............................j......... ..................................................................................................... ........... 1'Lh October .....Dated this....'...........day of............................................... G� :`.....y.y................ ........... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning end taking an easement in the land necessary for alooe;', cut,,,?nd,£i l.;..,ig,the,.gr?ding.,of, the le n Ct,ute Pros. Division P:o.1,' froT Avon Ftreet to Victoria. Street ............. ............................................... .......................................................... ........:..................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore' be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile cr sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 181939 Adopted by the Council................................................ YEAS NAYS OCT $ 193Q Councilm Approved............... ........................ .�FIMBt741� PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN X11 1..^...... .. `:............ ..... nTff ' or. MR. PRESIDENT '''T Int 12.38 7 �' 2 � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No�5 'a.......... 59Abetract. -rltten D•bDDn� •uor , 1 ii i The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: .... Condemning..and.tekin9-.en..e.§S.el4ent..f4.r. the, purpose. of,.constructing. and .............. dlaintaining a public sewer on, undei. and across the easterly B feet of• lot•.10i••C7hute--Eroar•flly Sion No-:-.15.-from -Oherle- Street to t...... Alley in the rear of said lot. Also condemning and taking a temporp.ry •easemerit i'or cons%ruc£iuripurpoees'ori a"strip'ti'."len'd'b'feet"ri'wi'dtfi" an.the..w.es.t.: ide.n.f..the..ahoxe..eesemeAt,.€ted..4n..th.e..w€&t.eT�Y..S..feet.pf... ........ lot 9 in Chute Bros. Division No. 15. Dated this .... l7th ....day of ............. 0'et'ob'er"""""""" 193.9._. ru. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Cpn erning.cn,.purpose of construct:npg and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the easterly 8 feet ........of lot 1•C; Chute•F,ros. Division No. 15•from..Char.les..Strest.Lo.-the.................... A.'I ey in the rear of said lot... Also condemning and taking a temrorarj, '"""eiis'ement'for'cofist;riicfi;itin"nurpo�e= ort"fl"�fti'p"of'1'etid"S"feFt"in'ui'dth ""' gp,the,west.,.si�e,•of„the„elov e..ep.scment,Pnd. on..th.F,we=?erly: S feet.of ................. lot 9 in Chute Bros. Division No. 1E. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... -therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said. improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. nrT 181939 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS r..✓.�1 ......... 'Mayor. �W"PT,iSfn:D ��J OCT 18 1939 CouncilmaD_8ARMS'S— Approved ........................ __f1UDLA04--- PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN ......... TRUAx MR. PRESIDENT _ r..✓.�1 ......... 'Mayor. �W"PT,iSfn:D ��J Petition G-146 Council File No11660 eL PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEP q60— Abstract. .I written ff— .• and ter^winrt _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Gracie and surface the Alley in Block 2, Gtto's Addition from ........................................................................................................................I...... Kenn�th.Avenue..ta. Clavzlaod. wenue................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. Dated this ..... lRth.... day of............. .Q$:tQb.P.r............ ._. -93Q ... :✓ .................... .... ........... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A .written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Crede and surface the Alley in Block 2, Otto'=_ A dditi.on...f.ro ..............m .......................... Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 181939 Adopted by the Council................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman AARRfSS' Approved ..........0.....CT.....18..1.939 ............................ PARRANTO PETERSON 1.1r. . .`_ ROSEN............. .\. ..... acs.-.<..�.......�.........., TRU"" Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT IN 12.38 PURT,ISFTP:D 116661 Council File No ............... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN 16661Abstract. + " A written Pro Do ' and the follow mg itm �g xntl ry l �ornr,' •• PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and.t king an.easement„ir.... the.lend,necessery.for_slopes,,,.cuts,and..... .......;117 e..in. tba. grading. and. sur.facing. cif..the.971eyl-in.B1ack .2,..Otto'. s .................... Addition . Tram..Kannetb..9venua . to..Cley.e7snd..Z venue.... I ....... .................... ...... . .............. I................... Y...............................................^................................ .. ... Dated this...l6t. .....da of .........October ............ .....................;......,., 191.9.... /— Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: „_,.Gondenning. an i,taping„ap,ee,senept„ip. t;he..lFnd, necessary„for..sloP.es.,,,eutS.. a;nd,,,,,, ....... fiats__in_thP,grading.and.surfacing,of.,th.e_A.11ey..in.Block ... 2,.Otto'.E.................... ., ...... Addition. from. Kenneth, Pvgppe.to..Qj (eynlend. Avenue,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul... ........................... ..................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. S. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ocT 1a 1939 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS AL OCT 18 1939 Councilman—SX7FUS — Approved ................................................... �ildDtrtl�— - . PARRANTO PETERSON ,���� ROSEN ......... Y.L ...1.:� . .. w"'ti':.. `... ......... "TRQ70C—' _ �ayor. MR. PRESIDENT IM 12.36 / Petition 116662 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEM91'11666Abatract. i. tttea Pro, and the following t, . q rt PRELIMINARY ORDER. 9 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saipt Paul, viz.: Construct,e.6,,foot,cemgnt.�idewalk on ..t.......he south side of Third Street ................................................... .... beginning,194.12 feet,eAt of Johnson Parkway, thence east 8C feet ................ ........ ,P.ryant's Subdivision of ............................... ...7Qts..1.5.aad.JF.,.St7ns4n's.�AncPs..treet, A iiticn to St. Pault Famsey Countyy, Minnesota Dared this.....i8th....day of ...... .. ... ........October... 193.9.... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: C.9IL8Szllct-.irig...6.�e.4i..c,@n4(1,.sicler+Plk..on.thE, outh side of Third Street, „.,..re irming..199.1 . feFt..eest cf Johnson Parkymy, thence east 6C feet, in front ............................................................................... of lots 6 and 7, Plock 16, F. R. Bryant'eSubdivision of L ots lE and 16, .... .......................................................................................................................... Stinson's Frances Streci Addition to St. Paul, Famsey County, Minnesota. .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sket h of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........, OCT 18 .............. ................... YEAS NAYS CounciImarf-tARTC33 --- PARRANTO PETERSON RoSE`TRO7 - MR. PRESIDENT UG r 16 1i '+ Approved.............................. ............... 1�- ....... Mr. WMLTSIB'D �� �� Petition 11W563 Council File No ................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN 116663Abatract. writteh Drop— and thF following Im.o PRELIMINARY ORDER. TOI " -4100, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Constructing ornamental lights on the west side of Cleveland Avenue from Pinehurst Avenue..t❑ . 66Q . feet..sauth..of . Bohland . Avpnue..produaed, ..and..on . the . ee at. s ide . of....... ................ ...... ......... .................................................................---------...................................... ......... Dated this.....15tb....dayof................Octa1 ez ............ 193.9.... .......... ..... I.............. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Constructing ornamental lights on the west side of Cleveland Avenue from Pinehurst F..venue..tP..S.69.feet..;A.aLb.RS.�lq}tl ,r}�l Q_�EnuF._groduced.�-and,on.thF..eAst.side.,of....... _Hillcrest. -Avenue. ................................. having been presented to the Council of the'City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. Z. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoin matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 18 W9 Adopted by the Council............. ....... YEAS NAYS - OCT 18 1939 Councilman-00d"99Approved................................................... FIWD644-- PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN�.. ................ .......... AI.14. — MR. PRESIDENT ayor. 1\.t 12.38 C. F. No. 118884— nthe matter of ing the Alley' itt 't nd Cavanaugh'' Block 1, Am len Street I - from the ,andr - COUNCIL FILE NO.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 116664 In the Matter of grading and surfacing the Alleys in Clement's Highmore and Cavanaugh's Subdivision of Lot 10, Block 1, Ames Acre Lots, from Helen Street to 0 Sherwood Avenue, and from the North and South Alley to Flandrau Street, under Preliminary Order_ 116123 approved September 1, 1939 _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface the alleys in Clement's Highmore and Cavanaugh's Subdivision of Lot 10, Block 1, Ames Acre Lots, from Helen Street to Sherwood Avenue, and from the North and South Alley to Flandrau Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1 236.38. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 14th -_day of November I , 193, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT 181939 Adopted by the Council_— -._— _— -- --- 193—=,� OCT 181539 --- Approved — 193--. — —� — City Clerk— File 8808 Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman giea'- i Councilman Rosen Councilman Tftmi- Councilman 'Wenzel Mayorlvl}"'-�' .iali:n Form B. S. A. 8-6 �+�L1S7i1?D _ 7 I VT 116665—.in the atter of ondemning t 'g aneasement in the Ian, -y for elopes, cuts and fill. - "ling and surfacing at th. .leo, a re Highmon We 8uhdivixlon of Lot nl,�. ex Acre Lots, from Hele' cod Avenue and ❑ d and South Alley to under Preuee na, . -11 of the CI[y Wed the re, F1nflt COUNCIL FILE NO.__ INTERMEDIARY ORDER 116665 In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neoessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alleys in Clement's Highmore and Cavanaugh's Subdivision of Lot 10, Block 1, Ames Acre Lots, from Helen Street to Sherwood Avenue and from the North and South Alley to Flandrau Street, under Preliminary Order --116124 _ approvedSeptember 1, 1939. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is oondemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alleys in Clement's Highmore and Cavanaugh's Subdivision of Lot 10, Block 1, Ames Acre Lots, from Helen Street to Sherwood Avenue and from the North and South Alley to Flandrau Street, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25,00, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ 14th day of November , 193J—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as ima ed. Adopted by the Council _-OCT , $ , 193 r — — n -r Approved_ -_____ 193_—_ City Clerk File 8807 Mayor Councilman hWhisuddsam -1-4- Councilman id%;M.=2E7° 2° '7 l'11 Councilman Councilman w� i'''"'t""" Councilman_->-`=_� Councilman Mayor MIS Fallon Form B. S. A. 8-6 f COUNCIL FILE NO. :666-- ' r of ,on.t r Liu tnig a ' Avenue from Chats point 20 feet u' q, under Prellmlmt l' approved Septentr fthe City ^Ilhe report .f ' INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sewer on Nevada Avenue from Chatsworth Street to a point 20 feet west of Adams Street, under Preliminary Order ---k-11-12 2 —____approved September 1, 1939. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered slid report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is oonstruct a sewer on Nevada Avenue from Chatsworth Street to a point 20 feet west of Adams Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 948.00 (Based on W.P.A. labor). Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 14th —day of November 1939 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as$ ' ated. Adopted by the Council _ -OCT 18 -- 193zL=�%!�D� OCT 1810 Approved 193— File $810 Councilman Councilman Councilmanee -- 1lirrnnt Councilmanen — �.� ----_ I'rtesn r� Councilman wgrx T.__', R—en Councilman &ettzel coax Mayor T 7 Fallon Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mayor --4Ii ISHFn_*_�,/A � 6ss5—l t,•r of 'uU+tru,ting >;id,- -+",+M— n�tn Mme:e, nt • \1'nn ile er At'en uruunutere t,r FwfdM..--"' Avenue, under Prel lm' uaJtS, nnVrovea Sr Peters„n Councilman Irvax -_., . R,,sen COUNCIL FILE NO. -- - By- — ---- - -- - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing sidewalks on both sides of Fauquier Street from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue, under Preliminary Order___116_Z18_-_- — -__ _— _- approved�S_e= . her 14-1939=----- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct sidewalks on both, sides of Fauquier Street from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$_Q•19 per aguare foot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ 14th ----day of November , 193 9 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as esti ted. Adopted by the Council __ OCT 181939-1___ 93 OCT 181939 193 File 54324 Councilman vwaowel � -+",+M— Councilman May--. =-^a FwfdM..--"' Councilman &aree _ -,- -Councilman Councilman Ro;en.-- __=4 Peters„n Councilman Irvax -_., . R,,sen Councilman Wi vL__ . TtArsx `N Mayor 1vL.-�.. Fallon Form B. S. A. 8.6 City Clerk y, Mayor p vcurbing woo, -le- zata Street to ii Plrt, l nary I AugAuu.vt li, 1' the City of F e report Of p/�(7�t, ,. bce; un 116663 r COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ourbing Woodbridge Street from Wayzata Street to Front Street, under Preliminary Order— 115929 _ approved— ARML8t_ll -1-939--- The 939__The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ourb Woodbridge Street from Wayzata Street to Front Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_447.00 (Based on W.P.A. labor. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 14th ___day of November , 193 9 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement andthetotal cost thereof as es ' ared. Adopted by the Council __"T 1 g 1939 _-, 193 OCT 181939 - - --- Approved— — —193— — - — — City Clerk File 8806 M yoi Councilman Councilmanep,� � -- U TED WNT Councilman ���­,�,� I �, „ Councilman o sem.,__ I' , ... Councilman faitr_-; - „ . , , Councilman 96=6 - '{-rtT—' r _ Mayor Nlnbi'u�9 1-�allnn Form B. S. A. 8-6 A F. No. 116669— In [he N,a[ler of curbinK the n, _ u[ nxyard Aven xe from the E of Uewec Ylarr r r ted to Jo • '�az•e. under Preliminar" L'219• approved 9ep[em ht Council o[ the CI' SFr . remit'° zar X16669 COUNCIL FILE NO. �t INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing the south side of Bayard Avenue from the East side of Dewey Place vacated to Josephine Place, under Preliminary Order— 116219 -----approved------- 0#emblar 19, 1938 _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby, approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb the south side of Bayard Avenue from the East side of Dewey Place vacated to Josephine Place, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 175.45 (Based on W.P.A. labor). Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 14th — day of November , 1939 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as esti ted. Adopted by the Council-OCT19 ---- -, 193 Approved_- OCT 18 1939 193— --� -- City Clerk Mayor File 8811 Councilman WBocal Ty W - Councilman Miiy_> : —gam Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosette_ - petcrsnr, Councilman Truax_ ; _ _ _; hae❑ j' Councilman W -cm --d - ,Trvaa— Mayor N�npII-" Fallon Form B. S. A. 8-6 \� � S I I ➢ 1 � i k h - 116670 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING JD1 [HEREON !N^ r i ltifi` ti111E OF rtr. l" T.. AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of_o�eningi_widen.ing and e._tending Pascal_Ave, to -a -width of 60 ft. from Highland Parkway north to the south line of Lot 11, Block 3, Twin City View Addition, by taking and condemning &.strip of land 30 ft. in width off of the east side of the SW41 of the SYFy, Section 10, Township 28, Range 23, except parts taken for streets and alleys, V OF COUNCIL A :99M ENT AND HEARING THERE �E OF HEARING. DAMAGES. under Preliminary Order ------- 11b7T9_________ approved-___ August 1,_1939 Intermediary Order ___-_-______ URN --------- , approved ----- &syk0mber-6,_ 193$------------- 116478___-____ approved___-_ October_3, 1939. Final Order -------------------- ----------------------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- - - he-_-___ lbth--------- day of --------- November----------, 19_39_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. OCT 181939 Adopted by the Council____________________________ _ _ __ -- ----- --- --- --------- ------ -- -------------- DCTj 181939 City Clerk. Approved----- -----------------------,19---- ---------�1�< , File 8777 Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald (r,claao Councilman Pearce Councilman Robland Councilman Sudheimer Mayor �O N t• Renply <r�Pp Oo J ung ni'. o�AOA� l e� NOTIj �umi�eresn • �d�.,� per ,heckn A TO c•rtY Ado p led by pll by :he l'i terms." _ 'I.. PRINTI Appr11Yed "It. {x. (Oet. 116671.������ CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION October 17 1939 RESOL82ED2T THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREtIURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $, COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREDTO—i4-35LINCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OCT 18 1939 i93_ ___ i " t `e OCTp CITY � yp APPROVED C 181939 193__ SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 9 168 11 $4S 849 45 4 DUPLICATE To CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER - LIMROLL ROLL CALL iBAFF�USS FIN DLAN _—IN PETERSON FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS 2. ROSEN TRUAX RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL M_F�. PRIES TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF I CHECKS NUMBERED E. _T I OCT 181939 PER CHECKS Q& FIA HE OFF COVERING —INCLUSIVE. S OF E TY COMPTRO R. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL APPROVED -193— 500 7 30 CS NUM EIER NAv"3 DATE TOTAL aj r. TE CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER 1 RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 9 160 11 623 132.10; 64258 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 54 oo 641 9 Mrs. Louis Pay R. Foley 28 so 63 00 642 o Mrs. Anna, 2 64261 Mrs. Elizabeth Literski 47 �4 64262 , Wallace J. Murray 7 0 lo 648 64263 Walter W. Magee Company t3 3 086 6 64264 6426 Grudem Company Midway News Company 579 4o 'o 642656 Guy P. McNeal , 100 00 100 00 64267 Katherine McNeal 6 442 74 64268 O.F. Rule Construction company 66 Pi 64269 General-EleotrioSupply Company 107 0 64270 Oscar Gottfried5 0 �3 64271 64272 Tilden Produce Company Kohler Ice Cream Mix co.Ino., Assignee 1 160 6427� 'U.S. Gypsum Company 220 50 199 75 64274 Washington Foundry Company 2 50 64275 Uses,, leefe Company 44 b5 64276 Maok Int. Motor Truok Corp. 25 00 64277 Walter W. Magee Company 3 87 64278 Mason Publishing Company 64279 The Matbematios Teaober 2 00 64280 MoClain & Rodman Company 133 27 64291 Mol'adden-Lembert Company 285 79 99 64282 McKesson Wholesalers 642 Merrill, Greer & Chapman Company 6 a VO 6429 Gus D. Messing 8 97 64285 Midway Chevrolet Company 66 12 64286 Miller supply Company 2 00 64287 Minneapolis Halloween Committee 290 04 64288 Minnesota Ice Company 159 90 64299 Minnesota News Company 70 64290 64291 Verna A. Moe Monroe Calculating Machine Company 69 00 34 ao 64292 multigraph Sales Agency 55 20 64293 R.A. Myers & Company 167 �6 W94 National Battery Company •3 00 64295 National Cash Register Company 64296 National Education AssooiatiOU 00 64297 National Mower OOMpanY 94 o4 85 64298 National R80TSRtiOnal Association 64299 National Safety Council 64300 New Method Book Bindery, Ino. 1 01 26 94 64301 New York Tea Company 56 03 64302 Nicolls, Dean & Gregg Company 53 09 64303 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 13 95 64304 North Central Publishing Company 64305 Northern States Power Company 4731 5 64306 Northern States Power Comp an'* 484 69 64307 N.W. Fuel Company so 64308 N.W. Jewelry Company 13 !00 64309 N.W. Publications, Inc. 65 60 64310 Oak Grove San. Dairy Farms 110* 5 100 64311 The Official Aviation Guide 28 73 64312 Ownna Motor sales, Inc. 135 91 64313 Ovens Motor Sales, Inc. SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 9 168 11 $4S 849 45 Q 0 0 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ROLL CALL SARF.USS County Welfare Board F INDLAN IN IAVORJ PETERSON Commonwealth Ile0triO Company ROSEN 09 TRUAX AGAINST WENZEL 09 MR. IREJE�A N ____o CT 18 1931 96 616 ?9 42 64318 northern states Power Company, 5 75 64319 N.,v, Retinning Company 42 �l 64320 Owens-Illinois Glass Company 14 b5 64321 64322 oxford university Press Paper, calmenson, & Company 430 22 60 64323 64324 Paramount Baking Company Park Machine Company 39 136 63 64325 64326 C.A. Pearson, Inc. C.A. Pearson, Ino, 23 70 92 08 64327 64328 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company Peters Sausage & Meat PToduotsIno. 28 24 00 �o 64324 64330 Phillips petroleum Company Pink Supply Company 3 3 60 98 07 64331 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Ocopany 567 288 00 64332 64333 Roll,, Polk & Company Ftentics-Hallo Ina. 10 92 3 64334 Price Electric Company 3 oo Public Utilities RepoTt8jIno, 64335 336 The Qugrrie Corporation 33297 5 64337 Raymer Hardware Company 485 8 8 1 64338 ROA Mfgv 002PaRY t3�9 Z 18 124 L7 o 0 ReminitonoRand Companys, Ino, 680 oo 64341 Remington -Rands Inc. 34 70 64342 64343 Rihm Motor Company Geo, to Robertson Screw Products Company5 36 r 64344 Rockford 1 64345 Royal Lemon, IN# 168168 20 8 64346 St,,Paul Book & Stationery Company , 3 64347 St9hul Book & Stationery Cospany 64348 StPaul Foundry 001PIDY 0 64349 9tsPaul Glass Oompany 1�2 1 64350 9t.Paul Hydraulic Hoist COMPOY 1 16 05 64351 64352 st,paul Stamp Works St,Psul Welding & Mfg. Company 11112 64353. 64354 D.N. SakolIS Company Salisbury"lls 9 13 50 00 64355 Solieffer & Rossum Company 65 38 64356 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 5 60 64357 School products Bureau L 0 0 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ROLL CALL SARF.USS County Welfare Board F INDLAN IN IAVORJ PETERSON Commonwealth Ile0triO Company ROSEN 09 TRUAX AGAINST WENZEL 09 MR. IREJE�A N ____o CT 18 1931 ADOPTECI BY TH�E COUNCIL--- I n 3 5QO ,JI. CS 1 1111111" COUNCIL FILE NUMBER_ AUDITEDCLAIMS -- --8 — RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -_ - TO —INCLUSIV . AS PER CHECKS 0 1 T 0 E OF ITY FOMPT LER, CO-TROL— NUMBER TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF RETURNED CHECKTRANSFER DISBURSEMENT I BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD "a = ell a d1j A 11C 64314 County Welfare Board 487 93 64315 Commonwealth Ile0triO Company 2 68 09 64316 uplaoStollaul & Sault Steoftrie Ry, 09 64317 Northern States Power COMP&DY 96 616 ?9 42 64318 northern states Power Company, 5 75 64319 N.,v, Retinning Company 42 �l 64320 Owens-Illinois Glass Company 14 b5 64321 64322 oxford university Press Paper, calmenson, & Company 430 22 60 64323 64324 Paramount Baking Company Park Machine Company 39 136 63 64325 64326 C.A. Pearson, Inc. C.A. Pearson, Ino, 23 70 92 08 64327 64328 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company Peters Sausage & Meat PToduotsIno. 28 24 00 �o 64324 64330 Phillips petroleum Company Pink Supply Company 3 3 60 98 07 64331 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Ocopany 567 288 00 64332 64333 Roll,, Polk & Company Ftentics-Hallo Ina. 10 92 3 64334 Price Electric Company 3 oo Public Utilities RepoTt8jIno, 64335 336 The Qugrrie Corporation 33297 5 64337 Raymer Hardware Company 485 8 8 1 64338 ROA Mfgv 002PaRY t3�9 Relianoe Engineers company 18 124 L7 o 0 ReminitonoRand Companys, Ino, 680 oo 64341 Remington -Rands Inc. 34 70 64342 64343 Rihm Motor Company Geo, to Robertson Screw Products Company5 36 r 64344 Rockford 1 64345 Royal Lemon, IN# 168168 20 8 64346 St,,Paul Book & Stationery Company , 3 64347 St9hul Book & Stationery Cospany 64348 StPaul Foundry 001PIDY 0 64349 9tsPaul Glass Oompany 1�2 1 64350 9t.Paul Hydraulic Hoist COMPOY 1 16 05 64351 64352 st,paul Stamp Works St,Psul Welding & Mfg. Company 11112 64353. 64354 D.N. SakolIS Company Salisbury"lls 9 13 50 00 64355 Solieffer & Rossum Company 65 38 64356 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 5 60 64357 School products Bureau SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 9 168 117J 1o4 92 V Orlslnnl to City Ctuk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY- - c COMMISSIONER—.— ,__DATE_ RESOLVED 11.6673 .,1.ECOUNCIL NO._ October 6, 1939 That the plans and specifications for the widening of the west side of Raymond Avenue at the intersection with Hampden Avenue, and the cutting back of the curbs on Raymond Avenue at the ends of the Northern Pacific Bridge, be and the sPme are herein approved, such widening being necessary to eliminate traffic hazard, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, Th -t the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is herein instructed to proceed with the widening and reconstruction of Raymond Avenue, in accordance with said plans and specifications, at a cost for materiels, equipment and supervision of not to exceed $1650.00, said amount to be charged to the City Paving Aid Fund, Code 31-F1. , -- ,'. Y. Su. Itf673—I3y 5111Gm I<orven— _. newnl�eJ. Tnrvt the li,ntienv (ur the w'IJenllnK rvnP [title � ervt rvlde of Itxym unJ Avenue ,11 the Inter- �e,ti„n witl, IinmI, .b�'rnue, nntl the uttl t,K nhek eC the rurhry un Itr.vmnna .\�•eu u� ( the enllry .,f Ili, Northern I':trlli, Itrid Ke. he nna the ry I,.•r.i„ „Irl, .J. rvu0h ;I�IJ,•ni,AKl belnK ` I url leer I:, +elt eJ, Thal tI. 1 min- , -f Pubile Norke 1,,. nl,d he Is I I. r. In i ,rvtru, teJ to 11--d with [he wi JnlnK :,Irl r nrvtru,tinu of uJ phu:\en ue, in ,a�rnrau n,"' w'ilh n IJ t. anrJ rvnetla,nuon.. � enrvt inr� m„t,•rnt l.-, Il,ipment na t vunblxion .,r ,n to ,.:Tee I s19ao.00, nala harKerl [n the fits f'—Ing Ala � 1, .\Jnl. t.•d lir th.• 1 it Iht. I:,. 19::4. to..t- SI. 193e1 li COUNCILMEN Yeas BRIM- Nays aira'Y nto In Favor Peterson -11'rna -- -_Against Mr. President ISW 2-39 CS (firtm j- b Adopted by the Council OCT 19 1939 193 Approved OCT 19 193U193- - yor Odni..l to cur a.,k CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. � No. OFFICE OF THE CIT���,,,Y%%% CLERK COUNC),L RESOLUTION---j6ENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIOS10NEE R-- -- RESOLVED VJI1EkEAS, the Commissioner of Public .Yorks has, reported in tyle City Charter, the existence of accordance with Section 53 of rendered necessary the employment oferedaain an emergency which employees _f his department for more than eight hours p y than usual hours of em- and on Sunday, said empluyrler.'t being more ployment; therefore, be it i'1; uLVE that the proper city officers are the r:ereby authorized to rate otherwise fixed ,,ay the following named emplo'yrees at the tili:e hereinafter set forth: for extra employment for extra . o- _8 Warren I. E. Asher Staty,. Fire. F, 68� Fran}: C. Choleviinshi Staty. ='ire• 8 .55 Giambattista Continelli Sew.!-tc.Lab. 6 631 Dickey. Paul Caretaker Road i'aci.,Opr. R 72 George Llliott ti';illiam L. Elliott Se�i.i tc.Lab. 8 55 8 j4 Charles E. Harper Road I-ach.C,r. 8 .63' Caretaker 8 .55 AlexFrarjcKill �e�.;.Ltc.Lab. Alex I._ci:illop Sew.,,.tc.Lab. g , 55 Harvey J. Proulx Fred Crew Leader -PVI Putnam, Frank J. Rose Sewjitc.Lab. 8 .55 Louis W. Schrenkler Sew.LItc.Lab• 8 .%41 Leland e. Sterns Road i.ach.Opr. iI'. \- 111i1ii1—lid Min'n I:.•+rrlrh`I'rtn nln nhli.rirerl t.r"i ntll_ P.'r Infn�rn Plnyer'\ In Ilu- ne Part In,nmenl rk1�tllli+l\ntrt:rrirN.1 I,r tl,ini i +irinti.n. 11.E I nnil 111. 1', l�::a \Irlir.rrl t((lrtt •y ]' 19T4) COUNCILMEN , Yeas Nays --4z — Parranto ePm'ee m ,rte In Favor �— — Peterson __Against Mr. President 15W z -as Cs OCT 19 1939 Adopted by the Council---- - -- 193— ts5� 193 -- y =— -- - M yoror An emergency has arisen in the DFPARTI.-AT OF PUBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the einployinent of certain ea.ployces of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Washing boiler, watching equipment and maintaining sewers and streets. This emergency arose Ly reason of the follov ing facts and circumstances: Boilers washed after hours to avoid delay of crevis. Watching city equipment and taking care of routine complaints needing immediate attention, f d L �v, CUI.ElkISSIOi7F'R OF PUZfIC GIORKS O,Idal lo CRY C "k 116675 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE, OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO UTION --- GENERAL FORM �,, �.,�y, PRESENTED BY/�pti�--�—� DATE3L.�ti_iv_eT 19F 1939 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons "Oil leaded gasoline, 70-72 octane, from, the FUEL OiL & GAS CO, at a price of $ .11911 per gallon, less 1% discount from refinery price, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted pn Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale 8t., on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment 1003-134 •. r. .::. ttuevs—Isr .nno,� twsrr.- 16.cnl ,h�u, hw?t'hnnue:•It ,thh, e 1'oui rvaotrn etlin.,R• �.t lP.1r- ' �i�r:..<:rilml:,„..t, :•b . oaon.'t:,t;nneu, ofnr�o:i:••Rth" 70-72e"t ded co, at Prloe of S.I1911 nri�,•, i,,:a �:aln� , nt,• u,. — vlut,` in.�neetl,: u, t.: be �ntoltea 3fu- :�iiul r::�olno�•'�,t !toren,: vP,:r �t Ilnle -h—,o,l hide in oo rKenr where f:, ilor:• •t.: �1n lN1r, om n[I �' ol:l irk hor<lnhln• the bext inl. ri+In „r the 1'It Y. :•I�n`rRn Ct•PeZi ]funfrin>ti 1.lquinn,ent 1003-114. %donlea by the Comm a (Vt. 19. t9a9. .t Pprn. wl nrt. 19, 19.19. (,i:•t. ^T, 1939) OCT 19 1939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council —193— Yeas Nays -0arf"99-- / OCT 191939 Approved 193- --1 arranto X rson In Favor v May osen j Against r. President! Fallon) _ 5M Bab es 0drin,l to 04' Clark it 116676 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ '�� e ----___. .......DATE October RESWED: That Grocery license #5173, expiring July 31, 1940, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, license #8570, expiring August 18, 1940, issued to John Serpico- at 910 Agate St, be and the same are hereby 'transferred to John Serpico 0 at 441 Thomas St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / art—B�erfns�� - --In Favor /Peterson -Rosen ' Against 'Mr. President (Fallon) am 0--38 rs 'V r. IIIIII SIt�.. 1in0T0Khal G-,- n . A . 11h'arr Ii::JaIy31. 1:40, arnadntoNO— oR Ilsnle Slo11 nerKNo. . 657n, ­pht.. A11.1— 11, 1940, Jawed tai John ser"' nt 9I0 AKn Io Sl. be and the herehy trnn��erred [o " .Int- vt-_,,I ��• n1 I,, 'ri—n. St. and the Prpper It, ��dt� ern : J—Irueled ;nk•• IIn. I•r,,per 1 6ir In ;t �It>"fin .\d•�1;[�.il h�t,ih�� � .,;aril th�l. IN. In:t 9. W, ht. 21. 19341 R _ OCT 191939 Adopted by the Council-193— OCT ouncil 193 OCT 1910 Appprrooveed��,} 193— Ma or o!Ipnd b Qty a.& CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE 6TY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE October 19. ••1939 S COMMISSIONER_ ttt..T_ _ HZSOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment,4nto the city treasury of the required fees: Mrs. Herbert 9nenther 192 Arundel St. Grocery App. 37055 Sew Old Location Off Sale Malt " 37059 " Mike Sauro 226 S. Franklin Butcher " 37163 " Hew " Julius Klein 388 Wabasha St. Grocery " 37246 " Old " Jay J. Cook 378 Jackson St. Hotel " 37255 " Old " Louie M. Kaufman 625 Jackson St. Grocery " 37300 " Old " fl fl fl e Off Sale Malt " 37301 " " " M. L. Berg " 1320 Payne Ave. Butcher " 37303 " Sbw " Jessie Tatarsky 626 Canada St. Grocery " 3730+ " New " R. L. Stevens 121 W. Louisa OIL Burner Insta11.37311 " Old " Ada L. Lee 182 S. Fairviewk Confectionery App. 37313 " New " James J. Harvey 1552 St. Clair St. Off Sale Malt " 37328 " Old " V n ■ " Grocery " 37329 " Old " Maurice Pincus 1161 Sherburne Ave. Grocery n 37330 " Old " Off Sale Melt " 37331 S. V. Alexander 1059 E. 4th St. Grocery " 37332 " Old fl r,rrrnc„- 1.Ftvir(u.rv— ILxulrd. '1'Lat Il.. ern 1n, U.:,l nr- �� �rn•a r�i�i ��inu.��� 1,,. : nd ihr I :r nrrPlry .-r n ..rl nnrl Ione ons r'I.1r �k Invlrnr•te•rl •+tn In.ni• uii! 11- n,nn he �.r.rn rnl In;.r lnr. r•it �' . ,ur.� rrrrlir. .a,rlr�a o.r. �'rr\<l a,lrt •rl Irk' the rn r it (1.1. I�, Ilr:t N. r Illrt, .1. ,4:t!rr COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council OCT 19 IM9193 Yeas Nays - ' -- f, c r 19 1939 Approved_— 193.— i a�r to - - - /Peterson _7T In Favor i _ — �H/. _ - Ma or osen Against ,,Mr. President (Fallon) am a cs H h 0 for by the following persons at the addresses indicated � city clerk is instructed ��. r.•s,�. nscvx— f A. A. Zabrbock 967 Bradford Fuel Dealer App. 36990 Renewal Itrx�d�ed, Th:tl nt•rdae� nnnra Od$Uttl to at, Cl.tlt CITY OF S Uirhed tern hlry t °m,•d ..n the lin[ , t- 1 .ulu f lun h,. and the ��^'• 4n• h«rehyr� r„nted nd u,e Cl NO. �'hrl< 37062 N Nick Saracco q. In fust rur L•d to i uch II - Restaurant OFFICE OF THE '-assn npOn thr na y,nent�ioi„ use �nY COUNCIL RESOLUTIO tre ss urY of the rerlul red fern. .1 dui:lyd hY the 1'uunril " 37064 " ,I nnrnced (><•t. rs, tsay. n "Off A� Inst. CI. In:ror /// _.—_--..n__'DA7`E— COMMIS IONER_l N 19, 1939------ 939 _—_ RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required Bees: A. A. Zabrbock 967 Bradford Fuel Dealer App. 36990 Renewal E. A. Dannecker 793 Randolph St. Grocery N 37062 N Nick Saracco 119 S. Wabasha St. Restaurant " 37063 " N On Sale Malt " 37064 " n n n "Off Sale Malt " 37065 N Mrs. M. Alpert 1041 Front St. Grocery N 37199 n Polar Ice & Fuel Co. 170 N. Pascal Ave. Fuel Dealer " 37234 N Abe Bernick 197 E. Indiana Grocery N 37240 N Otto Geiger 983 Randolph Grocery " 37244 n N a OffSaleMalt37245 N Miday YMCA :owling Alleys 1963 Univ. Ave. n 37258 n Robert Herold 1179 E. 7th St. Restaurant N 37260 s Sidney S. Pilot 408 View St. Confectionery n 37262 N N N n N Off Sale Malt N 37263 N Joseph Greenstein un! _n univ. Ave. Butcher " 37269 " n a n Off Sale Malt " 37271 N N N n n Grocery " 37270 " Range Oil Supply Co. 418 E. 9th St. Feel Dealer -- N 37275 N Mrs. Hattie Hegge 1136 Rice St. Pool Tables N 37276 N Eva Bliseenbach 99 N. Dale St. Grocery N 37281 N " " " " Off Sale Malt N 37292 N John Blomquist 774 Arcade St. Dance Hall n 3728 N 19 �39193— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council OCT Yeas Nays 1939 a nto / �+ Approved_ 193 Peterson � �R.osen In Favor Ma or —Against r. President (Fallon) sm e -as cs Ciditi-I t. D1, Cl.tk 19 CITY OF ST. PAUL r,�e `" NO. V aJ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C U CIL ES LUTION---GENERAL FORM b PRESENTED BY COMMISS IONERT__ __. DATE__ RESOLVED,that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Hamilton Kenny providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $20.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuriejY received by him while in the employ of the Department of Education on the 29th day of September 1939; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agree- ment the. -proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Hamilton Kenny the sum of $60.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including October 20th, 1939"6ry—nr A«I r• , en•r...,„— . IL.>nrvrd. tont u,r rrnnr rit>• HI- hr u d tln•y a .nerehr :tu thortred rater Into a nhrre,nent wtth Hnm- Ilton Kenny r,rov !din. for the payment i ; r0�0'up'n—ti— to hi”nt the me of. per week during v rh tin lir .boll nr totally diva nh•rrl Icy r•• me o f il, Ir rd Ihia n, hill in tli.. m Mn. If the nepnram•nt rt h:d�,ntlon n« 29tn am ..r Sentrmi,rr. Fnrth.•r Ite w rd. that in .... ,rduner ,.nn vnm urerm •rat un•pr.na,rr ,nr m. -.,r„ a .'ner..nr:,,,o,nrl.rd to nor to .ni.l ri,t n,ilton Kenny thr . of E60.00 int of t,r mrn'n 111�'Gen.rn lion til -nt of t,f hi., tl I�u red in nnrtlnl j u•t'. nrnt of hin :Inlrn ut;nin.[ Ihr ,•nr, being ror it,.. prrlod to and In - )It her !0th, 1939. Adoyted by the r',u nail oat- 10, 19;t 9. .tnnrocra Ovt. IN. 1919. ,J 91939 COUNCILMEN OCT 1 Adopted by the Council _ _.__193_ _ Yeas Nays Maffu- ( qq m an Approved------- ____193 it" to / y �I'etcrson In Favor ,Rosen � Against Ir. President (Fallon) '.M 63. I'S CP;Wn.l 10 CIM CNA CITY OF �T_ PAUL OFrICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL O(,Lu-ri0/7_V--�/Gd�E'NERAL FORM i_ -RE BY CO MMISSIOM1SS10 NER_ TruflX WHEREAS, the Commissioner of ParliB, 3P3ay4g3rounds and Public ,r rH Buildings has reported to the Council that t2sat certain garage '"a' building located on Lot 14, Block 4, FiomeeroS:. Addition, also des- cribed as No. 1749 Wordsworth.Street, is izn suc3ii a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its 1:o6 irtg coriciamned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be Izacd upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 14th da�_pT November, 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. in the CouY1Ci3 Chwrnber in the Court House /IV and City Hall, in the City, of Saint 3Pau3, MLrwnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less thsxs ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, tkie Comrni s s Sone r o f Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings sha11 mail to tine 3a.st known record owner of said property, at his last knowrn addr'e s s , o r to the ageat or occupant of said property, a- notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, ar%c'i lze sl-zs21 also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one pub3icatiors in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be pu1:>3 i skxec1 not less than five days prior to the date of said heaa.ririg _ OCT 191939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-- ---- -____.193 -_ Yeas Nays __F1prjla Approved — 193— Peterson-Ito sen yor ,res Against 1137 Mr. President (Fallon) �1Sli!'.1> L 3 Z1 6M 6-38 C8 CITY OF ST PAUL Capital OFV=... OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Re 4istratioss 04 --It- 3� S , 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a rano tut ion (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the coudemT•pt ion of the garage building located at 1749 Wordsworth St. , ds-crfb ed as Lot 111, Block 4, Homecroft's Addition. Yours very trealy;- city G14arh. \ W LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS A BASSFORD Supe. of Patks Supt. ygrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner October 16, 1959 Hon. Council City of St. Pat,.l ,entler.!en: This is to advise you of the condition of the —ra e bu5.ldin;-, located at 1749 ,7ordc:orth street, described as Lot 14, '-lock 4, I'_omecroft's Addition. The garage is old, out of plu::io, no sidinC on the west side, roofing is off, and it constitutes a fire rienace and is dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. The owner is the Hone Ocmers Loan Corporation, 616 -'remer Arcade and they have been notified of the condition of this bni_ldin-- and a Dander i:otice has been posted on it. Kindly set a heardn.L� in accordance w1th Secti_n 1-14 of the ',uildin- Code coverin- condemnation proceedin-s. T rs-truly, City Architect CM91n.1 b CITY Cl.tk JLE�\_�i 1 CITY O F �T_ PAUL NO .��E ` .__ CFFICE OF THE CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION--- GENERALF•ORM PRESENTED BY'P COMMISSIONER_ ___ —._ DATE WHEREAS, the Sin]cing H'x"..a Cox>onnittee leas received the following offer; NAME OF FIRM KIND OF' 8<D1ME)p BATE UTMTY AMOUNT BASIS H. E. Wood & Co. City of Sai at 3E11E%T:ii2 Nov -1,1952 3,000 2. bQ and recommends that the Council concur 3L 32 ta=e action of the Committee in the purchase of these bonds for the Part1cipat5-3Z,�-. WHEREAS, the Counci 1 i s o :E' accepted, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the DdfaJror Certificate Fund, and the opinion that the above offer should be t� a C or=n:Lz si oner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby author -j- zecL P=• C-3 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays --11"arranto Peterson -f osen _,Mr. President (Fallon) 6M 6-38 Cs a3L r e c --,O- ed to consummate the transaction. l'. 1 N,,. 116661—n>' \\'. It. 11.11-- \\'bcrenv, the Sinkfn� N'und C.— I- . t,•r hx:+ rrived the [ollowi n>; ulcer: :G;: ntr "f tiro:—I1. K.f Saint&Paul: kind of Uond—tuirl Y� Nov. 1, 196Y: rxn r1t9L- - 000u ba,i,-2.60: nd r .m nd, thnt the Council c - + e1 th.•111+ctlun :f the Commute in •�ll�r 'I�u r:.hssae of their bund, for the I ,�rtielPxting l'er[Itle;il 1, ut the n fPin- \\"Itere:+.�, the t.oun a ++, it that the 11— -,t ,hould be t - �rPlyd, lherrf<:re. br Itend�rd, that thr Mayor, the Cont- ' of Flnnncr d the CntnP- - euhn rentmnuthor- l.,d hr a Chef' �+ ate the .I.ra and ai��,�et,d ter, ,tt trnn„ouon. \d,1111” by thr l'uuncil Ocl. 19, 19:19. .{t. PPr��. a•d 01 t 192'191939) I n favor OCT 191m Adopted by the Council_- - ---- - —193 Approved 193.-- �ayor r I I6682 No. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN IL RESOLUTION -yy--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By ---------- COMMISSIONER ----- RESOLVED, upon due consideration of the appeal by Tassie's Bakery, Inc., pursuant to Ordinance No. 5840, asamended, from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks playgrounds Public Buildings, construing certain provisions of said ordinance, and the favorable report and recommendations of. the Board of Zoning thereon, that the provisions of said ordinance may be varied in harmony with its general intent and purpose and con- sistent said appellantpbelgrantedic 8and that re, to hsaid d appellant bethat the land it ief ught by hereby is authorized to install, maintain and operate a retail bakery store and manufacturing business and a private garage for the housing, repair and servicing of motor vehicles necessa- rily employed in such business in and upon the premises situate In the City of Saint Paul, commonly designated as No.1540 St.Clair Street, subject to the compliance by said appellant with all applicable provisions of law regulating the maintenance and operation of such retail bakery business. I t 1, N, 116682—ByAxel F. Peterson. 1 by S -q—t— due t• n ldere[lon of it—1—d pu Tuns{e'x Bakery. Int'.. the PPeal n.' ttx paurauttnt to Ordinance No. 6840. q in ded, trot t the ., 1`1 yg,ounde f the o nl rnlxsionc1 it 1 1arngs, , g s i' I'u nllc Itnildings, t' n [colo oa tthe proclx lou:+ of vald rdinane '..dations r vora ble report d r ---.tont u( the Board tf and dlnan e' tray' the {,r rlslonx or xnldwoi[n Ila general ne , iud in nnrmo°.�a x�alent Itl, Intent d p—Pnxe ' coal the 1 the pubtlo tv elfnre. to ,a ea yellanl be relief ought nY 1not De d . granted a d that said all o it hereb, is authortzedt to instill yatore I to `n-nufl-turini, buil nese and fir(' 1 n tot:,,,age for th, h hl leeg,nepairarll�i' ervlc`ng f ttolor ve c `ntpin; ed In x 1t h buln the in and son the premises sit nate in the CI[Y f B Int 9 Paul, con cooly designated No. 1540 r1 tit. t'I air t6treet, a bje twto the P'1_ e b3' x id nppella nt rioth 11 aPggP .tablet pro'Wo f low gulatain.1 rec nni sten—, and oPel-tlon of tail nxkerY" nasi nell ncil Oct. IB,xAuPted btill, Coll 19j9. App—'ed Oct. 19, 1979. (Oct. 71, 19891 OCT 19 1939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ - ---- --- --193_ -. Yeas Nay` OCT D 1930 Approved --------193y �arranto ' �I'eterson --In Favor -. - --t. C..1 --'Ll-Ma or - --.- - -- nosen J Against r President (Fallon) 'm a38 CH CITY OF SAINT PAUL,�����,; Capital of Minnesota ? ? OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Oct. 16, 1939 Mr. John W. YcConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached appeal of Tassie's Bakery. Yours very truly, City Clerk. GjTY OF THE BOARD OF ZONING qty abL�hed oy Ordinance rJc. 5840 July 71h. 1922 "HINT PAUL, MINNESOTA d. J79 C .1E1 H tier ee° eeee®oa°°n B9® 9LMrB NB! I� a-sem/ a poaa ti Octob-r 4th, 1939- -a . a- e ECI�nsD � - Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, R u i l d i n g. Deer 'ir I-1 tTle ma*ter of epneal of s Bakery, M. R. Lee, secretary--raesurer. This i s a h�nd- -raft shop ,mrking cakes, rolls end pi As, now locete„ nt 1040 Orand ;venue. They Nish to move into the meiC3hbor- h:),)d garage building nt 15/,0 St. Clair't., t'_iis being on the =south side of the street .ani just e•::at cf the St. Clair Poet Office. ( The garage building 'a- s en Sl ft. fru tage and a depth of 150 ft. They h -ave ma,9e this appeal because they are-jskin„ to mc,ve ar� into a c"Tim—ciel district. We find that the appiic ant user gas tired ovens and electric operated do-agh mi_,cers of 5 H.P. motors. They will. install e retail h,-lsiness in the front of the building .ns they now have at the Gr--nd Ave. location, They will operate the gr-_r-iga b,it lding so that they can store their twenty-seven deli -ery trr:cks and repair them in the rear of the garage building; do All their loading within the gar -se building and mot -->ff, of the street ani will segregaate the gerr:ge part of the bui'_ling from the bakery oper=ting pert, in necordnnce ndt'1 the henith laws of the City. While this is e f=story, it is of r kind th;It is not detrimaatal to r ; et i 1 di s`ri ct - i t be a =stepping up ;>f the use of ?he property _^r_ther than any lowering of the standnrds in th-'t district- Trlgy operate e retail business entirely making ho,i:_ e to ho�:,.e deliveries. The Boa rd of 2.or ins.; recommend th,� t th e nopeal be granted. Yours veru trul_✓, ("e)rge `.i_ Herrold, g`i-rh 1ng1-icretr.:ry_ S_. Paul,izuBsota s e p t amb e r 2 ,"F �9 39 . •, •"-�' r, eco 22 To the Honorable, Mayor and City 0oun011, City of St. -Paul. Gentlemen : We wish to appeal Prom the appZ i cation o:C tYie provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, paragraph -Cl" , Sect ion 5, in regard to istrict. We wi ---]E--L move our baiting manufacturing in a commercial d machinery now located at 1080 Grand AveTzua to the old neighborhood garage building at 1540 St. Clair Street i mnadiately east of and adjoining the St. Clair Street Post Office. We use gas ovens and electric operAted dough mixers. A great pert of our business consists of ma_Iciag rollsc, coffea cakes and cakes. We are classified as a hared -crept shop Our business is a retail business carried ori by same tviceaty-seven • trucks making deliv^ries to regular customers is the residential districts. We, therefore, cannot comply with tie provisions of the ordinance that a major portion of our products ba sold on the premises to the consumer. We will operate a retail store on tIxe St_ Clair St,. side of this building and will utilize the present gasoline pump arrange- ment for gassing our cars. Our fleet of truciss will be storRd in the garage building and repair, work on these cars tvi11 be carried on in the rear of the garage. Vde will do s11 of our loading inside of the building. There will be a definite sagregstion of the garage part of the building from the bakery part of the bung, thus complying with the health laws of the city Our operation will pause less r_oi se aril confusion then the garage formerly operated hex -e_ We are in need of greHt-r spec -e for our business, and we pray that this appeal be granted and thet we may obtain a bakery license at t1 -is location. Yours very truly, TASSZ TE j B13K-7RY By R. Lea Se c � y-TrB8 surer. 04h69 4^ DIY jdi4Y ,, .,�e. " 16683 /�/�n �CITY OF ST. PAUL `" NO. OFFICE Og THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOTION --- GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER_DATE October 20, 1939 RESOLVED: That Hotel license #1271, expiring November 14, 1939, issued to Charles Adams at 4671 Wabasha St. be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommenda- tion of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and guilty plea of Charles Adams on the charge of operating a disorderly house. OCT 201939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193 Yeas � Nays itsarfuss / Fivn H—OCT 201535 � J Approved. 193— arranto ,reterson In Favor— ,,Rosen Mayor —T.— 2 Against r. President (Fallon) s. a CB C. P. N,. 1166&3—Hs O.I1. Barr,,,— . A. Pxrnmin— W. 1 ft neso lv,d, That Hotel licence Nn. 1271, November Wsued expiring 14. 1939, 1- to Charles Adams at 467%IVa- , V/ bash, Sl. be a'd the s e is bareby vuked pon a mmend atlon of the Bureau f Police because of the arrest • a d gull y Plea of Che r ies Adams n `the charge of oper=t a dieorllerl, i t/ I2J \ house. /l i ry Adopted by the Council 0, 1. 29. 1939. .approved Oct. 26, 1939. (Oc1-4179391 ' �N OCT 201939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193 Yeas � Nays itsarfuss / Fivn H—OCT 201535 � J Approved. 193— arranto ,reterson In Favor— ,,Rosen Mayor —T.— 2 Against r. President (Fallon) s. a CB 116684 alpe.f to City lQak CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICt OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO UTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY rn–�—' ^ —PATE-- DOtOber. 2Ih, _4s— COMMISSIONER_ ___.. RESOLVE that the plat of Eichenlaub Addition to St. Paul, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby aooepted. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barf uss arranto r . In Favor Peterson -vivax--- __Against Mr. President 15W 2-3S Ca ((9eWW ballon h'. No. 116684—nY MRton Rosen— t Resolved, that the ➢Ixt of Eichenlaua addition to St Yaul, a ht the Plxt Commission nod a➢➢rope, li) thelt,themiselon is he YhYlle �V ptetl. ,".—I �". Vted GYs•th'e l'oun�il O•'1. x20, 19':9. a VV*o��d U•'l. OCT 20 1939 Adopted by the Council 193 u IJ39 Approved 193 ayor plat (lammission of lamsem (duuntu, Minnesota OiF1294 `CITY HALL war October 20th, 1939. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen : The Plat Commission of Ramsey County has passed and approved this plat known as Eichenlaub Addition to the City of St. Paul. This property as platted was formerly known as Block 8, B. Schnitzius' Addition to the City of St. Paul, located between Nevada, Nebraska, Walsh and Weide. Walsh Ave. is graded but there is no sewer in it. Weide Ave. has a sewer but is not graded. Nebraska Ave. is graded and also has a sewer. Nevada Ave, has a sewer in the street and is to be graded next year on a W.F.A. jqtb. Yours pvery truly, Mark W. Woodruff, Secretary. mww-rh •oruar m cxr cl«I .r . `r` NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK `lJ[vX ' ! COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL ORM DATE COMMISSIPRESENTON Y _ . TEMLS2 Frank Nicker has made application 37374 for license to operate as an auto livery Peal. one (1) Buick automobile, Motor No. aeon the streets of the City of St. 2785552. Serial No. 2634297, Car. No. 23. covered by Lloyds of Minneapolis policy No. ffi94566• expiring October 2, 19401 and WHERAS$ said applicant has filed a copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED: that license to operate said automobile as an mato livery upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be aid the same is hereby granted to Frank Wicker and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury fee. -. F, tic.116686—ny G. 11. narfua.l— of the required \\'hrreas, }rrenk Wicker hue udr ,PPlleation 37374 frrr license to ops ra tr ,ufn livery upon the elrr�ety 'of she City fPal, 1 kInIouyetdu[, ,nu MotoNn. 8485.6 6.342 4, N,). rd hllc ical fr - Mln ,pnicY\�,. 11184566, 0c1..r- "_, 1646,rir :i rid \Vrh ereas, told pplirant hue IIIed s r 'enY' of In.vurancc pollry vlth th.• ('it' rf tit. I'uul and r:uirf ppllry hue been ,plrr rd , u fo f. r:n r nd ufiun by . h,l'�rprrraflon t'ou noel , flrerofrrre, he I;eeolved, thut lirr•.,,er• Lo op�•rntc —id ,u turn while a +ulo liver>' open rhe cute of the r�rlfY rrf tit- {reel he and tl,r q c le t -I'll :, rnlyd to Trunk nd thr• r.1-11 le t--, f,d Irr Ie.nr e rpt, ur �rr=e upon fuer nnyrn:•nl ...... ,hu �11>� In•u.0 n' rn u,c rr•rinlrrd ' ,\drrptra by ti-•o, n hr..'6, t.-.0,1929.x curt. 23, nr641 1J 10, i Renewal. OCT 2 0 1939 Adopted by the Council_ --------'193 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss pn U�' 1 2 U 939193— Approved In Favor L,/// — ---- - -`i/-- /Iseterson �—.Yol ,Rosen Against M`r. President (Fallon) 6M "8 ca Or1.LWb�?tl.d T. }"i L9`VJ�Y ' CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IC. 1. No. 11 6 6 8 6-11y w, A. Purn�nu,-- �" COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM r•. M. Iia• X1 ' 11 72arc°�E— 1, Thnl H. a� -f applicd r i C MMISSE e _ DATE Iln4nh6i• ?I1, glo¢j� .n�` HISMTED; That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: John R. Comstock 967 Bradford St.. Fuel Dealer App. 37176 Renewal Anthony Plumbo 562 wabasha St. Restaurant " 37199 " n r r a On Sale Malt a 372DO " r r a s Off Sale Malt a 37201 " John Dal tas 495 St. Peter St. Restaurant r 37257 " a a n a Off Sale Malt a 37255 " n n a a On Sale Malt " 37259 " n M.• Wagner 56 E. 4th St. Gas Station " 37291 ^ Allen Brown 176 W. 7th St. Grocery " 37295 " Rice Henry Timm 308 St. Butcher ^ 37296 " E. H. Elling 524 Aldine Grocery " 37297 ^ Miller & Holmes 393 N. Dale St. Gas Station ■ 37295 " Ernest Biedermann 1570 Randolph St. Barber ^ 37299 " Cameo Beauty Dept. Inc. 14 W. 5th St. Barber ^ 37302 " Marvin Spindler 1063. Hastings Ave. Gas Station " 37305 r G yoretta Hill 317 Carroll Ave. Grocery r 37309 ^ Midwest 011 Co. 2500 M"habe Ave. Mpls. Fuel Dealer " 37314 a Mrs. Anna Fiedler 100 Earl St. Hotel ^ 37315 " Fred Spade 42D Sibley St. Restaurant " 37320 " Mortinson Bros. Co. Inc. 675 Winslow On Sale Malt " 37322 ^ M. J. McNeely 940 Rice St. Gas Station r 37334 a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--193— ouncil— 193Yeas YeasNays Barfuss -FMffra—n Approved 193 Parranto Peterson ---In Favor Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President (Fallon) 6M "s Cs ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY GLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM -2- A. E. Booker 2550 W- 7t3m St - Mrs. Lillian Olsson 3.040 University r r a a a PL. Steichen i " Lyceum Theatre Co. Arthur A. Rossini fpr a q ■ Minn. Amusement Co- J. o-J. H. Nieman X Wm. Glaser B. N. Baker H. P. Conrad q q Marie Baer A. G. Carlson q q Mrs. Mary Ferris V. DelFiacco a a Herman Glewwe N a COUNCILMEN Yeas� Nays Barluss -rindlaa Asrranto ,Peterson Rosen ZMrt (Fallon) bM 8-38 CS 56o Thomas st- a a 116636 GATE Oat. 20+ 1939 8estaxz aat App. 37323 Renewal On Sat a Malt " 3732 " Orr Saz a Malt " 37325 " Tavern r 37337 " Dsac a TTnL3,1 ■ 37338 " Grocery "37341 Giro c6ry G " Orf S-Lz a Malt a 37342 " 1479 Wabsalna St- Mot ioa Picture " 37350 " 159 E. Kellogg Blvd. Hestavx-ant " 37351 a a N On SM -1 a Malt " 37352 " a N Off Sale Malt a 37353 " 1+50 Wabasba St. Motion Picture " 37354 " 496 st- Peter St. Giro c6ry G 37355 " 203 W- Ito St- Battery, " 37359 " 80 S. Snelling Ave. Gas Station a 37360 " 666 Un.lversity Ave. Bowlines A11eys a 37362 " a ■ pool Wables ■ 37363 " 14914 W. Sne111ng pjoriat a . 37367 " 1488 Brainerd Grocery " 37370 " N N Off S-1- Malt " 37371 " 625 Wabasbs st - Ho tel " 37372 " 6614 Burr St. Confectionery " 37376 " a N Pool Hfa11 " 37377 r 253 W- Fairfield Vehicle peddler 37389 " a N Foodst=E'r VP. " " Adopted t� �'3733990p by thtt Council -QC' 2#_Qa7T193— Approved OCT y20 IM 193— I n Favor yor Against ,1 3/ SL.ISI Ii l> o1y4d t. City CI.d JUAN? 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL - .. `" NO. J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONER- DATE October ?m i - RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Ude Udesen 2359 Doswell Ave. Oil Burner App. 372y2 Nes Old Loca. S. V. Alexander 1059 E. 14th St. Off Sale Malt " 37339 Peter Nemer 102 S. Robert St. Grocery " 37375 Sohn B. McOormick 523 Wabasha St. Restaurant " 37380 " Old " Wm. Malinoff 611 Grand Ave. Grocery " 37387 " Old " Off Sale Malt " 37388 " Old s (J. , \u. 116081—Ity 1C. 1. rurrantn— F. M. Truax—(i. Il. Barfux.v_ ite sol ved. That llcenxex npplled far [�ch d ttlo rthlx rextolut lnn hee endt at- a hthe ereby !;ranted and the t•I[y Clerk I., 1 iat ruelerl to I__ he II- upon the payment Into the city Cres ury f the required fees. .,do_[etl by the Council Oct. 20, 1,939. A__rov ed Oct. 20. 1:30. (Oct. 26, 1939) • sY'• OCT 20 199 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays ar(uss � h(S�OCT2 0 16 x739 Approved 193 /Parranto Peterson — `—In Favor ----- Rosen yor —man - ---,Z--Against Mr. President (Fallon) bM 8-38 CS NOTICE _1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COt,I_NCILSILE NO. 116688 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER October 19 9 _199_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 55,948- _COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED��TO c lil.. INCLUSIVE, AS PER C. 1• Y 716658— CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ocT 201939 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193 APPROVED _193 ( ) e, PT T;T.TSTlFD i 0 CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD �OTAL DATE RETURNBANKED 'J OISHESEMENT BY TRANSFER_._ CKS CHECKS p - Wms Beister Cons. 64358 Company aw John S. Findlens T}eaed As oa 64359 St.Paul Teaohers R.Fun 64361 Certified Concrete stgel company 64362 St.paul Structural Ino. 64363 J.L. shiely Companyrof Finax►ob 64364 John S. Findlan. C• cf Finance 64365 John S. Findlans 64366 - n L e nl aompanY ao.Ipo.. 64367 Me aampel►7 64368 gt.paul Corrugating plumbing 64369 Food 'Mfg. Company 370 Sanitary ave Oorporation 64371 The sbaw Lumber Company 64372 64373 Ships and Airoraft kNy 64374 D.B. 9hot8ELL 04.1COMCO 64375 S000ny-veacuuM8 011 ao& koo 64376 Speedometer Service AOO.m0. t�4377 Sperry Office Furniture Company 64378 Standard OonvQlopedipCoTP' 64379 Standard 64370 Standard Oil company 64371 4. B. Steohert & company 64372 Taylor Inatsnb Company Teaohere s 00 ge 64374 "T aid Thelender 64305 F.'�• Topel Ino. 64386 Truok parts, 64367 Twentieth Oenturya�dCOmpany 64366 Twill City graduet company 64389 Tarin City a 0mpany 64390 U.W Bedding & Dist.d'o.Ino. 64391 Universal ITOnCaTlFouadi nd 64392 Universal Iroin Foundry 64394 D ander eT S Company Van Pap®r Supply company Viotory printing 6 396 Wagner paint kero& Company 64397 c8ot To en Tire Company 6433391 Weinhag company ® 64400 WDM. Welch Company World Book Company bomPBAY 64401 Worthington- aMoneT Company 64402 Wm. H. Ziegl 11396 97 10 000 bo 0 7 i 93 1 639 5,62 13 1� 7 1 i6�i a 4 2 599 6 14 pc 1 0 191 �5 134 91 27 13 72 1 bo 1 27 10 70 21 3 00 60 2 3 25 40 22 11 25 2 0 4 49 44 0 0 1713 so 46 1192 PD 547 a e9 97 272 32 176 77 I I A. �7�Qa_ SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 16®.x.1; 76.2 052- I j' f I , 4 � f ' I I W�JI * CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NUMBEa---- CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ,. DUPLICATE TO --_--183 -9- WOW- TFD COMAS THE CITY TREASURY BARFUSS NFVORI AUI) CHECKS BE DRAWN ,COVERING FINDLAN �_--- PETERSON RESOLVED. THAT AMOUNT OF f_ �INCLU SIV E, AS ROSEN AGAINST - I TO THE AGGREGATE NUMBERED OF TH CITY COMP LLER. TRUAX --� T � � CHECKS WENZEL (� PER CHECKS ON L OF — wv __-OCT MR_ PREB_ FALCON _ _ _ u ----OCT O BY THCpU NCIL--- ADOPTED E 193/-- NUMBER APPROVED_—[ -ti 0 CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD �OTAL DATE RETURNBANKED 'J OISHESEMENT BY TRANSFER_._ CKS CHECKS p - Wms Beister Cons. 64358 Company aw John S. Findlens T}eaed As oa 64359 St.Paul Teaohers R.Fun 64361 Certified Concrete stgel company 64362 St.paul Structural Ino. 64363 J.L. shiely Companyrof Finax►ob 64364 John S. Findlan. C• cf Finance 64365 John S. Findlans 64366 - n L e nl aompanY ao.Ipo.. 64367 Me aampel►7 64368 gt.paul Corrugating plumbing 64369 Food 'Mfg. Company 370 Sanitary ave Oorporation 64371 The sbaw Lumber Company 64372 64373 Ships and Airoraft kNy 64374 D.B. 9hot8ELL 04.1COMCO 64375 S000ny-veacuuM8 011 ao& koo 64376 Speedometer Service AOO.m0. t�4377 Sperry Office Furniture Company 64378 Standard OonvQlopedipCoTP' 64379 Standard 64370 Standard Oil company 64371 4. B. Steohert & company 64372 Taylor Inatsnb Company Teaohere s 00 ge 64374 "T aid Thelender 64305 F.'�• Topel Ino. 64386 Truok parts, 64367 Twentieth Oenturya�dCOmpany 64366 Twill City graduet company 64389 Tarin City a 0mpany 64390 U.W Bedding & Dist.d'o.Ino. 64391 Universal ITOnCaTlFouadi nd 64392 Universal Iroin Foundry 64394 D ander eT S Company Van Pap®r Supply company Viotory printing 6 396 Wagner paint kero& Company 64397 c8ot To en Tire Company 6433391 Weinhag company ® 64400 WDM. Welch Company World Book Company bomPBAY 64401 Worthington- aMoneT Company 64402 Wm. H. Ziegl 11396 97 10 000 bo 0 7 i 93 1 639 5,62 13 1� 7 1 i6�i a 4 2 599 6 14 pc 1 0 191 �5 134 91 27 13 72 1 bo 1 27 10 70 21 3 00 60 2 3 25 40 22 11 25 2 0 4 49 44 0 0 1713 so 46 1192 PD 547 a e9 97 272 32 176 77 I I A. �7�Qa_ SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 16®.x.1; 76.2 052- I j' f I , 4 � f ' I I W�JI I COUNCIL FILE NO. By. 1-16689 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of curbing Roy Street from Soheffer Street to Highland Parkway, under Preliminary Order _ 116130 _ . -- --- approved September 1, 1939 Intermediary Order -- ---- - -------`------ -- --approved --------- -------- - --- - ----------------- . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is - curb Roy Street from.Saheffer Street to Highland Parlm- -- - -- - - --y No. 116649-- , In the r. "rhint I 1 ------ ---- -----------------------------------------------------" --------.---- and; the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council OCT 24 93.9 19 �J / (��L�Y✓/ City Clerk. nrT 2 a 1939 vvv Approved 192 l File 8804 Mayor. Councilman ClijK . arfuss Councilman Councilman nnfn Councilman^@".&p#-, rsnn { Councilmani_meI— �(„ „ Councilman %."I, Mayor Heignmam n - Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTM11r,T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER .OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of curbing Roy Street from Scheffer Street to Highland Parkway under Preliminary Order approved September 1. 1939 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ _ $ 603.33 (W.P.A.) front 0.51 The estimated cost perfoot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT eLocK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. North 59.70 ft. of that part of 1 Gibson's Addition $825 $4850 East of Roy St. and West of alley " South 60 ft. of that part of 1 do 775 4600 East of Roy St. h West of Alley (Except East 164.5 ft.) 6 1 Gerard's Rearrangement 1600 South � of 7 1 do ) ( 1200 5250 North z of 7 1 do ) 8 1 do 775 4850 9 1 do 775 4000 10 1 do 775 4550 11 1 do TOTAL. 775 4600 Form B. B. 10 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART#01EWi CF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY_ ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED I LandVALUAT'011ti g. 1 2 Gerard's Rearrangement $775 $3000 2 2 do 775 2600 3 2 do 775 3850 4 2 do 775 3550 5 2 do 775 4400 6 2 do 675 4500 5 Withee Addition 750 4250 Total $12,800 $58,750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public NN'orks. Dated September 26 19 39— Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn ......August. _B., __.__. _ ..193. 9. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Curbing installed through the use of W.P.A. labor at a cost to us of approximately 40� per front foot on South Roy. St. AM. fromScheffer_......st.zm. to i1j hland_.Par}cway._..-one block .............. the entire length of SO.R0y_.St.2UM :NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION C45 MsS.. 6o Al st & W..f V/ev CTcR�l�U.S �!%G}�— Y 16so- ��o. l.ok'l•o�rnppnr� -�W'.°f Idyl - —- 1 i - - - - K � � v AF kF h h - :�4 QT,r6 - r_ Offiee of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to commissioner of Finance Sept. 14 9 193__._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 116130 a roved Sept. 1 1'13 9 , relative to Council, known as Council File No. -- 1 P curbing Roy. St. from Scheffer 8t. to Highland Parkway_ __ - - -- and hiving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable- Cost per front foot0. 1 2. The estimated cost thereof iS Frontage 1163 ft. the total cost thereof is S Fngineering and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 5. Said imptovemen[ is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of proper suhject to assessment for paid improvement. / CI)NI, ls:� �A Commissioner of Public Works® F� SEP ' ; Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Roy Street from Scheffer Street to Highland Parkway, under Preliminary Order C. F. 116180 approved September 1. 1939. Work by W.P.A Estimated Cost CITY OF SAINT -PAUL Cost per front foot • Capital of Minnesota 94.64 Frontage DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER 9UREAU o. CONST. s RV DONALD F. VOIGT, D-11 C ... --ER W. S. COCKROPT, Burt. GEORGE M. SH EPARD, CHIEF ENGINE[. BUREAU SANITATION OFPIC¢ E-4—E-4—of FRED DRIVER, Bu". G. H. HERROLD September 15 1989 B"RSA" DF BRIDG.. CHENcw. CLERK 7 M. S. GRYTSAK, ENGINEER MA MARK W. WOODRUFF BUREAU OFC.....TIONE RAY J. KARTAK. 8 ­ Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Roy Street from Scheffer Street to Highland Parkway, under Preliminary Order C. F. 116180 approved September 1. 1939. Work by W.P.A Estimated Cost $603.33 Cost per front foot 0.51 Engineering 94.64 Frontage 1183 ft. Yours very truly, Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance rte— ?C�hie M. SHEPARD 00 Engineer MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public works COUNCIL FILE NO. By_ FINAL ORDER 116690 In the Matter ofcurbingGeranium Street. from Forest Street to Cypress Street, 115928 Au `st 15, 1939 under Preliminary Order _ - - -.- - .._._approved � - ---- Intermediary Order --- -- --- - - Approved - - - - - --------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement up6t1 due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is aurb_.Geranium_ Street _-from -Forest-Street--to_ Cypreee Street. - - - - ______________ C.F. I`o. 116690--- 1n the matter of curhi,g G,rmelu Street from lroreat street to CY — ___________ Street. under Pre+{minarY r1... Au:, t16, 19" A PUD"r , -Ing ¢ Da, urn'. t' ____ ---- _------ ______________ ___ ____ __ ___________________________________-------------------------------- --- ______...________._-__________.._______._._..___.__._________--.__.-_..._- ._-__.------ --- .-------- ____________-__________.._. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council OCT 24 -IM -9. 19 O City Clerk. OCT 241939 Approved 192 File 8803 - Mayor. Councilman arflles Councilman Councilman ';rtroiito AIfSulW'U Councilman JJ@JJa&wx=vf'yya'rsun -� Councilman fi%k&AiWAr_--_7a A' --- Councilman /1'rnaa \Ta}'nr I'iedpes'M.m' .E`elltn Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT. CF,FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of ourbing Geranium Street from Forest St. to Cypress St. under Preliminary Order approved August 15, 1939 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 599.00 (W.P.A. ) front 0,50 The estimated cost peVfoot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 16 6 EastTille Heights ;550 ;1750 17 6 do 400 1200 18 6 do 400 19 6 do 400 1150 20 6 do 200 21 6 do 200 22 6 do 400 3350 23 6 do 400 850 24 6 do 400 1600 25 6 do TOTAL. 400 1750 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FJNANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION North 41.86 ft. of 13, 14 h 26 6 hastville Heights ,27 6 do 28 6 do 29 6 do 30 6 do 1 11 do 2 11 do 3 11 do 4 11 do 5 11 do 6 11 do 7 11 do 6 11 do 9 11 do 10 11 do 11 11 do 12 11 do 15 11 do ASSESSED L&ndVALUATIOt�ld B g• $400 400 900 ' 400 1850 400 1900 425 3200 425 4950 400 400 2100 400 2600 400 400 2400 400 1200 400 1250 400 1550 400 400 1350 375 525 1250 Total r $11,100 $38,150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. A. 2 Dated Seytember_ 26____. __19. 39_ _ _ _ — -- _ f _ Commissioner oof Finance.. Form B. B. 11 To The Honorable, The Council, St. Paul, Minn..._. .. _`._..- _ ..._. _193- .. ya City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ...... _................ .St. Ave. From _. _ _ 1 St. Ave. to. - _ St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION j 1/ j dC - ---- — T, 00 ... _. ,;. �. i;._. �. .... -,, - ,a �` -- ;. `; . �;� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to commissioner of Finance September 14 To the the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, ha%ing had under consideration the preliminary order of the ro115928 roved August 15 1()3-9–, relative to Council, known as Council File :�. approved curbing of Geranium Street from Forest Street to Cypress Street and hiving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable_ Cost per front foot V-50 2. The estimated cost thereof is S SFronag0te 11nand the tototal cost thereof is S-- .-- -- g g and the nature and extent of said impro.ement is as follows:. - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement i= hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 — 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition oft ree or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement, 00 CUM, O F �'� % Commissioner of Public Wor f1:777 SEP 1 1935 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER BUF¢ V Or COR[T. • REPAIR DONALD F. VOIGT, 0.1-1 COM....,.N[R W. a. COCKROFT, Suri. GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CNI[r ENOIN[ER OFFICEENON OR, G. H. HERROLD ---[F ERGR, cl.cR[ September 13, 1939 MARK WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SD BUREAU OF BRIOG[[, M. B. GRYTBAK, ENGIN[ER BURIAuof C1111 T1111 RAY J. KARTAK, Suri. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Geranium Street from Forest Street to Cypress Street under Preliminary Order C. F. 115928 approved August 15, 1939. Work by W.P.A. Estimated Cost $599.00 Cost per front foot 0.50 Engineering 95.84 Frontage 1198 ft. Yours truly, 4F M. SHEPARD Chf Fngineer Appr ved for transmon to CO eioner� �ingnee MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINALORDER In the Matter of curbing Bayard Avenue. from Macalester Avenue to _Underwood Avenue; also the east side of Underwood Avenue and the gest side of Macalester-Avenue between Bayard Avenue and the alley approxiMately 127 feet north of Bayard Avenue, under Preliminary Order-- 116125 approved September 1, 1939 Intermediary Order - - - - ---approved- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be Made by the said City iscurb Bayard Avenue_from.Macalester-Avenae_t9.___- _ Underwood Avenues -also the east--side.cf•Underwood Ave=e.- _ __ -- _----------- between Bayard Avenue and the _alley approximately 127 feet north I h IIGfJI of Bayard Avenue:. - J a I U I M J 1, \ � t -- J�.1 e I t t n _-. - ... -.. -. ---- - ----------------- B,yxYerd Ma e\vr•":t,I r _ --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ --- ---. -._------ -----.----- ------- --------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council OCT 24 1939 192 OCT 24 1939 city Clerk. Approved 192 File 8801 Councilman Iia rfuee Councilman P7-- Councilman/'r,antn Councilman JJ#6Jox&k==i etereon Councilman iQnaen Councilman Truax Mayor Hf ralk'n Form B. S. A. 84 i Mayor. i VUBL1311,i U�� 3= CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of CURBING Bayard 'venue from Maealester Avenue to Under -wood Avenue; also the east side of Underwood Avenue and the west side of Macalester Avenue between Bayard Avenue and the alley approximately 127 feet north of Bayard Avenue under Preliminary Order approved September 1, 1939 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - _ $ 649.23 (W.P.A. ) The estimated cost peXot tfor the above improvement is - - - - - - _ g _0.51 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ,. ASSESSED VALUATION land Bldg. 15 7 Mattock Park $700 $1800 16 7 do 575 6450 17 7 do 575 2300 18 7 do 525 2.800 19 7 do 525 2700 20 7 do 525 2700 21 7 do 525 2900 22 7 do 525 3300 23 7 do 525 3400 24 7 do 525 TOTAL, 2300 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE F2EPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (CT_ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 25 7 Mattook Park 26 7 do 27 7 do 28 7 do 1 10 do 2 10 do 3 10 do 4 10 do 5 10 do 6 10 do 7 10 do B 10 ,x. do " 9 10 do 10 10 do 11 10 do 12 10 do 13 10 do 14 10 do ASSESSED VALUATIONBldg. Lana $525 $2800 825 3300 525 3900 825 3450 825 3560 525 4950 525 2450 525 3800 525 2700 525 3200 525 2800 525 2450 526 2700 525 2700 525 2650 575 3500 575 4200 700 4950 Total #15,850 490,700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—Lemb- Se ter 26 —19_ 39 - _ - Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 *•. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. A. :' `t 7, Gentlemen we, the undersigned property owner,, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _.._Z_ .. •" it ,.. _ _. '='.::.v . ,.. R.U1l T;.. Z' I•.�:] '.: ;i: "_i. .r ..ti. . l c i o St. Ave. From ___ _ ..C.:..c. tiu.�:.:Z' _ .......St. Ave. to._. L.... _. .. ,. �. Ave. NAME TOTBLOADDITION --- - -- -- - -- o q N /G V7 e s� • :,�, �� �, �, � r ti Orffir,e of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September 14 193_9. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint fall]: The Comtnissioner of Public Work,, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 116125 Sept. 1 193 9 rclatice to Council, known as Council Pile No. -- appro rd the curbing of Bayard Ave. from Macalester Ave. to Underwood Ave-: also — the east side of Underwood Ave. aII8 the ruimatelyside 127ffeetanorthrof Bayard --- between Bayard Ave. end the alley -pp Ave. and h wing investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable - Cost per front footO.Sl 2. Thr_ estimated cost thereof is S 649.23 and the total cost thereof is S. -- -- - — - - Engineering t1ol.04 Frontage 1273 ft. and the nature a6d extent of said impro\cment is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. r d 3_ Said improvement is _asked for upon petition of three or more owners proper subject to assessment for said improvernent. N F''T Commissioner of Public `,Y r® SEP U Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir= I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Bayard Avenue from Macalester Avenue to Underwood Avenue; also the east side of Underwood Avenue and the west side of Macalester Avenue between Bayard Avenue and the alley approximately 127 feet north of Bayard Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 116125 approved September 1, 1939. Work by W.P.A. Estimated Cost $649.23 Cost per front foot 0.51 Engineering 101.84 Frontage 1273 ft. ApproV6d for transmi on to t Commissioned Finance r-4 MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works Yours.,ve 7 truly, 6E0 SHEPARD Ch1 Engineer CITY OF SAINT PAUL a ` Capital of Minnesota — DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, D[PUTT COM MIReIO NeR BUREAU OF SANITATION Buaewu or CONST. a RVAIR W. W. B. COCKROFT, au". GEORGE M. SNEPAR D. C. OINCCR FRED DRIVER. SUPT. Ovvlce EN CIN[[R ® BIIR EAU ov BRID G[[ G. H. MERROLD September 13, 1939 RTB M. B. GYAK, ENOIN[[. cHler ENCS. C—K BUREwu OFCORReeTIONe MARK W. WOODRUFF RAY J. KARTAK, SUP, Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir= I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Bayard Avenue from Macalester Avenue to Underwood Avenue; also the east side of Underwood Avenue and the west side of Macalester Avenue between Bayard Avenue and the alley approximately 127 feet north of Bayard Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 116125 approved September 1, 1939. Work by W.P.A. Estimated Cost $649.23 Cost per front foot 0.51 Engineering 101.84 Frontage 1273 ft. ApproV6d for transmi on to t Commissioned Finance r-4 MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works Yours.,ve 7 truly, 6E0 SHEPARD Ch1 Engineer COUNCIL FILE NO. By . FINAL ORDER 116692 692 In the Matter of curbing Cook Street from Payne Avenue to Edgerton Street, under Preliminary Order_ 116128 _ __ __ _-.-approved September 1, 1939 Intermediary Order --- - --------- ...- --- approved - - - — - - -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is-._curb__Cook Street from_Payne_Avenue-to Eidgerton._-- Street, _. _. - --.--. ._ _- _ -. .----- h' No. I1669, In the matter f urhinK Ib k 11 I'll rrom earn, A.ea,e to Edgerton __ __ __ ___ Street, under Prelim inar) Order ---- - - IIB328 ap roved S,Dtxm Ver 1. IY39 .. . ..... ... .. ... .. D A 7nDlic hearing hav'�g been heP - a 1�•ro) r , ------------------------""-.--------------------------------------- - -- ---- ------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ..-..-.--.. --..'-_..-----.-..--_-. --.--...---------------------------.-- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-., ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewit . Adopted by the Council OCT 2 4 1939 19 City ty Clerk. Approved OCT 2 4 10 192 File 8802 / Mayor. Councilman ftrtrl11sd Councilman Councilman r,� Tanto I''UBi,(c11an �( ® Councilman nt r' ^�^ (f etereon Councilman .Rosen 1 Councilman AWffi11kMNW Truax Mayor Il Fallon Form P,. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT QE FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �� of (A) In the matter of curbing Cook Street from Payne Avenue to Edgerton Street A under Preliminary Order approved September 1, 1939 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 547.40 front The estimated cost per400t for the above improvement is - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION Land Bldg. 16 5 Arlington Hills Addition $475 to St. Paul 17 5 do 500 $700 18 5 do 600 1200 19 5 do 500 1500 20 5 do 500 1950 21 5 do 500 1200 22 5 do 500 2000 23 5 do 500 1050 24 5 do 500 450 25 5 do TOTAL. 500 2200 Form W B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOeK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATIOlf,dg. Lend 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 5 Arlington Hills Addition to ;8000 $5150 St. Paul North 50 feet of 1, 2 and 3 6 do 4000 1000 4 6 do 400 1600 5 6 do 400 1350 6 6 do 400 2400 7 6 do 400 3100 8 6 do 400 650 9 6 do 300 1150 10 6 do 300 600 11 6 do 350 700 12 6 do 350 1450 13 6 do 350 1400 North of 14 and 15 S do 400 350 C ti Total $21,025 $33,150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated September. 26 __ _19 39 Porm B. O. 12 Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn.. _ / - 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owmrs, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: A-V" : From /Gci St: Ave. �St. to St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Y -- — 4-7 I, r J ;re-v-av Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Sept. 14 9 193 -- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the The Commissioner of 116128 approved Sept. 1, 193-9— relative to Council, known as Council rile No. St - St. cur -Ung ook St. fr=_payne Ave. ta_Edgerton - - - cung C the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: and hiving investigated 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.46 547.40 and the total cost thereof is S-- - -- -- -- estimated cost thereof is -- --- -- Z. The e - Engineering t35.2ri Froatsge 1190 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_-- - - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 improvement is - - asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, S.Said subject to assessment for said improvement. r- Commissioner of Public Worlm StP tit 935 Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs BUREAU OI BAN —11— FRED DRIVER, SUFI. BUREAU OF BRIDGEE M. S. ORYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION. RAY J. KARTAK, SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Cook Street from Payne Avenue to Edgerton Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 116128 approved September 1, 1989. Work By W.P.A. Estimated cost $547.40 Coat per front foot " 0.46 Engineering 95.20 Frontage 1190 ft. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works Yours , M. SREPARD //Chi Engineer OD CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIOT. Dar— COMwlssloNew BUREAU of CONST. a REPAIRW'. GEORGE M. eHEPAR D, CHIEF ENGIN eeR a. COCKROPT. SUET. OIFICe EN GIN... G. N. HERROLD CHIEF ENGR. CLERK September lb, 1939 MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs BUREAU OI BAN —11— FRED DRIVER, SUFI. BUREAU OF BRIDGEE M. S. ORYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION. RAY J. KARTAK, SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Cook Street from Payne Avenue to Edgerton Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 116128 approved September 1, 1989. Work By W.P.A. Estimated cost $547.40 Coat per front foot " 0.46 Engineering 95.20 Frontage 1190 ft. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works Yours , M. SREPARD //Chi Engineer OD 1 11 16693 COUNCIL FILE NO. By_ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing -s 4" monolithic sidewalk on the south side of Dayton Asenue from the Best lineofHemline Avenue tothewent -line of -Lot 3,- _- Block _7,_Boulevard Addition No. 3 -,_ except -where good and, sufficient sidewalks__ --- now_axist, - under Preliminary Order _118126_- __approved September 1, 1939 Intermediary Order --------------------- -approved _.------------------------- - - ----- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is -construct a 4" monolithic sidewa-lk--- on- -the ... outh_-- side_ of Dayton Avenue_from_ the_wsst_liae. of Haulms_ Avenue_ -to -_the__we_s_t-line_.oi----------- Lot 3,'Block 7, Boulevard Addition No. 3, except where good and sufficient sidewalks - - --- ---- ---- - --- ----- 11. N. 116693— noir exist,- - - - ---- --- -- -- ---- m the ,Hauer or —stro,unt _. m000 f Ill ulaev.•e th,. else of IM -1 :\venue from '1 n of iIaml' f. . ---- ----- -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -- ------------------------------------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approvlal;that upon said approval, the proper city -officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith OGT 241939 Adopted by the Council _ - _- .______ 192 City Clerk. QCT 241939 Approved - _ 192 File S4323 Councilmanrfuae Councilman FtLt�tmr Councilman r,�❑ro / Councilman "J=a&kjg ft f rtrreun Coundih6 an Councilman Mayor Hadwsau--- r'„11,,,, Form & S. A. 8-7 Mayor. $3't'I.IStiP.11. �� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTtAEAT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) on the south side of Dayton Avenue from �r In the cutter of constructing a ex 4" monolithic sidalk the west line of Hamlin Avenue to the west line of Lot 3, Block 7, Boulevard Addition No. 3 under Preliminary Order approved September 1, 1939 To the Council of tk:e City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost pe Fca,51or the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION North 30 ft. of 1 and LOT —OCK ADDITION 2 7 Boulevard Addition No. 3 3 7 do ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $500 $1300 400 1000 Total $900 $2300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hitt in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work Se tember 26 19.39 Dated_ . P-- ---- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 9-5 D St. Paul, Minn......._ _. _.. _ .... 193....... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ............................................ St. Ave. from $t: Ave. to St. Ave. NAME A t -t' BLOCK ADDITION a gain Office of the Commissionerof Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September 11 9 ___..193 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 116126Sept. 1 1939 relative to Cdbncil, known as Council File No. approved constructing a 4" monolithic sidewalk on the south side of Dayton hvenue -- from the west line of Hamline Avenue to the west lin- of Lot 3r Block— r Boulevard Addition No. 3. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--- --- - _ and the total cost thereof is S------ --- Cost Monolithic concrete walk at $.17 per se. ft. Est. 4" and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: - o ows:-3. 3.A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 ion, S. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, 040 subject to assessment for said improvement. •- . _ _ __ --- -- C�)�q' ()r�1�; € 6 Commissioner of Public Works. J SEP Y ! 1933 _ 16694 Orf,fe I to city clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL _ No. _j16694 F THE CITY CLERK t. F No 116694—ny Muton Rosen— ��1jLUTION---GENERAL FORE, lvhoreaa. the standard on C—P—y t COUNCIL F[F{5J� nna s.etlatlonea the cocneu cow nilaaion to model Itx flllin6 xtauon an the o thweat c r f 9tH Cln1r u own 0 I DATE, a a Fairview, rebuild lag [�ttati�� � PRESENTED BY ------'— building and adding twar':; ..' ' t COMMISSIONER --- _ DATE] RESOLVED the Present Plant. and ., --- RESOLVED jaaaF,A,S, the Standard' Oil Caapany has petitioned the Council for permission to remodel its filling station at the aouthweat corner of St. Clair end Fairview, rebuilding the station building and adding two driveways to the present plant, and W$AS, said Standard Cil Company has submitted a blue print of a proposed layout with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalk, eto. for the information of the Council, and WH$RBAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Section 5 of the Zoning Ordinance, and gHERIW, at said hearing it was thought advisable to alter the plans as they relate to the two driveways nearest the intersection w Ave- that iveway and Us at•leastClair6St. and feet measured eal ng the curb from return fromhe property line, 1PH.SMS, an inadequate island was provided for the 600th. driveway between the driveway of the said station and the driveway into the alley, said alley not being shown on the plans; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to said Standard Oil Company to remodel and operate said tsstatioeptionon in accordance with the plan dtted October r hehsouthe with most driveway moat he that the island bets een the alley be at least 6 feet wide on the sidewalk. Any deviation from the p ball approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps be installed is accordance with the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, under the diregtion of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parkas $leygrcuada an., Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage, or other public direction and tot the e der the within the street l be de un satisfaction of the ioeommissioner of Public Works. The permit her in granted shall be subject to revocation by the Council whenever it shall determine that the maintsme'nos of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. OCT 2 4 1939 193_ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays Bsrluss OCT 241939 Approved 193— Z.,,a.to In Favor -- Mayor Peterson J Truax Against VIJBLI5,,ILD / Mr. President ((bbam) Fallon C,LTY of THE BOARD OF ZONING ,4000'E,,ablkhed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1922 lq• �,f SAINT"PAUL, MINNESOTA 'A 279 COURT HOUSE "•;o{ C �� NUN C? aha a�g®te3rlIIAee �acogn� :.rw o October 23rd, 1939, ARTHUR S MILIt"0"' I EDWIN H LUIJP, BERNARD 1 MrGLri': (GIN Vl AH%1,1l: - '_HP.RLES BAS,EOPU, _F_ :r if HreROLD 0 To the Honorable, the City Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen : Y am enclosing herewith the corrected plans for the Standard Oil Company+s station at Fairview and St. Clair. The plans have been made in accordance with the Cityva standards at the intersection, and the contractors have since agreed to put a 6 ft, island between the driveway on Fairview Ave, and the entrance to the alley, this alley not having been shown on their plans. herewith. For your convenience a resolution is submitted Yours very truly, George H. Harrold, gh-rh Fagineer Secretary. CLIVTO\ A. HACKERT ROBERT 13. J. SCHOC'H, 11. 1). WM, J. SUIIEITH G. E. l3RISS)IA\ Chief of Police Health llllicrr Fire Chief Sohl. Of f'nlim and Fire :Varoi CITY OF SAINT PAUL Alionesola z0 :14i'dceld 0 rt��tc �u efcj l 'ien3h mid Alinnesoln Slreel, G. H. 13ARFUSS, Commissioner .IOIIN P. AII'I:I.ANEY. Urpul> Cowmissioner October 23, 1939 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota P Dear Si rs This is in reference to application made by the Standard Oil Company for permit to remodel their drive-in filling station located on the southwest corner of St. Clair Street and Fairview Avenue. You will find attached report by Superintendent of Traffic harry N. 4tettergren covering his inspection of these premises, c� Very/,truly yours, Commissioner of lic Safety IS 'PHF. MEANTIME. PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT.,PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Ootol?er 23 gam. 1939 Mr. G. H. Bar£uss Commissioner of Publio Safety e3 Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by the Standard Oil Company for permission to remodel their drive-in automobile filling station located on the Southwest corner of St. Clair Street and Fairview Avenue. On September 28, 1939, I reported favorably on this remodeling plan. However, Saturday, October 21, 1939, I received another blue print from Mr. George H. Herold, of the City Planning Board showing where there had been a change made in one of the driveways on Fairview Avenue, asking me to again approve these plans. I have looked these plans over and do not find whebe there will be any material interference with the movement of traffio. Therefore, I would reoo=end that the latest plan submitted be approved. Yours truly, Harry N. W/e/ttergron Superintendent of Traffic . POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul. Minn. September 30, 19 39_ You are hereby notified that tho Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter r,f application of the Standard Oil Company for permit to remodel drive-in filling station and driveways at the Southwest corner of St. Clair St. and Fairview Ave. on Lot 1, Block 1, Berkeley Place, a,c] that o Public hearing will be held in the COnncil Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on October 11 , 19 39 . in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 ,'dock A. M. John S. Findlan, I.*ti Commissioner of Finance. File 8816 TRIPLICATE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE 193_1 TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA _ APPLICATION Is Hereby Made �•.. __--..- FOR PERMIT TO '/Y owRA..o[ -I � ("pRIV[ IN oR INe1D[ AUTOMOBIILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT /-BLOCK- 1 (i Of wpo �ON' ALSO DESCRIBED AS ��/I TIKETwNo ' / N6[NI//+� u J NO. OF PUMPS NO OF AS TANKS CAPACITY OF EACH TANK- FILED ANK_ FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY t A— RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD BY C IAN'1.ON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, 11. D. �V 11. J. SUllEI'fH Chief of Police - health Ofliue' G. E. BHISSi1AN Fire Chief Snpt. of Police and Fire Alarm Mie# # ###•#+#I�i�#M#�c.kk#i�#++#ic##kM###ic#i� ###i�#F1�i"####i�'ki��i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�iN�i�i�i�Mi� i�i� k M k k i� ki�i� #i�i�i� kir:#itYYYYY�YYYYa�Yl CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota e�azf�cter�f o ct���c u ely Tenth and Minncsola Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner 60I -IN P. 11 I'IJ.:�NF, I', Depnly Couunissionrr September 28, 1939 a 10' Yr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to theapplication of the Standard Oil Company for permit to remodel their drive-in auto- mobile filling station locat-;d on Lot 1, Block 1 of Berkeley Place Addition, which is also described as the southwest corner of St, Clair and Fairview: I am enclosing report covering the inspection made by Sune intendant of Traffic Harry N. "attergren. Very truly yours, Commissioner o Public Safety a• I IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 28 1939 Mr. G. H. Barfuse Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sirs This is in reference to application made by the St andard oil Company for permission to remodel their drive—in automobile filling station located on Lot. 1, Block 1, of Berkeley Place Addition, also described as the southwest corner of St. Clair Street and Fairview Avenue. You may be advised that I have made the usual in.sp ection of the premises and blue prints and do not find that the rebuilding of this station or revamping of the driveways will materially interfere with the movement of traffic From a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours truly, �- w Harry N. Wet rhea Superintendent of Traffie t w�f 0 A. C,TY OF� k �A me me sem ri � eev meeemmevve e+m egmaannnan y rrwneu.l.,v trey ARTHUR S LVL1N0w5Kl. Ch 7 rd EDWIN li Ld t:D:; 8ERNARD J CGIN WAHV-j CHA RLL S 9A5,FOR U, C�'.r A, -h: - r;inGr.f iI IIrRROLD. Il m, , . THE BOARD OF ZONING E<.IabLshed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 71h, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COU�T HOUSE Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. , Dear Sir October 11th, 1939. In the matter of application of the Standard Oil Company for a permit to remodel their station and driveways at the southwest corner of St. Clair and Fairview. This station now has one driveway on Fairview Ave. and one on St. Clair St. It is the purpose to extend the station along Fairview Ave. for the full depth of their property 125 ft. and also utilize the full frontage on St. Clair St. of 76 ft. The one pump island parallel to St. Clair St. will be replaced by new pump islands, one parallel - to St. Clair St. and one parallel to Fairview Ave. This revision will give an island only 14 ft. long on St. Clair St. but a 56 ft, island between the driveways on Fairview Ave. The plans are in accordance with the standards of the City with one exception - the driveway is shown too close to the sidewalk at the corner. All stations that have been built within the last two years have complied with the city standards of keeping a driveway at least 6 ft. measured along the curb from the property line at the street intersection. The plans provided by this company do not give this 6 feet. They agreed before the Board of,Zoning to change the plans but this has not yet been done. The Board of Zoning approve the plans subject to making this change. Yours ve" truly, 'C-", 'l George H.Herrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh 4 t 1. is I _ - 1 I ii a ,D. N�vl C.:' jAI FJ 6. AJ , I W C I; d t i.F LOo D L16 HT D LI Ad -} y _-.--,— � • t .`. e.... - - � ;_.. - __._-._-__ - ._ - I ae-•- _ _. �I _ 2 . eH - e oe-�� 1 J iAv' 0 1 iM 1.7 D ��• ivl ? 5 ` 1 N ,y scht o I Td V:. 1.11• ,�z r l I, 1D�T to op C--A, i M .I i- M W+'G'a'CITY OF ST. PAUL NO I'ul,•rxun— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK wner.•n"� nn]•"""";, ;;' `�""(;e��• �n^� GENERAL FORM �•,,,„.” ,.r ],o,, �" ' 1e ars• ` O NGIL S LUTIO N--- �a� u,e , ___DATE _ •.^'—__--�—'.. PRESENTED BY COMM�Sg10NER_ WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 343, Laws of 1909, as amended, there has been presented to the City 8ounoll the attaohed amended articles of incorporation of the St. Paul ed by -la s cowed and Association, as well as the attached amended by-laws of said Asaoci- ation, which rovedebyaaticles of large ma�oritypofathenteachersnded in the have been app staff has requested Saint Paul public schools, and sthe teachingaid amended articles of incorpor- that the City, Council app rove ation and by-laws; and WHEREAS, the new retirement plan so adopted by the teachers and emboied in sad inaludesdautomaticiretirementended aoficles of teachersiwho arriveoat the ageand aof in years In anc1the year years1940, in at and he thereaYter;e of 69 eand ars in 1941, 68 years WHEREAS, the said plan also provides for certain other benefits to the retired teachers, and provides for an increase in assessments on the teachers' salaries from 1% to 3%; and WHEREAS, the said retirement plan has been carefully con- aidered by the at and accountants of the Department of Education, as well as by an actuarial consultant, copiesof persons report that the basis of such plan is sound, Clerk of which reports are on file in the office of the City the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the said plan will undoubtedly in the future cause an increase in the amounts to be included In the tax levy for the support of the Bald retirement plan; and WHEREAS, in the opinion of the City Council the provisions for retirement in said plan are beneficial to the proper manage- ment and operation of the school system Of the City of Saitjuatl, and the inclusion of said automatic retirement in said plan flea the increase in taxation; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the said amended articles of incorporation and amended by-laws are hereby approved. ACT 9d 1939--193-- Adopted by the Coun COUNCILMEN t� �e�� Yeas Nays ULT 24 I= a]•fuss / Approved % t7193--- /_ _" / Parranto __ln Favor _ __ �, - / ayor� et,,son �osen � — _Against VUBLISIm1 sx ./ President (Fallon) bM e e Cs CITY OF SAINT PAUL % Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION V� 1 AXEL F. PETERSON. COMMISSIONER J. C. FELDMANN. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS MISS PERRIE JONES. U-11" PAUL S. AMIDON. SwvnNro+oexr .'® BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS EDWARD A. FURNI. S -NT -- A. E. TRUDEAU. ON - October 23, 1939 TO THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: Attached you will find a complete file on the .Teachers' Retirement Fund changes. The several letters and documents attached are the findings of our own Research Div.sion and individuals representing the Teachers' Retirement Fund Asso- ciation. All of these documents have been inspected and reviewed by the Corporation Counsel and the Comptroller's Office with the p:rpose of establishing the legality and the soundness of the plan. These Departmentshave approved the plan. In addition to the above city departments, the fiscal plan was submitted to an experienced insurance actuary, Miss Dorothy B. Wilson, whose report also is attached. As I stated in a previous letter to the Council on this matter, I am not prepared to expertly re,ommend or criticize the plan, but rather accent it as the best available, with due consideration of the information that we have. I am sure t at all of the figures --as far as they relate to the Teachers plan --are accurate, and honestly arrived at, but what the experience may be in the future is entirely problematical, although I believe that the experience of these organizations are very :Huthalike and that we can expect the future to bear out the past. It s ems to me that this plan is in general, sound and equitable, and will be in the interest of all in- dividuals and groups concerned. I am th refore submitting a resolution today authorizing the new plan, to become effective January 1, 1940. Respectfully submitted, Com.ti sinner of Education AFP -R T FUN:) . SSUGL.i'L.1N t."au 1, 'inn jw �: iUUI:J ;vtTI —!. S Or I1X01.?OR:TION •i•k4i4i.i♦ For the purpose of organising a corporation pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 393 of the laws of Minnesota for the year 1909, and all other laws of said state a.,plioable, we, the undersigned, hereby adopt the following: CdRTIFIGA:K OF IHCOR?OR.TIO'i Article I. ° The name of this corporation shall be "Teachers' Retirement Fund Association." The principal place for the transaction of its business shall be St.Paul, ''inneBOta• The object of the association and the gener:.l nature of its business shall he the receiving, accumulation, and holding of property and funds in the ;canner provided by law from whish shall b^ paid un annu l pension to the teaohe s in :he Public Schools of the City of St.Paui, who shall have boon members of this association, and who Shull have retired from service as such teacher under the conditions and after the service hereinafter and in the by-laws provided, and, to that end this association shall have the power to receive, hold, and in7est s,he sums and amoun-e raised for Its use and benefit by taxation u,>on the proporty in said City of St.Pavl, and all sums of money or property donated to it from private persons and ueoruing from dues or mem-,ership fees from its members. Article II. This associution shall commence on the first day of October, —D. 19090 and continue thereafter for a period of thirty years. Article III. The names and place of residence of the persons forming this r_ssociation are as follows: Daniel ,1.:-awler, of St,Paul, "innosota Louis Betz, of St.Paul, '. innesota Otto Bremer, of St.raul, F'Innosota Sylvunus ._u'e t,<r, of ` .Paul, "innesotr -I- Chalres iI.Gordonj of St.Paul, i'innoaota Mary A.Cunningham, of St.?aul, "innesota Lillian "-'Flint, of St.?aul, v innesota nnesota ,f.A.Stapleton, of St.Paul,-'l Janie Mao Millan. of St.?ail, "innesota rlor°nae Rood, of `;' 1'"u" "innesota Lisbeth y.Hutler, of 1t.?a`al. ;Ijnnesota 6rtiole Id. Th-�age�aent of the affairs of this association shall be vested in (&) 8 „board of twelve (12) trustees, whish shall be oonetit»tad ae follows: During their resPeotive tar's of of!'ioe, the Mayor, Comptroller, and City of St.Paul shall be, ex-offioio, members Commissioner of gduoation of the and from the of said bo -,rd; the remaining nin (8) tr etees shall be elected by members of the association. the first Hoard of (b) The names and addresses of the asraoas forming as follows Trustees, a d who shall sat as suoh until the first meeting D pial ,V.Lawlers of St.?aul, ginnesota Louis Beta, of St.Paul, Minnesota Utto Br(,mer, of St.Peul. "innesota Sylvsmis L.3ieeter, of St.Paul, Minnesota Charles +.Cordon. or St.?aul, "inn'+sots Friary A.Cunningham, of St.paul. Minnesota Lillian C,Flint, of St•Paul, rinnesota .A.3tapleton, of St.Paul, :'innesota JYnie 1Eaa }Sillars. of 5t.''aul, S1itu�esota Florence Rood, of >t.?uul, i'innosota Lisbeth M.Butler. of St,?aul, F�innesota (a) The annual m,zeting of the isaociation shall be held on «}le third Thursday The in January of each year at the City of St,.Paul, Minnesotaannua • tern of all s to expire ct thy, l meeting in office shall be extendeda 8O sa fixed by forrgr .rtte in January following the exples Trustees now iration of their `ate with the year 1940, there of Incorporation. At every annual meeting, beginni uS shall be elected three (3) Trustees to sore for tyr" of (�) years each _z_ and until their suozessors are elected and qualified. (d) The ofPicors of `he associ.tio.i shall uo ,i prealdent, vice president, secretary, and treasurer, and such other officers us the b; -laws may provide for. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be held by the name p•,rson. All of the officers shall b.- elected by the -oard of Trustees, and sh,.11 hold their rsspaotivo offices for one year, and until their suooessors.are elected and qualified. Vacancies among the officers shall be filled by the bot.rd for the unexpired term. Vaoapoies in the Board of Trustees shall be i''ilied by I.he board until the next annual election. Only members of the Board of Trustees shall be eligible to the offices of president and vice president. ho president shall be, e --officio, chairman of the board, and the vice president shall be such chairnr.ri in the absence or disability Of the president. The secretary and treasurer ne.+'. not be members Of the Board of Trustees, but to be eligiblo, must be members of tt,e association. The Board of '_rustess may adopt the first by-laws of the ascooi:.tion. Any By -Law may be modified, amended or repealed, and any new by-law may be adopted at am,; regular meeting of the association or at arty special meeting culled for tt:,-.t purpose, at which a quorum is present, by a majority vote of the members present in person or by proxy filed with the Secretary. ,rtiole V. This association shall have no capital stook. article V1. This association shall never incur any indebtedness on account of borrowed money, but shall be, and hereby is, aut orized to incur any indebtedness that mey be necessary for supplies, services, anw general operating expenses. hrticle VII. Every person employed in the public schools of the City of st..aul as a teacher, or who, having been employed as a certified teacher is assigned to any general duty under the jurisdiction of the Casanissioner of -4cation of the City of S+ -Paul, shall, by the fact of such employment, become a member of this Association, and shall comply with the provisions of those articles and the bywlaws of the Association, and from the salary of such teacher there shall be withheld by the ,a ty and paid into the treasury o. 1,he nesoulution as dues on behalf of such person, the amount required by the By -Laws of this Association, which shall not be less -3- than three (3) per cent up to $25()0.00 of the annual salary received by such member, and it shall be the duty of the City to include in the tax levy for each year a tax fo- such purpose, in addition to all other taxes, us provided in Section 1363, Vason's Minnesota Statutes for 1927 as amended. The mord "teacher" ae used herein, shall have the meaning as defined in Section 293b-1, }dason's 'jinnorotu tatute9 for 1927, but sht.11 not include casual substitute teachers. Article YII1. All membem : who have not already done So must pay dues for e..11 time of service accredited for pur-)os�!a of determining right to pension, as provided in 'he by-laws. All members shall furnish information showier; the date of ;irth, teaching experience, sex, service in the public schools and other facts necessary for the identification of and determination of the rights of members, with such evidcnoe thereof as `he Board of Trustees shall require, and shall reply promptly in writing to requests for information from the Board. Article IX. The By -Laws of the .association may provide for the esta',lishment,and maintan- ance of such funds as the Association may desire and shall provide for the establish- ment and maintenance of u fund for the payment of pensions to members of the Ansooia- tion, in an amount to be fixed b;, the By -Laws, Who, afte- a specified term of service in she public schools of the City of St.paul, shall have retired therefrom, or who, while omployed as teachers in said schools, become totally and permanently disabled from performing their duties as such. The By -Laws shall !tlso provide for the suspension of the payment of the pension to any member who has retired from touching on the ground of length of service if such member shall resume teaching in the City of St -Paul or elsewhere; the suspension Of payment to be in effect as long as the beneficiary shall be engaged in teaching, and the payment of pension to be resumed when the beneficiary discontinues teuohing. The By -Laws muy further provide for the discontinuance of the payment of a pension to any member who has retired on the ground of total permanont disability if it appears at .-,ny time that such disability is not total and perruinont. No pension shall be paid to any present member trio has not bean a te,cher for at least z5 years, at least 15 yWars.of .L ch shall be in the public schools of the City of '34 -Paul and the remainder of au^h period in public schools olsewhore for such time as to mako an aggregate period equal to 25 years of service in th" schools of the City of .Poul, .nd no pension shr ll be paid to an.y _ 3,•son who sh,.11 hereufter become a member who has not been a.teacher for at least 2b years, at least 20years of which shall be in the public schools of the City of St-Paul and the remainder Of ec,id period in public Schools elsewhere for such time as to make an aggregate period oqual.to 26 ye,.rs of service in the schools of the City of t. Paul. Only rembera who retire not later th=in th e :nd of t .e school year following I, the attimsint of the retirement age specified herein, or immediately if such age J"fW is attained during summer vuoationy shu.l be entitled to the pe-Mon heroin provided. That is to say: ".;embers arriving at the age of 70 years before or during the school year 1969-1J40, shall retire at the end of said school year] members arriving at the age of 69 yours during the school year 1940-1941, shall retire at the end of said school years members arriving at the ago of S8 ,ye+,rs during the school year 1941- 1942, shall retire at the end of B-id school ,your; members arriving at the" of 67 years during the school ,year 1942-1943, shall retire at the end of said school Year, and thereafter members arriving at the age of F7 during any school year, shall retire at the sn,' of said school year, and shall retire immediately if such age is reached during the summer vaeation. A-y present, r:.ember of the .ssociation, who at tit - time o1' the adoption of this amendment to the ;irtioles of Incorporation han not in writing agreed to accept the antomatie rotiremAnt provisions hereof, muy, in writing filed •-ith the Secretary of the Teachers' Retirement Fund Association on or before the first day of J;;nuary, 1:40, elect to continue to make contributions and receive benefits as provided in '.he by-laws heretofore in force; that in to say, any ^.ember :.inking such "loot'" shall pa,; xnrival duea of one por cent. of r,he annual salary n,,id such member, dues to Se payable Hemi-nnru,.11y in equal ingtailments, r,,nd the Commissioner of 3dueation is hereby authorized to deduct such seTU-annual dugs from the salary payahlr in -he month that the installment of duos b000mes dueand tp oertify the amount, of such deduction Forthwith to the Treasurer. Any such member who has been a toucher for 26 years and has served 15 ye,xrs as a teacher in the public Schools of "t-11,.111 and hue paid the dues hererofore required and the dues required oy this creation shall, u7on r3`.irement, be"a"d an annuity of not more titan $600.00 per year, in 12 equal monthly installments; and in `hn even+; 01' notal and permanent disability an amount not more than he ampunt ha rim; the .,;,na ,ro,or+3.on +o $800.00 as th.3 number of ynarn of snrvf.co in the C�t:?Sul s-•hoo?.s hnt.ra '0 25 yours, -8- Article X. Members who do not comply with th,. autoiwtic �rct.iremen+ provisions as set forth in those :.rtieles and y -Laws, excepting those vrho '?loot to continue under ,he plan of oporation U effect prior ',o th , first day of damiary, 1:)40, shall be removed from the membership rolls of the Association, and after such removal, shall not be entitled to any ben Sits thereunder. AL 3;i D:SD BY -L-.. 0:' 'HE T-uwt::iiiS R TIW9,',-," FZ)) ds,3()CIAi'ION Article I. Seal. Section Z. The corporate sell of this association shall contain the words ""oaeheral Retirement Fund Association, St.Yaul, t'innesota," on the outer cir- cmaferen::a, 1,nd tho words "corporate seal" across the inner oireunPerenoe. An impression of said 30,11 is mad" hereon for identif�oation. Artiule II. Officers. Section 2. The offioers of the association shall be a president, vice president, s0cretary and_treaeuror, all of whom shall be elected icy the trustees immediately after the annual meeting of the associatton , and who shall hold office for one (1) year, respeetiv�,ly, and until their successors are elected and qualified. A vacancy occurring among the officers 8114,11 ')0, filled by +:he 3"rd of yr ubtseu for the unexpired term. Section g. The president shall preside ,t .11 rq�Otings of '-no Bo rdof Trustoes, and at all meetings of :he !aembars, acid ah+.11 be ex-offioi o, a r.;ember of all comait- tees erea`,ad hereunder, or otherwise crewed f^om time to time. Hq shall, with the secretary, execute .11 instruments requirod to be exeout0d on behalf of the assooia- +ion, whin thereunto authorized by the ?curd of Trustfaes, and he shall oerf'orn such other duties as may be imposed upon him by these by-laws, or by the Board of Trustees. Section 4. She vice president shall perform the duti,s or the president in his absu:ce or IisLbility. i;-, rvcin....k or br.r,ica, as the Hoard Of Trustees shall select, and in the name of the assooia+.ion, all moneys received by, or deposited with, him for, or on acoount of, the association, and shall depo.-,it ..nd withdraw see irities from safe depo•,it box on order or direction -6- from the President and one oth,r .:ember of the Board of Trustees. Tho treasurer's checks shall be countersigns! by the president. The treasurer shall faithfully account to the .sso:iution for all moneys, sesuritis, or o*.h3r things of value coling into his h:,nde,as such treasurer, and sh:,l1 give such bond to the associa- tion as the Board of Trustees :oa; require. ::t each annual meeting of the associa- tion the treasurer sh,li make a report of the finanui.l trt:nsactions of the assooia- tion, during the preoe,ling year, shoving in sunh report the Cush and securities on h:.nd at the 00mm1:nesment of the year, the receipts and disbursements, the purchase and sales of securities during the your, and the amount of cosh, and *he 'cind and value of the securities on hand at the ulose of the your. Its shall also make n r port of th, financJul statur, and transactions of the association at such other times as he may be re uosted to do so by the Board of Trustees. Section 6. Th« secretary shall be the custodian of the books, records, and files of the usaooiution. He shall attend the meetings of the Board of Trustees, and the :meetings of the members, and make and keep the minutes thereof. He shall make out and give all notices reluired to be given by lace, the nrt±ol,as of the Incorpor- ation, or these by-laws, and shall keep a correct roster of the membership of the association, and the salaries p,.id to the :embers, respeottvelyj and, to that end, shall ascertain when and what new teachers are appoints'. by the Cormmissionor of Sdu- o.tion, when and what teachers withdr.w or are dropped from the serviue, what sal- aries are being paid, when and what increases or decreases of salaries are made, and keep proper records therof. T?., secretary shall make a report of the membership at the .nnual meeting, sho..ing the admissions and withdrawals therefrornn, during -:he yrour, the num`,er at the beginning, and the number at the close of the your. The secretary shall perform such other duties as are imposed upon him by law, by the :.rticles of Incorporation, by these by-laws, or .s may be required by the Board of Trustees. The secretary shall immediately refer all ap:)lium ions for re+sirem-,nt to the executive Committee, if no meetin;; of the Board of Truste,,n will tu:,s plaoo within thirty („0) days aft -gr the receipt thereof by him. The secretary and treasurer shall be p:.id such salaries as the Boardof Trustees shall determine. -7- M .irtiole III. Trustees Section 7, Tho trustees shall have the ;snerul charge and management of the business and affairs o'' the assoeia•0n, subject to law, *.he nrtiel-+s of Inoorpor- :,tion, and these by-laws, section B. the trustees shall hold an annual mooting before the expiration of the cionth of January in each ;oar. :.t said mee`ing the trustees shall -'loot a presidont, vice presidont, secretary,and treasurer, all of i,hom sh+-11 hold office for one (1) year, and until their aucoescors are elected and qualified. ::lection by the Board of Trustees shall be by ballot, but the board may adopt any method of election it deems grope , provided all the members of the board present at the :aaotinr, consent thereto by vote recorded in the minutes. Section 9. Seven (7) members of the Board of ^,rusteen shall oonstitute a quarum for the transaction of business, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time. The concurrence of a majority of u quorum, or of the members presont, not less thun a quorum, shall be neoessary to express the will or determination of the board. Section 10. The Board of Trustees shall have authority to fill vacancies in the eleet've membership of its own body until the next annual election, at hich election the vacancies shall be filled by election of the members of the associu+.ion for the unexpired term, if any. Seation 11. The Board of Trustees shr.11 hold u rogular meeting on t.h,I second Tuesday in So+>tambar and th^ first 'luesday in June of such year, but special meetings of i.no bo.rd may be called and held at ,;ny time. Jection 12. The Trustees shall have authority to employ any services that nay be necessary 'o properly conduct the business of the association, in addition to the officers herein specifically provided for. ;action 13. The Bourd of Trustees shall determino the .mount of taxes to ',)a levied each your in the City of 't'.i'aul, for -he b,n�fit of the nssooiation, not to exceed the mill tax allowed by the state for such purposes, on the taxable property of 'he City of C`..Phul, and direct th7 president and secretary '-o certify the 8we to the .ounly ,auditor. Section 14. It, shu11 be the duty of the Hoard of ^rusteas to ex+,r^ilN care, diligcnoe, .-nd faithfulness, in `.h.: !i+.na ement, direction, and W+pervision of the affa.ir-s of t}:e association, and in proto,,,tint; and s�V,g•ua.rding the runds and securities thereof. _ E3— Section 15. The regular and annual meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held in the principal office of 'he association in the City of St -pail, uinnesota, on the days hereinbefore mentioned. But the president may, by a direction in writ- ing, filed with the secretary three (3) days before the day on which the meeting is to be held, designate anoth,:r place and hour for any of such meetings. Special meet- ings may be called by the president, or in his absence by the vice president, or by any three (3) trustees, at any time, by filing with the secretary three (3) days before the day on which the meeting is to be held, a request to the secretary to call such a meeting, stating the objoot thereof, and the day, hour, and place where same is to oe held. A notice of the annual, regular, and special meetings to be held as herein provided, sha11 be sent by the secretary to each member of the board at his last mown address, in a sealed envelope, with postage thereon prepaid, and shall be de- posited in the Poet Office of the City of St -Paul at least two (2) days before the day on which the meeting is to be held. The trustees may hold a meeting at aV time for the transaction of general or special business, when they are »11 pr,sent, and enter their consent thereto on the minute book. Article IV. Hembe re Section 16. Commencing with January 1, 19408 each member shall pay annual dues in the amount of three (3) percent up to $2600.00 of the annual salary received by such member. The dues shall be payable in ten (10) equal installments and members shall con - time to pay dues as long as they continue in service regardless of ago. If a member qualified for retirement before the age of 60 leaves the service, no dues are thereafter paid,and right to pension shall accrue at the age of 60 years, but not before. The Com- miasioner of education is authorized and directed to deduct the dues from the salaries payable. The Commissioner o' Education shall certify the amount of dues to the treasurer of the Retirement Fund Association forthwith, stating the amount for each member, respeo- Ilk tively. All teachers in the service of the City of St.Paul claiming credit piror to January 1, 1940, for purposes of deteraining pension rights for previous service in the City of St.Paul or elsewhere, shall pay back dues for the period of all such accredited service at the rate of one (1) per cent of their salaries, without interest, in such manner, as may be determined by the Board of Trustees. Persons entering the service after January 1, 1940 shall not be required to pay back dues at the time of becoming members of the assooiul:ion, but upon aocoptance 0 , 1 1 as teachers under taraire sh 11 pay- an amount eyuul to 3 percent, witho:t. interest, of th>ir total earnings during the period of such uccred±fed sprvico, in such m'.nner as may b3 dote :gined ',y the ?oard o" "rusteos. -il buck Cuss si..11 b4 computed on thr, years of service incnediutely preceding the date of in the associut'on, provided t1'Iat the +t -W, f pa,;;;ent of such back dues shall not be extended by t e ?oard of ^'rustaes b3 r: -i a t,, 101 (;_ rive ye,.rs. Soot on 17. a present member who hits be,3n a teacher for Lt least 25 ye,..re, at least lb yours thereof in the public schools of the City of ^t-?aul and the remainder in public schools outside the iA ty of st.paul for such time as to make an aggregate period equal to 25 years of service in the schools of the „i':y of F .Paul, and any person hereafter becoming a member who shall have been u teacher for at least 25 years, Qt leust 20 years of which have been in the public schools in th•. Cit;; of 9t.paul .nd the remainder in public schools outside the City of St.?aul for such time as to make an aggregate period equal -o 25 yours of service in the schools of the City of aid h:.s oaid the dues required by these 9y -Laws, shall upon retirement be paid a pension in an amount herein provided in 12 equal )sonthly installmonts, except as otherwise provided herein. The foregoing provision shall apply to all persons now on the pension roll of this association. Only mem:ners who retire not later then the And of the school year following the attainment of the retirement age specified herein, or immediately if su,,h age is attained during surs:ner vacation, shall be entitled to the pansion herein pro- vides. That is to say, Vembers arriving at the age of 70 years before or during the school year 1935-1940, shall retire at the and of said school ye,,r; members arriving at the age of 69 during the school your 1940-1941, shall retire at the and of said school year; members arriving at the age of 38 ye,,re during the schoolyear 1941-1942, shall retire at the end of said school year] members arriving a+ the age of 67 years during the school year 1942-1943, shall retire at the and of said soho�l year, and thereafter members arriving at the age of 67 during any school year, shall retire at the end of said school year, and shall retire immediately if such age is reached during, the summer vacation. Commencing with January 1, 1940, the amount of such pensions shull�be as fol- lows. 8'J?. )0 ..nnr,lly :vi`h ,.n additional sl. r.'> nor .tont: for o:. c;. .;ear of servieb over t.vonty-five (25) and up to a period of ten (10) years of additional serv'.os, -10- provided th,t such annual increase sh.11 not commence until the member arrives at the a go of 50 years. Provided, further, th„t persons now on the pension roll of 'he associat°.on shall receize a maximum of 000.00 annually. Total and petmanent annual disubility pensions shu11 be paid in an umoun' bearing the sa::e )roportion le ,t900.00 us the number of years of service bears to twenty-five (25) yours, but only to teachers having rive (b) or more years of service in c t: -.e public schools of the City of St.:uul. Section 18. The right to pension of a member retiring on lenf,-th of service shall begin on the first day of the month following retirement.. The right to a pension of a member retiring while on leave of abs3nee shall begin on the first day of the mon,h following such retirem nt. If u teacher completes a school year before retire- meut, the right to pension shall begin September let following. 4ay member retiring wmll give notice thereof in writing to the Secretary of the Retirement Fund dssooia- tion and also to the Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent upon receipt of such notice, shall at once advise the secretary of the ?totirennent Fund association. 'he secretary upon receipt of s', h notice shall also advise -he su'x3rintendent of schools. Seotton 19. 'f an annuitant who has retired on `ho ground of len,,-.th of service shall reow:,o teuc%ging either in the amity of i .-,'aui or elsewhere, the -payment of an- nuity shall bn suspended, for ynd during, ttie time that the annuit.nt is angz,.ged in said tw-ce ing, and ahc,11 b,, resumwi 3nen tic annultundiscontinues saii t,.:,-hing. If an :.nnuit:.nt who has retired on 'he ground of tote,l onrmanont, dim,bility ;':all resume teachir.,- in the A ty of S,.-uui or elsewhere, 'v, pa,;ment or `he disahility annuity shall be discontinued, r.nd no dis:,bility snruit•y s":,11 be :.,fa n o,A1 to such r, -,mbar except upon ,. new a plication th:r-,for, supported by no.: oroo:'s of .is_bility, such as are r:.q::irid upon an ori,inal ao;aication, and the board sr.+:il — �t.he final ,iudge of the pro.rle_y of _g,in ,;r�ntiag such annuity. :,n t,- uite,n- who has retired on the Around of totz.l nornunent ^isubiiity and ,lo reeu:,es te;.cl.ing in 'he .:ity cf or also=:h re, sail be re1,iire.. -o oay the rerul-r ,:u9s to 'he association. "eetion 20. Any member who shall havo taught five (5) or more soars in +,he public schools of the City of 5�.,'aul, and during, said period ahuli hove paid the dues required by these by-laws, and who, wld 1In s,.il service, sha11 have b,00me totally and per:nanontly disab Lad fron iurti .r parf'or:A,,; '.iii: •ir 1—, o' a s',i"Il be 3ntitlod to ,n .,nnui'.y in a;l :.mouni, tu3urtn,- the s•..:a , ro-ortion to .., -il- mini num now payable under these by -lams, as the number of years Of service in the St.paul schools bears 'o twenty-five (2b) yours. I:' dues-ontributed by such ember shall not have anounted in the ar gregate to the sum of 1,cur ::undred (4400) Dollars, than t.vjnty-five Percent (25 a) of the lmount of such memberts peysion shall be retained and applied to the payment of dues until the dues actually paid and the amount so retained and ap:,lied amount to the said sum of Four Flundred (440y1) Dollars. ,ny member who has reached the automatic retirement age provided in these by- laws Without qualifying for a pension shall be retired on 'he same b,•sis as is provided for total and permanent disability but without the examination herein provided, with an cm•nt annuity measured by the proportion to the mini.awi retirpension that the number of ye.rs of service comput d to article IX of the :rticlas of Incorporation bears to twenty-five (2b)• Section 21. arty member desiring to retire on th) Found of total and per-anent disability ,shall furnish to the 3oard of Trustees the affidavits of two (2) r•3putable physi.:inna, not partners, satisfactory to the board, stating the nature of the disability, the fact of the incapacity and the ground and reasons therefore. The applicant shall submit i.o an examinu?.ion by a physician or physicians designated by the Hoard of 'trustees, if the board deems such examination advisable, and shall give to 'ne Hoard of Trustees such pertinent informs ion as it may require. Thn board may, and in doubtful oases shall, :a co snahefurk"re'nvetrtigation as it may deem necessary to determine the Not of total and permanent disability and the board shall be the final judge thAreof. Section 22. In reckoning years of service, the unit shall be the length of the school year, in the city of St.i'aul, namely, ton (10) months. Section 23. ..11 applications for bnnuitias shall ba :'iled with the secretary, and si:e.11 be on such forms and .:ontain such information as the Board or Trustees may require. - Section 23-a. On withdrawal from service; for any reason except by service or disability retirement a member of this association shall be ent`tled to return of 3ontribution as f011OWs. _.__._... -12- First b years, b0 per cent of the touch.r's total contribution to the Pension Fund. "ix (B) to ten (11) years, 60 par cent of the toucher's total uontributlon to th , Pension Fund. sloven (11) to fifteen (1c) yet.rs, 70,per cent of tha toacher's total contri- bution to the Punsion ;land. Sixtoon (1r) to t*my (20) yoary, 00 per oetr of the +s,t+c},er's total can- tribu`.ion to tho :'snsion Fund. Tr.,,rsty-one (21) tc t:aentj-fi:•e (25) years, 90 per c,tnt� of the teucher's total contributton to tho Tension Fund. 1'h, foregoing seltedulu :'or t},• return of contribution a) -,all tpply in the event of death while to active service, "d paymentt snail be mud., to the teacher's estate. If an u-nuitunt dies aft•sr retirement but before having drawn pension payments in an a:aount oquul to the ,.mount to tach the annui.tant would be entitled under the fore- going schedule of return of contribution, then the estate shall ',a paid the amount of tha di'fvrencs batreen th, total of pension p,.,:nonts and the amount to ahioh the annuitant 'ouli be ontitlad under the foregoing schedule of return of ;:ontribution. In computing return of contribution, only salary assessnonts at the r ate of 3 percent paid after Jan, ary 1, 1350, ahall be considcrcd; f.h,u percnatage of return of contribution shall be based on the tot .1 numbor of years of service in St.Taul• Section 24. Th- annual mee 1716 of the associution may bo ot,lled by the secretary's riailini; to each member at hie last known uddress.a notice thereof, st•,ting the time and place o" meeting, whioh notice shall be enclosed in a so:,led envelope, addressed to each mambor an aforesaid, and with postage thereon prepuide Fbr this and other purposes members are required to file their addres.,es with the secretary, and notify the secretary of any change of address. Section 25. Special meetings or the mombers may be called at 9n4' time by proceeding in the :manner followings The president or in his a`,sorce, 'he -ioe president, or any three (3) mem .,,rs of the 3oard of Trusteen, or ny fiftoon (15) ;aembe a of ;he association, shall file with the secretary r, writt,)n request fnr such spaclml nesting, statino.the object t],•; roof', M t ,e time and place of holdin,; same. , :'uch re juest sh..11 be deposited with he secretary throe (3) days 'before h•, duy upon Yhi,,h the :vee ing is to be 11.-1,1. -h1l sear -tn,y sh..11 th-,re:a,,o:,, .ni no' Lesa th:�n t o / ) d:.yc prior to :ho dato fixed for ti:� is ,stint;, Tsai l -,o ov !, ,, :m ,or 'no 'A?., n, llinr• s .oh :n as+,in,; ;Ing Q90 the object thereof, and the time and place of holding same. Said notice shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope, have the posta„e thereon prepaid, and snall be addressed to each member at his last known address, and be deposited in the -,ail in he city of St.Paul- sootion 26. •,11 oleotions of the association shall be by ballot. Nominations for trustees shall be made as follow"$ J. primary eleotion shall be held in every school building in the City of St -Paul, and at the general office of the Department of Adueation, on the third Friday in September of each year. -he secretary shall at least one week before the day fixed for said primary, mail or deliver to the prin- cipal of each school, and nu to the sup:vrintendent of schools, a sufficient mber,oP ballots �o supply the members in the respective schools, and in the department, with one (1) ballot each. The ballots shall be numbered, shall be designated, "Primary :lection Ballots, Teachers' Retirement Fund nssooiation, ” and shall contain blank lines for at least. three (3) mimes with a separate column for a voting mark. The principal of each school shall be in charge of the primary election. shu A be judge thereof, snd shall appoint t: clerk th-roof. ?he nrinc Pal sh»11 give notice of said election on the bulletin boi.rd or other public place in tho school roe6 at least twenty-four (24) hours before the date fixed for said meeting. The polls shall be open from 1:30 o'clock P.Y. to 5 o'clock i'."•, but may be closed sooner if the principal is satisfied that members of the association in the school who desire to vo'-e have cast their votes. One ballot shall be furnished to each member, who shall write or print thereon the name of one person for each office to be voted for. The ballots shall be deposited in a box provided for the purpose. The clerk shall make a list of all members voting. At the close of the polls the judge and clerk shall publicly make a list of the persons voted fOr, with the number of votes oast for each, tabulate same, sign '.heir names thereto, and enclose said list, together -with the poll 13atso ballots, and unused ballots in a sealed envelope, marking same "primary election returns fres school," and writing their names across the flap of the envelope, and deliver s•1id envelope to `be secretary. The suporintondont of school shall de ign,t: ;•arson to be in charge of the -`- th • 4ennr ,l office of ' ha d'?,tr'T'ent and who sh,J1 bo ,judge th(:reo?', shall appoint a clerk thereof, and 5)1x11 prooeed in the same manner as iii herein provided for holding a primary at the school buildint,, -rith a,)proprit.te variations to suit the situation. -14- All members not directly connected with a particular school s}iall be he general office. ;;hen the return entitled days before s are all in, and not later than the aunuel election, the exeoutivo two (2) the returns, T}� oommitte shall acnvea:, and tabulate Persons receiving the highest number of votes at said election equal in number to twice the off i t bo filled at the annual election she nominees for such offices at said election. 11 be no'2lnations may IA addition thereto, howevor, Y bo made from the floor a give the notice of primary election t the annual maet.inS, }'ailuro, however , to ver or to !:old any primary. or n not invalidate any nomination or election, rimarfes , shall Section 27, One hundred (loo) mem'-sera Of the association either Present. or represented by proxies piled v personally days prior to "ith the secretary. not later than two `-hs date of the meeting, shall c (2) the transact constitute 1, quorum ion of busineae, of the membra for persons holding more than one proxy may oast a single ballot, with e Of the number of' proxies vOted,and i�saoh statement Ilia or°ase the member mo voting shrll Sipa her name to the ballot. �.rtiole p. ' Funds Section 28, The funds of the association Shall bti following classes of seouritlest Snvoe'ad in some of the (1) Interest boari-g bonds or certirioatea City op St,Paul County of aamsey, of theor of the (2) Interest bearing bonds or certilSoatea of the (s) InteUnited 3tatee� rest bearing bonds of any state whioh has not defaulte�.i in ;he payment of principle or interest of any bonded debt within of such investmeato ton ys.rS prior to the making (4) Interest bearing bonds of a ny toted m y or distrix$ in city, town, unioipalit the State of t:inneaota with n population of 2,county, or other legally oonati- or over, which has been in existenoo for or gp0 ton years, and which has not defaulted �P:' paymettt of principle or to .a.aid n 6 suoh In of provid that 3ras+ of any boaded debt within ten years prior Flit ; or diatric t s} all d the net lndeb;.odnuss of any. Such munioi- � not oxcu tAn o,;r n+ of its Wjsus.w.l , fib) Interest bearing bonds of luationl constitutedany cit., town, county, or other legal municipality or district ly in the United States with a -15-population of s I 20,000 or over, which has been in existence for den years, and which has not de- faulted in the payment of principle or interest of any bonded debt within ten years prior to the making of such investment; provided that the net indebtedness of any such municipality or district shall not exceed ten percont of its assessed valuation. Section 29. .,11 investments and cash balances of the present funds shall be transferred to the Permanent Fund as of December 31, 19390 excepting $20,000.00 which shall be set up as a eoatingancy fund as hereinafter described; and the total of the Permanent Fund as of January 2, 1940, shall be considered the normal maximum V and minimum limit/ of such fund. Salaries, operating expenses, premiums on bonds bought, discount on bonds sold, and accrued interest on bonds purchased shall be paid from this fund; interest on securities held, discount on bonds purchased (bon�'.s entered at par) and premiums on bonds sold shall be credited to this fund] at provided, however, that^the and of each fiscal year any excess in this Permanent Fund over the maximum limit shall be transferred to the General Fund for the payment of pensions, and any deficit from the maximum shall be replenished by City Appro- priation, svbje�t to the provisions of Article VII of the i:rticles of Incorporation. Provided, further, that any sifts raid bequests .c the "etirement r'und r.asociution shall be credited to the : er;,: ont .'und and 31,a11 servo to raise *.hs maxi.nun and mini=xi limit a": ordin„1%. The General Fund shall consist of the full amount of assessments on teachers# salaries, teachers' back dues, wsounl.s credited from the Pen,anent Fund, and the city's annual tax levy. The Contingency Fund shall'consist of the initial deposit of 420,000.00 trans- ferred from the Permanent Fund of thv old organization and shall be used for the purpose of supplementing the General bund, if necessary, by reason of under -estimate of retirementsi and shall be maintained thereafter at the total of $20,000.00 by restoration out of the General Fund, subject to Article VII of the ,rticles of Incorporation. Section 30. The annuities payablo by this association shall not be subject to assignment, garnishment, attachment, or levy or sale by execution. -16- Article VI. Executive Committoe Section 31. At each annual meeting of the Board of Trustees it shall elect from its own membership an executive 00mrd tto" of five (b) members, one (L)Of whom shall be the president and aaOt-h,r ,if :yho^, s),. l'.r, the ­reanuror oi' the aseocia-ton. During the intervals betsoen the m,,e irgs of the Board of "rustoes the executive com- mittee shall have the direction and oaro .f thu business of '.he assooiation. It shall be the duty of the executive .,aosnittee, inter ali-, 'o dirent the investment of t'.e funds of the association, and to advise the Board of Trustees concerning the same. The executive committee may pass upon the right of :. member to an annuity, on th, ground of length of service, where the right is clear, and +.y,re mill be no meet- ings of `.hu Poard o: "rurte"s wit}:in thirty (30) days of the submission of the up- plicatio::. If any member of the executive committee objects to the granting of the arnuity, the right shall not be considered as clear, and stall be referred to the board. She executive cosasittee sha11 not have the. richt 'o pass upon `.he question of total incapacity, but may investigate the grounds therefor, require examination of the appiloant, and make r000mmendations. All prooeeiings and acts of the executive oom.Sttee shall be reported to the Eeoard of Trustees, ^rho a., 1 l hava the right to revise, alter, amend or rescind awns. The a.Necutive eommitteu :say be called to- gether by the president at any time upon a notice contained in a sealed envelope, addressed to the member at his last known address, with :ostats thuroon prepaid, and deposited in ':he mail in the City of St -Paul, at least twen`y-four (24) hours before t'•,e ti o fixed for such meetings provided that a mea}ing nay be held at ,a* time, when all he members consent thereto in writing. A majority of the exeoutiv_e committee shall oonsti'.ute a <yeorum for the trans- action of business, but whore only three (3) members am present., t'.:,3ir action Shell be un nimous. Article VII - Auditing Committee Section S2. The Board of Trustees shall annually appoint an auditing committee to audit the boo''ss and accounts of the association, and the reports of the officers. „o__ -'.tee may o<, authorized by the board to employ expert help i" It deems 1• necessary. Th•� auditing committee shall ma<e a report to the Poard of '.'rustoes time within a reasonablanafter the end of each fiscal year, inaludin,; t.h,r,,in a str.te- ment of the actual value of the seeuriti•,s owned by the aasooia,:ion, and the amount -17- f it Article VI. Executive Committoe Section 31. At each annual meeting of the Board of Trustees it shall elect from its own membership an executive 00mrd tto" of five (b) members, one (L)Of whom shall be the president and aaOt-h,r ,if :yho^, s),. l'.r, the ­reanuror oi' the aseocia-ton. During the intervals betsoen the m,,e irgs of the Board of "rustoes the executive com- mittee shall have the direction and oaro .f thu business of '.he assooiation. It shall be the duty of the executive .,aosnittee, inter ali-, 'o dirent the investment of t'.e funds of the association, and to advise the Board of Trustees concerning the same. The executive committee may pass upon the right of :. member to an annuity, on th, ground of length of service, where the right is clear, and +.y,re mill be no meet- ings of `.hu Poard o: "rurte"s wit}:in thirty (30) days of the submission of the up- plicatio::. If any member of the executive committee objects to the granting of the arnuity, the right shall not be considered as clear, and stall be referred to the board. She executive cosasittee sha11 not have the. richt 'o pass upon `.he question of total incapacity, but may investigate the grounds therefor, require examination of the appiloant, and make r000mmendations. All prooeeiings and acts of the executive oom.Sttee shall be reported to the Eeoard of Trustees, ^rho a., 1 l hava the right to revise, alter, amend or rescind awns. The a.Necutive eommitteu :say be called to- gether by the president at any time upon a notice contained in a sealed envelope, addressed to the member at his last known address, with :ostats thuroon prepaid, and deposited in ':he mail in the City of St -Paul, at least twen`y-four (24) hours before t'•,e ti o fixed for such meetings provided that a mea}ing nay be held at ,a* time, when all he members consent thereto in writing. A majority of the exeoutiv_e committee shall oonsti'.ute a <yeorum for the trans- action of business, but whore only three (3) members am present., t'.:,3ir action Shell be un nimous. Article VII - Auditing Committee Section S2. The Board of Trustees shall annually appoint an auditing committee to audit the boo''ss and accounts of the association, and the reports of the officers. „o__ -'.tee may o<, authorized by the board to employ expert help i" It deems 1• necessary. Th•� auditing committee shall ma<e a report to the Poard of '.'rustoes time within a reasonablanafter the end of each fiscal year, inaludin,; t.h,r,,in a str.te- ment of the actual value of the seeuriti•,s owned by the aasooia,:ion, and the amount -17- of cash on `innd. The awliting oomattteo ohall et :._11 t'mes bo charged with the duty of Ice:+pin,t in touch xith the financi-1 tr,+nsaotions of the usso::iation, ung it shall report to . ; bo -,! {. to .s'. i—:—mi, a;. , -id at -..ch o'.h ,r -i..es as it my doors advisa"lo, or :,s r -y be re uirzH -„ th Order of Business Section 33. The Board of Trustees a:r: the hssootr,tion shall have the right to dotermino Choir own order cf business, but such or,'ur u is adopted sh,ll inolude the followin„s 1. `toll Gall. 2, wading of minutes of last neeti_r. b. 3ommunications and corrbspondanoe. 4. "asignations and elections 5. reports of officers and co=ittees. d, tinfinished busiasss. 7. New business. B. Adjournment. Article IX . Morning of' ''cords Section 54. lie "lord "he" wi er—sr•r used h-ir.iin i;,.11 `,e - i::s';. ued '.o also mean the :cord "she", it bein6 the intention tint females as ire11 as m -los are intended. nrtialu R. Repeal of ay -Lams Section 3b. :.11 the by -Ln:; hore'.o:oro oxistia,; :xo Lerrby r,:pealed. Articlo X;. i,:.iendrient of By -Lauri Sacti.on .i.'. 'hese by -lura .ray be wended, altorad, iaodi:'io i, or rnpeuled at any an uhl n?o in,; or at uny speuial Lisoting o^ ;:he mocn,ero, s ilo,1 or th.t purpose, by a n;jority vo'e of those p-rsonally present, or represented u..i proxies filed with the secretary no•, later thin two ('l) days prior to �ho da -s cf the rno ti:not less, however, th,,t( „ quorun. 9 -IR- C, 7 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AXEL F. PETERSON. COMMISSIONER J. C. FELDMANN. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAUL S. AMIDON• SUP.wlrrrervO.Nr 00R -@MISS PERRIE JONES. 4arunlul BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM A. E. TRUDEAU. DIR¢rw EDWARD A. FURNI. S-1— October 12, 1939 r TO THS: MAYOR and MEIE:RS of the CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: Attached hereto you will find several reports compiled by Mr. N. C. Kearney, of our L'.esearch Division, and Mr. Fred Strong, representing the teachers' organizations, relative to the proposed changes in the teachers' pension plan and regulations. All of these figures have been submitted to Miss Dorothy H. Wilson, who is one of the actuaries for the Degree of Honor Protective Insur.nce Association. The reports have been submitted to you before in sections, and I presume that you are quite familiar with their content. I want to point out that these figures are, in my opinion, reasonably accurate, as far as it is possible to project figures for the future on the record in the past. Personally, I am unable to make any recommendation or suggestion as to the advisabil':ty of accepting these figures, except as the figures themselves speak. In other words, we have the reports of the ttesearch Division, and the comment on those figures by Miss 911ilson. I believe that very little more can be added. I therefore submit these reports and figures as being the best available from this Department. Respectfully submitted, Commissioner of Education AFP -R I RESEARCH DEPARTMENT ST. PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Attached hereto, and pinned.tcgether� are copies of the two reports previously submitted. The data includes tables on tension costs and salary differentials during the first seven years of the plan, worked out first without regard to antic- irated deaths and then worked out in accordance with the American Experience Table of 'Tortality. It inoludes a copy of the letter from the actuary and her table of anticirated tension costs. Her estimates run somewhat lower than those comriled by the Research Department, as is shown in another table. Finally the data includes a projection of tension costs through the year 1972, All of the data are based on the assumption that teachers will retire under the rrovisions of the new plan at age 67. Your attention is called to the printed data dealinp with the limitations of these data, as well as to the tabular material itself. RESEARCH DEPARTMENT ST. PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS October 5, 1939• , TO THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION AND THE CITY COUNCIL: The table entitled "Cost Differential in Retiring Teachers Under the New Plan" was given to you sometime ago but is included herewith. This table was worked out on the basis of certain assumptions included on the sheet attached to the table. It indicates the additional cost to the city considering the difference in salaries between the old teachers and the new ones that would be hired in their places. It was assumed that all teachers would retire at age 67, but the table did not take into account any deaths that might occur rrevious to 1947. A new table was then prepared entitled "Estimated Cost for Next Seven Years Under Proposed Teachers Retirement Plan". This took into account the cost of teachers previously retired and the cost of the new pensioners. It also assumed that teachers would retire at age 67, but it did attempt to estimate reductions in cost due to the death of teachers. Following the discussion of this table the Council informally expressed a wish that the figures be checked by an agtuary, This has been done and we have a letter from Miss Dorothy B. 'Nilson, an actuary with the Degree of Honor Protective Association. Her figures are at hand with a letter which we are presenting today. Her figures have been included in a comparison with the fiFrures prepared by the Research Department in the table below, entitled "Comrarison of Research Depart- ment Figures with those of Actuary". The actuaryls figures run somewhat lower than those prepared by the Research Department. They are based on the American Experience Table of Mortality. Previous to checking the figures with an actuary the Research Department checked the figures with Mr. Fred Strong of the Teachers Retirement Fund Association. The figures of both groups comrared closely. In considering the figures on the various tables it is neces— sary to remember the assumptions on which they are based as outlined in footnotes and in the list of assumrtions that were presented. The table on "Estimated Cost for Next Seven Years" includes at the bottom the differential in teachers' salaries due to hirime ,younger teachers. This figure must be taken into account in estimating the total cost of the near retirement plan while at the same time it must be remembered that this factor would have been operative to a lesser de - Gree undar the old plan. These same figures apply to estimates of the actuary, although they were not included in the actuaryls figures. The actuary did not check on the salary costs since she was not familiar ' with our salary ordinance. Since the last informal meeting of the Council the Research Department made some estimates concerning the death benefit payments that will be due teachers under the new rlan as well as the payments into the retirement fund that teachers will make in order to obtaig credit for teaching experience elsewhere. Neither of these sums amount to large items when compared to the cost of raying rensions. The additional cost due to deaths in service will probably run from somewhere around S300 in 1940 to $2,100 in 1946. These rayments may reach their maximum in or about 1964 after 25 years of the new plan, but at their maximum they sh,)uld not exceed a yearly average of arproxi- mately $6,562. 