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• 1tl .0 1531 NOI101053N Ad00080IFf saavaNvls Ao nv3une wNouvN 9•i �'t SZ�illll Bills Ii ANN • 8•i.11l s>h . .�� ,� o z����� -��: � T•T VIII � S ZIIIII 8zllll� p •i VIII 06,6 si S - ob �%,\\ P-1 SERIAL 110. OF ROLL DEPARTMENT ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED If Limited LIMITED RETENTION DATE MICROFILMED CONTENTS ( .�v NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS r NUMBER OR NA14E OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILMED SICINED Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervisor ORIGINAL TO CITY cr_¢RR Yeas farce Nays /Peterson CITY OF ST. PAUL PCILUEwcIL w*O l_ a? S 11� Zuax .OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEi2K //Warren wenzei, SM JAR: VICE PRES . GC>Lj VCIL RESOLL-UTION—C.ENEF2AIL _FORM PRESEPkC 6Y �' �"'� •. C. F ,No:-- C:OMMI6a1IDNER T.1,T� Z -' v f -No SATE 89T _'–';y- P9939S �I-gd �.- True— by�Conacil:_ _ —ded_ 4. WHEREAS, as provided by Counoil Pile No. 99398, approved Deoember 4, 1934, the Council did, on the 28th day of December, 1934, at ten o'clock. A. M. in the Council C1u3m3sgr of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon- the a@visabilitp and neeessitq of wrecking thateertain one-story shack boated on Lot 4, Block 4, Weed & Hallele Addition, also known as NO- 3.646 Beech street, follow- ing due notice of said hearing given pure -#art to Ordinance No_ 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it to the opin.ioa of the Council that said building is' unea.Ye and dangerous to 11 fe , limb and adjoining yroperty and should be wrceosed and removed; therefore, be it " RESOLVED, What s8.id building be wrecked and removed, and that a oopy of this resolution, directing the wr=ecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Puvlic Buildings to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known adc3reBs, or to the agent .oP said property; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within, taxi days after the mailing of this notice -to said property owner , or his agent, no appeal has been taken from this _oder, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings g3ha11 report said fact to the Council COUNCILMEN Yeas farce Nays /Peterson _In favor 11� Zuax Against //Warren wenzei, SM JAR: VICE PRES . ROS-EbT JAN 3 0 1935 Adopted by the 193_— .Approved n 30 1935 193 Mayor �LI�I-IEYD ORIOIHAL i0 CITY CLlRK -- PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER COUNCIL . !J _ CITY -OF ST. PAUL FILE NO99770 OFFICE OF THE -CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -0 ERAL FORM - SATE RESOLVED That tl18 _0c>97xici1 or the City OP_ Saint Paul iierei>y a,�thoriz6 t3::L6 laying of a water mala oa the, following street irx t; ae City of Saint Paul: Sa—atoga Sto between Siu=it and Portland. Av®s. Proxa corner of Portland Ave. south to apls' oa1_xmately the center—or Lot 3L6, or ax:. approx. distance of 166 -Peet. C_ -F_ No.99770-8p 3T. C. Wenzel— -' City-oP1Saint.Fau1 bare yuihorize tha iaying-;ofa' water —1—on :the follow- ing..straet i- the. City of Saiat'Yanlc 8.--It - .. Poiilaadg8vea frotm rmoI Pit -1;-t— ve_. Sonth to apprOZimatelp the 1tL.ot 16,'or an spproz..diatanc o6 r. Zoe - Adopted -by the Council Jsn_ so; loss. -ADproved Jan: 30. 193x_ 2-1935) -- - COUNQILMEN Yeas / Nays Adopted by*the Council JAN 193 / P�rce 3 t �.� n � .Ry�err —In favor Approved t '_° 193— ax arren Against /Wenzel Mayor 5M 6.34'"R.< VICE r��s _ F?a__ 1 -EN - ORIOINM._'tO-bRY CL.RK Yeas Z ce rPy'e'rson CITY ST. PAUL OFFICE OF T14E CITY CLERK / f uax arren ienzel COUNCIL RES ION—GENERAL FORM / PRESENTEDBY ROSEN COMMISSIONER pe 86'-, DATE_ COUNCIL ) 1 FILE NO. IL RESOLVED That permission be and it is hereby given to the Minnesota Association of Local Oreameries to use Stem Hall in the St. Paul Auditorium for morning and afternoon sessions on February 14th, 1935, without charge; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That there shall be set up in the budget ,for the year 1936 a sum equal to the cost of opening and operating the hall on that occasion, in Audito3Sum Fund No. 17. COUI CJLMEN Yeas Z ce rPy'e'rson Nays / __In favor / f uax arren ienzel Against / sM VICE PRES. ROSEN Apprtedrby the Coun it Jun. ao. 1986. Approved an. 30. 1986. ? (Feb. E-1936) Adopted by the Council JAN 3 0 1933 193_ Approved_ AN 3 � '��� 193 i Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota A OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON Oly Ossk and Commissioner of R*91*atlon January 29th, 1935• Mr. J. L. Connolly, corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The City council referred to you the attached communication ofo he he Minnesota Asstem ciatiHallin the of Local Creameries asking St. Pauluditwithoufor morning and afternoon sessions on February The Council requested you to draw a resolution granting such use; said resolution to provide that the cost of opening and operating the hall for this occasion be set up in the Auditorium budget for 1936. ........_.... Yours very truly, City Clerk. RP ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK //�) I COUNCIL RESOLUTION -!GENERAL PRESENTED COMMISSIONER / A P.. _SL V4 / Gdd3'///111\ AiGfD �i6 Abh COUNCIL 99772 FILE No, WHEREAS, the City of 6t, Paul, on August let 1919, issued Sever Refunding Bonds is the amount of260,OOb, for the Purpose of refunding the legally issued bonds of the City of St. Paul then due and maturing, which were originally issued for the'purpose of increasing the sewerage fund of said City, and WHEREAS, said bonds were issued to mature shirt ears from date, with interest thereon payable semi-annually at the rate of 44 per cent per annum, and WHEREAS, each bond had attached thereto sixty interest u, Which coupons were numbered 1 to SO inclusive, each representing #82.50 per thousand dollars interest on said bond for a six months period, and WHEREAS,- - thru error on the part of the printer, Bond Ho. 11018 in amount of $$1000 had attached thereto interest coupons 1 to 30 in duplicate in place and instead of interest coupons 1 to 60, and WHEREAS, the interest Coupons maturing on and after the first day of February 1835 on said bond Ho.11018, being in- terest coupons 31 to 60 are not and never have been attached to said bond and the holder of said bond hes requested that the duplicate ooupons 1 to 30 which are attached to said bonds be corrected by changing the numbers thereon to 31 to 60 Inclusive and changing the dates of said coupons to correspond with the terms of the bond, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Comptroller Is hereby authorised to cor- rect the mistake in the numbers and maturity dates of the interest - he oorreoteducoupons pons tonhthe ed tdates when the o Bond No. lInterest isndue 9 and to hoor tand payable on said bond. C UULJCILMEN Yeas Nays P,eerce Peterson In favor L AX arren _Against Wenzel ���) sny �a VICE PRES . ROSEN Adopted by the Council JAN 3 0 1936 193_ I Approved '1AN 30 Mayor Mayor L'UtSd,(�kuiSa DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITYOF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL NO ............. COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION MCDO N �'.VQR CLAIMS "T�Ti , 2$ ROSEN AUDITED.C.Ll TRUAX, —AGAINST WCL RESOLVED.TH CHECKS BE OR CITY'TREASURY. MR. PRIM. M&IIJ2101111' TO THE A.GRE OF COVERING. CHECKS -I INCLUSIVE. AM ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI PER CHECKS FFICEE COM C� SfM-R0U—/ 7 7-771'P1C:Pi CHECK NUMBER 11 IN FAVOR, OFEC2 7PT "25 . 1 CF. Res b 111h,I.t - V BROUGHT FORWARD amo t' 7 R '41 10921 Chas., Culbertson 10922 Morris winerman 1 000 10927 David Basbefkin 3R 7 109 George "% Mentor I 222'2 1092255 GgueBrothers : &,<Lane,, Inc. 10926 11 Otakil'-Company 11 9 9 4,, 10927 Motor PdwerACquipmetnt Compan a; :�3' 0 .10928 I Mra* :D61ii Brown 10929Mrs.' Mary Iftily Christy 27 6 10930 Jblui go rafilty 10931, Loiaio.--F' "Ay, � 1 I'-,. I . 127 29 t 16932' Mrs* Ihna,%r, ,coley- ft, 2093 n William Gaston 10 0 10934 Trapk Hetxneoker 461 10935.I' John :1005Jobn Le'nuou. loq3.6 311-%-Alizabeth Ilterskg 40 40 oo -16937 flanneItI Paterson. 10939 I Mrs,'. Blirida 8oderbarg I 92 28: 80 10939 IA"I. r.Peterson -C—Of Fin. 10940 Fin. 1 'I 413 62 1 Axel rgPeterson,. 0, of 10941 I atIrge • Osterman 1 10 5 is 1.0.942 1 Northern States power Compau I 091443,,, -Nor.tbeTn States Powsk Compani, 3 2427 S1 12 10944 Northern States. Power 4ompanj 11 1005' 9t*Paul.BoA.,'&.-S"t1*ne?y Co, 901 03 60 30 %0"6 at*Padl�Bocik,,&,,.Rt'ttioije�iy Col'4 57 qt#PsU%_'�IL 1047 'Mjj k 0 on pany lo— sanitaLijrarm Dairiosino& , 16949 sanitary 7bod'Mfj.Coftpsfiy 11r6 20 997 17 4i 10956 Ji 86hefferL & Ross 1 10951 Jacob tobildt Biompan rewing-O y 126952 0 9 SO 90 195, Andiew.86h6ah Grocery Company, 169R15 Andrew,Soboob GrocaryOompau* .129 7t 23 17 1.109' Andrew Schoch, Grocery Conpan j 3 49 93 12'10955.;2 Siohqdt Arte Magaone 10956 -fthreler"s Auto Company I I 00 61 60 10957 k(4 Sobroth 2 75 110958 1 SdbUltsla Book; Store 1 Sobunsman.fi'r & MaAj*e1mersjno 3� 31 15 R210959 og6o. I Charles soribnei,es son 10061 G.'Se6stedtt ompany jolo: ShLiely Qomp�.Ino. i j 22150 5 so 1-63 IOM514 M rs.. Ailetta Shipmanioo 11*64 41ver-Arrow Distilled water- ��o.- 37 60 5:'- The-Simoneon Company 3.006 3 95 ioW Le cw4mlth' & Coronailnol. lo96 W -Smith Ifte, & ry Bette Co. 525 -P . .7 S, zog "6s- btith Park -FoAndry.& Machine 10969 1. 019petdom. UrviOog & Ao0w 0. j 1,y 79 15 00 3j09 30970-11 i*eiry .Orlo'e rurhitmre' Coup& 10971 R. 4 StOl Company I. 21121 446,187 ld.1 T 10972 The liancifto -0.6spany, 10 .25 110,97 standkid'Brands'Anoo 10y7tandard, 940 15 g0 =5 panyT Standard 01�, Company . -- j! 6 1 0 50 P7 Standsr,d'std'oe 06span Y 7 2 SHEET To-rAt—FORWARD003 7 500 0 �O 4 NOTICE 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 99774 99775 To n COUNCILRESOLUTION couNciL FILE No. PRINTER J -' - _ Jam .OXY 26 35 : 799 c iYedxoe' saThave sa; Reao, t oh •l RESOLVED, THAi CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,'F.NEGATE AMOUNT ' 1 6- 1102iS OF $ , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO 1 USIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. JAN 3 019% ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JAN 193_ APPROVED 193 / C.T CO—RILL. ,i'UIILISI'r%ED CHECK NUMBER '� IN FAVOR OF L DATE RETURNED BY BANK V/; TRANS CHECK DIyyBURSEMENT }CHECKS �I BROUGHT FORWARD j j' 11028 it 9t.P&#tmDiepatoh & P:Presev g j X51 7 11029 II b. F. Dow Company (' 11030 Paaitirelle Omine. $irk & Comp it 10031 (ltalvo Chemio64 Company 2871 82 9 16 ; ii 11032 �i A, B. Palmer Company , ! ! 3 182,41 20 110333 Torthington Pump & Hach.Corpo,; 11034 Roseozane Bieotrio Company I ! 8k 7040 62 00 I� Reuben Co Johnson 110;2 .110 Helen Johnston 11037 Midway_ Sign Company 11038 'I Stoau1 7 12 9 25 00 Goodwill Induetriee 11039 '' John yitapiatriok, 11040 . N A.100 Smi tb2 Tire & Battery Comp y ! ! 50 96 301 00 00 45 11o4m George 3udeith i' 11042:; Alioe J, ftf'1gren 1504 IWestArn Auto.SSupply Company 1 i 28100 300 42 { 1104�eatarn ;Baa'lgo. d Novelty -Comp 130 �;, extern S*i% -Supply, Company !I 11.0 estluid Heat Company49 y I I 19 00 '75 92 ,� 1{7 II 4veaiz�ghouee .1 blDt�rilt„Supply o. Ino, 195 24 1204E4 I me�t,Pabl#$ping Cij ompapy. I1+b49, Oeeler, Pub, Cospany - 5100 1 idi (11050; B 94B -, fbitaory di Company 13051' I The tlhite Colapany ; 144 224 178 07 111052 i Jobn`-xiley';`k sons�2 T*z._� �9lriiess coax company 60 42 X95 R2�e fiiiiamb vukkins 00span 5.00 11105 11055. II t. W4 viliott 0spany 11106 volte�re abotbets j I j 59 fly i 11057 11ooWnseat Brake Lining Oompl' 1i09tl ! Yaerg 9�errfng Oospenr y :. - 2775 0 , 110 9 fir. Yungbadef company X11 0 II ZiAemWer'Heiug Obapany 10 '00 117 3 11061' I� �inareuitet ,H4kipg Oompenq '! 22 1 i106� J� Aap;�ue 0vngelr '06-] i 19 3 ;I I Ohea�i6a1 Bales Safety comp q 13 g(t 1111065' 1104` 8� :i gingeto>a 0vmpagy I., 50 r6 I�yeaY �smes i' 111066 Lar 'en6e A, Soler; OwleDo 10100 150 1106 , Ano14 0oufty D'niob . 6 5 111068. vet'; Oil at$ ; ompony: i' 110681 1OT80 0641 6ke8 Book comp ,!y 11070 ` �IRey "i f la7tnk 639 11071 X090 9t 2di1 & Spgauie Ry, God 19 1: 7 410 it !1loo�r>� Qotfxell 9ubsoftption A boles 625 11107 vivo diel :Oosp�ay �el 'O' 4 lTT 9 11107' Nab lxpxee� Age�ao�► lgfi5 18trsl �obool Ae�rhd, 5 1 6 . ,Noor 176 iTbe T6168 0o PUT1 22 T 0 10T7 >t�i*�i�ate ie1� d� Tel M �' �;'' teape�► l 4 1 10TH 'r1.68 , titoeii i'Teig, cobpen , I Ij i y y . i 66 16r, 66 11 q. '! SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD r —W-1 f T A f F "'� i J. I- I I I N _1 KK DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILEN ;YVt'9'Cy-- _ COUNCIL - UNCILMEN�ROLL CALL ' _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER IVO..__..__..__ -P 003L COUNCIL RESOLUTION IN FAVOR "OEM. AUDITED CLAIMS - _�...__A6AINST TRUA7C RESOLVED. T AT CHECKS BE ORAWND E -TREASURY. MR. PRms. --aw Go y• TO THE AGGREG A i— I COVERING : 3O 912�C II CHECKS NUMB .. TO NCLUSNE.irtiv ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL___. 117th) PER CHECKS PI IN FICE_O i COMPTRO ...._ APP is--V•a� ..__ - e- .: :: _: _.. _.. _ _ •. CITY COM .� IOTAL •. DATe eHEeK •IN FAVOR OFRETURNED NUMBER I�CH BY BA r ` TRANS R E9 S DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 7r,6 iL65�6 BROUGHT FORWARD • 1i 1107Q I�-Burroughs -Adding Machine Co. f f _ 140 05 11080 ;I William P. Bailey 111081 II Hyman No Juster, Attorney fo ! 6 30 i; Mary Jane MacRae do JAY. 4d0 OQ 110$2 ;j Yrs. H. Mitch j 22 70 11083 Northern States Power Compan;I 110$.1.} Axel S.Peter.son, 0: of Fin. T 5 66 it 11085 Anel F.Petersoa, C, of, Fina 1 83 4$ 2 93140 1}086 ! Axel F.Peterson., c. of Fin. � 11087 II Elsa M. Obst, Treas. Ra co, 6 179+93 111099 jIL.R Moore, Agent company ',, 29 23 550 00 16 111089 ;Viet. Trsusporiation 111090 (Arthur Fnrnos 60100 ' I 11092Hs:1t; :Btrouwali 1 000 00 �! 1109'2 j A``% Stenograpbio Bureau X1109 Fasweli,.Ozmua, Kirk 6 comp _I �j 5 70 37 04 1109 A„li. Palmer Company X11095 I,Board•of Rater Commissioners " 013` 5 98 00 �I 11696, Board of Rater 'Commissioners i; 968 '+5 �i11097 Board of dater Commissioners 1109:$ ��Hoard of:Witer Commissioners 92 475 17 17 111099 i� Axel S.Peterson, 0.P,,RIIF,, se �) 11100 1 -Mi ton Ron, C*P,works: 692190 �! : 9-169(21F t 11101 Milton Rosen, 0.P..1fosY® 11102 Rosenf C P,works 727160 1765 92 I�Milton Millon Rosen.,c.P.eorke 1 6074 ; 11103 111 (Milton Rosen, Q.P.works I 14 11105 Mi1Eon-Rosen C.P.Norke 1110.6 i, Milton Rosen, C.P.BotkeSL 140 11107 IE Mton Rosea, .O.P.Tozke 1 030 85 11109 II Miltoa;Roset•, CP,Works 1T109 Fred M.`'Truax, eto. 252 335184 56 O.Par.ks, 11110 11 Rel"Warren,-CO'Neatelty' jl 5100 11111 IIC..Iddis,-Swanson !I 0 1 00 11112 II D7r.. Albert •E. Ahrens I 5 00 12100 1111 B.J,•Bailey.8 company ! 111114 Dr; P,:S.:Hennion 11115 D;,.''wp Brodie ! 2,00 44'00 .. II11114 1� 1 Diagnostic Z -Ray Laboratory 1 I Dr. _Wm F»; Rartiiel !I 1500 �00 a 1111111 Dr.'i S.R. Berman- 111119 ` Dr•,' Leo 4 Hilger !i 00 13 X00 11120 Dr,. Arohibald.Leitch I 00 I11121 Dr. 'J. J.. MoCarthy ! 2 00 �I I 11122 I Dx.,C, t}: , Aordin 1112233 Dr. R. J. Prendergast 10 00 123 100 I, D%. '8dwsxd '8ohone I 15100 j11124 11125 ��star Photo Company ! 8 00 6 1 11126 i� Dry"`B.rL, Robber j 00 21127 I) Dr.. `Charles H. Zander I 600 II —�� SHEET TOTAL ORWARD - 4 117116 M210011 11I ORIGINAL TO CITY CURIt CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNIR RESOLUTION—GENERAL PRESENTED COMMISSION R FILENCIL No., (776 C' WHEREAS, Joseph Miller, an F. E. R. A. worker, was injured on August 8th; 1834,.while vorking for Jae Department of Public Works, at Arcade Street and Como;sPhalen Avenue, which injury coneieted of is burn when hot asphalt splasned on his hand and arm, and WHEREAS, as a result he was totally disabled from August 88th until October 19th, a period of seven and one—half weeks, and WHE1tEAS, the -compensation rate of the said Joseph Miller is ;16.13 per week, therefore be it RESOLVED, thatths proper city officers bs:and they are hereby authorized to pay to the said Joseph Miller the sus of $180.97 in full and final settlement of his claim against the Oity growing out of such injury, said sum to be paid out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. / COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ce erson sen In favor J�^�uax ��"rren l Against /Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 o"), Adopted by the Council AN N 2 1 !936 -193 Approved _193__ Mayor PUSLDiIIED I � i Approved _193__ Mayor PUSLDiIIED ORIGINAL TO CITY Fsp l r'• COUNCIL j�J "IXITY OF ST. PAUL rae NO.- `�Z/17 FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �c F No: ;99777 ByH E Wgrrer Fred M. Truax I G P arce— j�4R� 1� 'Whereas, the wlthfiP Ylgmed apF PRESENB BY �' ttttg have; made aDPll 1 t r: COMMISSIONER---�4 ,EE'; � �—� liquor ]Icer e _ �Q �� DATE... wf1ERIKAS, the within named applicants have made application for "On Sale" liquor licenses and have paid the required fee and furnished theproper bonds; and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that such "On Sale" liquor licenses be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED,•that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and - directed to issue such licenses to the within named applicants for the premises r described in the respective applications; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the bonds of the,lrespective applicant's, in the sum of $3,000 each, which have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same are hereby approved, and the City Clerk'is Instructed to deposit them in the office of the City Omptroller. Both Hotel Co. (St. Paul Hotel) r 363 8 ::Peter St. Beaeval the Russian House, Inc, a 379 Minnesota 8t. M Jno. & Carl Hildebrandt (Prederic Hotel) 47 Z. 5th 8t. a 313ward J. Peterson 870 Payne Ave. w George lyhrie 1007 Payne Ave. s Joe. Y. McBride 501 University Are. s �rxwm N. Schwarzat 739 University Ave. a Ben G. Lehman 537 Greeuvood Ave. s Yeas Ngys Adopted by the Council 193_ rce eters ig en�favoruax?PP_cnved_ 193- rx C ` //Wenzel �Ivfr. �esitieltt (Gchan) 5M -6.J4 ORIOIN.L TO CITY fLORK ^� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Fa.e NO. 9 -a—' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN*D BY COMMISSIONER DATE -2- i The Minnesota Club, Inc. 317 N. Washington Ave. Renewal Lawrence Goodman 785 University Ave. e M. A. Teohida, Sr. 319 Robert St. If Lawrence Hogl & Heng Rapp dba Sogl & Rapp 375 Minnesota kat. r Ryan Hotel Co. Gran Hotel) 402 Robert St. r Nalker-Pence Co. (Commodore Hotel) 79 N. Western Ave. s Joseph J. Clarkin 516 Jacksoe St. s Thos. M. Skweres 475 Wabasba St. " Albert Sadowski 535 N. Dale St. " Isadore Nisohall` 414 Jackson St. " Mathew J. 1+uby & Jobs J.Ropika 731 Randolph St. " D. M. Togelgesseg 919 Randolph St. ° Nick Macciaro 819 Payne Ave. s n A. !lreb & P. H. Gillis 1597 University Ave. r COUNCILMEN JAW3 0 ` 935 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 193_ Pearce Peterson —In favor A roved pp c4t�tit 7 —193 -- Truax Warren AgainstWenzel Mayor Mayor YdSLISHED_"= sM 6,3XR, VICE PRES. R93RN `3 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLYNK TY OF ST. PAUL PaENO1L NO. --c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONER DATE January 31, 1955 WR REAS, Sie Bookenstole has requested withdrawal of his application for "On Sale" liquor license at 391 Western Ave. No., the refund of his license fed, and return of his bond; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the said Sie Bockenstole the license fee heretofore deposited on application for "On Sale" liquor license and to return the bond to him, can cancel said application. COU ILMEN Yeas. Nays Adopted by the Council JAN 3119 193— Pe ce %person / JAN � 110 /R sen _In favor Approve 193— rrcfi Against Wenzel`• Mayor /Mr. Presldenf (Geban) �' - 5M 6.34 . •\.•4 ry��:;. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY n OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION o January 29, 1935 1.1r. Carl Leonard License Inspector Dear Sir: In reference to Sie BockenstoleIs letter of January 28 withdrawing his application for on -sale liquor license at 391 Western Avenue, North: Please make up resolution approving the withdrawal of this application and authorizing return of Mr. Bockenstolels deposited license ree. Yours truly, z _ Commissioner of Public Safety Chairman, License Committee s To The Honorable City Council, 8t. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: I wish to withdraw the application that I recently made for an on-sale liquor license at 391 Western Avenue North, of this City, and hereby. request your honorable body to allow the return to me of the deposited license fee. Very truly yours, Sie Bookenstols J � .St. Paul, Minnesota January 28th, 1935 To City Clerk Office, St, Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen- °I wish to withdraw the application that I 0 recently made for an on-sale liquor license at 391 Western Avenue North, of this City, and hereby request your honorable body to allow the return to me of the deposited license fee. Very truly yours, ie BockenstoleG�� FILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK S1. PAUL. RAM,SEYCO. PoltPSi.ESOTA L.R.S.FERGUSO�I,CIiY CLERK �: Li �_ _S}e�azs•.z ��z_ To caTY cL>¢RK COUNCIL 0 V� 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE hI0_ (� 44 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORhire. F No. 9977 —By Fred• 3W Trans /) Whert.• ° DoagIB.A Rads CbmDaaY has DATE_: _. SAS, Douglas Rees Company has petitioned" the 0am=<wi3_ Sor ssi©za to install and maintain a drive-in filling station ®a Luys ZZ- 131oak 1, Midway Plaisanoe Addition, being the sout3awast ssarslLgr ®P S a.vx,& Saeliing, and WHEREAS, said Douglas Reqs Company has submitted a bine—print; t _v=Ls grapoeed layout, vita driveways, curb returns, pump location, as:�rs33�s - eve. for tae "information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Paragrapis :3W- 5 of Ordinance No. 5849, therefore be it BESOhVED, that permission and authority are hereby given t© Ra6s Company to install and maintain said station in acrsordancsa -ww- --a--joLs plea submitted; any deviation from the Plan &B approved_ w3.11 void the permit. The tanks and pumps snail bs #astal lad iu with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under ttig di.rets- - :2w_'em3w� si -bmLo Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans sad lead—mwILmx a t© be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of P03 3z113s �_�g=asiv3ds and Public Buildings, and any changes in curbing, sidwwralgs, r $ s :Lraiaage or othe*ublio improvements within the street luxes st;a.] :L c34m wader the direction and to the satisfaction of the 00-28s1©21er o i4si�orks. The permit herein granted shall be forever OrMU300Z to by the Council whenever the Council snail devermina t teat tna of said station constitutes a fire or traffics hmLsard_ 4—_4C:=>7E_311-T AMEN j .SAN 3I Y� s Nays / Adopted by the Council 193 ori n c ? _In favor Approved sirs 193 ruax rren Against _ - i�7erzzei Mayor r— PresideriL (Gehan) r �'USLISFiED � �- Slt3 POST CARD NO' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., Jen. 19, 1936 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul Julyy 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of Dougiae R9e8 Co. to erect and install a filling station located on lobe 1 & 2, blk. 1, ttt y Plaleanoe.-S W. corner of Blair & Snelling Vz will come up for c � �'deratioi al-dthe Co it in the Council Cham - her in the City Hall.and Court -House Building on the 30th day of 'Fane 193b_ at 10 o'clock A. M. %EL F. PETERSON, Commissioner of Finance. ��Page ale 7894 r PQST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCCE St. Paul, Minn-, — 1922; you are Pursua�ho Council 1 of the City of Stf Paul, July the 7th,one Ordinance adopted by hcatibn of lt►8 RseB Co. hereby notified that the app ' on lobe & 2 blk 1, to erect and install a S N scorn= ofeBleir & ffisl yn, Plaieaaoo- will come up for consideration before the Council m the Council Cham- ber in the City Hall and Court House $U1 3 S °� � 10. ucloek-A• M- - SObh day of ETE — SON" _ i .C+bMmissOner, of .Finance "04 .r._ ..,.. _ . . C 193 - ted by the Counell��- Adop Nays. Yeas EpRCE �RSON ROSSE/EN �Ru0 ARR,EN �NZEL �R, PRESIDENT (GEHAN) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON y City Clerk and Corn rainioner of Registration January 30th, 1935. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsels Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of Douglas Rees Company for permit to install and operate a drive-in filling station on Lots 1 and 21 Block 1, Midway Plaisance Addition, being the southwest corner of Blair and Snelling was referred to you, by the Council, for the preparation of a resolution granting this pemit. Yours very truly, S —7_e City Clerk. CITY OF PAUL THIN = APPLICATION TO BE MADE IN ORIGINAL _j TRIPLICATE AND FILE. IN T.. .111 OFFICE OF THE CITY'CLERK CLERK'S OFFICE. Application- For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION ------------ �� DATE- ------------ ------ / ----------- TO THE HONORABLE, THE C;Y COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY---- ------------ ------------------------- E OF FIRM OP INOIVIDUA FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A -------- ----------------------------------- ----- ' 1'ORIVE IN^ OR ^INSIDE GARAeE'1 AUTOMOBILE ---------------------------------------- AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT ---- BLOCK ------- / ----------------- -------- LS. DESCRIBED AS/1�_ �---- ----- <;.IZT A-6 -_X_ NO. OF PUMPS. TANKS.------- ------------------ CAPACITY OW TANK-- -- ------------ NO. OF GAS (_1 ---------- FILED - — --------- -- -- ..G URE OF APPLICANT. od By --------- (4w, 7 L BUSINE88 ADDRESS. RECEIVED I COPY FROM CITY CLRK DATE.- - f ---- -7- - i - - ---- it , DEPARTMENT US C SAFETY BY___.________ ----------------------- --- — — ----- --- L' RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLER% DATE_________ _________—__--- e�� ED CITY PLANNING FE M. J. CULUGAN Chief of Police t= s re CF spef ROBERT B. J. SCHG_ t— t3FZISSIVLAN Health Officer Acting Scrp� �olzce a—ci Fire Al— CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Commissioner January 15 193 5 — Hon.H.E.Warren Commissioner of Public Safety, St.P aul,Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of Douglas Rees t?o---&- for permission to install a drive—in gasoline filling gEt A- ori on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Midway Plaisanoe Addition; tine sozatl>' west corner of Blair land Snelling Aves. Two pumps and -ts"'r 0 E? 1000 gallon tanks are to be installed. ge have investigated the foregoing and report t iia t such an installation at the desired location would not increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully you, Chief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureaxa — M. J. CUUJGAN Chief of Police ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH Health Officer WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief G. E. BRISSMAN Acting Supt. Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Comminiona January 19, 1885 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of Douglas Reels Company for permission to instal a drive—in gasoline filling station on the southwest corner of Blair and Snelling Avenue, with reports of inspection and approval of the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. TMENT Oar �G SAFETY THE DEpAR OF THE _. CITY OF -JE— •- IN'CER-OFF�GE CO;M.M L3 -_'� � � T10N January 189 1935 ,jr. G. H. Barf—s — mss=ety DeputY Co=nissi0Tler Dear Sir: 8 : Plication made by to This is in to instal '� ei-mission a the Doug las Rees Compared iz3laa n on Lots 1 and 2, described as drive-in gasoline plaisance 9dd'i =1�=$ c is also _ y-n�ling Avenue• Tdidmay the m utheest corner and I have made the please ba a343 �d that the proposed usual inspection and -�terzally interfere with station anddriveways �z� o£ traPF3c' the movement royal, I am approval, Trusting ,Ith your R — 3'u3Y yours, nttinnt of Traffio mm ;W ------------ -4Gv4Y. Op - THE BOARD OF ZONING F' Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 a SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA " 234,.000RT HOUSE ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman 'January. 30th, 1935t - - - LOUIS BETZ - ALBERTBUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN - CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary - Yr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir s in the matter of the application of Douglas Rees Comp`agy;for a drive-in filling station at the southwest corner of Blair and Snelling. This land is zoned for commercial purposes. The station will OCCUPY two lots and is what is known as a:'Super-Station . The driveways and location of pump stands. are; in,accordance with city standards and is excellent 7I fthat the driveway off of Snelling Ave. is pof corner of Blair St. The Board of Zoning recommends that the permit be granted subject to a public hearing. Yours very truly, GEORGE R. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh �,e St. Paul, Minnesota January 24, 1935 Mr. Axel V. P et6rs on C omm1s sion6r or F inazsce Court House St. Paul, ffiinneaota Dear S irc Am writing to a postal card relative to the rezoning ts3r Douglas Rees Company of lots 1 and 2, b1oc1r X, lffidivaY Plaisance, the S.W. corner of Blair and S3me2ii13g Ayes. I want to r egi s ter my most sincere disapproval of this rezoning f'or s filling station. There are 4 statsons now within a radius of 600 feet of this propertsgl and t2zia would make the 5th. It is en- tirely unaeccca ary to leave so many oil stations, and besides it is a detriment to my property, which Is within the limits of proximity, and would have a material erred oa rsclv_cing its value, and I here- with register as voting against the granting of this application - Yours very truly, Frank M. and Ida Weir 1777 Wesleyyy Avenue MILTON ROSEN FRED E. LOVELL Commissioner e Deputy Comm. _ C 1TY-- OF SAINT PAUL Capital of`Minnesota' 1 , O1EPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS -- GEORGELM.-SHEPARD - Chief Engineer f_ £OWAPE> GOTTLIES, Supe. of Sanitation 30HN M,REARDON, Asst Chief Engr. and Supt_ of Construct:on G. H. HERROLD, Office and City Planning Engiraees> - M_ - S_ GRYfBAK, Bridge Engineer MARK W. WOODRUFF, Chief Eris,_ C]erk RAY J. KARTAK, Supt_ of Workhouse January 31st, 1935 Mr. L. A. S Ferg>c� sones City . Cl erlc . Dear Sir s is tl3e matter of the application vg Douglas Rees Cam a��rsY for a--drive-in filling at,--x at the soil tlsv+rss•earner of Blair St. and 8ne1 Zi,ag Ave W3a-3 s lamd is zoned for commercial p�rpo_ses the gtatioa w311 occupy two lots and is what 3.s 3—oV9a 8s W1-w cl_r3Lveways and location Or pump starads are in accox c AT+c� with City Standards and is excel est in that tiie c3r3f_ve ay off. of Snelling Ave. is p3acec3 78 reet sojx-#_-j3L D the corner of Blair St.. Tlserf3 3.s zso obj'ectlon to alis station from an'engineering- starsdpait� T3t3Le Boasd of Zoning recommends -lr23at -bl ma permit be subject to a public hear3:ng. 9 Yours very truly_.� OR M. SH'A3313 Chief Bngiara eer gms-rh O 1 I - • � - � .. f ?A---" _.--�,__-.. .__ _._.__�__"-._ cis -_ - - c _ r .. ----- ------ Q _. _ - > tan'<• ... \_ 1 c - _ a 01 IIIlot, i... _ - _. L - � _ ] 01 - _.- -I i I I I. 1 � V •_� ' 1. �O Y � Y - IJ l - I - ilI. 's �� a: �, _ -► _'> I�,al_i�}19�� _ w.a3 - N_ 1 t it I I �� � 'n. c V � •— ' `I*W � ! - ��'- 3< l 1 x � I ,71•I d - J � � II _ 1- 1 _ 1 i 71 1A v - Z O Rt61NAt TO CITY Cit RK (��` .. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. V��9J , 0 ME OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORK 99780—By:H 0,gis PRESEPiFE1=W SY- - 0 va 'thio tta oonL In. COM M�SS[ON�R V DATE _ .a P WHEREAS, there was recently held in the City of Columbus, Obi o . eL conference between public officials representing certain c i t e s throughout the Middle -west for the purpose of receiving iaformation and discussing certain alleged discriminations prao- ticec3 with reference to the natural gas industry; and WHEREAS, it was alleged at said conference that the power t rzis t; has unlawfully prevented the natural gas industry from com- ing Sato the middle -west district, and by attempting to prevent comp�titlon; and WHEREAS, there was evidence submitted at this conference iac2icat3.ag that there is an ample supply of natural gas in many Yie'1ds, viz: the State of Texas alone, has one billion cubic feet og gas per day goiT9 to waste; and WHEREAS, many cities of the Middle -west are deprived of t2z75_ s a8Lt1X=a1 gas to be used as fuel, because of said alleged dis- criraiaating praotioes and as a result 6he power monopoly has pro::Citsc1 thereby; therefore, be it EMBOLVED, That the Council of t)he City of St. Paul go on rord. x=ging the President and Congress of the United States to appoi at a Senate investigating"committee to thoroughly investigate saLiCft alleged claim; be it / FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolut �. ; r resentatives bq the City Clerk to the President and to / �/ I s� 'I _r�arc3e_ d and Senators Shipstead and Schell. COL3NCZLMEN Yeas / Nays P�rce L�Cerson %l�rziax In favor C-_ r-1 _Against i J�i7ez-zzel vfr. Presiderit (Gehan) 5M 6-34 Adopted by the eounciIJAN 31 1935 193__ jAW 31 1935 Approved— / 193_ Mayor WJBLISFIED_42��� OHIOINIIL TO CITY CL@HK _____-IL, CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUENCIL NO. OFFICE OF Tkif CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLN—GENERAL FORM DATE January 31, 1935 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons,. 400 end point . gasoline, from the DEEP ROCS OIL CORPORATION, at a price of $0.09185 per gallon, less 1% ten days, including state tax and state inspection, also Federal excise tax, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failtr a to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund - Municipal Equipment - 1003-134 COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nay re e rson i osen In favor Warren_ Against Wenzel Mr. President (Geh1n) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council_ I11N Q�Rr� 1 IMS 193 JAN 3110 Approved--193-- Mayor pproved193__Mayor coLilricl� NO -------j, CITY OF ST. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GOLJtNCtt-RESOLUTION -GENERAL FOF2it1w#i PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER — — - — — W�d . r_- — SAS, there is eble cash in the sinning fhad G=E. Iiia City of St. Pail, which is available For the Sinking Fund Committee < --3-a c n January 28, 1935 ask for offers to be sCLM=w�� -Uted to them every 5ledues8ey at OaC>•C> M - M., and IMMUS, oa .YPedaesasy� Jartilar7 30, 1935 at 2=00 P. �- oif es-ls here opened in the Comptrollerls Office P�v_- -t_-1=Le Sinking rand Committee recommeaas that the Council concur in the action of the S3r_�"'-� ag Fund Committee in the purchase o tis bonds on the. list attached to this resol-sa_�$aas amd WHEMAS, the CC>-=— c -_-7:2_a_ i s of the opinion that the abov a s ghoul d be accepted, therefore, be it gesolvee, that t3z@ 2Savor, Commissioner of Finance&-aael Com=ptroller be and they are hereby authorized --++ci directed to consummate the traasac�_oas- COUe 1LMEN Yeas P rce /��P erson ps/n - _In favor �furrrren � Against /Wenzel l'.... President (Getlar t� 5M 6.34 - �__ No_:99782—i3y� Aae] F. Peterson— X__'. Gahan— "',i seas, there is—nelderable cash. Ssa tlra sinkinK fund of: the -City Of St Paul. which is ¢vaftable' for investment, L3�� Sinlaing- 8`pnd Comm[ttee. didon' -yanxaary. 28,1936 "k for o@era to be -1> to them every WednesdaY at. 2.oO -P_ M., and - _ -T�Tkaereas, on Wednesday, January 30. 3 937 at 2:00 P. 11 It were opened aa- -L 31 e' Comptroller's Office and the Sink - tag �"aand. Committee commends that _ rhe Council r 1. the action oY the ase: Pth nd bonds o lithetee . list th. ntta hed, 20 - Lists , resolution. and '-' �Phereas, the Council is. of the optn -iaa- tisat txze- above ].Fors should be ao-: ca3 t•e 1. therefore. be It Stesolved: that the Mayor, Commis- ar ofL Finance and ths: COmptrUller. be a 1 they are hereby author,. Lhorized apd r3ire ctedto consummate tha transac ons_ .. - Adopted by the_ Council San. 31, 1035: -- Approved Jan. S1. 1036. Adopted by �I>L� CQurl _il-si®Na-1 1 —193 Jed 31 1 1/93— Mayor ' �'-•, .�'.''` < 3 y 'a!➢L '� x r d aC V` ,�„ f xt ,>, ti C ak '�''C7)ff�Y hY+5ty , �" Ia.r �� x "'+i �'� is i l Y b / r i e> xS �wa n'�j ' v a� I 6 � iJit %1� y;N��A�➢ � r b C<�ak�^ 3,.+ Sa 8 .� Y � }�. r °:r !� n�iti11.8T ,* ', r •nh �A�r� x} «rya �)rr l��� §�� � �h ¢RaS ir0 �1 0Ak 's'�. �If f d1k7 i t, cr )q "s rr�T•k q. r�i l� rE y `� ri�'Nbf'J �(+Y �'4 Ii 1 i...i t�� �iiY➢ 'I 7 � k�+'M16 � ru;�� r n '� ft}r ('% !�Q t. rr ��i'. r•. { t 1 a i r .4 1 ! Tv� far . ����1� +• f i �p / �5¢ t'" ,r< 1 i Y i i•�k�`�� f 1'il�h ! si; ����s� ri �J:!q'rr'"f��Pl rlv •� '�1'� N'���1 i � �{ ! i� �t . ,� !£' �j r �(!; �� F � F( ''�� q �u `` �f �; f dl�l i �ryiE'j9�� 4� iin��i ,�1.�1; (! h£�I.�I t,��'d�`��V !(•%`,���' ��� � � � k� :1' � �'Y� � � ,F��lrl'��i�' � r � �' i.' B� �ii�,, «y, i Z � r�,� told' 4d�� i� • � �. ,�,1,+ r ! r �>�� ,i�' �},r .�yppyy (c� �d��` j✓dr,"��� �s�� ��1�'�+�r �w�1V"f�+p �"�k rdr�r� ,�('�,,�� ���i�l h'.��� r �, ii 1 1 �r �,� � � ri.�hff��i�t. i�1�7Yyt�� r r 7 �➢1 �� ., V1G� °„`1'"1ga�4"�"`{�kIG�V � " (�1f4 {.Sq' i s. �j�l\ k�l lt��r�Ly' Y��r {j�.a t ���.�f, diYr � 1tl1hrr7i rf i.;,�y�i.. >I• � I i � � ��� � � 1'ry�� M�YI�£1 14y�I � � � M ,{y J � 4 A� ti�yi r Y/( �,t ty tlr� + ti� q Ip a f 171 -«� 4r e9 1� II.Sa 4.a�+➢,t r �I> r r{ Mr °� J (r Sa IA i r� �'�,q, c a s 4y. re � S iy�ry rif 7t �s' it � l 9 � 1" rk� ii �!� 7�- 1 y+i�•1,,�"�i •'d��'+r � 4U �iY r � ac¢a u ,, Y .. jia r gt� ry ,x JiC v �b C A x (? k y 3 4 s s K C' ''`r ct *r x i i >�� wwiz �r y a ,J= ':'Y .�'`�kr*�ix b�,.'�G�• � � a,„� s ��k �la `�v �f �s � tjr 3 M + � M ..,. { I Y� r � �n 'S'a�� � � "X a F •fi � r7` rT`r$,.r +�; r � c . nTFa�g���tt1� y1z �t aF � ✓��` �. �"' �a�- `•��r �a� a'r".r�s` ° a- .,y ` � . f .' r -s^,4 � rt .� ,'� r °y2y* �}•, r�6,r r�'Zi +r � t •. } ��fi Ryf+ ''� of �d'•4'f`” k �' � � #�..�- � I��Ks, e7 ��,zusyd Pva �` jtKh R # 1 fk��y r %��wp 'i V c Y f c < c y rrkc G r 5r{ar I'8 e � H'a- r � .➢ � a `,� A -*v rzi� -fes rn 'u a.. r 44 t�S�.' w 6°�, r �r 3�` r m� `t�� Y��"t �73" e {'i s - t. � '•�y�C r ; f e.+i Y•:' yG tE+ r�e•,,r 1di �r >� � 's � 7 it a c •' }qr t Y , t .•'r�➢Y r�,� nth r 4 fr " S 5 1• �I d is d si: 9fe r ✓�.7 ` I � ! 1�rr1^!� rf4 R ,y �, r�Uhu r!�' � �� ': I• l.• ( r Cd � f � C� � �' .� ,7rf la 7�y� ! 4q i17rx�1 ���� Vn1i ✓rl i1� �ji"qq rYd Y�+"k � � i r N I « d7 r. ,i v r \73 +'z!'� tiii � ry��l i°�� 4.1r pp�7 Y�:� trr;ri�' L��lr«^ h�ky�6N r {i� I��,wF r�1 d�h4 rj•�jY�t r'��•, rti� i.( 4 li 1ir rIFY,r �., �. 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Y�`ga°`.ft5 f i.r �'+`i,,,`}ri�< 4 �� fi...�-a iw � f �'-��y-r�a�•`, ' ��,. $ �`r'.+?c�s�' "4+•qv �':, �F� �_.j�fts Fsx"6 • �"�,+�f>'"�aX���"�'�.`+�. ,�'°'�'^'wa vJ ,�?`�`� .i. �y9� fxr b F t.3Y„x ArI x y r aro 7 i s r� ��a $r z'r A b ani ca r e� a P ➢ v7:{ s vd ;s�L +� ' �''' �+a �Wi�,�'. -� ,7"vS�� e a� 1'➢4 �a-`K� st �t � � 3, , eh} b e U7v} hu[ �pvv A a�+ E S P t 1 e 1 4'' r ➢vatf'Jty ;1 ✓ r r 1 r,+l' �I*e 3",� 44 r `x C rk➢ 9 qk �r •yhivrdr+'f xt� `+'"w� i�"Lt x a �',d ai �t� f J'iyysy�r BSk,7d r r r 1 y r ➢ a$ fkr,}t'� re (� a 1�a,A6.� t5,l�^� a 4 f a a5 t t d � A t N �in'�•! r .� �� t � { f d} rl'�r. d �Y6� C � .w aal i�1i���a4g���x ^�� 'kd y Wc�r •YkY, � ij•i L �o- ,. 'sr t �\.ar.,'' ,i do / 7 •�,� r4` �' r i1,1�'��i s. l� '�,£, qq } k :l i�� I;£'� ! �f •� 7 � �Y.; �� ' ' i� 7�' iYa�� r o+�7�,�' I��+` ` , i�l+� l r m f('n i(N��f �d£r (y�'r�y� '.�`li� �4 !�; P'7 if'4� �«! i�y�4 jr "1�{ �4/ fr r hr .11 �.£f�� � r ��ti � � I �! a r ;'� i •til« r r r ,( i I�l+Jrl�,1V£ V i�l �rrl rl (�!• h ��F��^ ir5��' ��aV �1 ��,i�r r r.�1 I I ���,d�� 7 � 1 �ti8 £ �'� �� �'�'�r�, ++� �, '�l�i,i' � �•I�y i�4��1 i,i, � , '�� � , !!5 � 1 ' �'� �,�"� �� �n� d rri��.;V �•« � �' r+ � Y, � b � i� "r� is ddd����( r1�� y uW�11f r'I+"1�`J « �y� ! °4f� iy �s r[ ��," ,"��f t1-0 �ti � r �1 e k i .t h 1{1t \y}1 i 4r��,n�l, `vlril� M 6 1 1� 1� p ltiilt ! o,lr �e 0�444i ,tl yr i s s r i a YY rp 7 t 11 r; a� (r "y •� ��,,� �,p°frti�, i�G��, qq''pq`<;t .k�•ti• l ,�yiy � qy, n � Y �'�$ d � M�� raJ t t r rJ k 7 �,A; '1 }>i� fiF i•�'aTt F? ��,��t,a: �„ 7skdi� 7'�,'w,Yi r.�{ly�lF.+�4� `e'r".����'5�... t� F,�z9w•� Y,k �' �1=7�.,Ksy s ��(( S .swY ��.-� 'e}`,.�*'�'r �t i -r �„+�'1F�,+s, to uy�, '�'•G�' - r�n ��, • r}; 'R�,„-. ,..,.:., C-s.asn 't.+g. 9 �,�ti� i c . � .,'.pF.r(,r., nven4�„'�,6u,.x •'air. X.d`�.a_ Y^ , r,31�„ •.' s �•�" i s,�'`�yv''i +l rts'�K i ��� x - �S°tet-�'� + � r»f��:k �src .... �;,_ti .l• i r a*' - WMA mm .. _. _.. il �} _ �n w Jauu.f 30, 1935- A meeting of the Staking Bund Comaittes no meld We d+yr at 2100 8e No in the office of the CoMtrollere 8yesent, Com lsdoner Peterson and COW0011ep Gool ridh. This meeting us held for the purpose of opeidng offers an bonds 1090ded to be euUdtted by the Slaking rnd Oo=dttee every Vednesdey at 8eC0 B. IL A motion r s made by comptroller Goodrich seconded ty Owdesioner Mersem and hely carried, that the list of bonds atttz" perste be perebaeeds Abe meeWn� tb�r�uppn �aarr�� Ouzo lir I�prote� ,�,,, filo �oz�l tta r+14wo o ar OR161NaL TO CITY CLKPK CO LJ NGtL 99783 CITY OF ST. PAUL tt= ItL_E NO. 01= Ir M C=E OF THE CITY CLERK S COUI%ICIL I-ZE JLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ;GY- A COMMISSIONER t DATE WHEREAS, and on the Sand da. -_v- 4c3w =0' 33eoember 1934, Peter GydesBa ss.>e arrested, ona.rged wi-Uj=I_' -c2Lriving while intozioate�� macimcl thereupon posted bail :2 3t= brie amount of One Hundred Dom 3a= T8 ($100.00), and WHEREAS, t>Ezgr eai t6r, and on tae 27t1L dg3r MCM0 =C' Meoember 1934, thru said Peter Gyde m exp meati Med to appear in Court 33is bail was forfeited, Fa-*-+A='2L -U-3ie money turned into the Treasury, and WHEREAS, and on the 26th d.ey c=N' =E- �74ELnuary 1935, the Munlo:LpgZ Lourt entered an order re sating the case against sai c3 3? qaw -T= er Gydesen upon the cale3mLc5as T std' said Court and reinst a i the bail heretofore Dorf i @d, and said cause is nowr Q=L -t: Yie calendar of said Com=T -&-- for trial; now therefore b4w i -U RESOLVED, -b -*--Jae proper city officials axl<d they are hereby autnoriasc3 sad directed to issue 43sliver a warrant in ea eL of One Hundred Dol lar s $ 3GiO. 00) to the Clerk of til.@ 3rd,%-- 3-ssipal Court to cover sai4=3 =C'oaYeited bail. CCILMEN Yeas Nays P arcs � Ien /Pic i�Osen —_Iri Favor T uax '2 arren Aga i n s t Wenzel /M r. President (Gehan) SiVI 6.34 99783--33y Br. 8. {lehan dammer moo' heretofore, an don the 22nd tuber, 1934,-peter.-Gyd �-as o sled, chaand-thereupon dyrd,"eaon Losfcated, Doet- g �a3 2n- the moundt of One Hundred .._ W areas -thereafter, and on 6e.27th g ' S�ecamber 1934, through mleun-- ders arm 2iag saiourt ar�Gydeabe falled� Lo - pear Court and- hle ball was' £ori-ait eta- -and .the. money... turned: �lnto. _Treasury. and 5 -thereafter, and on the 26th E eat v� - Taauary 1936, ,theMunlelpal E Cois.rt ea Lered'. an order relnatating. the �a� azz:.st said Peter, Gydeaen ..upon: a ar. of said -Court and'reln staag- a t8 e. 7a11 heretofore forfeited, fir. anr3 Q =cam causes is now on the alend aoP. s�=�" Czr o-rs.rt-for trlal;,.: now therefore that the proDer ty otd- ciaaS �Oe aa@ they are hereby authorized-� el ea toissue and deliver a war_ _ amount of One Hundred zz - {$200.00) to the Clerk of the a � i _z�_-1 {-court to _o r'eald foMelted 'b 1 F i Ac�ag�e-y the CounDll Tan. 31, 1936. "'L ramie$ Jatn. 31, 1936. -`: - - - CFeb. 2-1996) Adopted by the Couraeil JAN 311935193 Aa 3 Approved 193_ Mayor Ll Og101NAL TO CITY C_ LSRK COUNCIL ����/A ? CITY OF ST_ )PAL)L FILE No. �-IL OFFICE OF THE CITY GLERK COUNCIL SOLU-171<> tCF--E NERAL FORM _ C F .p.—, 84—BY M11Loa Losea— Wh teaeT under- PRESENTED SY / wUh �tb COMMISSIO[V ERZ DATE WHEREAS under Contract G -33x8 with the Walter Butler Com $.ay, for the eonstrnetioxz a= Saa1tary Sewer Interceptor s 4 --so s the specifications provitigd for the payment of sing]La 4c3Lr2= J34C=w i s -f Operators at the rate oS 64C3 cserate per hour, in accord- -w3ce with the Public Works Ac1mgi3=Li stratIon regulations and lrc3 teat 8 per hour in aocordance swi t.t3 the City ordinance, and Yeas - WHEREAS, the Public Wor11`s -ALc3tginistration has advised tie Cc3mnma:2-ssioner of Public Works teat the specifications used 13s3ic2IL tseea3 amended approximately .ialaree zaxoaths prior to the lettis;g og -� contract, so ad to provide S -wage scale of $1.20 per lzvr icer IbLoist operators, exceptixxg oz3-JLy those operating hoists Qom+ Z7� ding construction, and WHEREAS, the City Was not 3E3A=I,1bif1ed of this change ire -ftr, :4m low--inL41M�e scale, and the P. W. A. to approve partial est — t e s under the said cont rats -%jLp4o=wx3 which it has made a gwm irMt t; o -�t;2ze City toward the cost t32er eoi, until the contractor ka = 3pwasL-i 4c -L Qaoh of suoh hoist operas fl r sm the sum of $1.20 per hour mor a4EmL-ca3 Imour worked under that coat ra.ct, beginning December 38 w 3934, 11--- c -s c3at e, and has required the cozxt raotors to pay the said sa=--mom o:C AW -2 --2C30 per hour for the balanc--8 of the time such hoist opera�::ars "iw €3 rte► under said contract, ar3c3 WHEREAS, the estimated 3ML%3LXI 7I=0er Of hours such hoist operators t38_-w�4-- -worked and will work ux:t i -A- -t-- lt:iLe job is completed is 7 AML. oz -.r ims at a total cost of 64 -3L -e- v6 s including additional c os -V-- mor w s� *Lnce based upon the incr a s.s payroll, and WHEREAS, the Department o:r, Publle Works and the eoxatr4E3Lmotor taave entered into an agreemexz-c --tom t the said sum of $417.56 3 s t:7=k-@ 4m4orre c t amount for such eased or extra cost due to the 2 - n creased hourly wage of suc2z 730 :2- st operators for the period be— gT� izxg, December 28, 1934, asci a -memorandum of said agreem4m3::3_t ties 33S4azx Tiled with the City A 6r and countersigned by 23L -IR —. and �e -Seaboard Surety Company, surety upon the bond of the sa3�e WW4sL-:1.1t;ear Butler Company, has coal cxst ed to the payment of th.e mam $3.c2 s oY $417.56, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper c:2 --Uy officers be and they ar 4vm lie,re- 33y a.-sthorised to pay to the snit%_ 'Wa3-ter Butler Company as extra COU N C � L1�R EN Pearce Peterso za Roser3_ War rerz Wers_zeI Mr. Presfder3t OC'ehan) 5M 6.34 In favor -adopted by the Council 19 3 193 T/f ayor ,L TO CITY GLl.RK - _ CITY OIF ST_ 1�AUL FILE No.--9M'4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C0'MMISSIOr%1 EFZ mer ite oontract, the further sum of 50 cents per hour to g$cli o:E the hoist operators vsec-fL by the Walter Butler Company, mor gash hour that said hoist vserstors have worked since Z?Bcsem'ber 88th to date, and shall continue to work s�Br'after during the--oourseT of sazd job, in accordance with *--3:3L8 t imc records of the Depart gte'xat of Public Works, subject, 3z4csvwev4mr , that such additional gm9L.sme3mts shall not be made for mLT+g hours in excess of 785J hours° Couatersi�nsds ,,,.,i��� Comptroller COUNCZL.MEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Roser In favor Truax Warren —_Against Werzzel Mr. President (Gehari) 5M 6-34 con e � Commissioner of Public Works Adopted by the Council JAN 31 1935 193_ Appro ved S� _193__ Mayor A-'VBLISHLD �� CITY OF ST. PAUL v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE UTION—GENERAL FORM ATE— COUNCIL NO. 99785 FILE F No 99786 By Mtiton a.-tr;osan= �he�reas, miler , t"L-al : G-333 �.� WHEREAS, under Contraot C-3334, with Woodrioh Construction "� ©mpsrny, for the construction of Sanitary Sewer Interceptor w , the specifications provided for the payment of single hoist operators at the rate of 60 cents per hour, in ccor,clanoe with the Public Works Administration regulations d 70 oents per hour in accordance witoue City ordinance, and WHEREAS, the Public Works Administration has advised " ---jme Commissioner of Public Works that the specifications used q been amended approximately three months prior to the letting '� :r smxch contract, so as to provide a wage scale of $1.20 per ®nr - for ?moist operators, excepting only those operating hoists building construction, and WHEREAS, the City was not notified of this change in the Sge scale, and the P. W. A. refused to approve partial esti— `� tes under the said contract, upon which it has made a grant o the City toward the cost thereof, until the contractor has id each of such hoist operators the sum of $1.20 per hour for hour worked under that contract, beginning December 28, :—JoQ-34, to date, and has required the contractors to pay the said �oY $1,80 per hour for the balanoe of the time such hoist Aerators work under said contract, and WHEREAS, the estimated number of hours such hoist opera- 4ors have worked, and will work until the job is completed is hours, at a total cost of $1179.68, including additional Tor insurance based upon the increased payroll, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works and the oontractor 44LaLve entered into an agreement that the said sum of $1179.68 s the oorreot amount for such increased or extra cost due to the ' zaoraased hourly wage of such hoist operators for the period be- -J E 2.ng December 28, 1934, and a memorandum of said agreement has Ben filed with the City Comptroller and countersigned by him, aacl W\ —%--3xe Seaboard Surety Company, surety upon the bond of the said Iftirood c log Construction Company, has consented to the payment of Abe maid sum of $1179.68, now therefore be it OILMEN Nays/ Adopted by the Council—_ --193--- I 193—__ � ce �n —_In favor Approved _193—_ Lx ^---- 1 � ren — st _ �Zzel Mayor Op�O1NA1. i0 CITY CLQHK FO.UE"' No. -9978 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' r OF=FICE OF THE CITY CLERK,_ COLJ`ie�GIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIOW R RESOLVED* that the proper city officers be and they are hereby aut or iced to pay to thg as aid Wctodrich Construction Company as an extra under its Oontrac3-t , It -.23L8 further sum of 50 Cents per hour to each of the hoist opsrators used by Woodrich Construction Company for each hour that s 0i4C1 Hoist Operators have worked since December 88th to date, inolusivB �xxd enall on to work. hereafter during the course of ss,i3 obi in aecordanos with the time records of the Department Of Pnbgicm Works, subject, however, that such additional payments shall not -t=3k4m made for any hours in excess of 8041 hours. Countersigned: --;.: Comptroller COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Zr> favor Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 A Contractor ��comnissioner of Public Works Adopted by the Council3 1936 193_— JAN 1935 Approved 193- - � Mayor OHiOtNA6 TO GtTT GLLRK -99786 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE nio. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL SOLUTION—GEfVERAL FORM, C. s.xo. 99786 rI It.. Rosen '" Whareae under Contract fi 8 54 ev, PRESE:r'QI-rF_MP BY DATE COMMISSIONER -- - WHZBEAS, under Contract G-3354, with Thornton Bros. Con -=ox tne, construction of Ssgsitary Interceptor Sewer •C -D", tns speoi=i cat ions provided for tae payaent of single drum hoist operators at the rate of 60 a en -to per hour, in accordance with the Pub11c Works Administration regulations and 70 cents per hour la aocordanee with the G_ity ordinance, and WHEREAS, the Public Works Administration has advised the Gommissioner of Public Works that the specifications used had been emended approximately three months prior to the letting of such contract, so as to provide a wage scale of $1.80 per hour for hoist operators, excepting only those operating hoists on b1x31d1n0 construction, and '16UMEAS, the City was not notified of this change in the wage scale, and the P. W. A. refnses to approve patial a sti- mates under the said contract, - upon which it has made a grant 'to the City toward the cost thereof, until the contractor has paid eacta of suen hoist operators the sum of $1.20 per hour for eacn hour worked under that contract, beginning December 28, 1934, to date, and has required the contractors to pay the said sum of $1. 2perhour for the balance of the time such hoist —operators we k under 4tald contract, and WHEREAS, tbo�i p�ttimated number of hours such hoist opera- tors have worked 'snd will work until the job is completed to 2340 hours, at a total 'host of $1374.63, including additional aost for `'insurance based upon the increased payroll, and'', WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works and the contractor have entered into an agreement that the said sum of $1374.63 is the correct ,amount for slash inoreased or extra cost due to the increased hourly wage of Bucn hoist operators for the period be- ginning December 38, 1934, and a memorandum of said agreement has been Yi2ed with .the City Comptroller and countersigned by him, and the Seaboard-, Surety COMPany, surety upon the bond of the said Thornton BES Company, has oonsented to the payment of the said sum of S13f%.63, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that .the proper pity officers be and they are / hereby autiaorised to pay to the said Thornton Bros. Company as OU ILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the In favor A W enzeI Mr- Presi SM 6.34 93 GouMCVL 99786 86 ORIGIN AL TO CITY CLANKFILE ►:". GITY OF ST. PAUL m OFFICE OF THE CITY .CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DATE COMMISSIONER an eztra under it s aoatract, the further Sum of 50 c ez�t s Per hour to each oY the hoist operators used by Thors3t©a Bros. Companys for a aCh hour that said hoist opera[©r s have worked siacse December 28th to date, th®°eourseoia69 ad.d aha11 continua to work hereafter during be job, in soeordtasic® Ri to thh wevex, thatgsuahof tadditi aeL3- Pa3ment0 of Public Worgs, subjset, hours in ezoess of 3340 hours shall not be made for any Co nt r Countersigned DSP Comptroller COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays , Pearce Peterson Rosen--Iri favor Truax / Warren, Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 m Commissioner of Public iiorks -I 4EC,135 193-- Adopted by the Council — IV vmS Approved—_ --193— J�I Mayor 0 NO .99788 1. oawINA�To- G1TY OF SAINT PAUL- fll. CITY CI K �.�, pppRt�pRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM pER CHARTER. SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY DATE........... MADE ON OF THE RESOLVED.-3AT THE FOLLOWING T�NAVOIDABLE DEFCIENCYtIN CERTAIN TEMB i COMPTROLLEe AS BY SO DOING AN U MAY 6E MET Y SAID-TF2gNSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY 11 1[ T?�—�3& -w— ITEMS FR/OM W"Ic--ti THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT - TRANSFERRED CO�>_ AP PO"TlONED ITEM DR. CR. FROM TO - 51.75 13�-67.72 13-3 '3884.92 62.33 13-31 35.94 13-B4 27 .46 13-03 146.18 13—M3 750.00 13 S4 18, 32 13-395 -18.76 13-36 1b7.92 8 13-G1 122: � 13'4'2 4935 .1 1 -x 1 4.0 13.05 13-12 26.68 13—Z3 ' 13—R"3—- 4 1.265.36 -- a 87.06 •39• 1�.- _�3 22,158.12 7:1-3 �5 710.19 _ 33� L'1 340.04 �02 454.71 Z / ✓} 1\lAY'-S_ ADOPTED BY. THE COUNCIL ..:. t9....... YES 3V GILMEN G= s GY.......... 19........... APPROVE ... •r....... - .............................. MAYOR SL'�'�Ti••-1 E1MER _____________________ACiAiNBT - - .• - `. L COUNTERSIGNED BY ................ ••• cln coMrtRouu Z/��:.� i�RESIDENT - amore.. osa s000 TT-as , -a, onmiwwr_ To covn.c.� w.l9.11 8.8 �, of uFc CITY OF SAINT PAUL RYu- MID ....... .. • APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS-RESOLtyfION FORM PER C RTER SECTION 208 - - VPRESEN[TIED: BY .: DATE.... - • , .... .......... .'. _COMMISS-:OiV ER.:.......... :........ . �....... ,. _____________ __ ___________ RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE CO1%►iPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY t" CERTAIN ITEMS MAY IBE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE W4=oi2K PROVIDED BY THE, M4=)w1V EY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MAMI=_ OU NT I TRANSFE DR. CR. 4.98 1,901.09 1: 048.12 214.84 ✓COUNCILMEN t<�NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUH - gn. 19........... APPROVED............. ......_____............................. 19........... ...,.IN FAVOR /' -_ _ ...� _.... .. •MAY O .. .... ti..t.......AGAINST �BL1S1 __'j - - WENZEL. - .. COUNTERSIGNED.BY ..........� CITY COYPYROII.df MR.: PRESIDENT >Foffua dsa f000 rvs• - 1. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK- 63u NCIL NO. �= OF ST. PAUL ffl A ��� F OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERALFORM PRESENTED BY <`,4ek' \.--.. \ ..\ _ DATE .TBIIIlaT�31y R VW WAEREAS, Adelina Delmont, (Blue & white) has made application 1764 for licenses to operite.'the following described automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul: Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance Co. Policy No. Expiration License No. Packard V129800A 133799 Great Affierican Indemnity 578877 5-24-35 11 Buick 2169511 2252886 a a " 578877 " 12 Packard U152228B 151741 n n " 578952 9-10-35 27 WHEREAS, Adelina Delmont, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7321, has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of St. Paul, and said policies have been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said licenses be and they are hereby granted to Adelina Delmont to operate said auto cars upon the streets of the City of St. Paul,as taxicabs, subject to the provisions of said ordinance, and the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. o'FP. red M.-Truax—ByC7bP aTce Wherem •dell ^e4;ty" White) licenses 1.0 COUNCILMEN JAN 31 IM YeasNayAdopted by the Council _ _193—_ 7ce G>f� XLosen ' —_In favor Approved 193_ /lruax '*arren--2--Against Wenzel Mayor / Mr. President (Gehan) l r - - ^T, � 5M 6.34 199790 , OplpINAL TO CICLERK PAUL COCIL TY NO. THE CITY CLERK GO�sr�sGZL_ R�SOLLJTION—GENER_ AL FORM PRESENTED BY 'Z:Z,. DATE January COMMISSIONER R VPF;ERFAC, sTah�}323arsl�Ox13ci�a s made application 1323 for licenses to operate the Following described ai���b37 es a s tE+�Lcabs upon the streets of the Cites Of St. Paul; Make Motor No Serial Mao =a Er ranee Company Policy No. Expiration License No. Packard 164195B 3S6 SSO Great American Indemnity 578878 5-24-35 18 75 Buick 2322185 2208 v8 " a a a n Packard 280184 -—��� '• R 11 578937 8-10-35 117 ZgRF'RFpS� X03-.-r-s—e��j�.oa' iri accordance with Ordinance No. 7321 has filed copies of insurance po-va-itI=L t-k2uEat City of St. Paul, and said policies have been approved as to form tsy3Q® �Ororatzoa Couasel; therefore, be it RESOI,VE:ID t —zce� `e C_- be sad they are hereby granted to John Gershon to operate said auto cam+ Tr -s -L=L3oa streets of the City of St. Paul as taxicabs, subject payment into the city treasury of the required to the provisions of c3 arsi� �+ 8TH ca asci the 1 fee. r m pa -i c rapt Gershon COUN LMEN Yeas Nays rce s Zerson sen 1n favor ;�,- axrren .gairzst'nzel / Mr. President (Gehatn) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council JAN 31 IWb 193— Approved—— 193-_ yor @iJBLI52iED `37 coU CIL L TO CITY cl.RK NO.____ r�GGAl�y Y OF ST. PAUL FILENOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIIJ, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���(i(,-Lt �/"DATE_lcl',S — AREAS, John Simmer (B:.ue & White) has made application 1322 for licenses to operate automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, as follows: Motor No. Serial No. Insurance Company policy No. Expiration License No; Make American Indem. 578882 5-24-35 II 22 Packard Sedan 158895B 159731 Great n n 578882 23 Packard 0133959 134249 ° pH,RF,AS, John Simmer, in accordance with`Ordinance No. 7321, has filed copy of insurance gbl1cy with the City Of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the corporation counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses be and they are hereby granted to John Simmer to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject the payment into the city treasury of the to the provisions of said ordinance, and upon i '-To. 99791—BY H. 1';• Warren— Trnaa—I. C. Pearce-- required fee. J. slmaner <Blne �ylicPtlon 1222 .fe^ ;fin .hilae as ' JAN 311935 193-- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council YeasNays F rce a /P Gerson bsen --In favor Approved193—. Tuax ,fd //arren v Against ��f /� M yor Wenzel� / Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL RK co&NCIL �l / -!/. AAJ_*l ✓ OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. O VAI OFFICE OF THE CITY- CLERK ljCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE January 31, 1935 WHEREAS, T. B. Peterson (Blue & White) has made application 1679 for licenses to operate automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, as follows: Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance Co. Policy No. Expiration License No Packard V160408B 159220 Great American Indem. 578886 5-24-35 38 Packard 281265 281309 t1 11 f1 578886 11 40 WHEREAS, T. B. Peterson, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7321, has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses be and they are hereby granted to T. B. Peterson to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance, and upon payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C. s. X. n_ Fred Wher... - COUNCILMEN YeasNays Ijce Peterson Zosen nIn favor ljuax 'Warren _-0—Against 4enzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council JAN 21 193 itit t°8 ez .: Approved 193_ May r� O RIaNwL To G1TY CL><saK ��� COUNCIL 99793 93 ^'CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 8Y DATE— January 312 1935 COMMIS 1�i �R R SEAS, Paul Renstrom (Blue Rs white) has made application 1757 for 1 -uses to operate automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. as follows: N. expiration License No. B!<alce Motor No. `§Serial No. Insurance Co. Policy Paclsarc 16 2517X 252132 Great American Ind. 578879 5-24-35 Pa255187-A 255007 n n 578962 11-15-35 61 Wg AS, Paul Renstrom, in accordance with Ordinance No.73 21, has filed copy o insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to Pox- by the corporation counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses be and they are hereby granted to Paul Renstrom subject to o s��— ate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, tom 7c)rovi.sions of said ordinance, and the payment into the city treasury of the requ—rid fee. ssasa-rs'jil T n g 1 P i a41t �t'•1'.dil'n ^I r..i C0�7 CILMEN Yeas Nays — cse eterson in favor =uax amen _Against �Tenzel �Mr_ president (Gehan) 5M 6-34 Adopted by the Council___ IAN 21 jqa-, 1 93— ' _193— Approve Mayor ntW+ ��✓ u�. ORIOINIIL TO CITY CLi RK COUNCIL 1 OF ST. PAUL rae NO. 99 794 OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE January 37, 1q35 RESOc WHEREAS, N. R. McGibbon (Blue & White) has made application 1771 for licenses to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, the following described automobiles: Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance Company Policy No. License No. Buick 2789396 2638842 Great American Ind. 578901 5-24-35 70 Buick 2611458 2460122 " " " 578901 " 168 Buick 2766821 2616200 " " " 578901 " 169 WHEREAS, N. R. McGibbon, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7321, has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the corporation counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses be and they are hereby granted to N. R. McGibbon to operate said auto cars upon the streets of the City of St. Paul as taxicabs, subject to the provisions of said ordinance, and upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. NCILMEN Yeas Nays `n 7earce /eterson /Rpsen In favor �T1uax J)71 amen --Against /Mr. /Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 JAN 31 1995 Adopted by the Council 193— N 19-36 Approved —193_ �vr^v Mayor / ORIGINAL TO CITY CLiPK- COUNCIL 99795 1 OF ST. PAUL FILe NO. F THE CITY CLERK f-nliwcn RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE January 31, X E 1gfiEfiEAS, Nettie Hayes Saunders desires to withdraw application 1627 for On Sale Malt Beverage and application 1628 for Restaurant licenses at 344 Exchange Street; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby surhorized to refund to Nettie Hayes Saunders the fees of $50.00 and $10.00 and to cancel said applications respectively. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays e ce i �erson �sen In favor C uax /1 arren—Against enzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C. F.: No. 99795—By H. E. Wnrren- Fred-M:Truaz—r,'C: Pearce— Whereas Nettle Rates .Saunders de- sirea to withdra., oppllcatloa 1627 for on Sale Malt Beverage and, ...1828. for Restaurant licensesat 394 Ex- chanSe'Street; Yharefore, be.'it Resolved, thnt the proper city ofll, era .be and they are helebY..a th rized'.i to refund to Nettie Rates Saunders the-: fees of $50.00 and $10.00 and to cnneei apVAlleations respectively. dopted by the Couneil San 31, 1935. Approved - Jan. 31. 1936.' (Feb. 2-1936) Adopted by the JAN 311935 _193— Approve193— f OR�O:IMAL TO CITY CLl RK 1 oxm--RnsOL J9796 r c F., No ss7s8 cour+ca - � GITY OF ST,F�.- T uaz;, T Pae NO. � WhereWba— as the within F HE C TY fta ';hav¢ made �DD14aa YA. • J ' llquo[i, andse and Er,, ��� COUNCIL ii SOL TION GEN�"eta ,and lurnfph ss -'1e a the 7(ipanee e r{ad that_02,M a '!iaoe PRESS=�IT�D BY f nese be _Sraat 3� GOMPm IS --ZOIV ER �v U��Lu ^� WHEalEl ft, the within named sppMicants have made application for "On Sale" 1igc�0— -3 -+ tenses and have paid the regzairec3 fee, and furnished the proper bonds; and WHEREAS, the License Conami ttag has recommended that such "On Sale" 1iv_uo�---rcenses be granted;- therefore, be 3t RESOLVED, that the City be and he is hereby authorized and directed tc- is zze such licenses to the him nname<�' an-iicants for the premises described in -blue r-4�ective -applications and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the bonds of the respective applicants, in the siaan o XZOOO, each, which have" been aprxroveci as to form and execution by the Corporation Couase be and- the -same are hereby approved, and the City Clerk is instructed to them in the office of the City Comptroller. Victor J. Bradley 88 E. 5th St. Frn-Ic L. grazewslki 492 Mississippi St. John Esslinger 1938 University Ave. Leo LaValley 173 w. 6th St. Louis A. Roisner 156 N. Dale St. lira. A. B. Hallsan ,v 321 Robert St. Patrick D. McMahon 455 St. Peter St. Otto A. Kohls &(iso. A. gohls 738 Thomas St. Sever Peterson 1112 Arcade St. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM couFILENCIL NO. 9J Y 96 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER — - DATE -2w Maurice Oscar Peterson 949 X. 7th St. Belson & Gallagher 1180 B. 7th St: Harold Lang 379 University Ave. John Hupperts (Bmpire Buffet) 129 E. 5th St. Michael Schweizer 171 B. 7th St. Hey P. Traynor & Tom Bakula 733 W. 7th St. James Feeley 110 W. Kellogg Blvd, Gao. P. Poster 1100 University Ave. Samuel Macent 2513 University Ove. Wm. If. Haberman 1056 Y. 7th St. Carmen Delmont 901 Payne Ave. }red 0. Herge■ 931 University Ave. Wl Johnson 956 Payne Ave. Louis Raiola & dust Sarrack 721 Payne Ave. Peter LaNasa 553 Jackson St. !rank C. Machovec 995 W 7th St. Stephen Foshuba 413 Hobert St. Clemente J. Lucchesi 1066 F. 7th St. Steve Schweits & Henry W. Stromsell 992 Arcade St. George Devitt 18 B. 6th St. COUNCILMEN A.Inn 41T t6, Cnnnril 'k-, ORIGINAL TO CITY CLLRK 919,796 IIIJJJJ -" CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOL.ENCIL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM • i PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Um Silver & Prod Roth 21 B. 5th St. Adolph Lindstrom 912 Payne Ave. Prank J. Berger 700 Heaney St. Wm. Spiel 828 N. 7th St. A. B. Farrell & A. J. Scheiderb&asr 609 University Ave. Michael Lendway 599 N. Dale St. Peter J. Bettis '498 St. Peter St. Geo. McIntosh 483 Wabash& St. T. et. Michael Marco 221 7th Edw. P. Jelinek & Ray Jelinek 529 St. Peter St. Pauly Patient 427 S. Wabasha St. Samuel numb* 469 Wabash^ St. Ddvard Skok 5731 W. 7th St. Walter Molouna 347 Robert St. Charles H. Haggard 902 Farrington Ave. Nick L. Arvanitis 448 St. Peter St. Berman 8roeuiig 741 Bdmund St. Alex. 8ubitsebek 1133 Rice St. Prank L. Some 519 W. 7th St. John 1Ie. Smith 133 W. University Ave. B. L. litsgerald & Maurice O'Connor 501 Blair St. COUNCILMEN ORIGINAL TO C�T'Y C� �-2 K PRESENTEZ SY COMMISStOI�i IE IF;aX: FC ENCIL NO. 77796 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE- GtTY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM raZ.omg & John Zabawshi 411L -M=m -a King 30ish I- 3kxx�ft�-V==w 3E7a auLU Richardson L�eQr�gs ITichos Ramie =! M. Welch Sans Crown Co. Inc. (Mickey's Ras) Sty 3rrancis Hotel Hem-mmmmmmma= J. Berk _ 'Wt1_4w-----m4m3r G. Tachide, Soh Strensbys Jr. 3Wv-2=mw-.wEm rt Herold TaLrUSSO 3r --V z_ mma= J. Schwtets .Irgcm � Clarlsto 431,-e -wm=mw- J. Grmber H. Rommel & W. A. Broderick Houses Inc. COX --3 it OILMEN Yeas Nays P =ce Pe��rson men In favor -r -A ax _-_Against �T �rz.zel Mr_ adent (Gehan) SM 6.34 "i 528 Bias St. 469 Snelling Ave. 597 33roadwsy 685 B. jrd St. 1443 Unio+61-stty Ave. 9 w. 7 th St. 441 University Ave. 33 W• Sixth St. 1209 W. 7th St. 1179 S. 7th St. 637 Pay -0 Ave. 1109 Arcade St. 421 S. 7th S t. 1096 (}raad Ave. 484 .Sybert St. 111 S. 6th St. 156 a. 7th St. 444 81ce St. Adopted by the Council 4 ®AN 3 � !95 193— Approved 193_- Mayor TQ7BLIStiED4Z �'1� '!roes ?"=4 TUTU 0 0 «Ism, • ( J G. Ybask L" *No j 60 J 1138 VA ilrI so A . 1 1r. Das 'st ;' i 120 � I I �r Will k4 w f r oto %IAII It. ssrrMr P;e iah12 8t. 100 VoIll so os�mr S49 X. To $t. Lj .10 gyral ,tom � �sssiq► .I I : 55 .. � �''� .. _, i M*. Awn a 14 7th $t• .50 a TOas3 C Ph $t. 60� : G _ -,Tmwg Asoor I 0 W. K021ogg Dw._ idst r i too . ,76"Ity . 6M.- 00.. %3 . ._ 1056 S 7th st 75.. :. Pa 60 ✓.._ - Yss& 0. H�M Si- a vwrs'tty 1 Bail J ob Oa P. LI 1wdl Was & out u Pame : � z�are�a 3 a as 50 40 ,0 *800 Lip? Liaeuir for Anarc►ro1 jwm 311 1935 ,- I Trus: Pearo lam V 60 Sx7,3 bet+ &t. I Doff 82 A0 to Js 1066 ., 7ti► St -.1 e Iltme sow,401 6 $ �:xl X992 A.VaU, jl Rost pomp DOM _. 111$1. 6th Pt i! Rest t sena sum Ri U 211. 514 Pt. Hest Adolph L3aAe. 19x2 Ave. I, Roet �.bw kJ� Aw'+i 700 St. 11 Beet __.vm. spsel_ X828 s Ttb, st .� Rist AJ bM21 & A,d5 Otir 609 U liveropy.fleet Nw., I' 599 1. name St j Beet poll ir_i.I310-t 1 4�8 s Pot" i het i 1 to 43fti het _.._ Ad Vol "0 221 I • TO !Beat P 5 9 sate ; j Rest del�p4lc 4 Peat 14PT .�elydaha L I i i� 469 Oa* Ab Sri Owk_ 5731 e.7th St.' _182 ter'.. (347. St ; xoa R. �, v/GI. 902 ineonj _ e IL. tie. 4 448 t.Petur i �I 741 - st. i i I ' A2 _1 i it i x133 Vie. St j _., LISaro� I 519 IF.7th st I'I I ' I; Jo}.E. smitj 133 �I. Uaiverety 1 60 T5.. s- 50 60.". 50.. i - 200' 60, �D 60 T5 ,Y D 60 50 150 7 I god ( _ 60 I T!> I �� u o w St's Of °# SsOD Jo i ► N. II IWA 9 BE 011bg t oeorlp blip go Rol I Y �' Wh--, ItIl— Bale". liquors Zi mases and, hav �1¢ th. .it ha i■ tier by---�tIIortzed A.; '.�ea — b 1rou STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey ss CITY O_YT AUL .............. $ .... .... ....................... City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, do hereby certify that( I hav compared the - attached printed copy of Council File No. . . . . ........... ...... heiad............. ........................... .......................... ....... .......... .... ........ ..... .... I ..... I ............................... ......... ...... ............................................ I ......................... ...... ...... ................................... ............................. ..... ..... .............................. .... ..................... .......................... ..................... ............................................................ ..................................... ....... I .......................... ........ .............................................. ............ ...... ............. . ................................ ... I ........ .............. ..... . ...... ..... I'll ........... ............. I ... ..................................................... ......... ................ ................................ .. I ..................... ................................................ ........... ....................... .................... .... ............... ....... ............... . as adopted by the Council 19. and approved by the May0*r.*:.':.*.'.'."."..*.. ....... I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. i WITNEth seal of the City of St. 7aul, this I ............ day of ........ T ............ A. D Cit Clerk. "I PUDLISHICD-� ' oa:aoaa.awL -r-+ carr ca_as OF ST. PAUC:azT-t�e�'eg-� ��e'WSthtn aassm s➢Diicatli- . CITY CLL-rigv`or 2s.c�asas and havIlk OFF C OF Tyv� r3' Yee aaa --Yuroished t xid GEIVERAt=a q° O C� ;+� S`lcease comm • ` ., CIL U Pc; -�bcaL such "'On 8.--_ . _ _ --__satec2--therefore..be `P72E�Ti�iTO COM ism •-t-univ.- .. de a,Ppl WHEREAS, the within named:frapplicants save 3$ai.cation for opa c�� gn liquor licenses and have paid the required fge a3xd"�"^'-shed the proper bond s � and WHEREAS, the License Committee has reco�arded that such "On Sale" licenses be granted; therefore be it suthoriyed RESOLVED, that the City b Cl—k e and er= a s hereby sud directed to issue such licenses to the within named ts for the premises desc=abed in the-respective aPP�cations; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the bonds of tlae awe spective applicontss in have been approved as £oam Sid execution of X3000 each, wlii b3 the ch to theCleric is Co� _---canon Counsel, be and the same are hereby approved, �Gity er ��z�2cted to deposit them in the office of the Ci t� �� p ter St. George Gekas Harry Yee Pon as Oriental Cafe aha St. Michael J. Hannon Stanley Fiorito 23g �- gellogg Blvd.. S2 W_ 7th St. Andr4w gapPas 1%a1 t_ Peter St. Robert Allen G. E. Richardson �9 9 v�abat>ha St _ Geo. R. Ddba Triangleklnn yotsOaaros -10th St. COUNCILMENNay the Council _193_ s� ea s Adopted by- -- Pearce Peterson 193_ Rosen —__In favor Approved Truax Warren Against Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) S ��i 6-34 OI�IO�NAI. TO Gli'Y CL "RK PRESENTED SY COM MISBIOriEF2 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C)ATE COU NGI L. 9 FILE No. 9797 amms +-35-- Wmalgan & Harry plasted T39 IIinivorsity Awe - 431 -am arge Miller 488 St. Peter St. acs Boz Lunch Corp. 2360 Uut-weraity lve. osis Capra, 459 St. Peter St_ Ssoais $ahinsky 194 31. 7th St_ 3o3=L3M J. Sohn 469 Wabasha St. .or_ p _ McCabe dba Pickwick Sandwich Shop 250 West 4th St . BB a Bovalr 669 IIni vers 1 ty bve . 3cYaael J. McCarthy 139 W. Central 'eve. �3ac3= Id. Barter 678 Univeraity ave. s ---x-2- -ew Bothmeyer 949 West 7th St. -x-_ B_ Manner & Tena Winter 56 West 7th St. �*'esoma 'm J. Skards 1015 West 7th St. 1E1mLJpls M. Marrone 315 W. 7 th St . _AL3_ez Miner 645 Selby �vB. _Taaob Ossery & Henry tarsen 267 P. B+ellogg Blvd. IMFx-aalc P. Baden 215 W. 4t3m St . S3Le� Chiomee _i 617 Selby Ave- a ins & Dante Rossini 309 Sibley St. $obert E. Miller -767 Wabe- St. CO L7�iCZLMEN JAN 3 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council _--193 Pearcy Pet4-- rz Ros�r3 In favor 'Truax -W.%asreri _—Against Mr. President (Gchan) 5M 6.34 Approved 193_— Mayor Oripinal eo c-� Cler7c g eouNed 9.9798 CITYII OF - ST. Paul .ps No_ __ ________ _________ OFFICE O C F`_ 2�©_.`99798-8p Mllton Roeep ei-esa� as vne;petted, emergency CoI.iN RESO has arYs� dun to the recant ezceeafve �v —r— ? +aaevPaZYs - whfch have. caveed the i� �.7 (p a�s r - o became itnpaaaabie and con- ER EAS, an unexpected emergerxcyy has arisen due to the recent snowfalls which- have caused the streets to become impes� 1e aimd congested, thereby resulting in danger to the lives and saw tg of the inhabitants of` tIze City of St. Paul, and EREAS, the funds appropriat ect for snow and ice removal during b a Year 1935 have been e:x�a-rzst ed and there are no funds avaiia7#==v- a to properly clean the streets and other public property so as - =wwc=m� relieve the condition aforesaid, and - = T EREAS, the Federal Smergeacg Relief Administration has agreed —moo Furnish men and trucks -E'resrm the relief rolls to assist the ir3 their effort to remove time snow and ice from the streets and other public property_. but not for the use of snow Plows vFork in conjunction with said relief forces, and EEiEAS, the federal assistance: for snow and ice removal could t b e taken advantage of uT Z e s s augmented with city funds for si.- 1L:=w- ion of labor and trucics furnished to us by the Federate Emergency Relief Administration and for the use of snow plows urc%;ase of snow shovels, ice picks and other necessary tool sXsrefore, be it jE:r--BOL=TED, That the Mayor axed Comptroller be and they are hereby utYzorized and directed to b©rrow the sum of Ten Thousand Dollar z� ( 4�1O , 000) for the immediate seeds to remove the snow and i c ea-- ix3- connection with the fu mc3 s allowed by the Federal Emergez=- g Relief Administration for this and dem- ver to the party or parties xnak:Lng those, and to execute note pa able to such party g the loan promissory p ty or parties bearing interest at the rate a rsot exceeding five per teat ger annum, said note to be payabZ a one year from the date of egecntion thereof, and be it AESOLYED FURTHER, That the :Cx2-m+c3s so borrowed be credited to the emergency Snow and Ice Removal Fund, Code 13 L. of the Departs x3 t or Public Works, all o-' s aid funds to be expended only :f'—tie purpose of removal of snow and ice from streets and publi c drop erty . COUNC= MIEN Yeas ` Nays Adopted by the CouncilFEB._:--l-19aS -------- 193-__-_- Pear -ca ----------- __1__---- In favor , Rosea Trus. ---------- ------Against Wenza� 63t 6-34 Approved--:---------- a - -----------193-- --- / 6/ M yor 'PUBL1S.RED ORIOIMAL TO CITY CLERK �; TY OF ST. PAUL FrLENG1L 1�0 — 99799 99 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK e COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PMSENME DATE jan1�3-v _ts—T l L�2C RESOLVED That 2iceases Por which applications have been made by the fo-j_-j_o wing named persons for the addresses indicated be and they are hereby granted stat Jae City Clerk is i3nu3-b=jzcted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the c ---q treasury of the recfu: red fees: Polish American Club 1003 Arcade St. Dance Hall A Q p� Z 6 renewal Deutsches Haus 444 Rice St_ n n 1! 2648 if Yeas / Nays Sa ce /YL i �rson Lprusen —_In favor /l//ax //X7arren Against �IX enzel /Mr. President (C7ehan) 5M 6.34 C. F. -No 99799-33Y H. F_ Warre3a Pled M. Truax,—_T_ C. Pearce` i Resolved, .That licenses Por t applicatlons. have been rrx .la by fullowMr named persons Yor -t13L aC3.= dresses indicated be end they are ze-rte_ byY granted and the --City. C1e 1t -i7s �e tructed to issue nbix 1lcezases aM_oa the 'payment -1nt0, the City tr0s.`R -.7, pg the r"' red fees: - ` Polish Amorican CIub:- -1063- SL;. 7)ance-Holl, A➢P3. 1425, Reaewa_Z— Deutsches Hans, 444 Rica St.. ce Hall, Appl. 1648, Renewal- • Adopted by the Coul.11 Approved Feb. 1. 1935. - Mob- 9-1935) .. Adopted by the Councils' Rrl93_ Approved J 193_ Mayor ` ORIO�NAL TO CITY CL�K _�� $ I COUNCIL TY OF S'T`_ PAUL rta.e . NO. OFFICE OF TH)E CITY CLERK -� �01.,JNCIL GENERAL FORM PRESENTED —Mal, y COMMi551101�12 _._. \CTCV .. �,. DATE February 1, 1935 RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurants app—=cation 1619, On Sale Malt Beverage applicat:!-c>=L 3620, and Off Sale Malt Bevei-a.g4s� -1 cation 1621, applied for by Fred Baas at 693 St. be and the same are bes-aby granted and the City Clerk is i3astrtactac3 to issues = c7n 13censes upon the payment into city treasury of the required foes. COL71-z LL -MEN Yeas Nays P rce rso rl f _In favor -T-x arrerl _Against /�X7e razel Mr_ Presidezzt (Gehan) 5M 6-34 C_ _ No_ �998o8-337 11. II- Warreu-1 �rec2 Di_ Truax—I.c. Pearce- - i-casolved, That licensee- for Restau- ++t.� application 1819h On Sale Mn1t He araga. application-1620.sad Ott: Saye m6w--. 2� Beverage.' :application 1821. ap- n7SecZ Yor bp. Fred Bans at —Da. -be and .the- C are hereby and the.: City- 1cens is OU. str-acred to -issue such licensee .upon tae ��a9ment into the city treasury oY t3�e cizaiTBd Seea. get opted b9 the ZOO, l Fab. 1. 1996. Approved Feb. 1. 1996. 9-1936)- ' Adopted by the Council FEB -1 19g-5 193 FES — is 193 Mayor --OPIOINAL TO ClT1l CLERK CITY OF ST_ )PAUL c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f, COUNCIL., RESOLUTION G>cNERAL FORM PRESENTED 31E commiss"C"�& M GOU-CIL NO. -99801- DATE February 1, 1935 CO L3 -=� ZLMFEN Yeas RtMMFAS, John Talty has made 1730 for licenses to operate automobile z=-- a s private liveries Upon the streets o£ the City of St. Paul, as follows Make Motor No. Serial No. ?escarp ►• ce Company Policy No. License No. Studebaker 10844 6016258 L1oy43s of Mp3-s H-25976 5-10-35 1 Buick P7296 6024178 =' Ts tc H-25976 " 2 Studeba.7_er 2246843 2167672 •' ** „ H-25976 " _-FrFaS, John Talty, has in accorc3aaca with Ordinance No. 7321 filed a copy o_0' r:;=-casace policy with the City Oi' St - T-au2, and said policy has been approved as to fog by the Corporation Counsel; be it R�'SOLVEI), that licenses be and they are hereby granted to John Talty to oper8.— automobiles as private livere s �-T:>oa the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject -t7--Q tom+° provisions of said ordiaance, mem the payment into the city treasury of the regi �-ec3 fee. Warr - v. Fear= +1tv has. made-nVpl: ; - `- - to ;overate "11W.Aes vor' ... of 9t. Pau. r ' . Not' 10844. �C. i CO L3 -=� ZLMFEN Yeas Nays ersozz / n' __In favor -� ZZBX arrezz _Against ���eri Zael /Mr. Presic3arzt <Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council FEB - 1 S&S 193— n •-r Approved � ' v 193— Mayor oroo�r�wL ro mrr CL,iRK -�UNCIL 99802 CITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B DATE Febrila37 1, 1935 . WMMMAS, M_ Burnett has made application 1806 for license to operate ss s tA� cab upon the streets of the City of St_ Paul, . Packard automobile, Motor No- 252769, Serial No. 252488, covered by Great American Indemnity Policy No. 578885, expiring May 24, 1955, License No. 54; and W.FnnIMASE M. Burnett, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7321, bas filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RFCSOLVMD, that license be and it is hereby granted to M. Burnett to operate saki automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordlnaaca, and the Dpyment into the city treasury of the required rae- Blue & Wlizte Renewal COLJIiLM EN Yeas �Nay/s Lpserl In favor /I;uax ///fffWWW rren Against JClG7enzel j'Mr. President (Geizarl) • SM 6.34 ' ar Warre¢ Wborea .2M- Bur et .Pearce de J i-tto.ae. W TL Burdett' - hae made ap- lplicatton_-3808 for,�l3canse_to_oy�r'to aE yarairg..maY, z YaD: cense No.^54` and t herdina ce We.,7 t2,. -.1n' fil6 da ' with Ordinaac',,e 73x1 -tbL t0d o of insurance' poiicp-with -the-City of Paul, and -dd poiicy: has beBa apyro as to form -by r3he<corporation-Gann 'therefor%Z' h. 33eeolyed, :that license -be- "and -11 horeby granted te, .M:` Burgett to of ata. sald,antomobile'as-a taatcabu Tury oi'.rna:r Xq e- r".doyted by the Council' Peb: 1, Im. Approved 'Peb. 1, 1935. --.(Fab. 9-1935) Adopted by the Council FEB 1935193- 1 ,F- a Approved / —193_ • ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK -- ,,,�, // V COUNCIL 9803 Y OF ST. PAUL Fn i NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a. COUNCIL 1 SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tic-!' PRESENTED BYE DATE Febragry 1, 1935 COMMISSIONER T—,�--- Ve k7l Rz Ft FA 03 E. A. Rozier (Blue & White) has made application 1729 for licenses to operate s s taxicabs -upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, the following desesibed sutomobi�es c Make MC tox- serial No. Insurance Company Policy No. expiration License No. Buick 2.*zt102177 2592605 Great American Indem. 626926 1-26-36 52 Buick 2297D6? 2164541 n " ° 5188> 5 5-24-35 53 Busick 2658466 2525910 " ^ " 578969 11-29-35 54 1Tsr F n 4 F. A. Rozier, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7321, has filed copies C --o r nce palkcies with the City of St. Paul, and said policies have been approved as 1--C> by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RF�SOL�TEI3� that licenses to operate said aubomobiles upon the streets ID. of the City of Sh _ 3 -a -c21. be and the same are hereby granted to E. A. Rozier, subject to the px-ovisloas of sacci ordinance, and the payment into the city treasury of the required fee iC. F. x., 96A02 -13r H: E. Warrnn_] COU ILMEN Yeas Nays � Pearce �/ ersozi seri _In favor "Truax t� ��CTarrerz Against /Wen=eI /Mr_ Presiderir CC.eliaX>L 0 5tr 6-34 Adopted by the Council FF$ - 1193§7'9' - FEB 193§,193FEB -1 Approved 193 — Mayor ORIGINAL ro cin cuR�(y ,�� S � ' COUNCIL— `w/�..-/v� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �G4C>l.7NCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL 'FORM. COMMISSIONED\ i DATE February 1, 1955 Ft E6 c WEIREAS, Lanretta Gottwald (Blue & Mdte) has made application 1810 for license to opax-ate ae a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, Nash automobile, Motor .. Mo . 404524, Serial No. 521024, covered by Great American Indemnity Co. Policy Na,_ 578956, expiring Sept. 29, 1955, License No. 198; and WHt RE Sp Laaretta Gottwald, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7321, has filed copy of imommm—ce policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to £orm by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVEDp tn$t License to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City o£ St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to the said Laurette. Gottwalci, subject to the provisions of said ordinance, and the payment into the city treasury of the' required fee. CCILMEN Yeas Nays ZZce / //Peterson Z Eisen In, favor 7r—ax /Warren ` /Wenzel Against /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6-34 Adopted by the Council FFR -I 1935-19a FEB -1 WE) Approved 193 Com_ J✓ - C� � r Og101MAL TO G.TT GL=.t - �lS 5 .ITY OF ST_ PAUL FIOLUF" L NO-97«`JJI OFFICE OF THIS CITY CLERK i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED SY / " 411— f COMM I StXz<>"ER 10!+ /'�� - DATE February 1, 1935 RE AREAS, L. J. Golden, (B3-sse Sa Wbi-te) has made application 1796 for licaase to operate as a taxicab upon tYte streets of the City ihf St. Paul, Packard anto�obf e, Motor No. 172368, Seriel No_ 372028, covered by American Indemnity Po1icZ?- 15To 578891, expiring May 24, 1935, 3iaense No. 65; and TEAS, L. J. Golden, im with Ordinance No. 7321, has filed copy of insurance policy w:Lth tie City of St. Paul, and said policy has beam approved as to form by the Coroorat3Loa Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile upon the streets of t 33E Ci -by of St. Paul as a taxicab be i= -i=d the same is hereby granted to L. J. Go1Q� n szzb j ect to the provisions of saki ordinance, and the payment into the city' tram s csy of the required fee. i C. F: No 9380&-B9 H. E Warren Fred Dr. Truaz—I C. Pearce— `g Whereos 7.. J Golden (Blue 8.. jWhlte),hea made appIicstfon 1498 Yor-j _ _. - IfeCIlHe EO UpeYa�e 89 4-taRlC�ab, Qa01 COl_71�7C 1 LM EN Yeas L� Nays /Y�arce P ersori sezz In favor ax arrea 'Against erizel /Mr- Presiderit (Gehan) 5M 6.34 treasury of the repulredfee. Adopted b, the' Covacll Feb. L 1935. Ayproved Feb. 3, 1935. (Feb. 9-1335) Adopted by the Council FEB _– 1 19:y 193 Approved FEB –'1 193F —193 Mayor ew�swwt ro c�ry casRc .. -, t' / I i ��{Vi�/ CITY OF �(ST_ QAL7L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RFcS- OLUTIOTV—G1=n1ERAL FORM PRESENTED *a,%-- DATE COMMISSIONER couNCIL V,LK NO. RESOLVE1and Restaurant Twat Oa Sale Melt Beverage v Off Sale Malt Beveragev licenses e8 mor by Lao Fleischman at 57M F�r1 Street be and the same are hereby tent into granted sad -t,1--amity Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon a P4Ym the city tree sax -y oP the required fees. C. F. -No: Sma-89 8. E. Warren Fred 'M• 'hum,: I. C. PearclC Bever- Resolved. Tru .On sale Ma and Restaurant llo� S 1 ,Caz 1i88 for b9 Leo Fleisebmsa a. ba- and the eamele �n9 ru A to Is ue and the CRY Clerk -s went lntd the such Iles.... Upon4ba the T04utTed Sees. pity treeenry :the dopted'b9 Council ;Feb. 1, 1986.' -: AA Approved Feb. 1. 1936, 94956) COt3 ILM EN �% Yeas Nays �I,/ �P�a��rca / Perso ra . sen — favor �Tsivax �arre r>L Against / �7ezzzel /Mr_ Presiderzt <Geilan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council EEB - 1 "'5193— Approved i EP 193—. Mayor ORf Qil.�KL TC�CIrr CLRRK 1� .- GI OR ST. PAUL i.,- FILE NO. OF THE CITY lrn CO NCI RESOLUTION—GENp'nn t C3�IN F BY /`- /V� a �� ra•rope.r GQ--- 3�Ii MISS{OVER - DATE February 1, 1935 F2= SOLVED That licenses Por vv3mL3_ch applications have been made by the following as s++ed persons for the addresses -+ T+e23cated -be and they are hereby granted and the c—ty clerk is instructed to lssv_e _-s--ch licenses upon the payment into the city 1--=3---assury of the required feesa S _ Miller 686 Selby Av. Confectioner$ Appl. 0175 Renewal 3:-'- W. Ramaley 207a_ St . Clair ^ " 1417 " SA' aby Bros. 8003 TTnzversity ^ " 1399 " S clzzmeman & Mannheimers 405 -Wabasba ^ " 1575 " -VWamens Work Exchange 378 St . Peter St. " " •-1552 " mood Chocolate Shop 4 W_ -CS-t,12St. " " 1551 " F. Sorenson. 811_ S _ Smith Butcher " 1008 " -VV_ P. Spangenberg 688 Selby Av. ^ " 1018 " Strobel Bros. 104 tltsceola Av. ^ ^ 0709 It ■* TO T' n " Grocery " 0710 " -A- _ F. Sorenson, 8l_Z S Smith " " 0216 " s - C. & Katherine Boyce 1.948 _&.blend Av. " " 1061 " I3AE_-ep Rock Oil Co. 2701_1=30 28th Av. S. Mpls Baal Dealer (delinq) " 1660 New Fuel Dealer " 1651 Renewal Spencer Allen Fuel Co. 98 l;- HennepinApls ^ " " 1702 " _A�-f_1as Gas & 011 Co. E '7 -t --h €e White Bear Gas. Sta. 3 pumps " 1658 " COUNCILMEN Yea Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen --In favor Truax Warren Against Wenzel President (Gehan) Adopted by the Council _193— Approved _193 Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � ce son l' sen —Izz favor 7uax rren ——1`_Agairsst i �' enzel Gtr. President (Gehan) 5 7K /6.34 Adopted by the 193- 193— lJ ■ L/ V 01 �G1tVAL �: CITY GL6RKF�L'E CITY OF ST. PAUL OF �IG� OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL_ION—GENERAL FORM DATE pMTIE SSIEONER 3� 21ES4=)LVED —2— 1snc1 Av. Gas Sta 4 pUnps 1060 �Asry App1 3360 Renewal "4F7 — E. Otto u 0938 n T l3= l 3 ips Petroleum Co. 60 S — � ��e� �d n n $ ^ Gs3apowder Dealer Farwell Ozmun Kirk &" Co. 265 �� c�soa St. Glnpowder dealer TT 1677 " 2360 �a�versity Av. Restaurant 0 1083 ^ ALce Box Lunch Wick Chiomes 3� � 7_th St. ^ n 1625 ^ gogl & Rapp 375 B�3TiT+ a sots " 161.4 a P C. McMahon 455 St � teeter St. . " TT 1598 a Arthnr J. Mix 391 Axff �*x a rota St. 1574 n Schuaeman & Mannheimers 409 �$sslas St. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � ce son l' sen —Izz favor 7uax rren ——1`_Agairsst i �' enzel Gtr. President (Gehan) 5 7K /6.34 Adopted by the 193- 193— ORIOIN�Li�O�C QTY CL>CRC 19 PRESENTED SY COMM PC>H—F2 F10LUZ L NO. (( r ST_ PAUL TH1E CITY CLERK TIOTI —GENERAL FORM for which agpZ:Lcations DATE February 1, 1934 named p8x-se3=3Ls at the addresses Ind a as ame nrP hereby grante-dgnd-_the City C1er-]� s ed to issue such -1 c 3es -upon the payment into the city treasury o fees: Geo. T_ Boas 24 W. 9th St- Barber Appl 1147 Renewal A. C- 927 Stryker Aa. n " 1095 ^ Christ 149 W. 9th. Sty " " 1657 " Theo. S_ 205 Pittsbux-gia Bldg. " a 1533 " Harry Haa sow 2052 St _ C- " 1492 n David F`. $ear 3a 258 S. " 1212 " D. Lopes 546 Payne Av " a 1608 " Peter M:Lt¢3=3L4a0'� 57 W. Sz-a St " " 1396 " Charles M- e3zer 371 W. 7th St " " 1665 " Roth Sate- C --o 5th & St. Peter Sts. " " 1258 " Albin Sj oba c 45 S. C3-eve-s?+c3 " " 1449 " COU2�IC�ZMEN Yeas Nays =s o n az In favor �uax arr�rz Against '��VerazaZ `Mr. Presiderit -OCehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council FEB s 11935 _193 FEB -11 Approved 193 % Mayor rLJgLISHED�-® �_�r - - - /' . ^^ /. `--�` ''^��� /^-^' - ^ �` / O q�O1NAL TO CITY CLi RK 99808 l�(��] council_ 99 •<J+8 ST. PAUL "11 NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE- .?i nary 31 1935 RESOLVED That 3i4 --ease for Barber applied for by Louis Rosen at 684 Selby Avenue be and it is hereby graLm tec3 srnd the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment Into tae city treasury of the required fee. x. COUNCILME Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson —/- _Irl favor. T x/ /Warren • Againstd tv,_- Mr. President- Q6ekntr) 5PA':6134 - r" Adopted by the Council 193_ 193_ fig Y-,�,✓,- - _ !� . CV) 7�e I _, / /�/r` f t.._� e .��c �a �/ r Adopted by the Council Adopted by the Council ----.__.193._ - Yeas. Nays. Yeas. Nays. /PE.4RCE ZP.Ra /�ERSON PETERSON //OSEN "R`OSEN 1/UAX RUAX ,�ARREN ,(� // ✓% -� / VyARREN Z/ ENZEL ` /WENZEL / R. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) /MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) r TO THE HONORABLE, THE COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA: Gentlemen: The undersigned, residents and property owners In the vicinity of Selby Avenue and at, Albans Street, ree- peetfully petition your Honorable Body to grant the appli- oation of Louis Rosen to operate a barber shop at No, 684 Selby. Avenue. We recommend Mr. Rosen to you as an up -right and honorable gentleman, capable and skilled in his pro- fession, and desire to assure you that we are confident he will operate a sanitary and satisfactory barber shop; that he is a competent and skillful worker at his trade of barber and that he is a reputable and honest citizen. we are un- able to conceive of any reason why he should not be given an opportunity to operate a barber shop in this vicinity. Respectfully Submitted, NIB ADDRESS 135 &Y Ff 72 1wc,•a,,..` I bap`;. U, Y3 74 YA PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ".batract. ". Theundersigned hereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpublic improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Constructing with monolithic concrete the boulevard area} anc3__recon-_-__ --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------•---------•-------------------------------- __�txuctilag�___ ei.-ayjnp____and...r_epairing.__the---tile---in---exist--1---Wa1]i---o---tha--------- south__-side__of___Yorls__St_._--- rom-_-the--ggAt---line__-Q£__Wal h__Ape_._,___t (-g_e___eas_t___. 280 ft all of_ which abuts the John A Johnson_High__School side. _________ -Dated this day of. - - -34 3 10th October, 19 _ �--------- ---- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Constructingwhiz monolithic_._concrete__the_-boulevardarea,-_- And -___e strutting:___rslay_ing__and___repairing___the___t le__- n -_exist rig__w__a1}i~__417__tl-e.______._ south --side_ of__Yorli_-St-'---from.--the...ea'5t-_---- eas-t---- 280_-ft,�_--a11___of--wiich__abuts.-_the---JoY---,----Q11x1�o1_hGs�---omits- ----------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓c�r�3. FEB —1 1935 Adoptedby the Council---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman MAY rrg� McDoNAr.D Approved-------- 9 ------ -= 5 ; "' - - - --- rF PEARCE RosEN T RIIAXWBNZMIU Mayor. Fam C A )D (2M 7-33) ( �/ YlSBL3SiiEY3 � — 9 — 3.5 -I ORIGINAL TO CITY CLeRK ". CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Herr '"ImmSAs, the within named applicant has made application for "On Sales liquor license and has paid the required fee, and furnished the proper bond; and VIEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that such "On sale" liquor license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorised and directed to issue snob license to the within named applicant for the premises described in the respective application; and be it PIIRTHER RESOLVED, that the bond of the respective applicant, in the sum of $3000, which has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is instructed to deposit it in the office of the City Comptroller. A. J. Janssen 427 Wabasha St. COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓ Nays Pearce ✓Peterson Rosen In favor Truax , /"Warren Against Wenzel ✓ ✓ Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the CounciljAN 311935 193--Approved5� �% _193____ Mayor 1-1 COUNCIL Irk lvosli CITY OF ST. PAUL FILEOFFICE OF OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Fir PRESENTEn SY COMMISSIONER , the within named applicant has made application for "On Saler liquor licaav_=� and has paid the required fee. and furnished the proper bond; and the License Committee bas recommended that such "On Sales liquor lie®ass -Xaa granted; therefore, be it 8 �MV D, that the 0ity Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue 8^^3as. 3:2_=e3mee to the within named applicant for the premises described in the respectis+g aXpl1cat1.o3cL; and be it 0 g-r_jg-r9�zs R RWSCC.YSD. that the bond of the respective applicant, in the sum of $3CMacQ� :tsich has b-een approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel. bB aw&=nLtln:e same is hereby approved, and the City -Clerk is instructed to deposit it 3-xa -I_--e oYYica of the City Comptroller. Heasx-y L. greener 1026 W. 7th St. COL3NCZ�MEN Yeas Nays Pearce Petersori �\ Roser: _ --In favor Truax Warrarz —_Against 7 Wenzel Mr. Presid��_c <Gehan) 5M 6.34 IY.. In ;::for On 1 „411 ed t eeAd�.'th shod the DroDer.e p . •;cense C{iw".__... _.__.__ Adopted by the CounJAN 31 1 193— J, 'A'11, o I. 1 ' S —193-- Approved gMayor CoudCM No. FILE O RIOINI�L TO CITY CLeRC _ CITY OF ST_ PA OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DATE— PRESENTEO SlC C`OMMISS,OHSR S � the Within named aPP licsat has made aPpiication for son Sales liquor liGoxMLs� axLa 3me Paid the required fee, and furnished the proper bona: s� the License Committee 3oa.s reco=Mn&ed that such son Sales liquor lice rSe ba granted; therefore* be it �c�yy�, that the City C1er3c be and he is hereby �ihorised and direct ed to issaa s�ic3� tic®use to the within named a pliceut for the premises described in the reacQact�-'w-s acpPlication; and be it d of the respective sgPlicaat, in �e ]MgpLpED, that the bon sum of $34=30�' 'Which hgs been approved as to form and esecntloa by the Corporation Oounsels ae cerci the same is hereby appr0-Va&. and the City Clerk is instructed to deposit 'i'G 3-xa the office of the City Comptroller. y Schaffer, Receiver, 39-41 *• 1�th St. Johnson—Schaffer Drug Co. bo h mea the "t -o n S.1ee has tgrant oe iiaase be dh therefore, be- It Resolved, that the, City Clerk be and and . directed he is hereby avthocl..d to Issue for the. prto tereises de- named applicant scribed in the reeDeetive application: and be - it -- ' Further Resolved. that the bond. of 1a the am oY �� the espective applicant. which �. 1oa by the Corpora on form'and e c11 Counsel; be' and. the same is hereby -sad the City Clerk is in- approved tt is .the office oY . It the City Comptroller:or _ Bon e 39 41 iW r4th 3ca D g Co.. hAt, -Adopted. by the Covncil Jan..31. 1936. Approved an. Sl. 3936. - - �.a193— l CI COL12�T -1-AEN Adopted by the Council—�� Yeas Nays � Pearce r �;� •r ems. / a�u 3-193-- Peterson favor Approve _In .� Roseri _ _ -T-'ruax ✓- �� a�� —��7arret� Against ayor �.7er-zzel ✓ 9 5J �Mr_ President (Gehan) _ pUBLiS�D� 5M 6-34 owlelNw� to c� cLlt s�.c � '� PRESENTED 8Y COMMISStONE'R CITY , OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESC>I_u:IOIV —GENERAL FORM COUNCIL sy O. 9981_3 FILE � � Itrsc f the, within named applicant has made application for eon Sales liqnor saa laa.e paid the required fee, and furnished the proper bond; acrd -r=-PQ=S, Lie License Committee hae recommended that such "On Saler liquor lice-=-- $e be granted; therefore. be it ZERCMSOX.V3.Ds t3nat the City Clerk be and be is hereby authorised and directed to issue Jwr ___ lice,ase to the within named applicant for the premises described in the re ape,¢ -1 -wet app 1 iastion; and be It R BB:S'OMVZD, that the bond of the respective applicant, in the sum of *3£?E70 9 vrhialz bas been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel. ba sad time, same is hereby approved. and the City Clerk is instructed to deposit off ice of the City Comptroller. C, Ta1laicsea 640 Grand Ave. COLS � CILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce / Pederson J -E;— ___2__In favor - ax ._Against Mr. (Gellarl) 1_/ 5M 6.34 uorected �esolved; that. the City�Cleritf),and �,he 1, heeuch lictextacs to athe alwithin named BDDlicarit for , the Dremisea' de- scribed in the respective- applientlon; and be it i Further R...1,.d, that the bond of f the-reeDectlVe nPpitennt, .1n the sum of Jj form and ee cutioneby ttia Corporar. [lon f o ma n be and the same 16 hereby aP- ed to deD ett it lnithe..office lof net therCity Comptroller: C, C. Tnllnksen, 640. Grand .Ave. Adopted by the Coon ctl Jan..31, 1936. AD0, 0V. San. 31. 1936. (Feb.9-1936) Adopted by the Counci sm 193— 1 1 Approved.- —193-- — Mayor 0 40 0 � m ID (D40 Cm c m a3 4140 w P4 m ."moi . o m ra ++ mm ammo ID oV V Cl, ID � Co $3 bad —,d �s m E O04 6e o U St. _ Paul p1innesota January 31,1935.,-,. St. Paul,. Minnesota, GentlSmm R) tho undorsiped, rosidonts and property owners in tho imediato vicinity of 640 Grand Avenue, her6by respectfully protest the renewal of the .on -sale licuor license at the above address. As a matter_of. recorc, _we further voice our protest at this time _ against the future granting of similzr licenses in this block or the - _- _._ immidilat.e. vicijiity NAME ADDRESS OCCUPATION REAL ESTATE TAXES at 0 0 the. immedlatt 40. Pope the ands r4spol O'hot the rnewal of the of �40 Grand Osnuq'f� WOY 1010,00tiolly ft at the abOVO addrOO es _matter of TecoTdo,we further voice, our proted'at this time _1 aggq" j4p4tge 6ranting of siM licenses in this block or the - ilar ------------ 022UP-An.% REAL R-S=2m 0 Form � RXSP - 9 20 IA EXTRA= TD STPAUL NA 1 N!N 31 10fi3A - CITY COUNCIL= STPAUL M I NN= PLEA_ != BE NOTIFIED OF OUR OPPOSITION! TO RENEWAL OF LICENSE FOR THE TALL_ TAVERN= CN LEUTHOLD ANNA LEFEBVRE OWN!ERS OF THREE APARTMENT BUILDINGS -C)N NORTHWEST CORNER DALE A N!D GRAND AVENUE. c Telephone Your Telegsw"zs to h00tal T legraph ORIOIINI.L TO CITY CLARK C. r.-�NO 99$14 fL No.� Whereas th wIthln named appli- CITY OF cant Las mane r-appiicatfan fo on I' rale" Ilquor lice and has paid thr OFFICE OF T r^quired tee, and latnlehed-.the Prov. .nd;: snd COUNCIL RESOLUTION'ea iLn%esuchCon'�t Srapfaa PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Z: c S, the within named applicant has made application for "On Sale" liquor license and ban paid the required fee, and furnished the proper bond; and 1EMBMAS, the License Committee has recommended that each "On Sales liquor license be granted; therefore, be it 1ZSOLV3D, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorised and directed to issue sash license to the within named applicant for the premises ascribed in the x -e spec t ive application; and be it FURTEMR BESOLVBD, that the bond of the respective applicant, in the anm of $3000, which has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation .! Counsel. be and the some is hereby approved, and the �'ity Clerk in instructed to deposit it in the office of the City Comptroller. L. Parrish & 0. Bailey COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen —_In favor,7 _ Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6-34 390 W. 7th St. Adopted by the Council JAN 3110-35193— Approve{ u Mayor i .J13i15E3F� 3 ORt6tNAL TO G[T-T Ct.6RK ^^�^L ����� CITY OF ST. PAUL _ HD - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK% n named faun: Iicatioa anQ .Tins- Ds+" COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERR' r'.rrn7shea ttiF-- a.Lfcensa CoaiTi, '.that rnu 1lIB�YaRA�Q, the within named applicant has made appticatioa Por eon Sale," liquor 2 i<-- aria and has paid the required fee. and furnished the, prcpar bond; and IMBnM&S. the License Committee has recommended that faac?s "On Salaf° liquor 23cs3mse ba granted; therefore. be it 33ZSOLP1D, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and dire,cted to issue license to the within named applicant for the pxreaiis6s described in the reaps— t3.we applicatlon; and be it 3MMTlEER MRSOLVED. that the bond of the respective appjL:L= +t, in the, sum of $Tj�7d0, which has been approved as to form and ezecutioa by the aarporation Counsels -3==-s and the, same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is iastrnctad to deposit in the office of the City Comptroller, ?rad W. Priebe 959 Arca lm St. COLS �74--I1-ME11J Yeas Nays P rce Peserson Rosen __In favor Tr -4--Xax arrcn .Against -'Qwco�erazel Mr_ Prasadcnt (Gehan) 5M 6-34 Adopted by the Gouricil AA1 3v _ _ 193 _ Approved _ 5c� 193_ Mayor Pi31ii->;�D B RtOtNAI. TO GtTY CLCRK _ Q - O. a � CITY OF ST_ PAULtln named anPll- aDDld..tloa for On OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE=urnlnBh theaid t . COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENEFtAF"' License Committee_;- at Buch. 'On -anted•'theref- RRESENTEC I31r ham,. ::h. City C.1{% - COMMISSION_ER WF ZRw, . the within named applicant has made application for nOn Salete liquor 13aBasa and has paid the required Yeas and furnished the proper bond; dad WBWBF:AS s the License Committee baa recommended that such "On Sale" liquor license ba Granted; therefore, be it BMSOLY3Ds that the City Clerk be and be is hereby authorized and directed to issue stacb license to the within named applicant for the premises described is the respective application; and be it FII8THE8 3=SOLQED, that the bond car the respective applicants 1n this *am or $3000, which has been approved as to Yarm and execution by the Corporation Counsels be: and tha same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is instructed to deposit it is the orrice of the City Comptroller. Carl C- Gorkin 185 S. 7th St. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor Truax Warreri --- _ Against Wenzel Mr. Presidcrlt (Gehan) 5M 6-34 Adopted by the Council JAN 21 jQ?1;Z 193 Approved 7� Gam' Mayor ORI6.M ALL tp GITY CLSRIC COUNCIL - _ Y OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OP THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL E.:S-O-LlU'T-IO^N—GENERAL FORM, COM M =�,O - DATE I' ebru ry 5, 1955 ^ *""fes -(— WB$RICAS, Roberta Sbopnitz desires to withdraw application 1609 for Tmind app33 cation 1610 for Dance Ha11 licenses at 779 Selby Avenue; therefore, b e :2E--*-- RESOLVED,, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby ant zed to x-eflund to Roberta Shom-I tz the fees Bf $200.00 and $15.00 and to cancel said -X l aaLtione for Zicenses. —OU CILMEN Yeas Nays / �earce Peterson _In favor �ax //�/ _�Warrert —.L—Against // ze C3 C.ed 11f.`Trua .-I ><. 1• C. Pe Whereas, Roperta.ahobnla[z Warren,deatree to �" withdraw-¢Dbltcatlon -' } Ilcena DDttcatlon 1610 pars for Tavera j Ibo It as at TT9 gal Daace Rall bYAvenue; therefore,. e ee bo�al+dtthe the-Drouer ettY.o211- yeasfzed to $200.0 Land Berta .b Dnits the of el Bald aDDlicationa 16.00 aa8- to can- ADotoed bF t efiCouno lllFeb86, 1936. D ved 1936. Adopted by the Council FEB — 5 19SV193_ FEB — 5 1e Approved _193_ Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnsaota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration February 1st, 1935• Hon_ H_ E. Warrens Coors r of Public Safety, Bn.i 1 cling . Dear Sir: The City Council referred back to you the attached letter of C_ R. Leonard relative to the appli- catlons of Roberta Shopnitz for various licenses at 779 Selby Aveaae and reouested that -you provide the various reports in connection with these applications. Yours very truly, a Ci ty Clerk. DEPART?WT OF F" L I C a y CITY OF SAINT PAl✓� v ^—=vary 29, 1935 rT= — — =. ?:'arren, C onner of Public Safety, License Committee —rte Roberta Shopnitz has made appl:L m oa for On and Off Sald average and Restaurant licenses Z -779 Selby Avenue, s3 a -- the "Moonlight Tavern" ands=_atedr, on the northeast of Avon and Selby Avenue. --rzs letter is written requestir.�s —e Council to consider informal approval. =pis application was first made 9- o anclude a Tavern License, tavern application has been gr= -Z-- <5 -i -awn. Very t ru1;y- earl _a�onard License = x3 Spector 6 S if constructing we, from`Falr• 250 ft.oast o.'' Prellmhary '22;�!;!; '1894, haVlr arovelr COUNCIL FILE NO....................... By--------- -------------- - ------------- In the Matter of ---- ..aonatmeting--a-_aerrer_-on-Roblyn-lAe.__frotu_Fairei-ew-k¢ao-_to_&-point 250--ft._eaat_-of-_Faim- ew-Ace.,---------------------- ----------- -------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------- --------------------------------------------------- - ----- --------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ - - ------------------------------------- ---------------- I --------------------------- ---------------------- under Preliminary Order ......... g !� .......................approved .Nov, 22,--19 4" Intermediary Order----------------------------------------------------approved..................... -.......................................... -. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that proNment to be made k the said City is--1\4=t=C-t--a-4awer-_ p _Rohlva_ Age.-_Eairua� t_ be and the same are hereby cnrc-114 annulled, and ra indcd 40-_- —----------------------------------------- ----- --------- --- �-bf►fd-alat�3o-d`�eeo:���r,,;r.�fi a the Council hereb orders said improve nt to be made. ESOLVED FURT R, That the Commis. er of Public Works be and I ereby instru ed and direct to prepare plans a specifications for sai provement, and submit sam the Coun ' for approva that upon said appro 1, the proper city officia are hereby authorized and irected to p teed with making of said im vement in accordance t rewith. Adopted by the Council _--__-FEB-----6_J---------- 192--_---_-. �ifi�r .C,lerlc, Approved-----------------1_rs-se__f�, 192----- 4 ��-------------------- �: - — Peirce Mayor. Counciltnan Clancy Councilman" "Ferguson Councilman"'McDonald k Truax Councilman WiMogan Warren I i Councilman" heime - Via'rf nzel Gehan Mayor gson h.rm 13. S. A. 8-7 J .j PNONL� GEDAf� 2400 TNOMAt JLIIER.ON MCD[RMOTT Ev=_ C?ALE 0300 GO.... _ MCDERMO'�1` REALTY CO. 714-15 NEW YORK Si7ILDINC3 INSURANCE O 1FF'7CE RS. I ST. PAUh MSNiV. REAL ESTATE r.aowws s_ MOTT - rRESEOENT "NO CONTRACTS G T_ MCOER MOTT MORTGAGE LOANS TR EASAJRER GEORGE T_ Mc0£R MOTTCOMMERCML PAPER sAccRrri.,:v .Tan-La8ry 28, 1935 EU[LDWG-TRUCTION/l J t To the Mayor and Common Counc i 1 of the city of St.Paul. Court House, S t .Paul , Minnesota. Gentlemen: RE: Preliminary Order 09347, construction of sewer ori Roblyn, from Fairview 250 feet _east Your notice of the 25th inst. received and in answer beg to say that we c>wxx the property on the north side of Roblyn,(describeci a.s 131ock 4, Lovering Park), which property runs a distarsce of 171.90 feet east from Fairview. This is the eriti.re distance of the proposed sewer construction, less '78 feet. Our property faces on Fairview and we put in as improvement there in the form of a double store buileli.rig upon which we have been paying taxes in the sum of approximately $160 per annum, although the property is vacant a great deal of the time and the rentals necessarily very low under present conditions. This proposed sewer would run into the Milwaukee Railroad right -of -wap and i s'absolutely of no benefit to our property whatever and no benefit to any property except one or two houses on the south side of the street facing the railroad track, and tlIiesa houses were constructed some time since with full Icrso®ledge of conditions. We feel as thougla making this improvement at the present time under preser3t depressing conditions amounts to almost confiscation of the property, and would be an unjust burden to ask prope rty owners to bear. We therefore respect.Pully but earnestly urge that this petition for improvement be disallowed, or deferred to some later date Respectfully yours,. McDERMOTT REALTY C PANY ,rjm: m By mss 11HcDermott Attorney ,�� ,�`/ P%�cG � _%ice �-�-- -� -� �'��?,� CITY OF ST- PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE-:L1M-;,3V4kRY ORDER (0) ' In the matter of—aastruating a sewer on Roblyn Ave- From Fairview Ave. to a.,point 250 ft. east of Fairview lava under Preliminary Order approved November 22, • 19-34 To the Council of rye City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total ester mated arnootunt of the assessment for the above improvement is - $-700-00 The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is - - - $ 2.98 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: O>ES G EZ I PTI OIV LOT BLocK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building 4 Lovering Park 900 3600 1 5 cio 300 2 5 do 300 2450 3 5 do 325 3600 4 5 do 325 1200 N. 50 f' of 5, 6, 7, and 8 5 clo 800 5800 A strip ZOO Pt, in width being 48000 50 haat oma either side of center lino over grad across the south of S ac - 33, T. 29, R. 23 $50,950 $16,650 Tlxe Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in refereaee zo sa;d matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. m Da-a=ems 4� _ �. Cl)191 5 9/k= � k Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A- 6-5 D - ' Paul, Minn._ ------------ ------------ 193_ -/ ` To The 3oaorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Geatlezaca = We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: --T �-G•------------------=- `--------------------------------------------- - ------------- - C/ -Se- Ave. mac,------------------- Ave_ to__ '------- - ---- from--¢---�---------�-t---------------- - -------------- 0 M/ LTO" R40SEN FRED E- LOVELL Corrirrii ssior.er oeputy Cornrtt- ` + CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GEORGE M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer - JOI-1 M_ 1F;,-EARDON, Asst Chief Engr. and Supt. of Construcrio - L EDWARD 4GO-rTL-1EB, Supt- of Sonitction G_ H_ HERROLD, Office and City Planning Engineer - M. S. GRY-rT AIG, Bridge Engineer MARK W. WOODRUFF, Chief Engr. Clerk I1 ec - 14, 1934 RAY J. KARTAK, Supt- of Workhouse Hon. Milton Rosexx, Commissioner of Public Wor&s. Dear Sir: I trazasxn:Lt herewith preliminary estimat e of cost for the construction of a sewer on Roblyn Avexaue from Fairview -i;o a point 250 feet edst o:C Fa:Lrvzew Avenue, under Prellxn-2 x ary Order C. F. 99347, approved Nov. 22, 1934 - Estimated Cost $700-00 Cost per front foot 2-98 Engiris<er3r�g & Inspection 70-00 FX.orn-t--age 235 ft - Yours truly, 1 ORG SHEPARID, hief Engineer - Approv for trarJ-s ssion to a sioxa. of Finance. MILTON RO S ET Comma s s:j.ox3E:r `CISce of the Commissioner of Public er NANCE, ... 