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p s s 7 tl•HO 1531 NOI101053tl Ad000tl0111 � 7 soaVaNVls 46 nv,3ane IVNOIIVN P ' u 9•illl �•[ �,Z•illlll �� 8•�IIIII -, t o�z����� ° � � i•I VIII zz����� s�Elllll®e s.zlllll 9 Mill I. f s Obb 026 s fs y0 67e'b A� o\ A • ti �aCO p Sj2aYy� ��\\ o // , IV ��\\ Q EA u \T � A • ti �aCO p Sj2aYy� ��\\ o // , IV ��\\ SERIAL NO. OF ROLL -,Q-3'6,4 DEPARTMENT ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP 4— PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED If Limited) LIMITED RETENTIONN� DATE 14ICROFIL,IIED CON TENTS moi' o G�ril�/ J/ rL � n 2 �� i X79 c ' NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS 1 iiUi•IBER OR NAI4E OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILMED SIQ4EDe l r aY Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervisor 1st. t 14 -- - 2nd. Laid ove to 3rd. & app.1Adopted Yeas .' Nays Yeas Nays as odl1 � I an //f(i1earce tart an s - /Yoterson et tson r� fl rUax /Truax Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan r. Pres. Gehan Od,eiIbCity CNrk •• ORDINANCE. � 1Q9'776 COUNCIL FILE NO - PRESENTED BY - ORDINANCE NO� C. F No. 1097-78—Ordtneuce'Nb:48Qa— _By G. 8;'narrues— An ordinance authorizing the towing"and impounding of vehicles parked in violation of ordinance or of state law. This Is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health ani safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Any vehicle parked in violation of the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul or of the laws of the State of Minnesota Is hereby declared to be a nuisanoe, and the same may be summarily abated by removing such vehicle by or under the direction or at the request of a police officer, to the Bureau of.Mvitioipal Equipment of the City of Saint Paul by means of towing or otherwise. Within twenty-four hours thereafter, written notice that the vehicle has been impounded shall be sent by the Chief of Police to the owner thereof at his last known address, as shown by the records Qf the Secretary of State; and if the owner be unknown, the Chief -of Polios shall, an the business day following the day of impounding, publi at least ones in the official newspaper, notice of -the impou-ndi gg,, the license number of the vehicle, the motor number thereof, and the neAe.and type of oar. Section 2. The impounding of a vehicle shall not prevent or preclude the institution and prosecution of criminal proceedings in the Police Court or elsewhere against the owner or operator of such Impounded vehicle. _ Section 3. Before the owner or his agent shall be permitted to remove a vehicle from the Bureau of Municipal Equipment, he shall: (a) Furnish satisfactory evidence to the Chief of Police and the Director of the Bureau of Municipal Equipment of his identity and ownership of said vehicle. (b) Pay to said Director of the Bureau of Municipal Equipment the sum of Two Dollars (#2.00) for the towing of said motor vehiole„ and the sum of Fifty Cents (600) per day or any fraction thereof, as storage charge. (c) Sign a written receipt for said vehicle. Section 4. If at the expiration of sixty days after mailing urC or.,4ublishing the notice provided for in Section', ection 1 hereof, such rr / vehicle is not redeemed by the owner or his agent, the Director of the Bureau of Municipal Equipment shall proceed to sell the same atr" ,public auction after first giving et least twenty days notice of such sale by publication in the official newspAper-of the City of the time and place of such sale. Such no ice W2all dose bs the X-, uncilmen ays Passed by he .Council ss , an In Favor nto e Against n x t' ehan) Approved: ,City ClerkMayor L OCity c'"` ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 109776 PRESENTED BY 2) ORDINANCE NO vehicle to be sold, with reasonable certainty, by manufacturer's trade name or sake, motor number, and license number, and shall state to wham, if any one, the records of the office of the Secre- tary of State show the same to belong, and if the name of the owner be unknown, said fact shall be stated. If the name of the owner be knots, said Direotor shall send him a copy of said published notice Immediately after the publioation of same. 5110ul rB08in9d b� �8 811rE&q Oi N�n10ip&1 BQ�1�19p� 84411 Da or�lEad to tha olpal �ar�ga Aa�olv�ng Pun9 �d X11 be as�d for the maintenance and operation,of said Bureau, At any time within one year from and after such sale, the former owner of the,vehiole sold, upon application to the City Coun- cil, and upon presentation of satisfactory proof that he was the owner of the vehicle sold, shall be paid the proceeds of such sale, less the neoess°ary expenses thereof, less the towing, impounding and storage charges provided for herein. Section 5. The Chiu-af"Police shall keep a record of all vehicles impounded by manufacturer's trade name or make, motor and license numbers, the names of the owners of such vehicles, and of all persons claiming the same, and such other descriptive matter as may identify such vehicles, the nature and circumstances of the ,impounding thereof, and the violation on account of which such vehicles were impounded. Section 6. Subject to the approval of the Council, by resolution, the Commissioner of Publiovworks-shall have the power to abate such towing or storage charges.. Section 7. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. JAN 2 b Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council-- Barfuss Findlan In Favor Pa rr Pearcece Against , Peterson +. Tr"x Mr. Presi Approved: l42 Attest: City Cler y �� y�Li9HED 800 7.87 C9 20089 Adopted by the Council --------793-- v Yeas Nays INDLAN AANTO PEARCE TdSON RUAX IlESt9Ef�7 ikIA�LL v - Odplo.l t. City Clerk ORDINANCE 109776 COUNCIL FILE NO." PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO A (2) vehicle to be sold, with reasonable certainty, by manufacturer's trade name or make, motor number, and license number, and shall state to whom, if any one, the records of the',offloe of the Secretary of, State show the same to belong, and if the name of the owner be unknown, said fact shall be stated. If the name of the owner be known, said Direct- or shall send him a copy of said published notice immediately after the publication of same. The money received by the Bureau of Municipal Equipment shall be credited to the Municipal Garage Revolving Fund and shall be used for the maintensnoe and operation of said Bureau. At any time within one year from and after such sale, the former owner of the vehicle sold, upon application to the City Coun- oil, and upon presentation of satisfactory proof that he was the owner of the vehicle sold, shall be paid the proceeds of such sale, less the necessary expenses'thereof, *jk& less the towing, impounding and storage charges provided for herein. Section b. The Chief of Police shall keep a record of all vehicles impounded by manufacturer's trade name or slake, motor and license numbers, the names of the owners of such vehicles, and -of all persons claiming the same, and such other descriptive matter as may identify suoh vehicles, the nature and circumstances of the impound - Ing thereof, and the violation on account of which such vehicles were impounded. , ion 6. Upon reoommendation of the Commissions ublio Rorke, where unded vehicle has been rodeo ent of all storage and towing o e as any o or coats necessary to be paid, the Counoi e e er of said im o d ele all or any portion of such towing or sto Section #,. This ordinance is hereby declared to be"an emer- genoy ordinance rendered nooessary for the preservation of the public peace, $ealth and safety. SectionThis ordinance shall take effect and be in force from And after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Pearce Peterson Truax Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: City Clerk 300 7.97 CS 20089 Passed by the Council Approved Mayor b In Favor Against CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration January 19th, 1938 0 Mr. John 'H. McConnoloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir, The Council referred to You _the attached ordinance, Council File No. 109776, authorizing the towing and impounding of vehicles parked in violation of ordinances or of state law, and requested that you prepare an amendment to the said ordi- nance as suggested by Commissinner Pearce. Yours very truly, City Clerk. k Es' 3L CM*1I`NI0I to ckv Cie& CITY, OF ST. PAUL s. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUT-JON --- GENERAL FORMitA ICCIMMISSITEI /.... - -... I . -.1-1 - - 1 -1.1--.-...........DATE....: COUNCIL109771 .NoNo. ..... . 938 RESOLVED That the Couno il hereby apprIoves the award of the Contraot I Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment required for Unit No. 2 Of Filtration Plant Addition, PWA Project No. Minn. 1323-D-8, Com- prising certain excavations; pile out -offs, reinforced concrete footings "d the protection of the excavated areas and footings, to WALTER W. MAGEE CO., in accordance w i ith plans and speoifica- tions therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 9540 of said Walter W. Magee Co., for the contract price of $20,172.00, s*oh bid being the lowest bid and said Walter W. Mag;6 Co. being the lowest reliable and reasonable, bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the Proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City Of Saint Paul. Engineer's Estimate $28,000-00. F. B. 9540. COUNCILMEN F."s. Yeas N I dt Of !Saint uss $28. 000.00 Adopt,, ApDrOVn ,A-earce In Fav 0, r8on :7re ruax Against psret t P Int Im - res (Gehan) JAN 111938 ted by the Council_ ... . ......- - , 193 JAN MA 193 Approved ...... ... . • od~ 1. Car Ck dk - . CITY OF ST. PAUL NO' 169778 C. F. No. 100778-8y A. F: •.Petereoa hL FI. Gahan— " Whereas by 'Council WMMZAS, by Council File No. 101$44,5being Ordinaitee No. 7652, approved November 6, 1935, the City Council authorized the sale,of ;2,205,000 par value of the bonds of the City of Saint Paul, for`the purpose of paying the share of the City of Sart Paul of the cost of that portion of the system for the collection, treatment, and,dispes- al of sewage and waste matter, used by the City of Saint Paul jointly with the City of Minneapolis and forming a part of hila complete plan - of the sewage collection and treatment system of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District; and WREAS, it is now necessary to issue such bonds in the sum of ;164,000 for the purpose of obtaining cash to defray part of the cost of said, project; and SEAS, by Council File No. 101510, being Ordinance No. 7648, approved October. 11, 1935, the City Council authorized the sale of $1,362,000 par value of the bonds of the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of paying the cost to the City of Saint Paul of those drains, sewers, intercepting sewers, pumpift station, and other structures to be used by the City of Saint Paul exclusively and constructed by the City of Saint Paul and forming a part of the complete plan of the sewage collection and treatment system of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District; and SEAS, it is now necessary to issue such bonds in the sun of $175,000 for the purpose of obtaining the cash to defray part of the cost of said project; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the bonds authorized by ordinance No. 7652 be sold in the manner provided by law, in the amount of $184,000, and'the bonds authorized by Ordinance No. 7648 be, sold in the manner provided by law in the amount of $175,000, said bonds to be in de- nomination of $1 000 each, to be dated February 1, 1938, to bear inter- est `at a rate not exeeeding five per cent per annum, payable semi- annually on August lot and February let according to the coupons to be attached to said bonds; said bonds shall be serial and a portion thereof shall be payable each year, but none of said bends shall ran for a longer term than thirty years. Said bonds shall be designated as'"Sewage Disposal System Bonds - Series No. 5,8 and $Sewer Bonds - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Pearce in Favor Peterson Truax ___.. Against El:.,,,: YMrr. NrWent (Gahan) 3st s 7 Adopted by the Council __... _... ... .._...._......._............_193_.,. Approved........... ._._...... _ ...._ . _ ..............193......: Mayor 4 February 1, 1941 February 1, Series. No. 5, • respectively, and tiie numbers of said bond$ arsdi tie .dates on which said bonds shall -.mature and the amounts wla.ich s2sa32 mature annually over said period shall be as follows: _ 1945 February 1, SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM BONDS February 1, 1947 February SERIES NO. S. 1948 Date of Maturity Bond lumbers Amoezzat o= 3E3ox3Ld.s February 1, 1941 50192-50196 0s, 000 February 1, 1942 50197-50201 5 , 000 February 1, 1943 50202-50206 5, Of)iO February 1, 1944 50207-50211 5,000 February 1, 1945 50212-50216 5,000 February 1, 1946 50217-50221 5 , 000 February 1, 1947 50222-50226 '5, 000 February 1, 1948 50227-50232 6 , 000 February 1, 1949 50233-50238 5, 000 February 1, 1950 50239-50844 6 , 000 February 1, 1951 50245-50250 G , 000 February 1, 1952 50251-50256 0,C>040 February 1, 1953 50257-50262 G , 000 February 1, 1954 50268-50268 G , 000 February 1, 1955 50269-50275 7 , 000 February 1, 1956 50276-50282 7 , 000 - February 1, 1957 50283-50289 7 , ©00 February 1, 1958 50290-50296 7 , 000 February 1, 1959 50297-50303 7 , 000 February 1, 1960 50304-50310 7 , 0041 February 1, 1961 50311-50317 7 , 000 February 1, 1962 50318-50325 8 , 000 February 1, 1963 50326-50333 8 , 000 February 1, 1964 � 50334-50341 8 , Ot?0 February 1, 1965 '50342-50349 8 , 000 February 1, 1966 50350-50357 8 , O©O February 1,-1967 50358-50366 0 , 000 February, 1, 1968 50367-50375 #,OO Q __ _ mtewsa sSMMs - SM NO No. 5. Date of Maturity Bond Numbers Amount oS Bozacls February 1, 1941 February 1, 1942 February 1, 1943 February 1, 1944 February 1, 1945 February 1, 1946 February 1, 1947 February 1, 1948 February 1, 1949 February 1, 1950 February 1, 1951 50376-50379 50380-50.383 50384-50388 50389-50393 50394-50398 50399-50403 50404-50408 50409-50413 50414-50419 50420-50425 50426-50431 *4,000 4i , 000 5 , 0- X10 5 , 000 5 , 000 5, 000 5 , 000 5,0040-1 0 , OOa 0, OU4a 6 , 04>C3 Cl:TY O F ` ST_ PAUL coux .1. No ....... :........ . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL F?E!S--OLl.ITIOIV --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - - N - COMMISSIONER...... .... ......:_.... .........-..........-- _...._-_. ------- ----------- ._.. --------------- --- ----- ....... .....___._. - .. February 1, 1952 St�4.32-5+43? 000 February ruary 1, 1953 g©4�8— 04046 5 6, February 1, 1954 5@444-5[?449 6,000 February 1, 1956 �- . 6, 000 F' 6,000 • 1, 1956 5�4�6—Sp461 6,000 February 1, 1957 5[3462-50468 February 1, 1958 ,_r�©,y?�5 7,000 February 1, 1959. 5[34'+*6-5tf482' 7,000 February 1, 1960 7,000 February 1, 1961 5Q489 7,00 5i49O—� 498 7 February 1, 1962 X49?_���3 ,000 7,000 February 1, 1963 r' ; 8i[i�-5Q510 7,00 February 1, 1964 050 S3LL —25-10 WILS 8,000 February 1, 1965 0 519-51526 February 1, 1966, 5.^c.'T—� 534 8,000 February 1, 1967 S�S3S-5a54E 8,000 8,000 February 1, 1968 00 The said bonds ShAL 1 13oe is a rc r tater to be determined and which fon shall be appra,wea bid s-salre ayed bond eounsel or counsel for the Government or Vkm IIsaiteal Sts sa, shaald the Government of the United States be. tho mm%cm4seam1 ,bidder, and which bond form Shall be approved also by ti>le Carporstion Counsel of the City of Saint Paul. RZWLVn FM 11 , W2&mt seale4 proposals be received at the. office of the City Coaptroller. is Zlmo Court House and City Hall Building, in said City oS Smut Pssi1 , svp to ten or clock A. M. on by issues February 2nd, 1938, ror tge sal e a r el11 or none of - said ons er tfiring due notice of SM01m aa140 iaa bhse amannez- prescribed by law, in he St. Paul Review, the orriQisl pslpar or said City. Lash bidder shall be required to BoCc!� T his b<id by a certified .check or cash amount for two per cent- ( �) ®r b3ws amemant or bonds bid for, which shall be forfeited to the Cies 4mm liquidated daasges if the bonds are not taken and paid for w2sa3m r6a42T Sox- delivery. The City Comptrollexr mlxa - Z est the next meeting after receiving Yeas COUNCILMEN _ Nays Adopted by the Council_. .... .... BarEuss Findlan Pearce _ _ _ _ In Favor Approved.._..._ _.._ 193___ Pearson Truax _ :... Against Mayor PWIP dent (Gehan) . 3M 3.37 1G9778 QI~ b 41I C t - COUNCIL ClrR OF ST. PAUL nu NO...___. ___...._. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 9 'PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER......... ..._........ _._...... ......_..... _._............ ._..... ... ......................DATE...... .._. ......... ........... ,. ..._....:.... i•r (4) said bids present the same to the Council for its action thereon. The said bonds shall be offered to the person,pho will pay par or better tbwefor, at the lowest rate of interest, not exceeding five per cent COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Fjrt�lan �8rrante /.In Favor /r2 son x _ ._,Against 1Mr. President (Gehan) !M Y37 JAN 111939 Adopted by the Council 193 '! 193..... e�l°inti t �: Approved ...... _ _....._ 193_... M or °� �l9BLSSFIED �� � 6p 169778 Series No. 5," reaps oti 4wZ� _ atu the �ab`ers of said bonds and the dates on rrhioh. said bonds ss�nL� -a -s zaatvare and the amounts which shall nature annually over 4mlLdL ��sid s<hg11 lee as follower SEWA Z D= SYSTEM BONDS RO. 5. Data of 9iaturi� �d Ntaaetaars► Amount of Bonds February 1, 1941 X192-50196 8t32A1 $5,000 5,000 February 1, 1048 February 1, 1943 'F54:)902-50206 5,000 5,000 February 1, 1944 February 1, 1948 IffW02"-502]-1 15ioi2.12-5©216 5,000 6,000 February 1, 1946 1947 t�239-50,221 'tea Q:s22-50 226 5,000 February 1, February 1, 1948 �,-50232 _ 93023-50239 6, 000 8,000 February 1, 1-949 1980 February -0239-50244 8,000 6,000 , 1951 February 1, 1982 M0�-�25° s025z-5256 6,000 February 1, Februai7 1, 1903 1502WT-50868 SQ2�.-60268 6,000 6000 1 1954 February • February 1. l90 2.x-5026 7�0 February 1., 19 1961 15 Z5 cmt -502" SCKZ96-5029 7,000 February 1, February 1, 1968 t9l3�9t'3-50294 1502"-503037,000 7,000 1,000 Fgbrhrary 1, 1989 February 10 1960 95O�'b-tS+El310 Sam -'sew.'r 7,000 Februaw 1, 1Q. _61 February 1, 1962 �5k�6-503P6 8,000 8,000 February 1, 1963-333 February 1, 19"8,000 1 8,000 8,000 Fewpiry 1, 1906 1 1.965 3583-803S' 8,000 9 February 1, 1967 5036@-5036!9 *000 9 000 February 1, 1968rg,�;a�j�' gQ66?-60375 - 6 - 8S'A.*ES NO. 5. Asks of Yaturits Bei Mum ws °" T Amount of Bonds Februaryi, X941 - 56-503,6 -541363 04,000 IL,000 Febroary 1, 1948 February 1, 1943 503044-50396 5,000 February 1, 1944 FebrUary 1, 1945 50309-80393 -60398 8 000 5,000 Fsbiar7 1, 1946 1, 1947 St]399-95Q!t�3 .50 S a40q 5,000February =$,000 February 1, 1948 February 1, 7949 13 -80413 5441#-80419 6000 February 1, 1950 Fe ruar7 1, 1951 50420-50425 SC342J-sO431 6,00 ,000 od.h. to civ y,k ,/ .. COUNCIL �� 9 �9 I CITY OF ST. PAUL .tea NO..._. O W�- -BICE OF Tt3.E _CITY CLERK COUIVGI RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 2 PRESENTED BY Jan. il, 193g..._.. COMMISSIONER.._........... '.... ..........c......._..._..... _ . _ - - - - - - .._...MATE.....,. ......... ........ ::.... Fil"ESOLVED That license for $,es arrant, application 24207, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 24205. 4 Off Sale Ua3;t.Beverage. application 24209, applied :for by Brank Benz C. J. Schmitz at 468-70 S. Cleveland Ave. be and the same are hereby vg- wed and the city cleric is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment ice 19 a the city treasury of the required fees. I New. Informally 8pProv4E&-c-=-NL-by Council, sem. lI 7W Old Location. COUNCILMEN ye. Nays In Favor _ Againac /1M'!—Pti&nt (Gehan) 3M N 109779—B�% r es- R¢solvedc tion 24207e On sale., sit' rani, app. Beverag¢. applteStion 24398, an480 d Ott Sal¢ Malt Bevarag¢, apPliestlon 29, pplied for byy Franlr Benz a¢d- C. S. s�n�e aame$_ar¢ heo¢SbY lKFagtedeand th¢ cl ty. C . ....-'4s instructed to feaue such 13c¢naos upOn , the -.-payment . Into th¢ citY tr¢asury of the required tees. Adopted.. the Council Tan. 11..1938. Lv Ie ved Saiz. n..15. 19:L is (Ja38) JM I _ 1n'?� Adopted by the Council_ 193.. Approved ..heir ;..:. .._..___....193.....:. . f Mayor .A a 'CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ce ital of Minnesota W . J. SUDEITH CLINTON A. HACKERT P Fire Chief Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY E? 6RISSMAN ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Streets Supt. Police and Fire Alarm Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner Janmary 11, Hon. Mayor and City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: ,prank Benz and Clement J. Schmitz have made application for Restaurant and On and Off Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage licenses at 468-70 S. Cleveland Ave. between Randolph and James on the East side of the street. This location has been a Restaurant and On Sale 3.2 estab- lishment since April 7, 1933• The present owner is R. I. Odekirk. There are no other 3.2 On Sale places within 2 blocks. The closest On Sale Liquor place is 2j miles away and the closest Off Sale Liquor place is one mile away. The nearest church is 6 blbeks away and the nearest school, one block away. Mr. Benz operated a Restaurant and On Sale 3.2 place at 1834 St. Clair St. from July 12, 1933. to May 24, 1937• Also, for the past 3 years he has been -employed at the Sun Lake Dairy, 1324 W. 7th St. Mr: Schmitz was in a CCC camp at Grand Rapids, Minn. from 1933 to 1935• ,prom 1935 to Oct. 1937, he was employed as a bartender at 1834 St. Clair St. and since that time has been en- gaged in cleaning beer coils. Very truly yours, / Neal C. McMahon, 1� License Inspector. At AM. 0 LIFE 1S VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTICING SAFETY odsh d to alta • ., - - - - - 149780 C _ COYNOIL OF- ST. PAUL ncr NO..... OF�IG1 �F• THE CITY CLERK a a ,s O(JIVCiL 'R Ii - LUTION --- GENERAL FORM --+�'• PREsENTE - Jan. 11, 1938., cOMM135M...:.: ... ... ... .. .. ........... ........._______ _ _ — ........._.DATE.... ........... .......... ............ RESOLVEDThat license for Rest -3r' application 23929. applied for by Mrs, Reabma Hagerty and Nita Lindberg 2150 E. 7th St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is last r—ted to 'issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the rei+3-mc�L roes. e, NOW, Old Location. C0UN MEN y� N71. I�ffuea than ce Favor Prson i Against 'tq�.. .... — - - — r. President (Gehan) 3M 3.37 C. F_ No. 109790—By G. H. Bemuse, b_ \ I- 23929. . 23829,929. or bC. Pearce— - _ -Resolved, That 3 . for Ree a3at,:.aDDv�tlon aDDlled fy Mse.:iiReahma He:gerty and d th T. -- a�.ragher Dy 0nted81—b,'—" t doth acl y T. is instruMed to (save each llcenaea upon ,tris paymenE: into the- city treae- ury o! tris reQvired Leea. Adopted by the Counc/l Jan. 11. 19x8. ApDroved:Jan. 11. 1988. clan. ls. i9a9> V JAN 111938 Adopted by the Council 193..... /. �.Approved _ ..... _._...___.193_..... , Mayor , tu9781 Odww m ary a.h cbuern CITY OF S -r_- QA L3 Is NO. - OFFICE OF T" Wi GITY C in --- RESOLUTION ---G iE W -A ORAL FORM E$ENTEO -....._-...OATE...f�A?IL1H.iY.....�... a.J ..............._......... MMISSIO .........._ _.._......_......_........I_____________________. ___________,___________________ z % _g That licenses applied for by persons at the ad8reeaes indicated be and the same are hereby city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses 'upon the p87me32t into tz"= AE!W cis_ tar trevLaw y of the required fees: Master Materials & Fuel Co. 42�j W- tri �$ 742.e1 Dealer App. 23218 New Old Loca. International Fuel Co. .601 S_ a a 23&3 n n n ' C_ F_ 1�Io_ 109ZSZ Ss G_ I3_ Barf3ass. I.� C_ Pearce - ' 11 the ad -t T. iol2accr�la l� dresses iadi^'ems Z �ersor..s at anad. the Same are' -tha ClLY Cl¢rX Se � �gi-e.Hy g gaL� aac3_ ,�, iastruc2ec3 LO � z� . the Ps-7aie�at - O �. ctLY_' tressisr4 OY i tha regLlSr <<3 - Sees=.- - _ Griggs=. P•zzel ���2er� ADD- .:83818- New Zoo aiioa_ _ ' Ia terasY:iva Y= F�e2 - 01 - - - •Go.. 6 _ N. Fair- vigw� Sv.a2 D e erg BSD. 23843 Ago�Y.ed Dy -�-tze - � �un�il Je.n. 11: 1938. ADDrov e:cl 3 -M---3- 1985.- -- <-Ir- 39383. I JAN 111938 . COUNC MEN Adopted by the Council 193... . yeas Nays Ian^pp --d ......... . . ._.._.... - . __..._.......193_..... earce �terson _ In Favor _ ruax... Against a Mayor fP tanto President (Gehan) 3M Y37 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE IN FAVOR PETERSON TRUAX .AGAINST WENZEL MR. PRIES. GEHAN CITY OF SAINT PULL K'9782 COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER AUDITED CLAIMS Jamiary 7 193 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWNON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5 19, J7 —13—• COVERING CHECK NUMBERED 4 TO (j/ INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY TRE; COUNCIL ._ PER CHECKS ON FIt,J Iff ffICE O Y fLb MPTROLLER. _ Z G APPROVED '�7�!'��i NUMBER 000 1.311 C. f{ MAYOR BY �YYII ---gyp- TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS II li BROUGHT FORWARD J I� 7349, 43312 Millar•Tarrae,Inc. 'I 24 43313 Price Electric Company 17 32 43314- Sanitary Food ilfg.Company 4 01 0 43315 sharp and Dohme,Ino. I, ,1 7 19 601' 43316 U.S. Bedding Company 325 00 43317 The Van Hoven Company, Inc. 40 83 43318 43319 M'. Van waveren & sone VillaAa Box 6 Lumber Compan 53 90 43320 43321 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin ce Axel r. Peterson, O. of Fin ce 4 5 1 j03 43322 43323 Axel F. Peterson, a. of Fin oe Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fina oe 3 85,20;, 46.w: 43324 ; stavis Company 233 81'' 7 W! 43325 Victor Hiewinski 38401'', 43326 Joseph arappalie 43327 Kewman 8 Bowman, As Attorney" 100 00 6o 43328 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin as 2 l 75 43329 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin ce 43330 Michael J. Haider I,� 250 �0�, 43331 Martin King 4T2 Lillian B, hulb 4 QO Rq 2,i I I 'S 0 00 43335 Louie J, Bart'eoher 43336 John L, Moravec I' 36 05' 43 31 Allyn o. Taylor 13 95', 4338 Mark TO811ey, AB Attorney g3 75" 43339 Drewry Bone Company Comps 36'30! 126 11;' 43340 Farwell, osmun, Mirk & y 43341 thard A. Furnis Supt, 90 12'' 43342 Kremer Auto spring Company 25 p5! 4334] Maendler Brush Mfg.Company �j 149 82!1 9,8 43344 National Lead Company i, 43345 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Compaz y i 59'', 2l. 43346 43347 Tri—State Tel. � Telg. Company Mrs. Hannah Peterson I,4 ,i2 ,' 43348 43349 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finance Axel P. Peterson, 0. of Fin ce 'I 7 78143 43350 3351 Axel F. Peterson, O. of Finaloe Columbia Alkali Company •,'. 35 ' S 7 5 'p 3352 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compa4y 514 S 43353 Louie A. Gilbert 14 b0�! 16 76 433554 43356 s.c. Johnson & son, Inc. j, Maendler Brush Mfg.Oompanyc. Minnesota chemical Company, �j 26.50 \ 43357 Neptune Meter Company 733 81 43358 Paper Mfg.Company. Inc. 43359 43360 Price siootrio Company Robinson, Cary 8 sands Comp �! 130 36 r2 43361 43362 -Royal Typewriter Company Tri.$tate Tel. & Telg. Comp j 142 110 $9 I' 43363 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Comp Telg. Comp i 180 0 t 377 9 '>,\ 43364 Tri—State Tel. & C 2154 43365 Twin City HaXdwood Lumber any C. N. N� 1..1782— itevol'ed. '1'h.t cher k'+ thebe [he City Tre.vury [o .KKri•t;nlc aninunt of E1!1,:]9.1 :4. r'e rink .'heck=` n. niberr•d -0881? to i83fi5, inilu?Ivc, nv In � . I _ .. _ .-. (ger checks nn lite the ntH ie of the Adontea by the Counr;l dRn. 11. 192,9. AOp,o d J., 11, 1939. JARD (Jn n. l�, 7988) jj - � 350 61AOd - J 1 J orig4i to City Clerk (1R,DINANCE 169783 -COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Standard Rates 1 to 10 bears to the current aqueting percentage for these rates. In revising the adjusted peroentages for Standard:Rates 1 to 10 inclusive, frac- tions of one-half or more shall be counted as one, and fractions of less than one-half shall be disregarded. In revising the adjusting percentages for Standard -Rates 11 to 26 inclusive, fractions of less than one- eighth shall be•-dieregarded,and in determining the adjusted rates, each rate shall be computed to the nearest multiple of $.05. No change of rate shall be m de unless the cost -of -living index shows a change of 2 or more from the current adjusting percentage; and upon any such change, the adjusting percentage shall automatically take effeot.1 r (Seotion 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- genoy o�dinanoe rendered necessary for the preservation of the publb peace, health and safety. Seotion 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after February lat; 1938. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss / Findlan Parranto Pearce Peterson Truax Mr. President (Gehan) Attest �� City Clerk 300 7-37 Ca 20089 JAN 2 7 1S3, Passed by the Council InFavor -Against Approved: ayor z PUBLISHED Z s 16974 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMINd CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter oY oondemning and taking an ea_seme_nt 12 feet in width for the purpose of ----------------------------------- constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under, across and through Northern States Power Company Plat, St. Paul, Minnesota, the center line of which easement is a line described as follows: Beginning on the we St line of Wilkin Street 126.72 feet north of the south line of Section 1, Township 28, Range 23, thence southwesterly at an angle of 320 48' with the said west line of Wilkin Street a distance of 163 feet, thence southwesterly at an angle to the left of 120 44' a distance of 171 feet, C. F. No. - To the n-- demning and tak- '�et in width for -ting and on. un - under Preliminary Order_____ 106910-_______-_ approved___?4arch_30, 1937_________________ , Intermediary Order -------------IQ725B__-_______-, approved --- Aprtl_28,_1937------------------ Final Order----------------- 107531---------- approved--- �Y-25j 1937-------------------- therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner' of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. xdiaaSk�mclus imxa-cx� zxx-,ogu )dnstaH nentm -,scAox�f�i JAN 12 Adopted by the Council-----------------------------------� -------------------'-- ----- JAN 12 Approved---- -----------------, 19----// Com_ __ _Y____J �____________------------- ^ J Mayor. Councilman Fe�•�!"� :: Councilman ]Ferguson Councilman MrgcDonald Councilman Pearce Councilman Rohland3f Councilman $ndheinw T -� Mayor "-M—, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of__condemning and taking an easement 12 feet in width_for the_puTpoe�' of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under, across and through Northern' States Power Comnanyglat, St. Paul, Minnesota, the center line of which easement is a line described as follows: Beginning on the west line of Wilkin Street 126.72 feet north of the south lime of Section 1, Township 28, Range 23, thencesouthwesterly at an angle of 320 48' with the said west line of Wilkin Street a distance of 163 feet; thence southwesterly at an angle to the left of 120 44' a distance of 171 feet, under Preliminary Order--- 106910----_, approved --- ldarab-39-13UZ--------------------------- Intermediary Order ------- 107256 ----, approved ---- pzil-2B...1337--------------------------- Final Ord'er-------------- 107531---- approved --- AO.X-25,-12A7---------- ------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports : That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- d the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners priated for the above improvement an thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there• of,,and that hereto.attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified. with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. g� ✓ - `------------= =--------- Commissioner of Finance. 1(9'785 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND C8NFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND C, F No. 10978. ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter -Ing. an easy the yurPP0F malntalni� der, acrm ar@_L Inthe platter of-------------------------------------------------------------------------- taking and oondeoming an easement 12 feet in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a publio sewer on, under, aorose and through Lots 4, 3, 2 and 1, Block 46, Rios & Irvine's Addition, Ontario St. vaosted, and Lots 4, 3, 2 and 1, Block 44, Rios & Irvine's Addition and Market St. vacated,.the center line of which easement is a line described as'',follows, Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Washington St. with that of Eagle St., thence southeasterly along the center line of Eagle St. a distance of 26.4 feet to an angle point of that center line, thence southeasterly along the said oenter, line of Eagle St. a distance of 236.30 feet, thence to the left through an angle of 1000 31 to the beginning of easement on the southerly line of Spring St. and 0ontinUing to a point 90 feet distant from the last mentioned angle point, thence to the to of V I to I dietoloo of WIN feet, �onoo to the riga i dleD�� � I �rau� g LAA Alo� � thence to the lett through an angle f 350 361 nt theine Northeaet oornerthe of idarketiin �d Of Spring Ste 20j25 feet easterly of the monument Spring Ste. to the southerly line of Spring Ste, A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking -and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court fq.confirmation. �8eci�of�.R>�cxt>1�d31s#�f3�d�ckexe�dc�dkzisxkRlRObbxoecbc#o�dmapo�c JAN a Adopted by the Council ______________________________ �' " C � JAN 12 1�-------- ---------------------- ---- ----- y Clerk. Approved ------------------------ ,19---- f --------------- -� _- Councilman nxroy Councilman Ferguson / Councilman McDonald �`'� `- Councilman Ift Rhlahlae / %�_ iUi3L15iuSD �� arp Councilman ond +� — C Councilman Eudheiine _ - .-r+ lG 1 2.1Z r I A Mayor E "-- Gehan _. _-._. = Mr. Vice 1resideut(Tj r.l i. under Preliminary Order --_14 99- -------------, approved_--_ April ,1U7_----------------, Intermediary Order _-_ 10725-5_-------------- approved_____ April 28, 1937 ----------------- Final -_-___Final Order --------------- 075ZO _____-_-_-___, approved ----- DI9,Y 25,-1937 --__ ---_-- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all, respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ' Adopted by the Council _______________________________ JAN 12 . / y Clerk. Approved------------------------, Mayor. Councilman GonroY Councilman Councilman. McDonald Councilman Pearce t�illiL1521iD�� C.,uncilman Rohland Councilman Sudheime6r)'lC Mayor ..:_.. - Gehau Mi. Vice Yrer idmt (T i. under Preliminary Order --_14 99- -------------, approved_--_ April ,1U7_----------------, Intermediary Order _-_ 10725-5_-------------- approved_____ April 28, 1937 ----------------- Final -_-___Final Order --------------- 075ZO _____-_-_-___, approved ----- DI9,Y 25,-1937 --__ ---_-- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all, respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ' Adopted by the Council _______________________________ JAN 12 . / y Clerk. Approved------------------------, Mayor. Councilman GonroY Councilman Councilman. McDonald Councilman Pearce t�illiL1521iD�� C.,uncilman Rohland Councilman Sudheime6r)'lC Mayor ..:_.. - Gehau Mi. Vice Yrer idmt (T REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AYD nE��?6��Ln11 9, #?1+Y FITS Inthe matter of -------------------------------------------------------------------------- taking and condemning an easement 12 feet in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under, across and through Lots 4, 3, 2 and 1, Block 45, Rice & Irvine's Addition, Ontario St. vacated, and Lots 4, 3, 2 and 1, Block 44, Rice ?• Irvine's Addition and Market St. vacated, the center line of which easement is a line described as follows: Cgmmencing at the intersection of the center line of Washington St. with that of Eagle St., thence southeasterly along the center line of Eagle St. a distance of 26.4 feet to an angle point of that center line, thence southeasterly along the said center line of Eagle St. a distance of 235.30 feet, thence to the left through an angle of 1000 3' to the beginnin; of easement on the southerly line of Spring St. and continuing to a point 90 feet distant from the last mentioned angle point, thence to the right through an an;le of 40 6' to a distance of 268.38 feet, thence to the right through an angle of 100 18' a distance of 400.23 feet to a point in market St, vacated, thence to the left throw an angle of 350 36' on a line intersecting the north line of Spring St. 20,25 feet easterly of the monument at the northeast corner of Market and Spring Sts, to the southerly line of Sprint St., "�'�_=-'-s------------- Final Order -------------- 107530 ------ approved --LftY- 2-5— 1937 ------------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable;that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said irhprovement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---� -----=---------------- Commissioner of Finance. a J- 1069�u � �pproVua••,>.��:;..YY�.II.Mw..-_ r�limin�Cy OrdarYYYYMYYYYwwYMYY under P ........... �25.�_ approved.-�priLZfl,-19''---------------• Intermediary Order ------ ' 1937------- Finalorder -------------- 107530---- approved_°y_25�----------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, Janda or easements therein taken to the owners priated for'the above improvement and the amounts of the nwarda of damages therefor thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- nd identified with the signature of of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above a the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---------- Col --------- mmisaioner of Finance. 0 b Qty Oak CTO C --[-FY 40F,ST. PAUL .� IL NO.. COUNCI-0(a��l1�/y �(� 1 )t�1 OFFICE 'OF THE: CITY CLERK „ CO RESOLUTION -Q -GENERAL FORM cC E 2¢05 1os78s=8g �Y oteeeo�,ap� PRESENTED BY e(S' .. . GOMMISSIONER_.........����' .. ....... .... ...1...----- - __..._ __ ..._.. __..s.. .... ... ... ........... .............DATE.._. @v7iibh iai.' 7,w'syy?jh^. .. . _....:: ......_.. �_... :ZAS, ley l�2 p-t¢er 371, Session Laws of 1929, gild Chapter 343, Seasioa Lava s:t 3.93'V, any county and any oity of ths, first olstss within snap csos3aty , v a&obt city contains taxable property hav- ing an assessed or >Rore than ninety-five per cent (95%) 'of the 8538e138e41 valaatisrlt r©r tazsble purposes of all 'property within such county, ara at3-t23v=-i s®d to create, by resolution of the coumzy board and go*ex-zxiag 1aoc7y or sutah city, a County Welfare Board, charg- ed, first olaaa anci sahcc ;tli ty; aanrelief of the poor in such city of RHBRZAB, t2hm CZciwLaty or Ramsey and `the City of Saint Paul, municipal oorpoz-trios or the State of Minnesota, code within the alas airioatioa ®r akami d A 3t a, and the said County of Ramsey and gty . or_ Saint Pau_ 22av8, p'LArsasnt to said Acts, appointed a County wwlw" rare Board;. and ''1HZRZAS, s¢++q! 4=x& pter 343, Session Laws of 1937, provides that said County 7e3-=sre Board ahe111 be tinsnoed by the City and County jointly, to s3 t , aavaaty—two and one-half per cent (72x) by the County, nae! t:vw6aty—seven and one-half per cent (27_ ) by the City; and Couaail or tAL0" l tft ���ty 2300w4. Or Ramsey County and the City 7 at Saint Paul have adopted their respective budgets for the ctea_sadar year or 1938, and neither the County Board nor, tete City Conacsil _ Amn power, to increase said budget appropri- ations; and WMRZAS, siacs 'alae time said budget appropriations were made, demands rev reliQr Jaa-wa increased and are still Increasing; and m M1�RZA8, t22e 2leaa4dLe ror the support and relief of the poor made available rarr -t23Le County Welfare Board in the respective City and County _budgaty ter the year 2.938 will be exhausted about the let or parch, 19:58 , azset gt. Xe necessary that proceedings be started at this time to obtaiws cash rroa the sale of bonds so that funds will be available artar 'U ris-st or Wax -oh, 1938, to oontinue such relief; and COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays il Adopted by the Counc__...._.............. ........... Barfuss Findlan Pearce _ _. In Favor Peteraon �rrI�Ge ..Presideni- ,b, _ -3;dr. Vice I Lideat CZYtsa�Si Approved....... _....._..... ....... ................_.__....:........... 193_.... mayor �8LIl8iiED ,( QI,�nN COUNCIL-_V'V--/�-VV CITY OF ST. PAUL T rui OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUT16N --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIoNER.................. ._.........................._.. ..._-. _....... ...:.___.- ... -..... ......... ..... ....... _...... ........... _-DATE........... ... ..... _..................... .......... .......... ............... (S) WHEREAS, a large: number of residents of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey are wholly or=partially dependert upon the County Welfare Roard.for rood, ,olothing, shelter, and medi- cal aid, and if said Board shall for any reason fail to furnish each food, clothing, etc., these residents will be destitute; and WHEREAS, in, the opinion of the Counoil an emergency exists because of the reasons hereinbefore set forth, making it imperative for the City of Saint Paul to obtain cash for the support and re- lief of the poor, and it has been estimated that the sum of $165,000 is the amount neoessary for the City of Saint Paul to obtain about the lot of Maroh, 1938, to finance its share of the cost of such poor relief for an indefinite period thereafter; and WHCREAS, it is the opinion of the Council that the bonds of the City of Saint Paul in the amount of One Hundred Sixty-five Thousand Dollars (#165,000.00) shoulde issued for the purpose of obtaining such cash; axid WHEREAS, by Chapter 120 of the Session Laws of Minnesota for 1933, as amended by Chapter 48, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1935, and as further amended by Chapter 105, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1937, the City of Saint Paul is authorized to issue bonds to defray the cost of the support and relief of poor persons, without submitting the question to a vote of the people, whenever the governing body deo2ares anemergency to exist, and the Governor of the State of Minnesota certifies that such emergency does in fact exist; and aAS, the Charter of the City of Saint Paul requires the quee ion of the issuance of bonds to be submitted to the voters by a referendum vote, and if the Charter procedure were followed in this case a special election would have to be called, at a great expense to the City, and the funds could not be obtained until some months had passed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul issue and sell negoti- able bonds of said City in the sum of One Hundred Sixty-five Thous- . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council. _._ __..._......._ ..............193. . Barfuss Findlan Pearce - In Favor Pearson Against Ito Prtsideni- Mr. ace remiden TYtru , )M ]•37 Approved.._..... _... ............ ..... ........................193_.... Mayor NO. 149'786 CITY O)F' �T. PAUL N109786 4 OFFICE OF' W—Z.. CITY CLERK COUNCIL. RESO11 L3TIE 4C==)o1V---GENERAL FORM .. PRESENTED BY ........................_..._...-.. �....._..... .. COMMISSIONER ........................ _........_........._... _..._.............._..__....._.__...__.___________________._.................__...................DATE:-..__..._.._._.......... .: and Dollars (4165,000.00) roz- t=ie support and relief of the poor, as defined by Chapter 1.20 , Sett Lawa of Minnesota for 1935, as amended by Chapter 48, Setes4v� Z,aws of Minnesota for 1935, as further amended by Chapter 1©5 �.ession Laws of Minnesota for without submitting to a reS4D3v-e- vote the question whether such csh bonds @hall be issued atn& scs1E3, mat first submitting the question vithe y Section to the GoverBss �r 120, as hereinafM:r the State of ter farther as pro— vided by Section 3 of said Gag tailed; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, Turf e �ei bonds shall bear date the first day a2 the month in which t33ey vmL-=-e sold; that ouch bonds shall be in the form of serial 13101k4&s , a portion of which shall be pay ablO each year after issue; but sa©awe o:r said bonds shall run for a long - period than tea (10) y6x—O&S � � the Council shall tion byd sub— or8t sequent resolution, the &sacs t&on and form of such bonds meld the dates of maturity thereo= - Mn�� bonds shall bear Lnt- emierest �annnal- rate not to exceed six per C--4&3m-v-- 4E 616) per annum, Pa & ly, and both principal and 1zat:�a�est shall befpa intePat the office the of the Commissioner of Fiaszl,acwa�;-11Lthe City fiscal agency of the City oS t Paul `�.n the Cit? of Hew boric, state .of New York. The Bo�i7osa3 MLtta0hed to said bonds lay be authenticated by the eragr6Lve:45L slEgaatures of the Mayor and the Comptroller. The faith aacl_ ssrc chit of the City of Saint Paul is hereby irrevocably pledged =er -1=3ae prompt and faithful payment of both principal and inters st o::C' id bonds; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, IMNLt ��-e Council shall negotiate and sell ': said bonds from time to time �s such amounts as it sees fit, ald In the manner provided by 19JW, Mason's Minnesota Statutes 1929, at not less than pax' a:>.a assorued interest to the highest responsible bidder or, bi8der-s : sMd the proceeds thereof, incladg any, premiums realized time reos3 = aatsall be credited to and placed in a separate fund for the psarp©g a of poor relief; provided, however, that the bonds authorized wmLc-3er the provisions of this resolution shall not be lamed an& so1:1 �es�llhexoeed�the a�athorizedti legal bonds of the City of Sai=3t p- indebtedness of said City- '�#�s -proper city officers are hereby COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _ __ 193_ Yeas Nays Barfuss - Findlan Approved........ _ _ ......... _.... .......... _ _.......193._.... Pearce _ In Favor Peterson Against Mayor - :. _ arras 3M 3.37Mr. Vice President ('Ituax) - 1-09'786 t.�dl1-i b at, qak. N - CITY OF ST. PAUL cou'ac�� ...�� 0..._- ... ---.......-- �)F=1GE OF THE CITY CLERK coumCIi- RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER..... .......... ..._..__._. _.......-__.---____ __-..------- .._.._ ...............DATE. ......-_ .. (4) authorized, ordered a mANL ---- to set aside annually rrcam ;-the revenues of the city or _7wequ3.3red Sahib Paul a sufficient amount 'Wo pa*y the interest on said bonds zlk a principal_ of any such isazxds ft&ts:r— ing in any such year-- -Cz is grc>vision being in addition to the City Saint Paul pledge of the genera snd credit of the or for the payment of sutv4L - la-axbds-, and is not in lieu thareor. TI" proper city offloers ar-� hereby. directed to' submit th1.a resolution to his Excellency, Beaeon, the Governor of the state or Minnesota, together .. siv a s>acih other facts as he may rscpaire , so that he may investigate aLmul determine that the amossnt herein set out is required aarsrr— is within the reasonable needs or this City for purposes described, that no other rutnds are available in vies other governmental needs, axLa %bat an emergency exists. JAN 12 193 COUN MEN Yeas Nays _ ...._...-...... Adopted by the Council.-__-__ ._.. . -.193-' .- S AZrTBlitO OIn Favor Approved.. 193 .----- Against iReerael - 3M 3.P. Vice i -re ident (Trqkx ) Ap C�-dwft.w to AL. a.& -lo9787 7' c-- i -ry OF ST. PAUL o===ww IF= I <-- I—= 0 THE CITY CLERK W ESO 1, TIO GENERAL FORM —T4fflLXX-tXary _19, 1938 CPROEMSME 1= - --- - -- ------------ "M 0, %D,�,Z�YRAW A- Farrarx� C -I;7--- .... .... ..... .... F;ZF—r:SC>1-VED That the sum (31:r �-vw,=, Hundred Fifty and 33/100 Dollars is hereby appropr1EL't-4E-- -C3 out of the miscellaneous amici Unforeseen - Fund Code 31 G5 -211-- -*-j-L4a purpose of paying expgxxm4en incurred in the testing O,:E' :L=)qEaLx-KffLng meters as follo-B: Department cs plztlic Works $124.36 Bureau of 're Q -TffLx-.xAX Laboratories $125.9? MF' 39�11EIr31-d 88/180 Dollarsle here= Q_ r- the 11 e 81 G6 ---- =4933.1 CO Q�EN Adopted by ththeJIM 193- yeas Na e �dlan Approved 193_..... ��ear- In Favus 1p=�n Agalxm- Mayor -mar --4=— Yg 0 ealdt ent SM 3-37 Mr. Vice PJ-CaddtUt (Trda---1 14 o.i,m.t � c1tv a.&C,� .(« NO.. _... . G1TY ¢OF ST. PAUL - �UN 109'788 O1�IG1E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNGi s R ESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM �< -.. PRESENTED ABY .--- - ............... ...................... ._--....-_ .-._..._.. ..-....._.. 1..... ......................DATE. .............. ......_....... WHEREAS, byoura.cil File No. 109217, approved November newspapers h - �ignated certain 19 38, 10th, 1937, the Counci— c3e be hel March 8, the s c Taal election to Wone publish notice of �� aperewas upon certain proposed $r rGex amendments among the St. Paul Legal LecZ x- and WHEREAS, tf-•-- *sea -% Council File No. 109217 designated that of Publications Account the cost thereof sYiov 1==€ bs paid out ;Official of the general Fund, WHEREAS, it �-.� s been found that the St. Paul Legal Ledger therein is le a daily paper and er t ztie cost of sutsh publication in the weekly news- greatly in excess of---; a coat of publication satisfies the legal requirements, paper and the weekly therefore be it RESOLVED, Council File No. 109217 be and the same designation of the St. Paul is hereby amended so �� Legal Ledger as one a -*--c>a mmoel the such papers and in lieu thereof the Council the East Side Tribune" as does hereby designate �'!p3ribgProgress and one of the three panes = FURTHER that -the- said Council File No. 109217 designation of "Official Elections be amended so as to C-- 4 3_ the a shall be made, ndd " Election Account" as the func2 Expense -Printed, 31 3! -which payment hereby Is 6 enerelera d" be and It such publication designated as the 11i rrYomthhi( - shall be paid; be it - gURTFiER 1��-���Z.ZTED, that Council File No. 109217 remain in modified by this resolution. full force and effec excepting as Rtha —�" I , �9 Council .Flie"No, 109 the.{ Tz+c�ss�Der 10th 1857, aDDravad —� .. hftthe r't' I ..T_ iz r �_g.� -�Tj• O COUN EN Yeaa carte _ Nay _ . In Fav o� �eoeraoo vki ft—Went. `( 3 JAN '12 Adopted by the Council ____ 193 _ Approved. 193_..... yor OdgbW to ctr-dam -. - 1-09'789 CITY OF ST. PAUL .oi"<" NO... ........................ OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESF-14-rEtt By COMM1$SIONER......-_..TrY� - �.--.-��arc�... - - ... E ........li.-88.-Jarmry-12.19.3.$ ...... ...... RESOLVED orted In accordaTA e with Section tfte �saioofrthe of MM -Y 0hssrteer, hthereexi existence or an eaaa r arc re s , g y �hiah rendered necessary t]-sa employment of cer- tain employs s o -V his Department for more t 3mvm eight hours per dqy and oa S y. said employment being ^mora than usual hours of employmaa t2zerefore, be it RESP VDD That the proper city are hereby authoriz ac1 t o pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise ir; 8@ Sor extra employment for +-Yana extra time herein - ,after sat ameTIZIO Robert M- T4c=mw Sr. Rngr. Draftamaaz 31 .804 G COUN91LMEN Yeas Nays Ian � z3 Favor e `�n mo3�w� 3M 3.3Mr. Vice Pre2ddCSlt loere.afo b- toaccordance Y CJ1a}'tar.ih9 , :P-w/hlch. ren- iDloYment or apartment Por aanil, t, betas being morere emp3oYa]eat: I - - �pBc clty'offi- ed to thepay the fe-. at -rate l'employment relnelter set Ensr. Drartn- Jnn.. 18, 1988. JAN 12 Adopted by the Council 193 Approved.. _ 193...... ayor 1(}9'789 An emerge 4c -_y Inas arisen in the DXPARill= OF PUBLIC WOMMO rendering nee ,e-- - ----MEES sa:raor the employment of certain employees of that Department fo 3 — more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following --owor3c s Drs xag plana for Filtration Plant Addition This ema �$ericy arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances Rapid c-, of work makes it necessary to have plans oomplat--.Bc3 3a advance of wdTk t CQ S I dF'R OF P .LICC 0 O.i,dM. t. ati o.* 1(;9790 _ r�11TY OF ST. PAUL COi"crINO.— IE�— OF THE CITY CLERK COUiVC, ---GENERALFORM------------ Z PRESENTED ' L............"_SATE....-.!TB11U8T�Y....1.�2..)__1934A-........."...-...... COMMISSION6..........................._....:..........._......j..:..."_____________---____.."..........__"___..__..__..........."........ SAS, Saaihel P. Singer desl res v witbudw-em application 23988 for Off Sale Liquor licence at 416 Jaeksoa S and recquests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, ba RESOLVED, that the proper city ba sad they are hereby authorized to- refnud to Samuel P. Singer the :reg -c=m-:r $2550-00 and to cancel said application for license. wnere�e itbdra�P 3 Liquor _ 1i�o rfi4u68.t.s ���� deiy�ogYieci �- "� cera' —r--3t- 'L to --� tea- of- iE6O_QQ _ a_= caLfon Sar A dopL¢¢Z - APD Ov � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays !Fjddlan --In Favor �ea eon >s . Against Parr t 3m -3AU. Vice Prmiduit (Truals) care e P n 23988 .,.: -vs' g9z•`-.desires to Yo3'"OR Sale L6 3aCTcgaa. 3L and of LLe" liconae .ice , therefpoare. 1t 3t - s'7zoYYaby authorised i,P_'"SYager Lhe �.lec cs'D.cel , said annii- >uacEl San_ 12, 1938- ,-193S y i938� - Adopted by the Counts JAN 12 19?8 193.. Approved _.___ 193.' ' !� c__....._. Mayor .or-h.r w ct„ a„r CITY OF . ST.'PAUL. PAU�����,� lU9'7y COU NO...__.. OFF�tCE OF THE CITY CLERK GOM M.iSStONER.......... C O iJ NCI L. F2 OLU N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEIO BY � - , l . . . . .........._ -.... ...........-.--........ .... f..............nATE._.....J.ZXnilAry_.12....1... ... ...... 935........... RESOLVED That licenses lied for by the following persons at the "addresses indicated be and the s are hereby granted and the city clerk is Instructed to issue such licenses Avon time payment into the city treasury of the required fees; Dave Levy - 91 S- WaLbessha 2nd hand dlr. 1 pp. 16241 Renew. Otto Schwarma _ 493 H. Dale St. Barbar a 16330 a H. Henderson ac 2. Hawgaa 1499 Selby Barber a 16348 ■ Percy T. Roam 2236 Carter Awe. Barber . i6372 a PAYne de Ivy _ ---acy =ac. 1321 Pqrne Cont. " 16443 a Ed Jacobson 943 S. Third St. NIFg Barbar " 161187 a Joseph FieLer 437 tTaiv. Ave. Barber " 16496 a Dennie Bi co s 576 •abashes S t . Barber a 16816 a T. Syverteen 972 27. Dale St. Grocery a 16835 " Jacob Perlman 62 E- 5th St. Barber a 16903 e Peter J. Measure=— 10 }1 Hastings Ave. Butcher a 17608 a Francis J.Doreft 50, S- Cretin Barber a 16657 a G. Brookshar► 93S White Bear Ave. Barbar a 16686 a A. J. Boech]. 173 E- Roble St. Butcher a 16782 a P. Kohls 1567 Sherburne Ave. Barber a 16526 a Sandaby $ro s - Dr-�g C o - 000 Univ. Ave. Cont. a 16866 a Carl Johnson 930 Azymond Restaurant a 17066 " 1 it John Hebert _ 567 LTn.iv. Ave. Butcher a 17323 a Fred So)rwabe L 1612 33zxado3.p3hL St. Barber, n 17367 a COUNCILMEN Y Nays t Adopted by the Council ... ___.......... - - 193_ 1 f'UH8LI09T$ J }' Bs 1—G_g tBarluss .F. ]51_�- Z G Pearce ' Findlan .eso2.veH., thatlicenses aPpIled K by the Dersoas -named on the Iisl at- - Pearce ....____ _ In ETav� '[ached to -this rasalution be and the same sten laerebY t; t'astLed asHt the Ciri ApprOVed._...._. ._.... ..__..._........_..193_..... C3erK 1st - instructed.. to issue such IS- Peterson cenaes aeon the�Da4ment into -the OILY Lrcasiary of the reouir,¢d fees. - Adopiecl by the Council Jan. .1938- ADLrov®t2 Jan. 12. 29M z—raRa�. _ .... ............ A .. ...- (Jan I.S. 1938) _ .... .... .............. Mayor GCni'r . 'm syr Vice F,'rc idextt Crraax) - - - These licenses vrere �om']La for delinquent taxes. JAN 12 '1938 COUNgLMEN Adopted by the C.c fl.. 193 as s Nays n' Approxre�d ... ...... `.�-A .. .... ..... . 193 Y'L ea In Favor 3PA 3..*r- Vice President (Trna-> —�w,.w t. cft C. UNCIL 10791 <=j. -I -r -Y C<F ST. PAUL No ...... . - - - - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CC>X-Jr-3I4C--WIL- RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM F-FaMSMNIME) BY GCD.MMISSIONFP . ....... ...... .......... - - - ------------------- -------- .......... . ............ . . ...................... DA'M ...... --------------- ..................... -2 RESOLVED Evelyn Miller 124&--�3 %MgLralxaXX Ave. Gas Station A-P3P- 17369 ROM. Wm. Weiaburcl 01276 HJLatblxkznd Pkwy Grocery n 17371 a Off Sale Malt NO 1T3T2 E. A. Thom 677 mwwa— Ave. Grocery V393 A. R. Desterho:f:f 7f>- _0250- Mt�moz2a Ave. Barber a17401 Clarence Wolf XZA=XSt -Ojr Fater Barber 17593 ff P. F. Casey 31awrolnea:1. Ave. Barber n17933. A. Mayor Rd. Gas Statio n e17973 James Ehrrison17992 JP 3Rmmdjo1Lp3m St. Barber J., E. Schwartz 'Raamd 3 -ph St. Butcher 19000 P. A. Edmoncis Selby Ave. Gas Station a 18004 Steve Barbeck 17-X4&-6 nLaep St. Butcher 18099 wrocery igloo A. N. Herbst 377 18Qr=033A Ave.Awe. Butcher n18421 These licenses vrere �om']La for delinquent taxes. JAN 12 '1938 COUNgLMEN Adopted by the C.c fl.. 193 as s Nays n' Approxre�d ... ...... `.�-A .. .... ..... . 193 Y'L ea In Favor 3PA 3..*r- Vice President (Trna-> - 169'792 i�—STY OF ST_ PAUL .. ... NO..... . .......... OF>^ Ift OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL iT OI\i---GENERAL FORM COMM ._ - ....... _.............................DATE_.....Ja.nt12.L_1938.. ..... 151 ONE ..._......._........ RESOLVED That licensee appl ed >F'v by the YoZ2owing persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hears granted sad the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses Upon tlaa ant sato the city treasury of the required fees: W. N. Olson 2361E S— u Ave. ChR.s Station App. 17009 Now Old Location r Oscar G. Sundquist u 37 -20" --ton Gwocery a 17275 ■ r • ■ a ss a Off Sale Malt ° 17276 " • r Wm.i.Moulton Oil Co. 2';—� __::� Marshall >rtLel, Dealer • " 18036 4 These licenses held r [EN Nay [n Favor ____..�• Against C W. 'No. J09793--sr,G. ii. Barfues, F., M_ Tru" L C. Pearee— nesotved Vtiat-lleenaes applled, for by the, foliowlnq `persona aat the ail-'; dreeaes indiented1-be,and Ole eam. are i herebyy-.Scanted pnd the elty Clerk.ts instructed tb taeue euChllcensee uDen the.,paymont:lato the ity treasury of the .re�guired fe0ei W. F • Olson, 8884 $ampden Ave. (Sag Station,"AD ^ I70R9 New .Loeat tn e. Oscar, G.undu hiaq E7 ^ 1>ayGro- del,ingv.eeat taws. cery.'epp. 17376 New Locatton, Oscaarr t bund¢ulat, 377 Dayton, Oft Sate ;Ma14 App. 17378 Ne 1. IACatten. . Wm: J. Moulton Oil Co.,-J463-Mar- aha.11.. Fuel-Dea1e;, ADD. 18038 New c -10- - Adopted by the Council Ji an. 13; 1988. Approved Jan.' "'"4 (Jan. 13, 1938) .YAPS 12 IMS Adopted by the Council Approved.._......`_ _ _...........__ .._.... _._.........193....... Mayor ' 0.19F11.�Okv a"109.79 CITY OF ST. PAUL `-- - ,'.".«`��. NO.._._........_ OFFICE 'OF THE CITY CLERK C-- —Gc=> CI LUTI ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 13Y COMMISSSIONER................ ..... .... ....... - _ - - - ----___ ... ...._._. .. ............. ... .................. ... _... ........_.. ...._ RESOLVED , that the and Westerly alley lying no3rt32.elr3-y OS Upper Levee Addition and Uppev Le-weeg Lion No.2 from Wilkin St. to Goodrich. Ave. produced east, be and the seme is aemed Spring Lane. C. F. No. d,109793—Bs Resolvethat.fha as�-•C 3Y a�ad weal- erly alleeyy lyfag aozr�+ a - oL 'QDDer Levee No.N.- 2 op a:rsd 'i3 c���e�e® AY7 ditloa ; a SromC "1117. - Lp 2 th rlgh: Ave.` � es -•f = -37E�- T a$ the 1 game' 1a hereby aamccl. `ar ,Adopted M th COtta+L�c 2$ 1838. Ayproved, Jr. 12. :1 �'_S_ COUILMEN Yeas ,NCNa Barfueg �indlan �garce 113C73W Fervor. pil2'Tt'tlIItA -� ,M 3.37 Sar. Vice Pteiae nt i Adopted by the C3oancil 193 AW ,rJv Approved. . od.l..1 w ah a -k109794 CITY OF ST. PAUL 0 . ...... C>F=Fjr—E q.F—X.JkjE CITY CLERK c:: C> UTI GENERAL FORM E_ PRESENTED Bj� . ,� ""-r =,--- - COMMISSIONER.. ....... RESOLVED, that the 431mci westerly &.1ley 20 rt. wide is Upper Levee Addition lying northerly 3.c3rbE3 1+6 to 66 rrom Wilkin St. to Goodrich ATe. produced east, be and the g - *B, :La hereby named Loreto Lane - C. P,• NO. 109" erIft�owlhd..' In &Ile'..nR 1i KI Ad 't IIkIl, St-' W 88. from 00 A—. ,d produced: ��"t, ba.an VL 1jr6010 ed V!�__ bytnadmby th C "' e -.]La ILS38. A pr.,�d Jan. 22- 1938- (Jali. 15, 1938 COUNCILMEN Nr yeas _J�ndlan "Vcw /11'ete- 2hmohx Parraut,4ol. 7:7 . W 3.37 'Mr Vice P JAN 12 Adopted by the GO—Cil - - .193 Approved COUNCIL FILUO. By INTERMEDIARY,- ORDER- Inithe Matter of surfacing with bituminous material Alley in Block 2, Sanborn's Midway Addition, from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street, under Preliminary Order 109523 approvecj Deoember 10 1937 The Council of the. City of St. Paul having received the report of. the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves, I� hereby'ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is surfaoe withbituminous, material Alley in Blook 2, Sanborn's Midway Addition, from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1, 253.08. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the Bth day of February ,1938 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M,, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give,ngtice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear• ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. a,22 Adopted by the Council ..SAN 121938 193— �— — C Approved JAN � 193ity Clerk — Mayor Councilmadddl3palWoRnrfass Councilman n n`-�"' P-1, CouncilmaPe:�rce Couneilma Peterson / Councilmaaaffuffimm= O Cour,�cilmac. Ma yorw 3Qr. Vi ant i Form B. S. A. 8.6 (TrMU) 7rj,,jjN0jDrotlh9r 'Dlvaldsion Nolleyf�In ,j {rrnfCo ad� BtrsP tq6 ani ' COUNCIL FILE NO. ------ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER thers' Division No. 7 from St. Albans In the Matter of grading Alley in Chute Bro Street to Grotto Street; under Pre11 Y ort of the Commissioner of Fla�o upon The Council of the City of St. Paul having receiaed theresolves; the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby ado ted, and the said improvement is 1. e said report and the same is hereby ap That thproved and p hereby ordered to be proceeded with. is Z. That -the nature of the improvement which the CounccilGecommerotto Street grade Alley in Chute Brothers' Division No. 7 from St. Albans Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof da of 8th Y Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th Chamber of the urt a 193 a at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Finance give notice of Febru ry mission House and City Hail Building in the City of St, Paul, That the Coln 'to the persons and in the manner provided by the ChatteerCstating the time and place of heat' said meeting ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereofas est ,lAN 12 123 193 Adopted by the Council___----------' �_ ` City Clerk 193— Approved Mayor Councilma Barfuss Councilmary Findlan rvirwHED/ Councilma"' 210= Pearce Councilma Peterson Councilma 'T"� Councilmarmaw"M Q/1nd1�aW Mayor -:efian . Mr. Vice President (Tmax) Form B. S. A. 8.6 7 C. F, No. 100707.4 - In the Matter or oondemoland, tak- ing ; Ing an essement W the Ind, nooes• f + eery for 610 ea, cuts and: 4114 In the 1 grading of Alley In Ohut Brothers` ! 1097 Dlvielon Na 7 froth St, Al�apps 8tra J to .p ; � ,moor Pre eia+ � COUNCIL FILE NO. n_ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, - huts and fills in the grading of Alley in Chute Brothers' Division No. 7 from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street, under Preliminary Order 109407 approved_ Deoember 1 1937 The Council of the City of St, Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finence upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves, 1; That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2.. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ogdemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Chute Brothers' Division No. 7 from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof,Ahe hatched portions showing the cuts and the shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated wet theiwf is $ 100.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on saidimprovement on the 8+h day of February ---,—-193 8 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear, ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated, Adopted by the Council JAN 12 TQB—,193 i� J'1 ' ? 193 /City Clerk Approved 4, / U Councilman's Barfum Councilmano4womMFindlan Councilman Pearce CouncilmarPOMM Peterson] Councilman Councilman Behan Mayor 1 r. Mr. Vice kiWdeut (Truax) Form B. S. A. 8.6 F r! under Preliminary Order 109520 approve Vj reC�iV�d CSC C� OCC of ChC ��q missioner of Noce upon '�CGOupCll of Chi GIC of St► ��ul h� �g � � Y I I I rP�oIV�B� i onsld�re� said r� orr, herepV the above imptovemCar, and havin g C, p 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade Alley in Ingleston's Subdivision, Netzel's Subdivision, and Block 4, Schnitzius Addition, from Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_$07-11. Resolved Further, That a pubh'c hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of Februaa 193 8 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JAN 12 1538 d JAIL' `� !39"3 193 ity Clirk Approve Mayor a Councilma .Councilmani .. G C, F, No. 100108— In the Matter of ttttra6g Alley to glestone 6ubdlvlelon Netzel's SOT Pearce ; a ac gnd plfsck 4, �dhnitslus Addl a r �Wir Aven to 161"Wil � �� ' Prellr�i(nn; Other 1"' ,n,A, Councilmatlzs,.`r'-- (/ Avi 'i MIMI - Mayor INNNNW� .i. MirForm V�i COUNCIL FILE NO ____.��_- By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading.Alley in Ingleston's Subdivision, Netzel's Subdivision, and Block 4, Sohnitzius Addition, from Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue, under Preliminary Order 109520 approve Vj reC�iV�d CSC C� OCC of ChC ��q missioner of Noce upon '�CGOupCll of Chi GIC of St► ��ul h� �g � � Y I I I rP�oIV�B� i onsld�re� said r� orr, herepV the above imptovemCar, and havin g C, p 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade Alley in Ingleston's Subdivision, Netzel's Subdivision, and Block 4, Schnitzius Addition, from Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_$07-11. Resolved Further, That a pubh'c hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of Februaa 193 8 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JAN 12 1538 d JAIL' `� !39"3 193 ity Clirk Approve Mayor a Councilma .Councilmani BerfU6e Findlen Councilman Pearce Councilma Peterson }illl�p 3j Councilma�l�� ,B*ees�� �%' Councilmatlzs,.`r'-- (/ - Mayor INNNNW� .i. MirForm B. S. A. 8-6 Q. F. No, 00999w. In the $Iatter,of condemning and tek- Ing an easement In the land neces• 1 :sary for slopes, outs end fills In the grading Of 'Ir,. i �,,:; aton's Sub- UJ diviklo COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes,? cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Ingleston's Subdivision, Netzel's Subdivision and Block 4; Schnitzius•Addition, from Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue, under Preliminary Council of the COof St, Paul having recelved the report of the Commissioner of l+in�nce upon The l � ereb resolves; � the above improvement, and having consldered said report, h Y 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. , 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement' the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in on's Subdivision, Netzel's Subdivision and Block 4, Schnitzius Addition, from Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the outs and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25 00, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of FAbnmry 193—L, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear, ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN 12 f10,11 Adopd by the CowclL_.__-- j Approved_ 193— Councilman Barfuss Councilman Findlnn / CouncilmanI Pearce Couneiirna PetersonURrdStrED Z4131 Councilnun Councilman Mayor 101W i,,.=QeWxi -Ztea+ Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mr. Vice Prudent (Tr=) -0 I C, F,'No,100800� In 1h� Matter of raQiag.,Alloy la 8nia� log 1' nors Addition from�Wato'h nue to i Weldo Avenue, tr*r Pfollrelni' Order 100618 `qpp* COUNCIL FILE N0. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading Alley, in'Spinner's Addition from Walsh Avenue to Weide Avenue, under Preliminary Order X09618 _ _approvP� Daoember 10. t 939, The Council of the City of St, Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report and the same ds hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade Alley in Spinner's Addition from Walsh Avenue to Weide Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1 L 2 holy d FurChcr, That a public hcarin be had on said improvcmcnt onth 9� . -d�Y of �ohrua.�-r-� -- ,193.x..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., In the Null Chamber d the 5ua House and City Hall Building in the City, of St. Paul, That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the person's and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear• ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN 12' `' 19a Adopted by the Council, 193— Approved 193— City Clerk Mayor Councilma Barfuss / Councilma n`-' Findian Councilman" Councilmanvl=P= / � +9?r Iffx Councilma 74JO44r `il110LISHG,D Councilma Mayor rdl (`Cq , Form 8, S. A. 8,6 ;1 1 a� ,E o In,. de M ite�0lt aondOmnlnR And:tai 1 Q 0 l sn0Y n esalembnt In thd,land necbs� .r ' gbes„cube 'rind. ails In thb' grading of All” In 6pinner's Addl+, ' tion from Walsh Avenue o Walde '. Frue under Prellmin rY cider'- 119801 B apr yved U80mber 10, 1937. 411 of the - Y of gt. Paul COUNCIL,FIL$NO By INTERMEDiARY ORDER In the Matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Ailey in Spinnerts Addition from Walsh venue to Weide • Avenue, P s, under Preliminary Order—l0@rf9 .- PProved nAc__ ,,,,,hA trty ,1937 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That thesaid report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the aid Improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is o easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the condemnngand take Alley in Spinners Addition from Walshand Avenue to Weide Avenue, in accordance with the blue priest hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatch portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, E _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th Fehn,ary y Of —�----, 193.E at the hour of 10 o'clock A M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul ; That the said meeting to the persons and in the manner Commissioner of Finance give notice .of ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof asCesttima, staring the time and place of hear- Adopted by the Council JA' N 1939 193 t Approv J Iy38 193"- 7, '�,,,�.�' r �r� City Clerk , GDttF1.Ci1mH e f ky,''or c.- Councilma" Councilma Pindian Pearce Couneilma Peterson ; 7 Councilmangibummmm Councilma Mayor OfthomW au am Form B. S. A. 8.6 � eleaident(Tryw C1ti~ to CR; Oak , COUNCIL1V aJ802 CITY OF ST. PAUL nw v0....._ . -.... OTr FILE OF THE CITY CLERK COLS I CIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAy- FORM Ar -COMMISSIONER.PREENTED BY ....Fiadlan ..........'---E ................_ ..._.._.... .. ..._.... RESOLVED That the tts�M -jr- -%23Le Vena in the Saint Pant Auditorium be and it. to herebT -mesa to the Minnesota Funeral Directors `88001- ation from perch wm8-%;m1 zo 31st, inolnsive, for its annual 00nven- v tion; said As aces %0 to W a rental of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), and Za-- —=L_ aoe of the east to be set up in the budget for the year 1939 M s Amditorim Fund No. 17. C F. No. •SB880P SY J. 13:.:.Findifv— Rr,ao-Bod, That the vse of thavdrana iL -�seLe;ebY-- sfven , G: the jOOMm nne ota l+ uaeral.. eby" 'orh Aeeootatloh fMm i Uej con ent1on eaJd Aeeociatlon.'to -p;=b00.00) �a d'&Vba)Q ceao[dthe ---t !a "beset uDiBti the bndRet .Ior t)1e y e:Sr 1538 Is Avdltorlum:Fu.A;12.19 -Adopted Jane Council -]an 12,•1826. Approved Jan. 12° 1826: .... {Jan. 16,1928) cc Yeas • ]M CITY OF,SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioeer of Registration January 11th, 19; S Mr. John W. McG-- --r: 3e2 ou6 Corporation C c—r — -N� 1 City Hall Dear Sir: The cit requested you to draw a resolution 7m- aag the request q4' - Winnesota Funeral Directors Association For t 1z6 use of the of the Auditorium on March 28th to 31st, irzc zap J2--t-- at iveat a rental of rJ0 _ JO , the balance of the cost to be set up i r� 1ze budget for tta0 3-939 in Auditorium Fund No. 17. Yours very- truly City Clex- �.- A I DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN, Cowwiaaior�an P. E. MCDERMOTT. On-, EDWARD A.Ft1R:H1.: - MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM MAWtk le A "IN TL HE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL- DISTRICT" T.l.phan. cA :ulna 7261 143 NKrMST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL, Z0XMS0TA The Convention EnaewtbLe ARENA -47.000 Square F..t Seatin- 15.000 Ice Rink 100-221 E7 nmrrIODl HAY.T. 6{.000 Spaare Feet Er.r, 8-1— AUDITORIUM THEATRE S—ti.a• 3.000 Co Iete State ll New A STEP HAT.T. 8.11— ComDlete Stag 2 Seal 150 RAl[SEY HAT.Y. Sate "0 E HAT.T.A Sestiat 160 it CO SERVICES AVw1r_AsaT.-: A-0 Current 110-220 Volte 81.61. —d t v2— D-0 Current 110-220 volts TeleDhon Telegraph P. A. S,et Induced Draft Flues for Hot and Cold Water Drain Conneetioma Comare.sed Air .0100P..8 January 8, 1938 w:r - solha 3., uri..al mn, Commissioner t or Eduestion s; -ft*L lrloor citr Hall Si.int r Qii=v xLlmosota - X)V 2 lkffT — i't ral ftw= Oa Decalabrr 2, 1936, Council Resolution No. 105839 was passed saw to22owsz iarlSD s that the Minnesota F moral Directprs Association awe Hari it is hereby granted the use of the arena of the Pauu2 dnditorium for its sznwal conwentiom, from March Zat to 1937, inclusive, at a rental of *500.00, the Imam- =xxce or the coat of operating, heating and lighting maz+a s1sos.ial ,r.n said portion of the Auditorium for that occasion to be set up in the budget for the year 1938 is �+��; torieila Blund No. 171. latter tt33a resolution was passed the Mt3anuenota Funeral I?irsct ors Jlasociation decided that they would not go ahead with their moaventlon last Murch because of a conflict with thaw aaalblLcm—convention, and postponed.4some until March, 3`938 1<t this time the Minnesota INxnevaX Directors w� t G'Lcm and Mr. Julius Perit of the Convention Bureau oS -ftW-m Ss3at Paul Association of Conlaerce have asked for thaw dates os March 28p,299 30, 31, 1938, for the state 4-0: r- ®tioaa oa the same terms, that is the Minnesota >!'sma ramX Directors Association to pay 500.00 and the ta;aM mm_+caw oS operating, heating and lighting and cleaning to be sat uip in Auditorium Ftimd No. 17. gcco3rc21.ag2y recommiend that this resolution be re -introduced the dates of March 28, 29, 30, 31, 1938. Inasmuch 8s it awes agreeable at the time it was passed originally, see ao rawEL=c"m why it can not accordingly be agreed upon awls at 1'h--1CS-:1I4W Ian, Tcsn, O Sours very twuly, i 3&A3r S SW loso i` as�.I ),t$ggpa: kir fA1NT rAUL GOU NCIL FILE NO. NOTICE YBO r�ytaf 'c ecics` b�sa'� -tea.; Tc a o,nrsssfi4arf�� x :IOUNCIL,RESOLUT101�I amvzb4red �Y889&.fa14 484$5. i m as L3ie', rRINM'ER pper obBCYe oa '>1Ya Sa fha a _ - Tn3M'v CY 33 193 �- CitY Com�trtroTYer - - �doPted by thPr'�Caaa+eYt<.� 1_23938 RESOLVED. THAT CHECE� 8E 10!<2AWN ON THE CITY TREAS6�URY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT � A INCLUSIVE,ASPER OF S COVT��r-217l�iG GHECKSNUMBERED $2-TOS 3,5-;7.2Z CHECKS ON FILE IN THE O-1FiG1E OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 193— gpOpTEO BY THE = z 193-- ll ! c APPPOVED �J gy I 1 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PULL ��\�T113 _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL ROLL CALL 7771U111�J 1777 FILE NUMBER BARPUSS FINDLAN PEARCE IN FAVOR 'AUDITED CLAIMS- a �* Y 10 _ 193-8 PETERSON TRUAX _AGAINST RESOLVED, THATECK6 BE Dp,AV�IA►1 CITY TREASURY TRUAX - 1hl,J�yLv9 MR. PRIES. OEHAN gp�AA�� TO THE AGGREGATE A (GDD6 S. i COVERING �FT CHECKS NUMBERED-.-Y.Y TO 33 INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-------- _ PER CHECKS ON FILE N THE FICE 0 THE CIT /COMPTROLLER. �) _ -- APPAO D COMPTROLLER NUMBER SOO 1.37 C/ MAYOR' BY_ TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF----- RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFEREMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 1135o 61g,OQl —�h- 7 I 43366 Mrs. Emile LeBieeonniere „ 33'60 43367 Oolleotor Internal Revenue 862131 43368 Eugene.R. Johnston 5I00' 43369; Capitol Stationery ufg.00up y 285'68] 43370 F. J. Geng 175i00!: 43371 OBLrl .Ygronde 33 42 43372 E.H. Stahl Company II 93'25�� 43373 A. J. MoCartby `*' ,� ��� 43374 firs. Mary Eaill Christy 27 001 43375 Mrs. Anna R. Foley 1 9011 43376 Mrs. Elizabeth Literski 00 1I 43311 lira. Elfrida Soderberg 28 so Axel F Peterson 0E of 1'�n oe 1 384 'd3'' 438 Cel 43.1 Louip 9188 0'00 3319 I 4))t Jobb V000 011 K) � 11 31i j1 43382 Met, Traneporthtiol Oompan� 'S� II 43343 Mae Products Oo1Peny) Ino. look!' 43384 R. Boker & 0011pany, Ino*' 11j '6o 4338 Braunig 8 Sons Baking Oompen �I�I 541521 43386 Farwell, Owun, Birk 8 Compaly � ` 79 8611. 43387 Miss Perris 80nee 2q 18'' 43388 Toodburn and Brandt 116 651 I till, � I' , i l 'i II II it I I li it DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE IN FAVOR PETERSON TRUAX AGAINST WENZEL MR DOES GEHAN CITY OF SAINT PUUL. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS COUNCIL 1(j9804 FILE NUMBER __— J Y 11 _199 6 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S _17 _ -1-. COVERING I01TO j� INCLUSIVE, AS i'` CHECKS NUMBERED A; ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_.-- — PER CHECKS ON FILE FFI E I�ITY CO PTROLLER. APPROVED 193LL COMPTROu[R N MBER � � Y .� �'/ 13 / 500 1.31 Ci MAYOR TOTAL DATE CHECK--- RETURNED O NUMBER IN FAVOR OF -,` TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS ilei, CHECKS I' BROUGHT FORWARD 6 84 56 43389 Harry Leyden 3e 4o 1 43390 Yrs. Louis Fay !' 26 SO , 43391 L.A� Soler, Cashier w.Depte 1609 43392 Leonard F. Thompson 100 00 43393 Axel F. Peterson] 0. of Fin, ;' 7 500 00 43394 Ilea Obst, Oodaty Treasurer j 416 67 43395 Herzog Iron works 33 33 43396 Bevin Butler -Brothers Oompani. 7 29 43397 Charles 1. Ptacek 2 50 43398 American Bulb Company 60 64 43399 Arcade b Maryland Cash 4rooei7 2 86 " 43 406 S. Berglund Lumber Company 23 49 43401 Blomberg's Grocery f 17'19 43402 Brown and White Cab Company it 142 39 .I 43403 Buoka Brothers 1 55 4 404 Carnegie Dook & Fuel Oom eny 536 03 1 2761443405 res0entOre ery Company 43406 HE J. Dierks Hearing Aid Sery �0e %. 2 00 43401 Din is Fairway Market 1 2 43408 Fast Side 0100�Orp Company 1 43409 L. Eisenmenger 988t Company 336 61 43410 Bigin Sweeper Company 31.110 43411 Fairview Garage j 10 00 43412 Joyce Insuranoe,Ino. j 5 51 43413 Elosterman Grooery LI' 11 81 43414 Motesson Wholeeilers,Ino. 6 431 43415 Mays, Inc. Ice Cream ji 653 03 !1 43416 Michaud Brothers Inc* ;I 23 96 43417 Midway Creamery Company 85 38 43418 Minnesota Milk Company j 85 80 43419 Morelli18 Grocery 2 07 43420 Niemann is Grocery 22 $3 43421 National Expert Winlow Cleani g Oo. 159 TO 43422 Northern states Power Omani 4 672 31 43423 Northern states Power Company 325 89 43424 Otte Elevator Company II 612 o0 43425 Jos, Pavlioek 5 46 i 43426 Prioe Ileotrio Company j; 1656 43427 Rapp and Wittman 29 44 43424 0.W, Rohland Company 5 1 �' 43429 9t�paul bilk 0ompany �4 0 ,�'` 43430 9tspaul White Lead & Oil 6Piny 3 43431 Sanitary Farm DairiesIIIIno 55 43432 Andrew Sohooh arooery Company 56 10 43431 9obuls Food Parket 19 '06 43434 Yrs. irletta Shipman 33 50 43435 Vander Bies,Ino. 276 $ 43436 Viotoria rood Market 18 76. 43437 Werner Grocery 18196 43439 Zinsmaster Baking Company 220 04 I I 7� 00 001 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD II p 3% �5 �' it , ii I 7 Lj 0d1IW 1. My 0.8 .. COYMGtL: CQQ /�- CITY OF ST. PAUL '- .,..* rll..c NONO-1-69805.f� �.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Y G� CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER. .. ........ ... .____. `__ -"� - _....... ...DATE ......__ RESOLVED_ flat yioenss 2g©_ 4025 for a gasoline filling station,) &? at 1102 Larpenteszr JkIwera1me, :Lgsued to E. D. Pales., be and the sante Is hereby trsttlssSerred to John Zii^el, and the proper city officers" are a x -,&c teci to make the proper changes in the city records. L _ $No.= 109805—By F M. Truaz 0. 'Rasa) 1The£' licens W, No. 9028 for a gasolinAiling station at 1102 Lar- t,Bvr �yenue issuedto E. D, .Fele.. is Joua�Zilttele ands hereby pcovera city, officers era: dire ted to—ke'the . Drop �- er cTi`sagas in the dty records: i AdoDtad. by'the Council Jan. .18;-1988. I i , ADDrQped' 75xt Z8. 1958 flan 18. ieae� COUNfJiLMEN Yeas / Nays ties /�t0_ ___.In Favaoc .. y. � c. 1?residmt (C-'ghani JAN 13 1938 Adop y the Cou cag- __............__........: ...................193....... JAN 13 T?8 A roved -------------- __. ... .._.. ._..._. 193...... ' F 1 c ``•;'y� � Ivlaoclr CITY OF SAINT PAUL �s Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration January 11th, 1939. Mr. John W. McConn01 o-v� Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Counci3 requested you to draw a resolution transferring the attached Gaso3.iriP F311ing Station license at 1102 Larpenteur Ave. from E. D. Fales to Ziittel. Yours very truly, City Clerk. A 11 N RA6L- E: 9806 ��oaasa..a .e a.eNO. OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL. RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FOF2M 1 RESENTED eY L1 A. !Xa..�� a+.� ..1.9 J6 .............. .DATE_- ----- T ......1 RESOLVED license }i102Z. expiring �-JP= 6. 1939, Restaurant That On Sale Malt Beverage license #9767, expiring April 6, 1938. ==A Off Sala "ate t Beverage license #51}98, Dance gall license +920, expiring Decenmbe,r 10 - 1938, and Tavern license #1169, expiring December 10, 1938, issued to Georg. rand Many Haddad at 256-59 •. 7th St- be and the same are hereby trasasisrrad to George Foralay at the same address and the proper city officers ars izaatrnctsd to maks the proper changes in the city's records. be it FUMEyF,R pESOLVEDO that the transfer of said licenses is to be aYYgcLi-ree as of February 1. 1939. 8. Wj.v isss— Reso]ved, That On Sal¢.MaS¢ver- ssgge license No. 4022,. erDirinAwm�lm 435 - Ar pirin ARr71 6, 1938 Of[¢Sa1.a ,Ma.1t . arnsce ltcease No. 5498, Dance :Hall 14 - cons¢ No. .820. ezDiring Dacemb<.er_ 3L -40r_ 1988,'and Tavern. license No, 455_ cx- DirinyC Deceis4ber . Xo.y 1938,- iss,a.ea ' Georgge Forsley and n4ar$aaa�.a st 256-58 W."7th _5t_ be and th¢ sasae are hereby transf@rred_ to Georrco r'orsl¢4 at the same, address and -.,the, tiroger ttp officers -are Instructed 'to ass -ice xld.e io er cliattgea ia_�th0 Cit}ra Te:CorQ'3 ge Pt Flsrther-:Resolved:. that.�the trans=er . ,of. a1d'liccnaea fs to b¢- effective February '1. "as. Adonted.b9 the Council Jaa_ 13. 1938- ADDroved. Jan: i8c 1938.. Liquor transfer informal clan_ 15, less Council. Jan. 11. 1939- -- jiti� 13 �g30.. ....193...... COUNCILMEN 'Adopted by the COa:scil._ ..___._ ..__._..._ _ _ _ yea. Nays dlan - APPraved ..._t93....... _ In Favor teas . Against - Y President (Gehan) 3M3.37 --•� a:....... a.. — - 10980'7 CITY_ OF ST.PAUL cou�wc�� n� IVO..........__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUl�iGaL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ��NTso ev. COM . ....... MISSIONER._. .... ...... ....................... ..................................................................................DATE.,....._.%3yr..-.....1.93$w_.......�..........�... WHEMM". heretofore ■On Ssa1eQW =+ichor license f 833 was issued to Geargs 7braley and Mary Haddad at 256-58 1r_ 7 t3bL St,- and WHIM7AS, George Foraley --a 3Lff-v9+-o Haddad have requested that said 13 cease be transferred to George Forsley at 2rj4S--sj8 7. 7th St. and WMBEAS• said George PorsLl sy 2sass Piled a bond in the anm of $3.000 -00 as required by t-ity ordinance: -- --iswAsk-dL A& bei- has- been approved an to forAw and azecution by the Corporation ConasekM and RBFMFJ.S. the License Committees 2zas recommgpded that said request =or transfer be granted; therefore . be it BTSOLVZD. that "On Sales T_i q�or 1lcense 4833. heretofore issued to George Foreley and Mary Haddad at 256-58 Mf- 7th St- be and the same is hereby t+ -a++ sierred to George Horsley at the same address 4sw--w+c tha bond of the said George Fox, aZcn'T -i ss thereby approved and the City Clerk i s directed to deposit the same in time of�3 ce of the City Comptroller. and the Corporation Counsel is authorised —W-4 directed to release the surety on the bmmo�xm-d oS the said George Foraley and 31ary Hmaama from any further liability arising after thpub23 steed. a date tBnis resolution is be it 1rUBWEMR RESOLVED, that this trsx+ sfer is to become effective as of 1. 1938• o Transfer informal] -,v- zm=anrarovad by Coipcil. .Tan. 11. 1938. COUNC�I�CfEN Ytaa / Nays F dlan Favoc roux Against - f: 8IIt0 r. President (Geban) saw a -JAN 13 <c331 Adopted by the C`oias- 7- . ............. 193.. Approves -------- 193....... Mayor G't A ... a cav cl-k )9808 CITY OF ST. PAULNO.......... � couwm� 0>c1=iCE OF THE CITY CLERK ••`� --.---..------ .......----- �, C�IJI�iCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PREZENTEO BYT... ._. ........ .. 1 1934t! ._... _....__. COMMNOW IMER_ ............_.........._._._...._..._..____________________________..............._..........._..._..__................._...:._......:DATE_......_. _.__3......_.-..._ RESOLVED That On Sale lgalt Beverages.l2cenee #3844. expiring Feb. 1, 1939, Restemwant 11cense +85584. Feb_ _,1. 1938. and Off Sale YA7 t, Beverage license +5161. expiring Teb. X. 1935 - A. mmmmd to George Drexler at 5572 N• Dale St. be and the same are hereby to John M. Drexler at the some sadress and the proper city of=3c eras a -re ixtstrmcted to make the proper, changes in the cityls records, be 1t. ruRNBER HESmQED, That the oY said licensee is to be effective as of February 1. 1938. Z.ignor trsnsSer apcDroved by covnci.l. Team- MENYeas Nays .M C. F. No xOg"s--By P. 8.- Barruaa--. - i JAN 13 1938 Adopted by the Council_........_..._ ............. _ __ 193....... y. _ Approved-_ _... .. ._...._._.193_.._. yor odsi.w t. cKv ak I CITY OF STY PAUL c—u.N— NO. -169809 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKFARM RESOLUTION ---GENERAL . ...... ............. WEgarmAS, herstofo-ra *`01a —1"E:5aEmL34m" 1.1craor license 822 was issued to George DreXler at 572 X- BEIM- 13t r3-Em-AdL WEEMS, George D3ra-z:X am-=- .1emL3czv-4M John M. Drexler have requested t2wmt said license be transferred to John M. zLt, the same address. and WEXIM&S, said John I&- bALs filed a bond in the sum of 53.000.00 as required by -b-Ity -0 bond -bias been approved am lt;Q- Xor.m. And execution by the CorporatloxL VIECMLLS, the am C---CP=0z11Lttee has recommended that siLlieL 3r4acrmest for transfer be granted; therefore. be It RESOLVED. that -OIL 54K31 -40w- M-:1Lcjxxoir license #922, heretofore IsaCLAD& to George Drexler at 572 X. MWa14& Zrw-ft-- -T=*6 and the, same is hreby transferred to John M. Drexler at the A=N same add=-wmis �*,34ft 'bond of said John X. Drexler Sm hereby approved and the c:2- City CELe3rlv-- '31- am to deposit the same In the oZ:Mce of the City 00&Ptroner, and the Corpsrat i oa counsel is authorized and di:rectad to release the surety on the bond o:r -V---Tr3kNEft 0&mLjLcj George Drjjxler from any fur't33L4Bx- liability arising after the date this raso3aLion :is published, be It IM3RTEEEM RESOURD, t1u5LZ vow -V--=-ams:rer Is to become effective as a -:E 3rebruiry 1, 1939. S, -heretofore 'On Sale"'I,iuu- N-. 822 W-laeuad "d 1, S ,chat Trj,naf-3L9-". epprevo& bp Council. Jan. 13L, COU;N,-bAB14 Yeas Nay indlan -4081welp— I jito - IM Y37 I. J Ali 2) 15"Z'8 Adopted by the 0ouncH.- -1- .1 -.. - -1931 193 PT TRT YQT-wr% �Yor ao C" a.& CITY OF ST. P amour+` a NO._ R,981.0 AUL ..� _ / FFtCE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 GaL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .............................DATE_... -_ Tn.man.�. 13,-.193g .... ... .-... Western Grocery =ac. desires to withdraw application 24231 for Grocery license at 569 St-. and requests the return oY the license fee deposited thereon+ = 4Vmk2.ereSore, be it RLSOOLYED, , that the proper city officers be and they are hereby acuthorized to refund to the western Grv:= cry Co. , Inc. the fee of $10.00 aaa to cancel said - application Sor 3:S -cease. No. 108810—B31F'- $. Bartvaa-' s.�WheMa W.eatern 6riocersCo- Sac- YW10A9 3tiac7caoa�j LOY'{Gcoo 1e naO. at regveats-the return of twa_- Iiccz,ne iee deDoaltgd theteoa ;thereLara 'Resolved, that the prober city oLd-. be .theme M1t'e. her4.y. cera• .,and 1ae8 16 rof.va -to the W'eatern _ C,le'ocer� i Co Inc the tee OL i1QA8 $ad.';Yo can- cel geld aDoyilCatiO'n LOr,: UdOns- ' AQIIDted'Dythe Council Jana. 13� 19Sa%- 1838. ADDtoved Jan 13 an Ts 19s (Jall = - -- JAN 13 1S�3 COUNCILMEN - Naya Adopted by the Council 193 Yeas ` V/ Ba/rfuaa pp 1 .. _. 2kE� I S '�,. SJ _yadan Appru we 193._.... .Ira havoc i xayor F r. Presi r. President 169811 O.tsLM b d!r ash /. couwci� �//v/^r ST. PAUL- A i4UL NO.._...._....._.._ __........... CITY OF A OFFICE OF THEk CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRE3ENTE0 BY - _ -...................:.___t?ATE___.__.._...-- . IIporz� Iha recommendation Of the Corvoration Counsel, reciting that Special circrimBtanceg_ exist rendering it advisable to employ Special counsel to pass upon the validity of the iBSue of $1659000. gub� a c yR$lfare boccie of the City of Saint Paul, autYiorized by Council Fila NO_ 109788, approved January 12, 1938, RESOLVED, tlsat the Sinking Fund Committee be authorized to employ 7Palter Foenes, attorney, of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and Thom$oa, ,7Pooa ac Hoffman, attorneys of New York City, to pass upon the va1_idity OS the issue of bonds, at a compensation of .not to emceed 03-2.3-75, payable out of the Debt Sez-vl ce Expense Account. C �'g ]3 o�hg$g11-89 A- - F. YateTsoa, �..-ed- .��� ':..the TBCOntinCnda�i0it au- aa- Adopted�by tT�e"Ooatricil:Jan Y3:`-��aa-+ ADpTo.Ved (3an. 118. 1938)- Adopted by the Council __ _.........._._.._........._ _....193..__. �z APproved.......- COiJNC;II..MEN yew Naya� In Favor Agaiffit _ IPrcaidtat sM saw < = (C�ct�an� C �'g ]3 o�hg$g11-89 A- - F. YateTsoa, �..-ed- .��� ':..the TBCOntinCnda�i0it au- aa- Adopted�by tT�e"Ooatricil:Jan Y3:`-��aa-+ ADpTo.Ved (3an. 118. 1938)- Adopted by the Council __ _.........._._.._........._ _....193..__. �z APproved.......- 169812 ck%u l a air a.l _ - COUNCIL -1Y OF ST. PAUL TNO z OIFIFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /1 C:�F �NaC IOu 912 Sy A: F Peta'}aGn' �� Y6/ a Ulm � lL RESOLIJSION--- CyENERAL FORM yphexeae..ttie Councq;std by reso- PRESENTED BY I lut�8 knomn � Cout<cl; 191 8 ��thort S 1 puanchanQ ea]e of ;'166 ..... .:....DATE -'yU0 D U �. ft thteh boJnAa ,CfAh..' iI . COMM ISSIONER ..... . .. ......... ._ ..... ._.. ..... .. ... r..c• .+ gran n or e'4u p t- "d.=het �enr : undeP. authorlt op of Maine., ' WHEREAS, Coaincil did, by resolution known as Council File No. 109786, _apprwecl January 12, 1938, authorize the issuance and sale of $165,000> �4i:r value of the bonds ,of the City of Saint. Paul for the support and r-wm21g:r of the poor, under authority of Chapter 120, Session Laws o:r for 1933, as amended by Chapter 48, Session Laws of Mine vsmc3ta Sor 19356 and as further amended by Chapter 105, Session Laws oS -3ftA2rn.rse sota for 293"; and WHEREAS, ssw_ 4e9Lici resolution of the Council was submitted to his Excellency, Elme�— Beszson, Governor of the State of Minnesota, for his review and appro-%P-- $1 ; slid WHEREAS3E73ue said Elmer Benson did, by certificate as provided by Section v - og s81d Chapter 120, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1933, as amended s approve said issuance of $165,000.00 par value of its bonds by the ssiai City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, said Council File No. 109786 did provide that the Council"of said 4—,1ty should, by subsequent resolution, fix the denominations of Bart_ boac�ls and the dates of maturity thereof, and did also provide tYsism_ -41= sucIm bonds be sold in the manner provided by Section 1943, Masons 4mEaL AMrx_3rx4-_aota Statutes 1927; therefore be it RESOLVED s -%;Y> sat the bonds authorized to be issued and sold by said resolutlon'k 4I�_400urnc_-i 1 File No. 109786 , be issued and sold in the manner provided by M mow, irx the amount of $165,000.00; said bonds to be in denominat1oz7A!>::ff- 03.., c300 each, to be dated February 1, 1938, bear Interest at a rate lcmw ea<ceeding six per cent {:.6;6) per annum, payable semi-annually on Few Barg first and August first, according to the ooupons . to be to said bonds. Said bonds shall be serial; a portion thereof sisa— 7::N- be payable each year, but none of said bonds shall run for a longer tem tanaL=+ ten (10) years and shall be numbered 808b1�-bd3b3015, inc €ate sive - The dates on which said bonds shall mature and the amounts w1x_J1_A==Q1mL s%s11 mature annually over said period shall be as follows: Date of Maturity Bond Numbers Amount, February 1, 1939 50851 - 50864 $14,000 February 1, 1940 50865 - 50879 15,000 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193..... yea, Nays Barfum FindlanApproved_....-...._..... _...:_ ........._...._ _.........19:+_..... .__ _. .. Mayor Truax eat r. PresicPent iGehan) . The said worlds shall be in the following Form which has been prepared by the Siri'1-ing Fund Committee and approved by the Corporation Counsel aY said City, and is hereby approved and adopted, viz. " NX7142:TED STATES OF AMER'TCA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF SAINT PAUL PUBLIC WELFARE BOND No. ...... $1000.00 "SNOW ALL 35+EMW B"Y THESE PRESENTS, that t}ae City of Saint Paul, in the County of IR-�Ex**+sey and State of M1nneaota, acknowledges Itself to owe, and value received he,reby promssea to pay to bearer the sum of Ori g Thousand Dollars ($1000.00 ) on the first day of February 19.... - _ together with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid, t t7ae rate of......... per cent per annum, payable semi-annua2--y ork the first day ofAugust and February in each year, as evidenced a= -:ed upon the presentation 4nd surrender of the annexed interest as they severally become due. Both principal and interest of 'th3_ s bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America a the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul or a-5 the Fiscal Agency of the City of Saint Paul, in the City of Nevr Yorker State of New York, at the option of the holder, and for thg 1©rozn-pt payment of this bond, both principal and interest, at maturi may, the faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul are irrevocably pig aged "This bor-*-e3E- is one of a series amounting in the aggregate to the sum of One Sixty-five Thousancl Dollars ($165,000.00) issued by the City, saint Paul for the purpose of support and relief of the poor, as by Chapter 120, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1933, as .amends e= -3L by Chapter 48, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1935, and as further by Chapter 105, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1937, and Council 17-r- -'Ak 2e No . 109786, duly passed and approved January 12, 1938. "It is lae certified and recited that all things, acts and conditions recgx3r-red by the Constitution and laws of the State of -2- 169812 Date of Maturity Bond Numbers Amount February 1, 1941 50880 - 50894 $15,000 February 1,-1942 50895 - 50910 16,000 February 1, 1943 50911,- 50926 16,000 February 1, 1944 50927- 50943 17,000 February 1, 1945 50944 - 50960 17,000 February 1, 1946 50961 - 50978 18,000 February 1, 1947 50979 - 50996. 18,000 February 1, 1948 50997 - 51015 19,000 s 000 The said worlds shall be in the following Form which has been prepared by the Siri'1-ing Fund Committee and approved by the Corporation Counsel aY said City, and is hereby approved and adopted, viz. " NX7142:TED STATES OF AMER'TCA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF SAINT PAUL PUBLIC WELFARE BOND No. ...... $1000.00 "SNOW ALL 35+EMW B"Y THESE PRESENTS, that t}ae City of Saint Paul, in the County of IR-�Ex**+sey and State of M1nneaota, acknowledges Itself to owe, and value received he,reby promssea to pay to bearer the sum of Ori g Thousand Dollars ($1000.00 ) on the first day of February 19.... - _ together with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid, t t7ae rate of......... per cent per annum, payable semi-annua2--y ork the first day ofAugust and February in each year, as evidenced a= -:ed upon the presentation 4nd surrender of the annexed interest as they severally become due. Both principal and interest of 'th3_ s bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America a the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul or a-5 the Fiscal Agency of the City of Saint Paul, in the City of Nevr Yorker State of New York, at the option of the holder, and for thg 1©rozn-pt payment of this bond, both principal and interest, at maturi may, the faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul are irrevocably pig aged "This bor-*-e3E- is one of a series amounting in the aggregate to the sum of One Sixty-five Thousancl Dollars ($165,000.00) issued by the City, saint Paul for the purpose of support and relief of the poor, as by Chapter 120, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1933, as .amends e= -3L by Chapter 48, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1935, and as further by Chapter 105, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1937, and Council 17-r- -'Ak 2e No . 109786, duly passed and approved January 12, 1938. "It is lae certified and recited that all things, acts and conditions recgx3r-red by the Constitution and laws of the State of -2- 169812 Y Minnesota and tkz� C3=Lartier of said City to haPPe3nIL aridbe done and performed pre cec!L 4e� 3riLt to and in the issuance of r_� 3 s bond have happened and beer� c3o3ie and performed in regular ;;m-=cz:d due form and time, as requires _by 1siv, and that the total of said City, including i s bond, does not exceed any 40-- ozisSttutional, statutory or eii «-ter 13.mitation. "IN WHEREOF, the said City oP iE3sint Paul, by its Council, has caax ecl- this bond to be sealed witYa. t8 corporate seal, to be signed by -Tmlkis BBayor, attested by its City Cgerk, and counter- signed by its Gazes tx-oiler, and each of the inter -est coupons' hereto attached to be by the lithographed facs= -'*-mJ1e signature of said officers, t=om-• 3 s first day of Februbr' 1938 - Attest: ............. - - - - ........... Mayor ....... Cy C 1erk ........ . Countersigned: City Comptroller COUPON No. ... $.......... August "On t e first day of February 19... - - -tie City of Saint Paul, Minnesota lnromises to pay the bearer .. _ _ _ ...... Dollars ($.... - _ _ ) at the office of the Commis stoner of Finance in the City or - sizYt Paul, or at the Fiscal Agarxcy of the City of Saint Paul, in 3--3Le City of New York, State of Z%Wgvv York, at the option of the Y3 -c=====- 3dex-, for interest due that day on its PUBLIC WELFARE BOND, dated Fel=* - o --=-y 1, 1938. Attest: C i ty • Clerk ......... - Mayor........ Countersigned: City Comptroller" RE80X-=--'6%JvX> FURTHER, that sealed prop s -iF�L :a- s be received at the office of t= z= a City Comptroller, in the Court House and City Hall, in the City oP ai rst Paul, Minnesota, up to tori 0' clock A. M. on February 2, 19 "� :or the sale of all or none o �' said bonds, after giving due not --11 --W+ e o i such sale in the manner prescribed by law, in the St. Paul the official paper of sal c- City. Each bidder shall be re qui =r--- -L-- 8 to accompany his bid by a ce x--1 i Pied check or cash deposit for two per cent (2,%) of the amount 03- bor►ds bid for, which shall be forfe— 4.-- cm to the City as liquidated c3-.jmaxr•Ages if the bonds -3- 0.1 .4 It. O1p a -k PRESENT6O 9Y COMMISSIONER_... ......... 1€9812 COUNCIL NO. _. _... .. _.. CITY OF ST. PAUL ^�• OFW�'VW CE ,OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL— RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM .........DATE ................ ................ are not taken and pain when ready. for delivery. The City Comptroller shall at �?!� next meeting after receiving bids, P the sam-w` to the Council for its action thereon. The said bonds shall be o�� ��red to the person who Will pay par or better therefor, aa -t-- —'the lowest rate of interest not exceeding six per cent. COUNCILMEN y� Nays ' dlan _ �In Favor Against Lr�r� s�iit (Gehan) JAN 13 ;°C3 Adopted by the Council 193. //�^/ //A_/pproved a...... a„ Cka .109813 �, .- COUNCIL G[TlC OF ST. PAUL ..L. NO.... OFFAGIEEE OIF- THE CITY -CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM �R�'--NTEO BY GOMMISS�ONER... ..... _........__.. ..._. .__..... ...... _- _.. .... .....DATE........ __.....__ ._..__..._ ..__._.__._........ WHZiiZAS, 'Strums: do Pe'C era have made application to the council_ for a permit to and operate an ice station at 704 North Snelling Avenue; arae ZBZSZAS, proper not ice 2sae been given pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 5 of Orth nancs a 3W cs _ 5840, and the Council 1 s of the opinion that such permits a be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the px-csg@r city officers be and they are hereby authorized and to issue to said Strunk & Peters a permit for said le®e st:gt 3Loza, the -building to be in accordance with the Building Code. 9W4EmL3_d permit is granted subject to the provision that the same mss be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. JAN 13 19?P COUNCILMEN 193_ Ycaa NeFavor Adopted by the Counci� _ .. _ . djan s.H _ •, antO Approved 193.._.: ruga ...Against �.._ Mayor .._. /Mr. President (Gehan) _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL DE_ �F.CT R%. -=ENT OF PARKS. PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS $— rarwl_.IEeo„«® DIVISION OF BUILDING INSPECTION DOUBLE FEE COL ACCOUNT ORDINA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT VIOLATION. To: STRE SPECIFICATIONS FOR SIDE BETWEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS TO BE AT LEAST 10 FEET FROM p BUILD INSTALL ADD_ ALTER REPAIR MOVE WRECK HANG MARK SQUARES-1 LINE UNLESS DOORS The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit to do OPEN TO ALLEY El El BYX_ accordance with all ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. GARAGE DOORS MUST NOT <OR IesT 1 DATION ERECT REPAIR ILLtt” �V ON- —_ tu_u M- RooF PRo- I HORI- VERT- COMBINATION HORrsoNTAL ANo VERr'G NEW SIGN OLD SIGN II INA__ � lVA'rEo �I JECTINO ZOPITAL ICAL I STRUCTURE USED AS NUUM13ER STRE SPECIFICATIONS FOR SIDE BETWEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS TO BE AT LEAST 10 FEET FROM p 01 Z ArJJOININGL OTS WARD LINE g FG ADOITON OFt TRACT LINE UNLESS DOORS The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit to do OPEN TO ALLEY Bullding Work as herela specified, agreeing to do all work in strict CONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LO"T' PROHIBITED accordance with all ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. GARAGE DOORS MUST NOT <OR IesT 1 DATION FRO> N F�Wr OTH SKEIN FEETOTM NEP ISTOR ZFS QTY V L In Pei I�MDY Po�PQI' OF CONSTRUC"I'ION I S-F I I BY-- --E I I SEPARATE PERMIT REQUI _ ,IED %OR GARAGE OEI'AILS OR REMARKS: SPECIFICATIONS FOR GARAGES TO BE AT LEAST 10 FEET FROM ON SAME LOT TO Be AT LEAST PO FEET FROM DW ArJJOININGL OTS TO BE AT LEAN 30 FEET FROM LINE TO BE AT LEASE' H FEET FROM SID)F— LINE UNLESS DOORS The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit to do OPEN TO ALLEY Bullding Work as herela specified, agreeing to do all work in strict CONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LO"T' PROHIBITED accordance with all ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. GARAGE DOORS MUST NOT �PEt�i 4 NTO ALLEY Na PERMIT ISSUED UNDER TIF -- IS APPLICATION WILL. e / (/ �"� • `� `� COVER PLUMBING,; ELECTRICAL. 1NG OR WARM AIR SIGNED F=tJRNA WORK. .�,�® 5MM 64e BY-- --E 13 CITY OF SAINT -PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration January 12t1i , 1938. Mr. John W. Mc--C-- Corporation cg Corporation O -,v--a _-- s eZ City Hall Dear Sir: The G:� requested that you draw a resolution granting the applicatio of Strunk and Peters for permission to install an ice station at Wc0- Snelling Avenue, as more fully set out in the attached file_ Yours veru truly, City Clerk. ' POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF 1FI1,�T_A1VCE St. Paul, Minn., ___-_December 31_ 1937 _4E--?rs1Liant to Paragraph F, Section 5, as amerided, of Building Zone © approved July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the app :X i—� ton ciof..__Strunh &-_Peters --------------------- ------------ --- - -- ---- -- foF perr�3ssaon to erect or continue retail ice station Ioeat � 704 --Srsellinv QvFn„c , ,� — W111 CO rz 3 z2 p for consideration before the Council in t21 a Council Cham- ber in t die City Hall and Court House Building on nth a_nu_r 1938 at 1O o'clock A. M. AXEL F. PETERSOI�j-, Page _File__ 8337 �' Con1rniSSioaer of Finance. i® GZ'{Y OF \ d S l�•�4. IL -.JI r � �� hQ ISAAC SUMMERFI ELD. Che�rme�r AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWINH. LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN ,�rch,Icc1 CHARLES BASSFORD. C,tv GEORGE H . HERROLD, Mr. L. R. S _ City Uleric_ Dear Sir : r _ T 1 I E BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE 7a:-1 - r=& son, December 29th, 1937- In the matter of application of Strunk & Pam rs -0or license to operate an ice station at 704 No _ el Z lag Avenue. This ice house will be placed adjoining x-vxrilc & Peters hardware store. It was formerly ops— rated on Ven Buren Street east of Snelling Avenue but eca,sse of the erection of a building ori the lot on whi c-} it vias located, he was forced to move o:'f The Board believe that there is no objection t tr z s location and recom^end that the Pe="mit be granted Yours very truly, �s George H. Herrn 1 cl , f ' Engineer Secretary_ gh-rh W. LA MON_ T KAUF/MAN- Supt. of Parks ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt of Playgrounds CITY OF SAINT PALL - Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner Hon. Fred M- s s 1 (Dritax- s_r Sir GH/hS. A. BASSFORD City Architect Noveri-er 27 , 1937 T a-ri retux•ning to you herewith application af' Striaxx� and Peter for s perrnit to erect a cash and carry ice sta- tiori at 704 1,Tort1-x Srielling Avenue. This property is zoned £or commercial purposes aril since this ice station is to be moved diagonally across the street f'rouz irriere it is now located, it vrill riot iricrease the nizr_ber it tizis locality. St vTil7.. be located betvTeen two store buildirai_-s and xro one seems to object - Therefore, I recoririend that tine appli- catiorn be aper oved truly, �G a rchitect L��..L? TOTAL FEri COQ v - DOUBLE FEE COLLECTED ACCOUNT ORDINANCE VIOLATION. OH CITY OF SAINT PAUL- OF AULOF PARKS. PLAYGROUNDS AND Am[JSLlC BUILDSNGS- [DIVISION OF BUILDING 'iNSPECTIOIV (CATION FOR PERMIT n ZTiSTALL ADD. ALTER REPAIR MOVE %A/BECK HANG DATE_ 0 0.00 E:1 El CONTRACTOR —_ NUM BER WARDLOT S 1 15;/4 STRUCTURE USED AS SIDE SE]'WEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS A.'..", OR TRACT Slaw MATERIAL A— W S11, VALUATION Gnou.aa Ira Par I F G^OIVSTR=CTION I SpuAna Feel I _— SEPARATE PERM IT REG?" I F2EM FOR GARAGE DETA O REMARKS: SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRiYAT'E GARAGES TO BE AT LEAST IO FEET FROM O%~la: a INC ON SAME LOT TO BE AT LEAST 20 FEEt• FROM i=*\iV>Ei • INC ON ADJOINING LOTS T'O BE AT LEAST $O FEET FROM PRO>\iT STREEI- LINE TO BE AT LEAST H FEET FF10M SIDE STREET LANE UNLESS DOORS OPEN TO ALLEY The under8igaed Zlereby makes application for a permit to do daNSTRTON UCION VACAP[T LOT PF20T HIBIED Building Work as izerein apeci9ed, agreeing to do all work in strict GARAGE DOORS MUST NOT OPEN INTO ALLEY accordaIIce with z&Xl ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. NO PERMIT ISSUED UNDER 'THIS APPLICATION wILL COVER PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL.— >Pt �T'EF2lNG OR WARM AIR SIGNED FI.iRNACE WORK. - - 3M 13 �X . ��@ e-96 Y To: BU t Lq MARK SQUARES By X ERECT NEW SIGN REPAI R OLD SIGN CITY OF SAINT PAUL- OF AULOF PARKS. PLAYGROUNDS AND Am[JSLlC BUILDSNGS- [DIVISION OF BUILDING 'iNSPECTIOIV (CATION FOR PERMIT n ZTiSTALL ADD. ALTER REPAIR MOVE %A/BECK HANG DATE_ 0 0.00 E:1 El CONTRACTOR —_ NUM BER WARDLOT S 1 15;/4 STRUCTURE USED AS SIDE SE]'WEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS A.'..", OR TRACT Slaw MATERIAL A— W S11, VALUATION Gnou.aa Ira Par I F G^OIVSTR=CTION I SpuAna Feel I _— SEPARATE PERM IT REG?" I F2EM FOR GARAGE DETA O REMARKS: SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRiYAT'E GARAGES TO BE AT LEAST IO FEET FROM O%~la: a INC ON SAME LOT TO BE AT LEAST 20 FEEt• FROM i=*\iV>Ei • INC ON ADJOINING LOTS T'O BE AT LEAST $O FEET FROM PRO>\iT STREEI- LINE TO BE AT LEAST H FEET FF10M SIDE STREET LANE UNLESS DOORS OPEN TO ALLEY The under8igaed Zlereby makes application for a permit to do daNSTRTON UCION VACAP[T LOT PF20T HIBIED Building Work as izerein apeci9ed, agreeing to do all work in strict GARAGE DOORS MUST NOT OPEN INTO ALLEY accordaIIce with z&Xl ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. NO PERMIT ISSUED UNDER 'THIS APPLICATION wILL COVER PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL.— >Pt �T'EF2lNG OR WARM AIR SIGNED FI.iRNACE WORK. - - 3M 13 �X . ��@ e-96 Y � 1 r� N CLINTON A. HACKERT Chief of Police ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, AA. D. ' Health Officer C 1 TY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �EpARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner f 4=s,"t4l P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner December 17, 1937 Mr. L . R . S _ Ferguson, City C1 er1--- -, -% S t_ P aa -a- Mz l zine s o to . Dear WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief G. E. BRISSMAN Supt of Police and Fire Alarm regarding attached Applicatiozi for Permit to build Ice Station at 704 No. Sne11ix39 Avenue, our reports this location as being suit- able. Very truly yours , H.E, Erlcksoxi.. Chief, Dairy Sc Food Division � ® LtiFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTICING S^FIIF— y f� H CLINTON A- HACKERT Chief of Police ROBERT B. J. SCYdOCH, M. Ex Health p icer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota - 130EPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Street G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Comminioner December 17, 1937 Ft- S _ ' Ferguson, City CZ erl�, S t _ P awl Tau 3. nne s o to . Dear Sir = WM. -f SUDEITH Fire Chief G. E BRISSMAN Supt of Police and Fire Alarm Regarding attached Application for Permit to build aII Ice Station at 704 No. Snelling A -venue, our =zaspector reports this location as being suit Very truly yours, H.E. Erickson, Chief, Dairy & Food Division -ww® - L-IFE 1S VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTICING S^FETY DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PUUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN I COUNCIL It i9814 FILE NUMBER ._ A PEIN FAVOR ,,AUDITED CLAIMS - PETERSONJenUBTy 12 PETERSON TRUAK AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DROWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL I 171 COVERING MR. PRIES, GEHAN TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f CHECKS NUMBERED _jyJ�� TO INCLUSIVE, A6 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL___- —_ — PER CHECKS ON F 7H OFFICE Of CI Y�OMPTROLLER. APPROVED 3— � - • NUMBER 00 1.37 CI MAYOR CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD COMPTROLLER - . --- TOTAL, DATE -RETURNED J TRANSFER 016BURSEMENT � BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS I 43439 43440 _ 11 i) G.A. Hawkins & Lott& Hawkinsi, John Fitspatrick 501''1 �', 43441 musical Instrument Repair Ship 3 50 43442 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finane 37 509 01 43443 George Bens & Sone 125 00 9 48' 43444 Northern States Power Company 72 84 43445 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Oomp y 43446 George Sudeith 28 00 666 66 43447 St -Paul Institute j 183 16 43448 Kennedy Brothers Arms Oompan , 43449 Northern States Power Compan 73892 43450 N.P. Bell Telephone Company 20 0 43451 sharp & Dohme 1 139 70 43452 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Companl 329 02 100 86 44545� Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Compan 194 50 Tri-9tate Tel. & Telg.Oompan 43455 Aome Linen Supply Company 10 00 43456 American Hoist & Derriok Oomp, y 9 20 43457 Amerloan Jewish World 1 5 60 43458 American Linen Supply Companyjl 125 62 43459 Anchor Paper Company 4 77 43460 G. A. Ashton Company v 37 43.461 Augsburg Publishing House 53 79 43462 Ault & wiborg Carbon & Ribbon Co. 49 43463 G. Baglio IIII 1 43464 Ballard Storage & Transfer 0 pany IIII 700 253 43465 A.C. Beck Company 74 43466 Bemis Bag Company I 30 00 43467 Lew Bonn Company' 2 25 43468 Borool Laboratories ! 38,001 43469 Boas Auto Supply Company 11 60 00 43470 S. Brand Coal & Oil Company 1 225 37 43471 British Library of Informatio 50 43472 Burroughs Adding Machine Coup y 111 Op B & w Nut Company 43473 94 95 43474 43475 Central Soap Company Certified Ice & Fuel CompanyI 17 70 , 43476 Chicago Apparatus Company 5 17 43477 Concrete Steel O=pany 11 31 43478 Cudahy Packing Company 58 00 • 43479 43480 A.B. Dick Company Dictionary of American Blogra#h7 1442 00 P2 50 43481 43482 DoYore seating service 24 12 43483 Drake marble Company Eagle signal Corporation ;1 34 12 4348 43485 Egry Register Company Electric 2806 0 43486 supply Company En ger supply company I II 139 95 - t'. 1'. \9. 104814— - I 11-1111e,l. That ch,,k, he ,Iran n the ,'ilr the ;,xgre9xl.+ r4LIUTY ' 1 ?o ,n „( 347.835.7_. r„v erin,,- r, mrili •rrri 484,89 [0 43iAG. i lu.' err ,I,e, 11? _ 111e in the oRlce9 of ,hi., City Co troller. Ado i,te,1 I,y the ,-Nandi jl . 1'. 1?19, 'I APP,'ozed .tan_ 18. 19".8 (Jan. 1u. 191.41 ll.. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD i` 7 500 00 1,408 500 99„ I > AIIH1N0 1111"SKENT1 1N COX- MfiATION PROONlOb1NG/ , C; F. Na. 1nnR" - ia. Jei' RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter oi__�aquir_epi?rQPru�_�nsl`�ondQt�n-Bork b4u�e_v_�rd------ purposes Lot "A", Block 3, Como Addition, lying between the northerly line of Union Street and the southerly line of Como Park, under Preliminary Order -----140302- ... approved ..... dogm-uX-1K .............I Intermediary Order ---------- ------------ approved____ February 101_1937 ____--____- Final Order ----------------- 1OB79A------------ approved ----- lvlaxoh-9,-1937----------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also"upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and,, condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed, Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. JAN 12 - � 1 Adopted by the council ------------------ --------------- ------------------------------ ------------ F1 �i Ci - Clerk. Approved ------------------------,19---- --------------------------- '----------- ------ ayor. Councilman ConroyZdSiil D Councilman Ferguson �sl — —3,r Counenman McDonald Councilman Pearce Councilman Rohland '-' `2' Councilman Sudheimer--- Mayor e-**^* — 0 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ES571 7�7 of °B I-; EFIT", In the matter of_ ac�uiringL_approgriatip�and coedQ�i_tr4r_pplk_�t1d_bD1tl�d___ purposes Lot "A", Block 3, Como Addition, lying between the northerly line of Union Street and the southerly line of Como PArk, under Preliminary Order ----106307--- approved ---- A4nwjzy_22,-193.7------------------------ Intermediary Order -------- Iomr,II----, approved ---- FsbrluLr3E_10.-193.2----------------------- Final Order --------------- 106708, approved ---- Larch -4 -1937_ -------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's fording on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. CRY Ck.6_< oi(��816 w 4 -rY OF ST. PAUL U. 'L nu N0109816 r; __ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK co Mss ONER UTION---GENERAL FORM ;q' y0981 sr Irvl K C e ones 6 easy -`!D th . ... ... .._.._ ..... ....GATE.. RESOLVED WW ditiones 'r3si032 =Light prove to be necessary in the improvesani described. u he Wddolph St- �=-analm & Delos St. Regulator, Comptroller=s Contract �37"s D*GWf iolff, contr��-�� ore bare been provided for in the specifications and suait-`pride Aipulated therefs and agreed prices and INBSUAS, it has bn Monad necessary to make the following additionss ADDITIONS( ror extra excavatici�. aced concrete lining mads necessary when tumble rock was encountered - lh krer - troeti from a pt. 78.0 ft. N. it the Ilenhole at James i Duke St so _ to p -t _ 108.0 ft. N. 3.9 cu, yds. of t 3• rock excavation • $10.00 • 39.00 $.1 ou. yds. of coa z-sts "Class "A" 0 .18.00 91.80 addition 8,130.80 WBPMAS, the not =AM ioa is 4130.80; now, therefore, be'It ABSCLy&D that the of Saint Paul through its City Council approve the afar" id additions mads in ac ordaace with the specifications therefor not to exceed thq'act addition of $130.80, s;oEassesaw -w d nut =m o be added to the lump pun consideration named in the contract known as Gompt 3w�11ere s Contract G-3709 for the making of the afore - *old improvement. The Commissioner of 31tsb3Uic Works has agreed with the contractor, DoGraff Wolff, that the sum of 4130.840P 3m tlae correct amount to be added to the above contracts Yunds to cover this net addit:§- ars available in the proper fund, and tke City of Saint Pani agrees to pay semen Countersigned s City Comet COUN EN Yeas Nays iddlan �Pearee In Favor etetws ..... __)Against - Farm a _C Wit.: den SM 3,1W. Vice 1?re`ddent Ttnax) By- 10 // ��%j/ � Contractor Commissioner Public Works JAN 14 1938 Adopted by the Council .... _. _ 193..... 1AV 1 ? Approved............'......................193........._. _........... 3._.... C/- �..... ................_.....__..... cin lc1... CITY OF SAINT PAUL N0.169817 APPROPRIA40bftww--TION 7RANSFERS-1RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER- 69CTION 208 _ PRESENTED BY %� ' COMMISSIONER JOHN Q FTlgpLkx-4"JAG1�C , DATE JAN. llqrg 193 R • RESOLIED, THAT T)E— )E FO_ LLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE 'COMPTROLLER, AS �Y SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAYBE MET BY SAl 1=======w TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEF%0W FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 1 9 3 7 BUDGET COD[ AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM I TO I A P P O R T I O N E D ITEM I OR I CR 15 — R Iiasipts—Surplus Income Tax 49 000 00 15 — R Ra -0E�ipts—Mlgcellane0u3 18 678 04 15 — W Cly — -w%, Ola 1936 Reserves Reapprop. 175 69 15 -G -1I -r— truotion Salaries I 167 853 73 � C. F: No. 109817—By JohnSLFindlan-1 - Resolved, That the following Trane-� - 4-1- the dol n C*--- g aooks Co D o"" aeo by I un ble deficiency In oee - Meme affi.y bo met by Bald transfer. without 2aaazDarlaI; the -work provlded by the awaey 1n jrie -Items LrOm which. the traasforg are made. - �- R From Code 16-R, lits—BurDiu. a Iacoma. Ta, 149.000.00; From Code 16- 1R.: - RecelDte—M)ecailaueove, $18678.04: F` om Code 16-W, n aReapoD1G1a7t6n69o: To -0.1InB;'= 3.7.—yya73- .Sd Adopted by the Council Jan. 14, 1938. Approved Jan. 14, 1938. _ (Jan. 22, 1938) •14 JAN 1938 YES (Y) COUNCILMEN (1, J• '_ "AYB ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193 PE + JAN 14 1938 PETTERSERS ON j APPROVED 193_ �'Fllr� IN FAVOR - TRUAX • / MAYO �•s.J .,W+f1R'RGR� GAINST COUNTERSIGNED BY cm COM -0—M i3'PBDfsO MR. PRESIIOEl--M —� b Ch. CWk .._f::, • CITY OF ST. PAUL ` +" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GO s NCL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ COMMISSIONER_ ..........................................._____ _ — _ _ ___._..1/............_._......_.._..._._._.__.__ImATE-------- _........... _. ... 169$18 NO - PRE NTIED O.. RESOLVED L thA`l in acco-� --oc-a*+ce with the recommendat:iori of the City Architect and to the. written eoaserat of the contractor and surety or3L eontraetor's bond in the 3prezn1sws, that certain contr:eti—� 130. G-3751, made by and. between the City of Saint Paul Irlyd Harris Bros. Plumbing Company, a corporation, providing for inetallation of plumbir&g a -ad heating facil- ities by said --rr1 s Boos. Plumbing Compaxsy, s as contractor, in _AbC,Mounds Pax- - f3chool Building^of the 'C3eg of Saint Paul, shall be and -- a same hereby is p-ruvide for the installati 3-ri said building by saSd coritrsotor of two Bros No. 6263 - roger fired boilers, witisoaat grates, in lieu of two No. 6083 Bros or tclual hand, Six -ed boilers orig- inally speoiPi P 4cX, the lowering of said boilers and the flooring of the boiler room to a depth not to exesea3 eight inches, as may directs by the City Architect, tlae ramping of the lower boiler, r-wc=sm�cnPm to present fuel room, sitYs an incline of four feeta, s rz4c-=-I&- t13e re -setting and placing o:r floor drain in the lower pox- ori of the boiler room floox-. as directed by the City ,Arc>=a3_ est, all by and at the experise of said contractor and subject tt3 a x-ecluetion in the contract price to the extent of $429.30. COUN fAEN Yeas Z �Ian .. _ eterean y1(. _ _. rp .I'�eaidene (Gehas�) )M 3- sAN 1� 193a be: COurXil_ roved....... ...__ __ ___.....__.._.._... t93.---.. Mayor W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERI LEST W: JCD" VSOIV CHAS. A. BASSFORD - Supt. of Parks _ Supt- of Playgroursds City Architect CITY OF - SA -IMT PAUL Capital of Minna:sota DEP^FtTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M_ TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E_ SPEAKES, Deputy CoorrnisssGonsr Jams.. - 13, 1?30 Cit;; Council City of St. Paul �ont7.eiion : 1 arn_ i- reb submina re � ttig 01�tZon �'or a roval for a c°edit to theCity of St. Paul oz -1 tlzo cor,trac t o'' :_arr`_ "rotli rs, co:;t!... ctors ID2 —blr_ az z 1�c a tin 10_ tic i.:ounds Part School t".1-ldin,7 The boilor-s ori �i a11y spec -i iec3 02- the ou__c':s P",,_ School r o s or o _tea a Z ?land firedboilers Thcbe bbiler^ a_ r-o�•r cli����e;1 to — os %E;�65 token fired :-oilers, nclu,ain- (Dm:L s _ 1 on o� bra a s an also -in to c,;nsi e ^tion ize capacity ane? 1�eatir� surface area of t..e Loners, cr'r.'_ct ti:i11 «ZZo�, ere it on t'r_ia co-rtr:-:c for e su:. of 59.30. -1-le C ontr _ ,tor f r tl=or a z cs, ;:ithout ex- tra cost to tile Cl T.r o �t.�Paul� to drop` e oile_•s and e loo:_» __n thcv uo_1 r �o I directed b-- t'_e C' t Vr °c ec':: tc at•D oma: c ooc. ei _t nc I ies; also ra:::p fro_-; lovrer Loi ler ro oz-: ='i c or t o t .el rob: , ith an incline of four, rec t ; ^iso t o re _.c t h721LL _nr•oporly place floor d_ din in -o lcnver portion of �__ c bo - 1er room floor as dir- ected b, the ;,i A I_i'.:ec t ".is c_edit bras veer. c_-eel=Bcl .=..ncj� -rovccl by ;'r. Edwin Jones,Ltilitjr En freer, azo myself asn•. ti.c '.C'iria that it is a ^tis- `-ctoi reduction to e �cTe frc :z _= iris :;ros. contract for thi' s ns tallc.t ion. Arch_tect odvinN to aw o e. COUNCIL .s r..+ CITY OF ST. PAUL, .�L■ NO.�:(�g819- .. ='. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R TIDY --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Janu7 187.1938 . C oMMISSIONER .........!............. --- D In the matter of constricting a siy er on Oneida Street from the Terminus of the existing sewer 326.5 feet south of io iie St. Clair Street to a point 140 feet north of Grace Street. 9 under Preliminary Order C. F. %9N* approved October 28, 1937, and Final Order C. F. 109698 approved January 4, 1938. Reselved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner, -of Public 'forks for the above named improve- ment, be and the same are hereby approved. minus south 140 fe PreLn Y Vel Order 4, Res ncatte, o alav boVe Ado App ✓ COUNCI EN yes Nays fuss Fjndlan In Favor �tetson X Against ant0 r. President lM 7 (Gehan) I. C. Pearce— eOnetruc[intt a� [ober�28, 1937. and Final F. 109098 approved January 1, That the plana and eoi- Le submitted by the Com - of Public Works for the ed Improvement, be and the thereby VProved. db Jane Cou14. i93$ Jan. 14. 1938. (Jan. 22, 1938) JAN 1� 1938 Adopted by the Council_ _ _ 193 _ JAN Z41', 3 Approved 193._.... Mayor council File 1U9820 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1k,": Theundersigned hereby proposestllemakingofthefollowingpublicimproveme>at by the City of SaintPaul, Regon@trust,--rels a d__7C�a�3 r-- nemt..tile..sidewalk_.on_.the__saeitlz__siAe—of_-Irmstrong--Avs. fTQp�_.P�.eBsant..�.ve.-,_thesi��_ _ �a�t__X25..Yt.-I_hsginn�nc_20_-%t.---P��t"*+�r--mast,---thence--eaaL---•-• 4$..Yt._.and._on_.hoth__shies_- Qom__ t��-mA#i,ang-Aye.--irnm-Dhatsarortks--St��---peace--®ast--358--- t. ----- - an ............... ..........a -------------- -- -------------- - 193}3 Dated.this ------ -------------------------------------- ---- ------- ----------.... / Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written prvpoQal for the making of the following improveriaelat, via.: Reconatrgc ,--relay__axld __r A-=--_ Ceaent,--tile._sidewalk_ oil _tha--sn,+t� s3 de---of_-Armstmng-.Ave. P-q§0t aLs -t�--1?-5-ft_; .. t ------ 43.f ,.._ena..gn_k4th--- aideta%-_Q __Armst=ong_.AQa...Yrom._Chatsworth.--S_tty---#hence--east-358--Ft.------- on-the-aorth.-side..and__P-44Z3 —fit — __nn._the._ south -side .----------------------------------- having been presented to the of the City of Saint Paul ---------------------------- --------------- --------------------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 4C:!-�3mmc& -mrm�ioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the for, or desirability of, the making of said amprovement. 2. To investigate the us--4:T-� - extent and, estimated cost of said improvemeat, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, pro�I`or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state wheth#,r or a©-*-- sszd improvement is asked for on the petitioa o£ three or more owners. b. To report upon all <3 -JF £csregoing matters to the Commissioner of F'iasuce. - �•�� Adopted by the CounciL----------------------------•------------------------------------------- YE" NAYS Councilman Ma PRVs1Drarr Paan C A 13 (22d 7-38) BARFUSS FINDLANApproved--------:------------ ----------------------------------------------- PEARCE PETERSON TRUAXin G ]PttrrBnto '-�----t------ -� ----- -Mayor. .10821 Council File No ------------------------- PROPC3S1—A—� - FOR IMPROVEMENT and " PIZE�� 3V;IIVARY ORDER. Theundersignyjhereby proposes the making QAF Lhefollowingpublic improvement by the City of Saint Paul, via.: 1? construct,...rapeir_. snd.rsl --- P= -a: p„ t --moi e--�H� k ontheanuthaide_.o-------- ---------------------- ----.__..jamas..Ste est. rQm..Pt..__ SeYentks__ r gD-t :to__4��eo] . AQenma---� _________ -on --------- --both--eides..of-.James_-Street __��om _ Osceola.__avenue-, oiew__Street-_(where- necessary - --- ----------- ---------------------8 -- - - ------------------------- ---------------- - - ' mss:-rtesa ry - Dated this -----13 ------ ----th day of------------------- - - - - ----'�-'---------------'---- ,, - .. ---------------- ------------------------ - Councilman. PIEZ_M;w- �3� -3MINARY ORDER. WHEREAS; A written proposal for the 3rnw=30L $king of the following improvement, via.: -_ `� Pm_______________ _------------------------------------------------------ --------- _--_---_----------------------------------__. .. Reconstruct, repair and rel ent tale walk on the south side o ------------------------------ --------- -Sames..S-treat-.Yrom_➢Y _.Sezen#�--�_ ��eat--#.n--C.sceola- As�enue---(whera.necessary�•r--ems------- et_ - --_.on-both--@ides-.oP-.James__$t�ee�_�3'om_Osceq�a__Avgnue_.:�o_-Qiecg_�tre ___ -(where-,nec-essaly) ---------------------------------------------------•----------- - - - - -— - - --------------- having been presented to the Council of the amity of Saint Pa ________..______.___.______-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner v:W- public Works be and is, hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or c=-19---.E�sirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, exterst a3.r3"=EW estimated cost of said improvement, sjnd the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch- «zjE said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improv went is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing �stters to the Commissioner of mance.` T- -,n Ab l- nr nPear<o the,: �-,,�,�g sl ✓/ tz j - Adopted by the Council-.. --- NAYS Councilor B'#*KZftL3MF=-%jSS JAN 1.4 19313 Fit-A'€=X-ML-^M Approved --------------------------------------------------- - PE���rE • PET tE=�c250N "... >! o �- ,-------- - - - lam Mayor. Ma ParsmnxT F- c A 13 c2m 7-33 l x.15;;. ✓ / ^ �� Council File 109-82 ---- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 41 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. r, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: M soli is Conerete the sidewalk_ on the nor .aide of ----------iie�9�$�`ruct with----O--------�'---------------------•----'�--------- ----------------- ------------------------------ -----.E•_-Seventh-.3trnet._trs�m._Fctrs t..8traet_.tG._Fauglligr--- yeet�__except-_the _approximate- ---- - � Addi -ion and on the east. -side- of ---------.HaBera$ .SQ_it._..af_.�+At_.s �a.QC�C__� 9+ xe FX - - t - - - Forest_.S.trast_.fiom__E.._Sexsmtb ._ _ s_se_ *---1-.-.- --- - -- - ----------- -•-- -••------ Dated this 13t,h-------day of ----------------------j-- W- 7.r----.. . - ----------•--- ---- -------•-------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: iiaconstFact._aith.][oaalithic._.Gimarete-,--the.._ aidaxa]k__sta..tba_.1}V t ex?5--fide--vf---•---.. ---------.-E.---SeYenth--Street--fxom..Enreat _.Street---ta.Fsugvier._.Street.,---eacept..tha..agpreAinoate_ II.tt.._.of_3.at_.2,__Slnriz-.18+.--Terrg-'--s..9dditinn-s.--and--an-- the ..east. -aide -.of.---- -----------ForHst...S.treat._from-E.---Ss¢enth..8treet,._thenca.north-2II.. t.---------------•-------•----•----------- -----•- having been presented to the Council of the City of, Saint Paul --------------------- --------------- •--------------------------`---`--"""' therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Financei c P. No. 309822—By 3. C. Pearce— Abstract ( t�F rte, A written Proposal for 1.1 .,,1A IN 14 S the, following lnnioVor^,'; Adopted by the Council---------------------- .................... ------------------------ ----- - YEAS NAxs Councilman BARFUSS JAN 14 IMS FINDLANApproved---------------------------------------------------------------------- PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX Ma PasaIDRNT Parrant o Farm C ♦ 23 tsar 7-331 PUi3i: [SLx� II �'dt Petition _ G-92 109823 Council File No-- -------------------- PROPOS /� - FOR o------------------------- IF401t IMPROVEMENT MIMd 'LXI%4XWAIt'Y ORDER. rt The undersignedhereby proposes the the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Change the grade of Alley is :B:lLoc_-Ik= 1ZS, Boulevard Add. from Albert Ave. to Pascal ---- Ave-.; --- to--eonf-o=--to--the,--re�d --- ----------- hereof, the present established jg:-3e belmg shown by the blue line thereon. Also HMoiriom a point .�o -fi of Imbiwt W*W� --- tjtLA-__ p --- - ----- AIA -9 ------------------ construct a sewer in the Alley from aL point 70 feet east of Pascal Ave. to the siewer-In--ftscal --- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ----------- Dated this -------- Mth ....... day ............ . -------- --- ------------------------- ------------ - --------- - -------- I Councilman. ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for ZlhkAe: xx3Lsa6laxxg of the following improvement, VIZ.: Change the grade of Alley in B1oc3s 15, Boulevard Add. from Albert Ave. to Pascal Grade Alley in Block 15, Acid. from a point 520 feet, west of Albert Ave. ----- to-P-asca Av4..,-- and --4PAr-f4;,a4ai tea- --- tQ--FI%M;4043L1.--AV40 - ----- P-1430 ----------------- construct a sewer in the AIL3-49y, _E'=-Q-_wmm Ex point 70 feet east of Pascal Ave. to the - - - - - - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- having been presented to the Council of tbke CiEty CA Saint Paul ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or c3t4e�i�l>ility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, ext4--inot, sx-mvc3l estimated cost of said improvement, ajMd the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or alket,4-_3.x -n..:E asLaNAcl improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance - JAN !t 4= 'T_ � 7--- S Adopted by the - ---- - ----- - - ----------- YEAD Counn ilm APEARCEppro ------ ved --------------- ----------- - ----------------------------------- Ma PRESIDWST F -C A 13 (2M 7-33) 1U9824 Council File No...-.-•------••----- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and G PRELIMINARY ORDER.. Theundersignedhereby proposes the makingofthefoUowingpublicimprovementbythe City ofSaint Paul, viz.: Condemn �p sn� =tom j�,� �� no e+n easement --in the land ne�esssry for slopes cuts--------_-- i'R—_______—-----____4______________ a. _. ------ -------------- _fills..izl--tom � -- -S�$ � •'Q _,ot._Alley--in--Bloc]c--13�--Ho'ale,card__Additina..fr�----------- --------------a Paint __S20 -t, f --- Alhart-Airenua tQ--Pe5c§L7 a ------------------•------------13th------ -- - -- - --------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------- --- Januexq --- 19 Dated this..... -- - - --ds� of----------- --- '- Councilman. ---•--- PRELIMINARY ORDER. - WHEB.EAS, A writte.a 3L=ropossl for the making of the following improvement, viz.: CuAdeffi►ing__ar� - t _ tii a en--easement-_in--the_.land_-necessary-£or.-slopes--cuts------------- ----- -- -- a rad' of All in Block 13 BotiyZ�vard Addition rom ------ -------and-Pills _ is - -�- - - - - - - g ------ 1� ---------- -.�.--------------------------�----------- a__�aint_.32�__----------- ---Pa�sca7.__Avenue,-------..._------------------------------- -- --------------------- ------ --------------- - - - - - - ---------- having been presented tr� Council of the City of Saint Paul --------------- ---------------------•------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Ghe ��ommissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate tie :3 .-9 essity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate astiire, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a pj :Eft__ — profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whetlz�r or sot said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upoa �_3 of the foregoing matters to the Commiasioner of Finances �Rza—fir. i. c. Fear.— q�N� AbNU"t. wor J BYitl 4 1 38 rltten brjRoeal i. the / Adopted by the YsAs BARFUSS Councilman FINDLAN APProved ------------ PEARCE PETERSON �arranto - / Mayor. Ma Pg -a=ate Fe 0AIt(2117-33) - �� �TBI,t:;tt�'n /— 2,�2.} ff. Petition X-ROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. G 32 4;�uncil File No M802;55 'f The undersigned hereby pro the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, via.: ---•-------•---S.urxaca.-the..911�r_ _ — - T+ _ _ �tanfnzd .Place..and.B] ock--lstsoa-------------••---- Fairvier Av_enue__t� _tie wast__line_of_Yfellep Qy..$lage__w�-$-U --two--(2)--- Inchis--------------- ofbituminous m --at- ===-:I- aZ ---- ---------------------------------------------'- w-- Dated this....... ------ da, -5.— ----------------- ------ 1938-- - - - - - - - - ---------- - ------------------ ------------- ------------ \ - - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written pr©7APwo� for the making of the following improvemeat. via.: ------------- --2=fl}ce._tdia...Al.].Q--vr-- —-3Lxm-__St�an�nrsi-.Placa..ead..Hl�ck _1,_.IQc11�s� _�laca-.from---.----..----- -- g8-tom Vj__IgoM't .iue-.o�_YYellealey--P7. ��__ ti�__t u.-.C2)--in�ah�s- ----......of..bituminous-m m -A i jEs3----------------------- ----------------------•----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- having been presented to the of the City of Saint Paul----------� ------------------------------ - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 4 =mmL s oner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the n -ty for, or desirability of, the making of said iimprovement. 2. To investigate the nam�- extent and estimated cost of said improver eat, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, pr =a—JW 7P or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether ox- -+offgawfflad i:mprovement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of foxR4apg{�oing matters to the Commissioner -of Fiia ce Adopted by the Council------_----- -- ----- ---- ---- ----- --------------- ----- eovemenq - -• i t - �. - .oar... YSAa- NwYS rua %n 1 from Councilman BARFUSS ,.nee FINDLANApproved-------- `'''-'- PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX ��- Ma Pa Parranto Mayor. V— C A is a.. 7-33), - '�LISHED 109826 40ouncil File No --_-------------------- a� gRbPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigded hereby propose$ the makingof thefollowingpublic improvement by the City of Saint Paul, via.: Qndeuating-sand__# tlaF__,VQI axing--or__s7.aSBzouud-.------•----= �ur3zua_os.: L9#.s---�- } --�-� s--�-d 1' �7 Ack._a &s ut�d__Ri.ce `_--rt_. ils�fl� t4a.:- -=-------------------------------- - ----------------- -------------- - ------------------------- - January:.--•----------- - --------------------� I93 ----' Dated this ------- �UM -------- da of---- - ------------ .Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvemeat� via:: uud---R------------ -- -----------Qnd�>±>n�8--�c3 -_t ��� nv __ ��-_ ,J.stR.inE-- - Q tiaa.----------- ---------___purposes.s-____Lo#--ZZ�--�2y-- 1.3 �d �s Block -1Lr- F'__g��exst- Addi ---------------------------- having been presented to the �'o'mcil of the City of Saint a ---------------------- - -------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED. That ilie <�ommiaaioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. . and the total Dost thereof. 2. To investigate the aature� extent and estimated cost of said improvement 3. To furnish a p106n. profile w sketch of said improvement. 4. To state Whether or got samo id improvement is asked for on the petitin c E three or more owners. b. To report upon all o£ the foregoing matters to the Commissioner ofasnce_ xa, loasss- c Rearct ✓ `G. W>,enie, w prjj'ftttte�n oro mVro� mmk. Adopted by the Council---------------- =- Yaws TTsYs BARFUSS JAN 11L 193$ Councilm FINDLAN PEARCE APProved---•------------------------ PETERSON X � _--f ...__.------ _ Pan rano - 7--------- Mayor. Ma Psssavmmaf.T qc� F_ c w is (2M r-asr T-- MT T u-yrn v - Tj RR��JJyy��//y/ OOdflw.l to Cny auk - cou Ncit NoI098-.f-�.... CITY OF ST. PAUL nu OFFICE THE CITY CLERK +` COON SOLUTJON --- GENERAL FORM PEtEBENTEO BY► - I January_.14,._.1958 _....._...... COMMiS510NER...... ........... .....--.....-.....DATE.........-. -.-......... .. ... - MOD WHEREAS, the srosp@ct c f early completion of the nine foot channel In the upper. Mississippi River has resulted in many inquiries concern- ing commercial —ca iZzdustrisl development for the upper. St. Paul --- harbor betweee the Hobert Street bridge and Lock and Dam No. 1, and @ F.AR, the ia:creasi�o use of the river for boating and recrea- tional purposes wrl--L-IL be greatly enhanced by the placing in operation during 1958 Of tl- Sanitary District sewer system and the removal of All sewage from the river, this increased use making necessary the planning and coasts-Iiction of an adequate harbor for small boats and yachts, WIMIF.A,S'r it becomes essential that harbor lines be established, and t-1 ren no bAmal adequate channel and yacht harbor be provided so as to properly util iae the facilities made possible by the nine foot channel; there:'ore s be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officials jointly with the Port Authority of the City of St. Paul communicate with the River and Harbors Committee oi' Congress requesting that said committee give favorable to such development and that the previous surveys andreports ole the Chief of Engineers in connection with the _t nine foot sTTf�t2- deveZogmeat for the upper harbor in St. Paul be reviewed with s. vies of determining how best the aforesaid improve- ments may be provided. 109827—By Irvin C.gPvarco--'; *I_1___tUNC_1LMEN Yeas Nay � t188 / i. dlan f earce In Favor �urson Max �Ag31Z16C rraflt o r. President (Gehan) su 1 7 i ptacing in -D ration dnrinag 193a the ga ititary Diatrlet ee., Ystam and, river. tmhian creased. ueaagmaKin6 see ¢asarY''the Dlannins and construction of an adequate harbor for stnsll boats and yachts. and Whor 1j. it becomes essential that laagbobb n.... badequattesh channel t egad yacht harbor be DrOVtded ao as to properly utilise the facilities made possible by the nine foot channei; therefore, be It Resolved. That the Dropar city ofd- ci . 3.1 its oft St. Pautrocommunicattye with the giver and. Harbor.- Commit- t¢e of ConKreas requesting that amid committee give favorable ...11dera- tion to aueh development and that LhE pr¢vioua urv.y. and report. Of LLE Chief of 3b Kinesis 1nOnnection. itt tLe nine foot hannel develoDment fog tLa upper harbor S In t Paul ba e v-fawed witL the vlem f daterminin1 bow beat aforesaid 1mDrovemant ba Drovidad. Adopted by the Council Jan. 14, 1938 I W', 1P wDprovea Jan. 14. 1938. 'y (Jan. E8. 1938) ,JAN 1411938 Council __ .193 'V ,.. ... -. yam.......-... Ivin oasl..t to cry a.k 1(►Qty `- CITY OF ST. PAUL F.L. NA8,2y OFFIG�),THE CITY ..CLERK r- GOLN SOLUI,ON---GENERAL FORM 4 PRESENTED BY 7 ._.�.....__....pATE January._14,� 1988......... COMMISSIONER_... .... .:__.__....... .____ _ _ .._..-.-. .__. ......__. _. .... _._.. ..__... .. ._.. WFTFRF.AS �� a .. Pxrospaet of early completion of the nine foot channel in the upperRiver has resulted in many inquiries concern- ing commercir3� sad industrial development for the upper St. Paul harbor bettrPahm+ the Hobert Street bridge and Lock and Dam No. 1, and 1' WB REAS, use of the river for boating and recrea- _ tional pux-pos e zr=-- w:Ll_1 be greatly, enhanced by the placing in operation during 1938 0_-.1T- -t�2 a Sanitary District sewer system and the removal of all se wLge from the river, this increased use making necessary the pin* "_i _" _> d coastruction of an adequate harbor for small boats and yachts, WHEREAS i$ becomes essential that harbor lines be established, and turni�v bs_ �_mm Sus s adequate channel and yacht harbor be provided so as to property utilize the facilities made possible by the nine foot channel; it R.ESOLOF�� mat the proper city officials jointly with the Port Authority of City o£ St. Paul communicate with the River and Harbors Corimm_J t'tee of Congress requesting that said committee give favorable c4c=D3nL=E3_- ation to such development and that the previous surveys and of the Chief of Engineers in connection with the nine foot development for the upper harbor in St. Paul be reviewed vlrit3=L 8 vievP oP determining how best the aforesaid improve- ments may b4--- ed� COUNCII.MEN Yeas Nays �/F}}}"ndlan earce lwterson In favor rrazrt o r. President (Gehan� 3M3, 7 C. F. No. 109827—BY Irvin C. Pearce--� "hereas, the p—Doot t early o1 the nine foot channel in the I- MlsatsalDD1 Pl` Jr+ '1" � gid' JAN 141938 Adopted by the Council __ _ . _ .193 _ Approved.... 1 3...... May- a S=_ Laid o� cr to - I -v 3rd- Sk app. yew Nays Yeas Nays ss Barfuss to lan Findlan 7 2 Pearce rson Peterson v ruax Truax Wenzel Wenzel Mr_ Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan o�-.tea: � m carr ci.rr ORDINANCE ` 169828 CO NCIL FILE NO. BY "'- P1F2IE58NTEO ORDINANCE NO. t _ —� C_ ��_ 2�To"209528-0i8inanoa No.7$81—) _ . 2aa ord'iaarace amending OrfliU-- Nw, Z$3Z� ea Line i- �Aa ord3.aance - regulattngg the eerie" o� � ring So� ale, and "delivery — aeaiere. P,a��d.inance amending Ordinance No. 7837, entitled; -. "An ordinance regulating the sale, offering for sale, and delivery of solid fuel, defining fuel dealers, providing a license therefor, providing regulations for the granting of ,licenses and fixing license fees, providing for the weighing and measur Ing of fuel, creating and prescribing the duties of the position of F`ue1 Inspector, and providing penal- ties for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, and .repealing Ordinance No. 3240, approved April 6, 1915, Ordinance No. 7517, approved November 10, 1933, and all inconsi,p tent 'ordinanoea", approved September 3, 1937, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peaoe, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. . That Section 3 of Ordinance No. 7937, approved September 3, 1937, as amended, be and the same is liereby further amended by striking out of said Section 3, the sentence; "No license shall be issued to any fuel dealer permitting him to conduct business as a fuel _ dealer other than in the commercial district In the City of Saint Paul, as the same is defined in the Zoning Ordinance of said City," and inserting in said Section 3 in place and instead of said s tricken sentence the following sentence: "No license hereunder shall be issued to any fuel dealer who shall not maintain a place of business w1 thin the corporate limits of _ the City of Saint Paul, nor shall any license - hereunder be deemed to authorize the licensee to conduct any business at any location in contravention d8. any provision of the Building , Zone Ordinance No. 5840 of the City,of Saint Paul, as amended. " err' Section 2. That Section 4 of said Ordinance No. 7837, approved September 3, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to read as follows: "By reason of the fact that licensees here- under, in addition to using thoublic streets and alleys, are required, from time to time, orilliod,to City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORpINANC E NO. to drive upon private property in making deliveries, therefore each licensee here- under shall be insured with an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota, against lose in the sum of at least Five Thousand Dollars ($5000) for each delivery vehicle used in his business, against liability imposed by law on account of damage to or destruction of , property by reason of the ownership or operation of any such fuel delivery vehicle while making deliveries upon private property, as well as liability imposed by law on account of damage to or destruction of any public property by reason of the ownership or oper- ation of any such fuel delivery vehicle, or In lieu of SUOh ineuranCe each licensee here- under may furnish and fila with the City Comptroller a surety bond running to the City of Saint Paul, in the penal UM of at leaet Five Thousand Dollars ($6000), approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, with a surety or sureties approved by the Commissioner of Finance, conditioned that said licensee shall pay any and all final judgments rendered against said licensee on account of any damage to private or public property coca- aioned during the period of the license. The policy or policies evidencing such insurance, or the surety bond required hereby shall in each case be filed by the licensee with the City Comptroller. Each applicant must furnish satis- factory proof of his compliance with the above requirements to the License Inspector before any lioen9e or renewal thereof will be grantedt'" Section 3e This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage anoublieation. Yeas Councilmen Nays Bindles ^ Findlan l(/ Parranto Pearce Peterson " Truax ean ,gid— Attest (� City Cl 300 7.27 CS 20089 FEB 1 Pass by the Council -_ ___.- _ In Favor Against A Proved: FEB 110,38 Mayor ZUBLISHI� 2 - --� �„.f fe�„ a.& 149829 GlTY OF ST. PAUL Pu No.. ti OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C(:>UNCIL (\R>=SBirLITION---GENERAL FORM PRESENT BYDATE . January._. 124, 1939 ...........- ....... ..... *�,AS, W. 3� Garrett desires to withdraw application 22958 for Fmel Dealer license at 260 W. Central Age. aacZ requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be 311 - RESOLVED, tlsa.t the proper city officers beand they are hereby authorized to refund to W, S. Garrett the fee oP $19.79 and to cancel said application for license, (the fee of $5.21 havizlg bees deducted because applicant operated on said application for a period oY 2* months). COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 7F�dlan--- In Favor /Peterson Against Pamir rar�t C• Prest ent )M }37 (Gehan) . C- g. Ho. 308829-8Y 6. S. Berfuee. F.I MK_ 2`r++a'r- - Iz-via. C. Pearce— W_ 8. Garrett deefrea to V1Itj d'si — ayDlication 22968 for Fnal i7aa,Ier iice:.asa at 260 W. Central Ave.. and regvasrs thea return of the license '=ee deposited thereon: therefore, be It Fteaolved. that the DroDDeer otdcer. be sad they srS hereby author-- to re- Suad'- Cgarrett the fee of 519.79 ad Lo cancel said e.DOlicatlon for iicense. Cthe tee of 56.21 having been daducied - because aDDlfcant operated on said apDlicatfon for Derlod of 2i4 moat)KsT-" - gdopte:d°'by the Council Jan. li, I988 Approved CJan 22. 14 19 1928) ,AN 14:1933 Adopted by the Cotmcil 193 Approved _ 193.... Mayor m City G 1U9830 CITY OF ST. PAUL �. couwc` NO._:.. O W�]F='ICE OF THE CITY CLERK cc>LJ"C►Z ;w RE QNe--GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED �� Jaslus-77 12. 1938 COMMtSS10N:.:^�'d...._DATE... ..... ........ ... ........._ ............... r RESOLVED �t That license for But application 23617. applied for by Charles A. Niece at 397 N. Dale St- b� sad the same are hereby denied and the proper city officers be and tlaay --mEmL-w-e authorized to refund to Charles A. Niece the fee of $25.00 aad to -wEamM said application for licetue. C. F. No. 109830-13Y GA IL 33—fuse. V- M. Truax, 1. C. Pearce— ppRpylleI 1ved, That Hoe— for Butcher. Charl�lA Nlecel at 397 DN Daleed oSt- be and the same .are hereby denied and the Dcoper city ot[tcera be and theyare author)2ed to refund to Charles A. Niece the tea oC 526.00 and to cancel i Bald applicationfor license. Ad -Pove)ted by Cou1938.Jam 14. 1933.; (Jan. 22, 1938) Denied by Councl1 . 11. 1939- JAN 14 COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Adopted by the Cotlnal _ _. ...__...193...... �tan ce _.In Favor Approved 193....... i` t9on �— �_. g r(ti _� Agatnst � M�ayor aa Fli p r.rYreaident (Gehan) ' M Y 0091ml b Olr O,A Fl CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IJ ni a L R'E TION ---GENERAL FO F2 r.A PRESENTED �— - COMMISS{ONE ....... ....... .. ......... ....... -- - -..-......:SATE..- - - —i`" NO.._....98.1 _ - j�rnaa ry_14,- 1939• ..... RESOLVED That ,licenses appl :X-.mmmw a Por by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are a=L49=eby granted and the city cl4ar3h=: i s instructed to issue such licenses upoa a payment into the city treastzr�p, o::r the required feess Owen J. Gall 4337 Mississippi Gas Statioa App. 23818 New Old Loca. Leonard Vignallo 3614 Upper Levee Butcher w 23997 ■ Old Loca. Grocery a 23y99 a a ■ Harold Van Alstiae 2600 University Gas Sta- w 2110$8 11 n a A. A. Appleby 567 University Butcher a 21}079 p a a A. E. Radecki 593 lice St. Gas Stagy w 211261 a a a Eldon E. Coates+ a44 E. 8th St. Gas Sta• a 211320 al a a _ X GJGI 2X- a a Geo.Schmitt 9437 $ice St. Gas Ste.- R 221369 a a a C_�_ No. 109831—By G. A. Bar[ues, F. Truaa, 1 C. Pearce - 1 lvad That 1perso s applied for Dy the cleatMlowing persons at the ad -' -r es dndlcated be and the. same are l�ereb3r granted and the elty clerk is tam ctad to issue .eh licensee uDon ± payment into the .1ty treasury of Z3 eclufrad fees: acvaa J. Gall 837 Ml"li. Gas AD 23> 18• New. OleeinDd ent, on. _� �—a and ignallo 301% Upper Levee, ��chea. M. 23991 New Old Location. M. �ignailo 4361 j� Unner Levee. 2399 New, Old Location. ceroid Van Alstihe, 2600 University, G— ® Station, ADP• 24048 New. Old Leea- Li oa_ A ADDleby� 667 University. �T �z �c3ars. -A-pp24079 New, Old Location. E. Stadeclrt, 693 Rlce 3L, Gas 9[a- Lzor� App. 24261 New, Old Locatl, :3ua E. Coates, 244' E. 8th St:, Gas App. 24320 New. Old Location. Schmitt. 987 Rlce st., Gas At -IL App_' 24369 'New, Old liocatlAt cloptbd by the Council Jan. 14, 1938. gproved. Jan. 14, 1938.. (Jan. 22, 19381 COUNCI MEN Yeas Nays Adopted by file JAN 14 1938 Goazaci-1 193._ Ian7gree /1! 0,. In Fa wcmr Aga.aaatMayor Approved - - - - - - - 193... toresident (Gehan) 3M 3.37 -aw�mCRY Ckk CITY OF ST. PAUL- C)-Fr AULOF THE CITY CLERK COUNGi in — R UTION---GENERAL FORM ' ................[)ATE.. - No.1(�9832 Jaava y, 14... 193$. RESOL.VEDThat ]ibense for application 24177. On Sale malt Beverage, application 24176. and Off Sale — $eo6=-fie, application 21+179. $.pplied for by James chase at 274 Fico St. ba same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licease� -Kxpoa the payment into the city traaenry of the required fees. New. Informally approve -may council. Jan. 6. Old Location. (;OUN MEN Yeas Na a i Fnlai, t rnon Loaf ]qr, E'Fesi�ent (Gchar 3M 3.37 In Favor Against ,-.M`; leo. 109832—By G_ 11. BIrk0es, F. Resolved, That license foT'St6$tau --r— - application. 24177, On Sa19 'Malt H.Evarage, pplication 241.?8, and >9 ce•e Malt Beverage, aVpllcatlon 2411 pplied for by James Chase at 274 Ui. E;-. . 1. a d the I IMlcrls hinstructed to 1-- B..b licenses upon the paYum Soto the. ctty treasury of the reQired A feaed_ opted by the Council Jan. 14. 1938. Approved Jan. 14, 1938. — (Jan. 22, 1938) JAN 14 1"? O sl.a to a" a k .. CITY OF ST. PAUL :LK NO..__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 0�)NCIL RESOL TtACV---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .. ..1..... <:........._. _ ......._....._... TE.:. _. _. jainuary .14P....193g.__._._.. _... RESOLVED That .!tensa ©s 3ELestsurant, application 24190, On SsleMalt Beverage. application 24191, and 0:E-=jr- a Malt Beverage, application 242.92. applied for by Edward Clarizio at r2 5 Broadway St. be and the same are hetraby granted and the city clerk is instractea issue such licenses upon the paymcut into the city treasury of the regivi=- — fees. 'C. F. No 9Q8833—BY G. H. Barfuss, F.I •M. Trdd. ; L G. Pearce— . I `'+Resolved. That license for Aestau rant, application 24190, Ou Sale Malt Beveff Sale Malt Beveraate, application 24192 applied for by Edward Clesizio at 5266 Broadway q6t. be and the same are hereby granted and the ity clerk, is instructed to latus such lloenses upon the payment Into the city treasury .of the reeu/red tees. Adopted by the Council Jan. 14. 1938 Approved Jan.11938. (Jan. 222 , 1938) 1 Wev, Informally by Council.' JAS _ AEi�- - 1939. Old Location COUNCILMEN yew ZiBa'n'r'a.e Nays `/ Z n 31E�--aL vor 2Pea tai -r-Luj Parr�tc Mr. President (Geharia 3M 3.37 JAN 14 `5q Adopted by -the Council 193 r r 'A, 14�ti Approved_ 193..__ 169834 0, s -m ext fled _ `p"""` N O. _.. CITY OF ST. PAUL F�� - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C0 a' RES iJT.tDN --- GENERAL. FORM ZQ PRESeENT. EC B (� - ... ATE. .T8IIA8.TY. 1 .•....�9J".�........ .......... COMMISSIONER... .......... -_.._r . .. .... .... ..... ._-._.. ... .. .... .. _.._... -... RESOLVED That f;cease application 21+126. Oa cs,i a Malt Beverage, applica.tioa 21+127, Dance R^ x 2 application 24129, and Tavern, application 24129, iii-oplled :for by Michael ICE at 14-16 E. Eighth St. be and the same are hereby granted and t3:Le c3 ty clerk is instructed to lssue 11 shah licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Nene, Informally approve8 by council, Jaa— 6 >. X938. Old Locatioa_ COMEN yea, Nays Ilan Ian ce Zn Favor rson r. President 3M 3-37 (Geh�ira� - No. 109834—By G. 8. Barfasa,. F. Pearce- -_Resolved, Thai license for Restau- 13ove appllcatloa 24On Sale Mal; Beverage. appDlicati— on 24127. Dance; Ball, aDDlicatioa 24128, and Tavern.; application 24229, applied for by: Michael Hryhory aLyn at 14-16 E.' Eighth St_ be, a the same are hereby granted and t-1fty Clerl, is instructed to 18"U. stick 11c "es Upon the pay- wt ant into 1— city treasury of the e aired fees_ r Adopted by tl . Council Jan. -14, 1988. Approved Jan_ 14. 1938. (Jaa_ 22. 1938) JAN 14 10"? Adopted by the Council 193 .Approved. 193 --. Mayor m oiv o..t S - 1.�.— NO. It 98,35 CITY OF ST. PAUL THE CITY CLERK COUNG�L RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 1 PRESENTED BY� ...........DATE_ J8II115'C,p 'r 1938.!. ... .... _. COMMISSION ... _.. -_- -. - .. - - - -_. RESOLVED 'amt licenses applie8 for by the following persons a.t the addresses indicated be Win the same sre b-eretby granted and the city clar% is instructed to issue such licenses tacos tj=Le vayment into the.city treasury oY the required fees: Andrew Schoch Grocery Co. 296 E. 7th St, ButChBr App. 23770 Renew Mrs. granlc Stossers 1108 View St. Conte- " 23790 " OiY 23791 ' Wm. J. Seymour 312 Robert St. Hotel " 23793 ' M. & I.. Thomp so a 893 Randolph Gro c ery " 23879 ' Chas_ FKlabunde 960 Hastings Ave. Gas Sts-_ 23887 " J. :M Kouba 1658 W. 7th St. oii Sale Ma16 " 23890 " Stephen Donainae 295 W 7th St- Coni_ " 23926 " Franlc Keller 253 University Gas Sts- " 23964 ' FAw. Mudgett 957 Selby Ave. Ga.s Sta. " 23970 " W. limen r4= 1294 W. 7th -St. Grocea-p " 24044 " John Btllera 407 James St. Grocery " 24052 " peter. Mavrovlis €z 3mu&-m-veneris 618 Selby Ave. RestMWCuj-ant " 24057 " Blaachett Investm6at Co. 1655-71 Western Ave.N. Hotel " 2409 " Oa Sale Malt " 2409 " a n " n Res *- a Etnt Is 24095 " Kolar Super 506 S. Smith Ave. Gas Sta. " 24122 " Hurl S. Johnson 1202 F. Snelling Gas Sta. " 24136 " Peter Mattison 700 E. Maryland CoaYectionery " 24181 " C. >E- Mu613er 874 White Bear Ave. Gas Sta. " 24196 " ' JAN � � l .; ., ., 193 C OUN LMEN Adoot�d by rbe C�.ouncil Yeas Na 1 - a > teas—av aartuss. a " I. C. P py' That DSU. for lan n_ .:• s A roved __ - [.6� 193_ earce In Favor � Rettrson- Jaz ✓ Agaaast - Mayor r i r_4 d r. lesadent (Gehan� )M 3-37 'sOd',M.d m aH G-* - - CITY OF ST. PAUL. 1 OFFICE T CITY CLERK �OUI�i L LUTIO >GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B / �- COMMISSIONER... . ............. RESOLVED January 15, 1938 That7cae eoastrnetion of a permanent clam ia„ the canal betwee3n --3ER--e11er and Phalen Lakes, in accordance with the plans by County Surveyor, Harry S- 3ron.son, to be opens $ea a s proposed in the letter to the City Council :from ial Fes+ c23at6d-November 5, 1937, be and the sAraie is hereby approvP�� 'C. F. No. 109836—By 1. C. Pearce--- - Resoived,That the onetructloa of a pp rmaaent dam In the canal between Kallen and Phalan lakes. 1. e— d- ance wlth the pplane prepp ed by Coun- ty $lirveyoi, Harry 6. 8r d bar to b - j Derated as DroPosed in the letter to - -. the City Council from hum dated. No - ember - 6, 1931. be and the same 1s hereby approved. Adopted by theCouncil Tan. 18. 1938. Approved Jan. 18, 1938. (Jan.32, 1938) 1 ✓�COUI+IC EN Yeas Nays uss f,-'dlan rce Zra Favor etersfm wen;el r. President 3M 3.3 (Gebars.> JAN 18 1538 Adopted by the Council 193..... _ ....... 193 Mayor t CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R_ S. FERGUSON G'a*y Cler-Ic.-arra, Commissioner of Registration November 12th, 1937. Mr.- J'-hn �. 2."_cC nrzaZnu Cnrnoratinn Cnz]ri=ems City Hal 1 Dear Sir: Attacl-med hereto is a copy of a letter of Harry S. Bronson, County Suxveyor , reQ2zest i^j—_ ti-+e Council to adopt a resolution approving the ennstx-tiction of a n arma.xzent dam in the canal between Keller and a Phalen Lkes;_ Tine ��ux�c�Z requested ynn to draw such a resolution. There is a1s- att4e--c2aed a letter of Genrge L'.. Shepard, City Engineer, relative tc> t?xzs tetter. Ynurs very truly, 7 City Clerk. - r9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPAi2-W-JP*AENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1 Rei Z C. PEAF2CE. COMMISSIONER BURewu of SANITATION FRED DRIVER.Bu— BUREAU oP CONST. s REPAIR GEOR � J. JACO MSi. DEPUTY CONYIs 0"' J. R. JOHNSTON G f-0 iZ G E M _ S'.M EP^RD. CHIEF ENOINEER BURewu OF BRIo6es OFFICE ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. E....—R ERROLD BUREAU OF GoaaficTloN• CHIEF ENO.. C—RE /� , November 10, 1937 MARK W. WOODRUFF JV\ RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. Aon. Irving C. Pearce Commissioner of P1x1n'1-:5-'r— City of St. Pau1�I( V y�i XX3=I — Dear Sire The ma iter of investigating and reporting on the proposed permanent ciR tine canal between Keller PaT- 8ndPPlaaygrounds Lakes was referred to �ou� the Commissioner 1. PI have gone and Public Bnildin s r d the Corporation over the plans and t13�� proposed schedule of operation of the dam as described in tha �� or r -the Abe Council 957. 1Htund'y S. Bronson, County Survey s past font years that a temporarY clI� �' 4 beP-n utilised during the Pg to accomplish substa� �s11y ghat will be done by the proposdd permanent dam. Tile vim+ -motion of the proposed dam during the winter season' tigi 1 l Qerve vrster in Keller, Gervais and5. 16beman Lakes during the �T t ` �G P"' whit% mater other-wS se would be lost due to seepage in the sys��—'er1Y end of Lake Phalen. Inasmuch as the dam will be opened Bray 1st of each pear so as to take advantage of spring runoff —a te 11 -be Dept open until October lst of each year, I can see n.o eetioa to the construction Of the proposed dam. Yours very truly, RG SHEPARD / Chi F7ngineEW ,J i� . H x CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK . L. R. S. FERGUSON =:ty Clark and Commissioner of Registration November 5th, 1937. C,..=_r. cf -Public n rTr City 'call Dear Sir: The t' --a Cc-nsr. of arks, the Comsr. of Parks , 1—==- r-.arids & Public and. the C-,rporati^r. 0,unsel the attac'^_a-�S e `tz� t er o£ Harry S. Bronson, C --maty Surveyor, requestins the 0-,a- c -t- approve the constructi^n of a per:,anent dam in the ca_nn-1 -D a E=--=- m7-- ]Keller and Phalen Lakes. The Cnunc r �gziested the foregcing committee to investigate this matter and -t:- `_ata with the iui erste-:ink-. ':'int when such. data is assem`:led, Fi n -a c ?^ Baring will be se.. Y -urs very tm ly, Citi- Clerk. c i*" to aur Q k CITY OF ST. PAUL 10E OF THE CITY CLERK CO L3 CI RESOLUTIQN-MGiD*NERAL. FORM PRESENTED BY gOMMISSIONER ............................ RESOLVED, that the proms �*--r city officers be and they are hereby thor- ized to enter, irio an agreement with Wm. Bohner,rovin for,;the payment of comparm- stion to him at the rate of x$20.00 per week during such time --aERLs he _ shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries reeeive<-:X- "t>y him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works on the 24th day of December 1937; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that 3L x3 accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers az-t---- hereby authorized to pay to said Wm. Bohrer the sum of $$83out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General F'unc3 in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for -T7--M=3Le period to and including January 22, 1938. COUNCJLMEN Yeas Nays lie' $iCldlan T/iP/ rce - In Favor erson^/ TruaxF.Wt �gleaul- —= 1PAWent (Gehan) C_ F_ No. 1098 at ResolVedn that ticera be d they _a to enter into t Wra_ Bohner, Drovldingg of compensation to $20.00np week- during b- halleb. totally injuries th I. C. Pearce— the proper city of-- are hereby author- an agreement with for the Dayment him at the rate of each time a_e disabled byresaon of received the employ of the lic Worke, on the ber. 1987- be [t Further Resolved. -e with said agreement. city officer' are hereby by him while in w Department f Pub- 24th day of Decem- that in accord- the proper authortzed to My' to said Wm. 583.33 out of the sation Account of in final settlement M,!City, being for January Adopted by the Council Approved Jan. 18. (Jan. 22. Bohrer the sum of Workmen'a Compen- the General Fund, of his claim against the period to and 22. 22, 1938. Jan. 18, 1938. 1938. 1938) Adopted by the Council _ __. 193.. Approved.._. ___ ..__..._..193. ' Mayor ... m �„ ......� 109M G IEY OF ST. PAULNo. na OF 1=1GIE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNC� It -7= TfION --- GENERAL FORM .- PRESENYEDY / - ._.DATE - _...Y.�I.%3+T.Y-...1.�,... 18..T.S ......... - w fr---�.