'i-hty teachers wore selected at random and used as a basis for estimating additional payments into the fund by teachers now teaching who will wish to claim credit for outside experience. It is estimated that if teachers retire at a,7e 67 the fund will benefit ultimately to the extent of about 716,000. If teachers retire at younger ages this amount will be increased since more credit will bo claimed for Previous exrerienca. This $10,000 may be increased by as much as two-ninths per year as the avera-e retirement age drops below 67. Srread over the: next Period of ,years, derending unon how the retirement find collects this money, these sums are not greatly significant. In interpreting the figures on total cost for 1946 it is neces- sary to take into consideration that the city's contribution of 781,000 in 1940 is 713,000 less than the contribution in 1939, and that the 1939 contribution would probable have to be increased in 1940, 1941 and suc- ceeding ,years if a new plan :,as not adopted. COST DI_tiTENENTIAL I17 RETIRING TEACIERS UNDER ILT.7 pLA17 BASED ON CMITAIN ASSUMPTTIONS OUTLIIFED ON ATTACMD S713T Jan.l to Sept 4 1940 1940-41 1941-42 1942-43 194; -)LL 194'--45 1 1945-46 Number retiring each year 23 19 17 % 24 12 i 21 21 Age in 1935-39 69 & over 68 & 67 j 66 & 65 64 & 63 6261 60 I If all old people affected by the new plan and now i teaching were continued on the payrolls they would be paid 1 $ 29,230 82,700 117,450 165,050 199,950 23 ,400 275, �0 If new people replace them j all at the minimums, they i will be paid, counting � 114u,150 increments - 1 18,540 1 57,200 I 84,200 121,000 179,350 216,050 The salaries of the new I teachers would be'lower than those of the replaced teachers by - 9,690 25,500 33,250 44,050 45,700 54,050 60,500 The old peoplels pensions j if they live would be - 15,640 42,840 60,180 i 84,660 96,900 118,720 139,740 j Total cost of replacing old teachers -ith new ones - salaries plus pensions - 34,1so 100,040 144,380 205,660 241,050 298,070 355.790 Additjonal cost to city for new retirement plan 5,950 17,340 26,930 40,610 51,200 64,670 79,240 The figures on "Cost Differential in Retiring Teachers Under New Plan" assume: 1. That all teachers now teaching live through Sertember 1946. 2. That all eligible to retire, do retire at age 67. j, That these eligible would not retire unless the new plan were adopted. 4. That all new people start at minimum salaries. 5, That all new people have no more than two ,years cutside exper- ience ^hen they start to teach in St. Paul. 6. That all who retire will do se at $85.00 per month. 7. That all principals will be replaced by high school or .grade teachers now in our schools at present rrincipals' salaries. S. That there will be no reduction in total number of teachers in St, caul. 9. That there will be no changes in the salary ordinances. 10. That salaries :!ill be paid in lull, as of 1929 ordinance. These fi�*ures are based on estimated ages in many cases. It is believed that the estimates will closely approximate actual ages for the .7roup, although individual instances may be off one .gay or the c oth. r. To check comparative costs accurately, it —oul d be necessary to get a distribution of death ages of teachers, retirement ages in the hast, etc„ under the old plan and use that as a basis for proF,nosti- eating experience under the new plan. ESTIILLTED COST FOR NZ. SEVEN YEARS UNDER PROPOSED TEACIERS R- I=Z=TT PLAT* 1940 1941 1942 1943 19'- 19115 11946 City Contribution to I Retirement Fund $ 81,000 ' Teacher Contribution to :Retirement Fiend 73,000 IInterest 15,000 Total i 169,000 j , I I jCost of Previously Retired Teachers (160) 144,OOC 137,700 1 1,400 125,100 117,000 10S, 00 j 100,80C New Pensioners I 23 1 640 I 39 39,000 5 5,000 j 75 76,000 87 84,000 102 101,000 (119 120,000 i Total I 15g,64o 176,700 I 186,400 201,100 ! 201,000 20 ,900 220,800 i Differential in Teachers �Salaries due to hiring younger teachers** 9,690 25,500 -3-5,250 44,050 45,700 54,050 6C,500 *Based on the same assumptions as the previous table except that death rates have been estimated for new and old retired teachers_ **7 -As factor was operative, though to a lesser degree, under the old plan. e D7 -G= Or HONOR PR0=CTI r1SJOC=1iTSOI�T St. Paul, i'innesota October 2nd, 1939 TJoroth;; D. 7ilson Assistant Actuary Commissioner Axel F. Peterson Saint Paul, ]_inn,,.ota, Dear 14r, Peterson: At the req,iest of Tars. ira :^es Olson, National President, I have exarninod the dates ori the prol,osed pension r,lan For Saint Paul ' i l i c c ho o l s � „ -u2.nishe d by ivr, Kearney and 71r, Strong, On a separato irivesti�ation of mortality of Present teachers and pensioners S firad the ex- pected cost to be as shown on the attached t-a--�-1c-s This estimate is based on the Ainorican at.xr:E�riornce T,4b1C- o£ i-fortal- it;, assuming that retirzrncnt t: -+.?cos �:laca at the (--orn,)ulsory r-:tirem;nt age, Thi £i-ures on th,- accomrDan ink t 3�1e are somew.".at lo•,,er than th, E:StiInE3te 3y .Ii Kevis , 3ut a.re based only upon th, standard of riortality statt.d r�th than on the ,=,�erience in the nutlic Schools System_ i:cean;ct£u11,y subrriittcd, (Si,:n,.d) I)orot_a;,r D. .ilsorn DGZO1?IY R . L711 solT D3IT: R'.' FIGURES COMPILED BY ACTUARY 000 00000 000 EXPECTED MORTALITY OF PENSIONERS Accordinu, to American Experience Table of Mortality without allowance for disability or other factors NEW PENSIONERS Year New Pensions Total New Cost @ $1020 Expected Deaths 1940 23.00 23 $ 23460 l.sl 141 19.05 39.24 40025 2.91 1942 15.54 51.97 53009 3.59 1943 5.31 53.70 54774 3.95 1344 15.3s 65.23 66535 4.6o 1945 9.94 70.57 71991 5.09 1946 16.97 92.36 x4007 5.99 1947 16.42 92.99 94749 P_aSENT PENSIONERS YearPensions to Cost C4 $900 Expected Deaths Total Cost of Pensions _ be Paid 1940 165 $ 14s,500 11.49 $ 171,960 1941 153.41 �3g,a69 11.19 179,094 1942 142.23 129,007 10.53 181,016 1943 131.40 118,26o 10.37 , 173,o34 194%. 121.03 109,927 10.05 175,462 1945 110.98 99,992 9.53 171,963 1946 101,45 91,305 9.11 175,312 1947 92.34 93,lo6 177,854 CO1..TARISON OF RESEARCH DEPAhT.Cm'NT FIGURES T7ITH THOSE OF ACTUARY RESEARCH FIGURES 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 Cost of Previously ,Retired Teachers 160) ' $144,000 $1 7,70C $131,400 $12 ,100 $117,000. $108, 00 I $100,800 i New Pensioners 23 1 640 39 ,000 5 5,000 75 76,000 97 54,000 102 101,000 119 120,000 TOTAL 159,64o 176,700 1s6,4co 201,100 201,00c 209,900 220,800 ACTUARY*S FIGTMS j 1940 1941 1942 j 1943 1944 1945 1846 1947 Cost of Previously Retired Teachers $148 00 $13s,c)69 $129,007 $119,260 I $109,927 $99,892 $91,305 $8 ,106 'New Pensioners 23,460 4c),025 53,0094,774 66,53571,991 s4,007 94,749 mcmAl171,960 I 17s,o94 181,016 173,034 175,462 171,863 175,312 177,654 0 TOTAL COST OF NE1.1 AND OLD PLANS BASED ON RETIREIMTT AT AGE 67 AND ON AMERICAN =L'RIENCE TABLE OF MORTALITY Year Number of Pensioners INew I Old Total Pensions New Plan Age 67 Teachers Contribution New Plan City ContributioInvestmen New Plan nI Earnings Pensions Old Plan 1 9-40 2 16$171,96o 171,963 $73,000 $91,000 $15,000 $10 ,goo 1941 39 153 1 8 0 4 93 W177,954 99,000 115,590 1942 1 142 181 016 93,000 190 1 116.520 1943 1 4 100 173,04 11 40o 1950 140 1 66 111,120 1944 b5 121 175,4be iii,/ v ! 1945 0 110) 171,963 100 ,930 1946 92 101 175,312 110,286 (X)1 4 (X) 93 93 W177,954 99,000 111,600 194g 1 110 93 186 00 115,900 190 1 12 74 1 4 100 11 40o 1950 140 1 66 202,200 123,600 1951 155 !57 209,400 127,200 1952 169 49 1 216,48o 128,000 130,900 1953 179 41 219,49i. 0131,000 1 2 000 1 4 188 33 221,46o 1 133,000 I(Y)132,61)0 1955 197 26 224,34o 133,900 1956 206 20 229,120 136,g00 1957 214 16 233,280 14 000 1 F,000 1958 j 220 12 235,200 139,200. 1959 j 225 E 2 6 00 139,900 1-96o 1 229 6 239,990 141 000 1961 ! 232 4 240 24o 141,600 l 62 ' 234 2 24o,490 152,000 141 600 l63lq63 236 1 241,620 142,200 1964 237 241,74o 14 400 1965 239 243,790 145,200 1966 242 246,84o 146,400 1967 244 24s,890 160,000 147,600 ! 196g 246 1 250,920 149,000 1969 24s 252,960 1 0,000 1210 250 255,000 151,000. 1271 252 257,o4o 1 z,400 1972 254 i 259,090 171,000 (X) Actuaryls Figures up to this point in this column. (Y) Point where cost of two plans is about equal. BASIS OF'=lI;UR S III TABLE ENTITLED "TOTAL COST OF NEJ AND OLD PLANS BASED 0:' EETI701uNT AT AGE 67" These figures are based on the erican Experience Table of Mortality .-ihich is admittedly too, ow in death estimates in the middle apes. However, it is the only asis we have. They are based for both plans on the assumption that teachers retire at age 67. They ignore any number of teachers who may retire before qualify- ing for nensions. The figures assume that all teachers receive $1,020 yearly, excert those retired previously under the old plan. They assume that teacherst contributions annually remain at $73,000 and that the permanent fund earnings net $15,000 Ter year. The figures take no account of death benefit payments which were rreviously estimated to reach a maximum of $5,562 in 1964. iio allowances were made for teachers' payments into the fund for previous service out- side of St. Paul. This last amount will probably be, small. No account was taken of savings in salary differentials. The farther into the future that these fir -ares go, the less validity they may have. A ter four or five ,years with the new plan, better estimates of future costs can be made. The research derartment will be elad to revise those estimates yearly in terms of actual exrerience, if it is the wish of the Commissioner of Ed.caticn and the Council to do so. D3GR.- OF HONOR FROT--CI'IfiR ASSGCLATION St. Paul, i'innesota DorothyB. 7ilson October 2nd, 1939 Assistant actuary Commissioner A -cel F. Peterson Saint Pail, ::inns -iota, Dear !dr. Peterson: ;Lt the request of 1,rs, ir•e::e s Buell Olson, National President, I have examined the data on the proposed pension r,lan for, or Saint Paul Pi.lic Schools as. furnished by Kearney and ;r, Strong. Ona separate investirration of mortality of present teachers and pensioners, I find the e oected cost to be a)s shown on the attached tables, This estimate is based on the hporican i,xi,erience. Table of :'ortal- t tn'::es lace at the compulsory it, assuming that rotiremen r-tiremcnt age. Th fi.,ures on the accoTW,anyinr table are somewhat lo•,7er than th._. estimate by ?r, Kearney, but are cased e standard of mortality stated rath_r than on the. only upon th experience in the ;,folic schoolf-, system. Ro;']" ctfully submitted, (Sir-,n,.d) Dorothy 3, 71lson DOROTHY B. WILSOST. DBW:IC" 0 FIGURES COMPILED BY ACTUARY r coo 00000 000 EXPECTED 14CETALITY OF PENSIONERS According to American Experience Table of 111ortality without all�wance for disability or other factors NEN PENSIONERS Year New Pensions Total New Cost © $1020 Expected Deaths 194o 23.00 23 $ 23460 1,sl 1941 18.05 39.24 4oO25 2.3-1 1942 15.54 51.97 53009 3.58 1943 5.31 53.70 54774 3.95 944 15.39 65.23 66535 4.60 1945 9.94 70.5' 71991 F.09 1946 16.87 82.36 s4007 5.89 1947 16.42 92.3-9 94748 P-- SENT PENSIONERS Year Pensions to Cost Cis $goo Expected Deaths Total Cost be Paid of Pensions 1940 165 $ 148,500 11.49 $ 171,960 1941 153.41 138,o69 11.19 178,o94 1942 142.23 129,007 10.83 181,016 1943 131.4o 119,260 10.37 173,034 194L 121.03 108,927 10.05 175,462 1945 110,98 93,882 9,53 171,863 1946 101,45 91,305 9.11 175,312 1947 92.34 83,lo6 177,854 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CFTY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 14th, 1939 Eon. Axel F. Peterson Qomer. 6' Bducstion City Sall Dear Sir: The Council referred to you for analysis and report the attached letter of the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association and the amendments to their Articles of Incorporation and By -Laws which are also attached - Vary truly yours, s City Clerk �T PAUL T=ACMERS• RETIREMENT FUND ASSOCIATION 372 3T. 1- STwQr T s cmww aux SAINT PAUL �y. MINNESOTA I September 14, 1939 The Council o£ the City of St.Paul . Honorable William F3-Fallo3a, Mayor Honorable Axel Peterson, Commissioner of Education Honorable L.R - S - Ferguson, City Cleric Gentlemen: Please be advi sad that at a meeting of the Teachers I Retirement Furnd Association, held August 18, 1939, at 11 o'clock A.M., in the Auditorium of the Wilder Building in the City of St.Paul, rind at an adjourned meeting held Thursday, September 7, 3-9259_ at 4 o'clock P.M. in the Association office at 372 St.Peter Straa F , 1039 teachers in the public schools of the City of St.Pau1 RT-+ei members of the Association were present or represented by and that at said meetings the proposed amendments to tine Articles of Incorporation and the By -Laws of the Association r+d the resolution for renewal of the corporate existence o£ tI-iP_ corporation, which are hereto attached and marked Exhibits "A", —13 --and "C" respectively, were unanimously pas- sed, and that 3.,.CYrT';$ of the teaching body of tl-e City of St.Paul in the employ o£ tI-ie Board of Education of said City have now approved in vcritim3g said resolutions, and the same are herewith submitted to the Council for approval; said numb+r 1,039 con- stitutes a large suajority of the teachers in the public schools of the City o£ St - Paul. Yours very-t�ruuly, Arthur C -Anderson, President Florence Rood, Secretary 46, RECT=A FROM FRED STRONG 25 10 59 - 0 ) 70 - 5) 3. 79 deaths 78 ages recorded 59 - g ) 2 5 70 - 1 ) 7.34 Yrs � p ens ion ave. 1 - 59 - 6 ) n-= 15 T3 - 1 57.91 ave. ret. age 65.25 ave. age at death 46 - 1 ) 60 - 1 ) 74 - o ) 6• 6.11 Yrs. pension eve. Tor those retiring 46 - 1) 5.25 60 - 1 ) ZS _ 4 - 12 at 67 and over. 46 - 2 ) 60 - 103 75-=-5- Includes disability 146 - 1 61 - 14 ) 79 - 7 pension 47_2 61- 171 T_25 so -10 48-0 ) 5.5 61- 2 g3 - 12 48 - 11) 61 - 6 i 49 - 11) 15. 62 - 0 3 4 - 191 62- -.5i 50-10)13.5 62- 5 0-1 ) 62- 5 51 - 21) 11. 62 - 1 i ) 62 - 4 � 52-9 ) 63- 7 52-6) 7. 64- ion �_5 52-1 ) 64- 9 3 2-12 65- o 5_5 53 - 22) 65 - - -.L3- 3-53 53 - 1 ) 9.33 66 - 9 53'- 5) 66 - i 3 56 - 19) 66 - 2 6.1i 56-7)11. 66- 7 7 56 - L) 66 - 0 3 57'- 11) 2.5 57-9 ) 13.5 67 - U-3 57 - 8 ) 57 6S - !-:; 57 - 26) 68 - 3- 3 --j* s.66 59 - 5 ) 6s - g 59 - o ) 6.33 69 - 3- 2 _ 5 59 - 114) 69 - 1-9-7 ]RECEIVED FROM FRED STRONG} 1?E2 -W-- 7: T� )CMEMPS ATTAINED AG}E IN 1938 50 and ,2.+ � -e r 91 - 95 3 51 -.55 6 56 - 60 19 61 - 65 30 66 - 70 29 71 - 75 29 76 - go 1 33- 91-g5 5 86 and ova 2 126 DF-A'T IN SERVICE 1924 - 1939 20 - 25 2 26 - 30 31 - 35 36 - 40 41-45 46 - 50 51 - 55 56 - 60 61 - 65 66 - 70 Over 70 Unknown 3 4 6 7 7 S 9 4 5 3 13 71 IMXIM Y" PDRD 5TMM Amm QT 163 P=R PSSSIONM AS OF sept. 15. 1939- 167 - 2 49-1 90- 3 51 - 1 52-1 54- 1 55 - k 56- 3 57 - 3 5s - 6 99- 2 60- U 6a - 3 62- 6 63- 5 6b - 6 65 - it 66- 7 67 - 5 -66 - 5 69 - 7 70-9 71-9 T2-� T3 - 5 T4 - 6 75- 6 76- 77 6-77 - 8 T$-9 T9-4 ao-1 81 - 2 82-1 Sb - i 85- 1 97 - 2 88- 1 Aver&W Aa. 66.5 BECEIVED FROM FRED STRONG - 93 - PENSIONERSl DEATHS, 1909 to 9-15-39, ARRANGED BY RETIFNT AGE AND SHOWING YEAR OF DEATH 43 1910 - 1917 46 1919 - 1936 i4�5 - i9�7 1918 - X919 i9i6 - 1917 47 1913 - 1915 46 1922 - 1922 1916 - 1918 49 1910 - 1928 1910 - 1921 50 1910 - 1922 1914 - 1922 1912 - 1933 51 1925 - 1926 52 1923 - 1935 1910 - 1939 1912 - 1921 1934 - 1935 1927 - 1933 53 1931 - 1936 1922 - 1923 1913 - 1922 56 1926 - 1935 1917 - 1924 1916 - 1939 1916 - 1937 57 1917 - 1925 1919 - 1936 1913 - 1921 1910 - 1921 59 1911 - 1925 1932 - 1932 1919 - 1924 59 1916 - 1922 1911 - 1914 1919 - 1939 1919 - 1927 1922 - 1922 1919 - 1939 60 1912 - 1925 1916 - 1919 1933 - 1934 1917 - 1927 61 1927 - 193; 1916 - 1926 1919 - 1937 1910 - 1927 1917 - 1919 62 1925 - 1929 1916 - 1917 1919 - 1924 1919 - 1924 1916 - 1933 1910 - 1910 63 1927 - 1934 1936 = 1936 64 1910 - 1919 1927 - 1939 1926 - 1936 65 1910 - 1921 1939 - 1939 1932 - 1932 1938 - 1939 66 1911 - 1925 1931 - 1931 1921 - 1937 1930 - 1932 1917 - 1931. 1917 - 1924 1939 - 1939 - 2 - 67 1936 - 1939 1919 - 1922 191s - 1919 1925 - 1939 69 1919 - 1931 1916 - 1924 1919 - 1924 69 1935 - 1936 1925 - 1929 70 1929 - 1938 1934 - 1937 1918 - 1923 1927 - 1929 71 1931 - 1939 1915 - 1931 73 1933 - 1934 74 1936 - 1936 1924 - 1936 a 75 1925 - 1930 79 1913 - 1920 so 1925 - 1935 93 1919 - 1931 Not Known 1910 - 1910 Mr. Axel F.Peterson, Commissioner Department of Scucation Court House St.Paul, "inn Dear *fir. Peterson: I am forwarding a copy of the Articles and By -Laws, as amended, of the Teachers' Retirement Fund Association. I shall shortly have sufficient copies for the informal meeting of the City Council; mean- while this will probably serve the purpo7es of the committee. We have now met all of the suggestions of your committee and feel that the matter can move for immediate conclusion. I also enclose a cony of our present Articles and By -Laws which includes the state law under which we operate. Yours truly, ST PAULTHAGNERS' RETIREMENT FUND Florence Rood, ASSOCIATION ^� 171 ST. PETER STREET TLLv..or.e Cm.R lUi SAINTPAUL MINNESOTA t September 11, 1939 Mr. Axel F.Peterson, Commissioner Department of Scucation Court House St.Paul, "inn Dear *fir. Peterson: I am forwarding a copy of the Articles and By -Laws, as amended, of the Teachers' Retirement Fund Association. I shall shortly have sufficient copies for the informal meeting of the City Council; mean- while this will probably serve the purpo7es of the committee. We have now met all of the suggestions of your committee and feel that the matter can move for immediate conclusion. I also enclose a cony of our present Articles and By -Laws which includes the state law under which we operate. Yours truly, Florence Rood, Secretary - Treasurer <Degree of Jionor Protective Association c4 National'jraternal Life Insurance Society MRS. KATE cS S. HOLMES St. RETARY Taul,-Alinnesota DOROTHY B. WILSON NATIONAL SEC ...... o. non on e�iL Dino ASSISTART ACTUARY October 2nd, 1939 Commissioner Axel F. Peterson Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Peterson: At the request of Mrs. Frances Buell Olson, National President. I hava examined the data on the proposed pension plan for Saint Paul Public Schools as furnished by Mr. Kearney and Mr. Strong. On a separate investigation of mortality ofpresent teachers and pensioners, I find the ex- pected cost to be as shown on the attached tables. This estimate is based on the American Experience Table of Mortality assuming that retirement takes place at the compulsory retirement age. The figures on the accompanying table are somewhat lower than the estimate by,Zr. Kearney, but are based only upon the standard of mortality stated rather than on the experience in the public schools system. DBW:RM 4h, Res ctfully submitted,, j DOROTHY B. YYI SON F1 Year 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 L EXPECTED MORTALITY OF FENSICNERS A000rding to Amerioan Expertenoe Tesb1C o f Mortality withgut allowance for disability or othBr Pectora. NEW PENSIONERS iew aensions Total New [lost d2b $1020 FYueoted Deaths 23,00 23 $ 23460 1.81 16.05 39.24 40025 2.81 15,54 51.97 53009 3.58 5.31 53.70 54774 3.85 15.38 65.23 66535 4.6o- 9.94 70.57 71981 5.08 16.87 82.36 84007 5.89 16.42 92.89 94748 pensions to be Paid 1940 165 1941 153.41 1942 142.23 1943 131.40 1944 121.03 1945 110.98 1946 101.45 1947 92.34 PRESENT PENSIONERS Cost a $900 $ 148,500 138.o69 128.007 118,26o 108.927 99.882 91,305 83.io6 Rzaaatad 'Deaths 11.49 1118 10.83 10. 37 10 _ 05 9-53 9 — 1 1 Total Cost ofof pewns _ $171,960 im o94 181,016 173.034 175.462 171,863 175.312 177.854 EXPECTATION OF PENS :ME- SNS AT COMPULSORY RETIREMENT AGE End of Year Are 60 61 62 6 64 65 66 67 68 Totals 940 - eaohing 21. 21. 12. 18 -- 6� _-- _ 8. 9. 10. 114.00 oaths .56 .61 .38 - 6 .22 .32 .39 4-04 ons ions 8.-43 57 9152 48 18.05 1941;: eaohing 20.44 20.39 11- 6 17.39 5.78 7.68 8.61 91.91 Baths .59 •64 - 3 9 .64 •23 •34 .41 3.24 n os t ons 7.34 8.20 15.54 942 qssohir� 19.85 19-?_� 11.23 16.75 5.55 73.13 Oaths .62 6'-,W- .41 .67 .24 2.61 ens i. o ns 5.31 5.31 943 eaohing 19. 2 19.08 10.82 16. o8 65.21 Baths - 6_ c • 70 •43 •70 2.48 ens ions 15.38 15.38 944 e so h i ng 18.58 18.38 10.39 47.35 oaths -69 .74 •45 1.88 ens ions 9. 94 9.94 945 eaohing 17.89 17.64 35.53 e at hs .72 .77 1.49 ons i ono 16.87 _ 16.87 1946 imhch- 17.17 17.17 Baths -75 •15 nasions 16.42 16.42 SL .Paul Teachers - Retirement Assn. duly 1939 -ra 194U- - 1 • 1 • 1 pi ' • a� ad d m v is as o m 19 t �S3 z A O a� B 1~ m p O A + tl d of m G .-I ....1 +� ..{ m Y1 ei T3. .-1 G. �-1 00 E w CD aS F. m 1 m C, 1 O m l 'il E 1 oa� bo C a� 40 1 1 m 0 �" .> r-'1 V 0-4 IM mF. ® 0 as ®�-+ i �.� W m mqz$ l e-1 -. A r) p Yom.' V. A mF+ W 1-•/ O H A i W s W U E oc E m R U a6 vo 70 25 ,1,15,000 Ull,011 ►4dc===Dp -4�3L3,000 e83,000 $28,000 $173,000 69 33 19,800 115,8C=M-4=211 - 4,840 91,160 24,640 181,160 68 46 27,608 123,54C3=EEEEM z 8,420 104,420 19,188 194,420 67 55 33,000 129, z 3-7,600 113,600 15,400 203,600 66 65 39,000 135 z 2'$,800 123,800 11,200 213,800 65 75 45,000 141 , QC3 -WC==W z -3-43,000- 134,000 7,000 224,000 Note - OP 126 Teachers who ret X-=-ec1 in the years 1927 -through -1937, 48 were over age 65; 80 age 65 cmiL- %mc'lar. The above figures do not take into consideration any �sriLaz-y or other retirements at less than the re t i re me nt ages. PensionLoad retirement �unc3 ��= SE3r.1 St . Paul 7 eachers' July, 1939 uratic � r -g retirement rrot�osals, ��it.Y, age; at death computed SI -low Ing effect o f various a rt'p _ at averac,e of 75 for retired meml^� z'ut. i t-�oiat regard to deaths of active members or r=�tirements i ore automatic retirement age. to voliant.aryor 'otter 1940 1944 1949 1954 1959 1964 1969 2.35 233 307 415 464 496 512 O cn � O at Y=et:rement at 6P beginning 65 beginning 6F in 1 0 O `� O in 1240 in 1941 in 1940 C 67 in 1 a 68 in 1942 66 65 G C R QJ � �. 1940 1944 1949 1954 1959 1964 1969 2.35 233 307 415 464 496 512 O Petireme r- -t-- a, t- O at Y=et:rement at 6P beginning 65 beginning 6F in 1 0 O `� 70 69 in 1240 in 1941 in 1940 A in 1940 67 in 1 a 68 in 1942 66 65 G C U' C O O cn C c_ 0C. O s o _ d` p. O �. p_, C' or qq Chi c= 000 206 "10-1 �71O 1£5 n:5,000 206 104,420 139,700 233 7-- '700^1,760 ` 168 73,400 218,660 307 2 1 660 ;' 241 151,340 218 127,280 322.,220 415 32 �� � X20 322 ".37,560; 281 3195,740 :SP5,5P0 461 F� - �FLIO 1 z83 :>O£',060 344 26:5,180 427,100 496 100 ',P6 :514 ,920 338 265,940 447,860 512 E'60 427 t 361,180 :375 35 120 retirement at Petireme r- -t-- a, t- Retirement at Y=et:rement at 6P beginning 65 beginning 6F in 1 0 O `� 70 69 in 1240 in 1941 in 1940 A in 1940 67 in 1 a 68 in 1942 66 65 in 1 9 the l - ter 67 thereafter 19 165 143 164 204 267 259 312 83,000 47,900 72,800 117,200 174,440 17:,160 233,660 Petire ment at 70 beginning in 1'?40 � l T1. UAl I C TIU For t_,e :rr: o,;c (,f orgcnizin^ c1 corpor tion pursuant .o the provisions of Chc•Acr 343 of ti:e laws of : in.c•.otc for t 1e ;year 1.139, ttnu all of Cr lays cf said state ap, licr.tde, rc, the, tmdems _ ;nes, hereby adopt t'.,o fol! :•rhwu C;;RTI1ICP.Tr: CF L;Ci.: R TION Article I. The .;nne of this cor,oration s' all be "TeachersI SetirLL-ie=t Fuu' '.s ocintiona" ,'A riaci?al place, for 1:'.c trF�.lsaction of i,.•s bginess shall be :to Pull 11110sotaf TI,,c object of the uvooi,tion old the general nature oi' its business s'r,all bo the recoivli , �,ccmulntion, rnd holcin' of property and funds in the Amor nroAde( by la oa Aik, shall be pad(. an amnual pension to teachers of the ruble �c iools of i. c i of t. ra'.t], vOio s'lutll have b, on r,nabers oi' this as.,ociation, ane who shale have retired fro:: s: tv�ce as :s :ch teac or wider t -:e c_�nLA: io:i:; a t.. after t :o sc.rvicc heciaaf er r:ui in fie by-law, )rovidor, a , to that end this association shall leave q,he ower tc receive, Lei :, r.lr ihr,rt '2e, stun: r. 6 �iiounts raised for its use _1d beaefit by taxation upon the ,rn cr lr in said C;t of :t. Pa !,.and all su:.s of money or roperty donated t , it from ;;rivrte verso us cid accrui,r- from dues or ncmlers'up fees fron its neml,ers. article lI. This associrtion s :ail con ie.tco on ;'`:e first dr of October, .1.109. cul(: continue. t'�creafter for a r:eri� of thirty ,ears. rticic 1IT. The iva:.:os ...:u maces of residence of tV.e cersoas formiar, this is ociation are as foll,w-sz Daniel :!.Lawler, of St.Yaul, Vinnesota _' < c Betz. of `it.ra 11. ' ir.osot, +to 3rf:n of inn ot, -1- Sylvllnus .'fl) of S; Nul, oinnesotu h_ '�'�G�riou, of St,Pxul uo Pary A,Cunningham, of St,paui . innosota . Lillian C,Flint, of S ,Yt,u! " nneso+a , Jt nig '.'uc Gni 11en, of S a . '�ota lor:lno n PA ' ota Article IV. (a) The management of the affairs of this association shall be vested in a board of twelve (12) tristee9, veiich shall be constituted as follows, burin thoir resLeotive terms of offico the ityor, Comptroller, and Comni;,aioner of �duoation of the Cit of St. p ✓ •aul shall bo, ex -officio, Members Of said hoard' t}10 fpp��lpin n�n� 00 80 0 �n m�l1�9C9 of tha a 8 �soola�ion, (b) The 11ene3 and addresses of the nereons fom�inr,� • th® first Board of Trustees, tied t$m shall a0t as suc'� until the first annual mesti are nC as roll Is, -oa`_s 'Lta, of t. a�,j +jinnso,:r, Utto l.'innosota Sylranus .-Fetor, of o --- "t.Pau1, i,.innesota Charles %i. Gordon, o!' St.Paul , 'Jinneso4a ;o' i:iiar, „'lint, of St,paul _ '"imleso a J,,ni• Lac ili,�n, Of :3 nu-, ini7,as°ta '------- of i n n e ti o r a (c) The annual meeting; of the Associatio:: shall be held on the third 1 in Januar; of coot Thursday year at the City of St, ?aal, '.[innosota, Ths terns o ,rustooc nom,: i?,f all ^ fi°© aiinl 1. ,. ^xtc•�ed w^ to ox�i in Januar;f0110'allr the expiration of their term as fixed by former articles of ij,c :rnoration, At ever annual pectin;;, be6innir7; Wit:, the year 1901 V ere shall lie elected three. N Trustees to serve for a tem of t!:ree (3) years each and until their successors are elected and ,,u�,Yifiod. (d) The officers of the association shall be a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer, and such other officers as the bylaws may provide for, The offices of secretar • and treasurer may be held by t'ie same person. All of t'Ae officers shall be elected by the 9oard of Trastees, and s.a]1 hold their respective offices for one yearg and until their successors are elected and quali- fied. uali- f1ed. Vacancies mnong the officers shall be filled by the board for the uneroired term, Vacancies in the Board of Trustees shall be filled by the board until the next annual 618odor, Only r�0 ers �l :o o" �rustao� �ha11 bo El��;iblo the offices of ;,resident ar:d vice president, The president shall be, ex -officio, chairman. of the oard, and the vice nresident shall be sue'i chairman in tl:e absence or disability of ',he president. The secretar. and treasurer n:.ed not be members of the Board of Trustees, but to be eliible, must be r.ombers of t`ie association. The 3oard of Trustees may adopt the first by-laws of the association. Any By -raw may be modified# a^iended or repealed, and any new by-law may be adopted at any regular meeting, of the Association or at any special meeting called for Uiat purpose, at which a quorum is present, by a majority vote of members present in peron or by proxy filed vrith the Secretary, Article V. i is association shall have no capital stock. Article VI, This assoeiatio. shall never incur any indebtedness on a000unt of borrowed mon-y, buy shall be, and h reby is, a�ithorized to incur any indeb.edness C}at may be necessary for supplies, services, and -eneral operatic, expenses. Article VII. Every person employed in the public schools of the City of 3t. Paul as a teacher, or who, having beer employed as a certified t^aehor is asci-ned to any g,3nerai fl.ity under t".e Jurisdiction of the CO"-l:..sionor acation of ..':e 'it-; of -3- St. Paul, shall, by t'.:e fact of such employmentv become a member of this Association, A and shall comply with the provisions of those articles and the By -Lava of the ,rte Association, and from the salary of such teacher there shall be withheld by tie City and paid into the treasury of the Association as due@ on behalf of such person, the amount required by the By -Laws of this Association, which shall not be less than three (3) per cent up to $2500.00 of the annual salary received by such member, and it shall be the duty o the City to include in the tax levy for each year a tax for such purposes, in addition to all other taxes, as provided in Section 1363. Mason's Minnesota Statutes for 1927 as amended. The word "teacher" as used herein, shall have the meanlnr as defined by Section 2935-1, Mason's Minnesota Statutes for 1927, but shall not include casual substitute teachers. Article VIII. All members who have not already done so must pay dues for all time of service accredited for purposes of determining right to pension, as provided in the by-laws. All members shall furnish information shoving the date of birth, teaching a experien6S sex, service in the public schools and other facts noceasary for the Ar ldantif .tion of and Idetermination of the rights of the members, with such evidence thereof a@ the Board of Trustees shall rejuire, and shall reply prom;Itly in writing to requests for information from the Board. 41 Article IR. The By -Laws of the Association may provide for the establiahment and mainten- ana:: of such funds as the Association may desire and shall provide for the establish- ment and maintenance of a fund for the payment of pensions to members of the Assoc - cation, in an amo t.t to be fixed by the By -Laws. who. after a specified term of service in the public schools of the City of St. Paul" shall have retired therefrom, or who, while employed as teachers in said schools, become totally and permanently disabled from performing their duties as such. "The By -Laws aego6 also provide 'or the suspension of the payment of the pension to any membor who has retired from teaching on the ground of length of service if such member shall resume teaching in the Cit of St. Paul or elsewhere; the suspen- sion of payment to be in effect as long as the beneficiary shall be engaged in teachirng, and the payment of tho pension to be resumed when the beneficiary dis- continues teaching. -4- The 9y-Larrs may further provide for the discontinuance of tho payment of a pension to any member who has retired on the ground of total permanent d1aab- 91 ility if it appears at any time that such disability is not total and permanent# No pension shall be ;,aid to any present member Ydio has not boon a teacher for at least 25 years, at least 15 years of which shall be in the public schools of the City of St. Paul and the remainder of said period in public schools else- where for such tine as to make an aggregate period equal to 25 years of service In the schools of too City of St. Paul, and no pension shall be paid to any person n'.o shall hereafter become a member who has not been n teacher for at least 25 years, at least 20 ✓ears of which shin the public schais of the City of St. Paul and the remainder of said period in public schools elsenhere for such I � �h0 �Oh00a0 Old � u � of the city of St, Paul, Only members who retire not later than the end of the school year follordng the attainment of tl-e retirement age specified heroin. or immediately if such age is attained during summer vacation, shall be entitled to the pension heroin provided. That Is to says Members arriving at the age of '!0 years before or durin; the school year 19:9-1940, shall retire at the end of said school year; members arriving at the age of 69 ydars du ring the so ool year 1940-1941, shall retire at the and of said school year; members arriving at the age of 68 years during the school year 1941- , � 1942, shall retire at the end of said school year; members arriving at the age of 67 years durin the school year 1942-1943, shall retire at the and of said school year, and thereafter members arriving at the age of 67 during any school year, shall retire at the and of said school year, and shall retire immediately if such age is reached during the summer vacation. Any present member of Ciao Associatlon, who at the time of the adoption of this amendment to the Articles of Incorporation has not in writing agreed to accept rPtirN i-- nt, the an ton atic,,rovisi;ns hereof, may, by w-itir..m filed with theSecretary of the Teachers' Retirement Mind Acsoclation on or before t -e first da.; of Januar . 1940 elect to continue to make contributions and receive benefits as provided in the by- laws h,retofore In force; that is to say, any member making such election shall pay annual dues of one per Gent of t'.:e annual salary paid to such member, dues to be -5- s payable semi-annually in equal installments, and the Commi ssioner of Education is hereby authorized to deduct sc,oh semi-annual dues from the salary payable in t"e month that the installment of dues becoses due and to certify the amou_t of such deduction forthwith to the Treasurer. Any such member who has been a teacher for 25 years and has served 15 years as a Teacher in the public schools of St.Paul and has paid the dues heretofore required and the dues required by this section shall, upon retirement, be paid an annuity of not more than 1600.00 per year, In 12 equal monthly installments; and in the event of total and permanent disability �i amount not more than o amount bearing the same proportion to .$600.00 as the number of years of service in the St. Paul schools beers to 25 years. Artiele %, do not cum ly with rho au�O�a��c re�iremontro�� forth in these articles and.Dy-14713, wepting those who elect to Continue under the clan of operation in effect prior to the first day of January, 1940, shall be removed from the membership rolls of the Assooiation, and after such removal, shall not be entitled to any benefits thereunder. AidE: DED BY-LA",S Or TIC TFAMMI131 RZTIRE'ETIT FU;;D ASSOCI-1TIOH Article I. Seal. Section 1. The corporate seal of this association shall contain t'nc words 'Teachers' Retirement Fund Association, St, Paul, Minnesota," on the outer cir- cumference, and Che :fords "cor,,orate seal" across tl:e inner circumference. An impression of said seal is nada heron for identification. Article II. Officers. Section 2. The officers of the association shall be a rresen president, vice president, socretarj and treasurer, all of :horn shall be elected by the trustees immediately after the a_mual mootin3 of tno association, and an s:call hold of,ice for one (1) year. resreclUvelyt and until their successors are elcoted and qualified. A vao:,ncy occurring nmong t',e of"ioers s'nall be filled by the 4oard of Trustees for he unexpired tern. -6- s ,action 3, The president shall preside at all meetinors of the BoaH of Trueteee, and at all meetings of the rembors, and shall be ex -officio, a member of all co:mittees crated hereunder, or otherwise created from time to time. He shall, vdth the secretary, execute all instruments rw,uired to be execd on behalf of the association, r,`,en thereunto authorised by the Board of Trustees, and he shall porfoim such other d,ities as may ho imposed upon him by these by-latts, or by the Board of Trustees. Sectio.l a. 1!:e vice president sl':all perfo:nm ,he duties of '.i.0 president in his absence or disability. Section 5. The treasurer shall receive and deposit in such bank or anks.'as the Board of Trustees shall select, and in the name of t:'.e association, all moneys received by, or deposited ith, him for, or on account of, the associatiVo and shall deposit and .ithdraw securities from safe deposit box on order or alreet- ion from t'ie 1 resident aid o s ot:icr member of 'he Board of Trustees. The treas- urer's cl!eeks shall be countersie,ned by t'ie president. Tne treasirer s:iall faith- fully account to tho association for all moneys, securities, or other th_n-a of value coming into his hands, as such tramror, and shall ;ive such bo;;d to th:� association as the Board of Trustees may require. At each annual maeting of the association the treasurer shall make a report of the financial transactions of the association, during the preoedin year, sho'int, in such per report the cash and securities on hand at the commencement of t;:e year, the receipts and disburse- ments. the ,urchaso and sales of securities durin, the yeEq,and tl.e amount of cash, and t',e kind ar:d value of the securities on hand at the close of the year. Ile shall also make a report of the financial status and transactions of the association at suoh other times as he may be requested to do so by the Board of Trustees. Section 6. The secretary s`,all be t`e oustodian of the boo'cs, records, and files of t' -e association. tie shall attend the meotin s of the Burd o :r �steec, and the r.,eetin�s of vii mambers, and cake and keep the minutes of each thereof. 110 shall make out and ,-live all notices re:7 -fired to be riven by lavr, by the rti6les of the Incor oration, or these by -lairs. end s':all keep a correct rostor of the membership of the association, a d t'ie salaries -paid to t'ie members, res7,ectivelyi a.d, to that end, shall ascertain .hen and ..liat now teachers aro appointed by the t -7- � C ,action 3, The president shall preside at all meetinors of the BoaH of Trueteee, and at all meetings of the rembors, and shall be ex -officio, a member of all co:mittees crated hereunder, or otherwise created from time to time. He shall, vdth the secretary, execute all instruments rw,uired to be execd on behalf of the association, r,`,en thereunto authorised by the Board of Trustees, and he shall porfoim such other d,ities as may ho imposed upon him by these by-latts, or by the Board of Trustees. Sectio.l a. 1!:e vice president sl':all perfo:nm ,he duties of '.i.0 president in his absence or disability. Section 5. The treasurer shall receive and deposit in such bank or anks.'as the Board of Trustees shall select, and in the name of t:'.e association, all moneys received by, or deposited ith, him for, or on account of, the associatiVo and shall deposit and .ithdraw securities from safe deposit box on order or alreet- ion from t'ie 1 resident aid o s ot:icr member of 'he Board of Trustees. The treas- urer's cl!eeks shall be countersie,ned by t'ie president. Tne treasirer s:iall faith- fully account to tho association for all moneys, securities, or other th_n-a of value coming into his hands, as such tramror, and shall ;ive such bo;;d to th:� association as the Board of Trustees may require. At each annual maeting of the association the treasurer shall make a report of the financial transactions of the association, during the preoedin year, sho'int, in such per report the cash and securities on hand at the commencement of t;:e year, the receipts and disburse- ments. the ,urchaso and sales of securities durin, the yeEq,and tl.e amount of cash, and t',e kind ar:d value of the securities on hand at the close of the year. Ile shall also make a report of the financial status and transactions of the association at suoh other times as he may be requested to do so by the Board of Trustees. Section 6. The secretary s`,all be t`e oustodian of the boo'cs, records, and files of t' -e association. tie shall attend the meotin s of the Burd o :r �steec, and the r.,eetin�s of vii mambers, and cake and keep the minutes of each thereof. 110 shall make out and ,-live all notices re:7 -fired to be riven by lavr, by the rti6les of the Incor oration, or these by -lairs. end s':all keep a correct rostor of the membership of the association, a d t'ie salaries -paid to t'ie members, res7,ectivelyi a.d, to that end, shall ascertain .hen and ..liat now teachers aro appointed by the t -7- Commissioner of Education, when and what teachers withdraw or are drooped from the service, what salaries are being paid, when and what increases or decreased of salaries are trade, and keep proper records thereof• The secretary shall make a report of the membership at the annual meeLingr shovdn t e admissions and withdrawals therefrom, during the year, the number at the beginning, and the number at the close of the year. 1 The secretari shall perform such other duties as are imposed upon him by law, by the Articles of Incorporation, by these by-laws, or as may be required by tale 3oard of Trustees. T'.e secretary shall immediately refer all applications for retirement to the exeoutivs co;:nittee, if no meeting of the Board of Trustees will take place within thirty (30)days after the receipt thereof by him. The secretary and treasur.r shall be paid such salaries as the 3oard of Trustees shall determine. ARTICLE III. Trustees. Section 7. T � trustees stall have tie general charge and=Lanagement of the business and affairs of the association, subject to law, the lirticles of Incorpor- ation, and those by -leas. %ection B. The trustees shall hold an annual meeting before the expiration of the -month of January in each year. At said meeting the trustees shall elect a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer, all of whom shall hold o fioe for one (1) year, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Election by t':o bogrd of Trustees shall be by ballot, but the board may adopt any met'.od of election it deems aro-^er, provided all the members of the board Present at the meetln4; cor_sent thereto by voto recorded in the minutes. Section 9. -sven (7) members of the 'hoard of i'rustees shall constitute a quorum for tho transaction of business, but a smaller number any adjourn from ti e to ti e. T.e a:nc.irrence of : -iajority of a quorum, or of the members present, not loss than a ^uorun. s',all tin nooessar k) express t'�e Frill or dn.termination of ',oard. ;octi,n lo. ',%o "Ioard of=rustoes shall have a,thority to fill vacancies in the elective membership o(' its own body until the next annual election, at which election t?ie vacancies sh,11 be filled by election by the members of the assoc- iation for the unexpired term, if any. Section 11• The Board of Trustoes shall hold a romular meetini, on .the seo and '.iesday in September and the first Tuesday in Juno of each year, but specisl meetings of t`he Board may be ea.lod and hold at any time. Section 12• The Trustees shall have aithority to employ aqy services that may tie necessary to roporl•; conduct the business of the association, In addition to the e kers herein specifically provided for. Section 13. The Board of 'Trustees shall determino t:e amount of taxes to be levied each year in the City o Saint Paul, for the benefit of the association, not to exceed the mill teat allowed by the state for such pur,oses, on the taxable property o£ the City o St. Paul, and direct the president and secretar_: to certify the sane to the County Auditor. Section 14. It &all be t'ie tuty of the Board of 1rusraa to exercise caro, dilif;enoe. and faithfulness, ire the management,3irection, and sip.rvision of the affnirs of the association, end i protect' -ng ilnd safeCuarding t:.c funds and securities ti:ereof. Section 15. The regular and annual meetings of tike Board of Trustees si:all be held in the nrincinal o,'fice of tike . csociation in t:.o .City of St. Paul, Minnesota, on the days hereinbefore mentioned. But t:c president may, by a direction in writin;, filed ^sit', file seoretar- throe (?) days beforo the day on w ich the maetin,; is to be hold, dasi ;nate mother place an:? h iur for any of such meetings. Special :aeetinc,s may be called by the president, or in his absence by ti -,e vice iresidents or by three (3) trustees, at any ti -.e, by filing with the secretar:• three (3) days before the day on r,.Ach the moetin,; is to be held, a request to the secretar, to call such meeting, stating the object there. of, and the day, h :r, q -, ,i dace where sake Is to be held. n notice o£ the annual regular, and spec ,, special meetlns tc La held as :wrein provided, shall be sent by the seeretar; to each nember of ti^.e 'aoard at }lis last r. -own address, in a sealed envelono, .iL rOst". thoroon prepaid, and shall be depo itod in do ost ":'ice of t,e City Of St. haul at least two t ) days before tie day on yr i -h the noetic is to bo k-". hel . —9— The trustees may hold a moetin, at any time for the transaction of ,eneral or special business, when tho'! are all ;resent, and enter their c.:sent thereto on the minute book. ' Article IV. Members. Section 16. Commencin„ with January 19 19409 sac'i -.ember shall pay annual dues in the amount of 3 per cent up to $2500.00 of the annual salary received by such member. The dues shall be payable in 10 equal installments and members shall continue to pay dues as long as the continue in service regardless of sae. If EL member nualifted for retirement before the age of 50 leaves the service, no dues are t'iereafter paid and right to pension shall accrue at the age of 50 years, but not before. The Commissioner of Jucation is authorized and directed to deduct the dues from the salary pays'�le. The C�oami.,sioner of Education shall certify the amount of such dues to the Treasurer of/the Retirenent Fund Association forthwith, statin, the amount for each amber, respectively. "All teachers in the service of the City of St. Paul claiming credit prior to January 19 1940, for purposes of determing pension rights for previous service in the City of St. Paul or elsewhere, shall pay bac'- dues for the peri -,d of all such accredited service at the rate of one (1) per cent of their salariesq without in- terest, ip such mann r as may be determined by the Board of Trustees "Pe'rsons' enters i r t1iol service after January 1, 1940, shall not be required to pay back dues at the time of becomin members of the Association, but upon accept- ance as teachers under tenure shall pay an amount equal to 3 per cent. without interest, of their total earnings during the period of such accredited service, in such manner as may be determined by the Board of Trustessir Uw+—Aw-no went shall t aymenL.ca�. aioh beak dues extend ovor a period of morn thea fITS -3rsasa..tM their aeeeeianee as teachers under term re. Secti n 17. A present member who has b:en a teacher ',or at least 25 years, at least 15 years tier of in the public schools of the City of St. Paul and the remainder St is schoolsu'.sido the City of 3t. Paul far such time as to make an af>,>;regate period equ l to 5 years of service in the schools of the City of St. Paul. and any person hereafter becomin!' a member who shall have been a teacher for at least 25 years, at least 20 years of which have boon in the public schools in the City of St. Paul and the remainder in public schools ou'side the Cite of St. Paul for such time as to make an v—,regate period equal to 25 years of service in the schools of the City of :)t. Paul, and has paid the dues required by these By-Laws, shall upon retiraient be paid a pension in an amou,:t herein provided in 12 equal monthly installments, except as otherwise provided herein. "The foregoin :rovision shall apply to all pere,ns now on t e -ension roll of this Association, "Only members who retire not later than the end of the school year follow- ing the attainment of the retirement age specified herein, or immediately if such age is attained during summer vacation, shall be entitled to the nension herein provided. That is to says V embors arriving at the age of 70 years before or during the school year 1939-1940* shall retire at the end of said school year; members arriving at the age of 69 during t';e school year 1940-1941, shall retire at the end of said school years members arriving at t'.e age of 68 years during the school year"1941-1942, shall retire at the end of said school year; members arriving at the age of 67 years during the school year 1942-1943, shall retire at the erd of said school year, and thereafter members arriving at the age of 67 during any school year, shall retire at the end of said school year, and shall retire immediately if such age is reached during the suruner vacation." "Commencing with Janusry 1. 191}0, the amount of such pensions shall be as follov+ss $900.00 annually .;ith an additional $1.00 per month for each year of service over twenty-five (25) and up to the roriod of ten (10) years of additional service, provided that such annual increase shall not comm Ace until l:o member arrives at the age of 50 years. Provided, furt`ir, that persons now on the pension roll of the Association shall receive a maximum of '1900.00 annually. Total end permanent annual disability pensions shall be paid in an amo nt bear- ing tl;e same proportion to 900.00 as t:e number of years of service bears to twenty-five (25) years, but only to teachers having five (5) or ore dears of service in the Public schools of the City of St. Paul." Section 18. The right to pension of a member retiring on lengt`: of service shall begin on tae first day of tie month following retirement. Tho right to pension of a member retiring v,hilo on leave of absence shall begin on the first day of tie month following such retire::ont. If a toac4^r co-1-lotes a se ool ye,ir before retirement. Uie rie;ht to r.oi;sion shall be3in Soptomb�r 1st -11- I following* Any member retiring shall ;;ive notice thereof in writily, to tho Jecretary of the Retirement Furd Association and also to 11 the Superintendent of Schools. `i':e S,irorintendent upon receipt of such notice, shall at once advise the Secretary of the Retirement Fund Asoocia�lon. Section 19. If an annuita;it who h s retired on the around of Iength of service shall resume teaching either in the City of St. Paul or elserrhere,�ea e.. } xppo¢�iad-beec0fi©tom ar �e & as i�ar suhatltuto teacher in the public ".0*) the paymaht of the annuity shall be suspended, for and during the time that the annuitant is enge, ed in said teaching, and shall be resumed when i reeeb the annuitant disoontinues said teaching. { +�, Ps -> g Cpl ifE�&!toelaor as. casual affbetitutes:7 if an annuitant who has retired on the ground of total permanent disability shall resume teaching in the C'ty of St. Paul or elsevlieres t'.e payment of the annuity shall be(}aer•Yae s discontinued, and M annuity shall be again paid to such member exoept,upon a new application therefor, supported by new proofs of disab- ility, such as are required upon an original a.1plication9 and t,e board shall be Vie final judge of is propriety of again granting suc?i annuity. An a.muitant p:.rmanent disability and who resumes teaoh- who has retired on the ground of total Ing in the City of St. Paul or elsewhere, shall be required t.o pay the reg.rlar dues to t:ie association. Section 20. Any member who shall have taught five (5) or more years in the public schools of the City of �A- Paul, and during said poriod shall have paid the dues re, ired by these by-laws, and who. 'chile in said service, shall have become totally and permanently disa)led from furtler performin; the duties of a teacher, shall be entitled to :.n annuity in an amount bearing ,he same ;ropertion to Vie minimum no-;: payc'Je under these by-laws, as the number of years of service in tt:e St. Pani schools bears to twenty-five (25) years. If dues c,ntributed b, such member shall not.have acrounted in the ag&tregate to ,,,re sum of Pour HuArod ($hoo) Dollars, tthon twent;i-five nercert (25%) of the amount of such member's q,ension shall be reta'_nod and applied to the aJmont of dues until ,the dues actually said and Vie amount so rets ned and auplied amount to t`:o said sum of Pour Hundred (+1100) Dollars. -12- Any membor who has reached ti,.e automatic retiremo;it age provided in these ,,• } -44 By -Laws without ?ualifying for a pension shall be retired on tho +Vf •mud peManont disability without Cie exani':nation herein provided, •..ith an annuity measured by the , ro�ortion to the rainimwa retire~ont ;pension that the number of years of service compu'ed to Article IX of the Articles of Inc- orporation bears to twenty-five. Section 21, Azly member desiring to retire on tho ;;round of total and pornsnent disability shall furnis' to t;e'Board of Trustees the aVidavits of two (2) reputable ph sicians, not ;artners, satififactory to the board, stating t'..e nature of the disability, the fact of the incapacity nna the grounds and reas-ns therefor. The applicant shall submit to an examination by a physician or physicians desi.;nated by the Board of Trustees, if the board deems such examination advis- able, and s`Iall Jive to the Board of Trustees such pertinent infotr:ation as it4 may re�,�fre. The board may, and in doubtful oases shall, make such further investigation as it may deem necessar-y to deternine t -.e fact Of total and permanent disability: and the `I.oard shall `o tiie final judge thereof. Section 22. In reckoni-.g years of service, t e unit shall be t':e length of the school year, in the City Of 3t. Paul, nsnely, tea (10) months, Sectio:. 23, All applications for annuities shall be: filed with the see- retary, and shall be on such formas and contain such information as the Board of Trustees may require. Section 23-a. On lthdrawal fm -.service .for any reason,,, a mmnbc,r of t'ds �r,r Association shall be entitled to return of contribution as follows, J First 5 yearsi 50 per cent of the teacher's total con'ribution to the Pension '"und. Six (6) to ten (10) years. (0 ,.or ce t of the teacher's total ^ntribution to the Fension Fiend. Eleven (11) to fifteen (15) years, 70 Por cent of the teacher's total o,ntribution to the "ension Pund. Sixteen (16) to tvrenty (20) years, 80 per cont of V -c teacher's total con- tribution to the-'ension "u:d. -13- q i Twenty-one (21) to ttiventy-five'(25) years, 90 por cent of the teacher's total contribution to the Pension Fund. ire foragoi"L sohedulo for the retur of contribution s^:all apply in pt's event of death while in aoti o service, soli ;� naent shall be iaade to the teacher's estate. If the annuitant dio�after retirement but before havirV, drawn: pensicn payments in an amount equal to the amount to which the annuitant vrould be entitled under the foregoin• schedule of return of contrib_.tion, t'.en the estate shall be paid the m:iount of t;:v _'ifference between. the total of pension payments and the amount to which the annuitant would be entitled u:-.der the fore;,;oing schedule of return of contribution. In computing retur. of contribution, only salary assessments at t'.:o rate of 3 percent raid after January 1, 1910, shall be considered; a nereentage of retirn ? of contribution. s:.all be based on the fatal numb. r of years of service in St.Paul. Section 24. The annual meetin; of the association may be called by the c:,-iember at his last lm, address a notice ttiioreof, secretary's mailing to sa stating the time nn3 place of meeting, }:1ch notice shall be e:closed in a sealed aembur as aforesaid, and i:ith postage thereon preraid* envelope, a3dressed to sae: For this and ogler purposes mer.bers aro req.ired to file their addresses wit'.1 the secretary, and notify the secretary of ,uiy Change of address. Section 25. Special neetin a of t!,e members may be coiled at any tine by proceeJing in th mannas followings ine president or in his absence, the vice president, or any three (3) nemb Ora of the 3oard of Trustees, or any fiftsen (15) members of tae associntior,, shall file with the secretary a written request for such special meeting, stating the time a.d rlaoe of holdi;l sn'.e. Such request shall be object thereof, and pile deposited eith 1,hO secretary three (3) days before the day upon which the meeting is to be hold.' nc aecretar- shall thereupon, and not IcSS than `tiro (2) days ,,r or such meet- to eet tc the date fixed for t'-,er.«3eting, mail to each member a notice calling ing statin; tae object thereof, and t:�,e time nand place of holding. ngoldisane. S�iid ..otiCe shall I enclosed in a sealed envelope, have the rostsgc thereon na'eposited in �t prepaid, and same shall be addressed to each member at his last 1.novn address, the mail in the Gity of St. Paul- -11'- Soo tion 26. All elections of the association shall be by ballot. Nominati:ns for trustees shall be made as follows: A primary election sliall be held in evory so ool building in the City of SZPaul, and at tco general office of the Department of Fducation, on tie third Friday in Septembor of each year. The secretary shall at least one week before the day fixed for said ,rimary, mail or deliver to the prin- cipal of each school, and to the superintendent of schools, a sufficient number of ballots to supply t'ze members in the respective schools, and in the department, with one (1) ballot each. The ballots shall be nuv4ered, shall be designated, "Primar `:lection Ballots, Teacher's Retirement Pund ssociation,"'and shall oon- twin blank lines for at least t'.,ree (3) names with a s orate column for a voting mark. be in charge of V -rimery election, shall The principal of each school shall be judge thereof, and shall a-�point a clerk thereof. The incl al shall -ive notice of said election on the bulletin board or other pub is place in the school room at least twent,,-four (24) hours before the date fixe for said meeting. The polls shall be open from D3',' o'clock P.M. to 5 o'clock P.N., but may be Closed sooner if the principal is satisfied that all members of the association in the school who desire to vote have cast their votes. One ballot shall be furnished to each member, who shall write or print there- on thename of one person for each office to be voted for. The hallots shall be deposited in a box provided for the purpose. The clerk shall make a list of ell members voting. At the close of the polls the judge and clerk shall publicly make a list of the persons voted for, vrith the number of votes cast for eachq tabulate same, sign their names thereto, and enclose said list, together with the poll lists, ballots, and unused ballots in a sealed envelope, marking sa a "primary election returns from school.' and writing; their names across the flap of the envelope, and deliver said envelope to the secretary. The szperintendent of schools - � shall designate :: person to be in charge of the primary at the general office )f the department and who shall be judge thereof, Shall appoint a clerk thereof, and shall proceed in the same manner as is herein pro- vided for holding a primary at the school building, with arpropriate variation to suit the situation. All -,embers--ot directly connected :ith a particular school s`sll be o hit.lcd to vote at. tlio gonoral o. f e. .lion tho-��t ir•.'s are all in, nd :not lat. r tear: t• o (") 1 i v V days before the annual election, the executive committee shall canvass and tabulate the returns. The pers.ns receiving t'e highest number of votes at said election equal in number to twice t'noo fines to -be filled at the annual election shall be nominees for such offices at said election. In addition thereto, however, nominat- ions may be made frem the floor at the annual moeting. Failure, however, to give the notice of .)rimary election, or to hold any primary, or primaries, ehall not !Invalidate anfnomi nation or election. Section 27. One hundred (100) members of the association either personally present, or represented by proxies filed with the secretary not later than two (2) days prior to the date of the meeting, shall constitute a quorum of the members for the transaction of business. PersDns holding more than one ,roxy may cast a single ballot, Yrith a statement of t.e number of proxies voted, and in such case the momber se votin„ shall sign his or h, r awne to the ballot. Article V. :finds. Section 28. The funds of the association shall be invested in some of the follo73n-; classes of securitiest (1). Interest bearin bonds or certificates of the City of St. Pa'.il or of the Count. of Ra^sey; (2) Interest bearing bonds or certificates of the United States; (9) Interest bearing bonds of any state .:hich has not defaulted in the payment of -rinciple or interest of any bonded debt ..;thin ten years prior to Vie making of such investments; (4) Interest bearing, bonds of any city, bw& town, county, or other legally constituted municipality or district in the State of Minnesota Lith a population of 2,$00 or over, -which has beon in existence for ten years, and •,.blob has not defaulted in the ayment of principle or interest of any bonded debt -Athin ten years -'rior to t'ie making of such investment; provided that the not indebtedness of any such municipality or district shall of exceed ten por cent of its assessed valuation; (5) Interest bearing bonds of any city, town, county, or other legally n constituted municipality or .11siriet. in the U ited '>tetes :lith a Population of -16- 20,000 or over, which has been in existence for ten years, and which iias not defaulted in the payment of principle or interest of any bonded debt within ten years prior to the :aking`of such in estnent; provided that t':e not indebtedness of any such municipality or district shall not exceed ten per cant of its assessed valuation; Section 29. All investments and cash balances of the present funds shall be transferred to the Perman-mt Pond as of December 31, 1939, exoeptin,; $20,000.00 w ich shall be set up as a contingency fund as hereinafter described; and the total of the Permanent Fund as of Jams ry 2, 1940, shall be considered the normal maximum and minimum limits of such fu.d. Salaries, opera'ing expanses, premiums on bonds bought, discount on bonds Bold, and accrued interest on bonds purchased shall be paid from this fund; interest on securities hold, discount on bonds purchased (bonds ahtered at par) and premiums on bonds sold shall be credited to this fund; provided, however, that at the end of eacl: fisoal year any excess in t is Permanent PuA over the maximum limit shall be transferred to the nonoral FVnd for the payment of pensio s, and any deficit from the maximum shall be replenished by City approp- riation, subject to the provisions of Article VII of the Articles of Incorporation. Provided, further, that any 1-irts and bequests to the Retirement Fund Assoc- iation shall be credited to t;ii fund and shall serve to raise the maximum and minimum li7.4 accordingly. "Tae General Fuad shall consist of the full amount of assessments on Teacherd' salaries, teachers' back dues* amounts cited from the Pormaient i'und, and the city's annual tax levy. ^The Contingency shall consist of the initial deposit of ;•209000.00 transferred from the Permanent Fund of tits old organization and shall be used for t'le ;purposo of supplementing the General `-'and, if neeesstiryiC by reason of under estimate of retirer:ents; and shall be maintained thereafter. at the total of $20,000.00 by restoration ou of the General ='und, subject to Article VII of the Articles of Incorporation. Section 90. The annuities payable by this association shal:l not he subject to assi.,ment, garnishment, attachment, or levy or sale by execution. -17- Article VI. Executive Cose:ittse. Seoti— 31. ,i eac�, annual moetin of titc Board of Trustees it shall elect fro.;: its own monbership an executive connittee of five (5) members, one (1) of wi-m shall `a tie president a:,d another of who.-, shall be the treasurer of the association. Airin6 t'e in ervals between the meetings of the Board of Directors the executive committee shall have the direction aad care of tae business of tP:o association. It shall be t e Baty of ti:e executive comiittee, inter alfa, to direct t'�e investment of t' -.e funds of tite association,and to advise the Board f .rustees conceri`_ g sa?:e. The executive oommittee may pass upon the right of a :r�omber to an a;m itty, on a the ground of length o' service, :,-here t':e right is clear, and there vdll be no meetinGs of the Board of Trustees :iti:in t lrty (30) days of the submission of the anDlieation. If any member of the executive ownittee objects to the granting of the annuity. the right shall not be considered as clear, and shall be referred to the board. Vie executive conr.ittee small :ot have the right to Dass upon the question of total incapacity, but may investigate the Gt'ounds t4re£or, require examination of the ap_.:licakt, and make recommendations. All procesdin s and acts of the executive oocmittee shall be reported to the Board of Trustees, r:!g shall have the right to revise, alter, a.,end or rescind saiie. The executive committee may be called together by the president tit any time upon a notice c ntained in a sealed envelope, addressed to the member at his last knot" address, with postage t:ereon prepaid, and deposited in the mail in t':e City of St. Paul, at least tvronty- four (24) hours before the time fixed for such meeting; provided t' -,at amenti.^. may be held at any time, hen all t e :,embers consent thereto in writinf;. A majority o" the executive co:xrittee shall constitute a quorum, for the trans- action of business, but where only throe (3) members are present, their action shall '�e unanimous. Article VII. aiditing Com,ittee Section 32. Tile BoarII of Trustees shall annually aproint an auditirIJ com-lttee to audit the books :uid accounts of the association, and the reports of Lhc of' -'iters. Sich committee may be Eythorized by to board to ,nploy export Delp if It dews it -18- 1i necessary. Tine auditin, -ommittee steal make a report to the Board of Trustees within a reasonable time after the end of cac'Tiscal year, including therein a. statement of the actual value of the seourities owned by -the association, and the smo t of cash on hand. T'ne auditing eo�mittee shall at all times be chrrged %,Sth F the duty of keeping in touch with the financial trar:sactions of the association, and it shall report to the board at least annually, and at such other times as it may deem advisable, or as may be required by the board. Article VIII Order of Business. Section 33. The Board of Trustees and tiie association shall have the right to determine t eir own order of basiness, but with order as is adopted shall include the followings 1. Roll Call. 2. Reading of minutes of last meeting. 3. Covmunieati,)ns and corresp:.ndenee. 4. Resi_�nati .s •.nd elections. 5. Reports of officers and cori:ittoes. 6. Unfinished business. 7. Now business. S. Adjournment. Article IX. lleani;__; of ords. ectlon 3±,. The :ord "he" wherever used herein shall be construed to also mean the 'r'ord "she". it being the intention that females as well as males are intended. Article X. Ropeal of By -Laws. Sectio:1 35. All the by-laws heretofore existing are hereby repealed. drticle 71. Acondcnt of By -Laws. Section 36. illese by-lax:s may be amcn_ied, altered, modified, or r pealed at any annual meeting or at any special meeting-, of tKe me-bors, eallod for t`a.t pur;-ose. by a majority vote of iho:e _;ersorally presont, or re -,resorted b;; roxics filed _ith t socre4ar,- ,ot 1, -tor t'a,. t:,o ( ) ia,;s ?,rior tc t.odnta of the atirk,, not less, ho -.ever, than a quorum. -1.- u 1 / , ST PAUL TEACHERS RETIRSMENT FUND ASSOCIATION The following amendments to the Arti- cles of Incorporation and Hy -Laws of the St.Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund Association have been approved by a majority of the teach- ers in the public schools of the City of St.Paul. Florence Rood, Secretary August 21, 1939 1 i 0 JLkTICL,;S OF INL'ORd'OtATIJN MUBIT "A" Article (_) "The annual mooting of the Association shall be held on the third Thursday in January of each year at the City of St- Paul, Minnesota. The terms of all Trustees now in office shall be extended so as to ea ire at the ...ual meeting in January following the ex• pirstiw of their tens as fixed by former Articles of Incorporation. At every annual meeting, beginning With the year 1810 there shall be elected three (3) Trustees to serve for a term of three (SS years each and until their successors are *looted and qualifYed. Article IV d) Any ByLawmay be modified, amended or repealed, and any now by law my be adopted at Say regular meeting of the Association or at gay special. meeting called for that purpose, at which a quorum is present, by a majority vote of members present in person or by progr filed with the Secretary." Article VII E very person employed in the public schools of tiw City of St. Paul as a teacher, or who, having been employed as a certified tsaohesr is assigned to any general duty under the Jurisdiction of thui„COmissionar of Sd astion of the City of St. Paul, shall, by the fact of sash em- ployment, become a member of this Asso!laticst, Bud shall *comply with *he provision of these articles and the Bylaars of the Ass vtiaticn, and from the salary of such teacher there shall be withhold by the City and paid into the treasury of the Assoeiation a duos on behalf of such per Bon, the amount required by the By -Laws of this Association, which shall not ba lees than throe(L) per owt up to 12800.00 of the annual salary romiveA by such member, and it shall be the duty of the City to include in the tax levy for each year a tax in addition to all other taxes in an amount syr"Soienut, together with such dues, to carry out the plan here adopted and to produce the am required to pay such pensions in full. The word Itaohers s. used herein, shall have the mowing as darig9d by Section 2935-1, Mosents Minnesota e Statutes for 1929, but shill not inolude'casual substitute teachers. Article VIII All members Who have ntt already do— so must pay dues for all time of service accredited for purposes of determining right to pension, as rrovided in the BylAawa." Article IX Be sawd-d by striking out the whole thereof. Article B* emended by striking out the whole thereof and inssrtik4 the followings (in view of the elimination of Article IX, Article X shall hereafter be known as Article IX, "The Sy -Laws of the Association may provide for the establishment and maintenance of such funds as the Association may desire and shall provide for the establishment and mai,sktenanoe of a fund for the payment of pensions to members of the Association, In an amount to be fixed by the "Laws (notless than #900.00 per year, rho, after a specified tore of servioe in the public schools of the City of St. Peal, shall have retired therefore, or who, while employed as teachers in said schools, beams totally and permnently disabled from performing their duties as such. " The 8y-14msa may also provide for the suspension of the payment of the pension to any member who has retired from teaching on the ground of length of marries if such member shall resume teaching in public sehoils of the City of St. Paul or a public school elserherej the one- pension erpension of payment to be in offset as long as the beneficiary shall be engaged in teaching, and the payment of the pension to be resumed when the beneficiary discontinues toachinge The Hy -Laws may further provide for the discontinuance of the psymant of a pension to asy number who bus retired an the ground of total per- manent disability if it appears at any time that much disability is not total and permanent. No pension shall be paid to any present musber who has not. been is to oher for at least 25 years, at least 18 years of which shall be in the public schools of the City of St. Paul and the rimer of said period in public schools elsewhere for such time as to make an aggro, -,ate period equal to 28 years of service in Phe schools of the City of St. Paul, and no pension shall be paid to s3W person who shall hereafter become a member who las not been a teacher for at ldast 26 years, at least 20 years of which shall be in the public schools of the City of St., Paul and the remainder of said period in public schools elsewhere for each time as to make an aggregate period equal to 26 years of service in the schools of the City of StteePaula �r� wh �ttnit r�� �p year following the atbiamsatoat the retire toes ague s"peoifisd heroin* he or immediately if such age is attained during sunnier vacation, shall be entitled to the pension herd provided. That is to says Members ar- riving at the age of 90 years before or daring the school year 1989-1940 shall retire at the end of said school year) msmb•re arriving at the age of 69 years during the school year 1940-1941, shall retire at the and of said school years members arriving at the age of 68 years during the school year 1941-194E, shall retire at the and, of said soh>ol year/ members arriving at the age of 67 years during the school year 1942-0" W411 retire at the end of said sohool year, and thereafter members arriving at the cgs of 67 during any school years shall retire at the and of said school year, and shall retire ismsodintoly if such age is reached during the summer vacations Any present member of the Association mays however, by writing filed with the Secretary of the Teachers' Retirement Bund Association an or before the first day of January 1940, Bleat to oontlauete make contributions and receive benefits as provided in the by-laws heretofore in foromi that is to say, saW member making such election shall pay annual dues of one percent of the amoral salary paid to mush members du+s to be payable semi-annually in equal installments, and the Commissioner of bdaoatisn is hereby authorised to deduct such semi-annual dues from the salary payable in the month that the installment of dues becomes due and to certify the smouat of such deduction forthwith to the Treasurers Emmy such member who has been a teaoher for 28 years had has served lb years as a to«unher in the public schools required by this section shall, upon retirement, be paid an annuity of not more than $600.00 per year, in 12 equal monthly installmantsl and in the event of total and permanent disability an amount not more than the amount bearing the same proportion to #800.00 as the number of years of service in the Ste Pod schools bears to 26 years. Members who do not oomplq with the Automatic retirement provisions as set forth in these articles and ay -Lava shall be removed from the embership rolls of the Association." BY-LAW Article II EMBIT "B" Seo. 6, of the Bbr-Laws, be amended to strike out from the 6th, 7th, 8th and 8th lines thereof the words, "nnd_ehall disburse same only upon orders issued by the Board of Trustees, which orders shall be authenticated by the President and Secretary of the Board." and by inserting in lieu thereof the words," "and shall deposit and withdraw securities from safe deposit box on order or direction from the President and one other member of the Board of Trustees." Article IZ Seo. 6, of the By -Laws, be amended by striking on the words, "with the President, sign all orders directed to the Treasurer for payment of money and keep a record thereof, and", where those words occur after the words, "Secretary shall," in the third para- graph of said section. Article III See. 8, of the By -Laws, be amended by striking out the words, "on the same day that the annual meeting of the Association is held, and immediately thereafter," and inserting in lieu thereof the words, "before the expiration of the month of January in each yeas", so that when amended said sentence shall reads "The trustees shall hold an jonnual meeting before the expiration of the month of January in each year." Article III Seo. 11, of the By -taws, be amended by striking out the words, "The second Tuesday in February, and the second Tuesday in June of each year", and inserting in lieu thereof, "The first Tuesday in June of each year", so that when amended said section shall read a a followas "The Board of Trustees shall hold a regular meeting on the second Tuesday in September and the first Tuesday in Huns of each year, but special meetings of the Board may be called tnd held at WW time." Article III Spo. 160 of the By -Laws, be amended by striking out the first sentence in the first paragraph thereof, and inserting in lieu thereof the followings "The regular and annual meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held in the principal office of the Association in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, an the days hereinbefore mentioned." Article I4 Seo. 16, of the By -Laws, be amended by striking out the whole thereof and inserting the followings l "Commencing with Janrary 10 1840, each member #hall pay annual duos in the amount of 3 peroent up to 82600.00 of the annual salary received by such member. The dues shall be payable in 10 equal installments and members shall continue to pay dues as long "s they continue in service regardless of age. If a member qualified for retirement before the age of W leavp,s the service, no dins are thereafter paid and right to penia# shall aoorus at the a;e of 60 Years but not before• The Commissioner of Education is authorised and di- risoted to de not the dues from the salary payable. The Commissioner of Education shall certify the amount of such dues to the Treasurer of the Retirement Fund Association forthwith, statingamount for each member respootively. "All teachers in the service of the City of St. Paul olaiming credit prior to January 1, 1940, for purposes of determing pension rights for previous service in the City of St. Paul or elsewhere, shall pay back dues for the period of all such accredited service at the rate of one (1) per cent of their salaries, without interest, in 11110k manner as mV be determined by the Board of Trustees. "Persons entering the service after Jansary is 1840, shall not be required to pay book dues at the time of becoming members of the Associations but upon acceptance as teachers under tenure shall W an amount equal to 3 percent, without interests of their total earnings during the period of such accredited services in such mae►ar as may be determined by the Board of Trust,766S but in no event shall the payment of such back dues extend over a period of more than Ave years from their aeooptanoe as teachers under tenure." Article IV Seo. 17, of the By -Laws, be amended by striking out the language thereof and inserting in lieu the following$ "A present member who has been a teacher for at least 26 years, at least 16 years thereof in the public schools of the City of St. Paul and the remainder in public schools outside the City Of St. Paul for such time as to make an aggregate psrtai equal to 26 years of service in the schools of the City of St. Paul, and any person hereafter becoming a member who shall have been a reaoher for at least 26 years, at least 20 years of which have been in the public schools in the City of St. Paul and the remainder in public schools outside the City of St. Paul for such time as to make an aggregate period equal to 26 years of service in the schools of the City of St. Paul, and has paid the dues required by these By.Lawe, shall upon retirement be paid a pension in an amount herein provided in 12 equal monthly installments, woopt as otherwise provided herein. "The foregoing provision shall apply to all perms now an the pension roll of this Association. Only members who retire not later than the and of the school year following the attainment of the retirement age specified herein, or immediately if such age is attained during , summer vacation, shall be entitled to the pension herein provided. That is to say$ Members arriving at the age of 70 years before or during the school year 19391940, shall retire at the end of said school year) members arriving at the age of 69 years during the school year 19401941, shall retire at the end of said sohool years members arriving at the age of SS years during the school year 1941-1942, shall r, ire at the end of said school year$ members arriving at the &,�s of 67 during aepr school year, shall retire at the end of said school year, and shall retire immediately if such app is reached during the summer vaoa'lon." "Commencing with January 1, 1940, the amount of such pensions shall b•+ as follows$ $900.00 annually with an additional $1.00 per month for each year of service over twenty-five (26) and up to the period of ten (10) years of additional service. Pro- vided that such increase shall not apply to persons now on the pension roll of the Association. Provided, further, that such annual increase shall not commence until the member arrives at the age of 50 years. Total and permanent annual disability pensions shall be paid in an amount bearing the same proportion to $900.00 az. the number of years of service bears to twenty-five (25) years, but only to teachers having five (5) or more years of service in the public schools of the Ciigr of Rt. Paul. Article IV Seo. IS, of the By -Lowe, be emendod by striking out the whole thereof and inserting the followings The right to pension of a member retiring on length of service shall begin on the first day of the month following retirement. The right to pension of a amber retiring while an leave of absence shall begin on the first day of the month following such retirement. If a to.chsr completes a school year before *etiremigst, the right to pension w all begin September let following. AsW member retiring shall give notice thereof in writing to t e Secretary of the Retirement FWA Association and also to the Superintendent of Schools. The Superinr tendnent, upon receipt of such notice„shall at once advise the Secretary of such notice, shall at Once advise the Seorstary of the Retirement Fund Association."' Article I9 See. 19, of the By -Laws, bo emended by inserting after the word "Total" wherever that word occurs before the word "Disability” the word "pis%% so that the language shall in each ease reads "Total permanent disability. Article_�IV Sea. 20, of the By -Lows, bo mended by striking out the words "Wholly inespecitated", and inserting in lieu ther of the words, "totally and permsne&.1y disabiled", and striking out the word "Sg igla " and inserting in lieu thereof the word, "minimum", and by striking out the words, "subject, however, to t'1e provisions of Article IZ of the Articles of Ineorporaticei and by the addition of the following paragraphs "Awl mxmbsr who has reached the automatic retirement age pro- vided in these By -Laws without qu&UfyiAg for a pension shall be re- tired on the ground of total and permanent disability without the oxsmination herein provided, with an annuity measured by the proportion to the minimum retirement pension that the masber of years of service oampated acoording to "giale X of the Aotialos of Incorporation bears to twenty-five." Article I4 Seo. 21, of the Bye -L-4, be amended by striking out the words "Total iooap"oity" wherever those words a ?ear, and inserting in lieu thereof the words, "total and permanent disability." Article I6 Seo. 23, of the By Laws, b,+ amended by inserting after Section 23 of said Article IV, a new section to be known as Section 23-% as follows$ "0n withdrawal from service for any ranson, a member of this Association shall be entitled to return of contribtion as follower "First b years, 60 percent of the teaeher•s total contribution to the Pension Favid. "Six (6) *s ten (10) years, 60 per cent of the teacherls total oca- tribution to the Pension Fuad. "Bleven (11) to fifteen (16) years, 70 percent of the teacher's total contribution to the Pension Fund. "Sixteen (16) to t+roaty (20) years, 80 per -out of the teacher's total contribtution to the Pension Fund. "Twent7 me (21) to twenty-five (28) years, 90 peresub of the teacher's taTal contribution to the Pension Fund. "In case of death while in active service ,1600.00 shall be paid to the teacher's estate. If the 1 —1tant dies after retiremset but before having drawn total pension payments to the amount #600.00 the differease between the amount drawn and $=e00 shall be payable to the member's estate, Article IV s Seo* 26 of the 8y -Laws, be amended by striking out the words "six (6) names" where they appear in the second line from the bottom of the Met paragraph thereof, and inserting in lieu thereof the words, " three (b) names", so that the proviaion shall read that ballots "shall contain blank lines for at least thsae (b) names with a separate column for a voting mark," And b striking out the word "two" on the third line from the beginning of paragraph 4 of Section 28, and inserting in lieu thereof the word "sae", so that the seaters&* Shall reads " one ba lot shall be furnished to each member, who shall wirts or grim thereon the name of one person for each ofriss to be toted far , And b striking out the words, "The Superintmdant of Schools shall be in charge or the primary at the general office of the Deportment, shall be judge thereof"s and inserting in lieu then of the words, "71se superintendent of Schools shall designage a person to be In charge of the primary at the general office of the Department and who shall be the jud-e thereof*" Article IV Seo. 27, of the Hy-Iaw,, be amended by adding the followings "Persons holding more than we proxy may oast a single bullet with a statement of the camber of proxies voted, and in such case the member so vo in& shall sign his or her name to the ba:lote" Article V Seo. 28, of the By-Lswss'bs amended by striking out the words, On amount equal to ons -tenth of the nosse1 received each year from taxation Upon the prop rty of the City of St* Paul s and inserting in lieu thereof the words, "the funds of the Assooiatim", so that when amended the paragraph shall read as follows" "The funds of the Association shall be invested in ease of the following classes of securities*" I { 1 j j "0n withdrawal from service for any ranson, a member of this Association shall be entitled to return of contribtion as follower "First b years, 60 percent of the teaeher•s total contribution to the Pension Favid. "Six (6) *s ten (10) years, 60 per cent of the teacherls total oca- tribution to the Pension Fuad. "Bleven (11) to fifteen (16) years, 70 percent of the teacher's total contribution to the Pension Fund. "Sixteen (16) to t+roaty (20) years, 80 per -out of the teacher's total contribtution to the Pension Fund. "Twent7 me (21) to twenty-five (28) years, 90 peresub of the teacher's taTal contribution to the Pension Fund. "In case of death while in active service ,1600.00 shall be paid to the teacher's estate. If the 1 —1tant dies after retiremset but before having drawn total pension payments to the amount #600.00 the differease between the amount drawn and $=e00 shall be payable to the member's estate, Article IV s Seo* 26 of the 8y -Laws, be amended by striking out the words "six (6) names" where they appear in the second line from the bottom of the Met paragraph thereof, and inserting in lieu thereof the words, " three (b) names", so that the proviaion shall read that ballots "shall contain blank lines for at least thsae (b) names with a separate column for a voting mark," And b striking out the word "two" on the third line from the beginning of paragraph 4 of Section 28, and inserting in lieu thereof the word "sae", so that the seaters&* Shall reads " one ba lot shall be furnished to each member, who shall wirts or grim thereon the name of one person for each ofriss to be toted far , And b striking out the words, "The Superintmdant of Schools shall be in charge or the primary at the general office of the Deportment, shall be judge thereof"s and inserting in lieu then of the words, "71se superintendent of Schools shall designage a person to be In charge of the primary at the general office of the Department and who shall be the jud-e thereof*" Article IV Seo. 27, of the Hy-Iaw,, be amended by adding the followings "Persons holding more than we proxy may oast a single bullet with a statement of the camber of proxies voted, and in such case the member so vo in& shall sign his or her name to the ba:lote" Article V Seo. 28, of the By-Lswss'bs amended by striking out the words, On amount equal to ons -tenth of the nosse1 received each year from taxation Upon the prop rty of the City of St* Paul s and inserting in lieu thereof the words, "the funds of the Assooiatim", so that when amended the paragraph shall read as follows" "The funds of the Association shall be invested in ease of the following classes of securities*" Article V sec. E9, of the Byinwe, be emeade� by striking out the lang- nage thereof and inserting the PollowingtQ� e Board of al Fuad ands eta" shill provide threa fundal a Pernatiant Fuad• Goytingency Fund. shall be .All investments and cash balssaes of the present funds �Ee 000 transferred to the Per+®anent Fund as of ft nber 31, 1939- d=or�ibsd! $20 Rhioh shall be set Up as a 0intingency ),.ad 20 INot ll be osnsid" the total of the Permanent Fund as ofalw of such fund. sa-ariess Bred the ALAUM and ,Veaaes in bonds boug3% discount on bonds °old, end operating ued interest aw bonds purohesod shall be paid from this Pend! interest t an securities Nelda discount on bands p eh� ed (bonds I prOviteredd tdp� • and p�mss an bonds sold shall be credited to this And! P1' that at the sad ed each fiscal year MW 6x0044 in this Per Fwd over the mem limit 1 be tronefOrrOd to the sal al Fund for the paYm°n shalt fr® the maw shall be and bequests to the ocighed by Of y arioas, and dad, f4rther, that LW gift-, °� "ll °am city appropriation• 11 be credited to Rettrsmeat Fund Assooia limits accord • to raise the maxiaum and sdnisam► of assessments .,be General Fund °hall oculist of a full SSW d fro& the Per - an temoberGI saries, teachers' back due$• amounts oredi ts mament Fund, and the city'$ annual tss 10V• pgys aontingenoy Fend shall ocnsist of initsl deposit of 0W,� transferred from the Persaneat F nd of the old organisation and shall of sapplementing the 0eneral Fend, if ne"aths SaPtsr be used for the purpose and chall b e maintains by reason of under ogt000000 bbya��yI etim. at the total 0000000 EX�IBIT "C" -- Resolution for Renewing Period of Corporate Existence. "RESOLVED, thatthe period of corporate existence dfforTeachers' reneweRetirement Fund Associaiion be, and it is hereby, further term of thirty (30) Years, commencing with the first day of October, 1939." ORIGINAL TO CITY CLIN, q ,f CITY OF ST. PAUL CO ENCIL NO. .� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL fi]ON—GENERAL FORM I�^' i PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER `� _- _ - " �-+ �� = —`- DATE - RESOLVED That permission be and is hereby t,ranted to the Tri-State Telephone agd Telegra_ri; Compcu:y to t-.ake the necessary excavations, lay under;rouna cond-:it and cable -cith the necessary manholes and lateral pipes con- neotin6 c.ho intersoct�.n�; streets and alloys; to „et , ol,?s and .ronors ar.d •lace the necess'ry e:.r_p:.ettt on the i'ollowinl- named streets and alleys+ f On Superior „,. £rote ',rostern Lvo.to )neidn Street. In alley So,rth of S,iperi,r 6,u. fro- ':%estern Av. to Oneida 6treet. m 'iazel Ave. frori lower Afton 'load to 'ra.ssar Avunue. In alley �,ast of -lazel Av. from. lower -lf con '.;oac to-Jassar .".venue. Ilia Jackson Street fro: 1-ississinpi Y.;ver to SycrviDrze Street. In alle, .est, of Jacicr;on fro;:.-b.ississippi ?.fiver to o.✓c>r:ore otr,.eL. On Xna:.p otroat fro. Lanl.£ord F:•renue to Clevol:art�j Avenue. in alley Sot:th of :(nape Street from LanC;ford Ave. to Cleveleunc Avenue. 7n or ton Street iron I hippewa kve. t,) Sc.,t : 1- )bort S+-.ree t. Ir. alley So,.:tk. of ,ortor Street from. ..idwell Stroat to .,allows ouroet. un :�inneuei* Avomie fro:z '_.ice St. to 6,ylvun Street. iv al'.o; SoutSi of „iunenn* Avonuo frj❑. ::ice Stroet to Syl�.an Street. On S-,:te Street £ror Sout.h l-.obert Street to it ississippi !river. In al_ey mast of StateStreet frorr. South .iobert Streot to �.:ississipni Live... tin Lookoct Place fro:., "ierrawe .lcree., to 1 - feet last of Ark-sril;ut Street. In alley South >£ Lo k,iL Flaco from i'errace Street to Arkwri,-Pt Str-,et. Poles and aerial constructi>n to to removed when requested by the City Council. .lork to be done under t.ac-irec., ,n o£ the "Corttnissi::ner of Puolic l.orks". tile e Compaay to _;ay: "no cost of oublicatiDn incident isere',;,). Sunt. of LiELbi�;; "nreau Aonr vedor�.,o !Z llw _ at - Sul ' t. o- P -lice Mar:: 'Pol Cra. h -- ----- - - - Aporoved Al'", //--is��sior.or-o' A��nroved r �z,�� Date Cov�miss, -rer of ]-uLlic Forks -- COttNCILMI-N OCT 24 1939 Yeaa Kaye Ailnl,te,l h� the C'.omwil 19i ?arranto � Peterson Rosen In fac,)r� i `9,4 1939 A1,prt,cc�l l t> 3 Tr Lm earfuls W& nzeb: Ma nr Mr. President K4CHrrrr- sst 6111 ---- —+u ORIGINAL TO CITY OLQRQ CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOLENC'L NO. S. 6 • `� 'n OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . r.:v,,. Ilsc!la--u>� Mil r•w ttuH..11— COUNCIL RES [ON -GENERAL FORM I,,. r�Nl,l.'rd•'rhxr p„II»1...;..1",. Nva ehY Kr. rated I., {hr• p15 rrl-". • p honx xnr7 TNI.'Krx I'll" PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �—"� `�+_v�__ DATE---- RESOLVED ATE___ RESOLVED That permission be and is hereby granted to the Tri-State Telephone and Telegraph Company to make the necessary excavations, lay underground conduit and cable with the necessary manholes and lateral pipes con- necting the intersecting streets and alleys; to set poles and anchors and place the necessary equipment on the following named streets and alleys& On Superior St, from Western Ave.to Oneida Street. In alley South of Superior St. from Western Av.to Oneida Street. On Hazel Ave. from lower Afton Road to Vassar Avenue. In alley East of Hazel Av. from lower Afton Road to Vassar Avenue. On Jackson Street from Mississippi River to Sycamore Street. In alley East of Jackson from Mississippi River to Sycamore Street. On Knapp Street from Langford Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. In alley South of Knapp Street from Langford Ave. to Cleveland Avenue. On Morton Street from Chippewa Ave. to South Robert Street. In alley South of Morton Street from Bidwell Street to Bellows Street. On Winnepeg Avenue from Rice St. to Sylvan Street. In alley South of Pinnepeg Avenue from Rice Street to Sylvan Street. On State Street from South Robert Street to Mississippi River. In alley East of State Street from South Robert Street to Mississippi River. On Lookout Place from Terrace Street to 123.06 feet East of Arkwright Street. In alley South of Lookout Place from Terrace Street to Arkwright Street. Poles and aerial construction to be removed when requested by the City Council. Work to be done under the direction of the "Commissioner of Public Works", the Telephone Company to pay the cost of publication incident hereto.. / Approved<�< ` - Date Sup't, of Lighting Bureau Approved a-., Date � CP Sup't-"of Police Alarm & Telegraph Approved Date Co iesioner of P r1 I- Playgrounds i Approved �-� Date —J /_j Commissioner of Public Works COUNCILMEN OCT 241939 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 193__ _ Parranto tw= Peterson Rosen _In favor Truax -44n+1ww _. _-__..`Against Barfuss W-onzek Mr. President �a... f6ekratT%"' 5M 6.34 Approved _.._.____--._ OCT __24 1939 .------.._.._...193...._ Ma '+z►S41SHED �� a� OdS1.1 to City Quo COUNI116697 CITY OF ST. PAUL .��e " NO._ OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BV_ `/u—�_ _DATE October 20, 1939 COMMISSIONER `' In the matter of the construction of a serer in the South Service Foad on Hastings Avenue (Trunk Highway No. 12) from English Street to a point 360 feet WEst of English Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 11592.6, apnroved Aueurt 15, 1939. P1;fCLVFD, Thnt the olenc end specifications ns submitted by the Commissioner of Public Viorks for the above named improve- ment, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Comm' sioner of Public Yorks be and he herein is authorized end inst cted to proceed :.ith the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance Lith the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 1C4827 approved SepiEmber 12, 1936, the estimpted cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being X655.00, and be it FIJPTHFF. RFEOLViD, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays --Erarfuss G,11��anto /, —1?eatee tai In Favor Peterson Truax .� Against Mr. President (6efranj-�%�"x 1600 3-38 C8 L b-. Nn_ ]16097—ny 9111 tun Hnvvn— ln the t:aner �] the � ,arn�u�n nr a rein the south scr��re eo:,d ii, eu,,,;a nrenw- r�tu:, It luxn„•:u ?fo. IZ1 rr, I:n gliah Sln•4 lu,a6U tori uweal ut P:"Ii, SLrcel nded,Pre r llmi,wrY 0"I” ('. H'.. u,�, G , :iypru t e Ifl-, neaolved, That the pntna and licutim:o uv s hm N% r ,, the ) o e of N' Yu blip urka for tt)e unave ohod Imprnocn:ent. no aha tn,. a he rchI pVrnved. and the h, I—- 1 ut' 1-"'I Works ne and h1 acre - n It hnriiea and i �atrnef I L„ pen - •ea w-ILh the ,slruruo o[ the ea n,nro`�`e,nent. I, ,raanoe n�ith ............. ,e l[......v of Ordlna nee t�i.h8,) 1. IO N[7apprn�'ed tiepte:n bar t_. 19:16. use _i.' hill o,ant of mxteriala, r wlp- enl, engln�•erig xnd au pv n'Iaim, no - 1 $BS6.00. :tna ne n I+urt liar neaole ed. he Thut the 1'.Ihae- Int; .\gent find he I.. hereto author - I'ir�ldirected to purchaoe the nc ,n [e rlala. nv\dn Uted by tho ('uuncll Oct. 21. 19:39 \ppr�,'�d Ort. _4, 19:39. ")ct. Adopted by the CounciYCT 24 1939 194 ;3C7 iu"A /Approved 193- --- ----- ra---�i-�--- ayor e Odded 1. city cla4 CITY OF ST. PAUL`I` Np•_.- 1991�0'J FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ILI r� OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Bvy COMMISSION 6f� DATE October. 24. 1919 RHEREAS3 the Rhoads Motor Co. desires to withdraw application 34491 for Second Hand Auto Dealer license at 50 E. 12th St, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the Rhoads Motor Co. the fee of $10.42 and to cancel said application for license (the amount of $14.58 having been deducted because the applicant operated for a period of 7 months on said application) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barf. F; .ill^ r /I'rarranto �,•� "'�eterson In Favor Rosen , -`Truax Against Pt. President (Fallon) 6M 6-88 CB C. P. No 116698—R> G. It. linrfuee— F`. N. True<, q. Purrunto- 4\'herra.�, th, Rh nada Met— Co dr- eirea to wilhdrnw uppliratton 34,191 for Second Iland Autn Dealer Heeaee at n0 E. 120h St. and rryuee to the r - turn of the Iicenae fee deposit ed Il�crr-� on, therefore, be It Reaulved. that the proper cit}' fHce re; re and they x hereby uI horized to efuad to the are Motor Co. the'. fee of 310.42 nd to cdl an1A x0011-• :tGon for II... `(thr at :nt of 511.68 h ving been Ieducled oto, -an r the up pilcxnt oper,ted for a period of nthe on said uppllcatlonl. Adopted•d by the uu nr it Ort. 24. 19,0.. \pprov.Ort. !*2 , I�x9399, 19. rt. 4 - IO Adopted by the Council OCT 24 1939 193 OCT 241939 ��Ap�provsed_ 193— If 93 '1 �� _i�_-Yor O /f CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. FFIGE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCiL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED aY �q! t\ COMMISSIONER y -i 1 DATE October 24, 1939 RESOLVED: That On Sale Liquor license #1348, expiring January 31, 1940, issued to Henry J. Scheibel at 202 Concord St. be and the same is hereby r transferred to Henry J. Scheibei at 428 S. Wabasba St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. Il. l;ur[nw:� 110-OIN',- Thal Un Sulc 1.17dp! 11- nne Nn. I:S{9, x ❑IrInK .lxnn !?7. I6{0, Issued to 1[en rY' J. At zoz coornra st. hr and Inr herS. Slv. ehy erred [n Ila my .1. Ylielbrl al {Y.9 S. R'buuhn :h. and the rbPbi: city u(flcerx nn• inntrurled l.. nIxknrlp I�rT.... fhnn K�n (n thr �Itl"n rer ll, .tuKin [o9r I9:SY. Neprol'edn adnPtra by rnr r 7089. 18861 Transfer informally approved by Council, Aug. 29, 1939• Pew Location. OCT 241939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--193— Yeas ouncil— 193Yeas Nays ar(uss f' 'F'OCT2� �M 'Pd wr � Approved_ OC 193 --F'a'rlanto Peterson in Favor -It6sen - --- � --- - -- - Mayor r.s. Against ,44. President (Fallon) 5M 6 -DB Cs CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1/6 `� / APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE l / , Application No ......................... Name of Applicant. f C .. .. .. .. ................ ........ Age.­.- Residence ge Residence Address........., .... ! _.Telephone Na ..E. c.... .:.... A. ,....,,. Are you a citizen of the United States'..........:.Zi-�onl .`. L ��..................... ........................ I.......... Have you e� been en yged in operating a cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? .. ....... When a where? —2,<-, —:.1.:. _... C:. _.. y. ..... _ .. .. L/ If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation ............ . ............................._...... I........... ....... ......... ........... ...................................................... ......................... I ........ .................... Whenincorporated? ......................... _................................................................... .... ........... If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for dub members? ...... ..................................... Hos% many members?............................................................................................................... :.ames and addresses of president and se;reiary of corporation, and name and address of general manager ........................................................................... .................................................... . _..,.................................. ....................................................... ......... ,...,...._ .... _.................................... Lice name of surety company o�hieh will "rile bond, if knowtF:..... ......................... ... ...... umber Street Side Between What Cross Streets War ` M I Iosc mane feet fr m an academy, college or university tmeasureonghfroets)?. / / `'� Jr How many feet from a church (measured along streets)?...... !....... 4�C ......... ��` l low many fee. from closest pu is d par9chial vadr'br 4911 school lmea4ired along streeX?.,... ........ Name of closest school.. �... .'.................... How are premises classified uftde� Zoning Ordinance?. ` On what floor located?.... . // .: — i. Are premises owned by you or leased .,; rl If leased gine name of o�stier ... . ... .. Ifa restaurant, give seating capacity.!...... :...._................................................................ )........... If ho.el, seating capacity of main dining room? ............................................_...._....._......_............. Li,Pe belo ,c the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: , / <; ty ./.. . _t. /..... .. .. ... .. ..... ............... ... .. ................................................................. I............. I ......................................... .................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................ I.... I................ ... .. ...................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel? .................................... ....... ............. ...._...._.. .... . :.arae of residept proprietor or manager lrestauraut or hotel! .............. �......... ..... Give names d ad esses of three business referepces:............ • . I. .. _ .... // D 3. lei / ......� _ .... ........ . TFIh 7SPPLICAF`l0� MLST ;�lr ERIFIED BY THE .APPLICANT, AN IF CORPO ATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATI( NV DULY AUTHORIZED TO MY,KE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST(BE ATTACHED: � lsuance of license is not recommended '.pplication checke i by Dated... .. _. ... ....... ........193...... ............................................................ ........ ............ I ................. .. License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNE- TAJ ss. COUNTY OF SEY. ' / � ,• - ............................................. being first duly sworn, -............. ......................... .. .. deposes and says that he has read t ollowing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. 1$� �bed and sw•o5pro bef re e y $f : thi `� da. ' 193 _- Notary Public, ?/�'.ey Count M 11O/ -ij My commission expires/'........................ J......... STATE OF MINNESOT.NARD !' Ra�m.Ily �,Minca RpbL'c, COUNTY OF RA.l1SEY. ��s�ics<xv es1aT.17.1945- ......................................... ........................... being first duly sworn, deposes and says that ............. .._.... the ........ ,........... ........._...._........... ......._............................ a corporation; that .....................................has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of................................knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and s« orn to before me this .................... day of ..................... 193 ......................................................... Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. ?sly commission expires.. .. : .... ........... - - yf r-�v- ice ---=-ice.- _:`-r... fR= -{ - •r� � t p r, , t .fi Orldlul t. ON��� O . ,/ OF ST. PAUL. NO. -- p CE OF THE CITY CLERK }I CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM October 24, 1939 PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER_ RESOLVE); That On Sale Malt Beverage license #5550, expiring April 7. 1940, Off Sale Malt Beverage license #7904, expiring April 7. 1910, and Restaurant license #930, expiring May 31, 1940, issued to Henry J. Scheibel at 202 concord St. be and the some are hereby transferred to Henry J. Scheibel at 429 S. Wabasha St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. Y. No, It67UU-10 C. I1. liurfns It—n— That On SnlrirAnlK t. Ilern Se .11 It t exp 1940, IIR C:tlr \f:.l[ Itev:�rn KP II'�t,IIl41te�- ; , ­,­­t t ex n n+�Aprll i 14�U, nnr 1 11II'.�� \u, U;10, •xplrinK \In. �:t, 1Irl to Henry hrreh\11tr '[er r7 t:: Il�nr.' J.•tiehei hr�l ti,�\\'uhnahn tlt. a,1 the k, It � treed li: nntthy itt ' n�:,ner rhnntiou n u,a . 'u> reourn;,. 'r„tltrr�r o,a�rn,:al> :nmr�:.e.l In' 114tH. ��.��inpt:.a hy� tn• ret m.❑ o„�. ,{. rear: :Aper„c..a Oot. "_{. May. t_ 21. tytyi Transfer informally approved By Council. Aug. 29. 1939, nS New Location. OCT 241939-- Adopted by the Council- 193 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ar(uss OCT. 24 IM9 193 Approved arr nto eterson In Favor 3`ruax Against Mi. President (Fallon) 5M "s Cs 1 �ou 1 NOJ �sdii On.hwt. City cl.nt CITY OF ST. PAUL "" I/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �---GENERAL FORM UNCIL RESOLUT!ON irO DATE Harriet M. Smith and Wm. J. gatzenmaier desire to withdraw application 36989 . for Fumigation license at 5(14 N. Prior Ave. and request the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it g'SMVEllt that the proper citq officers be and they are hereby g@%bQri'wi to refund to f $25.00 and to cental said Harriet M. Smith and Wm. J. gatzenmaier the fee o application for license. I:. N,, 1113]01—By t' H. 13—f-- \\'. ,\. I'ar rn nt,i-- \\'h.�r,•a�, 11;, rr i,�t Jf. tiIl,Itli I u,l \\'ii,. .I Kat zenn::,iur aeel re "' �vlthd raw a0- 1 . ve. 11 uatlK t -04 NPH— Ap aeet the nee the I{, in ne fan ,I. ,,,:'it'd th.rr- th,.I,III-, 1:.' a �.�i:e�„rv,•d, that the hr,:l,..r h Ir,� aaa th•> :t r,� hereh \' :,ut hl�i...a •t, r,�funa t„ Il:.rrl,•t �1. tiiull l::, t.a \\"a:. .1 K:az,�nn,;t.,•r u..• a•e or tzs.an :,na t: ,e1 gala uPPllcatlun for 11,'eue,.. :u`aal l,.a liy ut,• t t tt,-n t.,t. _ 1. n�:r� 21,n�c�n OCT 241939 Adopted by the Council—.----- 193— -- COUNCILMEN Yeas Itarfuss Nays OCT 241939 / Approved 193— arranto In Favor etersort �, Rosen Against _Truax ,W. President (Fallon) 6M e -n Cs ,••...� Odolw w at, a.,k <.-o1,167; Q (Vo -v CITY OF ST. PAUL IOUN.,�. `" NO. - r1'7� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . LV C:OUNcIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM l PRESENTED B v_ Odtobe3� 24, 1939 COMMISSIONE DATE. --- RESCLPED: That license for Closing Out Sale, application 37490, applied for by Laurens Shoe Salon kwxo3ni at 52 E. Sixth St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. New, Oct. 23, 1939 to Jan. 23, 1940. COUNCILMEN YeasNays artuss l t'a".-to in Favor --?'eterson sen ,Truax Against Imi. President (Fallon) 5M 04S cs I;«...n a�..d�"•rl�:,t a ,. ri.' ,al nit Knlr. nppl L:!tinno•;-{!10. :17 i•:. i alh � h« nntl tl,« r ,n n hnr«I a' �nt«�II:�nA Ih.• t'it_ lii .i+t lnKti-u.(- «n.,. n..nn Chet �nl Inln Ih, tr--nr, N«ar. OCT 24 10 Adopted by the Council 193— OCT 241939 Approved 193- 193— kVh='7j Mayor 0A2WI b UHyawkk�C,(�//�� /` ' l ' 1 11677 i3 Y OF ST. PAUL<I� No.— �3FTQlE OF THE CITY CLERK " „c CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B11 DATE October 24, 1-91t4 _. COMMISSIONE _ RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the dty clilrk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Jacob Singer 315 Rondo St. Grocery App. 37312 New New Location Max A. Gerenz 420 S. Snelling Grocery " 37356 " Old " II 11 11 n Butcher " 37357 " it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays B arSafito In Favor �P/��et''erson Rosen r .%Tuax Against 1>"' President (Fallon) 6M 6-18 cs I'. Su. 11fii0R--ISA li. ,l. INu'l ite+`il�That 11�.•nxe1�ra m'llI t��r IIS til« f��l li�w inu Pe rxunx int tfi�� �Ir, rr• il�illel�t eil Ire td tl�e � . Ie��eO�\1: rxnterf x��I tli« t'It �"xl�l��rl: �i.' �xtruel�.�l t�� Vxxu« xt eh Ilc�� ��t",f 't lie I�It>"��'eell int�� they ��I11 ir�.txur, Ilii. re�l�l I r„«Ri!. �llrl it� .Ixeuh iii nt;er \I'I'. :t�:i _. New'. New lacallun.• i.0 1. tin«IIInK--I.; rig-. .•r>'. .\ISP. :Ii:166. �t,,,!57. NeIt ;-0111`7 S-A 1t— I ut,l A. It, .\yn':t 1,161-It''w_ Illrl 1���.:�1939. .\Ili�lrt«tl Iiy e 1 t n 11 ^A. 1444 .\1't�r��ye�l iter. _{. 14:;!1, I t t)el. 24, 14:{41 OCT 241939 Adopted by the Council _193_ Approved OCT 2 410 193-- �May oa.wl I. ah a. 1167° r4 v CITY OF ST. PAUL FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rte•% COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FOR F;y�','r`.' r:. i, •,�r— PRESENTED B?�?3 COMMISSIoNE DATE I )ct.ob er Z mg RESOLVED_: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be.and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Freeman Oil Co. 323 Como Ave. Broadcasting Vehicle App.36929 Renewal Miss.Valley Fuel Co. 542 N. Prior Ave. Fuel Dealer " 37oo4 11 M. Schweizer 623 University Confectionery " 37092 F. J. Campbell 2050 Marshall Ave. Butcher " 37310 S. Rosenblum 636 Selby Ave. Butcher " 37319 Geo. C. Snyder 697 N. Snelling Bakery " 37321 Ben Lee 1057 Payne Ave. Peel Dealer it 37335 It o Rudolph Tetsche 1519 Selby Ave. Broadcasting Vehicle " 37336 'I E. J. Hofschulte 607 S. Smith Ave. Barber " 37340 if Alrick & Mathison 520 N. Snelling Bakery " 37345 'I Wm. Mayberg 991 Iglehart Ave. Grocery " 37347 It It 11 It Butcher " 37348 11 11 Off Sale Malt ° 37349 It Bohland & Slix 959 Selby Ave. Confectionery " 37359 11 M. rbeek 799 Raymond Ave. Grocery If 37364 If If W. E. Galvin 1559 Sherburne Ave. Ice Delivery " 37369 J. Cooper 930 S. Robert St. Gas Station ° 37373 If Lloyd Solby 151 N. Snelling Bakery 37391 II Peter LaBrache 1951 Univ. Ave. Pool Rall I 37392 It OCT 24199 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 3 Yeas Nays —Balfuss OCT 241939 i. Approved-- 193 �Par�xn to �t5rson In Favor %Ll �11 ��_____—_ or cp— os�rl Against I'U131.ISFiF17 V1 President (Fallon) 6m G -W cs 0,191W Io City Dwk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY MM_S IONER —DATE E " No. RESOLVED, that the application of John P. Tracy, doing business as Tracy Oil Company, for permission to install two storaag�e� 17,000 gallon over—ground gasoline/tRnks, to be loeated-on the east 230 feet of Lot 14, gittsondale, being known as Subdivision No, 27, also described as No. 1345 Marshall Avenue, to be used In conjunction with the filling station now operated on the northwest corner of said lot, be and the same is hereby granted, the tanks to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul and under the direction and to the satis— isfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety, 1%N... Il 6,u: -13N F. M. Ic..�.a.,�ll. lhut Iho .; pl�llrallun .lohn r. �rr aoln;; hll..mune �rl-n��x j n11 t nn on11011 g ll- V:•rmir„Inn I nal;lll �I .,,�:,nnn --- 2311 2 ill 1-1 of I-' 11. Kltt�n n:l:,le. .... .1:IJ r 11nrn'n,ll •\v,•, 'I 1 � h�• I .��1 1:: � nJ,l n;�l i��l; 'ilh In nl:.•rn l.il I th:• n rth- r -[d Int. I.;� n. r. -n. u:l, Ih•• ith to n� In-' Il h tll ,- r.11- { Fthr,�l'it�"'nr nr In.� rno.lnlI; n,;.�':, I•r „r,aah h rrt. -\Juyl.•d lit Int 1 , 11 I Jl, i9II A. APPr^v-tl U.l. 21, OCT 2 41939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--__— ---- ____193—_ Yeas 'Li uss Nays OOCT -- 441939 / Approved -----193___ Pa/ r(,anto /tePterson In Favor W --i_ yoy r� — -- — acc sen �a —_Against Ir. President (Fallon):ty 5M 6 38 Ca .I ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL Ii[n IN iv[ Cliv ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CL[PK s or. Ic[ Application For License [� AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION OATE— —_��'C �•iD_I_'_th___.._ 193.9 TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA ,%xi)i,i( tnoN I5 lh-rel)}' Made ��o....pan.S a].lon FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL over---r<,11n(�, 901ii'-e a; ::s oR INs o -i:e east 230 feet of T,ot 1%, ;'ittso'7- wIYiCMOB1lrt-PfUE1N9 JPA'[10i[ TO BE LOCATED ON LOOT _-__.---- dale,SLIDG�Vis1e11 134t-arcr,all Avenue ALSO DESCRIBED AS__-- ]-'71 00()o NO. OF PUMPS ___.--.---- NO OF GAS TANKS _ (rnT CAPACITY OF CH TANK___. --- sea in c)r`,.11ctir). e illi ; tioi i:�'+ o ere`.ea ^a:d� FILED / - +•+cue o. n.., �e. N. BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK GATE C /� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE - _—_ -- — CITY PLANNING BOARD BY CLINTON A. HACKER'T ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. Il. NN'N. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police He4'lth 011icer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fite Al:o'w ####i�#####i�##i� t######♦##ili�i�#i«i�i�#i�#i�###tiff##i�######i�Mi�i�i�#i�##i�##### CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capitol of Ninnrsola e�azfe�zf o�261�c Saletcf h Tenth nod Minnesota Sh'ccts G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Couunissioncr October 11, 1939 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to application of John P. Tracy for permit to install two 17,000 gallon gasoline storage tanks, above the ground, on his property at the north- west corner of Marshall and Hamlin Avenues. You will find attached report of inspection made by William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspector, which is self-explanatory. V.r��u1 urs,�mmissiner of blit Safety k" IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 11, 1939 Hon. G. H. Barfuss. Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of John P. Tracy to install two 17,000 gallon above ground gasoline storage tanks on his property at the northwest corner of Marshall and Hemline Avenues. We have investigated this application and report that the installation of this gasoline storage at this location would not seriously increase the fire hazard in that vacinity nor would it cause any increase in the fire insurance rates of adjoining properties. Respectfully yours, Chief Fire Inspector. WCB:z ,TY O THE BOARD OF ZONING �' �' E,labkhed by Ordinance N. 5840 July 7th, 1922 ifs SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT I-IOUSE w BB m9 m A emm amemeemme a sae gimBeme aa e �couNnniwo Q October 17th, 1939• o . a• ARTHUR S MIL II JO:NSKI rh.-1,1 LowIN n-���;>�, .f. 1c1NnA wFI:+1 A L1 -r: w �.�n Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear sir t In the matter of application of john P. Tracy, doing business as the Tracy 011 Company, to install two 17,000 gallon gasoline storage tanks. This is above ground storage. The tanks are to be 13 ft. z 20 ft. They will be located in a Heavy Industrial District, 120 ft. west of Hemline Ave. and 120 ft. north of Marshall Ave. The drawings submitted herewith are absolutely uninformative - neither the dwellings or the gasoline service station are properly located, but after checking on the ground as to the actual location where these tanks will be placed, the Board of Zoning recommend the approval of the application. Yours very truly, George $. Harrold, Engineer secretary. gh-rh enol. 1 10— (M,1n1 Ip City Oak 11`/7(f6 t CITY OF ST. PAUL r��e `r` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �.GaLLNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— DAT E_�.. RESOLVED, that the application of Erick H. Bergmann and ' Otto Juckel for leave to install, maintain and operate a second hand automobile parts dealer business upon the premises situated at the southeast corner of Atwater Street and Western Avenue in the City of Saint Paul particularly described as the North two- thirds of Lots 15 and 16, Block 2 Pacific Addition, be and the same hereby is in all things granted, subject to the condition hereinafter specified, and the proper city officers be and they hereby are authorized to issue a license to said applicants for the conduct of such businespiapon said premises, subject to the following condition: That said licensee shall construct and main- tain a tight board fence, at least six feet in height, 4ong the entire fontage of said premises upon said streets and cover the same with at least one coat of suitable paint, all within the period of thirty days from and after the issuance of said license. I '. No. III;, U1i---fly N', M. Trux>:— ` nexnl,J. Hutt thr uVpilrur Inn ofi ' L:rirk 11. Iir rlrinnin� tnJ flop .1 nkel fnr lenge [u Inxtnll, I utl ntuln unrl ate x Bond huntl anto.nnnu.. nnrr- � Jeuler butrinexx upnn the I.riml..e...i(u- he nxt of .\t- eJ itl than, � uler slr.•ret xinJ \\'r..(crnn nr\l.nu.In rile 1'i(y nt Iain. Paul, pu rtl,nbtrl t- Je- rribed ax th,• Nortry two-Ihlrax f Lntx' ' I5 unA 16. f(lnek :, i'nr1Ar AJJitinn, he tit,• x;t r h'r "' Ix In xll [bin(;x --J ted, x bj at 1, the, eo nAitlun here` iInnfter xperiflud. nd the Vro Vrr t ( : nirr rs b.• nd they Hereby �. u It ( rn�nlrednp- nurnntx nor tn." �p Ipoi or nrh bnxi- �`hhut tn,nn xnla nren�ix.x. xtmje,•I t:� tn, I ti1;h1 nI nilnt-t lint— h,, ,er(t [t I-,ntxr x \- feet inthelt;h t. i :tlpnti the entire f ntnl,•e of x:tltl prent- Ixex anon n dt re With nt 111. 1'— e:l i ";,(the Vtnni , fxnunl.rrufrbnty wtitnhd Iocf n Jnxuylnnt (nroilla nthIe of I.. VI (iJ Iln e.• ' ed AJopteA by th. ('nnnril (1r1. ={, IV:tx, •\nnrnl,•d 0rt. 24, 1939. OCT 241939 COUN -LMEN Adopted by the Council--_— _ _193— Yeas � Nays Barfuss qA OCT 24 1939 Approved --193— — Pafranto Peterson �!) In Favor \�/ 'r. sen Mayor Sax Against ,Ar. President (Fallon) SM 6 38 Cs CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration a Oct. 20, 1939 Mr. John W. YcConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of IrSck H. Bergmann and Otto Juckel for permission to install end operate a used car parte business on property described as the north 2/3 of Lots 15 and 16, Block 2, Pacific Addition, etc., the resolution to contain a provision that the said licensees will, within thirty days, construct a 6 -foot board fence along Atwater St. and Western Ave., said fence to be painted, the resolution also to provide that the said business shall be confined to that property west of said Otto Juckelss home and that the property east of his home shall not be used for said business. Yours very truly, i City Clerk. V ' '11, � - - _.-Y � F S_. �:AUL. A-- LE L, -Bl: 3 CITY C 7 Gl_ TLE_ ' , e t.,,e unaersi;-ned do ereb,,- ap-rove of a - 's,,d Car Parts location at ";estern and At-atter STs. Biock 2 -Pacific Addition on lc�s 15 and 13. A. S C, C- 1# - .�5 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION or C;,)nL-.1 5f, jL nc r zi lur - -jcSir rc,cr,e to r is If le -o j 2 Ct j,,ickel for 0 --ns 0c, n .,nd IC Diccl: 2, Pticii-c !30 no 1,Ac) I ri�itr nc .-n,-.-..-.al -nt, ri'cr.c c tn�fiic. a stand oint rc all be no o-ic.(!t,, ;:ji t- h, _re,n.' nj c- September 19, 1939 g4r. william J. sudeith Fire Chief Dear Sirs Attention 1'r. iRilliam Barron Application has been wade by L?rick `i. Borgmann and Otto Juokel for permit to install and operate a Used Car Farts business o be looated un Lots 15 ndI6, ::look 2, pacifio Addition, vrhic : is also descri'3od as Ataator and :estorn. &indly make the usual ir:opoatior of these premises and furnish a report. Very truly yours, Commissioner of public Safety September 13, 1939 ,ar. C. A. !hOkG8rt Chief ofPolice Dear Sirs At .ention ::r. 3arry '-. -,.ettergrenl� Ap Qication has been .nada by Erick 1'.. Bergmann ani '7tto Juckel for pe"mi.ssion to install and operate a Teed Car Parte business to be located on Lots 15 and 16, Dlook 2,PAcifio Addit` n, which is also described as :,twater an,' "estc.rn. Fill you kindly malo3 t,}-,: ..stomary inspection of these -rromises and submit a report. Very truly ycurs, Commissioner of "ubl'o Safoty Mr. C. A., Haokert Chief of Police Dear Sir t September 13, 1939 Attention Assistant Chief C. J. Tierney Application has been made by Erick H. Berg - and Otto JuoIwl for permission to install and operate a Used Car Parts business to be located on Lots lb and 16. Block 2, Pacific Addition, ehioh is also described as Atenter and Western Avenue. Will you kindly make an inspection of these promisee and the applicantO previous business, reputation, oto., and furnish me with your report in the matter. Very truly yours. Commissioner of Public Safety e G,4Y Og Few �r•A w ee�e mean ° s � O eau eee�ee®°ee b eye e9%�/ a ,6 S w�nc CI i, lli.ln IDWIN N BERNARD GIN WnH�.�A:l <HARLC' Brs-IOF_o. br ncn��r "I nR J H 1;` R.ROLD. . THE BOARD OF ZONING ESIabLsned by Ordinance No 5840 July 7th, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 779 COURT HOUSC September 21st, 1939• Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g• Dear Sir In the matter of application of Erick Bergmann and Otto Sue Lots to operate a Used Car Parts H Lot Bergmann Lots 15 and 16, Block 2, Pacific Addition. on This is the southeast corner of Atwater t question lie and Western Ave. The ach tothenWestern Avenuebelow bridge - the grade of the app One of the applicants lives in a home on the third o This property has for years been cover acl wring with brush, weeds and rubbish. Th'. he applicants are in anticipation of operating this business. The zoning is Light Industry and Heavy Industry across the street and in the reer. There is no objection to thisalocation for dismantling cera and selling tlhe emnd the it be granted. Board of Zoning recommend that the p' Yours very truly, George It. Harrold, gineer Secretary. 'I gh-rh i ev ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL l Ireo Ix rRE —YOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK c�eFK a OFFICE Applica 'off N'or nse DATE / TO THE ,HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL IN OPERATE q_ �iy� — S.N �� _ '1✓ __ TO DE Loc.reD ALSO DESCRIBED AS61 iwooiTlONI 19tH T� ovumeEr.i YiG.-0PPtlMl+6 __._-_._...-.. NO-BF-B1fYSThNKS_ __CwP/reITY�BF�F!.MiTfJK _-_ �± FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM C17 CLERK DATE /// DEPARTMENT OF PYBLIC SAFETY/ �i/ L t ,S BY 3(� y RECEIVED COPY COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE --__1-- 19 --.-- CITY PLANNING BOARD - BY U )7$ I Sept. 26, 1939 Son. John S. Bindlan Oomer. of Finance Cite Sall Deur girl the council will hold a hearing on October 6th in the matter of the application of Erick H. Bergmann we Otto Juckel for permission to operats a used oar parts lot an bots 15 and 16, Blook`;2, Pacific Addition, being at the southeast corner of Atwater St. and Western Ave., and requested that you send notices to pro- perty owners in the vicinity. Yours very truly, Oity Clark- r Yr. John Findlin; M We the undersigned propert owners and neighbors object to locating a used part, car lot and junk yard at this southeast corner of Atwater Street and Western Ave. on lots 15 and 16, block 2, Facific addition; POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE.OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn. .._ _September 27,. 1949 .. You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of Erick H. Bergmann and Otto Juckel to operate a used parts oar lot at the southeast corner of Atwater St. and Western Ave., on Lots 16 and 16, Block 2, Pacific Addition and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on October 6 1939 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. JOHN S. FINDLAN, s Commissioner of Finance. yo 33'7 odeln.l t. City CIvY 116707 WHEREAS, D. H. Michaud has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: (Exc. S. 26 ft. and Exc. E: 10 ft. of N. 100 ft.) Lot 12, Block 15, Robert & Randall's Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $898.81, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $590.38; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $63.41 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $590.38, and that said sum of $63.41 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $898.81. COUNCILMEN Yens Nays arfuss --platranto /Peterson In Favor /Rosen / -Truax_ -----Against '-M-i. President (Fallon) SM 6 38 CS OCT 241939.193- -- Adopted by the Council -.-- -- - -- OCT OCT 241933 ------193. - -- — .- - Mayor 1p /3� 'c" NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL ~ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM -- — — _–_— t•. 11. N.116707—Ity W. A. {•alma -1. 1». er ri x[ ll. H. Michu ud hun inntle Wh an - tppu a[lon f'r^elllf tlyeltn el lin `exntn neat TaI ¢ and x menta en the(nlln�rin WHEREAS, D. H. Michaud has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: (Exc. S. 26 ft. and Exc. E: 10 ft. of N. 100 ft.) Lot 12, Block 15, Robert & Randall's Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $898.81, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $590.38; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $63.41 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $590.38, and that said sum of $63.41 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $898.81. COUNCILMEN Yens Nays arfuss --platranto /Peterson In Favor /Rosen / -Truax_ -----Against '-M-i. President (Fallon) SM 6 38 CS OCT 241939.193- -- Adopted by the Council -.-- -- - -- OCT OCT 241933 ------193. - -- — .- - Mayor 1p /3� 116711 ?f3 O.LI.d 1. elk, O.d " No._ CITY OF ST. PAUL „.E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATI 1' `. 1167,08—,15 PRESENTED Y __ — ---- I by Iceu [ 1�•I COMMISSIO E - -- --'- — �Vl e Th.1— "y J 1 h 0 Ana In. n,n� q tncrihed n��w[ -r. WHEREAS, Thomas J. Yolton has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the followin3 described property, to wit: Lot 2, Block 3, Irvine's Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of X2,130.65, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $629.07; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $34.78 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $629.07, and that said sum of $34.78 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $2130.65. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss an Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Fallon) IM ash ('B V _ Adopted by the Council OCT 2419193---- - - OCT 24199 Approved------_ -193.- - In Favor Mayor Against PUBLISHED 116 109 Ori,I,W to City tl,rk CITY OF ST. PAUL rl�. `I� NO.---- OFFI OF THE CITY CLERK COUN ;I SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM October 11. 193.9.__ PRESENTED BY _DATE _ COMMISSIONE9& - — C. F. No.116709—Br Nlllon Rosen— That the Northern Statos Power Company be given permission to Inalall 1-35 foot pule In the Alley East of Hager, North of Brand, with n res- ury goys. anchor n, wires, and Tele- phone Com pan)' wires. Pnie ui d wires In be r ved *he. requested. to do o by the Common Council and cost of id removal to be borne by the Nor- lhsrn S[a tes Power Company. Estimate 306-6. Adopted by the Council Ort. 2J. 1939. Approved ort. 24, 1938. (Oct. 28, 1939) That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-35 foot pole in the Alley East of Hager. North of Brand, with necessary guys. anchors. wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate 3o676. r OCT 241939 Adopted by the Council— _-193 COUNCILMEN d 24 Yeas Nays -U r arfuss / Approved— 193— eterson n –-- - Mayor /I{geen Truax Against PUBLISHER Mr. President (Fallon) – 6M eJ8 CS 0,191-11.Otr cluk11 f)11® CITY OF ST. PAUL ..t�NO.-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SO UT N-- NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY `xel F Peterson ( DATE _ --- COMMISSIONER_ _ RFSOLVFD, That the nroper city officers be end the,- are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrent in the sum of one hundred dollars ($100) in favor of Miss Lettisha Henderson, Supervisor of Special Classes, to cover her expenses in connection with a trip to Dellas, Texas for the ournose of attending the ,joint convention of the Intern.:.tional Society for Cricple3 Chidren and the National Society for ;rippled Children, on October 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, 1939; s(xid sum to be payable from the Deoa.rtment of Educati,:n 1�ind No. lz-G-5. UNCI NN Yeas Nays :arfuss -fl �arranto Peterson -In Favor /itosep ruax -Against Iyk. President (Fallon) 5M 0-38/Cs (•. r. sn. nsvlo-0,r n.el r•. eeterxen— Ren Ived, Thxt the proper Il>' ontrerx he nod the)' a , heren'' rHuth orized xnd d1 --d [o drx"' w t In the n of o e hundred do 11 a rs($100) In [ vur ➢11xx I,et tishn 7lenderxun, cnl,erl'IN or ,.f Sperl:tl ('I:;xn to r, er her expenses ¢.tion with a "lp to Dallux. Teruxn for the purpose of attending ]o`nlnitetyrl lo. [ tChhe llaIrnetnern utiotnthhneei on,_ forCtlR d sh,ple7 oesfor 4rlpiled Child,".Ynonu 19Ort`l 2e5S[otd I9id Nu`nmpnlnratn the .h n I,epartro—to[ F..do, lo"n 15-n-:,. .\d�pted 1, the ('ouni�ll 0,"._4. 1939. A pp r�,r ed Ort. 24, 1939. (Oct. 28, 19397— QCT 241938 Adopted by the Council— - --193—Approved—O CT 24 193___ 0191..1 to Citi Pat .��1 fl.6711 CITY OF ST. PAUL . `I` NO._lle OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED V —. COMMISS IO ER _ DATE_— RESOLVED that water mains be laid in the following streets in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota: Bayard Ave. from South Albert Ave. to South Pascal Ave. Bayard Ave. from Hamlin Ave. to Albert Ave. Wheelock Parkway from a point opposite.,t$ easterly line of Cohansey Street to a point 3Db ft, northeasterly along said line of Wheelock Parkway Tohnson Parkway from Conway St. to Griffith St. Griffith St. from Wakefield Ave. to Hudson Ave. Hudson Ave. from Griffith St. to a point 300 ft. west of Griffith St. Emerdld Ave, from University Ave. south to Franklin Ave. COUNCILMEN Yeas - Nays �ar f Uss „�Parran�o — In Favor Peterson % ) Truax Against i Mr. President an 1500 2-M CS F. Nn. 116711--If3' \\'. A. I•nrr;,n lu-- ICesNrea, Thnt ,rnt.a lulinxbe laid in [he following xlreelx In the 01 of int 1'anl, \finnexotu: ~,Itns'xrd Are. from south Albert Aye. o South Pnxrnl Ave. Ii:,J'nrd Are. from llamlin;A­. to .1l be rt ,\ve. 11'hcelook 1'ur k,va J' from ;t Voint op- Slr��,�t n-Tt the •rl J' I;t'olmnx; �' t n point 860 [l.lnr n.rtnuaalerly :; 11nK xnl.l Iln r• of �\'heelnrk Parkway. .Iol,naon ['nrk,yu J' from l'on wuJ' tit. ,Tilth Sl. l rlmlh St. from Wi,kelleid Al, I.. Iluax. .\y Iluaxon Are. from Crlmth St. to n � rvdnt '.oe n. ,y.•�t of orlmtn at. F:Ih,r:Jd :\,.•. from I'niverxily .\cr. 5 u l. R .oth , 1 run k lin :\y,. � Aaopea er mn comlJ�.-s+. wxy. Ai•nr;t.y.a ,. Adopted by the Council_ OOT 24109193 24153a Approved_ _ 193 _. --lt� p'I a, jj(7 12 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARIN N al S IiIRWN AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON'iii' ;WARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of-_ condemninJL and takinr� an easement i - _the_ the - land neeegsary _for sloye. , ----------------- cuts and fills in the regrading of alley in Bloch 4, Cloverdale, from the east line of Lot 4 to the west line of Lot 8, �ROSOLU-ON OF COUNCIL AP INGEArSESMENT AND FIXING TIME oHEARING THEREON AND TIME OF REARING ON TRE AWARD OF DAMAGEN. N under Preliminary Order-__ 115662July 21, 1939 ------------. approved ------ ------------------------------ � Intermediary Order --------- 116222-------------- approved ------ Septeggber_12, 1939 ---------- Final Order ---------------- 116557-------------- approved--____ October 1p,__1939 ------------- t The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the -taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom p able; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- --- M!d he-_____-22nd--------day of ------------ November ----_- 19 39-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council___-_ OCT 24 1939 ------------- OCT 24 1`� City Clerk. Approved-------- ------------------,19--- F'ile 8781 -tL--------- - , Councilman Conroy — Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald¢�- Councilman Pearce Councilman Robland Councilman Sudheimer - Mayor _ 116713 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER 00t0h8P 20 I8431. - RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $-67'284'47 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED P403T64450 INCLUSIVE, AS) PER ,I"l" CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. Hrnulvod. Thnt vhoekr b .. ...... ,,,,, � lren "I[, Ih.• n�,Irre Knto �+ino Inl ..f 30i,4x{.{6, ,o+ering •heck. inhorr�I 04IO:t n 6{{60, Inclunl+'e. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OCT 24 1939 i93 /� -'-'� ��n��i'�•�inptn�urli�� I`I Ih`• "err "� 111e� OCT 241 APPROVED 199_ P -A 0 ,CITY OF SAINT PAUL �.'a `e DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL--BaB-C3 _ _ ---- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER _ .r. FILE NUMBER—_._. ROLL CALL BARFUSS FAVOR - FINDLAN AUDITED CLAIMS October_20 _— N 9 PETERSON � OSE g RRUA% _ T AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS a AWNI Q �J E CITY TREASURY W "EL I — AOwI 6 TO THE AGGREGATE 2X F F LF COVERING MR. PRE5. FALLON OCT 24 CHECKS NUMBEREDy ---- T 50 ---IN SIVE. AS y !%V PER CHECKS ON N OFF OF T�ITTY ROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE �N141939 �p9--- �o��elrAPPROVED_ (v� i1J/4 '��—__NUMB96 EReco T.9e csMAyv Y CHECK NUMBER TOTAL DATE I� IN FAVOR OF -- - - RETURNED ICU RSEMENT it BY BANK iJ TRANSFER '., CHECKS CHECKS J � BROUGHT FORWARD 4 168 11 762 �]P 94 _JL- 7 Ii 64403 4rthur Buokli 5 00! 6440 J.A. Gilchrist 3 00 64405 Pederson Brothers 150 00 64406 Colonial Warehouses, Inc. 00 41 64407 Czech American National Alliance 72 64408 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company 97 21 64409 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company 174 5 64410 Fuel oil & Gas Company 951 1 64411 Glovo Products Company 22 05 'I 16 32 64412 Great Northern Railway Company 64413 Griggs, Cooper & Company 20 00 71 64414 Hauenstsin & Burmeister 64415 Kennedy Brothers Arms Company 05 64416 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company 282 p4 86 62 '. 64417 H.B. Fred Kuhle 64418 E. Markham 28 00 64419 N.W. Bell Telephone Company 20 80 14 70 64420 G. Sommers Company 111 & 64421 Strong -Scott Mfg. Company 64422 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compan 177 ;0 64423 Tri-State Tel. & Tel Company 64424 John S. Findlan, C. of Finanop 8 508 53 :- 4041 91 G 64425 John S. Findlan. C.of Finance' :12 851 96 64426 John S. Findlan, C.of Finance 64427 County Welfare Board 11 79892 0 64428 Ernest W. Johnson 16 949 25 64429 Fuel oil & Gas Company _ 64430 C.F. Sculley Equipment Company ?3 792 04 64431 Anthony Plumbo 35 20 64432 S. Berglund Lumber Company 60 02 29 40 64433 Brown and Comstock 06 64434 Hapbes Sales, Inc. 1607 64435 Lampland Lumber Company 64436 J. L. Shiely & Company 21 64437 Mra. Harriet Jane Gay 23 64438 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 22 96 39 140 Mrs. Apes Weiss Finance 2 1 42'+ 6 John S. Findlan, C.of 8 43 64441 64442 John S. Findlan, C.of Finance Inter -State Posting Service 33 R6 64443 Department of Education 215 4 64444 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Compa#y OlE 548 241 00 64445 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compan$ 41 91 64445 General Electric Supply Corp. 63 30 64447 Griggs, Cooper & Company 64448 National Lumbar i3empanT �-^ _„,._. _ __ . 14 11 93 64449 The Proctor & Gamble Dist.Oo. 474 02 64450 Woodatook Typewriter Company SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD .„ .9_166 11 129- 337 1+6 a Orlelx.l to city CI•IM f CITY OF ST. PAUL .��E NO.— 70 OFFICE OF THE 91TY CLERK COUIZFIICL RRQE^S—�O_LUTIO ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BV __L`` O,.t. `�i, 19°J9 —mss COMMISSIONER—_— - --- ------ ..._ DATE___ ._.._._._ — In the matter of resolution C. F. 116567 approved October 10, 1939, for temporary branch sewer connection to new store building in and upon Lot 19, Auditor's Subdivision No. 4 in the City of St. Paul. Resolved, That the above named resolution and all subsequent proceedim>s in connection therewith, be and the same are hereby cancelled and annulled. IIl;IJ-1s, AIlh.m I:nevn— 'lu Ihr nuLLter n/ xolu Unn t'. 1:. 11666;. xl�nr��v.•d t .Inhrr 1x, 19:t 9. t;liol: "�tu tnr.• huiltlinle In nil nt4nInst .\uAitnr'x tiubdir�ixlon N,{ i 1 n the '' It—1, l. 'rllx t' (hr uh—'.• --d r �intli�n ntl n1i xnl�xe.l u.•nt ❑r:r..•.•:Ilx Kx i �.nn%SII .: Ih.•re.t'ilh, he n:l I1:.• ' xr.. hxr.•h) --t•nr:l xn:l elt. _`, I1::19_ (nrt. "N, 19:19) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �arfus, ,fYlar/ Grant. (� In Favor —Peter.9otr— --- Against 1500 z- a Vice Pres. (Peterson) OP,j 2 51939 Adopted by the Council______ -193_ OCT 251935 m Approved 193-- _. _. yor- d 116715 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - - r' 116715-11,1 (.. 1. 1j_f_ by OUNCIL RES UTION-- ENERAI� FORM'° li k•LiY urountl„ nnJ I'u hli „' PRESENTED BY �. 1 (y.'�.,� ' 1 1 r. t:nrird to ton r'r:ur _ ,�`„ riu+w I COMMISSIONER _ _—_-__—_______._ -__. __._ _ ___DATE_'n«-„t r'rr frn nr ,,"•. ” 23 WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that a certain one-story frame dwelling, located on Lot 23, Block 4, Homecroft's Addition, also described as No, 2631 W. Seventh Street, is in such a dilap- idated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing shall be had upon the advisa- bility and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 21st day of November 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or pur- pose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hear- ing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of the City of Saint Paul, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the d to of said hearing. OCT 2519 COUNCILMEN U r Adopted by the Council__—____ —__193_— Yeas j Nays Barruss ' OCT 251939 Approved------- —193-- arrauto '_-:� .��----- --In Favor M r Posen --it-aan- ---Against BLISITT?II'-1v � t,Fcond Vice Pres.(Peterson) 1' CITY OF SAINT PAUL�e Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registratior. Oct. 24, 1939 J&r. John ■. 1lcConnelou9 Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the dwelling located at 2531 W. Seventh St. on property described lot 23, Block 4, Homecroftrs Addition. Yours very truly, , City Clerk- ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD W, LA .MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Playgrounds Coy Architect d j+Supt. of Parks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy C--i-flonar October 13, 1959 Icon. Cowell city Of St. Paul ^entle_ on: An inspection has been grade of t_z derellin located at 2531 ,,lest Seventh Street, on property descried as Lot 23, __locl 4, Homecroft's Addition. This is a one story frame drrellinS, dilapi" ted, cut of nla,nb and out of level, windows and doors out sad chinuiey ba -g. It is beyond re air, a fire menace, and dan_-,ero-crs to life, limb, and adjoinin:^, property*. A Dan;er - otice has been :hos ted an- the last 1-nOi'm err -ler is the Adroc'_c Security Conpany, no address. indly institute condenmation proceedings against this, dwell- inS in accordance to Section 1-12 of the building; coda. Yo — truly, City Architect LAT . . f V r � \\ r 1 116716 Odsinnl to Clh Gxk + CITY OF ST. 'PAUL ruE � NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK \ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Ab PRESENTED BY -Gv %�Y� October 24, 1J.�,J_ COMMISSIONER l� -- - �--------- --DATE— _ RESOLVED That the application of G. 4. Anderson R, Son for leave to install a temporrry branch sewer connection from the dwelling to `.he new store buildin.,, in and upon the West 74.01 feet, of Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision No. 4, in the City of St. Paul, be and the same hereby is granted, subject to the conditions th-t the applicant shall discontinue end remove said temporary connection not later than three years from a'td after the publica— tion of this resolution and shall file a surety bond with the City Comptroller in favor of the City of Wit. Paul in the sum of 1500.00 conditioned for the discontinuance and removal of said tempor•.ry connection not later than three years from and after said date, and that said bond shall be approved as to form by the Coruoration Counsel and as to surety by the Commissioner of Finanr_e, and th,.t subject to such conditions the Commissioner of Public Forks be and he hereby is authorized to issue a permit for said tempor,ry connection. ✓COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss r,�Parranto 1n Favor TV max -----)'Against la . 1foM14ecand VicePrea. (Peterson) +. h'. N,-. 11616 --Iii \I111e1 I1uxen-- 1:\nn\ndrrnilnraN. Slhe n, fr+rr el ela,'elIIII to Int :. 11 lelpperary hr:,neh xew- r,tl.�n fre,n the.dn'elling to the r nt .• huildl— in .ml pnn the \Ventew { ,01 feel 'If 1,11t _0. Aud itar'n Subdlvl- .I�n+ In he l'Ity of SI. I'nul, h�• .+d th.• n e h�•rehy h, I`rUT d, n hJecl �h:i 11 r�11. �•'n ntl..... .. nJt,nl thr e•ltemt pir�+ r.11en netlat rthnn three 1 ,.• .` nut after t1". puhlirntlon .rf [1+1x1 rim Ibliun and nhnll file n xnr ty ! e ed r,'llh It,, t'ily rem plrell.•r In fn- �,,„f tl+�• 1'it\ of-Sl.I'IeeI In the x ..f f5n0.Oh �mli timed far thr dl Heaton t llnenn'+nrld I-lrr[nllnier niq t'hk,n1e throe & dear from and 'after xnld date, and hat -Id bend x11.11 he appre,rd n1 I'• for by thr �orni 'tiro, rtni�aio l — Yi irrttn� r'r.e,d Ihl,l rl nnhJele x eh eon- ditlunx IRr t rmin inn ion er of Pl+hlir l\"erk,x he and rhe he,,tl , Ix anthn I,.ed xx+ pern, 11 far nn id len,pnrnry tl,,n. Iept.vI l.\ the '1'ou Hell C1rt. :.�. 1939. .\ppreerd net. °F, 1934. 100 ?V, 1-3n) OCT 2 51939 Adopted by the Council_ _ 193__ OCT 251939 A.,..r,, ed 193-- Iayor Ddow to CIH i cwh me At L67 CITY OF ST. PAUL t` NO. npS 17�/c�Jy� E OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCILCIL RRESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENT D EVf DATE October 29 1939 RESOLVED: That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Yale Weinstein 532-34 Wabasha St. 2nd Hand Dealer App.30149 New NewL Henry W. Neville 511 Wabasba St. Restaurant " 37327 New Nes L James Dukes b Theodor Dionisopoulas 41 W. 7th St. Restaurant " 37407 New Old L Hymen Lachman g63 E. 7th St. Off Sale Malt " 3740g New New L Nathan Makiesky 229 W. 7th St. 2nd Hand Dealer " 37445 New New L J. W. Pott 962 E. 7th St. 11 Gas Station " 371+4$ New ole L Otto Crossfield 900 Raymond Ave. Grocery " 37451 New Old L " " " " Off Sale Malt " 37452 " " " '' I \ -l�--itt \\'. A. F'urruhle- 1'. il: Trun>—(;. li. Bnrfu— It�����l.�ed, 'nut rvr,�nv��= ,t�nued rer i�hed t,,rthi, rl nn the Ilvt t- tinlutimi he and the �• I��re by t;rnnted and the ed City Inntrnrlto Issue —1h11- i�nnn the pn ym ant Into the rite t ��t thr rr�lfees. rr\i1 ir��.d Irk' th,- ('-1oun�11 0,1. _:, 1939. l Ort. 23, 19391 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncilOCT 25 1 193 Yeas / Nays Barfdss Parranto Rosen �inex nm �. �cond Vico Pres- (Peterson) Approved_ jG 12 50193 In Favor Mayor --Against oI.I9.I to ah .d9 ! 6718 CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. `� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTE DATE October 25i 9939_---- COMMISSION R_T— HESOLVEDI That Confectionery license {55285. expiring August 13. 1940, issued to Jerry Whorton at 915 Arcade St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Jerry Whorton at 1075 E. Jessamine St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. 1. ��� nr;IN u. l:arruas— w. A. idnrrn�t11— esnlvea. TTnI rnnre cannery n0 \.�. :.2N'. � �Dirni•• Ani; n.rt 13, 1940. 1- 1 �etl In .1 �rr�11'linrl nn :il 915 Arrntle St, be ntl tier hereby 5 F.. fcrrr,T d In erry' R,horton nt 70'!75 .l rssninlnr ti[. and the proper city of -� Ileus nre Instructed y- make the prop- rhnnRes y the .1 r t rAtloptetl by the % 193 loOc[. 25, 1939. Approved Oct. 25 1939. - (Oct. 2�, 1939) 1 0 9 i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ 93— Yeas •'1 3,�arkarUsnetno �Nays �wi--2— 5 arf uss -- ` 193—Approved—_ __In Favor iPCosen ��reenr� Against nm e�*.&cond Vice Pres. (reterson) CMsl. 1 m as awk N O. CITY OF ST. PAUL #/1' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - (1� COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY/ DATE �b� COMMISSIONER IR MEA$: E1 Hall desires to withdraw application 37431 for Barber license at 1042 E. 7th St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that the proper city officers be sada they are hereby authorized to refund to Ed Hall the fee of $3.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN YeasNays arfuss arr _—In Favor �.�. _Against NMI sM Mt. second Vice Pres. (Peterson) L. F. No. 116119—BYBarfuxs— N, A. Parrnntn— \\'hereun. 7•:d Hall dealrex to wlth- rlr:iw app E. lira tion 37431 for Barber the return lof Zthe IWensve fee depnalled 'thereon, therefore. be It of Itexnly ed, that the proper 'I1Y II+-erx be ad the}' u e hereby a +thor- i�ed to refund to F.d Hnil the fee of $1, ,a and to a. dlppll+++l i++p for I leunxe. Adopted by th+l. 27, 1939. App --d )": 35, 1939. 1 (0, 39, 1939>.-. ®CS 2 51939 Adopted by the Council 193— WT 25 IM9 Approved— 193— 193— '( ice- — - -- -- _ ayor Da,mr w Char HU20 OF ST. PAUL No. ---- CITY!! I,y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM, COMMISSIONER_- DATE October 25. 1939 RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 37421, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 37422, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 37423. applied for by Frank Dempsey at 787 Selby Ave. be and the'same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, Oct. 19, 1939 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss _4'a'tranto -- In Favor �,�----- Against eM s2AT&econd Vice Pres.(Peterson) C W. A. Purran—itr U. 11. R:irfuss— Itcsolv�•d, l'hat Ilse nsc (or Restnu- ant, npPllcatlon ai421, On Salo lYIalt Itev crat; r, uppI ..tion :S712"_, and OIT Snlo Malt ISev era Fe, applicutlon 3742R pplied tar by Drunk Uern pve), IRereby Sr�lhy Avn, he and the sxnClerkupon the- i - br:rnted nnd' thiti 1'Ity' lru�'l�d to i+nue urh licenses pn y:nent Into [he c•lly treasury of the elWr. fe s a by Coun- r New. Inform all- Vpro�e u. oet. ls, )Sas. ola Ioeauon. :\do PLoA by Ihr 1'ou cil O�'t- ".�. 1939- ) :\Ppruved Ocl. 22 19x9. ()CT 25 "" Adopted by the Council 193— Approved—___ DOT 251539-- —193 Ma r-- 116721 od,larwDtvD,a 1d� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM lam• r7, PRESEN D Y _DATE COMMISSI ER_ RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 37413, On Sale Malt Beverege application 37414, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 37415, applied for by Victor Mallet at 1199 Cortland St. be end the same aro hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, Oct. 19, i°j9• Old Location. COUN MEN Yeas Nays arfuss arr to �en 6m ,Mr4econdVice Pres. lPetenon) (7. F. No. 1167,21-131 t1. 11. l;"rfuaa— W. A. 11arrnnto— Iicaolve4 Thal Ilcenae for itestuu- nnt, nppllcallon 37413, On Sale D'Iall nor'crnb'e, PPlic —ti -11 Sale Mnit Bever�V ictorp Malleton (i 71189 npplled fnr by and thea a here - Cortland St. be by Rrnn[ed and the Cl Clerk Clerk N In- alrhetedltOthe to th, c ItYli treaaurYp)f the 'h.t Wred f-- . eNew. Informnll)' pproved hY.Coun- cll, Oct. ed 0't. -Old locatf�-- \doptetl by :fie Counc 11 O�'t. In, \pproved Ort 22 1939 1838. (Oct. "_B, 7 OCT 251939 Adopted by the Council_. ---193- 25 —193- 25 193 Approved 193— ,,�-, -- - 1n Favor --Against 6m a*resSecond Vice Pres.eteram) IOU (These applications held for taxes & reached their expiration dates) ro ua cl.fk 1. 1 6 ri �% CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. `" No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. Nu. 1167.2—H,' ll'. A COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM F. M. T—,s—G. Re..I COMMPR ES N E BY ISS ER_ DATE _.��P_.. F �ptobeT 25. 1939__ RESOiV W: That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue sudh licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feesi Stanley Mosio 354 Cedar St. Restaurant App. 29847 Renewal H. W. Prechtl 1821 St. Clair St. Grocery ■ 299C6 IN Butcher ^ 29967 n Off Sale Malt ^ 29969 ■ Thos. Bacigalupo 359 Jackson St. Restaurant " 30063 r R. (a ewwe 194 Concord St. Grocery r 30116 ^ H. W. Banks 823 S. Robert St. Grocery of 30167 ■ Butcher a 30168 a ^ Off Sale Malt " 30169 ^ Miller Cat Rate Drugs Inc. 375 Robert Conf. ^ 30170 ■ Johnson Bros. 1059.Hastings Ave. Grocery ^ 30241 a Mrs. T. Westberg 1903 Stillwater Rd. Bakery a 30251 a Gomer Mowers 974 Arcade St. Restaurant ^ 30274 r St.Anthoap Ice & Fuel Co. 260 W. Centr6l Ice Station ^ 30367 r Mrs. M.G.Iymenstall 1194 W. 7th $t. Barber ^ 30559 ^ R. E. 1l;AlZEIN (arson 1597 Selby Ave. Confectionery ^ 30612 ^ Ulter Baines 554 Rondo St. Fuel Dealer ^ 30732 ■ E. A. Thome Cash & Carry 677 Hague Ave. Butcher ■ 30762 r Steins Food Mkt.Inc. 396 N. Prior Ave. Grocery ■ 30782 a ■ ■ ■ " " Butcher IN 30793 ■ C. H. Michelson 542 Ohio St. Grocery a 31104 a Collova & Valente 262-4 W. 7th St. Grocery a 31170 ■ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_f-cZC3_193— YeasNays ,r /Barfuss �� ? n Pn�leni�� U 5C7 251939 Approved Parranto (J/ 193— —� in Favor �ICosen Mayor T}pgt�Against arm. rrm. 6m a*resSecond Vice Pres.eteram) IOU (These applications held for taxes & reached their expiration dates) Chi.iml to City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES6 UTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � /��\ _DATE Ccteber`T,3- 1939 ---. COMMISSIONER_ lr. Nu. 116133—Ity Milton Itosen t Thnt the Northern Statex Power mpany Ie glum permlexinn to Install 1 35 foot r pole the s lh side f Snulh N. han Ke. «'ext otf R'lalnut, with g.0 .. - w Pole :end Telepbxne Cnmpa �yt wlr.�s. Tres to be r noved when r uue strd to do xo by the Common Cou nrll and e t of ,atd r val to be horn¢_ by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate No. 11955. \do pled by the C.'m'il "' 1939. .\pprnvr�d 1)et. °5, 1939, IClri. 3R, 193:1 That the Northern States Power Company be given -- --- permission to install 1-35 foot pole on the south side of South $Xchange, Meet of Walnut, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Setimate #31855- Ai OCT 251939 :arfuss UNC MEN Adopted by the Council__ _----193-- Yeas Nays ' 0gay 5 1939 Approved__.__ 193.-- Parranto In Favor Ma r Rosen Against sM lbs SWond Vice Pres. (Pderson) and Griggs, with necessary guys, anchors. wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal Estimate $1577. (ICT 2 51939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays Bar(uss �� ` � APProved --193— __._ Parranto L I tr---- In Favor �( –Pererao-.. _ ✓C M) ,or Rosen O �1 Against Max Mr.econ ice res. (Peterson l I 6M 6-38 cs 1"6�24 0,121,.1 to cur a.d NO.-- O. —OFFICE CITY OF ST. PAUL a�E OFFICEOF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM C October 16 1939-- - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_---- "DATE — V N- 116724— That the Northern 401— I'nwer ompany be given perms„ioa In In- stall 1-40 foot pole on Idaho and Qrlgea. with n y 91, , a nehor., wire,• and Telephone Company wire.. Pole and wire, to be removed when r ' pe Ild to do ,o by the rnnlmnn 1 n itnd uxi of ,aid vat 1116e borne bye the ,nrlhe.rnreSt,t- 1'nwer t'ompany. Munlripnl Fxti nn�tr Nn. 11R77. .\dnpled by the Counen ftrl_ 7., lu.^. f�_ i tier. ^N, int�� That the Northern States Power Company be gi permission to install 1-10 foot pole on Idaho and Griggs, with necessary guys, anchors. wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal Estimate $1577. (ICT 2 51939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays Bar(uss �� ` � APProved --193— __._ Parranto L I tr---- In Favor �( –Pererao-.. _ ✓C M) ,or Rosen O �1 Against Max Mr.econ ice res. (Peterson l I 6M 6-38 cs 0AsI •I to City CWki 116,725 t, Cyfi OF ST. PAUL .