1 �•;a 9' y D 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC 271934 Dec _._ 26,.. 1434 ...................193. -..---- To the Go =r=icx missioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: T_a Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Councils �-�---_---approved.- ..._Nov. 22,_ 19 .._, relative to own as Council File No.99.34 _-- - .. 34. --193.._ the c c=- t for the construction of a sewer on Roblyn Avenue from - - - - - - - --........._._-------------------------- ------------- - . ----- - ------------------------- -------- .------------- Fa�ry �w Avenue to a point 250 feet east of Fairview Avenue - - -- - - - - - - ....... --- ---- - ._.._._ . - ...... ....... ....._......._-._- - - ----------- and investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1 _ Said improvement is- .-..........._.._-necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $2.98 he estimated cost thereof is $------ -- %00.00 I and the total cost thereof is S ...................... 2 _ ------- ..... ` i gineering $70.00 Frontage 235 ft. and the r= mature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........ ___.............. ----------- ___....................... ............ 3 _ A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. �—------ - - - --------------------------------------- ----------...----------__--------------------------------------------------------- Said improvement is.__.._ ---------------------- asked for upon petition of three o4moren operty, subject t.Q-�cessment for said improvement. - ---------------------------- ---Commorks. 00 CITY OFT ST_ PAU1y I' c' Ile - is meeting o[ F' jw= is AQvlaorY Ir Court House OFFICE OF THE CITY CM 37 ut381ng Commisston - - Yosm of contrast. anal t NCIL RESOLUTION — GE%Biiiig of1n�a n g tst - �y/ *Jlg3 WHEREA89 at its meeting oY irebruary 4th, 19359 the /Ldvisory Court House and Ci%y Ha.11 Building Commission approved the form of contract and bonds for the following contracts relating to the remodeling of Lincoln Hall in tt3e Auditorium, namely: L. H. $atilt,_ Americas Bonding Company of Baltimore, General contract Harxts Bros. Inland Bonding Company, Plumbing cozltract General Electric Sapplg Cotporation, National Surety' Corporation, Electric contract, tlaereYore be it RESOLVED, thatthe Council concurs in and approves the action of the Advisory Con mission. 998��Iklw Adopted by the Council FEB ' 5 �9 193 Approved193 Mayor CaUN.CILMEN Yeas !Nays rce LP J Peterson In favor dV�Tarren------Against SM -� �i - � _ i ; O S FEF 998��Iklw Adopted by the Council FEB ' 5 �9 193 Approved193 Mayor T1Lj.7STEE5 PARD POWER. F C. R. HIOEiOW. Vac>c I. w. oece,ra C. C.P. CODO. Dz PE mB FR— CROSBY I. P: PeVLDdO I. E. POA W. . A W. cez�cs ) I. A. uoHSE[Ax W L MCICxIGf3T E. a.DEER PAUU L 8C SZEOO WALTER SEEGEH C. L BO*+*eP C. P. HERHER'C, Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research Athletic Club Building Cedar 4210 February 4, 3.90-15- 'Eeo the City Council, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Essatles►en: The S -In. Pool 2.— of unne- pl Rs.u.eh L oegnlred- 1—To :he welfare of aSK.k— slvr Ru�Mi�as the nm aoPQnmenc. 2—To mepecau with paablic o6.dala 1.li—ring wase whercve.r 3—To.ecve a.. non-pollefal ��i vinz �tt� to h�rnm`�`d At its meetixg today the lazy Court House and City Hall Building Commission approvoa as to form the follow- izwg contracts: John Sandqui at, for rwpaix-i ap= the eldewalks and cove; L. H. Sault, the general coatracL = Hsrris Bros., the plsmbing contract; and the General L14ft3c��tr3c Supply Corpora- tion, the electric contract, for remods= 13-i3g Lincoln Hall in the Auditorium. The surety on the bond oY eas<eE1=L contract was also sFsproved and were respectively me :Co 210:mw z CPH: SH John Sandqui st - Inland Company L. H. Sault - Ame ri cam=* Bo -=L ; ng Company of Harris Bros. - Company. General Electric Simply Cors _ — National Sure- ty Corporation. Ye T$ Lrnly yours, S gcretary, Advisory CovrL $ota.se and City Hall Building Commission. ORINaL TO O�TY CL'�.RlC COU IONCIL CITY OF ST- PAUL FILE No. OFFICE OF THE GiTY CLERK r __0OttNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM vffMKFREAS, at its meeting oP F='e'bruary 4tn, 1936s, the Advisory Court House aacl City hall Building Commission approved the form of CO—Z=act and the bond of John Sundquist, covering repel= of sidewalks and oove at -the new City Ball and C:razLrt House Building, whioh bond is written by the Inla=id Bonding Company, therefore The it 3E;LMSOLVED, that the Couneil esoncurs in and approves the 4%otlon of the Advisory Commission. +i C, F. No. .99821—BY. 1, C. Pearce- Whereas,'at its meeting of F.IITnary 4th. 1935 the Advisory CourC.Aovee and City Fall 8ulldfnir Commission aD- , Droved theform of. contract and the i _ bond of . John Sandeuiet, covering re - the nn - ,air of o 'Hall Court House LBuilding which bo��pg1tthereforehbe Iit sn� ' Bonding Resolvod'. -that the-.Councileoncure in and e.DDrpveathe-netton of the Ad Visory-Commiseloa. - Adopted by the Council Feb. 6, 1935- Fe i` Approved Feb.b.. 9 6. -1936: ( -1936) COL33__TC1LY`'iEN Yeas / �P rca Nays = erS01Z X __In favor arreri _ _ Against \Y� . r SM ,,,VR. `71_ :1_- Tzz -E S . R 0 S F.ff Adopted by the Council TZB_-5_ 1[]193_— * c.19 __ 5 !05 Approved--193— Mayor pproved 193—Mayor ORS zevAi' TO C�Tr CL<RK. cou NCIL 2 GT IY OF ST. PAUL FINE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY ert�Y Aae1 V. Pat.—Treasurer COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GEr tba 8lnkin P >r� SE1VTEa BY CQ- 3V[M�SSIOIV ER GATE ACAS, the Treasurer of R L=zey County offered to the Sinking Fund Committee s-l� tiia City of St. Paul, the following Bonds: U. S. 4th Liberty Loan 41% Bonds: 1 Bond called 10/15/34 $1,000.00 4 a a 4/15/35 4,oso.00 1 a Unca11 ed 144 ,118. SAS, the Sinking Fund Cossttnittee has recommended the purchase of the above zicls. and the Council is of the opinion that the purdaase is for the best inteaest -- .tea City of Saint Panl; Therefore, be it HESOT 9 that the Mayor, corrmniesiomer of Finance and City Comptroller be and ---f ey a re hereby authorized and directed to accept the offbreof the Treasurer of Hamsey -�uty and consummate the transaction. COL NSILMEN Yea Nays /r/ farce Peterson `• -In favor /L-Ty_�uax Warren -'_Against Adopted by the Council FEB - 5 1935_193__ - FEB -51915 Approved-- ___ __ -193-_ Mayor A meeting of tho Birlift ftnd ComAttes tree bald We dan Presont, Owulseloner Mason and OMtrollor f.Xoerich, Comptroller Goodrich made a motion seconded ty * mmisei=w Poterma and unanboudy amled, *et the folioeind borAs be Herod fm the e q' of Awq 0001 6d to the Owdll 04 is � tl* w 0 wl b1 silo Idiot 203 adlid as of ` fR�PL*QY •ii�i�iwii w�swa'ii��� AaaVsd.lbt(SS-*t'�+�oa $%OGD ,N7 ftta Paid iiiiiiifriw•w♦•wtill�w Qwi•iw••t• an meeting %bwMgroa amoa=04 arr�iwrr�rw�. lo:' iAppfOV$d .,,.,,.w..,..wU0001410 aetnr'e4 Qo,m��o s of ;Mae ORIGINAL TO CiTT GLgRK �'^^ - -- ��,$Y I't8d±4S. '1'tuBJC_ If YCIL -y O. rc (\ ,823 \99 CITY OF ST_ ,n PAUL 'mencto8acias soil _ d OFFICE OF TH>EGpetieyandn reescvla COUNCIL RESOLUTlO N - Such ep.cw -. trai GE' ~ .,,'to repair go'. P- rPRESavee VTEIO SY - COMMISS[Ol�Z )ER CoMM1 AREAS, It is necessary -t-- o have specially trained men to act == �$o1f professionals . at HigY�' x�-r- c Park and Como golf courses re spe c -t-- and, -J HEREAS, Such special trai xaiag requires: (3.)a33ty to repair golf clubs *�*=d advise in their use. (2) i 3 ity to oversee and regulat a time playing upon an assigned c our s 4D (3) 3 ity to advise in connect 3 oxa with the construction and MAjnt sriVMft T=cB of fairways, hazards, asci b-u"1cers. (4) to organize, train, IR c3 direct caddies. (5) to play a 6,300 yard, 38 hole course in 80 or under. ( 6 ) 3_� is 8 ye ars' experience in pro i e s sional golf work and in teae13A_r LfE-,- go3 f. And WHEREAS, Eddie Landeema sad Winton Christensen possess the reqs reel ability and have the regired training and are class "A" prof'e s s = 4c=:j.3= m+M golfers and members oi' t338 Professional Golfers' Association, and t3ze said Eddie Landeen and WI-xltoa Christensen are willing to enter into a ate£ ct with the City o kyS ,$su1 to act as golf professionals at �� -j^� �` 4golf course and g&��co'urse respectively, for the seas oa o 3935, beginning April 1, 19 35 and ending Nov. 30, 1935, on the was is of a consideration of Q;6©0.00 each for said period, plus t338 privilege of retaining race apt s for teaching and the sale and of golf clubs, and 49HEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Builc2i —S 3meLs recommended that a coatract be entered into with the said Eddie and Winton Christens6a upon the aforesaid basis, excepting only tSt the said contract may be c gaL-j= celed by the Commissioner of Parks, playgr�zz3cmLc-: d Sc Public Buildings at Amy time upon twenty -fours' written not ica- a t o tine respective golf professionals, of the Pact that he so cance3 s t=3:x6 contract; therefore ba at RESOLVED, That the Count -22 3 concurs in the reeommendation of tide <:� ommisotoner of Parks, and Public Buildings, and COLS �ICZLMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council _-193—_ Peterson -� Ros.�ri ��ar-ren PrF—��dent (Gehan) SM &34 _ __In favor 93 Mayor 011101N1�L TO C�T�� GLt RK ��(��' CITY OF ST. PAUL ��L��=GIL No. c7gB ..OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEIQ SY ,GOMMt55[O � �. �IF2. DATE the ---_<>x!poration Counsel is hereby authorized to dramse proms -Sr contract therefore, and when drawn the proper qty oi:E'-7 --r--6x�,s are authorized to execute the same on belza:L�:E- th.¢ _1C icy. 5M JA Adopted by the Council --E B - 5 1 193 Approved f B e 193 Mayor �- 4 COLT LMEN Yeas Nays P rce Pe ��rs�ri favor T ax v �T rreri _� Against /_Buhr I��T 5M JA Adopted by the Council --E B - 5 1 193 Approved f B e 193 Mayor �- 4 - Cr ji N N:10O.t0 Moco LO to L M M n�N w: m a�•-t 041 - O d� to O sr L`• L^• Lo W. Lo 113 tD tAIll ' CACI .432- - _-cam • • • v • • r • • • • .. 0 O z $2, m t6 9 Fr �-� - m i—'i - �a L L S L L r L r tim- m.v4-� O =>lj .D ..4 w to .1 � CO m a -r m �xft LLI 4.34 wm -F. OO cm -Q t7- co co ._ '- w •.•t •1Z 0 £3 s? It �-_ - N �-.. c5. d Fcc'e _� m•41 14 rl w @: �.- cU aEiy y.. •4�r-1 AmS'-. ta..m-.O _® �Ea �E.. �.. 4 $.O -. t�. t. arca �U a �� bo CQ 4D Cd co 6 F, w m -r-t-- 4-3 as It. 1 F, 7+ A m 4--a �--� 4-t �..--1 .r-1 •... . r p 1 �. 53 0 c+cs boo L L - r Fina �. � R% �ibop -t � w T5 O LZ2 �+ 4--4t r - m - _ rt F tD - C� O 0 '0 O Fy T-[ r!- o(D0 o m-sem■ �-2 - -i.- r-1 CC� m:+-1- w' -P 4�L �.b WbA A �" � t-." Fim O -:Q• � ?Q. - -_ - - 4C> as-- ' c. -tino Co 10.x.01 S-- m m 4 pm` pm m �CM mm mmciA v mto am0 c -4 P, ea {CD cao 4 to w _ {o m�... tt7 v @ :a ..4 o f N • 'CS m 0 r1 _ m - tb m:. O' m: %_ 4---c �3 - _ >�. �' Fa O 3 • .1 +t p -�� 19� w.:A m'.�`0 . _ t-, m " w m wII ast+.sa«r:o eo .Awa a-4 s PG !If"o46b Fr�, m • O p m ..-1. F" ai "�-. - A he gi- •-;t Cz, nC t�iil _ a • ��rJJ1L"1/:" FORM No. 1 February 2, 1935 A3 a —._ 8r3 cy has arisen in the department of Public Utili-t-- :T -e s 1Btareau of Water rendering necessary the employment: o -E' in employes of that department for more than eight p@x, day in the doing of the following work: Driving Repairing service connections at 730-736 Earl St.' 252 _ Central and 138E 4th St.* Thawing frozen ma in tis S argency arose by reason of the following facts and circ-'t--amces: #Driving BRA men to and from jobs. -r,Lealks in s Bry :2- c S connections. ##At Somerset couldn't finish job in 8-1moixr c5_vEar- _-v- BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS By Cti ed sorra c s Leo and N- 2 C>X=1L sox2 General Supexr3 x --v- -P-- es-1, ent On101NAL TO CtT'! CLSRK nnl�(�c�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILICOUNCIL NO.—;.Z,).�1�:. ■■ OF CE OF THE CITY CLERK CO.UNCILr ESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESEl���)ED SY DATE COMMI 10lV ER L= e RESC> X -vE>D that the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby au-whorized to enter into an agreement with peter Meyers, pro- vid_1ng for the payment of oompensation to him at the rate of 43L—e-60 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by -m-eason of injuries reoeived by him while in the employ of the Wgter Department on the 27th day of June 1934; be it F=ir IFtMSOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the _Board. of Ws.t;er Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said peter Meyers the sum of $8.80 out of the Water Department Fund, in Piza8.1 settlement of his claim against the Board of Water Commissioners, being for the period to and inoluding July 7, 1934. \ C F X.L 99826—By Mliton Roeen - Resolved,. -'that the8aard of Water ` hor zed to enter -:into tnn"agreement? :with Peter McYes:e, providing, for: the the ment of ate of:. $17.60 nper lo week hdvrinim g vvv I' s hr time as be shatl' be totally d1s- bled by reason of inlurles received-. by him while in the employ f the 'Water' 'DoVarnnent on the 27th day of .June, ..1494• ha it �—SOU N__C I LM EN Yeas �Pe�rce eterson Nay --In favor ruHX - rr�-arrcn �Werizel —2—Against SM 6 -34 VSCE ARES _ ROSF.N Adopted 'bY the�Council'Feti. 1; 1985. ApDxoveBd Feb.6, 1995. (Feb. 9-1996). Adopted by the Council FEB -519aj _193 Approved _193 Mayor ORIOtNAL TO GITY GLtRK �� CIT_ PAUL LEr+ca Y O � STNo.=9���-8E�t� i'tton Roeen= OFFICE �F T -HE CITY CL Raeotutloa c F. ..vyaq 27.'1976, the COUNCIL Fti L.LSTIOTI —GEP `eiislur`conSL o[ioa �r) r,,...•- .-Yrtzken.bY'the State' P RESP 3&--.X rte i li -1runk on ,the o , MY/A// , ^rank t19Natt, xe � Februay 5, 1935 CoMRQ W SRO]N ER — s.voove to Battle I. A. Publlc Wor A. to th. RESa Z_Y&7—D WHEREAS, under resolxa-ti ori C. F. 99722, approved January 23, 1935, the City 4C—'o;2ric1l of the City of S;. Paul did approve of certain corm s -dation work to be undertaken by the State Highway on the Point Douglas Road, Trunk Highway No. 61, from castings Avenue to Battle Creek Park, and WHEREAS, certain Public ri <>z-ks Highway funds allotted to the City of St. Paul by -the State Highway Department have not as yet been specically allocated to projects, and WHEREAS, there is great rre:ed of widening, straighten- ing and improving the drainage conditions on the Point Douglas Road, Trunk Highway Wc> � 61, from Battle Creek Park southerly to the City Llm-1 -t,- s .5 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Sta � Highway Department be re- c-uested to allocate such o3C' -tYie remaining Public Works Highway funds as are necessary for the completion of grade separation structures of t a- fP project previously approved under C. F. 99722, and the -wwiciening, straightening and im- provement of Trunk Highway Mlc> _ 61 from Battle Creek Park to the City Limits, and be :L-t-- RESOLVED t RESOLVED FURTHER, That the State Highway Department be requested to carry rcl to completion the suggested work on Trunk Highway No _ at the earliest possible date. ✓�"� OX -32 JCILMEN Yeas // arce �terson Nays 11 In favor T ruax arren __ _Against �enzel Adopted by the Council FE - 5 435_193_—_ 199 - - ---193-- Mayor � o Rf6�MAi TO Cf TY Gil-tRK COUNCIL !)9SI-r7 oIF= S'r_ PAUL FILE NO. - N -OFFICE C>F TH1= CITY CLERK 'COUNCIL SOLLJTIOiV —GENERAL FORM pRESEr�iT�D E3Y DATE February 5 1985 COM MIS �= 10IV ER R >_ �r+� WHEREAS, the She11 Pstro�Corporation desires to withdraw application Na 71-'554 for Ice Station license e t 665 West Seventh Street; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to 3-er1tand to the Shell Petroleum Cox- oration the fee of $5.00 and to cancel said ags3-�� cation. IC: F. No. 99827 By $� E. Warren— Fred M. Truaz—I. C Pearce— IWhereas, .the Shell Petroleum Cer- poration.deetrea.to-'wlthdrBw aDDllcat tion Nc._1554 :for Ice 9tatton license _at 506_ West Seventh. Street;: tberefore,.. be It Resolved, that the proper elty "_ cors be_and they are hereby authorized to refund to the Shell Petroleura aor :. potation the fee of $3.00. and to canoed said apDllcation. .'Adopted by tha� OUI cil Feb. 7. 1935.. _ Approved Feb. 1. 1936. I_ (Feb. 9-1935) i 4 < G1LMEN FEB " 7 1L25193— NaysAdopted by the Council earce i:, .. 7 1935 �LLeterson /FZosen • --In favor Approved 193— ruax _ Against // Mayor -,'Wenzel r _ President (Gehan) SM 6-34 - February 5th, 1935. Hoxx- A. F. PAtereOn, Co=cml r of Finance, BXI& M ding.. I7eax- Sire The attached resolution authorizing t3a.,a withdrawal of application for ice station license at 605 .Fest Seventh Street by the Shell Petroleum Corpora- tla-= and authorizing tine refunding of a '$3.00 license Pee was referred to you, by the City Council, with the request t% --t; you determine whether or not this applicant has been oltiat� for some length of time without paying a license lee as roouired. Yours very traly, City Clerk. ORIGINAL TO C 7a TT CL... / COUNCIL NO. ( ( 4 ITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF' THE CITY CLERK r �C_-0 U�N�C1 tL �2ELiJT SOtON—GENERAL FORM CJf � PRESEIVT�i�!8 DATE January 5 1955 COMMI9910 Mr__..a F—= RESOLV/ w� That On Sale Malt Beverage I.scense, No. 1320 issued to A. A. Bernhardt at 560 versity Avenue be and the same: is hereby revoked -upon recommendation of the Bureau 12-o3 Lce, by reason of possession o:' slot machine on these premises. GQ � 3 LM EN / Yeas Nays ce eterson __In favor �Tarren —Against �i.Lowzel 1. 6W?- - _c._ = CE PR_FS . ROSF-M C. P. No. 99828—By H. E. Warren, ,red IL Truces L C. Pearce— Reselved, That On Sale Unit Bever- age License, No. 1320 Issued to A. A. , Bernhardt at 560 .University Avenue be 'ad the same ishereby_revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Po - .c. - by reason of . possession. of slot machine on these promisee. Adopted by the Council Feb.. 5. 1935. Approved Feb. 6, 1935. (Feb. 9.1936)' Adopted by the Council FE' - +5 -192J --193_— ,q Approved 193 Mayor JaIOIN�L TO CITY CLHRK OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GOLJTICIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �./ DATE February 52 1985 COUNCIL NO. FILE R wsrnszFr_nZI� De Go'I;o desires to withdraw application 1168 for Barber license at 298Q �--'_ �vasve s therefore, be it g�r�ptp.3=-t7-3mLs-t the• proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refunc2 tQ - cco De CEx - o the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said appli- cation for license CO�N]MENYeas /terson � _In favor yGax arren _ Against VKerz 4 sM�NR. "VICE PR>;S . G i 99939 --Ry -g, H, Warren; j Fred M. Truai, L G. Pearce— Whereas, Rocco. Dn 6wlo desires to be It at application 98 Marllu Avenuel t>ce=afore" be It Resolved, that the pro er city'. o11i_ I cera be and they are here�yauthortzed 1 to refund to Rocco De Gullo the fee of $10.00 .and to cancel- said..the fee of for license. Adopted by the 'Council Feb.: 6, 1936: Approved Feb. 6, 1936. (Feb. 9-1936)- Adopted by the Council FEB - K 90°3% 193__ FEB -5 Approved 193_ 'T----- Mayor ORIO�M�L TO C.T1I Z=RK - 'O TY OF ST_ PAL" _ OFFICE OF THE COUNCIL RESOLUTION —G PRESENTED com MISSION JE= —BY A• E. W6i'r/a, LL 99830esio man a, . �i NO. '70=4". by the '- 1935 RESOLVE73 that 3-1cenees for which app3.ic4xt3 cat have been made by the following named per -s for the addresses indicatecl iaa zwmci the same are hereby granted and the city --7X ,0wR is instracted to issue sucix Zi ceases upon the payment into the city treasury -==m- ---V' the required feast Lloyd god= Chas. GHQ - �-T:suer, Frantz EFCX e C. E. Y,arsaw==ka S. J. Ckx--JL-� S. J. Cu,Zg:A W. T. G-4a-r=-m—� Co., Johnson T3 = s , Wm. JohasaC=ft - - s J. J. gore 3ta, Nelson Bro - Now York --Er EEanma Co. B. G. Mrs. V. �cZ soa, Edmund J -- The Go3,clez3 COU2tTC � ZI�ZEN Yea s �rc �isax W arra �2 5M 6.34 ti 631 University Av. Bekerr Appl. 1639 Renewal 799 Edmond St. a n 1716 n 246 So. Hmn'y-tne Av- Butcher " 0208 " 293 Marie Av. n " 1722 a 1219 Randolph St. Butcher " 1631 " 1219 Randolph St. Grocery n 1632 n 41 E. Seventh St. " - n 1429 ■ 973 Payne Ave. " " 1603 ■ 500 Selby Av. " " 1600 " 121.8 Thomas St. " " 1680 " 1020 Payne Ave. a " 1653 " 69-71 E. Fifth St. " " 1697 • 741 Van Buren St. " " 1696 n 489 Como Av_ Confectionery a 0281 N8w 796 E. Seventh St. s " 1634 Refiewal 7th & Robert Sts. a " 1676 " Nays// Adopted by Council 5-193___ the -F4 -In favor - _---- _ ---figainst Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM P BY C©iV(M(SStONER R �so�v�D - --es F- Jordan �'- E?-tto & J. S. Jensen, Colbert, B - Robins, 4=2cs2s401n Ice Co. COUNCILMEN S. Smith Ave. Yeas Nays Pearce " v Peterson.-- 879 e _In favor Truax 1526 Warren ___Against SM 6 VI Cy PRES. RO$tiN . -2- FILENCIL NO. (99830 DATE i''_e�rv_F;_ lQgfi XI 608 S. Smith Ave. Confectionery APPI. 1607 R" 362 Earl St. " v 1638 Rely, 879 Fremont St. ° " 1675 ° 1526 Grand Av. Off Sale Malt Beverage " 1509 Hee 184 E. Fairfield Av. Junk dealer " 1708 Rem 323 Concord St. Ice Station ° 1710 Renewal Adopted by the Council FEB " JC 193 193___ npprovec 193._ G" a Mayor ,eUBL15i1LS1 COUNCIL \ 6� Wit- OF ST. PAUL FILe NO. OFFICE OF .THE CITY CLERK .COUNCIL SOLUTIOI)I-GENERAL FORM COMI�/f SSION February - DATE 5, 1935 RESC7 LVED That license for Chattel Mortgage Loan licensee application 1652, appM eci For, by the Personal Loan Society, Inc. at 219-220 Commerce Building be and the game is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license aPoa s+e payment into the city treasury of the required Pee. Yeas 4—OiJ 11 -MEN / Nays arce Peterson —_In favor �uax Warren _Against snt 6 -Myth - VS CI -i PRF_.. ROS,:i lC. F. No, 99631-11 H. E. Warren, Fred:M. Truax, I. C.13 11, That: 11 cense for .Chattel MortSa.e Loan license... appllcatlon IM, applied for by the Peraonat Loan Society, Inc at 219-220 Commerce yytl BuildlnS be and the same le hereby 7.rented and the .City Clerk ..Is instruct - 1 ed to leave eachlicense upon the pay - m t Into the city 'tr—nry of the re aulred fee. Adopted by the Council reb.' 5, 1935. Approved Feb. 5, .1935. (Feb. 9-1935) Adopted by the Council-FE&__5_ 193__ Approved 5 193-_ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY G ARK 99832 OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL No. %FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL AESOLUTICIP4 — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED �T�� I'ie ary ¢ 1935 RESOLVED That 73.censes a.pTLI: ed for by the ro11aw9ug named persons for the addresses indicated be and they are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to lesv.a ch Zicenses upon the pa4yment into the city treasury of the required fees: M. O' Cc"M— -,mw®M 71 2X0 Metropolitan Baur Bldg. Concealed Weapon Appl. 1031 Renewal Rnsse3_7 a n n n 1030 n Roy Poia—� *� a a n n n n 1029 Q AmeriC R-+-• --Enk: et l e1- CO. COLT ILMEN Yeas Nays P//ems_ ee Pet son { $a s..rrr� \ _In favor x a ren Against 1 Sm 6,34:.. _ _7 _ _ _ Z-'=. _ '� c L... B. Wnrren.� r"71 "'Po f. for. rsas for the `ea- iees• naell. 210 Dietropolltnn Bank ecealed Weu99n. _ADV1' 1031 Burke, 210 Metropolitan Bank ncealed Weapon, APP,. 3630 Intek, 230 .lioAtpp11ttan 1029BRe-. 1 Weapon. an Diet. Tel. Co. Feb. 6. 1896• ed 'bI5, 193611 (Feb. 9-1936) Adopted by the CouncilFEB_ _5_1K5_193_— �+ r 5 10 193 Mayor oR�l3(!d/.� 7L TO c(r,r CLCnK " 99833 OF ST. PAUL FILEN�l� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION–GENERAL FORM M w+w Z SS OWER _ Feb 1985 „ DATE-- February S. 1fH)L W, Mr. and Mrs. 8srveQr Lsnge have made application 1708 for *-o operate as a taxicab upon tide streets of the City of St. Paul, one sutaaobile, Motor No. 2509068, No. 2565265, covered by Lloyds of F T+r� pOi3s insurance policy No. $-507000 s expiring January 26, 1986, License No. 26; aacm WHE EAS, Mrs. and Mrs. Srtrvey T,ange, in accordance with Ordinance No. ?:Sri 13sve filed copy of insurance poaicy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy lass Z=3e� approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to aparate said automobile as a taxicab upon tis -za:traeta of the City of St. Pant lae sad the same is hereby granted Mr. and Mrs. �rtTsy Lange, sabject to the provisioas o£ said ordinance, and the payment into the c!:= treasury of the required fee. i -- C. F: No' 9983 1r. E. -- Warren, Fred M. Truax Whereas. Mr. .and Mr.. ' Harvey Langehave made application 1703 for) llcenae to operate -as a tazlcab- peon the streets of the City of St Paul. Adoptedby the Council Feb..6. 1936:'. Approved Feb. 6. 1986. - (Feb.:9-1986) Adopted by the CouncilFEB ".rl 1gt�,S93 Approved X19^3__ Mayor �—OiJI�TEILMEN Yeas Nays �arce (Peter n C -. __In favor Truax Warren _Against 04'trrze! 51,4 64- _ =1 -1 CE FRES. R03FA Adoptedby the Council Feb..6. 1936:'. Approved Feb. 6. 1986. - (Feb.:9-1986) Adopted by the CouncilFEB ".rl 1gt�,S93 Approved X19^3__ Mayor o.csas mart ro c.rr GLtwK I, NCIL l .3tr<4A_r�CITY OF ST. PAUL TILE NO.—A9834 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL BESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM 110 i P iFZ �S Eii-Ir ED BY_'� (iDATE Fabr11ar9 5s 1955 C 03krS M I S S i O iV ER 0 WHEREAS, J. P. McCabe has made application 1674 for license to operge npan the streets of the City o£ 0-b. Paul as a taxicab one Packard automobile, o%os covered by Great American Indemnity Co. policy Ho . 278877, Serial Ho. 278652, 73�o 528888, expiring May 24, 1935, T.i cease No. 50; and WHEREAS, J. P. McCabe, im accordance with ordinance No. 7821, has of insurance policy w:Lth t?ss City of St. Paul, and said policy has been �pprovecl by the Corporation Counsel as to form; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab Upon attests of the City of St. Paul be sad the same is hereby granted to J. P. McCabe, subject to the provisions of said orate nAnce, and the pent into the city treasury oP ti3e required fee. C Fred O. Trusx.By C. H. B. amen. Whereas. J. P.,M be'kas made ap- plication 1674-for'It....0 1. D.—t. upon the streets of the. .City of 8t. Pnulas a taxlcab'onePaehnrd-auto- otiile.. Motor -No 2788.77, Serial- No. 278668. covered by Creat .American In- d—nity CO. Doiicy No. 676888, .expiring; COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays/ /P7trce Peterson } g�P __In favor %Warren/ ---Against LWcrtrel �!3 �>c �reei�e:ie f6ehanl Adopted by the Council FEB — 5 Ig 193— Approved 193— e��'fe_ Mayor ORIOIMAL TO CITY CLLRK ,C,y'Cj`�C �/ ST. PAtj" - PILE NO. 99835 Y H —WSrnpUNCL 1 Harbeau (HfOW " OFFICE OF THE CITYnere to pas�c'-Vcabse �' th city, of St. COUNCIL_ RESOLUTION—Gi o110 ff +� +h vo ]]00822 Tne• P llcy N C RESEr=i —�D SY r�_ti < Ltce Jo COMMISplVER 0 — .e:tYJATE February 4, 1935 R E WEMEAS, Eal1 Barbeau (Brown Se VNILLte) has made application 1698 for 7 ic�sa�`to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, automobiles as �o3Z.cs�rsz lSs3i=g Rotor No. Serial No. =assurance Co. Policy No. Expiration License No. Fox- 200822 T_l osis of Mpls. H-30647 1-12-56 30 Fox-cam 100825 _ a at a a e 31 Ch37--W --0--=-t3er 3462 0024YR W W a a a 55 Na.83ka 37001 24360 W a s a a 56 C ear 2487 00145 n n " v v 57 P PD175760 2165106 W a a a a 89 Form 1090448 - a �+ • a " 68 Ford 1090976 a W A a a " 69 P PD16886 2160474 s u; a e n 87 P3 4j—s=--x�Ltl= PD170079 2161475 = *' a a • 88 PD170076 2161477 a' a a n " 90 Ford 1095654 - a a v 97 of ire = 7HSREAS' Sn41 Barbeau, in accoxs ce with Ordinance No. 7521, hag filed copy ce policy with the (Kty of St- V-1j. and said policy bas been approved as by the Corporation Counsel; tbareXore' be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said auto cars upon the streets of the City A=Pt St - Paul as taxicabs be and the same are hereby granted to Emil Barbeau, > �to the provisions of said ord-Tim—cep and the payment into the city treasury required fee. cow= �ciL.i.IEN Yeas Nays FEB -5 1p�r�� Adopted by the Council �` 193_ n favor Approved 193._ __ ..._ —.Against 'j / - S•S=.�.—mrd � /{ O L- -/c�- �� sa Mayor ane e.�}R V �—, T-•^ �C . ROSE,'.; �,�9����� YUI3II6I�ED on�o�HwL ro c�ry c- -199836 COUNCIL FILENO. Y OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL �IR/IESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTE COMMIssio - DATE February 4, 1985. R� Ab� yVIMEEFec, Jesse Anderson (Blue 8e White) has made application for license to ca orate as a tM3d upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one Buick autcea b3�La3� Motor No. 24936081 Serial No. 2342322, covered by Great American Indemnity, --w===* _ po3-&cy Ho. 578955, expiring Aug. 3, 1935, License No. 95; and w irl E EAS, Jesse Anderson, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7321, has filed r—=+IpV o£ insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been $_ ed as to Pozen by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RFSOTWED, that the license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the is of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted Jesse Andersons bJ sect' to the provisions of said ordinance, and the payment into the city o:f' the required fee. Q FFi ed M. Truax BI. C.Pear a —nrren, Whereas, Jesse Anderaoxi (Blue & ' censee to operatedmI aptazlr9D uv n the streets of the City of -,SL -.Paul, one. Buick automobile, Motor' No.` 8498996, COLD d _MEN Yeas Nays aorta Peters o r>L _—In favor rua» /Warr �z Against 5M 6.MR, Z%SG� tion Counsel; an . — Resolved. that the Iiceneo to operate said: automobile ae-a taxicab upon the '. streets of the City .:of St: Paul be and the .sameis hereby grant ed. Jesse An- deraon, subject to the provleioas'oY: Bald ordinance, and the -payment /.e. city treosury of the retlutred Yee. i Adopted by theCouncil Feb. 6; 1986. Approved Feb. 6.-1986. (Feb.'. 9-1986) Adopted by the Council FEB_ 5 195 193_ FEB 5 oCl9 Mayor m ORIGINAL TO C 'Z TY GLCRK OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL. ROL� GENERAL FORM PRESE[VT- --W===* E3 commit SZOri�' + v - -- DATE Febm= 5, 1985 COLENo.N0. 91M37 L� R T CILMEN / WHEREAS, Louis Robins (BZue 8a White) has made application 1521 for Nays r 3.1.ce3a=�r.wL—s to operate as taxicabs upon the streeta of the City of St. Paul, four nut �3les� as follows: Make Motor No. Serial Ho- Insurance Co. Policy No. Expiration License No. StuC14—__mar 4617 6009445 Great Amer. Indem. 578989 8-15-55 15 Plymcs-']3 81685PB 1756859 Q a a 578881 5-2445 41 _-NolTarren U109712C SU108955 v a a 578881 5-24-35 120 Pace�� 241178 2427.94 a e n 578961 11-10-35 160 n) WECEREL S, Louis Robins, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7521, has filed copy insurance po3_tcy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to worm by the Corporation CO1meeX; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon tame — rsats oP the City of St. Pau1p sabject to the provisions of said ordinance, sac3 a payment into the city treasury oi' the regmired fee. CQ T CILMEN / Yeas r�e Nays �etersof>, f __In favor ruax _-NolTarren --Against n) 5M 6..AR _ — xCE Pr2'E!;5. L-'St:N — Robin., (Blue &; /,, .den e.DDllcetlon 3321 far .;v. tate ae S(upon the •he -City offBt. ..Paul. Your ". s, as2foor, N - .�cainsuotor_ No. Q6. S-1.1 2 auraoce Co. Great Am ' •2... .Y'No.578939, EiDi t-�I �'�tsONo: rw Z6. Motor X..-81683PB,. y,, mance Co. Gre:. t:'. .�::•To. 578881...:. - t.:t;. Adopted by the Council FEB - 5 1935-193- 193— Approved----- Mayor 935193 193Approved Mayor SS owlolNwL rB'clrr c�sa 99838 Y OF ST. PAUL FILECOUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COIUNCII- RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM COMMISSIOn! -- � DATE February 5v 1955 RESOL_vEI7 2 3�gt licensee for Restaurant, application 1668, and On Sale Malt r Beverage, 1664, applied for by Fred A. Priebe at 959 Arcade Street be and the sF+mme sra hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue each licease mm ump-� the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Now owner COL7Y_ 11 -ii 1E_7 —T-T Yeas � Nays P rce N Peterson ' -In favor �Tyuax --d T/XJarrer: —Against dE.. vT�� SM 6.34 C. F. No. 99828—Ey 'H.. E. Warren, Fred, DI. Truax, 1. C. .Pearce— - - Resolved, That licensee for Restau- ant, Rpp)jIcatlon 1663 and on Sale pli-dMalt or b, ge, ppllohtlon 1664, p - bad. for. et Fred the .4 nt 969 r.- s�le Street a and .Clty le era hero-. at,grunted and the Clty. Clerk Is'in- structed to Iseue:'such licenses . upon the_P-Yron lt. into the city. treasury of [be qulred fees. N w vner. Adopted by the Connell Fob. 5, 1935. Approved Feb. 5_19315. (Feb. 9-1985) Adopted by the CouncilFEB �__��' CJ193 = rr Approved 5 �4�3 193__ Mayor OPIOINaL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL (( ` ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFIG� OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R?�SO[_L3TION—GENERAL FORM DATE— ---r RESOLVEDt ' That licenses for whri cis ajn33_:Lcations have been made by the following named persons for the addresses d The and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the peymIER!at 1JZto the city treasury of the required fee= Wm. Gerhman 505 St_ Barber Appl. 1656 Renewal Jack Leguel 25 W • AM+s—se St . a a 1557 a Everett Olson 1722 AV- a " 3.669 C. Thoresoa, 675 gam_ a " 1717 " COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays rce Peterson J _In fa�—or ry[ax amen —_Agairzst 5M 6W VICE PRES. RGSELq C. F. No. 99839-13 Fl. Y E. Warren, Fred. M. Truaz, .1. C..Pearce— aPPlle.d.n,s Thatforlibeen Rmade by hth dr -d be a d the C1ty Clead rk �. ; I- Instructed to-Issue..such licenses upp { on the Paynfent intothe-city treasury , i- oP the.. required Poo: Wm. Gerhman, 693 Blair Fit., Barber, Appl. 1666 Renewal. Jack Lerde 25 W. 17zeh.n,. St,, Herber, AP 'I. 1537 Renewal. Everett Olson, -'1722 IInlversitY, Ave., H C.bTlioYeson,1673Selby Ave., Barber, ADPL. 1717Renewal: a Adopted by the: Council Feb. 5. 1936. Approved Feb. 6, 1935. (Feb; 9_1936) Adopted by the Council FES - Sl 1045193— FFID -'.J N Approve' 1193— ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ITY O ST_ PAUL PILIC NO. ■44"//99■ 9840 Alk OFFICE OF' X31= CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES(:>LL3T- X p" —GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE- February 8, 1935 ftbftwt� Nays / WBE"AS, H. C. WIXLte) has made application 1859 for licenses to operate three automobiles ss --mEaL =P2cabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, as follows _against Make Motor No. serial No. sasrsnce Co. Policy No. Expiration License No. Buick 2494038 2342326 gest Amer. Indem. 578893 5-24-35 72 Buick 2579244 2401975 SEW n w 578893 73 Packard U164288 164200 : a n 578893 n 74 wflF. M, H. C, Pstsrson, is with Ordinance No. 7321, has filed copy of insurance policy with the City Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsej~; t �'er��ore� be it RESOLVED, that licenses to o� eta said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, be aacl�t2z� * —3"M- are hereby granted H, C. Peterson, subject to the provisions of said ordt..a r. cIIEOM� ' arsci upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas R Nays / earce �eterson In favor Warren _against -V---r. sw 4,". 710E FRES. ei Loll 2494 e Co: ' No. 67., T77r' i Vo.,.— 26._ Adopted by the Council- - RR _-5-Wf93_ Approved FE 19307_ Mayor rt I�I.IST,, NOTICE S3$42 .9984.�'< 2 CITy'OF SAINT TO ,:. s C -Ly <T2,-_rT�'1 a,ntri, c.laetl: ccau be,.PAUL�J4� 9VNCOUNCIL FILE No. � PRINER 4PIL RESOLUTION ��rea- -_ _ �xaii to iizos I • ._s� ;z-.> ct����:t:" Hax - Te - January 31 193rL RESOLVED.GH EC KS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,TO THE o AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF SiAA" 7.� 9 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 1112 To INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON F'1 LE I i�I -;Fi E OF'F'ICE OF THE CITY ADOPTED BY THE GO{..i HCI FEB — 5 1935 APPkZ0 V1Ea FEB m 5 1935 LER. By DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL i g� 'COUNCIL M N—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE "L No C L .Y ��EE --- ___----------- MAY— __________MAY Yeter eon COUNCIL RESOLUTION R SEW .Y:81irOL FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS .-- _ ��...�j.._........ __..._......_..,9.35 TRUAXROSEN WENZE _ _ AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, MR. NPRES.,WrRBIRY Gektan TO THE AGGREG AMOUN�T'OF f._-..� ..�.. COVERING FF CHECKS NUMBE . .. _TO......-.... _ . . INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL � �..M ' ................ PER CHECKS O I FFICE O Y COMPTROLLER. �.'...... L'. YGj.... .. _.. MAYOR / ' TOTAL I DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS RETURNED / DISBURSEMENT I BY BANK CHECKS ..�: e.......... BROUGHT FORWARD 27 o68 74 ..:.. ... m..—.. a. m..s.> 786382 Ool ® 111281,. 11129 -Wilfred -Ander son Domenico Ciresi 31 25 31 25 11130 Ben M. Daniels 10 42 11131 Eben C. Ives 31 25 11132 B.L. Nicholson 10 42 11133 Frank Wm. Normandy 20 81 11134 Chas. P. Sohweitz 'D. 10 42' 11135 Simon Sloan 10 42 11136 Jae. E. Tyrrell 31 25 11137 N.J. Moore 11138 Lamprey Products Company I 16 171 11139 Axel F.Petere6n, 0. of 1nano j56 00' 11140 Axel F.Peterson, C. of inano 458 g0 11141 ?xel F.Peterson, C. of Finano 9g 11142 Axel F.Peterson, C. of "nano 2 428 4 11143 Axel F,Peterson, Q. of Finan 278 722 71 1114 Clara Aamold, Widow of E.A. 30 00 11145 Ann F. Campion, Widow of D.E. . 30 00 11146 Helen Sullivan, Widow of M.S. 30 00 11147 Soo. for the Prev. of Cruelty 200 00 11148 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 25 00 11149 A.R.Knox, Acting Ooll.I.Reve a 21 00 11150 A. a.wenzel, C.P.U. 89 88 11151 Walter Salinger 25 OW 11152 Pittsburgh Coal Company 1 207 82 11153 Axel F.Peterson, C.P.R.F. 842 14 11154 P.E. Bailey 20 00 11155 S. Berglai'ad Lumber Company 88 20 11156 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Oompan 57 64 11157 Certified Concrete Company 89 78� 11158 Columbia Alkali Corporation 645 12� 11159 11160 Electric Blue Print Company Farwell, 196 94 Ozmun, Kirk & Compan 183 94 11161 Fuller Brush Company 38 61 11162 Inter Citq Paper Company Sa 521 11163 Koontz Mfg. & Machine Co. 27 00 11164 Lampland Lumber Company I 85 39 11165 Al. J. Louie 1 75 11166 Midway Foundry Company 290 00 11167 National Carloading Corporation 3 86 11168 Northern Jobbing Company 30 02 • 11169 Northern States Power Company! 9 678 79 11170 Northern States Power Company) 14 090 6a 11171 N.W. Fuel Company j 1 659 56 11172 Paper, Oalmenson & Company i 88 20 11173 Reay Engraving Company 32 94 11174 St.Paul Builders Material Com 'any 'I 59 76 j 11175 Union water Meter Company 39 18 11176 Villaume Box & Lumber Company 21 36 11177 Worthington-Gemon Meter Company 1 99 11178 Julia M. Bruess 1 00 i it ' SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 27 914BS i, �qo 5d a - � ` 3J� PUBLISHED CONN Lr�EN—ROLL CALL vrr we yr i nc wmrr rtv��ert FILE 11W.------4"''-"---------- �M�4 Tierson COUNCIL RESOLUTION -L#—L#a rren PEARCE ....... _ . _.....IN FAVOR ROSEN AUDITED CLAIMS .......... .... Januar..y.....31... ................... .... ....19....rj. TRUAX ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AGAINST RESOLVED, AT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, WENZEL MR. PRE& MAMM u TO THE AGGREG T AMOUNT =.. ,. ,�%1 COVERING CHECKS NUMB INCLUSIVE, AS OUNCIL..........1..a,,.1�...:::...I� "1 + PER CHECKS I ICE 91' IT /COMPTAOL ADOPTED BY THE C e '+ l Y"'" CITY COMPTR LLER 1 . .. ........... MAYOR BY ....... ...... T AL DATE CHECK T R IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMB �2ANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 11179 Mrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian 4o oo 11180 Mrs. C.M. Claugherty, Guardia 40 o0 11181 Mrs. Etta Flaherty I 28 28 11182 Casimer B[ka 4o oo 11183 Mrs. Agnes Weiss31 86 11184 John Vanni 25 00 11185 Axel F.Peterson, C, of Finanol 12 743 86 11186 Axel F.Peterson. 0. of Finano 3 545 37 11187 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finano 161 52 11188 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finano 4 87X 32 l}4 11189 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finano 6 324 11190 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finano 4 181 82 11191 Axel F.Peterson, C.'of Finano 4 042 92 11192 Board of Public "Felfare 18 212 16 11193 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finano 9 321 94 11194 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finance 1 893 93 11195 Sto Bookenstole 1 000 00 11196 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finance 53 15 11197 Al. Bonn 5 00 X22 11198 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finance 806 06 11199 Joseph Miller 120 97 11200 James E. Gipple 53 50 11201 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finance 31 112 85 11202 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finance 857 11 11203 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finano 75 183 75 11204 Atlas Gas & Cil Company 1 512 68 11205 St.Paul Builders MaterialComp y 438 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD /� p�p� Ln� 7 L^• Ii ]00 Z-12 x 2_T 910 .09 r�39031 05 I II �II NOTICE ' . bF SAINT PAUL 99843 TO . i', at checks be drawn on L RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. % the aKUTe�ate PRINTER .,1'146.16, Yering ^heck= 70 Inclvsi- i th „ti' JamaxY 31 193 5 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT a OF $-13,-L45 1 C, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 55 TO O NCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.: // G� j ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL FEB - X1035 193_ APPROVED 193L BY __ "" „ PUBLISHED � - -35— � l C yI � CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL NO . ...................... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY NIEL BrsOII FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS '9..,.35 .. ............................... .... Jnnu$rY. . RO TRUAx _ ..._....._AGAINST RESOLVED. T AT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. .._�II •� ._.... COVERING WENZE� TO THE AGGREG AMOUNT OF f.._ 45 fig; PR S. MAHONEY n CHECKS NUMB .... /jy�.�... TO _ CLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS FILE Iry. FICE P51935 VVV _ _ W HE CITY COMPTRULLER� ��-��� 'g ��t".4.1��� ADOPTED BY THE COUN�1�`rF '�'.�.' fa t ....� � ......... . CITY COMPTROLLER APED. _ .. d er............. -- MAYOR TOTAL; DATE L RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF EC.. DISBURSEMENT I BY BANK TRA I ! CHECKS NUMBER i CHECKS I BROUGHT FORWARD • 55 John L. Connolly, Corp. Of i, 56 John M. Reardon 57 Milton Rosen, C.MO j 58 Milton Rosen, C,.P.17. 59 Milton Rosen, C.P.,1. 60 Milton Rosen, C.P,w. 61 Milton Rosen, 011".19 62 General Eleotrio Supply Corp.l d3 Eleotrio Blue Print Company 64 Belmont Corporation 65 Farnham printing & Stationery 004 t g u�rk Compo 67 Taylor. Instrument ''orke 69 Belmont Corporation 69 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company 70 Thornton Brothers Company SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 700 -'Fal 42 50 349 38 395 78 439 16 595 74 225 225 5 81 432 75 871 12 85 2 93 7 00 5 44 3 68 10 393 42 1029 5,6p 11 322.39 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. _"_offal for the J` astending Z aB thereto ali 0 7+ nd -8, Block- 20, .�ving ;norther•' ':�Iboe undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Opens widening and extending, Kellogg Blvd. by adding thereto all those end ---8 - R1,ock---203,---R#Ee---&---1-rviriesa---Arid-i•tiart,---lying--northerly of a —tee described as follows: Commencing at the northeasterly corner of sain -- 'T� hence- soutliyvesterly to a--poiint on the easterYy Y ria of said lot2_- - -C: __ish __-f ts_oiitherly--- of --- and --- distant ... 'r_om-_thhe__nor_thwester1- ...corner of saw — lot 7, thence southwesterly to a point on the westerly line of snide--- �� -$ ve3�ciz is-- 13- 2 --ft- -s�outher-ly- of--and--distant---fro __the --- nortbvw erly �a.ted %his ------------------------ day of------------corne--- of --said I lot ---8' 93.- 5th Feb__ruary= 1935 -- --- y` - PRELIMINARY ORDER. �VTHEI1EAS, A written proposal for the makin of the following improvement, viz.: Opera widening and extending, Ke l ogg Blvd. by adding thereto all those partes-- ---lot;s---7--- arfd--8-r---Bl-0,ok---20..--"FA-ee--&---i-rv-ine-1 Add; -s ---Add -,---lying---nor-therly--of- a ne � � d liscribeas follows• Commencing at the northesterl corner of said lot - �— -- tin€ riC Soutiiter2y'"to"""a ""point"" ori tYie"""easterly e`"of safii--"Idt 7' whie3:-s___5_•---fte_.S521] 14x�Y--Qf---allddist nt._fxram_.-the__northweLE-ter-ly_--corner---of-- said 3 7, thence southwesterly to a point on the westerly line of said lot 8 wig —---:7L--st : € zsout33erly of --end distant €rom tlge riorthwesterly corner � g lRe 'Presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul_____________________ _ �.z ___________.____- t_�r�fore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2_ 'ro investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3_ To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4_ To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5_ To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 4 FEB - 5 1935 Ae�opted by the CounciL--------------------- --------------------------------------------------=-- yMAs NAYS `Councilman A/_'ss_ �e , AECDOI**&a-iGi�. a-- �-- Approved_--��.--- PEARCE TRUAX Mrs= ,•�� �awa�r.=_ Mayor. VICE FP. _ kuSnN /1 o A�a>+��'aa> J pUBLI3I�=1 —� Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. f. P4 Council File Nn ._ 99845 -----------•- ,•ltt9a DroDoesl -41 owlpg ImDroy!•�, -i8lobh E,Map- Addl 'airy' Tlieundersigned hereby proposes the making of thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Pave Alley in Block 2, Maywood and Block 3 Forest Lawn ----------------------------------- - - ---------- ------------ ------ -----'-- --- --- -----......� .............. ---- --- ......--- Addition, from Wheeler Avenue to Fairview Avenue. ---------- -------------------------------------------------- .------...----------•----.................. ----------------------------------------- Dated this-- 5th day of --February---1935------- 19 .... - - ... -- •------ - - Coun^ilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: p -a -`-'-e All --y . a� .. ] A cK 2 � o-o-d--and..Blnck. 3 � F -o r -est ffi...........- ---------Addition. £rom--Wheeler--Avenue---t0_Eairyl.QY?._LiV-G.T}lle-..... ----........... ---------------__----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ......................... ------------ ................. .....:....................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. p� FEB - 5 193.5 - Adopted by the CounciL----------------------------------- - ---------------------- YEAS NArs Councilml -PEARCE f/ --RUAX WIMSfD5914 Approved -----FE ' J X �r--------------------------------- Mayor. gUffidBI�D 'L� i -` 190846 In the mattea of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for grading, pa €tea cso3as-hz-czcting new cement sidewalks, or reconstructing existing side- walks, and c ��stractiag or reconstruoting ornamental lights on Seventh St. widened as desoritsed mss C. F� S6295. approved Sept. 5. 1933, from the center line of Smith Avenue to tis east 1 ice of Richmond Street, including curbing and paving alley and driveway aplarc3so hes x-e<sonstruoting driveway approaches where necessary, construct- ing sewer, -vrzEm--+�sz- -MeL gg$ connections from street mains to property lines where not already mads _ mme3c3_ag a12 necessary changes in water -mains, sewers and appurtenances, installing cc3ciuit f'or tre.ffi.o signals and malting any changes which are necessary to this imgrvveaasnt iz: -the>atreets and alleys intersecting Seventh Street between the aforesai si 23m3ts� also all other work necessary and essential to the above described i��ovemaa g� also changing the grade of the following streets. to conform to the rte.= �, -� ---s ase- qhs-proYi�ias hereto° attached and -made a part hereof, and grading, reoonst* sid.etral3r_a s aurbing,, and other existing improvements to conform to said red 24—e s wliam e3,.s#4Lbli.shed; MoBoa1 St -cam 5evtll St. to Smith Ave. West aide o-Iff- 17ong7.ae .S -t,. rrom,Seventh St. to56 ft. north of Goodrioh.Ave.. North side: Q- Go«ix- a3z A.we. frit Seventh St. to 20 ft west of Douglas St. South side ® Goodricah Ave. from Seventh St. to 23 ft. east of Seventh St. West aide a'� �ou��n St. from Seventh St. to 102 ft. south of Banfil St. East side cz_*E�- Mpusm88 St. Prom Seventh St. to 72 ft. south of Banfil St. North side Ba r:LM St. from Seventh St. to 90 ft. east of Dousman St. South sad@ cs_-40' Bsa£$1 St. from Seventh St. to 50 ft. east of 'D'oirsmian St'. North side e3__IeI doodle-mza Si--. from Se�+n__st. to 192 ft. west of Dousman St. South st-aeiR r_s G�oex31.az— gt. Prom seventh at. to 182 ft'i, weet o£"Dousman St. Ann St. f'r� Sevevatl3 St. to Yankee St. North* side o YaagaB St. from Seventh St. to Arm St. South aid *9! Qom' yarylcso St. Pram Seventh St. to 110 ft west of Arm St. East sldel off' Westaz-rt Ave . Prom Seventh St. to Von Minden St. Fest side] o:V- to ester$ Ave. Prom Seventh St. to 98 ft. south of the center line of Pon Minden S -t= - gsrodnosti North side o � '44x1 B -1 =Lcien St. from Western Ave. to 30 ft, east of Webtern Ave. North aide a St. Gi gj+ X St. from Seventh St. to 158 ft. west of Western Ave. South side c=y- St. G=.air St. from Seventh St. to Nugent St. East side c> -'f!!- R5-01moa8 St. from 117 ft. south of St. Clair St. to 327 ft. north of the south Iia Mb off' Grant -M .St. Material sf+=w -JL 2 be a*— asphaltio concrete surface with *" brick gutters 7.feet wide, base to ba x-101 aonaz-at e; between the rails of the- street railway tracks the pavement' shall be ao crete� c�aci the two foot strips outside the outer rails shall be �e asphaltic. mor crate oa *71 oonorete' bases roadway �_ at_h on mast Seventh St. to be 56 feet, sidewalks 12 feet; all new side- walks to be monolithic concrete; existing ornamental lights of the combined trolley pole and light type shall be moved to conform to the new street width, �Y Councilman »? haiux - Counci el o� F. .17 iT �.� PROS _ l.OS IR COUNCIL FTT NO__—_____---- ---------------- f seseast�rrra �+ By__,_»____ - rl Amagas, coatsandospans-' F Ing, conaYructing 1 '1n' Ks, p or econetru. �a,.lks and- montes' CITY OF ST. PAUL Re��lutlou of Council Approving Assessment In the mattea of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for grading, pa €tea cso3as-hz-czcting new cement sidewalks, or reconstructing existing side- walks, and c ��stractiag or reconstruoting ornamental lights on Seventh St. widened as desoritsed mss C. F� S6295. approved Sept. 5. 1933, from the center line of Smith Avenue to tis east 1 ice of Richmond Street, including curbing and paving alley and driveway aplarc3so hes x-e<sonstruoting driveway approaches where necessary, construct- ing sewer, -vrzEm--+�sz- -MeL gg$ connections from street mains to property lines where not already mads _ mme3c3_ag a12 necessary changes in water -mains, sewers and appurtenances, installing cc3ciuit f'or tre.ffi.o signals and malting any changes which are necessary to this imgrvveaasnt iz: -the>atreets and alleys intersecting Seventh Street between the aforesai si 23m3ts� also all other work necessary and essential to the above described i��ovemaa g� also changing the grade of the following streets. to conform to the rte.= �, -� ---s ase- qhs-proYi�ias hereto° attached and -made a part hereof, and grading, reoonst* sid.etral3r_a s aurbing,, and other existing improvements to conform to said red 24—e s wliam e3,.s#4Lbli.shed; MoBoa1 St -cam 5evtll St. to Smith Ave. West aide o-Iff- 17ong7.ae .S -t,. rrom,Seventh St. to56 ft. north of Goodrioh.Ave.. North side: Q- Go«ix- a3z A.we. frit Seventh St. to 20 ft west of Douglas St. South side ® Goodricah Ave. from Seventh St. to 23 ft. east of Seventh St. West aide a'� �ou��n St. from Seventh St. to 102 ft. south of Banfil St. East side cz_*E�- Mpusm88 St. Prom Seventh St. to 72 ft. south of Banfil St. North side Ba r:LM St. from Seventh St. to 90 ft. east of Dousman St. South sad@ cs_-40' Bsa£$1 St. from Seventh St. to 50 ft. east of 'D'oirsmian St'. North side e3__IeI doodle-mza Si--. from Se�+n__st. to 192 ft. west of Dousman St. South st-aeiR r_s G�oex31.az— gt. Prom seventh at. to 182 ft'i, weet o£"Dousman St. Ann St. f'r� Sevevatl3 St. to Yankee St. North* side o YaagaB St. from Seventh St. to Arm St. South aid *9! Qom' yarylcso St. Pram Seventh St. to 110 ft west of Arm St. East sldel off' Westaz-rt Ave . Prom Seventh St. to Von Minden St. Fest side] o:V- to ester$ Ave. Prom Seventh St. to 98 ft. south of the center line of Pon Minden S -t= - gsrodnosti North side o � '44x1 B -1 =Lcien St. from Western Ave. to 30 ft, east of Webtern Ave. North aide a St. Gi gj+ X St. from Seventh St. to 158 ft. west of Western Ave. South side c=y- St. G=.air St. from Seventh St. to Nugent St. East side c> -'f!!- R5-01moa8 St. from 117 ft. south of St. Clair St. to 327 ft. north of the south Iia Mb off' Grant -M .St. Material sf+=w -JL 2 be a*— asphaltio concrete surface with *" brick gutters 7.feet wide, base to ba x-101 aonaz-at e; between the rails of the- street railway tracks the pavement' shall be ao crete� c�aci the two foot strips outside the outer rails shall be �e asphaltic. mor crate oa *71 oonorete' bases roadway �_ at_h on mast Seventh St. to be 56 feet, sidewalks 12 feet; all new side- walks to be monolithic concrete; existing ornamental lights of the combined trolley pole and light type shall be moved to conform to the new street width, �Y Councilman »? haiux - Counci el o� F. .17 iT �.� PROS _ l.OS IR under Order --- ---------- 9.70'`1------------------------ Intermediary Order.92Q�$ Fina I Or- �3 er--------------- 972 25 '--: ------------------------------> approved --------------- k:9.b.r.--�-------------------........ ............................ 19._-H Tlza �_ssessmeat of__heaaPit:s_�-_d�mag __ ch8 " the aXPensas.................for and in connection with above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the'Couucil having considered same and found t_1=3� a said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RSO�.VED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. VED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..._._._.S?+ek--------------- day of a ---------------------------- 19 ---- 35 at the hour of IO o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House as City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings_ s required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvers aa3-L, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom a notice is ,direeted. 19? by the council --- FEB - 5 ------------------------------------------------------ PPS^� ed - ity - Clerlc. F-enrce — - Y .-.. .terson Cotwcilm � �� mer son. Mayor. c ) CounciI�hlaad Z;':>r. <•u a q 3� / Couneilma =� Cour]el "m XMIZ -it— -7-CE PH -Es_ ROSILN OF ST. PAUL vaENci� NO 91) 47 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK >� COUNCIL p/RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM i�F2)ES EI�:TE� BY,ljI`Tfv� C COR/I IVI I: a'SIGNER DATE— February .6th. 1935 �_— R �SOLvem , That license for "On Sale" Liquor applied for by Harold'. moNvoy ct 560 University Avenue be and it is hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to refund to the said Harold B. McEvoy the license fee heretofore deposited on said application for "On Sale" liquor license and to return the bond to him. C. F. No. 998479 8. E. Warren— II Fr d M -Tl-;2L �C. Pearce Resolved That license for "On "ale^ Liquor applied for' by, Harold F. diedthadihts 660 t17 enedane proper refundto rtheSeaid Harold F.orMcEvoy the llamas fee heretofore deposited on said application for "On Sala".liquor IS- censeandto-return the bond to him. Adopted 11Y the Council Feb. 6. 1935- Approved Feb. 6.1936. (Feb. 9-1936) COUNCILMEN YP� s Nays Adopted by the Council FG—193___ rce P erson i -sen In favor Approved 193_ Tax Warren Against President (Gehan) Mayor SM 6-34 P ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK - (SQA p CITY OF ST. PAUL FILECOUNCILNo..�94� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , GOLTIN&e=IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FIORM RESOLIEn Tizs-b i -+Le 3E1t.ZZ 6.k385:L23Z agent be, and he is hereby authorized to Purctsss e= _vw it33_ tlme consent of the Comptroller, 50- 5/8" x 3/42 Hersey Mcsc3.81 '*Fn Meters, at a price of $9.00 each,or a total cost: $450,00, without advertisement, as these az'® ps*_-4M t4ebcM sxxrtl.c3_es ani. no advantage could be gained thereby. C1aarge Waw 4EENtr 33apa_x tment Fund. C• F No. 99848-A37 M xton Rosen By Request— ! That _ the pumhasheg Agent be, and he Is harsh� ii COU ILMEN Yeas Nays Prce eterson � Rosen /Warren Aeairzst Vr r wlr. president (Gelzan� SM 6.34 C Adopted by the Counell .Feb. 6,. 1936. Approved Feb. 6, 1996: - (Feb. 9-1986) Adopted by the Council FEB 71ML_193__ FEB = Approved 193_ Y -- �— Mayor ORIGINAL To CITT CLt R.G BY H• E. ypattW '•d 8. Anan'- CITY OF ST. PAUL -ant ced onthe86th FFICE OF THE CI -VY CLERKy t rielnaoon �= TV ' OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEnIEF2AL Fri'; -.•_-;aur. or E•m' , PRESENTED BY T F COMMISSION 3 DATE Fx9"K=0 IM-HtEELEAS, Alfred B. Anderson, an employe- of the Depart- ment; c=2t i Pu7011E Safety was injured on -the 26th day of December 1933'. bg reason of an accident to his eye, arising out of and in t;Y38 course of his duty as a fireman for the City, and '4fHFsREAS, as a result of sucia is jury the s aid Alfred B. Ander son sustained a ten per cent permanent loss of i►ision in the r i�%zt eye, and under the Workmen t s Compensation Act he is COM—ent3--r-- -JL.ecc, to receive for such ten per cent loss of vision :1-on for a period of ten weeks at th6 rate of $80.00 per weeg= -,V-tserefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are here'ts� suthorized and directed to pay to the said Alfred B. Axicier coxa the sum of $ 800.00 in fx a- and final settlement of this c3aim against the City for Buca loss of vision growing out of -t--s3.s said injury on December 26th, 1933, said sum to be paid out: o=E' tae Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. COUNCILM HN Yeas Py�rce �Peterso n Nays / R sea Tuax _—In favor /Warrerz /� • _ _/—Against /Mr. Presiderzt f�'ei-zan) 5M 6.34 F -'B - 6 19'J5 Adopted by the Council 193 EFL Approved 193— Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL t,�(��tfl Warren— - 08 SJ OFF1GE OF THE CITY CLERK t)tobinekl as em 140eNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FO ��a.Cme t of Pt .rea oa ibe 14th e accident artei• ur of hie a_M- F2 ESENTE� BY '� n,re —OMM�SS�ONER f •ad Y ji;; DATE WHEREAS, Peter Dro1:),inek1, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, was injured on the 14th day of May 1933, in an aooident arising out of auci In the course of his employment as a policeman and as IL result of which injury he has sustained a permanent partial loss oY 'n.se of his left leg, equal to ten per cent thereof, and WHEREAS, under the: Workmen t s Oompeneation Act, a ten per cent permanent loss or use of a leg entities an employe to com- pensation for a period og twenty Weeks, and the compensation rate of the said Peter Drobinslci is $20.00 per Week, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay to the said Peter Drobinski the sum of $400.00 for such permanent loss of use, in full and arinal settlement of any aacl 811 claims against the City, arising ©tat of the said aoeidental i.n jury on May 14th, 1933, said sum to be paid out of the Workmen; • s Compensation Account of the General fid. Adopted by the Council— EB_y -6193_ Approved_ 58 el )l[7 193_ ayor,�� Yv1;LIS1�Tf COILMEN Yeas Nays ce erson osen —_ln favor T�ruax %�arren /� __�" �l Against I- President (Gehan) SM 6-3�3'r Adopted by the Council— EB_y -6193_ Approved_ 58 el )l[7 193_ ayor,�� Yv1;LIS1�Tf OR�GIlV ISL TO CITY GLtRK f ��• ■■e�851 CITY OF ST. PAUL Milton Rosen - rd llll •Vl n ..rd:L Knight, s''' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK iepnrtment L- Uon the `It" COUNCIL RES TION -GENERAL FOF;t�;,-, Inlurrcc. e ` u r Pn w F- Ft �� TSD BY i •� COMMZ lONEP �f��>•+_ �'1r DATE Aim WH=EAS, Edward L. Knight, an employe of the Department oS Pub11c Works, was injured on the 6th day of April 1934, wkr.ich injury resulted in his death on the same day, and WHEREAS, the Industrial Oommission of Minnesota has ae1cl that the injury and death of the said Edward L. Knight arose out of and in the course of his employment with the City of St. Paul and has awarded compensation to his mother, I6ucy B . Kn1ght, in the amount of $8.40 per week, such sum to be paid during dependency but not to exceed 300 weeks, and also awarclea the sum of $150.00 funeral expenses to be paid to gessler & McGuire, undertakers, and WHEREAS, it to 43 weeks since such death, to and including February M, 1936, and compensation for such period is $361.20, ttsereYore be it RE80LVED, that the proper city officers be and they hereby are avt xaw:Lzed and directed to pay to the said Lucy B. Knight and George W. Mantor, her attorney, jointly, the sum of $361.20 eompeasatlon, to and including February lot, 1935, and the fur -trier sum of $8.40 per week to Mrs. Lucy B. Knight dbar clepeiacienc3y but not to exceed 257 weeks, such sum to be payable every, two weeks, and the further sum of $150.00 to Kessler &' McGuire, undertakers, for funeral expenses, all of such sums to be paid out of the Workmen's Oompensation Account of the General Fuad •.Z —�LJNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce / �e rsor> /j o�sen _In favor uax amen � Against i ��r_ �residczzt CGeI-tan) Adopted by the CoundiFEB - 6 1 &r,-193—_ Approved FEB ` fI --193-- Mayor pUBLIBI�D � - 3 coutw39852 - ORIOINgL TO OITY CLERIC FILE.• CITY OF ST. PAUL con ;Rosen n7>;eion be OFF E OF THE CITY GLERK ,- the T! NERAL FORM ranb Com C.OUNGIL SOLUTION ezcavn PRESENTED BYE r DATE---mss<ii' COMMISSIONER -- RESOLVED }_$-t_ Permission be and is hereby graatsd to the Tri-State 'z'e 3e p}aone & Telegraph Company to me3�e the necessary excavation, ger �zT+derground conduit and cable v+rith the necessary manholes aT�c3 lateral pipes connecting the intersecting streets and alleys; �o set poles and anchors, and places the necessary eQuipment on e following named streets and alleys n Qa sylvan St. from Sycamore St. tO 1.sx P'45=teur Ave. -T-� -A%-- north of Taylor Ave. between Bam10-ne Ave. and Ydheeler Ave. Tr. a11ey east of Aldine Ave. between alley north of Taylor Ave. and ire s t Northern R.R. Q� Charlott Ave. from Taylor Ave. to Great Northern R.R. r: a1 3ey east of Charlotte Ave. from alley north o f Taylor Ave. to Great Northern R.R. yn.R. �a s11e east of wheeler Ave. from Robl Ave.Ave• to R eat Northern t Northern �a yoTlTg St. from Taylor Ave. to Gres Sa alley east of Young St. from alley north of Taylor Ave . to Gz eat i�'or�Yiern R.R. tori S exington Ave. from Otto Ave. to Albion St. 3-o1es and aerial construction to be removed when requested Commls- the Ga m Council. work to be done under the direct onpay t cost of s 3oxier of Public works', the Telephone Company the publication incident hereto. Date �p prove d : Bur a su upt. of Lighting Aaproved- �� Asst. Supt. o£ PoliceCw Alarm Teleg ti✓.�C� Date Approved: i �t'L Commissione�ro'£ Parks i¢�" Pla ygrounds f i -__� DATE Approved :/� /" Commissioner of Publ—c yllorlcs COLT � LMEN Yeas Nays / �ROSen _In favor ice_=uax �`T.T arreri Against �pwz� /4, PrF-=ic3cr;t CGehan) 5M 66.34 Adopted by the Council FEB e 6 a- 9.3F193— FEB - 6 FT Approved--- —193 -- Mayor O RIOINaL TO CITY GL6R �j��2 Y OF ST.. PAUL -ILLN^ �,�✓SLLLV OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Sr C. iPenareee- men within "named app+- COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL n a FOR�M + 'fie nPP d for �.ta e�+ d have.— no' nleh ed tL' PRESENTED BY i DATE GOM MISSIC NER IttS WEMMt AS , the within named applicants have made application for woa saZe" liquor licenses and have paid the required fee and furni sYseri the proper bonds; and AREAS, the License Committee has recommended that such °on Zicquor licenses be granted; therefore, be it R�SQI.VED, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue such licenses to the within named applicants for tYie premises described in the respective applications; be it Fi3RTR RESOLVED, That the bonds of said applicants, in the sum of 03 , 000 each, which have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same are hereby approved, and the City C-lerk is directed to deposit them with the City- Comptroller. We r -b Mx _ Clentral Commercial Climb 113 W. University Ave. T7rieo . N3kas 164 North Snelling Ave. Simog Damian 230 Nor Front St. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /rce PPUro n / ==rs< �__I a favor �h'ruax arrerz / Against Presiderzt CGeliar2i 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council FEB – 6 1935 193__ Approved 193 Mayor OR�OINAL TO G Y GL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CQUNCIL RASOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESETIT�31===W SY COMMtS:ai- ==w 3�iER DATE FlLENCIL No. -99854 WBZREAS, the following named persons have heretofore filed a 11cat3ona for "off sale" liquor licenses, and have deposited W� S�ich applications the license fee therefor, viz: �/ Harry M. Brotchner 918 Grand Ave. Kx-Negel & Laska 380 Selby Ave. AIM WHEREAS, said applicants have paid the proper license sud filed the proper bonds in the sum of 03,000 each; and yr �reaa , the Lic erase Committee has recommended that such "off sale" 1 ezises be granted to them; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That such licenses are hereby granted, and the CSF y Clerk is authorized and directed to issue said licenses when- _ e� e�= tize Lialuor Control Commissioner of the State of Minnesota ad- v -1% ses that he approves of the issuance thereof and approves said it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the bonds of said respective applicants, a��rovec3 as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and a same are hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to file s t2_ d boada with the City Comptroller. C© ZJNCILM EN Yeas Nays / rce favor ����Tarren _.�1-Against 1 Mr_ 'resident (Gehan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the CoundL-FEZ - 6_1 -193_- Approved FEB - 6 119K-193— <7 193— Mayor tr, �,srrrT5____ q" - ORIOI NIL. TO CITY CLl RK Y OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM SY DATE FehTn9.Ty 6, 1955 E F2 COUNCIL t r FILE NO. RESOivIEa Tbat licenses for Restaurant, application 1611, Off Sale Malt Beverage, 4pp334-_a0_-io3mL 2612; and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 1615, applied for by Roberta Shop>xi-bw MLS 7?9 Selby Avenue be and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the %a' Commtittee, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund t,o RobBrts S?aopsiitz the fees of $10.00; $5.00; and $50.00 and to cancel said applications for 13cease93 rBepectively. C. F. No. 99656-13y Fred M—$ce— ren— Resd.-..PaW olve. That Ilan _ COL31�I LM EN Yeas � P�arce Nays /PieLesson ,ter ,/ RoserX J _—In favor ///Truax �7arreri __Against r_ President (Gehan) SM 6-34 tIoverage, apDlieatlon 1613. applied for by Roberta. Shopntta at 779 hereby den ed upenue on reconameadatlonao� the License Comm(ttee, and the proper ref.ftund tto rR.oberta Shopare ntta the feeds oL E10.00; 56'.00; - and. SSO.OD._8nd -to cancel aid apDltcat/ons for- llcensea respec- ti'd AdoDted.by the Council. Feb. Approved Feb. 6, 3936.; (Feb. 9-1935) Adopted by the Council FEB - 6 9 193— U L Approved 193 Mayor owio�wwa. ro cary ca_><azK COUNCIL�--r TY ST_ PAUL FILE NO._—C 1 OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES0LUT1C C" — GENERAL FORM ER RESOL_V/ F—=D �y�����a Tisatcam.+-u+.g Gasoline Station T_S cease No. 2827, for four pumps,(expiring Nov- 32 2935) issued to George Gustafson at 618 Como Avenue be and the same is hereby trans�arrgd to James G. Balfour at the same aciclress, and the proper city officers are hereby �i T-ecteci to chagge their records aceorci��ly. O F.. No. 99867 BY A• E• Warren— � F,rcd. M• Truax I• -Cline Flll nk St" gr.d vod.-That'Gas° four Pu -tion ZScena NoY°•. i2?"1936)ov.' ""'d.ue I E oiplrinK 618 Com Cl -"'MP Gustoteon at reb9 trans a al- a th G a8atfour oa't the eam and.the DroDor c1tY°Lflcars are to JaIDos otr records gr ess, h¢rebY-dtracted_to council Fob.. 6,-1936. a,ccordinBlY• the C ADDpoted v d Fob' 6, 1919E6) I CO U <-_11-MEN Yeas / Nays P ce /Peterson favor __In "IJ uax 2—Against � Against iIr_ SM 6-34 President (0c'han) Adopted by the Council FEB 1%5 _193 ApprovedEB 193— C/�� Mayos CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ Capital of Minnesota ®. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration January 319t, 1935• E. Warrens License Committee, The attached request for transfer of t s� -r-3_11j-ng station license at 61g Como Avenue from George G �a f son to James G. Balfour was referred to the License by the Council, for investigation and recommends. - Yours very truly, City Clerk. F_. 5.252--;.34--i0 !'ad. SALESMAN'S REPORT nE:FN:>RT CALL ON ONE FIRM ONLY ON EACH SHE ET SUBJECT-----� 4C>- AkkJ=)11:3oF;tf—=!S!S �*-IIPFz'IISIC3 ^E)MFZESS--/�TTE[�iT10N OF --� DIST T— AA A, P2 .11 SIGNED 1:31AAC117 I REAS, heretofore 11110-eF Sal -ell liquor license (11II Y4f was issued to M. Burke to conduct such business at 608 So. Smith Avenue (Drugstore); and WHF.RF.AS, the said W.15i. _ Burke has requested that his license be transferred s> Jamzs F. Jordan at the same address; and WEEREAS, W. E. Burke iias filed a bond in the sum of $5,000, as required -2t=wzZv- city ordinance; and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that the request for ransomer be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that t'Off SaX49" liquor license heretofore granted to W. E. Burke -Y-= a 8sic3 the same is hereby transferred to James F. Jordan, subject to the approval of ame State Liquor Control Co>m :Losioaer, and his bond .in the sum of $8,000, which has -312=-sem approved by the Corporation C:ocm8e1, is hereby approved, and the City Clerk s directed to deposit said bond 3.a the office of the City Comptroller, and to nofity Mafia T.i c1 -nor Control Commissioner o:' -the State of Minnesota of this action of the Council thB proper city officers are directed to make the proper changes in the City's ��cords; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel is authorized and �-ected to notify the surety on t)se bond of W. E. Burke that it is released from �*T+a further liability arising after the date this transfer becomes effective. COUNCILMEN Nays �eBe�as'id�rt�^f Pearcet�._._______In favor Rosen n Truax __._..._..___.Against Mr- President 6 w &-32 Adopted by the CounciL.__ FEA.7.6. 1.2251193__ ..• 13 T926 Approved------ -------------------------------------- 193 ------ Mayor 9J��8 gym City Gla* -.lo 'j, L'. Warren— OF ST. PAUL C., P a=7 .ore."Olf Bale'• 11Quor.------_----------------- .. OF'F'ICE OF THE CITY CLERK a COUNCIL ad (Drugstore).; and rug for RESOLUTION= GENERAL FORM.' W. E. Burge hen: cu xt t e trans} ..n wt the nam DAT . •e -. 1_... __ _. _. __ I REAS, heretofore 11110-eF Sal -ell liquor license (11II Y4f was issued to M. Burke to conduct such business at 608 So. Smith Avenue (Drugstore); and WHF.RF.AS, the said W.15i. _ Burke has requested that his license be transferred s> Jamzs F. Jordan at the same address; and WEEREAS, W. E. Burke iias filed a bond in the sum of $5,000, as required -2t=wzZv- city ordinance; and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that the request for ransomer be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that t'Off SaX49" liquor license heretofore granted to W. E. Burke -Y-= a 8sic3 the same is hereby transferred to James F. Jordan, subject to the approval of ame State Liquor Control Co>m :Losioaer, and his bond .in the sum of $8,000, which has -312=-sem approved by the Corporation C:ocm8e1, is hereby approved, and the City Clerk s directed to deposit said bond 3.a the office of the City Comptroller, and to nofity Mafia T.i c1 -nor Control Commissioner o:' -the State of Minnesota of this action of the Council thB proper city officers are directed to make the proper changes in the City's ��cords; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel is authorized and �-ected to notify the surety on t)se bond of W. E. Burke that it is released from �*T+a further liability arising after the date this transfer becomes effective. COUNCILMEN Nays �eBe�as'id�rt�^f Pearcet�._._______In favor Rosen n Truax __._..._..___.Against Mr- President 6 w &-32 Adopted by the CounciL.__ FEA.7.6. 1.2251193__ ..• 13 T926 Approved------ -------------------------------------- 193 ------ Mayor THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE ��r CITY OF' SAINT PAUL eS1r) INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION cev Jany -a -y 17, 1935 Ilia- _ Leonard I,3c gm--- ^�-- B Inspector Daae !� _ . 1 With reference to the transfer of ®11 liquor license from W. E. Burke at 608 S. Smith Ave a to James F. Jordan at the same address: R.The License Committee hereby approves of s transfer. Please have resolution drawn. Yours truly, Commiss oner of Public Safety Chairman, License Committee CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Regl*aOon January 16th, 1935• Hon. E. E. Warren, C33alr-man, License Committee, City of St. Paul. Dees S1 r: Theattached request for transfer of 110:'1 sale" liquor license from W. E. Burke at 609 s. smith avenue to James F. Jordan at the same address, was re - to the License Committee, try the City Council, for investigation and reconmmendation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. St. Paul, Minnesota, January 14, 1935. City Council, City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen:- Re: W. E. Burke, Druggist, 608 S. Smith Avenue, St. Paul. In accordance with your letter of January 7th, 1935, I wish to advise you that I am arranging to sell my, retail drug business to Mr. Tames F. Tordan who has been in charge of the store since 1924. Mr. Jordan entered my employ at the age of thirteen and has been continuously with me, with the exceptionof tao or three years dux-ing which time he was attending the University of Minnesota. He Is stilly qualified and a registered pharmacist of this state, and I Peel that his long years of experience in the conduct of the business also qualifies him to conduct the business done under an off -sale permit, according to the ordinances of this city. It is my desire, if possible, to transfer this license to ZAx-. Sames P Jordan and I shall see to it that proper bonds are supplied and all requirements complied with. Mr. Jordan has also affixed his signature to this letter. Respectfully, m Parz 1.34 4—er F S NT PAUL APPL1 A- ION FOR 'OF ALE" LIQUOR LIC NSE (Thi. form must be filled out is Name of Applicant_— Addr s Application Lo Ztre aDDlicaf3on formtement reZby the Liquor control c.mmi..mner of she Ststc of Minne.ota) .,f.- --- Age------ Telephone No4 f -j Residence es ----------- Are you a citizen of tYie States?--__ ----------" Have you ever been eggageca in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? If corporation, give dat4 i incorporated --------------------------- Name and address o£ and secretary of corporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor sssold -__--_ ------------------- - --------------------------------------------- Name of surety will write bond, if known__ /1------"'r ( G. - ----------- -- - -- -- -- Number Stseat Side j�Between What Cross Streets Ward How many feet from a-+ a= c3emy, college or university (measured along streee�tts) ?__-_____-_________________-_ _____-______ How many feet from (measured along streets)? __-______ O ____�d lf-- How many feet from public or parochial high or grade school (measured along streets) ?------- ' Name of closest sclzooL--____---------_ - ---_-----____-- How are premises Ea under Zoning Ordinance? __._______________-__,___________________________________ On what floor located ? If leased, give name of <::w general food store or exclusive liquor store?_______ present business at present site?___________ -- ------------=----------- --- Do you now have an. "E3ra male" non -intoxicating liquor license? Is application for drugstor�� How long have you opera- --spi,A (This application by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) L The State application form and information must be verified.) Issuance of license is riot a-ecommended. Dated-- --- - - ------------193' ----------------------------------- ----------- ---- — - i__-(' ------ - - -- _ License Inspector. APPLICANT. IM •edt 1-34 CITY OF SAVVY PAUL APPLICATION FOR "OFF SA6.L1E" LIQUOR LICENSE Application (This form must tae T31ca osst in �th—Wil-tillm gy�"egoLament re4 ir4d 1rs the Livuor Control Commtaetover of the State of Mimenota) --- -A$e---------Name of Ap -J = at_—_ T tTelephone Nof ---Residence -- - - - Are you a ca 3zea o:f the United States?-------- — ---- - - - - -- -- - ---- - -- --= - engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, so> t drink parlor, or businoes of similar nature., ��---------------------------- /11 - ------ ------------------------ - Have you ever been Women aaa v�3SerE'-� __-____-___-____________ If corporati Form S mor v - —!1e 'e O8-Sa1e Licensee. APPLICATION FOR R.ETAILEIR'S OFF -SALE LICENSE ErYe License _1$p. of 3ySiinaes ta, To Coaarncil of 0 i ic�a�e Coun-t-_ of To d A_ Arundel, Liquor Coa.trol Commissioner, State capitol, St. Paul, Minn ota. 'T'—= of the amity o£ unty Of Q�•�e �e �Gi State ® wE!xXxiesota, hereby makes application for Retailer's Off -sale License to a used at the fol- low� Couatin accordance with Chapt Pte- 4� fora Prov ions of Laws of 1934, period of one year from and of ter the of y 193_� 'S`jE7=W_ a undersigned agrees to comply with all the municipal and state laws and with all the rules 3sc3 regulations prescribed by and to be prescribed by the Liquor Control C ST,k=]� OF County of sworn E3aposes and says and 1�aQ�vS tI-ie contents ommissloner. Dated this 3z� day of 'q '__j $y PERSONAL ACKiV O L EI2GME114T being fust duly he is theapplicant named above, thathe hasread said application eof, and that the same it ue of his own lynyo edge. i ALT Subscrf eco a.acl s rn to before me this J �a� of COR I�'ORATE VACKT'-TO�NVLEDGMENT STATS OF MINNESOTA, l County Ca �1ziG day of J 193_, before me appeared being me duly sworn, did say that he is to me personally known, who, of that the seal affixed to the foregoing instru� PT+t is the corporate seal of said corporation, sad that said instrument was executed in behalf o said corporation by authority of its board of directors and said _ acknowX_ Pctged said instrument to be the free act -xrxcl deed of said corporation. -O RtOINA-L TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL 99859 ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL - RES �L�UTt]ON—GENERAL FORM _I�F2ESENITE0 BY l"-- COMMISSIOfVER ,�—� DATE February 6, 195J4 —i-iESOLVED That Tavern license Ho. 157, and Dance Hall license No. 55, expiring -Tis27- 6 v 1935, and issued to RoXiamcl and Ryan at 622 University Avenue, be and the same 8x-8 hereby transferred to F. C. U3-1-%ich to conduct such business at the same address, aacl the proper city officers are hereby directed to change their records accordingly. i C. F. No. 99369. -By 11• E. Warton— Fred M. Tru —l.Pearce— Resolved. That- Tavern license -'No. 137,. and Dance -31-11 It----- No- 55: ez- Apiring July 6, 1935, and issued to Ao- - land andRyanat 623 University Ave- nue. be and the -ams are hereby -trans- - terred to F. C. Mirlch to conduct such bu.Ino-- t the-aaie•addre--, and the groper .city 9.1cer. are. hereby directed to change their records accordingly. Adopted by the6Councll Feb. -.6, 1935- Approved Feb.B, 1936. (Feb. 9-1935) CC)U>CILMEN eas Nays LP�arce 'Peterson / / osen In favor ruax Warren Against / 0211110;___,-<4,- President (Gehan) S Z3 6-34 - S 1946 Adopted by the Council 193 FEB - 6` Approved 193 7 Mayor CLTR r -�—Y ULLHICH A Zif�-Ss�sdy - Mas,aya�ag, Promot- Bori sid= ine�p-to-rse as - set 4— i�¢us yoverniaD b Hn c be s�srs_ a?� o-zsssedStator Refere by she Commis - f Wisc in 1913; Minnesot¢� 191 — ichiigass, —k., 921; City Commissso 1920: Ncbr¢ska, 1921; South D¢k'Ota� S 9Z3_ This belt was presented by the Boxing Blade in 1924, in a world wide vote for world's best referee -vvitlz ali vvorld's notable referees entered, contest lasting four months, there beiirag over 1,750,000 votes cast from all parts of the world, finishing up vv�th Harry Ertle, Matt Hinkle, Alex Fiddler and Curley Ullrich, Ullrich vvixxxairag by 136,200 votes. This is positively the only solid gold diamond axxcl jeweled studded belt in the world repre- senting world's best referee- % . 77, � `l� ONTESTS IN WHICH CURLEY ULLRICH HAS OFFICIATED The following is a. 1 = from over 5,000 boxing contests in which Curley Ullrich has officiated as referee. Atten- tion is directed to the matches herein listed which were of specially notable importance. Gene Tunny ver Jlm Dalateey. >3L.. Pa Z ere. Pascal C Duke Horn vs. Walllo Dempsey. SL Paul. Jlr Banaalt ver. Hob IZ ID Omahv, N.b. Rollie Ftentla n. ]Immy lnrrylu, tVaMrtotvn. Sari -th ro. ITvrrs Gi M1Lone, Bluyi Fella, Mike oil-. n. Mike O'Dowd, SL Pa- � DatU1n[ I¢rNeb ve. Tommy Oibb >•+� �� MCOInWa v Lou tw I-, I,-. CI4• ITt i,, Jones n. IierolJ tVhlle, BL Paul. Tommy Clmsan os Youn¢ Bruno. Omaha, Nab. B11ty po U. ver Hustlo Jonas, Duluth, Mltm. Ila•arvrJ Lledks v. >Ilke Bvum. AherJaen, Ea1Jle C.uel n. ]esele Gvler. Italie Fourche. Clyde Huil ver. Pate Md%Innle, )IeJleon. TinY ISierman h. Nnrmer ledge, mire. Neb. Paul, nilly Mleke v . HatUln[ IevlvaYy. SL moi_ a Billy Llsht ver. Grey Muro, S'L Pnul. _ Joa HarrtcX _ Mark Moore, 83qux CI[y. In. Feltz Rry'ne ve Kid L'dt".ov, ➢Dile Fourche, 6. D. on g ... ve both Iv art. 0L Paul Raallo Janco v1 IloYal _rq Norfolk. Neh. Jatl[ Urlllan vs. Mike O'Dowd, St_ PassZ_ �► ]o Jr Dlvluoe e . Jerk Unttun, SL Pa I- - Johnny NOYe, SL_ paza3 _ r a. Dlek glove, Slouz CiLJ�� T - King Tu[ ve Fnzmez John, Hfouz CI4. Is. Snm Lcon and vs. lied Blanchnid, 9[. Paul. Mn[h.)v Ma[Ire)va n. t'ellx Hyrnea, Levd. P.D. [rinh KenneJy n. Fcllx Ihmex, lfuron. B. D. I:dtlle )Sort1n v Fremont IeVnen. 81ouz Jnsevne n. •Frmkie Lvrrahec, N°r- ]ed[ lln[lon n. lNenny McCarthy, SL_ �-- - - _ J,hI.Y Ertel n. Roy DSooro, SL Paul_ - F lig Tut ver. Coil Leonard, S[. Paul. .ur ISrue HLLi Morgv n, st. Paul. Itolilu French vs. Hob 8mnvee, Iluron, 8. D. AfJJY Blnnclevvl ver. llmrle Lally. Biouz limen' omlV Martin ver. DUJfe EIII, Illirz Cri Rlth n. fete >I d;lnnly 81nuz C ll. ]ohnnY Lttol ver. Dobby burns. St. Paul_ AI McCOY ve. Mika O'llo)vd. SL 'Ysu1_ n. I,- ] 't, Duluth, Mlnv. -CH- ver. Cow'hy Yapplt a.- CIV. L'uzz Trlfii[h v Bob Foster, DSndleon, S. D. .a I eine Iioy Ilnchell, BL Paul.' av v :i V'- Iowv. Ai V.. Ryan vn. Jvrkly Comvay, St. P.ul. )h' rhll loon r1 F'lev Itlrrtau, .t. llllly .',Joann v 'IYde hull. dL I'nul. Lou Tentll.r vv. Johnny Tillman, SL_ Qaa�= Hilly Wella n. Frankie 8tlroals, Omaba_ e2z ISAH. -ndr v \Vendell Btlimldt, Claik, 1<onerd Cert Khl CI°nual, Phllllp°, B. D. 8olJler Mumhy ra. ]ohm' Kneabove, Doad- Richie ]S.ek Tadcie Cameron, 8[. Paul. DIonW DIundt a's Ch... Paulson, Sl- C34. Svmmy b ouerd v llllly Hrhvun, It. Poul. U' n GI son rF-- So ' allll)vntat. !n k Iolrnnno )a Joo Cline. 81. Poul lNddy Dlc-ld v Jaddo I. -Y. Bt. I'nul. FYenkla Stlemle re. Monla Stlilnlfar_ O nilly Ityen ve. Morrie 8tltlaf ler. Oma3�a� ems_ a OAff Jovas, Iran BYvar= �Z_x_ v. Tom McGoon. STalutts� - ��- Am Bodkins v EAdlo D -.u, Slouz City, were t o - Carl esLne, Otmhv. ra. It Ily gchnure rs. EJdlo .' t. I'vul. Aoarne livll ve. Iheay' ]urea, tll. Paul. tl'endr .mitt, 1, Eddl. Mowll Blnux Cl ty, Kld ".-I n. ]Immy (%fll. Blmix CIU', le. IIob Roper ve. Thl, IJermav, Tl- Hermly ver F'urmet I.odSO. Omaha, -eb_ I-. Ro113nSer es Art Pertetla, Meson Clb. Felix BYYnea Stanley Shubert, Nnzenown, lS[r F'rankieAI.gnrrabcc, Omaha, Cbde yIIutl Geo. Verbreakl. 91ouz Fnlle. BMve m Irbh ICennMy, OL I•nul. 8e`IJY3i Atlnlrva e. Peaxee 'vlenllne, 9loux Everett Btrmi¢ n. jn.k lvchvRer, (Jmnhv. ;a1�. 4sllnr Liston Dvvy livatvn, ()mvl�e vJuhnny Karr n LlorrLs Brltlnifer_ O^� ➢oD Rop.r Andy Htivtmdcr, Ozua Tia_ e �� _ Tussamy %r s. IJonnlo Uundec. Omaha, a:cu (lodt_-evnv vF�cA Fulton, Mlnnenpolfe. £art Rluo FIOY -ern, kly, low's. eddy lalantl�uJ )e. Ilmrve Ilvll, Sloui Rt_]av, Irwin Ulge vv. Hurtle, Bloux CI[Y. lu. llllly Eneple vz FYemonL i'rpnen,. Hlorr: Matt. McCue ve. )fortis BrhV¢iZer_ <>a-- Berm L¢hfmd n. Iter Cat rtltht_ O--'-+ �- - - ver Bow DSinnenDolle. ]iv H:�iif ran vx ( tic .khenrn. ]lin nen Dulls. lows Jack O'Too:e v1 Ed- Dennu, Biouz V.W. Cle)', Ii .\I 1- lyvn n, Archie Am um. Illltlrell. CYdano TIL.mpe.n n. Youn¢ 3Znhouey� �ve_i- Donor Wla lovniv . Belly Burne, SG_ Pau= Jnhnnle 6udenborg_ SL_ �3zzZ_ ,FKfns TL[ ver. Il vy �rovea. Bnllwnter, Dilnn. o n Gr�Cvn Itl Worley, Beaver CUl- Hurry L.Bnn. v Matt 8.1111. 1,.- F' Ila, Ki 1 Howard n. ,Tad Oerdn, baba Neb. IIld \'ll`on ve. lack .GeaRer,mOmehv. Neh. J.11nvY - o'ea e. ]ohnnY HIreJ1, 8L Paul. ]Immix Del¢ Y ver. HIIV Parkins_ SL Yaz=�_ Conn' Curry s. Karl MCAr[hui, Sioux C� nrX Menlo vs- KIA HDady Omaha, NeD. Sailor (aeon v Tod Zanfaa, Omana, Nee. J[iko� n Il s Devnls ]ICF'adden. 9[ltl- wu I¢Dilnn_ v Jam [. Farina Iod¢o, IDPhea Evr ury r r. Connlo lVrry, Omaha, NeD, la.s. J. G.naev Eddle Monte, at... City, ween Lt.- ve I.en 8d•webel, at.Paul. 'S'WEvens ve. Kltl Aay, Nonolk. NeD. 'en 1'mamv Jou Oane a. jock Malone, SL Yazd- Jeff Bmfth n. Mike -hov�. Hc. Paul_ h.11 Rawerd Ottera.n v Dewey Julian, D➢lrhell. ra v 8t. Poul. E�bIIC vs. Furl cAr[ltur. Slouz CIb. Iv. Ira Juhnnpn n. Oeo. Verbrvkl, It- City. CUK Kiamo[ ve. Ole Anderson, St. P°vl. 1 al n. Ed dlo Morrie, 81.ux CI4. Imeme Hvll ver R."i. I�It al... Fath, Tommy Gibb.. G.irly Gl]1D. Sz_ Yam==- Miko Olbhone v1 J¢ck lido. S[_ Paul _ ]ark Ullnde Ill. F,anklo IL.J, N. M. N.b. it. Adema Lca Codann. Omaha. Ne.. Billy c IID Tommy Tfbbt[tn. Duluth. s. T1a1Ty GrlRtths v Sohssny Bird, Storer GItY. Tom evy Barvne CM1lri Donurn, 8[. Foul. I n� I Diliner Art NeR, I' 3'sul. 8nuth Dnkon. Uuiz Orftlfth vs ld- R -B. 81... Clly. ]a. Georgy Chlp vs )flko Gfbboem, Dulu Lh- �£� �- Jvtlt lllllun n Geury Chlp, ISavluih_ ;� --T_ sVP�s._ _ Martlle Burko Fred Felton, Omaha, N.S. n -m th vv ]Iorrlo Bcl)lal[or, Omahv, s Seal Rlntl Fl mer Cowl. tll. Paul. I vd Newer Dfumhy a. CIIR Cores, Omaha, lIeL1Y MatM1ewa v. Balllins IIenb. Mltd1e11. blah Kennedy ve.e Breva Konen, HL Paul. 6plke K.IIY ve. IIItJY Walters. BnDerior� Earl McArthur vs Jo° Mandell, iSd_- - tai f2v []Slake v 9Wnmboa[ Swot, HUDcrlor. Y .rlffithsa Shlder Kelb, 91ouz CIL)'. Ip l Altlna ver. Frank Potlli, Norfolk, N.b. a us le n. Bp lke IIcnneaey, Flandreeu, >mddy Uma n. Pmt Mllnvr. Kimbell, S. D. Ilan Griffith ve. AI {'en Ryan, Biouz CItY. la. Mika it S... . I- Apwa rII_ s La -_ Fred Fulton ver. Porky Flyzen, 8L PauL f mrY Henden ver ]ones Duluth. Mlnn. nrJtte Cameron Jack NItH, BL •Paul. JImm3' Delaney os Cliff K .mor, 8t. Paul. TBfrey Herman vs. Martfn Bottle. Omaha, Neb. Fnnklo Inrnhee e. D. h ...deo. ad.- cl- I-. S,,.l CORmm v. Gco. t'erbmekl, Omaha, !(Ike Dnle - 8l aI..da.e, Omaha. NeD. ]otlt Malono ve. Tommy 6heebnn, SL Yam- - IIryan DoxmeY vv. Jodt Malone, SL Pau- _ I<vinalb Tony Folnn, Omaha. Nob. T'eW Ia[ru ver Mpirie Bahlalfer, Omeho. Neb. Dilly 8ch.un n. Mike it ll. Omaha, NeD, R,• y Adams n. Bill McCann, ii-, Neh. jerk Kenllag ve. Rued, ]ones, Bloux Folli JImmIL Jostah n. Bonny Ll.ytl, Blwz Fella, toe Oormav ver Eyt Mrdrthui, Sioux CS ]eek CIIRord ve. Andy Ba:hmadar_ Neb_ L_ -- Denary Orogen ver Loo KcuDskl, Omnhn, Neb. ]3 Sullivan v Tony 8aundtl HL Paul I„[[IinS Itnnb n. Oao. Perone, llu[ov, 8. D. Van 8yav ver. Olen MlUlgen, IIumv, 8. D. T��nv u 1 v Mottle IIroan, Dee lid.hl , n111y \V elle n. rICIJ Delaney, llee Qolnea�Ia. Ever Ilammn ver Eddla Mabunay O� e - - Flud Taylor vs� Sohrmy 8u¢hee, St. P¢ul. Kld Worley n. Johnny llama 81oui CIV, Ilattlln¢ Clemevta ve. Artie BDero, adv IIoDDy W¢td ve. ]olLpm• 8rhauer, SG_ Ya++- SL Pa 1 armor Iwai Co v Joo Clisso, 8t. Yaul. Frank Muaklo vs JBohnny 61Inea14, SL Paul. Itun[le Ll ova n. PSU tam., Bl-, CIV, L. allot Llatav Rey Carter, Bloux CI4, la. CIU', la. I3oDarta Tony I<goud, Meson Ctty, h. CUR Ilramer ve. Jack CllRord, Fddle. Dcebm v Charts St -r_ Gat e F -art MCArLFeur ver a y Hny, 81ouz C(ty, la. ve, Runato I<Roy a BneD Oartleon, Duluth. Ill n IMc ISoliy vs. Bollle French, Deadwood. B. D. Jlmmle Delany 1 ]Immla Dara'zay- Johnvy NaYe v,. Buealo I.aHoy. Sipiix T�� - - - rcmon PeDDars Don Darcy, Nlandnau. Eddfe Morris ver Mlke Sa oro. Hiouz Ci[y, In. Pell -dpi es. T.- Uennm, Omlba. Nob. Joo YOung Fnnklo Bollle, Biouz Fella, FMdle Gust - Dell Brown, Dndwmd, B. D. Oavv Allti ver. ]arils Camonv, Bloux Fella, Johnny O'llovnoll Atloa Famiss¢_ QIP+ a �� Au,ale _RA' Soscoa Heli• Siaxix S�� +z - _ �- -F�e 1c Malove a. Tony Boyce gt Poul. Tufty Oz3Si[Im Tommy SlcOadro, Yankmn, Paul l\'anglle Mrry Amy. St... Falls. Hol Lowery n. ADI. MBmtxe, Bloux Nelle, IlnwvN t re D°v Dou¢h.m. Blom F.Ha, 8. D. v lohvy O'Donvell ver. IIODDy Mla�aals� O^ - T -+a- Jimmy Bnd9 ve. Jce ]swoon, CalumaL- ^v cam_ Billy Hoon ve. Matt Smith, Yankton, B. D. Jnayc Kleth vs. Jim Kenna. Mitchell, S D. AeJ \Vllaov n. Jack Lewle, BL Paul. Flay Dundee n: Jack Nlld tlt. Paul. Ina ver Eerl nrooke. PhIWm, & D. Fella ➢yens n. c ..]e Conway, Ph llpe. B.D. O. 8tuart ut-1 n. Jce Nelson. Omana� 1 ��� Fndt BeLmalzer vi Fsrl McAr[ _ eB Deva Aller vs. Eddto Lewfa, Humn, M D. �iorrfa tic-Jalniter ver. Joo Stit-cit, Omaha. AI De Rnse Matt Blinn, ei. Paul. Harvey Perklm a IIoeb Adaw, Hloux IAn IIolb 2 ➢oD B."' , Clart. B. D. Ily Knuee a. -hit. ..S.r, Mem. c1li,. CIV, Iowa. Earl Puryeer ver. Covey Curry. Omalxa�_ t ®b_ n1e Curry . £art Ma- -hu�, H3oux City, Itllly Pe[rolle vn Ed di. DaBeau, Bloau Fall, Id Iowa. Bed Staten ve. Young B.0 N.hlk, NeD. blot, Kot° 4 n F°llz BYmn, Abe,,I e tlouN Dakma. Heinle Vogol oA Fart MCArtJeur, DIDaT13� Reddy B-idl. d v Roemer Hull, Sioux b_ �� Clyde 8u11 ver_ Jon Martfn, Biouz Fate. II-- Aller ver. Fra nkle Swim, 61ouz galla, Mike Dal° vs. Kid Ry, NWA. NeD. Tom BURer v , Tomry Lynth. ➢eater Ci V, An'k Denlek ve. S.hnnY Brhon, Abardeev, InaM1 Kennedy n Pvdtly Mullen, &our Sella. NnvMe \Veleh n.B Mento S ttD ltI r- O^� td- MrKy ver JODnny HLLACIIiJO,Tjr� SS ou_x e- o Schlalfer ver I)a¢o Joe Gores, HL Paula It.- Wright ver. Geo. Bour3.nd, St' Deva Oetmv ve. ArMIa Ammons, 81oux C1b. hustle Jones Shorey Bollman, Bioui Fella, Tammy McCulre ver. Marton }Ininee, MR.- il, H. D. CIV. Iowa Fir' Mrdrthur n. Frankie 6cLmalzar_ O Ct[y, Sower. Aus to F.Sens oe. 81d Worley, NoKolk, Nab. ]otenn�Martln v ]Immy Dmd, 81ouz FWa, ]alae abet n. F®rl MaSnkur. Bloux City. Dltly Wler n T -Y Mvrtln, 81ouz Fails. N.- Genet- U.vo Oe[rov. Memo CSV jollnny N110S, ve. Eddla GLLmoza• Si + � ��- ice_.-� Red Walao. ver. IIUR HddeL SuDarlor_ R S_a_ J onY 9wvrtz 8111 Culemnn, Bever CI4, sae Malone vs. En rl McArthur, 81ouz Cl,:I-y - Icater n. Cytl... Whl ,, 0mene, Neb. Thomas v Efamelt O'Neil, Omeba. Tml Imnlea - Bill- Ftolk, Al- CIV, Iz. Eddie DUHeau n. S' hymn, Hunv, B. R. Merril 8dllsllvr ver Da¢o Joa Dam_ SL �azs3_ Bebe Abler vt Earl MCArLhur• Sioux C LS Ed- Monts s - Doroy, Flandmau, B. D. gave Atler Eco. [wood, glouz Falls, d D. We Chaney n.eI.. How.N, 0meke, NeD. Able Mndlotlr ver. Ed BDady, Omaha, NeD. noilie Frevcle ve. Berm Dubin, Phi1l11a, 8. D. Vcuns Fanull v. Jeri Nlttl. 81oux Fella. Clovle Tett ver HIIV Whalen, 8C- PauZ_ Zulu Md Fwrl MCAllhur, glnazs zs� 3z t ri McLean v Lew Snyder, Duluth, Df>m. Billy Pe[rolla ver. Chas. Raymond, 81ouz Harry Tarnn[ ver. Kld Dmno, Omaha, Neb. Howard Mayberry n. E.. 11cArthur, Dulum, Holley DURy n. Ja.6 trent, 8C Peui. Ilnwerd Olterv.n ]aL31e Bv.oke MI[chelL e. Ooorge Ch1Dn Al IIo[en, Datluth_ w.rs >>+ C1tY, Iowa. Dllly 6Laun n. IAva old,"' ld, UulutD. Mltm. S. Mitlm vi F'ddlo Twee, MltcM1ell, B. D. Pel Brown Bed Watson, BuDonor_ VPi� Fnnklo Meeon ver Qownrd M¢Yberry_ Du2zsi�- T3gerWCllna ver, Sac3c Josephs, Siouz Cl- Ja. - o atl¢w ver Buatio Jones, Duluth, M1ay. Solmny EnvlB Herold _S" Duluth, FYnr.a Ball n. Suede ]odea. Deer )folnee. Ia. ,1lmmle Bume n. DTIV Wler. Humn. B. D. 'liJY SfecooV ver. Miko 8vu[o, 81.ux Fella. II Vav By- vB. Eddie Morris, Sious CSL Churl[ LmheA n. Joo M1Banb li_ S= S - �ow-slwy Brown Ktd Pon leo. 81ouz Clb. SDldor Kelly v ,. Jtmmy Blyd 91ouz CI4. Ia. Feltz Bryves -'Eddie Kenneth Hunt • HN lVlhan, Des Motvea, Rad Wilils ve.Drown, Du Molvee h. B,Y Connelly AI Dt`1nn Ic Stlnelfor n. Fd Flyrm, Bloui Fella, Jerk Kan..Z ,Al. Tasbers, 81.uz Ihib. DuIIy Mberty, 81 Paul. Svlle, 8. D. Dazm> Ooodmm ver. Btova Ket[•he13_ �r� vs: MCF'nadav, Lead. H. D. ]lob Kennedy v . Gunnar Lep, Seatd[ard, S.D. ver. Vm Ryan, Duluth, li ckta Conw'a> Jce Me.g, Duluth, DfSnn. IteJ v Poul llllly IIo.n ve. Fd DeBoau Yapkmv, 8. D. 1,1 m Tillmm - Pal It-. Supaa L �3_ Drove Atter ver. Joe9 DeMflls, BoarA[o[d, H. D. Im eddy Dj..... v,. ]Im BuWnv, Hiouz Kld {YIIUams It. Oueala laifet Yavklw, I<n Rowlavds ]Donny THlman• S Q' d Iggan Charllo ]swede, St- Sores �i anK1e rra boo ve. Dounlo Duvee, aldol Cl[Y. Iowv. Cily, Iow'n. K d So lclYn Fremont Panperb Biouz Clty, Jaekfe Hhenn°n Jimmie Welsh. Y-knn. Emlel M.- ve. RA Medio h, MltabeU. B.D. I. O'Dowd ve. Aft.- Sherldan_ Sz �az3-Z_ L'Ytl.na TM1omDeov n. Youv¢ Diahone9� - - dobby Ward vs. Eddie De Beau, SL Paul. illy Walla ver. Johnny Tillman, 6L Paul. Yo[e Mc�l _ ve. IIutY Cook, 81ouz CI4. la. Joe Y -nun¢ ver. harry Goldman, SL Paul. Ounle HrlJalfe[ n. Howard 011ereo.. ffitvL- 11, S. D. Porto,, lVle. JOM.y Tillman vs Bra➢vkfe Snyder_ 'vt�� Szx xh- To vmmy Grogan Don Dundee, Omnh., Neb. a Shade ver. 81119 Wella, 8C Ynul. Bit. Ducker n. tenet Embert, 8L PnuI- 91 Sandvge n A. Il.r8el1, dlauz CIV, It. Bailor Burke n. FAdle Lene, Mlt�ell & D. Kid tumpM1n.e v Kuatla Juna'. - , B.D. Find Full.. ia. ]flke urns, 8➢Darior- W._s Fal IInwn ve, llvm9 GDoodv)nn, 6up¢rior� ��Z3_ Jim Savage vs. Roy Faal[on, BL Peul. Bn[GInS Monroe ver. Chuck IamberL Omaha. Frankie Bch-it.r . ...a. Ln.y. Omaha, ROY.1 Coffman n. DIr1 Dillon, Omehv, NeD. Foltz Uymea a. Lew Grellri, In d, 8. R. h. 01en M11118vn ve Mlke Rozeall, Omoha, Nth. Earl ur'evr ver Nen Brown, Sioaa_x JohnrV tlalntor ve. Fretlate Cutu z�_ Su �s �� Aw AUAKlres vs.. Rus[tc Jona, Omah., NeD. Panemn Joa Gans Soeh Mnlono, H[. Pour. ra kle I.anhtll ver Jori Illi¢Im, Dmno.. IIt- 8 Y ve. Freak D-ty, Biouz City, Ie, DIIU' Wallen v1 reed AdaD, 81ouz It Tommy Rurvt HIIV Wheeler, Blom CIV, Kid Ulllln¢a v Johnvy St -tor_ S Pal llnwn n. Chuck Innes, S.- R a - o r Nowaboy Brown BAF rl Puryear, Hiouz CI4, Ru sale -I vs. Johnny Noyae, Hloux Felin, le 6hera n. Chao. DOJge, It.ui Clty, la. B.Y Orden n. Matt Flynv, tlL Paui. Bl llyd ..dke vr. CHK Fonelow, Aberdeen, llowaN Ott . t ve. Paddy Mani°. Aha, O[lo W¢Ilam ve. Johnny O'Leary, Sz_ Qa ' Tomm9 OlhWns n. YouteC M.ahonay Sxz �--��� �- 3odm Dakota. Connie Curry vs. Jlaamle Joacph a, SSouz Erwtn Blge n. Jae Tn ., It... City, la. ]eadt Hkolly 1-dy Buller, t. Paul. dean. B. D. Fnnklo Connell' n. DUR> O'NeU. Omaha, Mike U ve. Corny Curry, Slouz Giz-.�� Ser_ III1k. Mhke Thur ThomDsaiu• Sax �= Fella, S. D. HIIIy RyGI ver. Morrie 6chlalfar, Ormha, Neb. Homer Hh.ri- ver. Hallo, St... St... Ia. S'n la .uzm Kid it -rd. ...h.. Uavo AUer nen0111e ➢aNav, tllwz Fella, ve tlMvuer n. Menort Davis. - SL Ya - Tra bbonn ser. Ja X M.Lonv, {Vlaoeler _CI4 ]rel �Siwn n. RuFe F.111` 61vui Fella. 8. D. 1'rul tt'. "alio n. Net RloDnn, Blnlrx Falls, Pal IIiown v. BLave H-CiSuperior_ Jerk BennaII U. Loan, Eau 8: �].a.1re �S-a- - BriAga, S. D. Pmhto Mltalzoll vs. Al Van Byers, 81otu CI4, .\l Vea 8s.. v v n e rc Medlmv, BatUing Rantya ve �e1MOW .,IS-.. Hiouz ..It ..S 11 Rustle Evens, Heaver Chl. id. MnD - n. Tommy MU:ulm, B.... �`T. Kid Dueav �JOM� Wllleta, BaiaQa� cb_ IIowyd' Masberry Jadl Stroud_ C�1ra�-z - S -a_ It- Wri¢h[ s. aline, Lodge, gi Paul. glt� Walla v AI Hyan, 8L Pvul. Fv3la, 8. D, Kull, I Ay ve. Ed le Rey-, Duluth. Mtnn. F'vlle. S. D. Bettor nutke r Connie Curty, Bioui Fella, G., IM. -R Marto. Davis_ zz� - z�ih- Johlmy RIIrLIe - Tammy Barone, SL_ p aa� _Z_ - -- -Se p - I o nay o9. Ertl DIeAr[hur, 83ouz Clb. I.. - Pal Moors vB. Dave Atter. Hlovx Falls. B. D. Tommy Grogan ver- Mnu -th Omah. Nob 8114 St,... v Cbtle H.H. St. Poul Kld Al.crta ve. aPuggy Moho., Duluth, Mhm. Roy F1dMo ve. Joe Mvrtln, BL Paul. Inn O'D°y ve. JohmY Fneov, ADeNveo, B.D. Young Nrlel ver, Kid t_B., Aberdoe.. B. D. Marlon Hebrew .. Jce -b-- AboNean. o s Tammy 8LSaflor Duke Horn vs. Walllo Dempsey. SL Paul. 88- Leon.rd ve Jae Bammaltl. Duluth, it. Kenna ver, Uave Leahy. Abndeen, B. D. Dab. azt Denny ... dYa �_ uZ Llstnn v Mike gnuro 9fouz Clty. Iv. Hcarmt Wright ve. H11I Aartw' 11, Hlauz CS[y, MCOInWa v Lou tw I-, I,-. CI4• ITt i,, Jones n. IierolJ tVhlle, BL Paul. 8award Oit..... ... Young QIII, MlleDeli, hubby Jubbe re. Geo. V""'T"1, Umaha. Neb. n {'Ud Cat a s_ Sum or_ ver Jlmm Murphy- S- r� r an.vPeanuta Tommy Organ ver. Frankle Lnrreboe, Omalu. icing Tut Tovy ComDngno. Med1°on, H. D. o Hanan n. Cht Dononn. BL Pam. Joo elle° n. Den Welsh, 8t. P,ul. Frankie Ay ve. 0waed Miller. Humn. Dobby Ipone EJdly McFaJJan, 8L Paul. it BCLlebol_ 13L_ Yazz 2 CMrllo McCarthy_ SL �a_�- Btlb Pe[ro33e v Johnzty O'Donnell, 81 P..L Ferl Blue ver Fr'ranlefe Kraw1, I. pnuL Irwly Hlge Turk Lmn, Omaba. NeD. Johnny Strike 13omer BhedJn, Omehi Jerk Nlt[I x th- OL[ereon, Metlleon, &D. weal Miller n Eddte Mc ,ld- DLdlnn. - Johnny NOYe, SL_ paza3 _ r a. Dlek glove, Slouz CiLJ�� T MS' 8ulllvan vs. Joo Sieloft, SL Paul Buzz GrBllitee ver. Jack 8lnemav, Maaov CIt>, Eddie A. n. Fremont Peppers, 8loux °la, S. D. .!x'k Derrick ver. Kltl Culberhon, 81nuz Salle, 1'el Slmmom ve. Geo. Bhew, MltrheB. B. D. ��a_ n. Farmer I.odgo, Si. Patx2_- RIY 9u lllvan ver Tony Hose, g[. Paul. MLLlei Glen >filllsen n Al Van Wt.. 81oux City, f%ddle Nemo I<e M.nh n. Ur. Brkuvukvr, Ml -.1. S. D. Covwey, flD. . Tomrvy Comlekey, SL_ Pa 1 vi. IA-- 6rlasuara_ Si_ Q� -- Johnny O'Donnell, Bt Pa W. Irish Kennedy vs. gweed DHller, Humn. 8. R. n. I,- ] 't, Duluth, Mlnv. -CH- ver. Cow'hy Yapplt a.- CIV. Ed Uenlelwn Connlo Humv, Ja'u Ceafa ve. I.Wlff, Hurw, 8. D. rtleke Ammons, d1l'�e�_ T_ envB Antln Andersozz _ }y_ _ Johnny Martin F_ddl. Ihvyer, Des Molnro, Ruddy McDonald Clydo Hull, Doadwood, Ditlt Mahoney ve �s Tommy MCOulre, Folin to ton¢ vs Ed- Mortle, .1... CI4. lolivrw Nienol° Henn Melmr, Omaha. lli Dume n. ]e.kly Conway, UuluN, Mlnv. ISAH. -ndr v \Vendell Btlimldt, Claik, 1<onerd Cert Khl CI°nual, Phllllp°, B. D. 8olJler Mumhy ra. ]ohm' Kneabove, Doad- n. Teddy Meyeza. Omaha_ i ice_ M9 Youn¢ Mahoney_ Su-'--�= fol- at-. Falls g. D. }lull B°Ilor Andanon n. EJM. id -T Hloux odd. 9. D. Neleov a OAff Jovas, Iran BYvar= �Z_x_ v. Tom McGoon. STalutts� - ��- Tlytlo ver- Sallz Byrnes, Civrk- B D. ony Dosn ver. Eddla DaBeau, Meeon Clty. Ie. City, Iowa. Edd1A Denenu v. Rustle J.nn, 81ouz Clly, ova. {Vhlta n. Kid Q.,rt M°ton City, 1°. jack.. grown ver. Ouy Panoni Meeon (St- . Leo Rowlavda_ SL Q3-�- T_ eenJlmmle I-. Ro113nSer es Art Pertetla, Meson Clb. Felix BYYnea Stanley Shubert, Nnzenown, Pete Mcflinnle Johnny it-, 81.ui CI4. Iowv. Joe 8h.rkey ver, AllAB[a¢a. Uea M.Inn ]a. ilowartl Ultanon rtla Bhere, Horan. �. D. Pappas, SBt_ Pau Z- n. Clntic WtHama_ SL Ya-�- T svi c Atter ve_ Mfrltey Andon, Aberdeen, 6. D. P.uI Wangler JMmy Cmrl. Bioui Fella, Miller ver Rollie r=, IIuiop, H. D. I ].hnv> Hay, St_ Pau 2�_ O[lo Wallnca_ 1'L as - P7dcl --h. ver Paul bullae,, 9t. PauL Mike D>(le Sailor Llaiov, Omnna, Neb. o Atter ver Ray Uundec, It .uz FLLIs. S.D. Ru°mo Hali Jedt Zvllce, Bioux C�4• Ie. little➢led( n. Lee Marsh, Humn, dvllor lturkv n. Dab 8tanvge, Wttenown, .cry e. DUR Baidell, SL_ Pays2__ Donal¢ dcc v DtcJc Flores, Omaha, NeD. Jimmy 011lnv Glen Kid Bay Chva. N.nd, -ha, b. Rv[tfo BltvYm Emmett Louie Lledko n. ]{arty Patnaky, AM1eNean, Dandan Cheater Aber- lovniv . Belly Burne, SG_ Pau= Jnhnnle 6udenborg_ SL_ �3zzZ_ M1111gan, Blwz Clb. ]a. Kld Hay ver. s8nttling Strayer. Norfolk, NeD. Flmd, Omaha, Kid Robert, a. ].bony llIN, Bioui CIV. Ia. AMM. ve. Briton, deco, ver. Clay Tury or, BL Paul_ nrX Menlo vs- KIA HDady Omaha, NeD. Sailor (aeon v Tod Zanfaa, Omana, Nee. Tommy Lynch Manua Ihlnn, MlteheiL zla Ct Fbnn vn. luck Ring, 8l. Pml. F -k Kllh. n. ➢she ]ohne.n, M.U. Clh. lett IIemwaY ver. Out Nax'ell, MIld1.11, 8. U. n. 1 Roy Diwro, SL Paul__ n Brenkla Bnyder, SUDer9or� WZ.s_ Royal .aTmnv v M1ko Bw.Sall, Omaha, Nob. h.11 Rawerd Ottera.n v Dewey Julian, D➢lrhell. lohnnv ][oro ve. BI ..It e. N.doik. Neb. Vhy ve. BLvve Gardner• Suae'2 or_ M.- Jones v Sammy Leonard, gt. Paul. Eddlo Morrla a Jack Lew1u, Htoux lel Monow e. Mike S. .11'81.uz Kl. Dugvn ver. Ilm Matdl, Omha. Neb. ]ark Ullnde Ill. F,anklo IL.J, N. M. N.b. it. Adema Lca Codann. Omaha. Ne.. Denny Cummlss>ts_ Si- Qszsi ve Df lriey Hitoridan, SL_ Ya City. Ia. Johnny Dfarting Zndlav ]ley,-.ndreau, �Samzay it-, Glbbone v. ]atlt Kellb, Bioui Falls, rhY ver. ]a. Jue B.". Chu. Paulen, .'NU. _ .R vn Flynn, BUDariori.+Al Johnny Blyd ger cw, Flnndreou, llagbors ver eCISR Fnn plow, Yvnkion, B. D. Johnny Wllllenea ve Eon llGnhur, Hloux -f U', low°. .CSM Geo. Verbrnkl ere. TeJ Baan, Biouz CIV. la. B.aling D¢nV Fred Rey, Blwx Fella. IS B[evo HOD•<1Da_ - uLJ.'-i- th n. Rod Vatlnrdl, Sl arida 8alncav Sol Lowery, Mftc]eell, H D. ,Teale CYrlone CoavboY Ya[ U v AI Van By,,. Duluth, Ilmtle Lew RltlJe .(Sew Hames, Omvlu, NeD. �- r. BIM Huc�en, Sti11vvaLe.= Osman ver. Yntos, Hurav, 6. D. Mari Flynn F�tldlo DoBeau- Humn, B. D. mrY Henden ver ]ones Duluth. Mlnn. nrJtte Cameron Jack NItH, BL •Paul. Imey Gardnkna ro. Ted Ganln, Biouz CIV. Iivrmen .=1'.`R ver. Joey Phelav, Bioux CIV. h ver. Srmklo Latialxe- 130_ ;�-ossa T' Hollle Frentha Swecd Mlllez,-Humn, 6. D. Al MttiD a Kid Hay. Maaov C34, k Eddie I<ne n. Paddy Mullen, 8L P.ul. llatoz Llatan ver AI Van B)m Nmf.M N,0. EkRA Ad- n. Fz * UmStl. S1oux CI4. k CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnwts OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Cluk and Cosmninionw of Registration February let, 1935• Eon_ H. E. Warren, Chairman, License Committee, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: The attached letter from F. C. Ullrich reovesting transfer of Tavern and Dance Hall licenses to iiim from Ewan and Rohland at 622 University Avenue, was re- ferred to your Committee, by the City Council, for report. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ` THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION February 6, 1935 Mr. H. E. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety, Chairman, License Committee Dear Sir: With reference to the attached request and resolution for transfer of Tavern and Dance Hall 11censes from Roland and Ryan at 622 University Ave. to F. C. IIllrich at the same address, beg to advise that F. C. U11rich is now the proprietor of this place, an On Sale Liquor license has been issued to him, and all other licenses necessary in its operation will be applied for by the said F. C. Ullrich. Very trulyyour Carl R. eoaard, License Inspector ORIGINAL TO OF ST. PAUL F1LeNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESE EM iBY� CoMMI /OIVEF2 im:__1 _ DATE February 6th, 1935 RESOLVED s Xicensss Yor, Barber applied for by Louie Rosen at 684 Selby bve-=+►=s 'be and it is hereby denied, and the proper city officers are 71=^fv� m reby authorized to refund to Louis Rosen the fee of $10.00 aad -T_t- a cancel said spPlication for license. CID UNCZi— N yeas arca P erso r� `f/ /R/gsen ruax G In favor _Against �r. Presidcr-nt feel-ian) 5M 6.34 C. F. No. 99860—By H. E. Warren— Fred M. Trues—LC. Pearce Resolved. That license for Barber ap. plied for by Louis Rosen at 884 Selby Avenue be and it is hereby denied, and the proper city officers are hereby au- thoriz d to refund to Louie Rosen the fee of.;10.00 and to cancel said appltca. tion for license. Adopted by %heCounctt Feb. 8, 1936. Approved Fe, 1986. (Fe9-1935) Adopted by the Council FEB _ s 195193 FEB - 6 193E Approved—.193----- Mayor pproved 193__ --Mayor 0 orttolwwA., :o CITY OF SAINT PAUL - ioae c" No 99M. clrr ��vcsc APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS -RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESEI�ITIE� SY'J//J/Jj^jL COMM ISSE0&--xziY__-_---/---"r-`.... ��i-,.,--""�!'.+...... ....._...... .. ........... ..z:. DATE ........... :. f RESO LVEL7. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COQ/!€ �TROLLEE2_ AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY 8IE MET BY SAID .TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE M03\W lw� Y IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. FROM 4. 31. E.—=L- TO APPORTIONED ITEM YES ` ftlo'.j- - -C OUIVGII_MElV ✓� NAYS ��tara0a >va �......IN FAVOR ........ 6 .....AGAINST -WA&F94W/ E (V ZEL 3�/lER� PRESIDENT - F.or... az=a sono s ss AMOUNT TRANSFERRED OR. CR. 298.05 50:09 .66 654.64 30,70 10 .0 1,521.51 i 1,929.16 ,9891-1]y Milton Rosen/ j I "u - [hat the following tj - �.de on the books off '.ien' As by o.doit ni efeney in eel, by said transfers I e transfers are w '' • rr, n ose) o rlc (Ref r ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.�� -..7.::]93 .::Ig....:...... APPROVED................. 4.C.g..� 7-M - .... ..19........... - uwroR COUNTERSIGN ZIJBED .................................SHED a-1 5� _................................ em COMrreoLL-1 Olty Clerk (Off.E$penee (Rp�•'rSa7.a.ries) �-.8--1 w w e1189 ) Off.P3zb. (Salaries - � •B�-2 n w Printing Eleotion .- 8alariew) w ... prig.) ° Rcpts. ) 33--2 w . PlacIng Booths) 33. 2 . i}-•3 w _ R 3� -1>--6 n - T,,rlick Hire) PPlies) 3m -s30-7 n iE 360cal Improvement Ai@ YES ` ftlo'.j- - -C OUIVGII_MElV ✓� NAYS ��tara0a >va �......IN FAVOR ........ 6 .....AGAINST -WA&F94W/ E (V ZEL 3�/lER� PRESIDENT - F.or... az=a sono s ss AMOUNT TRANSFERRED OR. CR. 298.05 50:09 .66 654.64 30,70 10 .0 1,521.51 i 1,929.16 ,9891-1]y Milton Rosen/ j I "u - [hat the following tj - �.de on the books off '.ien' As by o.doit ni efeney in eel, by said transfers I e transfers are w '' • rr, n ose) o rlc (Ref r ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.�� -..7.::]93 .::Ig....:...... APPROVED................. 4.C.g..� 7-M - .... ..19........... - uwroR COUNTERSIGN ZIJBED .................................SHED a-1 5� _................................ em COMrreoLL-1 c,-r.r ca_�se.c CITY OF SAINT PAUL,0... ................ APPROPRIATION TF2ANSFERS—RESOL—BY A. Pete a JRM PER CHARTER SECTION 208. rt the. foil-vir -. .i the hooka of I,,' rtdoing an 1•r - nin items PRESENTED BY_ -1thour . d by the COMM15510NER ................... ....A. _Petersca------ .. .....:..G. DATE. .........It ....................... F2>=SOLVE. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS 'BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE A P P p R T t O N E D ITEM AMOUNT - TRANSFERRED r/ I _reon ...................IN FROM TO DR. -CR. 5 2 - WENZEL Corp, counsel(Legal Fees) 266,00 3 •ASB " ■JRCptS.) 9ks �� 6� A --R 3•A 3 3.A-5 n n L Bo " " Office Expense 300.00 4.55.00 6•A--2 Finance Dept. — Ropts•) 693.00 6.A-3 — Auto Itaint.� • e +► Offioe 132.99 550.01 25.A---2 25.A C.H. & O.S. Heat, lght &Power) Telephones) 2,092,59. 11, 25. A� n mmint . 7 2,0 2490 26�Aw1 25.W n a B.O.Reserve) Inturest_FuncL BondNote)' 17,247.75 .O • 5 . 26.A•.2 Comptroller`s Salaries30. 206.52 17s247.79 A-3Expense)) CivnilnServlce Salaries) 702.19 X6.52 .8 Par"oh.De"pt. -. Sapense) Wig 5 702:19 31.Ar2 31.A-3 7.77 ), " n Expense) 114.56 473.27• 31.B 1 I[unp oipal cp Salaries) 2, 995.51 31.Y Expense) " ° EapenBe 15.00 517.00 33L-$ -=a 31.i " " xcpts..) 3, 533.55 YES C ✓) COUNCILMEN ( 10 �Peaxce /NAYS 1, ePete ` r/ I _reon ...................IN I. FAVOR - WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT FEB -7 IM ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ...........1........�.,.t.�. .......19. ....... APPROVED.......... d fiu- :. �..... .....................::............. RUB ��• NAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY ........................................................ ' � CITY COMRROLLDI BY A. Pte n- . t the Poll1 R i.�..�^ CITY OF tlaolnn .1. [ to r! Rai cl` NO....... ... APPROPRIATION TRAN� ."_-,thont n rc'�OLUTION FORM _ PER CHARTI'ed by the money,. /. -i h the I..ne�';: l ed from e.r 7P 3F=2 3m�8(VTED BY n �:qE� 68X95 f 1 itis 3\QISSIONER.......A.... PB-tei=9 -XL ...... .... - A,r DATE ...:........ ....... ..............:........................... RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS'OF_THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. R CODE II_ APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED 1F" C>m TO DR. CR. 43--1 Armory - Salaries) 504.57 = 96 43-Wp - IP -0 -Reserve) 133.75 31.0- r -- Light -Power) 511.85 31• " - Repairs) 30.77 31.0- a — misc.) 454.56 z30-3. Local Improv. Aid 12,961.74 31- City Owned Prop. RaterstrryoLtag() prklg. - . 31.P1-� ° e n ore.10 u 31- ° " .o4 31-&-- Worldnea'�s GOMP• 10,326.09 31.E Debt Servioe 1,703.87. 31.S- MIS. & Unf6rseen' 931.33 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIFiEB..m1...1........19........... FIR 7 99 APPROVED..........//.........................................'�......�,..19`-...' : Cl....!.. ...................... COUNTERSIGNED BY................................................................... CITY CO -ROLLER PU13LISBLI 2 D ` /I" = 3S r Y �S \ ✓� COUNCILMEN \ ✓� NAYS Pearce P� sen ..... ............... IN FAVOR _ Warren MUZOImiI» ....... ........AGAINST W ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT sowr naa I000 Ita•f� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIFiEB..m1...1........19........... FIR 7 99 APPROVED..........//.........................................'�......�,..19`-...' : Cl....!.. ...................... COUNTERSIGNED BY................................................................... CITY CO -ROLLER PU13LISBLI 2 D ` /I" = 3S owl.Iw,�9864 ctTr cl. . CITY OF SAINT ' 4—EY I. C. Pearc "`. u_ NO`"' c """"""""' APPROPRIATION TRANSFER$'• thehb'ooke o�'ttiI,3N FORM - - PER CHARTER.SECT,bY so doing nn u-navolc, ' ns[ers �n It os Y be' h ut hamp: - PRESENTED BY »tided b5- the money ^h th tr.. aP � COMMISSIONER................. XRV.ING...... C....:...1'EARCE ......... J'AN.....29.TE-19-35.......... • RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS, MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS NECESSARY TO BRING BUDGET ESTIMATES INTO AGREEMENT WITH ACTUAL BUDGET EXPIMITURES FOR THE YEAR 1934 CODE - AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO APPORTIONED ITEM - OR. CR. 15-A-1 Bus. Admin. - Salaries 65.10 / 15-A-2 to it OFF.Exp. 261.63 15-B-1 Educ . Adm. - Salaries 602.18/' 15-B-2 11 t' - Auto Mtnce. 