�-...... �e-�awww,�sloNER.........._..............._.._......... .....- ... .. .._..- ..=s--- RESOLVED That the Pur hasi=sg snt be, aad he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the �s 3 sent of the Comptroller, for the St. Paul Workhouse, 100 pigs a -jj-_ a total cost of #1194.62 from The Bing pig 00., withosit $.sive ati•semeat, as this is the only way a purchase of livestoc� oan be made on the South St. Paul Market• Charge Public 1►orgs _ _Workhouse 10-q--131 C_ F- +o_ 109838-]3Y L C. Pearce - Res o 3 pied. 'Th%+t the Purchast nrAgent hereby authorized to psss-�3syse.� mtth the consent of th¢ Coa: g't��11er, for the Sti Paul WorK- I-L moo Digs at a total coat of - 'b1194_ 6 2 Yr.- Th¢ King Ptg Co., with- ossLv—tisement. as this is the only yvay purchase f 11 est -k can be madam oz; the South St. Pu t Slfarket_ C-^� T— Public Works -Work ouse 1Q -X -D.— Z. — 1- - AaQ-�Led by the Cou netl Jan. 18. JAN 18 , 1938. Aa��ov¢a j aa. ls. leas, (Jan. 22. 1938) CouN .MEN Adopted by the Council c°4 .__ 193.. Yeas Nays - . �n Approved......... 193_..... In Favor Against ayor AtO r. pfZdent (Oehan) Orizi—I..c,ycl-k -- c2ft` 1(39841 OF 5T. PAUL nes NO.._ OIF'1 r�iC 10F� OF THE CITY CLERK //,C/�OUNGiLr i2� OLUTIOIV—GENERAL FORM JBIIarp 1.F.1.9)p . ._................�.... .............................. RESOLVED WEERM, the Gn i Rsia+� �� oS Pablic Utilities hsa reported' in acaordenoe with Section 53 of the City the exletence oS an emergency which rendered necessary the Or oertalm employes of the Water Department for more than eight boars pas AaLft7s said employment being more than usual hours Of employaent, therefore s bee 3L -"C RW80LMM, That the proper city a sags arm hereby antborized to pay the following named employee at the rage cs 3e�ar�vi ae rimed row extra employment for the extra time hereinafter Bet :res- IbL= !NAME Otertime Rate Ditcsh a s Dan Looney � ��er. S bra. .6o �s 8 Peter Mayers ROT W.-Bbluel7. Jr.Civi1 _ 44 � .81 ya. Y. Godette Sr.Aresg �+-� _ -—asaela 391 " Fred A. Gorham Sr-Wast=��v�3 Sn6r.Bridgas 42 r.`. Carl A. Flack Sr.l4agr sman 43 " • " Jr.G1lc��-taa�Q _ XO •5 " 1. Test ixag 30=E 1. G. RR�et� _v � � ®er 49 6A* " 1. F. W. Gallagher Aeat Judith Dahmer Roger E !tatters .7 -_Br.D 26 a1' Helen F. Pealson -�S"t 5 e '74 No. 109841—By W. A. Parrasto— �i7Phereas, the Commiasloner of Pub - Z e.1 -has raportad city accordance is tb. Be. 53 0! the. City Charter, i -+tea eaIBtBnca of an amOrSencg Which Certified correct as ,gnr�e go� Z Leonard W. Thompson General Superintendent COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays dlan In favor �earce /PetersonAgail t _ ruaa WWI Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 6 ld employment being mora tb � aoura o! amDloyment. th¢r¢!or¢, lved, That thhe Drover city of - 3, autorized to vay Lha nK named amvioye ' at the rata SBa Haed for ¢atra employment .e extra time h0re121a1t6r �6t IAoneg,. Ditch Bigger, S hra. DieyOrs, Ditch dlSSar, 8 firs. W.. 8o1zer, Jr- Civil En ga, 44 81 $'aB M. Godette. 3r: Arch. DraSts- )tiS--hS�. A_ Gorhama $i- ' t Civil Ener. �@:Cg p c; 42 hrs. r� U A. Flack. Sr. F+nB.T,;�Draftaman. ® 99%d bel M Te 1av- t.: ..,,_ -I,a o the .Council ...._................................. 193"7" Approved - v r_......__ Xupuewy X7, 1938 �a �msrgss�cg has arisen in the avatar Dapartment rendering " necessary the 4BamaL400ymsnt of certain employes of that department for more thea a g3+t hours per day in the doing of the following worgz prspaa,IXN� T.Zg� sad specifications for PIMA uro3acte #1323+ 1324 anti 1325.# work at $toward * %122-2 s 4m=m4mrgenay arose by reason or tha rollowing facts and circumstaacas - #Because of limited time allowed by Government; for this work Ne:w Year) a Day. ' BOARD Off WATER COMUSSIONHRS -Preeld4awt cer�tirisa correct Leonard W General Stzp@rizit eadant odef-d b C" a.* _ 1 X9842 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL OFF=ICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1 COMMISSIONER........... .....I+.inri i s �.� -- - - - - _� .,.M� V yL(........ :.._. ........... ....GATE_.__....._ _........ RESOLVED, that the prc3per city officers be and theyIVre hereby author- ized to enter ira o eri agreement with Andrew A. Kolstad, providing for the payment o :E compensation to him at the rate of $19.15 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injures s s receivAd by him while in t12e employ of the Department of Ec o = calt3on, on the 20th day or December 1937; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, tla-e�v- in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers gi� Hereby authorized to pay to said Andrew A. golstad the sum o $9 -5$ out of the Workmen s Compensation Account of the Genera3- 3n final settlement or Yuis claim against the City, being Por -X�:ie period to and including December 30, 1937. L=- 3F`_ No_ 109842 -By J. & Zlndlan- ZME 8o1vCd.- that the Proper city officers z - t t-3, are hereby authorized to eg tar tato an agreement with And- -EC -3 -t -M. And- -EC -3 -t - providing for the Payment compaaa.stf on to him at the rate of S 3=ib per weep durinlr such time as he ' s 2-- 711 ba totally disabled by reason of �aurfes received by him while in the proY or the Department of Educa- >ci oa the 20th day of December. =9- 37: ba 1t M-�Resolved, that In accordance �'�' t2i said agreement, the Droner city o'+cer� hereby authorized to Po >Co said - A Kolstad the sum f 5 9 --,t AC -a IthIf therGen rel Funae in '�-al ettle m¢ut of his claim agalnat tie _ CYty. b¢l nlr for the Period to and s 2 a flag December 30. 1937. a Adopted by the Council Jan. 18, 1938. AD•Droved Jan. 18. 1938. -(Tan. 22, 1938) - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays than iPea[ce /Pearson _ In E?av+c=wr Trus: arw t Mr. President (Gehan) snr 3,37 JAN 18 i�^^ Adopted by the Council_ _... _... _..... .__ .......................193. .. F,i { t Approved ...... _..... 193_.... .......... ,9.4- Mayor c.sssw ro at, a.k QA W T —IY OF ST. PAUL :�i�`" NO._1,6j]84 .a .. OF1= N r� OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIIa R —SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY `................... .................._OATE.._J.a �eT4.,......14.}.._19.38.................. IP MMISSIONER...._..._ 'N✓t _ __ _ _ _ ________...................._..... ....................... RESOLVED That upon the rMC-- ssdation of the Qomm ssioner of Education, the purohasing Il494e':a-*--- tae, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the oonsent ofh® Comptroller, for the Department of Education from tuns o time as required for a period of one year, such books of the 3=&AaE3m---c38asary number for their book supply of such teat books as ara <333mLtheir present list or may be. authorized by the City Counoil , -W--lzout advertisement or competitive bide, as these books are to 33 bought direct from the various publishers i and it is impossibZ�---- to obtain competitive prices. Charge lanhnnl Annlr 7S—T. r Yeas COUN EN Nays Adopted by the C....il JA%L."... . . ..._... _......193.. Lin G / t93 In Favor Approved ...........: ..: [:_.._._.._ �..-.-:�...................... ecereon L ��� ........... Against _._.. . ..... mayor to r. President (Gehah) est t odswi t. chy ak, 1-69844 N C-- a 4=) -Fr !S -r- PAUL NO...._ I OFFICE W= THE CITY CLERK COUNCI Li-ril --GENERAL FORM g�� ...... DAYE WR3RW, Prank: W:Lcamiq3r= c3L-Rnm-- 33:10am 46 lFkL:Lte has made al:plication 24599 for license to operate as ta=:Lc-a1b-zm mom the . mt=eets of the City of St. Paul, five automobiles described as fo3.3-i*,wssz Car No. make Motor No. Sax-Tan6M- X=010LX7-ax&Ce Company & Policy J90. Mxpiration 19 Buick 27,54707 261U7SP3 x.3 -4m -v -as or Minneapolis B-162294 11-11-39 21 G.M.C. 4402863 90103�j ■■8-51557 2-11-38 ", Against 22 Desotii 83-37297 ■■x-161934 10-30-39 24 Buick 2902454 26502X*j- a -16o926 9-1739 40 Buick 2774076 26a2eg:5m- H-160160 9-4-38 8. said applicant s :r:L3.4m4& copies of insurance policies with the citiAi. Paul, and said --samm busvva been =:pp",wed as to form and execution by the corporation counsel; be it RESOLVED. that ILIA= 4ax&A&eaw o operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of 8t. Pa=L3- lk3p4m 3L 'Llxe mama are hereby granted to Frank wicker. and the city clerk is 1.nstx1t:u0t;40CL 'boca- zssn3ue ancLem-Ix Xlcezaea upon the payment into the city treasury of the recimi.3re-di. :r4mmim Renewal COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays uss ndlan earce In Favor eterson Against ruax, - — rtn r. President W 3.37 (Gehan) JANA 8 Adopted by the Council 193 Approved 193 Mayor 4.1.1 to a 169845 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO Y/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �B III. C. Pearce. F. M. CoL1E 1�i CIL R --GENERAL FORM 1ti,ni-palmont dba Blue "t t—'-n0.de.8,DDlloataon 24006. 1 t 1 .9JWW ae tavtab.. PRESENTED _�___ SE,jhe C1tY oo COMMISSIONER...... 9crih w o REQ WSZggA„S, JL.d4s11L-CNLmEM Dslsost C, Blue Blue and White has made application 24505 for licenses to operate 4E3L-t�.mi cabs upon the streets of tlza City of St. Pin. four entomobilbs described as =1r-0110ws I Oar No. Hage ]SAM- *W311 7.w0 Serial No. Insurance Co. 8o Policy No. Sapiration 11 Lasalle 6137 g6 813786 Lloyds of VJ UxL0 apolls s-51552 2-1138 12 Desoto s -3z13 'F 5536321 • w ■ 11-51559 2-28-39 27 Desoto 53 — o :: 9 5575491 " " " x.-i6o416 9-1-39 29 Buick 27 9934,1�263807 s ■ 5-51552 2-3-1-39 'e.MMM&S, e°i a gpplicasnt has filed copies of iasarance policies with dile City of St. P43a1. Bald policies have been approrvad as to form and execution by the corporation¢�-3Z therefore. be it BESOLVXD t�t licenses to operate said automobiles as tazicabs upon the streets of the City oY S -G — Pau1 be and the some are hereby granted to Adeline Delmont and the city alerir- • i4at2RlCted to issue such licenses apoa the payment into the city treasury of th8 tzL - regairea fees. Renewal COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �dlan � dearte // I rz F a var ecerson I'Rvmm. ,M 337 (Gct�ari<� A 3 - Adopted by the Councii�' " 193 I // Approved. . Mayor _ Od,I..I was ak CNO..1V 9846 CITY OF ST. PAUL O IFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r C. Pearce, P. M 1 COU iV G1 L R LU 1� --GENERAL FORM iw&A zlar dba-BI-- I 24677' PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONER..._...._...._. made SVPlicat on ,Paste as tasloabs PPen -.. City of St ...DATE . aPol four .... ... Ibed as .follows - R � has made application 24577 WEUM .A.S , 39ctw - _dL_ - Bcs zier dba Blue & e a for licenses to operate as -%tj - os'be upon the streets of the City of St. Paul four automobiles described as YoZ1o�a = Car goy yaks Hotor Ho S arial Bo. Insurance Co. & Policy So. Expiration 51 Packard 239-799 Z36-528 Lloyds of Mpls 3-162958 12-1-39 52 Erick 3691253 2535294 ■ • " 11-161490 10-5-39 53 stick 2775637 2624549 " " " 1-51556 2-11"39 54 Desoto 83-39767 5555029 " " " 8-160595 9-4-39 y►HERNAS, "said $pplicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of St. Pahl and- s3ai 8 Policies have been approved as to form end execution by the corporation covasal i& herefore, be it RB.SGLVSD. tit lioenses to opetate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the ci1r v:r' St - :P nl be and the same are hereby granted to Ddw. A. Rosier, and the city is instructed to issue Such licenses Upon the payment into the city treasury of t13s= required fees. Renewal COUNCILMEN ye dlan Na / ' j¢.ru . _ In Favvr Peterson � ruax .-Aga++ -+at r. President 3M 3.37 (Gehan� s JAN s , Adopted by the Council 193 Approved , _ 193 Mayor 0,41ad fe 10984'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL :ai NO. JG OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL N ---GENERAL FORM January 18.._1938 ..... v RESOLVED That Gasoline Filling Station 11cense #4211, expiring August 22, 1938, issued to 0. B. & G. O. Strouse at 1451 Cedar St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Louis Goldie at the same address and the proper city officers ark V�G-truct�d to make the proper changes in the city, s records. fl transfer Informally approved by Council. Jan. 14, 1938- C. V. Nb. 109847 n.. a e. M111%ThataGaeollae IIIng 8ke. i -tfoa Ilneliae No, 42;3 llu11 August at4;, p ;street. at 461 Cedar�8t. besnd the same IS hereby transferred to Lout. iloldle ar.� the "M6address.&ed the Dr4D.r Mty'; officere--aro Ynstruntsd. - 0 mai;e tha'. yrbper changes lrt' the efty'e reeorda; Adopted by tha Co" 0, Jana 18;19S8.,j slDnr64ed Jan. 38. 1988. tal 22, 1858) --- Q COUNCILMENJAN' 18 1938 Yeas � NaAdopted by the Council I93_ -1ys rfuae t lan ce In Favor Approved t93..__ �Pearwn � ruga Againsty P. rAsM /Me President (Gehan) )M 7 oaal„1 to at, a ,1j1 L CITY OF ST. PAUL ;,�,��,� No. .169848' OFFFICE OF, T.I:,E CITY CLERK COL! ate& G1 L LUTIO --GENERAL FORM January 14, 1938. RESOLVED That Restaurant lig ease %%g1.71, expiring A1913st 10, 1935, On Sale Malt Beverage, idtslc license ' iring August 10, 1933- and Orr Bale Malt Beverage license $6084, expiring Amus - 10, 1938, issued to John Hjarpe at 381 R. 7th St. be and the same are hereby -1Graasieerred to John Hjarpe at 383 Mr. 7th St. and the proper city officers are iastruated to make the proper changes in the city's records. Transfer informally $ provtac by Coundl, Jan. 13, 1 !E�3S COUNCILMEN Yeas / 77Nay ip.F In Favoc Peterson ruga �Rgainst ��ZZ`` i o /Mr. President (Gehan) 3M ]- 7 C 1Fraiuo. 108848—$ I. Co Pearce, F. "Li Resolved' $. Bar -"s 2e. 9171 iPlring �R, etatrant ;fcease'I o=DlrlMalt Beveraae, Itudxjo. 1938. On , g August 10, 1938, NO; 4400, f3ialt-'Beverage Il"cesee No. 6 8401L Sale, 3ErT rD ate8810'W97th 1maued to 1�olhm j ,,g are hereby tr be.•and*-the $��'Da at 383 W. 7th Se t� ed ".tP J " city otl'cera are lsatructed d 6heroger D Aao changes 1a the city e0 re otlte Dted by the Couacl; Jaa.•.ig, 3938. +4DDroved Je.O. 18. " 1938. (Jas. 83, 1938) JAN 18 1938 Adopted by the Council 193. Approved. -. 193.. Mayor CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFI�G=� OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER_ ADi OPTED BY THE COUNCIL JAN WE:3- 9a39i� ✓ ` 193 /e,r, eooneouu I - APPPOVED '+a . 193 j BY O-TICE eP G1TY OP SAINT rAUL 109849 109850 Coul r'NTo 11Y'i0e89a18490 ,91E0.9`'.$O5ov-�:ez�` �katn7rimaogoCn11t4['Yp;o s===iv.e�i' �:-., IL RESOLUTION <--IL ga 4PRNTER 59$ DOS, obeoka on 81b In th8 : _ olxyy�nmvtrbtYer AdbDted DY trib Colincll � - 38 3938-;j Ta11u8TjL �4 793 $ _ ,- p.dDr9ved., SaD 16 1935 — (Tan '23, 1938). - 1 RESOLVE-D; THAT CHECKS BE SAWN CsP4 THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT knaupolls43592 OF;61,g02.92 COVERING"—= CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE, ASPER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFI�G=� OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER_ ADi OPTED BY THE COUNCIL JAN WE:3- 9a39i� ✓ ` 193 /e,r, eooneouu I - APPPOVED '+a . 193 j BY DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL BARFU.B FINDLAN PEARCE --IN FAVOR PETERSON TRUAR AGAINST WENIEL — MIR, 916 OMAN CITY OF SAINT PULL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER — AUDITED CLAIMS - d MOM 13 - _ 189-4 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY In,mwAa�.IIIMIrMNMMM�M'KIuNw�ll I' �I ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— _-- A77%_7__T 3— 500 1.77 C. MAYOR 10 Iq AOO lo% R NA 011. PER CHECKS ON FILE NUMBER — — -- — - I TOTAL CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS li DISBURSEMENT CHECKS II 11 BROUGHT FORWARD 7 Soo oo, 4od Soo 99 43487 43488 Capital City Lime & Cement Company Okes Construction Company 461 48. 11 782 34' 43489 David L. Vadnais ; 28 00 43490 Edward F. Mullaney 500 00. 43491 Yultistamp Sales Company 13 50' 157 34 43492 Stiefel Produote,Ino. 43493 Polete Norman 1000 00 43494 43495 John Pastuoh j Mrs.Harriet Jane Gay 32 00 23 04 43"496 Geo. H. Walter 250 00 43497 F -ed Jost 33 00 43498 American water works Assoo.i' 7 00 2 26 43499 Campbell Coal & Oil Company ;' 39 43501 I/ Dombek Auto Painting Company !, �P 00 43502 Faloon Book Store j 9 25 43503 Farnell, Owun, Kirk & Comp�y 5207 43504 ?.1. Faxon Company4 19 43505 Ferodowill Mfg.Compauy j 3 75 43506 Foote Lumber & Coal Company 1050 43507 J.B. Frank Music Company ,i 20 43508 Frost-Naue Company6 Z7, 43509 43510 Gangl and Company General Electric supply Corp. j 77 5 72 09 43511- German Book Importing Company 13 83 43512 Goodrioh-811vertown, Inc. 1 138 60 4351 Gordon & Ferguson ;6 50 (' 43514 R.L. Gould & Company 53 30 43515 Graoe-Lee Produots,Inos Craton & Knight Co ';any 00 1 QQ2643516 43517 Olivet Cooper & company 595 4351 Qro�iex 800iety�I�o� 59 94 43519 Kamm Brewing 061peny 39910 43520 P.A.L. Hardenbergh Company 15 66 43501 D.O. Heath & Company I 220 05 43512 Heokrioh-webb,Ino. I 86 67 43523 Heger Produots Company 33 25 43524 43525 Theo. G. Hells Company Hertzberg B1ndery,Ino. 21 83 43526 Highway Safety Signal News 1 50 3 00 43527 43528 History Referenoe Counoil Hobart Yfg.Company 9 20 43529 Holiday House, Ino. " 22 78 43530 Int. Business Machine Corp. 02 43531 Janney, Semple, Hill Company 24 197 97 76 43532 Johnson Printing Company j6 4353 Junior Literary Guild j l 50 4353 43535 Bawneer Company gee Lox Mfg -Company 44 11 43536 43537 LaBeau Novelty Sales CompanyI'i Landers, Norblom, ChristensonlCo. 4 95 30 00 43538 Lawyers Oo0p.Pub.Oompany 30 00 3 " 43519 43r,40 Lenox Book Company Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Co. I i 3 70 I SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 7 500 00 427 096 26 ' . k 71, -. 5 DATE RETURNED BY BANK J I a DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PUUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER — ---- BARFUSS } j� FINDLAN IN FAVOR v Januar 14 8 PEAR`E AUDITED CLAIMS y B3_ PETERSON TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZELCOVERING TAR. PRIES, OEHAN „ j� TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 3 . pl �INCLUSIVE, AS , r �- CHECKS NUMBER�Q17!�E - 59 1� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_—---- PER CHECKS ON OF aH CITY CO1A�TROLLER. APPROVED COMPTRO NUMBER B Y 500 I.37 CB MAYOR ---- _ TOTAL i DATE CHECKIN FAVOR OF RETURNED J NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT I'', BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS I, it I BROUGHT FORWARD I I �i 7 900 00 427 096 2 �� 43541 Bray loe & Fuel Company 28 104 63 42 43542 Capitol stationery Vfg.00mpagy 2 714 87 43543 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company 456 00 43544 oemstohe Produote Company 35 67'' 43545 Daily News Corporation 68 671 43546 Dispatoh-Pioneer Press Comp y 153 0 43547 Farnell, ozmun, Birk 0 Compaany 4 43546 43549 Lampland Lumber Company Plate Glass Company 220 85 14 Pittsburgh 192 33 43550 Price Electric Company 9 95 43551 43552 Roe -James Glass Company st.Paul Builders Material Company 69 4355 J.L. Shiely Company a.F.9mith Tire & Battery Company 16 934 ol pp Truip Transfer Company 43555 43551 11. Dranefield 5 355 � 43559 John I, doobeon 43560 Martha Mad65 DO 43561 David Bashefkin 32 00'. 43562 Axel F. Peterson. C. of Fina0e 320 556 70 92 43563 43564 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin a Axel F. Peterson, C. of FinaAbe 3 228 93 43565 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin a 11 4 6 1� PC 75 43566 43567 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fiaanoe Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin e 3 1p225 43568 43569 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin a Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin e 7 1 "98 7 3 43570 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin IS 5 132 22 �2 43571 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 31 31g0 9d 43572 Mrs, Agnes Weise 28 43513 George Williams 40 po 4 4 its Towey 4351 3515 The el�ont Oor oration 38 42 43576 ah Ooc� Fran Bi op pan ! y 4 5 43511 Capital City Lime & Cement 00pany 2 6 43578 farnhem Stationery & 90hool kply 001 4 4 i7 g 0 43579 Chas. Friend & Son b4 43550 (}orlon & Ferguson Company 93 52 43581 Q.A. MacArthur Company 12 83 11 0 43582 • 43583 4358!} Miller supply Company Orloff Leather Company Paper, Calmenson & Company J.679 R�- 2 27 Company 164 53 43585 Price Eleotric 1 537 12 43586 C. Reiss Coal Company 683 15 43587 st.Paul Foundry Company 14 48 43589 soheffer 4 Rossum Company 4C 43589 society for Curriculum Study 41 16 43590 Spool Cotton Company 10 00 43591 Thomas Publishing Company 3 95 43592 Thomson, Wood & Hoffman SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 500 00 1470 303 91{I �� Odo W to Oq U \ 1 rCOUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL tFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RES UTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYCOMMISSIONER......._.... ._..._../ UUUJV./[^".�r..""�..............DATE.... """I No. I1L9851 Jan. 18. 1938. WHEREAS, the within n named applicants have made appl4ation for nOn Sale" liquor, licenses, and have paid the required license fee and filed the proper bonds in the amount of $3,000, each, and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that such "On Sale" Liquor licenses be granted herefore, be it freffective February 1st, 193$ effective February let RESOLVED; that such licenses be and the same are hereby granted/and the City 1j38, Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to the within named applicants for the premises described in the respectige applications; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the bonds of the respective applicants, in the amount of $3,000. each, which have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same are hereby approved and the City Clerk is instructed to, deposit them in the office of the City Comptroller: Joseph L. Snollmaier 880 E. 7th St. Restaurant App, 23497 New Traisius J. Tuohy 56 W. Seventh St. Restaurant " 23904 " Nen, Info y approved by counci an. 4, 1939- JAN I Qc 10"I Adopted by the Council 193 Approved..:. -. 193....... Mayor COU LMEN Yeas Nays Y"s Shcan ce In Favor - rson ruaa ' 1 Against rranto r. President ,s, -a (Gehan) JAN I Qc 10"I Adopted by the Council 193 Approved..:. -. 193....... Mayor Odoleit to City D-1, COUNCIL lj : nQ� • CITY OF ST. PAUL ��■ NO. v9M2 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PRESE CjUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM (lyt COMM SSIOHER .......SindY9:i , ........ ., I /YV� Gt�Y�. ............... DATE _....... ......._..... _........ ..... ........ � e WfDEBEAS, it is deemed necessary and expedient that the Monroe Junior Sigh School be altered and remodeled so as to provide accommodations for a senior high school; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That the City Architect be and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare plans and specifications therefor. - 1 C+ F No. 10985 Wh ens t[ la d8 met' n to h-1 be Ajt "10 Af.Uro lstndlan–.. jfI e=Pedl I hl vide �x,red And 1 om tUnedr M01,1 de b@' and Abe` Ish'etre the Cltvopt�eklteotj directed to autho AOn doOt td ehreror �e Plage end zaDecisd At' tro ld aatnheige 1818 Jat, 18. 18Id A 1818j COUNCIL EN Adopted by the Council JAN 19 1938 193 Yeas Nays n than ; pparTantO Approved. tea. .x.193....... wthe In F avor , . Against mayor - AQs. 1iden 1M WTMT Vi" tt 1'..:ism BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAUL S. AMIDON. Swamrwuerrt BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. E. TRUDEAU. DIR— CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDL.AN. COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTi, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER _44SR-® January 18, 1938 V.r. John N.cConneloug Corporation Counsel City of Ht. Paul Dear h`.r. t.cConneloug: l :9�y5�9 BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MISS PERRIE JONES, LUluw BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI. S— Will you kindly draw up a resolution authorizing the ity .architect, T..r. Charms Bassford, to pre- pare plans and specifications for alteration and addition to the Conroe Junior High -�;ciiool to pro- vide accomo:ations for a senior high school- .TSF -R � ;etrulyo� , yyours, Ctvv"i Commissioner of r.ducrst ion v 169853 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matterof__conde�ing_and taking an _ee.sement_ in the_lend necessary_ for_slopes�_ cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 7, Harrison and Handy's Addition from Payne Avenue to .Greenbrier Avenue, _ RATIMNO ASSESSMENTS IN CON- DEMNATION PROCEEDINGS C. F. No. 109853— $ the matter of condemning and talc- . Ing an easement in the land neces- 'Irl for lopes, cute and -flus in the grading of All In Block 7. A- son and Ilandy' Additl� n -}�,vonue to Greenb-1 i minnry, OrP under Preliminary Order -____1Q$966 --------- ___, approved-____ October_121.1937_____________- 1937 Intermediary Order --------- --------`_-_, approyed---- - jjqyqTber_ 10� ---------------- Final Order ---------------- 7au39----------- approved ------ cember_7,_1937._............ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvekent, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Cquncil having duly considered•}he same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the takingland condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the ,,Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said -taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. eltbc>liexnla>d>mbcisc�tferr�kg�9�be�ausz6oxbaxpay�da i�xxzxyx�xx,�}xieatsc�c�axmmobc>pzalk�xleaonihecl�aeimc , 9 i;; Adopted by the Council --- JAN 1 ------------ 38 -------------- /����� , ------ ----1__v--------------- ----------- --- { ' y Clerk.-- ApproveSd------------------------'19---- Councilman Conroy ---�- — Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce Councilman Rbhland.___,,. Councilman Sudheime --' i Mayor I. Mr. V1,:e i l _idLr,z ,Truax) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS or, U!"NEFITS In the matter of___conde inr end takin�an easement_i_lc n -the_ n essarxlor_slgpes, cuts and fills in the gradingofAlley in Block 7, Harrison and Handy's Addition from Payne Avenue to Greenbrier Avenue, under Preliminary Order---- 108965-_--, approved ---- 9_Etaher_12@3Y------------------------ Intermediary Order --------- !QaUQ-- approved ---- XaQemher-10 1337 ----------------------- Final Order --------------a kQHH-_--, approved ---- Deaemher_7,-123.7.----------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value ok the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. 109854 COUNCIL nls NO. cmgbw III, aw ci., "CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION. ---..G.. ENERAL FORM PRESIEN Findlen 'Vav, ..... ..... DATE...... comWSZoDN8EyR .. . .......... n . .... .. RESOLVED Ighereas, the Committee of Public School. TAusic Teachers has met with isor of music and examined available music material for use in the suPery grades A5 and B and A6 and has recOmmsndk the adoption Of !Tunes and Harmonies" published by Ginn and Compeny, and L Whereas, this selection is also recommended by the Teachers' Advisory Board and the Superintendent of Schools for use in the above classes; therefore, be it EMSOLVID, That said book be ani it is hereby adopted as the basic music text for grades A5 and B and A6. A ye" C"OUN MEN Nay n : F- - In Favor• F- n• Against Pa s to Limr. vice Vxc6id -t (Trnax) JAH 19 12?11 Adopted by the Council Approved 193 Odded to Oty a.* hi CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NYE; RESOLUTION -_ GENERAL FORM ..... V..i.: '``j ... ..........DATE.... RESOLVED That the sum of Seven Hundred fifty Dollars ($750.00) be and it is hereby appropriated and set aside out of 31-(l-9, Miscellaneous Holiday Observance Fund, for the purpose of de- fraying the expense of Memorial Day observance in 1938, and said sum is hereby allocated for said purpose to the Memo"rial Day Association, provided that said sum shall be disbursed by the City in payment of supplies ordered from the City Pur- chasing Agent. U t COUNC MEN Yeas Nay i�dlan rce In Favor �e rson Against I�arrnnto ,�rPreaident -((3elttanii�'r�+ 1M '."Ar, vi'c 1'vi....ii1. (1 rn:ix) J 109866—By A F. Peterson. Adopt9& by the 9. 1931 San 19. 1838. Approved (J Y92 1938 (Jap 22. 7938) '`__V JAN 10 128 Adopted by the Council 193_ Approved 193_..... i January 18th, 1939• Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Nall Dear Sir: The Council requested you to draw a resolution appropriating $750.00 from the proper budget fund item for use of the Memorial Day Association requested inta letteerr which Commissionerthe expenses of ePetemrsonlDay observance, as ha Yours very truly, Ze f� City Clerk. IU9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration January 18th, 1939• Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Nall Dear Sir: The Council requested you to draw a resolution appropriating $750.00 from the proper budget fund item for use of the Memorial Day Association requested inta letteerr which Commissionerthe expenses of ePetemrsonlDay observance, as ha Yours very truly, Ze f� City Clerk. Original to ar c.h I�����(�` ' / CITY OF ST. PAUL ii a NO. V V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 71C__OUN RES UTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYp pCOMMISSIONER.........�ld�e�n..DATE.. Jan. 19•173$ -RESOLVED That Gas Statie #+182, expiring August 21, 1938, issued to Stanley Pittelkow at 650 Rice St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Matt J. Backus at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. C. F. ax,, G. Ho109858—gy 1, C, Pearce, F. 71r; 4 Trua. Bartuea— Np. 4182 eea Irint Gae Station ifcense' P g Aug at 21, 1938, Is- 1 ued to Stanley Plttelkow at 850 Rloe' f bo and the ams la herehy -trans- ferred to -Matt J. Be.ckuM at the same- \ l address aad this roper city onicera are I lnatructed ;o make the proper changes In ttie efty's ecorda." Ado➢tove rd eby the Covncll Jaa; 19. 1938. Ap➢d Jea. 18. 1938. 1938) transfer informally approved by council, Jan. 18, 1939- COUN91LIMEN � Yeas Nays t18a dlan In Favor teraon Against p AZA -t'ffdenf--(r 1 3M 3.3wr. vjc_L I :..a 6tl ', (Truax) - - JAN 19 iS3? Adopted by the Council 193 Approved _ 193__ V Mayor Ode wl to Otr couN- 109. 87 FILK CITY OF ST, PAUL ��. NO. OFFIC THE CITY CLERK \, ,COUNC SOLU f N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTE BY�� Jan. 19,_1939• 1 COMM Issl ":-..,.... ... DATE.. 1 % WHEREAS, Edward M. Noonan desires to withdraw application 23922, for Off Sale Liquor license at 128 W. 6th St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Edward M. Noonan the fee of $2550.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNQiLMEN Yeah ,w9 ipolan eprce In Favor �etereon /?. Against r�Preeidem `jrael $i1` 1M 13Mr. `1i—. 3' C F No• 109867-13 Par. ce, a�qg 8 Ra F. M. to wlthdra ��rd'">oonaa. deelres de Ll uor a ans.0atlon 23922,.. Por. pg a It enee at 128 fee dgP tilted the in f "`a Ilcee 13. Resolved that the therefore, ba It zed erabebe and ttieY are Lere6 cltY oP- be o -refund fo Edward LL Noonsn eD1111eattof 5260:00 and to cancel Bald. Adopted bfor Itcanee: Approved. 7anhe Council Jaa, 19, I� 19 1938. 1938. I (Jan. 21L; 1938) -. JAN 19 1933 Adopted by the Council 193 Approved 193 _ ZC ayor odel"I to (3tr a.h 169858 eouxciL CITY OF ST. PAUL •a� NO... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �"COUNCIL R]E'S N ---GENERAL FORM .. "�./. ..z-"•'r�L.c._....1..DATE.. J&tIU£iiy. 1.9.,. 1•.939•.. ell RESOLVEDThat licenses appld for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same ar hereby granted and the city ¢lark is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treatury of the required fees; Alfred Brown 3612-4 N. Dale St. Grocery App. 24250 New New Location Mutual Dealers Wholesale Inc. 2361 Hampden Ave. Gas Ste. " 24349 it Old St. Paul Police Relief Asen. 101 E. 10th St. Conf. " 24511 " Old COUNCILMEN Yeas dan Tin Favor e reon Against l 911111BPRWent 1M 3-11 MT- V1C' Y'r --1i (Gclian)_ a C;IJL (Trwx) C. F. No. 10,9868—By 1. C. Pearce. F. M. Tru", G. Ii, gartues-- Heaotved. That lteons uPPthe adT by tsoil following P , dresbee -Indicated; be and the. same are netructed to•Sesue Such liceceeee upon the paytnent into the city treseury ,et the reVutred tees' Alfred Brown. 362-4. N. Dale Bt•• 2301 eery. ADP• -24260 New. Ne�Y Location. Mutual Dealers Wholesale. Inc•, 24349 13ainpden Ave.• G -- 'St"' APP' Now Old Location. et. Paul Pollee PIt2,611es New, 01 0th Bt.. Cont., APP• Location. Adortved bythe 9� 1938. Jan: 19. 1938. APP ° (San, 22, 1988). Adopted by the CouncilJAN I q 493 Approved/_ _ 193_..... 149859 y16.h., t. aw a, k OFFICE CITY OF ST. PAUL OF THE CITY CLERK -CILNO._ \ COUNCIL N---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B .......... COMMISSIONER... _... ......... ..... .[.�•v�/(, ..........DATE.... January 19, 1939-- . RESOLVED That litienses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Mrs. Peter Memmer 1054 Hastings Ave. Grocery App. 927 Renew. Ray J. Ryan 571 Cypress St. Butcher ^ 23 00 " Fred L. Eisenmenger 516 Rice St. Butcher " 23 6 " J. Stasny 1053 N. Western Butcher " 239 2 ^ Ervin Stephen 243 S. Cleveland Gas Sta. 11 2 972 " John J. Masek 179 Colborne St. Butcher ^ 23974 " E. Slett 921 Rondo St. Bu erg " 23993 " J. E. Hensler 867 E. Minnehaha tcher " 23999 " A. H. Heinsohn 931 Arcade St. tcher " 239+ " Walgreen Co. 333 Wabasha St. Heant " 23951 " John J. Littfin 121 W. Winifred Bar er ^ 23977 " A. Goldberg 195 E. Indiana tc er " 23980 " Rudolph Tschida 1197 Payne 0Ave. Butcher " 23997 " Otto F. Isaak 458 E. Maryland Butcher " 23995 Sam Selbin 644 Jackson St. Butcher " 24009 " W. Lunak 1294 W. 7th St. Butcher " 24043 ^ St.Paul Scrap Iron & Metal Co. 290 Alabama Junk Dealer " 24046 " Memmer Bros. 943 E• 7th St. Butcher " 24047 " John Bulera 407 James St. Butcher " 24051 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193 yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved_.._ Pearn In Pavor " Peterson .ra:.�. Against L Mayor Wenzel ;i'P'rete�detiC"(�s� 109959 0.1-1 t. cnr a.& :° NO. • CITY- OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COUNCILMEN yeas Nays b Barfuss Findlan Pearce •In Favor Peterson - Against . Wenzel 3M 3.37• Adopted by the Council 193 Approved_ 191. Mayor M PRESENTED BY ...DATE.... Jan• 19..1939•.... ............... COMM ISSI ONER........... ... .... ....... .......... -2_ RESOLVED Minnie biller 301 E. 13th St. Butcher App. 2407$ ,Renew• Olson Bros. 915 PayIIe Ave. Butcher " 24123 " Northwest Hotel Co. 9 W. 7th St. Hotel " 24131 a John W. Lux Co. 1147 N. Snelling Butcher " 24142 " F. W. Bamaley & Co. 2071 St. Clair St. Conf. 11 24144 " Nick Squillace 560 University Ave. Dance Hail a a 24153 " a a a a n Davern 241514 W. E. Kaiser 199 N. Hemline Ave. Conf. " 24155 n W. E. Kaiser n n Off Sale Malt a 24156 a C. J. Sonnen Co. 1614 Selby Ave. n Grocery " " 24222 24223 " " n n n Butcher Friedman Bros. 421 Wabasha St. a Grocery " " 24224 24225 " " a n Butcher William Artes 427 Exchange St. Gas Station " 24226 " Stanley Schwartz 503 Payne Ave. Gas Station a 24260 a General Outdoor Advertising Co. W-1651 let Natl.Bank Bldg. Bill Poster 24270 " Matilda DeWanz 225 W. 7th St. Restaurant a Sale Malt n 24274 24275 a " a n n n On Of£Sale Malt " 24276 a Carl E. Anderson 739 Selby Ave. Grocery " 24263 a yrank J. Wiese 1156 Selby Ave. Conf. " 24296 a M. J. Formo" 913 Payne Ave. Bakery " 243o6 " COUNCILMEN yeas Nays b Barfuss Findlan Pearce •In Favor Peterson - Against . Wenzel 3M 3.37• Adopted by the Council 193 Approved_ 191. Mayor M *Simi to DIY a.& 4-- COUNCIL !.. ��V'J�IJ CITY OF ST. PAUL yvo....._ FILK W - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Jan. 19, 193$• PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER............ _ _ ........ ..._..... .. _..... ............DATE.... __.. ......... RESOLVED" 63- Japaph Kab 30 W. Water St. ]WunkDealer4 pp.24331 Renewal Hercules Powder 09. 735 Cromwell Ave. AmnPOwder p 24343 W.F.Simpson Service Sta. 2097 W. Como Ave. Gas.Sta. IS 24356 " Chas.Robinovitz 274 E. 7th St. 2nd hand d1r. IS 24365 " • W.P.Spangenberg 699 Selby Ave. Butcher "' 24370 " R. Zamana$Y 21 E. Congress Gas Sta. " 24373 " I. G. Kasprzyk 475 Wabasha St. n Restaurant " On Sale Malt " 24418 " 24419 " ISn n nn Off Sale Malt " 24420 IS n n James J. Bibeal 624 Wabasha St. n a Tavern ^ Dance Hall " 24425 ti 24426 IS a n John D. Anderson 9 Payne Ave. 993 yn Butcher " 24434 " F. R. Anderson 1199 Payne Ave. Butcher " 24435 " Oriental Cafe, Inc. 419 Webasha St. Restaurant " a 24437 W. Landskroner 493 R. Lexington Gas Station " 24453 " W. C. Brewer 631 St. Peter St. Gas Station ^ 24493 " Gerhardt Larson 314 E. 6th St. Gas Station " 24496 " Freiermuth Hastings Ave. 775 � Gas Station " 24492 ISS. F. S. Coder 1595 Marshall Ave. Gas Station " 24503 n Ballard Ramp Go'. 3 E• Kellogg Blvd. Gas Station " 24504 " �pp� ✓ COUN EN Adopted by the CouncilodflleI� 193 ' Yeas Nay C. F: 110, 108869 -By I C. Pearce. F. 3L 7'rnax a it Barluea— RedolVed, that 1lneneea applied for by t¢ to thle named on the�llet at-. same o this xeeolnted be and the Approved _ _ .....191- Y, 93_..:.. n tacged,.,t 0 y granted and the City. In Favoi t erk fp instructed to Ieane .such 11 - �Ce oenaee;uDbn the DaYmeat Into the elty i tre d*Pte or the reuulrad tele.. iPetereon Adopted by the Counoll Jan SB, 18x8 4/ I � ADDteved, Jap. 19. 1838.- ,,� Again <Jan.22,19381 Mayor 66w"l to City Clerk 1 .—L �4W CITY OF ST. PAUL n2u NO— 44W OUNE CITY CLERK CCIL R SOLUTIO ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY \ "November 2 e2 .-.,uu,cc,nurw.................... ___..._........................................DATE.-.......................................J......7✓.7..:.......... RESOLVED �"v a yermtmton ;ole on WJLT� Al1eyEd 1 Jelr t„or n '+� d JaRet<'• 4 � . removed YfiPR. That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1..40 foot pole on Brimhall, between Stanford and Jefferson, and 1.40 foot pole in the Alley Nast of Brimtiall, between Stanford and Jefferson, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. A, Huniel Estimate #27612. l6 Yeas / - Na • v� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council..._ ........ .............................._....193..... s Ba iss Ian a1 In favor Approved ... ,.... „ _..193_,_,. �e rce ,Kew Against J �Mgayorr -'} �iJB3IS�fi DJ=A---�- Yarrant, 3., 6AMLPresident (G ant s e — . Vice 1'reLidcnt ('lYrTax) 109861- O[W_t'. ChT CIq'k COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF -THF -.CITY CLERK COUNCI ES LUTION :ENERAL FORM ------- November..:15.,..._1937............ RESOLVED ON 4 That the, Northern States Power Company be given �Oul ion to install 3�� foot poles on the ji, permiss West aide of Gorman between Louisa and 'Augusta,Augusta and 3-55 foot poles on the west side of state Findlan Street, north of Delos, with necessary guys$ anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be re I moved when requested to Peterson GF1 do so by the Common Council and cost of said re— moval to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Parrantc resident (Gehan�_, zetimate #26242. 7 i A IN193$ Adopted by the Council.................._......................._.......193..... 'eIi, " " '_ Approved................................................................... 193 ... .. .. May- -3 COUNCILMEN Yeas aye Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson GF1 Against CM Parrantc resident (Gehan�_, 3.M 636 7 i A IN193$ Adopted by the Council.................._......................._.......193..... 'eIi, " " '_ Approved................................................................... 193 ... .. .. May- -3 CdWod ro CUT Clerk 109862 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL nl. NO. -_------------ L A .......... RESOLVED LA That the Northern States, Power Company be given permission to install 2-40 foot poles on Hudson "'W Wdeon y ° wan neoee Road & Hastings Avenue with necessar guys, s and Tete- r- and v4ree- %,do ea la^- .coat of anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. allorth Mus — Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said re- moval to be borne by the Northern states Power Company. municipal Estimate $27663. COUNCILMEN Yeas aye Barfuss Findlan In favor ..................... Pearce Peterson �eees' ......................... Against ✓ real�ent (Ge6an 6 �M .3mr. Vic, F .s;l ll rn ex) 4 kopted '�38 by the Council....y..�A� ............ ..� .... 4 ......................193..... Approved.............. :............................ _........ .............. 193_._ / _. &ez _. Petition G-26 v Council File N109863 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade -.anti._ surf ace- the--All.eye-- in-- Block_2�.. Fitzhugh! e-_ryibdivie5on:--and- Block -.2-,.......... _------dnktn .A...-Cflke.'_s_9d diti An,..Yxom-.OxYDxd-Street..tn..the.-13Qrth..and..So�ttb . A17 eY------------- La - - ..---- ..........nd-_frgm..xhoma.@..S.LreeG..t.......f d..$-tx �.....-.....- -..-.. -......................................... .............. ."--- - - ---------- ----------------------- day - -- �'--- Janua- - . ................., 193..... Dated this_..-.19th........day of -- - - - - -'`�- - I . -- ---•--•---• .... ....................................... --- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ga5je_.and-.surface__the..Alleys__in__Block._2,.-Fitzhugh!.s..Subdiyieionl_-_and _Block 2.r_._.--• John -A. Cokete Addition: from Oxford Street -to the -North and South Al e9-.--,--...,_ -- X9864 T I afond.-Street. ahptract: "- ftpn ng Dopal r0[ -------and--£aom--Tkwmas.-Street.--to.. ,owing tmyrovem ----------------- - _ -----------------.........- �>i,,1 — the AMY- cil of the City of Saint Paul ..............................................- having been presented to the CounY therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. IX Adopted by the Council------------------... +............. .-----"--------............----- YaAe BARFUSS Councilman FINDLAN App -- roved--------------..,---•�--•-----•----------------•------•-------•-------- PEARCE PETERSON 4RyAiE�. Parranto -•-------- ----r ----- Ma or. Ma. PRmstusrtr -3g 0 _.-- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. G-26 '11 109864 Council File No ........................ p Ott DrODOeaI Lor the n ., wise'• mDrovomeut. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, cuts ...........................-------- .....- ---- .............-------...... - -- --- .................-- •-----....-•---------------- ............. ..................... 0f._th�.-Ail Subdiyiaion�-_fid--Block_-2:..John.A.---Coke-s__Addition__from__Oxford_St.-to-_the.- .... North and South -Alley and from Thomas St. to Lafond St. Dated this -aath-.- ..day of----... ----------------- Januar-y.,-------------------------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --------------------Condemning _end. -taking-- an_ easement-: in --the -.land _neces eery _for._ and--fills_.in--the--grading.-_cud-. surfacing-_of._the_.Alleys--in_Bloc&_-2. Fitzhugh! s- Subdivi cion,-._and._Block.--2_,�_John -A.,.. Coke �- s. _Addition.. from Oxford_ -St.__. to-- the _-.---. -------......-----Nartb._amd-.- ThomasSt-ta..Lafond._St.................................................. having been presented to tie Council of the City of Saint Paul...................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓ b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Ado ted b the Council--------------------�._ .. �..... ...................................... P Y "' ' YEAS NArs CouncilmanBARFUSS e e FINDLANApproved----------J------N------•-•9 --T--g393.••----------..................------... PEARCE PETERSCIN TVA A* , N Vice I'm id R.Mayor. RnemaL,. •��rnas)vm c A to te COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDURY ORDERS - 9885—_bndetnul1 and tak- - „!9 't ten (10) feet lr,. - DUTt100e Of Conatil' ilni n� n Dubuc e INTERMEDIARY:_ ORDER In the Matter of epRdemning and taking an easement ten (10) feet in width for the purpose of constructing `y and maintaining a public sewer on, under, across, and through Lots 8y„9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 30, City of St. Paul, Lots 8 and 9, Auditor's Subdivision No. 3 and.Second Street vacated, lying southerly of Lot 8, Auditor's Subdivision No. Zo. The center line of said easement is described as follows: Commencing at a point on the southwesterly line of Sibley Street 246.82 feet southeasterly of the southeasterly line of Kellogg Boulevard, thence at an angle to the right _of, 720 01 for a distance of 52.68 feet, thence at an angle to the right of 10 16' fora distance of 115.96 feet, thence at an angle to the right for a distance of 94.86 feet to a.point on the northeasterly line of Jackson Street -i24.45 feet southeasterly j of the,southeasterly line,of,Kellogg Boulevard, thenee,.southwesterly on last mentioned center. 1 r�oduo d a distance of 21.1 feet; thence at gn a?igle to the right of �� �� t. e t".� r 24 f r §distance of 758 feet; thence''at'sn e#igle to the right for a distance of 37 fee4t to`a-point on the southeasterly line of Lot 8, Auditor's Subdivision No. 35, 155 feet sihrtheasterly of the southwesterly corner, of said Lot 8, Auditor's Subdivision No. 35, thence westerly on the last mentioned center line produced, a distance of 5 feet•,' to the terminus of the easement; maintaining a public sewer on, under, across, and through Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 30, City of St. Paul, Lots 8 and 9, Auditor's Subdivision No. 35, and Second Street vacated, lying southerly of Lot 8, Auditor's Subdivision No. 35. The center line of said easement is described as follows: Commencing at a"point on thesouthwesterly line of Sibley Street 246.82 feet southeasterly of the southeasterly line of Kellogg Boulevard, thence at an angle to the right„ofi &?°«Qt=,£eer a distance, of-i58r68'.feet, thence at an angle to the right of 10 16t for a distance of 115.96 feet, thence at an angle to the right for a distance of 94.86 feet 'bo,>e'c*nt'''ob 'the northeasterly 11116 of Jacksbn Street';52`fA5 feet southeasterly of tha southeasterly 1Tue of Ifiellogg.,. oulevard, thence :S.o# ypstppJy,or3aast mentioned opnter3l�jne.prRl4uq?,i4 a dastanoe of, 21.1; feet; thenoe at a;q, }e to the right of 24ti 301 Pqr a,,disia}ce of 758, feet.thence.at an angle to t4pFright.,iof a,distaree;Of 3� feentlole s.outkyeasterly, Line of Lot 8, Auditor's Subdijision No. 35, 155 feet'northeasterly of the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 8, Auditor's Subdivision No. 35 .thenoe.westerly on the last mentioned center line produced, a distance of 5 feet to the `teimiinus of the easement; $1... _193 —� City Clerk Approved - + Mayor 1 Councilmat Barfusa CouncilmarlddIgI22W= rindlan Councilma Pearce l - Couneilma Peterson Councilma1 Councilma Mayors '�VIC)e 1 , cmltlenL (TrtL=) - Form B. S. A. 8.6 •, X1.1 � , T 6 r- I C ._c t, cu2P.';,In ITus ,,L Loz r., c0 oL IIp'9g LCO4-' FFcL:10 c; as eu.Ic {_o J;10 LT•44 L, Lf C,I-P OL 1So C, T,OL „2{:u:;co oL �^•gg Leec' FpO:Jcc u,^. e,J �uLLrc r LI . 4�1�:rcc� , a�p rr 1)0*.�r oll r}JC 20npN r-:.t,I:. I;ue OL oL auiq ea2cucu{P r2 go2CLTPeq 92 LoTToIA2: :F� sef ae rs�eq' T.,;u,: 20nPpct71 07, under Preliminary Order 109615 approve' Dec 22 1937 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the.said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement ten (10) feet in width for the purpose of constructing,.pd maintaining a public sewer on, under, across, and through Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 30, City of St. Paul, Lots 8 and 9, Auditor's Subdivisidn No. 35, and Second Street vacated, lying southerly of Lot 8, Auditor's Subdivision No. 35. 'The center line of said easement is described as follows: Commencing at a,.point on the southwesterly line of Sibley Street 246.82 feet southeasterly of the southeasterly line of Kellogg Boulevard, thence at an angle to the raglttr:of, TaP:-QF._fa��ia, d3staace. of W.68� feet, thence .at an angle to the right of 10 16' for a distance of 115.96 feet, thence at an angle to the right for 4 distance of 94.86 feet'ta a �gointFtf$ the northeasterly Uh6 of Jticksbn -St'z~eet'!SM.45 feet- southeasterly of the.:&outheasterly line ofek]ogr, ,.Boulevard, thence souttttvegi}ffly,on;last mentioned oezyter j� rfe, pro�gtc@d, a d}stanoe pf. 21,1 Feet; thence at �,aT�g}@;,tv thg rs t. o£ X40 0' or a, d� stance q� ;5B.,fggt,,:.thence, at an angle to thg right for.,, cU stance; of 3�,feq t" ' - t ,�1;�,,svutkteasterly line of Lot 8, Auditor s Subdivia1 n No. 35, 165 fe1. et northeasterly of the southwesterly corner of said Lot 8, Auditor's Subdivision No. 35;,.,thence,westerly on the last mentioned center line produced, a distance of 5 feet to the terminus of the easement City Clerk Approved Y `i Mayor k 77 CouncilmatlidWINOW" Barfuse PUL WHED Councilmarmbig== Findlan /- Couneilma=29UUM Pearce CouncilmaA&CUMOMMM Peterson CouncilmaR�/% Councilma - Mayors Vicx I u,r,deui (Ttrlds) - Form B. S. A. 8-6 , CO2cucz7r r2 goacr.�roq I;: L' J7o.+.t2: Ltty or au rau..,o.. w:•.- - .-- - .:: ;yv resolvase and having considered said report, hereby with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 5Q n0 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 15th —day of February 1939 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building inthe City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing,the nature of the improvement and the t I cost thereof as estimated. j�_ Adopted by the Counci= 193,���� _193—% City Clerk Approved - A Mayor 77 CouncilmacW&M Barfusa Councilman Fir Blau Couneilma Pearce •l Pet—eon Count ma Councilman Councilma 4 is I , ruleut <"lYnax) Form B. S. A. 8-6 16986.6 COUNCIL FILE NO - X ing a ire.ct sewage pump�ng . sW southeagst cornet of -8;i?i -11'g be8oggalbounded sorbed ae fellows: Beginning at the int' a the southerly line or B:el' yard sad'the easterly lig �1. vacated, thence easterip lin• INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking a tract of land for the purpose of constructing andmaintaining a sewage pumping station at the southeast corner of Broadway e$id Kellogg Boulevard, the land to be taken being bounded by a line described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of Kellogg Boulevard and the' easterly line of Broadway vacated, thence southeasterly along the easterly line of Broadway vacated, a distance of 36.5 feet, thence to the left through an angle of 90 degrees, a distance of 18.5 feet, thence to the left and parallel to the easterly line of Broadway vacated to the southerly line of Kellogg Boulevard, thence to the left along the southerly line of Kellogg Boulevard to the point of beginning; under Preliminary Order 109673 approved Dec.'30, 1937 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take a tract of land for the purpose of constructingand maintaining a sewage pumping stgtion at the southeast corner of Broadway and Kellogg Boulevard, the land to be taken being bounded by a line described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of Kellogg Boulevard and the easterly line of Broadway vacated, thence southeasterly along the easterly line of Broadway vacated, a distance of 36.5 feet, thence to the left through an angle of 90 degrees, a distance of 16.5 feet, thence to the left and parallel to the easterly line of Broadway vacated to"the southerly line of Kellogg Boulevard, thence to the 1wftalong the southerly line of Kellogg Boulevard to the point of beginning; ih no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.000.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 15th day of February x 193 8 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilJAN 1. 193— + 193— /� City Clerk Approved e Councilman tinrfunn rMLISHED Councilman FiDo" Councilman i'... � Councilman P. - w::u Councilman 4 --%— Councilman WWWWWmalp Mayor NOWNEW Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mr. Vice President (Truax) DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PUUL COUNCIL �J C,U 1 -9867 ROLL CALL BARFU BB OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER -- FINDLAN PEA RCE I PETERSON IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ' - January 15 - - --189--� WENZ _ AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE RY TREAERINWENZEL. COVlRING R. PflES. GEHAN ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—_. ?RA�WN �HEYCITY I TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f 'CHECK6 NUMBMLUSIVE. AS PTROLLER. — --- — — PER CHECKS O LE I'( Jf"I.(OFF///��� APPROVED 9— — 7�T-Z�cooL q NUMBER / .00 13] c• MAYOR B Y-�+ -- - - TOTAL :- DATE HE C. 1' \ 1098G F - --- ti. I t -.-__ RETURNED J 'C lie ' I 1 7h 1 UM 11 h 6 31nulill o[ E111..51A.3_, eel �•1lnl; 0 6i _ TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS nunitr l 43.i.:S t,4gG43 inelu i 'e, as Iyer <h ecl:s o the In the ofllie o[ the f- 11 � i it>' inilitrVlle r. .t ao ntd by hu I!., nrll Jun. 19. 19aS. 11138. iT FORWARD I 4 303 91 .tnnru l'ed .I:Ut. 1!t, 435 .s. Garrett19 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fina oa 79'' 1 866 07 4359 95 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin a j03 9 43596 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina oa 4 4144 4 I' 43597 Western Grocery Company,Ino. 10 00 499 73 43598 C.H. Roseorans Electric Com;y 43599 Board of Public welfare 11 456 10 43600 43601 Yrs. C.Y. Glaugherty, Guards Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finanpe 32 04 14 230 84 43602 Cudahy Company 47 63 Packing 478 35 43603 43604 Yrs. Thos. E. Dahill Tri-State Tel. & Telg. compare ]3 39 143 68 43605 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compan 607 93 43606 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compan 43607 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compaq 125 21 ;I 436oa Velvet Yfg.Company 28 43609' Yrs. J.Y. Ayd, Guardian 40 0 400 43610 Axel -F. Peterson, C. of Finanoe 45 00 43611 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finance 32 114 31 !' 409 50 43612 sharp and Dohme, Inc. 422 62 43613 Sharp and Dbbme, Inc. 43614 sharp & Dohme, Inc. 335 57 43615 Paper, CalmensonCompany 43616 Price Electric Got any 129 22 27 15 43617 43618 West End Lumber 0 ;any Axel F. Peterson, 0. of F1 Qa !' 27 651 7 2 459 34 43619 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finanbe 140 037 14 43620 Board of Public Welfare 'I 43621 Tuohner 00 43622 43623 Yatthjw Towey The First National Bank of St}Paul 00 1 194 56 43624 Thoele Printing Company 31 00 43625 Joe R. Seward 7 00 43626 Axel F. Peterson, C.P.R.F. 760 89 , 43627 Brown and Day, Inc. 17 25 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company 82 43628 43629 Pioneer Typewriter Company i 83 15 43630 sanitary Food Yfg.Company ; 16 56 24 43631 Chemical Sales & Safety Company 70 43632 General Nleotrio Supply Company 70 25 43633 J.W. Hulme company !2 71 4 442 33 43634 Northern States Power Company!, 43635 Northern states Power companyg59 23 667 56 43636 Pittsburgh Coal Company ! 69 17 43637 Quartermaster Corps 162 78 43638 Quick Service Battery Go Inc Battery Oo.Ino.l 108 8.8 36639 3 40 436 Quick Service r9.F. Smith Tire & Battery Com any 567 14 43641 Tri-State Tel. & Tel Oospan' 64 15934 1,5 43642 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compen 43643 Waldorf Bindery Company - 25 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD a 260 89'417 lo? -a--- _ I I' I Deshitl b ary a.,k bonds: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL O/ vVV6V 111. N _....... 8 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL ESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM ........................._ -DATE....'....... ...... Whereas, the Sinking Fund Committee has received the following offer on NAME OF FIRM BIND OF BOND RATE AMOUNT DUE DATE PRICE Blyth & Co., Inc. St. Paul Schools 44 $8,000 April 1, 1949 2.65 and the Sinking Fund Committee recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Committee in the purchase of these bonds for the Water Sinking Fund, Whereas, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore be it Resolved, that the Mayor, Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. C.OUNCII MEN Yeas /.°,az// foes Nays r In Favor �PJegrson //�/ Against F� Mr. President -40*U & )M ,.P. vice 17'::awt ("ii'aw .° �--% Adopted by the Couna AN_2....0.� 39._....__..193._.... Approved........ _ _.......193_..... MaY.or._..... Odow a CRY C3a4 !1 NoI69868 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,j CO IL I ESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM — i �.... ...........DATE _......_.... ...._.. Whereas, the Sinking Fund Committee has received the following offer on bonds: NAME OF FIRM KIND OF BOND BATE AMOUNT DUE DATE PRICE Blyth & Co., Inc. St. Paul Schools 41% $5,000 April 1, 19149 2.65 and the Sinking Fund Committee recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Committee in the purchase of these bonds for the Water Sinking Fund, Whereas, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore be it Resolved, that the Mayor, Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. C.OUNCI EN Yeas Nays rce /e In Favor Against r. President–(6e iu 1.*I' Vice Yrebidaut (11e" by the Counoll San. 20. 1998: d Jan. 20, 1938. (aan.. 22, 1988) �pN 2 p 1S39 I93__ . Adopted by the Counn JAN 9,0 1938 Approved__-...__/ l93_.... C,.. • _ / _ Mayor 011dnd !o Oty. -couNnu 109869 CITY OF ST. PAUL viu No.... __ ___...._.......___ OFFICE OF -THE CITY CLERK COONICTI�R\FSOLUTI� ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY \ v DATE JSIIU83� 2�� 19.8 ............... ....... i ....._... ............... COMMISSIONER........... .... ....... ... . . In the matter of the construction of pumping equipment for the Broadway, Sherman and Sibley Street Pump Stations. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvements be and the same are hereby approved. Resolved Furthert That the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. y � CAUN MEN Yeas Nays �" muss �' lan Pearce In Favor t ` son Against Met— �: Prem enL j�sbY'' ' 3M 3.37 Mr. Vice Prc- ideut (Truax) )Ali 20 10x8:, Adopted by the Council _ 193 Approved �F 193.._... Mayor odsl..l m ctr dA ceuHca. CITY OF ST. PAUL .�■ NO._..._...__98�Q_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN OL"T QN---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Pursing Agent be,. and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one "Yr Type "0aterpillar" Auto Patrol Snow Plow and wing, mounted, to fit "Caterpillar" Motor Patrol No. 11, at a total cost not to exceed 1800.00, without advertisement as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. 0harge General Fund - Municipal Equipment- 1003-139 F CpIviEN Nays y� /� fuse yt6lan �� _rce In Favor i�+ Against Varto f Mr. President (Geh 1M jk. Slice Yre.�ident (Truax) IC F, No. 109840—BY L r Pounce— Resolved; That the Purchasing Agent be and he t hereby suthoctzed t0. ppu chase, with tae" consent '°oL -the Comptcoller, one V"' Type 'Catmu lar AutoPatrol gngw-Plow and wing, tmounted. to Ht "Cater 111ac" MotorPa- rol Na11, at a tgtaQ eost not tq ex- eed 5800.00, without 'adveetiaement a; Ithts la a patented article andnoI advanfage Rould be gained thereby. Charge General Fund—Municipal �7nulpment 1100 -139 8 Adopted liy thell Jan. 20; 19318. App[gVOt;' Jan. n 20. 20. . 193 -1938. '(Jan. 22, 1936) JAN 24 Adopted by the Council I ._ _... -.193. Approved.... 193_..... Mayor al.l..l to cw ua%, r CITY OF ST. PAUL iiiNO.......1-09.871 OFFIC THE CITY CLERK COUNC ESOLU I N--- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONER........_ ...... . __.. ......... .........DATE............ RESOLVED, that resd-Yution, Council File No. 42446, as amended, be and the same Is hereby further amended by inserting immediately after the title "Truck -Owner -Driver" the following: "In the event that employes under this title cannot furnish the equipment required by the Department of Public Works for a par- ticular type of work, the names of such employee may be passed and certifications made of the names of employes lower on the list having the necessary equipment.", BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said resolution be further amended by striking out that portion of said resolution inserted by the Council by Council File No. 99573, approved January 2, 1935, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said resolution, Council File No. 99573, be and the same is hereby repealed. COUNCI MEN Yeas Nays 5 tan In Favor e son Against _cv ` `" ,. Farr to ;tvtr: President (GEhaii )M ..Aft. Vic, l'.', ijI t (Truax) Adop JAIN r Approved.... 193_..... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL { ��.�d►, Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C.PEARCE. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF SANITATION BURGU:OF CONST. a R1. ;COBS, J. J;COBS, DEPUTY COMMI9f10NHR FRED DRIVER. SUPT. .e% J. R. JOHN9TON. S.".— U rt. GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENOINHER BUREAU 0I BRIOafif OFFICE ENG -t." M. S. GRYTBAK. E ....G. H. HERROLD BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS C-7 HIeF EN OR. GLeRK RAV J. KARYA K. SUPT. MARK W. WOODRUFF January '.�, 1938 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel Dear Sir; We have in the Civil Service Bureau an es- tablished title known as "Truck owner Driver" with specifications on file for this title. This title is sub -divided into various ton rating classifica- tions. In the past with our snow -go snow loading emachine we have been using the larger types of trucks but are of the opinion that the smaller trucks could be worked much more satisfactorily with this loading machine. We are asking some of the men on the regular established list owning 12 ton equip- ment to add to their present trucks necessary boxes so that they could be hired for this snow loading work, and I am attaching hereto specifications for that work which we would like to have you draw up irr resolution form so that the existing specifications on file in the Civil Service Bureau could be amended to i,-.clude these additional requirements. It is our intention to hire these men on a strictly seniority basis providing they are equipped for this special class of work. We thought maybe we could have those who did not care to place the spec- ial equipment on their trucks sign a waiver, and we would appreciate it very much if you could give us a form which could be used. We do not believe that at any time this special work will exceed two weeks over,any regular work that is normally carried on by the department. Trusting we may have your co-operation in this matter, I am Yours xer tr0y, App .oared by (�J/J R. iQSTOIvT, Supt. Const .ction & Repair IRVING C PEARCE, Commr. Additional Requirements for hauling snow from "Sno-Go" snow loading machine: Truck: The truck shall,be equipped with a satisfactory power dumping device to elevate the box to dump- ing position. Tail Gate: The tail gate shall. be hinged at the top to per- mit the gate to swing open freely with free open- ing at the bottom edge of the gate. Tail gate arrangement must be in accordance with design ap- proved by the Director of Municipal Equipment. A la ton truck equipped with a tail gate mechan- ism built in accordance with such design may be inspected by arrangement with the Bureau of Municipal Equipment. Tires: Brakes: The rear or driving wheels must be equipped with dual tires of the accepted standard size for 12 ton trucks. The truck must be equipped with four-wheel brakes of either the mechanical or hydraulic type, and they must be in good operating adjustment. ^ 0 Clear Vision Windshield and Side Windows; The driver must have clear vision through the windshield and through the side w1kdows, and this may be accomplished either by the use of frost shields or approved defrosting equipment. Rear Vision Mirror: The truck must be equipped with a rear vision mirror on the left-hand side of the driver and extending out to the left of the tab. "I Cubic Contents of Box;; The truck must have a box which will contain six (6) cubic yards water level measurement. oeimww� to err c�enw ORDINANCE. 109872 COUNCIL' FILE NO. PRESENTED BY /IM14-11— ORDINANCE NO.7"Ae�n AN ORDINANCE amending administrative Ordinance No. 7842, as amended by Ordinance No. 7858, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the` appointment by City officials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organization charts for the various departments of city government. This is an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, approved September 30, 1937." This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 10 thereof, under subdivision "Playground Maintenance", the following words: "1 Truck Driver" and under subdivision "Playground Administration", the following d wor s• "1 Junior Clerk -Stenographer" Section 2. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 10, under the subdivision "Park ldlaintenance" where it appears therein, the line: I C. F. No. 109872- Ordinance No. 7892— By F. M. Truax— "2 Truck Driver" �irordinance amending admlametra- ve Ordinance No. 784 E,and by b inserting in lieu thereof the line: :a ry Ordinance No. 7 r: as y g 11 se(y_:::..iniercP•t "3 Truck Driver and by striking out of Section 10, under subdivision "Building Inspection" where it appears therein, the line: "3 Assistant Building Inspector", and by inserting in lieu thereof the line: "4 Assistant Building Inspector", Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays 2nd. z Laid over to Peterson 3rd. & app. Adopted — Yeas1 Nays Yeas l/Nays s len areen uss dlan arc. / rso � Petetson � • x Wenzel 30 v Wenzel Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan oeimww� to err c�enw ORDINANCE. 109872 COUNCIL' FILE NO. PRESENTED BY /IM14-11— ORDINANCE NO.7"Ae�n AN ORDINANCE amending administrative Ordinance No. 7842, as amended by Ordinance No. 7858, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the` appointment by City officials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organization charts for the various departments of city government. This is an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, approved September 30, 1937." This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 10 thereof, under subdivision "Playground Maintenance", the following words: "1 Truck Driver" and under subdivision "Playground Administration", the following d wor s• "1 Junior Clerk -Stenographer" Section 2. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 10, under the subdivision "Park ldlaintenance" where it appears therein, the line: I C. F. No. 109872- Ordinance No. 7892— By F. M. Truax— "2 Truck Driver" �irordinance amending admlametra- ve Ordinance No. 784 E,and by b inserting in lieu thereof the line: :a ry Ordinance No. 7 r: as y g 11 se(y_:::..iniercP•t "3 Truck Driver and by striking out of Section 10, under subdivision "Building Inspection" where it appears therein, the line: "3 Assistant Building Inspector", and by inserting in lieu thereof the line: "4 Assistant Building Inspector", Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson B ; •. i�r._m__�m- TIQC Tvtr:Prom, . "Attest: w'�J 300 6•34 City Cler Passed by the Council -FEB �8 i -In Favor FEB 4 t9^Q Approved:_ ppBLISHFia {ey°r �� "`- 3j - °OUNC1 109873 `•�. iii; CITY OF ST. PAUL .��: NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOY4:r� PRESENTER BY /71- = GENERAL FORM \i(,,.C�.1E_.J8n11A1'y. _.__' COMMISSIONER....... .. _ . ... ... 2Qf 1939•.. _....__.... That licen' applied f y the following persons at the addresses indicated RES6LVED be aht the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licen'�es upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: 7Cadre�i Schoch Grocerg'"&: 300 E. 7th St. Grocery App. 23924 Renew. Walgreen Co. s 333 Wabasha St. Confectionery ^ 23950 " W. M. Wagner 490 Jackson St. Grocery ^ '7269 ^ t ((j James Rotondo 523 Broadway Grocery " 23995 " Otto F. Iaaa2 458 E. Maryland Grocery n 23994 " Lafayette Fields 620 Rondo St. Confectionery ^ 24036 " - Andeew Johnson 174 B. 7th St. Grocery ^ 24038 " Mrs. Rose Smith 1171 W. 7th St. Grocery " 24076 " Gust F. Johnson 818 Faugiier Grocery ^ 24109 ^ Stanley Machovec 999 W. 7th St. Grocery " 24119 It Minnesota bnusement Co. 450 Wabasha St. Conf. It " .24141 ^ Union News Co. 214 E. 4th St: Conf. " 24146 n John F. Bialozyinski 1080 Forest St. Grocery " 24333 ^ Frank Stasney & Son. 341 Goodhue Ave. Butcher " 24379 " n n n n Grocery ^ 24380 " Sam Mark 880 E. Third St. Grocery ^ 24390 " Henry W.Stromwell 992-94 Rrcade St. Bowling Alley If 24396 n Kafka Bros. 684 N. Western Ave. Grocery " 24397 n C. B. Wagner 736 Oakdale )Grocery ^ 24424 " Thos. Basta 1039 Hastings Ave. Bakery ^ 24430 " COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas Adopted by the Council 193 Barfuss a! Findlan Pearce In Favor Approved _ 193...... Peterson Truax Against Mayor p`[.�estdent { 1 im a Mr. V iii Yl-U'.r��.-U ( raix) N98'73 Odel..l t. city a.* CITY OF ST. PAUL `r° UNC; No.._...... . Y.� OFFICE OF. THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ..... ...........DATE... Jawary. 20...1935._ .... ............. COMMISSIONER........_--- -2— RESOLVED24470 Chas. Spannbauer 799 Edmund St. Bakery app. Renew. Mrs. Esther Ellis 1543 Payne Ave. Grocery " 24471 " A. C. Schabacher 11458 Frankson Grocery " 214493 " C. Eggum 11332 Thomas St. Bakery " 24497 " W. P. Andrea 46 E. 14th St. Conf. " 24498 " A. Grant & Co, 41 E. 7th St. Grocery " 24513 " John Tachida 909 W. 7th St. Conf. " 24521 " Perlt & Staack 25 Concord St. 5 Grocery " 24524 " Chas. Monsour & Go. 127 State St. Grocery " 24530 " J. Cottingham 237 Rondo St. Grocery " 24535 " Milton Rosen Tire & Ribber Co. 147 W. 6th St. Gas Station " 24545 " Olson Bood Parket 6 0 Wheeler 9 Grocery ^ 24547 " Nelson Bros. 1020 Payne Ave. Grocery " 24550 " F. Nieman 1336 Thomas St. Grocery " 24556 " Superior Refining Co. 111 E. 9th St. Gas Station ^ 24561 ° Superior Refining Co. 627 Dayton Ave. Gas Station ^ 24567 ^ Jack H Leguil 25 W. Exchange Barber " 24570 ^ B. G. Novak 741 Van Buren Grocery ^ 24574 -'x Kormann Bros. 719 Burr St. Grocery Station " 24579 " ^ 24588 Fred R. Coates & Son 617 Como Ave. Gas " 24583 Roth Hotel Co. 359 St. Peter St. Barber " 24591 " M. E. Rosch 1202 Payne Ave. Confectionery Council JAN 2 0 x^33 193 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Yeas Nays i . C No: 109878 HI 1, C. Peemne, r. M. 8 Hartuea RB olved that IfCenees nDDliad for Ip�tan /jv.� iby the persona amed n the 11st dk- t hed tq thisere reaol n be the Approved. ..193_. - --" ti the same are here granted and the City tX In Fav' Clerk Is ! etructed to leave such II-. qe ees noon tfie e43'ment Into the Clty' t haurY of the equired tees: - " efe[BOn Adopted by the Courtetl Jan. 20, 1988, �.pProved Jnn. 80. 1988. tJ4n. aa, 192s1 yor /TnlaaAgaiq Wenzel- 1s r' t4 1, 2t r— iesident (GshaA �,116t. Vice Y. e:. asci ('1'ltlals) s asd..l m csr a.l� x NO �Vs7C7 CITY OF ST. PAUL ■ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i --GENERAL C F No,,169871—BY i C rearce;� ai! COUNCIL RES xruss G M ,,Nete.- Wheteas M11. Nett Mct}ttibnh -htia �... n.,�'+mbde antiUrstloA $-der PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.........._. __. ..._ .... _.... .. .... WlES1+;AS, Mrs. Nettie McGibbon dba Blue and White has made application 24627 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St- Paul five automobiles described as follows-. Car No. Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance 00- i Policy No. expiration 66 Buick2850431 S-2695924 Lloyds of Minneapolis N-16959 9-31-38 67 G.M.C. e-4o2s4s 9olos6 " N-161491 10-3-3$ 70 Buick 2799396 2638842 S s s N-160490 9-1-39 168 Baick 2835638 26sl68o s " s 8-51562 2-11-38 169 Buick 2766831 2616200 9 " " N-160544 9-4-38 w1miw , said applicant Has filed copies of insurance policies with the city of St. Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the corporation counsel; therefore, be it RZSOLVMD, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the city of St. Penl be Bad the same are hereby granted to Mrs. Nettie McGibbon Lqn& the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. renewal COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays use Fjtfdlan Favor ire s°n �jl . Against F u e r. PRreaident JM J•J (Gehan) JAN 2 0 "71 Adopted by the Council 193 - Approved 193__.. ,ev Mayor //! WJWI.ISHED I - Z 20- - 3 Od9imi to city OeY CITY OF ST. -PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LLTJON---GENERAL FORA( PRESENTED BY (� 109875 .L. No. COMMISSIONER. ........ .. �"� DATE... January 20•...1938, RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: )i A. C. Maendler 14 W. Ninth St. Confectionery App. 24559 New Old Location Joe Grace 247 W, University Gas Station n 24578 It s s CFUNCIENYeasNay�In Favor ,Peterson Against rBFraD'CO Mr. President (Gehan) )M 13 Truax o.G16987BeL C.- earce, F. Drt. Steeolved. TLat lfoensa. aPPlled for y 'I It parsons at the are ceases fndla(Qddend the city Bclerk le eiebY e+ agtructed to fait each ti eea neon he' paymeht into the city treasury of las reaulred tees: Maendtar.29668 New Otdn Loca- '. ctfonery, ADD• ion. Joe Grace 84578 New nOld Location Station, AD9 Adopted 11Ythe Council Jan. 20. 19eB. Approved Jan. 20: 1928. (San. 22, 1928) --- i JAN 20 233 Adopted by the Council 193 Approved _� 193__. Mayor 0d&A to att Q.& CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEIRK N76 109. FORM ..DATE........._. __........_..._.........._._........_ _...__ _.._................ WHEREAS, by assignment dated January 22, 1935, National Bank of Saint Paul assigned bonds in the $800,000 as security for deposits in said bank by Saint Paul, and the American amount of the ,City- of WHEREAS, at the present time the said Bank has assigned certain other bonds in an equal amount, namely, $800,000, being $800,000 1*% Treasury Notes, Series 9, 6-15-40, and has requested that it be permitted to withdraw such bonds and substitute in lieu thereof $300,000 2*, Treasury Bonds of 1945, due 12-15-46, and $500,000 2*$ Treasury Bonds, 1949/53, due 12-15-53, and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Sinking Fund Committee., of the City of Saint Paul that said Bank be permitted to make such substitution of securities for such deposits, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to release and deliver to said American National Bank of Saint Paul the said $800,000 1* Treasury notes, Series D, and accept in lieu thereof the said $800.,000 2*% Tieasury Bonds aforesaid, upon the same obligations and conditions contained in the original assignment, and the City Clerk is instructed to file a copy of this resolution with the City Comptroller, to be attached to and become a part of said nal assignment. assignment. C. d+': No. 109876 --By A. F., ePtereon— Whereae, by assi8n ', awed dan- nary1906;_`. tAe'American NaUonaU Beng of Saint -Paul asolgned.bonda In' the amount of $800,000 ne security Por deposits '.In,, said hank by :the City, Of Saint Paul,'and Wher,K., at the present' time the oAd .Barak . �s asnefl certain other. bond^ I qe1ual amount, namely, 800,. X000000 1%% Tze".fT R-70-40, and 14se re- •::�+�1..... permitted to Wltti- ud spbetitutr 2z� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'r- - ; Ian P ice 7 In Favor Peterson ><_ /2 -Against ailto r. President )M N] (Gdtan) JAN 20 1988 Adopted by the Council �_C_ ._......_ __........... ...193 _ Approved... . .... ..... .193..... Mayor PUBLLSFIED Ode.. w 0" Cta,�� 1114 ih y�' r Goin, \\� ^ T PRESENTED BY `�. rout,dISSIONER.................................................. 51 RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL ;E OF THE CITY CLERK cct CaTiON---GENERAL FORM coum— 1998177 NO...—_�..._— That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the south- west corner of Sherwood and Winthrop, with necessary ,guys, anchors, wires,? and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said remobal to be borne by the Northern States Power CompanC.�peBrc— Municipal Estimate X27698. c. F• u1 ¢a10T b o�%man %n sto4ii COON PN Yeas N s � ipolan In favor Peterson nst �Agai "Trus. ---.. Vltenr7'eaztto Mr, President (Gehan) SM b. 65��' LA. "it-iVal-. 19a8- d b9 `an. E8.�1988) g0., �1 ed Jet JAN 2 0 1938 Adopted by the Council ....................................................193..... Approved..........__'.," ., .... ...... ..._.......... .......... _ _ f...../...Mayor ..9 ... COUNCIL iQ�9 78 MWOg w as Clerk nu NO _ - -- CITY OF ST. PAUL �lOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCItAES9LtmJN--- GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Ab That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on Lafond between rry and Aldine, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to db so by the Common Council and Dost Of nalA C. Nu. 10a87s—BY r othem°S tee Reeolved, That the N b0 iven :r.dd be removal to be borne by the Northern St to nata1oi�a Zdno eW>th necehaery tween P'4' wires, and Te1�Phone ggu9e anchors, ComDa y wlree. Pole and wires Power Company. ttie Commono Oonncilsand't oetpeFn t�ofoes d removal to be "borne by the Noi F�`atitan�aNo e2R884 mPhny. MunlolPal municipal Estimate $27337 • t te ted'bq the con.oil in.20. tQ28, A4Pruved (Jan 2 8.1858) 2 0 tag 193 .... COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ........... ...-'............. ............... .... Yeas Nays Barfuss ¢, 1,... /� 4� t. d8 Findlan Approved.. In favor ...... Pearce • %Ivtayor Peterson _ c....._.1.....7..�............. _._. _..0 `/ ...... Against —Truax ' rParr�tc Mr. President (Gehan) ,M 6 0HO.d . drr Clete PRESEINTED S'C COMMSSIONER......... RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC E OLU N ---GENERAL FORM :....DATE.. 4.098'79 c.c ft L That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the south- west corner of Greenbrier and Reaney, with neo- ' essary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said re- moval to be borne by the Northern States Power C. F. No. 109879—By,I. C. Pearce.— Ciompany. ( Resolved, That the'Northern States; Power Comparey be given permission in install ,1-40 Toot Dole on the south -:1 Estimate 427759• I West' eorner or 6reenbrle and Reaneyr with necessary guys, an hor0. wires, and Tejephon' Company wires. .Pole; and wires to be removed when request- ed to do eo by the ,Common Connell and coat° or saaid removal to b0.borne 11 the "Northern $tate. Power' Com- pant'. Estimate No:. ET769 Adopted by the Council San 20, 19,26;- ADDroved Jan. 20. 1928 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss ^ Pindlan , - ___....... In favor Pearce Peterson / ! Against Truax F ar rlulto Mr. President (Gehan) )M 636 g?8 Adopted by the Council......_`�Ary.._'°'. �...� ...._....193..... w l Approved...............................:...................................193....... C �✓ J........._...... �........... ............. .. .. Mayor C4idnd to Ciw Clark Cc RESOLVED Yeas 3M 6 COUNCIL 1-09880- - CITY OF ST. PAUL rets NO.___ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CI SOL TION ---GENERAL FORM December 28, 1937 ..................................._........_..._.. That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 3-40 foot poles on the South side of Hendon, East of Como Avenue, West; and 1-40 foot pole on the South side of Chiloombe, East of Eustis, with necessary guys, anchors, C. F. No. 109880 BY I. C. Pearce ,; wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pales Resolved, That the; No ?them States Power CompagyJ,;,"gglveq' Dermleelon [ to, install 8 4P fono es the Bogth aide of Hendon, East oP Como Avenue, wires to be removed when requested to do 8 west and 1-40 toot pole on the south', side nL Ch4lcombq Eget oL Euatle, ptth'I necessary gguys, anchors, wires, and TeIODLone,.COmpany wires.. Poles aqd the Common Council and cost of said remov a reu bYio common co..is sun �o 0 o['esldremoval-to be borne by ttis Northern BLates PoweeComnany. Eet1-. borne by the Northern States Power Compan mgrs Np. s5879. Adopted by the Council. Jan:20, 1888. ADproved Jan. R0 1988. Estimate #258T9• IJan. 2%; 19381 COUNCILMEN ]6 ftarfuas ,,,NLLLays Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson Against Truax Mr. President (Gehan) JAS' 20 1938193 Adopted by the Council ................................................. . I I �..., ..... Approved ............:..:.:......:....._. .... .................... 193.. . ......... / ......... � �� prl�o.t �o CUT C1 -A RESOLVED 109881 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _._......�..,.�__rcndERAL FORM TE._December..?g.�...._1.9.3T................. 4, That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 3-40 foot poles and 1-45 foot pole on Maple Street,.North and South of Hastings, with necessary gays, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by.the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company - Estimate #25601. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bazfuss Findlan In favor ......................... Pearce Peterson _...:............ Against ......... Truax 47.;W :IM tvlr.rl�nAgent (Gehan) 3M 6.36 -4-1 !g Not I an y.,14 ,f g gU96. 8T'.I F. �` a,re D xx he rem YEq the Ova r e t.t.8 n 112 601 r,o:.,zessa PIAN 2 0 '' 3 Adopted by the Council ...... ............................................. _193..... Approved ............. ............................................ ..,...... 193 zyor DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PUUL 109882 F�I ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER LE NUMBER BARF USS F INDLAN PEARCE IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS - IT )B - - --189 8 P[TERBON TRUAK -AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE WT CITY TREASURY W ENZEL MR. PRIES. GEHAN TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT F i. //��/� COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED—. TO 3W INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _— PER CHECKS ON FAL N HE OFF E OF T CITY C PTROLLER. P.PPROV //, / o -- Pf ROLL[e C ---.--..- _- r�NU MBER V soo 137 o. Mn Revolved. 'Thal check. be drawn on the city Trea..nr. In u,el �R��`heckn R OF nt of ${p,�RF.00, 1 TRANSFER to bared V3fi��1 to IaiI10 �Inclusl v.•. + CHECKS TOTAL SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD II 8 260 89 DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 617 107! DATE RETURNED J BY BANK 4.65 1 912 33 3 1 144 49 90 2 499 6011 f, 438 05, i! 10 627 59 32 00 126 02 8 766 03 10 000 DO 36 48 6 9g 4 650 54 i. 10 00 16 63 �+7 13- 4655 j 25 72 130 b 60'u 50 00 28 80 3967 '1 6 50 3 00 29 87 89 78 6 08 6 00 j' 36 40 85 2 494 83 92 00 54 102 48 030 10 40 2 JS 1 2 55Z 6 5 22 'I 23 P0 29 02 66 53 9 60 11 55 l2 g4 7 80 loo 29 657895 24 iI ter. I'll checks o I Ill'. in the otilce u[ the 611 comptroller. 1938t 'n. wm� o�edt"n ane l�znn�sa,dan. . UGHT FORWARD 8 26O g9 tann.. I:,aal • 43644 43645 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin ce Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin ce 43646 Wm. Bohrer 43647 Jos. F. Cirkl 43648 Owens Motor Sales, Ino. 43649 Polaris Concrete Products C pany 43650 The Purington Paving Brick 0 pany 43651 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fl as 43652 Patrick Curran 43653 Stegmeir Tire Company Fin 43654 Axel F. Peterson, C. of oe 43655 Axel F. Peterson, Tree. Poli a P.Fund 43656 Robert P. Freeman �I 43657 Aero Digest 43658 Ahlberg Bearing Company 43659 Airport Directory Company 43660 Air Reduction Sales Company.111nc. 43661 American Concrete Institute 1 43662 American LaFranoe & Foamite Ind.1no. 43663 American Linen Supply Oompan 43664 Axel Anderson 43665 John D. Anderson 43666 Armour and Company 43667 G. A.. Aehton Company 43668 Atlas Gas & 011 Company 43669 Auto Engine Works 43670 J.D. Barrett Midway Horse & Co. 43671 Bauman Company 43672 Harold Bealka 43663 umm Beecher—Oings,Ino. II 44 John Belesel Company 43675 Belmont Corporation 43676 A.E. Bergman, Inc. r 43677 Albert Bonnier Publishing Hoose 43678 Book Nook, Inc. 43679 Booth Fisheries Corporation 43680 Brady+Margulis Company 43681 S. Brand Coal Company 43682 11m. Bratter 43683 684 Bri a & Company Day, Inc. �I • 4 43685 BT0 and BurroughsAdding Machine Com�"y 43686 B & W Nut Company 43687 Capital Ice & Fuel Company 43688 Capitol Laundry Company L4 43689 Capitol Supply Company 43690 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company 43691 Central Scientific Company 43692 Oooa Cola Bottling Company 43693 Coohran.Sargent Company 43694 Coohran—Sargent Company 43695 Consumers Milk Company 43696 Carol Cox Book Company 43697 Crane Company 43698 Curtis 1000, Inc. 43699 Daily News Corporation 43700 Adam Necker Hardware Company w '} SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD II 8 260 89 DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 617 107! DATE RETURNED J BY BANK 4.65 1 912 33 3 1 144 49 90 2 499 6011 f, 438 05, i! 10 627 59 32 00 126 02 8 766 03 10 000 DO 36 48 6 9g 4 650 54 i. 10 00 16 63 �+7 13- 4655 j 25 72 130 b 60'u 50 00 28 80 3967 '1 6 50 3 00 29 87 89 78 6 08 6 00 j' 36 40 85 2 494 83 92 00 54 102 48 030 10 40 2 JS 1 2 55Z 6 5 22 'I 23 P0 29 02 66 53 9 60 11 55 l2 g4 7 80 loo 29 657895 24 iI ter. crosiw b ah, Ono V�(// PRESENTED BY CITY OF ST. PAUL :ILK NO.. __ 10988.3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOIWJ;WN =-�(aENERAL FORM DATE . Jan. 19) 1938• WHEREAS, Leonard A. glue desires to withdraw application 214054 for Off Sale Liquor license at 168 N. Snelling Ave. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Leonard A. glue the fee of $250,00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeah�/ Nay9 �/rtP an n �In Pearce Favor Xterson ruaaAgainst 1T 91 �Q Y)�r. me (Ge..))M O T%`v" 108883—gy,Z Pearce, p. tiPdtae L�eou�t,p g deatr a L t. der 0 16 .1. I.n pretNnetlipo Avg flceipeo��eOd. th ht rthe rtherefore lbe Yt ed Iced toe ,[ and they , Droper cli)v of. x. 'I, IdaDt of oa011ce... o ¢an elA a a DtL j cat- ation �Ip a. 20-1988 Jan. 20, 1938, (Jan, 22,•1988 _ 1938) Adopted by the Council in 2 v J _193 Approved. _ .. t, 193...... Mayor.. l..O� odah.l to City c.k Cea"11L 109884 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu No., OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI SOLO -N ---GENERAL FORM January 20., 1938... . RESOLVED That license for xdstaurant, application 24025, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 211026, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 214027, applied for by Cosmo J. Yiglialo and Tony Vignalo at 361 Upper Levee be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue each licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, Jan. 14, 1939• Old Location. 0 COUNCILMEN Yeas Na s 6 teadrcen _ In Favor ,/Oeterson /Pruaa Against "Wenzel je �r. re tS ent (Gehan) ,M 137 C. F. No."109884—Bs- L-C,-Pearce,'P'. M. Truax, G. H. Barfuee— Rsee Vad, That license for Rest -- Sale Malt BBvpgeapplication ion2 B, 40 era26. —4 Oft Sale Malt Beverage, .application 24027, Tonye Vifor by C6 J. Vlgnado and an gnalo at. 861 Upper.Levae be d the-eama _1 hereby granted and tNe city 'clerk. fa inaWcted_ [o Issue' such licensee upon the ,payment ((ato the city ^treasury of the repaired -ieea. Adopted by the Counotl Jaa. 20, 1988, j Approved- Jan. 20. las . (Jan 22, 19x8) JAPE % p 123a Adopted by the Council 193 Approved /r � / ! ✓ Mayor Odd..l a CK, a k -14988 CITY OF ST. PAUL n�i�`` NO.. ..... _.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 17 COUNCIL REWLUTION --- GENERAL FORM WHE:RZAS, it is necessary to protect against the small -pox epidemic in the city, and in so -doing, small -pox vaccine and other supplids must be purchased and obtained immediately; and WHEREAS, it is impossible to advertise for bids for such supplies and obtain them within the time necessary, and under Sec- tion 291 of the Charter, in case of an emergency, the Purchasing Agent, with the consent of the Council and the consent of the Comptroller and the Mayor, may purchase supplies without advertise- ment and without competitive bids; therefore, be'it RESOLVED, That the Council does hereby consent,to and authorize the Purchasing Agent to purchase small -pox vaccine and such other supplies as in the opinion of the Bureau of Health are necessary to prevent the spread of said epidemic, to the extent that funds are available for such purpose; such purchaseRto be made at such times and in such amounts as is deemed necessary by said Bureau of Health. COUNCH2MEN Yeas Nays uss /t '1S&"a. ntd In Favor �reon .Against wenzs4— resident Approved. 0 Adopted by the Council JAN _ 2 191._._. J, AN ett a, Approved...... 193....._ .. Mayor _._._. 9 01151W b Ob ah couuc,� CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. _19. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM s r PRESENTED BY 1�1 COMMISSIONER............................_�.ruax ... ... .................. ................ ........... .. ... ...............DATE...................... ............. .............. .... fi RESOLVED , that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with John Dunn, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $19.12 per week f� du'ri such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of Injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Pbblic Buildings, on the 15th day of October 1937; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said John Dunn the, sum of $57.36 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including November 12, 1937. ti� C COUN EN / Yeas Nays Ian / Favor e reon Against JAN 21 1938 Adopted by the Council __ .......193_ _.` Ajq �_ _ Approved.. . ........ —193 Mayor m Odelml t. Cul. awk CITY OF ST. PAUL COQ""` NO -J.'0041887. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �PPCOUNIL F2ESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY a�COMMISSIONE ............DATE......'T�Y.. 21. :*1g• RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: M^rie Sallee 4561 St. Peter St. Hotel App. 23780 New Old Locatil P. J. Dooley 34 S. Cleveland Gas Sta. a 24304 a a n Louise Alessi 549 E. Minnebaha Grocery a 24534 a a a Esther Anderson 1251 Pt.Douglas Grocey a 24568 a a a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ian ea-r_cc . In Favor 1""�— / ---^� Against '4 n.et>�ieF "� 8rrl�resideR.� ]M a• 7t�M ' V 1Ce 1'rezl ii eu w —By G. H. Barfuse. F. Pearce— t lice.... appBed "I g person. at the ad I beand the same are and the city clerk is 456% St. Peter St., New Location. S. Cleveland. Gas —Location. i9 A Snnnehaha. cation. 1251 Pt. Douglas, 8 NewLocation. .an n Jan. 21. 19". Adopted by the CounAAN 21 193$ 193 JEER all, % � Approved _. _ 193.._ . i Mayor "S"" t. °" �"` 109888 CITY OF ST. PAUL in'i"`" NO...... b / OFFICE, OF THE CITY CLERK /7[, COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ! LS COMMISSIONE ....... fl4FY ___.... ....DATE. __.. January.. 21, 1939 RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following,persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Marty Glynn 1200 W, 7th St. Cas Station 4pp.24049 Renew. (1 add.pump) Mrs. A. C. Boyce 1948 Ashland Ave. Grocery ■ 24176 ■ Wieger & Pinochi 1201 Rice St. - Gas Station ■ 24226 a Mortenson Bros. 675 Winslow Conf. ■ 24255 ■ Off Sale Matt ■ 24256 ■ L. M. Deise 81 H. Snelling Gas Station ■ 24467 a Superior Refining Co. 1580 Grand Ave. Gas Station n 24562 ■ Minn. Stove & Farnace Repair Wks. 189 W. 7th St. 2nd hand d1r. ■ 24661 a Edw. H. Sharretts 2360 Univ. Ave. Restaurant ■ 24067 a Anton Knutson 3784 Jackson St. Hotel ■ 24159 " =ohn E. Hood 1728 Univ. Ave. Restaurant ■ 24184 a e n a a " a Off Sale Malt ■ 24185 n On Sale Malt " 24186 ■ IIof Olson 719 Raymond Ave. Restaurant n 24335 n Inez K. Boal 412 S. Wsbasha Restaurant " 24337 ■ Vincent Yost 676-8 Selby Ave. Restaurant ■ 24386 ■ Palish American Club 1003 Arcade St. Dance Hall ■ 24388 n Snow Crown Co.Inc. 1443-5 jTniv. Ave. n a Restaurant a 24401 a n On Sale Malt n 24405 n George Miller 488-92 St. Peter Restaurant ■ 24411 ■ CO CILMEN Yeas Nae JAN,21 1 Adopted by the Council 193. C. F. No. 109888 By d. H. Bar[use, X Tru". 1.83 Pearde— F. ltesolved, that licenses aDDlled Por Ian b the GGersona tached to this arced .on tha Ilei at- y - ' same are hereby granted be ana the Approved........ In Favo v scanted and the city Clerk la tnetructed to Issue such li- .193 .. -- ceasea upon the paymentlnto the city C eon treasury o[ the reuulred fees. Adopted by the Council Jan. 21, 1938. Approved Jan 21, 1938. / A ainsl g (Jan. 28, 1938) 1/ - at __ �7 Mayor f"fix1 l --l. , 3M 3.37 109889 odm..l I. city Cl-*�o ��ei� NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OF ICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 4 PRESENTED aY — ..............DATE.. Jan. 21,.. 1930:....... ....... COMMISSIONER .................. - .---- RESOLVED and Dance Hall, application 23466 That license for Tavern. application 23465. Cp lie app for by Charles E. Dover at 316 Hondo St. be and the same are hereby FR N _/P;H4 FeRiOo aG �MoW7!// , granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. ROLL CALL ,JIT ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIOI7 AS Al.mDED – Adopted by the Council Jan._ ?5th. >_ _.193 8 ,. I Yeas Nays -'�'BARFUSS --'FINDLAN 6 -PARRANTO 1 PEARCE PETERSON I TRUAX /�MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) nzormatay ayyay.va e7 Council. 4 Jan. 6, 1936. New Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ' dlan �earce In Favor ,,son -� f Against Dw�mw fts, It 3M �4(Lr• �'i�e L'reaident ("itt1RX) C. F. No. 109889—By CJ. H. Bartuae. F. M. Truax, I. C. Pearce— Reeolyed, That I...... [or Tavern, nnnplication 23485, d Dance Hall. ap- pllcatlon 23466 applied for by Charles S. Dover t 318 Rondo St, be and the same are .hereby granted for a trial period of 6 montha and the city clerk e Instructed to leave ch licensee up- o the payment Into the city treasury of the r.o.,red fee.. Adopted by the Council Jan. 21, 1938. Approved Jan. 21, 1938. (Jan. 29,. 1938) - JA21 ^� Adopted by the Council 193 Approved 193...... Mayor f ! j DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PUUL ������ ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THECOUNCIL ' COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER __— BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE IN FAVOR I AUDITED CLAIMS - T&tr ry "20 " P.TERSON TRUAX _ _AGAINST I RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BED Vfj1 F CITY TREASURY WENZEL j O MR.PRE G. TO THE AGGREGATE AM1O1UNT/�O�F S COV !RING fail ��• I CHECKS NUMBERED'_.# of TG 52 INC USIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE CQUNCIL_--- — PER CHECKS ON FI E IN E OFF OF TN CITY C PTROLLER. APPROVED PTPOLL[R NUMBER � .3T CB Mw YOR 10 BY -- TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF " RETURNED SII NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 8 26o 89.657 895 24 43701 43702 Denoyer-Geppert Company Diotaphone Sales Corporation' — 44 68'' 80 43703 Domore Seating Service 26 55' 43704 Downey Typewriter Company 1 43705 Down Town Ticket Office 50 22 3 5 43706 H. Peltz & Son 72!1 43707 Campbell Coal Company 197 73 43708 Capital75 09 O.R.Eckhardt &eOompanyy 4 80 43710 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company 43711 Eleotric Blue Print Company 2035 1 65 43712 Elvgren Paint Supply Company78 29 2 00 43713 Thos. Engel Welding & Mfg.Works 43714 H. L. Ettman ®ponggee Company 19 44 10 13 ' a 43715 Finch Downtown Ch4vrolet Company 43716 H.T. Fisher Photo Supply Company 125 95 43717 Leonard Frank Company ',' 43718 Freeberg Pies,Ino. 3� 03 43719 Gamewell Company 81 43720 Gane Brothers & Lane 3 20 43721 Generator Specialty Company 23 51 43722 The Golden Rule 2 85 43723 Goodrioh-Silvertown.Ino. 00 Gopher Stamp & Die Company 4010 0 43724 43725 Griggs, Cooper & Company 31 65 43726 The Grinnell Company, Inc* 27 00 43727 Gruber Auto Electric Company 75 40 43728 W.J. Haas Mfg.Company 11 05 43729 Hall Electric Company 28 33 43730 P.R.L. Hardenbergh Company i 12 60 Hawk Mfgg, Company 43731 } 43732 Hetfield-Parry Company 4a l 43733 Highway Trailer Company 0 43734 J.W. H)ortb 17 43735 Houghton -Mifflin Compans �r 75 5 43736 R.W. Hruby 2 43737 H.R. Huntting Company 13 83 43738 Independent Ice Company B CO 43739 Inter City Paper Company 29 85 43740 Int. Time Recording Company 2 50 43741 43742 Joesting & Schilling Company 7 40 1 47 L.19. Jordan Company • 4374 Jurgens Company, Inc. 7 51 4374 E. L. Klingel 1 83 43745 Krooble Bookstores,Ino. 98 43746 Labovitch Brothers 38 28 43747 Lampland Lumber Company 32 65 ' 43748 Lee & Hoff Company 2 50 43749 F.G. Leslie Paper Company 22 05 43750 Linde Air Products Company 8 01 43751 O.B. Lyon & Brother,Ino. 1 892 50 43752 Lyon & Healy, Inc. 14 65 x I. oesity 'Tre.neheela he Aracn on Thal Ini• leu- ran" mIng• a�regate alit of $3.158.96. c ehecic. n hued y "I, to l III, Iffllusive, a 'iI rher" r lite in the oRlce of the l'i t5' Col u["Aler. Arlon ted h3. the ' 11nell Jan. 21. 1934 A 'rd J 1, 1:34. (J 29, 1938) 26C 661 C�• SHEE7`•TOSAL--FORWARD oa.l.a m CRI Dak CITY OF ST. PAUL OF ¢E OF THE CITY yCLERK rIkESOLt4T�ON---GENERAL FORM s Z,am.. ... .... ... ..............DATE.......... enuec,� 1091 98 . �. NO-- � ..._.... WHEREAS, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Build— ing Commission approved the form df' c"; tract With Hauenstein and Burmeister, Inc. for an acoustic tide ceiling in Judge Brill's Court Room, and further approved the National Surety Corporation as surety on the bond accompanying the contract; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council hereby approves of and concurs in the action of the Commission. C. F. No. 109891—BY I. C. Pearce— Nhereae, the Advll- Courtin ouse and City Hall Building Commsson ap- proved the form of o tract with Ban_ nstein and Burmeister, Inc. for nn scouatt. tile a )ting In Judge Brill's Court Room, and further approves the rety National tithe 1 bond ,,rely accompanying the ucon- tract: therefore be it Resolved, that the Council hereby a proves of nd concurs in the noon i of the Commlaelon. Adopted by in Council Jan. 21, 1938. APDroved 93 (Jan. 29, 11928) — COUNCILMEN Yeas Ian Nay In Favor llearce /Pe rson Against p�=�g jp7 Mr. Vice I—dent (TrnBu) U JAN 21 Adopted by the Council _ __ __. 193.... Approved 193_..... MayOi Cldlbw to Cllr Clan O COU C1 PRESENT COMMISSIONER .................__.... ...._._` _'....... .. ... � ��� 169892 ,Y- OF ST. PAUL ..0 NO.._........__.__.__... _...._... OF THE CITY CLERK OLU r -;?GENERAL FORM Ir RESOLVEDs' '�that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author— ized to enter into an agreement with Andrew J. Hauk, providing for e the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $20.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally.disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the 29th day of November 1937; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Andrew J. Hauk the sum of $140.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including January 17th, 1938. C. F. No. 109892—Be I. C. Pearce Resolved, that th proper city ere be and they are hereby author to enter Into n agreement with drew J. Hauk. provtd/nq tnr the t f compensation to him at ate of $20.00 D week during; I ime as he shall be totally disable of COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay . lan In Favor �"a _ eter3on a: _ __ _ _ _Against arraato ,-,,M.�-President (Gchana Im 13Mr. `lice YLeslddlt (Tnum) 29th day of In ance p Derd clty� ,rued ato Pavy l the um t kmen's Com_ I (ehiel Fund, the period 17th, 1938. Jan: 21. 1938. JAN 211938 Adopted by the Council_ _ _ ._ ...... _ ..__ _....193...... Approved ................ 193 9 , _ t IV'- Ia w...... Y Osdml 1. OH D.& �aUNC,L IU98(I-14 CITY OF ST. PAUL n« No.. .... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �) _ _ 'I _ 7 COMMISSIONER.....!!!.. 1�./l+ YVv' �T .. .... .. ............_...... .........DATE _ ............... _....._................. RESOLVED That the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) of the appropriation of $3,000 made by Resolution 109722, adopted by the Council on January 5, 1938, for the purpose of participation in the St. Paul Winter Carnival, be and the same is hereby set apart for the purpose of supplying the necessary labor and material for the construction of a float for the City and County Marching Unit, and the City Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to effectuate the purpose of this resolution. N COUNT,QdMEN Yeas Nays �dlan �arranto In Favor er`son /Against 1 Mr. President ».c 3alYlr. Vae� i i�-,tidenl (TL JAN 2 5 12"15 Adopted by the Council_ __ ____ .. _ _ __ _193_ Approved._...._~ _193...._. COUNCIL w*sir a� CITY OF ST. PAUL •Iu NO__ r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, by Council File No. 109647, approved December 28, 1937, the Council did determine that that certain two-story frame building on Lot 6, Block 8, of Blocks 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12t 13 and 14 of Prospect Plateau, also deserib)d as No. 241 East Robie Street, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property • I c. F. No. 109894-13y Truaz Wheresa, by Council N41e No. 309847,) c! did date minebor that8that cert Coup. Blocks=bs Ilfltng- 8n 10. t6.il, Block13 and 14 of Pro'Dect PlSteau also do- ls unsafes and dangee on ntAo�life t mh and ddloining D'... y and should be wrecked and removed; and Whereas, due notice has been given, as•re ulred by Section 1-10 of Ordl- nanee No. 7210, and no appeal bas been taken by the owner or his agent, and saJAN 25 id building has not been torn down: I'J th;tr—!olvedb That the Co - of e Council...._ -.'..193'"- ' '(AMEN Parka. PI Y6T ands and Publut Build- ... .. .... Yeas Nays Ing' be and he Is hereby authorized and be to 9 ter upon said Dre d n8s 'C///^l Ices and t6a1 down and remove Bald Pn�afe and dei gcrpu6,etruct I and (� .. [. do any n'd all thlnli whlab In hie 1�6F� 'J R7�dlyn �pini.n may btl nettb'ary for the pro .. 193..._.. J•'- taction of. life, ).mb and adloining-""" ��irranto In Favor Drapertr. Adopted by the Council Jan. 28, 1938. ' Approved Jan. 250938. 1938. P/' (Jnn. 29, 1838) .................. Against Mayor l- t;'Prlsident' Com)'^"I -y` CITY OF SAINT PAUL lU�Bc Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration January 22nd, 1938 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 3) authorizing the Comsr. of Parks, P. & P. B. to enter upon the premises and wreck the two -stony frame building at 241 E. Bobie St., located on Lot 6, Block S, of Blocks 6, 7, S, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Prospect Plateau. Yours very truly, , CHAS. A. BASSFORD ERNEST W. JOHNSON City Architect W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Playgrounds Sj?pt. of Parks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota pEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 CRY Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES,Ditputv Commissioner uc,`0' 1 - 1, '3�- "1Z )3"' 'n Land 0 13 --jailed to -3 rcEalu�inn 1c_t 11 and 311—i o t"Ac '71 12, 0.i Lot G, 10c" a3 La:: c' 1 c 1', 0, ,)(,,Ct Plateau, cr- t' a:' rc:ol,�tjon, —an the la7 t of s 2 in accor ", I lna:� b, -.,n _c to -ce a6v---(' t._ on t- st--li in :)lacc? Ar ch 1 t c ctj ����z 611sLul`b Dh ark ,� COUNCIL 169895 CITY OF ST. PAUL raz NO. R OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM A PRESENTED BY ,/,[� A COMMISSIONER.._..TruBiC_..V /q(.{',r�Jy.__ V ..........DATE...__ ........... .. ............... ._... ............. WHEREAS, by Council File No. 109205, approved November 9, 1937, the Council did determine that that certain two-story dwell- ing at 768 Arundel Street, located on Lot 14, Block 3, Neurer's Addition, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken -by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby agthorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. C. F. No. 109896—By F. M. Truax— C.OUN EN Yeas Nays 1$ar'di �dlan pparranto- rFx _In Favor rson Against -�Keeeel- 819"i6d Bent 1M 3.37dr• piCe YrtildcBt ) Ii". ana aaloining property and should be wrecked and removed; and Whereas, due notice has been given, required by Section 1-19 of Ordl- ne a No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the caner or his gent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be It Resolved, That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Build- s ngs be an he is hereby authorized d directed to enter Ippon said prem- ises and tees down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which In his tpinion may be necessary or the pro- ection of Ilfe, limb d adjoining property. Adopted by the Council Jan. 26,1938. Approved Jan. 28, 1938. (Jan. 29, 1938) Council. JAN 2 5 1938 __.193. Rn8 ,v I�JO 193._.... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration January 22nd, 1939 Mr. John W. 11cConnel,ug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested &that P. Byo�o raw a enter uponitheon (No- e3) authorizing the Cor�sr. of ?arks, n and wreck the building at 769 Arundel St., located on Lot 14, Block 3, Neurer's Additinn. Yours very truly, —7V City Clerk E4 W. LA, MONT KAU ERNFST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminioner C - Lam, 1.� � - -.t C' _ C' o_ :� or dc�cll_^ �t t 2�) �n r^J J ^C'V ,w ,- - 0d." b 4H O -Y V NO. -109896 CITY OF ST. PAUL- .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATE. .... ......... .. ._................._........ WHEREAS, by Council File No. 109430, approved December 3, 1937, the Council did determine that that certain two and one-half story frame house at 656 Burr Street, on Lots 4 and 5, Block 5, Subdivision of and Addition to Irvine's Addition of Outlots, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; and WHERFUS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That;the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon ftid premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. I ___ COUNCI N Yeas Nays 0&d1 :1&I'TantO In Favor Against W=4 later . . 3M 3.37 MI. Vice Ymaident (1Yt C. F . No. rosass—sy r•. nr. Truax— whereae, by Council F�' Ne, 109930, approved December 3 .. 'he Coun- cil didr determine a rr.o d 5 1j 193 �3 '.. Adopted by the Counci���..'9"r....__ Approved._._........._..._....-..--....._....__.__._ .. _..193_..... Mayor PUBLMMI] 1- s- 33- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration January 22nd, 1938 U Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 3) authorizing the Comsr. of Parks, P. & p. B. to enter upon the premises and arrack the building at 656 Burr St., located on Lots 4 and 5, Block 5, Subdivision of and Addition to Irvine's Addition of Outlots. Yours very truly, City Cie W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital OF Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner j=i a t 5v on Lo loci, j, o Aa -1' t Lon s to, a7, 1_of_-Iclal n ac,,torda. _cc rz.-,'_ 01, 1" Ic i011, tl�'Lt fl' t' Jn in in R9897 CoUNCIL ` CITY OF $T. PAUL nu No. ._..._...._..__..__ _.:....... .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK c. F. No. issasv—Br F. M. Truax— COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM . ',; ou dehanfloPublic i suits°tns�s lies d to, the Council' that that ger- s� ol nested on Lot ,8 Block 8, .i oec _n BY e1___A/i. 1'M, /l A. u✓e.....DATE ... .... ....flirt „ WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parke, PlaygrofWAkebwa unds and Public Buildings hae reported to the Council that that certain barn locat- ed on Lot 9, Block 6, Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnold's Addition, being in the rear of 365 Fuller Avenue, is in such a dilpaidated and dan- gerous condition as to warrant its being oondemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the -advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 18th day of Febru- ary, 1938, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Ste Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time tiaed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Bball mail to the last known record gwner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent 1or ocanpaitt't of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. JAN 25 COUN LMEN Yeas Nays Ian ant . in Favor eterson _ . ) Against .werAe4 GgNCTresid.nt .(Geha e nt afar. Vice Yrcilent ('ls�1 opted by the Council l_ V " w1ty Approved Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration January 22nd, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel - City Hall Dear Sirs The City Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of a barn In the rear of 365 Fuller Ave., located on Lot 9, Block 6, Elfelt, Bern- heimer & Arnold's Addition, as more fully set out in the attached letter of the City Architect. 4 Yours very truly, City Cie W. L,� ��ONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 44s City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner of 3t c ,tic .0_: S c art3,C1-,t ai. j -c n c Aec _)t of a co .,: Ver - 3 uo-'ol U7 -_,-n *_�, "I'l _o o -�1(1 bD c) -cl loci- G, 'Iesc_ Lot D, ,,Ifcltp c1l."Mr,�,�31".Lp of Lcoitarl 'under t�2(1 365 ullor A.vcn,,,,c. _'C or- _tu�,a co�,i,o:inatlo'� - t code. ',ection 1-1,1 0 -D cit, rc , i' `CCt LA. 1 - - v •-`j to CITY OF ST. PA 109..'..9..... add.d a aer aaY - eoune�� UL nu NO._._..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 'i PREBQ NTED BY ............DATE ......._. COMMi..,o ER Truax ..._'-•'...._. �.___ . _._.. WMMAS, the Commissioner.of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain house at 287 Hoffman Avenue, located on the northerly par t df Lot 1, Block 39, Lyman Dayton's Addition, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; there - Yore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be bad upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 18th day of February, 1938, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten.days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days C. F. No. 109898—By F° DS. T— VR to - the- date of aaid bearing Where.., tl a ConuNasaloner r Parks, Playground. ands..; Bullding. has o,t.d t.,r ,F�.,. a julln 1 COUNC MEN p Adopted by the Coundt _..__ _ 193_ _. Yeas Nays IV�"�., lan Approved.. 193_..... grrant In Favor ^Peterson ................... ppm*, Mayor -Against �~tom Peeeident :(►� _ 9m Mr Vice preElder: i"frattx) 109898 CITY OF SAINT PAUL - Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration January 22nd, 1938 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall -Dear Sir: This City Council requested that you draw a resolut& (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of a building at 297 Hoffman Ave., located on the northerly part of Lot 1, Block 39, Lyman Daytonts Addition, as more fully set out in the attached letter of the City Architect. i 13 Yours very truly, 2 City Clerk. W LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PkAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner Janus, r,, 2c, _'011. Co`: I1C_1 C_ of Paul .-c an :;ec :ion o' n 40 5 c :. 1 ac -- o..s li_ _-_.�, - _n . t rI _ n..:l_. _., netl. A1C _ - _CCC= _ p_; t:ie�. L 20Ct_,_. 1—1, 0.. t 1 -e v..._1"' L CO,in D,,ow to sty a„k -169899 COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL ................ _..... ...... OFFICE OF THE 'CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM v� PRESENTED BY ;. COMMISSIONER..._..._TTI1��....fryi..V.�wM~x.r... ....... .. .............DATE................ ........_..... .... ..._..... .. ,....... WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks,.Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain two-story frame dwelling'on Lot 4, Block 4, gittwon's Addition, also known as No. 522 Broadway, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 18th day of February, 3938, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the offloial newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing.C. F. No. 109899 --By F. M. Tru— re r Wheas, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that cer- tain two-story frame dwelling on Lot 4, Block 4,I Addttlon, also known No. 522 Broadway, le In such ditlon as to warrant its bel ngcon: ueh a dilapidated a d•dangerous on demned and torn down; therefore, be It Resolved, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and neves- JAN 25 10," COUNCI MEN arty of wrecking said building, on the 18th day of February, 1938, at ten Yeas Nays o lthe A. BBE House Council Chamber by the Council. .... ............... ..(93......_ d City Hall, In the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be It Farthrer Resolved, That not less than _ ten days prior to the time fixed for pf? Paid hearing, the Commissioner o[ P ]an Parke, Playgrounds and Public roe- ant shall mail to the last know rev- Approved,.,,,. ._.... ...._......_....193_..... rant oro owner re said property, en hl last A inBtl known address, is to the agent of id Property, a notice stating the time, and nature or putDoee of Id Favor vlace hearing, and he shall also can 9 - �,/ a -• ties of such haaring to be elven by .....Ma.....r..._---- ga putV puber lication said t the official news- }ro puDllshed not eels ihaniflve days tprior .Wato the date of said hearing. y; Adopted by the Council Jan. 25. 1938. President '�(�}f�'-p'yyrr , Approved Jan. 25., 1948. I- (Jan. 21, 19381 sm JaMr, vice kre>iident (11TU-) aV f CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration January 22nd, 1938 Mr. John W. McConneloug Cornoration Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of a building at 522 Broadway, located on Lot u, Block 14, gittsonts Addition, as more fully set out in the attached letter of the City Architect. Yours very truly, City Clerk. IN W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt: of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENTOF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner Jant•.arJ 210, 103& o_' ti au1 "all ro ; , cescr' ` cc, n^ I:ot ?, loc,t 01. c _..__- '.10 - _ec,:o. _ _ ... . :, oL. ;o tor; __Q. ., .. a vc dil^ I.cc cc :dl ion. It s vac -int o_cen, . _ __ a- _., c—r- o'.to 1Le, II:',1J, an .. '.�0 1i_ ro7)n; r .., er ;)roti ty Is untie_ file Gt:'.'(?1"31;i_D of the Cit O- .fit. -aul ec._= ref err .-I to t':. ., o -f _,co for co:uleranot_oil tby _. ?revention .'u� tau. L _._.1- '_7o^ri:_ _-- cccorQ 1_ce ;:ltl. l-1? of t` -,e co_c. ArcTl_'tect V odow a ah a.k . ceuwcu 109900 : CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y1• COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 9 C:, F No. 30990tl—ByF. nd� mrvaz a auw WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain two --story frame store building on Lots 6 and 7, except the west 50 feet., in Block 1, DeBow; Smith, Risque & Williams' Addition, also described as No. 625 Mississippi Street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its,being condemned and torn down; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 18th day of Febru- ary, 1938, at ten o'clock A.M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it PURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or ocou- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news-_ paper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCI EN JAN 25 193`3 Yeas Nays �] Adopted by the Council .... 193_. n P / 1 V arrant APProved.._.._ _ ...., . 193_.._. In Favor eterson Against Mayor PUBLL%MD /-,;A JvURresident (Gehatt�;. y mt '-37Mx. C'ce.!'n: u1, n! CITY OF SAINT PAUL 146 . Capital of Minnesota 0 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration January 22nd, 1936 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of a store building at 625 Mississippi St., located on iota 6 and 7 except West 50 feet, Block 1, DeBow, Smith, Risque, & William'a Addition, as more fully set out in the letter of the City Architect hereto attached. Yours very truly, jr- City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. B�SSFORD ,Supt. of Parks Supt of Playgrounds CIH Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner Janu . r, ..0, 1;3- 7:0n. ;3_ _:o::. o.i:cil _ o: al ins-ccticn hr_. bee ..:a,le I' the store lnl at 00{ Street, descr-bac as Lots 6 7 e :ce; t ':.'est :JO ,=e(,t, -loci: 1, De�ovi, SmI th, I nj- t ion. Our __.ct_,_ tai; s t`if,t _ _s a tc:o stor.- ra.ie tore, v.._ J1r^_ od, o )o., tc : 1-c, and a fire '.iazard. It is ._. =o,, tc lire, L_ , in ro_ert� and weer: rcco.. iendea for u� t,no _!i;c rrcven- -lo..-ureau. 'hc. las" r _ ,,.. o..nor is 7,0�nan ZaLows'__i, 6:5 St'cct. 7, :.:1' a I c . _ _ri in accor'ance ,.ith Scc..'_or. 1-1 = of code. r_ 5_c1:_tect I Od[i[Y to OI, O k 109901 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILK n No., ...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO N CIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRENTED BY COMMISSIONER.. ._F1IId1an �...✓.`�l. u✓ IFI. ...........DATE........ ..... ................................ ~................. .. ... RESOLVED That the free use of Stem Hall in the Saint Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby::given to the Parent -Teachers Council of Saint Paul for the evening of January 27th, 1938, for the formation of plans for enlarging recreational opportunities for the children of the city; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a sum equal to the cost of opening and oper- ating Stem Hall on that occasion be set up in the budget for the year 1939 in Auditorium Fund No. 17. C. F. No. 109901-13y J. S. Findlan— _ COUNCI MEN Yeas NTIn td- �Lnto Favor �P/eteraon n fRadr— _..�.-/... Against �Vamel l�Pieeident !M 3d7 Mr. Vic* Y.CESl t -ging r the ohll- eum eQual Adopted by the Council Jan. 25. 1939. Approved Jan. 25. 1938. (Jan. 29. 1938) ,IAN 2 5 iS38 Adopted by the Council _........_....___ ___ ..193.. Approved ,........ .._....... _..._..__193_..... Mayor �.:... 169992 od.bw to Ory Oab wunCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO....... ..... _.._.......___..__.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By I COMMISSIONER! .......Findlan. .... .... Nl(1./�I o ^ fit_ ........._ ....................DATE '�khirV'V'\._..._... _..... RESOLVED That the free use of the fifth floor of the Saint Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby given to the Works Prpgress Administration until July let, 1938, for its "$andicfraYt Proj-eot} be it FURTHER RESOLVED, ,that an amount equal to the oost of heating and lighting the fifth floor be set up in the budget for 1939 in Auditorium Fund No. 17. COUNC EN Y� Nays use �Ianson ceParran Favor Against gaiw•� ,dent (Gebait I l k 3M 3-37 rc.-ldeut(lrz> zc) 4- C. F. No. 109902—Bv J. 8. Flndlan— Resolved, That the free o t the fifth floor of the 9afnt Paul Audltorlum be and It is hereby Given to the Worke Pr, rose Administration til July let, 1936, for Its Handluraft Proleot; be IC Further Raeolved: that an amount in6 theoht flfth the floor be settinw uv In the Ibud- s•et for 1939 in Auditorlum Fund No. lTA,proved ]an.e 26. 19316. Jan. 26. 1938. '(Jan. 29. 1938) JAN 25 IS08 Adopted by the Council. Approved. v r# 9 I ^'.,' _.193_..... __ / Yy _._.,. 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration January 20th, 1938 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached request for the free use of the 5th floor of the Auditorium by the 71. P. A. for its Handicraft Project, as more fully set out in the attached letter of H. A. Furni, 11anager of the Auditorium. Yours very truly, City Clerk. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN, Co.a,.n,onnrA (5))}) P. E. MCDERMOTT, D,P... l EDWARD A. FURNI. MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM MAMA .n "IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT• xa.phnn. GA rttela 7sel 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA The Convention Ensemble ARENA -47,000.5-- Feet Senting 16,000 Ise Rlnk 100.221 EXHIBITION HALL 66,000 Sqo Feet 19-r See,les AIIDITORHIM THEATRE S..tf= a,000 Comple. St.Q AB x.., _ STEM HALL Ball— Complete stag. Seats 1,260 RAMSEY HALL Seat 660 a HALLS Seating 160 14 COMMITTEE ROOMS ERRVICES AVAILABLE A•C Cprrent 110-220 Volt. 81.91. and a aha.. D -C Cprrent 110.220 Volts Telepho.e—Tele .ph P. A. System Ind. -d Dratt Flues [or Combu.tion Machinery Hot end Cold Water G.s. Steam ComprMed At, 11 .480.8 January 19, 1938 Mr. John S. Findlan, Commissioner Department of Education Sixth Floor City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Findlen: The W. P. A. have requested the free use of the 5th floor for its Handicraft Project to July 12 1938, Per attached letter you will note that W. P. A. has expanded at least $2000.00 in putting the 5th floor of the old section of the Auditorium in very fine shape. It,was useless before this was done, and we now have finished rooms that can be an asset to the building in the future. The only cost attached to this project will be heat and very little light as they are working under skylights, and accordingly recommend that their request be granted. r-6 --Ty truly, SAINT PAULADDITORrUM EAF:HW Manager 4 WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION OF MINNESOTA District NO -3 13th Floor - Court House St.Paul, Minn. Jan. 18, 1938 0 Mr. Edward A. Fhrni St. Paul Auditorium St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Furnis Regarding alterations on the 5th floor of the Auditorium, expenditures to date on this Project ha1- amounted to approximately $2.000.00. There will be a pO bility of possibly $100.00 or $150.00 more. Hoping this meets your requirements, we are Yours very truly, H.B. Fullmer. District Engineer Divis of Operations P.M. Campbell. Area Engineer odli.Y to Oly r4` 1099031 C TY OF ST. PAUL nu OF OF THE CITY CLERK • SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER....... .. .. .................... ... .._........ • .. .............DATE........... _... ..... _....... ........ HNFAXIMM dp_�� 1 WHEREAS, Mrs. Susan Wagner has been called to her eternal reward, and WHEREAS, In the passing of Mrs. Wagner, her husband and sons have sustained a great irreparable loss) therefore be it RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul, extend to the members of the bereaved family.our heart- felt sympathy and commend them to the consolation of an all -wise God, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul, and a copy be sent to the members of the family. C. F. No. 109908—Ry M. H. Gehan,F. AL Truax, G, H. Bar[u.s, A F. Pe- terson, J. S. Flndles. W. A. Parran- to, I. 0. P arca— . Whereas. Mrs. Susan .Wagner has been called to her eternal reward. d Where.., In the passing of Mrs. Wagner, her husband and sone have sustained a great Irreparable los.: therefore be It Resolved. That we, the member. of the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul, extend to the members of the bereaved family ourhearife" sym- pathy and c more, thetA::to the c solation of an all -wise God, and be it Further Resolved. That this resolu- pread ut tion be sPon the mines of the. Common Council of the City of Samt' Paul, and a copy be sent to the mem-', here of the family. "Adopted by the Couacll Jan. H. 1988. Approved Jan. 25. 1988. (Jan.'29, 1988) COU�MEN Yeas dlan ce Nay) In Favor cepa 7/Pe /+rualf J. __. Against �IIJenzel )4r1_.rPresident (Gehan) 3M 3?1 JAN 25 "IBJ t Adopted by the Council __. . __._ 193_ Approved_ _ _ _.. _ 193Se _.._. �. Mayor DA.hul �f. air a. k 109904 CITY, OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL i"`" NO.._ OFFIC HE CITY CLERK COU E OLUT r N---GENERAL FORM PRESENTE commisSIO ......... ........... RESOLVED That the Pu#c&dsing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Oomp-troller, one tank oar, approximately 8000 gallons "Q" leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from the H. K. STAHL 00. at a price of S .1144 per gallo>h, less 1% discount ten days on refinery price only, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale Street, on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment 1003-134 COU=EN Yeas XI.Favor �earce �earson Against W._Wensel4� ... 'went {(1is )M 13�Z• Vice YTt:sldc7lt `ruax) the Council Tan. 26, 1938. i.n. 26. 1938. an. 29, 1938) JAN 25 IC33 Adopted by the Council_ __.____ _.._ _ _ ......._ _t93__. Approved ../..moo/&Et EF t 193_..... Mayor j, I (� od.6W boW a COUNCIL NO. JW�� CITY OF ST. PAUL •h OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUCN//-CI�^L \(p\+�y���7�JOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM "PRESENc.TcE.^� -. /C ......... ...DATE....... .Jani]&Tp.. 25, 193$R, RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, application 24565, on Sale Malt Beverage, application 24566. sad Off Sale Malt Beverage. application 24567, applied for by John Flynn at 305 W. 7th St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. 4ii I New, Tt 7h a U men e Af A) Informally epproved by Council, Jan. 19, 1939• Old Locatiba. COUNCILMEN yeas ZIn e�rce Favor �raon Truax J . Against t xl L';. r. President (Gahan) IM }37 No. 109905—BY G. H. Bar[use, F. wed Jane 26� 1938. Jan. 26, 1933. (Jan. 29. 1939) AN.?r "'I Adopted by the Council 193 .Approved 193.._... Mayor Odfj.d t. an a.k �:H�. NO..... _...... (._.. CITY OF ST. PAUL 699U6 r° 7 �0 � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COU IL ESO UTION---GENERAL FORM Jan. 25, 1939•___ PRESE ED BY .. ..... ................DATE..... COMMI NER.. .. ..._ ___..._ _._. That licana applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated RESOLVED be anis the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: R. L. Mramlinger 922 Edmund St. Grocery' App. 22354 Renew. 404 Robert St. Confectionery " 23357 ' Renew - Thos. Short , Arthur H. Schultz 740 H• Snelling Barber " 23936 " Vito Clarizio 180 E. 7th St. Restaurant " 23955 On Sale Malt " 23956 Off Sale Malt " 23957 " *lgreen Co. 399 Robert St. Confectionery " 23971 " If a a a Restaurant " 23972 " Glenn F. Daly 250 S. Hamlin Barber 23975 " Federal Bake Shop, Inc. 384 Tabasha St. Bakery " 23993 " 5 Albin Sjobeck 4 S. Cleveland Barber 24069 " Luca Lovorato 589 E. 7th St. Restaurant " 24090 " a a a a On Sale Malt " 24081 " J, E. 3srmody 6s3i E. 3rd St. Barber " 24105 " Louis Stone 1135 Payne Ave. Barber, " 24114 " Enporium 139 E. 7th St. Barber " 24132 ■ Byars Hotel Co. 402 Robert St. Barber " 24200 " Milton & Simpson 360 Robert St. Barber " 24221 " Winnick Bros. 1459 St. Clair St. Off Sale Malt " 24239 " a " M a Botcher " 24240 0 a a a " Grocery " 24241 " C. F. Schulze 1574 Selby Ave. Barber " 24248 " Christ Dnnian 149 W. 7th St. Barber " 24259 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193- Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved ..._ _ 193..._. Pearce - In Favor Peterson _. ,.SnwzAgainst Magor Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 3.37 NCI 109906 Odp..l 1. atr aak _ CITY OF ST. PAUL NO..___. .... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER........... --""'"-" -- ...... .... ..........DATE.... ... .. ....... RESOLVEDP. J. Dawson 1571 University Ave. Barber App. 24269 Renewal. R. L. Martin 1817 Randolph St. Gas Station " 24275 N M. Eischens 1395 St. Clair St. Barber " 23295 " St.Patl Athletic Club 4th and Cedar Barber " 24307 " J. A. Lacher 1820 Grand Ave. Conf. N 24312 N Farl Crocker 522 Bremer Arcade Barber " 2 329 e W. E. Otto 1200 Earl St. Gas Station " 24336 " Chas. Fitzsimons 546 Ohio St. Barber " 24359 " WeinhagenTire Co. 175 Pleasant Ave. Gas Static n N 24371 e P. Steinmetz 226 W. Kellogg Blvd. Barber a 24445 " G. Stafford 611 Selby Ave. Barber N 24479 " Paul Zaschke 36 S. Fairview Gas Station N 24495 " W. L. Bruckner 1036 Grand Ave. Gas Station " 24509 N Wm. Gehrman 503 Blair St. Barber N 24546 N Payne -Ivy Pharmacy 1321 Payne Ave. Conf. " e 24549 E. J. Phche 796 E. 7th St. Gonf. " 24551 " M. R. Smith 433 S• Cleveland Grocery " 24560 " W. Wallace 1654 Grand Ave. Conf. " e 2 590 Walker -Pence Co. 75 N• Western Ave. Gas Station N 24595 a Mrs.Alice Treiner 1339 Randolph _, Off Sale Malt N N 24596 " 24597 e N N N " e Conf. JAN 25 1�3f 193 COUNCI MEN Adopted by the Council Yea" Nays fioan C. MF. N_ 1• ... .. Approved , 193...,... ea5r�e _. In Favor Z, . Against / ✓ ✓ �. ' o ayr Q t veP=I . pUgJ,ySHEDJ. =meg r. President (Gehan) 3M 3.37 Od.l-I to city :�.No._ 10990'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL _.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RE$Ot44TION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY (�/[J/ (\\,/Yy^ p COMMISSIONER ... ....DATE... Jan. 251..1936.e...... RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Fred Berges 979 University Ave. Restaurant App, 23796 New New Loca. Faymond Schouveller 526 W. 7th At. Barber s 23961 a Old fl Casper Stein 1154 Selby Ave. Barber p 24367 s Old e ( R. J. Nekola 665 W. 7th St. Gas Ste. 9 246gg n Old a COUN EN Yeas Nays ties 7rn roe In Favor eon a D Against _ _ _ . w 7 rr�?ruesident (Gehan) 3M 337 C.. No. 109907 G. H. Barfuss, F. M. 11y Truax, I. C. Pearce— byRthe Vfoll wing 1persoa. a[pthe 'ad- dresses Indicated be and the same ate hereby granted entl Instructed to Issue thelefty clerk a to the payment's Into the on treasury of the etiulred fees: e Fred Herges, 979 UnlVerelty Ave., Restaurant. App. 281 New Location. Raymond 3chouveller, 626 W. 7th St., Barbor, AV). 23961 Old Location. CaspDaar Stein, 1164 Selby Ave., Bar- ber, 230O 666 Wca7th'St., Gas Sta., ApD• 24888 Old Lvcatlon. Adopted by the Council Jan. 26. 1938. Approved Jan. 26. 1938. (Jan. 29, 1938) a 31AN 2 5 Adopted by the Council _ 191 A51b Approved. _ 193_._ . L, Mayor Original to City Clerk 0 couNcm 169908 OF ST. PAUL — NO.----------------------- O FICE O THE CITY CLERK CO CI RES TION—GENERAL FORM DATE' January 35, 1938 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one carload, approximately 25 tons, of Calcium Chloride, at a cost of $25.50 per ton, without advertisement, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge St. & Sewer Cleaning - Snow Removal 13-04-331 C. F. �ggM,��EN Yeas TTa11t0 Naye rce 'fuss e erson .............In favor ruax W4== ...... _..� Against Wea>!el am 11-5 3 lir. President (Gehan) / an to s the' Council Jan. 26. 1938. m. 26. 1938. an. 29. 1938) n jo Adopted by the Council._ ...................... ........... Approved ....................... -- --- ----------- — 7 /-y-- -- ------ ----------------- Mayor NOTICE, TO L PRINTER 109912_ CITYOF GAMY PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 109911, 910 1vuv11109912 COUNCIL FILE NO.-� T 1 TV 2Y 1935-- 'R - RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS NT BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,I37OT 443926 T39 E AGGREGATE GINCLUSIVE, S PER /74 .z OF $ ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. JAIN - Z, 1938 u 193--- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL i . 'Lk vvt 193__ Ci APPPOVEO By DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PUUL COUNCIL 1699oa ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER SA.FU.. FINDLAN PEA�RCE I IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS January 20 PETERSON TRUA XAGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECK- BE D TH66ITY TREASURY WENZEL ICOVlRINO MR. ARES. GE TO THE AGGREGATE AMSN%_ LUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBERED. TO• ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL PER CHECKS ON FILE IN T'OE OFF OF THZEITY COM rROLLER. APPROV 11 3 7 COIPTROLLER NUMBER -d -1 AY.R TOTAL DATE CHECKIN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD e 1 9 260 89, 46, 05k' 20: 43753 George HaurO 1 000 00 228 754 4322�? Axel F. Peterson. 0. of Finatce 3 32 43752 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finw e 099 71 4375 Charles F. Bruess 70 00 43757 Capital Envelope company �9 08 43758 Sylvester Knowlan 47 50 43759 St.Paul Voo.Sohool Revolving �nd 84 Pa 43766 T.D. Thierry 1 75 43761 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Oompa:4 y 117 29 43762 Henry V. Shepherd I 37 80 4376 Mrs. Emile LaBissonniere 34 60 13 74 4372 Axel F. Peterson, C. of fin Is 0 - 1G99�0 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PUUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PE_IN FAYDR PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS - January 21. PETERSON ' TR UA% __. _ - AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DjjA CITY TREASURY W ENZELTO THE t}CoV hl R. PRES. GEHAN - CHECKS A NUMBEREDETAt.�OUNT yF STO '-' INCLUSIVE. NO 'ISI fb 38119 INCLUSIVE. A6 4 -� PER CHECKS WFILIOFFI OFTH ITY CO TROLLER. ADOPTED BY TME COUNCIL._----..—� ---- s — -- 'COMPTR-__NUMBER voo I.37 Cv--/-- —�-0. 72 _ BY - -_ -- -----T — TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF i�, RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD A Aii(1 AO AAA Y47 29 43765 MOOlain & Redman Company 47 51i' 8 15i 43766 McClain & Redman Company 3 3 W. 43767 Moradden-Lambert Company 6;00'11, 43768 McKesson Wholesalere,Ino. 47 63' 43769 McKnight & McKnight 1 701 43770 -43771 J.T. McMillan Company 511; 43772 G. A. MacArthur Company Company 4 004 Mahle Auto Body 437733 43774 Marvin Law Book Company Mays, Inc. 414 457 43775` Mechanical Service Company 991,,. 43776 Meter Sales & Equipment Company 251'' 1'92!' 43777 Malady Paper Company 43778 43779 Midway Chevrolet Company�' Company Z159' 50;1 Miller-Bryant-Pieroe 43780 Minneapolis Directory Compan 21 001 43781 Minneapolis Equipment Compan 27 37f 43782 Minneapolis Honeywell RegeOo i 2 7511' 437833 Minneapolis Tribune 3 00i1 43784 Minnesota Aeronautics Commis ion 10 00�'. 75 04'' 43785 Minnesota Chemical Oompany 43786 Minnesota Milk Company 17 13! 43787 43788 Minnesota News Company Minnesota Paper & Cordage Co parry 64 71' 13 801' 43789 Minnesota Stove Works 30 10 43790 43791 43792 Mitsoh & Back Company & L Motor Supply Company Supply 227.18!; 46 981' odel Linen 43793 Mothers Friend Laundry 86 541'. 43794 Mothers Friend Laundry 43795 Motor Power Equipment Compani 295 00'' 60 001' 43796 43797 Mullery Paper Box Company Multigraph Division Addesales Agency 10 74;' 43798 R. A. Myers Company 22 50 '', 58 04', 43799 Nassau Paper Company 43800 National Bushing & Parte Com0any 71 251'� 43801 National Cylinder Gas Company} 20 59" 43802 National Education Assooiatian 11 87 43803 National Police Officer j 3 00'% 43804 43805 Treas. National Tax Association Nelson OR Company 5 0011 131 48:. 43806 • Thomas Nelson & Sone 6 DO''. 43807 New York Tea Company 2 50 j ' 43808 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company) 32 38. 43809 43810 Nicola, Dean & Gregg Company Niools, Dean & Gregg Company 266 88 176 99'' 43811 G.J. Nikolae Company 8 75 43812 North Central Pub.Company 11 50 43813 43814 Northern Auto Electric Comp 17 48 766 18 Northern States Power Company ., 43815 Northern States Power Company 276 49 11 43816 43817 N.W. Airlines,Inoe31 Works 0 it 2 0 N.T. Copper & Brass 1 43818 N.W. Fuel Company 1 116 442 20 11 43819 N.W. Stamp Works, Inc. 9 0 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD i 260 09 ' 690 994 3*1 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 8 260 .99 703 212. 6,5, _V A - Cv)NIP V V0-- DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL : LL CALL BARFLIES OFFICET- THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL IU.LN-ER FINDLAN i PEARCE ----IN PETERSON FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS January 21- -1.3g— TRUAXRESOLVED. WEN ZEL THAT CHECKS 55 DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY AGAINST 11 COVERING I :) P26- 39 MR. PRES. GEHAN TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S , CHECKS NUMBEREDTO C EZ; INCLUSIVE. AS COMPTROLLER. JAN 1938 OF COM ADOPTED BY THE COLIN CIL PER CHECKS ON FILE3N APPROVED NUMBER BY TOTAL DATE 1 CHECKRETURN NUMBER IN FAVOR OF i TRANSFER CHECKS ED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS I BROUGHT FORWARD 8 260 89 690 984 33- 43820 B1 . air Transfer Company.Ino. 85 12 43821 1 Tlvgren Paint supply company! 22 69 43822 Farwell, Ognun. Kirk & Compa4y so 43923 General Electric Supply Gorp.1 91 43924 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company 12 78 438 J.L. Shisly Company 11 92 64 60 43821 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 24 92 43827 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 43828 Frank Barak 5 00 2 P4 43829 Mrs- Anna M. Hill 43830 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of FinaAbe 289 70 43831 St.paul Teachers' Retirement nd. A. 8 000 00 43832 National Service Bureau 2 0 3833 Northern States Power Company! 221 43834 Northern States Power Companyl 1 347 53 43935 N."r. Publications, Inc. i 1 39 00 43836 N.T. Territory Celebration Cos. 2 95 43837 Old Dutch Products Company 3 00 43938 Orloff Leather Company 24 90 43839 43840 Owens motor Sales Company Panama Carbon Company 150 14 15II 4 1 43841 430 Park Laundry 2 5 4302 Pdrk Machine Company 150 77 43&� C.A. Pearson, Inc. Ili 68 4384 Peoples Coal &*Ice Company 20 40 43s.45 H.O. Perleberg i 116 93 43846 Peyer Music Company 75 43847 Phelps Precision Laboratory 14 oo 43848 Phillips Petroleum Corporation 1 25 25 43849 Pioneer Electric Company i 11 76 43850 Pioneer Tobacco & Candy Oompal4y 57 89 43851 R.L. Polk & Company is 00 43952 Postal Telegraph -Cable CompanT 10 51 43853 Enoch Pratt Free Library 2 50 43954 Presto Mfg.Company 11 00 43855 J.P. Ptaoek & Son 1 50 43856 Public Administration Service; 1 50 43957 Public Utilities Reports,Ino.1' 50 43859 Puritan Compressed Gas Corp. 93 43859 Purity Baking Company 33 68 43s6o 43861 Putnam BooketoTe,lno. Agenoy.Ina. 2 26 4 70 Railway Express 1 43862 Raymer Hardware Company 6 Z 75 4396� Ray Oil Burner Service Company 2 15 43s6 Red Star Yeast Company 1 40 43865 Remington-Tand,Ino. 207 91 43 3 s66 Review Pub.Oompany 56 93 43 s67 Rihm Motor Company 56 oc 43 969 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company 93 78 43869 N.C.Robinson, Clerk of Dist.01, 16 95 43970 Milton Rosen Tire Company 15 00 43871 T.W. Rosholt Company is 42 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 8 260 .99 703 212. 6,5, DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PULL • COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER N ROLL CALL _ BARFUS$ Gilbert T. Joyce & Helen G. Ioyoe Co. FIND AN 24 _IN FAVOR 'WcE AUDITED CLAIMS Janu�}p ary PETERSON Elea M. Obst, Treaeffer Ra*s y Oo. Co. TRUAX RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY _AGAINST W ENZEL MR. PRIES. GEHAN `_-'-f TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ COVERING __.. i_s .'1 ... USIVE. AS TO�-*Y',,C-' 43877 43878 CHECKS NUMBERED q$� Ir FI TROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—_._._.–._ --- PER CHECKS ON FIL APPROVE ,.qIK(� 193o��[P NUMBER `f 600 7�, C[ H.voR 14 BY — -- TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF — - RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK 43884 CHECK CHECKS Il BROUGHT FORWARD S 260 89 -703 2 12 65, 248 26 43872 Oavitol Stationery Mfg.CompaAy 43873 Gilbert T. Joyce & Helen G. Ioyoe Co. 500 00 559 00' 43874 Slaa K. Obst, Treasurer Rewe y 43875 Elea M. Obst, Treaeffer Ra*s y Oo. Co. 205 64' 43876 Elea M. Obst, Treasurer Ramelfy 623 23 43877 43878 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance N.C.Bobinson, Clerk of Dist.0t. 65 43879 First National Bank of St.Paul 9 535 96 4 43880 43881 Carl maronds33 The Grinnell Company, Inc. 221 33, 43882 The ging Pig Company 1 194 62j 4 093 00 `. 43883 Motor Power Equipment Company 43884 Westinghouse Electric SupplylCompany 29 70,; 43885 A.J. McCarthy 40 00,' 43886 Edward M. Noonan 250 00' 16 166 89' 43887 Northern states Power OompanT 4 00i43888 Public management i 100 41 43889 St.Paul Book & Stationery Co any 298 45 43890 St.Paul Book & Stationery Copany 43891 St.Paul Book & Stationery Co any 58 88. 2 45 43892 St.Paul Braes Foundry Compan . 4389} St.Paul Corrugating Company 95 43894 St.Paul machine Works 93 00 4 3895 St.Paul Office Equipment Company80 134 43896 st.Paul saw & Knife 'forks 60 43897 St.Paul stamp Works 28 63 70 43898 9t.Paul Vocational school 43899 st.Paul welding & mfg.0ompanyi 39 75 43900 St.Psul White Lead & Oil Company 23 71 28 43901 St.Paul albite & Indiana Servillce �7 43902 Sanitary Farm Dairies,Ino. 83 1 43903 Savage-Girten Company 19 50' 43904 Sohelen Auto Electric Company',2 20 43905 Paul A. Schmitt music 8ompany1 25 0 43906 Schunemans & Mannheimers 7 25 43907 W.R. Shaw Lumber Oompany 725 43908 Geo. Shetka & Sone �3 U40 0 0 43909 D.H. Shotwell Company 1 43910 Silver Burdett company 24 37 43911 Simon & Company 8 70 43912 Singer Sewing machine Company, 18 85 43913 • 43914 H.V. Smith Company L.C.Smith & Corona Typewriterls,Ino. 195 43915 Snelling Laundry Company 762 34 93 4391 Snowflake Laundry 286 5355 43917 s000ny-Vaouum Oil Company 94 43918 G. Sommers & Company 43919 A.G. Spalding & Brothers 27050 I,L 43920 Spanish Information Bureau 41 43921 speedometer service & Aeo.Oo.l 95 403 67 43922 Sperry Office Furniture Comp:;y Furniture Oompay 18 55 4392 Sperry Office . 202 02 43924 H.B. Stahl Company 30 00 43925 Standard Brands, Inc. 6 00 43926 Standard Electric Time Clock pompany 43927 Standard mailing machines Agepoy 1 00 43928 Standard Oil Company 26o 55 SHEET TOTAL–FORWARD .j_ 8 260.99 j 739 797. 4 OdRImI to City °k 19913 CITY OF ST. PAUL ici"c" NO - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUN 9QLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED j COMMISSION .. ...._................ ._ ........ .� ...............DATE- .....JBnnary...25thR....X938 WSERRAS, the City of kaint Paul has, through a WPA Project made a survey of the looatiou of ooal_holes, areaways, etc. and has required the owners of these obstructions to post a bond in- demnifying the City in the event of injury to pedestrians caused by such obstructions; and WHEIMS, in the course of such work, some person employed by the IPA advised Mr. Mark W. Woodruff, of the Department of Public Works, that one Morrie Rutzick was the registered owner of certain property where a coal -hole existed, and depending upon such in- formation, Mr. Mark W. Woodruff signed a complaint resulting in the arrest of said Morris Rutzick; and WHEREAS, it later appeared that Morris Rutziok was not the owner of the property in question, and he had so advised the Department of Public Works, and Mr, Rutziok subsequently started a false arrest action against Mr. Mark W. Woodruff, claiming damages in the amount of $10,000; and WHICREMS, the armor and subsequent arrest of Mr. Rutzick were solely due to the error of the VPPA employe, and Mr. Marg W. Woodruff was without blame in the matter; and WAS, the attorney for Mr. Rutzick has advised that he Will accept the am of $200 in Battlement and release of said $10,060 false arrest action; therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in the aum=of $200 in favor of Morris Ratziok and 7ermpa Hoffman, his attorney, and to deliver said warrant to said parties upon the execution and delivery by said parties of a release in full and a dismissal of said action against said Mark W. Woodruff, said sum to be charged to the Judgement and Compromise Fund. C. F. No. 109913—gy I. C. Pearpe— W.hereae, the City C Sahnt Paul her through a WPA Projer• m+de way o[ the 1.oa ales, es; aye. R^ eoUN y -MEN JAN 2 5 1938 Yeas N Adopted by the Council _.._..193....... n earya In Favor APProved. ___ 193,..... eon tuna Against /-- 27—"Xi jmmd� Parrento Mayor r. President (Gahan) PUBLISHED �s/ s � od.lal,.ch, „k IIJ9914 CITY OF ST. PAUL iii NO.__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Y \(„^,.V.j p COMMISSION .. ..... rs ��"��..........DATE.... Jan. 25. 193g•..... RESOLVED That On Sale Malt Beverage license #1291, expiring June 29. 1936, Off Sale Malt Beverage license }5950, expiring June 29, 1939- and Restaurant license #9031, expiring Jhne 29, 1936, issued to Alex J. Mitzuk at 996 Mississippi St. be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and conviction of Alex Mitzuk on the charge of selling liquor, no license. C. F. No. 109911—By G. H. Barfuee. F. M. Truax, T. C.Pearce— Resolved. That O2 Sale Matt 'u, 29.1938. Ott Sale Malt Beverage glloenae No. 6960explring June 29, 1938, and Reatnur,nt license No 90al. . exp tring June 29, 1938, issued to Alex J. ,fit- zuk at 898 Mlsslsslppi St. be and the same are hereby yoked pon eco'- ` aendaof the arrest and convictionbof Alexe Mitsuk on the charge of selling Honor, no license. Adopted by the Council Jan. 26, 1938. Approved Jan. 26, 1938. (Jan. 29.. 1938) COUNCILMEN Yeas vexFindlan 71n ,tarson Favor Against L:Wmul . ivir.r resident (G&.nn)' 1M 3.3'Ut. 'V 1,,, 1- i.!.t Adopted by the Council JAN 2 5 ins193. Approved. _ t93_.._. Y 4.1 169915 Qldwl b cityO„k � ' l CITY OF ST. PAUL '2OMC1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ES -LiT N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Jauaary. 25,...1935. .................. COMMISSIONER... .. .... .... _... _.. _...... _.. RESOLVED v That On Sale Liquor license #731, expiring January 31, 1938, issued to William Hanson at 2145 University Ave. be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and conviction of William Hanson andJ Frank Smith (bartemd.er) on the charge of selling liquor on Sunday. COUN 8N Yeas Nays Pcen '7In Favor e eon Against 1 intc• 4 Mr. President (Gehan) 3M Y37 C. F. No. 109915—By 0.4. B¢rfues, F. Resolved That p Sale Liquor if cense No. 731,nlrina January 31 1938, issued to William Hnneon at 31461 Unl yersity Ave.. be and the same is oeby evoked upon reoOmmendntlon farrest end agnvlc Ponle[ Wtlll¢mof the son an the ehar a Frank yeilingolipuor on rSun� day. Adopted by the Approved Jan. Councll Jan, 11, 1938. I 3 86,..1933. t (Jan• 89.',1833) Adopted by the Council _ 193 Approved ._ 193__... C / d, lz� � Mayor Averbeck's Grocery &. Olin Meat Co. We Are As Near As Your Phone 789 Raymond Avenue Nestor 6396 Saint Paul, Minnesota f.Q WESTLUND MARKET HOUSE - MEATS AND PROVISIONS ^price, Quantity and Quality" """'1 1321 59-yNo. SHELLING AVE. ST. PAUL. MINN. Jan. 24th, 1938. city council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Re: William Hanson, 2145 University Ave., city. We wish to advise you that Mr. Hanson has been one oYour thatued ctimemers for theconsiderable credit has ast 20 years. Duringng been of his to ations Promptlyandalways taken care of his oblige able to Such consideration asyouaappreciated extend to re Mr. Hanson will be greatly Yours very truly W d Market House T[L[PHCN[ M. -I BQ76 INTER -CITY HOMES COMPANY BUILDERS OF MODERN HOMES 1371 BLAIR STREET ST. PAUL. MINN. January 24, 1938 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of St. Paul, Court House, St. Paul, Minn. Honorable Sirs: I am writing this letter to urge consideration for the applicant for a license to whom Mr. William Hanson, 2145 University Avenue, has sold his fixtures, stock and trade. I constructed the building for Lir. Hanson. He has an in- vestment there of $20,000 and the building can be used for that pur- pose and perhaps could not be rented for any other purpose. I have known Mr. Hanson for many years and feel that he is entitled to con- sideration from your body. He advises me that if there is no license he will get practically nothing for his fixtures and stock in trade, but with a license he can get a fair price. Thanking you for any aid you may give Mr. Hanson in this matter, I remain Respectfully yours, ii` F. I. PRODUCTS CO. A� � 6AINi PAUL, MINK.G ,,,— eit. ,Rr,N19 t[e. wttut. 8 M. FORD Hlo[NT ` 704 VANDALIA ST. NESTOR 6106 January 24th, 1936• City Council Saint Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: - I have learned of the difficulties Mr. Hanson, owner awsner of the Hansons Cafe, is in, and it is my opinion, as several of our employees, knowing the type of business he operated, that we anndlsolose atleast athird of naeetfair hat he ohis investment uld lose his business entirely in property. Myself, as well as our employees, have been customers of the Hanson Cafe for several years, ,and we have always found it to be run legitimately. Trusting you will show him your consideration, I em Yours very truly AUH:LB. ' FNONH, N=rOR MIS - Drink Rock HM Gold Medal Beverage Company McCoy f . Sparkling A Real Mixer Wail'S MANUFACTURIERa OF Q, q ty Beverages tylf UNIVERSITY AVE. ST. PAUL. MINN. January 24, 1937 `L'o the Members o3 the City Council St. peul, Minnesota Gentlemen: May we take the privilege to give you our opinion and experience with Mr. Hanson.' 'Me have dealt with Mr. Hanson for about one year and have had occasion to visit his place of business frequently. In our opinion, Mr. Hanson is a law-abiding oiti- zen and of good character. We understand that he has never violated the law before, and if given another chance, will prove himself worthy of your leniency in his case. We trust you will give Mr. Hanson every cnnside�tion. Very truly yours, .GOLD MEDAL BEVERAGE COMPANY BY CS 11� JDW : MW BRAY OCE A9,D FUEL comp nv PURE R CL6FH n ICE O O COHL .rmnT PIIUL,minn. 2140 UNIVERSITY AVENUE y�jy38 01( BRnV DCS anm FUEL compa V pu r4E R CL6A n ■CE O O COAL JA/nT POUL,minn. 4140 UNIVERSITY AVENUE HANCOCK-NELSON MERCANTILE COMPANY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA WHOLESALE GROCERS— IMPORTERS TEA AND COFFEE — ROASTERS AND JOl}BERS January 24, 1938 St. Paul City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: It is our understanding that the matter of a liquor and restaurant license for `Nilliam Hanson, 2145 University Avenue is to have your further -con- sideration. Mr. Hanson has been a valued customer of this house for over ten years. Several connected with this concern have known Mr. Hanson personally as the result of business contacts and we have always found him to be upright and straight -forward in his business dealings. He 1s at the present time owner of the building at the above address, and, of course, a tax payer. From our observation we consider that he has always operated in a clean and orderly manner. He has employed between fifteen and twenty people, and, of course, as a business house of this city we are anxious to see them continue in their regular capacity. In view of these facts, we assure you that we would recommend favorable consideration in Mr. Hanson's case. Respectfully yours, HANCOCS–NELSON MERCANTILE COMPANY By: TEN TELEPHONE TRUNK LINES AVAILABLE FOR BETTER SERVICE NESTOR 7531 .* FROM MINNEAPOLIS OR ST. PAUL IDEAL TRUCK FACILITIES EVERYWHERE IN THE HEART OF THE GREAT MIDWAY DISTRICT Dept. er f 71 Jan. 24, 1936 City Council St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sire; Regarding the matter of Mr. 19m. Hanson which in before you at this time I wish to state the following. My father and I operate a gasoline filling station and bulk oil plant on the corner of University and Vandalia in this city and upon which we pay taxes of around twelve hundred and eighty dollars per year. The large part of our business is with the long-distanoe truck operatbre who drive into our station for gasoline, oil, air and many other services. While wp are taking care of their trucks the drivers usually go over to Mr. Hanson bar for their meals or very often to have their checks cashed. If this service was not avalable it would greatly affect our business I wish you would keep this in mind while you are considering the matter of Mr. Hansonve lisenoes. Thanking you for your kind attention, I am very truly yours, Transfer Oil Co. University and Vandalia St. Paul, Minn. PHONE MIDWAY 2673 SNOWFLAKE LAUNDRY, INC. "AS CLEAN AS ITS NAME" SNELLING AT ST. ANTHONY ST. PAUL, MINN. 12 l�eQ1R.�a � -<hJ Jl) -�-I a � EOR -0-- WANSON Tailoring - Furnishings -Footwear UNIVERSITY AVE. AT RAY MO St. Paul, Minn. -Or. let .�K L�'/�iRry>r�coGil� 1110111 1111)IMIII1-'7Ji3111it P'J, MA SPECIALTIES Dies, Tools, Jigs,F CTURINpings and Temporary Dies Large Dies a Specialty 473 Cleveland Ave. N. St. Paul, Minn.,— __ 1-25 _ __ __193 Midway Di aia Gentlemen, of the City Council, of St. Paul I take this opportunity to address this letter to you in behalf of Mr. Hanson, owner of Hansons' bar. I have known Mr. Hanson and his family, operating a resturant and in connection selling liquors and beer. Brom time to time I've been in his place of business, expecialy lunch hours and occasionaly to enjoy a glass of be r and never at any time have I noticed any- thing out of the ordina;y, but have always noticed he ran his business in a highly respectable manner. It has come to my attention that through some miner liquor violation he is about to suffer losses of all his personal and real estate property. Gentlemen, I beg of you that you give this matter some serious consideration, as Mr. Hanson and his family worked very hard to accumulate what little they posseaa and now possibly through no fault of their own they are about to suffer los:;ea of everything they have. I do believe if Mr. Hanson is given a chAnce that he will conduct his business strictly in accordance with the city ordinance and laws and make his place of business�bne of the finlst on the avenue. Mr Hansons place of business is necesarry to the midway business district, for the employees and also business men and im- mediate community. One reason is, he serves a v=ry fine lunch and gives very quick service to the employees where otherwise it would be impossible to get anything but cold lunches anu they are able to cash their checks without any red tape, or spend any part of it if they do not desire to do so, which is also a great help to the Midway District. (2) I personaly do believe that Mr. Hanson and family sould be given another chance ana to preserve wnat they nave hard earned up to date. AHH:IH A* Yours truly A. H. Havir Havir Mfg. Co. WORGH CIGAR COMPANY -"^dW -LA OURAW QUALITY CKIAR MANUFACTURERS -Awe MAW Opn= 6 FACTORY. 1740 UNNERSITY AV L FWWW -e ^ w -Moa ST. PAV" MINK+ Jan. 24, 1938 To the Members of the City Council St.Paul ,Minn. Gentlemen: This is to state that I have known MT.HansOA for sometime and during the past year my place of business veahadeen occasioneto gorinothere an goodsplace many times. On these occasions I have noticed always that the place seemed to be conducted in an orderly and business—like manner. I understand, also, that mentofthe law up to this time.In viewof Hsno'onvicted of In view circumstances, may we state that we hope the Council will take a charitable view of the matter and be as lenient as possible. From what we know of Mr. Hanson, we are sure that there will be no place then occasion for trouble of any kind withof Respectfully submitted, WORCH CIGAR COMPANY BY CGRr agr es. AW.b 1 W Olyln,l to CITY A.k coq„�,� 109916 CITY OF ST. PAUL ray No... .. .......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rrw-"4OUNCILE iON---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Q`....DATE. 'tan• 25,..1939- COMMISSIONER_..k_... .. �wo2 �/ _ _.. ............ RESOLVED That Restaurant license $9665, expiring March 22, 1938, On Sale Halt Beverage license $3992, expiring April 7, 1935, and Off Sete Malt Beverage license #5232 expiring April 7. 1939, issued to William Hanson at 2145 University Ave. be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and conviction of William Hanson and Frank Smith (bartender) on the charge of selling liquor on Sunday. COUN C�IEN Yeas Nays U!6 Findran rce In Favor e on s rualf Against r. resident (Gehan) 3M 137 C M T--. I1 O. Pearrce- Barfuea, F. Resolved. That Restaurant Ilcenee No. 8886, elring March 22, 1938. On gale Malt xpBevetage Ilcenee. No. 3892. Malt ,Beverage license No. No� 62332 eaplr- Ing April T, 1838, issued to William Hanson at 2146 University kye. be and I the same are hereby evoked upon e - commendation of the. Bureau of Police because of the arrest and conviction f William the and Frank Smith (bartender) the charge o[ selling Ilquor on Sunday. Adopted by the Counclt Tan. 26. 1998. Approved San. 26, 1936 (Jan. 29, 1988) JAIN 2 5 1938 Adopted by the Council 193 Approved 193...... Mayor �/� CITY OF ST. PAUL . �. NO.-'- OU O.. _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES 9LL�ION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ...........DATE...'T8IIU8TP. Z�4 193s. COMMISSIONER......... ....._._.. _...._ _..._...__.....I'r�'L�. _..__....._. RESOLVED That On Sale Liquor license }8639 expiring January 31, 1939s leaned to Cyrus H. Bracklin at 1499 Tabasba St. be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and conviction of Cyrus H. Bracklin and Adam yang (bartender) on the charge of selling liquor on Sunday. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays farce /PLLearson In Favor �I'ruaa / _Against _,4r Fre°sident 4M 3.37 (Gehan) C. F. No. 189917—BY O. H. Barfuss.. F. Itt True., 1. C. Pearce— Reaolved, That On Sale Liquor V- enae Noll .Dicing January 31. 1938, Issued to Cyrus H. Bracklin at 499 Wabash. St. be and the same is hereby evoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and conviction of Cyrus H. Bracklln d Adam Lang (bartender) on the charge, of selling lipuor on Sunday. Adopted by the Council Jan. 29. 1938. I Approved Jan. 25. 1938. (Jan. 29. 1938) -,n7 Adopted by the Council JAN 193_ Approved _ 193..._.. Mayor 01121"1 1" Dly PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ""' No..lt 918. CITY OF ST. PAUL �■ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI�TION --- GENERAL FORM •, ._......DATE..Jan.. Z. 25.,. 1939-... ........... RESOLVED That Restaurant license #5725, expiring March 25, 1935, On Sale Malt Beverage license ¢3957, expiring March 25, 1935, Imi Off Sale Malt Beverage license $5375, expiring March 25. 1935. and Tavern license #4&, expiring December 9, 1935, issued to A. J. Janssen at 427 Wabasha St. be and the same are breby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and conviction of A. J. Janssen and Walter Wilson (bartender) on the charge of selling liquor on Sunday. r C. F. No. 109918—BY G. H• Dart.... F. 464, ezpirina' ....moor o. •• •- Ito A. J. Janssen at 4211W,.b ha Bt. be and mmeadatlono ofhesura ue of peon Ilce because of the arrest and con vlc- tlon f A. J. Janssen and Walter Wil - .on (bartender) o u, charge or sell- tng llauor on unda9• Adopted by thBe Council San, 26, 1996. ADDroved 26. 7938. (Ja ' (Ju. 29, 1988) JAN 5 1936 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193 yea, Nays �Fuldlan Approved 193....... In Favor � C Reierson Against Mayor o Press r.r President (Gchan) )M 3 , omn.l to sly a.h CITY OF ST. PAUL :I�i"`" NO....�69919 (� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK \\\\,6 COUNCIILL./,R UTION --- GENERAL FORM ESENT PR COMMISSIONER ............... ...... _... .... ... !r!�........... ............ ........ ...........DATE.... Jan..... ZS.• RESOLVED That On Sale Liquor license #660, expiring January 31, 1936, issued to A. J. Janssen at 427 Wabeeba St. be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and conviction of A. J. Janssen and Walter Wilson (bartender) on the charge of Selling Liquor on Sunday. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays eatce In Favor iPe fion rua ' J Against _n v r I' t, n Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 1.37 C. P. No. 109919—By 6. H. Bartues. P. DL Truax, I. C. Pearce— Resolved, That On Bale I.Iquor ti - cense No. 860, expiring January 31. 1938, Issued to A. J. Janssen at 427 Wabash& 8t. be and the same Is here - the Burearevokeu upon b�nuee recommendation the arrest and conviction of A. J. Janssen and Wlter Wilson (bartender) IN charge of Selling Liquor on Sunday. Adopted by the Coun.,I Jnn. 26. 1838. Approved Jan. 26. -'1938. (Jan. 29, 1938) Adopted by the Council JAw fa 5 19'r 193 v . •iJ Approved _ t93-- y i Mayor !D odtied to Dir a.1k , /� tj+l CITY OF ST. PAUL rain"` NO..1�I���O... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL F� UTION---GENERAL FORM C cnuer,EilcsEio ER _.... _....... _....... ......... ........... 1..........DATE.....1iaTiA82'.Y..2J,..193g.,................ RESOLVED That Restaurant license #9255. expiring Sept. 9. 1939, On Sale Malt Beverage license $4456, expiring Sept. 9, 1939, and Off Sale Malt Beverage license $6157, expiring Sept. S. 1939, issued to Cyrus H. Bracklin at 499 Wabasha St, be and 'the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureauo of Police because of the arrest and conviction of Cyrus H. Bracklin and Adam Lang (bartender) on the charge of selling liquor on Sunday. C. F. No. 109920—W G. IL Barfuee, F. ,'the same Ore=hereby revoked"uDon TV ommendation of the Bureau of P.""o because f the the and of of Cyrus H. Bracklin and Adam Lang (bartender) on the charge of selling "nor on Sunday. - AdoDted by the, Council Jan. 25. 1988. Avvroved Jan. 26, 1938. l (Jan. 29, 1938) JAN. 2 5 1938 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _ 193 Yeas / Nays y �� �41an Approved..(�'t _..193....... /earn In Favor rson �ruga Against 1 .{ Mayor Y rzaato " r. President (Gehan) 3M 3-37 Ode.N to, CRY ad* -� CITY OF ,ST., PAUL coiwcL NO....uL.9321 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI R TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /��////q/ s COMMISSIONER.......... .................. _... ..........1..L............... .......K..........DATE......._J$11.....Zt7,....1s3.S.._.._...._.._......._.... WHEREAS, Loris A. R61sner desires to withdraw application 24752 for Off Sale Liquor license at 375 Wabasha St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby ahthorieed to refund to Louis A. Roisner the fee of $1.000. and toleaneel said application for license. '.G. F. No. 109921—BY O. 8. Barfuse. F. -1- Truax, I, C. Pearce Whereas, I.ouls d. R.oleper deelrge to Uquorell aule,.t toh.-24752 for Off Sale Lieuor license at 3n6 VPabs jhjc`. : and requ Iste- ttie return of the itcea tee depo§Iced thereoh; eaolYed, t therefore, 6e -It thathe prober ctty 82- ere be And_tha are herebY author- ! lead to L refund to. outs A. Rolsner the tea of 31,090 and to. cancel-sald applb cellon or license.'. ADpeo ed YJane CO n B: Jan. 26, 1938.1 (Tan. 29, :1$88):. COUN MEN Yeas Nays -H�tF an / ce In Favor iP arson ruaE Against arr> to Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 3.37 AN 2 6 Adopted by the Council -193- J Approved. _... .... 193 ...... h-� Ma yor....... ... -�- 169922 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_ oRening1-wideningand extending an alley in Block _5, _Gilbert' Greenway Court, by taking and condenming the easterly 10 feet of Lot 24 in said Block 5, NTS IN ]INATIONDpaES'P%I%DING_ under Preliminary Order ------- 107489______-- approved --- 18, 1937-_- - ----------------I Intermediary Order ----------- ----------- approved .... lyle_-y_ 2_6 _1937----------------- FinalOrder ------------------ 107-Ub----------- approved— __,lune -22,_1937 ------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. EF 11 xdR c�iR Adopted by the Council --- JM 26 ----------iSjj-------------------, l,--- JAN 2 6 1JJ.)`t y Clerk. Approved----------------------- ,19--- - -- - ---! r-- --- - ---- ---Mayor. .. h Councilman Cq roY Councilman F(Gr�guson j Councilman Nr onald p Councilman P&arce Councilman R611and t PUBL,ISHED�� Councilman Sudheimac 4- : u --^-t C11 Mayor el REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS 7%- OF 137NEFITS L7 the matter of_ o,•gefii.pg,,_,v_i_denin and extending_an_alle in Block Greenway Court, by taking and condemning the easterly 10 feet of Lot 24 in said Block 5, under Preliminary Order ---107489 ...... approved --------Nay- 18,-1937 ------------------------ Intermediary Order -------107,579 ------ approved---------ZB.-IR3-7 ------------------------ Final Order -------------- 107825------ approved --------- Ili= -22 JU7 ----------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---------------------------------- Commissioner of Finance. • Ev. • GINA TO CCirI I.... CITY OF SAINT PAUL °�"R`"NO. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FOR PER CHARTER, SECTION 208 Y\L December 31� PRESENTED ��pyyy�.} COMMISSIONER - \��� 4 _( . 1]ATE 193 7 RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. R. 10 -Al Comr. of Phblia fforke Fund 119.71 10-A2 257.50 10 -Bi 6,696.20 10-B2 96.10 10—B3 42.58 10.C1 .12 10-02 10.96 10-03 701.70 10-C4 3,359.40 10-05 121.50 10-07 321.69 10-08 81.18 10-R 11.462.14 11 11-A1 Street Constr. & Repair Fund 5,346.80 11-A2 1,212.30 11-A4432.33 11—A5 ........ 1*580.43 11-A6 121.45 11-R 8.69 i. 3 1 ar YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (V) NAYS(((��� PEARCE PETERSON Fi68elt— IN FAVOR TRUAX WARS= AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JAN 2 6 1,938 193 APPROVED A , � 193 COUNTERSIGNED BY PUBLISHED +—g9_ 4 COMP.Ro«.R CITY CL.