��e No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t., i:.{,. 11u; ss—tty Muton ltoeen— R'hereax, Waal tionx which might CO CIL �y�SOLUTION---GENERAL FORM I�rn.e to h• ne{ snry in the Improve• I nw t d Inn 1 thr 19x9 Annual I k ('n t t bt-trlecell.tneoua PRESENTED BY J COMMISSIONER— --- - -- ----- .. -DATE".. t VVI-iE'r.TIAS, additions which might prove tc be necessary in the i• provel:,ent described as the 1939 Annual S;(�ewaL1; Ucrit,ract, I.'iScell- laneous stree�s, Cor.•t.rol7er's Contract. L.406.3, Standard Stone Cerr,:any, contractor, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices stioula.ted therein and agreed prices, and ?',7EREAS, it Y_as been found n.el-:essary to r,iake the fo]Jotiving addit.icns: i_� D] TIC ISS: Frs . On Ber•1•e2ey Av,,. frog: Sr=e17i„r, rve. to _ncales_ter Ave:Coi .Lab. Lo'_ q & ll-, Blk 1, ,:'aleste. Villas 2 0 ” 6 3, 14, 1: r:� 16; 1311, 2, i_a:calFstr' Villas ;.0 " 2�. Blk. 3, iaoLlester Vil)as 1.0 " 2,F,',13,1'1 cr 15, 131k 4, i,acElester Villas 6.0 " 1,20,21,22.24 All, 5 11 " 1,1�,20,2c.26 27; Blk 6 it 6.o Sidewalk Exten., ort - 17 cor of Berkeley - Snelling Ave. 1,0 Total 27.0 On(ioocrich Ave, between i - tor. C1_at_wontll :ts. Lots -,or11'3 14, R11 2Falder<n's Add TOTI 1 1;.?01, 3 .0 ".75 T28.50 On Fcbert 51„ bet,. 5th c, 6th St.:'. Removing beams, lights c- corcz•ete Lot. 1, ?]l- 11 , St. Paul Pro, er Lr_?C'R (hrs .) 16.0 .75 12.00 Tctal x40.50 ]jus �,cc_. Sec., Ins. Cverh'd C 20 - — $48.60 On F.ice St. bet. Viola L herburne Ave. Repair and resetting of cid trat door ir, front, cf Lot 51 Bik 2, Brevster's Addition 10,00 �roTAL A� ITlohs 58.6o- WHEYYAS, the ret addition is now, tlier„fn-e ire it RF,SOLVP.D that the City of St. Faul_ through its City Council rcve the aforesaid addition liade in accor(lance V;{ith tte srecifi- to thc��,� pmt ek ��e ppon,,�Q ��,�����e 'It $chlg addition of : 58.60, said sum to be added �:not�r asogFl.roIer�C ion rac-L. for the making of the above aforesaid improvement. The Co?:ndssicarer of Public V+crkF las agreed v,ith ttre cct- tracl.cr, Stanrie_rd Store Company, that; the su: of $58.60 is the ccirt-ct anoiont to be added to the abcv.t contract. Count<rsis• is Cs_tv Co-'-tro]1P= COUNCILMEN Yeas , Nays � t387[ Uss nrPt'3itin -- �arra�1;� nto 2 iMZE— In Favor P-e ''++ax- /,,'>�AEainst nu. ztyslrc.-�ec.�n.l \ i,.c P_ (Pe erac>n. STAI DARll STCJJE COb PANY /'Cc,flmissioner cf Public Works Adopted by the CounciPCT 251939 193__ u Approved 193— w 193— ___. -_ •al—A--��--�� --- --. Ma r w i 1 0AsI •I to City CWki 116,725 t, Cyfi OF ST. PAUL .��e No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t., i:.{,. 11u; ss—tty Muton ltoeen— R'hereax, Waal tionx which might CO CIL �y�SOLUTION---GENERAL FORM I�rn.e to h• ne{ snry in the Improve• I nw t d Inn 1 thr 19x9 Annual I k ('n t t bt-trlecell.tneoua PRESENTED BY J COMMISSIONER— --- - -- ----- .. -DATE".. t VVI-iE'r.TIAS, additions which might prove tc be necessary in the i• provel:,ent described as the 1939 Annual S;(�ewaL1; Ucrit,ract, I.'iScell- laneous stree�s, Cor.•t.rol7er's Contract. L.406.3, Standard Stone Cerr,:any, contractor, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices stioula.ted therein and agreed prices, and ?',7EREAS, it Y_as been found n.el-:essary to r,iake the fo]Jotiving addit.icns: i_� D] TIC ISS: Frs . On Ber•1•e2ey Av,,. frog: Sr=e17i„r, rve. to _ncales_ter Ave:Coi .Lab. Lo'_ q & ll-, Blk 1, ,:'aleste. Villas 2 0 ” 6 3, 14, 1: r:� 16; 1311, 2, i_a:calFstr' Villas ;.0 " 2�. Blk. 3, iaoLlester Vil)as 1.0 " 2,F,',13,1'1 cr 15, 131k 4, i,acElester Villas 6.0 " 1,20,21,22.24 All, 5 11 " 1,1�,20,2c.26 27; Blk 6 it 6.o Sidewalk Exten., ort - 17 cor of Berkeley - Snelling Ave. 1,0 Total 27.0 On(ioocrich Ave, between i - tor. C1_at_wontll :ts. Lots -,or11'3 14, R11 2Falder<n's Add TOTI 1 1;.?01, 3 .0 ".75 T28.50 On Fcbert 51„ bet,. 5th c, 6th St.:'. Removing beams, lights c- corcz•ete Lot. 1, ?]l- 11 , St. Paul Pro, er Lr_?C'R (hrs .) 16.0 .75 12.00 Tctal x40.50 ]jus �,cc_. Sec., Ins. Cverh'd C 20 - — $48.60 On F.ice St. bet. Viola L herburne Ave. Repair and resetting of cid trat door ir, front, cf Lot 51 Bik 2, Brevster's Addition 10,00 �roTAL A� ITlohs 58.6o- WHEYYAS, the ret addition is now, tlier„fn-e ire it RF,SOLVP.D that the City of St. Faul_ through its City Council rcve the aforesaid addition liade in accor(lance V;{ith tte srecifi- to thc��,� pmt ek ��e ppon,,�Q ��,�����e 'It $chlg addition of : 58.60, said sum to be added �:not�r asogFl.roIer�C ion rac-L. for the making of the above aforesaid improvement. The Co?:ndssicarer of Public V+crkF las agreed v,ith ttre cct- tracl.cr, Stanrie_rd Store Company, that; the su: of $58.60 is the ccirt-ct anoiont to be added to the abcv.t contract. Count<rsis• is Cs_tv Co-'-tro]1P= COUNCILMEN Yeas , Nays � t387[ Uss nrPt'3itin -- �arra�1;� nto 2 iMZE— In Favor P-e ''++ax- /,,'>�AEainst nu. ztyslrc.-�ec.�n.l \ i,.c P_ (Pe erac>n. STAI DARll STCJJE COb PANY /'Cc,flmissioner cf Public Works Adopted by the CounciPCT 251939 193__ u Approved 193— w 193— ___. -_ •al—A--��--�� --- --. Ma r w Petition Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. U-0 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: ................................................... Construct a. sewer on Moses Street from Indiana AVenu ................................................... t4. FPirfield. Avenue ................................................. ............................... ......................................... .:.................. .................................... ....... 25th., y October 1y3...... Dated this ............. da of........................................ e t� Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: o u s ewer on Mosea Street from IndianF P.Ven..e ..................C..P.Stx..9?... �...................,........ to Fairfield A enue.............................. ................ F. x,- W . iis�sc— AbBt;aot. al for the hereae, a written propos .................................I............................. ...... .. .. ............... m1V,king of the following Improvement.. on Nexex stye" xr1ver ................................................................................... f,. Ioat:,,,:, All -Ile t1. r•.,:_n having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ............... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ' '25 "'.9 9 Adopted by the Council ....................... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUS"=rX - PARRANTO ROS-�PE�FRSOt�� EN -iitt�t4ie� / Mr. Second Vice Pres. (Peterson) 111 12.38 Approved ........ O CT. 9.5. W-9.... Petition G-70 116727 Council File No ....... :........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grn.deand „surfnce the Alleys,.in Block 2r, University View Addition and .......... ..... Arnold's Addition from Blur St. to Van Buren St. and from Oxford t. ........................ ....... to the. North ^.nd South Al1eY........................................................................ ........................ ............................ Dated this .... .'..........day of ............................. 5th '.. ty39.... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Qrf,de,end.. surfa.ce.t;he.Alleys.,in.Block 2t.University View.Addition nd..... ....... ....... .. Arnold!s. Add. tion from Blair St to Van Buren Wit. and frorl Oxford St. .......... to the Nortn and South..Alley n,;;_,._ ........................�..... .... ..... ..... ...... .... .. .. ADatrant. Wi e, A Itten ➢ro➢oeal for tD 'nkinK oof[ the followln^ .......... ............... having been presented to the Council of the City of S9int Paul .............. .. . • • ... • . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 25 1939 Adopted by the Council.... ................................... ....... YEAS NAYS C q Councilman BARFUSS Approved ........oCT 2.51939 ........................ PARRANTO ROSE' .... ... ..... .................. .... Mr. Second Vice Pres. (Peterson) IM 1238 Council File No.. .1)728 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1]672 — Whereloa, �\ Abalract. Itten propnani for the and nakina f thr fnllnwl ng I'll proem en 1, PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: .... Condemning And taking an easement in theland necessary for slopes: ........ cuts.and.fill�,.tn.,phe,gFad ng..3pd.surfecing, of..the,.All.eys..iq.Aloc't..2.t.._...., ...........Universa ty.. Vie y..Asidi ti on., ad. Arnold'.s..AddiLion.. fsam. B� az..St.,..t�..P.Ar.. Fui in. ...........G.4...cr�..fror.QXtvz:d..?.t ...to..th.e.Nartl{.?.nd.I Quilt.!.k7ex Dated this ..... ^`th..... day of...........Oc,tpi.E.?'............................. lU3� ... ..................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............... gppdegrning,end,taking..en.ecsErcnt in the..lend ne,cessery fur„slol.es, .............cut end.fil.ls In the grnding.Fnd surfacing of the Alleys ir. Bloc:2 } University. View Addition rand Arnold':. Addition from pl=_ir =i. to San Buren .... .... .......... .................. .. ........... ...Ft. ..q froT. Oxford St. to ;the North and South Alley.. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 25 1939 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS 1p Councilman BARFUSS Approved.....,OCT 25.193, ......................... � PARRANTO - l"F iRSon^ ROSEN. . Mayor. Mrd ice Pres. (Peterson) I,N 12.38 ` ” YDt37.1:;1 I C- �—� 7 Petition 0-152 ® Council File No.—............ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,, iz.: Grade end surface the Alley i.n Ingleston's Subdivision, Netzcl's Subdivisi.o.n . .... ............. .... ............ rand Plock 4, Schnitzius Addition. .from Greenbrier Av,nue to Talsh .Avenue. ........................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... Dated this...... 25th...day of. ........ Uetobe.r.............. 3- 9.. ... ................................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grnde cmd surface the .Alley in In;leston'n ,ubdivis1on, Netzel'-, Fubdivisiun ........................... m Crcerbrier •ve.nue to 1"'e15I..."venue. 9.n..-`.fiQ...'.................^......... .................... F. Vii1113779-- Wherenw, A written nrnl,nnHi fnr -lh� nkl„K n[ tke fnllowi,�,; ni.,r•,....n,.... ... . having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ............... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................ ................:"Y:j............ YEAS NAYS OCT 251939 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... PARRANTO ROSEN........... ." U \. t ............................. ......... — or. Mr. se on VicePres. (Petepon) 116730 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ............... Con�emnir an talo an.easerlent in the land necessf:ry for slop<s, cu s en ............. .............. fill., in. the. gre.d,ir.�, e.nd. surfacin of the lley i.. Ingleston's Subdivis on, Netzel's Subdivision and Block 4, Schnitzius Pddition from Creenbrier evenue ................................. ........................ .. .... . to.. iixlsh..F.xentte................................................................... . .............. October.... I�>3.9 /............... ... Dated this....25th..... day of...................O .�. * Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ecinr en ec elent .n the l nd necessFry for sl.c. cuts ...I ...... .... ,il]s iri.L.ha.E> nE and.,�,urfFcirg. o`f..thc Alley .n Inde ton's uhdivision, Netzel'< Fubdivieion Psd Flock 4, Achnitzius P.ddition from Greenbrier Avenue ...... ........................ ......... �'. 1. \ii. c18-Yp— .lbntrart' � for the .....Lo 14.1 sh , venue. wh,•rea„, a -rule„ rn-opo9n ............................................................... ............................. �nakh� �r the fouo-m.• imn.o�emene. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.................I therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 251939 .......... Adopted by the Council .................... YEAS NAYS 11CY 2510 Councilman BARfUSS Approved ................................................... PARRANTO -'PtTERSUM1 ` �l ayor. "1'RQlo�n Mr. Second Vice Pres. (Peterson) P 1 -/ T — - IN 13.38 Petition / 116731 3 Council File No................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT v and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a four foot sidewalk on both sides of North Griggs Street .............................................................................................................................. ..............from . Hoyt..Avenue ..to..Idaho..9uenue................................................................ .............................................................................................................................. .................................. Y................................................................................... ...... Dated this..... 24th.... da of................. 0.ct.obef......... ............ .... I >3..9... c Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a four footsidewalk on both sides of North Griggs Street .............................................................................................................................. .............. frpm.Hoyt,_ yenue.to Idaho Avenuer.............._._......._. c r. N"� Lta-.a1— Wher—, p vltlencL r J'g of the follows nro Pneol ro[ the ............................................................................................ R p[ovement. fnot side Ok .............................................................................................I ... I ..t .t having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing �maatters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........ PCT. 25 1939 .................................... YEAS NAYS OCT 251939 Councilman BARFUSS Approved................................................... „ RHBEAH PARRANTO ROSE,—PITEEN ..................... Mayor. Mr. Second Vice Pres. (Perersonl IM 12.38 PetNion —416732 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct, .a sewer. on Margaret Street from Ruth Avenue to a I ................ p.o.i.nt..330....feet...eest....o.. f Rut..h Pvenue.... ........................................................................... .................. 9 ................ /i r----- ................................... CC 24th..... October iU3...... Datedthis.......... day of ............................................. .............. I...... . ... ............................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct.t._sewer on Margaret Street from Ruth Pvenue to a ....... .......... point. 33Q . f.eet..eas t . af. Buth . A r eAue,........................... t�. r•. No ils;awnaere,ot. where— A r(tten DroDoaai for the making of the following improvement. ... ............................... .... .......... ......... .. viz. . ......... .... (;onxtruct xewer on M9rg-+ •et from Ruth Avenue .......................................................... .. ............. ..... ................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS OCT 251939 Councilman BARFUSS _ Approved ................................................... PARRANTO ...-.AEiER59tV— ROSEN "l1 [ �......................... Mayor. 4•-r res. (Peterson) k'UBL1S131 D — Iii 12.38 C-515 1 34 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE N,. TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION ` PRINTER October e4 9 3 - RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $3�, COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREDTO 64551--INCLUSIVE, 4551INCLUSIVE, AS PER C. 11.. N� . 110733-110734— CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. Hee Ived. Thnl checks be drnwn o [h1o11 Cit)' LrPuenr)'. foC [hP RRRYCRR[P n1t or 539,16..59, ov rinR 'hocks Whored fii 4:.1 t,Gi 061, InPlusive. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OCT 25 1939 /,j °'` °h°°k" °' °1i °'111 h" "ffl°" ��r cnc , 493 "1c)' romnr rohler. Adopted h)' Il�r I'u� ¢II Uol. ^fi, 1939. OCT 251939 At,hr,,,,.'I 39. APPROVED 193 19391 ROLL CALL BARFU$S FINDLAN I _IN FAVOR PETERSON ROSEN T RUA XAGAINST WENZEL MR6 PRIES FALLON — - -------- 2 5 139 ADOPTED BY THE t 11 CHECK NUMBER 2 2 64483 64484 64485 64486 64487 64488 6448 64490 64491 64492 64493 64494 64495 64496 64497 6449s 64-499 64500 645ei 6450203 645 COUNCIL FILE NUMBER-4-16M— AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 0 INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON I ITV cOvTp ROLLER. NUMBER 'By TOTAL IN FAVOR OF I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS I t BROUGHT FORWARD al Ast vi s(PQ 1171:4 DATE RETURNED BY BANK ii, John S. Findlan, 0* of Finance I le 127 2 Mrs. Charles Tuobner 320 536 . 1 i7 jaderson Brothers 7 Bacon & Kempe Agents IF 150 106 0t o tawrenos A. Soler. Cashier Dunnigan Construction Company 25 00 Newman Plumbing & Heating Company 20 2 00 A 16 Mrs. Minnie S*,l 0 3 Joe. Pavlloek 36 1 1 13 Jos, Pavlioek DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL Healy Plumbing & Heating Compiny 39 6 OFFICE OF THE.COWPTROL LER ROLL CALL BARFU$S FINDLAN I _IN FAVOR PETERSON ROSEN T RUA XAGAINST WENZEL MR6 PRIES FALLON — - -------- 2 5 139 ADOPTED BY THE t 11 CHECK NUMBER 2 2 64483 64484 64485 64486 64487 64488 6448 64490 64491 64492 64493 64494 64495 64496 64497 6449s 64-499 64500 645ei 6450203 645 COUNCIL FILE NUMBER-4-16M— AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 0 INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON I ITV cOvTp ROLLER. NUMBER 'By TOTAL IN FAVOR OF I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS I t BROUGHT FORWARD al Ast vi s(PQ 1171:4 DATE RETURNED BY BANK ii, John S. Findlan, 0* of Finance I le 127 2 Mrs. Charles Tuobner 320 536 . 1 i7 jaderson Brothers 7 Bacon & Kempe Agents IF 150 106 0t o tawrenos A. Soler. Cashier Dunnigan Construction Company 25 00 Newman Plumbing & Heating Company 20 2 00 John W. Norton Company 16 Mrs. Minnie S*,l 0 3 Joe. Pavlloek 36 1 1 13 Jos, Pavlioek Joe. Favilook3 Healy Plumbing & Heating Compiny 39 6 American Red. & Standard S.n.`'Corp. 9 Brown and White Oag Company 148 a The Crane Company 495 Goodrioh-Slivertown, Ino* 232 Grinnell Company 6 36 A.P. Jurgens Company 68 o Lempland Lumber Company 82 1 147 32 90 MoTadden-Lambert Company Miller-Bryant-pleroe Company 1970 Ramsey County Boller Inspector 12 00 St.Paul White Lead & Oil Company 19 14 IC.J. Stilwell Paper Company 20 76 Swift & Company 3 8 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Compani 191 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 176 Woodburn and Brandl 6 St.Pauj Machine Works 231 00 St.Paul Civic Opera Assoc. 763 06 St.Psul Musicians Assoc. 763 06 Berglund Lumber Oompany 159 74 Crane Company 23 52 Mrs. Thos. E. Dahill 323 25 General foal Gompany,1no. 1 120 10 ,Theo. Hamm Brewing Company 699 00 1Hawkins Chemical Company j49 H.B. Fred Xuble 45 ,Model Laundry Company 21 Northern States Power Company 2 26Z 42 Northern States Power Company 230 88 Northern States Power Company 65 17 40 45 N.W. Hardware company ,Otis Elevator company 612 00 Roe-Jamea Glass Company 32 05 St.Paul Voo.11aftol Revl.Fund 52 46 jaodth Schmidt Brewing Company 397 % q.F.Sith Tire Oompany 39 Toledo Plate & Window Glass Company 3247 2e Twin City Textile Mille 61 04 Westlhghouae Sleotrio Supply Company 3 22 Yoerg Brewing Company 296 25 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 9 168 11 961 500 56. � a !� �: CC (( t DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL E OF THECOOPTROLLER . OFFICE COUNCIL -1 T-0 �04 FILE NUMBER---- ROLL BARFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS _,o�r-24-_ ­-9-- ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL ----A A NST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS -5 DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5 COVERING E MR. pREs, FALLON____ OCT 25 1939 CHECKS NUMBERED T _INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON F L ADOPTED BY THE C APPROVED---- U.... ICE CITY Co ROLLER 300 918 CB AY. TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER RNE. RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 9 168 aft 500 56 64504 Blue & White Cab Company 236 25 64505 Mrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian 3809 T7 64506 St.Paul Voo.School Revl.Fund 6450* A I StenograpbiO Bureau 637 2840 64508 Air Reduotion sales company 60 64509 Amerloan Linen Supply Company 64510 AmSTIoan Linen Supply Company IN 52 64511 Bangs and Terry 953 27 64512 O.B. Dransfield 5 00 237 96 64A5i3 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company 410 12 64514 L. iftpowenger Meat Company 64515 R- H. . 11SQuist 7 50 99 66 64516 Farwell, Ozmum, Kirk & Company 489 �15 64517 Feyen Construotion Company 64518 Don Garland 163 57 64519 Great Northern Railway Company 11 00 i Os 64520 Griggs, Cooper & Company 146 7 62 64-521 Grinnell Company. Ina. 64522 Gruber Auto kleotrio Company 82 09 64523 Hanoock—Nelson Meroantile Company 1Z5 0 64524 International Fuel Company 3 o 12 64525 A.J. koah Company 26 85 64-26 5 W.W. Koepke 34 64-27 5 Motesson & Robbins, Ina. 29 50 64528 Midway Creamery Company 107195 64529 milk Plant Monthly 2 00 64530 Minnesota Milk Company2 07 64531 model Laundry Company 811 ' 102 6a 64-32 F.J. Morse & Company 6 oo 6"3 New York Times 64534 viools, Dean & Gregg Company 318 95 46 64535 Northern States Power Company 1 623 64536 Northern States Power Company 128 05 64537 Oak Grove Sanitary Dairy Farm,Ino. 4o 21 64-39 Joe. Pavlioek 3 8 �5 64549 Pioneer Elsotrio company 132 60 5 Purity Baking Company 78 82 & 96 64541 Rex Linen Supply Company 23 4o 645-4R Geo. Z. Robertson Builders Material Company 158 41 645NSt.Paul St.Paul Milk Company 199 28 64545 St.Paul Musioians Assooiation 93 6o 64546 9tPaul Sausage Company 58 00 64547 socony—vaouum on company 25 30 64549 G. Sommers & Company Manager 23 38 56 64549 64550 F. Torland, jWive**al Carloading & Dist.co. 70 5 31 64551 Universal Sign Company 3 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 9166 11 969 500 05 I 116735 .. " 0,151.0 to CItY CI.'k - CITY OF ST. PA L l • OFFICE OF THE CITY LERK ENTED BY^C?."NCIL RESOLUTION ---GEN AL FORM COMPREMISSIONER__ `G '�-•�-'�------- --DATE RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to The Benz Company to install a service driveway at 128 Asst Sixth Street, in accordance with the plan submitted. Truaz— ltex• that perm *, d ,ur hl[)'y a arte hereby Rl�en'to The Benz l'nm P't Yrtu inatnll n a Fv�ce drlvewaY n 388 e91zth StreeIn ai�ordann• with Lh ple plan eubmlt[el Adopted by the Council nrl. .'6, 1939. A Pprnved ()rt. 26, (nrt. 29 , 19 M 38 OCT 26 1939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-- -- ---193 -- Yeas Nays /1`ind4an Approved �rranto ___ ---In Favor - ---- --- peteisofayor Rosen Truax Against /Mr. President (Fallon) am a-ne cs CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Oct. 25, 1939 Mr. John A. YcConneloug Corporati3n Counsel City gall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of the Benz Company for permission to install a service driveway at 128 W. Sixth St. Yours very truly, i City Clerk. �, POST CARD NOTIC/� 01 OFFICE OF Tl -1 OMMISSIONER 75(r, ;?iLt t 0 er ....19...39.9��..((IJ You are hereby notified Ina � t�e cterilz fdlh: City of St. Paul ill consider the matter of ap lieatioWfor service driveway at 128 W. 8th 17 of Lot 3, Block 7, Rice k Irvine's Add. and that a public hearing will he held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on October 2b 19 39 , in the City of St. Paiil, at 10:00 o'clocl, A. M. John S. Findlan, File 8826 Commissioner of. Finance. CLINTON A. HACKEIL'C ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. %N,11. F ,SC hwf tiuPL of Police and Fire Alarm G. E. BIIISSNAN Chi,of Yalicc Ilcalth Illi icor CITY OF SAINT PAULell - Capilnl of >linncsotu �' � �eY�u�f�teer:f o� �u��tc C�u�etiy � �' ��,.%� •,- Tenth and Minnesota Street U. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner .IOIIN P. MI'LLANF.Y, Dejmty Connoiasioner f October 16, 1939 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to application made by the Benz Company for permit to install a service driveway at 128 West Sixth Street: Report of the insoction covering these premises is attached. Very t y yours Al" Commissioner of Pubo Safety IN THF MEANTIME. PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF, PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 13 1939 Mr. G. H. Barfuse Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir i This is in reference to application made by the Benz Company for permission to install a service driveway at 128 West Sixth Street. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises only inasmuch as there were no blue prints submitted for this driveway. For your information this driveway has already been installed and completed. This driveway will not materially interfere with the movement of traffic. From a traffic standpoint- there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours very truly, Harry N. Wettergren Superintendent of Traffic 4 A odsle.l to city o.rk l C" V y� CITY OF ST. PAUL :�i�cl� No. — .f V,f1 �t, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1•_ 1:. N.. 116736-6y w. a Par—tc— ' , j FORM F. M.Truax—c. H. sartoea— V COUNCIL .} RESOLUTION---GENERAL Resolved, That llc—sea aPPlled NV(y used on tele 11•'.7. / � •I I.. IGCtOzirP PRESENTED B COMMISSIONED_ ul„ DATE for by the following persona at the addresses indicated RESOLVED.. That licenses applied be suchnlicensesmup netherpaymeatttintootthehcityttreassuryiofitherrequired fees Harry J. Speeter 1437 N- Cleveland Butcher App. 37365 Rene Mal " 37366 n a a a Grocery H. E. SchwBrse 739 Univ. Ave. Restaurant " 37393 " Wm. Malinoff 2296 Pleasant Ave- n 37391 Gffery Malt"" 37392 " 4 " is Abe Bernick 197 E- Indiana St. Off Sale Malt " 37394 " superior Pkg. Co. 2125 Wabash St. Slaughter House " 37395 " Alverdes. Inc. 379 St- Peter St. n Restaurant App. 3739 A. Gottfried &Son 1041 Thomas St. Butcher a 37397 " Frank Slater 506 S. Smith Ave. a Restaurant " 37399 On Sale Malt " 37399 " " a a a 0.2E. Lae 1 16 N. Western a a a Grocery 37400 Off .Sale Malt " 37401 a R. J. Baumhofer 1039 Selby Ave- Confectionery " 37402 " Off Sale Malt " 37403 " a a W.C.shaller & Spicer 1344 Thomas St. Hatcher " 374+ " 0. E. Sauter 720 N- Halms 11 Grocery " 37405 iamb & Lind 1503 N- Hemline Ave. Grocery " 37412 " A. N. Schaffhausen 259 S. Cleveland Confectionery " 37417 a August Krohn 1535 E- Minnehaha Gas Station " 37424 " John Mlrioh let.Natl.Bank Bld*. Gas station " 37425 " Adopted by the Council 9 R 1939 193— COUNCILM);N Yeas Nays UCT G M4 a n n ✓ Approved. 193— rranto ! In Favor _ t _ _ _._____ — ayor 1tosn Against ruax / p President (Fallon) 3 /Cdr. 36i 638 C6 A 11673 od,hul to City clad y, �, " No. CITY OF ST. PASJL4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL REESTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ///` — , — DATE October 26th, 1939 COMMISSIONER_ Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to prepare an Annual Report in the usual form and with the usual maps for the years 1938 and 1939, and the purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be printedthe expense hundred and fift copies(350) of said Annual Report, 2 inners. print- ing and publication to be paid out of Fund 10-B3-13 � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays rarranto ® 0 In Favor ruax Against President (Fallon) act ase cs (I F. Nu. 116737-13), NlltIa R. en— Rerolvod, That th,- 1•anim lualaner of Publlr lVarka b, and' he la hereby a tha rued W Orr. u Annual Hepar[ nn in the canal fo m a a u'loi I' u inI thepaPurcIt"Othe" eaAra 193N and 1939, and K Kent Iv hrrrhy i, thorized sad ❑res tea to r e to',rir (rintad tLree �hundeal •md rt rnplea Pro of said Annual Tieport, the ,�- pente of Leh nIf F1K u11 p1 -1l12 Uon Kmeereala ,at Cir Fund 1n_ns-192 sn- Adopted by the Co un't, o'.t. 28. 1939. Approved oet. 26, 1939. (ort. 29, 1939) Adopted by the CouncilOCT _-_-261939-- 193-- u u i 26 1939 Approved i l ---M or 116739 d to 01v t1•d' rat " NO. odela CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I r f COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -- COMMISSIONER_ --- Resolved, That the assessment submitted by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Publ_c Buildings, for the trimming, removal and care of trees and of grass plots, bordering public highways, during the year ending September 1, 1939, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is hetebfordirected tird / to certify the same to the Auditor of re Raes and grass plots borderin as the assessment for the carer aforesaid,dwhichshas been approv public highways during they of this by the Council accompanying said certificate with a copy resolution. _ C, Y'. No. 118 39—B he. M. Truax t x b- ne.ulved.the at m 1..l Pnertn4n Park., „lura by .d rnbu, Buuatoga. tnr, Flay ground. ,�tl c e of the [rima lot grax., plets,d bord ering t 1,11 the year end- I.­Kl9epteroberl], 1489nbr nd the m I. hereby ppr.v, d, and the t'ity are he Ix hereby dlrerted to c lily [.. .lune or to the Auditorthf Ramsem'e', n4 or the rene��unn. a. aa.e..letR boraarins I tree, and gra.x p I blic highway. dprIng the Year tore- .nid, jhirh has been a pptd�'adr[ifica e ,v,rll a'c o mp.n>'InIt r . lutlon. lth o ropy o[ thla ¢ Ad','d �P'te It the'6 19348 pcl. 26. 1439. 28, 19841 � J 61939 - - - -- � �.�� Adopted by 1e Council 193 - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays r& indlan / 4arranto _In Favor Rosen -----,Against -'�ruax "M1 - President (Fallon) aM n88 CB Approved 193_ --- Treetrimming and grass cutting assessment 1939-1939- 2d ward............ 1 998.90 4th " .. ....... 87.50 5th " ............ 312.62 6th s 7 058.11 7th ^ ............ 19 404.93 8th • ............ 6 150.6o 9th ^ ............ 1.73 loth ^ ............ 1 900.76 11th " ............ 2 074.14 12th " ............ 5 969.33 Total trimming $1;4 958.62 Grass cutting. summit Ave. ......... 1 969.11 Edgecumbe Road ...... 2 195.25 Ford Pkway ......... 260.96 Highland Pkwy ..••••• 339.05 Mt. Curve Blvd. ... 250.25 Total Grass cutting .•••.•.••.• 014.62 973.2 Half to be paid out of Geal Fund Half Assessed. 4 0,1,1.1 to city. Clak ` No. CoU x_6740 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY l ,/�/✓L (/V� 1/�! —__ _ —_DATE -----'--- COMMISSIONER_ -- 1 RESOLVED, That the bond given to the City of Saint Paul by Harley B. Smith, as principal, and the Seaboard Surety Company, as surety, dated October 18, 1939, in the sum of $2,000.00, covering said Harley B. Smith as Refectory Manager of the City, Which bond has been approved as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance, and as to form and ((( execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby accepted and approved, and the City Clerk is authorized to file said. bond in the office of the City Comptroller. C . V' No, 116140-13y John S. Flndlan- 1--1—d, That the bond Kh. I— to the f It`prif .lpall� `,tl l[hr sIrl Seaborard `SurettY ('nm ", pan, a ret", dated October 18, 1939. in theeun r $2,000.00, verfng Id Hurle,' B. :3m111µ x RefectorY htn n::Ker of the ( 1l". hich bond hae been tVpro�'�.d an to suretty by the t'nmmioner of utlon to be the Corpor tlllon r:rtn a f e<,, a n„ hereby c- ,.Pted 1, be an pp oceans n da the riY pled id bona In� t`lerk Ix �a ut horized to(tol'. holler. the tHre of the Adopted b" the l'ou nniI Ort. 4G, 1939. A pprnv ed Oi[. 26. 1089. i (Oct. 28, 19391 j OCT 261939 Adopted by the Council---- -_ --- - ---193 - -- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays I' Approved---- _ 193--- iZ�ndlan A'arranto in Favor en .—.—Against �yax .,Nr. President (Fallon) 3M a-38 CS CM,hul to Ory Clerk RESENTED eY COMMISSIONER– .116742 CITY. F ST. PAUL :,iENO. OFFICE O THE CITY CLERK COUNCI ESO UTION --- GENERAL FORM r —DATE—Oct. 2�, 195Q WHEREAS, in the matter of depositing dredged fill for the Municipal Airpert, Contract G-8781, Minneapolis Dredging Company, contractors, the date of completion was extended by the City Council from July 1, 1989 to September 50, 1989, and WHEREAS, this extension of time was made necessary by the increased quantities deposited over and above the approximate base quantity of 2,750,000 cubic yards and on account of cessation of work for a short period subsequent to July 1, 1989, extension of time to cover these contingencies being provided for in the contract, and WHEREAS, such extension of time has not resulted in increased cost in engineering or inspection or otherwise to the City of St. Paul; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul hereby waives all claims for liquidated damages in connection with the aforesaid contract and that no engineering and inspection charges will be made on this contract by the city on account of such extended period. C. r. No. 116742-1,,. muton nn,en— Wherea-, In the matter of dePo-Itll,g dredged fill for the Munlelpal Alrport, nl ract G-3781, Minnee Poll- Dredging t;om Uan y, contractor-, the ante oP - pletlon w- -extended nY the CItY Co r�t- 11 from July 1, 1939, to 1. ptem Ler u30, 11939, and wheren-. this erten inn of time w Inde n dry by the i sed dm`us titles depo-Iloa o od 1:,Lo v, the aP, prod mute base `V uantlty .,f 750 .000 uL1, yard, it nd , nit �[ tion n( t ,rk for z 4�-Lnrt P. uae- rl d sub Vneut to tJ my 1, 130, .glen=Ion of time - to , er it,tt sou tingeueh-� he, u:; Vru- ,Ided f,�' In the , ntr-1, and \i'herea,. -u,h naten,lun ut than hu, ,ot r ,ulted In IPcrra-ea rn-t in ,r In,Pe,tion u of her,��i,ten Vhr 1'lty of 9t. Paul; lhen•f,nhe Il Ite,ulr ed, 'l'liut the City ..f St Vit. Paul hercLv ,r :,II rluim, far linulaal..f ,,,n nl;'I, InIt- , cellon with ihI afore - -id ,nlrn,• n h that n I' glneering Mill In�. Pe, lion ,�7l'hI 'I will 1be mode o ithiv ,�untra,t by the. rlty nn -t,. otmt of nh e�trmied Period. \t 1 .>d....i L} the t it it 00. _7. 1939,- ;\,,.roved li(e, --,011139. Nov. {, 1939) Adopted by the CounACT6T4939-193—_ COUNCILMEN i Yeas // Nays Barfuss L� 1 193_— /findlan Approved /Parlanto Peterson In Favor 41y_ ti{�.2�y -- ayor �en ) ,Zrluax _– Z Against sm n 2Csr. President (Fallon) 00e1n.7 to City CIa4 116743 CITY` OF ST. PAUL r��e N0._ -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC L RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _DATE_.__. �CtOh_Pr_23y 1939 COM M 15510 N E ---- - - — WHEREAS, under date of Februar',, 9, 1938, the City of St. Paul entered into a contract with the Ill.innespolis Dredging Company for the dredging nd depositing of aporoxtmately 2,750,000 cubic yards of fill at the St. Paul ?'anicipal Airport at a unit price of $.07949 per cubic yard, or a total of $218,597.50, the City to have the right to reduce or increase the quantity to alloy for adjustments due to subsidence of the original ground surface and to allow for extensions in the runways, final payment to the contractor to be based upon actual yardage placed and computed at the unit price bid, .and WHEREAS, the contract, for depositing fill was satisfactorily completed by the contractor on or about September 29, 1939, and the final computations and measurements of the fill have been completed by the City, and INHFREAS, due to subsidence and due to the creation of a nort'a and south run,vny not, contemplated in the original project., but later recommended by the Civil Aeronautics Authority, and due to the extension of the northwest and southeast runway so as to provide for instrumental landing as was also recommended by the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the final computations give an actual yardage deposited in place of 2,903,000 cubic yards, such final figures being approved by the Chief Engineer and Commissioner of the Department of Public Works, and by the Commissioner of the Dena.rtment of Public Utiliti-s; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be and they herein are authorized to Take payment to the "dinneapolis Dredgin`. Comp-rny, contractors, an a total deoosited quantity of 2,903,000 cubic yards, an increase of 153,000 cubic yards over and above the contract base mtantity, being an increase in amount at the aforesaid unit price of $12,161.97. :. 118iJb— I, Nlilon Itoeen-- the Vnnder mag of F, 111n0 v Jt3. of Sl. P—I entered in, { ntrncl with the .Ntlll—p,o11e I ' ninny fur lhr dred AnK d t f xppro �1 mnle y SL Paul 03r f qll nl the l M 11'COUNCILMEN Yeas �- Nays ik3arfus, /Findlan /�.'arranto In Favor Peterson Truax - Against Mr. President 1300 zaa Cs Adopted by the Counc'Pl'T 27 1939 193_ Ing Approved 193— g Ori,lvd to Cay Cl.dr 116'744 CITY OF ST. PAUL r.�e NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCI SOLU ON ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER___ DATE____._.— WHEREAS, George E. Tubman, patrolman in the Department of Public Safety, has been and will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of 38 days, from September 24th, 1939, to October 31, 1939, inclusive, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Pub12c Safety has recommended that said employe be- granted a leave of absence for disability, with pay, for said period, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to grant such leave of absence to said George E. Tubman, with full pay, from September 24th to October 31, 1939 inclusive. r. x,.. u6 4f—n. , . 11, nnrrnn \\"hrrrne, Geo-- 1;.r uhnuu., rntnrt- n In the Iter., rtmrnl of I'u hllr Fnfe- h:, rt Iain and mill ne inrn n„ri l..trd and nnnhlr lrr rrrrr.rm la. dr.ur. fr.r .� '�. riot of :1A dI, y.v. Iron.. Plem hrr 4Ju,. I�iaO, Lu Or h.hrr ..".1, 11.::1.. Incl nr+icr. :.nt \c nrrrn„. u,r c•n.nnn�arrnrr nr l�.drw� rr..ty n.,. r+rr.n o, •ndrd u.:,f „;,Id r'lo)�r ne Kr.. nlrt�a ,lrn .'r rrf nh.r nrr� for`I rll�x M1llity, u�itl. rh )'. [rrr .�. iql rrrlrrt. tnrrrrore. ne n Itennit'nd, rin.l tnr• Inqr.r r1l )rrftr•. ne and ll.ey nrr I.er. nr nnthorl r.,d tri Kron[ Hurn len..e of nM1rarnrr to Wald .rK« N.. Toth 1111. rltl. full x193 frnm tie D[emner ?4th rn Orinber :It. 1939, 1.- 1931. n- { �,1 u:rlve. .\dnrt et Ir)' Il.r .• 19.9. ln:{(. f .\rrr'�rrr�l fI 1. , 195-9. fNn,�. !. I5.391 I COUNCILML- N YeaNays 13.,Iuss Findlan Parranto ,reterson In Favor Posen --Truax — ---Against Mfr. President (Fallon) 5M 6 38 ca OCT 27 1939 Adopted by the Council _-._____ _ _ - ___193__ c �ry Approved__ ;IG I l TI 193___ �or K 116'745 odst"I is bt, as.0 - " N o; CITY OF ST. PAUL • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM i PRESENTED BYTruax J �"�~_ _ —DATE—_ -- -'— COMMISSIONER - WHEREAS, by Council File No. 116531, approved October 5th, 1939, the Council determined that the barn and pop stand located on the west 36 feet of Lot 7, Block 1, Edwin Dean's Subdivision, also described as No. 769 Iglehart Avenue, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure or structures, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. ^°" FllrN1,116531. lnhe� 5th,1!114, the Council thltt tlin I,,.:'n nA P.rP e•:1th.•.t 3fi� tent .:f tk 1. 1" d" In\nhdl't- unt. n.l I::nl[a•r:i1. OC7 271939 Adopted by the Council----- --- --193 COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas N xriuss U ; � dlan IFin Approved- __ 193-- i /I�arranto� In Favor 1 L 'Peterson 4osen i ------.Against rr l �i �/�✓ �uax pUl'T,I�T President (Fallon) 1>1/r. 6M 6-38 CS CITY OF SAINT PAUL�D Capital of Minnesota 3 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Oct. 26, 1939 Mr. John ii. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (Ho. 3) authorizing and directing the Comer. of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings to enter upon the premises and tear down and remove the barn eing and pop stand at 769 Iglehart Ove., otherwise described as subdivision. located on the west 36 ft. of Lot 7, Block 1, Fdwin Deane Yours very truly, City Clerk. W LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD AW of Parks Supi. of Playgrounds 01 Ar mct CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner October 35, 1°39 .ion. Co^ncil City of St. "an! Gentlemen: Tn accordance •nit's: Co"ncil Me ---o. 116531, adopted by the Council on October 5, 1039, please be advised that the proper notices have been mailed out to Sadie 7oisner, 661 Laurel Avenue, rejardin; the condemnation of the barn and pop stand located on the crest 36 feet of Lot 7, Elect 1, Edwin Dean's Subdivision, also described as 769 111ehart Avenue. No a cal has been made for a rehearing of the condcEma- tion proceedings, aIL the buildings have no- been removed. Yot/^u�1-r,� .City Architect G LA -'..0 j� J } Orland to City C6115746d -.! �/ 4, -` �,'rY!(A.-/ CITY OF ST. PAUL No.. I' 1 � ���. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �I eOUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _DATE ------- COMMISSIONER__ -------'---- WHEREAS, St. Joseph's Hospital, Ninth and Exchange Streets, has made application for license to keep and maintain a hospital pursuant to the requirements of Ordinance No. 2382, approved February 24, 1903, as amended; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a license be and the same is hereby granted to St. Joseph's Hospital to keep and maintain a hospital in the City of Saint Paul at the above address. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -�arfuss -Findlan —Parranto Peterson .4 osen /Truax Ir. President (Fallon) BM 6 38 CS In Favor I _—. _Against \. 111719 Nh r«nr,. st..lnnephIl n.lpital. \loth nrl f•:�r hon K�• Bt rent x. hn� r ::de uppli-' ration fr.r Ilrenxe to ker'p an:l :nolo Llln h��nh{faI lur nl trr th.• rr:Inirr:nen In of r)rr1{n:l ore r\t3s', aplrrnr rd h ��. 1901. 1- -,-,ed: naea: e- nnanr. t-e I:ecnlred, That n 11,-- be and the u h:• -by ;, ,need to St. .Ineeph" II..pi tal to knr•.p and n,nln ruin :. hnnhl- :: I In the t'Ity of .It Paul nt the %dnpteI h)' thr• C , -ll Ort. " 1939., .%1111 urnd tint. 27. 1989. (.N` 1. 1989) - " O 27 19M —193 Adopted by the Counc-- Approved - OCT 871 _193- -- yor -- ' Vit. ;1asc}a!i'a �os�atal �-�6,✓46' / *I. Ilan[, Ainn. G 10-26-39 City of St. Paul, " Legal Department, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen' I hereby make gpnlication, in compliance with the provisions of ordinance No. 2352, as amended, for a license, for the Durpose of maintaining a hospital in this City. Yours very truly, c Sister Conchessa SC:GL Superintendent Ori.Ind to at, Out, I No.816'74'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL `� li OFFICV OF THE CITY CLERK ••UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE_ COMMISSIONER ----- — --- ---'-- --"— — WHEREAS, the Northwestern Baptist Hospital Association has made application for license to keep and maintain a hospital known as the Midway Hospital at 1700 University Avenue, and a hospital known as the Mounds Park Hospital at 200 Earl Street, pursuant to the requirements of Ordinance No. 2352, approved February 24, 1903, as amended; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses be and the same are hereby granted to said Northwestern Baptist Hospital Association to keep and maintain the above mentioned hospitals in the City of Saint Paul at the above addresses. F . M. rrnii v '. ,r v'n h:. t�i,�r�' nnpt' \\'her:•>Ix• Ilan- y I,—\nroclnk I1oxpltn do pP tion [or, llcenxe to. keep tl m Intt In {I 11 IPIUUIi nloe xlty \ pN a�lel wn:�Fl olxl.pll { known n tl: r. \innn:Ix k I�Inxpltnl !66 I:xrl Htreet, pn rxnxnl 1:� [lig• r�- ,Iniremr•nlx :( f)nli mince T:'V xa5-.1�;'vI- 1r` I:r�it : A Fehr :I it, 1!16::. t Iiiereforc, he,� Itexnl��r:l, hnl Ii:�cn xe, h.• .: 1 th��' r h: r:�lr� Krnnlrll to xx1A l", �nmc nn Ih\ytlxt Ilnnpllnl :\xxm�In tition tn:. 1--p nnA n:aint nln the hoxplinlx int IAr xxn�+` "f �n 2- I nl the nho Ve 1 I , �:t!:. COUNCILMEN Yeas �� Nays i13ar[uss , t Indlan -Parranto - -Peterson in Favor 33 os � ax —,/—Against _Mr. President (Fallon) bM 6 38 C8 OCT 27 9939 Adopted by the Council_ _ OCT 27 1939 -193 _ l�'-- � _' -- I_ - Mayor W Mounds Park Hospital Earl Street at Indian Mounds Park Ar or Saint Paul^ October 26, 1939 City Council City of Saint,Paul Court house Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: I hereby make application for license for Mounds Park Hospital as required under the provision of Ordinance No. 2352, as amended. The corporate name under which this hospital operates is "The Northwestern Baptist hospital association," which is organized under the Charitable Laws of the State of Minnesota, having been in operation since 1905. Mounds Paris hospital is a one hundred and thirty-five bed institution. It is approved by the American College of Surgeons as a Class "A" hospital. It hes also been approved by the American hospital Jssociation and the American Medical Association, and is a member of the-innesota hospital Association. In connection with Mounds rark hospital, The Northwestern Baptist :ospital Association operates a trainin6 school for nurses, which is approved by the State Board of Nursing Examiners. MD: ap Very truly yours, Superintendent Midway Hospital 1700 University Avenue Saint Paul October 26, 1939 City Council City of Saint Paul Court House Saint 1,aul, Minnesota Gentlemen: I hereby make application for License for Midway Hospital as required under the provision of Ordinance No. 2352, as amended. The corporate name under which t`is hospital operates is, "The Northwestern Baptist Hospital Association," which is organized under the Charitable Laws of the State of Minnesota, having been in operation since 1905. Midway Hospital is a one hundred and twenty-five bed institution. It is approved by the American College of Surgeons as a Class "A" hospital. It has also been approved by the American Hospital Association and the American Medical Association, and is a member of tl:o Minnesota Hospital Association. In connection with Midway Hospital, The Northwestern Baptist Hospital Association operates a training school for nurses, which is approved by the State Board of Nursing Examiners. Very truly yours, Superintendent AFriedsburg:ap odxbw to at, cwk '9' ��..Ire 0 +V y CITY OF ST. PAUL `r NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK %�W�CO�VNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM MOM, N, DATE DATE October 27, 1939 RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 37493, On Sale Malt Beverage. application 37494, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 37495, applied for by George A. Mitchell at 202 Concord St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. r. cA. . fl—rant—F.lip t II. Itn rfu=:,-- \'. \1. Triln�— I:..rl�.•d,I(enr99- iiu,l. applie9lion ,fth87!9:1..:-a Un Nnl.. Jtull .. �-,•nl,; �.. : pl,m,n ' 4a. :,na ort( u91r \Inif 1h Ge -- e :r1�h11�91inn 8i 19:.7q� 9',plted for 1, 1t (:en I,e A. Nir.h ell n„S ('nn� "Id tit. h.• 1:f d the . E? i,. r�•I�y ;fru nle,l nd thr it, r clerk lllx inxtrurf ed in Irh Il,�.nxr..� 9hn9' :h.• 19f )'n„•nt Into thx ,13.' Ir,•;,.nr� ,�f t h.� re,l,llre,l res. x. \en'. 11(9193911 ,nr.r..•d Lf , 9u3, - \'ll. "fi• 1984. rJl� 19191399. \d9..... n!' th1 r'9unrll 913. -,, 1989. t\9v.�l, ]9841 New, Informally approved by Council, Oct. 26, 1939 Old Location. ()C -r 271939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193 YeasNays i6ns5 ;yei a 2'E 139 Findlan Approved__ 193_— -P��arrsnto �Yeterson - In Favor Rosen j ; - - - - M - 'Truax -- 'Truax Against ,,Mr. President (Fallon) 116749 Od�lnl b Clh� CITY OF"ST. PAUL �t NO.___— Gf� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �*NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM October 27. 1939 -__ RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 37435. Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 37436, and Ot Sale Malt Beverage, application 37437, applied for by Phillip Mael at 255 E. 7th St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. R Now, Informally approved by City Council. Oct. 24, 1939 Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas �i Nays fuss /Ba /Findlan /Parranto iP`ejerson — In Favor /ttosen / "max - Against 1-m r. President (Fallon) bm 648 Fs \u. IIn7c.—Hy G. H. Hnrl'uun— l[' Pnrrnntn—P•. M. Ttv 7 t t Itrnnlv.�d, Thnt. Ilrrna' fur Iie.�lau { nl, aPPllc allun .374,�, UK . A1nit I{ It.•t.•rn Kn. VVIIutiuu :ti l:t fi, vnd On tinlr• Mait ISrv.•rnl;�•, uP[�Ilcntlun 114:1;. I'Plh•d fur h� PlhI P arl �'t hers• Y ith :it. I and the. t`7 e.rk ia�inalrurt- un�nted nm - ed to Ivn,, a ch ❑r [�rin pu rY of tn. r - •nt Ines tn�• t�ltr °i�dr«a rrea. 1 \vtvIn P.. 24 lly , 0111 app --d h)' Wily . t wt �'uldoVteA by 143U, OCT 271939 Adopted by the Council----- --193— Approved.— OCT 27 IM9 193— --- �.11wi5o od,lnd to Dtrrclwk / ,1L, 111"11L NO.— CITY OF ST. PAUL FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j r ` CO NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ` PRESEED DATE. October-' October 27, COMMIS to RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 37409. On Sale Malt Beverage, application 37410, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 37411, applied S. for by Rick Nitti at 121-W. Wabasha St, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Jack Nitti and Carl Nitti are not to be connected in any wW with the operation of this establishment. New, % Informally approved by Council, Oct. 26, 1939, Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ariuss � -` ,f'fndlan 1 ,Parranto Favor Peterson ---fin i -1fosen i -Against ,Zruax 1)61. President (Fallon) 5M 0-38 Ca 1I6i60—ray O. H. nar[uax— \1'. A. 1•nrranln--M1'. M. Tru_ Itexolved, Thnt license Por neatau- Innt, nvplil•nlio 37!09. On Sale Malt lel'era Ke. Dpl n•ntion 37410, orad off 'I Bale Moll neve 9,, appllontinn 37411, wpulled fur he Nl,k NMI xt 121 S. nnxxh„ at. h,. xna the x e nprl- by Krantnd xnd the l'l tyn(�lerk ix In- structed to N... xach liceneex upnn the payment Into the clly treasury of the rruulred feex. Pr Mded. Iiox el'e r, Tlixt J111 k Niltl larad C-1 Nlttl are m( te, bec setea wlth the npern u, n� of lhla : extra bllx h Tpnl. New. lnforntnll, ppr,,e,l b) t oun- rtl. Oel. 28. 1939. Old oc [lora. ,\dont ed by tits 2i. 1939. AP _1 Ort. 27.019319. (Nor. 4, 1930) nrT 271939 Adopted by the Council— 193— jCi 271939 Approved (� 193— Orltiz.I to UM CI 1 COU— 6 751 No.— l �iJ� / CITY OF ST. PAUL i .� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / ;COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM - October 1939 PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER_— RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 374789 On Sale Malt Beverage. application 37479, Off Sal@ Malt Beverage, application 37490, Tavern application 37491, and Dance Hall, application 37492, applied for by J. C. Christensen and Marius Green at 127 W. Central Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. NOW, Informally approved by Council, Oct. 24, 1939. Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ar[uss -iintilan 4arranto stetson ._Tin Favor , '� /Rosen _Against i�ruax r. President (Fallon) 6M 6-38 C8 C. F. No. 11 s711—By G. If ':;rruvs— tit, opra. That 1747lie�tau- 1 1Ilt, ,g,. app. 1'1478, 4, gale Malt M.It aKe. appllcapli il,o 3 OR Sale 111n1t Itr�'ernh'e, pp81, ll d 1i4R0, Tuv- rr nppileuti74 31481, and or [Ix B, airplie.�l, Rio%2, nI.. for t J. C. c,htlt ,l am aIle M 1 h, Green at l'en trnl Av.•. be aIle the e e here - ,t 6,,�;; tea anal the CIt3�, Clerk In in- strut,tea to ueh Been sen up�.f Ihr pqu ent f,—. Lhe LILY tre:isurl' rif the rt NN tree tern. Nrw. Inrnrm nllY pnn,cra by 1'oun- ,1;1 e th; � ;; ;;i'1 fh t. 1939 A ppro�'ed rl r. t. ?� ] 1s. 1 N;i, I '. {. 099) OCT 271939 Adopted by the Council—. ---193_ 0G1 ?-719?-9 193- - ayor o.bl..u. u,rc--- ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL FICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1CO NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ! fDATE- coM- -SIO WEEREAS: Otto Gullickson and Bernard LeMathe desire to withdraw application 37536 for Restaurant license, application 37537 for On Sale Melt Beverage license, and application 37539 for Off Sale Malt Beverage license at 312-14 Rice St. and request the return of the license fees deposited thereon, therefore. C belt it IMSOLVED: that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authoAzed to refund to Otto Gullickson and Bernard LaBathe the fees of $10.00. $50.00, and $5.00 and to cancel said applications for licensee. COUN ILMEN Yeas �� Nays -"Findlan 4arranto In Favor _Y'eterson �) ,Rosen Against Truax President (Fallon) 6M .-98 is N'. A. Yurruoto-9'. 1t. Truu.�— \l'herens. Otto Coilic ksuo and Rcrn- rl L\itnthc uUIfR�e '11'" rlrL,iurrietnirxder ;Iu,l :tnlp plicxtion 3dlicn_e ucSM,, 1 ollo"x8-531iih Iefv nKlcnfxo 3.53! "r e,13eSnlc 17x[ 4- - - Itice St. r � d reo uest the retor" of the n—nxe filen 11 sited thcrco o. therefore, he it I rc Itthat t rePerc'tl' ol%`e nnd 11 1eurhcrl)'utlrorli to .fund to Otto 1-111 kion ntd Bernard I.x Rn thrd the [sex lulu 111-" �irl 1:601 nsufor $50 unc\ n u"r"xex. Adopted IrF [he --J1 flet. "-., 1929. \ppr�red Uel. 3; ]939. Nov, J.1199399) IM 271939 Adopted by the Council— 193— QCT 27 1939 193— Approved I OdyWI t. UIY C �l' y CITY OF ST. PAUL nu. NO. IOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUN L RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM G PRESENTED V CC)MMISSIO ER _DATE Octdbe�7 'I aaiG _ -- - That licensee applied for by the follosing persons at the addresses indicated be RESOLPED: and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk issinruo issue each nt into the ty treasury required licensee upon the paymecity 248 S. Hemline Ave. Bakery APP• 37416 Now Old Loca. Elia Thompson Robt. J. Cleary & David D. Fearing " 201 Schult Bldg. SO-St-Paul Fuel Dlr. ° 37444 " Hes The Toddle House Operating Co. Restaurant " 37488 a Hes ° 127 University Ave. Arneson Coal & 011 Co. 1030 H. Concord So. St.? ° 37513 " old " FuelDealer 144 E. 4th St. Restaurant " 37471 " old ° Tony gpanoa John %obislus 929 Arcade St. Bakery " 37487 " Old " G. W. landia 3.171 W. 7th St. Grocery ° 37501 " Old " Florence G. Cooper 477 Collins St. 7518 " 3" Old " Grocery a Old " Off Sale Malt " 37519 " a a a Samuel Cirest 1110 W. Larpenteur a a Grocery " 37499 " New a a 37500 Hes Butcher J. T. 1 Ekelund Fuel Co. 1024 E. 7th St. Fuel Dealer " 37326 " Now " 1 C. F.IlNu. 11653—n)' �. A. L'xrrxnlu F. at. urf uax -PP for ktenuleed, Thut lcensea P d un the 11>� by the Persona nnitis txehed to heh ebyreFran[edn od the City n ale Ll erk. Instructed to I_eaue such II- the Px)'m ant into the rit)' upoun tr eur)' f the 1cqulred [sex. Ad,pieAPPpdby thet. '-'7 council OCL "--. 1939. (Nov. 7. 1999) OCT 271939 Adopted by the Council ---193— COUNCILMEN YeasNays UL; f s ' t 3939 Approved---193— ��arfuss /r//lndlan ,I'arranto InFavor ��terson — �R,osen i Against 'I'ivax .kir. President (Fallon) am 6-3s Cs t'..1'No. 116764—By W. A. Farranto— F. M. Truax—(:. H. Barluea— '�.°' Resolved, That 11,roaex applied for [ �J �� odvladmaeyo.h `({ ny u,e vera(:.' nam a oe the ]let t- NO.—dI-IS-11kD-`� CITY OF S tamed to thl. r ointlenabe d t e i m are hereby grunted 1 the. nCllty I ('lurk le In.[ru:•ted to I..ue -ch OFFICE OF THE (enaea apnn the payment. mto lee :lty t ren.ar; f the eq Iced fee.. OUNCIL RESOLUTION A(lopjed ny the CoUncll Ort. 1939. .f Approved llct. 2 1939. cN�w Vii. PRESEccb�Y DATE — RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: McGlynn Oil Co. 179 Irving Ave. N. Mpla. Fuel Dealer App. 37036 Renewal Cedar Lake Iee & Fuel Co. 1722 Hennepin, Mple. Bcel Dealer " 37346 ■ C. M. Strandy 2272 Como Ave. W. Bakery " 37379 n Chas. B. Hahn 579 N. Dale St. Berber " 37406 " Blue & White Cab Aeon. 190 N. Smith Ave. Gas Station ■ 37426 ■ R. Oathoudt 477 S. Cleveland Gas Station a 37427 ■ Ed Stieger 991 Rice St. Restaurant " 3742g ■ a a n a On Sale M. " 37429 " Off Sale M. " 37430 " John J. Patton 386 Wabasba St. Grocery " 37432 " J. B. LaMont 1215 Arcade St. Grocery ■ 374N ■ e a a a Off Sale Malt " 374 a Jame. Montemarano 254 W. Kellogg Blvd. Grocery a 37439 " John P'leszar 1043 Hastings Ave. Restaurant a 37441 a On Sale Malt a 3j442 ■ n a a n Off Sale Malt n 37443 " R. W. Hruby 300 Bates Ave. Hatcher " 37450 " Hotel St.Psul Ramp Garage 71 W. 4th St. Gas Station ■ 37455k ■ JO.. RogoWski 151 S. Wabasha Restaurant It 37467 ■ Nels L. Anderson 704 Plum St. Gas Station I" 37497 " Gerald Leach 744 E. 3rd St. Gas Station " 37n4r�99 n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncQC�i7-22—I93— Yeas Nays ��arfuss OCT 271939 -Findlan Approved 193— ,Parranto / In Favor /Peterson �-Ma Rosen /t�ruax -Against /mr. President (Fallon) aM &E8 Ca 67,5-13yAxel F. P0,1e c 1 the onxtru nden 1 6 `5 ' Ilan 9 •Haul, set r , 5 Orld,r.Ib City Clu4 - -lun nolo 139''-'-F, it 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL • ejOlre ndamonn:ool+r:IL eriunaa urn�:,en , e — OFFICE OF THE CITY C .x, the xnla Innd h, " OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENT, n•_tu,uugh u,o n..• PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ _ y "bA 11i WHEREAS, in the construction of the Murray High School, under PRA Docket Minnesota 1392=F, it became neoessary to acquire additional land for plAyground purposes as a part of said project; and WHEREAS, the said land has been hereto rs acquired at a cost of $17,280.00; and WHEREAS, although the funds therefor have been made available In the 1940 budget, it was deemed expedient by the City Council to acquire said land in 1939 and pay for the same out of funds already made available as a sponsor's contribution to said PWA Docket Minne- sota 1392-F, and intending that the said sum made available in the 1940 budget would be available in January for the purpose of replac- ing the amount so expended; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been informed by R. A. Radford, Regional Director of the PWA, that no further Federal funds will be contributed to the City of Saint Paul on said project unless and until the said sum of f17,280 is definitely appropriated and placed In the construction account for said project; and WHEREAS, on account of such ruling of the PWA the funds of the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of the completion of said PWA Docket Minnesota 1392-F have become inadequate; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of at. Paul hereby de- clares that an emergency exists, making it >mecessary to obtain the said funds temporarily in order that the said project may go for- ward; therefore, be it .RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the City Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to borrow the sum of $17,280.00 for the purpose of completing said public school construction program under Docket Minnesota 139E -F, and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan a promissory note payable to such party or parties, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 4% per annum, said note to be payable on or before one year from the date of its execution; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the funds so borrowed be credited to the construction account under PWA Docket Minnesota 1392-F, to be used only for the purposes for which said funds were borrowed.'�In�trr��nn COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncilCCT2IryI_M-193---- Yeas � Nays — 'Bar(uss l Jrll ��-- il lei --vindlan J, �j Approved_ 193_.— ,, _41'arranto ,+ /+ P & eterson -- In Favor _ _ �. Posen yor __Truax Against Ottestl I -Mr. President (Fallon)�6 �C//r 6M 6.38 Cs PUI3LISHQltyEL, _ J e 'i ✓ Request of Den L. Lane (( �f�ry�6 Abstract. written Prlm-a� [ntlowtag vrc Council File No ................ on He- tlT` rr sewn tr'" PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT en v of eseirs. �AIL ' cuv the m a and m .. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: . .... ..................Street to.Forest- Street ........... ........... ................................... ..... ........... ................................................................... .......... ..................................................... Dated this ... 28t4 ...day of.......... Octob.�r.............. 1 u 3..8... c / � ._v, ................ ................ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a sewer on Hawthorne Street from Cypress ............................................................... I.................. ....Street. to..Forast. Street. ................................................ .............................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. // 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Y f1t� A gp Adopted by the Council ............. arT•.27-1K$................. YEAS NAYS b Councilman BARFUSS Approved............PqT..2-7-1.939 ..................... ......................... FINDLAN 4z-� PARRANTO PETERSON •1L ............................... .................... .. ROSEN TRUAX t MR. PRESIDENT j 1M 12.38 RESOL ED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TRLASZ RY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT $,90719 64(40 INCLUSIVE, AS PER OF $ ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OCT 27 IMM APPROVED fjcT 27 W 193 �91iPr99ex� ✓ 1Y t.l. �� e C. N. Non. II64G i-118768— n IteAt iVed. Thxt t•heckn he drawn ° j$f'! 0 � the rltY trenAur)•, lu the nKKri K..k, NOTICEisa'Y07'1o' 6iu6'L to Bi6i0, COUNCIL FILE NO. puntoppred o HIe In Ih. nHir. of thy TO CO Per rheckn ItY C"Is ro ller. ()�t. ^_i. 1:�:!`�. PRINTER AdoDte VY Ih�• �'u unrll '� Ad." lNue. I. 1 341 QntnhAT RESOL ED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TRLASZ RY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT $,90719 64(40 INCLUSIVE, AS PER OF $ ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OCT 27 IMM APPROVED fjcT 27 W 193 �91iPr99ex� ✓ 1Y t.l. �� e TOTAL o : IN FAVOR OF RETDATEURNED CHECKTRANSF ER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 9 16a ll s6s 500 05- .... 64552 19jaq-.r4V IL Smith 25 96 6.455 Mrs. Sophie Lawrence 64554 W.F,Smth Tire & Battery Company 208 25 io6 75 61ir,55 Automojl'e service company 6i456 Brown and Days Inc* 169 64 64557 Hersey Mfg. Company 9 r690 64558 Hills–HoCanna Company 57 64559 N.W. Publications, Inc. 238 13 64560 O'Connors Auto Repair & Brak6s.7 64561 St.paul Voo.School Revolving Fund 0 64562 H.K. Stahl Company 95 64563 Tri–State Tel. & Telg. Company 77 64564 Tri–State Tel. & Telg. Company 179 45 64565 Grace Jungman 100 00 64566 Elsa M. Obst, County Treasurer 14 750 47 64567 IL & L. Motor Supply Company 22 90 64568 G.A. MacArthur Company 23 4 ; 64569 Mack Int. motoR Truck Corp. 81 7 ii 64-70 5 Walter W. Magee company 10 00 64571 Magnus Chemical Company 64 50 64572 Mahle Auto Body Company, Inc. 175 00 64574 Gus D. Messing 9 Is 6457 Millar–Tarra.a, Inc. 58 49 64572 J.A. Milner 1 1 50 6457 — Mine Safety Appliances Oomy0, 4 36 64577 mothers Friend Laundry, Ino. 64578 motor Power Equipment Company, 64-579 Mueller Mfg. Company 56 64-90 501445 .5 National Bushing & Parts Company 64§81 National Meter Company 7 P9 P 64582 The Nations Schools 3 00 64583 Nelson Oil Company 240 70 64584 Northern Auto slootrio company 61 9 64585 Northern States Power Company, 34 3 6456 Northern States Power Company la 64587 S.W. Stamp Works, Inc. 3 n 641588 Owens Motor Sales, Inc. 46 05 64599 Owens Motor Sales, Inc. 63 73 64590 Paper, Calmenson & Company 285 31 64- 591 Park Machine company 101 89 64592 Peltz Printing Company 99 oo • 64594 Plantation Coffee Company 32 00 6459 postage Meter Company 2 �O 64595 Price Electric company 41 z a 1 0 64596 public Utilities Reports, Ino: 64597 Republic Flow Meter Company 64598 Review Publishing company 17 64599 The Riley Company 30 77 40 00 64600 Royal Typewriter company 1 85 64601 St.raul Real Estate Boards Inc. 64602 St.raul Saw & Knife Works 2 70 64603 qt.paui White & Indiana Service 49 73 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 9_1WU Ad 683,931 OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK _�ROLL CITY OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NU..ER—j'V-57 CALL BARFUSS FINVLAN _'11FAVOR PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS 193 '�RVN �GNrT.21�!X ROSEN RES THAT CHECKS '-LIE.. BE ITY TR.A. RI TRUA _AGAINST AMOUNT 01 S COVERING WENZXEL To THE AGGREGATE MR. PRES_FALLON CHECKS NUMBERED _ ____ __GCT 1939 _-- TO INCLUSIVE, AS 27 PER CHECKS ON IL FICE 0 TY C PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL APPROVED NUMB lg5R 500CS IAYOR '7-A J F TOTAL o : IN FAVOR OF RETDATEURNED CHECKTRANSF ER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 9 16a ll s6s 500 05- .... 64552 19jaq-.r4V IL Smith 25 96 6.455 Mrs. Sophie Lawrence 64554 W.F,Smth Tire & Battery Company 208 25 io6 75 61ir,55 Automojl'e service company 6i456 Brown and Days Inc* 169 64 64557 Hersey Mfg. Company 9 r690 64558 Hills–HoCanna Company 57 64559 N.W. Publications, Inc. 238 13 64560 O'Connors Auto Repair & Brak6s.7 64561 St.paul Voo.School Revolving Fund 0 64562 H.K. Stahl Company 95 64563 Tri–State Tel. & Telg. Company 77 64564 Tri–State Tel. & Telg. Company 179 45 64565 Grace Jungman 100 00 64566 Elsa M. Obst, County Treasurer 14 750 47 64567 IL & L. Motor Supply Company 22 90 64568 G.A. MacArthur Company 23 4 ; 64569 Mack Int. motoR Truck Corp. 81 7 ii 64-70 5 Walter W. Magee company 10 00 64571 Magnus Chemical Company 64 50 64572 Mahle Auto Body Company, Inc. 175 00 64574 Gus D. Messing 9 Is 6457 Millar–Tarra.a, Inc. 58 49 64572 J.A. Milner 1 1 50 6457 — Mine Safety Appliances Oomy0, 4 36 64577 mothers Friend Laundry, Ino. 64578 motor Power Equipment Company, 64-579 Mueller Mfg. Company 56 64-90 501445 .5 National Bushing & Parts Company 64§81 National Meter Company 7 P9 P 64582 The Nations Schools 3 00 64583 Nelson Oil Company 240 70 64584 Northern Auto slootrio company 61 9 64585 Northern States Power Company, 34 3 6456 Northern States Power Company la 64587 S.W. Stamp Works, Inc. 3 n 641588 Owens Motor Sales, Inc. 46 05 64599 Owens Motor Sales, Inc. 63 73 64590 Paper, Calmenson & Company 285 31 64- 591 Park Machine company 101 89 64592 Peltz Printing Company 99 oo • 64594 Plantation Coffee Company 32 00 6459 postage Meter Company 2 �O 64595 Price Electric company 41 z a 1 0 64596 public Utilities Reports, Ino: 64597 Republic Flow Meter Company 64598 Review Publishing company 17 64599 The Riley Company 30 77 40 00 64600 Royal Typewriter company 1 85 64601 St.raul Real Estate Boards Inc. 64602 St.raul Saw & Knife Works 2 70 64603 qt.paui White & Indiana Service 49 73 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 9_1WU Ad 683,931 OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK _�ROLL CITY OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NU..ER—j'V-57 CALL BARFUSS FINVLAN _'11FAVOR PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS 193 '�RVN �GNrT.21�!X ROSEN RES THAT CHECKS '-LIE.. BE ITY TR.A. RI TRUA _AGAINST AMOUNT 01 S COVERING WENZXEL To THE AGGREGATE MR. PRES_FALLON CHECKS NUMBERED _ ____ __GCT 1939 _-- TO INCLUSIVE, AS 27 PER CHECKS ON IL FICE 0 TY C PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL APPROVED NUMB lg5R 500CS IAYOR '7-A TOTAL o : IN FAVOR OF RETDATEURNED CHECKTRANSF ER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 9 16a ll s6s 500 05- .... 64552 19jaq-.r4V IL Smith 25 96 6.455 Mrs. Sophie Lawrence 64554 W.F,Smth Tire & Battery Company 208 25 io6 75 61ir,55 Automojl'e service company 6i456 Brown and Days Inc* 169 64 64557 Hersey Mfg. Company 9 r690 64558 Hills–HoCanna Company 57 64559 N.W. Publications, Inc. 238 13 64560 O'Connors Auto Repair & Brak6s.7 64561 St.paul Voo.School Revolving Fund 0 64562 H.K. Stahl Company 95 64563 Tri–State Tel. & Telg. Company 77 64564 Tri–State Tel. & Telg. Company 179 45 64565 Grace Jungman 100 00 64566 Elsa M. Obst, County Treasurer 14 750 47 64567 IL & L. Motor Supply Company 22 90 64568 G.A. MacArthur Company 23 4 ; 64569 Mack Int. motoR Truck Corp. 81 7 ii 64-70 5 Walter W. Magee company 10 00 64571 Magnus Chemical Company 64 50 64572 Mahle Auto Body Company, Inc. 175 00 64574 Gus D. Messing 9 Is 6457 Millar–Tarra.a, Inc. 58 49 64572 J.A. Milner 1 1 50 6457 — Mine Safety Appliances Oomy0, 4 36 64577 mothers Friend Laundry, Ino. 64578 motor Power Equipment Company, 64-579 Mueller Mfg. Company 56 64-90 501445 .5 National Bushing & Parts Company 64§81 National Meter Company 7 P9 P 64582 The Nations Schools 3 00 64583 Nelson Oil Company 240 70 64584 Northern Auto slootrio company 61 9 64585 Northern States Power Company, 34 3 6456 Northern States Power Company la 64587 S.W. Stamp Works, Inc. 3 n 641588 Owens Motor Sales, Inc. 46 05 64599 Owens Motor Sales, Inc. 63 73 64590 Paper, Calmenson & Company 285 31 64- 591 Park Machine company 101 89 64592 Peltz Printing Company 99 oo • 64594 Plantation Coffee Company 32 00 6459 postage Meter Company 2 �O 64595 Price Electric company 41 z a 1 0 64596 public Utilities Reports, Ino: 64597 Republic Flow Meter Company 64598 Review Publishing company 17 64599 The Riley Company 30 77 40 00 64600 Royal Typewriter company 1 85 64601 St.raul Real Estate Boards Inc. 64602 St.raul Saw & Knife Works 2 70 64603 qt.paui White & Indiana Service 49 73 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 9_1WU Ad 683,931 4 r ' j DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL {, - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL '758 ROLL CALL I FILE NU McER� — BARFUSS FIPrOPETERSON IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS `_ �-��`�- PETERSON �V VV W- ROUEN TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BED AWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF . COVERING MR. PRES_FALLON - -_ tn7 7 1 CHECKS NUMBERED -... T INC SI E. AS ADOPTED BY THE /�(C1OUNjCJIIL� +�U� I 271539 •539 PER CHECKS ON E FF OF THE ITY COMP LLER. APPROVED. 111 T /. / I'gig I.— NUMBER cowataoLLrn ;09 7-98 CSwAle TOTAL DAT' IN FAVOR OF -- --- '- - RETURNED CHECK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 1 9 160 11 ppb 68 9 f. 7 li • 64604 standard $tone Company 1 3 478'95 64605 G. Jensen 3 00 64606 Board of Water Commissioners 557 60 ' 64607 Board of Mater Commissioners837103 64608 Board of water Commissioners; 467156 64609 Board of Water Commissioners 1 359';69 64610 Board of Water Commissioners 363 18 ' 64611 City of $t.Paul,Bur: of Aud. 300 00 ! I 64612 John S. Findlan, C.P.R.F. 1 165 164 d 64613 Harold F. Goodrich, City 0. 1 248'00 64614 W.A. Parranto, C.P.utilities 303 30 j 64615 Axel F. Peterson, C, of Bduo. 2 29897 64616 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 4 1 387 63 64617 Milton Rosen, C.P.Worke 3 69 ' 6 . 64618 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 3 �i197 64619 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 7 196 87 64620 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 299 21 64621 Milton Rosen, C.P.Worke 811 �2 64622 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 784 99 64623 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 532 85 64624 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 07 03 64625 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 b6 64626 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 73 03 j 64627 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 418;03 64628 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 709 29 64629 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 115 4 64630 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 676 64 ^; 64631 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 221 $0 Ii 64632 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 404 453 64633 'Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 232 ,2 64634 Milton Rosen, C.P.works 1 632 $4 64635 Fred M. Truax, C.Parks, etc. 631 79 64636 Fred M. Truax, C.Parks, etc. 1 461 29 64637 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 953 '9 64638 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 4 332 14 64639 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 329 64640 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 713 40 ' SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD .r - -54 409; 47 8$2 _] ..5_ Tr 17- €s� i I � f � 9 E k Vii' �� F A,. � � � •�_- � i- !rs f nstructing se' At'rnue [rem the tern'. .. ,sting��t+' approXl ofMargaret `. im uth .nt 8o feet Orth pf under Preliminary • September 1' f up. having b, emer COUNCIL FILE NO. BY - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_.00nstructing- sewer _ou -Hazel Avenue from the terminus- of the existing sewer approximately -292..b -feet south of -Margaret --Street to a point 80 feet north of Fifth Street, -----__- under Preliminary Order_ 116242 __--- approved..September 1$. 1939 Intermediary Order - --- - ---approved - - ---- - ------- - -. -------- -------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _Panstrnot_sewer_on_Haeel_Avenue- from- the terminus of the existing sewer. approaimately.2192.Z feet..south__ni'_Mergarat. Stretat__to-A__point-_ 80- feet north_oEifth. Street,-------- -- ---------------------------------- -- -- - - - --- -- -- - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- - ceed with the making of said impOCT 3 ji ordance therewit Adopted by the Council _ _ .-__-___ 19 City Clerk. Approved . OCT 3-11939 192 File 8809 3fayor. Councilman Qlaw, Barfi,ys Councilman --Fi_iI; Councilman McDonald_ --.7m 11nrtn,„n Councilman fficGlogarl-: rte. Peterson Councilman Sudheifner -.- i:os Councilman Wenzel � Truax Mayor Fallon ' Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t 0 In the matter of constructing sewer on Hazel Avenue from the terminus of the existing sewer approximately 292.5 feet south of Margaret Street to a point 80 feet north of Fifth Street CO In under Preliminary Order approved September 13, 1939 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - _ $ 368.60 (W.P.A. ) font 1.18 The estimated cost per oot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ 1.18---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land- Bldg. 14 4 Robert L. Ware's Eastern ) $625 $1500 Heights -, 15 4 do ) 1 Stille's Addition 100 4 do 125 2850 Total *850 $4350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - Dated October 4 1939 _ 1 ` Commissioner of Finance. IF- B. S. A. M5 D To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: St. Paul, Minn.._........ ...fL:.. .......193/.. We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Q y. Ave. from _..St. A)/ to__ St. Ave. NAME P LOT MY BLOCK ADDITION ---- - I ------------ SM4-V - 'q /Fgg/7-cr ET $%- r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September 19 1939 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File Aro. 116242 approved September 13 1939relative to the constructing of a sewer on Hazel Avenue from the terminus of the existing sewer approximately 292.5 feet south cf Margaret Street to a point 80 feet north of Fifth Street. and hiving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable Fstimate based on W.P.A. Labor Cost per front foot $1.16 2. The estimated cost thereof is S_ 3fi8..EG and the total cost thereof is S___. Frontage 321 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 3. Said improvement is _ _ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pro*f5&ty, subject to assessment for said improvement. - 00 COM, U- �' `' 4 t- Commissioner of Public W iX SEP :'ll i�34 BUN"u or CONST. a RVA- -W. B. COCKROIT. SUR1 OFFICEENGINEER G. H. HERROLD CHIEFENGR. CLERE MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C.— ENGINEER September 18, 1989 Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirt BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. BUR. BUREAU OF BRIDGES M. B. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK. BUM. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Hazel Avenue from the terminus of the existing sewer approximately 292.5 feet south of Margaret Street to a point 80 feet north of Fifth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 116242 approved September 13, 1989. Estimate is based on W.P.A. Labor Estimated Cost of Materials, Plans, Enginearing, Supervision, etc. $888.60 Cost per front foot 1.18 Frontage 821 ft. Approv for trans -1 ion to th o. issioner of Finance MILTON ROSEN ommissioner of Public Works Yours_truly, M. SHEPARD �Chi Engineer Go i 0 • o. matte, of curbing. both 'eldea 'atter etreet from DdgealeateF A [o Ue of Sod ff6 ut, and alae f 9oheff9it Street m lea[er Avenue tti the9at Lot 18 lock 9, Matto c - t ace , fd � � imntelr COUNCIL FILE NO.. BY - - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of curbing -both sides -of_Soheffer Street from maoalester Avenue to IInderwoud_Ayenua, and the north- aide.-of_Scheff'er_ :Street-fr-on Maoaleste_r Avenue_ to_ the eQst_liue_of lot 1@, Flock Ste -Mattock Fark,produeed--(approximately-10.feet east --of. - the -went _line. of Roy_ Street_produoedi - -- ---- - - - -- - - - ----------- - under Preliminary Order___ 116129- --- _----------- ----- approved --- September 1,_1939_ _ _--- _--- _-_- Intermediary Order ----------------------- ------approved -- - - ---- - -- ----------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLs ED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _ourlb_ both-_eidea--of_ Scheffer_Street_from_Mgoelester Avenue to -Underwood-Avenue_-and_the north aide of Soheffer Street from Maoalester Avenu__e_to_ the_eattt__line_ of_ lot_1$�__Flcck__S._ Yattook__Psrl��__groduoed__(approzimately_______ 10_feet-east- of_the-west_lilte_ of_ $oy__Street_produoed--------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------- - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance the with. Adopted by the Council OCT- 3.11939---- - -- - l� •� �/ pp /► City Clerk. Approved _ OCT 1 930 192 V File 8805 r V l . - -- lyor. Councilman WMNmg��rPUsg Councilman iFipolan f i 9 Councilman��yrrentn RL1SF ED_1L 11 <'.ouncilman i1�I,Glogan_ � Itrr-2 aon Councilman Sudheimer. . h, ren Councilman 5dt-4=w,� 'r—i- Mayor Hadgwew= F.H.- Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE " + REPORT OF COtMWM STONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ? I In the matter of ourbing both; sides of Sohe£fer Street from Macalester Avenue to Underwood Avenue, and the north side of Schaffer Street from Maoalester Avenue to the east line of Lot 18, Block 9, Mattook Park produced (approximately 10 feet east of the West line of Roy St, produced) under Preliminary Order approved September 1, 1939 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 637.00 (by W.P.A. fxxont 0.49 The estimated cost pegfoot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 12 9 Mattock Park $575 04600 13 9 do 525 5300 14 9 do 525 4900 15 ® do 525 5500 16 9 do 525 2800 17 9 do 525 3950 18 9 do 525 15 10 do 700 4650 16 10 do 575 5200 17 10 do TOTAL, 575 5350 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) . , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED L&nYALUAT'%Tdg. 18 10 Mattook Park $525 $2450 19 10 db 525 2400 20 10 do 525 2800 21 10 do 525 2450 22 10 do 525 2700 23 10 do 525 3400 24 10 do 525 3450 25 10 do 525 3800 26 10 do 525 4200 Lot 27 and West 5 ft. of 28 10 do 525 6400 (Except West 5 feet) 28 10 do 775 5900 1 1 Otto Avenue Addition 600 4700 2 1 do 550 4050 3 1 do 550 4500 4 1 do 550 4500 5 } do 550 4050 6 1 V'• do 550 4200 7 1 do 525 4200 1 1 Galarneault's Addition 525 4450 2 1 do 550 5350 Lot 3 and East 12 ft. of 4 1 do 700 5150 West 31 ft. of Lot 4 and E. 24 ft.of 5 1 do 700 800 5050 5000 Lot 6 and West 19 ft. of 5 1 do 600 5750 7 1 do Total (19,350 (143,150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated October 4, 19 39 _ -� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn .......... av- ,To The Honorable, The Council, n City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . .... ...... St. Ave. from . .... fiC7�, -St. Awe -to St. Ave. • St.Paul,Minn To The Honorable, The founsil, 08ity of St.Paul,Minn., Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to sauce the foll&Ning improvement to be made, �n/�' foment lurbing on,r,� �o be prosecuted by tho uselotFederal Aid in the Ferm of W.P.A. From.............................To............................. SAME LOT : BLOM : ADDITION .... (.t : ... .�..................... ....... J.s. �� ..... a. .....i o...........t,........ U. �. .fit.': ...... � 1...... !Q ............"......... Y. .. .... !.7 ....... /. ° ........... ........ .. G�.� .. ........ ' ........ .... .�..�; ......... ....:.... °...: .. ... . L� p .... z ......! .................... ......................:..1...... ............................ ....................... .......... ............................ . M ....................... ........... .............................0 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Sept. 14 _--__ -193 9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 116129 approved Sept. 1 193 9 , relative to __curbing bD-th_Eidrs of $cheffez$tlSrom Maoalesier-Av—e -to laderwood Ave., end the north side of Scheffer St. from Macalester Ave. to the east line of lot 18} Block 9, Mattock Park produced (approximately 10 ft.-.--- east t.__east of the west line of Roy St, produced and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable Coat per front foot $0.4° 2. The estimated cost thereof is S_ _07-10_-_ and the total cost thereof is Engineering $"104.00 Frontage 1800 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_ -- -_ --- -- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made part hereof. 4 - - -- 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 00 HVII0� FNS, N' r _- ---- -- - -- Commissioner of Public Works. y CA SEP CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD P. VOIGT, DEPUTY C ... I— ... R BUREAU OF SANITATION ed— Or CONST. . REF -1- GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENOL... FRED DRIVER, Burt. W. e. CbCKROFT. SUET. BUREAU OI BRIDGE[ OFF.OR ENGINEER September 13, 1989 M. S. GRYTIS", ENGINEER G. H. MERROLD BVRlAU OF CORRECTION[ CHIEF ENCR. CLERK RAV J. KARTAK. Su" MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir* I transmit herewith preliminary estimate Of cost tea for curbing both sides of Scheffer Street from Macalester Avenue to Underwood Avenue, and the north side of Scheffer Street from Macalester Avenue to the east Brie of lot 18, Block 9, Mattock Park produced (approximately 10 feet east of the west line of Roy Street produced) under Preliminary Order C. F. 116129 approved Sept. 1, 1989. Work by W.P.A. Estimated Cost #687.00 Cost per front foot 0.49 Engineering 104.00 Frontage 1800 ft. Yours truly, Approved for tree�smission M.,SAEPARD to a Commissioner of Finance Chi4f Engineer 11 r1 � MUTON ROSFN Commissioner of Public Works Odt11tW to qN cl.dt! 116761 V1 r0`NCiG CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY q - DATE. October 31, 193 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the Same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: William Stine 3821 Webasha St. confectionery app• 36438 New Old Lo Paul H. & Walter H. Rhoads 926 University 2nd Hand Auto Dlr. " 37503 " " " Rocco Digailio 104 2 E. 7th St. Barber " 37526 " Oldloos N Otto ilickel & E.H.Bergman 370-72 Atwater St. End Hand Auto Pts. " 37470 " New Lot J. B. Keogh & Irving Yaffee 216 New York Bldg. Pawnbroker " 37546 " Nen LO, P. No. 116761—ny W. A. Parrent,r— I F. \1. Truax— , H, narfuau— Itexolved. Thut Ilse exex npplled ler iy lh,' l��'raonx i mrd , n the Ilxt ul- i,hed to thi. r :+elution he and Ghc • herehy Aran ted and the, Cit> Clerk �tia Inxtrur•trd to Ixxur. uch If - 1h. Puyment into the 01y tr�naury of lhr rx,lulred teen. .adopted by the t'nu m•II (h'1. ^I, 1nA!i A llp—,l, 1.:I1. In:1:i. OCT 311939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council----193— ouncil__ 193—.Yeas Yeas/ Nays OCT 311939 a ss indlan in `� f / Approved — 193— %nto r -'p/eterson n Favor � �( � ---"- — � Mayor %os Tru Against President (Fallon) am nae Cs Od,led W aO,h rite 116762 CITY OF ST. PAUL No. �t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r5 OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM .,s —l— v DATE October Lg39 RESOLVEDI That Restaurant license #541, expiring iam>lary 13, 1940- On Sale Malt Beverage license #5559. expiring April 7, 1940, and Off Sale Malt Beverage license }7913. expiring April 7. 1940, issued to Delia M. Watkins at 1625 University Ave. be and the some are hereby transferred to Delia M. Watkins at 1611 University Ave. and the proper city officers are instructed, to make the proper changes in the city's records. Transfer informally approved by City Council. Oct. 24, 1939 Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas/Prays Barfuss ,44ndlan ��anto r Favor Peterson Aosen "I" nin Against ,,'Mr. President (Fallon) am "a Co I t F_ Ne. if. 99'' M. Trus.—t \Itexta�rn�itnlfc� xe.\'�. ftean lv e.d. '1' �Itxnn:trY I:i, 1940. On `Sol,, il. ... plrinK c• No. 6568. ."w nrventRr. Ilrena^d rM Sole Nnit In. April 1:140, jrin R' � v llcrnxr No. N t_ April t'1. 1940, Ixxued to Lie Int M.I, Klux at 1a.6 ltniverxity ra re deton"-"l . hrr-hY Ave.n IM. t'ntkinx nt IBI1�L•tniverxlt)'tn rttctrrl � [he prk eithetvp� tDcr rtt''hnn Rea tin the to uta he Ity', rr' ttormnllr nppr�rr�l ht Trnnx[cr t•It)' Co. E4. 19891 Old IR Ir-xt�t,t�. l' Adopted by tin. t'1t"39. \Dprov ed 'Nov` 4. 19-19) Adopted by the CounciCT 3110 193— Approvedp— OCT 311939 193— �����(l " ` "' --51 w — ayor Od,lnd to atr4(�q�AC No. + 116760 ��� -CITY OF ST. PAUL .� 1OFFICEOF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 'ENTED BY DATE_ October 31- 1939 MISSIONE RESOLVED; That license for Restaurant, application 37522, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 37523. and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 37521+, applied for by Mrs. Theresa Slater at 222 A. 7th St. be and the same are hekeby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. jnRte, a,alveII O.. 1i1522,0Onfurfx li;e�•aMtxnnit .1 t7uernlre, applbratlon , nl- OR Snle. Malt nevem Re, appileat(on 37624. npplled for b)t At—nTh that Ylntrr ai •�?" W. 7th 44 ttpp e stud nrl the 1-Ityx('Inrkt le Instructed tt, iaxue a,rh ilrnxea upon the prtyment Int, the -It y tre:tanery of the required rhea.,d hr f'nun-! .x. -. 1ppr.n[,rmnily 0. Oct. 26. 1939. Old loentlnn. Adopted by the Council Ort. 31, 1939. A pp—edO 133 A. - (N— 4. 1939) Now, Informally approved by Council, Oct. 26, 1939 Old Location. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council a I1 M9 193— / Yeas Nays ` ss y 1199 N % Approved— �� 193— Pindlan Parranto / F {erson /TTuax A - n Favor ,,Rosenn gainst r. President (Fallon) am 6 Ca �-- •. R. No. llaxC4—lir W. A. Parrndtr't— - CMrflndmdhCl.At F'. . Tyne That It Bnrfoww— I[the, p& m; Ilcenxew a led ter by the Deteone named on the liwt t- thlw be t G tached to reenlutlou d the m. e hereby granted end the City l Ixrk alx inwf, ugted to Iwaue a ch II- OFFiLlipnweauDon the payment Into the city n�[ NQ,_M710 COUNCIL RItYeAdooted of the the Council 00. 31. 1934. ADpco-A oct. n..1, 1939. tNnv. t, 19,91 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER PVV --- - -- vnrE October .311939 OLVEDt That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the some are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Martin Iverson 1615-17 University Pool Hall App. 37126 Renewal Fred C. Duerr 432 Toronto Ave. On Sale Malt ^ 37205 ^ r n n r Restaurant " 372011 " r r a ■ Off Sale Malt " 37206 ^ Twin City Tire & Battery Co. 1491 University Gas Station ^ 37361 ^ M. Mansfield 258 Pleasant Ave. Grocery ^ 374)9 ^ n n r r Off Sale Malt ^ 37440 ^ Pa Prabke 569 N. Dale St. Bakery^ 37446 ^ Vart Boranian 779 Selby Ave. Grocery it 37449 " C. Rine 753 Payne Ave. Barber " 37453 " Thos. J. Harkins 28 W. 7th St. Bowling Alley ^ 37456 ^ E. H. Tibbling 1088 Grand Ave. Grocery "SES 37459 " a a n r Butcher " 37459 " Sam Ward 176 W. 7th St. Butcher ^ 37466 ^ H. A. Salmon 1658 E. 7th St. Grocery ^ 37468 " n n n n Off sale Malt " 37469 " W. C. %regal 2180 Marshall Ave. Restaurant " 37472 " Capitol Drug Co. Inc. 481 Rice St. Restaurant " 37473 ^ 0. Applebaum 429 St. Peter St. Butcher ^ 37474 " Oscar Swoboda Inc. 619 Univ. Ave. Confectionery ^ 37475 ^ Dave Gantman 682 Selby Ave. Butcher " 37476 II COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved._ 193 Parranto Peterson In Favor Mayor Rosen Truax Against Mr. President (Fallon) JIM "s Cs Dnµrl to Oh Clerk counoL 116764 64 CITY OF ST. PAUL .1L. NO. 'OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FoRm COMMISSIONTED BY ER_ _DATE October 31, 1939 Amelia Godfrey 1160 E. 7th St. Butcher App. 37477 Renewal Eatheffine Slechta 1079 Forest St. Restaurant" 37483 " On Sale Malt " 37484 " Off Sale Malt " 37495 " Everard Schindler 1945 Autumn Barber " 37499 " Lena Berman 199 N. Western Botcher " 37491 " Peter R. Grigsen 144 W. 4th St. Gas Station " 37492 " Arthur F. Luchau 1074 Hastings Ave. Grocery " 37496 " Abe Glanaman 149 Concord St. Grocery " 375+ " n 11 n n Butcher " 37505 " Midway MICA 1963 University Ave. Confectionery " 37506 " Dave L. Gottesman 499 Rondo St. Grocery " 37507 " a a a a Butcher " 37508 " G. P. Novak 1173 W. 7th St. Grocery " 37509 " n n a n Butcher " 37510 " C. Be St.John 170 E. Kellogg Blvd. Restmrant " 37512 " J. C. Paul 449 E. 7th St. Restaurant " 37515 " H. E Selznick 641 Iglehart Ave. vehicle Peddler " 37516 " na n n Foodstuff VP " 37517 " P. J. Batue 21 E. College Foot Peddler ■ 37520 " Geo. C. Rostron 46 S. Lexington Gas Station " 37521 " Mike Lyons 24 W. 6th St. Barber " 37528 " QC'T 3 1 1939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193 Yeas Nays gOCT s 11939 Fin an /J Approved 193 a nto eterson ' In Favorite r .....— —ayor �r„ov Against ,Mf. President (Fallon) am 838 cs oft. IL DlyDek .,�. � N 16765 CITY OF ST PAUL OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / / DATE Uotober 313t 1939• COMMISSIONER_ �� — RESOLVED, that the plat of Syoamore Street Addition, as reoommended by the Plat Commission and app"Yed by the Commissioner of Publio Works, be and the same is hereby aooepted. ('. N'. Nu. 1t6i6n—Hy Millon }toaen— Ilcxolvxd. ,bnl she Plnt mmended bY. Street Addition. p �, d by. the Comte ixx�lonler lof Public pll'� ke, be ,ed the r In hereby cepted. Adopted by the Council Olt. 31, 1939. Approved Oct. 31. 1939. (Nov'. 4. 1939) d0 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss / /�indlan J / ,'P'arranto /lseterson In Favor ,eosen ,Truax -Against "Ar. President (Fallon) 3M 6-38 CS 1 3 11939 Adopted by the Council' 193— �s6��193— (�pproved - �9--M yor plat Commission of �ttmse� (�ount�, 4lliinnesoitt orv�294FC ITY MALL •�v October 319t, 1939. To the Honorable, Mayor and City Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen : Attached is plat of "Sycamore Street Addition" as submitted by the Peoples Ice & Fuel Company, located 533 ft. west of the west line of Rice Street on the south side of Sycamore Street. There is a sewer on Sycamore Street. The street is not officially graded but is a traveled street. Yours very truly, Mark W. Woodruff, Secretary of the Plat Commission. Mww-rh Odd..I le aty CI 111 " No. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' OLIN CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY t t/ '7 —DATE-------- c_ DATE_ ---- — CO _ WHEREAS, the following hospitals have made applications for licenses to keep and maintain hospitals pursuant to the re- quirements of Ordinance No. 2352, approved February 24, 1903, as amended, viz: Samaritan Hospital 145 West College Avenue Rooth Memorial Hospital 1471 Como Avenue West The Charles T. Miller Hospital 125 West College Avenue Catholic Infant Home 341 North Dale Street THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That licenses be and they are hereby granted to the above named hospitals to keep and maintain hospitals in the City of Saint Paul at the above addresses. C. F. No. 116766—By O. H. Barfuaa— i�. M. Truax A. Parrnnto— wherens, the f.11-1118 h u,plt.ia have made application. for licenses to t,up and maiotn in hospitals pursuant o the reeairement. of Ordinance No. 2352, approved Pebruary 24, 1903, a, mended, viz: S+mxrltnn 11,—lto1, 115 treat t'nl- lege Avenue. Booth Memorial Hospital, 1471 Co -1 mo Avenue west. The R'e t College A 1,nuleier Hospl txl, 125 Catholic Infant Home, 341 Nurth i Dale Street. Therefore, Be It Resolved, That li- s be and tgmy horeby Krnnted y tonthe boys ed hospltala to keep,[ and Inlain hospitals in the Clty of.# Snlnt P.ul t the above addresses. Adopted by [lie Council Oct. 31, 1939. Approved Oct. 11, 1939. (Nov.'4, 1939) OCT 311939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_— -----193— Yeas��= Nays —I3arfussi 1939 /F'indlan f Approved UUT— ,4-a',ranto In Favor — �eterson ayor 4osen /J Truax / Against -.Nf'r. President (Fallon) 5M 6"38 CS r Cf SAMARITAN HOSPITAL I W"T —"—. AVENUE 1106 AINT PAUL. MINNESOTA ;166 'mover 70, IFF° Aj 1 11 P A In 1 or 7JtaL nivenFe -�C 01flioll!1r, 10CMC mnCAN l, V 0 n4v 0 f 0: ej int-( nit, 's -t . :UU! . -t, %t "e it n" ,, : :Our; jAF5 _ k a tye 4, OKA L a �nnnnee a 1 tal , sy v acre ot 'if A; t 'DT " -2p Vrrr 4n is W- pital cnmktinE f thfrt: To m, Tint n'We ;ecce Dr, HervAn -rec�sler TE nve ci 1 vf i inn v n nT L t ! C 1 tal , sv� lie enrC; �CVVIM!Orp 1;;jXC 'nV( �Ler , , I, — , ,, , , j %, , el irf Ejappon, 7r, :%Y.nn ypc`.:Yr. V110C a ef yntfu1Q, W October 27, 1'!39 City Comi,il City of St. Paul Gentleman: We have a let•.er from :Ir. Irving Gotlieb of your Legal De}:art- ment adv�sin us,tcat according to the amended Ordinance io. 2,752 we asst annly for an oper-ding license to keen and main- tain a !`-eternity Hosnitrl. For clang i cars we _avo hnd a license from t}:a St..^te of `..-.nes^ta issued on form nxlioer 42C. This gives ner^issi;n f^r us to care for -internity -,-ticnts on our giving nrenntnl, con`i._cm nt, and nostnnrt= erre. Cur lic'-nse ner'its fifty np tient and -irty-five brbics. 'Ke a:e e teac..i.i=- unit of -.he University E^ r.izal. ':ane Doctors service us are the poster, -,d -ante men, and the c;lief of :nlr staff is Dr. Jo .n L. '.'c7elvey. We s__cll t-:innlc you for a license. Yo lrsE' r- tr�1y, (II,rs. Blanche Reno) Br! 1-ndier Zbe Oalbatfim Zirmp ift ootb ACemoriaC JDOpitaC ERNS NI1B8O ^IRE BRIGADIER BLANCHE RENO JULIA THOMAS LIEUTENANT COLONEL WILLIAM BOOTH a n[nlniennm�i - _ RVIC• "°" Pau[, Minn. S..R-.- GEORGE L CARPENTER ool—L 1471 COMO AVE WEST NESTOR 1707 October 27, 1'!39 City Comi,il City of St. Paul Gentleman: We have a let•.er from :Ir. Irving Gotlieb of your Legal De}:art- ment adv�sin us,tcat according to the amended Ordinance io. 2,752 we asst annly for an oper-ding license to keen and main- tain a !`-eternity Hosnitrl. For clang i cars we _avo hnd a license from t}:a St..^te of `..-.nes^ta issued on form nxlioer 42C. This gives ner^issi;n f^r us to care for -internity -,-ticnts on our giving nrenntnl, con`i._cm nt, and nostnnrt= erre. Cur lic'-nse ner'its fifty np tient and -irty-five brbics. 'Ke a:e e teac..i.i=- unit of -.he University E^ r.izal. ':ane Doctors service us are the poster, -,d -ante men, and the c;lief of :nlr staff is Dr. Jo .n L. '.'c7elvey. We s__cll t-:innlc you for a license. Yo lrsE' r- tr�1y, (II,rs. Blanche Reno) Br! 1-ndier 0 THE CHARLES T. MH LER HOSPITAL 125 West College Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota icto! cr 3'), 1" City of Saint Paul Legal Department Mr. L R gerguson. Clerk, Dear Sir s Catholic Infant Home 341 N. Dale, St. Paul, Minnesota In accordance wihh provisions of Ordinance # 2352, as amended, the Catholic Infant Home located at 341 North Dale Street, St. Paul, Minnesota here- by applies for license to operate as a Hospital and Mateanity Home for mothers and infant children. Sincerely yours. AkoyL— .� ~Superintendent Catholic Infant Home' od.laal to City Q.k 116767 CITY OF ST. PAUL .ae " �. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,. ,,,li1.0UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ------DATE- WHEREAS, _ — DATE WHEREAS, The Children's Hospital, 311-315 Pleasant Avenue, bias made application for license to _operate and maintain a i hospital pursuant to the requirements of Ordinance No. 2352, approved February 24, 1903, as amended; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a license be and the same is hereby granted to said Children's Hospital to keep and maintain a hospital in the City of Saint Paul at the above address. 0 COUNCILMEN Yeasj" Nays Bartuss i`indlan ..Parranto 4eter�son In Favor ruax --Against _Mr. President (Fallon) eM - a 3 Cs �C. F. Na. 116107—ay G. H. Bnr[usr,� F.Pnrrnn[n— Whereas, The Children's IloaPltal. 3I1-315 Pleasant Avenue. has made aP- plkation (or Ikense tooperate and alntnln n hos ilnl pure n 33 to the uire ne -qt, ur �rdinance ,roved February =t. 1903. ae amended: [hererorr. be It i tev`st d, that a license bead the herebya. granted to nnfd Cldl- ,Iran's Hos Pl tai to keep nd ainlnia a hoaPllal in the City nr Sahni Paul at the above address. f Adopted byy the Cnunl'll Or't. I'll. 1939. AVpr—ed O �t. 31, 1939. INov, 4. 1939) 1 Adopted by the Council oy 311939 cj':a :S 1933 Approved �Mr GEORGE F. LINDSAY, C--'--- GEORGE W. MORGAN. SEcn6 1 LOUIS S. HEADLEY. Tnen U— SHREVE M. ARCHER FREDERICK R. BIGELOW EDWARD T. FOLEY THE CHILDRENS HOSPITAL 311-315 PLEASANT AVENUE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA BOARD OF TRUSTEES MRS. THEODORE W. GRIGGS ALBERT H. HARMON HORACE O. KLEI N HARRY L. MUNDY MISS ALICE O'BRIEN EDGAR B. OBER MEDICAL DIRECTOR WALTER R. RAMSEY. M. D. City Council Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: SUPERINTENDENT MRS. SOPHIA E. HEIN. R. N. MRS. GEORGIANNA SLADE PEET WALTER R. RAMSEY VICTOR R. RIDDER MRS. EDWARD N. SAUNDERS. Sn. SAMUEL M. SHEPARD CHARLES L SOMMERS October 26, 1939 Complying with the provisions Of Ordinance No. 2352, as amended, I hereby make applica- tion on behalf of the Childress Hospital, Incorporated, 311 Pleasant Avenue, for a license to maintain said hospital. According to a communication received from the Legal Department,-1 of Sain our understanding that there is no fee t Paul, it is required for such license. 1m: ad Ven truly yours, WALTER R. RAYSP,Y, '.. Secretary - Board of Trustees A0 odd.a 1. QM a.e. COU CIL No. CITY OF ST. PAUL ^�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - NCIL RESO UTION --- GENERAL FORM RESOLvmD that a water main be laid in the following street in the City of Saint Paul, Minn.: Iowa Ave. W., from Grotto St. to Ash St. COUNCILMEN Yeas. Nays arfuss �/ 'Findlan --/ _F6ranto In Favor Z�elerson ,Rosen / Against .Truax ,Mr. President (Fallon) 6M &39, Cs C. F. N'0. 116;68-13µW r;, be la^d a � Resoled, that In the following street fn the 0,'Yf SalnIa waulA M W from Grotto St. to Ash St . d,Pocedby th 31C 193911 Oct. 31. 1939 A . (Nov. 4. 1939) OCT 311939 Adopted by the Council 193-- �C [ 311939 193— Approved— Mayor Od.la.l t. aly Clad, 116769 /RELUTION ST. PAUL .eta `� NO. OFHE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ---GENERAL FORM I PRESENTED BYL� _DATE An}nfiar.�Q, 1969' _ COMMISSIONER -- — Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, end he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayan and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons "Q," leaded gasoline, 70-72 octane, from the FUEL OIL & GAS CO. at a price of $ .11910 per gallon, less 1% discount from refinery price, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale Street, on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund -Municipal Equipment -1003-134• - — _ i C. F. No. 116769—By Milton ttose�t Resolved. That the Pure 11: Agent be, and he ie hereby authorized to p. en¢se with the ot'ente of the Mayr and the Comptroller, tank �' leaded 'nroxlmately 6000 gallon' @" ¢ line, -0-7Y clone, fr m the FL'EL �0IL & GAB Co. t price of 1.31910 er gallon. les' 1% discount from re- aper)' price, Including state tan and tate Inepeotlop, to be 'potted Mu- Icip¢I Equipment pureau spur at Dale. Street, on informal bides ah emer- "a"" exists where 'failure to set P" would work a hardship to the beet Intere't' of the City. Char Ke Gen- nl Fund-MuntHpal Nqu ipment-100.1- I134. Adopted by the Council Ort. 31, 1939. APpro red Oct.:il. 1939. (Nor. 4. 193A) 311939 COUNCILMEN iQCT Adopted by the Counc_— —_193— Yeas - Nays d UUr 311939 l/.� �, Approved 193-- `igdlasn �Yar onto Peterson _4 Favor 1 &4 ------- — yor sen / ilruax `Against President (Fallon) sM 0-ae Cs 1st. -1" /- J 2nd. Laid over to — - , 0-11 3rd. & app.—/ o Adopted YeasNays arfuss Yeas / Nays Barfuss 7 i Findlan� Findlan Parranto ' Pa ran to erson sen :i j "Z on / osen - Y Truax /�- Truax 069in.l to clly Clerk ORDINANCE 116770 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY C/C�`'�' Q ORDINANCE NO._ An administrative ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7034, approved January 2, 1929, as amended, entitled: l: F' No 116; 70—Ordl—o— No. 8059— "An administrative ordinance fixing Ry Axel F. and authorizing authorizing the payment of com- pensation for certain employee in the Unclassified Service, connected with the public schools of the City. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety." so as to reduce the salary schedules therein provided for the year 1940. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7034, approved January 2nd, 19899 as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting at the end of the first paragraph of Section 1 thereof the following: "Provided, however, that because of the reduced amount made available for salaries in the Department of Education by the budget adopted for the year 1940, the compensation schedules hereinafter set out shall, for the period from January 1, 1940 to December 31, 1940, be three per cent (3%) less." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force th&y days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Bar(uss Findlan Parranto ✓ Peterson Rosen —T -r UHC Mr. President (Fallon) Attest: City Cler J00 12.38 CS 21:24 am Passed by the Council NOV 16 1939 i In Favor 7 Against Approved::—._-NGV_j-6-1 /JJ--.-- — — —Mayor YUBL SEE A WHEREAS, Sarah Bearth has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit' Late 10, 11 and 12, Block 81 Lots 1 to 24, Block 9; Lots 8 to 17, Block 113 Lots 1 to 111 Block 13; Lots 1 to 24, Block 15; Lots 1 to 24, Block 16; Lots 1 to 18, Block 17; Lots 1 to 240 Block 19; all in Gurney's Highland Perk; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1850.63, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $820.141 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement) provided, however, that tate sum of $126.75 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $820.14, and that said sum of $126.75 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1850.53. '� 1-1677 Odsl..11.atvchok CITY OF ST. PAUL r_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM', John S. I'll u. whereael sarah113earth hne.p--- ..COUNCIL relief pllcatloh for .elle( to the M .11 ti.h fo (�hl Gt_/_�/� nl to & taxes and ux to on the ' PRESENTED BY �� _ _DAT COMMISSIONER p.rt,. dnacrl�ed Vro 11 ar . N'. BI . Leta 10, I1 nd. 1'L. , Block 9; Lot. k '+. il; LOte 1 to 11, Block Ya, Block 16; Lota 1 to ,Z President (Fallon) ,Z t 38;'all in Our, nd thr d A WHEREAS, Sarah Bearth has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit' Late 10, 11 and 12, Block 81 Lots 1 to 24, Block 9; Lots 8 to 17, Block 113 Lots 1 to 111 Block 13; Lots 1 to 24, Block 15; Lots 1 to 24, Block 16; Lots 1 to 18, Block 17; Lots 1 to 240 Block 19; all in Gurney's Highland Perk; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1850.63, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $820.141 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement) provided, however, that tate sum of $126.75 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $820.14, and that said sum of $126.75 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1850.53. OCT 2110 Adopted by the Council------- - — --193___. COUNCILML•N Na s Yeas � y Y`11�''"� 311939 �!193— Ba ss / Approved----- Fittdlan Pa tanto% /T �p`ete.eon j In Favor __ _._- - �- ---- - M or ttOsen � ax —Against �� n - — 7 4?UBLI51'L� ,Z President (Fallon) ,Z 6M 6-38 cs -- -- --- - 116772 odeind to Ulr CI.'k` � i NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL r��E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK + COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM +—HY Jokn ti. Final Peterson e .Calc„ retnuve to aen ' PRESENTED BY — DATE_—�DroPerty, �Y�_ —'- nxxnxxn:en[N.i the fns. to-�vit: $t. Cathprl `-- COMMISSIONER——..—_�L _ Fi O, f3lnck fr, Mr. President (Fallon) M1M 6 38 Ca qq ue aelfnnueucy a nR•0.6� ana the xppllrr 7n full ettlement th 11 00; tltere[nre, be WHEREAS, J. D. Hilton has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to Witt Lot 300 Block 5, St, Catherine Park Second Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $689.64, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $412.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $274.75 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $412.00, and that said sum of $274.75 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $689.64. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Against Mr. President (Fallon) M1M 6 38 Ca Adopted by the Council_OCT 311939 _---------193_— Approved OCT 311939 193_— od.Ind 1. City OaYrirc r N1nJt67'73 - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t'\huss16�CnRer Fi1'ieetine��ari­ CO IL RESOLUTION --- GEh1ERAL FOR made ananll°ncl;nmi„„l;nllarlwuvt«in -' (G' e9u'. T_ re IIne�77 at UtxCx and n. pes e't, '� wW . ' fully IhR aesrrihea KennP lnRtnn F'ark:', w PRESENTED BY µ` COMMISSIONER"— DA an \i d ar ar$2e, the ltheabPltcxnt uKers '� sum i284.06, and —_--�- to PnY In full n ltlement here rnthe., sum of $167.14: theretoionnrn of the neon, ved, Tnnt the city f &,Int Pnnl heresy PP�vlde )x bald oRer f naltleme' x116.24 shoii Howey er. that the vum ( he dr„t deduotna irP,n ine itotnl wt of ens rf $167.24, and that s Ia r•(ly u =i15.'Li xhntt he Pala to the aanM Pn an ntnl in, uded e(n thea trat alu det IlmI uen ry f 1264.06. Adnyted ray it” Cnu Heli Ort. t,. 1929. I .GDPrnveaON<,v. 19341 WHEREAS, Walter P. Kueffner has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lot 25, Block 3. Kensington Parks and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $264.06, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $157.24; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $115.24 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $157.24, and that said sum of $115.24 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $264.06. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bar(uss �~ Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax __i_ --Against Mr. President (Fallon) sm 0 38 CS Adopted by the Counci,07 31 939-193— UC-T 311939 93--- 00!161 to cur c6h CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM • PR uSu �aEnNF R=WS64,.� __ --DATE .0 ,Lfon crit --W c Commi-lon relRLl ' .. . add ...... ....= ` �t,aiLlockea x. Nr the dellnyunn � .. -d tlen �J WHEREAS, Albert M. Kueffner has made application for relief �- to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Lot 24, Block 3, Kensington Park; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $266.31, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $158.421 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlements provided, however, that the sum of $116.42 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $158.42, and that said sum of $116.42 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $266.31. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Fallon) SM 6.38 C8 gcj 311939 Adopted by the Council— ---- ---193 UG 31193) . � Approved 193— / In Favor or �—Against PU13L�JEfiU� / — /� 3 1\ 0,111..1 to air 0.11 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL r,�E NO. 1�b�75 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 11677s -1,'r 7nhn s. I+r PRESENTED BY Lo—,V at.... h .. .long for Ite[ to the _Mi.stun relative to e COMMISSIONER—._.—�—--DATE— n..e..mente on the _ d to property. -wit: ~- 20 feet of Lot 9 Flock 1, Knnph,10 4 'n, telln' WHEREAS, Lorene L. 0iosse has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits North 20 feet of Lot 9 and all of Lot 8, Block 1, Knapheide Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $706.79, and the applicant offers to pay in hill settlement thereof the sum of $445.17; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement] provided, however, that the sum of $256.85 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $445.17, and that said sum of $256.85 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $706.79. OCT 311939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-.-------193-- Yeas ouncil_._— __-193-- Yeas Nays Bar(uss Findlan Approved�193— Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen May Truax -L/—Against PUB _ T,ISFIEU Mr. President (Fallon) 5M 6 38 Cs ofth.l W DW D.Ik CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ _— _ ____�_ _____DATE 116'.'6 NO. n S. Ff. Ia fto the o the hes re t3rtin- r lative to tde he ppementa on the -----�--Maealeeter Vlew TMREAS, Arthur Ro Anderson has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lot 25, Block 4, Macalester View Addition; agd AREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $591.32, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $404.60; therel'ore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby i a approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $294.02 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $404.60, and that said sum of $294.02 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $591.32. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax _�� Against Mr. President (Fallon) 5M 0-38 Cs fore, be it Councll n ereby ap- nt' pr ' 7294.r' n C7 311939 Adopted by the Counci D_.. _193—_ A/pp^ro/v/edd� 193—_ M or rvrir.rsrr—nr)J/ ,r,/_-i.J od,1..1 W Oh'Clak" CITY OF ST. PAUL r �. No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -^ UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �lM - DATE_-_ COMMISSIONER -- --- WHEREAS, David L. Stybel has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lots 18, 17 and 18, Block 4, Syndicate No. 1 Additions and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $3078.75, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $2022.52; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlements provided, however, that the sum of $508.39 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $2022.52, and that said sum of $508.39 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paulin settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $3078.75. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Fallon) SM 0 38 CS Adopted by the Counci CrT H 939_193— Approved In Favor -_�JAgainst 193_— 116778 o alnd m Otr u.a " CITY OF ST. PAUL •'�E N O. 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7INCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM �- ly John S. Findlan PRESENTED BY .__DATE-- jO,tein has nn. s COMMISSIONER -- --- --tr tl the Minn., =l t. to lellna = ^n too the Pol' and all m+ WBERM, Otto Holstein has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits W. j of Lot 17 and all of lot 18, Block 2, Como Park Addition; Lots 19, 20 and 21, Block 2, Como Park Add.; Lots 22 and 23, Block 2, Como Park Add.; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $3487.65, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $1250.83; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlements provided, however, that the sum of $38.00 shall be first deduoted from the total payment of $1250.83, and that said sum of $38.00 shall be paid to the City of saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $3487.65. COUNCILMLN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan �) Parranto I Peterson In Favor Rosen / Truax --I Against Mr. President (Fallon) 5M 633 Ca flnT z 11939 Adopted by the Cou 0 C Approved 193_— - --- May -- BUBLISii);D, WHEREAS, M. Heim has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: (Except alley) Lot 3, Block 12, City of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $5458.55, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $3092.88; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $289.29 shall be first deducted from the total payment of ¢3092.88, and that said sum of $289.29 shall be paid to the City of Saint ul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of *5458.55. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan /l Parranto Peterson --In Favor Rosen ) Truax — --Against Mr. President (Fallon) 5M 0 38 CS Adopted by the CouncilOCT 311939 --------193 Approved_ -193 - -- —ayor 116'779 Odll.al to city O.h " No.� CITY OF ST. PAUL ,cue OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 116779—BY doh. S. Flndl� n— Heim has Hde appllea- COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM tVhereaa, M. uun tar relief to the inneaota Tax , Commieaion relative to dellnquent tnces and assessments on the fultoVrlbk PRESENTED BY ..t.r�Q/t/�4A/t� _-DATE described Property, to-wft: ribbed pt alley) Lot M1, Block 12. Ci[5' _ COMMISSIONER f S(. Paul: and Whereas, the dellnquain' � Ana �I�r ---- –'— -' of 26468.66, d the PP to full Settlement thereof fere to pay the there?,re. eche neaol�•edr That2 the o[ CI'� o[ReSaint er.ehtl P�o{Ided. f eettlemaul hal -or, that the um t 1369.29 Shall he Itrat deducted from [he totA1 pu)'- nt f {3982.88, and that said m of 'Ili .21 Shell be Pald to the City of H naat P..I In settle ent 4 delinquent f ngUan ytstyli64F866. In the total de- Ad. O L 3 Cua 3911 Oct. 31, 1989 - 1pproeed AD t. 939) WHEREAS, M. Heim has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: (Except alley) Lot 3, Block 12, City of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $5458.55, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $3092.88; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $289.29 shall be first deducted from the total payment of ¢3092.88, and that said sum of $289.29 shall be paid to the City of Saint ul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of *5458.55. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan /l Parranto Peterson --In Favor Rosen ) Truax — --Against Mr. President (Fallon) 5M 0 38 CS Adopted by the CouncilOCT 311939 --------193 Approved_ -193 - -- —ayor od,l..n. ulr a.dk ., CITY OF ST. PAUL roc"4" NO,.�n. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '� L—By John S. Findl,. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM •-%erman Investment i. 1 -tion for,� relief to Commission reI.tly. and eseaamenb PRESENTED BY �` �� levcribed pmpert,i COMMISSIONER — _._ __ _ DATE _ __ _ Vulae; n nil t` n WHEREAS, Dickerman Investment Co. has made applioation for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lot 1, Summit Villas; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $4283.55, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $2327.03; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $169.94 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $2327.03, and that said sum of $169.94 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $4283.55. m ot, g10 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ____.____..___-193 Yeas Nays Barfuss q�(] + g TA Findlan Approved 193_— Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen 0ayor Truax ——Against n Mr. President (Fallon) 5M n 38 Cs ��ISID od,ingtocity cl.d CITY OF ST. PAUL rn.E'" J16 ` 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,I UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY�(/ COMMISSIONER----------- __DATE WHEREAS, W. L. Kaufman, Superintendent of Parke of the City of Saint Paul, has made application to the Minnesota Tax Commissioner for cancellation of a tree trimming assessment levied against the South one-half of Lot 9 and All of Lot 10, Block 1, Norton's Addition to the City of Saint Paul, in amount of $2.13, for the reason that such assessment was ]erried in error, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul recommends the granting of the relief requested. H'. No. 1187781 LBKF. [M I. nruagu.Brin-� t \Vhereaa' f Snlnt tendent t Farkn of tho CItY 1'xul. hne m tae npPllentlnn not. Tn� Commfnaloner In, c tion of a tree tri nil nt; Irvl,•,l ninat the An ith nn 11 of Lol ]0. I'lnrk 1. Nnr- In11amoutnh111 :E.19,n tart th of :]aloft thnt uch ent n Ieviede 1. rr. [IN�ref ore, he It r; nt ltenolred, It hat the Council of the C1CY ,.f glienrr lPle( tecmL ndn the granting \I'PPt'e1rdhilrLt 31� 193911 ()rt. :I t, 19311. I Nnv. 1, 1939) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /bar' ss Indian ,T'arranto iP1eterson In Favor - osen -Truax --Against ,Ar. President (Fallon) 5M 6 38 CA OCT 311939 Adopted by the Council_--_______193_— OCT 311939 Approved �,_A�or 16782 16783 9 1, F. x. 119iri 176789-116784— P ��6��4 111 Ite colved. Thot .�heckx ne fUru°'n ° itY treoaur to ^rhe SgpheckH. CITY OF SAINT PAUL the gq'ws. 7; fNcuntro, COUNCIL FILE NO. nmm P` 64481 he COUNCIL RESOLUTION nerea file I° the " T, heelia ly;y P t`ILY Co/nPtr011er. y (/� AdoDtEd h the�i 1939t1Ucl. 3l. October l0 9 Av1'r°v ed flet.. (Nov. 4. 1999) 199_ RE UMD, THA ERCT CKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $1974,08-77 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREDTO 6791 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OCT 311939 cITY cor APPROVED S 193"p Y II v CITVOF SAINT PAUL r DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER. FLENU FiOLL CALL BARFU6d FINDLAN 'IN RETERSON - FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS i � 1 BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY 93 COVERING II v CITVOF SAINT PAUL r DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER. FLENU FiOLL CALL BARFU6d FINDLAN 'IN RETERSON - FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS October 27 193 -_ ROSEN RUA% AGAINST, RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY 93 COVERING WENZEL MR PRES FALLON TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF E� 'y �� n { ���� CHECKS NI.MBERED. 64&4 , CLU SIVAE. AS ITY '.PT ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- --1--i -._ — PER CHECKS ON.FIL T OF OF TH cQM APPROVE❑`/ 11 >2 19? NUMBER -� 4 �/f eY `�L(/ ♦/M♦.v�R /J,/� �,r^/"�[✓/��� _!/ •/ 00 9a <s r— X91 TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF _ TRANSFER CHECKS RETURNED DISE RSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 54 409 47 092_.165 66 64641 -` Corning -Donohue, Ino. 3 2 2 5 9 132 22 64642 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company 32 646482 Kennedy Brothers Arms Company 44 643 John Leslie Paper Company 201 55 g3 26 64645 National Bushing & PArts Company 021 65 64646 John S. Findlan. C. of Finance 127 24 92 64647 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 26 67 64640 Joseph Foley 32 50 64649 Helga Mushier 32 30 64650 Joseph Pierre 123 89 64651 Capitol Stagpnnerq Mfg. Company 26 22 64652 The Fuller Wfush Company `mpany 37 o4 6465 Jacks Mfg. 63 50, 6465 Lowe & Camp ell Company 64655 The McAdam gency 50 00 66 54 64656 Ahlberg .ing Company 64657 Ahrens F&x Fire Engine Company 172 11 64650 Air Reduction sales Company 35 93 64659 American City Mqgazine 7 00 64660 B .Amerioan Hoist & Derrick Company 1 90 24 23 64661 64662 John D. Anderson Ault & Wiborg Carbon & Ribbon Co.Ino. 66 25 6466} 64664 G. Baglio Baldwin Supply Company 20 1 7 44 64665 Bethlehem steel Company 2 66 64666 J.H. Bonbright Company 15 00 64667 Doo*h Fisheries Corp. 17 50 34 20 64660 Borchert -Ingersoll, Ino. 5950 64669 R.R. Bowker Company 64670 Brings & Company 82 68 64671 Buffalo Meter Company 7 145 94 64672 Builders Iron Foundry Company 177 4 6467] Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company 64674 Chicago, St.8aul, Mpls. & C.Ry.Co. 3 91 64675 Consumers Milk Company 96 38 6 75 64676 Adam Decker Hardware Company 64677 Dictaphone Corporation 36 00 217 46 64678 Electric Blue Print Company 64679 Tlk Linen Supply Company 29 68 33 34 64600 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company 56 64661 , Federal Electric Company 3 00 64682 reist Small Animal Hospital 64603 • 64664 Gangl and Company Specialty Company 71 50 49 25 64665 Generator Graybar Electric Company,Ino. 100 73 64686 Healy -Ruff Company 56 00 64667 vialter Helfman 5 75 64668 Highland Spring Tater Company 7 00 ' 64609 Illuminating Eng. Society 7 50 64690 Int. Business Machines Corp. 11 354 75 64691 Int. Fuel Company 1 64692 L.F. Jensen Company 39 6 6 64693 Joesting & Schilling Company $5 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD �4 4o 9 47 .1024338 711. .. II • • f � 7 � , r I I I t f SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 54 4o9 47 1032496 3o I� I I i DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL I COUNCIL 1 ��� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER - ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN _ PETERSON IN FAVOR. AUDITED CLAIMS 19 October 28 93 .— RROSEN T UAX - AGAINST RESOLVED. TMA. CHECKS BE DR WN ON TH CITY TREASURY WENZ mR PRES FALLON COUNCIL__— TO -�E AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S _. COVERING /t'� CHECKS NUmBEREO 64694 TO 64739 IN -SIVE. AS r] 19N`9 vER CHECKS E O CE OF T CITY CO ROLLER OCT — ---- -- ADOPTED BY THE APPROVED .. -193. NUMBER ca.,n , SEA so —1,92 TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBE.9 IN FAVOR OF .. CHECKS H C ECK RETURNED V CI I.RSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 54 40947 1024338. 71- 164694 64694 Mrs. Anile LaBissoniere 33 60 32 64696 64695 Chas. L. Barry 92 Wm. Bros Boiler & Mfg, Company 19 63 64697 Cgoital Envelope Company 5 00 64698 G.I. Dransfield 443 92 64699 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 263 78 64700 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 33 64701 The Grinnell Company. Inc. 53 64702 P.R.L. Hardenbergh & Company 450 6470 John Leslie Paper Company 134 4 64705 6470 V.B. Martin Lumber Company Melady Paper Company 25 499 70 29 64706 Mogelson & Margoles 108 09 64707 F.J. Morse & Company 44 10 64708 National Lumber Company 77 34 64709 Northern states Power Company Company 4 4995 9� 64710 Northern States Power 64711 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 94 64712 St.Paul Builders Material Company 756 93 64713 J.L. Shiely Company, Inc, 64714 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 35 10 64715 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 17449 9900 64716 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 10 42 64717 Rhoads Motor Company 64718 Elk oil Company 3 59 64719 F.. J. Healy 155 .28 w 61 00 64720 R.R. Johnson 5 10 64721 Geo, M. Mc Geary & Son 64722 Okes Construction Company 21 00 64723 Cliff Parent 2 00 64724 Geo. W. Smeed 84 6S 64725 Baartman and Koning 64726 Gager's Electric Refrigeration 27 73 64727 J.L. Grevers and sons 162 3 481 0b 64728 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 26 72 64729 gt.Paul Voc,School 87 65 64730 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company 64731 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company 33 899552 64732 Seagrave Corporation 644 64733 H.R. Stahl Company 146 30 On 64734 Clara Aamold, 'Vidow of H.A. '91dow 30 00 64735 Ann F. Campion, of D.H.C. 30 00 64736 Helen Sullivan, Widow of M.S, 200 00 64737 goo, for the Prev. of Cruelty 33 42 64738 Carl Maonde f � 7 � , r I I I t f SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 54 4o9 47 1032496 3o I� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERKCOUNCIL - - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL -• BARFUSS FINDLAN IN FAVOR! AUDITED CLAIMS y 193 -/yam PETERSON p(! yfY�er� R ROSEN i3M1 V0 UN T CITY TREASU Y TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D COVERING WENZEL ^^ TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 7� jZ8_35 INCLUSIVE. AS I lA ITI MR FRES FALLON CHECKS NUMBERED PER CHECKS OF E CITY COM ROLLER ADOPTED BY THE �COUNCIL11--^}}-- --'- APPROVED J�1 �+1+`+�---193. _- NUMBER BY o - TOTALDATE IN FAVOR OF -- RETURNED CHECK TRANSFER ❑ISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS Cl�ECKS SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 54 409 47 1079694 65 it BROUGHT FORWARD 54 409 47 032496 30 -1032496.30- ® 647 647 M -s. Louis Fay Mrs. Elizabeth Literski 28 80 28 27 04 65 00 64741 Otto Gullickson 55'00 64742 64743 So aatz John S. Findlan. 0. of Finance C. of Finance 4 878 97 270 03 64744 John S. Findlan, 694 30 64745 John S. Findlan, C, of Finance 4 127 23 64746 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 83 83 33 Y, 64747 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 11 56 64748 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance 1g6 20 64749 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 7 64750 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance 3 285 76 64751 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 55 00 64752 Dr. Albert E. Ahrens 3 00 64753 Cobb Clinic 64754 Dr. tvm. Gisnberg 16 00 64755 midway Hospital 5 00 64756 Drs. Naslund & Morse g 00 64757 Dr. A.H. Pedersen 8 00 64758 Dr. C.G. Perry 89 75 6)1759 St.Luke's Hospital 8 00 64760 Drs. Schons & Medelman 6 00 64761 Drs. garnook & BrT g 3 00 64762 Ed. Hall9 64763 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance C. Finance 2 509 46 64764 John So Findlan, of 102 85 647 5 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 664 27 6476 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 4 520 36 64767 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 13 50 64768 Multistamp Sales Company 50 12 64769 The MacMillan Company 264 11 64770 McFadden—Lambert Company 4 1 9 64771 Minnesota Ice Company 411 84 64772 National Battery Company 18 10 64773 National Cylinder Gas Company 16 70 64774 New York Tea Company 71 43 64775 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 69 2 64776 Nicole; Dean & Gregg Company 6 46 64777 Northern States Power Company 46 97 64778 Northwest Hardware Company 3 38 64779 Oliver Farm Equipment Company 5 60 64780 Orloff Leather company, Inc. 11 49 ® 64781 Paramount Pies, Inc. 177 37 64782 6475 Part Machine Company Peters Sausage & Meat Produots,Inc. 10 79 7 p2 64794 Postal Telegraph Company 2 40 64785 Puritan Compressed Gas Corp. 9 9 00 64786 Ramsey County Boiler Inspector 14 24 64787 Reeves Coal & Dock Corp. 61 56 61 64788 Remington -Rand, Inc. 99 87 64789 Robinson. Cary & Sands Company 16 60 64790 Roe—James Glass Company 3 75 64791 Rutman Barrel Company SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 54 409 47 1079694 65 it 88- - of thenseeee Mat of ♦ 'ost'reconst UCIng and d relay ~` ;nt stdewniks, Estimate No. • 39-M-13, 1938. +suable Council File No.....-- -------------- . . U6785 ........ ., By............................ --------- . CITY OF ST. PAUL Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks. Estimate No. 7, Contract 38-M-13, 1938 --Assessable-- F.O. 112039 E. Fifth Street, north aide, beginning at a point 40 feet east of Atlantic Street thence east 200 feet F.O. 112225 Long Ave., west side, from a point 96 feet north of Bradford Street, thence north 117 feet including 13 foot driveway --idon-Assessable-- e C.F. .112753 Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorised and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be constructed at the locations listed belowt Intersections southwest corner St. Anthony Ave. and Aldine Street a Intersection southeast corner Griggs and Juliet Streets Intersectibxnortheeat corner Laurel and Howell Avenues Interseotione n&thwest, northeast, southwest and southeast corners of St. Clair St. and Colborne Street Intersections northw mtr—nvrthsast, southwest and southeast corners of -,64.,Clair At. aad.dtiohmond-Stsee _ - Intersections northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast corners of St. Clair St. and Duke Street Intersections northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast corners of St. Clair St. and Erie Street Intersection northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast corners of St. Clair St. and Oneida Street r Intersection northeast corner C.. Clair Street and Webster Street Nov„ - Approved ............... - I 19 - - I1 1_ !.-..:.-........, Mayor. Form B. B. 19 PUBLIMED-2- / jV;aLsac,PIor 3J01-P9Me91P' rc;. r.." �' ::c '>'��aer. ar :.iff I L 7, i' MJ C• _:'Li' 5 LG: Tr pe cj.: ft e,.rcc . T.. =,o. Fc: iT i.�E:-2 eYi 3 .: 7JS�'S� o 6e .A; 66f A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in....................J.....---.equal installments. NOV 11939 Adopted by the Council ..................... .------------------......---------- -------• /��� City Clerk. ... Approved ...........----- N I OV ------- 1 .... 1939 19_ -- Form B. B. 18 ...... Mayor. PUBLISHED/)— CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment . _ October._ 4,.,,193 9..........., c__ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tw constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 7, Contract 38-M-13, 1988 --Assessable-- F.O. 112089 E. Fifth Street, north side, beginning at a point 40 feet east of Atlantic Street thence east 200 feet F.O. 112225 Long Ave., west side, from a point 98 feet north of Bradford Street, thence north 117 feet including 18 foot driveway --Non-Assessable-- C.F. 112755 Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be constructed at the locations listed belows Intersections southwest corner St. Anthony Ave. and Aldine Street Intersections southeast corner Griggs and Juliet Streets Intersections northeast corner Laurel and Howell Avenues Intersections northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast oorners of St. Clair St. and Colborne Street Intersections northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast corners of St. Clair St. and Richmond Street Intersections northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast corners of St. Clair St. and Duke Street Intersections northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast corners of St. Clair St. and Erie Street Intersection northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast corners of St. Clair St. and Oneida Street Intersection northeast corner St. Clair Street and Webster Street Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $__.._623.2$._____ ....... ___..._......upon each and every 1,, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or pared of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that th said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said CQmissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 4 Commissioner of Finance. sLasarlov rr— 8eFeaaF coLuaye o:, uFeysec�TovaFuo pMozFe D LCNes ?t. 2o:7FNa+aa; Huq z011 s1jqI xs y6aF coyveye oL IuJFsLaecFlouaFuoL.�u�eaF' uOLF''Les;: aonFN�7aF �j4 eon;.NseaF (;oLvaLz OL 8F• 7H?L F' uuq ii?Gluouq f on eeuaF Huq zoilFNcaaF IIIFsLeaGFTOV2 OC.TU saF' uoLFue zsF 2 FN GOL11GL2 cL �f, G7HlL auq Co1POLve 2F zo„r,axaaF Huq zOn:usszF ,;:FaLaecF?ouc'vOL-'N+�ezF' uOLfNoHa+, Iv FaL?.eCp?OfI2 ilOTF!faH F GoL°o, M1H7 s7 Huq Hoxe7 i "i ns so �a Huq In7?a ?;.LssFa -Ouc 2o:TFtaHaF rL;sp ;u;aL2scF; wvT ;ae• Huy tl74?`;' 177F6L26 C+1 on2 eon,^. J:Kezc coLusL £ ' YvF! oln: pa co.*aFL.c+aR �F FNa 1000�cenelfNFeQ Pot exFsualoux Fo 6 LiaGG22HLi. x?�6^'H11c G Ta }1a L6pX LacFs4 r ps Huq N OL S9Q N��. Qs OT'O AioLl`2 HnFN � .ICL UL �. t �'�.' FjJe �O'aa1722; C'i;' 17S�2n 3szoj:•sq' F. --i:ou-tlaaa?2Hp;O-- :ss.(' ?1.:9'1'� 13 I.oOF gyreotna'? ^Lsor' F}rsuco voLF:j 7,' JJOL o' } LHgLoL4 2+ Iouw ;ne• L„J a borvF 8@ LaeF fN G MrUf e?qs' L = J' 175552 euca G92� ;�iO4:ssF H a bo?uF a lea: G024 OL tlF1Hu"c cuos{' FN _ .C'r 't7-sa� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $_...___195.83.___.__ Cost of publishing notice . $.-...- ---f 80 --- $-- 12 Cost of postal cards ------------ $.._........_ 19.58 Inspection fees �60 Amount of court costs for confirmation Assessable . . . . . . . . . Non -assessable . . . . . . . . . . 57 Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ _..._623.2b.. __ _...._._. _......_...._._-upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 Od.ud to UH Cimh 7 1167f CITY OF ST. PAUL "t. NO..-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :)UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM - ._DATE October 31 1339-- U application 611. implied for by EESMM: That license for Closing Out Sale. app 37 the fail Geist Jewelry Co. at 29 E. Sixth St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. t .1•! t,­—W.A. [nn'flntoa--rfo.9— Re—Wed, That Itcende Cor lied fo ()i,t Sal, nVpllcntton 37011. HPVs by the P%mil (Seiet Jewel ry t`nle he 8eb Sixth St. be and the -1 1" entea ananluCe�tc�voln tht. ree pnymn t mtopineeUtiy vnnenrr nc tunntrea [ee. For pe Clod from Nov. 1, 1939- to Jen. ib, 1940. Adopted hY the ('1939.11 Noy t. ]9'i9 A pp—,N�grovt 4, 19891 N For period from Nov. 1, 1939 to Jan. 15. 1940 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays i an ayY"solo 'Pe ison en uax Vr. President (Fallon) 6M 0E CS 4In Favor —L—Against J / i Adopted by the Council OV _ "a-193— Approved NOV 1 193- 1 ---------- M or alrle.uo City ank 116787 CITY OF ST. PAUL r��r NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,h COUNCI RE�LU G.ALFORM COESENTED BY MMISSONER Peterson /�Jy�'��� L_ �–+�=V - DATE----- – NOV. RESOLVED, that the proper -city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with James Peller, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $20,00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injur- les received by him while in the employ of the Department of Education on the 31st day of August 1939; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said James Peller the sum of $30,00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including 0 tober 28, 1939, I 1A 8737—By Axel F. Petersen— ` n enolye - that the proper city steer. I �be and they are hereby autharixed to ter into a agreement with James 'Peller, prov lding for the payment o[ Dpenact ton to him nt tile. rate f {'t B.09 per week during such time Cie he hall be totally disabled by reasonf 1lnju rtes r celved by him while In lh.: In arcordah— t of the General q Fund, In final eing or bine p �lodato lane in' 0—)her Y3. 1939. nn ted by the l'ounen Ney. 1, 1939, 1vrd Nov. 1. 1939. (Nov. 4. 19391 NOV I W9 Adopted by the Council _____ ._—___193 NOV j 1938 Approved— f 193_— -----_��---ivlayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Fin Ian arranto �t�rson In Favor os n iI'ruax _kl_' President (Fallon) Against 5M a-39 CS In arcordah— t of the General q Fund, In final eing or bine p �lodato lane in' 0—)her Y3. 1939. nn ted by the l'ounen Ney. 1, 1939, 1vrd Nov. 1. 1939. (Nov. 4. 19391 NOV I W9 Adopted by the Council _____ ._—___193 NOV j 1938 Approved— f 193_— -----_��---ivlayor Odahtal to City Oalk r t 116788 CITY OF ST. PAUL r��E `� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY_____ ..// _DATE— COMMISSIONER Truax t� ----- WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that a certain two story frame building located on the west 25 feet of Lot 6, Block 22, Ashton and Van Buren's Addition, also known as No. 223 East University Avenue, Is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as toaarrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing shall be had upon the advis ability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 28th day of November 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and mture or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of the City of Saint Paul, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1�/dJ %in nto �3 et'/ ePson /Rosen AAX . President (Fallon) sm a-38 Ca u In Favor —Against :. F. No 116788-13yTrunx— Wfiereas, the Commlae .11 l Pa has 'r'lu3'grnun da nd Public nulldinga Ana -epu rted to the Cou nrll that n. taro -.,tory frame .1 1. located Lb, went 36 feet of . t 6, Block 2., ,ts hton and Van Bu ren's Addition, loo known an h'u. 233 1Laet Ilnivera and Ase- , Ix in t b a dn""' uted an 1 dao- Kernns r ndtItt on n to war—L Its he - to t ndemn.•d and lnrn down; there- fore, be /t Reno lved, hint public hearing shall be had upon the adrls:t hi lity and n `- InKN vltnl7 moil to the last known record of Hold Propert., at hlo IU`t known of said to the anoent - Dont [ Id property, th xtnt- tng the time, place and nature o Par, of said hearing, 1 he -he ll lao urtnxe n notice f s •h hearing to be glren by one publication in the o81c1 a1 'xmoDer of the Cityy f Saint Paul, u Id tit+e [n be published not lose than ova days nrinr to the dote of .,ala hcnring• .Xdo Plea thel C3939,11 Nov. 1. 1939. Appro— "bY� Nov. 4. 1939) �Approved NOV 1 X 193-- --—_J'-1--.iJl-- - ----- or 0,191 .11. City CI k r tL 116788 CITY OF ST. PAUL aye NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMSMISSIONER T1^t19][ P —._—__— _DATE--_N.ov. 1, 1939_._ WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that a certain two story frame building located on the west 25 feet of Lot 6, Block 22, Ashton and Van Buren's Addition, also known as No. 223 East University Avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as tovarrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing shall be had upon the advis-, ability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 28th day of November 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and mture or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of the City of Saint Paul, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays I a to �Pe ereon In Favor sen i u x -Against President (Fallon) AM 0-38 CB i88—By F. M. Trur e d P.blic Bull of Bund Publlc Bulldt the Covneli that , fru m'e hdit dr InK I 3fi feet o[ Lot t Vnn Buren' . `eco. ala rzast i`� �h a dllu➢' � ,It tion n n.•d �� Adopted by the Council_NOV_ 1 9M9193 Approved NOV 1 tM9193—_ or CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota) OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Oct. 31, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City hall Dear Sirt The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the duplex dwelling at 223 1C. University Ave., located on the what 25 feet of Lot 6, Block 22, Ashton and plan Buren's Addition. Yours very truly, City Cle>$. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS "S City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, D.pety C...6floner CHAS. A.BASSFORD City Architect October 27, 1939 Hon. Council Cites* of St. Paul Gentlemen: Denart:nent has n, -Io .an ___snect°_on of the clunles dwell - in located at 223 Fast University Avenue, loca';ed on the viest 25 feet of Lot G, ^loch- 22, Ashton and Van �urents Addition. Our inspector renorts that it _s a two story fra::,e bu=.ld- in�, dilanid^.tod, and dan;erous to life,limb and adjoinin�',- pronerty and shoiilcl be condemned. ':he ovrner is A. -. Schillo, 217 East Un:i.vorsity Ave3aue. Kindly set a hearin in accordance with Section 1-14 of the bu'ldin�; code. /Yo :: truly, —6a • 4. City Arch'teet LAi3.. U i r OdNmI M city CIxY COUNI L6789 ' CITY OF. ST. PAUL .t. `" NO. /,`���.M/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r�/� COUNCIL R OLUTION---GENERAL FORM SSOCOMMIIN Y �I / �" "' DATE November 1 1- 939 WH9REASt heretofore "On Sale" Liquor license $1342, was issued to Ignatius G. rgaprzyk at 475 Wabasba St,. and WHEREAS: Thomas C. Skweres has requested that said license be transferred to Thomas C. Skweres at 475 Wabasha St. and WHERUS: the said Thomas C. Skweres has filed a bond in the sum of $3,000.00 as requires by City Ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore be it RESOLVED: that °OnSalen Liquor license #1342, heretofore issued to Ignatius G. Sasprzyk at 475 Wabasha St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Thomas 0. Slcweres at the same address and the bond of the said Thomas C. Skweres is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same In the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorised and directed to release the surety on the bond off the said Ignatius G. 8adprzyk from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. ff Transfer informally approved by Council, Oct. 26, 1939 Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ind n t Par.o iPeteyson In Favor s ruse Against ,>`' President (Fallon) 5M 0-38 CS C. F. No. 118789—BY F. M. Trunr— R'hA. erepx theretofore. 'o" gale" I.iy- 1 "oo license No. 1342, w Is.ued to 1K- [ius G. K..Dr,Yk at 475 K'aba.ha St. an nR'hernap, Thoma, C. Skwere, has r iloepted that p id Ilren.e be transferred to TI --a C. Skwer- at 475 W.basha Sl. ,ad liasl-a led npbonda In the ehomup f E3,000Skwot.00 t nseaaui-d by City Grdlnu re, and paid nn, �� en DD C"1 rw to form and therefore, hp lil1P Pnrntl on Counsel, R rsoly ed, that '•OI Sale" Llyya r Il- e No. 134-, heretofore is.ued to lg- iatlu, G. Kus Pr.yk at 475 NV.ba,ha St. bed the a le hereby transferred to Thoma, CB Skwere, at the same ad- dre,s and the bond of the said Thomas C. Sk weres Is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the troIn the office of, the City Comp- ller, ana thCo rPoratlon Counsel 1, authorlred and directed to release the rrty on the bond of the said Ig.oil.. G. Kasp-yk from any further llabill ty irisinqq after the dote this re..iulloa Is Transfer Informally 1 In"'t ea by Condo 1, Oct 20, C,; Old lova tl on. Adopted by the Council Nnr. 1, 1939. A Pproved Nov. 1, (Nov. 4,. 1 193939) Adopted by the Council"" 10 193— NOV 11939 Approved—�M-Y-rik-Z7; 193— CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR 'SON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No ......................... Name of Applicant.... Thotp.8s..q. jlcgteT'es.._............................................Age... q2 ........ Residence Address ...... 361..SMn$-cyn..Sir......_..................................Telephone No.? A.417E Are you a citizen of the United States?. ... ye g ... ......................... ....... I ...... I ................. .................... Haye you eyer been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? Onerated„as,.Assistant _ManaCer} On Tale Lim;cr 'j,isiness licensed under name of 'i. G: Kasprzyk a 4 �t,.Pau1,.,14ir. When and where.... If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation .._ ................................. _... ...... .... .. ........: ...................................................................................... ......... I...... I......... Whenincorporated?........................................................_..................................................... If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for dub members? .......................................... Howmany members? ............... ...... _ ... .................................................................................. ..aures and addresses of president and se -re, of corporation, and name and address of general manager _..._.... ........... ..... ........ _............_..._..........._..... ..... ...._....._ ........... ....... .... ....... I ... ... — .......... _ ...... I ...... I I ......... I ....... I..... o . Co Give name of sure,y company whit t will wnLndon & LanoasterIndemnity any .e bond, if known... ....... ........ umber ;trees Side Between What Crosse Lreets Ward 475 71asbasl,a West Plinth & Exchange 4th How many feet from an academy, college or university tmeasured along streets)?..2..,;)1Qc {g . ........................ I low many feet from a church �meaSured along streets)?..2..blQ..Gkg..................... ................................ ilow many fee_ from closes; pubiiC or parochial grade or high school tmeasured along streets!?..-; „, blocks .. ,.._ Name of closest school... A5 s=.)'.ti. on ........................ ................... _ .................... _ ................. How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?... C.q{ TePQzA.l.......................... ”" ' On what floor located? ... zhain................................_.._....... ....................... Are premises owned by you or lea.ed.'...le.aSed.......if leased give name of owner. .I+e.v re_&..TanZ........... If a restaurant, give seating capacity? ... 9..0.09iih.$.,..'�. t3;, 1G �,...�.a..�?a_1P 9,.. 1.'J..9.t0 O19......._.......... if Lo.el, seating capacity of main dining room? ............................. _.................... ......... ........ .......... Gree below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: none........................_........... ..................... .......... .............. .. _...... _............ ........................................................................................................................ ..........................................—............ ..... ..... .............. ................................................. jThe information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Hos many guest rooms in hotel? ..................................... :.ame of resident proprietor or manager ',restaurant or h0tel1................................................................ Give names and addresses of three business references: ... ........ ... .._...... ............................................. 1. Q.o.^j.enc.ial..6,tste,.Bank, ... t.Paul,..Minn. ..........................._........................._.... Schmidt...Brewin.9 Co., St.Paul, !YAnn ............__.._............._.. ............................... 3.George Benz &- Sons, St.Paul, :,:inn. ................................................................................................. THIS APPLICAT10N MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICEd OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE �FAI. OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE .ATTACHED: Issuance of license i, i"', ,I.pphization cheCkeI by Dated..._.... .......193...... .. License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE J J -U STATE OF MINNESOTA,� COUNTY OF RAMSEY. Thomas C. Skweres ......................................................................................................... being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me tQ.OPP ...... 193., .... �' o � ���� 9i�'G(..�.t..L. Rheic Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires..... STATE OF MINNESOTA,) COUNTY OF RAMSEY. ( ..................................................................................................... being first duly sworn, deposesand says that ..................... the ................................................ I ..................................... of................................................................................................................... a corporation; that .....................................has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of ................................knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .................... day of ..................... 193 ...... ............................................................... Notary Pub ,t�Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires ........ : ................... ....... A ad,le.l 1. City CI,rMNo. 116790 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ �'•�///W�- EAL FORM /RC1 O, U_N—CIL RESOLUTION— EN November 1, 1939 _ BESOLVEDt That Off Sale Malt Beverage license $7622, expiring February 1, 1940, Restaurant license #484, expiring February 1, 1940, and On Sale Malt Beverage license $5401, expiring February 1, 1940, issued to Ignatius G. %asprayk at 475 Wabasha St. be and the same are hereby transferred to Thos. C. Skweres at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the prope r change in the ci ty 19 r eco rds. WK, Transfer informally approved by Council. Oct. 26, 1939 old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays insllan ayAnto senoopr on �sen / - -ax r. President (Fallon) AM 6 Ce r. 11. No. 116190—By F. M. Tru W� A. I'arrattto— Itesolved, That Off Sale Malt Bevcr- age Ilcense No. 7628, expiring Febru- my 1, 1940, 11 st,' rant Ilcense No. 484, ea pl rl ng February ], 1940, and On Sale Malt Beverage Ilcense No. 6401,explr- Ing February 1, 1940, issued to Ignatius O. Kasprzyk at 475 Wabas ha St. be d the sn a are hereby transferred to i Th s. C. Slcrveres t the sam address uid the proper city of,erse are In- [rnc•led to ntaa the proper clangi �in the ItJ'a r korda. es Transfer Informally ppr.—d by ('ou .'1]. Oct. 26rite 1989. Old location. Adopted by Council No, 1, 1939. Apprnv Cd N'3'. 1939. (Nov. 4, 1939) NOV 11938 Adopted by the Council 193— NOV 11939 A�pprrooveed�� 193-- :n Favor _._W tom(.__ - --- — May Against 0491n.1 t. Qty Cl.tk116791 CITY OF ST. PAUL " NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ~COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED,_Y �j� „ � � _ -,7,e _DATE November'lil'�39 RESOLVED: That license for Hotel, application 37454, applied for by Mrs. I. L. Neff at 337 Jackson St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Irving Neff is not to live at the hotel nor is he to be connected in any way with the operation of said establishment. C. F. No. 11879) BY F. M. Truaz— W. of Parranto— Resolved, T4 It—'cf for Hotel, . L. Neffalon [ 3377 Jac kaonl3[. be rand the e I. Is hereby granted and the City Clark le Instructed In issue such lIcImas upon the payment Into the. city treasury or ere the qui d 1- l, rovided, However, That Irving Neff I not to Iive at the hole) n is he to be acted In sn Y with the opera- , tion or a Bald t bltshment. New. Old location. - Adopted by the Council Nov. 1. 1939. Aper oved Nov. 1. 1939. IN— /, 19391 New. Old Location COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncA" 1 193 -- Yeas Nays Fi//ndlgn Approved NOV 11 193— Par I, In Favor _L___!--- �sonto �� --- May t n Z., --./_Against 8Ar. President (Fallon) 6M Ce OAddl to aW auY 116792 CITY OF ST. PAUL .�. " NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _DATE COMMISSIONER —---- — WHEREAS, Mathilda Fitzsimons has petitioned the Council for permission to erect and install a drive-in filling station on Lot 1, Block 11, Ewing & Chutets Addition, located at No. 452 Rice Street; and WHEREAS, said Mathilda Fitzsimons has submitted a blue- print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to Mathilda Fitzsimons to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be subject to revocation by the Council whenever it shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. _sy F. M. Trua. .thllda Fit.simone hal Councilro permlpW . inetell a dr�Ye-1t1 fil+ 1. Plock11, Sw tdI COUNCILMEN Yeas 'Nays indlaF` ❑ / oEarto ., Ion In Favor r / Against Zr. President (Fallon) sm a-38 C8 NOV 11939 Adopted by the Council NOV 11939 Approved 193— `/Aldyor gSJBLISI'1F.1%� 9. POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., October 14. _lg 39 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of Mathilda Fitzsimmons to erect and install a filling station located at 452 Rice Street, Lot 1, Block 11. Ewing & Chute's Addition trill come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 25th day of October ig 39 , at to o'clock A. M. JOHII S. FMDLAI1, �- Commissioner of Finance. All Paqe _Fit 8828 u,\ r.