6:70 15-B-3 n 11 - - Off. Exp. 2 ;48 15-0-1 Attend.Div. = Salaries 301.01 15-C-2 tt to - CAR Fare' - 430.53 ✓ 15-0-3 Off. Exp. 297.00.- 15-D-1 up.„ M.Admin._' Salaries 133.41 15-D-2 ExpA Frt. 237:97 15-D-3 n tt t u tt 'Off. Exp. 14.63 15-E-1 Storehouse - Salaries 386;20/ 15-E-2 it .. Light '58," 15-E-3 '1 - Auto Mtnce. 61:44,-- 15-E-4 tt Off. Exp. 31.06 15-F-1 Prom.Of Health-Salaries / 15-F-2 to n tt M21.86 —Medical Supplies 21�88�- 15-F-3 n It tt -Off. Exp. 42.36 15-G-1 Inst action - Salaries 31954:41 15-G-2 - Car Fare 2,969.99 (� 15-G-3 n = Trsp.Crip.Child. 91.14 /` 15-G-4 tl - Laundry 39.19 .11 15-G-5 '} - Supplies 5183.02 / 15-G-6 - Miscl. 60.30 15-H-1 O4?er.0f Pi. .: Salaries 7,804.82/ 15-H-2 -Rent 550.00 15-H-3 " t1 11 - Telephone 477.96 CONT' D. O1T PAGE -2- ES COUNCILMEN 40 NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL..................................... 13........... . CLANCY - FERGUS APPROVED ........................... .... ..........19. ...... McDorIALo . A..e„......... ,,_ ....... MAYOR SUDHEIMER ................... ST WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY................................................................... MRy,$it!SIDENT un CO—ROLLER rowwD i000 �t-aa+ I 99864 cirY �el.iTico CITY OF SAINT PAUL i°ai " ApIQFZOPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM SER CHARTER SECTION 209 PRSENT���� " �_2� EED BY m 1,,.� -. lCt......iii..a ...... ZEARCE'i................................ DATE......... JAN....29.'tih:f* D-.35............. T • RESOLVIw=iD, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS SY SCI OOINO AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY B1= MET SY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE Y IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. APSE=A��ON TRANSFERS NECESSARY TO BRING BUDGET ESTIMATES INTO CODE APPORTIONED ITEM - AMOUNT TRANSFERRED - FROM TO OR. CR. Z5-33-.4 Oger. of P1. - Li.P.& VTater 2,379.28/ 15--5 It - Fuel 1,114.47/ - 3 Z-3.-33-6 n n n - Supplies 1 V'839 .-55 / 35-3:-1 Mtnce. or Pl.- Salaries 0,335.93/ 15-T-2 n n n - Car Fare 700.00/ 5--3 a 'i u - Auto Mtnce.' 121.7U� 15-5-4 li n n - Truck Mtnce.' 10.56X Rep. & Renew. 0,072.13/ 15 W 1933 Reserve Reapprop. 232.15 II E TOTAL, 39,578.51 39,578,31 YES ( ✓ ) COU NGIL.MEN ( ✓ ) NAYS CL_A!V GY �IODGSON ..................... I N FA DR M CDOIVALO ..� SLlD ER ......................AGAINST / r YV E!V ZEL � MR_ PRESIDENT �owM oza sono a.-sa ADOPTEO BY THE COUNCIL ..................................... 19........... APPRQVED.:................_....................--...................19........... .........-.':-::.................................................................. MwroR COUNTERSIGNED BY................................................................... ORIOWwL ° - TO "' `•Le; CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION coNNe,_No 99864 FOM �[(L�J - PER CHARTER SECTION 206 R PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER ........... .......... h. ... ........ ........... DATE .............. '..,,. ............................ .................... RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE TO APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED OR. CR. 716—A4 Library Ser. - Salaries " It 3,145.77 - Truck Maint. " " 30.93 - Supplies n rr�'`I'`�b�� rr - Postage 70.00 16—A9 n n — New Equipment 39.73 16-B2 - Trans.& Petty Ca Bldg. Maint. - Light,Power 45.32 16-B3 16-B5 D it - Heat 394.85 1,606.82 16-D - Telephones Sale of Booklets 40.38 35. 16-R 16-W Cash Receipts 9,591.07 P-0. Reserve 7.68 16-A5 16-A6 Library Ser. - New-Bapks 1,842 16-B1 - Binding Bldg. Maint. - Salaries 311.00 16-B4 If If - Water 6,553.68 /\ 16-B6 16-B7 it n D Ir - Supplies �q„6-� x 16-B8 Repairs - Taxes 351.05 1,869.94 ��- Salary Holdback J 3,974.62 YES ✓� COUNCILMEN ✓� NAYS CLANCY FEERRGU HODGSON MCDONALD ....... AGAINST 1_"_J' MR, PRESIDENT IORM D.O \000 11.1. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.. .............................. 19........... APPROVED- ++x"s`e..�.w-".`.�...R�...� COUNTERSIGNED BY .......... ........................ *. ".R .......... Mwro CITY COM"ROLLtq * e 'c"rclr°euRK CITY OF SAINT PAUL cFIO�Mu_ APP OPRI N TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 - PRESENTED BY n 7, COMMISSIONER ........... IRVINC....�'i......P�+ARQ�i............................................ DATE ............... `. I. RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED_ ITEM - AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - BUREAU OF CAFETERIAS 31,709.04 15 -JR Receipts & Revenue 15-J-2 Salaries 11,245.06 J-2 Merchandise 17,812.15 J -Z Telephones •89.32 J-4 Supplies & Services 1,524.50 J_E Auto Mtnce. 297.25 J_E Repairs & Renewals 740.76 TOTAL - 31,709.04 31,709.04 YES ✓� COUNCILMEN ✓ NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ..................................... 19........... —cr�cNaYa �19........... FERGUSON ARO. . .;.. HODGSON :ff:f� . MCDONALD ^........................................................................ MAYOR SUDHEIMEm..,. ..... .....�....AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED BY'_--- ��fN•EIOZEL. MR. PRESIDENT CITY COM'ik.ut, R '0" C- Oa. I— 9��64CITY OF SAINT PAUL :I Mc _ NO. .............................. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER.CHARTER SECTION 20B Ie-�E2-- _ENTEC BY - G AitMISSIONER................... s...... C. ..... P.BARCE................................. DATE .........SAN....n3.O2'H.-19.35............... ZESOLVE�. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THEBOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER_ AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE 1FROM TO APPORTIONED ITEM � S Chelsea HI Bond Fund 514 —A9- I —R e a Q vrevva Y �'S \ ✓� COUNCILMEN ✓� NAYS w Ptah �aea .................... IN FAVOR �.t ....... ........AGAINS-r WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT �OiiM D4� 1000 ft -2s AMOUNT I TRANSFERRED DR. CR. 4,419,26 4,419,26 ADOPTED BY THE COUNT'1EB,.re„7 1&'j5__.,,..,,, 19........... FEB -7 APPROVED.......................................... ...................... 19 ... ........ gib!............ MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY .............................:..........._. ....................... Cl” coMnwoucw iusrssi�n a I_ � DTT 9 ..... 9865 sLeNcl- No ................................. APPROPRIATION 'Tf2ANSFEatBho�� I. tao books of t,�LUTION FORM . PER-CHA TER -y doing n! 5 In• c t 1 Its' PRESENTED BY ✓ - i Prov a a rctiP 1m which tI COMMISSIONER...... x'"" CV67Z :DnrE----- _a------------------------ -----JanuarY�'�1935. RESOLVED. THAT Ti IE 1=OLLC3WINIG TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER_ AS SY SO E>OIIVC- AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAYBE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FF?OM WHICH -THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE A P P O -1 I O N E D .TEM 'AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 21 Al Adm3raist.ration .26 21 A2 72.42 21 B4 're s�ixzg Laboratories 12.00 21 B2 " " 12.00 21 CR z t, Is 2,033.64. 21 C1 222.51 21 C3 " 1,811.13 21 El Sravastigatlon 185.32 21 E2 113.16 21 F2 Ai rp o rt. 1,401.58 . 21 F4 " 63.61 21 Fl " 287.77 21 F3 137,.52 21 F5 A 968.66 �22 21 V9 Reserve 71.24 B4 L z gni: i ng 18, 704.05 22 Al '_ 904.16 22 A3 232.07 22 Bl 5,127.12 22 B2 •' 11,186.47 22 B 3 •• 154.5? 22 BS '• 520.34 22 B 6 " 88.31 22 B7 •' 491.01 C� YES ✓� COUNCILMEN ✓ NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL..FEB.. 19 ......... .7,193) Peterson RQIdI1im e� $ aOSen tCCC- APPROVEDrce................................................................19........... !9358 _________ Truax mxo[ ...1..... .... .......... .........................._ WarrenM roR SIiC�(iC116t7imar AGAINST . WENZEL - COUNTERSIGNED BY..............................................................:.:.. MR. PRESIOEIVT Cl" COM"NOLLER —R-3 loon 11— - PUBLISHED i IoiNwi To tit —By H. E. war•;' Coon '1. NO. °c�,rCLERK CITY OF SAINT enat the ".11"tav� a'�a APPROP N Tan RANSFERS by ty. eo, fit ION FORM • PER CHARTER SECTf tratnsfersL11 with— 't thou 't provided ny " m which 't' 1 PRESENTED BY '1' ` ' `Y/v J�" COMMISSIONER _ ,a 1" 193 V. RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. YES (Y) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX WARREN W ENZEL ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII 193- APPROVED— FAVOR , INST COUNTERSIGNED BY pi. 193 CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 789-R Receipts- 25 00 789-W 1933 Reserve 105 51 789-A1 General Admin.- salaries 536 77 789-A2 " " office expense 125 51 789-B1 Building Maint. salaries 1 147 27 789-B2 " " expense 1 975 54 789-X Hold back -salaries accrued 286 50 7-R Receipts 4 009 08 7-W 1933 Reserve for orders 106 59 7-A-1 Police Admin. - salaries 240 86 7-A-2 " " supplies 560 43 iv �'0 7-A-3 7-A-4 ° " equipment " ° office expense 185 74 1 179 16 /j 7-B-1 License Inspection -salaries 119 44 7-B-2 " It office expense 45 43 7-xC-1 Uniformed Divn. salaries 30 713 56 7-C-2 " " supplies 30 37 7-C-3 l 11 auto maint. 523 94 7-C-4 " It back pay 30 77 7-C-5 " " traffic signal maint. 1 207 29 7-D-1 Detective Divn. salaries - 22 826 01 7-D-2 ° " traveling expense 589 56 7-D-3 I " " supplies 629 26 YES (Y) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX WARREN W ENZEL ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII 193- APPROVED— FAVOR , INST COUNTERSIGNED BY pi. 193 «ERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL " NO. eAF�F='F20F:3IR1AT10N TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED SY COMMISSIONER r RESOL.\/EO, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET SY SAlO TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. GOOE FROM TO -PORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT OR. TRANSFERRED CR. 7-E-1 Radio Divn.- salaries 1 671 41 7-F-2 T+ ^ light & power 121 88 7-E-3 n n suppl l e s 625 13 7-E-4 repairs & renewals 1 000 00 7-F-1 Station Divn- salarias 6 647 91 7-F-2 n ^ light & heat 21 63 7-y-5 *' " supplie s 356 97 feeding prisoners 1 354 35 7-G-1 Bureau of Records - salaries 1 636 50 •7--G-2 It ^ It office expense 616 95 7-X Holdback - salaries accrued 1 418 66 8-R Receipts 1 663 96 8-W 1933 Reserve fez, orders 163 35 i 8-A-1 Fire Admin - salaries 2 435 76 I 8-A-2 " n supplies 322 82 8-A-5 " ^ office expense 5 6�0C 8-B-2 Fire Prevention -office expense Fir 5 56 8-C-1 Fire Fighting -salaries 7 013 26 gas, oils & grease 635 78 tires, tubes, repairs 1 042 98 8-C-4 *( ^ new hose 1 229 91 8-C-5 T( ^ repairs to equipment 561 60 supplies 2 159 39 8-C-8 n ^ back pay 35 52 8-C-9 n " misc. 195 91 YES (v) COU NGILM EN (v) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193-- AE ---FPERC = APPROVED 193- F�OSEN IN ., TRUAX - _ --_.--MAroA WARREN .Ok AINST W ENZEL - s"'"Y�r�� COUNTERSIGNED BY ciTv coMPrr+ouen MR. -!!�S(DENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL `oUN` NO. FORM APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTfON PER CHARTER SECTION 208 v PRESENTED BY DATE 193-- COMMISSIONER— TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MAY BE MET BY SAID MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TR/�N SFERRED CODE A P P O R T I O N E D ITEM DR CR. FROM T0_ 8-D-1 Maint. of Stations- salaries 9 156 74 75 97 8-D-2 " " " telephones " " " light & water 1 949 65 8-D-3 n " " fuel 668 30 8-D-4 " " " supolies 527 65 8-D-5 n n " repairs & renewal 47 4 8-D-6 n n " miscellaneous 5 3 8-D-7 Holdback - salaries accrued 1 359 7 8-X 7-8-X Holdback - salaries accrued 1 263 78 852 96 4-8-R Receipts 45 1933 Reserve for orders 7-8-W 7-8-A1 police & Fire Alarm - salaries 2 044 42 280 16 1 7-8-A2 " n " n auto maint. 826 79 n u n n supplies 78-A3 n telephone line 54 78-A4 n repairs 450 00 n n n 78-A5 n n it n office expense 141 06 78-11.6 8665 Receipts 9-R 5 75 1933 Reserve for orders 5 9-W 9-A-1 433 20 Health - admin- salaries 138 23 itmito allowance 9-A-2 n 171 36 9-A-3 " " office expense 879 59 9-B-1 Vital Statistics - salaries 671 03 9-B-2 n n _ office expense ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII — ---193_ YES (v) COUNCILMEN (v') NAYS PEARCE 193- 93—PETERSON APPROVED PETERSON "'-ROSEN IN FAVOR ..-11YOR TRUAX—'--"'--- WARRENAGAINST COUNTERSIGNED BY cllr oc nrrwouww WENZEL I"h "Al TO CITY 11111 OF SAINT PAUL "NO. 998166 ,6 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER 193_. RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. R. 9-C-1 Promotion of Health -Schools -salaries 3 749 59 9-C-2 " " " It supplies 1 031 38 9-C-3 n " " It office expense 38 46 9-D-1 Food Regulation - salaries 1 142 12 9-D-2 " " auto maintenance 601 82 9-D-3 " " Office expense 72 69 9-E-1 Quarantine salaries 666 79 9-E-2 " auto maintenance 1 776 05 9-E-3 " supplies 373 25 9-E-4 " office expense 85 00 9-F-1 Tuberculosis salaries 1 991 91 9-F-3 " supplies 104 18 9-F-4 " carfare 87 50 9-F-5 " office expense 69 35 9-G-1 Workhoim Hospital salaries 533 83 9-G-3 11 " supplies 96 20 9-G-4 " " miscellaneous 437 63 9-H-1 Laboratory- salaries 399 06 9-H-2 " supplies 412 70 9-H-3 " office expense 68 71 9-I-1 Harriet Island Park- salaries 57 17 9-I-3 " " " light & water 15 28 9-I-4 " " " supplies 72 45 0-5-1 Dog License Enforcement -salaries 715 00 9=4-2 " it auto mnint. 187 93 9-J-3 n n R supplies 35 90 9-X Holdback -accrued salaries 512 26 YES (Y) COUNCILMEN b9 NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL`C[B 193_ I fl PEARCE r �',B -_ 'S PETERSON APPROVED— 193 ROSEN IN FAVOR / TRUAX /r/ C��r MAYOR WARREN AGAINST WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY C67YCOMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT .-J%` �r j u TI 77—sr rod If. Tr �- 7 c" CITY OF SAIL, i6�hnoolc�lofltti ... NO. rY.�EpK APPROPRIATION TRANSFEL'y, oec�ain t—, FORM PER CHARTER S,. "'fore 'It i, nroVlded 1 0 hich " PRESENTED BY y COMMISSIONER ^�"' , �'v . — _DATE 3 193 YES (V) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193—._- -_. PEARCE _ 193- ROSEN —IN TRUAX WARREN AGAINST --. MR. PRESIDENT COUNTERSIGNED BY RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 18 C I Salaries 143.37 18 C 2 Equipment Mntce. 715.14 18 C 3 Supplies 467.36 Vo 18 C 4 Repairs & Renewals 71.94 18 D 1 Salaries 4.49 18 E 1 Salaries 26.29 18 E 2 Light Heat & Power 589.53 18 E 3 18 E 4 Supplies Repairs 50.58 45.15 16 W Reserve 74.37,/ 18 R 355.16 1271.68 1271-.68- 27 .6818 18H1 Salaries 30022.81 18 H 2 Auto mntce. 325.31 / 18 H 3 18 H 4 Merchandise Laundry. ? 18 H 5 Ice 8.51 / 18 H 6 Supplies A3.80 4i5fo 18 H 7 Repairs 1524.08 i 18 H 8 Equipment 1489.79 18 H 9 Miscl. 5253.37 18 H R Receipts 53750.28 53750.28 53750.28 YES (V) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193—._- -_. PEARCE _ 193- ROSEN —IN TRUAX WARREN AGAINST --. MR. PRESIDENT COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNC1NO o APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 j PRESENTED BY DATE / 3 / 1✓ RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED I T E M AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 19 A 2 APPROVED 193 Auto mtnce. 42.45 19 A 4 TRUAX ) Office Expense 17.65 19 B 2 COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY COMPTROLLER Supplies 260.58 19 C 1 Salaries 16.62,' 19 C 2 9 C 3 Truck Mntce. Supplies 191.90 395 47 9 C 4 Repairs I 160.02 19-R Receipts 5Fas4�J- 20 A 2 Office Expense 105.69/ 20 B 1 Salaries 133.87/ 20 B 2 Auto mntce. 116.85/ 20 B 3 Truck Mntce. 43.23 20 B 4 Miscl. 181.54 20 C 1 Sal. 16.71/ 20 C 2 Office Exp. 37.77/ 20 W Reserve .20 / 20 R Receipts 76.96/ 356.41 356.41 FEB - 7 1935 YES (V) COUNCILMEN (V) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193- PEARCE�^I' PETERSON APPROVED 193 ROSEN IN FAVOR TRUAX ) -- wroR WARREN AGAINST WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY COMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT . ao 11.3. _ PUBLISHED a / OEIOINAL TO CITY OL6HK` N OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /COUNCI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE—_ February 70 1985 REQ AREREAS, Leo J. Fleischman has made application for an "On Sale" liquor license at 371 Earl Street, and has paid the required fee, and furnished the proper bond; and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that such "On Sale" liquor license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and —irected to issue such licenses to said applicant for the premises described in n the application; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the bond of the said Leo J. Fleischman in the sum of $8,000, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is instructed to deposit „ne same in the office of the City Comptroller. COILMEN Yeas Nays arce Zterson �I7,en fvax /Warren _In favor I/Against //Wenzel M r. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Warren- ha c nae made n...r.11- �cauonther `the said I or $S 000, ... anllon 1 be' d t i and the ,..It ,the C. tr.1 Adopte ADDrON I FEB m 7 193b Adopted by the Council _ 193--- FEB, 93___ FEB —'7 135 Approved 193 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK r �RJ FILE NO. -W86-9 ITY O)E= ST_ PAUL [G>= O T>F3 >E CITY CLERK COLI IV CIL R_>=SOLLST[[OiV —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B'Y - - GOMMISQ:9f1ER_ _ DATE 'FAbTnAT? 7, 1935 RESOLVED That Restaurant license a�r� cation 1595, On Sale Malt Beverage license, application 1596, and OP£ Samoas Beverage license, application 1597, applied for by Vincent Repor stili at ZQt32 >L30 3:)a1.e St. be and the same are hereby granted and the City Cler-k is=nstrEzc Tvae3 0 issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the reoi�ire 'nes COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen _In favor Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 99869-8Y $• n• Warren— Fred M• Truaz—I. C. Pearce— - Resolved, Thai Reetaurnnt license, ppltcn[lon 1696, On.nte ..it Beverage ifconse, aDDllcntlon 1696, and Off .e is Dfatt B._TnE. If cense, appltcatlon 1597, applied for by Vincent ReDeneeK at 1002 No. Dal ted and the Cfty C1erA ieein- by Bran structed to tBsue such lteenses upon the payment Into the city. treasury L the reautred fees. Adopted by the Council Feb. 7. 1936. Approved Fepbeb7.91935. Adopted by the Council EB = 7 193_— Approved_ 193_ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK COUNCIL a I dir r �►s t F� ��TY OF 9T. PAUL vlLe NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ..? GOLJtVG L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE February 7 1935 RESOLVED That I.icenso No,_ 6484, expiring September 22, 1935, On Sale Malt Beverage License No 265 expir3.ag April 7, 1935, and Off Sale Malt Beverage License, expiring Tv.1,y ZS, X9352 Ismael to George Allen at 834 white Bear Avenue be and the same are hereby truer+ s:Cerred to 1.196 Arcade Street to the same licensee, and the proper city oP:Eicers sre hereby directed to changes their records accordingly. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Pearce /Peterson ,4(osen In favor ,-Truax 'Warren _ Against `- /Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehar.) 3M 6-34 C. F. No. 99870—BYWnrren— Fred M. Truax—I. C Pearce— Resolved. That Restaurant Llcanse N1 ..6,84 explrfag Sept. 22,- 1936. On Sale . Malt Beverage Llcenee No. 1265, explring April 7, 1936, and OK Sale Malt Beverage. Ltcenee, explring July 13, 1935, issued to George Allen at 834 White BbYrt ansferr deto 1195 Arcade Street to the same licensee, ad the to chnngeythe�lr records uca nglr �d Adopted by the Counct1"] eb. 7, 1936. Approved Feb. 7, 1935. (Feb. 9-1935) f FEB -7 t�.� Adopted by the Council __193— cq -7 199 Approved— 193— Mayor THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE / CITY OF SAINT PAUL / INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION February 7, 1955 I Mr. B. E. 'Waran, Commissioner -o£ Public Safety, Chairman, License Committee Dear Sir: Regarding George Allen, 834 White Bear Ave. at Seventh St. The landlord is putting him out and will not give him any reason for it. Mr. Allen believes, however, that the landlord wants him out as there is nother 5.2 place on his property from which he receives more rent than Mr. Allen pays. There are four 3.2 places in this neighborhood, including Mr. Allen's, and in the new location to which he is moving, there is only one place within a block, besides being a more commercialized street. In view of the fact that Mr. Allen is being forced to move, it is recommended that his licenses be transferred to the new location. Very truly y Ce r �.on.d License Inspector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration February 5th, 1935• Hon. A. F-. Warren, Chairman, License Committee, City o£ St_ Paul. Dear Sir: The application of George Allen for permission to transfer, his On Sale Malt Beverage and Res- taurant licenses from White Bear and Bast Seventh Streets to Arcade and Seventh Streets was referred to the License Committee, by the Council, for investigation and recom- mendation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. _z 2 2- - s i ori_ 1 j Lf _u. ,_ 99871 O10OtMAL to - CITYNO..... ....... un cL>s..c. AMLPPROPRlATION _TRAi�►. 1-83' Anel F. Pe 40LUTION FORM -C,_liat the following PER:-CHP�(�`= on teo books by o doing ncY in _tel Y..Id t... ' PRESEN[T3EL� SY - work nr 1 t Coti►I�issso:�zER eTs�el ._� Petsr ------------...1 DATE ........F.ebi`tte�xy...7...... 19'1.5........ RESOL—YEU. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE - ! GOl�3�TROLLER_ AS SY SO DOING -AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY SIE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MOl� lEY 11�I THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CO •�>E FROM � TO 2Z1-�B-►1 2Zi- � g -►1 n4. 2>-2 24 F.-1 24 24 - A P P O R vi O N E D I T E M AMOUNT TRANSFERRED OR. -CR. $955.17 Pub.S'delSare -� (Admin. -sal- •) u a - (Ho apt . -sal.) 6,809.19 n -- (ReXlef - sal.) 1,234.94 a a - (Relief - Exp.) 4 19:76 a ti -- (Vet • B ReSt Camp) 409.99 a a .-( Admin. - Esp.) 855.17 n a -(go spt . - Exp.) 6,909.19 a a =-(Reliei - Bond 1,664.99 � :; YES C ✓ Cou[VGILMEN -1) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL..................SEB -.'.. lel �. 18 ...... • ..i/\ APPROVED .................... E.......rJ...._.......19 .. _..�................ ........ ......... MAYOR .............../►6AINST WEIVZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY ........................... ................ ury eor'T.o�..0 .. as M13_ pEZESImENT Irving C. re of `f CITY OF ST. PAUL i to the C.- lir 6, oY �n ,BICE OF THE CITY CI nY.. an._..RESOLUTION EN1 i�rtcit No.. --- ---- 99972 DATE_.._FEB...._.6.TH-1Q3.S........ _...................... RESOLVED �- ' WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME George I. Anderson George Barrett Christian Bauer Henry Bauer Fred Baumgart John Beckstrom Albert Beecroft Irven B. Benson William Benton Nic. Berlin John Blomberg Ralph Bogue John Buhl Richard Bulena Isaac Burlingame Fred Bursinger James Callahan George Cameron Frank Chapman Oreste Ciampi Ralph W. Crawford Carl E. Dahlby John Dippel David Donovan Roland Dyer Joseph Ellonson John H. Elmond COUNCILMEN Yeas N s iL�L Pearce In favor Rosen Truax ..... Against Wenzel n„� .M 6-33 Mr. Preside TITLE Janitor Jan. Eng. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. _.Do.. Vanitor Jan. Eng. Do: Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Vanitor Jan. Eng. Do. Do. Do. Do. Adopted by the Council_..f_ p..�_8..�'i35 193..... Approved ...... IWE9 8 3...... Mayor TIPS RATE TOTAL 4 Hrs: :44�'— 1:77 36 hrs. .57— 20.70 8 hrs: .572 4.60 15 hrs .55 8-25 20 14 hrs hrs: .571 11.50 19 hrs: .57-f 8:05 24 hrs' .572 10.93 6 hrs: .52— 12.66 10 hrs: .57q 3.45 16 hrs. .51f 5.13 10 hrs: :501 8.04 36 hrs. .45— 4.55 7 hrs: .57 20:70 18 hrs. .57Y ;57— 4.03 30 hrs: 10.35 10 hrs: : y 17.25 24 hrs..57V .57— 5.75 26 hrs: 13:80 15 hrs: :57— 14:95 14 hrs: 157-� 571 8:63 8.05 16 16 hrs: hrs. .441 7.08 10 hrs: :57 9.20 16 hrs. .52- 5.28 16 hrs: :52— .54 8:60 9:20 4 hrs. .442 1.77 Adopted by the Council_..f_ p..�_8..�'i35 193..... Approved ...... IWE9 8 3...... Mayor Joseph Charle Andre Josep Elias Earl Albert Gabri John Charle John !' Joseph Georg Clare Georg Oscar Cherie Harry George Carl Frank John A Otto Werner Elmer Robert Anton Gilber Bruce Leonar Andrew Joseph Willia Nels George Victor Walter Gus Frank Peter George Thomas John James Jacob Emil Edward Willia Nels James Harry Willia Dewey Carl El.mquist y F„gelbretson w Erickson h Fedlmeier Fehr Foster H. Fuller el' Gagliardi A. Gaheen S Giossi J. Gipple F. Gobeil George Gray nce Gregory George Gunther Halgren im s Hanerlund Hammersten Hayes Hedlund Hedlund Heinz Hesse Hesse Hintz Jabs E. Johnson t Jorve Journey d M.Kirchen A. Kolsta.d Kustalski m M.La-Chapelle Landberg Lautner Lawrence V. Lee Linde Linn Linn Loomis Lunzer Lynch R. Lynn Magnuson Mahler L. Manske. m Manuel Martin Me-Dermott Mc -Donald m Mc -Neely Michels Miller LeslieM. Miller „2 - OVERTIME - JANITORS & ENGINEERS TITLE Jan. Eng. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Stat. Fireman Jan. Eng. Do. Janitor Jan. Eng. Sch. Eng. Jan. Eng. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Janitor Jan. Eng. Janitor Do Jan. Eng. Do Do. Do. Do. Stat. Fireman Jan. Eng. Do. Do. Hd. Jan. Jan. Eng. Do. Jan. Eng. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Janitor Do. Do. Xanitor-Eng. Stat. Fireman Jan. Eng. Do. TIME 36 30 10 20 14 14 6 14 18 4 20 4 12 8 20 36 16 8 30 12 10 24 16 18 30 4 16 20 4 12 22 18 11 8 32 10 15 16 10 14 20 4 24 24 20 12 36 8 4 4 36 3 24 36 hrs: hrs; hrs: hrs. hrs. hrs; hrs: hrs; hrs hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs . hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. 20 hrs. RATE x:55 ;572 .55 571 57 2 ;55 .55 :571 57t :57-i i .451 .51� .571 .69 .571 .57- .54 .54 57T :571 .572 .55 . 517 .57f .51 .52 .41- 441- :5214 .55 .571 .571 5 . .7- 57 1 .572 .55 .57 .57-- 57 � .57- .57� . 571 .57� .52Y .57- .572 .55 .511 441 :571 50q .501 .55 TOTAL 19"80 17:25 5,50 11:50 8.05 7.70 3.30 6.05 10.35 2.30 9.10 2.05 6.90 5.52 11.50 20.70 9.20 4.02 17.25 6.90 5.75 13.80 8.80 10.35 17.25 2.05 8.44 8.35 1.77 6.33 12.10 10.35 6.33 4.60 18.40 5.75 8.25 9.20 5.75 8.05 11.50 2.30 13.80 13.80 10.55 6.90 20.70 4.40 2.05 2.05 15.93 1.73 12.06 18.09 11.00 Jq TOTAL 11.50 11.50 12.04 5.75 9.90 6.90 1.33 20.70 1.25 13.80 11.50 10.35 11.50 8.63 6.33 2.66 8.9)5 5.50 20.70 8.05 9.20 12.66 10.35 6.90 1.54 8.63 5.75 12.65-- 6.90 12.65 12.65 4.40 13.80 20.70 1.72 9.20 9.90 10.35 1.54 5.28 20.70 11.50 9.20 2.05 1.33 11.50 8.63 6.90 2.30 18.40 9.20 20.70 11.50 13.80 4.22 8.60 -3- OVFRTIME - JANITORS & ENGINEEPS Nkl,U TITLE TIME RATE Lester Mollers Jan. Eng. 20 hrs. 20 hrs. .57 26 .572 John Rollin A. Mombrae Do. Stat. Fireman 28 hrs. .43 -Todd Thomas R k Mulcahy Do. 10 hrs. 18 hrs. .572 .55 John Munkelwitz Jan. Eng. 12 hrs. Pierce Murphy Stat. Fireman .5711 Michael Needham Jan. 3 hrs. .44� John Nelson Jan. Eng. 36 hrs. .57 Paul E. Oas Janitor 3 hrs. .411 Hugh O -Donnell Jan. Eng. 24 hrs. .57 William Oliphant Do. 20 hrs. .57� David O -Regan Do. 18 hrs. .57 Nels Paulsen Do. 20 hrs. .57- 57- Robert Pearmon Do. 15 hrs. . Leo Peet Do. 12 hrs. .52N Stanley Pehoski Do. 6 hrs. .44- Alfred Peterson Do. 14 hrs. 10 hrs. .572 August Peterson Do. 36 hrs. .55 James F. Peterson Do. 14 hrs. .57-11 .57 John Peterson Do. Waldemar Richter Do. 16 hrs. .57 Frank Ritchet Do. 24 hrs. .52 Thimothy Roddy Do. 18 hrs. 12 hrs. .57 .57- Mathias Ross Runyon Do. Janitor 3 hrs. .51j George Joseph Sander Jan. Eng. 15 hrs. .57-s Joseph J. Scharfbillig Do. 10 hrs. .57q Henry Schneider Do. 22 hrs. .57?' Otto Schneppmueller Do. 12 hrs. .571 Bert Seidler Do. 22 hrs. .57� Julius P7. Sikaski Do. 22 hrs. 8 hrs. .57;� Wilbur Oscar Simons Smolensky Do. Do. 24 hrs. .55 .571.57f ,_ L_l�o•11d Spetzman Do. 36 hrs. 3 hrs. .57- '�N kolas St'adtfeld Do. Galus Staffa Do. 16 hrs. 7-9 .55 Charles Starz Do. 18 hrs. 18 hrs. .55 Arthur Joseph Story Strommer Do. Janitor 3 hrs. .571 .51 - Herman A. Svendsen Jan. Eng. 10 hrs. .52 Christopher Tarte Do. 36 hrs. .57� Edward Thomas Do. 20 hrs. .571 Isaac W. Thompson Do. 16 hrs. .57 Albert Treichel Janitor 4 hrs. .51 George R. Turnquist Do. 3 hrs. .49 Earl Vergy Jan. Eng. 20 hrs. .57Y William Vievering Do. 15 hrs. .57R Carl Warodell Do. 12 hrs. .57 - Thomas F. Watters Hd. Jan. 4 hrs. .575- James Watson Jan. Eng. 32 hrs. .571 Ernest Weiss Do. 16 hrs. .57R Max Werner Do. 36 hrs. .57- Albert Woods Do. Sch. Eng. 20 hrs. 20 hrs. .57 .69 August Alfred 0. Yaeger Christensen Stat. Fireman 8 hrs. .524 Frank F. Cholewinski Jan. Eng. 20 hrs. .43 Jq TOTAL 11.50 11.50 12.04 5.75 9.90 6.90 1.33 20.70 1.25 13.80 11.50 10.35 11.50 8.63 6.33 2.66 8.9)5 5.50 20.70 8.05 9.20 12.66 10.35 6.90 1.54 8.63 5.75 12.65-- 6.90 12.65 12.65 4.40 13.80 20.70 1.72 9.20 9.90 10.35 1.54 5.28 20.70 11.50 9.20 2.05 1.33 11.50 8.63 6.90 2.30 18.40 9.20 20.70 11.50 13.80 4.22 8.60 NAME John Flanagan Max J. Garlas Fred V. Haigh Arthur F. Leppla -4- OVERTIME - JANITORS & ENGINEERS �r TITLE TIME RATE 11bTAL Stat. Fireman 32 hrs.' .43 13.76 Janitor 8 hrs. .414 3.34 Jan. Eng. 9 hrs. .43 3.87 Stat. Fireman 24 hrs. .43 10.32 TOTAL - 1,306.27 FORM NO. 1 An emernenc,r ha^ arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessRry the emnloymont of certain emploves of that department for more than eight ho,irs per day, in doing the following work: Cleanin schools.and firin . This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances; Keeping school buildings open account of special evening activities at buildings s Sunday firi-g and extra firing due to extremecold weather. This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. ON�OINAI. To CITY CLERK ■�w[�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENQL NO. �4/] illi OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONERL� d DATE - AREAS, the United States Conference of Mayors is orga'nizec1 for the purpose of advising and assisting municipalities, pax ticulaLrly with reference to municipal legislation; and WPiEFMAS , the annual dues is the sum of $250; and whereas it is t]xa opinion of the City Council that the service rendered by saAci Conference of Mayors is a valuable service and should be secured 'ror the City of Saint Paul; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul subscribe for this service for the year 1935, and the proper city officers are authors zed tO draw a warrant in favor of said United States 0onfererxce of M.Lyors in the sum of Two hundred Fifty Dollars (8250 _ 00said sum to be payable from the 91 G 6 Gelneral Fund. COUN-ILNEi'T Yeas Nays / rc, rson —_In favor arren ._____Against Wenzel srl 6.34111. VTC77 _T-'� 7�r7 - n 1 C. F. No. 99873-33Y 31L FI, Gehan— ! Whereas, the United States Confer - !encs of 'Mayor. 1. organized for the purpse oof advising and —MU or to t pllmunlclDIIl llegfslat( n'tIIndef Whereas. the annual .dues fs the sum of $260; and whereas 1t is the opinion of the City Councilthat, the service endered by said Conference of Afayors Is a valuable service and should beee- ured for the City of Saint Paul; there- for., here-Yo e it Resolved, Th t the City of Saint Paul subscribe f r this service for the year 1936 and the proper city officers a e .. tho lz d t dra —rant 1 '. favor,! of aid- United States Co fere c f{ Mayors to the um f Two 13undred i Fifty Dollars ($260:00), said so— to tie tl payable: from the 31 G.6 General Fund.S Adopted by the Council Mar. 22, 1936. 1. -Approved Mar. 22. 1936. 'a (March 30-1936) Adopted by the Council MAR 22 1936 _193 Approved MAP t;? 1935 193—__ Mayor Q ORIGINAL 10 CITY GLRRK 9i)Y 1 OF ST. PAUL FILE CIL !V17R No iLLl FF1CFftOF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL 6lV OLUTIO*—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B COMMISSIONE , t DATE Febrt7a 8, 1935 WHEREAS, George Drexler has requested withdrawal of his application for "On Sale" liquor license at 889 Rice Street; the refund of his license fee, and return of his bond; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the said George Drexler the license fee heretofore deposited on application for "On Sale" liquor license, to return the bond to him and to cancel said application. I - C. QdNo 99874.8y. 8 Gi, edOn lvlthegs• e"9-33re$ er hCas wefluesn, Salernlvnl f hl Streeter the l""', 11 ... ee alt Catlon for and tue refund bonf hls Ilcensa pees' toreCil°bla d, h rhes dPropet fer� rye It o and they the a hareb the 1, It t17' eeald ti author1z ce 11, It to her toPore C r a t exier IO Cto an Cel Id rn 0 e and tol hfotr aIQ APOrovedhy thepCuunlcll Fem n F(Feb818936. b. 8. 1935. 1935) COUNCILMEN YeasNays Pace /Peterson 49sen __.___ In favor Warren Against /Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 Adopted by the Council—FfB ®$ &'3 —193_ k - '31 1 %5 Approved—.---------__ _193__ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK FILE NO.� OF ST. PAUL ,`� XXraF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESQ}_UTION—GENERAL FORM DATEFebruary 8, 1055 1 R ESX WBEREASj George Drexler has made application for an "On Sale" liquor license at 672 Dais Street, and has paid the regtii.red fee and filed the proper bond; and WHEREAS, the License Committee recommends that such "On Sale' liquor license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue such license to said applicant for the premises described in the application; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the bond of the said George Drexler in the sum of $3,000, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is instructed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller. „tcense Co Bch "Un S' •' I I COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Pearce ,Leterson "Rosen --In favor /Truax /Warren _Against /dVenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 Adopted by the Council. FEB - 3 1935193_— Approved j-193 Mayor _3' PUI3LISI3ED l6 FILE No 99876— CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM r PRESENTED SY - _ �--- _ DATE— Fabrunry 8, 19M GOM MISSSONER � '� WHEREAS, Joseph Degidlo has made application for an "Qn Sale" liquor- Iiceas8 at X04 West Seventh Street, has paid the required fee, and filed the proper boad; aiaa AREAS, the License Committee recommends that such "On Sale" liquor licease ba gs-sated; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and direeter3 -bo issne such license to said app73cant for the premises described in the sppli¢atioa; snd be it FURTHER. RESOLVED, that the bond of the said Tosel5h Degidio in the sum oP 03_,000, approved as to form and execution by the Corpoi tion Counsel, be and t%s seime le hereby approved, and the City Clerk is instructed to deposit the C. F. No. 99870—Hy H. E. Warren, same is tlzg orrice of the City Comptroller. Fred It. Truax. 1. C. Pearce— aPP cation forse n on Sale,, liquor11- ade cense at 104 West Se—th Street, has paid the required fee, and filed the proper bond; and Whereas, the License Committee re ommsnds that such "On Sale" liquor 11- e be granted; therefore, bo, It ceResolved, that the CItY Clerk be.. nd he Is hereby uth-12,t and direted to Issue such license to satd annlicaat' for the premises described in the ap-., plication; d be 1t Further Resolved, that the bond of the said Joseph Degldio in the sum of i $3,000. approved as to for and a ecu - tion by the Corp or tion Coand theunsel, be t the City Clerklls instructed n_b tact d to de and the ame in the otilce of the Cl[ posit troller. y' Comn- Adopted b- the Council Feb. 8, 1935' +i .Approved Feb. 8. 1936. (Feb. 16-1935) t„ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce , Peterson Rosen __In favor Truax ,� Warren_ Against ��enzel Mr_ President (Ochan) 5M 6-34 Adopted by the Council_EEg.__"193_ Approved _'_-193kZ _ �– -- - Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLE CIL NO, 99877 ttentlon G[TY OF ST. PAUL of saint of the Paul OFF[CE OF THE CITY CLE-, 'dnuP"""""d -rfi.�<Mdln the COIJNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN EFRAL- ". n PRESENTED BY AS� COMMISSIONERS -- DATE 1 assID WHEREAS, the at teation of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul haB been called to Certain proposed laws which nave been 1ntroclu4-_ec1L is the Legislature of the State of Minnesota, providing for tai limitation upon real and personal property, both by co3xatitutiox3Lal amendment and by legislative enaotment,and -_WHEREAS, ttie Council has caused a study to be made of such legislat aaci its a die ct on the financing of the governmental operations om, said C ity, and more particularly House File No. 444, a copy of tL&4& result s oY Is uch a Ludy is hereto attached and made a part hereof, sacs WHEREAS, it 1 s the opinion of the said Council that such tar llmitatlon legislation would seriously handicap the services to be rendered to the citizens of said City and, in fact, would entirely eliminate many essental services, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the City Council that it is necessary that real and personal property be granted relief from a portion o:r its present tax burden by broadening the tax base thru wtiicl3 1o4 -_a3.. governments may secure money, if they so elect, to replace such property tax, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul goes on record a.s opposixig sv&ch tax limitation legislation and partio- ularly House File No- 444, and be it FURTHER FZES0L'V7E3:0I, that the said City Council goes on record as iavoriag soda legislation as will broaden the tax base for local purposes, to -Glee end that real and personal property will be relievecl Brom eL part of its excessive burdens, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, tnat a copy of this resolution be for- warded by t tae Ci_tp C3Ler2c to the members of the Rqpsey County delegation in the Sena_t;e and the House of Representatives of the State of Mlnmo sots.. COUNCILMEN CC Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_.`ES 8_ )�j193 Pearce Peterson �w a 3 Rosen _—It -X favor Approved 935 193 Truax �y-� Warren Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) o� _ � /, _ 3._ SM 6.34 YUBLLSHED CITY W-101 OF ST. PAUL �" vF7FF F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE . February 13, 1935• COUNCIL FILE NO.99878 Pt�7watoscars wriv:aW9 E. J. Marhotm has requested withdrawal of his application for m Sale" liquor license at T81 Selby Avenue, the refund of his license fee and return of his bond; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the said E. J. Marho. the license fee heretofore deposited on application for "On Sale" liquor license, to return the bond to him and to cancel said application. - C. F. No. 99878-11Y li.,oF• Warren—I COUN -1LMEN Yeas Nays e e K:.rrn o Zee i An favor ax arren Against enzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Fob:. 19, 1935- Adopted by the Council FES 13 a 193_— Approved ' 193— ��, Mayor St. Paul, Minnesota. Febr. 11, 1935. The Honorable City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: I hereby request permission to withdraw ray liquor application and have same transferred to my brother Fred Marhoun. Yours very ,.ruly, 2nd. yY` Laid over m--- o —3rd. 3rd.& app. —� Adopted , Yeas � Nays Yeas ///pppearce rson / Nays carce / P terson (/ ���osen Truax _ osen amen / ` r a aren Wenzel /Mr. Pres. Gehan enzel Mr. Pres. Gehan PF1e111L To CITY CLERK DINANCE 99'79 COUNCIL FILE NO. d 2r,< PRESENTED ,B t+ ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance amending Ordinance $ 3250J adopted August 20, 1914, as amended, entitled, "An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approv ing and adopting rules and regulations therefor:" THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That Ordinance # 3250* adopted August 20, 1914, as amended, en— titled, "An administrative Ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the Oity of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor", be and the same is hereby fur— ther amended by inserting in Section 7 of said ordinance, which section enumerates the titles in the Ungraded Service, immediate— ly after the line, "Steamfitter's Helper" where said line appears in said section the following line, "Stone Gutter" SECTION ll.- This 1:This ordinance shall take effect and br,1fo__rce frsim and after its passage and approval. I ORDINANCES. C. F. No. 99879–Ordtnan a No. I By H. E. Warren—Fred \i. Truax- - I. C. Pearee— An Ordinance ted a endIg Ordinance NO 3250 yi adopAuguE[ 20, 1914, Rsl mended, entitled, "An AdmiPtr` Live ordinance relating Serv'cr -Bureau eF the Quin, ...gid - W. V�� J --75- Civil Service Commissioner: FEB 28 193 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council_ i Pearce /Peterson In F -or ,Iru� ax Against v' Wenzel FEB 91 09 �. _ 1dr.-Preeiden t-(�elaan) Appr—ed:-- i A[tecr. w e, e City Clcrk Mayor 2 PURL 1tkiED_ 3�l 411 I'M CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration February 7th, 1935. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dean• Sir: The City Council today requested you to draw a resolution or ordinance creating a civil service title of 4tone Cutters and placing the said title in the appropriate group. Yours very truly, City Clerk. W. U MOM IUUFMAN ERNESF W. JOHNSON Supt. of P.MSucL of pl.y .W, CHAS. A. BASSFORO Oty Am a to CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 'City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminioner ® O February 5, 1935 Hon. H. F. Goodrich, Civil Service Commissioner, City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: With reference to the attached letter from the Journeymen Stone Cutters Association of North America, addressed to the Council and referred to the Civil Service Committee, in which the establishment of a title for Stone Cutters is requested. In view of the fact that the civil service rules do not provide for such title, and that the services of stone cutters are occassionally required on city.work, it is the.recommendation of the coamnittee that the Civil Service Rules be amended to include the position of "Stone Cutter". Yours truly, Chairman, Ci.v3l service Committee m CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R.5. FERGUSON City Ciak and Comminiona of Registration January 19th, 1935• Hon. Fred M. Truax, Chairman, Civil Service Committee, Building. Dear Sir: The attached letter from the Journeymen Stone Cutters Association of N. A. requesting the Council to establish a title for the members of their craft was refer- red to the Civil Service Committee, by the City Council, for consideration and recommendation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Journeymen. Stone Cutters Association of N. A. AFFILIATED WITH THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR aii ®.y Twin Cities ............. ..............._ TRADES AND LABOR CONGRESS OF CANADA _ .952 Wakefield Ave. ..............----._...__....---.-.-._.._._...............__._._..._..... St. P'aE0:" ^' i'irM. Tel. No. Tower 0517 ... _........... danuary.....1.6.th., ............. .... ...193...._5.. Honorable Mayor and Members of the pity Council: Gentlemen: At _a recent meeting, we the members of the Journey- men Stone Cutters -of St. Paul went on record requesting your Honorable Body to establish a title for the members of our craft. Invariably there is work done by the City, which comes within the jurisdiction of the Stone Cutters but is usually done by members of other crafts. - Therefore, we would appreciate it if, the above re- _ _quest would receive _your favorable attention. As ectfully submitted, _. Q I�� r � J Secretary -Treasurer, % - t?' 41 F _ ORIGINAL TO clrr cLt RK PRESENTED BY I COMMISSIONER— COUNCIL,�7Y. PAUL FILENO. IY9880 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL MESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, Harvey Lange, of 597 Cedar street, Saint Paul, has made application :Eor a license to operate one automobile for hire upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, said applicant, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 7181, has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of Saint Paul, and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a license be issued to said applicant to operate said anutomobtle as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, subject to all of the provisions of the ordinances in such cases made and provided. Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council B 131935193_— Approved—_ FEB I q r� _193— Mayor COL NCILMEN Yeas ' E�rce T Nays P terson' osen _In favor uax /1 ( / —'arren Against /Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council B 131935193_— Approved—_ FEB I q r� _193— Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration February let, 1935. Mr_ John L. Connolly, Coraoratioa Counsel, Bai Z a3ag. Isar Si r: The attached application of Harvey Lange For aermisslon to operate a taxicab on the streets of the city og St. Paul, together with the letter of C. R. Leonard ra4--xn *. 3mcling that this license be granted were referred to yo'tx, 'by the City Council, with request that youdraw the aecestsaxy resolution granting this license. This is a new agp2 kation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Tti s3)EIPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE GITY OF SAINT PAUL IlITE R—OFFICE COMMUNICATION January 29, 1935 Mr _ H . F--' �- Commiasiox-3ea- 3c Safety, Chaiz-m� mna Dear Sir = ra�c arr✓nce to the request of Harvey Lenge, 597 CBa=aT' mor permission to operate a taxicab upon the str�els ©� es�� City o£ St. Paul-, an investigation was made by Bt$r_ a T -sora? Taxicab Inspector, and he reports that there less on the streets now than there were b� s -t-- -5 T» e asst year _ It is recommended that permission be grau-teca o WT to place this car on the streets. Vex7 truly yours, 4Ci�R. Leonard, ' License Inspector VV i� Jj f CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Comminioner of ReBidration January 24th, 1935• Hoa_ H. M. Warren, Chairman, License Committee, Building Dear Sirs The attached letter of Harvey Lange, 597 Cedar Street, requesting permission to operate a taxi- cab am the streets of the City of 3t. Paul was referred to your Committee, tV the City Council, for investigation and recommendation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL LOUIE P. SHEAHAN LEGAL DEPARTMENT HILARY J. FLYNN JOHN L. CONNOLLY EDWIN MURPHY IRVING GOTLIEB CORPORATION COUNSEL JAS. R. SULLIVAN _1M IM\ February 12th, 1935. Mr. H. E. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety, City of Saint Paul. Dear Sir• Pursuant to your request, I have drawn a resolution granting a license to operate an automobile to Harvey Lange, but I have not been advised that he has deposited his insurance policies in accordance with Ordinance No. 7181. Before this license is approved by the Council, will you kindly check up and have him submit• to this office said insurance policies? JLC -U Yours very truly, Corporation Counsel. Op101N1L TO CITY CL6R - - JNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL C. Pearce File NO. ■ ■� e x 81 OFFICE OF THE CITY CL' licenses ann1.' named nersoni t CI RESOLUTION—GENIt:�i anfl the c 3 - PRESENTED esr COMMISSIONER February 12, 1935 RESOLVED That 3_- cBaaes gpglied for by the following named persons for the addresses indicated be and the same p.� 3sBreby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issued such licenses upon the lata the city, treasury of the required fees: Now E. R. Moorehead Z536 Robert St. Confectionery Appl 1836 %www1 Geo. L. Mikacevich 618 Edmund St. Butcher a 1599 HNw W. H. Williams 2390 Como Av. a ^ 1994 a Wm. Hay 969 Payne Av. Grocery TM 1920 a Joe Zimmer 425 University Av. a " 0587 " J. Weinholzer 6�5 E. 7th St. Florist a 1961 a Petroleum Service Co. 2 37 Como Av. Fuel Dealer " 1921 " Oscar Johnson T55 Payne Av. 2 pool tables a 1857 a Oscar Johnson ?5S Payne Ave. Confectionery s 1858 a Michael A. Sacro 242 B. Kellogg Blvd. 3 pool tables a 1938 a Michael A. Sauro 242 W. Kellogg Blvd. Confectionery a 3.959 n M. L. Van Bu8kir3c 290 E. Fifth St. Restaurant a 1711 a Mabel Arrigoni 670 Payne Av. Restaurant ^ 1786 a Mabel Arrigoni 670 Payne Av. On Sale Malt Liquor " 1787 " Dorothy Frank 426 Selby Av. Restaurant n 1661 " Dorothy Frank X26 Selby Av. On Sale Malt Liquor a 1662 a Fred H. Miller 193 Ramsey St. Restaurant a 3633 " n n n a On Sale Malt Liquor " 3634 " ^ COUISCILMEN " Off a n n n 3685 n ( ' +9�`5 Yeas L/ Nays / Adopted by the Council_f 193_ !/Peterson z�:cs 3 �e loosen Zri favor Approved _193__ Truax ,"*arren Wenzel =? - ayor / Mr. President (Cehan) �jJ$IISI~� 5M G"34 ORIGIN}- TO CITY Citg RIC COVCIL FILMN No. ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENK �Ai• r 3M 'PRESENT—z==, r L' February 12, 1955 mawY GOMM15570 riF2 -� .tt ' ;• —� _,,8nt RESOLVED That licenses for which applications have been made by the following _named per 'a�+T+s for t71B addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and ' the City to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury Q� tize rued Pees: E. A. 898 Raymond Ave. Bakery Appl. 1942 Renewal C.M. J , 422 Robert St. Confectionery " 1855 " L. A. gi= -X+ZX 1057. Grand Av. • ^ 1977 " E. R. 405 St. Peter St. ° " 1857 ° Rose s 257 Arundel St. Butcher ^ 1504 ° John zyasid 1080 Forest St. " " 1062 " JOhn 393: -_IM 559 St. Anthony Av. ' " 1678 " K=s. E— R son,. 1429 Grand Av. Grocery " 1759 ^ Rapp &-- 919 St. Clair St. Butcher 1988 p R. 8. 1160 Selby Av. Grocery ° 1755 " Alex 560 Como Ave. Butcher " 1946 ° Alex7» a8oresl 560 Como Ave. Grocery " 1947 " CharZas Wagner, 256 Oakdale Av. Butcher ° 1775 Charles S e Wagner, 236 Oakdale Av. Grocery " 1774 W. N. 73ca� �; R � 804 E. Third St. ^ " 1804 ^ I. 551 Kentucky St. " " 1890 " ORIGINAL TO CITY CLRRK C:TY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER C. February oarE—_ 12, 1935 RESOLVED 2.. M. Manovitz 208 Ei'tat;e St. Grocery Appl. 1887 Renewal Mrs. A. McDermott, 122 S_ Western Av. a n 1591 a C. H. Michelson 542 Ohzo St. " " 1692 " Join & Teresa Miller 263 W_ chin,. t Av. " n 1973 a A. M. Niemann, 1356 2'lacmas St. " a 1500. a Norman A sons, 917 Reaaey St. " " 1658 " Carl Schultz, 1008 A rx a cie St. " " 1709 " C. E. Rieger, 1053 Arliwright St. " a 1891 " C. E. Rieger, 1052 Ar3cwx:Lght St. " " 1892 " Hertl Faal Co. 649 P_ -L4 -_'B: St. Niel Dealer " 0274 " Sta9is 011 Co. 184 ga v�ca St. a a " 1978 " L. J. Bei -ken, 481 S_ Wgbasha St. Gas Sta. 3 pumps a 1333 a Lo -7 Garages 339 Wa'1:>eL0!3a St. n n 2 R a 1981 a Eds. B. Olson, 400 W_ Seventh St. a " 3 a " 1987 a State Loan Co. 212 F3apire Bank Bldg. Salary Loan a 1604 " St. Paul Labor Temple, 418 N- W. L -AB 1 n St. Dance Hall " 1714 " Stahl Drug Co. 1358 Egad St. Confectionery " 1994 " t ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK RESOLVED H. G. Blair, Arthur E. Butler Wk. M. Cassius Fay B. Becker, P. F. Casey, August Getscke, August A. Goettsch A. A. Harrisberger, R. J. Beath W. E. Hecht, Jubn Jancsek, G. J. Margel7.oln W. P. Mergen, E. N. Martin Eugene P117.0s Em11 H. Reher Artbur Rule Robert Schroetie= Paul steinmeta, CITY OF ST. PAUL PILENGIL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COL "c--IL'RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE February 12, 1935 —3- 2207 Arcade St. Barber Appl 1895 Renewal 490 Wabasha St. a " 1875 " 854 Selby Av. e n 1448 a 545 R.ic a St . " " 1749 a 2052 5darsha7Tl Av. " " 1741 " 537 Broadway " a 1844 " 404 Race St. " " 3.157 a 790 Margaret St. " " 1740 a 737 N. SnoXM:L a Av. a n 1720 a 1282 N. Snelling Av. " a 0912 a 614 Como Av. a A 1668 a 438 Jackson St. " " 1830 a 499 `University Av. " " 1704 " 362 N. Dale St. ° " 1403 " 388 Sent St. " a 1355 a 657 Stryker Av. " 1754 ° 964 N. Dale St. a * 1388 " 568 Rice St . a n 2007 a 226 W. Fourth St. a " 2000 a O qO1NlL TO CITY GLERiC _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTECI BY COMMISSIONER DATE February 12, 1955 RESOLVED -4- -D. D. Flanag— 8c B_ Stewart, 289 E. Seventh St. Barber Appl. 1707 Renew Lonts Stows 1155 Payne Ave. " " 1797 " Ted Zabel 3.190 Payne Av. 9 " 1952 " George 455J N. Snell i ,ano Av. Restaurant " 1110 Renew n is " " " " Off Sale Malt Beverage " 11]1 " a a m a a a On Sale Malt Beverage ■ 1112 " Stanley FYo *-_ �0 238 W. Kellogg Blvd. Restaurant " 1795 " a n a On Sale Malt Beverage IT 1794 " Carl Zes3k 405J E. Seventh St. Restaurant " 1955 " A. gnbitscl�+ � 17.33 Rice St. " " 1862 " n a 1133 Rice St. On Sale Malt Beverage " 1865 " n a n " a Off " " " " 1864 " Oscar 187 E. Seventh St. Restaurant " 1949 " M. Nardi &t g_ C:stti 106 E. fifth St. Restaurant " 1727 » a a o I" a n n a in Confectionery " 1728 " Mrs. Geo_ S�e—ares 485 S. Wabasba St. Restaurant " 1185 " A. J. Wesi-.oa 563 Taokson St. Restaurant " 1699 " Y. W. II. A- 125 W. Fifth St. Restaurant " 1750 " COUNC-_T 1=N Yeas Nays Pearce Pot erso n Ros4-_K-2L In favor Truax Warren _Against Werzzel Mr. Presider2t <Gehan) 5M 6.34 1 Adopted by the Council SEB 3 '335193 Approved 193 Mayor EUBLISIEU - % S_ ORIGINAL — CITY CLKRK cOUNCIL ( (7 76'. FILENo. l( !�? G I --jr—w— O F ST. PAUL L1lJsi OFIFIG� 01= THE CITY CLF teraon3nztBiton;Ro. COUNCIL. t2ESOLWJTION—GENEF4 B89• the Board oi' era ¢r� desirous arvlces C the P; f PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONERER _ � in RESOLVED Q� WHEBEAS, The Board o� €a>mmissioners are desirous of engaging the services of the Ccmwn3Lpaa7, a firm of Engineers, for the purpose of making a flotP :Zp- pt the distribution system of the City Water Works and, MHER.EAS, the $aid Company have agreed to make such a survey in accordance ai't2a s proposal submitted to said Board for the sum of $10,800, 0L++e SAS, the P1-tcros-hex- C�c=w=NLpEaay is the only company of Engineers performing such s sez-Pine v•3=so- --9_-3aere is no advantage, because of a uniform price, to be sects: -ate rsoxipetitive bids, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That said Board Cel Water Commissioners be and hereby are authorized to eater into s-IuxaZ-*=L. maw -.Lei contract with said Pitameter Company in accordance with tbie, x-aoetved. COUNCILMEN Yeas/ Pgatce Nays en —_In favor ax :ren Against /Wenzel . President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council.....FEB 1 `1 _193 Approved FEB 12 193_ i a Mayor PUBLISHED � I -3 OrtQ�..si to �--�-� Cierlc CITY OF ST. PAUL eotx+ea N000®...¢} --------- rae OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK Ja7Qfj 0 3 ' COUNCIL LUTION--GENERAL FORM ��✓� 7BY / DATEJl�-e` PRESENTED Comm IS'StOP�ax= — '. Milton 'Rosen= j ,,. "'' ne Northern Nales 1 be. RESOLVED goven yerm rth ;�r-:_t n le on the orth� 'levnrd, between, #. _t``, nece6snry gnYe. Company .,,moi°a....i. .,.. •.� he emove!1,1 .ton (�.;.. That the Northern States Power Oompany be given permission to install 1-44 foot pole on the north side of Kellogg Boulevard, between maria and Bates$ with necessary guys, snohore, wires end Telephone Company wires. Pole -:and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Oounoil and Cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power company xuniaipsl Estimate $21719. CO�� =tT OILMEN Yeas — /�—��''_ ------In favor L --/----Against Al 3V_ _ President ] 6M 6-32 • FEB 1935 Adopted by the CounclL_................................193._..__ Approved-.-..---/--lr-�-------`----._t9?F� [� Mayor �++' PUBLISHED---�'v— - ow,.,..w� ro c.rt• cicac>c i 5.—By Milton Rosen—, tm or of t _ �.� r �o tea CITY OF ST. PAl aINCIL 63 f the CRY Chef r ' NO. OFFICE OF CITY ( sorof his beparttn�' t tho omptoyme nn emergency v��� CO iht-hours Par day N IL RESOLUTION—El mpeoyment being .i" PRESEl�i�l'�D 6Y —_ IS: `9mDloymen? RESoLVL=D n'u 'k WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in acco='d�_�3ce with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emerger��y which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of lad s- impartment for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, saki eat oyment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be i t RESOTIrED That the proper city officers are hereby authors ad to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed r <=� r extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. ame a e No. lirs. Rate o ay Amort a Orin 1VI. Truck Dr. 2 BirZ-e3 -A=�- —ola, Frank BOux-c1—z Harold Road Mach.Op. 19 .591 5pp�� ra , K. Claus Edward Truck Dr. 25 .63� s n, C. Truck Dr. 29 B3¢ Di.cisay s Paul Caretaker Die gza _ Chester Truck Dr. 28 �4 6 Eiric� s siYa Iter Truck Dr. 35.634 Chair—les A. Truck Dr. 12 Gj erns a Harold Road Mach. Op. 62 .70 Harp a i– a aaorga Road Mach. Op. 3 .50 584 Hoera� �� �r1 O. -truck Dr. 1 Huber_ Frank T. Truck Dr. 281 .631 gg- Jagger- Russell Truck Dr. 8z �5c 64 Kab i z s Paul Truck Dr. 20- Kleruar-E �—� agen, Albert W. Road Mach. Op. 4 .63 Laval = David T Unsk. Lab. 4 .53 Ma. id1 r rands Truck .Dr. 36 .45 MCKa X-1 a - -- � P _ J . Mie1 3JIichael Truck Dr. 21 .63. .63tI a Road Mach. Op. 122 Mu11---s- � Edward F. Utilityman 26 .58� .664 DTeusc�az..�ar>_der-, Jos- F. Truck Dr. 14 Pad era 1 arenc e Truck Dr. 11 .62 R i c es 11 i am Truck Dr. 1 .634 Riclzar- _ s ori, Lawrence W, Uti1ityman 10 .62 .5� SoaE! � r -g, Carl Ut i 1 i tyman g 4 , Tauber lbert Wade Z i Truck Dr. 871.63- .62 Leo R. Road Mach.Op. 871 z .58A Wika Y1 3 Fred L. Truck Dr. 31 .63 CO Lf iii GILM EN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council FEB 1 .1 19_ - �EB Y{�M`c'v� 3 1 - �- -- -- In favor Approved 19_ ACJ ��}}Against _ MAYOR kVir_ Pr �-dent#�c�jgaal>�, PF1I3T;Y3F3LiS'� An emergency has arisen in the DLPARTIMNT OF PUBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Removing snow and ice from streets This emergency arose by reason of the follov,ing facts and circumstances: Recent heavy snowfall COMISS. SIOPTFR OF P BLIC WORKS ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF TH CLE COUNCIL LU N—G L FORM PRESENTED BY .r,.; ,,, �. _ Pwo»nw _ DATE Rebruaiy moi RESOLVED WIFEREAS, the Commissioner of Education has reported to the P.ouncil ir, accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendeved necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAVE TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Arlington Hills Branch Library Green, William Janitor -Engineer 16 hours .55 8.80 Merriam Park Branch Librar Davenport, George L. " " 10 " .571 5.75 Riverview Branch Library Polanka, Rudolph J. " ° 5 " 9561 2.81 St. Anthony Park Branch Library Hickey, Patrick F. Janitor " 0-- ° 957* 4.60 . 1 I•ted Io,l e -Ince, of i : tylr:�l .iV ril7� Iilw y+A`i•d d+ Tv! c COUN ILMEN Adopted FEB 19 1935 by the Council 193 Yeas Nays /f roeon ee�� �tersf FEB 13 1'936 /RLLpsen In_ favor Approved 193— tr Against + max aen f/fj— enzel Mayor /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 PUBLISHED--&-_& - 3 _ pebruary a. 1936. An emergency Pias arisen in the Department of Education, of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment o– certain employes of that department for more than eight hours day, in doing the following work: This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and c =r-- cumstances: Neeessary to keel) Branch Librarte-lnwn an Q� s-oecial activities at buiidjrgir,a- — `� s report is in .accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. FORM NO. 1 February 8, 1935. An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: To keep Arlington Hills, ,Iderriam Perk, Riverview and St. Anthony Park Branch Libraries open and to clean buildings. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessary to keep Branch Libraries open on account of special activities at buildings. This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. FORM NO . 1 PeUee UT S* 4 J19$5 t An emergency ha s ;SL a-- :2- s e r tri the Department of Education, Bureau of Pub'1ic Librar e s T -xc 4aving necessary the employment of certain employes off' c-LAE�t:rPsrtment for more than eight hours per day, in doing tIaEa� mIEs work; TO k00V Ar3ija&-t4wa jX '_ �ws MM Park, RIVOrVIOW GrA Sto Anthony Park Sran*h L bWUMP: 4WAa CVAP46am AWL-2-CMUMM IbAW OZOSU bnlldiness This emergency arose b_,_v- reason of the following facts and circumstances: '� `` jP BINMOU Libraries OVM on aaommt: of $peau" e at:3 vl9 Zia4at aeft � A 2 _,. gso This report is inaccorc3a cg �rsr t1 -i Section 53 of the Charter. ORIGINAL TO CITY CiiR1C - _, `S� � CITY OF ST. PAUL -Bv A-1 F. Pe as No -9i cat the followin•, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK`,;°m jof the G- d;, U CI RE TION-GENERALo' 6- `,"' v - i. G /L and ex PRESENTED SY t COMMISSIQlV Ei3 ne�ry411 RESOLVED ��.*_jt; the following bonder, each in the sum of $1,000, dated November 2 s 2934, with the Creat American Indemnity Company as snre:ty, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Coun- sel, be ea -r cL the same are hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed -t_-4c3, deposit the same with the Cit Com troll COUNCILMEN y p er, viz. :ffa ane �ersora position Margaret Conley Mgr., Central High School Cafeteria 39tat;im ctriYFin " Cleveland Jr. High School Cafeteria Jexa=sie: Faucher " H£sding High School Cafeteria ddel ai de McNeely 11 Humboldt If 1' " 11T1_aa E;freen " Johnson " If " gtms. L1LX3rjdgren " Washington High 11 " 39ixxxsie E_ Iiille If Vocational School If I.ax� a 401zx i st ian " Roosevelt Jr. High School Cafeteria F2oreace L. Barr " Murray " " If " Nettie: B- Firebaugh If Mechanic Arts " " If Ca-Glseriae MoDonough " John Marshall Jr. High School " E2i24Ew_7k>et1x green If Monroe Jr. High School Cafeteria ZX3n a Springer If Maria Sanford Jr. H. S. " 3997-i atter Hicka I Wilson Junior High School if COUNCILMEN Yeas �ersora /�oserz _In favor ax arrer>< _fv)` Against /W erzzel /Ir_ President <Gelzari) 5M 6.34 FES 13 m6 Adopted by the Council _193_ ;:0 131935 Approved 193_ - ✓ d Mayor PUBLISHED—A '� — ORIGINAL TO CITY CLkPK COUNCIL Y OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 998 NCIL 6ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYo C� DATE February 12, 1985 COMMISSIONER. RESOLVED ]~S That licenses for Oa Sale alt Bevere}ge, application 1969, Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 1970, a cl Restaurant, application 1971, applied for by George Drexler at 572 No. Dale be aa(" the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Renewal COUN1ILMEN Yeas ce Nays fj �J )terson Rosen — _In favor /7"u -ax / /Warren _-�� =-�—Against Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council FEB 13 1935 193 FEB 13 0 Approved 193 �) / Mayor OHIOINAL 4o cm CL... - COUNCIL j-� G3ETY O ST_ PAUL.. FILE NO.*J" F)FIGiE O_lF= THIS GtTY CLERK OUNGIL IESOLL3TIOtV —GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Purchaaia.g g-e� =L --t-- be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the 4=oas*0t3e3t of the Comptroller, one Allis-Chalmers Tractor equipped -wi -t_-3=3L son Full Crawler and Sargent Steel Plow for use at the Airport : at 49L total cost not to exceed $1600.00 F.O.B. St. Paul Airpar - -qYw3Lt1-_Lout advertisement, as this is a patented article ia_c'*c3 3.41> sdva.atage could be gained thereby. Charge General Fu3=Lc3— Equipment- 1003-139 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen ___In favor Truax Warren Aga iris t Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C1Fesolved, th¢t_he Pulrchaeing Agent { be, .and heis hereby authorized taa ( purchase, vith the consent oY th i Comptroller, ne Allis-Chalmers Trac- y for equl Ped�vjth Trackson.Full Crawl- - and $argent Steel Plb for uee at the Airport, ata total -t not to e. teed $1600.00 F. O. B. St. Paul Airport, without advertisement, as this Is a pat- i ented rticle nd noadyantag'ocould un �kbe gained thereby Charge General .Fund aired iPat Equipment 1003-139: Adopted by'the Council Feb.13y 1935. APDroved'Feb. 13, 1936.: - (Feb. 16-1936)' Adopted by the Council FE' 13 1935 193 -- FEB Approved 193— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK TY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RYSOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �% COMMISSIONER:L� ¢�h."@�e DATE— COUNCIL FILE 99890 RESOLVED That licenses for Off Sale Nalt Beverage, application 1686, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 1687, Restaurant, application 1688, Tavern, application 1689, and Dance Hell, application 1690, applied for by J. E. O'Rourke at 1040 University Avenue be and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police, and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to refund to the said J. E. O'Rourke, the fees of $5:00; $50.00; $10.00; $200.00; amid $1.5.00 and to cancel said applications for Licenses respectively. 99890—BY H• E. Warren,' C. F: No. 1. C. Pearce- -Fred SL Truax, OnI Resolved, that Itc11cgtionor1886, Sale 16 sTa v2e Malt Beverage, aPP lication 1687, S.I.i Malt Beverage..aPP a ]f- aPDlicatlon 16871and1na ceBFlbbayyll, JDP.E anon 1690, aPPlled Lor A—nue.be l p'Rourke at 1040 Universitdenied.uyort I and the some ars hereby iooreau of 1 a aro i commendatn o clty the B>to c are ri- jjeo, and the groper 7e Eb0'Rourk.. the Yeas of $6 00 h$6c 0, $10.00, $200.00, and $16 00 11 Ce t. s c re eI said aPPMetlons Lor See report attached rc g i_ syectiYeo � 4' Adopted by the Counen Feb. 13 1936 APDroved Feb. 13; 1936. �. (Feb. 16-1986) -'-.'—_�.. _ COUN MEN Yeas Nays P rce - erson osen _In favor i—:Against Warren//en .e /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council FEB 12 1935 193_ ApprovedFEB 3 11 Mayor CITY OF ST. Pio 871 OFFICE OF THE CIT aie OUNCIL RESOLUTION -1.1"- —y P PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER --- COUNCIL FILE NO. iY 19333 H• E. Wnrrer 3, 3 Extra Se aur -3f was n h, m lxf 1.1 nIY . 1w,, ndaysF WHEREAS, Chapter 74, Extra Session of the Legislature 1933-34, was passed for the purpose of authorizing the City Council to grant or refuse liquor licenses at any place in the city excepting within fifteen hundred feet of any academy, college or university or higher education, which act remained in force for a period of only sixty days; and WHEREAS, the same necessity for such legislation exists to -day, and if Chapter 74 is not re-enacted at the present session of the Legislature, there will remain a large section of the city in which sales of liquor are prohibited, with the result that the city officers will have great difficulty in policing that section to prevent illegal sales therein; and WHEREAS, this section of the city is largely populated and the people generally desire to have liquor available in that territory, and in fact licenses have already been issued for such territory; therefore, be it i RESOLVED, That the Council approves and asks for the re- enactment of the law known as Chapter 74 aforesaid, and the City Clerk is directed to notify the members of the Ramsey County delegation of this action of the Council and request them to support such legislation and to take an active part in securing its passage. COUNCILMEN. Yeas / - Nays �ce • Peterson Rosen —_In favor �rren� Against /Wenzel - President (Gehan) SM 6.34 r FEB 131935 Adopted by the Council 193 -- Fr B 13 19'35) prove— 193_.. Mayor OatO1Nl1L TO CITU CL6aK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. Q OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -99892 C UNCIL R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY Q�i{�-1t DATE r' 555 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 2009, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 2010, applied for by John Grealish at 61 West Seventh Street be and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the License inspector and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to said John Grealish the fees of $10.00 and $50.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses respectively. COUNCILMEN Yeas ce terson Rosen • Nays __In favor amen Against Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 90892 —BY H. L. Warren, 1,T that licenses afor Restau. ieatlon 2009• and On Sate Y,raJohnpGrealfsh at061'We10 s tr..t be and the ara [ lied upoA•recommendatfon of 1 Adopted by the Council FEB 13 1935 193- FF� fi ri iii a 193— Approved � / a Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL 1 COU LUaNCIL �CNO. y ►Q 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JNCIL !7SOLLUUfTIJON—GENERAL FORM >7 a i 1985 PRESENTED BY1�.�l, – DATE____F COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That license for Barber, application 1706, applied for by Frank James at 322 Rondo Street be and the same is herety denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Health, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Frank James the fee of 11.0.00 and to cancel said application for license. COU �ILMEN Yeas Nays PP arca terson /Rosen In favor A.rxen _Against Wenzel % Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C. r No. 99993—gy g, Warren, Fred M. Truax, 1. 1. Resolved, that llcense for Barker a Plication 1700,.aDDlled Por by Frank James at hereby dodo Street be and the I dcme Is hereby dented upon recommen_ �liatler city the Buri au of Health, and the e,d to ce and t F"' b,,reby author- £ $10.00 and to cancel sold ges the' fee for llcense. DDllCatloII fAdopted by the Council Feb: 33, 1995. r ADDroved Feb. 13, 1936. '(Feb. 1C-1035) FEB 13 1935 Adopted by the Council ---I 93— FEB ouncil— 193— EB i � 1935 Approved 193— / �. Mayot ORIGINAL TO CITY CLIIR cOU Y OF ST. PAUL r LEr4elE NO. "al ((%�4 Q OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL ISIESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM,9S PRESENTED DATE � _T -�+ _ February 12, 1985 —r—�—� affAmamo WHEREAS, John E. Webber desires to withdraw application 0541, for Restaurant, and application 6508 for On Sale Malt Beverage at 15J West Ninth Street; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Joha E. Webber the fees of $10.00 and $50.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses respectively. i - ---- I C. F. No. 99894—By H. E. Warren, Fred lu. Truax, 1. C. pearc— Wherea8. John E. Webber desires to Wfthdraty appiI—Uon 0541, Yor Reata.L- '.Malt r 0. Sale -%r-.. -tt.l6'f$i O' West Nnth !Street; therefore, be It Icereebel and they. are hereby e.uthoriz d to refund to John and the Yeea oY $10.00 and $60.00 --r-b"' cancei said ; ap.lI.. fone Y0 ee.... re.y eu_" 1haL Adopted by [he Council Feb..'13, 1936. Approved Feb. 15.1936. (Feb. 30-1935) Adopted by the Council FEB 131935193_ FF Approved_ 13 1935 193__ KIayor ZILMEN Yeas %(erson 'Rosen _In favor r,, arren Against enzcl President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council FEB 131935193_ FF Approved_ 13 1935 193__ KIayor OalO1Nl1L TO CITY OL[aK T CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENC1L NO._99895 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEn cv \ 1 ��iZ'«•�`�? DATE Febnm= 12, 1955 WHEREAS, Howard Jefferson (Blue & white) has made application 1991 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one Packard automobile, Motor No. 11164104B, Serial Ho. 166112, covered by Great American insurance policy No. 578955, expiring September 2, 1955, License No. 129, and WHEREAS, Howard Jefferson, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7521, has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the s�reets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Howard Jefferson, and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license, subject to the provisions of said ordinance and the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /p/ �dree /Person Rosen4 In favor .,ren /0 -Against /Wenzel /. �41r. President (Gehan) 5M 66,34 C. F. No. .99895-33y H. E Warren,f- Frefl Af. Truax, I. C. Pearce— Whereas; Howard Jefferson. (Blue & Whlte)..has. made application 1991 for license tooperate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of Sj. Paul one Packard automobile, Motor No. 11164- ? 104B; Serial No:`166112,.covered --by Great American insurance policy No. 578953, expiring September 2, 1935; Id - cense No. 129,and Whereas, Howard- Jefferson, 1. ac - .or dsnce, with- Ordinance No. 7321; has filed copy of Insurancee-eollcy with the City. of St. Paul, and ald policy has beenapproved asto form by the Cor- poration Counsel; therefore, bo it Resolved; that Iicenae' to operate aid automob711e� as taxicab upon the 4 treets oC the City -of 3t. Paul be Sad the same 1. hereby granted to Howard 3 Jefferson, and the city clerk Is instruct- ed to issue such llcenae, subject to the,, provisions of aid rdmance and' the payment Into .the city. treasury of.the required fee. Adopted by the Council-Peb. 13; 1935. Y App.—I Feb. X13, 1935. } (Feb. 16-1935) FEB 13 1535 Adopted by the Council—_193— Approved ouncil193_ Approved 193_ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL... ` _<�MY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._!4Q"✓V OFFICE OF THF, CITY CLERK All OU CIL RESQLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED R iJER COMMiSS10� DATE February 12, 1955 READ WHEREAS, Martin McNulty has made application 2054 for license to operate as a private livery upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one Studebaker Sedan automobile, Motor No. 5957, Serial No. 6015980, -covered by Great American Indemnity Co. insurance policy No. 579872, expiring November 20, 1935, License No. 35, and WHEREAS, Martin McNulty, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7521, has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RLSOLVED� that license to operate said automobile as a private livery upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Martin McNulty and the city clerk is instructed to issue such 11cense,tabject to the provisions of said ordinance and the payment into the city t: fee. C. F. No 99896—By H. ) . Warren, Fred Dl. Truax, 1. C. Pearce— Whereas, Martin DteNulty has made application 2034 for licen.o to operate: private-..11very upon. the treat. of the City. 0f St. Paul, one Studebaker i ;I Sedan automobile, Met- No. i b59.37Se- al on6n5980tcovred yGa AmoriNaI0demny j. Co. -insurance vol- Icy No. 579872, expiring November 20, j 1935. License 33, ad Whereas, Martin DlcNulty, In accord- ance with Ordi—lee No: 7321, has sled COUI ,elLM EN Yeas I,, Nays ,Pe'arce -6terson Rosen In favor jy✓ar` ren -__Against Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the ?eaeury of the required FEB 11 193S_ FES -� S_ � ._.1 - Approved 193_ Mayor OHIOINAL TO CITY OLiaK �ttC, TY OF ST. PAUL F1LCNca NO 9• _q7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t7/ �] C Np RES TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE February2, 7255 COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, Leona Cullen (Blue & White) has made application 1855 for licenses to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, four automobiles, as follows: Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance Company Policy No. Expiration License No. Packard 282208 28459 Great Amer. Indem. 578899 5-24-55 94 Buick 2617222 2485195 n 6 n 628925 96 Packard 297197 297880 ° ■ • 578956 8-4-55 197 Packard 278275 279727 a n n 628921 168 SEAS, Leona Cullen, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7321, has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said.policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same are hereby granted to Leona Cullen, subject to the provisions of said ordinance, and the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. 1' Cul C. Penrce—,I f St lull C1tY of St , - s R'' No. 282"' r,. tui a r. an as lr covNcyi MEN FEB 13 1935 Yeas / Nays Adopted by the Council 193_ f ce �e arson /Rosen _In favor FEB 1 3 931 Approved 193_ '. -tar Against '✓s� / // Wenzel Mayor /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 PUBLISHED a -1b -3.s—' ORIGINAL TO CITY C"RK COUNCIL NO. CI OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4Cl�RES LOTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE February 12- COMMISSIONER - R§§e6yCA t4AER.EAS, Jerome Goff has made application 2042 for license to orate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one Hapmobile automobile, Motor No. 19821, Serial No. 19062, covered by Lloyds of Minneapolis insurance policy No. H-80462, expiring Jan. 3, 1936, License No. 4, and WHEREAS, Nerome Goff, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7521, has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk in instructed to issue such license to Jerome Goff, subject to the provisions of said ordinance and the payment into the city St. Paul Cab Co. Renewal COUNCILMEN Yeas l Nayi; /Pearce /'��/^// eterson Rosen —_In favor amen —Z2—Against �� Wenzel 'r• President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 es sury _of the .requirea__Yee• C. F. No. 99898—By H. E. Warren, Fred ht. Truax, I. C. Pearce— Wheteas, Jeromo Goff has made ap- L plication 2042 for license to operate asq a taxicab pon the atteeta of .the. Cityi of St'. Paul, one Hupmobile automobllc, a Motor No. 19321,. Serial No. 19062, cov- i ered by Lloyds oY 1+ilnnea➢otic incur- nce PIG No. H-30462; ezpiHng Jana 3, 1936, License No. 4, and Whereas, Jerome GofS,in-accordance ♦with Ordinance No. 7321, has filed copy' Pf Ineuranca policy gith tha Cityof St. aul, and- said policy has been'a➢Prov ed as to form by they Corporation Co..- sel: therefore, ba it Resolved, that license to operate said a tomobile as a taxicab upon the j streets of the City of. St. Paul be an the'same is hereby granted and. the ,. City Clerk is instructed to "an. such license to Jerome G.". subject' to the ". provisions of said ordinance and the payment Into the city treasury of the ". repuired Yee. Adopted by the Copboll Feb. 13, 1935. Approved Feb. 13, 1936. (Feb.'16-1936) Adopted by the Council FEB 11 1995 193- 8'�'s� Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLICRK COUNCIL FILE NO. OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .COtJNICIL RESQ1 UTION—GENERAL FORMPRESENTy COMMISSIONER February 12, 1955' COMMISSIONER �� ��' DATE RESOLVED That licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 16151 Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 1616, and Restaurant, application 1617, applied for by Domedo Corte at 2728 West Seventh Street Boulevard be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the y of the required fees. c Fred Id. o. Tru -.By c. PO-- E. Warren, Cit treasury (I Resolved, that .licenses for on Sale Malt Beverage, application 1616, OtL ° Sale Malt Beverage, application 1616, p- d Restaurant, pplicatlon 1617, ap- i plied for by - Domenic Corte at 2728 and hestameeor. heretreby'g alnt da nd the city sclerk ais instructed to Issue s h licenses upon ho payment into the city treasury f'the required fees. Adopted by the Council Feb. 13, 1935. Approved Feb. 13, 1936. j (Feb. 18-1936) COUN MEN Yeas Nays rce e rson osen In favor x amen Against enzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council - 193__ Approved— FEB 13 lw3' 193 =.2, -.---- Mayor C_. ) - "V .GY' T DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ` / • S �}, CCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OUNS?;�y 7. _ FILE COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL* NQ•------ Yq [- A' - MA"$ ersp]l COUNCIL RESOLUTION MCDONAL p _N FAVOR R BEN ..I AUDITED CLAIMS ROUEN 1'eeeee�rli aT y.../ ......................_._....... JI TRUAX WENZEL -AGAINST RESOLVED, T AT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, MR. PRIES. a4WZ=riehan TO THE AGGREGA MOUNT OF 5...... LL._CAVERING 1 i9uyfl CHE KS E j CE V' I CLUSIVEAS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 3 PER CHECKS OILE I ..............._.-........... ......... ,.... �.. �. ....• MPTROLLER.R. APPROVED__.........._�_. 1 ._� ^/f'.. I9 ...... .. . ..... .. ... ....... � �♦ _ 1� G�./�I f� �`— / / T�Y/COMPTR, ER// _. !✓ ... 1 !/ ..... `...L. .'�... oq ....... BY...... TEAL 11 DATE CHECK RETURNED' NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFE II DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD f{ 5 11206 William H. Norris 1 80 11207 St.Paul Fire Dept.Relief Assoc. ;1 f 11208 I 61 644 8E C_. ) - "V .GY' T DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ` / • S �}, CCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OUNS?;�y 7. _ FILE COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL* NQ•------ Yq [- A' - MA"$ ersp]l COUNCIL RESOLUTION MCDONAL p _N FAVOR R BEN ..I AUDITED CLAIMS ROUEN 1'eeeee�rli aT y.../ ......................_._....... JI TRUAX WENZEL -AGAINST RESOLVED, T AT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, MR. PRIES. a4WZ=riehan TO THE AGGREGA MOUNT OF 5...... LL._CAVERING 1 i9uyfl CHE KS E j CE V' I CLUSIVEAS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 3 PER CHECKS OILE I ..............._.-........... ......... ,.... �.. �. ....• MPTROLLER.R. APPROVED__.........._�_. 1 ._� ^/f'.. I9 ...... .. . ..... .. ... ....... � �♦ _ 1� G�./�I f� �`— / / T�Y/COMPTR, ER// _. !✓ ... 1 !/ ..... `...L. .'�... oq ....... BY...... TEAL 11 DATE CHECK RETURNED' NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFE II DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD CCr. C 5 11206 William H. Norris 1 80 11207 St.Paul Fire Dept.Relief Assoc. 8 500 00 11208 I 61 644 8E 11209 Axel ?.Peterson, C, of Finan a f 695 2 f� If Axel '.Peterson, C. of Finan a 951 9 11211 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan e 3 321 6 11212 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan C_. ) - "V .GY' T DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ` / • S �}, CCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OUNS?;�y 7. _ FILE COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL* NQ•------ Yq [- A' - MA"$ ersp]l COUNCIL RESOLUTION MCDONAL p _N FAVOR R BEN ..I AUDITED CLAIMS ROUEN 1'eeeee�rli aT y.../ ......................_._....... JI TRUAX WENZEL -AGAINST RESOLVED, T AT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, MR. PRIES. a4WZ=riehan TO THE AGGREGA MOUNT OF 5...... LL._CAVERING 1 i9uyfl CHE KS E j CE V' I CLUSIVEAS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 3 PER CHECKS OILE I ..............._.-........... ......... ,.... �.. �. ....• MPTROLLER.R. APPROVED__.........._�_. 1 ._� ^/f'.. I9 ...... .. . ..... .. ... ....... � �♦ _ 1� G�./�I f� �`— / / T�Y/COMPTR, ER// _. !✓ ... 1 !/ ..... `...L. .'�... oq ....... BY...... TEAL 11 DATE CHECK RETURNED' NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFE II DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 11206 William H. Norris 1 80 11207 St.Paul Fire Dept.Relief Assoc. 8 500 00 11208 Wells—Dickey Company 61 644 8E 11209 Axel ?.Peterson, C, of Finan a 695 2 11210 Axel '.Peterson, C. of Finan a 951 9 11211 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan e 3 321 6 11212 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan e ie 7 744 0 11213 Axel ?.Peterson, Co of Finan e 8 653 3 11214 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan log 660 9 11215 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finance 110 790 9 11216 Axel F.Peterson � C. of Finance 1 903 32 11217 tlalby—Hamm Company 17 49 11218 H.B. Fuller Company 2525 11219 Gruber Auto Electrio Company 125,91 11220 F.Q. Leslie Paper Company 27 67 11221 9t.Paul White Lead & Cil Company 70 o4 11222 Wells—Diokey Company 11 134 05 1122 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Comp Servioe y 11]7 6 0 1122 11225 Press Empire Natl.Bank & Trust Com any 54 49 490 3 11226 Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood 1 198 36'. 11227 Harold E. Wood & Company 22 234 31 11228 Cleveland Avenue Meat Cam an y8 6 11229 Axel ?.Peterson, C. of Finan a 3�+6 95 11230 Axel ?.Peterson, C. of Finana 40 00 11231 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan a 272 80 11232 Axel ?:Peterson, C. of Finan 1 221 13 11233 Axel ?.Peterson, C. of Finan e 9 951 73 11234 Nettie Hayes Saunders 60 00 11235 Walter Salinger 25 00 11236 The First National Bank of St Paul 64 257 58 11237 W.F.Smith Tire & Battery Company 215 29 11238 Axel ?.Peterson, C. of Finance 1212 8o 11239 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finance 14 776 44 11240 Axel ?,Peterson, C. of Finano 169'89 11241 Roberta Shopnitz 215 00 11242 Board of Public Welfare 69 888 30 Geo.F.Cix,Clerk of M.Court 100 00 1122443 4 Great Northern Railway Oompan 10 00 11245 Griggs, Cooper & Company 20 67 11246 Independent Ice Company 8 00 11247 W.W. %oepke 3_1 11248 Minnesota Chemioal Company.In 15 G 11249 Paper, Calmenson & Company 179 83 11250 IT.T. Rugg Company 57 36 11251 St•Paul Voo.Sohool Revl.Fund 63 oa 11252 9t•Paul white Lead & Oil Company 178 95 11253 Twin City Textile Mills 38 94 11254 Capitol Supply Company 1 950,11 11255 Deep Rook Oil Corporation 749146 11256 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finance 508 65 11257 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finanoi 74 00 11258 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finanoq 3 445 % 11259 Sels Frederiokson 2 On 11260 Service Press 41 00 11261 General Chemioal Company 1 157 68 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD; _ __ — .j D7Q� 11 7 5 NOTICE_._ I - CITY OF 6AIOOIVi{HLUNC�evN O. TO P 19900. 99901, 99902, 9 COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER That checks �e dr '--311 a 3'. to ' sG9s°a2ae1. F@bruary 5 120G jo 11f 193 C file In 1 -1-- RESOLVED,THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 94,2-:s 1139 OF $ �LS3 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 11206 TO INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL FEB 13 1935 1936 FEB1 APPROVED_ 4 �.B �- 3 1��_ 193- °° PUBLISHLD- --=— ..PLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL CbUNCILMEN-ROLL'CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No.......i99b.�.. _....._ -- Pe erson COUNCIL RESOLUTION M�MCDONA IN FAVOR Feb1v ROSENren......... AUDITED CLAIMS...........................................ai'v..,......T..........................,9...3,E ROSEN TRUAX .................. .. AGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, WENZEL MR, PRES.AJ&Wa Ry. ® TO THE AGGREG TE AMOUNT OF V.I. n�..,.�a..........., COVERING CHECK B D.. f��f ��J TOi......�tV+�..J7/ INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ( PER FILElf2&F-FICE dA,73C�17Y COMPTROLLER. APPROVED .. .............:.. MAYOR ECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD CITY BY, TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS ® 11262 Pittsburgh Coal Company 6o9 11263 Fred G. Albrecht, Director 75 11264 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan e5 11265 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan e 2 441 496 11266 Corning -Donohue, Ino. 57 11267 St.Paul Voo.Sohool Revl.Fund 11268 David Baehefkin 11269 Lawrence A. Soler, O.W.D. 132 29 11270 George Sudeith 28 11271 Gilbert Felberg 11 11272 Harold Fe McEvoy 1 000 11277 Rocco DeOulio 10 11274 American Insurance Agency 21 11275 Geo. Benz & Sons 7 11276 Daily News Corporation 8 164 11277 Dispatch -Pioneer Press Company 11278 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company 33 11279 11eyen Construction Company 30 11280 Gangl & Company 54 11281 Gas Consumers Association 1 11282 J, J. Gillen, Reg. of Deeds 18 11283 Hannaford, O'Brien, Inc. 93 11284 Jeffery -Quest Foundry Compan� 10 11285 Klauer Mfg. Company 209 11286 Kremer Auto Spring Company 76 11287 Gus D. Messing 22 11288 Minnesota Law Review 3 11289 Riools, Dean & Gregg Company 95 11290 Northern States Power Oompany 4 029 11291 Northern States Power Compan 3 988 11292 Overnite Express, Inc, 1129 Quick Service Tire d Battery -100" 241 11292 Ramsey Motor Service, Inc. 12 11295 0, Reiss Coal Company 177 11296 0, Reiss Coal Company 312 11297 Rex Linen Supply Company 35 11295 Roe—James Glass Company 76 11299 St.Psul Letter Company 11300 Mrs. Arletta Shipman 23 11301 A.B. Smith 11302 Stationers Engraving Company 11303 The Sta-Vis Company,Ino. ® 48 11304 Strickland, Doolittle ComDarry 51 11305 Superior Refining Company lis 11306 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 183 11307 Tri-State Tel. & Telge Company 2383 11308 H.E. ledeletaedt Company 11309 western Shade Cloth Company 1 40 11310 Kenneth M. Wright Studios 4 11311 Zinsmaster Baking Company j 84 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD II -06 -6-83 41 DATE RETURNED BY BANK DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNdILMEN—ROLL CALL MAY D tern — a L _IN FAVOR ROBEN TRUA% AGAINST W ENZEL MR. PRE. MAHONEV aah an ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ........... CHECK NUMBER CITY OF SAINT PAUL � -°' �'� S OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL No -------- FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS _..10mlarY_a.. ___. _ ._.......,9.35. RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE GCITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGA AMOUNT OF f...JG0 w06 ..._. COVERING CHECKS NUMBEJy��.E( .qq.. TO........ .. . _ I LU SIVE. AS 7 ') Innr PER CHECKS gN/FILE`hl�'FFICE Y OM PTROLLER. IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD • 11312 Chemical Sales & safety Co. j 11313 Mrs. Delia Brown 11314 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 11315 Mrs. Louis Fay 11316 Mrs. Anna R. Foley 11317 William Gaston 11318 Frank-Hetzneoker 11319 John Lennon 11320 Mrs. Elizabtth Literski 11321 Mrs. Hannay Peterson 11322 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 11323 Alfred B. Anderson 11324 St.Paul Institute 11325 A.R.Hnox, Coll.Int. Revenue 11326 Roberta Sbopnitz 11327 George Drexler 11328 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan, 11329 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finanol 11330 E.J. Daly 11331 Fisher Hut Company 11332 L/M. Williams 1133 Dr. Adolph H. Ahrens 11334 Apothecary Shop 11335 Dr. S. Arouni 11336 Bethesda Hospital 11337 Dr. James P. Caldwell 11338 Drs, Chatterton & Von der way, 11339 Cherokee Drug Company 113+0 Dr. Wallace H. Cole 11341 Dr. G.W. Johanson 11342 Wm. A. SOhnke 11343 Dr. J.A. Lepak 11344 Physio -Therapy Center 11345 Dr. H.J. Prendergast 11346 R.J. Price 11347 St -Joseph's Hospital 11348 Dr. Edward Sohons 11349 Dr. F.E. Scott 11350 Dr. G.R. Snyder 11351 Dr. M.C„ Weloh • 1135332 Dr. Frank 'Whitmore 11353 135+ Arthur F. Williams A 1 stenographic Bureau 11355 John Calender Mfg.Company 11356 The Crane Company 11357 Cudahy Paoking Company 11358 Mpls. Directory Company 11359 Mpls. & St.Louie R.R.Company 11360 Mple. St.Paul & Sault Ste.Mar 11361 Minneapolis Tribune 11362 Radio Service Laboratories,In 11363 Review Publishing Company 11364 St.Paul VocatBonal School 11365 Stegmeir Tire Company 11366 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Company 11367 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Company 11368 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD Is Ry,Co. DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 586 683 02 17 20 28 28 27 00 28 8o 31 90 40 00 40 oo 4o oo oo 24 92 28 80 33200 00 1 476 71 65 00 1 000 00 1 306 27 3 839 96 8 33 2292 5 84 20 00 1 25 32 00 20 00 4300 5000 3,00 5 00 a 00 4 75 31 00 2 00 19,00 245 15 26 oo 62 00 14 oo 28 00 6 00 8 00 637 oo 4 40 13 50 21 300 4 35 16 8o io6 48 87 48 6 90 52 75 621 69 92 78 j 192 67 DATE RETURNED BY BANK I TOT TA FER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 597 210 0 OAT R RNED v Y BANK 11369 Lucy B. Knight and 361 20 George W. Mentor 11370 Kessler & McGuire DUPLICATE'T'O CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 11371 Corning—Donohue, Inc. 1 a 26 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER C FOILUENCIL No - ----- 3_____ COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL 11373 Harry Holmes MAY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 11374 ' Inter—City Paper Company "Ja"D V 4ZrQR_IN FAVOR PEARCE AUDITED CLAIMS 11375 Kenny Boiler & Mfg.Company -.35 ROSEN 11376 Dick Speakea Company TRUAX ___AGAINST WENZEI RESOLVED. THAT C4CKS BE DRAW1 Y TREASURY. MR. PRIES m%ve— Gebw To HE AG RE A 5 COVERING CHECKS NUMBE 0 .... ... ........... CLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL__...._......_.1345 APPROVED . ..... . .... .. PE HECKS .. . ... ....... . ....... MAYOR...... H FFICE OF THE .. ..... .... ........ MPTROLLER. COMB IiYaLp ...... ....... CHECKIN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD TOT TA FER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 597 210 0 OAT R RNED v Y BANK 11369 Lucy B. Knight and 361 20 George W. Mentor 11370 Kessler & McGuire O 0 N0 11371 Corning—Donohue, Inc. 1 a 26 11372 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Comp 89 00 11373 Harry Holmes 104 70 11374 ' Inter—City Paper Company is 11375 Kenny Boiler & Mfg.Company 15 45 43 11376 Dick Speakea Company 11377 Supt. of Documents Company 1 00 105 84 113719 Twin City Hardwood Lumber 11379 Villaume Box & Lumber Company 0 53 11390 8, Berglund Lumber Company 4643 04so 11381 Grinnell Company 31 67 11382 F.J. Morse & Company 11393 Villaume Box'& Lumber Company a 99 • 0. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD $9 3.24 A0 JA2 {. 99904— i fatter of eonstru I t lr St. from Avon St. der Prellminary 0'1 1 November 27, 1934<'�i -ell of the City dd the renort r bi iiz qpo" .o i COUNCIL FILE N0, a s By y, 9%.ai INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing curbing on Blair St. from Avon St. to Victoria St., under Preliminary Order 99,164 approved November 9.7. 19$¢ _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct curbing on Blair St. from Avon St. to Victoria St., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $834.9_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of March 193_.8.._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 131935 Adopted by the Council FEB , 193 Approved 193— City Clerk Mayor Councilman 1 Cti'ald "9 pea' Councilman lit Peterson Councilman Pearce" Councilmuax an r"""" Warren Council e_e Wenzel Mayor a oney Gehan Form B. S. A. 8.6 PUBLISHED to. 99905— /� Matter of curbing /.. sue front Prior Avenu.'1 �� Avanue, under P-11.4�!! VV04h "58952 aPProved Septe nunrll of the City ' • r ped thr r� �a*r P" Fir, ik � tt �"•leu.:. ",Ivni COUNCIL FILE NO. ^ •H INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing Fairmount Avenue from Prior Avenue to Kenneth Avenue, under Preliminary Order 98952 _approved September ?6,—U34 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ourb Fairmount Avenue from_Prior Avenue to Kenneth Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 235.11 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of March , 193 5 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FER ' Im Approved IMF 193— Clerk � Mayor Councilman 'Pearce Councilman 2t�iQQi:hm+,.,_ / Councilman 20—.: . ` Councilman 11a tiax is -a: _.: Petersofl Rosen Warren Councilman Ad9%1•`�� '*F Wenzel Mayor INWhIM6P Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBLISHED ' 99900- tterlof curbing-hott' Jeanne Prom St. All, // to Stree[ where on 1A`7JQ'['!'1F constructed, under V V Cil/ der 98835 approve., 1934. .1 nGVl of the Ci h:- Wool COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ourbing both sides of Fuller Avenue from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street where ourb is not already constructed, under Preliminary Order 9883b approvedSeptember 12-1934 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb both sides of Fuller Avenue from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street where ourb is not already oonstract ed, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 278.66 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ 12th _.day of March , 193, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilFEE 131935 — 193 Approved FEP X235 193-- City Clerk Mayor Councilman9X�DanaTd'--'0 Pearce Councilman May / Councilman Pearce T I�(J^ Councilman X'" ' Peterson I:osen e� Warren PUBLISHED '% G -�✓ S Councilmanswenzer''"�� ---�+cw Wenzel Mayor Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-6 Jo, 99907_ elnalory AveOf tro ru , , llyy !!r�/y (dere S ea ° vt���J dr 99390 aPPro edrNu 1t COunell aslo received the City t'imPro °t Flna Prov. " nt a:.. `; n•, Ion . •y�:, :..n : u b<e re .,8 P. COUNCIL FILE NO. a INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing ourbing•on Winslow Ave. Brom Annapolis St. to Belvidere St., under Preliminary Order 99346 approved November 22, 1934 . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct ourbing on Winslow Ave. from Annapolis St. to Belvidere St., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.41132 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the l2th day of Ma rah , 193__6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted- by the Council FEB Q 19K 1 _ �6� Approved FEB `G 1 1935 193-- / City Clerk Mayor Councilman WbRiiiiW Pearce CouncilmanPeterson 9 Councilmanqrearce- iseeerer•ilt:race �eee"t`e ' ' _ Councilman YiiaSi"' Warreu Councilman ,�, Wenzel Mayor a Gehan Form B. S. A. 8.6 PUBLISHED -�" /G 35 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement the sidewalks– West side of Elfelt Street, beginning at the south line of Lafond Street, thence south 72.3 ft., under Preliminary Order- 99497 approved Deo. 18, 1934 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay, repair and reconstruct cement, tile sidmralke– West side of Elfelt Street, beginning .at the south line of lafond Street, thence south 72.3 ft., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 42.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of March 1935 atthe hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the' City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. FEB 131935 Adopted by the Council19 ��– 1 613 WK _ Approved 193— City Clerk v Mayor Councilman NUDIMMM—mn Pearce Councilman14f4y;-,-:r,.z Petersna Councilman FAWce' Councilman Warren Councilman Wenzel Mayor NMIR&W Geban Form B. S. A. 8-6 / �� PUBLISHED _----to .r of st of relaying, cemen r'' cement ti' astruid. ,fti,� 'l9 t o Ei at tlenthe V Jll. 8 e Sof ; - of south of . south •t - rye Order i,a t. •'o� ,..•uirr COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement the sidewalks– West side of Elfelt Street, beginning at the south line of Lafond Street, thence south 72.3 ft., under Preliminary Order- 99497 approved Deo. 18, 1934 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay, repair and reconstruct cement, tile sidmralke– West side of Elfelt Street, beginning .at the south line of lafond Street, thence south 72.3 ft., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 42.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of March 1935 atthe hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the' City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. FEB 131935 Adopted by the Council19 ��– 1 613 WK _ Approved 193— City Clerk v Mayor Councilman NUDIMMM—mn Pearce Councilman14f4y;-,-:r,.z Petersna Councilman FAWce' Councilman Warren Councilman Wenzel Mayor NMIR&W Geban Form B. S. A. 8-6 / �� PUBLISHED _----to INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk and retaining wallet on the west side of Hoffman Ave. beginning at Third St., thence southerly 96.50 ft. with 18 ft. of retaining wall, thence southerly 30.1 ft to replace missing tile with same length of retaining wall, under Preliminary Order 99500 approved Dec. 18, 1934 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay, repair and reconstruct cement tile sidewalk and retaining wallst on the west side of Hoffman Ave. beginning at Third St, thence southerly 96.50 ft. with 18 ft of retaining wall, thence southerly 30.1 ft. to replace missing the with same length of retaining wall, with to alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 165.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of March , 193 5 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FEB 131935 193 Approved FE8 I ? im 193 City Clerk Mayor Pearce Councilma „..... ,_ Peterson Councilmarti— }s..Idusan Councilmat�i'eysse;_.r a5E Wa ren Councilmat+.k� Wenzel Coungenzel Gehan Mayor Mahoney Form B. S. A. $;6 PUBLISHrD -iG-3S Ib. 99909— .. _ g Matt r of relaying to -recon truettng 14 nt �. s and retaining watts ' c, Side of Hoffman A e i ih 11!! i����� St., thence ; 1•. 18 ft of. ?�'.:�1• :rl:: ••. ,_ south erl•r IOi V. le e�nl::u �e.,f ic1Y of A, COUNCIL COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk and retaining wallet on the west side of Hoffman Ave. beginning at Third St., thence southerly 96.50 ft. with 18 ft. of retaining wall, thence southerly 30.1 ft to replace missing tile with same length of retaining wall, under Preliminary Order 99500 approved Dec. 18, 1934 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay, repair and reconstruct cement tile sidewalk and retaining wallst on the west side of Hoffman Ave. beginning at Third St, thence southerly 96.50 ft. with 18 ft of retaining wall, thence southerly 30.1 ft. to replace missing the with same length of retaining wall, with to alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 165.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of March , 193 5 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FEB 131935 193 Approved FE8 I ? im 193 City Clerk Mayor Pearce Councilma „..... ,_ Peterson Councilmarti— }s..Idusan Councilmat�i'eysse;_.r a5E Wa ren Councilmat+.k� Wenzel Coungenzel Gehan Mayor Mahoney Form B. S. A. $;6 PUBLISHrD -iG-3S COUNCIL FILE NO. F• No. 99910` the bT¢tter of relnying, ,t �(,��� Ind roconstrveting cement walk—on the south . i, arylnnd st. heglnnln .'7e the west line of '5 ico i••M on ,;'°yet INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk - on the south side of East Maryland St. beginning 33.0 ft.west of the west line of Payne Ave., thence west 129 ft. (including 20 ft. alley crossing) under Preliminary Order 99498 approved Dec. 1A, 19.R4 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay, repair and reconstruct oeraent tile sidewalk -on the south side of East Maryland St. beginning 33.0 ft. west of the west line of Payne Ave., thence west 129 ft: (including 20 ft. alley crossing) with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 87.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the— 12th __day of March , 193 ti_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the impro��v''ement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counti�I � 96f4R," _ Approved FEB I s � 3, 193-- City Clerk Mayor Councilman Pearce Councilman F. :er�on / Councilman Pe`atce-�'' 1` •�_ Councilman axw' td r: Warren Councilman 1400%92" Wenzel Mayor 11l"" Gehep Form B. S. A. 8.6 PUBLISHED, -/&_3 COUNCIL FILE NO. of relaying, repalri e.cting cement file ai. ath side of. Indies g 40 ft. ~vest of t eb(Wabasha St.,4her. .,ginning 28 f! furtt- ,N64 .2 ft., under P,, +,e, 99499 nvnroved In., nor INTERMEDIARY ORDER 99911 In the Matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalks on - South side of Indiana Ave. beginning 40 ft. west of the west line of Wabashe. St., thence west 16 ft., beginning 28 ft. further west, thence west 64.2 ft., under Preliminary Order 99499 approved Dec. 18"1934 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay, repair and reconstruct cement tile sidewalks on - South aide of Indiana Ave. beginning 40 ft. west of the west line of Wabasha St., thence west 16 ft., beginning 28 ft. further west, thence west 64.2 ft., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 49-00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th __day of March , 1935 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvemeidlt3 195 cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ����LLii 19 Approved FEB I 'i I.t°i s 193-- y Clerk Ivla�yor Councilman McDonald Councilman May t cr,on / Councilman,Pearce Councilmrta;c6x•��•� Warren Councilma Wenzel Mayo PUBLISIi)✓D Form B. S. A. 8.6 • , .912 Councilman May Of recons[ructl" �� ' Councilman &arce airing cement k —West aide Z Councilman .t `" ding nt the nor' -, thence nortF.,- •' _ ` Counci nze at n, Mayor Mahoney (iehan Form B. S. A. 8-6 it[: i:tl 5d1� `w ��tmxdvn 7- COUNCIL FILE NO. �nlblv�-: By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing oenent tile sidewalk on the - West side of Moore Ave., beginning at the north line of Marshall Ave., thence north 184 ft.; also beginning at the north line of Iglehart Ave., thence north 80 ft., East side of Moore Ave., beginning 106 ft. south of south line of Carroll Ave., thence south 20 ft., under Preliminary Order 99495approved Dec. 18. 1934 --- The _The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relayatnd repair cement tile sidewalk on the - West side of Moore Ave., beginning at the north line of Marshall Ave., thence north 184 ft.; also beginning at the north line of Iglehart Ave., thence north 80 ft., East side of Moore Ave., beginning 106 ft. south of south line of Carroll Ave., thence south 20 ft., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 141.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the----12th--.day of March , 193 6 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FEB 12 log 193 Approved FEB J{ 2 QS 193-- ty Clerk Mayor Councilman cDonalTd" Pearce Councilman May Peterson Councilman &arce liosen Z Councilman .t `" moi, Warren (�/ ^�� •' _ ` Counci nze Wenzel. PUBLISHED Mayor Mahoney (iehan Form B. S. A. 8-6 .3-- �``- of e i oncrete. the the si sl _ a/ do of Rando) A ft. West of west 42 ft., u, ,c 99501 'V:,-9 tv,. rao _ •.�;r0.a01! • . i•it',9015 ' COUNCIL FILE NO wli,Ind By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the south side of Randolph Street, beginning 298 ft. west of Snelling Ave., thence west 42 ft., under Preliminary Order 99501 __approved Deo. 18, 1934 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement,, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the south side of Randolph Street, beginning 298 ft. west of Snelling Ave., thence west 42 ft., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 37.40_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _12th day of Maroh , 193 5 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ES 3 rj 193 G� Approved EB 1 3 1931' 193— ity Clerk --/— ¢ Mayor Councilman t onaTd; ; Pearce Councilman " X. "' Petereod "r � Councilman '17�c� ^ Rosenl'" 1 _ \\ � 1 Councilman Warren Council zee Fenzel _ Mayor Mahoney Geban D-��-�� Form B. S. A. 8.6 PUBL1SIi1 M ' `tsl9— ter of conattun'; de 9(,9 �Q she folloofwiMnog ore ; 904` � g[� si 't.'north of the''l Ave.; 4hencr , 8 U,hft COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of oonstructin drivewayys at the following locations: On the west side of Moore Ave. beginning 13h ft. north of the north line of Marshall Ave., thence north 7 ft.; also beginning 80 ft. north of the north line of Iglehart Ave.,thence north 20 £t., also beginning 136.5 ft south of the south line of Carroll Ave., thence south 13.5 ft.; also beginning 60 ft. north of the north line of Carroll Ave., thence north 12 ft., On the east side of Moore Ave. beginning 123.5 ft north of the north line -of Marshall Ave. thence north 18 ft. under Preliminary Order 99496 approved 1100. 18,_1934 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct 9riveways at the following locations: .On the west side of Moore Ave. beginning 134 ft. north of the north line of Marshall Ave.,` thence north 7 ft., also beginning 80 ft. north of the north line of Iglehart Ave., thence north 20 ft.; also beginning 136.5 ft south of the south line of Carroll Ave., thence south 13.5 ft.; also beginning 60 ft. north of the north line of Carroll Ave., thence north 12 ft., On the east side of Moore Ave., beginning 123.5 ft north of the north line of Marshall Ave., thence north 1$ ft., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 89-011 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of _Mnrob , 193 5 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as timated. Adopted by the Council FEB 131935 19. FEB 131935 -� Approved 193 ty Clerk Mayor Pearce Councilman opal , Peterson Councilman�5` y -� Rosen ,- Councilman Warren Councilman t rgaa�. � W,nzel Councignzel tithe❑ Mayor Mahoney Form B. S. A. 8.6 PUBLISHED 171 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer in the alley adjacent to lots 16 to 22, inclusive, in Block 1t Ufton Grove Plat 1, from California Avenue to a point 25 feet south of Larpenteur Avenue, under Preliminary Order .. -...-97903------- Intermediary Order 98.570 Final Order 98620 approved -AMUAt--23.................. 19-34 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is,hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ...............1 -0 - ..-....equal installments. Adopted by the Council- - FEB .1 -2 -19* ------------ z - 0� -------------------------_..--•-----'(!/�-. �l'-= ;City Clerk. FEB Approved 11 °ni --------------------- --------------19 �1 ' • .l.rl..:.--.L.�i-."its..-, Mayor. corm e. H. 19 PUBLISHED 9tter ..latter of. the - o .... -s, coats and expe 99(�f ng,a. sen-er In it,JJ lots n to 32 llllll�, Chi 1 Grove" nia Avenue to a Connell File No ................................... of Larpenteur A ,nary .Order.. 979-- 79=er 'r'98979, ,�Nlnr CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer in the alley adjacent to lots 16 to 22, inclusive, in Block 1t Ufton Grove Plat 1, from California Avenue to a point 25 feet south of Larpenteur Avenue, under Preliminary Order .. -...-97903------- Intermediary Order 98.570 Final Order 98620 approved -AMUAt--23.................. 19-34 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is,hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ...............1 -0 - ..-....equal installments. Adopted by the Council- - FEB .1 -2 -19* ------------ z - 0� -------------------------_..--•-----'(!/�-. �l'-= ;City Clerk. FEB Approved 11 °ni --------------------- --------------19 �1 ' • .l.rl..:.--.L.�i-."its..-, Mayor. corm e. H. 19 PUBLISHED _ ,i/ � �{ ��` ('� jam' �3 _ __ G�_ _--_ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment January_ l& ............ 19-.-35 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses forte constructing a sewer in the alley adjacent to lots 16 to 22 inclusive, in Block 1, Mon Grove Plat 1, from California Avenue to a point 25 feet south of Larpenteur Avenue, under Preliminary Order--......... 97903 ............._ ............. Intermediary Order ---98370........................ .................... Final Order....... PAM .................................. approved .......... ugu@t-_23............................................. 19..3.4... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz: Cost of construction . 8.4.8...0.0 Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . $ ........... 1.35 Cost of postal cards $ 0.27 Inspection fees $ 16.96 Amount of court costs for confirmation $---.,----1.35 Construction Engineering 45.66 Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $..... 13..57 ............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $._913_*61- .................. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. --------......:. ..... .................. r- B. R. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Orlalnel t. City Clsrk n RoseOrdlnanceT s y Sinton Roeen— -- �,�' •' ' -- 4Bordinance amending 0rd1."i ' 17, entitled "An ordinance pre 99916 - the wage. which shall be p!" COUNCIL FILE NO. A d and unskilled labor upo: orks bycohfractore wharf PRESENTED BY_ ,11ton Rosen ,g ench work for the C': ��h proWatng addiuonnT ORDINANCE NO. -ntained in i An ordinance amending Ordinance No- 7547, entitled "An ordinance prescribing the wages which shall be paid for skilled and unskilled labor upon public works by contractors where performing such work for the City of St. Paul, providing additional provisions to be contained in all con- tracts with the .City of St'. Paul for such work, providing for arbitration ,in cases of disputed 'facts arising out of its provisions, making this or- dinence a part of all such contracts, and establishing maximum working hours in any one week, with, certain ecce tions, and providing penalties for the violation hereoff', approved February 14, 1934• This is an emer- gency prdinanee rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CIT OF 'ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No'- 7547, approved February 14, 193.4, be and the same is hereby ammended,.by making the following changes and additions in and to Section l of said ordinance, vis: By inserting in Group II, immediately after the classification "Operator; bituminous distributor" the following additional classification:.. ' pOperator'Jack-hammer or paving breaker". Byibtriking out of Group II the classification "Service Connection maker, water and gas services". By adding to Group III the following additional classifications: "Stone -Mason tenders Operator, locomotive narrow gauge electric Pile driver leadman'." By striking out of Group IV the followinj classification "Oper4tors industrial locomotive". By striking out in ,Group V the classification "Iron workers, rein- forcing". By inserting in Group V, immediately after the classification "Iron workers, reinforcing" the following additional classifications: "Operator, concrete placer"; "Operator, industrial locomotive, except electriert, and "Service Connection Maker, water and gas services". By striking out of Group VI the following classifications: "Operator, hoisting engine, two (2) drun or more", and inserting "Operator, hoisting engine". By inserting in Group OI "Iron workers, structural, ornamental; reinforcing;_rod and tank erector", and by striking out the existing classifications'', iron workers, structural, ornamental. By inserting in Group #I, immediately after the classification "Operatoz,,crane, steam or gas" the following additional classiPi cationa: "Operator, concrete mixer, 279 or over", "Operator, drag -line gas or steam", eas Councilmen Nays Passed by the CounciL-_ — -_- meLona _ In Favor Pearce — — Rosen Truax —Against Wenzel i. .Mr. President (M bofrey) i Approved: ---- -- - - — — Attest: j City Clerk Mayor 300 19.79 Otl¢in.l to City Clerk Page 2 : ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 99916 ;PRESENTED BY_A ORDINANCE NO. "Operator, dredge"; and by inserting immediately after the classification "Operator, hoisting engine", the following classification; "operator, mechanical backfiller". Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas CoNays Passed by the Council--___ MAR 2 H 935 Ib!ebowni 3"✓u-r^— 1t � FL�e — - — - -- In Favor (� Rosen Truax D --------------Against Wenzel ME nt roved :- =MAR-`�-� Attest: --�/-- City Cler Mayor 300 Isas PUBLISH TA1 61 Adopted by the Council - ____ 193 Yeas./ Nays. PEARCE o I 4PERSON o -R�-OSEN o —TRUAXO WARREN o iW ENZEL o ,---MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) 4 7/ _1 2nd. � Laid over t j!_� 7 3rd. Si app.--�T Ad-,, d— i Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson et Rosen sen Truax / /. farren Wenzel el Mr. Pres. Gehan ell / r. Pres. Gehan . <'T �� J ,1, � _ �/: .� ,��� r �a_� - �; 04 0-1 0 CHY Clerk r RDINANCE { PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE ORDINANCE NO 99916 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7547, entitled "An ordinance Prescribing the weges which shall be paid for skilled and unskilled labor upon public works by contractors where performing such worlt for the City of St. Paul, providing additional provisions to be contained in all arbitrationtinwith caseshofCdisputedof t. Paul for facts arisings utoOf,itsoprovis for making this ordinance a part of all such contracts, and establishing maximum working hours in any one week, with certain exceptions, and providing penalties for the violation hereof," approved February -14, 1934. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the pre- servation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: -Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7547, approved February 14, 1935, be and the same is hereby amended by making the following changes and additions in and to Section 1 of said ordinance, viz: By inserting.in Group II, immediately after 'the classification "Operator„ bituminous distributor" the following additional classifl- cation: Operator, jack -hammer or paving breaker." By adding to Group III the following additional classifications: "Stone -mason tenders Operator, locomotive narrow gauge, electbic iren-worker;--exr Pile"driver leadman." no By striking out of Group IV the following classification: perators, industrial locomotive," and by inserting in lieu thereof the following new classification: "Service Connection Maker, water and gas services." By inserting in Group V, immediately after the classification nIron workers,reinforcing" thap following additional classifications: "Operator concrete placer;'and'6perator, industrial locomotive, except electric.4 By striking out of Group VI the following classification: "Operator, hoisting engine,, two (2) drum or mord; and inserting "Operator, hoisting engineril. By inserting in Group VI, immediately after the classification "Operator, crane, steam or gas" the following additional classifications: uOper4tor, concrete mixer, n7E or over," "Operator, drag -line gas or steam, Operator, dredge; and by inserting immediately after the classification "Operator, hoisting engine," the following classifica- tion: "Operator, mechanical backfiller." f` Section 2. .This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3ii. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force flus and aft unclTI passa ayand publication eas Co Passed by the Council--_. .___-_-__________—� � May . McDonald Pearce Rosen __ ___ _ __________In Favor -- -- - - Truax 1 ,� Wenzel Mr. President (Mahoney) Attest: Approved: ------------- —------- ------------ ---- ------- -- City Clerk - -- - - -- - -- — -- - 300 Boas Mayor March 12th, 1935. Ron. 1, k:. Barren, Ghatrman, :taFe Scale Committee, City of St. Paul. Dear Sirs The attached ordinance presented by Cowmi�isionor Rosen, Council File ?'o. 7`+916 was laid aver by the City Council to }larch 19th end referred to your comittee for consideration. The attached letter of Clyde B. Judkins representing; the iron workers relative to the provisions of said ordinance was also referred to your Committee. Yours very truly► City Clerk. 1st._%����/ Laid over tZ 3rd. & ann. r�/ , X110 n a, Yeas Peterson sen are n enzel ,/Mr. Pres. Gehan/ Yeas Nays ca c ers n en rua� �rren r. Pres.. Gehan / /1 06 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK tl . 7 PRESENTED BY Comm'_rTr ORDINANCE (► (� �y ,COUNCIL FILE NO. 9991 6 N v C1 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, entitled "An,ordinanoe providing for all matters con- cerning, regulating or affecting the construction, alteration, regulation, repair, removal, maintenance, use and inspection of all buildings, walls or struc- tures erected or to be erected within the limits of the City of St. Paul for the protection of property against fire, and for the purpose of securing health- ful, safe and sanitary environments for the occupants of buildings used for human habitation or otherwise, to compel the owners of such buildings, walls or structures to alter, reconstruct or modify the same, or any part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to probibit the wful use of all buildings, walls uorastructuresr establishing fire limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions; providing a penalty .for the violation thereof, and repealing all ordi- nances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for -the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," (approved May 22, 1930. This is an emergency necessary for the preservation of the public safety, ordinance rendered peace, health and THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST, PAUL DOES ORDAIN: °vlding for .kill ,�tio tatal eestio noval , mafnten_ °u a. of: all=balld. ren erected or j ne limits"of-2M�- _. d' DrotenLlbagol;: hPul,. safe ,. 7 1.gY;hir', firi,• Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the third para- graph of Section 30-74 of said ordinance, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Licenses for the doing of electrical work as above described shall be divided into three classes, viz: Class A, which shall be a license to do all branches of the business of installing, operating and maintaining electrical wires, appar- atus, and plants, and the installation of electric and combination fixtures; Class A-1, which shall be a license to do all.. branches of electrical work confined within a certain building or buildings as designated on such license; and Class B, which shall be a license to cover the doing of mainten- ance and repairs only to existing systems of wir- ing in buildings specifically designated on such license." Section 2. That said Ordinance No. 7210 be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting a new paragraph between the ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ORDINANCE PRESIY COUNCIL FILE NO. D BY ORDINANCE NO. (2) fourth and fifth paragraphs of Section 30-74, which shall read as follows: "No Olass A-1 license shall be issued to an applicant unless such applicant shall furnish a certificate from the State Board of Electricity stating that he has a master electrician's state license and a $5,000.00 surety bond on file with said Board. The annual license fee for Olass A-1 license shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00) and the license shall ex- pire on the last day of the year of issuance. Holders of Olass A-1 licenses shall apply for and be issued a permit for each installation in accordance with the fee requirements of the electrical section of the St. Paul Building Oode." Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen O Truax Wenzel Mr. P�esidt Attest: 300 6.34 City CI Passed by the Council_ MAP 51935 In Favor Against Approved:_ ' MAR . 5.1933/5 PUBLISHED — < U f EFNFST W. ,. W - LA. MONF KAUFMAN SuPL of SuPL of Parkr - a-IAs. A CITY OF SAINT PAUL �ry Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS. AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commiaiona 0 February 5, 1935 Mr. John Connolly Corporation Counsel Department of Law Dear Sir: May we ask you to draw up in ordinance form a revision to Sec- tion 30-74 of the Building Code, which was passed by the Elec- trical Code Committee at a meeting on January 15. This amend- ment will strike out the third paragraph of this section as amended, which reads as follows: "Licenses for the doing of electrical work as above described, shall be divided into two classes, viz: Class A, which shall be a license to do all branches of the business of installing, operating and maintaining electrical wires, apparatus, and plants, and the in stallation of electric and combination fixtures; Class B, which shall be a license to cover the doing of ma- tenance and repairs only to existing systems of wiri in buildings specifically designated on such license ' and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Licenses for the doing of electrical work as above described shall be divided into three classes, viz: Class A, which shall be a license to do all branch- es of the business of installing, operating and main- taining electrical wires, apparatus, and plants, and the installation of electric and combination fixtures; Class Al, which shall be a license to do all branches of electrical work confined within a certain building or buildings as designated on such license; and Class B, which shall be a license to cover the doing of mainten- ance and repairs only to existing systems of wiring in buildings specifically designated on such license." Section 30-74 shall further be revised by inserting a new para - between the fourth and fifth paragraphs of this section, which #2 new paragraph shall read as follows: "No Class Al license shall be issued to an appli- cant unless such applicant shall furnish a certificate from the State Board of Electricity stating that he, they, or it has a master electrician's state license and a $5,000.00 surety bond on file with said Board. The annual license fee for Class Al license shall be Ten Dollars (5$10.00) and the license shall expire on the last day of the year of issuance. Holders of Class Al li- censes shall apply for and be issued a permit for each installation in accordance with the fee requirements of the electrical section of the St. Paul Building Code." As soon as this has been done, I will introduce it into the Council. Thanking you, I an Yours truly, RLE..II Commissioner ORIGINAL to mrr eLenR COUNCIL ��J� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OF CE OF THE CITY, _1 COUNCIL 2ESOLUTION—GEG-99ttiaa permtalton oe lGranted. to the Trl-. -r - Telegraphy 0omp—, PRESENTED PRESENTED BY :essary excavauon,. -..I. COMMISSIONER 1s=dvlt and cable W. i ^'.b ales and Iatcra;F'_,i _ •acerin--....ty "—' - - rI t RESOLVED ^e L That Permission be end is hereby granted to the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company to make the necessary excavation, lay underground eonduit,and cable with the necessary"manholes and lateral pipes connecting the intersecting streets and alleys; to set poles and anchors, and place the necessary equipment on the following named streets and alleys: On Walker Ave. from Hewitt Ave. to Great Northern R.R. In alley east of Walker Ave. from alley north of Taylor Ave. to Great Northern R.R. On Parmer St. from West 7th St. to Crosby Lake. In alley south of Agnes Ave. from Purnell Ave. to Glen Terrace. On Ivan Way from Benson to Stewart. On Frederica Ave. from St. Clair to Otto. On Vista Ave. from Lexington Parkway to Adrian St. On Albion Ave. from 1 block west of Lexington Parkway to Stewart Ave. On Nettleton Ave. from Randolph to Montcalm Place. Poles and aerial construction to be removed when requested by the City Council. Work to be done under the direction of the "Commis- sioner of Public Works", the Telephone Company to pay the cost of publication incident hereto. Approved s `/// _ - `� _ Date u t. of Lighting Bureau Approve ds Date Asalt. Sup't. of Police Alarm & Teleg. Approved: L Date Commissioner of arks and Playgrounds 2 ' % Approved: Date C6whissioner of Public Works COUNCILMEN Yeas % Nays Adopted by the Council FEB 1-4'193__ 7/Elea cc eterson &esusIn favor FEB 14 �� Approved ---193__ rren Against //nzel Mayor /Mr. President (Gehan) / PULLISHI=D 5M 6.34 original toCity CITY OF ST. PAUL ' FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM NO ---------- 93191.9 RESOLVED That licenses for Tavern, application 1224, and Dance Hall, application 1225, applied for by C. F. Williams at 579 Carroll Avenue be and the same are hereby denied, and the ,proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to C. F. Williams the fees of $200.00 and $15.00 and to cancel said applications respectively. C.- C. No. 99p19—ny H. .. Warren, I I. Ress P.—c—olved, that licenses for Taxers, Pppllc tion 1229, and Dance -Hall. ap-E i pllcatfon 1226, aDpliad for by'C. F. I Williams at. 349 Carroll Avenue,bed I the.same are hereby denied, and the I proper city oncera are hereby author- . j ized torefund to C. F. Williams the fees f $200.00 d $16.00 d to ean- ce1 said appllcatlona respectively, Adopted by the Council Feb. 14, 1935. Approved Feb. 19. 1935. ("Feb. 16-1935). - COUNCILMEN FEB 14 1935 Yeas Nay a Adopted by the CounclL..._......... . ...... ........--- 193_.... REIR 14 W Pearce --------------------In favor Approved ------------------ ----------------- 193__ aefieu Tamar.— Against !�./-�•---� - M -✓r Mayor Wenzel Mrr+,esident 6M 6.32 ORIOINRL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL® CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESETED COMMISSIIONER Aftrjeeo-- DATE February 15th, 1935 RESOLVED, that the Inventory of Works Projects for possible construction under the new administration 461000 Public Works Act, as submitted by the committee appointed February 8th for the purpose of assembling this data, be accepted and that the City Clerk be and he is herein instructed to forward such Inventory to the State Engineer of the Public Works Admin- istration. COUI jfL1LMEN Yeas // P Nays rce Person / Rosen In favor /a/ rren Against Wenzel // r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Approved Feb. 13. 1935. (Feb. 23-1935i Adopted by the Council FEB 15 iq 3— "Es M Approved_ 193_— 1/ aye February 16th, 1935. Mr. Am. N:Carey, State Engineer, Public Works Administration, Federal Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Carey: Attached hereto to a certified copy of a resolution, Council File No. 99920, adopted by the St. Paul City Council on February 1544 19351 accepting the Inventory of forks Projects for possible construction under the new administration Public Torks Act. There is also attached the Inventory of Works Projects, Questionnaires, Remarks relative to the various projects, etc., in triplicate. Yours very truly, City Clerk. MILTON ROSEN Commission} CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GEORGE M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer JOHN M. REARDON, Asst Chief Engr. and Supt. of Construction G. H. HERROLD, Office and City Planning Engineer February 15 1935 MARK W. WOODRUFF, Chief Engr. Clerk y , To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. FRED E. LOVELL Deputy Comm. I. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, Supt. of Sanitation M. S. GRYTBAK, Bridge Engineer RAV J. KARTAK, Supt. of Workhouse Gentlemen: In pursuance to your'instbuctions of February 8th, the committee appointed by you on that date submits herewith for your ' consideration an inventory of works projects in the City of St. Paul from which an eligible program may possibly be selected when the terms of the new administration public works act are finally determined. In submitting this inventory your committee has attempted to list all useful projects in the City of St. Paul which might be undertaken for the purpose of employment. We under- stand that the purpose of the proposed program is to place all employable persons now on relief on such work. We desire to call your attention to the fact that the possible participation of the city in financing this program by contributing part of the cost is so small as to be negligible. Any acc eptance by the city of such funds must be on the basis of outright grants. The projects of the Port Authority may be financed by existing authority without vote of the people or legislative action. The legislature has authorized issuance of bonds for the Water Works and City Market projects, but some legal ques- tions have been raised as to the validity of such bonds. It may also be noted that a number of projects are useful but require the acquisition of land to such an extent that unless the public works program provides funds for land, such projects must be eliminated. The City Market, Water Works improvements, Port Authority work, Airport (over long period), housing project and several other items may be considered self-liquidating. We desire to call your attention to the magnitude of the proposed program, and in case it becomes a reality to the nec- cessity of perfecting an organization for supervision, engineering and architectural works -'he program in St. Paul, if all employable -2 - persons now on the relief roll are to be placed.on such work, will require the placing of approximately 13,000.- If the 04f;An- average monthly rate which has,been given some publicity be adhered to, this will require 07,800,000 annually for labor alone. The projects listed will require approximately 40% of the total, cost for supervision, materials and equipment, bring- ing the total for a work project to $13,000,000 annually. If this program meets your approval, it is.sugges ted that a resolution be passed approving, same and that, the City Clerk be instructed to forward the. program to the' public works administration. Yours very truly, f . A -W, ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FRE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK— -- COUNCIL COUNCIL R¢ / OLUTION—GENF"?, ,LL�-' 1 •r,• on t lnlm-was u.. PRESENTED BYP�p j the Industrial t-_ 4,COMMISSIONER n - - declslon that-*+ 1 did suffer ^� WHEREAS, one Martin O'Donnell, an employe of the Department of Publio Works, claimed to have suffered an injury arising out of and in the course of his employment, on the 28th day of July, 1933, which claim was denied by the City; and WHEREAS, the Industrial Commission has filed its decision that the said Martin O'Donnell did suffer said injury and as a result suffered a temporary total disability from August 24, 1933 to December 9, 1933, a total of fifteen and one-half weeks; and WHEREAS, the compensation rate of said Martin O'Donnell is $14.40 per week; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay to said Martin O'Donnell the f � sum of $223.20 in full and final settlement of any and all claims against the City growing out of the aforesaid injury on July 28, 1933, said sum to be payable out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. COUN IiMEN Yeas Nays earce erson- Rosen —_In favor T ax arren Against enzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council FEB 1L 5 1935 193— . FEB 15 c:� r5 Approved 193— Mayor PUBLISRED _�S ORIGINAL TO C,,. cLeac 9J922 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILEN"L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '22-; By is C.`$ [ho:- American IL RESQLUT N—GENERAL FORF rehueeteflthe, :tion- of: the-- nr. a commu PRESENTED BY l IhY afterno— COMMISSIONER Pealce- unto - DATp_.iif.,° —Im ItWHEREAS, the American College of Surgeons has requested the free use of the theater section of the Auditorium and Stem Hall for a community health meeting on Sunday afternoon, March 17th, 1935, from two until six o'clock; and WHEREAS, such use will be for a strictly public purpose, for which no admission fee will be charged, and the Auditorium Committee has recommended the granting of such use without charge; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission be and it s hereby given to said American College of Surgeons to use said Auditorium without charge; and there shall be set up in the budget for the year 1936 a sum equal to the cost of opening and operating the building on that occasion, in Auditorium Fund No. 17. CO�ILMEN Yeas Nays 1�ters erson /Rosen __In favor ar' ren 11 __ — Against enzel % Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council FEB 15 1935 193 --- FES 15 Approved _193_ Mayor PUBLISHED - _�2 3�J 1 VO. 999Z$—BY;�i 99923 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL w� Dae nadOC "'C 01'.I FILE NO. - CITY OF ST. PACee CGuacff >:... 'n.nted:aermfeslGn ted 11 OFFICE OF THE CITY r !soclatton or Local L mHallt. in the after 1 Peterson /own 9lnE and CO RESOLUTION—GEN � vy14th. ;19aR..�• _ /r-- / — PRESENTED BY - - VVI.'�.�' DATE COMMISSIONER � - /Mr. President (Gehan) Zo==[?;--x AREAS, under date of January 30th, 1935, the City Council, by It F. No. 99771, granted permission to the Minnesota Association of Local Creameries to use Stem Hall in the St. Paul Auditorium for morning and afternoon sessions on February 14th, 1935, without charge, and "AS, the Council has been advised that due to the large number of persons desiring to hear the Hon. Henry Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture, the said Minnesota Association of Local Creameries requested the use of the theater section in the St. Paul Auditorium for its meeting, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that permission be and it is hereby given to the Minnesota Association of Local Creameries to use the theater section in the St. Paul -Auditorium instead of Stem Hall, for morning and afternoon sessions on February 14th, 1935, without charge, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that there shall be set up in the budget for the year 1936, a sum equal to the coat of opening and "operating the said theater section on that occasion, in Auditorium Fund No. 17. COU ILMEN Yeas arce Nays Peterson /own —_In favor arr.. _/�)--_Against Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council FEB 15 1935 193_— Approved— FEB 15 193— PUBLIsI1Lli__ 3 � ORIOINIIL TO CITY CLCRK p . FM COUNCIL NO. l CITY OF ST. PAUL I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '�{•//pCOUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERALLFFORM PR MM1SsI 0 BY ,�GC/s < _ � p' ATE -_ TE CoINMISSIONER s -F�-REAB'as provided by Council File No. 99675, approved Januaa-y' :3L7 a 1935, the Cofincil did, on the 13th day of February, 1935 , ah t en o' clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House ;aci City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and ne ce s s3Lty of wrecking that certain one and one-hal`i story frame c14veDL1ing on Lot 9, Block 4,, Lockey's Addition., also known as NO. 38 Atwater street, following due notice of said hearing given px::L= Suant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it I t]ae opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and to life, limb and adjoining) property, and should be and removed; therefore, be it R=SOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of sat ci 't3u3 ld1ng, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupaaat o£ said building or structure; be it F1-3RTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mail- ing of t3zL:2- s notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant axO appeal has been taken from this order, said Commis- sioner- O::� Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said f2ct tO the Council. s "IJ IA a Dub)'r +ilfty an ar _.. COUNCILMEN (FEB Z 5 1935 Yeas / Nays Adopted by the Counc 1 193___ P/eearce Z 174 �tersc,ri �� /Rosen / --In favor 1 FEB ^ ' " '� Approved _193_ Tax hVarren Against C !� // —�— - AVenzel Mayor r. President <Geizari) PUBLISHED 5M //6.34 ORIGINAL {O CITY CL6gK COUNCIL t CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COIJI�IG[L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r PRESENTED / � J, COMMISSIONER T�'� �Gj-LAG-+-�'%� neTr WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 99651, approved January 15, 1935, the Council did, on the 5th day of February, 1935, at ten o' c1 ocic A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall , hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of vvrec7cing that certain two-story frame building located on Lot 23, Block 3, Borup & Payne Ia Addition, also known as No. 623 East_ 2dianekkaha street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuarat to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and tt is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be Wrecicecl and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED , That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and re- moval of said bui.ldir:g, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said building at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mail- ing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commis- sioner of Parks, playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said Pact to the Cotmc i 1 _ ,ens rov-, v ti PefOeY it dld, n -956, at ten ocl k A.IX 1r Chnmb7 -ot '•1YI ,y vNi. .3 ''i DIY � 'IJIi Jy:. ll r e rt�a Yeas cou ILMEN Nays FEB 15 1935 / Adopted by the Council 193_ Parrs / /LLPeterson �.�g ,, osen —_Irn favor 3' `s 1935 T4-4_-Qw_ rtpproved C _ /__193_ ' �7arren X/Wenzel Mayor r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 PUBLISHED ,.S CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration February 5th, 1935• Mr. J. L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir. The attached file in the matter of the condemnation of the building at 623 E. Minnehahn St. and the objection of Geo. W. Froelich, the owner, dated February 4th, were referred back to you, by the City Council, with the request that you examine the proceedings and the objections of said Froelich and advise the Council whether or not the proceedings are in proper form. The matter has been laid over to February 13th. Yours very truly, City Clerk. To the, Honorable C Say; CounclXj " City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: - IN 17.' z TYie Subject 2iatter, Council File _-Vo. QQ651, adopted,-- Tanuary 15, 1935; Noticed, by Fred M. Truax, Commi's sinner, Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings," Jan- ua.ry 17, 1935, which, appears to be based upon the-, statements and acts made in letter, January ln. 19$5, by Chas M. Bassford, City Architect, said Department. Thereon, and 73"0=3 fide 7Fho'7 a of the proceedln!re, tn.eretof�re, hPA, ]?LEASE TAKE NO'F=C�, that the undersigned, G. W. Froelich, resbectfully" OBJECTS to the ^ouncil conducting anv further proceedings thereon, which, objection is bas-eci upon the following gro»nde, tn_."t: (a) That eaid Coiss1oner, has failed and neglected to refer said matter to the City Council in writing with his xxxommmixItzmFindings relative to the condition of said building and with his- recomendation that same should be repaired, remod'1ed or taken down and removed, all, as pro v zded by said section 1-14 of the Building Code: (b) That, the City Council is without right or power to adopt a -res= olution, cZzrecting a public hearing thereon,under the provisions of said sec t zoa 1-14, over the obj ection, as aforesaid, duly made. NOW, PLEASE TAS FURTHER NOTICE, It Appearing, said proceedings above-' Captioned, were not _ made upon any flndings,by said Comm sg?oner, bu't to the direct contrary, upon the statements and representations _ made, by said C3oas W.. Bassford, City Architect, and as set forth in his said letter, ds.tetl, January 10, 1935, particularly the first four lines of the closing paragraph thereof, reading as follows, to -wit: "All supporting walls have been taken down and the entire floors are supported on posts setting on loose sod. Many of the posts a.re rotted. The east wall has been ripped ont and lett 1Wit3s40t39_ _ su-n-onrt and the rear porch is hanging loose." Each and every gar of all F�ich is so 1'-, flagrantly, false and untrue, insta i-72- at�t of the locusX quo, here, wholely unworthy of further commence THEREON, the G. W. RrAnelich, respectfully, Demands, the City Council, tiro s _Cortiswith, dismiss said anomolous proceeding, 6oraptl3� instituted by sa2ti Department oP Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Dated, February .4* 1935. Respectfully, G. Wo Froelich, Owner, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L• R S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration aebrnary 13th, 1935 Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir - The City Council referred to you the attached file In the matter of the con4lemnation of a building at 623 2. Minnehahs. Street with the request that you draw a resolution (2) confirming the condemnation of this building and providing that it be torn down and wrecked. Very truly yours, City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration February 14th, 1935. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached affidavit of Goo. 14. Froelich relative to his property located on Lot 23, Block 3, Borup & Payne Ia addition was referred to you and the Building De- partment for your inrormation. Yours very traly, City Clerk. STATE OF I:iINNESOTA County of Ramsey ss. G. W. Froelich, being first duly sworn, on oath, deposes and says: That he is the owner in fee simple of the premises described as Lot 23, Block 3, Borup and Payne's Addition to the City of St. Paul, in Ramsey Oounty, Minnesota; that the same is his homestead and has been such at all times since on or about September 1, 1932. That since the time he entered possession thereof, he has renovated, remodeled, repaired and imaroved the same, at a cost and expense of the fair and reasonable_ value in excess of $1800.00; that the same is only a preliminary of enlargitug o:,u restoring the two story -frame building located thereon to a- Eonditioa aullgood as new; tiaat aurine the raonth of November, 1934 he engaged the service of acompetant Architect to submit plans for that purpose. Further deposing, affiant avers, that such supTorting walls as have been taken down, were in a crumbling and unsafe condition and' dangerous for the safety of the building by reason of such" existihk condition; that in place of such said supporting wallas affiant has " place substantial supporting pillar posts resting on heavy flat- stone, sunk two feet below the level of the original basement floor ani the original footings of said supporting walls so removed"; that" -none of--' the floors are supported on posts setting on loose sodi- that the floor choise or stringers are rasting on the original sills on "top -of -""the foundation walls or on substantial pillar posts, as afore`said7;- that - the rear porch is securely fastened to the building and 'is -made abso- lutely safe from danger to life, limb and adjoining property. Further affiant sayeth not, save and except the he makes this affiadavit for the purpose of showing to the Council of the City of St. Paul, that all of the statments and representations",by' the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; regardina-the unsafety of said building, have been so made knowingly, willfully false and untrue to aid and abet the sinister at purposes of -the " complaining neighbors whose house eaves extends over and onto aff'ant's property* and for the further purpose to interfere affian" s furt� er improvements. Subscr' d and sworn to before me this 14�t# dpy off 77ebruarym 1935 IJb&a_ Public, Ramsey County, Minn. PQy c " issiori expires _k� N JOHN 1. L,Vny �otu,y R+blfc, Ra„y,¢y County, dftar,_ of February 15, 1935 4 Mr. Bassi ofd: I reinspected the premises Lno:vn as 623 East Minnehaha Street this morning. I find that no more work has been done to make the condition of thi-<- building safe. There are sixteen posts resting on loose rocks, support- ing the whole building as far as center'Osupports and west gall are concerned. The g1rder, you Savo resting on a niece of rock mall is now unsul.i-)oxted, as the rock -:wall has been torn aviay. lae 01-111n. .ey is still re::ting on a niece of 5" by 8" timber, .with a flat rock for i ooting. Some of the support inl; Posts are out of plumb. At Present, there i s a leak in a -rater pipe, running water through the first floor and into the basement. The si11 supporting joists on the crest gide of the building is rotted an., t_.ere a -e not suf'icient supports under the si11 to be safe. Trn the norti-iv,,est corner of the basement, a piece of foundation 1s left r✓ith r_o support. The rear outside stair -Nay has been partially repaired but is not in the best of condition. As far a s I can d et ermine, there has been no v7ork of consecuence cone since l:jr. ronson and I last insnected.it. The DaxaSer Card 1s st111 on the building, also permit card crhich was cancelled by limitation of time. Frank Haskell Jr. inspected the condition of the build- ing frith rae. Tnspe ct i on .:as made at 11:20 A. i.:. , February 15, 1955. Signed Fred .:rig�t, Ins ctor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK � " CITY OF ST. PAUL F16ENCIL NO. 9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL ESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED13" COMMISSIONER- DATE Febraary 34 1835 RESOL—ED That Restaurant license, application 2012, and On Sale Malt Beverage license, application 2013, applied for by George Zettel at 2044 Marshall Avenue be and they are hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to George Zettel the fees of $10.00 and $550.00 and to cancel said applications respectively. COUI�QfLMEN Yeas � Nays / t ersv^ / �ternon .sen _ In favor Truax /�— / J �/X!arren Against Wenzel jMr. President (Gehan) 5M 6,34 99926—By'F1', 1•;,..Warren II I• C.. Pearce-- Resolved, That Reetaurant' Ilconse, aDDilcatlon 2012, and.0a-8a)e MnitBev- erago Ilcenee, aJinllcatlon 2913,. DDiled for by Y4eorge Let[el at,2044 Marshall Avenue b8 and they ai•e-herebydealed It the DroDer ity officers are .hereby uthortzed to refund Oeor a hereby the Pees oP $10.00 and $1500.00:and t. cav- i col aid aDDllcatlona res yeat lvely. Adopted by the Counrll Feb. 15, 3935. '. ADDroved Feb. 16. 1935. - (Feb. 23-1936) Adopted by the Council FEB 1 -9 IP15 _193 Approved Mayor � OR u-1 r. CITY G4cszate' - ` COUNCIL NO. Q ;� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —_ Q15-UNGJL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE February 15,_1955 A V1113EEXKT?RAS, Gasoline Filli�n9 Station License NO- 5W2, for three pumps, and expiring oa _Vex-=m_x y 2, 1936 was issued to the Shell Petroleum Corporation at 988 Arcade St _ aad Por which a fee of W-00 was paid, and g aS seid license should have been issued for two pumps instead of three, and 13ceas8e ragnests a refund of portion of license fee paid in excess of amount Por licensing of said station; therefore, be it RSE3I.VFI3� that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to S1c SM -3-1 Petroleum Corporation the sum of $5.00 and to chhuge the records according7�,_ _, . _ No..99927—Bv H. E. warren—! COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay cc /LLp�terso n Z; /Koser>< In favor Tax /Wjarrer: Against ,M %C7CTer><z ei /Mr. President �CTehan) SM 6.34 expiring on lanunry;: z, i to the Shell Patroleum Corptiratton at 988 Arcade- SL,. endYorwhlch a feu of i $40.00 Was pa id, aad - 1 W3lor"" Bald llconee sn.—have. t been issued far two purl --am teed pt (three and'llcene requests n excess of $ortlo oY license -Yee paid in excess of ount. required for licensing of said stati 1 theref be It Itsolved, that the proper city _1, ersbeaad they arohereby .authorized to refund to'the: 9h ell Petroleum C. ' poration 'thea sum ot. $6.00 -and , to change the records accordinBlY• Adopted by the Council Feb. 16, 1936: i Approved Feb. 16, 1986. (Feb. 23,-1936). Adopted by the Council—FEB x 5 ag 193 Approved_—__ Mayor ouoi T�µ�'✓5'„our rvorlCE .NSE ALs 0~E<< a �n p��FUM Pa��J4 SN ELPETCO ST.rU15 �, .9 sHiMIL Paqm"Kawn COBWOMAVIOW SHELL BUILDING S -r. Louls,Mo. 624 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE 1�1 r 1 CHICAGO. ILLI LAOIS r Yeb`rua g, ..29zn5- File: MwD:EJF City of St.Paul, in re: Gasoline License #3062 Bureau of Licenses, St. Paul S.S.#17, 10th and Minnesota St., 988 Arcade Street, bt. Paul, Minnesota. St. Paul, Mlinnesota. 2--� L Gen t le me n: Under date of January 16th, 1935, we forwarded our check rrB-81946 in the amount of 0163.00 dated January 15th, 1935, applying for Gasoline Licenses on four of our service stations located in St. Paul, of which the captioned station was one. In acknowledgment of our application, we received your receipt A-850 dated January 17th, 1935 and later received Gasoline License #3062. Recently, our representative operating in the St. Paul area advised us that the Ethyl pump -installed at this location has now been eliminated thereby, leaving a balance Of two pumps now installed at the captioned station. Under t'�e circumstances, we appears to you for a re- fund in the amount of :,1,5.00 inasmuch as a station wit -11 two pumps installed is subject to a fee of $35.00 instead of ;y40.0., the amount which we paid. "'e trust you will give this matter your serious considera- tion and that we will be favored with a refund in the amount of W5.00, 'n the near future, to cover. Yours very truly, SHE'LL PErROLEUN? C ORFORATION By EJF :LZ ivi s ion iJanager ORIGINAL TO CITY OLEq / COUNCIL �l9 (928 t✓�I `' Ii�toG�G�/V CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. J 7/ n OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSION DATE_ T!Bb*'ITaT'y 15, 1935 �L'!®LIQ�7ppC WHEREAS, Barber License Noy -27, expiring January 9, 1935, issued to Joseph ADedeker at 604 Jackson Street was revoked after operating under said license for approximately seven and one bnlf months for the reason that licensee was an aprentice barber and not a registered barber as required by ordinance; and WHEREAS, said license was issued through error as said establishment in said instance did not meet with the requirements of the ordinance, and applicant has requested a refund of the unexpired portion of his license fee; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the said Joseph 0. Dedeker the stmt of $3.75 the unused portion of the license fee covering a period of four and one half months. C F. No. 99928-33y H.' E. Warren -i 1: C Pearee— PIring Januaryr9 �I986�c1 sued to Joseph' O. Dedaker at 804Jackeon 8troet wasi I revoked atter operating under safd 11-j: :cense f r aDProsimatel. seven and one fiat[ _._t o the Sor tha reason that ][cense. I. was an apprentt a barber and not. a gi."er.. barber as required by or ce and _,,. .. Home address - 604 Kingston CONCILMEN Yeas ce =Pn n In favor Tax arren —Against enzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Dlicant fine re.ueetedrefund o[ the uneznired portion of his. rained fee; IT erefore, Resolved, that the proper city om- 11 -. for efund o a d the be and they a 'h OUDedeker thesum of $3.75 the unused: Portion of Il the license fee covering a period of I four and one half month.: - Adopted by the Council Feb. 16, 1936. Approved Feti: 16, 1936. i (Feb. 23-1936) Adopted by the CouncilF_ FER 151 193__ FEB 15 -wh, Approved____• / _193___ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK _ ii c� CITY OF .ST. PAUL FaeNOIL NO. ��7 /� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '` �'C--_�R ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PROMMIESENssloTED E �r��t—�L��"RESENTEENE DATET�'_.r nhrl�y—i s, 10.S R It WHEREASa Roy B. M—tin has made application 21,11 for license to -Operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the C ity of St. Paul, one Studebaker automobile, Motor No. FB -16780, Serail No. 6012524, covered by Great American Indemnity Co. insurance policy No. 578900, expiring May 24, 1955, License No. 99; and WEEREAS,, goy B. Martin, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7521, has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to Poral by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the city of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Roy B.Martin, and the city pr clerk is instructed to issue such .license, subject to the :of said ordin provisions, and the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. No.. out—BY H. E. Warren—I T. C. Pearce— Whereas, goy 33; Martin hoe made an- p1lCatlon 23 on th streets to the as a taxicab upno the. streets of the Clty of SLone 9tudebakerautomoblte, IIiotor No.^FB_36780, Serial N. 8012624. 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays e erson -'Rosen In favor T ax arren en — zel /Mr. Against � President (Gehan) 5M 6.74 Ressly I., that Ilcense to operate said avtomoblle- as a taaf�ab upon the streets of the city oP6Y: pain be and the 8=0 is: hereby granted to Roy.. B. Martin, and. the city clerk is Instructed to issue such Ilcense, eublect to the nrovlelons or Bald ordinance, and the +refee. payment Into the eity treasury of the 1 dOPt I] Aed by th Council Adopt.Feb. 16, 3936. Approved -:Feb 16. 1936. [ (Feb 23-193. Adopted by the Council 193_ 5 Approved193_ ,__193__ Mayor O RiO1NAL TO CITY CLERK r, ' / �+ 0 ` CITY OF ST. PAUL F16ENCIL � No. - 99930V OF-F'10E OF THE CITY CLERK Cr 4=> SOLUTION–GENERAL FORM PRESENTED iiY - COMMISSIC/N DATE rebnnarp 15. 1955 RESOLVED R`2aat 3iregse : '< r Hotel (Blackstone, 50 rooms) applied for by Prank A'.*'i`]xax-s-toa at 4W6?s -wabssha St. be and it is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instrncte3 to iss-cZB 8-x1c1:1 license upon the payment into the city treasury of the regui re8 iee Renevrsl 9.9 COILM EN Yeas Nays / P�terso rz r5 Vii` osen __ _ Irl favor amen _� Against %�CTenzel Xr. Presidcr><t (Gcl- otr ) 5M 6-34 C F. No: 99930=BY' H. E. Warren— I e 'd," — R solved, That license for Hotel (Blackstone, 50 rooms) pplled for by FrankA. SL'be and' this hereby.Rranted, and the City Clerk . is instructed. to Issue such license upon the pe,YIDeIIt Into the city, treasury of the reuutred fee; .Adopted by the. Councll Feb. 15, 1935- Approved Feb. 15. 1935. -(Feb. 23-1935) FEB 15 1936 Adopted by the Council ____193–_ r Approved__..___— 193_- 6-2- -.-- Mayor J ORIGINAL t0 CITY GL[gk _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FloLUE No.—.99931 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O C ESOLUTION—GENERgCL FORM PRESENTED l , I C OMMISSION2 DATE February 15, 1935 RESOLVED That licenses for On Sale Malt liquor, application 1666, and Restaurant, applicatin 1667, applied for by John O'Hara at 1648 Rice St. be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into she city treasury of the required fees. COUNCILMEN Yeas Zrsc Nays rson /Koren —�.—(—In favor Truax /W rren Against /Wenzel /1r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C. F. No: 99031—By H. D:. Warren—.f 1..C: Pearce— RIalt y.liquor; apDl(caitlen 1666,' OT We taurant app)lcatlon 1667, aDDlled for by John O'Haraat 1693 Rlge SL be and thy. 'same are -hereby krantedand the City Clerk. is Instructed to' iaeuo . such- I/- censy.supoe the Dayment int y.:, the' city treasury a[ the required tees..:::, Adopted by "" Counoi]`3936. ADDroyed P.b16. 1936. (Feb. 23-1935) Adopted by the Council FEB 1935 193 Approved----- - - 193-- ���t : Mayor - - ORIGINAL tO CIV CLERK 1 I` TY OS. PAUL COU OF SST. No.— J�� ��rt= fcE"OF THE CITY CLERK �GOLJriGI TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE February 15, 1935 RESOLVED That liceasgs $ p�-�Z3L.ed f'or by the person8 named on the attached list be and the same are herej7y, d asci the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment Tato tlzg �-� ty t reasnry OP the required Pees: Michael B111.man 811 Ux2:Lversity Ave. Barber Appl. 2008 Renew Tom D. Cockburn 366 S. Snell vII Av. " n 0766 n Charles Cook 110 S_ lfabasha St. " " 2043 Glenn F. Daly 2 =� S . Ham t i n arm' " 1025 " Carl F. Doerr, .udt, by .-- S 35 ITaiversity Av. R a e n!!e' 1888 " H.V. Howard, 9'79 Selby Av. """o " 1188 E. E. Kendt, 6?O Grand A -v n n 1246 n Raymond J. Mayer 162 C=rotto St. " " 1265 ^ i�eskea+ J. J. Moria 115Q Se3t�P Ave. ^ n 1247 " Perry S. Nichols, 485 0--t- Peter St. " " 2055 " 1 L. J. Perron, 1585 Selby Av. ^ n 1806 " P. J. Schneider 691 Selby Av. " " 1200 a Edward H. Zelgerb, 1-195 Fart St. ^ " 170 " C. Poppenberger 91? E- Minnehaha St. Gas Sta 5 pumps " 2082 Tanker Gas, Inc. 8t18 Foshay Tourer Mps. Fuel dealer " 0456 " ORIGINAL i0 Cly. GL6RK ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE COUNCIL FILE No. 91) 32 Febrnary 15, 1955 RESOLVED Braumig & Sons 299 Maria Ave. Bakery Appl 1976 Renewal. M. A. Lee, 2080 Grand Av. a " 2051 " Conger Bros, 549 University Av. Confectionery " 0984 " J. W. Gelsper 600 N. Western Av. " " 1286 " Herman W. Leitacxvw w 740 Grand Av. " n 2040 n Wesley St. C3_e i T- , 678 Grand Av. a " 1850 n C. A. Sonnen 574 Rice St. a a 1751 " R. T. Hey finia 676 Grand Av. Butcher a 2066 n James Jensen 525 Ohio St. Butcher " 1965 a James Jensen 525 Obi.o St. Grocery a 1966 a F. W. Rsmaley 666 Grand Av. Butcher " 1084 " F. W Rama-7-oy 666 Grand Av. Confectionery " 1085 " Carl E. Andersoa 758 Selby Av. Grocery " 1404 " J. B. Asfalg, 579 Thomas St. " " 1807 " Aug. J. Bu1ins3r=1_ 217 Charles St. " " 1605 " Sam Borrelli 549 E. Minaehaha " " 1805 " Mrs. 0. (lunnJ jff138xznp_ s 34 N. Dale St. a " 1681 a Isaac Dannovsky_. 244 E. Fairfield Av. " " 1997 IN A. Silberman 217 State St. u a 2026 n W. G. Goldberg 178 Concord St. a a 1998 " ORIGINAL TO Clri CLERK C6UNCIL No. 9993 FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE February 15, 1955 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED R44 G. Jobnaon, 919 Armstrong Av. Grocery A PP1 1993 Abram Kuris 266 Bunker St. n " 1765 Mnlindo Wigen, 880 Thomas St. " " 1068 Andrew Angelos 1589 Selby Av. Restaurant n 1715 Evelyn Mack & Laura Gustafson, 470 Minnesota St. " " 1719 John A. Wolf, 156 W. 7th St. Restaurant " 1890 n n n n Off Sale Malt Bev. " 1869 n " a " On Sale Malt Bev. " 1868 ORIGINAL To CQY,F fRA - Co LI No. 89932 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE February 15, 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED George Oczak n " Field Schuck, Inc. John Teenier Sarah Schultz, n n L. A. Kuhl T1 It n White Eagle 011 CO - 0 n n n Raymond Kogl, -4- 1277 St. Clair St. " p n 14 W. 5th St. 141 W. 6th St. 1670 Marshall Av. n " " 1051 Grand Av. 1051 Grand Av. 606 Vandalia (delinquent) " n 621 Wabasba St. COU CILMEN Appl 2061 New Yeas p� Nays 2062 " Person osen In favor TX / rren Against mel " /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M G.34 Butcher Appl 2061 New Grocery " 2062 " Confectionery " 2006 " Grocery " 1919 " Grocery " 1405 " Off Sale Malt Bev. " 1406 " Confectionery n 1641 n 1 pool table ' 1640 " Fuel dealer " 1985 " a "•.- " 1966 " Restaurant " 1580 " Adopted by the Council__1 �B i 5 Approved— ___�i —193_ Mayor PUI3LISFi1✓D_2—,�5 '3— ORIGINAL TO CITY CLURK COUNCIL RRR///lllJll CITY OF ST_ PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GOi3"C--IL- RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— COMMISSIONER TT1283C - ` ��/% /la a—-.--tF� WSERMAS as provided by Oouricil File Nor99674, approved Jy 17 , 19 5 the Council did, on the 13th day of February, 1935, at -tea o s A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and a ty T3---s-'3L2 , hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity o:.� vwrecliing that certain shed in the rear of the property at 99Q McLean street, also described as Lot 4, Block 11, Drake's of McLean' s Addition, following due notice of said hearing g ven pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 3-9:30-; -3--t i s the opini o22 of the Council that said building :LE-. a g sad dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property arncL be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it FtESOLV��s� Twat said building be wrecked and removed, and that a cope of tai s resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of sai c b-ss3LlcUng, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds ai7_c3 pzxblic Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last knowxz address, or to the agent or occupant of= s8ic3 'building or structure; be it FURTZ3 R RESOLVED, That I.E. within ten days after the mailing of tY3i s aot3ce to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant ao appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner o:� 3F11arJcs, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council_ COU ILAZ EN Yeas rce Peterson ieveo�� arren Nays _Irl favor / f Against i Wenzel MR. VICE PRMS _ RG Ei; + SM 6.34 ' 9933 B4 F1• C. Menzel— provided by Council 1'11.. :,roved January 17. the 13th as san of o' ZTbPS OL' Adopted by the Council I E B i 6_l- 193 FEB 16 1*75 Approved..—_ 193 Mayor PUBI1SHED ORIGINAL TO CITY CL CITY �— CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCiL NO. Cg 1 i(((JJl) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EBY R COMMISSIONER rulnab •'�iR� DATE_Im., be' In. ' by.. ompeny mx !IS! A WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has, by Ordinance No. 7605, approved January 22, 1935, granted to the Twin City Motor Bus Company, a corporation, therright to operate certain motor bus lines in Saint Paul for the calendar year of 1935, which ordinanoe requires an acceptance to be filed by said Twin City Motor Bus Company; and. Yeas to the Council WHEREAS, he Twin yMotor anacceptanceofthe terms Of a saidordinance, with the following reservation; "Provided, however, that if a court of competent Jurisdiction, prior to March 1, 1936, finds the said ordinance is invalid or that the said Com- pany is not subject to the requirements of paying the 5% gross earnings tax, as in said ordinance Provided, then said Company shall not be re- quired to pay said tax; and provided further that if a court of competent jurisdiction finds that said ordinance is invalid or that the Com- pany is not subject to the requirements of paying the 5% gross earnings tax as in said ordinance provided, the City of Saint Paul -may repeal said _�� ordinance." �, And the Council, after due consideration, isthe opinion that the acceptance is proper and in correct form; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council does hereby approve said accept - and hereby directs the Corporation Counsel to approve same and file it with the City Clerk. COUNCILMEN / Nays / Adopted by the Council FEB 16 1935193__ /p ce etetrson J In favor FE 167193 / ! �"' — e� �� Mayor PUBLISHI;D� 23 3 _�� i _� Against //WarrenWenzel FE 167193 / ! �"' — e� �� Mayor PUBLISHI;D� 23 3 _�� L70HERTY, RUMBLE be BUTLER ATTORNEYS AT LAW oo.+ER-r�r FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING TLER.J R. C�ia �.9UTLER wo ear o.au Lu v...... SAINT PAUL " LLIA T�.,ELL February 15, 1935 John 1— ^orarzo3y, Esq., Gorpor�-i son Counsel, C ourt House, ..<sacrz• - - Saixzt Paul, Minnesota. Dear 2r Q®aar2o13y: e x- i s herewith enclosed executed ac0eptazzc e -lz> officers of the Twin City Motor BusCozn�Sr�y rz conformance to the understanding we had at $ �s a rae e t ing of the Utilities Committee. There Ysave b ern no changes made from the copy that I di sc-Lx >s sa ae�l- t!a you the other day. The original, of course, uzvorz your approval should be filed with the City C1er _ A copy of the acceptance is herewith enclosed =E-<=> your own file. Yours truly, DOHERTY, R LE & BUTLER, EGV AW By Enc. A00EPTAN0Z WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul on or about the 22nd day of January, 1935, passed a certain ordinance No. 7605, entitled: and "An ordinance granting to the Twin City Motor Bus Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of South Dakota and authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to carry on the business of a common carrier of passengers for hire by motor busses over and upon certain of the public streets and highayo in the City 0 htt hCj nll:, otIIAO routoll for n toll of one year from ani after January 1, 1935. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety."; AIMA9, at a meeting of the Board of Directors of said Twin City Motor Bus Company held on the 15th day of February, 1935, it was resolved by said Company to accept said ordinance and to comply with the terms and provisions thereof as herein- after recited, and that an acceptance in writing under its corporate seal should be made and filed with the City Clerk of said city; NOW THEREFORE, in accordance with said resolution, the Twin City Motor Bus Company agrees to carry out all the matters and things in said ordinance contained, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that if a court of competent jurisdiction prior to March 1, 1936, finds that the said ordinance is invalid or that the said Company is not subject to the requirement of paying the five per cent gross earnings tax as in said ordinance provided, then said Company shall not be required to pay such tax, and PROVIDED FURTHER that if a court of competent jurisdiction finds that said ordinance is invalid or that the Company is not subject to the requirement of paying the five per cent gross earnings tax as in said ordinance provided, the City of Saint Paul may repeal said ordinance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Vim President and Secretary of the Twin City Motor Bus Company have signed this acceptance and have affixed hereto the corporate seal of the Company this is— day of February, 1935. v%cG Fresident. Secretary. ` a. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �2� COUNCIL 99935 CITY fDF ST. PAUL VILE NO. O THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE February 16s 1985 RESOLVED -f' /',f/✓ That licenses for Dance Halls application 2129, and s applicatil 211*0� applied for by Herbert Lindstrom at 848-50 Payne Avenue be and they are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue $ach licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Petition attached for Tavern and Dance COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays eterson �P 7 %Eie T In favor Z,� I"arren 'Against / w enzel /Up sni R• VICE PRES. R C. F. N-99935—DY ._H E Warren- -S C. Pearce— Resolved, That Ilcena.. for.Dnnce Hall pplicntion 2I29. and Tavern, ap- � DDiication 2780, applled .for by. Herbert Ll ndatromat 848-60- Payne Avenue be and they are hereby granted sad the City. Clerk. is Instructed to Jesus such licenses upon the payment-1nto the city. treasury of the.reaulred fees. Adopted by the Council Feb -.16,1985.1 Approved Feb 16, 193111 (Feb. 23-1986) Adopted by the Council FF__ R I o__19W193_ Approved ER -U_ o Mb _193_- 1 4� Mayor r r ;� `� � i, ,; .. + 1 ,1 �+. f..l � i� `. � � 1 1 F t 1� a ®.��r�.r 'w�sa• �.....—.,.�.�.. _.- � � . � .,r<,%d• f. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLARK - COUNCIL 99c�6 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK99936—BY AaQ ! COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FOF2Nf af• H. cenRn ..! ul the following 1, Slnklnr Fund f �' PRESENTED BY"Y tedR School > __ DATE �Du% Into dot rt. COMMISSIONER �, lonnt "'r T: £ i t ILMSEUMM WSEREAS, the following bonds are held in the Sinking Fund of the City o Sa n Paul, to—wit: Bond Kind o? Bond Das Date Rate Amount Numbers Oonsolidated School District July 1, 1935 7 $7,000 51 to 57 Inell #21 School Bonds AND WHEREAS, it is necessary, in the opinion of the officers of Pine County Consolidated School District #21 to refund the said bonds, and WE30REAR, said School District $21 is unable to pay the sum of $2145.00 accrued interest now in default on the $7,000 bonds above described, and now held ly the City of Saint Paul; and WBEREAS. the officers of said Pine County Consolidated School District No. 21 leave offered to ggive the City for the bonds hereinabove set out, Refunding Bonds of said School District jf21, hereinafter described, totaling $3,500 and $3,500_ in cash plus the accrued interest from the date of the last interest payment to the date of the new bonds, which will be October 1, 1934, at the rate of 4j%. and WHEREAS, the Sinking Fund Committee has accepted and recommended to the Council for its approval said substitution of bonds, cash and accrued interest, as being in the best interests of the Sinking Fund of the City of Saint Paul, now, therefore, RESOLVED, that the action of the Sinking Fund Committee be and it is hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to accept fbr the bonds hereinbefore described, $3,500 in bonds of the following dates, maturities and amounts, together with $3,500 in cash and interest upon the bonds to be ex- changed to October 1, 1934;1 and interest on the $3,500 cash to date of exchange. Bond Pine County Consolidated Oct. 1, 1941 School District No. 21 Oct. 1, 1943 Refunding Bands Oct. 1, 1945 Oct. 1, 19+7 Oct. 1, 19148 Oct. 1, 1949 Oct. 1, 1950 Gbh i COU LMEN Yeas Nays PPaarce l Ppferson Rosen __In favor A/F_ /Warren _Against Wenzel President (Gehan) u 50 500 147 n 500 51 n 500 55 a 00 59 3$ .500 FEB 19 1935 Adopted by the Council— --- 193--- FEB 93__ FEB '191935 A—pp�rove—d 193— Mayor PUBLISHED � �5 .35 M The following letter was received by the City Comptroller= *HAROLD E. WOOD & COMPANY February T. 1935. Mr. Harold Z. Goodrich City Comptroller Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Haroldt When we bought the $334,000 STATE OF No MFGZCO HIGHRAY debentures from the Sinking Fond on Deamoer 31, 1934, our bid specified the usual accrued Interest to date of delivery to us. It so happened the day we were to take these bonds up was Friday, January 4th. Since you bad no immediate use for the money, and the proceeds of the sale would represent idle Sands until you found suitable reinvestment, every dayts additional interest on the MW MMMMS„ before we took them Gip, was so much added source of revenue to the City Sinking Fund. Accordingly, since we had sold these bonds to Boettcher and Coma ny, in Denier, our office suggested that the City have the First National Bank of Saint Paul ship the bonds direct to Denver.which would mean your interest would ran until the following Monday. Jamary 7th„ The additional amount of interest accruing to the City by virtue of this suggestion would be approximately $150.00, from whiah obviously would have to be deducted the exchange charges, which amounted in this case to $89.00. In other words we would have bought the bonds on Friday, shipped to Denver, and ourselves had WD.00 additional interest lose the $69.00 uduange ChW8e. Instead' of that we felt we were giving the Oity very good service by .suggesting to them this littl a additional net saving of approximately $62.00. Lawrence Shangbnesey, in charge of our Municipal Department, bas called this matter to your attention. Obviously, Boettcher and Company is not going to stand this $89.00 charge, because they say, perfectly rightly, it was the result of our advice which precipitated, as it were, this charge, and the bonds were to be delivered to them in Denver, at a price of sand accrued interest*, witbout exchange charges. In other words, we are out this amount. I.bslieve Lawrence has suggested to you that this is, for practical purposes, a-legitimets. charge against your interest account. There has been no action in this matter, apparently through arbitrary red tape in your department. I thinlc this is very unfair and I call it to your attetttioa, becstnss it seems to me we are being very unfairly penalised, and that you, Mark and Mr. Peterson certainly can see the justice of our claim. I az4 accordingly, sending a copy of this letter to the Mayor and to the Comsissioner of Finance. and trust that our request for reimbursement for this amount will most with #our favorable and immediate consideration. Very truly yours, HAROLD S. WOOD & COMPANY By H. E. Wood NEWSS President* Thio committee is of the opinion that the above claim to a just one and Comptroller Goodrich made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Peterson and unanimously carried, that a resolution be presented to the Council authorising the Sinking Fund Committee to refund the $69,00 to Harold E. Wood & Company. ORIGIN— TO CIT' CLERK COUNCIL ,� `S� • CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —By Axel F. Peter' • -k Geha COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM SlnulnK Puna o1 Pav1 has ana oxlr py,��Q �C��J-� `/ �,j/' on hand avalIO: PRESENTED BY """v -'i /�/ - cr�/.Y E— dt1, gt ' Puna.`a;. COMMISSIONER - 1 occr Yeas FAB, the Sinking Fund of the City of Saint Paul has .Pao---- - e1y 61,800,000 cash on hand available for investments; and VV �F'-REAS, the Sinking Fund Committee has on several occasiorz called for tenders of City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County State of Minnesota obligations; and i AS, it was and is the opinion of the Sinking Fund Committer 8.t this time that because of the high price and low yield o:� the bonds offered, it is deemed advisable not to make any purr— uses; and whereas, it is the opinion of the Corporation Counsel t32at the three notes of the City of Saint Paul now held by the wags , bearing interest at the rate of 41% per, annum would be a lei=a3 investment for the Sinking Fund; and whereas, the Sinking �* -jaa Committee adopted a resolution authorizing the pur- chase o --M1= said notes; therefore, be it - _� _ -SOLVED, That said action of the Sinking Fund Committee be and ----w t is hereby ratified, and the proper city officers are authors to execute the necessary contracts and agreements to carry �% -- =t o effect the acquisition of said notes. /Mr. President 5M 6.34 F-7 N Nays __In favor __Against -�Getlan) Adopted by the Council FF- -R 9a35__193--- EB 191935 193— Approved Mayor PUBLISHED :_ t r 4.7 � s, � •, r ., q RRIINAL To cin CL RK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTSS B� DATE lbeenoxv=x K CQFiE1s1S , the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building 0ommissiOTX cwt its meeting held February 15, 1935; authorized an extra on t k contract of the Healy Plum+�ing and Heating Company in the stem Q $1,491.00 in order to run pipe from the basement to the Court room floors for the purpose of conveying artesian well water o the air-conditioning equipment on those floors; therefore _I=Z:� it RESG3 saT�D, That the action of said Commission is hereby approved concurred in. COU,>eILMEIIJ Yeas Person �Ro en ax favor —In ,WArren 1enzel //Mr. President (Geizarz3 5M 6.34 C. F. No.� 99938—BY M, H. Gahan - 7. C.'Pear. -- WHereas, the Advisory Court House and City Hall. Building Commlesion, at its meeting held Feb. 16.-1936, author- Ix,d an extra on the contract of the 'He aly,Plumbing aid Heating Company in the sum of $1,491.00'. In.order to run Dipe'- from the basement to the Court room floor. for the purposef onvey iaK artesian well water.. to the air-con- ditfoaiagg equipment on . these ;floors; 4, r therefore. Resolved.be iThtat the action of said Commission is. hereby .approved and concurred in. Adopted by the Council Feb. 19, 1935. Approved Feb. 19. 1935. (Feb. 23-1936) Adopted by the Council FEB 19 .9193 Approved_— FEB i 9 TqqF 193_ Mayor TRUStEPS PAED POWER. P'aEsmnn*'r a BIOELOW. —e1. E'sae:>aa.T>< /. M G. CQ BRISw.uca AEA C BRIGGGS C.P. MOM 1.P.IIIEUR G 1. P. FeVtIN0 1. B. PORRE.4r MILTON ER GR1GG8 uoeRUA11 W.L RilGti'i E. a OHEBER PAUL gCRILLIIiG WALTER BEEGEB C. L EOh4b&ERS C. P. ISQRBERT, ErC.BtAEr A1eD D>ax�`os .j Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research Adhletic club Building Cedar 4210 February 16, 1935- 9XIo t33_e City Council, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Coat 16mea t The S.me P.ul Boma of Mm1A- _I Re.eaxh b o:�nhed- 1—To the welfare of Saint P., Yel m�oQe.,toa the eff—A � _ e.. t%m� • 2—T. T. ellmbaNn,tha b hid 1. pe-ible. 3—To seru . noo-polttlul bwcemems<lpelff�ln. V� At its meeting yesterda,Y the ,&dvisory Court House and City 1149611 Building Commission authorized as extra on the contract of the Healy pltambing and Heating Company for air coad3tioning the court rooms is tie sraf=ni oY $1,491. This extra was mads a8cessazy because the original p1ax of the Commission for taking care of the water for the air condition - i— was contrary to state laws and local regul.ati®ns. The original idea was to Coaaect the water system above t7zs siatia floor with the deep -well durir>7q�' t7n.e warm months in order that the cold. water could be used for air coaciitioaing the court rooms. Dar- i tbtie other months the city water was to be aa6d. No such interchange is allowed. This extra contemplates roam-a.d-- a pipe from the well direct - 'bo t3se air conditioning equipment for t2ie coact rooms and the use of tie city water for all other purposes at the year. The changing of the plan does not result in any loss tc t ,a city or connty because all . of` tie wont contemplated in the original co atrsct would have to be done is r+a0r aZw circumstance. vary trsz2y yours, SB C2'e tart, Advisory Court Hor3se and City -Hall Building Co:moi ssion. CPH a SH ORIGINAL TO COUNCIL s _ CITY OF ST. PAUL pe��?9—gr "ILK No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CL€ yy&° ll Bu ldiinsrc t1LR bald Feb. 15, .t GOIJNCIL RESOLUTION—GENEfi;goatr:' Pluvabine contract fo!;_I and meehant al-' PRESENTED 8� and Citr 8a: - GO STENT EM IE33 i403100 v ran AS , the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Comms s s ioa at it s me et ing held February 15, 1935, awarded to the Healy P1ua2b sag and He at ing Coapany the contract for additional radlat sari �- <� 3 mechanical work in the Court House and City Hall for the .coxstract price of $4,331.00, which is a base bid of $3347 _ OO pa--Lxs Alternate No`: 1 costing $224 and Alternate No. 2 costing' E3�fl - 00; and ZiFR�AS , said Commission also awarded to L. W. Baumeister & Sons 'tYse coritract for general construction alterations in the Cov.r-t Sous a grid City Ha11 for the contract price of $2,890.00; and AS , in both instances the said contractors were the lowest r e =.po sible bidders therefor; therefore, be it RAS©Z�VED, That the Council hereby approves and concurs in the act i ori o:r said Commission, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby chi r e a t ed to prepare contracts therefor. COUN�IL2�4 E2-: Yeas Nays rce f%//f/J P terson /oser1 __In favor Z11 uax - arreri Against (Wenzel /Mr. Presiderzt 4r-4:Z:---T-0 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council FEB 19 19 y 193--- H-9 A 9 1935 Approved---193-- Mayor pproved 193—_ PUBLISBED2L2-3�S ' •TRUSCEES r 7!Rm POw R. P•.pnet.i C.1L a700.Ow. V[ Past®wt � GG�� I. A. OACE.'Ititu.OayR The Sint P.vl Bure.v of Mvn1tl• PTIRe V otpnited- ABF.CODE" C. P. CODE" Saint Paul 1—To oK the [te1f.K of Slot � CaOe o � � .e�t� ': P.n o 7. a. PORResr ' ..POP`°''° Bureau Municipal 2—TocoopeKtewlth public oBci•h wLTON w. cta700R of Research vo bl °•dhgt to wher•vet E7.. I I Mo Nl AN nd` BE"`RN1O7i` Athletic flub Building 3—To terve u • 000-polltlnl •e■eennwq not keepin, the peopk Informed PAULSaUME GGER 4210 bontmuwa 1 a.IK p• C. L 8011� C. P. I@REERT. S-1 Fe'braary 16, 1936. To the City Covaci 1 , City of Saint Paul, L4innesota. Gentleman: gt its meetize yesterday the Advisory Court House and C2ty Ha11 33ui7.di22g Commission awarded the contract for addition- al radiation anci znacatz,-,icai wort to the Healy plumbing and Heating Company, Por $4, 33i, which is a base bid of $3,347, plus Alternate $1 costing $22s4 and diternata j962 costing $760. R'hey also awarded the contract for general construc- tion alterations to L_ W. Bsmeister for $2,890. In both cases the low bidder was awarded the contract upon the recommendation of the Ar- chitects. This matter is referred to you for your action. Very truly yours, / Secretary, bd-:1sory Court House and City Hall Building CPH:SH Commission. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL1NO 9 ���� t 6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 0 COUNCIL_ RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM <PRESeGOMMISM-r'l S/O H DATE :yam AREAS, Chapter 409, Session Laws of 1933, provides for a 2--k aring for all classified Civil Service employes before a board of Or referees, said board to consist of three members, one mezaber to be appointed by the Mayor from outside the city service; one member to be appointed by the City Council from the adm--2-r33 strative officials of the municipality; the other member to be chief civil service examiner for the city; therefore, be it 1'ZES0LVED, That Herbert W. Austin be and he is hereby appoint- ed a s - a member of said Board of Appeals or Referees from the ad- mirtA- s It rBL-tive service of the City ( said appointment to be effective ung - December 31, 1935) to act with Joseph W. Finley, the member appo eat ed by the Mayor in accordance with said act, and J. B. Pro bs a Chief Examiner of the Civil SIPrv- ce_Jhjreau. C. F. re $9940—te M. 8. Gahan— i Whereas, Chapter 409 ar n o r oil �I Of 1939 pCivldea for a,heart . for all clasetaed Of a Servlc r refer a before I' a rd tt] o est of r referees said board r consist )p three m tubers one i member to be appot tqd by the Mayor from outei Is the city service a mem-- ,, Per to be appointed by th., mt --- CO r__ 7-,4 EN Yeas Nays �rce ;.il i n �' APe�terso —_In favor /T�iax / arrari �/WernzeZ -Against ���--- . Presiderit <Gehan) SM 6.34 -.tin uatin be a mem, or Ref - �I (Feb. 23-1936)_ Adopted, by the CounciL-FI.B-1-9-1935--__193__ Eg 19 Approved Mayor OIIIOINAL TO CITY CL=RK - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTION–GENERAL FORM PRESENTED SY l' ''' ��ZG�C-.� DATE GOMM�SStO BIER RESOLVI=D that the proper, eit;y officers be and they are hereby author- is„.ed -fto eater into an agreement with Edwin 0. Sattler, providing mor -r__t3Le payment of compensation to him at the rate of $13.20 per ,Weems during BUOn time as lie shall be totally disabled by reason o:E irs_jurieS received by him °while in the employ of the Department o put�lic Works, on trLe 13th day of January 1935; be it P U1R'rTI3ME;L 1=t:MS4::>i.VX: D, that in accordance with said agreement, tad proper o:0f'1cers are hereby eLutnorized to pay to said Edwin 0. S4s6-ftti4apr the sum of $53_80 out of the Workmen's Compensation of the General Pxmd, in partial settlement of hie claim a.ga:JLx3s_t ttie City, bebag for tae period to and including February 1Cit:m� 1935. COL72�TCYLMEN Yeas / Nays /"Peterso rz '!fJ �oser>< � __In favor /-Tr iiax /W--xX- —0 Against i �ezizel Mr_ Presiderzt (Gehan) 5M 6-34 en= aty 1-d h, EdEd ed'. m win; rmant of ; Adopted by the Council FEB 19 1935 193— Approved FEB 19 AM 193— Mayor owarrw� ro �.rir c�eRK C6UNCIL _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GOL�NGIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PR ESEIVTED BY / COM M ISS IO iV 1=R DATE February 19, 1935 RESOLVER 2733-49I,t t3=iB 3RAarc1bLasi ng Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to- m� with tine consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, oaa taaL3ck_1s- car, approximately 8000 gallons, 400 end "point gesso 3 3Lxm*at from the DEEP ROCK OIL CORPORATION, at a price of $ 091EF11315 mer gallon, leas 1% ten days, including state tax asci sta ;a-- inspection, also Federal excise tax, on informal b3LcYLs as as emergency exists where failure to act promptly w0 ex:3Le3 -vwo rlk-- aL hardship to the beat interests of the Oity. �2ag rge �a ter Department. COUNCILMEN Yeas / ?Nays P�rc� P erson In favor //gsen �l'ruax arren ` i _Against �enzel /2CIr_ President <GeZzar�� 5M 6-34 Adopted by the Council—_193 -FE6-� 19 Approved- ___FEB —193 -- Mayor ORIO�NAL TO cf:,. CLERK F -- Gl OF ST. PAUL FILE FILE 1�0. OUNCIL �99943 EOF THE CITY CLERK p COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM vvv� PRESIZP VTIED comma--8-7L COMMISSlOntER _ DATE Febnlary 15, 1935 RESOLVED '1 isat Restaurant license No. 6212, and On Sale Malt Beverage license No. 1878, Apr11 7v 1955, issued to A. M. Knorr, dba Wheelock Tavern at 419 W1xei,e24=wc3r: Pa m-1cweLV- be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendatlon of the Bhreay. o� Poli4--4s See ragort at �$c3�c3. COUNCZZ_M HN Yeas Nays Pearce Perersorz Rosen _—In favor Truax �G7arrer> —/2' Against �7enzeZ Mr_ Presiderit Gel tan) 5M .6-34 99943-tl3y 11. E. Warren— Fredlrf. Truax I. C Pearce— Resolved, That Itestaurant license No. 6212, and On gale Malt. Beverage license No. SSZ3, xpirin�: April 7, 1936. lseued to A. M. Knorr, db a Wheelock Tavern < at 419 Wheelock Parkway be and the same are hereby revoked upon recom- mendation oL the Bureau of Police. Adopted by the Council Feb. 19, 1935. t I ADproved.,Feb.19, 1935. I (Feb. -23-1935) ' •4 Adopted by the Council FEB 19 193-5193 Approved_-- : __-193___ Mayor Squad 1 D:Sr_ — Rayon Received by iaeO�Jlyd,, Haoteeig de 1Qe�,son t' ��� -'i"�- �� � �+eb. za,a935s At - M. 1 9 Hor Received Dey� Assigaed w MISCELLANEOUS Napue of 'p - Arrest of Rob*rt Hnseh' REPORT 0 1ag Adm Od & tavemo Athout POLICE DEPARTMENT l su"s City of St. Paul P1. ` T a —11 D.1 1 ecvoM Be�.eeaHain. a213D Aemo Feb• 11,1935s M. 19 Reyor.ed 6y LiooneeBt3T"e8t1, I AJd— Ph... Wb 3-2230 A.M. Feb. n,193 aommv&t to 1319 rheeloot` Parkway, (bund a arrested Hobert Bu9ohs for t-ftvsVU and dance b I without a Or p3stea. VV" seat to Count this A.3 F4wtas -X1,1935. Leonard, Haessig, & Heleon. oR101NBL TO CITY AWRK '~ COUNCIL 3t)y44 �yTY ST. PAUL FILE NO. Ci2's'-cC OFFIC THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _. DATE rebrusrr 14th 1935 118, h'ea riarhova has sane aIIp lication for an NOR Sale• liquor "*ease at T91 Selby Avenue, and has paid the required fee and filed the proper bond; and WHIAW, the License Coasittee reeomends that such son Sales liquor Beni d license be _AsaaVedi therefore, b it lice ae be eat esme is hereby denied and RESOLVED, that the the proper city officers are hereby authorised to make the necesaer�y refunds and to return the bond to the applicant. --•�s Aee'elnraiwar�e f U t1/ :944 -BY.: rem vax—I C. rem. Yed Mazhoun "'tirty. Ave ue• Bn Bud urea 1LMEN CZr Yeas e Nays , i' Peterson i —_In favor 7sen ax arren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the CouncilEP . Approved = 193— Mayor PUBLISIII:D THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMVICATION February 15, 1935. Commissioner H. E. Warren, Dept. of Public Safety. Dear Commissioner; Re; FRED MARHOUN, 781 SELBY AVE. I am attaching the police record of Fred Marhoun and also, I am giving you an explanation made to me by*Inspector Carr. Fred Marhoun was an automobile mechanic and ran a garage out on Rice St. The following men, James Bohan, 11 Whitey" Martinson, and 11 Lef ty 11 Hires were some of his customers. Martinson was in the bootlegging businass running moonshine at the time. This was known by Mr. Marhoun. One night, 11 Whitey" Martinson drove in and asked Fred Marhoun to drive him to Minneapolis. Marhoun complied with his request and drove him to Minneapolis to a garage there. He remained in the car while 11 Whitey" went into the garage. A short while later Marhoun discovered that Martinson had taken a small safe and rolled it out and was attempting to open it. Some- one turned in a alarm and they were caught, arrested, and later convicted. I am also attaching to this report a letter written by Governor Olson to the Parole Board. Fred Marhoun is married to Inspector Burt Carr's sister and is therefore a brother-in-law. In regards to the ownership of 781 Selby Ave. this building is being paid for by Detective James Crumley, he having an equity of $11,000. in the bldg. and a contract remaining of $3,750. For further infor- mation as to the status of this building please call Harvey Sargent and he can explain the matter better than Mr. Crumley. Mr. Sargent is handling the property for him. 'Re/ns"p/Qe�ctfully yours, Culp%ligan, Ch of of Police. M. J: CULLIGAN - WM. J. SUDEITH' .Chief of Police Fire Chief ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH - G. E. BRISSMAN Health Officer Acting Supt. Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Commissioner February 16, 1936. Mr. M. J. Culligan, Chief of Police, St.Paul, Minn. Dear Chtgf Upon instructions from you to check the records re Fred Marhoun, kindly be advised that according to the records of the Minneapolis Police Department this subject and a man by name of Ray Martinson ware arrested January 27, 1929, for the theft of a safe bdIonging to the Mi—haha Ice & & Fuel Company. He pleaded guilty in Hennepin County Dis- trict Court on February 6, 1929 to second degree Grand Larceny, and received an indeterminate sentence up to ten years in the Minnesota State Penitentiary. He was released on parole on March 30, 1930 and discharged from parole in 1931. Our records show a Fred Marhoun arrested on June 26, 1931 for Investigation of Larceny. He was released on the same day. Asspeotfa , THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION February 15, 1935. Commissioner H. E. Warren, Dept. of Public Safety. Dear Commissioner; Regarding an alleged fight between Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marhoun at 781 Selby Ave, on December 11th, 1934. There are no records of such an occurrence on that date. However, on December 3rd, 1934 the following notation appears in the records, and is probably the report referred to. 11 December 3rd, 1934, Squad 7, Arndt and Kast, 1.12 A.M. Radio call to 781 Selby Ave. (beer parlor) trouble. domestic trouble. No action taken. 1.25 A.M. In service ". Respectfully, eespectfully, M Cu111gn MJC/rd Chief of Police. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK / L R_ S. FERGUSON I City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration February 5th, 1935. Hon. H_ E. Warren, Coms' r of public Safety, City o £ S t . Paul. Dear Sir: The applications of E. J. Marhoun and Jacob K_ TIxompaon for an "on sale" liquor license at 781 Selby Avenv_e were referred back to you by the City Council for* rec ommem dation. Yours very truly, ads a City Clerk. February 5, 1935 Re — E _ T- $i s!E=C;CS'aT , 781 Se1-by Avenue, Renewal Application for 1103a—Sa2-e" =.iquor License I7aforme3 33::L 03ar=L e+ber tats morning that Air. 14arhoun is employed at C-rac�hic Art Sts�io, 501 — 7t1i Avenue, S., Minneapolis. Telephone conversation r7j-t1�:L the (+ager o£ that organization revealed that Mr. is e�pl oyeQ there as a first-year journeyman and is averaging 30 hours a v7eo-- 33=L the 'Looting Dept. He is paid 80¢ an hour. Info •-*n-� t i os3 s to ram' that he wor-ed - Week enQzno April 26 472 hours 11 - :: :. 10 32 0 " n a cs 3 47 2 n is 12 11 17 36 11 n 11 Tti3L- 5 32 u u sa 11 12 36* 11 21 Il �9 455 n yovember — sspposeclly a slow month - WEe e a— C3 j- 1V ov _ 1 39 2 hours !1 u 11 g R5 u 11 /1 �5 28 u 11 is 11 22 474 n According to ii::L July he drew a salary of $127.40 (15941 hours at SO�'3 - Sa I,Iovemb sr , $111.80 (1394 hours at 80¢). �� J cAtin 1 St. Paul, Minnesota, ,.f January 19, 1935. Mr jE9_ Warren 9 Chan Liquor License Committee , Fubr1 c Safety Building, St . azzl , Minnesota. Deas Sa rs The undersigned has made application for On Sale lig-- Ac3r. 3icense for the premises known and described as 781 :,L -130y Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, for the year c o*n='�Qra <:!: i ng February 1, 1935, and has posted the required born in order that you maky be in possession of facts ab o` -Lkie precious history of the operations of this place, I you the following information. Sometime in January, 1934, I became interested in 7-n_3 s place through Fred Marhoun. I advanced Mr. c3�un moneys with which to take out a license for the operation of this place at that time: Instead of t GL -19-- sag out the license in his own name; he took out the lig -Q-Arase in the name of his brother, E. J. Marhoun, in wlzo a name the license was issued under date of February 14 s X934, which is the license under which the place is be> --1- operated today. I alao went on the bond of E.J. Blar _,,%==L o u a . It was my understanding with Mr. Fred. Marhoun at -*_-se ktime I advanced these moneys that he and his brims 3ae3r were going to operate this place together. The tVWa. brothers got into a disagreement, however, within a few weeks after February 14, 1934, and E. J. Marhoun left t Lzp3ace and hos not been assoo fated with its operations aim e - Fred Marhoun continued in charge and has operated ora = :LM "still operating the place under the E. J. tdarhoun 1i ease. Subsequent to the taking of the license end at hi =EEEEEEaw request, I advanced additional moneys to Mr. Marhoun :ro=— ecyuipment, etc., until I had advanced him, indluding 3 i _--� erase money, total of $1670, for which amount he gave me his n C30 a secured by chattel mortgage on the equipffient in the place, s certain items owned by third parties and leased Wa -- A:a t he building. It is my understanding that this property is owned v2- January 19, 1935. by SZLXXe s Crumley o f the police Department, and that Mro iaa.s recers3y gotten _behind in his rent to Mr- Crum1 ey Mr - 'marhOun :2---3 married to a sister of Detective Burt Carrs o f your Dep sT-tment. 3f' you grars-t-- me the license applied for and = c sn se cora a lease from lir. Crumley, I intend to operate t tai s p1 a= a as a stri c -t-- 3_y high grade neighborhood On Sale 1 i1qLuor s t ose , free from underworld patronage or influences. gar tWen ty— £ ave years I was in railroad service, t last 1sa t, t:-vw4a-3ve or Y'a agn with the Milwaukee, switching i a t he St: Gaul yards - I lost an arm in that service in 192?- Wit: kx the funds S secured in settlement of this lose, I Zzovgtst property in S -t- - Paul at 1064 Marshall Avenue, and 13ave mnL$3nta4:,neci barslsingelations with the American Nati ona.3 Fa.rix cont sc�uE,-ss1y shoe that time. I have never had any ci a s z3greeznent s fl r difficulties, civil or criminal. = Have beers married. for fourteen years, and live with ad vQife at !t� lt3Le -Marshall address above given. 2:r there 3s any additional information with respee t t: o the operat: moons under the license now existing or J. 13 :C' C-- E3 :%Z> et ct to tt3.g probable character of the operations under t tae 3 icense you axzight grant to me under my application, I woiil d b a very pl a m -s a ci to supply it. Very truly yours, 6-)'t -Wic 0 1 T�%r__ "zie 0� ,Z) g•E•W- -2- January 19, 1935. by Mr. a -am. `es 4==r—L� 4my s of the Police Department, and that Mr. M,a.rtzOura kz8s teceatzy gotten behind in his rent to Mr. Crum].ey - 3WE=r- - aEL-3-%4c3izzn is married to a sister of'Detective Burt Carr s o i your 3?8p4ELrtment. 31::E' y oiz gr ars t me the license applied for and I can secure ae. :IL ea.se From Nr. Crumley, I intend to operate t his p1 a=a as a s t ri c t 3_7 high grade neighborhood On Sale liquor storms 9 free from underworld patronage or influences. Ror tie rz ty-five years I was in railroad service, the last �-wwez-:3Lvor :E'i:rtaen with the Milwaukee, switching in the St - Pau3 y—�c38-- I lost an arm in that service in 1927. W:2 -t; ka t'L1B F4axmcL8 I secured in settlement of this loss, I bought prop Pr ty ::LY3 St. Paul at 1064 Marshall Avenue, and have ms.3a ta$asd bankingelations with the American National B�.rz� c oat 3az3ously slice that time. I have never had or difficulties, civil or criminal. I have be ea rsaarr i ac3 for fourteen years, and live with my wife at b txa bars L-sR Z Avenue address above given. X::E' t ss any additional information with respect to t; kx-Em-� aparat ions under the license now existing or in respa ¢ t t o t i3e: probable character of the operations under t he 3 3c s@ you might grant to me under uy application, I woul cl b e v err to supply it. Very truly yours, State of Minnesota, ass, county of 1180ey, I Pearl McGuire, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says, that on or about December 11, 1984, she was employed by Fred's Buffet, 781 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, as a waitress. That about 12:30 A. M. of said day, tars. May Liarhoun came into the place of business where affiant was employed. There were present at that time Mr. Fred 11arhoun, about.seven customers and affiant. That Mrs. Marhoun accused 11r• P,larhoun of associating with a woman at hisplace of ousiness, and thereupon a general fis t fight and row ensued between I,'Ix, and iters. Marhoun, Mrs, Marhoun scratching Plr, blarhoun, rlr, Marhoun hitting TVs, Marhoun, Pers, Marhoun throwing approximately three dozen glasses at ITS llarhoun, That llrs. Marhoun screamed loudly, and that such brawl, screaming and fighting continued until about 1:� A.M. of that day. That at said time affiant saw blood over the persons and clothes -of both 11r. and Mrs. Itlerhoun. €> That Mr. Marhoun inquired of Pars. Marhoun as to who <�w '•�z 4 had awakened her and told her to come up to the place of busi- ness, and as a result of such inquiry physically pushed two � lady customers out of the said place of business; that affiant , ;µ. saw a large crowd gathered outside the place of business watch- „p i ing the proceedings. That affiant does not believe that either I;1r. or Isrs. sx Marho,-in were at all intoxicated. That this affidavit is made in opposition to Fred ,aar- houn being granted a license to operate a liquor jlaoe at 781 x Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before iie this 14th day of February, 1935. iV•.: n ?'ula•c Rr�c�w, Cunnic V7inr sir ..mm s>. ^ tisplr. Jannurc 10. WN 6 q: Council File No ................................... By 'RATIFYING ABBEBBMEN'ra. No. 99946— . matter of the assessment Its, costs and exyyenses forre,i rtnG; reconstructing and p ':ment sidewaiks,Estirnate Ni of M-4, 1934: Ans--14e.' 5, d�9 i n kye nor:lo' t Imaf,� CITY OF ST, PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses 99945 nnn.r.H •;fir : n�' •ii �:Uo :��A• •r,r ,....Yn+• •$ro •ww r. l� w wTwww u,i.0 r:=,n, r. w .w,vw w.ew:+.w w;�w.+:••.ir: for A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT 7HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 1n ................................equal installments. 35 FEB ZAdopted by :he Council.................................................. ... ...----•---_.........................-.:.-"•"•`=, City Clerk. ,' 'r Approved------------��� .i.. s.. 19 ) .........-✓.... ......... :.._ ... l +-s— ., Mayor. Form H. B. i3 YUBLISRLD12 10131011 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of. Completion of Assessment January.. 23 ................. 19N... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for the oonetruoting, r000nstraoting and repairing oemont sidewalks Botimste Hoo 2, Contraot 9»4, 1934 oollulbl000 plot 90036 061wid Avoo, Horthealtdrly Woo boilslhg 4PV06164 1� h0t 80uth" outsrly of the south ourb line or Arend Avet(produoed) thenoe 21 ft. southeasterly, also resetting 38 fts of granite curb contiguoue thereto, also resetting granite curb on the northeastoriy side of Oakland Ave, beginning 6.5 feet southeasterly of the south oarb line of Lincoln Ave.(produeed), thence 75 ft, southeasterly F.O. 98442 Mariesots St., west side, beginning 52 ft north of Ninth St. thence 4.8 ft, north to building, includes driveway, 100 ft. further Porth, thence 25 ft. North to driveway 10 ft. wide F.O. 96698 Rice Ste, east side, beginning at the railroad right-ofwway line near the south end of the bridge ovor the Groat Northern Railway, thence 36 ft. south, 9 ft. wide F.O. 96464 Jenks St., south side, beginning 220 ft east of Nissisaippi St., thence east 24 ft., beginning 62 ft. farther east, thence east 22 ft. F.O. 96464 Case Ste, north side, beginning 66 ft# east of Bradloy St., thonoo oast 10 roto p000 kno Aveq east sidot beginnin6 26 ft south Of tho south line of Gale Vit#' thelloo 20 At owtt, 10 ft. w1do F lUe MWjonh All with W01 10, f'tr out of Poo A, thonoo ust 61, plot 96d67 %uquier Ste" south silo" bol;in1ling 0 ft$ Ilost of the,orlot lino of Porost at, thenoo oast 26 ft," boginDig 10 ft, farther oast, thonoo ©net 11 ft., beginning 26 f,# farther east, t1101100 oast 58 ft, aithonoo P.O. 96485 F- seventh St., north side, ;miing 50 ft. oast of ¢ihito Haar Iwo., F.O. 98439 Atlantic Street, oast side, from Beech "te south toa1eY' F.O. 96997 Mount Ida Street, north side, beginnin 160 feet west of the wort Dido of DeSoto Street, thence west 40 feat F,0. 98441 Gentral Ave*, north side, beginning 117 feet west of the west line of jay Ste thonoo west 88 ft (lot 18, block 9, Flfolt, Dernheitaor's and Arnold's Addition) F•0. 98440 Waltham Ste, northerly aide, between Prior Avo. and Dowey Ave•, beginning at the easterly end of the existing brick driveway abutting bot 1, Union Park Addition, thence easterly 14 feet except where good and sufficient sidewalks nort exist F•0, 96696 Soheffor Ste, north side, beginning at Snelling; Ave., th west 68.3 Poet (6,6 feet wide) thonoo west 10 foot for drivm%y, thence West 14 foot for monolithic sidewalk grip, 96443 And AveO, south side, between Syndicate Ave. and the Chioago# Kilrvaukee, nL n—A b. 1I.M406 Gv_ haatnnina G4 ft. east of the x7st lot lino of 1. n,iS;;Xit., 11111 7111t�1w4 C:. M iE'IA . bWL tk)OccbeiDoo cxxxxx uLocxxxxx Y 4Y XXXXX.X=Y-X ,Cxxxxxx]C To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . $ 12'46,18 Cost of publishing notice . Cost of postal cards $ 1.08 Inspection fees . . . . . $ 124.62 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 5.40 Total Assessable 1382.68 Total Ion—Assessable 24.62 m . . . . . . . $ Total Expenditures 1407.30 Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of ...................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed beneSte`d by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig. nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form a. B. 17 ----.........-- Commissioner of Finance. �� � x� 1 1 �• -, la G t t EE V i 1. 4r f, Y1 ' ! . Y' j i 1• 1 111��� 4 i I,.... i M! 71 r ,i,74 7 �� :� Yah M'C'1, !�{ .i.. � �'., A't}i,I� {, {i C �r.47,� y!i: LI P., �}�'f.r3�' reh�f.,ib,iLr._. ..,r,Y � `-1 r� �r� F�h' �����.' . 1 v .�ti.•S1 d,. �k . ... ..e. . bWL tk)OccbeiDoo cxxxxx uLocxxxxx Y 4Y XXXXX.X=Y-X ,Cxxxxxx]C To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . $ 12'46,18 Cost of publishing notice . Cost of postal cards $ 1.08 Inspection fees . . . . . $ 124.62 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 5.40 Total Assessable 1382.68 Total Ion—Assessable 24.62 m . . . . . . . $ Total Expenditures 1407.30 Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of ...................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed beneSte`d by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig. nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form a. B. 17 ----.........-- Commissioner of Finance. �� � x� 1 1 �• -, la G t t ow�o�Mw� ro c�ry c��w�c __ `����IY OF ST. PAUL FILENca CTNo. [� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK d COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSEEO IONE14 R WHEREAS, the Sin1r_3Lxag Fund Committee has recommended a refund of $89.00 to Harold E. Wood & Company, which repre- sents an exchange charge :Lzi connection with the sale of $334,000 State of New Mexico debentures, as more particuarly set out in the attached letter; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That tiae proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to c1ra-vw a warrant in favor of Harold E. Wood & Company for the sum of 089.00, payable out of the General Sinking Fund. � C. F. No..99996—By Axel. F. Peterson— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays e rce eterson --In favor uax t^ arren _J __Against %Wenzel srd am. VICE r RL+S. R(�FP0, In .doPted by the. Council:. Feb. 20, 193. 1goved Feb. 20, 1936. (Feb. 23-1935) Adopted by the Council 'EFB `Z -0193-5-193 Approved FEB 2 0 !9'361 193_ Mayor HAROLD E_WooD & CoMPA1VY INVESTMENT SECURITIES FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING SAINT PAUL, M 1 N N ES OTA February 7, 1935 11arold F. Goodrich �3ty Comptroller -�rnt Paul, Minnesota wear Hax=old: Men we bought the $334,000 STATE OF NEVA MEXICO HIGHWAY debentures rom the Sinkiang Fund on December 31, 1934, our bid specified the usual accrued xzterest to date of delivery to us,yy It so happened the day we were to take b —3aese onds up was Friday, January lith. Since you had no immediate use for the money, and the proceeds of the sale would represent idle funds until you oz�u� suitable reinvestment, every day's additional interest on the NEW MEXICOS, fore we took them up, was so much added source of revenue to the City Sinking ' xrxc3 _ Accordingly, since we had sold these bonds to Boettcher and Company, in 3enver� our office suggested that the City have the First National Bank of Saint ship the bonds direct to Denver, which would mean your interest would run til tR he following Monday, January th. The additional amount of interest zccT�»rg to the City by virtue of this suggestion would be approximately $150.00, —'ro 7a which obviously would have to be deducted the exchange charges, which ouriied in this case to $89.00. In other words, we could have bought the bonds oxx Friday, shipped to Denver, and ourselves had $150.00 additional interest less zse $89.00 exchange charge. Instead of that we felt we were giving the City gory good service by suggesting to them this_ little additional net saving of approa mately $61.00. Lawrence Shaughnessy, in charge of our Municipal Department, has cQ3 leci this matter to your attention. Obviously, Boettcher and Company is not oima�9 to stand this $89.00 charge, because they say, perfectly rightly, it was sag result of our advice which precipitated, as it were, this charge, and the �ox�c3s were to be delivered to them in Denver, at a price of "and accrued interest", ztiaout exchange charges. In other words, we are out this amount. I believe _.av=arice has suggested to you that this is, for practical purposes, a legitimate charge against your interest account. There has been no action in this matter, apparently through arbitrary =---c3 tape in your department. I think this is very unfair and I call it to your �tterition, because it seems to me we are being very unfairly penalized, and Qat you, Mark and Mr. Peterson certainly can see the justice of our claim. I accordingly, sending a copy of this letter to the Mayor and to the Commissioner of Finance, and trust that our request for reimbursement for this amount will meat with your favorable and immediate consideration. Very truly yours, HAROLD E. WOOD & COMPANY By �-- 1— �'1V -- S President ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK L� Lr'ITY OF ST. PAUL FILE couNCIL No. 9���� ._ O1FFOF THE CITY CLERK GO Li r-4 C OL—U--—GENERAL FORM J l PRESENTED BY"�I • o d COMMISSIONER _ DATE �S RESOLVED That t�3+enm free use OT Stem Hall in the Auditorium be and it is hereby givers to the Women's City Club, on Friday, March let, 1935 , =ff- =— om _xxirie until five o'clock, for a free exhibit for the c1s3L �M— aeri o:E the Saint Paul schools be it FURr1-3= That there shall be set up in the budget a sum equal to the cost of mpening and operat 3--_ g said portion of the Auditorium for that occasion, in Audttor3- -x- :9�rid --Tgo . 17. COU ILM EN Yeas � 2�aS�s Pearce Peterson _Zr>L favor 177� -' —J Agairzst Zrren enzel ~5M MR. VICE P:=7, - Fz G C. F. No. 99947—BY'I.�C. Pea Resolved,.. That the free use Club; on FrldaY. March let,1935, from. nine. until five o'clock,. for s free ..ea- hiblt for the children of tho Saint Paul eohools; butt Further- Resolved, That there shall bo act up In the budget torthe Year 1936 a sum opual to the cost' -of opening d operating : sald portion of the An- d Itorlum, u-ditorlum for .that occasion, In Audl= torium Fund No. 17. ' Adopted by the Council Feb. 20, 1935. Approved Feb. 20, 1936. (Feb. 23-1936) Adopted by the Council FE__2.$. _193_- 1 �JJ Approved FEB 2i 19E--193-- Mayor tlE_193__Mayor ...CITY OF SAINT PAUL r Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IRVING C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER GEORGE J. JACOBS. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY S. O. HARTWELL. SUPE—.....Y MRS. J. T. JENNINGS. L—A.— BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS I BUREAUOF AUDITORIUM A. E. TRUDEAU. DlnecroP D. D. MURRAY. Sure . EN..NI February 18, 1935 Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Dear Mr. Connolly: Attached please find copy of lett .r from Mrs. A. R. Kalman, President of the Viomen's City Club, in which is requested use of Stem Hall on Friday, March 1, from 9 to 5 o'clock, for a free exhibit for the children of the Saint Paul schools Will you please draw a resolution granting the use of Stem Hall, as requested, free of charge. Very truly %yours, .Y'v.LJ'CQ/f,CY� Commission r of Education ICP—R C O P Y St. Paul, Minneso to February 18, 1935 Hoaor able 1. C. Pearce Co�-m+issioner or yduczation Sa z21t Paul, Mine sota T�a�r Cdr. Pearca: -E� .:omen• s Cit,. C tub or Saint Paul is bringing Bei -b -),n 1. Staples with an exhibit of Navajo arts aac3 crafts. Because this exhibit is so very good t} a Club wishes to prssent it to the children of j83x1t -aul, free o£ charge, on Friday, March 1, 3- 35 , 1n Sten Ha 11 -r-2-snlsing you For your splendid cooperition in mak- esT=s this possible, S am, Very truly yours, ( signed) Alexandria R. Kalman Presi ent - Women's City Club ORIONAL TO GTY C LRK � - - - CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ENCIL No. 9994 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IPRESENTEM SY COMMISSIONER proper city officers by and they are hereby aut 2aor i ze ci t o draw a warrant in favor Of C. A. Yares in 't Yie sura o:E $2.25, payment of which amount was made by hi ra 3L7--- +error for Permit No. 37391. COU I- N4 )EN Yeas arce Nays Peterson E --In favor Warreri _Against /Werxzel C. F. No. 99948 BY Fred IM Truax—1 u ce ee b¢ and t7iey�are¢hereby 'h*"' d to. draw a -warrant is favor ot. C.A: Yarea in the aum of ;2.26, Dayywent of which nmount was ade by hiH. er- ror for Permit M. 3.." Adopt¢d by the Councll�Feb. '20, 1936. ADDroved Fab. - 29, 3936. (Feb. 23-1996) Adopted by the Council FEB 20 105 193_ FES 2 0 Approved 193_ Mayor W. LA MONTIKALi— Suet d P.A. C i T y OF S A 1114 T PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, IPL-A-YOROUMOS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 CiW Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner G/\RL E. SPEAKES. D-Rgww* r Cc emmisdana ® O Iiir. John 1,- Cc=C---1-1Y Department c --:C ERNEST W. JOHNSON Sup. of Pl w—.6 CH/S. & BASSFORD Ory Anhi e February 19, 1935 Dear Sir : yay I respec — _= ash Yauv prepare the necessary resolu- tion provides= = refund c>:C 25 to G. A. Yares, electrician, ;hi ch is the —rat paid b = :-l- All- error for Permit 373917 lIo fee sYJ_ou� cx`==�'cre been cel c cted as this is a ne;; dti;ellin3. ;r o r uly, C;=tY arc tett LA"-- U Rj FORM No. 2 , Subject:_ Council File No. 19949 Date presented 1935 s v d, WHEREAS, the Comml.ssioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE Harry Oas Utilityman Michael Mulkern, Jr. Filter -Plant laky. Gust.A. Johnson Utilityman Ayes CEE�"eirs lmen rre on ruax 7arren enz e 1 tfaft lY*:—Fre efeterrt�Ge MR. VICE PSrS. ROSE:, Nays Cert d correct Le nard N. Thompson General Superintendent SUNDAY REGULAR RATE 8 hrs. .584 4 hrs. .52 4 ".584 C, P, No. 99949—By H, C. Wenzel— of Puic Utilities abas ereporiedBlin eaccol lance 011 S001011 61 of tha ,City OuPp" rho 4 o u Ile o111 l,mlpy 101G11 H'1110011 IIOCOf,01 q lh0 0111pI0y1ull101 COr 1 olllnlms 0f 1A i1qull»out for More illall """ homo 101' lay and on Sunday, Bald employment being morn I than usual hours of employment, thereo fore, be it Icerecale heretiy authotzedetocpay the following named employes. at the rate Pore thesextra time zherelnsftermset forth: t. Harry Oas, Utintyman, a Sunday hrs. at 680,¢, Michael Mulkern, Jr., Fliter-Plant Lab., 4 regular hrs. at 62d Oust A. Tolarson, Utilityman, 4 Sun.; day hrs. at Adopted by the Council Feb. 20, 1935. Approved Feb. 20, 1935. 23-1935) ' Adopted by the FEB 2 0 V 1935 Approved FC y 2 jl ig 1935 D FORM No. 1 --- - February 16, 1935 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public _Utilities, Bureau of Water, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than esight hours per cis y in the doing of the following work: Driving truck.# This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances; #Taking E.R.A. men to and from jobs. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS — Pr i ent C r ified correct Leonard N. Thompso General Superintendent �R1a1Nw< to elry eL... co UN CIL 91 i ra ■ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.11 6FFICE OF THE CITY CLERrNO- 09950—By eas,�� Sydney. C. COUNCIL R OLUTION—GENERAWI and'..Inca. d `u-".t.381 tio at 381 N Prlo en , anId Sydney' p RESENTED BY '�bmttted.a biu DrIS;« i lay -out,. with dr COM M�SSIONER , pump, locntlon _ t'n.mntlnn nP. _ WHEREAS, Sydney C. Holmgren has petitioned the Council for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at JJNW Prior avenue; and 8/-N. WHEREAS, said Sydney 0. Holmgren has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump loca- tion, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Para- graph (f) , Section 5 0£ Ordinance No. 5840, fore , be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said Sydney C. Holmgren to install and maintain said station In accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as spshalldbelll installedtinally void accordancehwithrmit. The tanks and pump the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; ,and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever`it shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a i fire or traffic hazard. 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays P atce �terson osen __In favor /$ 1 uax - amen —If Against enzel -"/Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6-34 Adopted by the Council _193— FEB 211933 Approved —193Mayor — PUBLISHED =-51/ O W;t IG! ",OkT - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AU-r0MC:iIE31L-E FILLING STATION DATE ----------------- --- TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA ml APPLICATION Is Hereby Made --- 1-- -------- a -------------------- ----------------- I ----------------- OoF FIR. OR I —..All PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A________ -------------- 10 'IN61DEGARAGE-) ---------- --------------------- ----------- OR OM -BILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCAYEID BLOCK ---- -- 7 AS I—EET N—I-) PUMPS--- ------- NO. OF GAS1-1-� - ------ _3 ----- _____CAPACITY OF EACH TANK FILED -1 -E��FROI�CITY CLERK SATE— ------------- 19 E PA 11- .NT PUBLIC SAFETY ---- -------------------------------------- - - - ------------ -- e� - - -------- - -------------- -- E OF APPLICINT. ----- ------ ------ - -- ---------------- - -- ✓SC --- -- RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK y-` DATE ---------------- 19 CITY PLANNING BOARD �2/p - BY------ ------------------- #t --- — ------- - -- MILTON ROSEIV FRERJ E. LOVELL Commissioner - Deputy Comm. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GEORGE M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer JOHN M. REARDCcN, ^Ls 17 Chief Engr. and Supt. of Construction I. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, Supt. of Sanitation G. H_ HERROLD, Offici and City Planning Engineer M. S. GRYTBAK, Bridge Engineer MARK W_ V\/OC>aRUFF_ Chief Engr. Clerk February 18, 1935 RAY J. KARTAK, Supt. of Workhouse Mfr - T-- S.. S. Ferguson, C37iy Ca -,ox -R, 3E3-x3i-1,31 -2 mg-. Tsar Sirr In the matter of application of Sydney C. :E3:o3-nogre3n for a drive-in filling station on Prior Ave. south og St. Akuthony Ave. This property is zoned for Commercial rszax-nose s . The plans provide for two driveways 22 ft. wide oa time sid*svm1 c line. The property has a width of 79 ft. T'ks,e ar=-aa3gem9nts of the driveways with relation to the street a.x-e approved, but the arrangement of the old house, part of a3=L3c1i is to be remodeled for an office building and storage 4=o-0 oiZso is respectfully called to the attention of the City architect. , There is no objection from an engineering view- poiat to the granting of this permit. The Zoning Board recommends the granting of the parmlt . i ACMTON R.OSE.V, Commissioner. Yours very truly, 15 M. SHSPJlliD, Chief Effgineer. M. J. CULLIGAN Chief of Police WM. J, Fire Chief ChiefSUDEH ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH• G. E. BRISSMAN Health Officer Acting Supt. Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Commiwiona February 18, 1955 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of Sidney C. Holmgren for permission to instal a drive—in gasoline filling station on Lots 1 and 2, Block 7, Merriamss rear of Merriam Park; on Prior Avenue between St. Anthoxw and Roblyrn Aves., and reports of inspection and approval by the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. Very truly youre, G H. Bar e, Deputy Commis inner THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION February 13, 1936 Mr. G. H. Bart*tass Deputy Coa¢n3 s sioaer of Public Safety Dea r Si r s This is in reference to application made by Sydney C. Holmgren for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline frilling station on Lots 1 and 2, Block 7, Merriamv s Resxr or Merriam Park, which is also described as 381 Horth prior Avenue. M have, made the oustomary inspectionaid do not find that tie proposed station and driveways will materially in.barfere with the movement of traffic. Very truly yours, Harry Di ettergren Superinte ent o f Traf£io M. J. CULLIGAN WM. J. SUDEITH Chief of Police - Fire Chief ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH. G. E. BRISSMAN 'Tfiealth Officer Acting Supt. Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Commissioner February 18.1935• Hon.H.E.RT8rr it-- x--, oommissiorzer of Pt bllo Safety, St. Paul, Mixsr_ Dear Sir: 2 regar3 to the applloeLtion of Sidney o.Holmgren for permisslori a drive—in gasoline filling station . on Lots +1 a^_c5. la Block 7, Merriaaa•s rear of Merriam Park; on Prior AveriuQ - o ween St.AntYhonp & Roblyn Avec. Two putups and three 550 AE7`a o z-- tea, .._s are :,c `oe installed. t;Ve-- ir_vestidated the foregoing and report that s»ch an at the desired location would not greatly Increase a F' 3r P hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Ohief Inspector— Fire Prevention Bureau. be ,3110-v 111rr� mss. mow+ ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, C1-.—T:-s=sssai-a LOUIS BETZ ALBERT WENGER - EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, C-- :a�ct GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer �—�-raffia ry THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE -MdW-w— . L. R. S. Ferguson, 4CZ-=3L_ ty Clerk. 3�ar Sir s February 14th, 1935. In the matter of application of �c3acy C. Holmgren for 'a drive-in filling station c�a Prior Ave. south or St. Anthony Ave. This property is zoned for Commercial purposes. The plans -provide for two driveways 22 -'t. wide on the sidewalk line. The property s s_width of 79 ft. The arrangements of the -3veways with relation to the street are approved, t the arrangement of the old house, part of. -wjr-3knLi4a3h is to be remodeled for an office building and s forage of oils, is respectfully called to the a t ttention of the City architect. The Board recommends the granting v the permit. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. rh L , Vgjq t1bnsBu au MINNESOTA -NORTH DAKOTA -SOUTH DAKOTA M a.-.aq�•. � BwnwCw OFFICES �a s_ eMa.,aq¢r GENE wnIOFFICES i 1224-1253 PLYMOUTH BUILDING -MINNEAPOLIS, MINN sio�x .o a O BOx i>a6 ��5.�0 inn THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM THE ST. PAUL. MINN. OFFICE Feb. 21, 1935. ""=o Whom This May Concern:. In regard to any increase in the fire insurance rate to 383-387 North Prior provided an auto filling sta- JLoa is erected on the property at 381 North Prior, will --e-3.71 that if twenty feet (20*) clear space is maintained from — kxe auto filling station building, which is to be masonry �—�aas traction, as shown on the map submitted to us, no in - In the adjoining property at 383-387 North Prior .311 result. FIRE DnRWRITERS INSPECTIpN BUREAU, q4 evw Iz lkE ''�-•-�_:�`t---�r .��� .. _ c - r c - • NOTICE 4A7"' ';-� 9�ll5N a1lJV 53 -9"?��� - PRINTER �---- ^ COa" COUNCIL FILE NO_ -4225 - February 13 rj RESOLVED,T'HA-r CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,TOTHE AGGREGATIE AMOUNT OF $--129-1 2S , COVERING CHECKS NUMIalEF2EL7 1�3& TO 3-1438 CLIJSIYIE- AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY G01\/i F -I-ROL - _AOOPTEt7 BY THE COUNCIL 19S / APPROVED i93 �' �•T� cor rr o DUPLICATE TO CITY CLiRK COUJW Q ksom OQLL CALL Peter Drobineki CITY OF SAINT PAUL w4MeI9*MLIW a IN FAVOR _ PEARCE COUNCIL RESOLUTION ROSEN I TRUAK .... AGAINST WENZEL((j� bS MR.PRES. t y� PER CHECK 0 r ........................... 394 oo 11389 ..... _... ...... ............... 8 51 MAYOR 11390 R.J. Lilly Company 7 . 11391 Mrs, H, Mitoh 176' 11392 Mrs, Arletta Shipman 96 T5 1139 i 18 79 1139 Tx T d iA9tate el, & Tel�� aspen 1 ` 11395 Nick Michels 2 00 11396 Nassau Paper Company 1471 11397 111, J, Who 1 000,00 11398 Farwell, Omun, Kirk & Comp y 15 04 11399 George J, Flynn 23 14 11400 General Electric Supply Company 105 52 11401 Graybar Electric Oompany,Ino. 213 84 11402 Mrs, J.T. Jennings 30 17 1140 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Oompaur 90 6s 11404 Tri-State Tel. & Telg, Companr 172 00 11405 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Com any 20 70 11406 Alvin Olafson 43 25 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLiRK COUJW Q ksom OQLL CALL Peter Drobineki CITY OF SAINT PAUL w4MeI9*MLIW a IN FAVOR _ PEARCE COUNCIL RESOLUTION ROSEN AUDITED CLAIM TRUAK .... AGAINST WENZEL((j� bS MR.PRES. A NEPO ADOPTED BY THE COU CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD COUNCIL FILE N01- ........}.............. February. _1 ................'.:....,93.... CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, NaUNT OF $2%2 -1.2 ....... COVERING _-t4d�;....TO..._.A.h`. t..G..�., INCLUSIVE, AS CITY VI L. DATE —� — RETURNED ' DISBURSEMENT BY BANK / CHECKS V j 11384 Peter Drobineki CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Axel ?,Peterson, 0. of Finan a COUNCIL RESOLUTION f AUDITED CLAIM I RESOLVED, TO THE AGGRE 1 CHECKS NUM E y� PER CHECK 0 r ........................... IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD COUNCIL FILE N01- ........}.............. February. _1 ................'.:....,93.... CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, NaUNT OF $2%2 -1.2 ....... COVERING _-t4d�;....TO..._.A.h`. t..G..�., INCLUSIVE, AS CITY VI L. DATE —� — RETURNED ' DISBURSEMENT BY BANK / CHECKS V j 11384 Peter Drobineki CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Axel ?,Peterson, 0. of Finan a COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIM Axel ?,Peterson, 0. of Finance RESOLVED, TO THE AGGRE O1Jt�'� CHECKS NUM E y� PER CHECK 0 r ........................... 