—CITY OF SAINT PAUL NcIL No. 169926 APP OPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM -'SER CHARTER SECTION 208 C! PRESEN -P" ' COMMISSIONE _ DATE DOC* 312 193 Ull • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. �+ CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. PEARCE 12—A1 $ever Constr. & Rep. Fund 700.15 APPROVED 19 12—A2 IN FAVOR 53.23 12—A3 32.24 7 TRUAX 12—A5 _VV*RREN'— 630.26 12-A6182.94 COUNTERSIGNED BY RESIDENT MR�` PR 12-R 600 10.34 271.82 o� YLRLISIIEll `� J 9U.12 q16.i 14-A1 Bridge Constr. & Rep. Fund 453.74 14-14 2.92 14—A3 499.61 14—A4 119.97 14—R 71.18 n1 1 1 JAN 26 11?23 YES (0 COUNCILMEN 1Vl NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193 PEARCE PETERSON APPROVED 19 IN FAVOR 7 TRUAX - rAYOR _VV*RREN'— AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED BY RESIDENT MR�` PR CITY aTRoi�eR 600 10.34 o� YLRLISIIEll `� J 149927 .. CITY OF SAINT PAUL R`" NO. APP OPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER -CHARTER SECTION 208 i PRESEN ED BY COMMISSIb DATE Dec' 31, 193 7 • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE -MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. • CODE FROM TO 13 -Al 13-A2 13-A3 13-B1 13-B2 13-B3 13-B4 13-B5 13-C1 13-c2 13-03 13-C4 13-05 13-51 13-52 13-93 13-94 13-96 13-a 13-02 13-a 13-H2 13-$3 13-H4 13-41 13-J2 13-J4 13-R APPORTIONED ITEM Str. & Sewer Cleaning fund C. F. No. 109927—H1' I. C. P, Resolved, That f,.., roll[• I- feta be made r• ,. ,�_ Comptroller as n avoidable ny. bn YES (V) COUNCILMEN (V1 NAYS PEARCE PETERSON IN FAVOR RUAX AGAINST !_. WEw12ofDI Iarrantc aoo ,o.a� MR. PRESIDENT AMOUNT TRANSFERRED DR. CR. 18.63 3.30 2.51 3,753.55 1,253.88 501.33 17.16 527.38 1,488.28 20.29 633.72 221.25 13.52 17.96 1,265.90 434.83 26.84 69.53 331.42 13.54 722.14 106.0848/48 08 76.60 4.97 9.26 10.13 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILJAN 2 6 1938193 JAN APPROVED -/ '"`j„ '� 193 ~ MwroR COUNTERSIGNED BY PUi3L:�:IED f� ��r. �o„r,ep��aR 0 CITY cLERK� CITY OF SAINT PAUL :�:"�,�No. 169928 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM -- PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY r `// PAGE N0. 2 �� COMMiSSiONER JOHN S. FINDLAN r /-1"'LA ,,nTE JAN* 19 193 8 RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. BUREAU OF SCHOOLS - APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS DEC- 31 - 1937 CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 15-J-1 Mtnce- of Plant - Salaries 5 307 43 J11.3 " " " - Auto Tnce. 131 35 15-B-2 Edue..Adnin. - Auto Mince. 164 90 15-B-1 " " - Salaries 700 28 B-3 " " - Office Expense 511 07 15-C-2 Attend. Div. - Car Fare 190 00 C-3 " " - Off. Expense 45 75 15-C-1 " " - Salaries 214 50 TOTAL - 27 388 82 27 328 82 C. F N..'.1 YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIIJAN 26 19Z3193— •PEARCE P ERSON l IN FAVOR TRUAX AGAINST Farranto MR. PRESIDENT eoa ,oaa APPROVED 193— COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY p �Q COMPTROLLER PUBL_ _"'ED f=a L 00 NCIL C TIY IC�ER�i CITY OF SAINT PAUL a NO. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 i s PRESENTED BY �^/yt a6 D//Y? DATE TAN 19 193 _—. COMMISSIONER JOHN S FINDLAN • RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPL'RING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. BUREAU OF SCHOOOI.S - APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS DEC AMdUNT TRANSFERRED CODE APPORTIONED ITEM DR. CR. FROM TO 87 84 — Bus.Admin.-Salaries p-2 " " -Off. Exp. 138 82 E-2 Sup. Storehouse -Light 9 20 Su-n.3torehouse-Salaries 1959 -3" -Truck Mtnce. 33,83 E-4 " " -Off. Exp. 149 01 15-F-1 Pr=. of Health -Salaries 1 485 97 722 15-F-2 Prom.of Health-Med.Sup. 613 16 02 F-3 -Off. Exp. 15-W 1936 Reserves Reapprop. 3 223 80 15-G-2 Instruction -Car Fare 989 85 G-3 n-Transp.Crip.Child 1 62 G-4 -Spdry 2 32 n u 3 093 80 15-G-6 " Miscell. 15 00 15-G-7 " -Athletics 289 53 G-8 " Spec.Classes 338 30 15-H-5 Oper.of Plant - Fuel 13 710 03 H-2 " to " - Rent 300 00 15-H-1 n n n - Salaries 7 707`W (�/� H-3 n n n ,- Telephones 142 52 H-4 " " " - Li.Pow.& Water 2 703 68 H-6 n - Supplies 562 28 15-D-1 Oger. & Mtnce. Admin. -Sal. 1 463 25 15-D-3 n u n n - III III f.&fit• 81 13 50 75 J-2 Mtnce._of Plant- Car Fare 300 00 J n u Truck Mtnce. -Hs7 big H � u.& Ren JAN 2 6 1933 YES (V) COUNCILMEN (V) NAYS �, ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— 193_ PEARCE • P TERSON APPROVED 193— E .IN FAVOR , TRUAX /' 1 Mwvow ty AGAINST .L�ia'IRRG�r r' .rra COUNTERSIGNED BY WEN3EL ;..,� CITY COM ROLIdw �;rontc MR. PRESIDENT 1 B➢ S. 9. iMadlBNi. a� ,.on the sobooks %�T .. 1 me PUBLISHED .L: 901 COUN C TY CLERK` CITY OF SAINT PAUL `" Netomo__ APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION/208 ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER JOHN S • FINDLAN q( �^" U'�/J-_2"_DATE JAN. 20TH —"'193 8 RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. IEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — BUREAU OF CAFETERIAS CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM TO DR. CR. 15 HR Receipts & Revenue 27 190 29 15 K-3 Telephone 11 75 15 K-5 Auto Maintenance 14 80 15 KW Reserves Reapprop. 6 24 15-K-1 Salaries 1 988 74 K-2 Merchandise 22 674 98 $-4 Services & Supplies 1 043 48 K-6 Repairs & Renewals 1 515 88 TOTAL - 27 223 08 7 223 08 JAN 2 6 t' YES (V) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193- ® PEARCE JAN PETERSON 7 IN FAVOR APPROVED JA �`.' S�. 193- TRUAX AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED BY ciTT cOMPTROu.eR MR. PRESIDENT 500 1044 PUBLISH ,, D �✓ C. F. No. 10W By T. & Findlan— „ Resolved, mi 1 he fallow,.. [rune - rook. of the un. V JAN 2 6 t' YES (V) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193- ® PEARCE JAN PETERSON 7 IN FAVOR APPROVED JA �`.' S�. 193- TRUAX AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED BY ciTT cOMPTROu.eR MR. PRESIDENT 500 1044 PUBLISH ,, D �✓ COUNCIL 1�,993� CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM _ PER CHARTER SECTION 208 I(n PRESENTED BY i- ../ // COMMISSIONER DATE 193 • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. k. r: CODE FROM TO AMOUNT APPORTIONED ITEM DR. TRANSFERRED CR. 15-R Library Service°t Cash Receipts 1,697.88 TRUAX 16-A1 Library Ser. - Salaries 718.13 314.41 16-A5 " " - New Books :JtO 16-A9 " ° - Trans. & Pett 317.22 16-134 Cash Building Maint. - Water 43.42 166.61 16-136 - Su lies 138.09 16-B7 " " - Repairs ✓40, C. F. , �... 101, 1 7. Flndt — t�ane- .• YES (V) COUNCILMEN (V) NAYS PEARCE { PETERSON A'�7,•teL^"��� IN FAVOR TRUAX ,.��-LN'' �•....i7G�i 0 AGAINST :JtO Boo 1-4 MR. PRESIDENT AN 2 6 ossa ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193— APPROVED 193— COUNTERSIGNED BY Cr COM—OL—N PUBLISHED'� 99 —S B ORIGINAL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL .R°,LNo 109932 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 � T r V PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. 193__ • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� N 2 6 1533 193_ APPROVED 193_ M.Yoq COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY COMFigOLL.R PUBLISHED _ `� / YES (V) COUNCILMEN (Y) NAYS • CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 21 Al �IN Publio Militias 9.16 21 B4 AGAINST 204.64 21 BW .12 21 02 105.32 21 BR 464.00 21 DR 7.99008 21 R 24.00 21 DW 3.54 21 A2 263.49 21 Bl 875.6o 21 B3 14.21 21 C1 6.72 21 D1 2,497.20 21 D2 1,437.26 21 D3 295.23 21 D4 2,364.19 21 D5 F. No. 109932—Dy W. A. Pariaato- C. R -1—d, That I' followinx crane- 1046,96 fere bo rtigde o books o$ thalf evoldaDle . - 'n:t Yom) ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� N 2 6 1533 193_ APPROVED 193_ M.Yoq COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY COMFigOLL.R PUBLISHED _ `� / YES (V) COUNCILMEN (Y) NAYS • PEARCE �I 1P1iE�T�E�RSON }�' 1— FAVOR TRUAX �IN Barfnee xK01111=1 W.—Ir AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� N 2 6 1533 193_ APPROVED 193_ M.Yoq COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY COMFigOLL.R PUBLISHED _ `� / COUNCIL NO, 109933 CITY OF SAINT PAUL �■ �TY«ERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFER SOLUTION FORM (/ E CHARTER SECTI PRESENTED BY \ DATA tl.wsmh�r 31. 193___ COMMISSIONER . F LVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE MPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS Y BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE FROM TO APPORTIONED AMOUNT ITEM DR. TRANSFERRED CR. 22 B3 Lighting 5.974.96 1,153.04 22 B 8 r 2.495.56 22 R 135.33 22 W 322.96 22 Al 331.97 22 A3 1,094.40 . 22 Bl 1, -0.82 22 B2 4.748.48 22 B4 51.67 22 B5 209.17 22 B6 1,679.42 22 B7 C C. F. No. 108933—By W. A Pa—to—1 Resolied, That the following titan%- torn ti made ,JAN 2 6 'rasa YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL, 193- PEARCE • PETERSON � APPROVED- `1 �,�;, �A�� :"` 193_ - 96n IN FAVOR -/ TRUAX/ J t 1 .. MAYOR 1 --aGAINST rrlII�O ����//// COUNTERSIGNED BY TRo LLsR MR. PRESIDENT IVV nJ'Tr ,00 ,a.,. PUBLISIiE D O'4Lul to Oty auk 109934 - CITY OF ST. PAUL ni"`" NO...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUjI RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY�w �,(/��( COMMISSIONER ........*..,rU=. ...... . /.� ...*. ........... .. ......... ..................DATE........... ................. .. ................ S, as provided by Council File No. 109688, approved December 31, 1937 the Council did, on the 25th day of January, 1938, at ten oiclock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain dwelling at 1269 Schaffer Street, on Lot 18, Einar T. Schul- stad Subdivision, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed;therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wreaked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wreaking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. C. F. No. 169934—B F. 3t. Tru— " as yre•� az- -'nd by Council File No. -1096:° - •+�.. December. 31, 1937 14 ! the 7s•.b. d .� COUNCAMEN Yea" N ays Zrasrrant0 L .._ _ In Favor /P/eterson / /Truax �. Against it FPresident (Geban) 3M 137 JAN 2 6 133 Adopted by the Council.... _ __.... _ .. __ ....._ — A93 Approved. % '' 193....... pUUL1- Mayor CITY OF SAINT PA Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERKµ L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration January 25th, 1938 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of a certain dwelling at 1269 Schaffer St., located on Lot 18, Einer T. Schulstad Subdivision. Yours very truly, Z� City Clerk. origin.i to City Clerk ORDINANCE 169935 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY/4n-+a�i� RDINANCE NO C. F. No. io9996—ordinance No. 7683— By 7. S. Findlan= An ordinance a,nending No. 7842, — titled An adminiatrat ne ordinar .'ellating rto u °�D ... . i , An ordinance amending Ordina ceNo. 7842, entitled "An administrative ordinance relating to the appointment by city/officials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organization charts for the various departments of the city government. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety." approved September 30, 1937. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: y SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 7542, approved September 30, 1937) as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding in Section 3 under the heading "Records° the following line, 01 Sr. Clerk -Typist" SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered d necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Imo' Pearce Peterson Truax / Mr. t`�ian� V Attest: rA _X 10w City Cler 200 7.37 Ca 20089 I� FEB �. u I 3 Passed by the Council In Favor Against Approved: V L E -9,_, Mayor PUBLISHED �°� :n `� � Adopte7 by the Council---__ _ _ __. —193 -- - Yeas Nays BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRANTO ( " PEARCE PETERSON r TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) �%G''n-st'L'ryv r2ll-t:¢�1y-t 169936 RESOLUTION ,AF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING IKUMEWOMW rflF.Rt°ON '.' " " 'r TTR4r nr ►lr. tnr r n.1 TTlr MM) OF IMMAUS In the matter of_openin��_v_ridenin� and_extending_a_20 foot alley_ from_Jreenbrier-Avenue --- to ,salsh .avenue by taking and condemning the following: The north 10 feet of the south134.79 feet of the east one-half of Block 4, B. Schnitzius Addition, being the southeast portion of said Block 4, — Q,g90LDT': - APPROV-I OP'� �'T .4I — L ING ND -�+ _,'nn :.. .. q.J.rl under Preliminary Order __-_ 108958__-___--__-_, approved -------- October 12t_1937 __________I Intermediary Order ..........109483 ------------ approved -------- December 8a-1937 _____-_-__, Final Order -----------------19H696 ------------- approved-------- January_4,_ 1938 ------------ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- - - - 23.rA -------- day he_______22rA--______day of ------ Ftbxmii:7-------------- 19aa@-, at ten o'clock A. M.; and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give noticed said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. .IAN 26 � -- Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------- - . -- City Clerk. Approved---------------------------- 19---; L_ 2 % - - - - -- ----- Barfvsa Mayor. Councilman Findlan Councilman Pearce Councilman Councilman Cru, x �`n✓ J Councilman YU[3LISHLD Coundilman 569WEAP" Mayor Gehan 169937 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING INI t THEREON :',;:' F:XLtG Ti)" OP :i-.�`"" ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of___egltdemling_anl tekin�an easement_in the land_necessary_fo_r slopes_ cuts and fills in the ,radin3 of Hoyt Avenue from Quincy Street to North Grotto Street, 1 C. F. No. 309937— In the matter of dondemning and tak_ Ing a easement In he land e s9rY ifar elopes. r =na i lrohm �•d ^ MON! under Preliminary Order-----------------------� 106738 approved------------------------------------. 11arch 10, 1937 Intermediary Order ------------------ 109489 --___-____- approved PP oved_________-_--------� December 8 1937 ---------------- Final Order ----------------- 1Q96Q3------------ approved ---------- anuary_4,_1938.____------ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ ___ 23rd________ day of ---------- Febr IxU---------- 19_38 at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Couneil_________________ �- I— _2�_ City Clerk. Approved---------------------------- 19--- - sti, ❑, Mayor. Councilman Qenror_=ZZ� Fludla❑ 1 COunCllmaII1'ra rte Councilman Councilman - �'�t,•r9o" Councilman Truax Councilman 9 e 9� Q :.,I,>1 YU�Lh•,cll_L�L� Mayor ® Gehan 169938 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING UUMON THGRF.G`+ AND FiXi1TI,'i�tR�1 O ; 1IL Wt2G OF DA1AG�:G ""A In the matter of__44D$QDYLlTI:_gl]4i_tA.lG3Tlw_BII_Base±nellt_in_tj�e,grld_ngcessary_fg, slopes__ cuts and fills in the gradin- of Alley in Block 2, Chatsworth Street Addition; and Block 2, Jos. R. Weide's 5th Addition, from TSilton Street to Chatsworth Street, C. F. No. 109938— In the matter or Ing an —:.. spry for grad Ir c under Preliminary Order ---- 109283------------- approved______iLov_elpber_1 x_1937____-_____-, Intermediary Order -------__ 3_0936$_______----_, approved ------ Mmembgr_ _5 _1`3$7______----_, Final Order-----------------kQ-EU ------------- approved ------- Januarx 11_1938. ____------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- - 23rd__________ day of____ February_______________, 19_$8_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. JAN 2 6 iCK"8 Adopted by the Council__________ _______- -- =-- - --d v ---------------- -------- City Clerk. Approved--- --- -------------------,19---- �/ ) }iarfuss ~-- 1--/-- - -- - - ----- Mayor. Councilman btndlan Councilman i^: Pearce. Councilman Peterson Councilman C C!+oo,,uncilman«+-( lG L fQ-+ L 0 PUBLISHED Mayor uncilman Gahan COUNCIL FILE NO - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of` ohanging the grade of the west side of Syndicate Avenue from Thomas Street to Lafond Street to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made:s part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, under Preliminary Order 109616 approved neramhar 27, 19,37 - The 937The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved acid adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded v 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is change the grade of the west side of Syndicate Avenue from Thomas Street 'to Lafond Street to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, _ FINTERMEDIARY ORDERS. �I with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on ibe 23rd daq of February 193—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chambe[ of the Coact House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of -Finance gips nottcebf said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time'and place of heat- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JAN 6 1933 1`93—/' APP roved— AN f `i LM 193— Councilman Barfuss Councilma Councilman=' Findlan Pearce Councilma' Peterson v CouncilmariffigMMMms,52 Truax CouncilmacM11505 Mayor linbOUP Gehau Form B. S. A. 8-6 a2 PUBLISMD '._ 169940 'Odtlw b Qq QtlyL., � eour+e�� CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL �EWLUT1ON --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYJ� �f COMMISSIONER ....... ........... IN.�.-." � ..._. ...............DATE __.Janiie'r ....261._1938♦ .._............ RESOLVED That licensee apfAied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: John Mann 947 W.th St. 7 Barber App. 23947 Renewal Jpseph Milner 569 W. 7th St. Barber n 23999 ■ Tom Moore 1715 E. 7th St. Barber ■ 24125 n R. Milner 709 W. 7th St. Barber " 24137 q A. Gritzmacher 265 W. 7th St. Barber " 24152 " August A. Goettech 404 Rice St. Barber a 24189 a George Miller 93 W. 7th St. Barber a 24194 a DeLyle Mellinger 192 Concord St. Barber a 24197 " W. P. Mergen 499 Univ. Ave. Barber ■ 24202 a Harry C. Munson 779 A. Snelling Barber a 24215 " Bred Jost 330 Hamm Bldg. Barber ■ 24360 ■ Jim Magares 607 Wabasha St. Barber a 24391 l• John J. Colbert 596 Rice St., Restaurant ■ 244�5 a F. C. Ullrich 622 University Ave. Restaurant ■ 2444: ■ John Drexler 572 N. Dale St. Restaurant■ 24474 " On Sale Malt ■ 24475 " R R q R Off Sale Malt " 24476 ■ Arlene Oldfield 656 lirrand Ave. Restaurant " 24480 a Blanche Broderick 24'W. Imobange Hotel ■ 24488 ■ M. Billman 661 University Barber " 24502 a COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas Adopted by the Council _ . 193_ 8arfuss Findlan Pearce In Favor Approved.___ 193__... Peterson Truax _ Against Mayor p W. WetsQ nc (Gehan) 3M 3.37 Odgl_l I. ati a.e. 1(19940 CITY OF ST. PAUL iue NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ COMMISSIONER......... ....... ....... ..............DATE. .. .................. .................. ........_....... RESOLVED —2- J. A. Brozek I= 999 Hastings. Grocery App. 24542 Renewal. 11 " " to Off Sale Malt " 24543 a Sam Pappas 626 Selby Ave. Restaurant a 24575 a W. Otto & J. Jensen 361 Earl St. Conf. n 24581 " James Copeland 557 Jaiekson St. Restaurant n 24598 " F. C. Ullrich 622 Univ. Ave. On Sale Malt " 2460j " a a a n OffSaleMab a 24604 n Robert.Spurlin 474 S. Cleveland k1k Barter a 24613 a Dominic Corte 2728 W. 7th St. Restaurant a 24634 n On Sale Malt " 24635 " Off Sale Malt " 24636 a Alfred Martin 254 E. 6th St. Gas Station " 24647 n H. W. Peterson 989 Arcade St. Gas Stationn " 24651 " Gordon Chargee 1929 Univ. Ave. Barber " 24655 " Phillip Snell 471 N. Dale St. Barber n 24659 a Joe Griemann 963 Bice St. Barber n 24666 " Wm. Montfka 1014 Arcade St. -Barber " 24677 " Harry Hertz 666 N. Snelling Gas Station n 24687 +, Schunaman & Mannheimers 405 Wabasha St. 2nd hand d1r. a 24706 n Chas. Simon 568 Rice St. Barber " 24712 n W. F. Smith.1ire &M ttery Co. 356 N. Smith Gas Station n 24719 a a r r a n 263 W. 5th St. " a a 24720 " City Motor Supply 0, 440 Sibley St. Gas Station n 24722 " COUN MEN Yeas i�7�ys Adopted by the Council JAN 26 1938 193 _ ao9aa0- IJAN 9 P 3,_ '� ,Jearce _ In Favor s. Approved — t93_..... /Peterson Against Mayor P r7TAto President (Gehan) )M 1•)7 PURI.ISHED `adef i to aty auk CITY OF ST. PAUL 149941 COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTS BY �I h .............. — • Q —1 1 rI ATE Jan. 26....1938._ ......................... RESOLVED That licensee applied for by the following persona at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city cleft is instructed to Issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: John Zittel 1102 W. Larpenter Confectionery App. 24032 New Old-Looation Richard D. Weise 420 Hein Ave. Gas Station n 24750 u n ■ Alfred H. Horgen 618 University Ave. Gas Station n 24756 n n p C. F. Ree by ti dress hare., mh tain e; CAN tion. 111.]G Alfl Ave., Ad cas Ado t .APD COUN MEN Yeas Nays fuss 2dlan !tel/� ce / [n Favor �rson Against R D REED� to r. President (Gehan) )M 3-37 1 =Bv U. IL Barfuss,F. .11 Tmt lcene a apDtied [o! IIOWiy peyeOaa at the ad:- .d1cste be. and t,e same are 'anted and, the- clty clerk ,ls to Issue inch licenses upon .nd r to the clty treasury. of •te fees: Lt01, 1102 W. Larpenteul, !Ory. .1pD.. .24032 Naw Loca- n 'A pai247502.' —l- est- 37- Merges. 616' IInlvemty- StaUnn.- Aw. 24756 X. I by the Councll Jan. So 1926. d Jan. 26:,1936. - JAN 2 G = Adopted by the Council —493 - Approved ........ ..........193_..... Mayor a Od.la,I to atr Oak , - 169942 CITY OF ST. PAUL iii"`" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE/SLSLp)TION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY1/\J \�jJ+•J COMMISSIONER .............. .. .... ...._ ........DATE....... January ..26.....1935.. RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, application 24526, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 24527, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 24525, applied for by Samuel N. Zagaria at 375 Jackson St. be and the same, are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, — Imforma.137 approved b Council C. F. No. 10994E—By G. B:, Borfuea, F. Pp Y s M. Truax, I. C. Pearce -- Jan. 15, 1935,–Reaolved;'That 'license for nes u �. ant apullcatlon 24626, On Salo Malt Old Location. Beye ge, Dpllcatioa ran and on aplpl for8 by 68mua 1 NcZIe.Rar1a68ai 378 Jack eon 5t." pe and. ttis same aro! hereby Irra.nted ,atid'the c(ty clerk Is' Instructed to Issue such 11 cenaea uDon� the Daytn9nt into the, city treasury of 6 the required fees s. Approvefl Jan. 36 1828 Op e y Lhe Council Jan 28, 1838. C.OUNG[LMEN JAN 2 6 1921 Yeas // Nay Adopted by the Council..........._.. B�rftue 7ndlan �arce In Favor Approved_.. _... __ _. ...193__... /4eareoo ruax (...Against Mayor ` r. President (Gehan) )M 7 0118bW le ar Clark RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N0.....169943 OFFICE fOF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL 7LUTION --- GENERAL FORM .. —DATE.- That ..DATE 1938.. That license for Restaurant, application 24614, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 24615, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, applffition.24616, applied for by Leonard Loretz at 1179 University Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, Jan. 19, 1939. Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfdlan earce _ In Favor rson 0. . Againet to Mr. President (Gehan) )M }.7 109919—By.G). It Barruas. F. Pearce— ouch Jan. 29. 1988.' 1938): j4h! 9� ; �� Adopted by the Council.... _ 193...... Approved 193...... Mayor -- 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK `COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,,//O COMMISSIONER........................�tl/K - .... ........... ................. ...........DATE__. COUNCILNO.169.946. ".0 F NpI8Bf&—,i Findlaq� 11 Whereea,8In fht ,S ,s. . WHEREAS, in the matter of the reconstruction and re- furnishing of the Mounds Park School, it was deemed essential that's. provision for the installation of suitable stokers be added to the specifications, and the provisions of the existing contract for the installation of plumbing and heating facilities, and WHEREAS, Harris Bros. Plumbing Company, Inc., the contractor for the installation of such facilities, pursuant to the exist- ing contract made by the City of Saint Paul and said contractor, has proposed to install two No. 3710 Bros stokers with 750 pound capacity hoppers, motors for 220 volts, three phase, 60 cycle, minimum speed 100 pounds per hour, minimum distance between front of boiler and face of hopper thirty-four inches, all in accordance with specifications therefor prepared by the Utilities Engineer, for the sum of 91650.00 to be added to the contract price fixed by said contract and payable by the City of Saint Paul to said contractor, the cost of which stokers was hereto- fore estimated at $2500.00, and the acceptance of said proposal for such extra being recommended by the City Architect and deemed to be in the best interests of the City, therefore be it RESOLVED, that subject to the written consent of said contractor and its surety, the said specifications and the said contract be and the same hereby are amended by adding in each case a provision for the installation of such stokers and such accessory facilities by said contractor, in consideration of thepayment to said contractor by the City of the additional sum of 51650.00, payable from the funds heretofore appropriated and provided for the payment of the cost of the reconstruction and refurnishing of said public school building in the City of Saint Paul, and the proper city officers be and they hereby are authorized and directed to make such extra disbursements in'the premises. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay Zan In Favor eterson rua: D..' Against P$ nto fir. President (Gehan) IM •3-37 JAN 27 IS33 Adopted by the Council_ ..__.. __....__............. 193..... Approved...... ...... 193 PUBLISHED 1 V-3- 10994'7 odfhw to tar Oakcouncu. NO ................. CITY OF ST. PAUL •"` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK eCOUNCIL/ E OLU ON ---GENERAL FORM PR—"TED BY ... ....... .... ..........DATE .... ... Ta Y._2.7a...19..sS.............._........ COMMISSION .. '""""' RESOLVED That license for eatauraat, application 24798, On Sale Ida].t Beverage, application 24799, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 24800, applied for by Joseph Rossi at 578 N. Robert St. be and the same are hereby denied and the proper city officers be and they are authorized to refund to Jpssllh Rossi the fees of $10.00, $50.00, and $5.00 and to cancel said application$ for 1lgenses. COUNC EN Naye Yeas �tlse .i'indlan �earce mom.. _ In Favor eon 0. _ Against r. president (Gehan) eat �.ar C. F..Nor 109947—By O. F. Barfues, F: )•r. Truax, T. C. Pearce— gesolved,"That 1j.ense for Reetave rani, application 21798. On Sala Dfalt Beverage, apptioatlo. xf799, aha `OR applled for by Joseo)1 Roseltlat 678 N. Robert $Calle sad the'same are here- by deniedand gh4'proper city oidcers be "and they re authorized to -refund to Joseph Roast the Teez 'o[. EIdA9. E60:00 and'E6 00 llSgnflseYso:_e• ctlanScaenl. sEa7,d1938, ap- pllAadtloabyrthoeeCounopoye ppd Jan. (Jab, 329. 19 8) �g J12 Z 1938 Adopted by the Council ....193- - .. Approved .._.193....... - � -� Mayor odtl.4 1, otr o. k Q Q I CITY OF ST. PAUL i°ai"c" NO....1�_�948 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R ---GENERAL FORM ........DATE January 27. 1938• I v WHEREAS, Sem Rolfson desires to withdraw application 24795 for On Sale Liquor license at 2145 University Ave. and requests the teturn of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Sam Rolfson the fee of $1,000.00 and to cancel ,said application for license. C..F. No. 169948=By 6. H. 1%8rku8s,. F. SI. rr.ox. I. C Pearce- Whereas. DSin Rol[247 dee[rea- to LlaQnorgllcenae11 aCt 2146 Unl eMity S.I.V ¢nd repueata-the return of the I..... fee deposited thereon; therefore, 4e It Retlolved that the proper city. ofd care be Ani. they. are here Y authorised I. refund .to Saln no, _ th. Yee aT 11,000 00 aud., to c.] eel Said app"Cm- � tion Yor lleenee. Adopted by the Council Jan. 27, 1938. ADD oved Jan. 27: 1988. (Jan 29, 1988). COUNCILMEN Was Nay uss ndlan earce In Favor Wl�-erson irM'Against t (Gehan) .1t 3.)7 Adopted by the Cocnci . AN 27 1938 _.._._.._.........193....... ',. ApprovedA.lt P E:!J� // 193_. .... L� ,/ %/, Mayor od,aacity a '.....� NO109.9.49._. / CITY OF ST. PAUL a i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CSOJ' OUNCIL REU-GENERAL FORM Y WHIOW, William Hanson desires to withdraw application 23828 for On Sale Liquor license at 2145 University Ave, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to William Hanson the fee of $1.000.00 and to cancel said application for license. C. F. No. 309948—By (}::�. Barfuee, F. iopted tiythe Council 8'an. 27. 1938. iVroved Jan. 27. 1988.-: (Jan. 20. 1938) - JAN 27 1938 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _ 193— yeas yeas � Nays Approved 193....... Peazce In Favor son / 1% Z. �... Against Mayor rentido Present (Gehan) )M 3.37 0.11hw W CILV (3.k CON O....']L VIi j. j qar'o. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SFEUTI'RN---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED . COMMISSIONER- ..T.-- WEKBELS, Joe Lazio desires to withdraw application 24939 for Motor Vehicle Driver license and requLests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to reford to Joe Lang the fee of $1.00 and to cancel said application for license. OOUNt LIN ?eas Nays dlan earce In Favor rwZreo r,4n Against /Mr. President (Gehan) SM 3-37 r. C F Whereas Joe j,,nRrdes res to wjth- drawlc,. 'pppllcatfon r r 3 f6r tor Ve- hicle of t --f.�- -c-t. the thereon; t c d therefore; u it ' -.called ' ..- esol a t t t ro cjty a t � , are e Y . hgl- 1,. 0 to r.tf,.n to no be 'u, : of lee an 11 - said —tl.. for Adopted b� the Council Jan 27 1938 A..royed an. 27, 1938. — J. 2 . 1938) JAN 27 1938 Adopted by the Council .. , - 193- -i(Il'iNI .2, 7 fj-)b Approved 193 G1sl w 1.WIC31.&169951 CITY OF ST. PAUL eouwoaNO.........._...._........OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN ((rUU/T__I—ON ----GENERAL FORMPRESENTED 8 "t ZCCM MI . .. .... .� '1�.'.......%. .. .._.:..... DATE...._.. ..J8112-.21P.._193g!� .......'-" ASEMBLS, George Heck desires to withdraw application 214852 for Off Sale Melt Beverage license, appliation 211853 for On Sale Malt Beverate license, and application 214854, for Restaurant License at 66 R. 7th St. and is req"sts the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to George Heck the fees of $5.00, ffi50.00, and $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. No. tO886t�8.-C- Barfuea,: F: —a.. I. C. Pearce— �reae, V ..t Heck de Off to raw afoh 25862 for Ott tate Beverage "W" avOlfH fOn Sale Malt Beveragege H - to, tl. to. C Yeas COlMEN Nays uss In Favor e son .....Against tante c President (Gehan) 3M 3.37 JAN 27 1933 Adopted by the Council .--.... ...193.... Approved_ _ 193_..... "t" a CRY, c k 169952 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOWjjION---GENERAL FORM COMMIS�D SY ._..� VY .........DATE...__. SaPnaTV..._27,.. 1938• CtlMMISSIONER._.._. __.. .... ........... ..._... .. ... .. _ ......... RESOLVED That licenses alVlled for by the following persons at the addresses indicated ge and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feast Barbara Carroll 489 Como Ave. Grocery App. 23667 Renewal. Frank J. Wiese 1158 Selby Ave. off Sale Malt " 23840 " 0. J. Dahlgard 387 University Ave. Grocery " 23849 " R. Motti' 438 Lafond Grocery " 23888 " Catherine Monahan 679 Mississippi Confectioner " 23900 " LeRoy Marshall 569 Arundel Grocery 23992 " Sam Selbin 644 Jackson St. Grocery , " 24008 " Wm. Woentovdch 625 Central Pk.Pl. Grocery " 24063 " A. Ragan 668 Central Pk.Pl. Grocery " 24098 " Joseph Muellner 1381 Rice St. Grocery " 24288 " Mrs. J. M. Byrne 1022 Rice St. Grocery " 24305 " John B. Asfalz 579 Thomas St. Grocery " 24308 a B. J. Sauerwein 1145-47 Rice St. Pool Tables " 24387 " A. Levenson 312 University Ave. GroceiW " 24499 " s s " " Off Sale Malt " 24490 " A. Hohenstein 427 S. Robert St. Grocery " 24537 " Johnson & Barnes 925 Rice St. Grocery " 24541 " Mrs.Anna McDermott 121 S. Western Are. Grocery " 24552 " Gerenz Bros. 516 Selby Ave. Grocery " 24569 " A. J. Bulinski 217 Charles St. Grocery a 24571 " COUNCILMEN b Adopted by the Council.__ ___ __......__. . _ ___ _.193... Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved.......... _ ..._ ._.... _ ........... l93_.... Pearce In Favor Peterson Truax Against Mayor Par=o Mr. President (Geban) IM 3.37 Cfty a k COUNCIL 149952 Oh136u1 to CITY OF ST. PAUL n�■ N0. ..................._.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY....._...........DATE COMMISSIONER......... .... _......._.... ......._...... . .._........._. ..................... .. RESOLVED Thos. F. Marnaka 1112 W. 7th St. Grocery App. 24573 Renewal. J. Nightingale 818 Como Ave. Grocery " 24593 " Ruth A. Smith 1055 Grand Ave. Confectionery N 24612 N E. Schadfer 965 Arcade St. Grocery " 24617 " Otto W"Em Gruner 742 Edmmu St. Grocery N 24619 N I. aremland 331 Kentucky St. Grocery " 24625 " Steve Mayer 988 N. Dale St. Grocery " 24639 " Phillip Greenberg 276 E. 9th St. Junk Dealer It 24633 " 1. Backner 1116 Reaney St. Grocery N 24642 N E. J. Mellin 804 E. 3rd St. Grocery n 24649 " Woods Chocolate Shop 4 W. 5th St. Oonfectibnery N 24650 N R. Koenig 1702 Grand Ave. Bakery N 24652 " Klimenbagen Pood Mkt. 850 Selby Ave. Grocery " 24653 N S. J. Culver & Op. 1219 Randolph St. Grocery N 24658 N Beulah Schochet 500 Selby Ave. Grocery it 24662 " Roman Zielinski 1059 N. Western Ave. Grocery N 24663 N John Wosika 731 Randolph' St. Restaurant " 24669 n Wm. Weisburd 2276 Highland Pkwy. Grocery n 24670 " N N N n Off Sale Malt N 24671 " St. Paul Theatre Co. 21 W, 7th St. Confectionery " 24673 " Goldberg Bros. 178 concord St. Grocery N 24674 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council yen Nays Barfuss ' Findlan Approved _ 193....... Pearce In Favor Peterson Truax_... Against ................... _.............. _............. Mayor 4 GY2Ll�� Mr. President (Gahan) )M }37 ,Oi m Olr (1 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ........................ CITY OF ST. PAUL eFO,NC1 No...1u9952 ................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM —3— RESOLVED M. M. Hutchins 1342 Pt -Douglas Rd. Gas station App. 24680 Renewal. B. J. Pabst 798 Margaret St. Grocery a 24683 a New York Tea Co.Ino. 69 E. 5th St. Grocery N 24684 N Mrs. Olive Cunningham 34 N. Dale St. Grocery a 24695 N Prank�Msrrone 755 Payne Ave. Restaurant a 24691 a a n n On Sale Malt a 24692 a a N a n Off Sale Malt " 24693 a J. Chase & M. Nelson 310 Rice St. Off Sale Malt a 24695 N On Sale Malt a 24696 0 a a a a Restaurant ^ 21E697 if M. Carlotta 750 Payne Ave. Grocery it 24700 a Rudolph Stuber 35 W. Geranium Grocery a 24705 N A. Broehlingsdorf 364 Main Ave. Off Sale Malt a 24709 ^ a N a N On Sale Malt N 24710 a N N N N Restaurant a 24TU a P. J. Pilney 1032 W. 7th St. Grocery a 24723 a A. A. Williams 1096 Grand Ave. On Sale Malt a 24728 a R. E. Myhre & Son 255 W. 5th St. Gas Station a 24730 N A. J. Mia New York Bldg. Restaurant N 24731 a John R. Brandl 676 Blair St. Grocery a 24736 N Harvey Haas 740 Blair St. Grocery a 24738 N John B. Andres 14.55 W. Kellogg Gas Station a 24749 a Christ Nielsen 394 Main Ave. Gas Station a 24759 " COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays Adopted by the counca . JAN 7_ lc 193....... yss pI C 'F. No 109968 37Y (}, H. Iiarruae; F. "' Resolved, th T�—�_n % _ the * err e A pe e 71`111 ed for `° g*- Approved._.._ ___... .._t93_..... ieea[ce In Favor rson .... Against -/ _../ V .. ... .'y..___.... / P e r. President (Gehan) IM gal PUBLISHED CITY CLERrTO K CITY OF SAINT PAUL No. 109953 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM n / PER CHARTER SECTION 208 IGS. Nenneei 968-�By A.,. F. Peter�sonti„`; is PRESENTED BY + I 1 `. ! h •nitr -.. COMMISSIONER Ax F. Peterson yOIAJanuary'•21at 193 9—;, • December 1 Acct. RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE M S OF THE+ COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN, ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE FROM TO 3A5 3A -R 3A2 3A3 4B1 4B2 6A1 6A2 6A3 24B2 24D3 24F1 2481 24cl 24G1 24G2 " I APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT I TRANSFERRED DR. CR. Corporation Counsel (Office Expenses) 18.76 11 (Receipts) 129.54 " 11 (Legal Fees) 11 (Law Books) Registration Bureau (Salaries) 65,19 11 11 (Expenses) Finance Department (Salaries 671.83 " (Auto Allowance) 11 " (Office Expenses) Bd. of Pub. Welfare (Hospital Expense 7,424.83 11 11 (Bond) 69,757-36 1 " (Contingent Fund) 10,000.00 (Hospital Salarie ) " (County Home -S83.) " (Old Ape Pension al) (Old Age Pension ) C. H. & C. H. (Heat, Light, Power) 1,940.11 (Veterans quarters) 152,45 11 (P. 0. Reserve) 160.49 " (Telephones) " (Elevator Maint.) (Supplies) Civil Service (Salaries) s46.6S 11 11 (Examiners) 80.50 is 11 (Expense) I YES (V) COUNCILMEN (Y) NAYS • 'N 25A2 PETERSON �5A3 TRUAX AwARiete— GAINST V 25W mawn F9r-'1 MR. PRESIDENT 95A4 25A5 25A6 30111 30B2 30B4 APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT I TRANSFERRED DR. CR. Corporation Counsel (Office Expenses) 18.76 11 (Receipts) 129.54 " 11 (Legal Fees) 11 (Law Books) Registration Bureau (Salaries) 65,19 11 11 (Expenses) Finance Department (Salaries 671.83 " (Auto Allowance) 11 " (Office Expenses) Bd. of Pub. Welfare (Hospital Expense 7,424.83 11 11 (Bond) 69,757-36 1 " (Contingent Fund) 10,000.00 (Hospital Salarie ) " (County Home -S83.) " (Old Ape Pension al) (Old Age Pension ) C. H. & C. H. (Heat, Light, Power) 1,940.11 (Veterans quarters) 152,45 11 (P. 0. Reserve) 160.49 " (Telephones) " (Elevator Maint.) (Supplies) Civil Service (Salaries) s46.6S 11 11 (Examiners) 80.50 is 11 (Expense) 26.x4 121.46 65.19 69.30 602.53 39,931.74 905.19 9,296.27 39, o4s:,99 9.10 612.00 1,631.95 927.18 JAN 2 7 1938 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193 �A ll` s ` APPROVED - ',I 193_ COUNTERSIGNED BY ci(�r75Y 111-1141RPUBTAST-W.-D _ I YES (V) COUNCILMEN (Y) NAYS • PEARCE PETERSON ..FiABEN-'- IN FAVOR TRUAX AwARiete— GAINST V mawn F9r-'1 MR. PRESIDENT 26.x4 121.46 65.19 69.30 602.53 39,931.74 905.19 9,296.27 39, o4s:,99 9.10 612.00 1,631.95 927.18 JAN 2 7 1938 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193 �A ll` s ` APPROVED - ',I 193_ COUNTERSIGNED BY ci(�r75Y 111-1141RPUBTAST-W.-D _ CIT -0111L CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; Odslad to Olr OpY �6 ��C COUNCIL V=5IL7',l1 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO........r._.. . _... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,,,III ��• ��- ��. ��_��, - COMMISSIONER............`. (;(.....�?/�/...._.�._... ......... __.. DATE_ .....__. RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and directed to employ the necessary electri- cians for the lighting of the elides located in the parks of the City of Saint Paul to be used by the City of Saint Paul in con- nection with the celebration of the Winter Carnival, and to employ the necessary carpenters to erect a warming house at Dunning Field which is to be used in connection with the said Saint Paul Winter Carnival, and also to employ the necessary attendants for the proper care of the said elides while the same are in use during the time of the Saint Paul Winter Carnival; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the said persona so employed shall be paid from the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Item of the General Fund (Code 31-G-5) in the 1938 Budget, upon the certification of the said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. . F. e,.;No. .149964--89:.•fi•,.J& Trvaa= _r.&solved, that the CoQ1 =r of Park& Playzrounde and Pule -•u Par. Is ham• r .. I„ CO�LMEN C) Yeas'��,',�� Na n e ce � I ° Favor e�son � /I nua 1. Against •�re6to r. President (Gehan) IM "7 j" 27 iS33 Adopted by the Council 193..... JAIN d' Approved.... 193_..... Mayor PUBLISHED—� _- 169956 0011.4 to Can Gats CITY No.. CITY OF ST. PAUL n�t< _ _.....__......._.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY II/ �^ ' .. ........DATE.. ... _.... ...... COMMISSIONER *. _........2i_... RESOLVED, that -the City Purchasing Agent is hereby author- ized and directed to purchase from the Certified Ice & Fuel Company 2222 2/9 tons of ice at ninety cents per ton, the said ice to be delivered to the site of the Saint Paul Painter Carnival Queen's throne at Mounds Park in the City of Saint Paul; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the additional sum of $1250.00, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the use of the said Purchasing Agent in the purchase of materials and supplies for the activities of the City in connection with the. conduct of the said Carnival, the said sum to be appropriated from the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Item of the General Fund (Code 31-G-5), the same to be in addition to the appropriation heretofore made by Council File No. 109722,adopted January 5, 1938. C. F. No. 109966--8y F, 1S True — Reaolved;- that the City Purchasing Agent le he shy authorl, 'a direct- ed to oureha,ee from th a', ''e tt Fuel- Celr_2222 j24 M� Z OOUNCI EN Adopted by the Council ...__... __.... ___....... __ __..193.__.. lea Nay w$lan Approved. 193_..... /� ce In Favor � 4tC n� . ✓ Mayor Against PUBLISIIED /�— ipreeldrent (Gehan) 3M 3.37 odsiaw to aty awe 16,9957 CITY OF ST. PAUL io`i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESN---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: H. R. Carpenter Pharmacy 600 B. Western Ave. Confectionery Ap.24431 Now Old Loc Rudolph Mottl 438 La4bnd St. Off Sale Mala M 24554 a a s Louise Alessi 549 E. Minnehaha Off Sale Malt u 24665 u p ■ Peter Memmer 1045 Hastings Ave. Grocery n 24676 a New a C. H. Christians 627 S. Smith Ave. Motion Pictured 24678 0 and a n s p 0 Confectionery n 24679 N p N Lydia Gorman 1561 Grand Ave. Restaurant n 24726 a Old e C F. No. 109967-13y G. H. Barfuas, F. M. Truax. I. C. Pearce—, Resolved, That liceaeea j'pll.d for by the followlne -persons athe -ad- dressee Indicated be and the-aame .are hereby granted and the city clerk ie instructed to Issue such licenses upon the payment Into the city treasury of the reaulreed fees: 8: R Carpenter Pharmacy,600 LN. Western Ave. Confectionery, App. 24481 Old Loc. Inn. - i Rudol�yyh Mottl 488 Lafond St., Off i Sale -trait, Apo; 14964 Old Location. ,Coulee Alessi. 649 Z MInu'ebaha, Oft Sale Malt, Abp:..4665 Old Location. Peter .hemmer. 104X5 Heeling. Ave., Grocery, App• 24676 New Location ." C. H. Chrisf[a.. 627 S Smith. Ave.. hietlon Picture. App. 24678 Old, Loca- tion. C. H.Christians,' 627 S; Smith Ave., Confectionery, ADD• 24679 'Old Loca- tion.. Lydia G6rman 1661 Grand Ave., Res- taurant, App. R720 Old Location. Adopted by the Couneil-Jan.'27, 1908. Approved Jan. 27, 1988. (Jas: 29, 196S) COUN LMBN asses® 2 7 1� 33 Yeas � Nays Adopted by the Council_. _..__.___.......___....193....... Approved. t93_..... In Favor / 2._ Against 7 /V - Mayes .... r. President (Geban) 1M 1J7 I69958 machines and to furnish at its expense a requisite number of experienced factory men to instruct the fudges of election and a requisite number of experienced factory men for the custodial care of said machines, and to furnish a surety bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of $3000.00 conditioned for the performance by said corporation of all the aforesaid proposed undertakings and for the further undertaking that said corporation will at Its expense keep and maintain said machines in satisfactory working order at all said four elections to be held in the City of Saint Paul in said year, and WHEREAS, the Council has determined after due consid- eration that said proposition should be accepted and that twenty -.eight (28) such machines should be used at said elections and that one of said machines should be maintained for testing and instruotional purposes. -therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City, of Saint Paul that the aforesaid proposal of said corporation be and the same hereby is accepted by the City of Saint Paul and that provision be and hire* to made for the use of said Jamestown Automatic Voting Maehines manufactured by said Aatomatlo Voting Machine Corporation of Jamestown# Not Tork, of the type examined by said Commission, and'to be furniehed by *aid corporation'in a000rdance:with its "Ad, set at.eeoh of the four elections to be held in the City'of Saint Paul in the year 1938,- the City primary election on Tuesday March 8, 1938, the City general election on Tuesday► ApKi 2d, 1938, the'County and State primarf election Monday, ,Ipnii 2�i, 1938, and the general County and State election Tuesday, November 8. 1938, as may be practicable in conjunction with the regular baht system heretofore adopted and practiced in the CitY'of Saint Paul in the following election districts and the.re.is herebyassigned to each of said districts the number of said machines indicated opposite the district number, to -wits XAM PRECINCT NUMBER OF L0 ATIQN OF VOTING PLACE MA., SINE$ lot 19th 2 Grocery, 1377 Edgerton St.near penny 2nd lith 2 Harding High Sohool,Earl & 3rd Sts. 3rd let 2 Fire Station,ftoouto.St. .between Sixth and Seventh 4th 7th 2 Fire Station, 9th and Main Avenue 3th 15th 2 Randolph Heights Sohool, Hamlin and Jefferson 8th 17th 2 Humboldt High School, Hum Idt and asf#ersoer F.�.cj 7th 10th 2 Oak Hall Sohool Gymnasium, 684 Holly Avenue Od,IW to My Ouk ^� CITY OF ST, rP:.-.1. • AUL iii" " NO 149958 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �. UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORMC. s xo. 106959—se Tuaz `} i PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ ......._.............. ..... ........... ............................ ..... ............... ...........DATE....I... anM Ap ....~ � otfa WHEREAS, The Minnesota Voting Machine Commission, upon due application, duly examined a Jamestown Automatic Voting Machine manufactured by Automatic Voting Machine Corporation of Jamestown, New York, as to its compliance with the requirements of Chapter 267, Minnesota Session Laws 1905, as amended, and the provisions of law applicable thereto, and as to its accuracy, durability, efficiency and capacity to register the will of the electors; and WHEREAS, bald Commission has duly made and filed its report in the premises, among other things certifying that said type'of voting machine so examined by said Commission complies with the requirements of the law and particularly Chapter 267, Minnesota Session Laws, 1905, as amended, authorizing the use of voting machines at elections in the State of Minnesota, and that the same possesses accuracy, durability, efficiency, and capacity to register the will of the electors and can be used safely at elections -in the State of Minnesota under the conditions prescribed by said Chapter 267, Minnesota Session Laws 1905, as amended, and all other pertinent laws of the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul authorized and directed its Election Committee to conduct negotiations with said corporation and others for proposals for the furnishing of the use of voting machines at the several elections to bo'held in the City of Saint Paul during the year 1938, and said Election Committee has reported that said corporation proposes to furnish, at its expense and without cost to the City, twenty-nine (29) vot- ing-maohines of the aforesaid type -to the City of Saint Paul for use in each of said elections, available for service not later than February 15th, 1938, and to pay all charges for the shipment of.the same to the City of Saint Paul and the cartage and storage of�the same within said City, so as to insure their maintenance and use in each of the four elections to be held in the City of Saint Paul during the year 1938, and to pay the cost of printing the ballots, tally sheets and sample ballots needed in the operation of'such machines at said elections, and the cost of publishing sample ballot and posting rules as prescribed by the election laws of the State relating to voting Yeas ... COUNCILMEN Nays 4 Adopted by the Council._....... _ 1.,� V _...__ . Earfuss Pindlan e}' Pearce In Favor jj Approved....... ... 193_..... Peterson r l Truax Against IhI Mayor arantderp Mr. Presint (Gehan) �J ,s, ,.37 PUI3LIS:; D i� 199958 machines and to furnish at its expense a requisite number of experienced factory men to instruct the judges of election and a requisite number of experienced factory men for the custodial care of said machines, and to furnish a surety bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of $3000.00 conditioned for the performance by said corporation of all the aforesaid proposed undertakings and for the further undertaking that said corporation will at its expense keep and maintain said machines in satisfactory working order at all said four elections to be held in the City of Saint Paul in said year, and WHEREAS, the Council has determined after due coneid- eration that said proposition should be accepted and that twenty-eight (28) such machines should be used at said elections and that one of said machines should be maintained for testing and instructional purposes, therefore be it RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the aforesaid proposal of said corporation be and the same hereby is accepted by the City of Saint Paul and that provision be and hereby is made for the use of said Jamestown Automatic Voting Machines manufactured by said Automatic Voting Machine Corporation of Jamestown, New York, of the type examined by said Commission, and to be furnished by said corporation in accordance with its said proposal at each of the four elections to be held in the City of Saint Paul in the year 1938,- the City primary election on Tuesday, March 8, 1938, the City general election on Tuesday, April 26, 1938, the County and State primary election Monday, June 20, 1938, and the general County and State election Tuesday, November 8, 1938, as may be practicable in conjunction with the regular ballot system heretofore adopted and practiced in the City of Saint Paul in the following election districts and thbre is hereby assigned to each of said districts the number of said machines indicated opposite the district number, to -wit; WARD PRECINCT NUMBER OF LOCATION OF VOTING PLACE MACHINES let 19th 2 'Grocery, 1377 Edgerton St.near Denny 2nd 11th 2 Harding High School,Earl & 3rd Sts. 3rd let 2 Fire Station,Wacouta St. between Sixth and Seventh 4t 7th 2 Fire Station, 9th and Main Avenue 5t 15th 2 Randolph Heights School, Hemline and Jefferson 6th 17th 2 Humboldt High School, Hu bo dt and 7th 10th 2 Oak Hall Schooli8ymG nasiuu 584 Holly Avenue -2- CM/L.W b ch dk 109958 CITY OF ST. PAUL nucNo OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERALFORM r PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.......... --- .............. ................. .......... ........... ................ ........DATE..................... .............. C, WARD PRECINCT NUMBER OF LOCATION OF VOTING PLACE MACHINES 8th 13th 2 Scheffer School, Thomas & Marion Sts. 9th 2nd 2 State Office Bldg. Wabasha & Aurora 10th 18th 2 Murray Jr. High School Buford and Grantham lith 32nd 3 Fire Station, Snelling & Highland Parkway 11th 33rd 3 Horace Mann School, Eleanor & Kenneth 12th lith 2 McClellan School, Stinson and Oxford Streets and that one of said voting machines be maintained and used for testing and instructional purposes, all subject to the provisions of Chapter 267, Minnesota Session Laws, 1905, as amended, and all other applicable provisions of law governing said elections and the adoption and use therein of automatic voting machines, and provided that the surety bond aforesaid, proposed to be furnished by said corporation to the City of Saint"Paul, shall set forth said proposal and shall be conditioned for the performance of all " undertakings of said corporation in the premises, and approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to sufficiency of the surety by the Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIhMEN Yeas Nays dlan earee / _ In Pa., tuax / .. / . Against r In r President (Gehan) �9AN �'� i938 Adopted by the Cound _......t93...... 5 1 `" r �t) ss e<• 3 APprov(ed�.. ...... ... 193 .• Mayor <, P TWO { -A 1' d 4 ? V t' (t r:. 1 1 \r} . t,: jaw 4 { no C 1, �.t f` --town silly a }. f 00 Y. { ! `'�i t,� u imaY -281 too od91.W to UtY. q.b. �._ - Co- „CIL 109959 ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL •�� O•............ / OFF THE CITY CLERK CCODUNC ES TION ---GENERAL FORM Cll'earee/5....................i.........DATE.. .... asn.__264_1.9.38._...._... _._.. ...-...... RESOLVED 9VHEREA3, the Conmmi.eaioner of Public YP orka hes reported in accordance with,Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain em- ployes of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Rome ___e no. S. Rate or FIF Tousley, Robert M• Sr. Engr. Drftsman 8•80°—_ 40 .83.m city IOlL i man u8 Y, Rebar SdYaG Engr. Dr to- Sr. Robert M- Sr. Ener. Drtte- man. 10 boors'®. 68 .4 Adopted by the CounollJan. 27, 1988. Approved Jan. 27 1988. - (Jan. an.2>5; 1988) COUNCILMEN Yeas us$ Nays rce In Favor R7 ce coax Against r utdent (Gehan) 3M 3-37 7 5938 Adopted by the Council..' .. __....__ __ ___I93_ Approved..... 193....... Mayor -109919 An emergency has arisen in the MARTLMI T OF PUBLIC VJORIM, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Drawing plans for filtration plant This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Neoessary to complete plans in advance of work in order not to delay construction area. , COMEdISS OF IC 0 V crosuw to city a k eour+ea CITY OF ST. PAUL ^ • NOg 6996 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rCO CIL LUTI�wON--�--- GENERAL FORM v_ '? PRESEN B .n.'i�/........DATE ..........JB11....25.}...195.8..... ............ RLQ In the matter of constructing sewer on Idaho Avenue from Duluth Street to a point 20 feet east of the west line of Hannah's Como Villa, under Preliminary Order C. F. 109281 approved November 179 1957, and Final Order C. F. 109757 approved January 11, 1938. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted k by the Commissioner of Public works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 109980-8s I• C. 1'earce— Inon Idahho ttAvenue from Dulu h Street to a Dotnt 20, -feet east of the west line OL Hannah's (.'OIIlO Villa under Preliminary Order C. F. 109281 aD- Oov rder C. F.e10976Al approvead Final ro d January 1x6.1. Resolved. That the plans and sDeolfl- catlons as submitted a the Commis-, stoner t PUDIIo Wer be for the above, named Improvement, be and the came are hereby approved. Adopted by the Council Jan. 27. 1938.. i Approved (Jan. 27. 11398) COUNC MEN Yeas N71n e 8ihdlan / �� Favor e reon ✓ Against L syr O [. President (Gehan) 04 3.37 JAN 2 "l '1933 Adopted by the Council _ _ __......_ _ .__ _._ 193. Approved Mayor Petition G-40 109961 Council File No.--------•------•-------- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposesthemalungoftltefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Change the grade of Alley in Chas. Weide's Rearrangement of Block 6, Nelson's Addition frzsm"Fareat"St: to" Mendota St: tv ccmfarm to tire• -red line --ow the--pro€33e--hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the -- ------ -• - �..- emeri£ of Bliiok S� blue line thereon. Also grade the Alley in Chas. Vfei�e s ftearrang NeYsosl•s--Additi.on._from--Fom&t..St.-.to.-Mendota--St.--to--the..proposed.-red..linm..wb m-------------- established, and construct a sewer in the Alley from a point 200 feet west of.For est .................. St':""ta""'e'cmneot"wiCh-Che"s'ewer'-irr"Fore'at'St-"....................................... .......... . Dated this .............26th_day of....- -- Janus 1938 I � Councilman. Ps MMKINAr sos tom - PRELIMINARY ORDER. " WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Change the grade of Alley in Chas. Weida'a Rearrangement of Block 6� Nelson's Addition from Forest--Bt:--to--Mendota 9t:-to--•conform-to-the--red idne on tare attached and and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the A7 T---- fn Chea. WeideY's Aearrangemen£ of �BTook' 6 t - blue line thereon. AYso grade a ey Nels=t s.-Addition..from-Fnrest..St...-to..Mendata.. St....to.Ahe..propaaed..red.liae._when..----.-- established, and construct a sewer in the Alley from a point 200 feet west of Forest St:"to--eoaaezt'-wfth"'tire-•aewer'-in--Purest--St:---""--""`-----------"------------ --- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ------------------------------------- -.......... ----------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 8. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MF•�` _---•-- Adopted by the Council__------------------------ ------------------- YFAS -••-•------.... . ..............•---•--------YEAS Neva Councilman BARFUSS .JAN 2 7 1933 FINDLANAPproved--........... •--------••--------------- ----•-.................... ----------- PEARCE PETERSON Y .......... Ma MR. PRESIDENT Yarm C A 13 (RM 7-33) PUBLISHED -IL 3 G-40 Council File No......1�9��� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts ----tQ..gFad;tnB._of--&UQp--in- Chas.-.VYeide! s._Eearran�ement--of Block- 6�-- ----'- -- ....NUJ 1}ort!.a . AS1d ti Qz1.. x 9m._FQrV..IA..S-tx..-to..Mendota-_St. - --------------- -........................................... Dated this... .............. y anuary, 938 26t........de of ' - - - - PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, cuts ---------------- -sad.-fills ..is..tlxe..gra l ing..af_Alley...in.-Chas... Maide!.s.Bearrangemen3 .oP..Elack --H�-- f> gm..k ve.et..St.<._ts.. Mgudota.- Sts... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul...................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. C. F. No. 109962—By I. C. Pearce— JAN 2 7 1938 Abstract. Wlier.^, -arttten Or—sw for: tl Adopted by the Coursed..-.....--._ ........................................................ Palm n rovemea / u -C Y �YicAe NAxs Couneilmans BARFUSS FINDLANApproved<„........................ c . ------------ ----- ------------..----------------- PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX Ma PRIBSIDnrrr Par n c Mayor. Farm C A 19 (2Y 7-39) VUBL ISM, D� G -21W W.P.A.169963 Council File No ..................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and �rj PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, via.: Grade Lucy Street from Stryker Avenue to Winslow Avenue Dated this.... 25th. ....day of January - ... •` Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: GradeLucyStreet from Str.............................................ker Avenue to Winslow Avenue .................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul...................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �• I C. F. No. io3oo3—Bv T. G. Pearce— Adopted by the Council...................................ADecrnet. A wrbtten yroP^ %i Thr q?o - � toWinB. ' .. .. YEAS NArs Councilman.0 BARFUSS FINDLAN JAN ``, 1 1938 Approved ......................................... ..................... — PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX € {fENB�t'9 li .f 1 � ... Ma. PRESIDENT c c.- r c cL Mayor. F.. c A 13 tsM 7-3s> D PUBLISHED 1`69964 Council File No .......... .... _......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning _sad --taking- an _easement-_ia_the-_land_ necessary__Epr_algpe. j ............................ ............. au-ts._aad..,fil].s.-in..-th-e-grading--.a£..1Un7_ Street..from--Stryker..A¢erme._to---Winalaw.....-- Ayenua.------- --------------------- .......................................................................................................................................... Dated this...... 25�.... --day of ...... ........................January 193 - - - -, 190 -- ---- ------C•� Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -donde ing--and-_Laking-an--eg9eP!en-t--ila--tkts.-land..neoess ry..-£nx..siapese......-------......------ ----.-.--C.utS--pad.lii. a --- I.u...the..gradiz1E--a£.-Lucy...Str-eet.ir-=.Stry-ker..Avenue---ta---Winslow-------- . having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul...................................................................................... i therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of Said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said imprpvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓ 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance - C. F. No. 109984 � C. Penrce— • _ '•-+ for J Adopted by the Councd-----------------------•----•-•-------.....-----------------•---------- � .. .:., _:-,: . YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS �1� FINDLANApproved... JAK.2119.3.8....... ........................... PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX 1 / Ma PRESIDENT Farranto Mayor. I— C A 13 (2M 7.33) PUSLISI'D / J NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 109 t /� TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION C99OE NO: 109966 PRINTER ( "-� - r ,. January 25 8 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TRM�SU��RY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF$ COVERING CHECKSNUMBERED TO_036 INCLUSIVE,ASPER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. a0NlA5 `- - �- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 793 APPPOVEO _ 193y///�J A*w cornaouaw /// �. PTTRT.TCTiF.TI — %` �J !) ROLL CALL I BARFUS6FINDL�v�}p PEARC N Janw�� 25 _ _ IBS PEARCE IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS - - • PLTERBON TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWNONHE CITY TREASURY WENZEL ' Fy,/ COVERIND MR. PRIES. GLMAN TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT �yJOF f ,-TITI ^7 CHEC USIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ----- PER CHECKS ECK6MONRFILE Ilv ? OFFI OE )CITY CQM PTRO LLER. NUMBER CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER 4 4 4 BROUGHT FORWARD 9 Standard Stone Company 11 0 Standard Unit Parts Company 1 Steel Sales Corporation 2 Stewart Refrigeration Serviq�E 3 Stein's Food Market 4 E.J. Stilwell Paper Company TOTAL DATE 11 ----- --- --- RETURNED J TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT'S BY BANK CHECKS I. CHECKS i d 5 O.R. Stoelting Company !I 6 Stott Briquette Company 7 Sunrayed Products Sales Camp��n 9 Superior Refining Company 9 Swift & Company 0 W.F. Smith company 1 Millar-Tarrae, Inc. 2 Northern States Power Companr 3 9t.Paul Book & Stationery Cop 4 St.Paul Book & Stationery 001P 5 Schmidt Brewing Company 6 Snell Sah & Door Company 7 Stromberg Electric Company 1 8 Teachers College 11 9 Tilden Produce Company j 0 Timken..Detroit Axle Company 'I 1 Transit Supply Company 2 Twin City Book & Stationery (Co 3 Twin City Brick Company �4 Twin City Exterminating Comptes 5 Twin City Sawdust Company 6 Twin City Show Card Company 7 Twin City Supply Company 8 The Tyre Shop 9 Underwood -Elliott -Fisher 0om�p 0 Union Library Association 1 United Autographic Register 00 2 Universal Iron Foundry 00spa0y 3 University Associates of Can 4 University Books, Ino. 5 University of Chicago Press 11 6 Valley Iron Works 7 Van Paper Supply Company 8 Vestal Chemical Laboratoriesil 9 Victory Printing Company I' 0 Villaume Box & Lumber Compan 1 Wagner Paint & Varnish Comp y 2 Geo. T. Walker & Company 3 Wallao0 & Tiernan Company. I c li Wayne Ihmp Company 5 T.B. WAbb 6 W. L. Weber 43977 R.E. Wedelstsedt Company 1 43978 West Disinfaoting Company 43979 West End ice t Fuel Company 43980 Westerlin & Campbell Company;' 54 15 43981 Western Badge & Novelty Comp�n 43982 Western Materials Company 23 43983 Westinghouse Electric Compenl '43984 West publishing Company 3 5 889333 5gll 43985 James T. White & Company any SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD any 61 oo 57 13 4.50'.. 81 924' 54 15 y 13 50I, of 23 147 32' 109 36 3 5 889333 5gll any any 238 75> 82 50; 8 80' 1 25' 9 98'I 5 64';,I 1 287 00 mpany 42 89' 5 00;; y 5 90!' 12 00, 2 50'. 7 80 51 00'. 105 88', 4 24'' mpany 204 75 30 88'' a 8 52' 2 56, 2 87 2 48 12 2 52' 14680; 5 65 30 501 1 00 5995 23 40' 63 57 12 00 55 34!,' 4 119 50 y 7 '50 I. 326 46 155 75 12 '00 9 260 09 ;;747 404 1911, DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PUUI, U , 966 ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILECOUNCIL k9NUMBER SARF Uss 1 FINDLAN i i PEARCE --IN FAVOR MS January 25 AUDITED CLAIMS 193— TRUAX AGAINST I RESOLVED. THAT CHECKSBE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL MR. PRES. GEHAN TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT ;WFTD��,LCOVERING §TY C CHECKS NUMBERED INC USIVE. AS PER CHECKS D N FILE C o oM PTPOLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—---.------APPROV 1 CIM TROLL.R NUMBER BY —yo. 16 - TOTAL 'ATE CHECK RET U R NED IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER DIStUR 5 EMENT BY BANK ECK H ELKS BROUGHT FORWARD hnk dd 0 43986 H.w. Wilson Company 6o 134 5o 4 987 3 J.C.Winston Company 8 1 43988 ft. wise Company 2 6 43989 Wobig & Company 133 51 43990 Wolters Auto supply company 95 43991 wolverine Brass Company 4 22 43992 Yale University Press 163 20 4399� Yoerg Brewing Company 29 64 43994 wa. H. Ziegler Company, Inc* 59 31 43995 zin iter Baking Company ema 27 00 43996 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 1 -29 ' 80 43997 Mrs. Louis fay 31 go 43999 Mrs.nna R. Foley I lizabetb 40 00 43999 44000 Mrs. Literski Mrs. TIfTida Soderberg 28 5 so 44001 L. C. iisoher �3 44002 Jack Stark 1 792 8, 44003 Stjef4l Produots,InO. 366 25 125 87 44004 Board of Water Commissioneral 194 45 44002 Board of water Commissioners 974 96 4400 Board of Water Commissioners) 44007 Board of Water Commi asloners� 136 50 44008 City of St.Paul, B. If Audo 1 300 00 44009 I.C.Pearce, C.P.Worka 801 72 13 44010 I.C.Pearce. C.P.Works 76 2 405 33 44011 I.C.Pearce, C.P.Works 44012 I.C.Pearoe, C.P.works1 125 35 44013 I.C.Pearoe, O.P.Worka 1 72 59 992 44014 I.C.Pearoe, C.P.Works 1 49 44015 I.O.Pearce, C.P.Works 128 9 44016 I.O.Pearoe, C.P.Works 359 91 44017 I.O.Pearceo C.P.Works 4 9 15 1910 44018 44019 I.C.Pearoe, O.P.Works I.C.Pearce, C.P.Works iL70 92 56 44020 Axel F. Peterson, C.P.R.F. 1 3 73 10 00 44021 Mary Freiseis, Aftinlatratri� 1 44e22 Pederson Brothers 10 13o 00 42 44Q1Q3 F.J. Campbell 440 Elvin First kid Supply Compan 27 49 70 ol 44025 Farwell, O=un, Kirk & CompanV 44026 44027 Hersey Meter Company Kennedy Brothers Arms Company 578 183 59 16 44029 Linear Broom Company 10 is 44029 W.B. Martin Lumber Company 32363 66 44030 price Electric Company 362 o 514 44031 Railway Express Agency 67 79 44032 st.Paui Voo.Sobool Revlerund 1 44033 Sharp and Dohme, Inc. 193 4 ;1 44034 L.A. Soler. cashier Water Dept. lei 44035 Twin City Brick Company 87 362 97 20 44036 George Warner & Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 20 970 01;751 717 36, Od&W to caf ask COUNCIL 10996 •• 1, CITY OF ST. PAUL =u NO...... . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK W COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Dry_^ COMMISSIONER....................JOB...B.....F.INDIAN........1 ....LILIC�.-�jrC.✓V� .` .._...........DATE .........J11AIX437...e ...}...193.0 RESOLVED WHEREAS, After a careful study by a committee consisting of all teachers of shorthand in the St. Paul public high schools, the Functional Method of Gregg Shorthand Is recommended to replace the manual method now in use, and WHEREAS, The Director of High Schools, the Superintendent of Schools, and the Teachers' Advisory Committee have approved this reoommendation, and %MREAS, These new shorthand texts are to be used only in the beginning olastesp or in those classes in which a new text Is to be parohaeedg therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the folloy4ng shorthand textbooks be adopted for use in the shorthand classes in all of the public high schools, beginning with the second semester of the school year 1937-1935: First Semester Functional Method- Volume I 1.50 Second Semester Functional Method --Volume II 1.50 Third Semester Funotional Method Dictation 1.50 Fourth Semester Gregg Dictation and Transcription 1.50 oi- Applled.Seoretarial Practice 1.50 No. 109987—BY T. 8. Flndlan— '1 a n eful study by a ���� tts conelatl g of n11 teachers JAN 2 �,.thend in the St. Pau, public CAUNCILMEN h 1 ,the nctional Method of sno tear•-. a ended to dopted by. the Council _ ..193 Ycae Nays_ �o maw -Y In neo. gdlan . / Approved.._.__ 193_..... /Yexrce _ In Favor .i� l /ftuaa ..'Against . /Vc PQ . President (Gd n) pU`3LIsj1ED� oad:.i to, aat couw 169968 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO.._....___._..........._.......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTIOrI --- FRLL ORM •, PR # DA ESENTED BY �.I ..._TE ._...__.... .. .._...... .... _...__.. ....... , COMMISSIONER..... .... J ...._. 1 ._... �'�..w-_....... ...._..... WHEREAS, in the opinion of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, it is necessary that the Revolving Fund of the County Welfare Board of the City of Saint Paul and County of Ramsey be increased from :150,000 to $200,000, and the portion of the City of Saint Paul of the additional $50,000 to be so provided would be the sum of $13,750, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the the sum of $13,750 is hereby appropriated to the Revolving Fund of the County Welfare Board of the City of Saint Paul and County of Ramsey, the said sum to be paid out of the Board of Public welfare Fund, Code 24, said sum to be in addition to the amount heretofore appropriated by Council File No. 107753, adopted June 11, 1937. COU LMEN Yeas Nays dlacl In Favor ruaa __ _ ......__. Against r.t�ent (Gehan) )M 337 109908-13Y M- H. G han, A. of $13.760 Is Council Jam. E8,1938. , 36, 1938) - .DAN Adopted by the Council 193... Approved.... �yo, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration January 27th, 1938 Mr. Jnhn W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution providing for an increase in the County Welfare Board Revolving Fund from $150,000.00 to $200,000.00 as set out in the attached letter of Comer. Peterson, and the minutes of the committee, also attached. Yours very truly, City Clerk. �' AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier 1 M so �9 January 25, 1908. To the Mayor and Members of the Council. Gentlemen: The question of increasing the operation revolving fund of the Ramsey County Welfare Board from $150,000 to $200,000 was referred to a committee consisting of the County Auditor, the Comptroller, the County Attorney, Corporation Counsel and myself, to look into the advisability of this request. Together with the Comptroller and County Auditor and later in consultation with Mr. Bratter of the County Attorney's office and Mr. McConneloug, Corporation Counsel, it was agreed to recommend that this request be granted. A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the above mentioned officials is hereto attached, setting forth the oiroumstanoes that arise in the Welfare Board's operations that require this additional money in the revolving fund. Briefly, may I say that certain expenditures made by the Welfare Board are reimbursed monthly and it quite often happens that the County Board does not meet opportunely to order and pass these items before the 20th of the month. Consequently, the Board finds itself without money quite frequently about the 25th of the month, which is very unde- sirable from the standpoint of taking advantage of discounts that may apply to numerous bills that come to the Board regularly every month. It is the opinion of the committee that it would be good business to increase this Hind from $150,000 to $200,000, so that the Board of Welfare may take advantage of all of the discounts that may be offered and which in the aggre- gate, amount to'qui to a lot of money. ` Very respeo 1 pitted, � t f j �Axel J". Peterson, Commissioner of Finance. f e 169969 orlatual to City Clerk ootnvca CITY OF ST. PAUL van NO ------- -•------------ M OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f 4PN(7OLUTION—GENERAL FORM y PRESEN _. _ DA"'-- To TnA Ty 'd7y 1938 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons "Q" leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from the H. K. STAHL CO. at a price of $ .1154 per gallon, less 1% discount ten days on refinery price only, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale Street, on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General rand— Municipal Equipment 1003-134 C. R No. 101. thPearce— Reeolved. That tha Purchalin6 Agent 1 be, and he 1! hereby authorised to purchase with the consent of the Mny- r and Lite Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallon! ' G_' _lead- ed Baru., 68-70-tane.from the I -I. 1C. AHL c0at a DrtCe'.oC E•1164 psi 'gallon, .lees 1 1. M.n ten day! on reRnery. price poly 1a elate tax and !tate fnsDectyon, to be epottad on Dale 3LreetE.Qori intormaLreb1 a pur at emergency exlata where Callure to act promptly ,would work a hardship to the best[nterelts of the CItY• Charge General Fund — ➢1unlciDal EQulpment 1003-134. Adopted by the Council Jan. 28, 1938. Approved Jan eb.26, 1838) JAN 2 8 933 ._193..._ Adopted by the CounciL-.__.._------ ......... ..... Approved--------------------------------------- -..193._... ......... syor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays (Pearea'. L Pic11:n !Peterson Pearce Petcrron tossn '. Truax .......... -.-._.In favor .Truax [.VWarrenf------ -.._....... Against Parranto Mr. President (Gehan) am 11-e3 JAN 2 8 933 ._193..._ Adopted by the CounciL-.__.._------ ......... ..... Approved--------------------------------------- -..193._... ......... syor Od*Ato°" ok109970 CITY OF ST. PAUL iu"`" i OFFI OF THE CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COU CIL SOLUTIq�Iy�C`]SNE RM COMMISSIONE ........ .......... ._ ........_._.....__.._ RESOLVED, Wt We City Purch4sing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to have printed 500 Salary Standardization and Rates of Compensation pamphlets, 300 Summary of Adjustable Council Salary Ordinance charts, and 300 Council Standard Entrance Salary Rate charts, the material therefor to be furnished by the Civil Service Commissioner, and the cost thereof to be paid from the General Fund, Code 31-G-5. COUN MEN Yeas Nays Ian / earce fin Favor ""reon 12.'. Against ritd-, r. (Gehan) rst s No. 109970—:;'-1—C. 1'—. — p""' ,1ved. that the CItY P—hncing - om the Gen- a 28. 1938. JAN 28 19008 Adopted by the Council 193...... Approved _...... t93_..... Mayor Odshw ro aly Oak �JJ .L6UV71 CITY OF ST. PAUL MLS cl` NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCZF�IeA6�J,TION --- GENERAL FORM r PRESENTED B DATE..............t1anuary._�.8.�.,.. 193$►...... ........ ... COMMISSIONER ONER........... ... .i... .. ....L ................. J............ RESOLVED That licensee syplied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is inormcted to issue such licenses apon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Adelord Raymond 163 Concord St. Barber App. 24074 New Old Location Green Drags, Inc. 1919 Selby Ave. Restaurant " 24553 " New " E. J. Oouette 1696 Grand Ave. Butoher " 24610 " Old " Peter Memmer 1045 Hastings Ave. Butcher a 24675 ■ New " Louie Rose 707 Selby Ave. Grocery " 24739 " New " Joseph F. Grabowski 350 University Ave. (Ise Sta. " 24775 " Old " COUN MEN Yeas Nay dlan rx in Favor Peterson Against mento lidr. President (Gehan) 7M 3• No. 109971—By G. H. Bartuse, F. Truax, L C. Pearce— eyrollowlnt Ileensea applied for a Indicated heeand thetsame are r granted and the ity clerk le ated'.to hi such licepees upon Y.6" late the city treasury of 11 1, fees: ord _Raymond. 163 Concord 9L, .n Dug, InOld c..181r9 Selby Ave.' ,rant, App. 24668 New Location., Gouette, 1686 GrandAte., But-' ipp. 24610 Old Location. r ELemmer,1046 Hastinga ,r, App, 24676 New Locatlon. I Rose, 701 SelbyGrocery, 4739 New Locution, Ph F. Grabowski, 860 anivera)[y ,ted$ty the Counc 1 Tan. 28,x1938. •owed Jan. 28, 1938. (Feb. 6, 1938) JAN 28 1233 Adopted by the CocnCil ..... _._193.__ APpmved ... tq3_.... Mayor QdNa.l 3. sly Cl , �- .. COUNCIL 1099'72 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO- .. ....................._ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILESQ1 -MPN---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licenses app ied for by the following perons�at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the cit;,cls k is such licenses upon the payment into the city,trea instructed to issue the of required fees: Anthony Ross 112 Sndicott Arcade Barber App. 23935 Renewal. John Rieger 263 Front St. Butcher a 23939 a C. Bachmann 499 Blair St. Butcher 23946 a Bucks, Bros. 1680 Grand Ave. Butcher a 23960 n Mike Rembish 42 W. 4th St. Barber a P-4037 a 011ie Ablf 1213 Randolph Barber a 24075 a F. W. Ramaley & Co. 666 Grand Ave. Butcher a 24145 a Andrew Allison 987 Payne Ave. Barber ° 24145 a Louis Rosen 102 S. Robert St. Barber a 24157 n John Rogers 761 W. 7th St. Barber a 24198 a A. Rule 964 N. We St. Barber a 24214 a James Ricos 617 University Ave., Barber ■ 24236 f Clarence E. Ridge 419 S. Wabasha St. Barber If 24243 a Nick Scbmollsr 1450 Frankson Ave. Butcher a 24311 a A. Sorenson * 811 S. Smith Ave. Butcher a 24313 John F. Bialoaynski 1080 Front St. Butcher a 24334 a F. J. O'Donnell 106 let Natl.Bank Bldg. Barber a 24372 a Kafka Bros. 684 N. Western Ave. Butcher a 24395 a C. B. Wagner 736 Oakdale Butcher a 24423 a CO LMBN Ytas Na s c. F x 109972—By G. H. Bareuss. F. ted b the Council JAN + $ 193 nr mru I. C. Penrce— QP Y 193..... R sol a want license. anClied tor: nd at the ad. by the Indicated dre 1 her a a dicat d b and the same are byg anted and the city cleric In 1- r J dlan et ce In Favor u ted to lHoue such licenses upon the city treasury.', n ..,.;; rntt Ar , Approved ......... _ _..._...._193._.... eterson tv Against /✓ / Mayor 0 r. President (Genas) 3M 3-37. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PULL 1'09973 COUNCIL ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER BARFUSB FINDOAN PEARCE IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS _ �� z �� A PETERSON TRUAX_AGAINST '^ RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL MR. PRES. GEHAN TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i COVERING IIN P, ri ',^) CHECKS NUMBER EO _.� T INCLUSIVE. R. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ---- PER CHECKS ON FFI F ITY CO PTROLLER. APP VED Sa- - - - �co MPTROLL[R / NUMBER /....- y ^VU 1.37 C w YA .R B un t— TOTAL �N FAVOR OF TCH EC K9R DISCHECKBENT it - — DATE I xt .1� I.s RETU RN lD V BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD . 44037 44038 Louis A. Robsner Axel F. Peterson, 0. ofFin ce 1 900 'OOiI, 6 00!. Fin 6 00!'' 44039 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of oe 44040 44941 Bacon & Kempe, Agents Catholic coot 100 00i' 14 a.3 11 City Federation of 44042 043 Florists Review General Electric Supply Corp.l, 2 50�' 47 20! 404 4 Linear Broom Mfg.Company 1 5 88 44045 R.S. Norton, U.S.Game Man.MgI. 90 00 53 06 44046 44047 Paper, Calmenson & Company St.Paul Vocational School Rev�l.Fd. 56 00 44048 Sherwin & Williams Company 44049 G. Sommers & Company 68 88 42 44050 The Sta-vis Company, Incer) 77!! 44051 Villaume Box & Lumber Cospan 323 704' 44052 lire. Harriet Jane Gay 44053 An6ww A. Bolstad 9 '?2 58 i1= 44054 Yrs. Charles Tuohner 00 44055 Dr. J.F. Alden 1 50 00 f 5 D0 44056 Dr. R.G. Allison 44057 Drs. Arnquist & Cook 3 00!' 44058 E.J. Bailey & Company 6 00' 44059 Bethesda Hospital 106 go 44060 Brown and Day 1 05 6 �I 44061 Dr. G. H. Bur fi end o0 26 00 11 44062 Dr. Herbert Busher 4406]j Cherokee Drug Company 10 15 1 66 00 44064 44065 T)r. w.w, Christian Drs. Dean & Smith Veirs 5 o0 44066 Drs. Endress & Marks 6 00 I. 44067 General X—Ray Laboratory 15 00 44068 Dr.. E.V. Goltz 18 00 44069 Dr. Hendrie W. Grant 5 00 44070 Dr. W. H. Hengstler 25 00 i, 44071 Industrial Commission 10 00 44072 Dr. C.E. Johnson 12 00 4407 Drs. Kelley & Kelley 18 00 44074 Dr. R.O. Leavenworth 33 00 44075 Drs. Lee & Lee 15 00 44076 Dr. Owen McKeon 10 00 �. 44077 Mayo Clinic 135 00 • 44078 Dr. F-19. 11111er 11 75 44079 Dr. V.N. Peterson 15 00 " 44080 Dr. H. J. Prendergast 14 00 44081 Drs# Ryan and Ryan i 22 00 44082 St.Joseph's Hospital 3 00 440x3 Saint Mary's Hospital 6 00 44084 Drs. Sohous & Medelman 8 00 44085 Dr. O.I. Sohlberg 6 00 44o86 Dr, K.0. gold j 10 00 PUBLISHED_12 � SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 20 970 01jJ5� 291,5*'; I i. A � 1 oAHwA to OM Owk PRESEL COMMISSIONER.......... i its 112020121011 CITY OF ST. PAUL COONC1 1099'74 No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM UQi (JX GZ• F. No 4—BF G 8 , Bn t F. ....DATE • . m ... , FeB.'C . '. RXXXXXRKX WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul has instituted an investigation into the possible financial interest or control, either directly or indirectly, in the business of retailers, either "off sale" or 'Ion sale", of intoxicating liquor, by manufac- turers or wholesalers of such intoxicating liquor, and WHEREAS, such investigation is to be continued but it is necessary to have the action of the Council granting such licenses published Saturday, January 29th, 1938, so as to permit the said licenses to be effective on February 1, 1938, and WHEREAS, the following named applicants have made application for "off sale" liquor licenses and have filed the proper bond in the amount of $1000, which bond has been approved as to form and execu- tion by the Corporation Counsel, and the License Committee has recommended that such "off sale" liquor licenses be granted to, such applicants, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the following "off sale" licenses of intoxicat- ing liquor are hereby granted, effective February 1, 1938, subject, however, to the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul and to Chapter 46 of the Extra Session Laws of 1933 and 1934, and in the event that such investigation shall disclose any such financial interest or control, either directly ot, indirectly, by such manufacturer or whole- saler of intoxicating liquor, thesaid licenses shall thereupon become subject to revocation by the Council; be 1t FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is herebi authorized and directed to issue to such applicants such "off sale" licenses whenever the Liquor Control Commissioner of the State of Minnesota gdvises the City Clerk that he has approved such licensee and bonds; be it FURTHER RPSOLVED, tht the bonds of the respective applicants, in the amount of $1000, which bonds have been approved as to form Od execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same are hereby approved and the City Clerk 1s directed to file such bonds in the. office of the City Comptroller. __,,._____ _ _ Henry B. Anderson 458 S. Robert St. Drag Store App. 23559 Renewal. Wilfred Anderson 980 Payne Ave. Exclusive Liquor Store " 23662 a Peter Beiges. 889 Rice St. General Food Store " 23610 C Joseph C. Bernstein. 1210 E. 7th St. Exclusive Liquor Store II 23918 New Dominic Ciresi 521 Jackson St. Exclusive Liqaor Store " 23639 " S. G. Crea & N. A. Cres, 304 Rice St. General Food Store " 23548 " Benjamin -M. Daniels 378 Robert St. Eselusive Liquor Store " 23642 " Economy'Liquor Store, Inc. 544 St. Peter St. Exclusive Liquor Store " 23789 Andrew;rargo 560 W Como Ave. General Food Store " 23666 ■ Victor E. reit 480 S. Snelling Ave. Drug Store " 23618 o Mrs. Louis Finn 118 S. Robert St. Drug Store " 23706 s MicheelJ. Foley 131 E. Sixth St. Exclusive Liquor Store ■ 23826 Anthony & Bert J. Friedman 421-3 Wabasha St. General Food Store ° 23641 nl Clemanee L. Hudalla 1004 Arcade St. Exclusive Liquor Btore App. 23612 Rens] James r. Jordan 608 S. Smith Ave. Drug Store " 23623 a Sarah R. Slane 435 Wabasha St. &elusive Liquor Store " 23671 " Sregel & Leeks, 390 Selby Ave. Drag Store " 23725 " J. J. Levine 471 Wabasha St. JExclusive Liquor Store " 23947 " James P. Logar 619 Grand Ave. Drug Store " 23715 " Lo Price Liquor Store, Iue. 490 Wabasha St. Exclusive Liquor Store " 23772 " Prank N. Luc 147 N. Snelling Ave. General Food Store It 23696 " John W. Luc Co. 154 W. University General Food Store It 23695 " Mrs. James Morelli 535 Collins General Food Store It 23686 P ■.,'lE `: i',=+$, sff- 11 "Ir 2 •:a'..."'W, i.. -v wt&,R i('ll=.: d:'s'�'"'. ?'. �.._I <..`�s:�`-�..e..( 123773 Chas. Moskovitz 633 University Exclusive Liquor Store " ^ " ^ O Oscar Moskovitz 1577 University Exclusive Liquor Stor4 23785 Christian Olson th St. 254 W7th Store ^ 23503. Exdlusive LI q " Bernard J. Pabet 798 Margaret St. General Food Store "� 23702 " Leo Pritzker 450 Robert St. General Food Store " 23916 " Mrs. M. Rapp & H. J. Rittman 919 St. Clair St. General Food Store " 23677 ^ Hambert Rigali 1944 university Exclusive Liquor Store " 23845 ^ St. Paul Liquor House, Inc. 200 E. 7th St. Exclusive Liquor Store " 23713 Clarence J. Thomas 1941 Grand Ave. Drug Store " 23712 ^ Frank Truax 2426 University Drag Store " 23792 " — Vern Ws.,lii.t� rapt 547 Wabaeha St. Ecclusive Li �r Store " 237$4. - " -- Apothecary Shop, Inc. 5th & St. Peter Drug Store App. 23999 Renewal. Waiter A.Bohlaad & Geo. C. Klix 858 Selby Ave. Drag Store " 24013 " August J. Balinski 217 Charles St. General Food Store ^ 24055 ". Qommereo Liquor Store,Inc. 2 E. 4th St. Exclusive Liquor Store 24421 0 First Arcade Wine Shop.Inc. 343 Robert St. Excltieive Liquor Store " 24233 " Frank M. Gaertner 442 Wabashea, St. Exclusive Liquor Store " 24358 " S. Paul Johnson 299 E. 7th St. Exclusive Liquor Store " 23824 " Yale Johnson 379 Wabasha St. General Food Store " 24102 " John Kessler 963 W. 7th St. Exclusive Liquor Store " 24363 a Geo. L. Leininger 606 Selby Ave. Exclusive Liquor Store " 24108 " Michaud Bros. 1059 Grand Ave. General Food Store " 2$928` " 1OZ&_j_ Sh.St«.,.--_ 1xcluai vn T•iauor Store " 24120 " -- Lawrence G. Nelson 411 Robert St. Exclusive Liquor Store " 24258 Renew. Otto W. Rohland 461 W. 7th St. General Food Store s 23880 " F. W. Bey 664-8 Grand Ave. General Food Store " 23901 " Chas. P. Schweltz 1111 Arcade St. Exclusive Liquor Store " 24317 " Seven Corners Drag Co.,Inc. 175 W. 7th St. Drug Store " 23994 " Seven Corners Liquor Store,Inc. 158 W. 7th St. Exclusive Liquor Store " 23974 " Harry I. Shapiro 978 Grand Ave.. " 23871 " Drag Store John P. Shealy Drag Co. 172 N. Snelling, Drag Store " 23905 " Edward Strom 15 E. 7th St. Exclusive Liqua'Store " 23893 " .Wm. S%)ornick 1340 Grand Ave. General Food Store " 23779 " Osaar,Swoboda, Inc. 619 University Drug Store " 24166 " Robert J. Tyrrell 350 Robert St. Drag Store " 24150 ^ FAW. J. Wall 794 Graffi Ave. General Food Store " 24107 ^ Ben A. & Louis Wolter 438 University Ave. Drug Store " 24124 " jm 2 $ t938 COUNqLMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 1 _ 193.... � r JAN 2 81 938 / j �eazcc .In Favor Approved._ .... 193....... ,4eterson j...'Against_� .., ti..... Mayor .. p runt . Preai�dent (Gehan) _ pY od,w to atv ao& ,o,HC,L No. 1099'75 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. x. No. Yossve—sr c. a."Earfn-e, r•. OUNCIL RESOLUTION--- NERAL FO M. Truax, i c. Pea Whereas. the Ctty Council o[ the //////��// fn f1 Oty of Saint Paui ;ha in atltutV nn y�9�•W 2 `– '� '� l.. .1/ inns Inter-t nt, - t rfY`__ PRESENTED B Itc.A .. DA .-c'. p^ sn• COMMISSIONER............. _... _... _. ___. .... .... 3822MEMEZIX WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul has instituted an investigation into the possible financial interest or control, either directly or indirectly, in the business of retailers, either "off sale" or "on sale", of intoxicating liquor, by manufacturers or wholesalers of such intoxicating liquor, and WHEREAS, such investigation is to be continued but it is necessary to have the action of the Council granting such licenses published Saturday, January 29, 1938, so as to permit the said licenses to be effective on February 1, 1938, and WHEREAS, the following named applicants have made applica- tion for "on sale" liquor licenses and have paid the reuired license fee and filed the proper bond in the amount of 93000 each, and the License Committee has recommended that "on sale" liquor licenses be granted thereto, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the following "on sale" licenses of intox- icating liquor are hereby granted, effective February 1, 1,938, subject, however, to the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul and to Chapter 46 of the Extra Session Laws of 1933 and 1§34, and in the event that such investigation-shall disclose any such financial interest or control, either directly or indirectly, by such manufacturer or wholesaler of intoxicating liquor, the said licenses shall thereupon become subject to revocation by the Council; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue such licenses to the respective applicants for the premises described in their applications, and he is hereby directed to deposit in the office of the City Comptroller the bonds of the respective applicants, in the amount of $3000 each, which bonds have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and are hereby approved and accepted by the City Council. Alverdes Restaurant, Inc. 379 St. Peter St. Restaurant App. 24428 Renewal. Alfred M.Anderson & Chas.E. Moe 268 E. 7th St. n a 24161 a Gino Andreassi 221 E. 7th St. " a 24234 a Peter Aplikowski 569 Bice St. " " 23601 a Catherine-Arbuckle 1537 University " " 24028 a Geo.Arthen-& Edw. Winkel 429 S. Robert St. a n 23815 a Hick L. Arvanitie 444-9 St. Peter St., a " 24172 a Frank J. Berger 700 Reaney St- " a 24059 a Blanohett Investment Co. 165-71 Western Ave.H. Rotel " 24092 Inez S. Boal 412-14 Wabasha St. Restaurant a 23791 " > 4.L.A.Burton & B.A. & Minnie Marlow 875 E- Minnehaha if a 24457 a i; o R. Bouton 469 H. Snelling Ave. a n 24433 a Mary Borndsle 959 Arcade St. " a 24182 a John W. Bowlin 139 W- Central Ave. Restaurant App. 24219 Renew. Hick Chioi461s. 613J-15.17-19 Selby Ave. " 0 244091: a su w���u��r'Iill1 IIi11111NH1 Chris Cbli,. neon- 1567 University Ave. 23959 10 Dodge 215-17 W. 4th St. 24086 :13)elmont,,.- 901 Payne Ave. 4L Tbeo.DqC0urcy & Phil Gallivan 372 Wabasba, St. 24456 a Harriet P. DeRoma, 1355 University Ave. 0 ^ 24366 a a ^ 24473 " John Drexler 572 N. Dole St. 5 24273 N MatildaL DeWanZ 225 W. 7th St- 24384 0 R. J. Pallon .353 Robert St. 494 F. Robert St. a 24290 N Carl Pink It 24170 Henry Pinstad 767-75 Wabasha St- N 24056 George I. lybrie 1007 Payne Ave. AndrewGangl 959 Thomas St. 24302 Engene-Hargrave & Martin Bergbamer 370 Robert St- 24263 24230 0 John & Carl Hildebrandt 45 Z. 5th St. 24300 1 Steve Harley & Prank J. Einck 408 Wabasba St. 24296 0 Doe H0117 1091-93 Rice St. 24227 N A. L. Johnson 1347 Burxns Ave. 24062 " Andrew Kappas 92 W. 7th St- Nick Katsonaros 115 W. Tenth St. Restaurant App. 24253 Renewal, A. Birch & P. X. Gillis 1601-3 University 23930 N Phillip Kirmser 392 Webasba St- 24316 vv Stephen Koshuba 413 Robert St. 0^ 24211 9 Henry & Louis Kroening 741-3 Edmund St- 0 a 23s6s a Prank L. Kruzeski 482 Mississippi 0 n 23955 f Otto & George A.. Koble , 739 Thomas St. Al a 23911 " Alex Kubitochek 1141-43 Rice St. 25 23593 N Harold Lang 379 University 23996 0 John J. Lane 469 N. Lexington 0 24361 "- Ben Lebmkkm 537 Greenwood 0 24060 Michael LendwayL 609 University Ave. 24011 Eft. Lazewsky 317-19 St. Peter St. 23986 Joseph McBride 501-03 University Ave. 0 23925 Joseph M. McCormick 923 E. 7th St. 11 24401 Goo. McIntosh 932 Arcade St. N 24190 Patrick C. McMahon 455 St. Peter St. 0 0 24193 N Prank C. Machovec 995 W. 7th St- N 24134 a S. D. Macent & A. J. Branca 2513 University Ave. a 0 24346 n Prank Matochinger 95 E. 5th St. " V 24229 4 1 Ralph M. Marro 321 W. 7fh__St. Restaurant App. 235-24 Renewal John B. Mauer fT"ans Winter 73-75 W. 7th St. 24332 Clement J. Miller., 299 Como Ave. e4323 John A. Miesen 365 Jackson St. 24247 E Midway Amusement Co. 1633-9 university Avea �. 241ST ■ j Eugene Monti & Geo. Mattaini 90 S. Robert St. 23661 'si:It- G. 74� Moore & Chris Lauer 1T1 E. 7th St. " ■ 24245 Nick Mucciaro Nick 818 Payne Ave. " ■ 23697 " Hang J. Muggley 22 E. 4th St. ■ n 24413 ■ Z- _ - 23545 Louis Nahiusky 194 7th St. Walter E. Nelson 1180 E. 7th St. 24088 " ° " 23806 a _. George Nickos 597 Broadway -- Northwest Hotel Co. 7-9 W. 7th St. $dtel ■ 24251 ".. ... ^a �3 ►fm. J. & James E.0 Grady 241 E. Kellogg alvd. Restaurant n 24292 " ° n 24436 n Oriental Cafe, Inc. 418 Wabasha St. Park Recreation Parlor.Inc. 188-92 N. Snelling Ave. " " 24284 " Pauly Patient 427 S. Wabasha n " 24454 " Mrs. Laura 0. Peterson 1112-14 Arcade St. In " 24237 ^ Maurice 0. Peterson E. 7th St. 949 E n ^ 23955 " �r Louis J. Eaiola & Gust Sarrack 721 Payne Ave. n " 24169 " Isadore Rischall & Joe Sapder 41 Jackson St. Restaurant Apo. 24004 He—.— Anthonny J. Roith 719 N. Dale St. " ^ 23910 " Pred C. Roth & Sam Silver 21 E. 5th St. " " 24451 " Dante & Angelini Rossini 309 Sibley St. ° " 23559 " Frank L. Sameo 518 W. 7th St. " " 23852 " Herbert E. Schutte 283 Maria Ave. ^ " 24455 " John J. Schmitt 486 Jackson St. " " z4279 ° Prank J. Schwietz 1109 Arcade St. " " 24205 " A. J. Scheiderbauer 615 university Ave. " n 23908 ■ H. E. Schwarze 739 University Ave. Bernard F. Selinske 751-55 Wabasha St." ° 242+ " John Simpson & Peter Probst 755-7 university Ave. " " 24353 " Ferris M. Shen 380 Jackson St. ° n 24242 " Ralph B. Smith 127-29 E. 5th St. ° n 24099 " William Spiel 828 E. 7th St. " " 23940 " Stats Hotel Corp.(of Delaware) . 339 Wabasha St. Hotel n 24354 " Harry N. Strenglis 460 St. Peter St. Restaurant ■ 24158 " Henry Swanson 1199 Payne Ave. " " 23867 " St. Paul Athletic Club 340 Cedar St. Club ^ 23665 " Chester C. Tallaksen 640 Grand Ave. Restaurant " 24016 ^ M. A. Tschida Sr. 319 Robert St. Restaurant App., 24018 Renewal.,. Michael A. Tschida Jr. 616 Como Ave. It " 24022 " Joseph G. Tschida 497 Wabasha St. It " 24024 " 'Porn & Country Club 2279 Marshall Ave. club " 24077 " Ray Traynor 733 W. 7th St. Restaurant " 241o6 " D. V. vogelgesang 919 Randolph " " 23726 " r N, 24353 -Fence Co. 79 g, Western Ave• Hotel Restaurant n 23659 / M Walker 20 E. 7th St. "NELULMM If 24303 " Matt N. Weber 685 $• Third St' � fl 24165 " Rabort M. Welsh 1199 Bice 8t• ■ a- 24059 a John J. Welsch 1096 Grand Ave- " fl 24235 " A. A.. Williams j20-22 Wabasba St. " \ fl 24029 If Wilke & E.J•Gase a 731 Rand»1P � 23655 " John J. Wosika 635-37 Payne Ave. " Frame Tarusso If 24449 " 6 W. CNow a. 08 " n 24377 " CaBtle Royal+ Inc' " 960 University Ave. n 23954 " John A. Carr a 150 E• 7th St. ' " 24295 " Vito clerizio Jackson & 165 E. 10th St. n John R. Clarkin 516 Restaurant n 24414 " John J. Colbert 556 Rice Ht. fl 11 23771 n 571-3 Jackson St. n 24020 fl Thos. E. Dahill a 230 Front St. n 24325 n Simon Damian 0 E. 7 St. 777th Club Daytona Bluff Commercial Club Restaurant n fl 24345 425 W. 7 th St. n 24632 " Joseph Degidio a ,at J.3blaney & Robt.Gsllivan 628 Selby Ave. If 24412 " " 601 g 9festern Harry J. Di.etech & Frank P• Lensban " u 24262 " John DiSanto 156 W 7th St. Westanrant 24 Renewal. Agp. 350 19 S. 5th St. Arthur 0. Erikson n n 23519 n 1927 university Ave. John $s811ng er, Inc. " a 24167 n B.L.pitzgerald & Maurice O1Oonnor 501 Blair St. n 24012 " 1070 Hastings Ave. " Leo J. Fleischmann n n 24394 " Moyme Flynn & Otto Rothe 425-32 Wabash` St. " 24520 " 256-55 W• 7th St. " George gorsley n x 245+ " 391 Robert St. Walter J. Gaertner fl " 24439 fl 444 Rice St. German House, Inc. " n 24021 " 531,-3 Wabasha St. Lawrence Goodman n n 24271 " 206 E. 7th St. Frank C. Graves " n 24422 " 1056 E. 7th St. Wm. F. Haberman " n 24101 " 302 E. 7th St. M. J. Hannon n a fl 24299 " 699 Rice St. Arthur M. Heinen n n 24324 " 961 university Ave. Fres C. Herges a 24301 " 1179 E. 7th St. Robert j1. Herold 11 24565 n 134 E. 5th St. a John gnppertz " u 24309 " 529 St. Peter St. Raymond Jelinek a II 24264 " A. E. Kel,laen & H. W. Yeske 321-3 Robert St . If 24375 " 347 Robert St. " J. G. Keplinger u n 24606 " 375 Minnesota St - L. Kogl & H. A. Rapp Restaurant 246U ReAevol- - 466 Wabasha St. John J. Kohn " If 24501 fl R 1026 W. 7th y Harry L. Kremer '6. 475 Wabasba " " 24417 " Q Ignatius %asprzyk 553 Jackson St. " a 23953 " Peter LaAaea r " 24160 " S. L. Least -per 393 Rice St. " Adolph Lindstrom 912 Payne Ave. " it 23939 " 267 E. %ellogg Blvd. " " 24319 ° .Mark F. Long " " 24239 " C. J. Lucchesi 1066 E. 7th St. 739 University Ave. „ „ 24277 " Mark Madigan " 2441 " 241 E. 7th St. " James Manoe " " 24368 John J. McDermott 3 4 W. 4th St. 49g-490 St. Peter St. " " 2441Q_5 George N. Miller „_ „ " 24461 ■ _ John Miller & Marry Lennon 1 591 University Ave. The Minnesota Club 1 N. Washiggton St. 317 Olub ^ 24321 ^ Herman Mitch & Elmer Nelson 1174-76 Arcade St. Restaurant ^ 24469 " 567 Stryker n " 24699 " Herman J. moron " 24299 " Central Commercial Club Inc. 113 W. University Club North 665 University Ave. Restaurant " 24344 s Anton Novak „ " 23907 " Thos. O'Toole 173 W. 6th St. 970 Payne Ave- " n 704 n Edward J. Peters James G. Reddy ": 107 . Fifthet. Restaurant App. 24#74 Renewal Effie Reilly 126 W. 7th St- " n 2100 n The Rendezvous, Inc. 164 N. Snelling " " 24496 " C.H.Rommel & W. A. Broderick 111 W. 6th St. n n 24o64 ■ Roth Hotel 00. 363 St. Peter St. Hdtel 24592 " Andrew Rotbmetysr 949 W. 7th St. Restaurant ^ 24135 ■ Ryan Hotel Corp. 402 Robert St. Hotel " 24590 " Joseph IM F. Ryan 207 Bates Ave. Restaurant " 23991 " Albert Sadowski 353 W• Univ. Ave. ■ " 24295 " Geo. W. Samuelson 529 Rice St. " " 24744 " Henry J. Scheibel 202 Concvtd St. " " 24392 ° Steve L. Schwietz 956 Payne Ave. " " 24073 ° Edward J1. Sharretts 2360 University Ave. " " 24066 ^ Armin Shomian & Geo. JhWA& 120 S. Wabash& " " 23979 " Thomas Skarda 1015 W. 7th St. " " 24393 ° Edxard Skok Snow Crown Co.Ino. Joseph Stranslq Jr. Henry W. Stuomwell Max Stryker Leo Thienes & ft. Klein Victor G. Tachida F. C. Ullrich University Cltb of St. Paul Alex Viner Geo. Weinaetl James Williams John Lugar Sr. John Connolly The Zephyr Inc. Frank W. McCarron Coll Skally Gordon E. Larkin Joseph L. Knollnaier Traisius J. Tuohy 1q COUNCILMEN Peas Nays Barfuss -Findlan 1 Pearce In Favor Peterson � Truax __..Against Eitrranto Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 3.37 573 W. 7th St. 11 1443-5 University Ave, e 1209 W. 7th St. a 992-94 Arcade St. a 374 Jackson St. n 1013 Front St. Restaurant 33 W. 6th St. a 622 University Ave. a 420 Summit Ave., 645-7-9 Selby Ave. 560 Wabasha St. 560 St. Anthony 599 N. Dale St. 961 Rice St. 444 Wabasha St. 185 E. 7th St. 250-52 W. Kellogg Blvd. 317 Robert St. 880 2. 7th St. 50 W. Seventh St. Club Restaurant N a a a r a 24291 a J 24403 a A a 24093. a " 24395 If a 24348 If App•24249 Renewal a 24637 a a 24416 n if 24382 a If 24347 Is n 24375 a If 24266 a a 24315 a N . 24751 a a 24516 a a 24834 a a 24070 a 11 24699 If if 23487 New if 23904 'I JAN 2 8 1938 Adopted by the Council _ 193...... Approved._.... JAN 1& 193.8. _......._193_..... 0� p y� ayQor PUSLISIirD . NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 9976 TO " COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER �. COUNCIL RESOLUTION mr� January 28 9 ,gy 193_._ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF$ 293,99+.76 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 44067 T044136 INCLUSIVE,ASPER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PLO 1 ID on PUBLISHED ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI 193__ r ;z` APPPOVED_� 193__ SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 20 970 01;11048259 30� tI 4 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PULL C(E( `( (` ((n(� COUNCIL 1`.�� 976 ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE rvuMBER--- BARFU.S FINDLAN FAVOR January 28 . PEARCE IN PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS 189 TRU A% _. _ _ AGAINST W ENZEL RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D ON E C Y TREASURY COVERING MR. PRIES. GEHAN TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S CHECKS NUMBERED_ 4 TO 1 INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COU^NCIL _-_ _-- PER CHECKS ON FILE T FFIC OF THE TV COMPTROLLER APPROVE,� B -_— /�/1/JT -} NUMBER NAVOR -- ----- — TOTAL DATE CHECKIN NUMBER FAVOR OF - TRANSFER CHECKS RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 20 970 0l 754 ?93 54 44087 George Reck 65 00 34 92' 44088 44089 wheeler Posting Service 1 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin oe 320 70, 44090 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin ae 597 92' 3 734 83 44091 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finaoe 1 866 07 44092 44093 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of F 0 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fina*oe 2 995 88 44094 John Dunn 57 36" 65;00 44095 44096 Joseph Rossi Chemical Seise &Safety Company 00 44097 Fleotrio Blue Print Company pll 04 j; 44098 Foley Mfg.Oompany 1 82" 516 o4 44099 Ginn and Company 7 81 44100 Lineer Broom Company Fuel Company 1 21 20' 44101 44102 N.W. Poucher Printing Company 7 001', Company�l 17, 4410}j Stationers Engraving 2 l 31 44104 Thompson's Restaurant 0 44105 University of Michigan -Company 58 31' 44106 Van Paper Supply ?50 00 !i 44107 Leonard A. Blue 22 90 P, 44108 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 31 86;, 44109 44110 Mrs. Agnes Weiss Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fina*oe 792 g5' 44111 44112 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin as Axel F. Peterson, O. of Fin= 9 5, 11 129 081 44113 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance Fina'ce 120 40386 96,'' i�5 6 44114 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin 4499 7 158 54, 44115 Aeel F. Peterson, C. of oe i3 �7 44116 E. A. Bossard 2 93 44117 Elea MoGougan 9 43'.' 44118 Montgomery !Yard & Company 6 67 44119 Mrs. E. Nielson 2 6?_ 44120 David Ramsey 2 64 44121 Thomas Shetka 4 65 44122 44123 A. E. Thom Bartenders Union, Local No. g87 22 25, 34 501' 44124 Mr. J.L. MaoBesn 44125 Mr. A. E. Pimley io 0011 ;I 44126 Mr. Richard T. Powers 3� 50' (� 44127 44128 Mr. F.W. Richter Ballard Motors & Ramp 16 82',11 44129 Hotel Lowry 585'' 44130 Saint Paul Athletic Club 1 25; 3 000 44131 Okes Construction Company 117 00 44132 4413 Slade. Hipp & Meloy lestern Union Telg• Company ! 67 01, 4413 44135 Thomas Towey Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finalce 40 0,0 4 425 40' j 44136 George Williams 1 2S 80' 1 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 20 970 01;11048259 30� tI 4 NOi'ICE ---CITY OF SAINT PAUL (rJ l/916 r �'y ,. l� _ COU NEIL FILE NO.9 ___.________ _To;;" COUNCIL RESOLUTION l PRINTER y I, to till - • f to IUI`i• T t (Ili ill TT the u 2p�1�=1 193 0 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 360,658.73 _, COVERING CHECKSNUMBERED 44137 TO 44191 INCLUSIVE,ASPER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL___ F APPPOVEO____ 193-_ BY_ PUBLISHED • I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PULL \I COUNCIL U9 ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER BARFUSS FIND AN PE - IN FAVOR 1AUDITED CLAIMS January 29 __ 8� PETERSON TER6 TRUAX __ _ __ AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRjA(�y.'N O THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL --- TO THE AOGREG ATE AMOUNT OF S..j�/A'jCOVERING MR. PRES. GEHAN 1111 TO 4 1 CHECKS NUMBERED..-! Y 91 INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-�i=------- PER CHECKS ON,. FILE IN TH FFICE F THE CI COMPTROLLER. l B9 APPROVE LNUMBER �f 100 1'17 C. 19 - -- - - TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF - -� RETURNED J NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 9n avn M i049E5B.-30:__ 44137 44138 Joe Lang Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finance 11 100 415 19 44139 Joseph Grappolis (7y6 10 00; 44140 John Lennon 1 000 00 44141 "Pm. Ranson 1 000 00 44142 44143 Sam Rolfson Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finance 342 956 829 44144 A 1 Stenographic Bur au 56 0 00 44145 Auditorium Managerssaoa. Company 94 00 44146 Burroughs Adding Meahina 411 81 44147 Campbell Coal & 011 Company 30 38 44148 Capital Envelope Company 15 _ 00 44149 capitol Supply Company 15 55 44150 Ciresi Fruit Company I 63 50 44151 Dombek Auto Paint Company 16 12 44152 Elk Linen Supply Company 1 074 64 4415 44154 General Chemical Company Cordon & Ferguson, Ina. 61 Company, 7 6 61 4415 Gruber Auto Eleottio 96 15 44156 W.J. Has, Mfg.Company 13 30 44157 S.W. Ranson Coal Company 12 05 44158 Rertl Coal Company 16 20 44159 The Improvement Bulletin 44160 I. Bessell Company 8 28 00 21 44161 Bremer Auto Spring Company 22 20 44162 Labovitoh Brothers 38 75 Larry1s Auto Glass Company 25 4416 Latuff Brothers Body & Fender Shop 8 63 6 44165 Maendler Brush Company 20 44166 Gus D. Messin 1 09 44167 44168 F.J. Morse & company Motor Power Equipment Company 70 17 44169 Northern States Power Ocmpanq 320 312 09 31 44170 Northern States Power Company I10 69 44171 O'Brien Company 18 04 44172 Oliver Farm Equipment Sales Op. 29 81 44173 Orloff Leather Company 137 31 44174 Owens Motor Bales, Inc. 308 1 44175 Pittsburgh Coal Company 29 74 44176 Quick Service Battery Company 60 l3 44177 Ribm Motor Company 9 80 44178 Rex Linen Supply Company 44179 Roginson, Cary & Sande Company 15 44180 N.C. Robinson, Clerk of Dist.Ct. 102 06 44181 Royal Typewriter Company 90 44182 4418 St.Paul Stamp forks L.C.Smith & Corona Typewriters,Inc. 198 62 4412 R. g. 'Stahl Company 13 02 44185 State of Minneso6a, Diet. S.BwInsp. 3 65 00 00 44186 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 44187 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Company 8 81 44188 Twin City Iron & vire Oompany; 8 00 . 44189/ University of N.C. Press 3 22 44190'; Victor Adding Machine Company 75 44191 ? west Publishing Company 5 00 20 970 01 140894T 03 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1 " li � 3 _'I odgl—1 to City Clerk couNCtL CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO..� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i�CIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL.FORM PRESENTED BYP4A.Erson, Commtr of Finance Febrary 1, 1938. COMMISSIONER ........_............u....................................................... RESOLVED WHEREAS, Helen R. Hubbard, is the owner of City of St. Paul Participating Certificate Ido. 221,1+16 in the amount of One Hundred Dollars; and WHEREAS, said certificate has been lost and said owner has made application for a duplicate to be issued in lieu thereof; and whereas, the said Helen R. Hubbard ha13 filed a bond in the sum of 'hro Hundred Dollars, or double the amount of said certificate, indemnifying and saving harmless the City of St. Paul from any loss or damage growing out of said lost certificate or the issuance of a new one, and Whereas, said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to surety by Judge Kenneth G. Brill, of the District Court all pursuant to Section 1971 of General Statutes of I1inne- sota for 1927; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are authorized to issue to the above mentioned Helen R. Hubbard a duplicate certificate in lieu. of the said certificate No. 221,416 which has been lost or destroyed. Cw. F. No. 109978—BY A- F. Pet"; Whereas, Helen R. Hubbard, or C(tY of St. Paul Part'c I rti AundoedE PI^4loran the 9r^ zn COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor rPE5YLT� Peterson Against Ilbmabc Parranto tjv1, President (Geha1+)-:,-% 3M 636 Njr. 1:%1; : —1. (2,rual[) FEB 1 i��Q Adopted by the Councl7..........- ........................................193..... s '= 11)gP Approved.............. - .... ...... Mayor PUBLISHED �—•f,� ode—I'. to Cl[r Ci.ek eounel� CITY OF ST. PAUL nes NO M...1�[s.L•I 9.—. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES�T�ON---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYE........_...............DATE.................................................................... C.................. COMMISSIONER...................._........................... .................................................................... WHEREAS, R. E. Charles, has made applioation for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following desoribed property, to wits Lot 21, Block 4, Wild Rose Additions and ImREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $208.71, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $136.721 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Counoil of the City of St. Paul hereby approves said offer of settlements provided, however, that the sum of $122.61 shall be first deduoted from the total payment of $135.72, and that said sum of $122.51 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments inoluded in the total delinquenoy of $208.71. No. 109979—By A. F. Pete, R. E. Che.rle., hw . atlon for relief to the W . .1""' relative rative to det, ...ee.mente on the,: 9d Proper, to -Wit: 4. Wild .Rx,_ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Peterson _..................... Against Parrjnio 3v r. President (Geb 3M 636 �Mr. Vils, 1'rr.-.idem (T]tlax) FEB 15238 Adopted by the Council ....................................................193..... r ' p Approved............................ ............_...193_..._ ......_....._. _ �..........._.........__ Mayor PUBLISHED �-� 8 Original to City Clerk ;9■ LOUNGE '^-�n998 CITY OF ST. PAUL nus NO._..__ O OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM WEREAS, Mike Mariano has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Co>mnisaion relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to Witt Lot 7, Block 4, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of #196.86, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of =117.881 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of #68.74 shall be first deducted from the total payment of #117.58, and that said sum of #68.74 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of #196.56. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan .Peeeee�� In favor Peterson _................... Against _ to f Mr: President (Ge4ag 3M 6"'Mr. ViIClTi.,�-ctl (TY»tlrz) �Ado ted b the CounciFB....._....... 193..... Approved .......... ._.....I4I......................................._193 _ Mayor PUBLISHED 109980—By A. F. Pet ereon— , Mlke Mariano has made �on for relief to misslon relativetto delinquent _ ` d aeae9amente on the fol' ihed D-Derty, to- 'It: , Block 4, Lane's atlli Lbe theitt d and ', he delinquency to . and the aPDllr^ ..tle!—t .. adopted by :�:::........,.......__.Cty COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan .Peeeee�� In favor Peterson _................... Against _ to f Mr: President (Ge4ag 3M 6"'Mr. ViIClTi.,�-ctl (TY»tlrz) �Ado ted b the CounciFB....._....... 193..... Approved .......... ._.....I4I......................................._193 _ Mayor PUBLISHED It 9981 auuw to City aat =SNC„ NO..._ CITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE O THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL UTI 7GENERAL FORM PRESENTED. ... ...__. .. !...DATE ..February-- I - 1930- HISHMOMM __.._..._ w W1 S, William Stokvis de1ires to withdraw application 24741 for Restaurant license, application 24742, for On Sale Malt Beverage license, and application 24743, for Off Sale Malt Beverage license, at 473 Broadway, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to William Stokvis the fee of $10.00, $50.00, and $5.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. Vt C. F W It tmu tsar On .90B— Bevi d. ep, 'c Ft f. Yea IA COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Pearce In Favor Peterson Truax .. Against r. President (Gehan) 3M Y37 10081—Bv G. H. Barfues, F. Adopted by the Council EB 193..._. J Approved. Day -r Od.iml to OIY Gl.k 1U9982 CITY OF ST. PAUL iai NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r—£OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL .FORM PRESENTED BY ..i COMMISSIONER....... 111r✓// !1 .. ...........DATE... .... _... RESOLVED, That the appointment by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds an'd,Public Buildings of Gerald O'Donnell, in place of J. J. Foley, as a member of the Steamfitters Examining Board, be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan �. Pearce In Favor Peterson Q �� Against F9rral:llto Mr President (Gehaw 3M 3.37Mr. V1.2 I : Lz-,I-L1L (14aax) ' C. F. No. 109982—By F. GM.-inT,,-- the eComm�l....... thot-I?by III ground. and Publlc Butldinge of (}er- ald O'Donnell, In place of J. J. Foley, ae o, member of the Stei.Littera Dz- mining Board, be and the .ame le b -'-by conourred In and "proved. Ado"ted by the Council Feb. 1. 1938. A"Proved Feb. 1.1938' (Feb. b, 1938) Adopted by the Council F E E 1 1,938 193 Approved _ _ 193...... M= odtmd to at, a k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCU�OLUTION --- GENERAL FORM 11L. COUNCIL J-09983 Truax / ...DATE ..............._....... PRESENTED BY ._ _.. _.. ..._...._.. COMMISSIONER. - R99ZZAAM WHEREAS, by Council File No. 108191, approved July 28th, 1937, the Council did determine that that certain dwelling located on Lot 24, Block 1, Kuhlts Second Addition, also described as No. 1751 Ross Street, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and property, and should be *reeked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or agent, and said building has not been torn down; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. C. 1;. No. 199983—By Whereas, by CTU%1 File Na- 198191 approved July 38th.. 1937, the Coun, h COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _ _ _ ._ _ _ ____ 193.. Yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan _ Approved. 193....... Pau In Favor // Petersonn / V .. C Mayor Against - - .p1i8ent �. PUBLISHED IM }37:iJ, , .. _..! (Trua%) -169% CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Jan. 28th, 1938• Mr. John Vt. MoCnnneloug Co moration Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 3) authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Parks, P. & c. B. to enter upon the premises and wreck the dwelling at 1751 Ross St., located on Lot 24, Block 1, Kuhl,s Second Addition. Yours very truly, City Clerk. IjVjl_A MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BXSSFORD Supt. of Parks SUPL of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner J,i,-,u-.r-, 27, 1J30 I C - ,0 of Au -- .5 t , 1.3'Z, a pr I n." ;eu. co j)-.- of C 0'-':- c i 1 _ _.0 10, ;o :ss--irrio, D, sell, icsolutlon diroct- a d c .,:r e c and re..ova1 o- Cweilln- oii Lot loc.' 1, also L. 171:1 -,03'3 oz-lcial pa_ or. D'-1 0-' -.-n rcCll L!�;n, ' I " ' :� ,.a e � o t' -- f ice e :ia:- %:o a,-,,Tisol tl-_��t Y10 I 1a., ni, ::, '1�- t: -c �01' a C1e-:--"t1 oil -dace, Citi Ar h-Itect Ddfied to DRY c6A COUNCIL 169984 CITY OF ST. PAUL .1L. NO...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCL ESOLUTION --- GENE RAL FORM / ........._...-DATE .._ ...._..... H WHEREAS, by Council File No. 108834, approved October 6th, 1937, the Council did determine that that edrtain one-story frame dwelling at 1138 Jenks Street, also described as Lot 11, Block By Hillsdale Addition, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and property and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or agent, and said building has not been torn down, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and angerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. , 109984—BY F. M. Tr. — ' ae, by Council File No. 108834. 1 October 6th, 1931, the Cmm- determine that that tall frame dwelling at 1138 Jen' "de..rlbed as Lot 11. P',.. ?edltion. Is unsatc e, limb and ern , .- cked and e has bei - 1-1 FEB 11938 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ _.. ... __...._ . __ __ _ ..193.... yes Nays .. Barfu86 -, �� 1 L2. Findlan Approved. 193_..... Pearce _ _ .In Favor Peterson Ze .ipr1,Sa_ .. Against,, Mayor l `rri�.-ident 6_lb— Mr. PUBLISHEDt.. _, _ eM 3.37 x`9198 CITY OF SAINT PAUL r Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Jan. 28th, 1938- 11r. John W. YcConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested you to draw a resolution (Nn. 3) authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Parrs, P. & P. B. to enter upon the premises and wreck the dwelling at 1138 Jenks St., located on Lot 11, Block 8, Hillsdale Addition. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Q irk ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt of Playgrounds City Architect - Sulyt. of Parks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner Januar— ._'0, 0" St. oI.' :)ctoberll, pr_!:.to_', co-)-.- Of Covile-11 - .;jc :0. 10= ,1, ;:a:-, nailod to Clia5. v. Ct_.'_C'1 .-hose - la._�0 - et, resolution ' 3 115� j0:", -s L' tr 0 r(,r.-,Oval of tLlo on Lot d :,�'ctad CJon--a 11 loc,. also JJZ5- yJr t a3 ;uul*s'iicd of c 1,'Il r accordance w—GIL t',10 1—t 1'csOlutiOr a"'vise, tll,'It '-0 -� L'l been to this of is i on cc-_,_a,,,-_nat1on and he b1']lC-_'n11 s kill 'n )lace. t rul'j" r liltcct CM.lnd 1. CRY cl-A COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL raa No. _ .. . OFFICE OF E CITY CLERK COUNCIL UTION-- GENERAL FORM January 28, 1938 ______ _ ._-.-. DATE........... .......... . RESOLVED Resolved,'tI4(t this application of the Dispatch -Pioneer Press Company for the construction and maintenance of a news stand on the south side of W.Seveuth Street between St. Peter and Wabasha Streets, three feet east of east building line of St. Peter Street, in accor- dance with Ordinance No. 7633, and rules and regulations as prescribed by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and is hereby granted; be it Further Resolved, that this permit is granted with the distinct understanding that there shall be no advertising matter of any kind displayed on this news stand. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Pearce Peterson _Truax ''�Wenxcl HliA _ Mr. President (Gehar 3M 337 FEB 1. 1938 Adopted by the Council __193 Approved _ _ _ 193_..... In Favor Against / V , Mayor Od11W b Car a.& COUNCIL 1��9. ST. PAUL ra. NO. _ . 87 ICE OF T E CITY CLERK C U CIL ESOL 1 N ---GENERAL FORM ,� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .. .. ...... Irving OMMSSONER.........IrviAgCi...._.P.earce........... ..........._._ _........._.... __..'....DATE 1111_.._... RESOLVED WHEREAS; Patrick J. Gleason, District Foreman of the Depart- ment of Public Works of the City of St. Paul will be incapacita- ted and unable to perform his duties for a period of 30 days from February 11, 1938, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Publio Works has recommended that Patrick J. Gleason be and is hereby granted a leave of absenoe for disability with pay from February lot to March 2nd inclusive, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Sec- tion 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City authorities be and hereby are authorlobd to grant a leave of absence for Patrick J. Gleason from February let to March 2nd, 1938, inolusive, with full pay. C. Whereallo's 1Pa t ick J GI.leseon, Di.trl1. Foreman of the Department of Publlo Works f the City of SL Paul willIncbe ed an hieadutieetfor .,per led 30 deyerrrom February 1, 1958, and Whereas, the Comml.sloner of Pub- rickd,nI that Pat R7. Gleason be and 1. hereby g[ant- ed a leave of beonce Yor dt .' b"lity with pay from Februan let to March an Inclu.tve, said leave being In com- of the Civil Services Rule.: 8ttherefore be it Resolved, That the proper City au- tboritlee be and hereby are author- l1bo to grant n leave oY absence for ..trlek J. Gleason from February let to March 2nfl, 1938, tneluelve, with toll p Adopted by the Council Feb. 1, 1958. Ayproved Feb.. 1. 1938. (Feb. 6. 193b COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Pearce In Favor Peterson is Truax _ _ 11 1 .Against lw - M[ iQUient (Gehan) 3M 3.37 Vr" 1'1938 Adopted by the Council ___ 1 _ _ _1.193._ Approved _...... ...... 193__.. Mayor odaia.i W��r PRESE D BY COMMISSIONE CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 169988 1— NO..._...._.___..... _..____..... :E OF THE CITY CLERK ESQLUTION --- GENERAL FORM ........... ......... .................DATE.......... ....7. The 1937 Winter Sports Carnival was a great success. There were many contributing factors that made this success possible. One of the outstanding features was the presence of Rudy Vallee and his internationally—known company of Pntertainers, and WHEREAS, Rurl<v Vallee in his weekly national broadcast from Hollywood, California, on Thursday evening, January 27th, 1938, gave prominence to the 1933 St. Paul Winter Sports Carnival and rendered the official carnival song, be it RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Common Council of the City of St. Pati-, extend to Rudy Vallee and his company the most sincere thanks and appreciation of the citizens of St. Paul for the invaluable service ren— dered in publicizing the Winter Snorts Carnival now being held, and assure them of the continuing good will and best wishes of the City of St. Paul, and be it -90THER RESOLVED, That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Common Council and a copy be sent to Rudy Vallee. C. F. No. 109988—By 7,1. g. oehan. F. 21. Truax, I. C. Pearce, Ce Peter- on, J. a Findlan, 6. R. Bartuss— fvsl�yaeh' Winter 9TDorts were success. here mad, - :nR factors that ,outs ie. One of the R ranee I. "'- _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council _ __ _ _ 193 Barfuss Findlan Pearce In Favor Approved.... 193_..... Peterson _ Truax Q.. Against.......... ............ G,Wrnxl ry Mayor Mir nrl%ent (Gehan) PUBLISHED 0 O 3M 3.37 Od.lral to Cty Oak PRESENTED COMMISSIONER .................. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE O CITY CLERK r-11 R LUTIO,�4---GENERAL FORM �,� 169989 W—INNo. Jan. 25.1938., .._ .N....._ RESOLVEDt license for onSaleMalt Beverage. application 24605. Restaurant, application 24606. and off Sale Malt Beverage. application 24607, applied for by John J. Capra at 1019 Arcade St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees:. *ROp1MM HOWEVER, that if it develops that John J. Capra is related to Louis Capra the licenses will be revoked. Sew, Informally approved by COnncil, Jan. 18, 1938. Old Location. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan Peace In Favor Peterson Truax — Q - . Against - 1 arrslst Mr. Presl�mt (Gehan) lM 3-37 C. F. No. 109989—By O. H. Barfuss, F. IT"". I. C. Pearce— Resolved, That llcene. for On Sale Malt Beverebfe, application 24806. Res- taurant, application 24006, and on Sale Malt Beverage, apatlan 24107, D- 19 Ar - code St. blied for e and nthe — are J. Capra at 0hereby granted and the city clerk is instruct- ed to Issue such licenses upon the pay - ..at into the city treasury of the s- quired fees. Provided, However, that if It de- elona that John J. Capra Is relt.d. to Louie Carpra the licenses will be re- voked. Adopted by the Council Feb. 1. 1938. Approved Feb. 1.1838. (Feb. 6, 193 i) Adopted by the Council.FEB 1. lz39 193._._. Approved .. 193_..... lY Mayor CMgIW b CIH ank =nNC,L 169990 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. :E OF THE g=lJCLERK FORM �.... f........ .. ................DATE. ............ ............. ....._ _.. VPlhereas, George A. Sheehan, Real Estate Clerk in the office of the City Comptroller has been and will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of ninety days, from January 17th, 1938, to April 16th, 1938, inclusive; and Whereas, the City Comptroller has recommended that George A. Sheehan be granted a leave of absence for disability, with full pay; therefore, be it Resolved, that.the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to grant such leave of absence to George A. Sheehan,, with -full pay, for the period from January 17th, 1939, to April 16th, 1938; and said George A. Sheehan be and he hereby is granted such leave of absence with full pay. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Pearce In Favor Peterson TruaxO _ . Against arrantQ Mr. President (Gahan) 3M 3.37 I. C. Pearc Sheehan, Real mce ofthe City and w,11 be In- g to uerfoim Me f ninetydays, as, to ADr11 38th, r hae. —hen or die - .be it .y Ofit - iuthor- :nce to ay, for ' to Urgerjre A. ;canted D6y 1. 1sas. FEB i9J� Adopted by the Council .193 _ Approved 193 193_..... Mayor COUNCIL FILE NO.�mact of en. 991 ...__ _. _.__._._....._ .;., eo c. and, a egne :� 4,701 dewHat7�ma1' ~ t 37-M 1By ; 3917 Fr9mant Street e Str•sf to k1�r CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of _ benefits— costs_ and expenses for d constructing, reconstructing and relRging cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 1, Contrast 37-M-1, 1957. Assessable-- F.O. 105899 Fremont Street, both sides, from 9roade Street to Mendota Street F.O. 105697 Cypress Street, east side, beginningat the nosfih j A of F. Fourth 8t., thence north 18 ft., thence north 20 ft. for dlj�isiy constructions beginning at a point 64 ft. farther north, thence north 8 feet, and on the north side of E. Fourth St. beginning at a point 6 feet nest of the F.U:"i089B0-SaY'i B'areez, weev sane. irvm SMWVA S. -,• , - - �__,. the walk to extend full width from property Streit'; F.O. 107149 Rose St., m both sides, fr Ajagntie Street theme salt to #0=.n Parkway F.O. 1�li+l&`GOW.8t., noVithe sid" i Wj�g-i to tt'U6 went line of #taui'#dsr St 4-thvzws west to alley 01-11.1 F.Oa 1D16iS..'Ds2uth s"Mor-, west :side, r MarjtiSeld<Stv%.ttf assia$it 9t F.O. 107048 Edgerton Street, southwest corner of desssmine St..,-Northweet and Southwest ;.. t li,e ,,,hyo1`kt` oprygn. sud""nofl Streets. Northwest, Northeast and Southeast rs $dgerton Street and Cook Street, Southwest corner of Edgerton and F.O.7.�,.Southweet oorn4s Cook Street, Northwest and,Northeast a��irtierp�tEB�s'ix'Btree� sn7i Laren Streets , F.Q,r--i?S88$ Ninth Btreet,t. north sde� be�n ing at a pofl►t 8 feet east of the we line of Main 6verili`l, theliad "iroBt 88 teat . F.q� lO..Skeiog$ Boitlgvtrd�" north sida. begnping !�t tti�e east .],ixu► of Lot• 7,��$$at 54, 81oe 4 3�iri�1*s A�ditioii, tihenoe west to �iit�t Avenue eiid on [lila' soufi3t'sfds be}�pEg 80i�,9� �i'.Q7¢�sai+ $!q?��� .Btreek. tQ ..Smitil,:�Tsane °,..;. - F.t�. 1Ob86i et. Clair Street,'north sic%, beginning at a point 8 feet west of the 'east ' - ,liatq;oP;BamlineaAvsaua� theaoeswain�,��,.,,- ,; - ;_;+=;� t X.P. 1019144 04%ft -i�uee Vast side+: , l6uyian�D i�trse� �eaegis Street - C.p., 107268 Eesol'iwd, that the Commissiousr of Public lf8rka:6e and be is hereby author ssd and directed to cause the net d51sIEt'g. k, &V*,, , to e constructed st the location l sU bbletP, ty the PedgPeaCiii `; contractors, under their annual sidewalk contract known as'Comptroller+s Contract L-8928, at a cost not to o*seed $95.00, b#tdpd the unit., es bid for monolithic concrete sidssalid for the anrri t• yew'`;"ri�ieh oosWYi '-d against the P.I.R.Ftmd Tax Exempt Proportions aortheast, Southwest k Southeast corners of Edgerton k Magnolia Bt• Southw&I ftor of Edgoit n m hassmins Sts- jtorthw l='east. Southwest & Southeast oornere of Edgerton k Cook Sts. iforthwelA9t *tt`t23east, Sottthweet m,$outheaet corners of Edgerton h Lawson $ts. Form B. H. 16 SOL Iwa0T7 :rddaf oOLIJeL2 oL Eq�6Lpon g rece.eou Zpe• 'Fea'e.F oOLuote ob EgCoLfou x OooR gfe• Zi 8fe• Fevap coivaLa oL 2g12QL-P0-v a uolTe 2f• EYembp br.ol3eLf7aao Loz pyo orrzLauf 2-0 APTO17 Goof 7a oq $32.00' peeeq :abosr. ua M", pL 7He Vasrms' leirGe aagf fF e7gs` f.. +7 v- vsuaF j77ig OT,rof S'' Bracjt Ed'.. IS•0• IO2Q25 BTnfF gfissf' uoLRa nu o ,v g bo a coLvaLe °S-EgCaipou„$ fiaef euq' ralaaoir: f 8 S88f seep °L fPe .xse f I7ue E*()* I010 -fa Egeei.fou 8fiasf' gon afisape” rkxaoII 9 fLoo fe fP ep corzrsL Coog Episs ' 34oiff7Ataaf auq ;104 eae f C0LII$L8 0� EZj�aifOII ?;LeGf cOLUGLa o =4-,COoR 2fLesf�,gonfFmsef.og7gvs OL Egce4ou ewq 1:0' IO�Od$ Eq�a fieaf' 20AWA � 400rtter Q4b$`lsea s . � � �s eaa f sub a°npPsea f L.Fou 7078X� Dn 44T. Vusune* etaaf a7go'.SLoiit e8f �B�af enq EoirfF,�eaf levee fo g1Te2 *47'4 Ef fo 1�eaaAiTura BF• E•0• losvB Q62a Lf•' pa�Fl?gHT4a1 PORT=#?, gf ¢Pa �aap 7Tae oS.G+enJf�ez Zf•' fFeuoe E10' OSTfic3'goee fp qse Is'0• T010E4 LOLsaf,8fiasf';geeaf a ilfi ►f.T°;-2FLeef fFsuos a�ftfo. `lairuaou b�sluus3 fFs us"Pb- T9e Sr um 0ouat$?i g fisc; "09 '944 'SFTiq O: Leap f �a =g SJf7T ATWY ILoia biobaipl. Iiia fo cnLp >:,•0' T081i@0 VLT peau At', 11; aNG, L— ggaf7u8a ynsunsti FJYGVCa riarfF f0 ulIex' S Chbisaa'gf• fFsuoe asap T8 L;- 470 =TrUOLpP a qe 0; 1,;. IsouifF 3p• ps�7uu7uP.sf 6 boTVP $:.Sas;-Alae; OL ;Fa R Tce J10 s s b0 .' S¢" SeL fFsi trOs $ eztael X4 -" , 8 SAsfi' �Tg ou pN ce uoxpy T9 Sf" pFauce uGLCv cn r�• , , HE®���+.+..�U.S7.x.'��LIC7LX7QLXXTF7LX xx yxln'temn°�h10*���Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx�, The assessment of......___benefits,_._oosts.._and_expenses-._... ... .................._..... ...-_for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a 'public hearing be had on said assessment on the 3rd.__.._ -.._,,.._day of Mgroh...... ..... .____._, 1951..._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time, and place of bearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. FEB Adopted by the Council ........ _......_.._._. ....... ___..... __._........ � �,----._._._........__. _City Clerk. Approved_..... -...... _.............. -............... _............. _._192__._. Mayor. Councilman Clams^—.7— rce „ Mclgnutd"--- -.; —son Sudor - euax Wei �rtrel U Mayor rr.N= Gehau PUBLISHED -5-33 Form H. H. 16 , / � constructing a Sanitary Sewer with necessary 6" pipe house sewers from sewer to street; line on Mill Street from Wilkin Street to Elm Street; in the Alley between lots 309'31", 41 and 42, Upper Levee Addition from Mill Street to the Levee; on the Levee from :a point 25 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of lot 36 to a point 20 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of lot 25, Upper Levee Addition; in the Alley between lots 14 and 15, Upper Levee Addition from Mill Street to the Levee, thence on the Levee to a point 20 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of lot 11, Upper Levee Addition; on the Municipal River Barge and Grain Terminal Right of Way in Block 49, Rice. and Irvine's Addition from Elm Street to a pgint approximately 15 feet north - +G• _. westerly of the Levee. I CT Constructing a:Storsa.•Water.Sewer on Wilkin. Street from'Loreto Lane to Mill Street; on Mill Street from Wilkin Street to a point 90 feet northeasterly from the...AllpV..,hetween lots 60 and 61 Upper Zevee:'Adii%tion, and in the'east mentioned Alley It lots 60 and 6, from b411•S'treet to Loreto Lane, thence northeasterly on Loreto Lane a distance of 140 1'met=from the-�n'brtheasterly line o£ said Alley; in the Alley between lots 54 and 55, Upper Levee Addition, from Mill Street to Loreto Lane; in the Alley between lots 30, 31, 41 and 42, Fpper Levee Addition from Mill Street to the L?ississippi River. Also 'grading' -Mill Street from Wilkin Street to Elm Street, Loreto Lane from 111ilkin Street to the northerly line of Upper Levee Addition, and Wilkin Street from Loreto Lane to the Levee. Also grading Alleys between lots 60 and 61, 14 and 15, 54 and 55;; 30, 31, 41 and 42, all in Upper Levee Addition. Where Loreto Lane is referred to in above description, it is understood to be that street or alley abutting lots 46 to 66 inclusive, of Upper Levee Addition to St. Paul and -on `the northerly side thereof; Construct a Storm dater Sewer on Wilkin Street from Loreto Lane to Mill Street; on Mill Street from Wilkin Street to a point 90 feet northeasterly from the Alley betvreen lote fi ani 61,"'Upper Levee Addition, and in the east men""t3Sfiw'H'AT1'�8@E97gg'nTn and 61, from Mill Street to Loreto Lane, thence northeasterly on Loreto Lane a distance of 140 feet from the northeasterly line of said Alley;.ifi the Alley between lots 54 and 55, Upper Levee Addition; from Mill Street to Loreto Lane; in the Alley bet^;een lots 30, 31, 41 and 42, Upper Levee Addition from Mill Street to the Mississippi River. Also grade Mill Street from Wilkin Street to Elm Street, Loreto Lane from `Xilkin Street to the northerly line of Upper Levee Addition, end lvilkin Street from Loreto Lane to the Levee. Also grade Alleys between. lots 60 and 61, 14 and 15, 54 and 55, 30, 51, 41 and 42, all in Upper Levee Addition. Where Loreto L T °s eferred'to in above description, it is understood to be that street or allisutt4ag lots ai$ to 66 inclusive, of Upper Levee Addition to t. Paul and on the'iliii "'s'iae thereof; "'_ Councilmat� Tragi= �t.+��t..�+` Councilman Wensei PUBLISHED 5 Mayor OMEN" tisbsn toim B. S. A. 8-6 v:rq OIJ PUG iiOL 'JGL X u3- -� J .qc PWGLGoL zPLccP or. 1. j. !LUGLG rola, o r"'"' 30' 37' IT q . ,, "JI Fs"" Po Pilo rGAoa V r : o.. L 2PLG6P Po Pp"; IJOL a:Izo aLegxPY 1,^7 PTeLJ;. jr G oi, ,i-- Ien e JJ 2PLeGPLL01: ?7<T,U 2PLseP Po :; 1 r 20� 37' d7 vuq IS, 11bhGL rGAcs Vgg7rrou jL ,777 7 22 nbbeL rsasG ;;ggTP?on° LGc; Lora r F r. GGP augreJ'OL HO LLLor.rLgT Ppb uoL'p1j" f"YJ' TTL-- OL zvLy c e.i;u7u P'' j Gi a Gjo�2 o F'.77 2PLseP fo FoLepa Fvus, rN� 77 ccL lore 27 v I YOPa e0 vuq e7' IIbbez jeaae y4g7Piou, PJJGUOG zJOLppsve;GLj?: ou g 77 2PLseP Z.LorU ;'?r Yk' sub ? PiJe Gi 2� juGtJ{ iurJ9q lTTGn o rn s U q?2"JJCG GOI72PL9GPTUC s BPLGcP Po v bo?riP 00 LGcP uoL y0Pt..Gsir 7oPz e0 24 -OLX SvPsL 26,.AGL ou r.:y ru PpsezPsLj7, LLo:U {:uG :;JJs?. JR. 2Ps GsP LLOIU roLG po razes Po PePhlceu .x98,GLJ?: o- Ppe isms• 777 2PLseP: OU rGAGG Vgq,poout OZ Ppb igq?Pion LLoru EJru gPLOGP q or , LVTu7u+ vbbr.oxrwsPsJ, 72 LGGP uoLP;u- Ppe r6AGG i( u7GJbg7 igAeL keLae vu 1 P SO LGGP uoLPpsuzPGLj?� o r SG,.UruvJ Tu PsPireeu Tore jd vug T�' fbbGL 'GAGG L P78 orr is2PGLj;. FToo" 1 1fgg7P?Ou- LLOIU 7 G J:.. Tu;=- under Preliminary Order 10977b pproved .Ta,marzL-11,-a938 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council reco ,,,,ends is construct a Sanitary Sewer with necessary 6" pipe house sewers from sewer to street 1ii3e on Mill Street from Wilkin Street to Elm Street; in the Alley between lots 30, 31, 41 and 42, Upper Levee Addition from Mill Street to the Levee; on the Levee from a point 25 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of 1pt 36 to a point 20 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of lot 25, Upper Levee Addition; in the Alley between lots 14 and 15, Upper Levee Addition from Mill Street to the Levee, thence on the Levee to a point 20 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of lot 11, Upper Levee Addition; on the Iaunicipal River Barge and Grain Terminal Right of Iffay in Block 49, Rioe.and Irvine's Addition from Elm Street to s, point approximately 15 feet north- westeily of the Levee. Construct a Storm Plater Sewer on Wilkin Street from Loreto Lane to gill Street; on Mill Street from Wilkin Street to a point 90 feet northeasterly from the Alley between lots 60 ani -61, Upper Levee Addition, and in the east man L. 7i1 n s"60 and 61, from Mill Street to Loreto Lane, thence northeasterly on Loreto Lane a distance of 140 feet from the northeasterly'line of said Alley, in the Alley between lots 54 and 55, Upper Levee Addition; from Mill Street to Loreto Lane; in the Alley between lots 30, 31, 41 and 42, Upper Levee Addition from Dill Street to the Mississippi River. Also grade Mill Street from Wilkin Street to Elm Street, Loreto Lane from Wilkin Street to the northerly line of Upper Levee Addition, and l7ilkin Street from Loreto Lane to the Levee. Also grade Alleys between lots 60 and 61, 14 and 15, 54 and 55, 30, 31, 41 and 42, all in Upper Levee Addition. Where Loreto LaTid 3s ieferred to in above description, it is understood to be that street br all d$fitt'i2i 1bts 46 to 66 inclusive, of Upper Levee Addition to ';t. r'nul and on the *Iib �ifde thereof; Councilman Truax Councilman VVvnaea P't�e.Q,,,t 1 ( i - Mayor 11INNEW Gebw PUBLISHED_ I rN Form B. S. A. 8-6 " rtu(1 ou r-rra uur.fTroLj:'. tJiyca f7ifOLr0Ui 2fLOr( 01. hJUE fo (t;, (cr.-,,• r. .t. r r ,r r 2;LEEp p) tiT2o 4Logry l'iIT7 F:pLra, LLu. 't)`rtut., .r ..i„ uvq IS, nI)bG r. t,A 22' IILbGL Ponce igq roz Lo i:I T1 F a oL Tfi0 L6ep LLOW pTjE OL pp ; p,L7n 7r v oL 1 : f I' -q e7' I,LOtJ 1 PTT 2pLa[ifi o POLopo I due' cucG uo TO -P2 el' nbbGi ranee. -r rou' �rir pY IZI r . UGU, j o.r (J. r'uue u y .. {• • ... COg0 6vc �gcl•p, q Iv ttrF) oars urGu� �u c ::ITT 2:FLee.P T.Lour n7l.Trm. vj_fi 4n� d v,.,.. ._ fi ._._ .i vJ19,2L 7LGGp OL Ur j::t Jr "r '',7JGLG r''�L EpO T -i, ; L'�,,C.LLG'-J p0 7U KPOA'_- Q62GL OU 20' 8T' IT suq IS' "TJ IL :bLeL 71GAGG VggNpTO"' roue po plrG rGAGG' Vjeo 2LBgG VTTG%2 pefr+GGu Tof2 0 0 ouq T ^d uW 2'' gpLeep p0 prE UOL.PPGLIX T:UG OL fib -'.GL rGAaG V'dgTf?Oq !' . 2pLarLf LLOWj'OLcfo �Ly-,3 LOlU r.�rjlt 7;r ZpLC Gp f0 j 2,LG G p'rOLG O VOG LOW ,%• T i.1 ;? ;1720 "19(114 ,7J f L Gi;Q Q$' 11"LEL FGA6G ',y QQ7p; OL` LLOiil ;'.r7J-,;pLGO� p07ujre 722T 2GI 7bU7 iaUAGL0 :2 20' 21' IT Or G o UIJ'i p 77 P V 1 f 22' I1b1)GT• FGAG , Vqq?pion' LLota ?; J gpLoOp f0 f a1 P4"GO o c 'L)" utic oL 7F0 L66p LL plJG uOLfYj9";GLJ%. True 0 egTq TjG. • Iu pN 1T P P"' f' t _g ET'. LLOrII 'ITIT `^,.FLGGp..{'O rOLG;o r413G' ;ITG;3rG u0...f-IJG 2'a'p GL J', OL' I•OLepo 1'91x6 J tij e.(`c+1Jco Tobe 2C Guo qT' fibIM,L I'GAGr Vggrpro13' 0:134 ?u JP� Gmer WGuf?orrGq -'JTGX P<p;aeG jof2 60., i?77 ZFx�sp LL(,;� r'diT;`Iu gpLcop po G i)ojuf �,o Lc):" uoLp af2feLT' g VJ1G` y".`'' .COU2;LJTcp G 2;OL1 ,',t6pGL ',1GIAOL N!LGGp ,LOIS' rGLGM I'GUG f0 ;:TJT :',fr•GO}: '• OU r:.G2pGLJ:'. OL pu0 renoo u:,u .u'., d8' fTEE r'rj JLni e,2 ;p;ou ;Loin ET1U pLe + -.r:. J LW].J9j rEAsa 1%ggif;oa: ou r rrrc; uJ 3;A r J,L.G u I ... 20 ,iJ,w peLJ Lr ec2p o f F pva rGAGO ro a Lo;Jp Si,asp uo Gras' pGprasev Tofz TIT UOq J2 nbbGL rGAG:. Vy r '.ou ocu ;2?TI ,fLec r vG Pop .-bLGL t,1a�Yta with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 6.369.09. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of March 193 8 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. �. la3$ Adopted by the Council F�B , 193 �t� Approved_ FEB 11938 193.--_— ity Clerk Mayor Councilman#AMBMMWM Eartaaa Councilman Findlan . Councilmanlb� Pearce Councilman Peteraos Councilman Truax � r Councilmat>lItlll' Wenad PUBLISHED Mayor ININMON OeLan Form B. S. A. 8.6 C F No. 100993— In. the Matter t curhi ¢ Msgnolla.) treet 'on south eld from Duluth -A-9 us to the east Ins.af Lot 8, �(,/�/�/�A Hlllndxte, t 'rh Nl. lU�ty/�IJ�U{ COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY `ORDER In the Matter of curbing Magnolia Street on south side from Duluth Avenue to the east line of Lot 8, Block 2, Hillsdale, and on the north side in front of lots 7, 8, and 9, Block 3, Lane Hospes Addition, under Preliminary Order 108218 approved July 30, 1937 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Magnolia Street on.south side from Duluth Avenue to the east line of Lot 8, Block 2, Hillsdale, and on the north side in front of Lots 7, 8, and 9, Block 3, Lane Hospes Addition, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 353.15. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of Marnh 193 8 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estima FEB 1 i9�8 Adopted by the Council , 193 ,/��'.%� Approved FEB 193 �.-� A -City Clerk Councilman Barfusw Councilman i I Findlay Councilman REENNNIMIT7 Pearce Councilman Peter u, ('councilman Truax Councilman Mayor Gehao Form S. S: A. 8-6 Mayor 7-v PUBLISHED 4 — 5— 3 9 N s C. he ATatter9of-curbing the east side .I 16e 994 of Ayeaae from James } Strea .Street, under Pre- - nnr^ ^11 July COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing the east side of Macalester Avenue from James Street to Palace Street, under Preliminary Order 108219 approved July 30 1937 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb the east side of Macalester Avenue from James Street to Palace Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 194.73. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of March 1938_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance givenotice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FEB 11938 193 -1 CouncilmartjjjjW001W= Harfaw CouncilmanijonorlarM Findlan Councilmansias-_a Pearce CouncilmanARPs.UR24i Peterom CouncilmandotanwiAmW'A Trues O� Councilman 3 Mayor 10i� Gob= Form B. S. A. 8-6 City PUBLISFIED �� COUNCIL FILE NO. C. F No tto, * J I the Matt of condom 1 g and tak- ing th, n t g dee lbed prop 1. �{ (���� fornurpo es: Edmune YV1M✓12. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking the following described property for play- j ground purposes: Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 12, Edmund Rice's First Addition, under Preliminary Order 109826 approved Jan. 14, 1938 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take the following described property for playground purposes: Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 12, Edmund Rice's First Addition, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 13,000.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 1st day of March , 193, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as esti 138 Adopted by the Council FEB 1 —, 193 FES; Approved 193 City Clerk Mayor Councilman Councilman hi� Councilman 80� Councilman Councilman ff� Councilman NWNW� Mayor Form B. S. A. 8.6.' Barfaar Findlay Pearce Petereoss Truaxd ,� W.aal Behan 0 PUELISHED�l COUNCIL FILE NO. C. F. Np. 10989of - an1U999G In tho Matter e o demning d tok- ing a gement [or the purya-se t Ind mai ntaln ing pUb- �naer anaa the _.ek 15, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 8 feet of lot 4, Block 15, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Lafond St. to the Alley in the rear of said lot; also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 feet in width on the east side of above easement and on the easterly 5 feet of lot 5 in said Block 15, under Preliminary Order 109619 approved December 22. 1937 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 8 feet of lot 4. Block 15, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from La£ond St. to the Alley in the rear of said lot; also condemn and take a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 feet in width on the east side of above easement and on the easterly 5 feet of lot 5 in said Block 15, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 50.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 1st day of March _ 193_S__ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FEB 1 198 , 193–/' 93 Approve FEB i.`_11; 193— City Clerk Mayor Councilman gar{uss Councilman Findlan Councilman Pearce / Councilman Petemou Councilman XglAm Truax Councilmanmlilmsli� wen / Mayor W*� Geyan. Form B, S. A. 8.6 r / I'1JBi.ISFIED ��=_— 51 COUNCIL FILE NO t* i of Conde and tak- nt Ina _A nncee- 109997 n t^ UVytII✓/JJ INTERMEDIARY, ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 15, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Syndicate Avenue to Hamlin Avenue, under Preliminary Order 109617 approve' December 22 1937, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 15, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Syndicate_ Avenue to Hamline Avenue, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the outs and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 1 at day of March 193 8 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. FEB 11,038 �- Adopted by the Council ---, 193 .. ____.._a 1931 City Clerk Councilman fiartuaa Councilmat ' l+indlao Councilman Pearce Councilman Peterson CouncilmathNINNN� T^'_ Councilmar$111111110P�R4/ Mayor soon" Geban Form B. S. A. 8.6 r Mayor PUBLISHED - C. F go. 109998— — f In the Matter or grading Alley in - t -lock 16; gynA�r Vn to A diton syn : - - 169998 COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading Alley in Block 15, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Syndicate Avenue to Hemline Avenue; also constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the westerly 8 feet of Lot 4, Block 15, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from the Alley to the sewer in Lafond Street, under Preliminary Order 109618 approved December 22 1937 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.Tha the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordere to be'proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade Alley in Block 15, Syndicate No. 5 Addition, from Syndicate Avenue to Hemline Avenue; also construct a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the westerly 8 feet of Lot 4, Block 15, Syndicate No. 5 Addition, from the Alley to the sewer in Lafond Street, 4' with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.448.66. Resolved Furtlier, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the lat day of March . 193 8 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court 'House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as timated 1938 Adopted by the Council B —, 193 fib tdno A --.—.,-A � , .. b_�193—i City Clerk f_ Mayor Councilman " 8°Hagg Councilman Find!an v CouncilmaF'"°rce CouncilmarPRO Yett:reoa CouncilmarW#'l it TrututG%�� ' Councilma �� Mayor Form B. S. A. 8.6 PUBLISHED n_� i 1) In F. No. 109999— 1U99y9 Infrobm F rlringt n Avbing to�vlrginla 1—nue, under, P C•rder approve'' r -b COUNCIL FILE NQ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing Charles Street from Farrington Avenue to Virginia Avenue, under Preliminary Order 107929 approved June 29 1937 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Charles Street from Farrington Avenue to Virginia Avenue, - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 599.09. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 1st day of March 193, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City. of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FEB 11938, 193 A___ -..a f' 193- City Clerk councilmanilvlcDonald r; - Councilman delay Councilman Rearce- CouncilmanrRosen Councilmanc'Truax Councilmanr3$1mzel.:----1 '+-'^^-1- �/ R /Mayor M" t-Jel,au Form B. S. A. 8.6 kUR ISHED A P, COUNCIL FILE NO— C. - F. O C.-F. x' 110000- 110000 In the Matt .,t c Inv "• �or[hl s[ee oe _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing the north side of Cottage Street from Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue, under Preliminary Order 107927 approved June 29 1937 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb the north side of Cottage Street from Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost theteof is $ .91 A- 66. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 1st day of March , 193 8 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 11938 193— J .. APProved 193 /ity Clerk —+— } Mayor CouncilmanihilMNIMM Barfuni Councilman Findlan Councilman Pearce C/ CouncilmatdbNdpfl• Peter"* Councilmati Trua: OG CouncilmanaWANNi ON D t • Mayor fat Gehan Form B. S. A. 8.6' r PUBLISHED Ne. 110001_ In 110001 °• Matter o4 sur4aring the Alley in the Stan`�T Place e. d Wel lesl el' from 1' - +� Avenue. COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of surfacing the Alley in Stanford Place and Block 1, Wellesley Place, from Fairview Avenue to the west line of Wellesley Place with two (2) inches of bituminous material, under Preliminary Order 109825 approves January 14 1938. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby o ed4o.be proceeded with. 2. That t nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is surface the Alley in Stanford Plac® and Block 1, Wellesley Place, from Fairview ,Avenue to the west line of Wellesley Place with two (2) inches of bituminous material, with no alternatives, and th }the estimated cost thereof is $ 1 243.86. Resolved Further, a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 'at day of March 193_ 8 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council FEB 11938 19 FFR 1 r%t — City Clerk Approved_ 193� _ Mayor Councilman c onal3" Barfuse Councilman# ay P'nf'ian Councilman�Pearce CouncilmantRosen CouncilmantTruax, r CouncilmanaWe;'"T'^h'� r'.: Mayou Gcunn - 86 , Form B, A. 110002 Qlola.l to dry ca4 CITY OF ST. PAUL cou" � kIc■ NO.-, ....... .. ................ / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI OLUTJS�N---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ,yef✓1...........DATE......_F66r08..r4..._1.f...173g.S COMMISSIONER........... ....... ......................... ......... .............. p ....................... That licenses ad for by the following persons at the addresses indicated RESOLVED be and the a hereby granted ani the city C10* is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees J. Pizinger 163 W. 7th St. Barber App. 24039 Renewal. Jack Price 363 Earl St. Barber " 24065 " C. Phillips 1752 Van Buren Barber " 24133 " Amanda Posy 624 Rondo St. Barber " 24174 " Emil Peterson 923 Payne Ave. Barber " 24153 " Eugene T. Pillow 355 gent St. Barber ° 24432 " E. E. Lundeen 955 Rice St. Batched " 24465 " J. Elm 614 Rondo St. Butcher " 24481 2 Frank Pollock 205 Lowry Med.Arts Bldg. Barber " 24497 E Harry Muggley 391-5 Robert St. Bowling Alleys " 24522 " Perlt & Staaok 255 Concord St. Butcher " 24525 " Chas. Monsour & Co. 127 State St. Butcher " 24531 " J. Perlman 62 E. 5th St. Barber " 24533 " J. Cottingham 237 Rondo St. Butcher " 24536 " A. Hohenstein 427 S. Robert St. Butcher " 24538 " Olson Food Market 690 Wheeler Ave. Hatcher " 24545 " Joseph Gabriel & Son 285 W. George Butcher " 24564 " E. N. Belland 1753 Selby Ave. Gas Station " 24586 " Harry J. MuggleY 391-5 Robert St. Cont. " 24592 " - --- P y C �5�8 COUNCILMEN do tcd b the CotutctlF4+6- - -----193.._... C. F. No. 119982—lg 6. H. sarfuee, F. g� Nays M. Truna, I. C. Pearce . Resolved, that Il.onaea puplied for Ba[fo89 te.ahed-to rthis eeoutlon the _ rns be and samo are hereby granted and the Cloy Flndlan clerk is lnstruoted toIssue eneb 11- cense. upon the payment Into the alty Approved 193_._. - - -"' treasury of the teculred lase. Pearce ............ ......In' Adopted by the Council Feb. 1, 1988. Approved Feb. 1, 1988. Peter— (Feb. 6. 1988) - TruaxAgal'nef __ __ _ . .......... .. Mayor rax o Mr. Fr Rent (Gehan) SM 137 t3dsin.l to cit, flak _ _...liQU.U3 CITY OF ST. PAUL iii"`" NO...... 00ICS OF THE CITY CLERK v COUNCI ION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSION / rC C-C..E..............-.DATE...... F0371C!19-17 lo...1938f....._......_...... RESOLVED That licenses aolXed for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instureted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Backer Fuel & Ice Co. 929 E. 7th St. Friel Dealer App. 23109 Renewal. Ramsey Fuel & Ice Co. 303 James St. s s e 23424 Is Twin City Fuel & Ice Co. 1160 Sims St. s s s 23434 s Economy Fuel Go. 926 Charles St. s ° s 24257 " C. F. No. 110008-111 p„g, Barflies. F. ilRceo ved That Iceneo e a Dlted' for the following persons & the ad_ dr dreesee Indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk le Instructed to Issue such licenses, upon the payment Into the city treasury of the rr red fees: ' F.Backer Fuel & Ice Co., 989 Fl 7th St., A BIce 9Cwenipw eelFueDealer, & James St— l Dealer, App. 83484 RenegaL St7 el lDenler i DD e8343! 160 Simi 1�"conomy . Fuel Co. 886 Charier SL, Fuel Dealer, A p• .0 ,Renewal Adopted by the Councll Feb. 1, 1938. Approved Feb. 1, 1938. _ (Feb. 6. 1D38) —_—' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council FEB..... 1— 193._ _. Yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan Approved... _ 193....... Pearce In Favor Pearson v/ TruaxAgainst Y ... Mayor aato Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 3.37 110004 Od31w t. CRY a.& �, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL .ILL No ...... ___......._......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL S N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 13V41 - COMMISSIONER.... . ................................... DATE F1.. ..... 97� .......... L RESOLVED That licensee lied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Pare Oil Co. 1306 lot Ave. S. Mpls. Fuel Dealer App. 23722 Renewal. Co—Operative Coal Assn. 739 Johnson St.NE Mplp. a " " 23995 " Deep Rock Oil Corp. 2700 28th ATE.S. Mple. " " " 23920 e Skelly Oil Co. 4645 Humboldt Ave. Li. Mple. " A n 24340 a A. H. Barter Co. 825 Thornton St.SE. Mpls. " " n 214438 a Zephyr Oil Co. 2401 Hiawatha Ave. Mple. n n n 245519 a Phillips Patrols= 00. 83 State St. " " " 24576 n Liquid Fuel Dealers. COUNCILMEN Yea Nawe Barfuss Findlan Pearce In Favor Peterson Truax a......_. Against Mr. Presi5ent (Gehan) lM 3.37 C. F. No. 110004—By G. R. Bertuss, F. b" Truax, 1. 4j.—By That llcenees applied to x by the [ollowly person. at the, indicated be d the same are hereby granted and the ity clerk It theOV Instructed to payment Into the suchlicenses et treasury o1 the ea��*ea teas: ., sun let Ave. S., Dlpls. oc Fuel DeaCorlerE70ApD•thL 920 Cll Co.. 4646 Humboldt Ave. Fuel Dealer, ADD• 24340 Re - Barber Co. 826 Thornton St. Die-, Fuel Dealer,ADD• 24438 10 en ADD•22467811 IRevath.ewalAve., a Petroleum'Co.. 83 State St., tel Dealer. ADD. 24618 Re- d by the Council Feb. 1, 1938. ,ed Feb. 1: 1938. (Feb. S. 1038) FEB 11938 Adopted by the Council.. __... __.__ ...................193....... FEE i Approved.. 193_.... a...Myor.-_...... y Q41ie.1 I. City a.k - 10( CITY OF ST. PAUL co..." NO....... (r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC O ION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ......... .... .... ............._...._... ..)� ......................_. ... ............_......_.........DATE._.....i�R,..Fellru,�ry...1......19.. S (1,�-�-c�c 3 ........... RESOLVED U That Second Hand Dealer's license $197, expiring December 5, 1938, issued to William J. Winburgh at 190 E. 7th St. be and the same is hereby transferred to William J. Winburgh at 401 E. 7th St. and the prpper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. transfer informally approved by Council, Jan. 27, 1938. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss e n Pearce Pazcee Peterson Truax ar£an�p Mr. President (Gahan 3M 3.37 C. F. No. 110006—By 0. H. Barfuea. F. M. Trunx, I. C. Pearce— Resolved, That Second Haud Deal - 'ser 5' 93S Issued8 to William J. Win - burgh at 190 E. 7th St. be and the le hereby transferred to William J. Winburgh at 401 E. 7th St. and the imr grt city pincers are instructed to ... *rde. proper changes In the city's Adopted by the Council keb. 1, 1938. Approved Feb. 1. 1938. — _ (Feb. 5. 1938) FEB 11938 Adopted by the Council(_,, In Favor Approved. .. _ 193_..... Against / - Y 11-0006 Od&.I in C1typlt�" couucl� CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO..__...._.. _....___ _.._.._.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIJ�ON---GENERAL FORM laev—R ro B ♦ , (\\ / �r-�._e_� ................. ATE- 't7at9 1193g................. icbael J. Hartman debiree to withdraw application 24975 for On Sale Liquor license at 653 Stryker Ave, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Michael J. Hartman the fee of $1.000.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yea, Nays Earfuss Findlan Pearce_ __._In Favor Peterson ..... Against To Mr. President Peban) 3M 3.37 C. M. NO. . 110I0 Q. Pe G. H Rarfuee. F. Whereas, Michael J. Hartman d'ab's to withdraw application 24878 for On Bale Liquor license at 663 Stryker Ave. ,ad request' the return f the lleenee fee daposl ted thereon; there[, be ft Resolved. 'that the Drover city ofli- ere be d they are hereby authorized to .refund to Michael J. Hartman the fee of $1,000.00 and to cancel aafd ap- i plication Sor license. Adopted by the Council Feh. 1,,1038. Approved Feb. I. 3938. (Feb. 6. 1038) Adopted by the ConndIFEB---_2 I9H r.; Approved......_193....... .. _ _.__. a Oddnd to CITY Wk _ Ito jQ CITY OF ST. PAUL C :NCIL NIto 07 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��COUNCIL LUYN---GENERAL FORM �PRESENTED BY February� commiss]ONER. -'S........DATE........._ ... .............. 9 ............ RESOLVED i4 That license for 0 Sale Malt Beverage, application 24906, On Sale Malt Beverage. application 24907, and Restaurant, application 214909, applied for by Louie T. Colonna at 222 Chestnut St. be and the same are hereby denied and the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Louis T. Colonna the fees of $5.00. $50.00, and $10.00 and to cancel said application for licenses. C. ,. No.110001—BY G. H. Barfuss, F. M Truax, I. C. Pearce— Reaolved, Thnt ltcenee for off Sale, So.lO Malt Bevernge 11cation 2490G. on Dv11cat1on01.4307, d Raurnnt, DDllcatlon 24... lonna at 222 a eatpp u an for'bY Louis T. Co Chestnut St. he and the eama are here-. by denled and the Droner city [flcere refund tRhL ule Th Colonna the fe s of E60.00 nd EI0.00 and to cancel i veld a➢Dllcatlon for licensee. ADDDed Febe 1 e193g to 1193& (Feb. 6. 1938) Informally denied by Council. Jan. 27, 1939• COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan ✓j Pearce /. _ In Favor Peterson T a Q._... Against WIM", Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 3.37 FEB 1-1938 _Adopted by the Council. _ _.....__ __. _ _ ___ ...191... ''9 Approved. 193_..... Mayor orisir4caie& 10()08<GpM<,�CITY OF .ST. PAUL -�. NO. _OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC SOL ON ---GENERAL FORM PRESZ commiss1ONER.......... ................................... .................. ...........DATE....... February..1,.._193.8- _. RESOLVED That Restaurant li use #9435, §xpiring November 28, 1938, On Sale Malt Beverage license 44577, expiring November 28. 1935, and Off .Sale Malt Beverage license #6318 expiring November 25, i935, issued to Frank C. Channel at 920 Reaney St. be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and guilty plea of Frank C. Channel on the charge of possession of untaxed liquor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan Pearce In Favor Peterson Truax v...._. Against b�nzel .::u p�rento Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 3-37 C At, Trouax10L arce C. PeBarfues« F. I Resolved, That Restaurant Itcense No. 1111, bring November 28, 1928, On Sale Malt Beverage license No. ORI�3ale lbfn�t B.'s-ge 28, nse 28, No. sued to expiring Co Ch...elveraber 2at 920Re.- St. be and the same re hereby ro- voked upon recommendation.of the Do- reau of Police because f the. arrest and guilty ➢lea of .Frank C. Channel on the charge of possession of untax- ed liquor. - - Adopted by the Council Feb. 1, 1938. A➢Proved Feb. 1, 1938. (Feb. 6. 1938938 ) N Adopted by the Council FEB 1. 1938 P E Approved../ _ .......193._.... 4!�'i'"Y" Mayor OAdiaal lo`GYtr Clert ORDINANCE 110OU9 _ COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7842, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the appointment by city officials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organization charts for the various departments of the city government. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, healthand safety," approved September 30, 1937. This is an emergency ordinance ren- dered necessary for the preservation of thg6ublic peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section.9, where It appears under the heading °Assessment-Valuations11, the following line: -- - I C. F. No. 110009—Ordinance NO. 780&. 113 Sr. Clk. Typists" By A. F. Peterson— An ordinance amending Ordinance 7842, ent led: ry , and by inserting in lieu thereof the line: 114 Sr. Clk. Typists". Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. 50' 4 Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan ParrantoV) Pearce Peterson Mr. V -� Attest: City Clerk 300 7.37 C9 20089 Passed by the Council FEB 231938 In Favor FEBCD Against Approved: FE23 1938 PUBLISHED NO 110010 olIGINIL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'r CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 C. r. No. lloolo—By G. B. Bartoes Resolved, That the following trans- ' tern be made on the books of the PRESENTED BY Comotr.I sa b, so doing an un- avoidable deHclency In c rte.ln Items COMMISSIONERAAA CA-, be met by said transfers withoirtr— —Ing thr v1AnA .��.•' ��� n th Z»•" '• • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TRANSFERRED CODE APPORTIONED ITEM DR CR. _ FROM To 789_g Gent1 Admin. Receipts 82 50 * n a Reserve 2 00 789- n n Salaries 517 50 789-A1n n Office Expense 59 347 00 799—A2 799-B1 Buil&Ig Taint. Salaries 799—B2 n " Other Expense 709 00 8_R Bire - Receipts 49 55 99-w" Reserve 78 41 9 -Al " Admin. salaries':, 63 66 55 009—A3 n n Office Expense 9-31 " Prevention Salaries 32 8-112 n n Office Expense 19 03 9-01 " 8lghting Salaries 1 735 00 5-02 n n (ins, 0110 278 52 8-03 n 0 Tires & Repairs 720 50 New Hose 2 653 00 9-05 s s qu Aipt. Repairs 89 8-06 s " Supplies 244 65 50 6-07 n s, Now Equipment 709 93 5-08 s n Misc. 1 50 5-D1 n Station Paint. Salaries 3E 79 S -D2 n n " Telephone 54 22 8-D3 n n n Light & Yater 3 254 00 8_D n n n Fuel 704 95 9-D5 n n " Repairs 3 00 5-D6 n n a gepre 61 8-3y7 0 n " Yiea OD ADOPTED BY THE COUNGI EB 11938 113- YES (�) CXtr p" c j (Y1 NAYS e PEARCE aETERS S/ APPROVED IN FAVOR � ]„�7= UAX,ty.—n A ARnN ^' _AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED BY oLl6a PUBLISHED �(/ MR. PRESIDENT soo loss O1TYOERKCITY OF SAINT PAUL ;L.NaLNo 110011 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 - C. F._ No. 110011—By G. H. Barfus Resolved, That tha following traaa- PRESENTED BY fere be made n the books of tool COMMISSIONER Comptroller, s by so doing a th DATE voidable deficiency in c main nItems e met by said tra.nefere wit o's 'r the ,.-,rk rovided by ' O lul RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM i0 DR. GR. 7-R Police Receipts 3 697 92 7-* " Reserve 307 00 7 -Al Police Admin. Salaries 11 7-A2 a n Supplies 5983 90 7-A3 Rgnipt. paint. 46 oo 7-14" " Office Expense 39 00 7-81 " Lie ease Salaries 3 013 00 7-32 " ^ Office Expense 29 00 7-01 " Uniformed Salaries 6 750 00 7-02 Supplies 152 67 7-0 " Auto 1[aintinance 5 155 12 7- " " Traffic Signals 200 545 7-D1 " Detective Salaries 85 93 7-D2 " " Traveling 48 00 7-D3 Supplies 1 611 00 7 -El " Radio Salaries g 00 7-E2 " " Light & Power 36 00 7-E3 " " Supplies 1 199 78 7-71 " Station Salaries 91 00 7-82 " " Light & Spiel 26 o0 7- " ^ Supplies 308 00 7- u " Feediag Prisoners 911.43 7-01 Records Salaries 67 10 7-62 " " Office Supplies 477 OS YES (V) COUNCILMEN (y) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI EB 11938 193_ • PEARCE ff APPROVED LL 193_ �IN FAVOR _ �.A. n l U oR �P —ftN AGAINST �'WENZEI3''8 COUNTERSIGNED BY 1• eL� MR. R. PRE PRESIDENT ee e tea. '"IRL1SHED � C, CLETO CITY OF SAINT PAUL : �.. L NO. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 -- -- - C. F. No. 110012—RyRar[ues— PRESENTED BY � Resolved. That the Yollowln. trane- ^ [ere be made on the books of the COMMISSIONER L�� ntrI. de u by o dolt. en on - COMMISSIONER denclencY fn certain tton- he +^nby ..Id transfers with.W -k vrovided F^ • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. e CODE FROM I TO 79-R 78-T 78-A1 TS102 7$-a3 79-A5 7S- 7S -A6 9R 9-A 9-A1 9-A2 9-A3 9-R1 9-R2 9-01 9-02 9-03 9-D1 9-D2 9-D3 9-21 9-12 9-2 9- 9-7 APPORTIONED ITEM Police & ?ire Alarm Receipts n a a n Reserve Salaries n n a n Truck faint. n n n n Supplies n n n n TelepItons line ^ " ^ It Repairs n n n n Office Expense Realth Receipts ^ Reserve ^ Admin. Salaries Auto Allowance Office Expense ^ Vital Statistics Salaries ^ ^" Office Expense " Schools Salaries Supplies ^ a Office Expense " rood Reg. Salaries n n n Auto Allow. " ^ ^Office Expense ^ Quarantine Salaries a n Anto Allow. ^ ^ Supplies s a Office Expense ^ Tuberculosis Salaries YES 01) COUNCILMEN 01) NAYS PEARCE /�JETE SON {�t9 IN FAVOR -INRRRCI- GAINST ENZE9:i^- arr"tc MR. PRESIDENT AMOUNT TRANSFERRED DR. CR. 49 so 19 67 151 00 1 246 14 210 00 136 35 1 051 31 35 22 100 00 12 00 192 73 704 00 95 00 73 00 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL' `B 1 '"33113_ APPROVED 198— AYO COUNTERMGf f5HED O MPTROLL6R 39 00 779 00 100 00 151 00 210 00 211 00 671 00 12 00 1 027 00 12 00 26 oo 73 00 43 00 794 00 161 00 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL' `B 1 '"33113_ APPROVED 198— AYO COUNTERMGf f5HED O MPTROLL6R CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL No. 110(113 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 X11 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 193 - RESOLVED, 93RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 9-1`2 Health Tuberculosis - Hent 3 00 9-F " " Supplies 39 00 9_g ^ ^ Car Fare 3143 00 9_75 ° " Office Expense 71 00 9-Gl II Hospital Salaries 12 00 9-02 ^ ^ Rd of Prisoners 1 076 00 943 " Supplies 13 00 9-o4 n ^ Miscellaneous 18 00 9 -Hi " Laboratory Salaries 213 00 9-92 n " Supplies 1457 00 9-H3 ^ ^ Office Expense 7 00 X 9-J1 ^ Harriet Isl. Salaries 00 9-J2 " " ^ Light & Water 12 00 943 ^ ^ ^ Supplies 251 00 9-n ^ Dog Catcher Salaries 115 00 9-82 ^ ^ " Truck Maint. 