%, yuF THE BOARD OF ZONING EsiablRhed by Ordinance No, 5840 July 71h, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,y 279 COURT HOUSE ee m®me 'a C) oea mese..... e+e ages ee oa October 31st, 1939- MI1.CM � by O . � ARTHUR S MILINOWSKI, Ch— AUGUST P"N'T'I11 EDWIN H LUNDIE BERNARD J McGLYWI EGIN WAHMAN CHARLCS BASSFORD, Gey A,chcec GEORGE H VIC P.ROLD, Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear sir i In the matter of application of Mathilda Fitzsimmons to erect and install a drive-in filling station on Lot 1, Block 11, Ewing & Chute's Addition. This is the southeast corner of Rice & Aurora. The zoning is Light Industry. The lot 40t x1201 lies between Aurora and the property of the German -American Clubhouse. The original plans for this station were not acceptable to the Board of Zoning, but the plan dated October 315t, 1939 attached hereto is approved, and the Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. The original plans did not provide for sufficient distance between the pumps and the driveway. The owner has now arranged with the German -American Club to consolidate their private driveway with the driveway to this station off of Rice Street. gh-rh The plans enclosed herewith are approved. Yours very truly, George H. Herrold, Engineer Secretary. ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For Lic AUTOM OBI LE—F fV-LIv-/- ST DATE October 10 _.193 9 TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made Ma hild8 BY INA.[ OF FIPM OR Iry DlviDUAL AND OPERATE A °rn FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL 'iveI DPIv[ IN OR INBI D[ nABAO["1 AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT One 1) BLOCK Eleven '" _ 11 Ewing & Chutes Addition _-ALBD DESCRIBED AS 4�52 Rice 1[rn[e* ND Nom. 1 — 1000 Gallon NOOF PUMPS two \2/ -- NO OF GAS TANKS TWO ( 2) CAPACITY OF EACH TANK 1 _- 2000 Gallon . FILED 400 Minnesota l, Minn_ RECEIVED COPY FROOM CITY CLERK DATE 9 DEPARTM/EjNGG1Ty))%rOF PP UUBLI >'TY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE I 0 ' 18 3—� CITY PLANNING BOARD BY _-- -- J. CLINTON A. HACROBERT B. J. H, 71. U. R'71F re ' hwf SlIpt. of Police and Fire Alvin G. E. BRISSNAN Chief of Policece Office Health Officer CITY OF SAINT PAUL t;;ipiCd of Minnesota Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. AARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. 71CIJ,ANTY, Deputy I:momissioner October 18, 1939 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by Mathilda Fitzsimmons for permit to install and operate a drive-in filling station to be located on Lot 1, Block 11 of Ewing and chute's Addition, which is also described as 452 Rioe Street. You will find attached reports covering inspections made by VN11Barron, Inspector, and Harry Wetter n,superintendent ndent of Traffic, which are self-explanatory. Very truly yours, l /Commissioner ofjPublic Safety IN THE MEANTISIE, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 18 1939 Mr. G. H. Barfus s Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: This in reference to application made by Mathilda Fitz - Simmons for permission to install and operate a drive- in filling station to be located on Lot 1, Block 11, of Ewing and Chute's Addition, also described as 452 Rice Street. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints. According to the blue prints the pumps are to be 12 feet inside of the building line and placed on an angle. A 40 foot truck stopping and taking on gasoline and oil will protrude aorosz the sidewalk. This in my opinion would constitute a hazard to pedestrians in that the truck would be blocking the sidewalk_. There appears to be ample room so that the pumps could be set in further on the lot which would eliminate the necessity of the trucks protruding on the sidewalk. f Unless the plans are revised, I would to the granting of this permit. Yours truly, H�N.Vieg �J Superintendent of 'Traffic THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION October 13, 1939 Hon. G. H. Barfuss, ConLmissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir; In regard to the application made by L:athilda Fitzsimmons for permission to install and operate a drive-in filling station to be located on Lot 1, Block 11 of Ewing and Chute's so described as 452 Rice Street. We have investigated the foregoing loca- tion and report that if the proposed station is allowed it would not seriously increase the fire hazard of that vacinity nor would it increase the insurance rates to surrounding properties. Respectfully yours, Chief Fire Inspector. WCB:z CITY of THE BOARD OF ZONING ���� E.iabL;hed by Oidmance No 5840 July 71h, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE ub seeeee®®ee eye a% b uNCORPORATKO ,+ ",;,. ti� October 24th, 1939. -►.a ARIHUR S fAh INOVlSVI Ca LDwIN H I aDii f GIN WAIT"%i: HARLt 6<<-IOID. H W."OLD. Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of Mathilda Fitzsimmons for a drive-in filling station on Lot 1, Block 11, Swing do Chutets Addition. This is 452 Rice St. immediately north of the Dutch House, or the south- east corner of Rice and Aurora. The plans were returned to the applicant on October 17th, advising that the pump island was so placed that a truck or long car taking gasoline would stand on', the sidewalk on either Rice St. or Aurora Ave. and suggesting a different layout. As we have not heard from the applicant the Board of Zoning recommend that the application be denied. Yours very truly, George R: Harrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh encl. G. 1:. BRISSMAN CLIN(I' d. R olio R RUIiER1' B. J.It Sl 111eer1. M. D. AV �i1. J.it S Chief t. of Police and Fire Ahrw Chief of Police Ilrillh UfTicer Fire Chief Sdi� ####**#####x*######################'** wf########################r############################ CITY OF SAINT PAUL I:;q�ilal of \linncsola ��ep�irt�2tertf �� /�u��ec �a�et� 0 Tenth and Minnesota Streets U. H. 13ARFUSS, Commissioner .111IIN P. ]ICLLANEY, Depute Cunmmsioner October 31, 1939 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: I am attaching report of Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, in connection with applica- tion made by Mathilda Fitzsimmons for permit to install and operate a drive-in filling station to be located on Lot 1, Block 11, of Ewing and Chute's Addition, which is also described as 452 Rice Street. This is a supplementary report. Very truly yours, Comms eioner of public Saf,ty U IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 31 1939 Mr. G. H. Berfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir This is in reference to application made by Mathilda ritzsi-imons for permission to install and operate a drive-in filling station to be locatad on Lot 1, Block 11, of awing and Chute's Addition, which is also described as 452 Rice Street. The first plans to this station were objected to. Today, Pdr. R. W. Farnsworth, Architect, brought me over a set of revised plans showing where the �=T s have been moved in six feet further on the premises. The driveway has also been changed from the original driveway. From a traffic standpoint, there will be no objection to the granting of this permit according to the new plans. For your information, I understand this application will come before the council tomorrow morning, November 1, 1939. Yours truly, Harry N. WeiJergren Superintendent of Traffic -If o BU;iAU 01 CONT. . REPAIR W. a. COCKROFT, SUET. OFFICc ENGI — O. H. HERROLD CHIEF ENO;. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital Of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, D.IUTT COM ...... N.R GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk Building Dear Sirs November is 1939 BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. Burt. B U;GU OF BRIDOff M. B. ORYTBAK, ENGINEER B URGU OF CORRECTION. RAY J. KARTAK. Su— In connection with the application of Mathilda Fitzsimmons to Construct a drivein filling station at the southeast corner of Rice Street and Aurora Avenue, I beg to advise you that the revised plan as submitted for driveways conforms to the standards of this department. The plan for driveways Is consequently approved from an engineering standpoint. Yours very truly, qCG E M. SHEPAB15 'f�4 h of Engineer - - I� a I9 y moi¢ o,00 $Aro If QRN E.L l �• 6.rF Bt/icD.EYJ •Fjrc/S/i9.v /i� //✓�r.FAf�ouO Vie• I` .9c,F /7o�QTi1� F%PpRUHCMld .E�Ed/SFo- �O- I/•s`✓ Q1 _ � - o o Ay t ofle-11. car a -&J16793 CITY OF ST. PAUL r��e N_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J �cOUNC L RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY V L COMMISSIONER -------'—"---- ___ WHEREAS, the Shell 011 Company has petitioned the Council for permission to rebuild and remodel a drive-in filling station on Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, E. M. Mackubin's Second Addition, located at 990 Arcade Street; and WHEREAS, said Company has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held In accordance with Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to said Shell 011 Company to rebuild and remodel the drive-in filling station above mentioned, in accordance with the plans submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will auto- matically void the permit. The new tank shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage, or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be subject to revocation by the Council whenever it shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. By F..Nt. Truax— ,.0 on coo,oaa- ae a ani eei aaa xs, W se,•one Aaar - Street; a % tie o%a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays nto '17-' r 'Peterson In Favor ,dfosen � /T`ruax Against Im". President (Fallon) 5M 638 C8 Adopted by the Council ._NOV 114193-- NOV l tg39 Approved Ma r -- 1_" , L,l' L,IIk7 PUBIA,,l(l:l) i' i3 / POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • SL Paul, Minn., -_.-October _ _.--- 21 _ is 39 - Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Buildinq Zone Ordinance ad,,'o'�pPte,�d' by the Council of the CShe1110 al Co,1y Zlh, tBzz, you are hereby n lkdl ) be solation located at 990 Arcade St. on to eveeba"&ine Lots 14• & 15, Block 2 E. M. 1 ackubin's 2nd Addition will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Buildinq on the 39 at to o'clock A.. M. 1st day o} November to—• JOHII S. FI11OLALI, Commissioner of Finance. Page__ --File 8831 ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE — OCtobeT __.1__ 193. TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made FOR PERMIT �>[IA3JiLLi * Odel aB "Drive lNInG°A gasoline filling station AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT51 1..4_ Rnd 15 --BLOCK__._.._ - __ )&aojLUbjjj8 . ..Glllt_Add - ALSO DESCRIBED AS �IJO Aryaft Rt7ep+y- 1 new ( �) 1 new 550 gal. NO. OF PUMPS _3NO OF GAS TANKS3 nre, lent CAPACITY OF I ACH TANK _- - ___. __ __ C she FILED y� .Y- .-.A.GsXr1_okzAn_0ompany__ ( General Contraotors ) 410 N, Pr1.4x__Ase RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY ml RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE 9 CI,Y PLANNING BB1�OA,�R/D BY O�Ty of THE BOARD OF ZONING E tabhshed by Ordinance No, 5840 July 76, 1922 '9� f SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .f, 279 COURT HOUSE 4' e99®ee9ee � O eca eee....... 99999.9 9e p a October 24th, 1939. ee< ARI I01k , WLIIJOWSKI, Ch:--- `•I:C;U T HUff" TIN EDWIN H LIAJW RiRNARD J WCAY;PI LGIN WW,1AH CHARLE; BA,JORD. Gry A,,he--- ,pnpr{ H Ijr1rPOLD. I,.,m , ,... e . Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Shell Oil Company to remodel their station on iota 14 and 15, Block 2, E. M. Naokubints 2nd Addition, being the southeast corner of Jenks and Arcade Streets. The applicant has acquired an additional 50 ft. of land on Arcade St. and is changing a small diagonal station to a super -station, the area of ground now being 80 ft. a 88 ft. There will be one standard driveway off of Jenks St. and two standard driveways off of Arcade St. with a 30 ft. island between. The station building will be set back 32 ft. from Arcade St. and 30 ft, from Jenks St. The plana are in accordance with the City's standards. ,w The Board of Zoning recommend that a permit be issued for the remodelling. Yours very truly, George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh CIANTON A. HAChERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Will. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Child of Police Health Olifcer Fire Chief - Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of )Minnesota Pall;cy.erftiaerlf olSia el Tenth and Alinnesola Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner ,1011N P. MUI.I ANEY, Deputy Commissioner October 26, 1939 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by the Shell Oil Company for permit to rebuild and remodel their drive-in filling station at 990 Arcade Street. Inspections were made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic and William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspector and you will find their reports attached. Vert ulY you .� Commissioner of Public Safety IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION October 20 1939 Mr. G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by the Shell Oil Company for permission to rebuild and remodel the drive-in gasoline filling station located on Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, E. M. Maokubints 2nd Addition, vd>ioh is also described as 988 Arcade Street. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints and do not find that the changes to be made in the location of the pumps and driveways will materially interfere with the movement of traffic. From a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours truly, Harry N. Wett gren Superintendent of Traffic w/f 0 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 26th, 1939 Aon. G. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir; In regard to the application made by the Shell 011 Company for permission to rebuild and remodel the drive-in filling station at 990 Arcade St. We have investigated the foregoing appli- cation and report that there would be no serious in- crease in the fire hazard of that vacinity if this work is permitted nor would there be any increase in the in- surance rates to adjacent properties. Respectfully yours, Chief Fire Inspector. WCBIz Dear Sirs In the matter of the Shell Oil company to remodel their station at the southeast corner of Jenks and Arcade Streets, I beg to advise you that the driveway plan as submitted conforms to the standards of this department and is consequently approved. Yours' v�/e/ truly, CITY OF SAINT PAUL SHEPARD Chis Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER Bunuu or CO.— • R— DONALD F. VOIGT, D[ruii COMMI![ION[R W. B. COCKROFT. WPi. GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIMP ENGINMR Bunuu or SAN—ON FRED DRIVER, Is.". Orrlc[.ENaIN[p1 6. H. HERROLD November 1, 1.959 Bun[Au GF BnID- M. S. GRYTEAK, KIN-m- ENan. CL[RK BUREAU or COnn[CTIONa 1 MAgK W. WOODRUFF RAY J. KARTAK, Buri. Nr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk Building Dear Sirs In the matter of the Shell Oil company to remodel their station at the southeast corner of Jenks and Arcade Streets, I beg to advise you that the driveway plan as submitted conforms to the standards of this department and is consequently approved. Yours' v�/e/ truly, RG SHEPARD Chis Engineer r NOS— - - _ hY jBE ^"c" CIA. !I f1. -'\ _ R J,OE y/ALK T� �ulT !✓Eur �o.Vc ;-- ` v S a, ,Y `, .,� Q _ Q - - _.EY-EG TRf,C E/R o,TS -A�. "ADD/T io N4t Gba C. / 'T-±-�l�. f) ` ��I o - C C AC /IV 4Wi Ng OF '/ + W �- W *V o W n 1"z ION ✓°rN To I V � _14 Its � _ / _q+9 - JGETuaN uur - . lIS /.a.'jq.✓,c I y �I I {{{'•• civ /iZ+�aucjie.✓ y .i ��,0 y1,r 1i��1 � � II � 1p / LJ7, i y g ti v P � h i '� s ', •Cfcncn�c ecM6 - - - INEw Ca Nc,:' J/V ! N r- r -�!✓/.sEd CO NG. 6NT.e'.. NCE ,- � � i pay zQ,'ov17' 0 .. ~- -- N- - y W -.7N _/N r n i}LS,o K/VOWV 4:5 S-68 ASCc4'or- z� - - - . XIMo-✓F 4AT7'/Ca fi4/ca ,. - - - -". i-. -- qj eAA /x$11 Iv I ' . ". 'i RF1 fJCn��' /OCO �✓ /�o[rp /Q Y�-_ r h _ f 4,, til Ilk v e V : � � z I� 1 . 1 '+ U nl o u °, v k 2.1 - � "�` �� -•IGD/ /o I+ � h � � `' � � - . V � •r. v p f0.7*Awlc rCv .i!6D .Gc,GK �tJ1fa r i h >� g14 �:cDo/0-3 ...�/•e 6Y/4N-S I lq�N Lr1yoV� CNE�V% i Cao ¢: 498 f•o✓�Vol n•,) PLAN # 'PErArL -- - IC�o�F 4.99 f'L GGK PiA N•. � •^, Gi/fa'�✓/E3 - -- - C 304 :¢CB EL E ✓A i c3 o4. 4e¢-7' ivA LL SECTlG/J � OETA/L.: - - ----- I fA /O-// CS ,SJL .✓F ,/A, !N TALL A�'%O/✓ - A '+// "F I _..- A/z SEf✓/cE OE TSI /<s . .4 /20/ I 7A 410A2P ✓Adz C.67 SCC✓/T/D'V = ,. TD P•E I.ETE/C M/ NtU /M THE f/,C44, -jChls!' C,Q .L v-c./E,Q JlO L'!l/ALK TO -✓U/T .'JErU coM4. .. C.V TR -.r �tt£c7,e/c ciecu/Ts ----•--- L/NES _ .—___ —_,—_ - N /..,d 73 r Oddn�l to Cily U.rk PRESENTED COMMISSION 116794 CITY OF ST. PAUL r��r ` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that the application of the Holt Motor Company to install service driveways entering their sales buildigg aV "V the southeast corner of Main Avenue and Fifth Street; in acco ance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. Said driveways shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works, and any changes .in public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays In Irnto e,iaon ,R6;en -,T'ruax /President (Fallon) nM 638 CS F- Nn, 119794—By F'. M. 'fr s — ltesolved, that the nppliestion of the Holt Motor Company to Install a rviee driveways entering their a lea building at the southeast •orner of iialp Ave- nue and Fifth Street, Is hereby granted In p rdanre with th@ Dlan submitted: nd `deviation from the V ap- proved will automatleallay vdld the mit. Said Said driveways alht 11 b ( tailed in a§ with the o 6166n�aed of the city ot, st: Pul, nnder the diraouon I of the Commlxsl ober of Pbblfe Works, E and any hangs, 1. }tubllo isaWeve- meatx wlthla the street Ilnes shall be ade nnder the dlrert l.a and to the } n tlyfaction of the Commlbsioner of Pub le Works. Adopted by the Connell Nov. 1. 1999: Approved y 1, 1939. (Nov. 4, 19391 'p NOV 11%9 Adopted by the Council__— / Approved NOV 11939 193-- In 93—In Favor _ - - May <� Against POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn. October 2L _19.39. You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of the Holt Motor Company to install service driveways at the southeast corner of \Fifth and Main Streets, and that a Public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on November 1 19 39 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. John S. Findlan, <...,,+. .Commissioner of Finance. FAle 8830 ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL I" ILA I.T1.11 n.lo 11 T".."..T" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE --,93/ TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLIQA-TION Is Hereby Made BY OF —1 11 ; N* I" I FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL —QADP� RV1 N A. TO BE LO—TED ON LO _BLO"-- VE.CRIBEd AS FILED RECEIVED COPy F70M CITY CLERK DEPART ETY BY A'o —P—A— BY RECEIVED COPY -- CITY -LE— "77 DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD By GtTYaF THE BOARD OF ZONING ¢� Established by Ordinance No. 5840 JJy 71h, 1922 R SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE as mammas O ^+m e—s®� mmmenI �A r.cOgv O r.aeoa h October 31st, 1939. ARTHUR 5 IAILINO'NSCI. Ch—,— A'V�Ci�cT 111H .:V!' EDWIN H Lt'Ir0i, BERNARD J%',—,LYIIN EGIN WAN AN CHARLES BAS>EOR.D, C'y A,,hn-- GEORGE H HIPROLD. i," "1.11,". Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Holt Motor Comp for driveways on Main Ave. and Fifth St. entering elr new sales building at the southeast corner of Main Ave, and Fifth St. This building has a frontage of 150 ft. on Main Ave. and 90 ft. on Fifth St. on the Main Ave. side the applicants desire one driveway 26 ft. from the rear end of the building. This will take the place of four old driveways along Main Ave. entering this property. 'Plans call for curbing the entire length of the street and putting in a new sidewalk.8n Fifth St. plans call for two driveways with 31-1/2 ft. island between. All driveways are 121-8" with a 4 ft. radius in addition. The Board of Zoning recommend that these plans be approved. Yours very truly, George H. Harrold, ingineer Secretary. gh-rh CLIVI ON A. RACKERT INMEIRT 11..1. SC110('11, Ni. L). N, 1.w J. SUDEITII (:. I, BRISSMAN Cider of Police IlcAth ()Nicer rim chief Snpl. of Polder ❑m1 I im ALirni #######################i #K** *M####*### ##4(*jK*##M########4#-F#############4# CITY OF SAINT PAUL (::,piL I nl' \linnrsnla -�Apu2fucell/ e abf[C su5tefel 6� VVV 'I enth nn(I Mi In Siren, G. H. RARFUSS, Commissioner .)()i1X 11. All LLANEY. (:"t'l +sinner October 26, 1939 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to the application of the Holt Motor Company for permit to install service driveways at their place of business at the southwest corner of Fifth and Main Avenue: You will find attached report covering the inspection made of these premises by Superintendent of Traffic Harry N. Wettergren, Very truly yours, Cc 'ssioner of lie Safety IN 111E }IEAN VI' IE. PRAc'1'ICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE 01 CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October zs 1939 Mr. G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sirs This is in reference to application made by the Holt Motor Company for permission to install service driveways at their place of business at the southwest corner of Fifth Street and Main Avenue. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints of the driveways into this buildings and find that these driveways will not materially interfere with the movement of traffic. From a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours truly, Harry N. Wettergren Superintendent of Traffic BUR— OF CONT. a RVAIR W. e. COCKROFT. 6UFT. O—Ce ENGINEER G. H. HERROLD 'CHICI ENO.. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUF► CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. CoMMIe81oNER DONALD P. VOIGT, DEPUTY CONN.--. GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C.— ENGINEER Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk Building Dear Sir. November 1, 1959 BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER, su". BUREAU OI 11.1— M. B. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAUOI CORRECTION. RAY J. KARTAK, 8— In connection with the application of the Holt Motor Company to construct driveways on Main Avenue and Fifth Street, entering their new sales building at this location, I beg to advise you that the driveways shown on the plan submitted conform to the standards of this department and are consequently approved. yours very truly, JChiE MR.SHFPARD Pbgineer odds 19 City el.4r 1e ` Nq� 116795 J5 CITY OF ST. PAUL i . ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / /^ 0� /�'✓� DATE October Blip 1939 co In the matter of paving St. Clair Street from West Seventh Street to South Osceola Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 115945 approved February 21, 1959, and Final Order 0. F. 114371 approved April 11, 1959. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays a ss ind an arranto Peterson .I%sen �fua President (Fallon) 6M &D8 (S C. F. No, 1] 6796—By Milton in the matlst of paving St. Clair Street from West Seventh street to South Osceoln Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 113946. approved Febru ry 21. 1939, n 114371, eporovd Flout Order C. F- ed A )r11 11, 1989. Resolved. That the plans a d .peel- ,lonernsfaPubne�Worksyforothe -.I.- ,loner med Improvement be and the same hereby b, ar\dupled b ythe Council N— 1. 1939. Approved No,. 1. 1939. (Nov. 4, 1939) Adopted by the Council NOv 1 s 193— [40V 8 / Appprrovvedd193 In Favor --- -� 4_!t�—L-yol --- Against oa,hul to OtY C1.M .��� " No._—..1.�.-�� t� . CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE ITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUT1 ,��p-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY a DATE October 51. 1998 COMMISSIONER_ III In the matter of paving St. Clair Street from West N "ire heKtn„ apn.ov Avenue with necessary water or Public wo Seventh Street to South Osceola , "° u.eocea � conae______tie+ under Final Order C. F. 114371 approved April 11, 1989. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street, be end beeand hems hereby direct d toddohthe worksby FerorocfeAccount orks ✓COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays I' fuse tndlan -Parranto In Favor a4terson i �E%sen / %Iivax –Against ,Ar. President (Fallon) 6M 838 C8 NOV 11939 Adopted by the Council-- NOV 119 193— Approved Ma or OUBLISHED ll" 4-_�'7 Original to Cur Clerk` CITY OF ST. PAUL 1— ��� NO. OFFICE OF TH/E CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUT}ON --- GENERAL FORM DATE October 51, 1959 dy,Mliton Roeen— pnvtng 9f. Clair Street enth Btreet t0 south e, vrlth neceeeary 11A. .de' Ftnal Order C. F. ,.-4 April 11, 1939. the attkched pn•I l howing the 6&e . - le on $'amlin'e.. In the matter of paving St. Clair Street from West af�sald. ' Seventh Street to South Osceola Avenue, with necessary gas n connections. under Final Order C. F. 114571 approved April 11, " 1959. RESOLVED, That the attached plans and specifications showing the gas connections to be made on Hamlin Ave. between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order, together with said plans upon the Northern States Power Company. ✓cfr-9 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �arranto Peteyson In Favor ru - Against r. President (Fallon) 6M a 38 CB Nov 11939 Adopted by the Council----193— NOV ouncil --193 NOV i t Approved 193 Mayor �113BLISITEf i L, _'�y Ulslad to city C¢sY11V f :fig CITY OF ST. PAUL co"" NO. - ,r' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y " COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---'GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO.N� yv r\ _DATE---- -------- MMISSIONER -- -- - RESOLVED, that the bond of Donald Theodore Nystrom, in the amount of $1,000, wherein the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland is surety, covering the duties of the said Donald Theodore Nystrom as Senior Clerk , City Clerk's Office, which bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corpor- ation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ndn ��nt o�eson In Favor � . r � -Against .4r. President (Fallon) .5m 6-38 CS C. F. No. 119798—Byy John S. Flndlan— Resolved, that Ih bond of Donald a Th pod orb Nystrom, In the amount of 71;000, wereln the Fidelity and De - I poslt Company of Maryland 1e surety, covj d D.notd Theodore Nysduties Nystrom as Senlor C Clerk, City Clerk's Office, which bond has been ap- proved as to form and execution b, the Corporation Counsel, be and the ClerkIs hereby approved d the City tb directed to deposit the same with the Clty Compttcller. Adopted by the Council No,. 1, is-, A➢proved Nov. 1, 1939. (Nov. 4, 1939) _l Adopted by the Council N(W - ISO 193— fvUd 1193 193___ ayor 1st. 1� _ - - 2nd. D i, E 1: Laid over to _ h 3rd. & app. Adopted I'�I Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �s /urs Fin n Filan a rranto PetersonPe �!'anto / on Rosen ,Truax ,Truax President Fallon ORDINANCE b'. N 116799--ordlnauce No. 8080— E NO•----"-''--- %l ly F. M. Truax— :1n ordinance approving the P—j-t Vim" PRESENTED BY �'" ,, E NO.__. r.�0ulrIT the real ae An ordinance approving the project of acquiring the real estate known as Lots 7 and 8, Brunson's Addition to St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, to be used for playground purposes. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings slaving reported to the Council that the real estate described as Lots 7 and S,B1kv9•*SinuiAonts•.Addition to -St. Paul— is aul is required for playground purposes in the City of Saint Paul, and that the estimated value thereof is the sum of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00), and the Comptroller having cetified that there is money available in the treasury of the y for the acquisition of said real estate, the Council hereby approves the project of acquiring the same for a playground, and hereby orders and directs that the same be acquired for said purpose by purchase by the Committee on Lands, consisting in this case of the Mayor, the Purchasing Agent, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, if the same can be so acquired at a reasonable price and shall so report to the Council; but in case said Committee cannot procure said land at a reasonable price and shall so report to the Council, then and in that event the Council hereby orders and directs that condemnation proceedings be instituted under the provisions of the City Charter to secure said real estate, and the cost and expense of acquiring the same, whether by purchase or condemnation, shall be paid out of the Playground Fund, Item 19-D-1, Acquisition and Development, of the 1939 budget, and so much of said fund as may be necessary is hereby appropriated and set aside for that purpose. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen –Trasx-- Mj_ President (Fallon) Attest: City Cle� :300 123H Cj.11'L4 14� Passed by the Council NOV 16 1939 ___In Favor –_—_Against Approved:_ --NOV 16 1939 / Mayyoror t� 1,Ul'1,_, ll -)9.-3 CHAS. A.BASSFORD LRNEST W. JOHNSON pry Aichitea RV LA MONT KAUF MN Sup, of Playgrounds Supt. of P"s,ks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commlatoner - October 14, 1939 Mr. John W. ]Ac Donneloug, Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Attn: +jr. Louis Sneahan, Assistant Dear Sir: Will you please institute proceedings necessary to consummate purchase of Lots 7 and S. Bruson's round Addition to St. Paul, to be used for p y� purposes. We have information from the owner for that the lots can be bought at apr the two. Purchase to be piad out of Playground Fund, Item 19-D-1 (Acquisition and Development). Hereto attached is letter from the owne, Helen Keogh, quoting the V400.00 price and,agreeing to a 30 -day option, dated October 10. Yours very truly Commissioner W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner To the Honorable Mayor anr, Members of the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: October 31, 1939 Re: Proposed acquisition of Lots 7 and S,Block 3, Brunson's Addition to Saint Paul, for public playground purposes. The undersigned,Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings respectfully reports that the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings requires the above described real estate for public playground purposes; that the cost of the proposed improvement and the value of the land needed therefor, all of said described premises, amounts to �400.00,and annexed hereto and made part hereof are sketch plans of said premises. The undersigned respectfully requests that said project be approved, and that an ordinance be enacted ordering the same to be made and providing funds therefor in accordance with the provisions of the charter,(Sec. 302 and Sec. 3031 Respectfully submitted Commissioner PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1 1s8 o Council File No.... hetrac[. " .,gtngPmo m the Aa .r a 0l ' [ N { ti -.R f".n ..E The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a newer in the Alley in Schurmeier's Subdivision of Block 59, Arlington Hille-Addition from a-point•b feet -•west of Weide Street to a. -point. 10 feet east of Walsh Avenue. Also on an easement to be obtained across the easterly portion of Iot 17 Satiurmeieir'a"Sulidivieicn of•Blook-59;"A'alingtdn'ffi1Is Addildu'fro»3 96i8sement All ey . to..the. zd ght..of . Aey . af..the. Nox XtbaTR . gac.! fic• . s l} qad,.. thence • on , an. es ......... . to be obtained on the northeasterly aide of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company right. of- wayy 1n -a sontheasterly •direetioay approximately 260 • feet. -to the Phal CreR.'. ... day of...........1936..... November...... '. Tat - G�3—_ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the tfollow �in�g improvement viz.: Construct a sewer in the Alley in Schurmeier s Subdivision of Block 59, Arlington Rials. Addition •from.a poUt b .feet west of. .Weide.. Street .to..a.point. 10.feet ..east ...... of Walsh Avenue. Also on an easement to be obtained across the easterly portion of Ib C' T1'; ' SbttuY m'di'dr' a Subdirtl's1oL"oY' Blobk' 89'; ' Ar2ington' Hills Addition- -from- said -- thence •of way. of ,the. l�orthern.Pacifie Railreadt thence on an easement to be obtained on the northeasterly aide of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company right of..way.,•3n•a.southeasterly.direction,.apgrmdmately.2b0.faet.to..the.Phalan .... hai.egkbeen Sewprresented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ........................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ' Adopted by the Council........, NOV 11939 YEAS NAYS Councilmam-9XRFQSr— FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT IM 12.38 NOV 11939 Approved ....................... ... .. .� U `•IY.••••••. Mayor. Petition 116801 Council File No .............. — PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT —:,ppoee, for Uaprover and a rr-m PRELIMINARY ORDER. me°I The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vii Curbing, Albemarle.Street,.from Milford. Street to YPc�psata Street, and Milford ..................................................... ,�tFeet.,from,dice,.3treet.to,Albemarle.Street; also the north aide of Milford ............................................ Street let SS feet west .Albemarle Street. ..............from.......A...bemarle............Str...e .......to..........................of................................................... Dated this .... lst....... day of ...................................................................: Hogember...............%y3.9... %..� 1i ....�Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curbing .Albemarle Street from........Milford...Street....to...1laysata...Street..., ..and...Mi.ord. ..............................................................lf.... Street from Bice Street to Albemarle Street; also the north side of Milford .................................................................................................................. ..Street A-m..Al..q a;le.,Street.to-B.B.feet.west of Albemarle Street ..................................... .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. S. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...........NOV 11939 ................................. YEAS NAYS NOV 11939 Councilman 110#W608— Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN................�. - - .... �........................ .. TRUAX — Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT`) IM 12.38 4", LISHED �� Petition Ic. r. moo. nsafz— " PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT AbotraDL whereof. A Itten proypovf��� � •.king of tfie following 1[(1DrOVa' and and r° natruet a Boarcan t rc, v fr• r El.eanc- PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade and .construct, s. four. foot,•eidewalk.on_ the. Unvaoated,.ten, foot ................. strip of Howell 9venne .from Eleanor, Street , to Higlil and .Parke v. .... . ........... I ........ ....................................................................................................................... ............. I ............................. Dated this... lat.......day of ............... November....... .............., lye..... G ,__ ........................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade and. construct_ e..four.Poot..sidewalk _on_ the. unvaoated. ten, foot ................. strip. of ,Howell. Bvenue .from, Eleanor, Street . t .11$ ,g#tland .parkway, ......................... .................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓" Adopted by the Council ........NOV.......... 1,�..................... YEAS NAYS NOV 11939 Councilman 4*RFUS — Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN i ..... ...1.. ..... .............Mayo . .. TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT 1M 12.38 PUnL19TTM �. �� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 11681 13 Council File No......... •.CL g mpioven. ' nloUenene a - —tr th.' � HI_ The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: .. _ .... , �ondemnipg..apd, ,ta1F14ng . 84..@asement, . Vin. the, land ,nece esary ,for .elopes,, ,cute... , , ... . and .fills..in.the, rading_and.constructing of a four foot. sidewalk .. on the unvacated ten foot..st.rip.of ...Ho.we.11..Avenue..from Eleanor Street to Highland ................................................... ............ Park"y..�........................................................... Hovember........ Dated this.... let...... day of ...................... 1y3. 9... .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking..an .ease...m..... ent in the ..... land neoessa...rg .. Por .. alopes, creta .......................................................................... and fills in the grading and constructing of a four foot sideralk on the .............................................................. pnvaoated , t@p ,foot. ,atm p..Qf . x4A@l�. Avenue . from, Eleanor, Street . to. Parkway'........................................................................................................ . having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ..............................................:..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓' Adopted by the Council........NOV 1 .................................... YEAS NAYS �pp Councilmarr9ARf05r� Approved ....... NOV 1 �.7Ja ......................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN\.... ............. . TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT IM I2.38 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITU CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN IN FAVOR PETERSON ROSEN T RUA% _ _.AGAINST W ENZEL ' MR PRES FALLON ����(� 1 .�/��`(��/ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—� foil_L Iim APPROVED V_ - _ 193 COUNCIL Y! -1 jj4j FILE NUMBER k iytj�1 AUDITED CLAIMS October 31st 193 _9 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY 10 THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT Cl S COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED. ^� T IKCLUSI E. AS PER CHECKS O`V�L�I ' �6fyCE OF COMP LLER NUMBER li TOTA V//, / ATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF - -, -' – 'n.;1 TRANSFER C BECKS — R uRNEo V a—F Y DISN CHECKS 7-71 BROUGHT FORWARD 54 409 47 .1079694 65_ _---_---• ® 64792 64793 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 4 170 �95 66 62 M 1 87 33 64794 Pittsburgh Coal Company 1 249 85 64795 Pittsburgh Coal Company 2 695 76 64796 Pittsburgh Coal Company 61 2o 64797 S. Berglund Lumber Company i ( I I wm. Bros Boiler & Mfg. Company CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITU CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN IN FAVOR PETERSON ROSEN T RUA% _ _.AGAINST W ENZEL ' MR PRES FALLON ����(� 1 .�/��`(��/ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—� foil_L Iim APPROVED V_ - _ 193 COUNCIL Y! -1 jj4j FILE NUMBER k iytj�1 AUDITED CLAIMS October 31st 193 _9 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY 10 THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT Cl S COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED. ^� T IKCLUSI E. AS PER CHECKS O`V�L�I ' �6fyCE OF COMP LLER NUMBER li TOTA V//, / ATE SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 54 409 47 1173194 69 CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF - -, -' – 'n.;1 TRANSFER C BECKS — R uRNEo V a—F Y DISN CHECKS I BROUGHT FORWARD 54 409 47 .1079694 65_ _---_---• ® 64792 64793 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 4 170 �95 66 62 M 1 87 33 64794 Pittsburgh Coal Company 1 249 85 64795 Pittsburgh Coal Company 2 695 76 64796 Pittsburgh Coal Company 61 2o 64797 S. Berglund Lumber Company 34 64798 wm. Bros Boiler & Mfg. Company 26 B 64799 Brown and Day, Inc. 806 40 64800 Campbell Coal & oil Company 1 80 64801 Commonwealth Electric Company 516 78 64802 Cyclone Fence Company 392 60 64803 Mrs. Thomas E. Dahill 172 29 64804 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 11 41 64805 tderrill, Greer, Chapman Company 112 8 64806 Minnesota Linseed Oil Paint Company 2g4 65 64807 F.J. Morse & Company 53 64808 Northern Jobbing Company 29 �5 64809 Northern States Power Company 162 51 64810 Price Electric Company 4 a 64811 N.C.Robinson, Clerk of Dist.Ct. 70 64812 Sharp and Dohme, Inc. �9 14 71 64813 Tuttle & Bailey, Inc. 5 88 64814 Villaume Box & Lumber Company 64815 Westinghouse Electric Supply Company 97 08 64816 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 28 523 07 64817 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 31 14 550 624 94 58 64818 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 64819 Dr. ft. Ginsberg 2 00 64820 Int. Institute, Y.W.C.A. 896 98 F4821 Archbishop John G. Murray 29 52 64822 Osman Temple 9 73 64823 Royal Oakes Clubs of Minnesota 64824 Saint Paul Dispatohr3teneer Press 131 91 64825 Martin Giesen 10 85 64826 L.E. Jensen 5 3 00 62 64827 L.F. O'Brien 64828 The First National Bank of 9t.Paul 100 00 64829 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Company 80 10 64830 Fuel oil & Gas Company 963 22 72 94 64831 General Electric Supply Copr. 64832 The Grinnell Company 95 82 64833 Hersey Mfg. Company 275 18 • 64834 N-tional Battery Company 0 36 51 93 64835 Nicola, Dean & Gregg Company 7Z 59 64836 Schaffer & Rossum Company 64837 Ca'oital Ice & Fuel "ompanq 00 64838 rield, Schlick, Inc. 1 60 00 00 64839 Firestone Auto Stores 36 64840 Goodyear service 64841 A.T. Hoffman Company 4 50 64842 Holm & Olson 128 25 64843 Inter City Paper Company 27 00 6484It Railway Express Agency 4 15 64845 Twin City Supply Companygo 64846 western Union Telegraph Company 52 97 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 54 409 47 1173194 69 W I � I e t W Odom to Ob CIn4 a CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO/LUT N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �L1 DATE COMMISSIONER_ .t1. +- No.1 16805 As 1 RESOLVED, that the plat of Feyen's Addition, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. COUNCI MEN Yeas Nays Ba as Indian papunto / In Favor sen sen - Against --Zrmd-- President (Fallon) �a 6M B Ca C, N. No, 111115—"" Milton ]tosen- 11-1ved, that the nded b- the tP at Adn`tllsvion red e+eppro ved by thA+ ndaslotter of agbli+. We,k s. be td [ho sa Is hereyY a ea. Adopted DY [he ('ou ncll Noy. 2, 1839• Approved Nov. 2'419 q':t!1) pOV 2 iMB Adopted by the Council -193— NOV 219A 193- ayo, plat (Commission of Ramsev County, Minnesota DFF1294FCITY HALL Anv � ip �e November 2, 1939 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: City of St. Paul Dear Sirs: We are hereby submitting for your approval the plat of Feyen's Addition, this property lying in the northwest corner of Gaultier and Burgess Streets. This is Plat B residence district. Both Gault(er and Burgess Streets are graded and have sewers in them. Very truly yours, MAW W. WOODRUFF Secretary V 0 011.iwl t. DIV Oak 116806 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C�lJJCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM v PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— WHEREAS, OMMISSIONER WHEREAS, by Council File No. 114974, approved May 26, 1939, Mrs, Ruth Thompson was granted a food stuff license at No. 1611 Rice Street, subject to the performance of certain conditions by the applicant, one of which was a deposit of $50.00 in cash or its equivalent, with the Commissioner of Finance, to be forfeited to the City in the event that the applicant should fail to per- form all of the conditions relative to such grant of license, and WHEREAS, said Mrs. Ruth Thompson has asked for the return of the slid $50.00 and has surrendered her food stuff license No. 4950, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has adtised that the conditions subject to which the said license was granted have been performed, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to return to the said Mrs. Ruth Thompson the $50.00 deposit and to cancel the food stuff dealer license issued No. 116806-11y 11. M. Tr ,'r_ to her. jr . ny Council Flle No. d Mxy .6, 1918, Mr rnfrd x foods tiG `Irxin I,.1 li COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councpw 2" 193__._ Yeas Nays �a Iuss �p� indlan Approved NOV 2IM--193-- /Parranto /Iseterson In Favor Rayor r.an rux Against I-IGIr. President (Fallon) 5M 638 CB odp.J to atycl k i .t�. !` NO.1-168i f( CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATE November 2, 1939 — — v RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is ins required t fees such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury Machinists Club 72 W. 7th St. Restaurant App.3739I4 Renewal % On Sale Malt " 37355 Dance Hall " 37356 It Irwin J. Sing 2142 S. Cleveland Confectionery " 3746o " Louis Villanme 141414 wabasha St. Restaurant " 37463 n On Sane Malt " 37464 " p a n a Off Sale"IMalb " 37465 " Mrs. T. Westberg 1903 Stillwater Rd. Bakery " 37525 " M. L. Berg 1320 Payne Ave. Grocery " 37527 " Alrick & Mathison 909 Rice St. Bakery " 37531 " National Tea Co. 2032-4 Marshall Ave. Butcher " 37532 " John Happertz 134 E. 5th St. Restawant " 37539 " Julia Caron 1561 Sherburne Ave. Restaurant " 37 540n Catherine Arbuckle 1537 University Ave. Tavern " 37542 n n p % g Dance Hall " 37543 " A. & D. Rossini 39 0 Sibley Restaurant " 37550 a " 9 n Confectionery " 37551 " a Louie Goldie Inc. 1451 Cedar St. Gets Station " 37552 " (•*Y M. No. 116807—fG. lr. %V. A. xnrranto— Ite.orved, That licenxex lip piled for by the person. "I d on the list t- tached to this resolu no be d tt- are hereby Rranted and the CRY (:lerk 1. tn.tructed to Ixxut h 11- NOV renee. upon the paYm.nt Into the rlt>' tma.ury of therot uired Is AyyrovedDNoy.o2' 199un'4.11 Noy'. Y. 1499, (Nov. 4. 1989) dopted by the Council ----193-- COUNCILMEN Yeas/ Nays Barfuas /f �1+ t 193— Approved NQV ryc4tsn / "/Pa nto In Favor Peterson _-_- - kLo.en _Against rupx ,kfr. President (Fallon) SM 8-38 CS Oddr.l to 4H Drlt 6U�,�8 nLr / CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. �+ O OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Q1'�}r( - DATE November 2. RESOLVED -That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the ewe are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Lyle F. Gray 310 N. Robert St. Confectionery App. 3751-$ MwXe Tom Schindler 312 Robert St. Foot Peddler s 376+1 Ne* N 118808-13y G. H. Rerroen— h', M. Truax—W. A. Pnrrunto— hyRt be v[OI•/oWlBg H— x[pthe td�' d 1eeee6 [ndl1.tad he —d the a hereby xrpnted and the City Clerk 1. Ins tri pted to leeue eh Ilrensee upon the ��iree f Q.o the auy treasury or ul-e F. Gray, 310 -1 Con feMlon erY. APD. 371.4, New, 11 location. Tom &hlndler. 312 Roherl at.—Fnod t•eddler, App. 37841• N.I. Adopted' byy the COU -11 N.I.9 '. _. 39. \pproved Nov ^_, 1939. ( Nov. 4. 1939 ) !:0,,UNC1WEN Yeas Nays arf ss indlan arranto 'Kterson �s n ruax �Ar. President (Fallon) 0M 0-3a ca Adopted by the Council NOV 209 193-- Nov 21939 Approved 193 -- In Favor Against 116809 0,111,41 to c1ty cln4nuc a NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO/ IL RESOLUTION- --GErJERAL FORM / November 2, 1939 WH the Commjssioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Which rendered 1 hoary RESOLVED Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency of the for more the than usualrhours ooffant employment, en nbeinnggoyee therefore,than be it days said m oy more per day, said hereby authorized to pay the following named open cm RyWLVED, That the proper city officers are fixed for extra employment for the' extra time here- employee at the rate otherwise inafter set forth: OVERTIbQGE NA1� TITLEmSunda Re -- RATE Vidgo T. Aaderaon Lake Patrolman-W.D. W 16 hrs. .D• w .60-1/2 .67-1/4 Joseph M. Tungwirth Water -shed laborer 8 w .bo Peter Meyers Ditch digger 8 w .bo Walter Scott do utilityman -W.D. 21 hrs. w .74-3/4 Roy Munson Leonard Munson do 18 16-1/2 hre. .74-3/4 .63-3/4 Ed Kordell Mech.helper 21 hrs. .63-3/4 Sem Rauelli do 5-1/2 hra. .67-1/4 James Tighe Hmerg.Repairman 12 hrs.. .6o Lao Boyle Ditch digger 16-1/2 hra. .bo Toe Bruno do 16-1/2 " .6o Tommaso Mazzola do do 12 hrs. .bo Toseph H. Riegel Strong Emerg.Repairman 6 ■ 6 w .67-1/4 .64-3/4 Frank D. Raymond A. Hoover Water -shed lab. bra. 1.40 Herb. Buechner Hoist. Fagr• Hois utilityman-W.D. 6 hrs. b . .74-3/4 Harvey Donahue Mech.helper 6 w 6 w .63-3/4 .67-1/4 Thomas Fahey Chas. DeVinney Eraerg.Repairman 6 w .67-1/4 Peter T. Murphy do o d 6 ; .67-1/4 Frank B. Truso Clifford Rasmussen Truck Driver 4 6 w .68-1/4 .6o Mike Alfonso Ditch digger 6 w .6o peter Fabio do do 1-1/2 bra. .60 ' Tohn Yoswa do 8 hrs. .bo Patrick Carlin 2 hre. .bo Reinhold F. Guthriedo 7-2/2 hrs- .6o Rudolph . Piringer do rtified co rec Leonard N. Thompson —193 SuperintendenCouncil" 2 — General COUNCILMEN P. No. 116809—ny W A. Tarrant �- adopted Proper r ser by the _ . Yeas Nays eeeoleved. Tha^1he. - ,:e a hereby a tborl:ea m Par of Iain employes t e 11ePar Pj.y, for tra plo.ment ®� Bar[usy• Public Utilities , eet ut on [he II,t attached to thl, a ration. nm. s. 111. `Adopted Approved_. -----.._. _._—_.. _ 193 — Findlan•- b the roaaru Nov. 2. 19x0. �Parranto• Approved thou. In Favor ---- E-"—�—F� Mayo Peterson ' Truax • _. Against .� Mr. President nl• 1500 2-38 t:6 November 22 1939 An emergency has arisen in the Water Department rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: We at Lakes 4adneis and Sucker. Re tri mains at Gaultier St. between Sherburne and Charles Streets, end on Manomin St.* Repairing ditchin8 machine EB.# This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: o prevent trespassing *Leaks in mains had to be repaired. ##Needed machine for neat day's work. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIO �Pr..id..�t ertified correct A Z Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE rvuMBER -- - - ROLL CALL BARFUSS F'"DLA"- --"`"�°R' PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS /1. t©i.. iq Z'1 et 193_A- LL!!QQ Ji ROSEN A RESOLVED. T CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY EASUR S B TRUA% WENZEL MR PRES FALLON AGAINST C TO THE AGGREGATE AM}}ryryOUNT OF 5 _ COVERING CL SIVE. AS NOV 21939 ' TY CC MPYIROLLER 5 ONRED,q Jq7G PER CHSEC ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_---- i v 219393- r N. , Kesoly>d f APPROVED l - NUMBERL.l Ing ^[Y be "Mra 195 BY zoo re C. RAYor ner cn -- - TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF - RETURNED BY BANK CHECKT NUMBER RANSFER _F CIS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS • �r BROUGHT FORWARD _. 54 409-47 - 117-3194 69 - A 64847 John S. Findlan. C. of Finance 102 2482 30 64848 C.I. Johnson Mfg. Company 64849 Benny Boiler & Mfg. Company 107 70 �7 40 64850 T.L. Klingel & Company 64851 Linde Air Products Company 3 11 132 68 64852 St.Paul Book & stationery Company 64853 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 408 86 64854 St.Paul Brass Foundry Company 19 960 64855 St.Paul Nash Motor® 64856 Sohreier's Auto Top 7 75 64857 Shepard Citations 12 00 64858 Sherwin-Williams Company 18 12 64859 The Standard Oil Company 762 11 64860 Standard Stone Company 30 50 14 00 64861 Star Photo Company 64862 Geo. Warner & Company 70 00 66443 :6einhagen Tire Company 124 4 14} Westlund's Market House 49 2 64865 H.W. Wilson Company 5 85 64866 Minneapolis Dredging Company 45 323 20 14 01 64867 American Had. & tandard San. Corp. 64868 Booth Cold Storage Company 3 02 64869 R.C. Duncan & Company Farwell. Ozmun. Kirk & Company 2094 66 64870 64871 William A. Gokey 399 50 64872 Margaret K. Guse 25 00 6487 lt.Paul Structural Steel Company 23 85 6487 TTnlerwood—Elliott—Fisher Company 148 10 s SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 54 409 47 1323391 28 • � ry I I F , 3" od.l.,l to aly Clgsk (Y CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F1 1• UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ DATE November 3., 1939 , WHEREAS: heretofore "On Sale" Liquor license $1265, wa� issued to Edward M. Noonan at 195 E. 7th St. and ?L \ WHEREAS: Nick Ballas has requested that said license be transferred to Nick Ballas at 195 E. 7th St. and WHEREAS: the said Nick Ballas has filed a bond in the sum of $3,000.00 as required by City Ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore be it RESOLVED- that non Sales Liquor license #1265, heretofore issued to Edward M. Noonan at 195 E. 7th St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Nick Belles at the same address and the bond of the said Nick Ballas is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the some in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of the satd Edward M. Noonan from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. Transfer informally approved by Council, October 31, 1939 Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss �indlan ­-'arranto v In Favor _,Aosen _-,Truax —1—Against --Mr. President (Fallon) —Aid 64S cs 116811—By ll. H. Berfuaa— F. M. Truax—W. A. "On Sale" R'live.. , o. 12 5 w "On Bale" Liq- r ll M. N on at 18 h issued to Ed - and ward M. Noonan B 1. h 7th Bt. and at r, a, Nick Ballae hfla queered that a at Ilcenae be tSt. a[erred to Nick 'Retina a 185 a said 9t. and Whereas, the held Nlck Bnllae has filed a bond C the a n =3,000 s bnd required has co, c City Ordinance, and form qd ex c Ctlon by approved Corporation Counsel a therefore, be It Resolved, that "On Bale- Liquor It - se No. 1266, heretofore issued to Ed- ward M. Noonan at 186 E. 7th St, be Nld the a Ia hereby tranere-tul to ek Balla, at the an ddreas and the bond of the saitl Nick Ballae fa hereby aPPr.ecd and the City Clerk la directed to deposithe e a In the of_ tire of the City Comptroller, and the dor poratlan Counsel 1,—thorlaed and irected torelease the x rely on the bond of the aid Edward M. Nonan from any further liability rising after the date thl, r ,o lullo. la puhl l shed. Transfer Informally pr ... d by ncil, Oc•l. 31, 19:14, Old locaCn. t nAdopted by thr 1'„uncil Ner. :t, 19.19. Approved .Joy. 1, 1919. . (Noy. 11, 1939) Nov 31M Adopted by the Council_ 193— NOV 3193 Approved— 193— CITY OF SAINT PAUL 116111 APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No .............:. Name of Applicant. 1'i iok 14119,5 ..... ............. _ ... ........... ....................... Age.... 53................. Residence Address ......5 .,:...JSen t..Sar.eat..... ................. ..................Telephone No ...... Ijona....... ..... Are you a citizen of the United Mates?..... ... .. . . ........ ..Yes .................. .. ..... ... ... ..... .......... ..... ...... Hate you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? n t .• r3 4}1-:.. ,.inn .................. ........... .. ................. When and where?..._'or..; oxe..than. .yoars.._^,r.io1'. o.J,a :>.1 .39 .... .........._................................. if corporation, gt%�e name and general purpose Of corporation ..........._... ....................... .....`................................................................................................... Whenincorporated? ................... ..................................................................... .................... If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members! ............... ............................ How many members?... .. ...... ....... .. .. .. . . ....... _............................................ ............. amen and addresses of president and se;retary of corporation, and name and address of general manager 5 Cite name of sure.y company ssIuc') uill wrl.e bond, if known.. 10t.1movitil ret ....................................... —.umber street side Between What Cross streets _ Ward 1 I lo:, mane feet from an academy, college or university ttneasured along streets)?...l.-Wo-.tl= five. -blocks... IIn, many feet from a church (measured along streets)?...... --- arQ ..t an..tilt..ee.bloaLS...................... ........ 'I lo, many fee. from closest public or parochial grade or high sc hool tmcasured along streets!?..oven Ji-•ee..'elocks Name of closest school....Zu— ! ar:s.au.out.-fo.ur..cloc'd-s.::. Of- 'his place. How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?... Gortnerciel " .."' "' On what floor located?._. ,round.. floor .............. _.................._.... .. ...... .. Are premises ohh-ned by you or leased?..lea sed..........IE leased gine name of owner.? r....i:... -.. Hendrick.. - If a restaurant, gine seating capacity?....more—than .:i0.-poo_nle............................................................ If hu.el, seating capacity of main dining room! ........ .._.... ........_....._.............................................. U,%e belo:s the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in hich liquor sales are intended: ........................................... :............... ................................................................ ... .................................................................................................................................. . _ .................................................................... . aL. ii' a J4 -J JJt: ................ ... .. ......................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................ — ...................... Jhe information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). I io.smany guest rooms in hotel?..... .... ....... .ame of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel ... _,ial-..,xillas, sole. owner' Give names and addresses of three business references; ......... .... ...................._................................ I... ii.re.rry.." ..Bons . J.o,..7.0� .:.ream. � ..iane,..St... = a.ta., . --inn. ............. ..... ............................ .................. ..................................... . THls1g1'PLiaxional.. ICAI'IO.N MLsT BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICE,t OF I HE CORPORATIO.', DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE .ATTACHED: lsua,e �,f license is not recommended ". lcaion hccl Dnpp... .... ._......193......rrod ............... . .................................... ................ .... ...... ............. License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE i it r tiq 41 E: t k t P !t CITY OF SAINT PAUL 116111 APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No .............:. Name of Applicant. 1'i iok 14119,5 ..... ............. _ ... ........... ....................... Age.... 53................. Residence Address ......5 .,:...JSen t..Sar.eat..... ................. ..................Telephone No ...... Ijona....... ..... Are you a citizen of the United Mates?..... ... .. . . ........ ..Yes .................. .. ..... ... ... ..... .......... ..... ...... Hate you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? n t .• r3 4}1-:.. ,.inn .................. ........... .. ................. When and where?..._'or..; oxe..than. .yoars.._^,r.io1'. o.J,a :>.1 .39 .... .........._................................. if corporation, gt%�e name and general purpose Of corporation ..........._... ....................... .....`................................................................................................... Whenincorporated? ................... ..................................................................... .................... If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members! ............... ............................ How many members?... .. ...... ....... .. .. .. . . ....... _............................................ ............. amen and addresses of president and se;retary of corporation, and name and address of general manager 5 Cite name of sure.y company ssIuc') uill wrl.e bond, if known.. 10t.1movitil ret ....................................... —.umber street side Between What Cross streets _ Ward 1 I lo:, mane feet from an academy, college or university ttneasured along streets)?...l.-Wo-.tl= five. -blocks... IIn, many feet from a church (measured along streets)?...... --- arQ ..t an..tilt..ee.bloaLS...................... ........ 'I lo, many fee. from closest public or parochial grade or high sc hool tmcasured along streets!?..oven Ji-•ee..'elocks Name of closest school....Zu— ! ar:s.au.out.-fo.ur..cloc'd-s.::. Of- 'his place. How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?... Gortnerciel " .."' "' On what floor located?._. ,round.. floor .............. _.................._.... .. ...... .. Are premises ohh-ned by you or leased?..lea sed..........IE leased gine name of owner.? r....i:... -.. Hendrick.. - If a restaurant, gine seating capacity?....more—than .:i0.-poo_nle............................................................ If hu.el, seating capacity of main dining room! ........ .._.... ........_....._.............................................. U,%e belo:s the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in hich liquor sales are intended: ........................................... :............... ................................................................ ... .................................................................................................................................. . _ .................................................................... . aL. ii' a J4 -J JJt: ................ ... .. ......................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................ — ...................... Jhe information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). I io.smany guest rooms in hotel?..... .... ....... .ame of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel ... _,ial-..,xillas, sole. owner' Give names and addresses of three business references; ......... .... ...................._................................ I... ii.re.rry.." ..Bons . J.o,..7.0� .:.ream. � ..iane,..St... = a.ta., . --inn. ............. ..... ............................ .................. ..................................... . THls1g1'PLiaxional.. ICAI'IO.N MLsT BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICE,t OF I HE CORPORATIO.', DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE .ATTACHED: lsua,e �,f license is not recommended ". lcaion hccl Dnpp... .... ._......193......rrod ............... . .................................... ................ .... ...... ............. License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY. 1 ss. ::ick B33-Las..................................................................... being first duly sworn, ............................ deposes and says that lie has read the following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ... 2.3t.h..... ... day of..,) her........1 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires....::oz:e:�tDer-.2:i.,�`�AO••• STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. i ..................................................... being first duly sworn, . deposes and says that....................the................... .... ................... ..... ..... .................................... a corporation; that.....................................has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of. - ..................... knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and scorn to before me this.................... day of..... ... ............. 193. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires gb Q 0,111.W to Wr o.tk,o [Hale NO. f CITY OF ST. PA UL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE November 3, 1939 COMMISSIONER_ application 37579, Restaurant, RESOLVED: That license for Oa Sale Malt Beverage, Sale Malt Beverage, application 37591, applied application 37590. and Off for by Nick Ballas at 195 E. 7th St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Liquor transfer informally approved by Council, Oct. 31, 1939• Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss indlan F �/ iParranto In Favor /' ��rson sen ax _ Against jAv. President (Fallon) l . F. No. 11881°—Ry G H. Hnrfu�,— • Y. M. Truax— lte,olved, Thnt 1--, f— Sift 9, yt— Mal[ Beverage, r PP Melt t, apPlle tion :iielll, le -3 '1h1d OIT �,h- Melt f.r by Re P{{rllII—'It 1iut; 1, np- ppiled for by Nick nitllnv 'It q- F.. 7tlr 8t. be nd the 1m hereby Rr,uteil antl the Clty Cierk Ir• Invlructed to iM- uch Il Ceneen upon lhr� poem eat Into the city lren�nry of the rcaulred / fee,. Nea•. formallyP- 1 Proved by �ounril, Oe 1. �I. 148 Y, old In- muan. Adopted b}}• the l'ounrit Snr. 3, I!119. Approved N v. 1, 1984. (Nor. 11. 14 X41 T10V 3 10 Adopted by the Council---- 193— NOV 3 193— Approved_ Orlsln.l to GH 0"k3 IjV �6a�t� 1i �J�•' CITY OF ST. PAUL No. FICE OF THE CITY CLERK { L RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PR uuEcc,ED DATE 140vwmif9T 3 1939 RESOLVED: That Chattel Loan license #494, expiring December 29, 1939, issued to the Globe Loan Co, at 204 Globe Bldg. be and the same is hereby transferred to the Globe Loan Co. at 32 E. Fourth St. and the proper city office4s are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. — - I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays fuss Findlan _,P-a;ranto b in Favor %sen _,T-ruax ,—Against President (Fallon) c, F. No. I16tl13-113' G. 11. l:a-111, P. M. Truax—W. A. Pnrraotc— Resolved, That Chattel Loan ll—u.— No. 181, expiring December 39. 11'39, d to the Globe .an Co. 11 '301 Globe Bldg. be and the s Is her tra na(erred to the Globe Lnan Co. t :t3 R. Fourth St. Ind the Pro Per clt)' otncera re I ----led to make the, proper changes in the BIW- da. Adopted by the Count Nov. 3c1939. A pProved Nov. 3, 1939. (Nur. 11, 1939) 13 Adopted by the Council NOV 310 193— Nov 3 t"93— ,/ppro^ved A'/ - jT2� or 01191imil to oink A CITY OF ST. PAUL .1�. NO.-- OFFICE O. _OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONER DATE November 3. 1939 _ BESMVED: t licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees Chas. G. Phillips 1041-3 Osceola Ave. Butcher APP -37541 New Old Loca. Jos. S. Taffel 623 University Grocery" 37567 " a s Butcher " 37569 s " e Ernie Longenenks & Ed Marks & H. Gotenberg 412 S. Wabasha St. Gas Sta. " 37597 " " It Max Becker 103 W- Ith St. Hest. It 37635 " " " ! r. No. 116tl14—nY tt'..n. ""Hol""' That Itrennea nPpllt•d (or hY the Peraone run d ..0 tnr Iln[ i !cu hed to this renolullon ... n d the t'lerk ala ins t rjo tedra toe1lanuel ...1, iltl nnea upon the payment In trto the rltY en ury ( the eIuired fees. .tdo Pted by thy ('nun�il APPnrved Nov. R, lags. (Nov. it. la:lal 1 KOV 3 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas � - Nays '13auss o ' ndlan Approved—Noy 193— ,P-a'rranto (/ _ In Favor Mayor_ r"ua uax /.Against pwr. President (Fallon) 6M &38 ce CMtIMI Alp - t. Uty CI,A- 1168. 15 CITY OF ST. PAUL .1�. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCfL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENSIf�NFTED .4 November 3, 1939 COMMIR RESMVEDO That license for Restaurant, application 37547, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 3754$, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 37549, applied for by John Ricci at 546 Payne Ave, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. NOW, Informally approved by cdrunc�l, Oct. 31, 1939 Old Loh-,ation COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ar(uss _Yrn-�ian arranto In Favor �ruas ' Against J President (Fallon) ana eJe ce F. No. ]16815-1i1 1:. 11. IWllrf– F. M. Truax—N. A. Perranto— nesoived, That 11'ense for R—Wn- ant, application 37541, On S1111- 51n11 Iteverage, application 3154K. nod 0 I 4M, Malt Beverage, tppl i,"n tion 37549, pDlled [ar by John ltl'.i �1 54b 1'nyne Ave. be and the a hereby gntnt- ed and the Cit yaClerkt rle inntru'ted to luaue ouch Ilcenaea Upon the pnnnent Into the elty trenuury nr 11, n•9nWrv•d Nen. w'. InlY npn>ved b>' I.aun .n. o't. 3t,, 1939. lass. Old 1o'nuon. Adopted by the Council Rnv. 9. IB3B. Approved Nov. - 1838. (Nov. ii, ih, NOV 3 I Adopted by the Council-193— Approved NOV s 10 193— yor 01111ed to Cliv CIO* CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 141 COUNCIL RESOL ON ---GENERAL FORM PRECOMM 5E 5 ONR__ `L(i DATE " 116816 1 No._ -I RESOLVED, that the plat of Taylor's Wheelock Addition, as recommended by the Plat Commission andapproved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby aceepted. I'. F. No. 116816—n Milton Itoaen-- Iteaolved that the plot of Taylnr'e 1i'heeloek Additioq n ended by the Plat Commixalan nn and 11proved by the Commieeloner of Puh1b, w.rk x, he. .tnd the same Is hereby a u; pted. Adopted by the Ctan, N.V. 3, 1939, Approved Nov. 3, 1939. (Nov. I1, 1939) t COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncNov a,939 193 Yeas �'L' Nays _n lan /F/tn an NOV Approved 193 arr. -y Prt,ant In Favor �,osen / ayor uax ,Against ,,Mr. President (Fallon) am B Cs Plat (lammission Ramsem (fnuntkt, Minnesota orv'294,C ITY HAL Lv.nr To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of St. Paul Dear Sirs: November 3, 1939 Attached please find plat of Taylor's Wheelock Addition being located at the northwesterly side of Wheelock Parkway between Cohansey Street and Cottage Street. Wheelock Parkway is graded and paved. Cottage Street is not graded, and there are no improvements in this street. Cohansey Street is just being dedicated by this plat. �jVery ptruly yours, MARK W. WOODRUFF Secretary MWW:C OdstW m Cnr Onk `" NO. .H 16817 CITY OF ST. PAUL ro`ha� FFICE, OF THE CITY CLERK 1•. N'. No, 11 fi"'" •` ry �, p„r.,, oto— F.Y. :v-- UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM r+,= I PRESEN DB COMM ISSIONE DATE _ RESOLVED: That lUenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Harry Janssen 1333 Randolph St. Butcher App. 37554 Renewal E. A. Dahlquist 433 S. Cleveland Grocery a 37559 a Sam Segal 2o4 W. 4th St. Grocery a 37559 a Arthur Sjoberg 1021 Arcade St. Restaurant a 37563 a n n u n On Sale Malt a 3752 a n n a Off Sale Malt a 37565 a Minn. Amusement Co. 439 Wabasha St. Motion Pic. a 37566 a M. J. Couillard 197 E. 7th St. Restaurant n 37569 a E. C. Jette 231 W. 9th St. Gas Station a 37574 a Anne Schenker 1041 Osceola Ave. Grocery ^ 37575 ^ n a n a off Sale M. a 37576 a Emily W. Christenson 145 S. Chatsworth Grocey a 37579 a Castle Royal Inc. 6 - g W. Channel Restaurant ^ 37592 " n n a n On Sale M a 37593 n n u n a Off Sale M. a 37594 n n a u n Tavern " 37595 ^ n n n n Dance Hall a 37536 a Hymie Eatkov 913 Rice St. Grocery ^ 37597 a Erickson Oil Co. 695 St. Peter St. Gas Station a 37596 ^ Clarence Gerber 962 Arcade St. Confectionery a 37593 ^ J. M. Hobeleberger 923 University Ave. Gas Station a 37595 ^ G. P. Bingham 1675 Selby Ave. Grocery ^ 37599 a by Council Nnv 31M 193— COUNCILMEN Adopted the Yeas � Nays arEuts rF'in/dlan / Approved.— NOV 190 QiL-.-a>t-�.7�--193 arranto e[eeee In Favor n , ruax Against I,1STiED /r. President (Fallon) am 648 Cs - r A l 1. Iv I; 1st.-- ���— - , 2nd. e i CLaid over to — 3rd. & app. -Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays B ss indlan Parranto et��erson xos ruax J� /Mr. President Fallon Ba use Ilan ar nto ete, n Jo /R//osen ,/Pruax 1X1r. President Fallon nri,ln.1 ie C11.. r1.rk • O R I N A N C E ,E- COUNCIL FILE NO.------ ORDINANCE NO.—_. PRESENTED BY KU An ordinance authorizing the issuance of a permit to St. Paul Buick Division of W. R. Stephens Company, a corporation, to maintain gasoline tank at 165 Pleasant Avenue, being the northeasterly corner of Kellogg Boulevard and Pleasant Avenue. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neceosary- for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. 0 l'. F. No. 116818—Ordlnnnee No. 8061— BY Milton Rosen— The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Anrdlnance euu or�zlnz leeu- nee of a perm4 t llici- Ionn•R -.- SECTION 1. .,1 Authority is hereby- given to the Department of Public works to issue a permit to St. Paul Buick Division of w. R- Stephens Company, a corporation, to maintain gaso- line tank at 165 Pleasant Avenue, being the northeasterly corner of Kellogg Boule- vard and Pleasant Avenue. SECTION 2. Said licensee shall obtain a permit for the maintenance of the gasoline tank from the Department of Public Works, and shall execute and deliver to the City of Saint Paul a surety company bond in the sum of Ten Thousend($10,000.00) Dollars, conditioned to indemnify and save the City of Saint Paul harmless from all damages, judgments, costs or expenses, and liability of every kind arising out of the maintenance, oper- ation, presence or removal of said gasoline tank. Said bond shall be in such form as shall be satisfactory to the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as shall be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Finance, and said licensee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance and shall within five days from and after the passage and publication of this ordinance, file a written acceptance with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. If such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. SECTION 3. The permit issued hereunder may be revoked by the Council at any time and gaso- line tank shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council of the City of Saint Paul shall so order. SECTIOI; 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered neces- sary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. ,Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss 1 a Prra n arranto Peterson Rosen ?ruax Z allon) At 12.35 CS 21724 Passed by the Council Nov 221939 In Favor __Against Approved:_ 11939__ Myor Z- 1! - �I'!1_ISIfED I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 1, 1939 Hon. Milton Rosen Comsr. of Public Works City Hall Dear Sir: The Council referred to you for preparation of proper ordinance the attached application ofSt. Paul Buick by W. R. Stephens for permission to maintain a gasoline tank underneath the public sidewalk at the northeasterly corner of Kellogg Blvd. and Pleasant Ave. Yours very truly, City Clerk. t. A..�HITA1tER, V.Pa[s W. F2.STEPtIENS. P�tc�. ' ST.PAUL BUICK DIVISION OF W. R.STEPHENS COMPANY G—BRANDT WISTRAIGHT __. L ENGVALVE�IN MEADEIGHT MDIE SEL ENGINES M eR 165 PLEASANT AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINN. CEDAR 681:7 October 30, 1D � City of St. Paul Public Works Department St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen. Attention Mr. M. W. woodruff: Your letter of October 18th to Mrs. Agnes Arrol and Ruby Bryant who are the owners of property lots 8 & 9, Block 61. Irvine's ffilargment, located at the northeasterly corner of Sello&g Blvd. and Pleasant Ave., has been referrea to us. We wish to make application to the City Council to maintain the gasoline tank underneath the public sidewalk. We trust you will give this your immediate attention. very truly yours, 8t. Pick WRStephene:c re Ft ( V, USED CAR DEPARTMENT 554 UNIVERSITY AVE. CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police. . I Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesotaa�Or OradmeHt of P.11;, Sa1etcy Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner November 9, 1939 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Herewith report by William Barron cover- ing inspection made in connection with application of the St. Paul Buick by W. R. Stephens for permit to main- tain a gasoline tank underneath the public sidewalk at the northeasterly corner of Kellogg Boulevard and Pleasant Avenue. Very ly yours, �_ Commissioner of Pub is Safety IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota WNL J. SUDEITH Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Fire Chief ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. - Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. E. BRISSMAN Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner November Bth,1939 Hon.G.E.Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,lann. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the St.Paul Buick by W -"..Stephens for rermission to maintain a gasoline tank under— neath the public sidewalk at the northeasterly corner of Kellogg Blvd. and Pleasant Ave, We have investigated the foregoing and report that the above mentioned tank under the sidewalk would not increase the fire hazard. This tank has been in use for some years and would not increase the fire insurance rate of any adjacent property. Respectfully yours Chief Inspector Fire Prevention ,.4 LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTICING SAFETY October 30, 1939 City of St. Paul Public Works Department St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen. Attention Mr. M. W. Woodruff: Your letter of October 18th to Mrs. Agnes Arrol and Ruby Bryant who are the owners of property lots S & 9, Block 61, Irvine's Enlargement, located at the northeasterly corner of Kellogg Blvd. and Pleasant Ave., has been referred to us. We wish to maks application to the City Council to maintain the gasoline tank underneath the public sidewalk. we trust you will give this your immediate attention. Very truly yours, St. Paul Buick (signed) WRS Stephen President WRStephens:c St. Paul, Minnesota November 27th, 1939• To the Honorable, the City Council, Gentlemen'. Saint Paul, Minnesota. We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 116818, being Ordinance No. 8061, adopted by the Council on November 21st, 1939• ST. PAUL BUICK DIVISION OF W. R. STEPHENS COMPANY BY �5-.A- c dlbw to city auk 116819 yye,,CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. �./ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r OUNCII� ;RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM '-` 0 — 711 11 / U A A'll _DATE WHEREAS, the Northern Pacific Beneficial Association has made application for license to keep and maintain a general hospital at 1515 Charles Street, pursuant to the requirements of Ordinance No. 2352, approved February 24, 1903, as amended; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a license be and the same is hereby granted to said applicant to keep and maintain a hospital at the above address. COUNCILMEN Yeas/ Nays s mss �' Ian / arranto (n In Favor I.. Against ,Truax IVYr. President (Fallon) 6M 6.38 CS 1`. F. No. 116819—ByIturfues— F. 51. Truax—W. A. I rranto— Wherefle, the Nott hern Pacific nene- aclnl Association he made Ipldleellon for license to keep and aslat.in gen- ral hospital at 1516 Charles Street, pursuant to the requirements of Ordi- nance No. 2352, npproved February 24, 1903. a ended; therefore, he Ii Resolved, that n Iicvn se he n d the. jdIe Ie hereby granted to sold np- cant to keep n d ma In taln s 11_'d � to t the b.— address. j Adopted by the Council Nov. 3. 19:19, Anp—ed Nov. 3. Ia.I (Not•. 11, 1939) NOV 3 IN Adopted by the Council_-------193-- NOV 319M /(►A�p-prooveedd_193— —cb j -- M yor — CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 2nd, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of the Northern Pacific Beneficial Association for permission to operate a general hospital at 1515 Charles St., in accordance with the provisions of Ord. 2352• Yours very truly, City Clerk. �ior#k�e t racqu t3eneficial Assoc{a#an l�y] general Offtee } gat Paul, latnn. November 1, 1939 Common Council, City of Saint Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: - Application is hereby made for a license to operate a general hospital at 1515 Charles Street, Saint Paul, in accordance with the provisions of Saint Paul City Ordinance,#2352, as amended. Very truly yours, N�THERN P IFIC B NEFIAL ASSOCIATION ® By President HBS OftLIAbGlr� .n-NqL - 6,QO f CITY OF ST. PAUL a NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONER DATE November RESOLVED: That Restaurant license J+23, expiring December 3, 1939, On Sale Malt Beverage license #5578, expiring April 19, 1940, and Off Sale Melt Beverage license #7972, expiring April 19, 1940, issued to Louis Kinkor at 287 Rice St. be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and conviction of Edward L. Sargent on the charge of possession of liquor for consumption on the promises. COUNCILMEN YeasNays ``arfuss -'Hlndlan iParranto �. r�e arson In Favor /rt,osen l Max Against Mr. President (Fallon) 6M "8 Cs 116820—nY O. H. Bartu.e— p, M. Truax—W- It tsurantt llcen-e Re-Dlvexpiring December 3. 1939. 7 No. �E3, )(cense No. 6678. Dir Ma tAP no79ge1940, e d OK Sppale NaltBeverag(I 1940.e5eeuedoto7Louta Kin- 1ag gDr19, be ane tmmea me koet 287 Rlce� pon r da- oerebYrave t5on [et-bt Budreauvletlonlct Edward 1 SI,' or a the charge o[ poseeeelprt o argent o the premie--. qufor eon-umDtlon on �aaoDtea by the 1, 38ci1 Nov. 3, 1989•' li EjC rpproved NoNvoV .4 1939) Adopted by the Council—W —3"93— Nov 3 = 193.-- Approved ______4 __ 1" Ma or Od.IMl to Gly'D.tk ` 111"116821 .. CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. `�� No. I/��JJ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 11 COMMISSIONER / / J --. ----DATE--.--- WHEREAS, DATE WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, that existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NAKE TITLE HOURS RATE OF OITIME John M. Holmes Util.man Plgrds. 16 .71 Roland J. Hinshaw Caretaker of Zoo 16 .759/4 Dewey G. Michels Sta. Fireman 16 .71 John A. Olsen Tree Trimmer 4 .702 John Petro Unskilled Labor#ll 20 .50 Patrick Roan Sta. Fireman 16 .71 Robert W. Ryckman Tree Trimmer 16 .633/4 Z_, Harry H. Schossow Util.man Plgrd. 16 .71 Ray T. Teachout Tree Laborer 4 .55 '. F. No. 116921—By F. N. Truro'-- , Resolved, Th nt the (,roper rite f - nears x e I_h3- nuthnrlie I In I Pnl�n Rroundsttpnd lI'u bl1, Pnrk sin liulldr Infix ror extrn em pLD'm enl i net nn . n th. Ii.t ntt—hed Io thin r nol,ak— Adopted by the co�nrll xne. %, In:,?. .tnprovea Nor. a. toad. ,,. IN— u, 193e3 NOV 31939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ____ ______.-_193-- Yeas Nays Barfuss NOV 310 i7 7Ja �ndlan Approved 193—__ /Parranto t>rrrrsnn ' In Favor -"Rosen _,,Truax ----Against - Mr. President (Fallon) .sw .39 cs ' a W LA .MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W JOHNSON CHAS A BASSFORD Supk of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner November 1, 1939 To the Honorable, The Mayor and Members of the City Council. Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in doing work involing fireing of greenhouse boilers and protection of park property generally because of Halloweten. This emergency arose by reason of necessity to protect public interests. Yours truly Commissioner owl m an a.� _ I JL68F22 d. CITY OF ST. PAUL 11L. � NO. OFFICE OFT CITY CLERK OU/NCCIL RESSy\OL�N --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 2 ��� `"� DATE-- comm— ATE COMMISSIONER -7— WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accord- ance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of em- ployment; therefore, be it rs re reby rized RESOLVE, theDfollowing enamed eemployees fatethe arate eotherwise oto fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. L $ Asher, Warren I.B. Staty. Fireman 2 .6 2 Clinton, J. M. Kettle Fire. 2 .62 Edstrom, Oscar L. Kettle Fire. 2 Fitzgibbon, Jos. J. Storekeeper -AP •63 Kubik, Frank Caretaker 22 •40 Lindeke, Roscoe R. Watchman 10 1. Olsen, Thomas Mixer Engineer 6 2 Putnarg, Fred Crew Leader -PW 6 •55 Schrenkler, Louis Sew.Mtc.Lab. N..,116822—BY Milton Bosen— the Resetre thorized to pnty ver- ne.ers he ebyThat t In emDloYes the 1Jcpnrytment ent Public Work{ tra emhe t . on I t attached to this %[the lutlon. re Adopted the ('n un�il Nov. 3. 1939. Approved f9oY. 3, 1939. (Nov. 11, 1939) NOV 31939 Adopted by the Council--- 193— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays NOV 3 arfuss Approved 193— �Fiadlan arranto In Favor os- u�ax Against . President (Fallon) 6M 638 Cs An emergency has arisen in the DEPART}.�= OF PUBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Sunday operation of Paving Plant, and answering emergency calls for sewer repairs. This emergency arose l -y reason of the following facts and circumstances: Maintaining Sunday watch at Faving Plant and making emergency repairs to sewers. COP4dISS�0°dRR OF PLrPLIC WORKS Odtlnol to 4N cloth CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � L ' COMMISSIONER_ _ l dl�� DATE In the matter of Preliminary Order C. F. 116756 "O"111L 1, 116823 Nov. 2, 1989 �4 approved Oct. 27, 1989, for the construction of a sewer on Hawthorne Street from Cypress Street to Forest Street. Resolved, That the above named preliminary order and all subsequent proceedings in connection therewith, be and the same are hereby cancelled and annulled. N'. No. 11682 oay Milton noean11 — +in the atter f Prellmlaary Order F. 116756. approved Out. e27, 1938, 'or the try -tion f n er on Hawthorne Streeet trom a Cyprexe nenolved, That$th¢tr boe n IlminarY rd ec erred pro - r dlnBa An and all euhee5uent Oro- -d the a me are hereb_l any therewith, be Iled. re hereby 6anrelled end; ... nAdopted by the Coon-il Nov. 3, 1939. Approved Nov. 3, 1939. (Nov. 11, 1939) ,1H_ Nov 31938 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas -� Nays B �arfuss -f indlan / Approved NOV 1939 193— iI arranto ise4a+= In Favor��-_��%�� Rosen Mayor -Ttflax Against _9r. President (Fallon) 5M 6J8 CS Petition G-158 U6824 Council File No.......... • .... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: Regrade and surfeae .the •Feat. and. bleat A71ey in. Block. 71..Lane. a. Phalen . _ ......... Grove Addition from Mendota Street to,the Horth and South l Aley. .................... ...........................................................................................I............ ..... .. ....I........ Dated this..W......... day of ...... ......... Plogember........... ....................-`.... Councilman. a PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reprade _end , surface .the .Fast. and. West .Alley, .in. Block, 7 �, Lame! s .Phalen . . . . . . . ....... Grove.. Addition. f;om ,M�Pdo.{ . StF.eet..tP..tha Hcrfkt„a?#A . �9RtM ..QY.a ...................... I R I.IIIIAARY ORDFW: .......................................................................................... C. .. ..” ... �. ,,. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................. .......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 4✓'� n' 31939 Adopted by the Council .............. 11dV............................ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved........... N.qv..... 31.939 ••���••.....••...•...••.• ` FINDLAN PARRANTO _..R6iiA66lf'�'� ROSEN 'Ov. •' �/.�4A� • ...... TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT - IN 12.38 viJ6LISIiED J//Z/ Petition G-148 Council File No���. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade. and. surface ... the.Alley,.in.Block 5� Buhl's 2nd Addition ............. ........ .................. I........... om.Ahtte.Bear,Ave.nue.to,P7andrau Street. ....................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. .................................. ................................................................................. ....... Dated this..... W.....dayof.............. November.......... 193.9... �',- %6 y` cri a_. ............................................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade and surface the Alley in Block 5, Ruhl's 2nd Addition ........................................................................1 ............. ............... ....................................................................... ....... .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint PauT.................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1 Adopted by the Council...............OV 3-1.9M YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS .... .. Approved ....... NOV 3 3.1 .9.39 FINDLAN PARRANTO �- TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT 1\7 12.38 / 116826 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT f, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: an easement in the land necessary for slopes onde—............................................. ........q.........??.g• snd„taking.......... in Block S, Ruts..413d.?$..??!.the•grading.and,surYacing of the Alley ............................ Ruhlts 2nd Addition from yQhite Beer Avenue to Flandran stzeet. .................................................................................. ........... .................. Plovember.................. 19 3 ...... Dated this!:?td.,,,......day of .............. / ,'. F. No. 116826Ahxtrnt t. Whereas, A riut nroQo--I `teomrthe Waking or the [ollowt ” r � PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, for elo ee .......... ........... CAndemninro..arid.t9king..an..easePFeAt. in.the.land. ... adin and surfac of the All in Block 5,... ....... ...........cuts. A13A. xiJ la.}..tkls..eF......g.................ing........................ ... t from VPhite Bear Avenue to p13ndrau Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. NOV VM9••"'•"' Adopted by the Council .......... .... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS / Approved. AN ARRANTO PARR ROSEN TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT IN 12.38 NOV.... 11.1939. Mayor VILM iSHED /�/" Request of Den E. Lane 1168V Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: Construct a sewer on Hawthorne Street from Mendota Avenue to Forest Street ....... ................nd.......................................................................I................ November l e 3.. 9.. Dated this.. .............day of ....... ................... I ....... ....... G �.................................. `-� Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a sewer Hawthorne Street from Mendota -Avenue to Forest.Street...,.,., ....... ........... .......... ....... ....... ..... 1`. F'. No. 116827— ..... ...... ..... Aber: �1. �Li ........................................................... ........ .... ................. making of t' s.. ......................................................................................... q. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. S. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Nov 31939 ✓ Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS NOV 31939 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO ROS"_'l n ............ ..._ ..... TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT W 12.38 / { J 16828 ` F17A1. BRDSR.S. COUNCIL FILE NO.. By, r FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. 2Tadb_and surfsoing_the Alleys in Hughes' Midlvay.Addition, and lots _24,_25 and_26, Merriam's Outlots,__from Fairview Avenue to the North and South... Alley and from the.last_ and, -West, -Alley _ to, Charlea Street; Also .00natruoting_--aawar- in the North .and South Alley.from- the _-East and West -Alley to -the sawor_--in--Charlea----- Street,- -_ Strse - - -- - - -- -------------------- - -- und - under Preliminary Order.___ _ _ 118120___ ----- _-_ ---- approved September -1,_193.9_ -- _____---- IntermediaryOrder ------------------ -------------------------approved.---------------------------------------------------------------- A ---------- ------------------- ------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_irrede-_and_ surfaoe_th_a___Alley _in_Hug es'�Midwa�_-__ __ 281_-Merriam!s_Outlotsj.-from_ Fairview_Avenue_ to the__--__ Addition, _ agd 1g _-__ west line of Loshaviss t Hughes' Midwsy Addition _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement inaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council NOV-11509 ----- - - - 192 - - City Clerk. UY Approved` - 192 Filo 8800 Councilman Councilman F,udhkn Councilman t':,rrauto Councilman ?Close-yr.� Councilman lle M9 -:T k„se❑ CouncilmanrkVEnze1=� �&w*Qx _ Mayor ffojl 9gn-n Follon Form B. S. A. 8-7 -`------ -- ---- - ayor. '�ii4I.I5HED // l .v' i-- - ' -:/ �f, / CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of grading and surfacing the Alleys in Hughes' Midway Addition, and lots 24, 25 and 26, Merriam's Outlots, from Fairview Avenue to the North and South Alley and from the East and West Alley to Charles Street. Also constructing a sewer in the North and South Alley from the East and West Alley to the sewer in Charles Street _ under Preliminary Order approved September 1, 1939 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1,351.82 f;ont (East and West Alley 1.27 The estimated cost per oot for the above improvement is (North h South Alley 0.95 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION West 50 ft. of South 180 ft. of West 50 ft. of North 130 ft. of East 35 ft. of North 130 ft. of West 50 ft. of North 130 ft. of East 50 ft. of North 130 ft. of West 50 ft. of North 130 ft. of East 50 ft. of North 130 ft. of Form B. B. 10 LOT MOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 24 Merriam's Out Lots $5500 $1500 24 do 1925 400 24 do 1050 700 25 do 1500 800 25 do 1500 700 26 do 1500 900 26 do 1500 800 1 ( Hughes Midway Addition to the 2250 City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., 2 ( Minn. 2250 3 do 2260 TOTAL. CITY OF ST,; PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ncxcalaTloN LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 5 8 7 8, 9 and 10 11 West 20 feet of 12 East 5 feet of Lot 12, all of Lot 13, West 10 feet of Lot 15 and East 15 ft. of Lot 26 and East of Lot 28 and West of 14 ) Land dg. 3525 14 Hughes' Midway Addition to the 2250 City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., 17 and 16 Minn. 2250 do 2250 do 2250 do 8750 $2300 do 2250 do 1775 14 ) do 3525 14 do 3525 17 and 16 do 4400 8800 18 and 19 do 4400 9700 20 and 21 do 7500 1050 (inoludes other prop.) 23 do 1500 24 do 750 25 do 800 27 do 1200 87 do 1175 29 do 750 30 do 750 700 Total $71,275 ;28,350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. October 11 _19__39 Dated - -=.— --- ------ Com missioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 y. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn....... . Minn....... .1 ...._......._..193.7, Gentlemen: We, the undersigned properowners, hereby !iFtion your Honorable B d to cause the following improvement to be made: .......... .. .... a,,-iJ St. Ave. ,A& from ..=- to" . ... ... . St. Ave. NAMELOT BLOCK ADDITION LOT -- 7/)0 W OAKL[y J 1' uoo IRu Vt.J I Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Sept. 14, 193 9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 116120 approved Sept. 1 193__ 9, relative to grading and surfacing the Alleys in Hughes' Midway Addition, and lots 24, 25 and 26, Merriamrs Outlots, from Fairvi-em Avenue to tF—ie — North and South Alley and from the East and West Alley to bkt eCharles Street. (Q[111 and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement isnecessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is S_ __1,351.82 and the total cost thereof is S___ E. & W. Alley $1.27 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_- N. & S. Alley .95 Engineering $110.00 Inspection $24.35 Frontage 1,099.77 ft. 3. A plan, projsketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. , 4 - - - —_ 5. Said improvement is -_asked For upon petition of three or more o7of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ` OD V ` ' Commissioner of Public Works n 11 IN' lrlx J SEP 14 1935 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD P. VOIGT. DEPUTY C ... I EEION.. BUREAU O«CONST. s REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEF EHOI.... W. a. COCKROFT. SUPT. G,FIGE ENd- September 159 1959 G. N. HERROLD CHIEF ENCR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SYR. BURLY OF 8.1.... M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK. EUFT. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing the Alleys in Hughes' Midway Addition, and lots 240 25 and 26, Merriam's OutlOts, from Fairview Avenue to the Horth and South Alley and from the Fast and West Alley eytoapproths'sewilir #w Charles Street, under Preliminary Order CF ved September 1, 1959. \ a&c, 1 ) Estimated Cost Cost per front foot E. & W. Alley N. & S. Alley Engineering Inspection Frontage Approved for transmiss n to the ommissioner o Finance MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works $1,551.62 1.27 .95 0.00 4.35 099.77 ft. Your , /1,P) - 0--4 M. SHEPARD chi Engineer C.� Nov. 7, 1939 Son. i;i'_ton Posan Co-,nar. of Pu.'.:c .-orks City Eall Oa:r o 1 r s The Council 1.,11 over to November 15th the Final Order Li the =.tier of grading and surfadng the Alleys in H-uLhes' Midway -,.ddition, -grid Lots 24, 25 .01 26, Merriam$s Outlre, from n^cervi-$r Ave. to the North and South Alley and from the riaEt and West :.11ay to Charles St., alio constructing a sewer in the North and South Alley from the East and west Allay to the Sewer in Charles St., under P. 0. 116120, approved Sept. 1, 1939, and re.iuested that you give this matter further study with a view to suggesting a compromise plan which will be agreeable to all concerned. Jerry Cannon$ representing the Mexican Hat Cafe, and a representative of the Goodrich Gamble Co. appeared in favor of the improvement, and about 6 other property owners appeared In opposition. Yours very truly, City Clerk. FINAL ORDER IN DINGS. CONDEMNATION PER IN OND COUNCIL F/j}►rj��y t�0. BY / Y r:. F. N.. 116829—eY Milt— � C� in [il¢ matter of �- FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and sur£acin.- of the Alley in Hughes' Midway Addition, and Lots 24, 25 and 26, Merriam's Outlots from Fairvie� Avenue to the North and South Alley an" from the East and West Alley to Charles Street qP z under Preliminary Order �� ��� � I approved__ September 1, 1939 Intermediary Order 116585 approved _ October- 11, -1934_-. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and havi*, fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED. By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Condemning and taking an easement in the land necess.ry for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Hughes' Midway Additi,n, and Lote-Hip,-2q-asd 26, iderriam's Outlots from Fairview Avenue to the North-aat3-8etttk- }ey--rrd-proms-the-East west line of and 9Fest- }ey-to 6har}es-Street Lot 9, Hughes$ Midway Addition and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in 'the grading and surfacing of the A11-ey in Hughes's Midway Addition, and 26, Iderriam's Outlots o F i ew A to the Ne tf erad+Sotrtl� Fey-sa}-freta fke a�tr�st line of Lot 9, eft_%- w surest-, to the extentshown on the plan on file in the -ffice ^f the Cor issioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in cordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_ 51939 / 5 1pQQ City Clerk. Approved._ _�QV ., 19_ , M�yor. Councilmen MLISIiED / Barfuss Findlan Parranto Vekereerr— Rosen y j Mr. President 600 1-a8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alleys in Hughes' Midway Addition, and lots 24, 28 and 26, Merriam's Outlots, from Fairview Avenue to the North and South Alley and from the East and 'West Alley to Charles Street under Preliminary Order approved September 1, 1939 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement is 75.00 The total estimatedalweawr4-the esseeeneerlc-fo*<heabereim$ �t-ie- - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION West 50 ft. of South 180 ft. cf West 50 ft. of North 130 ft. of East 35 ft. of North 130 ft. of West 50 ft. of North 130 ft. of East 60 ft. of North 130 ft. of West 50 ft. of North 130 ft. of East 50 ft. of North 130 ft. of Form B. B. 10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan SALUATION Bldg. 24 Merriam's Out Lots $66000 81500 24 do 1925 400 24 do 1050 700 25 do 1600 800 25 do 1500 700 26 do 1500 900 26 do 1500 800 1 ( Hu E;hes Midway Addition to the 2280 ) City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., 2 ( Minn, 2250 3 do TOTAL. 2260 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMfSS10NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 4 5 6 7 8, 9 and 10 11 Went 20 feet of 12 Bast 5 feet of Lot 12, all of Lot 13, west 10 feet of 14 ) Lot 15 and East 15 ft. of 14 17 and 16 18 and 19 20 and 21 ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATIONCl dg, 1500 i Hughes` Midway Addition to the 2250 City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., 25 Minn. 2260 do 2250 do 2250 do 6750 82300 do 2250 do 1776 do 3525 do 3525 do 4400 8800 do 4400 9700 do 7500 1050 (includes other prop.) 23 do 1500 24 do 750 25 do 800 Lot 26 and East �¢ of 27 do 1200 Lot 28 and west of 27 do 1175 29 do 750 30 do 750 700 Total 871,275 828,350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated October 11 19 39 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ©+Indicates Cut AM -indicates Fill Typical Notation 1H Figures above line show Cut or Fill at property line. Figures below line show distance to which slopes extend beyond property line. ALLEYS AWMOYE.S ,WXOPY,Aqq - ADO 6 - LOTS 24, 25 b• 2C A/ERRIAAl3' OUTLOTS Fi-om To /Y. 6-,5. Alley 6-4 From E. 6• Y1' A//ey To Chow/Ps _51 _7 Loc. Bk. No. 1998 B X -Sec Bk110.1398 _� o yr4o .zo 3.5 xz h i ° ' k 40 - --- e Q /`�UGff .S M/ 1KXA Y A D D. - IW—'f C7 T R R /A /N.I !/ L. O T S 26 .3D. 29 z8 I 27 2L 25 24. h '4 AP�N dao' ieo' Ys.zE :s,ze zs' _: 4 cs.a3 e } it, `oo I / 2 3 4 S 6 I 7 8 i 9 /a // /2 /3 /4 /S N l/ G / O WA Y !//Y/YER3/7- Y A✓E. A//ey_t iflio rroy Add., �S/o e Or. 2 /Yo• -56 s r/6 /7 �18 /9 20 2/ - Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to commissioner of Finance -7 Sept. 14 __1939 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 116121_ approved Sept. 1 1939 , relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and --fill -iathe grading-and surfacing of the Alleys-tn-tughas`_MIdway-_Addition, and lots 24, 25 and 269 Merriam's Outlots, from Fairview Avenue to the _Nosth-and..South Alley -and -f-rom the East and -West Alley-t-e-Charles-=tem-- --- Al Rrl C—st CostRAL.Pr in Um *depth Aj3d EB}j lf-+a-tie3 f ♦}� F R+ A Yeo A't. _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S--.XXDCXXX----- , and the total cost thereof is S-----------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:-- ollows:_3. 3.A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propertOD subject to assessment for said improvement. GO V, u �F 1 Commissioner of Public Works SEP 1193q 116,830 Odol-I to Gtr Clay o NCIH NO.— CITY OF ST. PAUL • _ OFFICE THE CITY CLERK r. F. No. 11683o—By Mllton Boeea— COUNCIL R UTION---GENERAL FORM e.p he eas, ddi.... nn d deenduction., s Pro- to ne y t. ee ,y-� o eme t d,.,.I'.rd PRESENTED BY ^- A� '" —y� DATE_.._ ... -- WHEREAS, additions and deductions vkiich might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the Paving of Lexington Avenue from Selby Avenue td Rondo Street, Comptroller's Contract L 4105, C. F. Sculley Equipment Company, contractor, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices stip- ulated therein, and agreed prices, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following additions and de- ductions: ADDITIONS 47,0 sq. ft. of tile sidewalk relaid @ $ @ .09 $ 4,23 50,56 316.0 sq. ft. of new tile sidewalk laid .16 (12.0 lin. ft. of 3"x10" wood -header @ •18 2916 1 arfuss (Labor resetting ,,farranto curb forms 3,00 @ 2,00 5,16 7200 36.0 sq. yds. of brick paving relaid @ 2.60 10.40 4,0 sq. yds. of neer brick paving laid Total Additions $142.35 DEDUCTIONS 940 sq. ft. of 4" Monolithic Concrete Walk $ 13,54 not laid @ $ 0.144 17.5 tons of Class "A" Binder not placed @ 6.40 112,00 56.0 cu. yds. Class "B" Concrete" " @ 8980 492,80 4.0 Concrete Catchbasins Covers @ 11.20 44.80 Total Deductions $663.14 -TTEal Additions 142.35 `%Net Total Deduction $520.79 WHEREAS, the net deduction is $520.79; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the City of St. Paul through its City Council approve the afore- said deduction made in accordance with the specifications therefor in the sum of $520.79, said sum to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in____ the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L 4105, for the making of the above aforesaid improvement. The Corn issioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Cu F. Sculley Equipment Company, that the sum of $520.79 is the correct amount to be deduc- ted from the above contract. CLEBENT F. SCULL 'Y EQUIP. CO., Contractor, /G ice P esid nt Co issioner of P"u�(bff3-ll�:c oar 3 Adopted by the CounciU{- 7- -193 Approved NOV 7195 193- I\ yor p^f1RLISHED J, Count. City -troller COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays 1 arfuss "1indlan - I ,,farranto Peterson In Favor /I{osen ru ix Against ,,Xi. President (Fallon) i eM "s t:8 ! CLEBENT F. SCULL 'Y EQUIP. CO., Contractor, /G ice P esid nt Co issioner of P"u�(bff3-ll�:c oar 3 Adopted by the CounciU{- 7- -193 Approved NOV 7195 193- I\ yor p^f1RLISHED 116831 Odel'al to ah, naw `' NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL •�• OFFICE OF T E CITY CLERK 'COUNCIL RESOLU ION ---GENERAL FORM r COMMISSIONER_ '/il'�W'✓"` DATE NOO 6�Q �9 In the matter of paving St. Clair Street from West Seventh Stre:t to South Osceola Avenue, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C. F. 114371 approved April 11, 1939• PT SOLVED, Th:1t the attached plans Lind specific .tions - showing the gas connections to be made on St. Clair Street between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of thia;rorder, together with said plans upon the Northern States Power Company. C. F. No. 116831—ny Milton Roecn— Inthe matter of paving St. Clair Street f 19m Neat Seventh Street to South Oaceolu Avebac, with n my gee 1143ertlona, under Finale Order C. F. 71, approved April 11, 1939. Reaolved, That theattached plana and specification. showing the gaa con- ectlons to be made on St. Clair Street between the polnta atoreeaid, be at, It tommltral net lof Pot, lc Work. ix ed betas by ordered and directed to s copy o[ thla rd, r, tngelher with amid l plana, upon the Northern Stn tea Power Com- pany. A dotted b' the Coun,Il Nnv. ,. 1P39. AP T'd Nov. 7, IPSP, INov. 11, 1939) NOV 71M COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193- Yeas / Nays I3arfuss NOV 71939 i Approved 193 i'F•indlan Parranto -Peterson / . in Favor L -- _ - Zayor - Rosen -'Truax ,-Mr. President (Fallon) 6M 5-66 CS e Odelnd to City Clerk 16832 CITY OF ST. PAUL 111".��. 11L NO._ OFFICE OF T E CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE'S ON ---GENERAL FORM �,__ PRESENTED BY DATE Nov. 6, 1939 COMMISSIONER_ — In the matter of resolution C. F. 116797 ap-roved November 1, 1939 covering gas connections on St. Clair Street from T. Seventh to South Osceola. Resolved, That the above order and all subsequent proceedings in connection therewith, be and the same are hereby cancelled and annulled. COUNCILMEN Yeas INays ��ar[uss -Findlan tnto erson In Favor Sosen Truax - Against ,Mr. President (Fallon) AM eras cs t'. N. No. 1163:12—By' Mlllon ROK— In the matter of emborul'o19 SL 8, 1181nR npaMrovn •ctionK on ClalrotStreet from W nSe enth to South OKceola.and LteKulved, That the bb.—order all Kuheeouent proceedings 1n c llon therewith, be nd thlled nm, naro hereh, eaneeued "ad an Adopted b,' [he CoancllaN nr. 19:t Y. .tpproved Nov. i 11,11, INov. ll, Adopted by the CouncilNOV 71939-193-- Approved NOV 71939 193 —w 1-1 — Ma o Y 0r19Ixd to fav a.,k 1.16833 CITY OF ST. PAUL rrr `I` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 11 COMMISSIONE DATE RESOLVED, That the application of the Fruehauf Trailer Company for permission to construct a driveway to said Company's warehouse located at 2180 University Avenue, be and the same is hereby granted; said driveway to be constructed in accordance with the blue -print attached to the application, and to be of concrete construction from the street line to the curb line; any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage, or other public improvements to be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. C. F. Nn. 1168;1_ul, Milton Itusrn— Ite—ked, That the npPlicatl_ of the F—eh auf Truiler C—pany fur permts- ston to r n hurt s drlvewny to x 1,1 Puny's w- eels—, lorxled xt L1sU Cnl- herel�v Ave-,, he end the x me 1, rxU'u 9eanll'd: ,w 1d dune-wey u tl e blue -Print rtinrhrd to the xpplie.lion. and to he nr run •rete r n tru,tio from the xlree[ Iine ­,ret, rurlr Iine: any; aha,' Rex In Iur Lint;, .Id a walks, ram Ps,' ntN il� ov— her nutde�the u nd Xu tihe dlree.ti.. "ed la the xn tis [nrtlon u( the 1'u1. of 1`u lrlir lYor kx. Ad. Pt etl hr IhP t'nunril xur. Apprut'ed �rr�'. �, 1919. rxnr. 11, 1919) NOV 718' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-------- —193-- yeas ouncil_-----------193_— Yeas = Nays �rfuss _ ./q �F�indlan / Approved—NOV � 0 193_—_ iE'ar�anto Peterson In Favor ,. `___ Rosen /7 ayor ,-Truax Against ,,,Mr. President (Fallon) SM 6 38 CB CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 3rd, 1939 Mr. John A. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir; The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Fruehauf Trailer Company for permission to install a driveway to their warehouse located at 2180 University Ave., with the provision, however, that the driveway be of concrete construction from the street line to the curb.line. yours very truly, S77 d � j City Clerk. C'LIN'PUN' A. HACfiER1' IMBERT R. J. SCHOCH. M. D. R'\1. J. SUDE11'H C. E. 6I2ISS\(AN Chief of Polic,. Ilcalth ()flicer Firc Chief Sipl. of Police and Piro Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUI. l:apil;rl of Miinesoln Tenth aid Minnesota Streets G. H. HARFUSS, ('ommissioner .l()IIN P.'MULLANI;S, Drpntc Conuiissionrr November 2, 1939 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by the Fruehauf Trailer Company for permit to install a driveway to their warehouse located at 2180 University Avenue. The usual inspection was made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, and his report thereon is attached. very truly yours. Comtnissionel o lie Safety I / r / IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION November 2 1939 Mr. G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by the Fruehauf Trailer Company for permission to install a driveway to their warehouse located at 2180 University Avenue. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints and do not find that this driveway will materially interfere with the movement of traffic. From a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours truly, Harr"WetterEren Superintendent of Traffic w/f c 4 r"GQTY 01.THE BOARD OF ZONING E"Akhed by Ordinance No. 5640 July 7th, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE R 03 O plan 9eeE6884.. a pq® e9® a A �S+ ..• �w° O ati October 31st, 1939. aa. a• ARTHUR c MILIIJOWSKI. Cha ,T EDWIN H LUNDIL BERNARD J EGIN WAH,�IAI CHARJC BMSIORD. Goy A,ch,'�. GEORGE II HFRROLD. n Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir i In the matter of application of the Fruehauf Trailer Company to construct a driveway to their warehouse at 2180 University Ave. This driveway enters the grounds of the Fruehauf Trailer Company from Vandalia St. 91 ft. frog the property line on University Ave. It should be specified that this driveway be of concrete construction from the street line to the curb line. The Board of Zoning recommend that the application be approved, and as the driveway is on the line between the Light and Heavy Industrial Zoning, the frontage on University Ave. being zoned for Light In- dustry for 100 ft. back, the Board has not advised the Commissioner of Finance to call a public hearing, and if this is approved by the Council and the plans are approved by them, the permit can be issued without waiting for two weeks to elapse. gh-rh encl. Yours very truly, / Oeorge,H. Harrold, / Engineer Secretary. BUREAU OF CONST. a RVAIR W. e. coCKROFT. Burt. OFFICE ERGIMM G. H. HERROLD CNIEF ENO:. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, Dlvuw COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CMIEF ENGINEER L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk Building Dear Sirs November 11 1989 BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. BUFT. BUREAU OF BRIDGES M. E. GRYTBAK, ENGINEER BURSA Y of CORRECT ONE RAY J. KARTAK, SUPT. In the matter of application of the Fruehauf Trailer Company to construct a driveway to their warehouse at 2180 University Avenues I beg to advise you that the driveway as proposed conforms to the standards of this department and is consequently approved. This department desires that the driveway be of concrete construction from the street line to the curb line. Yours very truly, L40 01;�.j r EO E M SHEPA chief Eagineer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER OI CONFT. a R -1.w OONALD F. VOIOT, DKFUTT COMMIEEIONcw BugEAu . SYR. GEORGE M. BHEPARD. C.— W. B. 1 C.N-. ENOIN[¢w OFFICE E.B.N.— G. H. HERROLD DNI¢. ENaR. C -RK November 11 1989 MARK W. WOODRUFF *,r. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk Building Dear Sirz BUR¢AU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUFT. BUREAU OF BRIDO¢8 M. E. GRYTBAK, ENOINKKR BUREAUOF CORRECTION! RAV J. KARTAK, Gu— In the matter of application of the Fruehauf Trailer Company to construct a driveway to their warehouse at 2180 University Avenues I beg to advise you that the driveway as proposed conforms to the standards of this department and is consequently approved. This department desires that the driveway be of concrete construction from the street line to the curb line. Yours very truulyyp � , �Z� VtEoj7.fE M. SREP Engineer CATIDN TO BE -ADK IN CITY OF BT, PAUL Ileo iN iKE cliv ORIGINAL CLERK s OFFICE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i 9A, Application For LieMse DATE TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA - APPLICAT N Is Hereby Made BY '� of F�aN on INOI VIOuwL FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL ANQ� A— "1 BLOCK__— -------- -- TO BE LOCATED ON LOT —ALSO DESCRIBED A. / ® ISTPE[i Al ­ F I LED t/—"eu slrvass o Ess RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY F OM CITY C RK DATE 16 DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLICg, TY f ,v I Bl _ By 6834 od,4,.11. C v C1.1,r1�e `" No. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFIC�E`JJ��,,_O('�F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL F-31s�LUTION---GENERAL FORM DATE November 61939 PRESE_ NTED COMMISSIONER __ _ Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank oar, approximately 8000 gallons °Qa leaded gasoline, 70-72 octane, from H. K. STAHL Co., at a price of $ .1189 per gallon, lees 1° discount on refinery price for payment in ten days, including state tax and state inspection, '£o be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale Street, on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134. COUNCI MEN YeasNays ar s i��ndlsn �/ ,paryanto ,Pete son 7In Favor oen ,,/ }Truax Against President (Fallon) SM 6_38 Ca P. So. IIGS:N—ItY \1llton Itoxen– Ilexol,'ea,'rhnt the Yu n�haxln(r AK.nt he, and hi• ix hxr,•hr nuthorl>.eti In Pur- rl,uxe, „'ilh th,• eon xenl of Ih,. Mnyor na Il,e � o,u Pl roller. one teak � gr. nV- •prn.�huntelY Yllu,l Knllnnn "Q" len ded Knxolln,., �n nelnne, from li. FT,\III. CI)., nl Pr1ee o[ $.118 - Hn era" Knll, u,, lexx 1'%, t, lsruunl on rin,'lud- Iri," f„r un>',n," In len do Yx. InK xtnt,• t... ,,, a xtnte mxr..unn, to he a Vott.d n, M-111 l EVulhnfo nnl�r ltildn xPur al Imlr Street., to where [Hour. In CthnrFx rv„•nu1 f k hnd.hlP "V11" 'City. G—nmol PnI I:,IulPment—Ian%-131. Cl!I:t�i'il1-939) Adopted by the CouncipdV 7M-193— NOV 719393— Approved � _ CITY C X CITY `RKRR 0 e NUMBER L� ') 7 ) - CITY OF SAINT PAUL C UNCIL RESOLUTION "ERDIL No'�;pc�� 11 FOR AUTHO ION OF LOCAL I MPROVEMENT PROJECT`S % OdNnN to ch, ClerkI '1L6 �..f 6836� CITY OF ST. PAUL " NO._.—_ -/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PREEN COMMIS IONEY_ DATE November 7, 1939 RESOLVID: That Hotel license $1290, expiring January 30, 1940, issued to Virginia � Landin at 128 W. 7th St, be and the same is hereby cancelled upon the request of Virginia Landin and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. I'. Ni,. IIr. li. Hunt.,,_ 1. N. Tritxa—\v. A. Yerrxnlo— Ilexnlred. That Hntel Ilcenae No. 1_90, nlrinti• .I:inn:iry :10. 19411, Ixxued to \"IrA 1 I'—din xt 1!A W. 7th 9t. he nd the .� a hrhereh,t' c celled upnn itic rennc t[ttor vi r4h, is i.nndin and the proper ity oatcer, are ,struc ted to j ` ake the prnprr chapK In the rtt,'. �t4dor dr. Ap pterl by the t nail :Cot-- ], IYi9. �Snc 11. 19x9) I NOV 71939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— --193— Yeas / Nays Barfuss NOV 719M mdlan Approved 193 i Parran to Peterson In Favor lAosen )\ yor lxruax - � Against r. President (Fallon) 6M 8 cs oa,au.l to cm c.k11683 CITY OF ST. PAUL CO—C" Nn OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '. r•. s... ussa�-us ///I�f� COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM - `- 'November'7 PRESENTEg6Y COMMIS510NNNEEERRR DATE 1939 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Forest E. Brown 260 W. Kellogg Gas Station App. 36928 Renewal Fenlon Bros. 1339 Hewitt Ave. Grocery 37511 " Seven Corners Drug Co. 175 W. 7th St. Confectionery ^ 37557 " Dominick Ferrazzo 883 Payne Ave. Restaurant ^ 37560 " Malt ^ ^ n n n fl n ^ fl n On Sale 37561 Off Sale Malt ^ 37562 ^ Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co. 2102 Univ. Gas Station it 37573 " R. A. Buthner 654 Rice St. 2nd Hand Auto Pts." 37577 ^ John J. Lane 453 N. Lexington Tavern " 37591 " C. A. Mihleis 501 Selby Ave. Confectionery " 37592 " Minnehaha Cleaners Inc. 930 Payne Ave. Restaurant ^ 37594 ^ Joseph Herschbach 93 W. Sycamore Grocery " 37596 " Geo. N. Miller 498-90 St. Peter St. Dance Hall ^ 37599 It " " fl n n fl Tavern 37600 Max Simon 177 State St. Grocery " 37612 ^ Hiller E. Hoffman 900 Rice St. Motion Picture ^ 37614 ^ fl fl fl a Confectionery ^ 37615 ^ C. C. Davison 1191 Earl St. Bakery ^ 37619 " Sam Zuckman 1029 Hastings Ave. Motion Picture " 37620 " Erickson Oil Co. 415 E. 7th St. Gas Station It 37623 ^ CounciAQV 71939 193 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Nays Yeas ar(uss iY u v IL33 _ iF`indlan Approved 193— ,Parranto n Favor -- ,T eterson ——I ,^ ,Rosen -ruax -----Against Ar. President (Fallon) #M,TSfTED 6M 0.38 cs Otldad to Clly Cork -' 1,16838 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. �IE OF CITY CLERK —_�—CO NON ---GENERAL FORM Wherert s, ' r .lea—ette Taylor waested a At— .1, 1938, a d Posted PRESENTED BY cull In the sun of 310 in Municipal COMMISSIONER — __.- __ ___—DATE- �� R Mnv 1'1 ren n�tr L= WHEREAS, one Jeannette Taylor was arrested on May 21, 1938, and posted bail in the sum of $10 in Municipal Court on May 23, 1938; and WHEREAS, said bail was erroneously marked forfeited and subsequently returned to said Jeannette Taylor without the Council resolution authorizing•such return; and thereafter Ralph Stacker, attorney for the defendant, refunded the $10 to the Clerk of the Municipal Court; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Municipal Court and the Hon. Clayton Parks, then Judge of the Municipal Court, have approved the peti- tion of Ralph Stacker to have the bail money refunded to him; therefore, be it REQOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in favor of the Clerk of the Municipal Court in the sum of $10, the same to be payable out of the Refunds and Repayments Account of the General Fund, and said Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to reinstate said ball and refund the,same to said Ralph Stacker. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council NOV 7 t939193— YeasNays s NuV ? 193 r� lan Approved_ __193— arranto �e erson ' In Favor " " `r-S--yor usen �1 .Trupx /Against -M'r. President (Fallon) rti•4iFD �� IM 0-38 08 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 L— Orr . STACKER @ STACKER M- ... SrP— MI --o" ST T -E -E Q 0' U ICI: AL C ',-'�T "TL ',-,T—Ty 7 RI: � 7Y E, :T, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - St Je ann' t — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — an'_.___ a t Jeannette Ta.j,()T - .'UITICIrAL CC,7'iT ti. f F'c' F c,-)ntrine� in o �ttacl,ed t irf, st rite it ,.re correct c0`1 t" e 7 nFt,,tpqent )l t -.e +,_T7T , TU AT JT,': G2 I:T rY �l jT A L 7G7 8 St t i 2 S=AT,. �F ':UITICIrAL -11'.-," 3 A CI'7v CV UL 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City of Sain- Paul, 1 -Iain -,i:-, 7 vs. A F F I D A V I T 8 Jeannette Taylor, 9 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 - - - T A IN" -'S CI - A SS 12 n 171, T7 13 PALI-H STAM firFt 'aly sworn upon As 14 oath er;oqps Pnc; Gays t: z:.e at-orney for t. -t, r.efendant 16 in -,:--e a:_,D�-e entitled actin anti t, -at on -.-.e 21st day of ':ay, 16 19.18, cefe-.� ant disor-erly con(,,uct and 17 entered :, -,lea o-- not -uilty and_aced a sail of Ten ( -,10.00) 18 Dollars, nnc ti.e case v ­.s s=t for 'd3rd, 1a1-12. In e !i.ean- 19 til... , -.-c -:e:,n`,nt __,., ,cc:: D' t..e City 20 of St. for medical exaii;inati-m. .n "P.y 25r,9, the 21 ^e - enrl,3nt (i . i71 t. '- ­Drkh ,, c,e , .::ere no t-_) -)c; rance, and 22 __p o-,, att�,c_ment 23 was re-ar-estcd in '. Roth ;ind. 24 ,r,,: in'o Th- c: -e to J,-ine 31-, 25 tli-n Con'inupr', t J,-,ne -,!,.en 26 'e--. i-t r=, -e ve(I -, �__i-I-ty (.-O) Rayp sentprce, -h-i 1 -as 27 P,, in tI.e Drop .t _,lice. 29 28 '-,t to C -u -t on -pv 29 cOr 'S 1 T-_ - Pill am th-Tou,h so n 7o i, c, n J -i ,.e 2 h t 'unici,)r:l '-,,]-+ re - 31 funlpd t,-,, -o Je nnette 32 33 L- 0v STACKER & STACKER MI—.T. Bu1L0 u.. ST -.1 Mery .... TA 2 Some tin�e in Aufllst 0- 1y3�, when the error 3 was disco er d, to cle<_r t:. records of t:_e Cler:- of :'uni cioa 4 atY or tLe �e'endant, refunded to Court, your af_iant, <. ,01-ne.✓ 6-P sure of Ten ( ;10.00) Dollars. t'r.e Cler:: of Co? rt .. s Y.tr a-. _r'ia r_ ont 3eos='s ar.d sa}; s ti1::t t:_e i'ai ure 7 to an^P=.r on tr:e Dart of Jeannette Taylor was due to the fact s at 1ras helc' 'r: t.:e C' `y a'rthrrities at ti:- '`or?:ho ise and 9 ere :,,_., ±,_r, ail sh ulr not Y:=.ae een forfeited r� no fault 10 '-ec—us(' of ti::.r re:,� n. 11 ;ir?c,ORE, y..r a --iant as:cs t .::P bail ;e 12 C. -`y Co'-Incii O'"!?" a rP_'',.'.nd 'Jr the sum 13 of Ter ( 1^.0?) Dollars to 3a1^h Sucker, :s attorney for 14 Jeannette Taylor. 16 16 17U._SCrl;.:ed and Sworn t0 :, e"iore me t_:is 31Ft dey o: Oct-_ 1fl3`J. 1a 19 AX A. SI,. Ci c:3, P'.OtF.ry "ru-11c Ran sey Co•znt-, , :'inn-sotr: 20 .,V_omr. ior: e ;: _res Jul:; 194e. 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 33 Ln Oss STACKER B cSTACNER M irr+ca or. B....... Sr PAVI Mir+v-- i 2 Some tin�e in Aufllst 0- 1y3�, when the error 3 was disco er d, to cle<_r t:. records of t:_e Cler:- of :'uni cioa 4 atY or tLe �e'endant, refunded to Court, your af_iant, <. ,01-ne.✓ 6-P sure of Ten ( ;10.00) Dollars. t'r.e Cler:: of Co? rt .. s Y.tr a-. _r'ia r_ ont 3eos='s ar.d sa}; s ti1::t t:_e i'ai ure 7 to an^P=.r on tr:e Dart of Jeannette Taylor was due to the fact s at 1ras helc' 'r: t.:e C' `y a'rthrrities at ti:- '`or?:ho ise and 9 ere :,,_., ±,_r, ail sh ulr not Y:=.ae een forfeited r� no fault 10 '-ec—us(' of ti::.r re:,� n. 11 ;ir?c,ORE, y..r a --iant as:cs t .::P bail ;e 12 C. -`y Co'-Incii O'"!?" a rP_'',.'.nd 'Jr the sum 13 of Ter ( 1^.0?) Dollars to 3a1^h Sucker, :s attorney for 14 Jeannette Taylor. 16 16 17U._SCrl;.:ed and Sworn t0 :, e"iore me t_:is 31Ft dey o: Oct-_ 1fl3`J. 1a 19 AX A. SI,. Ci c:3, P'.OtF.ry "ru-11c Ran sey Co•znt-, , :'inn-sotr: 20 .,V_omr. ior: e ;: _res Jul:; 194e. 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 33 Ln Oss STACKER B cSTACNER M irr+ca or. B....... Sr PAVI Mir+v-- 116839 CITY OF SAINT PAUL `�E"`" No. ------a APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTIO' '?M PER CHARTER SECTION 208 c . PRESENTED BY n COMMISSIONER_ JOnn Findlan �" •o%l'Ai✓� _ctob• 31 _DATES -. 1 93_..— 9 — RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE FROM TO APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED DR. CR. 25 A 2 C. H. & C. H. (Heat, lignt, po er) 2,000,00 - 25 A 6 (Supplies) 2,000.00 30 A R Coclptroller (Rcpts.) 1,327.41 30 A 2 (Expense) 1,327,41 31 G 15 Robert St. Briage Fenders 420.00 31 A 1 Purcnasing Dept. (Salaries) 420,00 jl A 2 Purciiasing Dept. (Printing) 200.00 31 A 3 (Expense) 200.00 jl B R Uunicipal Court (Receipts) •1,948,50 gT 31 B 1 (Salaries) 1,948,50 jl C R Armory (Receipts) 192,00 31 c 4 (Repairs) 192,00 31 G 7 Surety Bonds 404,95 31 G 12 Auditorium Rentals 74.09 I 01 COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII O PEAR PETERSON _ APPROVED _ ___._. — __193- ROSEN __.-1`AVOR TRUAX W�RFFEN' AGAINST _ WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY _— " c MR. PRESIDENT /. 116839 CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO.— �,. «ERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS -RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 298 PRESENTED BY John Findlan_"S4�L DATE October 31 1939 COMMISSIONER__ ® ESOLVED, THA ERS B E BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO�101N OIDABLE DEFICIE ITEMS MAY BE MET BY ANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MO THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. I CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED DR. CR. F0.0M I TO 31 G 1O1 Water - Wilder Baths I 479.04 ED BY THE COUNCIL ADOPT- _. - ' COUNCILMEN (�1 NAYS _�.--�-�'- PETERSON APPROVED--- _ ROSEN _-- IN. -P VOR TRUAX ✓/ ____... __._.. ._ WARREN fy AGAINST .WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY----- MR. Y_ MR. PRESIDENT C. • <�*. « 1 16339 L.ERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL "`I` Np APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY4October 1 COMMISSIONER John Findlan -�-- DATE_ 3 93 9 __ E THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS 8Y& -S .,ppING AN UNAVOI _ CERTAIN ITEMS T WORK OROVIDED BY THE MAY BE MET BY SAID !THE MO E ITEMS FROM WHICRANSFERS ARE MADE. CO - DE - _-- FROM 6 A 1 TO APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED DR. CR. Finance Deplt. (Salaries) 1,500,00 6 A R (Rcpts.) 85.00 b A 2 (Auto Allow.) 500.00 b A 3 (Exaense) 1,085,00 24 C 2 Bd. of Pub. Wlfre. (Co. Home Exp.) 2,7 o0. o0 24D 1 (Relief, Sal.) 41,700.00 24D3 (bond 56,050.50 24 A 1 (Admin. Sal.) 8,750.00 24 A 2 (Admin. Exp.) 4,goo. 00 24 B 1 (Hosp. Sal.) 13,000.00 24 E 1 (Vets Rest Camp) .50 24 G 1 (Old Age Pers. Sa ) 24,000.00 24 G 2 (Old Age Pens. F ) 50,000.00 YES (�) Nl II MEN IYI AYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ N'V_7 1""Y93-- _ N NOV 7_1919 P ERSON APPROVED._ __193__ ROSEN _. _IN FAVOR TRUAX --v ..1CLP.�4T! AGAINST EL COUNTERSIGNED •MR. PRESIDENT cir coMvr" R /17 6/ R711LISHE� WHEREAS, Gabriel M. Stern has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: (Except N. 5 ft.) Lot 1; (Except North 5 ft, and except West 5 £t.) Lot 2; (Except West 5 ft.) Lot 3j Lot 4; Lot bj (Except widening of Lexington Ave.) that part of Lot 6 NEtly of a line drawn from a point on S. line 190 ft. from SW corner to point on W. line 165 ft. from said SW corner of Lot 6, Block 21, Como; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $9101.21, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $4150.13; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum\ of $3450.40 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $4150.13, and that said sum of $3450.40 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $9101.21. g COUNCILMEN 116840 od.lnd 10 City clwk N O V ( 1953 `� NO. ,A"ant° etereon CITY OF ST. PAUL r��E ayor ----Against JIP(iM,ICHM 4z;�� ,;'us,- O rr. resident (Fallon) 5M It 38 CS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,r UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_—- - --- --- ---------—.DATE__.__—._ ___-- - --�-- ---- --� -- - C. V. No. 118840-6y John S. Flndla— WherenH, 4'nbrle i I Stern has mulen o D ica[lon for relef to the Mlnneaota Tax Co i..W. ralato delinquent tn� nd 1i+e vr. 'I, .� ., following' . ( F WHEREAS, Gabriel M. Stern has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: (Except N. 5 ft.) Lot 1; (Except North 5 ft, and except West 5 £t.) Lot 2; (Except West 5 ft.) Lot 3j Lot 4; Lot bj (Except widening of Lexington Ave.) that part of Lot 6 NEtly of a line drawn from a point on S. line 190 ft. from SW corner to point on W. line 165 ft. from said SW corner of Lot 6, Block 21, Como; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $9101.21, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $4150.13; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum\ of $3450.40 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $4150.13, and that said sum of $3450.40 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $9101.21. Nov 71939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council — 9 Yeas Nays B Buss N O V ( 1953 l: indlan pproved— — Approved---- ,A"ant° etereon ---In Favor---- 0 ayor ----Against JIP(iM,ICHM 4z;�� ,;'us,- O rr. resident (Fallon) 5M It 38 CS , 0a,1_1 to City Clak 1­111L r:�e 116841 CITY OF ST. PAUL N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION--- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY n. _ — ___ _DATE_ -. —-------------' COMMISSIONER_— - -v - --- - - B'. :Vo. llfi a., A. Jnhn S. F'I...d,- K"k"U. , b1n� A. SO,.kill hn>a mntle Nppllcntlon Poi t, laommrelief a till Slln nen or Clanlon reinve [o fidelinq -i In��n : nd x lle r WHEREAS, Max A. Stacker has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Lot 15 and S'ly 25 ft. of Wily 100 ft. of Lot 16, Block 14, Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1829.22, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $1004.70; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlements provided, however, that the sum of $198.85 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $1004.70, and that said sum of $198.85 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1829.22. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bar(uss Findlan Parranto / Peterson �In Favor Rosen Truax - --Against Mr. President lFallon) 561 6 u9 CS Nov 71939 Adopted by the Council --- _-----193_ I�Q�r p' 139 Approved---- _- -193____ or--- � I1b842 0,191..11. city 0. w CITY OF ST. PAUL nl.. NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKh. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �JNiy� (,1/� �7" _ __ DATE_---.– -- — COMMISSIONER—---- -- -- -_--- -- – 1•'. Nu. I IGM4!-11� .Initn S. Irtn t; n-- N`hereax, - 11 Ill, 11, hxx mad, Vlirutlun fnr rrllrf in lir M11--t '7'n �� Cmm�dxxlmi relllt'• dellnnu.•n• y It:��rx and n n folio ' 1 WHEREAS, Roy E. Hilton has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit; (Except N. 7 ft.) Lot B, Block 2, Otto's Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $651.33, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $427.17; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $319.92 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $427.17, and that said sum of $319.92 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $651.33. COUNCILMEN Yeas Ways Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Fallon) 5M 6 38 Cs Adopted by the Council - NOV 7 193q93-- % 9`'193- - 11 V 7 193 Approved—---- -193 i [n or — ayor _.. --Against Od,ln.l t. City Ci.dt1d CITY OF ST. PAUL ripe `. NO. 16843 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERk COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ------ PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER • ._-- �^ �..y. DATE. -- -------------�- _"----- —. \n. 116A43-1.1nhn �. F'Indh11-�- t Whereas, Roy F.. Ii1,1 Ilton hart W jje -11 pllnn[lon for rent•( to the. �i?•yPotx 7'm Commix.lnn r;•Intlye t de:.�+•gent ta.�+ end r. •. •...nr. on r rr . '- r ... 1 � r; h'• �e WHEREAS, Roy E. Hilton has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: (Except N. 7 ft.) Lot 7, Block 2, Otto's Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $651.33, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $427.17; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $319.92 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $427.17, and that said sum of $319.92 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $651.33. NCV 71939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _ _ _ - _ . _ _193_- - Yeas Nays p,; q7 i l3arfuss IIR�� Findlan Approved -------_____193 Parranto Peterson --In Favor --__— May r Rosen j Truax --- —---Agaipst '""�iiLISIfGB��� lT Mr. President (Fallon) 5M 6 38 Ca 0de1..11. CII, ClaL CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. " N4168-44 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER __.__. Mn _,. A,' (r'.. 11 Nrr. 116644—nrY lnl�n 9. Flntllan— \M1'herrax, e�nthnnIInherp, has made nnlh;ntlon rur t��l ,r tnrnlc�i � the Mlnnr•snta ellen uenl In�lnw WHEREAS, Anthony Finberg has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits W. 41 ft. of lot 2 and the E. 9 ft, of lot 4,.and all of lot 3, Block 2, Portland Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $2342.04, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $1494.757 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlementj provided, however, that the sum of $169.96 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $1494.75, and that said sum of $169.96 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $2342.04. 7 1939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _ 193 - Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan _ Approved ----M0------ r --- ---193 Parranto �t Al�- Peterson In Favor 'U ^ ,::I Rosen - - Mayor --- Truax - --Against Mr. President (Fallon) IM f 3s CS / / O'islnd to car Oak 116845 CITY OF ST. PAUL .aE NCi`_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --- COUN,qL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM I° e•. a". Its"as_n'' Asul r. refer"°"-- wnerea In uIe oanr.�wme"t tr.. rrlbed n Addition .1 plt�•at� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONERIt. ____DATE_, -.— Whereas, in the improvement described as the Adiition and Alterations to iiardin,, lii;h School, Peoples Electric Company, Contractor, Co; nt_� o11 rls Contract ;o. "-4060, it is found nec- essary to rake the followi additions to the contract. Ad 53 tions (1) Extra work for chan.in, electric wirin- In the cafeteria ;141.74 (2) Extra work- involved in dividing the oxist— in) study root on the third floor into two standar;l class rooms 02.OS 223.32 Whereas, the total. net ad(,ition is ;223.32, now therefore be it Resolved, that the City Council a prove the a. -,Ove arl-'.ition nade in accordance t..'.tl, specific: -tions in an amo',mt not to exceed j223.32, sail sum to be added to the lump sum cons_dera- tion naned in t:,e Contract ]_noon as Coni-trollerts Contract 'lo. CI -A-060 for the makin;-1 of the aforesaid improvement. The Commis.ioner of Educatlon lk.s agreed with the Contrac- tor, Peoples Electric Company, tha' the sum of ;223.32 is the correct amount to be aded to the above contract. Funds to cov- er th__s adlition are available in the proper account and the City of St. Paul a_rees to pay same. VI COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /�arfuss ,-T�indlan� /ParranVo iPeterson 'Rosen ,Truax "Mr. President (Fallon) M 638 C8 e Adopted by the CounciNm'— tI:,V 7 Approved__-'�- In Favor - — -- ---- Mayor Against Attest: odeln.l to aty Cie k 116846 CITY OF ST. PAUL rets `" No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ Tei FiPat DATE RESOLVED, That the free use of Stem Hall in the St. Paul Auditorium. be and it is hereby given to the Department of Minnesota Fourth District American Legion on the afternoon of Saturday, Novemver 11, 1939, for a public meeting in observance Of Armistice Dayj be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that an amount equal to the cost of opening and operat- Ing the above portion of the Auditorium on said date for the above o:casion be set up in the budget in Auditorium Fund #17. 116846-1iy Axel t-. PIA-Iton—. Resolved, That tho tree of Stem Ilull in the St. Pont Auditorium be and It Is I:erehy Rlt'en [o the I1eDxrtment f iltin nesotx luurth Dis[riet Americxn I1.l11 on lhr moon oli Su ituImher 11. 1-39,9, for Duhlic :a t - ng .t- ngIn ohsery an ce of Arin is tice Day: he It urth er Resolved, that an amount K enuxl to the cost *.'41. f Dining tnd oD- rn,1ng the ahnre oruoof ttie .aual- i:,rinm"aid date for we xhnce e- ,elnn he et nD In 1111 hudget In Audl- turRim lrnod Nn. 17. Adopted by the t:ounell Nor. 7, 1939. A DDrored `tor. 7, 1439. INoe. 11, 1939) COUN MEN Adopted by the CouncilNQd_ _--f 1.___-193— Yeas Nays 4t Bss tic";' tip rin9lan Approved I'arranto ettprson .-------ln Favor sen Mayor iTruax -----Against ,Mr. President (Fallon) 6M 0.38 cs od'.bwl to City eletk V `)4 - CITY OF ST. PAUL rl�r .t No. _______—_—_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED TY DATE -�OY�1er-� 1939-c,. F.�atraon WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Education has reynrted to thv Council in accordance with Section 53, ur i-, City Charter the existence of an emergency whim renders ,l necessary the employment of certain employes I -,t ht: department for more than their usual hours of emjtlry ment; therefor, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city of.Ficers a..' thorized to pay the fcllowt n,q named er-/,1,--- rate otherwise fined for extra emf: r . time hereinafter- set forth: NAME TITLE TIME R.4TF TOTAI, Hamlin Branch Library William Katiing Janitor -Engineer 19 (Overtime for month of October) .64$ $12.26 ['. F. Nu. 1168!1—I4r Axel F. Petereou— R'herexx, the Col—d—ioner ,f I:du- catlon hnx reported to !fie Counrll In .r dance with Section :.3. of [he Cltr nharter, the ex Ixof of x ergen<•)' which tendered n ..y tthenemploy mt of rennin _PI.yee of hl_Ioport- •nl for n e than their I tai hours i�ftem Plo y m1ent: therefore, bex It Hexol red, Chet the proper city otHcers e hereby a thorized to pay the fol- lowing n coed employee. nl the rate otherwixex laxed for ex [ra em ptoym ads for extra time hereinafter set forth: Hnmline 13r—h Li br.,y N'llllam Kading. Jeri tor -Engineer - 19 hrx. @ S.64%. $12.36 (Overtime for month of rlctober) Adopted by the Connell Nov. 7. 1939. Approved N.V. 7. 1!139. IN— 11. 1939) W 71N COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- _ _ -193 Yeas Nays g) 7, 1939 arfuss Findlan ' APproted-_ -----193 - Parranto _ Yeterson - - --_ln Fat -(W � � ' � Mayor "Rosen Truax -- Against I/Mr. President (Fallon) 5M 11-38 CS FORM NO. 1 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the followi ng,`work: To keep the Hamlin Branch Library oven and to i an h,+41-74no_ This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessary to keep this building ouem on mocount of special activities at buildi s. This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. Librarian PJ -IIB 116848 aleln.ne City a.� r(. " N O. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF .THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLU"y I -GENERAL FORM PPP 2`SdIl (J_--___ DATE— ,_-_ COMMIRESENTED BY SSIONER A RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Cornelius Shea, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.67 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Education on the 8th day of October 1939; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Cornelius Shea the sum of $58.68 out of the Workmen's Compen- sation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including November 4, 1939, c. F. No. 116948—ny Axel F. reterxnn— Iteaolrea, that the DroPer clty taco rx he and u,er are nerenr a u,C.- to C.—Ii— "t Into iding faro the iP ]tnenLlluf Shea. Pr lion to him at the to of Penn he a per Ntota during x rh time ae he [hall hn totally dlxah led bW ¢neon of ienplex r c Iced by nim hue In th wennl no'he h`tlh d Y o[ ort.t he it nnlxnce Further lieaulr ed, that in a etacersnid engere.hy n authorihe zeder to pltY to xI, Cornelia[ Shea the s of E6�.6R ,It of the "'orkmen'n Com Penxxtlon' Aoeount at the General Fund. in Par-;. tial settlement othhixpelrioa -!nst tlne � It1. 1939. nn udinR No -ember 4, Adopted byy the Cour cll Nor. �, 1939. .I APpr��red N v. ' 1939. (No,.X11, 1939) 0 ll' 7 10193 -- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council®-_ Yeas , Nays isadussy ^' Approved— V ---_.-193 .riindlan -'t'arranto , In Favor -- - yor ,Peterson iifosen . -Against Mr. President (Fallon) nM 6 39 es 0,1,1-11. CHI, Cl A • 11684.9 • CITY OF ST. PAUL .��E �� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU?+efit- RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY v`�•J CO M M I SS ION ER_F _r$.d_ -T2'-llag___.___-._._ _.___ __..___— -.__— _DATE_. _____ND.iC�- J�,__� --___ RESOLVED that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to refund the sum of $1,00 to S. Mauretad, 766 Wells Street, which sum was paid for a journeyman plasterer's license No. 3832, issued by mistake, the Board not having approved the application of said S. Maurstad. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays fuss indlan ,4arranto /Peterson IA Favor Posen 1 Truax -- ---Against Mr. President (Fallon) t F, Nn, 116849—n)' F. M. Trua. — - helandlthelytare hhat lereby ltatl—l—I tenes d Sir Mnur t. atndr¢rand Wellsu Street. w 66hich xuin w" Pnid fur Jou n¢yman I, —er. lleenxe Nn. :1682, Iaaued by Ix - take, the f3nu rJ not havinp, appro5'ed Ihr tPPllrntiun of wild C. Maurxtad. ,,d 'Pte by tile. t•ounell Nnr. �pprot 1 Nor. 7. 19.19. iNnS. IT, 19:19) x Npy 71939 Adopted by the Council 193 y 7 i° Approved– — _--_.— –193 _ Mayor W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks ,I Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS'.) 443 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner ::on. john � '. :"cCon ^lc„,. r Corroa:,' nCou-1:;01 516 cit- St. it St. Paul, _ .eoota Please :n_^_re a csolr.at_-cm -rov Cin a r nd ol.0 to S. 7ta st^_d, 766 .,ell Street, ;^ornlac- toreris license :o. 3232. Ph'.. 11conse issuedl sta' e n' .; .e -or. lid not :cove th_s an lication.� ti"otu � ,truh , Cit��Arclzitoct ppow to qty Ono 116850 CITY OF ST. PAUL r��n NO. OFFICE- OF THE CITY CLERK -- COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 1� N° 116xao-ny F. H. •rran.<— /,_..- \5'h Brenn is provided by C-01 Fit, No. 116611, ppr,,Id Onto Ver 30, 1939, the Council dla, on the d any or No - PRESENTED BY �.L t„I «tuber, 1639, t[ tcn o'clock A. M. In COMMISSIONER '�' -_-. _ ___ __ -DATE the Councli Cb -bb- or the Court _ lib une dna lnr 11,11, hold n public -----------.. ..----- -- ----------- hen ring upon the ndvlunb lint nna ne- ,city if eck'ng tltsst tett nln WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 116571, approved October 10, 1939, the Council did, on the 3rd day of November, 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain two-story brick building located on the following described property, to -wit: (Except a triangle in the southeast corner being 85 feet on Stillwater Avenue and 85 feet on Corning Avenue) beginning at inter- section of center line of Phalen Street and Stillwater Avenue, thence north 70 degrees 151 east along center line of Stillwater Avenue 212.23 feet, thence northerly along center line of Corning Avenue 238 feet, thence westerly 141.49 feet, thence south- erly 20 feet to north wall of building, thence westerly 10 feet, thence southerly along point wall 14.15 feet, thence westerly 10 feet, thence southerly 18.91 feet, thence westerly 114.39 feet along center line of Court to easterly line of Northwest Wheel & Foundry Company's Addition, thence southerly along said easterly line to northerly line of Stillwater Avenue produced west, thence easterly along said northerly line to center line of Phalen Street aforesaid, thence to beginning; being part of.3WJ of NW} of Sec- tion 27, Town 29, Range 22; also described as No. 1319 Stillwater Avenue, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax -- .----Against Mr. President (Fallon) 5M 6 3n I's Adopted by the CounciW_ 71910 _193_— NOV ' Approved_._-_.__—__ ----------------- ------ Mayor ' Cj&141 W C11Y Ooh I.. No. 116850 CITY OF ST. PAUL r�E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY " COMMISSIONER— _ __. -.__— _ __._ ___—.—_DATE—___ (2) RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal thereof, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commis- sioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas/Nays Ba�uss ndlan /Y`arranto Peterson ,1�osen ,Truax Mr. President (Fallon) 5M 6-U Cs NOV ITA Adopted by the Council __ --193 Appp—roov�edd__—__% _ 193_... __ In Favor Mayor /7_ --Against CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 3rd, 1939 Mr. John w. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Siri The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the two—story brick building located at 1319 Stillwater Ave. on property as described in the attached file. Yours very truly, i <�� S G c-<ia�N✓ City Clerk. ghWl to atr Detk.i 116851, CITY OF ST. PAUL � NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �t %j/f ,��x7 DATE_I1ZC13LP.7YlZ%eT—-a-�-9 Resolved, That the purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Model 1522 Multigraph Folding Machine complete with automatic feed and standard motor, from the MULTIGRAPH SALES & SERVICE AGENCY, at a total cost not to exceed $345.00, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arEuss _,rindlan Ffarranto Peterson _Rosen 'TrI.ax —_Mr. President (Fallon) nes o as cn Charge Water Department Fund F. N... ursul—ls> N\'. A. P,vrmm�— itranlred, Thnt thr Purrh natng Agenl h�, and h t to here h)' an th nrfzed to pur- hear. gill, ih,. 5 1•of the f'omD- tr„w.r, , Nma�la�_2 Nmlugr:,nn I�„IdinK Nin,hine , mnlelo with auto - nth feed : nri alnndard otor, from the N "Y. at It,\1.11 SA LF:S I, 9F. P.V nr,F:Nr1', at o hHal coat not [u e --d aas.on. �rnnent ,akmg ror "ron peiitirr hate. na thia is a pato twl "It rae d ndrnhtugr rnnld he gnlnelhero Ay. e AN' t, nen„rtmrnt Fuml. Adoptod hr tl,o ('nt 11 Nor. ,, , N„r. 11, 19191 Nov ” 193 Adopted by the Council_ 193— NO '939 Approved 193— In Favor '-11Iayor Against 0 COUNCIL FILE NO.---- INTERMEDIARY O.__— INTERMEDIARY ORDER. I.No. 11,0 = 116852 Ia ^hah Knit INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sewer in the Alley in Chas. Weide's Rearrangement of Block 6, Nelson's Addition to the City of St. Paul from a point 240 feet west of Forest Street to the sewer in Forest Streetj also grading and shaping the Alley from a point 280 feet west of Forest Street to a point 200 feet west of Forest Street, under Preliminary Order_ 116266 __--approved September 15 1939. ____ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sewer in the Alley in Chas. Weida's Rearrangement of Block 6, Nelson's Addition to the City of St. Paul from a point 240 feet west of Forest Street to the sewer in Forest Street. Also grade and shape the Alley from a point 280 feet west of Forest Street to a point 200 feet west of Forest Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 428 44• Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 5th day of December , 193 9 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear^ ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council____ Nov ouncil _Nov _ 1.7—� 19p3 j — Nov 7 W 193— --- City Clerk Approved 4r -- -"V — Mayor, File 8824 Councilman VjGDgpal Councilman Mar_, ;3 p,,,,i, Councilman Pearce - Councilman Rosen Councilman Truax ; :, J�l+Yiti1.IS1ILD // ` Councilman Wvnzs1:=/- i Mayor 'v ehoary Form B. S. A. 8-6 3 853 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT- AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING 11. kVKON AND FIXING TME OF G`. Ti K AWARD OF DAMAGE In the matter of__condemninpt and taking an easement i -n the land necessary -for slopes, ----------------- cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 3, Kensington Park Addition from Albert Avenue to Pascal Avenue, IaE80LVTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING A98EBBMIDNT AND FIXING TIME OF READING TIIEIIEON AND FIXING TIME O " D :' IRIvG O\ ;71 under Preliminary Order__ 115565______________, approved___ July_14­ 1939__________--------, Intermediary Order --------116292 -------------- I approved___ September 19,_1939 --------_---, Final Order ---------------11§914 -------------- approved ---- October_17,_ 1939___________--__ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- - - Atk he____--6th ---------- day of ------- Deesmbpr------------- 19_$@_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. NOV ? 10 Adopted by the Council------------------------�r,i���� d il'� �' - City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19--- File 8794 _ „-�-------- ----------- --- ----�---Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman Ferguson Councilman MCDonald •,.,.,;.,.n �� Councilman Pearce Councilman Roliland Councilman Sudheimer=— Mayor L_ - J:. ... . i Petition G-142 Cou—ncil File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Pa1.11, viz.: GT.4d@..@I3d..$ilt ✓ gC.@..tbe. A�1eY..�T! .9�RCk .1., .Golden ,Bantam. Addition., .and ................. lots 17 and 24, Hannahts Como Villa, from Hoyt Ave. to a point 20 feet ... .... north of the south•iine ofHennahf.s.ComoNilla....41so oonstruot a newer........... in the easement to be obtained on the north 8 feet of the south 19 feet ......... ...o£ 1ot'41'131ock'1� Golden" Baritad,Additiah. Dated this, .7?........da y of...........november......_........ .... 1y39..... N", 116854— 4 .\be tr t. Whereas. A then proton,' for ' w ---.. making of the follow',? In PRELIMINARY ORDER. ! '" WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade..and,arface. the.Alley.in.Block..l, Golden Bantam Addition, and . ............ lots 17 and 24, Hannah's Como Villa, from Hoyt Ave. to a point 20 feet north -of..he south line of Hannah1-s Coma.Villa . Alao..construct..a.-sewer ........... In the easement to be obtained on the north 8 feet of the south 19 feet ...... """"'bf lb't' 4;"Blbak"1'; ' G62fl�x1"B'art'tam' Addition,.—"'' """""' .. .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Noy '? 1939 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT ^\` Iti 12-38 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 116855 Council File No ................ C. W. No. 118888— AbetraoC. WI nr , A written Drr• +enl 'ar IH•' a� 'r the frn,'�-r�v The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condom.... g. and, taking..an. easement• ,dor..the„Purpgoe..of ..00notrncting..an&.main-.... taming a public sewer ong under and across the north 8 feet of the ........ south. 19- feet. -of .1•ot•4,•-Block-1•y• Golden. Bantam•Addition-from -Dunlap street .. to the Alley in the rear of said lot. Also condemning and taking tem— ......... ........... •"porary"easetdAlitg'fbT'ctyiistrdbtioli''puTptises on'two strips of land eac.h 5 feet . in width. ,one . on. ,the• north, s$ de . q$„and..gAe..QA . the. mouth. aide..of. . above permanent easement. g Dated this ....... 7th .... day of. November Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A oritten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and main— ••'''ta'ming''g'public''i3'9>tr8r'oris'iiriHeT'arid''scross'th'e'rio'rtki B feet of the south 19..feet, of. lot„4n- • Bloc,$.,7 �..(#oldep. &�at. n.edditi on. from.D=lap. Street ..... to the Alley in the rear of said lot. Also condemning and taking tem— poaary•easeIm-te--for•-eonatruetion purposes- on two strips of -land each 5 feet in width, one on the north aide and one on the south side o.. the ......... abore, permanent, easement: .................