394 oo 11389 ..... _... ...... ............... 8 51 MAYOR IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD COUNCIL FILE N01- ........}.............. February. _1 ................'.:....,93.... CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, NaUNT OF $2%2 -1.2 ....... COVERING _-t4d�;....TO..._.A.h`. t..G..�., INCLUSIVE, AS CITY VI L. DATE —� — RETURNED ' DISBURSEMENT BY BANK / CHECKS V j SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 700 w2 2� h72 to 11384 Peter Drobineki 400 00 1138JJ�� Axel ?,Peterson, 0. of Finan a 19 299 28 1132 Axel ?,Peterson, 0. of Finance 88 8 11387 Liebenberg & Kaplan 3 96o o9 11388 1 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp y 394 oo 11389 Lamprey Products Company 8 51 11390 R.J. Lilly Company 7 . 11391 Mrs, H, Mitoh 176' 11392 Mrs, Arletta Shipman 96 T5 1139 Tri»9tate Tell & Te1go0ompan 18 79 1139 Tx T d iA9tate el, & Tel�� aspen 2 8 01 11395 Nick Michels 2 00 11396 Nassau Paper Company 1471 11397 111, J, Who 1 000,00 11398 Farwell, Omun, Kirk & Comp y 15 04 11399 George J, Flynn 23 14 11400 General Electric Supply Company 105 52 11401 Graybar Electric Oompany,Ino. 213 84 11402 Mrs, J.T. Jennings 30 17 1140 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Oompaur 90 6s 11404 Tri-State Tel. & Telg, Companr 172 00 11405 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Com any 20 70 11406 Alvin Olafson 43 25 11407 Staoker & Stacker, as attorne e for Franoys Applebaum 50 00 11408 The Addressograph Company 34 la 11409 ftero Digest 5 00 11410 American Academy of Fol, & So ,S, 15 00 11411 American Book Company 1 322 42 11412 American Electric Company 8 10 11413 American Hoist & Derrick Company 5'00 11414 11415 American Library Association 1 American Soo, for Test,Mtls, 18 00 11416 Axel Anderson 1�j 00 14 51 11417 Anderson IS Redwall Company 87 00 11418 John D, Anderson 1 30 11419 The Arohiteotural Forum 11420 Armour and Company 65 43 11421 Austin -Western Road Maoh,Oomp my 61 10 11422 Automotive Servioe Company 52 07 11423 N.11. Ayer & Son j 15 00 • 11424 Badger deter Mfg.Oompany 199 o4 11425 G. Baglio 111 26 11426 11427 Bingham & Norton, Inc. C,C, Birohard Company 24 96 11428 & � 7� 71 11429 Blombergls Grocery Boeringer & Sons 50 1 00, 11430 Booth Fisheries Company Boyeson 13 00 :11431 Printing & Stationery Co, 61 51 11432 Boyeson Printing & Stationery Co, 48 39 11433 U. Brings & Company P2 50 11434 The Bristol Company 18 00 11435 Broadway Press, Ina, 15 50 11436- Brookings Institution 2 55 11437 Brown, Blodgett Company 18 00 11438 Brown & Day, Ino, 114 Ol SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 700 w2 2� h72 to I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILMEN- ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER MAY Bucks, Brothers COUNCIL RESOLUTION MCDONALC BuSldere Iron Foundry Compan 11441 ___IN FAVOR - AUDITED CLAIMS ROSEN ROSEN Butteriok Company TRUAX WENZEL __.__„_,AGAINST RESOLVED. H. MR.PRE MAHONEY TO THE AGGRE A ��++,,II}} CHECKS NUM D 1 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ _._....._.. .. �.._'__._.. ...._. PER CHECKS APPROVE ..._..... ._F::...a.' C.�,...�_.• , ...... _ M ... .. ......MAYOR CHECK - NUMBER IN FAVOR OF n COUNCIL".)� r'�d FILE NO.--- ..... ...."""""'-"'........ February 14 35 ... ....... ....._...._..._.Z_...._G_y..C.._fL�._..... _L.L.........._....... 19............ CHECKS MOUNTDR�-u7y.BEy..,�f... COVERING L DATE RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS 15 9 67 5 47 1 40 0 4o 0 28 2 40 0 168 31 8 65 7 J0 233 5 a6 1 19 0 22 99 21 20 35 0 333 5 14 5; 91 01 100 338; 478 4� 39 51 19 01 2 5541 196 4 01 21 3( 181 61 628 5( iso 6; 186 2! 10 CC 14 OC 68 5, 26 57 4 01 11 9C 89 Oe 47 12 20 47 541 50 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 622 228 Sg - BROUGHT FORWARD 0 11439 Bucks, Brothers 11440 BuSldere Iron Foundry Compan 11441 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 11442 Butteriok Company 11443 Peter Drobinski 114414 Mrs, J.M. Ayd, Guardian 11445 Mrs. C,M, Claugherty, Guardi 11446 Mrs. Etta Flaherty 11447 Casimer Kafka 11448 Lucy B. Knight 11449 Mrs. Agnes Weiss 11450 Andrew Hansen 11451 Paul H. Geer 11452 Daily Volkseeitung, Inc. j Dauber & PineBo�keb,Ino. 11454 A.B. Dick Compan 11455 Diebold Safe & Look Company 11456 Downey Typewriter Company 11457 Dunnis Fairway Market 11458 W,J. Dyer & Brother 11459 Eastman Sales Service of St,l 11460 Educational gusto Bureau 11461 Electric Machinery Mfg.Compm 11462 Elvgren Paint Supply Company 1146] Esslinger & Company 11464 Fairbanks, Morse & Company 11465 Fafwell, Omaun, Kirk & Oompm 11466 Farwell, 0—un, Kirk & Oompai 11467 Farwell, Ommun, Kirk & Oompai 11468 Fielding & Shepley, Inc. 11469 Fisher Nut Company 11470 Fisher Scientific Company 11471 Fireside Book Company 11472 Florists' Publishing Company 11473 The Flox Company 11474 Gaus-Culligan Company,Ino. 11475 F. Geiger Farm Implements 11476 General Electric Supply Corp. 11477 Ginn & Company 11475 Goodrich-Silvertown, Inc. 11479 Gopher Stamp & Die Company • 11480 Governmental Research Assoo. 11481 Graton & Knight 11482 $ w. Gray Company 11483 Centfal Soap Company 11484 Clow Gasteem Heating Company 11485 J.H. Coakley 11486 Coohran-Sargent Company 11487 Julius A. Coller, II 11488 C.H. Congdon Company 11489 Copy Papers, Inc. 11490 Cords -Piston Ring Company 11491 Correct English Servioe,Ino. n COUNCIL".)� r'�d FILE NO.--- ..... ...."""""'-"'........ February 14 35 ... ....... ....._...._..._.Z_...._G_y..C.._fL�._..... _L.L.........._....... 19............ CHECKS MOUNTDR�-u7y.BEy..,�f... COVERING L DATE RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS 15 9 67 5 47 1 40 0 4o 0 28 2 40 0 168 31 8 65 7 J0 233 5 a6 1 19 0 22 99 21 20 35 0 333 5 14 5; 91 01 100 338; 478 4� 39 51 19 01 2 5541 196 4 01 21 3( 181 61 628 5( iso 6; 186 2! 10 CC 14 OC 68 5, 26 57 4 01 11 9C 89 Oe 47 12 20 47 541 50 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 622 228 Sg - t I s 7 1 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN -ROLL CALL -- p terson MIDONAIWO rZa&.-..IN FAVOR PR�OASEEGNe TRUA% ............. AGAINST WENZEL MR, PRE& Mwomew Gobn �.. ADOPTED BY THE".' �I....................... l k CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,f y;,�p j•j- y yy - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL No ........ bA .;:1_i_.......-- 000NCIL RESOLUTION [LJ/ AUDITED CLAIMS ...... ......... Fehruerlr.....15....... .......... ...... ,9..35 RESOLA.11106 HECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ITY TREASURY, TO THE AGOUNT OF L.....9,. COVERING CHECK9 N,TO........;� INC SIVE, AS PER CHECK?ICE /OP H Cl C PTAgLLEA, 5Z'J--i ...................... MAYOR CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER 11 DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS i 7 500 any 2 776 5 263 42 q 416 6 209 1 220 0 12 3786 4 46 a 57 8 3 003 7 9 612 5 16o 6 2 771 6 6 537 1 2 500 9 �652 0 + 007 7 10 0 54 0 45599 6 54 0 90 0 67 7 183 159 9 20 122 9 250 5 1783' 142 8 41 9 47 4 27 3 157 0 102 71 24 2; 80 31 10 5! Oi l 11 7 51 123 5: 52 01 2 6' 2 51 _ SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD I 7 500 AA 060 DATE RETURNED BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD 11492 Pittsburgh Coal Company 11493 A.M. Munson Sign Company 11494 " Farwell, Ozmun, Birk & Compai 1149 D.D. Murray, Manager 1149 Axel ?.Peterson, C. of Fin. 11497 Geo.J. Ries, County Auditor 11498 Tri-State Tel. & Telg, Compal 11499 T,P, Lowe & Company 11500 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Fin. 11501 Axel ?.Peterson, C._of Fin. 11502 Axel F,Peterson, 0. of Fin. 11503 Axel ?.Peterson, C. of Fin. 115044 Axel ?.Peterson, 0. of Fin. 11505 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Fin. 11506 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Fin. 11507 Axel F.Peteraon, C. of Fin. 11508 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Fin. 11509 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Fin. 11510 Axel F,Peterson, C. of Fin. 11511 Frank James 11512 American Insurance Agency 11513. American Public Health Assoo 11514 Barnsdall 011 Company 11515 Fitzhugh & Robert A, Burns 11516 H.H. Elmquist 1 11517 Anthony Finberg & Son 11518 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Comp 11519 Griggs, Cooper & Company 11520 Grinnell Company 11521 Grossman Instrument Works 11522 Han000k-9elson Mercantile 00 115 Fred W; Hanks 1152 Hannaford -O'Brien, Ino, 1152 Hanson -Bennett Magazine Agen 11526 Harcourt, Braoe & Company,In 11527 A,p, Herschler Factory 11528 FT, Hildred 11529 R.W. Hruby 11530 J.R, Hu&me Company 11531 Inertol Company,Ino. 11532 Ingvoldstad Lumber Company • 1153 Int. City Managers' Assooe 1153 Int. Harvester Company,Inc. 11535 Jobbers Supply Company 11536 %C. Johnson & Son 11537 Keasbey & Mattison Company 11538 KeramiO Studio Pub,Company 115 9 Wm. Kline 1154400 H.O. Klosterman & Son 11541 Lee -Hoff Mfg.Company 11542 Linde Air Products Company 11543 Lineer Broom Mfg.Company 11544 Lufkin Rule & Level Company 11545 Luverne Fire Apparatus Comp TRANSFER 11 DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS i 7 500 any 2 776 5 263 42 q 416 6 209 1 220 0 12 3786 4 46 a 57 8 3 003 7 9 612 5 16o 6 2 771 6 6 537 1 2 500 9 �652 0 + 007 7 10 0 54 0 45599 6 54 0 90 0 67 7 183 159 9 20 122 9 250 5 1783' 142 8 41 9 47 4 27 3 157 0 102 71 24 2; 80 31 10 5! Oi l 11 7 51 123 5: 52 01 2 6' 2 51 _ SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD I 7 500 AA 060 DATE RETURNED BY BANK DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILMEN -ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER MAY . COUNCIL RESOLUTION tpx8pl FAVOR KARCE hire AUDITED CLAIM; ROSEN TRUAX „••••,•••,• AGAINST RESOLVED, WENZEL MR. PRE$. MAHONEY n' TO THE AGGRE 1�,3�� CHECKS NUM ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL._ ................................................. PER CHECKS F APPROVED,_h-•`r^, by _ MAYOR r - COUNCIL N� II A...._. FILE 1. -- CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, AOUNT OF i....r�......., COVERING lLU....TO.....1. ZAA.......... INCL(MIVE, AS P19 CITY CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER 6TAL DATE RETURNE BY BAN TRANSFE CHECK DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD Son 00 684 o60 2011 11546 Leslie Skoglund 30 N 0 11547 James E. Gipple 11548 Martin O'Donnell - 223 11549 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Fin. 22 27811 11550 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Fin. 11m. 3 46 46 73 11551 F. Norris 11552 George Osterman 2 25 1155 Oapltol 8tationer� Mfgioozpa y 186 77 1155 1ho Moto 41pal 61� 11�F ild F,Peteroon, Q, of No 1 J 11556 Axel F,Petereon, O, of 724 11551 service Press 52 95 11558 S. Berglund Lumber Company 55 18 11559 Berman Sporting Goode Compan 18 3 11560 Elvin First Aid Supply Comp y 26 61 11561 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp y 92 55 11562 Kennedy Brothers Arms Compal ,Ino. 18 20 11563 Lineer Broom Mfg, Company 39 20 11564 Mine Safety Applianoe Company 61 62 11565 National Battery Company 127 40 11566 North Star Varnish Company 76 28 11567 Robinson, Cary & Sande Comp 54 67 11568 w,F.Smith Tire & Battery Company 1 12 11569 Villaume Box & Lumber ComDan7 44 86 11570 Western Shade Clogb Company 269 67 11571 McClain & Hedman Company 127 79 11572 Mcllesson-St.Paul Drug Company 28 41 1157 J.T. McMillen Company 3 30 1157 Mahle Auto Body Company,Ino. 1} 50 11575 Mann•Smitb Company 20 00 11576 Mason Pdbliehing Company 11 00 11577 Meier Sales & Equipment Comp y 12 20 11578 Peter Memmer 12 25 11579 Midbaud Brothere,Ino. 32 6o 11580 Mlohigan College of Mtlning & soh. 2 11581 Minneapolis Journal 8 L5 11582 Minnesota Chemical Company 74 11 11583 Minnesota News Company 50 88 11584 E.A. Moeller Company 8 00 11585 Moodyte Investors Service 180 00 11586 Morton Salt Company 14 00 11587 Mothers's Friend Laundry,Ino.1 11 26 11588 Mullery Paper Box Company 1 23 751 11589 Mutual Paint Mfg. Company 54, 50 11590 National Bureau of Economic Rs, 1 00 11591 National Bushing & Parts Company 14 52 11592 National Fire Protection Association 10 00 11593 National Lead Company 272 26 11594 New York Public Library 1 00 11595 New York Times Index 72 00 11596 Northern Auto Electric Compal 33 09 11597 Northern States Power Oompany 658 13 11598 Northern States Power Company 1 689 8o 11599 N. TV. Fuel Company 3 619 18 11600 N.W. Fuel Company i 406 81 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD T : - 752.33 -- DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILMEN -ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER repn COUNCIL RESOLUTION "Odfar__...IN FAVOR AUDITED CLA14,' ROSEN TRUAX _.__AGAINST WENZEL RE LVED, 7 MR. PRES. MAHONEy.�t_ Fr Q 2 C �, 1752.72 LH T KS NUMAGGRBE ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL .__._._............ .............................._ FE CHECKS O APPR D._.._......t'.EB .i . �.�'�F.. ....19......._. v' .. MAYOR CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD . 11601 Van Hoven Company,lno. 11602 J.1, 0 FRourke 11603 Cords -Piston Ring Company 11604 Ileo. Benz & Sons 11605 Best►s Insurance Reporting S 11606 Central Soap Company 11607 Louis A. (filbert 11608 Orloff Leather Company 11609 Oxidite Battery Company 11610 Paramount Pies 11611 Park Machine Company 11612 Petroleum Register 11613 Pheoll Mfg. Company 11614 Phillipe Petroleum Company 11615 Pierre gay Pub. Corporation 11616 R, L. Polls & Company 11617 Postage Meter Company 11618 J.P. Ptaoek & Son 11619 Public Ownersehip League of 1 11620 Rand-MoNally & Company, Inc. 11621 11622 Raymer Hardware Company 11623 Raymer Hardware Company Red Wing Union Stoneware Coal 11624 Reeves Coal & Dock Company,Ir 11625 Reliance Engineers,Ino. 11626 Remington Rand, Inc. 11627 Republic Flow Meter Company 11628 Riohey, Brown & Donald, Inc, 11629 N.C.Robinson, Clerk of Dist.0 11630 Rotary Snow Plow Company 11631 St.Paul Book & Stationery Com 11632 11633 St.Paul Book & Stationery Com St,Paul Bottling Company 11634 St,Paul Builders Material Oom 11635 StBPaul Corrugating Company 11636 St.Paul GoodwBll Industries 11637 S% Paul Hydraulic Hoist Oompa 11638 St.Paul Office Equipment Comp 11639 St,Paul Stamp Works 11640 11641 St,Paul Voc. School Revl.Ihnd St.Paul Welding & Mfg.Oompany 116432 • Sanitary rood Mfg. Company 11644 9oheffer & Rossum Company Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company 'e 11645 Schneider (Sift Shop 11646 Schreier's Auto Top 11647 Charles Sarinmer's Sons 11648 Clement F.Sculley Equipment 01 11649 Scully Steel Products Company 11650 The Seagrave Oorporatioo 11651 D.B. Shotwell Company 11652 Star Photo Company AW Wagner Paint & Varnish Compan, COUNCIL NO '91. t FILE..................................... Feb........ ......_1q .............. ......... _....... 1935_... 1E S BE g CITY TREASURY. 1 OF .. �. If ........... . USIVE. AS THE THE CITY MPTROLLER. -4. .................... C_IT..Y....O _....O...L.L.R.....' / TOTAL DATE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK' CHECKS CHECKS oe 325 OC 280 OC 24 51 75 OC 30 OC 10 10 12 OC 48 9e 101 29 18 10 49 75 10 00 29 90 3 54 3 00 15 00 2 10 75 5 00 18 00 151 91 69 62 281 70 525 30 3o 13832 20 22 2 81 27 10 5 10 1 33 341 10 49 oo 177 55 156 17 12 51 21 46 92 6 149 50 18 90 lis 84 100 83 240 00 14 65 6 25 100 00 144 84 345/&o 11� Ib0 20'00 11 13 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD -- 700 . 7M 757 _. ..08417. - 6-05_-:__.__ _ _:_._- COUNCIL FILE NO._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sewer on Saratoga St. from Portland Ave, to a point 195 feet south of Portland Ave., INTERMEDIARY OL; C. F. No. 99966— In the bfatter of construct' , on Saratoga St. from Pori a point 196 feet south.' kve., under Preliminary under Preliminary Order --91U ____approv rylg4—W9 L The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said, improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is oonstruet a sewer on Saratoga St. from Portland Ave. to a point 196 feet south of Portland Ave., ' 9 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 795.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 19th __day of Sarah ,193 5 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A, M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul, That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FEB 2 0 193E , 193— 0 rG ,(� G �O rel/ Approved . g 20 to193— /-1 / City Clerk Councilman ibAq "'M Pearce Councilman Iftr :-_ . _ _ Peterson 1(/vim Councilman flBseA;_;. , Councilman Truax Warren Councilman Wenzel Form 'S. A 0 S. ROSEN PUBLISHED .g Mayor 1 COUNCIL FILE NO .......................................... By........................................................................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses 919 ,157 for paving RicetStreet from University Ave. to College Ave., including curbing, paving alley and driveway approaches, sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines where not already made, and all work inoidental and neoessary to said improvsmientl material shall be asphaltio aonorete exoept 7 ft. gutters, to be paved with 22" brink, base to be 7" oonorete, Of -1116 .r; ,.ci.:s and exl., f Rice St. from Un liege Ave., Include, alley and drh,,_;,;; 1.6r, water e, , Atreet m C; ."' : J. under Preliminary Order..............9.5601........................... Intermediary Order........ HI ............................ Final Order 95.95.6 ................................... approved ................... Aua.3........................................... 19 33 The assessment of..benafits.,.......................................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the....... 20th ...............day of lllaroh .............................. 19..36.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. O 10')t:Adopted by the Council ........................................................ �...................... .....---------, City Clerk. %......-./.. :.. /? ...Lc., Mayor. C I P ouncl man ea rce Councilman Wefg`ir4dkr='-" Peterson Councilman &JNi d ==Y Truax Councilman Warren Councilman VWjL,s3 = W � u zel DiaJ.rw a« r� 1"7-11@811011L � F.- B. B. AR. VICE FuE: kuSmfd PUBLISHED � 05 3 -`J '5- RESOLVEM met '- tenses for Taverns application 1958, and Dance Hall, application 3-959, app] wed £or _ksyF_— 1_0 - cry Lamanna at 561 Upper Levee be and the same are hereby granted and the city c��r.�= i s instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city 9 treasury o:0- x-egvired fees. 1 C. R No. 9996s -BY 11. E. warren 1111 Fred Tru—.—j- C. Pearce— Rssolved, That licenses' Yon Tavern, np plication 1965, and Danco Ball, an niteatlon. 1969, anpliea: for by Tony - Lamanne. at 361 Dner Levee be and See petitions_ st ached the Bame are her ETantea ane the Ity clerk is lnetructed to issue so eh ..licensee upon the DaYment into the �oity treseuAn.f the required fees: Adopted by the C. it Feb.' 20, 1936. Approved Feb: 20, 1936. (Feb. 2S -19S6) 7 i I j COU - MIEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_ _�B 1AAW 193 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLQ- -- �L .,-V V9 FILENCIL NO Approved_''- J —193 -- - -,�- C.E.O' F ST. PAUL f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� a IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , COMMISSIONE'� !� D s DATE February 12. 1965 RESOLVEM met '- tenses for Taverns application 1958, and Dance Hall, application 3-959, app] wed £or _ksyF_— 1_0 - cry Lamanna at 561 Upper Levee be and the same are hereby granted and the city c��r.�= i s instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city 9 treasury o:0- x-egvired fees. 1 C. R No. 9996s -BY 11. E. warren 1111 Fred Tru—.—j- C. Pearce— Rssolved, That licenses' Yon Tavern, np plication 1965, and Danco Ball, an niteatlon. 1969, anpliea: for by Tony - Lamanne. at 361 Dner Levee be and See petitions_ st ached the Bame are her ETantea ane the Ity clerk is lnetructed to issue so eh ..licensee upon the DaYment into the �oity treseuAn.f the required fees: Adopted by the C. it Feb.' 20, 1936. Approved Feb: 20, 1936. (Feb. 2S -19S6) 7 i I j COU - MIEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_ _�B 1AAW 193 In favor Approved_''- J —193 -- Against Wei„tee Mayor �� j MR VAC- SM 6.34 February luthl 195 F. Peterson +�rr_i�aioner of Finance T`ANa�z2' Sir: I-Cll ty council set date of hearing on the application of Tamnnna for Tavern and Dance Hall licenses at 361 Upper vee ror February 20th, and ?sl_ed that you ::end notices to rcapBa-tg owners within 200 feet. Very truly yoursp City Cle rk 00.tO1Nl�L TO OITY CLHRK - ���(��tl ■ �O,y NEIL 111 61Y CITY OF ST. PAUIVFF-- ' PRESENTED SY COMMISSIONER OFFICE OF THE CITY ed9that 9969-8ythe Bostd A C. W nofxel W—' Re ly, s.1 C40UNCIL RESOLUTION —GEItAcomms stoners :head It Is hereby s" _ thorl d .Anter into an sgre;' i with Andre, w Vlnceill roWdlnr t. ins pm�-tPonr., //7DATE 19"" /' ���'`.'!'�� - RESOLVED, tae Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby au-Gisor3Lzed to enter into an agreement with Andrea pinoelli, prov 9L ding for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $ 3? — 60 per week during #woh time as he shall be totally ciisab34mci by reason of injuries received by him while in the emp3oy of the Water Department on the 4th day of February 1935 ;` be it FURTHER REOt3LYEIa, that in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Wa.t er Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Azidrevw 'Vi3aceX11 the sum of $17.60 out of the Water Department Fuad 3La partial settlement of his claim against the 804rjl of Water 4—_ommise1onere, being for the period to and including Febr«��-y 18th, 1935. � �vt COUN�ILM EN Yeas / Nays Peerce trso n AK.. - --In favor T-_.,. Varre', Against /Wenzel ,XG. President (GeI-zaa) SM 6.34 } Eta z 1 iS35 Adopted by the Council 193__ Approved--_ 193— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL- CITY OF ST. PAUL Flie"ca NO.--:.!;.`+�../ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI R OLUTION—GENERAL RM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE a tAamOv `• Rnd rt -.orf. WHEREAS, there is considerable cash in the sinking fluid of the City of St, pawl which is available for investment, the Sinking Fund Committee did on January 29, 1935, ask for offers to be submitted to them every Wednesday alt 2;00 P, M., and WHEREAS, on Wednesday February 20, 1935, at 2s010,P. 4offers were opened in the Comptrollerls Office and the Sinking Fund Committee recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Sinking Fund Committee in the purchase of the bonds on the list attached to this resolution, and WHEREAS, the Council is of the opinion that the above offers should be accepted, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor, CommissL oner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consumuate the transaction. C�CILMEN Yeas Nays /P,earce /� /`// / 1 � onon /1LLLtosen In favor �1 ax �Vi�arren Against /Wenzel / Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council FEB 2 11935 FEB 21 1935 Approved--__ 193 Mayor PUBLISHED -2--,-5 75 BcNDS PURMUNn YEBRUA r 20, 1935 BY -THE sIMWG futon - co�x�rss Qt�usos fgum or mm =asman oompagy ntnn, ttoral Crodil 40 4,2oOW 711/43. 3.00 The first National Soak Minn. acral credit 5. ► 5/ 3.40 • . # �' • o . r . St. school 2.00o Till" 3.00 Awl 1.000 1/1754 3.10 HaroldM. good 6 oo.' at. Pea Wouare 4% 1.000 3/1N 3.00 Peru. Ive '11,000 11/Ift • * A - Bawer ey couutp Ann. at rsa Cront 1,000 NOW 5jj/11 �3 3.00 3 . 00 30x000 6 /1 3.00 1 i i' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLZ.K COUNCIL ,�J961 GiTY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFIGS OF THE CITY CLERK C_ OLI3�IGIL RESOLiJT10N� Gehnn— - _ C. F. No 99961-RY �•' $ /� _ LCs Pearceh roper city oSi ; PRFsA1�,j�� Resole d That the p TED BY ®� / _ J�/ /7 _ •i-� Cars be ander they av ' haoclfY a pr 9o*d 1 RESOLVEDAaIId r - ButldlnR Commteaion: to a n� � theoltY•e share oOnw hie C1aimB7eulimit n.11 as shoWnuD ted -bY eatd Commteelon. Adopted DY the Cbunctl Feb. 21. 1936. Approved Fab 283 ].936) That the proper c -_1L tW officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed tong t7mLe city! s proportionate share of the bills submit- ted by the Acid_ so rg Court House and City Hs11 Bmilding Commission as shown on Abstract o:V C afms Reember 63 of the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Comm- s3gions tota.111ng $1,274.44, the city's share of which is $;637.22. suc'I! 331 as shown upoa the claims submitted by said Commission. COU 1LMEN Yeas / Nays �a cc /P erson y Zn t -or ,ren -- fa /11'y_Gax %W rren Agairist nzel Mr. President (G¢han) 5M 6.34 r C 1 �Q Adopted by the CounLrif- 193 e Approved----' 93 -- Mayor owsa�.+�tiL :o carr cccrz.c - J�✓V OF ST. PAUL FI ENCIL 2 NO. J V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK: p ��C;0UNCIL R_ ESOLLJTIOd N -GE . C31�1 ati PRESE'NiT� BY ,�'� � • COMMIS --ZC"d HER RMAS, for some time pest, the City has rented from the Soe a Italia the gymnasium and other parts of the building necessary to o3_� =-ate the gymnasium, located is that certain,buildi-ng owned by said Soc�Bi� =tabs, at the northtivest corner of Bradly and Partridge Streets, it in tCity or St. Paul, For recrea-tiorial activities, and, the Department or Perlis, Playgrounds and Public Buildings needs -moo use the building for the same purposes this ,year and there is costa rad in the 1935 budget, Item 3-9— -3, a sum set up for this purpose, at t27x_.MBEW rata or $60.00 per month, for the year 1935, therefore be it, RESOi,VED, that the proper city orf'icers be and they are hereby suthc�x-szed to anter into a lease o_f t2za said premises for the year 1935, at tsar said rental of $60.00 per morx-bu and the Corporation Counsel is c3— mated to prepare the proper leasa therefor. CO�3NCILMEN Yeas � Nays �JL� rce /j//fJ erson sen -In favor �arren v Against �enzel /14-jr- President (Gehan) SM 6-34 Adopted by the Council FEB 2 1 1935193— Approved F 435193_ Approved—2 1 1 193 o� �M�ayoorr 1'UBLISIIED — J—✓ Q (Il G ITY OF SCOUNCIL T. PAUL RILE NO• ` 9 "'� wL OF ICE OF T aIY CLERK L� G I E GOD XOLUT �OIV—Gr:t4 v u PRESENTED BY- mi ".hnu s per d=," vme t fiY; COMM IS SIOMB i3__.�.tr; I° �iltr -t- Ira- of Public Works has reported in accordance vvj--t--17L Seot�o� `3 oi' the City Charter, the existence of an emergency nvlZic3z renderer ;iecEssary the employment of certain employes of his rrzo-4EE5t -than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said Zt'iO than usual- hours of employment, there•fsre, be it RE-E3(D=-V= 7 _ =- at tkie prop-er city officers are hereby authorized to pay thezf7 c owing named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for for the e-:;ctra time hereinafter set forth. Name z � e o. Mrs. Rate or PaV Bourquin, 3z.r03cl g� Truck I?river 14.63' Carroll , E - _37a 11 .6 Claussen, MdZrard a- r Rohlan4,, 's 9 .E) Diegnau, CYi� s t e r 28 Einck, Wal ter a " 46 3,04' Jagger, Russe 3-V a 20 .633 Paden, Claraaace e0 4;z.Q9 Simone, Topa Sew. Mt c - Mab. % .50 C0UNC1 LM ElV Yeas Clancy,_.„ av s Ferguson McDonald Ia favor r Rohlan4,, Sudheimer Against Mr. President -_,l Adopted by the CoundIFFB 2 11935 19_ Approved FEB 21 10s 19_ MAYOR � 1PUgLISI-JED,4 -,�?-'3 `� ,r , An emergency has arisen in the DFPARTIAM OF PUBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Breaking up icy ruts and steaming out sewers This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Freeze-up after thaw COMAISSIOIITTER OF PUBLIC TORK ORIGINAL TO CITY CLKRK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO.QQ 1151 OFFICE %F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENEW,61"'TtORM PRESENTED BY x IGa. wexr ,1. 1 „r. ^y� ,� nrtaonwg COMMISSIONER "`may i �'�``�Y'�`� -know•. roue ':l u WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the rear porch and stair— ways of the building located on the west half of Lot 4, Block 169, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul, also known as No. 20 East Chicago avenue, are in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant their being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said porch and stairways, on the 20th day of March, 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant thereof, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of the City of Saint Paul, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COLMEN Yeas Nays e ce 7il'/e rson �oxen _In favor iTzuax arren Against /Wenzel /111r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the CouncilCc ' 8 � t 1935 193_ FES 21 1335 Approved 193__ `� / _M i Mayor PUBLISHED L��Sj W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON SrC_ of Park. - Sup. of Diayeroundt CHAS. A.. BASSFORD Otr Architw CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 1445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commlaloner ILO February 15, 1935 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul IeIinne s ota Gentlenen: The Fire Prevention Bureau reports that the rear porch and stairways of the building at 20 Bast Chicago Avenue are in a dangerous condition and should be removed and rebuilt. This building is under the ov!nership of Borg w Pourers, and the legal description of the property is the "west p- of Lot 4, Block 169, Robertson's addition. In accordance alth Section 1-19 of the Building Code, a Danger Notice was affixed to the building on January 9, 1935, and we will appreciate it if you ,:'ill start condemnation proceedings under Section 1 4. Yours truly, C ommi s s i oner,Q LAR. .0 � W. LA AONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Saar of 9adu - - _ S -L of Pla .ndr CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Ar h1tw CITY_ OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner 4fq3!0-0 March 20, 1935 Hon. City o:E' Ss iat Paul Gent lBaiB as a P1es se be advised that this Department has ascertain- ed tha-tw -_+-3Eie porch and stairways on the building at 20 East Chicago have been removed. 2'2=-@ref0re, further condemnation action may be dropped. truly, LAR. .i3 City Architect ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. OFFICE OF THE CITY GLEE " COUNCIL RESOLUTION —C3ENEFPA,*1Ii� . ' T R tinter 1 . PRESENTED BY :sCemOMM®IS$SxIO$NE R WHERTE2-2A2S_-_v DATE _ the 4 - ,T _.... Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has r imported to the Council that that certain two and one- half story br3Lc building located on Lots 11 and 12, Block 6, Rice Street Vi11as 2a_-71 so known as No. 1575 Woodbridge street, is in such �a dilapidated dangerous condition as to warrant its being con- demned and down; therefore, be it RESOLV M:> That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity c =ff- wrecking said building, on the 19th day of March, 1935, at t en o c -3_ ock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City T a31, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it 1'URT1-1E7_=3_1 SOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public c5L:!L rsgs shall mail to the last known record owner of said property his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of Sala property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of z_ia hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing -I-- Q- — be given by one publication in the official news- paper of sal c -L C -t:; y, said notice to be published not less than five days prior t o date of said hearing- COUNCILMEN earing_ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council FEB 2 11935 193_ Pearce Peterson — ;EB 211935 Rosen _In favor Approved 193__ Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Geharn�o 5M 6.34 Adopted by !%e Council __ _ ___ __ 193 Y ass _ Nays. PEARCE PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX WARREN Al WENZEL PRESIDENT (GEHAN) Y �/- L^ AAC>"T 1C.-A.1FA.4^" sw'-- of, Perla CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPE^KES, Deputy Comminlona O T -iota. Council C 3 ty- o-' Sa int Paul 1V_sa--asaesot4a ._ Gg rit 1 ems --n s ERNW W. JOHNSON Sunt of Rlayerounds CHAS. A BASSFORD Oty A hle«t February 16, 1935 A Fire clamaged building exists at 1575 Noodbridge Street, which 3 s 3ea2airig and very dangerous. The Owner, TvIr . B- TicKenzie, g7g Farrington Avenue, has been notified to remove the remains c> -E' tlais building, but to date nothing has been done. 2t is a t-0 and one-half story brick building, on -which a danger raotzce was posted January 29, 1935. The legal description of the property is Lots 11 and12, Block 6, Rice Street Villas. T--'C=r_33 y set a hearing on the advisability of wrecking and remov- r_� this building, in accordance i=with Section 1-14 of the Build -Code. Yours truly, U Comlnissioner`� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK . GOU NGL OF ST. PAUL F/LE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—.GENERAL FL. Co2I PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER TruAX �L-h�,l-tvida� WIMFM -t--13e Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the shed in the rear of 1634 Carroll aveve, on Lot 2, Block 6, College Parr Addition, is in such a dilap <aeited and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemriecw- Tad torn down; therefore, be It RESOLVE3E3 That a pu1t:)1 i c hearing be had upon the advisability a'dd necessity ®=� wrecking said building, on the 19th day of March, 1935, at ten O r c77- Ock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall � ari the City o£ Saint Paul, Minnesota; be tt FURTE3ER Z4�-SOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed -For s _mrzd hea.riag, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public 13tiiZc9L--IR azgs shall Tnai1 to the last known record owner of said property , his last mown address, or to the agent of said property, a sot — c e stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, ea—=X �C=--- he shall aleo cause a notice r of such hearing to be given by oar publication in the official newspaper of the City of Saint Paul, s a= cf�k notice to be published not less than five days prior to the of said he acing: - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen _In favor Truax Warren - Against Wenzel Mr. President (Oehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council FEB 2 1_1935 193 FEB 2 1 193F; Approved 193_ Mayor PURI-ISI71EF-D — _ � W. LA MONT KAUFMAN - FRNFST W. JOHNSON Soot. of Parts - Supt of Plsygrowds CHAS. A BASSFORD n ... _ OH At hitw CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of- Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS—AND' PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commialoner February 16, 1935 Icon. Council City Of Saint Paul Minnesota Gent 1 eme n : ,The shed in the rear of 1634 Carroll Avenue is in a very_ danger- ous condition and should be ecndenaned in accordance with Section 1-14 of the BuildinC Code. es It is situated on Lot 2, Block 6, College Park Addition, and is w.D.tued..b3r...tli�..� .st •, oQ oiC Saint Paul. A Dange3*1 I;ot:cg, was, posted on January 29, 1935 as is provided for by Section 1-19. Your—sptruly, C oiuml,a s i oner�� LAR. .0 Adopted by the Council - ---- - _ 193 Yeas. Nays. PEARCE PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX WARREN W ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) G sxi6iriwi :O GtrY CLLRK - - COUNCIL `.�:�.�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL'`'' I ds .....s.t 1 Additio •• )i?liESElVTEg 13Y GMM[BSIONER TrLl Glx /v`w `•- �w i✓'��• q WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the house, barn and sheds Zocated on Lot 4, Block 19, Marshall's Addition, also known as No. 180 Robertson street (in the rear), are in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant their being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said buildings, on the 19th day of March, 2935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House a—cl City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature C>= purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such 13earing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of such hearing. COUNCILMEN Y eas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen __ �In favor Truax Warren �' Against Wenzel Mr_ President (0ehan) SM 6-34 Adopted by the Council 193 FEB 21 1935 Approved FEEB 211935193— Mayor 11935 193_—Mayor c� S PUBLISHED ,,s�.y W. U. MOM KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt of Parti Supt d Plmy .d. CHAS. A. BASSFORD CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commiaioner �O February 15, 1935 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Minnesota Gentlemen: Complaints have been received through the Fire Prevention Bur- eau relative to the house, barn, and sheds at 180 Robertson Street (rear). We have ascertained that the house is old, vacant, dilapidated, open, windows out, cedar shingle roof very bad, and the entire house beyond repair. The sheds and barn are also in bad shape and these buildings are all hooked up together, making a very serious fire hazard to this district. These buildings are dan- gerous to life, limb, and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed from the premises. The property is described as Lot 4, Block 19, Marshall's Addi- tion and the owner is Louis Nark, 663 Canada Street. A Danger Notice will be posted Saturday, February 16, 1935 in accordance with Section 1-19 of the Building Code and condemna- tion action should be started in accordance with Section 1-14. Yours truly; Z;AR .. U mi C oni s s i one r� ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK COUNCIL �`�pJ�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERA L,",R�?,RM a.� PRESENTED BY n « Truax^ y� �• ins aI. COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain one-story store building located on Lot 1, Hughes' Midway Addition, also known as No. 1871 University avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 20th day of March, 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to. be given by gone publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN ° ` FEB 21 1935 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 193 Pearce Peterson; Rosen In favor Approved_____._l93__ Truax WarrenAgainstr Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) YUBLISHLDs�__�� 5M 6.34 W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Sapr.'of Parti Supt of Pla ...d. CHAS. A. BASSFORD ' Ob Arthn«t CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PII_A9%GROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner URL E» SPEAKES, Deputy Comminioner �O February 15, 1935 Hon. Couricil City of Sa-nt Pain 1,11nne s of a Gent Ielnera There is a crg story store building at 1871 University Avenue, til---!cI-- ras ween referred to us for investigation by the Fire Prever> t ori }Bureau. our bui_lciirngaispe c t or reports that it is in a dilapidated condition, z.TiiY-� Laixxdov.Ts and doors :vide open, and it has be- come a lzangout or trarips and children. The property is de- scribed as Lo -, 2--, lgubl'zes t YldrTay Addition, and the owner is Mir. L. T- Shields 13e3-2-v7ood, "Thite Bear Lake, Minnesota.. A Darnge = i3ot i"ce e=ra s affixed to the building January 9, 1935 and zee action, in accordance with Section 1-14 od' € he Building Code, is in order. LAR .. U Yours truly, Commissioner W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supe. of Park. Supt of Play ..d, CHAS. A. BASSFORD CIH A hIt-t CZ-lTY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Comminioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commluloner O March 2, 1935 Hon. Cork City of Ssa�� �sul Minae a C3, -t:; S Ge7ltlem833 = On 23 Council File No. 99969 was adopted and ap- proved 'by -t;334Ear Council in reference to a hearing on the 20th Of 1d19Lr4=a7-- a;&po23L -tae advisability of wrecking the store building at 1872 €3avea-city Avenue. Oar inspect c=P sports that the building has been removed by the owxer isxT3 c3 Further action will not be necessary. There- fore, may be cancelled. Yours truly, Commissioner LAR- . U OPIOIN.L TO CITT�CL[PK p L COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No._. l OFF,I�yCE OF THE CITY CLERK TT�� C IL rTE� Off! IC>M—GENERAL FORM COMMIS9fONER CJ/ - DATE RESOLVED, that." on sale„ liquor license No. 373, issued to Robert Allen, covering the premises at No. 491 $t. Peter Street, be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the COUNCILMEN Yeas � re Nays /Prr rrs P erson l,ten In favor L_ ,r — /Warren Against /Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C. F. No. 99970—By H. -M. .Warren Fred M. Trunx-I. C. earce— Aeaolved; tkah"onsale" liquorltcenas No. 373, issued to.Robert Allen, cover- Ing':the'promisea'atwo:.'491 SL Peter Street, be and the same Is bereby re - +volved upon. recommendation orth. LI - cense Committee. Adopted by the Councll.Feb♦ 21, 1935. y Approved Feb. 21, 1936. (Feb. 23-1936) Adopted by the Council FEB 211935 193_ pproved FEB 211936 193_ i l �tl/ Mayor M. J. CUU_IGAN ('f WM. J. SUDEITH Chkf of Police Fire Chief ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH a2 3 C'� G. E. BRISSMAN Health Officer Acting Supt. Police and Fire Alarm ITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota E>EPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota -Streets H. E. WARREN, Commissioner Sebraary 21. 1935 Eon. Mayor sad Members of tlas City C-1 i 1.2.. Saint Paul. Gentlemen: ZTpo investigation of the information given the City Council on TusadeW mra;aiag, 7tebraary 19, the following report is rendered. TTpoa receipt of the list of addresses of places where It was gllegad sticst -Neis 4=32i+ses were in operation, squad cars were at once dispatched to iayssit igiata Ca=t of the approximately twenty names and add eases that were given. water Saaad two slot machines; one of them was a chip machine, and ons wsmam =ssaxsd in the cupboard of a kitchen in the basement, not in opteratica- M3M twro or three cases the wrong address was given. Her instance, 0552 w®st 3r®11ogg Bonlerards, which is the hest PtLbliehing Company. 2t sates there are m number of so-called i1pin balls machines in cparatiaa . sad it is possible these were classed as slot machines by *1%a iaScxx-xmetats. The Policse Department is awaiting the result of a hearing be%rs s 8.is1;riot court Jtadge in Minneapolis as to the legality of Haa=s a before lc'lvs oonfiscation in these cases. Xa. spite of the fact that the Morals Division has been seriously b =d { =appac3L -a the way of man power and finances, they have had numerous arrasta is recmat months on gambling chargee. In addition to their lavestigtatioZL ©Y gambling. tbls division is held responsible for soliciting. discasderlW- 32t9uses, possession of untamed liquor, sale of liquor without license aasi geaximral investigation. Sime Inspector of Detectives H. A. Carr has had charge of this divisicicm tbey -have confiscated approximately 125 slot machines. AbavcLt 1 -4000 gallons of moonalaine have been seised. Three stills were canStscstaci . two fifty -gallon and me twenty -gallon. In the past six wresb`s 15 poach boards bave been taken. attached are photographs of slot machines that have been demolished is t1bL*s past few months. One picture shows thirty-five machines before aLmw% attar destroying. and another fifty-five machines before and after clastroyiaag, and at th,e present time there are thirty-five.' slot maehines ixa Hass poasasaion of the department taken in recent weeks i still andestroysct- ^ y��' !;'G Hon. Msyor sad Members of the City Cioancil 2-21-35 The Moral a Division has been working with as few as two men. the maxim=a bavI32C 'bees six. Zn view o:E this tsat , it is ny personal opinion that the department is malrin some reel progress along the lines in gaestion. and also that there are fewer slot ...e IxIn.s in operation in Saint Paxil at the present ti m9 tban tlnsra Dave been Cor a considerable number of years. 8espeotsubmitted. � s H. S. Warren Commissioner of Public Safety Police Department Bulletin CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINN. H. E. WARREN J. CULLIGAN Com. of Public Safety Chief of Police Vol. V. FEBRUARY 21, 1935. No. 52 TO, ALL POLICE OFFICERS - It is the duty of every officer in the department to confiscate slot machines whenover and wherever seen; this a,?plies to the chip machines as well as the money machines; and report them in the customary manner. Whenover an officer has the op)ortunity, I shall appre- ciate his.notifying any licensed business in Saint Paul that if evidence comes to this department that they have in their possession or are operating slot machines as described above, the License Comanittee have pledged themselves to request the City Council to revoke any and all licenses in which that business is involved. --H. E. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety. Com,Dlaints have coli in al:out bill passers crossing lawns and destroying pro- perty in the city. Instruct anyone found doing this that he must make use of the sidewalks and is not permit',,c. to walk across lawns. BAND NOTICE - The St, Paul Police Band will play a Concert for the Old Folks at the Ramsey County Poor Farm on White Bear Ave., Friday evening, February 22, 1935• All members are requested to sport there not later then 7:15 17.14. COi,ii:MiDATION - Mrs. Fogarty has been commended for a talk she made before the League of Protostant Women. NEW TAGS - All officers are requested to turn in their B series traffic tags and to obtain new tags at.the Records Division. --Lt. Wm. D. Steiner. O F F E N S E S O F FE N S E S .-.-.-.-.-. District 12 Attempted Robbery - Lowry Hot::l at 6:14 A.M. 2-20-35• Three men Offense 20549 camp into office and told maid to be quiet but were scared away by her screams. Description of one man given below chocked out of Hotel and ran out of building with other men. Description - 35-36 Yrs. old; 5'7°tall; 140-150 lbs,; light complexioned; brownish grey overcoat; brown hat; full face; clean shaven; stairy eyes. No further descriptions. District 16 Burglary-.CroAoy Public School, Delos & Livingston bet. 3 P -hi. & Offense 20550 z _:.M. 2-19/2-20-35. Two school rooms ransacked. Stolen: carious school supplies, including pens, pencils and iciper; 1 roll of street car tokens. District 14 Larceny - Fiona of Maurice Glocklcr, 662 Canada St. night of 2-19-35. Offense 20551 One pair of trousers stolon from radiator through open window. Stolen: 1 pair Oxford Gray trousers, size 16; 1 black billfold; one jack knife. District 6 Larceny - Rear porch at 177 Aurora Ave, during night 2-19/2-20-35• Offenoo 205552 Following described house scale stolen from rear porch. House Scale weighing up to 50 lbs.; sliding weight adjustors, Howe make, Seal of Minnesota on side. —CRH S110F1 UP & `OLDOV3RS 7:OC A.".r1B:21,1935. C!,: LL i', E ,DDFFSS D -TE ARR^STING CH -RGE l;E!.D FOR -- 1,R' ZS T OFF1 CIE US A7 Richard Hes. 2/20 Steon I: "ood Inv. Shoplifting 236 ;.7th St. ii 0 L D O V 7E R S B3 Dominic Vacco 2/15 Heaton ?i Shanley invest -Larceny Crumley ilowatt & Strecker 744 'alace ':'ettergren 12/24 Kramer rz Harkin 1-8 Clifford Combs 220 Bergsten-^.L.Conroy Gen -oral Invest. Cranley Dr.on Duty 633 '".Central Foley-Synstegard Invmst.Drunk 2 Cliff ";irl 218 Raasch General Invest. Crumley ,ndrews m Burg EIC Sherburne 212 Burg & ilennessey :.6 Arnold r.oss 2714 Ib-ters a Oakes Tampering with Car ".c'•'ullin 4046 -40th StX pls. Schultz c. Simons " &.&1'- - Iioward - illiams 2/17 l•_ooller='oodhouse Invest.Bur,,Iary lie tzreoke r General Invest. 612 Linden 130 Released reporting Pd rthur P.11anson 2/15 Kennedv,Birkholz,Tomes zewski - Invect. lie tznecker " 299 Charles Invest.i:rank I". Ptatthew 01B. en 2/16 Griffin- ilcDonnell Invest.Ghooting Hetzmeker 140 E.Colorado 11 3erome -;oebkenberg 2/16 Griffin ?: -'.Donnell Invast.Shooting lietznecker 284 7- Congress !:NU- Cycil LaBarre " Henry Barrett " '✓ern Phillips " Barta zer r.Ivare z " John Svec " Paul Peterson John Blake " .Ibort Stiles "-:h.Stile s " Ronald .:,cott " Thomas nelson COMO- "arian Lindall " Dan Rogers " Lloyd Bason " i-nter 7,eilin7-,r TLIMT TO HOSPITAL 1/10 Blossey P; Tynan Inv.T'ental Case Crumley 2/1 E ilowatt & Strecker Invest.i-ccident ':'ettergren 12/24 Kramer rz Harkin Invest.Drunk Dr.on Duty 1 1 Schleicher-P'etzger Investig^.tion Dr.on Duty 125 Foley-Synstegard Invmst.Drunk 1/28 Clemens c� Kramer Invest.;anity 2/10 ,ndrews m Burg Lri.ving Drunk. 212 Burg & ilennessey Invest.Shooting 2/15 n FcDonnell=Griffin 11 Invest.Burglary 11 " Schultz c. Simons " &.&1'- 2119 Dr.1:-icOarthy-Schroeder Inv.accide, nt_ 1 29 TT.Smith £ '';enzel General Invest. ^Crumley 130 Det.Raasch Crumley l/1C Inco,B.k.Carr Ventarial Disease Carr " "i.tchell--illiams Invest.i:rank s �. ORIGINAL TO,CITY CLERKCOUNCIL 99971 �5A,f-��L"t/TY OF ST. PAUI.;-.,, ` No. , ' FILE N OFFICE OF THE CITY C'.OUNCI ESOLUTION—GEacreec LL'nd ,(+ w . - PRESENTgp BY 5 - ab - COMMISSIGNER( ��— _ LL +_ :Yebrp7H 19, 19355 WHEREAS, heretofore, On Sale liquor License No. 452, was issued to to Walter D. McKenna to operate such business at 347 Robert Street; and WHEREAS, said Walter D. McKenna has requested that his license be transferred to Sever Nelson and Mike Cylkowski to operate the business as the same address; and WHEREAS, Sever Nelson and Mike Cylkowski have filed a bond in the a= of $3,000, as required by city ordinance, and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that the request for transfer be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said`"On Sale" liquor license heretofore issued to Walter D. McKenna be and the same is hereby transferred to Seeer-Nelson and Mike Cylkowski to operate such business at the same address; and the bond of said Sever Nelson and Mike Cylkowski, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit said bond in the office of the City Comptrollat. and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of Walter D. McKenna from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. COUI JCILM EN Yeas /r/ Nays rce .. terson I sen Q __—In favor T uax arren Against enzel r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council PFB 21199-_193—_ FEB 21 WE Approved_.__/_Mayor PUBLIsfm ,; _ �i — o [Run MUi1Ni1MIM - IMNIfMIN11=1 I IM W4 1-34 W CITY OF SAINT PAI! F P APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" QUA N QVJ�7E SE/.:., Appliema Name of Applicant- Age---- Residenbe Address --Telephone No. --- Are you a citizen of the United States? Have you ever been-euggged in operating (/saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? When and where? If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation ------- -- When incorporate If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?_ How many members Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known P=n--fR-/y V VV 'Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Word How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ? :2 0 00 How many feet from closest lie parochial grade high school (measured along streets) L� Mor., Name of closest 1 44 How are premises classified under oniq Ordinance?.- -444-i-V On what floor located? ffA,Are premises owned by you or leased?—.---- -�td—If leased, give name of owner - If a restaurant, seating capacity? ---6 10 V If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? - Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: (The information above must be given for hotels or restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel? Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)_ _ Give nam!�and addreof three bqsj*pess referenges: I Vnli ;MA"UAM1/F THIS APPLICATION MUST BE SERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED. Application checked by Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated 193— WOW` SEe OTL SIDeOWN �d 1,7p, W STATE OF MINNESOTAI County of Ramsey,N li" 1 6 ........ ...................... ....... being Arst duly sworn, deposes and says,that he has read the following. application and' now8 the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief Subscribed an sworn to before Te.� t hi day of --- Notary -75-blic, Ramsey Ppty, Minn. M T. 0ARLEAF, My commission expires___Xotar)EP,,),!ic,.. � _.: Wv 7z- Wv -.1— . STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey. first duly sworn, deposes and says that_ ------------the - ------ Of a corporation; that -------has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the, best of_______knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of paid corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation, by,,4qt4qrity,,Qf its Bopr d of, Pifoctqs, and said application, and the execution there- of is the voluntary:aet and deed of said corporation, .......................... . ......................................................... . ... . Subscribed and sworn to before me this................................day of .................................... 193 ...... , ...... ................. . ........................................................................ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn, MY Commission' 6pif4 .......................................... ............ f'? y7/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration February 14th, 1935. HonH. E. Warren, Chairman, License Committee, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application for transfer of "on sale" liquor license at 347 Bpbert Street from Walter D. McKenna to Sever Nelson and Michael Cylkowski was referred to your Committee, by the City Council, for recommendation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. N FILED OFFICE OF CITY CLEM FEB 13 1 e i P19 1935 ST. PAUL • PANSEYCO. f if(f:E UTP, February 11, 1935 L.R. S. FERGUSON, CITY CLERK Honorable Mayor and City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: I have today sold my H1 -g', liquor license located at 347 Robert Street, St. Paul, Minnesota to Sever Nelson and Michael eylkowski, and would like to have same transferred to them at your earliest convenience. Yours very truly, 7 Honorable Mayor and City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Having purchased the above license from Fdalter D. McKenna, we wish to petition the City Council to transfer same to Sever Nelson, and Michael Cylkowski. Yours very truly, '' / • ! +/. ;i/✓ 6"101NAL T6 CITY CLE.K CITY OF 9T- 15 -AUL FLENC1L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CUN C� RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM DATE_— ebr=7 Q] 197152 WRERX"- James Ri12149ELe leas made application for an "on -Sale• liquor license at 560 St. Anthony Avemie, bELB paid the required fee, and filed the proper bond; and WID1$EAS, the License Co*sni [tats recommends that such "on -Sales liquor license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City 03-4a be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue such license to said applicant for the premises described in the application; and be it IRMfEHES RESOLVED, that tics b oast of the said James Williams in the sum of $3.000.00, approved as to form and 40=s4rstion by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and tins City Clerk is instructed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller. C_ ]_ 2�To_ 395]72 -By - H. s E. Warren— 'a :F —a -'SZ_ Truax -1. C. Pearce W2a¢reas, JamesWillfama has made :, �a0pit—ttioa for an "On sale', livor 11- 'j' se at- 660 St. Anthony Avenue, ..has f c u paid'- .the required fee, and filed the -proper bond• and - Whe th Llceae'e Committee reo_ COU OILMEN Yeas Nays P rce erson sen — —In favor T x arren 1 _Against Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 -CL -J amen -.L.s la i )O_OQ. 9.pyreved asto. term -ad -ae- on by -the Corperatfon Counsel, -tie t71a same 1s hereby approved, and City Clerk to Instructed to d000stc same ,n the.: office of the City ptrol2er. 3opted by the Council Feb. 21, 1936. pprov¢d - Feb. 21. 1935 - (Feb. 2371935) 936.(Feb:-23-1936) Adopted by the Counctf EB 2__ �_�Q�__-_193_ Approved - EB 211 192E Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY RF= COUFILNCIL �.f;S o? C>F' ST. PAUL A NO. O��IG)E OF THE GITY CLERK �6 G,QUIV -r- 14C> GENERAL FORM 7PRESENTED BY H. Z. Rasrem pebruary 21, 1935 COMMISSIONER DATE A2 f - RESOLVED That licenses Por Cx—Mmh. s Weatt Beverage, application 2196, and Restaurant, application 2197, applied =or by lWim. ?,canard at 560 University ♦venae, be and the same are baereby granted and. #0ss.3 Gimp Clerk ie instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city trags=zx-� of tbze r6cinired fees. COUN LMEN Yeas Nays Pe ce `et,erson /tj6sen In favor Truax �arren .4ga f rz s t Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 4 C. F. No 99973—Blr8. .F_ Warren— Fred DP• Truai—l: C. Pearce-- Reaolved, That licensee. for O -Sale Malt Beverage, application 219 d for by rWm. I.eonard11 1at E809IJnlveralty AY.nuo. be and the same are hereby granted and 'the City Clarlc fafnetrvet- ed eauo such licensee upon the to lDaY- ment into the clfytreaeury of the re- qulred fees. Adopted by the' Counc!I Feb. 21, 1935 Approved Feb. 21: 1936. (Feb. 23-1936) _ Adopted by the Council193—_ - f ry T t5� Approved FEB 2 19� -193-- Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERk �(] /J �GITY OF ST. PAUL F14eNO1L No., --A.—) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNC L- ESOLUTIgN—GENERAL FORM 1✓ DATE Rebruars 21, 1935 mnecsmnrzrw WHZMUS, Jobe a. Webber deeires to withdraw application 6509 for , Malt Liquor liaiihse, and application 0541 for Restaurant license at 151 lest Ninth Street; therefore, be 1t!a00w, RESOLVED, tbat the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refuffi to John Z. Webber the roes of $50.00 and $10.00, and to cancel said appli- cations for licenses. ILMEN COU Yeas � Nays P arce Peterson sen In favor rren :fax Against enzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 feee of E60:OO�and $10.11%—d to cancel s81d nppllCntions for licenses. Adopted bythe Council Feb. 21. 1935.1` ADnroved Feb. 21, 19Sb. ppp Adopted by the Council FEB 21 1935 193 Approved FE -13 2105 193__ v Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK OF ST. PAUL FILE (Q NO. J OFz� THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER B. B. wax'rea DATE 7ebr24= 21 1935 RESOLVED That licenses For OioL Sza2c 3isL1t Beverage, application 2106, and 8estaarant, application 2105, applied Yor by sBmreldt at 660 Selby, bvenae be and the same are hereby granted and the City C2er% is ineitracted to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treNa.svey o:C th6 r6quired fees. COU ILMEN l Yeas Nays Adopted by the Coxincil_ _193 Pearce / Peterson/, Rosen j In favor �- Approved 193__ Truax Warren] Against Wenzel / Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK G 1^ ST. PAUL FI ENCIL NO l ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ACOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - - - DATE February 28 1935 WHEREAS, Edward J. Marhoun has made application 2252 for "On Sale" liquor license at 781 Selby Avenue, and has paid the required and filed the proper bond; and ( WHEREAS, the License Committee recomends that such "On Sale" liquor license be denied; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that "On Sale" liquor license applied for by Edward J. Marhoun at 781 Selby Avenue be and the same is hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to make the necessary refund of license fee and to return the bond to the applicant. C. F. No- 99976=By H. E. Warren— Fred M.. Truax—I..C..Pearce— Whereas, Edward J. Marhoun has made license tat 781 Selby Avenue,n 2252 for and ' has paid the .required tee and algid the 1 proper .bond; and o In mends that eu he"O Salem liquor 1f - cense be den ed; therefore, be It Resolved,. that On Sale" liquor It- censeapplf.d for by Edward J. Mar- houn t 783 Selby Avenue be and the same la hereby dsnled and the proper city omcere are hereby authorized to make the i necessary refund of ltcenea Pee and to return the bondto the ap E. pllcant. 1--1 Adopted by the Council Feb. 25,-1935. y pproved Fo Ab. 26, 1936. { (March 2-1935) COUNCILMEN Yeas / earce Nays ___ In favor ,jen `Lia. ,j /=Against X+arren //Wenzel r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.39 Adopted by the Coun EEB 2 6 1935 193_ FEB 2 61 Approved_ 0_193__ Mayor v M. J. CULLIGAN WM. J. SUDEITH Chief of Police Fire Chief ROBERT B. J.'SCHOCH' G. E. BRISSMAN Health Officer Acting Supt. Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Commiaioner Pebraary 8, 1935 Hon. Mayor and City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: With reference to the application for an "On -Sale" liquor license at 781 Selby Avenue, in the name of E. J. Marhoun, that was referred back to the'License Committee for recommendation: It is the opinion of the License Com- mittee that this application should be made in the name of Fred Marhoun, who is actually operating this business, and when this is done the Committee will be glad to place the application before the Council for consideration. Yours very truly, t• Commissioner of Public Safety. Chairman, License Committee b RIOINAL TO CITY CL6R OF ST. PAUL OFI^ ICE OF THE CITY CLERK GOCJNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PAr SENTED BY 3, ~ COMMISSIONER _r _ _ DATE - 0o rcAC[7OflCG7�CL COUNCIL A� FILE N February 26, 1985 WFUMEAS, CX4sc= F'_ I?iager has requested withdrawal of his application for "On Salew liquor 3.ioeas4.—_ st 655-41 S. Smith Avenue, the refund of his license fee, and the return of his 1>onc33 -.herefore, be it RESOLVED, that the groper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the sa-Lci C1eoa F_ Dirsger the license 4ee heretofore deposited on application for "On Sale" ]3gnor 3.3.c4snse, to return the bond to him and to cancel said application. C. F. No. 99977—By H. E. Warren - Whereas, Cleo.- F. Dinger has re- fore,0n Saloarliquor liceof nse atti 635{41 S. Smith Avenue, the. refund of his li- cense fee; and the return. of his bond;! therefore, be -It Resolved, that the proper .city otfl-. cars be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the said Cleon F. Dinger� the license fee heretofore deposited on i appllcatfon for "On Sale- liquor li- cense, to return the bond to him and to ,; cancel said application. Adapted by the Council Feb. 26, 1935.'f Approved -Feb. 26'29M {March 2-1935) COU LMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the COunci]F r j 2 a 1936 193 Pearce RgB�n _Iri favor Approved FEB �� _193__ JeIPuaxrtengairzSrnzel Mayor /vlr. President (Gehan) W 6.34 :,. , ,...a. (1)(9978 COUNCIL BILE NO ..................... .. q r ............�� t4�nesemen ondemni ng e" BY.. ;R....-�-�^� t In the lan: FIN-*L'ORDER IN CONDEMNATI(,,' 0"��It"' '' EDINGS st: to Auer In the matter of.....eondemningand taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the widening and grading of the widened portions of W. Seventh St. from Richmond St. to Tuscarora Ave. under Preliminary Order ........_3M9 .................. approved............ ?.2"8t..29.,.J 3.4 ............... Intermediary Order ............ 29767 " __--.. approved ............Jqn�g 29, 1935 - ....... ......... ....... ...... _ _................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the widening and grading of the widened portions of W. Seventh St. from Richmond St, to Tuscarora Ave. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the widening and grading of the widned ,,portions of W. Seventh St. from Richmond St. to Tuscarora Ave., to Jthe extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........ FEB 26 19`......................... / i���.L� ....... . ... ... FSR 9 1915ity Clerk. Approved.................................. :................. . 19........ � ... /Y .. ....... --------- Mayor. Councilmen Raarce. - Rosen j PUBLiS:!ZD-2- 2 _35 "Tweee Wenzel Mr. President 500-6-33 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMI►,B- NER OF FINANCE n ON PREiiMI13ARY ORDER q0- (A) In the matter of cpndemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes of cuts and fills in the widening and grading of the widened portions of 41est Seventh Street from Richmond St. to Tuscarora Ave. • under Preliminary Order approved August 29, 1934 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - X100.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT eLocK ADDITION ADD ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. (Except 7th & Richmond Sts.) 1 Varner's Rearrangement of Lot 3 59 6, $200 and that part of lots 4, 7th St.) 2 7, 23 and 24 lying southeasterly 275 (Except of Fort St., all of Daly's 1250 3 Subdivision of Block 2 of Stin- 350 do son, Brown and Ramsey's Add to 250 4 the City of St. Paul 400 do 5 do 500 do do 925 7100 do Lot 6 and 7 g do 350 do g do 300 do B. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY OF ST, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM�415 !IoONMR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTIQ" LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ' (Exae t 7thSt-)-Zot- -. _ 10. p Varner's- Rearrangement_ of 0250. and the following described part of Lot 3 and that part of lots _ Lot .25, Thomas Daly • s Subdivision _of 4, _5, 6, 7, _23_ and 24. lying _ _... Block?, Stinson, Browxx & Ramsey's Addition: southeasterly of Fort St., .; commencing at the soutYieasterl corner ; g y all of-Daly'a Subdivision of of lot 10 aforesaid, thence southerly along ! Block 2 of Stinson, Brown and thenortheasterly-line of.- said -lot: -produced . Ramsey's _Add_ to the City of 11:50 ft, thence gest to a point on west St. Paul 7th St. 9 ft southwesterly from the- southwest corner of said lot 10, thence northeasterly !-- to said corner, the3ac6 east to beginning. Street) 26,. 2. (Except St Thomas Daly's Subdivision of,: 2750*; t a and (except attesnd excep t part Block Number two of Stinson, *includes other described as follovrs a commencing at Brown and Ramsey's Addition ;property, the southeast corner of lot 10, Varner's to St. Paul" Rearrangement, theno a southerly along northeasterly line of said lot produced j _ 11.50 ft.,thenc.e wrest: to- a- point- on West Seventh St. 9 ft. sozztYlwesterly from southwest corner o -C said lot, thence north- easterly to said corner, the: ce east to beginning) _25 2. _(Except 7th St.) 33; hk Stinson. Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul do 32. _ 14 do 925 '. 3800. _ Part southeasterly c>E VT.7th St. of, 35;_ 14 do 125 _ do of: -36; 14 do 400 k (Except_ 7th St.) ! 37: 14do 650. do 38,._ 14 __ do 20.0 Part southeasterly of 7th St. -of 6, 1.3, - A._Vance_Brown's Subdivision_* _I500 2750. -.-. of Block 4 end East a of Blook*includes lot 7 1 (Except .7th_St.1_ _ _ _ _ 5. ..13 13,_ of Brown; Stinson & 625 Ramsey's Addition to St.Paul. do 4. 13 ' _do 675 Part southeasterly o- 7th St, of ! 21:: 13 do 225 : _ 150_ 1150- do22; 13 __do ;:- (Except 7th St.) lots 23 and ! 24: 13. do 1225 :. 4100 - - - --- — ----- --- --- — F..w ..a.,, ----_.._ TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL - ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM. ISSLONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPT19N DoT BLocc ADDITION ASSESSED ' - - VALUATION (Except 7th St.) 2 1 Stinson and Ramsey's Subdivision $200 ; of the west half of Block 16 do -3 1 Of Stinson, Brown and Remseyls 150 Addition to St. Paul do 4 1 - 650 i. do 5_.. 1 >_- do 1b26 4250. do 6 1 } do do 7 1 do 750 150 That part of Block 17 .Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's 5500. 2750 southeasterly of W.7th St. and east Addition to St.Paul of a line at right angles to the south line of said Block 17, from a point 100 ft from the southwest corner of lot 20, also the north 2 of Palace St. vacated and adjoining - 17 . do- -_That part of Block 17 . do 1500 22b0 southeasterly of W.7th St. and west of a !i line at right angles to the south line of said block 17 from a point 100 ft from the southwest corner of lot 20 of Block. 17 (Except 7th St.) lot 9 and part of. 10! Ramsey's Subdivision of the. west 1125 2550 southea-terly of W.7th St. half of Block 260 Stinson,Brown _sad. Ramsey's Addition to St.Pau1 r (Except 7th St.) 8 do 650: 7700 Part southeasterly of 7th St. of 13 and 14 26 do 575 (Except 7th St.) 15' 26 do 650 i' do _ 16- 26 do _ 1250. 4200 * _ include' lot 5 do6_' Stinson's-Subdivision of Block,. 750. 4540 25, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey)& do 7 Addition to St.Paul,Minnesota_.. 1000 316x0 il_.. do... :. 8 do 1000 �. do 9 _ do.650 60 0 -- do 3 31 Thomas Daly's Subdivision of 675 1650_ Blocks No. 18 and 31 in Stinson, _ Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St.Paul ro i- TOTAL ,". CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMVISSLOMR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPT19N LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION f (Except 7th St.) 4 31 : Thomas.Daly'a_ Subdivision of 1200 1500: Blocks No. 18 and 31 in Stinson, do 5 31; Brown and Ramsey's Addition 1200 6950 to St. Paul Part southeasterly of 7th St. o£ 6 31 do 800 _- (Except 7th -St.,) East 16 ft of ! 350 North 24 ft of 20 31 r and that part southeasterly of , W.7th St. of 7 31 do Part southeasterly of 7th St. of lots 17 and 18. 31 do 1800 2700 _ (Except 7th St.) 19: 31 do 1300 (Except 7th St.) and (Except th8 East 16 ft of N. 44 ft ) 20 31 ' do 1400 8000) (Except 7th St.) 11. 1 Beck and Breckenridge Addition:: 675 1500 to St. Paul do 12. 1 do 1500- 7650 do 1. 2 do 1375 11300 do 2: 2 do do 3. 2 ). do 750 - 3150 -- and (except 7th St.) Northeasterly ), + 6 ft of 4: 2 __.. .(Except 7th St. and except the northeasterly 6 ft) 4 2 do 650 1156 (Except 7th St.) Block "A" Finch's Addition to St.Paul 500 do 2; 3 do 675 2250 do 3, 3 do 550 1000 do 4: 3 do 925 _ ._.. S 850.... do 5 3 do 750 do 6 3 do 750 1050 do 7 3 do 750 do N)Fay 65.30 ft of 8. 3 _ do 600 900 S _ do - -- - - - - _ __ 9. _3. do 7. --7-50---- - ro .Ii TOTAL 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM, ISS&OMER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER --- DESCRIPTIC2N LOT )BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ . (-Except 7th St.) :10 3 -: Finch's Addition to St -Paul '• 1000 14 do 1000 1200.0 do do 2 4 do 700 1500 do 3 - 4 do 675- 1700 - do 4 4 do 550 1 13 Clarke*s Addition to the City 500 do of St. Paul 650 2000 do 2 13 do That of lots 1, 19 and 20 Rearrangement of Block 12, 1150 13500 part lying west of a line 40 ft .west Clarke's Addition to the City of and parallel with the east line of St. Paul of said lot 20, and north of a line 100 ft south of and parallel 7 with Lee Ave. and (Except 7th St.) 2 do (Except 7th St.) 3 do 625 do 4 do 625 3950 do 5 do 625 200 do 6 do .700 6400 do 7 I do 700 _- V 700. 5400 do 8 do do 9 do 70,0: _. do 10 do 600. 750 225D_ . do 11 . do s do , 39 7 .Clarke Ia Addition to the City .625 of St. Paul do 40. 7 ! do 925 7150 do 10, 5 do 900. 1400 - F do 11 . 5 do 650-- 1000 do 12 : 5 : da __ 650 h � do 13 . 5 do 650 . do14. ... __ -... __. _ 5. _ . do__ . _.. ._. _ _ ___._...:65p TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOMER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION VALUATION (except 7th St.) 15, 5 Clarke's Addition to the City - 750 6000 of St. Paul do 16. 5 do 750 3700 do 17 5 do 750 8850 do Lots 18 and 19 5 do 1350 2600 do 20 5 do 700 100- do 21 5 do 700 2700 do 22 5 do 700 50 do 23 5 do 700 2500 That part of lot 20, block 1, 575 Scheffer's Addition west of a line from a point on the north line of W.7th St. 18 ft. east from the southwest corner of said lot, to a point on the west line thereof 37 512 ft from said southwest corner, also that part of 24 5 do west of a line from a point on the south line of Armstrong Ave. 16 ft w=et from the north- east corner of said lot to a point on the east line thereof 29.70 ft from said northeast corner Part south of Armstrong Ave.of lots 18 and 19 1 Scheffers Addition to St.Paul 750 also that part of 20 1 lying south of Armstrong Ave.and easterly of a line from a point on the northerly line of West 7th St. 18 ft. easterly from the southwesterly corner of said lot to a point on the west line thereof 37 512 ft north from said southwest corner, also all that part of lot 24, block 5, Clarke's Addition lying easterly of a line from a point on the south line of Armstrong Pve. 16 ft. West from the northeast corner of said lot, to a point on the east line thereof 29.70 ft.south from said northeast corner 31 1 (Stinson and Ramsey's Subdivision 400 .___._. (of the W half of Blk 16 of Stinson, (Brown and Ramsey's Add to St.Paul (Except St.1SW 1, of Block 13 Stinson Brown and Ramsey's Add. 5000 9000 to St. Paul ) $82575 $209800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �.c a. 19 5 ' Commissioner " of Finance. Form H. B. 11 L_� - o+.nclic a -,'es Cud. i T ca/ ;Yo-,afionF�i ,�✓esf SeVenl%7 Sf %�/ ygres above lin,, s.^o,✓ R•Chrno'-x� 5T.1 %uscarora sf' � �I Cul or fi// of Proper y L,ne. figu.-es be/ow line s,�ow Dis{ante ;o s!oves EA enc' beyond Proper y Line. XSec. & Loc. Boo.-cs ,'2878 -123/. - SCa�e: X / �� \Y/ � STINSO.- 3ROWN RV5, AOD. i �V A �31 — 00 '�i . o:o �� O .�+pt ��°c c+o• � a � V t; �i' ��� ryi,i f� Y KIY - w 'I�� alo � o y n 0� ^�`.'. ��'v �iT - a� c-- >e ` ) r.'c.�d \ 794 �10 ` 3 `� Bill aaro `�� '\ \ 22 \ 5 3 ti� �; 2\ 0 7 G 5 4 3 2 z43 ' 4 7 /<\ '� �P �� \ v � CE2lj�OhiN F. � \,� 30 � 3 1p 9 . �8 28 29 . 30\� \ �L I B. �\ 40 \ \ 2\. \' \ 12 < \\ / /YCE\BROW S SU . � �� T/N 0/Y �7 ` `\ 0 T/ SON,�ROWN f RAAM3EYS AD\D.�C j4 3 \ RAMSEYS SUB. OF Wiz OF BLOCK /6 I Fill _ r-/ al Nofafion taz — �✓ s f Seven fh Sf as '... rs ahokt- line show Rx, --h mord Iii ;carom .V i r f // al Properl P line. below P S.W I/ OW me �O whic- s/fines - L rid beyond Properly Line. -- X; Loc. Books /287,4-/23/ Seale: l :100. i' ICLA IX R)< E,5 ADD. C --FIZ, 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 9 27 2122 23 „, '9 _ I . 5 J - •--� O � ,p � A. 24— ��� �''• 1„ -• /o rz. ; B< 2 c & 2.,- �I.';. a;�+^ o, i4: �, g. �, ”' — m a`4• �, �. �. �, N — o m ; �� �otno' � o. S M S'•. I alp- 35�LJ1��"' 1C) #42 I103,� G��a3 /B, ✓ /����` , < �` 20 �)4 / 9 8 % 6 5 A j ��V\ / �'F�"'y2112 _ 13 22/3 14 \ 18 9 ' 20 3 `9L �� P`l / 12 9L --- — - -- —J S� �i93\ �5� F V 16 i i II ll %12 2 �'�14 �i / / 7 �� �� {- /25` 30 �LA KES 9z\ .90 F �,c; ' � R�&\ \ . u8. F/NCHSADD.S / HS'DR. BURBANKS �NR/OGES� A[jU. /HOS. D.YS ADD. Q' 0 5TINSG Y, B�WN MM5EyS,4 zSfy.&: 131 O - QO op ap t� [�• � �. .. _l�' _.. __ �. -. --- � � �• --- - -_ �.. �..__ - tp 1p - �' -- `a• tn' to tc• h -tlj - v� -- --- o :-Gas Pumps` w At .� t Q 9 4 3 2k .� •ter 22 Fr 36 25r 2 c3' OC1 7 �Or 2 5 7 -6 5 4 3 2 24 0 .. 4 38 'c A N R 31 Nk �' 18 .: . CE2 OWN 30 �� \ D'. 39 � 20 /9 S 11�� 13 12:.:~ /� '��¢ ��'`O !0 9 8 28 29 30 ���' �L 1 B• . J`�� 40 29 0 13 12 ; �r�` NCE0/Y Rfl MSE YS S B: / \ /SDN, ROWN RAM EYS AD , J� �S OF l✓y2 OF BLOCK /6 - ,F a if lndicafes Cuf ,. Fill W s i Se ven M Si _ Nolafion ' - - bom line s j W RI c h n? 0 Tuscarora St — ortill of Piaperfy Lim. /res below G e show = C once lb whkP s/apes .. _. 1, z d Leyony finger! Lieu. Scale:. l = /00. y a x. & Loc. Books /297,4-1231. >G`r C$ ss R E' 2A D. LC L A R K E:3 A 7 D. 9� �os 37 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ^�� �o ��� a� \` w /0' 2 BC 2 Fr• B 2 Br 2 a y: /5•A4hJj b '201 •%SAeh - � � - o -_- - S• -- O• - } �• -61m ma�y`y --' --- iNy o - p .ta.4p �e �Y "a� N ;E'.5 lS1y------------- Z1Tree tit xc--09 8 7 64 3 2 I 4 2 ID ft 5 9 8 7 6 5 3 2�.QA�2122212 1318 19 20 ;'391. \P!29,�LA K9i F 16 17 �7 li to ��. n Iz I 2 `� �' O B� 7 %2 -'F/NCNB ADD. Ff N s A F/ N CHS D.R. BURBAHKS R OGE A �. HOS. DIY /. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Rep rt to Commissioner of Finance S ept emb?.r.-.5-,.--1.9.34..._--------------193------ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.9.8729---------- approved ---_A-B-gust.-29.,_1-9.3_4---.._.-193___--, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for - - ------------- ------------- - ----------.-------------------- ------------------------- slopes, cuts and fills in the widening and grading of the ------ -- ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- -- ---- ----------- - - - -widened portions of W. 7th St. from Richmond St. to Tuscarora -------------------- ----------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ ---.. ..... ------ --------------------------- ..-..---.._.--- eve. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 8 ------- , and the total cost thereof is $..-----XXXX and the nature and extent of Bald improvement is as follows------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .......................- 6114. 5. Said improvement is --------------------------------asked for upon petition of three or more Lsof perty, subject to assessment for said improvement. M Commissi er of Public Works. 11 �'...,, ...� 7 8 6 SEP 5 1934 -Wesf Sevenfh Sf From Ric mond Sf fo Tuscarora Ave: OPEN/NG Bureau Of Engineers Books /23/-/287Y ST. P. ec PAC.R Y. U U B: T H 0 S. Y 'S S B �'C THOs DALY' S 30 �� / 11 20 r� 9 _ Op _4 Z T 2sf� �, '- \ 0� `e5 /Sfy.Br. 25iy. r. Sf L •`�• Asx / 0� 2 J) Brick 9 ere igna/�Birit/ 2S}ej.Br. 6 o � _rte:". r .. •i — / - — . i � / .- `f? � ;. /may \ i •...,� \ Q I � j� / 36 d J 23)'y. Brick .37 33 ,�aF`� t 2;3 S 4si. a� 32 8 7 6 3 2 3831 \� \` ` i `\ /sty. 33 `s ST/H50 .BRO 30R S S fI EYDD. �' `'' � � C ST.�� & PAC. R . SVA /Y RS iFScale: 7tbsf . 9ich !oest iD Tuscarora- Sheef / 0�6. OAen. Dr.3'M/7B. Sheef /oi6. a t4 :. W e f Seven�h V Richmond S%7`n Tuscarora Ave. OPENING \yka Bureau X Engineers S T/ N S O N, BR O A/ & A M S E YS ADD.Books R O W U 17 2 Sty. Brick 1 ; ��i /0 - / /Sfy. Stu. 9 s ' ; •ST/ ON � RAMSEYS JUB. OF WZ BL'K. /6. . 1J 20 ❑ /' 2I �5 "7Ct In e .. v a o cb - Y 3 Tfy. Brick �`O Bill 22 orx. Ornrs.• SR L N S J SkJc Scale. Richmo�%Tuscarora / . Open. D 2o /)"° /7B. SSheef 2 of 6. heet t'6. i (f - Books l23/ /2878 P c , O, BO WST�SN1✓/Y MSEYS DE YS D/ T/ O N�14. Z Sy. Sfone 10 23 511 ! 22 F \ / SYy. r S Z Fr. Qo� 2Sfy. 2 SP y . Br. FrGa 17 3 2s /SYy. r. no-( Iron Fence....; 'v' .v-� K..>ix-. .._ +-sem+:1•. -. :�..:_ ,;,,n.,,,,,,e '_. :-: .. •. r... ,.- • --, ,_ - - '- - _ ... - ..... - .: � .. .... _..:_. ...... ^-w'-�.�".. - .-csS!'-..•J+ t: .rte:'Ar (t� �m 1 D yah` 14 `� 5 ti 15 `� `6' 9 a� ,6 a 20 Vol 6 �< �18 S\ E S S U B. f%17 EdRo S ST/NSO OWN RAMSE'YS AD Scale: �UB. n/esf 'Sf - Sheep 3 oi6 �.. Ric.bmono/foTuscaro/�s� Or. 3 m /7B. _ Sheef 30f6. Y✓esf Sevenfh Sf. Froin richmond Sf fn Tuscarora Ave. - OPEN/NG Bureau Of Engineers Bo o ks 1231- 12878 moo F�. 4 PJ CS 17 �5 2Sty.B. L �o 0 BEC Wesf 7t Sf Ali hmoad to Tascaror Open. Dr. 3 b- /78. She e14 o{'6'. i 5ca/e: 1.40. Sheef 4 a�'E. Wes f 5e ven /h Sf - From Richmond St fo Tuscarora Ave. OPENING Bureau Of Engineers ks / B Boo /23 -/287 L E M K ES SUB ' F E \ 5Kf1 RDAS SUB. o S 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 23 24 25 26 27 2 29 30 31 32 6 7 8 a 4 3 i /S� F 4Siy. F l ty. F. 1Siy.F. JiY Fr. ZSYr�S a ------------ 2Sfy. rick /Sfy.Fr 25fy.Fr. lStt�F. _ 3 Sty. Br. %Z Sty. Fr. 3 Sfy. Brick ci - N N Nn N M - - - n•. m --II O n M ,Vy. Brick Bi board : - 6 y.- Q� lStyF. G s /� /sYy Coix. a? Ab. 2 lO 9 /Fr 6 5 4 3 22 Fr I �. �� 4 3 S.�e Ca . Prv. P6 5 roil 14 �,L �a�tyGv\' F / N CD . F / /Y C H ADD �KEn / Sca/c: /'. 40.' !vest 7tb St. Richmond /o Tuscarora Open. Dr. 3 /Yf /74 Shcef S o�� Sheet Soi6. � r • From Richmond!V % Tuscarora be. OPEN/NG - - Bureau Of Engineers .. , sC L A E AD 2�. �f C L A Q D CH FF Books/Zsl-�z D• 13 7 38 17 y 66.' Tsi- gr 16'r f 4 0 40 `ss� <- O 2sf fl2 13 z.Fr. 2 st15 SBr. 2S lFr6& er. 2 f7 Br. 18. 29 Fr 20 2sf S . 22. 24 �y y 4• y' �' c t j o _V 20'A E. l5 As -9 �0 � ' '. •l5 B E. ' .•i'onc9�B/k. brei/••: o•`•..�5- - d,z-�s E'�o �ete %ck f/:•'. � !9 o � oo. Ln oddi N ' Juncfion oPnew and oh't `�anww_ O. rye ... Y r: 4 y 25fy.82 St .Brick b / - r. /Sty. Br � _ 2Sfr. ZSiyf II 10 _ 9 8 7 6 5 4 3LA i,.•} /Fr A D. r Y`9 C L A R K E' S R E F/ /y 'S A D D. Sca/e: /"=40.' n R1GINAL To CITY CLERK COUCIL (Jt)W'3 p CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY'. (j DATE February 25, 1935 COMMISSIONER - RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent Of the Comptroller, six only Heavy Duty National Fairway Mowers, 3011, for the Department of Parks, at a cost of $75.00 each, or a total cost not to exceed $450.00, without advertisement or competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Parks– 18 0 3 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce FV - Rosen /--In favor /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 RESOLUTIONS , C. F. No. 99379—By Fred M. Truax— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, six Only Heavy. Duty No- tional Fairway Mowers, 30 for the Department of Parke, ata cost of $76.00 each, or a total cost not to exceed $460.00, without ad'vertieemen[ or competitie bids, na these.. are patented articles and no advantagecould be gained thereby. Charge Parka -18 C 3. Adopted by the Council Feb. 26, 1935. Approved Feb. 26, 1935. (March 2-1935) Adopted by tht Council FEB 2 6. 935 193— Approved FEB 2 C 1935 193— Mayor 0.10 AL r0 .— CLrnK CITY OF ST. PAUL FLENLIL NO.—_99%0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' ruo COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL Fdf,l tt, ul BY COMMISSENANER ✓ `i_.1. �'�"� V ,,.M�'4.dt� .:.. (.4P _ e .y; WHEREAS, Harold J.. Slawik, prior to the passage of Ordinance No. 5840 was, and now is the owner of Lots 5 and 6, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition to the City of Saint Paul; and whereas, Lot 6 is zoned as commercial property, and Lot 5 as "C" Residence property; and WHEREAS, said Harold J. Slawik has appealed to the Council from the refusal of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to grant or permit the use of said Lot 5 for commercial purposes; and WHEREAS, the Board B Zoning has recommended that the zoning of Lot 6 as commercial property and for commercial use, be extended e0 as to include Lot 5; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the zoning and use of Lot 6, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition, as commercial property and for commercial use, be and the same is hereby extended to include and cover Lot 5 in said Block 6, and that the right to use said Lot 5 for commercial purposes is hereby granted. COUNCj1 MEN Yeas /p/ Nays earce R sen _In favor Truax rren _ —Against /aenzcl /Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council FEB 2 G 1935 193_ o , B 2 6 1935 Approved � ___193__ Mayor PUBLISHED ' _ I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 4 L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Comminlonu of Registration Bebruary 20th, 1935. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached appeal of Harold J. Slawik for permit to extend the commercial zoning on part of his property to include the entire property, this being Lot 5, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition, was referred to you today, by the City Council, with request that you prepare the proper resolution granting this appeal. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairmon LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Eagineor Secretary F"-•eZ�,2 r—Jn THE BOARD OF ZONING C2J Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B U I L D I N G. Dear Sir : February 7th, 1935. APPEAL. �� c+e iron 0, .,17.7,` ct t a Your letter of February 1st relative to the appeal of Harold J. Slawik for permit to extend the commercial zoning on part of his property to include the entire property, this being Lot 5, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition. Mr. Slawik's attorney appeared before the Board of Zoning, advised that Mr. Slawik was the owner of Lots 5 and 6 on the south side of Marshall Ave., this property beginning 50 ft. east of Cleveland Ave.; that his garage building occupied the frontage of these two lots and had occupied them since the passage of the zoning ordinance, and that Lot 6 was zoned commercially and Lot 5 was zoned "C" Residence. Mr. Slawik appeals under paragraph "a" Section 20 and asks that the zoning of the westpart of his property be extended to cover the east part of the property in order that he may use a vacant space in the rear of that part of the garage on Lot 5 for an extension of commercial uses. The Zoning Ordinance provides "Where a use district boundary line divides a lot in a single ownership permit a use authorized on either portion of such lot to extend to the entire lot." It also defines a lot as a "plot or ownership". There is no practical way to use the rear two-thirds of Lot5 permit an apartment building to be Ing the alley. for Mr. Slawik as we would not constructed fac- a fine Board recommends that the zoning on the west h,&-Lr of. Mr. Slawikf s property be extendd tcover the entire property under Seo ec t3. on 20 paragx-aph "a" of the-Zoning Ordinance. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer secretary. gh—rh enol PUBLISHED1 TO: St. Paul, Minnesota, January ifs 2, , 1935 THE HONORABLE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL I, HAROLD J. SLAWIK, hereby appeal from the de- cision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings of the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County Minnesota, refusing to re -zone Lot Five (5), Block Six (6), Merriam Park Second Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, from "C" Class Residence District, to Commercial District, or commercial property, and refusing to grant or permit the use of said lot for commercial purposes, and as a commercial district. Y pl Q U�]�) o.,o , TO CITY CLKnk .. "981-- r 981- COUNCIL ,�'� y llJ� CITY OF ST. PAUL 'Ss haanaoPub�lc a NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERE' � fri„e°aN!, "�. k 3• Dawson . �Z COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL rro BI 09 A PRESENTED BP Truaxjr�,( DATE - COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain two-story frame dwelling located on Lot 4, Block 3, Dawson & Smith's Addition, also known as No. 767 Capital Heights, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED,. That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 22nd day of March, 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN FEB 2 G 1935 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council— —-193_ Pearce Rosen ( In favor Approved —_ _193__— Truax Warren Against_ Wenzel Mayor Mr. Present (Gehan) YUBLISLI1D 5M 6.74 W. LAWOW KAUFWN Suot• of D.du CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminioner a� OO Aon. Council City of Saint Paul I+linne s ota Gentlemen: ERNEST W. JOHNSON Su L of Dl.,gt d. CHAS. A. BASSFORD Oty A, hin February 15, 1935 Various complaints have been received by this Department rel- ative to the condition of the d,:relling at 767 Capital Heights. Our inspector reports that it is a tiro story frame di. elling, vacant, very dilapidated, and formserly used for rooming house purposes. It is considered as a fire hazard and is recom- mended for conderar_ation. The legal description of the proper- ty is Lot 4, Block 3, Dawson £c Smith's Addition, and Fritz And Foster, 801 Guardian Building, are ovmers. A Danger Notice was posted on the building under date of Jan- uary 14, 1935 as provided by Section 1-19 of the Building Code. Please start condemnation action in accordance with Section 1-14 of the Building Code. 'fcurs truly, C ommi ss i over/ -D LS,R..0 /L ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK. 9982 FILE NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL " Iset . leo_ know. meet. Ia In Much v 2 PRESENTED BY („, C,r�.I,,WPin•(. •us oondltlon a COMMISSIONER Truax �� DR; -�, nd at •+ir• WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the shed located on Lots 6 and 7, Block 3, Dayton's Addition, also known as No. 535 L'Orient street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 22nd day of March, 1935, at ten o'clock A. IA. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildingesshall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN FEB u " 1935 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ____ 193__ Pearce prr—on CER 2 G 199. Rosen �_ In favor Approved__--__ 193__ Truax j Warren—Against G/ Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) q o� SM G•34 PUBLISHED W. LAMONT KAUFMAN Supt of P.M CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Cmnmlaloner -400- O Hon. Council City of Saint Paul 11innesota Gentlemen: ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt of Plsn—ds CHAS. A. BASSFORD CIH Archntt February 16, 1935 The Fire Prevention Bureau has referred to this Department for investigation the shed at 535 L'Orient Street. Our inspector reports that it is an old shed, dilapidated, and a fire hazard. It should be removed at once. It is located on Lots 6 and 7, Block 3, Dayton's Addition and is under the oxnership of the Laphari Renting Agency, 410 Pioneer Building. A danger notice was posted February 16 in accordance tivith Section 1-19 of the building code, and ti=re reco:r.:_end that condemnation action be started in accordance with Section 1-14. You --s truly, Conmiissione&owl W. ERNFST W. JOHNSON Supt. of pier m—d. CHAS. A. B.ISSFORD City A=hit,a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Mall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminioner a i0O March 21, 1935 Hon.. Cou3ric5.1 City ot' Ss int Paul Gent 1 eme a A heariag oa the advisability of ryrecking the shed at 535 L' OP ieat Street will be held on March 22 in accordance with Council Fil® No. 99982. Please ba advised that the owner, E. B. Bergholtz, 1193 East Magnolia Street, called at this office today and advises that he is 1t;a3si3nLg bids on the wrecking of this structure and is of the opiaioa tl at it will be removed within thirty days. ThereYore. vire ask that an extension of time be granted this owner, to s13 -ow him to take down this building. trullyi, City chitect ORIGINAL To CITY CL[HK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATEZ J PILENCIL NO. WEIZMS, as provided by Council File No. 99982, approved February 26, 1935, the 0ounoil did, on the 22nd day of March, 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court Mouse and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking the shed located on Lots 6 and 7, Block 3, Dayton's Addition, also known as No. 535 Ll Orient street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said shed be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent of said property; be it within ten days after the mail - FURTHER RESOLVED,'That if, Ing of this notice to said property owner°This agent, no appeal h¢arps enand PublicmBuildingses�iellreportisaid factftoParks, Council. C01_98)w Adopted by the Council--193— Pearce ouncil 193—. Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen __In favor Approve' —193— Truax J Against 11' Warren -- Mayor Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,,, _.-.H COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL` r._ r the s d 7, Ill-21 FIS' )n.also known I., at. condition1.In such a d' T �— us ns t PRESENT BY ✓ �VVL�I�'�i it condemned and t Commis NER TL R ! be tt. d C WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Pubis Buildings has reported to the Council that the shed located on, Lots 6 and 7, Block 3, Dayton's Addition, also known as No. 531 L'Orient street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 22nd day of March, 1935, at ten o'clock A. Y. in the Council Chamber in the Court Hous and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail'to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. 6 I 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council CC_r_�B_�_i9T�193 Pearce � � / Peterson Rosen In favor /��� Approved FEB 2 G 193,--193-- Truax 93_Truax Warren Against /_Av Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) D SM 6.34 PUBLISHE ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FLENCIL NO. (f 9,134 OFFICE OF THE CITY ✓Iding local COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE}s'n"" sL .Paul _,OI..bl Gtr' :,dated d dar ' R t warrant 1ta b h' PRESENTED BY Truaxk Jti,;,���1 '" t n down ther fo COMMISSIONER_ _ r.Inblic ham, _� ani AREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the two-story frame building located on Lot 8, Block 54, West St. Paul Proper, also known as No. 20 East Isabel street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 22nd day of March, 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at: his.last-known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one public ation in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COILMEN Yeas Nays � earce R en — _In favor ax �VVarren Against /Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6,34 Adopted by the Council EB 2 17.E5_193 FEB 269155 Approved— —193__— ✓, Mayor PUBLISHED W. U MONT FAUFMAN ' S.ot. of PP"..lo CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commtploner ®O Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Minnesota Gentlemen; ERNEST W. JOHNSON Suac of Playa W. CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architw February 15, 1935 On April 27, 1934, this Department addressed a letter to Mr. A. C. Steven, 2105 Fairmount Avenue, with reference to the dilapidated condition of his building at 20 East Isabel Street. In answer thereto a representative of the owner called and stated that repairs satisfactory to this Depart- ment would be made. Our inspector reports that the building is still in a very dilapidated condition and its condemnation is recommended. It is a two story frame building, occupied for garage purposes on the first floor and flats on the second floor. The building is out of plumb, very rotted, is heated by stoves, the wiring is very poor, and generally, the building is in very bad re- pair and constitutes a fire hazard. It is located on Lot 8, Block 54, ',lest St. Paul Proper. A danger notice was posted on the building by our inspector on January 9, 1935 in accordance with Section 1-19 of the Building Code, and Tie should appreciate it if you would institute condem- nation proceedings in accordance with Section 1-14. Yours truly, Commissioner / LAR..0 !;e fi i ii NOTICE -- - CITY OF SAINT PAUL 99985 99986 TO' ri °9 h cke U nk, , COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER rat - t cod n„i,COUNCIL RESOLUTION Februamy-20 199 K� RESOLVE��ID,, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF �pIC2�Ejj6 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO 11728 ' --116 --— JSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL FFR 9 N 05 193_ APPROVED as 2 6 lgar DUPLICATE TO CITYICLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL J k� COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL NO .........!'Q .1 ^9 FILE C. �.. __..�a......_ wwv-- Peterson COUNCIL RESOLUTION DONALD err . IN FAVOR Febra 20 PEARCROSEN AUDITED CLAIMS ...._....___............... '...._....._......._....._..._...,9...35 ROSEN TRUAX .....AGAINST RESOLVED. T AT CHECKS BE N ON THE CITY TREASURY. WENZEL //��//�� MR. PRIES. MRRTO THE AGGREG AMOUNT OF S.... 00 .. COVERING ....... CHECKS NUMB _....1� .TO. .... .. ..NCLUSIVE. A ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI{... �i " PER CHECKS I F F' CIS COMPTROL i CITY COM LLER MAYOR ..r(..✓1!'-....... ...iC....L%......._.GA........ ............1..(//.. C ]CG 6.32 BROUGHT FORWARD 11654 Board of Public Welfare 11655 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan e 11656 Blue & White Cab Company 11657 C.F. ivilliams 11658 Adolph Shetka 11659 Fdwin C. Battler 11660 Broadway Press, Inc. 11661 George Tilliams 11662. Axel F.Petereon, C. of Finan0e 11663 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finange 11664 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finane 11665 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan;e 11666 Fred Marhoun 11667 George Zettel 11668 M.J. Culligan, Chief of Polide 11669 General Tleotrio Supply Corp 11670 Rex Linen Supply Company 11671 St.Paul Voo, Sohool Revl,,Fun 11672 Lawrenoe A. Soler, Cashier W D. 1167] Joseph Co Dedeoker 11674 David Bashefkin SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD i i 14 632 8 6673 87 215 30 52 198 1 286 2 697 11 461 3 986 1 060 243 137 156 32 7 500 00 11803 088 02 , /I M I ML �I DATE CHECK/ NUMBER IN FAVOR OF j; TRANS'ER' DISBURSEMENT RETURNED BY BANK ./ CHECK7/ CHECKS I I BROUGHT FORWARD 11654 Board of Public Welfare 11655 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan e 11656 Blue & White Cab Company 11657 C.F. ivilliams 11658 Adolph Shetka 11659 Fdwin C. Battler 11660 Broadway Press, Inc. 11661 George Tilliams 11662. Axel F.Petereon, C. of Finan0e 11663 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finange 11664 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finane 11665 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan;e 11666 Fred Marhoun 11667 George Zettel 11668 M.J. Culligan, Chief of Polide 11669 General Tleotrio Supply Corp 11670 Rex Linen Supply Company 11671 St.Paul Voo, Sohool Revl,,Fun 11672 Lawrenoe A. Soler, Cashier W D. 1167] Joseph Co Dedeoker 11674 David Bashefkin SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD i i 14 632 8 6673 87 215 30 52 198 1 286 2 697 11 461 3 986 1 060 243 137 156 32 7 500 00 11803 088 02 , 14 632 8 6673 87 215 30 52 198 1 286 2 697 11 461 3 986 1 060 243 137 156 32 7 500 00 11803 088 02 , SHEET TOTAL.—FORWARD 70 6-12 00 7 500 815:294 93: DUPLICATE TO CJTV CLARK CITY OF SAINT PAUL CGUNCI E —ROLL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CALL e ar SonCOUNCIL C CIL FOUILE N No. ------------- ---------- MAY RESOLUTION -N.86MM�_.01 fa.:II Z�MJN FAVOR PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX AUDITED CLAIMS -Febma37 '35 wc_� ....... . ............. MR _ES -qxffamyGehan A.—ST RESOLVED. T AT T THE AGGREG CHECKS NUMB D ECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CI Y TREASURY, $ ) z I , COVERING �T _ 6, k I A ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL... .. ............... MR CHECKS tTor . - �IUSIVE. F, rR . ..... .... MAYOR BY DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF i RETURNED //TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT Ii BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD I Ii 7 500 00 A 03 Q A 0- e)!�' 11675 Healy Plumbing & Heating Company 38 6o 11676 The Imperial Brass mfg.company 1 05 11677 Klinets Key Shop 1 7 45 11678 Northern States Power Company 5 820 25 11679 Otis Elevator company 612 oo 11690 J.L. Shiely Company 3 76 11681 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compy 294 oo 11682 William Yungbauer & sonB,In,7. 6 75 116 J. Peisert 7 95 n69 O.TF!, Robland Company 3 701 471 11695 Sobtlz Grocery16 11686 Silver -Burdett Company 709 50 11687 Singer Sewing Machine Compan 83 75 11688 L.C.Smith & Corona Typewrites,Inc. 1 102 15 11689 G. Sommers & Company 211 9 11690 Southworth Press 11691 Speedometer Service & Aoc. 15 45 11692 H.K. Stahl Company 105 99 1169 Standard Stone Company 48 oo 116V Standard Unit Parts Company 81 �5 11695 Steints Meats & Groceries 1 11696 Swift & Company 43 1� 11697 Taylor Instrument Company 46 32 11699 Three -In -One oil Company 45 00 11699 Transit Supply Company390 00 11700 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compan 200 02 11701 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Oompani 64 24 11702 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compan 90 581 11703 Twin Cito Candy Company 677 13 11704 T -in City Textile Mills 81 28 11705 Underwood-Elliott-Tiaber Comp"y 218 30� 11706 U.S. Bedding Company 69 oo, 11707 University of Chicago Press 2 $71 11709 University of Miobigan 1 25 11709 Van Paper Supply Company 318 49 11710 Vellumo9d Company 6 og 11711 Victory Printing Company 142 651 11712 Vital Speeches 1 00' ll'l an Geo. T. Walker & Comp y,Inc.' 34 50� 117N'W George arner Companyi 8 30. T.B. Webb & Company 25 921 011715 11716 H.T. Wedelstaedt Company 307 14 11717 H.4. Wedelstaedt Company 54 47 11718 West Publishing Company 115 75 11719 W.J. Westphal 4 25 11720 White Eagle oil corporation 19660! 11721 F.D. Williams Coal Company 525 30 11722 H.W. 11ison,0ompany 55 00 11 117 Wisconsin Library Commission 2 00 1179 Wolters Brothers 34 97 11725 Wm. Wondra 10 91 11726 Emerson G. wulling 1 00 11717 Yoerg Brewing Company 62 25 II 11728 Wm. A. Ziegler company li 156 6411 SHEET TOTAL.—FORWARD 70 6-12 00 7 500 815:294 93: ((( e ORIGINAL 10 CITY CLARK �Q���i(' cou TY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. U Y/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIObNER DATE aebznary 26th, 1935 Whereas, Arnold R. Mentes has made application for son sales liquor license at 560 University Avelme, and Whereas, the Council ban not granted said application, and said applicant has requested withdrawal of same and a refund of his license fee and return of his bond, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to_refnnd to the said Arnold R. Mention the license fee heretofore deposited by him and the City Clerk is authorised to return his bond to him and cancel his application. COUNCILMEN Yeas / earce Nay � ,4(osen - __In favor Juax arrell —C" --Against enzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 s C. F. No. 99987—By 8. L. warren— j hereseFred IS. Tru -7. C. Arnold Pearce app1 cationaz for on sale-, 11,11 bI1lcenee at 660 Unlveraity Avenue, aor nd d said uVidica[ on, a d as d applicantnot nt- has equested withdrawal oP same and o refund of his license fee and return of hie bond, therefore, be it cersbe and they areeehereby s.uhor aro ®d to refund to the Bald Arnold R. ➢lentee the ilcenao feo heretofore depoalted by nhim and the. City Clerk c authorized to return hie bond tohim and to cancel hla k a Ad plea by the Council Feb. til 1936. Approved Feb. 36, 1936. (EfsTIh 2-193s, Adopted by the CouncilFC�g35__l93_— 193 Mayor '-r FILED OFFICE C.: i Y t'LFRK Ftu 20 4 16 N1 1935 L.F.�.'i�f� �c'�'�'.C�YI;!UA g�-L(4C' "F ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES` LUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE February 25, 1935 COUNCIL FILE NO. i 91988 N M ER.EAS, Jacob K. Thompson has made application for an "On Sale* liquor license at 781 Selby Avenue, -has paid the required fee and filed the proper bond; and MMM, the License Committee recommends that such "On Sale" liquor license be denied; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that "On Sale" liquor license applied for by Jacob K. Thompson at 781 Selby Ave. be and the same is hereby denied and the proper city officers are authorized to make the necessary refund of license fee and to return the bond to the PP 8 liCant. � yQo-rren—' C- 998T No. Trues I. C'.phom9eon hne Fred aiicj"o for ••Cn. 8o -le" lidded rondo aPP 781 .Selby lig}ed ethe Drop r and t- nredplred fQe bond; ens. the Licenoa 8n oro ll .. e'danntb¢ erefo�Sal., GereFLeb16, 1C. l d. . pn3�ob censer g dS.for,, Ave• be and I ond. nrebYdeniedand the Dn t i 1,e nrautorltcenee f� neceasari refund ond to the o.Dpb return Ilse by the u cil Fe Co t Ado"ApprO°ed F,7gr h'3119361 COU IJCILMEN Ycas�Nays Pearce j �s In favor Truax �rren _ _Against / Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 Adopted by .the Council FEB 193__193 Approved—_ FEB � � 193_- - ---- ---Mayor oRIGiN/1F o CITY CLERK COUNCIL 99989 .N► Y OF ST. PAseC FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CI'' Drums C", - COUNC RESOLUTION—1 t 39 T'FOAM v „ gnla s....• .t.... f 'I�C.�•1. Storz. ��": , PRESENTED BY y _ _ J 4.fa�aTE February 262 1985 COMMISSIONER - WHEREAS, heretofore an "On Sale" liquor license was issued to Harry -----Schaffer, receiver of the Johnson -Schaffer Drug Company to operate such business at 39-41 West Fourth Street; and WHEREAS, said Harry Schaffer has requested that his license be transferred to the Court Drug Store, Inc. to operate such business at the same address; and WHEREAS, the Court Drug Store, Inc. has filed a bond in the sum of $5,000, as required by city ordinance; and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that the request for transfer of license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said '"On Sale" liquor license heretofore issued to Harry Schaffer, Receiver of the Johnson -Schaffer Drug Company be and the same is hereby transferred to the Court Drug Store, Inc. to operate such business at the same address; and the bond of the said Court Drug Store, Inc., approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit said bond in the office of the City Comptroller and the Corporation Counsel is authorized had directed to release the surety on the bond of Harry Schaffer from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. COUN,CILMEN Yeas / Nays Pearce P /Ro// sen In favor '(T�r�uax � Warren j �—Against Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) Adopted by the CouncilF E g 22 3 1925193 FEB 26 . Approved 193_— Mayor p1jBLIsM, Dj--ay`"5 Hon. H. E. (Farren, Chairman, License Committee, Building. Dear Sir: The attached request for transfer of "on sale" liquor license from Harry Schaffer, Receiver of the Johnson -Schaffer Drug Company to the Court Drug Store, Inc. at 39-41 West Fourth Street, was referred to your Committee, by the Council, for investigation and recommendation. Youre very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Cluk and Com_ missioner of Registratlon U February 19th, 1935• Hon. H. E. (Farren, Chairman, License Committee, Building. Dear Sir: The attached request for transfer of "on sale" liquor license from Harry Schaffer, Receiver of the Johnson -Schaffer Drug Company to the Court Drug Store, Inc. at 39-41 West Fourth Street, was referred to your Committee, by the Council, for investigation and recommendation. Youre very truly, City Clerk. St. Paul. Minnesota February 16th, 1935. Honorable, the Common Council of the City of St. Paul. Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sirs: The undersigned, Harry Schaffer, Receiver of the Johnson -Schaffer Drug Company, and the Court Drug Store, Inc. of St. Paul, Minnesota, do hereby apply to your Honorable Body for the relief hereinafter requested. Harry Schaffer, Receiver of the Johnson -Schaffer Drug Company is the present holder of that certain on -sale liquor license for the premises of the Johneon-Schaffer Drug Company at 39-41 West Fourth Street, St. Paul. The latter company has been in receivership for several months, and the assets of that company have been taken over by the Court Drug Store, Inc. with the intention of continuing the business of drug store at 39-41 West Fourth Street, under the name of the Court Drug Store, Inc. For that reason, both of the undersigned do hereby request your Honorable Body to allow and approve a transfer of the on -sale liquor license in the name of Harry Schaffer, as Receiver of the Johnson -Schaffer Drug Company, to the Court Drug Store, Inc. Satisfactory arrangements have been made between the parties for the disposition of the license fee heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul for the present on -sale license. Will you kindly take this matter under consideration at your very earliest convenience, so that the transfer, if granted at once, will allow the Ccart Drug Store. Inc. to commence immediately with the sale of liquor on the premises? ���Respectfully yours, HARRY SCHAPPER . Receiver of the Johnson- SCchaY;er Drug ComPenY� By%j/.l%f �:.. Hie a zorneys' COURT DRUG STORE INC By 6 President IM NU 1-34 CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE. Application No. ---- Name of ApplicanfruC61241 Residence Address ___39_Q lost Fouge qtno pont. Mj=_ Telephone No.__Ggdav_4M. Are you a citizen of the United States? Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature?* When and where?— If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation t DFM ste're, u the !stall x1a of 1=61 and other mardialudian usually sold Jr, elx!ng staran, When incorporated? ft�xuejv '15th. '1935 If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? How many members Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager. -Tonsph Mm k, 1410 PortlnnA Lymma- qt- p"I wj"mogot. 's-idu4*4_ SoffiU4,_ qg koffj 394 AaW Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known Number Street Side Between What Cross.Streets 'Ward 39-41 1 ;Vast, Fourth North St. Fete!' and Market P6urth How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?_3"grAj_xjjG4_ How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ? appr#x1amely How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ? Name of closest school Meabomlas Art, Higb-laboA How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?._..Q0"M4WeIA1 On what floor located?- First floor and, part of basement Are premises owned by you or leased?-- Lammed --If leased, give name of owner If a restaurant,,,seating capacity? _P_rt re,tmmr=t_ Denting amity If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? -- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: -Tho reAr ram am first floor La the only rune nm that f1fiftr +.A he "SAA for 14qg*r ales - _Grill Ram in basomant in ills* to be uned Per t a eats Df 114nor, (The information above must be given for hotels or restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel? Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) - ----------- Give names and addresses of three business references - 1. J"114,m, of the Ra= Arsulag compow 0 Pau'. Inum--at 2 3. alak, 34A Cres k1 s B4 Fault 31iftesolar THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED$y THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF TIM, CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION. AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED. Application checked by Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated 193— License SEE OTHER SIDE 11 a4'� � � - � }' �• T- i � €� �� � tr � �� � f V STATE OF MINNESOTA, l - 88. County of Ramsey. --- ---- - - - - - -being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. - - --------------------------------- ------------------------------ Subscribed and sworn to before me Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. — My commission expires-- ----_— STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1 as County of Ramsey. --- ----- JOWE first duly sworn, deposes and says that *. Sa —thee raadene --- of Us Wwt VMS Inc- --- — --, a corporation; that__ ---has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of--Iia--knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution there- of is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this—__l6tb day of Babr=y_*_ 198b,- No ary Public, Rams y County, Minn. My commission expires_-- ------ EM)N&Y W. G0YF3TE1^I, Notary Publie, Ramsey County, min,. .4;; Commission E.xpiros July 22ad, .1938, :.i OHIOINAL TO CITY CLCHK ..� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ENCIL No. y`999 9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i_00-LI,NCII_-RESOIz ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEABY Pearce COMMISSIQNER T_ DATE RESOLVED That the free use of Stem Hall in the Auditorium be and the same is hereby given to the National Oonference of Jews and Ohristians on Tuesday evening, March 5, 1935, between 7:30 and 11:00 olclock, for the purpose of holding a public meeting; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That there shall be set up in the budget for the year 1936 a sum equal to the cost of opening and operating Stem Hall on that occasion, in Auditorium Fund No. 17. COUNCILMEN Yeas'Nays Pearce �eterson �� /Rosen ___In favor 'Truax /Warren _ _Against / W enzel Mr. President (Gehan) :rnn 6.34 C. F. No. 99990-33y 1. C. Parce— Resolved, That the frac ,use of. Stem Hall In the. Auditorium be and the same is rhereby given to the National Con- feence of Jews and Christians on Tuesday—Ing, March 6, 1936, be- tween 7:30 and 11:00 o'clock, for the Purpose of holding a public meeting; be 11 Further Resolved, That there eball be et up in the budget for the year 1936 a Sum equal to the coat of open - Ing aand operating Stem Hall on that ion, In Auditorium Fund No. 17. ocAdopted by the Council Feb. 27, 1936. Approved Feb. 27, 1936. (March 2-1936) Adopted by the Council FEB 27 1 193__ F E R P, 7 -3 C05 193__ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IRVING C. PEARCE, COMMISSIONER GEORGE J. JACOBS. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS S. O. HARTWELL. S—iNTe —T BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. E. TRUDEAU, DiR __ Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City of paint Paul City Hall Dear lAr. Connolly: BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MRS. J. T. JENNINGS. LSRARIA. BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM D. O. MURRAY. SVPERINTCNoervr February 26, 1935 Please note attached copy of letter from Thomas D. O'Brien and Isaac 4gummerfield, in which they request use of Stem Hall, rent free, for Tuesday evening, March 5, between 7:30 and 11 o'clock, for the pur- pose of holding a public meeting under the auspices of the National Conference of Protestants, Catholics and Jews. Will you kindly draw the necessary resolution. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Education ICP -R C 0 P Y NATIONAL CONFERTTCE OF JEWS Al; CHRI..TIANS February 25, 1935 Honorable Irving C. Pearse Commissioner of Education St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Comiti,issioner Pearce: We wish to request the use of Stejp Hall in the St. Paul Auditorium, rent free, for Tuesday evening, March 5, 1935, between the hours of 7:30 and 11:00. This is for the purpose of a public meeting under the auspices of the National Conference of Protestants, Catholics and Jews. The purpose of the meeting is furtherance of tolerance and understanding between re- ligious faiths. Speakers will include Archbishop Murray, Bishop Magee, Rabbi Margolis .nd leaders in the other faiths in St. Paul and Minnesota. This meeting will be open to the public without charge and we believe is of 'fiery definite value to our cit;;. Ke sincerely hope that we can have the use of item Hall. Cordially yours, Thomas D. O'Brien Isaac Summerfield CO- ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK '_•-n„ • COUNCIL l E L 91 NO. ID.>Y9^. Y OF ST. PA! ,. lie" FE nc • OFFICE OF THE CIfYP 'tithe attt , "rL: _ - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—( t'"' a tc t ey. ' V� •he re9u! PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Febroars 19, 1935 RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the persons named on the attached list for the addresses indicated be and they are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee: Morris Beregovsky 236 S. Snelling Av. Barber Appl 1093 Renewal Rocco De Gulio 6811 E. 3rd St. ^ " 2070 ^ Francis V. Doren, 50 S. Cretin Av. ° " 1838 " Joe. Fisher 437 University Av. " " 1785 " C. F. Fitzsimmons 546 Ohio St. " " 2028 " S.E. Hall 12 W. 5th St. ° ° 2067 " I. R. Heath 401 H. Prior Av. ° ° 1564 ° David F. Hefron 58 S. Hemline Av. ° " 1215 IN R. R. Snapp, 1696 Grand Av. ° IN 2054 ° James LaMarr, 584 H. Prior Av. " " 1246 ^ J_im Lloyd 753 Payne Av. IN ° 2016 ^ C. R. McMillan 240 S. Fairview Av. IN " 1328 " Geo. E. Moe, 1325 Payne Av. " IN 1896 " Amanda Peay 624 Rondo St. IN " 1442 " Jack Price 565 Earl St. IN " 2072 " W. D. Revard, 322 Cedar St. " " 2096 " C. F. Schulze 1574 Selby Av. ° " 2017 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council– —193 Pearce Peterson Rosen In av A rove — _193___ Truax Warren . AA�Aust�^" Wenzel :::: " Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK RESOLVED Robert Spurlin Geo. M. Stafford E.Earl White Frank J. Wortman COUNCIL 99991 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Atlas Gas & Oil Go. W. B. Baines, Joseph W. Dufour Anthony Hanish Res Oil Co. Fuel Oil & Gas Co. Fuel Oil & Gas Co. Superior Refining Co. Superior Refining Co. DATE Feb. 19, 1935 -2- 472 S. Cleveland Av. Barber Appl 1118 Renewal 611 Selby Av. ° " 1853 ° 1811 Selby Av. ' n 1521 ' 1628 Randolph St. ' " 1578 " 1400 Marsball Av. Fuel dealer ^ 2053 ' 554 Rondo St. " " " 1872 " 2919 Hiawatha Av. iple " ^ ° 2100 " Inver Grove, Minn n n " 2107 New 193 Lafond ' " ^ 1950 Renewal 1387 Marshall Av. " ^ " 2037 Now a n n n n 2038 Renewal 261 Eaton Av. ° " " 2929 New 261 Eaton Av. " " " 2030 Renewal COUNCILMEN . Yeas �z Nays /Pearce Person /R sen _- __ _ —In favor ,"ern' ` arren � Against / Wcnzel jMr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council_.r_ I, -N._I -193 �QApproved____��b l :` --.-193_ Mayor YU i>Ll:;liLll�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLE ����iP COUNCIL 99 L'�ITY OF ST.'� F:, �• Fee NO. nt rat:. sneer hr OFFICE OF THE CIT'. a to tIR COUNCIL RESOLUTION—Gk— [oe ` FORM PRESENTEDDATE February 26, 1955 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That licenses 4pplied for by the following named persons for the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: H: Chernoff, 122 State St. Berber Appl. 2158 Renewal Tony Delmont 52 W. 7th St. ^ " 1578 a Myrtle Godbey 109 E. 6th St. ° " 1088 " Harriets Beauty Shop, 46 S. Baldwin St. ° " 1204 " H. F. Jenny, 1051 Hastings Av. ^ " 2201 " Fred W. Keiser, 595 N. Hemline Av. ^ ° 2159 " John Regolo 554 St. Peter St. ° IN 1171 ° Jos. R. Seward, 411 University Ave. ^ " 1256 ° Clarence Wolf, 499 St. Peter St. ^ ° 2156 " Barnsdale Oil Co., 38 W. Water St. Fuel Dealer " 2098 New n n n a" a n ^ " 2099 Renewal Ben Freeman Gas & Oil C0.523 Como Av. W. ° " " 2198 Renewal Great Northern Coal Co. 1405 S. 5th St. Mels " " " 1606 New Hassett Oil Co. 460 N. Cleveland Av. " " " 2195 New n n n a n n n n n n 2194 Renewal Anchor Oil Co. 2165 Charles St. Gas Sta 2 pumps " 6041 New Ballard Ramp Garage Wabasha & Kellogg Blv ^ " 6 ^ " 1825 Renewal Ben Freeman Gas & Oil 590 E. 7th St. a a g n n 2199 n COUN�1tMEN Yeas �i/ Nay Adopted by the Council 193_ earce XP erson Rosen ___ _In favor - Approved— /11 ax •arren Against enzcl Mayor /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M G•34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 1. 9( ( 92 q COUNCIL NO. q t l CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM " BY COMMISSIONER .___ DATE— February 26, 1935 RESOLVED -2- Ben Freemen Gas & Oil Co. 341 W. Seventh St. Gas Station 4 pumps App 2200 Renewal B. F. Goodrich, 1634 University Av. e n 3 n n 1718 " M. J. Melius 603 S. ,Smith Av. ^ " 3 a a 2210 a M. L. Hodes 1176 N. Dale St. " " 2 " a 2208 " Sinclair Refining Co. 352 Rice St. " ^ 3 " n 2220 a W. F. Smith Tire & Battery Co. 70 W. 4th St. n n 6 n " 1539 ^ F. V. Swanson 1560 Payne Av. " " 3 " " 0171 a General Outdoor Advertising Co. 100 E. 6th St. Bill Poster " 1721 " Geo. F. Graves, 1208 N. Snelling Av. Roller Skating Rink " 0654 a Hercules Powder Co. 735 Cromwell Gunpowder dealer " 1527 ^ Jos. Johnson, 618 Canada St. Ice Delivery ^ 1581 " H. Kaplan 136 Livingston Junk Dealer " 0970 " Harry Schnitzer 963 Berry Av. " ^ " 1288 n St. Paul Lodge #20, IOOF 156 W. 9th St. Dance Hall " 2131 " C.S.P.S.11811 381 Michigan " " ^ 2014 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 In favor Against Adopted by the Council_._—__ ___193—_ A __193 Mayor _ ___ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENCIL NO. 9999 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE - February 26, 1955 RESOLVED W. A. Broecker 3.126 Rice St. Bakery Appl. 6559 Renewal Margaret Kyle 248 S. Hemline Av. " a 1848 New A. J. Bloechl 175 E. Robie St. Butcher " 1.316 Renewal Bucks Bros. 1680 Grand Ave. • " 2097 a Capitol Meat Co. 521 Wabasha St. • a 2145 Net Join I. Elm 614 Rondo St. ■ " 1908 Renewal Kafka Bros. 684 Western Av.• n U90 n " 11 n a n Grocery a 3.191 " Langman & Siegel 245 E. le.th St. Butcher " 6065 ^ Vasil Lemonowski 3.022 Earl St. • a 2124 n a n n n n Grocery ■ 2128 ^ National Tea Co. 2282 W. Como Av. Butcher " 2152 n n If n a n It n Grocery " 2185 n Perlt & Staack 285 Concord St. Butcher n 2141 n n n " n n • Grocery 2142 Bart Rieger 581 Edmund St. Butcher ■ 1781 n Rothstein Bros. 841 Burr St. • a 1999 " Otto E. Sauter 720 N. Hemline Av. ° • 1742 n E. J. Wall 796 Grand Av. ■ a 2157 n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council Pearce _193__ Peterson Rosen In favor Approved_____193__ Truax Warren _.___Against Wenzel -- - Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 510 6.34 ORIOINIL TO O`TY CLERK 99992 COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-_-_-- DATE February 26, 1935 RESOLVED Dreis Bros. Inc. Mrs. E, B. Dreis William Friday Cnarles F. Heller H. E. Horwitz, August T. Marelius Frank W. Smetana Jos. M. Steiner John Tschida W. Wallace Mrs. Geo. A. Boggs, Ben Breslow F. J. Campbell, Geo. W.Cbrest M. Cossetta Mrs. W. B. Elliott Dora Frisco Mary Jane Gilbert n n n COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax —4- 1418 Grand Av. 1418 Grand 1674 Grand Av. 33 W. 10th St. 404 Robert St. 1058 E. Maryland St. 579 Robert St. 197 Fairfield Av. 909 W. 7th St. 1654 Grand Av. 1785 E. Minnebehe 144 S. Robert St. 232 N. Cleveland 1976 Payne Av. 226 S. Franklin 415 University Av. 563 Payne Av. 1887 Randolpjt St. e a .____In favor Confectionery Restaurant Confectionery e n n n a n a Grocery n e a a e n Off sale Malt Bev. App 0888 Renewal " 2088 Nbw " 1393 Renewal " 1695 " " 6545 " " 2077 n " 2161 " " 0967 " " 1304 " " 2051 a " 2021 " 1885 " " 1078 a " 2049 " " 2035 " a 1984 " " 2050 " n 23.16 a " 2117 Adopted by the Council—_— _—_. _l93 Approved—_ - 93_—. Warren Against Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) sit 6.3+ COUNCIL �`�✓t� ORIGINIL TO L.R.c CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ND. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM • DATE February 26 1935 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _ RESOLVED Grocery Appl 0562 Renewal Amelia Godfrey 1160 E. 7th St. ^ ° 1808 " R. W. Hraby 300 Bates Av. ° ° 2140 ^ Howard Jerentosky 612 W. 7th St. " ° 0921 ^ 1658 W. 7th St. J. gouba ° ° 0994 D. E. Larson 1260 Psyne Av. ° 0189 ^ 312 University Av. ° Louis Levenson ° 2074 " 820 Rondo St. n E. W. McGill ^ " 2075 " Mrs. G. C. Marsh 1099 Randolph ° ° 1705 " 998 N. Dale S. Mayer ^ ° 1303 " Mrs.A. Navt$eny 500 Laurel ^ ° 2076 ^ G. E. Nelson 937 Payne Ave. " 2080 ° Max Belk{n 604 Wabasha St. ° n ° 1753 " Nelson & Martinson 1087 Arcade St. " ° 1933 ^ John Nightingale 818-822 Como Blvd n Mg ° 1873 o W. F. Norcross 1959 St. Anthony f 1874 off Sale Malt Bev ^ 12 " ° e a n n ° 697 Case St. Grocery " 6154 H. Peterson ^ ° 2136 " Plantation Coffee Co. 1851 W. 7th St. 2162 " Louis P. Reilly 1848 W. 7th St. Scott Stores, Inc. 171 N. Snelling Av• ° " 2063 ^ S. Schribman 654 Hall Av. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ _ __-193— Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson favor Approved—_ -- —193_ _ Rosen -----In Truax Warren -----Against -------"-- _ Mayor Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6,14 ORIOINIL= O CITY CL -K PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE Feb. 26, 1935 RESOLVED T. T. Shawl 2095 W. Como Av. Grocery App. 2059 Renewal M. R. Smith 433 S. Cleveland ^ a 2148 a C. J. Sonnen Co. 1814 Selby Av. " " rJ19 " n a n a n n Butcher " 3.120 ^ Wm. Supornick 1340 Grand Av. Grocery " 2114 " III a n n n Butcher " 2115 ^ Ed Tillman 800 Raymond Av. Grocery n 2120 n B. Tomash 823 Mississippi St. ^ " 1583 " E. R. Wagner 625 University Av. " ^ 2084 " A. M. Zeff 176 Western Av. N. " " 2125 " Sam Selbin 644 Jackson St. Butcher " 0929 " n n ^ " Grocery " 0930 " C. F. Hoppe 857 Rondo St. Butcher " 1,989 ^ W. G. Walter 742 Grand Av. Grocery a 2134 " a s n n a n Butcher ^ 2135 a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Pearce ,"'Rosen __6.In favor " Truax ✓Warren O Against Wenzel ,"'Mr. President (Gchan) 5M GJ1 Adopted by the Council_fns FF�_9�193 FEB M e, Approved—.__._ _193_— s� Mayor PUBLISHED ORIGINAL TO CITY CLER 9 ' 993 GOU NCIL \✓� S�Jp CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY H COMMISSIONER .DATE 7ebraary 21, 1935 RESOLVED —� That licenses for Tavern, application 2082, and Dance Hall, application 2081, applied for by H. Kroening at T41 IW—ad Street be and the eame are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issae'sach licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the regatred fees. COUNCILME _ Yeas . Nays Adopted by the Council_ _193__ Pearce -- Peterson / Rosen / ._In favor Approved_____193__ Truax Warren,// Against Wenzel/ / Mayor Mr. President (Gehany 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY OL -RK Q' • OF ST. PAUL FI ENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT D COMMIS N DATE February 262 1935 R WHEREAS, Mrs. A. E. Kallsen desires to withdraw application 2164 for Hotel license at 321-323 Robert St., and requested refund of license fee deposited; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officera be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Mrs. A. E. Kallsen the fee of $25.00 and to cancel said application for lic- ense. C Fred M: TrustPearce.—nrren— Whereas, Mrs. A. E. Kali -en desire - 1 cento se atmhdr 321p3213c Roberti64 for Hotel St., and — quested refund of_II"ree Yee deposited: therefore, be It - Reaolved, that the prOpeT etty T ces be d they or ars hereby-authized ,I to fund to Mrs. A. E. Kallflen the fee f $25.00 and to cancel -aid applteatloa-, f`Itnr =-..6, Ad pied bl the Council Feb. 26, 1936 App ved F b. 26, 1936 (M reh 2-1935) COUNCILMEN s Yeas / Na��-.--In Pearce �� n _ favor Lose�K /1 uax '� arren /Wenzel Against /Mr. President (Gchin) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council'_ 193_ FE® 2 6 -4 6 Approved------ 193____ Mayor ORIGINAL TO GITV CLERK L�9995 OF ST. PAUL FaENCI� NO. a i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK `COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ," `-�•itA, C COMMISSIONER _ DATE February 26 1935 RfAqk�%R — WHEREAS, Ernest Robinson desires to withdraw application 1491 for license for Barber at 312 Rondo St. and has requested return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Ernest Robinson the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for Barber license. COUN�I LM EN Yeas // Nays , Pearce /Kosen —__._ _In favor ZUax tar,er, Against enzel jMr. President (Gehan) IM 6.34 C. F. No. 99996—By H. E. FVarren— Fred AI. Tru—I. C. Pearce— Whereas, Ernest Robinson desire" to (thdraw application 1491 for Il cense for Barber at 312 Rondo St. and has requested return of the license fee do - posited thereon; therefore, be It Resolved, that the proper city offi- cers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Ernest Robinson the fee of 310:00 and to cancel said application for Barber license. Adopted by the Council Feb. 2G, 1936. APporved Feb. 26, 1936. (March 2-1936) Adopted by the Council FEB 2 6 1935 193_ 8 2 6 1 �..ni� Approved --__193__ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEgK - __414 OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. 999.96 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCIL ESOLUTTION—GENERAL FORM ✓,/l.t.(�- MVV . i PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__L1 DATE February- 26 1935 RESOLVED That Restaurant License Nos 5985, Off Sale Malt Beverage License No. 2362, and On Sale Malt Beverage License No. 1646, expiring May 24, 1935, issued to Hanby Green doing business as the Green Pastures at 819 East Minnehaha Street be and the same are hereby revoked. iC. F- No.- 99996—fayWnrren— Fred AlTruax_'. C. Pearce -- No. 6986, oir Sale fres [aurant Llcenao No. 2362, Cn fSale bIalt BeV3Orag0 asLicense -.No 1696, expiring May 24, 1936, rho Green Greon doing bush esa ehnha Street aetures nt 819 Enst Min - See letters attached, hereby r yekea.be nna the ancon nre Adopted. by the Council Feb. 26, 1935. j ADDToved Feb. 26, 1935. j (March 2-1935) COUNMLMEN Yeas �I/ Nays Adopted by the Council -_lF'=z�R 9 P tnOC 93_ carce ��lJv.J— . R seR In favor Approved__ _193__ ax arren -./0--Against enrol c—T— — Mayor �Mr. President (Gehan) , 6.34 ¢ld r CITY OF SAINT PAUL LOUIS P. SHEAHAN LEGAL DEPARTMENT HILARY J. FLYNN JOHN L. CON NOLLY EDWIN MURPHY IRVING GOTLIECORPORATION COUNSEL S ' JAS. F. SULLIVAN. CLAIM INVEITI-TOR February 18, 1935. Mr. H. E. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety, City of Saint Paul. Dear Sir: Pursuant to your request, I beg to advise that we received the following information in issuing complaint against Henry Green, 819 East Minnehaha street: Henriks Hanrikson, 351 Hope street, stated that on February 12, 1935, he purchased a high -ball for the sum of 20(t at said place . Mrs. Helga Helgeson and Miss Bringle stated that on February 8th, at 11:45 P. M. they were served with a high -ball in said place. Mrs. Marie Haaland, 889 Reaney street, claims that she pur- chased liquor there about a month ago, but could not fix the date. I trust that this is the information that you desire in this matter. IG -U Yours very truly, yl� )Ai6 Prosecuting Attorney. L CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minninota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clink and Comminionar of Registration Pebruary 13th, 1935. Mr. Carl B. Leonard, License Inspector, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: The City Council, on motion of Commissioner - Warren revoked all City licenses heretofore granted for premises at 821 Arcade Street formerly known as *roan Pastures for the reason that one Mrs. Helga Helgason, 1065 Heaney Street alleged that she was attacked at said premises on rebruary 5th, 1935 be- tween the houre of 11 P. M. and 11:45 P. M. by one Denap Moball, who, she claimed is the manager or bartender and for the further reason that Miss Ann Bringle, 554 Pangnier Street told the Council that she had formerly been employed at this place and that the proprietor thereof served intoxicating liquor to certain of his patrons. Miss Bringle also testified that she is twenty years old. Mrs. Helga Helgason also said that she had been served intoxicating liquor and H. S. Henriksen said that he had purchased a highball which contained moonshine whiskey and had paid 20.cents for same. This motion provided for the revoke - tion of the license, subject to investigation of the, foregoing charges. We suggest that a resolution be drawn to this effect. Yours very truly, City Clerk. n 091GINAL To CITY CL.A r .T oUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY March 6th, 1935 COMMISSIONER - DATE RESOLVED, That licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 2106, and Restaurant, application 2105, applied for by Sem Rosenfeldt at 660 Selby Avemie be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue each licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce / Peterson ✓ \ Rosen --In favor Truax 4 Warren __._ Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 a !, C. F. No. 99997— Resolved, That license for On Sale Malt Beverage, aT,plIe .tion 2106, and RestaurantI appNeatlon 2105, anplled for by Sam Rosenfel'dt at 660 Selby: Avenue be and them re hereby; 7 granted and the City Clerk is Instruct-, ed to issue, such licenses upon the puy- Tont Into the city treasury of the re: F 9uired fees. Adopted by the.Council March 5, 1935. Approved March 5, 1935. i -. (March 9-1935) Adopted by the Council MAR 5 1935193 PP A roved �lii#3 y' 193 Mayor U Adopted by the Council _. _ 193 Yeas. Nays, PEARCE PET SON / ' RO N /7R AX 7,WENZEL RREN /Z MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) r ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK COUNCIL NO. ('it41TY OF ST. PAUL --TiW OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ER f DATE— iebrnaTV 26th —3935 COMMISSIONER _ RESOLVED,, that licensee for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 2106., and Restaurant, application 2105, applied for by Sam Rosenfeldt at 660 Selby Avenue be and the same are hereby denied, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to the said Sam Rosenfeldt the fees of $50.00 and $10.00 and to cancel said applications for licensee respectively. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council— --193____ Pearce _�rsarr— Rosen —_In favor Truax Warren —_-_Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Mayor February 27th, 1035. Hon. Axel F. Peterson, Couunissioner*of Finance, Building. Dear Sir: The Council today laid over to March 5th the applications of Sam Rosenfeldt for On Sale Malt Beverm-e and Restaurant licenses at 660 Selby Avenue and requested that you send notices to property owners within 200 feet, of this hearing. Yours very truly, City Clerk. SP A. C. BRAND BUTTER ALPHA CREAMERY PASTEURIZED BUTTERMILK - MAX INGBER, Menaler - pRESH EGGS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SWEET MILK COTTAGE CHEESE AND 662 SELBY AVENUE AND SOUR CREAM CREAM .,� TEL. DALE 5985 St. Paul, Minn., FKb• Mar. 4. /83-5 To The Honorable Council, City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minn. We wish to take this occasion to express our desire for the establishment of a Kosher Restaurent on Selby Avenue between St. Albans and Dale. Yours very respectfully, AMP/SA ERY INC., M YOU ARE WELCOME TO VISIT OUR PLANT CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepitel of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commialoner of Registration February 27th, 1935• Hon. H. E. Warren, Chairman, License Committee, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: The attached resolution denying the applications of Sam Hosenfeldt for son sale" malt beverage and restaurant at 660 Selby Avenue together with copies of the application, reports, etc. were laid over by the City Council to March 5th at which time a hearing will be held and your Committee was requested to further consider these applications and report back to the Council. John De Courcy represented Mr. Hosen- feldt before the Council and said that the applicant desires to operate a Kosher restaurant at this location. Yours very truly, City Clerk. February 27th, 1935. Hon. 'T. Farren, Chairman, License Committee, City -)f St. Paul. Dear Sir: The attached resolution denyinf, the applications of Seca Rosenfeldt for "on sale" malt boverage and restaurant at 660 Selby Avenue top -ether with copies of the application, reports, etc. were laid over by the City Council to March 5th at which time a hearing, will be held and your Committee was reFueeted to further consider these applications and report back to the Council. John De Courcy represented Mr. Rosen- feldt before the Council and said that the applicant desires to operate a ?kosher restaurant at this location. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK <N� OF ST. PAUL FILE l9_— rili(�}j FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a It COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ?RESENTED BY '`l'<"p� at°`t,. t, i.'I.a'�'./A,�_ DATE February 26, 1935 RESOLVED That license for Grocery, application 1743, applied for by Lillian and Mamie Greer at 1956 Sigel St. be and the same is hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Health and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Lillian and Mamie Greer the fee of $110,00 and to cancel said application for license. 70�ULMEN Yeas Nays Pearce osen ---�In f // avor /hruax Warren _ Against / w enzel /Mr. President (Gehan) SNI 6.34 C. F. No. 99998—By H. M Warren— Fred M' Truax—L C. Pearce— Resolved, That license for Grocery, application 1743, applied for by Lillian land Mamfe-Greer at 1966 Sigel SL be and the same is hereby denied -upon recommendation of the Bureau of 1111111h and the proper cityofllcers are hereby. authorized to refund to Lillian and Mamie Greer the fee of $10.00 and to cane -1— application for license. Adopted by the Council Feb. 26, 1936. AD proved Feb. 26, 1936. -(March 2-1936) Adopted by the Council P + 193_ F'E 3 2 6 1935 Approved—____ %193 Mayor Council File No............n�.i3a1>3 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. r-. Theundersigned hereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpubheimprovement by the City of Saint Paul, via.: l Condemning and taking an easement 20 feet in width below, an elavation-d 60 and above an elevation of 45, City Datum, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a sanitary intercepting sewer under, through and across lots l to 13, inclusive, Block 1, rsdgecliffe Addition No. 2, and jots 17 and 18,, Block 2, Riverwood Addition ;,from t4e:,_aouth line of Hgrtford Aye..to the west line of Mount Curve Boulevard, "the center line of said eaesment being a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of Hartford Avenue 15 feeteast of:the.nortb— west corner of lot 1, Block 1, Edgeeliffe Addition No. 2, thence southeasterly.to a point on the line forming the common boundary between lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Edge- cl ffe Addition No. 2, 50 feet east of the west boundary line of the aforementioned lots 7 and 8, thence southerly and parallel to the west boundary live of,lets 8 to 13, Block 1,`Edgeoliffe Addition No. 2.,,to a.,point 10•feat south of the north boundary line of Riverwood Addition, thence easterly and p&*allel to the north boundary line of Riverwood'Addition to the<west line of Mount Curve Boulevard. Also condemning and taking an easement 20 feet in width below an elevation of 60 and above an elevation of 45,,.City.Datum, for the purpose of constructing and meinfafting a san3tary:intercepting sewer under, through] and across lots 1, 6, 7 au& 2, Riverwood Addition, from the-north,,line of Highland Farkw y to the eosi'Jine of Woodlawn Avenue, the.eenter line of said easement being aline described 68:40 lowav- Beginningngcat a point on the north line of Highland Parkway 22 feet eaetFof tha.aeast line of Woodlawn Avenue, thence noirtlierly:on a straight line - to a PO tha west boon on dart' line of .lot 7, 131ook 2, Rigepsood.Addit .on 17 feet norttieasterly Erom the southwest.corner of -.the said lot 7, and,said line:produced n rthftll._ , Also condemning and taking an easement 20.feet in widtla Below an elevation of 65 audl above in elevation of 50, City Datum, for the purpose of :constructing end' Wdntaini Dnc a'sanitary intercepting eerier under, through and across,Lot 2 Auditor's Subdivision No. 87, from.the south line of.Highland Ford; Parkway to the east line of Mississippi River Boulevard, the center line of said easement being a line described as. follt we $egfnniixg.at a point on tha center line of.Highland Ford Parkviay 21.68`feet we of the cettter line-of.4?oodlawn Avenue, thence southwesterly at an angle of`$3o- 42' from the said"center=fine of Highland.Ford Parkway on a etreight line to'its intersection with the aforementioned east line of Mississippi River Boulevard. northerly. of $e 60d 'lig su eaaem3at 20 feet in, width below an elevatiett i §b .> `®lavation of 50, City Datum, for the purpose of eonotrue tiErg Subdivision No' 87# intercepting sewer under, through and across Lot 2� 87, from the south line of Highland Ford Parkway to the east line Of Mississippi, River Boulevard, the center line of said easement being a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the center line of Highland Ford Parkway 21.68 feet west of the center line of Woodlawn Avenue thence southwesterly at i3,97Z4?!•,fx034 th;� F.,ord Pru' e said center, liner of bland l 4.4.8:Atraiat '1$S ,p,N`si�.L {'ao-cougsm a.E . Uq ; c �JJ . zr 20 Tn:. cr fit"PT, GTO." f at x}e L eoc FrJgT�roU fo c rc rz .•" , TJJ of 5n m" m ; •,A q u� ;;T r2 i..00y ,{iy r; u> ,,x 5z c1 rr: :,(,T z i*,.r*r ^ r.(rc. R T,zre Tj! BGTTT,te tl'G f "T ,Zt.. rte r0 T7.i� TQ I1' .7 )$ re u0 f,J 173c'FJrt La. �i OCA, 4 T ,jrJc. 1.'. n rn; , ,t Tir r 'C- 2 T3' C1T CCi T; tOJ ao• car) LEc;t F,21: n; .j -�a 9 S.P, . - ?Mfgi7 � TT11^,., rFu `r'Oa.C>::oU"1 ^tJ5? bo,.p .CII ip'ju j xUc• j',OT'u T. ri;; , C0111,OU _t OMTCC T,� Tn.0 : J S iC` 4�Bloc", T' i i`Ec- n4 G07XG oi.. TOT' ?+ ,TOG- Tgt�ecT.b; q zi rlo creU{ ens �ferT2 "n o R6gxAAy7ATu f.F f� DO:1"Uf UiJ PjJOII.C}7 jT?7.. Cr .'.`�.� G i. " j -: rrC? T� T.3... �.t J;,` Ljlf F. (?,.C�- - 0f7T61!•iq'+ LLJ<^ G II.�fz J776 C{, O Stj o`"'�ID i !7 7 �' f'JJt cT^^C.Tp�g S~u TOrTO:t lqq T.C`TOU� 'tLom PG •O!T i7 ';778 j?$b.�TO t ,,1: ({) CYTE 1,10 m GU. "Ot1T (;P.SI TUGTaZTnes gTocft T+ ;;q ,cTT br r4cTr7�J .tn� 5� 7J(j tO.F. TA rng TO CTcrj' S' TS .r..ong IJT.F^.j T7i .T7 s.s..1. TJi P9LCE �F7AFi :. -T• MA ' 1( �*::: a^ C-.O'0c TOC-, T �� ,�+ ,O)G J, .T -A 'LT.,rf Or ��+ CTI% D} CJSF.J" IOL ,^F- i)7T J02F OS �OS7�rLl7CFj AH' - t', - .:r__----,---.�_....��� Hero•: - -:;� Dated this ---_26th.......... day PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: ..... ............... .... _... ... .... .... _ ..__ ._ . - ...._ _ ....... . Condemning and taking an easement 20 feet in width below an elevation (f 60 and above an elevation of 45, City Datum, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a sanitary intercepting sewer under, through and across lots 1 to 13, inclusive, Block 1, Edgecliffe Addition No. 2, and lots 17 and 18, Block 2, Riverwood Addition, from the south line of Hartford Ave. to the west line of Mount Curve Boulevard,the center line of said easement being a line described as followst Beginning at a point on the south line of Hartford Avenue 15 feet east of the north- west corner of lot 1, Block 1, Edgeeliffe Addition No. 2, thence southeasterly to a point on'the line forming the common boundary between lots 7 And `8,'Block 1,`Edge- cliffe Addition No. 2, 50 feet east of the west boundary line of -the aforementioned lots 7 and 8, thence southerly and parallel to the west boundary line of lots,;8-to 13, Block 1, Edgecliffo Addition No. 21 to a point 10 feet south of the north boundary line of RiverwoodAdditioni thence easterly and parallel to the north boundary line of Riverwood.ltddition to the west line of Mount Curve Boulevard. Also Condemning and taking an easement 20 feet in width below an elevation of 60 and above an elevation of 45, City Datum, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a sanitary intercepting "sewer under, throughi'and across lots 1, 6, 7 and 8,,Block 2, Riverwood,Addition, from the north line of Highland Parkway to the east line of Woodlawn Avenue, the center line of said easement being a line described as follows:. Beginning ata point on the north line of Highland Parkway 22 feet east of the east line of•,•.Woodlawn Avenue,.thence nertherly on a straight line to a point on the west boundary line of lot 7. Block 2, Riverwood Addition 17 feet northeasterly from the southwest corner of the said lot 7, and said line produced northerly. Also condemning and taking an easement 20 feet in width below an elevation of 65 and above an elevation of 50, City Datum, for the purpose of constructing and maintainer a sanitary intercepting sewer under, through and across Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 87, from the south line of Highland Ford Parkway to the east line of Mississippi River Boulevard, the center line of said easement being a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the center line of Highland Ford Parkway 21.68 feet west of.the center line of Woodlawn Avenue, thence southwesterly at •_o::v.-Ul.,.,a x`—A P-1— nn A A+'rxiabt � �PnTaaesq• `t I,aLl£::i 1 .i1 •�2�i �.' F. L.:r..� OL_{�� 6 c-IIPoT '7?3 D1;�.. ;s79U 2Tb^T BT GL :a2°3ti!G' ri76IIC6 80(l.CII .a ',T�\ 2P' BotrTSnnq• TTNB. 0 ip TpP6za6c •Tou TPP'rpe s-OLOMOrPTouGq 0TH P NITS oL T,gT22TasTbbT gTAGL Eu au�Tc oL �3o ( ;Low Ppb '3qq couPaL TTua oL HTHFTF)uq LoLO F,9LIu:1T1. ou s 2PL&T4 b9LjG 92, 5T•28 LBGP ISGer OL Pps C6IIPGL TTua OL A0Ogj9MD VAGUII ' PIJ6ACa 20nPpfia BP6LT1 VP gsecLTpsq a2 LOTTo 2:. 136�TuuTUR sP a bOTBp ou Pps GGU;6L TTue oL HTRVpTuq LOLq 01 WT42T22TUT BTAGL BonTGAai,g' Ppe c6uPGL TTus OL 2`-Tq 6s2Gwgvf P67" s TTUG 2f1PgTAT2TOu go' RA' LLom PFG eonFF TTus oL HTgFTsuq goLq baLp.zx Po Pps asap Trus MMT i Turuu s GvLgPa TuPGLcabPTuo ac;asL =GLPpLorrBp suq BCLoe2 ro-r 5' `,1TgTPOL, 2 oL P� suq spon6 Sri sTsnsPTOu OL ?0' CTPA DO MM' LOL Pps fmbo2s oL cou2rLrrcPTuR sug ,720 OGugG'IUT.Ud vuq rnlzTu" su GUR.GMuP 50 LF 0P TU z',TgFF p6Tor.; 00 GTGA�47`0u uoLPp@LT2• nOLrPrU2;GLT3 LLOW Pus 2onPpxa2.r GOLUGT. OL Pps as?q TOP S' 4 esT TATs Fn ogrrcaq bop.p ou rAa user PonugO� TTUG OL Tor a' BTOG, 5' gTACLetooq VggTPTOu T,\ bGGP a92P oL rpG GsaP ]TUG oL j&oOg3 VJW JlAsurrs' Ppaucc UULPpsLTX OU s 2PLaTRJJ-p TTUG PO s U2 ZOTT0212: BGRTT7,7Tua v� z boTup OU Pps uOLPp TTTI o; HTgFTsuq BuLjv,,,A'S{,Gsr G2c2r TTA6 OL MO00T91M iAGAnG' PAG GG F'GL TTUG OL WN eumgGuf PGTUE 0 True gG2GLTpaq 9U9 R' BTocx 5' gTAGL 4OOq VggTPTou' LLOm Ppa Uf;L,.A TTne OL IlVFTU71q bsi.Icrss& Po PFG MTUPITTUTu� s 2en4—P' L% TuPsr.csbrruk ae:.sL ncrc .L' PpLonPA' VcUq UCLO22 Tora T' Q' OT, p0 suq TPOAG ...7 0 -CA ,f'T'u r _r'rnm' ',01, F;..TG b9LbO2G oL ,.-�� cOu2PLn6PTuP -ng. .rjGT05EII 1$ i. rn., :�,fqc=•cr s uq QU oL HTAGLraooq `:'ggTF:ou Fo Fps :4G 2, 7:)oa o; o:r:r; ;l n_a TTus oL gTAGL9ooq yqq?'^T=.u' vsacG - . _ _�LT2 :, q i?mLsrJui F0 FPG uOLrp ponzrg0 TTUG BTocr: T' Eq'-cc,-TLLe dqq ;Tou y-,• �' Fo s LoT.7F TO TG.;P aonPF OL OPG UOLPF POIWC Lk 7OF2 suq 8' PPGzrcG 2O17rA9LT? ;ilq b:LsTTeT '0 .cPs .M.s2r PO=9',rLa TTUO OL TOP R PO 13' OTTLLG ggqTFT077 IqO• S' 20 LGG.P G:.2P OT, ;:AG :.s r PonUq: LL TTUG oL Ppe sLoz.Gm-uPToueq !OTnP OU ':VG TTUG LOLmru4 Ppd 0",Br,JoU pOnuq%;T.A pGrs:Gsu Tore a suq R' BTOG�= T' EgBc-- MG2P col_uG-. oL TOP T' BTOO;= T' LgBGcTTLL` ' Tj7"IDU MO' 5' FFGucs 2onrpsssPGLTa PO s BsfiTuuTUR UP i LOTUF Ou MG %Of4V TTUG 0- lisL;LOLq FTAGilnG T2 LGGP es-zr OL ;pe OOL;,'J_ BonTGAvLq' PPG ceuPGL !TUG OL 2sT9 Gs2G0uAP psTUt s TTUG g62cL.rpsq s2 T,oTTom2: ,ggTPTOII' LT-ow.PpG 2onrp Trus OL LPLorc +AG Fo -PPGMszP Trus OL pom7F Om.AG T77cT reins' BTO -Y, T' i gPecTT7,LG VVTFTOU MO • '," q )'O -P2 TA suq TO BTOV;t gTAGLAOOq rTUrs;sru€ 0 2�rTP: ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK F ST. PAUL r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL �RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM DATE >+'9bTL8ry °�, 1985 COUNCIL FILE NO. -140 O a. WHEREAS, A. M. Heinen has made application for an "On Sale" liquor license at 897 Rice St., has paid the required fee, and filed the proper band, and WHEREAS, the License Committee recommends that each "On Sale" liquor license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue such license to said applicant for the premises described in the application; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the bond of the said A. M. Heinen in the sum of $8,000.00, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved and the City Clerk is instructed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller. COUN -ILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce / In favor /r"fax MVV rren Against enzel President (Gehan) 5%1 6.34 I,� C. F. No. 100080—By H:'. E. Warren—', Fred 111. Truax—I. C.. Pearce-- Whereas, A. M. i;I.;n has made ap- ;1plication for an On. Sale' .liquor, " ..icenselat 897 Rlce St., has. paid. the re gl,(Iuaed fee, and filed the proper bond,' "SanWhere-, the Llcenee-Lommlttee rec-' ends .that such "Ott Sale", Liquor '; X11 se'be granted; therefore,: be It. . Resolved, That the.City Clerk be and he Is hereby authorized and directed to i: ue such license to saidapplicantfor Fa a the premises described in the apvlica- zti:.., tion, and be it - -.; Further Resolved, that the bond of the said A.,HI. Heinen In the sum of $7,000.00, atproved as to form and e- }�'cutl0n by the Corporation. Counsel, be and the same le horeby approved and njothe City lin the officer of tthe, City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Feb. 28, 1936. Approved Feb. 26, -1936 ,yr (March 2-1986) 4 Adopted by the CouncilCFEp 9 F 1,�.�Q3,�__193 FEB 2 5 1935 Approved--- 193__ QG � Mayor RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FU(ING TIME OF HEARING IN hlt� 1.1;i!i2ON AND FIXING TIME OF INEA°I''G Oil' THE AW,4R N PIIOCEELINGef. ' No. 100001— ' matter of opening, wi ;± ling ?last rrhird 81. In the matter of-------------------------------------------------------- to white Be., " opening, widening and extending East Third St. from Clarence St. to White Bear Ave., to a width of 80 feet, by condsaning and taking the following property; the south 10 ft. of lots 13 to 24 inclusive, Smith's Subdivision of block 14, Stinson's Frances St. Addition to St. Paul; the north 10 feet of lots 1 to 112 inclusive, Eret's Addition; the south 10 feet of blocks 11, 12, 13, and the north 10 feet of blocks 18, 19 and 20, Stinsonts Frances Street Addition to St. Paul; the south 10 feet of lots 9 to 16, inclusive,block 15, and the north 10 feet of lots 4 to 12 inclusive, block 16, G. V. Bacon's Addition; the south 10 ft. di? lots 8 to 14 inclusive, block 3, and lots 16 to 30 inclusive, block 6, and the north 10 feet of lots 1 to 5 inclusive, block 4, and lots 1 to 15 inclusive, block 5, Heinemann, McConville and Stierle's Subdivision of lots 2, 12, 13 of Lee's Suburban Hills; the south 10 ft. of lots 16 to 30 inclusive, block 1, and lots 16 to 30 inclusive, block 2, and the north 10 ft. of lots.l._to 15-inclusivs,`_hlook 3, and lot"sl to 15 'inclusive, block 4, Bunde's Park Addition to St. Paul Final Order ----------------5. --- --, approved-- - The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- --- 9!7th-------- day of --------- March --------------- 19_35-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. FEB 2 C 193E Adopted by the Council---------------------------------, _ 0_ Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19 C , � -------`-�------------------q>~ -- H U-7--'= Pearce Mayor. Councilman Uonroy Geffneyfflem ld- Councilman McDonald - C011nCllmaII Councilman &eaTC2, PUBLISHED . �. :. 3 Councilman land 1C a:"rrn Counci elm r Mayor Gehau 11.(�O of RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND TIMEAWHEARINGAUMMOM r;.::,,nnu ANn l;lvinlf' TIMI~ AP BEARING ON THE AWARQJ10xR , J' ull;; Topa 7° Po 20 ^Pr„sTQ,z ZnoazArFrcv orTorz ;' TS' 7? OT,iea,z Znpnz�;arf 70 Lot%P -1 1 ;” 7 p ,nCTff2TA0� 910c a' -g 104 ;0 J ;0 1, TLc ,rarao' P7001= 2• F .�0 T:7 7170Tn8rAO' Pi 0 c ?' Onq TOPS 19 }0 'tr, TifOTff2TA10 P70Cj: r' oncl P""m nOL;p 7oPE IT PO JS ?nc7nzrA9' MOON 7P' G' Il' p0cua,z INT4TO11: P;,e aOnPy 10 LP' oL 7o{z FNa,aorrfF 70 TGa oT.. JoPz o Fo JP' a Join, aTr_s' PTOGF Tel urq fvs noz.PF 7U baeP ob 70 Lee 07 CTOCr2 7P' J8 CIN ;SO''F7u20n;2 En nCe2 2P7sCP ;f4gr{,on Poet17; under Preliminary Order ---- 99197 --------------- , approved ---- Oct, -24.,.1934 -____-__-_________- Intermediary Order --------- 99410.-------------- approved -_-_Dec. Dec—E,1934 Final Order ---------------- 995Bk------------- approved ---- J9m.--2+-1M------------------ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court house in the City of St. Paul on the-___---- 2#h -------- day of --------- March --------------- 19_35-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. FEB 2 G 193 Adopted by the Council ------------------------------��� ------------------------------------------- Approved--------------, - J i Cid Clerk. Qom7_ Pearce Mayor. Councilman Uonroy' 6ffiall Councilman McDonald- cz PUBLISHED Councilman rce U: rren ��l Councilman land . l� c,zel Counc eim�i Gehau Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, ooste and expenses for changing the grade of East Third St. from Clarence St. to Birmingham St. and from Hazelwood Ave. to white Bear Ave. to conform to the red line on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, under Preliminary Order_._ ------------- 99,3-ke---.--___------------- Intermediary Order ________88fi0.a----------------------- _________________ Final Order................9472.........................., qp coved .......... ..........Jaz1...17 .............. 19 36 The assessment of...hensPite.,..damsgss,...aAsta...aztd..xlacansaa................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the------..27.tix..............day of -Mar& .................................... 19...35., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and" City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the'notice is directed. FE111193% Adopted by the Council - ------........-------.......... ---- . -- . - - - 19 ._ it / �'...,G�/ril FEB� �q�F ---------------------- - ------ ---� ........ ..., City Clerk. .. A sexed.... •--- 19 - .. ..:... ....a...._�'----..%E" .ave Mayor. Councilma>�ilancy �-� Pearce G�rgiwon 1,. 01 opt. CouncilmanMA:FMuaL4:P= Ros Councilmarflr= Truax _ Councihna Warren Couneilma Wenzel pUBI1S?ItiD� Mayor Form B. B. 17 _ VINs A9aBIBBunpr • 1I100002 COUNCIL FILE NO.._ ............................... .......................--........ "I I ,or of. the asses -' B........................................................................ BY —ages, caste f, �g the grade or :z a St. to X,a.' Hazelwood . ionforne hcre'..� CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, ooste and expenses for changing the grade of East Third St. from Clarence St. to Birmingham St. and from Hazelwood Ave. to white Bear Ave. to conform to the red line on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, under Preliminary Order_._ ------------- 99,3-ke---.--___------------- Intermediary Order ________88fi0.a----------------------- _________________ Final Order................9472.........................., qp coved .......... ..........Jaz1...17 .............. 19 36 The assessment of...hensPite.,..damsgss,...aAsta...aztd..xlacansaa................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the------..27.tix..............day of -Mar& .................................... 19...35., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and" City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the'notice is directed. FE111193% Adopted by the Council - ------........-------.......... ---- . -- . - - - 19 ._ it / �'...,G�/ril FEB� �q�F ---------------------- - ------ ---� ........ ..., City Clerk. .. A sexed.... •--- 19 - .. ..:... ....a...._�'----..%E" .ave Mayor. Councilma>�ilancy �-� Pearce G�rgiwon 1,. 01 opt. CouncilmanMA:FMuaL4:P= Ros Councilmarflr= Truax _ Councihna Warren Couneilma Wenzel pUBI1S?ItiD� Mayor Form B. B. 17 00 003 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING, t iii_ TON AND HUNG TIME lir I;Lrapj,',G ON TIi1r AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of__ anndemnS.ng.Bnd_tekjn&__eassmleslb__tQr_s the grading of East Third St. from Clarence St. to Whites Bears Ave„aju sad %1lS 1g W IT.'_- C. F. No. 100003— In the matter ofcondemni. ing an easement for. slop and fills in the grading o., St. from Clarence at. to Ave., under Preliminary r approved Nov. 22, 1934, e'er 99504, approved ' , Order 99973, app; sione under Preliminary Order -__-_-99349_ approved- _Nov. -22-, 1934 Intermediary Order...........9950$_-_--____. approved --- Dgg,-)&� 1954--------------- -, Final Order ------------------ ----------- ______----_, approved --- JAak_17, 79.33 --------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessor t of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ------ Zyth ------ day of______ Ma-r_ch_____________ 19 35 at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council__ss_t� _ ls____ APProved----------- 'F-E&-2.6--/r4j-��______, 19____ r-ZP'e- --------------- /�J/__(•C.��v`f Councilman Conroy. 1- .....,,� Coling 1900 Emu Councilman _, Counc111,= Councilman 1t':arren g� Councilor n -� Wenzel PUBLISHED's ✓_� Mayor Gehan CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, posts and expenses for changing the grade of Fisher St. from a point 631.2 feet south of Autumn St. to a point 829.8 feet north of Autumn St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, under Preliminary Order ........... 98468 .............................1 Intermediary Order.......99229.,,,,,,.................................., Final Order ............ 99UI ............................... approved ............................... Lox...22.......................... , 19...34 The assessment of......benefita.,-.damag!MA .costs ,and expeneea..............for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and 1. found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............?1th........... day of .Marah................................. 19...M, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time; and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ........... F.H._2.6.1935...................... ..; - Clerk....:..........- Approved..........tkV... .......19......... ............................................ Mayor. Councilman Clancy .: Pearce - Councilman WDdnald` -1t Rosen Councilman iiland= :1 Truax Councilman §Rffeiis =•� Warren Councibnan Wenzel pUBLISIII D. 3� Mayor o Geban Form B. B. 17 C. F. N..,100004— o 100004— 1 o In the matter of the assei-• In .� benefits damages, costs amv v e ��jV�/� for changing the grade of F from a point 631.2 feet sent. tumn St. to a point 829.8 fee'-,. Autumn St. to conform tw line on the profile heretc COUNCIL FILE NO nd made a' part hereof, fl.; ..................................... _. ••t�blisijed grade being •• lin .thereon, unde-, By 1 98468, laterr ........................ .... ,.nal Order •.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, posts and expenses for changing the grade of Fisher St. from a point 631.2 feet south of Autumn St. to a point 829.8 feet north of Autumn St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, under Preliminary Order ........... 98468 .............................1 Intermediary Order.......99229.,,,,,,.................................., Final Order ............ 99UI ............................... approved ............................... Lox...22.......................... , 19...34 The assessment of......benefita.,-.damag!MA .costs ,and expeneea..............for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and 1. found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............?1th........... day of .Marah................................. 19...M, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time; and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ........... F.H._2.6.1935...................... ..; - Clerk....:..........- Approved..........tkV... .......19......... ............................................ Mayor. Councilman Clancy .: Pearce - Councilman WDdnald` -1t Rosen Councilman iiland= :1 Truax Councilman §Rffeiis =•� Warren Councibnan Wenzel pUBLISIII D. 3� Mayor o Geban Form B. B. 17 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK . CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL No. COUNCYi IYaHp1,L CALL FILE.....:.................... MAwmBfaf_ Ctp rCi�vpa+ COUNCIL RESOLUTION PEARCE V� '------IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS 0��9P�A� .��7/ ROSEN................._i;_oW!_Wi+.__23_.._.._.._.......19.. .. .. TRUAX .._.A AINST RESOLVED, T AT CHECKS BE DRAWN O THE TY TREASURY. MR. PR TO THE AGGREG TE AM NT OF f..._.1�}�-vLi!♦.G2...... COVERING MR. PEES. MAHONEY r� 'IC CHECKS N... ED.. TO .......�.� �. USIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL..._ ......_. ......... PER CHECKS If'1 FFICE OF 7HS.'it//OM PTROLLER7 -CITY COMPlRO ER / ...._.__!.._�Y.: _ C. F. No. 100005— Re 00005— _ Resolved, That checks be drawn on TOTAL DATE the City Treasury, t0 the aggregate nut [ 111,111.24, Covering heck. CHECK numbered 11729 to 11763 In Clu9lve, as RETURNED NUMBER ppl� check. on file Irt the oH1ce of the TRANSFER IS CHECKS BY BANK City Comptroller. ' Adopted by the Council Feb. 27, 1935. .. Approved Feb. 27, 1935._- I.areh 2-19951 ARD , 11729 First National Bank 11730 Lamprey Products Company 11731 George Sudeith 11732 Stella D. Willius I 11733 Kalman & Company 11734 Mrs. Delia Brown 11735 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 11736 John E. Fahey .Inc. 11737 Mrs. Louie Fay 11738 Mrs. Anna R. Foley 11739 °Tilliam Gaston 11740 Frank Hetzneoker 11741 John 1ennon 11742 Mrs. Elizabeth Litereki I 11743 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 1174U Mrs, Elfrida Soderberg 11745 Capital Envelope Company 11746 Central States Freight Servic .Inc. 11747 Farwell, Ozmun. Kirk & Oompan 11748 Griggs, Cooper & Company 11749 Imperial Braes Mfg.Company 11750 Inter City Paper Company 11751 Y.G. Leslie Paper Company 11152 Phil -A. Maynard 11753 Minnesota Union Advocate Company 11754 Ropinson,, Plumbing Specialty Co. 11755 St.Paul Builders Material Company 11756 G. Sommers & Company 11757 Twin City Textile Mille 11758 Western Shade Cloth Company 11759 Harold E. Wood & Company ///I 11760 L.H. Sault 5 11761 Andrew Vincelli 1176P Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Fin. 11763 Amherst H. Wilder Charities • 10 64 14 7C 28 OC 5o6 25 2 230 31 28 28 127 2 060 28 80 431 90 0 00 40 oo 40 00 4o oo 24 92 28 80 9 12 52 94 52 0 64 21 436 90 90 95 89 63 131 05 857 500 64 153 92 31 32 250 77 89 00 7oo 60 1657 11 021 77 50 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1�32 7 00 356 _ 700_..6.01.. :. .... . SI..R/ .. _ - ... I 1 ft ///I I 5 { t •� f � j �� r i i' I ORIGINAL To CITY CLCaaCOUNCIL 1(')0()()6 / • _Ccl_r G/11Q( OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK \ COIUNCIL/ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESATED BY COMMISSIONER DATE February 27s 1985 RESOLVED That licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 21022 Restaurant, application 2108, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 2104, applied for by A. W. Laylin and Charles Duren at 1086 Front Street be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays rce l/eterson /R/osen —In favor �1'ruax l "Warren Against Menzel .,Mr. President (Gehan) ;M 6.34 C. F. No. 100006—By g, p}. Warron— .' Resoi Wed, That llcenaeaefor On Sale Matt Beverage, apyilcatloa 2102, .Rea- : Unit nt, application 2103, and O8 Sale I ' Blah Beverage, ➢pplication 2109, Durenf at 1y36 W. Street be ¢nd the Clork Is inatruct aaroeae a 'sucl Clly e'a" upon.. th. paymettt Into the city treasury of the qulred fees. Adopted by the Council Feb. 27, 1936. APDrovM] Feb. 27, 1936. (IIrarch2-1936) Adopted by the Council CCD A r) 1935-193— SEB 935-193_ SEB 27 Inc, Approved_--- 193 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY gena coUNclt. NO. Y OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 27. 27 1955 PRESENTED HY DATE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED cation 2085) On Sale Malt Beverage) That licenses for Restaurant, aPP� application 2088, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 20879 applied for by Charles J. Hoover at 545 No. Snelling Avenue be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. �_------ i C. F. No. 100007—BY A. T1. Warren— Pied M. Truax— C. Rearoe— Resolved1ca ton 208680On oSalees u - Malt ant, apP Beverage, GvvlicatlonlicatGonn2 87 gay I Malt Beverage, aPP er plied for by Charles J. Hoovat 645. NV.. Snelling Anted apd the C1tY Clerk ,Q hereby gra la Instructed toll Into the Sty treasury the poh9men c of the qulred Yeee. Adopted Febe27 19361 Feb. 27. 1936. APPT (MaFoh 2-1935) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ FE R 2_7 -193 Yeas Nays 1K. Ile Peterson r .2 �� -5 A, sen _ --In favor Approved_ 7 `' 193_— �T rilax /Warren _ '_ Against Mayor W cnzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 c r0 cl ioirvw.1.1...eaK COUNCIL O aA� FILE No. ITY OF S ' No. 100008—BY H' OFFICE OF THE dived That lice ees' COUNCIJ.1 RESOLUTION] 'owing named P.ORM w indicated b3 ------11 , av - ... �,df[3ATE February 27, 1935 RESOLVEDnamed persons for the That licenses applied for by the following addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees \-----_.. Gas Sta. 3 pampa APP 5739 Renewal J. Curran 484, Wabasha St. Market Oil Co. 517 Broadway n n 2 n a Zlu ^ J. Curran 484 Wabaeba n n 3 n n 6,445 " 1996 Nels L. Anderson 1401 White Be4r a n 3 n ^ " S. B. Clark Hudson & White Bear COUNCILMEN Yeas Pc rce eterson ,ftosen !Truax 'Warren :-Vcnzel A4r. President (Gehal 5M 6.34 Nays In favor --_Against Fruit & Vegetable store 6526 New Adopted by the CoundIF F R 9 7 IMS 193— F F B u ( a5� __193_ D ` -- /Mayor PUBLISH D�)J ORIGINAL TO CITY CL.RK 100009 --BY �ir�l i. Truo L C. TiF COUNCIL ('. Y OF ST. FAar P'cank' O. Wr' FILE IVO. Q ss mads aPPtIG i1 d FF ICE OF THE CI7' ono�aeo es eaT' f the OtY of St_V r COUNCIL RESOLUTION , I, drocd .p,FiM x .roc I Februars 27 985 PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONED WHEREAS, Frank 0, Wicker (Blue & White) has made application 2245 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets Of the city of St. Paul the three automobiles described as follows: Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance Co. Policy No. Expiration License No. 1950 Buick 2511702 2568571 Lloyds of Mpls H-51120 2-11-86 7 1.929 Packard 225192 259818 w w n n n 8 . n n n n w 1929 Buick 2299785 2168659 9 WHEMS, Frank 0. Wicker, in accordance with ordinance No. 7521, has filed copy of insurance policy with the city of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by rrhe Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets If the City of St. Paul, be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses, subject to the provisions of said ordinance and the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. 4: t COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `e�f�ce /Ye ¢rson en In favor r.ax arren —Against enzel ,Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the CounckE B 2 7 1935 193__ Approved —.193— Mayor PUBLISHED ✓� .}00010-89• ORIGINAL TO(:;r COUNCIL NO CITY CL6wK TTu3a—I. C. ' FILE ' �TY lcen OF ST_ P= Irl Pratt Yor lwe OFFICE OF THE GIT Lne newt: St•vl e••"_ • COUNCILESOLUTION—GE_'_�-_?„ FORM ver�rNrrn 'PY JL�', G--- DATE Febrnary 27 1935 RHS � y WHEREAS, Earl Pratt has made app33ce tioa 2175 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City o£ St- Paul, one Studebaker automobile, Motor No. 1544, Serial No. 6013281, covered by Lloyds of Minneapolis insurance policy No. H-311152 expiring Feb. 29 1936, License Nib. 45, and WFMiFas, Earl Pratt, in accordQnce with Ordinance No. 7321, has filed copy of insurance policy with the City o£ St- Paal, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; there£ore, be it RESOLVED, that license to overate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Earl Pratt and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licensee subject to the provisions of said ordinance, and the payment into the city treasury o£ the required fee. ti COUNCILMEN FEB 2 7 1935 193 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council L'e'arce Aterson FEB 'Rosen _-_---In favor Approved--------- , Waarrrr en Against — -- Mayor /Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 17 5M. 6.3'1 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLKRK N.' 100011 -BY H. 1•;. M Truax—I. C. Pearl, Y OF ST. PAUlreserso. D. —her t�9•ae NO. ,. OFFICE OF THE CITY C "H—rl upon n .t. Paul, CO-IUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENET-::'.; PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE FebrnaTv 27, 1935 RSD WEIEREAS, C. D. Lasher has made application 2240 for license to operate as a private livery upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one LaSalle automobile, Serial No. 421526, covered by Northwestern National Casualty Company insurance policy No. 0048, expiring May 11, 1935, License No. 36, and WHEREAS, C. D. Lasher, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7321, has filed copy of iaeraance policy with the city of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate Said automobile as a Private Livery upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted C. D. Lasher, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license, subject to the provisions of said ordinance and the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas j Nays /p/earce / /P terson .sen — In favor Truax / &arren '' Against Avenzel /,It. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the CouncilrE13 n_�T 935 -193-- FE B 193_ FEB 2 7 19'3,5 Approved_ _193 r —j� 4- Mayo�� PU13LISiIED_ -- [: 1� ORIGINAL TO CITY cuPK to. 100012—BY 1-Y' li. WAr COUNCIL �00 X12 y OF ST. P rl. Truax—r. c. Pearce— C6U NO. • ved. That licenses for whit OFFICE OF THE CITIR ha, bsone-Dribsas COUNCIL RESOLUTION— c eean,,,hyaz PRESENTED 6Y�'� �� DATE Febri ary 27, 1935 COU -ILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce i; Peterson Rosen _ —_In favor -fruax .-Warren - Against -Wenzel / Mr. President (Gehan) 5h1 6.34 Adopted by the Council FEB 27 19:15 193— r.7 ? f Approved----'193— Mayor 93—Mayor PUBLISI-IEDI � RESOLVED That licenses for which applications have been made by the following named persons for the addresses indicated be and they are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Dan Nikitvk 455 N. Snelling Av. Restaurant Appl. 2060 New Sem Orloff 136 E. 6th St. " " 2056 " Jas, L. Allen 341 Jackson St. " ^ 2039 ^ John Sallas 483 St. Peter St. " " 1659 " Gust Psikas 4851 St. Peter St. ^ " 2225 " Fred Hansen 262 E. 7th St. ° " 2108 ^ Peter Latuff 25 W. Fairfield Off Bale Balt Bev 2145 ^ COU -ILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce i; Peterson Rosen _ —_In favor -fruax .-Warren - Against -Wenzel / Mr. President (Gehan) 5h1 6.34 Adopted by the Council FEB 27 19:15 193— r.7 ? f Approved----'193— Mayor 93—Mayor PUBLISI-IEDI � 04ljlNAL TO CITY CLH ...'..COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL �• _ FILE NO. .:hat llc See f,-r,s, OFFICE OF THE CITY GL ave been ELGmndehJ COUNCIL RSOUTION—ENASd on the aeet tte�by gran... FIR GC3MME SSIONn ii DATE February 27, 1955 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor Truax Warren __Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gellan) h1 6.34 Adopted by the Council 193__ Approved __. RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons for the addresses indicated be and they are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: S. L. Lee Stamper 579 Rice St. Restaurant Appl. 21418 Renewal Lennox & Du:m 28 W. Seventh St. ^ " 1906 ^ a n it a a Confectionery ^ 1907 " M. Luby & J. Woskke. 751 Randolph St. Re9taurant " 1992 ^ Sam Vav1s, 144 E. Foudth St. a " 2206 " E. J. Wahl 410 Wabash- St. ■ " 2192 " Delia M. Watkins 162.5 University Av. " a 1975 " J. E. Welsh 57 S. Ha=3_l +e Ave. ^ a 2086 u Vincent Yost, 678 Selby Ave. IN " 1902 n Perry Zoukasp 258 Earl St. ■ " 1221 " " " v a " Confectionery " 1222 " Ralph Calindo 285 W. 7th St. Off Sale Malt Bev. ^ 1724 ^ n n a a IN a On Sale Malt Bev. " 1725 ^ n n v it In in Restaurant " 1726 " Anton Haas 459 U=Lversity Av. On Sale Malt Bev. " 3366 ^ F. W. Moudry (Green Gate Grill) 564 St. Pester St. Restaurant v 2089 " " n " n w a In w a if On Sale Malt Bev. " 2090 " Edward Skok 575 W. 7th St. Restaurant " 2151 " On Sale Malt Bev. " 2152 " Off Sale Malt Bev. " 2153 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor Truax Warren __Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gellan) h1 6.34 Adopted by the Council 193__ Approved __. aIp INAL i0 CITY CLHaK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED F. C. ullrieh n n COUNCIL 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -- DATE- February 27, 1955 —2- 622 University Ave. On Sale Malt Bev. Appl. 2112 Renew n a Restaurant n 2215 n The Sterling Club 315 N. Dale St. John Huppertz (Empire Buffet) 129 E. 5th St. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓1-:arce Peterson ,/�osen - --In favor /Truax ,'Warren _� Against !:Wenzel / Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 On Sale Malt Bev. 2055 n n n n n n 2064 it Adopted by the Council FEB 2 71935_193__ Approved— FEB 2, 7 PP 193___ —� _Mayor PUBLISI ED S ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK r,`00 14 '�/µ✓1��IyjC OAF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO WWW OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM o � yit /c �cC� PRESENTED BfDATE February 27, 1986 COMMISSIONER \ i� R SEAS, E. Rosenfield desires to withdraw application 5710 for Butcher license at 315 Rondo Street; and WHEREAS, said applicant has operated such business at said address since August 19, 1954 a period of approximately six and one half months, and requests a refund of the unused portion of the license fee; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to E. Rosenfield the sum of $11.50 unused portion of license fee for five and one half months, and to cancel said application for license. Total fee $25.00 per yr. COUNCILMEN Ycas 4 Nays Adopted by the Council FEB 27 193 193_ rce Terson /1R .n -- _—_In favor Approved B rr 1 5 —193_— llruax Aarren Against i Venzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION February 26, 1935 Mr. H. E. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety, Chairman, License Committee Dear Sir: The reason for withdrawal of application of E. Rosenfield for Butcher License at 315 Rondo Street is that this application was made on August 19, 1934 and has been held since then pending settlement of delinquent taxes on the property. This applicant has hot been successful in arranging with landlord to take care of these assessments and as a result has decided to move. He has asked that his application be withdrawn and that he be credited with the unexpired portion of the license fee deposited which would amount to $11.50 or an unused period of five and one half months, since he has operated since making application for license. He will reapply for license as soon as he has relocated. Very truly y s, aeonard� Li cense Inspector Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. G. 27 Council File No..... The undersigned hereby proposes the making of thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade St. Albans Street from Front Street to Como Boulevard. ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- .......................... .----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dated this 26th - day of -------------- _February, 1----- -------------- --- - �-- 19 ,.-- -----------------------......----- '---.�- _%.. ----------'- --� Councilman. -i' . . , folio— )bane SU PRELIMINARY ORDER. Be.). e Connell e, be it WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz,: 'e the)a her.' ` Grade St. Albans Street from Front Street to Como Boulevard. I -E ben✓ P. ........................................... ............... ------------------------------------ -------- --------------------- ...---..._............... ue, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul...................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓Adopted by the Council -------------- .......... �..1Z 7 i� :, -- --------------------------------- YEAS NAYS y CounailmanMov >1- 'r PEARCE RosEN TRUAX WENZEL ....Y............ MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (2M 7-33) PUBLISPIED G PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No..-.:.-..'.`.'........ The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, via.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes -cuts._and fills_ in_ the..grading..oi St. --Albans --- St. ----f-rom.........------_-- ............. ---------------- - Front St. to Como Boulevard. -------------------------------------- ----------------------------- . --........---...__-------------------------_------------------------------- --- - .. Dated this ....-26th......... day of ........................ 6 -.,.: ----------------------K....................."-------..............-- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. o_saivleo". rading of F to Como L.,+,� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: 3,nted to the caul Condemning and -_taking- 8I3 _easement _in--the-_land- necessary -_for----_----, theref: "- 7ommlea�� i slopesx cuts and fills in the..grading of St. Albans St. from - -- ----------------- - --- - - ------ -- - - ------- Front St. to Como Boulevard. --- ------ ----- ------- -- -- -- --- .......... ---- .. -- ._ - - - •---------------------------- --------- -------- ---- -------- .--------------------------------------------------------------------------•---------------------- - - having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................. ----------------------------------- -.---------.-.- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or Rrore owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ Adopted by the Council - FEB 2-7 193 i YEAR NAYS Councilman Mw d-VL- A4sPesltes Approved .p..Rxt.11r - - ............. PEARCE RosE/ TRUA f� WENZEL Gig --.......l. X. �..... .. .. ... ... .. .<Y -e _ MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. F«m C A 13 (9M 7-33) t 1 4 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 10M17 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL No COUNCILMEN -ROLL CALL . - .................. ..... ....... FILE MAY COUNCIL RESOLUTION .M1wJ at "M FAVOR February 23 w4w;ff- �am- AUDITED CLAIMS................._.._.._...,9......35 ROSEN TRUAX ... . .................AGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE Wtb IfTY TREASURY, WENZEL I )TH MR. PRIES. =ONEY TO THE AGGREGATE TEA ' OF $ .......... _!? .... ....... �. COVERING 981IOE 3 2 7 19K� CHECKS NUMBED...._71.7 .... TO __7.9 .......... ,.'INCLUSIVE. I AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL .................. .............. ..... ... .. ... PER CHECKS �.Nf 44 IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY 'COMPTROLLER. . ............ ....... ..... . APPRSY&Q__ ............... CITY COMPTROLLER . ........ -�J -4�- .MAYOR Byq , ...... .... .............. .. ................ ............................ . . ............. TOTAL DATE CHECKcheeks be (I, RETURNED NUMBER Y, to the 3.15, cover TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK 79 1firCHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 71 Walter Butler Company 15 368 4 72 woodrich Construotion Company 12 637 0 73 H.C.Wenzei, C.-P.Utilities 9 75 74 Hilton Rosen, C.P*Works 300 63 75 Milton Rosen, 0,P.Worke 403 19 76 Milton Rosen, O.P.Works 486 61 77 Milton.Rosen, C.P,Works i 600 57 78 Tleotrio Blue Print Company 39 2 79 Thornton Brothers Company 12 758 6i r. _VVER LG U N1 D Original to City Clerk GITY OF' ST_ PAUL CtI_ CIL l 'lJ IIIJJJ OFFSCE OF T* -I1= CITY CLERK COUNCyr` RESOLLJTIOI�I�zENERAL FORM TED BY s- .Feb 28 1 _ SSIONER___.___— - 1 DATE t.__93L__......... RESOLVED QPSEREAS, it is essential -t;.� -S ovement of widening West Seventh Street from Richmond Stre>° t bg completed at the earliest possible date, and WEMMAS, it is the opinion. that a time limit should be set within which all bvi3_c1-1 m otlser obstructions in the widened portion of the street -m-•ms-t_ be ramoveci in order that paving andrstreet improvement operatiozis xn;Isy the carried out, and WEERKAS, the chief engiaesr ac3vzsss tIoat said obstructions must be removed before May 15, 1935 i Mgrs£ore ba it RESOLVED. That the C:ox:rsel is hereby authorized and j directed to notify all the oo�>ers A�c_t occupants of property involved in the widening of W. Seveni3s Stx-e� � to vacate and clear the street of all obstructions therein on or be�ora -ttse 15th day of May, 1935• ✓t�.,,_A .' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays McBeeeid Pearce ____ --------------- favor Rase. Truax ...... ______Against / Wenzel 6M 6-13� MR. VICE C. F. No. 100018—)3y Milton Rosen— nr.—rosstof Is _,=`"`-What Seventh r Street from Richmond Street to even ? es ra Avenuo be completed at the ..c. Whocenee date, sa the oDlnfon oY the Council that a time limit should f set: a-Ithin hlch all buildings and other'. bst-ethms in the widened portion ofi the street must be moved in that paving and street Impr...mentrop- i r tions may be arried out, and th�ereas, the chief engineer advises bePoreaMayybl6r 193[6 ntherefI b be "Moved Resolved, That the Corporation Coun- tolnlWfyrallYhaeuthorized nd directed! P property InvolvedInthe wldeninanta'1 _ W. Seventh Street to vacate and sof! ar the street oP all obstructions therelneon orAdoptedt by the Council Feb. 128 61935. Approved Feb. 28, 1935. (March 2-1935) Adopted by the Coun4KR_.0 10 .......... 193_..... P, 8 Iq Approved-,-----.:-'-. -- -- ........... 193 r Q i.L_ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 41 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENG1L NO. I019 619 / O JCE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RE LUTION—GENERAL F RM J � x� PRESENTED B I `� V / O S COMMISSIONER _ ��"'��^e+ DATE / WHEREAS, the Association of St. Paul Police Organizations has requested the use of the Arena Section of the St. Paul Auditorium on the evening of April 22, 1935, for the purpose of presenting a vaudeville and style show to raise funds for the various charitable and benevolent organizations of the Bureau of Police, therefore be it RESOLVED, that said Association is hereby granted the use of the Arena Section of the Auditorium for the evening of April 22, 1935, at the cost of opening and operating said section. COU ILMEN Yeas rce Nays/ tP �Eerson f / - -__In favor /T tiax �arren ___Against enzel est Teams.. n is LTena evsn- t o4 In1936. Adopted by the Council-EEB__28 191 __193_ Approvect_------__193__. Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL A'a Capital of Minnesota��. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 49 9 IRVING C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER GEORGE J. JACOBS. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS S. O. HARTWELL. 5--Tery 1 BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS MRS. J. T. JENNINGS. Laa-- A. E. TRUDEAU. 0..... BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM D. D. MURRAY. S-111--1 February 27, 1935 Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Lair. Connolly: Please nota attached copy of letter from the Association of 3t. Paul Police Organizations, in which they request use of the arena of the Auditorium on the night of April 22, 19<5, at cost of opening and operating. Will you kindly draw a resolution granting this request, in order that I may present same to the Council. Very truly yours, P� . Cormtissioh/yer of Education 2- 1CP-R Mutual.8enefit Assn Police Band Assn C O F Y Police Benevolent -assn Police Detectives Assn AS,�OCI—TION OF ST. PAUL POLIC ORGANIZATIONS Public Safety Building 3t. Paul, Minn. February 27, 1935 Mr. Irving C. Pearce Commissioner of Education 615 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Commissioner: Will you kindly snake the necessary arrangements for the use of the new ),ud:torium for the Association of St. Paul Police Organizations at the cost of opening and operating the night of April 22, 1985. This Association, ma -'.e up of the Police Organizations listed on this letter head, desires to engage the Auditorium for the purpo e of putting on a Vaudeville and Style Show in order th-at funds may be raised to defray the expenses and pay benefits of the various charitable and benevolent organizations of the Bureau of Police. Your assistance will be a:praciat.d. Very truly yours, (Signed) 'r1hu. L. McMullin Secretary ' + ORIGINAL TO CITY )112® CLepK �^,��TY COUNCIL Y "'CIOF ST. PAUL PILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �A �Ca'UNCIj., RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _ _. DATE— WHEREAS, under date of February 21, 1935, the City Council revoked the Non sale" liquor license, No. 373, issued to Robert Allen, covering the premises at #491 St. Peter Street, upon the recommendation of the License Committee, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the License Committee that inasmuch as this party was not convicted of a crime for any breacn of the laws on said premises, a refund should be made in the sum of $944.67 for the unexpired portion of said license, now therefore be it RESOLVED that the said Robert Allen be and he hereby is granted a refund in the amount of $944.67, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to make said payment. Dtda- a esti �ioa,CmE U°NN I6a+�w«O�yyA 6, ao�oa 'tcW°'•Fr°.ov46 COUNCILMEI Jam' Yeas � Nays ce ;PP.ron In favor ruax arren (_ Wenzel Against ,JI}�i4Er-P jesdrenT'G�iS�r, . 5M 644a - o �v._:... C,'F. No. 100020—BY H. E. Warren—j Fred M: Tcuaz— Wherens, under date of February 21, 1936, the City Council revoked the "on Sale-, liquor license. No. 373, .sued to Robert Allen, covering the premlaee at No.. 491 8t. Peter8treet, upon the rec ommendation of the; License Committee, Whereas, it Is the opinion of the IA - cense Committee that inasmuch as this party was not convicted of a crime for nv breach of the'lnwa on said prem- . fees, a refund houldbe made In the sum f 5944.87 tqr the unexpired por- s on pf said license, now therAfore be It Resolved that the said .Robert Allen be and ha hereby is grunted a refund in tha amount'of 5944.87, and the prop- er city oftieere are h.erabY authorfxed el to make Bald payment. Adopted by the Counefl Feb. 28. 1996• Approved Feb. 28. 1936. j (March 2-1936) Adopted by the Council �FR 9 R 195 _193_ Approved / 193_ Mayes-^-- •. . LAW OFFICES SAMUZY, LXPSCHIILTZ axn 1' U Sp' i %"SYDNEY W. GorvswnIN % - / ©0.7-01, G ter... Hmrnzvo .ST.PAIIX,,Knq 80TA. UU/ a �yX-1 February 26th, 1935. lj X/ Honorable, The Council ofiihe/City of St. Paul, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. ' In re: ROBERT ALLEN, 491 St. Peter Street Dear Sirs: - - - (J( On February lot, 1935, Mr. Allen was granted an on -sale 0 liquor license for the above premises, Which .was a renewal of one 0S issued to him on or about February lot, On the 21st of February, 1925, your Honorable Body passed cj a resolution revoking the license issued to him on the date first mentioned "upon recommendation of the License Committee." No notice of any kind was given to my client of the intention of the Council to take such drastic action, nor was Mr. Allen afforded an opportunity to defend himself. So far as I have been able to ascertain, the license was not revoked because of any violation of the Liquor Laws, nor the terms and conditions under whichsaid license was issued.' toer the s refund ocircum- stances, stances, I bave advised . the $1,000.00 fee paid by him, subject to a deduction for the twenty-one days that the license was in effect. I, therefore, most respectfully ask you to refer this matter to t`be proper committee for action on its part. Veryr. 1 y your , :. �6_s�yy ORIGINAL TO CITY CLRRK�� O ST_ PAUL rG10UENCIL No. J NNN OFFICE C>E CLERK COUNCIL RESOLLJTIOGENERAL FORM -17 PRESENTED B`< /ISG --CL" �L.ild• -�J :'�„- .,-_ . COMMISSIONER _ DATE February 27, 7935 RESOLVED WBTI: EAR, C. E. Duley desires to application 2209 for Restaurant license at 26 W. Exchange Street, axxc5L x-aquests refund of his license fee; therefore" be it / RESOLVED, that the proper city be and they are hereby authorized to refund to C. E. Duley the fee Cr X20 � C3© R T+d to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays P-atce P erson In favor Aruax Warren Z _Against /Wenzel eM Ar1Lt. VICE r?=_ ROSEN C. F. No. 100021—By H. E. Wnrren—� Fred M. Truax—I. C. Pearce— Whereas, C. E. Duley desires to with- dru—pPllcation 2209 for Restaurant license at 26 W. B—hangs Street, and requests refund Of his Ilcease fee;.. therefore; be it Resolved, that the proper city officers be and they are.: hereby authorized to refund to C. E. Duley the fee of $10.00 and to -cancel said application for li- cense. Adopted by. the Council Feb. 28, 1986.' Approved Feb. 29, 1936. (March 2-1936) y Adopted by the Council FEB 2 8 _IM_193_ FEB :2 8 jp? F Approved --193-- Mayor ( I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COU I EN—R LL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO...-. _..-_.: _.... _ Z h ergo$ COUNCIL RESOLUTION PEARCE r...—...IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS - ROSEN F.ebrUaril...26.... .... ................ 19.-.35 TRUA%' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN OO THE CITY WENZEL � � Total 123,369.11 MR. PRES. MA�RER@P Gehan TO THE AGGRE ATE AMOU OF i...... I OVERING ))((]]�� CHECKS NUM D....... .. TO..... -... INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL... 19%5 ...._.__...__.. PER CHECKS I &'FFICE-O 'IY •COM PJi�OLLER. ' fff ::. VED G Cu fd f .......... 1 CITY MPf MO R MAYOR�' BY.....-...:/.. .......... ..,....,:._...I.....,..r..-�.:_.._..._. �....._.-.-... % ��, asor to'.� TOTAL DATE CHECK I'I-'1'36'1'11'r� RETURNED J sa us¢ NUMBER a Illsto VOR OF I. the TRANSFER I DISBURSEMENT BY BANK - 'oller. oun`CHECKS CHECKS talo C� r`� I,. zs I Ita-LISIIED Ao n 11764 Harold E.Wood & Company 17 908 1 11765 John N. Mitchell 263 7 11766 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Comp y 141 1 11767 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan a 73 423 11768 Dr. Adolph H. Ahrens 53 C 11769 Dr. G.H. Bur fi elld 9 C 11770 Drs. Chatterton & Von der W4er 55 C 11771 Dr. George Geist 299 C 11772 Dr. L.P. Hiniker 75 0 11773 Dr. J.J. McCarthy 84 C 11774 Midway Hospital 44 8 11775 9t.Josephls Hospital ( 198 3 11776 Dr. E,E. Scott 5 0 11777 American Linen Supply Company 30 1 11778 American Linen Supply Oompanj 10 5 11779 American Transfer Company 46 4 11780 Burroughs Adding Machine Oom any 13 2 11781 Ray J. Kartak, Supt, 11 4 11782 Jos, Pavlioek 22 1 11783 Joe. Pavlioek 57 3 11781E Royal Typewriter Company 99 8' 11785 9t,Paul Voo. School RevlFand 26 1 11786 Board of Water Commissioners 193 39 11787 Board of Water Commissioners 500 33 11788 Board of Water Commissioners 1 405 17 11789 Board of Water Commissioners 3 116 11 11790 Irving C,Pearoe, D. of Eduoa lob 141 94 11791 Irving C.Pearoe, 0. of Eduoa �bn 100 00 11792 Axel F.Peterson, O.P.R.F. 604 21 1179'] Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 5 603 48 1179 Milton Rosen, C.P,Worke 121 97 11795 Milton Rosen, C.P.Worke 2 466 35 11796 Milton Rosen, O.P•Worke 150 07- 11797 Milton Rosen, O.P.Worke 1 995 06 11798 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 3366 00 11799 Milton Rosen, C.P.Worke 2 065 28 11800 Milton Rosen, C.P,Works 1 056 48 11801 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 3 239 20 11802 Milton Rosen, O.P.Works 373 31 1180 Milton Rosen, C.P.Worke 229 52 1180 Milton Rosen, 0. P.Work a 427 93 11805 Fred M. Truax, O.Parks, eto. 777 61 11806 Edw. J. Marhoun 1 000 00 11807 Clean F. Dinger 1 000 00 11808 George F. Dix, Clerk of M.Ct. 1 52 11809 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Companr 92 85 11810 Gia Consumers Association 1 50 11811 Dr. H.A. Pomeroy 1905 11812 Robinson, Cary & Sands Compairr 83 30 11813 St.Paul Goodwill Industries,I o. 1079 11814 St.Paul Voo. School 9 6g 11815 J.L. 8hiely Company,Ino. 217 22 11816 Wheeler Transportation Compare 2 81 11817 Woodburn & Brandl 8 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD too sax .. _ 9 68 35 463 41 11927 p . 6�5�0 03 3fr5m,25- 11 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLLRK covNclL CITY 01= ST_ PAUL coU OFFICE OF 'i'HE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES<>L_ 7Tzc>" —GENERAL FORM RESOLVED DATE Burch lst,.1935. Whereas, COxzLtra Ct for construction of Interceptor Sewer "C"_, Walter Butler Company, Contractor Comptroller's Contrtkct 43r-3328, was to be completed as amended -Feb. 25t1a, 3-935 an d Whereas, due to timbering made necessary by the type of sasac1roc1c eacountered and to inclement weather which made it impossible to work some days and only short hours on otYier days said contractor was unable to complete the coxatract within the specified time, now therefore be it Resolved, that the time specified be and the same is hereby extended to April 15; 1935, and that the proper City be and they are hereby authorized and directeci to execute an amendment to said.. contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution sha12 not have any force or effect unless the sureties o33 the contractor! s bond consent thereto and file such eons ent in writing with the City Comptroller. COU L M E N Yeas P rce �/Peterson �'1�6sen jT uaxarren enzel Nays 4 —_In favor VLZMr. President (Gehan) _Against - EiE90LIIT1'y NO. 100023—RY^ - 'hcereas, .pt" Sewcr _ ,�anY.. qtr Ilvqzi: n. _ Adopted by the Council MAR It__ 193 MM I Approved-_ SK__193_ /l Mayor PUBLISHED —. -5 — 7_25 1st.%' � j ? .,. .•/ 2nd. 7t("„/ / Laid over to Ate _ 3rd. Sti app -Adopted Yeas Sys Yeas ' ays Pearce Pearce Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen U Truax Truax Warren Warren Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan r • � fi titin. 193 Adopted by the Council -- _ _ Nays. Yeas. EARCE PETER ON �TRUAX OS l I /✓ARREN WENZEL /4 MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) V . ONIOINII4 TO. pTY GI[RK ORDINANCE IC0024 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED'By —TZUd' An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, entitled t,An ordinance providing for all matters con - ting or affecting the construction, cerning, regula alteration, regulation, repair; removal, mainten- ance, use and inspection of all buildings, walls or structures erected St�tPaul erected protection limits of the Gity ose of of property against fire, and for the purp securing -bealthful, safe and sanitary environ-, ed for >pents for the occupants of compelgt esowners o'human habitation Or otherwise, such buildings, walls or structoura °lter,ref, construct or modify the same, fry part for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the un lawful use or occupancy of all,�ilclinge�alls or structures; establishing fire limits, and prescrib- ing the powers andralities of the Coissioner of mm Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions; providing a penalty for the violation d repealing all ordinances inconsistent thereof, ane• ea an emergency ordinance rendered herewith.' d necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved May 22, 1930. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neces- peace, health and safety. sary for the preservation of the public THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930, as amended, be and the same, is hereby further .amended by striking therefrom Article XIII, Sections 13-1 to 13-41, both inclusive, and by substituting in lieu thereof Article XIII, Sections. 13-1 to 13-137, inclusive, which shall read as follows: I Yeas \ Cou 3p\ctlmen Nays Pas 'd by the Council— Pearce �_� In Favor Peterson Rosen ---Against Truax Warren Wenzel Approve.— Mr. pprove -Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: f --- Mayor City Clerk 3oa 6.34 _ _ ORIGINAL TO CI}Y CLERK COUNCIL FILE NO. I PRESENTED BY— ORDINANCE NO. �i ARTICLE XIII REINFORCED CONCRETE DEFINITIONS - Sec. 13-1. Note: For the purpose of this code, the follow- ing words and terms shall be construed as set forth below, to wit Aggregate Sec. 13-2. Inert material which is mixed with portland ce- ment and tiiater to produce concrete; in general, aggregate consists of sand, pebbles, gravel, crushed stone, blast furnace slag or sim- ilar materials. Anchorage Sec. 13-3. The embedment in concrete of a portion of a re- inforcing bar, either straight or hooked, designed to prevent the pulling out or' slipping of the bar when subjected to stress. (The anchorage of tension reinforcement in beams includes only the embedded length beyond a pci.nt of contra -.flexure or of zero moment.) e Blast Furnace Slag Sec, 13-44 The non-metallic product consisting essentially of silicates and alumino - silicates of lime, which is developed simultaneously with iron in a list furnace. Sec. 13-5. An upright compression member the length of which exceeds three times its least lateral dimension. Column Capital Sec. 13-6. An enlargement of the upper end of a reinforced concrete column designed and built to act as a unit with the column and the flat slab it supports. Column Strip Sec. 13-7. A portion of a flat slab panel one-half panel in width, occupying the tvio quarter -panel areas outside of the middle strip. (See Iviiddle Strip.) Combination Column Sec. 13-8.. A column in which a structural steel section, designed to carry the principal part of the load, is wrapped with wire and encased in concrete of such quality that some ad- ditional load may be allowed. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson. Rosen Truax Warren - Wenzel - Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: Passed by the Council_ In Favor city Clerk Mayor 300 6.39 t.;i ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6 _ ORDINANCE 10 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Composite Column Sec. 13-9. A column in which a concrete core enclosed by Spiral reinforcement and further reinforced by longitudinal bars encases a structural steel or cast iron column designed to carry a portion of the load. Concrete Sec. 13-10. A mixture of Portland cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water. (See lJortar.) Consistency Sec. 13-11. A general term used to designate the relative Plasticity of freshly mixed concrete or mortar. Crushed Stone Sec. 13-12. Bedded rock or boulders, which have been broken by mechanical means into fragments of various shapes and sizes. Dead Load Sec. 13-13. See Section 4-51 of this ordinance. -_--- Deformed Bars Sec. 13-14. Reinforcement bars with closely spaced should- ers, lugs or projections formed integrally with the bar during rolling so as to firmly engage the surrounding concrete. dire mesh with welded intersections not further apart than twelve (12) inches in the direction of the principal reinforcing and with cross wires not smaller than Number 10 may be rated as a deform- ed bar. Diagonal Band Sec. 13-15. In a four way flat slab systema group of bars covering a width of approximately 0.4 the average span, symmetri- cal with respect to the diagonal running from corner to corner of the panel. Diagonal Direction See. 13-16. A direction parallel or approximately parallel to the diagonal of the panel of a flat slab. Direct Band See. 13-17. In a four way flat slab syystem, a group of bars covering a width of approximately 0.4x1 symmetrical with respect to the line of centers of supporting columns. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council__ Pearce_ Peterson-- - Rosen In Favor Truax Warren _Against Wenzel = " Mr. President (Gehan) - _ � " _)PProved:__ - Attest: 300 6-34 }ry L-ierir Mayor ORIOINRL TO CITY CLERK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED r4k ORDINANCE Sec. 13-18. The structural portion of a flat slab which is thickened throughout an area surrounding the column capital. Effective Are5,,ef Concrete Sec. 13-19. The area of a section which lies between the centroid of the tension re_nforcement and the compression sur- face in a beam or slab, and having a width equal to the width of the rectangular beam or slab, or the effective width of the flange of a Tee beam. Effective Area of Reinforcement Sec. 13-20. The area obtained by multiplying the right cross-sectional area of the metal reinforcement by the cosine of the angle between its direction and that for which the ef- fectiveness of the reinforcement is to be determined. Flat Slab Sec. 13-21. A reinforced -concrete slab generally without beams or girders to transfer the loads to supporting members. Footing Sec. 13-22. A structural unit used to distribute wall or column loads to the foundation materials. Gravel Sec. 13-23. Rounded particles larger than sand grains resulting from the natural disintegration of rocks. (See Sand.) Laitance Sec. 13-24. Extremely fine material of little or no hard- ness which may collect on the surface of freshly deposited con- crete or mortar, resulting from the use of excess mixing water, usually recognized by its relatively light color. Live -Load Sec. 13-25. Loads and forces other than the dead -load. Middle- Strip Sec. 13-26. A portion of a flat slab panel one-half panel in width, symmetrical with respect to the panel center line and extending through the panel in the direction in which moments are being considered. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council__ Pearce Peterson Rosen In Favor Truax Warren — Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:__ Attest: 300 6,34 City Clerk Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLLRK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE Idortar Sec. 13-27. A mixture of Portland cement, fine aggre- gate, and water. (See Concrete.) Negative Bending 141oment Sec. 13-28. That moment vhich exists between a support of a slab or bears and the point of inflection on either side of the support. Negative Reinforcement Sec. 13-29. Reinforcement so placed as to take tensile stress due to negative bending moment. paneled Ceiling Sec. 13-30. A paneled ceiling refers to a flat slab in which approximately that portion of the area enclosed within the intersection of the two middle strips is reduced in thick- ness. Panel Length Sec. 13-31. The distance in either rectangular direc- tion between centers of tiro columns of a panel. Pedestal Sec. 13-32. An upright compression member whose height does not exceed three times its least lateral dimension. Pedestal Footing Sec. 13-33. A column footing projecting less than one- half its depth from the faces of the column on all sides and having a depth not more than three times its least width. Plain Concrete Sec. 13-34. Concrete without metal reinforcement. Portland Cement Sec. 13-35. The product obtained by finely pulverizing clinker produced by calcining to incipient fusion an intimate and properly proportioned mixture of argillaceous and calcare- ous materials, with no additions subsequent to calcination excepting viater and calcined or uncalcined gypsum. Yeas Councilmen Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Nays Passed by the Mayor In Favor Against ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED tbY ORDINANCE Positive Bending Moment Sec. 13-36. That moment which exists at all other points in beams or slabs except where negative moment exists. Positive Reinforcement Sec. 13-37. Reinforcement so placed as to take tensile stress due to positive bending moment. Principal Design Section Sec. 13-38. The vertical sections in a flat slab on which the moments in the rectangular directions are critical. (See Section 13-111.) Ratio of Reinforcement Sec. 13-39. The ratio of the effective area of the rein- forcement cut by a section of a beam or slab to the effective area of the concrete at that section. Rectangular Direction Sec. 13-40. A direction parallel to a side of the panel of a flat slab. Reinforced Concrete Sec. 13-41. Concrete in which metal is embedded in such a manner that the two materials act together in resisting forc- es, the metal taking all tension stresses and ass' -sting in the resistance to compression and shear. Sand Sec. 13-42. Small grains resulting from the natural disintegration of rocks. (See Gravel.) Screen Sec. 13-43. A metal plate with closely spaced circular perforations. (See Sieve.) Sieve Sec. 13-44. ':Moven wire cloth with square openings. (See Screen.) Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council___ Pearce Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Warren — —Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:_ Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Mayor on�oiN.� ro cirr c�enK PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE ORDINANCE Strut Sec. 13-45. A compression member other than a column or pedestal. Surface ':later Sec. 13-46. All rater carried by the aggregate except that held within the a gregate particles themselves by absorp- tion. 'call Beam Sec. 13-47. A reinforced concrete beam which extends from column to column along the outer edge of a vaall panel. 1:7later-Cement Ratio Sec. 13-48. The total quantity of water entering the mixture including the surface water carried by the aggregate expressed in terms of the quantity of cement. The water -ce- ment ratio shall be expressed in U. S. gallons per sack (94 pounds) of cement. -PLAiiS AND DETaiILS OF CONSTRUCTION - See. 13-49. (a) Before a permit shall be issued by the Commissioner of Public Buildings to construct any reinforced concrete building or structure, there shall be filed with the Department of Public Buildings, complete plans, bearing the name of the architect or engineer accompanied by complete specifications, static computations and descriptions showing among all other details of construction the size, position, manner of connections, and quality of all reinforcing materi- als. (b) The static computations shall give the loads as- sumed separately such as dead and live loads, wind and impact if any_and the resulting stresses. Provided, however, that the static computations of reinforced concrete slabs in pri- vate garages, boiler rooms, areaways and penthouses not ex- ceeding twelve hundred (1200) square feet in area need not be filed .with said Department. (c) A permit to erect a reinforced concrete structure does not in any manner accept the construction until such structure has successfully withstood such tests as are -requir- ed by this Code. -KATERIALS ADID TESTS - Tests Sec. 13-50. (a) The tests called for by this Code when Yeas Councilmen Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Days Passed by the Approved:_ Mayor In Favor 1 OFIOINAL TO CITY CLHflN PRESENTED BY- ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE ORDINANCE NO, ordered by the Commissioner of Public Buildings or his author» ized representatives shall be arranged for by the owner or his authorized representative. No responsibility for the expense of these tests shall attach to the Department of Public Build- ings. Such tests shall be made in accordance with the standard method of test covering the particular material under considera- tion, of the American Society for Testing Materials in effect on the date of adoption of this ordinance, except as noted Ber�d'A,o such as may be required by the Commissioner of Public (b) All such tests shall be made by competent persons. The competency of the persons making the tests shall be judged by their training and experience. The Commissioner of Public Buildings may disapprove for just cause those whose records show technical incompetency. Copies of the results of all tests shall be kept on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Buildings for a period of two years after the acceptance of the structure. Tests shall be made on any material entering into concrete or reinforced concrete construction when there is reasonable doubt„as to its suitability for the purpose. in the opinion of the Cornaissioner of Public Buildings. (c) The Commissioner of Public Buildings or his authorized representative shall have the right to require reasonable tests of the concrete from time to time to determine whether the materials and methods in use are such as to produce concrete of the necessary quality. Specimens for such tests shall be taken at.the place where the concrete is being deposited, and shall be taken, cured, and'tested in accordance with the Standard Method Of Making Compression Tests of Concrete.(Serial Designa- tion: C 39-27) of the American Society for Testing Materials. Load Tests Sec. 13-51. (a) The Commissioner`of Public Buildings or his authorized representative shall have the right to order the test, of any portion of a completed structure, when the con- ditions have been such as to leave reasonable doubt as to the adequacy of the structure to serve the purpose for which it was intended. Such tests shall not be required on any concrete construction less than sixty (60) days old. (b) In such tests, the member or portion of the structure under consideration shall be subject to a superimposed load equal to one and, one-half (1Q) times the live load plus one- half (1/2) of the dead load. This load shall be left in posi- tion for a period of twenty-four (24) hours before removal. If during the test, or upon removal of the load, the member or portion of the structure shows evident failure, such changes or modifications as are necessary to make the structure adequate for the rated capacity shall be made, or where lawful, a lower rating shall be testablished. The structure will be considered to have failed to pass the test if within twenty-four (24) hours after the removal of the load, the slabs or beams do not Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: Passed by the Council__ In Favor _-Against 300 6.39 City Clerk Mayor ORIOINRL TO CITY CL[RK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY� ORDINANCE NO. show a recovery of at least seventy-five (75) per cent of the maximum deflection shown during the twenty-four (24) hours while under load. Inspection Sec. 13-52. All concrete work shall be inspected by the architect or engineer responsible for its design or by a compe— tent representative respon.sible to the architect or engineer, in addition to city inspection provided by this Code. A record. shall be kept of such inspection which shall cover the quality and quantity of concrete materials, including water, the mix- ing and placing of the concrete, and the placing of the rein- forcing steel. The inspection record shall also include a complete record of the progress of the work and the temperatures when these fall below forty (40) degrees F., and of the protec- tion given to the concrete while curing. These records shall be available for inspection by the Commissioner of Public Build- ings at all times during the progress of the work and shall be preserved for two (2) years after the acceptance of the struc-` ture. Portland Cement Sec. 13-53. Portland cement shall conform to the Standard Specifications and Tests for Portland Cement (Serial Designa- tion: C 9-30 of the American Society for Testing ilaterials. Concrete Aggregates Sec. 13-54. (a) Concrete aggregates shall consist of natural sands and gravels, crushed rock, crushed air-cooled blast furnace slag, or other inert materials having clean, un- coated grains of strong and durable minerals. Aggregates con- taining soft, friable, thin, flaky, elongated, or laminated particles totaling more than three (3) per cent, or containing shale in excess of one and one-half (l!) per cent, or silt and crusher dust finer than the No. 100 standard sieve in excess of two (2) per cent shall not be used. These percentages shall be based on the weight of the combined aggregate as used in the concrete. v1hen all three groups of these deleterious materials are present in the aggregates, the combined amounts shall not exceed five (5) per cent by weight of the combined aggregate. (b) Aggregates shall not contain strong alkali or organic material which gives a color darker than the standard color when tested in accordance ,with the 110tandard Igethod of Test for Organic Impurities in Sands for Concrete" (Serial Designation C 40-33) of the American Society for Testing Yaterials. (c) The maximum size of the aggregate shall be not larger than one-fifth of the narrowest dimension between forms of the member for which the concrete is to be used nor larger than Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council___ Pearce Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:_ Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Mayor ORI OIN.L TO CITY CL[R[ ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE hree—fourths of the minimun clear spacing between reinforcing ars. By maximum size of aggregate is meant the clear space between the sides of the smallest square opening through which nineyy-five (95) per cent by weight of the material can be passed. '.'ta t er Sec. 13-55. Flater used in mixing concrete shall be clean, and free froin strong acids, alkalis, or organic materials.' Metal Reinforcement Sec. 13-56. (a) Metal reinforcement shall conform to the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Billet -Steel Concrete Reinforcement Bars of Intermediate Grade (Serial Desig- nation: A 15-33)of the American Society for Testing Materials. (b) ','lire for concrete reinforcement shall conform to the requirements of the "Tentative Specifications for Cold-Dravm I'lire for Concrete Reinforcement" (Serial Designation: A 82-34) of the American Society for Testing Materials. (c) Structural steel shall conform to the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Structural Steel for Buildings (Serial Designation: A 9-34)of the American Society for Test- ing Materials. (d) Cast iron sections for composite or combination col- umns shall conform to "Standard Specifications for Cast -Iron Pipe and Special Castings" (Serial Designation: A 44-04) of the American Society for Testing Materials. Storage of Materials Sec. 13-57. Cement and aggregates shall be stored at the work in a manner to prevent deterioration or intrusion of foreign matter. Any material •:rhich has deteriorated or has been damaged shall be immediately and completely removed from the work. Concrete Quality Sec. 13-58. (a) The working stresses for the design of reinforced concrete structures shall be based upon the minimum twenty-eight (28) day strength of the concrete to be used in the structure in accordance with the values given in Section 13-63. All plans submitted for approval or used on the work shall clearly show the strength of concrete for :;hich all parts of the structure were designed. The strength of concrete shall be fixed in termsofthe water -cement ratio in accordance with one of the following methods - 1. 1. By established results for average materials, as provided in Section 13-59. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council__ Pearce Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax — Against Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:___ Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Mayor I to ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESEI#'ED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2. By specific test of materials for the structure, as provided in Section 13-60. (b) By he wa er-c ant atio s mean the otal uan- tity of ate ante ing t e mi urIS cludi the urfa e water c rrie by a ag egat , exp esseI n ter s of the quanti y of ceme T e wat r -cam nt rat o sha 1 be express- ed in S./Gall ns pe sac (94 ounds) of ce ant. Water -Cement Ratio for Average Materials Sec. 13-59. (a) Where no preliminary tests of the ma- terials to be used are made, the water -cement ratios shall not exceed the values in the following table. The mixes shown in the table are approximate only, and may require adjustment to give proper workability. ASSUMED STRENGTH OF CONCRETE MIXTURES Approximate Mix Volume of Water -Cement Portland Cement to Sum Assumed Compres- Ratio U. S. of Separate Volumes sive Strength at gallons per 94-1b. of Fine and Coarse 28 days in pounds sack of cement Aggregate as Measured Dry per square inch L, 0VV N 1:6 2,000 64 1:51 a 2,500 _ 6 1.4 3,.00Q_. Moderately •V ® Concrete 1:62 1,500 7 1:5A2,000 64 1:44 2,500 61:4 3 000 Dote: ninterpreting s a e,,sur ace wa er._con a e- in,rthe aggregate must be included as part of the mixing water-. in computing the water -cement ratio. (b) During the progress of the work, a reasonable number of compression tests shall be made as may be required by the Commissioner of Public Buildings, but at least one specimen shall be tested for each bne hundred (100) cubic yards of con- crate being placed. The tests shall_ be made in accordance with provisions of Section 13-50. Should"the average twenty-eight r28) day strength fall below the minimum ultimate strength call- ed for on the plans, the Commissioner of Public Buildings shall have the right to require a load test under the provisions of Section 13-51. Water -Cement Ratio By Tests Of Materials Sec. 13-60. (q) Where the water -cement ratios for the various strengths of concrete are to be established bytest, Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Passed by the In Favor k' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE PhESIAD BY ORDINANCE NO. — these tests shall be made in a vance of the beginning of opera- tions using the materials prop s d and consistencies suitable for the work and in accordance with the"Standard Method of Mak- ing Compression Tests of Concrete"(Serial Designation: C 39-33) of the American Society for Testing Materials, including the provisions for curing in a moist room at seventy (70) degrees.. F. and testing wet. A curve representing the relation between the average twenty-eight (28) day strength of the concrete and water -cement ratio shall be established for a range of values including all of the strengths called for in the plans. The tests shall include at least four different water -cement ratios and at least four specimens for each water -cement ratio. The water -cement ratio to be used in the structure shall be that corresponding to a point on the curve establishedLy these tests representing a strength of concrete fifteen (15) per cent higher than the minimum ultimate strength called for on the plans and satisfactory evidence shall be submitted to show that these water -cement ratios are not exceeded. No substitution shall be made in the materials being used on the work without additional tests in accordance, herewith, to show the new water -cement ratios to be used. (b) During the progress of the work, a reasonable number of additional twenty-eight (28) day compression tests may be required by the Commissioner of Public Buildings, but at least one specimen shall be tested for each fifty (50) cubic yards of concrete of any one strength, and not less than two speci- mens of each strength of concrete for any one day's operation. Such tests shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 -50 -.Should the average strength of the control cylin- ders shown by these tests for any portion of the. structure fall below the minimum ultimate twenty-eight (28) day strengths call- ed for on the plans, the Commissioner of Public Buildings shall have the right to order a change in the mix or the water -cement ratios for the remaining portion of the structure and to re- quire load tests as specified in Section 13-51 on the portions of the building affected. Should the average strengths shown by the cylinders cured on the job and tested subsequent to twenty-eight (28) days fall below the required strength, the Commissioner of Public Buildings shall have the right to re- quire conditions of temperature and moisture necessary to se- cure the required strength. Field Tests Of Concrete Sec. 13-61. (a) Field tests of concrete, when required, shall be made in accordance with the"Standard Method of Making Compression Tests of Concrete"(Serial Designation: C 39-33) of the American Society for Testing Materials with the follow- ing exceptions: (1) Two sets of samples of concrete for test specimens shall be taken as the concrete is being delivered at the point of de - Yeas Councilmen Mays Passed by the Council—_ Pearce Peterson Rosen In Favor Truax Warren — ----Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) ADnroved: Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Mayor 1� ORIGINAL To CITY CLERK ORDINANCE t COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED BY _ ORDINANCE posit, care being taken to obtain a sample representative of the entire batch. (2) one set designated as control cylinders ihall be placed under moist curing conditions at approximately seventy (70) degrees F. within twenty-four (24) hours after molding and maintained therein until tested. (3) The second set, designated as job cylinders, shall be kept as near to the point of sampling as possible, and yet (receive the same protection from the elements as is given to the portions of the structure being placed. Specimens shall be kept from injury while on the work. They shall be sent to the laboratory not more than seven (7) days prior to the time of test and while in the laboratory shall be kept in the ordi- nary air at a temperature of approximately seventy (70) de- grees F. (b) All specimens and tests shall be made by a proper- ly qualified person or testing laboratory, who shall furnish the Commissioner of Public Buildings with a report certified in the presence of a notary public, showing the results of tests and stating that they were made in accordance with the `provisions of this Code. Concrete Prnportions And Consistency Sec. 13-62. (a) The proportions of aggregate to cement for concrete of any water -cement ratio shall be such as to produee concrete that will work readily into the corners and angles of the form and around the reinforcement without ex- cessive puddling or spading and without permitting the materi- als to segregate or free water to collect on the surface. The combined aggregate shall be of such composition of sizes that when separated by the No. 4 standard sieve, the weight retain- ed on the sieve shall not be less than one-third nor more than two-thirds of the total nor shall the amount of coarse material be such as to produce harshness in plaging or honey- combing in the structure. Men forms are removed, the faces and corners of the members shall show smooth and sound through- out. (b) The methods of measuring concrete materials shall be such that the proportion of water to cement can be accurately controlled during the progress of the work and easily checked at any time by the Commissioner of Public Buildings or his authorized representative. Allowable Unit Stresses in Concrete Sec. 13-63. (a) The unit stresses -,J pounds per square inch on the concrete to be used in the design shall not exceed the following values, where ftc equals the minimum ultimate strength at twenty-eight (28) days. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council____ Pearce Peterson —In Favor Rosen Truax Warren —--Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:_ Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Mayor I3ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Allowable sion (fc)......... .. ........ Unit Stresses 800 1000 1200. For Any When Strength of Concrete Strength of is Fixed by the Water - Concrete as Cement Ratio in DESCRIPTION Fixed by Test Accordance with Sec. 13-60 X f 900 1125 1350 in Accordance Beams with no web reinforcement/. with Sec.13- - 30000 ft' 2008 lb, ■ 2508 lb. V ■ 3008 lb . of longitudinal steel (vc)-eat n - �� n = 15 n = 12 n = 10 ' Flexure:` fc. Extreme fiber stress in compres- sion (fc)......... .. ........ 0.40fTc 800 1000 1200. Extreme,fiber stress*in�compres- sion adjaceit to supports of continuous or fixed beams or•,of rigid frames (fc)............. 0.45f+c f 900 1125 1350 Shear: v. Beams with no web reinforcement/. j and without special anchorage' of longitudinal steel (vc)-eat 0.02flc 40 50 60.` Beams with no web reinforcement, but with special anchorage of longitudinal steel (v )....... 0.03fic j 60 75 90 Beams with properly des gned web reinforcement, but without special anchorage of -longitudi- nal steel (v).................. Beams with. pr9per'. y- designed web 0.06ftc 120 150 I 180 ; `.reinforcement aid, witH special j anchorage. of;lgngitudnal steel (v). ..................... 0.09ftc . 180 .. 225 270 For conditions determining the j use of greater shear values see Sec: 13-108 (e). Flat slabs at distance d from edge of column cap or drop panel (vc)...................0 0.03flc 60 75 1 90 Footings where longitudinal bars have no special anchorage (vo) 0.02f►c 40 50 60 Footings where longitudinal bars have special anchorage (vc)... 0.03f1c 60 75 90 Bond: u. In beams and slabs and one-way footings: Plain bars u ................ ( ) ! 0.04ftc ! 80 100 i 120 Deformed bars (u) ............. 1 0.05ft6 100 125 150 In two-way footings: j Plain bars (u) ................ 0.03ftc 60 75 90 Deformed bars (u)............. 0.0375ftc 75 94 112 (4Yhere special anchorage is provided (see Sec.i3108), dou- ble these values in bond may be used.) Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council____ Pearce Peterson Rosen In Favor Truax Warren — —Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 300 6.34 10 CITY CLERK ORDINANCE COUNC IL FILE ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED By--- Bearing: Y — Bearing: fc. Where a concrete member has an area at least twice the area in bearing (fc),,,, 1,,,,,,,, 045f � c I 500 , 625 i 750 Axial Compression: fc. In columns with lateral ties � 0,225f10 In columns with continuous spir-! als ejclosing a circular core: (p 0.01 300 + 0.14ftc ( 0.02 111300 t 0.18ftc Ratio of longitudi- ( 0.03 1300 + 0.22f1c nal reinforcement ( 0.04 '300 + 0.26ftc 1 ( 0.05 ',300 + 0.30ftc ( 0.06 '1300 + 0.34f1c 450 563 675 660 750 650 I ! 720 840 740 850 I 960 820 950 1080 900 1050 1200 1320 980 1150 (Spiral reinforcement not to i 'I be less than 4 the longitudi- nal.} Unit stress in spirally reinforced colwiuls [300 t (0.10 + 4p)f�c]• Allowable Unit Stresses In Reinforcement Sec. 13-64. The following unit stresses in reinforcing steel shall not be exceeded. - Pounds per square inch Tension:...(fs) = 20000 Intermediate grade billet steel ........••• ........(fv) = 16000 Web reinforcement ............................ i's) ' 18000" Structural steel shapes .....( Other steel reinforcement 50% of the yield ..(fs) a 20000 point stress, but not to exceed.............. Compression: nfc BVIrs ... .. 15000 Structural steel�section•in composite columns Cast iron section in composite columns ........