41 00 9..83 ^ ^ ^ Supplies 51 00 C. F. No. 110013—By G. H. Barfues— Thatfollowingtrans- fers ferReeb8 made des of Co" PPtroller, ae by eo doing an on - voidable deficiency In certain item. l .m. ay be met by Bald transfers without !ng the work plrgded by. the I,eFl f[ om w"I eh I�.the a j1 YES 10 COUNCILMEN (y) NAYS • PEARCE IRETU IN FAVOR � 0 EL AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT 500 Iu..4 FEB 11938 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193 - APPROVED 193— �qaT a PU8lJSHED COUNTERSIGNED BY CI RTROLL[R COUNCIT;FIL 0 ..................... C, 1/I BY.................... ' .....-...... FINAL ORDS lfN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 110014 FINAL. On EasIN CON EMNATIOC PROCEE In the iter of.. -_ 6eaa8ln�g'and tak :......... .. ...... . 1ng-the"to t e deeorthed-unQTorj17oola- aadttlon to the Holman Muaictpal i, r dtInort: 1 �n 'Nl that. yart of. the'," t one-half V y- 4, under Preliminary Order 10-9567 ................................. approved -----....---------- DeaemheT-.l6ti-L,193L7............... Intermediary Order .......... .... 9726........_....... ...._._..., approved -....._........... Taaua.. .....rJth� 14 ........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is tdking and condemning additional - land for the Holman Municipal Airport. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: _- .- - % All that pnrt he west one-half �t G��^.rnmont ill 33 InSectio F. ri Roa fa'tFQChy +�q:....,. t RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improve nt in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council......��......1 1938 �J _... ......._.._.... ... _...... ... . ........... .................. - ------------ Cit erk. Approved........................................................19........ City J —�-- i Mayor. CouXPe Barfuss d Findlan 1 Pearce / % �(?SLISFIEDparrantoPeterson denTrua WO -6-33 Mr. President- Gehan --_I—.L y EATON 'ST' 413 'Z V , Q�r i L 23 24 [S 20 F7 'Z8 V � AMY ST. I Q� 26 27 90 !/ A2 V NICHOLAS ST. C) 1 123 24 _ I / BROTT ST. 3 2 P i U .3 4 ROW A tiq G s TF O i S EC. 28-22 I I I I I I a II 0 GOW\LOT 2 5E F I J ' I i 1 kp� ON I e / NE VV%� GOV. LOT I sT ppv 5 E C. 8, 28 -.22 2 l HO—M —M AlRP0RT4/i GONDEMNA T/O)V DA3 Ne •Z7/ GOV. LOT 12 SEC. 9, 28-22 1, "_ON LINEi___- sm I GOV. LOT 120 SEC. 9, 28-22 i 2 FRE9�R`� E. DELO I v6 .� z. F 24 0 i I,A � ZO \ t, ib �m 0 I N � Y L I N m N I I FRE9�R`� ti 'N IZ ' ID i I,A ti i- Q v I I i I I I I I� I I I I I I I I i 4 I GOV. ;LOT 13 EAT N STS EC. 28-22 8_22 4I3 2 V' I I � I i i 23 24 VhSL2o 17 ,a - AMY ST. � 8 9 - NICHOLgS ST -Y.'L7 -00cj '4G O V,,L O T2 123 24BROW7� . SECTIONtLINEI___� 593 I HOLMAN MUNICIPAL A/RPORTEX in Sect 5. 8 e 9 T-28 R-22 CONDEMNATION Bureau a9 Engineer., qec. /7- /997 Sca/c -/'• 200 • \ LAMPREY \ E. DELOS ST- I I. . ' y C } 3s 8 13 r1 1r CA B - .l�. - CITY OF ST. PAUL =1 DEPARTM..LIT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ZIP (A) Oj In the matter of -oondem,ing and taking the following described land for addition to the Holman Municipal Airports All that part of the wrest one-half of Government Lot 13 in Section b, TbImship 280 Range 22, lying east of the right of way of the Chicago, Rook Island and Pacific Railway and Hitchcock's Addition to West St. Paul in said Section 5. Also all of Hitchcock's Addition to West St. Paul lying east of the east line of the following described lots in said additions Lots 3 and 26 in Block 109 lots 5 and 29 In Block 8, and lot 26 in Block 61 also that part of lot 1, Block 6, Hitchcock's Addition to West St. Paul east of the east line of Lot 26 in said Block 6, produced northerly to the northeasterly line of said Lot 1. Also a miscellaneous tract in Government Lot 1. Section 8, Township 28, Range 22, lying easterly of Hitaknookis Addition to West St. Paul, northerly of Brown and Jackson's Additi6n to West St. Paul and westerly of the easterly line of said Government Lot 1. Also all of lots 1 and 20 Bartlett's Addition except railroad rigftt of way. Also all of lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 4, Brown and Jaokaon's Addition to West St. Paul except railroad.right of wty., Also all of Government Lot 2 `itti 866tioti 8, Township 28, Range 22, lying northerly of the southerly line of said Government Lot 2, ,end lying northerly of. a line drawn ,r from the intersection of the eoutiio'rly dine of said Government Lot 2, and the easterly line of Block 4, Brown and Jeokson's. Addition to West St. Paul, to a point on the east lisle of Section 8, Township 28, Range 220 200 feet south of the northeast corner of said Section 8. Also the,nort4erly 200 feet of Goverment Lot 12 in Section 9, Township 28, Range 22. Also all that part of Government Lots 13 and S in Section 9, Township 28, Range 22, lying westerly of Jeanne Street and northerly of a line desoribpd as follows Cosanencing at a point on the west line of said Government Lot 13, 200 feet south of the aof4]t*Ostgr;y corner of said lot, thence easterly and parallel to the northerly line,ot said lot for a distance of 593 Peet, then*? southeasterly to the intersection of the westerly line of Jeanne Street and the northerly line of lot 26, Block 11, Cet?@pbgll's Addition, produced westerly. Also lots 1 to 8, inclusive, and lots 23 to 30, inclusive, in Block 11, lots 1 to 80 inclusive, Ao lots 23 to 30, inclusive, 1n Block 2, all of Blocks 1 and 128 all, in Campbell's dition. Also lots 21 and 22, Block 32, Lamprey's Addition. St. Paul other property) 27 6 do 75 28 6 do 50 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 �rsr+rr tis + r n+.o- r .rt,:. I •• ,1 e%.1 ben7' jJOt. S,orn-- I- 0 ::2. Bell.. 0 1 BaF 2f' Bn7 eD4 ea o LtQSc 2f' ou 4!' coctle tlggTFi01 f • >OcF? VggTfT Fc'37, OL 3TF°P yecF Tu Co�stznuaDF P°f I o Tmuii Gus;u 8C677Bue0:18 f J7EO B ur{ br o4ncs4 qc oa vs oL eBTq PoF 7' o S8 ru eB?9 PT CK C' 117Fcacoch e eugT58 fpO uoLFpcBefsT 7� se; f oL fps saef 7 in. ao ;Pef bB F °L ? Bi:- cg ?u 12700 7' ' " rtre OL hun7 oc}t C: 7 ° e 3 o fps ss zf 7. fpo✓L TT°J°,V cgeacLTPoGOG FQ rggTFTO'J f-0 t oef fbanT T�?uL aeaF L OL liTf )' BnT T 2cefyo�ulSocic Ie7uu9 uuq hgyZp;LTsrr�. 37e0 B77 p eu?g JG euq HTF°Ne7 K17 seep OL f n.,se ." pVTL OL � }i extnusu� FNP F'73 Tu Coafiou e� aTu`- 1, SS SBL oL CN v under Preliminary Order approved Dec. 16, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION L�ldg. The N. 436 ft. of that part of the $540 lii W. 1 of Govt. Lot 13 lying Elly of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad right of way in Sec. 5, Un lotted Township 28 North, Range 22 West P (Except the N. 436 ft.) that part 1380 of the W. s of Govt. Lot 13 lying, Elly of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad right of way and Hitchcock's Add. in Sec. 5, Township do 28 North, Range 22 ''est. 1 6 Hitchcock's Add. to West 675 (includes St. Paul other property) 27 6 do 75 28 6 do / 50 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 �.. C— OF ST. PAUL' • - . DEPARTMW,T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IF _ ASSESSED I DESCRIPTION LOT eLocK. ADDITION LanXALUATIONBldg.;. -. 29. 6 Hitchcock's Add. to West St. .: X25 Paul 1 , 8 do 50 . 2, 8 do 75 3, 8 do 75 4 8.. do 75 30. 8 do 75 . 31. 8 do 75 32 . 8 do 75 E 33 8 do 50 1, 10 do 25 -- 1 2 10 do 100 27 10 do 25 Those parts of Lots 1 and 2 Bartlett's Addition to St.Paul, 75 lying E. of a line 50 ft. E. from & Yinn. .parallel with the center line of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad. 1 4 Brown & Jackson's Add. to 200 West St. Paul 2 4 do 200. . That part of 3 . 4 do 200 lying E. of a line 50 ft. E. from & parallel with the center line of the 7 Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. That part of Government Lot 1, Sec.,8, 125 Township 28 North, Range 22 West that lies _ easterly of Bancroft Avenue and northerly of.Brott St. That part of Govt. Lot 2, Sec. 8, Township 28 North, Range 22 West lying 975 northerly of Brott St. (Ex. the following: Com. at the intersection of the center line of Brown Ave. & the N'ly line of Brott St.; th. N'ly along the _. center line of said Brown Ave. produced 303 1t.; thence SE'ly parallel with Brott St. to the E. line of said Lot 2, th. S. to the N'ly line of Blk. 75, The West St. Paul Rea Es to & Improvement Syndicate Add. No. 6, th. W ly Brott, along the N'ly line of B10. 75 and, 74 to the N'ly line of th. W'ly to beginning TOTAL CITY OF 6 .PAUL DEPARTMENT OFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT ';8—K. ADDITION �I ASSESSED �Vl�LUATI ;,. _ - _ Lc4 ONBld Part of Government Lot 2, Section 8, $600 .: y Township 28 North, Range 22 West; Commencing at the intersection of the oe�nter,line of Brown Ave. and rthe northerly line of Brott St.; thence N'ly,along said center line rproduced 303 ft.; thence SE'ly parallel with.Brott St. to the E. line of said Lot 2; thence S. to the N'ly line of Block 75, The West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate. Add. No. 6; th. W'ly along e __L N'ly line of Blocks 75 and 74 to the N'ly line of Brott St.; th. W'ly to'beginning. i..(Except part included in Brown & Jackson's Addition and Paul Martin's 9000 1st Addition) Commencing at the NW corner of Sec. -9, th. E. on the N. line thereof 1650 feet; thence south parallel with the IN. line thereof to the S. line of Minerva Street in Campbell's Addition produced W.; thence W. along said produced line to the E. -line of Govt. Lot 9, !!thence N'ly along the E'ly line of Govt. Lots 9 and 10 to a point 30 feet Elly from the S.E. corner of Block 76 The 'Viest St. Paul Real Estate & Improvement Syndicate Add. No. 6; thence N'ly parallel with the Elly line of Blocks 71 and 76, 303 £,eet;.thence NV[Ily parallel r, with the S'ly line of Blocks 75 and 76 to the W. line of Sec.. 9; th. N. to beginning, being parts of.Govt,. Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 in Sec. 9, Township 28,North, Range 22 VVest. Commencing at a point on the N. line of Section 9, Township 28 North, 6300 Range 22 West; 1650 feet E. from the N1 corner thereof; thence S. parallel with the W. line of said section to.the S. line of Minerva St. in Campbell's Add. produced i7.; th. E. on said produced line to the meander line of the Lake; thence N'ly along said meander line to the N. ;line of said Section; thence W. to beginning, being parts of Lots 13, 14 and 15 in said Section 9. Those parts of Government Lots 5, 6.and .7 in,Section 9, Township 28 North, 1080 » -- Range 22 West, lying between the westerly line of Campbell's Addition and the Elly meander line of the Lake, and N. of.the S. line of Minerva St. in said Add. produced West. 21 and 22 32. Lamprey's Add. to St. Paul 100 . 1 1. Campbell's Add. to St.Paul, 750 .(includes., Minn lots 1 to 25, Blk. 2 _ 1. do ,1) 3 1. do 4 1 do 5 1 ; do 6_.. 1.. _ _ do_ cli TOTAL 1 CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OWINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED �f LOT —CK ADDITION DESCRIPTION _ LanaLU ATIOtlldg. - Q tt33 7 1 Campbell's Add. ); h 8 1 do ) ) (see preceding page ) 9 1 do ) ) 10 1 do ). ) 11 1 do )- 12 1 do T ) } 13 1 do ) } 14 1 do ) } 15 1 do ) 16 1 do ) 17 1 do ) ) 18 1 do ) ) 19 1 do ) 20 1 do ) 21 1 do ) } 22 1 do ) 23 1 do ) } 24 1 do } 25 1 do 1 2 do $90Q (includes lots ) l to 30, Blk. 2) 2 2 do 3 2 do - 4 2 do k 5 2 do ) ) ) 6 2 do 7 . ; 2 do 8 2 do ) ' TOTAL . CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMFJAT OFWFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ;BwcK ADDITION . Land VALUATION ld .23 2, Campbell's Add. j.. 24 2, do ,; (see preceding page.)- 3 Y 25 2. do ) 26 2 do �. 27 2 do 28 2, do )- 29 2. do ) 30 2. CIO ) 1 11 do ); $750 (includes Lots 1 2 11, do j.. to 30, Blk. 11), 3 11, do j.. 4 11 do ) - ) 5 11, do 6 11. do ) - 7 11, do ). 8 11. do ): 23 11, do )• 24 11, do ) ) X25 11 do 26 11, do .27 11. do ,28 11, do )- 29 11 do 30 ! 11, do ): 1 12 do ) ; $725 (includes Lots 1 to 2 12; do ) ,. 29, ,Block 12) TOTAL ` CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM19SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C).: S - '.LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ADDITION LdVALUAT109ld g. 4. 12 Campbell's Addition ),(See preceding page.) 5. 12 do ). 6 12 . do ) 7. 12 do ). ) 8. 12 do ). 9 12 do ) ) 10. 12 . do ) ) 11. 12 do ). 12 12 . do ) ) 13. 12 do ) 14 12 ) do )% 15, 12 . do ) )� 16 12 do 17. 12 do ) 18 12 . do ). 19. 12 do ) ) 20. 12 do ) 21 12 do ) 22 12 . do ) 23 12 do ) 241 12 do } 25 12 do ) 26. 18 . do } 27 12 do ) 28 12 - do } 29 12 do ) Total $25,425 _ ----- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works._ i Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 s Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 21, 1937 193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 109567 approved Dec. 16, 1937_ _____193—, relative to CoadesaW and taking the flalloQing described land for addition to the golw► Municipal Airpor4c All that part of the seat ane -half of Governmat bot 13 in Section 5, T+oen"p 200 ROW 22 lyW not of thes&ttiof wGY ofeatt Chica�ait� skid Island and Pacific Ralwq m+d Kitch000k fl 8aation At Also all of Ritohoockns Addition to Fest St. Paul lying east of the east lint of the follotrW described lots in said additioat Lots A =4 26 in nook 10, lots 5 end 29 in Block 8, and lot 26 in Block 61 also that tart of lot 1, Bi"dc 6, gitchppokns Addition to $eat St. Paul 843t of the east line of Lot Q6 in said Block 6, produced northerly to the northeasterly line of said lot 1. Also R miscellaneous traot is Government lot 1, Section 8, Township 28, Range 220 Tyigg pstrrly of Sitchoock�s Addition to Pest St. Paul, northerly of Brown and daoksatns Addition to Bart St. Paul rind ueatariy of the eso^.orly line of sold 0overmant lot 1. Also an of lots 1 and 2, Bartlett*s Addition except railroad right of =ay Also all of Iota 1, t and 5 in Block 4, Broent and Jaeksont a Addition to T" O"t 9to Paul e"opt raila^ead rlgbt of +gay. Also all of Goversmih-t let 8 in Station 8, Toznship 28, Range 22, lying northerly of the soatherly line of said Govan =sot Let P, and 37ln6 northerly of a lint dram from tits 3s►tbtsuEb an of the southerly line of said Goverment Lot 2, and the easterly line of Block r# Sturm and Jacksonve Addition to 'se=t t. Foul, to a point o6 the east lino of 8totton 8, Township 28, Range 2€., 200 feet south of the northeast oorner of said Suction S. Also the northerly 200 feet of Government Lot 12 in section 8, Tma hip 2% Range 22. Also all that port of Government Lots lE and 5 in SeOtim►-4, ?OTnAiP 281 am" p2,llrl esstarly of Jeseme Street and northerly of a Bane described15 _. _ _ _. _ �_a..� �., st.e —&*. II— of said ' M� .t,..,. -,..b f n'rc -Q ryp..y r��, . a -: rnrry. t . ttnr Fi167.i:� o� ji v, iJt,t.l:,,:" i/k: .1 �;c Cz -r ,`t.irFj.+iTq^ f''C1r s,a 17%;o VT 6j, Io${ 1" :3J.; ^ 7U ivofl,: :q/ { 91'46 of V To,, si . a;j q i 1UL,, ^scz ,u Fs laG a 5 - N. Ff7 SCJ O;`fri-.. T {r Qf ;W T. ir'k'N i; Ui-P ci 1ir.ato1J6Fi1, m- of ;n �'Jprq' Tf:� t 1.. f.LL lli r y t, 'oF t7 09 ;u `f:o 't 6° t., } C{ ejat+ i g* .. TV jej of dl:i a:.7i Itg �t:'r at.; EiB tFtyrr?a ,13 ynaAlbjls cIY a✓s'V6r .,�iiz4lXlY J r i TT 4S $ b.W 0 y �e u of b G,'?' o° 10.:{: .'1:,. JUdjj�tJu� Tz is gac:iou ,,a i:UTivt)rr 3:su7c}�,xry ._:.aa...^, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: i. Said improvement is------- - -- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ and the total cost thereof is S and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is- - .--asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. 4Q y, 19� ,. s... DEC 21 Commissioner of Public Works • Original to city Oak r CITY OF ST. PAUL �,°, No.110015.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL,EZE,SpLUT,ION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / COMMISSIONER._ ... �..�... .. ...........DATE .... February... 1, 1938...... .........._.. RESOLVED That the request of C. F. Rule Construction Co. 'for leave to withdraw its formal bid No. 9543 relating to the proposed contract for the construction of the Broadway and Sherman Street Pumping Stations, be and the same hereby is granted and that said bid shall be de&med.. withdrawn and nullified for the reason assigned by said company as the basis for its said request, to—wit: that in its final calculations pertaining to said bid said company by inadvertence and without gross negligence failed to include several items representing its estimates of the cost of sheet piling needed in the proposed work which omitted items total $5,992.00, and such inadvertent omission resulting th the submission of said bid in a sum $3,992.00 less than the bid which said company intended to submit in the premises, this action being in accordance with the recommendation of the Contract Committee after due hearing upon said request and the recommendation of the Corporation Counsel. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Pearce .7 In Favor Peterson Truax O _ Against Wenzel c1 pWrL rresioent Pehan) 3M 3.37 C. F. No. 110016—By I. C. Resolved, Thnt the reques Rule, Constructlon Co. _ for ws; ma f.{Heal or it gas d s; f failed ...tin sheet work 99$.00, 11t! in a whleh mit in du u' 'Counet A" Ado, to C. F. eto relat- r 1hq bdale an 1 and with - Council Feb. 1, 1938. 1, 1938. L 1938) Adopted by the Council t E B 1.1938 193... :ilii Approved Mayor MINUTES OF MEETING A meeting of the Contract Committee was held in the office of Louis Sheahan, Assistant Corporation Counsel at 4:00 P.M. on January 25, 1936. Those in attendance were Commissioner Pearce, Comptroller Goodrich and Purchasing Agent Austin Of the Contract Committee, Mr. Shepard, City Engineer, 0. F. FhA9 of the Rule Con— struction Co. and his estimatgr, Mr. yiske. The meeting was called to consider Mr. Rules request that he be relieved from entering into a contract with the City covering the construction of the Broadway and Sherman Sewage Pump Stations, F. B. NO. 9543, Be submitted his estimate sheets showing that several items had been omitted. After examining these sheets Mr. Shepard stated he was convinced that a serious error had been made and recommended that the Rule Construction OO. be permitted to withdraw their bid. The Contract Committee concurred in this recommendation and awarded the contract to the next bidder, Thornton Bros. Oo. at their bid of $36,521.00. The meeting then adjourned. APPROVED: 9 i fr 't a0 P a.. aur coasTataat�oar COO. GEAAU co ►c�or�s St., -Paul,, Yinn.� sam: "., 0. ty,-,ft,rohaOng t, V; •.: Dear slr:. , is *k --ng up our i1ga7Cae fox .opbmS tong a " propoeai. oa "y" and 8hrirman Vit. sewa" ptllMgizlg etatXoask' we bare di}�aetered that ue ,made a seriaub orcox►' . ttd�r Itr. ,, F1 Yp 'made "up the estimate, .01% t the arlditioa' of tate ahenta. Ne want - had " =1Kp hel;;hosgt st; ,nooa to eoAhia wfe� and` s o l with ":hia air on the wag baaY �'e the ,affioe� ae T[y. "Au2e aaded the , animmary, ahto It eo as to tthe bid ready: time. Howevey 1 P'YsYe hey he�►x► Maiti�ng -.-f 6k, some V. Oros on bteA� -sheet p�l3n� ' and bad rnot. het exteadod thG figares. for .the ehegtr piling to fhe lite amd for the'z 3owe ::m�kins. Yr. �tut1 a id %,nbt, �otis5d ;khat these figuses U4.nqx uQtea e�ttensledi and $o these hens ws7ca entirely gm�tte !ri meacia6 ug our,l�id. i! the items had ;beeh`inalbdee Qtr CQ1@1�r �►411fd b1�e1� ?MOTlla8�1 .v,�389�,►�4 a►s fuel �at,�t�hts ex7cor ie%good cause for te<r#ag. weiic pfd rejeed, and ask that' •A be xeleaeisd trom_tha ooatrabt. oisxxucrzo*ao. �,� (Signed} f�lias. F. ` RnYe Od,lul to City awk PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER... RESOLVED COU CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE THE CITY CLERK CI E O ION ---GENERAL FORM •.. J .. ..... ..DATFy.... 1106116 is February 1, 1'988 That the recommendation of the Contract Committee that the contract for the construction of the Broadway and Sherman Street Pumping Stations be awarded to Thornton Bros. Co. for the contract price of $262521.00 in accordance with the formal bid of said company in said sum, No. 9542, be and the same hereby is approved, and said bid be and the same hereby is accepted, and said contract be and the same is hereby awarded to said Thornton Bros. Co. for the said contract price $269521.00, such bid being the lowest, reasonable, reliable bid, and such company being the lowest, reasonable, reliable bidder in the premises; that the Corporation Counsel be and he hereby is instructed to prepare a form of abntract in the said matter and the proper city officers be and they hereby are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City of St. Paul, the work to be done under said contract by the contractor shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Purchasing Agent, the Engineers Estimate having been $88, 930.00, and said contract price being payable from Interceptor Sewer Bond Fund, Code 4001. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nayl Barfuss Findlay Pearce Peterson Truax Wenzel Mr.'President (Geh; 3M 3.37 L C. 52615 bid 5ofn aiaccordance ora panywinh.&Id for - No. 9542, be and company hereby 1, approved, and said bid be and the me hereby is accepted. and said con- ,, act be a d thsame is herey n I the work tract by In Favor Against rrcn onm� payau,n .rem Sewer song Funa, cone P by the CounGCl - -1.'38 193 by the Council Feb. 1, 1938. I Feb. 1, 1938. (Feb. 6. 1988) W1 Approved 193 Mayor a; •yOd9ln.l t. Car Oak CITY OF ST. PAUL couHeu . 10017 _ .a. NO... I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /�,�.� wA COUNCIL RE L --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 4'' I COMMISSIONER.. . DATE.........Ifebruary._2,....1y38. V WM2AS, Warren J. Murphy and prank p. Sweeney desire to withdraw application 23897 for on Sale Liquor license at 823 Mississippi St, and request the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Warren J. Murphy and Frank P. Sweeney the fee of 4.000.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUN MEN Yeas Nays [left F Ian Peirce _ In Favor �e reon -- Against L f''S G.president C. F. No. 110017F% rPuar, F M. Truax. I. arceH. Wh reas Warren Frank P, Awaeney dealre htiorphy and odic, at 23897 withdraw 11 at 82 3Pleaiael Cn Sal rAeueor quest the return Of the Pcenae fee de- b olved goy therefore, be It err be and the t the prose achy to suns to Warre hereby uthorl..d Frank P, Sweene rthe J. >•tur shy and and to nnCel Y fee of shy Ind eenye, Bald appllcatlon for 11- Anprovedby tha Council Feb. 2, 1938. Feb. 2, 1938. (Feb, 8, 1998) Adopted by the CounciI 2 193$ _ .....................193...... FEB , Approved....._ 193....... ............. 0. jt�, Mayor odEle-1 to all, auk COUNCIL _ 11-0018 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLUTION -GENERAL FORM _. a ...DATE PRESENTED BY ,....... COMMISSIONER......... ..�..... ._ _ _.__..__ __....... ._.......... XNEKODUM WHEREAS, the Council did by Resolution No- 1097781 approved January 11, 1938 authorize the issuance and sale of $184,000 Sewage Disposal System Bonds - Series No- 5 and $1753000 Sewer Bonds - Series No- 5, and as the proper city officers have fully caused the said bonds to be advertised for sale and said advertisement required bids to be submitted on February 21 1938, and as the bids were submitted and were opened, examined and tabulated by the Council, and the joint bids of Brown Harriman & Co., Inc., Mercantile -Commerce Bank & Trust Co., Kalman & Co- were found to be the most advantageous bids: RESOLVED, that the joint bids of Brown Harriman & Co., Inc., Mercantile - Commerce Bank & Trust Co., Kalman & Co. be accepted and said Sewage Disposal System Bonds Series No- 5 awarded to Brown Harriman & Co., Inc., Mercantile -Commerce Bank & Trust Co., Kalman & Co. at a price, namely,par and accrued interest, with an interest rate of 2.7%, and a premium of $294.21; and said Sewer Bonds - Series No- 5 awarded to Brown Harriman & Co., Inc., Mercantile -Commerce Bank & Trust Co., Falman & Co. at a price, namely, par and accrued interest, with an interest rate of 2.7%, and a premium of $279.82. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of said Committee in connection with the sale of said bonds. C Nherea lntion No 1938 auth Brown Hart C & Co, Inc., ' tile-Commerce Bank &Trust C n & Co.opted and ea Re Disposal System Bonds ' No. 6 awarded to Brown Harr Co., Inc.. HIercantile-Commerce Trust Co., IWd e & Co. at nelf, par and accrued 1ptere Interest rete of 2. 79, and mium of $299.21; and said Sews —.Series No. 6 awarded to Bro, riman & Co., Inc., Mercantl COUNCILMEN ercat Bank e Trust Co..pxa y� Nays co. of a pelta, with a , [nteri c u2. interest, with nt of Further and a premium [ E2' I78D Further Resolved, that the hereby ratifies and approves e Jan every act of said Committee nectlon with fhe nle of Bald Adopted by the Council Feb. Car, ePaVO Approved Feb. 2. 1938 (Feb, 6. 1938 .... �. AgalfleL ii'e"aidenE (�15351�".h: ,m ,a7 Mr. Vim PruiUwt (Trtux) t a r the of FEB 2 1938 by the Council _ 193 .. nn. d FFB Approved '':....193_..... Mayor Odpiwl to city auk 110()19 CITY OF ST. PAUL nui"`" NO.._ _..•. ............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CPU R SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ... t _... .......—..—DATE............ J WHEREAS, the Council did by Resolution No. 109786, approved January 12, 1939 authorize the issuance and sale of $165,000 Public Welfare Bonds and as the proper city officers have fully caused the said bonds to be advertised for sale and said advertisement required bids to be submitted on February 2, 1938, and as bide were submitted and were opened, examined and tabulated by the Council, and the Joint bid of Halsey, Stuart & Co., and Bancamerica.-Blair Corporation was found to be the most advantageous bid: RESOLVED, that the joint bid of Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. and Bancamerica, Blair Corporation be accepted and said bonds awarded to Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. and Bancamerica-Blair Corporation. at a price, namely, par and accrued interest, with an interest rate of 2.2% and a premium of $623.70. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of said Committee in connection with the sale of said bonds. No. 110019—By A. F. Peterson— >r the Council did by Reso-1 No., , o. 109786, approved January '38author[.. the leauan..d if 5166,000 Public Welfare Bonds to be "bmltted on and as bide - -r-e opened, esamin.d he Council, and the . Stuart a Co., and Corporation - the Joint bid Inc., d rporatlon be awarded to Corporation, .. t o s t. -i hn- tnyt'. 1— a crued la teremt, with nn Interest run. to Is of 2.2% and 0. premium of $a % and Further Resolved, that the Council heratiflee and approves each and every act t said Committee In on- ne tion wtih the Sale of said bonds. Adp Dted by the Council Feb. 2, 1938. Approved Feb. 2, 1938. - '(Feb. 6, 1938) COUNCILMEN Yeas ------ Nays Adopted by the Council SEB 2 113$ / _- _ 193....... um F`indlan n� t /t'earee _.. In Favor Approved.......... ......... ........___._.193....... 10-ter3on „� _, gii Mayor 'President (Gehafr}. sm w7W. Vice: Yrts:idult. ('ll i .s; I 0( f20 WOW a CRY a.* 000Nc�� NOL.. CITY OF ST. PAUL •I�l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COPNqu,RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.......... _._ _... .................DATE WHERF,AS, the Council did by Resolution No. 109552, approved December 15, 1937, authorize the issuance and sale of $300,000 Airport Bonds and as the proper city officers have fully caused the said bonds to be advertised for sale and said advertisement required bids to be submitted on February 2, 1938, a,4 ttbids were submitted and were opened, examined and tabulated by the Council, and the%d of Bankers Trust Company, Newton -Abbe & Co., First National Bank & Trust Company, First National Bank of St.Psul was found to be the most advantageous bid: RESOLVED, that the joint bid of Bankers Trust Company, St.Paul, Minnesota, Newton -Abbe & Co., Boston, Mass., First National Bank & Trust Company, Minneapolis, Minn, and the First National Bank of St.Paul, St.Paul, Minnesota, be accepted and said bonds awarded to Bankers Trust Company, Newton -Abbe & Co., First National Bank & Trust Company and the First National Bank of St.Paul, at a price, namely, par and accrued interest, with an interest rate of 2.6%, and a premium of $2,280.00. FARTHER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of Said Committee in connection with the sale of said bonds. No. lu[1( 16, tale the ere Trutt Co nota, Newtot 2 i93 � . azhiaar, �dopted by the CouncilBthe council_ _.._ 193.... 9 In conneca Approved. 193 Mayor Mata., Flrat Com Firs. Ninneat � Pontine >tfinnetc b d arae tl na:l Banko& CoUI ILMEN U Yeas ays llfl �` Flret Nation. price, namely, est. with an 1 a premium of Further Rt ehamby stifle, ry act ofes ti ADth D ted b F 7ndla Pearce In Favor 14�terson 1p lr--- _/ ' _ Against "tlderf>7eF�-� president (<3e �,an 1M r37 Bir. Vice Yrtsid�ut l l l I1ttx) 2 i93 � . azhiaar, �dopted by the CouncilBthe council_ _.._ 193.... 9 In conneca Approved. 193 Mayor Odole,l to ati 1 _ NO. 110021 CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� _ ..__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE L 10 --GENERAL FORM ...` PRESENTED BY ATE. .....FebrUE.Ty...2,._.1938.-..... .. .......... COMMISSIONER.. % ..... ..-- -' ...'� axleamma W WHEREAS, the Empire Fuel Co, desires to withdraw application 24000 for Fuel Dealer license at 121 N. Concord St. South St. Paul, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to refund to the Empt*&LAiel Co. the fee of $25.00 and to cancel said application for license. I C. F. No. 110021—By G. H. Barfuss, F. M. Trues, I. C. Pearce— Whereas, the Empire Fuel Co. de - ire. to withdraw application 24000 for Fuel Dealer license at 121 N. Concord 9t, South St. Paul, and fae re¢ueste the thereon; therefore, be itdeposited. Resolved, that the Proper city ofn-I i2ed toe refund they the EmDlrs lost Co. the fee of $25.00 and to cancel said ap- plication for license. Adopted by the Council Feb. 2, 1938. Approved Feb. 2. 1938. (Feb. 6, 1938) COUNCI EN yeas Nays indlan �earee i jil Favor =Ke eC �/_ ... Against O✓ennl JOW.President (Geban 'M "?Mr. Vice J-rt_:iu uL Vf[` Ax) Fbe 2 "I��a Adopted by the Council _193, Approved __ 193_..... ............... Mayor Odsl,A w a48Y. --. 110022 CITY OF ST. PAUL :�:NO1 NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RC(74 GENERAL FORM PRESEN- figCOMMIS..... ... .. ...... ........ ...........DATE....... F0.0 COMMISSIONER.. 1935-- WHEREAS. ,93 .. .... ....._.... l�iMariRYI _ WHEREAS. Joseph Griemann desi s to withdraw p ioation 24911 for On Sale Liquor license at 991 Rice St, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Joseph Griematm the fee of $1,000.00 and to cancel said application for license. C. F. No. 110022—By G. H. Barfuss, F. Pearce— whereae, 7oseDh GrI,.,—. desire. to withdraw npPl lcation 24811 for On Sale Liquor license at 881 Rice St, and ¢quests the return o[ the license fee deP sited thereon; therefore, be It Resolved. that the proper city offi- cers be and they are hereby author- ized tofund to Joseph Grlemann the fee of $1,000.00 and to cancel said np- pllcation for license. Adopted by the Council Feb. 2. 1938. ADDroved Feb. 2. 1938. (Feb. 5, 1938) Yeas COUNCI ' EN Nays Adopted by the CounjIFEB. 2. 1938 193 ' tan Approved. l93_..... %ice _ In Favor /Pe ison � g A alnet j _ Mayor 4W.'Pres-ident (Gehan)-"- C. F. No. 110023-13y I. C. Pearce— t'Vhereae, additions and ded urllone Which might prove to be necee?rt 110023 un-eso 1. Cly a k the Improvement describedr. Trout Brook Sewer Connectewuxci� i troller's contract G-3887 CITY OF ST. PAUL en.- NO..._ Horre contractors, havr- '� - ed yon �n o p. the,, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK pr, - ; ulatea there •• dpiQlL(ROLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENT Y {/\�./.? \v,,,) CCMMI... . ..... ....... .............. ................. .............DATE RESOLVEDWEMW AS. adVitions and deductions which might prove to be neces- nary in the improvement dOscribed as the Trout Brook Sewer Connection, Comptroller's C&ntract G- 3687, Mariani & Borre, contractors, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices stipulated therein, and agreed prices, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following addi- tions and deductions& ADDITIONS) 8.5 lin. ft. of Sec. "GM.tunriel ® $30.00 $255.00 3-0 cu. yda. of concrete incl, forms, hand placed 30.00 0 00 EMWCTIONS& 445.0 lin. ft. of 10" V.C.P. sub -drain 0 .50 $227.50 1 Sand -trap - 20.00 Total Deductions 1247e50 Total Additions 4 00' Net addition WHEREAS, the net addition is $97.50= now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul through its City Council ap- prove the aforesaid additions and deductions made in accordance with the specifications therefor not to exceed the net addition of #97.50, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract G-3687 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Y.ariani & Borre, that the sum of $97.50 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. Funds to cover this net addition are available in the proper fund, and the City of Saint Paul agrees to pay same. Countersigned; 1 - Comptroller 1?"_860UNqtLMEN Yeas Nays/ �n In Favor rson Against JjDMr-Pre8fdent7VQjfi@j�U 3M 3'3M.i. ViCL 1': t:�.'.-. e:: i.'i-(UUX) MARIAM & BORER Contractors ,/.o es Her o Yu c or s Adopted b the Council FEB 2 1938,._ _ .193__. Approved. _..._ 193....... Q...... ...... Mayor 'PUBLISHED gde.l to atr a«w 21 No. 110024 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CQUN R,,7)TION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED \\J/CJ%•--�'..... DATE ......... February 1, 1938 COMMISSIONER .............. In the matter of constructing sewer on Idaho Avenue from Dunlap Street to a point 20 feet east of the West line of Hannah's Como Villa, under Preliminary Order C. F. 109281 approved November 17, 1937, and Final Order C. F. 109757 approved January 11, 1938. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Resolved Further, That resolution C. F. 109960 approved January 27, 1938, be and the same is hereby rescinded and annulled. C. F. No. 110024—RY 1. C. Pearce— 'h' ,f [Aveue Street daho from Dunlap 20 fee[ east f the west to a point line of Pinang 9, Como Villa• under prellminarY rder C. F. 109281 p - O derdC. F.e 1091671approv'and Fnn.1 ed JenuarY, 11. 1033. ' Resolved, .. of the ➢lane and apect- IW nlonernef Public rksytorethe above s named improvement. be and the same oRhereby appro esolved Further, That resolutlon C. JanuarY 27. 1936. F. 109860 approved be and the ams Is hereby reeclnded :Mand annulled. Adopted by the Councll Feb. 2. 1928. Feb. 2. 1938. ADDroved (Feb. 6. 1938) • . Yeas COUN LMEN Naye � .n Adopted by the CounAil ":- ``� - 193_ e F dlan 1 Approved 193....... �In Favor Against Mayor LN DMw1— iQAr:-President (G.1 110025 Council File No ...... ORDERS. , PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. B, 7. C. Pearpe— and An PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposesthe making ofthe followingpublic improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vis.: RfiG9Xlstd�t4g-. tik1.-5°-- mgn97G.--49XlGF..p.Q--#h.g--sidewalk.-on..the-. southerlY..91de------ Streat-.beginning..lOS..iaei:.�eat..DT.-Exchange..Street.,--tJzence._leaa-t--------- .f.Set..l7y-9 .feat..iu..aidth.----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------..........................- --_------------ .......... . ....... ........ .- ----- ................. -........... I..... -- ---.. .............�...... --------------- Dated this ...... 28th......--- day of.......... January'----....... - ----------------_----- -----....... - ............. --- --- -- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: IieC.4515.t7!i4t�._wj#1?.-5°--mQn41 lh� �...C_oAGS.Yee._ L.1.?e...P�.uwRlk.-°n---the--southerly-- sidQ.. -- _4f.- Q,...A Qll?rh- Stgeet_beginninS._103..fget...i[2.5.. of...Xchange--- treetx..thgnce._wgst-..-...... 32.feat..by..R tee t-1a.veidth--.------ . having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .._----_............._---.--.---------------------------------------------•- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Council------------- '--- -- ---------................................... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FEB x,;38 fINDLANApproved. - - ---------- ----------------------------------------•---- PEARCE PETERSON TRU AX !"` MR. PRESIDErrr Mayor. F— c A Ia GIM veal _ ' 1..c� .: /(/// �'iJI3LISHED 10026 C. F. N-,ll00E6-13Y r. C. Pearce— Council File No ------------------------- Abatrpact. Wh.r n. mfor the, v".Pouoment. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT lnhM c - ,l and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedhereby proposesthemaking ofthefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: -----...Reconatructin8..ai.#.h. mnnn� t+hi G..const-ete..the..aidawalk..nn...the--east..sid.e..nf..Ilrake...... Street from Randolph Street, thence south 76 feet; beginning 140 feet -------- farther--southT thence eoastract'"ft-foot driveway; tizenee.relay..ifi-Yeat--of- tile_aid;also on the south aide of Randolph .Street from Drake Street tenche ea - ss - nclusi t 8 feet ive, 6 by 6 corner. ------------ Dated this. -----2.8t}a....._day of ............................... JbXu7�TYa. - 19 ..... I �✓ t' . \J PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstractin_g,.with ._monolithie-_concrete.-the.-sidewalk_ on_th9.-enat-. aide__of._Drake-._ -_ Street from Randolph Street, theSas south 76 feet; beginning 140 feet farther--soutl;�--thencse--oonatruat -8--foot --driveway-g--theaoe--re,14W 10 --feet of -. _ tile sidewalk; also on the south side of Randolph Street from Drake Street --...-"tii"eriC�"'.-.6. feet- incliieide-"� S-b'y.z..corner�'"- ------........................................ - ----- -- ---- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.........--------- ......------------------------------------------- ----------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cog of said improvement, and the total Cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of Baid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. i"cti 2 1938 Adopted by the Council------------ - --- ............ - _...------------ YEAS NAYS 193$ Councilman BARFUSS l ... FINDLANAAproved.._...._�.-------••___.._—.__---------- -__.--•---•-------- PEARCE PETERSON G� Mayor. LI\Y���-•ME. PitsT•' . u3Ce Prlt3U:11t (IYuas) " F— c ♦ to (sa r -aa) � V I UBLISI-rED Petition for Grading. 110027 - Council File No. ......._.__......._............_--- C. F. No. 110087—ny I. C. Pearce— Abatraot whereas, A written proposal for the PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT moking of the following improvement, n ane e f and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Open, widen and extend a 20 ft. alley by taking_._sad_._oo...... �................................_ -----....._._.......__......................_._.........------------...-....._._...._._............. __._the..._central...20._ft. of Lot 10_ and .__the_southerly.._10.._ft.._of.._thQ__N..olti#... hahL_.... __......._....._. of Lot 8, Suburban Acre Lots. Dated this .......day of...__._Fah ary PRELIMINARY ORDER 19&. Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Ogen_widen.._and_!W—sad.-A 2Q....ft......&1_loy.-by_.t.d AB.._and.._condemning ........._. ..._...... _..__......tha_..oentral....20...ft.....of Lat.10._and.._the...amtherly...10.... ft.....nf-the_North..half..._.._.............._. ........ ff...Int.... a....._tinzhnrbea..Aare...Tats....._.........................._.._..._.........._................ ................ ---- ........... ..._....._. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ._.____.__............. _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making.of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. J S. 'To Sega,,, upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Pati IJ3� Adoptedby the Council._ .............._ ........ ......_..................... - ....... ..... ..._....._..... ............. --- YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FEB 21938 FINDLANApproved..____......._..._.......__ ... ............... PEARCE PETERSON HAMUC Mayor. Form CA 13 (1M-6-33) '�3/i ------ T"UIBLISHED L/'R W. P. A. C. F. No. 1101' --Sy 1. C. Pearce— (`�, 6CcyyQQ ct.�roposal for the Council File N6.1,�11� )28 " improvem"N,, N= PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT t� and +r' PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade Livingston Avenue to a width of 60 feet from ........................... ...................Selvlsissa.. Stseat_t.9 Tyler.-S.L.rept-....----------------------------------------_..-------------------------------------- - .......... --- ---------...------- -----•- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -•--- ----. --- --- ------------------------------- ----- --------------- --- ------- ------- -----.----------- -- - �- Dated this .....-.2nd.-.......-day of----- ...February �... - -- -- .-.., 193 8 ------- ---------- - - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: ........... ....... I ......... .-........-Grade-.Livingaton--.Avenue--tc,--a.--width--of...60--feet•--£rnm-------------------------------------------------------bejyjaene Stseet..t..o... rzes..S.treet--------------------------------------------------- --.......... _....... ................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ........................................ _------------_--------_ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. J-mAdopted by the CounciL---------..I .....................I ............................. YEAS NAYS RFUSS Councilman BAFEB 138 FINDLAIVApproverL................. ....•------- ---------------------------------•-------•-- PEARCE PETERSON iRls A*--� :a.;,:,MJL PRESIDENT- - , Mayor. ■«m c A 13 t2n2 RUJILISHED �� C. F. No. 110020-- 3 1. C. Pearce— , Ahstract. Whergae, A written pro7oval for making of the following Improve yts.: Condemns- taktn¢ 1 In tie Ian' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,% 110129 Council File No ------------------------- • if Theundersigned hereby proposesthemakingof the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ........... .......Condemning--,and-taking--aa-.easement..in..the..land.neaesaary:..f ar..g].ones.►------- R!?tfl._aClfi fi�7dJn � grSiipg-..R>..itY�Fl8At9i!..Av.Snue.-S4._s--wid#h..of .-........ fio..Sest..from.BalYidere..Str-eet..to--Tyler..Street ------- ------ ---- -----------------....---............ _.. .................. ................... .----..--•----------------------------- - Februaryf...- ... — - .........., 1 Dated this ...-... 2nd.........day of----- - --------......... - uncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning_ and --taking-- an ---easement.. in.. the --land- necessary_f or-.slopesx----, -- ------------------_cuttp._and...fill.$---ia--_the_gr- n_of Livingst,Qn...Avenue..ta--e--xidtkx..o%----------------------- -------.............fiA..Yaet..frAm.-B.alvldare---Street.-ta..Tyler._S.treet.----..._..------------------------------ ----------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owner& 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. r Z B 2 1938 q Adopted by the Council ......................... YEAS NAxs U Councilman Mr• i/ic•e Yrcivs:1! (7Yor.:c) Form C • 13 (2M 7-33) BARFUSS FINDLANApproved........:t.-....' 1.3 PEARCE PETERSON / Mayor. -J<' 0 Ift-i.-44 2-5t '. J;. - L.1-1 110030 C. 1.-% NO. 110030—By I. C. P..-- Council File No ......................... Whereas, Abstract. e" to M&R4ng .,. A prop ... I for the t'. �T improve- -t, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. OW., The undersigned hereby proposes the making of thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Improving and extending Holman Municipal Airport by acquiring additional land fences and flood ings...and..B.tr=tur_es for fBciUlatiag...theL..admiais.tration.-and.-japaratioa.,of...the ................... Airport, also including all other work appurtenant to said improvement and a-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...................... --------------- Dated --------------- Dated this 2nd . . ............ day PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Improving and extending Holman Municipal Airport by acquiring additional land and--by--ft-111mg; lvvL-1-1-ing--vmd--grading-i--paving--Tonds-i runways--andtaxiway-si --------------------- -- constructing the necessary drainage, fences and boundary lights, flood lights, shore revetment- 9 _dre dging material foi-YUT-9 also 6oiis_f ibnj............ ings__sLnc'L._str=tur.es..tor facilitating ... theL-zdmints.tration--and--,aperat-I nn. -of --the ............ Airport, also including all other work appurtenant to said improvement and necessaryPor its a�mpletiarr: --- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigatelthe nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners, 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. UB 2 IS38 Adopted by the Council- ------ ............ ............................................ YEAS NATO Councilman BARFUSS FEB 2 19r8 FINDLANApproved......................... .............. ................... ................ PEARCE PETERSON -TRGX3r_ ........ .. .......... . X PRESIDMX_ Zzl& . Mayor. V- F— C A 18 (2M 7-33) LK) adel..l to a4LOUNaL - <ou"CIL_i-�V�a31 CITY OF ST. PAUL nti NO..... ..OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK R \may\\ '`�/�//GENERAL FORM ,A PRESEN1� V ����✓' FebTuary....•L..)._1 .... �.................... .coMMISS1aNE ....... .. ......DATE .............. RESOLVED That licenses applij� for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Ray BeNet 365 University Ave. Restaurant App. 24813 New New Locai Berggren & Hollenich 1010 W. 7th St. Gas Station " 24884 IN Old " Don Phippen 205 let Natl.Bank Bldg. Barber " 24893. " Old " O. W. Seaquist 1059 E. 4th St. Restaurant " 24787 " New ° COUNCIL N yeu Nays indlan In Favor Against ;;W, President '�<'- Vic,. ; )M Y37 ++ (Ge6r ) C. F. No. —110031—BY-G- M. 11. Barfues, BL R Truaz, I, G Poare— esolved, That llceneee applied for. by the following pare... at the ad- dresses Indicated be ad the ....are '.hereby granted and the pity clerkis tlnstrucad to issue Such If.enees upon' the payment Into the city treasury of theRayetl ulN a, 306 University AantA4814 New ve4., Res- t—t'. SS- ' taBergggrenp _ 2HoBen ca, 010 tiq . 1[b ttii.c. as Station, App. 29884 OIdWL.ca- Don Ph' ppen, 205 le[ Natl. Bank Bldg., Barber, App. 29894 Old Location. C. W. 'quiet, 1059 E. 4th St., Res - '10 i4tT, App. 24787 New Location. Adopted by the Council Feb. 2, 1938. Approved Feb. 2, 1938. (Feb. 5, 1938) I� f E8 2 1938 193_ Adopted by the Cound u Approved 193....... Odpe.l to Oly O.,k CITY OF ST. PAUL "pN`" No._ ....11®032 �A nu ^ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK \ , COUNCIL RE5&U7Z74--,1-GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER... \/............._. _..-_S_...."._-. _.. RESOLVED V That license for Restaurant, application 24799, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 24790, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 24791, applied for by Fred Smith and Lawrence Michael at 1175 W. 7th St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses -upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, Jan. 27, 1939• Old Location. C. F. No. 110032—By O. H. Barfuss. F.+. M. Truax, I. C. Pearce1. — R`eappll�catt n 2478988Ono SnRe9Malt tau - Beverage, app tion 24790, and Ott apnlledaY for by r ed S.(th tund Law1- Dticbael at 1176 W. 7tti St. be and the same are hereby granted and .the city clerk Is instructed to Issue tsuch liceasea upon the I yment Into he lty treasury f the eulred tees. Adopted by the Council Feb. 2, 1938. Approved Feb. 2, 1938. (Feb. 6, 1938) FEB 2 '122`3 Adopted by the Council _.._193_ 6, Approved _ _._ _ 193_..... " ayor COUNCXMEN Yeas Nays Ilea ' Findlan �Pce tson Favor Against _ _ -_�r. President (Geban)- 3M 3.3A'lT. Vlu: 3.'t C:.:�l�lJt l : 1'L111 C. F. No. 110032—By O. H. Barfuss. F.+. M. Truax, I. C. Pearce1. — R`eappll�catt n 2478988Ono SnRe9Malt tau - Beverage, app tion 24790, and Ott apnlledaY for by r ed S.(th tund Law1- Dticbael at 1176 W. 7tti St. be and the same are hereby granted and .the city clerk Is instructed to Issue tsuch liceasea upon the I yment Into he lty treasury f the eulred tees. Adopted by the Council Feb. 2, 1938. Approved Feb. 2, 1938. (Feb. 6, 1938) FEB 2 '122`3 Adopted by the Council _.._193_ 6, Approved _ _._ _ 193_..... " ayor Dd.lnd to tey a.k - 110033 AJ / CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILgSP07_�ION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Beb 2, 190O21COMMISSIONER ..._ .... ......_. ..... ........ _ ........!DATE.. ........ _.._ Ll ...__....... RESOLVED That license for & taurant,applioation 24957, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 24558, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 214859, applied for by Addlor J. Merrier at 951 Arcade St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instg8oted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Now, Informally approved by Oouncil, Jan. 28, 1939. Old Location. I C. F. No. 110032-13y G. H. Bakfuee. F. Df. Truax, 1. C. Pearce— Rasolgliv.tlont 24757, 0. Sale e. for eMalt Beverage, pplicatioga 24858, and ff. Sale hialt Beverage, pDllcation 24869,'. 96il Arcade Bt beforddand thelor J. N�rler at hereby gTanted and the itye clerks le instructed to fi,u each licenses upon the payment Into the city treaeury of the requl red fees. Adopted by the Council Feb. 2. 1938. Approved Feb. 2. 1938. (Feb. 5, 1938) FEs3 2 1938 Adopted by the Council 193.., Approved I I ... __..193_.... `L Mayor COUN �EN Yeas Nay F/Vi dlan /Fearae Favor faon _._. _.. __... Against 1 -President a IM 3.37 �' V1C� int C-v3�i�t1 I C. F. No. 110032-13y G. H. Bakfuee. F. Df. Truax, 1. C. Pearce— Rasolgliv.tlont 24757, 0. Sale e. for eMalt Beverage, pplicatioga 24858, and ff. Sale hialt Beverage, pDllcation 24869,'. 96il Arcade Bt beforddand thelor J. N�rler at hereby gTanted and the itye clerks le instructed to fi,u each licenses upon the payment Into the city treaeury of the requl red fees. Adopted by the Council Feb. 2. 1938. Approved Feb. 2. 1938. (Feb. 5, 1938) FEs3 2 1938 Adopted by the Council 193.., Approved I I ... __..193_.... `L Mayor Od,law to city a.h CITY OF ST. PAUL nu"o" NO._......® X134 R� (�U OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL PSC�7N---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �COMMISSIONP„R...................-_............__ - -'a -t / _4 _ RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, application 24855, applied for by Mbe. Margaret Hanson at 2145 University Ave, be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required Pee. Nes, Informally approved by Council, Jan. 27, 1938. Old Location. COUNCIL Yeas Nay f e, In Favor werAw /. Against Preei�errt ,M 3t. WX Yr ahlenl� j C'F'T uax10I3 C. Pearce-- aDnarfues, F. Resolved, That llcense for geatau- artt, pplica[lon "IM,D)led for by lure. Margaret Hanson at 2195 Untver_ i granea sande thea t'hec same to hereby d to IN such city u le lnatruct , 'neat Into the It upon the pay_ qulred fees. c y treasury f the re-, Adopted by the Council Feb. 2, �lDprp ved Feb. 2, 1938 1938. (Feb. 5, 1938) j Adopted by the Council __ FFs. 2 1�:, ....193....... Approved.....' '. .......193_..... Mayor od.imi I. Oil, Duk �, i 110()35 *BY CITY OF ST. PAUL eoewa` _OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL�$d�pN---GENERAL FORMPRESENTllvv''}}++ Februa 2 1pZg COMMISSIONER ............... .. DATE...... TY..... r.... 93...! RESOLVED That license for 0£f Sale Malt Beverage, application 24771, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 24772, and Bestaamrant, application 24773, applied for by John Jungwirth at 492 University Ave, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, Jan. 25, 1939. Old Location. Yeas COU. �/NCILMEN / Nay ,1488 i'Fi Ian I ;eajce � .. In Favor e rson n Against r'°_- =mr. Preddet' l ,M 3U. Vita Y1 s)acuf 1Y C. F. No. 110036—By G. H. Barfuas: F. If. Truaz. I. C. Pearce— Rea lved, That lie.... for Ott Bale Malt Beverage, application 24771, On Sale Slalt 'L aPDlication Ea772,� d Restaurant, apnli catlon 24773, p - Vied Yor uy� At- 3unElvirth at 48E (p lini relty Ave. bed the same areY hereby gted and the city clerk le l, lnxtructraned. to Issue such Ilcenses upon the payment Int, the city treasury of � the eeulred fees. Adopted by the Council Feb. 2, 1938. Approved Feb.2. 1938. (Feb. 6, 1938) FES 2 Adopted by the Council Approved _ _ 193....... Mayor odem t. City a.h/ i PRESENTED B.Y . 1 RESOLVED C....11 110036 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO....._............___ ............. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL Rz*okuTfRN --- GENERAL FORM That Butcher license $14978. expiring June 8, 1938, issued to Nathan Tankenoff at 114 State St. be and the same is transferred to Nathan Tankenoff at 110 State St. and the proper city officers be and they ar.s.hereby instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. m COUNCI MEN Yeas Nays ind13n __ _ In Favor e re tc Against C. F. No. 110038—BY G. H. Bartuss. F. i M. Truaz. I. C. Pearce— Resolved. Th June u8Ch193811c'BBu dNto 4978, n Tan g Nathan XenoK at 114 State St. be', and the ,ne is transferred tend the rankenontY t �c,ere state nd they are proper Cke the Proper, hereby Instructed to m changes In the city s re de. Adopted by the Couno1� Feb. 2, l9aS.� Approved ,Flb z5 1988) FEB 2 193R Adopted by the Council_ 193... Approved 193...._. Mayor a„ a.k cOUNII� 11013'7 V CITY OF ST. PAUL FIL. NO.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6 COUNCIL R OL�10--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Y �� / �� p COMMISSIONER__ _.............. _. ....... .............. .._............ K�-...`.�'f�/oATE...........FBbI'11$iy 2. ..... 1/3g• ........ RESOLVED That licenses applred for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees.- ees.D, 3).L. Berry 390 Selby Ave. Barber App. 24041 Renewal N. Br6ier 609 N. Dale St. Barber " 24112 ^ Prank Burnell - 960 Randolph St. Barber ^ 24115 ^ Geo. J. Boehm 24 W. 9th St. Barber " 24149 ^ Walter J. Bergman 1064 Hastings Ave. Barber " 24162 it F. E. Bonbam 1041 Thomas Barber " 24199 It Alvin Boelter 511 St. Peter St. Barber ^ 24297 " Joseph Beck 619 gent St. Barber " 24406 ^ H. Petrie 1090 Earl St. Barbel ^ 24600 ^ E. Schaefer 965 Arcade St. Hatcher " 24615 ^ Otto Gruner 742 Edmund St. Butdher " 24620 ^ A. E. Anfang 212 Empire Bldg. Salary Loan ^ 24623 " Peter Westlund 927 Rice St. Butcher ^ 24626 " P. E. Bremer 900 E. Third St. Butcher ^ 24630 " Klimenhagen Food Market 950 Selby Ave. Butcher ^ 24654 " S. J. Culver & Co. 1219 Randolph Butcher ^ 24657 ^ B. J. Pabst 795 Margaret St. Butcher " 24692 ^ O. Ivey 759 capitol Hgts. Grocery " 24656 " James lacks 254 E. 13th St. Barber " 24690 ^ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .193_ Yeas Nays 9arfuss Findlan Approved....... _.._.193_..... Pearce _In Favor Peterson -q'cffx'--, Against Mayor. M.-Presidehe'd;aAW 1M 3-W. ViCe i'l _..:u::Ll (Trua2i) Dd„�.t. Oty O k �...... 11003'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL .IL. NO ................ ............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Feb 2, 1938 COMMISSIONER......__ _..__ __._..._ _......... ... _.... ..._............DATE............_ _.......... . _.. ....__.... ..... ... RESOLVED Edw. zelgert 1195 Earl St. Barber App. 24694 Renewal • M. E. Coan 391 H. Prior Conf. ” 24698 a M. Carlotta 750 Payne Ave. Butcher a 24701 " Geo. C. Hetznecker 1338 Thomas Butcher " 24721 11 F. J. P12ney 1032 W. 7th St. Hatcher " 24724 a A. Guertin 779 S. Smith Ave. Barber a 24725 a Chas. T. Poppenberger 917 E- Mthaha Gas Sts. " 24732 a Otto W. Bohland Co. 461-7 W- 7th 86. Grocery " 24733 " " n n n Butcher " 2473){ " John R. Bra.ndl 676 Blair St. Butcher " 24735 Harvey Haas 740 Blair St. Butcher " 24737 " Federal Bake Shop Inc. 384 Wabasha St. Restaurant " 24740 a A. W. Johnson 5373 Wabasha St. Barber " 24746 n H. Facer 445 Wacouta Barber " 2474S n F. M.Windingstad 572 Wabasba St. Restaurant " 24753 " Sogl & Rapp 375 Minnesota St. Restaurant a 24760 n Apothecary Shop,Inc. 364 St- Peter St. Conf. " 24761 a Young Womens Christian Assn. 123 W- 5th St. Rest. " 24762 " IDWP Mayme G.Flynn & Otto N. Bathe 428 Wabasha St. Restaurant a 247153 " a n a n On Sale Malt " 2476644 " Off Sale Malt" 24765 " J. Moscovitz 399 Wabasha St. Grocery " 24768. " COU kM Ado ted by the Council FGB.. `Z 1938 193.. . Yeas Nays C. F. No.-i-1—By G. H. Badu... st Truax, I. C. Pearce— F. �y Iteeo1y d, that lioensea vOled by the permna named on the for liat at- – In n tached to thla reeolution be same are hereby granted and and the the City Approved..__ " ----.��.--193 In Favor Clerk Is instructed to issue h Payment into 0 upon the such 11 the city CCC n my of theaalred fees. t Ad ,ted by [h Ce uncll Feb. Approved Feb. 2, 1938. - (FCb. 6, 1938) 2, 1938. / -'-- .__... .Against Mayor 1M 3.3] oriannt to City Clerkr{ courant 1-1 038 CITY OF ST. PAUL FtiB NO..-- tt IfEEi�ki OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,a PRESENTED BY_ F PP'h.PTRLyry R _ DA i COMMISSIONERAtZP.– RESOLVED , Tnat the persons named on the lists of "Members of the Election Boards" on file in the office of the Commissioner of Registration are qualified voters in their respective precincts, and they are hereby appointed judges and clerks of election in their precincts in compliance with Section 359 of the Election Laws of the State of Minnesota, to serve at the Primary Election and Special City Election to be held in the City of Saint Paul on Tuesday, March 8th, 1936. C. F- No- 110038—By F. M. Truax, A.1 F. Petersop, C- H- Barfuse— s Resolved, That the persons named on theItsts of Members of the Election. Boardsl' on Ne In the ollice of the Co mtssl over of Registration eualiaed voters In their respective Precincts, and they a hereby np- Ptolnted Judges and clerks P election their yrecincts In ompliance, with the 359 [ the Election Laws [ the B[atre of Minnesota, to serve at the Primary Election and specie] City Election to be held In the City [ Saint Pau] on Tue eday, Dfaroh 8[h. 1938- ] Adopted by the Council Feb. 2, 1938. Approved Feb. 2. 1938. (Feb. 5, 1938) COUN ILMI';N Yeas Nays ues in dlan ersan In favor EErC-------------- e son -----Against /1mr §C -Mr. President (Gelisi 3M 11-3s.Mr- `�.1. B FEB . "'�� Adopted by the CounciL_....................... ..--------- 193..-.-- Approved.................. ......... ------ -----------193----- c - Mayor NOTICE CITY Or SAINT PAUL COUNCILFILE NO. 110039 TO �. •PRINTER �;yrn^rFTOR 5E1�%�ri C. 310089— 1 Resolved, Thnt checks be drawn 1, Y 3 '^ 1 FUND 1 ® the CI¢y Treaeuty. -to- -the eg checks', Jgj]�gT ], IB3 0 DG[ -!D f_ 1v -beredt 6745 t�oE693 tnclue ve see I r l ' checks n die 1n the Ace of the C(ty� Comptroller. adopted by the Council Feb. 2, 1988.1 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN I approved (Feb. 86.31938) THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i 133r720•4oCOVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO 593 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTR LLER. ; ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL FEB 2 1933 193_ / f crc. co.wrwou•w APPPOVED E 193— i BY 4 576 57 577 579 580 581 82 52- 5 595 587 590 591 593 • 9t.Paul-Hple.San. Dist. Leo Butler & Brothers Oompan Yariani & Borre Thornton Brothers Company Victory Printing Company Johnson Printing Company N.C.Robinson, Clerk of Dist. H.T. Tedelstaedt Company Dearafs Wolff Revin Butler A Brothers Comp First National Bank of Chios. and Roy 0. Osgood, Trustees Wm. E. Tberta I.C.Pearce, O.P.Works I.C.Pearoe, C.P.Works %P.A. Parranto, C.P.Util. The Balment Corporation Hilton Rosen Tire Company Capitol Stationery Yfg.Compa Harwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Oompa Eleotrio Blue Print Company rN►TERC�PTOR SE'A"ER 60 972 27 o42 7 619 0211 542938!', 10 00 11 00 23 60 9 996 11 Y. 16 590 82 Ills 587 50 70 17 626 to 4 6139 60 3 770 18 40 i3 �3 12 62 68 63 SHEET TOTAL:—FORWARD 15 249 63I 129470 7' _. s F f T Y 1` DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PULL { r COUNCIL l OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ROLL CALL FILE NUMBER - BAR FUSS N Jan + p 31 PEARC IN FAVOR ' PETERSON 7114 - CEFTO�'UUITED CLAIMS SEWER - --'B'— - TRUAX ._AGAIN RESOLVED. THAT WENZEL ' 1 r I TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT CHECKS BE DR� O T TREASURY S— COVlRING MR. PRES. GEHAN _� F 1 v �,\ D CHECKS NUMBERED.. +fffQ�L1F _. _5 TO INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON�L�I�H QEFICE OF THE CITU MPTRO LLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-------- _ �tY//• j APPROVED ;— — - NUMBER BY._/l wNPiaOLL[a ���� 600 I!) C. _1• TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF�i RETURNED NUMBER ��- TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 4 576 57 577 579 580 581 82 52- 5 595 587 590 591 593 • 9t.Paul-Hple.San. Dist. Leo Butler & Brothers Oompan Yariani & Borre Thornton Brothers Company Victory Printing Company Johnson Printing Company N.C.Robinson, Clerk of Dist. H.T. Tedelstaedt Company Dearafs Wolff Revin Butler A Brothers Comp First National Bank of Chios. and Roy 0. Osgood, Trustees Wm. E. Tberta I.C.Pearce, O.P.Works I.C.Pearoe, C.P.Works %P.A. Parranto, C.P.Util. The Balment Corporation Hilton Rosen Tire Company Capitol Stationery Yfg.Compa Harwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Oompa Eleotrio Blue Print Company rN►TERC�PTOR SE'A"ER 60 972 27 o42 7 619 0211 542938!', 10 00 11 00 23 60 9 996 11 Y. 16 590 82 Ills 587 50 70 17 626 to 4 6139 60 3 770 18 40 i3 �3 12 62 68 63 SHEET TOTAL:—FORWARD 15 249 63I 129470 7' _. 110040 _ tl1` CITY oP eAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO-� p4OTICE IC. F. No1118848— - VOUNCIL RESOLUTION Resolved. That checks be drawn on TO the CffY Trsaenry, to Lhe eggrh=:tt r 7,j 193 �a PRINTER amount of 3382,798.18 covering heckep &— numbered 49182 to 4!338. Inctuslve, ae Der cb—ke on file -In the o®ce o[ lhp City Comptroller. rYr I Adopted by the. he Council Feb. ry��� ADBroved Feb. (Feb.6, 1938) R .6% ?1' ESOLVhU, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 302'7 - 19 ,COVERING CHECKSNUMBERED 1 44192 TO INCLUSIVE,ASPER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF TRE CITY COMPtRLL�R. .. 193__. < ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _—_193_— APPPO�V ED 4BY' DUPLICATE TO CITY CL R 'K I�ITYSA N' PUUL - V COLIN )10040 OFFICE OF THE C..IT11.1_1_111 FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL FINDLAN PEARCE -IN FAVOR January 31 PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECK. BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5 COVERING MR. PRES. GEHAN AS CHECKS NUMBERED. -j 'IF TO INCLUSIVE APPROVED ��RCHLLKR NUMBER 31 C. 1A101 2G TOTAL- DATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 20 970 oil 1 4089�7_0,_ 44192 George Sudsith 29 001 90 1JI! 4419 S. Berglund Lumber Company 441N J. Mark DaIglish Company 28 6 195 Flor—Sanif Mfg.0ompanY 39 44196 inter City Paper Company 14 70, 441�� Minnesota Chemical Company. �nc. 16 12' 381 2211: 44199 Price Electric Company 44199 H.V. Smith & company 74 381i 44200 Southern Mille P-91 601, 442ol Van Paper Supply Company 155 7V 442o Axel ?a Peterson, 0. of Fin 177 72i� 1205 Mrs. J.9. Ayd, Guardian 040�00!! 07 Mrs. a M. claugherty# Quardi 32 041 44208 John ;*. Hurley 500 001� 44209 Capitol Stationery Mfg*Comp, y 299 091 44210 Capitol Stationery Mfg*Comp y 82 67i 44211 Axel F. Pet:r:on, 0. of Fin ce 2 87C 44213 Axel r. Peterson: 0. of Finance 1 977 k4214 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 14 7o4,901[ 44215 County mralfaTe Board 13 750 �00 1, 44216 Griggs, Cooper & Company 112199�1' 44217 Axel F. Peterson, C.P.R.F. 517 19: 44219 k(eview Publishing Company 157 68 44219 Sanitary Food Mfg.Company 55 -11 44220 Sanitary Food Mfg.Componyoru�lty 20 141, 44221 Society for the ?rev. f 200 0011 44222 Axel r. Peterson, 0. of Fina4oe 3 229 J;411 4422 Matthew Towey 4o oo! 44224 Capitol Stationery Mfg.ComPanY 62 24 44225 County Welfare Board 11 462 07, 44226 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finance :1 27 3 10 44227 Chemical Sales & Safety 00mP'AY i igo 44228 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finance lell 113 50 OR1oINAL N NICITY OF SAINT -PAUL em CLE.E B[R 9 J 3Fep.= all. NO E'. COUNCIL RESOLUTION--- FOR A NORIZATION jr RE.ENTfD ,Y" _W" P'ebruar 2 1938 _� Rego lv'" that the Council herdby approves the award of, the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards theraot for dredging and depositing base quantity of 2,750,000 cu.yds. Fill at the 8t. Paul Municipal Airport, to the MINNEAPOLIS DREDGING COMPANY, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Hid No. 1 of said Minneapolis Dredging Company, for the unit price of $ .07949 per cubic yard, a total of $218,597.50; the City to have the right to reduce the base quantity by not more than 10% or to increase it by not more than 15%, such bid being the lowest bid and said Minneapolis Dredging Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder; and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper:;'City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. C.P.rNo. 110041—By 10 41—By I. C. Pearce, W. A. Resolved that the Council hereby the ♦Yard of the Contract FORMAL: SID NO. •h _+refornd hereby - ENOINEXR'B ESTIMATE $ 247, 500.0 4 _ r dreflging - NOTE: TOR CERTIFIED AS TO FYND6 AVAILABLE aY dci ',: of z' PGA PREeENTING TO COUNCIL FOR AOOPr1ON. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - ) i APPROPRIATED FROM CITY•S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE ' ) - _ S. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS-1018MPT PROPERTY— - COOE c 818,597.50 � a �/� ). APPROPRIATED FROM Airport [ONO ISSUE—CODE 600 0 818, 597.50 S. COUNTY AID _ _ _ , TOTAL - ;318,597.50 COPIES TO: 1 HEREBY CEIITIFY THAT THERE 18 AN UNENCUMBERED ' CITY CLERK ANC[ AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRI/1TIO .COMPTROLLER IN THURAM THEPSRMANaHT IMP" OLCIN6 ND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. IN TH[ ABOV AMOUNLr_� PUBLIC WORKS Vj "• PURCHASING COMPT ATL FINALORb[H ADOPTED d, / COUNCILMEN I LV FF.8 3 low Jaa7{J y rj l� YEAS NAYS - ADORED B 'COUNCIL L7 S� IN FAVOR FEB " t / APPROVED Ir �i: PJ 4-8 _-\-_AGAINST o,„nr to My tla couNC,L 110042 CITY OF ST. PAUL •.0 NO .. ......... ....... ...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C ,I "C -1L RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY (/ i..-. COMMISSIONER_ T2' ...... ..... .. .__. _._._ ..... _ ._. _..................DATE ......_. _.__. _.__...... . ............._............ WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 7842, which ordinance establishes organization charts for various City departments, provides for the appointment of three Senior Architectural Draftsmen in the Building Bureau of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and WHEREAS, an emergency has arisen which requires the employ - meat of two additional Senior Architectural Draftsmen for a period of approximately one hundred twenty working days, and Section 17 of said Ordinance No. 7842 provides that appointing officers may employ twice the number of employes under any one title appearing in their appropriate organization charts if the same is required by an emergency; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner,.of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized to employ two addi- tional Senior Architectural Draftsmen 'for a period not to exceed one hundred twenty working days, in accordance with the provisions of said Ordinance No. 7842• 1 C. F. No. 110048 --By F. 1W. Truax- , Ordinance N. 7848, wh.loh Vin ...0 c dlnancestablishes orasnfsation. charte for various City .doper— .V orIdea [or the appointment COUNCZMEN Adopted by the Counsii...FEB.......3_',38._...._193....... Yeas Nays /d rranto In Favor Approved....................._..._.___.._____........._193._.... Mayor �7 'Weeelb4 „/ r --Mr. President (Gehmp)-A•) pUBLISHI:D Oy IM 131,11. \ �-IiudX) cm.l.J to CRY DCITY OF ST. PAUL r".ak , CppMCll. No...._....1.10043 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNESO UTION --- GENERAL FORM PREgETE ..............DATE 93.193$,. C. _ ....... 40 RESOLVED ication 24965, on Sale Malt Beverage, That license for Restaurant- eppl application 24966, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 24967, applied for by Michael Mash at 66 W. 7th St. be and the same is hereby denied end the proper city officers be and they ari hereby authorized to refund to Michael Mash the fees of $10.00, $50.00, and $5.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. Informally denied by Council. February 1. 1939• COUNCILMEN Y. ��� i In Favor _. Against . - Mr. president (GO.= , 3M C. F. No. 110043—By I. C. Pearce. F. AT. Truss, G. H. Bareuss— Resolved, That Ilcense for Restaur- nt, application 24986, On Sale Malt Beverage, appllcati on 24960, and OK Sale Malt Beverage, application 24967, 7th led forby bandMichael es,"" le at denied and the proper city omce,, be .and theyfare hereby authorised to e- fund to A re- le brash the fees of $10.00; 160.00, and 56.00 and to cancel said an- i pltcaclops eo[ lleen_ Adopted by the Council Feb. 3.1938. Approved Feb. 3, 1938. .' (Feb: 6, 1938) FEB 3 "i�38 Adopted by the Council Approved .-193 193....... �� � Mayor �,., ,, b cKy a«� ' COUNCIL 110044 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NQ...._ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC ES"UTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED._............._...DATE�.Bebruary..3,... 1.938.,- RESOLVED That Cas Stati n license $3995. expiring March j, 1938, issued to Clarence Clifford at 1159 University Ave. be and the same is hereby transferred to Dudley Draz at the slime address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. transfer informally approved by Council, yebrusry 1, 1939- 00UNGJLMEN Yeae Na L U86 /i �1�Ian �;f u In Favor Against ��rremel. �Pttrrallto Mr. President (Gehan) SM's Sx Vzce1•:4-ltjtUt('liter C. F. No. 110044—EF r. C. Pearce, F. M. Truax, G. 8. IIartuee— nesoived. That Gas 9tatlon license No. 3896, ezpir1, blarch3. 1938- Is- sued to Clarence CIICOrd at 1169 Unt- veJr"tA'ba"dy . the sahereby "-_.I. rdto D,Iuod P9 op >raz ca,Lythe p,ecere e instructed to make the proper chs nes _t". Ity's records. Adopted by the Councn Feb. 3. 1938. Approved Feb. 3. 1938. (Feb. 6. 1936) II 31333 Adopted by the Council FEB . 193. Approved. 193_..... Dd.,.w to cityak yy .o UNCNO,110045 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R iS&UU N ---GENERAL FORM ED B ',' _ . . .. ...... DnTE.February_ j-,..1939.-- ...... PRESENT ... That licenses a4ied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated licenses RESOLVED hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such be and 9ne same are upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Shubert Theatre Players Co. 479 Webasha St. Confectionery App.24769 Renewal. A. Singer 25 W. 7th St. Grocery " 24770 a D.Planage.n & B.Stewart 289 E. 7th St. Barber " 24774 " Twin City Theatre Corp. 32 w. 6th St. Motion Picture ^ 24782 " Mrs. Leura 0. Peterson 1112-14 Arcade St. Restaurant " 24793 " L. B. Hebert 923 Grand Ave. Gas Station a 24756 " Joseph Antonucci 117 S. Wabasha St. Barber " 24801 " John Jancsek 614 Como Ave. Barber " 24915 " Ila C. Johnson 1441 N. Cleveland Restaurant ^ 24818 " A. Biederman 845 Payne Ave. Gas Station ^ 24820 a' Clifford Hopp 999 Selby Ave. Barber ^ 24821 ^ Munger & Everling 1463 Marshall Ave. Gas Station " 24924 " National. Auto Parts 919 University 2nd band auto parts 24827 " Harold Mildenberg 511 S. Smith Ave. Gas Station r1App. 24844 " C. J. Wagoner 578 Robert St. Restaurant a n On Sale Malt It 24846 ^ It 24947 " " a a Off Sale Malt ^ 24g4g ^ ^ a May Mills 124 Bremer Arcade Restaurant " 24862 " Chas. H. Perry 951 N. Dale St. Barber " 24864 " a 24881 " Edw. C. 0ehlers 675 W. 7th St. Gas Station 2 E. 4th St. Barber 6� 2}+941 , " R. J. Pomoreki t� IJJV COUN LMEN ted by the Council F. M• 193.._ Yeas Nays C. F. No. 119046—BY 1. C Pearce, Truax, O. H. Bnrfuse— that 11 'Rees the Wd for Fa Resolved, 11- to the to We r eoiutlon be and the ruched to this sumo are hereby ,treated and the city Approved Clerk ]e ins [he psymen[91nto the city t'"'fl " _ ----- ----t93_.._' In Favor ocpaee aeon reaulrea race. treasury of the Adopted by the Council Feb. 8. 1938. Approved Feb. 3, 1938. BOn (Feb. S. 1988) Against — -- _ _--_ MayOr to ,,I&, President (Gehan)._ es+ r3� �vtr. % I— i - ..—. s.. jru'L') odow to aty ud G J0Y6 - COUNCIL ........... CITY OF ST. PAUL au NO........ . ( OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RES6 TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY r \ �^ COMMISSIONER..... ...... _ ��VJ7 ` .............DATE _. February . , ]._93B.1. .._._....... RESOLVED V n That license for Restaurant, application 244110, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 24441, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 24442, applied for by William Shoemaker at 258 E. Fillmore St, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, Jan. 11, 1938, Old Location. COUNPLMEN YeasNays f e lan ear.e In Favor rson _ Against 'Wenzel—:LA 4.l4k:�ki,Luto President (Gehan)- 3M 1.371x' vile 1'I w:Uli1L (I-kyUct` 3) C. F. No, 110048—By I. C. Pearce, F. M. Truss, O. RB . arfuss Resolved, That license for Restaur- ant, application 24440, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 24441, and Oft Sale Malt everage, apDllcation 24442, PPiI ed for by Rllllam Shoemaker at 268 A Flllmore St, be and the same hereby granted and the city clerk are s Instructed to Issues such llceneea ur on the payment Into the city treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council Feb. 3, 1838. Approved Feb. 3, 1838. (Fe b. 6, 1838) Adopted by the Council V. L (., 3 jlV38.193_ Approved /. t93.._... ..... �..._/ Mayor _. Uyle,t t. cey 0-1k ,.� 'e z���� NO_110047 CITY OF ST. PAUL ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL-RgOL TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1-7/IiL.I.l _ _ ......DATE........ February...3....193.8... ... ...._. L WHEELS, Thos. E. Walsh desires to Withdraw application 24702 for Onftle Liquor license at 499 Wabash& St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Thos. E. Walsh the fee of $1,000.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNYALMEN y� Nay Etie& . Ian �eZ-n' In Favor inet Vl% 1 ;riruidcne (Gc4n, IM a-hjr, \, I t .... 'I.,.lA (2 rLIR20 C. F. No. 110047—By 1. C. Pearce, F. M. Truax. G. H n . Barfuss— Wheres. ThVos. E.. Walsh desires to ,vithSale i W nDlic.... nat 24992 for 0. Wnba ha Sale Liquor St and reeuests the return of the 11- e fee deposited thereon: therefore, ne°it Resolved, that the proper city of- ficers be and they are hereby author- ized to refund to Thos. E. Walsh the fee of $1,000.00 and to cancel -said ap- pllcatlon for license. Adopted by the Council Feb. 3. 1938. Approved Feb. 8. 1938. (Feb. 6, 1938 ) s1 FL t3 ), i ,., . .:x ' ._. 193 .. Adopted by the Council.. - . Approved L / . _ 193...... __ Mayor pd,ln.i KBY 1101)48 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. __ _ L FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL L��ON---GENERAL FORM PRES^ ... .J,,•--Gl,! �...._...... TE....February..3. 1935.COM RESOLVED 1, That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Mollie Geyer 572 gent St. Grocery App. 23739 New Old Location Leonard C. Mueller 879 Fremont Conf. n 24757 a r n It n n n OffnSale Malt a 24758 n n n Michael Sauro 226 S. Franklin Grocery n 24936 n n n Northwest Hotel Co. 7 – 9 R. 7th St. Confectionery 11 21+845 a n a Frank J. Schultz 894 Ecce St. Butcher n 24563 q n If Walter Lieberman 190 E. 7th St. 2nd hand dlr. n 24568 It n n Michael A. Sauro 226 S. Franklin Off Sale Malt n 24595 it n n K. M. Baker 75 N. Snelling Gas Station it 24906 n n a No. 110048—Hy I. C. Pearce, N. m. oG. lved, That allcensee -Dolled for e [ollowlnit Persona at the ad - is indicated be .and the same are 1,6ranted and the city clerk le COUN EN K; " Yeas N a Station, Ad."' AD➢ri 8 e In Favor stetson 4. 4-t� Against i ki wdent (Ga.) 3M 3.37 Mr. lrli:l' Prt.161 1. Grocery, nery,��A➢➢uo24846+w. 7th Bt. New, olA J. S3hulys 894 Rice 8t., ADD. 24868 Flew, Old Location. Lieberman, 190 ID. 7th St., and App. 24868 New, Old Loca- 1 A. Santo, 226 S. Franklin' Matt, App. 24896New. Old � .nn1 Adopted by the Count B i ` � `) .193 —I� Approved �p�- ........193_..... C/-� 1 Mayor ode -1 to city Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL c � u' NO._IM49 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERA. FORM RESOLVED WHERFAu, the Comissioner of Public Utilities has reported is accordance the with Section 33 of the pity Charteof eertaiasemployes tence of of the Water Depemergency artment rendered necessary the employment said empl®ytd5nt being more then nsuel hours for more than eight hours per day, of employment, therefore, be it authorized to pay the following Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby for the extra named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment time hereinafter set forthz Ce ie correct .�-� I �z )t Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent COUNCILMEN Na Yeas % ;[Puss In favor �'Ian .._ rce /petgrson _A��et .. .._. 3M &Mt. ylti Ylt•-dCUL C. F. No. 110040-8, W. A. Parranto— Whereea, the Commlealon- of Pub- Ilo Utllitlea has reported 1. accordance with Section 6e of the CRY Charter, ezletence of an emergency whim —d ne -intry the emrlr---•en." mployes-of the, e than e16., T Jv•.. . p... '. helr m. FEB 3 Adopted by the Couadl........ .... .............................. _.......I93..... Approve//d._..__...... -..... _........ _............. ! ..._._ �...... �- Mayor TITLE 0PERTI>f1E RATE NAYR Roy W. Holzer 7r.Cavil Eagr. Sr.Asst.Civil MW.Bridgee 45 hrs. 41 a .Bl 3/4 1.26 1/4 Fred A. odettSGorham Wa. Sr.Aroh.Dreftsman 4 a 23 " .99-1/2 .991/2 Flank lack earl A. F Sr.Engr.Draftsman Sr.Asst.Civil Ebgr.Bridges 11-1/2 bra. 1.1.4 3/4 A. R. Sebroeder I. G. Ringstrom Testing Engineer 12-1/2 10 bra. Annabel Y. Tapley Tr.Clerk-Steno Asst.Civil ftr.W.D. 63 1.143/4 1.143/4 jr. W. Gallagher Asst.Civil Engr.W.D. 1B " R. E. Wattere Dan Looney Ditch digger ?!► " Sunday •� Ce ie correct .�-� I �z )t Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent COUNCILMEN Na Yeas % ;[Puss In favor �'Ian .._ rce /petgrson _A��et .. .._. 3M &Mt. ylti Ylt•-dCUL C. F. No. 110040-8, W. A. Parranto— Whereea, the Commlealon- of Pub- Ilo Utllitlea has reported 1. accordance with Section 6e of the CRY Charter, ezletence of an emergency whim —d ne -intry the emrlr---•en." mployes-of the, e than e16., T Jv•.. . p... '. helr m. FEB 3 Adopted by the Couadl........ .... .............................. _.......I93..... Approve//d._..__...... -..... _........ _............. ! ..._._ �...... �- Mayor February 2, 1938 An emergency has arisen in the Nater Department, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: _ Preparing plans and specifications for PKA ]obs #1323 and 1324.* _watching at PWA project #1323 # This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: *Because of limited time allowed by Government for this work #Sundays BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS 2 �Pre.id..t Ceif correct ,cam-„_.....J� h Leo N. Thompson General- Superintendent odtlao to City Ciuk :iiaca NO-110050.V� ( CITY OF ST. PAUL ` OFFICE OE.THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUJTION --- GENERAL FORM Jy \Z PRESENTED B - ......DATE.......Febr=,Y-..3,....193.8-- COMMISSI ONER... ..... ............ U WHEMS, Harold L. Kellerman desires to withdraw application 24980 for On Sale Liquor license at 653 Stryker Ave, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refvad to Harold L. Kellerman the fee of $1,000.00 and to cancel said application for license. Ci V. .SthT. Try <, 0I6 C. P Circe— Hnrfuea, F. Whereas, Harold L Kellerman de- Irea to withdraw aVpllcat/on 'L4980 for On Sale Liquor license at 663 ornther 3 cene0 feer deDosItedh thereon; therefore, be It j' Reeboleved.dt that eyth Tep h4 rebyc'autho ized to refund to Harold L. Kellerman the fee of $1.000 00 and to cancel said nppllcatidn for license. Adopted Febe 3 019581 Feb. 3, 1938. (Feb. 6. 1938) i Yeas COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council F E B ._.. ,.}_,.. ._ 1.. _.193.. Nay 6 Li }tfdlan Approved 193....... rce In Favor �LPe� _ AgainstMayor WtnzeH-to k F esident (Gsbanl»„ od.iwl to aly p.~ �o���+� ... CITY OF ST. PAUL . NO -1-1005-1— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ON OOLUTI---EN GERAL FORM PRESENTED BY r) COUNCIL l N L t_–e�l -_.DATE. February...3., .1939.._,....._ .... 1 WHEREAS, Ernest A. Jackson desires to withdraw application 23611 for On Sale Liquor license at 129 W. Sixth St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officeis be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Ernest A. Jackson the fee of $1,000.00 and to cancel said application for license. C. F. No. 110061—BY C. H. Barfue-, F.I. M. Truss, 10 C. Fearce— Whereas, Ernest A. Jackenn Desiree gale Liquor license of 1888W1181xth St and request- the return or the 11oenee fee dePoedea haterthe Dropert citybelt cera be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Ernest A. Jackson the tee [ 51,000.00 and to canoel eatd aDDMe- tion for lleense. Adopted by the Counell Feb. S. 1928- Approved FeD. 9. 1938. (FeD. 6.19381 _ _I COUNC EN Yeas CC'''' NaY ar s an �earce ^ In Favor �eterson // _ Against PresldenE ZGebi sat 3.37A z : 1+ ++-.. isle (1?'ttaxI FEB 31933 193_ Adopted by the Council- - - Approved.___ __s ___ _. __ _.__ 193_..... IV Mayor to O1v a k - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RE IO --GENERAL FORM r. � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_........ .__...___ ....___._.. .._...._ ........ .. .............DATE.... dnU — _ NO.110052 _ RESOLVED That the Commi*oner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, to sign and verify the proposed petition for the vacating of that certain alley running easterly and westerly, originally dedicated to public use in and by the plat of Union Park, and presently represented as a portion of Lot 210, Hinkel's Third Amendment to Union Park, the City being the owner of certain real estate along the southerly line of said alley. C Resotvedl That •the Commleetonear of thuort4ed on bohalfa of thed he tCity hereby y9alnt Paul, [o forgo and verify the p Dosed' petition for the vacating of that cert Lein alley running easterly and weat- erly, originally ded1. or to Dub11c •I use !n and by the plat of Union Park, and Draeently reppresented as a Dor- t1on of Lot 310, Hinkel's Third Amend - Ment to Union Park, the City betng III the oavner f certain real estate along the southerly it.. ofanld alley. Adopted by th.e Council Feb. 3. 1938. Approved Feb. 3, 1938. (Feb. 6, 7938) V COUN MEN Adopted by the Count-- ti93$ 193__ Yeas NX fuss $'bE � em�� •. ' Fllan rranto Approved.._ 193_..... Favor erson .Against Mayor --iielzel �iCEA15�ME"( hynl=n.( IM l211ME. Vice Yresid-t (11v B URDU OF CONST. S REPAIR J. R. J OHNSTON. BUM. OFFICE ENGINEER G. H. HER BOLD CHIEF ENGR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE. CommIBBIONER GEORGE J. JACOBS. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGIN..R January 12th, 1938. Mr. Louis P. Sheehan, Aset. Corporation Counsel, BUILDING. Dear Sir : BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU OF BRIOOeE M. B. GRYTBAK. E.-.... BUREAUOF CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK, SUFT. I believe Mr. Gilbert has talked to you in reference to an alley in Hinkelvs Amendment to Union Park. LA Union Park was laid out in 1884, dedicating a north and south and east and west,alley 14 ft. in width. The east and west part of the alley opened on Westwood rte.,now Prior Ave. On April 23rd, 1885 the City Council accepted the plat of Hinkelve Amendment to Union Park which extended the north and south alley north to Oakley A*e. and platted over the existing east and west alley. Hinkelas 3rd Atslendment accepted by the Council May 8th, 1890 renumbers the lots except Lot 136, which is still a part of the original plat of Union Park. The alley is a part of Lot 210 and the south side of this former alley is coincident with the north line of Lot 136. The alley was never properly vacated and it has been taxed for a great many years. In accepting the plat of Hinkelvs Amendment and Hinkelvs 3rd Amendment, the City Council did not by resolution vaoata the east and west alley but accepted,by the plat,an ex- tension of the north and south alley.. The ovIners of this Lot No.210 feel that there is a cloud on the title and ask that the Council now pass a resolution vacating the alley which is the south 14 ft. of Lot No.210 Hinkelvs 3rd Amendment, which lot has a width of 25 ft. It would seem desirable that this be done, the City has no use for an alley. The people who platted the property dedicated„tu the north and south alley,a more servic- able one and of larger area than the east and west alley. " Yours very truly, George H. Herrold, gh-rh Office Engineer. to an e OF ST. PAUL iai NOt-U n / OF ICE OF THE CITY CLERK OL ION ---GENERA FO ESENTED BY OMMISSIONER(„/..C!C. .... __.... 1/ _ .. ._.. _. _._. Mrs. Ellen Conroy passed to her eternal reward on Monday, January 31st, 1938, and NHE YAS, Mrs. Conroy has spent most of her life in the City of Saint Paul and made a decided contribution to the spiritual and social life of the community; therefore, be it 313SOLVIE1, That we, the members of the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul, extend to the members of the bereaved family our deepest sympathy in this the hour of their great lose, commending them to the consolations of an all—alae Providence, that unto them He may extend His care and guidance; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in token of our despeat sympathy, this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Common Council of the City - of Saint Paul and, copy be seat to the bereaved family. COUNS,Ittvf@N Teas � / Nays z use alall In Favor e�son 0... rvaa Against Cyr auto President (Gehan) ,,-Mr. 3M Y37 C. a d on Monday. January 31st, 1938, and .,-It life of her most Int In Chao Cltyaof Paul and de a decided c trlbutlon [o the pl ritual andoolai life of thel co muN[y: therefore. be It 'CommICouncil th[ II of the themC![y I 9alnt Paul, extond tc the members o[� the bereaved fnmlly our deepest ly--i pathy In this the hour of their great, loss, commending them to the eonsol-' at lone of all -wise. Providence, that unto Cham He ay extend His care and guidance; and be It Further Ro..I ed, That In token of ur deepest sympathy, this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Common Council of the City o1 8alnt Paul and a copy be sent to the. he -;ed by the '�..,:I�� reaved family. ....... ���. ..........193...... Adopted by the Council Feb. 3, 7998. AD Droved Feb. 3. 1938. (Feb. 6, 1938) Approved _ 193....... y Mayor DUPLICATE TO CIT TY OF SAINT PUUL COUNCIL N 9 6 11-1— THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CIII. 'I'r..,�s ur. I� ih. ��: r.'�=<<I �• BARFUSS Capitol Stationery Mfg.Comp&4y FINDLAN t 1 III - 1 II [ lli. PEARCE II'r. $tE�bruasy 2 - 199 PETERSON.1 �I �I�."�1 I. li I t i�ll I�• I,. ... I.',. � .TED CLAIMS TRUA% . Ii'II''I RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BED AWNO THE OITY TREASURY _ WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f COVERING MR. PRE6. GENAN ..----- --- CHECKS NUMBERED._ -442 TO INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ -- -- — OF T CITY PTRR. PER CHECKS ON FILE„1 HE -FF;E, 7` ' APPROVEDt-r _ - COw RTROLL[R 44238 NUMBERBY {- 442 9 Dispatoh-Pioneer Press Compa� dOo • uAY.R Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compa4y -- -- — -- - --- — -- - -- .._._TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED J NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS • 44245 Sharp & DWme 44246 G. Sommers & Company 44247 D.W. Taylor 44248 H.O. Tiffany 44249 westinghouse Electric Supply Company 44250Louie T. Colonna 44251 Okes Construction Company 44252 Andrew J. Hauk 44253 Robert P. Freeman 44254 Axel F. Peterson, C, of Fin e 44255 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin e 44256. Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin e 44257 Patrick Curran 44258 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin e 44259 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finanpe 44260 Axel F. Peterson, C, of Fin e 44261 W.J. Murphy & W.P. Sweeney 44262 County Welfare Board 44263 County welfare Board 44264 L.A. Soler, Cashier Water Dep�- 44265 Campbell Coal & Oil Company 44266 Capital Nnvelope Company 44267 Daily Hews Corporation 44268 Feyen Construction Company 44269 Inter City Paper Company 44270 Joyce Insurance, Inc. 44271 Ray J. Kartak, Supt. 44272 McKesson Wholesalers 44273 National Bureau of 0. & Surat �r Undwe 44274 Neptune Meter Company r 44275 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 44276 Peilen and Peilen 44277 Robinson, Cary & Sande Compan 44278 St.Paul 'Nhite Lead & 0$1 00 y 4112791 Simonson Lumber Company 44280 Tvin City Brick Company I i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD j CHECKS ,: n 11 11 000 001 541 28 65 00. 1 000 '00 8 00" 150 00 50 00 79 80 79 50 229 66 222 86 26 95 20 06 92 12 8 05 1 690 53' 102 90 14 79 252 35 22 23 66�� 00 3 0 71 12bb 00 36 48 " 326 to 899 82 2 157 45 32 00 55 75 25 00 678 40 1 000 00 3 775 46 10 597 09 186 42 511 76 136 5550 8 47 56 68 12 15 I. 63 86 352 80 98 00 6 12 90 21 95 19 113 82 87 88 41 169 33 II BROUGHT FORWARD 1 44229 st.Paul Fire Dept. Relief Asloc, 44230 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Comp&4y 44231 Rm. Stokvle 44232 Michael J. Hartman 44233 John F. Doyle, Abstract Clerk 44234 Thomas J. Gibbons, Chairman 44235 Mark H. Gehan, Mayor 44236 G.A. Ahston Company, Inc. 44237 S. Berglund Lumber Company 44238 Brown & Day, Inc. 442 9 Dispatoh-Pioneer Press Compa� 4420 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compa4y 44241 Linear Broom Mfg.Company 44242 F.J. Morse & Company J 44243 National Lumber Company 44244 nrioe Electric Company • 44245 Sharp & DWme 44246 G. Sommers & Company 44247 D.W. Taylor 44248 H.O. Tiffany 44249 westinghouse Electric Supply Company 44250Louie T. Colonna 44251 Okes Construction Company 44252 Andrew J. Hauk 44253 Robert P. Freeman 44254 Axel F. Peterson, C, of Fin e 44255 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin e 44256. Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin e 44257 Patrick Curran 44258 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin e 44259 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finanpe 44260 Axel F. Peterson, C, of Fin e 44261 W.J. Murphy & W.P. Sweeney 44262 County Welfare Board 44263 County welfare Board 44264 L.A. Soler, Cashier Water Dep�- 44265 Campbell Coal & Oil Company 44266 Capital Nnvelope Company 44267 Daily Hews Corporation 44268 Feyen Construction Company 44269 Inter City Paper Company 44270 Joyce Insurance, Inc. 44271 Ray J. Kartak, Supt. 44272 McKesson Wholesalers 44273 National Bureau of 0. & Surat �r Undwe 44274 Neptune Meter Company r 44275 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 44276 Peilen and Peilen 44277 Robinson, Cary & Sande Compan 44278 St.Paul 'Nhite Lead & 0$1 00 y 4112791 Simonson Lumber Company 44280 Tvin City Brick Company I i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD j CHECKS ,: n 11 11 000 001 541 28 65 00. 1 000 '00 8 00" 150 00 50 00 79 80 79 50 229 66 222 86 26 95 20 06 92 12 8 05 1 690 53' 102 90 14 79 252 35 22 23 66�� 00 3 0 71 12bb 00 36 48 " 326 to 899 82 2 157 45 32 00 55 75 25 00 678 40 1 000 00 3 775 46 10 597 09 186 42 511 76 136 5550 8 47 56 68 12 15 I. 63 86 352 80 98 00 6 12 90 21 95 19 113 82 87 88 41 169 33 II l� i ry J l� i ry Od,WO t. CI, Cao ..• c ftmc` I _ -10 �Jc5 CITY OF ST. PAUL rtNO.. _ __ .... OFFI O CITY CLERK COUNCILS UTI ---GENERAL FORM o PRESENTED BY '.r ....................._._ _DATE.. Fe .4.,._.19.38....:.._..._.. COMMISSIONER_.........__...Irving.... C. ..Pearce.... _... RESOLVED WBEREAS; the Cotsmissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existof ence o an emergency which rendered necessaryemployment employes of his Department beingfor momorere hthaniusualan et ohourseofurs prdemplooyy- on Sunday, said employment ment, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the namedremployesofficers at the rat hereby otherwiseauthor- ized to pay the following fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. COU NayNays/EN / Adopted by the Council _.193.. Yea t XPi Ian Approved 193.._... : In Favor Against D� or Fsarxento� J ft)3LTSHI:D ® �� � 0,W. President President (Gehan) �t� _ ame 1.70 Amon, John M. Truck Driver 10 •5O Boeck, Wm.. C. Sr.C1k.Typ. •72 Byron, George Einck Walter Truck Driver Dispatcher 64 Gallas, Max J. Truck Driver Mach.Op. 10 3 •701 • Harper, George Road Z X70 Heller, Walter Truck Driver � 5 5 • 31 Lilly, Grove A. Truck Driver Heavy Truck Driver .774 Ober#, Forrest E. Proulx, H. T. Rueth, Henry G. Timekeeper Truck Driver 8 •701 0� Rueth, Henry G. Heavy Truck Driver 8 :70 Taube, Albert Truck Driver 2 .74 Welsh, W. P. Heavy Truck Driver UE SOLUTIONS r 110055—By T. ' PeerC� .... t. the Cc •. COU NayNays/EN / Adopted by the Council _.193.. Yea t XPi Ian Approved 193.._... : In Favor Against D� or Fsarxento� J ft)3LTSHI:D ® �� � 0,W. President President (Gehan) �t� An emergency has arisen in the DEPARTId112iT OF PUBLIC WORIM, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Plowing snow This emergency arose ty reason of the following facts and circumstances: Snowfall made it necessary to despatch crews to ren ove snow COMAISSI ER OFPUBZIC VIORIO Ori`-pl to City Cierk eouna� 110056 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION_ -GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONS .. .. .......... .... ... .. .. ...................................................................DATE...................................................................... _.............. RESOLVED WHERWr amongst other things in and by the terms and provisions of that certain contract made by and between the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul and Walter W. Magee, doing business as the Walter W. Magee Company, contractor for filter plant addition, Unit #2, PWA project #1323 -D -s, contract #G-3776, said contrao*or is required to privide at his expense insurance policies indemnifying said Board against loss by fire, tornado or flood on account of injury by any of said causes to certain piling and protective covering on and adjacent to the site of the work involved by said contract, and it satisfactorily appears that it is not feasible for said oontractor to procure any of said insurance policies, and the Superintendent of said Board has recommended that the pertinent provisions of said contract be amended so as to permit the substitution of a satisfactory surety bond in lieu of such insurance policies, and such substitution Is deemed necessary in the interests of the Board and the City; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That subject to the written consent of said contractor and his surety, said contract be and the same hereby Is amended so as to permit the substitution by said contractor at his expense for said insurance policies of a satisfactory surety bond in the sum of $4000.00, approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel and as to surety by. the Commissioner of Finance, running in favor of said Board, conditioned that said contractor shall indemnify said Board and the City of St. Paul against all loss and injury occurring to said piling of said protective covering by reason of fire, flood or tornado during the prosecution of the work under said contract. C. F. No. 13o066—B1• W. A. Parranto— Wherea:, amonQet that things In d b ' the term: nd . yl:lon: of that ce taln ontrac[ made by . -d ^e- tween the Board -f4,Com• Here of of SL P^nl COUNCILMEN Yeas a ss 's Nay jndlan /�� In favor /Pete on / Against ,._.. ,�'_ yl1�fl�tt,.l,,_, %EA-.2'resi&nt (Geha.)152 3M 6.36 J&. Vi_ t': __ ! I"U1-4) EB 41938 Adopted by the Council.,'... ......................:......................._193..... Approved., ............................. 193_ May r.vuLISHED �� C. F. No. 110067—BY W. A. Parran 0" Where11100571110057as' In the matter o[ .th-' ,r.H Qc�lmleo C+Lain contract made and rT ...r� and between the COUNCILIIppteslonere. of �.hR �• CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY. CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONED ... ........ .......... .........................................._....................................................................DATE...........................................................:.......................... RESOLVED WHEREAS, in the matter of that certain contract made and executed by and between the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul and Walter W. Magee, doing business as the Walter W. Magee Company, for PWA project #1324„ same being contract #G-3752, the specifications constituting part and parcel of said contract, amongst other things provide that "the expense of any and all work done in the laying of water mains under any railway tracks and all other estimated expense by the railway company, including the service of a watchman by reason of laying of the water mains and the carrying out of the work to be done under this contract, shall be included in the lump sum bid for each unit and the lump sum bid for all the units, by the Contractor, who shall make the necessary arrangements with the railway companies for doing this work. All bills from the railway companies shall be paid by the Contractor promptly upon rendition by the railway companies of the proper bills therefor", and WHEREAS, in the prosecution of the work under said contract by said Walter W. Magee, doing business as Walter W. Magee Company, as contractor, said contractor shall be required, among other things, to install a 20" water main across the right of way of the Great Northern Railway Company at Snelling Avenue and at Dale Street in the City of St. Paul, as shown on the plans, and in departure from the aforesaid provisions of said contract it will be necessary, for the said Board to enter into a contract with said railway company wherein and whereby said Board shall agree to pay said railway company the sum of $3185.00 as the cost of all materials to be furnished and'aervioes to be rendered in the removal and replacement of railway equipment, the construction of underpinning, and other forms of temporary support necessary to the construction of said mains at said locations under said track by said railway company, and it is not feasible for said contractor to make the arrangements under any agreement with the railway company contemplated to be made by the contractor pursuant to the above quoted portion of said specifica— tions; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That such proposed contract be made by and between the said Board and the said railway company providing for the doing of the aforesaid work by said railway company in consideration of the payment of the said aim of $3185.00 as the actual cost by said Board to said railway company from the Water Fund, and that the aforesaid contract be deemed amended so as to provide for such contract between the Board and the railway company and for a deduction in the price provided thereby to be paid by the Board to the contractor in the said am of $3185.00, all subject to the written consent of said contractor and his surety, such form of contract between the Board and the railway company to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Yeas es N s • dlan Z �(' /r/eprce ._,..........._ In favor /Pe rson ........._:�.... Against 3M 636 Adopted by the Council_FES 4..'M8 193..... Approved.................................... . ............ ..193....._ _............ ....... . Mayor PV$LISHED443/ C. F. No. 110008—By W. A. Parranto-- �,.. d Whereas, the plans and ereciHca- .e r(� �ilnil �° tions now In the course oY ftnal prep• C �� 8 aratlon for tTe eonetruotlon of Unit eounu� 111... iiiJJJIJ r+° A, ^A -f"' ' - the st. Paul Fu CITY OF ST. PAUL .as NO...__ ._..._..._,_ ....., .„ - „et No. 187..,. JFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CJ.t?ICIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED 111018, the plane and specifications now in the course of final preparation for. the construction of Unit J ,,..an.addition to the St. Paul Filtration Plant, PWA project #1323—D S, provide for a patented type of roof or dome construction on two now clarifier buildings, commonly called the WA. S. Hewett System, and WSEUM, it is a necessary condition to the use of such patented process of construction that a license therefor be granted to the user by the patentee, and the Federal governmental regulations applicable to said project require that such license be obtained by the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul under a contract or agreement with the holder of the patent rights, and WHEREAS, the Wm. S. Hewett System, represented as the holder of said patent rights, has proposed to grant the necessary license for the use of said system of construction in said project for two domes, to supply levers and technical service involving one service trip by an engineer to St. Paul for the adjustment of a portion of the equipment, in consideration of the payment by the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul to the patentee of the sum of $2800.00, and WHEREAS, the use of said patented process in said project has been recomended by the General Superintendent of said Board, and it is deemed advisable to include a provision for the came In the said plane and specifications; therefore, be it IMSMVM, That subject to the award of a contract to be made by and between the Board of Water Coemmissioners of the City of St. Paul and the contractor for the construction of said ;:roue„ that the Board of Water Comm— issioners shall be and hereby is empowered to make a contract in writing with said patentee wherein and whereby said patentee shall grant unto said Board and its contractor a license to construct, use and maintain such construction work covered by said letters patent to provide such levers and such engineering service, and to, further, indemnify and save harmless said Hoard, the City of St."Pdul, and the said contractor from all liability on account of the use of said patented process, all in consideration of the payment by said Board to said patentee in the sum of $2800.00, payable, #1400.00 when said contract shall be executed and delivered, and the balance, 01400.00, when one deme shall have COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Garfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson Against rat sato esident (Ge6art) 3Tt 636 Mr, \71Ce i'Iw:i:GliC \IIY73Xi Adopted by the Council ....................................................193..... Approved............................... _.............................. ....193--- ........... ..... ................................. _...................... _. _.—..___ Mayor Qn6,61 m Ci" Clete:u"u` NO...110058 CITY OF ST. PAUL .............. ........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER................................................................................................................................................................DATE.................................................................., ........... RESOLVED been entirely completed; Which contract shall be approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and said patentee shall further furnish to said Board satisfaetory.evidenoe of its title to said letters patent and a surety bond for the faithful performance of its undertakings under said contract in the sum of $2800.00, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and approved as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance, the cost to the Board in the premises to be paid from the funds of the Board of Water Commissioners. COUNCILMEN Yeas Na q[fuss Indian /` _ In favor e ice /Pe son Against l_�ACEnzel:_ _'I I r�iesl�den, (Gelmn) _ )M 6.36 J& `iLC Adopted by the Council, .,,..FEB .......:�_ ....938.._19a..... Approved.......................... .....::.............1 .. ii (/ .... /...j../............_2 ... ............. .. Mayor Mr. Thompson: Mr. Sheahan.suggested that this letter go with the Council resolution. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS WILLIAM A. PARRANTO, President IRVING C. PEARCE AXEL F. PETERSON Mr. Bohn W. McConneloug, Corporation Counsel, City of Saint Paul. WATER DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota WILLIAM A. PARRANTO, Commissioner BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Deputy Commissioner oO THE CITY OF PURE DRINKING WATER 4r, LEONARD N. THOMPSON, � General Superintendent and Enginee?rJj JOHN C. FLANAGAN, Assistant Secretary and Registrar R. A. THUMA, Ch. & Bact. Supt. Filtration Plant February 1, 1938 Dear Sir: In drawing up the specifications and plane for Unit #3 of the filtration plant addition it is planned to use what is known as the wm.S.Hewett type of roof or dome construction over the two new clarifier buildings. This is a patented type of construction and involves the payment to the holder of the patent of a royalty fee. Communicating with the PWA authorities, it appears that they do not look with favor upon the inclusion in the contractor's bid of any sum covering the payment as a royalty for the use of a patented system. The PWA regulations on this 'point read as follows: "Patented Process or Processes. If the project is designed so as to require or permit the use of a patented process or processes as distinguished from articles, apparatus or equipment, for which license or royalty fees will be charged, such fees for the use of such process shall be paid directly by the applicant to the patentee, licensee or owner of such process, and a statement that the bidder shall not include such fees in his bid should be made in +Information for Bidders,. If, by the acceptance of a bid the applicant shall have determined to use any patented process, the applicant will enter into a separate contract with the patentee, licensee or owner of the process, and the applicant will make payment therefor to the owner or licensee of such patented process the amount of such license or royalty fee than an applicant proposes to pay to the holder of the patent or license for any patented process or processes shall be submitted to the State Director for his determination in respect to whether the funds furnished by the Government may be applied in payment of such a fee or the extent to which such funds may be so applied." Communicating this letter to Mr. Wm. S. Hewett, he has advised as follows: "Our charge as separated from the bands would be $1500 for one dome, including one trip to St. Paul and three levers, and $2800 for two domes, levers, and one trip to St. Paul for adjustment of bands." I have tentatively written our specifications, thereforep to read as followa, referring to the item of the roofs over clarifiers: "The bidder is advised that the Board has contracted with the owner of PORTo>=AI�® Gateway tothe Great Northwest BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS WATER DEPARTMENT LEONARD N. THOMPSON, WILLIAM A. PARRANTO, President General Superintendent and Engineer IRVING C. PEARCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL JOHN C. FLANAGAN, AXEL F. PETERSON Capital of Minnesota Assistant Secretary and Registrar R. A. THUMA, WILLIAM A. PARRANTO, Commissioner Ch. & Bact. Supt. Filtration Plant BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Deputy Commissioner ®O THE CITY OF PURE DRINKING WATER -2- the patents of the Hewett System and will make all payments for the right to construct this type of roof, and the Board guarantees the contractor against all costs or expenses for infringement of any patent used in the design specified; the Board to deliver to the contractor three levers for use in adjusting the steel bands, and by agreement with the Wm.S.Hewett Company, a representative of the said company will make one visit to the city for the purpose of co-operating with the contractor in securing the desired stresses in the bands, and such services shall be at no expense to the contractor." It is requested that you prepare the necessary resolution or agreement or whatever is required for passage by the Council so that the Board of Water Commissioners may enter into a contract with the Wm. & Hewett System of 549 W. Washington Street, Chicago, Ill., granting to this department the right to construct two Hewett type domes as designed by Yr.Wm.Hewett for use over the two 150 ft. diameter clarifiers which are to be built as a part of the addition to the St. Paul filtration plant, PWA project #1323-D-61 payment to Mr. Hewett to amount to $2800 which shall cover, in addition to the design, three levers for adjusting bands and all expenses of one trip to St. Paul during the course of the construction work for the purpose of advising with the contractor as to the construction and the adjustment of the bands; find which shall also cover and indemnify the contractor and the Board against any further charges for the right to construct this type of roof or for infringement of any patent. This agreement, of course, should be contingent upon the Board's awarding a contract for the construction of the clarifiers and clarifier roofs. Yr. Hewett quotes his terms as follows: "Fifty percent when the contract for the work is made, and the balance when the first dome has been entirely completed. Yours -t ve truly, d Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent LNT-Hp PORTor AINTFAUL 1 Gateway to the Great Northwest NO.59 o.� 110 cnuwc0,121wa m ab auk .�. ._.. __.... .._. CITY OF ST. PAUL . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM A PRESENTED BY ..._._... .- ----- - ............DATE ........... ............. . COMMISSIONE ......._ _...__..... .. .. ...... RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with John Holt, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Education, on the 21st day of June 1937; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to nay to said John Holt the sum of $16.00 out of the workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including July 5, 1937. C. F. N Resol Mdtie to John H of comp $16.00 p .hall be Inlurles .ploy tlon, on be f, Furth. ia.- y ltH. Eala8.n A tion q ll. /foal s the City nAd-ptE _yj• I Adopt, ADDrO{ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay 1eazce In Favor _ _Against �Wenxl '•- r .atc teeidmt;(Gehan�„,� W X37 Mt. Vice 11 SUM ed o0 e cup ns CO.pen- 'eral .Fund, alm an rlod too and Feb. 4, 1936.1 _—_ Adopted by the Council4,i:.:iU. _193._ Approved �. _..._t93_..... Oddod to city a 110( 160 AA t� CITY OF ST, PAUL "u�`" NO.__. IYy�R r 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNj2jIL "LUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 'V/ �J( �_� 93 COMMISSION .......... .... ,. J+.�'i'_�T....�.-a....+.... ..........DATE II'ebTU9Ty._4, 1 g.- .. RESOLVED That licenWo applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feeel R. W. Hruby 300 Bates Ave. Grocery App. 24729 Renewal J. F. Jordan 608 S. Smith Ave. Confectionery " 24747 • C. M. Johnson 422 Robert St. Confectionery " 24776 " William Offt 937 University Ave. Butcher " 24781 if E. J. Erwin 559 St. Anthony Butcher " 24784 n 0. E. Santer 720 N. Hemline Butcher " 24785 " Abram Kuria 266 Bunker St. Grocery • 24788 • A. A. Meister 2015 E. Minnehaha Gas Station • 2480j " n n 1. n Ice Delivery • 248011 n ^ ^ ^ ^ Ice Station ^ 24805 n Golden Rule 95 E. 7th St. Confectionery " 24810 • Howard Joseph 201 Concord St. Grocery " 24822 • u a 9n I Butcher " 24823 n Anton Johnson 962 Forest St. Grocery " 24831 " Biers System of Foods Inc. 467 Wabasha St. Butcher " 24837 • L.F. & L.A. & B. J. Novotny 977.Oekdale St. Grocery " 248j9 • a n n n n u Botcher " 24840 " n n n n a n Off Sale Malt a 24841 " Helen Kosoy 100 N. Dale St. Off Sale Malt • 24843 a M. Manovitz 208 State St. Grocery " 24870 " Golden Rule 95 E. 7th St. Pet Shop " 24877 " COUNCILMEN C. F. No. 110000—BY G. K Bartuea. F. �pted by the Council FEB, -1 I `3 193 Yeah Nays - M. Truax, "1• C• Fearce— Resolved, that llceneee applied for by the Dereone .sated on the '."t at- to thle reaognted the ChY i —dlan tached and same are hereby. Oz' ouch ll- i _ Clerk is Instructed to teens a ;the city , ,} / ea;ce In Pavol treae.rrp'oi iris eauredtinto Adop't'ed by the Counc" Feb. 4. 1938. Approved.... ADDtoved Feb,Feb. 1'311938) eterson 195...... A ainsr �— g � � Mayor 1-wenzel-.;�... !'=: L'r 3ptrj president (Gehan) ,;y �,,Mr. 3M 3.316X. `alit. 1 K) odel"I to City Oak11 V I„�6 1_ (� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILNO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILi{RES LU N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY p �M1 COMMISSIONER ............. ...!..—v s.► ........_DATE......... February 4, 1938. V WHEREAS, Robert J. Reis desires to withdraw application 24812 for On Sale Liquor license at 306-10 Robert St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Robert J. Reis the fee of $1,000,00 and to cancel said application for license. C. F. No. 110081—Ry O. g, Bartuae, F. f ,I. Rober Pj,r Rele dealres to withdraw aDVpllca[lon r 24812 foOn . Bale Liquor l'Cgnae at 306-10 Robert Sr. aad e reaaires the return it bof the 11- entetleDoaited thereon; therefore, a IL Re olved, that the proper city tfl_ Ized oa 'and they are hereby autLor- fee oe ePund to Hobart J. Re” the $1,000.00 and to Cancel naid Rp- P11ca I, for llcenee. Adopted by the Cauncit Feb. 4, 1938.E APDroved Feb. 4, 1838. (Feb. 12, 1038) COUNCILMEN Yeas Na i an - In Favor /Y rson _ Against xw.. �Gehan; 3M 3-37Ai . V'D`,Lrt id,I;t (Trtux,) FEB 4 iS38 Adopted by the Council 193 Approved _ _ . ° 193....... C66�L- Mayor � LL Odfin.l Io 41v GpL Of 110062 CITY OF ST. PAUL .��� ." NO._. . OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUNCI/��_/{J�j OLUT N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B COMMISSIONER........_.............DATE WHIMM&S, Earl Pratt dba Blue and White Cab, has made application No. 24899 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, four (4) automobiles described as follows: Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance Co. and Policy No. Expiration Cab No. Packard 301454 302476 Lloyds of Mp1B. H-160491 9-1-38 45 Packard 248589 250054 n n It x_56589 5-22-38 47 G.M.C. A-442925 901088 " n n H-160491 9-1-38 48 Packard 1-299873 2996148 " " H-161426 10-31-38 49 WHEREAS said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of St. Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said entomobiles as taxicabs upon anted the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same are hereby �eae3 to Earl Pratt and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the psyment into the city treasury of the required fees. I C.F. No. 11006E—By G. H. Barfuss. P. M.Truaa, I. C. Pee.rce— Earl Pratt dba Blue d IWhereas, White Cab has made af,Vl tion No. 24899 or license to operate as to o. be upon the streets of the Cltty oY St. Paul, Your () automobiles deacrl�•,� ed follows: - Dlake, Packard; Motor No. 13eII8w81 Serla! No. 302476, Insurance Coy oP MDIs.; Polley No. H-160491.. "le-1-380 "ZCab 1, 46. ,_^. Packard: T*ntor FEB 41938 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 193 �Darf s lan Approved... 193...... ece In Favor /Pe rson T J-7 / // Against Lam( ✓ ✓ _ f WWenul t C :r r �'reefd ant (C� Mayor ' 3M 3.37 Mr. Vi,xt PUBLISHED 44a ,4j K , 110063 0,111"IH IfIMI to DD.di '*—` CITY OF ST. PAUL .1�. N0.___ _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL FSS LU ON ---GENERAL FORM Pf.S'ENTaED BFR ... /. ,..L:`..1...G.`Cr........DATE.... ....... _ ..... _..... WHE MS, Eugene O'Leary dba Diamond Cab, has made application 24973 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one (1) Dodge automobile, Motor No. DS -278289, Serial No. 4772177, covered by Lloyds of Minneapolis insurance policy No. H-55069, expiring 5-10-39, Cab No. 4, and WE MM, said applicant has filed copy of initarance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Eugene O'Leary and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C M. Truns10L C. PearCceH Darfuss, F. Whereas, Eugene 01Leary db. Dla- 173 fornlice ee to oD rate an . ,azlcflb 4u,. n the streets of he City of St. Paul, Renewal o..at e (1 Dodge aatomoblie, Motor No. DS -278288, Selied No. 4772177, covered by Lloyds of MlnneaDolla Insurance Do11cY No. H-66069, eaDlring 6-10-38, Cab No. 4, and, ald applicant has filed c DY of tneuran, Dollcy with the City of St. Paul. and said policy has been approved ae to form and execution by •the Corporation .Counsel; therefore, be IC R...1 T_ ,hat license ' to operate Adopted by the Councit Feb. 4. 1938. Approved Feb. 4, 1938. (Feb. 12, 1938) , 7 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council F� 193 Yeas Nay Bufuss r rIan Approved _ 193...... ce .. In Favor W/P eos _ -.zs Against Wenzel e,a '"CLtif1T.0 ,. ,Vt: President' (Gehap2�:esa ]M ,1J7 Mr. V:1 I _ _. � Trusx) _ Qislnd to atv cw, 11 1j /9/ . CITY OF ST. PAUL OOONQ"' 110064 ..t. No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILES U�--;qN --- GENERAL FORM BVPRESENTED j�J "��r+�f/� �(l COMMISSIONER........... �..1... `/ Q_/M.tJ— .....DATE........ .February 4., 193W RESOLVED v That On Sale Malt Beverage license $4313, expiring June 29, 1938, Restaurant license #9035, expiring June 29, 1938. and Off Sale Malt Beverage license #5972 expiring June 29, 1938, issued to Helen Rice and Pearl Baumann at 470 Minnesota St. be and the same are hereby transferred to Pearl Baumann only at 470 Minnesota St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. Cion ijr Re o 2, 132 proved by COUNCILMEN Yeas //j Nay /Haran h / 5,ice an In Favor [BOO Against Tit3..E' ?t i-ident (Gehan).._ 3M 3.37 i �,. .. C, bi * Tr , 11111.1—EY 1111 Pearce Resolved,H. Berfuss, F. That On Bale Malt Bever- age license No: 4313, expiring June 29, 1938, Restaurant license9,anNo. Be a - Baver, license 98No. 6972 d Off eaplringt June 29, 1938, issued to Helen Rice and Year' Baumann at 479 Minnesota St. be a d the same are herebIY transfer ed to Pearl Baumann onlyat 479 lnneaota St. a d the proper ity oM Minnesotacers re instructed to make the proper changes In the ity'e records. Adopted by the Council Feb. 4, 1938. Approved L"eb. 4. 1938. (Feb. 12, 1938) Adopted by the Coundllr '3 1`+ 193 Approved .._ 193...... /v Mayor odsi.w to cit, a.di 110065CITY OF ST. PAUL coum"" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ZESgL�N---GENERAL FORM J/�-1 r4 PRESENTED B � 14 COMMISSIONER........... ✓Q...�A..rL,9G�.._4...._._DATE..... February..$... 1939..... RESOLVED V That On Sale Malt Beverage license #4034, expiring April 7, 1939. and Off Sale Malt Beverage license $5524, aspiring April 7, 1936, issued to Mario Nardi and Adolfo Gatti at 106 E. 5th St. be and the same are hereby transferred to Adolfo Gatti only at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the Cityte records. transfer informally approved by Council, Feb. 3, 1936, COUNCILMEN Yeas u Nay fuse Ian ear In Favor -Against Frf��Y:to y F 'MT President (Gehan) :. C. P. No. 110065—Hy G. H. Harfuea, F. Tr Re olved, Tha[ OnaSale Malt Hever- fl 3811c adaeOff Salo4 eaI pirHingr Aril li_I Issued lto -11-rfo 1Vardi and Adol a Gat- tf at 108 ' It Bt. be and the ams e hereby transferred to Adolfo Gat- tt only; at the e address and the t Proper Ity omceresamare Instructed [0 1 Zthe proper changes in the City's? records. Adoptedby the Counefl Fob. 4, 1938. Approved Feb. 4, 1938. i(Feb. 12, 1938) Adopted by the Council RB Is ,w33 193 Approved Mayor Od9hul to city ciA m 110066 / CITY OF ST. PAUL CONCL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK \ COUNCIL 0- --- --GENERAL FORM `M PRESENTED BY//j`') COMMISSIONER.......... _ .. _.. 1 ..AT. -b QP,F.. , 193ge.. RESOLVED That On Sale Malt B verage license 44302, expiring June 25, 1938. Off Sale Malt Beverage license #5961, expiring June 25, 1938, and Restaurant license $9043, expiring June 25, 1938, issued to Herman Mitch and Elmer S. Nelson at 1174-76 Arcade St, be and the same are hereby transferred to Elmer S. Nelson only at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the cityls records. transfer informally approved by Council, Feb. 3. 1938. COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays �ce 6 In Favor Jle�rson / Y� OAgainet to i LlAr. President Im & (Gehan)=- C. F. No. 110066—By O. H. 13—f.... F. M- Truax, I. C. Pearce— Resolved, That On Sale Malt Bever- qe license No. 4302, piring June 26, 1938, Off Sale Malt Beverago ticense No. 6961, xl ceirinse June 9043,lexyirtng Restaurant 1 Jona 26. 1938, Issued to Herman Mitch Std Elmer S. Nelson at 1174-76 Arcade . and be and the same are hereby transferred to Elmer S. Nelson only t the same address and the proper city omcera re Instructed to make the proper hanges in the city's records. Adoptedby the Council Feb. 4, 1938. Approved Feb. 9, 1938. 2.193i) , 1938) Adopted by the Council FEB 4. I'Z•33 .193 Approved....... 193.... Mayor OdYind to dry a.s 110067 f CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL PES�QLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY t Ate_ _ `� l� � / s 1, COMMISSIONER ....... !. �./.. .�t..^:�/!_%J_/.!.... _..DATE February 4., 1939,11 11 WHEREAS, heretofore "On Sales Liquor license #1124 was issued to Herman Mitch and Elmer S. Nelson at 1174-76 Arcade St. and WHEREAS, Herman Mitch and Elmer S. Nelson have requested that said license be transferred to Elmer S. Nelson U only at the same address, and WHEREAS, Elmer S. Nelson has filed a bond in the sum of $3,000.00 as required by city ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Obunsel, and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that said request for transfer of license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that son Sales Liquor license #1124, heretofore issued to Herman Mitch and Elmer S. Nelson at 1174-76 Arcade St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Elmer S. Nelson ly only at the same address, and the bond of the said Elmer S. Nelson is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Clmptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said Herman Mitch and Elmer S. Nelson from any farther liability after the date this resolution is published. _— C.110067 —By G. H. Barfus.I F. M. Truax, I. C. Pearce— Whereas, heretofore 'On Sale,. Llq- uor llcenee No. 1124 was Issued to Her- man MItch and Elmer S. Nelson at 1174-76 Arcade St and j Whereas, n Mitch and Elmer S. Nelson have requested that aid 11 - cense be transferred to Eimer S. Nel- n only at the same address, and -r'heress, Elmer S. Nelson has flle,. �d In the sum of $3,000.00 nr ' by peen onrdlnan,e, n l �. transfer informally approved by Council, Feb- 3, 1938• cOUN91MEN FEB 41939 Yeas / Na Adopted by the Council _ __........193_ / y�elan ea In Favor Approved/_..-._. ..._.193_..... e coon /Y00 Against Mayor "Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan}..,., X"1?;LiSITCD W 3.37 .�... _ ._.: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Op G( APPLICATION FOR 'ON SALE" LIQUOK LICEN E Application No. Name of Applicant��t 9 � / / .('ldf� �' Residence Address 7 w -------Telephone No. Are you, a citizen of the United States?_� -- Have you ever been engaged in operating ��salgon, card, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? j. When and-Where?._LLJ-7= " / 1- �t If corporation, give name and general purpose of When incorporated?----- If ncorporated?_ If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club How many members?---_—______— ------- --------------- --- — Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known -- -- Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)?�4_m A ------------ How many feet from a church (measured along streets)? 00 42 - - How many feet from closes�Jublic or parochial g de or high school (measured along streets)?®� Name of closest school / How are are premises classified tt Zoning Ordinance? On. what floor located?rLt2 / d — Ate premises owned by you or leased? e&Q�' � If leased, give name of owner_ 1y1y o If a restaurant, seating capacity? If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?__ — — Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: (The information above must be given for hotels or restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel? Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) ___.._______-_------ Give names names and addresses of three business references: - THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, CBY AN OFFICER ATION; AND THE THE SEAL OFTHECOION DULY RPORATION MUST AUTHORIZED TTTO MAKE THIS APPLI- CATION; Issuance of license is not recommended. Application checked by f93— Dated-- ------ -- SEE OTHER SIDE 500 12.35 License Inspector. STATE OF MINNESOTA, aa, County of Ramsey. /D ��1---------,------being first duly sworn, ------------------------------------ --- deposes and says that he has read the following application and. knows' the 'contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and sworn tt btre me this of—�.�-- 193 A��s Notary Public, Ramsey County, My commission. expires — STATE OF MINNESOTA, t ss County of Ramsey. S __ - - --.being first duly sworn, deposes and says that—_ _the _—__------ of --------------_--, a corporation: ---- _ - ----- --------------- ---------------- that _--- has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of—__ -_--knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the 'corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority ` of its'Board of Director" and said application and the execution, them is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this --day of--193— Notary f 193—Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires ORIGINAL TO CITY CLIRI C6UNCIL P1o��VlJ CITY OF ST. PAUL N N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � (00) �.�%�,! L1/ DATE COMMISSIONEERR RESOLVED That permission be and is hef'eby granted to the Tri-State Telephone and Telegraph Company to make the necessary excavations, lay underground conduit and cable with the necessary manholes and lateral pipes con- necting the intersecting streets and alleyst to met poles and anchors and place the necessary equipment on the following named streets and alleys: In alley south of Eleanor St. from Mt.Curve Blvd. to West Seventh Street. On Nebraska Av. from Snelling Av to Aroada Street. On St.Anthony Av. from West City Limits to Rice Street. On Chatsworth St. from East Seventh St. to Comb Blvd. On Selby Av. from Exter Place to Kellogg Blvd. In alley south of Selby Av. from Exter Place to Kellogg Blvd. On Portland Av. from Cleveland Av. to Summit Avenue. On St.Albans Street from Michigan St. to Larpenteur Avenue. In alley East of St.Albaus Street from Miohigan Street to Larpenteur Avenue. On Oak Grove Place from St.Clair Street to Osceola Avenue. In alley South of Oak Grose Place from St.Clait Street to Osceola Avenue. In alley north of Como Av. from West City Limits to Burgess Street. In alley east of Dale St, from Fairmount Av, to Larpenteur Avenue. On Dale Street from Fairmount Ad. -to Larpenteur Avenue. Approved::: � �y��- Date y .� Suptt. of Lighting Bureau d �� Hate Y�s�� 9 Approve ptt. of Police Alarm and Telegraph A roved: hereby granted to the 'in—tate Date pp phone and_ Telegraph Company to I to AT. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson 8 goga,�r- In favor ,Teee!r 11Ze, Against Wenzel -i2 P,I r ra nt �Ir.- President f0ehanY,'o! 7ytr Ith of Eleanor St. fron•l d; to from Snellanh •y' r Tonyy Ave. T Rlce Str- " q � L, .a�•i..-� , ` Adopted by the. Council—--193- 418 ouncil—_ .--193- 418 4 _193-- M, 'Pu 13L16iihD-442)�� od ai to ai, a.k COUNCIL 10069 u CITY OF ST. PAUL •. NO ,1„_ .............._... ............. (q�/ OFFICE OnTHE CITY CLERK ®®® 1f nl clam RESO TION---GSIfERA4 FORM WHEREAS, in the preparation of plans and specifications for the Filtration Plant, the Department of Public Utilities has under temporary appointment one Assistant Civil Engineer and two Senior Civil Engineers -Bridges, whose sixty-day permits will expire Febru- ary 4th, 13th and 24th respectively; and WHEREAS, it is essential that these employes be retained be- cause of their familiarity with the work and the necessity of an early completion thereof; and WHEREAS, Section 17 of Ordinance No. 7842 provides that in the event of an emergency, appointing a[ficers are authorized to employ, with the consent of the Council, the necessary temporary employes; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby authorizes the Department - of Public Utilities to continue in employment one additional Assist- ant Civil Engineer and ty_9__Add t.1enal %rima” C. F. No. 110060—By L C. Pearoe-- Bridges until the com 8 repdeet- 1 and aDeciflcatl ns Dior the lo Filtratil Plant,. the Department of .Public Util ties hes under tempora*Y avvolntme the Filtration Plant, n. Assfatant clyu Fnslneor and t. Senior Clvll En�ineere—Brldge.,F no Yeas70UN MEN Nays 'inde ,4,' an PBrrant In Favor , Against 7/1 ruaxL ,,,x1�f President' ((38bama )M 1.37'Aya. 1j 1: J'rnax) joys. batt tained kecefuse aof tb' Rarity with the work and t'...". 1y o[ an early comDletior y„r: ... � atant Civil Engineers - specifications for Adopted by the CoundIFE8 3 .__ 193._ _. Approved 193- Mayor LIST D LEONARD N. THOMPSON, BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS WATER DEPARTMENT General Superintendent and Engineer WILLIAM A. PARRANTO, PresidentCITY OF SAINT PAUL JOHN C. FLANAGAN, IRVING C. PEARCE Assistant Secretary and Registrar AXEL F. PETERSON Capital of Minnesota R. A. THUMA, WILLIAM A. PARRANTO, COnanl,floner Ch. a Bact. Supt. Filtration Plant BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Deputy Commissioner THE CITY OF PURE DRINKINGWATER -1 m 049 February 3, 1938 Mr. T. W. mcConnelougy Corporation Counsel, City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: Ia the preparation of plans and specifications for the Filtration Plant addition, the department now he a�pPunder y ermit will eapireFebrnary�4th, Assistant Civil Engineer whoinese e° Bridges whose employment under such one Senior Assistant Civil Eng 13th, and one Senior Assistant Civil Engineer -Bridges, permit expires February whose employment under such permit expires February 4t These men are engaged in the designof this orderrovementt that which may must be completed at the very earliest time Possiblepr asked for and the work started at the completion of a contfta�c�bnr it isocese of execution for the excavation of such structures; and,fuest date possible necessary that such work beacted for completedat the very earli within the time limit as set by in order that the contractt mayay PWA authorities in offering a Federal grant to the City for this improvement- Fign dictates at amiliariy employtentiof the Board untilsthe completion of these of theplans and kept the m specifications, ae, asee their replacement by others will create a serious delay in the entire schedule. It is, therefore, requested that under the authority given in ue the employment Section 17 of Ordinance #7842 authority be given g thenpp period of emergency of these men under the titles above designated during pecifications and it is and hatlthe propereresolutionebe drra tthe awn for presentation to he Council quested Yo s very truly, a eonard N. Thompson General Superintendent Approed f�?( Commies er of Public Utilities PORToFAlp �1 1 wD Gateway t0 the 6rcet Northwest 110070 COUNCIL FILE N0_______________________- By------------------------------------------------------ --- y(/ In the Matter oP.... gding_Alley_in_Chute Brothers! Division_No.7__from_St�__�lbas_____ �trQet urnttA__Strset-------------------------------------- - -- -- - C. F. No. 110070— In the Matter of gradin$k Aney In j Sh"Al Brothers' D111111a No. 7 Ira. ------- ---------------------- St Albans Street to Grotta streak. ----------- ------- ________________._____________________._______________________ pioved�'.�.�minary Order x S ln. Jr—ed a,- pub,ai --- –----- –--- -- ---------------------------------------------- —_____--___--__------------------------------------------------------- under ________-_____._________.__-_____--______--_____-under Preliminary Order -------- 109406 ------------------- _-approved---------- Intermediary Order ------------------ ---approved-------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it . RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that Droves + nt to be mad the saidlbxty is__ -----------------------------r 0 `.•.., i7 C'-` .3n.,C��6dI and r� -1 -., f ..nom ,. and t Council �J� b\Hhai, d improveme to be made. RES VEDRthe Commissio r of Public Wor be and is hereby ' tructed and directed to spaaifications for sai improvement, an submit same to th Council for approval; tha on saithe proper city off 'als are hereby a thorized and dire ed to pro- ceed with them ing orovement in actor a therewith. Adopted by the Council NOV 91939 Approved-----------------------------------------, 192 Councilman Bariuee Councilman Findlan CouncilmanINVOINNEW Pearce Councilman lip= Peterson Councilman=:: Truax CouncilmanI Wenzel:. Mayor /L I Gehy I ------ 192--- ---- --------- ----- -------------------------------------------- City Clerk. ----------- -----11(44 q / -- - - ayor. SHED Q� l PETITION OF PMIONSTRANCE To the Council, City of St. Paul Gentlemen: We, the undersigned owners of property abuttin,, and subject to assessment for the 7radin,,, of Alley in Chute Bros. Division 11o. 7 from St. Albans Street to ;rotto Street most strenuously object and protest to the said gradin7, as proposed by Council File No. 109406, approved Dec. 1, 1937. Owner Address Lot Flock Addition Inn sUHmH1ri1i 1Uuu1111111ui STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY first duly sworn on oath circulated this petition that the n ' ames as shown thereon are the signatures of t!ho owners of the property set opposite thereto and personally known to me. Notary Public 0;Linn.Vy, Commissioner exppir s I w POST CARD NOTICE " OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn.; January 28 , 193 8 In the matter of GRADING, condemning and taking an EASEMENT in the lands necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Alley in Chute Brothers Division No. 7 from St. Albans St. to Grotto St. Q unde�iminary Order 109406 approv3.2-1-37 under Preliminary Order 109407 approve - To Joseph N. Halter You are hereby notified that the City of St. Paul proposes to make the above improvement; that the total estimated cost thereof is the sum of $ 1 - 2 or$0.96 per front foot. That a public hearing will be held on said improvement in the Council Cham- ber of the Court House. and TE .1111$uilding. on the 99—�----� " day -o _ t ,193-, at 10 o'clock A. M. A hL F. PETERSON, Page File 8339-86ff Commissioner of Finance. lob. 9th, 15M, Hon. Axel P. Peterson Comer. of Finance City Hall Dear Sirs The Connell laid over to November 9th, 1939, a final order in the ratter of grading alley in Chute Brothers* Divisinn Ho. j from St. Albans St. to Grotto St. and requested that ynu send new notices to property owners a reasonable time before Aovmrber 9th. Ynura very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM19StC$NER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) . In the matter of grading Alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 7 from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street, ., under Preliminary Order approved December 1, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 1.132.30 fnt The estimated cost pey3oot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 (Chute Brothers Division No. 7 $750 $700 )Addition to the City of 2 (St. Paul, Minn. 675 1750 3 do 675 1550 4 d0 675 1650 5 do 675 1700 6 do 675 2200 7 do 675 700 B do 675 4200 g do 675 3200 10 do TOTAL. 675 4600 Fam B. B. It CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. -,t. -.z- 11, Chute Brothers Division No. 7 0;675. '$ 700 9ddition to the City of 12 (St. Paul, Minn. 675 3050 13 do 675 1250 ., 14 do 675 2000 15 do 700 16 do 650 3600 . 17 do 675 900 . 16 do 675 2900 .: East z of 19 do 350 600 .. West 2 of 19 do 350 800 : 20 do 675 2650 .. 21 do 675 2750 22 do 675 1950 :• 23 do 675 3150 24 do 675 2050':. 25 do 675 1600 26 do 675 1750 27 do 675 7650 29 & 28 do 1350 1600 ; 30 do 750 9900 _ ---- Total $20,425 $76,100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ���F� /.?T19 Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form a. a. . 0 p y ' St. Paul, Minn._..uly- --- 193_... To The Honorable, The Council, _... City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen : We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade Alley_betveen_ Sherburne_ and_Charl es---_-__-----------------__-_---___.__-.-_--------- ----------- - , Sttoc�tvre. - -------------------------------- --------- - ---- -------- ----------------------------------- --- - -- - - from --------- St. _Albans ------------------ --------- ----- St. Me. to- Grotto -- - - - - St. Arex NAME _ ,_ LOT_:. BLOCK ADDITION . . ,.. .. I . .. ..:. 23 7---- _ . _ )i Chute Bros. bivision /�7 Owner 7--+-- August Dellair i" -t G 6 7 do.. ---' Owner Peter Laisen Peter p... _.1.. 7. do--.-. _ ._. Owner Joseph Jasper25 -- ;. 7 Emil, rankonin:. do _' —k owner Kteema� Og 17 do ; y - owner wm � 77 do _ .._ _Owner Fi 26 do --r— -- Owner Hermgn Jos, cher 2 �-Z'-- do . Owner t/ C)ttn I-nzli'-n -- ,.7 ' do - _owner Tna SrhoenhPr TnI.A4.g do N•R.0• Arch.r 7 -_. do owner 10% - 'N• R• • Not Record Owner T J � r6- eM, rL I- r li Office of -the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 29, 1937- 193_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 109406 December 1, 1937 _193—, relative to Council, known as Council File No. approved_. eradin¢ of Alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 7 from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street __ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is— -- - necessary and (or) O desirableper . foot $0.96 2. The estimated cost thereof is S 1,132.30 and the total cost thereof is $— Inspection $19.85 Engineering $120.00 Frontages 1,188.99 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----- 3. ollows:— - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 S. Said improvement is subject to assessment for said improvement f:0M, OF FINANCE, r�a 0 `' i 9t g'1.. „ DEC 30 ; 937 asked for upon petition of three or more owners of proper commissioner of Public Works 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF CONST. s REPAIR GEORGE J. JAC086, DEPUTY COMNIS-IONEw J. R. JON NSTO N. SGPT. GEORGE M. BHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER OFFICE ENGINEER G.''. NERROLD CNIEP QNOR. GLEN. MARK W. WOODRUFF December 20, 1937 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public works City of St. Paul, Minn. BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED oRIV ER. SUPT. BUREAU OF BRIDGES M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGI NEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION' RAY J. KARTAK. BUPT. Dear Sirr I transmit herewith preliminary estimate B cost for the grading of Alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 7 from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 109406 approved December 1, 1937. Estimated Cost $1,132.30 Cost per front foot 0.86 Inspection 19.65 engineering 120.00 Frontage 1,188.98 ft. Work by W.P.A., cost to property for surfacing, engineering, inspection and equipment approximately $.71 per front foot. Approved for transmission to th iasioI of�Financ�e,,n / IRVING C.7- . FARCE Commissioner f Public works Yours M. MEPARD #hyjEngineer AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner JOHN C. FELDMANN Depury Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL r' Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier ®eo February 9, 1938. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: I have checked the petition of remonstranoe attached hereto, filed in the matter of grading alley in Chute Bros. Div. No. 7, from St. Albans St. to Grotto St. and find that same is insufficient. Yours very truly, Axel F. Paterson,• Commissioner of Finance. C. 111� 110071 In the matter of ........... CQude..40 ?=°g- g. easement in_the__land..neeeasary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Chute Brothers' Division No. 7 C. F. No. 110071— from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street In the matter pY a aemnlnq and tak- ing an easement in .he land neoea- •+ nor lopes c "may ` fill there' the q oY ' ^ under Preliminary Order..........109407 ......................... approved.---._.._..Deeember.l�__1937 Intermediary Order ................. ........ ..... approved---....._...Jan!aex9.. 1....19$8_...--- .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By th Counci of the City of Saint Paul that , it )rovement to be made b the said City i toad and an easement the land ces sexy fo% elopes cuts and fills in a grading o easy in Chut Brothers' vision No. 7 _from St. bans Street to Gr to Street All orders h the ebovo n -.'t be n -d the r -'a aro hereby cancelled, annulled, Pd rescinded n e�l procacdings in rid mr.tter La discontinued. a the Council hereby or ars sai improveme\ofsaid e ala e. ESOLVED FURTHE That the follow, lands or ease ents therein be and th same are hereb ordered to be taken, ap ropriated and cd for the purpo of making the said imp vements, viz.: For slop s, cuts and in the grad of Alley in Chute Brothers ivision No. 7 fro St. Albaset to Grotto S rest, to the erten shown upon a plan of the C saionblit ➢Forks at shed hereto which lam is hereby ref ed to and made partf. RESOLVED RTHER, That the ommof P blit Works be an is hereby instructed and directed to prepare p ns and specification forprove ent, and the prop r city officials are he by authorized and directe o proceed with the mf said im rovement in acco dance therewith. NOV 91938 Adopted by the Council.............................................. ............................_......... ............. ... - ........, 193........ NOV 9 1938 Approved............ ......................... ............... 19. - Councilme ay onal (� Pe rn P ---t'- t'- aiLl e,�+✓ ren 1�h - ✓ Mr. President ` �'/ f 500-0-33 ....... City Clerk. ........... Mayyoor. "FURY lecrrD B R o'5 Div. No.7 N ®+ Indcatas Ca. ALLEY CHUTE . , AW - Indiewtes Fill. +-10 St. Grotto S t- Ty0cal Notation 5t.Albar7s F-,,cs above lino show Cut er Fill at properb lint. Filum below line show distenca to which ales e,.—A b.—A ►.wwb %-4 .. V e. Bee4 t•teFar�,t X-set 8s, �}arlN- Scale 1 =40 83 t CHARLES ST. C H U R \y i PI IS I 14 13 12 I ll I to 7 I 9 8 I •. I' •. S '�nr� 34.47. 40' i I Fr. Stu. Stu. n Fr • I Fr. Fr. ar 15ty. !Ga . Ga ✓ L Ga c. ,e. y Fr. y Gay .n o- v� rj 9Nn t. o $o At 0 0� ryM1 M �� 4 eo r1 fr r. n•c..,.c.,.! C nc. i �a•c.. a "9� F✓. elk. Fy. Fr. F✓. Fr. 6r. Gar Ga✓. 81k. v Gar. yer Gar. Sh• Z t 4e. � 17 I 18 19 20 21 22 Z3 24 I 25 2(e 27 ZS Z9 3o p O I Q ' G H U T E 13 R O 5 D I v N O. 7.CO 5HERBURNE AVE. A//ey�G'/sofeBras• Ai ✓. Ne. % S✓ope 0.2 A'°964 � CITY OF ST. PAUL j ' DEPARTWdENT OF FINANCE �n REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ./.� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matterof condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Ailey in Chute Bros. Division No. 7 from St.Albans Street to Grotto St., under Preliminary Order approved Dec. 1, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADD ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 (Chute Brothers livision No. 7 $750 =700 )Addition to the Cita of 2 (St. Psu1F Hina. 676 1760 S do 676 ib60 4 do / 676 1660 6 do 676 1700 do 676 2200 6 7 do 676 700 6 do 676 4200 y do 676 5200 10 do TOTAL, 676 4600 Form B. B. 19 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTIVIE,VT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIOtt{ I'adj 11; (Chute Brothers Division No. 7 $878 "700 .; )Addition to the City of _ 12. (St. Paul, Minn. 678 8060 is do 876 1260 14 do 878 2000 16 do 700 18 do 860 8800 17 do 876 900 ,. 18 do 876 2900 Bast of 19 do 860 800 West of, 19 do 860 800 20 do 676 2860 ,. 21 do 876 2760 ;. 22 do 676 1960 28 do 876 8160 24 do 676 2060 26 do 876 1800 26, do 676 1760 ,. 27, do 676 7860 .. 29 a 28 do 1860 1600 . 80 do 760 9.900.: Total $20,426 $760100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated X19 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 c�. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _._December_29., 1937-193— To 937193 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 109407 approved_ December 11 _1937 _193—, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Chute Bros. vivision No. 7 from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- .__._ _necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ xxx , and the total cost thereof is $ xxX and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 -- 5. Said improvement is subject to assessment for said improvement. "OM, OF FINANCE, O•d, DEC 30 1937 asked for upon petition of -three or more owners of prop Commissioner of Public Work OD COUNCIL FILE NO,-- --- BY— ---------------------------- ---- FINAL -By------------------ FINAL ORDER C. F. No. 1tt In the Matter of with bi- t materiall Alley in Block 2, 2, nborn's Midway Addition, from Dun Street to Street , un- der -der APreliminaryorder tossza AroPed December 10. 1937 Peelle bearing above o— nthe r, -, , FINAL ORDER 110072 In the Matter of___surfac__ing_with_bituminous yin -Block -9 —S _ Midway_tr-------------------------------- --------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------- 109523------------ — ------ -_-approved __- December 10,_ 19U IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------approved --------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ---- surface and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewit . Adopted by the Council .---- E�----- �--��� ---- -- ------ , 192 ----------- ----------- --- City Clerk. Approved----------------------- -- t------- 1920 < ------L--- - - _ Mayor. Councilman MummomyY iude Councilman= Nn Councilman '2/'r• CouncilmanMmOng u wry' • n / Councilman "+ :tz Councilman Mayor 11019� �inhan T=S= -44 - 11 COUNCIL FILE N0__________________ ----- By ____ By ------- FINAL ORDER I F. No. 111" * 110072 In the Matt f surfIoY I with b2, U Fi%,1 tumi nous 1,1— Alley in Block 2. D.Sentlap S Eft in Addition.Street. from Dunlap Street to Order Street. un- der ed liminaryDecember Order 109623 an Ao 31 ,nblice heavies h.vI nn the above improve -'+ end the f _ �' FINAL ORDER In the Matter of___surfacing_with bituminous__material_Alley__in_Hlock__2�-_Sanborn!s___r_ Mi-dma; aid;tion-,_-£rnm_Eainlap.-8tr t_tn_grigga_fitrsatr--------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------- 109523_----------- - ------- --approved ___ December_ 10,__ 1937 IntermediaryOrder -------------------------------__---approved ------------------------------------ -- --- — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___surFace with bituminous—material AlleY_in_B1ock_2, Aw Sanhom __tn__S:rlPfi_8tr�t�-------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewit . Adopted by the Council ---- FIB ----- -- 192 r - -'�--- - T---- -- City Clerk. Approved----------------------------- — ----------- 192 Mayor. �'. Councilman Councilman Hn CouncilmanlYemBee:� Councilman afti 9 Hkags a Councilman i `1PQIII,15HED I-VCouncilman � .A««�� Mayor 1@Nlp� /ehun CITY OP ST. PAUL . y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE G REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) surfacing bituminous material Alley in Block 2, Sanborn's A'idway In the matter of Addition, from Dunlap Street to arig;s Street, i under Preliminary Order approved Dec. 10, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as folK7s: 1,253.08 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the ave improvement is front- - The estimated cost pe0oot for the above improvement is ts for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefi parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I- B. B, 10 ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION LOT BLOCK Land Bldg. DESCRIPTION Sanborn's tAidway Addition 8,675 '2450 1 2 625 1875 2 2 do 625 2100 3 2 do 625 1075 4 2 do 625 2950 5 2 do 625 2325 6 2 do 625 3150 7 2 do 625 3275 8 2 do 625 75 9 2 do 625 3400 10 2 do TOTAL. I- B. B, 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL- ' ^ DEPARTMENT PF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ' DESCRIPTION LOTBLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 11 2 Sanborn's Midway Addition $625 $3375 12 2 _ do 625 1975 13 2 do 625 3225 14 2 do 650 ) 15 2 do 1000 ) 8625 16 2 do 750 1000 17 2 do 675 18 2 do 675 2150 19 2 do 675 2325 20 2 do 675 2200 21 2 do 675 2375 22 2 do 675 2400 23 2 do 675 2875 24 2 do 675 2650 25 2 do 675 3500 26 2 do 675 2875 27 2 do 675 3650 28 2 do 675 2550 .. 29 2 do 675 3100 30 2 do 725 3725 Total $20,075 ,$76,650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated oL 19 J'S Commissioner of Finance. F- B. B. 12 • To The Honorable, The Council, St. Paul, Mino���ae' 191/- City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be Made: - ---------- - COM, (�F NCE. ----- -------- - -- --------- -------------------- - JIA from---------- 4, St. -A*e. to - - ---------- NAME LOT BLOCK ADDIT117zw --z7' AW� 0� -ILL I St. Paul, Minn. - - ------- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. COM, OF FINANCE. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition youpai&xiorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: -------- I ---------- --- ----- DAve. AUG 501837 f rom ------ ------ ---- -------------------------- - -- ---.St. Ave. to -St. Ave. 1 'r, --, o . r,` _-,, PO A To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn.. ------ q93 COM. OF FINANCE, Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition youxvidanorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: -- ----------- -- -- Ave. ------ ------------------------------------------------------ ----- -- ----------- -------------- -- --- - --- AVG 501837 from -------- -- ----- --- ---------------------- -- ------.St. ----St. Ave. to -St. Ave. O� 3 :r-� ;;.; 5%2 IYZ % 5zc..3-¢. 729 /xZ3, . Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 29 _,1937 193_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 109523 approved_. December 10,_1937_.- _193—, relative to the tv,r£aning with bituminous material, Alley in Block 2, Sanborn's Midway Addition, from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.04 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 1,253.08 _ and the total cost thereof is $ , Inspection $22.21 Engineering $120.33 Frontage 1,203.3 ft. and the nature and extent -of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 5. Said improvement is subject to assessment for said improvement. CUM, OF FINANCE, 1-12 a 19 1 \ r3 /1 DEC 30 ;937 asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, Commissioner of ublic Worka. / 3a G >, BUREAU OF CONST. S REPAIR J. R. JON NOTCH OFFICE MN*'""' G. M. H ERROLD CHIEF ENOR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE, COMMISSIONER GEORGE J. JACOBS. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER December 18, 1987 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Deas Sir: BUREAU of SANITATION FRED DRIVER, BUPr. BURuu of BRIDGE. M.8. GRVTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU ov DORReCTION• RAY J. KARTAK, SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the surfacing with bituminous material, Alley in Block 2, Sanborn's Midway Addition from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 109523 approved December 10, 1957. Estimated Cost $1,253.08 Cost per front foot 1.04 Inspection 22.21 Engineering 120.33 Frontage 1,203.3 ft. Work by W.P.A. Cost to Property for Equipment Rental, Material, engineering and inspection approximately $0.85 per front foot. Approved for transmission to the C ispioner of Finance IRVING C P E Commissioner Public Works Yo truly, �I f -:G E M. SHEP of Engineer OD W Iat' - 2nd. Laid over to 3rd. & app. Adopted N Y3 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �!f�''rJuss ss �' Ian �an /�pearce /earce "son ruax ru ax Wenzel Wenzel I^r. Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan -ror me::levy, ci zaaes. �V ,JJUJ7 aVMw. 0 and deo.lari* this ordinance• aii emer genoy ordinance, necessary for the " preservation of the public peace, health and safety. `£ WHEREAS, the Council of the City of 'Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, heretofore, on the 24th day of November, 19,33; �. did by resolution duly adopted declare its intention to authorise the issue of bonds of said City for the purpose of erecting and constructing at the cost and expense:of said City all necessary drama, sewera. interceptingasewersij pumping statibna and other structures to be used exclusively by the said City of Saint Paul and the territory served by said Cit)i.n connection with and for the purposes of the sewage disposal system to be constructed and established`in the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, in amounts and for the purpopes respectively, in Rill compliance with and pursuant to the detailed budget and comprehensive plan and pro- gram of procedure and work for the collection, treatment and dis posal of sewage and waste materials of the. Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, heretofore duly adopted by the Board of Trus- tees of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, and cei-ti- fied to said Council of said City of Saint Paul by the Board of. Trusteoq of said.:Minneapolis-3aint Paul Sanitary District,~and all In the -manner an6 form as requlred by Chapter 3$1 of the Minnesota' Session Laws, 1933, and all ot$or laws thereunto enabling, and 4 �u Y -1 110073 4 WHEREAS, the Council of the C of Saint Paul did heretofore.' on tiro 11th day of 00-te, r, 1935, adopt an ordinance designated "Council File 101510,n authorizing the issuance and sale of S1,562,000 b9nds.,of said City for the Purposes hereinabove set forth; and WHEREAS it is now the intention of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, and it -is now found and determined by the Coun- cil of tbD City of Saint Paul, that it to urgent and necessary to Issue at this time $175,000 of bonds of said City for the pur- poses hereinabove set forth and to fix the details and description and to provide for the levy of taxes to pay the same: NOW, THEREFORE -the Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain; Section 1. That for the purpose of obtaining funds re- quired to pay the cost of erecting and constructing all necessary drains, sewers, intercepting sewers, pumping stations, and other structures to be used exclusively by the City of Saint Paul and the territory served by said City in connection with and for the purposes of the sewage disposal system to be constructed and estab- lished in the Vinneapois-Saint Paul Sanitary DUtrict In accord- ance.with the comprehensive plan and program of procedure and work for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage and waste materials of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, hereto- fore adopted by the Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District, and in full compliance with the detailed budget made therefor by the said Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District and certified to the Council of the said City of Saint Paul by the said Board of Trustees of said SaAltwry District, there be borrowed upon the credit of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, the -2- 110(Y73 14 sum of One Hundred Seventy -Five Thousand Dollars ($175,000), and there be and there are hereby ordered issued the negotiable coupon bonds of said City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, of the par value of One Hundred Seventy -Five Thousand Dollars (4175,000). Said bonds shall be designated Sewer Bonds, Series Nu*ber 5, shall be one hundred seventy-five (175) in number, numbered from 50376 to 50550 inclusive, and of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each, shall bear date of Februs.74 1, 1938, and shall become due -and payable serially on the first day of February in each of the years as follows: ^' 4,000 in the year 1941 $6,000 in the year 1955 42000 in the year 1942 60000 in the year 1956 5,000 in the year 1943 7,000 in the year 1957 5,000 'in=thsyyear 1944 7,000.in the year 1958 5,000 in the year 1945 7,000 in the year 1959 5,000 in the year 1946 7,000 in the year 1960 5,000 in the year 1947 7,000 in the year 1961 5,000 in the year 1948 7,000 in the year 1962 6,000 in the year 1949 7,000 in the year 1963 6,000 in the year 1950 8,000 in the year 1964 6,000 in the year 1951 8,000 in the year 1965 6,000 in the year 1952 8,000 in the year 1966 6,000 in the year 1953 8,000 in the year 1967 6,000 in the year 1954 8,000 in the year 1968 Said bonds shall bear interest from date thereof until paid, at the rate of Two and Seven -Tenths Per Cent (2/7%) per annum, pay- able semi-annually on the first days of February and August in each year, which interest payments, to the date of the maVirity of the principal thereof, shall,be evidenced by proper coupons attached i to each bond, and both principal and interi4, shall b payable at the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City af Saint Paul Minnesota, or, at the option of the holder, at the ?decal Agency of the City of Saint Pauly in the City and State of Now York, in lawful money of the United Statew of America. N -3- 1100"3 �fq Section._,2._ That said bonds and the interest coupons to be thereunto attached shall be in substantially the following form: (FORM OF BOND) f UNITED STATES OQ AMERICA STATS OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF SAINT PAUL SEWER BOND SERIES NUMBER b Number $1,000.00 SNOW ALL MW BY THESE PRESENTS, That the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, for value received hereby ac- knowledges itself to owe, and promises to pay to bearer, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) on the first day of Febnivary, 19 , together with interest on said sum from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of Two and Seven -Tenths Per Cent (2.7,%) per annum, payable semi -annually -on the first days of February and August in each year, in accordance with and -upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they severally become due. Both principal hereof and interest hereon are payable at the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul, or, at the option of the holder, at the Fiscal Agency of the City of Saint Paul, in the City and State of New York, in lawful money of the United States of America. And for the prompt payment of this bond and the levy of sufficient taxes therefor, 14 -4- 110073 A both principal and interest,) at maturity, the full faith, credit and resources of said City of Saint Paul are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is issued by the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of providing funds tib erect and construct at its own cost and expense all necessary drhins, sewers, intercepting sewers, pumping stations, and other structures to be used exclusively by said City of Saint Paul and the territory served by said City, in conneotion with and for the purposes of the sewage disposal system to be constructed and established in the'Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District, all in accordance with the comprehensive i plan and program of procedurb and work for the collection, treat- ment and disposal of sewage and waste materials of the Minneapolis - Saint Paul Sanitary District adopted by the Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District, and in full compliance with the detailed budget of said Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District made therefor as certified to the Council of s, dCity of Saint Paul by the said Board of Trustees of said Sanitary D s riot, and is\pne of a series of one hundred seventy-five (175) bonds of like date and tenor (save as to date of maturity), such series constituting the fifth issue of Sever Bonds authorized by an ordinance hereto- fore duly adopted by the Couhcil of the City of Saint Paul in the manner and form as by law required, and isissued pursuant to N and in all respects in full Compliance with the provisions of Chapter 341 of the Minnesota`Session Lags for the year 1933, ap- proved April 19, 1933, and all other lawsthereunto enabling. And it Is hereby c"ertified and recited that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the -5- 110073 / f�y State of Minnesota to be done precedent to and in the issue of this bond have been properly done, happened and been performed in regular and due form end time as required by law; that the total indebtedness incurred under said Chapter 341, approved April 19, 1933, including this bond, does.not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation thereupon; and that provision has been made for the collection of a direct annual irrepealable tax, in addition to all other taxes on all of the taxable property within said City of Saint Paul, sufficient to pay the interest hereon and the principal hereof when anis as the same mature. IN TESTIMONY WHRWOF, the said City of Saint Paul, by its Council, has caused this bond to be signed by its kayor, at- tested by its City Clerk, under its corporate seal, countersigned by its City'Comptroller, and?the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the lithographed facsimile signatures of said .officers, Which said officers do, by the execution of this bond, adopt as tbiir own respective proper signatures their respective ..facsimile signatures appearing on said coupons, all as of this first day of February, 1938. Mayor. Attest: City Clark. (SEAL) Countersigned: City Comptroller. -6- (FORM OF COUPON) 110073 Number On the first day of , 19 _, the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, will pay to bearer, at the office of its commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul, or at the option of the bearer, at the Fiscal Agency of the 1 City of Saint Paul, in the City and State of New York, the sum of Dollars (qp ), in ]awful money of the United States of America, being six months' interest due that day on its Sewer Bond, Series Number b, dated February 1, 1938, number yor. Attest: City Clerk. . Countersigned: City Comptroller. Section 3. That said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk, under the corporate seal of said City, countersigned by the City CoaTtroller, and each of the M -7- 110073 interest coupons shall be executed by the lithographed facsimile signatures of said officials. And said officials are hereby au- thorized and directed to execute said bonds and coupons for and in behalf of the City of Saint Paul. The proceeds derived from the sale of said bonds shall be deposited in a bank or banks which are members of the Federal Reserve System, to be used solely for the purposes hereinbefore specified for whioh they are being is- sued, all as limited and expressed in said act referred to in the preamble hereof. Section 4. That for the purpose of providing for the q 0 payment of principal of and 'interest on said bonds promptly as the same mature, and for the collection of an additional direct an- nual tax in an amount not less than Five Per Cent (5,%) in excess of the sum required to pay such principal and interest when the same mature, there is hereby levied on all of the taxable property in the City of Saint Paul, in addition to all other taxes, a di- rect annual irrepealable tax sufficient for said purpose, and there is hereby levied, in addition to all other taxes, the fol lowing direct annual irrepealable tax, to wit: For the year 1938 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,922.50 for interest up to and including February 1, 1940; For the year 1939 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,161.25 for interest and principal; For the year 1940 a tax sufficient to pro- i duce the sum of $9,049.85 for interest and principal; For the year 1941 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,984.45 for interest and principal; 4 For the year2 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the surd $�r842.70 for interest and principal; For the year 1943 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,700.95 for interest and principal; For the year 1944 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,569.20 for interest and pri uc ipal; For the year 1945 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,417.45 for interest and principal; For the year 1946 a tax sufficient to pro- du6e the sum of $9,275.70 for interest and principal; For the year 1947 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $10;183.95 for interest and principal; For the year 1948 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $10,013.85 for interest and principal; For the year 1949 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,843.75 for interest and principal; For the year 1950 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,673.65 for interest and principal; For the year 1951 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,503.55 for interest and principal; For the year 1952 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,333.45 for interest and principal; For the year 1953 a tax sufficient to ;so - duce the sum of $9,173.85 for interest and principal; For the year 1954 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $8,993.25 for interest and principal; For the year 1955 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,873.15 for interest and principal; N -9- ., 110073 10� For the year 1966 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,674.70 for interest and principal; For the year 1957 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,476.26 for interest and principal; For the year 1958 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,277.80 for interest and principal; y For the year 1959 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,079.35 for interest and principal; For the year 1960 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $8,880.90 for interest and principal; For the year 1961 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $8,682.45 for interest and principal; For the year 1962 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,534.00 for interest and principal; For the year 1963 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,307.20 for interest and principal; For.the year 1964 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,080.40 for interest and principal; For the year 1965 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $8,853.60 for interest and r principal; For the year 1966 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $8,626.80 for interest and principal; 110073 That principal and interest coming due prior to the re- oeipt of the proceeds of said taxes shall be paid promptly when due, out of the general funds of said City of Saint Paul, and re- imbursement therefor shall be made when said taxes shall have been received. And the City Clerk of said City is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this ordinance with the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, who shall in each of said years, be- ginning with the year 1938, ascertain the rate per oentum neces- sary to produce the full amount of the tax for interest and grin- sipal, and in addition thereto an amount of not less than Five Per Centum (5%) in excess thereof hereinabove levied for each such. year, and shall.ascertain and assess the same for collection upon the tax lists in connection with the taxes levied for general OZty purposes of the City of Saint Paul for each such year. Such taxes shall be collected and payment thereof be enforced at the same time and with and in like manner as other City taxes of said City, and when collected they shall be used solely for, the purpose of paying the interest and principal of said bonds when and as the same shall mature. Section 5. That.the general purpose and object of the law pursuant to which the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary Dis- trict is organized and oper&ting,-and pursuant to which these bonds are being issued, is to promote the public health and wel-� fare by providing an adequate and sufficient system and means for collecting, conveying, pumping, treatment and disposal of all domestic sewage and commercial and industrial wastes and their I roducts, within the territory of said Sanitary District, to pre- i-ent the pollution resulting from the discharge thereof into any river, stream or water course within said Sanitary District; and W -11- A whereas said City of Saint Paul is included within said Minne- apolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District and to effect the intent and purpose of said law is required to authorize and issue the afore- said bonds, therefore an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance declared necessary for the preservation of the l i public peace, health and safety shall be in fall force and effect Immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Adopted by the Council FEB2 3193® 1938. Ayes: Councilmen C�Iilr/L �2J Nays: Councilmen Approved FEB X31938 , 1938. Attest: ity Clerk. PWC/ls 11 -12- tst. J� -• 2nd.