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoijgtR3Wrs to the Commissioner of Finance. quty J����11 Adopted by the Council........... ....................................... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT ist 12.3e ,= � i*V Mayor. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER 116856 Council File No ................ I'. I". No. 1168 71W , A w/tienct. ^4 f the 10.. 1 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts ....................................................................................................... and .fill.s. the. grading. and.,aurPeaing of Alley in Block 1, Golden .8eRt4�. Addition,, and, lots,l7, and. 24,. Hannahta..Como Villa,..from Hayt Ave. to a.170i12.t.20..feet. APfith. o..t?le..t3oP.W..line. of, Hannah!, Como Villa�41 ...... Datedthis.....?itb......day of ................ November........... .: 193..9... ...........- .L �:. ::.......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts ...... ...... ............. .........slid.�j1�8..i;t..thQ..gFaang..and..eurfaci..of,Alley.in Block..lx Goldcn.................. ......... Rant...AddiLten,..and.]Rt.a.J7..and.24,. FIannap!s.Como„Villa,,. from. H.oyt.Ave.,.to.. ......... a. point, 20 .feet north of the south line of Hannah[ s Como Villa. -F ........................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoinj s to the Commissioner of Finance. Nov Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS [pp Councilman BARFUSS Approved ......................:.... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROS EN .............. TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT 111 12.38 ^ i May PWBLISHED �� �� NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. 15l TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER November 6-4019-- 4019---- RESQLLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT �+�+7.754.71 64975 OF $ , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO 64.E INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF IHE CITY COMPTROLLER. / ISM ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL i93 ' • �s.d–�. �_.-��:� fel " 5 A i IIT. COM—OGLER APPROVED_ ��193 � BY NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 11686' COUNCIL FILE NO. November 3 9 les_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN OFkTHE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT r OF $ �v ' COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 5 TO E INCLUSIVE, AS PER ,{ N 7 r � t'. Ir. \uy. IIfiS5i—IlBb' y �Il CHEC s b% OFU IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. "" 71�111.r^ M, NOV 71939 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL i93^'' __7Y COMPT APPROVED—�� �193_ - / 7 CITY OF SAINT PAUL • /yqA DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL }.. �•1 �,� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER._.._ -- -- - ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN IN FAVOR'I November AUDITED CLAIMS _ 3 9- PETERSON 193 ROSEN TRUA% AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY W ENEEL I TO THE AGGREGA":E AMOUNT OF S ' —.COVERING MR FRES FALLON �iNrr 1 ® CHECY.S NUMBER— J( T IN CLU SI��/V///jjj���. AS 1\� I���l PER CHECKS Oj!'F�L�`�1FI TY CLER ADOPTED BY THE —NCI 17- ouv APPROVED —NOV — 193--- NUMBER X96 S 1.0 Ay— TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF RETURNED CHECK ANSFER D158U RSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD • 64875 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance l 010 89 64876 John 3. Findlan, C. of Finance 112 586 87 64877 John S. Finnan, C. of Finance 22 157 50 64878 D.W. Hickey & Company, Inc. 995 42 64879 Kohler Ice Cream Mix, Inc. Assignee 581 89 64880 Winton Christianson 100 00 64881 Joe Coria 100 r CITY OF SAINT PAUL • /yqA DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL }.. �•1 �,� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER._.._ -- -- - ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN IN FAVOR'I November AUDITED CLAIMS _ 3 9- PETERSON 193 ROSEN TRUA% AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY W ENEEL I TO THE AGGREGA":E AMOUNT OF S ' —.COVERING MR FRES FALLON �iNrr 1 ® CHECY.S NUMBER— J( T IN CLU SI��/V///jjj���. AS 1\� I���l PER CHECKS Oj!'F�L�`�1FI TY CLER ADOPTED BY THE —NCI 17- ouv APPROVED —NOV — 193--- NUMBER X96 S 1.0 Ay— TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF RETURNED CHECK ANSFER D158U RSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 9750 00 365 755 45 BROUGHT FORWARD • 64875 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 128 010 89 64876 John 3. Findlan, C. of Finance 112 586 87 64877 John S. Finnan, C. of Finance 22 157 50 64878 D.W. Hickey & Company, Inc. 995 42 64879 Kohler Ice Cream Mix, Inc. Assignee 581 89 64880 Winton Christianson 100 00 64881 Joe Coria 100 00 64882 Eddie Landeen 100 00 64883 J.V. Sauey Nursery Company 105 00 64884 Charles . Bruess 70 00 64885 Fitzhugh & Robert A. Burns 25 00 64886 F.J. Campbell 150 21 64887 Cutler. Magner Company 231 65 64888 General Electric Supply Corp. 1 252 79 64889 Louis A. Gilbert 8 00 64890 Miss Lettisha Henderson 100 00 64891 Int. Harvester Company 1 507 80 64892 Jacks Mfg. Company 52 92 64993 Lampert Lumber Company 53 90 4 John Leslie Paper Company 25 84 64895 Master Materials & Fuels, Inc. 13 84 64896 F.J. Morse & Company 95 15 64897 Motor Power Equipment Company 395 00 64898 St.Paul Builders Material Company 90 01 64899 St.Paul White Lead & oil Company 78 84 64900 U.S. Collector of Int. Revenue 2 00 64901 Villaume Box & Lumber Company 396 65 64902 Woodstook Typewriter Company 402 50 64903 John Lennon 4o Go 64904 Rihm Motor Company 735 00 64905, J.hn S. Findlan, Co of Finance }35 55 64906 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 480 50 64907 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 55 00 64908 John .S. Findlan, C. of Finance 758 55 64,49 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 120 00 64910 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 14 530 86 64911 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 99 55 64912 John 3. Findlan, C. of Finance 50 00 64913 County welfare Board 12 935 50 64914 County Welfare Board 51 401 0'S 64915 Mrs. Harriet Jane Gay 23 04 64916 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 22 90 • 64917 Mrs. Agnes Weiss 25 56 64918 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 9 750 00 64919 Homer Gannaway 14 55 64920 Mary Mc9herry & L.L.Anderson 650 00 64921 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 111 25 64922 County welfare Board 11 888 98 64923 Crane Company 51 77 64924 Graybar TCleetric Company 6 90 64925 M. Hiner 20 00 64926 ' .J. Koch Company 216 58 64927 3t.Paul Voc.Sehool Revl.Fund 92 69 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 9750 00 365 755 45 I f I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 9750 00 365 755 45 I � > I I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITYOF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F�ENrJUMBER ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN IN PETERSON AGAINST AUDITED CLAIMS �{ PETERSON -.November 6 19lA_ R OSEN TRUA% RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL I. THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF _ COVERING MR PRES FALLON ��'�(fyL CHECKS NUMBERED_- __ �_1 (] INCLUSIVE AS "'�"4' �U`S PER CHECKSON L 0 CE 5 �C Y CO _ ROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ --- -- j APPROVED - _J�A�- -- NUMBER4.� soo M Y_ —i9L TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF - - - RETURNED CHECK TRANSFERURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS OI SCHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 9 75Q OQ 365755.45 ® 64928 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 820 96 25 64929 Mike Riley j451 50 64930 E.B. Malik 64931 Mrs. Charles Tuchner 32 00 64932 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 13 467 85 64933 John 4. Findlan, C. of Finance 8 993 49 64934 C.F. Scully Equipment Company 16 248 58 00 64935 C.H. Rosecrans Electric Company 64936 Standard Stone Company 50 00 64937 Buffalo Fire Appliance Corporation 11 574 85 64938 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Company 71 41 64939 Commonwealth Electric Company 23 00 64940 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 88 j5 64941 General Electric Supply Corp. 62 41 64942 Guaranteed tionorete Company 82 30 64943 Lampland Lumber Company 381 22 64944 McKesson wholesalers, Inc. 44 74 64945 F.J. Morse Company 58 19 64946 National Lead Company 361 95 64947 Northern States Power Company io 9og 69 64946 North Star Varnish Company 192 42 64949 sharp and Dohme, Inc. 37 89 64950 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1315 55 64951 John S. Findlan, C, of Finance 4 632 85 64952 Mrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian 4o o0 64953 MTs. Mabel Murphy 49 56 64954 A 1 stenographic Bureau 20 68 64955 Addressograph Sales Agency 41 92 64956 Air Reduction sales Company 64957 Burroughs Adding Machine Company 8 00 64958 Central S�dentiflm Company 97 70 64959 Chicago Apparatus Company 65 10 64960 Coca Cole Bottling Company 106 40 64961 Mrs. Ruby Cogel 21 00 64962 Crane Company 90 55 64963 Tlvin First Aid Supply Company 17 05 64964 General Chemical Company 944 a6 64965 Goodrioh-Silvertown stores, Inc. 124 02 64966 n.L. Gould & Company 38 19 64967 The Grinnell Company 76 72 64966 Heokrich-Webb, Inc. 2 92 64969 R.T. Hulme Company 4 32 64970 Mark Hurd Air Manning Corp. 51 DO 64971 Int. Fuel Company 666 72 64972 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company 15 94 6497 Kennedy_Polefuse Company 84 84 6497 Kremer Auto Sprang Company 1 27 64975 Larry's Auto Glass Company 13 00 64976 Lee -Hoff Mfg. Company 16 75 64977 Link B,,lt 9upnly Company 21 5 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 9 750 oO 436 oo4 71. i I 116859 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR Raimo R co DFEMXSTiON r ' ¢wegns of nemecros ea Fa9MIL'NT TPEFF. ^�Ip, In the matter of__opening,_widening_and_eztendingan alley_20 feet_in_wldth scroas____ Lots 15, 16 and 17, Suburban Acre Lots, by taking and condemning a strip of land 20 feet in width across the East one-half of Lot 15, across Lot 16 and a strip of land 10 feet in width being the southerly 10 feet of the North one-half of Lot 17, said alley being midway between Watson and Hartford, and connecting the existing 20 foot alley to the east and west of said description, under Preliminary Order-__ 115562_____________, approved-___ July_141- 1989-_______-__-_____, Intermediary Order -------- ).15495-------------- approved____ August_22— 1989______ -______- Final Order _______________ 116261-___________ approved ..... September_19,_ 1989 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. sxxxaaxa x1e;i=ikxdjdmexsiuK Adopted by the Council ------ Np__u - 81939 f Nn l 81939 City Clerk. Approved ------------------------,19---- / �V�� File 8758 ----------- �V- -�---------------- -ior_.- Councilman Councilman�cyon DonaCCouncilman - Councilman "eaice Councilman 96hland Councilman %&Re' _ ...-l' n: �s"mss Mayor -�t(Z Mr. Viae V.- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND A -- rrrmq In the matter of__openingl_wideninjgand_ extend ing_an- alley_20_feet_in_width_aoross- Lots 15, 16 and 17, Suburban Acre Lots, by taking and condemning a strip of land 20 feet in width across the East one-half of Lot 15, across Lot 16, and a strip of land 10 feet in width being the southerly 10 feet of the North one-half of Lot 17, said alley being midway between Watson and Hartford, and connecting the existing 20 foot alley to the east and west of said description, 11b662 ', under Preliminary Order- - approved ------ July ----14,------1939 ----------------------------- Intermediary Order ________ 116008_____- approved ----- August_221 1939------------------------ _ Final Order ---------------116281 ------ approved_____ September 191_193_9_-------------------- TO ________-___ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable_; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ----------- -------- Commissioner of Finance. I Hon. John S. yindl" Com6r. of i inane City Hall Hcv- g, 1939 AttentionL Hr. L. C. Suer Dear Sirt In the matter of opening, widening, and eAtending a 20 -foot alley across Lots 15, 16, and 1.7, Suburban Aore Lots, sto., under P. 0. 115562, the Council authorised you to increase the award of damages (for moving back the garege) to the Nord - quiet property $15.00 so as to be $90.00 if, in your opinion, such an increased award is justified. Yours very traly, City Clerk. ' DEPARTMENT OF MINNESOTA, Inc. • DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS OF THE WORLD WAR RAYMOND T. FLYNN. M: rvrvewvoL�e DcrARTncvT CDuuAV Dcn WILLIAM JENSEN. H -L.1 crvwrL.:ry WILLIAM STEWART. ST. P—L Sev:oR V:ce.CD...... WILLIAM HOSHAL, Hiee1rve J. ADvo<wTe SIGURD I.. DUCLETT. DoL Juv:oR V:c--CouwnvD eR J. W. CARDWELL. Mivvewro L:e PACT DevT. C... A.D.R DR. JOHN E. SOPER, M:NHEwv0 J. L. MONNAHAN __T n T:a RrvT T—A—E. nAT. raw Rennes �TwT: u vv�ceR MI NNEA PO LI STRMINNESOTA - ;ovemut r 7, 191,119 Hon. William Fallon ','ayor of St. Paul 8t. Paul, "innes)ta ^y dear :..ayor : a7l.on: It hac. lust come to my a'tentlon that 1.1iere is an atter-pt be'_n,. n a-Lic to ppcn and eztcnd an alley tv:enty fact in v✓irth across Lots 16 ani! 1`r, suburban Lcre Lots, runnin parallel_ an- between atson arn.i ---rtfor� .i-Enues, :t. Faul, an,_. crossc�se to ani between levclan,i an,: 'retro ;.venues, . Paul. It appears tr,,,t there wee land dediorri:cC for an alley towar% t?'.e levela^.d end of this rroposc:'. aIle;]. It `'.:rtt � r a� ear❑ �' t '.1 ire rale 'Deer, some puu.lic } car_`r;ts re�,a.rc�nt; the e,:Lendln_ o" t is .11ey j t t.t,. t notice acre not fur1l S e' the ropert,; ovm_rs whos e propertT 1,outs t1is proposer a -J ley, ,viaently ceCa1rc, t:hc land h-, ti previously been uetlicatell fnr that p'l_rrose. It furti.cr appears I. ,at abut t}:e only rem le *.r_terestei! in Llne open_nC or est.en`'rn;, o:' t" E; alley are the people who live ncr r the ,retin enii of Lhe a uey, and 1. nasmuch as ti�l_re is ilrepuy open an alley on tails end, and 'na�7r­it lh as it docs not apncar teat an,,;one oo,dd. benefit ti?e alley u(:' erten ued Deer t1,.e loLs.rove , entioncd end Inas^,u ch Lot l� i o .ne! y .'o eph Rutz, a !.isaule _ veteran va} o }-las :,een una'ole to pay the taxes this t: roperLy c,nu r.1; "it lose 'is pror.:-rt-r if an:; a itior.al c-:penses wire incl:rred t'rcrcon, and, fn rt rerr.ore, inaamuch as it ap. r,ars that t`is 911ey wniild not be cornlutou ,ring L; c, c,lr ent •;rear, anti '.naslcuch as it wou1L: at pea r �r at it mi tt be rorc if �i anit forutz to :1%posc o': l.l's roperty i f an a:Ile-,.- :vas o1 encG ^ cross tl o lots, sm. '..ccaase of so prop, -^t',' `:wn ro row not '.eSiI' n•E� an ':l ley in the rear O;' their nrop<.rtg, sn�n r a s:uch s r ;iui t �::,;�L' ase^r thI-.t, is t.'cis alley is op�er_eu req­rLe r, tiltz to 1 -ave. Lo plat the land_ as cit', l ots rat,!-cr tr,an sr.ou� an lots 2rcaiJse o1 lots ee•nL di ­iced, 1 �ouln ppre.ce :ou r, n. c c:ecJe-n o: ,rorar council -.ol ink, tl.is ft "SERVICE. -OF. BY. AND FOR THE DISABLED" ems°' DEPARTMENT OF MINNESOTA, Inc • DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS OF THE WORLD WAR RAYMOND T FLYNN. M'rv­­­ Qp WILLIAM rvv en ­ JENSEN. H�ncs Ler 0.1 -T. -T C.... WiLLIAM.STEWART. ST PAWILLIAM HOSHAL. S—- V- C... A.— J-- A.—AT. SIGUR DI DUCLETT. 0-1. J. W. CARDWELL. ­­ ­E­­A1­ I P- D-1 Cl.—l— DR JOHN E. S PER M—I.I.— J. L. MONNAHAN _T M I N ^, LIS. INNESOTA : r. 'allcn .natter °,nucyance, or else rcjectinL the !:roposal at t zs brae, 'd me as -1 �o rot frCl t�jl_t '!c11 0-1 ­em_f-�rs of the 'ity '.'o'm'_1 I "';o�'j C,-,rc to work any hardship cn a , lsablec: vctor,- ,-- or to cause one tolose �I!s property wll,en, it �'iocs not el,near tnat, an alley wo 11 1, i �_ e o' any _'Cnefit to anyone (,.oncerned at this time. 6 Sincerely an_ respectfully YO!Irs, '"_nnahan ft SERVICE --OF. BY. AND FOR THE DISABLED" s wlmp.. Ud1bw to Uty Gk 1168o CITY OF ST. PAUL nu" NO. lllJ() J}� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK lJ� rIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM CP,tOMM19S ONE Y DATE November 9, 1939 RESOLVED: That license for Heetapplication 37686, On Sale Malt Beverage. application 37697, and off a Malt Beverage, application 37699, applied for by Algoth M. Mattaa>q a 6 Lafond St, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council. Nov. 7, 1939 Old Location. COUNCILMEN YeasNays ar( ss Fi�_�ndlan —K�iTanto 'Peterson , osen u rP�resid 61N �� }tFPS;riPttt, F. No. IlgYfia_Ity. O. H. unrruwH �- — W a. Pnrrnnto-1•, M. Truns— i n;tronived. That Ilcenee [or Reautu neveraKe Il��tppll-Ijoe8,9867S le Malt, 3nlPe Malt Bever¢ye, gpplioa tion 878RR, h-1 11�d for Lorond St be ad 3the A _een ne hereby granted and Gere City Cle `an In In.[runted to I..ur h iloenaea pun tui• payment Into the elty tre¢aury ell 'the oqulred fee.. r11N Nov. 3n fl D3 -l1,1' qP... tlon. by Coun Adopted by the (`ounrll Nov. R. 193p A PPrm'ed Nov. X. 1939. INov. 11, 19391 C Nov 8193.9 Adopted by the Council 193— Approvedd NOV 819M 193— / In Favor � ayor Against ods" t. CITY OF ST. PAUL COU CIL No. --.�_-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /� //OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTER_ a}y.V ____ November 6, 1939 RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 37629, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 37630, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 37631, applied for by Henry O. Young at 385 Robert St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Uf.Approved by Council, 11-2-39 Old Location for Restaurant New Location for On Sale 3.2 F111 COUNCILMEN Yeas 11 Nays aduss / Fin Ian a�rranto to Favor .Pei�terson �A.osen Against WeVd n em a -i TcNice l retudestt klmMw No. 116861—R>• O. MH. Uarfual— N. A. Purrxnto—F. . Trunz— Rrolved. That license for Reatan- nt, RI aPli cation :1 ati76"_A, On Snle Malt Rrverage• IPP llvation 37630, and OR,, gale Balt Rev -rage, nppllcation 37631,' appl led for by Henry G. Yo..K at 385 Robert St. bu d the xxt a are horeby granted Ind lhlg, City !•leak h in- t—ted to Ixale xleh neea.ea I% payment Into the ei t)• treaxary of I he reaulr-d fees. Informnll,y Pproved by Couneii. Nov. I A3U. Of nlocn tion for Reatuurant: v io-n [Inn for On S.1. 3.3. n eA dnpted b th- Council No.', \PpI ed Nov. 8. IA3 A. I1ll INnv, tl, 1836) -- Adopted by the Councils Q R 1939 193— Nov 81939 Approved_ 193—. Mayor od.l.r m u.d • CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESEN31bNER_ r DATE J, COMMISRESOLVED; CO. n��l� NO. f November S, 1939 Yeas � Nays Re-1-1. That llcen,esPPI[ed rur the Penn'. na d on the Ilei t- That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the d ty treasury of the required fees: Clarence Wolf 11 W. 9th St. Barber Opp. 37626 New Old Loca. Ray Walsh 205 Concord St. Gas Station " 376+7 " E. V. Coulter & N. H. McRae � 1648 Grand Ave. Gas Station " 37659 " A. C. Roth 721 Arcade St. Gas Station " 37663 " Nes Loca. Erickson Oil Co. 826 Hastings Ave. Cas Station II 37683 " Old Loca. Ed Carr 566 Wabasba St. Rothstein Bros. 949 Payne Ave. Bessie Neice 397 N. Dale St. Wm. Sommerfeldt & Stephen E. Pink 857 Rondo St. COUIjCILMEN Fo. 116862-13y \P. A. P.-soto— I�. b1. Tr un -G. H. Et r& a— Yeas � Nays Re-1-1. That llcen,esPPI[ed rur the Penn'. na d on the Ilei t- Ba ss than �tached to this resolution be ed thsame e Clerk a1.e Instrhere ucted to Isgrented sue sUnd ehC1It.t P ranto cense, upon the payment Into the city � eYerson Z In Favor _2Against sitlectL' - sat e-1[2r�Jice i'mstdrnt (1Y't1SMi � MEN= 7KJXM " 2nd Hand Dealer " 37661 Of Old Loca. Butcher " 37616 " Old Loos. Butcher " 37637 " Old Loca. Butcher " 37656 " Old Loca. Fo. 116862-13y \P. A. P.-soto— I�. b1. Tr un -G. H. Et r& a— Re-1-1. That llcen,esPPI[ed rur the Penn'. na d on the Ilei t- �tached to this resolution be ed thsame e Clerk a1.e Instrhere ucted to Isgrented sue sUnd ehC1It.t cense, upon the payment Into the city treasury f the required [see .4 1 Adopted by the Council Nor.. 8, 1939. App roved Nov. 8, 1889. 'Nov. 11, 1939) � NOV - - g 193— Adopted by the Council NOV 8139 Approved 193— -" — Zayor odewl to Oty Oakd��V ' CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. " NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUDI6LL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYi' ATE_ COMMISSIONER Zruu D WESB B, by Council pile No. 118863, approved October 18, 1939, the Council detersined that the two brick buildings In the rear of No. 199-901 *est Seventh Street, being the west 30 feet of Lot 13, Block 83, Rice 6 Irvine's Addition, are unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wreaked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-18 of Ordinanoe No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said buildings have not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and public Buildings be and he is hereby authorised and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structures, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ar s % Findlan iParranto eterson In Favor --Rosen . __ Against ..`` �,1�� tea*�,yy��.,,.�..��� .5M Mv. >1 Itesident (aV=0 Adopted by the Councim q 8 1 193— NOV 8 1939 Approved 193_— CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota r� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 7, 1939 Mr. John W. ![cConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 3) authorizing and directing the Comer. of Parks, P. & P. B. to enter upon the premises and tear down and remove the two brick buildings in the rear of 199-201 W. Seventh St. Yours very truly, Iti City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN _ ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supi. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner a CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Coinwwoner I'Iovember 6, 1939 Tion. Council. City of St. Paul 'entlemen: Co:,ncil. . ile '?o. 116653 ado ;tod the -o�. nc41 on Octcber 13,1939, has been `rta�.led ;:r. S.JD, arvrood, c/o eo. -ehan, 212 'Cndicoti; '_suilding. This re;olution had r-ference to t'�e conclennat' on of ' he t,wo bricit building s in the rear of 199-201 '.Vo2t Seventh Street, located on the v;^st 30 feet of Lot 13, r -lock 53, Rice Trvi.ne's Addi- tion. In actor -ante vr-tY: the last .-)esamrapl: of t'. -.e above named resolution, nay I advise thc.t no anneal has boon made for a rehearin: of th's condemnat`on. Y truly, 42 IL� �l Architect j LA .. T: od,ipd to at, auk IOU 116864 .�� . CITY OF ST. PAUL `" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. -11686+—By F. W. Truax— COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM whereas by Council File No. 116666, l ppro—o bctober 18, 1939, the Council v determined that that oerta+n dn'e111,F. PRESENTED BY A 'located L ]6, R1. + n COMMISSIONER 2n= s/w _ DATEJBrookiyndot . alter .- Alabah id's. '9d1: nue -_-- WHEREAS, by Council Pile No. 116668, approved October 18, 1939, the Council determined that that certain dwelling located on Lot 10, Block 18, town of Brooklynd, also described as No. 32.0 Alabama Street, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoin- ing property and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, PlaygrovaM and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said uneafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. 19 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncilNOV 81939_193_ - Yeas Nays Bar uss NOV 81939 '['indlan Approved — 193___ -Varranto Peterson In FavorAlto' sen 11 yor Against l CITY OF SAINT PAUL�� Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 7, 1939 Mr. John N. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requests& that you prepare a resolution (No. 3) authorizing and directing the Comer. of Parks, P. & P. B. to enter upon the premises and tear down and remove the dwelling at 320 Alabama St. on Lot 10, Block 12, Town of Brooklynd. Yours very truly, City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks - Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commiuioner November 6, 1?39 Hoi�" Co-ncil City of St. caul =entle en: Council =ile -0. 11665 relative to the condemnation of the dvrellin; on Lot 1 `51oc1: 12, ^ov:n of �rool:l•md, also lazovrn as 320 Alabama Strc;et, has b,on Nailed to ?:r. Ed Coury, 320 Alabara Street;, his 1 -1st ],now , a`dress The dvrellin^ has not yet, been romoved and the or:n^.r has not a sealed to tris office for ._ retie sS.n o the con- demnation nroceedin..-;s. truly, Arch,' .oct (/ / LA 1- Od,led to Otr Oak IM865 CITY OF ST. PAUL r„`MCIL ni OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 116866—B)• F. M. Truac— whereae, the Commissioner of Parke, foOUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Playgrounds nd Public Bundl.ga has f� reported to the Council �h. the two frame dwellings on I. 22 R1Frk Cnmo F• leo PRESENTED BY q.,�,�^ . COMMISSIONER/v_ — _ —_. DAT$ �^^ •I ., DSAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has ported to the Council that the two frame dwellings on Lots 22 and E3, Block 8, Como Prospect Addition, also described as No. 1085 tent Street, are in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant their being condemned and torn down; there - lore, be it / RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity -of wrecking said buildings, on the lot day of December 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, KInnesota; be it FURTHEILRESOLVED, that not loss than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN I '1 Adopted by the CoAOV 81939 193— Yeas Nays °gs NOV 81939) ,,Iindlan / Approved 193— -Parranto .Peterson In Favor t� PAgainst osen ayor '711— _ SHEDVW / / 3 :dam: ,m I oVice Plt�sifl 21Ytallf) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota -116, OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WKI L. R. S. FERMSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 7, 1939 0 Mr. John W. McConnel-,,z Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you set a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the two frame buildings at 1085 Kent St., described as Lots 22 and 23, Block 8, Como Prospect Addn• by drawing a resolution (So. 1). Yours very truly , City Clerk. IM ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Paarrkkss W. LA MON; N Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'Capital of Minnesota o DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, D.puty Comminioner :lovenlbe- 5, 1939 Hon. Co.]ncll City Of St. Paul r` ent le -nen : The fire Prevention Tur au has referred to this _enartnent the c ":clition of the two frame bu `escri'oedra�rLotsc2��ar_cl as dwellin s at 1035 "cnt Street, 23, 310cl: 8, Corn -to Prospect Addition. These bn ldin s a c open to the nuolic, bo -.,s are usin then for han; outs, there are no doors or wlndors left, the floors are caved in and the buildings are ;enerally vory dilapidated. They are considered dan};Oro'os to life, limb, and adjoin'n-- property, and a Dan er "ot-Ice has been posted on each. The prop ?'ty is under the Jurisdiction oforf Yon. Jolln SAugust nindlan, Land Cor.1,n:_ ;sioner, and t.ze 7o�r`,Oyne of 1005 hent Street. Kindly set a hear in in cccordance '::ith Section 1-14 of the bulldinS code. Yr truly, Cit J Archy-tc,ct / y ' 1/ orishw to Gly ouY CITY OF ST. PAUL .��� `" NO. .1686 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM WHEFSAS, St, Johnss Lutheran Hospital Lssablation has made application for license to keep and maintain is general hospital at 390 hounds Boulevard, pursuant to the requirements of Ordinance No. 2382, approved lebruary 24, 1903, as amended; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a license be and the same is hereby grdnted to said $t. Johne Lutheran Hospital Association to keep and maintain a hospital in the City of Saint Paul at the above address. COUNCILMEN Yeas �BNnys arfuss mdlan iPa��rranto etBrson 0. C. F. No. 1if866—By N. A. Purranto— Whereae, 9t. John's Lutheran Hoeppi. in Aeeocintlon has made Applteut(on for license to keepd m Intal. . Ren era] hospital at 390 and Boule- ard, poreuanl to the rsQulre—ol. of Ordlaance N.. ,approved February 24. ]A03, as mended; therefore, be It neeolved, that n license be and the ammum 'NOV 81939 Adopted by the Council_ __ / Approved NOV 81939 193__ In Favor i /Z D or —'L-A gainst CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 7, 1 9 3 9 Mr. John W. MaConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of St. John's Lutheran Hospital Association for permission to maintain a general hospital at 390 Mounds Boulevard in accordance with the provisions of Ord. No. 2352, as amended. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ST. JOHN'S HOSPITHL 390 MOUNDS BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL • MINNESOTA October 26, 1939. City of Saint Paul c/o City Clerk Court House Gentlemen: Application is hereby being made to keep and maintain a general hospital in the City of Saint Paul in compliance w ith the provisions of Ordinance No. 2352, as amended. PC/Cal Yours very truly, ST. JQHN'S LUTHERAN HOSPITAL ASSN. By Paul C. Schorr, President. Odda.l to City OarkCO"11686'7 CITY OF ST. PAULr��� `" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL ESOLUTION--- GENERAL FORIA r PRESENTED BY �^ COMMISSIONER --.ATE--- WHEREAS, .—DATE — WHEREAS, pursuant to agreement withthe City of West Saint Paul, the City of West Saint Paul, thru its consulting engineers, Druar and Milinowski, has submitted for approval of the Council an extension of the Saint Paul Sanitary System of that City on Ottawa Avenue from Orme Street to a point 461.37 feet south, and WHEREAS, the Council has examined the plans for such extension and found them satisfactory, therefore be it RESOLVED, that permission be and it is hereby given to the City of West Saint Paul to construct such sanitary sewer extension on Ottawa Avenue in accordance with the plans therefor, attached to and made a part of this resolution. C. F.' No. 11fi8fi7^BYE COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays B sit FF�indlan -P'a'r to j Peterson lJ In Favor Posen n 7 1p x -Against 11 11 hM AVAke Pre"ident (Traex) milt.. -P-.en— R'hereas, Pursuant to agreement Ith the city f west Batut Taal, tho city o[ We.t saint Pnot, thru its con- s 711ng engineers, Druar and N117now- ekl has submitted for approval eT the cmcell a ..t ... I - f the Saint Punl Sonitury Stystem of that City n Ot- tewu Avenue from Orme Street in n point 461.37 feet oath. 1 d Whareas the CounelI tine examined the plans >!or such extension andfound them s.tisf-`h Ory: therefore, It ... Ived, [—Mulct a Ws esIt I. hereby given ol Balnt PnfenrY Oon not Ottawa Avenue s.wr dance -Ith the plana therefor, ut- tnched to and made u part of this teem ,at". Adopted b,v the Connell Nov. Annrev.d Nov. 3, INov. 11. 108N ) Adopted by the Council—NOV 81939 193— NOV 1939193— NOV 81939 Approved— 193_.__ i yor DP UAP_ ,HND MILINOWSKI ��! CONSULTING ENGINEEPS November 3, 1939 Honorable Mayor and Council City of St. Paul Minnesota Gentlemen: As per ordinance No. 5294, we herewith enclose print of a sanitary sewer extension on Ottowa Avenue, from Orme Street to 461.37 feet south. This extension is to be approved by the Minnesota State Board of Health. Approval of this extension on or before Tuesday November 7, 1939, will be appreciated. This is a W.P.A. project and on Wed- nesday, November 8, 1939, the W.P.A. will start this project. We would appreciate it if you would kindly advise this office of the approval of this plan. Sincerely yours, DRUAR AND MILINOWSBI B Z-7,c� John F. Dinar JFD/meg tTh4ulb Cky frxk - 116868 CITY OF ST. PAUL ilii"`" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM November 8, 1939 Whereas, the Twin City Motor Bus Company has informed the council of the City of 3t. Paul that it desires to make application to the Minnesota Railroad and Warehouse Commission for a certificate of convenience to ohange the present bus routs of the Highland -Cleveland -prior bus line so as to per- mit buses„to travel south two blocks on Cleveland to Highland Ford, thence west to Cretin, which is an addition to its present route. Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Twin City Motor Bus Company be and it is hereby authorized to reroute its Highland -Cleveland -Prior bus line so as to include the above addition to its route,and the Minnesota Railroad and Aarehouse Commission is requested to approve the same. C. F. No.' 11 6868—By W. A. 1'ltrranto-1 W herena, the Twin City motor Ra. Cnmp ny hae lnermed the Council of. the City f 9t. Pnul thnt it desire. to' make a'DPI(cntlan to the M1nne.ota' Railroad and Wnrehuu.e Comml.alon fur a certificate of convenlence to cha"tte the preeent bun r ute f jhe H'IRhlnnd-Clevoland-Prior Im. if.. n permit huge. to travel oath - two I o block. 11 -CI -0-11 to Hlghland Ford, thenc. we.t to CTed", hien la an ad -I ditlon to ie Pre.ent route. Therefore, 13e It Re.olvdthat the oeyoio be It Iherbauthorzedtorer.l onto e l Highland -Cleveland -Prior bus line ao Ba to include the above addition to it. ate,and the Minne.otn Railroad ad W.rehouBe Commiaalon I. requested to approve the nma. Adopted by the Council Nnv. N. 1989, Approved Nov. 8, 1636. IN— 11, 19:391 COUNCIL EN Adopted by the Council Nov $ 193.— Yeas Nays / Findlan /„ Approved NOV 8 i� 193— are nto ///��� stereo. In Favor ` ayor o Against am �. VkC President (I'MW RESOLVED, that the following bonds given to the City of Saint Paul, approved as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance, and as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same are hereby approved and accepted, and the City Clerk is in- structed to file said bonds in the office of the City Comptroller, to -wit: Alma C. Lundgren, as Manager of the Cafeterias of the Washington High School and 11680' 7 .etmow to sly a. `o: Nina R. Green, as CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. Johnson and Cleveland Junior High OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - 1 CS2UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM C. F- No. 118889-13John a Plot! Ap I xeeolved, that t�i foll—l.g bonda� as Manager of the Cafeterias of given to the City of .9alnt Paul, ap=l PRESENTED BY `/�, �I o ".V%� R all, DATE_ezeputlon a roved nA tp. surety by the Commla- loner of Flpnnaa. ad ns to form and by � �• r�orution Counsel COMMISSIONERl,.••and tb• ,9reby approvo�� 1939, $1,000.00; tY Clerk la as Manager of the Cafeteria of the Roosevelt Junior High School, dated November 1, 1939, $1,000.00; Nettie B. Firebaugh, as Manager of the Cafeterias of RESOLVED, that the following bonds given to the City of Saint Paul, approved as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance, and as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same are hereby approved and accepted, and the City Clerk is in- structed to file said bonds in the office of the City Comptroller, to -wit: Alma C. Lundgren, as Manager of the Cafeterias of the Washington High School and the Central High School, dated November 1, 1939, $1,000.00; Nina R. Green, as Manager of the Cafeterias of the Johnson and Cleveland Junior High Schools, dated November 1, 1939, $1,000.00; Laura Christian, as Manager of the Cafeterias of Humboldt High School, Murray Junior High School, Lindsay School, Crowley School, Monroe Junior High School and Hammond School, dated November 1, 1939, $1,000.00; Margaret Conley, as Manager of the Cafeteria of the Roosevelt Junior High School, dated November 1, 1939, $1,000.00; Nettie B. Firebaugh, as Manager of the Cafeterias of the Mechanic Arts High School and Vocation School, dated November 1 1939, $1,000.00; Lena Anna Knapp, as Manager of the Cafeteria of the Wilson High School, dated November 1, 1939, $1,000.00; Albert R. Anderson, as Accountant in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Build- ings, dated October 16, 1939, $2,000.00; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council___— —193--' Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved 193— Parranto Peterson In Favor Mayor Rosen _ Against OR, psum Me ke i t tuaJ bbl 1-38 Cs i IMBLISHED d..I1. aw a.a J .16869 CITY OF ST. PAUL .��: NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM -� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER —. DATE (2) Harold Kenneth Voss, as Senior Clerk -Typist in the Department of Finance, dated October 16th, 1939, in the sum of $5,000.00. MEN C0!UNCI Yeas Nays B SS I an ��arranto lfl t' fsoa I In Favor !O/* _Against EMEu., �)},R,,W� es en6 r��,,,,��� 5M 4VB Q9w 1' d -t (UMM) Adopted by the Council M_-8-1939-193— Nov wS1939193— Nov 81939 Approved p 193- ---- or MLISHED NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL .. - COUNCIL FILE NO. 116870 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER November 7 e39} RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $;—,u, 260 o T, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 64979 TO_ 650_74--INCLUSIVFI AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROtLER. F' 13 6970--- NOV s 1939 o ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL NOVp 193_ APPROVED N 8 193`7dry® o Pr9oL r9 193_ BY eoo - 7-ae pttRT SHED 9 1; t I CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 7 1j �D�J DUPLICATE TO _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER -.-- -- ROLL CALL BARFU5S FINDLAN iry PETERSON FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS -.November 7 ROSEN TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON HE CITY TREASURY T .COVERING AMOUNT OF 54F�Qt W ENZEL MR PEES FAL LON TO 1HE AGGREGATE l%V g1g39CHECKS NUMBEREDg Op�/ ,�JJ.INCLUSIV//$/�ASNOV FF7Y COMPTR JLLER ADOPTED BY THE ,t�19 PER CHECKS ! -3 - NUMBER/• , - APPROVED -------- ..--__ - - ' TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF -- TRANSFER fi RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS i 4 'f BROUGHT FORWARD 75 p 0 oo 438 004 73 7 IJ _ • 64978 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance S. Findlan, C. of Finance I 2 151 27 1 3 55 64979 John 7 777 67 64990 Dunnigan Construction Company Finance 36 65 64981 64982 John S. Findlan, C. of John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 14 011 115 64983 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance Company 3 899 63 6498 G.A. MacArthur 5 2 5 0 64985 The MacMillan Company 50 w.P. & R.S. Mare Company 64986 3 64987 Marvin Law Book Company 75 64988 Maplewood Book Bindery 899 13 64989 Moradden-Lambert Company 16 20 64990 MoGill Warner Company 4 65 64991 64992 Gus D. Messing Miller-Bryant-Pieroe Company 37 60 6499] Minnesota Milk Company 1 14 02 12 02 00 64994 Monroe Oaloulating Machine Co. Agency 41 92 64995 Multigraph Sales 6 64996 Nelson oil Company 11 64997 N.'Y. copper & Brass works go 14 65 64998 N.w. stamp works 24 00 64999 Park Laundry company 1 965 19 65000 Pittsburgh Coal Company 7 50 65001 Public Utilities Reports,Inc. 65002 Purity Baking Company 19 25 49 25 Raymer Hardware Company 65003 4 65004 G.T. Ryan and Company 2 61 65005 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 63 12 65006 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 65007 St.Paul Bottling Company 61 20 1o8 66 65008 St.Paul Corrugating Company 4 20 65009 St.Paul Furnace & Stove Works 65010 St.Paul Hydraulic Hoist Company 1 13 65011 The St.Paul Shopper 5 60 65012 St.Paul vocational school •5 75 65013 B.H. Sanborn and Company 19 70 65o1 Sanitary Farm Dairies 32809 65015 Schaffer & Rossum Company 15194 65016 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company 60 00 4 oo 65017 65018 Schneiders Scott, Foreeman and company 50 79 65019 9oribner-M bbey Roofing Company 35 00 65021 65020 ® Secondary Education Board 8 96 Seeger Refrigerator Company 104 00 65022 Shell oil°Company 26 00 65023 Shoop Printing Company 10 50 65024 South Park Foundry Company 83 07 65025 Sperry Office Furniture Company 65026 Standard Unit Parts Company 102 81 24 95 65027 Toro Mfg. Company 1 284 00 65028 Transit Supply Company 60 58 65029 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 117 62 65030 Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Company 65031 T.C. Coffee Company 000 65032 The Tyre Shop 60 6503 The Vellumoid Company 14 78 6503 Geo. T. Walker & Company 117 82 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 9 750 oo 472 265 14 i 1 2nd. "ll6 Laid over to 3rd. & app." 7 _ Adopted Yeas / a use Nays Yeas aye /Fin lan to uss / 1. m an U ar�nto n E iPeleison Rosen Truax resident Fallon ruas Mr. President Fallon ori,l..l t. cur c1..w ORDINANCE J2y / COUNCIL FILE NO._. PRESENTED BY - _ v `%1 �ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 8840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting C. gF. FNo.1171—Ordlnan— 80, the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for,, '," the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determin- ing the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7th, 1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section -l. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1922, be and the ease is hereby amended so as to rezone Lots 7 to If Inclusive, Block 10, Lindley Park Addition, located on the north side of Hastings Avenue from Hester Street to Johnson Parkway, in a Commercial District, instead of "A" Residence, as at present; provided, however, that any building constructed on said.property will be set back to the established building line on Hastings Avenue. Section 2. This ordinance to hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays % Barluss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Attest:' city Cl :100 12.:18 CS 21724 Passed by the Council NOV 2419M Favor -----_ -- _. _-Against Approved: - or CITY OF SAINT PAULf�� Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. B, 1939 Mr. John A. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The Council requested that you draw an ordinmce granting the attached petition for the resoning of property on the north side of Hastings Ave. from Hester St. to Johnsaa Parkway, as more fully described in the petition attached, said ordinance to contain a provision that any building constructed on the said property will be set back to the established building line on Hastings Ave. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ale Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Court House, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: St. Paul, Minnesota November 1, 1939 I hereby withdraw my signature from the classification of lots 7 to 15, ino., Block 10, Lindley Park, on the north sideof Hastings Ave., between Hester St. & Johnson Parkway, from Class "A" residential District to Commercial Dist. I am against making this change and desire these .properties to womain in Class "A" Residential District. Yours truly, Brnst Hoffman, 1135•Hastings Ave., 1+t. Paul, Kinn. BUREAU OF CONRT. • REPAIR W. S. COCKROFT. EUFT. CFlICE HNGINERII G. H. NERROLD C.- 6NGR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital Of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON 'ROSEN. COMMIBBIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. D- C ---- GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIE/ ENGINKEN November 8, 1939 Hon. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: BURKAU - EANMATION FRED DRIVER. Burt. BURRAU OF BRIDGE[ M. B. ORYTEAK. HNGINERR BUREAU OF CORRECTION[ RAY J. KARTAK. BUR. Under date of November let, the matter of petition for rezoning of property on the north side of Hastings Avenue from Hester Street to the Johnson Parkway was referred by the City Council to this department for investigation and recommen- dation. You are advised that the Highway Department does not contemplate taking property from the north side of Hastings Avenue between Sohnson Parkway and Hester Street. The widening will be done on the south side of the street. The area under consideration for rezoning includes for the most part the city dump. It is extremely improbable that this area, even whenthe dump is completed, would be used for residential purposes. If the city can ba assured of a type of development in this area which would improve the appearance of Hastings Avenue, I can see no objection to rezoning. Yours very truly, hip 'ro�J' CR M. SHEPARD Chi Engineer of THE BOARD OF ZONING ��Tx Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 71h, 1922 ¢� Q SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE O an a a e an eeeseeeaee .240 1990\ ® of la a October 24th, 1939. rw ap 4::° h0 ♦.w ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Ch., ,r AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. MCGLYNIJ EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, Chy Aich,mc• GEORGE H HFRROLD, Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of John E. Blomquist to rezone Lots 7-15 inclusive, Block 10, Lindley Park Addition, from "A" Residence to Commercial. This in located on the north side of Hastings Ave. between Hester St. and Johnson Parkway and adjoins the Parkway lands immediately on the west. The idea back of this rezoning seems to be based on the rumor that the State Highway Depart- ment would widen Hastings Ave. at Earl St. by taking a half block on the south side and that a number of the stores would have to move. As the State Highway Department has now decided to widen Hastings Ave. to a width of 80 ft. by taking 14 ft. on the south side of the street, it is quite likely that the store buildings will simply move back on their lots. These commercial buildings are only from 40 to 60 ft, in depth and the lots are 128 ft. in depth. We 4180 -wish to call attention to the fact that there arp now twelve vacant building sites on Hastings Ave, in the area zoned for commercial purposes between Hester and Cypress. The Board of Zoning believe that this rezoning is inadvisable as the land proposed to be rezoned immediately adjoins the Johnson Parkway lands, and because of the undeveloped area v this vicinity we would have some straggling stores on a fine approach to our city. We have at the present time commercial zoning than is necessary. The new Hastings.Ave. opened and widened in 1928 has commercial zoning from Mounds to Euclid and Maria Ave. is entirely zoned for commercial purposes to the north of Plum Street. The Board of Zoning , therefore, recommends that the rezoning of these nine lots be denied. YoOe"s gverytnlly1c orerr3; gh-rh Engineer Secretary. 1 07 =73 E --- T-1 IL m on= 229 F- M/K= IL ffigkil ii'•.ii;ts:: ••t•,-- IN . •................. - •..a.N..••s. i.N••.•.•• ••..• :: • '.:�.........• • ••. f� i 9H M. ii •. �l FMiiiiiiiii ����jV� •.•....•.•.• •f+• .8 - 05 l��p rt::....G :: �:' •w.• • '�i. Por" JOHN S. SINDLAN Commissioner ' P. E. McDERMOTT Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier September 8, 1939. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlement I have checked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 7 to 15 incl., Block 10, Lindley Park on the north side of Hastings Ave. between Hester St. and Johnson Parkway from Class "A" Residential District to Commercial District and find that same is sufficient. Yours very truly, i John S. Findlan, Commissioner of Finance. o } '6 "� 5ti r Ste-+`'*" S g TK' {5�Fi `` � `"r� �. �bT,�T� $�eE�EO� OF COII�7; CA1ddtI8$iONE&9. ♦a1' PAtR„ .IIIijRE$' � '�' i�EntlemeII ' attached hereto-O' ereto f� a pdtj4o`tJ' j yi�g`�or tpe resoaing fat <" e IoAe eQvea 7 to itfteeiw l6 y� inglue , bl'Qc14{ a ��0}y 17tdley,'86tsk. r herHhoFded pI t therddff oa f3 a M*j I record. Sa the;-off%e of the Register of deeds in snd'for Ramsey County Minnesota. s ; " Th3ds4pertyt ieitnate on�esttngii " ee,a-` a point a 044- g x tp;the Snds�Dn; aiSte,.of Propeskq th has been ,^ ` fiI%d �n ;kQ � 9 a p _ t, scent tW in i $ roe i eelf is sot ' } sa t tbl "ip rpsiltentiai p passe, bnt could ip be gnitable for commitibIx c - b4He 3 Lha patit�o�t pr$ 3or the to, �DO �Of�said Property . • � l <: y ar L " `The $tatae acgtzirad✓baron Qf.OTPeltare of tazee. ; ix '4 iate_tlm- Wr tiiree'E3X ead'foar E) of dock one Ei�� •BiagYs Addition �"� to @t, Petri; -Hina , ;.refe ed to in 4d petIti0A ;and jabs: -8. ' F `e, tf' lv titibii would like ��� -F past whasre ih.ts»ce arac�neet I have 'Ps'elPai' � Pe xy' ._;' S `.` .fiays ihe'<Couatyoig is thH petttioa fri oTs1eT' that the ,property; r she oww A6y le ispr6* and, Increeee the tez incogie of the City of � Saint i�au� r�soa o� pd+eh iaprbveabnt, � 3 ;>t ,This Tegp� ie made to have the Cblfnty df asmeey Pala in for the rrdlsoiAU9 Mh4ch it ie bellevHd ie iff tfie bash GH 6ts � a , �' Dhted{r $t 1, ltiiiaee ta, '1lugaet; Il. Y939. m� a Fib 'AV 1P Y3 J: V fv. #.; t; r Ittoraey W J6bu: Blomghiat,. ;,ir # '•+ ti.+ ,.�._. jOS406 Qariaeeraq,8ni].d1gg, _ V date, ,Miaasa0ta• ` aw St. peal, Iftoesota To the Honorable, The Vity Gouncil, St. Paul, 1.4..1, R 'LOIFING *WtlakeA .- We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the severp 4aq#vIptions , of rgol, estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate afxaCtO4 hove, qoed'heret�, and wei owners of 50% or more of the frontad ,;; j re- cleasifiied, pegtZion your Honorable Body to change the followfig $ss ibed �c}perty � y frn�i .o patriot to a Y . - ,` this petition is made pursuant to Section , Ordinanoo NO."40. o rod caner Lot Block Addition, sis is L3adUW Talk Tj f1 'tom.. to, v S� T •, ice..- BaiNsy ty aditor� join in this petition on behalf of Banaey County,- pnssa ap t0 aotion of the Board of County Caamieaioners of /ugn-t 28, 1939. J,$ of Minnesota ) k ith y of Ramsey) as . (N being first duly sworn, .deposes and says that he ib +he'parso0iiho circulated the within petition consisting of,_-pagk—j that tb parties described above age the owners rePpeotival.Y of the lots placed, jftsdi$tsly following, each n6me; that this petition was signed by each o'._seidj owners; in the presence of this affient., and that tYie signatures Above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. a Subserib sworn to before me �1 7 this da9y of ODIIj, Notary Public, Ramsey County, Ming. f toy Commission expire A0 -14WO . CDf i M ;04 , . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Oct. 19, 1939 Hon. John S. Bindlan Comsr.,Finance City Hall Dear Sirs The Council set a date for hearing for November lat In the matter of the petition for the rezoning of Lots 7 to 151 inclusive, Block 10, Lindley Park (being on the north side of Hastings Ave. between Heater St. and Johnson Parkway) from Claes a0s Residence to Commercial District, and requested that you send notices to property owners as required by the Zoning Ordinance. Yours very truly, City Clerk. `� September 8. 1989. To the Council. City of St. Paul. Centlement I have checked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 7 to lb incl.. Block 10, Lindley Park on the north side of Hastings Ave. between Hester St. and Johnson Parkway from Class •Ae Residential District to Commercial District and find that same is sufficient. Tours very truly, John S. Findlan, Casmiissioner of Finance. 4 Hon. Milton Rosen Comer. of Public works City Hall Nov. 1, 1939 Mention. Mr. George M. Shepard Dear Sir: The Council referred to you for investigation and recommendation the attached petition and file in the matter of rezoning of property on the north side of Hastings Ave. between Heater St. and Johnson Parkway. The hearing was continuedNovember 8th• =_ Yov" very truly, City Clark. 0r41nd I. cit, CWk 116872 CITY OF ST. PAUL .I« ��� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,COUNCIL RE SO TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B _ COMMISSION�_L.y—�--C-^�� RESOLVED, that the Board. of Water Commissioners be and It is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Robert Hemming, providing for the payment of compensation to hiR at the rate of :19,20 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Water Department on the 26th day of September 1939; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement the Board of 7,ater Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Robert Hemming the sum of $38,40 out of the Water Department Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the Board of Water Commissioners, being for the period to and including October 30, 1939, I;:�.:al,�a. IInII u�,. 1<:,:: ra :,r ��>.1,•r ihnni'�z'.�iV �u.. rs bI• nnJ it Lv ttrnoln - II'ith II�:I,I�•r: Il�.n::::i iiti. �Itri,r iJlii:<n t„i Ilii I::: �::: c::t n( �• mplr: uutlul: I!: hl::: :II t li �� r:III• :i( Per ui•:•k tlu ri inti uui�h I Ilii � .. lie n11:I11 lir Ir,lnllr tlI,�II I:1 i�tl I:y II'I:II�Ii li�� � I:IIIi: �� i[ Ili�� t\'ill:•r Irv- . I::i rtiiil•:i( : Ili �. _Iii l: tl::� i�f \i.I�i i��:: 1:rr. I�'u -t 1:. � I:. .:I ��:•tl. t11:: rel::: i,f COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 9 939193 Yeas Nays --'Bar(uss NOV 9 T9313 /-Findlan Approved 193 "Parranto get, een— In Favor Ma r 'Rosen -- —Against Truax Mr. President (Fallon) 5M 6-38 C9 000..11. ser cl.� 116873 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO,_. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCILJSOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM-- �� PRESENTED EfY , !", COMMISSIONER -y ll _DATE ­( RESOLVED, that the assent of the City of Saint Paul be and the same hereby is given to the taking and prosecution of an appeal by First Trust Company of Saint Paul, as 'Trustee of the Fund of Sewer District #1 of the City of White Bear Lake from the final determination of the District Court of Ramsey County, Minnesota, in re School Board vs. City of White Bear Lake, at al, whereby provision was made for the abatement and cancellation of certain sewer assessments, assets of said Fund, the City of Saint Paul having an interest in said Fund as the holder of sewer warrants chargeable against same, aggregating many thousands of dollars, providing, however, that the expense of such appeal, estimated at 5250,00, shall be paid from said Fund, and no liability by virtue of this assent shall attach to the City of Saint Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -I�arfuss 'indlan -Parranto et.mon 'Rosen - Truax Mr. President (Fallon) sm c -as cs NOV 9 193q Adopted by the Council- - - — ___.193 — NOV 91939 Approved 193- ---In Favor ayor _—..__.Against / S' BUSHED aalMl 1. ly a. f74- i CITY OF ST. PAUL rue � NO. 11 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ;I, -. COMMISSIONER_ ----------------—---- DATENnv_ 9y�Zs3�-- 1 RESOLVED, that the application of East Side Motor Sales for a permit to operate a used car lot on the south side of East Seventh Street between Mpris Avenue and Mounds Boulevard, on Lots 19 to 22, Willius Addition No, 2, under Paragraph f, Section 5 of Ordinance No, 5840,as amended, be and the same is hereby granted, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -Iiarfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Truax Mr. President (Fallon) bpi n-38 cs F'. N, IP;174– I:1 II. I;i�vi�l��e�d, Ili:it In,� ,i nl�l li:�li�ni i�f I�::��1 tilil�• \I ��I „r �:�1��.� fir I�"r�nit "I"`rift.. �d I��t th,• v �Ih [ F:: ­.I n. .,i+ln St r�n.l Int a��r•�.n n I.nt� 1V 1,,22'11H111 � l\'illlnu .4 ddltlnn till. rider I'��r:,l; r;li(Irdl- .., n'a, , nils. n,. and the .idmh—h rl„d he In,. il 5—. Adopted by the CouncilN()V 9 1939 -193 - i; n,ci 1939 Approved--- 193 --In Favor4.�1�( �ayor 0 _. __Against od�u.l to a oa r CITY OF ST. PAUL !�«NO � n OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y� C9UNCIL/RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 'BrYiy(//W�' DATE Nn4 9 1939.,/ COMMISSIONER_ f RESOLVED, that the application of East Side Motor Sales for a permit to operate a used car lot on the south side of East Seventh Street between Maria Avenue and Mounds Boulevard, on Lots 19 to 22, Willius Addition No. 2, under Paragraph f, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840,as amended, be and the same is hereby granted. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "�arfusa 'ndlan /)Sarranto i) In Favor sen Against ,Mr. President (Fallon) bM &" Cs C. F. No. 116974—By G. H. Ratio— W. A. Parranto—F. M. Truax— Resolved, that the application of as Bide Motor Sale. for a permit in operate a used car lot on the south mside of Best Seventh Street between aria Avenue and Mounds Boulevard, on Lots 19 to 22, Wllllus Addition No. 2, under Paragraph f, Section 6 of Ordl- ene N% 6949, as amended. be and the ure la hereby granted. Adopted by the Council Nov. 9, 1939, Approved Nov. 9, 1939. (Nov. 11, 1939) Adopted by the CoundIN" 91939 193 Approved NOV 91939 193— 4ayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 8, 1939 Mr. John W. McConnelogg Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir= The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of East Side Motor Sales for permission to install and operate a used car lot on the south side of East Seventh St. between Maria Ave. and Mounds Blvd., on Lots 19 to 22, Willius Addition No. 2. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Cl POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul. Minn. % October 28 39 .... -----.19._._... Y'ou are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application for used car lot on South side of East 7th St, between Maria Ave. and Mounds Blvd., on Lots 19 to 22, Willius Addition No. 2; (East Side Motor Sales, applicant) and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on November 8 , 19 39 ,'in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. John S. Findlan, sem.. File 8832 Commissioner of Finance. 0 ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE / d — 1 V 93� TO THE ONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL O ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLI ION Is Hereby Made BY FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL ANDOPERATE A VI • lR r//i_.--'_--.-___— I GRIPE 17" IR I1e1G[ GARAGE"III-771{{// TOBE LO�_ 7(0 LOCATED ON LOT S.I��a l/W`11 LSO DESC RIBEDAB�iG ' / ,6I/wr'L/ I AGGITI I I.TR[[ R1 , RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE IB DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY -41 PLIIAlbp RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE. S_ CITY PLANNING BOA BY CLINTON A. HACHUBERT iB.e SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of i'olice ce liealillh Officer Fire Chief Su Pt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUI. Capital of Minnesota dl' �e;admerTf cl �u Ic a et Tenth and Minnesota Streets U. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JUAN P. MULLANFY, Dept:ty Cononissioner November 2, 1939 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to the application of the East Side Motor Sales for permit to install and operate a used car lot on East Seventh Street between Maria and Mounds Boule- vards I am attaching reports covering the necessary inspections which were made by the various Bureaus. Very t ly yours, Commissioner of lio Safety f IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION November 2 1939 Mr. G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by the East Side Motor Sales for permission to install and operate a used oar lot to be located on bots 19, 20, 21, and 22, of Willius' Addition No. 2, which is also described as East Seventh Street between Maria Avenue and Mounds Boulevard. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints and do not find that this driveway will materially interfere with the movement of traffic. From a traffic standpoint there will be no objection o the granting of this permit. Yours truly, �I . LU HarryN. Re rgren Superintendent of Traffio w1f c THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 19, 1939 C. J. Tierney Asst. Chief of Police Dear Sir: In regards to a report of an investigation made by Detectives Peter Kramer and Herbert Scott of an application that has been made oy the East Side Motor Sales for permit to install and operate a used car lot to be located at 505 East Seventh Street. The above lot is located on Seventh Street, on the South Side of the Street between Maria Ave. and Nipas 31vd. and the correct street address is 666-672 E. SeventhSt. This lot was recently purchased from the State as Tax -Delinquent Property and at the present time billboards are erected on it. The East Side L:otor Company intend to fence this lot in on all sides and as it is located just West of their old Used Car Lot which they had been forced to vacate when a building was erected on it, we find no objection to the granting of this license. Very truly yours, ohn J i/ McGowan McG:ch Auto Theft Division THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 26th, 1939 Hon. G. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir; In regard to the application made by the East Side Motor Sales for permission to install and operate a used car lot to be located on Lots 19, 20, 21 and 22 of Willins Addition No. 2, also described as East Seventh Street between Maria and Mounds Blvd. We have investigateC, the foregoing location and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard of that vacinity if the proposed car lot is permitted. Respectfully yours. WCB;z Chief Fire Inspector. roTY OR F46 �r A � �a a°ees®masse � en eg®e ee b a .so »4 • h AR11{UR5MI LINOWSKI. Ch=�mar EDWIN H LUNDIL* BERNARD J M,60"III! EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES B ."FORD. C iv A, h, . GCORr,„. H IIlRC,OLD. THE BOARD OF ZONING E,tabkhed by Ordinance No 5840 July 71h, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE Mr. L. R'. S, Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : November 7th, 1939. In the matter of application of the East Side Motor Sales to open and operate an on -.'ales Car Lot on E. Seventh St, just nest of Maria Avenue. This is Commercial Zoning. It is on the easterly side of Seventh St. There is a Clinic Building on the southeast corner of Maria and E. Seventh St., and the appli- cants wish to use the neat four lots, a total frontage of 100 ft.,for a Sales Lot. The driveway will be 15 ft. wide over the 6 ft. sidewalk. There is no objection to a Sales Lot at this location, and there is no objection to cutting the curb for a driveway to this property in the middle of the 100 ft. area as shown on plane attached. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh r 'r f !� � ice' .:�—► � ��' _ _ CL O s/ A.1 m I - -WOO/� F/CK 6T FErt/CG 1. Wong P/cKETf�NGE _ i� - I UTAGK - tr _ - 44 iiRAWN PLANS BY 1 PLP.\ Nn. ''—SERVI FPA h1Et T - n !9 1FSfi t 'c-'a`143,5,Ml SHEET No. �R!Ii s in E W/G_L./US i ,r L.. ,'F -Or HCl:•) — - ow. r /a•IS-39 r, �;v ter. - — -- - - _ _ 1 Oddad b tl1Y tlaY.�t. ne t CITY OF ST. PAUL � NO.�16875---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COM MINTED B DATE Q098IDb8T 9 19'i 9__ RESOL4EDs That licenses applied f8r by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed nstrequired to issue such of licenses upon the payment into the city treasury st Jacob Singer 315 Hondo Off Sale Malt App. 37642 New Now Loea. Joseph Taffel 623 University Off Sale Malt " 37649 " Old Loca. Nels Jenson 445 Wacouta Foot Peddler " 37763 " I�C. F. No. 116876—nY W. A. Parranto— F. M. Truax—o. ppi tQeao)ved, That earned I" pDi11. el - the ppfor d on the lid the tnche" to rthla resolution be me are herGbY granted and thto Ie City Clerks lupona th eoted payments Into thihcltY It- [ —'Y f the e0ulrea tees. Adopted by the Council Nnv. 9. 1939. Approved Nov. 9, 1939. (Nov. 11. 19391 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counclif 1, 9 1934 193— Yeas Nays r ariuss NOV 9 193.07 193— 193 -find Ian Approved arranto In Favor Itose�p�. — Against max 8Zr. President (Fallon) 6M (a :�:��� � 1686 tl,&FICE CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.OF THE CITY CLERK I,. r N ti'r ,� W. A. Y,. rr.•},4 E�UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM v Tr arr n j RESOLVED: (_90M licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and.the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: John Brozek 999 Hastings Ave. Butcher App. 3529 Renewal John W. Anderson 139 E. 7th St. Butcher " 37553 " Arthur Dorr 882 Woodbridge Grocery " 37555 " It n It n Butcher " 37556 n Macent & Branca 2513 University Tavern " 37604 ^ n n s n Dance Hall " 37605 ^ Fitzgerald & O'Connor 501 Blair St. Tavern " 37606 " It n n n Dance Hall " 37607 " Arthur Gibbons 1128 Payne Ave. \' Restaurant " 3760s " s n " n U On Sale Malt " 37609 " It n a n toff Sale Malt " 37610 ^ Paul Turner 146 State St. Butcher " 37624 ^ S. S. Kresge Co. 57 E. 7th St. Pet Shop " 37627 " C. G. Aderman 1076 E. Maryland Grocery ^ 37628 ^ Ella Courtney 602 Wabasha St. Restaurant " 37632 " On Sale Malt " " It 1} 37633 Off Sale Malt " J. A. Miesen 153 E. Fifth St. Restaurant " 37636 " John Ammer 440 James St. Restaurabt " 37638 " n n n n On Sale Malt " 37669 Off Sale Malt ^ 37664400 ^ Fredd 0 Hergea 981 University Ave. Tavern " 37643 " n ^ n n Dance Hall " 37644 " Nov 91939 COUNCILMP,,N Adopted by the Council -193— Yeas� Nays i8artuss / NOV 9 1939 Approved 193— ,,,,,//mdlan �arranto in Favor M or sen resident (Fallon) Against ,ISIiUD /,� am 6.38 Ca oa■wlroatra.a " NO.� • CITY OF ST. PAUL •��% OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK iC. l+. No. 116877—IIY G. H. aartuxa- CO NCIL RESOLUTION -••-GENERAL FORM I :vheronx, C, G. nderinuu h- p - o pealed to the Cnnell from the ded,lon or the Commix -to r Pnrkx• Play srov*'ax n Ili relaxe' PRESE NEED BYo rl �•r�Q ,-! DATE.' � � l' � �— WHEREAS, C. d. Aderman has appealed to the Council fro& the decision of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Build- ings, refusing his permission to remodel the store building on Lot 11, Block 2, Cloverdale Addition, into a six -family apartment building; and NHSAEAS, the Board of Zoning, to which the matter was referred, has recommended that such permit be granted, provided that such buildingAs moved back so as to conform with the building line of other buildings in the block; and kHEBEAS, the Council has held a hearing on the petition and Is of the opinion that such permit should be granted in accordance with the recommendation of the Board of Zoning; therefore, be it HESCLVED, that permission be and it is hereby given to the .-said C. H. Aderman to remodel said store building into a six -family apartment building; provided, however, that such building is moved back so as to conform with the building line of other buildings'in the block; and the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is directed to see that this condition is complied with. Nov 91939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council r1e�n 193— Yeas /9UNarSuss Nays NOV 9 1939 4indlan Approved 193-- ,arranto In Favor 1 ayor __Rosen _Truax — _­�LAgainst Mr. President (Fallon) �Q�� 6M 6-38 CS i"O �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL��4%® Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 7, 1939 Mr. John W. YcConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The Council requested that you drawa es l tion granting the attached appeal of C• G. Aderman for Pe apartment building, store building at 1076 3i. Maryland St. into an PROVIDED, that he will move the building back to the building line of other buildings in the block. Yours very truly, City Clerk. 0 -,TY Op, VA ee HIS O seeeeeaseeeee m1a ease of .ate s IMLOC.M yAlxe hQ �� Y4YL ee• s.a• ARTHUR. S MILINOWSRI, Chauman AUGUiT HOHEt I"1" roWIN H LU "[ BERNARD ! M-GLYNiJ EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSEORD. &Y Aschm: GEOR1=E II IIfRROLD. a THE BOARD OF ZONING Eslablr,hed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 71h, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir October 24th, 1939. In the matter of the appeal of C. G. Aderman for permission to remodel a store building into an apartment building at 1076 E. Maryland Street. This matter was before the City Council Sept. 8th, 1938• on recommendations of the Board of Zoning, the City Council permitted and authorized the applicant to remodel his non -conforming store building into a five family apartment building with a space for commercial purposes in an exposed basement subject to the condition that said building be set back at least 20 ft. from the south line of Maryland St. so as to conform to the exist- ing line of resldonees in the same block fronting on that street. The applicant reports that when he came to work out detail plans for remodelling this building that the expense was greater than he anticipated because of the moving of all the partitions, and that his architect has pointed out .to him that the building can be remodelled for six apartments at much less expense. It is to be noted that the applicant later tried to get a rezoning in order to leave the building out to the street line, and in this he failed. He now appeals under paragraph "i" Section 20, the same as in his original appeal, but asks that he be permitted to turn the store building into a six family apartment building instead of a five family apartment building with store in basement. v) page--2-- This is a comparatively large building with a 30 ft- frontage Stn Maryland lY Earl Street istzoned commerciallyis on the alley . There is nest filling Station on the corner in the sem. block with this a the reet thhatfrom it- uildthe and of the districttwill be improvedtifsthelieved store building is set back to the building line, and an apart- ment building makes a logical Step-down from the oommeroial district on the corner to the residence district in the balance of the block. The Board of Zoning rsoomends that the appeal be approved. Yours very truly, George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh enol. St. Enul, : Innesota October N, 1939 To the Honor lle or and City Council, City of St. Paul. !,�Ac on'. I herehy njToal to your Honor.tla body under p<ra,h "I" Section 20 of the Zorinj Ordinnnoe, for paraI20on to re-olcl MY 00rc luildi. !W flat _..:Ove, on Lot 13, Block 2, Cloverdale dAtion, iAto " six family apnrtnent Suilding. If 1 aw per�ittea to do this, I will N1,,, , .,11th,.,w, 1ci, ow , ", out on tin street line, tAc� to the buil0n, lice of the residences I" the block. On Ge,tewber .tit, 19K, your hunar.ble way & the rlTht to do this for five ap;rtuents Ath a sy4ce for co.:.orclul store purmes in tjc ozoosed bnse- went, but w1en I caae to arc rAA; out thu KtAls Ath my nrc.it act I foun! ti A the re,odelling would cost too much money. I am advised by wy nrchitect that the building will remodel Into a six fW211Y apnrtmunt building in a ouch better way nd thcra will not be so uch tearinj out of p%rtitions. My store building Is K non-conformin- store buil lin- 30 ft- wide and settin] out to the strcU line viclatiny the buildina line of the louses In the Ulock, which Is an n Residence District. This huillins was constructed some time before Ux pis je of the Zoning Ordinance. If you will grint me this teal the movinZ h; ck of this juildinn will In Many 11YS r:jse the nandurds of the district. There Is r church acron, the street from my property and there is u fjl,t�] stAtion ut the south- east corner of Earl and Laryland Ntreets. Yours very truly 1. C.3. -derman We, the undersigned, property owners and residents in the vicinity of 1076 W. Maryland St., have no objection to the application of C.G. Aderman to remodel his store building at 1076 E. Maryland St. to provide for six apartments upstairs; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that said building be set back to the building line of other buildings in the block. NAME fVO4�- '09'C ,D a 1168'78 odow 1. Oh elnw eOUMC1L No._. --- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF HE CITY CLERK a COUNCIL RESOL ION ---GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY ��� DATE COMMISSIONER_ That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-110 foot pole in the alley Nast of Chelmsford, North of Doswell, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate 131951. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss /dlan jatranto _asen IV -ax President (Fallon) 6i1 x'+n w �-�-_� .rte•, r..!.i ir. N.., h,- N—ny muton uonxP. That the Northern `81otex power 1-40CmunanY he ale I pehel , on to install 1-40 tool pule in the ..ey .oil. Y Co.....foul, North P m. well, wand m mel anchor., wires. and Telephone l�ompuna wires.. Pole to � Ire" to her when" ro 'h! xa b, the Common Council and cost of said re oval to he borne by the Northern States Power Company.. i•:atimxnv No. 31961. Idopled by the Council Nor. 9, 1939- .\pprot•rd (Nov. 1191039) NOV 9199 Adopted by the Council_--.----193.— NOV 919M193 - f APProved In Favor yor Against 116879 �une� NO.------ 0"W1ecftC CITY OF ST. PAUL ` i OFFICEF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LUTION---GENERAL FORM t _.AT. October Sl �19�9 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ C. F. No. 118878—By Milton R—a— Thot the Nortjern States ,..t . , - .n:.cnuyBnr• V b. That the Northern States Pourer Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the east side of Pleasant at Alley north of Armstrong, with necessary guys. anchors. wires. and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said re- moval to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Netimate $31974. NOV 9193_ Adopted by the Council_----- COUNCILMEN �q Yeas Nays NOV 91939 Barfuas / Approved 193— Findlan Parranto _ In Favor r yor _ Against "jDLISFIED — Truax Mr. President (Fallon) am 8-M Cs od.l.a a city a.* , eour,ea 1-168,30�IJQ� VV CITY OF ST. PAUL ,,,.■ NO.,� OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R OLUTION---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONR DATE OC+.ObeT 27 1939 C. 1". Nu. 118880—BY 9BIto ,t, Thnt the nrthe, v, AWG':) .•19, That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the North side of Hoyt Avenue, West of Ash Street, and 3-40 foot poles and 1-25 foot pole on the Fast side of Ash Street, between Hoyt and Iowa, with necessary gVs, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do s6* -t e o Connoil and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate #29814. NOV 91939 � COUNCILMEN t193— Adopted by the ncil Yeas Nays Barluss s NOV ,9IM9 Findlan f A,ppr�oved/� 193— Parranto In Favor Rosen —�� ,.J May Truax Against . Mr. President (Fallon) (7Si�D444-2/ 6M B 38 CB odowd 1. Ckv 0.1,�on 116881 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R LOTION ---GENERAL FORM pppp E10NEY DATE / November 9, 1939 QOMM155eII r. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to oil the following streetst Alley- Cottage, Denny, Walsh, Arcade Alley - Geranium, Rose, Greenbrier, Walsh Warner Road Alley - Beech, Minnehaha, Kennard, Flandrau Alley - Helen, Sherwood, Ruth, 370' Alley - Carter, Doswell, Gove Place, Chelmsford Jay W. Craig Company - 1814 California St., NE, Minneapolis COUNCILMEN Yeas �- Nays �Barfuss Indlan _Pfirranto -PeTaHOff— In Favor Posen -ruax % Against _4r. President (Fallon) 6M 6-W Cs C. F. Nu. 116nl—fl) Milton1tu en— ResolVd, That ttl Commisalaner of Public'-orks he d he i. hereby n Ihorized and directed to ou the [onow- Ing ntre ets: A 11eY—Cottage. Denny, Walnh. Ar ado. Alley—(ren+nlum. nose. (]ry;enbrier, I., War warner Rona. Allay—Reooh, Min nehnhn, I;;ennnrd, Flandrnu. A HuIIeY—canerertern,. SDn�wenherwood. Ruth. MI. ey— . colo r1n.•e„ cuehnnW. Jnr W. Cntlg Com Dany-1814 Cn11-'. focal. St. A`. E. Mlnneapolin. Adopted byy Lila Cnuneil Nnv. 9, 1939. Approve,t N v. 9, 1939. (Nov. 11, 19391 Adopted by the Council NOV 91939193— NOV 91939 Approved 193— . i ayor 0,4hw t. City cheh CQU CIL116882 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFIC F THE CITY CLERK ll898YrBY Milton Ro9ert— COUNCIL OLUTION--- GENERAL FORM I Whergae. addition which migh' grove to be neceseary in the I)npr•. moot deacrll.'� the Y[!. Llghtln4, � .1 PRESENTED BY DATE CoMMISSIONE - WHEREAS, additio6 which might prove to be necessary in the improvement desribed as the W. 7th Boulevard Lighting, from W. 7th Street to Mississippi River Boule- vard, Comptroller's Contract L 4106, Commonwealth Electric Company, contractor, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices stipulated herein, and agreed prices, and WHEREAS, i,t has been found necessary to make the following additions: ADDITIONS: 2 Pull boxes under bridge 00 9.00 $ 18.00 76 Lin. ft. 211 gals. conduit in cirt boulevard 0 .36 27.36 295 Lin. Ft. street lighting cable @ .24 70.80 1 . 6 WHEREAS, the net addition is $116.16; now, therefore be it RESOLVED that the City of St. Paul through its City Council approve the afore- said addition made in accordance with the specifications therefor not to exceed the net addition of $116.16, said sun to be added to the lump consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L 4106 for the making of the above aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works hasagreed with the contractor, Commonwealth Electric Company, that the sum of $116.16 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ti.dlss F�ind�an /Parranto ,,Peterson IHosen ��`1ruax _Mr• President (Fallon) 6M 6-M C9 COMMON ALTH ELECTRIC COMPANY Contractor B /u�b/li/hc r Commissions oP tH s Nov 9 1939 Adopted by the Council 193— Nov 9 1939 Approved 193— In Favor — % yor Against 1SI�D CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO. 116883 «E.. APPROPRIIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHA R SECTION 208 C. F. No. 118883—$YY Mgton. $oxen—� Resolved, That the followin8 tran.- fere be nde o the books of Une� PRESENTED BY Co' ae by doing n �-- — DATE nYoldable d.f1.I. ey sin � ,taN,nl m COMMISSIONE n•ay be met by aaid I^ s ® be RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNTFRARRED. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM DR.FROM TO10 R �' 34,856.18310-W i 187.810-A1 Colmnissioner-Public Works�� 010-A2 610-B1 010-B2 010-B3 010-01 200.0 10-C3 010-C,y� 140.010-05 0 10-06 35,384.06 35,384 1,158.22 6,174.08 / 7,332.301 7,332. COUNCIL-193- 193 MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY—o ri v wMrrnouta YES (0 C NCILMEN (0 r3AYS 11-R Street Const. & Rep.^^�� 11-A1 11-A2 11-A4 11-A6 *,MRR1•pr- AGAINST G 35,384.06 35,384 1,158.22 6,174.08 / 7,332.301 7,332. COUNCIL-193- 193 MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY—o ri v wMrrnouta YES (0 C NCILMEN (0 r3AYS p ERS .f.�.Ilef-1 ✓tom ROSEN AVOR TRUAX *,MRR1•pr- AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT 35,384.06 35,384 1,158.22 6,174.08 / 7,332.301 7,332. COUNCIL-193- 193 MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY—o ri v wMrrnouta YES (I; CpSIN EN (0 NAYS r.�. i7 -Y'(r • WEN (0 ROSEN �FAV.. TRU,X AGAINST .�G MR. PRESIDENT rWa�THF COUNCIL-193— APPROVED---- 1 L 193—APPROVED— _1 93— COUNTERSIGNED BY_-- cij— coMr.RoL_ COOHC1No A�. b883 I CITY OF SAINT PAUL �,T. «ERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY DATE �. 193 COMMISSIONER — ® RESOLVED, THAT T LLOWING TRANSFERS BE NAD COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOI OIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAI SFERS WITHOUT RING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MON E ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS AR E. -EARED CODE _ FROM TO APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT DR TRANS CR. 12 -rpt Sewer Const. & Rep. Fund 8,783.21 12-W 15.10 12-A1 5,223.28 .i 12-A2 164.21 12 -AB 722.55 12-A4 2,528.27 12-A5 160.00 8,798.31 8,798.31 14-A1 Bridge Bldg. & Rep. Fund 1,187.00 14-A4 1,187.00 13 B 1 Street & Sewer Cleaning Fund 242.45 y 13 s 3 150.00 1s6.66 13 a 13 C 1 ' 205.79 YES (I; CpSIN EN (0 NAYS r.�. i7 -Y'(r • WEN (0 ROSEN �FAV.. TRU,X AGAINST .�G MR. PRESIDENT rWa�THF COUNCIL-193— APPROVED---- 1 L 193—APPROVED— _1 93— COUNTERSIGNED BY_-- cij— coMr.RoL_ .� " �168�33 11 TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO. "o" CITY RK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION�ORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY DATE 193 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLO TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN MAY BE MET BY SAID RS WITHOUT H ERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN TEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER E MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM FROM TO AMOU TRANSFERRED - DR. CR. 13-R Str. & Sewer C1eenpng Fund 2,008.13 107.00 13-A1 86.67 ; 13-A2 61.63 13-A3 2,400.00 13-B1 1,019.22 13-B2 714.19 13-II3 100.00 13-B4 700.00 13-B5 606.76 13-01 892.27 13-03 72.97 13-C4 61.51 ' 13-05 996.00 ` 13-E1 912.95 13-E2 1,000.00 13-E3 1,18818 13-E5 3,419..22 13-E6 13-G2 102• 13-B1 2,638.60 71.83 13-H2 c� 57.87 13-J1 YES (v) C NCI L EN (1') NAYS ADOPTED BY TH OUNCI 193_ • APPROVED V �O" 91939 193- ,... PE E SAN rC •v -7 IN FAVOR ROSEN - j / TRUAX AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED BY .I� P.A MR. PRESIDENT .00 R. R FCIBLISIIED / y 116884 Oashw to aly ci.A —CIL Nb. CITY OF ST. PAUL " — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- G� F �F FORM — Ir//yl�p, PRESENTED BY®l jr Peterson COMMISSIONER_ RESOLVED, That the free use of the theater seotion of the St. Paul Auditorium be end it in hereby given to the Junior League of St. Paul for a ohildrents program to be given on the morning and afternoon of Deoember 9, 1939, the morning and afternoon of January 20, 1940, and the morning and afternoon of May 18, 1940; said Junior League to pay only the post of opening and operat- ing the theater,septioA on said datesfor the abo a oocasions. COUNC,ILMEN Yeas / Nays $ uss Findlan �arto stetson _,afosen -IT,.- W. President (Fallon) W B i9C6 v� In Favor 2. Against 140V 9 IM9 Adopted by the Council 193— Approved Nov 91839 193- 1 �....11 NO.1168 35 CITY OF SAINT PAUL "T CLeflN APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY ,93 COMMISSIONER— RESOLVED, �" • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TRANSFERRED CODE APPORTIONED ITEM . CR D R. _ FROM TO 16-B7 Building Building Maint. - Repairs 1400.00 16-R Cash Receipts 33,000.00 16-A1 Library Ser. -Salaries 33,000.00 Now Books 1,000.00 16-A5 G 16-B6 Building Maint. - Supplies P0.00 e. 116695—By A-1 F. Peter.on— Rosolved, That the followin6 trane- fern be made on the bookd of the Comp- troller, ne io eo doing o unavoidable deficiency in c rtaln items ay'p et the work t—filed by theenm money lir the Item. from which the transfer. are made. Maintenance and 7, Building from code 16-R, cnsh receipts.; 0$83,- 000.00 to de 16-A3, i1RgTy service— ' alarles; i1,00llwo to cgde 16-A6, LI- brary 8ervlce—new books: X608.00 [o I Code 15-B8, BU1lding Mal ntenanc— Ad .0le.. I Adapted 9, Vy the , nsq. Npv. 9, 1939.' A ppmved I'­ 1939. (Nov. 11, 1999) �yyti NOV 91939 YES (V)ONCIL�MEN lVl NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193— ® ltP RSON APPROVED NOV 1939 —193— ROSEN IN FAVOR — 1 / TRUAX MAros AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED BY__---- GLb ���"� clTr coMer.o��.R MR. PRESIDENT � NO._------- ald..11•cm'G.a" CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GEN FORM I esti✓< r pe *6V. PRESENTED 8Tu_� ca�g BY sn„r.+ve nTr E - COMMISSIONER- PXT �' - WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reportod to the Council in accordance 4-1— existence wof anith emergency which ction 5-3, of e Yeas Nays Barfuss City Charter the employment of certain rendeDed necessary their usual Findlan employes artmherefor more of his it,�n In Favor Peterson Rosen ^ / /) Against hours of employment; Mr. President (Fallon) RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are herebysp aa the ementyfor thorized to pay the following named for extra eMploym oxtra rate otherwise.fixed time heroinaftOt set forth: ENGINEERS - EXTRA CTC' OVERTIME JAN NAME & TITLE 6 Hrs. •80 TOTAL 4 80 George Barrett Jan Eng '80 3 20 Christian Bauer Do 4 m .80 3 60 Fred Baumgart Do 4 11 057 3/4 2 31 Erik John Bergstrom Blomberg Jan Jan Eng 2 11 6 ,r 080 080 1 60 4 80 John Buhl DO 4 n 057 3/4 2 31 Henry Joseph Domnosky Ellenson Jan 14 " Jan -Eng 11 .80 X80 11 20 4 80 Joseph Elmquist 6 Do 4-3,. It .80 3 60 Charles Engelbretson Do 4� a .80 3 60 Andrew Erickson Do 4 n .80 3 20 Joseph Fedlmeier 3 n. .80 2 40 Earl Foster Do 5 n .80 4 00 Carl G. Fransen Do n .80 4 00 Albert H. Fuller Do 6, n .gp 5 20 George Gunther Do Do 4 n .80 3 20 Oscar Charles Halgren Haumlarlund 21 „ „ Do .80 16 80 6 40 Frank Hayek 8 Do 9 ti .80 .80 7 20 George Hayes Do la it .80 1 20 Frank Hedlund 4 it .57 3/4 2 31 Henry Elmer Hinkel Hintz Jan Eng 8 Jan " 11 .80 .57 3/4 6 40 1 16 Robert Jabs Jan 2 -Jan-Eng 1s n .80 1 20 Anton E. Emil G. Johnson Keller Don 3 " Do 1 "Adopted by .80 th,+Nuncil— 1 20 1 20 193 -- Andre COUN�I>:�1 Nov 91939 Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan �J 7 Parranto In Favor Peterson Rosen ^ / /) Against Truax Mr. President (Fallon) 777 6.78 C9 Approved— 193-- /C 1piayor .►sem �� .�� TOTAL - $205 97 116886 JAN & ENGINEERS - EXTRA CURRICULAR OVERTIME NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Lyman G. Larson Jan 2 hrs. .57 3/4� 1 16 Giuseppi Lucia Jan -Eng 4 " .80 3 20 James R. Lynn Do 32 " .80 2 80 James Mc-Dermott Jan 2 " .57 3/4¢ 1 16 George E. Mc -Kinnon Jan -Eng 8 " .80 6 40 William Mc -Neely Do 4 " .80 3 20 John Munkelvitz Do 4 " .80 3 20 Augustus Munson Sch. Eng 4 " .77 3 08 Leo Peet Jan -Eng 122 If .80 10 00 Benjamin Samuelson Jan 6 If .552 3 33 Clinton C.Sandercock Jan -Eng 2 " .80 1 60 Henry J. Schneider Do 2 If .80 1 60 Bert Seidler Do 2 If .80 1 60 Oscar Smolensky Do 4 It .80 3 20 ' Robert A. Stahnke Do 8 if .80 6 40 Harold Stake Jan 2 It .552 1 11 Arthur Story Jan -Eng 2 " .80 1 60 Charles Starz Do 4 " .80 3 20 Joseph Strommer Jan 7 " .57 3/4� 4 04 Herman A. Snendsen Jan -Eng 2 " .60 1 60 Christopher Tarte Do 4 " .80 3 20 Edward Thomas Do 5 " .80 4 00 Isaac W. Thompson Do 4 " .80 3 20 George R. Turnquist Do 8 " .80 6 40 Thomas F. Waters Hd. Jan 2 If.6421 1 29 James Watson Jan -Eng 4 If:80 3 20 Max Werner Do 2 " :80 1 60 John Wilwert Jan 4 " .87 3A4 - 2 31 Edward L Manske Jan -Eng 4 " .80 3 20 TOTAL - $205 97 FORM N0. 1 November 9, 1939. Extra Curricular Overtime. An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per dayp in doing the following work: Cleaning schools and firin . Thisemergency arose by reason of the foIloring facts and circumstances : Necessary to keep school buildings open for extra curricular use. This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. t 116887 •eoarcl.* CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. !�« i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a. v^ -N a COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM l,r. //1 . PRESENTED BY '. oL+r r+ VT4MPAr)W _ nOtr. aTH�� C� ion has rtod the,Council Thellingaccordance with isioner of tSect on 531,00f the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendeaed necessary the employment of certain than their usual employes of his department for more hours of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- at s yfor fixed the ffor oextra employment wing named extraesp rateiotherwisey time hereinafter set forth: JAN & ENGINEERS - REGULAR OVERTIME TOTAL RKXts NAME George Barrett TITLE JAN. Eng. TIME s' .64¢ 7 0 Christian Bauer 9 is .57 5 15 Harold A Boeckmann Jan Jan Eng 3 n „64 2 26 Richard Bulena Fred Bursinger Do 6 TM " .642 3 87 3/4� 19 72 Arthur B. Copley Staty.Fireman 33 5 " •59 o57,3/4X 2 89 John H. Elmond Joseph Elmquist Jan Jan Eng 36 " n .64 23 22 064 21 2936 Charles Engelbretson Do S3 n •64 23 22 Andrew Erickson Do 3 „ .55 1 67 Carl G. Fransen D° Do 3 " .64 1 94 Albert H. Fuller n ,64 1 61 George Gray George Gunther Do Do " 7* " .64 2 58 064 4 84 Oscar Halgren Do 6 " .62 3 74 Frank Hayek Do Do 22 „ •64L 14 19 George Hayes Frank Hedlund Do 3* " .64 1 94 .64 2 26 John A. Heinz Do Do 23 " .64 14 84 Elmer Hintz Do 3 TM •64 1 94 Anton E. Johnson Do 28 .63 17 64 Gilbert Jorve William La -Chapelle Do 2 " 2 " .64*{ 1 29 1 16 Lyman G. Larson George Lautner Jan Stat.Fireman 13 n .57_314f .64, 11 61 Giuseppi Lucia Jan Eng n 2Adopted ThomeBUNCILMEN r Do by the &unci .� -s-1W193— Yeas Nays Barfuss r� NOV 919M Findlan !� Approved 193— Parranto In Favor �/( Peterson Rosen Truax / 1 Against Mr. President'(Fallon) 5M 6-M cs -2- NOV. BTH-1939 11688! JAN & ENGINEERS - REGULAR OVERTIME V RATE TOTAL 10 97 2 58 1 29 1 29 7 74 1 29 12 90 4� 2 31 4 44 14 31 3 87 7 42 3 87 /4¢ 2 31 1 29 23 22 16 13 td 3 47 TOTAL - 332 35 TITLE TIME NAME James R. Lynn Jan ung 17 Hrs. 4 " Edward L. Manske Do 2 " Carl Miller Do 2 n William Oliphant Da 12 n James F. Petersen Do 2 " Frank Ritchet Do Do 20 r' Mathias Ross Jan 4 n George Benjamin Runyon Samuelson Do 8 255 Albert Schoener Staty.Firman Oscar Smolensky Jan -Eng lle n Lloyd Spetzman Do 6 Charles Starz Do Jan 4 it Joseph Herman A gtrommer Svendsen Jan -Eng 2 n " Christopher Tarte Do 36Do 25 James Watson Jan 6 " John Wilwert RATE TOTAL 10 97 2 58 1 29 1 29 7 74 1 29 12 90 4� 2 31 4 44 14 31 3 87 7 42 3 87 /4¢ 2 31 1 29 23 22 16 13 td 3 47 TOTAL - 332 35 FORM __N0-1 1939• November 9 1939 — An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: ThiseMrgency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances ; Illness of re ula� a to ees. This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. odowl.cara.A `-NO. �AUVCJ4.7 CITY OF ST. PAUL ��• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK318888—$y W. A. karj COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ��$hq t*ase crf X11-1o— °."n aPu n PRESENTED BY /lL/!L?/T�f� _-DATE WHEREAS, the Commissioner of public Utilities, the head of the Department which contolled or heretoforersub ittedttowthe hCouncil aa reporttunder ehis fhand ter ddescribingeescrieged, the the said real property, recommending that it be sold, and stating the reasons why the disposition thereof was a0otoberble and 12he1939nCdulyil yapprovedieaidvprojeat Council File No. 116590, approved and directed that said property be sold, and WHEREAS, The Purchasing Agent obtained competent appraisal of said property and thereafter called for bids for the same, in the manner prescribed by Ordinance No. 6576, approved November 5, 1935, as amended, and informal bid was duly obtained, and thereafter the Committee on Lands made its award to the highest responsible bidder, Henry Seiferth, recommending the sale of said 55 feet of the southerly 10 feet of Lot 13 (except land, being the easterly 1 Hemline Avenue) of Kittsondale Addition in Auditors Subdivision x}37, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the offieetate of .of the Register of Corne in said y in of aRamsey, StateooftMinney of sota,ytogsaid Henry Se Yerth,inowttherefore be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves such action of the Committee on Lands, and the proper city officers are hereby directed to convey the property so sold to said purchaser by warranty deed, for the sum of $150.00, upon the following terms and conditions: The check which accompanied the bid, in the amount of $15.00, to be applied as the first payment of the purchase price, and the balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within fifteen (15) days after this acceptance by the City, and upon delivery of the deed, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the purchaser abstract of title to said property. ale all thelBT FURHESOVED, that the oardTo RWaterLCommissioners Fundeofsthe cCity lofsSaint hPaul becredited to Informal Bid No. 8584. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council NOV 9 IN093— Yeas j Nays NOV 91939 Fin Ian Approved 193— arranto eterson In Favor ' May /RosenD Grua Against . President (Fallon) i e C8 H. W. %AUSTiN, Pwchdn. A..nl . GEORGE J. FISHER, AWI P.rtM.I.. A... CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 453 City Hell and Court House November 3, 1939 BALE OF LAND INFORMAL BID 8584 j No. 118888—BY W: ,reae, the Commieel >,, ens neva nt to ontrolled or to w v herelnntter •1. heretofore .01 _ z orur dd,Y,! hA res n�. 7n 1 9[l. w �l The Committee on Lands hereby recommends the sale of the easterly 155 feet of the southerly 10 feet of Lot 13 (except Hamline Avenue) of gittsondale Addition in Auditor's Subdivision #27, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the Uounty of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, situate in said County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to Henry Seiferth; for the sum of $150.00, in accordance with his Informal Bid No. 8584 attached hereto. The revenue &Ooruing from this sale to be credited to the Board of Water Commissioners Fund. APPROVED: THE COMMITTEE ON LANDS 1'III3LISFiED BION PUBL C UTILITIES P RCHASING AGENT tY BIDS WILL BE OPENED AT SPECIFIED TIME NOTICE: THIe NUMeEw -T wePEww ON voUw Ervvew�e H. W. AUSTIN. pI PURCHASING AGENT B�TOY CITU OF ST. PAUL INFORMAL BID NO. PURCHASING DEPARTMENT INFORMAL QUOTATION SEALED BIDS addressed to the purchasing agent for articles specified below will be received by this department antic 2.00 P.M.o'clDcl F* dav, October 20 1939 �llimrecYAleY�lQimeata�avS� to be delivered tQ_._. ------ _—... BID SEPARATELY ON EACH ITEM u THESE --L-- N9 TO BE USED BY BIDDER QUANTITY DESCRIPTION NIT rwlcE II Y/ II To II LAND FOR SALE The City of saint Paul hereby offers for sale the following described real estate! The easterly 155 feet of the southerly 10 feet of Lot 13 (except Hamline Avenue) of i Kitteondale Addition in Auditor's Subdivision #27, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of f0.00 Ramsey, State of Minnesota, situat in said County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota Bid must be accompanied by a certified check for 10$ of the amount bid. The check of the successful bidder will be retained as part payment and balance to be paid within fifteen (15) days. HWAIB THI• le �w w][LOWuCONa.IIO�EwM1ITT►w.N`xowo[w. SIGNATURE OF BIDDER ... ..w ...... .D.— ALL INFORMAL BIDS MUST BE WRITTEN WITH TYPEWRITER OR INK AND Mk)tT BE SIGNED WITH INK Unsigned bide will not be considered. Bids containing any alterations or erasures will be rejected. A 11 bids must be submitted on this form, enclosed in a Sealed envelope addressed to the purchasing agent, in case detailed specilleationw are necessary, attach same to this form. Contracts will be awarded to dder. The City of St. Paul reserves the right to reject any or all bids or parte thereof. IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS regarding the above please !11ENT'IOV T11131N FORMAI. BID NUMBER. — FURNISH SAMPLE WHENEVER POSSIBLE i • �.INAL TD�oUR�l' x.16889 an SAINT PAUL NO• MRK CITY OF S APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONER W. A. PARRANTO _ DATE 0l tabor 31, 193_9..___ RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE -MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE,M„ADE. RX80LUTIONH. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM - FROM -- 21 Al rdo of Pub. Util. Fund .20 21 Cl do21 C2 do do 74.60 21 A2do do 25.0021 B3do do 50.00 21 DR 21 W 22 B5 22 R 22 W Airport do 21 D1 do 21 D2 do YES lY) UNCI MEN (V) NAYS P ERSON ROSEN IN FAVOR TRUAX j \ EN J -OGAINST MR. PRESIDENT aoo Io -a+ 10,48' 31 14.69 6,500.00 4,000.00 500.00 4,861.03 178.78 78.86 120.00 100.00 4,540.95 100.00 600000 NOV 10 1939 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— 193— ni m+ 101939 APPROVED 193.— "LISHED COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY COM—OLLER Lighting do do 22 Al do 22 A2 do 22 A3 do 22 B2 do 22 B6 do 22 B7 do YES lY) UNCI MEN (V) NAYS P ERSON ROSEN IN FAVOR TRUAX j \ EN J -OGAINST MR. PRESIDENT aoo Io -a+ 10,48' 31 14.69 6,500.00 4,000.00 500.00 4,861.03 178.78 78.86 120.00 100.00 4,540.95 100.00 600000 NOV 10 1939 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— 193— ni m+ 101939 APPROVED 193.— "LISHED COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY COM—OLLER Oi WWC*Va-k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES9 TION ---GENERAL FORM / DATE PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ NO.���1 matter of the lighting of West Seventh AREAS, in the Street Boulevard from W. Seventh Street to Mississippi Boulevard, ComptroCompany, contractors, theer's contract .datte,Of com- wealth Electric Company, and pletion is October , 1939 prosecuted his work diligently, AREAS, the contractor has but has experienced delay in receiving ta transformerhe from the factory which was epartmmentsofated by lighting the Fort Snelling hange in the plans of the War site a cutback in the circuit, and Bridge, and necessitating . WHEREAS, this procedure r9quired an extension of time for completion, therefore; be it er city officials be and they are RESOLVED that the p�pdirected to execute an amendment hereby authorized xte the time to October 91 1939, to said contract extending provided,,however, that this resolution shall have no force and ef'feet unless the sureties nd file such consent bond consent thereto ooIn w] iand be it further. with the City F. RESOLVED Ali uidated damages and that the CiOf St. Paul eno engineering olaims for q and inspection charges will be made on this project by the City on account of such extended period. C. F. No. 11 090—By M '• '^ Where a in -th m lig or Weet 4e• r g3, i er i � t tar' LIo861' J { Alb NOV 10 IM193— Adopted by the Conncil------- COUN•CILMEN Yeas Nays NOV 10 /ya1 s Approved 193— ��indlan �in iYarr nto Favor r yor .�.'son rosea / l Against „ 'rax ✓ Mf. President (Fallon) VtTBL1SIIED-_`/`/��/j 6M a/. 116891 oalwl to atY aok N O. CITY OF ST. PAUL ^�• --- OFFICE OFT E CITY CLERK C. F.'Sio. LIBMAl—nY Mll�on Roaen— OUN :IL RESOLD ON FORM wherea seat neaara ana ae1nY ex - f• • to vetilc^lar-�.'�-Or at ' P ' Lo. PR EBENTED BY"939 `�— DATE" GOMMISSIONER_ - WHEREAS, great hazard and delay exists to vehicular traffic at the pres=nt grade crossing of Reserve Street and the Burlington, Milwaukee and Great Western Railroads, necessitating the construction of a bridge over these tracks, and d MEAS, the City of St. Paul has included in its list of desirable grade separation projects the construction of a bridge and the separation of grades of Reserve Street and the tracks of the afore- said railroads, such work to be done as a federalradtand tion project under the supervision of the State Highway Department, WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul and the railroads involved are in agreement as to the necessity of this grade separation and will cooperate in the making of surveys, and the making of the plans necessary for the sponsorship of the project; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul request the commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota, to include the Reserve Street project in the 1940 program for construction with federal grade separation funds,and be it gRUFHER RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is herein authorized to present a copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Highways and to perform the necessary preliminary work incident to furnishing such information as the Commissioner of Highways may require in connection with this project. A ��COUNCILMEN YeasI Nays v� 7user lan - ,#arrante - 11�eterson- In Favor .R6sen Against - IT -11 a X gainst•ITfilax eM 2csr. President (Fallon)- Nov 101939193— Adopted by the Council NOV 101939193-- Approved — M or fsilrly/ �� x.16892 pd�Wl M Cay O.�M 1*111L CITY OF ST. PAUL 'ILS" NO.__ ----- OFFICE- O THE CITY CLERK ; Nb Mae =h. nsntpn tcaenn— COUNCIL RE TION --- GENERAL FORM IcwD efs, Ai Departmumb oraPUDlmlc Nvcrke, ~ ,Wred Ire. 7th day or tir�temh 8$91 it of lily PRESENTED BY /}` �--��� DAT E COMMISSIONER_ WHEREAS, Anthony Plumbo, an employe of the Department of Public Works, was injured on the 7th day of September 1939, in the course of his employment with saidDepartotally and as a ntil result of said injury was temporarily y permanent until the 16th day of October 1939, and has suffered a disability to his ring finger of his right hand, the extent of which is a 50 per cent loss of use of said finger, and WEREAS, the Workmen's Compensation law provides 20 weeks compensation for the loss of use of such finger and that the employe shall be paid on the percentage of loss of such member, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Industrial Commission and the Corporation Counsel that the employe is therefore entitled to the above to 10 weeks en- sation for the eloss tofe ofuse hofhentitles wp suchfinger,and said employe has agreed to accept such settlement, and WHEREAS, the compensation rate of said employe is $17,60 per week, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to said Anthony Plumbo the sum of $176.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account Of the thener l i Fund, in full and final settlement of his claim against of Sant Paul for compensation, resulting from his injury of September 7, 1939. tk�t 0 NOV 10 19S 193— COUNCI4MEN Adopted by the Council Yeas 1 Nays NOV y 0' ar sa 193-- in lan Approved �p arrant. In Favor L _ �"` Ma eterson ,Rosen Against 1W.P �fPresident (Fallon) � WCOUSIRED � 611 648 Ca 116893 01181mr to an caul " N O. CITY OF ST. PAUL " OFFIOE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL.,PESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDCoMMISSION _ dam- DATE N04 9 1Qi4 In the matter of constructing a sewer on Hazel Avenue from the terminus of the existing sewer approximately 292.5 feet south of Margaret Street to a point 80 feet north of Fifth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 116242 approved September 13, 1939 and Final Order C. F. 116759 approved Otober 31, 1939• RESOLVED, Thet the plans and specifications as sub- mitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $368.60, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No. 116893—Boy Milton Rosen— In the matter c atructing n a er Hazel AvenuoLe from the termiqus of the existing sewer aDDroximrt, in 6 Dolnt F`eet th of Marthret Street. under tG t9 -M Lir 4 :'A ve �/✓�� Adopted by the Council Nov 10 1M9193-- f . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss l0' 193— �ndlan / Approved i arranto In Favor vim- K� �P"eterson ay r oxen Against L�BLISiiED x i1Nr. President (Fallon) aM 6-W cs -116894 Do" oft a CGY CITY OF ST. PAUL n,.MC NO• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKPt�6#► -4",_ 'I.�,cO.NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESEN DATE November 10. 1939 COMMISe R PZSOLVED% That On Sale Malt Beverage license #5515, expiring April 5. 1940. Restaurant license #653. expiring April 5, 1940. and Off Sale Malt Beverage license #76299 expiring April 5, 1940, issued to Mary Renalls at 565 Payne Ave. be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommen8iktion of the Barean of Police became of the arrest and guilty plea of Mary Renalls to the charge of aiding and abetting gambling. C. F A. Parra't, F ,L Tru"a_ uex— Resolved, That On gale Malt Bever- ge license No. 6616, expiring April 6• 1840, Restaurant llcenaa prc•gnie'uait Diring .April 6. 1940, un Bevetxge Iiren- Nn• 1828, a plring April 6. 1940, Issued to Mary Renallx at 666 Payne Ave. be and the same re of rthe BureaueQf Police becaueend[tI e [ o d gulitoy' laleu o[ -Mar)• Renella for the :charge [ iding and -het gamblln6 APpDot edo1b ] ,u193 B, Nov. 10. (Nor. l 1. 1936) NOV 10 1939 COUNCI MEN' Adopted by the Council-193— Yeas ouncil 193—yes Nays NOV 10 Balfdss B Approved 193— Fin n a to In Favor l e ,son M or � r Against rU r. President (Fallon) eM "8 Cg nIbVv. Od66CMY 1.16895 'r' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /) /!J/y ►� (COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM application 37653. Off Sale Malt Beverage+ BESOLPID: That license for Restaurant, app application 37654, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 376555, applied for by Theodore Alex at 530 Wabasba St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. l New. Informally approved by council. Nov. 7, 1939 Old Location. l:. F. No. 116896—sy G. H. liarfuae- 1V. pp.. Parrantu—F.,M. Truax— Fteeolved Tbet Ilcenee for Reetau- ,.at, ADplf—tlon 37863,'Off Sole Malt H"N ra e, application 37963, .and ,On Sale€Malt everage, aDPlicatlen 37866. appned' -far by Th odore Alex at 630 Wabaena'St. he and the same or. her- "j' ere. !hY ,granted. and the C1ty.,Glet•k la in- atructed'to lee ouch 1lceneea poo the pe yfnent Into the city treneury ofIne I qulred feea. v d by t New. Informally pltr I cit. Nov. 7, 11)936. Old leeatipn. Adopted Ntethe Co A 1939 v. 1 Nac. le. 1!139. tNo18, ;9$91 Nnv 1010 193— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays 6 NOV 101939 Approved 193 — �indj Par oto � in Favor ✓eterson or ✓sen Against iT�r ax ;r President (Fallon) 6M "s cs- oda!W to aty a,tk eon NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK A �•�s, OUNCIIr. RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM —DATE November 10 1939 WHERW: heretofore "On Sale" Liquor license $1222 Was issued to Martin Bergbemmer and Eugene Hargrave at 370 Hobert St. and WHEREAS: Martin Berghammer and Eugene Hargrave have requested that said license be transferred to Martin Berghammer only at 370 Robert St. and WHEREAS; the said Martin Bergbammer has filed a bond in the sum of $3,000.00 as required by City Ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that non Sale° Liquor license #1.222, heretofore issued to Martin Berghammer and Eugene Hargrave at 370 Robert St. be and the 'same is hereby transferred to Martin Berghammer only at the same address end the bond of the said Martin Berghammer is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said Martin Bergbammer and Eugene Hargrave from sty farther liability arising after the date this resolution is published. 'C. F. No. 11G%96—By O. H. Barfuea— W. A. nto—F. M. Truez— uo 11ht1e�r�eaps, berenofore , • On sale•• l.iq- tln Berghammer-end L•'ugene H.rgruve at 870 Robert St. and Whsreas, Martin lierghummer nd j Eugene Hargrave he's requested that msaid llcenea .be .tr... fprrod to Martin ,Whampter only at 37o Robert 9F. and 'tChere.., the e W Martin Bergham- .s mer has died nl bond 1nr thg^ num of Transfer informally approved by Counoil, Nov. 7, 1939, Old Location COUNCILMEN YeasNays B� ar uss to lan a oto :;?Favor Berson sen Against President (Fallon) 6M &D8 f8 It. to hammer only ut Wem addre.. flad the bond of the said Martin Bergham- r1s hereby ppro ed and the City Clerk Is dlreetatl to deposit I.II. amo 1n thr ot°ee of the City Comptroller, and th, Corporntlon Co .... 1 i. authorized .ad directed to release the a et>- qn the bond of the said Martin iierg�am- mer and Eugene Hargraveany further Ilabllity arising after the date t hls ren lW 4. In puhllsh.d. Transfer 17, 1939lly nI.c.I rd by oud,,Pt Nor. t 1989. Old I .till.. .\dopteA hr the Caunrll Noa. In. 19:19. .\PPrm•erl iJnv. Adopted by the Council NOV 10 09 193- Approved NOV 10 i90 193-- 11 ayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL 11611(, APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE ✓� �� Application No........ ................. r ✓ t o /n ... Age.. .... .. .... Name of Applicant ^ f... . 1 ? 5....s ..U... ,.: ..::X ..... 'k,G..Telephone No...�iL�l .. ..J.. .... Residence Address............ �' (""' Are you a citizen of the United States?.......................... ............ ......... ........................................ Have you ever, been engaged inoperat g a saloon, cafe, soft d iI 1parlor, or business of similar nature? ,P.� ' t s �.. : C c ..... ,,- ...7 ...... ........... I........................ ... ............ . ........ .......:.:.: .... v When and whetSe?.................... ................................................. ...... �... �..-.. J'%-C�..... IF corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation ..... ............... .... ......... _....... ................. . . ......................... When incorporated? ....................................... If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? ........................................... How many members? ................... ......... ... .................... ....... ........ ....................... :.aures and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager ............................ ............... ............................................. I.......................... i ......................................................... ...................`...l.�....................,.............................. Ui.e name of surety company which will write bond, if known.... _ .............. ........... ........... r� L� umber Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)?......'.'.... ....... /..... . —y How many feet from a church (measured along streets)?.... // O flow many fee, from closest- public opr parochial grade r high school (measured along streets)?.. l...... _..-./. Name of closest school......!. How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?...... "' ""' .. """ .... On what floor located?.... {,i:'sG1.t<��.-... .... ..... ®�'Q�f ...:If leased give name of owner.. �! + "A s Are premises owned by you or Teased... .h-..._. , If a restaurant, give seating capacity...................................................... If ho.el, seating capacity of main dining room? .............. ..........."""' ........................ Uice below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ...................................................................................................... . -�/ ... ......... .. .... ! I/ ...... ..l ��f....4..........V7................./ .................... .. ... .............. ........... ...` .4. . ............... ...... .. ................................................... .......... .... (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). f lo%� many guest rooms in hotel?................................................................................ ................. ,,ame of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)............................................................. ... Give names a addresses oft r e business refere9 I s: .................. .. .. . ..... .. ..... .... 3 ............... t. .l !u, �.......................................................................... THIS APP ICATION MUST BE VERIFVD BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended C.pplication checke 1 by Dated... .. License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE t13® a 0 STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF AI�IfEY. } ss. � � j' G i V ✓ L` �!, V ........... being first duly sworn, ............... deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. SubWbed and swofb before me a .... . ✓ ........ayo�...........193q. this.. . ................... . Y Ramsey County, Min. My commission P expires.... cs........�. / n/ J GiORGI STATE OF MINNESOTA,1 ss Mt Corm," . t COUNTY OF RAMSEY. ` �' being first duly sworn, ........................................................................................ deposesand says that.....................the.................................................. ................................................. ................................ of ................................... I a corporation; that.....................................has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of................................knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this.................... day of ..................... 193.. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires............ atl.wl.«r .dt CDU CH. No /� CITY OF ST. PAUL /y (_ 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �r �UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRE59NTEg„ .DATE n....a.ber 10 1939 COMMISSIONER RESOLRED1 That On Sale Malt Beverage license #5475, expiring March 1!29 19W Restaurant license #618, expiring March 22, 1940, and Off Sale Malt Beverage license #7735, expiring March 22, 1940, issued to Martin Berghammer and Eugene Hargrave at 370 Robert St. be and the same are hereby transferred to Martin Berghammer only at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. Transfer informally approved by Council, Nov. 7, 19399 old Location. COUNCILMEN yeas /II Nays azI ss In n err to la- eterson osQn ImIr. President (Fallon) 6M 648 W 6407-: it QQ H, uxrcn,'— rrnnto-7+'. 3f Truax— Its—l—d. That On Sale Malt Ilevern Ko ala{p,x ltenrc f 11 ,,at Il—ac No. 618, ex - Airing Mnr% 1930, and OIr Sale MuIt-Reyeruge Ileenxe No. 77:1 R, •cplr- hlg M—ch 22, 1910. Keneed to e Martin Iterghatnuier and T- gravat ",i0 Robert 4t. beand the x hereby tra' rred to Mnrt(nmlltlrgt- hammer —I. al the x ndre.. and nr the proe, ity ,ln,cr, da a Inxlrurled tomke the proper ,•hanger In the city'. -c— .. Tran. for IM— lly approved by t •.il Nov. T. 1939. Old I... tion. a"dwea by the Council No, la. 1939. .t nnrnred Nov. (Nov. 18, 1939) Adopted by the Council NOV 10 163— Approved NOV 101W 193— Z n Favor —A_ Ma or Against 16898 od,mrto a CILNO. CITY OF ST. PAUL •t■ -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PR...._ , .-- �YYv _. DATE November 10 1939 WHEREAS: Sybil D. Reichow desireWto withdraw application 37787 for On Sale Malt Beverage license at 680 E. 7th St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be, and they are hereby authorised to refund to Sybil D. Retchow the fee of $50.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �ss iFindlan r President (Fallon) 3M &38 Ca I- In Favor Against ""'9'—By O. H. 13arlaa.— xnto—F. M. Truar— I. Srhtl D. n.tchaw deelren to .mu, el kala apMn+xuon .he Counc❑ Suc,10.1=a 9. 9. 1939. 19491 Adopted by the Council NOV 10 19A98_ Approved NOV 10 X939 193— ���My e➢➢ne.� No._� Dd/hw a Ci ty nu CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATE Aovember lQ--1 licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicate BESOLVED: Thalanted and the city olerk is lastrncted to issue such be and the same are hereby gr oe the required fees: licenses upon the pEWment into the city treasury A. Bamish Issuver Grove peel Dealer App- 37306 New Old Loca. 601 ^ n 37 ^ 2 n n Jacob Bom11 n Off Sale Malt ^ 37602 0 0 10 Ramsey St. Grocery 11 ^ , John Geller 349 Jackson St. Gas Station ^ 37618 n n ^ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays azf as /� tndlan rranto � In Favor �erson ,,rysen ' z2_ Against ",6uax 344. President (Fallon). bil � 116899—ny W. A. Per—t-1F. M. Truax—(9. H nar°fuee— nesoived, That. ltcgnee, th lid for by the perxollx named on the list [- trached to thl, resolution ne d the M. n e hereby granted ra d that CICY li- Clerk ix instructed to°Into the city •erases upon the rpaymen treasury f the equired fees. Adopted bYY.�the Connell N6V. 10. 1949. A ➢➢roved 1(INu� 308 33939 ) mov 1�%V Adopted by the Council— 193— Approved NOV 10 10193-- . i -y-r od.mrrocnra.h��Vy w..- IVO. 1A691� CITY OF ST. PAW LE �• it/lam^'/1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C, F, xo. �iesoo—sr W. A turrRnte 4 COUNCIL OF FORM Remt ea T� 11 sartu oned t.rl ny tfi person. A 19�9,� v PWE9ENT�_ �y� DATE - _ RLSMLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are kereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feast N. A. Johnson 395 Rice St. Grocery App. 37343 Renewal a a a a Butcher " 37 341} " Yale Weinstein 532-4 Wabaaha St. 2nd Hand 111r. a 37447 n Geo. Gieener 126 W. Central Tavern a 37649 a n a a a Dance Hall of 37650 it Henry Tachida 3.116 Rice St. Bakery " 37652 a Mace Hubler 978 Selby Ave. Restaurant n 37264 a a It 0a On Sale Malt a 37265 " 11 n a Off Sale Malt a 37266 a Kermit Adund Ke: 432 Case St. Grocery " 37657 a Maud Bormp Inc. 20 W. 5th St. Confectionery n 37660 a R. J. Davini 347 Minnesota St. Confectionery a 37662 ■ A. 0. Konker 571 Rice St. Gas Station a 37669 n A. M. Ledegar 1362 W. 7th it. Fuel Dealer a 37678 a Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co. 2102 Univ. Ave. Fuel Dealer n 37728 a Chas. Solomon 433 N. Smith Ave. Vehicle Peddler a 37749 n n a n a Foodstuff VP. " 37750 " Nov 10 190 193— COU ILMEN Adopted by the Council _ Yeas JJ. Nays. ///� NOV 10 19 / Approved. 193-- Fi Ian 1 urnto e son In Favor 1 Ma or n —Against r. President (Fallon) ers sus Cs It'13IIED 1169491 116902 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.�_ TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER November 9 ,as9 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TRESAURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT ;1 ,32 .36 OF $ , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED ZW= TQC INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. °T�:."I-mo 1389U3-138 k2 drown nn Aaw :ri ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL NOV 16 1ffig 193 , �1110 � � � 1939 CRY CAMPYROLLHR APPROVED i{!3 193- (B) i OUPLICAT TO CITY CLERK CITY OF -WL ROLL CALL ' - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ` PILE NUMBER. e ` HARFUSS LAN RErERSpN ROSEN TRUAI N FA-1AUDITED CLAIMS November iY�V �11�IVi g 193_ _ W ENZEL AGAINST. RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY MR PRES FALLON TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S- COVERING ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-_ *& 2" 193 CERCHS NUMBERED _. PER CHECKS ON FLUSIVE, AS /�'1 ED /I OFFIC§p TITE� iv COMP OLLER TVH'E1� J/L APPROVED NUMBER 199 _ o ..a0 .✓ BY_ CHECK NUMBER �N FAVOR OF DATE TURN BANK D TCHECHSR TOTALHECKSENT iI RETURNED BROUGHT FORWARD 9 750 0 472 265 14 • 65035 65036 Waehburn—Crosby Company R.H. Whitacre 75 38 ' & Company, Inc. 109 46 65037 'jolters Auto 8uppby Company 28 28 j, 65038 Wm. H. Ziegler Company 54 48 650'9 Zinsmaster Baking Company 39 28 '- 65040 65041 Mary E. Krey Hamilton Kenny 32 00 6o oo 65042 S. Kopilovioh & Soil 3 25 6504] Metropolitan Transportation Company 485 00 ` 65044 65045 Cornelius Shea John S. 58 68 65046 Findlan C. of Fin. 9tiefel 300 00 Products, Inc. 1 o261 65047 65o48 L.H. Sault T.J. 350 00 65049 Maruska Acme 61 54 65050 Metal Spinning Company 168 79 Berglund Lumber Company 88 5 65051 Brown & Day, Inc. 35 65052 Corning—Donohue Companq, Inc. 9 65 65 65053 65054 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 208 16 6505` General Electric supply Corp. R.L. 73 47 65056 ifould & Company 10 29 65057 Holm 9 Olson company, Inc. 1.W. 16 61 65058 Koepke F.J. Morse & company 19 6o 107 83 65059 65066 N.W. Hardware Company, Inc. Price 85 48 65061 Electric Company St.Paul ss i6 65062 White Lead & 011 Company 95 06 J.L. 65X6 shiely Company u. s. Bedding Company ,. 5� 19 38 1 6564 65065 The Bookshop,7 Bryce & comany, Assignee 48 13 65066 65067 Chicago, Mil. St -Paul & Pac.Ry. General 10 01 65068 Electric Company Harry 27 00 " 65069 Holmes National 21 62 65070 Education Association Geo. Robertson 5 00 65071 St.Paul Voc.School Revl.Fund 26 90 39 88 65072 65073 Mrs. Arletta Shipman G. 9ommere 07 & Company 359 65074 65075 Tri—State Tel. & Teig.'Oompany Tri—state Tel. 59 05 65076 & Telg. Company Wa4ldorf Bindery, Inc. lob 09 65077 • J.M. Weyandt 85 10 12 00 65079 World Book Company 364 71 65079 Kenneth Wright Studios 65080 .. Yoerg Brewing Company 67 50 ij M SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD to o5o oo 477 027 69 n f P j a P �l I � q i t SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD to o5o op 491288 5011 F 1#0F DU LIGATEA CITY CTERK SAI - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ROLL CALL I COUNCIL FILE NUMBER— - BARFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON - IN FAVOR: AUDITED CLAIMS November 9 193 9_- ROSEN TRUAX AGAINST. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $111 "--=660.91—. COVERING MR PRIES FALLON QI{�Q J�10 F/I�FI ADOPTED BY THE COUN'1CIL-_ CHECKS NUM BERED_._L=�qF TO _V�.- - INCLUS E. AS NOV TO 1939 PER CHECKS ON F TV COMP LI -ER APPROVED --1]�I V _IQ !YSIl9 —_. J NUMBER connrnoen - / 500 '/ 9CS TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF RAN SFER TCHELKS ',RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS I BROUGHT FORWARD 10 050-00- u (pP P 477 027 69- --- • 65081 John Fitzpatrick 64 00 40 00 65682 Hamilton Kenny 43 6o 65083 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 65084 L.Petersen Const. Company 11 639 05 65085 Aeornqutical Chamber of Commerce 4 00 322 34 65086 Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Company 65087 Air Associates, Inc. 73 o6 65088 Aircraft Publications 1 00 65089 Elof G. Allen 24 50 65090 The American Jewish World 22 0 60091 American Printing Company 16 50 65092 Auto Tngine Works, Inc. 3 00 65093 Automatic 011 Heat Company 40 o0 65094 Avon Books, Inc. 3 11 65095 Ballard Storage & Transfer Company 37 00 65096 Harold Bealka 10 00 65097 John Beissel Company 6 52 65098 C.C. Birchard & Company 76 97 65099 Blue Ribbon Books 2 65 65100 J.A. Bonbright Company 31 50 65101 Book Nook Rental Libraries 2 00 65102 Boy Scouts of Amerioa 1 55 65103 Milton Bradley Company 1380 65104 Buckie Printers Rooler Company 1 85 65105 Citizens Ice & Fuel Company 124 88 65106 Columbia University Press 5 28 65107 F.T. Cmppton Company 653 65108 A.B. Dick Company 12 0 io 65109 Diebold Safe & Lock Company 15 65110 Du Bois Soap Company 45 6o 65111 Dunham,Scott Company 10 40 65112 W.J. Dyer & Brother 22 00 6511 Elvgren Paint Supply Company 42 68 6511 Ruth Ersted 2 25 65115 The Extra Curricular Pub.Company 13 85 65116 The Farmer 6 oo 65117 Fine Arte Committee 5 �5 65118 Leonard Frank Company 33 0 65119 Frost -Haus Company 18 25 65120 J.J. Gillen, Reg. of Deeds 17 25 65121 Ginn and Company 505 52 65122 Gregg Pub. Company 52 28 ® 65123 Theo. Hamm Brewing Company 225 00 65124 Hoyt Landscape Nursery 191 30 65125 Interchangeable Brush Company 2 17 65126 Joesting & Schilling Company 14 44 65127 Joyce Insurance, Inc. 22 50 65328 65129 ^.11. Koepke Lake Superior Iron Ore Assoc. 3 5 085 0 65130 65131 Lawyers Co-op. Pub. Company 21 00 56 60 65132 Library of Congress Lowe & Campbell Company 3 65133 Lyon & Healy 424 6 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD to o5o op 491288 5011 16903 COUNCIL FILE NO._ _ By - - - In the Matter of- -_grading-nnd_eurfaoin$-the Alleys -in element -ta_Hi&awre-and Cau_&hte Subdivision of Lot 10, Blook 1, Ames Aore Lota, from Helen it. to avan Sherwood_Avenue, and_ from -the- North_and -South - Alley to Flandrau Street,---__-__--_- __ _- C. N- No. 1189Js— and eurfae- -----.... _. --. -_ ----'--'-'--- - - -- --- -----{in the matter o[ Brading Ing the AIIeYx fn Clemente more and Cavan+•++ A •divison IJ• Blare• e. r +1teY --------------------------44 �------ ---------------------------- . _ under Preliminary Order--- 116123 --------------------- -- ------ ---approved -September 41949 - ---------------- Intermediary --- - ---- - IntermediaryOrder -------------------------------------------------approved --------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the t`„ c a;; r!c: t•ss5y cancelled, annullr99i All.. , .. —-------- ---- — end rescI 1 . l _ -�� c;atter be t iscantinue . - - - - - -------------------------------------------- ------- - an the Council hereby or said improveme to be made. R LVED FURTHER, That the Commissione Public Works be and is hereby ' structed and directed to are plans and specifications for said imp ement, and submit same to the unci] for approval; that u said approval, the proper city officials ar ereby authorized and directed ro- ceed with the makin said improvement in accordance therewl Adopted by the Council NOV - 141--- -939 ------ - 192_.__-. r4 l - -------- Nov 141939 192 _ Approved - - File 8808 Councilman_ Councilman Findlan Councilman �'asse7to-- Councilman &QjRffiMk= Peterson Councilman i c A uosen Councilman 24AIelasaim Truax Mayor HoWsomm Fallon Form B. S. A. 8-7 ------------ - - ayor. v � I 74. nn 'V .y CITY OF ST. PAUL t DEPARTANT FINANCE R REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A), In the matter of grading and surfacing the Alleys in Clement's Highmore and Cavanaugh" Subdivision of Lot 10, Block 1, Ames Acre Lots, from Helen St. to Sherwood Ave., and from the North and South Alley to Flandrau St. under Preliminary Order approved September 1, 1939 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ _ $ 1,236.38 front g 0.97 The estimated cost peg400t for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form B. B 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ADDITIONBldg. 1 Clement's Highmore = 50 $2950 do 50 3350 2 _ do 50 3600 3 do 50 3500 4 50 3400 5 do do 50 3450 6 do 50 2750 7 do 50 1500 8 9 do 50 10 do TOTAL. 50 Form B. B 10 CITY OF ST PAUL DEPARTMdrt OFA FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION IL LOT BLOCK 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 ADDITION Clement's Highmore do do do do do do do do do do do Cavanaugh's Subdivision do do do do do ASSESSED LanALUATIOIlldg• E1 = 75 100 2700 75 2000 75 2350 75 75 75 2750 75 75 2700 75 75 2700 75 600 2050 350 2650 350 2480 S50 2850 350 2960 485 1550 Total $3850 $54,200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - I y Y "/ Dated October 14 19 39 -----=— Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 193 Z St. Paul, Minn ............ ..._.._....._... __.._ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. A Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the follo ing improvement to be made: .......... . ....St. Ave. y. I from ell ._.__..St. Ave. to ....St. Ave. NAME I.OT BLOCK ADDITION S i LAKE COMO '-- --- AND - �L Q 5HERWOOD AVE I� O OO J HELEN AVE ' ' W CD _ Z Q CD Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September 15 193 9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 116128Sept. 1 193 9 relative to Council, known as Council File No. approved radin and surfacing the Alleya in Clement's HighmocP` and Cavanaughts gradinglot— 5 --- --- Subdivision of lot 10 Block 1 Ames Acre s fpom Helen t. to Sherwoo — - u --- Ave. and from the North and South All to Flandrau Stree . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 10.97 2. The estimated cost thereof is S_1286.38__ and the total cost thereof is S— ----• Engineering 1128.08 Inspection $21.78 Frontage 1v280.88 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:--- -- — ---- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. q - S. Said improvement is —asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propeOD subject to assessment for said improvement. r, Commissioner of Public Works® A 00 'n i SEP "0 193'.1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capitai of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF CONST. REFAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER W. q. COCKROFT, SUR. OFFICE ENGINRMI G. H. HERROLD September 149 1989 'CHIEF ENGR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER, BUR. BUREAU OF BRIDGES M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK, 8UFT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing the Alleys in Clement's Highmoor and Cavanaugh's Subdivision of lot 109 Block 1, Ames Aare lots, from Helen Street to Sherwood Avenue and from the North and bouth Alley to Flandrau Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 116128 approved September 1, 1989. Estimated Coat Cost per front foot Engineering Inspection Frontage A ed Por tran ssion to a asi er of Finance �. MILTON ROSBN Commissioner of Public Works $1,286.88 0.97 128.08 21.78 1,280.88 ft. Yo , FfJ SHEPARD e ffigineer COUNCIIL� E NO. r / BY 116904 In the matterof condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cu a an sin a gra ing a Clement's Highmore and Cavanaugh's Subdivision of Lot 10, Block 1, Ames Acre Lots, from Helen Street to Sherwood Avenue and from the North and South Alley to Flandrau Street c. F. No. 116904—BY Milton noeen— In the matter of condemning and tak- Ing an easement in the to �d necee- for eloPee. cutlnv n�' Allehe in; f under Preliminary Order 116124 approved September 1, 1939 Intermediary Order 116665 , approved __ __ __October 1$,_ 1939 _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that vement to be made by the sai\Cavaughts Condemnining an ea ent in the land is sorry for slope cute and fillsgrading and urfacing of the All- in Clement Highmore anSubdivis o£ Lot 10, Block 1, es Acre Lots, rbm Heleno Sherwood Avenu and from the North anSouth Alley FlandrI orders In the above nat..r ba and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled, a the Council hereby or rs s ' ift"d@isil [O' b2�11 " ce-dins in scall matter be discontinued, SOLVED FURTHER, that t e following land, lands easements therein be and \plan ereby ordere o be taken, appropriated and ndemned for the purp a of making said improve For slopes, cuts d fills in the ading and surfaci of the leys in Clement's Hi ore and Cavana 's Subdivision o Block 1, Ames Acre Lots, from He en Street to She ood Avenue and North and outh Alley to Flandrala treet, to the a ent shown on on file in he office of the Commis loner of Public orks RESOLVED FUR ER, That the CommissionerPublic Works be a d is hereby instructed and rect6d to prepare plans an ecificationsfor said improve ent,and the proper ty officials are hereby author ized and directed to proceed th the makingof said imp ov'binentin accordance Nerewith. Adopted by the Council NOV 141939 I9__ Approved iii O V 141939 Mayor. rsUpy�ct'1'^ Councilmen B..:we -- Findlan paFrartto— Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President goo 1-89 CITY Of ST. PAUL DEPARW-197KI" OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alleys in Clement's Highmore, and Cavanaugh's Subdivision of Lot 10, Block 1, Ames Acre Lots, from Helen St. to Sherwood Ave. and from the North and South Alley to Flandrau St. V under Preliminary^Order approved September 1, 1939 To the91uncil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement is $ 25.00 The total estimateda+soew�f<dsan°ae°°"'�t The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LOZtLUATIOly dg• 1 Clemeni's Highmore so $2960 2 do 50 3350 do 5600 350 do 50 3500 4 do 50 3400 5 do 60 3450 6 do 60 2750 7 do 50 1500 g 9 do b0 10 do TOTAL. 50 _ Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT 'OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) •DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 11 12 18 14 16 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 B 8 01 ment's Higbmore do 40 do do do do do do do do do 0avamugh's Subdivision do do do do do ASSESSED 1,adVALUATI'lldg f i 73 ff . 100 2700. 78 2000 76 2360. 76 76 76 2760- 78 78 2700 76 76 2700 76 800 2060 860 2860 360 2460, 360 2860. 380 2950 428 1660 Total 43860 064,200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. l v: October 1T 39 19 fin/-�`" Dated._,- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 ®• Indicotes Cuf. A ' "cafes Fil Typical Hato+ion s Figures obovt line atarr Cut or Fill of properfy line Figures below line show disfanca to which slopes extend beyond Proper+y line Loe Bk. Mo. 2525 x -sec. Bk. H..'25 75 ✓ono.gh.i ..`tb 568 ALLEY..S �LEA/E/YT.S /'1/Gh�iNODR 6� From He% 3f To .Shc�wooG A✓c. Sc From N. SS. Alley To F/ondrnu S ,3yER1'YOop e 40' C L E M E /Y n D /0 9 7 6 S 4 9 2 8 n N F/ F. �iei r. isvl 6o r n Ib G kS $fir Gar Q O Q A VE. Gii. I eo.a °.6 0.4 47'. 42' /2 /3 /4 .45 /6 /7 /8 /9 20 2/ 22 n to L E til E /Y T S N / G H M O O R moo, 08 . Fi. h� .J T. Q V O.3 I:JiS J Fi. Na Z o 4 A7 O F as sw Or• :a \ J Kr Gii. I eo.a °.6 0.4 47'. 42' /2 /3 /4 .45 /6 /7 /8 /9 20 2/ 22 n to L E til E /Y T S N / G H M O O R moo, 08 . Fi. h� .J T. Q V Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September 15, 1959 193_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 116124 Sept. 1 193 —9, relative to Council, known as Council File No. approved condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alleys in Clement' s — Highmoar and Cavanaugh's Subdivision of lot 10, Block 11 Ames Acre Lots, from Helen St. to Sherwood �Ave. and from the North and South Alley to Flandrau St. and having investigated the matters ancj 01fmgs referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S_300= — , and the total cost thereof is andthethe nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: --__—____----- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - -- - -- 5. Said improvement is _-__—asked for upon petition of three or more owne{s of proper subject to assessment for said improvement./J�. COM, OF FINANCE Commissioner of Public Works SEP 20 1933 COUNCIL FILE NO._ __-. ------ --- By - FINAL ORDER 116905 In the Matter of- __o4netruotiag-e�_eeaer__on .xe'Mile- Avenue.-from_ChatSEorth-Street-to--- a point_ - -- ---- --- ------- - ------------ -- --'- ----- --- ---- ------ -----------' - - - --- --- --- ---- --------------- - - ---------------------------- - - - - - - ----------- 118122 _____-_____.a roved September 1, 1939 ----- ----- under Preliminary Order.__._-__._------- _-_-- PP - Intermediary Order - ---- -- -- - ------------------------aPProved-- -------- -- ------------ --------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ----- construot- e- sewer_-on_Nevada_Ayenue__from Chntaworth Street F. No. 116906troot — sewer Street__to_a_point.20_feet_west_of_Adems___ __ .------------------ the matter or'*no,,..ins a - Ner ddo Avenue from Chatsworth 3trer' . a point 2e fret went of qtr ender �.nlnary Or - 3. 1_-__-____-_--_-__---_____ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to he made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to Pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council --- NOV 14 --IM --- ------ -- 192 City Clerk. IVOV 1 A 1939 Approved. -- --'-- --- , 192 - File 8810 -- Councilman °�— Councilmanindlan Councilman Councilman ddedSM6902 1'1�0t'rson Councilman n �( Councilman " _ Mayor I ellen Form B. S. A. 8-7 Mayor. I. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEy. OF,FINANCE r r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of constructing a sewer on Nevada Avenue from Chatsworth Street to a point 20 feet west of Adams Street under Preliminary Order approved September 1, 1939 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 948.00 (WPA) front The estimated cost pe oot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 14 1 North Shore Addition 15 1 do 16 1 do 17 1 do 18 1 do 19 1 do 20 1 do 21 1 do 22 1 do 1 2 do Form D. B. 10 TOTAL. ASSESSED Land VALUATIONBld g• $300 125 125 125 125 126 125 125 150 150 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' ' DEPARTMEN.;rOF YINANCE M I FINANCE .REPORT OCOMMISSIONER N MWARY ORDER `C), DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION yASSESSED Lana ALU ATIONBldg, 2 2 North Shore Addition =12x5 3 2 do 125 4 2 do 125 5 2 do 125 8 2 do 150 7 2 do 850 $5900 r Total $2,775 $5,900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated October 18 1939 _ ___ - d— Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn . . ........ ..... ................. 193 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . .......... St. Ave. . ... . _..__..St. Ave. to . ..... . ............ ..St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 97 -tA jwgle A 1 17 of SM -7, -37 r r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 4 September 15 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 116122 approved September 1 19P—, relative to constructing a sewer on Nevada Avenue from Chatsworth Street to a point 20 feet west of Adams Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.Z1 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ _ -948. 00 and the total cost thereof is Est, frontage 726 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:--- 3. ollows:— 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 — -- ._ - - - -- - ----- — i. Said improvement is ---- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1 COM,O, G F�,� q ��,� Commissioner of Public V17o a � SEP ) 1933 t BUREAN, OF CONT. • RVAIR 1k. S. COCKROFT. S- OFFICEENOINEEIN G. H. HERROLD CC.- E.- CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMI6610NER DONALD F. VOIGT, DEPUTY COMMI-IONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENOINMR September 14, 1939 Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirt BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVEN, 6UPS_ BUREAU OF H.- . M. S. GRYTBAK, ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION. RAY J. KARTAK. SU- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Nevada Avenue from Chatsworth Street to a point 20 feet west of Adams Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 116122 approved September 1, 1939. Estimate is based on W.P.A. Labor Estimated cost of materials, plans, engineering, supervision, etc. is $948.00 Estimated frontage 726 ft. Cost per front foot 1.31 trruully, E 5;;ef M. S HEPARD Engineer OD A roved for tr emission Uj the Commiap oner of Finance MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works 1 116946 COUNCIL FILE NO._ -- -- - -- By-- - - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of._eonstruoting_sidewalks_on both sides- of-Fauguier,Street.fr- - - white Bear Avenue to Van Wyke Avenue, --except where -good _and sufficient_Sidewalks--- __ --- -------------- --- amr _exist,- - ------------- ----- ._ --- - -- - -- - -------- --------- -_.. - under Preliminary Order ---- 118218_- ------------ _------- -approved September -12, 1939__ Intermediary Order ----------------- ----------------------- ----approved ----------- ------- - ------- ---- ------------------------- - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_-A9A§truOt_sidewalks_on__both_aidesof- 'suguier_______ Street -_from_ Whi te_$ear_ Aveaye_to._Vap__Dylte-,Ave?lues_-e7teQpt__ahes_e__g4_od_and__6uf £istisat___. �. F. No. 118906— sidewalks_no�c_e�dst,_____________---_-------------__----------------------------------- 1n the matter of crostrucung alae- - elks n both xIdea Of Fauquler street from White Bear Avenue to ` ar Avenue, except where good ----- -- ____.___.__-________.__------------------------------------------------ ...______._____.-______- xidewalka now exlet, t. P - .. w ____ ____--------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith Adopted by the Council -- 14 1 - 192___ ` ��— 9 1e,� City Clerk. Approved - NOV 141959 _. , 192.- CCVJ� File 54324 - - - - Mayor. Councilman / Councilman findlan Councilman d69kMddF= --4;1 Councilman tergon j �' Councilman Sndtteiisce n ) Councilman � ' ruax f 1 MayorHPOYAAFIM llon Form B. S. A. 8-7 r V CITY OPPAUL DEPART„NENT10F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE `�GI1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of constructing aidemlks on both aides of Fauquier Street from white Bear Ave. to Van'Dyke Avenue av under Preliminary Order approved September 12, 1939 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ s uare _ _ _ g 0.17 The estimated cost per�oot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 18 3 Aurora Addition to St. Paul, $150 Minn. 50 $1200 17 3 do 18 3 do 50 19 3 do 50 20 3 do 50 21 3 do 50 22 3 do 50 23 .3 do 50 24 3 do 50 25 3 do TOTAL, 50 Fmm B. B. 10 (C) CITY OF SAUL y t DEPARTM-5NT TFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION (Ezoept South 80 ft.) 14 and LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LanXALUATION Bldg. 26 3 Aurbra Addition to St. Paul, 50 Minn. 27 3 do 50 26 3 do 50 29 3 do 50 30 3 do 50 1 6 do 50 2 6 do 50 3 6 do 50 4 6 do 50 5 6 do 50 6 6 do 50 7 6 do 50 8 6 do 50 9 6 do 50 10 6 do 50 11 6 do 50 12 6 do 50 13 6 do 50 15 6 do 175 Total $1675 $1200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r Dated October 18 19 39 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 11 St. Paul, Minn ..........e-,..._._.- ....... 193.._9.. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: hiai_n Side elk.g. on. both ._e_ide.e. of street__ on..Fa.rtluier.....St. .._...... . ............................... .......... ............. __........__.. _ .St. Ave. from .......White Dear _Ave. _ ........St. Ave. to_....VznDyLe St-,-_ ___.....-....._.. ..........St. Ave. NAME LOT I BLOCK -_I - ADDITION 21-221 3 v� w sm �-az 21-221 3 v� w Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September 18 193 9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 116218 approved Sept. 12, 1939 193—, relative to from white constructing sidewalks on both sides of Fauquier Street Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 4" Monolithic Concrete sidewalk SOX per sq. £t. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S_-._— and the total cost thereof is S and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:— - _ - - - ---- - - -- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 — — -- -- 5. Said improvement is -_—asked for upon petition of three or more owners of props subject to assessment for said improvement. ooCommissioner of Public Wor l �1 1 SEP ',I0 1935 116907 COUNCIL FILE NO.. FINAL ORDER In the Matterof-.-curbing Woodbridge. Street Prom Faysata_Street to Front Street-, --------- under Preliminary Order 115929 ----------- ---------- approved -.- August 150 1959 IntermediaryOrder -------------- ------------------ -----------------approved --------------------------------- ------ --------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is --- ttfoFazataStreetto_____- t'. P. No. 119907ot curb(n6 R'oodbridge Frtlpt Straat,___ ------------ - - - - — m the matter ------------------ .9vget from. WaYrata sweet to NYont .:Street, uaaer Prellmtn order) ----------------------- - -------- ------ ---------------- --- 'I IMP' approved August q^: and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewi Adopted by the Council NOV 14 1939 19o� City Clerk. Approved --NOV 14-1931- - , 192 File 8806 Councilman Councilman indlan Councilman Councilman ereon Councilman MEe Councilman ftWMkX5WM,,4r s Mayor FIS lon Form B. S. A. 8-7 r� yor. CITY OF WT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � RELPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of curbing Woodbridge Street from Wayzata Street to Front Street under Preliminary Order approved August 15, 1939 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 447.00 (W. P.A. ) f ont 0.58 The estimated cost peXot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK N ADDITION ASSESSED Lan ZALUATION Bldg. West of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 9 Lexis (2nd) Addition to *500 $1350 St. Paul, Minn. 5 9 do 275 1050 6 9 do 275 700 7 9 do 275 650 8 9 do 275 800 9 9 do 275 1000 10 9 do 275 100 11 9 do 275 800 12 9 do 275 1200 13 9 do TOTAL. 275 950 I— B. B. 10 S, Total $7650 $25,950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Oatober__18iIg 39_ Com missioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ' CITY OF PAUL DEPARTMENT VFINANCE f . RESORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan6VALUATIONBldg. 14 9 Lewis (2nd) Addition to $275 = 950 St. Paul, Minn. 15 9 do 425 1950 East } of 1. 2 and 3 10 do 625 1550 East of 4 h all of 5 10 do 450 1600 6 and 7 10 do 550 2550 8 10 do 275 1250 9 10 do 275 1150 10 10 do 275 1100 11 10 do 275 1800 12 10 do 275 1200 13 10 do 275 1050 14 10 do 275 800 15 10 do 425 580 Total $7650 $25,950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Oatober__18iIg 39_ Com missioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 SM -7-37 Minn... �'�... S ..............193..a.� St. Paul, y��` . To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ... rn iil�. t St. from ...�-*3��. _ _ o _.St. A=m to.._.. _ Z./t_ -_ ........ .. /1 ..... .................................... . St. Ave. NAME IOTn BLOCK ADDITION �— 61ir�ccil�, — L---�-- �l SM -7-37 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works 1 Report to commissioner of Finance Sept. 14 193 9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 115929 approved Aug. 15 193-9 relative to curbing Woodbridge Street from Wayzata Street to Front Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 10.56 2. The estimated cost thereof is S 447.00 and the total cost thereof is 5--— Engineering $60.00 Frontage 700 £t. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:---- 3. ol ows:__._3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is — asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pro erty, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE __----' Commissioner of Public Work r �r",its r SEP 14 1935 au:AI or CON— • REPAIR W. 8. COCKROFT, SUPT. OFFICE ENGINEER G. H. HERROLD C.—ENC-. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD P. VOIGT, DEruTT COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER Commissioner Milton Rosen' Department of Public works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs September 15, 1989 SUR— OF SANITATION FRED DRIVES. SUPT. BUREAU OF BRI— M. B. GRVTBAK, ENGINEER SUR- Or CORRECTION - RAV J. KARTAK. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Woodbridge Street from Wayzata Strebt to Front Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 115929 approved August 15, 1959. Work by W.P.A. Estimated Cost $447.00 Cost per front foot 0.56 Engineering 60.00 Frontage 700 ft. Approved for tran ssion to ' e ommisei�, r of Finance MILTON ROSFN Commissioner of Public Works Yours truly,./y� 76CE01 SHEPR00 EMngineer 116908 COUNCIL FILE NO. - By ---- O._By----......- - FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofourbing the south side of Bayard Avenue from the East aide of - - ----- - - _Dewey --- yaoated-to _Josephine -Plaae,'.. --- - - - ------------------------ - - - -- ----- -1 ---- ---- --------- ------ ­ � -- -- -- under --- ------ under Preliminary Order ...... 118219_-_ ------ _------------ -approved _._- -_September_ 12 1939-_- - IntermediaryOrder----------------------------------------------approved-------------------- ------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_ourb_the eouth_eide_of Bayard_Agenue__from_the _------- East-aide- ot_.Daiceg- Plana_.IIanatad-tn__dnaephine__Plane------------------- No. 119908— ' [noose v curbing the eouth aide _____.___- . •,nyetd Avon vacate the eaet aide -------------------------------- - ..ypy Place vacated to Joeeyhlne •dPr rder 12, 1939. V -------------- ^ juo and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare, plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _ _--- NOV 141939-- 192 NOV 141939 City Clerk. Approved ---- ----- ---- 192- File 8811 - - _ Mayor. Councilman�os F p---��---�� 7��.I I jt I1cI Councilman indlan art— -- Councilman --' j Q31TS[ T`:I'.fi Councilman a/te resin Councilman WimibubmMumIZt�seu 1 Councilman dKNOWNWHEM Mayor I601910� �flLon / Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) C In the matter of ourbing the south side of Bayard Avenue from the East side of Dewey Place e' vacated to Josephine Place under Preliminary Order approved September 12, 1939 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 175.45 (W.P.A. ) front The estimated cost pe0oot for the above improvement is 0.67 \ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and tie- sessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Fs DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. (Dewey Place vacated adjoining and 1 ( also the East 10.69 ft. of 2 1 West 32.01 ft. of 2 1 East 21.36 feet of 3 1 West 21.34 ft. of 3 k E. 32.03 ft.of 4 1 Lot 5 and (Ex. East 32.03 ft.) 4 1 Payson H. Gilbert's Add. $525 $5750 do ) 350 5150 ( do ) do 350 5750 do 375 Total $1600 $16,650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. October 18 I9 39 �w Dated -- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D 10 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September 19, 1939 —193— — To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 116219 approved Sept. 12 193 9, relative to the cu sough _ide of Bayard hyenue from the east_ side_ of _- Dewey_Kace_vacated to Josephine Place. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- necessary and (or) desirable Work done by W.P.A. Cost per front foot $,0.67 2. The estimated cost thereof is S 175'45 and the total cost thereof is S -- Engineering $30.00 Frontage 263.5 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:— — — ---- - -- — — — — — 3, A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. S. Said improvement is — asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ' OD . COM, U'r FIti.4N(E - - --- - -- - --- Commissioner of Public Works. Co 00 SEP 201939 BUREAU OF CONST. r REPAIR W. tl. COCKROFT. GO" - 01"..E —SEE BFT.OFFICEEN—SEE G. H. HERROLD CNIEF ENO R. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF -CI`fY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSHN. COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CNIEF ERGIH... September 18, 1959 Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirt BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER, SUPT. BUREAU OF BRIDGES M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS RAY U. KARTAK. SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate If cost for curbing the south side of Bayard Avenue from the Fast Side of Dewey Place vacated to Josephine Place, under Preliminary Order C. F. 116219 approved September 129 1959. Work to be done by W.P.A. Materials, Equipment, etc. 5175.45 Cost per front foot 0.67 Engineering 50.00 Frontage 265.5 ft. Appro d for transmi�ion to Commissioner f Finance MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public "Orks Yours very truly, _ BG SHEPARD lqwqw Chief ineer v orlebw b OM CWknu .. No11691) CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERA FORM { �ti ����� PRESENTED BY / ' S (�i DATE November 1939 14. COMMISSIONER_ II RESOLVED, that the contract to be made and executed by and between the City of Saint Paul and the Tri-State Telephone for the teftaneerbyhsaidpCompanyoduring the entirercalendarand a in - year of 1940 of certain facilities, tie lines aggregating not more than 2117.08 wire miles, ducts, tunnel vault and riser space, essenta�l to the operation of the Police and Fire Alarm Signal System of the City, in consideration of the payment to said Company by the City of the aggregate sum of $6862.20 in equal monthly installments, be made and executed in accordance with the form thereof submitted, approved by the Corporation Counsel and filed herewith, and that the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City -of Saint Paul and that all payments by the City thereunder shall be made from Police and Fire Signal Service Fund, Code 7-8 A 4, 1940. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays I In Favor -'Peterson /�% Rosen Against Truax ..-Mr. President (Fallon) am hie Ca 116909—ny l:e�lu ext- that the contr aeeoli a' rsvruU•d by the Clty oL Salnt Paul a Sluts TeteVhone &s P1 pro�'1 '1h,' for the turnl tenanee by 9ald Co -0"1940 oilr� cn lentlar 'ear moutha, lie lln. eb ag6 than 211Ta08 a Ireottt Tr..-. by n be i Nove 14. Nov 1939. (Nov. 18, 1939) Adopted by the Council NOV 141939 193-- NOV 141939 193-- Approved Ma r odsiad to aM o.e, .116910 CITY OF ST. PAUL F.I. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �• r. No. 1189[o—By G. H. Bartoaa— Whereas, t.ouis C. HaJek• a employe COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM r a,e Department of r . io satoty, Bureau f Fire, — ;.,, fi'v Atp ,n °vecen PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ Barfus s DATE r,r-j----�- WHEREAS, Louis C. Hajek, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Fire, was injured on the 8th day of December 1935, while in the course of his employment, which injury consisted of a strained back, by reason of which he was totally disabled at various times until November 6, 1937, and WHEREAS, it is the contention of said Louis C. Hajek that the temporary total disability that he sustained was due solely and entirely to said alleged accidental injury, and WHEREAS, the Corporation Counsel is of the opinion that the disability of said employe is not the result of said injury of December 8, 1935, and WHEREAS, both the Corporation Counsel and the said Louis C. Hajek are desirous of closing such case and have agreed that the sum of $268.00 is a proper amount to pay said Louis C. Hajek in full and final settlement of any and all claims he has against the City as the result of said injury, the City to pay the sum of $249.00 for medical expense, and the 1w ties have agreed to request the Industrial Commission to approve such settlement, and WHEREAS the Corporation Counsel has recommended to the Council that such settlement is for the best interests of the City, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel be and he hereby is authorized to enter into a stipulation with the said Louis C. Hajek to pay him the said sum of $268.00 as compensation and to pay medical expense in the amount of $249.00, and to submit such stipulation to the Industrial Commission for approval, and upon approval the proper city officers be and they hereby are authorized and directed to pay to the said Louis C. Hajek the said sum of $268.00 and to pay the �. medical bill -in amount of $249.00, such sums to be paid from the pl��01 Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund,said sums to be in full and final settlement of any and all claims which the said Louis C. Hajek now has or may have against the City, growing out of said injury of December 8, 1935. NOV 14 1939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays NOV 14 IM193— indlan Approved et on finFavor 11�yor sen �•I'r x Against p• L.}� a •; r. • ��— � �f�3 President (Fallon) am ad8 es odswir.(Ay aak „ . No. L-6911 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Air COUNCILLUTION --- GENERAL FORM — :%O _ fOrs /jig _._- November 3, 1939 Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for furnishing the Water Department with 700 tons OT Aluminum Sulphate, basic, (filter alum) to the GENERAL CHEMICAL COMPANY, in accordance with specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No.295 of said General _ Chemical Company, for the contract price of $1.$05 per cwt., carloads, f.o.b. Water Department Purification Plant, Soo Line Siding, St. Paul, Minnesota, or a total contract price of approximately $18,270.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said General Chemical Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. F.B. #295. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays indlan $yranto rson In Favor ZPn\l 7s, x Against President (Fallon) 6M 6-88 Cs N, I16911—I,c „e�f - Re6olved, '1'h:,f lhr nu u�ll luvh6nl eh>' h,•�I',Irrf: . �:,ii�•,• u,: rrn,r ...� nr„•hr , via. 'r to A Adopted by the Council NOV 14 1M9193- NOV 141939 Approved � 193— 1'[1Ba Los Ii.i?_—,�,.,3 Odom IP ah C" 1.1691.2 CITY OF ST. PAUL :°:t+�� NO. OF I E OF THE CITY CLERK COUN L ESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONE BY 6-f DATE November 14th, 1939 -- RESOLVED, that the plat of Quist's Addition, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays mdlan �� etst'son �J In Favor &X Against 1", President (Fallon) am "a CB s C. N. No. 116912—By Milt - 1 -d. tint the ``Int 'r u Q.V' A Jdlti��n, o euillaJ b, the P1.1 tulx.lon„I nd'nlPir�r� ived by the I'em- mlexlunrr if �I'ubll, \1'o rk d Ibc Ix hereby n ce Pted. Adopted ny thelCnuncll Nei. 11. 1931. .\PPror nd Nnv. II, 14:59. (Nor. t.e. i4g91 Adopted by the Council NGV 14— 193 Ivov 141939 Approved 193 -- Mayor plat Ummis�ivn 4wq� of Ramsey Countm, 9i[innesota os.�294FC ITY HALL Anr November 14th, 1939. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Gentlemen : City of St. Paul. We are hereby submitting plat of'Quist's Addition", being located at the northeast corner of Aldine and Wesley. Aldine Street is graded and also severed. Wesley Avenue is graded and also has a sewer. Yours very truly, Mark W. Woodruff, Secretary. away-rh U 0,126.16. sty a k �o en�l� No. 116913 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFVJE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMM19S10NB DATE November 13 1939._ Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the May and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons llgll leaded gasoline, 70-72 octane, from the FUEL OIL & GAS CO. at a price of $ .11811 per gallon, less lfe discount from refinery price, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale Street, on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund - Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 i'. P. No. 119913-1iy Milton Ito.. n— Ile..oly ed, Thnt the F'u rehanl nit '\tf -t he, and he i. hereby uuthn rued to pur- rha.e.with the "..t of the Mllyor nd the Coreptroller�o a tank np- prosim:�tely %1100 Kallen. "Q" 1—ded (ru.ollue, 79-7. omen., from th.• FUEL '' & prlr. e. irf f.l i%I1 per Kullon, N- 7•% dinrount from r perm prlee. no— Halle Ins rd .tate In.pertion, to be .potted no \lu nlcipnl F.a ulpm •n[ Itu renu .pur e, flnle Street. nn in form nl hid. r ae.my •sl.t. where folluree n to inn et promptly w rind nark n hanl.hip to the hent intere.te ofthe City. Churg, Gen- 10rnl Fend -- Mu nlr l pal Eq"Ipment — 03-134. Adopted by the Connell Nov. 14, 1939. :\pprored Nov. 14, 1 93 9. (Nov. 13, 1939) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CoundPOV114 1939 193— Yeas Nays ��� NOV 141939 /F dlan Approved 193— iianto n reon In Favor Mayor fen /Truuax Against � ". President (Fallon) 5M 928 Cs OdILW to Uq O.IY cou`„ele 116914 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. - (� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 1/11�'-,OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM F•, Nu. 116914-13y R•, A. P—oto— Reaotlr d.l Th 11 �ene a pplird fnr by the Pons 1 , d , n ersthe 11.1 --(- [ached to athls r nolul lon be , 1 1,-• e hereby granted nod the 111Y Clerk is Inxlbee ad to Yn 1 lntu lhe ed h,11- ere u o[ the re4ulrflees. trenneurY Counol1 Nuc. 11, 19:9. Adopted by the i Approved Nov.(NOIt. 11999) NOV 141939 193— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— Yeas Nays �.,.�--- NOV 1419U '—r 193— Approved- - t.1r n/dlan ipa nto In Favor Mayor eterson a'__Against 7resident (Fallon) 6M "s ca November 14 1939 ._ RESENTED �sl OMMISSION F DATE RESOLVED: That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated and the city clerk is instructed to issue be and the same are hereby granted such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Strand & Steenson 559 Vandalia Restaurant APP. 37668 Nes Old Loca, Montgomery Ward & Co. 1400 University Pet Shop ” 37672 " New " John Zittel 1102 W. Larpenteur Off Sale Malt " 37674 " New " Geo. F. Cramer 807 Ohio St. s " Grocdry " 37695 " Old " Off Sale Malt " 37696 " Old " " " Chas. Showers 10 E. 6th St. Barber " 37703 " Old " Hugo Schuh 254 S.Cleveland Bakery " 37706 " Old " Arthur E. Bueeh 569 N. Pascal Ave. Off Sale Malt " 37700 n 00 1" 1' 3771 " 11 _ n " Grocery Howard Calvert 1168 N. Snelling Gas Station " 37724 " Old " F•, Nu. 116914-13y R•, A. P—oto— Reaotlr d.l Th 11 �ene a pplird fnr by the Pons 1 , d , n ersthe 11.1 --(- [ached to athls r nolul lon be , 1 1,-• e hereby granted nod the 111Y Clerk is Inxlbee ad to Yn 1 lntu lhe ed h,11- ere u o[ the re4ulrflees. trenneurY Counol1 Nuc. 11, 19:9. Adopted by the i Approved Nov.(NOIt. 11999) NOV 141939 193— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— Yeas Nays �.,.�--- NOV 1419U '—r 193— Approved- - t.1r n/dlan ipa nto In Favor Mayor eterson a'__Against 7resident (Fallon) 6M "s ca tatp.d to 4H a k RESOLVED: n 977 Arcade St. 116915 37713 CITY OF ST. PAUL �o6n�� No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I[1, h'. Yr.. 110915—n, W. A. Parr— to— V� COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM !' q� Tr°nx—:. c�. nnrinxx— 1a"'� T' ❑•.' +'.- nPlfor !!// " 37716 " j ^uxtit. } „vembel'��liy -19p na ne •• city 362 S. Snelling Ave. Grocery owrE That licenses flied for by the following persons at the addresses Indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Minn. Amusement Co. 1595 Selby -Ave. Confectionery App.37419 Renewal Mans & O'Reilly 393 Selby Ave. Motion Pic. 11 37461 ^ Kermit Eklund 432 Case St. Butcher ° 376559 ^ Carbone Bros. 369 E. 7th St. Grocery n 37666 ^ Joe Faiad 767 W. 7th St. Grocery ^ 37667 " Harriet DeRoma 1355 University Ave. Tavern ^ 37670 ^ n a " n Dance Hall " 37671 " Jos. McCormick 923 E. 7th St. Restaurant^ 37679 ^ a a ^ a On Sale Malt " 37690 " a n '1 a Off Sale Malt n 37691 tl Kirch & Gillis 1601 University Tavern " 37654 n n n ^ ^ Dance Hall ^ 37695 n Thos. O'Toole 173 W. 6th St. Restaurant " 37691 n S. S. Clifford 20 W. 10th St. Restaurant " 37697 " State Hotel Corp. 339 Wabasha St. Tavern ^ 37707 " n n 1' ^ Dance Hall n 37709 " Gerald J. Brennan 449 N. Snelling Tavern " 37711 " n a n a Dance Hall It 37712 " n Comer Mowers 977 Arcade St. Restaurant 37713 Dollie Dahnke 2436 Myrtle Ave. Grocery " 37715 " Felice Bacigalupo 423 Fry St. Grocery " 37716 " John Porte 362 S. Snelling Ave. Grocery ^ " bw COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193 -- Yeas Nays t�F n n arrsnto on �etS �uax X. President (Fallon) 514 6-7" Ca Approved U 1� 1414 193- 5 -� In Favor _._ �� _ _ — ayor ) TilT, / — / /_Against 1** 116916 Qlelml to OW clay CITY OF ST. PAUL 2""' NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Q UNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM I 1118—By John S. Flndlnn— PRESENTED BY t __ pq• 1V herena Barnh Bearth hae ede ap- COMMISSIONER .-- �'�---��Y� — --- pBWet lon for relief to the annneaota _Tax C-1.0— :ales lve to n WHEREAS, Sarah Bearth has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to Witt Lots 10, 11 and 12, Blgok 8s Lots 1 to 24, Block 9; Lots 8 to 17, Block llj Lots 1 to 11, Block 13, Lots 1 to 24, Block 15; Lots 1 to 24, Block lbs Lots 1 to 18, Block 17; Lots 1 to 24, Block 19; all in Gurney's Highland Park; and the delinquency totals the sum of $1850.53, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $939.34; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $126.75 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $939.34, and that said sum of $126.75 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1850.53. NOV 141938 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council___— —_---193—_ Yeas +Nays nd�- I n / Approved arranto X1/n son In Favor _ ( Ma or --- Y n 1 _—.–Against 1 siJILD r. --� ,-E P^resident (Fallon) PUB J�_J `- SM 638 C8 Odeln.l 1. 41y clay CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM t PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER'_ rl . I� No. 116917 C. 1'. No. 116917-13y John S. Flntllan— Whereas, Martina and Robert Grnel of have made aPplication for relief to the 1 & nnesota Txx Com mlaslon relative to •ielinq lien[ taxes and assessment, on .all'air leecrib— rnperty. to- �and WHEREAS, Martina and Robert Graslof have made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lot 3, Friel's Rearrangement; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $799.87, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $548.96; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlements provided, however, that the sum of $38.22 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $548.96, and that said sum of $38.22 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $799.87. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— N0v ___ 141939 _—__-193__._ Yeas Nays --tiOO— Findlan)VO'J 14194 Approved---- 193_— Parranto Peterson In Favor___ Rosen Mayor Truax .- ----Against Mr. President (Fallon) nM a 3s Cs C)d,]W to City C1.6 CITY OF ST. PAUL .��� ��� NO.__— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ` 1 J PRESENTED BY �iw� t/L�a _DATE_ COMMISSIONER_ ('. F. No. 116918—nv John S. Fl.dlan— Whereas, Harold G. Farrell hae made j T• ppuoatloa for reltef to the Minn-oota ac Commisaloa relative to dellnauent ta.ea nod a = touowms f Lot WHEREAS, Harold G. Farrell has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, the N'ly 25 ft. of Lot 5, and all of Lots 6 and 7, Block 15, Stinson's Addition; and Lots 4 and 5, Block 14, Stinson's Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $2683.79, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $1154.05; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $117.69 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $1154.05, and that said sum of $117.69 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $2683.79. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays --fir-r ---- Findlan Parranto Peterson — J 1n Favor Rosen Truax Against Mr. President (Fallon) 6M 6-38 CS NOV 141939 Adopted by the Council _.._-- ----- NOV 141939 _ 193- - Mayor-- PT TRT.TSTTM 1 — I ,?-3 / COUNCIL FILE NO.__ By I\'rt9RMEDIARV ORDRRN. t'.F. No. 116919— In the matter "' ^' and e'vanalw.,, P Midway and Fra•" eonden 1nFe + Lot. INTERMEDIARY ORDER U6919 In the Matter of opening, widening and expanding the intersection of Midway Parkway, Asbury Avenue and Frankson Avenue by taking and condemning that parcel of land lying in the southwesterly corner of Lot 9, Block 21, Frankson's Como Park Addition, bounded by the westerly line and the southerly line of said Lot 9 and a curved line convex to said corner of 15 foot radius, under Preliminary Order 116518 __ approved October 4, 1939. -— The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is open, widen and expand the intersection of Midway Parkway, Asbury Avenue and Frankson Avenue by taking and condemning that parcel of land lying in the southwesterly corner of Lot 9, Block 21, Frankson's Como Park Addition, bounded by the westerly line and the southerly line of said Lot 9 and a curved line convex to said corner of 15 foot radius, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.0o, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_— 12th -----.—day of December , 193 9 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as -estimated. Adopted by the Council _N�V USE— 193.._ Approved NOV I4 M-193—City Clerk yor File 8829 �y Councilman PiJBLISHED�>�-- -�`3 Councilman A44Y 3 F -di,-/ Councilman Bwcs—,7=Pnrran+ l Councilman Councilman aua3e__-,__. Rosen Councilman hj!rtrceF=T=' Truax Mayor NiNbU EW.- , Fallon Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER U6920 In the Matter of grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 26, St. Anthony Park from Gibbs Avenue to Alden Street, under Preliminary Order 118374 approved September 26, 1939. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. ' That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface the Alley in Block 26, St. Anthony Park from Gibbs Avenue to Alden Street,_ t`. F. tin, 1I59P� 1 In thy nutter of lfrod_ d ur[ac- Ing rite Alley fn BlockAn- thony' Purk hum Gibbx Av?nue to Ald�•n + under P- I - 't Or- iler r� , � • ... ...r sa� Ttrr �dlr x m� with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 864.98• Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of December , 193-9 1 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council NOV 14 19M 193 1df11/ 14 I� Approved _193— City Clerk i File 8842 Mayor Councilmany1arF...�� Councilman . Y:�zyt�� Ft Idi:t �J PUBLISHED f (— /,5:- —3 9 Councilman rta,--. _ Yarrant• Councilman .Rvsen--..- i' It:rrt,tt Councilman-Tryex Councilman Mayor AW120py - Form B. S. A. 8-6 116921 COUNCIL FILE NO.-.----- INTERMEDIARY O.__- - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neoessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 26, St. Anthony Park 11. No. I16921— from Gibbs Avenue to Alden Street, in the matter of ,o,demni,nd tak- fng an easement In the lana eces- .wry for slopes, cuts and flus 1n. the _,ad[.9 a d urf.ring Iley eitwk 26, C• ••• v , ,.fmm under Preliminary Order 116375 -approved September 26 1939 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 26, St. Anthony Park from Gibbs Avenue to Alden Street, in accordance with the blue print hereto attaohed and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the outs and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th --day of December 193 9 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul- That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. NOV 14 IW9 193 NO V 14 Approved 193— City Clerk Mayor File 8841 5-3y Councilman Councilman McDonald-_�;�- PUBL1SIiED_ Councilman May -­- PearceCouncilman }:,,,,li:•• -- Councilman Rosen Pet".-, Councilman _Trwx_,- _ _ );,,yen Councilmannzel= t ruas Mayor I�ev'- � Fallon Form B. S. A. 8-6 0 COUNCIL FILE NO.- — By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sewer on Moses Street from Indiana Avenue to Fairfield Avenue, under Preliminary Order 116726 _ approved Ootober 25 1939 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is oonstruet a sewer on Moses Street from Indiana Avenue to Fairfield Avenue, cn.s.tszza ewer — Ion xe.lsMo.-.[Street from Indiana Avenue �yr seld Avenue, under Prelimi. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 930.00 Base on W.P.A. labor) Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of December , 193, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ��-- Adopted by the Council_— NOV 141939 _ 193— NOV 141939 Approved 193_— City Clerk Mayor File 8855 CouncilmancV_apald� 3–"I- °' Councilman; s = .._ F,,;i l; , 3 y Councilman Game _. _ 1,,;.r;iutr) Pi'BLISFIED__�� Councilman sen _ .-, 1'elcreon Councilman Councilman Truax 'Truax Mayor �-=� Fallon Form B. S. A. 8.6 NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION WLINCI['PtLE NO. 116924 November 13 #A 9 189_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 56,946.0 OF S COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED--AA—TC) S—INCLUSIVE, AS PER n.:..:. ,.aa— ilaasn— CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. a ^ ^^ NOV 141939 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193_ G,clCOMPr90LL89 Nov 141939 APPROVED 193_ so0 _ , 3a Rmus wL-0 _/ - 3 5 _509 197 59 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 17 550 00-2 II t DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER f ` }S COUNCILFILE NUMBER.} -- m T ROLL CALL SARFU SS FINDLAN PETERSON IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS __ November 10 - B3 _9 ROSEN _ _... TRUAXMR AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY Aqn. WENZEL PRIES FAL COVERING TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5.25,_ CHECKS E{l _ T - E; -INCLUSIVE �NOV 141939 CKS ON PER CHECKS ON R T OFF OF THE ITV COMPTR LER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. ��^��I (((��U APPROVED. _._ NUMBER ( Y �.�-49393�� '/ MAYDn 201 B f 500 ], cs _ - AL DATE IN FAVOR OF -- RETURNED I CHECK CHECK NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 10 050 00 491 298 50; _._.._- ® 65134 State Liquor Control commissioner 1 00 1 69 5 77 65135 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance 5 65136 L. A, soler, cashier Nater Dept. 65137 John s. Findlan, C. of Fin. ? 500 00 416 6 65136 Elsa M. obst, County Treasurer 92 26 65139 Reuben L. Anderson, Inc. 5 20 65140 A.P. Kraniger 17 03 65141 L. sudheimer 1133804 65142 William Neyh 32 9. Berglund Lumber Company Company 6514 3 67 65144 Concrete Steel 65Y45 Ferwell,o mun, Kirk & Company 173 56 65146 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company 65147 Arthur Ingvoldstad Company 9� 92 F.J. Morse & Company 65146 52 50 65149 Frank Mudra 63 26 65150 National Bushing & Parts Company 156 43 65151 St.Paul Builders Material Company 4 65152 Scheffer & Roseum Company 5 19 65153 H.K. Stahl & Company 73 81 21 36 65154 E.J. Stilwell paper company 363 6515 6515 Mrs. Emile LaBiesoniere Mrs. Anna R. Foley 3 8o 24 92 65157 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 33 42 . 65158 Carl Maronde 5 50 65159 65160 0.1. Timberlake John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 538 32 65161 J.J.Smith & J.F. winecke 50 40 3 154 69 65162 Albert Sohleh 70 5 50 65163 Larson sign Company g 171 651 American Development Company 227 82 27 65165 65166 F.J. Brings & company Capitol Stationery Mfg. company X 50 65167 National Lumber Company 65168 Neptune Meter Company 366 06 65169 Paper, Calmenson Company 15599 42 ss 65170 J.L. Shiely Company, Inc. 41 35 65171 H.K. Stahl Company 325 65172 The Van Hoven Company, Inc. 67 65173 Naterous company 167 20 65174 Anthony Plumbo • _509 197 59 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 17 550 00-2 II SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 19 239 22 539 o46 49 u CITY OF SAINIWNW DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK-- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL PILE NUMBER-�. -- -- ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN - IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS November 13 IB39-- PETERSON ROSEN RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY COVERING TRUA% _ _ AGAINST! WENZEL MR FRES FALLON - TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF INCLUSIVE. AS NOV �� •/%/1,(3 CHECKB NUMBERED E] • - - -- IUWSy4 T ,P ITY COMP LLER F � OFF ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL------- PER CHECKS ON -- APPROVED _-_ 40—VV 1A{1yIU M nYOR ` - TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF' - TRANSFER NED - — TUR" ENT .EEBANK DISBURSEMR CHECKS UMBE NUMBER NU CHECKS n 9 " BROUGHT FORWARD 17 550 00 509 1597-591 65175 J.B.Probst, c.Vxamsner 300 74 40 ® 65176 Wallace J. Murray 54 o0 65177 Mrs. Mary F. 28 80 65178 Mrs. Louis Fay �7 o4 65179 Mrs. Elizabeth Literski 102 50 65180 65181 Dennis D. Daly Thomson, Wood & Hoffman 205 00 10 000 00 65182 John 9. Finldna, Traas. P.P.Fund Teachers' R.Fund Assoc. g 000 00 65183 It -Paul 666 66 65184 3t.Pau1 Institute 1 688 22 65185 Board of 'Tater Commrs. 14 00 65186 Drs. Binger & Simons 11 00 65187 Cobb Clinic 12 65188 Board of Public Welfare 65189 Minnesota Mutual Life Ins.Co. 40 65190 65191 J.J. Willig John S. Flndlan, C. of Finance 1 840 76 65192 Blue & White Cab Company 277 55 6519 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance 685 DD 65194 Cleveland Wrecking Company 1 23 65195 Martenis Market3 GO 6519 James McCawley 410 0 65197 Met. Greenhouse Mfg. Corp. 1 23 65198 M111tAry service Pub. Company 269 1 65199 Minnesota News Company 65200 Verna A. Moe 15 12 65201 National Biscuit Company 2 03 65202 National Educ.Assoo. of U.S. 1 40 65203 National Safety Council 52 39 65204 Nicols, Dean & Gregg Company 21 50 65205 Northern States Power Company 1 app Northern states Power Company 65206 55 65207 M.F. Patterson Supply Company 8o 6 80 65208 Peabody Book Shop, Inc. 63 19 65209 Peitz Printing Company 499 00 65210 Peoples Electric Company 62 60 65211 Perfection Type, Inc. 1 5o 65212 Personal Book Shop, Inc. 70 294 400 65213 Pittsburgh Coal Company 65214 Pro-Parvulis Book Club, Inc. 3 40 65215 Psychological Corp. 1200 65216 Ramsey County Boiler Inap. 53 65217 • Riverside Preas, Inc* 4 0 65.219 Rochester Germicide Company 1 00 65219 The Round Table 18 85 65220 Royal Typewriter Company 24 16 92416 65221 9t.Paul Book & stationery Company Book & stationery Company 38 65222 65223 St.Paul 9t.Paul Foundry Company 83 50 6 72 65221} 9t.Paul Shoppers Guide 35 39 65225 St.Paul stamp Works SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 19 239 22 539 o46 49 u 6925 od.l.rwalrn.d COon."`" NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B DATE govember 15, 19M COMMISSIONER_ WRESEaS: W. Most desires to withdraw application 37799 for grocery license at 1026 Front St. and requests the return of the license Yee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to refund to W. Most the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. I'' W, p O. 116925—BY C' H. nrtrtuxn— Wherennoat deniren tlfor %,, dra a at 19I Fron t78L9and reQuente the "torn of the mono- tee denoniled thtmon, th erefare ' tti- nexoritY l�'ed, that the prover Authorized x he d they a hereby torreruna toew. aontnPlien� �otfor9li- nd to ,nnr x1 'e:Vlonted by 1111• t`ou nrli Nov. 1 1939. :\nnrnrrd (Noe , I18, 199391 NOV 151939 Adopted by the Council ----193— COUNCILMEN _— Yeas s Nays azt s� N 0 V 151 193— ir' Approved ,Ay.'rranto i __ .�eterset- In Favor Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President (Fallon) aM sa9 ca odow to CRY C" , n `He+� NO.- 116926 . V GINS CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED DATE November 15, 1939 COMMISSIONER_ _ RESOLVED: That Barber license $2286, expiring July 1, 1940, issued to Nola Noble at 52 W. 7th St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Nels Noble at 44 W. 7th St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the propek changes in the city's records. Bnreuxx— .R', A. P111- Pnl rLTirant,— ' `to I \nIe Brbeh++"' "d th 9t. be ntheJ0.n Nnhi Iw herebl' trnnn[erred tV NO. �.t� INVble t 41 NP "lh R[. n d the Proper °097. �1[Y o�+' re I n[rnrted to mnke tac proper ch nRe� in the ritr'n (�Vpnrll ' InlVrmnlly npprnred by Nov. 14. 1959. Adopted by th�t�'rV nrll NVv. lfi. 1939. :\pprov rd Nov. Ifi. 1939. it (Nor. 18, 1989) Inf. approved by Council Nov. 14', 1939• COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ��arlusa -'FindIan arranto �7 In Favor �w Against r. President (Fallon) bM 0-38 cs Nov 151939 193— Adopted by the Council Approved U J Ip 193— Mayor 93— --- — — Mayor oltana m ate ad, N O. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK A COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM JONovember 15, 1939 PRESENTED DATE COMMISSIONER_ RESOLVED; That license for Restaurant, application 37760, On Sale Malt Beverage. application 37761, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 37762, applied for by Annie Schneider at 241 Earl St, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. h'. Nu, ufi:l2i—iry. ,. II. W. A. A. F'xrrnntn— ❑.anl,•ea, Tl,,,t iieenae for n,etaP- mt. uDPlle„tion 37788, on Sale Malt nvverah'e. npplicntloa 37781. nn l OR tinle Mall Itevernge 11 762. 81762. �+ PPiled fnr by Annie SrhneMer nt 241 F.arl 9t. be u d the anle are hereby �datto lax i, tads she Ilrvn aeaerll 11 upon Ithnt Pay - n mt wn ' the � Ilr trrnaury' of tli �• �,,,I-d reea. ]i•a'. InformallyPProveduun- - Nov. 9• 1939. Old lomtlon. A dnr,led by thr Inn nell Nnv. Ir.. 1939. :1nnr��vd Nov. li. 1939. INot.. 19, 19:141 1 New, Informally approved by council. Nov. 9, 1939 Old Location Adopted by the Council Nu 15 IM9 193-- COUNCILMEN Yeas f Nays ar ss Approved NDV 151934_ -- _193 i�ndlan /parranto J �/� !C _ — / In FavortT *yo -4osen Against Mr. President (Fallon) sM 638 CS Odtlnd to al, aaY cou"CIL 1..".6928 CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. NO. j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEp BY DATE WhyArnber 15., 1939 — commisSIO RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 377143, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 3771414, and 0£f Sale Malt Beverage, application 377145, applied for by Joseph R. Abbott at 110 S. Wabasha St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue sngh licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. N.„ lifi4_t--R�' ,.. 11. K,,rfnxx__ \\'.A. P.-ant— I,_ ol­d, nrrnnto--I,_olrod, That Il+enxr for R­t­- uPDllrntiw NL743, On Rnla Mnit Ilova g., +4,pllrat{n %7744. n 1 ore sale malt BPe WN, apflicat lon 3; 145, .m lod for h� Jo -ph It. Abbott of 140 N. Watt—hn Sl. he and the x rrhv -;,,!rd nrl [hr f•Itl' ('lerktix nxt rnct,!A .i. Ixxno r n' Ii�•enxon un��n 1h„ pn 3'm Nnl H-, (ham it, iren xu r>' oC llnro,lnlrrd foox. N,Inf.1r+nn ll.' anprov ed h>' 1'nnn- '11, tiny. J, 193 J. illd lucn tion. .\dept ed h�Ih�• 1'on null Nor. I:�. 19:!4. :\Pnrovr•d Nac. l i. 1434. New, Inf, approved by Council. Nov. 9, 1939 Old Location. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CoudttFy-151939-193— Yeas Nays Ba ssPlilV 151939 Findlan 193= Approved _45arranto In Favor ,,,P -sen __Against Mr. President (Fallon) bu &dM fa oti"wwaN .k COUNCIL No. a CITY OF ST. PAUL -OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Y DATE November 1 939 COMMISSIONER_ RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 37733, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 37734, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 37735, applied for by Myrtle Sommers at 979 Se1b3 Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. r•. �:. us939—tsr u. n. Ib,rn:„„—�, Thato. nSM l•e�L�lt !• `Itt,„-pp1'1 it 4377.a1610 li:,,rago. appllrntion 3-73 t 1, noort vola Malt Ite,'erage, npplirntion 137736, 978 ,,pplled for by Myrtle Sommers at br •,nd the are hereby 4�IhY A,'e. .ams thh �erk gd lto )n>?ilon itle I„„aeed lli w,Y- ent Into th.1 .It, try Ru y of the n pu`rev. fo... nnnllc nPprvrvetl br r11. Rov. P. 1939. ills 10 it”" AJopteJ b, lhr Cou1931 Nor. 1G, 1939. .t Vprnard IN"1 I11 1939. ,dor. ts, t939i New, Informally approved by council, Nov. 9, 1939. Old Location. NOV 151939193_ Adopted by the Council COUNCI MEN Yeas Nays Bar S. Approved. 193— / rarranto 'P Favor — — t-- I\ -- yor osen •Against r. President (Fallon) EM 6.38 CS Odobw 1. eER_ 116930 CITY OF ST. PAUL iieiN`�t NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESEDATE November 15. 1939 COMMI RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: M. E. Brown 739 Thomas St. Grocery App. 37256 New Old Loca. " " " n Off Sale Malt " 37257 " n a Fred R. Noe 559 Wabasha St. Barber " 37651 " New Loca. Jalmar Johnson 1556 Selby Ave. Oil Burner Install." 37664 " New Loca. J. A. Michaud 1519 Selby Ave. Confectionery a 37730 n Old Loca. n u 11 n Off Sale Malt " 37731 Restaurant " 37732 James Cooley 1042 E. 7th St. Barber " 37755 " Old Loca. C. i. No. uAs811--ny 1c. w. rurrnntu— r M. Trun>—t:. fl.-nnrfunx— ltexolved, Thnt Iia•en xex nDplled fur by the Perxonx n d nn [he Ilxl nt- tnrhed to thin re',',lutlon be find the + hereby' Rrnnted and the f„Ity 2.,_ lu Inx the payment to t hit M' II- pon the Dny meet hat.. the cit>'' Ire netury .f the 1nlred f.ex. Ado Pted by thar Cot .Il Nov. 15. 1939.1 :\DDn.a'rd N"v. 15. a1939. (Nov. IR. 19391 NOV 151939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— YeasNays �aa NOV 1519'39 F� indJan Approved 193 arranto 1_ ]n Favor ___� � — ?ayor osen enl sat F —2—Against Against d ,,,Mr. President (Fallon) 6M "8 cs 116931 OdshW to City Cl.di CITY OF ST. PAUL co :Hct NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK it'. F. Nn. 118831-11' w. A. Narrantn-1 F. M Tr t,—: 1. 14 rf hx COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM «aoi..a. Tnni 11--TPued rnrl •.• , n n the IIHI t - ne and the t November 15 1939^' PRESENTS Y COMMISSIONER_ DATE RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feest M. A. Tschida Sr. 319 Robert St. Tavern App. 37530 Renewals Park Recreation Parlor Inc. 188-92 N. Snelling Tavern " 37718 n " 11 n n n " Dance Hall " 37719 Transfer Oil Co. 2165 University Ave. Gas Station " 37721 " National Tea Co. 252 S. Cleveland Grocery ° 37722 n D.W. & C.B. Bernick 612 N. Griggs Grocery n 37726 " Jack Goldfarb 679 E. Third St. Conf. " 37729 n R. 0. Manderfeld 1218 Randolph St. Grocery " 37736 " Mary Murphy & Alecia Meath 26 E. 6th St. Barber " 37738 " German House, Inc. 444 Rice St. Tavern " 37139 n " n n n n Confectionery " 377110 Z. Kessel 244 E. Fairfield Bakery " 37741 " Joe Rhode 111 Concord St. Gas Station " 37742 9 Wm. &Kenneth House 450 S. Robert St. Grocery " 37751 " K. Lurie 114 S. Robert St. Grocery " 37753 " Cities Service 011 Co. 1745 University Ave. Fuel Dealer " 37754 " Michael Frontz 40 W. 4th St. Restaurant " 37752 " Rose Pappas 1960 University Ave. Restaurant " 37756 " On Sale Malt " 37757 " 0£f Sale Malt " 37758 " NOV 15IM%g3— Adopted by the Council COUNCILMUN Yeas � Nays a ss Approved N W 15 IM193— in flan arranto —Pe1El�— In Favor __ L— = May ,46sen Against 2 P�[jj. ,,,Mr. President (Fallon) 6M "8 cs � fit► ,ter.."", od,wlro CoUWCIL Db a,tk CITY OF ST. P UL "" d�C"c—,G OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Z✓ COON L RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM GDATE Again the hand of death has been laid upon the community and has removed from our midst the soul of Mr. James Neiger, and WgmA$, Mr, Neiger was prominently identified with the business and civic activities of the city, and W)MjW, In the death of Mr. Neiger the civic and business interests have lost a faithful worker and vise councillor, and WMAS, The City has lost a loyal, progressive citizen; there" fore, be it RESMVIDD, That we extend to the members of the bereaved family our deepest sympathy, and be it FURTggR R$SCLVND, That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Council of the City of Saint Paul and a copy be sent to the members of the family. F. No. n993:—its �' S1. Fnunn— ,1• H. Itnr[uxx�ohn 9. Findinn— ' W. A. Pnrrnntn—Anel F Petornnn— Mllton itoxrn—F M. TruUv— Agaln the hhnd of ndenthntbhtµn•«n Inttt op" the vom ' ooI of Mr. ea from uM1 _ l7 r' x �.Iu mrx Neiger. na wn Wherenx. Mr. Ne16er pruntl- tiv Identiflrd vlth the buxinexx and rivir notivit lex f the (t••h 1 R'herenx, In the death [nM+. Neiger Mite rlv lc d buxlnexx Inter 1xe rhnve IUxt n L9IthfU1 worker and n• oun clllor, xnd Thr CI[ hex loxt IoYnl, N horenx, Y b. It progro. tThntn: theroftenA to the nmberx of the be+en bed It[eto lly our deepext xY "thy n1Tnt thin re..ln- Further Rexotved, tion bt. xpread11pp n the min Ute. o[ the Council of the Clty of Saint Pnul and n nnp5. be xent to the memberx of the do [nmted by the Conn cit Nov. Ia. 1939. Adop Nov. 15, 1939. Approved INov. 13, 1939) Adopted by t COUNCILMEN Yeas BarU Nays r ussNOV 151939 193-- Approved indlan / --Parranto In Favor "Peterson ,Rosen Against ,Truax Mr. President (Fallon) 9M 648 Cs • 16933 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_�Reqgj_TM�dening_and extendingPsacal_Ave._ to L----- width _of_6--ft- _ from Highland Parkway north to the south line of Lot 11, Block 3, Twin City View Addition, by taking and condemning a strip of land 30 ft. in width off of the east side of the S* of the S*, Section 10, Township 28, Range 23, except parts taken for streets and RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND COF- alleys, AIWAMO " F A NGEtl O ND As- hI.ESSMENT TRRREFOIL 115779 approved- 1, 1939 under Preliminary Order____________ PP --'-'---'-'--'--' Intermediary Order --------116163 --------------- approved_ September 6, 1939 116476 _________--- approved__Ootober 3,1939- Final Order --------------- 116478 ------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District 11 Court for confirmation,,..,,,��tI�77�� •a r. v it Doa..7..�.7 ahT10LR7CC � x ]CiI�OW[wJWc7�C71:Q7C ] x A�IRx Nov 151939 ����--- Adopted by the Council --- __5_193_---------- --------------------------3 1 1939 - ----- - --------- ------ -jerk. City Clerk. 19---- An � .CCx --------------- -------- --------- --- y - Approve File 8777 to<v / a or. Councilman_ �' �� "" Councilman�� 3y Councilman ItllcDonald ..�.—� Councilman Narce Councilman Rohland_ Councilman Sudheimer Mayor i REPORT OF C(�MISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS I1l;NE ITS In the matter of__ opeaing,_widening_and extending Pasoal_Ave._ to _s width _of _60_ ft._ from Highland Parkway north to the south line of Lot 11, Block 3, Twin City View Addition, by taking and condemning a strip of land 30 ft. in width off of the east side of the Sffj of the SYQ, Section 10, Township 28, Range 23, except parts taken for streets and alleys, s- under Preliminary Order--- AlU79----_, approved---- August-;— 183$ -------------------------- Intermediary Order ...... _116163_-___- approved-___ September 6 _1939----------------------- Final Order -------------- 116478 approved---- October ------------------------ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. - �" Commissioner of Finance. . 116934 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__oondemning and taking an easement_ in -the _laPd neoessa_ry_ for slopesj__ cute and fills in the grading of alleys in Block b, mattock Park, from Hartford Ave. to Batson St., and from Macaleeter Ave. to the North and South°Alley, RESOLUTION RATIFYIRO ARQ COR_ A'qWOPS' "U'A1H.r .4NO' A 8EB8MENT TREQEFOR. C. F. No. 116" In the ma ' Ing n^ eery Hr' t� under Preliminary Order --- 115-61g-------------- approved_____ Ju3'X18,_193k_____________-__ Intermediary Order _________, 118051-------------, approved ----- August_29,_1939_____-------- Final Order --------------- !;§A -k2 --------------- approved_____ AqPt@Vk821 28t -1939 -----___-_- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered.to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. IDy3Tiitxxa=a1rN Adopted by the Council N my 151939----------------------------- - - ----------------- ------- City Clerk. Approved-------------------------- 19---- � V'�` -- ----- File 8786 /------------- -4 _Y_ - fi„ter �yor. Councilman Councilman _ , 3 Councilmanlo.Enald _ y....w Councilman F€atce f Councilman Rabland T,.E Councilman Sadheimer � Mayor —I Y t-- f T REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS - In the matter of__oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of alleys in Block 5, Mattock Park, from Hartford Ave. to Watson St„ and from Macalester Ave, to the North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order_________ 115613----_ approved----__ July_18j 1939------------------------- Intermediary Order ....... 116051------- approved------ - August_29 26991_9_3_9____________________ Final order -------------116352_-____- approved------ -------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's .finding on said matters. r - ------------------- Commissioner of Finance. 116935 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__openingt_vridening_and extending an alley_20 feet_ in_ width_ from Niagara s---- Street to Lexington parkway through Blook 8, Como, the south side of said alley to be 125.75 feet north of the north line of Hoyt Avenue and parallel thereto, �'R80LUTION RATIFYING AND CON- FIRMING CONDIDMIIA7'!ON AND �� ARD! OF DAMABR5 AND AS - y .'RXF.NT'1'IMP under Preliminary Order__ 115757______________, approved_______ 4uly_28�_ 1939______________, Intermediary Order _______115859______________ approved________Au5°Bt 8,_1939 Final Order --------------1-6148--------------, approved -------- $ep&ember-, _ 1939---------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ----'----'—.,__.�.►.o.,:,s.,�.P....,eabcci6cisc�sl�asd;� i®cxxxxaxx s�z Adopted by the Council -__NOV251939 ------------------------------------------- ? C'': r CityClerk. Approved------------------------,19---- File 8778 i` -A --- - ------- -------- I ayor.---- Councilman tt'" --- ------ PL'RL1SiiED CouncilmanMinonald- Councilman on Councilman Niwce Councilman 1iohlando Councilman Sudheimer- Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS ANP In the matter of °peninF� widening and extending -- alley feet width from _-- --- w --dth -- Niagara Street to Lexington Parkway through Block 8, Como, the south side of said alley to be 125.75 feet north of the north line of Hoyt Avenue and parallel theret , under Preliminary Order --- 115757---_- approved ------- July_28�_ 1939------------------------ 115859 -_ approved_____-_ AuVust 8,- 1939 Intermediary Order -------------- ----------------------- Final Order approved_______ September i 1939 -------------------- Final Order --------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. r= � a r ------- ------Commissioner of Finance. Petition Council File No... .116.936 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: _...,.Corbin sacal,Avenue..from.Lake_.Como.and•Phalen Avenue to Nebraska Avenue ...................................... em ov Dated this ...... 9.tih,.... day of ......................... .,.,,...., ......., 193.9,.... ............................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: Curb Pascal Avenue._from.Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Nebraska Avenue ................................... PRELIMINARY ORDERS. ....................................................................................... e, A ,• Heron � ............................................................................ ............� .. n[ tl. .......................... . having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ,/ NOV 151939 Adoptedby the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS q� Councilman BARFUSS Approved.......... �..4V. •1.5.1939 • • . • • • • •' • ..• "" • • • • FINDLAN PARRANTO ROS—iRtl7f1��Ge May MR. PRESIDENT M 12.38 �� _� Petition G-64 416937 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the makingof the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: (rade. and, surface, the.East,.and, West A11ey,in„Block 2, Milham Purka.. from, Fry..Street to RoY..Street........................................................ ..................................................................................... ............................... th November ,..., ]U3.9. Dated this....9... ..........day of ................ .................. . ... ....................`^.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ................. Grade. and. surface. the. Rust.. anti .Wast . Alley . in..Block .2... Milham .................. ................. Park_ from 3ry.-Street .to—Roy..Street..................... 1 F. Ne. 116937— Ab” ro whereas. A written Dposai [or the ........................................................................................... r. �: Ing of the following improvement, '- '.'..e the Ea -t e10 west .......................................................................................... • .4 having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. . 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓' Adopted by the Council .............. N my.1.5-19.30 ................ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved FINDLAN PARRANTO ROSE'S —IWAY-- MR. PRESIDENT -NOV-1.5-19N ............ \....'... .......... yor. M 12.38 Pl 1pf lf'IlFcr / — f k -3y Council File No.: 16938 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ►-4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning,and„taking, ap,e�sement, in.the,.land„sleces�axy!.,i o,�.,�]gpeS.............. ...cuts.,and,,tills,,in, the,grad,ipg,ftnd..su# 4.?Pg.ot..the..Enst..§ILd.W2St................. Alley in Block 2, Milham Park from Fry Street to Roy Street ...................... ............................................................................ 9 thNovember, 1939 93 Dated this...............day of............................................ C. F'. No. 116938— WAereae, written Proposal the making or the Improvement. e [ollowing Improvamen4 �t'ondrmnlnx and Inking an esaement Ute PRELIMINARY ORDER. h - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .............. condemning .and, t ak��lg..an..eas.�maut . ?.rF..the..�and . ne�.es.saz9.. for.. slopes, ............. cute. and, fi,.,ls. in, the. gra��ug.ansl.aurYaaiug.at..the.fast..and.Vlest................. Alley„ in„$�oek..2, .M1 ] hvm. kariz . froio. > rY. Sisaei.. io. Aoy. Straei ........................ ............................................................................... . . having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said. improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ^- Nov 1510 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS j Approved FINDLAN I PARRANTO --PFRERsem- J ROSEN --"Umr- MR. PRESIDENT NOV 151939 Mayor. IM 12.38 +:1. ) t. �I'i �( -� J `✓� CITY OF SAINT PAUL NOTICE TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER COUNCIL FILE NO. 16939 44 Novemb§K 14 1939 - RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $--51-,- 624.07 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 6 226 TO 65275 INCLUSIVE. AS PER Y'. tin. l 18419— / t Ir,:- „. �/ 1'+IOP dr T%g.W CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLE . NOV 151939 w�`� ;.b ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL i93- km mn cor APPROVED 'al's' I 193_ // ":�' iln i'UBLiSiIEi% �— 3 1 � I t 14 1 r 1 t TO CITY CLERK . CITYNF, HINT PAUL ���•�/jai 1 PPPP ilii DUPLICATE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER _ ROLL CALL 1 1 BARFUSS FI"DLA"9 - "`AY°R' PETERSON AUDITED CLAIM �GVCmLVi 1.4 IB3/S --- ROSEN TRAGAINST UAX W NZEL MR PRES FALLOh ' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 7i.—L��I COVERING TO OF E INCL SIVE. AS O OO TV C NOV ] 51939 CHECKS NUMBERED- L L O ROLLER TO CITY CLERK . CITYNF, HINT PAUL ���•�/jai 1 PPPP ilii DUPLICATE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER _ ROLL CALL 1 1 BARFUSS FI"DLA"9 - "`AY°R' PETERSON AUDITED CLAIM �GVCmLVi 1.4 IB3/S --- ROSEN TRAGAINST UAX W NZEL MR PRES FALLOh ' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 7i.—L��I COVERING TO OF E INCL SIVE. AS O OO TV C NOV ] 51939 CHECKS NUMBERED- L L O ROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. PER CHECKS ON FIL — ---- — - --._ y --, ' APPROVED --. 4 NUMBER - / �7 • ins - �203 BY HAo —_ /— _ TOTALDATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF - TRANSFER CHECKS - a RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD - 19 239 22 539 046 49_ -- • 65226 Robert Hemming 38 4o 85 01 65227 Capital Envelope Company 111 37 65228 Toledo Plate & Window Glass Company 34 30 65229 Washington Foundry Company 14 652 09 65230 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 270 03 65231 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 694 30 65232 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 3 593 57 65233 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 186 20 65234 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 02 65235 65236 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 7 347 1 204 41 F�nanoe 67 5 65237 John S. Findlan, C. of 4 4 750 85 65238 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance `7 565 18 65239 Geo. J. Grant Const. Company 680 73 65240 Peoples Electric Company 10 00 65241 Geo. F. Dix, Clerk of Dist.Ct. 12 64 65242 Griggs* Cooper & Company 19 46 65243 Miss Perris Jones 511 73 65244 The Midway News 3 3o6 65245 John S. Finnan, C. of Finance 00 65246 65247 John Lennon Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 99 10 14 65248 Schulz Food Market 62 3 06 65249 Soully Steel Products Company 44 65250 Singer Sewing Machine Company 417 4 65251 )ocony—vacuum oil company 38 5 65252 D.N. Sokols Company 18 60 65253 Standard Brands, Inc. 119 to 65254 Sunrayed Products Company 32 21 65255 Telautograph Corp. 375 65256 The Texas Company 50 65257 Jos. A. Theissen 19 95 65258 Len Thoele Radio Shop 1 242 00 65259 Transit Supply Company 65260 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 13� 99 6 65261 Tri—State Tela & Telg. Company 87 2j 60 65262 Twin City Book & Stationery Company 20 34 65263 Twin City Iron & Wire Company 35 04 65264 Universal Iron Foundry 65265 University of Chicago Press 2 92 4 72 65266 University of Washington Press 14 0o 65267 Valentine Clark Company 65268 ® Valley Iron Works 105 89 65269 verve 10 00 65270 am. Weber 20 65271 H.E. Wedelstaedt Company 525 23 65272 W.Id. Welch Mfg. company 35 9 8 67 65273 Westlund's Market 65P74 Rest Publishing Company 85 50 6F275 'Lobel Book Service 3 75 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 19 238 ?2 590 670 56 I q E 1 � SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 19 238 ?2 590 670 56 q E 1 � 1 1 q E 1 � 0d.l..la00n4k 4 16940 Xl)CITY OF ST. PAUL - r��x NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �C�OUNCIL ESOLUTIQN- GENERAL FORM C F. No. 7169400 Axel F. Pelerson— C//r/l t.l1le Honen—t. M. Truax—R'. H. P '.�llon—John a hFndt�an-6. H. Bnr- w w _ '^nf;l a o[ Lhe ✓ ✓ r • DATE -4 r)lun WRERBAB, in the operation of the Stamp plan for distributing surplus commodities, the Revolving Fund of the Count3 Welfare Board of the City of St. Paul and County of Ramsey, in the opinion of the City Council must be increased from $200,000 to $250,000, and the portion of the City of St. Paul of the additional $50,000 to be so provided would be the sum of #13,750.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the sum of 413,750.00 is hereby appropriated to the Revolving Fund of the County Welfare Board of the City Of at. Paul and the County of Ramsey, the said sum to be paid out of the Board of Public Welfare Fund, Code 24, said sum to be in addition to the amount heretofore appropriated by Council File No. 107753, adopted June 11, 1937, and Counoil File No. 109968, adopted January 28, 1938. COUNCI MEN Yeas Nays LLarf uss Nin Jan anto 7=Pet¢Pson /R/.sen r. President (Fallon) sM 01M Cs NOV 161939 Adopted by the Council— 193— NOV 161939 Approved— In pproved In Favor Mayor /Against �li1J.1 •fFr; L�_/� 3f CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota��� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK `d L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Regishation Nov. 14, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug \ Corporation Counsel 1 City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution mitho:i zink and providing for an increase of $50,000.00 in the Revolving Fund of the County Welfare Board as outlined in the attached letter of F. M. Rarig. Yours very truly, ej- City Clerk. 116941 Orltd..l to atv tlali .11"1" No. CITY OF ST. PAUL "L. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �C I,. No. 116941—ar G. H. sarrn,K— W. A. rnrranto— ' CO ICIL RESOLUTION ---G ENERA_L FORM caner ' on sale alaR sererase 40. �Jpll/6889, ernlrinq Augnst 1, 1940, Restaurant p0<'' a Pring ,Ltpgust Malt Bevt PRESENTED BY _ DATE.,.--_Q-'�'„i( r A'�""'st COMMISSIONER WHEBEAS, on Sale Malt Beverage License No. 8889, expiring August 1, 1940, Restaurant License No. 1047, expiring Augn 1940, and off Sale halt Beverage License No. 8824, expiring Aust gu 1, 1940, were heretofore issued to Leon Kell and Jerry Ryan at 169 North Dale Street; and WHEREAS, on November 8, 1939, the said Leon Kell entered a plea of guilty in the Municipal Court of the City of St. Paul to the charge of selling untaxed liquor; and WHEREAS, after an investigation of the facts, the City Council has determined that the sale of untaxed liquor involved In the charge against said Leon Kell had nothing whatever to do with the operation of the business of the partnership of Leon Kell and Jerry Ryan at 169 North Dale Street, and that the said Jerry Ryan was in no manner connected with the crime committed by the said Leon Kell; and WHEREAS, the City Council is of the opinion that the license in so far as it has been granted to the said Leon Kell should be revoked, and that he should have no connection with the business operated at the above address; but said Council is further of the opinion that the said Jerry Ryan should be permitted to continue said business; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the aforesaid licenses be and the same are hereby revoked, and the City Clerk ie instructed to issue licenses In lieu thereof to the said Jerry Ryan, on the condition, however, that said Leon Kell shall in no manner be connected witli-said busi— ness nor with the operation thereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas�Nays ar s n /m .7.to Peterson In Favor sen � __Against President (Fallon) 5M 0-98 C6 Adopted by the Council NOV 16 1939 193- ApprovedNOV 16 1939 193- ��-�j'�/ "'T� ayor 116942 Or41n.1a GI,a k" NO. • - ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL •'�n - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RE LUTION -GENERAL, FORM C.F. N.. 116942—BY G. rt. hY Wherenx, 3—ph i.eurer hne Ipe- ti[Ioned the Cou ncll [oi peen flllin6 PRESENTED BY DATE_' Inning n•"d .nxi•inin a Ve Rxnxom'x COMMISSIONER -- "1' •o Llne SEAS, Joseph Laurer has petitionea the Council for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station on Lot 28, Block 1, Ransom's Addition, and Lots A and B, Soo Line Plat No. 4, also described as Be. 112-116 Saet 1[aryland Street; and WHEREAS, said Joseph Leurer has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, eidewalks, ate. for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Section 6 of ordinance No. 6840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to said Joseph Laurer to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the pleln as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner enb- of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping o !got to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage, or other public improvements within the street lines 'hall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever it shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. COUNCILMEN Yeas ��� Nays s min / In n Ia nto �Ye'ef'son (i//n I n• Favor if .sen r. President (Fallon) SM 638 Ca --Against tiy 161939 Adopted by the Council -193- 1 N ouncil 193— N U 19 1939 Approved 193—. t � ��dayor a 1.1<1n. -D ( / - / 6--3 POST CARD NOTICE ✓ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., October_28__ _ 19 39 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Buildinq Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St Paul, July -ith, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of Joseph Leurer, 112 E. Maryland St. I o erect and install a filling station located at 112-116 E, Maryland Stt on Lot 28, Block 1, Ransom's Add. and Lots A and B. Soo Line Plat No. 4 will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court Housc Building on the -- 8thNovember 39 day of � ___ _, t9__..at to o'clock A. M. JOI-ITI S. FMDbAll, Commissioner of Finance. Page File 8834 CITY OF SAINT PAUL .Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 15, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of Joseph Leurer for permission to install and operate a drive-in filling station at 112-116 Z. Maryland St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police Health Officer Fire Chief - Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesotaa/ // �erattccfeut o/ Public Sajela Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner November 9, 1939 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by Joseph Lauer for permit to install and operate a drive-in gasoline filling station to be located on Lot 28, Block 1 of Ransom's Addition to St. Paul, and Lots A and B of Soo Line plat No. 4, which is also desoribed as 112 to 116 Fast Maryland Street. Inspections were made by Harry N. Wetter- gren, Superintendent of Traffic and William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspeotor. Their reports are attached. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Pub a Safety IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY / THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION November 1 1939 Mr. G. H. Bar£ues Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by Joseph Laurer for permission to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station to be located on Lot 28, Block 1, and Lots A. and B. of Soo Line Plat No. 4, Ranson's Addition to Saint Paul, which is also described as 112-116 East Maryland Street. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints and do not find that these driveways or station will materially interfere with the movement of traffic. From a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours truly, tryr �' . y N. ergren Superintendent of jraffio xf CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. bW1 Tenth and Minnesota Streets Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy C ... Wiener November 9th,1939 Hon.G.H.Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief G. E. BRISSMAN Supt of Police and Fire Alarm In regard to the application of Joseph Leiser for permission to install and operate a drive-in gasoline filling station to be located on Lot 28. Block 1. of Ransom's Addition to St,Paul, and Lots A and B of Soo Line, Plat No 4. which is also described as 112'to 116 East Idaryland St. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an install- ation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity., neither would it cause any increase in the insurance rate of anyadjacent property. Respectfully yours Chief Inspector Fire Prevention ve- LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTICING SAFETY �'/RY uF THE BOARD OF ZONING �4� ��r Ertebkhed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE Osae ae a �a4a a SIB eerie sb A. '"aOgtti November 7th, 1939• w.wca s� O . 0 ARTHUR S MILINOWSKI. Chair m.�n JGUST url Hrr:•�r lr� EDWIN H LUNDI, BERNARD J WGL) WI EGIN WAHMAIJ CHARLES BAWORD, Coir Arc hn GEORG( H H--RROLD, Yr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of 7oseph Leurer for a drive-in filling Station at 112-116 E. Maryland St. This is Light Industrial zoning, and the station will be about 150 ft. east of Cortland St. on the south side of the street. The applicant has arranged with the Soo Line Railway for a lease of sufficient land to give him 100 ft. for this station and a 30 ft. island between the two driveways. As it is the intention of the applicant to use cinders for surfacing, the driveways should be con- structed of black -top from the gutter line to the property line. There is no curbing or sidewalk on this side of the street. The Hoard of Zoning recommend that the application be approved. Your& every truly, Qrge gine R.Secretar Engineer Secretary. j gh-rh � II l I L O TS fj A7NG B LOT oC/c / i!' -)V j GM- g 1Wr 1 a Al To Soc 'L %IYE P4 R -r /V6.4 I - 60r- 13k'ic/r lt�s%D EN Lk' _ ;. fl fRAlrnG r I - I F �A /YtA/ryhANG j-ro ri ON BSP • N t. �� r I Al, C .M � 1�"V 0 T/'C, N TO .:-1; Y�✓A _ .. v J I - S vo o Vq C A N7- oP, - I Cyr{!j I' _ L I NDE :? - L:.7 sEA Jf-rl r,F v%TIY. - i l lic EA. /YIiR�/.f}/vC L,r,,• - _ 1J S.. �,•F6rrtic n . PrO P . is INCN - _ i ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL ILEO IR THE CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLERK E OFFICE Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE SL_.�—�?� 193 - TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY I HE of FIRM OR Isom oowl t f r ' ✓� i N - - - - FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPER ATE A I DRIVE In oR Insloe cw Rwcl I �U BLOCK/-- ---- — AUTOMOBILE FILLING 6TATION T E LOCATED NQ LO;,7Z- 7--- .. w �/ I� I 1 60 DESCRIBED A6 I eiREFr NO. OF PUMPS -- NO OF GAS TANKS L CAPACITY OF EACH TANK. OF A—L FILED elcn+Tune Icwn RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT P LIC BAP ETY EP _ J� �1 Y RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK / DATE ' ' 1S-� i CITY PLANNING BOARDD�? Dd.IMI b MyU.rY 116943 CITY OF ST. PAUL ruc �I� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RESO TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE—.-- = —� -- COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the Certified Ice & Fuel Company has made appli- cation to the Council for permission to operate an Los station at 1253 Payne Avenue; and wHEAEA3, proper notice has been given pursuant to Section 5 of Ordinance No. WM, and the Council is of the opinion that a permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said Certified Ice & Fuel Company a permit for�the maintenance and operation of an Ice station on the above described property, the building to be In accordance with the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas ��.-' Nays - �arfuss /rindlan / /Y arranto I Peterson In Favor Rosen _Against r. President (Fallon) 3M 6-38 Cs 111. Nu. Ilfi!./2—itc t.. I1. 14r rf vv4, Iry I[r•quenl— \Yherr:+x, tlir ert(Iled Irr A F'nrl nnnnry Irrn +mtde r.nnnrwuox to Ihr I��nril rnr Pr•nnixelou to nue rete rn ulxtion +r1 1.R:i I':tvne Ar en ne; and \\"hr•.rxae, Prrrper roller hon been xlren nurxmuu to s�etlm+ r nr Ord[ - d I e Nn. Kin, : nd thr t'nunrn r r Ih.� opinion thus x Permt xhenlnr• :e r.rulud: iherrfnr.•, hr It Itrenlrrd, that ttn• Proper rI1>' enirr rn hr• xmi tnr>' + e hereby unthnrired +ml .Il rerlyd lr Ineur t.. +xIA l'xrtided rlr. R 4nr1 Cnm P;rnr nerrrr(t fur lhr r1rnlnlrnnnr•r• r nd r.Pentt inn of A. (e� Intlnn rk hr uhr,,tdenrr l h rd PrnP_ rl>', Iherrhundl ny; I.. ne In n nrdn rtre with the Itrrilrlinu r'rde. Thin Permit lhIt 1: nrntrrl nn hJeet to the Prnvinfnn rrl Iln v;tr lour hr n •oked t n.+r I hno by x to Jnritr rut. nr the Connell. Y ,\dn Pterl tlir Ihr r nell M1nr, Irl, 19 39, I V n�'. 1 X, 11.711 7 Adopted by the Council Nov 161939— NOV 161939 Approved 193— mayor — CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Ij Nov. 15, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir= The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of Certified Ice and Fuel Co. for permission to operate an ice station at 1253 Payne Ave. Yours very truly, City Clerk. A., POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn.,..___October__28.,........... ..__193._9_ Pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 5, as amended, of Building Znne Ordinance, apprm-ed juh- 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the'application oC.....__A.._._C..._Feltesek for permission to erect or continue retail ice station located.._...__..._....__._. at 1253 Payne Ave., on Lot 7� Block 2, Jose R, weide's 2nd Addition will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Cham - her in the City Hall and Court (louse Building on the ._...__......... ................. day of._...._November ................. _......, 193.__9, at 10 o'clock A. M. tntata a itfR�l AN P, ano 8833 Commissioner of Finance. .QWO G'/ f� %i / / �\ I LIN"PUS A. 11ACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH. 11. 1). I%M..1. SI'DEIT11 G. E. BRISSIIAN Chief of Police Ilrallh Iltliccr Pim Chirf Sn10. of Poli— anal Fire Alurnl ######414K 41#il###########i############JK* Yr+u#JK'K I'#############i1M################J'41 41 ############ CITY OF SAINT PAUL. `� / (.:llllt:ll 111 �Illlllrtil11;1 l/ fcuth and \lmon ola slrrrt.i jl G. H. BAHFUSS, Commissioner AMIN 1'. Alt I.LANEY, D,pWc Co,w:issinu r October 26, 1939 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Regarding the attached application of A. C. Faltesek, 282 West Water Street, for permit to move an ice station from the southwest corner of Payne and Orange Street to 1253 Payne Avenue: You will also find attached report covering inspection made by the Bureauof Health. Very t ly yours, Co Ly of lio Safety t 1I IN 'I I]E MEAN I'BIE, IT %C"PI('E SM E'rS !I i' i I. 4r October 25, 1939 Ron. G. H. Barfuss Commissioner Department of Public Safety St. Paul, Minnesota. My dear Commissioner: Regarding the attached Application of Mr. A. C. Faltesek, 282 W. Water St., for Permit to move an Ice Station from the southwest corner of Payne and Orange Sts. to 1253 Payne Ave., our Inspector reports as fol- lows: "This location is suitable for an Ice Station. Natural ice to be sold, the source of which is from a lake on South Robert St." Very truly yours, R. B. Schoch, M. D., s Chie Vealth Officer THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION 4r October 25, 1939 Ron. G. H. Barfuss Commissioner Department of Public Safety St. Paul, Minnesota. My dear Commissioner: Regarding the attached Application of Mr. A. C. Faltesek, 282 W. Water St., for Permit to move an Ice Station from the southwest corner of Payne and Orange Sts. to 1253 Payne Ave., our Inspector reports as fol- lows: "This location is suitable for an Ice Station. Natural ice to be sold, the source of which is from a lake on South Robert St." Very truly yours, R. B. Schoch, M. D., s Chie Vealth Officer - CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' DEEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDING_. rorwLPEEcouEcrr� DIVISION OF BUILDING INSPECTION DOUBLE FEE COLLECTED ACCOUNT ORDINANCE LI APPLICATION FOR PERMIT VIOLATION. BUILD INSTALL ADD. ALTER REPAIR M -VV WRECK HANG 19 MARK SQUARES ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ BY X NON- COMBINATION ERECT REPAIR IL UM- ILLU M- BOOP PRO- HORI- VERT- HORIZONTAL STRUCTURE USED AS NEW SIGN OLD SIGN II INATED INATED II I JE-I..I ZONTAL I ICAL AND V -11—L A fit (r OWNER---- — — ADDRESS_ CONTRACTOR_--- -- ---------ADDRESS----- NUMBER -- ADDRESS ---- NUMBER STREET SIDE BETWEEN WHAT CROSS EFTS WARD LOT U BLOCK ADDITION OR TRACT -v- nT�o �R.�Ar oP IRO N PEET OTH BIDEN_ _ FEEfOTH HEIFFFT I BTORIE9 IBV �'MA`rERIAL n� PILT GnWNo'N PEfr I OP CONSTRUCTION sp I'RT a9'TIMATED VALUATION SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE �j DETAILS�OR EMARKS: SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES �,� TO BE AT LEAST 10 FEET FROM DWELLING ON SAME LOT_'�--'� TO BE AT LEAST 20 FEET FROM DWELLING ON ADJOINING LOTS TO BE AT LEAST 30 FEET FROM FRONT STREET LINE — — TO BE AT LEAST 8 FEET FROM SIDE STREET LINE UNLESS DOORS OPEN TO ALLEY The underei ned hereby makes application ora Dermlt to do CONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LOT PROHIBITED Building Work as herein specified, agreeing to do all work in strict GARAGE DOORS MUST NOT OPEN INTO ALLEY accordance th all ordinancesjoe City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. NO PERMIT ISSUED UNDER THIS APPLICATION WILL a - COVER PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL. PLASTERING, WARM AIR 'SIGNED FURNACE WORK OR STEAM FITTING. ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect Supt. of Parks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminlonxr October 2=, 1939 Hon. Council_ City of St. 1"aul Centlotnen I an returning to you herewith the application of A. C. Faltesek, 252 �.%ater Street, representin. the Certi- fied Ice Company for a cash and carry ice station to be moved front the southwest cornier of Payne Avenue and. Orange Street to 1253 Payne Avenue, Lot 7, ?'lock 2, Jos. R. 1,9eide's 2d Addition. This property is zoned for corvrercial purposes and there is no objection as it is not incr asing the number of ice stations in this locality. Y.G�s truly, City Architect LA;. U a THE BOARD OF ZONING G/TY pA Evabll;hed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 71h, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE wa G eov eeee:eease _ e9® BL®9 Be aro Y�ow: �•;,° h0 November 7th, 1939• Y11NC �� e6• O ted' ARTHUR S MILINOWSKI. 0— 1-1 �'"T HnHr1 �1ri.V EDWIN H LUND1L PER.NARD J MCGLY!J11 EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSEORD, C, A,,h-,— GEORGE H W RROLD, Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of A. C. Faltesek to install and operate an ice house at 1253 Payne Ave. This is on the west side of Payne Ave. between Hawthorne and Orange Street a on an undeveloped piece of commercial. The land is conercial. There is no objection to an ice house at this location, and the Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, i---- —s-� George H. Herrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh Orleln.l to Olr O.h ���[� CITY OF ST. PAUL .I�. `I` NO. ��44 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU NCI RESOL ION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— WHERE", OMMISSIONER WHEREAS, John A. TuAner, a detective employed by the Department of Public Safety, has been abd will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of seventy-four days, from October 17th to December 31, 1939, inclusive; and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Safety has recommended that said John A. Tuc�ner be granted a leave of absence with pay because of disability for said period, in compliance with Para- graph (e), Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to grant a leave of absence to said John A. Tuokner from October 17th to December 31, 1939, inclusive. C. F. N�.. 1116911--Ity Q. If. ftrtrfuxx-- R'henui n, .Inhn A. Tuehner, a dot.•e- urn nm PloyM by the Wena ill h, or ,apair ilted y, dux been and erf tm fn- mpurlGtterl and t nn ole to Parfonn hi, dutixx fur Peenty-four dxYx, from nvtohor 17th [ntliere,n her "tl. 1939, ".Ili,-ve; and Rahe rear, the C,,nd d th.t of f'ublty A. Pai.y haw r mie.d Idnt x:tfd John' A. _,Z 1—r her Krnnted a leuvo of nb- Ith pny hAenuxe f (11—bflig) I : rr rxn Id neriml. In ,,Plinnte a•I th. 1'n rn Krupph te), &-ti— 41 of tnr. C(vn rriry W- 1h.-fure, be It Veitxxnlverl. tont ter• pruner rite ofa-I x. he and Ihey o liervby nutliurlaed I tnr Krunt Inuv cif nhxent•e to nrtld Jrdm A. '1•uohnrrrn„rn oetnher 1;in rrr U Adopts 31. 1939. Ino,II N, Adopted by tl:n t'ml�ell Nnv. 16. T939. .\PPrcry ed Nnv.v. IR18, . 1939. f Nn; T 9 t°" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Nov 16 193— Yeas Nays NGV IG lndlan�ss / Approved 193—_ ,-Parranto ,Peterson In Favor 1 ,4tosen ayor �./..,,,,,^��, _ _--Against }VYr. President (Fallon) 5M 6 38 CS X1-6445 0,111al I. OIV Oak Mels TV CITY OF ST. PAUL "'t' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION. —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Axel F / Peterson (,(A6( ifi TE November 15 989 COMMISSIONER_ — RESOLVED, That the Farmers' Union and Terminal Association be and it is hereby given without charge the use of Stem Ball on the afternoon of ThursdeV , December 14, 1989, and the theater section on the evening of December 14, 1989, for its annual dinner and meeting; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that an amount equal to the coat of opening and operating the said sections of the Auditorium on said date for the above occasion be set up in the budget in Auditorium Fund f17. 1 Sn. 116946—ny Acel F- rete, __ I:e olced, That lh" Fann— Me. herenS rKi�1n \iihntrttinIt g.- thliI 1. I.; u( Al em Hal) un the ftern7 the theater are day, Itecemher 14• 1939, i e, ti ,, un the a eninlr of Deremher 14. 1939, for It nnnunl dinner :tnd meet- In•r; r, II Further 1, el" r•d. )Pe .g a1d IA, euunl [u the •cel It opening t mlunK o n1 the..id d11— f<�f�the ahoa.Ar•udl- talon be aul up In the hudgrt In Audl- terlum Fu . nd N 17. Adopted by the t'ounell Nrrr. le, 1'.19. :\alrro ar•d Nu,•. 18, 1919. 140V 161939 Adopted by the Council--193— Yeas ouncil— 193— COUNCILM EN �r� YeasAR—Ns Nays NOV 161939 ', Fiydlan Approved —193— Pa anto � In Favor — — et rson -- L — ayor osen - __Against r. President (Fallon) 6M 648 Ca C nill"I to City Oak '" CITY OF ST. PAUL t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY_.ATI COMMISSIONER - -____.ATI -- 146946 . e " NO. Whereas, the spe.ci__rications for the contract with J. S. Sweitzer Son, Inc. for the Addition, Alterations, and _,epalrs to ldonroe Junior hi ,h School, P. ''° . A. Docket 1.1innesota 1392-F, Section I, Contract i:o. "A" provide that the Council may order pa orient of 95 per -ont of the contract price whenever the City Arch3.tect ce-•tifies that the work is substantl^lly co-npl.- ted, anti' 'Miere--.s, t'.. City Arc,,._tect has certified that the work under this coni ct is subs tant 1 ally compl^ted, there- fore, be it Resolved that the proper cite officors be and they are i�ereby auth:m ized to ',;ay ':o the said J. S. Sweitzer Son, Inc., 95 per cent of the contr•tct price under the afore- mentioned contract. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncilNOV 16 _ __1939 _193_— Yeas 13Nays ryry << arfuss NU� d V Findlan Approved Parranto Peterson In Favor Mayor Rosen =� Against Attest; _ Mr. President (Fallon) 1ty Clerk. RM 6 38 Ca t•. 1'. eio. IlaYtfi—Ity :\�xl F'. th.ixrw„n__ whxreax. u..• xpernleau..n., o,r thx •Itn J. N. 3weflzer & 9nn, Inc.' the Ii the Addl[fo, .\Iterations and Ire. once 1392- 8choo- PWA Dorketr MI—exota F, Sec -I tiotf 1, Con[ .- No. "A•' p...te that the Con ncll )nY -der payment 96 .of per gent -or the ontrnet Ades whenever . wx cur Aren wet un• I "I y comx work isxulrrtantinny mpletad, and Wbethe the Cfty Archtteet hn. c tined tided ths[ the crk under thin -on- Ix nbrzmn tinily I—Ptet.d, there- f,me, he It 11-1 ed that the proper city oficers he and they re herehv a [horizcd to PaY tothe said J. S. , welteer & son. Inc., per eat of the contract price nder the aforementioned ontract. " Adopted b� the Council Nov. 16, 1939, i•� Apprnaxd nv. 16 198!1, I 1 ! (Noy. 181 1939) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncilNOV 16 _ __1939 _193_— Yeas 13Nays ryry << arfuss NU� d V Findlan Approved Parranto Peterson In Favor Mayor Rosen =� Against Attest; _ Mr. President (Fallon) 1ty Clerk. RM 6 38 Ca CHAS. A, BASSFORD ERNEST W. JOHNSON City Architect Supt_of Paarrkkss W. LA MONT N Supt. of Playgrounds CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��V4� Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commluioner ove_^be^ 10, 1f 39 non. C-Incil .,it,: of St. Paul - ell tle en: J. S. Sweitzer Son, Inc., eneral contractors for t'r:e _:a- provenent described as the Adi:Ation, Alterat.ons and =;emirs to the ?'onroe Jun.or-i;l-.,School, h�.ve made ap»lication for a payment of 95 ner cent oy their total contract, in accord- ance witi-I the � �ovisions of tine second na-r, raph of Article A-29 of the General Conditions of t'ce sneciFications. Cie checked the worlc .)erfortxed under the ;eneral contract, on t`Ovenioer 1, 1:%39, an_. fount it to be substantially co.arl^ted and reco rend that this paymen`. of 95 per cent of the cO"- t.r-.ct price be -paid in accorQance rlith the spocl— ica,ions truly, ty Archit^ct ZLF... 7 NOTICE TO PRINTER Is .e CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. 116947 V November 15 9 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 98, 2319.23 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED65P76 TO61iINCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. to No. . Thp— aeaa•� a. ThFI eneoka ee ernwR on Nov 161939 A.. ^he n66^e6ara �Jy a4 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193_ APPROVED 193 n/ �� CITY COMPTROLL[R 0L o 193_- / R2LISHED--Z/ :-- �3 F SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 19 234 22.674 god 79 -may .� r ,- - � • �, � -' ` ' � t I i ! ' ; • JTOF _ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK -- - SAIrIWMW OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER__ _ - --- -- - ROLL CALL BARFUS5. FINDLAN -- _-IN FAVOR PETER50N AUDITED CLAIMS _.November 15 - I93 -Cl- ROSEN TRUAX AGAINSTi RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL MR PRIES FALLON TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S ���os�2?vr?--=r—' COVERING INCLU51 E. AS CHECKS NUMBEfl ED/-_ 6 O 5�J�nd� _C9-PT PER CHECKS O OF �RPCIIY CQM ZLLER ADOPTED BY H CO��JI Np/CIL_� rJL.Y- j9LlC - / 17 APPROVED- --193- _ NUMBER �� �`1-. BY - - --------------- — - - ----- TOTAL DATE II 1N FAVOR OF -- p RETURNED , KCHECKUMBER TRANSFER 1a BY BANK i DISBURSEMENT X CHECKS e CHECKS Y'i }F - BROUGHT FORWARD- 19- 23-&-22 C _ 5C90-(,70 - _ 1 912 78 i. 65276 John S. rin1lan, C. of Finance 4 828 59 'u 65277 C.F'.soully Equipment Company 89 90 65278 American Rad. & Stand. San. Corp. 14 50 65279 Geo. J. Ball, Inc. 181 72 65280 Brown and White Cab Company 1 0 65281 65282 Carron Mfg. Company "o -Op. study of sec. sohoca Stand. 2 5 65283 Graybar Electric Company 42 2 59 75 6522 Peltz Printing Company 10 79 65285 presto Mfg. Company 5 00 65286 65297 Mrs. Dora R. Rast Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 102 66 ' 65288 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 38 59 9 00 65299 Kenneth M. Wright Studios 31 618 44 65290 John s. Findlan, C. of Finance 4 997 94 65291 John S, Findlan, C. of Finance 89 24 65292 Inter -State Posting Service 30 00 f 65293 65294 Mr. James Feller John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 28 2954 3 ' 65295 John S, Findlan, C. of Finance 11 0�3 9 65296 Mrs. Harriet Jane Gay w 04 Go 65297 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 34 9 34 65298 Concrete Steel Company 837 65299 Corning -Donohue, Inc. 3j 65300 Fuel 011 & Gas Company 65301 Graybar Electric Company 4 21 65302 Guaranteed Concrete Company 9 9 05 65303 Lampland Lumber Company 149 70 54 65301} Master Materials & Fuel Company 75 65305 The Peter Pirsch & Sons Company 65306 The Geo. T. Ryan Company 710 74 65307 J.L. Shiely Company, Ino. 3�Y 65308 Twin City Brick Company 44 65309 The Waterous Company 222 80 65310 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 78 35 65311 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 65312 General Electric Supply Corp. 89 9 65313 Grinnell Company, Inc. 82 27 162 do 65314 Han000k-Nelson Mercantile Company 65315 Landers-Norblom-Christenson Company 30 08 5 24 65,316 • 65317 Library of Congress Lineer 11?r6om Mfg. Company 11 76 65318 w.T. Love Company 11 89 34 85 65319 Miller Supply Company 37 63 65320 Motor Power Equipment Company 52 50 65321 65322 Frank Mudra Northern Jobbing Company 25 06 ; 6532 R.J. Pennig Company 15 09 653 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company 37 16 65325 St.Paul Builders Material Company 301 29 l 65326 st.Paul White Lead & 011 Company 38 47 65327 G. Sommers & Company 20 80 16 41 65329 Stilwell Paper Company SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 19 234 22.674 god 79 -may .� r ,- - � • �, � -' ` ' � t I i ! ' ; • a1sw1 t. city o -k COUNCIL No 1-16948 CITY OF ST. PAUL ^t• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED01�5z ��A-- DATE November 17, 1939 COM 15SION RESOLVED WHEEMS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of the Water Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time here- inafter set forth: OVERTIME NA1dE TITLE Sunda9 Regular Rate Vidgo T. Anderson Lake Patrolan-W.D. Ib hrs. .6o-1/2 Wm. D. Carlson Filter -Plant lab. 4 hire. :70-1/4 Walter Scott Ditch digger 8 e Ce Pied correct Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent COUNC MEN Yeas /fir 1/ Nays /L5 Fi lan arranto .✓ In Favor Peterson --�ARainst Mr. President (Gel a*j– 15W 2+98 C8 ".]F. No. 116948-13y W. A. t'urrunlo— iteeolved, Th t the pro Myers are herehy thori-d `to) pay e taln employe' Int`loe Dopartmeut ec 1'.bN Ut nide. fur t mploymen[ set out on the lixt`xtt.,1el to thlx xolutln. rr Ado pied by the Couaril N-. IT. 1989. Approved Nov. 17. 1989. (Nov. _5, 1989) NOV. 17 19S Adopted by the Council ---___193 — Approved'OV 17 1M -193 — 694,8 November 17, 1939 An emergency has arisen in the Wster Department rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Patrolling Sucker and yadnaia Laken f Cleaning out boiler at McCarron Station.* This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: 'To prevent trespassing *Had to finish fob in order to Vu A boiler back into service. BOARDDOOF WATER C OMCMSIONERS C/psi —_�� President Cert ied correct 0__�21 Z-r� Leon X. Thompson General Superintendent w o"W to atv Oak - ;OUNCIL NO. env" - " . CITY OF ST. PAUL r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK !t COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY' DATE November 17 1939 COMMISSIONER_ WHEREAS: heretofore son Sales Liquor license $1190 was issued to Ralph Marrone at 13 Leech St. and SEAS: Ralph Marrone and James Delmedico have requested that said license be transferred to Ralph Marrone and James Delmedico at 13 Leech St. and WHEREAS: the said Ralph Marrone and James Delmedico have filed a bond in the sum of $3,000.00 as required by City Ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel. therefore, be it RESOLVED: that lion Sales Liquor license #1190, heretofore issted to Ralph Marrone at 13 Leech St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Ralph Marrone and James Delmedico at the 'same address and the bond of the said Ralph Marrone and James Delmedico is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation counsel is authorized and directed to release the, surety on the bond of the said Ralph Marrone from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. Transfer informally approved by Council. Nov. 14, 1939 Old Location COUNCILMEN YeasNays at s �in5lan lPayanto Peterson 1-1fosen ir. President (Fallon) ani "a Ce In Favor Against F. No. 116949-11" 169 49-11y 1:. ' Rarf a„— W. A. Parranto— R'hereae, heretofore "On gale” Llq- or Ilcenas No. 11R0 wax Issued to Rnipb Marrone at 13 Leech St. and Whereas, 7talph 9farrona Ind .lames I le Imed It. have eq... led that aid 11- ande be transferred to Itaiph darrmlc James D.1-11eo .1t 13 I,esrh 91, and „Whora... the soe.ld Ralph M rro.. and me.the sum of $3 0100.0 as rtlgelred fly Vile Ordinance, and said bond has been 1,P - proved n to forma d -call.. by the Corporation Counsel: therefore, be It Resolved, that %)I Sale” IIs or 11- No. 1180, heretofore Is sed 1. Its 1ph Marronet 13 Leeclt SL be and tha e a Is heroby transferred to I talph Matrons a d domes bond dlcu at the same address and [he bonof the said R.IPh Marrone and Jame, nalmedtoo Is hereby approved ,ad the City ClerIt le directed to deho 11 the. In the Rice of the city Comp- troller, and the Corporation Counsel 1, .1.thorized and directed 1, release the brely on the bond of the x1111 Ralph tarrone f rom n1n'ther r-'lxohtbillty ,.rl,ing after the am, till, lutllm i, publised. Transfer Informally ppr,,ved III Connell, Nov. 14, 1039. Old loeatloa. pted by the Connell N.v. 17. 1939. Approved Nov. 17, 7939. f Nov. 3fi, 1939) Adopted by the Council193 NOV 171939 Approved 193— / or odpied to CSY a.* - =UCIL NO. -944 CITY OF ST. PAUL J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE November 17 1939__ COMMISSIONER_ W13ZMS: heretofore IIOn Sale" Liquor license $1190 was issued to Ralph Marrone at 13 Leech St. and WMIRLS: Ralph Marrone and James Delmedico have requested that said license be transferred to Ralph Marrone and James Delmedico at 13 Leech St. and WHEREAS: the said Ralph Marrone and James Delmedico have filed a bond in the sum of $3,000.00 as required by City Ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that "On Sale" Liquor license x!1190, heretofore issted to Ralph Marrone at 13 Leech St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Ralph Marrone and James Delmedico at the'eame address and the bond of the said Ralph Marrone and James Delmedico is hereby approved and the City Clerk Is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said Ralph Marrone from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. F. NO. 1167x9—I<y G. H. Nnrf". — W. A. Parranto— Whereas, heretofore "On Sale" Ule- MOr license No. 1169 wns issued W Rnlph arrone at 13 Lech St. and Whereas, Ralph Marrone and .lames Imed1, have. r xNte� Bald ll - nee he trans• tl��r•, - .. . n. Transfer informally approved by Council, Nov. 14, 1939 Old Location NOV 17199 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays ar ss Nov 171939 `>.ndlan Approved 193-- �Ya nto Peterson in Favor or f Against r. President (Fallon) am an cs •. CITY OF SAINT PAUL / / fO / T APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE l T / Application No._. ... ...... D Name of Applicalt! f ? .. Age -�. iil Residence Addressll� hone No Are you a citizen of the United States?.� ,�. ""'•�•... "'••" H ve _ you ever been engaged in(op ratmg a saloon, cafe, soft d4m1, parlor, or business of similar nature? i ..... .... :.LY .... F ... When and sshere?............. " If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation ................................... _................. ......... When incorporated.' ................. _.............................................................. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for dub members?... ................ •................ How many members?.......... ... ....... ......................................... amen and addresses of president and se:retary of corporation, and name and address of general manager .. .. . ... _ .. ..... .. .. . .. } / L,i,e name of surety company which will wri,e bond, if knoNs • - •"• "' .umber Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward et from an acade r , college or university imeasured along streets)? llow many feet 5 Ilou many feet from a church (measured along streets)?. t .. .."1.,. -.f -I.. ...�`. L� tlow many fee. from closest�puhlic or parochial grade or lugh school lmeasured along streets)?. Name of closest schookZ::'.:F....... t� How are premises classified under Zotting rdimmce?............ ... �...... .................. _ ................... ... On what door located? ... �..,��.:::....1.... ..../.?../..................................................... ... ............. Are premises oswned by you or leasedt_.. •'........... ....If leased give name of owner ... If a restaurant, give seating capaci ?.... �,.� .............................................................................. If ho.el, seating capacity of main d nu oom?.............. ........... "' """ "'""• ................... Gve belotw the name, or number, oil r description of each additional room in which liquor sale., are intended: ................. �.......... - -............................................. ....... ......... ...................... _............................................................................... (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). llo, many guest rooms in hotel?................................................................................................. Nuue of resident proprietor or mana#er lrestaurant or hotel)_.............................................................. (3dae names d addresses of thr ness references:............ ..............., ..... ....................... /�, f , i 4i ... - . t.... ,t -- 3. :.................\........f . ................ 1. J' .✓ rT...:.. ........ . TH _ Al PLICAj' 60 ?MUST BE VE IFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER F THE CORPORATION DULY THORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF TH CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended F.ppiication checke l by Dated ...................... .......]93...... ............................................................. ................... I ...... ................... License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE M 12, 1X STATE OF MINNESOTA,, ss COUNTY RAM Y. f✓ if(, ... .: .,/......... ... being first duly sworn, r: l� .... . . de oses an ays that he has read the following ap ation and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. ............... t ed andscorn efore e A -u` Notary Publi IZ,aynsey Coun y, Minn. / My commission expires ...• . . . • • . . • n;r, ? STATE OF MINNESOTA , - COUNTY OF RAMSEY.i ss. ................................................................ being first duly sworn, deposes and says that.....................the............... "' of .............................................................. ........... I a corporation; ...................................... that .....................................has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of................................knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .................... day of ........ ............. 193 .............................................. C77 7 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires. A UCIL No. ---- odM.dteawCwA CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED. That On Sale Malt Beverage license #5912, expir ug'l,st 21. 1940. Restaurant license $1082, expiring August 21, 1940, and Off a Malt Beverage license )9554, expiring August 21, 1940, issued to Ralph Marrone at lj Leech St. be and the same are hereby transferred to Ralph Marrone and James Delmedico at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. Transfer informally approved by Council, Nov. 14, 1939 old location Ily COUNC MEN Yeas Naye ar s to an arr nto eterson Zsen fir• President (Fallon) 3M 0-38 cs 1, No. 116960—RY t:. fl. Itx rf oxx—, v W. A. Parranto— lteeolved, That On p1, Kn1Al gvuat ,121, Ii!so.. No. 691L, I�zense No. ION -.Bole 1940, Reetaurantl 1940, I ld Ii g August d ort XP Ir Mult Aaaverage 11 21, 19400 xx ed6oto Rnlpl� �Inrronep t 13 Leech et. he and thpe e are h d eRrasxll Uel ne dleoo t al N�Iar ne n p d the Proper city nffl address a �ke the Proper dyer, are instructed to ,,hangss In the cit)"x r ds. Transfer Inor Old plocatllon. hY �,ell, Nov. the f'ounell Nov. 17. 1939. tdopted by 939 Approved Nov. t7431939) (Nov. ° 193-- J Adopted by the Council—y0V 17193--------- / Approved NOV JYJ29 193— In Favor Against v (L 116951 ✓w CITY OF ST. PAUL :�°NC1 NO, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM _75-0. RSB t COMMISSIONE _ DATE Novembers 1919 RESOLVED= That license for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 37675, Restaurant, application 37676, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 37677, applied for by Claude D. Parra at 234 Rondo St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is inbtructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. 11. No. 116951—I1y G. li. Burfues—! tV. A. PThat 11con.. �.r to- - . Sale malteBeverage. application 3767or 6. R— taurant, appitcatlon 37676, and OR Sale \salt Beverage, app l icatlon 37677, p- I�Iled re by Claud' D. Parra t 234 Itn-1 St. be and the 'r a hereby �1 rated to dl'xue olcl Its cle nxea lxupon the Payment Into th,•c city trw,xut'y nr tin• required re «'. s�•w. rnrortttally PPrnv'd by cnun- 7. 7939. Old loentl .o2\Ported by the Cou nrll Nn,,r. 17. T989. t Pprnved Nov. 17, 193 Y. (Nor. 35. 1939 ) New, Informally approved by Council, Nov. 7, 1939 Old Location. COUNCILMENNOV 171939 Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas/BNays ndlpan / Approved NOV 17 1939 193— iP�arran[o �Pe rson in Favor e%z /liosena�— / Against r. President (Fallon) am 648 cs Othwl roan a.& CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONED _DATE November 17, 1939 RESOLVED-. That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feed: National Tea Co. 252 S. Cleveland Butcher App, 37723 Renewal D.W. & C.B.Barnick 612 N. Griggs Butcher " 37727 " R. 0. Manderfeld 1218 Randolph Butcher " 37737 Both Hotel Co. 359-63 St. Peter St. Tavern " 37764 " n n n " Dance Hall " 37765 " Arvin Flaskerud & A. Kelsey 453 Wabasba St. Confectionery s 37766 B F'. 90. 116952—ny \V. A. rarrnntn— V.Iteeollved,pThnt lleen Be rf `an- 1�>' the persona ---ed on tAe Ills( f tr alhed tee eh ea reapinuen ne .d in,. �'lerk Iry le Q, tedanted and the City upon the paytnen[aintn lreaxury. t [he r Qnulred fee. ., Adopted by the C uncll Not App ­ ,d Nov. 17, 1989. 1i• 1939. (Nov. 26, 1939) NOV 17190 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-193— Yeas ouncil 193Yeas Nays `' ar(us8 NOV 171939 __1q`ndlan Approved 193 .,,43srranto "11-terson In Favor �M-, . mos Against r. President (Fallon) sM CB 1 6953 oda..l to utr a.dt ","`I` No. t CITY OF ST. PAUL .t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Y DATE November 179 1939 COMMISSION RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Eugene Goyette 1400 White Bear Ave. Butcher APP -37673 New Old Loca. H. O. Nymon 12337 alis St. Eitel Dir. s 37705 s New Loca. Walter L. Stritzel 193 Charles St. Foot Peddlers 37979 It COUNC MEN Yeas Nays ss l J iParrpnto eterson In Favor �tosen / Against President (Fallon) 6M ca C. F. No. 116963-13y W. A. Parranto— I. h. Trawl—t'. H. nartusa— Hesolt•ed, 'that licenses applletl for by the P.— n ned on the list at- luched [o this resolution be and the e hereby grun[rd and the City t'Ierl: FIs Ina trust ed to ssae Ich 11- upon th« payment into the citY t r«nsur)' ut the ­ulred fees. Adopl«d h)' the f'�u Il Noy'. 1 1939. Appr�r�'v I Nov. l 1939. IN.,,. 15, 1939) I, Adopted by the CounV 171939 193— Approved cl NO 171939 193-- Zayor as . ! od.1-d to 04 CI.A CI Y OF ST. PAUL I , 1.16954 �� NO. [ OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK ' C. F. No. 116964—ny Milton R---ji I Where... re a cessions hlch miBbt COUNCIL ESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM _ roan. y in the Lmprove- rint to ae the Annual 9ldewalk _ •ntract. Miscellaneous street., ComD- PRESENTED BY a Contract 'r r Standard rovided for COMMISSIONER DATE— ,'41n i'�c '� — It prices describ�daaaithen a�lhS d al r�ontzaAT itscel41ratyieoustS�ree�sO98omptrollerts Contract,L 4063, Standard Stone Co., Inc. have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices stipulated therein, and agreed prices, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following additions: ADDITIONS: (For the removal of tree roots in connection with the relaying of tile sidewalks, pursuant to Council Orders) On NORTH SIDE of E. THIRD STREET, between Arcade hansd Maple Streets Lot 25, Blk. 2, Highland Addition 2.It 1.0 rr n a 27, n n n On BALDWIN ST. bet. Princeton & Goodrich Lot 1, Dyer's Re-ar. of Blk.11, Macalester u u Park Lot 2, Blk-lO,Macalester Park 2.0 1.0 ° tr a n Lot 12, "5.0 u u Lot 1, n to R.L. Robbins' Addn. 1.0 to to of a rr Lot 2, rr u n Lot 3, Dyers' Re-ar. of Blk. 10,Macalester 4.0 4.0 " tt On MACALESTER AVE. bet. Wellesley and Stanford Aves. Lots: 1,2,3,4,5, Blk. 8, Macalester Villas rr u ° u u R u 3 and 5 4.0 Total Labor 31.0 hrs. @ $0.752 3.25 Soc. Sec., Insurance & Supervision a 20%4.65 Total Addition $27.90 WHEREAS, the net addition is $27.90; now, therefore be it RESOLVED that the City of St- Paul through its City Coundil approve the aforesaid addition made in accordance with the specifications therefor not to exceed the net addition of 27.90, said sum to be added to the lump stun consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L 4063 for the making of the above aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Standard Stone Company,that the ,sum of $27.90 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. Countersigned t� 41513TCity Comptroller COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Basi uss �F/ln an as nto �P_eet�trrson Kasen -r President (Fallon) 6M 6-36 Cs In Favor Against STANDARD STONE COMPANY By Co iss onerof Publi NOV 171939 193— Adopted by the Council APProved—N ON 17 .0 —193- - ' ayor EjJj;LLSHED L^3y odewoman116955 t> CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. `�� .NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY -CLERK�C. pp. Na 11-"_Bhy Axel r•. I•ecer `dm. W hereon, In the Improvement de - UN R" OLU N ---GENERAL FORM •rined a the Addwen n d Alterntlonx tr Herding High arhool, l3rudem Com- iny. rontrnc•.. Competroner'e Con- PRESENTEDBY _DATE I -�� ,2 "•C: W0.wt __ '�Prl cn COMMISSIONER---,� EAS, in the improvement de3cri'ued as the Addition and Alterations to Harding High School, nrudem Company, contractor, Cotptroller's Contract IIo. 9-40382 it was found necessary to make the followinj deduction and adlitions to the Contract. Deduction �vJ Por the omission of 56 feet of to inch cast iron sewer 0173.60 Additions Remove and replace radiators in old building for construction purposes 39.91 Extra labor and material involved in changing the location of tae toilot room waste and vent lines 65.81 105.72 Ilet Ileduction ;:67.88 ,, 7TEAS, the Act deduction is ;,,67.03, now aerefore uc it RESOLVED, that the City Council anyrove the above deduction made in accordance the eci7001ons in thD amount of ,67.88, said sum to be deducted fro:i tic lump suss consideration named in the contract l--novm as C'mTtroller': Contr .ct Ito. G-4038 for the makine of the aforesaid innrovo�acnt- The Conmissioner of Education has ajrecd with the Contrac- tor, Grudom Coripan-, that the sum of ;,'67.88 is the corroct amount to be deducted from the a'navo contract. COUNCILMEN YeasNays /k3�arjuss /Fin Ian arranto / ,Kterson In Favor sen _ Against J. President (Fallon) 5M 638 B Adopted by the Council Nov 171939-- �1$3— Approved 193__ Attest; Cit leek t'U13Li'11ED y Od'dnd t. City Cl.h i i t ��.a�l� No. CITY OF ST. PAUL - • 1'. V. No, 116968 -By Muton nesen- OFFICE O THE CITY CLERK Whereas, addltion. and ded.etion. 11 COUNCIL RES O UTION --- GENERAL FORM thelChln.ghle*ment° to be tied°tl$erYthe �'�•�..� w od; Helen, a e., from ,.yl_o.,- rv. Winthrop ._�' Roth PRESENTED BY G �-`'� DATE_.._ - - ---9a COMMISSIONER_ i WHEREAS, additions and deductions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the Curbing on Sherwood, Helen, etc. from White Bear to Winthrop and Ruth Streets, Comptroller's Contract L.4100, Pederson Brothers, contractor, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices stipulated therein, and agreed prices, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following additions and deductions: ADDITIONS: 3 - Side Inlets ® 2.50 $7.50 7,5 lin.ft. of 12t1 V.C.P. Connections @ @ 1,00 5.00 7.50 65.00 13 catchbasins adjusted to,grade @ 70.00 70.00 1 4.0 1-A Catchbasin lin.ft. of existing curb removed @ @ 0.25 38.00 1.00 38,00 1 74.0 4A catchbasln lin.ft. of 1211 V.C.P. connections @ 1.75 X29.50 6.00 20.0 lin.ft. of 1511 Corr. Iron pipe removed ® @ 0.30 14.00 14.00 1 1 lA Catchbasin 11E & F11 Catchbasin Casting @ 11.50 0.60 11.50 41.64 69.4 lin.ft. of Standard Straight Curb it @ @ 0.6f 42.64 65.6 20.0 ■ a 1t 1t Radius sq.ft. of 4f1 Monolithic Sidewalk @ @ 0.1 0.16 3.60 10.88 ¢0 n n It New Tile Sidewalk $448.76 TOTAL ADDITIONS DEDIICT ONS: Manhole Frames & Covers not placed @ @ 11.20 0.09 67.20 4.12 48.0 sq.ft. of tile walk not relaid _ TOTAL DEDUCTIONS TOTAL NET ADDITION $377.24 WHEREAS, the net addition is $377.24; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the City of St. maul through its City Council approve the aforesaid addition made in accordance with the specifications tbgrefor not to _exceeQ--tbe ngt additipjg--gf $37.7_x24, said sum to bei__ added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L.4100 for the making of the above aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Pederson Brothers, that the sum of $377,24 is the correct tRamount to be added to the above contract. Count• sigppd: By -Comptroller Ado tell by �yeonofl Public Work�3_ GIdUN�ILMEN NQv� Yeas Nays sg �� NOV 171939 193- �anApproved ' Patranto � - --Lin avor / Peterson Mayor Rosen ,m Civ Ag inst Attest: --'--=�'� C y Clerk. �1Ar. President (Fallon) 6M 648 CB ...,..� �j WMISH D ,� / W IN CITY OF ST. PAUL -No.— OFFICE O.OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � , N„•. utssr -"Y11111— rtonen, by FteNlo enter COUNCIL R OLUTION--- GENERAL FORM tte u- — the proper t. er_ noern „re herehr ,IuthoPuNi to par rain Iployen In the Department t Parka, Piayt>,round.,—d PUAIic ttulld- JTEO BY T Ines for extra em a net out SSIONER n the ILt attarhed to thtx rrneluUon. e Adnnted by the counvn N.I. 1.. It)34, j Anpr--i N— l7, 1934. (Nov. 2F, 1939) WIiEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, that existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. RATE OF NAME TITLE HOURS OVERTIME Robert W. Ryckman Tree Trimmer 16 .63-3/4 Frank C. Cholewinski Stationary Fireman 16 .68; Patrick Roan Stationary Fireman 16 .71 Harry H. Shassow Utilityman--Playgrounds 16 .71 Dewey G. Michels Stationary Fireman 16 .71 John M. Holmes Utilityman--Playgrounds 16 .71 Roland J. Hinshaw Caretaker of Zoo 16 .75-3/4 John Petro Unskilled Laborer ##11 8 .50 PV 171939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounA 193__ Yeas Nays NOV 171939 rss an ''PP//arrantoi- / Approved 193-- �e[erson / [n Favor ---- Mayor Xosen =—Against AnPresident (Fallon) 5M a-38 Cs ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A.BASSFORD W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect Supt. of Parks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota jP,{ DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS cA,� 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Corn -W er November 17, 1939 To the Honorable, The N,ayor and Members of the City Council. Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that department for more than 8 hours per day in doing work involing care of animals at the zoo, trimming of trees and fireing of boilers at the Como greenhouse This emergency arose by reason of necessity of providing services in the interest of the public. Yours truly Commissioner y 116958 oa,wl ie city a.a N O. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF /SI5}HE CITY CLERK 'r F. la+, us958—nlrmnton unxon— COUNCIL RE'S FORM Wherenx, Frnnk, Sealncek,. x - ,yloy nt the Department t Public worxx. x InJurea nn th letn day It 1939, when + 1.1—to have p v— �— DATE_I_��+P:ht PRESENTED — COMMISSIONEE R -- __ - - - TRUMS, Frank Sedlaosk, an employe of the Department of Public Works, was inured on the 16th day of June, 1939, when he claims to have Stepped on a can and twisted his right ankle; and WHEREAS, the employs was paid compensation to the 23rd day of September, 1939, as a result of temporary total disability; and e WHEREAS, it is the contention of the Corporation Counsel that the employe was fully able to return to work on said date, and it is the employes contention that he was disabled up to the 28th day of October, 1939; and WHEREAS, both the Corporation Counsel and said Frank Sedlacek are desirous of closing said case and have agreed that the sum_ of 480.00 for an ive weeks, plusdon the reasonabletotal medicaleexpense which saidiempl ye has Incurred Is the proper amount to pay said employe in full and.final settlement of any and all claims which he has or may have against the City as the result of said injury; and said employe and the Corporation Counsel have agreed to ask the Industrial Commission to approve said settlement; and WHEREAS, the Corporation Counsel has recommended to the Council that said settlement is for the best interests of the City; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel be and he is hereby authorised to enter ]into a stipulation with said employe to pay his the sum of $80.00 plus the reasonable medical expense inourred by his, and.to submit said stipulation to the Industrial Commission for isedaand directed toopaypsaid sumthe to saiQeFrankcity Sedlaoekofficers osteofauthor - fullme�efinalesettlement ofAccount alliclaimsGeneral which said Fund, e ployeshall has in or may hereafter have against the City growing out of the injury of June 14, 1939. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays lada tan �Pauanto / (lj' �eteraon In Favor sen _Against /Mr. President (Fallon) 5M a-38 Ca Adopted by the Council NOV 17193993_ N 0 V 171939 Approved 193- -3 93- 3 � Odebul to Oty Cl.hI "`- (i (J59 CITY OF ST. PAUL r��s " NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 116859—By Milton R,,,,,— COUNCIL RESO TION ---GENERAL FORM Whereas, leen claney, an mplo Te or the Department o[ Public Work,, w Injnrefl on March 8, 1938, In the Four.. or hta eployment: and PRESENTED BY a Lic.��._ DATEWhermeas, =ult, or said ac 1- COMMISSIONER _ the s--^I�• �o- WHEREAS, Ives Glancy, an employe of the Department of Public Rorke, was inured on March 6, 1939, in the course of his employ- ment; and WHSA&AS, as a result of said accident, the employe was temporarily totally disabled for a period of nine weeks and five days, and has suffered a thirty-three and one-third per cent lose of use of the great toe, ten per cent loss of use of the second toe, and five per cent loss to the third too; and WHEREAS, the Workmenls'Compensation law provides thirty weeks compensation for lose of use of the great toe, and ten weeks compensation for the lose of use of either of the other toes, and that the employe shall be paid on the percentage loss of such member; and WIEPZkS, it is the opinion of the Corporation Counsel that said employe is entitled to the above percentage in the amount of 11* weeks for loss of use of the above toes, and said emplaye has agreed to accept such settlement; and whereas the compensation rate of said employ* is 416 per week; therefore, be it RESOLUDIP that the,)groper city officers be and they are' hereby authorised to pay said Ives Glancy the sum of $184.00 out of the Workmen's Compensa'*on Account of the General Fund, in full settlement of his claim against the City of St. Paul for compensation resulting from his injury of Raroh 6, 1939. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays '12 -61 -fuss ,-�F'indlan / 'Pl."ranto _4�`etereon In Favor ,, osen �. Against Kr. President (Fallon) 5M 88 Ca NOV 171939 Adopted by the Council NOV 171939 Approved 193— _t�� ri ayor °'I.".T ISHED �� i 3 qM � . ti 4 1j4��/►//�� odtw t. atr awk �%'Y� CITY OF ST. PAUL cou"" NO. _— �s � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1• F No. 116960—ay W. }1. I:allan— ��F o�i�p COUNCIL RESO UTI N L FORM Aael F. Peter —F. 61. 11 ax— w. w. . Pet r8on-l. s F1ruax— H'. a.r[uxx— IGENE „ 4 r/ DATE._y Mliton noaen—t3. xK nx nation. tate, and Ityana^� I been it. 11 to A... the�ex t It. Illuarloue PRESENTED COMMISSIONER_ of o "e Mr. Juxtlee Ple^ xoe xber' This nations states and city have again been [ the 8��+^r" United Statex.,-`•' , e1A"".rE �b moUrnthe passing of one of its illustrious citizens and sons. United States, Justice Pierce has been called Butler, a member of the Supreme Court of the to his eternal regard. A plow boy tilling the soil and dreaming dreams in the pioneer days of Minnesota, dreaming and quietly planning for better days to come. Inspired by the "dare end dos spirit of early pioneers, the rugged sturdy character of the plow boy asserted itself and lifted him out of the field and placed him in Carleton College, and from thence on to larger and more wills influential fields of endeavor until by the force ability, and sterling characters, hesf nallytcamehe ntouthee of his ability, personality, pinnacle of civil and political achievement, membership on the Supreme Court of these United States, the highest tribunal in the nation, a lasting inspiration to the youth of the land, and WHIM", In the death of Mr. Justice Pierce Butler the nation has lost a stalwart citizen and the Supreme Court a true and tried Jurist,, and WHEEWJ The State of Minnesota and City of Sant Paul have lost a favored son, a gracious neighbor, and a loyal friend, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul, extend to the members of the family our deepest sympathy and assure them of our prayers for the repose of the soul in Paradise of their beloved husband and father and our co-worker and friend, and be it rWHER RESOLVED, That the flag be flown at half staff for a period of fifteen days, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this memorial be sent to the family. COUNCILMEN Yeas Naya -ia s in Ito / err nto In Favor stetson o /1 . / / Against / ' President (Fallon) ,,,4r. 6M x28 Cs Nov 211939 Adopted by the Council 193— Approved NOV 21 1M_193— --� ---- ayor ,dLLSiiLD It -A5_ -3f ofloWd b City a.* 116961 CITY OF ST. PAUL Co�Hol� No O FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 21 DATE– November 20, 1939 In the matter of constructing a sewer on Nevada Avenue from Chatsworth Street to a point 20 feet west of Adams Street, tinder Preliminary Order C. F. 116122 9Lpproved September 1, 1939, and Final Order C. F. 116905 approved November 14, 1939• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $948.00, end be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. '. h'. \o. IitlY61—Ity muton Hoxen— ln t-IiNeu ndr rA�enuexfromtl C�n[xworth Ntreet [oa Point 20 tort exl of Ad,' mx Street. under Prellminxry Or- der 1'. 1.'. 118192, approved [4eptenrber 1. 14:1!1, and Flnal Order C. F. 11640G, + nprovod November 14. 1939. Itexolved. Thn[ the Pill— and lPn J"- ,•xtlonx I xu bmi tied by the ('ommlx- ,10 er of �F u M, Wnrkx for the nnove """"d Improvement, be nd the ;are neren - vnreyed, t !sate caner„ he xirrmr n( [' nlir Workx be and he h.•rein In t uthorized and Inxtrur,r to prnreerl a'l'it the r nxtrm'[I1. of the xhove t oto •d ter.u. emend, In ,l d- u'Ith Ills Lerma of Ordlnnne,• 770g. tri . he Y9., npprov erl Sef 1 her 19. 1!lul the . en91nt , r rxl n[ mate rin ix. Oq in.m •nt. engines rink- r nd au pe rt ixlnn being I;" lle n d ne It r 1•'vrt her fienoice A, That the Purehnx- Ing Agent be and he Ix hrre if nI.,' and dlreeteIt In purehnxe the nr+rx- Ipterlald. uppr 'l by the f`ou nell Nov. 91, 1484. A .\ppr,+verl Nov. (Nrrv. '!fi, 1984) Adopted by the Council Nov 21 W9193— Nov 211939 Approved 193— Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas/ Nays >1a Fin"n uetetnto son In Favor iierk � Against __t t x I -16'r. President (Fallon) tiM "8 cs '. h'. \o. IitlY61—Ity muton Hoxen— ln t-IiNeu ndr rA�enuexfromtl C�n[xworth Ntreet [oa Point 20 tort exl of Ad,' mx Street. under Prellminxry Or- der 1'. 1.'. 118192, approved [4eptenrber 1. 14:1!1, and Flnal Order C. F. 11640G, + nprovod November 14. 1939. Itexolved. Thn[ the Pill— and lPn J"- ,•xtlonx I xu bmi tied by the ('ommlx- ,10 er of �F u M, Wnrkx for the nnove """"d Improvement, be nd the ;are neren - vnreyed, t !sate caner„ he xirrmr n( [' nlir Workx be and he h.•rein In t uthorized and Inxtrur,r to prnreerl a'l'it the r nxtrm'[I1. of the xhove t oto •d ter.u. emend, In ,l d- u'Ith Ills Lerma of Ordlnnne,• 770g. tri . he Y9., npprov erl Sef 1 her 19. 1!lul the . en91nt , r rxl n[ mate rin ix. Oq in.m •nt. engines rink- r nd au pe rt ixlnn being I;" lle n d ne It r 1•'vrt her fienoice A, That the Purehnx- Ing Agent be and he Ix hrre if nI.,' and dlreeteIt In purehnxe the nr+rx- Ipterlald. uppr 'l by the f`ou nell Nov. 91, 1484. A .\ppr,+verl Nov. (Nrrv. '!fi, 1984) Adopted by the Council Nov 21 W9193— Nov 211939 Approved 193— Mayor od.hwl le qty Cf.+ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i %COUNCIL RES 'IT -GENERAL ORM PRESENTED BY �� /lam'__--__ DATE COMMISSIONER__. 116962 November 17, 1 WBEM_S, pursuant to Ordinance 7995 approv^d February 21, 19391 the City of Vilest St. Paul, through its consulting engineers, Druar and Milinowski, has submitted for approval of the Council of the City of St. Paul, plans and specificati:-ns for extensions of its sanitary sewer system on the following streets: Butler Avenue from Oakdale Avenue to a point 600 feet east; Charlton Street from Annapolis Street to Logan Avenue; and WBEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has examined and approved the -psns�nd specifications for such extensions; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul ap.roves the plans and specifications for the aforesaid extensions, and grants permission to the City of West St. Paul to construct such sanitary sewer extensions on Butler Avenue from Oakdale Avenue to a point 600 feet epst and on Charlton Street from Annap,ais Street to Logan Avenue. I696pd—Ity ![Ilton ICoxen— \{'her nx, rur unt to Ordfnxni-e 799F. approved Fehntnry 21, 1959, the ('Ity of Next 3t. Ptnl, through I[x c xulti ng =`n Klne«rx. I)raor xnd M f the xC hxl unmated rnr r St. •n1 or the cannon ,.r the r -ns or St. rxm, minx nil .pecf Hcntfnnx for eaten xlonx of fll w n g torr x. x' r el tem nn the its kd.le x[reetx: Rutter Avenue from Oxkdxle At- Im Con burnt Goo feet e1xt; f'hnrl- Inn Street from AnnxpnTlx Ftr«rt to L. � gxn Avenue: nod o \Vhere.o , the Vo-1xxfoner f Pun11r I\{-orkx hoe — Ined xndpre-1-1 the H : pinnx xnd thererenlde, hft elar xui h ax tion xinnx: e fare, he ft M_1_4' That the l'orrncll of the �.rYty [ SL Yui I upnmvex the Ix u.e to nil f A.rn xia He tlnnx for the frrren xnd Rrnn[x p«tm(nxlon 1, [n the`rlt.' ..r �\nxt st. rx r ea ronxervet eh nl- n— x ekdore onx nn Butler Ave - 6n forme rht to 'o nue [o a point 011 feet exit xnd Street rto I- Street A -- nue. .4 nnnPMfx Street to [.amm Ave- . nxAdapted by the <'nu ncti N.— 21. 19,19. it pnrv.v cd\ao. 21, T959. (Nov. 26, 1939) �COUNC MEN Yeas s Nays Bar( ss to;l9n /J / ,F"aSranto Pet tson In Favor en ll �Against r x / r. President (Fallon) 6M Ca my W 1 10 193— Adopted by the Council_ Nov 211939 �(Apppproove�d�,� ��T� 193-- ad&dt.atyaak .....IL No.116963 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM L DATE November 20,_1939_ Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons 11Q11 leaded gasoline, 70-72 octane, from the DEEP ROCK OIL CORPORATION, at a price of $ .1177 per gallon, less a discount of lfl ten days, including state tax and state inspection, on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge Water Department fund. COUNC MEN Yeas Nays Ba 178 � m n �et$rson In Favor os Against c President (Fallon) 5M 648 CO C. lteno7ved. ThaMt thee Purcha nr Agent t ne, and he ix herebx nuthor1-dI n - ,,hnse, with the ll enlf the :lfn yer ind the Comp one tnnk r r, proxlmntei)' 9000000 K.Iionx "Q" leade. d a -line, 70-72 octane, from the rmm RO('F OIL ('ORPORATION, t a price of $.1177 per gallon, Iexx n dlxrnant f i•/% ten day., Iacludi nK state tax and .tate Inapnc Ion, .on Inrormnl bid, n ergenry exlxtx "'here follure to act promptly "wild ark 1T1rdnh1p to [I�e neat In fetes(" o[ the Clty. (:hnrge Water Department Fund. Adapted byy the ('1111%]l No,. �7. 1989. Apprn�-r'I 7�'ov 21. 1939. MN 26, 19391 Adopted by the Council mnu 2110193— NOV 21 W" - Approved 193— Mayor od,hrt to city Oak 1 cn. 116964 CITY OF ST. PAUL SSS����w OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r:. 11. N. 116964—ss A: 1 F, reterxon— R'heieae• the fundµ appropriated n)' CO I RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM itch 1939aul to d budget of the itofoine rie° PRrtmen[ f Edunatinr In the n;ttuie f 'WLL Be dlxPnµeb rR[er µapply PRESENTED BY1 --DATE rh.rR x COMMISSIONER _ -_ .(.. WHEREAS, the funds appropriated by the 1939 budget of the City of Saint Paul to defray the expenses of the Department of Education in the nature of sewage disposal and water supply charges are deficient in such respect to the extent of the sum of $6,698.00; and WHEREAS, such deficiency has been created by events unforeseen when said budget was adopted, and by reason thereof an emergency exists requiring the borrowing of said sum to supply said deficit, pursuant to Section 206 of the Charter; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Aleyor and the City Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized on behalf of the City of Saint Paul to borrow the sus of $6,698.00, to be placed to the credit of Depart— sent of Education Fund 16 H 4, and expended only in payment of said acorul" charges; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said city officers be and they are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the party or parties making such ldan the promissory note of the City in said sum, payable within one year from this date, with interest at the,rate of 2% per annum. COUNCILMEN Yeas r Nays ariass ,-I�indlan ,4'arranto son In Favor os 29 ru Against �Fo rr PPresident (Fallon) ISM 638 C8 Adopted by the CounciPov 21190 193— Approved— NOV 2119M 193— Mayor llal;iL 3� odswl a Otr D«Ru"`' 116965 CITY OF ST. PAUL �p_cNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL RESOLUT C PRESENTED BY A7ce1 F Peterson rF0111 yE November 21, 1939___ COMMISSIONER_ RESOLVED, That the free use of the theater section of the St. Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby given to the Wholesalers and Retailers' Dump Committee of the Federal Surplus Commodities Administration, Nr. E. D. gampe, Chairman, for a meeting on the evening of November 20, 1939, and on the evening of November 27, 1939; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That an amount equal to the coat of opening and operating said theater section on the above dates for the above occasions be set up in the budget in Auditorium Fund #17. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss tndlan 1A.ranto '141�terson /Rosen ,A-rua8 �,Mr. President (Fallon) .M 11. ca \o. 116965—By A<el F. Peterson—'' I teuolr ed. Thal the free of the theater ectlon f the St. Paul Audl- ""1 be , Id IL Ia hereby given to the Wholesalers d netailere' Stamp Committee f the Federal Surplus Com- '�� Ham plea Chairman. forAdministration. Mr. t, EG C.I the —ening of November 'L0, e19311 ,,and n the evening of November _"i, 1939; be It Further Resolved, T1, t ant equal to th' c t of opening eadoop- rotlag said theater ectlon the labove d'tee tfor the l sbove o' lone be up n get in Avditorlum Fund No.Adopted 17. - Adopted b) the Council Nov. 21, 1939. Approved Nov. (NOV. 25, 1939) Adopted by the Council "V 21 M9 193— — NOV 21 M9 /approved 193-- In Favor- — — Mayor —Against orhhW to a.A �D 116966CITY OF ST. PAUL No.__ ------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O�VV OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATE. November 21. 1939 OCGGGNTED BV _ —� BESOLVU: That licenses applied for by the following persons atithe addressesstructedtindicated be and the some are hereby, ed gr o£ the required feast isms such licenses upon the payment into the c1ty treasury 9 Harold R. Nielsen 1047 Grand Ave. Confectionery APP -37462 New Nes Loos. A. J. Eicho££ 693 N. Dale St. Barber n 37617 s Old Loos. Gladys Hagen & Sybil Reichow 86 n Old Loca. 68o E. 7th St. Restaurant n 377 Jacob Hursh 128 W. 7th St. Hotel tt 37912 s Old Loca, COCMEN Y..Nays $ as - ln an 11151 n a rento In Favor et Mon 6n ruax 22 -Against In President (Fallon) 3M 9-39 08 ICp+�+yl.No. Trua98—G.B1-1W. . Bar(uPurrnnto— Reaolved, That llcennan p le for by the pe...nn named an the list t - I [ached rtoo thio resolution be d t hereby granted and the CItY !same Clerk are Instructed to issue s ch li- cenees upon the DeYment Into the c1tY ['Ad,pled_a , t the r qoulredfees. b • the C Il Nov. 21, 1939. Approved 39 Nvov 21, 19939) NOV 2.1 IM Adopted by the Council —193— NOV 2110 193- ._ Approved— add.d t. City a.t4 �piNp1L NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f�, COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PCFQFNTF_O —DATE Nov bar �l 1939- - RESOLVED: That Gas Station license #5002, expiring July 1, 1940, issued to the Freeman Gas & Oil Co. at 1329 White Bear Ave. be and the same is hereby transferred to Fremont Applen at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city records. COUNCI EN Yeas Nays ��arfiusslan to In Fav e.Pr trraon en ]��Againsot, �ruax .Ii. President (Fallon) tim 648 Ce C. F. No. 116961—By G. H. Barfune— F. M. Truax—W. A. Parranto— Resolved. That Gas Station license he 6F e,emanrl6e. & t J.l1 Oil Co. I—ed 328 White Bear Ave. be and the same le hereby traneterred to Fremont ADplen at the same addtees aad the proper city .dicers are Instructed tomake the proper changes In the city records. Adopted by the Council Nov. 21, 1939. Approved Nov. 21, 1938. INov. 26, 1.111 111)V 2 1 193— Adopted by the Council NOV 2110 193- Approved --- l � _. Mayor Od'W tdt. My a.& - - x.16968 CITY OF ST. PAUL :�: NO, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY November 21 1q COMMISSIONE _ DATE tl;� _- RESOLUDt That Barber license #2301, expiring September 29, 1940, issued to Dale R. Whitehead at 944 E. 7th St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Dale R. ,Whitehead at 840 E. 7th St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. i C. F. No. 118988—By G. H. Ber[uee— Reeolvedu"That ]3nrberrallc ee No. 2301, a pi clog aMpember 28, 1910, 1.- Dale wamte h1a ate be and the heF.by4 tEraneh' (erretl to Dale R. Whitehead at ft10 )i. th at. a d [ho gVroVer city oRlcere ere. inetrueted to make the proper-change9 In the Ity*, eeorde. Adopted bye the Council No,-. 21. 19, ApDrOI•.d Nov. 21 1939. (Nov. 2h. 1939) NOV 21i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I93— Yeas Nays BS ,as � Noll 211939 �Fidlan Approved —193 P anto /Peterson � n Favor --�� Mayor ,-Rosen /Against �NBY �Mr. President (Fallon) ass 6-211 ca Odylnal to City Cle, CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,,COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM0.0� DATE MISSIONER_ ... " No. 116969 WHEREAS, the Sinking Fund Committee has received the following offer: NAME OF FIRM FIND OF BOND RATE MATURITY AMOUNT BASIS Juran, Moody & Rice City of Saint Paul April 1, to 9 1,000 2.2 and recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Committee in the purchase of these bonds for the Participating Certificate Fund, and - WHEREAS, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor, the Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. F. No. 116969—BY John S. Flndlan— t Whereas, the Sinking Fund Commit- tee has recelved the following offer: Name f firm—Juran, M dy & R lee; kind of bond�ity of sa int Paul; rate ,!L%j maturity—April 1, 1919; t t—=1,000; basls-2.20%: i xnd a am ends that the Council con - r In �Ihe nrlirrn f the Committeein the p rebase f these bonds for the Par tl clpating "crti Orale Fund, nd Whereon, the Council is of the opin-� tun that the .hove niter should be nr- repeed, therefore, hr Il 1 RR Dived, that the Mayor, the Com- missluner of Finance and the Comp-, trailer he nti they aor e hereby nulh, Ized xad direcl.•d froasumn.tr the trhnsactlon. AdoPted by the Iil Nri y. 21, 1939. An Nov. 21, 19N9. (Nov. 26, 19:19) NOV 9 i 1939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ 193— Yeas Nays NOV 21 ��/��/uss 193— Ian o� Approved ti — In Favor ---- j:,non /Mayor Against uu. l- President (Fallon) 6M "8 CS 116970 Odtin.l to Otr cl.d` CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCj-RESQLUTION --- GENERAL FORM _ ~ l/( ` C. F. No. 116970-13y John H. Findlan— COMMENTED ISS ONER_ 'N� ��� DATE fereon have madte appllcatlof.. .relief to the Minnesota Ta< Commission reln- �ILive to den uent to<ee and axenx- f note nn the tnllowlnR des-lbed prop- te-wit: is .o to WHEREAS, Dora E. and Rufus C. Jefferson have made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits North j of lots 99, 100, 101 and that part Slly of alley of Lot 102, Hewittlt Outlots. First Division; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $6711.46, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $2968.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $31.66 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $2968.00, and that said sum of $31.66 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $6711.46. COUNCILMEN Yeas-Nays /arjuss Fin lan V canto — In Favor Peterson ;en �I/ruax Against /lair. President (Fallon) 6M 6-99 Cs Nov 21 W9 Adopted by the Council __-193__— NV 211M Approved — 193— / Mayor OddW m CRY cl k opNCIL 11.6971 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �.' �iL `�� /�-�--_ _ DATE November 20, 1939 COMMISSIONER— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, for the St. Paul Workhouse, 102 hogs at a total cost of $808.47, from Bangs & Terry, without advertise- ment, as this is the only way a purchase of livestock can be made on the South St. Paul Market. Charge Workhouse Farm 10-D-131 4'. r. Nu. nn9n xen- -Ity Mittua RoIt exolred,Tat the P—ha,(ng Age r bn. and he Ixhhereby aathart.ed to pllr- rhnxe, with the a rat of the Co troller, for the Sl.x Pavt Workhouse,. 102 hose .,t n total '-t of $808.47, Rom Rang, & Terry,t4 ithoul adveru...e.W. thlx Ix [he only way a purchase o! Ilv e,t ovk n he. mn de nn the 5opth at. Pnal Markel. (Charge Workhon,e farm 10-I9-131. Adapted by the t`nant li Nov. 21. 1938, ve Apprad Nov. 21, 1939. 1989) NOV 21 IM9 COUNCI EN Adopted by the Council -193— Yeas Nays �et; Ztan ` NOV 211939 ` / Approved 193— to ;e=on s rust In Favor �� � Mayor Against . President (Fallon) Of 648 CS ori.ladIPCRY a k .I n�l� NO. 116972 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI ' ESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /' YvL—`_ DATE November 20- 1939_ Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 70-73 octane, from the DEEP ROCS OIL CORPORATION, at a price of $ .1177 per gallon, less a discount of 1$ ten days, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on ?'unicipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund - Municipal Equipment 1003-134 COUNCI EN Yeas Nays Bar s aan VinIn n 7�Peetterson �,i/osyn In Favor �gainst �r aX President (Fallon) 5M 648 Cs -,I he That the u he.. 1 he is hereby [hth rhos., with [heonxent own alar Cmm.troller. one ROCK OIL CORPOB.\TION. t a Prica of (.1177 per gallon. I... a dl'scount of 1•: ten days, including state tax' and store, Inxpertlon, to be spotted o Mu- nlripnl bqulPment .Bu ren. eP.r a[ Dale 9L, on informal bids as rnergenry rlxts wha•rr. failure to ante Prom Ptly tcold n ork n hnrdshlD to the hest In- er.xlx ar the. City. (111.19. General Fund—Munlri Mal Mllulpment 1003-134. Adopted by the Co.nrll Nm'. 21. 1039. :1 Pprered Nov ?l, 1939. (Noy. 26. 1934) Nov 211999 Adopted by the Council_ 193— App^rov`ed— NOV '21/ i�7e7_� 193— ayor od.kwt.Ch'YD.h 116973 CITY OF.ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THf CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUT .. GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER_ �� � DATE WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Warren I. B. Asher Staty.Fire. 16 :7� Edward Beyer Staty.Fire. $ Beorge Elliott Road Mach.Opr. $ Frank D. McGee Sew.Mtc.Lab. 2 .55 Harney J. Proulx Sew.Mtc.Lab. 4 .55 Fred Putnam Crew Leader -PW 10 .72 Louis W. Schrenkler Sew.Mtc'Lab. $ :62 Winklesky, Otto Kettle Fire. 16 Olsen, Thomas Mixer Engineer 1 lg00 N- 116978—n> Milton l4:xen— l1ex:111-ed, that tl�e pro Per c:ry oMcere are hereh)' n tharl.ed to ploYex In the Dep.rtmento yP e.erwa Nnrkx for .•a tr:t Uloytnenl a et out Adopthetledt hat t"h eh Courtcllh Nov�?j �1989. .l ppro red Nov 21. 1989. M, 26, 1939) NOV 211839 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .-193— Yeas Nays B uss � Fan - MOV 211939 Approved 193— arranto 1 terson --In Favor ���{� - sen — ---- ,Or Truax /2 Against I/Mr. President (Fallon) 6M &D8 C8 -1169;;�3 An emergency has arisen in the DEPARTIMT OF PUBhIC YJORYS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Sunday watch at Paving Plant and answering emergency calls on sewer maintenance work. This emergency arose ty reason of the folloving facts and circumstances: Necessary to keep steam at Asphalt Plant over Sundays and answer complaints on sewer maintenance after working hours. C6I6l1ISSIOITFR OF PUlI,IC— OR1GS An emergency has arisen in the DEPARTIMI OF PUBLIC WORIM, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work! This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: C0I24ISSI 7 OF PUBIIC [iTORKS CITY OF SAINT PAUL C . "NO.fiQ7A_ APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM__ PER CHARTER SECTION 206 i F..N,. 116974—Ry G. H. Burfua 11-0red, Th,I the f.IIo Ihn LTnux-I fern bo node Mno""h, oC"the PRESENTED BY xvoldnh7xler, u Ib it me COMMISSIONER G. H. Barfass DATE'_'n'�Y,. RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FRO TO DR. CR. 7 R Police - Receipts 2,572.41 7 W " Reserve 1,115.61 7 A 1 " Administration - Salaries 8,183.38 7 A 3 " " Equipt.Mato. 250.00 7A 4 " " Office Exp. 200.00 7 B 1 " License Salaries 50.00 7 B 2 " " Office Exp. 200.00 7 C 1 " Uniformed Salaries 2,750.00 7 C 3 " " Auto Mnto. 4,200.00 7 D 2 " Detective Travel Exp. 400.00 7 F 2 " Station Light h Powei 21.40 7 G 1 " Record Salaries 3,800.00 8 R Fire Receipts 4,968.64 8 W " Reserve 829,.10 8 A 2 " Administration Supplies 1,000.00 8 A 3 " " Office Exp. 50.00 8 B 1 Prevention Salaries 500.00 8 B 2 " " Office Exp. 387.79 8 C 1 " Fighting Salaries 7,250.00 8 C 6 " " Supplies 2,500.00 8 C 7 " " Now Equipt. 9,690.15 8 D 1 " Station Salaries 1,500.00 8 D 2 " " Telephone 50.00 8 D 3 n n n " Light Fuel 750.00 1,500• Y COUNCILMEN (0 NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COU IL---'� 193_ PEARC PETERSON '� APPROVED 193 ROSEN IN FAVOR TRUAX — MAvon ARREN GAINST WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY circ coRrr nOLL- MR. PRESIDENT ' aoo lo.l. CITY OF SAINT PAUL o�N NO 116974 «ERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY November 4 lg3 9 COMMISSIONER— G. H. Barfus6 DATE— OLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING A LE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY S SFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY -IN H ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TRANSFERRED CODE APPORTIONED ITEM OR. CR. FROM TO 7-8 R P. h F. A. Receipts 176.08 7-1 W " Reserve 23.37 7-8 A 3 Supplies 199.4b 9 R Health Receipts 18.00 9 W " Reserve 1.68 450.00 9 D 2 of Food Reg. Auto Allowance 11 75.00 9 D 3 to to Office Exp. 387.66 9 F 3 " Tuberculosis Supplies 150.00 9 F 4 " to Car Fare 75.00 9 F 5 to " Office Emp. 26.00 9 G 4 " Workhouse Hosp.Misol. 50.00 g g g to Laboratory Office Exp. 60.16 9 J 1 ofHarriet Is. Salaries 79.20 9 J 2 " " Light .. 9 J 3 " of Supplies 63.32 9 K 1 " D.L.Enforom. Salaries 1,000.00 9 A 2 " of Truck MntO 200.00 9 K 3 n R Supplies 49.02 0 YES (v)6r MEN 09 AYS P RSON �OSEN — IN FAVOR TRUAX _AGAINST 0 MR. PRESIDENT NOV 211939 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—_._ 193 NOV 211939 e000nvcn _ 193.— �i — MwvoR� COUNTERSIGNED BY ----E-- I. '.1.1... CITY OF SAINT PAUL jai"" No�.. .. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORNI PER CHARTER SECTION 208 .fo. I1897fi—ByF'. hI. Truflx— PRESENTED By -ed, Thut the [o llowing trans- -s. -:'._c: nude on tho books of [he. COMMISSIONER ...............Fred ..X.....T.max................................................. DAT$ -.,.1... �...' us by so boon. an un- '!.Iency In certain Items ^!d transfers without or.Id,1 �y the the ® RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF; THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. OODE FROM TO I APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED 19-A-2 DR, CR. 18-13-1 Auto Allowance 27.93 Office Expense 35000 18-C-1 Salaries & Wages 2,663.99 Salaries & Wages 525.00 18-C-3 Supplies Supplies 3,222.00 C-1 4lRepairs & Renewals 3,000.00 5,500.00 C-2 5 Miscl. 240.00 155.62 3 18-D-1 Salaries & Wages 2,212.69 4 Repairs & Renewals, 2 2,100900 Motor -cycle allow. 480.00 18-E-1 Salaries & Wages 500.00 4 Repairs & Renewals 1,500.00 18-F-1 Supplies 2,753.18 0-1 Salaries 500.00 2 Supplies 400.00 18-R Receipts 1.839.83 YES ( ✓) COUNCILMEN ( ✓) NAYS • FERGUSON HODGSON MCDONALD ....... / .............AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT o:a t000 n•.. ADOPTED BYTHE COU �.... „ 19 APPROVED.................................................... _...... ....I9 .......... . COUNTERSIGNED BY ................................................................... CITY COM/iROLI[R ",14-1 Salaries 58.70 19-A-2 Auto Allowance 600.00 4 Office Expense 35000 B-1 Salaries & Wages 525.00 2 Supplies 2,000.00 C-1 Salaries & wages 3,000.00 C-2 Truck Mtce. 240.00 3 Supplies 4,076,30 4 Repairs & Renewals, 2,100900 YES ( ✓) COUNCILMEN ( ✓) NAYS • FERGUSON HODGSON MCDONALD ....... / .............AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT o:a t000 n•.. ADOPTED BYTHE COU �.... „ 19 APPROVED.................................................... _...... ....I9 .......... . COUNTERSIGNED BY ................................................................... CITY COM/iROLI[R a "! ORIOINAI To -wuna_ 6975.. ^ ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLtwK •I�t NO•• APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FOR PER CHARTER SECTION 206 PRESENTED BY�� COMMISSIONER. ................ Frod X....Truax ....... . ......... ........................ DATE........................... .......................................... . RE HAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE _ COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DO��SMPE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY B ID TRANSFEHA WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WERS ARE MADE. A`y- CODE AI-TIONEO ITEM AMOUNT - TRANSFERRED - FROM TO DR OR 20-A-1 Salaries 50.00 2 uto Allowance 400.00 -B-1 alariea & Wages 2,000.00 2 uto Allowance 200.00 20-B-3 Truck Mtce. 600.00 4 1. . 1,100.00 -C-1 alariea & Wages 800.00 C-2 ffice Expense 850.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 NOV 211939 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL., ............ .. - NOV 211939 APPROVED................................................................19.......... COUNTERSIGNED BY .................. wew►►R ......... ' Y��YUBLISFIL�� �//-,P3Sew 3 /� oa.wl f. at,Clk 1169'76 CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. `" NO.._ OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R LUTION --- GENERAL FORM November 14 1939 COMMISSIONENTED 4 DATE — C. F. No. 116976—ny Milton Rosen— Th.t the Northern State. Power Croon... he Shen permission toln.tall 1 no leH on Idaho, F.aat and West of Ash, ofd a poles n Ash, North and South Idaho, with nece.,ary guys, .nohor.. wires, and Telephone Company wire.. Poles add wires to be r ved when requested to do s. by the Common Council and coat of Said removal to be borne by the Northern State, Power Comp,ny. Estimate No. 29371. Adopted by the Council Nov. 21, 1939.' AP 'r oved Nov. 21, 1939. (Nov. 26, 1939) That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 4 poles on Idaho, 3ast and Nest of Ash, and 4 poles on Ash. North and South of Idaho, with necessary guys, anchors. wires, and Telephone 06mpany wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. 3stimate #29374. � / p COUNCIL EN Adopted by the Count: -2 —� 193— Yeas � Naye NOV 21= ar s 1n Approved— 193.-- je sonsyor ._L—In Favor sen Against uax r. President (Fallon) aM 116977 COUNCIL FILE NO.---- INTERMEDIARY O.__ — INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning, taking and appropriating for school purposes all of the following desorl$od--propertyi Lots 1 to 15, inclusive, Dawson's Subdivision Block 37, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey'e Addition to St. Paul, rNTORM®D:ARY ORDERS C. F. No. 216977— in the matter or nond_Ing, taking and .'nPrnnrlrtl, -nnl' Pur. under Preliminary Order 116411 __approved September 28, 1989. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby .approved, and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn, take and appropriate for school purposes all of the following described property: Lots 1 to 15 igolusive, Dawson's Subdivision of Block 37, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 195.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 19th day of Denember 193, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.— Adopted by the Council NOV 2110 193 NOV 211939 City Approve,' 193—. -- r t / — File 8835 Mayor Councilma BP""°e CouncilmarPNWw=---�3 i i""'"' y CouncilmarRiario-1 —r= I'; WBIASHED /_ �,9� CouncilmarR�oSen- -_ _ _ � i'. • � , ti. /� Councilmarizftuwr- CouncilmarFvrnzel Mayor Fai: Form B. S. A. 8-6 0 ilF. In th lag Vo. [o , COUNCIL FILE NO. 116978 8 lesz chepd Llc bib of the City of el Ra, having ee bed th6 reDAMt of t�.06h talaeloner of Floonee upon the &hot INTERMEDIARY ORDS; 'm °meat, aad having conelden Bald reDorq hereby •having I. Th&t LLB to hereby fh• .r5�-- In the Matter of grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 30, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Hemline Avenue to Albert Avenues also constructing a sewer in the Alley from a point 75 feet east of Albert Avenue to Albert Avenue, and in Albert Avenue from the alley to the sewer in Sherburne Avenue, under Preliminary Order 116521 approved October 4 1939 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon:.. the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface the Alley in Block 30, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Hemline Avenue to Albert Avenue. Also construct a sewer in the Alley from a point 75 feet east of Albert Avenue to Albert Avenue, and in Albert Avenue from the alley to the sewer in Sherburne Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.094.81. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 19th day of December . 1939 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ir the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council NOV 21 19M , 193 Approved "My Z 1' 193—� City Clerk i File 8840 " yor Councilma BarfuseA.5 C .1 PUI3LISIiI:D. /=—_ ounce ma _j F,ndlan Councilmat Sem I's rranto Councilmat,.R– Petcrse,n Councilma8_-jW&.X- ] Ro—n Councilmae e" =--=A Truax Mayor Fallon Form B. S. A. 8-6 0 .116979 COUNCIL FILE NO.— INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 30, Syndicate No. 5 i Addition from Hamlin Avenue to Albert Avenue, V. F. No. 126979— 1n tale matter of condemning and tak Ing an easement In the and ueees- sary for eloDee, cuts and 1111, in the gradingg d surfacing of the Alley In Pt, ek 30. Ayndicate 11 tdditlon _t AR e_ under Preliminary Order 118b22 - _—approved ontnber 4,_11134 — The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 30, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Hamline Avenue to Albert Avenue, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 19th day of December — 193_9_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as imated. • Adopted by the Council—Nov 211939 193 Approvers NOV 2 i 1rye � 193— City Clerk ayor File 8839 Councilman WfiRNMIJEW Councilman . - _ Barfnss Findlan 'plJfti,..�.,.�.. Councilman filannommsM Parranto Councilman - _= Councilman _ _: ° Peterson X—en Councilman RVEnzd —­� l/) 'r VIx Mayor Fa!''.0 Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO'..__ -- INTERMEDIARY C. N. No. 118980— In the matter of co demning and tak- Innn easement for the p7urpoee of.. a truotingt and malntalnlTcg a pub it 'r s under and erose the I southerly 8 ft. 01 the northerly Y, of Lot :1, Block 1 Hoy". Rearrange- "e0t of , '^t= frim ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the southerly 8 ft. of the northerly j of lot 21, Block 1, Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como 0utlots from Asbury Ave. to the alley in the rear of said lot; also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 5 ft. in width on the north side of the above easement and a strip of land 5 ft. in width on the south side of the above easement on said lot 21, Block 1, Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como Outlots, under Preliminary Order 116525 approveri ootober A. 1939 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take as easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the southerly 8 feet of the northerly i of lot 21, Block 1, Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como Outlots from Asbury Ave. to the alley in the rear of said lot; also condemn and take a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 5 ft. in width on the north side of the above easement and a stlip of land 5 ft. in width on the south side of the above easement on said lot 21, Block 1. Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como Outlots, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 75.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 19th day of December 193 9 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council NOV 21193 193 — NOV 2110 _I93_— Cit Approve Mayor File 8836 CouncilmanAbzE'ixadd¢-,3 1% S Councilman&W '�= 'L PUBLISHED Councilman[frccr', Councilman dkosea__::.=- 1'<•1. , u j: y Councilmaniax CouncilmanWie Mayor lWN@WW-3 Falio❑ Form B. S. A. 8-6 116981 . F. No. 116981— the matter f grading and aur[ac- Ing the Ailey in Bl.. 1 or Hoyt's Rt.e- vrranN Nebrasnt ka nue Ave m t Hopt A— also annrrrtrtlr - ieN.r from r• COUNCIL FILE NO.__ ",••.nry Ave- - ,r, . By -- - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 1 of Hoyt's Rearrangement of 'Hoyt's Como outlots from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenues also constructing e sewer -from the Alley to the sewer in Asbury Avenue in an easement to be obtained l on the souther q-8 feet of the Northerly j of lot 21, Block 1, Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's o Outlots, under Preliminary Order 116528 approved October 4. 19191 — The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface the Alley in Block 1 of Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como outlots from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue. Also construct a sewer from the Alley to the sewer in Asbury Avenue in an easement to be obtained on the southerly 8 feet of the Northerly } of lot 21, Block 1, Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como Outlots, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,097,16, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 19th day of December 1938_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council NOV 21 10-_ 193 p�p� � � ta-.L4-its Approved— MY x193— City Clerk i Mile 8858 Mayor Councilma H», i CouncilmarrMxy::,_=- ---3 F -,Ii iiTBLI3FTLP3 �/- S �y Councilmartrfd2rM_ !': CouncilmarCROsen' Councilman;Xruax . - _L3 k ­ru CouncilmarCllienzrl-: T -ax Mayor WWWbgxi�­ Fallon Form B. S. A. 8-6 116982 l'. F. Flo. 111112— Inith neeasemen[ Inethel landn d et ery a[or alopeA, utA nd aIle In the .r ding and Aurtncing of the A11ey a81a k 1 0l H0Yt'A Rearrangg menu Block i,• !`.,.• prom If FILE NO._ 1 nava By INTERMEDIARY ORDER in the Matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 1 of Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como putlots from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, under Preliminary Order 118b24 approved October 4 1939. - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 1 of Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt'a Como Outlots from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and the shaded portions showing the fills, ?5 00 t thereof is $ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cos Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the- 19th day of December 193_ 9 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City ssioner of Finance give said meeting to the alpersonsland nng in tthe he Cmanner provided by the Charter, ity of St. Paul. That the stating the time and place of hear• ing, the nature of the improvement NOVnde�ai t�� the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council �V G 193 NOV 21 193— Approve NOV � Mayor File 8837 KIBUSFIED Councilman Aj@@2PA6P= tt.,,+,.- Councilman -i P Councilman&c&-ms- - -:n i,--, CouncilmancEgsyxr_-:=__-- 1,-, CounciImansKv--vM _ !t. CouncilmandMenzel . L . Mayor l Form B. S. A. 8-6 116983 C. F. No. 116983— u demning 'tak' In ^he matter ut c 4RA6e, or I g easement or t''n pu constructing and_ms 'ning?a COUNCIL FILE FILE NO._____ —_._ a ewer n, orv• p �e�a Deasterly 8 teat BtT�' ivision No. All.. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking en easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and toross the easterly 8 feet of lot 10, Chute Bros. Division No. 15 from Charles Street to the Alley in the rear of said lots also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 5 feet in width on the west side of the above easement and on the westerly 5 feet of lot.9 in Chute Bros. Division No. 15, under Preliminary Order 1l BB52 —approved Oni-.nber 18,.193, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement for the purpose of oon\.tructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the easterly 8 feet of lot 10, Chute Bros. Division No. 15 from Charles Street to the Alley in the rear of said lot. Also condemn and take a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 5 feet in width on the west side of the above easement and on the westerly 5 feet of lot 9 in Chute Bros. Division No. 15, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--7K.00— Resolved 75.00.Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 19th day of December 193 9 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the �total cost thereof as mated. Adopted by the Council_ NOK21 2a `>�� --_> 193 Approved NDY 2119 193.-- City Clerk Mayor ^File 8843 Councilmanald 1. Councilmans6jng--.:_ - is PUBLISHFD_Z/-_'15— ?y Councilmaraba=. _ CounCllman l_ __._ � CouncilmansTsaisx_ _ 1" n / CouncilmariidbiMzdak-= Trusz Mayor t6dwwwa Fallon Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. - 116984 C. F. No. 116984— IutheeAl eY in Chuto Bros Dtvlelon Nn. 16 'from Avoa St. to Vlctorla St. -to conform to the red no on the proftle hereto attauh�d Rode a part hereof, the r Z. ' '� vrade belna4 PIS- n'}I INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of changing the grade of the Alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 15 from Avon St. to Victoria St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon; also grading the Alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 15 from Avon St. to Victoria St. to the proposed red line when established, and constructing a sewer from the Alley to Charles St. in the easement to be obtained on the easterly 8 ft. of lot 10, Chute Bros. Division No. 15, under Preliminary Order 118857 approve' October 18, 1939. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is change the grade of the Alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 15 from Avon St. to Victoria St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon. Also grade the Alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 15 from Avon St. to Victoria St. to the proposed red line when established, and construct a sever from the Alley to Charles St. in the easement to be obtained on the easterly 8 ft. of lot 10, Chute Bros. Division No. 15, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1#056*05* a_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -19th --day of December 19,3—k— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the 'Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement andthetotal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__ NOV IG 1 ITT ---, 193 ZOA NOV 2l193ClerkCity Approve-' 193 — , �. Mayor File 8845 , Councilmati+ Q u1<1 Councilmagyvay- —:r -- PUBLISHED Councilnuity earee-_-__-_3 v ,: Councilmac Rosen- - Couhcilmau3mix Councilmati-W_en;cL_ /f Mayortlalahonep Form B. S. A. 8-6 116985 COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of the Alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 15 from Avon Street to Victoria Street, C. F. No. 118988— ln the matter of condemning and tak- ing a easement- In the land ecee- sary for lopes, cuts and fills I, the ?flding of m haste the under Preliminary Order 118858 ._approve' October 18 1989. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of the Alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 15 from Avon Street to Victoria Street, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the outs and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-19tlday of December , 193-2— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as es ' ted. Adopted by the Council NOV21 1939 -1M 1 7 ,,,— NOV 211939 Approved 193— File 8844 Councilman Councilman 1; Councilman Jrce- - Councilman�igggn._- i,.k CouncilmansTgp—x-_ _--, R ,, r CouncilmaneffiU'2 25 -e x, T—ax Mayor hdokusam Fallon Form B. S. A. 8-6 _ A City Clerk COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 116986 In the Matter of constructing a four -foot sidewalk on both sides of North Griggs Street from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue, I N'. No. 116988— In [he tter of c tructing four - foot sidewalk both eldea or North Igga street from Hoyt avenue to Aaho Av en•tr, un' im1nary Or- ' I lt•;7"' n 2s. 1939. 1 Paul under Preliminary Order 116731 approv October 2b 1939 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a four -foot sidewalk on both sides of North Griggs Street from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.17 per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 19th —day of December 193 9 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as mated. Noir 21 1ot_ , 193 �— Adopted by the Council_ --- N O V 211939 Approved 193— City Clerk Mayor File S4326 Councilman Batfitsr CouncilmanMaY -. Fmdlan PUBLISHED Councilman Bgaccc_Yarranm Councilman Aosen" Peterson Councilman Truax. " ___ . Rosen Councilman W.eazeL 1'n:ax Mayor Mtibaey =_i p F�a.1"', Form B. S. A. 8-6 , COUNCIL FILE By.....__...._.._. __.._ _ ____. _. _ ...... 116987 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing with bituminous material Alley in Block 1, Rogers Addition from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street, .rraov6Nc AesEsantcnmx. '. No. I16T_ .nt of he matte vee el t. under Preliminary OrderIntermediary Order.- _11D.464.- Final Order... .. approved....... ......, loft__-- ...... ... pp The assessment of.... benefits, costa and expenses -.for and in connection with the above improvement havibeen submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the—_Zh....__.............day of December, 1939 _ XAS&......., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council_. __...... NQV 211 _._ _._._._.....194_ . n �— �Qd Approved ..... _........ _ �.._.. ..................... File 8380 Councilman Cla ,_.___-y, Finrfr=e FeWusnn - 1. i_i lan " Ho&Son - _-..; P,, •'fan ir. " McDonald -., Peterson " Sud-ieimer. _ Ro=en Mayor v Form B. n. 16 Fallon T I) Clerk. layer. RuBushTD 1 i the 118888— _ In [hr matter of the egene eat of COUNCIIFILE NO.—.—_ .....__...................._. gradate, coats and expense: ton grading and urf no ng th Al1eYe ]n 4 k rman's 'w 8uD- t By .16988 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the Alleys in Ackerman's Addition, Fiedler's Subdivision and part of Block 13, Cottage Homes, the East and west alley from Rent St. to Danforth St. to be graded and surfaced to a width of 16 ft., and the North and South alley to be graded and surfaced to a width of 18 ft. from Cottage St. to the East and ';Pest alley, under Preliminary Order........_ 110303..,. _.._.._, Intermediary Order...._...._110616_._...___,_...,, 110893 _._._.y approved June 28 1938 ham._..._ Final Order___.....__.. ......... _ _ PP Jun.e....28, _ _ _........_ ...... The assessment of......_..benefits.,..co.sts._.end e.xpens.e.e_..._._.... ._..._ ... ..._...... .for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council Laving considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the __----- 20th._..___._....._day of Deoembert _1939 ................_- yam_,_._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature 9f the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council...... _....-- --- 2110 - NOV 2 Approved........ _.............._ ............._............_......_......_...192_.._. - File 8392 CCi1nC11maII C18 mirftlss " Ferap"--.--- FI„dian Ho4gftp- �.--- ,., Parrnnto ' Me12aveld __.- :. F'rtereon " Sudbvimer. __. - -- Rci8et1 enzaky Mayor Fallon Form B. n. 16 y Clerk. Mayor, XUMISHED_ // - s —� y >• tr, F. No. 318989— rn the matter of the •assessment ofl COUNCIL FILE NO.. nenedte, damages, costs and ezyonees - .__...__.....__.............__..__......_ for ehangls6 the grade of Alley In Block 8, Hoyte Bear-,,, gement of Hoyt's anso Como OUtirr H. B. 7 ,y �t,; `� Hanson's Addttl- �. •� 1i ji lJ l{/,(j�J By ..._.._..........__ ...................__............ �.._... __._.......... Block 1. H. Sr' conform to & hereto. attar CITY OF hereof, tha heing shoe Resolution of CouncilH Y;rroving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Alley in Block 8, Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como Outlots, Block 1, H. B. Hanson's Addition, and Lots 1 to 6, Block 1, H. Jurgensen's Addition to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the _present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon. Also grading and surfacing alley in Block 8, Hoyt'a Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como Cutlots, Block 1, H. B. Hanson's Addition and Lots 1 to 6, Block 1, H. Jurgensen's Addition from Nebraska Ave. to Hoyt Ave., under Preliminary Order.__ .......... 110513.......... _.__..... _......... . Intermediary Order _._....... 1120.2.......__......._ ........................ ........ Final Order..._._111524 _.__ approved. . June 21, 1938 ...... . . .......... ....... _._...,'_.._ The assessment of._.._ benefits, damages,costs and expenses _.__for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on20th..__,__......_.day of Deoembers„_1939.___......___...... M.- I....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. c� pip _.__ Adopted by the Council_..