• 9000 Note: See Section 33-128 for stresses in structural steel and cast iron not encased in concrete. For structural steel section in combination column, see Section 13-129. -h'IIXIPIG AND PLACII?G COITCRETy- Removal of Water From Excavation Sec. 13-65. Water shall be removed from excavations before concrete is deposited, unless otherwise directed by the Commission- er of Public Buildings. Any flow of water into the excavation yes Councilmen Nays s Passed by the Council—_ Pearce In Favor Peterson Rosen — _Against Truax Warren Wenzel Approved:_ Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: Mayor City Clerk _ 300 6.34 — OFIOINAL TO CITY CL[gK S PRESENTED BY— ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE 10IN-INEWIL60 �. shall be diverted through proper side drains into a sump, or be removed by other approved methods which will avoid washing the freshly deposited concrete. Water vent pipes and drains shall be filled by grouting or otherwise, a£ter/concrete has thorough- ly hardened. the Cleaning Forms And Equipment Sec. 13-66. Before placing concrete, all equipment for mixing and transporting the concrete shall be cleaned, all de- bris and ice shall be removed from the places to be occupied by the concrete, forms shall be thoroughly wetted (except in freez- ing weather) or oiled, and clay or cement tile that will be in contact with concrete shall be well drenched (except in freezing weather). Reinforcement shall be thoroughly cleaned of ice or other coatings. Inspection Sec. 13-67. Concrete shall not be placed until the forms and reinforcement have been inspected by the architect or engi- neer responsible for the design, or his authorized -representa- tive. Mixing Sec. 13-68. (a) The concrete shall be mixed until there is a uniform distribution of the materials and the mass is uniform in color and homogeneous. The mixer shall be of such type as to insure the maintaining of the correct proportions:of the ingredi- ents. The mixing shall continue for at least one minute after all the ingredients are in the mixer. Transporting Sec. 13-69. (a) Concrete shall be handled from the mixer to the place of -final deposit as rapidly as practicable by methods which will prevent the separation or loss of the ingredients. It shall be deposited as nearly as practicable in its final position to avoid rehandling or flowing. Under no circumstances shall con- crete that has partially hardened be deposited in the work. (b) When concrete is conveyed by chuting, the plant shall be of such size and design as to insure a practically continuous flow in the chute. The slope of the chute shall be such as to allow the concrete to flow without separation of the ingredients. The delivery end of the chute shall be as close as possible to the point of deposit. When the operation is intermittent, the spout shall discharge into a hopper. The chute shall be thoroughly flushed with water before and after each run; the water used for this purpose shall be discharged outside the forms. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council___ Pearce Peterson Rosen In Favor Truax Warren — —Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:_ Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Mayor `b ORIOIH.L TO CITY 1L 11 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Sec. 13-70. (a) When concreting is once started, it shall be carried on as a continuous operation until the placing of es section or panel is completed. Where construction joints are, necessary, they shall be made in accordance with Section 13-79.V_ or vibrating.. (b) Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted.by puddlinghith suitable tools during the operation of placing, and thoroughly worked around the reinforcement, around embedded fixtures,and into the corners of the forms. (c) Where conditions make puddling difficult, or, where the reinforcement is congested, batches of mortar containing the same proportion of cement to sand used in the concrete, shall first be deposited in the forms and the operation of filling with the regularly specified mix be carried on at such a rate that the mix is at all times plastic and flows readily into the spaces between the bars. (d) A record shall be kept on the work of the time and date of placing the concrete in each portion of the structure. Such record shall be kept until the completion of the structure and shall be open to the inspection of the Commissioner of Public Buildings. Curing Sec. 13-71. (a) Exposed surfaces of concrete shall be kept moist for a period of at least seven (7) days after being • deposited. In hot weather, exposed concrete shall be thorough- ly wetted twice daily during the first week. Depositing In Cold Weather Sec. 13-72. (a) When depositing concrete at freezing or near freezing temperatures, the concrete shall have•a tempera- ture'of at least fifty (50) degrees F., but not more than one - hundred twenty (120) degrees F., but when special cements -alhich develop high temperatures in setting are used or where large masses of concrete are being deposited, the temperature shall not exceed one hundrdd (100) degrees F. The concrete shall be maintained at a temperature of at least fifty (50) degrees F. for not less than seventy-two (72) hours after plae- Ing or until the concrete has thoroughly hardened.' When neces- sary, concrete materials shall be heated before mixing. De- pendence shall not be placed on salt or other chemicals for the prevention of freezing. No frozen materials or materials con- taining ice shall be used. Manure shall not be applied direct- ly to concrete when used for protection. -FORTIS AND DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION - Design Of Forms Sec. 13-73. Forms shall conform to the shape, lines, and dimensions of the member as called for on the plans. They shall be substantial:: and sufficiently tight to prevent leakage Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council_ Pearce Peterson Rosen In Favor Truax Warren — Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:_ _ Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk. Mayor 1,1 ORIQINAL TO CITY CLERK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED•—__ ORDINANCE NO. of mortar; they shall be properly braced or tied together so as to maintain position and shape and insure safety to work- men and passersby. Temporary openings shall be provided where necessary to facilitate cleaning and inspection immediately before depositing mconerete. Removal Of Forms Sec. 13-74. The removal of forms shall be carried out in such a manner as to insure the complete safety of.the struc- ture. ;"there the structure as a whole is supported on shores, removable floor forms, beams and girder sides, column and'� similar vertical forms may be removed within twenty-four (24) hours, providing the concrete has hardened sufficiently that it is not injured. In no case shall the supporting forms be disturbed until the concrete has hardened sufficiently to per- mit their removal with safety. Shoring shall not be removed until the member has acquired sufficient strength to support safely its weight and the load upon it. Cleaning And Bending Reinforcement Sec. 13-75. (a) Metal reinforcement, before being placed, shall be free from rust scale or other coatings that will de- stroy or reduce the bond. Reinforcement shall be formed,to the dimensions indicated on the plans. Cold bends shall be made around a pin having a diameter of four or more tiises the least dimension of the bar. (b) Metal reinforcement shall not be bent or straightened in a manner that will injure the material. Bars with kinks or bends not shown on the plans shall not be used. Heating of reinforcement for bending will not be permitted. Placing Reinforcement Sec. 13-76. Metal reinforcement shall be accurately plac- ed and secured, and shall be supported by concrete or metal chairs or spacers, or metal hangers. The minimum center to center distance between parallel bars shall be two and one- half (22) times the diameter for round bars or three (3) times the side dimension for square bars; if the ends of bars are anchored as specified in Section 13-108, the center to center spacing may be made equal to two diameters for round bars or to two and one-half (22) times the side dimension for square bars, but in no case shall the clear spacing between bars be less than one (1) inch, nor less than one and one-third (1-1/3) times the maximum size of the coarse aggregate. Bars at the upper face of any member shall be embedded a clear distance of not less than one diameter, nor less than one (1) inch. Yeas Councilmen shays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel -Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: Passed by the 300 6.34 City Clerk Mayor In Favor oR,a,�.�.ocrrc�e.K ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY Splices And Offsets In Reinforcement Sec. 13-77. (a) In slabs, beams, and girders, splices of re- inforcement shall not be made at points of maximum stress without the approval of the Commissioner of Public Buildings. Splices, where permitted, shall provide sufficient lap to transfer the stress such sicese arsIn spacednatars thebminimumbondand distanceshear�specified in Section 13-76. shall be (b) Splices in column bars shall provide a lap of twenty-four (24) diameters for deformed bars and thirty (30) diameters for plain bars. (c) Where changes in the cross-section of'a column occur, the longitudinal bars shall be sloped for the full length of the column or offset in a region where lateral support is afforded. Where off- set, the slope of the inclined portion from the axis of the column shall not be more than one (1) in six (6). Protective Covering Of Concrete Sec. 13-78. (a) At those surfaces of footings and other prin- cipal structural members in which the concrete is deposited direct- ly against the ground, metal reinforcement shall have a minimum threecovering of 3 concrete exposed tothe nf groundoroweather, metal rein orcementf shall be protected by not less than two (2) inches of concrete.,.,_ (b) In fire -resistive construction, metal reinforcement shall be protected by not less than one (1) inch of concrete in slabs and walls, and not less than one and one-half (12) inches in beams, girders, and columns, provided coarse aggregate is used, which is free from disruptive action under high temperatures, as, for exam- ple, limestone or trap rock; when impracticable to obtain aggrei gate of this grade, the protective covering shall be one-half.(Q) inch thicker and shall be reinforced with metal mesh having open- ings not exceeding three (3) inches placed one (1) inch from the finished surface. (c) Cement or gypsum plaster, three-fourths (3/4) inches or more in thickness (on metal lath weighing not less than two and one-half (22) pounds per square yard when used vertically, nor less than three (3) pounds per square yard when used horizontally) may be substitutedr a art of the protective o fthetthicknessiof c of con- crete, p the plas- ter be considered effective and the concrete protection shall in no case be reduced to less than three-fourths (4 inches (d) Exposed reinforcement bars intended for bonding with fu- ture extensions shall be protected from corrosion. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council---- Pearce ouncil—_—Pearce Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax __ _Against Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:_— Attest: City Clerk 300 6.34 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Construction Joints Sec. 13-79. (a) Joints not indicated on the plans shall be so made and located as to least impair the strength of the structure. 17here a horizontal joint is to be made, any ex- cess water and laitance shall be removed from the surface af- ter concrete is deposited. Before depositing of concrete is resumed, the hardened surface shall be cleaned and roughened and all weak concrete removed. (b) At least two (2) hours must elapse after depositing concrete in the columns or walls before depositing in beams, girders, or slabs supported thereon. Beams, girders, brack- ;.ets, column capitals, and haunches shall be considered as part of the floor system and shall be placed monolithically there- with. (c) Construction joints in floors shall be located near the middle of spans of slabs, beams or girders, unless a beam intersects a girder at this point, in which case the joints in the girders shall be offset a distance equal to twice the width of the beam. In this last case provision shall be made for shear by use of inclined reinforcement. -DESIGN--GEIIERAL CONSIDERATIONS - Assumptions Sec. 13-80. The design of reinforced concrete members under these specifications shall be made with reference to work- ing stresses and safe loads. The accepted theory of flexure as applied to reinforced concrete shall be applied to all members resisting bending involving the following assumptions: (a) The steel takes all tensile stress; (b) The ratio n of the modulus of elasticity of the steel to that of the concrete shall be taken as follows (applies also for compression members): n c E ■ 30,000 1,00of to _717 Notation Sec. 13-81. The symbols and notation used in these regula- tions are defined as follows: Ga = width of face of column or pedestal; Q z angle between inclined web bars and axis of beam; A = total area of top of pedestal, pier, or footing; At = loaded area of pedestal, pier, or footing at the column base; Ac ■ area of core of spirally -hooped column measured to the outside diameter of the spiral; Ag = gross area of tied columns with lateral ties; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council--.--- Pearce ouncil_... _Pearce Peterson Rosen In Favor Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:__— Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Mayor e ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. As a effective cross-sectional area of metal rein- forcement in tension in beams or compression in columns; and the effective cross-sectional area of metal reinforcement which crosses any of the principal design sections of a flat slab and which meets the requirements of Sections 13-115, 13-117, 13-118, and 13-119. x Av = total area of web reinforcement in tension with- in a distance of s (measured perpendicular to the direction of the web reinforcement bar), or the total area of all bars bent up in any one plane; b a width of rectangular beam or width of flange of T -beam; bt = thickness of web in beams'of I or T sections; br. = dimension of the dropped p nel of a flat slab in the direction parallel to/ ; c ■ diameter in feet of column capital of a flat slab at the underside of the slab, or dropped panel. No portion of the column capital shall be consid- ered,for structural purposes which lies outside of the largest ninety (90) degree cone that can be included within the outlines of the column cap- ital; c = projection of footing from face of column or ped- estal; d a depth from compression surface of beam or slab to center of longitudinal tensile:V_@1nf_orcemen, -� Ec = modulus of elasticity of coucrete:in dompressiori; Es- ■ modulus of elasticity of steel in tension or com- pression a 30,000,000 pounds per square inch; fe a compressive unit stress in extreme fiber of con- crete in flexure or axial compression in concrete in columns; fte =-ultimate compressive strength of concrete at age of twenty-eight (28) days; fr a compressive unit stress in metal core; fs a tensile unit stress in longitudinal reinforcement; fv a tensile unit stress in web reinforcement; h = unsupported length of column; I, = moment of inertia of a section about the neutral axis for bending; ■ span length of beam or slab (generally distance from center to center of supports; for special X cases, See Sections 13-85 and 13-114. e ■ span length of flat slab panel (usually expressed in feet) center to center of columns, in the dir- ection in which moments are considered (see Sec- tion 13-112. ) a span length of flat slab, center to center of col- umns, perpendicular to the rectangular direction in which moments are considered; M = bending moment or moment of resistance in general; Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Passed by the Approved:_ Mayor In Favor Against OPIO�NIIL TO OITY OLEPK PRESENTED BY Mo q r n /g Pa Pt ra R s t t, tAl u v vc V Vt w w w. W ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. • w sum of positive and negative bending moments at the principal design sections of a panel of a flat slab (see Sec. 13-112 ); = EsAc = ratio of modulus of elasticity of steel to that of concrete; = sum of perimeters of bars in one set; a ratio of effective area of tensile reinforcement to effective area of concrete in beams a As/'bd; and the ratio of effective area of longitudinal reinforcement to the area of the concrete core in columns; - permissible unit stress on pedestal, pier, or foot- ing when the full area is loaded; - total safe axial load on column whose length does not exceed eleven (11) times its least cross-sectional dimension;, = total safe axial load on long column; a permissible unit working stress in concrete.over the loaded area of a pedestal, pier, or footing; - least radius of gyration of a section; - spacing of stirrups measured perpendicular to the -direction of the stirrup; - thickness of flange of T -beam; - thickness of flat slab without dropped panels; or the thickness of flat slabs, including dropped panels where one is•used; - thickness of flat slab with dropped panels at points away from the dropped panel; = bond stress per unit of area of surface of bar; - shearing unit stress; unit shearing stress permitted on the cgnerete`af"'the-- web; the value depending on -the anchorage of the longitudinal reinforcement; = total shear; = excess of the total shear over that permitted on the concrete; = uniformly distributed load per unit of length of beam or slab; = upward reaction per unit of area of base of footing; = uniformly distributed dead and live load per unit per unit of area of a floor or roof (in flat slabs usually expressed in pounds per square foot); a total dead and live load uniformly distributed over a single panel area (in flat slabs usually expressed in pounds and includes the dead weight of any raised .or depressed portions). Design Loads See. 13-82. The provisions for design herein specified are based on the assumption that all structures shall be design- ed for all dead- and live -loads coming upon them, the live - loads to be in accordance with the general requirements of the building code of which this forms a part, with such reductions for girders and lower story columns as are permitted therein. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: Passed by the Approved:_ - In Favor —Against 300 6.34 City Clerk Mayor ORIOIN.L TO CITY CLERK I; ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED BY Wind Loads ORDINANCE Sec. 13-83. Provisions shall be made for wind loads in accordance with the general provisions of the code of which this forms a part. In designing the members to resist wind loads, the allowable unit stresses for dead- and live -load and wind loads may be increased to one hundred fifty (150) per cent of the allowable values specified in Sections 13-63 and 13-64 , but the section shall not be less than that required if the wind load be neglected. -FLFA-LJ ii AL COMPUTATIONS AND MOMENT CO-EFFICI';NTS- Formulas for Flexure Sec. 13-84. Computations of flexural resistance of re- inforced -concrete beams and slabs shall be based on the assump- tions of Section 13-80 The customary formulas or their equivalent shall be used. Span Length Sec. 13-85. (a) The span length of freely supported beams and slabs shall be the clear span plus the depth of beam or slab, but shall not exceed the distance between centers of the supports. (b) The span length for continuous or restrained beams built to act integrally with supports shall be the clear dis- tance between faces of supports. (c) For oontinuous or restrained beams having brackets built to act integrally with both beam and support and of a width not less than the width of the beam and making an angle of forty-five (45) degrees or more with the horizontal, the span shall be measured from the section where the combined depth of the beam and bracket is at least one-third more than the depth of the beam. No portion of such a bracket shall be considered as adding to the effective depth of the beam. Brackets making an angle of less than forty-five (45) degrees with the horizontal may be considered as increasing the.ef- fective depth of the beam, but not as decreasing the span length. (d) Maximum negative moments are to be considered as ex- isting at the ends of the span, as defined above. Depth of Beam or Slab Sec. 13-86. The depth of the beam or slab shall be taken as the distance from the centroid of the tensile reinforcement to the compression surface of the structural slab. Any floor finish not placed monolithic with the floor slab shall not be included as a part of the structural member. When the finish is placed monolithic with the structural slab in buildings of the warehouse or industrial class where the finish is subject- ed to unusual wear from trucking or other causes, there shall Yeas Councilmen Days Passed by the Council_— Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 6.31 City Clerk Mayor In Favor f7 OPIOIN.L TO OITY CL[PK ^UI/ ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED BY. be placed an additional depth of one-half (1/2) inch over that used in the design of the meraber. Point Of Inflection Sec. 13-87. For the purpose of these regulations, the point of inflection in beams and slabs of equal spans sym- metrically loaded shall.be assumed to be located at the fifth point of the span as defined in Section 13-85. Distance Between Lateral Supports Sec. 13-88. The clear distance between lateral supports,, of a beam shall not exceed thirty—two (32) times the least width of compression flange. Requirements For T -Beams Sec. 13-89. (a) In T -beam construction the slab shall be built integrally with the beam. The effective flange vidth to be used in the design of symmetrical T -beams shall not ex- ceed one-fourth (1/4) of the span length of the beam and its overhanging ,yidth on either side of the web shall not exceed eight (8)times the thickness of the slab nor one-half (1/2) the clear distance to the next beam. (b) For beams having a flange on one side only, the ef- fective overhanging flange width shall not exceed one -twelfth (112) of the span length of the beam nor six (6) times the thickness of the slab, nor one-half (1/2) the clear distance to the next beam. (c) ':`there the principal reinforcement in a slab which is considered as a flange of a T -beam (not a rib in ribbed floors) is parallel to the beam, transverse reinforcement shall be pro- vided in the top of the slab. This reinforcement shall be de- signed to carry the load on the portion of the slab assumed as the flange of the T -beam. The spacing of the bars shall not exceed five (5) times the thickness of the flange, or in any case eighteen (18) inches. (d) Provision shall be rude for the compressive stress at the support in continuous T -beam construction, care being tak- en that the provisions of Sections13-76 and 13-77 relating to the spacing of bars, and Section 13-70 relating to the placing of concrete shall be fully met. In no case shall the area of steel in compression at any cross-section adjacent to the sup- port exceed two (2) per cent of the cross-sectional area of the stem of the beam in that section. (e) The overhanging portion of the flange of the beam shall not be considered as effective in computing the shear and diagonal tension resistance of T -beams. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ----- Pearce Peterson Rosen In Favor Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:_ Attest: 300 6,34 City Clerk Mayor lv ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE ORDINANCE (f) Isolated beams in which the T -form is used only for purpose of providing additional compression area, shall have a flange thickness not less than one-half (1/2) the width of the web and a total flange width not more than four (4) times the web thickness. Ribbed Floor Construction Sec. 13-90. (a) Ribbed floor construction includes floor system of ribs and slabs placed monolithically in which the ribs are not farther apart than thirty-six (36) inches face to face. The ribs shall be straight, not less than four (4) inches wide, nor of a depth more than three (3) times the width. (b) 7there removable forms or fillers not complying with Section 13-90 (c) are used the thickness of the concrete slab shall not be less than one -twelfth (1-12) of the clear distance between ribs and in no case less than two (2) inches. (c) When burned clay or cement tile are used and con- crete is placed on the top of such tile, it shall not be less than one and one-half (la) inches in thickness, nor less than one -twelfth (1/12) of the clear distance between ribs. :^then the tile are so placed that the joints in al- ternate rows are staggered, the webs of the tile in contact with the ribs may be included in calculations involving shear or negative bending moment. No other portion of the tile may beincluded in design calculations. (d) Iffhere the floor is subject to impact from moving loads, or to wear, the slab thicknesses shall be increased one-half (2) inch. If a floor or covering one-half (2) inch or more in thickness, not included in the structural slab, is used for a wearing surface, no increase need be made. (e) vdhere the slab contains conduits or pipes, the thickness shall not be less than one (1) inch plus the total overall depth of such conduits or pipes at any point. Such conduits or pipes shall be so located as not to reduce the strength of the construction. (f) Shrinkage reinforcement in the slab must be provid- ed as required in Section IA& -95. 12oment Coefficients for Freely Supported or Slightly Restrained Continuous Beams or Slabs of Approximately Equal Span; Uniform Load Sec. 13-91. (a) Beams and slabs of approximately equal spans freely supported or built to act integrally with beams, Yeas Councilmen Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk: Nays Passed by the Mayor In Favor Against ORIGINAL TO CIT' CLERK ,y5 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE r4 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE girders, or other slightly restraining support, or beams and slabs built into brick or masonry walls in a manner which de- velops only partial end restraint, and carrying uniformly dis- tributed loads shall be designed for the following moments at critical sections: (1) Beams and slabs of one span, Positive moment near center, �...................................(1) 8 (E) Beams and slabs continuous for two spans only, Positive monjent near center, w M=................................ .(2) . 10 Negative moment over interior support, z M= w. ...................................(3) (3) Beams and slabs continuous for more than two spans, Positive moment near center and negative moment at support o yinterior spans, M= ................... .....(4) 12 ........... Positive moment near centers of end spans and nega- tive moment at first interior support, w,e; M= ...................................(5) 10 (4) Negative moment at end supports for cases (1), (2), and (3) of this section, Z M = not less than w 24 Yeas Councilmen Days Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Passed by the Mayor In Favor Against ORIOINAL TO CIIT eLLRK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. bo�nG CoaPPlclor�Es P� Nig NesVrwl!�d C�uE�uo� Seo. 13-92. (a) Beams and slabs of approximately equal spans built to act integrally with columns, walls, or other restraining supports and assumed to carry uniformly distribu6r ed loads, shall (except as provided in Section 13-91 be designed for the following moments at critical sections (1) Interior spans, Negative moment at interior supports except the first, x M=- ...............................(7) Positive moment near centers of interior spans, M = 16 �...............................(8) (2) End spans of continuous beams or slabs, and beams or slabs of one span, 1'1here i_ is less than twice the sum of the values 3uo 6.34 City Clerk Mayor of for the exterior columns above and below which are built into the beams: Positive moment near center of span and negative moment at first interior supports, W JA Negative moment at exterior supports, Jd- } ............................(10) 111here is equal to or greater than twice the sum of the values of i for the exterior column above h and below which are built into the beams: Positive moment near center of span and negative moment atfirst interior support, W -'- M M a —� ...........................(11) Negative moment at exterior support, W M= —�— .................. ........(12) yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Pearce Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Warren —Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:_ Attest: 3uo 6.34 City Clerk Mayor �1 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY J ORDINANCE NO. (b) In this section, I represents the moment of inertia which, for those calculations, shall be, computed on the,assump- tion that the member is homogeneous,. neglecting the reinforcement, but including that portion of the*.concrete section outside of tie reinforcement which is ordinarily considered as fireproofing. and h are the span length and column height, respectively, as defined in Sections 13-85 and 13-124. Moment Coefficients for Continuous Beams or Slabs of Unequal Span or with Non -Uniform Loads Sec. 13-93. Continuous beams with substantially unequal spans, or with other than uniformly distributed loading, wheth- er freely supported or restrained, shall be designed for the maximum moments resulting from the most severe probable combina- tion of loading and restraint. provision shall be made where necessary for negative moment near the center of short spans which are adjacent to long spans, and for the negative moment at the end supports, if restrained. Compression Steel in Flexural Members See. 13-94. Vfhere it is necessary to introduce steel in compression in girders, beams, or slabs, such steel shall be thoroughly anchored by ties or stirrups not less than one- fourth (174) inch in size which shall be spaced not more than eight (8) inches apart over the distance where the compression steel is required. Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement Sec. 13-95. Reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature stresses normal to the principal reinforcement shall be provid- ed in floor and roof slabs where the principal reinforcement extends in one direction only. Such reinforcement shall pro- vide for the following minimum ratios of reinforcement area to concrete area, but in no case shall such reinforcing bars be placed fat -her apart than five times the slab thickness nor more than eighteen (18) inches. Floor slabs where plain bars are used ...............0.0025 Floor slabs where deformed bars are used.............0.002 Floor slabs where wire fabric is used, having welded intersections not farther apart in the direction of stress than twelve (l2) inches ...............0.0018 Roof slabs where plain bars are used.................0.003 Roof slabs where deformed bars are used..............0.0025 Roof slabs where wire fabric is used, having welded intersections not farther apart in the direc- tion of stress than twelve (12) inches ..........0.0022 Yeas Councilmen Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 6.34 - City Clerk: Nays Passed by the Mayor In Favor �u ORIGINAL TO CITY CLKRK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Floors Reinforced in Two Directions Sec. 15-96. (a) Concrete floors supported on four sides by beams, girders, or walls, and reinforced in two directions, shall be designed as follows, using moment coefficients given in Sections 313-91, 13-92, and 13-93 as required, except as indicated unaer Section 13-96 (e). (b) If the length of the slab exceeds one and one-half times its width,.the entire load shall be carried in the short direction. (c) In case of square panels and uniformly distributed load, one-half the live- and dead -load may be assumed as being resisted by each cross band. (d) In rectangular panels of length L and breadth B, the portion of the load which shall be assumed as being supported by the slab in the short direction shall be equal to (B)times thejtotal load. The remainder of the load shall be assumed as being supported by the slab in the long direction. The reinforcement in the long direction shall in no case be less than that specified in Section 13-95 for shrinkage and temperature reinforcement. (e) In placing the reinforcement, account may be taken of the fact that the moment is less in the portions of the band which are adjacent and parallel to the supporting beams. In the one-quarter width of band parallel and adjacent to the - beams, the computed moment may be reduced fifty (50) per cent. (f) Beams supporting such slabs shall be assumed to take the portion of the load as determined in Section 3:3-96 (b), (c), or (d) without any advantage of any reduction in live -load permitted in other sections of this Code. The total load for each beam shall be assumed as uniformly distributed. Maximum Spacing Of Principal Slab Reinforcement Sec. 15-97. In slabs other than ribbed floor construction or flat slabs, the principal reinforcement shall not be spaced farther apart than three times the slab thickness, nor shall the ratio of reinforcement be less than specified in Section 13-95. -SHEAR AND DIAGONAL TENSION - Shearing Unit Stress Sec. JZ -98. (a) The shearing unit stress (v) in reinforce - ed concrete beams_sba11 be computed as follotiis: 14 8V T ) V = 7 bd Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Passed by the Attest: 300 6.31 City Clerk Mayor In Favor Against ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �7 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. `,then the value of the shearing unit stress computed by this formula exceeds the unit shearing stress (v) permitted on the concrete of the web ('See Section 13-90), web rein- forcement shall be provided to carry the excess, (b) For beams of I or T section b shall be substituted for b in formula 8V V = - _ 7 bd (c) In tile and joist construction, b may be taken as a width equal to the thickness of the concrete ,web plus the thickness of the vertical webs of the concrete or clay tile in contact ;with the joist as in Section 13-90 (c). Types of jeb Reinforcement Sec. 15-99. (a) Web reinforcement may consist of: ('1) Vertical stirrups or web reinforcing bars; (2) Inclined stirrups or web reinforcing bars form- ing an angle of thirty (30) degrees or more rkith the axis of the beam; (3) Longitudinal bars bent up at an angle of fifteen (15) degrees or more with the axis of the beam (b) Stirrups or bent -up bars to be considered effective as web reinforcement shall be anchored at both ends, according to the provisions of Section 13-109. Stirrups Sec. 13-100. Area of steel required in stirrup shall be computed by formula (15). _ Av, 14V's ................................(15) Spacing of Stirrups Sec. 13-101. 'Maere the shearing stress is not greater than .06f'c the distance s between two successive stirrups measured perpendicular to the direction of the stirrup shall not exceed 374d, and where unit shearing stress exceeds 0.06f'c, it shall not be greater than 3/8d. Bent -up Bars Sec. 13-102. (a) Mere there is a series of parallel bent -up bars at varying distances from the support, they shall be considered as inclined stirrups and the area required de- termined from formula (15). Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Passed by the to Favor Against ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Is ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (b) Viliere bent -up bars in a single plane are used for lreb reinforcement, the required area of the bar shall be computed by formula (16). vVtA 16 ct...............................( ) 16000 svn (c) In formula (16), V' shall not exceed 0.035fIc 64 nor oC be less than fifteen (15) degrees. Only the center three- fourths (3/4) of the inclined portion of such bar or group of bars shall be considered effective in resisting shear. Be- tween the face of the support and the area reinforced by the bent -up bar, other web reinforcement shall be provided, except that when the distance is less than9nd the beam is design- ed for uniform load only, such additional reinforcement need not ---.be orovided. d Combined ')ieb Reinforcement Sec. 13-103. "Illere two or more types of web reinforce- ment are used in conjunction, the total shearing resistance of the beam shall be assumed as the sum of the shearing resist- ances computed for the various types separately. In such compu- tations the shearing resistance of the concrete shall be includ- =ed only once. Shearing Stress In Flat Slabs Sec. 13-104. (a) In flat slabs, the shearing unit stress on a vertical section which lies at a distance tl- 1 inches from the edge of the column capital and parallel with it, shall not exceed the following values when computed by formula (14) (in which d shall be taken as tl, - 12 inches): (1) 0.03f'c when at least fifty (50) per cent of the total negative reinforcement passes directly over the column capital; (2) 0.025f' when twenty-f,_ve (25) per cent of the �otal negative reinforcement passes directly over the column capital (which is the least that shall be permitted); (3) For intermediate percentages, intermediate values of the shearing unit stress shall be used. (b) In flat slabs, the shearing unit stress on a vertical section which lies at a distance of tz - 12 inches from the edge of the dropped panel and parallel with it shall not exceed 0.03fle, when computed by formula (14) (in which d shall be taken as t.; - 1=2 inches). At least fifty (50) Der cent of the cross-sectional area of the negative reinforcement in two column strips must be within the .idth of strip directly above the dropped panel. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: Passed by the In Favor —Against 300 6.34 City Clerk Mayor 31 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLKRK i ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTKBY ORDINANCE NO. Shear And Diagonal Tension In Footings Seca 13-105. (a) The shearing unit stress computed by formula (14),on a vertical section, which lies at a distance d from the face of the supported column or pier and parallel with it, shall not exceed 0.02ftc, for footings with straight bars, nor 0.03ftc for footings in which the bars are anchored at both ends by adequate hooks or otherwise specified in Section 13-108. (b) In footings supported on piles, the critical sec- tion for diagonal tension shall be considered the distance d/2 from the face of the column or pedestal and any pile whose centers are at or within this section shall be;excluded in computing the shear. -BOI?D AND AI; CHORAGE- Computation Of --Bond? Stress In Beams Sec. 13-106. (a) 17here reinforcement is used to resist tensile stresses developed by beam action, the bond stress shall be taken as not less than that computed by Formula (17') as follows: u7 EBod................................. (17) (b) For continuous or restrained members, the critical see - on for bond for the positive reinforcement shall be assumed to be at the point of inflection, that for the negative rein- forcement shall be assumed to be at the face of the support, and at the point of inflection. For simple beams, or at the outer—ends of freely supported end spans of continuous beams, the critical -section for bond shall be assumed to be at the face of the support. (c) Bent up longitudinal bars, which, at the critical sec- tion, are within a distance d from horizontal reinforcement under S consideration may be included with the straight bars in comput- ing Z 0. Ordinary Anchorage Requirements Sec. 15-107. (a) Tensile negative reinforcement in any span of a continuous restrained or cantilever beam, or in any member of a rigid frame, shall have a length of anchorage beyond the face of the supporting member sufficient to devel- op the full maximum tension at an average bond stress not greater than 0.04ftc, for plain bars, or 0.05f'c for deformed bars. F:1ithin any such span, not less than one-third of the negative reinforcements shall extend along the tension side of the beam at least to or beyond the point of inflection, and any bars not so extended shall be bent dorm at an angle of not more than forty-five (45) degrees with the axis of the member and made continuous with the positive reinforce- ment or anchored in a region of compression. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Pearce Peterson Rosen In Favor Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:_ Attest: 300 6.3'x; .. City Clerk Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ? ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO, ORDINANCE NO. (b) Of the positive reinforcement in continuous beams, not less than one-fourth the area shall extend at -the same face of the beam into the support to provide an embedment of ten or more bar diameters beyond the face of the support. (c) For non -continuous beams not less than one-half ,the area of positive reinforcement shall extend at the same face of the beam into the support to provide an embedment of ten or more bar diameters. Special Anchorage Requirements Sec. 13-108. (a) Vthere increased shearing or bond stress- es on account of special anchorages are ermitted as specified in Section 13-63 , anchorage of all reinforcement as required in Section 13-107 shall be ncreased to conform with the requirements of (b), (c), (d), and (e) of this section. (b) In continuous and restrained beams, anchorage beyond points of inflection of at least one-third the area of the neg- ative reinforcement and beyond the face of the support of at least one-third the area of the positive reinforcement, shall be provided to develop one-third of the allowable working stress in tension at average bond stresses not to exceed 0.04ftc for plain bars nor 0.05ffc for deformed bars. (c) In footings, all bars shall be anchored by means of hooks at the end of the bar. The total length of bar shall be the width of the footing plus twenty (20) bar diameters. The outer face of the hook shall not -be less than three (o ) inches - nor more than four (4) inches from the face of the footing. (d) In simple beams, or at the outer ends of freely sup- ported end spans of continuous beams, at least one-half of the tensile reinforcement shall extend along the tension side of the beam to provide an anchorage beyond the face of the support for one-third of the allowable v.orking stress in tension at an average bond stress not to exceed 0.04ftc for plain bars, nor o.05ftc for deformed bars. (e) In cases where the design of unusual members involves the use of unit shearing stresses in excess of 0.09fto, values up to 0.12f'Q may be used,providing the requirements of this section are sully met, that the members in which these stresses are used shall be specially designated on the plans and that these members shall be constructed under the personal supervi- sion of the designing engineer who shall notify the Commission- er of Public Buildings -at least one day in advance of the plac- ing of the concrete in such member. Vjlien required by the Com- missioner of Public Buildings, the designing engineer shall submit an affidavit certifying that he has personally super- vised the construction of these members and that the design and construction was in all respects as called for on the plans and in conformity with the provisions of this code. Yeas Councilmen Nays _ Passed by the Council Pearce Peterson Rosen In Favor Truax _ _Against Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:_ Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ORDINANCE' COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED B* ORDINANCE eb Reinforcement Sec. 13-109. (a) I'7eb reinforcement shall be anchored at both ends by one of the following methods or combination thereof, but only anchorage meeting the requirements of (1); (2), or (3) shall be used for shearing unit stresses in ex- cess of 0.08fte. (1) Providing continuity with the main longitudi- nal reinforcement. (2) Bending around the longitudinal bar or steel shape; (3) A hook which has a radius of bend not less` than four (4) times the diameter of the web bar; (4) A length of embedment sufficient to develop the stress in the stirrup by bond as pro- vided below, provided also that the other end of the stirrup is anchored as in (1). (b) The end anchorage of a'web member not bearing on the longitudinal reinforcement shall be such as to engage an amount of concrete sufficient to prevent the bar from pulling out. In all cases, the stirrups shall be carried as close to the upper and lower surfaces as fireproofing requirements permit. (c) The stress in a stirrup or web reinforcement bar shall not exceed a value equal to the surface area of the bar embedded within the upper or lower one-half of the beam multiplied by 0.04ftc for plain bars, or 0.05ftc for de- formed bars, except that ,vhen wire fabric is used for web reinforcement it shall have t7lded intersections not farth- er apart than six (6) inches, In no case shall the stress exceed sixteen thousand (16,000) pounds per square inch. FLAT SLABS (Two-77ay and Four -'lay Systems witkr Square or Rectangular Pan- els.) Limitations ,Sec. 13-110. (a) The term flat slabs as used in these regulations refers to concrete slabs, having reinforcement bars extending in two or four directions, without beams or girders to carry the load to supporting members. (b) The moment coefficients, moment distribution, and slab thicknesses specified Herein are for a series of slabs of approximately uniform size arranged in three or more rows of panels in each direction, and in which the ratio of length to width of panel does not exceed 1.33. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Pearce Peterson Rosen In Favor Truax Warren — —Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:__. Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Mayor O PIGINAL TO OITY CLCRK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (c) Slabs with paneled ceiling or with dropped panels shall bd'considered as coming under the requirements herein given, provided the dropped panel shall have a length or di- ameter in each direction parallel to a side of the panel of not less than 0.35 of the panel length in that direction, and provided further that the depth of the thicker portion of the slab does not exceed one and one-half times the depth of the remainder of the slab. (d) For structures having a width of less than three rows of panels, or in which irregular panels are used, an analysis shall be made of the moments developed in both slabs and columns. !:hen so required, computations shall be sub- mitted to the Commissioner of Public Buildings for approval. panel Strips and Principal Design Sections Sec. 1.3-111. (a) For convenience of reference, a flat slab panel shall be considered as consisting of strips as follows: A middle strip one-half panel in width symmetrical with respectao e panel center line and extending through the panel in the direction in which moments are being considered; A column strip one half panel in width occupying the two quarter pane areas outside of the middle strip. 13hen considering moments in the direction of the width of the panel,'the panel is similarly divided by strips, the widths of which are each one-half the length of the panel. (b) The critical sections for moment calculations are referred to as principal design sections and are located as follows: Sections for Negative idoment. ese sFiaZl e a en a ong the edges of the panel, on lines joining the column centers, and fol- lowing the circumference of the column capital. Sections for Positive Moment. These sfiail -earen o�Tie center line of the panel. Ns Moments In Interior Panels -- General Case Sec. 1-a-112. (a) The numerical sum of the positive and negative moments in the direction of either side of a rectan- gular panel shall be not less than that given as follows: by formula (19) Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax - Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: Passed by the 300 6.34 City Clerk Mayor In Favor Against 3hORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. ........................(19) where L0 sum of positive and negative bending moments at the principal design sections, in the direction in which the length is given by .e. This moment is in foot-pounds when c and ,� are in feet and V1 is in pounds. (b) The moments in the principal design sections shall be those given in the follo:•ring table of moments, except that the maximum negative moment in the column strip may be great- er or less than the values liven in the table of moments by not more than 0.03I10, provided that the sum of the moments on the principal section remains equal to Lio, and provided furth- er that the moment in each of the three other critical design sections be modified by not more than O.01LIo. 1I01MITTS TO BE USED IA DUSIGid OF FLAT SLABS For Interior Panels Fully Continuous General Case: all values of c: LI, given by formula (19) Flat Slabs Flat Slabs Strip 'rithout Dropped Panels ',Pith Dropped Panels - Negative Po— siitive Ne2at>ve Poai .iva Rlnh1q L'✓i 1-Y1 9..*:in AoiY�fnv.....,.�..,..+ 0 o. Slabs,with 4-liay Reinforcement Column Strip -Mc n' 0.501dfl +I.,Tct. 0.201% -1.1c a 0.54do +LIc m 0.191+fo Middle Strip -M,� 0 .101io +16- 0.20LIo -Lm= O.OS1Io +fie 0.191.4,(c) The z:idth of section at the column head shall be taken as the width of the dropped panel There used or half the width of panel where no dropped panel is used. (d) The band width in the tiro -nay system shall be such as to provide reinforcement over the entire one-half panel width. four -tenths (e) The band width for the direct bands in the 4 -way sys- tem shall be approximately of the panel width at right angles to the direction of the band (0.4,,/) and for the diagon- al bands approximately 0.4 of the average span -length. In pro- portioning the reinforcement in this system, it shall be assum- ed that reinforcement in the direct band resists the entire pos- Column Strip -Lic a 0.46LIo +11Ica 0.2214o -1-le- 0.501Io -K' - 0.201d 1liddle Strip -N6 0.16L5e +tea 0..16Lio -1,60 Yeas Councilmen Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Days Passed by the In Favor —Against Mayor 0.151do +Nim= 0.15M 0 o. Slabs,with 4-liay Reinforcement Column Strip -Mc n' 0.501dfl +I.,Tct. 0.201% -1.1c a 0.54do +LIc m 0.191+fo Middle Strip -M,� 0 .101io +16- 0.20LIo -Lm= O.OS1Io +fie 0.191.4,(c) The z:idth of section at the column head shall be taken as the width of the dropped panel There used or half the width of panel where no dropped panel is used. (d) The band width in the tiro -nay system shall be such as to provide reinforcement over the entire one-half panel width. four -tenths (e) The band width for the direct bands in the 4 -way sys- tem shall be approximately of the panel width at right angles to the direction of the band (0.4,,/) and for the diagon- al bands approximately 0.4 of the average span -length. In pro- portioning the reinforcement in this system, it shall be assum- ed that reinforcement in the direct band resists the entire pos- Column Strip -Lic a 0.46LIo +11Ica 0.2214o -1-le- 0.501Io -K' - 0.201d 1liddle Strip -N6 0.16L5e +tea 0..16Lio -1,60 Yeas Councilmen Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Days Passed by the In Favor —Against Mayor 3bORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. rrS PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO, itive moment for the column strip and the tivo diagonal bonds resist the entire positive moment for to raiddle strip. ne- inforcement for negative moment for the colLum strip shall in- clude the area of reinforcement for negative mordent in the diagonal bands multiplied by the cosine of theangle between the diagonal band and the axis of the direct band considered plus the full area of t:.e reinforcement for negative moment in the direct band. The negative reinforcement for the middle strip shall be provided independently of the diagonal bands. Homents In Interior Panels -- Special Case, c - 0.225 Times The Average Span Length See. 3-113. (a) For the particular case :ihere c is equal to 0.225 times the average span length (the average of the distances center to center of columns on the two sides of the panel), formula (19) reduces to formula (19a) Ivlo = MIS& V11 .................................(19a) (b) For two-way slabs, the values of &Io may be obtained from formula (19a) and the distribution taken from the table in Section 15-112 (b). (c) For the four-way slab with dropped panel, the follow- ing table of coefficients may be used in computing the ein- forcement required in each of the bands, provided that for the direct bands shall be the center to center distance be- tween columns _n the direction in which the band extends, and for the diagonal bands the average value of e for the two dir- ect bands of the panel. The moments in the table are those on sections at right angles to the direction of the respective bans-" -„ Band Location Amount Direct ........................ Center.............. 10.012.7 0 Diagonal ...................... Center.............. +0.009VJ Direct ........................ At column head......-0.020Y.E Diagonal....... ... ... ... At column head...... -0.0111,7.E Top band across direct band... Between columns..... -0.0051'11 Thickness of Slabs and Dropped Panels Sec. TZ -114. (a) For slabs without dropped panels, using �41concrete of two thousand (2,000) pounds per square inch ultimate strength, the total thickness of the slab A„ in inches, shall be not less than the value given by formula (20). = 0.038 (1 - 1.44 T) Q +++'+12 .............. (20 ) where Z4r'= uniformly distributed dead and live -load, pounds per square foot. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Passed by the Mayor In Favor �� oaioiaw� to cin cuaK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (b) For slabs with dropped panels, using concrete of two thousand (2,000) pounds per square inch ultimate strength, the total thickness in inches at points beyond the dropped panel shall be not less than tz c 0.021 4w' +I ..........................(21) (c) The dropped panel shall have a thickness not greater than 1.5t, nor less than 1.25tz . The side or diameter of the dropped panel shall not be less than 0.35 times the side of the panel in the parallel direction. (d) In determining minimum thickness by formulas (20) and (21), the value of Q shall be the panel length center to center of the columns, on the long side of the panel. For concrete of two thousand (2,000) pounds per square inch ultimate strength the slab thickness t, or ta,.shall in no case be less than 132 for floor slabs, and not less than -0/40 for roof slabs. (e) xhere concretes of higher ultimate strengths than two thousand (2,000) pounds per square inch are used, the thickness given by formulas (20) and (21) and the limiting thicknesses may be reduced by multiplying by the factor f in which f1c is the ultimate strength of the concrete to be used. Limiting Percentages of Reinforcement Sec. 13-115. (a) The ratio of reinforcement for negative moment in the column strip shall not exceed the values of p calculated for balanced reinforcement, that is, the amount of reinforcement for which both the steel and the concrete are stressed to the full'amount permitted by Sections 13-63 and 13-59.X Any reinforcement in excess of this amount shall not be includ- ed in the calculation. In computing the ratio of reinforcement for negative moment in the column strip, the width of section shall be taken as in Section 13-112 (c). In the case of four-way design, the steel area shall consist of the area of steel for negative moment as defined in Section 30-112 (e). (b) The ratio of flat slab reinforcement in any strip shall not be less than .0025. Bars shall not be spaced faith- er apart than one and one-half (lz) tunes the slab thickness. Point of Inflection Sec. 13-116. (a) In the middle strip the point of in- flection for slabs without dropped panels shall be assumed at a linen 0.33,t4distant from the center of the span and for slabs with dropped panels, -0.3,t distant from the center of the span. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest. 300 6.34 - City Clerk Passed by the Mayor In Favor Against ORIGINAL TO CITY CLKRK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. pw PRESENTED BY1 ORDINANCE (b) In the column strip, the point of inflection for slabs without dropped panels shall be 4t.a line 0.33 (kc) distant from the center of the panel and 0.3 (,Vc) for slabs with dropped panels. Arrangement Of Reinforcement At Column Heads -- V Two and Four=P•!ay Systems See. 13-117. In both two- and four-way systems, provi- sion shall be made for securing the reinforcement in place so as to resist properly not only the critical moments, but also the moments at intermediate sections. The full area of steel required for negative moment at the column head shall be con- tinued in the same plane close'to the upper surface of the slab to the edge of the dropped panel, but in no case less than a distance 0.2A from the center line of column. Lapped splices shall not be permitted at or near regions of maximum stress except as described in Section 13-77. Arrangement Of Reinforcement -- Two-aay System Sec. 7.3'-118. (a) For column strips at least four -tenths of the area of steel required at the section for positive moment in the col Lunn strip shall be of such length and so placed as to reinforce the negative moment -section at the two. adjacent column heads. These bars,,and any other bars for negative reinforcement shall extend into the adjacent panel to a'point at least 0.05,, beyond the point of inflection. Not less than one-third of thet�>rs used for positive rein- forcement in -the -column strip shall extend into the dropped panel at least twenty diameters of the bar, but not less Yian _- twelve (12) inches or in case no dropped panel is used, shall extend to within 0.1251 of the center line of the col- umns or the supports. The balance of the bars for positive reinforcement in the column strip shall extend at least 0.331 on either side of the center line of panel. (b) For the middle strip at least one-half of the bars for positive moment shall be bent up and extend over the main bands at both sides of the panel to a point at least 0.251 beyond the center line of columns. The loc tion of the bends shall be such that fo a distance 0.15�for slabs with dropped panels, (or 0.125,t for slabs without dropped panels), on each side of the center line of columns, the full reinforcement required for negative moment will be provided in the top face of the slab. The full reinforce- ment for positive moment in the middle strip shall extend in the bottom face of the slab to a point at least 0.310 on either side of the panel.center line, and at least 50 per cent of it shall extend to points 0.325,6 on either side of the panel center line for slabs with dropped panels, or 0.35.0 for slabs without dropped panels. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 6-34 City Clerk Passed by the Council_ In Favor Against Approved:_ 0 Mayor OKI OINAL TO CITY CL[.K 3 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. r3 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Arrangement of Reinforcement--Four-YIay System Sec. 13-119. (a) For direct bands, all provisions govern- ing the placing of steel in column strips in tiro -way systems apply as well to the direct bands in four-way systems. (b) For diagonal bands, at least four -tenths of the area of steel required at the section for positive moment shall be of such length and so placed as to reinforce the negative mo- ment section at the two diagonally opposite column heads. These bars and any other bars for negative reinforcement shall extend into the adjoining panel to points at least 0.4 beyond a line drawn through the column center perpendicular to the direction of the band. The straight bars for positive mo- ment in the diagonal bands shall not be shorter than the long- er straight bars in the direct bands. (c) For negative moment in steel shall extend not less than column center line. the middle strip, the required 0.25,9 on either side of the Halls and Other Irregular panels,:,, Sec. 1.3)-120. (a) in gall panels a panels in which the slab is nqa continuous on o4e e' e, the maximum pos- itive moments on the principal design aections parallel to the discontinuous edge (reinforcement perpendicular to that edge) shall be increased by twenty-five (25) per cent. (b) The positive moment reinforcement perpendicular to the discontinuous edge shall extend to this edge and have an embedment of at least six (6) inches in spandrel beams or col- umns. All negative moment reinforcement shall be bent or hooked at spandrel beams or columns to provide adequate bond resistance. (c) At the gall or discontinuous edge the negative -moment in the column strip shall be taken as not less than ninety (90) per cent and in the middle strip not less than sixty-two and one-half (622) per cent of the corresponding moments for a normal interior panel as given in the table of Section 13=112 (14. (d) Vfhere there is a beam or a bearing wall at the cen- ter line of columns in the interior portion of a continuous flat slab, the negative moment at the beam or wall line in the middle strip perpendicular to the beam or wall shall be taken as thirty (30) per cent greater than the negative moment spec- ified in Section 13-112 (b) for a middle strip. The half column strip adjacent and parallel to and lying on either side of the beam or wall shall be designed to resist moments at least one-fourth of those specified in Section 13-112 (b) Y. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 c•aa City Clerk Passed by the Council_ In Favor _Against Mayor oni.u.wL TO em eLene ' ORDINANC COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE for a column strip. The beam or wall in such cases shall be designed to carry a uniformly distributed load equal to one- fourth of the panel load on either side in addition to the loads directly imposed upon it. Panels 71ith isarginal Beams Sec. 1a-121. (a) In panels having marginal beam on one edge or on each of the two adjacent edges, the beam shall be designed to carry at least the load superimposed directly up— on it, exclusive of the panel load. A marginal beam which has a depth greater than one and one-half es e minimum slab thickness, shall be designed to carry, in addition to the load superimposed directly upon it, a uniformly distributed load equal to at least one-fourth of the total live and dead load for which the adjacent panel or panels are designed. Slabs supported by marginal beams on opposite edges shall be designed as freely supported slabs for the entire load. (b) The half column strip adjacent to and parallel with marginal beams, hailing a depth not greater than one and one - hal times the minimum slab thickness, shall be designed to resist half the moment specified for a full column strip. (c) In wall panels having exterior columns where brackets (the faces of which make an angle with the face of the column, projected upward, of not more than forty-five (45) degrees) are used in place of capitals, the value of (c) in the direc- tion in which the bracket extends may be taken as twice the distance from the center of the column to a point where the structural portion of the bracket is one and one-half nc es (12) thick, and averaged with the value of (c) for an interior col- umn capital in the computations for moment in formula in See_ teen !i9) The value of (c) for .column strips parallel and adjacent to a non -continuous edge of a slab where either no marginal beam is used,, or where the beam used is not deeper than one and one-half (1:) times the mini- mum slab thickness, shall be taken as equal to the width of the wall column if no bracket is used in this direction. (d) The value of (c) for column strips parallel and adja- cent to marginal beams having a depth greater than the thick- ness of the slab at the wall columns, shall, if no bracket is used in this direction, be taken as equal to the width of the wall column plus twice the difference between the depth of the beam and the depth of the slab through the dropped panel. This value of c is to be used in calculating the M and-}-Ilc for the half column strip parallel and adjacent to the margin- al beams only. This half column strip shall be designated to resist a moment at least one-fourth as great as that specified for -a column strip in the Table of Moments. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Pearce Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Against Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:_ Attest: Mayor 300 6.35 , City Clesk >k� TO CITY CL[KK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE (e) It shall be permissible to omit the dropped panels at wall columns provided the design complies with the require- ments of Sections 13-112 (b) and 13-115 (a) for slabs without dropped panels. Openings In Flat Slabs Sec. 13-122. (a) Openings of any size may be out through the floor in the area common to two intersecting middle strips provided the total positive and negative resisting moments be maintained as required in Section 13-112 (b) and x that these total positive and total negative moments be re- distributed between the remaining principal design sections to meet the new conditions. (b) In any area common to two column strips, not more than one opening shall be allowed and the greatest dimension of such an opening shall not exceed 120,#. (c) In any area common to one column strip and one middle strip, openings shall not interrupt more than one-quarter of the bars in either strip and the equivalent of the bars so in- terrupted shall be provided by extra steel on both sides of the opening. (d) Any opening larger than described above shall be com- pletely framed on all sides with beams to carry the loads to the columns. REINFORCED -CONCRETE COLUMNS AND VIALLS Limiting Dimensions Sec. 13-123. (a) Unless designed as long columns under the provisions of Section 13-130 , reinforced concrete x columns shall not be longer than eleven times the least lateral dimension. Principal columns in buildings shall have a min- imum diameter or thickness of twelve (12) inches. Posts that are not continuous from story to story shall have a minimum diameter or thickness of six (6) inches. Unsupported Length of Columns Sec. 13-124. (a) The unsupported length of reinforced concrete columns shall be taken as: Yeas Councilmen Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: (1) In flat -slab construction the clear distance between the floor and under side of the cap- ital; (2) In beam -and -slab construction, the clear dis- tance between the floor and the under side of the shallowest beam framing into the column Nays Passed by the Council 300 6.34 City Clerk Mayor In Favor Against ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RN Iry ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO, PRESENTED BY __—_ ORDINANCE N0. at the next higher floor level; (3) In floor construction with beams in one di- rection only, the clear distance between floor slabs; (4) In columns supported laterally by struts or beams only, the clear distance between consecutive pairs (or groups) of struts or beams, provided that to be considered an adequate support, tivo such struts or beams shall meet the column at approximately the same level and the angle between the two planes formed by the axis of the column and the axis of each strut respectively is riot less than seventy-five (75) degrees, nor more than one hundred five (105) degrees. (b) When reinforced -concrete brackets are used at the junction of beams or struts with columns, the clear distance between supports may be considered as reduced -by the depth of the bracket, provided the width of the bracket is at least equal to that of the beam and not less than one-half of the column. Design Of Spiral Columns Sec. 15-125. (a) The permissible axial load on columns reinforced with longitudinal bars and closely spaced spirals enclosing a circular core, shall not be greater than that de- termined by formula (22). P -= Ac [1 +- (n-1) p] f ..................(22) in which Ac. is the area within the outer circumference of the spiral hooping, and the values of fc are as.given in Section 13-63, or as may be found for intermediate val- ues of p by interpolation, or in general, by the formula, fc — 300 + (0.10 + 4p) ftc 1 ................(22a) (b) The longitudinal reinforcement shall consist of at least six bars of minimum diameter of one-half (2) inch, and of an effective cross sectional area not less than 0.01, nor more than 0.06 of that of the core. The number of longi- tudinal bars concentrated in the ring at the periphery of the core shall be governed by the spacing requirements of Section 13-76, If all the bars cannot be,placed at the peri- phery of the core, the bars within shall be stayed at inter- vals of twenty-four (24) inches, and shall not be nearer to the outer ring than two-tenths times the core diameter. Men the ratio of reinforcement in a spirally reinforced column is greater than 0.04, special placing drawings illustrating the proper distribution of steel shall be submitted with the de - yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Pearce Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax — Against Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved: Attest: 300 5.34 City Clerk Mayor ORI OIN AL TO CITY CL. RK 3 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE f PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE tail plans. Splices in longitudinal reinforcement shall pro- vide a lap of at least twenty-four (24) bar diameters for de- formed bars, and thirty (30) diameters for plain bars. (c) The ratio of the spiral reinforcement shall be not less than one-fourth the ratio of the longitudinal reinforce- ment. Spiral reinforcement shall consist of evenly spaced continuous spirals held firmly in place and true to line by at least three vertical spacer bars. At the ends of all spirals and at points of splice, the outside diameter shall be maintained. The spacing of the spirals shall not be great- er than one-sixth of the diameter of the core and in no case more than three (3) inches. (d) Reinforcement shall be protected everywhere by a cov- ering of concrete cast monolithic with the core which shall have a minimum thielmess of one and one-half (1 ) inches. Design Of Columns lJith Lateral Ties Sec. 13-126. (a) The permissible axial load on columns reinforced with longitudinal bars and separate lateral ties shall not be greater than that determined as follows: P = 0.225£[, Ag [1 -t -(n-1) P7 ...................(23) (b) The ratio of longitudinal reinforcement shall not be less than 0.005 nor shall the ratio considered in the calcula- tions be more than 0.02 of the total area of the column. The longitudinal reinforcement shall consist of not less than four bars of minimum diameter of five-eighths (5/8) inches, placed with clear,distance from the face of the column not less than two (2) inches, nor more than three (3) inches. Splices in longitudinal reinforcement shall provide a lap of at least twenty-four (24) bar diameters for deformed bars, and thirty (30) diameters for plain bars. (c) Lateral ties shall be at least one-fourth (4) inches in diameter spaced not more than twelve (12) inches apart. In columns of rectangular section, cross ties shall be ar- ranged to afford support to the vertical bars at intervals not greater than the shorter side of the section, but such interval need not be less than twelve (12) inches in any case. Bending In Columns Sec. 13-127. (a) The bending moments in interior and ex- terior columns shall be determined on the basis of loading con- ditions and end restraint, and shall be provided for in the de- sign. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council-------- Pearce ouncil__ ___—_Pearce Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Warren — Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:_ Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL..K ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (b) In flat -slab construction, the least dimension of the column shall be not less than one -fifteenth of the average cen- ter to center span, nor less than sixteen (16) inches. For knovm eccentric loads or unequal spacing of columns, computa— tions of moments shall be made accordingly. Vlall columns in flat -slab construction shall be designed to resist a bending moment of V11/35. Any counter moment due to the weight of the structure that projects beyond the column center line may be deducted from the moment computed as just described. Resist- ance to the bending moments shall be divided between the col- umns immediately above and below in direct proportion to the values of their ratios of I/h (see Sections 13-92 and 13-124. (c) The recognized methods shall be followed in calculat- ing the stresses due to combined axial load and bending. The column section shall not be less than that required where axial load alone is considered. The limiting combined unit stresses shall be as follows: (1) Columns with spiral reinforcement, [3001 (0.10 + 4p) ftcJ -t- 0.15fIc (2) Columns with lateral ties 0.3f'c. The total amount of reinforcement considered in the computations shall not be more than four (4) per cent of the total area of the column. _ (3) Tension in longitudinal reinforcement due to bend- ing on the column shall not exceed,(16,000) sixteen thousandwounds per square inch. (d) there the allowable unit stress in columns is increased (to provide for combined axial load and bending) and wind loads are also added, the total shall still come within the allowable values specified for 1. -rind loads in Section 13-83. Composite Columns Sec. 13-128. (a) The permissible load on composite columns in which a structural steel or cast-iron column is thoroughly encased in a concrete core reinforced with not less.than 0.02_ nor more than 0.04 longitudinal reinforcement in the form of bars arranged at'the periphery of the core, nor less than 0.01 of spiral reinforcement meeting the requirements for spirals of Section 30-125, P-ap4gr-aph (c), shall be based on a certain unit stress for the steel or cast-iron section plus a unit,stress of 0.25ftc on the net area of the concrete within the outer circumference of the spiral hooping enclosing the core. The longitudinal and spiral reinforcement ratios stated shall be based on the total core area enclosed within the outer circum- ference of the spiral hooping.• Yeas Councilmen Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Nays Passed by the In Favor __ _Against Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE N0. i.-�,--. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO .— Yeas (b) The unit compressive stress on the steel section shall not exceed fifteen thousand (15,000) pounds per square inch 71here the steel section is required to carry construction or other loads prior to its encasement in concrete, the stress shall not exceed that given by formula (24). 18,000 fr _ , ..... .......(24) ` 1 + 18,000 RAI (c) The unit stress on the cast iron section shall not exceed nine thousand (9,000) pounds per square inch. ';there the cast iron section is required to carry construction, or other loads prior to its encasement in concrete, the stress shall not exceed that given by the following formula; (d) The unit stress on the longitudinal reinforcement shall be 0.25nflc. (e) The diameter of the cast iron section shall not exceed one-half the diameter of the core, nor shall its total area exceed twelve (12) per cent of the core area (area included within outer circumference of the spiral hooping). The dimen- sion of the structural steel section shall be such as to pro- vide at least three (3) inches between the aDiral and the cor- ners of the section and its area shall not exceed twelve (12) per cent of the core area. idetal columns shall be accurately milled at splices and positive provision shall be made for alignment of one column above another. The spiral reinforce- ment shall be not less than 0.01 of the volume of the core, and shall conform in quality, spacing and other requirements to the provisions for spirals in Section 13-125 (c). (f) In composite columns, provision shall be made at the base to transfer the load from the middle section at safe unit stresses in accordance with Section 13-136. The base of the metal section shall be designed to transfer the load from the entire composite column to the foundation, or it may be designed to transfer the load from the metal sec- tion only, provided it is so placed in the pier or pedestal as to leave ample section of concrete above the base for the trans- fer of the load from the reinforced -concrete section of the column by means of bond on the vertical reinforcement, and by direct compression from the concrete. At the top of the metal section, provision shall be made to receive the full load to be transferred to the metal section at this point. At points in the structure below this, where the load on the metal section is increased, positive means, consisting of cast or built-up brackets rigidly attached to the metal section, shall be provid- ed to receive the increase in load. Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council__ Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk In Favor — Against Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �b ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE (g) Ample section of concrete and continuity of reinforce- ment shall be provided at the junction with beams or girders. The area of the concrete between the spiral and the metal column shall be not less than that required to carry the total floor load of the story above on the basis of a stress in the concrete of 0.35f10, unless special brackets are arranged on the metal column to receive directly the beam or slab load. Combination Columns Sec. 13-129. (a) Structural steel columns of any rolled or built-up section wrapped with the equivalent of Fo. 8 U. S. standard gauge wire spaced four (4) inches on center and en- cased in concrete not less than two (2) inches thick over all of metal except rivet heads and connections will be permitted to carry a load equal to (1 -I- Ac/100As) times permissible load for unencased steel columns. (b) The permissible load for unencased steel columns shall be determined by formula (24), provided the structural steel column acting independently of the concrete shall have sufficient capacity to carry all dead loads which will be plac- ed thereon, and provided the quality of the concrete is such that it shall show a compressive strength of at least two thousand (2,000) pounds per square inch at twenty-eight (28) days when tested in accordance with Section 13-50 (c). Long Columns Sec. 13-130. (a) The permissible working load on the core in axially loaded spiral or composite columns which have a length greater than fifty (50) times the least radius of gyra- tion of the column core (50R) shall not be greater than that determined by formula (26). — C 1.50 _ .............................(26) P 10OR (b) The permissible working load on axially -loaded tied columns, which have a length greater than forty (40) times the least radius of gyration of the column section (4011), shall not be greater than that determined by formula (26a). Pt h = 1.33— ............................(26a) P 120R (c) The radius of gyration of a column shall be computed from the concrete area used in design and the transformed sec- tion of the longitudinal steel area; that is, the actual area of steel multiplied by n. Yeas Councilmen Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) .Attest` - 300 6s4 - City Clerk Nays Passed by the In Favor Against Mayor t,'� ORIOIN.L TO CITY CL[RK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE ldonolithic Vlalls Sec. 13-131. (a) Reinforced -concrete bearing walls shall have a thickness of at least one tvienty-fifth (1/25) of the un- supported height or wjoth, provided, however, that approved buttresses, built-in columns, or piers designed to carry all the vertical loads, may be used in lieu of greater thicknesses. ';forking compressive stresses in such walls shall not exceed 0.0625ft when the wall is twenty-five times the thickness in height, increasing proportionately to 0.125f1c when the wall is fifteen (15) times the thickness or less in height. (b) The lateral support for such walls shall consist of a fire -resistive floor when the framing is on one side of the wall only, but may be of a fire -resistive or of a non -fire - resistive type where framing is on both sides of the wall, provided that for residences, wood -frame construction properly tied may be used as support. (c) In fire -resistive buildings, reinforced -concrete bear- ing walls shall have a thickness at least equal to the values shown in the table of minimum wall thicknesses given at the end of this section, except that exterior basement walls shall not be less than eight (8) inches thick. (See Table Sec. 13-131 (h). (d) In fire -resistive buildings, bearing walls shall be reinforced with an area of steel in each direction, vertical and horizontal, at least equal to 0.0025 times the cross- sectional area. 1,7alls eight (8) inches or more in thickness shall have half the steel at each face of the wall. The bars shall not be farther apart in either direction than eighteen (18) inches, regardless of whether the steel is disposed in one or two layers, nor shall less than the equivalent of three- eighths (3/8) inch round bars be so used. The vertical steel shall not be relied on to carry load unless tied and arranged as in reinforced concrete columns. (e) All bearing walls shall be designed for any lateral pressure to which they are subjected. Eccentric loads and wind stresses shall be fully provided for. In such designs, the stresses for flexure as given in Section 13-63 shall govern. (f) In non -fire resistive buildings, exterior bearing walls may be of reinforced concrete, subject to the provisions of this section, when increased fifty per cent in thickness over those referred to in Paragraph (c). In such walls, the amount of reinforcement in each direction, horizontal and ver- tical, shall be at least 0.002 times the cross-sectional area. The steel shall be distributed half to each face of the wall: with a mdximum bar spacing of twenty-four (24) inches. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council__ Pearce Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Warren ----Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:___ Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk Mayor OMIOINAL 10 CI1Y CIIRK ., ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. �— PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (g) In buildings of skeleton construction, panel or other walls supported on the structural frame shall not be less than five (5) inches thick, nor less than one -thirtieth (1/30) of the horizontal distance between columns, cross walls, or equiv- alent anchorage. Such vaalls shall be reinforced in the same manner as bearing walls in fireproof buildings�(see paragraph (d) above). (h) Stairway and elevator enclosures in all classes of buildings may be built of reinforced concrete, when the wall thicknesses are in accordance with the requirements of (c) and (g) and reinforcement in accordance with (d). MINIItUM VIALL THICICTESS IIT IITCHES IPi STORY IITDICATED. No.of Base - Stories ment 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 1 6 6 .. 2 3 7 8 6 7 6 7 4 8 8 7 5 9 8 '' 8 6 9 9 8 7 10 9 9 8 10 10 9 9 12 10 10 10 12- 12 10 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 �6 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 �6 .. .. .. .. .. 7 7 �6 .. .. .. .. 8 7 7 •6 .. .. .. 8 8 7 7 .. 9 8 8 7 7 �6 9 9 8 8 7 7 .. 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 FOOTINGS Loads Sec. 143-132. (a) Footings resting directly on soil or on piles shall be proportioned as to area or number of piles on the basis of the total column load plus the weight of the foot- ing itself. For computations of moments and shears, an upward reaction per unit area or per pile shall be based on the total column load (not including the weight of the footing itself) divided by the area or by the number of piles. Sloped Or Stepped Footings Sec. 13-133. Footings in which the thickness has been de- termined by the requirements for shear as specified in Section 13-105 may be sloped or stepped between the critical section and the edge of the footing, pro- vided that the shear on no section outside the critical section exceeds the value specified, and provided further that the thick- ness of the footing above the reinforcement at the edge shall not be less than six (6) inches for footings on soil, nor less than twelve (12) inches for footings on piles. Sloped or stepped footings shall be cast as a unit. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: Passed by the Council_ 300 6.31 City Clerk Mayor In Favor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE Bending In Footings +^ - i Sec. 13-134. (a) The critical section for bending in a concrete footing which supports a concrete column or pedestal, shall be considered to be at the face of the column or pedestal. FalZere steel or cast-iron column bases are used, the moment in the footing shall be computed at the middle and at the edge of the base; the load shall be considered as uniformly distributed over the column or pedestal base. (b) The bending moment at the critical section in a square footing supporting a concentric square column, shall be com- puted from the load on the trapezoid bounded by one face of the column, the corresponding outside edge of the footing, and the portions of the two diagonals. The load on the two corner tri-,- angles ri--angles of this trapezoid shall be considered as applied at a dis- tance from the face equal to six -tenths of the projection of the footing from the face of the column. The load on the rec- tangular portion of the trapezoid shall be considered as ap- plied at its center of gravity. The bending moment is expressed by the following formula: VI M= (a t1.2c)c'z ..........................(27). 2 (c) For a round or octagonal column, the distance a shall be taken as equal to the side of a square of an area equal to the area enclosed within the perimeter of the column. Shearing And Bond Stresses Sec. 13;-135. (a) See Section 13-105, also 13-106, and 13-101k Transfer Of Stress At Base Of Column Sec. 1.3-136. (a) The compressive stress in longitudinal reinforcement at the base of a column shall be transferred to the pedestal or footing by dowels. There shall be at least one dowel for each column bar, and the total sectional area of the dowels shall not be less than the sectional area of the longitudinal reinforcement in the column. The dowels shall extend into the column and into the pedestal or footing not less than thirty (30) diameters of the dowel bars for plain bars, or twenty-four (24) diameters for deformed bars. (b) The permissible compressive unit stress on top of the pedestal or footing directly under the column shall be not greater than that determined by the following formula: ra = pa 3/ A .............................(28) A I Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 6-34 City Clerk Passed by the In Favor __Against Mayor SO ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. rt PRESENTED BY — ORDINANCE NO. (c) The value of pa shall not exceed 0.25 ftc for plain concrete. 7!hen lateral reinforcement in the form of spiral or hoops is provided, the value of pa for the area aitnin the spiral may be increased (1 2.5np') times that for plain concrete, but no area outside the outer face of the spiral shall be considered. ':!here piers are designed as columns, the value of pa shall be computed by the proper column design formula. (d) In no case shall the total load computed by formula (28) be taken as greater than the load computed, using a stress equal to pa, on the gross area of the pedestal, pier, or foot- ing at a point below special reinforcing provided at the top. (e) Pfhere the loaded area is not central on the top of the pedestal pier, or footing, the total area A shall not be taken as greater than the area of the la"gest circle that can be drawn about the load as a center and lying entirely within the top of the pedestal, pier, or footing. (f) Fdhere lateral reinforcement is provided to increase the value of pit shall extend to within three (3) inches of the top of the pedestal, pier, or footing, and to a depth equal to the diameter of the spiral, and the loaded area shall lie at the center of the spiral or hoops. The pitch of the spiral or the spacing of the hoops in the clear shall not be less than two (2) inches, nor more than five (5) inches. .• The designed pitch shall be maintained by at least four spac- ers securely fastened to each spiral turn or hoop. The ratio of lateral reinforcement shall not exceed 0.015. (g) In sloped or stepped footings, A.may be taken as the area of the top horizontal surface of the footing or as the area of the lower base of the largest frustum of a pyra- mid or cone contained vholly within the footing and having for. its upper base the loaded area At, and having side slopes of 1 vertical to 2 horizontal. Pedestals without Reinforcement. �4 Sec. 13-137. (a) The allowable compressive unit stress on the gross area of a concentrically loaded pedestal or on the minimum area of a pedestal footing shall not exceed 0.25ftc, unless reinforcement is provided and the member designed as a reinforced concrete column. (b) The depth of a pedestal or pedestal footing shall not be greater than three times its least width and the projedtion on any'side from the face of the supported member shall not be greater than one-half the depth, The depth of a pedestal whose sides are sloped or stepped shall not exceed three times the 1 least width or diameter of the section midway between the ton TO CITY CL¢NK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. IPA PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. X51) and bottom. A pedestal footing supported directly on piles shall have a mat of reinforcing bars having a cross-secti*al area of not less than 0.20 square inches per foot in each ,,J direction, placed three (3) inches above the top of the piles." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. 6 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson `\ Rosen U Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan���_ Attest: 300 6.34 City Clerk APR 91935 Passed by the Council -- ---- -In In Favor _Against Approved:__ Mayor Hon. Trod bi. Tmax, Coma r r c' P. T'. F. Bl dge. , Buil dins. Dear Sir; bfesch 12th, 1935. Att; Chas. A. Bassford The City Council laid over to ?'arch 15th, an ordinance amending the "Suilding Code relntive to re - In -forced concrete. It was pointed out that it monk, cost c•c,nsiderable money to publish an ordinance of thiq l.enfith er:d inasmuch as Hr. Basoford reported that there were only a few dhan;es in the existing Code, the Council desired to ?emow Whether the ordinance could not be materially shortened. Yours very truly, City Clerk, 8CHU R A M S E Y COUNTY :Z" OFFICE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR SAINT PAUL -1. ESOT A March 13th, 1935• Hon. Chas. A. Baesford City Architect Court House and City Hall Bldg. St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: In regard to the Revised Concrete Section of the St. Paul City Building Code, may I respectfully advise that I have re—written this section using as a basis the recommended Code of the American Concrete Institute with various minor changes so as to provide this section of the ordinance to cover local conditions. The American Concrete Institute is a national organization whose membership consists of engineers specializing in reinforced concrete. Its president is P. H. Bates of the United States Bureau of Standards; vice presidents are F. R. McMillan of the Portland Cement Association, and J. C. Pearson, Consulting Engineer. The Board of Directors includes such men as John J. Earley, Consulting Engineer of Washington, D. C., F. E. Richert, Professor of Engineering, University of Illinois, C. H. Scholer, Professor of Engineering, University of Missouri, and many others engaged in consulting engineering and engineering construction. Its normal membership is approximately three thousand men all of whom are engineers engaged in consulting work as /well as municipal, railroad, contracting, etc. The purpose of the Institute is to study the concrete industry regarding materials and r` methods of placing, as well as to devote attention to laws and ordinances governing such indus . Through the efforts of the American Concrete Institute_engia s throughout the country have been able to keep up with the march of progress concerning the use of concrete. The for recommended Code was recently drawn up and has been used n a basis Includin Municipal Codes in a great many cities throughout the country, g the City of Minneapolis. our present ordinance is altogether out of date and the American Concrete Institute basis will modernize it to the last degree. As far as factors of safety go, we make practically no change, but we do increase the allowable fibre stress for reinforcing steel from Page 2 - Hon. Chas. A• Baseford. March 13. 1935• 18,000 pounds per square inch to 20,000 pounds per square inch. We also go into the matter of water -cement ratios which was not included in the previous draft, as well as theoretical designed formulae to a much greater ,_extent than was formerly provided. This for your information. RSB -h yours very truly, PRINCIPAL ASSISTANT COUNTY ENGINEER ORIGINAL TO CITY,—... T CITY OF ST. PAUL cOUNclL���� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUN UTION—GENERAL FO M PRESEN BY / COM My ER AT.- RESOLVED, TE RESOLVED, that General Motors Corporation be and it is hereby granted theiuse of the arena section of the St. Paul Auditorium, from 1tay 4th to May 11th, 1935, inclusive, for General Motors Spring Automobile Show, at the cost of opening and operating. COUhiCILMEN Yeas // Nays P rce - /J Per—rson / f/t en __In favor ruax /�Y/arren / —Against Wenzel /Mr. President (Oehan) SM 6.34 ' C. F. No. 100026—By L C. Pdree— .Resolved, that Genorni Matora Cor- �; Poration be no It - hereby - ted Paut. l Aud t.of r . from hr ay 4th to May 11th, 1936, Inclu9lva, for General Mo- I tore Spring Automobile Show, at the i� coat of epentng and operating. Adopted by the Council March 1, 1936. ADpreyed March 1. 1911 (March 9-1936) Adopted by the Council—MAR.___}_W6 l93__ Approved_.__�4t`fF Mayor C 0 P Y LEWIS MOTORS INC. 177 W. Fifth St. St. Paul, Minn. February 27, 1935 Mr. Irving C. Pearce Commissioner of Education Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The writer is requesting, on the behalf of the General Motors Corporati,n, the use of 25,000 squa.e feet of the St. Paul Auditor- ium, from May 4 to May 11, 1935, inclusive, -on the rental basis of the coat of opening and operating the Auditorium for this period. The General Motors are offering to the public at this time a free showing of all the General Motors lines of products, which in itself is an educational feature. Tharp will be no admission fee charged of any sort. We believe that the General Motors Spring showing will be th means of bringing an appreciable amount of revenue tp this City and figures available from past history indicate that this might reach the amount of $10,000. Thanking you for your consideration and hoping you will grant this request, I am Yours very truly, (Signed) L. D. Lewis President Lewis Motors Inc ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK CITY 4347 ST_ PAUL FILENCIL No. G CE OF THE CITY CLERK y� �. —4—Io NCR.. �F:P- C4LIJTION—GENERAL FORMCOMMISSIONER �� — — ----� DATE a�assL WHEREAS, Thomas F. Waters, an employe of the Depart- ment of, Education, was injured on the 19th day of November 1934, while in the course of his employment, which injury resulted in the permanent total loss of use of the third finger of Me left hand, and WHEREAS, the Compensation Act provides that compensa- tion shall be paid for a period of twenty weeks for a permanent total loss Of use of tae third finger, and WHEREAS, the compensation rate of the said Thomas F. Waters is $18.40 per week, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay to the said Thomas F. Waters the sum of $3.8.40 per week for a period of twenty weeks, said payments to begin as of November 20th, 1934, said sums to be payable out of the Workmen s Compensation Account of the General Fund. No. 100026-13Y I. c. Pearce- -hereas, Thomas P. Watoru, an , f the Department of Educat, of r, ured o the 10th day of r, 1934, while 1. the course. o, j ` •..ym•.nt,'whlch Injury result..- .r hent total lour rn Of e - t of his left hand. -' Pmpe... ti^ T H 1f - tt COU I JCILM EN YeasNays rce �`7 7erson / / Xrt / __In favor Wsen �1�Fuax arren Against nzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 A991"Iftr - MAR Adopted by the IMM .. Approv ___193— pU13L1sHCD ORIGINAL TO CITY CL... COUNCIL _100(y27 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM r PRESEND BY COMMIS$ ONER�� O 1Q -T--- DATE March 1 19335 RESOLVED That the purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, -approximately 8000 gallons., 400 end point gasoline, from the DEEP ROCK OIL CORPORATION, at a price of $ .08935 per gallon, less 1$ ten days, including state tax and state inspection, also Federal excise tax, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale 8t., on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 COUN LMEN Yeas Nays rce erson Yruax j � sen _In favor L�- /Warren ---Against /Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C. F. No. 100087—By Milton Rosen—V Resolved, That the Purchasing 1 Agent be, and he is hereby authorized ; to -purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller,. one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons, 400 end point gasoline, from the DEEP 'ROCK i OJT. CORPORATION, t a price of 5.08935 p%n ergallon, lase 1ten sdays. in- % eluding tate tax and state Inspeetion. ;� also Federal excise tax, to be spotted . On Municipal Equipment Bureau spur "7 at Dale St.. Informal bids" as an emergency exists. where failure to act promptly would work -a. hardship to. -i the best dntereets of the Clty. Charge General Fund—MInielpal Equlpment— '1 3003-134. Adopted by the Council March 1, 1936. Approved March 1. 1936. (March 9-1935) — V Adopted by the Council--miz _ ti --193— MAR Approved 4 _193 r Mayor A ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERKO �' 1L i��TGi�-Cid-a.lOITY\ FILENGIL NO.. 1 (:`l1 OAF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �l COUNCIL_ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM wwFSFNTF_n 6Mc--..� ` l l / v .... March 1. 1955 RESOLVED That licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 22559 and Dance Ball, appl* ation 2258, applied for by the Scandinavian Workers at 914 Arcade Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: provided, however, that the applicant move the bar in said establishment within a reasonable time to a part of the building farther removed from the premises at 908 Arcade Street and provided further that the orchestra shall be placed in the hall at some point farther removed from the flat building than at present. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor Truax Warren —0—Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council LIAR 811936193— Approved 1935193— Approved OR 8 1193— Mayot N March let, 1935. Lon_ set _ ?e to rsom s Cos,�:issiouar a:r ^izi�nccs Bvi 3 di ng- rCar SIX-: Tsc Citg COnncil will hold a hoarinp on E�ase3 St'> in tE3 matter oY ts=e ao-Plications of the x�ndiz:�viF. ,� g ars at 914 1ms-c2ds Street for On Sale malt Averse, a�r_d ??encs •,±aZI 3iceas4Ds and roquested that you send na ticc s oa vaid h�a^Zn to property ownere within 200 i'e e t o i' t;1-150 Yours very truly, City Clem, i March let, 1935, F.nn. R. F'. Warren, Comair of Public Safety, BuildIA7. Dear Sir: The Council toclgV laid over to March Bth the matter of the applications of the SCandittavlan WorkersaL 914 arcade Street for "ops sale" malt beverage and dance hall licenses and referred the matter to you for report as to who are the officers of the Saamdlnavian Workers. Yours ve 3^r truly, Ci ty Cl eek. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY / %I OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL h ` INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Mr. H. E. warren, Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: March 2, 1935 With reference to the inquiry of the City Council as to who the officers of the Scandinavian workers' Club are, thdre names are as follows: President, Elmer Johnson, 666 Sims St. Vice -Pres. Albert Baker, 385 Case St. (Mgr) Trees. Charles Brewer, 597 York St. Secretary, Mrs. Chas. Brewer, 597 York St. Hall Committee: A. Revinnous, 914 Arcade St. I wish to state that the Club Rooms are located on the second floor at 914 Arcade St. and also the bar; the dance ball in on the first floor. Very truly yours, Inspector A�reh 6th dance ort ae ��Y Clerk. (NVH30) 1N341S321d M AZIN3 N3 2121 V XV NIL/ N3S0 NOS2131� 3J7 sAeN sea, E6l - -- Ipuno) aye ,(9 Pa1doPV Adopted by the Council __ 193 Yeas. Nays, PEARCE ZPZETERSON EN �Ro AX N 7ENZIL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 7, 1935 Mr. H. E. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety Chairman, License Committee Dear Sir: With reference to the Scandinavian Workers Club, at 912 Arcade Street. This Club has its dance hall on the main floor at this address and the barroom where 3.2 beer is dispensed is located on the second floor. Last Saturday night, unannounced to the Club, this Bureau visited these premises and from our observation the place was conducted in an orderly manner, and especially so since it was Saturday when one would expect some disorder because of its greatest patronage on that night. We noticed in particular-*, that the Club had a man stationed at the head of the stairway leading to the barroom in order to prevent minors from entering. This may have been a precautionary measure because'of the opposition to the granting of these licenses, but despite that fact, from the general conduct of the place it appears that it is the intention to operate orderly, and to create no greater disturbance in the neighbor- hood than other similar establishments against which no com- plaints are being directed. As a matter of fairness, I can see no reason wby these licenses should not be granted. Very truly yours, License Inspector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 6th, 1935• you. H. E. Warren, Comer of Public Safety, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir. The attached copy of a letter of Alec Johnson relative to the application ofthe rScandinavian Edi Street Workers Club for certain tlicenses city Council for investigation. was referred to you by on March 9th. This matter comes before the Co�cil for hearing The attached copy of a letter of Harry L. Classon relative to the same matter was referred to you for your information. Yours very truly, City Clerk. OPIOINAL TO CITY 4 PK IJ/'I FILECOUNCIL OF ST. PAUL vae NO. -16012-19 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE Fabru r 28 IoxS RESOLVED That licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 2217, Restaurant, application 2210, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 2218, applied for by Henry J. Ruohie at 159 E. Kellogg Boulevard be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C.jg No Toua.x—BI.YCHP nrewnrren— Hesolved, That licensee for On Saye i Malt BeveraBeatlon l2219�and OK Snie taurant, a➢➢ ltcatfon 2313, a➢ - I Malt Beverage, a➢➢ '. plied for by Henry '• Ruchla at 169 )r Kellogg,�BBoulevaru be ad the ecm ka fe hereby g eu ed nd the ItY the'paY eat tato issue ec cof ted to ity treasury the required I'll- 1 Adopted by the'Council dfarch 6, 1936. Approved bfarch 6, 1936. � (MATCh 9-1936) Adopted by the Council Vp'r.5 �95 __193—._ MAR 5 f Approved — 193_— Mayor C�Opu�lYeas P rson psen In favor / rrcn Against nzel r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C.jg No Toua.x—BI.YCHP nrewnrren— Hesolved, That licensee for On Saye i Malt BeveraBeatlon l2219�and OK Snie taurant, a➢➢ ltcatfon 2313, a➢ - I Malt Beverage, a➢➢ '. plied for by Henry '• Ruchla at 169 )r Kellogg,�BBoulevaru be ad the ecm ka fe hereby g eu ed nd the ItY the'paY eat tato issue ec cof ted to ity treasury the required I'll- 1 Adopted by the'Council dfarch 6, 1936. Approved bfarch 6, 1936. � (MATCh 9-1936) Adopted by the Council Vp'r.5 �95 __193—._ MAR 5 f Approved — 193_— Mayor March lst, 1935. Hon. R. E. Barren, Comsir of Public Safety, City of St. Paul. Doer Sirt Y'he City Council laid over to March 5, the applications of Henry J. Rwhie for restmu ant and on and off sale malt bevorare licensee at 159 R. K011099 Boule- vard at the corner of Kellogg Boulevard and Jackson Street and requested that you inspect the neighborhood in the Imme- diate vicinity of this location and particularly upstairs at 159 East Kellogg Boulevard.to determine whether or not there is arW illegal enterprises being condneted there. Yours very truly, City Clerk. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF TME CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMIJ NICATION February 28, 1955 Mr. H. E. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety Chairman, License Committee Dear Sir: Henry J. Ruchie has made application for Restatsant, and On and Off Sale Malt Beverage licenses at 159 E. Kellogg Blvd., at the corner of Kellogg and Jackson and to be known as "Ruchie' s Cafe". Applicant has been in similar business previously, as a partner in the operation of the Del Rue Tavern. His general reputation is good. The premises for which application Is being made are not occupied at the present time, but were formerly occupied by the same type of business. It is recommended that these applications be informally approved. very trn7.y yours, L7R eonard,,. License 2nspector .b t , 'f HE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL - 1lYTE: R -OFFICE COMMVNICATION March 2, 1935 Mr. H. E_ 4Parren, Commissioner o£ izeablic Safety Dear Sir: a With reFererice to the application of Henry J. Ruchia £or Restau=a—t- mind Malt Beverage licenses at 159 E. Kellogg Bou2evarc3 s beg to advise that this establishment is located on the f zrst £Moor oi' the building at 159 E. Kellogg B3--vc3; thare are offices and Hiving quarters on the upper floors, as BveZ1 as many vacant apartments in the builQing. Oa we do not find that there are any i7.legal enterprises being conducted in this building. Very truly yours, Snspec� to -V CV � CITY OF SAINT PAUL capital of Minneuta OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clank and Commialonar of Re81N811on - - Uarch let, 1935. Hon. H. E. Warren, Comstr of Public Safety, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: the _ The City Council laid over to March 5, applications of Henry J. Rwhie for restaurant and on and off sale malt beverage licensee at 159 E. Kellogg Boule_ vard at the corner of Kellogg Boulevard and Jackson Street and requested that you inspect the neighborhood in the imine_ tllate vicinity of this location and particularly upstairs at 159 Bast Kellogg Boulevard to determine whether or not there ARC ie any illegal enterprises being conducted there. Yours very truly, A City Clerk. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK t COUNCIL • ` Cf7Y OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK gg�� C RESOLUTION/—GENERAL FORM COMNSSIONER � , ,,, y DATE_ _ RESOLVED ,•That the transfer of "Off Sale" liquor license from 118 East Fifth Street to 631 University Avenue heretofore issued to Henry E. B@eker be and the same ie hereby denied. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen / y _In favor Truax ✓ Warren Against -'Wenzel -Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C 1" No. 100030—By. Jr. r. Warren p•" I C. Pearce— } Resolved, That.. the transfer of OH 4,E Sale liquor liaenae Srom 118 hhet QFIPth Street to 031 Untveralty Avenue.,', I heretoYore lsaued to Henry );.. Becker I' 6be nd the same la hereby deII ad .Adopted by the Connell March -1, 193s Approved March 1, 1936. L .(March 9-1935) Adopted by the Council MAR91 1=_r____193_ Approved iVIAR 1yIM_193_ Mayor Adopted by the 193 Yeas. �CE Nays. PETERSON "P- sEt-4 "-iUAIX -. P-E" WENZEL "M ORIGINAL TO CITY CL R 1/ LLITY OF ST. PAUL 11;0 �c..Fcaer4clL NO. �/ 0� ; . _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIA RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY r / COMMISSIONER_�n� DATE March1st, 1935 _— �1^reas, Albert S. Miller has requested withdrawal of his. application for "Off Salell liquor license at 104 W. Kellogg Blvd., the refund of his license fee and return of his bond; therefore, be it Resolved, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to refund to the Said Albert B. Miller the license fee heretofore deposited on application for "O££ Sale" liquor license, to return the bond to him and to cancel said application. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays e ce eterson sen In favor 1y_uax NVarrcn lWenzel _Against /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 F. NG,oa100031—By rce— $, n+Wc P Wherens; Albert $; Millera h ueat�dre clt.hdrawal Gf hie onl. to the I t Alarch.1, 1935. 1, 1936. 9-1935) Adopted by the Council MAR 1 1935 193_ Approved MAR � � _193_ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLs RK COUNCIL >� 4 I 2 EWY OF ST. PAUL FILE N0. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM DATE March let, 1935. AREAS, Jack Cohen has requested withdrawal of his applica- tion for "off sale" liquor license at 503 1labasha Street, the refund of his license fee and return of his bond; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the said Jack Cohen the license fee heretofore deposited on application for "off sale" liquor license, to return the bond to him and to cancel said applies, tion. - C. F. No- 1,00032—By 11, E: W rre S �.` Fred M. Trua:—I: C. Pearce— ' Whereas, :Jack Cohen has redue Led wlth' lizdr, a.1 of hla application for ".ft,' '. sale•quor 1l cense at 503 Wabash. ' Street,' the refund of his licnee fee and return of his bond;- theertore,.be It '- ReaolveSL That the proper city gin era be d theY are hereby authorized 4�to refund to the saidJack Cohen She -: llceneo fee. heretofore deposited onap- " plication for d sale" 'lleuor license, io to return the bond -to him .and to can- cel said application. Aopted by the Council March 1, 1935. Approved March 1, 1935. i (March 9-1931 COU ILMEN Yeas Nays 7rce erson f sen --In favor 1�uax /Warren —Against Venzel / /r. President (Cehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council MAR 1 190 193— (BAR , —193 Mayor February 27, 1935 The City Council Council Chambers City Hall SO. Paul, Minnesota HOnonable City Council: I wish to withdraw my application for a liquor license at 503 Wabasha. JC FJT Very truly y urs Jack Cohen 00 Very truly y urs Jack Cohen ORIOINAL TO CITY CLKRK COUNCIL ST. PAUL FILE NO. oV 'OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN SOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE— COMMI3SIONERER RESOLVED, that the request of Eben (3. Ives for the transfer of his 001 ale" liquor license at No. 435 Wabasha Street, to Philip S. Rosenblum, be-;! Za COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,n Pyfltce eterson A -sen __In favor Truax !/Warren —Against / Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 No: 100033-13y. H. E. Warren— t. C. Pearce— esolved, that the request of Eben C. IRves for the transfer of. his "Off Sale" liquor license at No. .436 Wabash. St., to. PhiliD,S. Rosenblum, be wtthdrawn at request of PhillD S. Rosenblum.. Adopted by the CouncilMarch-1, 1936. ADDroved March 1. 