— Laid oyer to y Y 3rd. &app. Adopted Yeas/Nays Yeas Nays foss y aaucd ss �P I,can rce et son ,arce �P arce Son /Truax ruax Wenzel Wenzel r. Pres• Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan C. F. No. 110074—Ordf6ance No. 789F- 1 By DL H. Oeha., A.:F. Fete -I- . N ORDP.:-'. VCF, orovtding `��+'�•; 1100'74 AN ORDINANCE providing Ibr the issuance or §154,UU 3 8ewsge Disposal System Bonds, Series 5, of the City of Saint Paul,Ramse�q County, Minnesota, fixing the details and description and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same, and declaring ifs ordinance an emergency ordinance necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ,a i► e � .. WHSRAS,. the Council of the City -of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, heretofore on the 24th day of November, 1933, did, by resolution duly adopted, declare its intention to author- ize the issue of bonds of said City for the purposes and use of the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary Dia- triat in the construction, maintenance and operation of the sewage disposal aystem in said Sanitary District, constituting the pro- portion of the cost of the construction, maintenance and operation of such sewage disposal system to be constructed and established in said Sanitary District due from the said City of Saint Paul, in•amounts aad for purposes respectively in full compliance with and pursuant to the detailed budget and comprehensive pian and program of prooedure.and work for the collection, treatment and diapoel.of sewage and waste material of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul .SmItary District, duly adopted and made by the Board of True - tees of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary Dis triot,'as Artlfied tort aid Council of said City by the Board of Trustees of said ,'Minneapolis -Saint Paul.Sanitary Districts all in the manner and form as required by Chapter. 341, Minnesota Session Laws, 1933 and all other laws thereunto enabling; and WMIEAS, the Counell_of the City of Saint Paul did here- .. N 110074 1 gds tofore, on the 6th day of November, 1935, adopt an ordinance designated "Council File 101844," authorizing the issuance and sale of $2,205,000 Bonds of said City for the purposes herein- above set forth; and WHEREAS, it is noir the intention of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, and it is now found and determined by the Coun- _ cil.of the City of Saint Paul, that it is urgent and necessary to Issue at this time One Hundred Eighty -Four Thousand'Dollars ($184,000) of bonds of said City for the purposes hereinabove set forth, and .to fix the details and description and to provide for the levy of taxes to pay the same: NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1. That for the purpose of obtaining funds re- quired to pay the proportion of the cost of the construction, main tenance and operation of a sewage, disposal system of the Minne- apolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District due from the City of Saint Pau and the territory served by said City in connection with the con- struction, operation and maintenance of such sewage disposal syste to be constructed and established in said Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, in accordance with the comprehensive plan and program of procedure and work for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage and wgete material of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District and duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District, and in full compliance with the de- tailed budget made therefor by the said Board of Trustees of said Sanitary D a riot and certified to said Council of said City by the said Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District, there shall 1101174 be borrowed upon the credit of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey Said bonds shall bear interest from date thereof until paid -at the rate of Two and Seven -Tenths Per Cent (2.7%) per annum, payable' semi-annually on the first days of February and August in each year, which interest payments to the date of maturity of the prin- eipal thereof shall be evidenced by proper coupons attached to each bond, and both principal and interest shall be payable at the of- fice of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul, N County, Minnesota, the sum of One Hundred Eighty -Four Thousand Dol- lars ($184,000), and there are hereby ordered issued the negotiable coupon bonds of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota,of the par value of One Hundred flighty -Four Thousand Dollars ($184,000). Said bonds shall be designated Sewage Disposal System Bonds, Series Number 5, shall be one hundred eighty four (184) in number, numbered from 50192 to 50375, of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each, shall bear date of February 1, 193 and shall become due and payable serially on the first day of February in each of"the years as follows: $5,000 in the year 1941 $7,000 in the year 1955. 50000 in the year 1942 7,000 in the year 1956 5,000 in the year 1943 7,000 in the year 1957 5,000 in the year 1944 7,000 in the year 1958 5,000.in the year 1945 7,000 in the year 1959 50000 in the year 1946 70000 in the year 1960 5;000 in the year 1947 7,000'in the year 1961 6,000 in the year 1948 8,000 in the year 1962 6,000 in the year 1949 8,000 in the year 1963 6,000 in the year 1950 8,000 in the year 1964 6,000 in the year 1951 8,000 in the year 1965 6,000 in the year 1952 8,000 in the year 1966 6,000 in the year 1953 9000 in the year 1967 6,000 in the year 1954 90000 in the year 1968 Said bonds shall bear interest from date thereof until paid -at the rate of Two and Seven -Tenths Per Cent (2.7%) per annum, payable' semi-annually on the first days of February and August in each year, which interest payments to the date of maturity of the prin- eipal thereof shall be evidenced by proper coupons attached to each bond, and both principal and interest shall be payable at the of- fice of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul, N Minnesota, or, at the option of the holder, at the Fiscal Agency of the City of Saint Paulin the City and State of New York, in lawful money of the United States of America. Section 2. That said bonds and interest coupons to be thereto attached shall be in substantially the following form: (FORM OF BOND) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF SAINT PHUT. SWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM BOND SERIES NUMBER 5 Number $1,000.00 KNOW ALL MSN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, for value received, hereby acknowl- edges itself to owe, and promises to pay to bearer, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) on the first day of February, 19 .9 together with interest on said sum from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of Two.and Seven -Tenths -Per Cent (2.7,%) per"annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of February and August in each year, in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they severally become due. Both principal hereof and interest hereon are payable at the office of the Commissioner of Finance, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, or, at the option of the holder, at the Fiscal N _4_ Agency of the City of Saint Paul, in the City and State of New York, in lawful money of the United States of America. And for the prompt payment of this bond and the levy of taxes 'sufficient therefor, both principal and interest, at maturity, the full faith, credit and resources of said City of Saint Paul are hereby irrevo- cably pledged. This bond is issued by the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of providing funds required to pay the proportion of the cost of the construction, maintenance and operation of a sewage disposal system in the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, due from the City of Saint Paul and the territory served by said City in connection with the construction, operation arra mainten- ance of such sewage disposal system to be constructed and estab- lished in said Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, all in accordance with the comprehensive plan and program of procedure and work for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage and waste material of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District, IIand in full compliance with the detailed budget of said Board of i� Trustees of said Sanitary District made therefor and certified to the Council of said City of Saint Paul by the said Board of Trus- tees of said Sanitary District, and is one of the series of one hundred eighty-four (184) bonds of like date and tenor, save as to date of maturity, such series constituting the fifth issue of Sewage Disposal System Bonds authorized by an ordinance heretofore duly adopted by the City of Saint Paul, and is issued under 'snd in all respects in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 341 of the Minnesota Session Laws for the year 1933, approved April 19, 1933, ard�'all other laws thereunto enabling. N -5- 11 0074 And it is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota to be done precedent to and in the issue of this bond have been properly done, happened and been performed in regular and due form and time as required by law;'that the total indebtedness incurred under said Chapter 341, approved April 190 1934 including this bond, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation thereupon; and that provision has been made for the collection of a direct annual irrepealable tax, in addition to all other taxes,on all of the taxable property within said City of Saint Paul, sufficient to pay the interest hereon and the principal hereof when and as the same mature. IN TESTIMONY WHMEOF, the said City of Saint Paul, by its Council, has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor, at- tested by its City Clerk, under its corporate seal, and counter- signed by its City Comptroller, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the lithographed facsimile signatures of said officials, which said officials do, by the execution of this bond, adopt as their own respective proper signatures their respective facsimile signatures;appearing on said ocu&ns, all as of this first day of February, 1938. mayor. Attest: V City Clark. (3ealo Countersigned: N City Comptroller. -6- 110074 (FORM OF COUPON) Number On the day of 19 , the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, will pay to bearer, at the office of its Commissioner of Finance, in the City of Saint Paul, or at the Fiscal Agency of the City of Saint Paul, in the City and State of New York, at the option of the bearer, the sum of Dollars ( ), lawful money of the United States of America, being six months' interest due that day on its Savage Disposal System Bond, Series Number b, dated February 1, 1938, numbered Attest: Mayor. Uity Clerk. Countersigned: City Comptroller. Section 3. That said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk, under the corporate seal of said City, and countersigned by the City Comptroller, and each of the interest coupons shall be executed by the lithographed fac- simile signatures of said officials. And said officials are here- -7- 110074 by authorized and directed to so execute said bonds and coupons for and in behalf of the City of Saint Paul. The proceeds de- rived from the sale of said bonds shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Minnea polia- Saint Paul Sanitary Distriot, to be deposited in the treasury of said Sanitary District and to be used solely for the purposes hereinbefore specified for which they are being issued, all as limited and expressed in said act referred to in the preamble hereof. Section 4. That for the purpose of providing for the payments of principal of and interest on said bonds promptly as the same mature, and for the collection of an additional direct annual tax in an amount not less than Five Per Cent (5%) in ex- cess of the sum required to pay such principal and interest when the same mature, there is hereby levied on all the taxable prop- erty in the City of Saint Paul, in addition to all other taxes, a direct antiu8l irrepealable tax sufficient for said purpose, and there is hereby levied, in addition to all other taxes, the fol- lowing direct annual irrepealable tax, to wit: f For the year 1938 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $10;432.80 for interest up to and including February 1, 1940;` For the year 1939 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $7,858.20 for interest and pr incl pal; For the year 1940 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $10,324.65 for interest and principal; For the year 1941 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $10,182.90 for interest and principal; 110(Y74 A. � T1s For the year 1942 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $10,041.15 for interest and principal; For the year 1943 a tax sufficient to pro- duee the sum of $9,899.40 for interest and principal; For the year 1944 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,757.65 for interest and principal; For the year 1945 a tax sufficient to pro- 4uce the sum of $9,615.90 for interest and principal•, For the year 1946 a tax sufficient to pro- duee the sum of $10,524.15 for interest and principal; For the year 1947 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $10,354.05 for interest and principal; For the year 1948 a tax sufficient to pro- duee the sum of $10,183.95 for interest and principal; For the year 1949 a tax sufficient to PVo- dues the sum of $10,013.85 for interest and principal; For the year 1950.a tax suffici,alt to pro- duee the sum of $9,843.75 for interest and principal; For the year 1951 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,673.65 for interest and principal; For the .year 1952 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $10,503.55 for interest and principal; For the year 1953 a tax sufficient to pro- i dues the sum of '$10,383.45 for interest and principal; For the year 1954 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $10,185.00 for interest and principal; For the year 1955 a tax sufficient to pro - dues the sum of $9,986.55 for interest and principal; M il0l)74 A For the year 1956 a tax cuff icient to produce the sum of $9,788.10 for interest and prin- c ipa l; For the year 1957 a tax sufficient to Pro- duce the sum of $9,589.65 for interest and principal; For the year 1958 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,391.20 for interest and principal; For the year 1959 a tax sufficient tolwo- duce the sum of $9,192.75 for interest and principal; For the year 1960 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $10,044.30 for interest and principal; For the year 1961 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,817.50 for interest and principal; For the year 1962 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,590.70 for interest and principal; For the year 1963 a tax sufficient to pro - the. sum of $9,363.90 for interest and principal; For, the year 1964 a tax sufficient to.pro duce the sum of $9y137.10 for interest and principal; For the year 1965 a tax sufficient to pro - duos the sum of $9,960.30 for interest and principal; For the year 1966 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $9,705.15 for interest and principal:. 110074 1 �y� That the principal ard interest coming due prior to the receipt of the proceeds of said taxes shall be paid promptly when due, out of the general funds of said City of.Saint Paul, and reimbursement therefor shall be made when said taxes shall have been received. 6M the City Clerk of said City of Saint Paul ie hereby directed to file a certified gopy of this ordinance with the County Auditor of Ramsey County,f Minnesota, who shall in each of said years, beginning with the year 1938, ascertain the rate per centum necessary to produce the Hill amount of the tax for interest and principal, and in addition thereto an amount not less than Five Per Cent (5%) in excess thereof hereinabove levied for each such year, and shall assess and extend the same for collec- tion upon the tax l,&sts in connection with the taxes levied for gen oral city purposes of said City for each such year. Such taxes shall be collected and payment thereof enforced at the same time and with and in like manner as other city taxes of said City, and when collected shall be used solely for the purpose of paying the interest and principal of said bonds when and as the same mature. Section 5. That the general purpose and object of the law pursuant to which the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District is organized and operating and pursuant to which these bonds are being issued is to promote the public-health and welfare by provid- Ing an adequate and efficient system and means for collecting, con- veying, pumping, treatment and disposal of all domestic sewage; and commercial and industrial waste and their products withAn the territory of said Sanitary District, to prevent the pollution re- sulting from the discharge thereof into any river, stream or water - course within said Sanitary District; arra whereas said City of Saint Paul included within said Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District to effect the intent and purpose of said law is required to authorize and issue the aforesaid bonds, therefore an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance declared necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety shall be in fill force and effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. ]Adopted by the Council FU 231938 1938. will Ayes: Councilmen I Nays: Councilman Approved FEB 2 31938 1838. mayor. Attest: PWC/1 -12- Od,in.l to OH auk' 'r PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ............... CITYOF ST. PAUL OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK O CIL OLUTION --- GENERAL FORM y ' ming... C. Pearce ......... .........DATE.... 1100'75 C—C t NO. 'It._._._._._. __...._._. _. RESOLVED WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of t*e City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employ- ment, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. crus a NO. Drs. a e o Conroy, Antho4 M. Truck Driver 6 •70�' West, John A Truck Driver 10 .701 COUNCILMEN Yeast Blas Nays F/itidlan //Pearce In Favor ;_I�esenAgainst --;_�rantr� ,2GIr. President (Cehan) 3M 3.37/ C. F. No. 110076—By I. C. Pearce— Whereas, the reported in accordance of dance lic Works has reported C accordance the Section 63 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of attain employes L. hie Department for ore than eight hours per day a3 n Sunday, said employment being more then usualhours of employment,. therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city ..-I [era are hereby authorized to pay the! olio'In' n rued employs. at the rate theTI.. fixed for extra mployment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Conroy, Anthony Al., Truck Driver, 6 hours . 70'1 West, John A., Truck Driver, 10 hours " ""'the by the Council Feb. 8, 1838. Approved Feb.8, 1938. (Feb. 12, 1938) FB 81938 Adopted by the Council 193. Approved_ lr'I'1 193._. ..Mayor -(1047 An emergency has -arisen in the DEPART=, T OF PUBLIC WORICS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Plowing snow This emergency arose ty reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessary to remove snow from loop district COMMI IONK KS OF PUBLIC WOR Dd.la.l t<. DaM 11U(76 CITY OF ST. PAUL iai"`I` NO..__. ...... ....................... OFFICE OF HE CITY CLERK { COUNCI S LUTI --GENERAL FORM S PRESENTED B /�,�_� QOMMISSIONE ...:...._ __. __... .._ _... __...i..._..DATE.FebruarjC.._7.,__L.Q,3:B_ __........ RESOLVED T)1at the Pur6iiasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 5000 gallons "Q" leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from the W. F. SMITH TIRE & BATTERY CO., at a price of $ .11523 per gallon, less 1% discount ten days on gasoline only, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale Street, on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 COLMEN Yeah ties Nays , /i jf(dlan 671 /�,f zon In Favor Against _ u,�V W �r rantc AP r, President (Gehan) 3M > 37 C. F. No. 110076—By I. C. Pearce— Resolved, That the Purchnsing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to purchase, with the oon,ent or the, 1layor and' the ComP000llor. one tsQ pproximatelY Ba car, ed gasoline, 68-70 tane, from the. at a .price of $ 11152IRE3 Per galllon, BATTEY less o yalscount including setat. tax a & latedays on in. pec[/on, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau or at Dale Street, an Informal bits as an a er- geomy U exists where would failure to to the beet Interests of the aCity . Charge General Fund—Municipal Equipment —1003-134. Adopted by the Council Feb. 1. 1111. —Approved Feb. 5. 1935. (Feb. 12, 1938) 938. Adopted by the Council FEB 8 i38 ._..... ......193._ . Approved.__.._ t93_.... Mayor 0,41.1 to aq ask =umc'L CITY OF ST. PAUL ^LZ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R��TION --- GENERAL FORM �% PRESENTED BY Y i .............DATE ...._...._.... _.. .._......... �._...................... RESOLVED VMEREAS, cegain eprinklino assessment fines have been collected by the County Auditor and turned over to the City of Saint Paul but not credited to the Sprinklin; Revolving Fund/for the following yPars, and autountet 1910 . . . . .. $ 85.60 1911. 790.97 1912. 760.66 1913. 756.97 1914 1,302.44 1915 . . . . 1,648.63 Total $5,345.27, and WHEREAS, the said amounts were not set up in any ensuirg budget for the purpose of reimbursing tV. Sprinklin, R-vo11^ n- Fund, such lurid, however, being now solvent and it is no' necessary to appropriete ar.y additional money for Buch purpose, therefore; be it RESOLVED that the said sprinkling assessment fines for the years 1910 to 1915 inclusive as above a forth be and the same ere hereby cancelled and the proper city rfficers are hereby authorized to cancel and discharge the same from the records of their departments. C70UN,CWU1EN YeasNays In Favor ruax .. Against _ P as r.lPresident (Gehan) 11M 337 C. F. No. 110077—Bv I. C. Pearce— Whereas, ertain sprinkling ssee- have been collected by the County Audltor and turned over t, the City of saint Paul but not credited.to the following Yeareo, lvand a ounce; Yor 1910 .. ..................5 790.97 1911 790.00 1912 769.97 1913 .. ......... ..... .. .. 1.303.44 1914 .. .... .. ..... 1,648.63 1916 .. ...... ...... .... Total .. .... [6.346.27, and Whereas, said amounts were not t up in any ensuing budget for the rpose of reimbursing the 9prinkling evolving Fund, such fund,nhowever, being now solvent and It le ot neces- sary forto psuchriate purpo e: therefore, be it ns Resolved, that for the yearsprinkling190 t 1916, Inclusive, as above set forth be and the same are hereby cancelled and the D Ver city emcers are hereby an ththe eame M theCel and records die theglr de- partments. Adopted by therCouncll Feb. 8, 1938. Approved Feb. 8. 1938. (Feb. 12, 1938) i 17� j Council g $ , J 193.__. Approved._ 193....... !_ Mayor Dd.in.l I. nH D.h 110(17 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fai"`" No. _. 8 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RON---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY (i (\`/Y) .......DATE Feb. $, 198. COMMISSIONER....__.. WHEREAS, Walter N. Kaiser and Geo. H. Williams have made application for "On Sale" Liquor license at 1415 University Ave. and have paid the required license fee and flied the proper bond in the amoutut of $3,000, and the License Committee has recommended that said "On Sale" Liquor license be granted thereto, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that non Sale" Liquor license is hereby granted to Walter N. Kaiser and Geo. H. Williams at 1415 University Ave., subject, however, to the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul and to Chapter 46 of the Extra Session Laws of 1933 and 1934, and in the event that such investigation shall disclose any each financial interest or control, either directly or indirectly,by such manufac— turer or wholesaler of intoxicating liquor, the said license shall thereupon become subject to revocation by the Council; be it #MHER RESOLVU, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue non Sale" Liquor license to Walter N. Kaiser and Geo. H. Williams at 1415 University Ave. and he is hereby directed to deposit in the office of the City Comptroller the bond of the said Walter N. Kaiser and Geo. H. Williams In the amount of $3,000. which bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and is hereby approved and accepted by the City Counsel. New, Informally approved by Council, Feb. 1, 1939.EQ s COUNCILMEN Yeas /Nays Adopted by the Council 193 /jun Approved _._ ce In Favor .193..._ . /Y "son ✓ ruax (_ Against x`� Mayor . dIItd / Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 3.39 PUBLISIII'sD O,I,In.I t. Dt, Gak �o���,� 1100'79 CITY OF ST. PAUL .0,■ NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RE$t TI GENERAL FORM r, PRESENTED B '`L/] � �1 February S, 193g- COMMISSIONE ......... ... .....DATE......... ............ .. XROUNDAW V WHEREAS, Charles Gentile has made application -for "On Sales liquor license at 497-9 Payne Ave. and has paid the required license fee and filed the proper bond in the a>nount of $3,000. and the License Committee has recommended that said "on Sales Liquor license be granted thereto, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that son Sales liquor license is hereby granted to Charles Gentile at 497-9 Payne Ave. subject, however, to the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul and. to Chapter 46 of the Extra Session Laws of 1933 and 1934, and in the event that such investigation shall disclose any such financial interest or control, either directly or indirectly, by such manufacturer or wholesaler of intoxicating liquor, the said license shall thereupon become subject to revocation by the Council= be it FARTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue son Sales liquor license to Charles Gentile at 497-9 Payne Ave. and he is hereby directed to deposit in the office of the City Comptroller the bond of the said Charles Gentile in the amount of $3,000. which bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and is hereby approved and accepted by the City Council. C. F. 1 '10oT9—gy O, g g�.fuea, t M. Truax, I. C. Pearce-- ' Whereas, Charles Oen. has m cene.catto 497 or On Sale" llQu�. ' New, 1 Informally approved by Council, Feb. 1, 1938. FES & 1938 COUNgWMEN yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 193 _ e hn ce ,Peterson ,r/uaa ' In Favor /�'- Against L L; Approved . _ 193_.... Mayor WaWBArt} L r. Pre�aid0 t (Gehan) 2 odd..l to aty ask CITY "n" No. 1v1 /VO. CITY OF ST. PAUL . OFFICE OF THE CITY LERK ��'""" ^ P''•/ CIL R I-- ERpL�F RM-/��,�,y, PRESENTED R`r It is with great regret that we are called upon to note the. death of Mrs. Margaret McDermott, the wife of Mr. Patrick E. McDermott, Deputy Commissioner of Education; therefore be it RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul, extend to Mr. McDermott and the immediate member's of the family our deepest sympathy, and commend them to the care and t, guidance of Almighty God Who alone can strengthen and sustain them in this the hour of their great sorrow, and be it FUATHM RESOLVED, That in token of our deepest sympathy, that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul, and a copy be sent to the bereaved family. COUNCILMEN Yeah >ridIan Nay —ce Ie son In Favor _.._ Against ant - r. President (Gehan) or Clty o[ C. F. No. 110080—sy A. F. Petereon, Parrnn[oa IuC. Pearr. ce, T. Sr 8. B'1 duan, Du. H. aehan— �uetuln Wthem In this ielr great sorrow, and Ived, That to token of Dhy, i eat'ha[ this reao- ounelln sthe or Clty o[ a copy be sent to the ie Co u938. Feb. 8, 1088.. . 8, unci. r 1938) 1 EES Ij 1 v d by the Council ..193... . Approved. _.. ......_.193_..... Mayor •OrW-1 t. Chr Clek COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL nL. No ......................................... OFFICk OF THE CITY`CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM Y* PRESENTED BY F l Nyt GQ Februar 5 1938 COMMISSIONER_ .........!T.Qk.._5........._..I.X,1S..XA._...._.._....................... DATE- DATE............................Y........,......................................_. RESOLVED WHEREAS, the Commissioner bf Educatibi: has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, ♦f the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment tof certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth; NAME TITLE TI..IE RAT--` TOTAL January Time Arlington Hills Branch Library Green, William Janitor -Engineer 27 Hrs. .63 3/4 $17.21 Hamline Branch Library Kading, William J. It " 15 11 .63 3/4 9.56 Merriam Park Branch Library Davenport, George ° ° 12 " .63 3/4 7.65 Riverview Branch Librarry Polanka, Rudolph " 1 25 11 .63 3/4 15.94 St. Anthony Park Branch Library, -H14k-e-yf Patrick F. It " 10 11 .63 3/4 6.38 C. F. No. 110081—By. 7. S FI.dlan— Whereas, the CommlasI—- Of Ed, cation has reported to the Council I- cordnnce ,,,h 9ec[ton 63 City Cha COUEN Yeas Nays / ss /Fjli�Yan In favor teter ons �2.Against z �r�ran jr President (Gehan) JM 6 J6 FEB 8 1938 Adopted by the Council _193__ Approved.......................... Approved........ .. ... ...... 193..... Mayor PUBL1SHLD Y FORM NO. 1 Yabruary 5 1938 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: l or mzn nrl ; p 'nr r14 j j s Ha.. i Dierriam Par}.: �tiverview and St Anthonv Park Bran h Librarigs open and to clean buildings. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and theae build ^ren on account circumstances: rTassr to -eee This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. Dddnd t. CityZe, 110(x82 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fou. - NO.._._ OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OL ON ---GENERAL FORM .DATE _ RSU04 WAD WHEREAS, H. C. Paterson dba Blue and White Cab has made application 25082 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, five (5) automobiles described as follows: Cab No. Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance Co. & Policy No. Expiration 23 a.M.0 A-6459292 g483o45 Lloyds of Minneapolis E-161651 10-12-3g 71 Buick 2768916 2617919 n n n a-160543 9-4-39 72 B.M.C. A-402955 901082 n n n E-160543 9-4-39 73 Peakard 321994 464213 " " H-161492 10-6-38 74 Lasalle 606186 n n n g-164574 1-29-39 WB RW , said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of St. Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same are hereby granted to H. C. Peterson, and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C. F. No. 11008E—Bv 6. H. aBrfu... F, Renewed. ➢IW. erTruax.Pearce— heas. H. C. Peterson dba Blue nd White Cab has made app ii, o 25032 for II..... to operate as tnxln - cabs . CO�LMEN Adopted by the Council FEET � b�8 193 Yeas Nays Muss �9indlan / Approved..'.., `.' _.... 193...... /Oearce �n Favor / C6on /Truax Against /till Ma or. tresident (Gehan) r) v� 3M 3.37 i od.led to ply a.rk 11-111 No. l l oo 1M CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1'\]/��j w CCO�U�(NCCI /TeIIO('N---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �........ .DATE...... ....... �.... ... .. .. ... COMMISSIONER... - RF WHEREAS, Louis Robins dba Blue and White Cab has made application 25099 for license to operate upon the streets of the City of St. Peal three (3) automobiles, described as follows! No. Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance Co. and Policy No. Expiration 42 Buick 27668514 2616611 Lloyds of Mple. E-160161 9-4-39 50 Buick 2g989S4 2735671 " " " B-162296 11-11-39 160 G.M.C. A-620141 901210 " " " B-160594 9-14-39 WHEREAS, said applicant has filed copies of isilurance policies with the City of St. Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same are hereby granted to Louis Robins and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C.J.To. 110083. Pe a x. Bareuee, P. Whereas, Loins Robins dba Blue and ror 1lleenee tons Derate sup no then t,eets of the City or at. Paul three (3) auto - m biles, described m ".11-7 No. 42: Dfake, Buick. . fn" • No: 2766884, Serial No. 2016611. MDIs. Insurance Co, Polk., Renewal 60161. Bx➢I rat' 9-e .� .,,...., ,. .,, COUNCILMEN yeas l Nays dlan rearce In Favor /Peterson ... pas.Against enrLeailtc: Ir President 3M 3.37 (Gehan) Adopted by the Council 193 Approved._ Ma or 'p(7BLiS1II:D OrIll"I to Oh, O.h CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. 110084 pop«o OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILON---GENERAL FORM .......... DATE......... ... ........ WHEREAS, Beatrice Robins, dba Blue & White Cab, has made application 25088 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul one (1) LaSalle automobile, Motor No. 904323, Serial No. 904323, covered by Lloyds of Minneapolis insurance policy No. H-51566, expiring 2-11-38, Cab No. 15, and WEMFAS, said applicant has filed copy of insurance policy With the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Beatrice Robins, and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. 1C F. No. 110084—ByIt. C. H. Bartuea, F. Whereas, I. C. Robine, dba Blue d White Cab, has made appll cation taxl- 26088 for license to operate as Of ca P ulu one "I LaSalle f Renewal utomobriePMo- thr No. 904323, Serial No. 904323 c ieyed by Lloyds f MinnesDoli. Inaur- nce po3lcy No. H-61606, expiring 2-11- 38 C eb No. s 6 and Q sae, aid applicant has filed c py of Insurance policy Ith the City of 6t. Paul and Said S.policy has been Coad ns to form n d station by rporation Counsel: therefpre, It bei Resolved, that license to operate selln omobile s taxicaupon the ,x treats of the City of St. Pb aul be a d the same Is hereby granted to Bext- —vI— - ice Robine, and the lty clerk la in- atruc[ed [o Issue such license payment Intoupon the the elty treasury of the epuired Pee. Adopted by the Council Feb. g, 1936. Approved Feb. 8, 1938. 1 (Feb. 12, 1938) / COUNILMEN � 110118Yeas Nays Adopted by the Coun 193 Z Blas }yihdln- earce In Favor Approved "' A - - - ....193....._ /Peterson tuna Againat Wenzel Mayor A1-� ranilqid rr. Present (Gehan) 3M 3.37 — V oTlpNl I. city Dak n�,� 110085 CITY OF ST. PAUL .IL. NO.. / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK jy G COUNCIL 1 IONw-- GENERAL FORM oz¢ r - naso avEnDuFw .i��..,a,�..p ... 93g _.DATE_ February g., 1 ......... V WHEREAS, Otto A. Krueger desires to withdraw application 2100 for Taxi Driver license and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby eithorised to refund to Otto A. Krueger the fee of $1.00 End to cancel said application for license. C. F. No. 110085-13Y O. H. sarfuss, F. M. Truax, 1. C. Pearce— Whereas' Otto A. Krueger desires to y Ithdraw appllcatlon 25100 for Taxl Drl Ver 1lccnse and requests the return Y the license fee deposited thereon; therefore be it Resolved, that the proper city to Acera be and they are hereby author xed to refund to Otto A. Krueger the' i fee of {1.00 and to cancel said appll cation to 11 cense. Adopted by the Council Feb. S. 1938.1 Approved. Feb.8, 1938. (Feb. 12, 1938) C.OUN -MEN Yeas Nays Barfus$ 15�Indlan /Pearce _ In Favor ,,Ieterson glias (2- Against r. President (Gehan) 3M 3-37 Adopted by the Council B 81938 193 Approved l93_.... / Mayor Orioles] to CH, O4- DATE_ I((}-' J110 86 CITY OF ST. PAUL pr���NO.1�/OFFICE O THE CITY CLERK�L`COUNCILAi OL ION ---GENERAL FORMPRESENTED COMMISSION....... Feb- .9,...1938...... ......... WHEREAS, $Mmond St.Arnauld desires to withdraw application 2+792 for On Sale Liquor license at 436 Lafond St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Raymond St.Arnauld the fee of $1,000, and to cancel said application for license, COUNCILMEN Yeas !#K' 8`a/�.h1's Nays �f%%%%'���°than 'Ice In Favor rsoa x 1�7 Against !Vr�rPne.tidle'rit (Gehan) 3M 3.37 C. P. No. 110086—ny G. H. RarfILss, F. X Truax, I. C. Pearce— i Ihorwcn4DflrBowthdaapplication 24792 or On Sale Liquorlicense at 436 Lafond St. and requeets the return of the li- cense foe depoBlted thereon; there- '; fore, be it Resolved, that the proper city oftl- izecord o refube ndt to Raymond SL Arnauld the fee of $1,000 and to cancel said alp - plication for license, Adopted by the Council Feb. 8, 1938. Approved Feb.8, 1938. (Feb. 12, 1938) FEB 1933 Adopted by the Counci 193 jApproved_ 193...... !� Mayor odsla.l t. DIV G«h Y �����() CITY OF ST. PAUL r�. " N.110087 ._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC` SO�T�IO�N --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B COMMISSIONERDATE February .... ... RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Robert Henessey 958 Rice St. Gas Station App. 24602 New Old Location Chas. W. Doane 202 W. 4th St. Barber " 24708 " New " Herb Houske 72 Robert St. Restaurant " 24g9g It Old " Sam Riback 221 State St. Vehicle Peddler "2509j n n n n n Foodstuff VP It 25094 C. F.16 No. 110087—By G. H. Be"_., F. Resolved, Th t C. kcenses .DDlled for dresses Indicated be rind [het the ad - her by Granted ands the It same are Instructed to Issua each ltceaeclerk 1. the_payment into the city treaaury of the eQWred teen: Robert Henessey, 968 Rice St., Gas 6tat1on, A➢p 24602 Old Location. Chas. W. Donne 202 W. 4th St., Bar- ter Ap➢. 24708 Ifew Location. Kerb Houake, 372 Robert St.. Res- taurant, App. 24898 Old Location. 8nm Rlback, 221 State St., Vehicle Peddler, All 26093 New Location. Sam ' II P ,221State Bt., Foodstuff VP, ADp. 26094 New Location. Ado➢tod by the Council Feb. 8, 1938. A➢Droved Feb. 8, 1938. (Feb. 12, 193 6) �T FEB 8 IKOO CWUNCMEN Adopted by the Council 193 Yeas Nays Approved._ t93... Pearce In Favor ,,Peterson/ � Against Mayor ear stn r. r r. President (Gehan) 3M 3.37 oxo to as a �� V��OC7 / CITY OF ST. PAUL CFILK OUNCIL_ No. __... / V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COON UTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B COMMISSIONE ...... .. _..__.. ._._. .................DATE _. Februaxy..8.....19.38 ............... RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Thos. D. Cockburn 366 s. Snelling Ave. Barber App. 23931E Renewal Andrew Lavrinett 475 W. 7th St. Barber " 23942 " E. E. Kludt 670 Greed Ave. Barber II 23976. a Art Tondevold 2315 Como Ave. W. Barber " 23990 n Theodore Zabel 1190 Payne Ave. Barber II 24069 a Earl White 1811 Selby Ave. Barber a 24052 a Percy Ross 2236 Carter Ave. Barber " 24pg7 a Charles Kuralle 150 E. 4th St. Barber " 2440 it Geo. Warmmng 195 E. Kellogg Blvd. Barber " 24113 a R. K. Loveall 1567,' Selby Ave. Barber a 24118 " Lee Beauty School 45 E. 7th St. Barber " 24139 a R. R. Knapp 1696 Grand Ave. Barber a 24143 " Walter Lena 254 University Ave. Barber " 24164 " A. B. Keeney 1172 E. 7th St. Barber " 24188 n Geo.VanderWerker 954 Payne Ive. Barber it 24201 a M. Keiser 4f* -N. Snelling Barber " 24204 a Henry Carlson Union Depot Barber " 24212 " Martin B. Kirby 763 Wabasha St. Barber • 24216 1, Perry Nichols S 485 3t. Peter St. Barber " 24217 a COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas Adopted by the Council 193 Barfuss Findlan Pearce _In Favor Approved _ t93....... Peterson Truax Against Mayor Mr. re dent (Gehan) 3M }37 DdaleN to City O„b CITY OF ST. PAUL .�. "O. IV 110088 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ._................ .. ...........DATE Feb. 9).....,1938• —2— RESOLVED Joseph Longenecker 911 Rice St. Barber App. 24232 Renewal ZZ A. C. Zimmerman 375 University Ave. Barber " 24254 " E. Robertson 166 Concord St. Barber " 24267 " Ernest Robinson 322 Rondo St. Barber " 2426g " Northwest Hotel Co. 7 — 9 W. 7th St. Barber If 24292 " Fred Kircherer 211 Bates Ave. Barber " 24293 " F. W. Churchill 979 Payne Ave. Barber " 24310 " Albert Roes 646 Selby Ave. Barbeb " 243P6 " C. R. Larson 332 Bremer Arcade Barber It 24329 " Fred Labon 1199 N. Snelling Barber " 24352 " Harold Donkers7p.rd 1435 N. Cleveland Barber 11 24357 It Golden Rule 95 E. 7th St. Barber " 24362 If Weston Lewis 1549 Univ. Ave. Barber " 24364 " Albert C. Erickson 39 W. Dearborn Barber If 24374 " D. Ricos 576 Wabasha St. Barber If 24376 " H. Henderson & I. R. Hagan 499 Selby Ave. Barber " 24402 " Madame L. DuPlessis 40 E. 7th St. Barber " 24409 It C. Larson 977 Arcade St. Barber " 24447 " Everett Olson 1722 University Ave. Barber " 24.450 it Francis V. Doran 50 S. Cretin Barber 24469 " Yeas COUNCILMEN Na Y ' C. F. No. 110088—By G. H. Barfaes, F. M Truaz• L C. Pearce— Reeolved, that llceneea aDDlled for by taw Dareona named the C" A by the CouneifE r3 X93 193 on )let at- tached to thle reeolutIon be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to leave the ll- f . - /indlan In F3VOt eh caneee upon the payment tnto the city trA of tithe I Approved..._. ._....._..193....... e .n / / et d by Connell Feb. 9, 1998. ADDroved Feb. S. 1938. j (Feb. 13, 1938) /Against—nto lResident (Gehan) 3M 3.37 Odol"I to ay a,d. 110089 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RE$p TI ---GENERAL FORM ��btPRESENTED BY X,,4,�--OUNCIL lu••,�/ ,�� COMMISSIONER ........ ......... �....DATE_......lUfl,i�y... A.• 193e ..... ........ RESOLVED That On Sale Malt Beverage license #4275, expiring June 24, 1936, Restaurant license #9013, expiring June 24, 1938, and Off Sale Malt Beverage license iµ5930 expiring June 24, 1936, issued to Mrs. Fannie Terrizzi at 1101 W. 7th St, be and the same are hereby transferred to Mrs. Fannie Terrizzi at 23 E. gellogg Blvd. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. aM. Truas10I8 C. Pearce Malt Bever - e Bar[use, F. Resolved, That On Sal ge license No. 4276, ezplring June 24, 1938, Re.[sure.nt !!cense No. 9013, _ 1938, "tMU24, 1938, and Oft Sale Malt Beverage !!cense No. 6939 Nplring Terrizzl one gat 911011 sW.e7 th Stt. be dnthe are hereby tun.rerred to hire. Fannie Terrizzl at 23 E. Kellogg Blvd. and the ' at ucted to makeer olthe prop., changffieer. are e. In the Ity'e orde. Adopted by the Council Feb. 8, 1938. Approved 'Feb. 8. 1938. (Feb. 12, 1938) transfer informally approved by Doancil, Feb. 1, 1938. COUNC LMBN YeasNays um jddlan , ce In Favor /ete �Yroax w. Against rran Mr. President 'I (Gehan) 3M 3.37 FEB 8 1338 Adopted by the Council 193 Approved_`_ / .. _ _ _ -193...... "v-/ �. Mayor W.P.A. G-19 W 110090 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Dan Dyke Avenue fromEast Minnehaha Street to Rose Street Dated this .......__8t4 ...... ......................day of 19 ..... _...... -1. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Van...Dyke.._avenue�xszw...mat...2dinngklal�e.....troeL....to....Rol;l....+,'eQ.t ...... _......... .._.............. F. No. 10090—Hv r. G, Pearce areae. A wltten � orthe following —..._... .........................._..... ........ ........._..._......................._.......... ..._........._.._._., i .............-............................. .._.................... -------........................ _...... ......._....._............._._..._.._...._._.....:.........._........._._ – having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul........ ........ ....... —.�____. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. �5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. /q�,, Adoptedby the Council .................._.................. ..._...-.}.._.._ _....._...................... YEAS CouncilmanRFUSS DLAN Approved...._.._. -.......FEB'.. IZA RCE _..........._...... TERSON /RUAX G " \lf/MZEL.... > ...._ ...._.__...�...._.... -- .. ....._... _............ — PYtYat xLc Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT / Form C A 1S (1M -e-33) 1'VDLISHED 4LI23 1 �71 W.F.A. G-19 W igO(191 Council File No. ------ --- ...... ....... — PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning_ and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopest_._gMte______-._..._. .... _......... and ...fills... Ln....the...grading_s>f_Yan...D3'7ce....Avenue....from ...Eas.t-111lnnehaha...Street......................... to Street _....--.................... ............. ......................... ----........ ................... ... ......_.................. ..... ... ............................. ..._......... ................... ...... _...... .........._.................. .._......... ..................__.._...._.........._._.................................... ..__..._.................---...._... ....... ...-........._............_._...._...._..................._....._.. Dated this_....... _8th ...........................day of........ ............._February, 1986...._.. ......._.., 19... ... _......... .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .._an esaementin.._the_land necessary for elopes, cuts ......... ................._......_._ ........... -._aad.._r __in__. the._.grading of_Van_..Dyke Avenue from East Minnehaha Street to..._EQee..._Street............. .............. --...... ....... .._...._...._........_....__......_........._.......... ......... — PRIDLIMINABY ORDERS.........-_._..._......._..__.........................................._....__._.._......--.......__......_._..._........._....... -__._ .._.............. F. No. 110091—By I. C. Pearce having been presented to the Council of the City of St. PauL._._..._..._._...._ .. Abstract. _ _.......... ..... ..............__ A written Pro therefore, be it >ouow(ng ia: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5� To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Council.......__........_.._....._.:__ ............ ................ _..... -............. _.-. ............ YEAS BARFUSS CouncilmanFINDLAN PEARCE APProved..........._._............................. PETERSON TRUAX ENZEL-- �-- � ✓ �-__�____ MR. PRESIDENT Par (, Mayor. Form CAIS (1M-043) 0 WBLISHED_:?' Council File No..110..... .__ .........9.. 0.,9. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and .0 PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Aeconstruat...with._6.".....moaolithich concista.._the....sidewalk..... ...... _. purposes.._on... the ....eaat..Aide .._of.._xoronto.._S.treet__from__W'.._$Q4en th.. Street,....thence_.............. _........ sauth.22....feat...._._..__................. ........ _... _.... --.... -........................... _............._. ..... Dated this.......___ -.8th........... February, 1938 ..........day of..._.__.. __ .....-._... .-.1-- .. _.......... -It Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct--ri#h_-6."_...monolithic concrete,....the._.sidewa3k...arae,.19r...CITI..e11y....._._........._...__.........._ pgzp9.13ee. 4Ll...the.._eaet._eide-_offrom._•.._Seyenth...Stree4 C. F. No. 119692i;. 7, Abstract' south -22._ feet.........._.......__.___...........__......----....__.._............_....._..._........_.._.__._..._......._.._....._.._...__.._.............. wfi.re. A wrtitan t. , - nkfng of the following via.; ............._...__...........__.......................................... ___.._...—_......._.........._........... ._.._....................____.....__..__...___................._.. Reconstruct with 6., r,' crate, the eldewalk area, -^^pose. on the eget si, . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul- ..... _..._......_.._ _ __....._..____._......... _._....__..:.......4 from W. seventh '? feet, having beer. - therefore, be it "I It of the Cite t thr RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: _ 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1:9A.Ispted by the Council .........___...._........._.....::__._...._.___... _........... .___........._........._...._.-- YEAS N BARFUSS Councilman 8 FINDLANApproved ..........._..........................._.__.._._..._.._._............._............. - - PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX WENZEL._t— �y,',i'lfriato Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (1M-6-33) V �1SIiLD .! COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER 110093 In the Matter of grading and oiling Alley in Hendrickson's Addition from Westminster Street to the East line of Lots 11 and 24, Hendrickson's Addition, under Preliminary Order 109738 approve' Jamiary 6 1938 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and oil Alley in Hendrickson's Addition from Westminster Street to the East line of Lots 11 and 24, Hendrickson's Addition, —" nrrertnreurwnx onuerte. C. F. No. 110093— In the )flatter of grading and iling Atley In Hendrtcksan's Addition from weatminster Street to the Eget Iine f Lots 11 d 24, Hendrlckson's Addition, under Prelimfna�• order 9738approved Januar.' Counc.1 of tri with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ --- Work to be done by W.P.A. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of March , 193 8 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M„ in the Council Chamber of the Court Hall Building House and City in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Cliarter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as eitknated. Adopted by the Council FF $ 1928 193— Councilman - Bsrfnes Councilman-zr'r?- Findlan CouncilmanNVWIM-3"1571 Pearce CouncilmanSR''s--�' Peterson Councilman T�.a C4, , w�to Councilman Mayor 14WRIEW t11ehan FoVm B. S. A. 8.6 City Clerk Mayor COUNCIL FILE NO_ INTERMEDIARY ORDER 110094 In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Hendrickson's Addition from Westminster Street to the East Line of Lots 11 and 24, Hendrickson's Addition, under Preliminary Order 109739 approved January 6j 1938 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Hendrickson's Addition from Westminster Street to the East line of Lots 11 and 24, Hendrickson's Addition, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, C. F. No. 1 0 1009— . Ito the :Hatter C ondemnl, , Ing a.n easement In the my for slop-, cuts and " ,Iing of Alley In H s.�an from westtn -•�[ Line of Lots a Addl•Ir with no alternatives, apd that the estimated cost thereof is $ 100.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of March , 1938 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and -place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FEB 81939 193— �,e ��— I 7_ Approved rL8, t ' 193—L—= tty Clerk PP — --; _ Mayor Councilman WNW Councilman ibLLq'i Councilman 1 Councilman Councilmarr Councilman .Mayor 10001W i Form B. S. A. 8.6 Sartuve Find!sn Pearce Petereou Trttsx Gehan I�. 13, COUNCIL FILE NO. P. myatte95— Inof changing the gradeof ' dlt ontefrom Albert in Block lAveBoulevardnue tpsssni� Avenue to conform to the.red line on the profile hereto Minch ed and made a p-r' rt hereof, the present e- 110095 ta.hliahed grade being shown b,- Ilne thereon. Also gaar� .. t Route. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of changing the grade of Alley in Block 13, Boulevard Addition from Albert Avenue to Pascal Avenue to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also grading Alley in Block 13, Boulevard Addition from a point 320 feet west of Albert Avenue to Pascal Avenue, and surfacing the Alley from Albert Avenue to Pascal Avenue. Also constructing a sewer in the Alley from a point 70 feet east of Pascal Avenue to the sewer in Pascal Avenue; under Preliminary Order 109823 approved January 14, 1938 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is change the grade of Alley in Block 13, Boulevard Addition from Albert Avenue to Pascal Avenue to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also grade Alley in Block 13, Boulevard Addition from a point 320 feet west of Albert Avenue to Pascal Avenue, and surface the Alley from Albert Avenue to Pascal Avenue. Also construct a sewer in the Alley from a point 70 feet east of Pascal Avenue to the server in Pascal Avenue; �t with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,700.32. A -- Resolved Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of March _ 193-.q— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council EI� Q3 , 193 Approved t 193— / City Clerk w J' F lY Mayor CouncilmanAdEMCMAdw Barfnw Councilman Findlart Councilman Pearce Ys 1eFifn Councilman Peterson / Councilmar �Tr�t:: Councilma -We Mayor W-WeW Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-6 I1- F. vo. 110e096o— In the matt P oIn the In the to c4L - Ing a easement I t the [and act 4• nary for elopes, cute and ails In t4-- ygr'a'ardt Add�tlonlf- alock .Int 11. estof Albert Avenue to 7:v Avenue, under Preliminar-.,a 109824 approved January ]+;., Covnctl f the City received the raper of Fina— COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 13, Boulevard Addition from a point 320 feet west of Albert Avenue to Pascal Avenue under Preliminary Order 10482.4 approved January 14_193a The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 13, Boulevard Addition from a point 320 feet west of Albert Avenue to Pascal Avenue, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of March 193 B at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FEB 8 1938 193" AnnrnveA 193— 1 i /4f City Clerk V Mayor Councilmartik&@&6M ng1fam Councilma - - Findlan Councilma Pearce3 7 Councilmatihv _� Councilmatr&aa,�� prteza Tru. Councilma We, }'e� I Mayor Gehan Form, B. S. A. 8-6 C. F. No. 110007— . Inthe Dale Si eat tol Kentt fond U. der Preliminary Order 108370 ap- 1 Droved An - a[ 17, 1037. jThe Council f the City o[ St. Paul 1.0097 having received the reD�rt of the Com ,vjl�1 lasloner of Finance upon the above �Improvemenq and having considered said .port, hereby resolves: 1. That the Bald abort - 1. the eaidbherel Drove ent and :.,j oce,ded wii� -J' COUNCIL FILE NO._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing Lafarld Street from Dale Street to gent Street, under Preliminary Order 108370 approvedAl3_'s+ 17 1917 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Lafond Street from Dale Street to gent Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 840.11, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of March _ 193_8__ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council—Ea—U2 Approved— t ._ 1 Councilman ft 8aria" CounciImanddMpmwv= Findlan fl-unc 41—anwhMOMENEM Pearce Councilman Peterson ^� CouncilmandMoMpmamn Truax U/ Councilman ' Mayor 19100P Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. C. 11. No. 110090 r In the LI tier f sconstructlnr '`4 Ing and repairing ement tf.% v ]kon the south side of A�'F n Ayen12 from Pleasant Ave: �� 1 `� eget 126 feet; beginning 20 ',j`J� "�ff➢ —.. ther east, thence east 43 : 1 1fit both Ides of Armstron,;' �n Chatsworth Streetv , set on the north t n the south side, Order 104820 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing cement tile sidewalk on thesouth aide of Armstrong Avenue from Pleasant Avenue, thence east 125 feet; beginning 20 feet further east, thence east 43 feet, and on both sides of Armstrong Avenue from Chatsworth Street, thence east 358 feet on the north side and 240 feet on the south side, under Preliminary Order 109820 _approved January 14 1938. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair cement tile sidewalk on the south side of Armstrong Avenue from Pleasant Avenue, thence east 125 feet; beginning 20 feet further east, thence east 43 feet, and on both sides of Armstrong Avenue from Chatsworth Street, thence east 358 feet on the north side and 240 feet on the south side, except where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof/is $ 0.07,relaying old tile; $0.10 laying new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day. of March 1931— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ouse and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of H said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the otal cost thereof as estimated. EB Adopted by the Council - 193 =ity Approved � �^''T' 193_— Mayor Councilman rl -' R'r" Councilman i 't"atl _ �t y Councilman iee`'"-I i'`-crce 7 Councilman�'s'e�-'�- ' f'�Lecson _f itfiA� J CouncilmanEMi& ;- Traaz Councilman-;WnrnF'' M Weff"L Mayor AWKNW Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F.10. 110099— In the Matter of rec onstructing, re- ad relaying cement tile • valk o the south side of James Street from Nest Seventh Street to 0ereeia Avenue, and p beth 110099 of James Street rom Osceola A�..^ o [n Flew Street, under P nary Order 109821 approve' 14, 1938. The Council of the City havingreceived the report —Sa9loner of Finance urs. ^17ent, and hl - COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, repairing and relaying cement the walk on the south side of James Street from West Seventh Street to Osceola Avenue, and on both sides of James Street from Osceola Avenue to View Street, under Preliminary Order 109821 approvers iatmlar�RR The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, repair and relay cement tile walk on the south side of James Street from West Seventh Street to Osceola Avenue, and on both sides of James Street from Osceola Avenue to View Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, per square food with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof/is $_g.07 relavina old tile; $0.10, new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of March 193---B_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FFR $ 1�8 Approved n 0 :14`1 193— Councilmanjigmald Bartasy Councilman May, Findlan Councilman RearS4 Pearce Councilman;Rosert- Pzterson Councilman sTtuaxr.> Truax Councilmancarw�sl-� Mayor MIkmW Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-6 INTERMEDIARY Pgrhts9 C. F. ICo. 110100— - of rt coheru dew alk 1lO /// 0 9�� In the lNh'cer on� elde of East seventh, r thee northerlyn St iee[3treel, Fo Sha ePp r,,, t� . t �u er exce y d ton, F`^ Truax rte, 'Additio ,of n Councilman�� _ Forest Street -it ". ret, t V etl M Gehaa O._— COUNCIL FILE NO.--- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the northerly side of East Seventh Street from Forest Street to Fauquier Street, except the approxi- mate easterly 30 feet of Lot 2, Block 19, Terry's Addition, and on the east side of Forest Street from East Seventh Street, thence north 20 feet, under Preliminary Order 109822 approved January 14 19 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the northerly side of East Seventh Street from Forest Street to Fauquier Street, except the approximate easterly 30 feet of Lot 2, Block 19, Terry's Addition, and on the east side of Forest Street from East Seventh Street, thence north 20 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.15 oer square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th 8th day of March 193, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature e{ the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ ---_—FEB 8 1938 —, 193—�, — City Clerk Councilmanr2&D6nald .I Pgrhts9 / Councilman'vhlay Councilman'rPriarc'e 1" O'co i'rarC r CouncilmanPR-isen utersop Councilman�Ffimk Truax Councilman�� Mayor Gehaa Form B. S. A. 8-6 It a 0 J - DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PUUL 10 10 ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER BARFUSS IV FIND AN P EAR Ca PETERSON IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS - YdbXuar-y-5 TRUAX —AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECK. BE RAWN,:hj6X TREASURY WENZEL MR. PRESw GEHAN -Eb ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5 — COVERING ERE.44291 T4—TI CHECKS .. � T INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON F1 E IN THE OF CE E,CITY OMPTROLLER. A/ 7BY-= TOTAL DATE C. F. N'b d N FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS R TURNED BY BANK "I,"' IT*"I, 44282. Inlual t'e• CHECKS clic C°'nD Ate council Feb.s' BROUGHT FORWARD Adopted by lse8. 44281 i Joseph J. Griemann 1 000 044282 11 120 0 11 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin o. of Fin p: 253 7 it 44283 Axel r. Peterson, ]ill go 4294 ::442 Stegmeir Tire Company 0 III Ethel F. Olson 0 1 3 3 Ij 44286 Motor Power Equipment compan) 1 440 00 44287 St.Paul Nash motors 1 000 Oo 44288 Harold L. Kellerman 25 0 44299 Chas. A. Nieoe 1 000 00 44290 Ernest A. Jackson 1 000 00 44291 Thomas Z Walsh 267 43 44292 Ooobr;n-4&rgent Company 870 it f44293 44294 Corning -Donohue. Inc- N. W. Tire Oompany 3 L �44295 1: w.r. Smith Tire & Battery Co any 2R as 470 45 44296 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fine; a 317 To 144297 44298 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin w Axel F. Peterson, C. of Final 5 1;1 6� 19 3 3 1 44299 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Final Fin I 0 3 5 8 44300 Axel F. Peterson. C. of at Is 9 30 �44301 Axel F. Peterson,, 0. of Finaz a 281 55 ii .44302 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin at a 9 306 09 44301 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan 0 it 24 q2 1! 44304 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 33 W 11 44305 Mrs. Emile LaBiesonniere 1 15 44306 44307 A. L. Buokli county welfare Board 141 302 38 44308 James LeGore 30 00 1 000 0 0 44309 44310 Robert J. Reis Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan a 407 00 2 44311 Harris Brothers Plumbing Comp Y 990 214 0 �i 44312 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Comp 86 3 44313 44314 Inertol company. Inc. Maen4ler Brush Oompany 1 9 0 12 company 11 9 44319 Miller supply 2 755 0 44316 O. Reiss Coal Company 119 44317 Com St.Paul White Lead & Oil C P�' y 2" 44319 W.O. Stanton Lumber Company 32 ,44319 A-1 stenographic Bureau i 3 95 44320 Russell Balanger 49 00 44321 44322 Dr. James L. Benepe Carnegie Doak & Fuel Company 641 44323 Gri 9, Cooper & Company a Corporati n 42 26 2 9 5 .44324 National Carloading 7 34 OL 443 25 N.W. Blaugas 002PSnY j 89 39 44326 Paper, Calmenson & Company 351 76 44327 Pittsburgh Coal company �uld 62 16 9 44329 St.Paul Voo.Sobool Revolving 15 65 44329 H.B. Stahl Company 2Z 9 44330 44331 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Companj: Twin City Textile Mille �5 ,44332 Van Paper Supply Company 14 IhI I_ SHEET TOTAL—FORWA RD 3-599 03-01 It a FINAL ORDER 110102 In the Matter of__�rading_Alley__in_Spinner's__Addition_from_Walsh_Ayenue_to_Weide____-_ - - ------ under Preliminary Order ---199-18 ---- - -— ----- --approved -----------December 10, _1937___ __ _ ---- __ Intermediary Order ___-----------approved ------------- — — — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it t RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is—pude_ Allel:_ in Spinner's Addition from Y7alsh and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is .hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval• that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and dirgcted to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith, FEB Adopted by the Council ---------------- _----- ---- ----------, 192- c �"` City Clerk. FEB 91938 ls2 - Approved---- ----------------------- - -,- T Mayor. Councilmannftmmv� Councilman' dlan PUBLISHED 9—/moi .. ConnCllma ce Councilma terson C0unc117Y1 ������,,,r,,_�(axx..-..���G� ��^ W 1'iOUIICi1m""� Mayoinolow ehau Form B. S. A. 8-7 . f V I�Tlite er I e Z ,tr _. ._ •f f -(' �.G --. .! �r •(' --� �c•..` f., L• •. �r!/. r r .. • t !! y' �r � C � r. 1 142 ' ice' - � / � .. •. rJ .. i � ! 1 i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMMjiT OF FINANCE ,►.: , r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE G ,(A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER d In the matter of grading Alley in Spinner's Addition from'Afalsh Avenue to Weide Avenue O under Preliminary Order approved Dec. 10, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1,001.26 front The estimated cost pe{foot for the above improvement is - - $ 1.25 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 Spinner's Addition $$175 2 do 150 3 do 150 4 do 125 5 do 125 $4700. 6 do 150 5100. 7 do 150 1800 8 do 175 4850 9 do 200 10 do 125 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF' COMMISiIONER OF FINANdE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �Ca ' DESCRIPTION LOT IBLocK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land. Bldg..4_._. 11 Spinner's Addition $125 12 do 125 13 do 125 14 do 125 15 do 125 16 do 150 .. Total X2300 $16,450` The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in referents to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated- �Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 `/ St. Paul, Minn... Apg. _ l0,-_1"7 ----- 193_... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause .the following improvement to be made: - — ------- ._Fs-tabliahi ngnv -the"grade. and. grading --the - pi t aW.-in.the.b1ozk_bnunded--by----------- -------E. Ho- ---- and Nebraska -----------------5{ Ave.a from ------- 415bL------------------------------------------- St. A= to..__..Weide - -.St. *e. rnrl p_ Johnston Raymnnd J_ Jnhnst Jannis F._ Rirnha• owner do Owner . _.i._... Owner Ao Owner Owner 0 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance in . December -29-r-_ L437 193 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 109518 roved December 101 1937 193—, relative to Council, known as Council File No. approved - -- grading of Alley in Spinner's Addition from Walsh Avenue to Weide Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_—._ --necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.25 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 1,001.26 and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $18.06 Engineering $80.00 Frontage 800.24 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 5. Said improvement is_- _ . subject to assessment for said improvement. NM OF FINANCE, i 1�..14-1-9�4—. lz , �... n DEC 30 937 asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property tiCY"'r-J Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF SAINT PAUL $1,001.26 Capital of Minnesota 1.25 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 18.06 IRVING C. PEARCE, COMMISSIONER Buaewu OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUFI. BUREAU OF CONST, a "FAIR GEORGE J. JACOBS. DEPUTY COY.IESIONE. 800.24 ft. J. R. JOHNSTON GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEF ENOINEE' B -A. OF BRIDGES OFIFICE !`1GINEER M. a. GRYTBAK. EMOINEER G. H. HERROLD December 27, 1957 BUREAUOF CORK -10"S RJ.y J, KARTAK. 9Un. CNIEF ENOw. OLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith Preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Spinner's Addition 109518 from Walsh Avenue to Weida Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. Estimated Cost $1,001.26 Cost per front foot 1.25 Inspection 18.06 Engineering 80.00 800.24 ft. Frontage It is requested that the hearing on this improvement be held on February 9, 1938 so that it may be considered at the same time as the grading, of Greenbrier Avenue from Montana to Nebraska laid over from December 7, 1937. Work by W.P.A. Cost to Property for Equipment Rental, Material, Engineering and Inspection $0.90 per front foot. Approved for transmission to the C ��s�ioner of�Li% IRVINGC Commissioner of blic Works Yours ry truly, EO M. SKI ARD Chief Engineco - . COUNCIL FILE --------------1J ' BY................�. .........-.....----- —� FINAL ORD IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS FnvA7. .000.=" d7aW Cp1pf1�M8ATI0)1V 110103 C. F. No. 110103—By L C:' -Pearce y,'.,iN,r e998IDeat is the land necessary for In [he mattdr: of condemning and tak...... .-'..... ................._-------------------------- ..and.-....---................ Ing as easement in the land'necee--- `+ Bary for elovea, cute and 8118 In the grading of A11eY In Svinaer'e Addf- tlon from welsh Avenue to wefde , the grading of Alley .,in .Spinner' a Addition from Walsh Avenue; udder Pr.1 onin-Y Oder 109679, apDroved December 10, 1937; t , Intermedlary1933i Order 109301, avvroved l� Jenuar.' 12, A yub t Via.. December 10, 1937 109b19... ...... a ..._--.- ---- -- .____------------------ under Preliminary Order ......................._..........-... approved ............ " January 1988 -...._._....... Intermediary Order----------- -------- 0Ql _... approved......._...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning_end taking an easement. -in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and Pills in tlfte grading of Alley in' -Spinner's Addition from Walsh Avenue to VJ&g6XaJKQ the east line of Lots 4 and 15, Spinner's Addition and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That- tl e` following land, land$ or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriatdd and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:of Alley in Spinner's For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading the east line of Lots 4 and 13, Spinner's Addition, Addition from Walsh Avenue tc/R� to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. 1 RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Gommissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. y 1938 "'Y Adopted by the Council .........FEB .-.._----- ................_......_......_? -.. 3.. Approved ...........FEP G „,+; 19....... - City Clerk. -....................................... Mayor. ParNm .,Councilmettq yMcDonhld ] Pe Rosen sen Tr - Truax -.l ." lWenzel� Mr: President /� VY + Indicaes Cut A – Indicates Pill Typical Notation +ao Firyres a6— line straw Cut or Fill at propesb lino. Figures 6alow line show distance to which alopee e�Rand 6ayond prop' line. Lx. Book Ng2470 X-5ec. Bk. No 2470 i N. i ALLEY 5PiN NER's ADD. Walsh Ave. Weide Ave. 83 _� Scale /=40 . _ z J. 9//sySP,. nersA✓��i Ave. f p Wel,(e Ave. S/Pe G 2 N-O46S' F✓ I mIN Garsto c I Ga),rt o ra 1r. per.�_9. ,,.-F-•�,', .�.r:'ffl�/; rr rrrrrr� iririr>:r y'7fTGT�✓N IP 4� N ust� N oo nh =7M ©� pp� oIa (\j r.'l Comic yo Shaa4 �, I I I W I � so• S� t' WW q 10 II 12 13 14 I is � > N NEORA5KA AVE. ry.M0NTANA AVE. 41 Q S P I N N� E R ^` A D D II T I O N Q 8 7 S 4 3 1 at S Sots N so I 0 �O 60 . _ z J. 9//sySP,. nersA✓��i Ave. f p Wel,(e Ave. S/Pe G 2 N-O46S' F✓ I mIN Garsto c I Ga),rt o ra 1r. per.�_9. ,,.-F-•�,', .�.r:'ffl�/; rr rrrrrr� iririr>:r y'7fTGT�✓N IP 4� N ust� N oo nh =7M ©� pp� oIa (\j r.'l Comic yo Shaa4 �, I I I W I � so• S� t' WW q 10 II 12 13 14 I is � > N NEORA5KA AVE. CITY OF ST. PAUL / .. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE '' r REPORT OF =OMtMISSIONER OF FINANCE � PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ON TO OO In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Spinner's Addition from ;'Walsh Avenue to Leide Avenue, under Preliminary Order approved December 10, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - s 25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED C IM&LUATIOLLl f a 1 Spinner's Addition #176 2 do 160 g do 160 4 do 126 6 do 126 $4700 8 do 160 6100 7 do 160 1800 8 do — 176 4860 9 do 200 10 do TOTAL, 126 Form B, B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CoMr?,ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON FIREMIINARY ORDER LI (C)_ _ ,- -- • �- -� � ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Lind, : _. WAS. - 8piunwilo Addition s)126 12 do 128 13 do 125 14 do 128 is do 128 18 do 160 TOWThe Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works./ 19 � U Dated' Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 29, 1987 193_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 109519 approved December 10, 1937 _193—, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Spinner's Addition from Walsh Avenue to Weide Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__ ___ _ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S XXXXx , and the total cost thereof is S and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. S. Said improvement is subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, �M 19' P :� DEC 30 !W asked for upon petition of three or more owners of o ommissioner of Public Vj o -a: 4 110104 COUNCIL FILE N0 ----------- -------_---- _ By------------------------ -------------------------- - In the Matter ofgra_ding_All_ey__in._Sngle-aton'-s---S_ubdiy sioz--�IQtzsl-'_s-s_uhdi.sisi4n _and _. gl¢aY_4r Schnitzius_�cidit' C. F. No. 110104—a__w,ish-Avenue y----------------------------- In the Matter oY ggrading Alley in Inggleston's Sub vision, Netael's 3ubdivlalon and Block 4. Schnitalus —_____ __ ____ __ _. ___ ___._r Addition, from GreenbTle Avenue to,-------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Orden. Avenue• under a nary Order 100520 aD➢roved December 10, A p _-________.__-_____.__________________— _____ .... ............_.-________. _..__ A Dubllhearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice. and obhe^co°acnndh--ame as .__— --- ----------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order________--__ -- - --------- 109520 ____—approved __December. -101.1 _ 937-------_---------- _-_ Intermediary Order ----------------------- approved --- --------- ----- - — — ---- - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all, persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be ityLcGtid-��""�/""` RPgOLVED. By the Council of the City of St. Paul that cie.i and kindofim ✓o AM f Iii. ---------------------rtt^Ag -Its e, and he Council hereb rders said im ovement to made. SOLVED FUR ft, 'That the mmisaioner o ublic Works\band ie hereb instructed adirect%to epare plans%dspecificatio for said impr ement, antsame tot Council fotop city officials a hereby'zed and dire ed to pro- ceed making of ovement I accordance ther 'th.8 1938 192 — Adopted by the Council ___----- _------- __-__- ------ ----- , ------------- -------------------------- ---------------C-------ityClerk.----- FES 9193s Approved_ ------ -- ---------------, 192----- // Mayor. CouncilmanIjI 0 Rarfuse Councilman Pholilloop Findlau Councilman ' -"- Ia Pearce Councilman iffiefii2ffiftw Peterson j CouncilmanNikNiMiNUFM CouncilmanuVWUVA� Truax werczel (l� Mayor khwll� Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL d DEPARTMENT OPkFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of vradi.ng Alley in Innleston's Subdividon, Netzel's Subdivision and Block. 4, 8chnitzius Addition, from Greenbrier Avenue to l',alsh Avenue under Preliminary Order approved December 10, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 807.11 fr nt - - - $ 1.1j - The ii -- The estimated cost pe feet for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION AD ASSESSED VALUATION Land Blds. 1 Netzel's Subdivision $200 $5200 2 do 200 4800 3 do 150 3550 4 do 150 3350 1 InEleston's Sub. 150 2 do 150 1000 3 do 150 5050 4 do 250 5 do 500 1700 8 do 325 4050 TOTAL. Fy B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , f REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER •LOT BLOCK, . ADDITION ' DESCRIPTION ASSESSED VALUATION ,Land .. Bldg. n -- 7, Zngleston's Sub. $325 $2600 g do 325 3150., STest 40 ft. of the S. of the E. 2 of 4 B. Schnitzius Add. to 325 3350 St. Paul, Minn. E. 41 ft. of 17. 81 ft. of S. a 2 4 do 325 3400 of E. of E. 50 ft. of 111. 131 ft. of S. i 400 2950, of E. z of 4 do (Ex. 'N. 131 ft.) S. 2 of E. s of 4 do 450 4200 . Total $4375 $48,350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated�Y 19if!� Commissioner of Finance. Form 8. B. B -- C 0 P T St. Paul, Minn ---- Aug -.--14L, _1837---__ 193__--. To 93----- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned pIoperty ..owners, hereby p . etition - your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grading and oiling of Alley between Walsh and Greenbrier ------------------------- --- ------------ -------- --- ----- ------------------------------- ---- --------------------- - --------------------------------- -------- I --------------------- ----------------------- --- ---- --- ----- - --- f rom -- ---- ---- 1013tma-Ayfl ------------ ------------- fAxAme- to----Nebraska,-Ave.------------------------ -- - - ------ -------- ---8174 NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Herbert Laafgren-Owner CarrQU-3v2nw=— – Owner Axel Olson Owner Elmer; F. Slgyter .4- l do Np+.7.el A Owner Axel Olson do Owner E. R. Larson do Owner Alfred B. Zalin A -Ovmer Emil 'Ilnjerson Owner W. a. Anderson �__ Owner V- F.- Thiva. Owner do Owner Conrad AnAArRnn *aN.t.01 Owner T—ett� lzi�eaton A T,,gUntwl Sub- J-thh Owner rT— Jnrgen qj.e Owner Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 29, 1987 193_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 109520 approved_- December 10 1987____193—, relative to Grading Alley in Inglestonts Subdivision, Netzelts Subdivision, and Block 4, Schnitzius Addition. from Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 804,E Cost per front foot $1.11 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ , and the total cost thereof is 8 Inspection $14.85 Engineering $75.00 Frontage 725.57 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 S. Said improvement is__ subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. er DEC 30 1937 -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, OD Commissioner of Public Work CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS r IRVING C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER BUREAU O. BU_ BUREAU OF CON[W R REPAIR GEORGE J. JACOBB. DEPUTY C"'EEIONER FRED DRIVER. J. R. JOHNSTON, burr. GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEF ENGINCCR BUREAU o1 BRIDGE[ M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGIN.[. 011106 ENGIN[[. G. N. HERROLD December Us 1957 BUREAUO1 CORRC—ON[ CN181�iSNGR. RAY J. KARTAK. SU-- MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn - Dear Sirr I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Ingleston's Subdivision, Netael's Subdivision. and Block 4, Schnitz Addition from Greenbrier 10� 19377.. Ave., Preliminary order C. F. 109520 approved Estimated Cost 807.11 Cost per front foot 1.1.1 Inspection 14.35 Engineering 75.00 Frontage 725.57 ft. It is requested that the hearing on this improvement be held on February 9, 1938 so that it may be considered at the same time as the grading of Greenbrier Avenue from Montana to Nebraska laid over from December 7, 1957. Work by W.P.A., Cost to Property for equipment, rental, material, tion — S.92 per front foot. engineering and inspec Moura t , 7,9. -514� M. SHEPARD Approved for transmission � Engineer to the C asionerA�qF anc� IRVING C. E Commissioner public Works a We, the undersigned hereby protest the grading of alley in Inglestonts sub. div., Netzel's sub. div., and Block 4 Schnitzius -addition from Greenbrier Avenue to �ialsh Avenue. File #3841 and #3840. 10 q44,4 77MO 7!� y COUNCIL FIL 0 ....................n • BY_ .................. 110105 c and an eeaement.in the land necessary for slopes, In the matter of.....--- ----8 """" cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Ingleston's Subdivision, Netzel's Subdivision and Block 4, Schnitzius Addition, from Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue 109521 under Preliminary Order .............. approved ... DeeembeT..10:..1987----------------- ------- ....................... Intermediary Order .... ..........109.7.92.............................. approved .....1TdAitklry-_7,Ra..19m .................-- ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it �1 4�1 �1�.-'i RESOLVED, By the Cound of the City of Saint Paul that a na , improvement to be made by the said City is `be SM i�7 a s; ^,:, 1 . ."'.�°A!u11P_ �_ :lv�,i;, �lwl+e 9i."4 nAnaaaaty for SloPAs. and fills in qpe grading ofey is Ingleatot�'s Subdivision,etzel's vision and Bloc\]F 4, Scbuitaius ddition, from 1Threenbrier Avenu to Walsh and the\anddirec ereby orde said improvemen s to be made. RESFURTHER, That the followin land, lands ore ements therein be d the same e hereby obe taken, ap ropriated and con emned for the pu se of making the sa d improvemen , viz.'For slopes cuts and fill in the grad of Alley is eaton'e SubdiNetzel's Su vision and B oak 4, Schnit. ustion, m Greenbri i C.F. No. 110106—BY I. C. P"MAvenush Avenue. m the matte: of aemnmg ainkflag easement in the lana ecac t.and 8u..n the AlyyI'dlWaionSchniti :.g AAaltalon LromTni REF RTHER, That he Commissione c Public Worand is hereby $frncted and directede lans and specific tions for said i rovement, androper city offici is are hereby authorizrec d to proceed wi the making of aid improvemaccordance ther ith. FEB y i�'d ... 193--- Adopted by the Council .. ................... .. ..... - - ................----- --........................................-- ------........... ........-------- City Clerk. Approved ...._..FEB ...--9..W3.B.............. 19....... .Z:; 1?arE�xg Mayor. Y Findl=n Councilmen May McDonald PearceRosen Tnt:.:c V inn (f Truax en el Wenul f . Mr. President Soo -e -aa --- -- -_�� ALLEY INGLESTONs5u5.,NETZECs5ui.&BUC9SCHNITZIUSADo- ( GREENORIERAYE WfiLSH AvE. Imo.-' ..'!I. `e leR. 8340 ...2473 �n Ne,24Y3;� Scale /'=40• • ryr W MONTANA AVE. I N G L E S T 01 N'S S U D. N E T Z E ,L' S S U D•' � -4 roo 3 2 I 4 3 9042 4oRi 4/.so' 91•So� S -48.39• cr �o Fr Stu. Stu - t;a� Carl, Stu. Stu. - — Grar, Fr _ • -- CTar �_ Gar._ f He Age _ � N n, +' Fr a Fr Fr. Go r � � 40 s1. 8 I Z S 6 7 J I N G L�STO' N'S SU 8. S C H N I T Z I U S N EC3R5 K A AvE- A D D-1 �h s.,� 4-Sehn%fzi vt A�� p� D 2 N°466'! CITY OF ST. PAUL ! DEPARTM.rQNT QP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) CL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Ingleston's Subdivision, Netzel's Subdivision and Block 4, Schnitzius Addition, from Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue, under Preliminary Order approved December 10, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ $ 25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONVALUATION ASSESSED Land Bldg* 1 Netsel►s Subdivision X200 $52M 8 do gOp 4800 3 do 160 3660 4 do 150 3360 1 Ingieston's M. 160 Z do 160 1000 3 do 160 6050 4 do 880 8 do 800 1TO g do TOTAL, 386 4050 .. F— B. CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 DEPARTMENT OF,.,FINANCE } ✓REPORT OF COMMTSSIdNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION,,I,a�OC ...,..�_--... .,x.= ...x...,-- ,�..�.�..ADDITION rLUATIOr't �ltQA�/ 8pbr f ...I, � Ii saffi 51 I l �I Ifaat 40 ft. of tha ffi. of tha $ et a H. Sohl tsius Adds to 525 5360 ; St. Paul IIlan. s U r S. 41 ft. of We 61 ft. of S. u o of S. e a $25 54001 I. is S. 60 ft. of 11. 151 ft. of s. x'400 sego of S. oR a i � I(_ do (Su. Wo 131 ft.) S. of 8o of j t do 450 4800 i': Y I It - r ,-- — ', ''-- — - -- -- ---- local `!#4 76 : �Wrm 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 29, 1937 193_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 109521 approved .. December 10, 1937 193—, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land neoesaary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Ingleston's Subdivision, Netzelis Subdivision and Block 4, Schnitzius Addition, from Greenbrier Ave. to Walsh Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is— necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ Xxxx , and the total cost thereof is $ Xxx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_ suh]. cdirFINANoE�aid improvement. -12-, 1.0 nu 9� o r A. ,,1� DEC 30 1937 asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pro mmissioner of Public Works 0 1._ oo10oly Oak w CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFI E OF THE CITY CLERK #NCIL ESOLUTION--- GENERAL FORryIN, cour ` NO — . ai®1V6 Upon recommendation of the .Commissioner of Public Safety, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into a lease with William S. Sinclair for the rental of the rear section of the first floor area, being approximately one-third of such first floor area, of the, old fire engine house No. 12, located at No. 3saidosabel lease torrun, belonging to the Department of Public Safety, from March let, 1938, and provide for a rental of $20.00 per month, payable monthly on the first day of each and every month, beginning Larch 1, 1938, and be subject to cancellation upon thirty days' notice by either party, and the Corporation Counsel - — is hereby authorized and directed to prepare prover lease therefor. COUN ' N Yen Nays . dlan In Favor Peterson ruaa ......_....:._......_. Against 7F ran o r. President (Gehan) IM 3-N GEORGE J. FISHER, First Assistant Buyer H. AfLAUSTIN, Purchasing Agent . CITY OF SAINT PAUL 66 Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 253 City Hall and Court House February 4, 1938 Mr- John McConneloug, Corporation Counsel, City of Saint Paul. Dear sir! Referring to my letter of November 13th last in which you were requested to terminate the lease held by Wm. S. Sinclair covering rental of ngine House locatedeaty347oRosabelwn as iSt.re Ebetwe n Fourth �and � Fifth Sts.: It was found that the entire premises andment easoMr. cuired 6inclairoiesta��ouse oftooremain4in that location it has been decided to permit him to occupy the rear section of the building, comprising approximately one-third of the first floor area, for which he is to pay rent of $20.00 per month, payable monthly, effective March 1, 1938. Will you please draw up a lease covering this transaction, said lease to be terminated by either party upon thirty days' written notice? You t uly, HWA/B PU11 SIAG AGENT -- Od3WI le Olv OaY couNci� X0107 CITY OF ST. PAUL way NO.._........___...__._. __... F THE CITY CLERK COda LUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTE..... D •+` DATE.....F!.ebluar9.......�.....J.��.1........._....... COMMISSIONER._ ................................ .........__..____.......................__......................_............................._.... RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one used 160 -foot, 2 -stage Sullivan W8-60 Air Compressor, thoroughly reconditioned and guaranteed,at a total cost not to exceed $2300.00, without advertisement as this is.a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-139 COUN EN Yeas Nays dlan aroe. , ,, .rete n •/� _ • 1......:.. Against r. president (Geehan) 3M 3-37 C. F.No. 110107—BY I. C. Pearca— Reaolved, That the Purchae{n�Agenf be, "a he. is harebY authorized to. purohesa{..wlth.. the consent of the Compt[D ler. -00 Aird 180 -toot, 2 -stage Sullivan W8-80 Air Compreseor,:thor- oughly reconditioned and guaranteed, sY a total .coat not to eiceed E8300.00, without advertlaement ae We isu, Pat - anted article and no advantage could be. gBalnad therebyy Charge General Fun AdoD y tris ECoufn Ile Feb; 9.x1988. Approved Feb. 9. 1938. (Feb. 12,1938). Adopted by the Coon-g___...�e"3_..._......193....._ Approved . ... .193 .............. _..... . ivlayor CAV co." N o0108. ,x,.l to n °.d. n..... . 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL . CE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ✓--�"'+'t.�h 8 1938...... ' - .. PRESENTED BY .........._.:_..._ ......................._........ ............ DATE 7..... authorized to RESOLVED That the purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one used Universal Bronze Bearing Jaw Rock Crusher, size 9 a 24� thoroughly reconditioned and guaranteed at a total cost not to exceed $1750.00 f.o.b. St. Paul, without advertisement as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge General Fund- gunioipal Equipment- 1003-139 C. F.. No. 110106—BY I. C. Pearce - Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he )s hereby s.uthorlaed to Du- r chAse..with the consent of tha ComD- - troller. one used Universal BroY_,( ae Bearing Taw ock Crusher, las 9a8l. thorou hly recondtttoned and guaran teed a 4 total coat not to exceed E1760.00 f. o. b. 3t. Paul, wtNoutad-� ticle a don. edV-tags couldtbe Hai 8 thereby. Chaige General Fund— DLunfefpal FqulDmeat-1003-138. Adopted by th'e Council Feb. 9, 1838. Approved Feti: f), 1938. (Feb. 18. 1938) FEB9 9938 Adopted by the Council ..._ ..................._ —1-CpUNCILMEN Nays Yeas llfs�ff'alae I FEB ;i'1928 ......................193 _..... ,Pmdlan App—ed........................... /.1✓ ._. eterson erruax ............. 2. Against .fVlr. Pr IAent (Crehan) 7M Y37 i ro an c.n1101(19 CITY OF ST. PAUL iai"a` NO...__...__. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU�RESO -GENERAL FORMZPRESENTED BY (Q\}�}�{DATE ...........-3ebrnary. 9y....1.939— COMMISSIONER. ...... _.... _. _.._........._......�.1 .... ..... ...... WHERFJIS, heretofore "On Sale" Liquor license f 1107 was Sidaed to Arthur 0. Erikson at 19 E. 5th St., and WHEREAS, Herman W. Peterson and Emil Wolden have requested that said license be transferred to them at 15-17-19 E. 5th St. and Rooms 100 to 426 inclusive of the Jewel Hotel, and WHEREAS, said Herman W. Peterson and Emil Wolden have filed a bond in the sum of $3,000. as required by city ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that said request for transfer be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that "On Sale" Liquor license $1107, heretofore issued to Arthur 0. Erikeen at 19 E. 5th St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Herman W. Peterson and Emil Wolden at 15-17-19 E. 5th St. and Rooms 100 to 426 inclusive of the Jewel Hotel, and the bond of the said Herman W. Peterson and Emil Wolden is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorised and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said Arthur 0. Erikson from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. C. F. N. 110109-13, r• C.. Pearce, G. H. transfer informally approved by Council, Feb. S. 1939- COUNC MEN yps Nays Ian In Favor fe eon ` ruaa L./...: Against P r to r. President (Gehan) 3M 3a 8i. Adopted by the Council.. FE B __.... _193.8.. .193..... FEF Approved.... 193_..... ✓. Mayor - APPLICA ST. PAUL // G� SALE" LIQUOR 1C MSE #1107 Name of Applicant 8 o. Residence Address rani teal, F Are you a citizen of the United States? yes ,,�FF ,,,ff a e�rga!veycenev;�ofsl1 oo�elg&n9haislosakti beds3n en anT w ere? YSince 20 st _ I" ff in ],936.. If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation Application No. Telephone k parlor, or business of similar nature? When incorporated? If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? How many members? Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known ma= Land AAs"ai+v R^mnfl „er Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward :E. Fifth St: North l9abasha and Cedar Streets How many feet from an aca4amy, college or university (measured along streets)? s�ks I -low many feet from a church (measured along streets)? six blocks How many feet from closest public or parochial grade ornhigh school (measured along streets)? 7 blocks Name of closest school How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?_ C -- : _ ,'; On what floor located? First floor Are premises owned by you or leased? Les sed If leased give name of owner Dr. F. D_ Kendrick .' If a restaurant, give seating capacity? ' 132 If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? 15� Give belowthe name, ornumber, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: This application is made for the transfer of the previous liouor license granted to Arthur Eriksen Jas-1S1th,_1338, Pxninina January 31st, 1939 who is operating the business and has sold and tranafel=d the same and agreed to the transfer of this lieense to the applicants The Applicants desire the license to cover the cafe ro-- '^^^+ea At io t^a+ Eiftb Street and the rooms on the Q•, + •door of i5, t7, and ig Fag Fifth S .reet_ known and operated as the 1 H ick; to the said Pe +e a^n arA tlr_1dan_ 6-eR l„/00 74. .1 4c�.:.t•?sus (The information above must be given for hotels gr restaurants which use more_ than one room for liquor sales). Haw many guest rooms in hotel? I04' Name of resident proprietor or manager, (restaurant or hotel) Herman W pet erson and Emil WoYit Give names and addresses of three business references: ,Empire National Bank 360 Robert St., St. Paul, Minnesota - 7t• THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, O MAKE CATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUSOT BEEDTTACHED: THIS APPLI Issuance of license is not recommended. Application checked by Dated 3193— License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE 600 1-37 STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY "' 3gni1 Wolden and Herman. 17. Peterson bcin' "' first duly swots, g deposra and say9tthat ' rte4c following application -and know¢the contents thereof"and that the same is true to the best of I€At knowledge information -and Elief. , 7 ;a 'Subscribed and sworn to before iiia ris&� this let day o� Febr_7'-r93a Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.. My commission- expires /• :<f`�`1 STATE O- MINNESOTA, • ss: COUNTY OF RAMSEY. being first duly sworn, deposes and says that the of .. a corporarion, that has rcaA the foreggf ng application and knows the contents thereof and that the same is true to the best of knowledge, information and belief;. that the seal affixed.to the foregoing instrument is the corporate sealrQf said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed; and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribe&xnd sworn to before me this—day of 193— Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires 56 od,.,a�� I � IM, 110110 wswciL NO...___. CITY OF ST. PAUL - - -- — OFLICEOFTHE CITY CLERK COUNCILUT� - - NERAL FORM PRESENTS BY- l\ 11 aTE......_.-Febraazy 9,..1939!.... That licenses applied for bMhe following persons at the addresses indicated RESOLVED be and the same are hereby granted and the city cleric is instructed to issue each licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Peter J. Brodala 777 E. 7th St- Barber App. 23949 Renewal.. A. A. Burque 969 Arkwright Barber " 24096 n W. J. MoAndrews 371 Thomas St. Barber " 24327 " Cecil R. McMillan 240 S. Fairview Barber " 24342 " F. L. Breen 280 Rice St. Barber " 24399 " Morris Berezovsky 236 S. Snelling Ave. Barber " 24429 " Louis E. Beaty 180 Ramsey St. Barber " 24452 " Emil Behar 657 Stitker Ave. Barber " 24479 " Francis Kohn 600 S. Smith Ave. Barber " 213512 " John Regola 5361 St. Peter St. Barber " 24514 " J. E. Bellaire 1083 Arcade St. Barber " 24540 " L. McGough 623 Selby Ave. Barber " 24601 " Christ Thoreson 673 Selby Ave. Barber " 24631 " Sisemore & McCall 363 Rice St. Barber " 24646 " Frank Lee 1196 Payla Ave. Barber " 24664 " R. Hornbach 1956 St. Anthony Barber " 247kS " Fay B. Decker 545 Rice St. Barber 24727 " Henry Finstad 767-75 Wabasha St. 3 Tavern " 24874 is _- _4 ----- -I ,r- -0---- " Dance Hall " 24875 ■ C. W. Schulze 1008 Arcade St. Grocery " 24878 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_. _ _ _. _ _ ___ .. __ ._ . _. _.....193_._.. Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved_. .......... 193....... Pearce _.... ___ _..In Favor Peterson Truax -......._. Against .................. Mayor etuet a raato Mr. President (Gehan) 7M 1}7 WSW to D"` COi "`" 110110 •, CITY OF ST. PAUL NO....._ .._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ ................ ....... ....._.. ................ __... ._........ _. _..........__... .........DATE................. ............... .... .............. .. ....... —2— RESOLVED A. H. Anderson let flr. Barber App. 24879 Renewal. New York Bldg. Stedtfeld Markets Inc. 249 S.Snelling Botcher a 249g0 a Hickey B roe. 359 St. Peter Conf. a 24993 e Johnson Bros. 973 Payne Ave. Grocery a 24g85 fl F. Pariseam 920 E. 7th St. Gas Station a 24997 n E. H. Braunig 219 Maria Ave. Bakery a 24888 a Macey Ia Inc. 71-73 E. 7th St. Barber 11 24900 e Harry Lennon 29 W. 7th St. Conf. a 24901 Is Oscar Brink 999 Payne Ave. Groc4y d 24902 a Patrick F. Casey 2052 Marshall Ave. Barber fl 24903 a James A. Gillis 1597 University Ave. Pool Tables a 24904 it Norman & Sone 917 Heaney St. Grocery a 24916 a Guy & Eleanor Varner 1207 Univ. Ave. Restaurant a 24920 a Mrs. E. J. Wahl 410 Wabasha St. Restaurant a 24925 e Geo. Samuelson 529 Rice St. Restaurant a 24927 a n a a a On Sale Malt n 24928 n n a fl a Off Sale Malt a 24929 n Vernon Williamson 989 Arcade St. Gas Station fl 24930 a Morris Charnoff 122 State St. Barber a 24937 a Williams & Outcher 2399 Univ. Ave. Barber fl 24941 a Carl Doerr 835 Univ. Ave. Barber fl 24942 n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays c: lioilo=sr r. C. rearca; F. M. pled by the Council Truax, 0-3&4 Sar[nee- 'Resolved, .that 11Ge'o appDtled' for We named oa the nab'the FEB 9 1938 193.. Ian to ohed hthl. this resolntton be and the same aro hereby"scanted and the City Clerk leIns¢ruoted to iaeue 1" / such if- nausea up tresaurY on the payment Into the cltY of the required tees APP'S- -- ----- ........_.193_._.. /� c Adopted by, the Coundp Feb 8 ,1888• ABDroVed Feb 9 I888. , :(Feb IS 1886) ✓/ ruga A t yor F rento r. President (Gehan) )M 8.17 (� 1 , cv," to CRY a.% wUNCI . No. 1101U CITY OF ST. PAUL O FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RESOLU GENERAL FORM E....Fdbruax7..9r-1939x_........................ PRESENTEDBY., ... ............... ........_ ...... COMMISSIONER_._......................._............................. .. ....... ........... ...... RESOLVED That Fuel Dealer license $637, expiring October 7, 1939, issued to Noah Powers at 130 Eva 9t. be and the same is hereby transferred to Noah Powers at 260 W. Central Ave. and the proper city officers are instructed to take the proper changes in the city's records. transfer informally approved by Douncil, Feb. 9, 1939. ye Nays use �n `�.In Favor Against r. President (Gehan) 1DA r c r No. 110111—BY �1.0.Farce Troa G H. B"fuv.� .eagter ''cense No e637, ee'P1H' Ro e re° y .1841>�va sued to Noah Pe, harebY tranaterred' to NoadthOhYowe�rn nt880 W.-QenLral and -the br'.r- cltY o�cere.'are in' at d ted• to make.. the DroDer� chanB�Y ' 'Wim city's records Adopted by th,A Gouncll Fab. ADDrovefl, F(Feb 18, 18381 FEB 9 1938_ Adopted by the Council Approved .'`::.e.� ,;r; y..._........ig3_.... Mayor Aj 7 Rondo St., �•l St. Paul, Minn. �•, r February 6. 1938 \ a �i The City Council Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: I have complied with all of the requirements of the fire inspector and the building inspector in regard to fitting the property at 260 W. Central Avenue for my coal business. A week ago 1 appeared before you and was told that rrW license transfer would be granted, in all probability, if I did the things required by the two officials mentioned. This morning I am requesting that I be given the transfer and sincere - 1.v hope that you will act favorably. very truly yours woah Powers n,J� W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD •Supt. of Perks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner February 3, 1938 Honorable City Council St,. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: As per your request of February 2nd, rrr, War. Barron of the Fire Prevention Bureau and Harry Ebert, Inspector of the same Bureau, and myself made an inspection of the building and grounds at 260 !^:est Central Ave. which are to be used for a fuel business by r'r. ^Toah Powers. We found that Mr. Powers, who is the owner, has already complied with some of the necessary repairs and cleaning up of the premises as requested by the Fire Prevention Bureau, and ^^r. powers further agrees to take care of some of the necessary minor repairs to the building. very/truly, Architect The City Cou4011 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: 837 Rondo St., St. Paul, Minnesota February 1, 1938 I am attempting to move my coal business from 130 Eva Street to 260 W. Central Avenue and it will be necessary to as— oure your approval for the same. i According to a fire inspector who visited the Central Avenue Addsagit will be necessary for me to make certain im. provements on the property before it can be opened for my basi— nese. I would like to be sure, before making such improvements that if I do so the license transfer will be granted. Very sincerely yours •170ah Powers• ERNEST CHAS. A. BASSFORD W. LA MONT Y.AUFMAN Suvc off JOHNSON Playgrounds City Architect Supt. of Parlor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner „an 0, 1,30 .'red — ;rua,. 10:_.1_..1.,_ .,__ Cf_7co rcturn_v to u. ':e_er;it'a a letter fro -:i ';'ne Ci Clei9]s ' uel eaer1-cense of 'cc ar^1,nscyentr l Ave— n1-10—fro—.-i 130 Eva L_i�lr"in loccte:. al ti 0 Central Avenl_.e is 0c_:u'- -(. b-1 rn: u01 Ice Coi Hari., pro_, t i i s not in 3t. A n foo'. co 0.2 -: e ' ' i 1,eaL' ed up t _ cardboar w^ .,e a ^n i _io notJ el_ev a.. �CL)lc o l ce:zsc c. ou' o `io CO:L�._tio.. o `_ Cit- Arci�itect LA— . jZ'�,v 12, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration January 11th, 1938. Hon. F. M. Truax Comer. of Parks, P. & P. 8. City Hall Dear Sir: Noah Powers has appli for permission oIIn totransfer his Fuel Dealer's license from 130 St. to 260 w. and the Council requests a reoomm ndation from the Building Dent. 4 Yours very truly, /Qf City Clerk. ' 1-_,, .. - ... ^4 . 4„+;Y3: !'t 7 ;: `Y • '�_ � �• 837 Rondo St., 9t. Paul, Minn., Jan. 10, 1938. Mayor, City Council, Court House. 3t. Paul, Minn. Gentlemens I am forced to Move my coal business from 130 ?9va St.. and I would like to resume it at 260 W. Central Ave. It is necessary for me to go because the Fire Inspector declared the former location unsafe. The landlord refuse& to make the necessary changes which would remedy this condition and in an effort to meet the requirements dF law. I wish to open at the new address. Since this would involve a license transfer, I am hereby requesting the said transfer in this letter. If I am given this permission 1t will enable me to contin- ue my work while a denial of it may rob me of my self sup- port. The license plate ie 83. Respectfully yours. Noah Powers. APsh ,pael Dealer License # 637 Zxpiring Oct. Te. 1939 /�' 4 � THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE January 20th, 1938• ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Cheirm AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. M,GLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD. C,ty A-h,tecf GEORGE H. HERE OLD. Secretor gmn y Mr. L. R. S, Terguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : Your letter of January 11th relative to the application of Noah Powers to have his Fuel Dealerls, License transferred from 130 Eva St. to 260 W. Central Ave. No. 260 W. Oentral Avenue is at the south- east corner of Jay and Central. It is occupied by a small frame non -conforming store building which uses the balance of the lot for storage of different kinds. This open stor- age is prohibited in a commercial district. This store is in a "B" Residence District. This store is one of the poorest on the street and its continuance should not be encouraged. We have also inspected the premises at 130 Eva St. and we do not believe that any transfer of this license should be made. The Board of Zoning recommend that the trans- fer of this license be denied. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer -Secretary. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. E. BRISSMAN Supt of Police and Fire Alarm Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commieioner Jan.13,1938 L.R.S.B`ergason City Clerk St.Paul,ldinn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of Noah Powers to transfer his Puel Dearler's License from 130 Eva Street to 260 West Central Avenue. Upon investigation we found that 260 West Central Avenue is a very old building,with inside sheeted up with card-board,stove heat, and in a very poor condition. Even though there is plenty of clearance be- tween this building and adjacent building we still £ebb that it is a fire hazard and an eye sore to be located on a through street. We have also referred this matter to the Building Department for further report and recommend that the transfer of this license be held up until the report from the Building Inspector's pfYlob is forth- coming. Respectfully yours Chief Inspector WCB/he Eire Prevention Bureau. LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTICING SAFETY Ddsls.l1Car a.h `r�u NO._.111.12 CITY OF ST. PAUL / ICE OF THE CITY CLERK (t COON RESOLU N--- ENERAL FORM 1 ..................... PRESEN BY ......_..._..... ......_....DATE .....__�8 ....... .._9.,... 93g. . commiesONER_............._..........................__......._._.........._..... RESOLVED That Gas Station license $1+152, expiring July 25, 1939- isened to E. J. Wall at 985,Grend Ave. be and the same is hereby transferred to Stephen J. Uelady, Jr. at the same address. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. Transfer informally approved by Council, Feb. S, 1938. GOUNC EN Yeas Nays than �peearoe _ _ In Favor 'Veter9on _...�.. Against s �Ier.�reeni�o11 t (Gehan) 3!t 3.37 C. F Nw 110112-9r I. Ci; Pearce, F:.3r-, Truaz G, H Bartow— Resolved, Tbat Gos Btallon, li'cenpe " No d162 ezi11s1n July. 26. 1939, 1.- udd to Fy J•'Wa�l'ay-996 Grand A:vd be and the ssa o e Ls .horJ7' X '—the to erne tp "t Dbe," addreee, "d��the proper city otecera "are lnetruoted to, make the ,proper chane In the city's 4eoorde. -Adopted by the Council Feb 9, 1938.1 ,pp proved Feb. 9. 1938. — (Feb. 12, 1938) FEB 9 1939 _ . 193.... Adopted by the Counnl-- Pp A roved.....__. t __.. Mayor OdSW 1. City Ciah COUNCIL ...... CIT_ Y OF ST. PAUL 11" NO•.- 110113 l JFIJCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNESOLUT9�NERAL FORM PRESENTED_BY I'1/IA.A /I E Feb. ._9r..._193.8% ..................... RESOLVED V That license for Restaurant, application 25005, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 25006, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 25007, applied for by Mrs. George (Rath) Thompson at 1611 Rice St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the paymert into the city treasury of the required fees. :KY New, Informally approved by Council, Feb. 3. 1938• Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays . � sates In Favor /P1 rson %frsaa Against ntosident V (Gehan) 114 3•l1 c' F, No. 110119—BY L C Pearce, F. M: Truax. 0. H.,Barfuea Resolved, That. 11 --for ReS%a -. ant; apDllcatlDn 86006, E6QOe On Bate Malt Beverage, aPDticatton'. ..:,and 'Olf S.A. BeveeaBe,eapp;loatlop_26007i -Adapted by>ihe'C'ounell Feb. 9;: 198 Approved Feb 9. 1988. - ,(Feb 19, 19881 od.I.W b Oh qa4 COU PRESENTED By It If COMMISSIONER_ ........................ _...............,''VJ 110114 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL IILt NO....__..._ _...__. FFICE OF TH CITY CLERK L RESOLD ON-- ENERAL FORM I v p ._ 1/LA nsTE _Flbrua�y...9, .1939•-- rsons at esses RESOLVEDbe and tthhe samesareplied fk)by the hereby granted end theiciityeclerk is instructed to issue ted such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Grocery App. 22992 New New Location C. T. Brooker 308 Eine St. ry n " Thos. Dumont Mezzanine Floor Barber " 24s92 ld Now York Bldg. E. L. Felcyn Lowry Hotel Barber " 24950 " Old " COUN MEN Nays Yeas ' dlan �rm In Favor Re reon F rP�reeident (Gehau) 3M 337 jC b 1d 8Y L. C: P arcs. F. 3L �1 R.�fus6-- "- (Feb.. 12,: 1e.37 FEB V633 Adopted by the Council _193___. Approved 7 `. V, Mayor odshw is Csr CWII 1 110115 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE +^��TY CLERK Wry,��O NCIL RES04MION--rGENERAL FORM SEAS. C. J. Crocker desires to withdraw application 21317 for Grocery license at 302 H1ceSt. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it BESOLPED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to C. J. Crocker the fee of $7.09 add to cancel said application for license. (the fee of $2.91 having been deducted because the applicant operated for a period of 31 months on said application.) -No. ,110116 -_Hy LC, Pes.roe,.-F. M. Capt oDere2ed for 6:'. Derlod•'.oC j months d said eCoun011oFe Adopted Dyy�the C until FeD. D. ADDrD4edFeD 9..1939. --__ -- - -(Feb lE; 1936) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council___FE.B._ 91 13.2.8 ..193...... Yeas Nays � ��dkn Approved 1`_... : Favor PP _ _193----.. rcaa.. Against�ro r tanto President (Gehan) 3M 3.37 C 110116_. 0,111.10,111.1a as a.e , .L. �. NO. . / CITY OF ST. PAUL V/ OFFICE O THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RES U ON--- NERAL FORM PRESENTEY, .....� TE...._.Feb.•.._9.,...193S.- 0"13.._......._...._.................. COM MISSI R-.... ............. tAffigEpS, Albin A. Benson desir to withdraw I On Sale Liquor license application 424399 at 636 Vandalia and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Albin A. Benson the fee of $1,000.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUN MEN 7In Yeas�dlan Favor ,Pe son ..... .. Against O r. President (Gehan) )M Y37 p s tigsa Adopted by the Council_.__ 193..__. f _ ` �r..� i' ,,.}.....__......193_.... Approved ........... ... > Mayor a ea Rrca. ex 11011'7 T8® 6WARD Off` DAEIAf3r _ � RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT, AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING MMt `DEREO:o Ai vI: JEARI\u ON i UE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of condemnin land -taking the ---------I -described land for addition to ----- --------------- the Holman Municipal Airport: All that part op oil west 9ne-half of Government Lot 13 in Section 5, Township 28, Range 22, lying east of the rtSht of way of the Chica7,o, Rock Island and Pacific Railway and HitchoocktO Addition to Lest St. Paul in said Section 5. Also all of Hitchcock's Addition to West St. Paul lying east of the east line of the following described lots in said addition: Lots 3 and 26 in Block 10, lots 5 and 29 in Block 8, and lot.26 in Black 6; also that part of lot 1, Block 6, Hitchcock's Addition to 1Y+eat St. Paul east of the east line of Lot -219 in said Block 6, produced northerly to the northeasterly line of said lot 1. Also a miscellaneous tract in Gone r=ent Lot 1t Section 8, Township 28, Range '22' lying AdditidiPto Isest'St. Paul,. ngitherly of l;;pM} end JacksonJ+s Addit of .0 West St, Paul and, wdsterly of the, easterly line of s'aiif Gov&tment Lot 1. Also all of lots 1 bstd 2, Bartl+ett`s Addition except railroad rift of way. Alec all of hots 1, 2 and Z# in Block 4, Brown ;and JapIcsonIs Addition to Test St. Paul except railroad o� way. Also all of Government Lot 2 iaa Section '8, Township $8,Raage 22, lying northerAy.of the southerly line of staid Gov6rffment Lot 2, and lying northerly of a line drawn from the intersection o�,the southerly line of said Government Lot 2, and the easterly line of Block 4, Brovos and .iackson's Xdition to West St. Paul, to a °point on the east line of Sectioft.,� Togay;hip 3�,''kaage 22, 200 feet south of the northeast corner of said Section S. Also the northerly ,200 feet of Goverxmient Lot 12 in Section 9, Township 28, Range 22: Also all that part of GPvw;r"zt Lots 13 and 5 in Section 9, Township 28, Range 22, lying westerly #9140"'vet and no{therXy of a line described as follow43 0oindaexioirig 9t a ligto tirdst line Sd Government Lot 13, 206100t south of the north�bly oo r of said lot, thence easterly and parallel to the northerly 1%7N1; mixt t'for a d staPoe of 693 feet, thence southeasterly to the intersedttft of the westerly line of Jeanne Street and the northerly line of lot 26, Block 11, Campbell's Addition, produced westerly. Also lots 1 to 8, inclusive, and lots 23 to 30, inclusive, in Block 11, lots 1 to 6, inclusive, snd lots 23 to 30, inclusive, in Block 2, all of Blocks 1 and 12, all in Campbell's Addition.. Also lots 21 and 22, Block 32, Lamprey's Addition; VVq �7jj:og 7 SS' 7Tpe ''. Ofe 12 owq 2 Tu 2sc+-lou i3yonw vTeo eTT FPBizof usual 55'as o odabuntcuf rof IS Tu 2sof7ou 8' yohwePTb SS' VTeo Ve u°zfpcs 71' S00 L F L C o;<,fP@:sr°s fP 94 PT. a g e o eaag Fbi?, & u&s S8• pQ.Lsef 2017;pP trtf. go%4 Fo a boiuf ori fysT#1`4aL 008f gFoF' euq FPe esiik F'�. ;.TuP oQ .- ' b lF t2a� r F s' s ITue gz,eeu)'ttoiu ape TU ded}�siII�> gol�7�S '�T at X oL uox..FpaxTX OL Fos eoa;YGLIX F fg y 2PTb S8'�ee SS. 17'Tuz VF2o, VTT b Co usvfo seF 2f' L-unj sxoebF LUTIL004 s�� � ai q. gio�su 'ouq 1,61t2oule VggXF7ou Fo VI2o eTT oL ToF2 ? S euq 3 vino ell oL Iofs F,93Mg S' s� IsFf+:? VggTFTou exoebf ysTTr.oaq LTZ44 OL Aw2v °L egiq OoAoimev; roF �;, e, *QgG%.IX oL Ve eveseLIX TTus Ezohur #p4 gscKzor Vg4°u° !'8E 3E b . fiAt+aBf 2F' bgn.F' gpt,F}rsz.T1. OL 3a7?ee S5'. T`h?ue'feYF $d�r�f,� 28°Fiou 8'q�,urapib S9'.,. vFgo a :gtraof?q. Tu 2tri9 B7ooF 6' byognoeq uozFPesT� Fo FFg uosFgesefeaT? True oL egTg 7oF T' grl err2F oL FPa seaF Trus oL Iof SB ocR g' H7FoPooclC, a Yggi.f .0 £,R rtes f f~f' ;E F + e zo FpeF bas f oL ToF 7 Bp' TO;e 2 ouq S8 December 16, 1937 ---__-___-_-� 109567 ---------- approved ----------------------- under Preliminary Ord ------ January 5, 1938 - - - Intermediary Ord er------------ ----- aPProved____------- 110014------------ approved____Feary_1�_ Final Order ---------------------- - The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ ----------day of-------- - ldaroh --------------- 19_38_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- -- 9th missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. FEB Adopted by the Council --------------------- ..,;,-,----------- --------- City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------`19---- �� -----------1-- --- ---- Mayor. llarfuse Councilman I'indlan Councilman -z Pearce / 'IJELISHJ;D Councilman Peterson C/J� Councilman Truax /� Councilman vvl_i (/ "4-" Coun6ljman ##ffifflWWW Mayor Gehan —� RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARINGW-AWAUNOMM THERE(?` ;.D FIXif T?.l:c OF c,1R? U 0'� TiIL AWARD ;F D"��':' ` ; In the matter of__ acguirin,t_&FPropriating and oonder�in the _folloving_described_land for public safety purposes: Lots 4 and 7, Block 6, Robert & Randall's Addition to St. Paul, C. F. No. 11121— In ibe matter d acUUulrtng, "'lao'Og etfng and and for the following I;,�den�orlbed land for public safety Rob- e: to 4 and t, Block 8, Bob - A '-& Randatl'e Addition to St. Paul. r Prelimtna^ - -der It92io au - under Preliminary Order ------- 109280----_---- approved__ November 171 1937--------------- 109484 --------- December 8 1937 Intermediary Order ------------------ approved --------------'---------------------- Final Order ------------------ ----------- approved- --slnnttary_4--83$.---------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- - - he-___-- 9th ---------- day of ------- March-___----ji� ------- 19_3$_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ------ FLB --- -1� ----------- - --� City Clerk. Approved----------------------- ----' 19---- -------I-7`=-------_ ------------- y---- Iiarfus3 Ma or. Councilman Findlan Councilman Pearce / EUBj,[gD �3 Councilman Peterson U' Councilman Truax 6 ¢ Councilman WeTrze} Councilman Gehan Mayor ___E_____4_____ C F No 11toelr f Sn the mnttar of 'the eseeea and of COUNCIL FILE NO.____ benoata. aa'"agea Boats nnsdeeut penaes for eheaRlnR ,the Rr_ art Alley 1n Block- 6 Eldler & Morrt '+ bon'b : Stesrrangement of gait o1 By------._...--.--- ___.._,_..':_.__.—eLoe )3a,dWjn Street. t as nforgm 110119 CITY-.WOff. PAUL Resolution of Council Aporoving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade' -of Alley in Block 5, Elmer & Morrison's Rearrangement of part of Macalester Park from Cambridge Street to Baldwin Street, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also grading Alley in Block 5, Elmer & Morrison's Rearrangement of part of Macalester Park from Cambridge Street to Baldwin Street to the proposed red line when established. Also constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the easterly 10 feet.of lot 22 from the Alley to Lincoln Avenue, 102591103171 under Preliminary Order -, Int9tmedlarj Order- ____...._. _...---._...----.--_---, Final Or103382 -........ .��r___._._..__----- _.... PP The assessment of...._-benefitsx_._dama_gesL_costs and expenses__Ior and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to theCouncil, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, there a be 1� - RESOLVED, That the said assessment 'be'and}the same. is hereby in'•allrespects approved. , RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing .be had on said assessment -b the 9th__ -.__day cy ;. rte,, ,�•; Marsh, 1938 __- l=__._, at the hour of 10 o tduek A M., in, the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ;', that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating iri said notice the'time.,and placef of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot -or lots of the particular OI owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .... _..... F B:9 1938 ty Clerk. Approved_..._-___..._..__......... Y Councilman Clawy' - -" -" Barfus3 Fergusoff-7:`-' 1'indlatt go - -- Pea1`0 - 2 3 „ete..rs<;a PUBLISHER 'Z ��. snag :zj�'-= Truax Mayor ibboaM Gett;ia In lthe mattectoffl �ozpenseent.for' coUNCIL FILE NO.__.._.____ _. _ ' Q>neam °°° e . the°,° of t>s° rat,ors 111`0 to.the r +Yofllea 6°reto a< a+tio B CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for. i changing the grade of the following streets to conform to the red line on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereofs Sibley Street from Tenth Street to Spraoe Street; $prude Street from Sibley 8trest`to 4$ feet easterly of Sibley Street; Martin Street from Temperance Strest.to 285 feet easterly of center line of Temperance Street; isterly side of Temperance Street -from Norris Street to 60 feet northerly of center line of Norris Street; z"�fe8terly side of TempeYyranojs 81a�ts`om Norris Street to 85 feet pdrtiorly ,of r. 3 iter ,Line Qf'� Yowls . 1114n$ & fix s repaYiag. coo new 1600rete Ti g walsta�€ dews e. or to to be ;2f iho � e i a width of 4b' t_ imprVvempuW VR{ T.nW.:ivlapW=6. aWPWstt'.aLc!yfR,vs!q�. r +a srs t.,_ k1Ws'ei'itre l' it :son Street ='tPR Tertt� .Street to Oieve Stroot ersterly' of . ky rdaokse)ae}�tr�lt�a,1ty1b_o `8ibleg Steet7 as Aekaon •Street to 8lbleey,styreet�t r t Pz_ .. <.. - .] •,.i $t x r.�t _ ,tri Street from Sibley Street to 43 fest easterly of fg�r ibl treet.to �.. n;e . � :i7 tiY • i;.t > :t�9';ii i{ p �aYk;[+.`ti t+tr itl� `b6 i E"tiad --qq��� } tha:east between 10th # troo sad'Orb" Street,** a edge owfiiictE',t(tissrdisahall S S tebtr st; fr6sa the present Y.8 sea %street material, iaoludin t do P�: Vstreet railway strip, concrete 'base= Tend}, a Atoksan.S sad Pato a rosdway width,f"�fde r��I{i111t±Itb"bl!1ok. e r 86Atprrtll be paved with •84.0 coat the east 38.8 i[ltio obnoreise on a# in-h�oonorete baset a +#est 24.8 feet a $ iaeh beepC Norrir'htreettss t 9M s st h # 8tba*t,±tp a 64.0 %ot width at J iuoa Street aatericl ah btse 'Temperance Street shall be repaved to the,preseht g_'existing,briok paving where psacticables, " Weispsl� Mayor WOW= +' For. 8. R 16 Geiiuu �/ � aorsefz.cfau�z�s.;n�';te eege��"udn�8har�*`�!��'" i�*� �8"LX suq �V,� aouitenf;Qua r,sanu 1�xnp�'e- 01 �$�f 1h@ ex71, arsle ofyeviiiesairae' aB o� BoLL7a gFs.se-F fo 82 Tleaf uoLf�res.7?, o; 0 eo, Leef-0i4pGLr2- OT, eL7X 01, oeu;eL Irus ol o ea 24LGG under PreliminaryOrder._._ 102804 10317 ..... ' Final Order._.__13381.0.. _.............. -. _.......... __..y approved.._..__ ...... A�ril i" The assessment of_._—bonefits� costs and expenses _ _ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is 'hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the--9th____._day of March, 1938 _ at the hoar of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the, >improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. FEB 91938 Adopted by the Council _.......... ...... __.._........�_.19 FEi1319 _ .___...._._....� _"_�! City Clerk. 1 Approved___.._.. ---......_.__..._..._...x192—__. Mayor. Councilman Clams Barfu"' Fermi= Find]en „ Hodgsx P P11Ri. Mayor ildNOWGci"'u sorm n. s. is ' In the matt.r =ocof nteq.,C,- , ec ate anCOUNCIL FILE NO._.__--epl% tae acng4n6 . ...tr 0121 B nantlttuCWnay t `s:+ ' CITY OF ST. P� Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for widening the roadeay, gradings Parings eosutritotiag net aeseat .sidnr]ts 4r r#44214 'struatiing existing sidewalks, ibli*trueting or reconstructing arna>a02tall li�tts, g and landscaping the area not used for street purposes an 1011098 Boulevard Even Yarl[bt Street to Seven Corners as widen" by C.F. 101713, approved Oat. S, 1955 and by the acquisition by deed of Lot 7. Auditor's Subdivision 8a. 44' Alio constructing paved rA daey And=, froa B3olunge Street at its interseatioa wittt Ugle Street to connect with Ee% egg levard near IIashington Street including ornaaAlpo: lights and cement sideeal1r. oonstruatdug`�ew oeaent aislewalYr " Afipa widening the present roadmk,. grad Pa, g� pbgstiructin or reconstructing ornamsntsl tights 4n the northerly aide of Sellegg g St. ta%#.Yeia!eastotly lin�A�.,�l,�,¢�;ok 19, Eisll.Fsultd Irvine�s Addi iaaix an all and dri �PProabt►ss, the ato!!tvrorY to inolnde � s± rse drfvdw.y aliproAohes i�",.. eees�; .`o`+d:s'siraoting Retw!sr, rand gas rtmmasti�e4is !rasa street mins to property lines !hers adCk alreadg ardgs B��E � to on Je logg Boulevard from the easterly n", -or yWU,9v 4+a..,, +.n !market Street shall be widened to 6.8 fast �1_ se a e anrb 4 the iiorthasr y sine. zne w>.wry.. k—" asphs}tia eonorete•paysment a 4M4 finch aapaorete bane. be tie`. a B4 Yget i west Of- to Y 't ie ppsn3O g. to the ramp to extend Prom Fraakit'StF en to have a sidewalk on each aids >g m tdI"v 11fashiigton $Tset and r rola - 41 feet. utas b land- "' -dNltys between Franktia Street and Exchange Street t. be separ y sac d islands varying set at Franklin in width from 8 Peet..at`8zchange $trait° 41 n.:,. S �`sid j ] be 12 feet wide except as follows: 4n north side of %e11a$$' Bou}award Pin ea>Xt� line of Lot 6, B1aak 349, aloe and Irvine's.[Iiitioa to Yaacial, Street �►WidsRyllc td meet wide. on north side Of 011ogg Bou2e�va3pd 'rcm Yarket Bt. to lfiehgtan' S d of aidawsik to vary from 14 Eesti wide at tgrket Street to of silo Bbulevasd, the width of 12 Pdst wide:,at At Br4et� s a to 8 feet at ILS10 sidewalk s1 1g' feet to; irk `dHill S£atset agd t � 'S shall be ' 4 inoh aonorsts, 0:l QOpt ei a it is nsaeatiisy to Street. Ali" aawf s s"mortthe sidsiNal]c on trestle works �, � xa>a�tiae�s asap 5 tq� @8MU9t,'J6�f}',6L euq $$a rr saq �5xi�:�gbbY,oeispae� asta�t eemaYrp B7J 7IK8 x,r tB�T;lJ�.`OII 2�L66.F Iuc7ngluE 102611 103174 under Preliminary Order......---.--......_......._...._.._...._— .. Intermediary Order__._.__.-.-------- _____ Final Order..._...__103379.................... _____ ._..._.._, approved- ..___ ...... April.191 Theassessment of......__...__ ..:.... .... ...-.... ........... —_-.-.... ................... ...._._... _....... _......................... __._for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FARTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the—.10th -__._.day of _March _._.._._.___._, 19K._._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in -the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. FEB 9 1938 Adopted by the Council 1 ' ri"r` ity Clerk. M 1 —.... _........ Approved _.._—................ _........... ._—.--.__._192--. (f .—:..... , Mayor. Councilman Clancy.'_`-: " Barfuss -- 8 " Ferguson Fimilan < Hodgson erre pUQL1SBED " McDonald son SudWmar l rnax Mayor Gehau / Fotm H. H. 16 •\, COUNM FILE i By ,aseasaof KP 08 tdnv110122 rest from-=ffilt; X. and ,.ala �gton Slre�bq'�c; . + r zlmately_ ^treat, w1th CITY Resolution of Council Approving Assessment �li Fs In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Washington Street from Hill Street to Eagle Street, and Hill Street from Washington Street to the present paving, approximately 89 feet west of Market Street, with sewer, water. and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete where not already made, also including curbing and 1iaving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, paving material to be 7 -inch teinforeed concrete, the roadway on Washington Street to be paved to a width of 40 feet, and the roadway on Hill Street to be'paved to a width of 30 feet; 106811 —_:,._, Intermediary under Preliminary Order_,.._._.._....._.._..__._.._. 107532Sr Ma X25 '1937 Final Order_._.__..__._ _--__.._............._.y approved_._.. —� -.—'---..----.__—, 7ffi�— The, seaealment of...._ beneand in connection with the above. improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it "SOLVED' "That. the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the__lOth __;day of March, 1938 _y409 _ at the hoar of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the` improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the CouneiL_..._.._M FES 9 19318 _-._ _ _ .. City Clerk. C / —==• //� _.....G.�..�..�.. ._, Mayor. Councilman Cla—^" " BarfnNa " Ferg Findlan PUBLISHED T'rrrce MCIaffiidc-.-,. _. ' ,.'etersoq� " SaftaftW =`"._,:' Truax Q� Wei' " h�rerrei' Mayors uehaa gra, a. s. le In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costsand expenses. for changing the grade of Eagle Street from West Seventh Street to Exchange Street to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue lime thereon. Also grading, paving, constructing new cement sidewalks, or reconstructing existing sidewalks on Eagle Ky.. . Street from West Seventh Street to Exchange Street. All of the above work to include curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, reconstructing driveway approaches where necessary, constructing sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines where not already made, making all necessary changes in watermains, sewers and appurtenances, and all other work necessary and essential to the above described improvement, under Preliminary Order_. 103422 __.__._____- Intermediary Final Order ----- ------ I.M..5.0............ _...... _... ..__y aPProved-----......_ Ju13c..2.------...---..__._ 1996L.- The assessment of....... benefits, damages, costs and expenses ----- -for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 10th ---_-__.day of 19§.8_-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. FEB 819x6 Adopted by the Council_... ------ -------..__......----192 FEB� City Clerk Approved------------._....._......_---. 192_. Councilman Cl Barfues Ferg=tWT __ FindlanZ,,,, � 2' _SS' Hodgsan "� ce PUBLISHED -- McDonald "son SudUif lar GO Mayor ehan Form H. i _ <: lies ^� ` ' COUNCIL FILE NO.__-...- rnh�b IDsttM nL t�a ----- I d ane '= °`'oiz3 YOT s8ginoCOoati oi�'°nanaie.` ,B�e��e'from West seventh' atieec By i to 'Eichnnge Btreet to conform `to the th yro9ie :Heratat- f 't' -t- tach a aad,¢mnd. a 4aT l c a i� ant eetnbll kine fioAv bqa blpe na theta 14, Xleo� tj CP1T sraasna yyavins netract] cam ni eldeWal,r Resolution --=� of Cound Ae ppro�i assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costsand expenses. for changing the grade of Eagle Street from West Seventh Street to Exchange Street to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue lime thereon. Also grading, paving, constructing new cement sidewalks, or reconstructing existing sidewalks on Eagle Ky.. . Street from West Seventh Street to Exchange Street. All of the above work to include curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, reconstructing driveway approaches where necessary, constructing sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines where not already made, making all necessary changes in watermains, sewers and appurtenances, and all other work necessary and essential to the above described improvement, under Preliminary Order_. 103422 __.__._____- Intermediary Final Order ----- ------ I.M..5.0............ _...... _... ..__y aPProved-----......_ Ju13c..2.------...---..__._ 1996L.- The assessment of....... benefits, damages, costs and expenses ----- -for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 10th ---_-__.day of 19§.8_-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. FEB 819x6 Adopted by the Council_... ------ -------..__......----192 FEB� City Clerk Approved------------._....._......_---. 192_. Councilman Cl Barfues Ferg=tWT __ FindlanZ,,,, � 2' _SS' Hodgsan "� ce PUBLISHED -- McDonald "son SudUif lar GO Mayor ehan Form H. i Ito 24 COUNCIL FILE NO By In the Matter of curbing Viola Street from Park Avenue to Rice Street, 1 C. F. No: 110184— In %. &aero[ curbtne' Viola Street [kom Park Avenue to Aice Street, "der Preliminary order'107928 ap- proved June 29, 1937. - The Council of the City of St. Paul hereby resolves, that ail order. ih the. above -:matter - be . and the as.mo are hereby cancelled; annulled and rescind- edandsi1`proceedinge in, said matter De dIscon2lnued. - Adopted by the Council Feb. 9, 1932. Approved Feb. 9. 1938: -.(Feb. 38, 1985) - under Preliminary Order 1079 approve �°. 1937 The Council of the City of St Paulpawregeeeele� FeeE e r a lasr– ereby resolves - 1. t t e is ereby prov an hereby er 'to be proceeded with. y, TIM rovement w t o Street fr eet ��.� 2�42ar�t.e%.�.✓ � �-r�jrJc.rjiCli(�a j be god the same are heeby ccnc,-,11nd, amulled, god Mo In B&M ma"Iber be 'th no alternatives, and a e - estimated i thereof 726.10. esolved Furthe at pub ring be had on said impr ent on th 8th day of Marc 19 y at the of 10 o'clock A. M., in Council Cha er of the urt House an City all B ' ing in the City of St uL That the Commissl of Finan ve notice said meetin th sons and in the manner provi by the Charter, stating time and pia of hear- ing, the na ` the improvement and the total cost thereof as Adopted bythe Council FEB 9 W38– , 193— . i Approval FEB 9 1938 193— City Clerk Aw- - Mayor Councilman Barfuse CouncilmanFindlan Councilmarij,002naw Pearce Councilrnan Peterson CouncilmilinflAVENUMUM Truax Councilma ULe"oei if Mayor Itoba4 Gehan - i Form B. S. A. 8-6 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOr4kR OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of curbing Viola Street from Park Avenue to Rice Street T' under Preliminary Order approved June 29, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ $ 726.10 The estimated cost peXIot for the above improvement is - - _ _ _ _ $ 0.89 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION North 42 feet of West 60 ft. of 11 and (Except West 60 feet) East 50 feet of (Except East 50 feet) Form S. B. 10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 6 2 (Whitney's Sub. of Blks. 1,2,7,,15000 $3850 )8,9,10,15,16 and part of 17 7 2 )of Brewster's Addition to 800 1400 (St. Paul 8 2 do 1000 9 2 do 1000 4650 10 2 do 1000 1100 12 2 do 950 600 11 2 do 1150 450 1 3 do 550 750 1 3 do 4200 6000 16 3 do 1350 6300 TOTAL, P", ciTYOF 8T. PAUL a. ,. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONih OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC - ADDITION Lan yALUATIO�III I 17 .' (Nhitney1,s_ Sub. of. Blks. 1,2a . IdOQ-{ ° t - _ 7'8'9'10,15,16 and part of 17 g ' I ,)of.Brewsterls_Addition_to_;210SLi1 _._.. (St. Paul ', --,-(-ExceptNest.5_feet) .19 3 ,_ ._ __. do-___ _._ 900 .. 70.07__ 31- do - SQO i18p0 Lot_ I-_20_and Wezt 5 -feet o£ __ _ - 19_.' a.-- - I j i Y - — -- Total 00,800 OwO06 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in c reference to sai matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 (/ , 9? 1 'i . St. haul, Minn.-: - -----------193----- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul; Minn. �$< Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Hody.to cause ihe�following improvement to be made:"` ';.Curb- Vio1a-StrQe. between_Park_ Avea nue nsi_Riae----treat-- - -- ------------------- ---------------------- ------ --- -S3ooE `1xl&• ~ 9msyt9caaxx>a-- - - ----- <� fes--- --- -- -------------------- - --- , ------------------ SbnAaw NAME LOT BLOCK - ADDITION 7 7 -Ir 1 t K k - � "I j ;M c tn) Ii j '; Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Jan. 17, 1938 193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 107928 Je 29 approved— ____-_T 1937 193—, relative to Lola Street from Park Avenue to Rice and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.89 2. The estimated cost thereof is s 726.10 , and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $12.96 Engineering $65.00 Frontage 808 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. a 4a V__ S. Said impLpvement is___ subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. JAN 19 1938 asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pro&=— p y mmissioner of Public Workp . F . BUR[AU OF CORN. a REPAIR J. R. JOHNSTON DIRK[ EMOIM[[R O. N. KERROLD CNI[R ENBR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of MlnnewW DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER GEORGE J. JACOBS. [?-UTY COMMI[[IOR[R GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CRI[F ENGIN[[R January 14, 1988 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Deer Sir: BUR[AU OF BANITATIOM FRED DRIVER. BUR. BUR[.. OF BRIDO[a M. B. GRYTBAK. EMOIN[R. BURRAUOI CORR[ttIOM[ RAY J. KARTAK. SUM I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the curbing of Viola Street from Park Avenue to Rice Street, under Preliminary Order C, F. 107928 approved June 29, 1937. Estimated Cost $726.10 Cost per front foot 0.89 Inspection 12.96 Engineering 65.00 Frontage 808 ft. Yours truly, YM. SHEPARD Chi Engineer Approved for transmission to the Co stoner 0 Fin@t►ce ING C PEARCE Commies oner of ublic Works ,r COUNCIL FILE NO.------------------- By ---------------------------------------------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of___curbing_Vigla_BlrsntQib-Pazlc_dvenue__tQ__Bice_8traat..------------------- --------------------- ----------------- - - ----- 78 June 2-- 1937- -- ----- - --- — under Preliminary Order ----107928 - ------_---approved __ __ __ - - Intermediary Order -_----- approved —_----------- -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the. Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__ curb Viola_Street from Park Avenue to Rice Street and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro teed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ------------ ------ - ----- ------------> 192__--• ------------------------------------------------- - — -- — - City Clerk. Approved ----------------------------------------- 192 ----- Mayor. CouncilmanSWINIffoom Bariusa Councilman - A Fitidlau " "COUIICil Pr iii: r. $. ..: �_�c���, Ciounc!1maa. .viQZ1=_7'n CouncilmanativA mi93'tern T : - " Councilma Mayor gmie� Gehaa Form B. S. A. 8-7 JOHN C. FELDMANN AXEL F. PETERSON Deputy Commissioner 4ommrssioner CITY OF SAINT- PAUL I Capital of Minnesota 0 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier �eO February 2a 1958. To the Counoil, City of St. Paul. Gentlemens I have oheoked the petition of remonstrenoe attaohed hereto, filed in the matter of ourbing Viola Street from Park Avenue to Rioe Street and find that Same is suffioient. Yours very truly, i Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of hnsnoe. Us LIM Jan. 29th, 1938. We, the undersigned, owning property abutting on and subject to assessment for the curbing of viola Street from Park Ave. to Rice Street, hereby most strenously object to and protest said improvement as proposed by Council File 107928, approv- ed June 29th, 1937. NAME DESCRIPTION LOT BLK. ADDRESS al TS 2 � w. `R. MAr�QooSecr RO NG FIOUB:?H�AND AEnata SO .r ON R 2eyt� C_" <l ca-Wt)G�r- STP_TE 0' Y.Ihrn'E=;OTA) ) ss CC -7117f OF RAP.^SEY ) I, Gilbert F. Pottgieser, hereby certify that I circulated the above petition and obtained the signatures thereon, and that said siF.natlires are genuine. _4 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of Febriary, 1938. Notary ,z ..1c. 110125 Odsi.d b CRYOd' � - wuecu / CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO.. @/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOTI -- ENERAL FORM .PREBENTE.R) - C__t s ... a@b:_.10...... 1439.. ................................ V 11BEF�A3. heretofore "On Sale" Liquor license #1169 was issued to Frank W. McCarron at 185 E. 7th 3t. and SAS, Edward M. Noonan has requested that said license be transferred to him at 185 E. 7th'St. and ._. THERUS, said Edward M. Noonan has filed a bond in the sum of $3,OW. as required by city ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and,eaecution by the Corporation Counsel, and, WE32M, the License Committee has recommended that oaid request for transfer be granted; therefore, be it m�oonn RESOLVED, that "On Sale" Liquor license #1169, heretofore issued to 11#11 at 185 E. 7th St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Edward M. Noonan at the ewe address and the bond of the said Edward M. Noonaa'is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorised and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said Frank W. McCarron from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is pUblished, Ott PROVIDED HOBEVEE, that Edward M. Noonan is to discontinue his place of business at Highway No. 61 and C6ui Boad E. -: � rya C.-- Pearce transfer informally approved by Council, Feb. 8, 1939. Yeas P �dfan Nays /�earce In Favor eterson i'fruaz Against ,,Mr.- President (Gehan) su a.az ' FEB 10 193B Adoptudby the Council . _._._._ _..............._._. .....193....... Approved..... ..._.... 93_.... Vit! �/ ..... ,._ 1'"Yo 110126 NGOUNGIL CITY OF ST. PAUL r u NO. A -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C U CIL RESOL]gQ I \ I .......... ............ NERAL FORM v 10, 3 -R ND BY AT........ :0 ml INER ................ .. d, us at the addresses indicated RESOLVED That licenses applied by the '011OWing POrsork is requirinstructeded to issue such be and the some are herebygranted and the city cle fees* licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the App. 24117 New old Location Nathan Herman 230 E. Fairfield Berber a 24754 A. L. Devine 176 N. Western Ave. Bmtch4 a 24977 Lloyd JKolby 690 N. Snelling Ave- Bakery "Hew Joe valents 262 W. 7th St. Butcher " 17721 0 I— COUNgLMEN Nays Yea # 12d,— than _ ...In Favor Zon max Against �rranto r. President (Gehan) IM 3-3 Adopted by the Council FEB_ Approved 4��' �zz-- odsi.d t. CRY a -k Aft 110127 "k =Umclu CITY OF ST. PAUL No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK qOU IL RE50L;U N--- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ya"bruarz-10.9....19.30............... COMMISSIONER...... RESOLVED That licenses applied for the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feast Minnie Miller 301 E. 13th St- Butcher App. 16652 Renewal Grocery a 17620 The Sterling Club 315 N. Bale St. On Sale Malt 17594 8 Johnson Rros.Grocery Co.1ne. 1059 Hastings Ave, Butcher If 1753 0 T. C. Borg 92 X. 9th St. Gas Station a 17799 Carl Johnson 1103 Payne Ave. Grocery 17943 Swetland Produce Co. 241 W. 7th St. Butcher a 19026 a EN Yeas COU`NQPjLkNays ,Pearce rce In avor lieteraon 7�� ruaa �Against mji�e ', (Crehan) 3M 3-37 FEB 10 1938 Adopted by the Couocfl - ... . . ... _.......193..... i - App—ed Np 1101 r0..... 0110W m cw tmk / CITY OF ST. PAUL iii OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RES OL 1 - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED A 1 ........_... . ........._... ..DATE ......._... ... .. .. . WEEgF,AS, William B. Breckenridge dba Blue and White Cab, has made application 25193 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, four (4) taxicabs, described as follows: Cab No. Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance Co. & Policy No. Expiration 93 Desoto 5562930 5-47256 Lloyds of Mpla. H-160462 9-1-38 94 G.M.O. a-6469193 9493042 " " n H-161495 10-9-39 85 Studebaker 11678 6026647 r• n n E-51553 2-11-39 n n n E-51553 2-11-39 S6 LaSalle 415569 WHEREAS, said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of St. Paul, and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel= therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same are hereby granted to William F. Brecken- ridge and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the C F xo. iloiis BP v C Pontus, F M•, i city treasury of the required feea� wti°reaso �lumuF �e�xda dba Hlvei:;AaQQ OPblte Cab bps;. a ylloat)oa S6lo�'Yor Ytoenee tyT uperr ata ae tazloabb aD Oa the etMete'=oE tT,` ca,y oto 8t. Fau7, . four, (4) tEt%)oe `'�rprplbed°°ea follows: �`t•80 .'83; Renewed FEB 101°38 Coub�916MEN Adopted by the Council_ 193.... Yeas Na s dlan Approved 193_.... (ytct In Favor /P / May- ttereon / c . � . ......:................. Against *,. President (Gehan) IM odsied to aw awk 110129 CITY OF ST. PAUL NCIL NO.._._ ........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOUel—Olt-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY commlssiol�Ep . ........... . ...... DATE FOXWAT 10, 1930 . .. . ...... RESOLVED That license for Rest ant. application 25A - On Sale Malt Beverage, application 25099. and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 25099, applied for by Buil Holden and Herman W. Peterson at 15-17-19 E. 5th St, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Liquor license transfer informally approved Feb. S, 1938. OldLocation. ow.'�MLIN FE13 101988 Yea& N Adopted by the Council... . . ..... .. -- Approved... 193 A— n Favor Reteteon 4Against . ... ....... ... Mayor *,Pr.id. (Gehan) 3M 137 F O &a I. Wdr _ CoU„C,L 110130 CITY.OF ST. PAUL n_ NO............. .OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOL N--- ENERAL FORM PRESEN(�U/\�' ATEbTr�..Z0.COMMISSIONE............................. .....1.1.............. , RESOLVED That license for Restaurant. application 25059, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 25060. and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 25061, applied for by prank P. Sweeney and Clarence J. Klein at 461-3 University Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue each licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council. Feb. 8, 1938• Old Location. COUN LMEN Yeas Use �� r. President (Gehan) 7M Y3 FEB 193 Adopted by the Council..____ ..._..._... _ ................193....... Approved... Favor Mayor.......... odswi e. car cat 4 r PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER CITY OF ST. PAUL "`" No..... 10131 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOIxirro—A4—GENERAL FORM Feb. 10. 1938. RESOLVED That licenses applied fof(by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are here granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue each licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feesi W. E. Hecht 1D52 N. Snelling Barber App. 24054 Renewal. Paul Faraci 413 St. Peter St. Barber ^ 24165 ^ H.V. & T.J. Howard 979 Selby Ave. Barber ^ 2495 ^ Jos. Fisher '437 University Ave. Barber ^ 24203 ^ Jos. W. Fischer 1186 E. 7th St. Barber ^ 24213 ^ Ted Hermann 236 Hamm Bldg. Barber ^ 24218 ^ Conrad Freund 492j Rice St. Barber ^ 24318 ^ 0. J. Finstad 317 N. Washington Barber ^ 24322 ^ H. Hanft 120 Bremer Arcade Barber " 24330 ^ Tony poeller r 919 Heaney St. Barber " 24338 ^ Louis Kransen 355 E• 7th St. Barber ^ 24381 ^ H M. Jolson & F. Shinkelberg Commerce Bldg. Barber ^ 24407 ^ Chas. Socian 1169 W. 7th St. Barber ^ 24427 ^ Harry Hanson 2046 St. Clair St. Barber ^ 24462 ^ Joseph Ertes 925 W. 7th St. Barber ^ 24482 ^ H. F. Jenny 1051 Hastings Ave. Barber ^ 24454 ^ J. Bigelog 507 Wabasha St. Butcher ^ 24510 ^ P. J. Kohls 1567 Sherburne Ave. Barber ^ 24515 ^ R Heath 737 N. Snelling Ave. Barber ^ 24555 e COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council___ .. _..._._.__........._.. .,.. 193...... Yeas Nays Barfuss - Findlan Approved..... __. __.............. _tg3_.... Pearce In Favor Peterson T Against Mayor to Mr. President (Gehan) SM 3J7 WOW to CRY Oak CouNCa No.._1'�Qyc, CITY OF ST. PAUL �.1. 8 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER.............. .... ........... ... _........... ... DATE .... .............. _......... .......-._...... _. ........ -2- RESOLVED P. Heals 1603 E. let Hatl. Bank Barber App. 24599 Renewal Melvin %ienlen 746 Tatum St. Barber " 24621 " I. R. Heath 401 R. Prior Barber " 24640 " Arthur A. Horrisberger 790 Margaret St. Barber " 24643 " H. Leitzau 746 Grand Ave. Conf. " 24645 " Alfred McArdell 196 Concord St. Conf. " 24648 " R. S. Salscheider 1160 Selby Ave. Grocery " 249o8 n . E. C. Jerabek 61 W. Winifred Bakery " 24940 " August Tetsohe 537 Broadway Barber " 24959 q E. R. Moorehead 336 Robert St. Conf. " 24959 " E. R. Moorehead 403 St. Peter St. Conf. " 24963 " A. Mayer 341 Pt. Douglas Rd. Gas Station " 24964 " Capitol Co-Op.Assn. Stat Capitol Restaurant " 24974 " Lloyd Kolby 631 Univ. Ave. Bakery " 24976 Sol Cohen 115 S.Webasha St. Grocery " 24994 " D. M. Watkins 1625 University Ave. Restaurant " 24995 " L. C. Langford 139 E. 7th St. Conf. " 24996 " F. P. Ritachal 720 H. Snelling Conf. " 24997 " S. J. Sydes g62 Selby Ave. Barber " 24995 " Field Schlick Inc. 14 W. 5th St. Conf. " 25003 " FEB 10 J "'' COUN LMFN C. F xo uoisi-ar a cY P.earpa dopted by the Council Yeas N ys Reso by,.thhe yed �at� ilcenBeB ;aDDit dt 44r Derpopa,hamed on the l�pttat-; Uss [ached _ �%ame Clerk to thls.,roaolutlou_'be and the: are 9ieretis-iranted aid. the City Is instructed• oto Issue such} Ile. ` dlan enaes, %f �reue upon the payment, Into the Pity o" thehee abed lase •. roved.._... Approved. t93_..... In B aonro of ides neic�gqou1ns exey io lass: ireb.12,1988)on _� � __..... Against ;el Mayor < 1 rd21i.0 Ir President (Gehan) SM 3-37 omo,Rw� aoCOUNCIL clrr CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ■ NO. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FOR�1" PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY GT C.OyMISSIONER ! AH1, `�� DATE 193 . RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TRANSFERRED CODE APPORTIONED ITEM DR. CR. FROM TO - 16-A1 Library Service - Salaries 3,283.95 16-A2 11 - Truck Maint- enance 75.00 16-A9 Library Ser. - Trans. & Petty Cash 1,000.00 16-B1 BlV. Maint. _ Salaries 1'543.00 265, u 00 16-B4 er 1&-B5 " " -Teellephones 50.00 16-B8 ° it- Taxes 500.95 To adjust 1938 Appropgriation F ds to agree with quarterly -Dudget Est mates as submitted to ComptrollBr for t year 1938 C F. No 51013P -:, H.Enlv.the Jt. ogl,ow f—,tie .made,_'Om- Fl1¢¢BdI¢tnt-a¢ .- the books, oLChe; YES (11) COUNCILMEN (V) NAYS AppFav¢2 -• PEARCET PETERSERS ON �IN FAVOR TRUAX j...J yyppEµ. ////��JJ AGAINST J WENZEL' karrauto MR. PRESIDENT �cil Feb 30 i9a6� �ryil NCII FEB ^`J MI 93 833)' fB1 APPROVED COUNTERSIGNED BY clrvcoRPrnou.n CITY OF ST. PAUL No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . N�ILION---GENERAL FORM1,.,,,��PRESE COMMma- .. ....... ._... ...... .......__...... .._........_.............DATE .._.......Few. �.+J...lUJ.._1 ............... In the matter of extending and improving the Holman Municipal Airport as set forth in Preliminary Order, C. F. 110030 approved �ebruary 2, 1958; be it RESOLVED, That the plans ad specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is herein authorized and iastrnoted to proceed with the con— straction of each extensions and improvements under W.P.E. projects now operative or in the process of approval; and to provide such equipment, furnish engineering and supervisory services, and requisi— tion such necessary materials and supplies as are required for the completion of the aforesaid improvement and not provided for in the dredging contract awarded by C. F. 110061 approved February 5, 1958, and not furnished by W.P.A.; be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials and supplies as requisitioned; be it further RESOLVED, That the cost of such items, exclusive of labor, materials and equipment furnished by W.P.A., be charged against the Airport Bond Fund. Code 600. v COUN MEN Yeas Nay ��usa 'dlan �P//earce _ In Favor Reteraon ruaa.. Against 'P -sato r. President (Gehan) 3M 3.3 Adopted by the CoundlEB 10 ,g38 193.. . KEEP' Uh .: .. Approved....... L C ! __ 193_.._. /I/- Mayor c4w'w utv Owk ,� COUNCIL NO�,j�CJZ CITY OF ST. PAUL _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK o Ala[—ar o' s carr' O�17)(�1 ,I�� )�jE OLUTIO�µ/, -G NERAL FORM a p garr�a'p{{t000 i s Tlndlc Few an T ���IN""�"7///. •C.� t D4yeh nk;Fau ;Winter 9pi n 1n�O, `pq W>lru ereah. PRESENTED SPL/�`�?a„��iGV ��(!:l�(Ma^''�+V TE Carn val of 188 rL98 Pissed lnto 1 COMMISSIONS r.. .. ... to^ hB$..,ggk�Pi'�atll,noaelY� v[ J.... t S+ TAe C Y Of, Sk Paul a'� tAa en tditb�covntrguand "a� dsBlftntste `-; Dlaae sin iq��,1w,� pe THsr.iCar�t�-•':. WM MW , The St. Paul winter Sports Carnival of 1936 has Passe& into history and has been unanimously voted a great success, and wMMiW , The City of St. Paul has been most favorably publicised throughout the entire country and has taken its legitimate place among American cities as The Carnival City, and w>ISIREAS, The prominence and success of the undertaking was not due to anypaparticular contributing factor, group, or individual but was the result of the sponteneone response of all the groups and individuals of the entire city, s local 4vey�..rgyy�aliag together, which raised the Carnival out Of indiYidnal orsetting group would VU it of national prominence, and to attempt to name any A's is true of any tend to minimise the interest and efforts of the many sueeessful undertaking, there must be generalship and leadership; to them xAtY be given a whole -hearted vote of thanks and appreciation; therefore, be it R=0LVEDu That we, the members of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, The Carnival City, hereby express as public officials, our deep debt of gratitude to those who individually contributed ed 80 much Of their unitstime and ` energy to make the undertaking a great busto iness men and corporations who created and contributed the public-spirited bo mach in the fine Moate, to all our citizens who vied with each other in carrying forward in a fine patriotic and civic spirit the ideals of the Carnival, and to the Department of Public Safety for the masterly manner in which the great parade was handled, moving igen with hasu be recision that there were no delays and not a single it FOMTM EMOLV01 That this resolution be spread upon the mid be nutes of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, The Carnival City, � FSTAFM BESOLV3w, That a copy be sent to the offiiccials of The read! Anila Association and copies be sent to the several newspapers may be apprised of this action- Yeas MEN y��, Nay tJ^dlan « In Favor �tereon Against Prreseddent Geban) 7M Y3 Adopted by the Coun,EB_ 101938 _ ... 193-, . Approved �I F.. ............. ..193 PUBLISHED—2 — 2 INC PRI CITY OF TAINT PAUL 1OCl� _n„JL®13 COUNCIL FFFF��,,LLLLEE 11 O. COUNCIL RESOLUTION mrioxy 9- 1836_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT ZM OF; Iy3s,T1—COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO 4439 INCLUSIVE, ASPER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. FEB I C. �yus ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL r 193_ APPPOVEDy'r ,- 193_ cin eern-oc DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PULL COUNCIL 11-0136 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILEHUMBER - ROLL CALL BARFUSS F INDLAN PE_I N FAVOR PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS - February :F 9 TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF FIRING MR. PR E6. GEHAN CHECKS NUMBERED TO :a INC UZ AS '_3Z. 401y CO IT, , -FFI 0 CITY C` ADOPTED BY PER CHECKS ON r CITY _C PTROLLER. OM APPROVEP--- ry 110 1-37 1 AY.R MBER BY TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DIE S URSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD ;141 599 '03 44333 JobPMoylan 1 25 0011 44334 Clara Aamold,,19idow of H.A. i , 30 00 44335 Ann F. Campion, Widow of D. C. 30 0011 0 00! 3042 44336 Helen Sullivan. Iridow of M_S 42 44337 Carl Maronde 010011 44338 A. J. McCarthy V 0011: 44339 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 'Foley 90'1 44340 Mrs. Anna R. 44341 Mrs. Elizabeth Literski Vii' 44342 Mrs. 11frida Soderberg29 80i! ago 44343 Axel F. Peterson, a_ef Finance 5 �4 44344 Sylvester Knowlan 7 0 44345 Multistamp Sales Company 2 25 001, 44346 Chapman & Cutler 50 44 3811 44347 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Comp y 2 063 28'] 44348 Collector Internal Revenue 92 05' 44349 E. A. Furni, Supt. 39 97i 44350 General Electric Supply Corp" 1 so 44351 Joesting & Sobilling, Inc. 44352 Miss Perrie Jones 25 37'I 44354 Price Electric Company 298 25i, 4435 J.L. Shiely Company 5 36, 44355 Standard Oil Company 111 17" 4 Doi! 44356 stir Photo Company 7 64''' 44357 stationers Engraving Companyl 350 47 1 44358 Wal4ord Bindery Company i Fin 12 754 83 44359 1ft366 Axel F. Peterson C of ,n� F I 172 55 1 Axel F. Peterson: C. of . 916 00 361 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin oe 44362 Mrs. Louis Fay 28 80 44363 George Sudelth 28 00 44364 Alfred Blair 7 00 25 00 44365 TmpiTe Fuel Company 65 00 44366 Michael Mash 4o 00 1, 44367 Nels Simonson 44368 Nels Sjostrom 5 00 44369 D.N. Vogelgesang 15 00i 700 44370 Fred J. Whitehead 40 0 44371 John Lennon 44372 First National Bank 10 93 44373 Mrs- C.A. Miller 50 00 $211 50 44374 Lindstrom and Anderson 7 44375 Raymonl St.Arnauld i Coo 00 44376 American Development Company 2 $30 07 44377 Brown and Day, Inc. 735 00 44378 Charles F. Bruess 70 00 44379 Farwell. Ozmun, rlTk & Comp 2 70 25 44390 Gould Storage Battery Company 191 10 27 44391 Lee -Hoff Mfg.Gompany 28 24o oo 44392 Nicola, Dean & Gregg 68 96 4432 MTs. Elizabeth Palmer II 326 17 443 Price Electric Company 44385 1.3t.paul Nash Company 1 762 60 44396 Twin City Brick Company 105 46 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 19 1 -657 190 1, Ii0 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PUUL COUNCIL 110-137 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL BARFU.6 FIND AN PEARL!—'N FAVOR February PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS TRUAX ..AG AINBT RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D WN N T CITY TR EA.URY WENZEL COVERING MR. PRIES. GEHAN TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF tl '� • CHECKS NUMBERED TO g INCLU6IV E, A6 ADOPTED BY jF18OlAN�I 3 — — PER CHECKS ON FIL Ifp FFIf En OlF $ CITY CCj�A PTROLLER. (�// i7.f//Li[ APPRO corvTpoLL[R -U MEER ism o a C[ -T HA o liaY. B Y j, •' / �� tJ t� Ilv TOTAL DATE II CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFEROI6BURSEMENT __TURNED J ii I Ij BY BANK I, i CHECKS CHECKS 1 H P BROUGHT FORWARD657, 9A 44387 ® 44388 Wm. Heyden J.L. Connolly 7'00! 24'40 ' 44389 St.Paul Voc.School Revl.Fund� 53 .46 l 23 04', 44390 Mrs. Harriet Jane Gay 28 75 44391 Ahlberg Bearing Company 72 �'' 44392 Air Reduction Sales Company, no. 13 94' 44393 Allis Chalmers Mfg.Company 44394 44395 American Aseoo. of School etre. American Automatic Electric ales Co. American Book Company 5'00 37 521 44396 2 oo,' 44397 The American City Magazine 4 �' 44398 American Forestry Assooiatio 13 50" 44 99 American Hoist & Derrick Co any j' 39 25 4= 44401 American Insurance Agency American La—Trance & Foamite Ind.Inc. 357 694!. 44402 44403 The American Printer 4merioan Soo. for Test.Mater.als 2 OOI 15 0000! 44404 Architectural Book Pub-ComPaiy ii 70 61'; 44405 Armour and Company 42 00!', 444o6 Atlas Gas & Cil Company 6 '001 ' 44407 Ault A W iborg,, Inc. 26 611 440098 Automotive Service Company !i 4 A. W. Company of Itinnesota,I14co 44410 Harold Bealka II 55o, 436`251 44411 Belmont Corporation 9,601 44412 Berman Sporting Goods Compan 5 00; 44414 Stanley 0. Bezanson 3 00,' 4441 Bibliographical 800. of Amer oa 13 a6l 44415 B Line Service 1 239'57' 44416 S. Brand Coal & Oil Company 44417 The Bruce Publishing Company 7 72 44418 Brustman Cheese Company 69. 67 67 44419 Fitzbugb & Robert A. Burne I', 12 44420 B & W Hut Company 52 65� 44421 Capitol Supply Company 35'031' 44422 Citizens Ice & Fuel Company 20.00;. 44423 Coos Cola Bottling Company Company30 76' 44421► Cophran—Sargent 8g2 011 44425 The Columbia Alkali Corporat on 389 08, 44426 Commonwealth Electric Compare 98 46' 44427 Crane Company 52 48' 44428 • Deoker Hardware Compeny 30 00 44429 A.B. Dick Company 22 44430 Downtown Ticket Office50 52 94 44431 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company 288 15'; 44432 Electric Blue Print Company 3 75, 4443 Electrolux Company, Ino. 51 78 i' 4443 Enger Supply Company 2,65'il 44435 Louie Eps$ein1s Book Shop 68,' 44436 Farwell, Ocmun, Birk & Compay 73 2 00' 44437 Feist Smail Animal Hospital 1 44438 Friedmans+ ii 5 15 'I Y SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD li I I a ., 401,16 el to City Clerk RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL / ICE OF THE CITY CL1=�IC i ICI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM "f�.�� am. iaaiertwr of Finanoe.� I�ILuiMGL NO -110M. February 11, 1938• WHEREAS, R. W. Boyden, as trustee of the Estate of Josephine H. Boyden, is the owner of City of St. Paul Participating Certificate No. 250293 for the amount of Sixty Dollars; and WHEREAS, said certificate has been lost and said owner has made application for a duplicate to be issued in lieu thereof; snd whereas, the said R. W. Bowden, as trustee of the Estate of Josephine H. Bowden has filed a bond in the sum of Coe Hundred and Twenty Dollars, or double the amount of the said certificate, indemnifying and saving harmless the City of St. Paul from any loss or damage growing out of said lost certificate or the issuance of a new one, and WHEREAS, said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to surety by Judge John W. Boerner, of the District Court all pursuant to Section 1971 of General Statutes of Minnesota for 19276 therefore, be it RESOLVED; that the proper city officers are authorized to issue to the above mentioned R. W. Bowden, as trustee of the Estate of Josephine H. Bowden, a duplicate certificate in lieu of the said certificate No. 250293 which has been lost or destroyed. C. F. No. 110138—By A F. Peterson Whereas, B. W. Bowden, as trustee of the Estate'of JOeeOhlne H:'Bowden, Is.We owner-ol City -of 8t. Paul. Par-, Ricipatfng CertlficateNo..800Eee for the amount of slzty Dopers; and Whereas, sa7d dertisent. hos been lost and said owner has made a plica - tion for a duplt me to be;feaued.Dln lfev —thereof; and -heroes tba Bald R. W.) ^ Bowden, u trustee of, the 78eteSe.of Josephine H. -op.B.wdeWHe.han filed abond / 0 a -the um ot,Ope Hundre{1 and Twenty liars, Or, double the amount b1 -said. ertfflcato,dndemniflfing and eaging: armless. e0ie-' City of Paul from. ��� ny loos or ea 6 growing out of said. s COUNCI MEN oat certifloa.te or the on do 0 a 193. e- one, and dopted by the COunG .Whereas, said bond has been a - Na pp _........._...._ Yeas y proved an to form and ezeevtlon by the Curyoratlon Counsel and ee to u89 surety by,Judge John W. Hoerner. of he District Court au'DureuaM to 6ec- FEB ,yvtj dlan torn 1971 of (leneral statutes of BLinnesota for 1937; Werefore, bo ft In eF city of Approved 193__. Resolved.' that the Drop ..........._................_._._........_._.. Bowdenr g duplicate t `6eue to the A of the said certlflcao .r Bowden, ea j fleece a e su.. rfsed above men.tiened R. - �\ trustee of the Estate of Josephine H. Pe rson / J cerNflcate In ilea (f No. E60E9a -blah ' /L— .. .... ._ has been lost or destroyed. .......... ....._._______ Adopted by the Council Feb. 11, 1633. Mayor Approved Feb. 11, 193W �TWO. .Parranto (Feb. 18, 1838) 3bt 636 Mr, Vice Pretlideut (1 ods ro rler a.lk ! COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.