__NOV 2119. NOV 2110 Approved...... _ ......... .............................._.........._........._...192_..._. File 8407 Councilman Cla Rarftlse ' For . ,..-,¢� Findlan u He��_��_^^.='_rte L'an'anio Mem-�._r Peterson ” Snd1mar_ ._„7 1t, seu ” WeAse1 .r._ Truax Mayor jhd@W&m Form B. B. 18 Fallon y Clerk. Mayor. WBL SHED1_l ? 3s COUNCIL FILE NO F'. Fo. 116a00- - � In the matter of the a.. nme�nt oM benefit.. damn en sen, cost. antl ex nne a ���® for changing tl,¢ grade . the nlley 1 By .. .._ 1. In k 16, Auerhoof, & Flnndb Ad- to Mt CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of the alley in Block 16, Auerbach & Hand's Addition, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shorn by a blue line thereon. Also grading and surfacing the alley in Block 16, Auerbach & Hand's Addition from Oliver St. to Geranium St. Also con— structing a sewer in the alley from a point 78 feet south of the south line of Geranium St. to Geranium St., thence on Geranium St. to the sewer in Matilda Ave., under Preliminary Order......11.0.615__._...._..._ ..___.__......., Intermediary Order_....111209_._..._... s... ....... ._.......... .._.._...., Final Order __..111667 _ approved July 5.,.._1938 .... , CSX......._ The assessment of_.__._benefite,._damagea, Goats and expensee_.._.._....-.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the... -.,20th y of December, 1939 =_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council. _ _ _........ _ NOV 21-1.93.9 NOV 211939 Approved.... _ ........... ........ .._.._............ ..... ..................__.192.__..._:. File 8411 Councilman Claim Rarfuse " Fer _ F�ntllatt Hoqajoy •� M¢I==tee 1'ctrrbuB Sude; 3 littseu Mayor &WjMMMn Farm B. B. 16 Fallou y Clerk. Mayor. �BLISHCr_/i__ 25��1 116991 1169.c �- ... 2 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. .TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION 0 PRINTER Nnvnm'fter 181 "'By�_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT $73,463.72 OF COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED OMTO 65.434INCLUSIVE, AS PER 71 -6991-116992— CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. l Thm cheek+ be dr—n an ' - 'ih 4J[I'e6xte NOV 211939 %� L .�rek ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193— N O V 211939 APPROVED �././ m c PTnouen 193_ PUBLISF3EII I 1 '� 5 -3 5 i DUPLICATE Tb CITY CL'ERN _.. I COUNCIL r9 '5L ll�J •/JL I OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN_ IN FAVOR 65329 to 5380 PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS November 17 193 -- 9 ROSEN TRUAX _ AGAINST' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_ COVERING MR. PRES FALLON 21 10 CHECKS NUMBERE O_ pJ�y 6p1c�LU SIVE AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-------- C�OUNCIL— —1'I— NOVY y+ -- PER CHECKS O N� OF F T,'IE C COM PTR ER APPROVED _ _1Yii1—S`--4 L 193— NUMBER foo ) 1a CS rnArO � TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF RETURNED Y/ CHECKBY BANK NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS �9 23ffi 2$ BROUGHT FOR _ _ 78 9 79' ® 65329 Sybil D. Reichow 50 00 'I 65330 Harris Brothers Plumbing & 1 257552 6 l07 46 " 65331 C.F. Rule ,onstruotion Company 63 35 65332 Braunig & Sons Baking Company 5 92 65333 The Crane Company 184 79 1 .65334 65335 Cutler—Magner Company Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 112 21 ;:, 65336 General Electric supply Corp. 68 58 it 65337 Griggs, Cooper & Company 98 22 88 �5 65338 The Grinnell company 55 41 65339 A. Ingvoldstad Company 20 65340 C.B. Lyon & Brother, Inc. �520 65341 Merrill, Greer, Chapman Company 149 �5 65342 National Lead Company 10 55 65343 New York Tea Company 35 Q8 65344 Nicola, Dean & Gregg Company 20 45 !i 65345 N.N. Bell Telephone Company 71 53 1 65346 Restaurant China Company, Inc. 65347 St.Paul Voc.School Revl.Fund 70 09 65348 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company 12 77 .i 'd 65349 Commonwealth Electric Company 2 517 55 65350 65351 J.S. sweitzer & Non, Inc. R.L. Anderson 34 2 04 j 653 Western 011 & Fuel Company 1 315 06 8535 A.R. Peterson Company 22 14 481 18 1535444 4t.Pau1 Builders Material Company 65-5 J.L. shiely Company. Inc. 198 23 6535 Speedometer service & Aoo.co. 50 96 695 34 65357 Young Motor Car Company 65358 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 225�2 90 65359 Mrs. Agnes Weiss 11 65360 Ballard Motors & Ramp 14 11 ; 65361 Hotel St.Paul Ramp Garage 1 3 73 65362 Lowry Garage 65363 Saint Paul Athletic Club 80 3 45 ',1 65364 65365 Harvey M. smart John Lenselink 2 30 65366 65367 Mrs. E. B. Moon A.H. Tews 3 00 q 3 65368 Chicago, St.Paul, Mple. & O.Ry. 499 65369 Collector Internal Revenue 528 95 65370 Frosoh Theatre supply, Inc. 38 90 65371 • John Leslie Paper Company 289 87 496 17 65372 Northern States Power Company 65373 Northern states Power Company 105 98 65374 St.Paul Structural Steel company 3 73 65375 Snead & Company 1 942 10 65376 State of Minnesota, Dept. of A. 97 17 65377 Sutherland Air Conditioning Corp. 710 00 65378 Tri—state Tel. & Telg. Company 82 95 :I 65379 Tri—state Tel. & Telg. Company 44 25 65380 Weinhagen Tire Company 190 28 1 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 19 239 22„ 732919 41 d u SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 19239 22.752 372 51 CITY OF SAINT PAUL (' - COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ER ---- NUMBER— B FILE ` - ROLL CALL ROLL BARFUSS FIN 0LAN AUDITED CLAIMS November- 19 B3 PETERSON TRUE% I AGAINST' RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY COVERING TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S • 'NCB/I/V E, AS W ENZEL MRS PEES FAL LON _ CHECKS NUMBER`. _ 7"FF T/Oj F� PCOM PjBOLLER +t [✓/PdO NOV 211939 PER CHECKS ON E ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL r—r ^_ � V _ - - ---..... � 4, APPROVED_ /j�/ _.I, NUMBER _ BY I`A� �� Boo "1 e C9 rnArOn '�� -- — TOTAL j 1 DATE CHECK - _ IN FAVOR OF - TSF RANER CHECKS - II FIEMENTED Y BANK se,_ O CHECKS IRB NUMBER R I b BROUGHT FORWARD 19238 22_L732 919 41.E _--.-----..- 65381 Fred Baker & sone 300 00 160 00 " • 65382 65383 Dr.Carl C. Chatterton county welfare Board 13 750 00 750 00 , 65394 Div. of Employment & sec. 1 00 65385 s. Maurstad 5804 65386 Mrs. Ruth Thompson 76 99 65387 Bethlehem steel Company 65388 Lew Bonn Company 90 56 65389 H.L. Ettman sponge Company 302 9719 65396 Farwell, Ommun, Kirk & Company 65391 National Lumber company 40 76 65392 Price Electric Company 65393 sharp and Dohme, Inc. 71 14} O 65394 65395 J.L. Shiely company Tri—state Tel. & Telg. company 178 31 55 04 65396 Twin City sales & supply Company 100 00 '. 65397 Amherst H. wilder Charity 268 00 65398 Louie C. Hajek 3 oo 65399 65400 Aero Digest Air Reduction sales company 70 34 33 24 65401 Alexandria Food Market Is 4 65402 65403 Allyn & Bacon company American Automatic Electric sales Co. 49 49 65404 American concrete Institute 10 00 9 58 65405 American Library Association 64 65406 American Linen supply Company 9 65407 American Rad. & S. San. Corp. R65408 John D. Anderson R 39 65409 Armour and Company 31 12 65410 Atlas Gas & Oil company 3000 65411 Ault & nborg company 36 34 65412 Belmont Corporation A.E. Bergman, Inc. 3 65413 65414 Blomberg's Grocery 405 49 9�+ 65415 Blue Print Service company 6 00 65416 The Bobbs-Merrill Company 182 00 65417 Booth Fisheries Corp. 19 21 y 65418 Booth Fisheries Corp. 10 50 65419 Bowen & sone 9 444 65420 R.R. Bowker company 62 00 65421 Brown and Comstock 1 81 65422 Buckeye stamping Company 75 60 • 65423 Campbell coal & oil company 7 71 65424 65425 Capitol Laundry Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company 5� 8 93 449 95 65426 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company 176 02 65427 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company 13 90 65428 Columbia Tool Steel company 54 10 65429 Commonwealth Electric company X34 65430 consumers Milk company 44 65431 Continental Motor corp, 16 70 65432 Co—Op. Laundry Company 1 00 65433 John &erar Library 60 00 b5434 Cudahy Packing Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 19239 22.752 372 51 t � 116993 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR condemning and taking an easement -in the land necessary for slopes, the matter of -------------------------- cuts and fills in the regrading of alley in Block 4, Cloverdale, from the east line of Lot 4 to the west line of Lot 8, 1 RESOLUTION R.ATI"XNG AND CON- PMMNG CONDEXNAWON AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND AN. NRSSRHNT R. 115662_______---_ approved -____July -_21,_1939_______________ under Preliminary Order______-____ 116222 September 12, 1939 Intermediary Order----------------------------� approved------------------------------------- 1939 Final Order .... _----------- 116557------------- approved ------ 0etober 10-------------------- t _----___-___---_-_ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council, having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. � 1� �°axbceme�`sle 10 �locxxxxxx _ ash Adopted by the Council _______ NOV 22 ------ � NOV 221939 ---- - City Clerk. Approved ------------------------ > 19---- File 8781 ---------------- ------------- - nR* MqFor. Councilman�L5 — 3� Councilman Councilman nnaicL___� �( ,,•„ „ Councilman Qe Councilman Councilman Mayor a­aa3l 31 ,'ice'Frx.'d:Lt(lla") REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS s, '.FITS In t119 matter of__ conaE�n� end taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the regrading of alley in Block 4, Cloverdale, from the east line of Lot 4,to the west line of Lot 6, 115662 Jul21, 1939 y under Preliminary Order--- -----, approved---------------------------------------------- Intermediary Order _______ 116222 ------- approved --------------- September_12�_ ----------- ______ Final Order -------------- 116557 ------------. approved --------------- October ---------10, 1939 ---------- ---- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -M� --- ---------- ---------- Commissioner of Finance. Chides le CITY CInMI i - n .,11 116994 / .Joy-'` CITY OF ST. PAUL :ioqe"c"' NO. V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCI ESOLUTITION----G/ENNERAL FORM PRESENTED" B/i.i�ir.� !/ y y Nny _ ?1�-��� — RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Andrew Vincelli, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $19.20 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Water Department of the City of Saint Paul, on the let day of November 1939; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Andrew Vincelli the sum of $ 57.60 out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the Board of Water Commissioners, being for the period to and including November 22, 1939. t'. F. No. 116994—By W. A. Parranlo— Mllton Rosen, by Request— Rexolved. that the Hoard of Water Commissioners be a d IL Is hereby au- thorized to enter into an Vldingm fn1 Ith Andrei• Vincelli, pro the Dx3'menl f 'om pensatlon to him al the rate f 119.20 Drr the k daring u' lime as he hall ". lute Ily disabled h nIII' ' of injuries r iced by. ,,Mite In theploy f the Water De- partment of the City "If Saint Pon` on the 1st dny of November, 193a, toe it 1 rther Resoived, that In dance vlth said agreement the Boardf Wn- ler 17 -11111111 -Is hereby thorl1, 1„ pay to said Andrew Vlnreln theam l f 167.60 out of the Water Dep rtnten Fund In pp rtlnl settlement of hie claim agalnsl 'the Board of Water Commis- sioners, being for the Derlod to and 11, Including November 22, 1939. Adopted by the Count•II Nor. 2-'. 1999. ADpr need NN 2'6? 19. COUNCILMEN 0 Yeas / Nays Zruse �dlan / ranto / In Favor ,,16eterson ,A{osen Against Ar Kr. President (Fallon) 611 NOV 221939 Adopted by the Council 9 193— NOV 221939 193— Approved yor Or" to CMY CInY65 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fly:"`� NO. OFFICE)OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL�FRIOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B_J/ / hy �ivv, om" DATE November 10 _ 1939 COMMISSION C. F. No. 116996—By .Milton Boeen— Thet the Nortut hern ®ts'!. Pwer o Comlmn>' he sh'en V _,.xion to Inntell I l�velnrtfTt Pole In Int ifi+ "l'yt. w That the Northern Staten Power Company be Siren permission to install 1-35 foot pole in the alley west of Cleveland. south of Bayard, with necessary Buys, anchors. wires. and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Intimate $31908. MEN ' !C�OUNCI Yeas Nays a ss i ant /Y! nto 71. Favor ertSrson s Against 4 rPresident (Fallon) aM aas Cs NOV 221939 Adopted by the Council 193— Approved NOV 2210 193- - yor 1169N taLle,I ro a.h,� . jj / CITY OF ST. PAUL 'n �` NO. I p! �r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /7j�V�,%/ /_�y i UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONE`,R/_'. , " U' DATE NOVBIDbeT 22, 1939 _ RESOLVED That On Sale Malt Beverage license #5737, expiring May 22, 19110, Off Sale Malt Beverage license #9289, expiring May 22, 1940, and Restaurant license #844, expiring May 22, 1940, issued to Joseph T. Sylvester at 957 E. Seventh St. be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and guilty plea of Joseph T. Sylvester to the charge of operating a gambling house at 957 E. Seventh St. COUNCILMEN Yeas/_ Nays Bart ted nd n arranto ,,Peterson �ea �uax Mr. President (Fallon) 5M on Ca l'. F. No. INS16--BY C. H. Hoctnxe—I F. M. Truax—W. A. Phrrante— Re I'v.d; That on Sale Malt Bever - 194Ile hxe No. 5727, e.ptringg May 22, 0, OE Sale Malt }leverage Ifcenxe No. 19299, exDiring May 1.1,,.194%, andrsrs Rex - 22. 1940, (Issued toy Joseph' TSyrveeter .at 957 E. Seventh St. be andthe x me are Hereby revolted uVo e' mmenda- tlon of the B- of Ponbe�bemuee of .the arrest and guilty plea of Joxeph T. 'Sylvexter to the chs�rge of p -rating a igambltng he.— of 9,7 i.. Seventh St. Adopted' by the ("o -111 Nnv.. 27, 1929. Approved Nm'. . 1'D39. (Nov. 96, 1939)' Adopted by the Council"V 22 IM9 193— Approved NOV 22 Mans— In Favor ^ Ma r Against 0r151aw to c1ty CN& CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY D COMMISSIONER_ ,010�1_ DATE 10U111L 116997 �,% AV­ ,,, .,i W. T. Phillip-. Chalrmana f the noard f the St. Anthony Park Union Chu rah. b!., made appll'eatlon for - ttlamalr �aumu- mted to ., �•, - WHEREAS, W. J. Phillips, Chairman of the Board of the St. Anthony Park Union Church, has made application for settlement and aba't'ement of accumulated taxes and assessments on: (Except E. 110 £t.) Lot 8, Auditor's Subdivision No. 4, for the reason that this property is being used solely for church activities; therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Council recommends the approval of the application as submitted to the County Auditor and recommends the abatement of the penalties and interest on the special assessments now delinquent on said property. COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays arf s Indian drranto iP�eterson A osen "Truax 1ANG- President (Fallon) bM eda CS Adopted by the CouncilNov 2219— 193___ NOV 221939 Approved 193— In Favor _— _Against 0dot d le City Cl.h�_ U101-98CITY OF ST. PAUL .qtr NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUL )RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM -- — PRESENTED BY �� DATE COMMISSIONER_ C. F. No. 118908—By .rohm K. nmibtn—` Whereas, Blanche Yeager ft— —de - aupiicatlon for relief to the Mlnaeeota Tax Commdnefoa relative to re•••�nuent true. and a �.nenta on V .ring deacrlbe,l e � i WHEREAS, Blanche Yeager has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Lots 27, 28 and 29, Block 2, Kipp's Glen Terrace; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $513.82, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $326.56; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint'Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $137.43 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $326.56, and that said Sum of $137.43 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $513.82. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bartuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Fallon) SM 8-38 Ce Adopted by the Council NOV 221939193- NOV 221939 IApproved _ 193 -- In Favor — Ma or �/_ Against Chl,l.raat, U.,k 116999 CITY OF ST. PAUL `�� No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY p�.� pw� —DATE— Wh......1619 B. dutterxon hasdlmade COMMISSIONER_ application for relief to the Mlnneaota Tnx Commixslon relatire to dell nauent tuxes and xxxexxm—'• mon the following dexcrlbed pry•1, i. (Exi •ept ' WHEREAS, L. B. Gutterson has made application for relief v,. to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits (Except St. and Ave.) Lot 1; (Except St. and Capitol Heights) Lot 2, Block 21, Ashton & Sherburne's Add.; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1355.77, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $862.02; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $102.10 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $862.02, and that said aum of $102.10 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessm<eyi% included in the total delinquency of $1355.77. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss ` Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen 4711— Against Truax Mr. President (Fallon) ant s -as os NOV 22193f Adopted by the Council—.— NOV ouncil — NOv 22 1939 93 -----��2Y�`�- ayoc u-Ze- � 5 -29 0,1111W to Oh Onk .17000 CITY, OF ST. PAUL .��. NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY J COMMISSIONER_ &.1 1W 1111 __—_DATE C. F. No. 117000—ny Joh, zoFlndll¢an— Whereae, Jennle liN. C to a do hax de DDllia[lon for reef the Min neao[a Txz Commixelon rola tive to sellnquent taaex and a^ess enon [he fonowing dCnrrlhe rP^rtv te ,t0-plt: A tP'o Addltlon: Ilan tli� WHEREAS, Jennie N. Cardozo has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Lot 80, Block 1, Norton's Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $134.82, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $82.89; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $28.09 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $82.89, and that said sum of $28.09 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $134.82. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Fallon) bM 0.38 CS Adopted by the CouncilNOV 22193®— - 193-- NOV 93_— NOV 22 I&W Approved_ 193— In Favor -----. - �-.... -- mayor _Against pjj8jd$i�D �w �--3 y 0d50r1 to city clerk 79 l01 CITY OF ST. PAUL '2. `, NO. p OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Co NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,AK !/`^ �i� _DATE COMMISSIONER_ - C. F. N,. 117001—By John S. Flndian—� Whereas, Frank Blehart has mnd� ❑nllca tion Por re!lef to the Mlnnesot{ Tax Commission re!ativo to dellnqu tazeslnn 7 s o rnls t�!luwl� 'd r _ �' �� tt er •• ere .�a WHEREAS, Frank Blehart has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to Witt Lot 15 and S'ly 24 ft. of W'ly 100 ft. of Lot 16, Block 10, Marshall's Add. to West St. Pauli and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1738.89, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $903.96; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $46.13 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $903.96, and that said sum of $46.13 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1736.89. NOV 221939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—_ ----193 Yeas BarFuss .7J.739 Nays NOV 2 Findlan �� Approved 193 Parranto Peterson In Favors_. Mayor Rosen Truax — Against Q Mr. President (Fallon) PUBLISHED—// —� �� CMdnd 10 CIH Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSION ER_ �✓1'~� ---- DATE 117002 C. P. No. 117002— By John S. Flndlan— Whereas• John Mueller has made ap- VTkatlon for relief to the Minnesota r Commission relatly, to del,nquent Lases and a -entente g' I .w Ing d—H Fed pr�D^rty. to -v WHEREAS, John Mueller has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit, Lot 10, Block 6, Woodbury and Cases Additions and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $158.41, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $106.74; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $12.44 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $106.74, and that said sum of $12.44 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assesonents included in the total delinquency of $158.41. NOV 281939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ ------193-- Yeas Nays Barfuss NOV 221939 Findlan Approved_ _ 193-- Parranto _ In Favor _ - __ l i _ ------ M or Peterson Rosen ---Against Truax 7�J Mr. President (Fallon) PUBLISRED 0 I 5M 648 cs H 7003 atld�.IMaly Y COUN11L VV� CITY OF ST. PAUL 11L. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK VV COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY. November 22, 1939 COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS: Ralph Paul desires to withdraw application 37960 for Second Hand Auto Parts license at 161 Acker St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to - Ralph Paul the fee of $25.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Mss an ,4._rranto /reterson In Favor Posen /�ruax Against r. President (Fallon) am 648 Ce C. F. .N`o. 117003—By 13, H. Rarluxx— F. di. Truax- 1Vhereax. Ralph Paul deelrex to wlth- d w ppl l=0- 37900 for second Hand A uato Panr theles turn[ /0 theokicenee •lee depw sited thereon, there/ore, he It RexyyIc d. that the proper city ofncere he a d they a hereby auPaul the thorized to ree� d to Ral ll aid apo lcatlon llor6'00 1eAeiloptednby the Council Nuc. Appro,'ed Nov. 22. 1989. (N— 26. 1939) Nov 22193993_ ed Adopted by the Council !!OV 221939193-- Approved �M_ 0,111.4 W C11v Clak No. CITY OF ST. PAUL r�cr�c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. Nu. 11700+—By F. M. Truax— COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Whereas, the comn,InHioner r Park-, Playgrounds and Publle. Building- fine sported to the Council that .tIat er-, PRESENTED BY , . / talo dwelling loc^'ed nn Imt 23, Block 8, �f A 1 -moi_. DAT11Fineh" -d"' 'll- d na an COMMISSIONER �_ Q& (,.' •,y u_ Plnn SEAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain— dwelring located on Lot 28, Block 8, Finch's Addition, also described as No. 683 'Tuscarora Street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torp down; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 19th day of Decem- ber, 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not lase than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or ocou- pant of said piloperty, a notige stating the tine, place and nature or purpose of samd heaeing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. r.NOV 221939 COUNCILMLN ,e) Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays [ / �rftlss �' NOV 221939 Figdlan �" Approved 193.-- �a auto /Pe;arson _ Gln Favor I1 ayor /Ro en ruax —Against' ,l r. President (Fallon) . 6M -38 C8 /� j CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��e< Capital of Minnesota r OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 21, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the dwelling at 683 Tuscarora St., on Lot 28, Block 8, Finchte Addition. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CHAS. A.BASSFORD ERNEST W. JOHNSON City Atchitect W. LA MONT KAUFMAN' Supt. of Playgrounds Supt. of Parks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Com.W—e, November 18, 1939 Hon. COUncil City of St. Paul Gentlemen: Numerous complaints have been registered against the condition of the dwelling at 683 Tuscarora Street, on Lot 28, Block 8, Finch's Addition. This is a two story frame dwelling, porches rotted out, roof bad, in very poor shape throughout, a fire menace, roandda Danger Noticeerous to been post- adjoiningg pPoP pertyY, , ed. The last known owner is Wm. J. Davidson, et. al. c/o Gladstone Davidson, 951 Sty Seventh St., and also in care of 995 W. Seventh Kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section -1-14 of the building code. GG yi�l Architect LAR..0 NOTICE TO PRINTER 117005 11700,6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION Novamiwr. Q] 1a9 - RES AT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMQuNT I, 6• 65461 b5512 - OF 55iz. OF S COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TOR INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 'ice ^°"k ^• � -• i.ri.: t. os - 7. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OV 21939 NOV 22 1939 �`✓I i93_ /� APPROVED 193_ n°o . o .. / o� PUBLISHED L _2 7 ` 7 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 19 239 22 911 176 t V 7-- DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF . 5 _T PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER V COUNCIL FILE NUMBER-- 7/ ROLL CALL a ARFUSS FINDLAN P ETER S 0 N IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS November 20 19� 9- ROSEN, TRUA I —2— MR PR E S FALLON AGAINSTi RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 11 1 COVERING 0 INCLUSIVE. CHECKS NUMBE OV 221939 PER CHECKS 0 0 Y CCZMPTRO ADOPTED By THE COUNCIL— APPROVED—Ni'"! 22 V939I.- NUMBER TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS RETURNED BURSE ENT BY BANK "SCHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 19 238 22 752 372 51� • 6;ft 65 John S. Findlan, C. of FinanoO Charles Tuchner 12 617 81 321.00 36 Mrs. 65437 John S. Finilan, C. of Finance 12 999 58 65438 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 8 lR 53 65439 Ives Glancy 1 00 2 384 92 65440 TTm. Baumeister Cons. Company 65441 County Welfare Board 11 858 10 65442 John S. Findlan, Go of finance 1 847 15 65443 Mrs. J.M. Ayd� Guardian 40 GO 65444 John S. Findlan, 0. of Fonanoe 1 328 59 65445 The Ford Meter Box Company 77 22 65446 Roginson, Gary & Sands Company 2 771 8 65447 Socany-Vaouum Oil Company 20 3 3 5z 65449 'Roodex Polish Company 1 96 65449 Minnesota Paper & Cordage Company 161 70 65450 F.J. Morse & Company 223 01 65451 James Feller 33 33 65452 Frank Sedlaoek 80 00 6 453 Mrs. C.B. Crogan 35 00 4 G.E. Dransfield 5 00 5455 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 209 29 11 61 65456 General Electric Supply Corp. o 4 65457 R.S. Hulme Shade Company 1 go 65459 St.Paul Builders Material Company 58 65 65459 13t.Paul Glass Company 21 27 65460 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 308 70 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 19 239 22 911 176 z it U 1 - A - ` PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT COUNCIL' _- - --- COMPTROLLER - -..--- OFFICE OF THEFILE NUMBER ROLL CALL ROLL SARFU SS FINDLAN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS - - .193 November 21 PETERSON ROSEN RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUAX _ �- -- WENZEL MR. PRES FALCON AGAINST; COVERING TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S n[1 �^^^ - INCLUSIVE. AS 1,V 22 TE NOV % -/ UJ-�(!YV CHECKS NUMBERED-. PER CHECKS ON F �O E CITY COM OLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI((L-------'-- _ �� -- APPROVED - � —, - - OAL DATE TOTAL R CHECK IN FAVOR OF / - AN SF ER TC DISBURSEMENT BETURNED Y BANK CHECKS NUMBER HECK. A N p BROUGHT FORWARD 19 238 221.811. 176 21 65461 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 4 563 62 11 60 65462 Agnea L. Coyle 15 80 65463 M.J. Chase 5 75 65464 uommeroial Gas Corp. 12 00 65465 The Detective Pub. Company 22 50' 65466 65467 De roit stoker Company Dolmore Posture Chair Service 2 00 3290 65468 Downey Typewriter Company 62 65469 Dunnfs Fairway Market 1�9 65470 R.J. Dyer & Brother 62 Z5 65471 O.R. Eckhardt & Company 10 37 65472 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company 29 25 6547 Electric Blue Print Company Corp. 62 Z 75 6547 Fle0tr0lux 3 56 65475 Elk Laundry Company 325 65476 F.I. Products Company 45 65477 Fairbanks, Morse & Company 01 27 Ol 65478 Farwell, 0 -un, Kirk & Company 6 50 65479 6548o A.A. Feist Field, sohliok Company, Inc. 11 00 02 9� 65481 H.W. Fisher Photo Supply Company 40 65482 Freeberg Pies, Zno. 29 30 65493 65454 Chad. Friend & son.Ino. Gager IS slectrio Refrigeration} 19 65485 The Geiger Company 5 72 65486 German Book Importing Company 23 65487 E. Godbout 6 59 65488 The Golden Rule X57 50 65489 Gopher Stamp & Die Company 44 2 58 65490 Griggs, Cooper & Company 62 35 65491 The Grinnell Company 24 10 65492 S.A. Hansen Coal Company 13 to 65493 Harcourt, Brace & Company 86 65494 Harlem Book Company 20 00 65495 Heger Products company 11 25 65496 Theo. G. Helle & company 1 88 65497 Noan R. Henley Pub. Company 9 64 65498 A.P. Herschler Factory 65499 A.E. Hoffman Printing Company gg 9p 65500 Holm & Olson, Ino. 65501 65502 Houghton, Mifflin Company H.R. Huntting Company ® 65503 International Fuel Company 214 42 2 27 00 65504 Joesting & Schilling Company 60 65505 65506 C.I. Johnson & Company Junior Literary Guild, Inc. B3 105 46 65507 Jurgens Company, Inc. 94 37 04 65508 Lewis Bolt & Nut Company 10 108 10 65509 Link Belt Company 1 36 65510 J.B. Lippincott Company 3 65511 Liquid Carbonic Corp. 44 25 65512 Longmans, Green & Company z it od,wi to Cay auk COU CITY OF ST. PAUL rL. `� NO.—_WILL[/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK By dobn S. Findls.bneowed, that the Council ter. yjCOUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 'FrdNxoto1th70e0—iew Publishing Cold-I r publisher of theSt. Pnul Rey! PRESENTED BY /� �• �, �-he eont� _. t•rl ,thg COMMISSIONER �� w� DATE ,A ' _ —,ta4113..-t;.. •ct` RESOLVER, that the Council hereby awards to the Review Publish- iag Company, publisher of the "St. Paul Review, the contract for ppriming and publishing in the "at. Paul Review" during the year 1940 all ordinances, resolutions and other proceedings and matters required under the Charter or by resolution or ordinance of the City Ceunoll to be published in a daily or weekly newspaper printed iii:=inglish, at a price of Fortyothres Cents (43¢) per inch for the first insertion, and Twenty-one Cents (210) per inch for each and every subsequent insertion; also to print and bind in book form one hundred copies of the Proceedings of the Council for 1940, with index, at a price of $2.00 per printed page, also to print and bind In pamphlet form, one hundred copies of the Administra�lve and Legis- lativee'Code, City of St. aul, for 1940, with index, ,pt a price of $2.00er printed page; all in accordance with Formal Bid No. 306, submi ed pursuant to advertisement therefor, the said Review Pub- lishing Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, said sums to be paid out of the Official Publication Fund; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the`said "St. Paul Review" be and It is hereby designated as the official paper of the City of Saint Paul for the year beginning January 1, 1940, and until its successor shall have been designated, in which all such publications for the year 1940 shall be made; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel be and he is hereby authorised and directed to prepare proper contract therefor, and the proper city officers are hereby authorised and directed to execute said contract. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ian t n ar}anto /P/e,Eerso 0 coax ,-,Mr. President (Fallon) .M a -1s Ca NOV 2.8 W9 Adopted by the Council_ —193— NOV 231839 Approved 193— 1n Favor yor • Against CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 22, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall 11'7007 Dear Sir; The Council requested that you draw a resolution awarding the contract for publishing Council Proceedings in the year 1940 to the Review Publishing Co. (The St. Paul Review) on the basis of their bid as shown in the attached sheet, and also awarding them the contract for printing and binding in book form 100 copies of the Proceedings of the Council for 1940 with index at $2.00 a page and for printing aui binding in pamphlet form 100 copies of the Administrative and Legis- lative Code for 1940 with index at $2.00 per page, all in accordance with their bid. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ,'Aw'S ,*rAS RSV Imo! Pj�- xi• I sq.p/y d' wig v4 Qdde fait 1f= Prise pet A*ges printed %�i' .7,�1 1►i�B OisWlo�i .Fs�eaee��.n$'e , ' 1 ♦ ,,�y �77{ S j 1 M1 F ,h 89�peul 'Review 8i�tit PIt{r�Y a pap6>' Leopt 1'Or.:geak]y i t tfseklp. y P�fekly �. paii7:�t etnaa►y iYa�trrxt s I{ "s+ •lid •' idA*B:a �iiCfli eydx so Fraor, 1 �*.. y for bllehi p t ceedinge - i n ,d r ` �� aagg to-Z,seoo�8x4 �. �WTt i¢t�serlCr�t fayi�rst insertion awd. r Odpnd to citytlxY i.1 7 `7` 1 .- CITY OF ST. PAUL` r��e `" NO, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM i ,- PRESENTED BY— COMMISSIONER _DATE RESOLVED, that the appk�oation of Potthoff Brothers Motors for a permit to operate a used car -lot at 214 South wabasha Street, under Section b of Ordinance No. 6840, as amended, be and the same is hereby granted. COUNC LMEN Yeas Nays Bar ss Z. an arr to .,� i n ose us r. President (Fallon) SM 0-38 CS C. V- No. IIT- —nT F. M. Trux Rexolved. that the nppllr,1lo of Pn[thnR Rrnthera 3/otore fnr n permit [nPerxte used er lot t 214 South R'nbar<ha Street. under Section 5 of Or - din anre No. 5840. a mended, be and the xe me la hereby granted. Adopted by the Council Nor. 23, 1939. Approved Nov. 22, 1939. (Nov. 25. 1939) Adopted by the Council NOV 2 3193— NOV 2310 Approved 193—. In Favor payor --Against CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 22, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Potthoff Bros. Motors for permission to install and operate a Used Car Lot at 214 So. Wabasha St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn. November 10 19 39 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of Potthoff Bros. Motors for permission to install and operate a used oar lot at 214 S. Wabasha St. and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on November 22 , 19 39. _in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Jot -S. Findlen. q,. Commissioner of Finance. File 8057 Mr. I.. P. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Deer Sir : In the matter of application of Potthoff Bros. Motors to install and operate a Used Car Lot at 214 So. Wabaaha. This is the Erickson Filling Station grounds at the corner of Channel and So. Wabasha Streets. The land is zoned as Light IndustryPotthoff Brothers have arranged . with Mr. Erickson to place a few cars for sale in the rear of the filling station. There is no objection to this location and no driveways involved as potthoff Brothers will tuse ®the eeziating driveway into the filling station. be granted. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit Yours very truly, George H. F.errold, Engineer Secretary. i THE BOARD OF ZONING G1TY aF Establahed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1922 .V SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE a C, wse me O sea memo m B9®m b qp fir November 21st, 1939. �eea ARTHUR S MILINO`NSKI, Ch -1 - AUGUST F 0111F1<TFIN EDWIN H LUNDIE BERNARD J. MIGOh!I EGIN WAHMAN Aichimr CHARLES BASSFORD, Cy GEORGE H HERROLD, S Mary Mr. I.. P. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Deer Sir : In the matter of application of Potthoff Bros. Motors to install and operate a Used Car Lot at 214 So. Wabaaha. This is the Erickson Filling Station grounds at the corner of Channel and So. Wabasha Streets. The land is zoned as Light IndustryPotthoff Brothers have arranged . with Mr. Erickson to place a few cars for sale in the rear of the filling station. There is no objection to this location and no driveways involved as potthoff Brothers will tuse ®the eeziating driveway into the filling station. be granted. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit Yours very truly, George H. F.errold, Engineer Secretary. CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BAISSMAN Chief of Police Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota// �eradweat al Public c SajelV Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner November 22, 1939 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs Referring to application of Potthoff Bros. for permit to install and operate a used oar lot at 214 South Wabasha Street: You will find attaohed reports covering inspections made of these premises, from which you will note there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Very�Auly yours, Commissioner of Publ'o Safety IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION November 15 1939 PAs. G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by Potthoff Bros. for permission to install and operate a used oar lot to be located at 214 South Wabasha Street. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises, there being no blue prints submitted with this appli- oation. There is an oil station located on this property and there are two regular driveways to this oil station. It is not contemplated to change these driveways or add any more driveways. This oil station is owned by the Erickson Oil Company and they heve an agreement to let Potthoff RroB. use part of their grounds on which to plaoe two second hand oars to offer for sale. From a traffic standpoint there would be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours very truly, Harry�,V.t.gren Superintendent of Traffic w1f 0 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Nove,aber ls, lyjj C. J. Tierney asst. Chief of Police Dear Sir: % th reference to the application anus by Potthoff Bros. for ,ermit to conduct a used car lot business at 214 South Waoasha Street. This property at 2111 5. l6abasha St. is owned by the North Western Refining Go-upany of St.Paul Park (foraerl,; the Zrickson Gil Co;apany of this city) and is now beim used 2s a filling station. T'cis station is leased by V. Farnwa who "as conducted the business for tine wast year. Potthoff Bros. have made arre.ngements to display two cars on this fillinE station property. There would not be room for more than two cars at this time. This property is in a co.umercial district, the nearest place of business being the Gedney !'icicle Company which is aoout leo ft. away. Pottloff Bros. D ve been in the automobile business at LIS ]sates ave. for the past 'twenty years. In view 3f tl.e auove facts we find no oujections to tl.e „ra ntia of thie license. Vary rely yo'au'e, c O ,T_( _ licGlc.:Digsion THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION November 22nd, 1939 Hoa G. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: In regard to the application made by ssion to Operate a carPlototo beothers locatedoatp2141Street. used So. Wabasha Street We have investigated the foregoing location and report that there would be no increase in the fire hazard of that vacinity"nor would there be any increase in the sd lotciarates t .adjacent properties if the p Poe WCB:z Wo Yours truly, Chief Fire Inspector. Odel %.Jp City Oxk ounce 117009 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE' OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM C. 1••. No. 117009—BY 8. M. Truux— Vherene, '.'p n ➢rovided by Council Ffi• No. 118716, uODroved October 36, 1^^ the Council did on tpe yylilt dniy PRESENTED BY �+ �1,. L..L'.1(..�,;, •ember, 1939, a� ten a'c16.i ! _ COMMISSIONER IPIrn -- - DAT r111'ra•I'. r or WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 116715, approved October 25, 1939, the Council did. on the 21st day of November, 1939, at ten ovelook A. Y. in the Council Chamber of the Court Nouse and City Nall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain one-story frame dwelling located on Lot 23, Block 4, Homecroft, an Addition to the City of Saint Paul, also described as No. 2531 Nest Seventh Street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commisel,9W of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it FARTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to saidrproperty owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays B$rfuss Fin,Ilan 7ranto �erson Rosen "ruax �xr. President (Fallon) 6M 638 Ca (OV 231939 Adopted by the Councl ----193— / —193— / Approved NOV 23194193— In Favor � Mayor - Against pUSLISHED S 3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FEROUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration���� Nov. a, 1939 Mr. John W. MCConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested Te you prepare a resolution (No. 2) —story frame dwelling at 2531 W• confirming the condemnation of a,�sne Seventh St. located on Lot 23, Block k, Homecroft's Addition. Yours very truly, City Clerk. oIleG�a.�. �1'7i 40 ..t� CITY OF ST. PAUL %uc��� NQ•, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IC. F. Fo. I1i010—By H`. M. Truax— Nhereau, the Commlenloner of Park C4MNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM " 1'grounaa na Pumlc that thg ha relor[ed [n [he Council that thnt0 En, BiJ ! tnln rl welling In t?ri o '. nes 3, f,nne-1'nq Dea PRESENTED BY«C+ DATE_ --- - pOMMISSIONER --- - WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain dwelling located on Lot 20, Block 3, Lane-Hoepes Addition, also described as No. 1087 Burnquist Avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 19th day of December, 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FU HER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and natty e or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. NOV 2 31939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council----- 193— Yeas � Nays au 2 3 10 ar uss I�i� in$lan �� Approved 193— 1 �,//rranto * — ireterson — In Favor — Mayor or ,ifosen /Truax -- Against YU$LISHED 1 ` IyIP. President (Fallon) fiM8 s CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 21, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the dwelling located at 1067 Burnquist Ave., further described as Lot 20, Block 3, Lane-Hospes Addition. Yours very truly, City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt, of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commlalon., Novel: ar 15, 1939 Hon. Council City o' St. iaul ^entlemen: On recc .1pt of coninla ints, ':h. s Dcn^.rtment :Made an ir_,: esti- gai:ion of t' dwcllin ; lova-d at 1067 urnquist Avenue, further des ribed as Lot 20, .loc?- 3, L­ne-"ospes Adeition. This buildin;; is dilapida`.ed, has no sec:er wat"i facili- ties, in very poor repair structs,rally and IanL;erous to life, limb, and adjoin`.n� property. A Dan_.,cr :otice has been posted and the owner, Arthur 7. Thom, notified of its condition. _. Plca.>o ;et a hcarL. - in accordance with Section 1-1,1 of the buildin; code. ou^^ truly, Cit/ Architect LA ..0 Orhln.l to City a,.1Le 11700 ¢1 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 117031—By F. M. Truax— Whereas, the Commlesloner of Perks, t COSJDJEIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM CI.ygrounde nd Pubuc Buudtnga has (� re�o tea to ins conaen ena: teas cer- �/ tan.building located on Lot -6: /Cudl- PRESENTED BY I. // . ` �/t . _/ tore Babdlvinlen i •-11.n, COMMISSIONER �T71QY i��+��— ---DATE _"" N' 10 WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain building located on Lot 28, Auditor's Subdivision No. 4, also described as No. 2409 university Avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to'warrant its being condemned and torn down; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 19th day of Deoem- ber, 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVID, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or ocou- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. .'�✓�' Nov 231939 COUNCILMEN 1/i Adopted by the Council --.___193 Yeas Nays //�� pew y Barfuss / 1 NOV 231939 Findlan I Approved 193 Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Mayor Truax ---Against "-2 %j ,37 Mr. President (Fallon) PUBLISHED__.. 5M 8-38 C9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 21, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the building at 21109 University Ave., described as Lot 25, Auditorts Subdivision No. 11. Yours very truly, City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt, of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminioner November 18, 1939 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: A complaint from the Fire Prevention Bureau has been re- ceived, calling attention to the dilapidated condition of the building at 2409 University Avenue, described as Lot 25, Auditorts Sub -division No. 4. Our inspector reports that this is a two story barn,used as a garage for the repairing of cars. The chimney is out of plumb and the brick is loose. Shingles are off the roof, the building is out of level and plumb, and con- stitutes a fire hazard and is dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property , It is occupied by the Johnston Garage and is under the own- ership of J. S. Sweitzer & Son, 701 Minnesota Mutual Life Building. A danger notice has been posted. Kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code covering condemnation proceedings. urs t�ryuly, ,� ty Architect LAR..0 117012 OdoWl In City aak CITY OF ST. PAUL `" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 117012—B yF. M. Truax— CO)1NeIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM whereas, the com tna/on.r of parks, f r Playground, nd Publle Buildings has reDorted to tho-r—In'B that that cer- D BY �ru� ^ i a aItt frame dw ited the COMMISSIEONER ��`�"'v____—DATE_"-the _. _.imb�ast BO nB'A WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain frame dwell- ing located on the northwest 32 feet of the southeast 90 feet of Lot 1, Block 27, Rios k Irvine6s Addition, also described as No. 323 Chestnut Street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of erecting said building, on the 19th day of December, 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. 1A the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing,the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. NOV 231939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -----193— Yens __ 193— Yeas Nays / Barfuss ,jL NOV 231939 Findlan Approved 193— Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen May% i Truax Against q Mr. President (Fallon) PUBLISI�D 6M a-3A cs CITY -OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 21, 1939 Mr. John N. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No• 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the building at 323 Chestnut St., described as the NW 32t of the SID 0101 of Lot 1, Block 27, Rice & Irvine'a Addition. yours very truly, City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BPSSFORD . 'Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner Novem`,er 17, 1939 Hon. Co,mcil City of St. Paul Gentlemen: This Department is receiving complaints about the condition of the bu lding at 323 Chestnut Street, described as the NW 321 of the SE 901 of Lot 1, Block 27, Rice & Irvinets Addition. This is an old two story frame dwelling, windows and doors out, a fire hazard, a hangout for vagrants, covered with posters, and dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining proper- ty. A Danger Notice has been posted. The last known record owner is Alma L. Haag, 1072 Lincoln Avenue, although we are informed that the property is now owned by E. L. McAdam, 506 Pioneer Building. Kindly set a hearing for candemnation in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. '--Y-0�i3b ruly, 2 i Architect LAR. .II Od,iad 1. UH tlub CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. ��� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMSMISS ONER NTED 'BY �ruaZ'•' I�"µ'ms' — DATE _ RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and instructed to issue a warrant in favor of A. J. Jans, 1925 Capitol Avenue, in the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00), being a refund of that amount paid by Mr. Jane for a Class "C' Steamfitterts examination fee, he having withdrawn his application for said examination. COUNCI MEN Yeas Nays ayfuss ---Fi�ndlan �Parranto e� -f'e'terson sen �ln Favor lfruax ---Against lm . President (Fallon) RM 6.38 Ca 1171 ►13 C. F. No. 117013—By A'. M. Truax— Resoived, that the %-P— city oM.— be and they are herey uth-I-IF and' Inatrurted to Issue a warrant in favin or the A um JnFe Five (35.00) b 25 und Capitol Avenue, l'na reo[lvolla of that ount Palo by W. Jana for a Clnae "C'• Steamfltte?'a ex- Inatiun fee, he having gltgqdYBWm hl. PPllratl on [or said minatlon. Adopted by the Cuunen Nov. 93, 1839, Approved Nuv. 23, 1939. (Nov. 96, 1939) NOV 231939 Adopted by the Council __-193— NOv 231939 Approved--193--- Mayor pproved ---193_—Mayor W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminioner November 21, 1?39 Hon. John McConneloug Department of Law 316 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Please prepare a r o ution providing a refund in the amount of $5.00 to A. J. Jans, 1725 Capitol Avenue, which he paid for a Class "C" Steamfitter's examina- tion fee according to Receipt No. 100, dated November 13, 1939. Mr. Jans has withdrawn as an applicant for this exam- ination. GG � Architect / LAR..0 Do "to ar a 11'7g i14 CITY OF ST. PAUL coueeu V �. NO. /).ryr OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a'• C. F. No. 1170]4—B W. A. parraneo— OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM I K Mi` unxr—o, , Barru -- PRE3ENTEo BY s ;hat 71r mase ppH.d mr COMMI3310N ER t .�904e;C4b4ir `�r vr..,a••!6t6e DATE P RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Joseph Doty 201 E. 4th St. Restaurant Opp, 37250 Renewal Minn.Amusement Co. 1560 St. Clair St. Confectionery of 37420 11 City Fuel Co. 939 W. 7th St. Fuel Dealer of 37486 n M. L. Glischineki 1060 Hand Ave. Grocery to 37590 of Julia McCarthy 491 St. Peter St. Hotel of 37613 a A. A. Williams 1096 Grand Ave. Restaurant s 37621 of n n s 11 Off Sale Malt n 37622 n Margaret Dyczkowski 149 State St. Grocery t1 37665 of Oust Swenson 2327 Charles St. Restaurant n 37749 n Aichele Bros. Harvester & Johnson Pkwy. Fuel Dealer 11 37772 of Union Gospel Mission 445 Wacouta St. Hotel a 37826 a Stella &ossak 979 Arcade St. Grocery of 37931 a Clarence Iserman 1900 Stillwater Road On Sale Malt ofit 379 11 n ° ° Restaurant 11 37SN If n n n n Off Sale Malt It 37935 If H. W. Milne 1330 White Bear Ave. Confectionery a 37944 11 Anderson & Moe 269 E. 7th St. Restaurant of 37950 of 0. L. Lindstrom 635 Ivy St. Grocery 11 37x61 11 Midtown Theatre Corp. 1533 Como Ave. Motion Picture of 37969 1+ Walter Heck 1950 Hyacinth Grocery 37969 11 COUN LMEN ((fi�e Adopted by the CounciP V 23 109 193— Yeas Nays eq �B 95 an Approved 'OV 231`�9 193— annto Xeterson In Favor i n ayor �1'ruax Against 'Ir, President (Fallon) 1'LiBLISHFT}—�—`lj 5M sax Cs �• —� •'c Od.l.•I b City D.e. 117()15 CITY OF ST. PAUL 2uwca- NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (/�''` C COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY "'f' A y � DATE COMMISSIONER_ 1 U"� 1HERE,AS, the Sinking Fund Committee has received the following offer= NAME OF FIRM %IND OF BOND RATE MATURITY AMOUNT BASIS Kalman & Co. St.Paul School July 1,1951 1,000 2.60 and recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Committee in the purchase of this bond for the Participating Certificate Fund, and 7MREAS, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor, the Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. C. F. No. 117015—By John S, Ftnd)an— Nhererts, the SIakiag oFund Clunmit- toe had received the fllowing ofrer: Name of firm—Kalman Name Ca; kind o[ bond—St. Pnnl School; rata-8r/r: mnturlty—July J, 1951: amount— $1,000; baeia—Y.00: nntl e e da that the Counetl con- t In ethenaeum, of the Camml toe In the purchase f thl , bond for the Par- ticipating em of oat. Fund, d Wherertsthe Council is oft o op a - ,m, thrtt the nbove offer ehoald be ac- cepted: therefor¢, be it neeolved, that the Mayer, the Com- lesioner of Fa innce nd tAe Comp- I troller b¢ an,, they area author- Ized and directed to connummata the trnneactlon. 11 Adopted by the Council Nov. 39. 1939. Approved Nov. 38, 1939. INov. Y5, 1999) Vt pp�� ' NS COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council'OV 231 193— Yeas . Nays E9s NOV 231939 d nApproved 193— :r nto Peterson In Favor ayor ,Aosen I3`ruax Against ,.Ar. President (Fallon) 5M "9 CS o,ithw t. aty a.,v 117016 CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i ,COUNCIL teR�ESOLUTIO0 --- GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER_ T rim ' " V'✓w`"�- DATE Nov 2a3-, 19-39. WHEREAS, Louis A. Riesch, an employe of the Bureau of Buildings, Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, for the convenience of the said department, applied for a notary public commission and was appointed a notary public and expended the sum of $11.75 for a surety bond and other necessary expenses in such appointment, and WHEREAS, in his capacity as notary public no fee is charged the City for his services, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the sum of $11.75, payable out of the Public Buildings Fund, 20—B-4, to re— imburse said Louis A. Riesch for said expense. Nop117016—By F. M. Tru en— Whenr9[9[ LOUIS A. Rteaeh, Parye..epl 1of �ur'u Of g iidin rr P, M Nov 231939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— Yeas Nays at s indlan NOV 2319;19 Approved 193 ,-Parranto ,P'e'terson In Favor n -' 1, Mayor �1//r.. --- (-�_Against i10lr. President (Fallon) Q bm 648 os PUBLISHED3/ Od94ul 10 at, Gk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM J COMMISSIONER_ �y b tt'1'�',`"` DATE - RESOLVED, That there be and hereby is appropriated out of the Forestry Revolving Fund (1005) the sum of $1.72 payable to Louis Fine, 1720 Stanford Street, St. Paul, for the purpose of reimbursing him for an assessment for tree trimming work against property described as E. 20 ft. of Lot 6 and W. 30 ft. of Lot 5, Block 9, Macalester Villas Addition, as the assessment was levied in error, and the property owner having paid this amount as represented by Tax Recdpts Nos. 39607 and x}81573. COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays troans Zrra`acrnto �gterson In Favor Posen 12 lfruex Against "Mr. President (Fallon) 63( 6,33 Ca C. jr. No. 117017—BY F. M. Truax— Reaolved, That Cher an Lhe ForentYYb ROR p roprlated o t [ [ 91.T2 volving Fund (1DOF7 the m pn Yuble to Loula Ftne. ]720 8laaford Blreet, 9t. Paul, Cor Lbe apuI, a C Imburaing him [or n ae Beament for tree trimming work agalnat Droperty described E. 20 [t. o t,(p gEta, 30 [l. o{ Lot Dg B belt a itiesament Wna IeviieAddon. levd In trot, and the Pae ieDrBee1 having paid this emonn ! 1 by Tax ReceiDta NOs. ell and 81873. Adopted Dy the Counefl Nov. 29, 7939. id Nov. 23. 1939. wr x e (Nov. >!6. 1934j Adopted by the Council NOV 231939193— NOV 23 I= Approved 193— ayor cm,h l to an a. k11 ! � 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL .pax ��� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK v COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMSIENTIEDBYMIES ONER �I t L -'`A'..- DATE — RESOLVED, That there be and hereby is appropriated out of the Forestry Revolving Fund (1005) the sum of $1.95 payable to Wm. Gieseking, 737 Plum Street, St. Paul, Mlinnesota, for the purpose of reigibursing him for an assessment for tree trimming work against property described as Lot 17, Auditor's Sub -division No. 20, as the assessment was levied in error, and the property owner having paid this amount as represented by Tax Receipt Nos. 12702 and 70425. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barf uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Fallon) SM 6-38 CS C. F. No, 117019—By F. al. Truax— Resolved, That there be and hereby In appropriated out of the Forestry Re volving Fund (1006) the sum f 31.90 payable to Wm. Oleseking 737 Plum Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, {or the pur- puss u[ reimbursing him Tor an gssess- ent Tor tree trimming ork galnat property descrlDed as Lot 17, Audi' [ora Sub -d lv lsion No. 20, ax the asseas- nt was levied In error.and the prop- erty owner having paid hismount as represented by Tea Rerelptn Non. 12702 .ad 70425. Adopted by the Council Nov. 23, 1939. ,4 pprored Nov. s_3. 1939. (Nov. 26, 1929) Adopted by the CouncilNOV 20 1939 193— NOV 231935 Approved 193— In Favor ayor Against 011.1..11. Qtya k 1171 X19 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �,....-- COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONERDATE__ - RESOLVED, That there be and hereby is appropriated out of the Forestry Revolving Fund (1005) the sum of $1.37 payable to A. H. Eineks, 2693 West Seventh Street, Saint Paul, for the purpose of reimbursing him for an assessment for tree trimming work against property described as Lot 17, Block S, Davernls Burren Addition, as the assessment was levied in error, and the property owner having paid this amount as represented by Tax Receipt Nos. 23576 and #62903. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Fallon) 6M 6.38 Ca I' -'r . No. 117019—By F. M. Truaz— [esolved, Thnt there be and hereby Is ppro Prlated t f the Fore. try Re- \'oiving Fund (1006) the a uof {1.37 payable to A. H. Elneke,3693 Welt Seventh Street, Saint Paul, for the pur- Po.e of reimbursing him for an ass ss- ent for tree trimming work against prapurty describeds Lot 17, Block S. =ern's Burr— Addl lion, e, the enl t s levied In a and the property ncr liavingrropa Id this on n represented by Tnx Receipt Nos.23570 and 62908. Adopted by the Council Nov. 23, 1939, Approved Nnv. 23, 1939. (Nov. 26, 1939) Adopted by the Council NOV 23 1939 Approved NOV 231939 193 In Favor Mayor Against 0d11W L. Gly Oak 117020 CITY OF ST. PAUL rttE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �- COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER1^,�J(.,r., •Q ��": ----_----DATE RESOLVED, That there be and hereby is appropriated out of the Forestry Revolving Fund (1005) the sum of $1.40 payable to Theresa Groess, 102 W. Rose Street, St. Paul, for the purpose of reimbursing her for an assessment for tree trimming work against property described as Lot 4, Block 3, Stinson's Rice Street Addition, as the assessment was levied in error, and the property owner having paid this amount as represented by Tax Receipt Nos. 26174 and #70519. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barf uss Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax —__Against Mr. President (Fallon) 8M 0 -as Cs C. P. Nn. 117020—IIv I . M. Trua'i— Resolved. That tftere he and hereby 1s appropriated t P the Forestry Re- volving Fund (10 06) the su f $1.40 9tr ¢DIeSL Paule ,G[h.,,,jro W..Rose lmburatog her for n easment for 'tree trimming workrn galnat property deacriDed x Lot 4, IIlock 3, Stlnson'e Rice'Street Addition, and the ii property r having paid thlx .mount as D- ented by Tax Recelpts Nov. 26174 and Adopted by the Council Nov. 23, 1939. Approved Nov. 23, 1939. (Nov. 36, 1939) - I Iv 2 319M Adopted by the Council_—_____-193— /A�p-prroo(vvend `\ V 2 3 1939 —193 — Mayor crawl to City a.h CITY OF ST. PAUL 111" `" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �--COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM FRESENTED BY �,.��� ✓, COMMISSIONER _-----DATE-----,— RESOLVED, That there be and hereby is appropriated out of the Forestry Revolving Fund (1005) the sum of $1.37 payable to Elizabeth K. Casey, 2096 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, for the purpose of reimbursing her for an assessment for tree trilmning work against property described as Lot 25, Block 2, Groveland Addition, as the assessment was levied in error, and the property owner having paid this amount as represented by Tax Receipt No. 75964. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bar1uss Findlan Parranto Peterson --//��In Favor Rosen J Truax Against Mr. President (Fallon) fiM a 38 Ca C. F. No. 117021—BY F. M. Truax—oyy nesolved, That therebe ad here reblteB appropriated out f e lving Fund (1005) the sum of $1098 Myable to Elizabeth X. Casey, Mead Avenue, at. pool, for these spur- n... of relmbursing her forrk gafnet ment for tree trlmming v grooeiaya Addllta a Lthe2asesement waa levied in error, and the propr." neI having pall this amount p - w rated by Tax Receipt No. 76981. 1498 re Adopted by the Counet Nov. 23, Approved Nov. 29, 1099. (Nov. 2 Adopted by the Council_NOV2 193— OV 23 I= N Approved 193- 1 Mayor odor to oir Clk COUNCIL No. CITY OF ST. PAUL �■ %�` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1, 1 fCOUNCILfRESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 6 ,#EA 8156 Face Pieces complete with corrugated tube, insert, coupligg and speaking diaphragm and 6 doz. Canisters for All -Service Gas Masks from the Mine Safety f.o.b. Pittsburgh,Pa. Appliance Co., at a total cost not to exceed $393.901 without asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Fite Fund- Miscellaneous 8-08 C. F. Na 11 G It Z. Canisters ror A t-tlervice uas Menke from the Mine Safety ADyllance Co., at a total cont not to exceed 1893.90. f.o.b. Pittsburgh, Pa., without aaklnB for competitive bids; as tbeee are pat- ented articles and n 0advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Fire Fund— Ml,cellaneona A -C8. Ad,uled by the Council Nov. 23, 1939. Approved Nov. 23''1939. (Net. 25. 1939) Yeas COUNCI Nays NOV 231938 EN Adopted by the Council 193— a ss _// in4lan / Approved NOV 23 1W 193— �t7ranto - /// 44et on !n Favor _ sen Mayor /Truax ,---Against President (Fallon) 3M 8-38 Cs NOTICE TO .... 11'7023 - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.�_ PRINTER COUNCIL RESOLUTION Nove*ber 22 1939 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $_ �g i4 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED ----65513_.TO 65563—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. _ e drawn � ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL NOV 23 W-193 _ //� :� " • `j "" -�" " - eoo - APPROVED NOV 2310 793_ PUBUSHBD I I-� O' W f DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ROLL GALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER IL ({I iyj�� FIOLENNu1.18ER AS }[.K CCC.••RRR ARFU SS BINOLAN PETERSGN RGSEN _ IN FAVORI AUDITED CLAIMS i November 22 g, 9 TR LA WEN2 AGAINST'. RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DR ON E V TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S. COVERING .v MR PRES FALLON EO 30AS NOV 231939 C.PER F O OF ITV CMPTLER ADOPTED BY TME '44'II �V�I� CHECKS ELKS ON N 19�3^A^J-VX I.N.LL"'VEL no APPROVED___.. .__.___.�_� i NUMBER . iex 300 -fie C5 TOTAL CHE K NUMB R IN FAVOR OF _ TRANSFER _ DATE 'RETURNED � I DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS q b n BROUGHT FORWARD 19 236 ryry $16 04854- 7J JV GL • 65513 County alfare Board 5912943 o8 54 91 65514 American d. & stand. San. Corp. 65515 Mrs. Thomas E. Dahill 326 10 65516 Oscar Gottfried 260 38 65517 Grinnell Company, Inc. 192 79 65518 F.A. Kempe, Agent 150 00 65519 William Kranz 25 00 65520 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company 27 58 65521 Mawter Materials Company 5 70 65522 National Meter Company 431 20 182 04 6552] Northern States Power Company 468 06 65524 Northern States Power Company , 65525 Prioe I'leotrio Company 79 24 65526 H&S. Stahl Company 1 013 00 65527 Wagner Paint Company 2 67 65528 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 10 441 50 65529 MacGillis & Gibbs The 10 80 44 65530 Macmillan Company 56 65531 Marchant Caloulatiag Machine Co. 20 65532 Mastery Publishing Company 68 000 � 6553 McClain & Hedman Company 65534 McFadden—Lambert Company 386 58 65535 McKesson wholesalers, Inc. 17 39 65536 Memmers Food Market 5 o6 65537 Michaud Brothers 18 76 65538 Minneapolis Harness & Supply Co.Ino. 1 6o 6559 Mplq.St.Paul & Sault Ste&Marie Ry. 85 41 655 0 Minnesota Chemical Company 37 27 65541 Minnesota Sawdust & Shavings Company 7 00 65542 Minnesota School Board Assoc. 20 00 65543 Model Laundry Company 44 27 65544 Monite Waterproof Glue Company 10 15 65545 Mother's Friend Laundry, Inew 20 01 65546 Multigrapb sales Agency 36o 82 65547 R.A. Myers & Company 8 00 65548 National Biscuit Company 12 11 65549 National Carbide Corporation 25 00 65550 National Expert Window Cleaning Co. 214 75 65551 National Look Company 4 08 ' 65552 Nevermar Company 1 25 Niemann'a Grocery 10 57 65554 Northern Jobbing Company 53 59 065553 65555 Northern States Power Company 350 38 65556 Northern States Power Company 274 96 65557 Northwest Airlines, Inc. 124 29 65558 Northw4stern Fuel Company 20252 65559 Panama Carbon Company g 65560 C.A. Pearson. Inc. 23 � 65561 Pioneer Eleotric Company 138 `�9 65562 Presto Mfg. Company 4 16 65563 Proctor & Gamble Dist. Company 17 W f cm.b 11. Dq• 9.,k- n 117024 • CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CQUL`1CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM r. PRESENTED NER-� DATE RRSOLM, that the time within which to construct a drive-in filling station on the'easterly 8o feet of Lot 1, Gerardine's Garden Lots, also described as No. 1203-1207-1211 White Bear Avenue, per- mission for which was granted by Council File No. 111542, approved June 22, 193% to F. Y. Blomquist,be and the same is hereby extended for a further period of six monthi�rom December 22, 1939. C. F. No. 117024—By F. M, Truax— Reeolved, that the time Ith n hlch to construct a drive-in dllln� station on theasterly 80 feet of Lot 1, Gerar- dine'. Garden Lote, also described a No. 1203-1207-1211 White Bear Avenue, per rei.slon for which w s granted'by Council File No. 111642, approved June 22, 1938, to F. M. Biomqulat, be and m the a Is hereby extended for a furtherperiod of xixnionths from December 22, 1929, _ Adopted by the (7-mrll Nov. 24. 1939. Approved Nov. 24, 1939. (Dec. 2, 1939) NOV 2 4193993_ COUNCI " EN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays c� 1f�p Ba ss NU� 24 1.7�d� m an ; Approved 193— - iParjanto ������ In Favor rson —' yor os 'Against 5M J&CViQe t(T9Q "\ I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 23, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir= The Council requested that you prepare a resolution grant ing the attached application of F. M. Blomquist for an extension of six months from December 22nd, 1939, to permit the construction of a filling station at the northwest corner of White Bear Ave. and Maryland St. on the easterly 80 feet of Lot 1, Gerardiners Garden Lots. Yours very truly, zcr -F c City Clerk. .� 'dt . b" AFFILIATED WITH NORTHWEST BANCORPORATION DIRECTORS '- ALEX HIGHLAND, CHAIRMAN FRED G. KEMPER OFFICERS y y y RALPH KLINKERFUES PENTON M. BLOMOUIST. PRE51- nazit 7111a t 11YcS IZYV l• OEOROE EARL CEO. B. NIENABER. ADVISORY VICE-PREB1- PENTON M. ABER IST GEO. B. NI. BLOM WALTER V. DORLE. GBHIER PAUL C. SCHORR R. C. STOECKMANN. ABBi. GBNIv. VninYpmT1.�linnYrvtx November 22, 1939. To the City Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: May I make application herewith for a renewal for a further period of six months from December 22nd, 1939 of permit to erect a drive-in filling station on the northwest corner of white Bear Avenue and Liaryland Street, known as the Easterly 180 feet of Lot 1, Gerardine's Garden Lots. It has not been possible for me to make this improvement as yet, but I hope to get started thereon shortly after February 1st, 1940. Your approval will be very much appreciated. -kNrs very truly, F. M. BLOM IST. �J1 •a - - odwwjvc�y a.* CITY OF ST. PAUL -••- N^ 197 25 OFFICE"OF THE CITY CLERK C. Fc No. 117026—By G. H. Barfuae, by ! Requeat— COUNCIL SOLUTIO --GENERAL FORM 4V>,ereas, t.,N.,a.be 27th, 28th and '9th, 1980, the Netlanal Institute of Municlpa] Law o111cera 111 hold lta PRESENTED BY y/annual convention In Nnahingloa. 4ti(l D. C., at wh/ch ttmo mqn art.,.r COMMISSIONER. DATE_ nrere•..r,- r F (LL WHEREAS, n November 27% , 28th and 29th, 1939, t$e Natio"i s Institute of Municipal Law Officers will hold its annual con- vention in Washington, D. C., at which time many matters of Interest to the City of Saint maul will be discussed; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that John W. ReConneloug, Corporation Counsel, be, admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the United States in order that the City of Saint Paul may be represented in litigation which will soon be pending before said Court involving the rights of the City of Saint Paul, and the said Supreme Court of the United States is now in recese and will not again convene until December 4, 1939; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That John W. NeConneloug, Corporation Counsel, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to attend said meeting of the National Institute of Municipal Law Officers, and to attend the opening of the Supreme Court of the United y States on December 4, 1939, for the purpose of being admitted to practice in that Court; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expense of said John W. NeConneloug incurred on said trip shall be paid out ofothe COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ ___193— Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved 193__ Parranto Peterson In Favor Mayor Rosen Truax -----Against Mr. President (Fallon) AM 6-39 CS U 25 6d.hW b(My Oak NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL •�" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE -- ` COMMISSIONER (2) Corporation Counsel's Fund (3 A 2), and there is hereby appropriated out of said fund the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary for such purpose. NOV 241939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. —193— Yeas ♦ , Nays NOV 24 f Bar s / In an Approved 193- 1 arranto met on }avor L'" y ruax ---Against PUBL1SMD /,M(. President (Fallon) SM 6 38 Ca ad,IW Wal, a.d< cou..uL 11.'71126 • / ,& r!f CITY OF ST. PAUL .••. NO. U OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK0. F. Na. 117026—By r. M ttuaz I t.. H. Barfuxx— :. O NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORD Wnezeax, the Pubur rote t requite; there- l ocatlon t [ho cttn d-9 pound', of the City of 9t. Pau] u d the iQo}fi- PRESENTED BY - isMoner t Parkx, Pla.. Coda gut- COMMISSIONER DAT coo oll Btha(11inferhdeper Dm en tel t oth ..,t nx Nero com1, •7 .I, ," month of ­p[nmI, -• ^ WHEREAS the public interests require the re-laty>§tion of the city dog pound of the City of St. Paul and.the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds._And..Public Buildings.has_reported.to the Coun- cil that inter-departmental.nagotiations were conducted during the month of September, 1939, between his Department -and -the De- partment of Public Safety, having for their purpose the temporary appropriation of so much of the southeast quarter. of the north- w6at quarter of the northeast quarter of Section.270 Town.29, Range 23, in the City of St. Paul, as may be needed for.the.erec- tion of the proposed ne-w city dog pound-building--and-.the mainten- ance and use of the same for city dog.poun__purpoaas,-and WHEREAS said Commiasionar of. Parka., Playgrounda.and Public Buildings has further reported that said tract is included._within lands heretofore acquired for the enlargement_and.extens-ton_of Como Park and that.no part of the same.__hss.-ever been used. -for park purposes and that there is no present need -.for the uae of the same for any park purpose and that in.all_probability no_such need for the use.of any part of said tract for park purposes.will arise prior to the lapse.of many .years in the futureand that such proposed use thereof will.in no respect impair.the.eharacter or us.e of the same or adjacent premiaas.as park -property, and WHEREAS said Commissioner of Parka,. Pl.aggrnunda_.AneL.Public Buil inns has. recommended that the Counc41 apgr_opriete. so. muchof said -tract. as.may be needed for said city dog pound_purpoaea, sub- ject to discontinuance of such use whan.auch lands.may.be,.neaded for city park purposes, and WHEREAS the Council, upon.dus conaideratien of thia_matter, has concluded and_ dot ermined -_that so much. of .the. said tract as may be needed for the said uses and purposes of. said._city dog pound of the City of St. Paul may be presently appropriated for such purposes without impairing the same for park.purposes or im- pairing in any respect the adjacent premises for park purposes and that such be done, and daaaaibndxtraaixasxmzWxbwxnaededxg>arxtbzxasmaxandxpxmaaaxn8 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193—' Yeas Nays - �I � -- Bartuas /�/ 1 Findlan / Approved 193 Parranto Peterson In Favor t� Rosen 9� Mayor Truax Against Mr. President (Fallon) 6,4 0-38 Cs OYi�ed le pq CIM CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER-- 117026 OMMISSIONER_ 117 126 NO.- , IV O.i♦ WHEREAS, said proposed new building, designed primarily for city dog pound purposes, will be so constructed as to be usable for city park purposes, as an addition to the Municipal Zoo now established and located within the confines of said Park, and it is contemplated that the same will be used for such latter purpose upon the discontinuance of the said dog pound at said location and the resumption of the use of said premises for city park purposes, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that so much of said herein above described tract as may be needed for the uses and purposes of said city dog pound be and the same hereby is temporarily set apart and appropriated for the uses and purposes of the new city dog pound of the City of St. Paul and that in the event a need for the use of the same for the extension or enlargement of Como Park or for other park purposes of the City of St. Paul shall arise, that the same shall thereupon be used for such park purposes to the exclusion of such city dog pound use. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bariuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax MiP President (Fallon) EM &48 Cs % 241939 Adopted by the Council 193 nV Gi 4 1M7O 193 Approved In Favor Mayor Against PUBLISHED W. LA MONT KAVFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL 11 Capital of Minnesota ��/'�� DEPARTMENT OF �t PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner November 23, 1939 Council City of St. Paul Minnesota RE: Re -location of City Dog Pound Gentlemen: The undersigned Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds And Public Buildings respectfully reports that during the Month of Sep- tember last, inter -departmental negotiations were conducted between the undersigned as such Commissioner and the Commis- sioner of Public Safety, having for their purpose the selec- tion of land as the site of the new city dog pound and the temporary appropriation of land for such purpose located with- in the confines of land heretofore acquired for the develop- ment and extension of Como Park in this city not presently needed nor ever used for park purposes. The undersigned further reports that no part of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 27, Town 29, Range 23, acquired by the city for the aforesaid purposes, has ever been used for any such park pur- pose and that a careful examination has disclosed that in all probability the same will never be needed for park purposes and that, in any event, no such need will arise prior to the lapse of many years in the future and that the use of said land or so much thereof as may be needed for the purposes of said new city dog pound and the erection of the proposed city dog pound building thereon would not be destructive of the land used therefor or the adjacent lands for city park purpos- es and that the same may be appropriated temporarily for such purposes. #2 - Council The undersigned herewith submits the plans of said new city dog pound building as prepared by the City Architect, bear- ing date September 19, 1939, and recommends that the land required for such city dog pound and the erection and oper- ation of said building within said above described tract be appropriated and set apart temporarily for such use. Yours very truly, Commissioner LS..0 o od,(a.(ro cur a.* "17027 CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C.Wherea11702 t4 yte.,mnP. t.r..het U R SOLUTION GENERAL FORM WIII and f ,-Pay ent t Cara Rtetake deheagged, n copy [ whteh fa on dr e the ofn ' t r o rlt, - ' " DATE_ ti, .. WHEREAS, by the teras at the Last Will and Testament of Clara Rietzke, deceased, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk, the City of Saint Paul is named as Trustee of all the rest, residue and remainder of said estate, after the payment of a few minor bequests, the sum to be received by the City under such trust to be in the amount of $6,612.46; and WHEREAS, by the terms of said will the said funds are to be Invested and re -invested and the income thereof is to be used for the purchase of books, periodicals and magazines for the Public Library of the City of St, Paul; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the City of'saint Paul accept said trust and that proceedings be taken for the appointment of the City of Saint Paul as Trustee under said will; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that,thf Mayor and the Commissioner of Education p are hereby authorized and directed to petition the District Court of Ramsey County for confirmation of said appointment of the City of Sint Paul as Trustee under said will. NOV 24 IM9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council --193-- Yeas / Nays sass NOV 241939 an _ , Approved 193— Parranto ,Peterson In Favor Mayor o n r u Against Q President (Fallon) SM 6.3a Cs PUBLISH>✓D� LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF CLARA RIETZRE I, Clara Rietzke, an unmarried woman, of St. Paul, Minnesota, being of lawful age .and of sound mind and memory but mindful of the uncertainty of life, do make, publish and declare this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time made. FIRST: I direct the payment of all my dust debts and the ex- penses of a modest funeral by my Executor hereinafter named. SECOND: I give and bequeath to The Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Wisconsin and other States, a religious corporation, the sum of Three Hundred (6300) Dollars. THIRD: I do give and bequeath to the then acting president of that certain unincorporated organization known as the Minnesota Garden Plower Society, of the Cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, the sum of Two Hundred (6200) Dollars, not for his or her own use and benefit, however, but upon the terms and conditions following. I direct that my said trustee expend said sum within two years after the entry of the final decree in my estate for the benefit of said Minnesota Garden Flower Society and in such manner as a majority of the officers of said Society may direct. FOURTH: All the rest, residue and remainder of my property and estate, of every kind and nature, real, personal and mixed, and whether now owned or hereafter acquired by me, I do give, devise and bequeath to the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, not for its own use and benefit, but in trust upon the terms and conditions following: 1. The trust estate herein and hereby created shall be as% up by my said trustee on its books and records and shall be forever known and designated as the "Herman W. Rietzke Memorial Fund.* 2. The said City of Saint Paul, as'trustee aforesaid, shall take charge of, manage and control the trust estate and invest and re- invest the same in such forms of investment as may from time to time be *authorized aoourities,° as that term is now or may hereafter be (E) defined by the laws of the State of Minnesota. I authorise my said trustee to retain so long as it deems beet, any real estate or In- vestments which may belong to my estate at the time of my death. _- 3. My said trustee shall expend the not income of the trust ;= estate, or such part thereof as may be requested by the city official then having charge of public libraries of the City of Saint Paul and the then acting librarian of the principal library of the City of Saint Paul, for the sole purpose of buying from time to time such books, periodicals, magazines and newspapers as may be designated and selected by said oity official and by said librarian. . 4. Any part or portion of the unexpended balance of the income remaining in said fund at the expiration of any year shall be added to and become a part of the corpus of the trust estate. B. My said trustee in every book or volume purchased from the income of the trust herein created shall have securely pasted therein a book mark or label substantially as follows: "'Phis volume is purchased from the income of the Herman W. Rietzke Memorial Fund," and every newspaper, periodical or magazine shall have stamped thereon substantially the following: "Acquired from the income of the Berman W. Rietzke Memorial Fund." 8. The books or volumes purchased and the papers, magazines or periodicals subscribed for hereunder and pursuant to the pro- visions of this trust need not be permanently retained or kept by the City of Saint Paul but may be disposed of at such times and in such manner and from time to time as may bs�reoommended by said official of the City of Saint Paul having supervision and charge of public libraries and of the then acting librarian of the prin- o1pal public library of sold city. The books purchased or news- papers, periodicals or magazines subscribed for in lieu of those disposed of, however, shall carry the same book mark or have stamped therein the same endorsement as placed in or stamped upon books, magazines, periodicals or newspapers originally purchased r or acquired hereunder. If for any reason this trust shall be hsldillegal or unlaw- (3) ful by a court of competent jurisdiction, then the devise and be- ) quest herein set forth to the City of Saint Paul, as Trustee, shall be treated as an absolute gift to said city and the pro- visions herein shall be treated as suggestive only and not mandatory. FIFTH. I do hereby nominate and appoint my attorney, James C. Otis, of St. Paul, Minnseota, the Executor of this my last will and testament, and I direct that no bond be required of him for the faithful discharge of his duties as such Executor; and I hereby authorize and empower my said Executor to sell and convey any real estate of which I may die seized, or any part or portion thereof, to such person or persons, upon such tome, and for such amounts as to him may sees just and proper. IN TESTIMONY eEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 1_ day Of April, A. D. 1934. Clara Rlotzte URAL) The foregoing instrument consisting of four (4) typewritten pages, si6ned at the end thereof and on the margin of each page thereof by the above named testatrix, Clara Ristzke, was by her said Clara Rietzks, signed, sealed, published and declared at ;6 date thereof as arid -for bar last will and testament in the presence of us and each of us, who at her request and in her presence and In the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto. Mary C Stevens of St. Paul, Minnesota, fidelis Bj Walther of St. Pauly Minnesota, Florence M. wallraff of St. Paul, ginnssota. cdobwt.aty 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL n�i NO. FICE OF THE CITY CLERK �JW QOL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Tiovember224, 1939 RESOLVED: That Restaurant license $768, expiring April 29, 1940, On Sale Malt Beverage license #5684, expiring April 29, 1940, and Off Sale Malt Beverage license $8544, aspiring July 11', 1940, issued to Obarles Hinton at 722 W. 7th St. be and the same are hereby transferred to Mrs. Elizabeth Hinton at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. Transfer inf. approved by 0—oil* Nov, 214 1939, Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas %� Nays Ba nsa lap a auto 'Peterson �en President (Fallon) am 6-98 os :4•. F. No. 117028—By O. H. Barfusd— F. M. Truax—W. A. Parrnntn— Re..Wed, That Restnurnnt Ilosone No. . `68 Dtrinq ADDrll 29, 1940 On Sale Itnit Beverage Ilcenne No. 6f{84, (r- ing Apr{I 29, 1940, ad OR Sales Malt Beverage license No. 8644, expiring .luly 11 1940, Issued to Charles Hinton t 722 �W. 7th St. be and the a are 1 hereby transferred to Mrs. Ellrsbeth Hinton at the same address and the m.Prol°e rtcihe Properofficers changes Int thet catYe ieTranefer In/ormell)• ➢Droved by ('Dune',, Nov. 21, 19a9. Old location. Adopted by the Connell Nov. 24. 1939.1 A Pproved Nov. 24. 1939. (Dec. 2, 1939) ' Adopted by the Council NOV 241939193— JOV 241939 Approv 193— In Favor { Against QNIIW to CMY COUNCIL NO. 117i)I �y r CITY OF ST. PAUL nu °A OFFICE OF THE CITY -CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM r RESOLVED: That license for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 379222, applied for by Qadys Hagen and Sybil Reichow at 660 E. 7th St, be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee, PROVIIfBD, HOWEVER: that this establishment shall not be open for business *W j New, Informally approved by Council November 22, 1939, Old Location. CObNCILMEN Yeas ��/��/ Nays s tad an nto eter sonn _Y,6'.'pn /- ,l41lPresident (Fallon) eM 5Hw fa c. F. No. 117029-131 (3- H. Bar[uae— P. M. Truax—W. A. Pnrranto— Ilesolved. That Boenxe [or On gale MHit Beverage, ppli—tion 37922, p piled for by Gladys Hagen and 8'b11 nme Is leereby Rrnnteth d anbs d thed City Clerk le fnatructed to leave such 11 upon the payment Into the elty,, lr_ry of the r""""d'[ee . Provided. However; That this labllahment shall not be open for buxl-I after A. M. on Sunday.. 1eNe w. Informally ➢Proved by Coun- _ < I], Nov. 22, 1939, Old location. Adopted by the C...oll Nov. 24. 1939.1 A pDroved Nov. 24, 1939. (Dec. 2, 1939) 0 Adopted by the CounJOV _24"193— NOV 2419N Approved 193— __41n Favor � Ma r Against omrr b Ctlr Guo X 11 030 CITY OF ST. PAUL `niiNC1L IVO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMEISSIONER DATE November 24, 1939 RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 37913, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 37914, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 37915 applied for by Michael J. Walsh at 1315 Rice St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C. F. No. 117030—By G. H. Barfuse— V. M. Truax—W. A. Parranto— iteeolved, That license for Reetau- oot, app' leation 37913, On Pale Malt Beverage, application 37914, and OR, Sale Malt Beverage, application 37916, iapplied for by Michael J. Walsh at 1315 Rlce SL be and the Same ere here- .tructedted to issue Sund ch He ..eary le 'he - paygent into the city treasury of the required [sea. New. Informally approved by Coun- rll, Nov. 21, 1939. Old location. Adopted by the Council Nov. 24, 1839. Approved Nov. 24, 1939. (Dec. 2, 1939) - Now, Informally approved by council, Nov. 21, 1939, Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �t3gytUes � . innin�lav// FF nto � e son - In Favor n Z6z Against �President (Fallon) am Baa 08 a (\ Adopted by the Council NOV 241939193— NOV 241939 Approved _193— I Ma or 0,181.4toat, i CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.�� )3� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PB€SENTED Nv R 1 RBSOLVM: That On Sale Balt Beverage license #5370, expiring December 15, 1939. Restaurant license #421, expiring December 15, 1939. and Off Sale Malt Beverage license #7551, expiring December 15, 1939. issued to Mrs. Greta Masloski at 775 W 7th St. be and the same are hereby transferred to Mrs. Greta Masloski at 620 W. 7th St. and the proper city officers are irstracted to make the proper changes in the cityls records. S Transfer informally approved by Council, Aug. 24, 1939, New Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 4ar[wsl in Ian �a canto /f ,son In Favor sen �ru Against r. President (Fallon) 1H 818 ie C. F. No. 117031—By O. H. Barfues— "F, M. Truax—W. A. Parrartto— Resolved, That On 'Sale Malt Bever- age license No. 5370, xpiring December 15, 1939, Restaurant license No. 421, ex- piring December 16, 1939, and Off Sale Malt Beverage license No. 7631, expir- Ing December 16, 1939, Issued to Mrs. Greta M"J"Iti at 776 W. 7th St. be and the same re hereby transferred to Mrs. Greta Masl oekl at 820 W. 7th St. and [he Dropp ity 0 cera re In- structed to ma9car the proper changes in the city'. r rds. Transfer informally approved by Council, Aug. 24, 1939. Old location. Adopted by the Coun ell Nov. 24, 1939. Approved Nov. 24, 1939. I Dec. 2, 1939) NOV 241939 Adopted by the Council -193_ NOV ouncil 193— NOV 241939 Approved 193— -- ��Q-y oflr.r ro osr 43.1, COU „�,� CITY OF ST. PAUL .7t■ NO.— OFFICE O•-OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 117082—a> W A. Pan anto— COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM F. M. T 7 i Harcuae ftehpl ix n all If d for t t - PRESENTED BY DATE _..s-.: ae� 8r X24 j 4 9 COMMISSIONER_ RESOLVED: That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue :such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: George Cohen 33 E. George St. Grocery App. 37746 Renewal n a n a Off Sale Malt " 37747 " Atlas Gas & Oil Co. 1190 Randolph St. Gas Station " 37769 " Marion F. Gey 397 N. Prior Ave. Restaurant n 37774 " n n If a On Sale Malt " 37775 " fl n If a Off Sale Malt a 37776 " Geo. Primeau Jr. 629 University Ave. Confectionery " 37778 " Oriental Oafe.Inc. 419 Wabasha St. Tavern " 37779 " n NNDance Hall. " 37780Jo4h E. :ermachaid 691 Edmund St. Grocery " 37792 a Fred Seebeck 62 w. Winifred Gas Station " 37794 n Alex Slopka 1296 W. 7th St. Grocery " 37789 " %regal & Laska Inc. 390 Selby Ave. Confectionery " 37790 " Minn. Amusement Co. 1053 Grand Ave. Motion Picture " 37791 " Minn. Amusement Co. 1560 St. Clair St. Motion Picture " 37792 " Warren -Pontiac Inc. 760 Grand Ave. 2nd Head Auto Mr. 37793 " Sam Zuckman 1029 Hastings Ave. Confectionery App. 37794 " Sinclair R-04ning Co. 2226 Univ. Ave. Fuel Dealer " 37795 " Twin Cit3l Theatre Co. 32 W. 6th St. Confectionery " 37796 " W. Most 1026 Front St. Butcher " 37900 " Jacob Shear 559 Blair St. Grocery " 37901 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved 193— Parranto I Peterson In Favor Mayor Truest Rosen Against 71 Mr. President (Fallon) am 648 cs • Odow to Cryr Oak CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ DATE -2- ^ Carl Hansen 581 Robert St. Harry Strenglis 460 St. Peter St. ry a n u u N n n George Heimel 637 Stryker Ave. Morris Senensky 263 W. Central Louis Taple 1039 Marshall Ave. ry a n n Walter J. Toskey 902 Barrington Ave. n ry 11 fl n a n fl Boris Reizman 527 Anita St. Julius Volk 183 E. Fairfield n n n ry Matt Diebel & James Ilk 1340 Thomas St. ry ry N tl N W. B. Soukup 721 N. Snelling Schleh Bros. 611 University Ave. Rose Gangl 1293 Rice St. St.Paul Theatre Co. 21 W. 7th St. Sam Unovich 1818 W. Minnebeha n n ry n M. L. Frankel 217 Mt. Airy COUNCILMEN " Yeas Nays " Barfuss " Findlan " Parranto ^ Peterson In Favor Rosen " Truax Against Mr. President (Fallon) " am 048 Cs " 117032 "iia""' No Restaurant App. 37903 Renewal On Sale Malt ^ 378o6 ^ Restaurant I" 37807 " Off Sale Malt ^ 37808 ^ Butcher " 37809 " Butcher " 37810 " Grocegy ° 37913 " off Sal a Malt " 3791 ^ Restaurant " 37815 " On Sale Malt " 379i6 " Off Sale Malt " 37917 ^ Grocery " 37919 ^ Motion Picture " 37819 ^ Confectionery " 37920 " Confectionary " 37821 " Off Sale Malt ^ 37922 ^ Grocery " 37823 " Fuel Dealer " 37925 " Grocery " 37930 " Stage Performance " 37932 ^ Grocery APP• 379j9 ^ off Sale Malt " 37940 ^ Grocery " 37841 ^ Adopted by the Council 193— Approved 193— Mayor all.rbcarcl«u 11 HCI� N I llV2 CITY OF ST. PAUL Q OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE NOVk193,9 COMMISSIONER_ Tl T3-- 627 Jackson St. David Greenberg 1668 Selby Ave. G. Reiss Coal Co. 27 W. 6th St. David Efron 720 Western Ave. N. Jacob Reitz 712 B. Smith Ave. n s n a Mane & 01Reilly 108 Concord St. Tory Azzone 627 Jackson St. Thoe. Pfaff Minn.Matual Life Bldg. E.E.Shimota & W.J.Novak 275 W. Winifred Mike George 76 W. Fairfield M. M. Frady 227 W. 7th St. Carl Zinzer 33 W. George St. Sam Kirzner 684 Selby Ave. n s n n Earl Carpenter 232 E. 8th St. Holmes Coal Co. 8 E. 6th St. Harry Pearlman 632 Farrington Barbara Carroll 489 Como Ave. Caleb K. Hassie 5131 Wabasba St. M.Rummel & F. Rummel 7638 N. Snelling Alex Tork 976 Arcade St. COUNC -MEN Yeas Nays B u9s Fi an Pe rsoo Pe rson ax r. President (Fallon) am eas co Grocery App. 37942 Fuel Dealer A 37943 " Grocery n 37945 n Grocery n 37346 n Off Sale Malt ^ 37848 ^ Confectionery n 37849 n Pool Hall " 37853 " Barber " 37854 n Grocery ^ 37955 n Grocery ^ 37856 n Grocery ^ 37959 " Barber n 37860 n Off Sale Malt n 37965 n Grocery . n 37866 W. Restaurant ^ 37971 ^ Fuel Dealer n 37873 n Grocery " 37975 " Grocery ^ 37976 II Hotel n 37882 n Fuel Dealer ^ 37993 n Restaurant n 37884 n 24 1939 193— Adopted by the CouncilNOH NOV 241939 Approved 193— In Favor ayoz Against] PUBLISii� ED as adOW to mr Qak _ a 11703t7 CITY OF ST. PAUL n�i NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ! CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM,1c7 F. N 117033—By W a >:p rr ato— ye I F. o T u �3. H R ` by�their d Tpaat,�1� RESOLVED: That licensee,applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instftated to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: NOV 24 i93 mdlan Sam Cirest 1110 W. Larpenteur Off Sale Malt App.37570 New New Loca. Andrew James 416 Sibley St. Barber " 37603 " New Loca. Fanny Farmer Candy Shops Inc. 361 Wabasha Confectionery " 37768 " New Loca. Mrs. V. Thomas 103 E. Eighth St. Bakery " 37788 " New Loca. Mildred Becker 110 E. 6'th St. Restataant " 37905 " Old Loca. James Piper 719 Raymond Ave. Fuel Dealer " 37911 " New Loca. Lemmerman & Roedler 1170 Arcade St. Gas Station " 37827 " Old Loca. n n n a Ice Station n 37928 " Old Loca. Carl W. Johnson 753 Mississippi Gas Station a 37958 " Old Loca. Dean L. Witcher 1033 W. 7th St. Restaurant " 37967 n Old Loca. Arthur Meyer 604 Jackson St. Barber " 37874 n Old Loca. I Uel T. Earle 498 Lafond St. Grocery n 37877 " Old Loca. Roy Iietzke 404 Rice St. Barber 11 37885 " Old Loca. Max D. Collins 419 Concord St. Grocery " 37991 " Old Loca. n n n a Off Sale Malt " 37892 " Old Loca. Carl R. Salhow 1255 Payne Ave. Ice Station n 37910 " Old Loca. L.M.Ilass & Phil H. Marsh 474 Cedar St. Gas Station " 37917 " New Loca. Hyman Andlxer 189 E. 7th St. 2nd Hand Dir. " 37929 " New Loca. Gertrude Netsch 995 Payne Ave. root Peddler " 37975 " NOV 24 9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays as NOV 24 i93 mdlan Approved - 193— -to �rranto 1 etefaon In Favor (.{) ��! Mayor �s Cruex Against W. President (Fallon) stn sfe ca q �to My � 117034 COUhc+L CITY OF ST. PAUL s NO. OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK ry COUNC=--,.GENERAL- FORM PRESENTED BY ��^ DAT,loyembeir 20 1939 COMMISSIONER_i� �C. F. No. 117034—By Mliton Rosen— 1d Comhat the Northern St tea Powe' parry be ziven pet�mleel4 nto 1nat�- I-4a foot polls n 1hq po•" oe vt Cort+. nt q..ton --,.a i. _ ,f 11 of4o That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the south- east corner of Penton and Alabama. with necessary guys, anchors, wires.'and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Comma Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Cd . xmicipal Nstimate #32101. .41- COIJN5jWgN Adopted by the Council 90V 24 W9 193— Yeast/ Nays Aga=f NOV 241 m n Approved 193— �o �.- :�/?2S n Favor efso- engainst / d� � t� President (Fallon) PUBLISHED , —a am 6• QWW mCur awk- JLJL I I.JtjV CITY OF ST: PAUL :as"`" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY November 17 107/9 COMMISSIONER_ DATE C Thatt to. he U Northern. Staten Paws' 8 Doles on the north aide eof 9t���.1 tthODY, betwen ?n 111 �e " F. Ral,.i.e.. That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 13 poles on the north side of St Anthony, between Snelling S O.N.St. P.& P. Railway Company's spur tracks, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and -wires to be removed when re"ested to do so by the Common Oovacil and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate #31187. N0V 24 V COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—193— 193— Barfuss �T� -- Yeas Nays NUV Cao tN9 N Findlan Approved- 193— Parranto Peterson In Favor or Rosen .0 Truax Against Mr. President (Fallon) PUBLISHED em"aCs odiii.d to Gy auk ,�o.a L No. 1� I �-0 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF, HE CITY CLERK L COUNCIL RESOION---GENERAL FORM ,y�Qy✓ November 21 1939 COMMI$510NER I – DATE C. F. No. I1i999—ny Miltott omen— Th The, the Northern W P wet 'i Cpmpany be Riven permlasldh to Ins! n 2'po�ll gei Ruth, North of vassar, with yy guys, anchors, fres. and Telephorfe' Company to be _11*1d wires. Polbs and to dorso by the Common Co nellp and dbst r said moval to be bornea by the N orthern rStatee Power Company. Municipal Estimate No. 32108. Adopted by the CounMl Nor. 24, 1939, A pprored Nor. 24, 1939. (Dec. 2, 1939) That the Northern States power Company be given permission to install 2 poles on Huth, North of :asset. with necessary guys, anchors, wires. and Telephone Company wires. Pelee and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Coon Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern StatestPower Company. Municipal Istimate- $3211'.18. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ss Findlindlan Parranto In Favor Peterson Rosen /� ,Truax S�Against Mr. President (Fallon) am 648 CS NOV 24 1939 Adopted by the Council 193— NOV 241939 Approved— 193— / ayor 01116r w air 4:1.1, J1 / N 0b/ CITY OF ST. PAUL nix`" OFFICEO THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES 94UTION --- GENERAL FORM ., No. In the Alley North of Msgnolla, 'last est of Abell. Willi neee,sary guys, anchors. w lres, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when r....... d .lue led to de so by the Common Council and cont of by r vat to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. nrnni,11 I bletlmate No. 82029. I Adopted by the Coune❑ Noe. 24, 19.".0. Mr. President (Fallon) am 636 ca That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-10 foot pole on Magnolia, between Abell and Sylvan, and 1-110 foot pole in the Alley Horth of Magnolia, Nest of Abell, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal Estimate $32029. (f r /f/s4 J1� 6 NOV 241939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays p Barfuss NOV 241939 Findlan Approved 193— Parranto Peterson F In avor � -- yor Rosen � Truax Against Mr. President (Fallon) am 636 ca Petition G-46 ��� J�8 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Ic. r. Ne.*117038—Y Whereee, A Ab.t, et and meking of the roltowia D°eat for the g mprovement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement b. LyofSaint Faul,viz.: Grade and oilthe �111,eys in, Blook.6,•1Ferrendale from MaSenty Street to the East and West Alley and from the North and South Alley to Chatsworth Street. Also • aonstruoting • a • sewer • in• -the. North. and. South. •Adley • from . s . pout .460 ................ feet north of McKenty Street to the center of the East and West Alley and • 1'8' 'thd * Eiist' ' i &d 'W6 dt • A1%ey' fi4ft' thi6' North ' &'Ad -South -AITsq -to- .Chatsworth .............. . S.trg0 r................................................................ .............................` ................ Dated this ... 2,04 ...... day of ....... 99XPPber......... 1 ........ .... .939.(/ •�� .... . . ............................................ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: G�ad6.. anA . oil , t}}Q •A17 e9�• •iA • i11oPh , 6.. ppe�rendale..irom• D¢oenty • Street, •to, the.. • . _ ...... • East and West Alley and from the North and South Alley to Chatsworth Street. Also oonsbrueb a - sewer- lit -the North•and•-South -AllW free -s - point. 460. feet ............. north of McKenty Street to the center of the East and West Alley, and in the Sheet'iia 'Vieet'.Ano--1irom•t8e•Mitli-end'South'A11ey-f6' Miittiivo'ith-Street................. .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. �5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ / Adopted by the Council ................ . .•,•.0N 2 4 • ...... • . • • YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ......... NOV ......241.................................. FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT yor. IM 13.39 1 /// �'1 1 1 c' !/ PUBLISHED d Petition G-46 11'700 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. P'. No.* 117020- f whereas, A write. et. - and making of the following improvement. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes themakingofthe following public improvement b/1. LyOfSaint I'aul,viz: Grade,and,oilthe. Alleys in Blook,b,,JPerrendele„Prom Mcgenty.Btreet to the .......... Nast and West Alley and from the North and South Alley to Chatsworth Street. .Also • constrtaotiag • a • sewer • la• -the. -North. and. South. Alley • Srom . a • potnt •460 .... I ..... • . • ... feet north of McKenty Street to the center of the East and West Alley and 'Sri"tlid*Ea6t''bjid'Wdht' Alloy' ftioid'ttii'Ndilth'911d'Sotith'A2Teq't'C..ChAtaWO th....... $.trgo r................................................................ ............................. . ............... . Dated this ... ?0h ...... day of ....... Nogember.............. 1939. /(/ ✓`I .............................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: G�4d5..aufl .oil .t??e..Ail6Y4..A.81o4k.6,. �R�Crendale..from.lSagenty. Street..to. the............ East and West Alley and from the North and South Alley to Chatsworth Street. • • •A2so • consooruct • a, sewer • 4n -the Norbh -and- -South -Alley -from• e..point • %60. -feet ............. north of McKenty Street to the center of the East and West Alley, and in the "'$sst'aitg'i1e'st"AY1'ey"from'the'North'sari'Soutli A11ey to 'Oliatswo'rth'Street. .............. .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / �5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ / Adopted by the Council.................NOV. 2... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ......... NOV 24,10 ....................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN ............ .'L �••^•••••• TRUAX Yor. MR. PRESIDENT IM nr.18 /J r� PUBLISHED � Q PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 11'7039 Council File No ................ 7 The undersigned hereby proposes the taking of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Candemoin8.and.talcineon.eaaeme»t..ku.tete.x d..ma4.Qeeex9..for..Q7®Pes,..a0s.......... and. Ville, in ,the,,grading ,and, ,oiling, of, ,the, Alleys, in .Block .6,, . Warrendale, , , .. , . , . .......RrQm MoBantY..Street..to..the.moot. .Alley..aAd.ixom.the.Noxth..=d.Aouth...... AJJey. to..Chataworth Straet............................................................................. Dated this .... 2+U_..day of ................... NO-VMbQr..,... ,......, 1939..... !/1—�-- t C. F. No. 11703 Ab Abstract. Whereas. written DroDofat for the -----no[ thh e tollowtng imvrovement, ndemaing and PRELIMINARY ORDER. i '"°o th.`e" ,�, •z : ,U WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, outs and.. ille.in,_the„gradjxlg.and,„oiling. of.,the, Alleys, in .Block,b,i,Warrendale.......... Cro>a.McKenty..street..to.-Teat..All ey..oAd.fxom..tha. Nvxth..and. South...... A719Y..tp..Chnt6ti94xth. MtTA4tn.................................................... I ......................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Ly✓�. -NOV 24 = Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT IM 12.38 NOV.t.410 PUBLISMD- i ?or....... NOTICE _ 117040 040 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION r PRINTER November 22 19 9 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 23,147:77 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 65564 TO 6r, INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL NOV 241939 193 �� u j�(]V spY,} / ! CM M"ROLLiR APPROVED__-�-T.i e � 193_ eoo - i -aa PUBLISI-IBD "9- ^3 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1.9 238 22 909503 45 A v DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'y//B 117040 ��® ROLL CALL BARFUSS OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL ! FI/ ILE NUMBER_ - FINDLAN ER - -- PETSON ETEN ROS IN FAVOR�I AUDITED CLAIMS November 22 B3 -9 T RUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY MENZEI -- -- R PRES FALCON �. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF E_Z3, 16��gG � COVERING �(�\/ A �Q (� CHECKS NUMBERED___—. 4ITE OF TITY COC L T ROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— ----ua AS 0 PER CHECKS ON, 1,L'E 00 APPROVED. NQ 24 1939 193—.— cc ou�vr n\c/�E nom% _ _ NUMBER T BY ✓ � - i �Y _ - NArOP e - CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TOTAL -. DATE -- 1 RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS " BROUGHT FORWARD _ 19 238. 7 l7 LG_ag6 i�3C_ Lq LG OCQ Y500 65564 Sophie Willy 0400' 89 65 65 The Midway News 97 65566 wells—Fargo Bank & U.Trust Company 199 00 65567 S. Berglund Lumber Company 109 27 65568 Dr. I.O. Burington 8 65569 Concrete Steel Company lig 65570 Crane Company 19 65571 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 41 35 65572 General Electric Supply Corp. 134 52 6557 W.P. & R.S. Mare Company 23 52 6557 Northern States Power Company 3 117 60 65575 Paper, Calmenson & Company 71 10 65576 Robinson, Cary Sande & Company 118 24 65577 G. Sommers and Company 64 45 65578 Tri—State Tel. & Te1g. Company 604 43 65579 J.J. Gillen, Reg. of Deeds 4 o0. 65580 Mrs. Sophie Lawrence 61 96 65581 Ralph Paul 25 00 65582 Mpla.9t.Paul & Sault Ste.Marie Ry.Co. 110 64 65583 Northern States Power Company 12 221 73 65994 Northern States Power Company 592 02 65585 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Company 237 50 65586 Purity Baking Company 119 25 65587 Roe—James Glass Company 23 29 65588 Joseph A. Rpgers Company 5 95 65589 George T. Ryan Company 1 68o 00 65590 St. Paul Book & Stationery Company 228 78 65591 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 222 03 65599 9t.Paui Buick 3 00 65593 St.Paul Machine works 81 6o 65594 St.Paul Office Equipment Company 44 55 65595 9t.Paul Sausage Company 75 00 65596 St.Paul Saw & Knife Works 1 9 65597 St.Paul welding & Mfg. Company 5� 65598 Schunemans and Mannheimerw 8 92 65599 Service Bulletin 1 00 65600 Mrs. Arletta Shipman 84 00 65601 D.B. Shotwell & Company 77 50 65602 A.G. Spalding & Brothers 39 26 6560 Sperry Office Furniture Company 141 10 6560 R.K. Stahl Company 167 33 ® 65605 65606 Standard Brands, Inc. 33 77 Standard Oil Company 1 535 65 65607 Syndicate Pub, Company 2 15 65608 Trap Rook Company 188 85 65609 `Twin City Sawdust Company 12 00 65610 Tyra Company 4 50 65611 United Chemical Company 36 oo 65612 �ashirigton Foundry Company 189 60 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1.9 238 22 909503 45 A tr ,4 Odobw6.pt.clk 1:17041CITY OF ST. PAUL nii"`" NO. OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R O TION---GEN__ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ter COMMISSIONER_ _ DATE Npv 9Ro 1939 RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with John Toreen, providing for the paym3nt of compensation to him at the rate of $20.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works on the 19th day of October 1939; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordsnce with said agreement the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said John Toreen the sum of $86,67 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including November 21, 1939, —_____ 1i1;041-15)' Alnton noeen-- Ite�plvh,t eet the proper cltY eftlrerx n a �1 n[oe`nnfe Fr rn rebv nuthorized [n Toreen, prov�.r r nr 71th John ^r Pana^•1., rr fJ ..i Want of •I711,` rrn[e COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council NOV 281939193— Yeas Nays Rmfum NOV 281939 Findlan Approved 193T —pan auto— Tw Peterson --In Favor Rosenyor Tax Against Mr. President (Fallon) PUBLISHED r-9 am "a cs OII•IM11. City Ovk 117042 CITY OF ST. PAUL "` (vp,_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK l}1 PRESENTED BY COUN RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER_- /w+ ( CA—%— DATE t F �`��. 117012-13, J.h. V. Flnllnn— pl catf oll­ [or`nrenerr toy tl eh.e Mlnne T t:ornmixxlon rwnn.e m ae. .ur r WHEREAS, Anna Franz has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent, taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Lot 13, Block 3, Robert L. Ware's Baatern Heights= and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1373.18, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $615.96; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $492.58 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $615.96, and that said sum of $492.58 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1373.18. 281939 COUNCILMENNOV Adopted by the Council_ 193 Yeas Nays - VV A )) 8 1939 indl�an Approved 193 eters/P on osen -_In Favor^ �' Ma r -"-- T-aeu President (Fallon) j --Against PUBLISHED -x'39 0 od,1n.I t. Clty Cl.h 11'7043 CITY OF ST. PAUL ;moi"`NO, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CrNCIL RESOLUTION --- GECAERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ �1^�.- l _- DATE C. 1-, No. 117043—By John 6. Flndlnn• W herenn, Flournoy Bnyder hae mars oe the Minnew• f-ieln TO.c..melon rOn i [I to Aellirn' tnzee and ane �nifh i••I' deeMibed Pr WHEREAS, Flournoy Snyder has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lot 8, Block 6, Underwood's 3rd Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1491.38, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $1042.11; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $295.94 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $1042.11, and that said sum of $295.94 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1491.38. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Findlan Peterson Rosen _T•,4e7[ Mr. President (Fallon) eM e -3s Cs NOV 281939 Adopted by the Council— 193 Approved NOV 28 193$ 193 [n Favor 'U I<� --Against PUBLISHED Dd31.41 to CIH Clak CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRECOMM ss F6NER_ �✓�'�' u�' — DATE ,c No 11'76)44 C. F. No. 117044—By John S. Flndlan— Whereas. Joseph Lombardl has made application for relief to the Minnesota asen ommg salon relative lion t'oi Fdtollowhn des. WHEREAS, Joseph Lombardi has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: (Except Wily 14 ft. taken for widening of Payne Ave.) the SW'ly 27.27 ft. of NElly 70.53 ft. of Lot 5, Block 6, Irvine's Second 'Add.; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $219.02, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $101.66k therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $40.72 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $101.66, and that said sum of $40.72 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $219.02. NOV 281939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193 -- Yeas Nays ^_ — Findlan Approved NOV 28 19S 193— Peterson In Favor^ I Mayor Rosen . --.__Against Mr. President (Fallon) PUBLiSITED 6M 0-38 CB � ; Dd,lgd to qty p,dt 11"71.145 CITY OF ST. PAUL `" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C7NCIL ,RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER_ A ----DATE---- C. DATEC Whereas t John PYMeEI sr has maatle PPlleatlon Por relief to the Minn ... to Tax C.d ..l.. relatlre to delinquent [axeo etl agoeesgmente o the following degarlbed - to -wit: R 1. Lot I, 11,k r 1 r VMRW , John P. MoEiver has made application for relief to the.Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Slly 28.50 ft. of Lot 1, Block 3, Rice & Irvine's Add.; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1265.18, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $1041.33; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $418.60 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $1041.33, and that said sum of $418.60 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1265.18. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Findlan div --- Peterson Rosen TT -QW Mr. President (Fallon) 6M 6-33 Ca 9, Adopted by the Council_ Nov 28193 g3__ Approved NOV 281939 193— In Favor ayor _Against >; uul.Is1�D 0IIe1nd to Ory Clek ii I r/iV CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. `t O OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i COEIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_^tom NNS _ DATE C. F. No. 117046—BYY John 9. Flndlan— / Whe �eae, John F. Wltko Mhae made tn' i_tlon to th¢ Mlnneah.. Tax d Com.ion el ifive to JelinQQ ent 'axed and eaemF n the follow- s- aearrmaa nr.— n.., le. WHEREAS, John F. Witkowski has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits (Except Alley) Lot 9, Block 21, Robertson & Van Ettents Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1160.61, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $548.06; therefore, be it RESCLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $17.70 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $548.06, and that said sum of $17.70 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1160.61. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barf Findlan Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Fallon) 6M a36 Ca Adopted by the Council_.NOV 281939 193— NOV 93— NOV 28 1939 Approved 193 In Favor / D1 Mayor `/ Against PUBLISHED �� -� _3? C4111-1 t. City CI..k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ DATE 117047 nix �c rlo. C. 11. No. 117047—By John S. Findlan— Where"'. Nola B. Thomas has made TDpllratia. for relief to the Minnesota ax Commission relative to delinq.1-a taxes and assessment. on the fnBn" i described propertY. to -Wit'.- .9f East '/ of Lnt IR a• •7 ,Block a t1 •t ,,•toi•- wnere�LI+ WHEREAS, Nola B. Thomas has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits East j of Lot 43 and all of Lot 42, Block 6, Highview Add.; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $380.82, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $253.06 plus 4/ interest from date of last payment on Con- fession of Judgment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $220.99 plus interest shall be first deducted from the total payment of $253.06 plus interest, and that said sum of $220.99 plus interest shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $380.82. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays s- �BM I— Findlan Par 1 an ee Peterson In Favor Rosen ___ __Against rya Mr. President (Fallon) 6M 6-18 Cs NOV 2819 Adopted by the Council-- WHEREAS, ouncil— NOV 28 1939 /A�pprov�ed 193— ayor PUBLISHED 0110W t. Glv cl.dl CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By IF,:, �^ COMMISSIONER_ _DATE 117048 rL. ` No. r C. Fi No. 117018—By John S. Findlan— Wereax. Freda L;+StU hna made PPII cat, on for relief to the M,nnexota Tax Commlxxlen relatlre to delie,.ent taxexnd p xesxmen)e on the following dexi f i ,,, BtoPn.. - �.� t � Jlil 1�r t•)li .. WHEREAS, Freda L. Staok has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Lot 9, Block 11, West St. Paul Real Estate & Improve- ment Syndicate Add. No. 1; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $106.75, and the applioant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $73.36; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council Of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $31.46 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $73.36, and that said sum of $31.46 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $106.75. Nov 28 1939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_-_ 193____ Yeas Nays ° 2 8 q p �ieeieee N O VI 1939 Findlan i Approved •7J� 193_-_- Peterson In Favor _ Rosen U ayor 41 tiler Against Mr. President (Fallon) g eM a -Js Cs PUBLISHED_f� / 01i,4rl to Cly Cl.,k 117049 CITY OF ST. PAUL.....:L. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM j COMMISSIONER— DATE_ WHEREAS, the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul t Pacifii Railroad Company has made application to the Minnesota Tax Commissioner for cancellation of $1.60 penalty on certain sprinkling and tree - trimming assessments for property located on the south side of Randolph Street between Drake and West Seventh Streets, for the reason that the County Treasurer inadvertently omitted the assess- ment from the statement forwarded to the Railroad Company; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul recom- mends the granting of the relief requested. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays r s anonWt o iPeterson �en '14 r. President (Fallon) bM 0-38 CS C. F. No. 7170411-53. john S. hlndlap _ Pon lhtr&ePnrifle nallroad Mlonitu kee. St. radepplicatlon to the Ml" Tu< l�omm ixxloner for can ellntlon o[ jT, pe1nalty o certx^n xpr(nkling unetrl tree- [ l mtn in Kn x e tx for propp t lo- [etl Thee .oath xlde o[ Itandolnh. $beet between Drak, and R'ext Sev- en th St rear.• for the eaapn that the County Trenxu rer Inadrertantly omi[- tea the a.xe...an, from the tatement [nrx•arded .[u the Railrontl Contpnny;, therefore• ba I( R...1 -d. that the Connell f the CI t3' of Saint Paul a 1. t11e Fran ting [ the r lle[ Adorr �rluexted� pted by the �Councn Nov. 3A. 7089 Approved Nov. 28, 1030. IT'— Y, ]03A) NOV 281939 Adopted by the Council � —193— NOV 281939 Approved 193— In Favor 1 Mayor --Against Ist._. 1i via 2nd. 1*21 Laid ov,- to _ & app. _Y` Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Ba�rf ss � Barfuas Fin n 6, Findlan arrant./� V Peterson Z / Parranto , Peterson Rosen Truax / Mr. President Fallon ,"Z Rosen Truax Mr. President Fallon �(aJl°el m City Clrrk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. --- PRESENTED BY/ /' ~1 ORDINANCE NO. - 117050 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7842, entitled "An administrative ordinance, relating to the appointment by City Officials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organization charts for the various departments of city government. This is an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for public peace, health and safety, approved September 30, 1937." This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SUCTION 1. That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, be and the same is hereby amended by inserting in Section 14 thereof, under the subdivision "Water Department" the following words: "One Civil Engineer Grading." SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. 0 Yeas Councilmen Naps Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. Presiderit (Fallon) Attest: -- City Clerk J00 @.9e CF 31793 Passed by the Council_ In Favor Against Approved: _ Mayor St.Paul, Minnesota December 7, 1939. To the City Council; I am writing this letter to acquaint you with t". fact that as a civic minded citizen and tax— ,payer of St.yaul, I am vitally interested in the way the city funds are expended. I am very anxious that the necessary amount of money oe spent for sucn purposes as oar puolic lioraries, sci:ools and other educational in— stitutions. I ITU also interested in the sa— fety for wnicn ade(,uate street li,i.ting is needed. Vvry sincerely, MRS. HAROLD P. HEIDMAN 984 IDE SOTO STREET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA I ° � 4 117051 CITY OF ST. PAUL i cl` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM BESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby.•-gianted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Fred Psyhos 445 Cedar St. Barber App -37277 New Old Location Hoy E. Curtis 572 N. Snelling Foodstuff " 3786l+ " New " H. J. Spindler 198 Bates Ave. Gas Station a 37879 a Old " Carl H. Holmes 618 Como Ave. Gas Station " 37961 " Old " Sam Cireai 1110 N. Larpentier Fuel Dealer " 37968 " New " p Tassies Bakery 1540 St. Clair Bakery " 37992 " New ^ R H. Port 568 Broadway Fas1 Deal81' " 37999 " new s , Clarence Matykiewics 499 Omaha Junk Gatherer " 38013 " C.r.N 117061-11 FI..... [��rrnnte--; uax llexolved, That 11-m .. ppiled for by the persons n ed on the lilt [„i .:ached to thin =I.tlon be i me.n a hereby 6rnnled and the. 014 Clerk In fnxtrueted to innue x 'h II - upon the payment into the city tree.. rY f the required teen. 2 8 lu.ln Adopted by the Cou9881 Noy Approved Nov. 881 (Det•. 3, 1489) NOV 281939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas �' Nays suIr s �, NOV 281939 1i n�n / Approved " _193— a arrant nto ! Peterson in Favor sen Against 'Mr. President (Fallon) bM 638 Ca o*mr a W(62 CRY D wuMen / CITY OF ST. PAUL n�. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �c F. No. 117052-14 W. �uq!"'.•""'.a1 '-i COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM rtAA 1�a' ......rwn DATE OVuAme1^29i 193-9- —� RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Jacob Ginsberg (estate) 410 Cedar St. Pawnbroker App•37207 Renewal J. J. Gleason 391 Wabash& Grocery " 37235 " H. J. Slawik Inc. 1834 University 2nd Hand Auto Dlr. 37309 " Louis Dudovitz 1684 Grand Ave. Grocery APP -37571 " M. " 37572 " a a s s Off Sale � Clyde C. Prescott 404 Robert St. r Conf. " 37589 " Wm: Picha 665 University Ave. Tavern " 37777 " R. McMillen 547 Mississippi Fuel Dealer " 37804 " Pittsburgh Coal Co. 340 Robert St. Peel Dealer 0 <Y 37852 " Hick Andert 1216 Farrington Ice Station " 37886 " ° Ice Delivery " 37887 Fuel Dealer " 37888 " Frank Schweltz 1109 Arcade St. Restaurant " 37889 " Wm. McCormiok 368 Robert St. Restaurant " 37890 " Doran Coal Co. 316 Wabaeha St. Fuel Dealer " 37896 0 Harry Rrotchner 916 Grand Ave. Confectionery " 37898 " Harvey M. Smart 1823 Grand Ave. Gas Station " 37899 " Campbell Coal & OIL Co. 19 W. 4th St. Fael Dealer " 37900 " West End Lumber & Coal Co. 444 Toronto Fuel Dealer " 37901 " Frank L. Peterson & Son 1087 Payne Ave. Fuel Dealer " 37905 " Council 28 MS93— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Yeas Nays 140V 28 1939 rss mdlan Approved 193— rranto etsrson In Favor 1 Mayor sen max Against —-3 President (Fallon) 6Y 67B cs - pUIiLiSIjI:D APPROVING A88b9iWEVTa. . COUAIL FILE NO .................. __................... ....... _ - F.- No.. 117465- 4 c.; ^fat' of � -�. '...,, � 1 By �... z f,,• :. 705 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Alleys in Block 2, Hopkin's Second Addition, and Block 6, Woodlawn Park Addition from Blair St. to Van Buren St. and from the North and South Alley to Fry St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon; also grading and surfacing the Alleys in Block 2, Hopkin's Second Addition and Block 6, Woodlawn Park Addition from Blair St. to Van Buren St. and from the North and South Alley to Fry St, to the red line when established, under Preliminary Order.._...__L12.4.4b._... ...____.___.........._, Intermediary Order___1,1Z7.62............ -.r__ .................. _._... __.._, Final Order.... 113001 .............. ......... _..- approved ......_ AR ........ 29ft-_..- The assessmentof......_benefita,_._dnmages,,_._ooste,. e PAR§ea.._....___-Jor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the___27..th ......_............day of pe"abgr .-_3_;35,9,,,___....,,.,_...., 401A6........., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. NOV 281939 Adopted by the Council... ........ ....... . . .... ............. --__...._.. NOV 281939 Approved ......... . .......... --192--File 8532 Councilman ClangnMsmmmasM Rnth-, Mayor Form H. S. 16 ...._.,192_x_-• 0� �...... _`'`"�� City Clerk. ....._...._ Mayor. PUBLISI-IEDJ,2fa� COUNCIL FILE NO... ... ........... __._.................. By _.. ....... 117.)54 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the East and West Alley in Block 2, Denny Hill Addition, and Block 2, Otto Johnson's Addition from Greenbrier Avenue to the North and South Alley, !C. P. No. 117051— In the matte{ f the assesement of beaeate, -oaG ane penaea for gr@ding and 9erfacing th Eaet and West Alley l Block 2, Denny -HIII under Preliminary Order._:...__112105__...__._..., ___..._,,,--. Intermediary Order. ----1121M...._._.....__,_..__.........__.__._., Final Order.......:............112888._..... _.. ._.._.........., approved............_.... _ November .._1.,.._1938..._............._.__, The assessment assessment of...___benefits, coats _and _expenses mor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the._._27th__........ _day of December, 1939 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the t9tal cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ..... ..... _.___.. NOV 28 1939 Nov 2$ 1939 6--41- City Clerk. Approved. .... _.._........................._............................_._192__.�_ �'� File 8516 _.._ _ .....YM (.(...:_.1�<.! 1..._.........., Mayor. Councilman Cl Barfuss Feria F,, 11; n How —== P........ Sudhziraer W enzat Mayor Qtelaou Form B. H. 19 PUBLIS[ILD fa`d'. IM COUNCILFILE NO .................. _._............... ..... ........ _ By 117055 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the alley in Block 1, State Park Addition Plat No. 5 from Eleanor Street to Bayard Avenue, C. F. No. 117056— In the matter of the asseeement of beoeats, costa -d nd e:nrnAe:. fir grd.; Ine�An�' • ¢ nl under Preliminary Order.._...__ 110780_.._____.. _ .._._............... Intermediary Order_..__....1112_ll........ ........................... .._...... ... 111522 June .21.111,-1-19.38 Final Order.......,- ,approved..._..21 ... benefits, costs and expenses for and in connection with The assessment of...__........._....._......._._ ........ ........ _......... _....._......__.. ..._..-_..-... ...._..................._. the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the—_2714 - ------ ._._-day of December, 1939 _ _ _ Vlex at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council....... ._NOV 1 NOV 281M9 Approved..... .............................._.__.._..............._.._.__._ 192_....._. File 8422 Councilman ClasipNOMEMM I3arf"81' 11 FerAISM7= i= Fi dlatl 7=7--'J 11i'l-wt, Mayor Form H. B. 18 City Clerk. .._%...__...... Mayor. PUBLISIICD i,,� -� 3� COUNCIL FILE NO......._... ...... __.................... __.... -_ By-- ................ ......... ........ .......... _.-.__........ _ ............ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for - constructing a sewer on Sigel Street from Johnson Parkway to a point 175 feet east of Johnson Parkway, C. F. 10. 117066— In the matter of the eeaeeement ori benefit-, ec COBta end peneee Por con- tructingg awr on slgel street from Sohnar..l41�' erRpwBn� 176 [ee' ni /.in T under Preliminary Order ......._112240.__,.,..._,.__ __.-_._._........., Intermediary Order- ...._112543 112836 October 25, 1 1. 938 _ Final Order.......... _ .. .......... __, approved._... The assessment of.._...benafits.,_,._costs_and__ezpensea--..__....... ,,-__.._-...._mor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_1714 ._. -. ..day of peoember,-._.1939__ _____.__.__., *F&x,_,,,, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. NOV 281939 Adopted by the Council...... _._.... _. ......... t.... -,7._J_ City Clerk. Approved ........... _2..V..._��+w�......._.......__192_...,_. File 8524 -........_ .. _ .._l.._ ..1..._. �. .. Mayor, Councilman ClarAjMzmcz2azWRnrh,�a /JJ 33 FermiWeneWL F ...,.1:.. Sndl�ar- - Mayor ) --n Form H. B. 36 i / j PUBL1S:1EDj'° _`3 j NOTICE TO PRINTER 11-7057 117r 15� 117i� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILEN COUNCIL RESOLUTION November 27 +93-9-- RESOI��/ D THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY T�E�SURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED Q6 T065753_INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL NOV 281939 193_ NOV 2$ 1939 APPROVED 193_ NOTICE TO PRINTER 117058 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION November 25 9 ,a9_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 32,444.34 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -.6566 2 T065702INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL NOV 281939 193_ APPROVED NOV 28 1939 193_ ! T CITY O—ROLLeR � ' 7-38 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. U70 L-L— TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION November 24 9 PRINTER +Rs_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO T6 661 AGGREGATE AMOUNT 20,719.10 65613 —INCLUSIVE, AS PER OF $— , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO CHECKS ON ON FILE IN THE OFFICE 939HE CITY COMPTROLLER. NOV 28 193— /1 /� -;.F n`a.-, ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL / I / J oLY a MPTROLL[R APPROVED NOV 28 1939 193_ I -� °°° . 7-3a PUBLISHED ` C SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 19 238 221. 930 3O2 55 � 1 r I j III k i 1 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK .. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL — ROLL CALL FIILENUMBER -1 705 BARFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON — ROSEN IN FAVORI AUDITED CLAIMS -November 24 1939— T RUA% _ _ _ AGAINST! RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL MR PRES FALLON ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF SA— COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED. TO 6LvY _ INCLUSIVE. AS _-.— - — PER CHECKS ON�1}�IIFFIC HE C COMP LER. APPROVED. _ _ -193�f//-- ���..__. _. UMBER 211 TOTAL 1N FAVOR OF _ - -- - DATE (RETURNED. CHECK NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BY BANK I w 'I p e BROUGHT FORWARD 19 - 23g 2 7 / 4 7_ Sop 583 45-' ® 65613 Pederson Brothers 67336L 02 65614 McMeekin & Quinn, Attorneys 215 76 65615 65616 McMeekin & Quinn, Attorneys tandard stone Company 740 77 2 928 19 " 65617 B4=ig & sone Baking Company 65 43 65618 Burroughs Adding Machine Company 61 18 65619 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Company 67 44 65620 Capitol stationery Mfg. Company 54 57 65621 The Crane Company 94 sl 656?2 Frederic Rotel 16 50 6562 General Electric supply Corp. 1 801 03 6562 The Grinnell Company, Inc. 87 05 65625 Minneapolis Board of Education 1 00 65626 Peitz Printing Company 94 35 65627 St.Paul Vocational School Revl.Fund 34 13 65628 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company 73 3$ 65629 65630 Thompson's Restaurant 58 50 62 Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Company 149 65631 Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Company 15 75 65632 Waldorf Bindery Company 200 00 6563] Woodburn and Brandi 113 04 65634 E.A. Funni, Supt. 110 20 65635 Ranoock-Nelson Mercantile Company 306 76 65636 Hancock—Nelson Mercantile Company 289 00 ' 65637 Ranoock—Nelson Mercantile Company 275 60 65638 Ran000k—Nelson Mercantile Company 212 0? 63 659 Roy F. Morgan 8 64� 65640 65641J. National Inst. of M.L.Offioers Ries 7500 2 65642 St.Paaul Voo.Bohool Revl.Fund 00 27 68 65643 65644 St.Paul Voo.School Revl.Fund Tri—state Tel. & Telg.-Company 79 24 184 65645 Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Company 70 144 91 65646 Commonwealth Electric Company 476 66 65647 Mrs. Catherine O'Rourke 112 85 65648 wm. C. Reacher 8 69 65649 S.T. smith 11 43 65656 American Linen Supply Company 133 91 65651 Griggs, Cooper & Company 19 13 65652 Northern states Power Company 3 198 2j 65653 65654 Northern States Power Company 1 064 %3 • 65655 N.T. Blaugas Company N.W. Hardware Company 8 �+1 4 g9 65656 Otis Tlevator Company 612 00 65657 65658 St.Paul Builders Material Company 63 84 1} Paint Paul Legal Ledger 73 65659 sindelar Athletic Equipment Co. 42 00 65660 swift & Company 4 65 65661 dNstern Union Telg. Company 28 55 C SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 19 238 221. 930 3O2 55 z i� r z i� SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 50 381 o6 „931 6o4 05 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FIOLENNUMBER—_._1 -11�/'J.!_05]('�)8 SARFU SS FINDLAN PETERSON -- - -.N ROSEN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS _ November 25 TRUAX AGAINST�I RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 6�-.COVERING MR PRE5 FALLON 1939 PER CHECKS INCHECKS 11OFFI O F V COMPTRIV EER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— ••`�V —` APPROVED. / 101 - 1993— NUMBER r�,^ 212 —. i .. ._ -- __ _ J/'J co nvrnoe BY P CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OFTOTAL _ DATE _ - _ - l' STURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BV BANK CHECKS CHECKS n 0 BROUGHT FORWARD CC�1 19^2)38 22_.920 302 55 / ® 65662 Louis A. Riesoh Corp. Counsel 11 75 300 00 65663 John W. McConneloug, , 65664 Fuel oil & Gas Company 956 15 65665 fire. Emile LaBissoniere 33 60 65665 U.A. Barfuss, C.P.9afety 2 00 65667 Board of Water Commissioners 738 37 65668 Board of Water Commissioners 8 6 65669 Board of Water Commissioners 1 583 98 65670 Board of Water Commissioners 957 70 65671 Board of Water Commissioners 698 47 65672 Board of Water Commissioners 30 00 6567 Board of Water Commissioners 76 59 6567 Board of Water Commissioners 313 99 65675 City of st.Paul, Bur. of Aud. 300 00 65676 John S. Fin3lan, C.P.R.F. 885 12 65677 '7.A. Parranto, C.P.Utilities 261 oo 65678 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Eud.3}31 56 65679 Hilton Rosen, C.P.Works 446 48 65680 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 343 83 65681 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 4 156 37 65682 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 5 631 51 65683 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 102 47 65684 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 159 77 65"5 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 359 45' t00*86 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 232 28 687 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 215 89 65688 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 933 09 65689 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 437 30 65690 Milton Rosen, O.P.Works 401 99 65691 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 870 69 65692 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 547 58 65693 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 115 97 65694 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 106 38 65695 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 469 22 65696 Milton Rosen, C.P.'vorks 252 59 65697 Milton Rosen, C.P.Torks 930 49 65698 Hilton Rosen, C.P.Works 511 02 65699 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works582 83 65700 Fred M. Truax, C.Parks, etc. 475 78 65701 Fred M. Truax, O.Parks, etc. 185 52 65702 Fred M. Truax, C.Parks, etc. 447 11 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 50 381 o6 „931 6o4 05 • r I eDUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL ROLL CALL FILE NUMBER_ _ _- BARFUSS FINDLAN _. _ -._ IN FAVORi PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS -November 27 IB39— ROSEN TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY N. R PRES FALLON TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 3- 7—. COVERING —M CHECKS I TIC 1939 PER CHECKS ONE O y[GJ �(fOMPT ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL------ _-2 --- FILE OPOI' UU11'//'11II � .4 'iY. gPPROVED..__�11t 4_. 193_— /L/^ eowaiwo,�e•n NUMBER IN FAVOR OF _ TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK NUMBER 6570 65704 65705 65706 65707 65708 65709 65710 65711 65722 65713 64 515 65716 65717 65718 65719 65720 1 2 65749 65750 65751 65752 65753 TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT IBY BANK CHECKS CHECKS I. I a p BROUGHT FORWARD 50381 .06 331 6o4 .05 A.J. Jana 5 00 W. Most 10 00 Elizabeth K. Casey 1 37 A.H. Eineke 1 37 Louis Fine 1 72 'ym. Gieseking 1 95 Theresa Graeae 1 %0 GustaNs Meisel 25 00 Carl Maronde j3 42 *ohler Ice Cream Mix, Inc. 640 15 rs. Hannah Peterson 24 92 Frank Huberty 13 33 Fred A. Baker 1j2 36 Dr. Albert E. Ahrens 1444 00 Drs. Binger & Simons 9 00 Drs. Bray & Shellman 5 00 Brown and Day, Inc. 7 50 Gobb Olinio 7 50 Dr. E.K. Endress 15 00 Dr. Wm. Ginsberg 27 00 Industrial Commission 9 6o August F. Kroll 20 00 Dr. R.O. Leavenworth 20 00 Drs. Naslund & Morse 10 00 Dr.A.H. Pedersen 7 00 Dr. H.J. Prendergast 50 00 St.Joseph's Hospital 347 60 . 9t.Luke's Hospital 23 80 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 42 038 50 Mrs. Louis Fay 28 80 Mrs. Elizabeth Literski 27 04 American Rad. & Standard San. Corp. 39 47 Board of W. Oommissiohers 1 765 73 Conorete Steel Company 47 76 The Crane Company 30 90 Elvgten Paint Supply Company 12 96 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 39 62 General Chemical Company 969 27 Gillette Pub. Company 2 00 Graton & Knight 61 74 The Grinnell Company, Inc. 56 61 ' 7.T. Koop Agency 15 02 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company 17 64 Minnesota Chemical Company, Inc. 26 79 Mueller Mfg. Company 382 20 National Meter Company 18 29 Rex Linen Supply Company 10 15 St.Paul Structural Steel Company 55 81 9t.Paul Voo.Sohool 3 20 L.A. Soler, Cashier Water Dept., 112 96 Wallace & Tiernan Company 9 02 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 52 146 79 , 772p4 79 ,. CITY OF ST. PAU nu"`f` NO. ,n117060 FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FOR COMMISSIONER / ///7 a�ATE 1939 - Mr. Charles W. Gordon was called to his reward November 27th, Mr. Gordon occupied a prominent place in the civic, moral, and intellectual development of the city, and gave unstintingly of himself, his substance, and his influence to the betterment of all those things that make for a better city, and WHEREAS, The business world has lost a wise councillor, the city a staunch supporter, and we, as individuals, a friend true and tried; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we, the members of the City Council extend to the bereaved lily our most heartfelt sympathy; and be it 'U'R3HM RESOLVEDi That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul and a copy be sent to the family. T C. F. No. 117060-6Y W. H. Fnllon— Azel F. Peterson—(3. I3. Bnrtuss— John R. Ffndlan—Mlltnn' nexen— R'. A. Pnrranto—[r. M. 'hnnz— atr. Chnrlex 1"` Gnrdon all'ed ,�q hln u; 989. x 1 !J COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council NOV 29 1 YeasNaye 8r( ss t�dlan /P / JM Approved NOV �,9 ��7.7193— �a mento In Favor i Z"Yeserson / /i Mayor Truax President (Fallon) / Against HL'D •-,� ��' , /Mr. am'32 CE pUg 2nd._ i e Laid over to 3rd. & app._ Adopted Y Yeas Nays Yeas Nays rfuss ss F}ndlanZil. n �Pptranto ^ arranto Pe rson / I�cfsen ' J /Truax r.ax /r. President Fallon Ir. President Fallon C. N; N. 117061—Ordinance No. 8063— o"itinei to City cl rl. ■T■ N By Milton Rosen— , O L 1 \msor ,„n a,•Y ,•' COUNCIL FILE NO.__,_17j-///=/--- PRESENTED BY.G//—`"''�"- ���-�� ORDINANCE NO._.__--` An ordinance granting to the Waldorf Paper Products Company. a Corporation, permission to construct and maintain a service driveway 85 ft. wide on the east side of Hampden Ave. between Wabash Ave. and Myrtle Ave. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain s Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Waldorf Paper Products Company, a Corporation, to construct and maintain a service driveway 85 ft. wide on the east side of Hampden Ave. between Wabash Ave. and Myrtle Ave. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the construction and maintenance of said driveway as per plans submitted, upon said licensee's com- pliance with the following conditions I 1- The said licensee shall furnish a surety company bond to the City of St. Paul, in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars($5,000), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damage and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising out of the construction, maintenance, use, pr$eence or removal of said driveway. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Commissioner of Finance, and shrill be filed with the City Comptroller. 2- Said driveway shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. 3- Said licensee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance and shall within ten days after the passage and publication of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section This ordinance shall be in force and take effect immediately upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays - Passed by the Council DEC 14 1939 Barluss Findlan Parranto _In Favor 'FeTITRosen sarr' Rose�^ _Against R uax r. esidep�--(•Fallon) DEC 141939 Approved:— Attest: � City C r Mayur__--_— :100 12-38 t78 21724 YUBLiSHLD i2jj • /3 1'R l z fRE CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesotan �era�twed of PUL Sajel y Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner November 280 1939 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to application made by the Waldorf Paper Company for permit to in tall a service driveway at their premises on the east side of Hampden between Wabash and Myrtle Avenues, I am attaching report cover- ing the inspection made by Harry N. Wettergren, Super- intendent of Traffic. Very t}9uly ours, Commissioner of PubljA Sabty IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION November 28 1939 ;::r. 3arfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: This is in reference to ap_lioati0n made by the 'Plaldorf Paper Company for permission to install a service driveway at their premises on the east side of Hampden Avenue between 'fdabash and i.yrtle Avenues. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints and do not find that this improvement will Inateriall;; inter :re with traffic. From a traffic standpoint, there wi.11 be no objection to the ,ranting of this p,3nnit. Yours truly, Farr; ;I, 7(et rp�,rer� Superintendent of 2raffio w1f c To the Honorable, the City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: St. Paul, Mianesot a December 18th, 1939 We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council Bile No. 117061, being Ordinance No. 9063, adopted by the Council on December 14th, 1939• ORF PAPER PRODUCTS CO. ' BY _l ORIGINAL CITY OF BT. PAUL 1 11 Leo IN TN[ CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK cLccn c ovvlcc. Application For License b AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE WnI515 �J 193_ TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY --- Op Fl on 1111 IDUAL I NwR[ Y Y t1+ �rw� ✓� _ FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A__ a IN S IN w AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT ALSO IL DESCRIBED A6 ✓ ys� �! �" •� yyNI BTN[[ ee NO. OF PUMPS NO OF OAS TANK. CAPACITY OF EACH TANK—_--- FILED ��////'dd'-- NwTURc ov +vPLIcwNT BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE / / / IBz-- DATE I' � IS-- DEPART MIIyT- F PUBLIC SAFE1 CITY PLANNING BOARD er /1ti OBJ,,✓_:_ By 94 CITY OF SAINT PAUL , _ COUNCIL CCOJNCIL RESOLUTION "'� No AtITMORf TION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS • Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for the paving ® of St. Clair street from West Seventh street to South Osceola avenue to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, INC., in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 304 of said Standard Stone Company, Inc., for the contract price of $22,532.95, such bid being the lowest bid and said Standard Stone Company, Inc. being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the city of Saint Paul. • This award shall not be effective until written notice has been served upon the awardee by the Purchasing Agent. C. F. N10. 117082—Hy Milt.. 1,o . Ke.0'Ted , That the Coen,' d,;2,. /� approveA th award L FORMABID NO. 304 Committee tltetl ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE 3 28836.00errfo AP the —tr­t NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVwI� �(P Op, ,ri uM' I� i[C RF]�iL�9ENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPr10N. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING.- P1'. AS REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT A8 FOLLOWS: �•f 6879.00 1. AHBE88ED AGAINST BENEFITTED-- - - - - - - - ! 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVHMENTB— - - CODE 31E1 f 5,513.95 S. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE f .. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE i S. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - f e.PWA Docket 1416-F $10,140.00 TOTAL - - - - - - --- " " f `2.2,F.'i2.95 COPIES TO: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IB AN UNENCUMBERED B CITY CLERK AN AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATION O REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT RHVOLWNG NO LOCAL IMPROVfiMHNT NO. COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS PURCHA8ING DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTHD COMPTROLL BY A COUNCILMEN NOV9 YEAR NAYS ADOPTED BY THe COUNCIL— NOV OUNCIL ti /! V IN FAVOR N OV 2 91939 APPROVE. w.A1NBT MR. PRESIDENT 117063 v eo`wea NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK •` 0NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM f DATE To her DO 19n WMRF*St Clarence Gran desires to withdraw application 38019 for Barber license at 642 Jackson St. and requests the return of the license Yee deposited thereon* therefore, be it BESALYEDt that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Clarence Gran the fee of $3.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCI MEN Yeas Nays as inan 11 in Favor 'Pet / / n i/ Against ruax 6M ecer. President (Fallon) C. F. No. 11700to—BF. M. G. H..B rfuee— Whereae. Clarence Gran desires to withdraw ppplicatlon 39019 for Barber license at the return 0of the license Yeedd'eposited thereon: therefore, be it Resolved. that the prober city otn- ers be d they are hereby a thorlaeod to fund to Clarence Gran the fee f ".00 and to cancel said application for ""n" Adopted by the Council Nor. 29, 1939. Approved Nov. 29. 1939. (Der. 2. 1939) N Adopted by the Counri �V 193— Approved NOV 2919 193- 1 Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��,�+eOUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM CGIIMCIL 11'7064 -. NO. November 29, 1939 WS'rMUSt heretofore "On Sale" Liquor license #1341 was issued to John Simpson and Peter Probst at 795-7 University Ave. and WEEW: John Simpson, Peter Probst, and Thos. L. Rice have r6quested that said license. be transferred to Thos. L. Rice at 96 N. poe St. and WHEREASt the said Thos. L. Rice has filed a bond in the sum of $3,000.00 as required by City Ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that "On Sale" Liquor license #1341, heretofore issued to John Simpson and Peter Probst at 755-7 University Ave.' be and the same is hereby transferred to Thomas L. Rice at 96 N. Delle St. and the bond of the said Thomas L. Rice is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorised and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said John Simpson and Peter Probst from any further liability arising after the date this resolution Is published. PROVIDED, 9lMVNR: that this place is to ruin closed all day Sundays and will close at 12 midnight every week night. C. F. -'Q o. NV 117064 -By a. li, ahreae,- . A. Yarranto—F. M. Truax- 11'hereae, heretofore "On Sale- Lle- uor Ifuense Nr 1241 lesaue[i to John Sh IF"' r prubei t ^A^ P'nlverv. - .. :iA I Transfer informally approved by Council, Nov. 23. 1939. New Location for Liquor. Old " " 3.2 COUNCILMEN Yeas " Nays 's9 fn an � a//Fronto -Peterson in Favor sen ruax Against ,--Mr. President (Fallon) 61d 648 CS Adopted by the CouncilRY' 91939 193— A/p/pr�ov�edd NOV 29 Ign--193— Ma or ROBERT B. J. SCHQCH, I _D.__ _ WM. J. SUDEITH G B. BRISSMAN CLINTON A. HACKERT He -----O cer Fire Chief Supt. j Police and Fire Alarm Chief of Police doe\+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL `o Capital ofMinAnee/�sota/ / 1 acimed J 0O Tenth and M(iinnesVVota Streets o G. H. RARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner November 21, 1939 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Thos. L. Rice and John Simpson and Peter Probst have made application for the transfer of OnSale e L iqu A or license #1341 from Simpson and Probst at 785-7 U Thos. L. Rice at 96 N. Dale Street. Mr. Simpson and Mr. Probst have had an On Sale Liquor license at 785-87 University Ave. since January 31, 1937• Mz. Rise has operated a Restaurant and On Sale 3.2 place at 96 N. Dale St. since April 20, 1934. He also has been em- ployed as a clerk at the Cudahy Packing Co. Newports during this period of time. There are no On Sale 3.2 places within 2 blocks. The closest On Sale Liquor place is 2 blocks away and the closest off Sale Liquor place is 21- blocks away. The nearest church is 2 blocks away and the nearest school, 1 block away.r Very truly yours, 3or `�pe, ANY kk -✓ r ; t ow I 1 IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE. SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Applic fum No. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF LICENSES APPLICATION License. 1. Information required to connection with. _-_H6TQ_.IsSQUO". L OQf140 - 2. Name of Applicant 3. Business address__-86--Nortb-Dala-St• _ Home----9.7Z--R*80.1@tRla-- AVG r--------:--._—. 4. Trade name, if any - 5. Are you going to operate this business yourself... Yes- 6. es_E. On what floor located __ __ _ Number of Rooms used _-.pge".- Whirh aide of atreet_-Xast.-.----- - 7. Between what cross streets -s _�hI and-, lie, 1 ------- ------------ - e S. Are premises now occupied_ __Yes_ ____What business. 5.2 bee! lieenBe. __How long_ _ 6 _y ar—s-, No Previous use vacant 9. Are premises now unoccupied. - Row long vacant__ __a- - --- _ _ ,. Have you been in a similar business before 5 yrs. bye .&- 2- 10. Are you a new owner_No where 96 North We St. When - past 6 years_-- --. - _ - - -- l 1. Are you in any other business at the present time. Np -__ - -- - -- --- 12. Have there been any complaints against youroperation of thio type of Place No _—_--------------- When Where 13. Have You ever had any license revoked__ $0 - What reason and date - - -- - - 14. Which U. S. Internal Revenue Special $25.al Tax Stamp will you use ($20 ) - - ---- YOB - [N•ov1 Yes_.. IN.tarM sed - - --- 15. Are you a citizen of the United States - - -- -_"-- - 16. Where were you born.. Omaha, Nebraska When: 1909 - _Mo. NOV._ - Day _27—_—_Fear. 17. Ism_ _Y44 marred. Nly (wife's) (husband's) name and address is Ly1a J • - - - 18. How long have you lived in St. Paul 15 years.- --_ Is. Have you ever been arrested MeroMerchandise_p11IIoh Board .etbmat 5 years a (Answer fully and completely. "rheas applications are thoroughly checked and any falsification will he cause for denial.) 20. Violation of what criminal law or ordinance aM a -3a IS 21. Number of 3.2 places within two blocks__ALMe ��*------ -- - Lia �� 22. Closest intoxicating liquor place, On Sale X blooks Off Sale hlooks 23. Ne .... t Church_ 2 blooks ----- -- Nes rest School one 7 opg bloole 1800 ft 2t. Number of boothe__ ZZ ___.._ -Tables 7 ________ Chairs- -28 - _.-_ Stools 6 25, What oce pati? hhha've y`o'u followed for the peat five years. (Give names of employers and dates so employed.) 3,2 �eer at thedAme address Clerk at Cudhay Paoking'Co. at Newport n.4 fl' 26. Give name and address of two persons, Residents of St. Paul, Minn., who can give information concerning you. Name_. --John Lux a_ Address 154 Univeriity Ave. Name Sohmidtte Brewery ---- Address_ 872_y�e:eeFlt/� C�- --`- (Signature of applicant) STATE OF MINNESOTA, (as. COUNTY OF RAMSEY 1 being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing application bearing his signature ana knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge except as to those matters therein stated upon infurmation and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. (.Signature of applicant) Subscribed and sworn to before me Q this , Q- day of9:3 .. ALICE G. CU -'ICK Notary Public., Ramsey County, Minnesut.a. ' ` Notary Public„ Ramti.