__.....11913 __._ _.......;9, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM \ A RESOLVED That the free use of the Arena and the theater section of the Saint Paul Auditorium.be and it is hereby given to the Minnesota State Dental Association on February 22nd,.23rd and 24th, 1938, for its State Convention; be 1t FURTHER RESOLVED, That an amount equal to the cost of opening and operating those portions of the Auditorium on the above occasion be set up in the budget for 1939 in Auditorium Fund No. 17. • Vit,; COUN MEN Yeas Nays uas �dlan ,reprra'ntG ,,..,In Favor \/ Against W }3' a. S. tree Council Feb. 11. 1938. 11,1938. 19.1838) Adopted by the Council F.€.B ° ....1 ..1�+�_.._ _.193...... EB, ill Approved._ .......... ................. ... _......._.193_..... " DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINCIA*. Coyywwusionss P. E. M.DER14 - EDWARD A..M � MUNICIPAL jAUDIT0RIUM "IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT' 7361 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA Tepphoaa GA rnad 1—T01 11 11111SITI January 24, 1938 The Convention Ensemble ARENA-47,000 Sunare Fest Seating 16,000 Ice Rink 100.221 ExMITION HALL 04,000 Square Feat Even Serra e :,AUDITORWM THEATRE f, Seating 2,000 , Complete Stage All New Mr. John S. Findlan, Commissioner STEM HAIL Department of Education � ce Shge Sixth Floor City Hall Stet" 11250 Saint Paul, Minnesota RAMSEY HALL ' Saab 660 Dear Mr. Findlan: 2 HALLS 160 The Minnesota State Dental Association, in conjunction Seating Julius Per manager of the Convention Bureau 1. cow1ITTEE ROOMnth —Mr. of the Saint Paul Association of Commerce, has requested SERv1aES AvAMABLE the free use, the coat of same to be charged to Fund No. 17, A91 a3 PIM..0eval� of the Auditorium Arena on February 22, 23, 24 and the D-C current 110-220 vat, February 22, 23, 24, 1938, for the dentists' Telephone—Telegraph Theatre on F. A S", state convention. I.don i e Cambmttion Xneh nn Ent .na Cad Water, Yours very truly, Drain Conn«Lipa. ase, Steam C Pressed Air SAINP PAUL AUDITORIUM r EAF;gW Manager -w w 002%d Is CRY Balt COUNCIL110140 CITY OF ST. PAUL No . ......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL R SOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRMSENTEDIT6 .............. DATE-Fabruary .......... .. . .I 1COMMISSIONg" . ..... RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the Ard of the Pw0haging Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for furnishing and delivering to the Fire Department Repair Shop, -one Model 14 H Hydro Mechanical 85 -foot PArech Aerial Ladder Truokq 6 Wheel Traotor drawn Semi -Trailer type, 200 H.P. 6 cyl. motor, to -PETER PIRSOH & SONS CO., in accordance with specifioations therefore hereto attached, and the Formal Bid No. 3 of said peter Pirsoh & Sons Co., for the contract price of $18,196.15, such bid being the lowest bid fully complying with Fire Depart - meat specifications, and said Peter Pirsch & Sons Co. being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidders, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form:;pf contract therefor? and the proper City officials hereby auth6rized to execute said contract on behalf of the City AbOW"'k, Q, Saint Paul. 1C. F. 14o, 0140—By Resolved, That the%oY__ oil hereby approves the award o the F.rob._ i ,g qoTntollteethp�n._-±(,Ler6tN� 11 . COUNCILMEN Yea Nays Gounsel b&a d "' a �h.rafor� ..d hereby are . e.ntr—t on b (Ilan Pa. 'Ian Adopted by Approved J . 1.1n Fa � son Against NEW sm 3jft. 'vticc Yl J&-nt (Truax) r.'..W_ "d tea- -ad he . p.rat�-- ted by the Council-FER41-1938. 193.. ot 'ersh, 's :. Mr. to per tor_ 01 to tr-i t rFr.'.r lt�, ..'-�d ..d '. .. _a. f , the ty , .Int E 8 C.un.11F%b. 11. 1938. 11, 938 Approved. ............ . . . . ..... ...... ...... 193 .19.193i') odgbw to air a. koovnm� 110141 CITY OF ST. PAUL n�i NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY/ �-/February 11, 1938 commissioNER... ...... ...............DATE.......... .. ......... ... i WHE@EAS. James Josephs desires to withdraw application 25149 for Gas Station license at 341 W. 7th St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon! therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to James Josephs the fee of $50.00 and to cancel said application for license. C. F. No. 110 141-13y F. M. Truaz, G. lf. Ba fuee— Whereas, James JoeeDhe deeires to withdraw aDnlicatlon 26149 for Gas Station lieense at 341 W. 7th St, and requests the return of the license fee denosited (Thereon; therefore, be it Resolved, mat the proper city of- d toe eundhWe 11, bSAmes rJoeenhahthe� Pee of 560.00 and to- cancel said eppli- .at fo forlicense Adopted by Me C uhdl-Feb it 'i898. Appro ed Feb. 11 1928: (Feb 19, 1928) COUN _N y� Nay tndlan In Favor ael— Im �37N.r. Vice I'rceidcut (Truax) FEB 11 W3 Adopted by the Council .. 11 193...... Approved._ tq3....... _ Mayor.. •�It. Ddow wd6 0-*COUN1IL 1101. CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO...._ _.. / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ary PRESENTED BY DATE ..Febru...... a.� 19.38.... ......_.. COMMIgS10NE`R........ .._..........._ .._____.... . _. FHEHEAS, heretofore "On Sale"Liquor license OCs, was issued to Albert Schelderbauer at 615 University Ave. and WHEREAS, Albert Scheiderbauer and Herman Mitch have requested that said license be transferred to Herman Mitch at the same address, and WHEREAS; said Herman Mitch has filed a bond in the sum of $3,000. xxt as required by city ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corppration Counsel, and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that said request for transfer be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that "On Sale" Liquor license $962, heretofore issued to Albert Scbeiderbauer at 615 University Ave. be and the same is hereby transferred to Herman Mitch at the same address and the bond of the said Herman Mitch is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said Albert Scheiderbauer from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. C. F. fdl 136112—By F. M. Truss, G. B:. nar Whereas, heretofore "on sale"IA quor hlcenae No. 962, was leaved to Al- � bert Bnb.1derbauer at 615 university .. %e. and Vb.reaa. A^ -hwlderbnuer and --ted tb nt Transfer informally approved by Council, Feb. 10, 1939• COUNCILMEN Yea" Nayfi uea �Fmdlan �:Pearee In Favor �ece oAgamlst c IM 31-37ItI�• Vice Pr--i,'nr ('I'r.r:;_. F Lb 111938193 _, Adopted by the Council FEB ; k Approved fd � Mayor �,. CITY OF ST. PAUL APPLICATION FOR "ON: SALE" LI R LICENSE Application No. Name of Applicant Herman Mitch Age 48 Residence Address 1-315, No Dale S=e.et Telephone No. N++ 958 Are you a citizen of the United States? ye a Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? Yes When and where? 1174-1176 Arcade Street 81 years If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation When incorporated? If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? How many members?_ Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 615 : University :.$o'rtYi Dale and Kent. Ste. 8th How many feet from an acadamy, college or university (measured along streets)? How many feet from a church (measured along streets)? 1500 feet How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets)? 2000 Peet Name of closest school How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?_ On what floor located? mein Are premises owned by you or leased? leased. If leased give name of owner tt++rtie>w"37es'- - If a restaurant, give jeating capacity? If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: none _ (The information above must be given for hotels or restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel? Name of resident proprietor or manager, (restaurant or hotel) Give names and addresses of three business references: - I, irs _ — Z, Steve -Sanders 3• THIS APPLICATION MUST BE V4RIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLI- CATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Application checked by Dated 193— License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE 500 1-37 STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY. J Herman Mi ton being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information a elief. �j Subsc;jbed and sworn to before me VA this �--- day of February 193 8 J--. 1 — Public amscy County, Minn. My co mission plres CL—on W, GARDNER, NcWY Public, Ramsey County, Ml MY Commission Expires Nov. 1.5' 1%3 STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY. Ir first duly sworn, deposes and says that the of , a corporation; that has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporatioif; thin saiWapplication was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 193— Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires od.,W I. �y oink 110143 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILNO..______ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B COMMISSIONE ...... .... __............ .__...... _. .._.........___. .. ._........ _.... _.._ _. .._...DATE _..... Febmary_llt 1934... ........ RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: John C. Gillespie ,.1219 Selby Ave. Grocery App. 24996 Renewal n n n n Off Sale Malt " 24997 " Field Schuck Inc. 14 W. 5th St. Conf. ^ 25003 " G. Hoyt 1818 University Ave. Gas Station " 25016 n Chris Rieger 1051 Arkwright Butcher " 25017 " n n n It Grocery ^ 25018 " M. A. %adrie 1991 E. 9th St. Hotel ^ 25019 ^ Maurice Peterson 949 E. 7th St. Restaurant " 25020 " CSBS Hall Assn. 391 Michigan Dance Hall " 25025 " Albert W. Hockemeyer 1400 Univ. Ave. Barber " 25026 " E. J. Donate 962 Burr St. Grocery " 25027 " Rapp & Wittman 919 St. Clair Butcher " 25029 " L. Peterson 1017 W. 7th St. Barber " 25031 " National Tea Co. 2$92 Como Ave. W. Butcher ^ 25033 " National Tea Co. 2282 Como Ave. W. Grocery ^ 25031✓• " St. Paul Provision Co. 389 Wabasha St. Butcher " 25035 ^ Perry Zoukas 239 Earl St. Conf. " 25037 " " " a " Restaurant " 25038 " Vasil Lemonowsky 1022 IM Earl St. Grocery " 25044 ^ lI n " A Butcher ^ 25045 " Dorothy Frank 519 Selby Ave. On Sale Malt ^ 25048 " Restaurant " 25049 " COUNCILMEN areaaivea° rnacs"ilrcen ee ra�eplisec gel Adopted by the Council FEB 11 __.193. yeas / Na C. F: No 11914'8 8 I. C. Penrce, F. M . be c m�e eaue herihy:8granted n `nd he Citand y ' Clerk Ae instituted to }esue euoh Ii- Approved ......_........193_.... y 6pe, mss nto the dtyl pp - vam Adopted by the cannon Feb. y"C-n / AtrAPProv d Feb'.9.1989 tees. �V (Feb..1. 1988. BarnBr Mayor rn r G� r.-Pres%nt _(Grliau,}a� )M 3.,)at. Vice 1'te::tcacul (ITnax) o, ew a chy a k COUNCIL 110144 / CITY OF ST. PAUL F.L. NO.- . ... . ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRFSENTp COMM 93RD BY ll IONER..... ... .... ... ...... .. .......__.. ................. ___._.__.._..._._..DA4E.......FebrU81'f-._o_19,3gr..:.. RESOLVED t' That Gas Station license #4241, expiring September 19, 1938, issued to'. Joseph P. Lopp at 2067 Grand Ave. be and 93e same is hereby transferred to Benjamin Morse Storey, Jr. at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. Transfer informally approved by Council. 7eb. 10, 1939- COUNCILMEN yeas j" Nay indlan Pearce In Favor Atersoo �) Against 1M 31.37 Mr. Vice Fresideut (Trlleu! C. F. No. 110144—By F. M. Truax. Ci:=$. BarfusResolve— Rea241, expiring That. Ges Station license'. No. d to ehP September 18. 1988,', Issued to JoeeVh P. r+eDp at 1111 Grand tarred to ad njamine Morse 3tor , 'r,, at the same address and the progr 1 city of0cera are Instructed to mekk tt prcper changes !n the cny'e records. Adopted by t9ie Counell Feb. 11, 1988.': Approved Feb. 11. 1988. (Feb. 19, 1938) FEB 11 Adopted by the Council_ _ _ _193.... ltW� �t Approved 193_..... Mayor 110145 od.bul le alt a. k COUNCIL ND........ _...... CITY OF ST. PAUL ^" (/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM p PRESENTED B•Y.e.............DATE............aebTli8:1.y 11.1..93.• ..... COMMISSIONER........ ... __..... ........__.... .. �r RESOLVED That On Sale Malt Beverage license 1+273, expiring June 25, 1938, Off Sale Malt expiring June 25 1939 firing J1-25, 1939, Beverage license ♦5927X 8hd Restaurant license #9009. exp issued to Walter N. Kaiser at 1415 University Ave. be and the same are hereby transferred to Walter R. Kaiser and George H. Williams at the same address and the proper city officers ate instructed to make the proper changes in the cityte records. Im transfe$ informally approved by Council, Feb. 10, 1939. Yeas ✓✓✓ Nays tlailtlDs 4,(ndlan In Favor /Pe�zr9on .... Against $VE6t71deu1; ent-{ .. 3M 3.37 C. F 130116,By F. M. Truaz, G. H. Bartu@@aa F.es91Y9ie o. Op_ Sala Malt never - ga 1)a fr-' No 4rait expiring lune 26, � 7939, Oft-Se.lWpe{ Ernit -Beverage .11censa Restaurant Filrenee Noe 9009,1e plring Suns 26, 1939. Issued to Walter an Kaiser at 1416 University Ave. be and the ams nre hereby transferred to Walter N. Kaiser and George. H.Wil- liams at the nme nddrose and the proper -altY officers are -Instructed to make the proper changes in the city's', records. Adopted by the Coundl Feb. 11, 1939. Approved Feb. Feb 119,1938) --- FEB x.11938 Adopted by the Council__ i93..._. Approved _ Mayor odel"I to atr 110146 �o���,t CITY OF ST. PAUL ray NO........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Int/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER................... ....... __............. ......__... _....__ .. __._ ._..__..... ..... .._....DA' ._.......P�Bb Y.....a.J..,.._193..0..... . RESOLVED That Gas Station license #+1.96, expiring September 11, 1939, issued to the Ben Freeman Gas & Oil Co. Inc, iexmmdxtinxzx at 341 W. 7th St. be and the some is hereby transferred to James Josephs at the same address and the proper city officers are instrudted to make the proper changes in the city's records. Transfer informally approved by Council. Feb. 10, 1939 Yeas Nay ues ' dlan In Favor e raon �. Against 1st Ja7Mr. Vice l It7rldCut (Truax) C. F. No. 110140—By F. M. Truax, G. H. Bartusa Resoived. That Gas Station license No. 4198, ,xDirl on Free 11, 1988. "sued to the Ben Freeman Gae' & O11 Co. Ino. at 841 W. 7th St, be and the aame Is hereby transferred to James Josephs at tha a.— address and the Proper city or cera are Instructed to make the pro Per changes In the efty's records. Adopted by tilt, Council Feb. 11, 1988. Droved Feb. 11, 1938. - —(Feb. 19.1938) Adopted by the Council F C 1 1938 .193.... Approved. ____.193_..... Mayor ORIGINAL. TO CITY CL -RK RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OE -THE CITY CLERK GOU L6NCIL No. 110147 FORM c.F 1i.. no 4z -sr rlc: Resoled. XRt perydBslon DATE y." , granted to the T); -i `elegreyhc rapat pi y, =p ��{a wl note- au'd^9gXeral A, L J -LnA. 'ei'-actt-1»j n-1 That permisaYou be and is -hereby granted to the Tri-State Telephone and Telegraph Company to make the necessary excavations, lay underground conduit and cable with the necessary manholes and lateral pipes eon- neoting the intersecting streets and alleys: to set.poles and anchors and place the necessary equipment on the following named streets and alleyes On Wainer Road from Pine St. Produced to Barge Terminal. On Childs Road from Barge Terminal to Mille. M St.Paul Sanitary District. Sewer Disposal Plant. On Carroll Av. from Cretin Av. to Rice Street. In alley South of Carroll Av. from Cretin Av. to Rice Street. On Laurel Av. from Cleveland Av. to Maiden„ Lane. In alley South of Laurel Av. from Cleveland.Av. to Maiden Lane. In alley South of Magnolia St. from Rice St. to Fisher Street. On Charles St. from West City Limits to Rice Street. In alley South of Charles St. from West City Limits to Rice Street. On Lawson St. from Dale St. to Duluth Avenue. On Case St. from Courtland St. to Duluth Avenue. In alley South of Case St. from Courtland St. to Duluth Avenue. In alley East of Chatsworth St. from East Seventh Street to Como Blvd. On Cleveland Av. from. Larpenteur Av. to Mississippi River Blvd. Poles and aerial construction to be removed when requested by the City Council. Work to be done under the direction of the "Commissioner of Public Works", the Telephone Company to pay the coat of publiciation incident hereto - Approved: L �� Sunt 1 of Lighting Bureau Approved:- Sup't, of Polio* Alarm dl Telegraph Approved: onarmvse d,nd Playgrounds Approved: /V/ Cc®issir of Public Wor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson r Ferrante 2xisox __In favor Tamu Flndlan XV=00mt 'Against Berfuse ydearsI t`'�"�F`��i��tte�nt� Ge YlOf=Ytt'3�t33t. r `' 5M 6.34 Date O ,� Date Data %/ e Date �-/o -3f Adopted by the Council FEB 111938 193 Approved 193_ Mayor 1 0411.6 to CRY auk COUNCIL110148 CITY ST. PAUL a� i � . NO OFFICE OF E CITN CLERK c preoetr1�unap�r8 omvtl�"•ol ie. NCIL RES UT ON -- "id FORM p a� pgul aYna khe N� acorns .paid p]!>'ptl ' tru " contract+ agreah ko w>i6 a panit4ry a@� PRESENTED BY .......DATE.. �RtpCoppptoT deporFirpH" aR Rha IiD� _ .__. _.......... Lav;01 ItivervlaW Dlptrlet Iniercap comm ISSIONER ....... _. � 1. ltdilnfcordance.wlth tlAp plane nd at under Com trollUr s Contract' a. 3614 by and c1t �owutroiiarw, y o! arsesRESOLVED p eOoNeil Companyi*•contratto verve +nbd to apnstrnot Saint Paul end the O`Neil Company, a sanitary sever interceptor described as the Loner Level approved by the City Council or in accordance with the plane and specificationsthereforapp and on fide in the office of the city comp nd WHSREAS, said contractor has completed alltce dela items othe ssever proper is accordance with the plane end epecificatione, except lacin of halt pavement reconditioning such as the construction of curbing and rep 8 asphalt etc. itich cannot be completed until spring, and the City of Saint-paul since February 1, 1938 has had full use of WHEREAS, a]1 thoroughfares which the above mentioned sever was constructed and the continued the future will not be interfered with by the completion use of these thoroughfares in of the aforesaid items, and the Commissioner of Public Works, the Chief Engine= ander e Contractor- win ve agreed that the value of the uncompleted work is $4,752.35, out of the balance of said _WHEREAS, said contractor has requested the payor contract lase the sum of $4,752.35+ the estimate for the cost of completing the aforementioned items of work remaining and has requested that the one year period of retained reserve, date from the date of passage of this resolution; therefore, ba- it RESOLVED that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized upon the presentation of a.proper estimate therefor btoi ay the unpaid balance of said contract price lees the sum of $4,752-35, e FURTHER RESOLVED that the one year period of retained reserve become due one year from the date of Passage of this resolution and be it FIRTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the site the es to the contractors' bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing r" COUNCIL -MEN Yea. Nay Badu Tear. _._an In Favor Xuraon ^ Against Viilze4 M. tr t$ �¢* I elle _iGe!??n) _" SM 3.3Y` • iglu:' i'1 L .I&ut (Truax) FEB 11 W66 Adopted by the Council._ 193.... FEB I3 197 193_..... Approved __. ayor �usLISHED 2 ` � odshw t. city a.* couNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL NO..._ -1.10149 OFFICE OF THE CITY ,CLERK C. F. No 11,0}49-�•y 1 C. Peer00— COUNCIL SOL N ---GENERAL FOR Whereas adafttopg sap deductlone ,y whti might DrOv to .Oe neceaeary th ,the imDrovenrent aei.Orfhed se pe Lqw PRESENTED BY 1 et ° IM, I RlvslyWpw Dletriat Sealer ;aK , COMMISSIONER .............. ....... ......DATE. terneptor ComDtr0718Ns Contract .(}: .... salb thb p*lalU. CnmUnR� coatraa . ..... .._. hay.,R,:khx•T-- j - BMJ RESOLVED WHERSAS, additions d deductions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the Lower Level Riverview District Sewer Interceptor, Comptroller*s Contract 0.3614, the O'Neil Company, contractors, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices stipulated therein, and agreed prices, and MMEAS, it has been found necessary to make the following additions and deductions: ADDITIONS& 111 lbs. of reinforcing steel® .04 $ 4.44 39024 f.b.m. ® 30.0011 90.72 Total Additions $95.16 DEDUCTIONS& 56 ou.yde. foundation gravel not placed 0 3.50 196.00 Engineering and inspection charged from lliiquidatedyd...gasnprovide& forlinucontract 111.17 Total Deduction 527.17 NET DEDUCTION 432.01, and WHEREAS, the net deduction is $432.01; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul through its City Council approve the aforesaid additions and deductions made in accordance with the specifications therefor not to exceed the net deduction of $432.01, said am to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract 0.3614 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, the O'Neil Company, that the sum of $432.01 is the correct amount to be deducted from the aiove contract. ti a1 O'NSIL COOANY Countersige , , T ., -..r By c Neo Contractors Comptroller C ssih6er of Public Works A opi9d by the Counc&.E$...11. 1938.__ ._ 193.__. Approved ....__...�((3..._.�?`...... 193_..... Mayor 1�u �,Isxr.D_ COUNCI EN Yeas days jes3lan 4uss In Favor scree _ /Peterson n , ^ti art Against 7M 3,&. Yjee Presid ,IJ I'L rTLL:. C ssih6er of Public Works A opi9d by the Counc&.E$...11. 1938.__ ._ 193.__. Approved ....__...�((3..._.�?`...... 193_..... Mayor 1�u �,Isxr.D_ FINAL ORDn)Rli 1N OOND8MNATION PROCIDIDDINOg.`.- COUNCIL FILENO ..................... 110150 C- Ia tt No-tter 110180— he maoC condemning and tak- BY................ ------------------------------ ing an, easement 10 it in width for •ho ��. ,�,�;^e of too ructing and FINAL. ORDER IN CONDEIVIeivtYie13r N PROCEEDINGS In the matter of...PQA!d inning._end--taking--an--easement--lO..Yt.--in_width Ppr--the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under, across and through Lots 8,9,10,11 and 12, Block 30, City of St. Paul, Lots 8 and 9, Auditor's Subdivision N0.35, and Second Street vacated, lying southerly of Lot 8, Auditor's Subdivision No.35• The center line of said easement is described as follows --Cotntrienc'1'ft(;' at a no`i71�"`on the southwesterly line of Sibley Street) 2'- °" feei eoutheaeterlY of the fY line of Kellogg Boule- e aat angle to the lght for distance of 6„•.R?�(a-'- '"-'t..'""---- Dec 22, 1 7 under Preliminary Order ------..1996 -5.....--- ............. approved g3---...------------------..-_-------_., Intermediary Order...............lagB65-............................. approved...lan....19,-,.19°.8......................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the salve; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement 10 Pt. in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer. and the Council hereby orders said Eprovements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_ ii -asenent ten 1TM- -f tin wtdth M the purpose o1 constructing and maintaining a oublig aeWer on, under, serosa. -And thruug� �7,r� 8, 9, 30, Il and 12; Block 80, City' Paul. is 8 and 9, Auditors' RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. FEB eJ 1938 Adopted by the PP.........." - A roved..'... .: - ..'_ :... 19.-- Colmcilmen Mayy fuss Xni Do dTM dlen arranto /Pearce $ sident ea aoosaa � President-Gehan ...................... �— .........._......aLMayor. -¢-�/ lerk. �/....�. N KELLOGG BOULEVARD \o '11 � 1 •DRAKES �• T` 5 ' RE. 3 J Z A ;�• s` F: Co PJ -� -- -- ' i II 12 w C13 we `� 7 9 10 O 2 ST . 39 4 5ze,`~ , UJ � Co •�Y ✓c ST ?1 L'L El4 30 AUE/Ta R.f SUE No 95 . s.y;ey S! -.:e! E Aud!'S✓r "35 SEWNREASEMENT D.4-9 N. -7QE i CITY of ST PAUL BLK 90 AUD/YORS SUB. N935 51bleq Sf-Lo1BAuddorb Sub s S _WLR BASEMENT .8Z7,_", Enq/neers Dec. 1 - 1937 Scale l"•.!00. .,E CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OFP ELIMCOMMISSIONER ORDOF ER FINANCE (0) In the matter of 00nder®ing and taking an easesen►t ten (10) feet in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, udder, across, end through Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 30, City of St. Paul, Lots 8 and 9, Auditor's Subdivision No. 35, and Second Street vacated, lying southerly of Lot S. Auditor's Subdivision No. 35. The center line of said easement in described as follower Com moving at a point on the southwesterly line of Sibley Street 246.82 feet southeasterly of the southeasterly line of Kellogg Boulevard, thence at an angle to the right of 720 0' for a distaaoe of 52.68 feet, thence at an angle to the right of 10 16' for a distance of 118.96 feet, thence at an angle to the right for a distance of 94.86 feet to a point on the northeasterly line of Jackson Street 324.45 feet southeasterly of the southeasterly line of Kellogg Boulevard, thence southwesterly on last mentioned center lino-prddueed, a distance of 21.1 feed thence at an angle to the right of 240 30+ for..a di$ton" of 158 feet, thence at an angle to the right for a distance of 37 feet to a point on the southeasterly line of Lot 8, Auditor's Subdivision No. 35, 70 fe@t.xtortgeaaW. jy of the southwesterly oorner of said Lot 8, Auditor+e Subdivision No. $b, thenoe westerly on the last mentioned center line produced, a distance of B_feet td W* tllrmiridd 03 the eddeme+it}" The estimated cost per toot for uic auurc ,..,r......•---••- •- t for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION Land Bldg. The South 150 ft. of 9 City Saint Paul, Capital $143,000 --- and all of Lots 7, 8, 10, 11 & 12 ) 30 ofN.innesota Those parts of lots 8 and g Auditor's Sub. No. 35 9,500 --- lying SE'ly of a line commencing at a point on the Elly line of said lot 8, 3 feet from the most E'ly corner thereof; thence W'ly 90.55 ft. to a point on the W'ly line of said lot 9, 2.50 ft. from the 10 corner of said lot 9. That part of Second St. vacated adj. 9 do 105,000 335,000 and all of Lots 8 and lying Wily of a line commencing at a point on the Elly line of said lot 8, 3 ft. from the most E'ly corner thereof, thence W'ly 90.55 ft. to a point on the V1. line of said lot 9, 2.50 ft. Total $257,500 335,000 from the Nn` corner of said lot 9. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated----1� // Commissioner of Finance. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF' FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER fo fpo Formiurrs oL fpo oasomouft oen oL uo bLogrrocg• rr gisfuuoo oL 8 Loof go• 22. p}teuoe ,eoep.r:rX ou fpe 7asf morr.pioae4 F 77 n oL v Snp97�7giou -7�8 Loap uoLfpeasfoL7T oL 'MIG eonfphwefoL7T ooruoL OL OUT9 Ioi 1B,2frpgTA48iau MQ* 22' 3& Laef fo a boiuf ou fpe eon.ppovefoL77a 77T7e OL roc g` V gife Li Q}rf LoL a gTufsuoe OL Sdo 301 LoL a gisfBaoo aL 7128 L®ef' f}reuae of au ouO7a -GM VVETO fo -FPO LT¢pf OL oorrfoL 77xie br.ognoeq' a gisfauoe oL S7'7 Lse¢i f}reuos of mosfaL7a oa Taef meufioueq aL FFe sonfpoea.Foz7T,. 77�®. oL SmxSo��;.Bon7onss.q' ,ppouoo aonflr se eonfpoae.peL7� Loof fo v,boTu ou,fpe;aoL¢;roas¢as72. Ttue oL Zaggsou g¢re®.f 8S�'dP'g g afevo® oL eq LoL a g7aftYSXae 'off ]7B'8B Ze®�`` pjr°rx°o.; of. eu ;exr'R7®° p?raes 7ers&7a `F¢' fire s.?LF¢ bL 70 7fs1 =7�Irf; �!.f* ,�,sa D+ Log• g ;q;nom?o oL &SBS LQaF' fiParr�a sf ,. * airoo of au av6Te fo fF® ®onfyean¢o ;ob fPO`-gb?fF�Yf.0-:r�`.77sra AL-8e7To8& Bon? Lq fF, Cemabaoi af'u' Tio rf- on"Fpa e6044TssesFoLTX :r T=G oL 87P7ea 2froef Sde'6S Loof a under Preliminary Order approved Dec. 22, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 50.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Bldg. The South 150 ft. of 9 ) ) 30 City of Saint Paul, Capital $143,000 --- and all of Lots 7, 8, 10, 11 & 12 of Minnesota Those parts of lots 8 and 9 Auditor's Sub. No. 35 9,500 --- lying SE'ly of a line commencing at a point on the Elly line of said lot 8, 3 feet from the most Elly corner thereof; thence 'dilly 90.55 ft. to a point on the W'ly line of said lot 9, 2.50 ft. from the NN corner of said lot 9. That part of Second St. vacated adj. 105,000 335,000 and all of Lots 8 and 9 do lying Wily of a line commencing at a point on the E'ly line of said lot 8, 3 ft. from the most Elly corner thereof, thence W ly 90.55 ft. to a point on the Vi, line of said lot 92 2.50 ft. Total $257,500 335,000 from the IT.4 corner of said lot 9. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated —� --19`34 l�/d/ Commissioner of Finance. I— B. S. A. 8-5 D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance __Zan Sr_.1g3g__.. 193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 109615 approved— –_ Dec. '.x_1937 ___193—, relative t� Goleds *toy an easement tan -(l0 -foot in nidth far the p o►rpose of X and nsintaining a pgblio sewer an, iWar, across and three& agestrecti LOU ge 9� lA, 21 and 12, Block b©, Oiq► of St. Pahl. bots 8 and 9, Auditorts 8abdivision ga. $50 and Second Street vaoated, lYin8 southerly of Lot Y, Audito2ts Subdivision No. E8. 'Jl3us OGUL*r line of said assonant to desoribed as fa IMS. v tleie 1roe{heseter]y Linc of Sibley Street 246.82 feet NOW at n pati on seutheagWli' of the s"* tstar1T line of Ke�],pggtBoulevasd, theses of angle `�faail `theses an mglo <A the to thus 3'!r %1 4t°�t for a distwtids' b- S j at right of 1a for a distmece of 116.96 festa thtms a an � to for a dist oo, of A4.ie feet - to, -,a point an the nortb@0141t*'(W� 11040 z Of �� �t 524,4$ toot saathsasterly of the seU*msgterdy line of K611M Boulward, them* ts!;1y on lask e4" r4eP� U"Produced, a distance of 21.1 fasts thenbo at in analo to tie righ oi� 2;a EO'►!br a distance of 188 feoti thmMoa at an angle to the right for a distenoo of !17 feat to a point on the gas*- easter3r line of Lot 8, Auditorts 3ybdivisim 1e. le6, 166 feet nortbo"terlY of the southwesterly owner of � Lot 8, Avatiorts ftbdivision No. ES, thence fsiaterly an the last s;entiv+nob' - li>ds Edi a distfaeo of 6 fit to the a torminue of the easement. 5. Said improvement is_ subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, X10.1 ... JAN 6 1938 asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, n Com �ssioner of Pu lic Works. 834'Y ------------ _______� e l' m Ing`andtak- for the urvoee COUNCIL FILE NO........ lig caonetruct/nH aoa Ma at 11V151 .... --" C o. an fa at the 6 U In the matte f Conde wase ^mina stat BY............... ................................. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS r. In the matter of....candwmiag--- anti..taking-.a...tr�zat---aY...land..far...the..purRasa..Al...aanat�uoting and maintaining a sewage pumping station at the southeast corner of Broadway and Kellogg Boulevard, the land to be taken being bounded by a line described as follows; _..._��.gn[pf(cc at�-thealntereectl - of he Bout herlylinehot•B.Allo66 Bottle-� _and,.the easterly line of Hroad-. aacatedd._ thence aon"I terly or-13roaaway under Preliminary Order.!Q903 ..........-- ............. approved D cambr.0h ,1.937 ........... ........... . 109866 7anaary 19th, 1938 IntermediaryOrder................... — ................................ approved ..........._..... ...... . ....._..........._... -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking a tract of land for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a sewage pumping station. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: treat of'te.nd"Yor-- the urpose� ed--�ucting and rnatn a - tadnPna sewage Pumping station at g9o_at corner of Hroadwav and RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. FEB 15 ;938- Adopted by the Council ......... . ......._............._ -- .......... ............. ------ C Clerk. Approved......................... ........................... 19........ May Councilmen YUBLISBED® O ay rfuss cDon d ,Jndlan arc arrsnto Ro �P7 .l a erson � enz _.ce r. Presid t az aoo-e-aa Pr ident— Gahan c�J W a 0 i—SQNS ADD. BLKBO Brocdw yB Kj1ogq Bl.d CONDEMNATION DR -J No -273 KELLOGG KITTSONS ADD. BLOCKBO Cor. Broadway B Ke11099 Bau1e vard CONDEMNATION oP ineer 8 0nq De --7 '346ScaE P-100, b I PRINCE ST } a t -- o s J,CY . e C!2 BLV D IBS' VPL. I HO QIWi CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) cT In the matter of condemning and taking a tract of land for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a sewage pumping station at the southeast corner of Broadway and Kellogg Boulevard, the land to be taken being bounded by a line described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of Kellogg Boulevard and the easterly line of Broadway vacated, thence southeasterly along the easterly line of Broadway vacated, a distance of 36.5 feet, thence to the left through an angle of 90 degrees, a distance of 18.5 feet, thence to the left and parallel to the easterly line of Broadway vacated to the southerly line of Kellogg Blvd., thence to the left along the southerly line of Kellogg Boulevard to the point of beginning; under Preliminary Order approved December 30, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1,000.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK Those parts of Blocks 72, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 and - - - - _84 lying Northerly of a line beginning at a point on the center line of Broadway 14.42 feet Northerly from, the Southerly line of Water St. pro- duced Westerly; thence North 770 08' East 327.77 feet;thence North 690 59' East 480.15 feet; thence North 620 49' East 379.76 feet; thence on a curve to the left radius 946.37 Feet 118.09 feet; thence North 550 40' East 548.92 feet; thence on a curve to the left, radius 398.86 feet, 261.40 feet; thence on a curve to the left, radius 622.44 feet, 337.17 feet; to the center of Third Street. ADDITION Kittson's Add. to St. Paul ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $497,000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. f; Date Commissioner of Finance. Form H. S. A. !-S D _ 4; Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ___jann__ ArT 1; _125R .—_193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 109678 approved _ _Dec._ 30, 1.937_ __193—, relative to Ccadsiming and tasking a tract of land for the purpose of constructing. and nontaiaing a sesago pualping station at the southeast corner of Broadway and Kellogg Boulevards the land to be taken being bounded by a line, described as fallewas Beginning at the Interseation of the ao4thor).7 ,#s of 9411 Boulevard edd =this iiesterly 11treif tlM+y *sdated, thesis southeasterly along the easterly line of Broadway vacatedp.a distance of SoSS8feet, thenos to the left through -a& able of 90 d grw',;. w distance of 1131 "itlet� thanes to the left and parallel to the 6saterlylitt of Broadway vacated to the southerly line of K27 Al, s. ttun4Al ;tp; the loft along the se,ntheriy line e2' Kellogg Bouleiard to the point of beginning. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_._ - subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, 19; Pz P / 66 JAN 6 1918 A V asked for upon petition of three or mors owners of property, CV"�M Co issioner of Public Work A,�L cnpNCIL ItQ152 oddr�t,tp°h' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL ON ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDTE...11......1.9g'�_.................. COMMIgaIO................. RESOLVED That on Sale Liquor license #955. expiring January 31. 1939. 'Issued to Inez B. same is hereby transferred to Inez S. Boal Boal at 1+12 Wabasha St. be and the at 499 Wabasha St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. transfer informally approved by council. rob. 10. 1939- COUN MEN Nays Yeas Foss ndlan nra _ In Favor /Peterson �_.. Against rit!'.aat� , r. President (Gehan) 3M 3-37 110162—By I. C. Pearce, F. M. Truax, G. H. a— ..s ; 'Resolved, That On Sale I.lduor 11- cense No. 966 ezpiring7anue.rY 31, 1939. issued to `Inez K: Boat at 412 Wa- jbasha SL be and the same is hereby, transferred to Inez K. Boal at 989 . bsisbs, St. and the proper city officers are Instructed to akethe proper I changes in the city's r cords• Adopted by the Council Feb. 16. 1938. Approved Feb. I6. 1939. SII (Feb. 18. 1938) FEB i5 i33 Adopted by the Cour ' . _ _ ... ___ ....... _ 193- ,E 93.. . s »_, Approved........ _ _..... 3_.._. Y. CITY OF ST. PAUL// ' - APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUCY LCENSE Application No. e— - -57- 3 No. -Are you a citizen of the United States? 'f Have you ever en enga ed in operating a sa oon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? When and If corporal give name and general purpose of corporation When incorporated? If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quartets for club members? How many members? Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager Give name of surety company which will write bond, if know Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward How many feet from an acadamy, college or university (mea re on treet How many feet from a church (measured along streets' oc How many feet from close lic or parochia a or high school (measured along streets Name of closest school � How are premises classi a un o g rdinance? On what floor located? ' Are premises owned by you o Ica If lea d give name of ow If a restaurant, give seating capacity? I£ hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? Give below the name, ornumber, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: (The information above must be given for hotels or restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel? Name ofresiden proprietor or manager, (restaurant or hotel) e Give n2e addresses of v Pusiness relies:—— r TH bI A I P ANT, Akp IF CORPQRATION, 1.0& IZED BY A I�1TO MAKE THHIS APPLI- CATI ; AND THE SE OF T E CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Application checked by Dated 193— License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE 500 1-37 �%. M STATE OF MINNESOTA, } SS COUNTY OF - SEY. ✓ j being first duly sworn, d the 'followir' application and knows the contents thereof, and that deposes and says that has rea the same is true to the best of his knowledge, inforthati6n and belief. Sub Bribed and sworn efor e this —day 193 otary Public, Ratti&County, Minn. f My commission exp&OTA, STATE OF MINNSS COUNTY OF RA EY. I( first duly sworn, deposes and says that the df " , a corporation; that has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of affixed knowledge, information and belief; that the seal axed to the foregoing instrument'is the:corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation' by authority of its Board of Diiectots, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary net and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of -193— Notary Pdblic, $amsey County, Minn. My commission expires - odshd to chv aa4 RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL iui"`` NO......����`�3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V7COUNCIL RES01AAMON --- GENERAL FORM 8ebrnary...:11,-.193gr........... A That On We Malt Beverage license $4613, expiring January 19, 1939, and Restaurant license $9518, expiring January 19, 1939, issued to Inez X. Boal 412 Wabasha St. be and the same are hereby transferred to Inez S. Boal at 499 Wabasha St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. Transfer informally approved by council, Feb. 11, 1939- COUN MEN Yeas Nays ' duan p� In Favor Pe eon roux >... Against ettul- �' r.r:nC i r. President (Gehan) 3M 3.37 C. F. No. 119163—By L C. Pearce, F. M. Truna, 6. 8."Ba.rYuee— - Resolved, That On a'a Malt Bever-; age license No. 4613, ezpiring January 19, 1939, and Restaurant Ilcenae car 9618, eapiring January 19, IBS9, 1gsued to Inez B. Boal 412 Watias39 BY.'^be• and the same are hereby transferred.'Y'o Inez 8. Boll at 499 Wabaeha at.:-tiiid the proper Ity olticere are Inett. d 20 make the proper changes In the cuts a records. Adopted by the Connell Feb. 16; 1938. Approved Feb. 16, 1938. (Feb. 19,1938) F L B .15 1938 Adopted by the Council_ Approved......_ _ 193_..... Mayor —�- Ddeisd to C y Qph COUNCIL �..�..U154 -1 CITY OF ST: PAUL nL. NO—._..._.., OFFICE OF THE -CITY CLERK COON TION ---GENERAL FORM C PRESE NQEy r4 ,./t...=Q�/......DAT�.......February...15-1939. RESOLVED That licenses %pplied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city.treasury of the required fees: A. B. Heinz 2058 Marshall Ave. Restaurant App. 25110 Now Old Locatio3 n n nl " OffSale Malt " 25111 " s " Horace Silberstein 550 Holly Ave. Foot Peddler " 25259 " COUN EN Yea, Nays , �Fiddlan � /Pearn Favor ,Peterson ,tntaa Against ciientiel--- �r1��� Ytcsl�ent )M 13 (Gehan) C. F. No. 130161-1dr 1. C. Pearce, F. M. Truax, 6.'H. Bi Use— Resolved, se - Resolved, That 'licenses applied for by the following persons" the ad- dres.es indtcated be. and the came are hereby granted end itis city clerk is Instruoted to issue euoh licensee upon the payment into the. city tressury of the requfred fees: A. B. Heins,. 2068 htarehall Ave., Ree- te.urant, ADD• 26110 New, Old Locallan. A. g Hein, 2068 Marehall Ave., OR We Malt, APD.. 26111 New. Old Loca- tion: Horace Silberstein 660 .Holly Ave., Foot Feddlor, ADD• [16269 Ne7r. Adopted b11C the ounoil'Felr. 16, 1998. Approved Feb. 16, 1938. (Feb. 19, 1988). i�3 Adopted by the CoonSEB 1 11 5 8_193- - a,. w Approved.. _., / 193 Mayor (CITY OF ST. PAUL NO...__I1U15 eouHm� n�[ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ---GENERAL FORM 19A! ....................... WHEREAS, Rose Fooshe desires to withdraw application 23895 for On Sale Liquor license at 157 W. 7th St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Rose Fooshe the fee of $1.000. and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas ties Nays dlan earn In Favor Against I hilt 0 r. President (Gehan) 3bl 3.37 C. F. No. 119156—By I. C. Pearce; F. M. Truss, O. IT- Barfuea-- ' 'Whereas, Roae ;:=. desire. to LIthdrew application 33805 for On Sale iquor license at 151 W. Rth HE. and eque9te Lias return oY'�the license fee dePP elted thereon; therefore. be 1t Aeeolved, that the proper cityof-' facers bo -and they re hereby author -1 Iced to refund to Rose Fooshe the fee f ii "o and. to cancel said application for lice.... j Adopted by the Council Feb. i6, 1938. Approved Feb. 16,1938. .19 , 19, 1938) FEB 15 i�a3 Adopted by the Council 193._ ... Approved.. 193_.... 0d14wI to WWC1.-k 110156 CITYg OF ST. PAUL couracaOFFICE 4THE CITY CLERKCOUNCI R TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENT�4 0 COMMISSIONER.. .... ............................................ � F............DATE ...... __. Pebruar7.._15.r...1938............._. r RESOLVED That license for Ice Station, application 23560, applied for by Joseph Salisbury at 1469 Como Ave. W. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury oft the required fee, PROVIDED HMVER, that this lboense shall be void unless Joseph Salisbury moves his station in this vicinity off of City property. Informally approved by Council, Jan. 18, 1938- C- F. No- 110156-13y I, C. IFearce, F. M. Tr—, G. H. Sarfuea— Resolvye�d�4,� That llcenee for Ice stay. JoeephDtiallabury at6489 Come Ave. W. be and the —kM. Is hereby granted and the city, clerk ig lastructed to ue Such it Y, uDon the payment Into the et¢iy+�otreasurtaq: of the repufred fee. shalt his nteee JoeeDb 1 :lfeburr movie hl¢ station In .thfo vicinity off of City ed by k. Approve byttie: COYDOII Feb. 16, 1988. Approved. Feb:is. 1988. - '(Feb. 19,1888) COUNCILMEN Yeas sa NaysA Ian e Favor e rasa ,___ .In Against 0 r fl r, fl ident (Gehan) 3M 1.77 co.. .FE Adopted by the Coun'EB ..... _.._.._ ;938 .._......._....193..__. Approved....... ! i a 193_..... Mayor Od.ing to Oly aN 4 'COUNCIL - 1 ,0157 COUNCILCITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO._.OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RE$Q UTI ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,,/� COMMISSIONER.. .._... _......._. ._.__... .. _.............. ......�.` _.........-...—....._..DATE _.__.... ......... WEM Ma , The Triangle Holding Co. has made application 24666 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul one (1) Buick automobile, Motor No. 2617222, Serial No. 2463195, covered by Lloyds of Minneapolis insurance policy No. H-51551, expiring 2-11-36, Cab No. 120, and WHIMMAS, said applicant in accordance with Ordinance 7321, has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab updn the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to the Tringle Holding Co. and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the re ired fee. C F. XZ 319367-�SY I. C. Pearce. F. b Truax, (i.-8artuee Wtiereae. Tit TrlanBle 8olding. C has mafle application 84888 for. ]icon Renewal gni to 0porate as s taxicab anon the atree' of tpe Clty of at. Foul one (1) Bufa r f - �No.omobile No, 848a3172 2 9Fi, covered by Lloyds ofami /' nenyy011e enauranoe policy No. 8-$16F ezperlor 8.11-88, CDpli-a 18- ane scene, eslfl afiledw 1n Accor once pith MU, hoe tiled city of 1 surance polfoy with `tie Cf�y of I the ="."c nee. by Rhe Ccunoll Feb. 16, 1988, ApproVefl Feb: 16 1988. (Feb. 19 1988) COUN MEN Adopted by theT.ouncrl 193....... Yeas Nays , /-,–,- n 7 Approved......_ 193_..... Pearce / In Favor zVeterson k� ruga Against yor wl �lr` r.resident (Geban) ]M J•37 Odsl1w to Car Clpq RESOLVED That Ha Appli COUNCIL 1.10158 CITY OF ST. PAUL •u.. NO ........ .. .. .... __...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R_ESQLUTION --- GENERAL FORM 25147 for On Sale Malt Beverage license, and application 25148. for Off Sale Malt Beverage license, applied for by Margaret Hanson at 2145 University Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CoujEB 19 ___t93_ Yee Nays an Approved. 193_..... ` ........ /kearce. In Favor - rson - gains Ma or urantu r. President (Gehan) 3M 3-37// C. F. No. 110168-8Yy I. C. Pearce, F. M. Truaz. G. H. B 4Uss— ReeolVed. That Appllaatlon E6147 for On Bale Malt Beverage llcanse, and application 26148, for Off Sale Malt Beverage license, applied for by Mar- garet Hanson at 8146 'University. Ave. be and the same are begets granted New, and tb'e City olerk le instructed to issue licenses Informally BpprOVed by upon thehcIty yoor th, 11ay turn' tees Council, Feb. 9. 1939. Adopted by the Council Feb. 16, 1988. Approved Feb: 16, 19.N. Old Location. (Feb. 19, 1988) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CoujEB 19 ___t93_ Yee Nays an Approved. 193_..... ` ........ /kearce. In Favor - rson - gains Ma or urantu r. President (Gehan) 3M 3-37// Ddd1N le f3tr - �n,„�,� 110159 CITY OF OF ST. PAUL nu NO ... . ... .............. 1 A ! OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK \lTyr�x,tIV COU L UTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 1, (\n/yt�/+/��. 7ebruar 1 1 COMMISSION- ... ... ..... —...._Y..3......' ........... ...._. .�:. .........._.DATE................... _........rY.......a.l.......9 g................ RESOLVED That Gas StatVn license $4155, expiring August 15, 1935, issued to 0. R. Munger and R. T. Sabilin at 50 S. Snelling Ave, be and the same is hereby transferred to K. N. Baker at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. C.F. No. 110169—By L C. Pearce{ F. M. Truax. G. 8: Hartu,s— , Resolved. That Gas Station license No. '4186, expiring August 16. 1938, Is- sued to O. -Munger and R. T. sou13En t 80 a Snelling Ave. be and the same, la hereby transferred to K. N. Baker. at the same address and theover city odfcers.are Instructed to mute the prbpar change, fn the city's records. Adopted by the CounolI Feb. 16, 1938. ,Ap�froved rX 16. 1938. t V eb. 19, 1938 ) COMEN Yeas Nays 19�(me 11 / ) i dlan /ce In Favor 'Petuson rasa2.. Against r resident (Gehan) IM 3-37 0 11.0 r N J I:i.l• Adopted by the Council, 'PT Approved_ ...193...... 193_..... oo.110160 ._CITY OF ST. PAUL . �s NO a; OFFIC[ OF THE CITY CLERK JA C IL ESOLUTION---GENERAL FOM o wu Neil ipe°co nc i o to etai'tr of In. In 8 9T9oeedingg for the Ijtgotipropert9 under tLe t ',o it r PRESENTED BY -' " �"" o[ emSl ant dVIM In tt+e arattedln6 .... ... �........ wideninS 'and e COMMISSIONER. - -- - ' *h9 n-+yyr4•.• ......... .:... - 7t. from Adn 8f. to lv eenri�*pea on, award 1HEREAS, the Council of the City yuof Saint the Power oY eminent oeeding for the taking of property domain, "In the Matter of the opening, widening and Confiding of Concord St, from Ada. St. to AnnaPOlis St.", duly confirmed an award of CON and dam9ges in the sum of $138.x, the 08 for the taking under the power of MineertyOsituate in theCity City, the following described real prop of St. Pauls County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to -wits That psxt of Lot 10, Block 9, Prospect Plateau Addition to the City of St. Paul that lies southwesterly of a lice extending from a Point on the weeterly line of Lot 6, Block 17, Bell's Addition to Rest St. Paul, 3.64 feet m the southwest corner thereof, to a Point on Prospect easterly line of Lot 6, Block 9he ,- Plateau, 81.81 feet tofrom thetpt onheast corner file and of thereofrd , a000rding inter of Deeds in nand for nhRamsey i8buntyce of t Minnhe esota, and said award of compensation and damages was dulyved coafim slid Council by resolutiontoiliFileoBoe�74198a and December 80, 1987, the same being to the City the City Attorney has duly o entified in writing s to whom Council that he is in doubt asaid award shell b • paid, andws Of 1981 as AREAS, Chapter 8198,eSsioniLaws on aOf Minnesota,t1931, pro" amended by Chapter 396, other things that the City Council vides in such cases, among able to the may order a warrant to be dr Bubjecttteo the order�ofsaid Coutt Clerk Of the District Eourt, directing to whom the same shall be paid, therefore be it RESOLVED, that a warrant of the city of amount Paul be drawn by the proper pity officers for and in the amount oY a atyward► that the City Clerk shall deliver said warrant with payable to the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey Minnesota; of this resolution to said Clerk of said Court a certified COPS COUNCIL EN Adopted by the Coundl 193....... Yeae Nays t Bad •' � �� FindApproves.............__.........__......_._........_.._.......193_..... P In Favor P reon AAa or _ _ y r nc ..__.._._..._.... Against (Geban) 7M 3.37 110160 CITY OF 5T. PAUL n�seca NO- ................................... * OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FOfjr COMMISSIONER • SSIONER_..........._...............................:............................:.....................................................................................DATE.............. . and take his receipt therefor, in which case the parties entitled to the said award shall establish their right thereto by a petition to said Court, setting up the facts entitling them thereto and by proving the same to the satisfaction of said Court and when so established said Court shall make an order directing to whom the same shall be paid. 00UNgILMEN Yeas Nays In Favor t rson Cruaz._. 4i F%iito Mr. President Against (Gehan) 7M 7 f Approved ........... ........4?.... a...1 ��... ....._...193_.... -7;F -?,Ir LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HILARY J. FLYNN EOWIN MURPHY IRVING GOTLIES JAB. F. SULLIVAN ASSISTANTS CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT JOHN W. McCONNELOUG CORPORATION COUNSEL To the Council ROY E. SIN DEEN CLAIM INVESTIGATOR Deoembbr.28, 1937. Gentlemen: The Council, in the matter of the opening, widening and extending of Concord Street from Ada Street to Annapolis Street, by Council File No. 74192, adopted ofdapproved or the condemnation by thenfirmed an City of Sainted Paul of the following described premises: That part of Lot 10, Block 9, Prospect plateau hsouthwesterly of line extending lat fltm lies a point on the weaterly line of Lot 6, Block 17, Bell's Addition to West St. Paul, 3.54 feet from the southwest corner thereof, to a point on the easterly line of Lot 6, BYook 9, Prospect Plateau, 21.21 feet from t he southeast corner thereof, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register e7 tof Deeds in and for Ramsey County, The award of damages as confirmed is inamount of $132.64 and no proof has been submitted by any claimant, quired by law, conditional to the payment of said award:• It is hereby certified that the Corporation Counsel is in doubt as to whom said award shall be paid. The statute in such case provides that the award may be paid to the Clerk of the District Court subject to distribution to those shown to have a clear right thereto, under order of the Court. There is herewith submitted a form of resolution for this purpose. You're vely truly, � r�I LPS-S Assistant Corporation Coup661 pd�N,1 m CMY a.� / -UL 110161 ITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO 10E OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORK,., sem. WEMBZAS, by Council File No. 109985, approved February 1, 1938, the City Council prescribed Rules and Instructions for the use of automatic voting machines in each of the four elections to be held in the City during the year 938, and pursuant to law ordered the City Clerk to submit them to the Attorney General of the State of Minnesota for his approval; and WENEW, the Attorney General has requested that certain changes in such Rules and Instructions be made as follows: (1) Re -write the first sentence of Paragraph No. 8 entitled "Assisting Voters' so that said first sentence of said paragraph iw shall read as follows: "If any voter, after entering the vot- I Ing machine booth shall ask for further in- struction in operating the machine, such instruction shall be given him by two judges belonging to opposite political parties, if such there be, and after giving such instruction such election judges shall retire from the vot- Ing machine booth, after which the voter shall vote alone and in secrecy." (2) Add a new section to be known as Section 9 and entitled "Voter's Inability to read Ehglish, or Physical Disability," such section to read as follows: "Section 9. Voterls Inability to Read I�gglish, or Physical Disability. - when any �gter shall make oath that he cannot read English, or because of physical disability cannot mark his ballot, he shall have the right to call to his aid one or more of the judges of election, or a qualified elector, to mark his ballot, and the said persons shall mark the ballot as directed by said voter and not otherwise; and when so marked the voter may, before throwing the curtain COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _ _. _ _ _._ _ ........... .193. . Yeas Nays Barfuss FindlanApproved...._... _....._...._..... __.._ ...................193....... Pearce In Favor Peterson TTqrr�uax Against Mayor Parra:lt© Mr. President (Gehan) 7M 337 dd.IMl to an a.h 110161 CITY OF ST. PAUL iai OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORIN% PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.... ...... ____.. ._. _._ ................. ...... .... _. __........ .........DATE ................ (2X lever to the left to register his vote, call upon one of the fudges or clerks and privately show his ballot inside of the curtain of said machine in order to ascertain that such ballot is marked as directed." (3) Renumber Sections 9, 10 and 11 of such Rules and In- structions so that said sections will be numbered 10, 11 and 12 respectively. (4) In the fifth sentence of Section 10 of the original Rules and Instructions, entitled "Closing of the Polls, Canvas of Vote, and Proclamation of Result," insert the words "If such there be".after the words "political party" and before the words "if more" where such words appear in such sentence. (5) Provide a blank form for use by the Attorney General in approving such Rules and Instructions; such blank form to be on the last sheet thereof and to read as follows "The within Rules and Instructions for the use of automatic voting machines in the City of Saint Paul are hereby approved by me this ....... day of February, 1938. Attotney General State of Minnesota." THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, That the said Rules and Instructions adopted by said Council File No. 109985, approved February 1, 1938, be and the same are hereby amended in conformity with the request of the Attorney General, herein set forth, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to forward certified copies of such Rules and Instructions, as amended, to the Attorney General for his approval. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays dlan P"Cearranto _ In Favor iFeterson ,ruaa . Against "kWI- 'I)&. President (Gehan) 3M 3-37 FEB 15 1938 Adopted by the Council -_. _ _ _193__ _i is Approved.... -__.. _ 193_..... i Mayor D .2—/9-3 �,5 ,.00( RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS )00. FOR THE USE 0 ;AUTOMATIC VOTING MACHINES IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL .-0.0-0-. 1. PRINTED FORMS --Ballots (or ballot labels) shall be printed in black ink on clear -white material of such size as will fit the ballot frame of the voting machine, and in as plain olear typo as the space will reasonably permit. 'Three sets of ballot labels for each voting machine shall be provided. At least two sample ballots or diagrams shall be provided for each polling place. Such sample ballots shall be in the form of a diagram showing such part of the face of the voting machine as shall be used for the election. Such sample ballots may be either in full or reduced size and shall contain suitable illustrated directions for voting on the voting machine. At least two such sample ballots shall be posted in a prominent place in the polling place on election day and shall so remain throughout the day. Sufficient statements of canvass shall be printed. Such statements of can- vass shall conform with the type of voting machine to be used in the election district. On each such statement of canvass the designating number and letter on the machine counter for each candidate shall be printed next to the candi- dates name. The arrangement of the names on the statements of canvass shall conform exactly with the arrangement of the names on each voting machine to be used in each election district. Such statements of canvass shall provide for the entry of the number of votes for each candidate and the "yes" and "no" of each question as shown on the voting machine. Space shall be provided for the entry of the votes received on absent voters, ballots and on paper ballots voted at the polls on election day' and the total number of votes received on both machines, absent voters* ballots, and paper ballots. Certificates shall be provided for the use of the election officials in making out their statements as to the condition of the voting machine both be- fore and after the opening and closing of the polls. 2. pREPARATION OF MACHINES FOR ELECTION --The city clerk shall cause the proper ballot labels to be placed on the voting machines and the machines to be placed in proper order for voting. He shall examine all voting machines before they are sent out to the different polling places to see that all the registering -1- 4 counters are set at aero (000); that all machines aro looked so that the count- ing mechanism cannot be operated, that each voting machin is sealed with a numberod metal seal; and he shall make a written record thereof as concerns each such voting machine and such record shall be filed in his office for six months. Such written record shall show the serial number of each machine and shall state that the ballot labels aro in proper position; the registering counters are all set at aero (000); the number on the metal seal with which the machine is soalod against operations the number shown on the protective counter; the maohino is locked to prevent its operation. 3.• INSTRUCTION OF ELECTION OFFICERS - ELECTION OFFICERS' SALARIES--Beforo each election and primary at which a voting machine is to be used, there shall be held, under the direction of the city clerk, a meeting or meetings for the purpose of instructing the election officials about the operation of the voting machin and the duties of election officials when voting machines aro used. Each election official sorving,in an election district whore voting machines are usod, shall attend one such mooting preceding each election or primary at which such election official is to serve, and shall receive a certificate show- ing that he has attondod such instruction meeting and has been found qualified to serve. Each election official who shall attend such instruction meeting and shall qualify and serve at an election, shall receive the sum of one dollar for the time spent in receiving such instructions in addition to car or rail- road faro in going to or returning from such meeting, which shall be paid at the same time and in the same mannor as the payment for serving on election day. Such certificate shall not be issued to any person unless he has attended an instruction mooting and boon found qualified and no person shall be eligible to servo as'an election official unless he has first received a certificate as heroin provided. Such certificates shall be issued by the city clerk. In case of omorgoncy, whon an insufficient number of certified election officials are available for the proper conduct of the election, the proper authority having charge of the conduct of the election may appoint a sufficient number of e100- -2- tion officials to conduct such election, although such election officials have not received the required certificate. The salary of election officials in election districts using voting machines shall be one dollar less than in elec- tion districts not using voting machines.. • INSTRUCTION OF VOTERS Before each election or primary at which a voting machine is to be used, the city clerk shall see that adequate facilities for the in- struotion of the voters are provided. For this purpose he shall cause to be nient locations a voting machine with sample ballot placed in one or more conve labels affixed. 5. OPENING OF THE POLLS --The election officials shall meet at the polling place at least one-half hour before the time for opening the polls. The keys to the voting machine shall be delivered to the election officials at least one-half hour before the time for opening the polls in a sealed envelope on which shall be recorded by the city clerk the location of the voting machine, the serial number of the machine, the number of the seal, the number registered on the Prot ective counter. The envelope containing the keys shall not be opened until the election officers of said election district have examined the same to see that it has not been opened and shall have ascertained that the number regis- tered on the protective counter and the numbor on the seal with which the machine is sealed correspond with the numbers recorded on the envelope contain - Ing the keys. If the envelope appears to have boon opened, or if the numbers do not agroe, or if the numbered metal seal is broken or has been tampered with, or if any other discrepancy is found, the election officials shall immediately notify the city clerk who shall present himself or his duly authorized deputy at the polling place and reexamine such machine and certify that it is properly arranged and in order. If the numbers on the seal and on tho protective counter are found to agree with the numbers on the envelope., the judges shall then open the door concealing the registering counters and carefully examine every counter to see that it registers zero (000) and shall alae allow the watchers to examine them. The election officials shall then compare the ballot labels on the voting -3- S machine with the statements of canvass furnished, and see that the names. num- . bors'and letters thoroon agree. The election officials shall then sign a certificate showing the delivery of the koys in a scaled envelope, the number on the seal, the number on the protective counter, that all the registering counters aro set at zero (000), that all the ballot labols aro properly placed in the machine and the serial number of the machine. CT OF ELECTIONS --The voting machine or machines 6. GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR CONDII shall be so placed and protected that each such machine shall be accessible to only one voter at a time and in full view of all the election officers and watchers at the polling place. An election official shall inspoet the face of each voting machine after each voter has voted to see that the ballot labels are in their proper places and that the machine has not boon injured or tamper- ed with. During the election the door or other compartment of the machine shall not be unlocked or opened or the counters exposed except by the city clerk or other authorized person, a statement of which shall be made rnd signed by the city elork or other authorized person and attached to the returns. 7. INSTRUCTION OF VOTERS AT THE POLLING PLACE --For the instruction of the voters there shall be so tar as practicable in each polling place, at least ono mechanical model being a mechanical reproduction of a portion of the face of shed shall be located during the election the doting machine. Such model furni in some place which the voter must pass to reach the machine and every voter . before entering the machine shall be instructed regarding its operation and such instruction illustrated on the model and the voter given an opportunity to personally operate the model. The voterts attention shall also be called to the diagram of the face of the voting machine so that the voter can become familiar with the location of the questions and the names of the offices and ials shall reax�in in constant attendance candidates. One or more election offic at the instruction model and diagram and occupy himself or themselves at all times with the duties of instructing the voters. -4- 6. ASSISTING VOTERS»If any voter, after entering the voting machine booth shall ask for further instruction in operating the machine, such instruction shall be given him by two judges belonging to opposite political parties, if such there be, and after giving such instruction such election judges shall retire from the voting machine booth, after which the voter shall vote alone and in secrecy. If any voter at a party primaryelection after entering the voting machine booth and setting the primary lever of a party so as to release the candidates of such party for voting, and turning down levers over the names of candidates, but before recording the votes for any candidates, shall state to the election officials that he wishes to enter the primary of a different party, the entire election board shall go to such machine and shall see that all voting levers have been returned to the unvoted position so that no votes may be oast for any candidates or for or against any questions or other prop- ositions, and such voter shall then be permitted to return the operating lever to its original position and start from the beginning once more, and in each such case the entire election board shall sign a certificate stating in detail what was done and such certificate shall be returned with the official returns of the primary. 9. VOTER'S INABILITY TO READ ENGLISH, OR PHYSICAL DISABILITY Mhen any voter shall make oath that he cannot read English, or because of physical disability cannot mark his ballot, he Shall have the right to call to his aid one or more of the judges of election, or a gualified elector, to mark his ballot, and the said persons shall mark the ballot as directed by said voter and not otherwise; and when so marked the voter may, before throning the curtain lever to the left to register his vote, call upon one of the judges or clerks and privately show his ballot inside of the curtain of said machine is order to ascertain-t1jat such ballot is marked as directed• 10.' VOTING TO BE SECRET - TIME ALLMED VOTER TO VOTE --The election officials shall admit but one voter to the voting machine at one time and only after it has 5' been ascertained that he is entitled to vote. The voting on the voting machine shall be secret except as herein provided for voters needing assistance. -No voter shall remain within the voting machine booth longer than three minutes and if he shall refuse to leave after the lapse of three minutes he shall be removed by the election officials - CLOSING OF THE pOLLS - CANVASS OF VOTE AND PROCLAMATION OF RESULT --As soon as the polls of the election aro closed, the election officials thereat shall immediately look and seal the voting machine against voting. Tho election officials shall then sign a certificate stating that the machine has been lock- ed against voting and sealed; the number of voters shown on tho public counter; the number on the seal; the number registered on the protective counter. The election officials shall then open the counter compartment in the presence of the watchers and any other persons who may lawfully be present in the polling place, giving full view of all the counter numbers. Such watchers shall not interfere with the work of the election officials- One of the election offi- cials thall,•under the scrutiny of the election official of a different polit- ical party, if such there be, if more than throe election officials be serving in such election district, in the order of the offices as their titles are ar- ranged on the machine, read and announce in distinct tones the designating number and letter on each counter for each eandidatots.names the result as shown by the counter numbers, and shall then read the votes recorded for each office on the irregular ballots, if any. The torm "irregular ballots" means votes for unnominated candidates written in on the paper roll. He shall also in the same manner announce the veto on each constitutional amendment, propos- ition or other question. As each vote total is announced from the machine, it shall immediately be entered on the duplicate statements of canvass in figures only in inks -by two clootion officials of opposite political faith, if such there bo, in the same order on the space which hes the same designating number and letter, after which the figures shall be verified by being called off from the counters in the some manner as herebefore by an election official -6- who recorded the totals on a statement of canvass during the original canvass. If more than three election judges are serving in such election district, the other judge who recorded the totals on a statement of canvass during the orig- inal canvass shall act as watcher at the machine counters during the verifi- cation of the results. The judge or judges who called off the totals from the machine counters during the original canvass shall check the totals as record- ed on the statements of oanvass while such totals are being called off from the maohine counters during the verification of the results. Each election official shall then sign a certificate which shall be a part of the statement of canvass stating that the results as shown on the statement of canvass are the true and correct results of the eloction, that the canvass has been com- pleted in accordance with the law as herein provided. After the proclamation of the vote, ample opportunity shall be given to any person lawfully present to compare the results so announced with the counter dials of the machine and any necessary corrections shall then and there be made by the election offi- cials. If absentee voters+ ballots or paper ballots have been voted, such ballots shall be canvassed and tallied, the vote thereon for each candidate announced and added to the vote as recorded on the statement of canvass of votes cast by machine. Absentee voters' ballots and paper ballots cast on election day, if any, and irregular ballots, if any, inclosed in properly seal- ed packages respoetively, and properly endorsed, shall be filed with the orig- inal statement of canvass. The election official filing the returns shall deliver to the city clerk the keys to the voting machine, inclosed in a sealed envelope having indorsed thereon a certificate of the election officials stat- ing the number of the machine, the election district whore it has boon used, the number of the seal and the number registered on the protootive counter. 12. PRESERVATION OF BALLOTS AND RECORD OF ELECTION ON M&CBINES--The voting machine shall remain locked against voting for a period of thirty days and as much longer as may be necessary or advisable because of any existing or threatened contest over the result of the elections except that it may be opened and all data and figures therein oxaminod upon the order of any court or judge of com- petent jurisdiction. Provided, however, that any voting machine used at a primary election may be opened seven days following such primary election if such opening bocomos necessary in order to prepare tho voting machine so used at such primary election for an election which is to be held on a day which is within forty days after the day upon which such primary election is hold. Irregular ballots and absentee and paper ballots shall be preserved in the same mannor and for the some longth of tiro as is now required by law when voting machines are not used. -8- V11-ati a.h 110162 i I CITY OF ST. PAUL �iNO.... n " 1-1 / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V COUNCIL ION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTS BY COMMISSIONER......... 07 �r�iAr�" r.�.............DATE..._._._..__..........._ J February l5, 19j8. ........................ .._.. _........_......... RESOLVED That licenses apked for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Jos. Stransky Jr. 1209 W. 7th St. Tavern App. 25001 Renewal n n n a Dance Hall ^ 25002 ^ German House, Inc. 444 Rice St. Dance Hall ^ 25057 ^ Peter Boosalis 31 W. 7th St. Off Sale Malt ^ 25062 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ On Sale Malt ^ 25063 ^ n n n n Restaurant ^ 250611 ^ Lindquist & Trumble 227 E. 8th St. Gas Station ^ 25o65 ^ Sam Berg 247 S. Snelling Barber ^ 25066 ^ Mrs. H. Fuller 1189 N. Snelling Pool Tables ^ 25067 ^ Robt. L. Elfenbein 1340 Thomas St. Confectionery ^ 25072 ^ Robt. Gauthier 842 S. Smith Ave. Restaurant ^ 25085 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ on Sale Malt ^ 25086 ^ n n ^ ^ Off Sale Malt ^ 25087 ^ Bert R. Wheeler 317 W. 6th St. Bill Poster ^ 25091 ^ Farwell Ozmun Kirk & Co. 265 Jackson St. Gunpowder ^ 25101 ^ Abe Kahan 80 E• 7th St. Barber ^ 25102 ^ S. E. Hall 12 W• 5th St. Barber 25103 ^ Lowry Garage 339 Wabasha St. Gas Station ^ 25104 ^ Edw. H. Jahnke 1614 University Ave. Gas Station ^ 25105 ^ Morris F. Resnick 101 Iglehart Ave. 2nd hand auto parts 25106 ^ A. J. Weston 363 Jackson St. Restaurant gyp. 25107 ^ COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas Adopted by the Council 193 Barfuss Findlan Approved. _ _. 193_..... Pearce In Favor Peterson Truax Against Mayor VJe �ntc r Mr. President (Gehan) 3M }37 CM I -L It, ply a.s COUNCIL 110162 h CITY OF ST. PAUL Z. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER......_... _... ........DATE.- -2- RESOLVED ATE _2_RESOLVED John W. Resnick 596-9 University 2nd hand auto parts 25116 Renewal W. R. Anderson 1011 Front St. Grocery App. 25117 " Pe: " 2093 Comfo Ave. W. Grocery " 25118 " Peter Miller 1087 Grand Ave. Barber " 25125 " J. E. Watkins 234 W. 7th St. Barber " 25129 " M. J. Melius 603 S. Smith Ave. Gas Station " 25130 " J. E. Welsh 57 S. Hamlin Restaurant " 25131 " J. S. Bucknell 667 N. Snelling Barber " 25132 It St. Paul Lodge ,J2 100F 156 W. 9th St. Dance Hall " 25133 " Russell Neff 382 University Ave. Gas Station " 25139 " Charles Cook 110 S. Wabasha Barber " 25142 " Lind Aegerter 355 Robert St. Barber " 25163 " Fred W. Keiser 595 N. Hemline Barber u 25164 " Joseph Eckert & Geo.Dennemeyer 309 Jackson St. Barber 11 25167 " Victor Tschida 33 W. 6th St. Tavern " 25169 " u s 4 u u Dance Hall " 25170 " T. M. Ferguson 705 University Ave. Gas Station " 25171 " Q PotthoffBroe. 216 Bates Ave. Gas Station " 25180 " John Kroeten 92 Wood St. Junk Gatherer " 25211 " FF -B 15 iS3� COUN LMEN Adopted by the Council_ _ .. ! ar. - -.-193 Yeas Nays i C. F. No. 110102—BY 1. C. Pearce, F. M. Truax, G. H. Barfusa— Resolved, thnt licensee a e le fer FEB 15 1938 �by the ppersons named on rhe Ifs[ at- dlan [ached to this resolution be aIde same are hereby granted an t- Approved... _..._.193P ce _. __ .._ In Fa clerk fe Inat7uctedtoIse.censes upon thepayment In treasury of the renulredfeee [son AdoptedbytheCo.ncliApprovedFeb. ls. 1939.ruax Again (Feb. 19.19381 Mayor i President (Gehan) 3M 3-37 bi1jlw a cit, a.k n COU110163 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILK NO.._ _.. ��-O����F1lllFI THE CITY CLERK COUN S TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY� p COMMISSIONER.. ..._.._.. Ir.4ing .._.Pearce__.. _ ..__......... ............. .._........DATE........Februar.y...15..s....1.9.38........ RESOLVED WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain em- ployes of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. —Ta—me i e No. lirs. Hate oi'�av Tousley, Robert M. Sr. Engr. Dftsman. 38 .83A 2 44 COUNC[I MEN Yeas � Nay �Fina"n ��e�rce ` In Favor . e ruax. Against gent (Gehan) IM 337 C. F. No. Wherea it Work Ith gee the -.let rendered certain e for more '' on Sund �.. pnr say and ay, eel employment being I more than ueualhoura of employment, therefore, be it I-- are ti-bytautfiolzepd to�ppsy the at f.11—lob sed employe. at the rate ;1 lore th0 Isoextfixra time x h.retmtermee[ forth. e Tousley, Robert hf., gr, l:ngr. Drlte- man. 18 hops Q 83yC: 33 hours Q 18ayd. III Adopted by the Council Feb. 18, 1938. ved ApproFeb. 18, 1938. -- (Feb. 19, 1938) FEB 1 138 Adopted by the Council 193. . Approved...._: 1.:......_ ......:........;::_....._..._..-.t93....... 6_4 Mayor An emergency has arisen in the DEPART102TT OF PUBLIC WORIM, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Drawing plans for Filtration Plant This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessary to complete plans in advance of work in order not to delay construction c -- OdAW to CX7 Clak CITY OF ST. PAUL `°u""` No..0164 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU �1�1 ES_ UTION---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED , that iiVaccordance with the reoommendstion of the Commissioner of Public Rorke, the proper City officers are hereby authorised on behalf of the City, to execute an agreement in writing with Be Brand, a partnership, whereby said partnership, owner of the same, shall lease and let to the City that certain real estate desonibed as Lots 3 to 30, Block 10, Lots 1 to 19, Block 11, and all of Block 12, in Winter's Addition to the City of Saint Paul, for the purpose of the use and maintenance of the same by the City as a public refuse dump, in consideration of the payment by the City to said partnership of the annual rental charge of $100, such agreement to operate for the calendar year 1935 and to be expressly subject to renewal from year to year for nine successive additional years, at the option of the City, upon the same terms, such agreement to be approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel and the rent charge to be paid as aforesaid shah be paid from City Dump bund, 13-G-2. C. F. No. 110184—B3, I. C. Pee °. Resolved, that In acoordan a with the...recommeadation of - the., Qommfs- loner t Patillc Worlom,' the DroDer city otAcer. ar. hereby aUth.rlm on behi men nen own the sort to 1 Wit PaU mat :0t,a COUNCI EN ..0 Yen era be n 'o n Dor to In Fa f=e' n A1ittemd�ent (Gel n) sm Y)7 FEB I i;;33 iy the Council, 193....... p proved........ ........... ..... 193__ ayor COUNCILNO. 65 ....... ri c.iRK CITY OF SAINT PAUL nL� APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS -RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION Zoe PRESENTED BY C ✓el(\- son I�y►fI •�TfDATF February 111th 198 g A. • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. • I FROM COCR. DE TO I APPORTIONED ITEM I AMOUNT I TRANSFERRED �I DR. 2596 C. H. & C. H. (Supplies) 608.00 25A7 II (Employ. Bur. -- Rent) 2,500.00 25A1 It (Salaries) b0g.00 2592 II (Heat, Light, & Power) 2,500.00 As per Scott Gipple C. F. No. 110106=BY H!! Fetereon (BY requept)— - That.bbehLollafngtReeolvefl. wtran- i Lcmtbe eds on e b0Ok8 6 o roller.as Eby, IN, doing., anon [��JJ'J/// Light "a Fewer), >;a ouu.vu. `'/ V Adopted by the Counotl Feb: 16, 3938. Adopted Feb. C 1098. (Feb. 1� 19 38) YES (V) COUNCILMEN (Y) NAYS PEARCE PETERSON „R8801 IN FAVOR TRUAX AGAINST 1M'Efm� MR. PRESIDENT Boo 10 4 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIIEB 15 1938 193 - APPROVED FEB t'--r.—� —193— COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY COMPTROLLep odghwi to div Dub :oUNCIL NO. 110166 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .- C UN IL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Vlip J4 ....._....DATE. . _ ._............ COMMISSIONER......_..._ ........ _.._.. h Whereas, the Sinking Fund Committee has received the Following offer on bonds: NAME OF FIRM BIND OF BOND BATE AMOUNT DUE ATE PRICE Blythe & Co., Inc. St. Paul Bond 5% $1,000 Jan. 1, 1955 3.00 and the Sinking Fund Committee recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Committee in the purchase of this`c bond for the General Sinking Fund, Whereas, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore be it Resolved, that the Mayor, Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. 193..... 193....... e No, j10146--ay h9 9 k(A. nB ,ad,Commit- tea hee received thefo7ldWing offer oa bond,: - Name of firm, Blythe & Co., Kind of Bt, Paul Bond; Rate, .Bond. 6%: Amount, $1,000; Due Date, Jan. 1, 1866; ]'rlce, 3:00.. and tha 61nk/ng Fund Committee rec- In ommend,.that the. Connell concur the action of the Committee is the purchase of this bond tor.' the . General 6inking Fund, , e Whereas, ttue Counetl I. of the opin- lon that the above offer'ahould be Iw- Ion t , therefore ba Yt Received, that -the or. Commis- ,, e:oner of Finance and the Comptroller and they arehereby sutdtorlsed. and �be sheeted to c0a9umm14 the treneac- tion• Adopted by :the Council Feb. 16, 1838. Approved Feb. 16 1839• (Feb 18 1838) -' -- FEB 15 11"'33 COUNC MEN Adopted by the Council__ Yeas Nays oFE0 i :. Approved .............. _..._ ..._ /dlan Rearce In Favor / -/,—son Against TI'�llt�% r. President (Geban) 7M 3.37 193..... 193....... .. ' CITY OP HUNT ►AUL WUNWL DHDINAL� NUMBER:; FILB No.---',. WTM DSR Cp IL RESOLUTION FOR, - ` AUTHOR TION OP OC AL'I mprVEMENT PROJECTS :. .;- '. Resoxr►ed, that th unit -hereby approves the award. of the Contrast donimitee. `therefpr,;; and hereby awards 'the ao'ntfaot for the con- . traction of pumping Equipment at Broadway, 8hermen_& Sibley pump. Stafions, to D. W. HICKEY:& COMPAIiY LRC•; in a000adanoe with ,plans and specifications therefor hereto s:ttachedtand the Formal Bid No. 18 of said DW._ Hickey & Company Ino., for the contract pride of ;7,362.00, such bid being the 1OW8at bid and said D. W. Hickey & company Inc. being the lowest reliable and reaeoaable bidder,, and the corporation, counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the p�'oper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby aice authorized to eaeonte said contract on behalf of the tyOf .Saint Paul. C. F. .1Z ed,1 That Bthe Councilrh reby � ayproves.. the award of -:the Contraet Committee therefor, and hereby awards i this contract -.for the construction of Pumping Equi Ment at Broadway, Sherman & Sibleyy Pump Stations, o D., W. BIC.S.IIY &- CULSPANY INC., in D,, W..oHI with Diane and speciHCa- done therefor he,.to attaohe8 and -.the Formal Bid No. 13 said D. - W. , Hiohey, &- C4myyany Inc.. of Lor -the' con- ' tract pace of if,862.OD, such bid bemB the lowest bid and Bald D. W. Hickey _ t Company Ina be1RB 'the lowest re- �. Ir�' ,,ttom/� �q liableand reasonable bidder, and the INHHP'S EBTIMATi f J.w ,•EV�i QD' PORMAI. BID NO. 12 Co oration^CO unset' be .and' hereby 1g 1 directed to draW up the proper., form OL CO¢traCtthelefOr� a¢d the groper COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. NOTHc. TO HH'CHRTIPIHD AS TO PONDS AVAI COIL BIeC¢te SI" COnl ru-t�r OU behalf of the CItY of Saint Paul. -. PHRAIANBNTIMPROVHMHNT RBVOLVIN Adopted by 'the Counoll Feb. 16, 1938, HIB IMPROVBMPrT AS FOLLOWS, Ap➢roced Feb. 16. 1933• ASEH0.90 AGAINST RHNEFrRHD PR (Feb. 18. 1988) 3 y. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY 914AR6 s. APPROFRIATHO FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE s7,362.00 4. APPROPRIATED FROM sewer SONO IBSUE—COOB/Ol T COYNTV AID - _ _ _ - _ - - - - t . TOTAL - - - GOPIHB TOs IHBRHSY WIIITIFY THAT THHREISAN UNENCUMSERm SAL - 17'Y CLBHK' ANC. 11Vl11LAHLH.i".THS AROVX STAT 6=Rx P LyI" ,U"O e Ri1MSYRS6 THE PERMANENT IMPROVEM,TITRNOLVINO PUNO LOCAL IM►ROVeNHNT NO. COMPTROLLER IN THS ASOVR: AMOUNLB F PUBLIC WORKS - /h( ' PURCHASING - DATB. FINAL ORDBR ADOPTBD COMPTROLI.HR �I °, - 8988 MB COUNCILMEN YEAS NAYS ADOPTED BY THR COUNCIL IN FAVOR FEk { Y ArPRovsD AGAINST MR. PRSSIDI NT f So NOTICE 110168 1 110,70 CITY OF SAINT PAUL To — rPUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER �C.-F' Noa '110188 i1 M[e� iCCa alp tved, Th_, on .the. oftY tlr.*' ".•u. - am°gCC RESOLVgD, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO TH"PGREGATE AMOUNT 371565.18 44439 OF p,. . COVERING CHECKSNUMBERED— TO li115$5._INCLUSIVE,AS.PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. FEB 15 1938 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 189__ ` APPPOVED f 88_ B 444'j9 Axel F. Peterson. C. of Fin -!I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PULL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL Royal Typewriter Oompany,Ino 44443 BARFU.9 44444 Weed, Parker & Company 44445 FINDLAN PE TERSN P[TERSO f AUDITED CLAIMS - ---189 FeVf�w�,� lO TRU AX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ., WENZFL I— TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i COVERING MR. PEES. OEHAN CHECKS NUMBERED _ T INCLUSIVE. AS E O� �� C MPTROLLER. 44453 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL PER CHECKS ON FIL -FFI APPROVED 199 - J � NUMBER cowvi°oLL[R i' R--�_ 25 BY. 44456 ,• ri 1, 5 i {` iJ •I Wlvgren Paint Supply Company' i 1 1 � CHECK IN FAVOR OF '- � tp � i -, 3 �I �;i � 2 f CHECKS tl t A.J. Koch Company 1&5 795.. 17., Koppersepompany 44465 Lineer $froom Company �I 44466 Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goo e Maendler Brush Mfg.Company It 1 [1 44469 ss 44470 H.K. Stahl & Company 44471 A. Swenson & Sons, Ino, 44472 'Western Shade Cloth Company li. p 444'j9 Axel F. Peterson. C. of Fin -!I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PULL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL Royal Typewriter Oompany,Ino 44443 BARFU.9 44444 Weed, Parker & Company 44445 FINDLAN PE TERSN P[TERSO IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS - ---189 FeVf�w�,� lO TRU AX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ., WENZFL I— TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i COVERING MR. PEES. OEHAN CHECKS NUMBERED _ T INCLUSIVE. AS E O� �� C MPTROLLER. 44453 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL PER CHECKS ON FIL -FFI APPROVED 199 - J � NUMBER cowvi°oLL[R i' R--�_ 25 BY. 44456 J.M. Dalglish & Company 44457 Wlvgren Paint Supply Company' TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF '- 44459 ,, 'i� RETURNED NUMBER I. TRANSFER. DISBURSEMENT BY BANK I` CHECKS CHECKS 4i 11 1 BROUGHT FORWARD .,.,.. A.J. Koch Company 1&5 795.. 17., 444'j9 Axel F. Peterson. C. of Fin -!I 44440 Nike Holm, Seo. of State i, 44441 Noolain & Hedman Company I 44442 Royal Typewriter Oompany,Ino 44443 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. CompalO 44444 Weed, Parker & Company 44445 west End Lumber & Coal CompazI3 44446 iforks Progress Adm. Fed. Art 44447 George Williams 44448 John Holt 44449 Axel F. Peterson, C. of FinalNc 44450 st.Paul Institute 44451 Mrs. Katherine Rowe Bernhard 44452 Cavitol Supply 80mpany, Ino. 44453 Cochran -Sargent Company 44454 The Crane Company 44455 Curtis 1000I7hc. 44456 J.M. Dalglish & Company 44457 Wlvgren Paint Supply Company' 44458 Farwell, 0—un, Kirk & Compel; 44459 Farwell, owun, Kirk & Compar 44460 Glovo Products Company - 4.4461 Graos-Lee Products Company, 44462 Grinnell Company 4446] A.J. Koch Company 44464 Koppersepompany 44465 Lineer $froom Company �I 44466 Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goo 44467 Maendler Brush Mfg.Company It 44468 Pioneer Electric Company 44469 G. Sommers & Company 44470 H.K. Stahl & Company 44471 A. Swenson & Sons, Ino, 44472 'Western Shade Cloth Company li. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 22 50 sot . Co. 1 50 24 3i 199 g7 61 66 30g 1968 2491 '6o 16 00 53 po 666 67 30 00 57 74 92 29 19 48 4o i6 9 88 !I 42 63 233 52 328 73 22 05 I. 12 42 I'. 184 35 155 25 it 1 470 98 44 10 150 39 60 i 09 2 4 916 22 28 57 73 06 157-83" 22 50 1192 1,10"31„ V F 1 L- !i - DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PUUL I COON OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NU- _ ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE INFAY°" AUDITED CLAIMSreb+ �ei � 11 mo PETERSON 1 TRU AX AGAINST WENZEL MR. PRES. GEHAN RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S-jft.643.721 - COVERING SIVE. AS TO •�IT.y CHECKS NUMBERED �J'� ADOPTED BY TNL,$j-.�j�Q,U GLL _ PER CHECKS ON FILE �T� 1� - E OROLLER. '(AFF } !-.A� APPROVED NUMBER IYOR � COIPTROLLER TOTAL DATE - RETURNED CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF II I R F TRANSE CHECK9 ,I DISBURSEMENT BY BANK it CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD I 22.501192 15 a; _-I e 444733 4474 Mrs. C.M. Olaugherty, Guardi Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 32 04 22 190 31 96 ! 44475 44476 Mrs. Agnes Weiss Gangl and Company 44477 Ginn and Company 4 79 75 11 257 31 44478 Goodrich-Silvertown, Ino. ! 44479 Gopher University of Minneso a 93 50` 44480 Griswold Signal Company 291 831' 44481 Fred A. Hanks Company I 5 82', 44482 Harlem Book Company 5 50'i 44483 Hswkensen Printing Company l0 50 4448 Don Haynie 20 00 44485 Healy -Buff Company 90l 50 44486 D.C. Heath & Company 39 Heckrioh-Webb, Inc. 44487 9 44488 T.G. Halle Company 29 l5 44499 Herzog & Hueffineier 29 75 44490 Hatfield, Parry, Inc. 21 00'' 44491 Higley Chemical Company 91 70;' 44492 Hydraulic Hoist Company 36; 4441493 St -Paul Hydraulic Hoist CompOy 116 00 44 4 International Fuel Company 51 a10i''' 44495 Johnson Printing Company X82 44496 Kee Lox Mfg. Company 51 I, 44497 E.L. Klingel 14 60 '' 44498 W.W. Koepke 625 44499 Larmpry Products Company 33 83 ' 44500 Librarian, Library of CongFa 's ''I 5 00 44501 Abraham Lincoln Association 48 091 44502 Linde Air Products Company 23 00' 44503 Al. J. Louie i 41 09 44504 McClain A Redman Company 146 40'' 44505 McKesson Wholesalers,Ino. 44506 Mack Int. Motor Truck Corp. 17 55 1D0 44507 44508 John Maurus The Mechanical Service Comp y 56�!I 44509 Meier Sales & Equipment Comp y 27 12''! 44510 Merrill, Greer, Chapman Compl y 35 00! 44511 44512 Minneapolis Army Store Minneapolis Council of Soei Agencies 6 30 44512 Minnesota Law Review mews Company I 96 i6 • 4451 44515 Minnesota Monroe Calculating Machine 0'. Inc. 66 DO 44516 Moody Investors Service 180 00 6 „ 129 76 7go 44517 44518 Mothers Friend Laundry, Ino. Motor Power Equipment Compan jl3 ;I 44519 Mutual Paint Mfg,Compeny j 95 96 57 it 44520 44521 National Ammonia Company National Bureau of Eoonomic search 1 00 (. 44522 National Fire Protection Asa cation 10 D0 4 68 44523 Rational Theatre Supply Comp y 191 00 445214 44525 Nelson Oil Company Nicola, Dean & Gregg Companyli 123 i1 44526 North Central Pub.Company I 39 50 64 87 44527 Northern Jobbing Company 15 44528 N.T. Stamp Works, Ino• SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 22 go I �00 $Ql 014 i, I V CITY OF SAINT PUUL ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F�ENNUMBER��-�� BARFUSB FINDLAN PEARCEIN FAVOR PETERSON AUDITED CLAMS TRUAX February 11--_.IaH • - WENZEL -- -AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON E ITY TREASURY MR. PRE6. OEMA__ TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f. COVERING ADOPTED BY TWF-COUNCIL _ CHECKS NUMBERED_ 44o 5aS INCLUSIVE, AS �, --- -T— PER CHECKS ON FI i T O FIC OF TH€ APPROVED I '�, '� •� Y CO "ROLLER. .9 CROLL[R ~�1 NUMBER � 600 1-3 MA VOR -- 2.. _. BY. TAL CHECK - I IH ECK9R TODISBD FCK9ENT i, DATE ` NUMBER IN FAVOR OF - - L C. RETURNED BY BANK I f� BROUGHT FORWARD 44529 44530 North Star Bakery Company Thomas Towey I 107 50 40 00'; 44531 44532 4453 R.F. 'Aadleigh Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin Is Capitol 2 0 8 070 27 "35 City Transfer g erican Bulb Company 3 80 3 3o Berglund Lumber Company EckhardtCompany 250 53 44537 44538 E1vinEFirs Su ply Comp ' Farwell. 2j2 RO 94 44 5 9 4450 Ozmun, girt & Comp F Farwell. Ozmun, Birk &Comp � 112 5 4 140 46 ' 44541 445432 Oraybar Electric Company Huntington Laboratories,Ino. Inter City 293 90 4 5 05 44544 5 Paper Company L9mpland Lumber C any I Maendler Brush Mf�ompany 9 14 155 63 44545 44546539 F.J. Morse & Company National 813 42 44547 44548 Lead company j Price Electric company Robinson, Cary Sande 180 36 96 95 44549 & Comp J.L. Shiely 46 44550 X551 company Mrs. Arletta Shipman R.S. Stahl i4 ;5 192 44552 55 Company Twin City Brick company union Brass & fetal company 929 82 g7 gg 40 4455 'Villaume Box & Lumber Compan 4 44555 x+556 1 Axel F. Peterson, a. of Fin. 7 500 00 ; Ties, Obst, County Treasurer �i gg 0 416 X557 44558 X559 Sxel F. Peterson, C. of Fin. i! Capitol Stationery Mfg.comp Capitol Stationery 237 Do 155 44560 Mfg. Comp 5w+ 35 j 44561 Minneapolis Board of Eduoati The p 1J06 44562 44563 Minnesota Daily Minnesota Envelope Company 3 8 2 X564 National Battery Company 51 44565 Northern States Envelope Com y Oilheat service company 12 15 44566 44567 Owens—Illinois Glass Company Paramount 3j5 18 6 ' 44568 Ink Company 1 Patk Laundry 66o K W699 57 Machine company Perfection Sprinkler Company '' 4g 30 44571 44572 Perfection Type Company Perkins 22 0 37 44573 Printing Comps y H. C. Perieberg 463 00 4457 44575 Pi'Dneer Electric Company Pioneer Tobacco & Candy Compy 22 g 224 0 4 44576 44577 Pioneer Tobacco & Candy Comp y Purity 285 177 83 4 578 Baking Company Rand McNally and Company 28 11 94 11 65 44579 445go Reinhard Brothers Company Republic Flow Meters Company 5 20 44581 44582 Rihm Motor Company Roe—James Claes Company ( 2 76 3 17 4445583 Rose Brothers Lumber & Suppl}�,'Co.Inc. l 90 00 g4 44585 Joe. A. Rogers Agency, Inc. I Rutman Barrel company 10 00 G 7 50 .. _ SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 7 522 ,W 1� 215 _ 837 96 Od,1w WOW 4«h COUNCIL �i CITY OF ST. PAUL �K NO.1i OFFn..... .. ICE OF CITY CLERK C NCIL RES1W TIOW-19ENERAL FORM RESOLVED, th& thepropercity officers be and, thddy are hereby author- ized to eater into an agreement with Calogero Farsoi, providing for the payment of oompeneationto him at the rate of $16.00por week during --such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of Injuries received by him while in the employ of :the Department. of Public Works, on the -27th -day of January 1938; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Calogero Faraai the sum of $32.00 out of the workmen*e Compensation Account of the Goneral ffund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including February 17, 1938. Oki. 4 Yeas 7M FEB 16 1938 by the Council. _ __ _..._........ _. ................193... FEB 16 1938 Approved_....._ ..._....._.................._ .... _...............193_..... _ _./ _ -... Magor 1=01'72 Qddn.l le Cav QuY councu . CITY OF ST. PAUL .�. NO ............... ...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —..r: —,7--rmm__-r,;rMFRAL FORM _ a_ , rt. -Pearce--.. RESOLVED ■MUS, or Comptroller9s Contract 6.3690 by end between the City d Saint Paul and Leo Butler d Bros. Company,.contractors, said contractors agreed to construct the rifth Street - Broadway Sanitary Sewer Interceptor in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council end on fila in the office of the City Comptroller, and WHOM"s said contractor has completed such work drainerdance Vith' he plane and specifications except for oertiin items of curbing, and pavement repairs which cannot be completed until spring, and 'y�SASI in making final settlement with contractor in full for that portion of the contract completed, the Commissioner of Public Works, Chief ineeeerd and Contractor have agreed that the value of the uncompleted work is $3,420.40, WHEMS, said contractor has requested payment of the balance due on said contract leve the sum of $3,420.40, the estimate for the cost of completing the remaining work and has requested that the one year period of retained reserve, date from the passage of this resolution= therefore, be it RBSCLVBD'that the proper city officers be and they are p herebb�authce or sed upon the presentation of a proper estimate e therefor btoitay said contract price lose the sum of $3e FURTM RESOLVED that the one year period of retained reserve, date from the passage of this resolution, and be it BRIRTM RESOLVED that this resolution shell not have any force and effect unless the sureties to the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. /j ' COON, EN Yeas 71n an t Favor n �tuaa (2.. ?lgainet APP2117; 1" r. President (Geban) 3M 3.37 Adopted by the Council F�B_ A.6 1938 193 Approved......__. _..._........._................_..... 193 _..... /V. �T,i3LlSHSSll -ayor cm&dt. City Duk�e��e,� No...__.1101'73 CITY OF ST. PAUL n�i --. --" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU fjfQLES UTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED.._FebruaTy..16.,...1936. .. COMMISSIONER ............. ............ .... .... �....... _. RESOLVED -That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, for the St. Paul Workhouse, 100 pigs from The ging Pig Co. at a total cost not to exceed $1223.62, without advertisement, as this is the only way a purchase of livestock can be made on the South St. Paul Market. Charge Public Works- Workhouse 10-D-131 Q h1 No. 110113—&y L C. Pearce—. ILeeol9ed,That the Purc>u o�aeto bbeu. and he.'fe 'heroby a, Coma- Vler �ffor he SC Paul of. rk� ' house, 100 PIBe from 7Rua K1nB P86 Co. at a"total coat note to ezceefl tt S19aa:8a, out adverUeement as to. fe the only waY a Duracheee of.11veetock Market. Chargo Pub1IcBWorke—Wor1c1 hovee 10-D-181- gdoDted by tho Couuclt Fbb. Ie, 1998. Api7roved'f b. 1998. 19, 19as) COUNCJLMEN Yeas Nays dlan In Favor Z.on Against r idtent (Gehan) 3M 337 FEB 16 1933 Adopted by the Council....... FEB 6 '633 Approved...................._..._ ........... ........................_ t93_..... odsuw to atv a k COUNCIL 110174 CITY OF ST. PAUL F.L. NO- OFFICE O..OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Commissioners, Fred M. Truax, Axel F. WHEREAS, The City Clerk has duly certified to the City Council as required by the City Charter, a true and correct list of all persons who have filed an "'Affidavit of Candidacy for City Office" in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, for nomination for office at the City Primary Election to be held Tuesday, March 8th, 1938, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby ordered and directed to cause said certified list of candidates for nomination and the' off ices to be to be published twice in the official paper ,9 of said City, together with a Proclamation calling 'the City Primary Election for the nomination of PP such officers to be held Tuesday, March 8th, 1938. No. 110174 -By F. 4. Truax, A. F. 09arson, L G: Hse H. arfu, Election omlttee— - ereae, The City Clerk ties-' Aslq led, to the City Council as re- filled to. be •publlehed twice In the or- �. ficial paper of said City, togetheyr wlth FEB 16 1938 COUNCI MEN miry°Elaectlon"'orlthe nominal on- of Adopted by the Council euek oYdcora.to be held Tuesday, March Yeas Nayaacv I8a8. Adopte8 . the 10 193t F%b, 1e. 2888. APDroved Feb.. 18, 1988. Fkp$,� /1188 (FCL. 18, 18881 Fahfllatl Approved..... t93_..... Favor ruax Against r.'President (Gehan) )M od,W ceuN"' 11017.5 nCITY OF ST. PAUL.11, NO ............... .... ]:�OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK \\\ AA++ oma.. mint i___C:PNERAL FORM V RESOLVED That Restaurant license $91+67+ expiring January 16, 1939+ On Sale Malt Beverage license $3891+, expiring April 7, 1938, and Off Sale Malt Beverage license#5236, expiring April 7, 1938, issued to Peter Aplikowski at 567-69 Rice St. be and the same are hereby transferred to Peter Aplikowski at 572 Rice St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the cityls records, be it, / FMRER RESOLVED, that this transfer is to be effective as of February 21, 1939• Transfer informally approved by council. Jan. 6. 1938. C.118176 -8y -I. C. Pearce, F. 3f. Ing Ylk ser Aq: me ma rec la i 193 —.j Yeas - - - Ti. la Favor Truax Presldent (Gehan) ,u a• owed, this this transfer Clue ae of February 21, the Council Feb. 19, isae. +b. 18, 1958. eb. 18, 1935) -- 3 -- 193. Adopted by the ColnJE.6i _ Approved 193....... 1.10176 ' odue.f m as a.d. -a capeeu NO ................__...._.. j CITY OF ST. PAUL +�� — 1/ OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUNCI SOLO N ---GENERAL FORM February 16, 1939- t. RESOLVED That Cnlenqor license $946, expiring ar31, y 1939+issued to Peter Aplikowski at 567-69 Rice St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Peter Aplikowski at 572 Rice St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. be it FOETAER RESOLVED, that this transfer is to be effective as of February 21, 1938• Transfer informally approved by Council. Jan. 6, 1538- C. F. No.-119176—BY I C. P.—e. F Truaz; 6. H. Bar U—S. Reeolved,: llhat Oa: Sale Liquor It-; •cense'-No. 946, ezptria JanvarY 31, 1939. 4ssu.d 'ta. Peter ADlikowe}cl at.j 667-68 'Rice 8[. be and the same is hereby tranelered to Peter Apllkowshli Hcere3are�instruct dtto make trite D� p-' eCFu theraRee ]v.d t tr1 1.ttaperer is [o be effective as of February 81, 1938. Adopted y the Councli' Feb. 18, 1988. Appro tl dab. 78. 1988. COUNCI EN Adopted by the c..' ER,1.0..- y .....-__....193...... Yeas iE RApproved FEB 6-1.9.3-8- /Pearce In Favor rasa �...../..... Against Mayor . F rant0 .: r. President (Gehan) ]N .*iAd. aw c k 'i � 141101'7'7 coo"co ' CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO .... ......... ...................._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM�c N6 laoi77 Lay �p n^parren'o 011 WHEREAS, Stephen A. Donohue has heretofore made application for an "On Sale" Liquor License at 295 West Seventh Street, and subsequent to the filing of the application has requested that such license be issued to him at 336 Sherman Street, which two addresses are in the same building and the premises are identical; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for such applicant to remodel the premises so as properly to equip the same for the "On Sale" liquor business, at a substantial cost to him, and such applicant desires assurance that the "On Sale" liquor license will be granted to him when such remodeling has been completed; and WHEREAS, said applicant has filed with the Council a copy of the plan for such remodeling, which copy is hereto attached, and the applicant has agreed to remodel the premises in accordance with such plan; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That such "On Sale" liquor license is hereby granted to said Stephen A. Donohue for the premises known as No. 336 Sherman Street, and the City Clerk is instructed not to deliver the license to the applicant until such time as the remodeling re- `' quired has been completed in accordance with the plan submitted, and has been approved by the Fire Department and the Health Depart- ment, and the City Clerk has been notified of the fact of such approval by the Commissioner of Public Safety; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the bond of said Stephen A. Donohue In the sum of $3,000.00, which has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same Is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is instructed to deposit it in the office of the City Comptroller. L COUNCILMii Yeas Nays f��s 11 dlan T7Pl8rr8rito Favor ax Against Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 3-37 Adopted by the Council._FE.a 1.6 193.8__...193...... Approved..._...__. FL i. Js193_:... Mayor ......... LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HILARY J. FLYNN EDWIN MURPHY IR,YING GOTLIEB JAS. P. SULLIVAN ASSISTANTS CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT JOHN W. M.CONNELOUG CORPORATION COUNSEL Dr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: HOMER GANNAWAY COMPENSATION ATTORNEY ROY E. SWEDEEN CLAIM INVESTIGATOR July 18th, 1938. You advise that Stephen A. Donohue, to whom an On - sale liquor license was issued for the premises at 336 Sherman Street, has made application for refund of part of the license fee paid by him, and that he believes he is entitled to a re- fund equal to the proportionate fee for one and one-half months, and requested that if we were of that opinion, we prepare a resolution granting the refund. From an examination of the record of the proceedings leading up to the issuance of this license, we are of the opinion that this licensee is entitled to a refund of one-half a month only, and so we have not prepared the resolution, on the assump- tion that his attorney may desire to discuss this opinion with us. The license was granted on the 16th of February. Actual time when the licensee began liquor sales depended entirely upon him, and not upon the City; in other words, he asked the Council to select him from various other applicants, some of whom would probably have been able to start selling liquor right away; and any time that he was delayed thereafter was due to the situation in which he found himself. Under the claim of his attorney, he might have delayed operation for six months or more and then claimed a refund of six months or more of the license fee, which would be improper. We might say that the same situation has arisen with respect to other licensees, and all licensees have paid the license fee dating from the time their licenses were granted, and pct from the date they saw fit to start operation. We return copy of the resolution, which you may need for your file. Yours very truly, E�_U Assistant Cc orat on Counsel. Ion 1-8i ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF LICENSES q To the BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION: App1. No.—� 9 1 ---- Stephen A. Donahue. Name ------- -- -- --- - — 2% A. 7th St. & 336 shernan St. (same Bldg.) Business Address—__ — has applied __193—, for on sale Liquor. License Furnish in detail your reasons for approving or disapproving this application. REPORT: License Inspector. To Reinspect.. This party is supposed to Imre remodeled his bldg. 3/15- Built a lath 4 plaster partition between the Drug Store and the Saloon, with a door in, which owner said will,e ep oc e a _ c saloon .,.v'r.,1zia. o }n]r as to goat 50 peo- - n •.- - ems--on---a�b�edI- — ple`andyhas�a new door built on the Snerman St.,side. Harry J. Ebert APPROVED: Chief Inspector, Fire Prevention USE REVERSE SIDE IF NECESSARY Inspector. 10Y CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC, SAFETY BUREAU OF LICENSES Z 3 To the BUREAU OF POLICE: Appl. No Name Stephen A. Donahue. 295 if. 7th St. & 336 sherman St. (same Bldg.) Business Address has applied 193 for on sale 1-1 "r License Furnish in detail your reasons for approving or disapproving this application. REPORT: - License Inspector. To�B.einspeet.. This party': is supposed to have remodsled'h1s bldg. VA A441 /,Jnj S APPROVE Chief'of olic Inspector. USE REVE SIDE IF NECESSARY =' 10M 1-34 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY g BUREAU OF LICENSES Appl. No To the BUREAU OF HEALTH: Bir n A. DOne3=9- Name 295 M. 7th St. & 336 Osrm= St. (tans slog" Business Addres y!t3__ for has applied_ an We LIVAr. License Furnish in detail your reasona for approving or disapproving this application. REPORT: License Inspeetor. 9'e Ssiallpss0. r I 't: s �I e_sd b bi►is rmcdsisd leis '4401 APPROVED: y ,� ' ds 19AR h thnspector. Chiee Health ealth Officer I USE REVERSE SIDE IF NECESSARY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. 5: FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Feb. 15th, 1936 Mr. N. C. Mcfdahon License Inspector Public Safety Bldg. Dear Sir: The Council requested you to draw a resolution grantin the application of S. A. Donohue for an On Sale Liquor license at 33 Sherman St., subject to the making of necessary alterations to the building to comply with state laws and license regulations. Yours very truly, City clerk. c S3 SAC/ 170 /A ------------ _ X i 71'r is IE ni--------- --- ----.— _ . - - -- _ _ _ ' - -T — --- __'- .. � y f1 _ _ _ . _ � �-•- - 0 �' '� Jib`+ /« .J C �s .r a .. •- --- --- ... I if ' 7 a d. 1. I STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF 2-/)7 LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER WILLIAM MAHONEY COMMI8910NE1t 2643-45 UNIVERSITY AVE. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA February 11, 1938 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel Legal Department, City Fall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. McConneloug: Referring to your letter of February 8th and my reply thereto of February 9th, I an sending herewith a letter received from Inspector McPertlin pertaining to the subject matter of this correspondence and which I believe answers your inquiry. Very sincerely, WILLIAM MAHDNFY LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONIR VV/HS Encl. 8 + INTER -DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE - OFFICE OF LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER George G. kloPartlin FROM DATE TO Commissioner William Mahoney r� Dear Mr. Commissioner :- Y I have your letter for information on the file Re: S. A. Donahue and J. 17. Donahue, 295 W. 7th St., St. Paul. I remember the case well as it was a complaint that had come to me persoaally and we checked tt well, there being other items in the case that enlarged it. But as to the ones who, at the Drug Store, were the parties to the offence, and the one refered to in the last paragraph in my report was Mr. J. W. Donahue. We talked this affair over with ,:r. David R. Arundel at the time and I understood that everything had been cleared as to Mr. S. A. Donahue. His brother, J. W. Donahue tt that time, and our investigation immediately afterwards made me convinced that the opperations were carried on by J. W. Donahue. He had been carriag on an illegal liquor traffic in his brother's Drug Store for some time. ,rd the information that I had at that time was that the brother, h:r. S. A. Dobahue, the propriator, had no knowlege of the affair. I was under the opinion that there was a written report filed in the ofFice at that time making the case against J. W. Donahue alone. I understood that all charges against S. A. Donahue had been droped. The charges were put against( -S. A. Donahue in the first place only on the order of Mr. Arundel because he insisted that the propriators of places cheating be prosecuted. But at this time Mr. S. A. Donahue was out of town and had been for some time,as I remember it, and J. W. Donahue had procured some untaxed alcohol to make a little money 'or himself in the absence of his brother. The report I had was that one must see Jim Donahue to get the "home made gin" that he was supposed to be selling. I went there one night to make a bujr. S. A. Donahue was on duty. I could not get a buy. my informer was in the Drug Store at the time and told me that it was the wrong Donahue. I made this report to fir. Arundel at that time but it was rot until later that he withdrew the complaint against S. A. Donahue. If there is anyother explaination I can help you with here I'll be in the cities over the weekend and call you up. I' get in late Friday night. OYours truly, Petition G-13 Council File PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER E The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ... ...... Dunedin Terrace from a point 251.2 feet west of _..._.. ..... -_---- Ada._Btreat....t _s ac_apt............_.__..............—..:_—.---- ------ ...---- ...- Dated this, _.... .... -.A5 ................_..day of..............._._..__Fa _.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: from__a_point..251.2 feat west of — .... ......... ............ _.._. ....... _........ _...Ada...Street.._to_.9da-Scree-t._........... __._..._ .._ ......... 1PP.)sLIMIh1(A8Y OSD4 r:;l _._ ........ _.... ... —..... _.......... _............ _...................... —� having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul........_ ........................ ..................... _..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvemefit. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. O Ab FEB 16 1233 opted y the Councd....................... _................. -........ _.....--....... — YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT Parranto Form CAIS (1M-0.83) Approved . .. e _1; '9. ......... I ... _....-..-......-- Mayor. I'D PUBLISBED :%—/g— � 110.1'79 Council File No.._—_...—.. _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER 4 The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: __..__ ........................ __ a...goiai_.E.51.2._.Yest_aftat�4. Adl}>"e-et....o...Ada...Stx eet,....._....,.---- �—........_._._..._........_.._ Datedthis ... ......... ... _.-1bth............ .... day of_ ................ ..... 88 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: - - - -_----Conde ana - easement in the lend neceeearg_---._._................. --- ---- .. .forslnpsa,....nnte „a ; a..ia�ha_ ditt8.-aY__Tllm Terrace_Prom....---..... _._....... e �'a�d._fare�......._ 110170— ,� Abstract. written D oyy�eal for the ...__.... —. -- .hefo116wing Improvement;. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ......... _........... _.._.._._................. _............ ............ ..._.._._ A tnking an eaeemnnt � therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity., for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. (� 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1 Adopted by the Council ........... ................._SEB ] 6 1938 YkAs NAYS Councilman MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (1M-0-33) BARFUSS FEB 16 1938 FINDLAN Approved..__....._..........----..._...--.._..._.._.............. _...—'— — —.... PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX Parranto Mayor. f' Petition ♦ ��� M Council File No. _.A— - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct with monolithi.o concrete, the sidewalk on the east side of Basel -- _�►y_enne from_EseL_Nevada.Aveane_to._Como_Phalea Av_enne„__sad•_on_..the_n4.��Il-�is'le......._.--_ ...—_of...Como_ Phalsn..AVz=_�Yom Hazel -Avenue. _tR...Cytee..Avenue_............._.........---------.._.__....._. -- .__.... _........................... ------..._..... _........ ... Dated this __.......... lbth...... _....... ._....day of_ ...... . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: Construct with monolithic ooncreteLthe sidewalk oa the east aide of. Hazel _AY�tue..Sram._Fast Bassda.Aseaue ta_.Como_Phslen�venva•._ams;�e_+h_e.._nothside. -.--- e I__ 11-1 AvAntra to Curve __AT0M0_.J,b. F. No. Construct with monolithic wncretej having been presented to the Council of the City Of St. Paul ........ _..-.._..-._ ._ ... _...._... rj __Aewaltt on the vAvnnse ice, Como therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the malting of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1/11FEB 161938 Adopted by the Council ------- ..--- ....._..................... --------- -...... ___ -.._...... ....... _... ......... _...... - YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN Approveda...... _.... PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX Parranto Mayor. ME. PRESIDENT Form CA 13 tllr-9 aa> �[3BI ISI3EI1_ Tl 10181 Council File No—_____ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER 0 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _._ Install._ ornamental ikxts on Van Buren Street from 3neilin�_Av_enue t© _._...... __.__._ FairviewAvenue. ..... ---..... _.............................. _._.._ _.............—_. Dated this.__....Ifith ...................... --day of. .......... _.... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ---. In 1. u'mamenW .S_tl; 4n Van_3uren.3treet._from Shelli_u�._6veue_to.... _....... ................ _. rriaw...Aveatte...........—..—............................ .... _-. _.................... ......... 'Zo Bois — — AbetrBct• ww •", ...,. ,.wing pmprr for n, .._....—..___._..._._._ .................. _.... _.........._............. _.__._—......._....... _............._.......__..._..._........._._..._..:...._.._.........,..'. nllowlnB ImDrovemant: ..._ _..2,te qn Voir having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ...... _...... ................. _..._..._._................ __........... _.......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. Z. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5 To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1Adopted by the Council ... _................ =8 ..... ... ------ ._.__.................. --.---- YEAS Y Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX . __ 1ENZEL:_ Farranto MR. PRESIDENT Form CA 13 (IM -6-33) Apprgved.. _FEB 1 U --93------------ -- 1 Mayor. Form B S A. 8.6 COUNC$. FILE NO.--------- -- BY- -- ..._..- - -- -- ...... --............ - CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Lots 2 to 19 inclusive, Block 1, Stewart Avenue Addition, and Block 1, Riverside Addition from Bay Street to Bowdoin Street, also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 60 feet northerly of Bay Street to the center of Bay Street, and in Bay Street from the alley to Butternut Avenue, ' I APPROVING ASSESSMENT& _ .:83— * -.,seamen[ f under Preliminary Order _.... _.._._102589....- _, Intermediary Order_- 103416 approved__... :.___,July 81936. _ s- Final Order....__.... _ . .. _...._. Mft The assessment of......--.._....._...._:_benefits.-_costs _and expenses ___,--__..mor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and', found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 16th —day' tfarch i• 1936 _.._ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M:;; in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place -of hearing, the nature' of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot orylots of the particular owner td whom-the notice is directed. .... _.-_._.1sz Ad6 1938 opted by the Council ._ ._._- .._._._._�. • . _ty Clerk. t, v Approved—__FEB 1_6..1�J�II...�192--- Mayor. Councilman ClagglofflMnOm Barfuss Fer ^`�+ Fiodlan k'MUSHED z (® Lie ftW. I i nax ri Sudkt/ x4 i. *ayorGebw, Fo Is. S. Ie; , 4. COUNCIL FILE NO.._ ............ —._—...._—..__ By------- --...._.....__....- ..... -- _ 110184 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Como Avenue North from Wheelock Parkway to Carbon Street, C F. No. 1101,84-;i - --- . the mattethe aeseseor. of i! eneate, costa and orthfro for he ll- ?Como Avenue North from Wheel- -->can.� to Carbon 7V"-1eTn•er- under Preliminary Order......._0701_....._...._...._._-, Intermediary Order— 108240 .................y a roved_.—Aug1st.-10e.._1937_.._..........-- --._ Final Order..___..._._._.—..._........___.._.. PP The assessment to - costs and _ x�enses^ ..._—__-.mor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it ^— RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the— 16th ,..___day of Maroht 1938at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. FEB 16 1938 2. Adopted by the Council .... ...... --...... _...____�._. _.._......_._..--.... _.... .._City Clerk. FEB 16193a � Approved_...—_...._._......._.........._..----- --- _._.....—_192.___. 0 d. .... _...... , Mayor. Bnrf„44 —� Councilman Cly 8 ` Fer•-` ` PUBLISHED 2 — Ti Mayor 601WHM Form H. H. 26 COUNCIL FILE NO ...... _..... By—A— - ................ ----- ...... ----- — CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of bene;'its, costs and expenses for curbing Wyoming Street from Ohio Street to J!anomin Avenue, Q F. No. l ID18 0 , In the matter 1 the asseeament o[ beneate, 'costa and een9ea far c rbing W9oming atr apfrom Ohlo _ ^{rroet to )11 -In Avenue. + 44 r under Preliminary Order......107327_— —, Intermediary Order._....108200......... — ... ....... _... _...... _...—.., 541 108September 7, 1937. FinalOrder__.-_ 108 ---_.._....._._....._...._..._._ y approved..__—.—.._..._.._._._..._....--_____._......_.__..__..._� The assessment of_...—_._benefits, costs and expenses_ _,_mor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 16th — ------- day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the, Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount, assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. t938 Adopted by the Council __..._...FEB 16_._—____ .............. ........ Clerk. ' -��i Qi✓ . — .., Mayor. Councilman C n t*ws Fermi- piadlan SMUSHED��� " Hod Pearce Peterson dTrust Weel Wemn Val� Mayor ftkt� Behan Form n: B. 18 , s1 i COUNCIL FILE NO.__•--------_ � `� �l U0{{1.86 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on Juno Street from Finn Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, C. F. No. e1fl8— In the-ruatter of the=eesment of beneflta coats and ezpenaee for ^' cprbinfl on Juno Street- - ,j .. i:oi+plc elagd Ave- . •^^878 under Preliminary OrderIntermediary Order —...... —_........ 10.8fLY....— Final Order.__.—_108285------- .__.._._..._. The assessment of._.. bezt�fits.�.--QQ$-Bpi ------ --- for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in, all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 16tIL_-.....___day of 192_.—_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of. said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature:, of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the CouneiL_EES 10-08 ='� -- — ! `!City Clerk. t Approved __—..................... _...`_,........ _t_-- t ��. Mayor. Councilman Cl Serines FerMiSUMMIMM no Findlan Pearce MLISBUD 2— % 3� MCS PetersonSU — Truax i1�F X/Ji04 .o rc "A « W We W Mayor Ciehan Form B. �8 i� � 4 COUNCIL FILE N0._.-_._..__�__.._-.__ 110187 By - CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing the Ymst side of Pascal Avenue from Jefferson Avenue to Palace Street, n nls7— :er of the aeeeaemeat of +i d exDenaee forrb- . •., ^ePcal Aveonue Palace � _.Order i 107731 ander Preliminary Intermediary Order._..___.___....._.____..._......_. _�, 108397 August 24, 1937 FinalOrder-...--- ..........-- ..._..-......._..� approved__..--...._..._... - -- ._.... --- benefits, ooats ands ensea .... -for and in connection with Theassessment of._.__.__....__.__._.___.___.._.__..-----.•--__�-•• -".•---"_._......___. the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_ifit-b --.-_day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council__. ..._��. � 6 .... -...".... "_.... __ 2. ., y�!..._.__,_, . city Clerk. Approved____..... ....._......._...__._._-.._....._192—. Mayor. Councilman Cla Barina e�j..'_...... ry Fer#111MM=1== Findlau PUBLISHED —.1 How=,;�-=__V Pearce „ Mcg ^m9 Peterson sad '"fit Truax 1 We Gob=��/yf�Yis i Mayor Form H. H. 16 , +i COUNCIL FILE NO.._-.--------- By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Myrtle Avenue from Pillsbury Avenue to Hampden Avenue, with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, paving material to be 8 -inch reinforced concrete, (0. F. No. 110188- In the matter of the ae9ffleem m of 197Qj ivrioa under Preliminary Order._____...........-_...._.._._........ _—...._—, Intermediary Or -Mi > Final Order ...._.__ 107464 ..... ..... ..... _................ approved...._._..Mgy._18-__1937 ------ 292c-_ The assessment of s..— . ......... _...._.._._P_._._..._._...__.__.._for and in connection with benefits, costs end ez enses _..._._ the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the---L6th !_.__day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council_._.......--........_� .._..��.�.._._.........—.. _ �/ FEB1936City Clerk. Approved_...--_ ... .......... ........... _ Mayor.. Councilman Clam Bsrf„as 7 ' Fermi Flwnan PZJ$j j$HED 3 snt�iier-'�=..-a �rruax « Weiso is Mayors Gehan / Form B. B. 16 , DUPLICA CITY OF SAINT PULL TE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE 11 FAVOR * P.T..... AUDITED CLAIMS February 14 -193- TRUAX RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL --- AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF lad46-�- CoV ISRING MR. PRES. GKHAN_ TO IN LUSIVE, AS CHECKSNUMBERED PER CHECKS ON F1 I FFI o TY C PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL --- APPROVED NUMBER 500 1-31 By CS 2S- 10-4— _TOTAL DATE TRANSFER E.T�RETURNED 'HECK IN FAVOR OF C'..R.E.BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS ch'. BROUGHT FORWARD 7 522 59!215 837�051 44586 Stiefel Produota&lno. 6219411, 934 08!; 44587 v.F.Smitb Tire & Battery con any 1 44588 O.J. Crocker, , 09' Oo 44559 44590 Mrs. Charles Tuck Transfer Company. Inc. 422� '91 1 Blair C. Finalce : 2263 j. 44591 4492 Axel F. Peterson, of Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finaias W� C. Finance 7 21Z 44593 Axel F. Peterson, of 1 893'29: 44594 4 Axel F. Peterson, C. Of yin&100 Axel rj Peterson. 0. of Fin & we 3 202 53 44596 Matthew Towey 40 oW 3 201,151 44597 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance Finallce 178'70'1 44599 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of 14 70i 44599 44600 H.W. Kingston Company Albin A. Benson 1 000 w, 44601 st,marie cigar & News Compa 1 4 2 00, 321� 44602 lary C St.Paul Book & St4tionpany '03 250 79! 4.403 St.Psul Book & Stationary 04pany 9NO 1 44604 44605 St.Paul Glass Company Agency, I 29 St.Paul Insurance 44606 St.Paul Letter Company 12 30 4460 7 44608 St.Paul Milk Company St.Paul Saw & Knife Works 51 W, 4 ZO!, I 4 SIL 44609 St.Paul Shoppers Guide 46 oo�, 44610 st,psul structural Steel con any 44611 st.paul Vocational School 001; 44612 St.Paul White III Indiana Service 4 10�' 6 6gli 44613 Albert Sableh mfgoompany 117 65 44614 Jacob Scymidt Brewing Compan i 65� 44615 Schneiders Gifts 7 SO'! 44616 Schorn Radio Engineers Compaxy 44617 SOhTeiST,ls Auto Top i 3'501', 44618 Schroeder & Company 21 00 1!!t 41 oo 44619 Frank Shepard Company 24 00!' 44620 Sherwin—Williams Company 36 72; 44621 Sinclair Refining Company i 284 191 44622 .3 L.C.Smith & Corona TypewriteInc. 44623 South Park Hydrant & Pump any 0 p Furniture Oomp 57 50, 11 53 65 44624 Sperry Office y 33 651 44625 Standard Unit Parts Company 1 44626 Val Stauder Insurance Agency! 5 00, 25 34 • 44627 G.E. Steohert & Company ; I 44628 3triokland—Doolittle Company 35 Z4 44629 Stromber I Electric company Sale Com 3 0 13 5011 44630 Sun Rays Products any 44631 3uoerintendent of Dooum:nts I 15 00 44632 G.H. Tennant Company 25 00 44633 T.D. Thierry 1 44634 Thoele Printing Company 14 0 44635 Transit Supply Company 1 551 00 44636 Twin City Sawdust Company 40 go 44637 Twin City Show Card Company 2 44638 Underwood—Elliott—Fisher 0 any 29 a 44639 Universal Carloading & Dist# s. 10 I 116 44640 Victory Printing Company 15 446�1 Wagner Paint III Varnish Comp, 5 80 44642 Walker Printing Company 5 50 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 7..W _5GI ! 239-004 73j� 0d21W to CMl' C k / CITY OF ST. PAUL cou"ca 4 ��. NO. ..___ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCII�R`SOi:UiTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C COMMISSIONER ... ........................... ..._... ._. ... .... ._ _....... _...............DATE....... FID b111RI'5.. 17s....1.9.3g............._. _.. RESOLVED That licensee plied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the sa are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: E. P. DeiaHunt 425 Oakland Ave. Confectionery App.21096 New New LocE Carl T. Becker 915 St. Clair St. Off Sale Malt to 214796 " Old n n Confectionery If 214797 s n r Sam Komer 223 E. Fairfield Pool Tables If 214832 n n n Confectionery " 21+833 " " If Yelvin E. Nelson 525 Ohio St. Grocery n 251140 it 11 a If Butcher n 251141 if n It C. F. No. 110190—By I. C, Pearce, F. 6L eeolyed' x' Bartuae— If the follo�ln tg Ilcanaes-DPlled for � dreeaea Indicated be and a at the Id If granted and [he atyecletka lD Instructed, to le8ue such licenses upon the p smelt Into the city treasury of ` the re aired fees; fee, DetaBunt, 426 Oakland Ave., Locatlononery, APP. 21096 New, New Carl T. Booker. 916 St. Olalr St., OR 6s1e firelt, ADP. 24796 New, Old Lcca- tion. Caa7: S. Becker, 916 SL Clalr St., Con- lionloaery, APP• 24797 New, Old Leca- TabSl s, App. 222 E. Falrg¢id, Pool Sam•E.omer, 4228 lgety' New Location. tlonery, Appp. 24833 NFalrneld, Conre' Melvin E. Nelson, 6g6'O Old Location. eery, App 261'40 New, at•, GM Melvin E. Nelson, 626 Ohio gG Buich. erAdo t 26141 New, Old Location. ADDDoved Y rhe Council Feb. 17, 1988. Fdb. 17, 3938. (Feb. 19, 1988) - -- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councl1 E B. 1 1 j y 3 193.. Ycaa Nays Ian FEB I t 1336 - �a _ In Favor APProved...... _ 193_..... ._, Against J C/"or _.. VJenul ?�rres to M -..-President (Gehaww 3M '3.33 5. Vice I IL,,dLllt (Tru911) 110191 0d1bd t. OH C.* wood[ NO... .... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL RE7LU--GENERAL FORM j� Y/February 17, 1938. U' ...,..DA'CE ... .... ............ ................. PRESENTED BY ........ .._.. . Comm - - RESOLVED That Gas Station license # 4202, expiring August 29, 1939, issued to the Modern Gasoline Go, at 324 W. 7th St. be and the same is hereby transferred to L. A. St.George at the same it address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. C. F. No. 110191—BY I• C. Pearce, Truax. G. 3L Barfuae11 — Reeolved, That GAug. st 2i9,�1838,nis- No. 4202, eaplring W8 7tt. h St. beeand then Blame le hereby transferred to L. A. St. George lay t =e ams addr, .. and the Drops the proD- flcera are lnlnrtuhCeecl Y®m�e erde. er chan4ee Council Feb. 17, 3988. Adopted by Che .ADP*owed Feb. 938 19, 1938) Adopted by the Council. FEB 17 1333 1_193 Approved 193�Mayor ..... ;, C ✓ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays dlan �e Favor reon _ _In � • ....._ Against _ 'Mlvfr. President (Gebiti '> 3M 3.37 Mr. VicPi, C. F. No. 110191—BY I• C. Pearce, Truax. G. 3L Barfuae11 — Reeolved, That GAug. st 2i9,�1838,nis- No. 4202, eaplring W8 7tt. h St. beeand then Blame le hereby transferred to L. A. St. George lay t =e ams addr, .. and the Drops the proD- flcera are lnlnrtuhCeecl Y®m�e erde. er chan4ee Council Feb. 17, 3988. Adopted by Che .ADP*owed Feb. 938 19, 1938) Adopted by the Council. FEB 17 1333 1_193 Approved 193�Mayor ..... ;, C ✓ Od5l"l to CRY Oak 110192 CITY OF ST. PAUL nuc" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU�IL ES UTION---GENERAL FORM PR ENTED BY COMM SS ONER....................... . . . j ,er�.�....... ........... DATE .._._Febru.a . 17..'-19.39.................. RESOLVED V That license for Restaurant, application 25204, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 25205, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 25206, applied for by Mrs. Laura Schumacher at 653 Stryker Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instruct3d to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. 07 New, Informally approved by Council, Feb. 10, 1938• old location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ce _ etersm In Favor �Again9t r VVenul_A 1M 11�1r. %1.-� 1" ., ....::'/[Luc) C. F. No. 110192—B L C. Pearce, F. M. Truax, G. H. Bartyuss— Renolved, That llcenae for Restaur- ant, application 26294, On Sate au'- Beverage, ppllcatlon 262alt 06, and Ort i Sale Malt Beverage, application 26208, Iapplied for by Mrs. Laura Schumacher a[ 862 Stryker Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk Is Instructed to Issue- such ,1teenses up- on Lha payment dnto the city treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council Feb. 17, 1988. Approved Feb17, 1988. (P-6.19,1938) FEB i:( 1938 Adopted by the Council 193- FFR 93. FFR M Approved ._ _ 193__... / Mayo. Doled to Dtr Dak �, - 110193 / CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ur F.L. NO - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESQQU ION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ...... ,C/�+/•1c ..._.. ....DATE ....$ebruarY...7,.Z..._1938. COMMISSIONER..._._... .. _........ RESOLVED V That license for Restaurant, application 25199. On Sale Malt Beverage, application 25199, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 25190, applied for by Edward M. Noonan at 195 E. 7th St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Liquor license transferred by Council, Feb. 10, 1939. Old location. Cj:MEN Yeas fan ce In Favor Peterson .Against �....Iv'lrrr�res"idem (Gehanr;�� 3M 3.37Mr. F. No. 110193—g r, C,pearce, F. Lf. R n� G. 8ved . Sarluee— t- PP114tl nt if 261888 pnorg glfl Vernge, ayDlioatlon son le pli daft Beverafor by _ge, aDDllcaa 26190 Aeby 7th et. be Wand the "On" at tre rust granted sue eft Le ficeneeee p n Daymnt Into [be cltY treagurY o[ . ,d""'d b fees. Y etre Council Feb. 17, 1938. •DProved Feb. 17, 1938. (Feb. 19, 1938) Adopted by the Council FEB I-( t' `j 193 Approved _ 193 Mayor 0,;.vaXa.-h 119194 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO...._.__.__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RO UTIO GENERAL FORM PRESENTQ // Z COMMISSIONER .......... ......... ...... ..... .. .. ................._..._..�/-.."�.`.!�✓....DATE......._._. FSbtUETy... �,.I �....a..gd.S.. .. ...... RESOLVED That licenses applMd for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Rose C. Esboldt 479 W. 7th St. Grocery App. 24775 Renewal. " II " " Off Sale Malt " 214779 " Mrs. S. Orenstein 680 Selby Ave. Confectionery it 24956 it Joseph M. Steiner 197 W. Fairfield Grocery " 24957 " D. Amundsen 104m Selby Ave. Grocery " 25069 " W. J. Gauthier 546 Robert St. Gas Station " 25075 " Roy T. Johnson 919 Armstrong Ave. Grocery " 25077 " W. J. Robb 259 Maria Ave. Grocery " 25109 " E. L. Crogan 171 N. Chatsworth Confectionery " 25120 " C. J. Thomas 1941 Grand Ave. Confectionery " 25126 it Morrie Gerr 165 State St. Butcher it 25146 " Mickelson Ice Co. 323 Concord Ice Station " 25159 " West & Evans 1520 Como Ave. W. Butcher It 25165 " Wm. Friday 1674 Grand Ave. Confectionery " 25157 II Guido Pieri 177 W. 7th St. Restaurant " 215195 " a a a Ij On Sale Malt " 25196 it u a r n Off Sale Malt " 25197 " J. Lacher 1520 Grand Ave. Off Sale Malt it 25199 " M. R. Lee 1050 Grand Ave. Bakery n 25200 " Howard Jerentosky 612 W. 7th St. Grocery a 25203 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ __ _ _. 193 Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved..__.. _...__..._._._.__..193_.... Pearce In Favor Peterson Against Mayor �FUaVirnzel-.= k 3M 34Kt V 1. Od.shy 1. tx„ cl k 1.1.0194 CITY OF ST. PAUL w1eNce No., OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Peb. 17. 1938. COMMISSIONER .............. .._..... _ ...............DATE .__... RESOLVED R. LaFavor 1051 Brand Ave. Roller Bink W. H. Fredette Pioneer Bldg. Barber Sam Vavis 144 E. 4th St. Restaurant Ben Serl 472 Wabasha St. Barber M. L. Nodes 1176 N. Dale St. Gas Station Fred Hansen 262 E. 7th St. Restaurant E. J. Wall 794-6 Grand Ave. Botcher Theo.DeCourcy & Phil Gallivan 372 Wabasba Restaurant Chas. J. Hoover 545 N. Snelling Ave. Restaurant p 25243 n On Sale Malt " Off Sale Malt Edw. Skok 573 W. 7th St. Off Sale Malt If " On Sale Malt if " RMestaurant K. Knudson 933 W 7th St. Confectionery App. 2j214 Renewal " 25216 " " 25217 " " 25218 " " 25224 " " 25228 " " 25229 " H �5�30 p " 25232 n n 252N n it 25241 n " 25242 " p 25243 n " 25255 " COUNCILMEN ye"Na Adopted by the Council .1 LL_ . i . i a 193 - 8 C. F. No. 110194—By I. C' Pearce, F. M. Truax, a. II. Barfus.. ,� FCia lan Iteeolved, That Ilceneee applies for by the pvetreon. named on the Let at - Inched to tb7. resalutlon be and the earce In Pa same are herebr wanted and the Cit APPed-__- 193....... YY Clerk le lnetructed to Issue such 11- SOn censer upon the DaYment Into the silty treasury of the recutred fee.. /IV Adopted by the Couneu Feb. 17, 1938. ,r gpyroved Feb. 17, 1988. f ! ...... ... Aga tree. 19,19381 - Mayor FWenzel — I��Mcr(� eni�ent (Gehat�) ; 1M 3.97Mr. Vj Y 2 ... _.;: 11. max) viav;t' sly ak 'W" 110195 CITY OF ST. PAUL :�:NO1L NO: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM t PRESENTED BY Findlan COMMISSIONER........._ __. /1�..� __.. ................DATE....... ......_.. RESOLVED That the free use of the Arena in the Saint Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby given to the High Schools for an All - City High School dance, under the supervision of Gene Aldrich, for the evening of February 26th, 1938, the High Schools to pay only the cost of opening and operating the Arena on that occasion. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays sja Fddlan �y 2¢rranto In Favor //' eterson ,Truax _ Against STso¢sl ,,Mr, President (Geha g_"—' 3M 3.37 5. 'ti: - --111•-L((' rl`UflX) C. F. No. 110198—By J. S. Findlen— Resolved, That the free use of the Arena in the Saint Paul Auditorium be and It le hereby given to the High . Schools for an All -City High School �dnnce, under the supervision of Gane Aldrich, for the evening of February 28th, 1938, the High Schools to pay my the cost of opening and operat. ing uhe Arena on that occasion. Adopted by the Council Feb. 17, 1938. Approved Feb.17. 1938. (Feb. 19, 1938) Adopted by the Council_ i LBG ( 1938 _. 193..... /Approved__. Mayor 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN, COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAUL S. AMIDON. SwmlRi - �® BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. E. TRUDEAU, DI - February 14, 1938 Nr. John McConneloug Corporation Counsel City of St. Paul Dear Mr. 1:'cConneloug: BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MISS MRRIE JONES.LmRwR- BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI, S --,--- Will you please have prepared for presentation to the Council a resolution authorizing the use at cost of opening and operating of part of the Auditorium arena for an A'1 -City High School dance under the supervision o:' Mr. Gene Aldrich, .�aturday evening, February 26. Sincerely yours, Commissioner of Education JSF-R M Lt;-__ ,_ ---- - Ir No 110190—Sy-W. A. Pnrranto—1 �hereae, the Commleetoner of Puhllc i Itlest- has .reported to accordance: 1 �� 'I Sectio 63 of the. City Charter, the cou"wL 1 teneo'oi an emergency which rend- CITY OF ST. PAUL nu IVO..._...__..._._.._ l.aeeeesary the amp loyment of cer- I employee of tee Water Department( OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK more nt eight hours nor asy, •gala. COU.Net RESOLUTION----f3ENERAL FORM . r.!nt being timbre,. �'•�-- ra of emolovm.-' RESOLVED WHIMEAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported In accordance with section 53 of the City Charter, the existence, of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of the Water Department for more than eight hours per day* said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the followu* named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set fortht I Regular Sunday NAM TOvertime Overtime Tommaso Mazzola Ditch digger Herb. Buschner Utilityman /Antonio Bruao Ditch digger 8rnest R.Hawkinson w r Mdward Schwartz ■ ■ 'Tames Saporito Meoh. Helper Dan L661ey Ditch digger Roy Munson Utilitymen W.D. Leonard Munson a a Ed. Kordell Mach. Helper .gam Renelli a a Aiiii-TigheEmerg.Repairman Mat Raberto Ditch digger Wm. M: Oodette Sr.Arch.Draftaman Carl A. Flack SrJtagr.Draftsmen Fred A. Gorham Sr.Aest.Civil Engr.Bridges Roy W: Holzer Tr. Civil Bngr. A. H. Schroeder Sr-Asst.Civil Engr.Bridges glen H. sweaetrom Tr.Fngr.Draftsmen H. F. Anderson Sr.Aset.Civil Ebgr.Bridges F. W. Gallagher Asst. Civil Bngr.W.D. R. E. Watters Aset.Civil Engr.W.D. Y. G. Ringstrom Testing Engineer Tudith Defer Sr.Clk.-Steno. aorreot N. Thompson reral Superintendent COUNCILMEN YeasN e rsr Xa aarce In favor X�terson, ....................... qq � -_cam Against ari-to ieaident (GAjn , -r 3M 6.16 Mr. Vice 1'i—i.ient (iniad 7 bra. 17 ■ 13-1/2 hre. 13-1/2 ■ 13-1/2 ■ 13-1/2 ■ 15 bra. 13-1/2 r 15 tire. 13-1/2 ■ 15 bra. 13-1/2 ■ 32-1/2 " 40 bra. 43 " YY " 42 « 6 ■ 7 « 59-1/2 bra. 50 bra. 47 " 5 " 15 hrs. 6 ■ 15 N 15 a �5 a 15 ■ 16 ■ 15 « 15 r 15 N 15 s 15 .■ Rate .60 -74-3/4 .60 .60 .60 •63-3/4 .60 .74-3/4 .72 .633/4 .63-3/4 X3-3/4 .60 1.00 1.00 1.271/.2 .82-1/2 1-05-3/4 .62-1/2 1.05-3/4 1.16 1 1.$i.-7 Adopted by the Cound E6 i < ta'd ............. .-....................._.......193..... Approved.._....... ............. _........ 193..._ ,..., AUyOr.................. February 17. 1936 An emergency has arisen in the Water Department rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Setting new 420 valve and tee for proposed new pumping unit.* Preparing plans and specifications for PWA dobe #1324 and #1325.# - This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: * Complete shutdown of McCarron Station and Filtration plant necessary to do this work #Because of limited amount of time allowed by Government for this work. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS aZ:�i President Certified correct Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent Y6 Qldnd b CMY 4aY p (� ii r, 019 CITY OF ST. PAUL iii No. 11 �y.✓OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL t /v1 LUTI ---GENERAL FORM Feb. -18,-1938. V WMMEAS, Asath Rieth desires to withdraw application 25329 for )restaurant license, application 25330 for On Sale Malt Beverage license, and application 25331 for Off Sale Malt Beverage license at 219 W. 7th St, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereony therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authouized to refund to Asath Rieth the fees of $10.00, $50.00, and $5.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. C. F. No. I'll and cbe It ty oficere rfeee of to cancel . 18, 1938.1 COUNCILMEN FEB A u 1938 Yeas fuss Nay Adopted by the Council. _._......193.. ""�' 'EB 18 1938 iFirldlan J Approved__ 193.. In Favor / �� . l / � N Against Mayor Mr. President (Gollan).5 W 3.37 - jrml Lx' N11, QIshit to c§r a. I• �• , 110199 CITY OF ST. PAUL ioi NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC RF�SOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 13YEA COMMISSIONR . 1'�._._.......... Findlan......... IN"VvA"....... ...............DATA. ..... .. VEDO that permission is hereby granted the Brotherhood of Railway Clarke to use the theater section of the Saint Paul Auditorium on the evening of March 7th, 1938, for a lecture to be given under the auspices of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks, said Brotherhood to pay the cost of opening and operating said section of the Auditorium on that ocoasion. 11 C. F. No. 110199—By S. S. Findlan— Resolved, that permission ie hereby Clerked tohee. the ethecni aterof .Railway to Ril of the SDlnt Paul Audltorl e-'. on the -- 1-tof glen to tonbe under the au spices ure Brotherhood f Railway Clerks, said Bro[herhood LO pay the C09C Of Den- ing and operating said section oe the Auditorium on that o Ion. Adopted by the Council Feb. 18. 1988. Approved Feb. 18. 1938. (Feb. 2e, 1938) FEB 181938 COUNCjLMEN Adopted by the Council_._ 193 Yeas Nays / F/ ndlan earce In Favor Approved __._. 193....... _ Against Mayor . ; ,F,_,�-0.`\ aT 8IIto Prtsident (Gehan).,„; psi 3.3�. Vice 1'I�::ltl:til � lYtkL.) , BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAUL S. AMIDON. S ---- BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. E. TRUDEAU. Dl— CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER osa�-® February 17, 1938 Lr. 7ohn 1'cConneloug Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Dear 4r. McConneloug: BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MISS FERRIS JONES, LJ—M BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI, Swmlwio — -Will you please have prepared for presentation to the Council a resolution authorizing the use, at cost of opening and operating,of the theater section of the Auditorium on the evening of March 7, for a lecture tobe given under the auspices of the Brotherhood of iailway Clerks. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Education TSF -R "-I'° aty D.&COONC1 110200 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO..._ FICE OF THE CITY CLERK ",c7t` RE$OLtlJION --GENERAL FORM uner thD[rePRESENTED Y c..tr ct_a.3 02, by and betwea� COMMISSION �f'��"""��p0�""�e°°�...:...D4TE..._... �..L� v of Sir --Peal and Thornton RESOLVED WHEREAS, under the Comptroller's Contract G-3692, by and between the City of St. Paul and Thornton Bros. Company, contractors, said contractors agreedto construct the Regulation, Control, and Diversion Structures on Sewer Interceptor "G" in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor, approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Comptroller, and WHEREAS, said contractor has completed all work in accordance with the plans and specifications except for the construction of the connections of local interceptor IIG" to the main sewer interceptor of the Twin City Sanitary District, which main interceptor will not be completed until some future date, together with street repairs, etc., which cannot be completed until spring, and WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul since January 19, 1938, has had full use of this improvement and the continuance of its use will not be interfered with by the construction of these future items, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works, Chief Engineer, and the contractor have agreed that the value of the uncompleted work is 824.00, and WHEREAS, said contractor has requested a payment of the balance of said contract less the sum of $824.00, the estimate for the cost of completing the remaining work, and has requested the one year period of retained reserve date fr m the passage of this resolution, therefore be it �.. RESOLVED, that the proper` ty officers be and they are hereby authorized upon the presentation o a proper estimate therefor to pay the unpaid balance of said contract price less the said sum of $824.00, and be it j FURTHER RESOLVED, that the one year period of retained reserve -date from the date of passage of this resolution, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall not have any force or effect unless the sureties to the contractorls bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. V L • "' COUNCJLMEN Yeas / Nays ass Ian rce In Favor earaon 1'7_Against �::-Wenze4� �M 'Mi. ViCe Y'r.:.iacnL (Traax) Adopted �y the Council_ A" CC �B 16 1J-3193. `r Approved.�__.// 193..... . �Iev Mayor P[T1t11__CHF.I) z�g �3� + - C. w oad..t to aur sat .. � u .10201-Bv I. C. Pearce— COUNCIL R COMMISSIONEtA, _... __...r .__..... tU L CLERK 3ENERAL FORM 11021)1 ccu—` NO. _.. February 15, 1988 RESOLVED atiditi and deductions which might prove to be necessary in Sanitary Intercepting Sewer, the improvement described as -the rim Street-Broadvay contractors, have Comptroller's Contract G-5690, Leo Butler and Bvbtbwsti�pulsp co therein, and been provided for in the specifications and unit prices agreed prices, and tiq$IMM it has been found necessary to make the following additions and dednctionst 9DDITIOISt ent connection built (1) (Temporary connection removed and penman in ttuonel on 5th St. to catchbaeia, approa. 100 ft1. of Roeabel$12.96 35t OTIOI t not necessary 91.0 ou. yda 48.bb1s. c. 9f for gravel rrav lgroutingfound not necessary 0 4' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Pau In Favor Peterson _Tluxr— Against c-•r==nb at $8.00 $374.00 * 3.50 692.50 Tot&WTm let Total Addition $ 495.57 Adopted by the Council .__..... ____ _ ...... ...193...... Approved......._ _ ._ .._......_...._._ _......_ _....._._ 193_.... ......................... _..... Mayor Labor - - ------- - - - - -- - -- 15.31 Material - -- --- - - - - - -- - - 25.43 Insurance and bond - - - - - - - - ---- _ _ _ 25.00 191.72 Cverhead and supervision - - - - - - - - - _ of Dry Weather (2) P.stra Work req'd in connection with construction Structure at Sellogg Blvd. and Broadway at $2.00 54.00 17.0 Fn. yds. of excavation • 1.00 16.00 16.0 ° w • baWill • 5.80 16.80 8.0 sq. yds. of pavement to replace 66.80 Prince and Jobn Sts. when and (3) Realign serer at where water -main was encountered 22.02 Labor, Insurance end Equipment rental - including timbering in changing (4) 30.0 on. yda. of excavation at 5th and Olive Sts. at $7.00 210.00 (5)23,251 grade of sewer f.b.m. of lumber left in place at Prince and BroadOW9 May from Pine St. Broadwry from Prim to 5th St. and 607465 ----------at$80.00/1l to BroadW�q - - - - - Total Additions 1388.07 s _. OTIOI t not necessary 91.0 ou. yda 48.bb1s. c. 9f for gravel rrav lgroutingfound not necessary 0 4' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Pau In Favor Peterson _Tluxr— Against c-•r==nb at $8.00 $374.00 * 3.50 692.50 Tot&WTm let Total Addition $ 495.57 Adopted by the Council .__..... ____ _ ...... ...193...... Approved......._ _ ._ .._......_...._._ _......_ _....._._ 193_.... ......................... _..... Mayor OdCinN to Ory Go& CITY OF ST. PAUL couNc"NO._��LdD 1.L� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY.; COMMISSIONER ................ . _. .. .... .. .._... ..................DATE RESOLVED 1HEB.FAS, the net addition is $495.57; now, therefore, be it aforesaid addition's d8deducctioons made inPgaocordancehwith the sty peciifficatioapprove e athe therefor not to exceed the net addition of 1495.57, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptrollerts Contract G -S896 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Leo Butler and Brothers Company, that the sura of *495.57 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. Fonds to cover this net addition are available in the proper fund, and the City of St. Paul agrees to pay same. Cotmtersigneda "i"wr Comptroller COUNCILMEN Yeas 11 fuse Nays dlan 'Peterson In Favor /1 /Against was�auto Mr. President (Geban) LDC BUTLER AND BROTHERS COMPANY (j con tore Commissi of Public Works. RE 18 1938 Adopted by the Council. 193. Approved_..... _. ...._.._193_..... ................. Mayor PUBLISHED °5 _� — g 0,44,1 to OH G.A CITY OF ST. PAUL iai"a� O . ....... .... .. lN OF IC THE CITY CLERK •- COUNC ESOL N ---GENERAL FORM C. F. No 110302—BY s G hie ' whereee, aces. 0,e . which m1Yht� prove to be 'ed " eiY. in the Imvprove- meat b-9 'ed ne the conetractton. ot; PRESENTED B F.apvinn o0,..- . Contr L end 1 eFpn; COMMISSIONER ...... ................. _._ �._ .... __._.._ __.. J„... .........DATES.: �. Hr RESOLVED WHffi=, ad&ons which might prove to be necessary in the improvemeat described as the oonstavaction of Regulation, Control and Diversion Structures and Appurtenances on Interceptor Sewer °G•, Comptroller's Contract No. G-36929 Thornton Bros. Company, contractors, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices stipulated therein, and agreed prices, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following additions: ADDITIOHSs (For steel ladder placed in manhole shaft on Otis Avenue north of Marshall Ave. and is necessary for inspection purposes) 96.0 lin. ft. of steel ladder in place at $2.25 $216.00, and 1BERE Sp the net addition is $216.00; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approve the aforesaid addition made in accordance with the specifications therefor not to exceed the net addition of $216.00, said sum to be added to the lump am considera— tion named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract G-3692 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Thornton Bros. Compaq, that the sum of $216.00 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. fiords to cover this net addition are available in the proper fund, end the City of St. Paul agrees to pay same. Countersigneds �C� v Comptroller COUNCILMEN Yeas Nap lan In Favor e�son Against u�t� . M&!-fFftidetir (Gehau) 3 3M 3.3Ut, `1iCe 1'1'._.:.'.._It'- (Truk) Thornton Bros. CO2PNW By/,/ Oontrac r �.f.C s n Adopted by the Council FF$1 8 _j.U8 _.193_ .. —r Approved 3. _ _ .. 193.._... _d- °M'ayot ,LISHEDs°-::+ O,Ipul to aW a.k COUNCIL rvO11d.2�i3..._. / CITY OF ST. PAUL •1« W, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ES -GENERAL FORM 1 PRESENTE B ,. ,�-{/[- I� Feb• 18. 193s. COMMISSIONER-- ... .. ............... ......_.......... ,. ......_............ �/ """""'�.......DATE.......r,. ... ...... ... ... ........... RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, application 25256, On Ssle Malt Beverage. application 25257, and 0£f Sale Malt Beverage, application 25258, applied for by John J. Bendy at 301 E. 7th St• be and the same are hereby denied and the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to John J. Bandy the fees of $10.00, $50.00, and $5.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. Denied by Council informally, II'M AV Feb. 17, 1939- COUNCILMEN Yeas Na%%%��� / ind $lanan rce _ /v^ In Favor rson Against e� * ��ei1Eii+ilfi�0� 3M *F, Vic:: 1't _tl(1:17L kTajaxI No. 1192o9—B9 L C. Pearce, F. M. 2939. FEB 13 1938 Adopted by the Council .... ....193._ Approved.. 193- .._ _. 193....... o sirA m ab C. k —Ne' No...��� ,�4 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE#LrTIONN GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY,, v gyp( r Ju/Vi/�7'.T�w..�.�.._......DATE... ...... ............... COMMISSIONER_.......... ....... ... O v (7U1 MMEN Whereas, Menthe & Miller have made application 25336 for licenses to y� / liveries upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, the following operate as auto //Pearce etereon In Favor described automobiles: .. ,el�ralstio Car No. Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance Co. & Policy No. Expiration PUBLISHED 31A 3.37 MI. SV'Ce 1:��14 183356 186319 Anchor Casualty Co. AS120411 5-14-38 3 4 Packard 179563 5s 198159 189009 47420 4755182 e a e 7 s 283909 2sU16 Whereas, said applicant has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form end execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as auto liveries upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same are hereby granted b Months & Miller, and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the peymsnt into the city treasury of the required fees. C. F. No 130201-8y I C.`Yearce, F. M. True: d 'H Beafuee++ Wher ee Mentha M11IEr have'tuar. Renewal an, � for IIceneee to OD r - Moon LheµatYe�lll FFB 8 i�30 (7U1 MMEN Na Adopted by the Council -- 193 y� / Effidlan Approved...._ _ ._. __.193....... //Pearce etereon In Favor ; Mayor .. ,el�ralstio Against iiidi:.President (.Gehan) ; . PUBLISHED 31A 3.37 MI. SV'Ce 1:��14 c:11! " r o001.w to DH Ckrk CITY OF ST. PAUL 11L. 11U2�15 NO ........... ... Y OFFIC THE CITY CLERK Y COUNCIL R L I GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE.........__F.ebru, iry.:..18.,...1936 ..... RESOLVED v h That license for Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 25272, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 25273, and Restaurant, application 25274, applied for by honey J. Soempel at 953 X- Dale St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses -upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New. Informally a>proveiby Oouncil. Feb. 15, 1939• Old location. 2 "2 COUNCILMEN �B 1 c, '" g_ _ _193._ yeas Nays Adopted by the Council. 7,indlan 3 /APProved... _193....... .r. In Favor eterson Against Mayor , rrFresident (Gehan)._ .. 3M 33idi.%li:� l'L._iu llL \1rux: i 1" oast ml m Q., Clvk CITY OF $T. PAUL nu NO..1102.66. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED i That Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul, be and is hereby directed to attend the meet- ing of the Executive Board of the National Convention of Muni- cipal Finance Officers of the United States and Canada to be held in Chicago, Illinois, February 21 and 22, 1938; and be it Further Resolved, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to reimburse Axel F. Peterson for such traveling expenses incurred by him in attending said meeting. Charge Finance Department Fund, Code 6-A3• COUNCILMEN Yeas" NaY uss dlan In favor . .,. Against. )M 6JAI±- Eg a 3 1936 Adopted by the Cottnn ................................................_.193 ..... A Approved_._............. ......... __......... -..._.....—.193._.. T/ air a. k 110207 - eouwci� CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO.__... ........... ................... . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B4 .COMMISSIONER.............. rT.oba-S.a.,1 >> ... .... - 1938 /�•IGf� GV4�lifi'^�.......... ... .........DATSc.Fe1l.Fuar}! .1fi,................................. . RESOLVED WHEREAS, Helga Benson, Senior Clerk Stenographer, Department of Education, ureau of Public Libraries will be incapacitated and unable to perform her duties for a period of 22 days frora February 24, 1938 to March 17, 193@ inclusive. WMMW the Commissioner of Education has recommended that Helga Benson e and is hereby granted a leave of absence for disability with pay from February 24, 1938 to March 17, 1938 inclusive said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E., Section 41 of the Civil Service Bureau, therefore be it RESOLVED That the proper City authorities be and hereby are authorised to grant -9, leave of absence for Helga Benson From February 24, 1938 to March 17, 1938 inclusive with full pay. S. a mclueive, sald leave beingq 1n ! comDllance with. Paragraph D, Sectlon 41 of the Civil Servloe there- .Bureau: fore be it Resolved. .That the Dro➢er City luthorltt.. be and hereby are puthor- aed to grant a leave of abaeu— for liellra Beason from February 24. 1938 to March 17, Day. 1938 laolustve with full Adopted by the Council Feb. 18. 1938. ADDrered Fab: 18, 1998. (Feb. 28, 1938) FEB 18 1938 COON 2vIBN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays use • lan 9 }mom & i dei i Approved.._... `..'. '........... . t93....... �earee In Favor aY...�. Against Mayor 1156 en Wif IM 3-37 ]Lt. Vice YrewtiCn -1�e6l .g T. 1�AIIL 1�UBLIO LIBRARY `�.N Hx. P�vz MINNneox� PIDRRIH JONHH. LIHAAHLN February 16, 1938. Commissioner John S. Findlan, Department of Education, Room 6161 Court House, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Findlan: I am sending you the following supplementary statement concerning our request for continued leave of absence with pay for Miss Helga Benson. Miss Benson has been under doctor's observation for several months but worked regularly until she was forced to give up on January 24. on February 7 she had a mayor operation which turned out to be even more serious than was expected. She is still in the hospital. Miss Benson is an unusually fine type of public servant with a long record of remarkable service. In 1913 she began to work in the Library as Junior Stenographer. In 1917 she was promoted to Senior Clerk Stenographer end was also at that time made Secretary to the Librarian/ a position she has filled with extraordinary faithfulness and ability ever since, tinder four different Librarians. Her feeling of responsibility for her work has been s up theopayroll,great hat hasat no she veretakeneherlfulleshe twoweeks' vacation at one time, but has always broken it to come back and prepare this payroll. Year after year she has also worked overtime, evenings and Sundays, without a word, knowing there was small if any chance to take that time off later on. Her work has been heavy both in responsibility and in the tremendous amount of exacting detail which she handles with well known accuracy and precision, and yet she did it all quietly and pleasantly. I have rarely known any one who deserves more respect both for her performance here in the Library* and for the help she has always given at home where they have had their share of illness, including total blindness of the father. She is without doubt one of our most valuable members of the staff and one for whom I can honestly ask your utmost consideration. Sincerely, Perris Jones, Librarian. COUNCIL-�0208 • CITY OF ST. PAUL Its NO .................... ...._— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL -RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ]7C WHEREAS, Mike Mariano, has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Lot 8, Block 4, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $189.32, and the applicant offers to nay in full settlement thereof the sum of $114.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $63.94 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $114.00, and that said sum of $63.94 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $189.32. 110208-73y A, F. Peterson— so Addition; ancad 4. Lane's Phalen Grove sum or 8189 2e nG ftfie apnli sent l�Rera to nay In fun ldtt ...ne• -_.._ ver "I the spm o[ iB,tl94 eiiall be COUNCILMEN Ural dedu tea from the total nnyment o ted b the Council. _FEB 8.198„..193 -.... of ll b4 0,. and. that asid sum of SOP94 P Y YOaA rIn shall be Dafdtothe CYrty of SaintPautIn settlement of deynouont Iesees- menta Included In the total delinquency of E189.82.Adoyted by the Counoii Feb. 18, 1888._ADDroved Feb. 18, 3998,/ y _ .. (Feb. 28.-1988) Approved J 1.; -1 PP _ . .. .._......193..---- A'Ieterson — _ ..... Against Ma os P M'Ptteiiieae (Conn) iu PUBLISHED "� ✓ U d-Wr. vrcllcr..,l<ttirtwx” i 2nd. ` ../ <J Laid over to zz 3rd. & app. Adopted 3 j� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays rfv5s• Xdl sa ndlan• an /arce• Pearce Iderson• �/� Atuson / coax• Wenzel • Wenzel r. Pres. Gehan. /II r. Pres. Gehan 0,191—' b Cly c''r� ORDINANCE 110209 PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further aikended by inserting in Section 14 thereof, under the subdivision Water Supply", the following line: "1 Laboratory TeohnicianM. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. . Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Pearce Peterson Truax r. President (Gehan)— 300 7.37 CS 20089 MAR 8 1938 Passed by the Council 7—In Favor _Against �Approved: Mayor PUBLISHED1,--Le An ordinance amending administrative ordinance ,Q No. 7842, as amended , ��n�e_' nmandeu,. entitled: is ordnance -; ntmeat bY. 'An administrative ordinance relating to 'and emDloye., a�a, aunt the appointment by City official's Of officers 't. of cid'. and employee in the Classified Service, fixing » the number that may be appointed, and estab- lishing organization charts for the various departments of city government. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, approved September 30, 19371. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further aikended by inserting in Section 14 thereof, under the subdivision Water Supply", the following line: "1 Laboratory TeohnicianM. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. . Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Pearce Peterson Truax r. President (Gehan)— 300 7.37 CS 20089 MAR 8 1938 Passed by the Council 7—In Favor _Against �Approved: Mayor PUBLISHED1,--Le " original to alt, C,cr. No. 110210 -Or ORDINAlJ'Fe Po d 3Bp d An adm. 110210 relatlrig to the �• FILE NO of /, 'clals o®ce ,+ A Cil,// �. Cla9s18ed F hot mnY PRESENTED .,ak, i1°'•�' ••-aa,iNNCE NO W.k. ., An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30th, 1937, entitled "An administrative ordinance relating to the appointment by city officials of officers and employes in the Classi- fied Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organization charts for the various departments of the City government. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety." This is an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30th, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by strik- ing out, where it appears under the subdivision "Drafting" in Section 10 of said ordinance, the line 53 Senior Architectural Draftsman" and by inserting in lieu thereof the line 16 Senior Architectural Draftsman;" and by striking out of the same subdivision 01 Senior Assistant Architectural Engineer" and by inserting in lieu thereof the line "2 Senior Assistant Architectural Engineer;" and by adding to said subdivision the line 12 Junior Architectural Draftsman." Section 2. That said Ordinance No.' 7842 be and the same is hereby amended by inserting in the subdivision entitled "Park Re- fectories" the line 112 Local Refectory Manager,* and by striking out of said subdivision, where it appears therein, the line 01 Senior;Clerk-Typist." Section 3. That said ordinance be•snd the slime is hereby further amended by striking out of the subdivision "Administration" in Section 10 of said ordinance the line 91 Junior Clerk -Stenographer" and by substituting in lieu thereof the line "1 Senior Clerk -Typist." Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed b Yeas Councilmen Nays Y the Council MAR Barfuss Findlan j In Favor Parranto U Pearce LAgainst Peterson T Mr. P G Approved: MAR S 191$ Attest: ��/ V , O��-r�- City Clerk May 300 7.37 CS20089 PUBLISHED Q W. LAMONT'KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Playgrounds Supt. of Perla CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner February 10, 1938 Nr. Hilary J. Flynn Asst. Corporation Counsel Building CHAS, A. BASSFORD CityArchitect J Dear Sir: 'hill you kindly prepare for introduction in the Council, amendment to Section 10 of Ordinance Pio. 7842, Organization Chart, Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings providing for the following changes: DRAFTING Provide for 6 Senior Architectural Draftsman instead of 3. Provide for 2 Senior Assistant Architectural Engineer in place of 1. Add 2 Junior Architectural Draftsman REFECTORIES Provide for 2 Local Refectory Manager Eliminate title - 1 - Senior Clerk -Typist PARKS ADMINSTRATION Strike out title - 1 Junior Clerk - Stenographer Add - 1 Senior Clerk -Typist Yours truly, Commissioner No 1tU211 oasm.i w atr awk CITY OF ST. PAULAi�.as OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RUT �7j ENERAL FORM �TE..... February .18. 1938.. ............... PRESENTED BY .... ...._. RESOLVED applied for by John Burdette That license for Pool Ba11 application 214826 pp is hereby granted and the city clerk at 259 W. University Ave. be and the same is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. New, New Location. COUNCILMEN YeasNaye /aF ndlan earce In Favor A'eterson _ 0 -Against Vuti l'lesddeut (Truax) 3M 3.37 F. 110211•—By T• C. C. Pearce, F• M• 21 13artuse— $esotved.;2hat lfaflnse tor`.pooi llsll a3iPlleatfon 84886, anp11ed toi-bAvve�be Burdette at 8be W,'IInlvereity A cftytolerslcs �lnetruoted o.tfseve such liceane�ueryyu of the reouisedttee o the city •u Addpted by the CouneClFeb. 18, 1838. I FEB �9 7a 193_ Adopted by the Council- - Approved 193_._ Mayor _ _ . od.hw ,. city a .. -110212 CITY OF ST. PAUL �°� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COkIMiSSIONER............. _..Irving. C.. Pearce _ ....__..DAT ......February 18 1938. RESOLVED WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employ- ment, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. "Ta—me C. F. TIM �Pe reoa No. TIrs. Rate o &y Ellsworth, Chas. A. Hvy. Truck Driver 2 .711 Kabitz, Paul L. Hvy. Truck Driver Driver 10 .71 Paden, Clarence A. Hvy. Truck 10 Proulx, H. T. Timekeeper 4 �j11, 6 Welsh, W. P. Hvy. Truck Driver i$/Z .711 N. '110212—BY L C. P.%, -- where6, the Commissioeer of Pab- llo Works hae reported In accordance with Beetle. 53 0f the City Charter., the eilete " - •nr(tencY W. .D'tn 'Ir :u9 n tl. �t COUNCILMEN Yeas fuse �6dlan Nays �Pe reoa In Favor Against 'T10 1bL'1t• . fir President (GeEl�e 3M 3.37 Mr.Yke Z'1 W.'Wc1 Lt1. UsX FEB 18 1,938 Adopted by the Council 193_ J Approved....._ __..... _ I93.__.. ��L, ��✓ .Mayor An emergency has arisen in the DWARTIMNT CP PUBLIC WMM. rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Removing snout from loop district This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Light snowfall made it necessary to remove snow from loop Council File No. JL ] 7 ia_ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT a and PRELIMINARY ORDER r The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ____—_.Sonatrufaln8.._e._geaer on Butternut _Av0nue Yrom 8.8Y.._Street� Datedthis .._._-IM ................... ....__..day of_......_._._ PRELIMINARY ORDER WIMREAS, A written proposal for the makidg of the following improvement, viz.: to Avenue................. _.. C. F. No. 130213— . Abstract _.............. _...... _.__ ..... _... _....... -------------------• Whereas, A written proppmeal for .the making of the following imPr ernent _..._._............ ._.__.._ _._..._........_....J__....'"- - mn Bntternnt having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ........ .... _........ _....... __...:.:...._........_.........__...._.......--�-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be, and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desimblTity "of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. FEB 18'1 X3,8 Jdopted by the Council.._............-.........._............__..._..-----......_--- ... YEAS NAYs Councilman PARFUSS `FINULAN FEB 8 1973a Approved .._.._........ -----........_....._..._..---- ................—----...... ;,PEARCE ETERSON ; / ._.MEI,: • . ._._ m ,•,e=+�`;' Via. i't�ra'�A'tca �— Mayor. Pxasro Mt. ti', 1': crJ i 1;t (Trt)as) Form CA 13 (3M-0.23) YUBLISi-IED NOTICE _ CITY OP SAINT PAUL 11U2.1i .110215 COUNCIL RESOLUTION COU NCI FILE NO PRINTER --- C: F T 110E1/ 110816-- - R Thdt check. bo drawn .o• Feta lnry 17 193 •.hP , •..ur to the pggr.gp' 4 ,_I ` ggn•Ilry lcmved• : eb�•- } .^...,, RESVED.3�iAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREAS3 RY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF$ 3 7799�g 6 _COVERING CHECKSNUMBERED 11ii��++6644 TO 44750 INCLUSIVE,ASPER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL FEB 18 1938 193� APPPOVED FEB 18 1-38 eo....ou., 193_ Y •� •• PUBLISHED — °� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ..T CITY OF SAINT PULL / /, 1 6"B. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COLIC IL � FIILENUMBER X F�qF ROLL CALL 44645 BARFU88 I 22 FINDLAN IN FAOR PEARCE AUDITED February 16I.� tiAIMS_ PETERSON 44647 TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL COVERING THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S -. TO MR. PRIES. INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBERED__. �_ PER CHECKS ON FIL I TO E OF MPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL --- — 44650 44651 APPROVED I. COMPTROLL.R NUMB ER Zinsmaster Baking Company soO I-9'/ cf� H. OR BY 44653 44654 David Bashefkin Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a 31 943'131', 44655 ''Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan e 0. Finan e 3 303 41! 4 482.08!' 44656 A*91 F. Peterson of 64� 44657 Axel F. Peterson, 0, of Finan a 14 44658 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a ' 44659 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a Jerome Hoffm 27 �b8"79'11 200'66I 44660 r 44661 Morris Rutzlok A Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a 11 Will, 44662 Rose Fooshe 1 000 DO 648 30;1 �! 44663 Axel F. Peterson, C, of Finance 45 001, 44664 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a 11 490 691 44665 county Welfate Board 781 44666 President's Ball Committee 42 50" 44667 Sylvester Knowlan 44668 St.Paul voc.Sohool Rev1.F8nd 3 721' 44669 44670 Patrick Curran Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin 32 001' 3 332 1811 44671 Ballard Motors & Ramp 10 14lj 105' 44672 44673 Fairview Garage The Minnesota Club 12;801, 44674 Hamm Realty Company 44675 S.C. Ringwald I25 `791 44676 S. Sudheimer 00 P 65 '' 44677 44678 Arthur B. Thom Mrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian j 40 00 : 44679 44680 M.C.Robinson, Clerk of Dist.QI . S. Brand Coal & Oil company ; I 132 64',, 5 413 96 ! 569 75' 44681 Bray Ice,,& Fuel company 37 491 44682 44683 Brown & White Cab Company Campbell -Coal & Oil Company I 7 736 40 l' 44684 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company 3 2� 20' 44685 Daily Mews Corporation 44666 Arthur J. Fellows ii 44687 The Grinnell Company, Inc. 692 2O III ! f Koppers Company 116 94 44689 44690 R 37 I' r' Pink Supply Company 7 09 11 44692 St.Paul Builders Material Com y 20 O1 44693 44694 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ..T CITY OF SAINT PULL / /, 1 6"B. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COLIC IL � FIILENUMBER X F�qF ROLL CALL 44645 BARFU88 I 22 FINDLAN IN FAOR PEARCE AUDITED February 16I.� tiAIMS_ PETERSON 44647 TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL COVERING THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S -. TO MR. PRIES. INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBERED__. �_ PER CHECKS ON FIL I TO E OF MPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL --- — 44650 44651 APPROVED I. COMPTROLL.R NUMB ER Zinsmaster Baking Company soO I-9'/ cf� H. OR BY 44653 44654 • -- - CHECK NUMBER ------ TOTAL �i DATE IN FAVOR OF I —— RETURNED V ! TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT I! BY BANK CHECKS CHECXS BROUGHT FORWARD .I 7 522 50.1 238 00 7� 44643 44644 WAshington Foundry Company '1 W.L. Weber 91 50,I 09Z 44645 H.E. Wedelstaedt Company i 22 44646 R.H. Whitacre Company 34;69' 597'001 44647 'Niloox & Follett Company 22 501 44648 H.W. Wilson Company 1 219 47' ; 44649 John C. Winston & Company 63 47Ii 44650 44651 Wolters Auto Supply Company W.H. Ziegler Company, Inc. 49 23' 63 44652 Zinsmaster Baking Company 111 64 oo,! 44653 44654 David Bashefkin Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a 31 943'131', 44655 ''Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan e 0. Finan e 3 303 41! 4 482.08!' 44656 A*91 F. Peterson of 64� 44657 Axel F. Peterson, 0, of Finan a 14 44658 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a ' 44659 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a Jerome Hoffm 27 �b8"79'11 200'66I 44660 r 44661 Morris Rutzlok A Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a 11 Will, 44662 Rose Fooshe 1 000 DO 648 30;1 �! 44663 Axel F. Peterson, C, of Finance 45 001, 44664 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a 11 490 691 44665 county Welfate Board 781 44666 President's Ball Committee 42 50" 44667 Sylvester Knowlan 44668 St.Paul voc.Sohool Rev1.F8nd 3 721' 44669 44670 Patrick Curran Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin 32 001' 3 332 1811 44671 Ballard Motors & Ramp 10 14lj 105' 44672 44673 Fairview Garage The Minnesota Club 12;801, 44674 Hamm Realty Company 44675 S.C. Ringwald I25 `791 44676 S. Sudheimer 00 P 65 '' 44677 44678 Arthur B. Thom Mrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian j 40 00 : 44679 44680 M.C.Robinson, Clerk of Dist.QI . S. Brand Coal & Oil company ; I 132 64',, 5 413 96 ! 569 75' 44681 Bray Ice,,& Fuel company 37 491 44682 44683 Brown & White Cab Company Campbell -Coal & Oil Company I 7 736 40 l' 44684 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company 3 2� 20' 44685 Daily Mews Corporation 44666 Arthur J. Fellows 20 00 19 94 44687 The Grinnell Company, Inc. 692 2O III ! 44688 Koppers Company 116 94 44689 44690 Miller Supply Company P John W. Mitchell197 37 I' 44691 Pink Supply Company 7 09 11 44692 St.Paul Builders Material Com y 20 O1 44693 44694 Smead Mfg.Company I TriGState 'Fel, & Geig.Companyl, 17 96 6 278 7 44695 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company) li 115 I i SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 7 _-522 5Q T F t I it DUPLICATE To CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PUUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUN FILE NCILUMBER ' ROLL CALL BARFUSB FIND AN PEARCE IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS --Febrnar-y 17 PETERSON TRUA WENZ _AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE�.F N O E CITY TREASURY WENZEL COVERING MR. PRIES. GEHAN TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OP i CHECKS NUMBERED. INCLUSIVE. A6 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—+=---�-+= PER CHECKS ON F){�E INET OFF � CITY C ROLLER. �// APPROV/E/D 4-1 3 / oNPT6oLL[R �D /moi NUMBER !L BY V " TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF �'; RETURNED J NUMBER TRANSFER I' DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS �I ti BROUGHT FORWARD 7 522 50 �76 070 63 44696 Andrew W. Mitchell10 00 44697 Frank J. Tbill ! 10 P0: 44698 Theo. Hamm Brewing Company, c. 7000 44699 J. L Gillen, Register of Deed 55 P 44700 James Josephs 00 44701 John F. Doyle, Abstract Cler 150 00 i 32 00 44702 Cato ro Faso , 7 ge 44703 American Academy of Pol. & 9 cieaoe 15 00 44704 American Education Press, In 12 Q7 44705 Ancell simplex Ticket Compan ' " 95 0 44706 Boeringer & Son 337 50 44707 Lewis Bolt & Hut Company 44 00 44708 Lew Bonn Company 44709 R.R. Bowker Company I 2 DO 44710 Buoka Brothers 14 9g7 44711 Capitol Laundry Company 44712 Carey Salt company iI 535 36 44713 Curtiss 1000, Inc- 44714 Dictaphone gales Corp. 3Z 00 ii 44715 Dunn I& Fairway Market 1 �6 44716 - East Side Grocery Company 11 61 p 44717 - Electrical world !�I ,, 8 00 !' 44718 Elk Laundry Company18 ! 21 00 44719 Fairbanks, Morse & Company �', 44720 Y. Feldstein & Company ! 2 50 44721 Field, Sohliok & Company 6 9055 44722 Fisher Nut Company 44723 Fuller Brush Company 9 20 44724 Gaylord Brothers �,' 2 95 166 44725 Ginn and Company 44726 Joseph A. Gitte 25 0000 44727 Glendenning Transfer service 10 08 44728 ' Haughton Elevator Company 25 00 44729 J.W. Bulme Company 35 95 59 44730 C.I. Johnson Mfg.company 44731 Klosterman's Grocery 10 09 44732 Lyon & Healy, Ino. 8 11 4473] MoGill+warner Company i, 61 00 44734 The Manual Arts Press 2 50 44735 M.M. Metcalf 9 • 44736 Miokelsenee Grocery 44737 Minnesota Department of Healt 14 00 44738 Minnesota Public Health Assoc ation 3 75 44739 Mothers Friend, Inc. Laundry 1I 11 74 i 44740 The New York Times Index2 Co 44741 Niemann's Grocery 15 71 44742 Northern States Power compan j ! 323 10 44743 Northern States Power Company! ;i 316 57 44744 N.tt. Publioations, Inc. 1 25 00 44745 Paper, Calmenson & Company 185 �3 44746 M.F. Patterson Dental Supply ompany 5 0 44747 Pioneer Motor Supply Company 4 80 44748 Row, Pe'*erson & Company 1 954 50 44749 St.Paul'Book & Stationery Com any I! 270 16 44750 St -Paul Nash Motors I, 6 61 i. 7..522 i7p_ SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD v 81 80, 3 3 I' - i 110216 odd W abr a.h - ` . ` . �. . CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ........... ...DATE. ..... Febroary .23, 1938...... COMMISSIONE .. ...... .... _._. f. Mary Dorndale desires to withdraw application 25286 for Tavern license, and WSMELS • application 25287, for Dance Hall license at 959 Arcade St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby suthor12ed to refund to Mary Borndale the fee,,of $200.00 and $15.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. asp wfhQ Dane Danco ind n .n ae Rees be nn reruni 1211,11 aDDilc Ado AD9 Yeas COUNC LMEN Nays 2 ' dlan In Favor e eon Against 1�. 1.a7 �i. Vice Yresidept (TrttexJ ~o. 110210 -By F. 3L Tru". G. >yFeb 2 ou19c818 (FebFeb. 2a, 1922.1 . 28, 1992) FEB 831888 Adopted by the Council 193 FEB 8 31938 Approved ;? - ql)q ($ustsuus Abnlvitus Kut4trsn (lturrl� (6o:aer ob. Shrd anb 3stst Apraw o$h. haul, �l[ixn. C. VERNON SWEli60N, PA TOR - I-- TO... 9.0. February 18th, 1938 The Hon, Maor Of St. Paul Mr. Mark H. Oehan City Hall, St. Paul, Minn. Dear air,— Mving been notified about the application of one Mary Boradals for a tavern end dance hall license at 959 Arcade, the hearing to be held on February 23 , & wish to enter the .protest of the Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran church at Sims street end Weide &venue through its board of administration. You will find on file with the city council a letter sent over a year ago protesting against the further granting of of tavern licenses. This comes as an added protest against the \1\ opening of a dance hall at thAt place, 959 Arcade street. Mr. Otto A. Johnson a property owner who was notified 1 through Mr. Axel Peterson's office bas likewise asked me to make this a protest on his behalf. If it is necessary members of the church board and my— self together with the respresentatives of the East Side Pattoral Association will appear at the hearing upon notification. Yours truly, C.V. Swenson, pastor. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota VIM. J. Fire Chhieieff H Chief ofPplicc DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ' G. E BRISSMAN ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Streeb Supt of Police and Fire Alarm Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner February 15- 1938• Hon. Mayor and City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen, „® LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTICING SAFETY Mary Borndale has made application for Tavern and Dance Hall licenses at 959 Arcade St. between Sims and Case on the West side of the street. and On had Sale 3.2establish- This location has been a 'Restaurantstaband� ment since August 30, 1933- ment 3.2 licenses there since July 17, 1936, and also possesses an On Sale Liquor license there. There are 3 On Sale 3.2 places within 2 blocks. The closest On and Off Sale Liquor establishments are each one block away. the nearest school, 3 blocks n U The nearest church is 2 blocks away and r away. �ll Mrs. Borndale is in business at the above address as stated l above. a Very truly yours, Neal C. McMahon, License Inspector. f�. i. � r ,LI; „® LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTICING SAFETY CITY'OF SAINT AUL Application No. C H B9�rfl} s O ... .,r<. sax a Qom 3tinei otp�bU Safety pg' SES i J a J Nea1P C. t$cH ons ,fin ' ector , Date peb. 4 se-- - -- __. 1, Information r@.ouired in connectipn wit Licenses. 2, Name of Applicant eter�r•}ys -3s Business address 989 AmS"-*0 t Home 884 b. i;eween Street -hr Trade name, if any Herndaleii Bale - 5. Are you going -to operate this business yourself ye. 6. On what floor 1'ocated file! 27umber.of rooms used 8 7, Between what cross streets Sims A C■■. Street Mhich side of street Waat S. Are premises now occupienaw Pniaat business MgUar How Long 8 d 9. Are premises now unoccupied How long vacant Previous use_ l0. Are you a new owner ne Have you been in a similar business before Zee Where 989 Aroade Street When for the pact 7 Zeare 11. Are you in any other business at the present time ns 12. Have there been any comi:.aints against your operation of this type of place �" When {9here 13...Have you ever had any license revoked 110 What reason and date 14. Which•U. S. Internal,�teveaue Special Tax Stang will you use ($20. or $25.) 425 15. Are you a citizen of the United States too.(Native)_(Na I turalized) 16. Where -v.re you born St. Paul.ftnb• 37hen: ,Sept• ASo.. 8 Day 1Q 19Yr. 17. I am married, tty T1s) (husband1s) nape and address is 8emry porndwle 18. How long have you lived in St. Paul All my life 19. Have you ever been,arrest,ed� 20. Violation, of what criminal law or ordinance_------------------- ....... - NY 21. Number of 3.2 places wi$hin two `pp',;s 22. Closest intoxicating liquor.plaae. Ori Seg-blook Off Sale 1 block 23. Nearest Churchjtl��so Near it School S blook ! 24,--Numbf!r'•oi booths ZR Tables .. J,�Chairs iib Stools some ..,. 25. Mat r.'ccv+rationYtsu"i*1slrvve&--for +hy1 past five years �Gi've runes of ell so ELAlO.}_ed) ..... .. rc-••..c^ 4 .. _B_6IP i��atlaoo• 7,y*eare_ pre►!°ta 26. Give necae and address of t-ro persons, Residents of St. Faul, nn., who can give ir.£ornation concerning You. 7 a N,,one Nar^ey�2�2cL�a 0 — — Signature oappli f- STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF RALiSEY ), . 3eing first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath thnt he has read the foregoing applicrtion'bearing his signature and knows th, ccncer',;c thcreoi,.-:nd thatthemane is true of his o• -n 17nowledge except as to those mrr,ers therein stated unor, information and belief and as to those mo.tters he believes them to be true. go7latture of applicnnt) Subscribed and sworn to before me this /% �_-+ say o£ Notary i colic, ?amsey CountyR�%.�,�Yiesoto. �Y "r' "Obs, it 1"'y' },y nom^ission expires _�O7eston s4� A'yr}an, �O E:; These nVcliaa.tion forms are -in duplicate. �__Qi copies must " d.e a Bureau.) be 'fully ri:'.e? nut, notarized, escti returned' ko t2Y@ %� . leb. 15th, 1938 Hon, !Axel T. Peterson Corer. nf Finance City Hall Dear girl The City Ornutesil set • 4a'bs for Her�dle for 4atea and the matter of the applioations Ot eWXY nregnestsd that "rYon send Daaoe Hall liaenpes at 959 Arcade notices to property owaar8• Tours very truly, City Clerk. Mr. A. C. MoMahon License Inspector pablio Safety Bldg. Dear Sirs The Oity O.,vmcil set a date for in the matter of the apglicatilne of MMM Devoe Hall licenses at 959 Rtoade St, 7eb. 15th, 1938 rIA9 for 8brnry 23rd • oeaea ad u�-,- 1y• city Cle*. b. 11021' .RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__ concin and taking an a@semelit in_he_ lat)c}_necessa�y_fgr_ s�o�es�_ cuts and fills in ths-=Ygrading of Hoyt Avenue from Quincy Street to ?North Grotto Street, C.fi F. No. 130E17— ._Inge enazaeaeemenI In et" landn ne t It --Yfor IOpe§. uVenua frame Quincy' gradinglorHoyt grotto street. under Ia873S,. aypro=4 A • d � under Preliminary Order____ 106738 ---------- _, approved -------- N,arch lot_"1937 _-___--_1 Intermediary Order _____-___ 109489 ------------ approved_______ December 8, 1937 ----------- Final Order -----------------109693---------_- apProvefT-------- January_ 4,_ 1938. -----____-- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upoirthe assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the sar e, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation bf the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said bbiing and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted,to the Plptrict Court for confirmation. --43ite.®R d.BBeP�aRPnk ri�ri¢��YdaFr�,rMixim' � o'xx'rscza��tlrr�rnea..'ei'�'•'Ta""��ame&krafc��6s�irSd>ttneEaimCa Adopted by the Council ---FEB 23 1938_------___-- ---------------=-------- ---------------- ��� 231933 City Clerk. Approved____ ------------,19---- - -- ------���- - ----------- rfuae Mayor. Councilman CMIMY : Councilman F 1j; art , Councilman Councilman Councilman Sad = /teras L, J Councilman's Mayor Mumma= Mr. Vice ent (Traesj REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND R pE-P7,'1 ,7%77 OF BENEFITS In the matter of_ candemnin� and takinu an easement -in the -land necessarl for - slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Hoyt Avenue from tiuincy Street to North Grotto Street, B under Preliminary Order ---10636_____ approved ------- Narch_10— 1937 ----------------------- intermediary Order -------- 109489------ approved -------- --------------------- Final Order ---------------109993 ------ approved ------- y 1938.--------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. L-1 110218 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter oY__ condemnin and takings an -easement in_the_ land -necessary for sloResl cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Chatsworth Street Addition, and Block 2, Jos. R. Weide's 5th Addition from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, C. F. No. 110218— In the Matter o[ condemning and tak- Ing an easement In the land a ee- Bary for elopes, cute and e]Is In ct grading of Ailey in Block 2. Chat-� wor�h a, " Aad. hnAdPt under Preliminary Order______lonl�- 109___283_________----- approved O-yember-171-1937 ___--__-_- _ 109564 __--____-__, approved- ___ December _151_1937 __--_____--_, Intermediary Order _________________ Final Order -----------------10975-6 __---------, approved----- Jaguar _ll,_ IUA -------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. <;F -- Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. IY#x:tka �y-_�..�],�>tlexnnBlxifx�c>�bged:�i�axp 2}SYXXXYXXXYX]!1[l�].Id1tlYWYKuss-%a$ .4BA166U11�`1/�✓`m �X Adopted by the CouncilX938__------ FF-ty Clerk. Approved ----------2----191----------,19---- `/ � --- ------ - ------ gaffaee r Mayor. Councilman C=indlan Councilman F a. •- �earce Councilman Ve rsott Councilman. Councilman VO4( Councilman S—�-3� Mayor Mr. Vice President—(Tr...) -- PUBLISHED — REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND OF BENEFITS In the matter of_ condeMi14_and talting_an_easement_in the_land r=ta§ary_SL_-- slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Chatsworth Street Addition, and Block 2, Jos. R. Weide's 5th Addition, from 'Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order ---- 109283---_, approved ---- N9Q@mbar_17.-1332----------------------- Intermediary Order -------- approved---- ----------------------- Final Order --------------- 109756_ approved---- January_11,_ 1938. ----------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, "containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---- C� ---------- -�- Commissioner of Finance. - 110219 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__ opening widenin3 and extending_a_20 foot_alley_ from_sreenbrier_____ Avenue to Walsh Avenue by taking and condemning the following: The north 10 feet of the south 134.79 feet of the east one-half of Block 4, B. Schnitzius Addition, being the southeast portion of said Block 4, C. F.e NMter ,,"1102.1,1— h twidenln6 and Ia oDevin6. rtendinC a 20 foot alley from Green- hrlenAl—l' to w 1Neh he (ollowy south under Preliminary Order- -------------- approved________ October 12 1937__________ Intermediary Order -------- 14aA_U-------------- approved-------- nfnim er_ 8A 1937_i___----_ Final Order --------------- 149Bafi-------------. approved --------- Janu&KY-4�-1938 _____------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �@cil�o�i�:c� smeememt�ct��ds�dcckec�i�xc#a�eciec ;mrxxxYY-rxYxxA as�hoc�eechx�a�k�o6c}e�cda�ca.ii�edlttse�aAaFx FEB 23 "0 Adopted by the Council --- ____________--------------- ---- -- ------------------------------- (. 193 Clerk. Approved--------------- - e ------ --- 19 J _C--/ __ _ / _A___ AJ v�Jrdlan Mayor. Councilma f e:lrc�r. Councilma Councilma Councilm Councilman , � _15 Councilman YUBLISIILD Mayor ® ice�-�it REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND� cc t:,� 's � t' OF I?FiA EFITS In the matter of_ o�enin?,_wideningand extending a 20 foot alley_frma_Greenbrier__ Avenue to Walsh Avenue by taking and conderming the following: The north 10 feet of the south 134.79 feet of the east one-half of Block 4, B. Schnitzius Addition, beinc the southeast portion of said Block 4, under Preliminary Order ---- 108958----- approved-------- -------------------- Intermediary Order -------- 109483----- approved -------- Ae_c-qmbcr_.$ a.437 -------------------- Final Order ---------------109696--- approved --------- lAnuarX-L-JMQ--------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. - Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO. ---------------------- By------------------- ------------------------------ --- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of___changing_the__grsde of the_west__side_of__Syudi catQ__Aveb�e__ fs4m__:____ .Thoma -to __tha__red_-line __QE- °the_prnfila__3leret9— ----- attgclbed_ endapart_ hereofA_there sent_ a stablished--grade_ being_ shovm _by _ a-______ lzle_�1uo._theze--4A------------------------------------------------------ .- ------ --------------------------- Preliminary Order ------- 109&1&_______ --___---.approved ..__December_ 22�_1937-_____________________t__ Intermediary. Order ------ _ aPProved __------------- -- AA public hearing: "having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all,p0lons, objections and recommendations relatNe thereto, and having fully considered the same; thereforfY,='be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and Find of im- Chan ethe ade of the west side of Syndicate provement to be made by the said City is__— — -- -- A"mae-from-Thomas gtxeQt g3� odd St�eet_to_conform to the red line on the profile herat9__attachs�_�nd_mad� �es_h her �-th TFresent established trade being shown �id �e a hiatter2ot chan{ ng the srm�e!- — J of the west side of Bvndl[at oA^e-• nue from ThomP7 .• ---- greet t....,rrr_— and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. ;�:i:•h;tip)f'•`;f::isf:/:i/',if1Y:•::'1::i0:I:i1'l.ifi-i'�f:N:•:Sti:S'�:i::: iJ.O .;i{:J:ii1r7.1f��I��' :{': �t.f.t,.it►'9e ^1•t,l.t; S�•'t`:�tf, �.Y,:\: ,:H:;,•ea•.Ih ,'{Jia•0u�'{r •an9f f:L/c•r�i:f7. — {GJiO'I,-it{•i,io).h\' : is '. �Yi ,. rf /.lib:f;i i. ;khi��'f., ii::11`S• Si: S,1fi,. Ir�t3 ` ii ► d Adopted by the Council_______________J+_____—__— ___-__-, 192 _ . tea•-47��/ -- ------ ......... ------ - ----- City Clerk. Approved -------- 8.2 31938 ------- ---. , 192 ------ 6------- - L`-! - - - Mayor. Councilman nee Councilman Mayor Wgdauft Mr. Vice Prr�;,�enr Form B. S. A. 8-7 V PUBLISHED - l�� CITY OF ST. PAUL s DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of changing the grade of the west side of Syndicate Avenue from Thomas Street to Lafond Street, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, under Preliminary Order approved Dec. 22, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 25.00 The estimated cost perfoot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 15 Syndicate No. 5 Addition $675 $5500 30 15 do 700 2600 . Total $1375 $8100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to sa' matter by the Commissioner of Public Dated 19 Colifmiasioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. !-S D • !G6 s«4f 71 - II i� %mil,✓ Bos'f�d 5r 57- ----------- IV TloW /HmMNs Sr GuRT��F.s ,Srn,vn .(TUs - L U 6 0 � .I Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance __ _Jwnnwry lO _ 193 8 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 109616 approved_. De.4ember-22r 1937 _193—, relative to Changing the grade of the west side of Syndicate Avenue from Thomas Street to Lafond Street _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is___-_ necessary and (or) desirable. No Cost involved 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ , and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. S. Said improvement is__ ___ subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, �9 .,1 JAN 121938 asked for upon petition of three or,more owners of prope �_ t imioner of ublic Work CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE. CoMMIBBIONER BUREAU OFCONST, S REPAIR GEORGE J. JACOBB, DEPUTY COYYIEEION[R J. R. JON NBTON GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER OFFICe CNGIHEla G.W. HERROLD GHI[P 4.... OL... MARK W. WOODRUFF January S, 1958 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU OF BRIDGES M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAUOF CORR[GTIONE RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for Changing the grade of the West side of Syndicate Avenue from Thomas Street to Lafond Streets under Preliminary Order C. F. 109616 approved Dec— ember 22, 1987. No cost involved. Yours truly, M. SHEPARD Chie Engineer Approved for transmission to the Co $sinner f ance Con .A IRVING PEARCE Commissioner o Public Works Odom to at, a k 110221 CITY OF ST. PAUL No. "COUNCIL. FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �\Q/(�//�G�E�NE�RYA�L FORMPRESENTED B.1A�S,.rF. !.!.`!..:':.'.1f —OATE.,F_...ebTTa3y.... L. HGOMMISSIONE.... ..._._.. _....... RESOLVED That the Purch sing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one used American one cubic yard Combination Gas Shovel with shovel attachment, boom, Pairlead and dragline bucket, at a total cost not to exceed $3900.00, delivered to the City Paving Plant, Arundel and Burgess streets, without advertisement, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge General Fund - Municipal Equipment- 1003-139 COUNCI EN Yen Nay an IeL In Favor /, Against yM 3Mr. Vice President (Trwy.) Council Feb. 23, 1938. 23, 1938. 29 ,1938) Adopted by the Council_ _ FB2 P.8 ...193.. _. r3 X32938 Approved.,..._/....._....__....___.... .... .... 193__... Mayor PUBLISHED l od94wi to city a.k cDDMC�L 110222 CITY OF ST. PAUL . �■ NO_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RE TION ---GENERAL FORM qQ PRESENTED B .............DATE irebrllflry..2J.ra;...19J�......... . COMMISSIONE .. .. _.... ... ._ _. ._. RESOLVED r that W. Grantham Street between Como Ave. W. and the easterly line of ReArrangement in Strickler Place be changed to Luther Place. COUNCLMEN yeas Nay Al.f. dlan �earce In Favor Pe rson ruax Against vZjmXk Parranto 3M. 3-37W. . Vice Pr+�iden Adopted by the Council EB 2 $ i938 193. FES Approved.,/� 193...._. Mayor C. Ft No. 110222—By I. C. Pearce, Resolved, that W. Grantham $treat between Como Ave. W. and the easterly It.. t ReArrangement in 3Lrlckler Placeobe chanted to Lusher Place. Adopted by the Council Feb. 23. 1938. A➢Droved FeD. 23. 1938. (Feb. 28. 1938) COUNCLMEN yeas Nay Al.f. dlan �earce In Favor Pe rson ruax Against vZjmXk Parranto 3M. 3-37W. . Vice Pr+�iden Adopted by the Council EB 2 $ i938 193. FES Approved.,/� 193...._. Mayor AL THE CITY PLANNING BOARD SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3 a C7 [ u h GEORGE H. HERROLD MARK H. GEHAN. MAYO' MANAGING Olw[ROw cHA GEORGE F. LIN BOAT 'O'OR— OH nIwHn' Y]4 COURT HOUSE February 19th, 1938. To the Honorable, the City Council, t City of St. Paul. �K�05�.x Gentlemen : On recommendation of the Committee on Renaming Streets end House Numbering and approved by the Planning Hoard at their meeting Friday, February 11th, we wish to request that the Council change the name of W. Grantham St. between Como Ave. West and the east line of ReArrangement in Strickler Place to "Luther Place". This matter was brought up by the builders of two new homes, both facing the same direction, but because of the arrangement of the streets one house is on Grantham St. and the other on W. Grantham St., but not on the W. Grantham St. proposed to be changed. The United Church Seminary which owns all the frontage on the north side of the street proposed to be changed and whose building faces this street and the property owners that can be located on the southerly side are agreeable to this change. There are no houses on the southerly side facing this street. Sketch enclosed. Yours very truly, THE CITY PLANNING BOARD. By_ 5E. ,— ' - George H.,Harrold, Engineer. gh-rh encl. ofill..1 a Div CWkiiQ23 CITY OF §T. PAUL COs `" NO.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN Z?TION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED wC�"� .1 � �� COMMISSION ... ............. ......T ....._�..........DATE.....Irebi7lary.....t.1.}.....1.9.�i3...�%_.......... RESOLVED That the urchasing Agent be, ,and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons "Q" leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from the PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY, at a price of $ .115 per gallon, less 1% discount on refinery price if paid in ten days, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale street, on informal bide as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment— 1003-134 Yeah / Nays tin _Io Favor 2t.�Pe son}}. . '....f . Against sm "W. .. Adopted by the Coun '. ff B .......3193 ...._... 8 NY - Approved r 93.... Approved...._r i 3...2. ._' � ................193__... Mayor 0d81e.1 Ie OW ate! 110224 CITY OF ST. PAUL `r''�s NO ..................... . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER,,.,,T.... ..............._...DATE .. Irk...._.._ %'.r__'_`—rr ... _. __ ............ h WHEREAS, the Cowdesioner of Parke Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain •one-story frame building with a flat roof, on Lot 18, Block 3, Lexington Park Addition, also known as No. 1881 Bayard Avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being con- demned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 18th day of March, 1938, at ten o'clock A. 9. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause_a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. a' Q F. No. 110224—BY F. M.: Truax— '. Whereas, the Commleuloner of Parke, 1ay6rounde ppnd Public Bulldh, hea orted,to I 1 Co .1e!bubat that oer- ohs=.to + 'rattle bulldlbg wltb a Lexlnv COUNCICMEN Yeaa Na Z_ Na n In Favor iPe son Against wsaw— 3M 3,37M, vice iiid ent (Trmt>;1 Adopted by the CounP 2 3'S133 ____ _ 193 Approved.. _.�.193 ... Mayor PUBLISHED L" 2 2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON' City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Feb. 19th, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir., The City Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of a one- story frame building at 1251 Bayard St., on property described as Lot 19, Block 3, Lexington Park Addition. Yours very truly, '74 - City Clerk. a W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner February 17, 1938 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: Complaints have been received regarding the one story frame building with a flat roof at 1251 Bayard Street, on property described as Lot 18, Block 3, Lexington Park Addition. Our inspector states that it is open and vacant, a nuis- ance to life, limb and adjoining property and it should be removed. Mr. James McCauley, 1251 Bayard Street, is the last known record owner. Kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. truly, rchitect LAR..0 od9le1 k, CRY ak �- 110225 CITY OF ST. PAUL :�: NO....._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM -4-v..V. �VN/ ....._......%TE ........... WHEREAS. as provided by Council File No. 109900, approved January 23, 1938, the Counoil did, on the 18th day of February, 1938, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability l y and necessity of wreaking that oertain.two-story frame store building on Lots 6 and 7, except the west 50 feet, in Block 1, BeBow, Smith, Risque ds Williams' Addition, also described as No. 625 Nississippi Street, following due notice of said hear- ing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved Nay 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wreaking and re- moval of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it FUBTHER ABSOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mail- ing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commis- sioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. C. F. No. 110E26—By F. M. Trus:— Wherene, as'yrovided by Council File No. 109900, aDeroved January 20. 1989 Pt `Council did, on the February. 1939. at ten ,.,i `. fhy Councii Ch bF FEB 2 31938 COUEN Adopted by the Council 193 Yeas Na _..__. FEB 2 31938 i.lr�drant In Favor Approved. Against / " ` _ mayor ,M ,a,a/t�� YUBLISIiED d CITY OF SAINT PAUL ti?j Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Feb. 18th, 1938 W Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City hall Deas Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of that certain two-story frame store buil- ding on Lots 6 and 7, except the west 50 feet, in Block 1, DeBOw, Smith Bisque & Williams' Addition, also described as No. 625 Mississippi St. Yours very truly, Cit„ v Clerk. 110226 • ....... No. OQ41aA to�Oly a-& ra. _.. -._ _.:... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM >� _ din/ r% PRESENTED -BY -- ........ DATE............ _........... as provided by Council File No. 1098oi90 approved January38, the Eouncil did, on the 18th day 1938, at ten o' clock A. K. in the Council Cham sr Of aa=lsability Souse and City Hall, hold a public hearing Upon and necessity of wrecking that cert"n two-story frame dwelling on Lot 4, Block 4, Eittson's addition, ale o knownas,.iven No.Pur522 Broadway, following due noti.edO Maysaid heuant aring and it is the to Ordinance No. 72101 appy opinion of the Council that said buildiroperty and should bedwrecked one to life, limb a d SAJOiit� �� y and removed; RESOLVED, That said building be wreck wreckinand g aand�reed that a copy of this "solution,iobyothegCemmissioner of Parka, movel of said building, last known record owner Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; beIt FURTHER RE80LVEp, That it, within ten days atter the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. C. F. N.. 110226—BY'F. M: Truax— Whareee, as. Provldad bY.Comcil Flle Q. '3o0899, approved January 26, 1938 tho,: Council did. oa the 18th dA. ay o*•1, k`ebruary. 2t tan o'clock tuber-ot.tha N;.� � �• �'�1, hold FEB 231938 COUNC LMEN Adopted by the Council' _ __....__. Yeas Nays FEB 23 1933 Approved ._ A93 Yndan Parrant In Favor rce /�eterson aya . /"?Against Weime sat tat Mr. Vice d Feb. 18th, 1936 Mr. John 14. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Rall Dear Sir. The City Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of that certain two-story frame dwelling on Lot u, Block 4, %ittson's addition, also known as No. 522 Broadway. Yours very truly, City Clerk. n CITY OF SAINT PAUL' Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Feb. 18th, 1936 Mr. John 14. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Rall Dear Sir. The City Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of that certain two-story frame dwelling on Lot u, Block 4, %ittson's addition, also known as No. 522 Broadway. Yours very truly, City Clerk. n r1ho I. an C h PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ................... 110227 ....CIL NO., CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I� F xo. s, 410887 Nv F. M. Truaz COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM I Wherea9s Drovlded hY Council File No. 198898 il appprdved Januaryh 86 1988 the Councdid on the .38tdaY �� /'- /' P•'. T 1988 a _;'clock A. Mi the Coy.,t. ...............DATE ........... 1 M .-J _- ........ � ftleamum WHEREAS, AS provided by Council File No. 109898, approved January 259 1938, the Council did, on the 18th day of February 1938, at ten o'clock A. Y. in the Council Chamber of the Court House, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain house at No. 287 Hoffman Avenue, located on the northerly part of Lot 1, Block 39, Lyman Dayton's Addition, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved �\ May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building/) is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council- . FEB 2 31936 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193.._ Yeas Na a - �.s 3 A 1638 Ian Approved _ _ 193...... ce In Favor trrson r i Mayor . Against Vie President (Tlvalc) PUBLISHED —� c — 3 Q CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Feb. 18th, 1938 Mr. John W. McCoru eloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of that certain house at 287D oe Addition. located on the northerly part of Lot 1, Block 391 Lyman ton Yours very truly, City Clerk. 110228 pdp4 to Cly auk .. COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL nL. _- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK:.-----,_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ; C. F No macs—Hy F. EL ;ri a Where" m-Drov11}p . ounon rovedd Jsauary Rfi',: PRESENTED BY DATE •� ttFaheeti-rCuagrdYaa 1i88daid. at o aR^hoec:l.olcat ....COMMISSIONERltrhh e A d aC; HRuo +- .nhAd heartn or" or eae debity of w 7 WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 109897, approved January 28, 1938, the Council diff, on the 18th day of February 1938, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wreaking that certain barn located on Lot 9, Block 6, Elfel%, Bernhelmer de Arnold'& Addition, being in the rear of 366 Fuller Avenue, following due C-V)/ notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wreaked and removed; therefore be it RESOLVED, that said building be wreaked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wreaking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known -address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it FORTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COrian EN YeasNaY �/��{ In Favor e son Against MI. Vice C (1+ Adopted by the Council.R Gv.. 13 1__ __ 193__ Approved _..._." .`'8..... __ 193....... .... _..._ �/.'__ PUBLISHED„ : 6-�3 Feb. kith, 1935 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution (go. 2) confirming the condemnation of that certain barn located on Lot 9, Block 6, Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnold'a Addition, being in the rear of 365 Fuller Ave. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CIN CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Feb. kith, 1935 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution (go. 2) confirming the condemnation of that certain barn located on Lot 9, Block 6, Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnold'a Addition, being in the rear of 365 Fuller Ave. Yours very truly, City Clerk. O,isw I< cfty a.& 110229 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL NO-- OFFICE O.....OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.......... .... !.11.T........ y ..... ..... ........DATE '... ................. ..........._. ............... ' AAA''' .,. WBEBEAS, By Council File No. 109934, approved January 26, 1938, the Council determined that that certain dwelling at 1269 Soheffer Street, on Lot 18, Einar T. Schuletad Subdivision, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; and / WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or agent, and said building has not been torn down; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. w C. F No�',11022a—BY F. W_ Truax— Vii uax— Whereas BY Counon leo 1009aA.. a y ved .i A." 26, 1 Y he 0111 MI 3 t mI—d that that,-oer la dwell- 9 �cheKer 51reeL on ,1/!S .]'„ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays dlan „arrant In Pavor eterson Against e.37Mr. Vice 1,reiidemt (Truax) nc 3 FEB 2 31938 Adopted by the Council 193 _ FEB 231938 Approved .............. _...... _193_.... ! Mavor pUBLISHED J CITY OF SAINT PAUL " Capital. of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commrssioner of Registration Feb. lath, 1938 Mr. John Q. McConneloug Corporation Counsel city gall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. j) arka, Playgrounds & Public Buildings to directing the Commissioner of P enter upon the premises and wreck t�ie12691Scheffer ling on St 18, Einar T. Schulstad Subdivision, also known as, truly, ' Yours very city Clerld: /f . W. LA MONT KALIFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt of Playgrounds CIH Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner February 17, 1938 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: Under date of February 2, 1936, a printed copy of Coun- cil File No. 109934 was mailed to Pdr-. Alvin Peterson, 708 Burr Street, which resolution directed the wrecking and removal of the dwelling on Lot 18, Einar T. Schul- stad Subdivision, also known as 1269 Scheffer Street, in accordance with the last paragraph of the above named resolution, may we advise that no appeal has been made to this office for a rehearing on this condemnation and the building is still in place? u truly, C Architect LAR..0 to City Clerk ORDINANCE 1 COUNCIL FILE NO.— 30 PRESENTED ® ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, entitled: 'An ordinance dividing the Classified Service in the City of Saint Paul into eight epeoialized services, a skilled labor service, and an unskilled service, and defining and,fixing the titles, duties and qualifications for the various positions within each service." This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the pre- servation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINS Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking from said ordinance the minimum qualifications for the position of Senior Pumping Station Engineer and by inserting in lieu thereof the followings ,Common school education and five years' experience as stationary engineer, two years of which shall have been in the operation, maintenancean spair of pumping station, steam generatI r refrigeration plant equipment, or t e equivalent equal of such experience. Bust furnish a first-class engineer's license.■ Section 2. This ordinance is hereby, declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public,peaoe, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force upon its passage, approval an4bublication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barluss Findlan Parranto Pearce Peterson Truax Mr. P dent (Gehan) �.�—L Attest: City Clerk 300 7-37 Ca 20089 Passed by the Council MNK 10 X338 —In Favor Against Approved: Mayor . PUBLISHED S -1L .37 e'd4lw b CRY Ct k , . COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL au NO.___.__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CI ES LUTION---GENE L FORM PRESENTED DY COMMISSIONER- .........__ ATE ............... ._......... _.. ........_...._. RESOLVED That the band given to the Board of Rater Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul by John C. Flanagan, as Assistant Secre- tary of said Board, which bond is in the sum of $8,000.00, dated February 4, 1938, with the United States Casualty Company as sure- ty, approved as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance, and as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same Is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is instructed to file said bond in the Office of the City Comptroller. COUN MEN Yeas Nays f✓ Tan Jarranto (7Favor e rson _ _ . Against .A("" 3M MV. `ice P"r idellt arnw Al" Q F. No.-11023q—BY A. F. Peterson, —Idoyted by the Council Feb. E3, 1988. ADvr .d Feb. 33 1938. (F.eb. 8�, 1938) FEB 2 31938 Adopted by the Council 193 .. FEB 2 3 l :3 Approved//......._ _ iq3_..... Mayor ___ _ _.. Od.l'ul t. Dly 0.% 110232 CITY CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —J2C9NCIL RESOLUTIONA-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B , Ir✓ ...... .......... ........... ........ DATE...._. __.._ RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners be alAd it is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Wallace J. Murray, provid- ing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $18.60 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Water Depart- ment, on the 28th day of January 1938; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Wallace J. Murray the sum of $37.20 ouS of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the e" of Water Commissioners, being for the period to std including February 19, 1938. COUNMEN Yeas N a u. /idlan ce In Favor rson Against ,M »W Vice Preaidaut FEB 2 31838 Adopted by the Council__ _— _ . ..193.. FEB `'' " t Approved �� c`193 Mayor 110233 ckiswi.t. as a.t RLL CLLNO.. _.._ _.. CITY OF ST. PAUL - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /—COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM - TE BY -�✓ �7 .........DATE... ......... CommCOMM,SSI NE ..... ... ! V -.. _._._.... __... Aeeok.v6a WHEREAS, Joseph 0. Barrett, Asst -Chemist & Bacteriologist, of the W ater Department of the City of Saint Paul, will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of at least thirty days (30) from and after the 15th day of February, 1938, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has recommended that Joseph 0. Barrett be granted a thirty day leave of absence for disability with pay, from and after the 15th day of February 1938, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence for Joseph 0. Barrett for thirty (30) days from and after February 15, 1938, with full pay• COUNC MEN Yeas Nays e gn anto ;E, n Favor n , jwemel f .../Against eM s•7y�M r' Vice Piesldent Adopted by the Council FEB.Z 3 _19:0 _.._193..... ;? 938 Approved 193....... i odaw to atv a.* , CITY OF ST. PAUL COi"c" No. J 1.0234 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��NCII OLU N ---GENERAL FORM POMMI ED BY Pebrasry 2j, 1938•COMMISSIONER............. .... ........ ......[`,ATE.... .... ............ RESOLVED v That license for Fael Dealer, application 25096, applied for by the Joseph W. DaYour Caal Co. at 2919 Hiawatha Ave.,Minneepolis, be and the same is hereby denied because the applicant does not comply with Ordinance #7837 as amended by Ordinance #7891, requiring a St. Paul office, and the proper city officers be and they are authorized to refand to the Joseph A. DoPour Coal Co. the fee of $25.00 and to cancel said application for license. (10234—Hy I. C. Pearce. F. M. Raeojved.T ah tRlieenee for Fael Deal- . appllCatlon 26006,. apylied for by the JnaephN. DeFour Coal Co., Rt 2019. Rlawatha. Ave... 74ilpne8Po11., be -by Che�Counetl Feb. 29. 1989. 8 (Feb, 99 1999) E COUN91WEN Yeas n ;eareo Na In Favor ,Fre*'t Against arrasto Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 3-37 Adopted by the Council FU $ 3 V -Y7 � _ 193_ s,} �� t�A Approved.._... f� _ rz _� �9 ___ 193....... ooswj ,o air awk COUNCIL r' 110235 CRY OF ST. PAUL nLa NO........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE --GENERAL FORM PRESENTE BY COMMISSIONER-- .. ...... .........._... _...... .. ......—P--r-�„eR�.rATE......13E Febroary...23..._19.38........... RESOLVED That license for Fuel Dealer, application 23542, applied for by the Dakota Coal Co.,Inc. at 712 Cedar Ave. Minneapolis, be and the same is hereby dinied because the applicant does not comply with Ordinance $7837 as emended by Ordinance $7891, requiring a St. Paul office, and the proper city officers be and they are authorized to refund to the Dakota Coal Oo., Inc. the fee of $20.84 and to cancel said application for license; the 1l�aa amount of $4.16 having been deducted because the applicant operated for a period of 2 months on said application. COUNCI EN Yeas Naye � Fn In Favor e _Against I.�u.�fiLftt� Parranto qdft!EtWdeAf- QUM 3m }Wr. Vice Yrecident (TrWx) C. F. No. uo228—BY x. 6. Pearcl, P. M. Il., r., sTB. fxt e Retolved. That license for Fuel Deal- er, application 23842, aploted for by the Dakota Coal. Co., Inc. st'712. Cedar Ave.. Mlnneanatle.he andthesame I. Council Feb. 23. 1988. 28. 1988. . 29, 1938) - FEB 2 31938 Adopted by the Council _ __ _. _ ___ _ _ _ _.193. F E B k a 1;38 Approved..... _ - _ .193_._ . �hJ, '/ q/, �ayr 0,111.1 ,. city DpY 11023_. CITY OF ST. PAUL FL. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (' /I COUNCIL R7r$OL-y,'1'ION --- GENERAL FORM ... ..... Li. moi/ �."-`r.�..........DATE......... rebr.. ar 23....19.34e.- RESOLVED 934 ..._ RESOLVED V 1, That license for Fuel Dealer, application 24472, applied for by the Jewel Coal & Mining Co, at 1410 Collins, SS. Mpnnespolis, be and the same is hereby denied because the applicant does not comply with Ordinance *7837 as amended by Ordinance $7891, requirbag a St. Paul office, and the proper city officers be and they are authorized to refund to the Jewel Coal & Mining Co, the fee of $25.00 and to cancel said application for license. r' C. Pearce,. F.�X Council Feb. 23, 1638. 23. 1838. 26. 1838) KB 2 3 6938 Yeas COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193 T earce Favor Approved..._ 193..... �terson �' _ Against __ Mayor 1M 3.3 Od11M1 to Qtr a k Vr, CITY OF ST. PAUL r7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RE$I-U -- GENERAL FORM ......... .............. .. .. ........./+/+.. ..DATE... 110237 eDD,.� LFIL. NO. ...... .... .........._ February .23.. _1938._ . ......... V MMS, license for Barber Shop, application 23468, applied for by Elmer Breniser at 1092 Payne Ave. was granted by the City Council on December 16, 1937, (Council Bile 109575). and WHEREAS, Elmer Breniser paid $10.00 on said Barber application for license which expires January 9, 1939. therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Elmer Breniser is entitled to a refund of $7.00 pursuant to Ordinance No. 7524 as amended by,Ordinance No. 7878, passed by the City Council on December 23, 1937. Yeas Nay � use ,PSsdlan �`In Pavor e rson a0 Against 1st 1A7 Mr. Vke president C. il' No, 110287—By I. C. Pearce. F. M. Truax,: a., 8. Barfuse— Whereas, ]tcenae for Barber 9hoyy, aDDllcatlon;-23448, anplled for b9 H)- 1 mer Brettfxer "' 109E Payne Ava wak scanted by Mne 01. Council on De-. ember 18, 1987, (Co...,, F11e 109875), and Whereas, Hlmer Breniser paid ><)0.00 on Bald Barber apoll.ation' for license which-explrea January 9, 1989; there- fore, he. It Resolved,. that IDlmer Bronlzer feen- titled. to �& refund of .97.00. 9LIreuent to I Ordinance.No. TeE4 as amended by Or- dinance No: 7878, Da99edby the City Council on Decembet 28: iD8T. Adopted, by the Co._, '.b. E8. 1988. ApDroyed.. Feb. E8. 1896: (Feb. 28, 1988) EB 2 31938 Adopted by the Couof_ _ _ _..... _ _ _.. 193 Approved.... FEB 2 / 193..... . Mayor o,.bw i. Cit. ak 110238 CITY OF ST. PAUL..... No., .�. NO. // OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE TI GENERAL FORM 0 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .. .. ..........__. .. ... ........... _....— _.._....._... ATE Feb. 23, 1939., __....__........... RESOLVED That licenses appliedfor by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk ie instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: A. Gatti 106 E. 5t11 St. Restaurant App. 24872 New Old Location " " " " Confectionery " 24873 " a a Eugene Frisco 546 Payne Ave. Pool Tables " 25238 " a ■ " I" " " Confectionery " 26296 " a a Maurice D. Arner 82 E. Ninth St. Gas Station " 25247 " a a (falter E. Fondriok 4302 Chicago Ave. Minneapolis. Oil Burner Installer " 25343 " Yeas Nay 8 / jndlan /e�rce In Favor e eon c -Against IM > 37 Mr. Vice President F. No.':110238-By I. C.'Pe dr ,'F.3L k D. Arner. 82 El. Ninth St., on, ADD. 28247 Slew. Ola Lo- -D. Fondrlck. 4802 ChlcaRo .ea He. O11 Burner. Insta - 16843 New. -- baht' the. Cou ..i.1 Feb. 28. 1888, FEB 2 31938 Adopted by the Council. 193 FEB 2,3 1938 Approved.... ..._ 193....... Mayor OtlalaN 1. Cir a k"0239 CITY OF ST. PAUL :�:�`" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RES GENERAL FORM Z PRESENTED .! .DATE....... Febrttary..23....1938......... .. COMMISSIONER ........ .. ................. .._._._.._. _. ... RESOLVED That lloenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk•ie instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feest Harold M. Hansen 255 W. 7th St. Gas Station App. 22809 Renewal Ben Breslow 1140 S. Robert St. Brocery ■ 24835 N Green Gate Grill 364 St. Peter St. Restaurant N 25121 N n " " N N On Sale Malt N 25122 " Fred Wyss 933 B. 7th St. Bakery N 25155 N H. M. Pilcher 574 Wabaeba St. Dance Hall N 25235 N NN n N Dance Hall N 25236 N Wm. M. Cassius 854 Selby Ave. Barber " 25250 N V. St.Germain 388 St. Peter St. Confectionery N 25253 N Gene Grossman 2190 Como Ave. Grocery N 25254 N Clyde Fish 106 S. Robert St. Restaurant N 25260 N DeLoop Service Station Inc. 382 Cedar St. Gas Station N 25264 N Ed Hotinger 509 Selby Ave. Restaurant N 25269 N On Sale Malt N 25270 N a a n N Off Sale Malt N 25271 N Women's Work Exchange Inc. 378 St. Peter St. Confectionery N 25277 N A. H. Moeller Hamm Bldg. Barber N 25278 N Atlas Gas $ Oil Co. 1775 E. 7th St. Gas Station N 25279 N Chas. Gentile 499 Payne Ave. Restaurant " 25292 " n N n N Off Sale Malt " 2528j N N N N N On Sale Malt " 25284 N Mrs. H. M. Picha 171* W. 4th St. Hotel N 25288 ■ COUN91LMEN Adopted by the Ciou JEB 2 3 1938_ _ _ _193.__ . Yeas �In Pearce, F� W.TI'na.SG.. B`BarfusI dlan Resolved, that licensee a..Md for FERfin, the 4 rsonamed on=wehl autlrh h e•.,r Approved_ 193..... Favor r7 ri eterson AgainstC •� Mayor �—"— 7M Ya vice president 11th! Cdobw to a,r Oak COUNCIL 110240 CITY OF ST. PAUL .u■ NO.__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RET7;��...DATE— FORM PRESENTED BY l/V(/� .. __. _ ... COMMISSIONER ............. i81oREAS, Rocco Peterfeso has made application 25368 for license to operate as an auto livery upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one (1) Packard automobile, Motor No. 331675, Serial No. 464933, covered by Anchor Casualty Co. insurance policy NO. 127766, and WHEREAS, said applicant has filed a copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has beem approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as an auto livery upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Rocco Peterfeso, and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the repaired fee. C. F. No. 110240—By I. C. Pearce, F. M. Renewal Truax, O. A. Barfuee—. Whereas, R.— Feterfeso has made application 26368 for license to over. '",' Y19 an 'eltt0 1IV oty LpOp e to it . 313$ COUNCI MEN Adopted by the Council_FEB 2 _... 193__ . Yeas Nay , flan ti Approved Zpce In Favor kar b' .. Against11 Mayor t e'n`E LISEiR ,M 1.ms(r- Vice Prwdent (T .. ofl•fool 10 City c.k q CITY OF ST. PAUL c2ft—` No. -34 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R/PRESENTED B\/F�//f/O�N --- GENERAL FORM COMM 9S ONE .... ......._ _... ..._- ...... .. .:......�,,.-. ....... .�.. ,. ...�ri..�........_DATE.... Beb11a8�'p_. �r.3......�.93 .R ........ RESOLVED 1 That Off Sale Liquor license 0121. expiring January 31. 1939. issued to Charles P. Schwietz at 1111 Arcade St. be and the same is/Sgnbdjerred to Charles P. Schwietz at 1110 Arcade St. and the groper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. transfer informally approved by council. Feb. 17. 1938. C. R. No. 110241-8yy d. C. Pearse. F. m Truax, 6. H. BarI-`"— Rea01;oGd. Thab Oir Sale LlaUer 11. cense sue :421. explrinR January el, 1989, t..d to Charl%d s P. Schwleta at 1111 Aicade Bt. be and'the same Is hereby transferred. to Charles P. r Schwlet. at 1110 Areeda nt.. and -'.the proper city .. officers are lnetru n% to =reathe. proper changes in the City's ' ecorda-- Adopted by the. Council b, a3, 1998. Approved FebE9. 1988. (Feb.89,.1988,) COUEN Yeas 71n �f m }fl4Ian earce .._. Favor I'll-terson a . Against arrant0 3M 1.1W. Vice President (I)MW g 2 31938 Adopted by the Coun ' _ _...193...... Approved .... _ 193._._ C /� V,. / Maytn CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ //�� APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No.-------- (Th6 form must be filled Qpt in to e,e nDDliutlonQbr rid �woro stat -1 m.hn d�by tha L1Quor Contml C.—f-1— & the St -t- of MinnnuW Name of Applicant— - ---_—_--- Age------_----- Residence Address --- -- Telephone No. -------- Are you a citizen of the United tea? -- ------- -------- Have you ever been engaged in operatin& a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? aU When and where?-----�_L S��'1tGI� -- --- — ----- - If corporation, give date when incorporated--_---------------------------------- ------------ -------------- Name and address of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be sold--- - ---- — - - - - --- - ---- - -- - - - - -- Name of surety company which will write bond, if known _ ------ Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward ffy / D ,fit fade : a•7.&74tt)� How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) How many feet from church (measured along streets) ? Q d._ --__--------------------------- How many feet from closest public parochial high or grade school (measured along streets) Name of closest school—��� -- ---------- How -----How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?_ On what floor located?-__—_- _ —_ -------------------- If leased, give name of owner__ Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store?- W4VfVP _ (' How long have you operated present business at present site?__1rZ_ _J Do you now have an "On Sale" non -intoxicating liquor license? -440 __----__- ---- ;----- (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must be verified.) Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated ------------ - - ----195- y Inspector. d- LicensePPLI T. ---- - F9'= APPLICATION FOR AN OFF tALE TRANSFER LICENSE state Of M* ts County of i To the Council oj- County of ----!e To William Mahoney Liquor Control Commissioner 2645 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota The undersigns d - of the municipality Of 19-/ county of State of Minne t reby makes app!4calp for a yan fer of the Retailer's Off Sale Intoxicating Quor License issued to No located at e a eto— —municipality of: V- which license ie to I t OA, d4, —municipal in accordance withlsions of the Laws of 1933-34, Chapter 46, for a period -commencing_ F and endin 193-f— The n e ignedagreesto ply with all the municipal and state laws and with all the rules and regulations u;i: to be p.,P prescribed and 0 d by the L2iqZr Control Commissioner. YA.e Da tbig day of 0 193. PERSONAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE, OF MINTESOTA County of has read said ap 7— being firdly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant named abovc t he; �hcatio. and e contents and that the same is true of his own knowledge. Subscribed 7n�jdorn to befo m Py f QLl Grit u. CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA County of On the 19.1 before me, a notary public, duly commissioned in and for said county, came the of the company, who, by me being duly sworn, deposes Ed says that he that he ow the of orate seal of said company and that he signed his name thereto Of th company, and acknowledges the execution thereof to be of his own free act and deed and free act of said company. Subscribed and sworn to before me thisdayof 193— (SEAL) E��c od,IW m tar a«li c -.N— NO.. -110222 COY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES UT�GENERAL FORM Z PRESENTED BY Febrll8ry 2 , 1939•..._ _.._........... COMMISSIONER ..... _.. ,......_ _..._.. _.._.. .._.___.. ,DATE... RESOLVED That license for P1ie1 Dealer, application 23760, applied for by the Midwest Coal & Coke Co. at 257 Cedar Ave. Minneapolis, be and the same is hereby denied because the applicant does not comply with Ordinance $7837 as amended by Ordinance ;7991, requiring A a St. Yanl office, and the proper city officers be and they are authorized to refund to the Midwest Opal & Coke Co. the fee of $17.72 and to cancel said application for license; the fee of $7.29 having been deducted because the applicant operated for a period of 3j months on said application. C. F: No. 110242.–BY I. C. Pearce. F. Truaz, 0. H. Bartues— geaolvadpp. That license for Fuel by�the Mid ettoCoa178& Co�ce11Co.tatf 267 Cedar Ave.. Minneapolfe, be andj. the same Is hereby dented because the aDPllcant does not comply with Ordl- na.nce No. 7887 se amended by Ordl- Hance- No. 7a91, renulringg a St. Paul office, and Lha proper city officer. be the MldwesteCoslh& Coke Coe the nd Lee t 517.7E and to cancel said avDlica- Hon for llaen.e: the tee of 51.28 7fev- Ina been deducted because the aDDlt- cant-Onerated for a Derlofl .of 864 months n Bald aDDltcatlon. Adm,ADDroved Feb• a 1 98. fib. 28. 1988.. (Feb. 28. 19a51 I FEB 231938 COUN - LMBN Adopted by the Council 193. Yeas Na �% r;9 I�,ai�` dlan Approved_ _._ _ 193..__ 3YYearu In Favor e". _ li---- ...�Againat 1 .� Mayor 591902 Paent:{ ax^'... Im 7•3vice rread-t (7'rt Od.bul 1. Qty auk - 110243 �o'"�,� CITY OF ST. PAUL r�u NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U'COUNC,1L RE L I ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B ZQ COMMISSIONE ............ _ .. ............ ..DATE- Feb. 3,..1939• .. ....... S, Mrs. Florence G. Kohn desires to withdraw application 25$05 for Restaurant license. application 25406, for On Sate Malt Beverage license, and application 2540T. for Off Sale Malt Beverage license at 42T Wabasha St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Mrs. Florence G. Kohn the fees of $10.00, $50.00, and $5.00 and to cahcel said applications for licenses. COUMBN Yeas N s /Ifindlan /P/�aearce In Favor Re son .Against idem lM 3.37 . dice I'reeident 'i 10213—By I. C. Pearce, F. M:I. ;M Florence G. Kohn de. withdraw application 25408 tyrant - ncense, atIphanUon On Sale Mait Beverage 11_ aDollcatlI 86407, for OQ beverage license at 467 Wa- and re0ueste_ the return of 'e fee deposited thereon; )e IL that the prober city o[- nd theyy era heYeby It to Mre. Florence G. o of 51000, =80.00, and LO cancel Bald nDDllcatlo.s by the Councll Feb. 28, 1938, I Feb. 23, x988: (Feb. 28.1938) Adopted by the Council FEB .2 3 M8 193 Approved _ n _ 193 � Mayor 110244 Od,lml I. aH tl.d, counn' CITY OF ST. PAUL rn, NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RLP-TIO'. ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYBeb• �(KV/ ZZ COMMISSIONER ........... .. ............ ................. . ........ ........... ......... ..... ATE....... ..2Jf Z93S• WHERRS, Harry J. Torrey desires to withdraw application 2$81+9 for On Sale Liquor license at 881 Rice St, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby aithorized to refund to Harry J. Torrey the fee of $1,000. and to cancel said application for license. C. F. No. 310244—By T. C. Pearce. F. If. Tr..., O. H. Bart a.,— Whereas, Harry J. Torrey desires to Ithdraw application 24849 for On Sale or li'en's at 881 Rice St. and re- puest9 tT�e return f the license tee deposited tbereon: therefore. be It _ Resolved, that the prober cl ty of- flcere be sad tb0 are hereby author- ized to refund to Harry J. Torrey the fee of $1,000 and -to cannel eafd npplf- catlon farlI.—a. Adopted by the Council Feb. 23. 1938.1 j Approved Feb. 23. 3938. I (Feb. 28, 1938) I FFB g t°38 COUNCJLMEN Adopted by the Council _. 193 Yeas Na FEB ( , dlan Approved . _ 193...... tz Favor —/ Against �JJ 1r� 1 1 Mayor ]M IV. vice y1AldCllt Od,IMI b o1v Cl k / 1 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ....................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R"OLUTIQbI --- GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No110245._.. Feb.. 23,193$ - RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, application 2%$3. On We Malt Beverage. application 25324, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 25325, applied for by Catherine Hoot at 1764 University Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. 'No. ^3021G -8Y 1 C -Pearn& F. New, the payment Into the city treasury of Informally approved by Council. Feb. 17, 1939- the Teaplr!d fees. Old Location. Adopted by the Covncll Feb. 48. 1838: Approved Feb. 28. 193 - .. COUN LMEN Yeas use Na dlan ffce iPe rson ^In Favor / /) Against to Ilmrtrtfbnrid(Se6&pax) FEB 2 In 8 Adopted by the Council _ 193 _ Approved.__ Mayor�— 110246 oa,bW w as awk Cuomo_ NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK \ COUNCIL �)ct7'TlQN --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED_ BY ` ��.� ._DATE February. 23-. 1930- ...... ........... RESOLVED a lication 25172, On Sale Malt That license for Off Sete Malt Beverage' pP Beverage, application 25173, and Restaurant, application 25174, applied for by pynilio ricwAanti at 2754 N. 7th St, be and the same are hereby graded and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Iffiormally approved by council, reb. 11, 1936. Old Location. C.OUN MEN y�N l;�dlan Ce In Favor Against v.. rnt 3M �30r. Vice Preaideut (Truax) C. Couheil Feb. 23. 1938. 23.19 88. 28.1938) Adopted by the Council FEB 2 3193$ __I9z_ r. . Approved.... 193...._. .. ......... Mayor 11024'7 I odsww t. atv a k ;o `NnL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RFj U ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY...:.._..DATE.__ 7eb.•. 23,_.1938.. _... . __......... ... COMMISSIONER.......... _ __... ..._._..__.. .... ... .......... 1 RESOLVED That license for Hestanrant,applicaiion 25259, On Sale Malt Beverage. application 25290, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 25291, applied for by Mrs. Fanny Breslaw at 144 S. Robert St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the requir as. New, Informally approved by Council, Feb. 15, 1935• Old Location. C0UNqZ&1EN Nay Yeas 6i 7�dlan cce In Favor ( Against E. 1/ . r ant Mr. Vice Yreaident (2Ytlaw) X. 110247—BY I. C. F—mo.:F. M. Adoyted by the Covnefl F 93 eb. 23, 18. AVD ...d Feb. 23. 1939. (Feb. 28, 1938) FEB 2 3 1938 Adopted by the Council 193_ t IJ�v Approved __ 193...... Mayor o,." b cny a k �, COUNCIL 110248 CITY OF ST. PAUL I. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOILUZTGENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Y/`/�J reb....93, 193$e..... .._........ 14 RESOLVED That license for Restaurant. application 25271. on Sale Malt Beverage, application 25222, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 25223, applied for by Oscar Schmeling and Bred Johnson at 1598 University Ave. be and the same is are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Now, Informally approved by council. Feb. 10, 1938. Old Location. COUN MEN Yeas NaY ues /7AIan cece In Favor �Yeterson Against 77 p tc OEM 3M 3.3AMt.. QK•'e F,..c+riPnt ('lY't;$xJ FEB 23 IM Adopted by the Council_ __ 193 Approved 193...._. or� � � Mavor DdtTmi f. D„ DeY l 110249 CITY OF ST. PAUL iii"c" NO....._. _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �S�N COUNCILt-----G�.ENNEERAAL FORM PRESENTED BY February 19...1930+._.__._........ COMMISSIONER ........ ..... ...... .. ............ ... .... RESOLVED e That Oil Burner Installation license 4385, expiring May 1, 1938, issued to 0. L. Held at 77 EnaicAtt Arcade be and the same is hereby transferred to 0. L. Held at 160 W. Fourth St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. transfer informally approved by Council, Feb. 17. 1939- CO rEN Yeas Nay foes •dIan Ece In Favor /'e t9on Against ,M r97 Mr. Vice!'reaident rC. F. No. 110249—By 1. C. Pearce, F. Df. TruttBarfves— tl sd n license Nho.t 3661 . ➢ In" M n i- ""' issued to C. L- Held et i77 erebY trap f transferred to C dL. Heid ats 16oTeW Fourth St. and the DroDer clty of: erech ngesif n In thsdolty�0 r—rd1:1988. Adopted by the Counefl Feb. 23. 1938. iAvuroved Feb. 23.1938. - tFeb. 28. 1998) Adopted by the CouncFi E B 2 31938 193 Approved_ _. ✓ . _ 193....... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Feb. 15th, 1938 Hon. Axel F. Peterson Comsr. of Finance City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you the attached letter of Carnegie -Northwest Sales requesting the transfer of their 011 Burner installation license to 160 W. Fourth St. and requested that you make a report as to the tax situation. Yours very truly, rOIL- CityClerk. �. PLAT WARD `7`` PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: )Illy 2 3 .`/,o ,�j V /o ak / G. c'e ►te r✓/�t°r OWNER:: DELINQUENT TAXES: NONE FEB 16 1938,x/" j (� DATE_ GtIEC D: � � v FINANCE D COUNCIL FILE NO ............. __.... -.._---- f; By-.` _._.__._............_...._ ..__.._.....-....-. 110250 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Block 2, Lorena Park, from Etna Street to Clarence Street, C: F. No. 110250— In the Matter of the aeeesement of Deneflte, coats and eaDen6e6 for Krading Alley In nlock 2. Lorena Park, from Etna Street to Clarence Street, under Preliminary Order 102595, Intermedi,:7. « -or 103W Flnol nrn.r �^. ander Preliminary Order... ... ........ .IO2.h.95.......... ,..__....____, Intermediary Order_._..._._...10323(L...._.__.____.._..___., 103443 ........._..'_.._._.........� approved......-...___. .April 9, 1937 Final Order_.........._........_. _._._............__..._..�,_ The assessment of_...._benefits.,.__costs.,_and...expenses................._-.,-__.,.._._.,..mor and in connection with .Y.4- the above improvement having been submitted to thgCouncil, and ih�` biincil having considered.eame and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said 'asseasment be and the same.is dlereby in all respects approveA RESOLVED FURTHER, That publie hearing be -had on said assessment on the?3rd ____day of March, 1938 192 ....... ... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. . ` Adopted by the Council........_FE6..2+ i. lye _........__......................... ..._....._....... ...... - - - - City Clerk. Approved ------ :...:.......... _._............ __.._....__192—.__. / 1......T�. Ut�Y"_, Mayor. Councilman Clarwsmaimm Harfass " Fere Findlan Hod . °� Pearce menwighMmam Petersoa SudSWUMBOMOM Mayor eft Form B, B. 19 Mr. i'i_e i'rtsident( e ' PUBLISHED) Dy INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Lucy Street from Stryker Avenue to Winslow Avenue, i under Preliminary Order 109964 approv ' Jaiivary 27 1938. The Council of the City of St. -Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon . the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and t$e satd impmvemenE �s t; hereby ordered to be proceeded, with 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is bondelml and; take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the;g;eding of Lucy Street from Stryker Avenue to Winslow Avenue, in Accordance with hhe blue pt int hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cu"ts aad shaded portions shrnving the fills,tak --- c r x� uoz6i InIngge n e arme t In ben -Ing land d- far lone-, t- d fills 1:99 �. grading 1 on 1-1,Y street from stryjQ A e to winaloa- Avenue, q� 109964 an with no alternatives aad that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. a .. Resolved- Further, That a public hearing be had•on said improvement on the " "22nd `' play of M,,,h 193, at the hour of .10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul, That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and,place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated��� Adopted by the Counc l FEB 2 3 1934' 193— 2,!/��—I APP;`. B 2 2 1938 193 ��ityClerky CouncilBar(asa: CouncilmatFre Findlak ^ CouncilmaPearce / U Peterson . Mayor +-^ * Form B. S. A. 8-6 We P —53 110252 COUNCIL FILE NO — a INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading Lucy Street from Stryker Avenue to Winslow Avenue, under Preliminary Order 109963 approved January 27, 1938. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade Lucy Street from Stryker Avenue to Winslow Avenue, C.11026E — In the Matter or grtpit- o Street from Stryker rAvenue-to wl0sd- Avenue, under Preliminary Order 109988 avDroved Tahuat y E7. 1998. T•., nun •.i' O! the CILY al jv._Paul �! io- r, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ -" W.P.A. project. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 22nd day of March —193-q.— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give noticeof said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_FEB 9 2 192A 193— Approve 2. —193-- Clerk Mayor Councilmarwhtaft=W3 Barfass Councilmar q ---M Findtan f� Councilmatit ----2 Pearce Councilma g .A.'y'-MM— M Peterson Councilman' d9M Councilma Mayor • Vk- Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBLISHED +r s 110253 COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grade and surface the Alleys in Block 2, Fitzhugh's Subdivision and Block 2, John A. Coke's Addition, from Oxford Street to the North and South Alley and from Thomas Street to Lafond Street, under Preliminary Order 109863 approved rahuery 12, la3A The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the'above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface the Alleys in Block 2, Fitzhugh's Subdivision and Block 2, John A. Coke's Addition, from Oxford Street to the North and South Alley and from Thomas Street to Lafcnd Street, C. F. No. 730262— . - Inthe eAli�e9aerin [Block e2 �Fit3huBh'a SuLdivis�on and Block 2. John At _ Coke's Addition, from Oxford Streea with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,374.62. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 22nd iiggwrF March 193 8 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Co House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notict; of ' said meeting to e persons sons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 3193$ — Adopted by the CounciSEB 2 193 Approved FES 2 193— Mayor- CouncilmarNVORM8200 Barfasa CounciimarghtK7M—M Findian Councilmarf Pearce O CouncilmarV4%bs"eii "-=3 Peterson CouncilmarAfriax i. Councilmar eL-;-�+ � MayorWasaw ' Q Form B. S. A. 8.6 3rur. Vim 1'r�ident(Troaxl �_ l COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 110254; In the Matter of condemning and taking an 'easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alleys in Block 2, Fitzhugh's'`- Subdivision, and Block 2, John A. Coke's Addition from Oxford Street to the North and South Alley and from Thomas Street to Lafond Street, under Preliminary Or 109864 approvedJanuary_] 9,lg-3A- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ' the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said iepoiE an& the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an egsement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alleys in Block 2, Fitzhua#l's Subdivision, and Block 2, John A. Coke's Addition from Oxford Street to the North and South Alley and from Thomas Street to Lafond Street, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, _ C. F. No. 110254— in 10254— IaIngeanmatter asement in ethel land neves- Wary for aioaee, ute and 811e in the 9Yin Bllock�8 Fitshnlgh a aubdivtelon -od Block 2. John A. Coke's Add't',+o 50 a oxrrrd Sand f t c rn 4- .00. ca„ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ ,...�=.t Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 22nd day'of March 193-q._ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice>of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place.of clear ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council FEB 23 I% 193— Approve FEB 23 I _193- City Cletk / / _ Mayor.: Councilman 111WIMINBarfa� CounciIman4KWPMM=M Findlan Councilman Pearce Councilman eeti" `' Peterson Councilman � 'z'""'I 'Councilman Mayor +� Form B. S. A. 8.6 'Vice 1 [eftdd°t Maw r _ -- pflS)uTS�ED'3 U 0,111-1 W chy ak110255 CITY OF ST. PAUL CO1fC1 NO.. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 GOUNTR SOLU ON ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ......... .._............ .... .... ............ ...._........ �...........DATE.. ...........February...1@,...1955..._...... RESOLVED W13EREM, the regular budget funds have been entirely expended for oindering icy streets, removal of snow, and for repairing snow cleaning equipment, and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the protection of lives and safety of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul to enable the Department of Public Works to cinder icy streets, and remove snow; therefore' be it RESOLVED, That the )IlWor and Comptroller bthey) e her byy authorised and directed to borrow the sum of and to execute and, to the ,de v party or parties making the loan a promissory note payable to such party or parties bearing interest at the rate of not exceeding three per cent per-'amnum, said note to be payable one year from the date of execution therbto; and be it FURTHER RMOLVED, That the funds so borrowed be credited to the Emergency Street Snow and Ice Removal Fund, Code 155, all of the said fund to be expended only for the purpose of removal of snow, cindering icy streets and repairs and maintenance of snow cleaning equipment. C. F. No. 110866—By I. C. Pear Vie— Whereas, the egular budget .ends sh.mug bray streen eet., rem.val ofed r en w,' and for repalrlre •mew .les.ing enulp pn�.eaeas. !,�r r the, ..To.7 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ll -�].fuss /Fjadlan n ,/ ��earce In Favor Peterson ,Truax _.__ Against r to ,,Mr. President (Gehan) IM 3.3) FEB 31938 Adopted by the Council _ __ ......... _ ._ __ . .193 Approved.. _. 193_.... L / . Mayor PUBLISHED C,I c�KRK CITY OF SAINT, PAUL COUNCIL NO.110256 APPROPRIATION TRANSF JRS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER ECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER JOHN S. FINDLAN DATE FEB. 191 193 8 TO 10YJUST THE 1938 APPROPRIATION TO AGREE WITH THE UARTE BUDGET ESTIMATE AS SUBifiITTED TO COMPTROLLER FOR THE YEAR 1938• • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BtWMADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM TO - DR. R. 15 A 2 Bus. Admine - Office Expense 253.9 15-A- " " Salaries 253.9 15-G-1 Instruction - Salaries 10,142.612 15-B-2 Educ. Agin. - Salaries 1,941-2 C-1 Attend. Div. - Salaries 1,701.4 J-6 Mtnce. of Plant - Rep.& Renew. 6,500.0 15-0-5 Instruction - Supplies 3,724.3 15-B-2 Educ. Adm. - Auto Mtnoe. 480. B-3. " Office Expense 875.0 C-2 Attend. Div. -Carfare 1,771.5• C-3 " Office Expense 175. E-1 Storehouse - Salaries 322.85 E-3 " Truck Mtnce. 100.0 15-H-1 Oper. of Plant - Salaries 1,790.2 15-D-1 Oper. & M. Adm. - Salaries 1,790.2 15-I-1 Mtnce. of Plant - Salaries 1,393.2 15-D-1 Oper. & M. Adm. - Salaries 1,393.25 15-H=5 Oper. of Plant - Fuel 3,700.0 15-H=3 " - Telephones 700.00 H-4 " Light & Power 3,000.00 15-D-2 Oper.& Mtnce.Admin.-Freight 150.0 15-D-3 " " -Office Exp n. 150.0 15-J-6 Mtnce. of Plant -Rep.& Renew. 790.0 15 -DJ -3 Oper. & M. Adm. - Office Exp. 950p.0 J-3 Mtnpe. of Plgnt-Truck Mtnoe. 450: ` C. -F. No. st UI6 By J. 8. morlp- , FEB 2 3 1938 To ad)uet 2h. 798E aDDroDrta rly YES 1✓) COUNCIL =U dE '. agree w t the- avarterly DOPTED BY THE COUNCIL budgget e.ettha' sa nbmtttea to 193- • 'rotler.tD the Y'." PEARC I— u;+ h.s c J2 PETERSON • � APPROVED 193_ IN FAVOR TRUAX n C ���'---'�-- f�/ MAYOR �( _AGAINST WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY COMrtRO MR. PRESIDENT Odst..t to city Cl k COUNCIL 110257 CITY OF ST. PAUL rax NO., _.....__......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL,,,RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM .... .. ..__..DATE.... Febra=...24.._ x.9.38 PRESENTED BY ._..... .........._ COMMISSIONER_.........._Jobn....5.._Findlan. __.. ..... ... _...... RESOLVED, That the proper city officer be and SB hereby authdrized to draw a warrant in favor of Paul 5. Amidon. Superi)ItendpnE of Schools, in the sum of $150 for the purpose of defraying his expenses in connection with a trip to Atlantic City, New Jersey, to attend the convention of the American Association of School Administrators from February 25 to March 3, 1938, said sum to be payable out of the Education Administrative Fund 15-B-3. COUNCILMEN Y— Nay f /Ba/tt'tue /jindlan /Pearce In Favor e son Against Pres d, . lvir. President U- r. qty (Gtlla�f°." w,r. \'ic( i i -i -)ant SM Y3i (Truax) C. F. No.. i19id67—BY J. & Findlan— Resolvedn That the proper city af- ncer be and is hereby authorlaefl to draw a Narrant in faVOr L Paul I the sum of $160 for aise PurSob" o a o. de= Trnyfng his expenses in cNow Jer with a trip to Atlantic New Jer- will to attend the conventton t the i Amerto— A..ocfatt-a of Bchooi Ad- ,to— from February 26, Mut of3the3 F.ducatloamAdmint.trmtiv- Fund 16-B-8. Adopted by the Council Feb. 24. 1938. ApprovedFeb. 11. 1938. (Feb. 26, 193i FEB 24 10,38 Adopted by the Council 193_ Approved. 193.._... Mayor e`Wa., to city 06. ' ORDINANCE 110258 COUNCIL FILE NO % qo PRESENTED'BY" r -cam ORDINANCE NO"---� An ordinance authorizing the issuance of a permit to Nathan C. Shapira to construct and maintain an artesian well at 412-414 Wabasha Street, being on the east side of Wabasha Street between Sixth St. and Seventh St. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary fvr the preserv*ion of the public peace, health and safety. F. No. 110268--0rdlnance No. 7900 - By L C. Pearce— The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain ordinance authorising the isesance d ..D.—ft to Nathan C. Shapira to t• ^ an at eeian Rt -et be - Section 1. h� Authority is hereby g1ven,to the Department of Public Works to issue to Nathan C. Shapira permission to construct and maintain an artesian well at 412-414 Wabasha Street, being on the east side of Wabasha St. between Sixth St, and Seventh St. Section 2. Said licensee shall obtain a permit for the installation and maintenance of said artesian well from.the Department of Public Works, and shall execute and deliver to the City of St. Paul a surety company bond in the am of Five Thousand Dollars($5000.00)0conditioned to indemnify and save the City of Si. Paul harmless from all damages, judgments, costs or expenses and liability of every kind arising out of the maintenance, operation, presence or removal of said artesian well. Said bond shall be in such form as shall be satisfactory to the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as shall be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Finance. Said licensee shall pay the cost of the publi- cation of this ordinance and shall within ten days from and after the passage and publication of this ordinance'file a written acceptance with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. If such acceptance is not filed within said time the authority hereby given shall be void. Section 3. The permit issued hereunder may be revoked by the Council at any time and said artesian well shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council of the City of St. Paul shall so order. Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss % Findlan Parranto Pearce Peterson Mr. -TIM-dr— TIM-dr^Mr."dent (Gehan) Attest: • (/L6�y(/ City Clerk _ 300 7-37 C9 20089 Passed by the Council _ MAR 11— In Favor Against Approved: MAR I 10!J8 Mayor c� ¢ PUBLISHED e :/E JJ St. Paul, Minnesota March 21st, 1938 To the Honorable, the City Couficil Gentlemen: Saint Paul, Minnesota. I, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council rile No. 110255, being Ordinance No. 7900, adopted by the Council on March 11th, 1938- NATHAN AW I 110268 SHAPIRA REALTY CO. REAL ESTATE $029 304 NEW YORK BUILDING -( SAINT PAUL. MINN. February 17th, 1938. City Council, City. Att: Comm. Pierce. Gentlemen: I, the undersigned owner of this property request permission to construct a well in and below the sidewalk areaway in front of 412 - 414 Wabasha Street. Very truly yours, 0rW-1 to City Clark DINANCE 110259 4,�T,4, COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTE*BY—lriyLnS-_G, Pearce ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending administrative Ordinance No. 7842, as amended by Ordinance No. 7858, entitled: "An administra- tive ordinance relating to the appointment by City offi- cials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organization charts for the various departme,ats of city 8overnment. This is an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the _reservation of the public peace, health and safety, approved September 30, 1537." This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and' safety. The Council of the 'City- of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by insert- ing in Section 13 thereof, under subdivision "Sanitation", the following words: "10 Ward Foremen" SECTION 2. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amen- ded by striking out of Section 13, under the subdivision "Sanitation" where it appears therein, the line:_ --- C. _C. F. No. 110259-0rdinanc. No. 7901 "7 Ward Foremen" By I. C. P.nrc.-- An ordlaanoe . ndtaa admlaletrattve Ordln.nce Nn. 7A4, ea .H.nder h: and by inserting in lieu thereof the line: or•11nwe. "10 Ward Foremen" Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordin- ance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTI OPI 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. MAR Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Barfuss Findlan Parranto In Favor Pearce �S LL Against Peterson Mr resident (Gehan) Approved: Attest: C Mayor City Cler :1!111 ].J] C8 2MINa PUBLISHED•' � •J Dd.hul alr �� . cour,c,L No. 110260 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILK FF O THE CITY CLERK COU IL R TION ---GENE=RAL FORM PRESENTEDB ..........._-"__..........DATE.- .............. ... .....__._ .................. ............. COMMISSIONER -- ----" V WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works was required to overhaul and make boiler repairs to certain steam shovels and rollers owned by the Department of Public Works, and WHEREAS, the Civil Service Bureau had no classification for the position of boiler -maker, and it was necessary to secure an Independent contractor to do this work, assisted by mechanics of the Department of Public Works, and WHEREAS, the contraotorl s bill for services from February End to 9th inclusive amounted to the sum of $65.00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant to Fred Davis, 529 Bay Street, the said contractor, in the sum of $65.00, and charge the same to appropriation item 11-B-142. C. P. No. 110260-8Y 1• C. P M—bl Whereat, the 3=tmeot oe- Publle -Wbrke woe required to .overhto.m aul — mak0,.bolrapalre to certaln 't — !V rnllgrn -f' by tho. leap y. mu^.�df �a. h.�rc COON MEN Yeas Nays � jce In Favor 0 _ Against Qi4n;.- r t iz im 31r Vice President (Ti_ Adopted by the Council... FIB, &41938. _ 193. Approved. ._ _.193....... Mayor v�o THE DEPARTMENT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 6 OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION ego February 21, 1938 Hon. Irving C. Pearce Commissioner Dear Sir; On February 2, 1938, in making the necessary repairs to our steam shovels and boilers at the Bureau of Municipal Equipment it was found necessary to employ a boiler maker on repairs to flues and boiler plates. As there never has been a boiler maker title under Civil Service, in the past time was cleared on a payroll as an Iron Worker whose rate per hour was the same.. Sometir^e last fall the Iron Worker rate of pay was increased from '?1.25 to $1.50 per hour leav- ing the only titles on the Civil Service list paying the same rate as a boiler maker, cement finisher and bricklayer. In clearing an emergency report through the Civil Service it is impossible to connect any metal parts of a boiler with that of a cement finisher or a brick layer so we found it impossible to pay Mr. Davis, the boiler maker in question, at the present time. Upon taking the matter up with Mr. Probst he suggested that we pay the man on a miscellaneous claim as they employ this method in paying special Civil Service examiners for their work. In putting a miscellaneous claim through it seems that the Comptroller's office would not accept same and ad- vised us to have a resolution drawn covering same to be presented by you to the City Council. I am attaching here- with the resolution covering this case that I had drawn by Mr. Flynn of the Corporation Attorneyts office. I have been told by Mr. Koch of the Bureau of Mu- nicipal Equipment that it will be necessary to employ boiler makers on this class of work in the future so I have advised hir.� that it will be necessary to have this title created. He said that he would take the matter up with you so that the proper steps can be taken with the Civil Service Bureau in establishing this title to cover this class of work as needed. Respectfully submitted, F. 0. CORCORAN Head Clerk Qirlsd ie cr D.% CGUN� No. 110261 r CITY OF ST. PAUL •�• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �OU N SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PR ........... ........... ........ .. . ._. ..... .. .. .... ..............C.,WTFrh. tiU bNroe.a–s1,1 0801e—Br I. C., Pearce, FM. COMMISSIO.............DATE thNER '.Commrcial Invest- _ ment ComrlanY hat; .egial ed the '— Council: forto install and oo Tersis a" d: v ,« - station or WHEREAS, the Commercial Investment Company has petitioned the Council for permission to install and operate a drive-in fill- ing station on Late 1 and 2, Block 2, Singe Arcade Park Addition, being at the southwest corner of Arcade and Denny Streets; and WHEREAS, said Commercial Investment Company has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Para- graph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 8840; therefore, be 1t RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to said Commercial Investment Company to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordi- nanoes of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commis- sioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subjeat to the approval of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; ande d any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage, or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever it shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. COUNCILMEN yea, / Nays ;Bar uss 4'dlan Parlacc nt0 In Favor e son _..... I Against ''Warne►` MtVrewde�t (Titwxi 1M 3.37 FEB 241938 Adopted by the Council_ _ __ _ _ ___ _ ______ __ _..193 FEB 24 We Approved.._.._ 193....... Mayor PUBLISHED 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota re OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Feb. 23rd, 1938 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested you to draw a resolution granting the attached application of Commercial Investment Co. for permission to install and operate a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Kings Arcade Park Addition, also described as the southwest corner of Arcade and Denny Sts. Yours very truly+ ./Q City Clerk. '14 W POST CARD NOTICE OFhICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., February 11 193 8 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of Commercial Investment Co, to erect and install a filling station located on Lets i and ?, HLIo >�-2, K;ngls^Arcade Park at Southwest IMpr of Arcade and will come up for consideration before the Council in -the Counci Cham- ber in the City Hall and_CoUrt House Building on the ' 23rd day of_� February 193 8 —, at 10 o'clock•A. M. AXEL F. PETERSON, Page—! ---File. 8375 so Commissioner of Finance. ® W Adopted by the Council 193_ Yeas / Nays Bf+cRFUSS CCC��� FI DLAN 7.�RCE NT0t1 RU MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) CITY OF ST. PAUL CATIO F T ORIGINAL PLICwi Ew LED IN T.1 CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK cL[RK s oFFIc[. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE rebrUary 38 183 B TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY coma (1119 OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A "Drive -In■ ( OPIV[ IN OR INeIOe Ow RADe"I/ AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT 1 & Z BL $rogue Arcade Park __ALSO DESCRIBED AS S-1 �Reija III wNO N d DamW Ste (ADDITION) [T M [R) 1-1000 gal. NO. OF PUMPS NO OF GAS TANKS 3 CAPACITY OF EACH TANK 2-550 8 — FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CCMEAFRCZAL 7 C BY L. R. Grochau 1111 Minnesota Mutual Life Bld . 3t. Paul, Minn. R 81N[S[ ADDRES.. RECEIVED COPY FERRO. CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNIN0'210R — BY r CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota WM. J. SUDEITH Chief of Pollee Fire Chief DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Sheets G. E. BRISSMAN Health Officer Supt of Police and Fire Alarm G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner February 21, 1938 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir. Returned herewith is the application of the Commercial Investment Company for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southwest corner of Arcade and Denny Streets, with reports of in- spection and recommendation by the Division of Tire Pre- vention and Traffic. Very,'truly yo Commissioner oflic Safety -410@ LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTICING SAFETY *1d THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION February 21 1938 G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: This in reference to application made by the Commercial Investment Company for permission to install a drive-in Rasc'ine filling station on Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Kingfs Arcade Park; also described as the S. w. corner Arcade and Denny Streets. You may be advised that I have made the usual investigation. The first plans as submitted, the driveways were too near the corner. For that reason they were not satisfactory. However, Mr. George Herold of the Planning Board informs me that they have submitted new plans which conform to the re7ulation. These driveways will not materially interfere %,dth the movement of traffic. Therefore, there %:dll be no objection to the tranting of this permit... Yours truly, H. N. Wettergren Supt. of Traffic N CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota H WK Chief Firree Chhid Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. E AN d Fire Alarm Supt of Pollecee and Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner Feb. 10, 1430 Hon. G. H. Barfu.ss Cc; issioner of iublic Safet;r St. Paul, ..inn. De, -r Sir, In red., rd to t; e apulication of ti.e CorL ercial Investment Com, -,any for permission to instrll a. drive-in s -dine fillip, station on Lots 1 and. 2, Block 2, Kin -'s Arcede Park, also cescribed as the S. cor. Arcade and Denn;r Streets. Three pumps enc three tanks (1-1000 and 2-550 gallons) are to be installed. We have investi ated t:1a fore-goin_ and_ report that such an installation at the desired locat°.on would not ;neatly increase the fire hazarc in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector sire Prevention Bureau _qm-.® LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTICING SAFETY THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE February 21st, 1938• i �F;RS�b�i+�J€24i�rc�3G7G� AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, C',,y A,,h0-f GEORGE H. HERROLD, Eng.ne .e<<asary Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of L.R. Grochau for the Commercial Investment Company to install and operate a drive-in filling station at the southwest corner of Arcade and Denny Streets. This is commercial Zoning. The lots face Denny St. with an alley in the rear. The plana as submitted cover two lots and show that the buildings and pumps will be back of the building line of the houses that have been erected on Denny Street. The driveways, curb returns and general layout are in accordance with the city's standards. The property is now vacant. Proper notices have been sent to the property owners within 200 ft. granted. The Board recommend that the permit be Yours very truly, George $.'Herrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF CONOT. . R91 -GEORGE J. JACOBS. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER J. R. JOHNSTON. SUPF. GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER OFFICE ENGIN66R G.N. HERROLD CHIEF ENGw. CL[RK - MARK W. WOODRUFF February 23rd, 1938. Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : BUREAU OFSANITATION FR ED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU OF BRIDGES M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. The application of L.R. Grochau for the Commercial Investment Company to install and operate a drive-in filling st,gtion at the southwest corner of Arcade and Denny Streets has been referred to this department for investigation and recommendation. The driveways and curb returns conform to the city's standards for improvements of this nature. The application is consequently approved from an engineering standpoint. Yours very truly, . SHSPARD, C f Dngineer. gms-rh encl. In the Matter of the application of the Commercial Investment Company of St. Paul to erect a drive-in filling station on the.S. W: Corner of Arcade and Denny Streets,on Lots I and 2, Block 2, Kings CE Arcade Park Addition. OF OF CIT CIT FILED CLERK TO THE.COUNCIL OF THE CIT1Y.,,OF ST. PAUL: ry The undersigned owners of property in WS FEBm&iA%el�iUinity of the proposed filling station object to the gr 57 PALQIhrt$yjPPli- cation and remonstrate against the same, and herebiyr t1 o 4G'he council of the City of Saint Paul to deny said application upon the following >. grounds: The .station would lessen the value. of other property on Denny Street and in the neighborhood. There are at present more than enough stations in the vicin- ity to amply supply the needs of the neighborhood, as well as those of the motorists using the street. The creation and use of the proposed station at the particular location would create traffic hazzards-that will be serious for adults as well as the maAy children living in this residential district. Name Addressnn LN,E'W,m wxw wxwmwm"mww' . .1 ORIatNAl TO CITY CLaaK FBNO. OU110263 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ES U N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY I C. F No 110803 By 1. C Pearce- COMMISSIONER RATE -Resolved That permfeefon be and:.' heYebY granted1. rhe Tri State TeY_ ?ftiOnq ar Ta'- -.� v to T. •� i •a 1 l•:'�e 1 .7i RESOLVED That permission be and is hereby granted to the TrO tateeTelephoils and Telegraph Company to make the necessary eseavatig;round conduit and cable with the necessary manholes and lateral pipes con - m sting the intersecting streets and.alleysi to set poles'and anchors and place the necessary equipment on the following named streets and alleyes On Cook St. from Dale St. to Northern Pacific R.R. In alley South of Cook St. from Dale St. to Northern Pacific R.R., ' On Dunlap St. from Larpenteur Av. to St.Clair Street. On Aldine Av. from Summit AT. to Great Northern R.R. In alley east of Aldine from Summit Av. to Great Northern R.R. On Maryland St. from Como Blvd. to East Avenue. On Randolph St. from Mississippi River Blvd. to East Seventh Street. In alley East of Rice St. from Larpenteur Ave. to College Avenue. On Minnehaha St. from Prior Ave. to East Avenue. On Simpson St. from Hoyt Av. to University Avenue. On Stanford Av. from Mt. Curve•Blvd. to Milwaukee.R.R. In alley South of Stanford Av. from Mt. Curve Blvd. to Milwaukee R.R. on Seventh St. from West City Limits to Hamel Avenue. In alldy South of Seventh St. from West City Limits to Hamel Avenue Poles and aerial construction to be removed when requested by the City Council. Work to be done under the direction of the "Commissioner of Public Worke", the Telephone Qmpany to pay the coat of publication incident hereto. � �J APproveds -� Date X,Al 'Sup1r. of Lighting Bureau Approveds 69 ~' Date Supt. f oe Akarm and Telegraph Approved: (. , ,Iw,vePp—��r Late y � Comniasio�neJ,\a,ks i Playgrounds Appr ( Date Commis r of Public Works COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Parranto sow In favor Fiadlau NEMS 9 --Against Barfuse 1ANOW 5MW% Vice President (2Ytlax) FF' 241938 193— Adopted by the Counci FEB 241938 Approved 193_— Mayor coum 1 od1intl to Oq CITY OF ST. PAUL F— No. ----110264 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RE UTION---GENERAL FORM PRE3E TEDDATE sebroeay, 24.,._,193x•.. ..... CO..,.,SIO......... ___. ..:.._....... .. lll�5. Doha Drost desires to withdraw application 24494 for?Grocery license and application 24495 for Butcher license at 1110 Arcade St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to John Drost the fee of $10.00 and $25.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. . F+No. 119294-8Y L C. Pearce. F. 3L Truaz. G. H. 89rfaae— Whoreaa john. Moet desires to with- 9raw a ool(catlon..24.48�_for bro�ery�ltw,, -- (Feb. 26.193 COUNCILMEN yeas j Nay use Pi6dlan In Paver .P_Jeterson ^ ,.n'pr-- _.. (f Against ,,, ,►¢r. Vise Pry . FEB 241938 Adopted by the Council. 193... E �;: i�I Approved...__ _ ........_.....____..._ ... ____._ i93....... Mayor (M§L,W N, Cir a.d 110265 CITY OF ST. PAUL ii°:"`" NO....... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNL RE�SOVTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTS BY. .................. DATE_ _. Feb.24 1pZQ ........ COIESENT 0 ........... ........ �� ......... 2.... 7J".. _......... RESOLVED Mt licensedjapplied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feest Goldberg & Effress 100 E. Indiana Jtsk Dealer App. 24061 Renewal. Chas. Anderson 903 Parne Ave. Barber " 24589 " John Klein 1017 Front St. Grocery " 25013" na a a Butcher a 2507 a Edw. R. Lord 636 Montana St. Gas Station " 25178 " Ralph Protestor 1401 White Bear. Gas Station " 25212 " Mrs. E. H. Kreider 1662 Grand Ave. Restaurant " 25297 " H. E. Engel 60 S. Cleveland Gas Station " 25300 " H. L. Pierce 45 S.Avon Barber " 25301 " A. E. Kallsen & H. R. Yeake 321-3 Robert Yt. Hotel " 25305 " David L. Heffron 244 S. Cleveland Barber " 253o6 n M. Rolnick 145 Plato Junk Dealer " 25307 S. Leestamper 385 Rice St. Restaurant " 25315 " Parr & Scrileger 2121 University Ave. Gas Station " 25339 " P. M. Batterberry 867 E. 7th St. Gas Static n " 25350 1 C'Trupm 6 ° H, But, ' eC--Pensee. F..ac Reeolged. The.t'' demes„gpplled for 'by `th'e-pere`0ne,a ed on;_the9let'.at- itached: to this' rehotutlon,::he ,and the Cacne are hereby granted. it s itod t e lerk Is Instructed' to,tsspe° eucli :t4 "Is.e. Upon the pnynlentklnto the 'City treasury or the'raqulredfess.” Adopted by the,Councli F¢b. 84, 1988. AtlDrovod.Feb. X84 1988. FEB 24 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ .. __.. . . ... .193..... Yeas Nay Ba �i n In Favor ,Pearson _. . Against Parr _ tmc::(Ce) 1M -4a. Vice Plraidenr (lrttax) Approved _ _193....... Mayor od.tw t. aiv ck 110266 CITY OF ST. PAUL ra. NO.. _.._ _.. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COON�REUTION---GENERAL FORM p, PRESEN DATEllbl5Comm!-PNE ... _. i .. RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to isms such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feast -.Oast Johnson Lumber Co. 2271E Como Ave. W. 71iel Dealer App. 24882 Renewal Hawthorn Basel Co. 303 James St. " " 23076 " Aichele Bros. 1299 Harvester a a 23051 " S. of Hansen Coal Co. 825 Fauquier St. a " 23249 " S. H. Andert 1234 Parrington " " 23207 " " Bailie Fuel Co. 27 W. 11th St. " " 23306 Bray Ice 8s Basel Co. 2128 University Ave. " " 23364 " Peoples Coal 8a Ice Co. 914 Quardian Bldg. " ZYM 23802 " Midway Coal Co. 576 H. Prior Ave. " " 23834 " Amandson Coal Co. 2191 Robbins " " 24042 " Allen-Edwards Gael Co. 98 E. Hennepin Ave.Mpls. " " 24681 " (liquid) Brindley 011 Co. 1054 Payne Ave. Fuel Dealer " 24544. a (Liquid) Patrols= Service Co. 317 Como Ave. " " 24876 " (liquid) Hassett 011 Co. 460 H. Cleveland " 24922 " (liquid) Farmers Union Central Exchange 1200 H. Concord South St.Paul " " 25032 " (liquid) Triangle Oil Co. 789 Mendota St. " " 25092 " (liquid) Van Tilburg Oil Co. 1021 Washington Ave-SE. Mpis. fuel Dealer " 25231 " (liquid) COUN LMENFE.B 2 4 1...193...... �c. s, xo; �xoaae.—sr.x c reat�� ••IidoPted by the Cotmcil__..... _ 19-3 - Yeas Na mrua:. 8 ?Baefnsa— Resolved That U shelled by the "arsons ifa'm d,6n d do the list. & taohefl'. to this resolution be *"d the: FE2 2111938 nee he by uraated I°' stun al 1 to lase` o,F APPCOVed .. .....193_..... � In favor etereon __ P r R(). .. Against _ ayor to PUBLISHED. Id mmdft est S&. Vice Prealdent (1Yt1ax) w. 7777 11026'7 026 02 -..� r'4.r CITY Or SUINT PAUL co FILE NO. NOI LICE 1�' or. 119h987 tlib$88 T30888=':tom r`" ��igFT�ohtoothdr to UNCIL RESOLUTION g r r AB-covorinm ahS— Febrmat PRINTER -� aMBk� inolueLve; rab 193 RE VED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT a 44910 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED _rl Tp INCLUSIVE, AS PER HECK$ ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. q FEB 25 i�33 193_- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL m ornwow ,. F F.-.I d v i78 193_ gPPPOVED BT _ ;j "'I[ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PUUL COUNCIL 4� :�26 ■ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL ISRFUSB FIND AN 1 PEARCE IN FAVOR AUDITED CI/AIMS _ Feb=84719 PETERSON TRU AX -_AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D N OIC THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL + COVERING MR. PRES. GEHAN ] TO THE AGGREGATE AMPY1NT OF S. ��y� CHECKS NUMBERED._ 23791 �(/6 INCLUBIV E. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_------ PER CHECKS ON FI- T OF CE OF THE CITU CO ROLLER. APPROI'�O G/ NUMBER -._ _ SSSS __ __.____. .. _.__.. _ - AL GATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNCD NUMBER I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 44751 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 44752 Schulz Food Market 44753 Steints Food Market 44754 Victoria Food Market 44755 Wobig & Company 44756 Blue & White Cab Company 44757 Robert P. Freeman 44758 Corning -Donohue, Inc. 76 r tOompax�y 446 grace -Lee PducspInc. 44761 Kennedy Brothers Arms Compan 44762 National Lead Company 44763 Northern States Envelope Compa: 44764 Price Electric Company 44765 St.Psul Builders Material Coop 44766 St.Paul Corrugating Company 44767 St.Paul Foundry Company 44768 St.Paul Voo.lohool Revolving 44769 Simonson Lumber Company 44770 Lawrence A. Soler, Cashier 44771 A. Swanson & Sons, Ino. 44772 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin. 44773 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin. 447714 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin. 44775 John Fitzpatrick 44776 Mrs. Emile LaBissonniere 44777 A.J. McCarthy 44778 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 44779 Axel F. Peterson, Treas. P.Pea 44780 13t.Pau1 Teachers' R.Fund Asso 44781 Lydia Shannon 44782 Stiefel Products, Inc. 44784 The First Nattional Bank 84 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan3l 44785 Asath Risth 44786. A.J. Anderson 44787 Certified Ice & Fuel Company 44788 Coohran-Sargent Company 44789 Dayton's Bluff Stove Works 44790 Fe�well, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp as 44791 R2Lr Gould & Company • 44792 Holm & Olson, Ino. 44793 "Price Electric Company 447944 St.Paul White Lead & 011 Compo 44795 Sherwin-Williams Company 44796 J.L. Shiely Company 44797 W.C. Stanton Lumber Company 44798 Beet End Lumber & Coal Compan 44799 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin. 44800 George Sudsith 44801 Uri, Maronde 44802 John J. Handy 44803 Capatol Stationery Mfg.Compan� 44804 St.Paul Corrugating Company 44805 The Waterous Company 44806 Weinhagen Tire Company SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD any Fd. 27 ;81 12 '14 r 3 '78 i'II 2 .89 II 3 ;49 1 656 36 661 �O II 154! 121 X28 r 21 43 47 49 261 24 127 36 1 9?0 00 II'', 7 kl t, 1 479 1610 2 024 73 60 I 3 444 99 !11 072 72 8000r 40 60 00 24 92 10 000 00 8 000 00 J 25 00 12'87 1 269 pp5 9 512 6500 75 05 2 000 00 (. 85 22 ;. 35 00 38 02 38 80 11 60 27 I; 182 95 1 112 59 182 II 24 18 75 57 214 87 13 655 00 3342 65 00 1466 57 i. 263 6452 422 83 7 522 ;5D 11452.077, 2 V, J DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PULL COUNCIL H6268 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL .-RF... 'IND AN PEARCE IN FAVOR PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS rebruIary 23 TRUAXAGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENXEL COVERING MR. P RES. GEHAN TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 01 5 BE CHECKS NUINCLUSIVE. AS NUMBERED R. R KS ON F1 OF E ITY OMPTRO LLE PER CHECKS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL Kri ROLL[R NUMBER .YT/ CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL__1, DATE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT. BYBANK CHECKS CHECKS y. 7 522 50 452 077 29� 4 AX91 F. Peterson, C. of Finanl0 lo 672 231t 27 OO 44807 44809 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy II 281011 4 k 4809 Mrs. Louis Pay 'Mrs. 44910 Anna. R. Foley 4 to 44811 Mrs. Elizabeth Literski 28 go, 44812 Mrs. Elfrids, Soderberg 40 99Z 97 44SI county welfare Board 00 44eN 44812 Harry Holmes Stelpeir Tire Company 127 20 j� 4491 2 Construction Company 200 001 44 44817 American Can Company 44818 Anchor Paper Company 104 36 is� 44819 a Berglund Lumber Company tuo. 368 50il 44820 44821 Brown and Day, Capitol City Lime & Cement aOp any 6 93!; � 44822 Capital Envelope Company 79 97' 145 00 1 448 44822 Jos. F. Cirkl Cochran— argent Company 52 921 44825 commonwealth Electric Company. 1 ) ii 3 5( 1 249 30il 44826 zjvgren Paint Supply Company 207 39!' 44827 Farwell, 0mun, Kirk & Compan 23 44828 44829 Fuller Brush Company Eleotric Supply Corp. �21 35 3�� 44830 General Lee—Hoff Mfg* Company 2 50151 44831 F.G. Leslie Paper Company 90i 1 53' 44832 Miss Louise Markert W 330 1 4493Metropolitan Trans. Company 74 olli 44834 Minnesota Chemical Company, 59 3.4 i 44935 44836 Nadeau Paper Company R. Peltz & Son 513 90 11 44837 Price Electric Company 41 o426 4o 44838 44209 Geo. E. Robertson Robinson, Cary & Sands Company 99 67 44 Milton Rosen Tire & Rubber 0 any 284 62 olp 44841 44842 G. Seestedt Company R.I. Stahl Company 27500 1! 49 LIS Villaune Box & Lumber Company 46 20 6 5 a 16, 44s4zWallorf kc 44d_ Bindery Company I Western Shade cloth Company 1 44s49 44847 westinghouse 19lectrio Company John Lennon 7 51 40 00 44848 Bethlehem Steel Company 59 54 it • 44*9 Bishop Towing Service 20 00 43 93 44850 McKesson Wholesalers,1no. 313 60 44851 44852 N.1. Stamp Works Paper, Calmenson. & Company 59 70 21 44854 4485 Stebis Company Sullivan Tire & Battery Company 00 260 02 44955 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 196 73 44856 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 57 46 44857 Mrs. Har3!iet Jane Gay 23 04 44858 North Central Publishing Comp 81 go SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 6 7 W '3D 50& A3 341 11 0 = — ROLL CALL Board of water Commissioners, 257 541 44860 44861 BARFUSB 17' 414 98, 44862 Board of water Commissioners FINDLAN PEARCE IN FAVOR S U 11 �./1 1J 11.1 L7 AUDITED CLAIMS Board of Mater Commissioners 1 801 15 23', PETERSON � Board of Water Commissioners February 2�F 44865 TRUA% AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING MR. PRES. GEHAN John W. MoOonneloug, Corp. 04 TO INCLUSIVE. AS W.A. Perranto, O.P.Utilities _ PER CHCKS E CHECKS, NUM7BY FF E O ITY C PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - I.C.Pearoe, C.P.Works 1.0 Pearce, C.PjWorks 6 422 72 APPROVED-���{������-/[y��/-�•� I.C.Pearce, C.P.Works --��--coMPT ROLLtR I.C.Pearce, C.P.Worka NUMBER 44875 I.O.$earce, C.P.Works 6/�]y/1��.�/ !!� 44876 IIO.PPearoe, C.P.Works 983 44877 '44878 ��cR 33 827 25 4482 I.A:Pearoe, C.P.Works ' 72 44879 j_0#Pearce, C.P.Works 7Z49 59 44880 I, FawL. Truax, O.Parks, etc. 44881 4 Taed4. Trdax O.Parks etc. 1 483 6o �. M19 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PULL COUNCIL 1 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER — ROLL CALL Board of water Commissioners, 257 541 44860 44861 BARFUSB 17' 414 98, 44862 Board of water Commissioners FINDLAN PEARCE IN FAVOR S U 11 �./1 1J 11.1 L7 AUDITED CLAIMS Board of Mater Commissioners 1 801 15 23', PETERSON � Board of Water Commissioners February 2�F 44865 TRUA% AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING MR. PRES. GEHAN John W. MoOonneloug, Corp. 04 TO INCLUSIVE. AS W.A. Perranto, O.P.Utilities _ PER CHCKS E CHECKS, NUM7BY FF E O ITY C PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - I.C.Pearoe, C.P.Works 1.0 Pearce, C.PjWorks 6 422 72 APPROVED-���{������-/[y��/-�•� I.C.Pearce, C.P.Works --��--coMPT ROLLtR I.C.Pearce, C.P.Worka NUMBER 44875 I.O.$earce, C.P.Works 6/�]y/1��.�/ !!� 44876 IIO.PPearoe, C.P.Works 983 44877 '44878 ��cR 33 827 25 4482 I.A:Pearoe, C.P.Works ' • TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED J NUMBER I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT 1� BY BANK CHECKS i CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD I 7 522 50 1508 836 13 44859 Board of water Commissioners, 257 541 44860 44861 Board of Water Commissioners38 Board of water commissioners 17' 414 98, 44862 Board of water Commissioners 450 8211 44863 Board of Mater Commissioners 1 801 15 23', 44864: Board of Water Commissioners 44865 Board of Water Commissioners. 192 451 44866 Board of Water Commissioners 333 87' 44867 Rohn S. Findlan, 0. of Educ. loo 63', 44868 John W. MoOonneloug, Corp. 04 20 00' 2 687 28, 44869 W.A. Perranto, O.P.Utilities 1 840 37 44870 I.O.Pearce, O.P.Worke 477 65 44871• 44872 I.C.Pearoe, C.P.Works 1.0 Pearce, C.PjWorks 6 422 72 44873 I.C.Pearce, C.P.Works 572 50 44874 I.C.Pearce, C.P.Worka 871 80 44875 I.O.$earce, C.P.Works 235552 Z7 44876 IIO.PPearoe, C.P.Works 983 44877 '44878 I.C.Pearce, C.P.Works 827 25 4482 I.A:Pearoe, C.P.Works ' 72 44879 j_0#Pearce, C.P.Works 7Z49 59 44880 I, FawL. Truax, O.Parks, etc. 44881 4 Taed4. Trdax O.Parks etc. 1 483 6o 44882 Mrs. Florence G. Kohn 6 4488 H.J. Torrey j 44884 Fred Mattson 44885 Capital Envelope Company 44886 Capitol City Transfer 44887 Chase Brass & Copper Company 44888 Carnegie Dook & Fuel Company 44889 Barwell, osmun, Kirk 8 Compan 44890 Farwell, Omun, Kirk 6 Oompan 44891 The Flox company 44892 Qriggs, Cooper 8 Company 44893 Hanson -Bennett Magazine Ageno� 44894 Ray J. 8artak, Supt. 44895 Minnesota Chemical Company 44896 Moore—Cottrell Subscription ncies 44897 Motor Power Equipment Company 44898 National Lumber Company 44899 N.V. Bell Telephone Company Coman 44449011. Sanitary lPooPrice Electrid_Mfg.Company 44902 J.L. Shlely Company, Inc, 44903 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 44904 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 44905 Twin City Brick Company 44906 The Vel► Hoven Company, Inc. 5 a0 1 040 0950 37 64 3980, 1 27 14 199 62 39 95 105 25 4 26 ;. 20 39 1 571 95 22 00 'I 14 85 !''I 547 00;! 2 219 50 21094 21 10 33 89 Ij 33 52 27 01 191 10 'I 105 45 I' 325 00 44907 Villaume Box & Lumber Company 276 91 44908 Patrick Curran 48 00 1' 1 44909 Board of Water Oomb'Aesioners 1 996 52 44910 Axel F. Peterson. 0. of Finan a 147 93 .i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 260 34 11, 531 164 5811 ... M 1 I CoUIC QI91w to CITY G.d n1[ " NO. LYV2 0 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY %✓ ^ ' '+y v.."M�h. DATE COMMISSIONER-.--- gir'�LAI.'a9>�. VIIIEREAS, The Commissioner of Parlcs, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of t' --Ie City Charter, the existence of an emergenc,rr,7Y.ich rendered necessary the e- --It of certain emIloyes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment bein more than — eir usual hours of employment Therefore 3e It resolved, ah`°t the foPlotivinr=cnamedf employes, are hereby authorised to pay the at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. n• HOtiaS 'r'.A'PE 01.,0`JER'iIr_T TITLE ,1;illiam i.-. Codette,Sr. architectural 610 hr. ;Draftsman COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays/ arfuss In Favor /Oeterson firuax ,� Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 1M 1J] / Truaz— \�'here:i�, The I of F¢rk.g, Pln �B.illdil—, yl;rou ods nd, Puhiicy h¢s c tti�c nthc 11th witht ttiunth(of � lohnrtt�el the oxl.�tence of ¢ ertre nrT which endered n urytttlt<nempio>'ment of merbtln employes of hla department for o than a u ght hours I-- d, id n ploy It erysa els oth¢n their u - mre ' al how's of mp IoYI I. Therefore. B1 It Resol l'ed. That the 11p 1 rill' ohi tt a IterehY author- ed to put' the fo11o12�i— n. I pluyes, at the r¢lethwi.— fixed for xtra a tpioymrnt feror the extra time Iterelnnfter set forth. William \f t:ndet te, 3r.. Arrhitoctural llr:tftsman, if �rz hrs. ri $1.00 hr. Adopted by the (`iunrli k'e h. 'l5. 19%.4 Approved I"eh. 4-, 10:3$. (]larch 5, 1'l76I P 193 Adopted by the Council Approved i93. O,Ybw 1. 017 a.k - - .. _. 1102'7.0 . CITY OF ST. PAUL n�iw�� . NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .. �A, i/...... �.. ...........DATE ..... ............. . ._.............. .......... COMMISSIONER...,... .. fW{A 11 YYYY v _.... __..__. _._.. . WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment, Therefore Be It Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NAME TITLE HOURS RATE OF OVERTIME. William M. Godette,Sr. Architectural Draftsman 16, $1.10 hr. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays usa ._ [n Favor I ruga Against Mr. President (Gehan)., 3M 3.37 Adopted by the Council_ RB..2 5 1938- 193. F X5 1938 Approved....._ _ _.......193....... Mayor 0 ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD W, LA Jv10Ni KAUFMAN Supt. of Playgrounds City Archi t Supt. of ParksQ'�0_1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner February 25, 1938 To the Honorable L%yor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department, of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, ren daring necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Drafting plans. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessity for earliest possible completion of plans for Filtration Plant building, Dept. of Public utilities. Yours truly, 6�� ) Commissioner 1102'71 Co YNCIL od.law to Olr Oaknu , CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM _............. DA� . .._....... . ............ ............ PRESENTED ttY - --- COMMISSIONER ........_._.._ _... REWCOM WHEREAS, for some time past, the City has rented from the Societe Italia the Gymnasium and other partsed ioftthe hat wilding necessary to operate the gymnasium, building owned by said Societe Italia, at the northwest SaintrPof aulBrforerecreationaldactivities, and, in City of WHEREAS, The Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public. Buildings needs to use the building for the same purposes this year and there is contained in the 1938 budget, Item 19-A-3, a sum set up for this purpose, at the rate of $60.00 per month, for the year 19382 therefore, be it, icers be and they RESOLVED, authorizedetoroper entercintooaflease of the said are hereby premises for the year 1938, at the said rental of 60.00 per month, andthe Corporationlease Counsel is directed to prep proper COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays lf& fues _In Favor eii terson �roy� z T Against '�Jenid; Pe I onto 7 President (Gehan) )M ] ] peTOthe proper. 10880 therefor. Adopted by the COU -11 Feb. 26. 1888. Approved (March 25 -6.19,34) FEB 25 '1938 Adopted by the Council._ ___. ' _ ____ ._..... _ _..193..._. �rh.7 Li+� �wJa Approved 11�`�72 —= ' NO. ....... ....... .. ...... ��W 10 �' a"�` CITY OF ST. PAUL n" OFFICE HEC CLERK CIL RE TIO ENE RM p ___ _., __.........._.............DATE_......b�.ebba7:.y.....�a...�.,...._.Z.r.9...LiS...Y.._....... U RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorised o and the Comptroller, purchase, with the consent of the Mayor one tank oar, approximately 8000 gallons "Q" leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from the H. H. STAHL CO., at a price of $ .1149 per gallon, lees 1$ discount ten days- on refinery price only, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale Street, on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General blind- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 COUNCILMEN Nays aye 6 n jInFavor raw foaugams) Mrr resi�ent (Gehan) !M "7 Adopted by the Council..... FEB 25 1938 �Approved- __... . _. Mayor adrl..l - to as a.h COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.. _ _J10.273 .. COJF F THE CITY CLERK .d PRESENTSCOMMISSIONER ...._.....L?lving C. .......... RESOLVED V WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of -the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of cer- tain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate oth- erwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. zlvle a O. r 9. e e O ay .00 Goldberg, Hyman J. Sr.Eng.Draftsman 20 1.841 Tousley, Robert M. Sr.Eng.Draftsman 55 Trine, R. W. Asst.Civil Engr. 20 1.16 COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nra usis Fi Ian I earce or Peterson 4161iXE nst u ,Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 3-37 'rendered necessary the employment of certain .emplo ee of his Department for more,thanely91ft. hours. Der day" and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual bourn of employment, thggretore, be It Resolved, That the proper, city of- flcers are hereby authorized, to Day the following named employes at the: rate otherwisfired xed for -extra employment for the extra time herelnafter.set forth. Goldberg, H man J., Sr. Eng. Drafts- man,. 30 h-$1:00. Tousley;Robert":M., Sr. Eng. I)rafte- man, 66 hrs. ® 84%4. Trine, g W:, :Asst. Civil Engr., 80 hra. ®' 31.18.. - Adopted by the Council Feb. 36, 1938. Approved. Feb. -36. 1938: ar (Mch 6.1938) Adopted by the Council FEB.. 2.5 1938 193.. FEE 2 5 ` Approved i Mayor An emergency has arisen in the DEPARTIONT OF PUBLIC "OR"3' rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Drawing plans and specifications for Filtration Plant This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessary to have plans and drawings made in advance of construction work in order not to delay crews. C MMISSI .R' OIt' PUL'ZI— C RKS Y COUNCIL FILE NO ..................... BY---• . ........................... --------------- FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 11274 In the matter of.-...cimdmning-.end...taking..tha.f4lswing-..descr-ib-ad.pWaxty..Pnr---4agground purposes Lots 1N, 12,13 and 14, Block 12, Edmund Rice's First fiddition, v, under Preliminary Order .........ID9926 .............. ................ approved.........Januax9--.14thr--1$3a ..... ------_--------• Intermediary Order ................... 1Q94.9�:.::........-... ........., approved..........F.dbxlldT3..adta193Q ............. .............. - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and reeommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By Ae Counci of the City of Sainb Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said Citi is to„e6nde m and take land for playground purposes. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same arg hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condenthed-for the purpose of making the said improvements,` viz.: - Lots 11,12,13 and 14. Block 12y Edmund Rice's First'Aiiditi” RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said, improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAR 1193893.. Adopted by the Council.............................................. . .......... ...�...................... .....----------------- MAR 11938 City Clerk. Approved ........................ - .............. ............, 19....... T........ Mayor. Councilmen -Mc on31d j�F dlan Pie /p�r�'anto �P "rce � e raon Wenzel si�,han / PUBLISHED T 5-3 500-8-33 � / I1 -n: W J� V) EO1'9U.v0 A/�f91'w DO B�'l1 tel• II 12.131d 29 x ?4 �p/.pEM NATION W DR 3 No . 213 1 I� GAS E ST. 13 .. 12 OO . P PLAYGROUNDS to -) 3 23 2 l 24- 132 4132 i32 YORK ST EDMUND / RICE -5 29 g 1D . BLK.12 CONDEMNATION Bureau of Eng1naer5 5ep. 11-1936 Seale 1-100 P1Uyyround Purposes 8361 A �r =4 ff CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In.the matter of condemning and taking the following described property for playground purposes: Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 12, Edmund Rice's First Addition under Preliminary Order approved January 14, 1938 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 13 000 00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AVALUATION Land Bldg. 11 12 Edmund Rice's First Addition $550 $2300 12 12 do 750 1450 13 12 do ) (1300 4250 14 12 do ) Total $2600 $8000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to sai atter by the Commissioner of Public Works.J Af Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. !-S D CITY OF SAINT PAUL ` BUREAU OF VALUATIONS S66 OTY HALL a COURT HOUSE LEONARD G SEAMER, WWI --and A- M Ee61a•a ARTHUR S. DEVOR, Amhft- d EO61-M !Y ELTOR A. DEHN, A -10-M OA' Eed— January 11, 1938 - Ir. George U. Shepard, Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works. Dear Sir: Commissioner Fred i�L. Truax has requested that an order be prepared and introduced for the condemnation of the following property for an addition to the YJessi ° Sts - playground site bounded by Case, Edgerton and Jessie Sts. The property consists of 4 lots which are occupied by 3 dwelling houses and described as follows: Lots 11, 12, 13 and 3-4, Block 12, Edmund Rice's First Addition. Funds for purchasing this property are included in the Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings budget for 1938• Very truly yours, a uation and ssessment Engineer. OD cm 11 'Yit.l. ,wfl ..P.. . �r A ThlVd� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _ ,_Januar_u_ 2�_ 1938 193_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 109826 approved____Jlul•_14 1938 _193—, relative to condemning and taking the following property for playground purposes: Lots 119 12� 13 and 14r Block 12, Fdmund Rice's First Addition. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is___ necessary and (or) desirable. JO°O°t and the total cost thereof is S 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ' and the nature and extent of said improvement is as followE � 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_ subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, 12 19; c JAN 22 1938 asked for upon petition of three or more owners of proOD _CLLtiLLLL! Commissioner of Pu�%�M� C. F. No. 110276— In the Matter of Block 15. Sync tcading Alley in to No. 5 Addition - from Syndic• - ,. Avenue; 81, +nueto Hamlin lctln¢ a -- in the •. • the — _ obtained on `. Rlock 1' Milk Alley In the Matter of_ --grading Al1eX_in_5-Addition_from__Syndicate Avenue _to _Aaml ine_Avenue�-_ al so__ construct ing- a__ s e r _in _the__ ea ement _to _be_obtain sed__-_ >� on_the--xestexl3_-B--Yeet -nr--lot-4,--� 1b> �3gta-sIn.___a-Addition-fro-1119-_Al1Ey-___ to_tha _sevuer__in__Lafond__Street------------------------------ __ 109618 _____---e roved __- ..-_-December 22,__ 1937 under Preliminary Order----_--_______-____---------- PP --------- Intermediary Order - - -- -- ------ approved ----------- - - -- --- ---- - --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,- and fully considered ,� the same; therefore, be it /1 0�/l P+�� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that —�IIie are heat "_* r.nnclA _Baca - — --- - In eid m3tte". ... .. d the Council he y orders said impro ent to be made. ESOLVED FUR ER, That the Comml 'oner of Public s be and is here instrue d and direr to prepare plana specifications for improvement, an bmit same to Coun for approva ,that upon said app 1, the proper city of ]a are hereby suth ed and direr d to p Geed with making of said im vement in accordant erewith. Adopted by the Council _----_MAR---_i 1938 - ---> 3 192 ---- ---- -------------------- ----------------------- ------------------ ---- Approved -------MAR 1 �e38-------------t 192 Mayor. Councilma 44m+ww-- Councilma Findten CouncilmandLvusld-D Petltt•I Councilor Pel's" Councilman X1Ntl''r' �/R�y CouncilmanuMiooi� ^ e"" "- Mayor ibds� Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 { St. Paul, Minn 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen We, the undersigned property ownars, hereby petition your Honorable BodyAmitMM SbVC8fdd7Mdx8*XRUff .MjntAgjk� as being opposed to the grading of alley in the block bounced by Syndi.cr.te Avenue North, Hamline Avenue North, .......... ....... ... . .............. - -- —1- ....... ... .... .. ....... Thomas street and Ldfond Street, St. Paul, Minn. St. Ave. from..... St. Ave. to... St. Ave. sM-7-37 # 2. St. Paul, Minn...........Nov 10.t__......._.....-193..7... To The HonorablePPFhe Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property ownars, hereby petition your Honorable BodyINJOESK )t=dxz as being opposed to the grading of alley jt0fA in the block bound. -d by syndicate Avenue North, Hamline Avenue North, Thoffa§ and Lafthd 5-tr"-t st -Pa un' - Minn. St. Ave. from St. Ave. to St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION -e 4A L 0.'1 13 C\ -tz IRE ,ld-7.37 ,ld-7.37 St. Paul, Minn•r Feb. 21, 1938. To The HonorCity�Of SCouncils t. Paul,Minn. Gentlemen: ae, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body as being opposed to the grading of alley in the block bounded by Syndicate Avenue North, Hemline Avenue North, Thomas Street and Lafond Street, St. Paul, Minn. -----------afifIfft _--"----IST-- - I BLOCIC� Managl METROP0i1 -� 30 IS - 40 /� 3 �— St. Paul, Minn., NFeb.l21,119 t 8 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Blinn+ Gentlement We, the undersigned etoytheengradingrofyalleytinnthe your Honorable Body as being opposed North, Hamlin Avenue North, Thomas block bounded by Syndicate Avenue Street and Lafond Street, St. Paul, Minn. --- ---B ---------------- -----------------------t lock --------------- Addition John D. McMahon------------------------ 15 2 15 'Syndicate #5. 15 « N E. F. Dunn----------------------------- 12 1 Helen « «w Mrs. Theresa M. McMahon---------------- 15 « NM Mrs. G. Dunn--------------------- 1 « wN Mrs. Rase E. Connolly------------------ i4 15 N «w Joseph Connolly------------------------ 12 15 « M« Donald J. Kelly-------------------- ~ -- 11 « NN « NN Mrs. Eleanor Wagner-------------------- 9 15 Henry J. Kinderman-------------------'- 15 « «N Mrs. Clara Kinderman------------ ------- NN 25 15 « William Swanson ----------------------- 1 . «w Mrs. Esther Geyer---------------------- 26 15 « »w Bernard Renken---------------------- -- 26 15 a wN Mrs Olga Renken--------------------- -- 1 15 « Nw John A. Burket------------------------- Elizabeth Eberhard--------------------- 15 " «N „ sN ---- Henry LanOr----------------------- 20 15 « wq J. F. Ryan----------------------------- 20 15 a •N Mrs. Annie Ryan -----------------24 15 N sd Olaf A. Herein ------------------------- 24 15 « Nw Mrs. Mary Herein---------------------' 2 15 " re L. T. Ruosch-------- ------------------ Catherine Ruosch--------------- --- w eK Mrs. Godfrey P. Wagner---------------------- 11 1 15 15 « p» E. W. Poorman-------------------------- 13 15 " Nw Mrs. L. W. Tutt------------------------ - 17 15 « w« Geo. C. Hetzenecker------------------- lz15 w "" H. E. O'Keefe-------------------------- " NN Leo J. Fangel ---------------------- ---- 22 1 « MN Mrs. Josephine Weik---------------- ---- 1 Mathew Weik------------------------ ----= 29 915 15 « nw Clifford Swanson --------------------- ww Martin Eberhard------------------------ Cushing & Driscoll, Inc., Managing Agent,Metropolitan Life Ins. Co•, 5 15 « "" By Arthur J. Driscoll------------------ Mrs.Esther Smetana, By Managing Agent 4 15 « Nw H. J. Collins----------------------- -- 16 15 « wp W. F. Moritz-------------------- " ----- NN 15 " NN Minnie A.Hillman---------------------- 20 3 1 N Mrs. Anna Hagen----------------------- 037 Ste perms tainai j "'We To Tbs HCityrof Sto � UI� *orifi antlesetat owners, h9reuy petition -,rev the undersigned property to the gre"09' of alisy in the your iiotaorabl* Boni► so being opposed Forth, Haaalit» s,ventts Vorthq TbO"S bl+oo#L-b0U d0'j by ytuliau,.e Avanue atrsst.0 td a.afo"4 ;itreetl -It* PQUIJ Minn. «----'Adflstioa.... ............................................ .�" h►at 15yt,tliaate ffi5• John D. :wohoa-----«- --- 15 :`�--�-•....« . $ 1� R HP •-.-.------ . 'r'. i1U[fA- -"- 15 15 b •a are. Theresa me FQuabon---------------- gra• Helm G. Duran----- ►«_.......•..... •-«N-•-r«rJZi1J�47 • Pa PnNNaa aaP!bbb PaPbN•p #IO•Tiabe i+• Connolly Joseph Coniii1-Y---•-•s-..•.'••r.«••• 11 S Donald J. • are* leaor 4QgDQr-.-.w._.......... 1 Henry is Kimaerson---- --b.............. 1 ....•.... Urge Clara Kinder '_.$ 15 .......... -zillion Iwaxison ----- .N......-'---..». • Mrs, gather Geyer---- 2 _ . pp -r MM.M ww•••N. ZtieA1�O--•------•............ 8 d as ��}.�sitard ISM ... we 1 1,t • ab iY`• Jobe As surkot......... .. g1lseDsth-berbard---- .rr.s.......... 1 p aM -«..•i....-M-.•M.•........... nO 15 P bb J. r• '�-.------�•.•-.-rr.rwrra••rr.r 2G Mrs* Asante Riven ------- •r. 24 15 P aN fig a eryyp....... a-.. r....r.w... 24 �s • navy1 15 a «. N p L. T. Ttuosdsh--N------rr._-•r•..r...... 15 a Pp are* Ci► cherl=Se ".Uodcb«-••-..•.r..•..•.• p )-5 rw Gorey a^• logs.tor-.-.M---r«•.......r-..r g ._... 15 p as I • poorer------- .••............ 13 1 p a Bars. L. w• sett -----...`..•..M.•.••.••••._---. 19 Goes Ce Kettaeseotaer- 1� i5 p Nb 15 abpsaa x. E. QOK*e---Mr..•w-..•-....r..... : CITY or ST. PAUL DEPARTMEOT OF -FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER p (A) In the matter of grading Alley in Block 15, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Syndicate Avenue to Heajline Avenue; also constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the westerly 8 feet of Lot 4, Block 15, Syndicate No. 5 Acdition from the Alley to the sewer in Lafond St. under Preliminary Order approved Dec. 22, 1937 To the .Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 1,448.66 fyont g 1.20 The estimated cost p400t for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT eLonc ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 15 Syndicate No. 5 Addition $675 5500 2 15 do 600 3600 3 15 do 600 5800 4 15 do 600 5 15 do 600 5800 6 15 do 600 5500 7 15 do 600 2700 8 15 do 600 1900 9 15 do 600 2500 10 15 do 600 2400 TOTAL, Form 8. B. 10 CITY Or ST. PAUL r . DEPARTMENT�OF FINANCE COMMISSIONERFINANCE REPORT OFP ELIMORDER -- - -" ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC ADDITION VALUATION Land, .-. Bldg.- i ---- l 11 15 Syndicate No. 5 Addition $600 $3100 12 15, do " 600 2800 1 13 15 do 600 1650 14 15 do 600 2900 15 15. do 700 2750 16 15 do 1250 17 15 do 650 18 15 do 650 950 19 15 do 650 3350 do 650 3100 20 15 21 15 do 650 3550 22 15 do 650 3100 23 15 do 650 1300 24 15 do 650 3250 25 15 do 650 .1100 26 15 do 650 2850 27 15 do 650 3200 28 15 do 650 3400 do 650 1750 29 15 do 700 .2600 30 15 ! Total $19,575 $82,400 that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner of Finance further reports together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, by the Commissioner of Public Works/ �— reference to Bald atter �/� 19 3 Commtsa�oner of Finance Dated F.— B. B. 12 C 0 P Y ' St. Paul, Minn..----JuIY-.a0r..... ---1937--- To The Honorable, The Council, V. ` - City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Lafond and Thomas Syndicate - ------ ---_- Grade Alley care and -Hemline_ =-..c_ _------ -.. ----------------- ------------ S tnoAme. ------------------------------ fmm--------------------------------------------- - ----- --- St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDIT N .. owner Joseph Poid near 1... L _..^. Owner John A Burket ------- 'r�fZO T 5 S Ads" Cvuur L T Ruosoh — _ ! is , Pao Thoma., St.--- Owner - , Owner Wm. �Jku. -?81 15 %mdln +e We_ , mnn , ..rnnA -- - N R 0 ti 9r"• -4-- Owner A„n,y T Kind—MAD 1519 Thomas Owner V; twomann 1315 Thomasyy+p� Math Weik rt� —]- I; Owner non.1a J- Kelly --1328 Lafoad St.. . N R V Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance January 10_ 193 8 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 109618 approved----__ . Deg_22�_--193 relative to Council, known as Council File No. oradine Allen in Block iS S,rndicate No 5 Addition from Syndicate Ave_to Hamline Avenue also constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the westerly 8 feet of lot 4, Block 15, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from the Alley to the sewer in Lafond Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.20 2. The estimated cost thereof is $� d— -s 4a.6- —, and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $26.05 Engineering $120.00 Frontage 1201.95 £t. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: Work by W.P.A. cost to property for equipment rental, material, 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is- - . - —. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, OD subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. mmissioner of Public Works 12 Ir .IAN 121938 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota r . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE. COMMIB/ION ER BUREAU OI BAHITATIGH BUREAU o. Co —E REPAIR GEORGE J. JACOBS. DEPYTT COYYIE/TONER FRED DRIVER, SU". J. R. JOH NBTON GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C.— EMo1NEER OUR— — DRIooEE DIX— BNo....R M. /. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER -G. H. HERROLD a C.— E.... CLERK Janua1�ryV 8, 1958 BURG -of CORR.—o.. RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. MARK. W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirt I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Alley in Block 15, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Syndicate Ave. to Hamlin Ave., also constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the westerly 8 feet of lot 4. Block 15, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from the Alley to the sewer in Lafond Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 109618 approved December 229 1987. Estimated Cost $1,448.66 Cost per front foot 1.20 Inspection 26.05 Engineering 120.00 Frontage 1201.95 ft. Mork by W.P.A. cost to property for equipment rental, material, engineering and inspection approximately 82¢ per front foot. ' Yours txgyp M MEPARD Chi Engineer Approved for transmission to the C� aioner,yaIIeGU�/• ING Commissioner of Public Works COUNCIL FILE NO ..................... BY----------------................................................ I 1102'76 In the matter of....C.QI1d�AtA1P1�..alld... king__ Qa._easement.-ia__the__lend. necessary__for......................... slopes, outs and fills in the grading of alley in Block 15, S7ndicate No -5 Addition from Syndicate Avenue to Hemline Avenue. jI r, F r r3 of aondomning and tek- I ment 1n the land neces-I ts --ts and ffiIq In the '';look M Ri' ndj- 109617 December 22nd, 1931 under Preliminary Order ................. . ......_........---........., approved ---------- --- -.... -a-r ...._........... 9- ........... 9 February 1st, 193...__... Intermediary Order.....-- 10.94 ..7 .... .................. approved ........._.............................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the / same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that r e�cccict-arr ��d itirraaavvv�vvwouuu i rovement be made b the said Ci%,sond ngand to ingan element the laee eeryPlopes,c sand th grading o�alley 1 Bloek5, Syndi ate No.S Addit n '[mom dicata A enueine A enue. be am the same are whero h} :�,- �L i, sn.lulled, and eE ' 0sidh19. in said tnatter br; di. r-; \,dthe Council hereby o ers said improvemen s to b ESOLVED FURTH That the followin lanordered to be taken, propriated and con mn No. the her dire autl or slopes, cute fills in the 5 ition from Syndic to avenue to pl of the Commission r of Public 'Nor here r erred to and mad a part hereof. RESOLV FURTHER, That he Commissionei cted to prep e plans and specific tions for said it rorized and di cted to proceed wit the making o MAR 1 WOO Adopted by the Council ................................................ e made. d, lands or easem nts therein be and the ame are ed for the purpose making the said impro ements, Ara of alley Block 15, Syndica ine Avenue, to th extent shown upon s attached hereto hich plan is of Public Works be and ik hereby instructed and Narovement, and the proper ity officials are hejeby id improvement in accords ce therewith. 1 -- 193........ Approved................................... ................. 19.... Mayor. Councilmen ay Sa2*lAs- cD ald Findlan Per parrento R. Tru Pearce We ze Peterson Mr. Pre 'dent - Gehea 60O -f433 l 2 �3� ruslisl->l�v� 0 + Irrdiomw Cnc dP — Indicates Pill. Traieal Notation Fitures a6we linelkiH ahor Cuter Pill at p op"t' line. Piwes below line show distance to which slope, 4*en4 6eyond property line. Looe• Bock NgZ123 X -S.. Bk. GO W • z J S�IewtENe.Si9d� 467, I J 83419 ALLEY BLK• ($ SYNDICATE: No.S A DD. N Syndicate Ave. Harr? me Ave. ?'n 5ca 1e f'r40 t LAFONO ST. W S Y N D I i C A T E N O- S A D D. > IS. 14 13 12 11 i to q 8 i % 6 S 4o7 t 5• R ° 60 + l I I I Fr D h I Fr Fr. Fr Fr.r Fr. r a r i G a ✓. Fr I F✓. �✓ � Ga r. i O O 10 list. He• 5tv. ! Fr. Fr. Gat I k Fr. Fr. Gar. j � ' Ger. j Gaf d i Go I. Gor � i i 40.1re, Ao' /(o 17 18 19 26 ZI 22 23 i 24 2S 2(e 27 _ 26 29 30 V i - Q S Y N D I C A T E N O. S A r THOMAS 5T. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Cn REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER cSi� In the matter of condemning and takinS an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 15, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Syndicate Avenue to Hemline "venue under Preliminary Order approved Dec. 22, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 25 00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION_ ASSESSED 9irUATIOflldg. 1 15 Syndicate Ho. 5 Addition $675 6600 2 is do eco sow S 15 do 600 5800 4 15 do 800 5 is do 600 5800 8 is do 800 5500 7 15 do 800 2700 8 15 do 800 1900 9 15 do 800 2500 10 15 do TOTAL. 800 2400 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i R FINANCE REPORTjAlsS ORDE ON PRE Y ._-._— ��� _ - -:. - __:. • .- _. _ ...... .. I LOTI, al.061 ,--: _. ., ...,-, ADDITION ASSESSED _ pLUATIOt� . II .,- - DESCRIPTION f ._ ,- ., _ _ _ . tt., ,,.,.,-y1t1(•.. �� 11 181 6 tion dictate No. 8 Addition � 1Qo0 - la 18 do 2800 I' I i 15 18 Qe 600 .1680 14 18 do 6W: 8900 18 16 do 700 2750 i 'I 16, 16, do 1250 j 17, 18 do 480. 16. 15, do 650 950 19. 16, do 850 3360 {i go 16 do 860 5300 al 1B' do 880 5660 C 22 18 do 88D. 3100 23 16, do 880 1500 } 24 16, do 68o 8860 u 26 16. do 660 1100 28 16. do 880 2850 27 ! 15, do 680 5200 I 28 181 as 880 3400 { 28 18 do ? 650 1750 30. 18; it do 700 8800 Total i �i9�675 �a� itI- ___ _ "`•' _ further reports The Commissioner of Finance fur that he has Investigated all o f the aforesaid matters, and the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in hereby submits reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.. Dated / 19 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 M Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _-_ January lM, 1938 193—_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 109617 approved.. _ Dec. 22,1957_193—, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopesp cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 15o Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Syndicate Avenue to Hamline Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S XXIQM , and the total cost thereof is 8 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -- 5. Said improvement is _ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said impMF FINANCE, �p.IK mmissioner of Public Works. It 4`v 2 f91a COUNCIL FILE' NO ..................... BY................................. ------------ 110277 condemning and taking an easement for the pur.Aaa of constructing and Inthe matter of-- .................................................. ._..........-... - ...a..... . - - - ..... ................... maintaining a public sewer on, under and aeuves the westerly 8 feet of Lot 4,Block 15, Syndicate No.5 Addition, from Lafond St. to the alley in the rear of said lot;also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 feet in width on the east side of above easement and on the easterly 5 feet of Lot 5 in said Block 15. under Preliminary Order ---.1f19619..._ .............................. approved ............ Dea-92nd-19$4---_------- Intermediary Order --------------- (l9W--- ------_---_----------------approvedFeb.--lat---1-9--38--- ------- -------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it pn - - RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that �f 0+ �tl ✓ti^i d higd f i provement t be made b the said Cit is condemning and takin an ease. t for th purp e of onstruct g and mai taining a public sews oa, anddr d across the waste ly 8 of t 4, Blo 15, Synd ate No. Additon, Y Lafond St. to the ley in th rear of a d lot; o taking -.tempo easement r construct n purpos a on a 9 ip 5 f et in wi th on the eat aide above sement and n the Baste ly 5 fee of Lot 5 said Block 1OWd 00 owns are lINFOEM4 SMSAWS ie Mill I,,._„_ \hede Council hereby\Th said improvemen to be made. SOLVED FURTThat the following and, lands or ease ents therein be and the same are ordered to be takropriated and conde ned for the purpos of making the said i provements, An easementhe purpose of co tructing and intaining a pub is , under and s the westerly :8,he t of Lot 4, B1 k 15, Syndicat No.S from Lafonto the alley ine ear of said to; also a temporryt for constrnu oses on a rip 5 -feet -in wi th on the east ide e asement anthe asterly 5 feet of Lot 5 in said lock15.SOL� D FURThat t Commissioner of Pu lic Works be an is hereby instructe and to pre re planpecificat ns for said' improvem nt, and the prope city officials are he eby ed and-rected eed with he making of said im ovement in actor nce therewith, MAR 11938 11027_ e mater oe oonaemning ane tax - Adopted by the Council ...._.._..........._._..................................................... 193.......- casement or the nnr d t Vit_ tr11CH�g era maintaining a acre ............................................................................... .. Approved.. -------------- p...... 7 i!h°3 19......_ - - Mayor. Councilme y ay . $endlan' �J( cDo aid Findlan Pe r Pearce Tr Parranto �h Tr _ q W nze Peterson PUBLISHED (J r. Pre ident –Gahan 500-6-a �� 5Y ND'CATE Nd5 ADD !e1 • BSA LS ,x _ a �Sj.AVey in Reor _5 EA5EME NT ....,i...,,. o?. - 3 N a — 27A W Q oma. ?:23 LA FOND ST. 8 "7 6 5 4 3 ALLEY -IO 23 �24 25 26 27 28 V�5 ADD. [OT4 bOK,g A in Reor $34 :reerS 5 - 9938 THOMAS ST. 30 w JL '1 f Q w i - a U O Z N JL '1 f CITY OF ST. PAUL ^ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT ON PREL1nMISNARY ORDER FINANCE / t;0_01 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 8 ft. of lot 4, Blk. 15, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Lafond St. to the Alley in rear of said lot; also condemninn and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 feet in width on the east side of above easement and on the easterly 5 feet of lot 5, in said Block 15. .. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 50,00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - -The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION Land Bldg. 4 15 Syndicate No. 5 Addition $600 5 15 do 600 X5800 4 - Total .1200 $5600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to sal matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. L -S D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Jan. -►-1938 — 193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 109619 approved__ --Pec--22L--1937 , relative to condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a punlicr on, tm er an a r r— Syndicate No.S Add. from Lafond St. to the alley in the rear of said lot; also 5 feet in width on the east side of above easement and on the easterly 5 feet of and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is --necessary and (or) desirable. � 2. The estimated cast thereof is $ Xaooa ,and the total coat thereof is $ , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is____ subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE. 19= ° �s ` O �4.. ,6... �,`, 1 JAN 121938 asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, missions, of Public Works. a ' 0 t. ;* 110278 COUNCIL FILE NO------------------------ By -------------------------------------------------- In the Matter of ---------------------------------- - --- - F. No 11027— curbCharles _ _ ------------ -- ____ ___ ____ __ _ __ _mr:---r<�Kv-..°vr-Avenue to — - __ ______ ___ ._ - _ ' -o.°ails;:"" under Preliminary Order ---------101929 approved ------------------------------ Intermediary Order _--- approved— A public hearing having been had upon the aboVe improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and reeommeridations rela�tiv�e/J thereto, and having fully�, considered the same; therefore, be it L(.t/p� GGf/v(J✓W l.�t�/2P v�L RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that , } vement to mad - -- Yir 's_Ayea-- ---- ------ ----- __ --a�f�e same are hereb,r r <�ceu d, anauiledr sad the Council \eb�ord ers s 'd improvemen tobemadESOLVED, Tha the Commiasio r of Public rka be andereby i atructnd diree to prepad spec' tions for sai 'mprovement, rid submit me to th Coun for approval, at uproval, the roper city offl 'ais are hereb authorize and dire ed to 0Geed" with t id improvem # t in accords a therewith. Adopted by the Council .__MAR- 1 X93$ — __, MAR 11933 Approved------------------------------------- 192---- --•------ - Mayor. Councilmar41JWmpwM= Barfuse Councilma Finrilau Ciouncilman Pe❑rcr. CouncilmaiabWkWIPM P tr.rsoa G T, uaz v Council - Councilmaaai6 Mayor NWiPM Form B. S. A. 8-7 gV t ,> PUBLLSI�I) r y�0iiP�� CITY OF ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .e REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �c9� (A) In the matter of curbing Charles Street from Farrington Avenue to Virginia Avenue under Preliminary Order approved June 29, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 599.09 _ _ _ $ 1.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIO NBldg. Land 1 Gottschall's Rearrangement $600 $2100 2 d0 500 2000. 3 do 500 1350.. 4 d0 500 1600 do 500 1350 5 East z of 4 10 Marren & Rice's Addition to 425 1200 St. Paul. ;'Pest '2 of 4 10 do 425 1050. 5 10 do 850 2200 6 10 do 925 2050. Lot 7 and 'Wrest 6 inches of 8 23 do TOTAL, 925 5200., I— B. B, 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I REPORT OF COMM19$IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT�B�Oe$.,-..._,� DESCRIPTION Ik - ASSESSED I' l�1 � ADDITION �I,� �lIld� VALUATION 1d& i fi • I I Warren.& Rice's Addition to i $$5C) _ j 32004. (Except west 6.inches� 23 L_ St. Paul 1-- do X50 500. -- 9 23 10 ; 23 do g5Q 6.50 t South 40 ft.) 11 b - (Except Exce p ) 23 do - $75 305011 1I do 775 1250', (Except South 40 ft.)! 12 23: is d o i Total 10,150 $28,950 i -- --- — — - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated��r f9_ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 -St. Paul,, Knn ---------- --St 1987 10_ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. GentlemenWe, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Curbing in the block on Charles Street between Farrington and. ----------- ------ ------------------------------ --- - ............ ------------- ------------- ........... ---- ----------- Virginia Ave.-- ------ --- --- ---------- St. Ave. -------------------------------------- -------------------- ------- ----------- ------------- from--------------------------------- -------------------------- St. Ave. to ------- ------------ ------------------- ------- .-St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 525 Charles St. Owner Patrick A. Difflgy . .. .... 526 Owner Mrs. E. H.Evans 555 14 R 0 Robert Graham 0-_; - 7 John LLmi owner ------------ -cu-S ly 557 -Owner Fired Qx!106= Owner 552 ere in favor of C. -M Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Jan. 17, 1938 _193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 107929 approved___ dune_ 29193 relative to curbing Charles Street from Farrington Avenue to Virginia Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is S599.09 , and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $10.77 Engineering $50.00 Frontage 600 £t. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof 4. S. Said improvement is_-- - _ __ subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. , ;2 a 9T 0. PIAN 19 1938 asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propOD �&w A co ommissioner of Public Wo BU,,_U OF CONN. a REPAIR j,,4 , UGHNSTON. SUPT, OPFICH ENGINEER G. N. HERROL, CRIHF ENO.. GLENN MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRV ING C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER GEORGE J. UACOBS. DEPUTY COKMIHHIOHH. GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEF ENGINEER January 14, 1988 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Finance City of St. Paul, Minn. BUREAU Of SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU OF BRIUGE9 M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAUOF.CORREOTIONS RAY .I, KARTAK. SOFT. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Charles Street from Farrington Avenue to Virginia Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 107929 approved June 29, 1957. Estimated Cost $599.09 Cost per front foot 1.00 10.77 Inspection 50.00 Engineering 600 ft. Frontage Yours truly, EG M � AE?D Chi Engineer Approved for transmission to the ssionef�anc� VING 0 PEARL/Ev�f�J GOmmi sioner & Public Ylorks 110279 COUNCIL FILE NO------------------------ By O------------------------- By----------------------------------------------- FINAL ORDER lik In the Matter ide o£ froin MIA .to--Wei.Ah -Avenue - -------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------ - --------------------- -------------------- --- under Preliminary Order----------107927__-------approved------------June--29 x,__1_$$7--------------- - Intermediary Order -- --------approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind r of im- provement to be made by the said City ls_qur1j the north side of -Cottagetreetfrom IFINAL ORD>nRX. --------------------------- - Vg. 110279— tt- of eur-�, the north sidel --- — ------ — ------ — --- — -- — ---- — ---- Greenbrier. nder.Pre and the Council hereby orders said improvement In be made' RESOLVED. FURTHER, That the Commissioner Of Public Works.be. and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper eity.officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith,'. Adopted by the Council ------MAR ----- 11938 -- — ------- ----- City Clerk. MAR 11938 Approved-------- - - - --------- - -------------------- 1192 ---- ---- ----------- /-I Councilman Councilman len an 'Imanft&aaid:—:� CounqJlman dficWoMmm i.. Coa0manaudhzhaMwW== coui`eilmah dlbemdm� Mayor � PUBLISHED Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OP ST. PAUL •• " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE le, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER OrtnO (A) In the matter of • curbing the north side of Cottage Street from Greenbrier Avenue to 'jlalsh Avenue under Preliminary Order approved June 29, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 513.66 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 0.87 fnt - - The estimated cost pegoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK Land Bldg. Lane's Phalen Place $125 14 2 do 125 15 2 150 $3250 - 16 2 do 150 3150 17 2 do 100 3400 18 2 do do 100 19 2 CIO 100 20 2 150 2250 21 2 do 150 3050 22 2 do 150 3000 23 2 do . TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT CoMNfISSIDNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED iI DESCRIPTION LOT' 01-0 ADDITION VALUATION II 24.2 Lane's Phalen. Place_ Il X150; $$500 25-, 2 _do 150 CIO 150 4250 �. N a 26 2 27 2 do 150 4-.- j Ii 11 :i is t r ii —u h 1 - -- -- 85O, 27. I Total, X1900._ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19 C� tsatoner of Finance. Horm B. B. 13 J, :9 St. Paul, Minn..u0@_-7 r--��1.19 -To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gefitiemen:etition your Honorable We, the undersigned property owners, hereby .p -- Body to cause the following improvement to be made: on the north aide oY ----------------------------------------------- ----- coastruot curbing---- cottage Street -------------------- 3UMAIM. - ------- ----- Walsh --------- Ave. to ------------------- - Greenbrier - - �', - i from--------- ------------ -------- - ----- .... Ave. - BLACK - ADDLTLON NAME . Lane Phalen -dace owner Arthur Adamson _. -. L....' .. i. ..._.__.. _ .... _ ._ ._..... 2 gam— Owner -..-- John.A. Anderson do Owner J _ !61 _T 2 --�— do _.... Owner Frank Person ---- _.. . do owner g Kautt � __.__._.._�.. 18' Ldo ;.._ owner lg ; 2 ----- Ham. T. Andersen ' -- - 20' 2' do _Owner -do Owner 2Geo T). —_--- — 1 to .' - - owner d? _ 24' 2 26; _2 . • do Owner ' T I ifj i N. 7z 5.E. A 5EC. ZO- T 29- F- z3. sCAI. Sao•. LAKE COMO Amo _ _PHALEN-- Q - - --- 0ENNY -- ST_ COTTAGE 5T II Z N Q c , n W I 01 IWC I --Q -- - _ L E A Q 57. i i W iui � I -- I ¢ I �. W -J - W tW 11 I } IVY ui ST. P.L. --TIC• •TAryM ATLAS - - iL.37. 5 -t: if • w 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Jan. 1721938 193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 107927 approved__- June 29i 1987_ _ -193—, relative to curbing the north side of Cottage Street from Greenbrier Avenue to 'lialsh Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__ .___ necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.87 2. The estimated cost thereof is 8 513- As and the total cost thereof is S Inspection $9.17 Engineering $46.00 Frontage 591 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. e , A z `6.__�V JAN 19 1938 —asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pro r missioner of Public Wor t� OUR— OF CONST. s REPAIR J. R. JOHNBTON OFFICE [...NEER G. H. HERROLD C...EF e..R.OLER. MARK,W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE, COMMI9e1DHER GEORGE J. JACOB9. DEPUTY COMMIEEIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C..EF EN.INEER January 14, 1988 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul,'Minn. Dear Sirt BUREAU OF 9.KrtwTION FRED DRIVER. 9- BUREAU OF BRIDGE/ M. 9. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU OF C O R R ECTI O N RAY J. KARTAK, Su". I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing the north side of Cottage Street from Greenbrier Ave. to Walsh Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 107927 approved June 29, 1987. Estimated Cost $518.66 Cost per front foot 0.87 Inspection 9.17 Engineering 46.00 Frontage 591 ft. Yours truly, OD .�-4 FG—E0 M. SHEPARDf Engineer Vj Approv or anamiseion to the Co seioner ce RVIND C FARCE P Commi ioner of ublic Works ` 11-0280 COUNCIL FILE NO. -,------------------ By------ ------------- -------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__surfacing_tthe_Alley__iri Stanford_Place _and_Block_l�_Vfe13esley__Place £rom_Fairview Avenueto the_west_line_of_Wel1_esley_Place_with_two____inches--of-____-__ .bituminous__materia-4-------------- -109825 approved ___.January -14,_ 1938.----___----_----_---_- under Preliminary Order 109825 --- Intermediary Order --------— A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it "' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is-_surface_the_Alley_in Stanford Place anL.�lock 1,_ 3 1Nelleale3c_Flase, _�ro�_Eairsieb_Avenus_to__the ire _f19e> > PBS PV-p7acg-�ith---- — --- -bitumi.nstur__ma#,9rz ..---___--- — C. F. No. 11028071 In the alla[te} °ufn� the Alley (n —'- -_ _---------_ —_ 1 Stanford Pte__ Block t Weleleeo ---- — ----- —_______________—_____— ley Meel. .. ^� •I?�- `.., the west I' th tw-� (2) i and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ---- MAR ----- lffza-- ------- -, 192_ _ �-" -�/ ------ --- -- --- ---- --------------- - ----- - ----- - • City Clerk. MAR 1193 Approved-------------------------------------- , 192- -- Mayor - Councilman®. �, f ase Councilman F=949-01� ,i d i n n Councilman dft$Q1W1&z-r F�' fiCouncilman rn reon Councilman Councilmanl>13h®i® Mayor'UNIPM70;1 Form B. S. A. 8-7 PuBuSHED CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF WINANCE ,a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) �,0' In the matter of surfacing the Alley in Stanford Place and Block 1, -Jrellesley Place from Fairview Avenue to the west line of Yiellesley Place with two inches of bituminous material under Preliminary Order approved Jan. 14, 1938 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1,243.86 fr nt $ 1.00 The estimated cost peroot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONVALUATION ASSESSED Land Bldq. 1 Stanford Place $1000 $5300 . 2 do 900 5200 3 do 900 6000 4 do 900 5850 5 do 900 5400 6 do 900 5700 7 do 900 4750 6 do 900 5950 9 do 900 5400 10 do 900 4150 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 . CITY OF ST. PAUL ^ DEPARTMENT ,AF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOTIeLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED „ VALUATION : Land —Bldg—i a „ W. 5 ft. of 12 &all Of 11, Stanford Place '1000 :$8650 r (Ex. W. 5 ft.) 12 do 800 5350 13. do 900 4350 14. do 900 .I 4700 _ (Ex. E. 30 ft.) Lot 16 and all Of 15. do 1200 7400 East 30 ft, of 16, do 1200 4850 (Except E. 15 ft.) 17, do.. East 15 ft. of Lot 17 and all of 18 do 1300 8650 1 1 Wellesley Place 875 2, 1 do 875 4400 °I 3 1 do 875 4450 1, do 875 4550 5. 1 do 800 6 1 do 800 2500 7 1 do 875 3600 8 1 do 875 2900 I v 9 1 do 875 q 4300 i it 10. 1 do .. 875 'I 3800 ., 1 i i Total $25,000 $128,150;': The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r� Dated�� 19g Commissioner of Finance. Form H. 9. 13 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 27, 1937 Hon. I. C. Pearce Commissioner of Public Torks City Hall Dear Sir: The Council referred to you the attached petition for the grading of an alley in Block 1 Wellesley Place and the alley in Stanfm d P7a ce. Very truly yours City Clerk 7 St. Paul, Minn --- 5PPt-.--2',j,}------ --- 193.7. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause -the following improvement to be made. Grid ng -_the Alley_ in Bice li-a, .Well-ealeg--Place--and--thy--k1-10y---i-n Stanford Place - ------------ -•----------------------- ----- -- --------------- ---------------- - - - ---- --- ------- ----- ----_St. Ave. • - --- --.St. Ave. to. - - - --St.'Ave:, _ NAME LOT._ l BLOCK ? ADDIT10N L. A. Evanson!_ -- Ralph H. Johanson — Robt A Dudley. .:- fir_ 4.: J. -Brennanif TI_ it ArthurJ. Pearson6_— Victor J Helper _ � n n — --- .A:-v M. Giefer R-E. Keck II u 10 ° rl C ...B.-Sampair n u J. J. Stevens Vj H J Olsen 23-- Ir F. J. McArthur Ad-- Balth Strobel 16 it r' I , _4 �-� " Ir A J, I 'i I. , St. Paul, Minn... -Sept.. -22-r- -- 1937... To The Honorable, The Council, . City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: in Bljo-ck l.Wellesley -place-and-the Alle-y- J -n -- Stanford Place. -_----------St. Ave. ---------------------------- ----------------- from ----------------------- --------------------- - - ------.St. Ave. to - --St' Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDMON l... WeIle-el'e Y- Place -R! Willjap2 D. Dwyer It Frank G. Klein iwt k4 NW-Zu imm 3. Phinney 0. Larson marti4. Marty - N. i' !e,1 �L!J- +L; io i I r 323 N. /N.NI/Sec . -9 7iYzj — a i h STANfoRO Ave. WELL Es-fr h .4 IiFt/EFfERSOi✓ AVE• Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance January 21 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: 193 8 The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 109825 January 14 1938 , relative to Council, known as Council File No. approved_ surfacing the Alley in Stanford -Place and Block 19 Wellesley Place from Fairview Avenue to the west line of Welles 1ePlace with two (2) inches of bituminous material. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is— — necessary and (or) dessiirsabl per front foot L,243.86 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_--1,24-3 and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $21.94 Engineering 0125.00 Frontage 1,251.34 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 5. Said improvement is_ subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE, 9' JAN 22 1938 asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property VU �of �St CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF CONST. S REPAIR GEORGE J. JACOBS. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER J. R. JOHNSTON. SuPT. GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER OFFICE ENGINEER G.H.HERROLD CHIEF ENGw. CLERK January 20, 1988 MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIV ER. SUPT. BUREAU OF BRIDGES M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAUOF CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for surfacing the Alley in Stanford Place and Block It Wellesley Place from Fairview Avenue to the west line of Wellesley Place with two (2) inches of bituminous material, under Preliminary Order C. F. 109825 approved January 14, 1958. Estimated Cost $1,248.86 Cost per front foot 1.00 Inspection 21.94 Engineering 125.00 Frontage 1,251.84 ft. Work by W.P.A. cost to property for equipment,rental, material, engineering and inspection approximately $0.84 per front foot. Approved for transmission to the ponmissioner ance / IRVING C. E Commissioner Public Works Yours y, DOP M. E:PARD Ch7f Engineer odil"I to aa, na eeu"" No 110281 CITY OF ST. PAUL . . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK tCOUZL ( UTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED .. ---- - ..............DATE ........ COMMISSION .............. _. _..... .... ..__........ .......... . RESOLVED that the proper city officers be and t0ey are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with Louis Fischer, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the 2nd day of February 1938; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Louie Fischer the sum of $16.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including February 16, 1938. COLMEN Yeas Nays an Ete In Favor /rson /Truax_Against - Wcnzel 1:: rerxtq r. President (Gehan) 7M 3.37 No. i1Q38x—By L C. Pearce— eolved, that tae Drover city of- ibe and they are hereby author - to enter into an arreement with Flecher, Droviding for the oay- L comoeneatlon to him at the of e h b k during such as he hall be totally dlsnbled hi y n of Inl Noy received by him . In the employ [ the Department ubllc Werke, on the 2nd day of iary, 1938; be 1t -ther Resolved. that In accordance said agreement, the orooer city rs are hereby authorl.ed to Day tld I,ouls Flecher the um of .at of the Workmen's Comeen-' t Accountf the General Fund, 1 settlement of his claim again. 7ty. being for the cerlod to and lingFebruary x8: 1938. i11ted by the Council Mar. 1, 1938. MAR it ossa Adopted by the Council 193 MAS 1938 Approved_ .93..... t Mayor 06,1 .1 1. a,Y D k 110282 CITY OF ST. PAUL :«�`" NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .,.J,.µ• - COMMIS $IONER..........._ / ++ 415 �..... ....... .........DATi ..... ..... .... ...... ............ RESOLVED,that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with William Lego, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $17.60 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the 2nd day of February 1938; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said William Lego the sum of $62.80 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including Feb. 23, 1938. C. F. No. 11082—Be nrooertr 1iv of li,1938:be 1t ar Further Resolved. that Ingaccordance with saki aareoment, the DroPCr CITY dlPera are hereby uthorfzed to Day t1keI $5t..801dut of lithe W i c -on o ., FuCaum nd. atlnn Account of _the General Fund, in alnstt the CItYle he1n9 for the Derlod ` to d ine]udin¢ Feb. 23. 1938. j ADProved �fara1193811 Me.r• 1, 1938. 4 (March 6, Ms) 0AQ Adopted by the Council _ 191 COUN LMEN Yeas Nays /) :polan fz / In Favor .rson /i .. Against rraatto r. President (Gehan) 3M 3.37 MAR iq!P Approved/..._._... __._ .._........193....... Mayor 0,11Ind to Ot, r,.* c2lu.N � 110283 CITY OF S .PAUL r« NO. __ OFFICE OF THE ITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYE ��,a/�„ .. DATE....... e ... .. P t COMMISSIONER— ... 1........ j Rj3WMtX= WHBRBAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain dwelling at 599 Capitol Boulevard, located on Lot 10, Block 14, Brewsterts Addi— tion, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being oondemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the P.Sth day of March, 1938, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it X" FURTHER RESOLVED, That not lees than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice -of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior to the dated aid hearing. C. F. Nc. 110289—By F. M. Tivaa— W reae, the Commissioner oY Parke, I Playg ounduppd. �ubltc Buildings has ', -otad t) th2 nli that that rr - cOUr QILMEN Adopted by the Council MAR 11938 Yeas Nays /ftif,. / Idlan MARa 153(7._ ��Approved .. 193.._.. pg��Tant© _ In Favor /P/e rson Against ...... Mayor.. We"I.- M, President (Gehan) PUBLISHED 3M 3-37 CITY OF SAINT PAUL -fro Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK tib L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Feb. 25th, 1938 Mr. John P. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter Boulevard, of the locatedon of the dwelling at 599Capitol Lot 10, Block 14, Brewster's Addition. Yours very truly, .V 4-111 City Clerk. \`—t CHAS. A. BASSFORD ERNEST W. JOHNSON pry Architect W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt, of Playgrounds Supt. of -Part CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminiona February 23, 1938 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: Complaints are being received from the Fire Prevention Bureau relative to the dwel ingeat 599sCapitol oBoulevard located on Lot 10, Llock n. our inspector states that this is a one story frame dwell - with doors and windows open, plaster off in places, siding off and the balance badly weathered, the porch is in very poor shape. It is unfit for human habitation and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property. The last known owner is Anna I.;cCann, same address. Kindly set a hearing, in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. y ruly, Ci Architect LAR..0 I' I, ( 1 • • CITY""EaK CITY OF SAINT PAUL `" NO 11 0284 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 20B PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Irving C. Pearce DATE Yoh. 3f 193 8 RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS & MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE.f and to adjust quarterly budget allotments. CODE APPO RTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 10-C-1 Workhouse 250.00 10-G-6 250.00 13-B-1 Street a Sever Cleaning 39433.00 13-B-2 300.00 13-ar1 2,233.00 13 -are " " " 300.00 13-G-2 " 1,200.00 C. . Reeolved, No. !'Thll—ByPearce— That the following trar'' j fora / o DL-m idnbin be made on the books Iler• a by dellcl ency_ idol n �eTt.lr of n¢ W,- f YES (y) COUNCILMEN (y) NAYS PEARCE / PETERSON Rear M IN FAVOR TRUAX /I YV*I"TEN _1 AGAINST 4 —ZF vvrfq= MR. PRESIDENT 100 10-34 MAR 1 '^?9 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— 193 -- APPROVED 'MAR 1 1918 193. COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY CO—ROLLER YVIaI. aAL2.0 3 ,3 g cbW t. car a.n, CITY OF ST. PAUL ^�■ No.._.__...... pp, A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RTTT\\\���777��_�����-III ON ---GENERAL FORM )[SI' .1933............. .._....._. PRESENTED B ................DATE ch 13.. .. COMMISSIONER ... ........... __... _._... That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated RESOLVED be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city ai>ak treasury of the required fe, Johnson Bros. 1058 Hastings Ave. Grocery App. 28628 Renewal W. Schenka 552 St- St. Grocery 1" n n Off Malt " 22878 " Harry Goodman 555 Robert St. Gas Station " 23456 ^ Butwinick Bros. 224-26 E. 7th St. 2nd hand dlr. " 23607 " John Deltas 523 Wabasha St. Restaurant " 23613 " Dave Levy 91 S. Wabasha St. 2nd hand dlr. (auto parte) " 24071 " Lee School of Barbering 232 E. 7th St. Barber " 24139 " Prank Wortman 490 S. Hemline ave. Barber " 24341 " H.Peterson & R.Souther 405 N.Washington Hotel " 24446 " A. W. Brunner 1338 Randolph Confectionery " 21656 " Carl Johnson 830 Raymond. Restaurant " 24667 " Wm. A. Thom 1334 Randolph Grocery ^ " 24715 " 24716 " n " n n Butcher Off Sale Malt " 24717 " John Schneider 1194 Rice St. Barber " 24814 " Tdtoemer's Grocery 843 Rice St. Grocery " 24819 " Chas. B. Hahn 589 N. Dela St. Barber " 24828 " Dave Malchler 611 Central Pk. P1. fII Butcher " 24g65 R Z C. T. Heller 33 W. 10th St. Confectionery " 24911 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193_ yea$ Nays Earfuss Findlan Approved . _ 193....... Pearce In Favor Peterson Truax Against Mayor Wrrent, Mr.l'restrdent (Gehan) 3M 3.37 gdrt.a I. atr a.a CITY OF ST. PAUL iai NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ........... ...... ......_ ... ..... ........ ...........DATE .... RESOLVED —2- Z. A. Barbydt 491 S. Wabasba St. Levi Garrett 365 N. Western A. R. Tows 615 Wabasha St. National Tea Co. 395 N. Prior Ave. p p fl n G. Margellon 438 Jackson St. Bart Rieger 391 Edmund St. a a n a Mary June Gilbert 1997 Randolph St. R n a n . a Joseph Rybak 943 W. 7th St. Wm. Supornick 1340 Grand Ave. fl R fl 11 S. Rossini 239 Marehall Ave. Maier Bernat 393 N. Western Ave. C. S. Schlerf 401 N. Smith Ave. Butcher " Ray Traynor 733 W. 7th St. Grocery " 25292 ' N L.F.Horeish & W. Bell 914 Randolph } Gas Station App.24939 opted by the Council ArM^d`. Renewal. Pool Tables " 25153 a Butcher a 25291 11 Grocery " 25201 Butcher a 25202 " Barber a 25213 " Grocery " 25245 " Butcher " 25246 " Grocery " 25292 ' Off Sale Malt a 25293 a Butcher a 25299 ' Grocery p 25302 " Butcher " 25303 " Butcher R 25316 w Grocery a 25327 a Confectionery n 25349 " Motion Picture R 25349 a Restaurant a 25359 ° On Sale Malt a 25360 ■ Off Sale Malt R 25361 a Gas Station 9 25369 ' MAR 1'1�9( 3, 8.M LMEN CO�p.Ul,/pN opted by the Council ArM^d`. I93_ Yeas NC uss dkn . e PneaPr➢clei,e —HBalr3t'fcune1A.n• .i.C—•e C. �F. No. 16r•1 d i7etmed , rce In Favor oa2ni8eu ; t .pp Ved 3 -:�rson 193 ... `dF_. •0 ax l... .. Against y P rranto r. President ,M �� (Gehan) PUBLISHED j a 5 3 odfleJ le Cxr ask c...... 110286 CITY OF ST. PAUL .�■ NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t _rl COUNCIL AEPOCCK -- GENERAL FORM ....DATE ....March 1, 1939. RESOLVEDThat license for Restaurant, application 25454. On Bale Malt Beverage, application 25455, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 25456, applied for by Marie Nielsen and Lloyd J. Marcy at 1596 Selby Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Eiew, Informally approved by oouncil, Feb. 24, 1939. Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeaa Nays / jndtan `1/l/J Pearce In Favor ,4�eterson ^ (/d'gainst FMYrantp r. president (Gehan) )M l•3 C. F No 110286 BY T. Com. Pearce. F. M. Resolved. That lloense for Reetaur- ani, aDDllcatlon 38464. On Sale Matt ]ntvcrage, Dplfcatlon 86466. and Ott, ap1. vlledlor by Merle aielelentand Lloyd tCnie hereby SKranted and the �tY clerk 1e lnetruC[efl to Isava a city ll• treasurypo[ the reouIredt fe e.. the city Adopted by the Councli bfar, 1, 1938. Approved bier. 1. 1938. (March 6. 19381 Adopted by the CouncilNAR 11938 193. Approved . ✓ t93....... GoUNCR 11028'7 odli'w to air a.d CITY OF ST. PAUL _It No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL4SQ(�UTN---GENERAL FORM.-.-DATEbaTCYI.l..l �93g2PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER......_........ -- - -- RESOLVED 1 ed for by the following persona at That licenses app sated and the city clerk the esI are hereby �t the addressee indicated is instructed to issue of the required fees: be and into the city treasury such licenses uilon the payor g 1i Rice St. Grocery 9 App. 25179 New old Location Frank J. Schulte 1218 Randolph Grocery " 252;9 " " "5240 H. J. Gies Butcher " 2 " " Joe Bernstein 1210 E. 7th St. Confectionery " " " 25261 New G. F. Ross 523 Selby Ave. Barber " 25357 " Old " COUN MEN N71n Yeas fuss than earce Favor �earaon tuax � Against arrr ul- ' Mr. President (Gehan) ;M 3-37 C. F. No. 110237—By L C. Pearce. F. M. T ovaa, G. H. Ba Luss— B solved, That Ilc—.. applied for by the following "' as at the ad- hreeby Indicated to daad the chtys clerkafa the payment into ethe ec ty ctreasury of the Ired fees: _ ce r APO. 26179 iNew,901d Bice oa tloL. n ro H. S. Gies, 1216 Randolph. Grocery, App. 26239 New, Old Locationan . AVD, 262 Ofsi 121Old Locatlon.Butchec, Soe Bernstein, 26261 14 01FLoca-11 48ctionery, App• tion. Apv.263687 Nw?Old ILoc Licby a Berber. Councll Dfar. 1, Adopted by t�a1938.. Approved (March 6 1938) Adopted by the Counci PAR 11938 193_ Approved..__ ` ___193....._ � I Mayor COUNCIL 1.l r 0288 adds.; t. ah.d a CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. NO. _. _i'/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C COUNCIL �7-DATE... ryION---GENERAL FORM PRESENT DwBw \. ....... / ../......... marck..lm....1J38.t.. _..._. .. .... RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the ewe are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: S.Brand Coal & 011 00. 484 Rice St. Fuel Dealer App. 23115 Renewal. Citizens Ice &Fuel Co. 6 E. 4th St. " 23276 a Perry Coal Co. Plato & Livingstone " " ° 23562 " Hertl Coal Co. 649 Rice 9t. " " " 23554 u COUN91LMEN YeasNay #lan In Favor merson rua Tr' -_:Against t... rr n}�p r.I�remdent (Gehan) 1st Y37 i No. 1102V8BarfI. C. Pearce, F. M. —, G. H. usa— olved, That licenses applied for �e ColI""'• "r""at the ad - indicated be and the same are et d to ;:suede :The licenses upon ayment Into the city treasury of 3nulred fees: )rand Coal & Ice Co. 481 Rlce St., Dealer, ApD• 23118 Renewal. .On. Ice &Fuel Co.. 6 E. 4th St. Dealer. ADP. 23276 Renewal. lr,A68eaK tons. DeeApp. 232 Renewal. ti Coal Co. 649 Rice St., Fuel r Avo.y2386� Renewal. rtved Mare 1C 193811 Mar. 1. 1938. o (March 8, 1938) MAR 11938 Adopted by the Council 193 Approved.... _/ 193 ,....... f /— Mayor Dddsy to Dtv C1611, I 110289 CITY OF ST. PAUL `rOi"`" NO.._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �C�OUN/CIL j4E^aAIiITION---GENERAL FORM �j/fG�..L\�li1 AA -4--f _.. .... DATE....... March.. l-.. 1939. . ..... ......._.. RESOLVED U %� That Pet Shop license #251, expiring Rovember 20, 1938, issued to Louis A. So. e. at 70 R. 7th St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Louie A. Sonnen at 410 St. Peter St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. COUN LMEN Yeah s Na .idlan 7earce In Favor rson a Against Wfere..,:d,nt (Gehan) )M Y C. F. No. 110289—By I. C. Pearce. F. M. Trues. G. A. Berfuss- 261eeaplringgThNovembero 2011c1938 Ne - sue d to Louie A Sonnen at 70 W. 7th St. be and the same Is hereby trans- ferred to Louie A. Sonnen b 410 8t. Peter St. and the proper Sty odlcere e .Instructed to make the proper - changes In the Stye records. Adopted by the Council .liar. 1. 1938. ADDco cd Mar. 1. 1938. (March 6. 1928) B MAR 11933 Adopted by the Council __ _ 193_ _ Approved __ 193...._. Mat_ Odllny.to CIty D.* 110290 CITY OF ST. PAUL ....... NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL oRESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Pindlan �n.+� �'( a,,— COMM ISSI ONER............. ..... .. ......... ............DATE.......... ...... .......... ........ Aw RESOLVED That the free use of the theater section of the Saint Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby given to the St. Paul Concert Association on Thursday evening, Marsh 3rd, 1938; said Assool- ation to pay only the cost of opening and operating the theater on that occasion. CO�MBN Yeas Nays � /, tl /Fi" / / hn P dalT821t0 /,Pearcce (/v/l In Favor /1�terson �ruax / Against —RGxcd / Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 3.37 C. F, No. 110290-13, J g Flndian— tor,U In. ctlonh p� a free uee t the Corium 6e and It le horebYYnt P8u1 Audi - da Pn.ul Concert Aueociatlon loan to the day "eling, March 3rd._ 1938; TTtura- oclatlon to ➢ay only the coat oo d As- ing atld o➢stating (he Chester o➢en- occaelon,. n that Ado➢ted by the "pro 'o Council Mar, 1, 1938. Ad Mar, 1, 1938. (March 5. 1938) MAR 11938 Adopted by the Council 193. VAR t i Approved... 193_._.. /1 Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Feb. 25th, 1939 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested you to draw a resolution granting the attached request of the St. Paul Concert kasorchtion 3rd, for the use of the Auditorium Theatre Thursday at the cost of opening and operating. Yours very truly, City Clerk. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IJOHN S. FINDLAN, Coaxis.ioxrn (S)}j P. E. MaDERMOTT, D-11 l �D-AROA,.MFURNIMUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM "IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT" 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAM MUMSOTA w February 24, 1938 The Convention Ensemble ARENA— 7,000 SOoare Feet seating 16,000 Ice Rink 100.221 EXHIBITION HALL $4.000 se.— Feet Evert Service AUDITORIUM THEATRE Commissioner Senting 2,000 Mr. John S. Findlan, C..el.0 sage Department of Education All New Sixth Floor City Hall STEM HALL Saint Paul, Minnesota B.U_. Compiea Sage Sent. 1,250 Dear Mr. Findlan: RAMSEY HALL M. Sala 660 Please find encloses} letter from Mitis Adelaide Enright, president of .the Saint Paul Concert 2 HALLS Seating 160 Association, requesting the use 3rdthforuthe Auditorium Theatre Thursday evening, 14 COMMITTEE ROOMS SHAN SAR BALLET at the cost of opening and opera— SERVICES AVAILABLE ting. A -C Gltrrent 110-220 vola Slogs end 8 phase D.0 Lbrrent 110-220 VoltaThe letter is self-explanatory as to the aims and Telephone—Telegraph P. w ssetem objects of the Saint Paul Concert Association, an I"C.m = �elneu accordingly recomend that resolution be introduced apt anti cola w.ar granting the the use of the Theatre at cost of Drain Cooneetiwe co. ate.m opening and operating. C..ervwead Air Thanking you, I am, Yours very, truly, SAINT PAL AIIDITORIIIM� =gyp Manager �AV �e SAINT PAUL CONCERT ASSOCIATION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA MI.. ADS—. M. 6N wIONT [C[LIA KALMA A. o[I.rN D ALS[Rr w M R.. O[O R06 N. Sa1008 MR. PR AMR PASKKW—K[ MRS. CHARLES A. MAUSLER MR gebruary 23,1938. Mr. Ed Turni Manager, St.Paul ,udiiortum , St.Paul,Minnesota. Dear Mr. Turni When we bring the Shan Kar Bd116t; to the Auditorium on March 3rd,we should like very much to obtain the privilege of opating it onca oost-of- opening basis. As our organisation is a non.-prdfit-: organisation , we hope that this permission will be granted by the oounoil. The St.Paul Oonoert Association bus been established to bring to the oitizene of St.Paul at the small oostof $5.00 for adults and $2.50 for studduts , the world's finest musioians. It is managed and organtied by a group of business men and women who volunteer their servioes. We understand that if the oost-of- opening basis is allowdd us ,the rental forthe $td00.00. evening of Maroh 3rd will be appy We will appreoiate anything you oan do for us .in seouring this rate. very truly yours, o President. C. F. N,, 110"91. jiot72.1110293— It-1,ld, Th.L1 chef" "" drawn o 1h, Cii) Treasury, - , the ` 1hlL1 alllmbered x9711 to U,,tc t ,f $131.49 4 -061 c�r checks on file �1 comptroller. 1-1 1 -!3` `jI .11L, 1. MS All L, ,,,,d Nlar.' 1.C 1!' 8 olar,h 5. 1'9381 71 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 34 260 3*L 537 739 9t DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PULL COUNCIL —ROLL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN i February 24 19 PEARCE 1 —IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS - , 3 PETERSON X ., ffITY TREASURY TRUA AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECK. BE -RS, -TH, WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AW4yj0j $ I COVERING AS MR. PREI5. GEHAN MAR 1 1938 CHECKS NUMBERED --- - - OFF TO E OF T CITY INCLUSIVE. LE I T PER C11111 ON Fl�� ADOPTED BY TIMgRUNCj�--- APPR ED '193— NUMBER CIL B Y DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OFRETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECK. CHECKS j 260 11531 164 515 BROUGHT FORWARD 34 34 44911 Wallace J. Murray '10 W!" Comp.Atto=ey 37 �20 1 12 44912 Ga Romer GannawaYs 50 00 qj-j 44,14 R.C. Meyers 92 61 4491 Air Reduction sales Company Mfg Company I 2e38 44915 44916 Allis—Chalmers American Automatic Electric ales Co. 6071411 44917 American Linen SUPV 153 32 10 44918 American Optical Go go 15 4 44919 1 Axel Anderson 199 75 44920 Armour and OompanY 8 11 44921 Blomberg's Grocery 3 91 44922 Blue print Service Company 30 00 44923 Law Bonn Company 110 00 44924 44925 Boutells S. Brand Goal & Fuel Oil Compi any 1 439 44 44926 Buffalo Meter Company I I 37 99 23 26 44927 44928 F.J. Campbell chio&& St.Paul# Mpls- & O-Ry-Oo* 77 55 44929 1 Coobran—Sargent Company 1 67 76 1 1 1 37 56 44930 000p.Laundry Company 302 69 44931 Crescent Creamery Company 28 00 44932 Daily News Corporation 95 67 44933 Decker Hardware Company 51 �O 4493 Detroit Stoker CompjainY 19 PIS 1: 44935 DunnIls Fairway Market 371 97 44936 44937 Slaotric Blue Print Company The Emporium 5 29 III 44939 Ozmun, Kirk & Oompanly a 6N Farwell, 3 449 9 H.W. Fisher Company is 9 90 44;0 Freeberg Pies, Inc. 220 00 44941 Fuel loonomy Eng.Company 1 50 44942 Gas Consumers Assooi 806 75 44943 General Electric SUOI;itiy000rp. 101 88 44944 44945 Goodyear Service Company Company Gopher Ribbon & Carbon Comp 00 00 288Ii 117 L R.L. Gould & Company 1 C. F. N,, 110"91. jiot72.1110293— It-1,ld, Th.L1 chef" "" drawn o 1h, Cii) Treasury, - , the ` 1hlL1 alllmbered x9711 to U,,tc t ,f $131.49 4 -061 c�r checks on file �1 comptroller. 1-1 1 -!3` `jI .11L, 1. MS All L, ,,,,d Nlar.' 1.C 1!' 8 olar,h 5. 1'9381 71 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 34 260 3*L 537 739 9t DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PULL COUNCIL —ROLL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN i February 24 19 PEARCE 1 —IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS - , 3 PETERSON X ., ffITY TREASURY TRUA AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECK. BE -RS, -TH, WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AW4yj0j $ I COVERING AS MR. PREI5. GEHAN MAR 1 1938 CHECKS NUMBERED --- - - OFF TO E OF T CITY INCLUSIVE. LE I T PER C11111 ON Fl�� ADOPTED BY TIMgRUNCj�--- APPR ED '193— NUMBER CIL B Y DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OFRETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECK. CHECKS j 260 11531 164 515 BROUGHT FORWARD 34 34 44911 Wallace J. Murray '10 W!" Comp.Atto=ey 37 �20 1 12 44912 Ga Romer GannawaYs 50 00 qj-j 44,14 R.C. Meyers 92 61 4491 Air Reduction sales Company Mfg Company I 2e38 44915 44916 Allis—Chalmers American Automatic Electric ales Co. 6071411 44917 American Linen SUPV 153 32 10 44918 American Optical Go go 15 4 44919 1 Axel Anderson 199 75 44920 Armour and OompanY 8 11 44921 Blomberg's Grocery 3 91 44922 Blue print Service Company 30 00 44923 Law Bonn Company 110 00 44924 44925 Boutells S. Brand Goal & Fuel Oil Compi any 1 439 44 44926 Buffalo Meter Company I I 37 99 23 26 44927 44928 F.J. Campbell chio&& St.Paul# Mpls- & O-Ry-Oo* 77 55 44929 1 Coobran—Sargent Company 1 67 76 1 1 1 37 56 44930 000p.Laundry Company 302 69 44931 Crescent Creamery Company 28 00 44932 Daily News Corporation 95 67 44933 Decker Hardware Company 51 �O 4493 Detroit Stoker CompjainY 19 PIS 1: 44935 DunnIls Fairway Market 371 97 44936 44937 Slaotric Blue Print Company The Emporium 5 29 III 44939 Ozmun, Kirk & Oompanly a 6N Farwell, 3 449 9 H.W. Fisher Company is 9 90 44;0 Freeberg Pies, Inc. 220 00 44941 Fuel loonomy Eng.Company 1 50 44942 Gas Consumers Assooi 806 75 44943 General Electric SUOI;itiy000rp. 101 88 44944 44945 Goodyear Service Company Company Gopher Ribbon & Carbon Comp 00 00 288Ii 117 44946 R.L. Gould & Company 1 158 07 44947 Fred W. Hanks Company 3 50 441948 Highland Spring Water Company 9 85 44149 R.E. Hulme Company 1 40 44950 Johnson & Barnes 6 60 44951 laine's Key Shop Library of Gongrea .45 57 44952 Librarian, 684 30 44953 • , O.B. Lyon & BrotberaInoo C. F. N,, 110"91. jiot72.1110293— It-1,ld, Th.L1 chef" "" drawn o 1h, Cii) Treasury, - , the ` 1hlL1 alllmbered x9711 to U,,tc t ,f $131.49 4 -061 c�r checks on file �1 comptroller. 1-1 1 -!3` `jI .11L, 1. MS All L, ,,,,d Nlar.' 1.C 1!' 8 olar,h 5. 1'9381 71 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 34 260 3*L 537 739 9t ROLL CALL OARFU SIS FINDLAN rebrdary 25 PEARCE i ---IN FAVOR I AUDITED CLAIMS PETERSON TRUA X I "AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL ; TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S -,W. COVERING MR PRIES. GEHAN .3,1,92 0 Ak CHECKS NUMBEREDTO NCLU SIV E. A6 PER CHECKS FILE I ADOPTED By TJJAVJNCIJ_�� APPROVE NUMBER 10. MAYOR -TOTAL 1__ DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF _7� RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT By BANK CHECKS I CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 1 34 260 34 537 739 91 44954 4495� Joe. W. Darour Coal Company 1 Paul S. Amidon 1 25 00 150 00 40 5 4495 St.paul Voo.Sohool Revolving�Fund I 44957 Axel y. Paterson, C of Fin4oe 96 6ol 64 166 f5 44958 Brown and White Cab Company 519 86 44959 Brown & Day 5 00 44960 Fred Davis 5 39 44961 Glovo Products Company 10 00 44962 44963 I.S. 9wenson Amherst H. Wilder Charities 5000 35 00"' 44964 44965 John Drost Mrs. O.M. Claugherty, Guardiom 32 04 44966 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 22 90861 31 44967 Mrs. Agnes Weiss 400 00 44968 Thomas Towey 70 80 4496() McClain & Hedman 222 73� 44970 Molladden-Lambert Company 325 00'577 44971 moGill-warner Company 79 44972 4497� mays, Inc. lee oream Malady Paper company 74 Z6" 29 2,1 4497 Michaud Brothers,ino. 118 26 44975 Midway Creamery Company i 11 00 44976 Miller-Bryant-pieroo Company! 1 3 00 44977 The Minneapolis Journal 166 oo:1 44979 Minnesota Milk Company 110 20� 44979 44980 Minnesota News Company Minnesota Paper & COT Oo any 8.85, 44981 National Bushing & PT:Ts Com,any 35 92 25 001 44982 National Safety Council 150 23 449:4 Nelson Oil Company & Gregg Company 124 449 Nicola, Dean 159 42 44985 Northern States Power Commpann 15? W 44996 Northern States Power Compan 16 78!, 44987 M.P. Patterson Dental Supply company 128 93 44989 44989 C.A. Pearson, Inc. Perkins-T*acy Printing OONIP127 77 50 289 4-4990 Pioneer Tobacco & Candy Camp .24 218 95 44991 Pioneer Tobacco & Candy Comp y 635 82 44992 Pittsburgh Coal Company 1 18 82 44993 Railway Express Agency 16 50 44994 99 4499 5 F.W. Radley Raymer Hardware Company Potteries'Ino. 412 39 36 50 44996 Red Wing 21 05 44997 crank A. Reed Mfg.ComPanY 166 76I 449919 Remington -Rand, Inc. 121 56 44999 45000 Royal Typewriter Company St.Paul Book & Stationery 000any 207 24 45001 St.Pauj Book & Stationery Company 100 32 194 39 45002 45003 St.Psul Todndry Company 1 om� St.paul office Equipment C any 51 30 66 65 45004 45005 st.paul Stamp Works St.Paul Welding & Mfg.Compan �ompany 23 10 45oo6 Sindelar Athletic Equipment M go 236 35,i 45007 Singer Sowing Machine CompanY, SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 34 260 34,AO 932 12n, 7 V .�v DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PUUt_ COUNCIL U0293 FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER BARF LISS I FINDLAN IN FAVOR February 26 PEARCE AUDITED CLAIMS PETERSON TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DftanTFVITV TREASURY WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE J COVERING MR. PRES. GEHAN CHECKS NUMBERED 4_r'004 TO 45001 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE I TH OFF) E OF T CITY C MPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THEyGO.UN CIL APPROVED 9 COMPTROLL.R NUMBER .Y eoa 36- TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER'., 1 BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD .1. a2ft 16 4008 45009 Fin Axel F. Peterson. C. of Fin '0 Axel F. Petersoh, C. of III o: 22 63 M 27' C. F1 0 4 071 05 45010 45011 Axel F. Peterson, of Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin oe 4 R7 20' 45012 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin oe 3 76� 215 W 48013 Nary Borndale 132 30 45014 capitol Stationery Mfg:G:pp 99 12 45015 Capitol Stationary Mfg 0 4 oo 45016 Axel r. Peterson, C. of rin�ce 13 185W�, 45017 County Welfare Board 2' 45018 M.P* Coonon 3 90 45019 Mildred Johnson 29'12' 45020 McKesson 'Nholesalere,,Ino. 4 43 � 450e1 Midway Chevrolet Company 43 031 4J5022 Model Laundry Company States power Compan 3 493 561 45023 45024 Northern price Electric Company I 3 8 3 1 313 7 45025 stepaul Milk Company 56 47 45026 St.paul Voo.School Revlorund' 20 52k 45027 Sharp and Dohme,, Ino. 200 00 00 45029 Soo. for the Prev. of Cruelt� 389 45029 45029 Vander Bles, Inc. 1 39 50 "030 Dr. Adolph H. Ahrens 4o w 45031 E.J. Bailey & Company '40 45032 Bethesda Hospital 4" 81 00 45033 Draw Chatterton & von der Wer 85 45034 Cherokee Drug Company 20 00 45035 Dr. Wallace H. Cole 6 oo 45036 General X -Ray Laboratory 1 9i 00 45037 Dr. E.V.oltz : 32 00 45038 Holcomb Dr. J. 3 00 45039 Dr. Je A. Lepak 6 oo 45040 Dr, H. A. Molander 53 00 45041 Dr. N.G. Mortensen 5 00 45042 Dr. E.F. Murphy -25 00 4 504� Dr. A.M. Pederson 25 00; 4504 Dr. H.J. Prendergast 320 85 450.4j5 St.Josephts Hospital 30 00 4.5046 Drs. Sobons & Medelman 7 00 45047 45o4a•Dispatch-Pioneer Dr. B. J. Singer Frees Company 195 52 45o49 Minneapolis Journal 30 60 5 40 45050 The Minneapolis Star Company 10 20 45051 The Minneapolis Tribune 45052 St.Paul Daily Volkazeitung 7 00 178 70 45053 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finaz�oe 438 76 45054 W55 Axel F. Peterson, CjP.R.ro A I Stenographic Bureau 72 40 45056 Mrs. Thos. E. Dahill 562 go 45057 First National Bank ofSt kPaul 100 00 44 30 45059 Axel F. Peterson, C. of 45059 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 112 70 146 92 45060 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 33 90 45061 Western Union Telegraph Company 34 699, 101,662 217 10 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 0 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER 110294 Council File No.__ ---- r] The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz': —___.,ecoastruct_aith.moaolithia oonorete�_._titg the..taat Bfl.1B...feet .south-of.-Sa1hg...Aveauel-the®oe -south-- _.......___Szw 7�..Aveatue-.beginning— _._....._._44.. eet...bY....a1-•.5.... �e _.1E5 1liStki_t. SLSL4.R os79...xith_.Iffau.in-balance of Block.._ ............._ PRELIMINARY ORDER r WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: the a .deeelk on the de of monowest ai..._........--- _._....._>�3�7.� 4o�F�ee� ...... ..._ -- .............- - ..._ -- 69.16 feet south of 3elbq Avenue, thence south Snelling...�venue__beg__..._.. _..._................ _ _....--...__._.....-- - .................. ..............._.�kQ_Yeet...bg..11..5...Y.eat-.in-�ti dth._to--coxtfoxm,...With_.a►�� ic.._i�.._b� ............ FRBL71NARY ORDIDRa. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ..._F. on, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. t Ado ted by the Council ................................. _._..... ' YEAS BARFUSS Councilman.§ FINDLAN Approved_...-...._.1...rs PEARCE PETERSON X �-......._� _-4-6am':--. Parranto Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT Frm oC A 13 (1M -e-33) r/ I / , / r ,�j pUBLISIiED-�—=----' Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER 1102% The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the east side of _ . -------._.._..._......_..._........._.__._....... --- - - .._._.._..._--.._.._.._......__..........................._....._..............__... - ..._ __-.......,grcade....&�.pt,._beginning__feet_south of E. Seventh Street, thence south 20.3 ft., ........ _then10..6..._feet_repair driveway; beginning 16,2 feet further south, thence a,,,,+t, in_a rao+, havinnin¢ 58.6 feet further south, thence south to radius curb return. Dated this. ............. 22 _ .......... ...................day nd - _.........-.... -.. -_ _- ..... _ . ... .__.....__........y....-........_..._........_ C. F. N. 110296— Councilman. Abelrocl. Whereof, h wollow Dro mproven thef laking of the following PmDrovemenk " T?:,-ftruct with monolithic G i14 hags n••', ,. ,.. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _-..._.-..-....._B�conatrnct with._ monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the east side of Arcade .._... ---- ... - _...__... Street, beginning 64 ft. south of E. Seventh St., thence south 20.3 ft., . ......_. ............... _._............. ....................... .......... _........... _...._—....._.................................... ...................... ................ --- ........................ ............................. .._....... .................- .......... . `5 #_Mgj!,._10.6.-ft..-.-repair driveway; beginning 16.2 ft. further south, thence south 10.2 ft.; beginning $8.6 ft. further south, thence south to radius etu•T; return. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.._............ ........_..._.....___.._.__._................ .___.._........... _—.... _..--__----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. J Adoptedby the Council _...._........_.............. ............... ..._....._..............._._........ ..._.._....._.........._..—. YEAS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSQN RUAX Farrc.uto MR. PRESIDENT Forpl d A 13 (1M-0-33) LIAR 1 19:38 Mayor. PUBLISHED Council File No.—110296 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER b The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _ Racnn �tl9lGfy.. TADAS.*��'+nd rel ay c.¢mgjlt.._fi11e._B91k.._on....xhe....ea8t- �i a� Rice St. from Atwater St., thence north 120 ft. including the filling up of fl�dalieQ-'C7rsp=d'oar'•t'a'�6t-1'6'�Zvak"5�ew't3r" Add'Tt'i8rii_-arid-ned'es'eary'--�deticaITc'-- eateneione on the northeast corner of Rice and Atwater.._ Streets _._._- Dated . ibis ._.._.._._3l tk..._....._--day ^. F. No. 110296-- 1bet e•e. A writt PRELIMINARY ORDER Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _ Reconstructs regain apd re1C cement_Ljle�galk._on_ the east side of __.__.................___ Rice St. from Atwater St., thence nprth 120 ft. including the filling up of abAnAnn—__a .__s t*'A„-dooi..-to...Loi-lbr-Hloc�c-br Lwaia>! Add.#t.�oa-.and-aenessarg pt�ew� ._---- eatensions on the northeast corner of Rice and Atwater Streets. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-----._..._._..._..--- .................... _........ ........... ...... _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ MAR 11938 Adopted by the Council ._...------------ - ............... -- -- -- .......... — -- YsAs NAYS Coun Ma. Paasmr.NT _ Gehan Form CA 38 t1M-9-83) BARFUSS F NDLAN Approved_--- R._..._._t��$.___..._..._. PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX Vot Parr__�� Mayor. V �j- �j Q PUBLISHED S `� . 3 U 1,1029'7 Council File No. _.... _.__......... _..... — PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk and driveonthewestaide -..Q _ ._ ._ .„. Como.. Place,....bagitaxtixlg....at. _FQ1At..S7...i?k._.teat.-south...Qf._D�oBenty...Streat,.._thsnca-..south-. 10..feet_inaludina._8...ft.._dri3rPjW_t-.. eg'nnino...b6...Y.t._.Sar.Cher.....south,'Ah'ence _south....------ Dated this. .......__..._. P.gd.._..._........._.day of..._._..._.. . 110297— 'Abatraat. n'bareae. P--l.t.n n,,opoaal for tb-: Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WBEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Reconstruct with monolithic...eonerete,.._the.._sidewalk__and-__drives on the west side of Como.._)')#Ces._begi pg...I;.t...�_RQiAt....07..14....tt.,.....south_of._McKentsY._St,-,..._thance__south................ W-Tt.....including .-.$..f.F.....dr xaway.r.begin._e_n_ping..$S._it......Earther._&o]1tI1.�.....tFA.eA4@ 9.Qi1} t_--------------- _... Q. s....�AAa......8...fti...-drix@m............. _.._. .. __._..._ ............_._. ..... .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ................ _......___ ___ _._ _.._.__._ _.__.......____---....__ .............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all .of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Fri i; .......:., Adopted by the Council.......--....._.........._._._..__._.._..._:... _......._... YEAS NAYS CouncilmanBARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX 0 earranto MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (1M-0-33) Y:{li0 �. �ja /> ..._4 /4 k--- r- r Mayor. 0 PUBLISHED 3'5_'39 1.10298 Council File No. ._...._—._...._._.......__. A PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement viz ent by the City of St. Paul, cement the sidewalk on the south.. aid.... -_. and reining ._.._...-......._.........-.................................................... -- — peirin�.—._ .__.... ...._�conatracting.x..._re . ---.-. be inn 10 ft ea..ee+ _ haainninu at TesajA_ St. thence._east -120.:-ft.........._B_........_�DB----.._....t._................ .... _... Dated this..:......._28Td ...........................day C. F. No. 110208— Abetra1t. WherMan. " written DroPosal for the i COUIICIImaD. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: and rale ing cement the sidewalk on the south side of Reconstrearucting �iring,___....Y...___._.._...._... _......__........__.......................... ..... B.ie._St...._ti1eAC.e_._seat_-120.._fta.T._be&.inninB ........ ....._........_. .......G99E._Street*...bPninni v.. -at ,Le 10 ft. 40 ft. farther east,_ _.. ivew be ..._ ...... _...... ......_....... Ya=thes._ssat,..._thenc�....QQ1 tixuu�i_12.... t....._.._...._.....&Y:.............................................................._...-- . .......tllence._east.-20._�t+.�._bwoi nom_ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau..____........._.........._....................__......_....... ._...... ... ... ....-----..__.............. _._._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council, ....... ......... .............."......'...._......_........_._......._..... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON AX c4rranto MR. PRESIDENT Form CA13 (SM -0-33) MAR 1'1938 Approvea........... _..........._......._._................._.._...._......................_...._._..._..... Mayor. PUdiASHED -3 y 110299 Council File No. ...... _._................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz:: --.__Ieconatmetiag.....x=air Ag --and rqla.Ytla8.._clfljn-=t....ti]e.._eidewslk...on_.tha-north._.._..._......._. ....... _....... side -of ...Min ahabe, .Sty'seta—where....9.e..C@ .ae 7Ca.. 7c52ID....A9Rx1.._S.t.......tc....Yl.ctorSw._S.t.....__...._._...._ Dated this ..........9A .........................day of................. c. F. xo. uaass— _ Abstract. Whoreas. A writer roposal for the -Mae 01 the f0i1 � 'most, __ _. __.......................__.........__............-------- -....................._... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ieconatructingx_repairing_atld relgying._cemeat.._tile sidewalk on the north .......... ........... ......... _....... ....._._.-......__............................._..... aide .---of_.Minnehaha...Straet�ahere...neceaalw.4..�roID...-AVOA-._St,- to_0lctorie._St......._._........_. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..__.._.....___.............................._........._.._.._...._.._...._..._.........---.-_--- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and .is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. // 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. v :i-:. __- O Adopted by the Council..._...__..._.........._................_....... YEAS NAys Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX F urr nto )VfR. PRESIDENT Form CA13 (1M-6-33) Approved...._BAR 1. 1933 ....._.................................. ............................... ..... - ....... ...._._..._..... \v\J TWUBLISHED 15 N PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER 110300 Council File No. _..._—.------ t The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ._._.—_fleConstract...Ifi 4....1.GOEtP�i fiiCt ConoreS�e,.__the ....sidewalk...oa...bath...sides...o�—...----...........,___....._ CIIgr98S...S.trG.et...bQtRQs�J►.._QAR! 4.....a%I__$Ql1tdA...HQbeEL....S.trEata�....iheranflcfla8ar�+...._.......... ....... .. 19*1 Dated this ............ 25rd.......... ..............day of......_.._..._.._Fe....l l>4rYa ......_.._._..... -- �" 110300— Councilman. Abstract. written propo9al for the ,' rtllowing Imp[ovement,', ,on..lytmc. ^ t PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Raconstruat aith..�aonQa ithic_csr�crate,_..t?�.e.... eiaeaelk--gn_ both.._sides of _...... -- on _..e s Street between Concord and South Hobert Streets, where necessary. _.._D_...€1...e .... __ ........ __.. ......_.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.._...---.._........._._. ........ ........... _.......... _...... —.----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ' Adopted by the Council ............ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON IRU -WE , Parr=to iVIR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (INI-6-33) MAR 1 10,33 Mayor. PUBLISHED �s -� 3 110331 Council Vile No. ...... -_........_....._.__ � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and U PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement_ is the _lead_neaeseepyfor-.-.alopeat.-=ts....._..._........_.... - --- ........ _._ and-fills...in...th e_.gr-ading_.eixLs.=facing_.nY_.the. . Eaat...and. .Zest ...Aliey--ju-Sah3 getard t-s _.....—.Subd1v1831?II...Of._B10.Ck. $.5., Lak@._CQRtQ. Qi @_.. r.S]91...x1111. �1TC4...St..._.t0 Feoruui Datedthis ............._..- --......._...................day of ................. -- Councilman. C. F. No. 110301— Abstract. Whereas, A written pro oral, for the making of the following 4mprove—^t. nna taking an ; PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ndemnng and _takin g.._aa.__easement in__the laad_aeceesary.for slopes, Data aana'_flua._ _ihe._Brading_and.._surfacinQ.pf._t1ie...East, ead Weat...Alley.._in Sahlgeerd's _....------ Stihd#v#a3os._oS-Tllttok-%,--bake.-Como...Vi-i G-Prom._1=13a= St. --to having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .......... ... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MW / Adopted by the Council .................................. YEAS NAYS Councilman MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (1M -e-33) BARFUSS MAR 11933 FINDLANApproved ._........ .............. ......._.._......_............__.................'' ........_...-.. PEARCE PETERSON - TRUAX G- Parranto Mayor. l� 18LISII1;t) 3/ Petition G.SU 11031)2 Council File No..._.. _.— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follow g public improvement by the City of St.. Paul, viz.: _..... ....of..Slock...55.,....Ltake_..Q.24 Yil]aa _from_&ilburn Street.._ to.._Chataworth.. Street. .............__...... Dated this-..-. . _ ....................day of.............._.......—..:.. --...._., _...._ ..... ................ ......._..... I Councilman. C. F. No. 110302— Ab Abstract Whereas, A written Drop . for WA 7q the follow'; LnrovemOr., U PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: r s Subdivision Grade epi surfaoe the Fast and fest Alley in Sahigeard -0£-..Bloak--55*...Lake...f;omo-Yi]1as...from_.$ilhurn...Street __to._ohgt worth-_3treet............_._._ PAN ---- -having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.._...._._....._....._....... __..__.......___....... ._................... - therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 1�dopted 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. bythe Council_......._...._........_..................:...__...--..........__......._..._.........__...__. YEAS Councilman BARFUSS MAR 1233 FINDLAN Approved ------------- .--- ...----- ....._........ ......... - ........... ------- ...... --- - PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX Paxranto -� Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT V Form CA13 (1M•0.33) _ // Petition G-24 Council File No. _U 93 k r - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: and._eurface..._theAlleys in Aokerman's Additions Fielder'_s_Subdiviaioa_............ -.---._ and..Itaxt...or...Block ...1$.s._Qat 88e.-_Homeea_._from._Sent 3t�eet-to._DAnfgrtb. .tt+ 'e9t._.......----.... ........ -- ----- sad_ -from... Cottage ....S.tT.eeS tSZ...the_.. aL._and._f est_.A1� ay...._.............._._........__...__........_._—.........._........._......... Dated this .............?.' . C. F. No. 110303— Abstraot. Whereas, A written ov pro al for the making of the following Qmp-vemant, x: yds and surface the AY. a A.Idltlnn Fielder'si(eBub, �r of .............. Feb—....- 3_._1988....- -- 9 -� Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Grada_nad_slxrYa¢a..._the.e1L- ?'_in...AGkaImBP...a.._9ddition.,..._Fielder_...s_Subdivision _......... and part of Block 13, Cottage Homes, from Bent Street to Danforth Street ........ _.......- ............................ . ............................ ......... ....... _..aad..trom--Cotteg®...3treat- to—the ...East..and-Weat._Alley...... .______..................._........ -... — ...... _......... ......... _..__ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ........ ... -............ .....__....._........_...._........._.................-------...._._... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Council_........................_...._.....__..........._....._..__....-......... _.._..._._...._._._..... YEAS Councilman BARFUSS LIAR 11;;3^ FINDLAN Approved ._...._.._.._.--------- .................. _............ PEARCE- ---..... PETERSON TRUAX_ l l:.wtldi0i-- MR. PRESIDENT Farranto Mayor. MQ iy Form C A 13 (IM -0-33) {{{///ttt��' S,'Cy(jJ�$1- ED 4413 110304 Council File No. ...... -........ _..... -_ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER 16 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Cond#pp#g jand........_.^. an easement, in_the_._land._nec R)3 ...fox...slop.ea��>Lts............... _... .._ _Rls ...tlug....ln_...1�. rl ?H._and .alufacing_oP._. 7leYa_ia_.Ackermann.a...AMA +jon,.-Fielder!a _......-Subdivision KentSt.....ta..Dgnfortth.-St........... and fromCottage St. to the East and West Alley. --._.-.... _........ --._.................. -- ...................... ---........ _........................... ........ ..........._........ _.................. Dated this ._ ............ .31X1_......_. ...... _.... day of .......... ........ ..... _..._.......Es C. F. No. 110304— ............. _.._...... _.................. __...... -_ Abstraot. Councilman. whereas, A written wov-al for the of the following Improvement;:; - —;•k""^meet PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --_.Se.4txdemnin: end asking_au�asemenL_.in._the._lend..neaeesery_.f.ox_.slopae,.sets................._._... and fills in the grading and surfacing of Alleys in Acker ants Addition, Fielderts ID $ubiiv�g�9_end._Lt..a_E]ock...1H,...Cattage._Hozaes.,.._Y.rem...gnt.._$t.,.....tA_ut.._st........... and from. cottaMe—St-_-to _the Ea .............. having been presented to the t3nundl of the City of St. Paul ......._.._........ ... .__......... ..... --------.._—..._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desimbility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ��^^'� MAR 11939 Adopted by the Council ............................ ............. ............. -.................... --........._._....._.... ..... __._—. YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS MAR FINDLANApproved ..........._........ _.._.._.._.._7 ............_....._......_......._.__—._..... PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX 1'arrante ayor. MR. PRESIDENT1/0 FormA13 (1M -a-33) Petition G-44ffl05 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER N The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: end-_surfaoe__the Alpe in._Block 81....J.._N.._Rggera._hth.._9dditioa......-.._....................._. _..------- ............Ysom.-.Blend .m Streat_tce�ennard_.-Straet....... __...... _._.............._....................... Datedthis.........._...........................day of .... ............ .Feb...... .._....-.....__.... --- , w Councilman. IY +al for the PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --.-----tirade Aran surfaces...the-Auiw-.im-31onk_.H,.. Z..:.. ...... ....... __..____....... _...............from..Flandrau..Streak.._to Kennard...Street_.._............................ .............. ................ __._......._._.._.._..__.......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .. _........... _...._....................... _..._._—..-----_----. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Council....._........__.........._....__ ................... .._......_....... ..... _.___......._._.._.......... _ YEAS NAxs CouncilmanBARFUSS MAR 11938 FINDLANApproved....._....__............_ ...... ...... ........__.._..._........_......_.._............._._.__-.._ PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX WENZI - - ......_._.... 0 t arranto Mayor. MR.PRESIDENT /1 Form CAI 3 (rM-0-33) U PUBLISHED ~ Council File No. _......_ __....__ _�1U3 6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _pmp�pg.._apd....takin�__aa esaemeat_in- the.._land_necessary.._for._slog@....1t�...------- ... __........ _.and..fills...ia_.the.-gradin and...surSaoing...of...thn_Al1eg...i�..Blncic.. �. SI._Rager.B _....-----.--.4th--9dditi.oa-from-Flandran-S#seat-_to...%ennard.Strsa......... ......._.........----- ------- ....... — ................ .... _ .... --................. ...................... -................... --..... ......................da of Dated this...............2$ y Februar�q......-- - ............ .. -- —. 10 - .............. ...... _._....- -- Councilman. 110300— A It nrop�eol Lor the 011a �htag of the fa��� PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .. __ e.._lanc3.._necessar�y_for slPR eats and....surfacing._of._theBlock 8�.. J.__N..... Rogers _.._.__4th 9dditioa_Yrom.a„Llrau.- tmeet_to...gennard-Strsat......__........_.._........---------...__................................ _ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ..._..._.............................._.___......_........_....._........_._..._..____—__.--- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: e 1. To investigate the .necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said Improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 11SS8 Adopted by the Council ......_...._.............._� .................-........___..._.._.._............ . — YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX 1•erranto MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (111-0-33) MAR I iS38 Approved.........._..........................................._..._............. ——....... _Ma I. Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER it G-2410307 / Council File No. ..... ._—_.--_-._--- n „ndersiened herebv proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ................_........_....._......_....._._..._.. ..—_......_........._.--.. . ............ ........ gebruarg, 988 _.. da of......................._........._ �. --- ............... Dated this_..........-2�--..._............_...._ Y _................... .... _..... L C. F. No. 110303— - Councilman Abtten v Whereof, A written nroppopal for the making of '.' �' Improvement, '�r—rrtu;n��-- r fad We•'., PRELIMINARY ORDER WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade.�y&�g9p_the_F.a3t—�►�_�t��1..__Mezfield!_s Subdivision u _.. Block 58� Lake Como_ Villas from Colne Street t...,rag__street.__........._...........___........_....._........_..._ having been Presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau .._....__.........._....._ .................___.._...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. /d'supp 11938 -- . ........_..._..._ / Adopted by the Council.......__.._...._..___`-._ .................... ... YEAS Nnvs Councilman BARFUSS MAR 11933 FINDLANApproved ........... _........ _..... _..._..._........._..._._........................ ---- ._... PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX L3 Parranto Mayor. MR. NT ^ �'43f Foran C A 19 (SM -0-S3)-83) � �LISHED b- lit 1-1-0308 -// Council File No..._.. _ _......._....._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER t The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -AA-_the.lead_nec-§AFA 9._foF.._ i es..,_ aut@_...........-----..._. aad...£ill..._in...th�...8— surYacing.._of-_t18._F�at.._assd-_West._Al—e�i-_-in Mea£ield!_s. .........._........ . to Rugde Street of Block 58 Lake. Como_Villea £rom Colne ree ......-.._........_.....-..... .............. -...... ................... .... ......... _..__....__......_.... __....................... -.................... ..._........................... _........_...... ''_............ __—.................. .... Dated this........__....._...._..... Y Councilman. C. F.. No. 11030Abatra.L WherA written pro, for the eas,making of the following Improvement. . n1nR ,'+n easement -.Ies.:4L0 PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: pmnina end an easement in the load neoe....ary £or ..lopes, outs f�gLlotekinS..—.._—.--....-......._..........._................__......_.........._.._..........._...._._......-......._._._......_......_........._.. — in 9Dexfieldt e —_-_£ills._in _the 8radin8 end surfacing °f the .....Eeat...and................. iPeat A11e9__....---_._....._._._....----.._...... Q Cpmo._V ile..-..from...Colne__Street to i�*de Street - — ...--....., having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.._..___....._....._..._...._..._..___._..................._.............- -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. t 2138 -s 10.,1, .AdopC....._........._........ _...................-- . ._ YEAS NAYS 11938 Councilman BARFUSS MM FINDLAN Approved..._....._._... .... .._......................._.._:........._...._..—._....__.— .... PEARCE PETERSON TRU�NX NVAMM- w-...—_...—�..._. ....._...._._...— r..—_ Mayor. r-arranto MR. PRESIDENT j t Form C A 13 (1M-0-33) pU) gI-ICD COUNCIL FILE N0 --- ------------ -------- By------------------------ ----------- ------------ FINAL ORDER 110309 In the Matter of ---- curbin Blas olia__Street_on__south_side from_jDuluth_Avegae_-t9_the___ east_line_oS_S ot__fl,_9lnnlc-2>--HillsdalB>--ani_nn _the__norts_side_3n-Sront--af--lats--------- 7�___91ock_3�_Laris__IiQsg�b_.Addi_tion�--------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---- —---------- -- 1082 under Preliminary Order --------18 -----------------------aPProved __------- July 30, 1937 ------------------ Intermediary Order-----------------$pproved -------------------- - -- -- --- - " , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___ cur>� �i Cg13o13 �_BtreQt on_asukt_eisl$_�zs�Dlalath_— Asenue__tfl__the__Bast line -of _I of �,-$] ock-2,-$illadalfl>__anfL�n_ill, ror+h ai Aa i n -Stunt d_9,_B1oC1�_3,__Lan�_Haape a-Additi= ---- _ — C. F. No. 110309— In the 1lfater of curbing. 1liaenolis, ------- __ _------ Street on south aide from Duluth;-- Avenue to the east Iine o "t'31 k2, Hillsdale. y. In front V — , and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. , RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council____________MAR _____ 21___939 192 MAR 2 1939 City Clerk. Approved--------------------------------------- 192------ L '� f j- --�r- Mayor. Councilma uss Councilman: 3 od nn Councilmanrk`:_- Frrc� /� Councilmar-0 rorson Council J Councilma v_ Mayor Gehan Mr. vicc I: -:idem (Timax) C))JJ(( 4F n B. S. A. 8-7 ' g CITY OF ST. PAUL I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of curbing Magnolia Street, on south side, from Duluth Ave, to the east line of lot,8, Block 2, Hillsdale, and on the north side in front of lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 3, Lane Hospes Addition under Preliminary Order approved July 30, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is a 353.15 fro t The estimated cost pe7oot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 8 2 Hillsdale, St. Paul, Minn. 9 2 do 10 2 do 11 2 do 12 2 do 13 2 do 14 2 do 15 2 do 7 3 Lane Hospes Addition 8 3 do 9 3 do Total ASSESSED LantLUATION Q g• $275 $1400 275 1800 275 2200 275 2150 275 3400 275 2550 275 2400 300 2850 275 1750 275 300 400 j3075 ✓;20900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works Ql Dated 19 -- Commissioner of Finauce. I— B. S. A. 8-8 D St. Paul, Minn.- AD 193 - To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made Ste✓ *. -I > - - - -- -------- -- ---- F ----- -- -- -- - -- -------------- --- -- -----o a ---- �4 f--Z� , 11" "- 41 .----,St. Ave. ------------------------------- ------------------ ---------- 14,4 7'sf t. Ave. to- . ... . .... .. from ---------------- ------- --St. Ave. VO4i e Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance __ January 18,_19a- 193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 108218 approved --- 301 1937- __193—, relative to curbing Magnolia St., on south side from Duluth Ave. to the east line of lot 8, Block 2. Hillsdale. and on the north side in front of lots 7,.8 and 9. Block 3, Lane Hospes Addition. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 353.15 Cost per front foot $0.80 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ and the total cost thereof is $ Engineering $35.00 Inspection $6.23 Frontage south side 320 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: north side 122 ft. 442 ft. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made.a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is- — _ _ subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, �b"3114y a 3 get ' A) JAN 19 1938 asked for upon petition of three or more owners of f Commissioner of Public Wor`, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF CO.—. REPAIR GEORGE J. JADOBE. DEPUTY COMMIE /TONER J. R. JOHNSTON. Supt. GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CMI[F EMGINe[R or".. 6.-- 0. H., KERROLD CHIEF ENO.. CLERK /�2 MARK W. WOODRUFF January 17, 1956 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. BUREAU OF SAMITATIOII FRED OR IVER. SUPT. BURLAU OP BRIDGE[ M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGI NEER BUREAU OP CORRECTION[ RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Magnolia Street, on south side from Duluth Ave. to the east line of lot 8, Block 2, Hillsdale, and on the north side in front of lots 7, 8 and 99 Block 5, Lane Hospes Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. 108218 approved July 309 1937. Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Engineering Inspection Frontage Approved for transmission to theyen3aissioner of FinlaRnce,, / . EE'll/GtXJ Commi sinner Public Ytorka $ 555.15 .80 35.00 6.25 (south side) 820 ft. (north side) 122 ft. 442 ft. Yo r EC M. SHEPARD Ch1 Engineer wu COUNCIL FILE NO ----------------- ------- By ------------------------------------------------ FINAL ORDER x.10310 In the Matter of_____curhi ng_the_ east__side o£_�Gacalasisr _Asenus__£=nzb_ Iamea_ ztr�at_ta_ PaladeSeet---------- ------------------ - ----------------------- --- under Preliminary Order ------ 108219 --------------approved ____July 30,__1937 -___-------------------------- Intermediary Order _________ -----approved ----------------------------------------- — A public hearing, having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council .having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__ curb theeast side_gf Macalester Avenue from _—__ Jernas __Sbr_est_�Q._P_alana_Strs�}----------------------------------------------- F. No. 110310— `¢ Matter of curbing the east aidePr --_ acs]ester Avenue from Tames to Palace street, under a -- '; Order 108210, approv and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. �5�Adopted by the Council -______ MAR___ -______2___ 1938 ----.-__-__, -- - —----------------- ---- - - - MAR 2 1938 — City -Clerk. — Approved-- - ------ 192 - - - - Mayor. Councilman j.. e------ _Y - — Councilman dlan �D S' Councilman __RTIee n Councilman � arson �(/y Councilman Councilmaneersrl Mayor RFAJ� Mr. Vice ITee ident(Trual Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL .� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of curbing the east side of Macalester Avenue from James Street to Palace Street under Preliminary Order approved July 30, 1937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 194,73 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 0,72 The cost �Lr'At for the above improvement is - - - $ estimated be benefits_ for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may assessed parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 14 5 Elmwoodx850 $3000 15 5 do 750 16 5 do 750 3400 17 5 do 750 2800 16 5 do 750 3700 19 5 do 850 3450 Total $4,700 $16,350 of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner to the Council, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r��`-- Dated 19—J C//f/�J ComCmisssiionner of Finance. p�,p B. S. A. a -a D .:St, Paul, Minn -------- July_ 7:..1967; 193 ----- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property, -owners,- hereby petition -your Honorable Body to cause the following improvernen't to be made: Curbing on the east side of Maealester Avenue ------- ------- ---------------------------- --------------------- from -------- --- -----------------from-------- James. -----St. AMC. to-----.Pal.ace- - - -- ---- --------- --- ----------------- ------ -- -- St�. 4 ��A ��4 W -A �,i , w 3Yy, SEC. 9. -T2(3 /-F-723' , -- dffFERSUIy-- ------ - AVE------- � ✓UL/ET ST ; — I F �� PAG A cE QI ST. - - IF c/f1MES ST - ---- - ----- - r- Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance January 18, 1938 193— To the Commissioner of Finafice of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 108219 approved__- __ July -30,193Z — - --193—, relative to curbing the east side of Macalester Avenue from James Street to Palace Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----necessary and (pr) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.72 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 194.73 , and the total cost thereof is $ Engineering $25.00 Inspection $3.33 Frontage 270 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_ ------ subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, +2r. JAN 191938 I asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prQD Commissioner of Public Wcs CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER BUR U OF CONST. s REPAIR GEORGE J. JACOBS. DEPUTY CGMMISEIONER J. R. JON N8TD 4. SUPT. GEORGE M. 8N EPARD. CHI., ENGINEER DPFICE ENGINEER G. H. NENUOLD CHIEF ENGR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF January 17, 1938 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public works City of St. Paul, Minn. BURUU OF SANITATION PR ED OR IVER. SUPT. SUR.A..I• BRIGGEE M. S. GRYTBAK, ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing the east side of Macalester Avenue from James Street to Palace Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 108219 approved July 309 1937. Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Engineering Inspection Frontage Approved for transmission to the Po7issio `JL/ Finance RVING PEARCE Co ssioner f Public works 194.73 .72 25.00 3.33 270 ft. Yours truly, EO M. SHEPARD Chi Engineer COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- F. -. ye Matter W 'coustructl4k g San'- Sewer with[ram necessary �aewere eewer to „Mitl arrest 'rR�.... e FINAL ORDER 11031,1 Inthe Matter of------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ --- -----...-. --- -- - _.----------- _ constructing aSanitary Sevrer with necessary 6" pipe house sewers from sewer to street line-an-7did1. Street from-':iilkin Street to Elm Street; in the Alley between lots 30T-31, 41 and 42, Upper Levee Addition from Mill Street to the Levee; on the Levee from a point 25 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of lot 36 to a point 20 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of lot 25, Upper Levee Addition; in the Alley between lots 14 and 15, Upper Levee Addition from Mill Street to the Levee, thence on the Levee to a point 20 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of lot 11, Upper Levee Addition; -on the Municipal River Barge and Grain Terminal Right of Way in Block 4$n;R?4q cir rginq;Is Addition. from Elm Street to ;a point approximately 15 feet north- "' westerly of the"Levee. Constxuct�ng a;�torm Nater, Selvre; on Yrilkln Streetr�rom Loreto,Le t5p �Sil} Street„pn Mill Sheet f om r i lkin $t;� ,a oitt6eet n�orthee�stey fpytvg &ley tefen i- st ` ` x e east mentioned A f�e Between lots lq $> f U er„Levee di ion, and in the Y and 6 i ro 4 1� S�reet to Loreto Lane, thence pprtheasterly on Loreto L e a distance of 14 �f~e�5 om'th�'xnb?iHW ster`lf 1ne ok sapid A9Zey in tfie4i1'eytretwe 444PEd j 55, Up ei,j,apee Acditic�n, riom Mill Street to Loreto Lane; in the Alley between lots li 36, 31, 1 and 42 Upper Levee Adaitiori-from Mill Street to the Mississippi River. lso`zra$ing Mill Street from Wilkiti'Street to`Elm Street, Loreto Lane from YJilkin Street to the northerly line'of-TTppei Levee Addition, an:d Wilkin Street from Loreto Lane to the Levee. Also grading Alleys 'between lots 60 and 61, 14 and 15, 54 and 55, 30, 31, 41 and 42, all in Upper Levee Addition. '-Where Loreto Lane, is referred to in above description, it is understood to be that :street or alley abutting lots 46 to 66 inclusive, of Upper Levee Addition to St. Paul and on`,_the northerly side' thereb£; ' ' t Loreto Lane to Mill street on - Construi a Stow ,Yater Sewer, on ,Y{ilkin Street; from Lor between Mi1LrrStget'r4¢ �iilk?� $tii�a tQrrRRtt 9q. feet nnztheasterly frgm, the Alley lots. 60 and,:61,.,Upp@r ;Legef, Addition,;. and sn the east mentioned Alley betace`en' lot's "60 and 61, from Mill Street to Loreto Lane, thence northeasterly on Loreto Lane a distance of 140, feet -from the northeasterly line'of said Alley; in the Alley between lots 54 and 55, Upper Levee Addition, from Mill Street to Loreto Lane; in the Alley between lots 30, 31, 41 and 42, Upper Levee Addition from MillStreet the Mississippi River.' Alsorade Mill Street from Wilkin Street to Elm Street, Loreto Lane from Nilkin Street `to"the northerly line of Upper`Ati vee Addition, and WiUin.Street from Loreto Lane to the Levee. Also grade Alleys between lots 60 and 61, 14 and. -15, 54 and 55, 30, 31, 41 and 42, all in Upper Levee Addition. Where Loreto Lane ys.T` fer`rad'to- In above description, it is understood to be that street or alley abutting lots 46 to 66 inclusive, of Upper Levee Addition to St. Paul and on the northerly side thereof; 11�I ' - Ge6anV 8-7 Mr. Vice I'residettt (Trdax) I , TG J LG0L I "107tbu L rG AGe �Ia . ; f? o.7 f „Sa J OO G -Sf{'i't •:F J L : ULA J 30' 3T' fi7 au4 vS' uTT ?u fPuGL 1Gn -jJJsn9p? ou IGGIJ oFz EO i5 cJ' raAG f0 JO rGAGG' IGLT2GT?UG OL[�abbeL rsasstV4gTfur 2'z.esf' rovcfo l,:i•��3 '.�I.oLT'-o 2fLeef f° fpc ;oLf, T" Lou ,�TTK?u 2;LGG.F f° 7 £ V7zO IQLaq?u� ;c?77 2TLGr,F L L04'T ➢1?7T ZfL6ef f0 fJi6 21227J 7 F,f7nGL' , o �9 TS' iibbsr_ rsaGG V49? f7ou•,b 0 oLefo race: Tv P, 'ITT'=^ PG;:,WGu T24 80' T' v7 - ,ou' LLoiu NT -TT 2+"Locf.,f r e?t qu fNG VTTG2, psfrasGU To fz a3 vuq s E2' bbGL rGAGG tl'4laf" TAG oL zaTq f77 Tz auce ssf LLotu fNG ilOLfJGa2fGLT T. sae eL ou J'0LGfo re-ue v 9. F BAgT QT'LLLOu p;?TT ZfL6Gf f° JoL5-;o rUAB. f7A i0}T.GA6 e'F'. OU6q VTTs2' pGfh16GA T'�_h\6oGA Ai9IIT o ? Tof2, EO sliq PI' -AbusL rsnsG V'94?o;ff Lo xf '80 `LGsF zroLJfG92PsLT1 L om fJ° 'd7T°tGef °A k T 2fL6 f LLOW TTY -4 ^ Lsrf f LGG. LOm roLefo re"A6 FO 7TT 2f �ouz zucfTud.�4, ufOL.0 aU;GL ^Gust ou rq?TK,u 2f F L s © Gnae Lo UTm ^c;fLGs^ -Po z orvf abbLox?L _fGTX T° LGGf uoofJ- ms2fsLT1 0l fN r lou L a;� TO .,7 o?ce au4 ILa?uG,z Vg4.f. aL.s auq ULcrru y,cLurTuaT Ii? tf GL - rsaeG d44?f?ou' °u VVG >IrurcjbaT gTAGL B e zonfpmszfcLTn T?ue OL ToA TJ Po s boruf SO L6Bf uoLfuegzfsLT�. °L fry Lecf f° filG rf° T fiTG l'eAGG f av9 T3' dbi,rL roAGG V.qq?f?oA LLom fiTbbeLf_'cn: passu Tofe 7f arGT.T:. Trus oL T°f'S2' 1 - under Preliminary Order _----1097.7h_ __--.-----approved -------sanuai g --11+--18h -------- --------- Intermediary Order ___----- Approved _-------------- — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _-------------- — — const)ruct a Sanitary Sewer with necessary 6" pipe house) sewers from sewer to street line 'on 1SiIl Street--I'rdin +ti''iI&in-Street"�'o""ETirt-SiP'e-e'C;'iri the-AYl-ey tsetwaen-iots 36;-51, 41'and 42, Upper Levee Addition from Mill Street'to the Levee; on the Levee from a __. _._.. point 25 feet northeasterly o£ the soutT?westerly Line oi'Tot S6 to e point 20 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of lot 25, Upper Levee Addition; in the Alley between lots 14 and 15, Upper Levee Addition from Mill Street to the Levee, thence on the Levee to a.point 20 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of lot 11, Upper Levee Addition; on the Municipal River Barge and Grain Terminal Right of Way in Block 49, Rice and Irvine's Addition from Elm Street to a point approximately 15 feet north- westerly-. o,f; th9! Levee. Construct a Stoz nlYpte; Seger ;on Wilkin $trout from Loreto Lane to Mill St�ee'tt on Mill ,Stget;41�•}y�lk=1 Stee�t to a ppant 90,faet no{�theas{erly from, the Ailey ba�we`en lots 60 and Zl, Upper,Leve,g Addition, as}d.in.the .east mentioned Alley betA6n lots 66 .and 61, from Mill Street to Loreto Lane, thence nor -he' 6rly on Loreto Lane a distance i of 140 feet from the northeasterly lineof said Alley; in the Alley between lots 54 and r.4ill Street to Loreto Lane; in the Alley between lots 55, Upper Levee Addition, from 30, 31, 41 and 42, Upper Levee Addition from Mill Street to the Mississippi River. s Also grade Mill Street from Wilkin Street to Elm Street, Loreto Lane from Wilkin 3 Street to the northerly line of Upper Levee Addition, and 'N"ilkin Street from Loreto Lane to the Levee. Also grade Alleys between lots 60 and 61, 14 and 15, 54 and 55, 30, 31, 41 and 42, all in Upper Levee Addition. There Loreto Lane cis'.,rei'erred to in above description, it is understood to be that street or alley abutting lots 46 to 66 inclusive, of Upper Levee Addition to St. Peal and on tine northerly side thereof; Mr. [:11 I I'! Lsidelit (Tr7=) :'1 P1rLGOT, I TO;j -co c4�* L1111T juq 0 rGAGG PG j �J, -OLC qT U11 T,�Z! 20 -Luq4 vjTG,�e pG;.AGGM -O L,64:0 JICA�r T 20 VqqiF��] OU 3 T f L' J'GAGG Po j T "IPLGep 4,0 ijr OL 11bbeL :,J13 10LO x,uqj'lj' 2,PLGG,- LL011 'ITTICT' 2.pLeGf fO go IT 2;LGG; :.y j) ,bbcL J'GAGG VqqY4!:.rOU1'1J.O1q PPO V110, 104�2v ru T;j 11 zrllq oij� LLO1U roLG, I O.P IN F -P .1 T 2PLOOP fo VTTGX P6; -4"G" 2.2� 11LI)GL rGAGG `4'11Flow I:rljG OT, 2UTq VT192" TU ;ijc) OU2PGLJ . x Or FoLQ;O rITIJG G q! 24�VUGG OL 140 jGG; LLOW -PP'- �"'Lpp 0 rUU, POWYOU29GLI 0 VjIG2, PGP114GU J0_F2 ?,PLGOP 4' twq CT� 'LLOI,'J yq#T %1GG1J 1 '11bbGL J'GAGG LLOW 0,0! A 3 O.P 2 GO Fjllq ej _J�qli fo iboykp iroL&bgaPGLTX Z;L66 1 OIJ LLOW " j "PLG 6P I... . G -P L TLoo roLo�po rslie ;0 11TIT n OLID 21_9�GL 2GIAG OIJ Tlc:.r;uj L Gf "OTP 2z2.rGLj21 OL -PJ5 G yeses LO1,3 1,1111 2 -FL _P ;o 9 12 TOL 10 JJG 2 , iqqizTo1j X, BTQj; OT,. 1! �, BT' "TO9 EfFq IL "L ,T1' . L-1, -,-- � or TT' I) - - 3iJ� ),j r:j� �,j ;;I- _PFG ! -G0_..1 , r T,_o�;FO P' Lun7 TO - G ;,Jt L T:3' 11rTT Ta _1_.�G I Fuq T-2' 1111q 22' 20' 27' i7VT20 �Lurqo VTT0L2 ?G;A%GGU TO -PE GO rov 'r' q 01' T1 F, y'OLG420 gaLsa;0 p1jo jGAGG T(111'GL - -JqqjTOU' u�jq qjT-Tjj ZFLGG,- LL 01j UOL.ppGLj11 IT]J0 OT, GArG JoLG-Po rujiG 1,LOUT AUIC"J Po ;P13 LlT7FIli 2-PLGG; PO E -fleo sq 1! 2-PLGO; LLOUj 2-PLGO; Po PFC; ^TaeT , aeTbbT ISTAOL' 4�p,� . yTTG2, PG;JwGG1J TO -PO .)bbeL renes Iqq:,-p:rolj TLOIJT N 37' '1J 9,jjq qs 11 :0j 'qqT;Toij' LLOW VjTJJ ?.PLGG; ;0 FoLo;o re -G! .1 TO 4:2 2q X. To F;JG VTJG2L PG��GO'j ")2, jjhbGL rGAGG 7 '8LT2, jTuG OL 2UTq vTTG FffjjG, sr qT2;2rMGG O6 TqO TGG; LLOW -PYG IJOL_P'JG�'2� 0 0OLCJGo12V'GLj'. o1i rOLG;O LeGP �o 11OLG; rEFUG' PIJGIJCG k LT 0 -TIT TiJ -V-GG'j q e T LL i's Oj;, e �pjJG 0.2; UjGjjpjoiTGq YTIG2' PG4�Aeou lofe GO To; ca lruq GV _qbbGL r9AGG o LLoru P:JG YTTGX PG; _ATTT,2'cL6GP LLOri �`TTNTZ 2,CLGG-r " l'UIJG go 11JIT 2-PLGG4'1 01J ;17 TU 2_j-tipLGG, TLow rOLG�PO O1S2;LjjGp U _poLLj GL 26111" OU M1G2.poLT:& OL F}jG J'GAGG' ?;LGG�P 00 9 bOTJJ4P ULbLOXI�JFL.-Gj�� TGG -p !10L�Pll r3jG 2 qGT,�,yo;; LOO EIIJ I T T13 PTOG,': jqOo Ewq ILA. 3. , -,jq �LUTI: :�GLllJ"j. 0 -GTbt�T �,TAGL PUL and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance otherewit 2 1238 19 Adopted by the Council--- MAR 192- --- ----- --------------------- --------- - -- -- --- ---- ------------------- - - - - - - City Clerk. MAR 21933 Approved----- -------------------------- 192 ------ e�� - - ------------ Councilman WAN0.1 so Councilman Samigippp 16 d1an Councilman ftpsnakjE�? CouncilmangMgEflQZ@ftm e raon )?1UBLlSl-rED CouncilmanE2ndhjhM.j Councilman cNifienadmam 8 7 Truas) 4,1 L. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CR ' < _n REPORT ON PRE IdMINARY ORDER NER OF FINANCE c9 i� In the matter of oeaAtruoting a Sanitary Sewer with necessary 6" pipe house sewers from sewer to street lined hill Street Levee Addition from Mill Sttreet to thlm Streets e LeveeIan the Levee from the,Alley between late 30, El, 41 point 25 , et no Levee point 2b feet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of lot >,0 to a Point 20 fee northeasterly of the southwesterly line of lot 26, Upper Levee Additions in the Alley between lots 14 and lb, IIpper Levee Addition from Mill Street to the Levee, theme on the Levee to a point 20 Peet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of lot 11. Upper 4evee Additions on ce and Irvine seA6d ition from Elm Street to a point ack lipal River Barge and Grain pproximately 16 feet north- westerly of the Levee. Constructing a Storm Water Sewer an Wilkin9Street northeasterly from theeet from Loreto Lane to Str et$ on Mill Street from Wilkin Street to e Point late 60 and 61` Upper Levee Addition, and in the east mentioned Alley betgeen lots 60 and'441 frok mil1'Strest to Loreto Lane, thence northeasterly Alley betweon.loto Line a si654 and of 140 feet from the northeasterly line of said Alleys ws in they be between lots 56, Upper and Addition, Levee Addition Addition from Mimill Street to llSttrBet to the Mississippi River. S0, 51, 41 and 42, Tipper Also grading Mill Street from Wilkin Street to Elm Street, Loreto Lane from Wilkin Street northerly line of ll �%�ots#adi lkin Street from Loreto Lane to the Leves. Also grading AeyeltsSon6l 14 and lb 54 and 65g 80, 31, 41 and 42, all in Upper Levee Addition. Where Loreto Lane is referred to in above dscription, itis understoodvee t to Sbe thataul street or alley abutting lots 46 to 66 inclusive, of Upper and on the northerly side thereofl '+Fn's ^ ?nrRx.:4ax:«tnti;;.w<.,.taae,w.vNa:;-.q...,wh+r,•..,x. n....a.. - ADDITION ASSESSED LOT BLOCK VALUATION DESCRIPTION Land Bldg. 1 Upper Levee Addition to X400 St. Paul, Minn. (Except Southeasterly 87.22 ft.) 2 do 100 do 400 $900 3 do 400 2250 4 do 425 1750 5 do 350 600 6 do 325 950 7 do 375 600 8 do 400 700 9 and. 10 do 150 400 11 - TOTAL. Fan B. B. 10 't7' 11 -q IS, p77 Tu nbboL rsAoo VggTFTAu' t-, {l,o tunas• yrno u vgTuS V77Q9.o,pAbfAeou ro.�e e0 wag e7' 11 guq 78' 2J guq e2' jr.,.,,r Vo n]a XIOL IQLJa 7Tu0 OL pbb0l. f` A;aa yggmov* -q Mims gfr.eaf LLow roto;o r:,,, `t•vgT)Ih Y1177 iFi.ac L1,010 ATTICTu 2;1,00; 40 FTw gelaQ ' rotopo rune LLOw ATIFTu 417 rruq q};' ❑hbar, roAaa Vg(lTPTWY LLOW KI TT 90.00F p0 VQ Alaulee7bbT ST"L' W Ill,I)PL 1-eAa4 1Vgr1TP70u' tt,Ow N1T77 ofLeas to raw r-al M FNo ,V T01 PQ;"Qu 10;8 I)[. Ia0 040 Lhow pliy Im pgve1 . 711ro oL ggTq V77070 Tu fpc V77Q%paptaou rape 21 aliq wl'r qr' LLilp ijjrT upuoap Pei mao* roan' svauoa uoLplavaporarx au.rdLo;.o rvue v q;f"uuoe T�r� lac) guy 01 jIbbOL reAna VggTAioW WUAT.rxl pyra Qlep.O Urou.PTouoq V770k.PQ4ZAQ0u, JOfa eo Wt11 gvtoop 0,0W laystu Of4oag fid v td�IY. 0 �OaTi saoxP},ava�os.j� L�� #r}!�+'vrroa,pePmosu o)r).,altu:taprfi�' p q o%,ut;MvpOY. ,'aoetaL Qjt,A t1' * B fLaof'Lzow roiwo rBua` ¢o 1g7TT EP466'el ou d0'. gToo.'M'Frg,�•YII.A;rrep tt4q�'.RiOtt �,onr Is'3vl 8f�0QR•�4.Q'."boi'>a',p,�abbtbx7iuY�Q7�72. under Preliminary Preliminary Order approved Jan. 11, 1938 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 6-369.Q9 The estimated cost pec�ot for the above improvement is - - - $ (See attached letter) The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 1 (Except Southeasterly 87.22 ft.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and. 10 11 Form B. B. 10 ADDITION Upper Levee Addition to St. Paul, Minn. do do do do do do do do do TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. X400 100 400 $900 400 2250 425 1750 350 600 325 950 375 600 400 700 150 400 cin OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT�OF FF.INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOcI ADDITION LUATIO Lgnd- 1 � d YS I' .Upper Levee Addition to __. $15,D $xOt�iO St. Paul, Minn. 1 13 do 300 1350 1."rb.t _ . part of150 northwesterly of a line drawn from a 14 do j oint on the SWr -ly line of'syld lot - 48.71 ft. Nrl from the SW 1 come 1thereof to a pt. on the Elly line of ,said lot 48.675 ft. Nrly from the �LSE.Ily comer thereof. do lThe S ly 48,675 ft. Of 7 r ,_14 i 200. 900 do 2 9$0 - ,(Except E. 10 ft. alley) 1 15 r 275 100 "11(ExceptSouthwest 30 ft.) 16 do 25 300 11,50 Southwest 30 ft. of do = - 17 do 450. 600 4 - .. _:8001 - �Lot 18 and (Except SW 13 ft. -alley) do 19 '; _650 , 20 do 400 650 Q- '�.0 _ 425IL - 1 21 do w - _ 250: .850_1; 22 i � doIt r _- _ _ 225 500 _11 !Southwesterly a of 23 do - !(being 12.90 ft. on Mill St. and ,,22.59 ft. on Levee) 'Northeasterly 2 of 23 do 225. 750 -. F_ ,(being 12.90 ft. on Mill St. and 22.59 ft. on Levee) Y 24 do._ 650. , 13200_ y - -- 25._and 26 do 800. 1400 H -. jl 27 do 400 _ 9QQ.-" _.. • __ _ _ 1 1 � - it 28 do �� 400 _ 't IL000- - - _do 500 600__ Lot 29 - - (except the followings commencing at Is point on the SWrly line of said llt 29+ M 38 70 ft £rom the S.W. corner therlo£; Ithence at an angle of 76 degrees to!the dight thence NW'ly 51 80 ft. to a point on the NWs1 line of said hot 22.27 ft fror�_the NW 1 _ corner thence to_ _ - - ry , x --_— --- poi t a beginningT said oorneLiw thence 52.50 ft. to titd - - " _ � r . CT OF ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT *OFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT etoe ADDITION �! VALUATIONS _ er Levee Add.. to t. Paul -Part-_-Part- of. Lot 29 ! upper S 70 mnencing at 'a point on the Sw'ly line Minn. 88.7.0 £t. from the S.W. .-said_lot 7ner; thence at an -angle of 76 degrees k _the_.ri t 14 t; thence NWil5.80 ft. t € Feey o e i 2thende_$from 'y i ° --- anNW corner; thence to said. corner 2..50 the of beginning: Also All t}at ; . to point rt cf..Lot 30 lying NW'ly Of the f011ow#g scribed line: Commencing at a point on the -line-of said Lot 62.20 ft. -from t e SW} ; mer thereof; thence NE'ly 20.10 a.• thence SE'ly 14.20 £t.; ante-NEIly-20.10 ft..to a point on;the NE line of from the SE c rner',thereof. .id Lot 30, 38.70 ft. „ P -_ # 4 30 Upper Levee Add. to St. Paul, Ll. that part o£ Lot - , � Minn - describ4d 250 0 Gi - � ring SE'ly of the following• Lne:_ Commencing at_a point on the G L": 4 line of said Lot 60.20 ft. fromthe N_corner thereof.; thence _NE'ly_20.10 t.; thence SE'ly 14.20 ft.; thence Elly 20.10 ft. to a point on the 4e E line of said Lot 38.70 ft. from E corner thereof. 31 i do 375 700 h 32 do 5.00 ! .450 - 33 do r 225. _j30Q 1; — (Except SW _31.50 ft.)___ 34 do 10Q i Southwest 31.50 ft. Of.34do 325, 1050 I35' ! __ _dog _ 250.. _ . :699 --- Part of_Lot_ 36 do -250: .._90b Beginning ata point on the SE'ly ine- Of said Lot_ 36., 34. -45 --ft. NE!ly' rom the most S'ly corner of said lot; 1 34.45 _ft,_ to the most henoe.- qW,y tly corner of said lot; thence NE'1 feet from e n �thenoe to beginning.55 ; Part of _Lot _ _ 36 _- - do r- -- 275:. eginning at a point on the SE'ly li a of, id Lot 36 34.45 ft. SW'1 from th .l NC 34 4 5ft , 1 corner of said lot• thence ' 'alongthe line_beteen Loty ythe SE 1 oorner of said Lot the ee 1 1E0'iT_a6_0_66_ ft. •.thenoe SW'1 54.3 ft to point distant 55 ft�,f,�om the y ' r --� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ,---ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSEDB r r I DESCRIPTION LOT 18LOCK! ADDITION ALUATIOI West 31.82 ft. of E. 42.82 ft. of North 2 and West 11 ft. of East 38 j Upper Levee Addition to $300: ! 42.82 ft. of South 2 of _ _ _ 46; St. Paul, M 175. _ 200 4' ' 39 d 425 11 OI 48 ; do 401 - do i .400 ; 600 r do _(Except Northerly 44 ft.) 41; do _200. 500,. _ Northerly 44 feet of 411 do 150: 3001„ 42 do 300: I .1550 , 43i do 250. 8003 200. 44, do 300- 00:451, do 3Q0- 451, do 300 950 (Except Easterly 42.82 ft.) . 46 do 350 do East 11 ft. of N. 2 and E. 31.82 fit. _.200 .._ 52 of South 2 of 46 do 175; _ 800;; West 31.82 ft. of E. 42.82 ft. of North 2 and West 11 ft. of East 42.82 ft. of South 2 of _ _ _ 46; do 175. _ 200 4' 47j do d 450. 4501 Southwest 30 feet of 48 ; do ; 250. 5.50 (Except SOP 30 ft.) } 48) do 350. 900 .. _ ... also West 17 ft. of �9) (Except West 17 feet) 49'; do 250 800; _. NorthAW 25 feet of 50 do 200. _. 25011 .._ (Except Northeast 25 ft.) 50! do 3Q0- 1000a Southwesterl of i 51 'I do "0.. 9.00.i Northeasterly 2 of 51 do 250. _.200 .._ 52 do- 400; _ 1400 _._. _ 53 _ _ do.. 525.. _2300. _._.. i 54do i ��, 475 ;1500 � .. j rover Rau 55 do TOTAL I CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT} OFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER n - -_=ASSESSED smell �� LOT �ewcK�I ADDITION � VALUATIQ(��n DESCRIPTION f - 56 upper Levee Addition to � .. 350 j I i � 4d0 Minn. i_. St. Paul, M550 700 I 1 57 do14 5 35p 9- 58 do -� �Ido450 59 and 60 550 _ 61 do 275 1800 .. 62 do 2$o . 700 r 63 do 250 600 do 275. 950 64, 65 do 475- 409 350 1409 66! do - F_ II 67 do 400 95.0 - 68 do 275 300 a 275 75.0 I --�;; 69 ; do f — _._ �i 70 I do 2,50, 1150 do 7QO i 71 250. 2 250 do 1 72 i 150 a � , 731 do _ 250. .250 .. 250 1450 _ IL_ 74, ! do 45 do 250. 600 _.. II. - _ o 250, - -do ! .750. 77 . _. 250. I � , �I 78 do 250. , 800 �I 79 j do 290' i500 a St. Paul, No. 2. 2p0 0 80 Upper 6. II er Levee Addition to 2§0,1 , 61 ( do _ 50 "-- _�.__ i 82 , ; _ do P Q --- - 900 _ _ - do TOTAL _ - — zoa�- - ---�_ - -- -- -- — CITY or ST. PAUL '- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ',BLOCK VALUATION i �...:......:. .. -.hand Bldg. 84 Upper Levee Addition to St 1 20Q r $550 Paul, No. 2 I 85 - do u 200 1000 _ ..." 86 do 200 1600 87 do 204 c a 88 do 200 600 4 69 do 200 90 do 200 r 6 49 ; Rice and Irvine's Addition to .7225 (includes lother_ -' Saint Paul property) t Parts of Lots 7,8,91& 10, 49 do ,1800 ldescribed as follows: That part of.Lot, 7_lying North of the South lime o Lot 4, Sec. 6, T. 28 North, Range 22 West, nand that part. of _Lot 8 lying S. of 4 line _. _ _ ;from a point on the NE'ly line of said lot, {85 ft. NW'.ly from the Elly corner thereof, ito the W'ly corner of said Lot 8, and N. of Ithe S, line__of said Govt. Lot 4, Seation.6, Township 1128 North, Range 22 West, also those parts of :Lots 9 and 10 lying South of a line ;from. !the E. corner of Lot 10 to a point on the SW'ly lime of said lot 10, 30 ft. from the S'ly corner thereof;thence to a point on the SW'ly line of said Lot 9, 85 ft., from the S'ly corner of said lot. That- art of 8 49 - do 275 a... - p i. ;lying N'ly of a line from a point on'the NE'ly line of said lot, 85 ft. from the . -i�'ly corner thereof, to the W'ly corner of said lot. � 600 Those parts of Lots 9 and 10 49 do � 1850 1 � ;dying N'ly of a line.from the E. corner . lof said lot 10 to a point on the SW'1y line thereof 30 ft. from the S'ly corner ',thereofL thence to e�oint.on the SW!ly_ 1ine.of_said_L4 9F_@`� ft._from the..__ -- -- S'ly comer thereof. 41 .Total__.: ,240,_. X87,500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.( Date 19 C/ Commissioner of Finance. 9o,m s. B. 12 ' St. Paul; Minn ........QG_ti........9,.....1_9Z_7_......193......... To The Honorable, The Council,; City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property ownsrs, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause ". the following improvement to be made: L4snigitrutio�ewP.r_.w.�.. ..... . .,........__. _ _..... on M111.... &.... Levee from ..............L1aR.. ....... St. -bre. to....... .. . __... _...... .. ........ . .......... St. A.". _LOT�n BLOCK ADDITION 0 1- i� 5 oq 5M-7.37 .. hA 1_ ...........193.... St. Paul, Minn.........1.a.......-...... _ F ' To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. en. hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause We, the undersigned property owners, the following improvement to be made; .............. cr -�' Com.-+_..,�' �� �q''o---v-✓'+' ...: _...... _..... _. . 1 _ .-w...� ........ _........ _........... _.. ...._..._.... _ St. Ave.to . .... .. ..... . ....... w , St. *4*" x , ................. LOT BLOCK ADDITION NAME ; r� d 412 J F / % / L 101 rn RA c%wQ� St. Paul, Minn... .. .............. 193- o The Honorable, The Council, Ji City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: 0 po"/( .ROA :V{'4 We, the undersigned property ownars, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ................................. ... ...... - ... ....... .......................... .................. Jt 4 Vi .............. .............. 4 from SM -747 V NAME V Y LOT BLOCK ADDITION e <-e, e, 30 Ua- ALL i Q.!rqI, cit 1?1-11. SM -747 St. Paul, Minn..._Ootober....... ... ...............193. _.. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property own5rs, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement tobeamd= voided; Nve beim, opposed to it's passage. er..._P.n DTILL STi2E� T_.._......__....._.............._............................................... .....-......_..... ............................................................................._..................................... . ................... St. Ave. from ....._!ililkin Stre.e_t_...................._............_...........St. Ave. to..._him ...Street ................ ...._.......... .....St. Ave. • • �� VY r r WIN i T " Toy► • Existing Sanitnr�✓"Inferc�ptor Se mer / ,�. _ '1 _., _SPR I N G ST. 87 I � ' � Ujo/o R 86 i 85 , 84 ii 82 I 81 80 79 78 77 76 ,s 74 73 72 71 ..7 �� - is _ I7 /U/1✓ �Q EIA '.. ° ss - 114 1 4' 4 r—Proposed Storm Sewer r M ILL ST. ETAL. . SEWER PLAN AND DISTRICT MAP St-. pnu I, M inn. 1938 Scale:- 1"=100' <\ 70 5 I 1 WE a 4 3 v I fGG G 2 1 i 3 c 13 /0.• A' 10 °a I1 r 12 I Iv 10 8 7 6 5 14 3 A 12 A z° 9• i I 1 �� e9� '- o Proposed Snn i to ry Sewer f t 1 LEVEE;;; AS. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER SUREAU OF SANITATION SVREAU Ot CON[T. s RCFAIR GEORGE J. JACOSS. DEPUTY GOMMM—NER FRED DRIVER. SUFI. J. R. JOHNSTON, Su GEORGE M. ON EPARD, CHIEF ENOINEeR Su[uu OF SRlooeE OPAL[' F.NOIN[[R M. S. GRVTEAK. ENO—IIII G. H. HERRGLD 17 1988 BUREAU of CORRECTION[ Ja��p�q January CHIEF HNOR. CLERK � ) RAV J. KARTAK, SUPT. MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a Sanitary Sewer with necessary 6' house sewers from sewerto street line80 03141 Street from Wilkin Street to Elm Street. In the Alley ' ' and 42, Upper Levee Addition from Mill Street to the,Lveee. On the Levee from a point 25 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of lot 56 to a point 20 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly line of lot 25, Upper Levee Addition. In the Alley between lots 14 and 15, Upper Levee Addition from Mill Street to theLevee, thence on the Levee to a point 20 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly ' ine of lot 11, Upper Levee Addition. 0n the Municipal River Barge =d Grain Te anal Right of Way in Block 49, Rice and Irvine's Addition from Elm Street to a poj mately 15 feet northwesterly of the Levee. Construct a Storm Water Sewer on Wilkin Street from Loreto Lane to Mill Street." On Mill Street from Wilkin Street to a point 90 feet northeasterly from the Alley between lots 60 and 61. Upper Levee Addition, and in the east mention5d Alley between lots 60 and 61, from Mill Street to Loreto Lane, thence northeasterly on Loreto Lane, a distance of 140 feet from the northeasterly line of said Alley. In the Alley between lots 54 and 55, Upper Levee Addition from Mill Street to Loreto Lane. In the Alley between lots 50, 51, 41 and 42, Upper Levee Addition from Mill Street to the Mississippi River. Also Grading Mill Street from Wilkin Street to Elm Street, Loreto Lane from Wilkin Street to the northerly line of Upper Levee Addition, and Wilkin Street from Loreto Lane to the Levee. Also grading Alleys between lots 60 and 61, 14 and 15, 54 and 55, 50, 51, 41 and 42, all in Upper Levee Addition. Where Loreto Lane is referred to in above description, it is understood to be that street or alley abutting lots 46 to 66, inclusive, of Upper Levee Addition to St. Paul and on the northerly side thereof. 11 1958. under Preliminary Order 0. F. 109775 approved January , The work of grading the streets and building the sewers is proposed to be done as a W.P.A. project. The cost of materials, equipment, engineering and super— vision for the sewers, except the amount to be appropriated from the City's Share of Local Improvement Fund, Code 51 --El is prop seed o be assesseds and against tefited fthe benee fited frontage. See District Map showing pr po hereto attached. Estimated cost of materials, etc. for sewers S 6,969.09 Less amount to be appropriated as above 600.00 Amount to be assessed against property $ 6,569.09 1 8358 -2- Comr. Irving C. Pearce Dept. of Public Works Mill Street Sewer -2 The consideration of assessments involves the following. The District Map is portioned off as Areas A, B and 0. Area A is to be provided wi* sanitary sewers only. Frontage of areas A is 833 feet. Area B is to be provided with both sanitary and storm water sewers.' Frontage is 2380 feet. Area C is to be provided with sanitary fo storm ewers isa$1..04 deistdetermined ebys947 dividingtthe costfront of foot rate for seni�ary the sanitary sowers by the sum of the frontages in areas A and B. The front foot rate for storm water sewers is $0.91 and is determined by dividing the amount to be assessed for storm sewers by the sum of frontages in areas B and C, a summary of which is as follows Area FrontEw Rates Cost A 833 feet $1.04 $866.32 B 2980 n $1•04 $0.91$0.91 $$861.00 C 77 Estimated Cost to property. $6369.09 Approved for transmission to the mmissione Finance IRDING PEARCE Commissioner f Public Works Yours , . SHEPARD 7"4 Chic Engineer 8358 U Office of the Commissioner of Public Works V Report to Commissioner of Finance —_ ,Tani_ iwry 18, 1958 193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 109775 approved_.___ January 3 r --_-1938 relative to daa>tstrnot n 8anitnry Seeer with neaessarr 6" pipe il0Y9e sewerp from sever to street lies om Kin Street from Wilkin Street to an Street. In the Alley between late $0, 51, 41 and 42# Upper Lees Addition fromof the l Street treetsto *enLevee. e of ot 5i the Levee free a point 2A feet nartheegUmly 17 to a point 20 feet northensterly, of the aoathwesterly line of lot 26, Upper LW" AML+Aw� lgt�a 1; mad 1g�Qtap4r hove* Addition from fill Street t to #� �� :.:.. t� !jj` '- Street to the Levee. Winos an at a" E '� t'ea't >ybMheaeter7,Y of the southTest"Ay lies of lot 11,, Upper Levee Addition. On the 9=16i"I Auer Barge ami 1YAft to itnel Right of N i �� northweatsrl 0 and otethe Levee. from Elm street to a point approxi 2 1 •.. - . !1-1 . Oenstsaot a Storm Rater Sever on ffilldn Street from Loreto Street to Will Street. Qn iALi "Strest fti * wilkda Stroo to a psiftlK 90 feet northeaatarly from the Alley between Iota So Md $1. Upper Lade, Add3U46, rnd in tbs east mentioned Alley between late 60 and 61, from Mill Street to Loreto Street, tremae northeasterly cps Loreto Street, a distanoa of 140 fest from the northeasterly line of acid All In the Allay between late 64 and 56, Upper Levee Addition from Mill ettto ditlan Loreto Street. It that 'AilIV b"Wen 9Vta -Sol' 11%, Al wind 420 Dapper, .. CA from dill Street to the Missisaippi River. Alco Grading Mill Street iron Wilkin Street to Elm Street, Loreto Street from TFIlk* Streot to, the northerly line of Upper Levee Addition, and VILIkin 13traat, frge Loreto Stroet to the Levee. Also'gradinp Alba between lots REF Mind=41, 14 ?tnd lb, 64 and 55, 50, 51, 41 and 4g, an in Upper Levee Addition. Whore Leset4 Street. is referred to in above deseriptioa, it is ipmderetaod to be that street or all4y abetting lots 46 to 86, inoluAiwe, of Upper WAS Ad4L'tion to at. Paul and on the northerly side thereof. JAN 19 Q'8 E� 5 {' ryvtsj 00e Ml _'l-: JIOL CPoS:T3.. ET.aO rVCLU:ALa c u;t. og ':^, . �jdt rl+:., ai s <bcg I tsaTd$�01 3; eLo nAxaLa uircaul , . t=rr:raaq FA Tu apor:c: gouas7�b,-Tr TC it; ;�u<l�?' +rocsy to T` ..04 T-0 V: scut) 21?- `soy ,ql, $7 ttttf el v,n yrs ai;iea r0AfQ VgvirF;orri :i ro";o POAGO* ypio 3.0- J cc ray ;ITy, Tu d;s rts,g Fo ;)to ssoa,t'lMLTR YTu4 rcaar;A ti dila ouy .u', TTIM7 o lest :t:To ATTi : fitsIeP Lw;l :,UKJW ;LGs u, , :sVLOQC' . AI.e so fi Ge; F Lost0D 41T_a' uQP R0 trr AU9TauTb),T hTt,c.t.+ fLo'>F IIt !'fJc }Ito), psF.xcuu j'aF,u 4C.. r.T' vT 'a y f, is:cl gta.r; tr ;.jrTcu CU . }7v i;c;?> ysuT.atiU,:;J:f I.S,s: i=;.T.G lily nbQGL i'+,AGC 1,'rd47Fs'ur; `,Lv.:, sIT1 ;�.Lt:..} ;c o r..p:UFy ., r+T F.�trs nY Yeo io ; LLo'r tpc., uor;Fra To'--, f; uwci ul s XJAJ RM;.FLc,.�Y Sn rez.�:T:vs 1,iFL[t.";1 T,;'a xU 'IJc; flhb;t. ruAce 4Q'rT;Tasty .vci TL F)JCI t crc;XFT.;ataEi ' 77t% Fo 47 !x07:71 ate 'Sa,i 'IJ07. �t 1I� LOC: SPC T1''-1 ,,..4Lrt(;{' 0 ;�FCMO-,10vo�- lW*r. AIr.TT)(4n rot.et'o .a+�cl. <<� e7l'T �;43 • v 1;fir.aGV Fo V 40TIJF rrSt?ya.AxT, `'Fa+T'` Ie i,o,.j no :;c e,k�J. i. ;:, ;}:e r';,At'y• J.Ktu sJurl pxuTu jQ-TU, j ]sdapb' 0T.rtc�]t Ty LI J OGS 181 r;TG& ,iIIy z,:", C`t a t+ f 3TFTnu a:reflla.SSjtalej°d ITUG oi, 10C .fry anhce:. rr.aue VgcTFTAu' OLJ ;r i 'Ir- rybul wTAnL ;TLvs�F ;o ;Pe PoAaeb SPcugo oil FPo re -is &o c -o'7u .JU Legit. SSAr.mOf UVOLP. o7, .q;,: Tie VQ 'gsfn1 pef"Aaw! TAF:t T& �aq p.,y jlia':uin, ruAt u ! M ;YT3'T t'A sr -,0104P 40 T..00;.?�'s e�asr,7:+,:n_QT, �€3%4 patt.F JM ;oJ.T�, IT"- on; Ic"r ;:2y nboxg. I."as and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 8 , and the total cost thereof is 8 , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. S. Said improvement is_ subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. 9: A. JAN 19 4,8 asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, ommissioner of Public Works. C. F. No. 110312—By I. "r C Pe P.rranto (By re0ue3C). Od,iw roCNv wb re—addltlonr., and eouHei� 03�J1n ., � ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL ru.c NO....... FFFFiiiIlll OFFICE THE CITY CLERK �kn OUNCIL O ION ---GENERAL FORM PREBC.NTEO BY . .... ESOLVED. Whereas"additions"and deductions which might prove to be necessa; n;. the improvement deeoribed as the Randolph Street Branch and,,-D61os $treat Regulator,`being a part of the Sanitary Intercepting System, Comptroller's Contract G-3709, DeGraff Wolff, contractor, hav8 been provided for in the specifications for agreed prices or at unit prices stipulated therein, and Whereas, it has been found necessary to make the following additions and deductions: ADDITIONS: For•ohanges in oatehbasin connections in tunnel @ St. & St. Paul Ave. & @ Duke & Cascade Streets- Labor,.8quipment rental, Compensation Insurance, Maul., Overhead & Supervision - - - - - - - - - - - - - $272.71 -For-changes in house connection construction to provide proper connection to -Sanitary Sewer @ pt. 2301W.of Madiadn St. on.4.7th- St., 0 pt 310.5. of Manhole @ Stewart & Edgoumbe & @dropshaft @ St -Paul Avenue -& W. 7th. Street- -Labor, Material, Comp. Insurance, Overhead and profit - - - - - ----- - - - - - - - -- $80.8b -For additional cast-iron flume El dropshaft as per Drawing #386, 111:-30 in length- Abor, Material, 01.,0up. Insurance, Overhead and profit -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- For additional length of house connection tunnel @ pts. 70.0 ft.'& 115.0 ft. E..'of Alton St- & @ pte.186.0 ft. Z. of Madison Str- �8.0 lin.ft. of tunnel, Dr 92;; @ $3.50 $28,00 -S-!-O a a • s a " , T96- @ 2:50 20.00 S. 0 n a.-- „ ._ ►. °X841 ® 6. 50 52.00 $100.00 - - --- -For additional excavation in the construction of 17 house connections- -12 ou..yde. of excavation @ $7.00 j 84.00 Total Additions 9592.74 DEDUCTIONSt -74 cu.yds. of concrete not placed as per Par.. 4, Special Pro - Visions in contract - - @$18.00 $1332.00 -1500 lbs. of reinsteel not placed as per Par.9, Spec. Provisions in contract - - - - - - ®$ 0.04 60.00 Total Deductions 1392.00 Total Addition 692.74 Total Net Deduction 799.26, and Whereas, the net deduction is $799.26, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul through its City Council approve the aforesaid deduction made in accordance with the specifi- cations therefore not to exceed the net deduction of $799.26, said sum to be deducted from the contract price named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract G-3709 for the making of the afore- sald- mprovement. The Commissioner of Public Works "has agreed with the Gtitraetor., DeGraff Wolff, that the sum of $799.26 is the correct amol7.l i' to be dedneted from the above contract. _ DE GRAFF WOLFF L By: Contractor I�C ty Comptroller. C ssi or of Public Works r COUN MEN Adopted by the�''onoeli �R... 2 193a 193...._ yeas' Nay �M MAR 21938 _f-ddlan APProved_......._ ..................._........_..............._..__193------ In Favor Yson = /ptuaa. Against or _.-,-- PUBLISHED -- L Waenul �Mr.�r`es�i�ent (Gahan) 3M 3.37 n,>"alto ;-car>:., � ORDINANCE .}` 110313 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED Er, d_ _ �N� ORDINANCE NO _ v 11?3=rdln=ce No. 790E—� 6. 1?arranto - Lf/7/��e.- An ordinaaoe a proving the project of acquiring the real estate known as Loi g d �f,,pthe east 30 feet of the south 200 feet of Lot 6, el'h'd K 6 $, sad 8, and the west 20 feet of the south 200 lest of dot 9, all in Block 64; Lote 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, in Block 74; Lot 1 and Lots 4, 5 and 6 and the north one-half of Lot B in Block 75; Lots 1 and 2 and the north one-half of Lot 3, in $look 87; all in the Town of West Saint Paul, also designated as West Saint Paul Proper,, an addition to the City of ,Saint Paul; for the purpose of the quarrying and removal of rook therein, for use in the Vwdolpal'Airport Improvement Project and the establishment thereon of a public school athletic field. This Is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Commissioner of Public Works, the Commission- er of Public Utilities, and the Commissioner of Education having reported to the Council that the real estate described as Lots 1, 2 and 3, the east30feat of. C,ogeet o� the south 200 feet of int 5, ` `a s 6, 7 and 8, and the west 20 feetof&the i south 200 feet of Lot 9, all n Block 64; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, in Block 74; Lots 1, 4, 5 and 6 and the north one- half of Lot 2,1n Block 75, Lets 1 and 2 and the north one-half of Lot 3 in Block 87; all in the Town of West Saint Paul, also designated as West Saint Paul Proper, an addition to the City of Saint Paul, Is required for the quarrying and removal of stone therein for use In the present Municipal Airport Improvement Prod pt�aind for the establishment of a public school athletic $he on after the quarrying and removal of such stone. That the estimated value of such stone is at least $5,000, and the estimated value of the land, smalusl"-of-such stone, is at least #300, and that $5,300.00 is the estimated cost of the acquisition of said real estate; and the Comptroller having certified that there is money available in the treasury of the City for the acquisition of said real estate, the Council hereby approves the project of acquiring the same for the aforesaid purposes and directs that the same be acquired for such purposes by purchase by the Committee on Lands, consisting in this case of the Mayor, the Purchasipg Agent, and the said Commissioners, if the same can be so acquired Al a reasonable price, and they shall eo re n rt to the Counoil; but incase said Committee cannot procure such land at a reasonable price and shall so report to the Council, then and in that event the Council hereby orders and directs that condemnation proceedings be instituted under the provisions of the Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Pearce Peterson -T"!!R ' . Mr. Presidept (Gehan) Attest: City Clerk 300 7.37 Ca 20089 Passed by the Council Approved Mayor In Favor Against °`14'°�' ORDINANCE313 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED P;� ORDINANCE N61 :2 (2) City Charter to secure said real estate, and the cost and expense of acquiring the same, whether by purdhase or condemnation, shall be aid as fellows: #5,000 from the Airport Bond Fund No. 600, and 300 from Department of Education Athletic Fund, Code 16-G-7 and so such of said funds as may be necessary Is hereby appropriated and set apart for such purpose. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the'preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from -and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findla Pan•anto /vf Pearce Peterson ft - Mr. PTr� dent (Gehaq�� Attest: City Clerk 300 7.37 Ca 20089 M 181938 Passed by the Council --41 In Favor rAgainst VAR 181938 Ap roved: eyor Pti�LI�II::p Gentlement We submit herewith report on the advisability and desirability of purchasing rook situated oii the fol- lowing described property for .the purpose of constructing the runways and providing stone for other purposes at the Municipal Airport; also for acquiring said property after the removal of the rook for the purpose of a school ath- letie field. Lots 1, 2, and 3, and southerly 200 Peet of the following described lots and parts of lot;- 8asterly 30 feet of lot 5; lots 6, 7, and $ and westerly 20 feet of lot 9 in Block �i4, West St- Paul Proper. Lot 1 and north 1/2 off t 2,and Pa 11 Proper. ots 4, 5, and 6, Block 75, West Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, Block 74, West St - peal Proper. Lots 1 and 2, and the north 1/2 of lot 3, Block 87, West St- Paul Proper. At least 70,000 cubic yards solid measurement of rook is available for the aforesaid uses at the Muni- cipal Airport. The Comparatively short distance from the Airport makes the proposed source of rook supply ex- tremely advantageous as to trucking.cost thus resulting in economies in the so-oal.led.non-relief items of the Airport improvement. The land itself, which otherwise Mye Q Y.� I ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL 41&) Capital of Minnesota P� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER BUREAU of SANITATION GEORGE J. JACOBS. DEPUTY COMMIEEIOHER BUREAU OF COMET. s RilAIR FRED DR I V ER. SUPT. J. R. JOH NSTON. SUPT. GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER BUReAU OF DR..GEE ENGINEER M... GRYTBAK, EN.IN.ER OFFICE G. H. HERROLD March 2, 1938 March BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS CHIEF •NOR. OL RX RAY -J. KARTAK. SUPT. MARK W. WOODRUFF To the Honorable Mayor and City Council City of saint Paul Gentlement We submit herewith report on the advisability and desirability of purchasing rook situated oii the fol- lowing described property for .the purpose of constructing the runways and providing stone for other purposes at the Municipal Airport; also for acquiring said property after the removal of the rook for the purpose of a school ath- letie field. Lots 1, 2, and 3, and southerly 200 Peet of the following described lots and parts of lot;- 8asterly 30 feet of lot 5; lots 6, 7, and $ and westerly 20 feet of lot 9 in Block �i4, West St- Paul Proper. Lot 1 and north 1/2 off t 2,and Pa 11 Proper. ots 4, 5, and 6, Block 75, West Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, Block 74, West St - peal Proper. Lots 1 and 2, and the north 1/2 of lot 3, Block 87, West St- Paul Proper. At least 70,000 cubic yards solid measurement of rook is available for the aforesaid uses at the Muni- cipal Airport. The Comparatively short distance from the Airport makes the proposed source of rook supply ex- tremely advantageous as to trucking.cost thus resulting in economies in the so-oal.led.non-relief items of the Airport improvement. The land itself, which otherwise Mye Q Y.� I ' To the Honorable Mayan' and City Council - 2 - March 2,1938 would be useless after the removal of the rook, is well suited for the development Cf' an.SUIstio field and is desired by the Department of $daioation for future devel- opment for this purpose. The value of the rook is es- timated to be at least 5000.00 and the value of the land to be at least $300#00- GMS:O as Respectfully submitted, am �Prblio Departmentof Utilities . earce, omm r• Department of Public Warks of a 77 7 77- 17 ��77: i`r- JAMNSIM Ww_ Zp, 00-1 'P. ot, III, «sem Mac "44 is L 74 1 30" Wrl "An. LIM, t, Ar- Z Z_ V_x "If End I'R 7Rr NO- t �, � -.__ •<` < '' �` ZA CONGRESS S \ � t 19 65 ... > V i45 - 1,3 40 � ,. a a .r-"'- .A:e� 1-• -. _ �. .� l 7 I ��� -/O !/- //= 1 i a-o._-.� j. 4 .. � ems,_-e.-r..:� ---' P •a 111 a S" �,,.� .S. % - � - ,��t "�_ ':�°. .,. — /S � yf<�. •. , ate----..._ q - :. l rlJ r. z r' w- .f . ? ^ •H _ .� :� , $off' ' — �:.^• �� - -57-77-71 s k 'x�...�x +,4• .�wR- �a "_ €fit r. i : , -", � i �' c y _ y 6 o uw: 0,wdat w city Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL Ut N 0 OFFICE OFTHECIYY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIPN--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED00, 38 Co...... EL ...................................... .... ......................... RESOLVED WH WM9 the 0maissioner . of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the Oity Gharter,.thO existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of the Water Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at thp rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME Tr= ovanma RAPE A. R. Schroeder Bridges 36 hrs. 1.03-3/4 Goo. A. Roden A- 11-1/2 hrs. 1.16 "earl A. Flack Sr 40 bro. 1.00 Fred A. Gorhm Srjsst.Givil ftgr.Bridgen 1� 49 • 1.-271/2- JTr.3ngr.Drsftaman 113 .62412 Glen Swanstrom 1.05 H. F. Anderson Or.Anst.01vil Itmgr Bridges 28. 1a63/4 I. G. Ringstrom Testing Engineer 48 a 1.16R. E. Watters Asst.Givil M*r.W.D. 29 R" 4,3 W. Holzer Tr.Givil 309r. 1.16 F. W. Gallagher Asst.01TU 3.1cgr.W.D. 56-1/2 C. F. No. 110314—By W. A. Par— Whereas, the Commissioner or !'�T- H&Utilitle. b%r.v.rt.d to .—rd.— Wilt Section 1,1 of the City Char' 1, the ".t—'. I an—tel"I"'y Certified correct rend, _-y -play d 0 X. Thompson General Superintendent COUNCILMEN Yeas Ys Muss 83 s In favor e r6on Against ,uaX r r. Presi ent (Gahan) tg e' 3M &A* MR 21938 Adopted by the Council ................................_........_........193...` q, OR 21938 Approved......._..............__...._........_......._.._.....__193 .. . ........... I . ... ... ........ ... yor V"U D4wjf March 1. 1938 e An emergency has arisen in the Water Department rendering necessary the employment of certain employee of that department for,,. more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: preparing plane and specifications for PWA fobs #1323 and #1325. This emergency arose by reason of'the following facts and circumstances: #Because of limited time allowed by Government for this work. BOARD 01P WATER COMMISSIONERS President Certified correct Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent Od,W to Otr Dee. 110315 CITY OF ST. PAUL 11L.CONCL NO........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V y COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_............................................... ............ ............_............ DATE ..March 19Y6!. ........ ... RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon -the payment into the city treasury of'the required fees: Mrs. J. M. Orth 50 S. Cretin Confectionery App. 18006 Renewal. Morris Kanter 793 E. 7th St. Grocery • 18080 is Sam Brodinsky 951 Payne Ave. Grocery " 18121 " " . ^ ^ " Off Sale Malt " 18122 " M. Feldstein 524 st. Peter St. 2nd hand d1r. " 18228 " Joe Rosen 691 Selby Ave. Barber " 18348 ^ C. M. Smith 301-3 Rice St. Grocery " 18532 a N ■ " ^ Butcher ^ 18533 " Louis Rogers 1416 Hazel Ave. Grocery " 18585 ^ Alfred Thaemert 2260 Como Ave. R. Bakery ^ 18634 ■ Thos. F. Kelly 112 E. 4th St. Florist ^ 19032 0 Harry Divine 1150 Grand Ave. Brocery ^ 1921j ^ " ^ ^ ^ Off Sale Malt ^ 1921+1 ^ Held for taxes, expired. COMEN Yea& N e -gad+tee -*dlan In Favor iP.tkreon /T.. Against mato r. President (Gehan) est a - C. F. No. 110816— BY—' Poke; F. �1• Trues. G. 8• ga.rtues- {or Resolved, That ltceneen the ilia at-. b9 the.Detao a"named o +ached to thta resranted ahfl the Clt9 i eatnaare herebY B CIerX is instructed to^tte Into the city veaea uP* the ieuu red "tees. 2. 19a8. Ado4ted by thx &u.s, Mar. A9Droaed (iDSa ch fi 1. ba) ' MAR 2 1938 Adopted by the Council__. __........._ _ .................193..... Approved..... _ 193_..... CW.W to aty c p...... 110316 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO ............ . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM pL PRESENTED BY _....._..D1PrE ...-MBSOL Z,.._1�3gr ..... ....... COMMISSIONS ... ..._. ............ _......._... RESOLVED That license for Fuel Dealer. application 23239, applied for by the Wawin Coal Co. at the Baker Bldg. Minneapolis, be and the same is hereby denied because the applicant does not comply with Ordinance fT837 as amended by Ordinance $7591, requiring a St. Paul office, and the proper city officers be and they are authozized to refund to the Wawin Cost Co. the fee of $15.75 and to cancel said application for license; the fee of $6.25 having been deducted because the applicant operated for a period of 3 months on said application. COUNC MEN Yeas • dlan Nays Favor I. + Against ,r tG Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 3.37 C. F. No. 110318—By F. M. Truax. G. H. Bartues— Iteeolved, That iicen4e for Fuer _s Dealer; apDllcatlon 28239, applied for by the Wawin 11., Co. at the Baker Bldg. by'dee. plie. e, and the ams! is hereby'den�efl because the applicant doee'. not' comply wltn Ordinance No. 7887 as — Ided �by Ordlnance Mo.i 7881, requirinR a 9t :Paul .Dint.. and the proper etty odlcers be and they are',' authorized to refund. to the Wt W Coal Co. the foe or 11N and to .cancel aid a pllcattom for-llcenae:'the-toe oY Sa:86--aha to boon deducted because the applicant. operated fora period of 3 month. on, aid -apulicatfon. Adopted. by the Council Mar, 2. 1938. Approved Afar. 2. 1938: .(Waith 5. 19 MAR 21°2g Adopted by the Council- _ _..__.__ _ ........ 193...... Approved..._ MA°R_. ... Mayor �1 F. No. 1103118— 11®318.. In [he DPa[ter of dep. the grad" - _ of Alley to Chns. Wetde's Rearran! ment of from Forest cStB to 1M ots dat� conform to the red Itne on the file hereto attaches '4 made n F. ±,^reof, the Pres^^'•= "�-llah�s -'� hhe * ' COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMED ARY 'ORDER In the Matter of changing the - grade of Alley in Chas.:Weide's Rearrangement of Block 6, Nelson's Addition from Forest St.r to Mendota-St..to rconform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a:part `hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also, `&.ading•iie,Alley in Chas. Weide's Rearrangement. of Block 6, Nelson's Addition from Forest St. to Mendota St. to the proposed red line when established, and construoting,a r sewer:;in the Alley from a point 200 feet west of Forest St. to connect with the sewer in Forest St A` g' _ under Preltmifiary Order 109961 npprov January 27, 1988. The Council of the City of'St.-,Paulhaving received the rep&f '46f the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said. rt hereby: resolves: 1. That the said:report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with 2. That the nature of the itnprovement i4hichthe Council recommends is change the grade of Alley in Chas. Weide's Rearrangement of-Biloek'6, Nelson's Addition from Forest St. to Mendota St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also grade the Alley in Chas. Weide's Rearrangement of Block 6, Nelson's Addition from Forest St. to Mendota St. to the proposed red line when established, and construct a sewer in the Alley from a point 200 feed west of Forest St. to connect with the sewer in Forest St., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2.226.76. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 29th day of March 193_a , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Duilding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated �93g , /�– Adopted by the Council W 2 193 MAR 193--- � Ciry Clerk Approved_ / Mayor Councilman Barfusa Councilmanm— Findlan Councilman" CounciIrnanW&UWMM= Peterson �D 3 CounciImantM=WMW= Truax M 3 Cduncilmarle�� Mayor ONNOW Geharw Form B. S. A. 8.6 110319 i COUNCIL FILE NO— INTERMEDIARY O INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing Iglehart Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Pascal Avenue, i. under Preliminary Order 108963 Approved October 19, 19A7 - The a37The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said. report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Iglehart Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Pascal Avenue, �C. F. Ivo. 139319— p. In the Matter o[ curbing Iglehart Ave- ue from Shelling Avenue to Pascal Avenue, under-Preliminarr Order 98963, unproved October 13. 1937. • ^ Council of th$e Girt off the Cor , .^ecelve' A..^ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.775.27. Resolved Further, That a public hearing* had on'"said improvement on the 29th day of March 193a " at the hour of 10 o'.clock A. fv1.,1n; the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of `St. P.auL ..That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by<the Charter,"stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost iliereof7 as esti ed! Adopted by the Council MAR 2 193. 193 � Approved— MAR � �0'� 193— � ty Clerk e! Mayor Councilman 2t+na'ld j ° P,117.'aes Councilman " Findlaa CouncilmanmEe' Councilman �"S Peterson Councilman Truax Councilman M;ee'z"' Mayor NFAMPOW Gehan, 3flS 1SHE1 Form B. S, A. $%6 t U0329 RESOLUTIONIOF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING CONDENUXOM 11iFRET' 3a^, reyl�r Tjg7E n� `,WZIN' ON TTT AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of condemning and -taking an_ easement _in- the __-----necessary for slopes, -- cuts aad fills in the grading of Alley in Spinner's Addition from Walsh Avenue to the east, line of Lots 4 and 13, Spinner's Addition, '^ OVING ASSESSMENT THEREONI =..... :. FIXING TIME OF BEARING `A AWARD OF DAMAGES. i under Preliminary Order___109519-------------- approved_-__-------------� Intermediary Order -------------> aPProved----�u�zY_12,_ 1938--------------, Final Order ___-_____ 110103 approved,._February 9t_1938. ----------_-- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted hio_ieport in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the` g of the land or, e4etnents thirein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; a;u&Ao haviVkbmittG4W as of benefits to property ii from the making of said improvement, ore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- --- NLI he____--_30th --------- day of -------- March -------------- 19_ 3$, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. �F1R 21938 Adopted by the Council--------------------------- ����— -------------------------- -------• ------------ -- - -------- City ------City Clerk. Approved----- --- ------ WHOMMEOMM C -r,�y l3',rfusS Ma T. Councilman wreT T'indlan COGDcihnan Council— SHFDL%, Councilman COunCilcilman Connmau Ge6a,, Mayor �� 110321 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IF: CDX 111 'EE HEREON AND r.; s1ING TIME Or, NEARnG ON T71T' t W i RD OF In the matter of_ condemnir;_and_taki_re� _n_ easement in_the land_necessary-for slopes, - cuts and fills in the grading of Greenbrier Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to Montana Avenue, C.F. No. 110321— In the matter of condemning and Ink- ing an easement In the landeces- for slopes, cuts and fills In the "r ff of Greenbrier Avenue from �. Avenue to Montana R liminary Otder t'; under Preliminary Order ---- 108961------------- approved_____October 121 1937_____________ Intermediary Order --------- IRK34------------- approved ----- ILOMQ M129r_ 10 1937------------- Final Order ---------------- 109443------------- approved____- February 9_1938 ____-______-_ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_--- -_ Nth --------- day of__ I�&rch--------------------, 19_A8, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. lawn 2 1938 _ Adopted by the Council____ :: Zc� -------------------------- ---------------- City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19---- lianu� ------ Mayor. Councilman Findlnn , Councilman FPe leer Ci011IIClhnan ' Peterson Councilman3— Councilman Truax g� MLISHED Councilman S Mayor � Gehan a :1PPRO VINf,tB9IDE 98MNTe.. ..� COUNCIL FILE — - 11®322 C F No. 110822—- - 1 __: In .thee matter of the' .•� By_ _ ..................... benente, co,��,.�nd a>" •''• structing,,1 •✓ Ing C- _. - e^.. ' ' '"- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving, Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 2, Contract 37-P44�,t 1937. — Assessable- F.O. 108960 Kellogg Boulevard, north side, beginning at the east line of Lot 7, Block 84, Bios end Irvine's Addition, theses west to Smith Avenue and on the south side of Kellogg Boulevara-from West Seventh Street to Smith Avenue F.O. 107562 St. Peter St., west side., trove a-POint 10•feet south of the north line of lsnth Sheet, thenoe nortk to Wa, age Ave=*,, end on the south side of etaqr e.,i't`ma a point 5 h"'"ON die ne ,st line of;Bty,Petsr St., ince Wset 25E°fee F 4. l 8 S7 Boaabel BtreetE wsat_side .beging11u1&,at the South line of eller south of tiidn"��`�t P.O. 107144 Tory 8t:0fide, be but the hist line of Payne kvb., thence east 38B"tdit; ��19re'si� .S,t:¢et 1�egiamtiri'S ata'r"�C#�ni's 8�'si�►t west of the eaqt line of thenos east 120 feet F.H. 194ibN6t�NtI$4}8�YilillBafi,'xr #hiP t f+e s4n'ty £ ilYl at9..rlee 8traeti. south sides# t"d +v4' b FRO. 1 i3lby $'w.7,.bI s+°b g j fat PO t�66 the Tarth' Net M .., . „ AOg1RII2ng. �. tevy zarrweec .v k..;""+w" .��'� �. �r R__"�' u•� �i "e°+ 3 fyirthei" we tliMae wa :`50 ied#i bd g 20 et f ,k 4 theun Q 1re�l�t,BS, i441t! blB� S 64 i,X'ker rest ti}g a rest F.O. lb�llbl $owrll-Aveuuis east side. beginriiag at a paint 6 at aoutii o th`e north 4,8e1by As►e tileJiae pdX!, 28,tset b vgnniug' Yg.,teet . j sauth of the south line of 8eltiy Avenue thence south 98 feet I r„ �:,-.., r:r . _... . ,. ,;E. :�,.! .9.n ,:.,i. t. �..a„w .. a,'in,, -,: • tot as 44 .? ri rtn- —Son-Assessable— C.F. 10H5�b #esolved that the amozi8s cher of Public Works be and he is" hereby titthosed x. "' tlautrdirtiated to oauae.'tihs necessary sii'6rMa a ,sh%micas to be construetiC wb the locations listed below t corner Payne ,Ave. and Tok' Strolwt r: F.O. 107656 Daltreet west aide from Charlba Sta,tenoe eouth`to alley en�t'on C}istles 8t}est, south sidepIrom Dale Street thence rest 447feet t F.O. Sb $ersehsl Avtenue, east side, fr6m �t:;_enthol� 4vs• i�p,��bly�4 Avenue F.O. 104f�8H F}y Sheet Ya Shall Avenue to Iglehirt A7+►' i F.O. lOB iC"S'Fr :� fide, beginning at the east line of Lot 7, Block 64, Bice!� thence west to Smith Avenue, and on the south �. ,,: side of'_ _ g$ i$oulefil r -from West Seventh Street to Smith Avenue &.'S'>7cC&»x..s":?t-fs a,.....r.Y:7r,.si' w.��c.:•h-+"c.i,a.:!Si.§'.5a"' `:v',c6ki^'�d" . axe MayoGehad s i Form H. B. IB vs Ji)..LJr11: a+egp f bse.F ou L•0' TOSE3£1";IY 78 Zfkddr oT e.ob.7>�?st . - , , .fNeuoe eesf 71rugPgf s' boTup 8 b@ eras$ ob°f118 AaF,TT�f sa e , coos sysf 288 b88s saq vu, Pye. aony.,e�4o-'?b Xor 8 . 'E � oa2.ae Vass f#T �•0' 7O1T'� bos.7� g:F".' uo7.}y? a;qe' pel�7nu�trg sf {�Fo "4m B` Y }T gfseeF',FliOuos soapN 30 e eon;F TTue ob 9TTea son;N Ot V.0. 54882 gosape7 apseeF' 8F afige p®E;u?1 R F fF �euae AW4 32E :def �e seep ob flre mese TTue ob 2f' Le.Fez 2p•' y pF$g zo6p'oFF�Qa utfs}�rpfc' OQ, ?s a_y+eane' sF?4 fNe sorrpFs aT9T � 01 ,, b.OTrPIO 7,00.E eonpp o7, ;Ire uoL.FF 77 Is'0' T0,122S 2f' LOFes 2p iiesF'e75 7,L ���,�[x7,'][XXXXXXX](7[,A�'.xT�JL7CiC,KEl9$Rl'YC.n�RXXXXRXXXXXXi'.X7CXXXX'XXXXXXXTypp,yyy The assessment of_....__.._._beef.>ts�._costs__and.._expenses..................._,,..........mor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 30th __.______day of 18$as_.._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. MAR 2 1938 Adopted by the Council_.........._.__..__.__.�__...._.._ __.._...---._.. 3 fir» e City Clerk. v Approved_ ___.._._............... ........... . ....._--� --•--- /_ ._ ._.._.., Mayor. Councilman C11090099" lftr#— FegpMmzasmxc=M giedtan w Gehad Mayo>>>NNO" Form 8. 8. 16 ).9 ),iLlJ17L',L}r .: '� neT>errxo sasesantexxs. , Council File No--------------------------------- c. F. xo. iiozz3 � In thematter of the assessment of tsl -nes, coats...,.:: .—sos for r By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing. recoastruoting and relaying osm" sidewalks, Estimate No. 1, Coatraot — 371, 19371 -Assessable-- F.O. MOM Fremont Street, both sides, from "reeve Street to Mendota Street F.Or 206687 Cypress Street, east side, beginning at the north line of S. Fourth St., thence, north 18 ft., thence north ZO ft. for driveway conotsmotionj beginning at a point " f't. farther north, thence north 8 feet, and an the north'side of E. Fourth St. beginning at a point 6 feet west of the east line of Cypress St., theme east 18 ft. F.O. 1089®0 *W1 Street, vast side, from Hastings Avenue, thane@ north to alley, P`:,;2'lllores� $traHtts Ovist side, frai- Street to'Hast 'third street F �, 7 std it li�tlnFa fres a Str�tet th+ east to Mahon ParkmW F:. 10go7t .�`, �s side, be at the asst lin+@ of Oanitier St., thence west to alley . F.O. �x���i�remie, weax side, �rsa�liat�le�4d 8.'ts to Jessas�s�BtrF•' �, F•0. Egerton} Street, soutlnwetlt o�Oramr of Js,+* xoMMe,"at at o�a@� of Sdgbkton °Ya�3�lii'i''B�e��� c; "et, 2Terthaast and �ou�3►etst corners of Edgerton Street and Cook street, Southwest corner of Edgerton and � f iatist; $outinset co`"n- er Coei 9trest, Nort�nwe' 4 � , F.O. et and. Northeast F.O.._lOQ. , xtee+:<!+: oPfne. -wv14t ail lne thinoe rima fermi P.O. lOs9lp Kul;! .Bon , north side, beginning at the east line of Lot 7, Block 84, 83ce Y�ddition, thsano utast to letith Avenue and on the south side of Kellogg Boulevard from ifout 8e4soith Street to Snaith Avenue F.O. ,1p66Sj$t. Cir 8tsest, north, beginsnt�4.:point s feet vest of the east _. rine oP eiinlina Avenue, thsaoe east -•l�on�ssess�[le-- _ F.O. 101918 O'tlluth Avenue, west side, from Maryland Street to Jsesami Street C.F. 60, "' o, nidi that the Cooftsioasr of Public Works be sled he to hereby authorised and directed to cane d useeeeary �ti4i lk ions to bs, constructed at the loimtioni li belay; Icy t1 d Pesdor�ra . Clegiiliriy, contractors, under their annus" sidewalk coutmot knosn as Camptrolieris Contract lo3928, at a cost not to emceed d95.06, based upon the trait prices bid for monolithic concrete sideva ks for the current wwhloh,.cast, fd to be charged,hganinst the P.I.B.Fond Tax Ego Wb Pr l Northwest. Northeast, Southwest A Southeast`4rhners"'of rtes h Msoolia St. Southwest corner of Edgerton .A Jessetine Sts. Northwest, Nertheas0,`sauthwest m Southeast comers of Edgerton & Cook Sts,. Northwest, Northeast, ooutlinst a southeast corners of Edgerton a Lawson Sts. S7co g ILATM, a Vgg44:4— { •0' IOe82O Yr -33'0g gonloa.-Lq' -'+T rt7 oL WaTu 8AQUOa' ;pwaa A004 702L'25 Ilafp 2;•8Of' nosfp MMIJ101,11 OT. EquLf 2f : L'0. 7o�:Q$5us foA 8fLeef' gonplratea i'�on 8fssefs ` opsuesa or rt 674OA 8fseaf car nes oI, E4E0140n asiq Kv L•O. TO&M E4gas.Fott 2fseaf' 800fp+wof L•0''767873 Dn7?,# `Vmme' Ass; STO' js0 fo 4'77 L•O` 701M Supar nosfp e7ge' y0114ri L.O. ,7017�f$.ii?9 is ju: tgBg' N L'0. 705020 go}�i 2f ' �"ssf wa.wnrnt rtcffTTTT A3 L'O'- ki to 8 pp ybenne Oq On �6 POII �p yes7An;s;'�. Elf p)jc oeep TZ"of 170r .i u7oo1= P� 8 veep esm;! of ppe a+esp ITUe Gpog g ?,sef' Bo'W"48p snq 13oLfpaas ;ooh gfsea�' ganp}sateep oaLAes. ol, gq�eL�o� ssfS r Zpsse�e' pi+�74FFr+"nap' gosfpeesf rAq gPnfpetraf 04 ob 11608UMTOO 8F`' 14oLfpuoep uuq eo,•r;Wsf F 7aAq gf• f0 110SEaBfjTra 2V ;gf-}i}re Awaf TM+ oL OWTI eL 2f'' pi��T08 rands+ uo4F fo e7Io�' 7 maaf oI fps t.:o 26GL� suq An. -,LW' `}'LCBge ?,p$,60f p0 ppengopv gfLe6p A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to bePay able ........ equal installments. NihR 31938 _-- Adopted by the ConnciL__--••---,•--•----•-•--...-.___.__...._.... .., City Clerk. Approved ----••---.__.19 ....__..--... _............... Mayor. Form B. B. IS %t1fs7.ISSIIED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment aeb. rnary..�............._._,19ae In the matter..of the assessment of benefits, cost-`�Cd>,expenses for th= constructing, reconstructing and relaying oement sidewalks, Estimate No. 1, Contract 37-M-1, 1937. --Assessable-- F.O. 105699 Fremont Street, both sides, from Arcade Street to Mendota Street F.O. 105697 Cypress Street, east side, beginning at the north line of E. Fourth St.; thence north 18 ft., thence north 20 ft. for driveway construction; beginning at a point 64 ft. farther north, thence north 8 feet, and on the north side of E. Fourth St. beginning at a point 6 feet west of the east line of Cypress St., thence east 18 ft. tk" F.fS�tT06�35'(3"Ea�'1 Sigreet we's�tsY�e fY'om iaet3�1 ,enue, thence north to alley, the walk to extend full width from property line to curb F 0 16196 "Forest Street 't4ett side,''f' m Conway Street to East Third Street F.O. 107149 Roes St:?,,, both sides, from Atlantic Street thence east to Johnson Parkway F.O. 07148`06di� it,'nort9`-Aa6', beginning at the west line of Gaultier St., thence west to alley _ F.O. 101913'`%IV ,h`" AVerrue',` �cesU'si3e, from 17arglatid St.' to Jessamine St. F.O. 107048 Edgerton Street, southwest corner of Jessamine St., Northwest and Southwest ^Cdriler's"of'td�'ertoa and Magnolia Streets, Northwest, NoYtheast and Southeast corners of Edgerton Street and Cook Street, Southwest corner of Edgerton and Lawson Streets F.O. 107049 Edgerton Street, Southwest corner Cook Street, Northwest and Northeast cbrrierb of Edgerton Street and Lawson Streets F.C. 105652 Ninth Street, north side, beginnin;- at a point 8 feet east of the wrest line of Main Avenue, thence west 68 feet F.O. 106950 Kellogg Boulevard, north side, beginnin at the east line of Lot 7, Block 54, Rice & Irvine -Is Addition, thence west to Smith Avenue and on the south side of Kellogg Boulevard from West Seventh Street to Smith Avenue F.O. 105651 St. Clair Street, north side, beginning at a point 6 feet west of the east line of Hamline Avenue, thence east 45 feet --Non-Assessable-- F.O. 101913 Duluth Avenue, wrest side, from Maryland Street to Jessamine Street C.F. 107268 Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized "and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be constructed at the location listed below, by the Pederson Bros. Company, contractors, under their annual sidewalk contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3928, at a cost not to exceed $95.00, based upon the unit prices bid for monolithic concrete sidewalks for the current year, which cost is to be. charged against the P.I.R.Fund Tax Exempt Properties: Northwest, Northeast, Southwest & Southeast corners of Edgerton & haqnolia St. .Southwest corner of Edgerton & Jessamine Sts. Northwest, Northeast, Southwest & Southeast corners of ;:dgerton & Cook Sts. Northwest, Northeast, Southwest & Southeast corners of Edgerton �, Lawson Sts - Farm B. B. 17 , ;::;-Z _o;.;.pGE1e;'�:, �. h�, c.,L..;�.L:: c'...NL;.�A g: ,OLF1; LtE f „OL.F1J6 +.201'1 Fjld102F ?ori,^ ^1: ;:.o Lucie o7 %W4 GLEOJ S+ ;-rr�1 V E4 qe -TIC conBLB'OF Jcu O::.,J . 1L 01 -L,8 oFsq sf FFs TocsBroL Jr2Bc9 pojor> p1, ,pG LegsLeoL 2Lo2 obuu ' ?Seg a-ag OTLGOFGq FO GCff2G Fp6 IiGCE2 JI.�. argctasTIz G:CrCx,2 ::uz go pG C'L' JCdS28 1Te2ojteq' BpsF .Bps Co1lfilfr..2101TGL OT, LIPTrc ;;tOLJ:2pe auq pe r2 p;LGpR s'0' 7078T3 Dn7 fFF yncuns' :.czr 2; qG' LLeJ ;csf i:Jaug ^FLGGF F0 1G22a19ruo RUGGF --Ilou-Nzzs22sP7s-- TruG oL :_3I J1uE •nou;!G' fpsuce Go2F fit LGEF L'C' 702E27 2: 07srL ^BLGGF' uoL1} z?qo' nsFruu7u e+ s :,Ol;;+ e i..;e _ rp. G e; oL iLGJJoZR' BonJGarrLq LLom etc247 2snsuFp 2^LGGB Fo ^wT;Ir ;nf'ns arcs ; ILA41JE12 NggrFTOn' FpGuce MG21 B0 UIU.Bl;Nnc;;0 :r;q Cu '-16 z0:: 2Tce JU320 hGTTo 6 BOTJGnaLq' uOLFp 2Tgs' jcGRr3hrrar. sF FiJ" a_,^ 7' "o: ;T c,[ 2V 0v ,"rlu zr.•.c.:AG' FFGucG rr.�-1 @2 Lee; 10202S I1TuFF 2FLGGF' IJOLT 2Tge' , c2?r1u7: ffB s coin+ y TGG_ Gy21 OL FFG 1,.621 Irfre COLLeLz 0 r GLBou 2FLGO sugu.T e 2FFes1z TOmga L9Q+sLBou BLee"' 2orlFpMoep OOLrGL Cbof;e BLccF' r1oL+, a cLl,fccc rd-ou 2FLGGB2 coL eLz o q eLFou 2FLGGF s7Jq Cook 2.BLGG1' 2or1l1ja.e21 co J:L C- pq_eLFOL c.rq GOLLeLz oc cq CLlou oxq E';_UOJ,s 2FLGG12' y;oLFj;tIG2F' ;oLFpGUzt uuq „ofrFlfen2B 7010 f8 r,q=sLlou 2FLGc1' zonFp: szF GOLS7GL OL 1e2207X71IG 2F'' r;GLpNraeC; aifq _;o;rBpuczF TCJ3J2 P910-01 NnGLrfo' LkO21 2TgG' LLolu ; sL:qsuq 2F' +c) 1c2esurrJG P.P. s:e21 10 sTJG% ''O' JO�110 CooK 2F" ITOL;F arge' pe'rmrn3 s 'Fps xsz ruG oL ;f:r TbL sacs T01T,,3 3022 _ F 7. 71.' ^F'' F� ^cF'' po 7 2agsz' LLOW VFIeIIFrO 2BLGGp +pGLTCG Gsr2F 10 1opu20u 1,2LJcrnal, ' 10,�02, = 7.OLG2+ 2''LGGF' Aj".B 2Tge' ';I W= (•'OAMB.% 2FLeeFO ,^a'2.B J, TL(I cps rug Jr 10 GxBsiiq LnJ7 r'Lr.gFF LLOIU bLobGLF1 -131JG 10 a7Lp :'C' 700880 FTLJ 2FLGG c2F.:2rge' LLour ga2Fru.z Nns rc' r :ucr, ucLFj, r uTJGi.' Go2F TTUG OL CT-bLG'b2 2;•' BpenGG GseF Te LF' L'OL1 2r'?G Ci fir• ',,OfJLFF 2F' pG cTL:iJN.. 01 �;' :"OrrJ;' is _GG{' L@rLFJGL itOL-ry cG ;.:. .CLrGli CG UOLFj' J`' L1'' 67706 KOLFF SO ?X' T.O.. RLQ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . Cost of publishing notice . $-- 10.65 2.13 Cost of postal cards $---- --- ---- 215.20 Inspection fees $-... _...._._- — 10.651 Amount of court costs for confirmation 2,390.6i Assessable Non-*sessOMA _ $.: 177.94__ _. Total Expenditures ........................ ..�,$ 2,568.56 v Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..-..._z,.568.x56_.-... ............ __..._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, ann that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as considered proper. ..� ................... :..- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. H. 17 - ' wo-` No.110324 CITY OF ST. PAUL odds to ob aa► . ._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i�W'ok',NCIL REST ON--- ENERAL FORM SAS, 7,ouie T. Colonne.deaves to withdraw application 251498 for Off Sale Malt Beverage license, application 25499 for On Sale Malt Beverage license* and application 25500 for Restaurant license at 222 Chestmat St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Louis T. Colonna the fee of $5.00, $50.00. and $10.00 and to cannel said application for license. n. tut No. 11092Pearce. 91 COUN MEN NT Yeas t49e Zdlan ., Ce _ _ In Favor �etereos .. Against Memel '*t 3 -Mr. Vice rmiident (TrUW 26499 for on Sade ' cense.. and C -1111 212 n. 26600 for nd e' I ur nttal the �retu n20t ntott ce ,ee fee{ depposited thehgtn'th'aeDroperb cIt9 or- ltsolve&- author-' ftcerabc'ana they �aT�e T Coplonne. the lud to refund tor.ou can cel- ssfd'aDDllcatlon foist eenee8'to Adopted by the Council Mar• 8. 1988. ppproved Dtar. 8, 1888. (March 6.1988) Adopted by the Council_ MAR 3 193 .__193..._.. Approved........ ..... _.. Mayor Odowto ch C.* 10325 CITY OF ST. PAUL —"CIL ._ 1 NO. ..._....... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UN IL RESO NERAL FORM PRESENTED Y Mor 3, 1938 COMMISSIONER_ ......................... ..... ..................................................................._..._ ...................DATE.............._._..__......_........._...... .... ......... ...................... RESOLVED That license for Tavern, application 25449, applied for by Herman Mitch at 615 University Ave. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue each license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee; k -r+* PROVIDED HO LTER., that no public dancing will be permitted and no Dance Hall license will be granted. Informally approved by Council. Feb. 24, 1939- COUNCILMEN YeasNays nee ., dlan eafoe In Favor �eterean ruga Zg v. Against 1 arWtp President (Gahan)' 7M 3.37 C. E. No. 110936—By.1. C. Pearee,,-F,;M. Truax, G. H. Barfuea- - Reaolved, , That license for. Tavern, appllnanon. 26449 applied for by Her- man Mitch at `.6i6, Unlveralty ,Ave. be sand the aete__U'hereby granted and the cityclerk le Intrusted to faeue e ueh 11 ... se upon the. payment Into the- city treasury of the�.reLLulred e; fe Provided Howeder, Tbat,'no 'pabn dancing wlll,.be. permitted and,n� Dance Halli lleaaee viu• be granted Adopted by the Connell Mar. -a. 1993 An ..e .d Mar.., 3. 1999. ' (Match 61 1938) MAR 3 1938 Adopted by the Council._ _ ..__ ....... ._ _.....—... 193...... �V R1933 Approved,......... ..._............... ..... -- 193 -Mayor Dd.l�d 6. tllr Oak ., COUNCIL 110326 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO.._...._______ 6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL %R�t --GENERAL FORM dw0tA04.0.._......DATE..........__._..__........w.ch..3.....193s.......... RESOLVED That license a for usteurant, application 25154, On Sale Halt Beverage, application 25155, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 25156, applied for by Herman Mitch at 615 University Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the re mired fees. c3 d> New, Liquor license S transferred Feb. 10, 1939• Old Location. COUNCILMEN yen ttsa Nays dlan earce in Favor A,(.'o,roan Against P tC, President )M Y37 (Gehan) C•nuaNToi 110326--n, , ee Pearce, F. BL ?teaolved 8' Bever Dpllcaypn t 26164 a Onor Restqur- aBba.lDe Maalt applicatfon a6166, dMOI IIni liei elt or,b e pODll�gtchn e:atI to ertee and tithe t1[ terlentrotolceyernthe re t ren ees. ty treasury o �1Cprovedbaf t e t'onoelMar. 3, 1938, F a. 1988. 1938) MAR 31933 Adopted by the Council _ _ .._ ... _ _. __.__ ..193....... MAR 3 10 , Approved.... 193....... NO -11Q 7 6'•, t,i�� CITY OF ST. PAUL y •• 1"- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATF - -- PRESED By COMMIg510NE ......._.. ...._.._...... ..........._.. RESOLVEDTh&t the application of Carl Fink and Verne I, W&rling for the transfer of an Off Sale liquor license now held by said Verne W. Warling at 847 Wabash& Street, to Carl Fink at 427 W&b&sha Street, be and the game is hereby denied, and the proper city officers are hereby authorised and directed C w,vl F t ng the to retura to the said -� bond filed by him With his application' COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas uss, dlan J&rrant0 _ In Favor �eterson /rnwa __ _ _�✓ _ Against yfsas�L Mr. President (Gehan) 1M 177 1193@7—By F. M. Truaz, G. ] Afar: 3. 1938. M,11pR 1933 _ Iq3....:. Adopted by the Council "_ Approved l t93....... 6-"% // Adopted by the Council 193__ Yeas / Nays B9RfUSS FN4� DLAN PA / �c fi ATERSON /// /RUAX ,,'MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) _. IM reltr 131 , L CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No.- --- — (Tale form mast be filled out in addition to the aDDlfeation form and sworn atatemont required by the Liquor Control Commieelonee of the State of Mtnneaot+l — Age �n Name of Applicant --Carl i ULC — —-------- --- -- --- 261 North Oxford —_ ____—_—Telephone No. Elk_:--a_Q.8$_- Residence Address --- — Are you a citizen of the United States?—Ysa — Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? When and where?—Si-MCe--19-U-at:--484--Nom#h'-3'0-b t--treat------ If corporation, give date when incorporated --- -------- -------------------------- —-------- -- -- -- Name and address of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be Name of surety company which will write bond, if known _Manyla�ld Casualty- Ward Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets 427 : Wahaahkit SW corner Fourth How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)?__iLnn�_----------------------- How many feet from church (measured along streets) ? ------------------- How many feet from closest public or parochial high or grade school (measured along streets) ?_Fixe ------ p a a l mo -------------'----- Name of closest— How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?--C-QIDu►S�Glal.—_—__ __---------------------- On what floor ------ If leased, give name of owner—OathollG_ Di 6i Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store?_____F'Xclttaiv-e--Liq>wr Stowe --- How long have you operated present business at present site? ---NAW--------------- - ---�— Do you now have an "On Sale" non -intoxicating liquor_ license? (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must be verified.) I` Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated ----•-------------•--188- 1� --- — -------------•-•-- -APPLICANT. -- --- — License Inspector. STATE OF MINNESOTA . LIQUOR CONTROL COAMSSIONER STATEMENT TO BE EXECUTED BY APPLICANT FOR OFF -SALE LICENSE This Statement Must Be Acknowledged by a Notary Public Whoever shall knowingly, wilfully, and corruptly swear falsely thereto shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. In answering these questions, "APPLICANT" refers to an individual, to all members of a partnership, or in case of a corporation, to all officers, directors, and principal stockholders. Every question must be answered. 1. Ir ----- - (asindividual v-, officer, yarer, or fnnaGtnO osteer) -- for and in behalf of. myself------- -------- -- _ - - hereby execute the following questionnaire. i 2. My residence at present and for the past five years is as follows: asa--Day.t=_AV8W49*__ 314 "7 --Ma n--Are------------ 8. I was born_.Ltily_$180'�— - ---- —--at._34 ----- — .. mon etaY year v. ---- nate or evanbw 4. State whether applicant is a citizen of the United If naturalized, state b. If married, give wife's or husband's full name and address__X#Ugg-;e VBr ig4�.-8xfcrd-3;treet 8. If a corporation, date of incorporation -------- _---- __— ------------ .--- , state in which incorporated----------------------. ..... amount of authorized capitalization.___ ._----------- _-------- __—, amount of paid in capital____.__..._-__._—_ if a subsidiary of any other corporation, so state --- ------- --------------------------------------- ---------- -------, give purpose of corporation-------------------------------------------- - -- - -------- ------------------ -- ------ - - name and address of all officers, directors, and principal stockholders ---- ---- ___—___—____________—_________.-____ If incorporated under laws of another state, is corporation authorized to do business in this Number of certificate of authority------------------ - - ------------------ ---- -- -------- ------------------ - - Also include a certified copy of Articles of Incorporation and By-laws. If articles and by-laws have already been Sled and no changes have been made, so state -----------_---_--------- -------- -------- ------------------------------.--____-- 7. If not a natural person, give name of manager or registered proprietor ------- - ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 427 Wabaeha Street 8. Address of location for which license is being applied for __.-_________________.__.__—___—________—______—_ of premises-------------- - — - -- - - - -- — ---G -- reial---- ------- 9. State present and proposed nature of your business at said premises LJ4q;&94--At6P* - ------------ lo. if operating under a zoning ordinance, how are premises ----- ---- ---------- ------- ---- Are the premises located within the prescribed arefor such licenses? - ------- ii. On what floor is the establishment located?__*Rtn Iploor -- - - ------ -------------- - 12. If the establishment is located near an academy, college, university, church, grade or high school, state ap- proximately the distance the store is from the school or church 13. State name of owner of business premises--- - -------- -length of residence — - - — -- --------- -- --------------- - --- - ownership has owner any connection, directly or indirectly, with applicant— - — -------- -------- ---- -- --- - - ------------------------- -- --- --- --- -- ------ 14. Specify the date of deed or lease for premises as the case may be____,SQb_J-G4- lease, dated - — -- - - -------------- -- - -- - ------- --- -------------- 211—t -d-1-Y IT 19W' 15. Are the taxes on the above property delinquent?_ -To tb*--b-&8-t of --my k1WWI-eC%*-- 9 0 16. Have you ever been engaged in the production or sale of intoxicating liquor any time prior to January, 1934, and if so, state nature and extent of such business? 17. If application is for a renewal of your Off -sale license, give date that you first began to operate--.-----_- -------- ---------------_---------- 18. State whether applicant has ever had an application for license rejected by any municipality,- state -authority, or Federal authority; if so, give date and details---- Ii go 19. State whether applicant has ever been convicted of any violation of any law of the United States, or the State of Minnesota, or of any local ordinance with regard to the manufacture. , sale, distribution or possession for sale or distribution, of intoxicating liquor; if so, give date and If a corporation, have any of the principal officers or directors been indicted, arrested, or convicted?. -- - — — - - ------------ 20. Has the applicant ever had a license under the Minnesota Liquor Control Act revoked for any violation of any such laws or local ordinances; if so, give date and d6ails 21. State whether applicant was ever indicted or convicted of any crime other than as stated in No. 19, in this state, -or -any other staty,..or under the, Federal Law, and if so, give date and details_ --N* ....... —_-- 22. State name of individual hired to manage liquor store, if such is the case_ ----- ----- —--- --------- 23. State whether any person other than applicant has any right, title, or interest in the leasehold, or in the furniture, fixtures, or equipment in the premises for which license is applied for, and if so, give name and details 24. State whether applicant has any agreement or understanding or intention to have any agreement, or under- standing with any person, partnership, or corporation to obtain for any other, or transfer to any other person, this license, or to obtain it for any other but the specific use of the applicant; if so, give name and details.__}---___--- -- -- ----- -- -- -. ----------- 25. - ------- 25. Has applicant any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in any other liquor establishment in the State of Minnesota; if so, give name and address of establishment-_*gv------------------ ---- ------ ---- ----------------- - - - ---------- — - — - — — 2o. ---------------------------------------- 2o. What occupation have you followed for the past ten years? and UVWl—bustnews. 27 Furnish the name and address of at least three business references, including one bank reference, and briefly - state 4ture and extent of business relation with-- Rw� R4eaFilarll:, 400-14 ---------------------- - — ;ea--------------------------- -- - - — ---- --------------------- 28. State whether applicant is rated by any commerical agency, and if so, give name and details of rating -- 29. State whether or not applicant intends to handle certain exclusive brands of intoxicating liquor, and if so, give details of contract or arrangement with person from whom purchased or to be purchased,* -- ------ 3o. State whether applicant is engaged in any other business or intends to engage in any business other than the sale of intoxicating liquor; if so, give type of busines$II_-__----------- location —---------- --------------------- — -------------name of employer- -- - ---- --------------------- -- - - -- - - --- - - -- - - ----- 31. If the Off -sale application to operate an exclusive liquor store is made by a hotel proprietor or an employe and is to be located on the premises of the hotel, will the establishment be an entirely separate business, and situated so that it is in no way connected with the hotel? If not, state the arran emen------------------- - St. Does applicant intend to sell intoxicating liquor to other than the consumerF_._ 11*----_-----_----_--- ------ SS. State whether or not the applicant intends to possess or operate or permit the keeping, posss ion, or opera- tion of, on the licensed premises, or in any room adjoining the licensed premises, any slot machine, dice or any gambling device or apparatus, or permit any gambling therein .--_-- ---- ----- If a renewal, state whether applicant has ever permitted gambling devices on premises wher,"quor was sold S4. Give number of Federal Stamp Tax Receipt--- _-. --- ---------------- ---------------- ------- --- ----------- --------- ----- Sb. Under what classification is the license applied for EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR STORE, DRUG STORE, OR GENERAL FOOD STORE ---- — -- — — ------ --- ----- — - - - -- - - Liquor sora 38. If a drug store, state length of time the store has been in operation ---------------------- __-.,------------ --.--- ---- ------------- 37. If the Off -sale establishment will operate under a tradfe name, state name to be 88. State whether applicant will be granted an On -sale license in conjunction with the Off -sale license and for e same premises ------------------------ --- ---------- -------- ----------- --------------- --- -------------- —--------- -------- ------------------------- -------------- 39. Do you intend to deliver, by vehicle, liquor sold in the Off -sale establishment? 40. In case this application is for a transfer of an Off -sale license, state the name of the former licensee, location of Off -sale establishment and state whether or not any consideration, money or property has been, or agreed to be, or will be paid, or given or exchanged by any one, and by whom and to whom for the purchase or transfer of the license; also state the amount of the consideration___—_--.mar-MW. I hereby verify the above statementf"`�"� - (Btp+wiure of f- 41. ria--------------- 41. State whether applicant will comply strictly with all the laws governing the sale of liquor, and the rules and regulations to be made from time to time by the Commissioner, as well as the municipal ordinances--__ ---------------------------------------------------- I hereby state that I have read the foregoing questions and answers a d that the�awers to said questions are true of my own knowledge. - 0 - "'���---111------------------ - - ---- - -. Subscribed and sworn to before me this -----------------day of---------------- ------------ 19- ebruerY 38: 'ny -- 0, M, MACNTIGAL, ----- !!(• - --- -- 1•-arr Public, Rs -..r f.M"tgr, MMn, $kion d E'�BOAWNENT REPORT ON APPLICANT This is to certify that the -------------- .---------------- -------- ------------------ ---------- -- - --.Police Department has caused an investigation of the above named applicant for Liquor License. His record of arrests and convictions so far as our investigation has disclosed is as follows: This department approves—disapproves the issuance of the above license. DEPARTMENT Foar 14 1-4W- CITYOFISAII-of�NT nnesota PAUL CapitaOFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 2nd, 1935 Mr. John W. McConneloug Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you dram a resoluti-n denying the application of Carl Fink and Verne W. Warling for the transfer of an Off Sale Liquor license now held by said Verne W. Warling at 547 Wabasha St. to Carl Fink at 427 Wabasha St. Very truly yours, 0 STATE OF MINNESOTA LIQUOR CONTROL COMUSSIONER STATEMENT TO BE EXECUTED BY APPLICANT FOR OFF -SALE LICENSE This Statement Must Be Acknowledgedf by a Notary Public Whoever shall knowingly, wilfully, and corruptly swear falsely thereto shall he deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. In answering these questions, "APPLICANT"' refers to an individual, to all members of a partnership, or in case of a corporation, to all officers, directors, and principal stockholders. Every question must be answered. 1. I, --tib r1 Fink— — --- -- --': - - --- ---------� --------- (oe endtvidual mover, oDker, Dormer, or mawpG,p oDteer) for and in behalf of MyaelP-------- ---- ------ - - -- - --- - _ ._. hereby execute the following questionnaire. 2. My residence at present and for the past five years is as follows: 261__N.o_.___IIxf ortt_^-treat s-------------- DagQn_AVs3n1&,_ 31_�$_tgellose Slvd�__1 _�42�a: shall--Ava�-------- 3. I was born--- IuTY-+-13Q'L---------------at--at_—PAuli-TU.run --------- —th daV Dear Mv, Urg., or borough liars or —try 4. State whether applicant is a citizen of the United If naturalized, state date-------- -- -- — — --- -- - - -- -- --- --- — --- 5. If married, give wife's or husband's full name and address__ Elle-en_.Fink, d -.Street 8. If a corporation, date of incorporation -_________-------------- state in which incorporated-__.___________--__, amount of authorized capitalization-_.-___-_- ___-_—, amount of paid in capital ifa subsidiary of any other corporation, so state --- ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------, give purpose of corporation— - - - - - ----- - ------------ - - - — --- - — ---- name and address of all officers, directors, and principal stockholders ______—_ ----___--__.-_--_-----------.-__--- If incorporated under laws of another state, is corporation authorized to do business in this Number of certificate of authority----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ------- - - - Also include a certified copy of Artields of Incorporation and By-laws. If articles and by-laws have already been filed and no changes have been made, so state---_.--------- --- ----------------- ------------------------------------ - 7. If not a natural person, give name of manager or registered proprietor _____-___________ f� g. Address of location for which license is being applied for ._._ d _7---}igl5,S:Zha-S'CY,eb --------------- ------------- -- -------- --- description of premises-------------------- — -- ---- - - - cl --�nmmernSal-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. State present and proposed nature of your business at said premises _-LS gl1Qt_-Stogy&.__...___- lo. If operating under a zoning ordinance, bow are premises classified? ____(kammarCj„gI _---- _-- ------- --------- ---- - --- --------------- ------------ ---. Are the premises located within the prescribed area for such licenses? -ve a . - - - - -- ---- ------ -- - - --------- ii. On what floor is the establishment located? ----Main --Floor ---- ------------------------ ------------------ 19. If the establishment is located near an academy, college, university, church, grade or high school, state ap- proximately the distance the store is from the school or church - -FJ-ve ... +----------------- - ---- ls. State name of owner of business premises .._4ethp-l-Ig_Dj-Q.@8-._____-___—_-- ----------------- ------ residence------------- ----------------------- ------------ ----- ------------ ---Jength of ownership -------------------------- --------- ------ has owner any connection, directly or indirectly, with applicant — --------- ------------------- --------- -- ----- — — - - - --- -- ------------ ----------------- 14. Specify the date of deed or lease for premises as the case may be._.__Suh-1E_ti_1&asfl�-_dated ---- 15. Are the taxes on the above property delinquent?_.TQ_._ the ..h.e-st-__of_rg_-knowledge- No- -- 18. Have you ever been engaged in the production or sale of intoxicating liquor any time prior to January, 1984, and if so, state nature and extent of such business? 17. If application is for a renewal of your Off -sale license, give date that you first began to operate 18. State whether applicant has ever had an application for license rejected by any municipality, state authority, or Federal authority; if so, give date and details__ N0.__-_-_-----__—_—____--___—_—__-___ - 19. State whether applicant has ever been convicted of any violation of any law of the United States, or the State of Minnesota, or of any local ordinance with regard to the manufacture, sale, distribution or possession for sale or distribution, of intoxicating liquor; if so, give date and If a corporation, have any of the principal officers or directors been indicted, arrested, or convicted? a No . - --- -- - - - — --- — - -- ------ -- - to. Has the applicant ever had a license under the Minnesota Liquor Control Act revoked for any violation of any such laws or local ordinances; if so, give date and details 91. State whether applicant was ever indicted or convicted of any crime other than as stated in No. 19, in this stag; or any other state, pr under the Federal IAw, and if so, give date and details--- Yo -._------ 22. State name of individual hired to manage liquor store, if such is the case—N-0I18-------------------- 2S. State whether any person other than applicant has any right, title, or interest in the leasehold, or in the furniture, fixtures, or equipment in the premises for which license is applied for, and if so, give name and details ------------- 24. -24. State whether applicant has any agreement or understanding or intention to have any agreement, or under- standing with any person, partnership, or corporation to obtain for any other, or transfer to any other person, this license, or to obtain it for any other but the specific use of the applicant; if so, give name and details ____N4_,-_—_____ 25. Has applicant any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in any other liquor establishment in the State of Minnesota; if so, give name and address of establishment --Na ----------------- — 20. What occupation have you followed for the past ten years? _--_-____--__----------- -------------------------- -----------jlj' hCllgaa'I a Fnis i t Bu a i ngggi—Gr-o.C.eU --hU31Tle3a-and--I.J gUOr---buair,03S. 27. Furnish the name and address of at least three business references, including one bank reference, and briefly state the nature and extent of business relation with each_ _____—_-____--_-__------------ _ Rossberg, Schmidt Brewing Co. HAMM-Br-aw-i-rag—Ce.-------------------- ------ -- — 28. State whether applicant is rated by any commerical agency, and if so, give name and details of rating 99. State whether or not applicant intends to handle certain exclusive brands of intoxicating liquor, and if so, give details of contract or arrangement with person from whom purchased or to be purchased__$ ----- S0. State whether applicant is engaged in any other business or intends to engage in any business other than the sale of intoxicating liquor; if so, give type of business No __--_______ - — — - -- --------- --name of employer---------------- ---------- ------ -- ----- -- ------ - 31. If the Off -sale application to operate an exclusive liquor store is made by a hotel proprietor or an employe and is to be located on the premises of the hotel, will the establishment be an entirely separate business, and situated so that it is in no way connected with the hotel? If not, state the arrangement._N_4_---- _---- ------------ _-___-. ----------------- 39. Does applicant iatend to sell intoxicating liquor to other than the consumer?—_fig ------------- ---- 33. State whether or pot the applicant intends to possess or operate or permit the keeping, possession, or opera- tion of, on the licensed premises, or in any room adjoining the licensed premises, any slot machine, dice or any gambling device or apparatus, or permit any gambling therein -.__N n —_—_-- If a renewal, state whether applicant has ever permitted gambling devices on premises where liquor was sold 34. Give number of Federal Stamp Tax Receipt_5$$Qz----------- ----------- ----------- ------------------------------ ------- --- -- ---- ----- 38. Under what classification is the license applied for EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR STORE, DRUGSTORE, OR GENERAL FOOD STORE ---iJQUnr otnnw------------------ ---- --------- -- $6. If a drug store, state length of time the store has been in 37. If the Off -sale establishment will operate under a trade name, state name to be 38. State whether applicant will be granted an On -sale license in conjunction with the Off -sale license and for the same premises - --- ------- --------- -- ----------------------------- ------- —---------- - --- --------------------------------------------------- ----- $9. Do you intend to deliver, by vehicle, liquor sold in the Off -sale establishment?__Veh1C1e---- --_----- ------- _._ 40. In case this application is for a transfer of an Off -sale license, state the name of the former licensee, location of Off -sale establishment and state whether or not any consideration, money or property has been, or agreed to be, or will be paid, or given or exchanged by any one, and by whom and to whom for the purchase or transfer of the license; also state the amount of the consideration_-_ Vex-na-_N,!.--Xarllagx-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ - I hereby verify the above statement. _.�-.�X =—� -- — — - -- - ---------------- (sigwtvrt of former n set) 41. State whether applicant will comply strictly with all the laws governing the sale of liquor, and the rules- and regulations to be made from time to time by the Commissioner, as well as the municipal ordinances ------------ _----------- - I hereby state that I have read the foregoing questions and answers and/ �eanswto said questions are true of my own knowledge.-- - -- - Subscribed and sworn to before nw this V 26th day of ------F eb--m9r-.-__---, 19 -- m�� - o, w, d 'CHT ,AL, .rr Publie, R:� ., r JaC-one 9, Illsn. PORT ON APPLICANT BY POLICE DEPARTMENT ,;nx�.i;eion _rpiras Jan. 19, 19� This is to certify that the ------- —------------------------- ------------- ----------- -- - — -- —Police Department has caused an investigation of the above named applicant for Liquor License. His record of arrests and convictions so far as our investigation has disclosed is as follows: This departvuent approves --disapproves the issuance of the above license. DEPARTMENT ------------------------------------------------------------TITLE Four 14 ,mac SERIAL NO. OF ROLL DEPARTMENTa ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP b ---PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED I L mite LIMITED RETENTIONN� / DATE 14ICROFILhIED ��huz� % CONTENTS a NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILMED r SIGNED ,,�� � y� Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supery sor i. tl1N9 1531 MOI101053tl �eooatloin S021VONVIS 30 OV3uns 1VNOIiVN y 1 f 9•1 II �•tll � Z illlll s.illlll �g t ZZIIIII s.=euu, ,-� 0-1 VIII Xl� z lzu m