•p �uuutp. N,an. My Commission Fanires July '21 k43. My Commiasion expires. (NOT These application Jorma are in duplicate. both copies milt! be lull, filled out, notarised, and returned to the Lieenee Bureau.) St. Paul,Minn. Nov. 20, 1939 Honorable Mayor and City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen; We have sold this date my Hid Lidluor License and Tavern equipment located at 786 University Ave. St. Paul, Minn. to A a '-e & . at 96 North Dale Street, an wou o ve same irat 96 Nod to him at your earliest convenience. Yours very truly St. Paul, Minn. Nov. 20, 1939 Honorable Mayor and City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen; Having purchased the above Hi.% Liquor License and Tavern equipment located at 786 University Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota from John A Simpson and Peter Probst I wish to petition the City Council to transfer same to me at 96 North Dale Street St. Paul, Minnesota Yours very truly 6.0- C e CITY OF SAINT PAUL �t APPLICATION FO�k `ON SALE" LIQUO�/U E®NSE / Application No ......................... Name of Applicant..........,Y ....%...... .. Age..... ....... Residence Address.........r.r �....Telephone . ...... ..111... ......�........ .......... Are you a citizen of the United States?.........4-1 ...................................................................... Have voty er been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? % / When d where?._ i / ��... f ...... ... .. .../ ..'.`... ....... /.. .. r .... If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation............................... ....................................................................................................................................... Whenincorporated?............................................................................................................... If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members.'.. ................... ........... 11 ......... Howmany members?............................................................................................................... A.ames and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager ................................ .............. I............. .. ..... .......... ............................ ........ ........ ............. ...... .. ... .... Cne name of surety company which will s ri.e bond, if known..-...... ,`.... '� / � 4"�.�:`�.'. •.h•f7.•• ,umber Street Side Between What Cross Streets and Ilow many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)?.... Ilow many feet from a church (measured alo streets)?.... _..........�................ :...'........... ..., ............ .. Hoa many fee; from closest lc ur r or high school along streets);:'.4,s...'....'t � �. f....... %�. �.. s J..... Name of closest school... .. ..........�.�.............................................. How are premises classified(under Zoning Ordinance?.... r _. ! :..... 1 .................... _ ............ _ ........ On what floor located?...... ,t. ........ /..,..... If leased give name of oun�tf?Cfi�l /��..1 V Are premises owned by you or leased?... .... ,� �• �ff If a restaurant, give seating capacity?.. r�4..-1.............................................................................. If hovel, seating capacity of main dining room?................................................................................. (jive below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ... I ... ....(. �— ............. ............ ...... .... .......................................................................... I.......... / .............. ....................................................................................................................... ......... '...:c.... j..�.................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ................... ....... ......... ................. ......... ......... ............ ............. ................. I.................... ....................................................................................................................................... ...... ....... ....................... .......................... I..................... ....................................................................................................................................... (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Ifo.s many guest rooms in hotel?................................................................................................. Name oQeside}at proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) ................................... ..... �..;..............r. i , Give names hind addre ses of cI b sut:4_ref9rencces ., I. ................... ............ .... 3.. . ......... ..... s 1 < < THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended P.pplication checke.l by Dated......... _...... .............193 ............................................. License Inspector. tsl a -N SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, ` _ COUNTY OF 1i4 EYss.. t Y..:....�.C.l..... . 1. A_ ................................being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. .. �ub ,eOnd s di beforq�me 9 this. :....dayrf7 '......193./.. Notary Public, Ra County Minn. (� My commission expires. ...`1 LEO"' STATE OF MINNESOTA, '`- , COUNTY OF RAMSEY. ................................................................................................`......... being first duly sworn, deposes and says that.. ...... — .... —.- -the ..................... .... ...... . .... ... ...... ....... .......... .. of.............. ........ ..................................................... ...................... ................. I a corporation; that.....................................has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of .. ..............................knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this.................... day of ..................... 193.... ............................................................. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires .................................. My WOW WOW a.& 111(65 CITY OF ST. PAUL :°:NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTE B K�...e.,.l.e., oo 'I ata BESMVEDt That On Sale Malt Beverage license *5718, expiring May 3, 1940, Eestswant license #816, expiring May 3, 1940, and Off Sale Malt Beverage license ¢82557, expiring May 3. 1940, issued to Joseph H. Kray at 925 Selby Ave. be and the same are hereby transferred to Raymond J. Kray at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the oity's records. Transfer informally approved by Council. Nov. 28, 1939, Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas g Nays ariuss r r nt aneo � 14"elt rson In Favor Rosen ax v / Against ,Mr. President (Fallon) 6M 0-a. CS C. F'No . 117086—By G. H. Bnrfuss— W. A. Pnrrnnto—F. M. Trunx— Resolved, That On Sale Malt Bever- age license No. 5718, expiring May 3, 1yy940, Restanrant license No. 810, xi ! D3�everg.�yilcene9e "'N 1. 8267, Sexpir ing May S. 1040, Issued to Joseph H. Kray by 939. NOV 291939 Adopted by the Council 193— Nov 291939 A�fpprove��d—. 193— 'lLl1►� yor od,wl ro an a„k CITY OF ST. PAUL IITCIL N0..AT7 Vxa /s� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK !'COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B '� ! COMMISSIONER_ DATE - Wavembar 2g, 1939 HESOLM.- That license for On tale Malt Beverage, application 379&. Restaurant, application 37965, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 37966, applied for by Hilda Maeloski and Lucy Busby at 775 W. 7th St. be and the acme are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council. Nov. 23, 1939, Old Location. COMEN Yeas Nays 'ass indlan 14-14, anto iP."son In Favor .d{osen Trfiax "7 Against President (Fallon) bM C8 C. F. Nn. 117066—ny O. H. Rerfuas— W. A. Parranto F. M. Truat— Reeolved. That license for On Sale Malt Beverage, ppHcation 37964, Rea - Malta 13' '"lgentlon 37965, and OR Sale Plied for by Fllld. pManloski 3nnd6•Lucy Husby at 775 W-. 7th St. be and the same hereby granted and the City Clerk a Instructed [o Issues eh licenses up - u[ the PaYment Into the city treasury New.' f formally Y pProved by Coun- c•I1, Nov. 29, 1!139. Old location. Adopted by [he. Council Nov. 29, 1939, .\PPru ved Nov. 29, 1939. 1 ( l)er. 2. 1939) Adopted by the Council NOV 29 1939 193— NUV 291933 Approved 193— Mayor odw.l t. city a.� 117067 COU CIL ��,< CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /�y`�� �y�y�}��jf COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM coMIdEIs N'ER1 di . � DATE November 29, 1939 HZSOLVED: That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Arthur E. Bush a?# S. Hemline Grocery App. 37704 New Old Location Vart Boranian 779 Selby Ave. Butcher " 37894 " Old Iota. Max Halpern 981 Selby Ave. Butcher " 37909 " New Loca. Milton E. teff 744 Hondo st. Grocery " 37999 " I Old Loca. " n n s Butcher " 37990 " Old Loca. " " " " Off Sale Malt " 37991 " Old Lova. Clarence Vaaouten 679 Wabasha St. 2nd Hand Dlr. " 39017 " New Location Geo. S. Dearborn 459 W. Seventh St. Confectionery " 37985 " COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Bar ss lndlan ,A�'arranto et�e son /osen /Cru r. President (Fallon) SM 638 is No. 137067—Hy W. A. Parranto— F. M. Truax—p, H. Hnrfuxn— Itenolved, Thnt licenses Hre pplled for by the perxann named on the IIx[ t- t=hed eo thie renolu tion be d the Clerk tis Instructed a toedisnue the City n upon the Bailment Into tl ehrt f - trexxtry of the r quired Peen. Adopted by the Council Nor. 29, 70x9 APP roved Nov. 39, 1088. Nov 29 iml Adopted by the Council 193— NOV 2910 Approved 193— n Favor 1� yor Against 6-CRV a.0kU7068 CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�wu� ��• NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 117088—By W. A. Yerrunlu— COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM!1T`1ueT—(>. H. F3arfiwn— h nnl a io COMMENTED COMMISSION DATE-f97=c34 RESOLVED% That licensee applied for by the following persona at .the addreases indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feest B. F. Shannon 237 W. 7th St. 2nd Hand Dealer App. 37307 Renewal National Furnace Co. 262 University Ave. 011 Burner Install." 37625 a Wawin Coal Co. 4557 Hiawatha, Mpls. Fuel Dealer a 37646 a Isaac Gozansky 95 N. Grotto Confectionery a 37659 n Wm. & Dan Resler 1101 W. 7th St. On Sale Malt a 37700 a " Off Sale Malt a 37701 " a a a a a Restaurant a 37702 " Sam Dietz 1039 Grand Ave. Confectionery a 37795 " Morrie Ait 734 N. Snelling Butcher " 37829 a Jacob Reitz 712 S. Smith Ave. Butcher a 37s47 a 0. L. Lindstrom 635 Ivy St. Butcher a 37562 s 'Direct Service Oil Co. 2 Royalston, Mple. Fuel Dealer a 37570 a Balph O'Day 283 Selby Ave. Butcher a 37572 a R. A. Reines 1236 E. 7th St. Butcher a 37550 a' Wm. R. Bishop 1029 Kilburn St. Grocery n 37906 a H. V. Shepherd 352 Rice St. Gas Station a 37907 a W. J. Knowlan 653 Selby Ave. Grocery " 37908 " Georgantones & Peters 216 E. 7th St. Restaurant a 37911 a Master Materials & Fuel Co. 415 N. Griggs Fuel Dealer a 37916 a G. & F. Kisch 637 Stryker Ave. Grocery a 37918 a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yea" Naye Barfuss Fiudlan Approved 193— Parranto Peterson In Favor Mayor Rosen Truax Against Mr. President (Fallon) 5M e-ra Ca alar ro as a«w CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER_ 1o."�� No.Ht3 -2- A. M. Borminger 506 Selby Ave. Restaurant App. 37919 Renewal - 0 a a On Sale Malt ° 37920 " a a a n bff Sale Malt ° 3792 " A. Sorenson 911 S. Smith Ave. Grocery ° 37924 " Backer Fael & Ice Co. 929 E. 7th St. Fuel Dealer ° 37925 " Northwest Airlines Inc. Hoffman Municipal Airport Hest. a 37926 " .Frank Adams & Son 600 Drake St. Basel Dealer ° 37927 " E. B. Gould 376 N. Cleveland Butcher " 37930 " Henry Chases 332 Kentucky Grocery " 37931 " S.J.Nelson Fuel Co. 1194 Payne Ave. reel Dealer 11 37932 " Abe Glansman 149 Concord St. Off Bale Malt ° 37933 " Hemben Lederman 201 Bates Ave. Grocery ° 37934 " a a a a Butcher ° 37935 " a a a a Confectionery " 37936 " F.W.Woolworth s Co. 55-61 E. 7th St. Confectionery " 37937 " M. M. Smith 52 E. 4th St. Restaurant " 37941 ° Koppers On. 1000 N. Hemline Fuel Dealer ° 37942 a Behrens -Wittman Fuel Go. 972 W. 7th St. Fuel Dealer a 37943 ° Lampert Lumber & Coal Co. 1415 Marshall Ave. Fuel Dlr. ° 379+ " Louis A. Villanme 444 Webasha'St. Dance Hall" 37945 ° Tavern " 37946 " C. Holz & Co. )93 University Ave. Bakery " 3794�p " 193— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council NOV 29 Yeas� Nays az sa NOV 29 1939 i n Approved 193— ananto In Favor erson -Peterson T yor � i. President (,Fallon) � __,_Against � � � pUBLISHED.1_�� am &W 08 117069 Ddpedt. city C1-& _ couana� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL .� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. xe. 11706—BY F. M. Tran.— COUIVGIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FO pW116788 appy vee Yove 4eo1ltIF 'x,!�',� J the Council aid. o the 28te d., ,• r . PRESENTEDBY l, A r, vember, 7939, et ter o .. COMMISSIONER— f,a.( he Conn• .� n •^od �Y'C: O F i .. - 3.101 ^.F gat —F .3(1i41i 4�n"jn . WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 116788, approved November 1, 1939, the Council did, on the 28th day of November, 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a_ public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain two—story frame building located on the weWt 25 feet of Lot 6, Block 22, Ashton A Yon Buren's Addition, also described as No. 223 East University Avenue, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing Of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas // Nays /BayLnss /� m lan / �arranto �/ Peterson —In Favor le. -en jt'ruax Against ,-Mr. President (Fallon) SM a-38 C8 Adopted by the Counci 0V 29 10 193— NOV 2919U 193- �� Mayor PUBLISHLll f vZ 3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK d�6a9 L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 28, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the two-story frame building located on the west 25 ft. of Lot 6, Block 22, Ashton and Van Buren's Addition, also known as No. 223 E. University Ave. Yours very truly, City Clerk. QI,Iat b OW awk . 11-7()70 CITY OF ST. PAUL r. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. r. N,� 11;o;o—ur r. aijg R'herenx, the Commleeloder or P_kr COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FOR �PIpo of toxthe d Publictl undingx It, - 10 aw.' , ing. 11 1 opx¢ ant' erg 1 ' PRESENTED BY ,, ,( i 16fl1 l 1 n It _ COMMISSIONER TMtgZ ��"�� �` - DATI i^T 1 �..,..:: WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the dwelling, well house and barn located at 1681 Dunlap Street, also described as John F. Douglas 5 Acres, are in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant their being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said buildings, on the 26th day of December, 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by and publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior to the date of said hearing. NOV 90 lam COUNCILMEN YeasS Nays in ss indlan 'aarrranto erson In Favor �ts,osen ruax Against President (Fallon) mat 6-38 Cs Adopted by the Council — ApprovedNOV 2 9 1939 ALppr�ove�d� 193-- /1/ t A Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK D L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration e] Nov. 28,.1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the dwelling, well house, and barn located at 1681 Dunlap St., described as John F. Douglas 5 Acres. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD W. •LA. MONT KAUFMP,N rounds City Architect Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminioner November 25, 1939 Hon. Council city of St. Paul Gentlemen: This Department has had complaints relative to the condition of the dwelling, well house, and barn located at 1681 Dunlap Street, described as John F. Douglas 5 Acres. The dwelling is a two story frame, badly run down. It is open, part of the lath arra plaster are off, siding is loose. The barn in the rear is very bad, the roof is sagged and it is out of plumb. The well house is open, exposing a deep hole. All of these buildings should be wrecked and removed as they are dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. A Dan- ger Notice has been posted. The last known owner is Louise Allain, 2213 Meldomena Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. Will you kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. t� truly, Architect LAR. .II NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL COIJU71171 117072 COUNCIL RESOLUTION Nov ember 28 9 ISS_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TR% RY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT $2x6,1 o0 6X61 OF $ , COVERING ,CHECKS NUMBERED ' TO _ 5 INCLUSIVE, AS PER &.R. Ned l�Thnt rllr Ha he ernwn n. CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ,m. . -hP ^Sli�e4nl ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL NOV 29 X959 193_,• , •'- ', • �'. 211`7,47 APPROVED NQV 2y9100A 193,�Y 7-38 PUBLISI3ED 1A - 02' DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL - ` 8 pep '�.��//yj `i7 ROLL CALL SS OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILENNUMBER 117k2R 1 - FI BARFU FINDLAN IN PETERSON — ROSEN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS o November 28 9I— TRUAX _ AGAINST; RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE OR -N ON THE CITY TREASURY MENZEL R FRES FALLON TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING NCLU SIV E. AS CHECKS NUMBERED O pI{ o ON FFI CSE PrTHEIMPTR ER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL {�.%--1A{VV- PER CHECKS T CO NOV_ APPROVED_ -193- NUMBER 214 — YR -- BY - - -- - TOTAL CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF _ -- -- DATE 7 (.RETURNED TRANSFER I DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS p � BROUGHT FORWARD 52 146 79 977 204 79'1 65754 St.Paul Musicians Assoc. 322 40 ® 65755 3tiefel Products Company 50 15 65756 Corning—Donohue, Inc. 672 6o 65757 Graybar Eleotrio Company 38 65758 Lampland Lumber Company 234 00 65759 Minnesota Linseed Oil Company 19 68 65760 F.J. Morse & Company 89 4o 65761 Speedometer Service & Aeo.Co. 34 85 65762 Twin City Briok Company 277 20 6576 Wagner Paint & Varnish Company 67 66 6576 Air Reduction Sales Company 27 70 65765 Badger Meter Mfg. Company 122 25 65766 Benner Chemical Company 612 50 65767 Berwind Fuel Oompany 34Z 53 ! 65768 Booth Cold Storage Corp. 06 65769 Buffalo Meer Company 48 81 65770 Builders I n Foundry Company 120 00 65771 Central soap Company 103 57 65772 Downey Typewriter Company 46 20 65773 R.C. Duncan Company Z 6577 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company 53 50 65775 Electric Machiner Mfg. Company 12 90' 65776 Emporium Department Store 2 98 65777 T.C. Field & Company 15 00 65778 Finch Downtown Chevrolet 68 65779 First National Bank 6o oo 65780 W.J. Haas Mfg. Company 19 4o 65781 Fred W. Hanks Company 229 39 65782 Hannaford, O'Brien, Inc. 92 65783 Hawkins Chemical Company 4 037 65784 Independent Ice Company 8 00 65785 Johnson Service Company 9 6o 65786 Joyce Insurance Company, Inc. 13 00 65787 League of Minn. Municipalities 35 00 65788 Northern States Power Company 13 93 65789 Northern States Power Company 215 85 65790 Wick Service Battery Company 48 514 65791 Railway Express Agency 10 99 65792 9t.Paul Corrugating Company 123 73 6579 Sanitary Linen Service 9 00 657 AS security Ba4}knote Company 45 10 6579. south Park Foundry Company 27 55 65796 • sta—vis oil Company 140 12 65797 Nniversal Sign Company, Inc. 25 00 65798 Vanier Bies, Inc. 5604 65799 Van Paper Supply Company 24 07 65800 Viotory Printing Company 144 00 65801 Westinghouse Electric Sunnly Company 28 52 65802 Weyand'e Furniture Store 170 00 65803 R.R. Whitacre & Company, Inc. 44 85 658o4 Worthington—Garcon Meter Company 168 42 65805 Young Motor Car Company 8 63 65806 Wm. Ziegler Company 7o 48 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 52146 79 992 795 46 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 65630 23 1.249896 35 . 0 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL - I117% L as tt , a /2 ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FLEN I FILE NUMBER _ - ---_ ROLL CALL BARFU SS FINDLAN PETERSON -------- IN FAVORI AUDITED CLAIMS -_.November 28 IB39-- ROSEN TRUAX W ENZEL AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 290, 50,x,13 COVERING TO MR PRES FALLON NOV(�/Y 9 CHECKS NUMBERED. �(} v 29 9 PER CHECKS ON F ! OFFIC THE COUNCIL_— -- -- --- --- TO L0'6/yy NCLUSIV E/(tR' THE ClT COM PTRO �[ER ADOPTED BY -�~ (1I1/y�(� 193—._ corn cx APPROV ED_o.���1000 _ 50,; - NUMBER �� _ 215 -__ TOTAL D (! ATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF - -- - TRANSFER - - - 'fi YT RNED y DI SBURSEMENT ;BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS I CHECKS v � H BROUGHT FORWARD 52 146 .79 �t46 _ 982 795. 46L - -- 65807 Mise Myrtle Ryan50 C. Finance 00 270 03 65808 John 9. Findlan, of 694 30 65809 John S, Findlan, C, of Finance 4 135 23 65810 John 9. Findlan, 0. of Finance 186 20 65811 65812 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance 7 298 87 65813 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance C. Finance 1 219 10 3 297 65814 John S. Findlan, of 23 634 65815 Mrs. Harriet Jane Gay 30 00 65916 Clara.Aamold, Widow of H- A- 65817 Ann F. Campion, Widow of D.H.C. 30 00 30 00 65818 Helen Sullivan, widow of M.S. 200 00 65819 Society for the P. of Cruelty 14 00 65820 Dr. Albert E. Ahrens 7 70 65821 Bethesda Hospital 5 00 65822 Drs. Naslund & Morse 5 00 65823 Dr. A.H. Pederson 10 00 65824 M.Z. Youngquist 286 47 65825 MoFadden-Lambert Company 124 69 65826 Midway Creamery Company 130 90 65827 Minnesota Milk Company 2 867 69 65828 Northern States Power Company 2 48332 63 65829 Northern States Power Company 65830 Red Star Yeast Company 46 65831 9t.Paul Milk Company 94 65832 Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc. 321 00 6583 zinsmaster Baking Company 2 0 32 65834 Automotive service Company 335 16 65835 Brown Sheet Iron & steel Company 65836 Farwell, ozmun, Birk & Company 198 22 65837 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company4450 00 65838 Ferodowill Mfg.Company 65839 Great Northern Railway Company 3g 5 65 22 840 65841 Griggs, Cooper & Company Realy-Ruff Company 225 00 65842 Hossfield Mfg. Company 11 19 60 653 Ingvolstad Lumber Company 340 26 6 4 Lowe & Campbell Company 65845 Metropolitan Bus Lines 90 00 473 34 65846 Minnesota Paper & Cordage Company 65,847 National Lumber Company 73 99 65848 J.H. Tierney 10 65849 Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Company 529 65850 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 116 40 24 40 7 65851 Villaume Box & Lumber Company Products 68 31 65852 Waldorf Paper Company 112 734 63 65853 John 9. Findlan. C. of Finance 128 078 44 65854 John S. Fin,?lan, C. of Finance 65859 John S. Findlan, C.P.R.F. 323 42 65856 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 781 6o 65857 Milton Rosen, C.P.19orke 4 137 91 65858 Milton Rosen, C.P.'Torks 2 866 51 65859 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 3 4805 6586o Milton Rosen, C.P.works 591 65861 Fred M. Truax, C.Parks, etc. 301 87 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 65630 23 1.249896 35 . 0 01111IDW1.c1trclh 117073 CITY OF ST. PAUL iaiNC1 NO.— OFFICE,Cf THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES UTION --- GENERAL FORM Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized toy purchase, witli the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 5000 gallons 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 70-78 octane, from H. K. STAHL CO., at a price of $ .1155 per gallon, less 1% discount on refinery price for payment in ten days, includir4-r3tate tax and state in- spection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale Stteet, on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment 1003-134 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays m arranto :; to on .sen r. President (Fallon) ass a ce In Favor 2gAlg.inst f - DEC 11939 Adopted by the Council 193— EC 119 D39 Approved 193— l �M- NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL i -A I COUNCIL FILE NO. 1"7(174 COUNCIL RESOLUTION Novembe, 29 19391 -- RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 136,097-35 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED65962T0 65915 INCLUSIVE, AS PE CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. G No u,•'i. t k. b, 4 n c•i p. DEC 11939 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193_ APPROVED DEC 11939 193_ + 9Y f 600 7•30 PUBLISIiED a / SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 66 2o6 33,;385417 60 , I � I 1 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL �/'y�� r ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTRO�.IJ_B COUNCIL i o _ 4 — FILE NUMBER BARFUSS FIN—N PETERSON - R OS OSEN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS November ,} 93 9— TRUAX _ W ENZEL AGAINSTRESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY COVERING TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF22S—//QQ..��'' MR PRES FALLON [(1 [_,C 11939 PER CHECKS ONCHECKS RFDb' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL y 66t ,SCj" E6 FFITQE�OF T1{€9 j" INCLUSIVE. AS `�1 C T COMPTRO�LB/R/ APPROVED— _ �'-- 19_ __193—_ -- NUMBER aua.aocn // i �Gi 6 BY f�/j^ rt o� f/J — TOTAL CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF _ -- TRANSFER DATE - -- 'RETURNED '`/ DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS f BROUGHT FORWARD 65 630 231249896 35 • 65OR 658613 Andrew Vincelli Dransfield 57 60 5 00 G.T. 8o8 47 6586} 65865 Bangs & Terry F.J. Campbell 1 6 15 65866 Detroit Quality Brush Mfg.Company 6 7 97 65867 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 110 69 65868 Arthur Ingvoldstad Lumber Company 84 58 65869 William Kline 1 50 65870 R.B. Fred Bugle 51 97 65871 Maendler Brush Company 18 82 65872 F.J. Morse & Company 199 50 6587 Nelson 011 Company 151 70 65874 North Central Pub. Company 65 20 65875 Riverside Press, Inc. _ 6 50 65876 st.Paul Voo.Sohool Revl.Fund 42 92 65877 John 9, Findlan, C. of Finance 28 476 19 65878 John 9. Findlem, 0. of Finance 31 565 2 65879 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 912 78 65880 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 11 010 31 65881 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 10 35 65882 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 664 27 65883 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 2 509 46 6588,1} John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance 3 3o8 43 65885 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance 4 576 53 65886 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 22 227 58 . 65887 John 9, Findlan, C. of Finance 4 363 88 65888 John S. Fin'lan, C. of Finance 5 002 55 65889 John 9, Findlan, C. of Finance 14 605 79 65890 John Lennon 40 00 65891 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Educ. 200 00 65892 Milton Rosen, C.P.Torks 376 to 6589 (Board of Public Welfare 17 80 65894 Mayme Phelps 7 15 65895 F.C. 9ohultz 41 38 65896 Atlas Gas & Oil Company 1o6 oo 65897Brown and White cab Company 65 45 65898 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Company 24 ij 65899 General Electric Supply Corp. 4 65900 Hawk Mfg. Company 16 to 65901 Hersey Mfg. Company 1 277 14 65902 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company 44 88 65903 N.C. Assoc. of Colleges & S.S. 30 00 65904 Puritan Compressed Gas Corp. 10 15 65905 Remington—Rand. Inc. 386990 65906 Robinson, Cary & Sande Company 123 48 65907 3t.Paul Book & Stationery Company 27 99 65908 9t.Paul Corrugating Company 322 08 65909 3t.Pau1 structural steel Company 8 21 65910 St.Paul White Lead & 011 Company 101 23 65911 Shell Oil Company 52 0n 65912 3tat1 ners Engraving Company 3 50 65913 Geo: arner Company11 OP 65914 The Waterous Company 211 00 65915 Westinghouse Electric Supply Company 73 79 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 66 2o6 33,;385417 60 , Od$W� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER_ ."- N0 -111W5 December 1, A ILII NHESEASt Emil Patsy desires to.withdraw application 37693 for Tavern license and application 37694 for Dance Hall License at 996 Rice St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLM, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Emil Patsy the fees of $200.00 and $15.00 end to cancel said applications for licenses. COUNCI MEN Yeas Nays sa an nt0 i.4. son �n Favor n relax Against 1-4r. President (Fallon) 631 648 LB l'. F. No, 117075—By G. H. Bartuea— Whereaaaa,, �ateY desrrea to with- draw appllcatliin 37893 ton Tavern 11- anee aad avVllcatlna 37881 for Dance Hall llceaee at 908 Rice' 8t. antl re- 44uppaetq tfie return f the Ile ereon- the enee tee aeRe olveItedd that tete V rrbe clty®otIt Hcare 'refund tehEI Pa here feeeho[Ije 0.00 ad {76.00 and to ance7 said appllca_ Ile itce AdoDte hya the Council Dec. A Dproved yea 1, 1988. C 1, 19S8. (Dec, % 1939) Adopted by the Council DEC 11ms193— Approvveed DEC 110 193— mayor Chills.] to city c k* CITY OF ST. PAUL .n.„nl. No 11776 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM December RESOLVEDi That license for Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 37971, Restaurapt, application 37972, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 37973, applied for by Angus J. Steele at 439 university Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, Nov. 23, 1939, Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �Barfuss �nd n arranto San /sen ZL-Against In Favor � President (Fallon) _r. 5m BJB CS C. F. No. 117076—By O. H. Usti a— Hesolved, That license for Ott Sale Malt Bevera88e, application 37971, Hee-, Moroni, application 37972, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 37973, piled for by Angus J. Steele at 4�a University Ave., be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk Is Instructed to Issue ouch Ile..... upon the payment into the city treasury or the rep u/red fees. New. In forme lly appr—d by Conn- ell, NOV. 23, 1999. Old iocatlon. Adopted Dyy the Council Per. 1. 1939. Approved Uec. 1, 1939. (Do,. 9. 19391 Adopted by the CouncilDEC 1 1939 193— DEC 11939 A�ppproovve�dd 193— ill l J�� yor CITY OF ST. PAUL n i"`" NO. 117077 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK odabw ro a COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMIES ONE DATE December 11- 79 RESOLVED: That lioenees applied for by the,fonodng persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon -the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Sem Danna 600 Canada Off Sale Malt App;39080 Now Old Location Stephen Bergl .690 N. Dale St. Off Sale Malt " 38081 " Old " Clara E. Bruggeman 322 N. St -Albans Grocery "39052Ola " " A. A. Petermann 1054 Arksright Off Sale Malt " 37541E " Old " " a " a Grocery " 37545 " Old Of :COUNCIMEN Yeas Nays 8 89 Vin an �to etejson , te ruax /Mr. President (Fallon) 6M 668 Ce C. F. No. 117077—nr N. A Perron— Re. errontu- 1f�d,, Truax—t1. H' nexdlv0dThet med, ee ie Ist for to the tothl persons a m d on the list at- tached to ere r ranted be the City as -Clark a hereby granted and the 11- Clerk are Instructed to t let xuch 11 - treasury of the�regWred 11 exto the rlty Adopted byy thr coun�•ii 11�r. Approved n r. 1. 1989. Mer. 9, 1939) DEC 11 Adopted by the Council 193— -% ULU 11939 Approved 193- 1 In Favor � Mayor Against 00" Ip OIr Oak 117078 1. 78 CITY OF ST. PAUL nus`" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. Dlo. 117078—ar W. A. PB Tr 11— COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM F. 2S. Tru¢x G. H. B¢rta9n— Relf.W d, That Hoe¢+e.Inpl ,Wled O "tOr 'Y htg0 !1¢19; 19 ttn mip PRESENTED BY t' '1' 9�,eJ 1 r. COMMISSIONER_ DATE ,,, , t ft..:_.f '�"—. ,1-ILI4 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the some are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: A. N. Herbst 779'Raymond Ave. Butcher App.32604 Renewal A. N. Herbst " " Grocery " 37369 " Otto Zerahn 937 Arcade St. Fuel Dealer " 37714 " Carnegie Dock A Fuel Co. 1462 Dayton Ave. Fuel Dealer " 37923 " J. J. Newmayer 493 S. Wabasha Fuel Dealer " 37929 " Phillip Hillman 426 Selby Ave. Restaurant " 37939 " n n a a On Sale Malt " 37939 a Offsale Malt ". 379 " Rose Hinz 1657 E. Minnehaba Off Sale Malt n 37949 " n n a a Butcher a 37949 " a a n n Grocery " 37950 " Frank Hogrefe 246 S. Hemline Butcher " 37954 " i Harold M. Hansen 255 W. 7th St. Gas Station " 37955 " Northwestern Fuel Co. 5th and John St. Fuel Dealer " 37956 " Northwestern Fuel 80. 1590 Marshall Ave. Fuel Dealer " 37957 " Simon Cohen 694 St. Peter St. Restaurant " 37958 " Mrs. F. J. Sandusky 251 Edmund St. Grocery " 37959 n George H. Morgan 939 York St. Grocery " 37962 n R. J. Tyrrell 110 Endicott Bldg. Confectionery "37967 n Harry Goodman 555 Robert St. Gas Station " 37969 " Mattaini & Monti 90 9. Robert St. Restaurant is 37970 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council DEC 11939193— Yeas Nays 'fares DEC 11939 /Findl n Approved 193— ran �erson In Favor l p� M6yor ."sen j ✓;.,' Against (f_ r. President (Fallon) PUHLLSIi1 D ex 4 cs odele T� c1.19 117080 17 80 .CITY OF ST. PAUL i�i NO. (� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Sec. 53 of the City Charter, that existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment. Therefore Be It Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NameRate of Title Hours Overtime John M. Holmes Utilityman--Playgrounds 16 .71 Roland J. Hinshaw Caretaker of Zoo' 16 .75-3/4 Dewey G. Michels Stationary Fireman 8 .71 Patrick.Roan 11 11 8 .71 Robt. 6. Ryckman Tree Trimmer 16 .701 Harry H. S#hassow Utilityman--Playgrounds 16 .71 C. F. No. 117080—BY Ir. M. Truax— Reserved. That the gyroper city sM-j ,ers are hereby authorized to pay cer- tain employee In the Deppppastm9a� ot; Parke Playgrounds and Eubllc 71lilld-; Inge dor extra employment as set out on the list attached to this resolution. Adopted by the Council Dec. 6, 1939. Approved Dec. 6' 1939. (Dec.9, 1939) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council DEC 5 IM 193 Yeas Nays Barfuss DEC 5 IM9 Findlan Approved 193— Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen f\ y Rayor ��y�rAgainst 63i M MIMP,E'sild�Ptr W. LX' MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt, of Parks Supt, of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL -1-1;>" Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commiaioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commiaioner December 4, 1939 To the Honorable, The Mayor and L -embers of the City Council. Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildinp.s, rendering necessary the,employment of certain employees of that department for more than eight hours per day in doing work involving fireing of greenhouse boilers, tree trimming and care of animals at the Como Park zoo. This emergency arose by reason of necessity of providing services in the interest of the public. Yours truly Commissioner a 0,1.1.1 to City Ooh .��. n� NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL 117081 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK v. No, 217081-•a W. A. P- ­ Re..? d, �.t th. llro$er -tt COU RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM December 5s _a_L PRESENTED B DATE COMMISSION R > the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with RESOLVED WHERF Section 53 of the City Chartart the existence of an emerbency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of the Water Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than usual hours of employments be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time herein- after set forth: OVERTIME NAME Bidgo T. Anderson Martin O'Connor William 7. Novak Dan Slater Bohn E. Gardner J. Leo Swift Frank Fleming Anthony Flipp Mien T. Duren Michael T. Mulkern Peter Meyers Walter Scott Roy Munson Leonard Munson Ed Fordell Sam Renelli Tames Tighe Leo Boyle Joe Bruno Joseph A. Cascalenda Tommmaso Mazzola Frank D. Strong Reymond A. Hoover Harvey Donahue Gust A. Johnson Thomas Fahey Chas. De4inney Peter 1. Murphy Frank B. Truso Stanley Rasmussen Mike Alfonso COONC I MEN Yeas Nays B -S Fi lan arrauto In Favor Peterson Against 1500 avimP�idealt(TliiWt) TITLE Lake patrolman-W.D. Water -shed laborer Filter -plant laborer do Ditch digger do Unskilled laborer do Filter -plant lab. do Ditch digger do Utilityman-W.D- do '_Meth. helper do Emerg.Repairman Ditch digger do do do EmerB.Repairman Water -shed lab. Utilityman-W.D. do Mach. helper Emerg.Repairman do do Filter -Plant lab. Ditch digger Sunday Regular 16 hrs. 8 hrs. Rate .60-1/2 .67-1/4 .62 ,67-1/4 .60 .6o .50 .50 .67-1/4 .67-1/4 .60 .6o .74-3/4 .74-3/4 .63-3/4 .63-3/4 .67-1/4 .60 .6o .6o .6o .67-1/4 .64-3/4 .74-3/4 .74-3/4 .63-3/4 .67-1/4 .67-i/4 .67-1/4 .67-1/4 .6o Adopted by the Council 193 - Approved__ _- --- ayor 3 " 8 w 8 " 8 a 8 " 8 a 8 a 8 w B " 8 hrs. 8 " 8 a 18 " 13-1/2 hrs. 18 " 13-1/2 " 18 " 13-1/2 a 18 " 13-1/2 a 15 " 13-1/2 ■ 13-1/2 " 18 " 6 hre. 13-1/2 " 18 " 13-1/2 " 14 hrs. 14 " 14 " 12 " 8 " 14 w 14 " 14 " 12 " 14 " Rate .60-1/2 .67-1/4 .62 ,67-1/4 .60 .6o .50 .50 .67-1/4 .67-1/4 .60 .6o .74-3/4 .74-3/4 .63-3/4 .63-3/4 .67-1/4 .60 .6o .6o .6o .67-1/4 .64-3/4 .74-3/4 .74-3/4 .63-3/4 .67-1/4 .67-i/4 .67-1/4 .67-1/4 .6o Adopted by the Council 193 - Approved__ _- --- ayor aal"I I. city o"r 117081 l 81 • CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER DATE December 5, 1939 RESOLVED OVERTIME NAME TITLE Sunday Regular Rate Peter Fabio Ditch digger 14 hre. .6o Henry J. Conrad Plumbers Helper 4-1/2 hrs. .63-3/4 Joe Detomoso ditch digger 15 bra. .6o Joe L. Fritz do 15 a .6o Mike Fritz do 15 " .6o Sem Popara do 15 " .6o Dominick Todora do' 15 " .6o John J. Bartone do 15 " .6o James Saporito Mech.helper 15 hrs. 1 " .63-3/4 Rudolph L.Piringer Ditch digger 4-1/2 hrs. .60 Antonio Bruno do 13-1/2 " 3-1/2 " .6o Certi ied correct Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan /� Parranto PyF�1ce In Favor Peterson �rvaa Against den , ieoo ,�ViCel'tesident(1Yt�i7r� Adopted by the CouncilDLC___ 5 im 193__ DEC 51939 Approved_________— 193_ i Mayor TUBLISHED1 -11ANN, December 2, 1939 An emergency has arisen in the Water Department rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Patrolling Vadnais and Sucker Lakes.# _ Watching at Storeyard * Repairing mains at Duncan & Brand, and at Atwater St., between Como and Western Avea ## FightitK fire at Vadnais Lake.** Greasing equipment ### This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: #To prevent trespassing *Thanksgiving Day. ##Leaks in mains. **Fire in reforested area ###Had to have machines for next dayts work. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS President Certified -coor�rect Le erd N. Thompson General Superintendent 1171'62 FINAL ORDER. COUNCIL FILE NO. - By --- O.-By--- --- --- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__oon@truoting-A_aewer_ IR the-_Alley_-in.Chas.__1Peide!s_Rearrar�gement__ of Blook 6�_ Nelson! s Addition to the _ City_ of St._ Paul_ from a .point_ 240__feet_west__of__ Foreet__Str_eet_to_the__saner_i�_EorQst_B_treet�_.al�o_zmding and_-oh%viug_tha-Allsy__fM a__gnint_Z60_feet._aeSt_of__F9reat_S_traat_tn_a -point 200-Seat_Beat.-of__Foraat_Straet.,_____ under Preliminary Order ------- 116268_ ----------------------- approved __.._.- Intermediary Order ----------------------------------------------approved ------- --------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is____42Aa+__th@__A11By__Sa_Qhas..__1�id9_[e___ Rearrangement of Blook 6. Nelsonedition_to_the__City__of__St.__Paul-_from_a_point________ -----0-- --------------------------------- 240_feet_west-of_Foreat_ Street_to_the__eexer__in__oreat_>?treet�__als4__gra�i4_saAa_s}iepQ___ the _Alley__from_e_point_280_feet-best-of__Forest__Stre et to__a__po_int__200f@et_w AtAr____ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement jinn accordance therewith. _------------ - Adopted by the Council _._DEC 5 1938 ----- ----- - -- City Clerk. Approved ----- ----- - DEC ----5-1939 _ - , 192. ---- File 8824 Councilman Barfuss Councilman Findlan Councilman Parranto Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen Councilman Mayor Ham' Vice dent(Tr>) Form B. S. A. 8-7 4PL7$LISHED� ----- -----. ayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM4SS16NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of constructing a sewer in the Alley in Chas. Weide's Rearrangement of Block 6, Nelson's Addition to the City of St. Paul from a point 240 feet west of Forest Street to the sewer in Forest Street. Also grading and shaping the Alley from a point 280 feet west of Forest Street to a point 200 feet west of Forest Street, under Preliminary Order approved September 15, 1939 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: is $ 428.44 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement front $ 0.36 The estimated cost pep400t for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED %LaneALUATI'id C g. 2 Chas. Weide's Rearrangement of $375 $500 South 6218 ft. of 1 and Block 6 of Nelson's Addition 3 to the City of St. Paul 276 5b0 4 do 275 950 5 do 275 750 6 do 275 7 do 275 950 8 do 275 1100 Lot 9 and East j of 10 do 425 1700 West j of 10 and all of 11 do 425 550 12 do TOTAL, 275 700 I— B. B. 30 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land vALUATIOtld g•: 13 (Chas, Weide's Rearrangement $279 $650 )of Blook 6, of Nelson's Addi- 14 (tion to the City of St. Paul 275 500 15 do 250 450 16 do 250 700 17 do 250 1050 18 do 275 650 19 do 275 750 20 do 250 2200 21 do 75 22 do 75 23 do 75 50 24 do 75 950 25 do 75 350 26 do 75 27 do 75 300 28 do 75 29 do 75 1200 30 do 75 950 31 do 75 2400 32 do 75 33 do 75 1150 34 do 75 35 do 75 950 36 do 75 1350 37 do 75 --North 60 ft. of 38, 39 and 40 do 475 1300 Total $7000 $25,650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his rgport thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated � -��_. '�.i �A . W. LZ�l 19_ _ _ _ _ t� _. Form B. B. 11 _ Commissioner of Finance. .06W. St. Paul, Minn 193�- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Aliml, k Gentlemen.,. We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .. . . .... .. ... yv St. Ave. fro ... ....... V.1.,St. A SM -7-37 •BLOCK ADDITION T wnw rN SM -7-37 n _ �- - D.l. GUETIC E'! STAND. AT-- 4 - 0_� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Sept. 26 1939 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 13 s266 approved Sept. 15, 1939 193—_, relative to constructing a sewer in the Alley in Chas. Weidets Rearrangement of Block 6,: -- e 5onts73di 16 tort to City u from a po n . wes-�ofores to the sewer in Forest St. Also grade and shape the Alley from a point _2K ft. WW jt -of Forest 4,t -t-. to -a painf 2Q(Yfe�t west -6f Parest r€et- — and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per Front foot $.36 2. The estimated cost thereof is S 428.44 _ and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $6.44 Engineering $100.00 Frontage 1191.26 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - -- ---- - ----- 5. - 5. Said improvement is __ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ''4, OFFINANCX -- - - ---- - --- Commissioner of Public Wor SEP 27 1933 , CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIOT, DEPUTY COMMI8s10NER OURGu OR CONST. R RKPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CNIER ENGINEER W. S. COCKROFT. SUIT. 01— ENO - 0. N. NERROLD . September 25, 1989 CHIEF ENOR. C— MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Posen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirt BORGO OR sAMITATION FRED DRIVER, SORT. BURLY OR BRIDGEs M. S. GRYTBAK, ENGINEER 8,.-. OR CORR[C .. RAY J. KARTAK, Su— I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer in the Alley in Chas. Weide's Rearrange— ment of Block 6, Nelson's Addition to the City of St. Paul from a point 240 feet west of Forest Street to the sewer in Forest Street. Also grade and shape the Alley from a point 280 feet west of Forest Street to a point 200 feet west of Forest Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 716286 approved September 15, 1989. Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Inspection Engineering Frontage Approved for tranemisaion to the C�r of -F ante / MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public works $428.44 0.86 6.44 100.00 1191.26 ft. Youra t , . SHEP Chi. Engineer U odor w car 117083 CITY OF ST. PAUL ��:"`" NO.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BvV December 5. 1939 COMMISSIONER DATE RZSOLVEDt That license for Restaurant, application 38023, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 38024, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 38025, applied for by Charles WILdenaner at 228 W. Fairfield Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. F. No. 117083—By O. H. Barfaee F. M. Truax—W. A. Parranto— Iteaolred, That Ilcen.e for ne.tau- unt, application 38023, On gale Malt Rev. rage, npplicati.. 38024, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 33025, 2281W Fairfiefor ld A— beCharlesaad ethe n—Isame e he granted and the City Clerk Is instructed to issue such Ilcenee. upon the payment into the city trea.- o[ [ha reQulred fees. ury Informally approved by Coun- ell. Nov 28, 1939. Old I.catlon. Adopted by the Council Dec. 8, 1939. Approved Dec. e, 1939. (Dec. 9, 1939) New, Informally approved by Council, Nov. 28, 1939. Old Location. DEC 51939 COUNCI EN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays ss In Ian Approved DEC 5 10 193— a%ionto"'® Peterson In Favor � Mayor Against am Xr (Trox) � Ist.4�-- r 2nd. — Laid over to i 13 o y 3rd. &app. Adopted Yeas 68 Nays Yeas�. Nays BB arranto ,,,,//an . arranto Peterson (� j"_3osen l{� osen Approved: uax Iuax Mr. President Fallon 1_1�r. President Fallon llril—Ito City Clerk _ . ORDINANCE I17084 'C/�'nl) COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE N(�. An ord?lnanoe amending Ordinance No. 3280}, entitled "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor," approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250}, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 6 under the subdivision "Building Care and Power Plant Service," in Grade 6 of such subdivision, the following line: "Chief Refrigeration and Operating Engineer" Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. G F. No. 117084 --Ordinance No. 8089— By Axe11 F. Peterson— R.{I An ordinance mending Ordinaac No. 8860%, entitled 'An admintntrr' tive ordinance relating tr i aervfce R• i 'Sr t'� 1 hereby reconLmond for r _ssaLe by the Council the above- l::entioned ^riend,.ient to ti.e 'ivil :service pules. _77✓il orvice Conner ss loner Yeas Councilmen Naps Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen uax /elide (Fa ]on) Attest' -- - --- —City CI _ :300 1278 CS 21724 Passed by the Council DEC 201939 I' In Favor ___Against DEC 20 1939 Approved: I f t / F Mayor �3�39 r 1 �, Laid over to O R ll I N .T, , r• L. F. No.:;17,084-Qrdtnance No. 8070— 13y AXoI F. 'peterepa= No. 807r entitled "An ordinflnce dlVld-- /\\1-j�-- .[nIN, ainance amendlnB-' Olydingnce: 0.----� IngI Pull Int .��,. ,, (\ �( .e,�i/"Y,L Ing the elaxeltled h City or Of2bit.naxert•_ O.—..._.. a xkl' nd on 7085 _� 3rd. & app. Adopted ~ L� Yeas Nays s Yeas � Nays Sarfuss Fin dndlan arrant. / Peter n % �Parranto P--- / r� �/ 6osen "„"" __T'ruax 'Pruax Mr. President Fallon Ar. President Fallon n.,aln.lt.tlt, Clerk n (WWyYJi/`If� PRESENTED BY t O R ll I N .T, , r• L. F. No.:;17,084-Qrdtnance No. 8070— 13y AXoI F. 'peterepa= No. 807r entitled "An ordinflnce dlVld-- /\\1-j�-- .[nIN, ainance amendlnB-' Olydingnce: 0.----� IngI Pull Int .��,. ,, (\ �( .e,�i/"Y,L Ing the elaxeltled h City or Of2bit.naxert•_ O.—..._.. a xkl' nd on 7085 _� An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled "An ordinance dividing the classified service of the City of Saint Paul into eight specialized services, a skilled labor service, and an unskilled labor service, and definipg and fixing the titles, duties, and qualifications for the various positions within each service," approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same Is hereby further amended by inserting In Section 3 thereof in the subdivision entitled 'Building Care and Power Plant Service," the following: "Title of class: CHIEF REFRIGERATION AND OPERATING ENGINEER Duties and responsibilities: Under general direction, to supervise and operate, maintain and repair all power unite, machinery, Ami accessories, and equipment in a refriger- ation plant, heating plant* and air condition- ing; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To operate, maintain, adjust and regulate steam and electrioal refrigeration equipment. To operate, maintain, adjust and regulate ammonia compressors, synchronous motors, starting panels and excitors. To operate, maintain, adjust and regulate high- pressure steam brine heaters, brine and vacuum pumps, temperature control, and air conditioning equipment. To supervise the operation and maintenance of the equipment described above and other mechanical equipment. Minimum qualifications: Common school education, and ten years' experience as refrigeration, steam, and power (electric) engineer, of which three years must have been in the making of ice for indoor skating. Must be not less than 21 years of age." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parran to Reteree+t— Rase x 1 t Attest: eq � v v Crty Clerk 300 12-38 CS 21724 Passed by the Council DEC 201939 In Favor Against Approved:_— — DLU 20 15,Jj Mayor q PUBLISHLD L�'� ".�/ tlrijinel to City Clerk ORDINANCE 117016 COUNCIL FILE NO..__.. PRESENTED BY f t ORDINANCE NO.—__ 0' / An ordinance amending Ordinannoe No. 7842, entitled "An administrative ordinance relating to the appointment by city officials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organization charts for the various departments of the city government. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved September 30, 1937, as amended. WE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to the chart of the Department of Education, in Section 8 thereof, in the Auditorium Bureau, the following line: 11 Chief Refrigeration and Operating Engineer" Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. C. F. No. 117086—Ordinance No. 8011-I By Axel F. Petereon— An ordinance amending Ordina-1. 7842, entltt "An ndmir.rr •.rdfnance rel lity 'he ofnC' rhe Yeas Councilmen Nays Barf uss Findlan Parranto Rosen Truax r. Pr idem„(-Fxtton) Attest:�� City✓Clerk :100 12.38 CS 21724 DEC 2 01939 Passed by the Council In Favor _Against Approved:_ DEC 2 01939 Mayor rul�t.ISIED -� 3- J! ak A -!& Z .1[ ;11 . M 411 ; W .ltd !. M R 2nd. Y I ✓ ]st._ I Laid over to 3rd. & app. 1 z Adopted Yeas/ Nays Yeas Nays �ti�C#Ylss B a Fi ln arranto Pet%e on ,� lndlan /rarranto /Rosen Ros 'IT ruaxruax Mr. President Fallon 1 r. President Fallon tlrijinel to City Clerk ORDINANCE 117016 COUNCIL FILE NO..__.. PRESENTED BY f t ORDINANCE NO.—__ 0' / An ordinance amending Ordinannoe No. 7842, entitled "An administrative ordinance relating to the appointment by city officials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organization charts for the various departments of the city government. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved September 30, 1937, as amended. WE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to the chart of the Department of Education, in Section 8 thereof, in the Auditorium Bureau, the following line: 11 Chief Refrigeration and Operating Engineer" Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. C. F. No. 117086—Ordinance No. 8011-I By Axel F. Petereon— An ordinance amending Ordina-1. 7842, entltt "An ndmir.rr •.rdfnance rel lity 'he ofnC' rhe Yeas Councilmen Nays Barf uss Findlan Parranto Rosen Truax r. Pr idem„(-Fxtton) Attest:�� City✓Clerk :100 12.38 CS 21724 DEC 2 01939 Passed by the Council In Favor _Against Approved:_ DEC 2 01939 Mayor rul�t.ISIED -� 3- J! ak A -!& Z .1[ ;11 . M 411 ; W .ltd !. M R 2nd. 1 ti 11 V Laid over to — 3rd. & app. \N _� Adopted YeasNays Yeas / Nays gl`iuss Ba uss /Fir, n m #an arranto arranto / /Rosen J C/ os� 1 �ruax � ruax Mr. President Fallon 14r. President Fallon 06tin.l l0 Chy Clerk. ORDINANCE Z81 �[/�COUNCIL FILE NO.----1�/ / PRESENTED BY /(�/1 m ORDINANCE NO._ 0" v An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Fire Fund at the and of the year 1939, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered nedessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain; Section 1 That the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Fire Fund is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of purchasing supplies', appliances and equipment, and paying salaries of the department during the year 1940. Section 2 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Bar(uss Findlan Parranto Rosen T ax M . Pr ident allon) Attest: City Clerk :100 12-38 CS 21724 C. F. N0. 117087--0rdI.onre Nn. 8060— By G. H. Barfuse— Ae emaining In ordinance n therinepartmtent a of Ret'nbli0 safety Fire Fund t the end f _ •� 198' Pfer all obligations and 't (• ^I the fund w _ap- I•,, w '�v. Passed by the Council DEC 20 1939 CIn Favor __Against Approved:— DEC 20 193 ----- - _ Mayor 1'l IiI.ISHLD - 9 o6ji..l to City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO.. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO._. An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Police fund at the end of the year 1939, after all obligations and purposes for which t he fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1 That the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Police Fluid is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of purchasing supplies, appliances and equipment, and paying salaries of the department during the year 1940. Section 2 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3 117088 MLS f This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. C. R No. 112088-0rdinance No. 3067— By G. H. Barfues— An ordinance appropriating the be) - once malnfns 1. the ,lepartment r Public esarety Pollee - ' 1 at the end X34 thr[1 oblly Inns tun i .. U Peas Councilmen Nays Barluss Findlan Parranto Rosen T x r P Ident on Attest: City Clerk :100 12'3M f'S 21721 DEC 2 01939 Passed by the Council--- In ouncil_In Favor Against Approved:— DEC 201939 _ Mayor J PUBLISHED �� � 27 2nd. I, Laid over to -- - 3rd. & app. Adopted Yeas Nays YeasNays rfuss s Padlan ,J 1indlan ,'Parranto / Parranto Pe�t o J oxen 7nPC ifruax ruaa Mr. President Fallon /Mr. President Fallon o6ji..l to City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO.. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO._. An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Police fund at the end of the year 1939, after all obligations and purposes for which t he fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1 That the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Police Fluid is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of purchasing supplies, appliances and equipment, and paying salaries of the department during the year 1940. Section 2 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3 117088 MLS f This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. C. R No. 112088-0rdinance No. 3067— By G. H. Barfues— An ordinance appropriating the be) - once malnfns 1. the ,lepartment r Public esarety Pollee - ' 1 at the end X34 thr[1 oblly Inns tun i .. U Peas Councilmen Nays Barluss Findlan Parranto Rosen T x r P Ident on Attest: City Clerk :100 12'3M f'S 21721 DEC 2 01939 Passed by the Council--- In ouncil_In Favor Against Approved:— DEC 201939 _ Mayor J PUBLISHED �� � 27 1st. �/ S 2nd. I Y� y Laid over to 3rd. & app. " I " Adopted v -rD Yeas a ss Nays Yeas_ Nays -,i ian at'. atL.r arfuss �1 Ian Peterson -Jlroxene .unto ""«< e as Approved DEC 2 0 1939 193— /Truax Mr. President Fallon / -1 Ir. President Fallon Od,l..l ro ah axk ORDINANG2 11'7089 CITY OF ST. PAUL n1i"`" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ORD. NO. goal== i701 PRESENTED BY AiiEL �+�PETERSON COMMISSIONER_ • ME DMEWAR 4TH�19 9 An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in Charter Ftmd Ho. lb, Public Schools, at the and of the year 1939, after all obligations and purposesfor which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinanoe rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul icloes Ordain: SECTION 1. That the balances remaining in all of the items of Charter Fund No. 15, Public Schools, at the end of the year 1939, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for, are hereby appropriated and set aside to be used for the same purposes in 1940, as the same were appropriated for in the 1939 budget. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. 117089—ordinanee No. 8068— BY Axel F. Peterson— COUNCILMEN An ordinance- appropriatinni­g the ba'.— Pubne School 'Fund Nn. atL.r the r, Passed DEC 2 01939 COUNCILMEN wi by the Council 193— Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved DEC 2 0 1939 193— Parranto In Favor Rosen or Truax t p Mr. President Fallon) / �/ am "a is 110 1st._.'—' __.. .. 2nd. Laid over to 3rd. & app. '-' ' Adopted Yeas/ Nays Yeas �{ I/" Nays {uss 887[ 188 Fjtfdlan T�indlan / Parranto T'arranto P erson en os ruaxruaa Mr. President Fallon /Mr. President Fallon Ur{jin.l 1. Cil, t,lrrk ORDINANCE f17090 COUNCIL FILE NO. _ PRESENTED BY E" AJC %9� - ORDINANCE HA - An ordi -ante appropriating the balance remaining in the Depart- ment of Public Safety Police and Fire Alarm Fund at the end of the year 1939, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1 That the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Police and Fire Alarm Fund is hereby appropriated and set aside . for the purpose of purchasing supplies, materials, equipment and paying the salaries of the department during the year 1940. Section 2 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto - P,".svrr-- Rosen T x Mor , defib Ion) Atte t:i City Clerk FM M. e C. F. No. 117090=0rninance No. 8080- By G. tr: Sarfueg= An orgdal;t5e8ri 9"appF'-Dr:anatlk8b ' it Fund at ma.uT d U' R_�Q 99 [tdr u 4 r1gauo, ,4Z, the ovlAed tm nisi. a Ir- Jr i. Passed by the Council DEC 201939 In Favor —Against �Q Approved: _ IIEC 20 1939 ------ i VWLISHED I �l-- 3% l6t__1-1 __ _. 2nd. Laid over to 3rd. & app. I ~� Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays ussaaIananto 5._ arranto Pete on osen , en ruaa ruaa Mr. President Fallon 11Ir. President Fallon hrl,lanl to t,t,. Clerk _ ORDINANCE 117091 COUNCIL FILE NO.__ PRESENTED BY �'/ r�'� ORDINANCE NO.y An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Health Fund at the end of the year 1939s after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peaoe, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1 That the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Health Fund is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of paying salaries of the department and purchasing supplies, materials and equipment for the year 1940. Section 2 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. ,, Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto n..._... Rosen TTVax Pr idea on Attest: � / .� Cit ClerK :100 12-38 CS 21724 y C. F. No. 117091—Ordinance No. 8064— By G.'k Barfuss— An ordinance appropriating the bal- ancecingB in the Department f Safety - n.i at the ena of the year 199 D %d purpoaee f'' 'npropria t• .JR �( DEC 201939 Passed by the Council ( In Favor _ Against Approved:_DEC 20 1939 _ — ___ i Mayor J)UBLISHEDl ff'.E. `�.1 odshw to dry ci k CITY OF ST. PAUL r`.c""` No. �i��—��� - OFFICE OF HE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES TION ---GENERAL FORM r 1. addisy nafttw ch, whereas, additlone whleh might. prove to t .....ry to the Imp[oVe-. e t do -ansa ae the 1939 Annuli Bide- ENTED BY /'t2v` murk n tract, yl tacellaneoua streets, ,ptri�ller'� Contract 44063. Btand- 118BIONER_ DATE_ard stone t gym,, uY, Inc., have been prnvlded for w the .r, 'rl i'�tlo + endue ., t prlc s •,•,D , WHEREAS, additions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the 1939 Annual Sidewalk Contract, Miscellaneous Streets., Comptroller's Contract L.4063, Standard Stone Company, Inc. have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices stipulated therein, and agreed prices, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following additionet Yeas Nays ADDITIONSt (For the removal of tree roots in the reconstruction of the sidewalks) On Mar ,ret Street between Mendota St. and Forest St. Labor --lire. Fin an Fi o Lots 17,2 0,21,2 & 27-R.P. Lewis' Sub of Blk 10 /1�' ersOn In Favor Warrens' Garden Outlote 5.0 Lots 5,6,7,8,9,10,12913,140 & 15 Stinson's Sub of Blk 103, Warren's Garden Outlote 12.0 0n Winona St. between Ohio St. and Manomin St. Lots 10,12 & 13, E. R. Bryants' Rear, of Blk 4, Sweeney's Addition 3.0 Lots 14 & 17 Lawton Bron. Addition 4.0 on cola Ave. between Parcel & Sarato St. Lots 1,2,3,4,5:6!7, ,9:10,11 & J2, Blk 5 Summit View Addition 23.0 On Blair St. bet. Mackubin and Arundel Ste. Lots 17,18 & 19, B. Michel's Sub of Blk 7 Stinson's Add 3.0 On Thomas Street bet. Como Ave & Marion St. Lots 15, Blk 1, Magoffin & Breckenridge's Add 2.0 Lots 5, (W.309 Blk 3, Robertson & Van Etten's Add 1.0 Lot 5, (9.30' of W.609 N n N n 1.0 On Fremont Ave. bet. Cypress & Forest Ste. - - Lots ey Rich'd. McCarricks' Sub-Blk 88,'Lyman- Daytona Add` 2.0 Late 10,11,13,14,15,16,17 & 18, L. D. Hodge's Sub of Blk. 93, Lyman -Dayton's Addition 11.0 On Goodrich Avenuoibetween Pascal and Saratoga Aves. Lots 1,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12 - Blk. 5 of Summit Park Add. 14.0 Lots 15918919,20,21,23924 - Blk 8 of Summit Park Add. 11.0 Total Hre. 92.0 0 W X69.00__ Soc. Sec., Unemployment Ins., Supervision Profit and Overhead 0 2 0% 13.'80 TOTAL ADDITION $82.80, and WHEREAS, the net addition is $82.80; now, therefore be it RESOLVED that the City of St. Paul through its City Council approve the aforesaid addition made in accordance with the specifications therefor not to exceed the net addition of $82.80, said sum to be added to the lump am consideration named in the contract known as Compts%%Agr's Contract L.4063 for the making of the above aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Standard Stone Company, Inc, that the sum of $82.80 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. Gountersigneds r Citf Comptroller COUN IMEN Yeas Nays Busa / Fin an Fi o /1�' ersOn In Favor Against 6M a Vi- p-dident ('Ttpw v STANDARD STONE COMPANY, INC. By Commissioner of Public Works Adopted by the CouncilII�(z`- 5 in„M 193 o�c 5 f939 Approved 193— / Mayor PUBIdSFiI D j r Oda" 1. aty ask COMMISSIONER_.Qr Yew am 11'7f 93 CITY OF ST. PAUL .�:n`" NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK eu RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 40 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Education be and he is hereby authorized, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, to sign and verify a petition for the vacating of the east and west alley in Block 11, Hayden Heights from a line 20 feet east of the west line of Lots 19 and 51 in said Block 11 to the alley in the rear of Lots 1 to 7, inclusive, and also for vacating the north and south alley in said Block 11, Hayden Heights, in the rear of Lots 1 to 7, inclusive, in said Block 11, from Helen St. to Prospect Ave., the city being the oiner of certain real estate along the line of said alleys. F. 1 of cafe rfor "-""gthe north and south lleyy In said Week 11, Hayden Height., In tits —ar of Lot. 1 to 7. /noluelye. In Bald Block 1, from Helen St_ to Proe- pect Ave., the city peI ,the o er o af ertaln real estate along the Ilne of said alley.. Adopted b)' the Council D-4. 1939. Approved �(7)ea 91919. we 51939 Adopted by the Council_ —193— DEC 5199 Approved 193— In Favor ayor Against 11'7094 OdIhrl to Car aa4 COUCIL N O. CITY OF ST. PAUL nL. n OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK R „ p �OU I)RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ t d DATE RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Education be and he is hereby authorised, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, to sign and verify a petition for the vacating of the north and•south alley in Block 20, St. Anthony Park North from Doswell Ave. to the southerly line of Lot j, 04vee Re—Arrangement, and also to vacate the east and west alley in said Block 20 from Chelmsford St. to the north and south alley in said Block 20j the city being the owner of certain real estate along the line of said alleys. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 6s / an / nto In Favor Zson n Against r.-• -rea i 3� Vice Vre-iden TIusx) C Tte olved,7 That -the Com m F. ssioner of Educationhnhnl[ of the City of BSInL Pt Ireda, on to 1 and verity petition for the j ar ti n8 f the north and south alley Block 20, St. Anthony Park North CtColn 1)o.well Ave. Yo the southerly Ilne of I.ot 3, Greaves Re -Arrangement, nd IaoWto•ate the east nd west IIoY In avid Ttlock 20 from Chelmsford St. to the earth and south alley In said Block 20, the city being the o ar of certain real ..tete -tong the line of .aid alley" `dopted by thec. n Conceit Dec.. 6• 1919- 1 Approved (D.C. 9, 1939) Adopted by the Council DEC 5 19W193— Approved DEC 519M 193- 1 Odd.d I. WY O.* CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC O�LUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' vim_ DATE COMMISSIONER_ 117195 nuNeL NO. HNSCLPED, That the Commissioner of Fducation be and he is hereby authorized, on behalf of the City of Saint Pau'_; to sib and verify a petition for the vacating of the alley in Block 12, Arlington Hills Addition from Weide Ave. to the vest line of Lots 4 and 17 in said block, the city being the owner of Certain real estate along the line of said alley. COUNCI MEN Yeas Nays a ss in las a snto K'.., -n on In Favor /Against ea sltralm Piesldeat ("98Y) t,Reeoly d7That Bthe Commissioner f laeg... tion he and bets herebq linthor- d, on behalf of the City Of Sol nt Paul, LO I a and erl[Y a petition for the arat .1; of the alley In Blot:k 12, Ar- Iington Hill, Addition from Wbide Ave. to the west it.. of Lnt��e,, 4end 17 of .ala blrtaln the lcitxta le inlnngthe theWline nor orL'e said alley. e a Adopted by the Council D-. 5, 1939. Approved r,.r. 6,9199. DEC 519 Adopted by the Council 193— Approved DEC 193— Mayor 0,141-11. C11Y cin4 No.117096 .,. _ CITY OF ST. PAUL r��E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE OL TI --G NERAL FORM COMMISSION ER_BY F Peterson - —DATE Novamher 4� 1939 _- WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employ ment; therefor, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for e+-tra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Hamlin Branoh Library William Sading Janitor Engineer 22 hrs. •642 $14.19 (Overtime for month of November) COUNCILMEN YeasNays . 9S / i��ndlan C A�larranto 15�eterson In Favor /R.osen '.Against aM a-jVteaVice President MMS) of d, That Axel N. Yeterxon— Rnxre he Thea the ppropp clay ..rj ere are hereby authorlae, to pay cer- � tela m.' n In the Department of forextra Bureau .t Public Libraries, for extra employment xx net out on the Ilxt xatxched {o this rexolution. Adopted b the C.Uhrn Dei.. S. 1939. Appr.red Dec. 6. 1939. (Dec. 9, 1939) Adopted by the Council_V% 51939 193 DEG 51939 Approved 193— ayor FORM NO. 1 Deoember 4 1939 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: To keep the Hamlin Branch Library open and to Olean building, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Neoeasary to keep this building open on a000unt of a eoisl aotivities at builds This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. PJ -HB Librarian odp.w ro car Cl.* 117097 i)s CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF TH CITY CLERK C UN��CI/QLL RESOLU N ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER_ g C3DATE December 5, 1939 WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his Department for more than eight hours,per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. am Mrs.a e a Asher, Warren I.B. Staty.Fire. 24 -57$ Elliott, George Road Mach.Opr. 8 .72 Harper, Charles E. Road Mach.Opr. 8 .741 Johnson, N. Alfred Staty.Fire. 8 .71 Klemenhagen, Albert W. Utilityman-PW 84 Kubik' Frank Caretaker 8 .63 Lindstrom, Arvid A. Caretaker 8 •631 ' Lyons, Wilfred H. Utilityman-PW 8 .72 McKillop, Alex Sew.Mtc.Lab. 8 .55 Prouix, Harvey J. Sew.Mte.Lab. 2 .55 Putnam, Fred Crew Leader -PW 10..72 Resler, Lloyd W. Caretaker 8 .63 Richardson, Lawrence W. Utilityman-PW 8 .741 Rose, Frank J. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 8 .55 Schrenkler, Louis W. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 11 .55 Sterns, Leland A. Road Mach.Oper. 8 74 Tracy, John M. Watchman 8 .561 L`- I'. Nu. 11 7097-13K Milton Roben— he p per It Reeolved, Thetauthor Deere ace hereby th rird o y oM� u taln Dtoyex In that Department er Yahl ' for mDidYment a.solution. O° the lletc attached to thls . re Adopted by the Connell Der. 6, 1999. "'Pr."e'I Dec. b, 1999. (Dec. 9. 1999) DEC5C 939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193 Yeas Nays B ���a=ru9g -Findlan % DEC 51939 / n Approved 193— 'rranto l� �E'eyerson se in Favor ��< Mayor c— Against am 9.3trctVice 1'res de it (Trasx) -4;10y7 An emergency has arisen in the D1;PARTIUI-TT OF PUBLIC WORI{S. rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of3that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Sunday and holiday work in maintaining emergency efews and equipment. This emergency arose Ly reason of the following facts and circumstances: Crews on duty for emergency calls and watching fires and equipment. 0 SS R OF PTELIC WORKS o shw to city a.tk1 11 i � 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL r��y Pb / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /: �\ DATE COMMISSIONER — RESOUND, that the application of the Lakeland Manor Apart- ments Corporation for permission to install a service driveway Into a parking lot at the southwest corner of Highland -Ford parkway and Cleveland Avenue, in accordance with the blue -print hereto attached, be and the same is hereby granted; provided, however, that the returns from the 9 -foot driveway across the sidewalk be of five-foot radius. C. Mlltoa Ro.en— Reland", that tha abPticatlon of the Ln keland Manor Apartments Corporn- tion for Permisslon to Install a aervlce driveway Into a Parking- lot nt the Parkway rand Cleveland Avenue 4n ecu 'ordance Itll the Joe- Pint hereto 8t- tached, be a d the same l't hereby granted; provjded, however, that the eturns from the 9-to0[ dribewa acro.. thea pt d lby b[he of in uncll Bns.6 ,1939. AP proved Dei•. 6, 7938. 1939) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council DEC e5 19M 193 YeasNays 7�uss las ApprovedD17C 551939 193— �aryanto ­1!�et son An Favor J Mayor Against 5M )AM VicePDeild&M! iepR� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Nov. 29, 1939 Mr. John W. McOonneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir; The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of Lakeland Manor Apartments Corporation for permission to install a service driveway into a parking lot at the southwest corner of Highland -Ford Parkway and Cleveland Avenue, provided, however, that the returns from this 9 -foot driveway across the sidewalk be of 5 -foot radius. Yours very truly, City Clerk. G. CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM.e C DE ITH Supt. of E. BeRsnd FiAre Alarm Chief of Poljce Health officer FirCITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota// // c �eradweHt o1 Public Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner November 28, 1939 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs Herewith report by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, covering his inspection of the premises of the Lakeland Manor Apartments Corpof-Ation in connection with their applicationto be for permit to install a service driveway located between Cleveland and Finn Avenues, at about 2068 Highland Ford Parkway. Very truly Yours, � /�`�^/ e Commissioner of Publ'c Safety k IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION November 28 1939 Yr. G. .. Barfus s Ci OIIII'dssione.r of public safety Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by the Lak&land ianor Apartments Corporation for permission to install a service driveway to be located between Cleveland and 'jinn Avenues, at about 2068 Highland Ford Parkway. You may be advised that 1 have made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints and do not find thot tills driveway will materially interfere with traffic. From a traffic standpoint there :ill be no objection to the F-rantinr; of this permit. Yours truly, '.arry ?u. fe tor�ren Sunerintenlent of Yraf Pic ��TY uF THE BOARD OF ZONING E>Iabl shed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 71h, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE Ologo me eggeasomove e�Eee elo .}a � -�-i aro November 23rd, 1939 - ARTHUR S 939• ARTHURS MILINOWSKI,Ch-- AUGUST HOHENSTLIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J MCGLYNN EGIN WAHMAIJ CHARLES BASSFORD, Cry A,,hnoa GEnRnC H HBR.OLD, F"-' Sys,-ia-v Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Council, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Lakeland Manor Apartments Corporation for a service driveway. This driveway is an entrance to the parking lot of the Highland Village stores at the southwest corner of Ford Parkway and Cleveland Ave. The zoning is Heavy Industry. The plans attached are approved excepting that the returns from this 9 ft. driveway across the sidewalk should be of 5 ft. radius to facil- itate the movement of vehicles in and out from Ford Parkway. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. gh-rh Yours very truly, , (3eorgo,H. Herrold, Engineer Secretary. 1D )99 CITY OF ST. PAUL :�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM y i COMMISSION R_ Barillas DATE DPc_c+1939 RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Safety be and he hereby is authorized and directed to notify the President of the First National Bank of Saint Paul that the City renews its lease of the space on the 31st floor of the First National Bank Building,. for use as a police radio station, for the period of one year beginning January 1, 1940, at an annual rental of Sixty Dollars ($60.00), pursuant to the terms of the existing lease between the City and said First National Bank, dated December 8, 1938, C. F. No. It-,099—By G. H. Barfues— R-1-d, that the Commissioner of Public Sale[y be and he hereby Is au- .thcrized and directed to notify the Preefdaht of the First National Bank of $alnt Paul that the City renews Its lease orthe pace'on the 31st floor the Flrat National Bank Buo[ ilding, for use as a Police radio station, for the yerlod of a year beginning January 1, 194 .0, t an an nal rental of $1>ty Doi late (260.00), pursuant terms :the .ot the �Vstl.6 lease between the City , and said First National Bank, dated December 8, 1938. Adopted by the Couneil Dec. 6, 1939. Approved Dec. 6, 1939, (Dec. 9, 1939) DEC 51939 COUNC MEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays 8s . DEC 519;19 itici'an Approved193— iP/a;canto /Ye rson In Favor Mayor II e _Z1. Against t od.Ie.I � a k11'7100 CITY OF ST. PAUL r��r `�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK q COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM �C. F. No. I1T300—Byy F. M Truaz— Whereae, ae provided by Coapotl H'1le �Nq. 116606 ap roved -November 8, 3898, PRESENTED BY V �,.� •i,at,r*„'C,,.. cem er n1839 �at o�e the•let day o[ De - COMMISSIONER -� // DATE... tir ��O+nell Ct lb•Y rock �A 67ouln WHEM3, as provided by Council File No. 118885, approved November 8, 1939, the Council did, on the let day of December, 1939, at ten otclook A. M. in the 99uncil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public nearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking two frame dwellings located on Late 22 and 23, Block 8, Como Prospect Addition, also described as No. 1085 Kent Street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210,approved May 22, 1930; and It is the opinion of the Council that said buildings are unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked aftd removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said buildings be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said buildings, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Play— grounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said buildings; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing Of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council OEC 51939193— Yeas/ Nays Bar as / DEC 51939 -Findlan //� Approved 193— � ranto --P'eterson In Favor -Rosen 12 Mayor ` TII-ax- � ) Against 6p1IWMIIWY rpt c ruie�asxEn — —? 9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Dec. 1st, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the two frame dwellings on Lots 22 and 23, Block S, Como Prospect Addition, also described as No. 1085 Bent St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. -Oe1d..Itecity COU f++gY - 11'7104 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ " NO. -� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' nE•_,I`PW.SCOUNCILRESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM saIn. �4Public ti �Buildings u Vint- ncW �k PRY uuENTEA.1Bo �. k WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain livery barn on Lot 12, Chambers' Rearrangement of Blook 11, Rondos Addition, also described as No. 282 Louis Street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a publio hearing be had upon the advisability j and necessity of wreaking said building, on the 29th day of Deoem- bar, 1939, at ten o1olock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature er purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCI MEN Adopted by the Council DEC 5 1939193— Yeas � Nays ar 9. - DEC 51939 indlanI- B Approved 193— �Isa nto Y �y� eterson In Favor �� 1 //C/JC Xsen ,)Against YUw...a.O la `i sM Ky CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Dec. 1st, 1939 Mr. John W. McCoaneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (&o. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the old livery barn at 252 Louis St., described as Lot 12, Chamberts Re. of Block 11, Rondo's Addition. Yours very truly, City Clerk. l( b W. LA MONT.KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt, of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds Ciry Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner November 29, 1939 Hon. Council s City of St. Paul Gentlemen: This Department has received many complaints relative to the old livery barn at 252 Louis Street, described as Lot 12, Chamber's Re. of Block 11, Rondo's Addition. This building is sagging in the center, siding is coming off in places on the frame portion of the building located less than two feet from the dwellings on both sides. Some of the windows are out on the second floor, shingles are bad, no rainleaders are provided, the building is out of plumb. The rear two story brick portion.,has some dead brick and bad cracks appear on the north wall. This building is used for the storage of automobiles, creating a fire hazard, danger- ous to life, limb, and adjoining property. A Danger Notice has been posted. The record owner of the property is Leo Goodkind, c/o Schune- man's, Inc., 401 Wabasha Street. Kindly institute condemnation action in accordance with Sec- tion 1-14 of the building code. Yo s truly, LAR. .0 City Architect r 117102 od,eul t. Ory odsou • CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 119102—By F. M. Truax- - Whareae, the CommiaelonA t Pa Ity i- d—C UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PliysMbtfto and council ha, tnse Hea. eporte8 to the C anvil fha ttigt cearnt• tojn dwelling to tad n;�._ y u" f Rlf.�pg ,% 2; Hdm ctf�it AP II' PRESENTED BY "+" DATE— as No.374! lwf i1 F' -v-' COMMISSIONER a dll p In WHERE", the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain dwelling looated an Lot 19, Block 2, Homecroft Addition, also described as No. 1783 Sheridan Avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability i and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 29th day of Decem- ber, 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not lose than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also pause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. DEC 51939 COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council---193— Yeas Nays Vi Aass Findlan �W Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen T.uwjmow.. r— Against V 6M Now w .. Approved DEC 5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Dec. 1st, 1939 Mr. John W. McConnelosg Corporation Counsel Citgr Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the dwelling located on the rear of the lot at 1783 Sheridan Ave., described as Lot 19, Block 2, Homecroft Addition. Yours very truly, City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD ' Supt. of Parks Supt, of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commlaloner November 29, 1939 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: Complaints have been received from the Fire Prevention Bur- eau regarding the dwelling located on the rear of the lot at 1783 Sheridan Avenue, described as Lot 19, Block 2, Homecroft Addition. This dwelling is very dilapidated, out of plumb and level, windows are out, floors are bad. it is a fire menace and should be wrecked and removed at once. The last known owner is John S. Allen, c/o Den E. Lane, 23 W. Fourth St. A Danger Notice has been posted. Kindly institute condemnation proceedings in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. truly, ,-uit rchitect LAR..0 o.ow.Olr a.A _ �-- ..,x ' , 117103 (� y� CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PNCIL RESOLUTION- --GjcryERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Z a?"G2fi DATE COMMISSIONER_ RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Theresa Slater the sum of $50.00 upon receipt for cancellation of restaurant, on and off sale malt beverage licenses issued to her at No. 222 west Seventh Street, the said Theresa Slater having been taken seriously ill shortly after such licenses were issued to her, the difference between the said $50.00 and the amount of the license feesbeing retained to cover the estimated cost of inspection and issuance of such licenses. COUNCILMEN YeasNaye arrn. , n ran L/ ar�nto - - - /eeterson In Favor Ai sen u Against 6M e-ilQA3M,,e t,-.ddT DEC 51939 Adopted by the Council _193— DEC 51939 Approved 193- - 1 / ayor 1MNsd t. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. 117104 OFFICE, OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM AHEMCASt Mary Orsello desires to withdraw application 38101 for On Sale Wt Beverage license, application 38102 for Restaurant license, and application 38103 for Off Sale Malt Beverage license SPAd"x at 565 Pcyne Ave. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESO1,M), that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to refund to Mary Orsello the fees of $50.00, $10.00, and $5.00 and to cancel said applica- tions for licenses. C. F. N. 117101—BY G. H: H—t.xa— F. M. Tt— —W. A. Penl'anto— and f - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CoundIPEC�193— Yeas Nays 51 ss / DECYIG /Fi//ndlan Approved 193 /Parranto ,,Peterson In Favor Mayor -,R�sen Against am dlftcYicePtt(1Y4itut) Cd.kd t. VB 11'7105 CITY OF ST. PAUL ii '.MOIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM coMMEsDecember 5, 1939 DATE 2E30t=: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instrwi ted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Randolph Fael & Ice Co. 260 R. Central Ave. Fuel Dealer app.30830 Now Old Otto M. Johnson 1194 N. Dale St. Grocery " 37042 " e Carl B. Brown 1940 E. 15th St. 011 Burner " 377$5 " New _. R. J. Aokert 1123 Payne Ave. 011 Burner " 37563 " New John Green 344 view St. Boot Peddler " 38057 " G1 & b 650 Yea dM " " It atlas Hagen Sy it Eeichow E. 7th St. Off Sale Malt " 35069 " Old Loca. Peter Goiffon 1405 Marion St. Junk Gatherer a 3816'3 " C. h'. iVo. 11'.106—By W. A. Parranto— F. M. Truax -6. H. Barfusa— Resolved. That IleenBes. a)eplled for by the ppersons named on t 81st Rt- tauhbiY to this resolution h d thn C= are hereby grantdd atld the City Clerk Is Instruptgd to 1. q, pch I`1- pehabs upon the pnymen� h t. ihe'ulty treasury- or yytheeahrbd tees Ai(rprny edb e Dea eG.C1019p 11 Der. fi, 1038. (Der- A, YArA) DEC 519 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— DEC 519M / Approved 193-- �J(/^ In Favor Mayor Against 11'7106 CITY OF ST. PAUL ns. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. r.MNo, 117]c�BH. W. [r uee�r�b F.ed NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM �by tfieived'n�nueoamed op tide9i applied.for by the following Persons at the addresses indicated be R1,SMV3D: That li¢enaes are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such and the same upon the Payment into the city treasury of the required fees: licenses Speakes-Pennig Peel Co. 475 w• Minnsheha 3r1te1 Dealer ipP• 37682 Renewal 2001 E. 24th St.Mpls.Bhe1 Dealek� " 37797 " Hawthorn Fuel Co. prank J. Glombitza 539 Rice St. N Restaurant " 37936 " On Sale Malt " 37937 " N a N N Off Sale Malt " 37939 " :arboCoke Sales Co. 116 R. 6th St. pool Dealer " 37557 a Chris Andrews 157 T. 7St. a " " Restaurant 37902th a " On Sale Malt 3790 a Off Sale Malt " 3T90 " P. If. yafke 1179 & Minnebaba Grocery " 37974 " Minnehaha Feed & Fuel Co. 842 E. Miaaehahs Ptie1 Dealer " 37976 " pec. C. F9hS1e 1007 Payne Ave. a Restaurant " 379TT " On Sale Malt " 37979 " " Off Sale Malt " 37979 " Citizens Ice &Fuel Co. 6 E. 4th St. Fusi Dealer " 37990 a Shell Petroleum Corp. 778 otto Ave. Fuel Dealer " 37981 " G. M. Brennan 440 Aurora Ave. N Grocery " 37992 " off Sale Malt " 37993 " " a I Baobig & CO. 24s S. Cleveland N Grocery " 37996 " Butcher " 37997 " a Golden Rale 95 3. 7th St. Pet Shop " 37999 " Frank Johnson ■ " 241 R. Rellogg M Restaurant " 379g9g3 " pf M N995 " a Off SSa a Maltti j 93-- Adopted by the Counri1 COUNCILMEN Yea" Nay" DEC 51939 Approved 193— ndlan arranto / Peterson In Favor Mayor tosen Against q sm IWOsePra3id�t(1co�rJ oftw ro BESOLVEM CITY OF ST. PAUL /jj OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rr�(*J COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM rau�r:a N� nu , DATE December 5, 1939 That license for Reetsurant, application 39037, On Sale Balt Beverage. application 39039, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 39039, aPPIIted f. for by Bernard J. Eischen at 528 Bice St. be and the same are hereby grated and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee Upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C.F M 7 Rex6lave runt, pl 'eerpal 3D pal 6Ea Rlre gSanted e io {esus into the fee.. N.— e11' Nov. Adopt Appro' New. Informally approved byVouncil Nov. 29, 1939, Old Location. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncilDEC 5 1939 193— _--�- Yeas es N.Y. DEC 51939 i. Be % �FY�n an 1/_J Approved 193— /Paganto son In Favor �jMayor 7Against / aae ell[.diloePt�dmt(1� od9l.rt.atyaek eouw11L CITY OF ST. PAUL nu '4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM December 5,.1939 BBSOI,VBDi %_'Thatlicense for Restaurant, wp}lication 38049. On SO* Balt Beverage. application 39050. and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 38051, applied for by Brack Annanziata at 707 Be 3rd St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue sach licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C. M. No. 117108—BY O. I3. Dart.. — r. M. True:—W. A. Parrant— Reeolved, That license 4oi6'Restau- nt, application 38049. On dale Malt gg vergge UP." atlo a 381160• and .04 bale Malt Beverage. DP scat/on 38081; eplied-for by Freak Annuba/ata at 407 NN ,,g $t. be and -t�t�e ams are hereby 8f•anted and the t Y Clb,k Is InetrLLct- ad, to 1.8meet Into ethe city treaeuoy ofthe the re- quired fee.. New (dieeolution of partner.hip). In- formally a��Dlwed by Counctl, Nov. 28r 1939. Old locyyalttyaon. q AdDtlodbDeq(eCy el 91 18939) Deo. 6. 1939. Yeai 6M Nein, (dissolution of partnership) Informally approved by Council Nov. 28, 1939. Old Location. DEC 510 Adopted by the Council 193— DEC 51939 Approved 193— In Favor Mayor Against oddw b CNV / CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ,� December 5 1939 .L." a No. 1171(� 1XSOLVIDs That license for Closing Out Sale, application 38106, applied for by gramele Shoe Store at 1 E. Seventh St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such liednse upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. Yea ell �C. N. No. 117109—Hy O. H. 13.1f.— 'F.M. Truax—V9. & rarranto— Resolved, That Itcenee for Cino, ruff rout sale, application 38109, Ipliod for ,,by Fieme'e ShoeStoreat 1 E.. seventh an66 and the j nted d the Chitty Clerks Is Ines u�d to�6"lo 'licez ef Yh ttoas ry of the ron- theequired fee.ent the New. For the perlo'd [roin Dec. S. 1839 to March 6, 1810. — 39Atoopted by the Council Ue, 6, 1939, Approved Do. 5. 1939. (Doc. 9, 1939) Few. lror the period from Dec. 5. 1939 to March 5. 1940 v 9 DEC 51939 Adopted by the Council -193— DEC 5 10 / ,Approved 193— In Favor G1 / Mayor Against auwl to an a.* �11 110 - CITY OF ST. PAUL Z. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM l ,.� PRESENTED BY -/�/� Wl o 'C", DATE ---- COMMISSIONER_ r. •-'rye�'rt�nPe Ftyy� to-Wtt:l W Aft -A ajtb.'. WHEREAS, Louise P. Wildung has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lots 27 and 28, Chas. Weid0,& Sub. of ilk. 37, Arlington Hills; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $821.72, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $561.66; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlements provided, however, that the sum of $26.77 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $561.66, and that said sum of $26.77 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement�of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $821.72. DEC 51939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays DECarfuss Y 51 Bnrranto d n Approved 193— terson In Favor L_ !. Mayor ZZ os�T� Against 3'j bM v�lCrcn.�t, R COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of oonstruating a sewer on Margaret Street from Ruth Avenue to a point 330 feet east of Ruth Avenue, ,xrags�D,nwr 9Anpaa. I ,. T. under Preliminary Order 116732 approved tleicobwr PH., 1939 The Council ofthe City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is oonstruot a sever'`'on Margaret Street from Ruth Avenue to a point 330 feet east of Ruth Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 828.80 (Based on W.P.A. labor) Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of January, 1940 ,Ca& _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall' Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council DEC 5 193 , 19 DEC 51939 Approved _193_— City Clerk File 8884 Mayor Councilma Barfue® Pr1Ri.1CHF.1) 1 Councilma Findlan a-G1�39 OCouncilmat� Parmn­ CouncilmatEdkQa=_,_-n P • rr� ,n CouncilmanalTuax ; CouncilmanEWenrel Mayor Mahaney ss� Form B. S. A. 8-6 mrm We Fxeswent(Trmx) If COUNCIL FILE NO. ----- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 2, Otto Is Addition from Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, under Preliminary Order 116660 approved October 18, 1939 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface the Alley in Block 2, Otto's Addition from Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, 1C. F. No. 111111— In the matter of grading and surfacing. he Aliey in Block E, Otto's Addition Is Avenue 'to Cleveland d• daary Order steno .. ,9'+9. a •,7 4•e.a SR with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 993,74, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of January, 1940 ; 19*_r at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the -Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as i ted. Adopted by the Council DEC 510 , 193 DEC 510 `✓� �/ Approved 193 City Clerk File 8847 Mayor CouncilmallaivleB®aeL� Bnrfase Councilman Mayna P,tidla❑ P-IMLISHED ��cl, 3q Councilman. Pearce ____� Perrnnto Councilman Rosen ,___ 7 Peterson Councilman Truax Rosen Councilmair-W-cn�1— _� �. Mayor I v Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 117:1.1.3 In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Otto's Addition from Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue C. F. No. 117133— Inthe matter of condemning and- tel[-. Ing an easement In the land n=, van for sroDes, cuts and All. 1.,the' rfacing of r[he All ..s •:1 m Bent b�,�ri en .'-,lae.n nnrt• •'e1t11� i.e.{ under Preliminary Order 116661 approved n.+'k IQ. 1939 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading•and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Otto's Addition from Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the outs and shaded portions showing the fills, with no, alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00• Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of January, 1940 D"x__ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council DEC 5 1939 193 Approved_DEC 51939 193City Clerk — ./ File 8846 Mayor Councilmac3eneldE�5a Rarfune PUBLISHLI) 3q CouncilmaroLvvisy_� = -.._� F .... Mm CouncilmarzxRe vw-- CouncilmartAnsert _— t'v1c­..t, Councilmar=Truaat-_ -:.• li,.sr , CouncilmarrW:en2d_- --j —Trus 'T Mayor neg 1. Form B. S. A. 8-6 W.VioePresident t(Traax) t /J :17114 L. F. N. 312114— IIn tho matter o1 a,.",g and 11111010$$ the Alley In Block 9. '91-- .. N. — PaFlc Addition from Pnla.. st—t 1..1, o Ss(Ler-.. eon Avenve: 1110 111101 ina 9' ewer In the /•' ^'v " r no's : 1� •rl, ,. _ COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 9, Sylvan Park Addition from Palace Street to Jefferson Avenue; also constructing a sewer in the Alley from a point 80 feet north of Palace Street to Palace Street, and in Palace Street from the Alley to the sewer in Pascal Avenue, under Preliminary Order 116633 _approved October 17., 1939, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. " That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface the Alley in Block 9, Sylvan Park Addition from Palace Street to Jefferson Avenue. Also construct a sewer in.the Alley from a point 80 feet north of Palace Street to Palace Street, and in Palace Street from the Alley to the sewer in Pascal Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,179.56. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be bad on said improvement on the 2nd day of January, 1940 XXX at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 939 Adopted by the CounciL DEC J 1 193 DEC 51939 Approved 193— City Clerk r i File 8849 Mayor Councilman garfass CouncilmanFindlan L Y_LTBLISHEll.,L�– G' 3q Councilman fiawsommm Parranto li Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen Councilman Mayor NIMENNOMr, Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mr' Vice 1'�dent 11,11;81; COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER 117115 In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 9, Sylvan Park Addition, from Palace Street to Jefferson Avenue, IC. F. No. 117116— In the matter of condemning and tak-` Ing an easement In the land nemue�ry fnr .lour=, epta and flIla In the; aRrc(nn of the. Ari.• A. under Preliminary Order 116884 approved OR+ober 12, 1989 5' ' The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary fbr slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and .surfacing of the Alley in Block 9, Sylvan Park Addition, from Palace Street to Jefferson Avenue, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the outs and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25,00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of January, 1940 Xft at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ; ing, the nature of the improvement andthet I cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council— Y�! , 193 DEC 5199 Approved 193— City Clerk dad File 8849 Mayor CouncilmaflMMININEWEM Barfu a Councilma N� li is=i 4 Farrant Councilma Parranto '�-- Councilma Peterson Councilma Rosen Councilma 01 -rPQgr— Mayor on Ah. Vice i n�jclgpt1 Form B. S., A. 8-6 �hgttJ . COUNCIL FILE NO_ INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1.x.'7116 In the Matter of grading and surfacing the Alley in InglestonIa Sub, NetzelIa Subdivision and Block 4, Schnitzius Addition from Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue, under Preliminary Order 116729 approved October 25, 1939, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby -ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface the Alley in Ingleston's Sub, Netzel's Subdivision and Block 4, Sohnitzius Addition from Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue, F. No. 11711s—. the xpatter or . - inf and surracing^ he Allay to ineleeton a Bob.. Nett�sera Pilh.flvlalo wnd !look 4, Schaltzlus ! •-brie.. Ar.nue to. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--6-6-7A-0-0#-- Resolved 667.00.Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of January. 1940 *1SE—., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting tote persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear-., ing, the nature d the improvement and the total cost thereof as es ' ted. _ Adopted by the Council DEC 193 10 Approvers DEC 5 193— City Clerk File 8851 Mayor CouncilmarMj4Qft^eta ea q ��Rariv Councilma.kNft:� Fia(11!, . COuncilma gz -- Parr, v Councilmar�sety-:.;__"7 C'rlr rsor. Councilmartzfivax..-- _ i li!!Fet1 Councilmarr-Wxnze1---- ., Mayor Mahaim +ti�0"3' Form B. S. A. 8-6 11lr Vir? Ir ;idetrt('Pt'tte8) • 7H7 C. F. No. 117117— . Inln Be smatter o[*,1 innd emnl land tak- fnr xloyew. eC ary n11e the grnd' ,and • ,h P in `ell COUNCIL FILE NO— INTERMEDIARY O INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Ingleston's Sub, Netzel's Subdivision, and Block 4 Schnitzius Addition, from Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue, under Preliminary Order 116730 __approved October 25. 1939_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be,.proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Ingleston's Sub, Netzel's Subdivision, and Block 4 Schnitzius Addition, from Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00 _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of January, 1940 1Oi—, at the hour of .10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL_0EB— , 193 DEC 939 Approved 51 193— City Clerk File 8850 Mayor CouncilmarIMIRIMIAM Barfuss CouncilmarnManmumm Fir,dian Imo' Councilma Parranto Couneilmat Peterson CouneilmarwWwas; 1 urea Councilma�t Mayor its Mt. President(Tr=) Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER H7H8 In the Matter of grading and surfacing the Alleys in Block' 2, University View Addition and Arnold's Addition from Blair St. to Van Buren St. and from Oxford St. to the North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order 116727 approved October 28, 1839. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon �. the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface the Alleys in Block 2, University View Addition and Arnold's Addition from Blair St. to Van Buren St. and from Oxford 8t. to the North and South Alley, C. F. No. 111118— In the matter a grading and aortae the Alleys in Block 2 Unlven View Addition nd ArnoId'e AdQlt rnm T'1,i^'at to V; „ Bur" &t. i -d si'.e Nor*h with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,017.80. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd aAy; of January. 1940 _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as es ' ted. Adopted by the Council DEC 5 1, 193 DEC 5 193 Approved 193— City Clerk File 8883 24ayor Councilman Balfnea CouncilmanddZX=2ZG= Figdlan ice-. Councilmatlde8r Parrltnbo � �-- � Y..l�sl�.:�. � � ... _ � ��' q' 3 Councilmandtoses__== Peterson a Councilman-'tHaru--`-�--3A Rosen Councilman,W., el =r—i ce Mayor I sney M 7ioe�'r>�I' Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F. No. 117119— Jn the ma,ttpr ,or ondemning aR tpk L4rY `.ins alw e4eanfen, ItaA tbp 1Mr qen: d - for elapee, c4and': p araa�1rnt�g ana pprteot1nns ��tp� s n 810Cic r, AItion rJnlrX� 'n .ye nd, Arn Id'• dd%lttpn COUNCIL FILE NO.—R� By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alleys in Block 2, University View Addition and Arnold's Addition from Blair St. to Van Buren St. and from Oxford St. to the North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order 116728 approved October 25 1959, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the -same is hereby proved and adopted, and the said improvement i8 hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land neoessary for slopes, outs and fills in -the grading and surfacing ° of the Alleys in Block 2, University View Addition and Araolsi's Additibn from Blair St. to Van Buren St.. and from Oxford St. to the North and South Alley, in aeoordance with the blue print hereto attaohed and made a part hereof, the hatched'portions showing the outs and shade portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the, 2nd day of January. 1990 h�i,_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the •Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as esti ed Adopted by the Council DEC 51 1937�/� DEC 5 1939 Approve,) 193— Mayor City File 886E 3 � Councilman Barfuse Amu gindlan Counciltna'" Partanto r Councilmarimfigmamm=W Peterson } j Councilmarw&mamt_-� Rosen Councilma —Tramr— Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-6 1:• Vice Its ident (Trmm) 0 1.1'7120 C. F. No. 117120— In the matter of onetruotigg a 8 -foot cement sfiletvalk' 'on tNe south side of Third arrest beginning 181.12 Seet rr. 'the Pra�rrii .rn. thence :r.,oa� ,. ,.:i�u ., ,;. n .P T. �-. COUNCIL FILE NO. -''.,'«.,- "'" ant( By — INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a 6 foot cement sidewalk on the south side of Third Street beginning 194.12 feet east of Johnson Parkway, thence east 80 feet in front of lots 6 and 7, Block 16, E. R. Bryant's Subdivision of lots 15 and 16, Stinson's Frances Street Addition to St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, under Preliminary Order 116662 approved October 18 1939. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same i9' h reby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a 6 foot cement sidewalk on the south side of Third Street beginning 194.12 feet east of Johnson Parkway, thence east 80 feet in front of lots 6 and 7, Block 16, E. R. Bryant's Subdivision of lots 15 and 16, Stinson's Frances Street Addition to St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.17 per ajit re foot. 'Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of January. 1940 AM__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the impravempcbtpnd tlrj j* cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Utlr s7 i�la , 193 DEC 5 Approved— 193— City Clerk t � File $4325 ayor Councilma 0 Barfuss CouncilmamdrbEFTEEM= Findlan uuLISHED /-1-3 Councilma+ Parranto 41 Councilmaw.R,asPeterson CouncilmatsTniax 'xj-=3 Rosen Councilmarr=aigiMa�m r-44T=r* Mayorr Form B. S. A. 8-6 Vice Premdent(Ttnij ) COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1177121 In the Matter of constructing ornamental lights on the west side of Cleveland Avenue from Pinehurst Avenue to 660 feet south of Bohland Avenue produced, and on the east side of Cleveland Avenue from Pinehurst Avenue to Hillorest Avenue, . C. t. N. 117121— In the matter of constructing ena. m�qental Ughts on the Wcet elde or 117121- 1w of nl ,n A.ven �. from PI .�..'?.!. ..�a under Preliminary Order 116663__approved October 18, 1939. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct ornamental lights on the west side of Cleveland Avenue from Pinehurst Avenue to 660 feet south of Bohland Avenue produced, and on the east side of Cleveland Avenue from Pinehurst Avenue to Hillcrest Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 3,600.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of januAlor, 1940 225r—_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council DEC 5 1939 , 193 Approved J� 193 /,�^- „ City Clerk File 8856 Mayor Councilma Barfuss Councilma r+jw — - Findlan ; iLISHEI) CouncilmatgPearc,e;�_m Parranto CouncilmarmResen-- Peterson L� CouncilmarmTxuax--=r= n Rosen Councilma stam= 'f? ww— Mayor OW 00 Form B. S. A. 8.6 Vitaett�q�11x1 :1'7122 NOTICE I . ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL RLE NO.�_ To SEMUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER.J.,� Ii,i D FUND - No,vembez 29 939_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ COVERING CHECK NUMBERED ��� _ � PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.6 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL DEC 51939 193_ APPROVED DEC 51939 193CITY COMPTROLLER 13f7 Roo - 7-38 �Y f7 ` ���DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER" FILE NUMBER � ROLL CALL FILE rvu MBeR._ FARFUES INOLAN IN FAVORI PETERSON -- AUDITED CLAIMS November 29 B, 9-_ TOSEN RUA% AGAINST, RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAy%V(�7 ON T E CITV TREASURY W ENZEL F TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF SOsO� COVERING ADOPTED BY THE COU L — __� E/C 51939 CHECKS NUM BER EO 711 INCLUSIVE. AS MR PRES FALLON DECPER CHECKS ON FJYV TH,FI OF THE C TY COM PTRO ER APPROVED .._-..._ r 29.0-- NUMBER — - c Ro wrno«ew —01 - - - _ IN FAVOR OF TOTAL DTE CHECK -- RETU RNED A'.� NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS - � K � BROUGHT FORWARD 711 Sculley Equipment Company 200 00 • eL FUND SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ' „ 200 OO , NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL , COUNCIL FILE NO. 117.123 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION 14 PRINTER November 29 ss 9 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNTy COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO_.65}2-9--INCLUSIVE, AS PER �. �. CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.nF.kn Inc ril}' Vru nary. lthe u al; Br IIR, U,' DEC 51939 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL CITY t_C----193----� U[I—ci,Y COMPTROLLER — y APPROVED 7�• `' ���� ...193 I BY R 40 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 66 eo6 33,1555336 93 , DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL q ¢ I"y j �1j ROLL CALL BARFUSS _ • OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL 1j� C/ tai FILE NUMBER - FINDLAN '__ - PETERSON I IN FAVOR! AUDITED CLAIMS November 29th 1.3 -9 TRUAX W ENZ AGAINSTIRESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY O�-�- COVERING MR PRES Fq LLON ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S —. CHECKS NUMBERED �yr 1U 6 nl7's�L�(7J� •:i �� F��N"?)FF OFRE C _ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FIL TY COM PT RO LER 1QQr{ APPROVED _ .� 5-193C.'y. �-�*�� NUMBER 217 BY —>y_— co�xrxn��ex TOTAL I. I IN FAVOR OF _ - TURF _ _ IRETURNED CHECK NUMBERT ANSFER DISBURSEMENT I BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD _ 66 2o6 33_ 1385417 60 65916 John S. Findlan, C. of Fin. 159 202 38 65917 American Rad. & S. San. Corp. 19 17 65918 S. Berglund Lumber Company 166 84 65919 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Company 96 18 , I Mrs. Thos. E. Dahill R 40 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 66 eo6 33,1555336 93 , DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL q ¢ I"y j �1j ROLL CALL BARFUSS _ • OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL 1j� C/ tai FILE NUMBER - FINDLAN '__ - PETERSON I IN FAVOR! AUDITED CLAIMS November 29th 1.3 -9 TRUAX W ENZ AGAINSTIRESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY O�-�- COVERING MR PRES Fq LLON ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S —. CHECKS NUMBERED �yr 1U 6 nl7's�L�(7J� •:i �� F��N"?)FF OFRE C _ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FIL TY COM PT RO LER 1QQr{ APPROVED _ .� 5-193C.'y. �-�*�� NUMBER 217 BY —>y_— co�xrxn��ex TOTAL I. I IN FAVOR OF _ - TURF _ _ IRETURNED CHECK NUMBERT ANSFER DISBURSEMENT I BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD _ 66 2o6 33_ 1385417 60 65916 John S. Findlan, C. of Fin. 159 202 38 65917 American Rad. & S. San. Corp. 19 17 65918 S. Berglund Lumber Company 166 84 65919 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Company 96 18 , 65920 Mrs. Thos. E. Dahill 284 l0 65921 Sharpe & Dohme, Inc. 37 97 65922 Price Tleotric Company 82 43 65923 West End Ice & Fuel Company 5 00 65924 American Insurance Agency 586 5o 65925 1'. Monick, Sec. C.H.&C. H. Com. 1 00 65926 T. Mons ck, Sec. C. H. &9. H. Com. 140 4o 65927 Dept. of Education 28 48 65928 J.L. 8hiely$Company, Inc. 3,2 88 65929 Slauer Mfg. Company 9 236 oo R 40 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 66 eo6 33,1555336 93 , Od21W to OW cit* 117124 CITY OF ST. PAUL nii"`" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM ry COMMISSIONER_ W� DATE WHEREAS, on the 8th day of November 1939, a Chrysler sedan owned by T. J. StrasseJ� was struck by a car belonging to the City of Saint Paul, driven by Charles Crorquist, at the intersection of Oakland Avenue, Ramsey Street and Pleasant Avenue, and damaged in the amount of $9.00 as a result.of said collision, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of said T. J. Strasser, 1819 Marshall Avenue, for said sum of $9.00, upon his execution and delivery of a release therefor approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel. C. 9'. No. 117124—By G. H. narfues— Whereae, n the 8th day of Novem her, 1939, aoChrysler sedan owned Fb; T. J. Strasser was .-- ho o n.e. e o said collision;ttherefore �be It reedit h andl they tale hereby suthorlsrdm and directed to draw a warrant In favor of sold T. J. a[rasaer. 1919 ..rehan Ave- nue, for eald sum of 19.99, upon his execution sad delivery' of a release therefor approved ae to form and ese- _tion by the Corp ration Counsel. Adopted byy the Counoll Dec. 9, 1939. I a AP.'raved neo. B, 19 a,. (Der. 9, 1989) DEC 6198 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— 0 Yeas Nays =;Bayfuss i/ndfian 4 j Approved DEC 619M 193 a nto Tet =in in Favor i n Mayor ;ru / Against P,esident (Fallon) am 6418 Ca 117125 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED DATE December 6, 1939 COMMISSION R_ RESOLVED, That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue suet licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees, Joseph Palmitessa 437 Michigan Grocery App.38021 New Old Location Peter Neimy 10221 S. Roberts Off Sale Malt " 38082 Joe. M. Morgan 642 Jackson St. Barber " 38090 Ike Levine 307 E. 13th St. Off Sale Malt " 38093 Lola Bach 660 Canada St. Off Sale Malt " 38096 - C. F. No. 117126—By W. A. Parranto— P. M. Truax --G. H. Barfua.-- Re glued. That Ilcensea applied for j by tffie persons named on tthe list At- tdahed to this be the resolution and edme a hereby granted and the City Clerk to Instructed to leave such II- cenees upod the payment Into the city treasury of the rep Wired feed. Adopted by the Council Dec. 9. 1939. Approved Dec. 6. 1999, ,Dec. 9. 1939) ` DEC 6193 3— Adopted by the Council—193— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DEC 61939 Bai 9s In n Approved 193—. arr to n Favor Mayor � Against r. President (Fallon) sM 6-118 Cs 1 11'7126 S RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_ condemning and_taking_an easement in the land necessary -for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 3, Kensington Park Addition from Albert Avenue to Pascal Avenue, BE80LU1'lON MTfI+'17N0 AND CON- FDIMTVr _' UNA AND AND Awi mo^ AS - under Preliminary Order ---- 115565------------- approved____July_ 14_1$$9__________________ Intermediary Order _____-___116292--_--_-___-_r approved ---- Sep:IeTg r 19 _1939_---_-______ Final Order ---------------- 116614 ------------- , approved____ Ootober_17,_ A939_________--_-__ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That tk taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified a signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awar amages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. idcxe sedr�tafec� 7�0C?t17c�ID2 keaeiS. Adopted by the Council ------- DEC ---6- -1-9-M----- --- --- -------------- DEC 61939 C-i`-t-y'-�--�---- - Clerk. Approved----------------- - ----,19---- File 8794 ------------'�fA-�1-- -------------------- Mayor. Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman )wind Councilman X, ax Mayor gogag--s ''anon REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS A:�1) a z_:: - 1!;-vEFiTQ In the matter of_ oondemningl and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 3, Kensington Park Addition from Albert Avenue to Pascal Avenue, under Preliminary Order__ 115565 _-_-- approved ------ July_ 141 1939 ------------------------- Intermediary Order ------ 116292 --- approved------ -------------------- Final Order --------------116614 --- approved ------ Ootober 171 -1,939 ---------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor tai the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. _...-----`, _�_L'3c-_�v __moi___✓-.c_,_.,z_cf � w.--✓__ l ' Commissioner of Finance. i.A'71.27 otgler (. aro a.d. NO. / CITY OF ST. PAUL nye OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V 1 R SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM f //y� COUNC L E COMM 8910 hI '� DATE December 6. 1939 St 0. J. Orooker desires to withdraw application 38137 for Off Sale Malt Beverage license at 308 Rice St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RBSOLVEDt that the proper city officers be and they are hereby aithorised to refund to O. J. Grooker the fee of $5.00 and to cancel said application for license. C F No. 117127—By G H. Barfuee—� F M. Truax—W. A. Partantb— Whereas C. J Croaker desires � to ]th4 appltRatlon• 81' for 13%. q I't+ieq av art td thereon; Ygt a for 1 0. tee depoed t [hereon: therefore.- it Resolved, that the proper city officers! he and they are hereby authorized of to' refund to a l maid p the fee of r h- 00 and to cannel said application for 1f - cense. Adopted by the Council Dec. 8, 1838. Approved Dec. 8, . 103 (Dec. 8. 1959) j DEC 61939 COUNCI MEN 1 Adopted by the Council-193— Yeas ouncil 193—Yeas Nays a ss DEC 61939 i/n�an Approved 193— iPar to et son in Favor Wx2yMayor �n Against /fruax 1>11'. President (Fallon) alit 6.58 08 may Cieh � .' ~ CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. 11712 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIILj RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISONER S_ DATE _ WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has recommended the removal of Frank J. Thill as a member of the Journeyman Plasterer's Examination Board, as established under the provisions of the Building Code, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the removal of said Frank J•, Thill from the said Journeyman Plasterer's Examination Board is hereby approved, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays B`artlfss � 7arrdnto et on n Favor Z�Against r. President (Fallon) am 9-38 cs C. F. No. 117128—BY r. M. Truax— Whereae. the Codlmiestoner of Parke, had recomrmended and the remlovalBulfdF ank J. Thin as a member .,of the Journeyman Plasterer's Examination Board, he 1h tahitshed undo, the �proWalIne of the Building Code; nbw, therefore; be It Resolved, that the removal o[ Bald Frhnk J. Thal from the a id Journey- ' hen Pl stere, d.ExaminatIon Board le . Adopted by the Council Dec. 8. 1939. Approved Dec. 8, 1939. iD¢c. 9, 1939) i DEC 616;i9 Adopted by the Council 193— Approved DEC 61939193— ayor W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commlaior er December 6, 1939 To the Honorable, The Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: Because of the arrest of Mr. Frank J. Thill, a member of the Journeyman. Plasterers Examining Board on com- plaint of Mr. Louis Vinnes in which Mr. Thill is charged with violent assault, and because of a former arrest of Mr. Thill on complaint of Mr. W. E. Ketchum on a similar charge; it appearing that Mr. Thill admitted his guilt in the first case, and apparently is now ad- mitting guilt in the second case, it is the opinion of the undersigned that Mr. Thill has disqualified himself as a fair and impartial examiner and should not longer be retained on said Board. The Council is, therefore, advised of the removal of Frank J. Thill from the Journeyman Plasterers Examining Board, as of this date. Respectfully submitted 1,4 Commissioner )f Farks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings 00" roan u.* No. CITY OF ST. PAUL lOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 11,"89-13yW. A. Parganto— COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM t F. W Tr•• H. 1,r. a— PRESENTED DATE December 6 1949 ' -..� That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated RESOLVED: the are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such be and same licenses upon the payment into the city treasury, of the r1equired fees: Frank J. Schrader 673,Bedford St. Barber App. 37996 Renewal St.Authony Park Fuel Co. 918 Raymond Ave. Fuel Dealer. " 38000 n N. Weber 1579 Selby Ave. Restaurant " 38002 n Joseph Trost 616 Rondo St. Grocery " 38003 " Subes A Petrasek 693 W. 7th St. n Grocery " 38004 H. E. Sohwarze 739 University n On Sale Malt " 36005 Lawrence E. Rust 774 Grand Ave. n Restaurant 11 38006 n ++ n n ++ On Sale 16a1t " 38007 Adopted by the Council 193— Off Sale mail " 38008 " • R.D.Norman &Sona 917 Reaney St. Butcher " 38009 " K. B. Arneberg 945 Fauquier St. Fuel Dealer " 38010 n Garfield Olson 125 S. 5th St. Barber +' 38011 Jewel Coal Co. 1410 Rollins Ave.SS Mpls. FuelDlr. " 38012 n Fred J. Si 501 University Ave. Tavern 38014 " n n� n ++ Dance Hall " 38015 Al Salita 452 Jackson St. Grocery " 38018 n F.D.Williams Cpal CO -Inc- 15 W. 4th St. Fuel Dealer " 38020 " Standard Oil Co. 1300 Harmon P1. mple. Fuel Dealer " 38026 " National Tea Co. 844 S. Smith Ave. " " Grocery 38027 ' J. C. Zalesky 661 N. Western Ave. n �Q++ Bakery D Ct0 +�6 193.4 Ct+ Adopted by the Council 193— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nayss 'DEC 61939 Approved 193=— 1nd1 n r In Favor rson �—Y-r Against �r PPresident (Fallon) am 6.36 C8 odeled4QCRY a'sh 117130 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF HE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLI ION ---GENERAL FORM 1 COMMISSIONER DATE November 2Y, 1939 That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 6 poles Meet of Childs Road on Municipal Barge Terminal property, with necessary goys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common 0ovneil and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Mr. Mr. President (Fallon) am s4� Ca &etimats tF319918. C. F. No. 117190—Hy Milton Rosen— That the Northern a(tgatee Power, Company be given permiseloil to install 6 poles West of Childs load on Mn- ninipal Barge Terminal property. with smeary guys, angors, Wirbs, and Telephone Company tvlres. Poles and' j fres to be removed when Bence and to do so by the aby G cost ofovgt to be 4.rn er emevgl to be florae . the Northern atntea Power Company. N.tirdate No. 619 1R. dope d by the ounoll Dat. 0. 1999. ADbr Ved Dee: 9, 1999. (Dec. 9, 1939) DEC 61939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— 93— YeaeNays Yeas---- arfuss DEC 61939 indlan neo Approved 193— �1�eterson In Favor I,, - Rosen Mayor Against Mr. Mr. President (Fallon) am s4� Ca Petition G—" 1 1 / tt3A f Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ....... Grede. andU.Q. Alle3rA . 7.n. B].00k. 3,. 1UP9'.a. AFcade„ P.ar>F, f?ro>p.W.eIelx ............. „.,Apenue to the North. and South Alley sad Prom Cottage Street to the Tsaet .......................... ..._,..and.Feat,Alley..,,, Also,grade,l�aleh,Aveaue. Yrom,Cottage.Street to the south ............................ line..oP . the. Alley. in .Block .3, . Ringl s .Arcade. Park. ............................... .......... Dated this ... 60 ........ day of .................. Deo.Wb.'r........ .......... 1939..... -- ............................I............................... PNELiI11I.Y,Y'71Y OIIOF7Htl. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:' ........ A11070. -in. Block. 3,. %in6' a. Ar4ede..P.ark. xrpau..Tal�b ............. AVa 0.Re..LR . tb@ . NVfi l kl. and. rS9Ath. A� J eY. and . from..Qottage, ,Street , to, ,the. ,fast........... .......and .Neat..AJ.lay.•..... AlA9..aaCada..�slab..AYeuua . Rr�a..C4t4a8e..Strae:� . t9..the..eo u�b........ line„oP the Alley in Block 3ti Biagl.e..Aroade..Pa.rk... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AdopteAy the Council.............D..EC....... 6...1939....................... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT 1M 12.38 / / I DEC 61939 A......... ...................... Mayor. PUBLISIiEDI� -2q Council File No.�1` jSiN PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: .......... TA. the.matter, of.aondemning and taking an easement in the land necessaryfor slopes, cute and fills �in th.a..g o. P gr anil� surfacing .... Of- -the- -Alleys • ln• -Block. •3-,.. King t. s .Arcade . Park, -from. Walsh . Avenue .................... to the North and South Alley and from Cottage Street to the East ......... aaH'W6igt'Alley';alOb'iii'thld 9t1id`1n9' of Walsh *Avenus, froom'Cottage................. .........&xRBet„to,the,�outh,line„oY.the,Alley in Block, %ingts arcade P k Dated this...... 6th..... day of.............December No. 117132— w wrAbstract. t[tepet. pp -----"------- ---_— _makin - n• the tollewl gDlmD/'nvement. Is PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: IA.tj7a.uiat,�x„q�,.P.9A4eA4iA8. and. takin�.an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing ofther'A21'eyB"in•Slack•3i'$ing's Azeade-Park•Prem•Welsh•Avenue, .......... to the North and South Alley and from Cottage Street to the East end West Alley, g”"' Street.. to. the. south. 11 na . of ..the. All ew. in .Blo.ck . 3'. King! s..AXc.ad@. P9Sk, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓/ Adopted by the Council.............DEC 61939 ............................... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ......... DEC q.1939 FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX L... ...... MR. PRESIDENT or. IM 12.38 / J M�.S1�D l���l��( Od9WI I. O1r OaY,� X 17133 CITY OF ST. PAUL n i"` N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM T PRESENTED BY COMMIBBIONE.� DATE December 5, 1939 PZSOLVADt That license for On Sale Melt Beverage, application 37997, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 37998, applied for by Dean L. Witcher at 1033 W. 7th St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue a'h licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. NOW, Informally approved by Council. Nov. 28, 1939. Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas f Nays jBa gs m an arranto -Ve'terson -It�sen am jjrVice 110dwt MEOW Adopted by the Council DEC 5 1 93 Approved DEC 510193— In Favor Mayor Against C. F. No. 117138—Hy G. H. Barfuse—' Tras '. A. Parranto— Resolved, That license for On gale Malt severpge, application 87997, Ind Beverage, OR gale. It ppllcatian for 37 81083 atWf17th St, be and the samecare hereby granted and the City Clerk Is ,Instructed to Issue ooh licenses upon thePayment Into pontInt the city treasury of New• Infpratally approved by Coun- cil, Nov. 28, 1939. Old location. Adopted by the Council Der. 5. 1939. ADproved D c. 6, 1989. fOec. 9, 1939) 6 U �l Adopted by the Council DEC 5 1 93 Approved DEC 510193— In Favor Mayor Against Od,kW to OH Oak 11-7134 CITY OF ST. PAUL 1-`i `" NO R OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL' RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Wherea F. re 11711—,137 W. H. Faison— ' as the Galtier Memorial Ae-I clntlon of St. Paul has today, Decem- I, her 7th,submitted to the City Coupcll' PRESENTED BY V, �� � � thr.'gh ? hula 1.tFoul a d. M. adapted. COMMISSIONER_ DATE_. WHEREAS, the (saltier Memorial Association of St. Paul has today, December 7th, submitted to the City Council, through Louis J. Foussaad, the adopted plan for the Galtier Memorial, and WHEREAS, said memorial is to consist of a large block of granite with bronze medallions on either aide, to be erected on the Kellogg Boulevard Esplanade near the sits of the church built by Father Galtier, and dedicated to St- ` s;A1 and which gave to the City of St. Paul its name, cnd,_;' WHEREAS, by resolution C. F. No.106285 of January glst, 1937 the City Council went on record as being in favor of the erection of a suitable monument,other than a building in honor of the memory of Father Galtior on Be Kellogg Boulevard.after referring the matter to the St. Paul City Planning Board and receiving their favorable report, and FURTHER PBSOLYED, that when the Galtier Memorial 0ommittse has decided upon the plans for said -memorial that they be submitted to the City Council to again be referred to the Planning Board for its reccmnendation,to the end'that the memorial bo in keeping with the improvement and landscaping heretofore made on Kellogg Boulevard, and that said memorial be in architectural and artistic harmony with its location= now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council submit herewith to the St. Paul City Planning Board the plans submitted by the Galtier Memorial Association, and that said .Beard report back to the Oouncil as to the suitability of this marker and its ppoposed location, in order that the Council may act upon the matter and permit the Association to proceed with the construction of the memorial. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council DEC 71''193- Yeas Nays ss nq Fin n �% Approved DEC719' 193— �aryanto / ,reterson In Favor Ma sen i Against T'1' ! UBLISI ILll I� 2. q— 3 q r. President (Fallon) 6M &68 C8 1st. 17— _ 2nd. vIIN w Laid over to 3rd. & app. 1" I ,f Adopted v v v Yeas/ Nays Yeas/ Nays Ba sa $arfuss n /Fyndlan arrant. Parranto Pet on \/ J Pett on j / n .sen Truax sell Truax ,'Mn President Fallon 1/11r. President Fallon Original to City Clark ORDINANCE 117136 V C UNCIL BILE NO PRESENTED BY ' '/ ��� RDI ANCE NO. 1 An ordinance appropriating the balances remaining in F=d 31-3), Election Expense, at the end of the year 1939 after all obliga- tions and purposes for which said funds were appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE M Tr OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the unencumbered balances at the close of the year 1939 remaining in find 31-D, Election Expense, are hereby appropriated and set aside in the General find in the year 19110 for the specific purpose of applying the balances towards the cost of re -districting voting precincts within the City of Saint Paul, sending notices to voters, and other expenses pertaining to said re -districting. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Suction 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. ['. F. No. 117138 --Ordinance No. 3073— By F. M. 17uax—A cel F. Peterson— G. H. BarWes-- An ordinance aTIV— .. �:,a thect'ot 1 Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto d-s.v✓� Pebe�ee�� Truax Mr. Pr 'dent (Q/ / Attest: City Clerk 300 7.37 C9 20089 Passed by the Cocil DEC 221939 In Favor d Against DEC 221939 Approved Mayor 6L -3o-34 FE let._. I 2nd. l Laid over to i 3rd. & app._ Adopted ti 2 Yeas Nays � Nays Yeas /��t3an / par88 , rranto Findrl /Yarranto Pe osen n J .on W en Truax ruax Xr. President Fallon 1 Mr. President Fallon OrigWN to City Clerk t ' • ORDINANCE 117137 v COUNCIL J LE NO*akc-/ J� PRESENTED BY W /t"""'�'� //-/ 1 CE NO - An ordinance appropriating the balances remaining in all Budget Funds, in the City Clerk, Bureau of Records, Salaries, Fund No. 4-A-1, Office Expense, Fund No. 11--A-2, and Offjnial Publications, Amd No- 4-A-3, at the end of the year 1939, after all obligations and purposes for which "aid funds were appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the'preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECTION 1. That the balances remaining at the and of the year 1939, after all obligations and purposes for which the funds were appropriated have been provided for, in Funds in the City Clerk, Bureau of Records, Salaries; Fund No. 4—t 1, Office Expense, Fund No. 4—A-2, and Official Publicatione, Fund No. 4-A-31 are hereby appropriated and set aside to be used for the same purposes in 1940 as the same were appropriated for in the 1939 Budget. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. C. F. No, 117137—Ordinance No. 8072—I By x ., . Peterson— An H. Barfuss— Aet An ordinance appropriating the bal. d .noes remaining in all Budget Funds. in the City Clerk, Bureau of Records, 3alarles, Fund No. 4-A-1, Office Ex- pense, Fund No. 4-A-2, and, -7 111 Pul Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Mr._Pruid-nt (e&gBr��" Attest: `��l/ --- City Clerk gnu 7.:n t.v —o- DEC 221939 Passed by the Counci In Favor UAgainst DEC 221939 Approved: Mayor 41 117138 Od,le4le Otr,q.h . 1oueHciL NO. � CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM C. F. No. 11718 --,By F. M. Trupx— W¢eroa'gg, Dy cotlnen FF No. Yiars2 RRdgv0 itypte pe B, ?s3 , tM1eCqpfiefl determined flint l�at ? In ;[t�dt(Ing' PRESENTED BY titer.VV�-4/�. DATE'nont.T epn r.nt. p COMMISSIONER WHEBW, by Council File No. 116162, approved September 6, 1939, the Council determined that that certain dwelling located on Lot 2, Block 1, Woodford Park, also described as No. 984 Eleanor Street, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; and Wii>'r,FAB, due notice has been given as required by Section 1.16 of grdinanoe No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. DCC 71939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council------i93— yeas ouncil— __-193-- Yeas , Nays a u.' DEC 71939 /Ft lan Approved 193— anto In Favor __ Peterson yor 14n % Against x 1_?, — q-._.39 r. President (Fallon) 6M a-38 C8 FA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE AF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Dec. 6, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 3) authorizing and directing the Comsr. of Parks, P. & P. B. to enter upon the premises and tear down and remove the dwelling on Lot 2, Block 1, Woodford Park, also described as No. 994 Eleanor St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt.. of Paarrkkss W. LA MONT N Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect �• CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminloner December 5, 1939 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen, In accordance with Council File No. 116162, adopted by the Council on September 6, 1939, please be advised that the proper notices h-ve been mailed retarding the condemnation of the dwelling at 984 Eleanor Street. No appeal has been made for a rehearing of the condemna- tion proceedings. ur truly, City Architect LAR ..0 o�� 0ri1 ]7Vtr did- r. `NLl� oumci` CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IC. F.''No. ]177,8 ,—ay F. M. Truax -.- :t' hrE .hy Councn File No. 118860 COUNC ESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM natoveQ�S'obmnber 7, 1939, the Counotf. (( I^M thnt that certain two--tory n Ir •aged on the rollowlne PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER TrOaz DATE WHEREAS, by Council File No. 118850, approved November 7, 1939, the Council determined that that certain two-story brick building located on the following described property, to -wit: (Except a triangle in the southeast corner being 85 feet on Stillwater Avenue and 85 feet on Corning Avenue) beginning at inter- section of center line of Phalen Street and Stillwater Avenue, thence north 70 degrees 151 east along center line of Stillwater Avenue 212.23 feet, thence northerly along oenter line of Corning Avenue 238 feet, thence westerly 141.49 feet, thence south- erly 20 feet to north hell of building, thence westerly 10 feet, thence southerly along joint wall 14.15 feet, thence westerly 10 feet, thence southerly 18.91 feet, thence westerly 114.39 feet along center line of Court to easterly line of Northwest Wheel k Foundry Company's Addition, thence southerly along said easterly line to northerly line of Stillwater Avenue produced west, thence easterly along said northerly line to center line of Phalen Street aforesaid, thence to beginning; being part of SW} of NW} of Sec- tion 27, Town 29, Range 22; also described as No. 1319 Stillwater Avenue, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-18 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining COUNCILMEN property. Adopted by the Council Bra--Tim193— Yeas Nays Barfuss DEC ` r� 1939 Findlan Approved 193-- Parranto Peterson In Favor Mayor Rosen-G�- Truax (( Against Mr. President (Fallon) 6M 6-39 cs CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK Ct9 L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Dec. 6, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 3) authorizing and directing the Comsr. of Parke, P• & P. B. to enter upon the premises and tear down and remove the two-story building at 1319 Stillwater Ave. Yours very truly, City Clerk. W LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminloner December 5, 1939 Hon. Council City of St. Yaul Gentlemen: in accordance with Council File No. 116850, adopted by the Council on November 7, 1939, please be advised that the proper notices have been mailed regarding the condemnation of the two story brick building at 1319 Stillwater Avenue. No appeal has been made for a rehea ing of the condemnation proceedin;s. Yo s truly, LAR..0 i s '� 11'7140 Dd,hr to alv a.a oo""` NO:-- - CITY OF ST. PAUL :■ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. s So.11z14o—sy Milton Rosen COUNCIL OLUTION---GENERAL FORM wh re HArrio Jane Oay, wfdgw.I of W�Ill.. Leonard d asy, sn eMU)aYe.I I th lDers*tn,n Publlc Wcr or +fifalned'.. an PRESENTED BY „�� DATE v,a.r' '- "'�?i,^.r. a•nn: COMMISSIONER_ f WHEREAS, Harriet Jane Gay, widow of William Leonard Gay, an employe of the Department of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul, obtained an award from the Industrial Commission giving her a sum not to exceed $7,500 as widow of her deceased hufband; and WHEREAS, as a result of said award, Harriet Jane Gay has been paid 230} weeks compensation, amounting to $2,674.56, leaving a balance on the 30th day of November, 1939, of $4,825.44; and WHEREAS, Harriet Jane Gay, on the 30th day of November, 1939, notified the City of Saint Paul that she remarried, and requests a Jump sum settlement to be paid her in the amount of 01,861.92; and WHEREAS, the Ninneacta Wor)e*enlls Compensation law provides that where a widow remarries, leaving no dependent children, she shall be awarded two full years compensation in one lump sum without Interest deduction; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to pay to Harriet Jane Gay the sum of Twelve Hundred One and 92/100 Dollars ($1201.92) out of the Workmen's Com- pensation Account of the General Fund, in full and final settlement of any and all claims she may have against the City as the result of the death of her husband. DEC 71939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-193— Yeas Nays DEC 71939 as iytilan Approved 193— �Pa�nto /Pefefson In Favor ' — Zayor 7n`L Against i ..r. r. President (Fallon) 6M e4s Ce ad.MY 1. Oh, cl.dt RESOLVED; � ,nuwmx _CITY OF ST. PAUL ea NO. 117141 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM �- DATE December 6, 1939 That Restaurant license 1266, expiring November 7, 1940, On Sale Malt Beverage license #6016, expiring November 7, 1940, and Off Sale Malt Beverage license #6736, expiring November 7, 1940, issued to Theodore Alex at 630 Wabasha St. be and the same are hereby cancelled upon the request of Theodore Alex and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the City's records. r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ss 7lan nto son n �r President (Fallon) 7M 0-78 Cs C. F.117141—By O. H. Barfuss— F. M. Trunx—W. A. Par ranto— Resolved, That Restaurant license N9.126% xplring NoVemDer 7, 1940, On gale Malt Beverage Ilcenae-NL. 6015,' expiring November 7, 1940, and 06 gale Malt Beverage Hot— No. 8736, explr- Ing November 7, 1940 Wgsd to Theo- dore Alex at 630 Wabaeha at. be and the same hereby cancelled upon the =.at or Theodore Alex and the p akert citpro Ricers are Instructed to record.. per ohs.pg.. In the City's Adopted by the Council Dec. 7, 1939. Approved Dec. 7,1939. (Deo. 9, 1939) DEC 71939 Adopted by the Countdl 193— DEC 71939 /1 Approved 193— In Favor Against Ode wlte CH, Du<.e eouxeu CITY OF ST. PAUL ��■ NO117142 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED _. DATE December 7& 1939 — RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Harry O'Gary 1230 Edgerton St. Grocery App.32275 New Old Location Wm. Lehrman 1184 E. 7th St. Butcher it 31606 " It " Gitzen Bros. 234 Otis Ave. Gas Station " 38043 "" N@w Looatn. A. H. Carson 676 Ashland Ave. Off Sale Balt " 38105 " Old Location C. F. No. 117142-8y W. A. Parr"bt F. M. Truax—G. R Dartues— Reaolved, That 11ceas.a applied fur by the Persons named on the list at- tached to this ress,ol�ltloh be aha the ame are hereby granted an the CItY Clerk is Instructed to dseu� eugh Il- trse. upon the IYayment [fit. the city I easury of the required face. Adopted by the Connell Dec. 7. 1939. ADProv ad Dec. 7, 1939. (bee. 9, 1939) DEC 71939 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays DEC 71939 a9 i�nf)lan Approved 7193— ,Fa anto et, son Jill Favor t — Mayor l�en Against President (Fallon) dM s -se Cs odele+b "a*" 11' 14.3 �L CITY OF ST. PAUL ccs c , NO. /n f, y+' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM December 7, 1939 COMME981ON 1 a DATE 1 WHERW3 Gerald Weldon desires to withdraw application 38074 for Confeotionery lioense and application 38075 for Off Sale Malt Beverage license at 708 S. Robert St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore be it RESOLVEDr that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Gerald Weldon the fee of $8.33 and $4.17 and to cancel said applications for licenses (the amount of $1.67 and 87X havin§ been deducted because the applicant operated for a period of 2 months on said applications.) ;COUN,,ILMEN Yeas Nays B__, 9n Fi dlan �PLLarranto �terson rax /" r. President (Fallon) 6M 6.98 Cs In Favor _�OA-gainst C. V* H. Barf..s—es � an desires �b dforret to 174 for Con-„ .,.-go H.; Beverage n , and requited., '- fee deposited' -. r rif l— ' nine on bald appllcs- eCouncll I)er. 7, 1939, 7, 7939. .. 9,1888) DEC 719M Adopted by the Council 193— DEC 71939 Approved 193— Mayor 117144 0,10+1. Olv Oak ;,'"""` No. CITY OF ST. PAUL �• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I(, F. NO. 117144—BY W. A. Parranto—I H. HnrfuueI COUNCIL F. M. Truax -6. RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM F.M. r T Itceo.e. aoo. d ' -1 ' u r�.�x ...... Y �Je08mb5� ��"1939 PRESENTE COMMISS10 R DATE RESOLVED: That censes applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Jacob Shear 559 Blair St. off Sale Malt ,*App. 37802 Renewal Joseph Salisbury 462 Topping St. Fuel Dealer " 37824 " S.Brand Coal & Oil Co. 484 Rice St. Fuel Dealer " 37851 " North Central Com'1.Club 113 Univ.Ave. Restaurant " 38041 " The Emporium 139 E. Seventh St. Pet Shop ° 38042 " C. J. Jerue 500 Laurel Ave. Grocery " 38044 }' a It it 11 11 Off Sale Malt " 38045 Tollas & Licke 782 Forest St. Cas Station " 38047 " David M. Levitz 418 Jackson St. Hotel " 38048 " M. A. Tschida Sr. 319 Robert St. Dance Hall to 38053 " Geo. T. MOBeath 442 Rondo St. Gas Station- " 38054 " J. C. Keplinger 347 Robert St. On Sale Malt " 38056 " Sam Nemo 57 W. Kellogg Blvd. Restaurant "-= 38057 n Geo. Werner 760 N. Snelling Ave. GasStation 'g' 38059 " Dakota Coal Ci.Ino. 712 Cedar Ave. Mpls. Fuel Dealer " 38060 " Geo. Niokos 597 Broadway Restaurant " 38061 " H. G. Kruschke 717 N. Snelling Gas Station " 38062 It Phil.& Reading Coal & Iron Co. 341 Como Ave. Fuel Dealer It 38064 n Frank Kartak 22 W. Sixth St. Restaauurgant " 338806666 " n n n It n n tt &S�ele llt ° 38568 " It Adopted by the Council 193— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays q arss In DEC 6 19 193— �ndlan Approved ,Ya nto In Favor :,son n Against ZUBLISHEMD «- q - 34 rues /"" r President (Fallon) - —Mayor am Ws cs 2nd._— -- Laid over tow -!Y 3rd. &app• _ 1'V I Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas . sa Nays /$arftl �s liptilan rrantan rranto / arranto / petgrson ,/ / en /Rosen rues Truax ,^/4r. President Fallon r• president Fallon Original to Citi. Clrrk 17145 ` ORnDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO._ 1 PRESENTED BY ' ORDINANCE NO.— An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 7925 approved July 14th, 1938, entitled "An ordinance granting the J. P. Haley Company permission to construct and maintain water line across Charles St, between Fairview Ave, and Prior Ave. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: II Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7925 approved July 14th, 1938, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto _Rekreet]•_ Rosen Truax Fry President (Fallon) Attest: City Clerk 300 12-38 CS 21724 C. F. No. 117148—Ordinance No. 8074— By Milton Roeen— An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 7925 approved July 14th, 1928, 11P. Haley An ordinance granting the J. P. Company permission to con- tructa a alntain ter line across Charles 8L between Fairview Ava. and Prior Ave. This is an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: SECTION 1 That Ordinance No. 7925. aPepmoved luly 14th, 1939, be and the. a is hereby repealed. ,} SECTION 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after Its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Dec. 22, 1939. Yea`—Councilmen Barfuea, Findlan. Parranto, Rosen. 1'ruas, Mr. President 1 FNgy.0. ) 0 6. Approved Dec. 22, 1939. W. H. FALLON, Mayor. .attest: L. R. S. FERGUSON, City Clerk. (iter. 30, 1939) DEG 221939 Passed by the Council In Favor Against Approved: DEC —221939— --. --- ayor THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION December 6, 1939 Honorable Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir: Referring to the attached repealing Ordinance No. 7925 in the name of J. P. Haley Company, this ordi- nance approved by the City Council on July 14, 1938, for the construction and maintenance of a water line across Charles Street between Fairview Avenue and Prior Avenue. We are asking that this ordinance may be re- pealed as we have ade an inspection and find that the water line does nit exist, and the surety company that wrote the bond for the J. P. Haley Company are asking for the cancellation of their bond. This for your in- formation. Yours/very truly, LARK W. WOODRUFF Chief Engineering Clerk MWW:MB Enc. 146 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL HLE NO.1. Il 7 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER T)aeembAr 5 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 117,923.14 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED659I3T065284 INCLUSIVE, AS PER �. �. CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. I N%117144— 11R144Thnt. checks be on DEC 71938 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193__ /�� �iL cm eo ROLL,R APPROVED DEC 719M 193_ I C. SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1 117923 14 n i I � f 3 01 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER • COUNCIL ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAO - _ II IN FAVOR 9 9 PETERSON ROSEN AUDITED CI AIMS. U�J11 IJ 111 December 5 193 TRUAX AGAINSTIi RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON TH CITY TREASURY COVERING MRNPRES FA L LON TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ^ bJEC _ IVV69 PER CHECKS OERED ^TO INCLUSIVE. R ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— — —. IL O.RFI� OF TH ITY COMPT LER I([�j/y 21 �ER _ co ue.no«rn —_ -. TOTAL - _.-- - Iiy IN FAVOR OF DATE RETURNED CHECK NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD ® 65930 4nnabel Bailey & B.A. Bailey 100 00 3 00 65931 Clarence Gran 22 90 65932 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 25 56 6593} Mrs. Agnes Weise 6593`+ A. G. Ettel & Company 3 007 74 65935 Mrs. Lola Bach 5 00 . 65936 Charles F. Bruess 00 ' 65937 Frank Mudra 5770 Z256 65938 Mrs. Mabel Murphy 65939 Mrs. Charles Tuohner 32 00 65940 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 50 00 65941 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 761 35 65942 County Welfare Board 8 306 28 65943 County Welfare Board 30 763 16 659 Harris Bros. Plumbing Company495 22 , 65945 Healy Plumbing & Heating Company 1 479 91 '1 65946 County Welfare Board 11 875 47 65947 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 7 637 10 65948 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance366 90 65949 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 454 30 65950 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 481 16 65951 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance 120 00 ' 65952 Collector Internal Revenue 1 514 57 65953 E. A. Furni. suet. 36 .32 a 65954 Guaranteed Concrete Company 53 09 65955 St.Paul Voc.School Revl.Fund 66 29 65956 University of Minnesota 7 00 65957 F.W. Woolworth Company 15 15 65958 Dunnigan Construction Company 10 109 52 65959 65960 Thoele Printing Company Lawrence Petersen Const.Co. 27 80 7 565 85 65961 John s. Findlan. C. of Finance 512 85 65962 John S. Findlan, C, of Finance 13 033 60 659�3 John S. Fin -Ilan, C. of Finance 12 305 16 59 64 MHry Orsello 65 00 65965 L.A. Soler, Cashier Water Dept. 408 22 65966 s. Berglund Lumber Company 224 60 65967 Brown sheet Iron & Steel Company 30 58 65968 Coca Cola Bottling Company 124 00 65969 Farwell, ozmun. Kirk & Company 252 67 65970 General Eleotrie Supply Corp. 132 93 65971 R.E. Hulme Awning & Shade Company 8 60 • 65972 Ingvolstad Lumber Company 46 92 65973 Inter City Paper Company 30 01 65974 Mays Ice Cream, Inc. 288 48 65975 F.J. Morse & Company 41 76 65976 A.If. Hardware Company 5 88 65977 Peltz Printing Company 87 25 65978 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 589 05 65979 Mrs. Dora R. Rast 5 00 65980 4t.Paul Bottling Company 75 00 65981 Schaffer & Rossum Company 329 80 65982 Tuttle & Bailey, Inc. 7 12 65983 T.C. Hardwood Lumber Company 7:05 36 65984 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 718 60 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1 117923 14 n DED OW THE N II by No. Cleveland Ass• ee � .d voters. Presidential 743 bbbbbb Nnv. Ord, lsae. at the Presidential Else- S 0 V. Srd, 1938. M. 10of ;�. d Voters, in Street File. 4 .l • RESOLUTI0116`��an C. F. No, presented by and Dy request. WHEREAS, In order to use voting machines at the elections to be held in the City of :+t. Maul in the year 1940, it is necessary to re -district the voting precincts of the City and the Election Committee of the City Council having made their recommendations to the City Council, copy of their report now on file in the office of L.R.S. Ferguson, City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration, and in their report they have divided, combined and reduced the 237 voting precincts to 154. RESOLVED, That the FIRST WARD of the City of St. caul is hereby divided into 12 voting precincts, and the boundaries of the precincts shall be as follows; FIRST WARD NEW 1st. PRECINCT Include all of old 1st. precinct and all of old 2nd. precinct. BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY, the center line of East Minnehaha 't., and East N,innehaha fit. produced westerly to Mississippi St. BOUNDED ON THE EAST BY, the Northern Pacific Ry. BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY, the center line of Grove St. and Grove St. produced easterly to the Northern Pacific Ry. BOUNDED ON THE WEST BY, the center line of Mississippi St. 901 Registered voters, '!residential Election, Nov. 3rd, 1936 762 Voted, at the iresidential Election, Nov. 3rd, 1936 909 Registered Voters, in Street File, Oct. 1939 2 Machines 4 Judges Page No. 14. ® l at f 41p New2nd . V PRECINCT R e C u c'C precinct and part of 01 All of old 4th. Preclnot and old 5th. -cut at Edgerton St. BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY, the center line of Jenks Street -v/ BOUNDED ON THE EAST By, the center line of Edgerton Street.✓ the center line of East Minnehaha BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH By, ✓ Street produced wesferly to Mississippi Street. ✓ VQEST By, the center line of Mississippi Street. ✓ BOUNDED ON THE I J7/ Registered Voters, Presidenti�Y Election, Nov. 3rd, 1936. Voted, at the Presidential Election, Nov. 3rd, 1936- registered Voters, in Street File, Oct. 1939. 3 Machines. l Judges. Page No. . lst.� W New 2nd. V PRECINCT All of old 4th. Precinct and old 5th. precinct and part of 01 - j ReC�i�cT 3jei. -cult at Edgerton St. IN p BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY, the center line of Jenks Street.-/ I'q�3 , BOUNDED ON THE EAST BY, the center line of Edgerton Street.-- tBOUNDED O NDDpON THE SOUTH By, theB6centerilineof Streets✓minnehaha ✓ reet BOUNDED ON THE REST BY, the center line of Mississippi Street. ✓ deregistered Voters, -Presidential Election, Nov. 3rd, 1936. /A20 Voted, at the Presidential Election, Nov. 3rd, 1936. t registered Voters, in Street File, Oct. 1939. Machines. Judges. J Page No. New 3rd. PRECINCT ls.t. WARD. 1 All of old 6th, precinct and old 7th. precinct and part of old 3rd. precinct - out at Edgerton St. - 0. BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY, the center line of Jenks Street. " BOUNDED ON THE EAST BY, the center line of Arcade Street. BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY, the Northern Pacific Railroad and the center line of East LAnnehaha St. - BOUNDED 0A1 THE ']PEST BY, the center line of Edgerton Street. 1404 Registered Voters, Presidential Election, Nov. 3rd, 1936. _ 1223 Voted, at the Presidential Election, Nov. 3rd, 1936. 1309 Registered Voters, in Street File, Oct. 1939. 3 Machines. 1 '�' 5 Judges. SERIAL TIO. OF ROLL .2-4 9 A DEPARTMENT ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED If Limited LIMITED ITTENTIO14 DATE MICROFILPIED 19L-7 CONTENTS �� ` —1 a S NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS 1% L 9 NUMBER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILMED SIGNED Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervisor --1 1531-1lIl053tl ♦dO�Otl�in 508VONVIS J0 nvi8ne 1VNOIIVN 9•1 II � SZ•illl �` 8 •i lull oz����� j • j Illll Z•ZIIIII Mill s zillll a.z'III' I -4a> r� 1 yam"^a? t %C5 a°e ��\ °a y a o ti �\