1936: - (March 9-1935) Adopted by the CouncilMAR 1 9935 193_— Approved —193— 2 Mayor IM Pelt, 1.34 CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application (This form most be filled out in addition to the application form and sworn statement required by the Liquor Control Commissioner of the State of Minnesota) Name of Applicant— P�iilip--6. Rosenblum --------------- -- - — -- — A$e 3¢— -- — - - Residence Address—_ 1140 Fairmount Avenue, St.—Pau1� Minn.___ -_____-Telephone No._Dfl]A�z8,39 —_ Are you a citizen of the United --_—_— p Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? �O — ----- ---- -- ------ ---- -------------- -- -- -- — - - -- — - — When and where?-- -- - - — - - - --- - — --- -- - - — — - - ---- If corporation, give date when incorporated_ -___Not inoorporatad_______-___-____ Name and address of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be sold --- _--- _--------- —_.._________- _ Name of surety company which will write bond, if known ------------- —------------------ ____________________ —. Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 436 ; Wabasha ; East ; Seventh and Eighth Fourth How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?----- 2 ______ How many feet from church (measured along streets) ? ----- 649 ------- ------------ —_-_-_________.__—_________ How many feet from closest public or parochial high or grade school (measured along streets) ?__2000_ ---- ------ -__ Name of closest school__deat1mgtion Parochial _____—__—_____ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance ?___B_0mer_Rial------------- _--------- __------------- ------------------- _______ On what floor located? ------ First If ]eased, give name of Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store? --- Exnlusiue.-Ieiquor-_Stora______________ How long have you operated present business at present site?_________ Do you now have an "On Sale" non -intoxicating liquor license? ____llu___-___—_______—----- - ---------------------- _________ (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must be verified.) Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated --- j License Inspector. `JlGac`�'' APPLICANT Form e—For Retailer', OH -Sale Veen— APPLICATION FOR RETAILER'S OFF -SALE LICENSE State of Minnesota, License No. County of Ramsey To City Council of It- Paul, Minnesota _ County of Ramsey To David R. Arundel, Liquor Control Commissioner, State Capitol, St. Paul, Minnesota. The undersigned Philip S. Rosenbl,m, of the City of St- Paul County of Ramsey State of Minnesota, hereby makes application for Retailer's Off -sale License to be used at the fol- lowing address: 435 Wabaaha Street _City of --%t. Paul County of Ramaey in accordance with provisions of Laws of 1934, Chapter 46, for a period of one year from and after the day of ,193—. The undersigned agrees to comply with all the municipal and state laws and with all the rules and regulations prescribed by and to be prescribed by the Liquor Control Commissioner. Dated this 26th day of February] 193. By — PERSONAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA, sa. County of Ramsey J Ph'14P +m R _ RO-Senblr, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant named above, that he has read said ap lication and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true off hiiss%own knowl dge. Subscribed and sworn to before me this yl >Qii -?Ath_ day f- 193�i Harold L. Rutchick, Notary Public, Ramsey , Idinn. f Aty Commission Expires Feb. 8, 1941941., CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of On this day of _ 193—, before me appeared to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the of that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors and said _ acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. In answer to your questions of Form Number 14, I answer as follows: 1. Philip S. Rosenblum 2. 435 Wabasha Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 3. 1140 Fairmount Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 4. Yes 5. 36 6. Nonthly rental 7. No 8. No 9. No , 10. No 11. No 11. No 12. No. 13. A member of the partnership of Minnesota Bonding Agency between February let, 1929 and September let, 1933. Prior to that time I was "engaged in the real estate business. 14. Walter Ts Lemon, ,503 Pioneer Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. Commercial State :Bank, 114 West. 6th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. Lampland lumber Comparq, 419 -East 8th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. Mutual Credit Rating 15. No 16. No 17. No 18. Yes 19. No 20. No 21. -Exolu ve Liquor Store STATS OF CffiZNRES OTA 1 SS CODIM OF RAMEY ) Philip -S. Rosenblum being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant named above, that'he hes read said, application and knows the contentsthereof, and that the same is true of his own, knowledge. �j .aro L. Rutchick, Notary Public, Ramsey Count;, 'Jinn. M� Commission Expires Feb. 8, 1941. SormB—£or 8�ttl4r1 08.9W Lten.ai. - APPLICATION, FOR RETAILEWS OFF -SALE LICENSE State of Minnesota, License No. County of IiMS To City Council of Sto Paula' Hit�nemota County ofd To David R. Arundel,' Liquor Control Commissioner, State . Capitol, St. Paul, Minnesota. The undersigned Philip S. Rozen6lun of the City of 9tR ?W1 County of Rw ce State of Minnesota, hereby makes application for Retailer's Off -sale License to be used at at the fol- lowing address: 4W 114ba0ad ata est City of 8t. NMI County of RetAsW in accordance with provisions of Laws of 1934, Chapter 46, for a period of one year from and after the day of 193 The undersigned agrees to comply with all the municipal and state laws and with all the rules and regulations prescribed by and to be prescribed by the Liquor Control Commissioner. Dated th;a ` 88th day of 193 By PERSONAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1 }ss. County of RMWM JJJ Pbiiipr0�tlabltlaa being first duly sworn, deposes and .says that he is the applicant named above, that he has read said ppiication. and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is/ttrrl}P h' own kno edge. hl Subscribed and sworn to before me this dayoFqbft0a193-Harold L. Rutchick, Notary Public, Ramey County, (Mina, My Commission Expires Feb. 8, 1941. CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA, l }ae. County of— On f On thin day of 193—, before me appeared to me, personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say' that he is the of that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors and said acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. In answer to your questions of Farm Number 14, T answer as follows: 1. Philip S.•Rosenblum 2. 435 Wsbasba Street, St. Paul, Annesots S. 1140 Fairmount Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 4. Yes 6. 36 6. Vanthly rental 7. No 8, No 9. No 10. No 11. NO 116 Na 12. No 13. A member of the partnership of lannesota Bending Agency between February let, 1929 and September let, 1933. Prior to that time I was engaged in the real estate business. 14. Walter T. Lemon, 603 Pioneer Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. Camsmsroiai State Bank, 114 Ffest 6th Street, St. esul, Minnesota. Lampland Lumber ComparW, 419 Beat 8th Street, St. Paul, Axnesota. Mutual Credit Rating 15. No 16. No 17. No 18. Yes 196 No 20, No 21. Exclusive Liquor Store Q STATH OF MINNESOTA) 88 COUNTY OF RAMEY ) Philip S. Rosenblum being first duly warn, deposes and says that he is the applicant named above, that he has read said application and knows the contents thereof, and,that the s is true of his own knowledge. f!�// ('meld t_. ftufdiick, Notary Pub!�c. pa,, y Cc._;•.y� Lufill. - '��y Cnmmi"sino [spires le6, 8, 19�„ in aasner to V.m questions of Form Umber 14, 1 armor as Polloaat 1. Philip S, Rosenbim E. 8313 Wabash Street, St. Paul, Ubwenota 3e 1140 Falmnomt Avenne, St. haul, 1=*vota 4. Y.os G. SO 6. Ituthly rental. 9:.V0 8. 1% fl. 110 10e 96 11. hio ile ;70 12. ito 18*, A Mwbor of the partnership of M=oota Bonding Ague W between February let, IM aW Segtw*or let, 1833. Prior to that time Y was on;agod in,the real estate business. 14. Wtor T. Lemon, 603 Pionoer Building, St. Paul, Minnesata. comeroiai State Fick, 114 West 8th Street, Ste Foul, sota. Lsxtplazd Umber Cmq*v r, 410 East Sth StroOt, Ste Paul, Mi n"satae thtual Crechit Ratite 16w -pO 16. '1to No Do 1S, YOS 18, Ito 20« No 21* iva gimr atore - STAIR OF Ad MMOTA) gS OOMTY OF RA1MEY ) Philip 1 1oacublum being first duly sworn, deposes and;eays that he is the spplioant mood above, that he has read said application and kam the contents ttcsreel, and ut tho/atatte ie teuo a4' bis can F:arrio ;-, Gutchick, Notary Public, Ram„ ey County, „lion_ MS Cnmmislon Expires Feb, 8, 1941, ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK L�ITY OF ST. PAUL F1COUNCILNO.-R10034 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL_ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE— MflrCh 1�79R�_ �RESOLVED That On Sale MELIt Liquor License No. 12050 Off _Sale Malt Liquor License No. 16057, and Restaurant License No. 5737, expiring April 7, 1935, issued to H. 0. Clark at 1168 East Seventh Street be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau oP Police for the reason that licensee was arrested and convicted for violation o£ the liquor laws. COUN LMEN Yeas Nays Sarce ferson — sen _In favor /Truax !Warren Against Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C. rI No. 100034 --By g. E. Wrren— Fred M. Truax—T. C. Pearce— Resolved, That On Sale Malt Liquor License No. 1067} and Restaurants Lir Ossued oH.No.70.�Clark lat110Rr EastSev6- enth Streetravokebe and tho same nr¢ hereby T3urenudof Policon e for rnthe reason thattlie was rested a d convicted for violation of the lisuor laws. Adopted by the Counel] March 1, 1935. Approved March 1. 1936. (March 9-1935) Adopted by the Council I�AR 119----193 'AAR Approved__- _._193__ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ` 3 �w COUNCIL 1tl (Y�* �C�Cr IT OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFF OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PcommlRESENTED BY ER DATE Yarch 1, 19$5. PRESE4ONf� .. _ _ RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following rimed persons for the following namZ persons for the addresses indicated be and they are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Strand Ball Room 14 E. 8th St. Dance Hall Appl. 2190 Renewal Frank Wolf 574 Wabasha St. " ^ ^ 2019 ^ Frank Wolf 574 Wabasha St. It IT ^ 2020 ^ C. F. No. 100035—By H. E. Warrcn— Fred M. Truax—I. C. Pearce— R-1-d, That 11 .... es applied for by l the following named Uorsons forthe ddresses Indicated be d they are hereby granted and the city clerk 1. in- structed to Issue such licenses upon the payment Into the city treasury of the i; required fees: Strand Ball Room, 14 E. 3th St., r Dance Hall, ADPL 2190, Renewal. Frank Wolf, 674 Wabnehn St., Dance f Hall, Appl• 2019, Renewal. Frank Wolf. 674 Wabasha St., Dance 11 Hall, Appl• 2020, Renewal. Adopted by the Council Mar. 1. 1935. ; Approved March 1. 1936. (March 9-1935) COU ILMEN Yeas Nays P Peterson � Rosen __In favor /Truax n Warren ----'Against ,/ Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 0 Adopted by the Council _1AAR ___ 1-10193_ _ [AR Approved— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLRRK No.— OFFICE 3UFENC1L 1( l( )tOF ST. PAUL I NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (COUNCIL AZESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONER- DATE— March 1, 1935 4 — _ RESOLVED T'* licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 2212, Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 2213, and Restaurant, application 2914, applied for by R. Traynor and T. Bakula at 733 W. 7th St. be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. FA COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ��rce PP erson iRosen ____In favor %[t_-r-uax /Warren _____Against /Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C-4. No. 100036—By H. E. Warren— Fred M. Truax -1. C. Pearce- -I Malts B. Sale everltgeatapplicatlono 22012„ O@ j, Sale Malt Beverage, application 2213, r: and Restaurant, nppllcat'on 214, ap- ( plied for by R. Traynor and T.". akula t 733 W. 7th St. be and the same are hereby grunted and uhe Clty Clerk Ie Instructed to Issue s h licenses' upon i the payment 9nto the city treasury of 'the requlred fees. Adopted by the Council March 1, 1936.'' Approved Afarch 1, 1935. ! (March 9-1935) t• R ^ Adopted by the Council _._ _ 1 1936193 Approved__ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK I CC.Q�,CITY OF ST. PAUL ~� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE March 1, 1935 COUNCIL FILE NO. RESOLVED — Y That licenses applied for by the following named persons for the addresses V indicated be and they are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Geo. Bias, 202 Front St. Barber Appl. 2126 Renewal Peter J. Brodala 777 E. 7th St. " " 1086 n Paul Faraci, 415 St, Peter St. 2205 " Jim Margares, nea :. 607 Wabasha St. " „ aReuo 'i " 1259 " Fred Parlon f.e r ` teea. ,'� 1901 Stillwater Rd " nt�r,' " 1101 " Dennis.Ricos, 576 Wabasha St. " " 1142 " J. E. Watkins 2542 W. 7th St. " " 2244 " H. H. Wigand 285 Rice St. " " 2023 " Capitol Ice & Fuel Co. 839 Edgerton St. Fuel Dealer " 2160 " Royal Oil Co. 2165 University Av. ", " " 2195 " George Stone 325 Rondo St. " " " 0060 " Globe Oil & Refining Co. 2424 University Av. " " " 2236 New Geo. Batter & L. Garrett, Miller Drug Co. Strand Ball Room Geo. Batter & L. Garrett, Yeas — Nays /P!!lkarce Ceterson 365 N. Western Av. Confectionery " 2094 Renewal 823 E. 7th St. " a 2211 a 14 E. 8th St. " " 2191 " 365 N. Western Av. 4 pool tables " 2095 " Rosen In favor arren a _Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council—__—._- 193___ Mayor ORIOINIL TO CITY CLERK 1(I(Ie j b� FILE NO. 4 ��../ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ,`� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK l COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE March 1,_1935 -- — RESOLVED -2- Art Cigel 688 St. Peter St. Butcher Appl 1482 Renewal Grocery ^ 1480 n n n n ^ n ^ Off Sale Malt Bev ^ 1481 n John Hubert 567 University Av. Butcher " 203.1 " Anthony Kubiak 1110 Arcade St. ^ n 2177 a E. E. Lundin 955 Rice St. ^ ^ 2024 " Sam Rossini 239 Marshall Av. " " 2144 " Peter Westlund 927 Rice St. " " 1685 " M. Miller 303 E. 13th St. Butcher " 0609 New n n n n n n Off Sale Malt Bev " 2091 " Wm. E. Hellon 255 University Av. Grocery " 2123 Renewal Maier Bernat' 393 N. Western Av. " " 2149 IN Oscar Brink 989 Payne Ave. " " 2262 " Mrs. Anna Cmechiarella 661 Payne Ave. " " 2018M " Jos. Fink 335 W. Lawson St. " " 1788 " P. M. Foldoe 631 S. Snelling Av. " " 2221 n Math Hafner 3.143 Albemarle St. " " 2052 " Thos. Hanson 969 Payne Ave. " " 2267 " Abe Kahan (Bannon's Dept) 66-90 E. 7th St. " 1588 " Marie Koenen 418 N. Cleveland Av. " " 2249 " E. Kroemer 843 Rice St. " n 1594 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council -------.---193--- _ Pearce Peterson Rosen ___In favor ------ Approved Truax Warren _ -Against Wenzel - Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY OL.RK ICOUNCIL NO• CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE— March 1.1935 — COMMISSIONER— -- - -3– RESOLVED Louis Lauer 707 State St. Grocery Appl. 2179 Renewal Minnie Miller 301 E. 13th St. n " 1881 " Chas. Mosebrook 892 E. 7th St. " " 2147 " Frank Muzyke 905 Payne Av. n " 2264 " Chas. Prince 233 Rondo St. " n 0977 n M. Senensky, 263 W. Central Av. " " 1941 " Rudolph Stubs, 35 W. Geraniwn St. " It 2015 " Sam Yblonsky 1158 Grand Av. " " 2203 " Federal Bake Shop 384 Wabasha St. Restaurant " ^ 1735 1736 " " n " n n n n Bakery Mrs. Fleming 976 I4. 7th St. Restaurant " 3-151 " Mrs. E. H. Breidler 1662 Grand Ave. " ° 2157 n Clyde Fish 106 S. Robert St. " " 2154 New NM. Bel Idn 255 University Av. Off Sale Malt Bev " 2124 Renewal Louis Lauer 707 State St. Butcher " 2178 Now Fred J. Robinson 167 E. 7th St. Pawnbroker " 2251 Renewal COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor Truax Warren _—Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 MAR Adopted by the Council L _ _193 Approved —_-193— Mayor PUi31,1311ED_ r qr �� nd.� I Laid t6 over ro_—____--- 3rd. /-F! S S C / & app, ---- Adopted_ Yeas Nays Fellsr Ways /�earce iIlerson Pearce �Pe2erson Rosen rrre n �arren �osen Truax en:el / �,ren �� r. Pres. Gehan iWenzel �(vfr. Pres. Gehan oniainwL TO ury acnw T'0. 100038--0rdln' !Iton Rosen—. . � � RDINE...., t Jpi- ,L JA v :S:UNCI L FILE NO.� ' 038 Aff,PRESENTED BY_ �'�'t yli� �`°l. F ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance authorizing N. C. Beim, as trustee for the Brown Sheet Iron & Steel Company of St. Paul, to construct and maintain a two-inen gasoline pipe line on the northerly side of Charles Street, approx- imately �zslve feet squtnerly of the northerly..line of Charles Street, beginning at a point on the pipe line already installed approximately forty feet west of the west line of the intersection of Fairview Avenue and Charles Street, thence westerly to the east line of Lot Eight (S), Hewitt's Outlots produced, said pipe to be laid below the street, for the purpose of conveying gasoline and petroleum products from the A. J. Krank Company spur track. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of th6ublic peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDIIN: Section 1. That permission and authority be and the same is hereby given to N. C. Beim, as trustAe for Brown Sheet Iron and Steel Company, to construct and maintain a two-inch gasoline pipe line on the northerly side of Charles Street, approximately twelve feet southerly of the northerly line of Charles Street, beginning at a point on the pipe line already installed approx- imately forty feet west of the west line of the intersection of Fairview Avenue and Charles Street, thence.aester%lyst to the east line of Lot Eight (8), Hewitt's Outlots pr duced, said pipe line to be laid below the surface of the said Charles Street, for the purpose of conveying gasoline and petroleum products from the A. J. Krank Company spur track. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the con- struction of said pipe line on Charles Street, as above provided upon compliance with the express conditions namely: (1) That said licensee shall construct said pipe line entirely at his own expense and to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works. (2) That said licensee shall properly protect all excavations made in said street, both by day and by night, so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons and property, shall prop- erly fill and tamp said street to avoid settling, and the Depart- ment of Public Works shall restore said street to its original con- dition and charge game to the licensee. (3) Said licensee, after the inception of the above named work, snail prosecute same continurously, with diligence, and shall fully complete said work without interruption. (4) The said licensee snail give a surety bond to the Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council____ Pearce erso,, � Rosen �_ "` Favor Truax Warren -____ ---—Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Apprnved:___ Attest: 300 0.34 City Clerk -_------- — Mayor QQLIHAL To -Y CLZIK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. City of St. Paul in the penal sum of $10,000.00, conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and all ordi- nances of the City of St. Paul, relative to the construction and maintenance of work in LU.e,streets of the City of St. Paul. Said bond snall indemnify and save the. City of St. Paul harmless from any and all claims, liability, loss, judgment, suits, costs, charges, damages or expenses that may accrue to persons and property, occasioned by the construction, existence, main- tenance or removal of said pipe line, or from any cause whatever arising from the construction or maintenance of said pipe line. Tpat said permit may be revoked at any time by the Council of the City of St. Paul, and said pipe line shall be removed when so ordered by the City Council. (5) Said licensee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance and shall within twenty (20) days from and after the passage of this ordinance file written accept- ance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. If such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of tnepublic peace, health and safety, and shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen ?ways Passed by the Council— MAR 2 0 1935 Pearce Peterson Rosen .To"" J Warren Wenzel Attest: APrEesGeh Ma T In Favor —__ _Against MAR AR 2 0 1935 4�1L---- Ma or 3U0 ,,._q City Cler - � y PL^'T TCZrrrn FACTORIES: ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS BROWN SSE -ET ]IRON ��EI, C® RX Welded Steel Tanks Welded and Rolled / Oil, Expansion, Pressure and Truck Tanks Chime Steel Oil and Gasoline Barrels Bulk Stations Underground Tanks MAIN OFFICE: 964982 BERRY AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINN. February 18, 1935 ]Sr. Milton Rosen, Commissioner Department of Public Forks 234 Court House St. Paul, I:iinnesota Dear Sir: As per our telephone conversation of toriay we are enclosing a letter with blueprint attached on the pipe line which we are request- ing to be allowed to install on Charles Street.. 7e would very much appreciate whatever you can do for us in securing a permit for this line. If there is any additional information you will need, kindly call the writer, and he will get it for you. Yours very truly, NT. C. BE'I2Y':, Temporary Trustee BRO','PT SHEET I Ok & STEEL CO. W.A.Forster-A B� SHIPPING POINT, MINNESOTA TRANSFER, MINN. FACTORIES: ST. PAUL ANO MINNEAPOLIS Bizow-T SnlE' IET IRON W STEEL CC)MP-XWY / Welded Steel Tanks Welded and Rolled Chime Steel Oil and Gasoline Barrels Oil, Expansion, Pressure end Truck Tanks Bulk Stations Underground Tanks MAIN OFFICE: 964982 BERRY AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINN. 4 February 16,1935 The City Council St .Paul,Minn . Honorable Sirs: We wish to make applioation..for a permit to install a 211 pipe line along Charles Street, beginning at a point near Fairview Avenue from a line that now exists and is shown on our blueprint by the yellow pencil line. The line which we wish to install is shown on the blueprint in red pencil. Several years ago we built and' installed on the corner of Fairview and University Avenue a large underground storage tank and service station, which at that time was known as the Fairview 011 Company. We were forced to take the equipment and station over, and at that time the unloading was done from the track that runs parallel to Charles Street on the Brooks Brothers property. Brooks Brothers have since moves all their buildings and equipment from the property, and the track that was used at that time for unloading is now not usable. Furthermore, Brooks Brothers have this property for sale, which would mean that we would be forced to move the pipe line at a later date. We now have a sale for this property upon condition that we can furnish this pipe line which will connect up with the A.J. Srank Company spur track. We trust that you will give us permiss- ion to install this additional pipe line as noted on our blueprint. We wish to dig this pipe line down immediately upon receipt of your permit, and we would very much appreciate your giving this matter your early consider- ation. yours very truly, N.C.BEIM,Temporary Trustee BROWN SHEET IRON & STEymp. W.A.Forster-J y SHIPPING POINT: MINNESOTA TRANSFER, MINN. Ruffmam ACCEPTANCE OF ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the City COUUOil Of the City Of St- Paul, Minnesota, adopted an Ordinance on March 20th, 1935, entitled: *AA Ordinance,.authorizing N. C. B1,01M, as Trustee for the Brown Sheet Iron ,& Steel Company of St. Paul, to construct and maintain a two-inoh gasoline pipe lint! on the northerly side Of Chailes Street, approximately twelve feet southerly of the northerly line of Charles Street, beginning at a point an the pipe line already, Installed approximately forty feet vast of the worst line Of the Intersection of FairVISW Avenue and 04jilej Street, th noe westerly to theeastline of;Lotlight (81, Newittlis Out - lots produced, said pipe to'.be laid below.tbe street, for the, purpose of :conveying gasoline and, petroleum products from'thi A. 7.1trank Company-ipur track. This is an,dmdraonoy Ordinance rendered necessary for the oreserva- Uon of the publicea*6, health and safety." (Ordinance No. 761J NOW, THLPRVQB#, in pursuance of the requirement of paragraph (5), Section 2, of said Ordinance, and in order that the privileges granted In said Ordinance may become operative, N. C. Beim, as Trustee of Brown Sheet Iron & Steel Company of St- Paul, hereby accepts said Ordinance and all its terms and conditions, IN WIEWS WHEREOF, N. C. Beim, as Trustee of Brown Sheet Iron & steel company of St. Paul, has hereunto set his hand and seal this day of March, A. D, 0,35. In Prese4oa Of: Ag-TrUSZ69 Or ZrOVA QU0015 Iron & Steel Company. o A k2 march 29th, 1935. Brown Sheet Iron P, Steel CompaW, 964-982 Berij Avenue, St. Paul, Mnnesots. Gentlemen, Att, Mr. W. A. Forster. i7e enclose herewith printed copy of Ordi— nance Eo. 7610, adopted by the City Council Varch Pn, 1915 granting* you oermisslon to constrict and maintain a two Inch gasoline pipe line on part of Charles Street for the purpose of convoying gasoline and petroleum products from the A. J. Kram, Company spur tracts. ,,4111 you kindly file a written acceptance of this ordinance in this office t:it'�!!r_ twenty do a aa reouirefl in Paragraph 5 of Section 22 ,-te also enclose bill in the am of $4.55 to cover the cost of publication of this ordinance. Yours vers truly, City Clerk. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRt\���%�I,n /\ LFIOUN C14 NO. ��11 OF ST. PAUL 1• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL i3ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR TED BY DATE March 5, 1935 CO isSIONER — RESOLVED That licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 2274, Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 2275, and Restaurant, application 2276, applied for by C. J. Miller at 286 Van Buren Street be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays ,Ife3rce /In e :sonLosen favor T_/ruax 4arren ___Against /VV enzel A. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 { C. F. No. 109939—Br 11. B. Wnrren— r Fred M. Truces—I. C. Pearce— Resolved, That IP eln s for On Sale Malt Beverage, appl7catlon 2274, Off Sale Malt Beverage, appl ieatlon 2276, and Restaurant, application 2279, p- ' piled. for by G J. I'll", at 236 Van Buren Street be and the same are here- Iby granted and the City Cloth, 1s-1n- structed to issue such llceneee upon the Payment Into the city treasury of the required tees. Adopted by the Council March 5, 1935. ADproved March 5, 1936. (March 9-1936) Adopted by the Council MAR 5 1936193 Approved -----193— Mayor 193Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL Y A® ■ A_'_"'t�,TY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. g I��i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL J#ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE March 5, 1835 RESOLVED That licensee for Restaurant, application 2502, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 2505, applied for by Ellingsworth and Floyd Bordner at 275 W. Fifth Street be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed tib issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Renewal of license at same location COU LMEN Yeas Nays PQarce P erson en In favor W.ax arren Against �✓enzel President /Mr. (Gehan) 5M 6,34 kC. F. No. 100040—By H. E. Warren= Fred At. Truax—I.C. Pearee— k Resolved, That Itusnsea for Rastau- ant, appllegtlon 2802, and On Sale Malt Beverage, On 303 aDpltled Yor 4by Ellingsworth and r It Bordner at G 273 W. Fifth Street' be and thea--. ie jnAtru led leaue such licenses neon €1 the payment into the elty treasury f the required fees. Adopted by the Couneil March 6, 1936. Approved March s, tsar. t4larcIt s-1936) Adopted by the Council_ MAR 5 191�1�193_ Approved— MAR 193-6,_ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL... 4/ C-LINCIL 10 0( OF ST PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTQED B�-�\ ���� DATE Aarch 5, 1935 RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons for the addresses indicated be and the some are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the cibv treasury of the required fees: Josephine Frederick 241 W. 7th St. Grocery Appl 4362 Ex 11-11-34 J. H. Nieman, 496 St. Peter Off Sale Malt Beverage — " 2481 Ex 4-7-35 J. H. Nieman, 496 St. Peter Grocery " 6385 Ex 10-15-35 0-r —Ry I _ r Previously submitted but withheld because of delinquent taxes. Ss,f l:I�uc COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �cc rson // /Rosen —__In favor TJy_uax D /Warren Against /Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the CounciL_Nw_�92a_-193_ Approved IN1AR 5 ins 193___ Mayor PUBL.ISHED�-. AXEL F. PFJERSON Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier -49W® February 27, 1935. Mr. Carl Leonard, License Inspector, Department of Public Safety, City of Saint Paul. Dear Sir: JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commiggssioner j�;e. J, Pertaining to application for license of J. H. Niemann, 496 St. Peter St., which is being withheld on account of delinquent taxes, you are hereby notified that satisfactory arrangements have been made to pay these taxes, and the license may now be granted. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Finance. AXEL F. PETERSON Commizzionlr CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier -Am-® February 28, 1935. Mr. Carl Leonard, License Inspector, Department of Public Safety, City of Saint Paul. Dear Sir: JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner Pertaining to application for license of Josephine Frederick, 241 Seventh St. West, which is being withheld on account of delinquent taxes, you are hereby notified that satisfactory arranements have been made to pay these taxes, and the license may now be granted. Very truly you aAcq-,LWOM Commissioner of Finance. PRESENTED COMMISSION py ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PI, DATE March 5, 1885 COUNCIL NO. 101002 RESOLD YPFIEREAS, Paul Miahuk has requested withdrawal of his application for "On Sale" liquor license at 488 Rice Street, the refund of his license fee, and the return of his bond; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the said Paul Misbuk the license fee heretofore deposited on application for "On Sale" liquor license, to return his' bond to him, and to cancel said application. Yeas Yeas Nays e�rte �esetson __ /KlL�9¢,n ln favor �l ra �V�rren _ A61 —Against NVenzel Ir. President (Gehan) 5M 66.34 E. Warren— be and ti refund to cense fee a co mm, ana to can- cel said nplication. Adopted by the Cbuncn March 5, 1936. Approved March 5, 1936_ MAR 5 19315 3 Adopted by the Council Approved— MAR 1F'193— Mayor ORIGINAL TO r TY CLCRK 1_/ FILE NO. O L 3 �� CJ"'�(Ji(�Y OF ST. PAUL. yL�E-J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED DATE March 5th, 1935. Whereas, Anthony Kulvich has requested withdrawll of his application for "On Sale" liquor license at 120 So. Robert Street the refund of his license fee, and the return of his bond; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the said Anthony Kulvich the license fee heretofore deposited on application for "on sale" liquor license, to return the bond to him and to cancel said application. C. F. we.100043—By H. E. Warren— Fred M. Truax—I. C. Pearce— J Whereas Anthony Kulvlch has quested Ithdrawal of his application' for"Qn Sale" liquor license at 120 S. Robert Street the refund of his license fee, and the return of his bond; there- fore, be it Resolved, that the proper clty oto - e. rs be and they are hereby authorized torefund to the said Anthony Kulvlch the license fee beretofore deposited on appli anon of "ort ale" liquor license. to return the bond to him and to cancel said application. Adopted by the Council March 5, 1935. Approved March 6. 1935. (March 9-1936)' COUN MEN �1J� 0� Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council AR 5 � _193_— �.I,r:on�% MAR 5 n __In favor Approved_ 193__ Jarrett Lax _ Against y-rZ nzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL r9 Capital of Minnuotaf lr�a r OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration ORIOINI,L t0 CITY CL... FILE No , A Y OF ST. PAUL l L111 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE— u�..a....-..-h-v--!gg5 — r mmw, heretofore an "On Sale" liquor -license (No. 418) has been issued to Victor Bradley at 88 East Fifth Street, and WfiE M, the said Victor Bradley has requested a transfer of his liquor license to 891 Robert Street, and the License committee has recommended that such transfer be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the "On Sale" license of Victor Bradley be and the same is hereby transferred from 88 East Fifth Street to 391 Robert Street, and the proper city officers are instructed to make the necessary changes in the city records. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays earce /f/eterson 'Rosen —_In favor lfruax Warren- —r_ --Against /Wenzel r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C 111111:—Fred M. Truss—IB.yCgPearCeW--amen— Fred Me, heretofore an "On Sale" lu sed tolVictor Bradley has 8 East Fifth Str' and Whareay, the said Victor Bradley has requeted a transfer of h" liquor 1i - et, and the LS- j ense Committee has Robert Str�nse Committee has mmended that , uch transfer be granted; therefore, be It Resolved, that the "On Sale" license f Victor Bradley be and the same Se j hereby transferred from 88 East Fifth Street to 391 Robert Street, nad the proto makcity instructed necessary chc e the raoBinthecity records. Adopted by the Council March 5. 1935. j Approved March 6, 1935. (March 9-1935) Adopted by the Council__— 193___ �pp� 5 193— i`<:; Approved_—�'�[�-- `�-- Mayor February 26th, 1935• Son. H. E. Warren, Chairman, License Committee, city of St. Paul. Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you the attached request of Victor J. Bradley for transfer of his "on sale" liquor license from SS East Fifth St. to 391 Robert Street. The Council infoorrm he various pproved this transfer, subject to the approv Yours very truly, city Clark. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capitol of Mlnnewta OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration February 26th, 1935• Son. H. E. Warren, Chairman, License Committee, city of St. Paul. Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you the attached request of Victor J. Bradley for transfer of his "on sale" liquor license from SS East Fifth St. to 391 Robert Street. The Council infoorrm he various pproved this transfer, subject to the approv Yours very truly, city Clark. lid - , � In s, 'e, COUNNOCIL j , }� y�(��(,.�� 1/ L 45 ORIGINAL TO EITY EL6PK FILE OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ?RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM 67/L44 lw_ DATE WHZRRnS, Pewters and La Brache desire to withdraw application 2299 for six pool tables at 1927 University Avenue and request return of their license fee; therefore, be it R pLt ,D, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Pewters and La Brache the fee of 050.00 and to cancel said appli- cation for license. F. No. 100045—BY H. E. W- =ho M. Truax—I. C. Pearce— Wherens, Pewter. and r.a Brach. do sire to withdraw , I" It six 2299 YOr nu poolend request r turn of heirtlicen.e 6 fele therefore, be It i Besolved, that the proper city ote- cere be and they are herebY suthorized to refund to Pewters and La Bracho the fee of $50.00 and to cane.]. said ap- plication for license. ' Adoppted by the Council March 51 1936. .Aproved March 6, 1936. j (March 9-1936) COUNCILMEN YcasNays PC rce �erson ZGosen In favor Truax /Warren --Against /Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5%1 6.34 Adopted by the Council—__�R 193 MAR 5 X95 193_—. `— — Mayor CptIyCIL No ' X46 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEC No. ST. PAUL FILE - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCILRLUTION—GENERAL FORM . )'V March 5, 1985 _ "_. E HATE RESOLVED WHERFFred J. Marhoun desires to withdraw application 2830 for On sale Mala Beverage, and application 2331 for Restaurant at 781 Selby Avenue, and requests return of license fees; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Fred J. Marhoun the fees of $50.00 and $10.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. COUN�LMEN Yeas Nays /�e Le /rson 1i//osen —In favor / luax 1`69arren ___Against W enzel / Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ;. 1, No1Op046—By li. E. Warren— Fred Ai . Truax—i. C. Pearce— Whereas, Fred J. biarhoun desires to A,hdraw application 30 for on 11.10 Halt Beverage, and appli23cation 2331 for 3estaurant at 781 Selby Avenue, and Te- ,eeit s return of lle... 0 fee.; therefore, •� Resolved, That the proper city off[- cers b. d they hereby author- Ized to refund to Fred J. diarhoun the fees of E60.0(, and E10.00 and to cancel 1 said applleations for llel-idar ch 6, 1936. Adopted by the Counci36 l Mur Approved (Murch 9_1936) IIII Adapted by the Council V91 ,S---193 _ Approved ''Aad -�_�--1 --- Mayor —_ OHIOIN.. TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL I.� � O � NlOF ST. PAUL FILE ISO. r ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • — �j_A ' , COUNCI,RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM `/Q��✓t�Ll. � w V//liv(�1(J DATE March 51, 1955 RESOLVED That Restaurant License No. 6560, and on Sald Malt Beverage License No. 1975, expiring September 7, 1985, issued to Enil Kurvers at 147 W. Fifth Street be and the some are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of violation of liquor laws on these premises. COUN LMEN Yeas cc e 1LCCer Aosen /1 Uax Z,en �enzel Mr. President (Gehar 5M 6.34 C. r. No. 100047—By H. E. Warren- 11red M. Truax—I, C. Pearce— Resolved, That Restaurant License No. 6360, and On Sale Malt Beverage LI - cense No. 1973,—Plring Sept. 7, 1936, ned to EmlI Kurvers at 147 W. Fifth Street be and the same are hereby re- voked upon recommendation of the Bu- reau of Police be.—.. of violation of 1 liquor laws on these premises. Adopted by the CounclI March 6, 1936. Approved March 6, 1936. i (March 9-1936) j MAR 5 19335 Nays Adopted by the Council_ _193__ MAR 51936 In favor Approved________.._ ----193_— Against Mayor THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Ars OF THE 7 P, 9y CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Mr. H. E. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: March 4, 1985 With reference to the Restaurant and Beer Parlor at 147 West Fifth Street, at which address David Miller —a arrested for violation of the liquor law, convicted and com— mitted to 15 days in workhouse, beg to advise that this place is now closed on order of this Bureau. Very truly yours, aC r onar , License Inspector 63 � �'- , 1 �� / " -i , All CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration February 28th, 1935• Hon. H. E. Warren, Chairman, License Committee, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: The attached list of liquor law violators as submitted by Geo. F. Dia, Clerk of Municipal Court, was re- ferred to your Committee, by the City Council, for your in- formation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. munldpal Court of At. Paul ROBERT E. OTTE. DEPUTY CLERK H. C. BURNINGHAM. COURT R.NDPREPORTER EVA WENTZ. w M. J. SMYTH. ASST CLERK A PAUL A. SCHULTZ. ASST CLERK EST... L. ANDERSON. ER. CLERK TYPIST EDWARD W. JANNECK. ASST CLERK (conciliation Court of St. Paul ALBERT W. PAUL, DEPUTY CLERK Cerk's Office AGNES D. WwTERS. A.— —RK GEORGE F. DIX. CLERK February 27 1935 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The following is a list of the liquor law and ordinance violators from the date of my last report to the present time. Feb. 23 Peter Macure, 146 So. Rebasha, Pose. of untaxed Liquor - 15 Days - Committed Feb. 23 Edwin Uric, 682 Columbia St. Pose. of untaxed Liquor - 15 Days Committed Feb. 23 'dim. Lieman, 129 E. 12th St. _ Committed. Foss. of untaxed Liquor - 15 Days Feb. 27 David Miller, 147 W. 5th Pose. of untaxed Liquor - 15 Days - Committed Feb. 27 Harriet LaHarr, 129 E. 12th St. Poss. of untaxed Liquor - 15 Days - Committed. Yours truly, L / Clerk of Municipal Court ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERKG �I; OF ST. PAUL. F°ENCIL NO. �!Li�d` C7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY `�'�"6•�t� 1. L.(�,( COMMISSIONER - DATE March S lA4fi RESOLVED That license for Barber, application 2204, applied for by Joseph Rosen at 684 Selby Avenue, be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILME Yeas R Nays ` J Pearce / ; I - Adopted by the Council /1 -193_ Z--- Pete rson osen Ty(iax In favor Approved--- 193--- arren / _Against Wenzel ____ _Mr. President (Gehan) Mayor 1 6.34 Adopted 6y the Council— _ 193 Yeas. Nays PEARCE PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX WARREN WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) Adopted 6y the Council — _ 193 Yeas. Nays, PEARCE / PETERSON --ROSEN TRUAX / "WARREN WENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) / ��' "F _i_ _.._ �� ��� _ y„ 1 ti�� �� . � �. r � f {� �,. , _ 1+ � � � t._� .. .. ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL 100149 (; �C/,.,CTY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �3 bf fj.2� -�` February 28, 1935 COMMISSION}m - _ DATE RESOLVED That licenses for Tavern, application 2225, and Dance Hall, application 2228, applied for by C. J. Williams at 379 Carroll Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ___193__ Yeas Nays __ - Pearce � Peterson ) --_In Rosen/ favor Approved— --193-- -193—Truax Truax Warren Against _ Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan)/ SM 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CIT' CLLRK���� 1 V . _ F"'VVV I CITY OF ST. PAUL IL_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -Br mat 1d r; iR conaldern OU 1 RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM d of, th C. 1(4 t n . A je PRESENTED BY(/'s GOMMISSIONE� _;, (,k -y WHEREAS, there is considerable cash in the sinking fund of the City of St. Paul which is available for investment, the Sinking rued Committee did, on January 26, 1935, ask for offers to be submitted to them every Wednesday at 2:00 P. M., and WHEREAS, on Wednesday, February 27, 1935, at 2:00 P. M. offers were opened in the Comptrollerts Office and the Sinking Fund Committee recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Sinking Fund Cotmnittee in the purchase of the bonds on the list attached to this resolution, and WHEREAS, the Council is of the opinion that the above offers should be accepted, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor, Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized aid directed to consummate the transaction. COUN MEN Yeas Pe ce�rerson rn 3--Infavor ilTf�_uax /Warren —_� -Against ���Wenzel /r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 MAR � 19� Adopted by the Council_ _ _ 193_— 193— i �j �jMayor � PUBLISHED— c—'�-- lNO 4 ) ORIGINAL TO C;TY CL RK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO.—MW Y4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -0 11L IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEW. BY coMMI ONERATE_,. r.i """""• AW r - .. WHEREAS, the following bonds are held in the Sinking Fund of the City of Saint Paul, to—wit= COUPON X1ND OF BOND RATE AMOUNT MATURITY Pennington County Funding 7,000 July 1, 1935 7,000 1, 1936 7,000 1, 1937 7,000 1, 1939 7,000 1. 1939 7,000 1, 1940 7,000 1, 1941 7.000 1, 1942 T59'. 00-0 Pennington County Judicial 5b $ 3,000 Feb. 1, 1936 Ditch #30 000 1.,1937 ,000 AND WHEREAS, the officials of Pennington County, Minnesota, hade offered to purchase the above bonds at par and accrued interest, and the above proposition WHEREAS, the Sinking Fund Committee has accepted/and recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Sinking Fund Committee to sell the bonds herein— before described to the officials of Pennington County, at par and accrued interest, and WHEREAS, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor, Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction, C7earce ILMEN Yeas Nays ers iPc erson / 7e9` en In favor ax arren Against nzel /Ir. President (Gehan) SM 6,34 Adopted by the Council MAR 5 MAR 51 npprovea___________ 193--- Mayor PUBLISHED S ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK _p l01 )5 /. FOUaNo. rvca r'�I L l"'VVV CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFI E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �• ,,. PRESEE��'rED BY DATE COMh,T9310NER RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with Christ Steinbrenner, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $13.20 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by r eason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works on the 16th day of January 1935; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance With said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Christ Steinbrenner the sum of $59.40 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement 6f his claim against the city, being for the period to and including February 16th, 1935. 4 COUNOLMEN Yeas Nays P�rce Pe son iiLtgsen In favor Z1 ax arren Against JWenzel T. President (Gehan) 5M 6,34 C. Re. No.ilto-sn -1 I-d 100062 - 008.6 t ➢ topern ciRty a'i i- cas be End they are hereby ut's but with izeChristoenter In 0 an, Stelnbrenner, pro�Vlding for the payment Y compensation [o him at the tato oY 513.20 per eek during such time as he shnll bo totally disabled by on of •injuries received by him hila in the employ oY the Department f Public Works -on the 18th day o[ January 1936: be 1t Further Resolved, that "p"" ordance with said .reement, the roper city orelcers are hereby authorized to Day to ald Christ Stefnbrenner the um of 559.40 0 of the Workmen's Compen- atlon Acount o[ the General Fund, In final settlement., of hie claim against the city, being for the period to and I. 't February 10tH, 1936. Adoptedd March 6 1936.M�ch 6. 1936. i(March 9-1935) Adopted by the Council MAR r 1_193_—_ Approved— MAR Z- r 193 ti. Mayor J. ' HORN No. 2 SuADje Council File No. W'0064 06 Date presented 1935 `Ved, WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE SUNDAY REGUTAR RATE John P. Kruse Utilityman 8 hre. .58f Michael Mulkern, Jr. Filter Plant Lab. 8 " .52 Leonard Munson Utilityman 9 " b Ed Kordell Mech. helper 1 Sam Ranelli of " 1 " :56 56 James Tighe Emer.Repairman 1 " .52 Joe Bruno Ditch digger 1 " .55 100054-13Y H. C. .s, the Comm1es7o, s has reported bIon53 of the CRY of an emergency •�ssary the eMDI.3 ;.y— oh ure aP'1 � _�(• ;. it '', 1.1�• Ayes Councibmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen ) Adopted by the Mpg c; 19fgg 1935 Truax Warren Wenzel Approved 1935 Mr. President Gehan Cer i d correct _-- 1'1iiSLiOU l v� L SHED I —JJ Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent uj�, , FORM No. 1 March 1, 1935 An emergency has arisen in the department of Public Utilities, Bureau of Water rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Driving truck.# Repairing water main at Mississippi and Pennsylvania.* This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: #Taking E.R.A. men to and from jobs. * Leak in main BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS by f -- Pres fit Vneral ftcorrect . Thompson uperintendent ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERk COUNCIL �.t q . CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE iv0. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,. !Cp NCIL LUTION—GENERAI'I : l PRESENTED Pe COMMISSION UR R WHEREAS, Oe=issiener Pearee has requested the CorpsratiOn Counselle office to draw a bill to be submitted to the Legislature to provide as follows. That all moneys distributed to cities of the first class for school purposes by the State Board of Eduoation shall be used by such cities solely for educational purposes, and providing that such sums shall not be included in determining any limitation of muntoipal expenditures for schools or limiting the total cost of government as provided in the home rule charter of any such city of the first class; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Council that such legis- lation is desirable; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council recommend to the Chairmen of the Senate and House delegations of Ramsey County such legislation, it being beneficial for the City of Saint Paul; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be instructed to mail a copy of the proposed bill to the Chairmen of the Senate and House delegations'. for introduction. COUN LMEN Yeas Nays ce I s�;Irnon e.---In, favor Tyiae rren • �LAgainst /Wenzel • / /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the CounciljAR— 5-jD'-5_193 MAR 5I Approved —__ /--193__— , Mayor PUBLISIiED A till fair An set to provide tb&t gall maneye distributed to cities of thn first class far onool purposes by the f1tate soexd of Vduaution shall be'used by such cities solely for edubational purposeety and providing that such sums shall not be ino uded In doisrcntnins any limitation of municipal expenditures for schools trr lijsttingx the total *oat of gavexrMOnt us provided in the home rule ahartor of any such city of the first class. HE IT ZgAt TVD By T111 LT(;IShAT-jRr 9F TI %'1 XfM OV UM..� tiTA. erection 10 ghenever, a provided by lax# tie sta%o Board of Fdueation proportiane and distritautes to cities Of the rivet class any funds for school pu rposeo# such funds aftll be used by such cities solely for educational puxposes, and when4ver the home rule Charter of any such city of the first cla.es has a per capite 'limitation on the Coat of Government ip a it acct rCclendl.r year Ova per Cappita limitation on the amount of money to be appro- grriated f'or all purposes vibatesoever connected with the public 4ott0410, the fa=ils distributed to any such atty by the state hoard of Vdufttion' shall not be Inoluded within such per capita limitations but shall be 'In addition thereto. OPIOINAL t0 CITY CLBPK p' COUNCIL1tl I C�� " CITY OF ST. PAUL FRE NO._UA' Jot% OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL ESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY,�„4�..� COMMISSIONER - - -•fl �A WHSPW, House File No. 158 will require the school board of every school district in this State, however organized, to furnish, free of cost, to all pupils attending public schools, 0ommenoing with kindergarten and ending with the twelfth grade, all necessary text books and supplies for or in connection with the prescribed curriculum, excepting only such supplies as are used in making a usable article which, when completed, Is to be- come the property of the pupil; all notwithstanding any charter provision or state law to the contrary; and WHEREAS, the council is of the opinion that such legisla- tion is desirable and is necessary, due to the City Charter pro- vision which allows the loan of text books to needy pupils only;. therefore, be it RESOLUD, That the Council approves the legislation proposed by House File 158, and the City Clerk is directed to advise the members of the Ramsey County delegation of this action of the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ///JJJ .Pearce ' �Petetson �io n _ In favor Zx //Wenzel ✓ Against Mr.President (Gehan) 5M 6,34 Adopted by the Council ---MAR 5 4gg-193 MAR 514 ----193_ aa�� qq,��� Mayor YU BLISIiED 108, STATE OF MINNESOTA FORTY-NINTH � SESSION H • 1' • No. o• 158 Introduced by Messrs. Ost and Jebb. January 22, 1935. Referred to Committee on Education. Reported back February 21, 1935. Matter in italics is new; matter in capitals when in () is old law to be omitted. A BILL For an Act Providing Pupils Attending Public Schools in This State With Free Textbooks and Supplies. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: SECTION 1. The school board of every school district in this state, however organized, shall fur - 2 nish free of all cost to all pupils attending public school, commencing with kindergarten and ending 3 with the twelfth grade, all necessary textbooks and supplies used for or in connection with the pre - 4 scribed curriculum, provided however that any supplies which may be used in making or building any 5 usable article which when completed is to become the property of the pupil shall not be paid for by 6 the school board. SEC. 2. All acts, parts of acts or charter provisions inconsistent herewith are hereby superseded, 2 modified or amended so far as necessary to give effect to the provisions of this act. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAULd COUNCIL f, t�a I ........ NO............ CaLfy-L CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE M_Ci Sr Y e� ! I COUNCIL RESOLUTION l PEARDE ROSEN T -- IN FAVOR _ _-__Esbruary__ ....._.........., 9. .EB. AUDITED CLAIMS- TRUAX WENZEL MR. PEES. ATATia1Y" _AGAINST (� eiifi{i RESOLVED. TO THE AGGREGATWAMOOU1/N�T THAT CHECKS BE DR .N T ITY TREASURY, ._.___!......__.... _.. COVERING OF $-.._..__O{ CHECKS NUMBERED__.......iW_.._.:.TO..._.._f19.._................ INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUN(SWINR.._..._Fi...9_ ����//�� +, '" fi.........._..... .. PER CHECKS ON FILE IN T�X OFFICE OF THE CITY FOMPTROLLER, APPROVED J .. a 1{:9 Il .... I ..�......... ............. ,G .......LL. _.... CITY CO ROfiR MAYOR to TOTALCHECK 1�`DATE �1,4E1 10 RETURNED NUMBER fo 89 I: 'N FAVOR OF I. the+ o. TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BY BANK the I' - 131n BROUGHT FORWARD 1.399 w3 4 80 Jos. Pavlioek 2 I 81 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 347 2 82 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 360 4 83 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 425 9 84 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works ! 138 3 85 Milton Rosen, O.P.Works 601 281 I l 86 Milton Rosen, C.P.Worke 30 OO 87 Taylor Instrument Company I 9 7 l!, 88 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Oompajy 901 89 Grossman Instrument Works 4 5011 II INTERCEPTOR SEWER BOND FUND i SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 3 703 081140 621 17 I �1 I i S a 1 I � � k ! I l 3 703 081140 621 17 I �1 I i I d 1 1 , a 1 I � � 1 it a k 1000, S NOTICE eauly� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. Tb Iv�u... COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER r .. Febwuar-TT2193 �._ RESOLVED,THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 390 1 . 11518 OF $ _, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO 11915 INUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 1411-1"K 193_.__ °TY APPROVED— 193 °°"°" PUBLISHED f �� 5 I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILCOUENCIL No......... MAY A ATSOn COUNCIL RESOLUTION R BEN W . ...__.INFAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ...._ _February .... -27- _...,9_._355 ROSEN �l TRUA% .AGAINST RESOLVED. HAT CHECKS E DRAWN ON THE CI TREASURY. MR. PRE TO THE AGGRE T AMO F$ -S2,2D2.1 COVERING MR. PRES. MAHONEY [ q CHECKS NUMB R D....... .. ............ ... INCLUSIVE, AS 1 1�,'f'. PER CHECKS I N F ICE O COMPT OL ADOPTED BY THE COVNCIL........._.._....... .._. _ _.__�:._�......... APPROVED. CITY C ROLL R MAYOR Y-1 i ..j....{/ ...,{....� ...... ... .. TO, L DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETUR D / NUMBER T ANSFER DISBURSEMENTBY B K S NECKS / CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD4 9P7 761 7j !/ 11518 Ernest Robinson 26 4 11819 Edwin C. Battler 11520 Emil BensonF �i 37Z5 11821 Axel F.Peterson C. of inanoe 0 0 11822 J.H. Nilva, Assignee Nu -Tread Tire Company 38 4 11923 Nee Lox Mfg. Company 91 3 118 The First National Bank of S�.Paul 5 012 8 11525 Clara Aamold, 111dow of H.A. 30 0 11826 Ann F. Campion, Widow of D.HdO. 30 0 11827 Helen Sullivan, widow of M.S 30 0 11828 Soo. for the Prev. of Crulet I200 0 11829 Mrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian 40 0 11830 Mrs. C.M. Claugherty, Guardisn P8 2 11831 Mrs. Etta Flaherty 40 0 11832 Casimer Kafka 1153' Mrs. Lucy B. Knight 16 11834 Mrs. Agnes Weiss 31 8 11535 Fred M. Truax, C.Parks, etc.i 499 4 11836 Review Publishing Company i 4 1 11837 Vitoolite Products Company 5 51 11535 Frank W. Bennett 36 0 11839 Drs. Chatterton & Von der Weyer 10 Of 11840 Dr. W.B. Covey 1 12 5 11841 Charles P. Dawson Truss & Ap 1.00. 10 0 11842 Dr. J.J. McCarthy 15 0 11843 Dr. B.J. Singer 154 0 115411 George F. Armstrong 22 5 11845 Henry Hueffmier 11846 L.E. Meisinger 10 0 11847 E.W. Berg �. 11848 The Boyeson Printing & Stationery Co. 4 11549 Co-Ope Laundry Company 13 11850 Daily News Corporation 66 11551 J. Mark Dalglish 81 9 11852 Gangl & Company ; 32 0 11853 Chester '.9. Gaskell 11554 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company 326 7, 11855 to -opera Coke Company 11556 C.B. Lyen & Brothers1no. I' 43 09 ® 11857 L.G. Mo onnon 75 0 11858 Nassau Paper Company 5 8 11859 National Carloading Corporation 3 1 11860 John A. Nolan 32 11861 Price Electric Company I 255 1 11862 Railway Express Agency 9 0 11863 C. Reiss Coal Company 372 11864 State of Minnesota 1 305 7' 11865 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compa*y 1 130 0 11566 Truax, Traer Coal Company 168 0 11867 U11v. Carloading & Dist.Co. 6 6 11868 Geo'* Warner Company 32 6 11569 Western Union Telegraph Compoy 104 01 I , I toe a-]2 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 35 962 81 1939 4& 52 ilk E g. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 44 329 31 048639 72 706 .-u A-1 il A DUPLICATE TO CITY JERK .11, OF —.1 —.1 -F..-U CI' COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER No - ------ MAY "Mar Can COUNCIL RESOLUTION PEARCE FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ROSEN TRUAX r bru 29 35 .. . ... ............ WEN MR. FRES. AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKHE D" ff OVA TREASURY. MOUNT OF -Nf C '.. Gab= TO THE AGGREGATE A . -7 :R 1 CHECKS NUM ERE_ 'To ,ACLUSSVE. AS 476 ' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCUAl.. 5-J&5 ON ,5 PER CHECKS 0 T FICE OF HE CITY COMPTROLLER. APPROVED _0 , CITY CO. -ROU_ MAYOR BY TOYAL DATE - CHECK .U.S.R RETURNED IN FAVOR OF TRANS— DISBURSEM CHECKS CHECKS BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD _35__QAP Al 93cL-4(,4 11870 11971 Mrs. H. Mitch John E. Tebber 194 9C 6o OR 11872 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan e 19 '130 OC 1187 A F.Peterson, C. of Finan 'el 08 12 6 95 UR Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan ie �56 00 1197 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan 57 80 11M Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan 1 729 19 11977 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan 3 575 30 11978 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan 6 390 08 11879 Axel F.Peteraon, C. of Finan 2 bol 66 11990 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finan 3 980 96 11991 Pittsburgh Coal Company a T is 11892 Irving Gotlieb 5 00 Ila Capitol Stationery Mfg.CompanlY ill 16 8Z 1199 Adam Decker Hardware Company 37 73 11885 H. Feltz & Son 65 1188 Sanitary Food Mfg.Company T 3 38 11887 Sanitary Food Mfg.0ompan 125 05 11988 Western Rubber & Supply Company 48 s7l 11889 Shell Petroleum Corporation 8 00 0 11890 Fuel Oil & Gas Company 6o 98 11891 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finance 9 659 79 11892 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finance 166 so 1189 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finance 3 599 69 11M N.W.Morris Plan Co. Assignee Arnold R. Mentges 1 000 00 11895 Harold T. 'wood & Company1 166 42 11896 Cleveland Avenue Meat Market 56 60 11897 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan 16 79 11898 Lampert Brothers Lumber Comp:y 5 19 35 11899 Kalman & Company i 1 074 21 11900 Board of Public Welfare 18 785 23 11901 George IV. Mantor 76 20 11902 Irving C. Pearce, C. of Eduo. 8 366 50 1190 Thomson, Wood & Roffman & %F� 225 Coil 1190Z G.A. yare a 2 2 1 i 11905 Borohert—Ingersoll, Inc. 74 11906 Electric Blue Print Company 110 02 11907 Electric Blue Print Company 21 96 11908 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 43 71 11909 Gopher state Products 97 50 11910 Griggs. Cooper & Company 25 15 11911 W.W. Koepke 11 " 11912 Hassey Concrete Products Corp.! 792 68 1191 Northern Coal & Dock Company 2 958 55 119N St.Paul Builders Material Com pany 293 60 11915 State of Minnesota 13 294 89 II SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 44 329 31 048639 72 706 .-u SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 361170 66 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILMEN—ROLL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CALL COUNCIL No, ---------------- FILE - - m&y—.? erson COUNCIL RESOLUTION MCO0NA'WN pgMM R BEN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS March 4 . . .. ... . .... . ... IS TRUAX ..._.........._.....AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS Or DRAW. ON THE CITY TREASURY, ENZEL MR. PRIES. M4"QU99_ Geban To THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 361--i-x ©.66..-.- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED ... ........ INC�.USIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON,F1�'l-.1AUI&TICE al C#IMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.,2,af?. APPROVED ............. . . . CITY C—ROUX MAYOR BY_... ... ...... ... . ... AL DATE CHECK NUMBER RETURNED IN FAVOR OF TRANSFERsaURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 11916 0 Harold E. Tood & Company5 1 497 1 11917 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finance 22 647 8 11919 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finanoe 31 925 7 7 11919 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finan a 0 2 Cis 8 8 11920 Tells—Dickey Company 27 9;941 7 11921 Robert Allen 1 6 11922 St.Paul Fire Dept. Relief A94006 9 500 1192 Cairucrosa Tire & Battery Co any 29 8 119P Gruber Auto Eleotr10 Company 101 9 11925 Pioneer Typewriter Company 90 9 11926 Railway Express Agency 6 11927 *.G.Spalding & Brothers 41 41 11928 M. Radiator. Company 20 12 11929 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finance 560 25 11930 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finance 1 1 16 20 11931 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finance � 3 32 42 11932 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finance 4 $7899 1193 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finance 16 603 42 1193� Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan 109 671 6o 11935 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finan# 110 295 46 11936 G.T. Dransfield 6 30 11937 Sterling Printing Company 30 00 11939 North Central Pub.Company 372 50 119�9 G.A. Ashton Company 69 60 11940 St.Paul Builders Material Co.1 29 69 11941 St.Paul goo. School Revl.Fand! 70 11942 L.Wrence A. Soler, C.W*Dept. lZ04 20 119 :son Is Restaurant 26 251 119 Villaume Box & Lumber Company 83 11945 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finance ;4 2 3 79 11946 Service Press 1 70 15 11947 W.F.Smitb Tire & Battery Compeny 54 ?9 11949 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Financo 1 277 M 11949 Axel-F.Peterson, C. of rinanoo 347 05 11950 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan e 7 969 19 11951 Nels Frederickson 43 20 1:1952 Van Hoven Gompany,lno. 'Wl 325 00 1195� Dr. E. V. t z 53 00 1 11954 Dr. H. W. Grant 358 00 11955 Drs. Lewis & Leavenworth is 00 11956 Dr. H.P. Macey 45 00 11957 Charles T. Miller Hospital i 91 32 11958 S. Berglund Lumber Company i 58 79 11959 Julia M. Bruese 70 00 11960 Lee Bonn Company 24 6o 11961 Deep Rook oil Corporation 754 92 11962 Emporium Mercantile Company 50 53 11 11963 General Electric Supply Corp. 26 76 11964 E.A. Moeller Company 12 00 11965 Prioe Electric Company 67 11966 St -Paul Glass Company �0 0 70 11967 Sharp & Dohme 105 18 11968 The Tall Street Journma 9 50 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 361170 66 Petition Council File No....--- t PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade Alley in Block 43.__A rbach and Hand's Addition from ----------------------------------- - - - - - - - Front Street to Hatch Street.---------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------ March 1935 193..._ t��Dated this..... lst- ..... day of- -- - - -- -- ------------------ '-- --- �.�I:�Se'YN- .. �3 ------- - - ... --- - ---- ------ - - - (,ouncilman. ,<rntao . Alt- -_ ___------ ., follow .�B I.Y._' �t 3 PRELIMINARY ORDER. it mock ' n e,�o, aauro f ha.vfnt; Ue�n ' �f Oho ('ItY WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: . Grade--Alley--in.Block-..43._.Auerbach__and-Hand-s_-9dditio... Pr ------------ --------------- -- ------------ Font -_Street_ te-_Hatch-- Streets-...... - - --- -- ..... .. .. .. . ..... -- - - - -- --- - - - ---------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ---------- --------------------------------- - -- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAR 519�� . Adopted by the Council--------------------- -..-....-.----------------------- YEAS NAYB Councilman PEAECE RCSEN TRUAX WENZEL ME. PRESIDENT Form C • 13 (RM 7-33) Approved -----------------:i �e r%Et�:-- ---5--t aJr Mayor. PUBLISI-IED J — 9- �. Council File No.....tC..--... ..... Ilk PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposesthe makingof the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and--talLing_&u--eassment---in--the--land-necessary--for----Rlopes)---------------_--------- --------------- --------- cuts. -and-, fills:--.in-_the--grading_o£-_Alley--in--Block_.43-1 9uerbach--------------_-..._..------_.._. and Hand's Addition from-Front.-Street-.to--Hatch-Street.------------------------------------------------------ -----... -. -... .. --- -- -------------- ----------------------------- -----------------------...---------------------------------------------------------------- Datea this. - lst..........a8y of. - ....._... ..935-------------------------- ------------------- -- - 9 March t•�' �E . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER.°`heg� di- of - ,.h and 11.4 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and t an easement _in the necessary -for_ -slopes- -----...-----... .. B ..... .skip$...... { cuts and._fills�---in--the_grading--°f-.A11Q9...A..Bls.Ck-./x3.r-.-A»�xba9kt.------------------------ - and Hand's Addition from Front Street to Hatch Street. ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------...------------------------------------------------. . having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul -------------------- .---- ------------------------------------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners, 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council-----------------------VAR------S--MQ- 5 --------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman 11= Me 0 �)4r" .'14 - Approved -._--------`-----k .:i)..�t - - - PEARCE ROSEN TRUA TRUAX W ENZEL ...".'L�............. Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT - F« c A 13 (2M 7-3a) - HOW Couucilhle No -------- "-_----------------------- By -----"-------- -- -------By ---_--_--_---_------- --------------- ----------- CITY OF 6T. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costa and expenses for grading, psvinf;# constimoting nee cement sidewalks, or reconstructing existing side- walkso and constructing or reconstructing ornamental lights on Seventh St. widened as described In 0. F. 96296, approved Sept. 6, 1933, from the center line of Smith Avenue to the east line of Richmond Street, including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, reconstructing driveway approaches where necessary, oonstruct- ' Ing sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines where not already made, making all necessary ohanges in water mains, sewers and appurtenances, installing conduit for traffic signals and making any changes whiah are necessary to this improvement in the streets and alleys intersecting seventh Street between the aforesaid limits, also all other work necessary and essential to the above described improvement, also changing the grade of the following streets to oonform to the red lines on.the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, and grading, redonstrz oting eii6aalks. curbing, and other existing improvements to conform to said red lina_t,Fhon established{ -McBoal'St. from Seventh St. to Smith Ave. i'Tee aide of itoug_las St. from Seventh St. to 66 ft. north of Goodrich Ave. North side of deo rloh Ave. from Seventh St. to 20 ft west of Douglas St. South side ofdoodr� Ave. from Seventh St- to 23 ft. east of Seventh St. West side of Dousman St. from Seventh St. to 102 ft. south of Bonfil St. East side of Dousman St. from Seventh St. to 72 ft. south of Banfil St. North side of Banfil.-iiSt. from Seventh St. to 90 ft. east of Dousman St - South side of i St. from Seventh St. to 60 ft- east 0£lDeusman St. North side of Goodhue St. from Seventh St. to 192 ft- west of Dousman St. South side of`Goodhue St. from Seventh St. to 182 ft. west of Dousman St. Ann St. from Seventh St. to Yankee St. _Torch aide of Yankee St. from Seventh St. to Alm St. South side of Yankee St. frame Seventh St. to 110 ft west of Ann St. East side of Western Aver from Seventh St. to Von Minden St. "nest side of We'atern Ave. from Seventh St. to 98 ft. south of the center line of Von Minden St. produced North side of Von Minden 'St., from Western Ave. to 30 ft- east of Western Ave. North aide of St. Cla r St from Seventh St. to 168 ft. west of Western Ave. South side of St. Clair St. from Seventh St. to Nugent St. East side of Richmond St. from 117 ft. south of St. Clair St. to 327 ft. north of the south line of Grace St. Material shall be 3-j" asphaltic concroto surface with 2?;" brick gutters 7 feet wide, base to be 7" concrete; between the raile of the street railway tracks the pavement shall be concrete, and the two foot strips outside the outer rails shall be 3"X" asphaltic concrete on 7" concrete base; roadway width on west Seventh St9 to be 66 feet, sidewalks 12 feet; all new side walks to be 4" monolithic concrete; exiting ornamental lights of the combined tro1L pole and single light type shall be moved to conform to the new street width, under Preliminary Order......9T91 ........... Intermediary Order.... 27.09& ............. Final Order....... 9.7.225........, approved. -Feb-6- - ---19. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered o be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT TILER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ................... ..........equal installments. 935 Adopted by the Council--- - -' - - - 19 - :-`...- '....-, City Clerk. ........ ly Approved------- --- ------ .............----------- .......... Mayor. Form B. B. IB PUL'LISHLI) ... t..r T Y ., ^irL - 'C•mJ _7_.�:.:.1:..� F.:Q '?'' Fi '-'..Ffr.y 41 T, { - :.{ !./ t J na sra Jq ro a a . tr t _ fr.,,:>.•-1 cn,�:,:' r rig: _,s r s£I r ?a n ^<:r J9 i i i� c .c.; under Preliminary Order......9T91 ........... Intermediary Order.... 27.09& ............. Final Order....... 9.7.225........, approved. -Feb-6- - ---19. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered o be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT TILER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ................... ..........equal installments. 935 Adopted by the Council--- - -' - - - 19 - :-`...- '....-, City Clerk. ........ ly Approved------- --- ------ .............----------- .......... Mayor. Form B. B. IB PUL'LISHLI) CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF TIIE C0lI11ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment _Zqk"4x7 ----------------- I9 . -.M In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for CMX gradin£,, paving, constructing new cement sidewalks, or reconstructing existing side— walks, and constructing or reconstructing ornamental lights on Seventh St. widened as described in C. F. 96296, approved Sept. 5, 1933, from the cantor line of Smith Avenue to tho oast line of Richmond Street, including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, reconstructing driveway approaohea where neoeeeary, construct— ing sewer, water and gae connections from street mains to property linea where not already made, making all necessary changes in water mains, severs and appurtenances, installing conduit for traffic signals and ma' -:Ing any ohanges which are necessary to this improvement in the streets and allays intersecting Seventh Street between the aforesaid limits, also all other work necessary and essential to the above described improvement, also changing the grade of the following streets to conform to the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, and grading, reoonstruoting sidewalks, curbing, and other existing improvements to conform to said red linea when established; HaBoal St. from Seventh St. to Smith Ave. West side of Douglas St. from Seventh St. to 56 ft. north of Goodrich Ave. North aide of Goodrioh Ave. from Seventh St. to 20 ft west of Douglas St. South side of Goodrich Ave. from Seventh St. to 23 ft. east of Seventh St. West side of Dousman St. from Seventh St. to 102 ft. south of Banfil St. East Gide of Douaman St. from Seventh St. to 72 ft. south of Banfil St. North side of Banfil St. from, Seventh St. to 90 ft. east of Dousman St. South aide of Banfil St. from Seventh St. to 5o ft. east of Dousman St. North side of Goodhue St. from Seventh St. to 192 ft. west of Dousman St. South aide of Goodhue St. from Seventh St. to 182 ft. meet of Dousman St. Ann St. from Seventh St. to Yankee St. North side of Yankee St. from Seventh St. to Ann St. South side of Yankee St. from Seventh St. to 110 ft wast or Am St. Eget side of Western Ave. from Seventh St. to Von :Sinden St. West aide of 7iostorn Ave. from Seventh St. to 96 ft. south of the canter line of Von Linden St. produced ldorth side of Von Sinden St. from Eastern A.ve. to 30 ft* east of Western Ave. North side of St. Clair St. from Seventh St. to 168 it. west of Viestorn Ave. South side of St. Clair St. from Seventh St. to ','ugent St. Fast side of Riehmand St. from 117 ft. south of St. lair St. to 327 't. north of the south line of Grace St. Material shall be 3'N" asphaltic eonoretc surface with 2?;" brick gutters 7 foot wide, bnae to be 7" concrete; between the rails o!' the street railway {;racks the pnvemant shall be concrete, and the two foot strips outside th;, outer rai4n shall be 3,h," asphaltic concrete on 7" concrete bane; roadway width on Wast Seventh St. to be 56 feet, sidewalks 12 feot; all now side- walks to be 4" monolithic concrete; exi.vting ornamental lights ofk the combined trolley pole and single light type shall be moved to conform to the now s'troct width, which is hers and $89,833.63 ( Less the sum of (Business Stre=t Bond Fund) groper. Net Assessment (3alance to city) 4,741.92 f F— n, nn. one, of Finance— �'" MU'lunulul 111U1111MR1 under Preliminary Order ......_..-97.014......._._....____ ......... Intermediary Order ........ 97098 Final Order ................. 9.722.5.-....-.................., approved. -.......................Feb. 6........................ .-..........-, 19......34 To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz: Cost of construction $75,802.98 Construction Engineering 5,325.84 Cost of publishing notice 11.85 Cost of postal cards 2,37 Inspection fees 1,601.33 Amount of court costs for confirmation 11.85 Curbing 1,219.71 Sidewalks 6,627.73 Water connections 2,744.91 Sidewalk Engineering 41.18 Balance to Owner 1,185.80 Said Cot (Damages ;1,221.00 ) (Benefits $4,777.12 ) above ascertained, to -wit: the s Total expenditures $94,575.55 emed benefited by the said imp: h the benefits con- ( ferred therec (under P.M. ratified by the sig - (Project Docket nature of th( ( (No.5177 Meted by him, and ( and which is here ( Less the sum of (Business Street x}89,833.63 Bond Fund) )roper. Net Assessment (Balance to City) $ 4,741.92 o,m - B. �� ioner of Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $..�4�k.7.$w,5._...........upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig. nature of the said Commissioner, and made apart hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the CounctI foi aneh action thereon as may be considered proper. Farm B. D. 17 - - ............�..•��c+..:..zca+ r..... ............... Commissioner of Fin 1sr. 2nd.. Laid over to----- o_ _3rd. /yvr 1 3rd.& app.-- _. _ _ Adopted Yeas'� Nays /Pearceearce Yeas Nays terson M Rosen Rosenp Truax Warrcn �Wenzcl /T��ruax AVirren .'Wenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan 'Ar. Pres. Gehan ORDINANCE 1(yigC4 fll,A, COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY �'^'v" Yvti �� ORDINANCE NO.Y! LL An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, entitled nc.. I nY . "An ordinance providing for all matters con-iapr.iar g`.."'e cerning, regulating or affecting the construction, untionata"I alteration, regulation, repair, removal mainten- g f p ) ) . .—L ma• .'ion of '¢I1f ance, use and inspection of all buildings, walls ,1—j,miia;.r or structures erected or to be erected within the he protect" as for thr. limits of the Cit of St. Paul for the protection City p uhral..of,�; of property against fire, and for the purpose of ' ea forh0hur securing healthful, safe and sanitary environments ompel �`�`wall to itnga. alls for the occupants of buildings used for human habi- nYPatth., tation or otherwise, to compel the owners of such 're.alo'raa. " Wali. buildings, walls or structures to alter, recon- d) - or struL- . limit., nnu struct or modify the same or any part thereof, for un a°1'P3p` the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful• 'h,,. 7 a use or occupancy of all buildings, walls or struc- nder rent he tures; establishing fire limits, and prescribing .clear the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions; providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing all ordinances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved May 22, 1930, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 30-1 of said ordinance, and by inserting at the end of Paragraph (c) of Section 30-5, the following: "No circuit wires shall be run through r meter box or service conduit except service wires." Section 2. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Paragraph (ii) of Section 30-10, and by inserting at the end of Section 30-60 the following para - vs graph to be known as Paragraph (q): •I(q) Wiring for the secondary side of transformers for signalling purposes of not more than thirty (30) volts may be Installed with or without conduit, using rubber covered wire having 1/6411 thick insulation or cable except where sueh,wire runs in the same conduit with light or power wiring, in which case rubber covered Yeas Councilmen Nays 11 1 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY__._ ORDINANCE NO. wire shall be used not less than No. 16. All such wiring not enclosed in conduit shall be twisted pair or parallel type. One side of the secondary to the trans- former shall be connected to the grounded side of the primary." Section 3. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Paragraph (g) of Section 30-29 (Lightning Arresters and Ground Detectors), which reads as follows: "(g) For lightning arresters and ground detectors, the ground connection must be at such point that its ground conductor is as short and straight as practicable." And b striking out the followin Paragraphs (h), (i), (j), (k), (1), (ym), (n), (o), (p), (q), (r�, and (a); and by inserting in lieu of all said paragraphs, the following: "(h) For lightning arresters and ground detectors, the ground connection must be at such point that its ground conductor is as short and straight as practicable." "Equipment and Wire Race -Ways. (i) For generators, motors, trans- formers, conduit, armored cable, metal race- ways, etc., the point at which the ground conductor is attached must, if practicable, be readily accessible. For conduit, armored cable or metal race -ways the ground conductor must be as near as practicable to the point where the conductors in the conduit system concerned receive their supply. When the service conduit is grounded, the ground conductor must be run direct from it, and no portion of interior conduit is to be used as a part of the ground con- ductor. Ground Conductors. (j) In all cases, the ground conductor must be of copper or of other metal which will not corrode excessively under the exist - Yeas i OR6GINAL To CITY CLERK { ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. - PRESENTED IfY __ ORDINANCE NO. (3) Ing conditions, and if practicable must be without joint or splice. In no case shall an automatic cut-out be inserted in a ground conductor or connection, where its operation will disconnect all leads connected to the equipment from the circuit conductors. The insulation and installation of the ground conductor for circuits must comply with all the requirements of this Code for wires of the voltage of the cir- cuit to which theLground conductor is attached. In all cases the ground conduct- or must be protected against mechanical injury. The insulation and installation of all neutral wires must comply with all the requirements of this Code for wires of the voltage of the circuit to which the neutral conductor is attached, excepting in under- ground services and installations not attached to buildings bare copper neutral conductors may be used. (k) The ground conductor or conduct- ors for circuits must, in general, have combined current capacity sufficient to insure the continuity and continued effect- iveness of the ground connections under con- ditions of excess current caused by acci- dental grounding of any normally ungrounded conductor of the circuit. The ground conductor for a direct- current system must have a current capacity not less than one-fifth that of the grounded conductor at the point where the ground con- ductor is attached and must not be smaller than a No. 8 B. & S. gauge copper wire. The ground conductor for alternating current systems must not be smaller than No. 10 B. & S. gauge copper wire, nor smaller than one-fifth the current capacity of the wire to which it is attached, except that it need not be larger than No. 0. B. & S. gauge copper wire. Lightning arrester ground connection Yeas Councilmen � y o11—ALEAK oCirr�« 01WINANCE COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE (4) must not be made to the sametzgtifioial ground (driven pipes or buried plates)as circuits or equipment, but must be well spaced and when practicable kept at least 20 feet from other artificial grounds. (1) For lightning arresters, the ground conductor must have a current capacity suf- ficient to insure the continuity and continued effectiveness of the ground connection under conditions of excess current caused by or following discharge of arrester. No individual ground conductor shall have a smaller current capacity than No. 6 B. & S. gauge copper wire. (m) For the frames of electrical equip- ment the current capacity of the ground con- ductor must be not less than that provided by copper wire of the size indicated in the follow- ing table; Required size of ground conductor No. 10 B. & S. gauge No. 6 B. & S. gauge No. 4 B. & S. gauge No. 2 B. & S. Gauge Capacity of nearest cut-out protect ing the equipment 0 to 100 amperes 101 to 200 amperes 201 to 500 amperes 501 amperes and above With portable equipment protected by fuses not greater than 10 amperes No. 10 B. & S. gauge ground -wire may be used. (n) If an armored cable system, a conduit system or a metal moulding system consist of several separate sections, the sections must be bonded to each other, and the system grounded, or each section may be separately grounded. The armor of conduits, cables, metal mould- ing and gas pipes must either be securely fasten- ed in outlet boxes, junction boxes and cabinets, so as to secure good electrical connection, or the separate sections, boxes and cabinets must be separately grounded. Where runs of armored cable, conduit or metal moulding not over 10 feet long are used, those runs need not be grounded if the runs of armored cable, conduit or moulding are insulated from ground and from metal conduit, armored cables, metal mouldings and metal work on the premises and are either isolated or guarded Yeas Cquncilmen N.- D_1_.4 L.. - , oA"1:"O C� «EwK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED By ----- (5) y_ -. when within reach from grounded surfaces. The ground conductors must be at least equivalent to No. 10 B. & s. gauge copper (where the largest wire contained is not greater than No. 0 B. & B. gauge) and need not be greater than No. 4 B. & B. gauge (where the largest wire con- tained is greater than No. 0 B. & S. gauge). The grounded circuit wires must not be used as ground wire for conduits, cables,metal mould- ing and ground conductors from conduits, cables and metal moulding must not be connected to ground circuit wires. If conduit, couplings or fittings have protective coating of non -conducting material, such as enamel, are used, such coating must be thoroughly removed from threads of both couplings and conduit, and such surfaces or fittings, where the conduit or ground clamp is secured, in order to obtain the requisite good connec- tion. Grounded pipes must be clean of rust, scales, etc. at the place of attachment of ground clamp. Ground Connection. (o) The ground connection must be per- manent and effective and be made as indicated below, but always to water piping system if available. The protective grounding of electrical circuits and equipment to water piping systems in accordance with these rules, should always be permitted, since such grounding offers the most efficient protection to life and property anti is not injurious to the piping systems. For circuits, equipment and arresters at supply stations, connections must be made to all available active continuous, metallic underground water piping systems between which no appreciable difference of potential normally exists and to one such system if appreciable differences of potential do exist between them. At other places connection must be made to at least one such system if available. Gas piping must be avoided wherever practicable - Where underground metallic piping systems are not available, other methods which will secure the desired permanence and conductance may be permitted. Passed Yeas - Councilmen Nays oa.�,►ro�,,. EaK J ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED BY---,--- -- ORDINANCE (p) Protective ground connections must not be made to grounded conductors or rails of electric railway circuits when other effective means of groundingare available, except ground connections for lighting arresters, equipment or wire run -ways on such electric railway circuits. (q) Gas piping systems within buildings should not be used for purposes of this rule, except where water piping systems are not available, and then only for grounding of equipment, metal race -ways, etc. Where gas piping is so used, it must be bonded to the water piping systems within the building at their points of entrance. (r) The ground connection to metallic piping systems must be made either: (1) by the use of an approved ground clamp bolted to the pipe after it has been freed from all rust and scale; (2) by screwing tightly into the pipe or a pipe fitting a brass plug having a lug for ground conductor, or by other equivalent means. The ground wire must be attached to the clamp or to the plug by means of solder or by an approved solderless connector. The point of connection should preferably be in plain sight and as readily accessible as possible. (s) Artificial grounds should be locatedwhere practicable below permanent moisture ground must present not less than four square feet surface to exterior soil. Areas where ground water level is close to the surface should be used when available. Where ground plates are used they should be at least No. 10 Stubbs gauge copper; when driven pipes are used they should be of galvanized iron and not smaller than one inch internal diameter; and when cast iron plates are used they should be at least one-quarter inch in thickness. (t) The combined resistance of the ground wires and connection of any grounded equipment, x or lightning arrester, should not exceed three (3) ohms for water pipe connections, nor twenty- five (25) ohms for artificial grounds where these must be used. Where, because of dry or other high resistance soils it is impracticable to obtain artificial ground resistance as low as 25 ohms, two such grounds, six feet apart, if practicable must be installed, and no requirement will be made as to resistance." Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council— 0-1111 to -y k,E,K i ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY_ORDINANCE Section 4, That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Paragraph (d) of Section 30-35. Section 5. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended so that line 4 of Table II in Section 30-29 shall be in third place, and line 3 of said Table shall be in fourth place. Section 6. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Paragraph (f) of Section 30-52 the following words: "brought out of building," and by inserting in lieu thereof the word "carried." Section 7. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to Section 14-9 a new paragraph to be known as Paragraph (c) which shall read as follows: "(c) Machine housing shall be provided with inspection opening and removable cover plate to permit examination of gear rim bolts." Section 8. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 14-27, Paragraph (i), and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "(i) All traction type passenger:elevators ®hall have not less than five (5) hoisting cables, ex- cept- that traction type elevators whose speed does not exceed one hundred (100) feet per minute and whose capacity does not exceed twelve hundred (1200) pounds may have four (4) cables, provided that the load on the cables will not be greater than that allowed by the Factor of Safety of eight (8) accord- ing to Paragraph (e). Residence elevators whose platform area does not exceed ten (10) square feet may be provided with cables without regard to size or number, except that less than two (2) cables will not be allowed." Section 9. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Paragraph (g) of Section 14-23 the following words: "and the number of passengers of average weight for passenger elevators." Section 10. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Paragraph (1) of Section 14-31 the word "rope," and by inserting in lieu thereof the word "cable." Section 11. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 14-32, Paragraph (c), and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the aw,e,N.L To C,.1►«EaK . ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED BY.t..____-_— ORDINANCE NO. "(c) The weight sections comprising a counterweight shall be contained within a sub- stantial steel or wrought iron frame. Weight sections carried within frames shall be secured by at least two (2) tie rods passing through all the weight sections, or some other approved method be followed to prevent the weights from leaving the frame." Section 12. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Paragraph (£) of Section 14-35, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "(f) The minimum clearance between the edge of the car platform and the edge of any landing sill, door or gate shall be three- fourths (u) of an inch. The clearance between the edge of the car platform and edge of any landing sill shall be not greater than one and one-half (12) inches, as in cases where the wall of the building is thicker at the bottom than at the top floor, entrance to elevator cars shall be protected by gates or doors on the platform, which must be closed before the car can be oper- ated. The clearance between the car and any other projection in the hatchway shall not be less than one and one-half (1-) inches." Section 13. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Paragraph (b) of Section 14-36 the following words: "the speed of which exceeds one hundred twenty- five (125) feet per minute." Section 14. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby .further amended by striking out of Paragraph (b) of Section 14-38 the followin 11(b) The minimum allowable pit depths for all elevators, except dumb waiters and hand power elevators, shall be as follows:" And by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "(b) The minimum allowable pit depths and overhead clearance for all elevators, ex- cept dumb -waiters and hand power elevators, shall be as follows:" Section 15. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Paragraph (a) of Section 14-39, and Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council__ -- ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY__--- ORDINANCE NO. by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "(a) Manually operated doors consisting of two sections which move oppositely in a vertical dirded notelessnthanll be eightp(8)iinchestwidesion panels and eight (8) inches high, which panels shall be four (4) feet above the floor." Section 16. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Paragraph (f) of Section 14-40 and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "(f) Every power driven elevator shall be equipped with some suitable device to prevent the elevator car from being started, until the door or doors opening into the elevator shaft are complete- ly closed and latched, so as to be inaccessible from the outside, or are within three (3) inches of the closing position and locked. Where this device is electric, each passenger elevator car may be provided with a suitable emergency device which will allow the elevator to be used in case of emergency, even though said door or doors are open. The device shall consist of a switch, or its ecuivalent, so located as to be within reach of the operator and contained in a "break glass" contain- er. Every electric dumb -waiter shall be equipped with some suitable device to prevent the elevator car from being started until the door or doors opening into the elevator shaft are closed and locked. All interlocks shall be approved by the National Board of Underwriters or A. S. A." Section 17. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 3-7 the following sent- ence: "For any such sign less than five (5) square feet in area and projecting not more than two (2) feet, no fee charge shall be made." And by striking out of the second last sentence of said Paragraph (b) the word "such." Section 18. That said ordinance be and thesameis hereby further amended by striking out Paragraphs (a), (c) (d) and (e) of Section 8-229, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "(a) It shall be and is hereby declared to be unlawful to erect or place on the fa ce of a building, pole or other structure, any project— ing sign, unless the same be at least ten feet above the sidewalk over which the sign is sus - Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council—__— Pearce ouncil_--___—Pearce o nio�n•� ro cirv(c�cnK a ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE � (10) pended or over the level of the ground at the location of the sign, or as otherwise designated by the Commissioner of Public Buildings. "(b) All signs projecting more than two (2) feet and not exceeding eight (8) feet from the face of the supporting structure must be placed at a height of at least twelve (12) feet above the sidewalk over which the sign is suspended or .over the level of the ground at the location of the sign. "(c) It shall be and hereby is declared to be unlawful to erect or maintain any sign ex- tending more than eight (8) feet and not exceed- ing ten (10) feet from the face of the supporting structure unless such sign be at least fifteen (15) feet above the sidewalk over which the sign is suspended or over the level of the ground at the location of the sign. "(d) It shall be and hereby is declared to be unlawful to erect or maintain any projecting vertical sign, whether supported or located over public or private property, more than four (4) feet in width and the center of such sign shall not be more than four (4) feet from the face of the supporting building or structure. "(e) It shall be and is hereby declared to be unlawful to erect or maintain any projecting horizontal sign, whether supported or located over public or private property, exceeding thirty (30) square feet in area unless the bottom thereof shall be at least fifteen (15) feet above the sidewalk over which the sign is suspended or over the level of the ground at the location of the sign." Section 19. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Paragraph (i) of Section 8-229. Section 20. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of the first sentence of Section 8-231 the following words: "projecting over public property." Section 21. That said ordinance be acrd the same is hereby further amended by inserting after the word "building" in Section 8-232 the following words: "or other supporting structure." Yeas Councilmen Nays - Passed by the ORIGINAL TO CITYfCLERK ORDINANCE H COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (11) Section 22. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting after the word "public" in the first sentence of Paragraph (h) of Section 11-53, the words "or private." Section 23. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 24. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson _ Rosen Warren Wenzel Mr. P�1� Attest: 300 6.34 City Cle Passed by the Council MAR 2 6 1935 In Favor _—Against Approved:.---- MAR � F ,,M Mayor PUBLISHED C� 7 • W. LA MOM KAN /� ERNFST W. JOHNSON S-1 rin Sof PAIJFfd P.M � � r / r Suet of PIM—d. CHAS. A. BASSFOIto Gq Architrrt CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capitol of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminioner gyp, February 13, 1935 11r. John Connolly Corporation Counsel Department of Law Dear Sir: A reprint of the Building Code is now in progress and in check- ing the electrical ordinances, vie believe the following changes should be made in order that the sections will be in proper se- quence and minor corrections made. ` Paragraph (f) of Section 30-1, reading v "No circuit wires shall be run through meter box or service conduit except service wires" should be placed at the end of Section 30-5, Paragraph (c) as an additional paragraph. The new Paragraph (ii) of Section 30-10, reading: "Wiring for the secondary side of transformers for 6 - signalling purposes of not more than thirty (30) volts may be installed with or without conduit, us- ing rubber covered wire having 1/64" thick insula- tion or cable except where such wire runs in the same conduit with light or power wiring, in which case rubber coveredl wire shall be used not less than No. 16. All such wiring not enclosed in conduit shall be twisted pair or parallel type. One side of the secondary to the transformer shall be connected to the grounded side of the primary." should be inserted as Paragraph (q) under Section 30-60. r r2 In section 30 �7, Table II, line 4 should be in third place and line 3 should be in fourth place. Under Section 30-29, "Grcunde Conductors," in the sixth para-k graph, the figure"8"should be corrected to read 1110". On account of the insertion of a new paragraph known as (g) under Section 30-29, the original paragraphs titled (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (1), (m), (n), (o), (p), (q), (r), and (s) should be titled (h), (i), (j), (k), (1), (m), (n), (o), (p), (q), (r), (s), (t), respectively. Omit Paragraph (d) of Section 30-35, which reads as follows: "(d) Meter loops shall be brought out through a con- duit or other approved fitting to eliminate exposed tvir- ing." This provision has become obsolete. In Section 30-52, Paragraph (f), the words "brought out of building" in the second sentence should be omitted and the word "carried" substituted in lieu thereof. '.7hen this has been prepared in ordinance form, I will be pleas- ed to introduce it into the Council. Yours truly, Commissioner L -%R..0 A , W. UI MOM �fAUFAMN % ERNESF . JOHNSON Sucre. of P.r6 Sum F Pi.ye ndt CHAS. A. BASSFORD -i` City Ardlta CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commialoner O February 15, 1935 Is. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel Department of Law Dear Sir: Eiay vie ask you to draw up in ordinance form a revision to Sec- tion 14-9 of the Building Code, which will add a new sub- section to be known as (c), to read as follows: "(c) Yachine housing shall be provided with inspection opening and removable cover plate to permit examination v of gear rim bolts." Also, revise Section 14-27 by striking out sub -section (i) and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "(i) All traction type passenger elevators shall have not less than five (5) hoisting cables, except traction type elevators whose speed does not exceed one hundred (100) feet per minute and whose capacity does not exceed twelve hundred (1200) pounds may have four (4) cables provided that the load on the cables will not be greater than that allowed by the Factor of Safety of eight (8) according to Sub -section (e). Residence elevators whose platform area does not exceed ten (10) square feet may be provided with cables without regard to size or number except that less than two (2) cables will not be allowed." These revisions were approved by the hllevator Code Committee on January 30, and as soon as these ordinances are submitted to me, I will introduce them into the Council. Yours truly, Commissioner��P RLE. .0 it f W. LA FAONT KAUFMAN ' J.., of P& r ERNFST W. JOHNSON Supt of P1mmum, CHAS. A. BASSFORD Oty ArchltW CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 CIH Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Comminionef CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner 41M.0 February 16, 1935 Non. John Connolly Corporation Counsel Department of Law Deur Sir: A reprint of the Building Code is now under tray and in order to clarify and correct the provisions of the elevator section, we ask that the follorar_� changes by be the1tten in elevatorcode oalce form. committee. These changes have been app y Amend Section 14-23 (g) by striking out assenger elevatwords "and le num- ors." � ber of passengers of average weight for passenger Amend Section 14-31 (i) by striking out the word "rope" and in- serting in lieu thereof the word "cable." Section 14-32 (c) shall be amended by striking out this entire paragraph vrhich reads as follows: "Unless the weight sections comprisi,� a counterweig be contained ':rithin a substantial steel or wrought iron frame, the separate vteight sections shall be secured rogether with may be not less than four (4) rods. reaTa o(2 )t o (2)of sbeirig tie rods, each of vinich must p su ed as used for framing rods, passing through all the weight sections. The tie rods shall pass through holes in the sep- arate v':eight sections and not through open slots. ':!eight sections carried within frames shall be secured by at least two (2) tie rods passing through all the vreight sections or some other approved method be followed to prevent the weights from leaving the frame.!1 and substituting in lieu thereof the following :lording: T-Ir`2 "(c) The weight sections comprising a counter'.iei,ht shall be contained within a substantial steel or wrought iron frame. '.[eight sections carried within frames shall { /� be secured by at least two (2) tie rods passing through v all the -weight sections or some other approved method be followed to prevent the weights from leaving the frame." Section 14-35 (f) shall be amended by striking out this para- graph, reading: "(f) The minimum clearance between the edge of the car Platform and the edge of any land_.n7, sill, door, or gate shall be three-fourths (3/4) of an inch. The clearance between the edge of the car platform and ed ;e of any land- ing ..ill shall be not greater than one and one-=:alf (1311) inches, as in cases where the Wall of the building is thicker at the bottom thin at the top floor, entrance to elevator cars shall be protected either by gates on the platform, which will automatically protect the opening when the car leaves the landing, or by gates on the plat- form which must be closed before the car can be operated. The clearance between the car and any other -orcjecticn in the hatchway shall not be less than one and one-half (11) inches." and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "(f) The minimum clearance between the edge of the car platform and the edge of any landing sill, door or gate / shall be three-fourths (4) of an inch. The clearance between the edge of the car platform an:1 edge of any land- ing sill shall be not meater than one and one-half (1',.) inches, as in cases where the wall of the building is thick- er at the bottom than at the top floor, entrance to eleva- tor cars shall tie protected by gates or doors on the plat- forrm-✓Ihlch must be closed before the car can be onerated. The clearance between the car and any other• projection in the hatchway shall not be less than one and one-half (1z) inches." Amend Section 14-36 (b) by striking out the words "the speed of which exceeds one hundred twenty-five (125) feet per minute"V_____ appearing in the first sentence. In Section 14-38, paragraph (b), the first sentence reading: "(b) The minimum allowable pit depths for all elevators, except dumb waiters and hand power elevators, shall be as follows:" shall be revised to read: "(b) The minimum allowable pit depths and overhead clearance for all elevators, except dumb waiters and hand power elevators, shall be as follows:" #3 Section 14-39 (a) shall be amended by striking out thid'para- graph, which reads "(a) 1,lanually operated doors consisting of two sections which move oppositely in a vertical direction will be permitted if equipped with a device ,?hich will render the car inoperative when the doors are not clos- ed and locked. Doors shall be Drovided with vision panels not less than 8 inches wide and 8 inches high, which panels shall be 4 feet above the floor. 11 and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "(a) 1oIanually operated doors consisting of two sections which move oppositely in a vertical direction shall be provided with vision panels not less than eight (8) inches wide and eight (8) inches high, awhic panels shall be four (4) feet above the floor-" Section 14-40 shall be amended by striking out Paragraph (f) reading as follows: "(f) livery passenger elevator, shall be equipped with some suitable device to prevent the elevator car from being started, until the door or doors opening into the elevator shaft are completely closed and latch- ed, so as to be inaccessible from the outside, or are ,within three (3) inches of the closing position and locked. 'mere this device is electric, each elevator car must be provided with a suitable emergency device which aril'_ allow the elevator to be used in case of emergency, even though said door or doors are open. The device shall consist of a switch, or its equivalent so located as to be within reach of the operator and con- tained in a "break glass" container. Every electric dumb waiter shall be equipped -:with some suitable device, to prevent the elevator car from being started, until the door or doors opening into the elevator shaft are closed and locked. All interlocks shall be approved by the Commissioner of Public Buildings." and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "(f) Every power driven elevator shall be equipped with some suitable device to prevent the elevator car from being started, until the door or doors opening in- to the elevator shaft are completely closed and latched, so as to be inaccessible from the outside, or are with- in three (3) inches of the closing position and locked. ;r4 ':!here this device is electric, each passenger elevator car may be provided rrith a suitable emergency device which will allow the elevator to be used in case of emergency, even though said door or doors are open. The device shall consist of a switch, or its equivalent so located as to be within reach of the operator and contained in a "break glass" container. Every electric dumb -waiter shall be equipped with some suitable device to prevent the elevator car from being started, until the door or doors opening into the elevator shaft are closed and locked. All inter- locks shall be approved by the Eational Board of Underwrit- ers or A. S. ..." Thanking you for your cooperation, I am Yours truly, Commissioner LA; .. U W. G MOM KAUFMAN f t ERNESi W. JOHNSON if N.Vvr. o! vfrlo giAS. h BASSFORD.: , Gtr Arch1tW CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminloner �O February 18, 1935 Hon. John Connolly Corporation Counsel Department of Lace Dear Sir : Clill you kindly drag up in ordinance form, the following amend- ments to the sign ordinance in the building code? Amend Paragraph (b) of Section 3-7 by omitting the second sen- tence thereof which reads: "For any such sign less than five (5) square feet in area and projecting not more than two (2) feet, no fee charge shall be made." The word "such" shall be omitted from the third sentence of this paragraph. Amend Section 8-229 by striking out paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "(a) It shall be and is hereby declared to be un- lawful to erect or place on the face of a building, pole or other structure, any projecting sign, unless the same be at least ten feet above the sidewalk over which the sign is suspended or over the level of the ground at the location of the sign, or as otherwise designated by the Commissioner of Public Buildings. "(b) All signs projecting more than two (2) feet and not exceeding eight (8) feet from the face of the supporting structure must be placed .at a height of at least twelve (12) feet above the sidewalk over which the sign is suspended or over the level of the ground at the location of the sign. r2 "�c) it shall be and hereby is declared to be un- lawful to erect or maintain any sign extending more than eight (8) feet and not exceeding ten (10) feet from the face of the supporting structure unless such sign be at least fifteen (15) feet above the sidewalk over which the sign is suspended or over the level of the ground at the location of the sign. "(d) It shall be and hereby is declared to be un- lawful to erect or maintain any projecting vertical sign whether supported or located over public or private property, more than four (4) feet in width and the cen- ter of such sign shall not be more than four (4) feet from the face of the supporting building or structure. "(e) It shall be and is hereby declared to be un- lawful to erect or maintain any projecting horizontal sign, whether supported or located over public or pri- vate property, exceeding thirty (30) square feet in area unless the bo—om thereof shall be at least fif- teen (15) feet above the sidewalk over which the sign is suspended or over the level of the ground at the lo- cation of the sign." Amend Section 8-229 by striking out rara,,raph (i). Amend Section 8-231 by taking out of the first sentence these'✓ words: °projecting over public property. Amend Section 8-232 by inserting after the v ord"building° the words "or other supporting structure." Amend Section 11-53, Paragraph (h) by inserting after the word "public'' the +or ds "or private" in the first sentence. As soon as this is submitted to r..e, I mill introduce it into the Council for their consideration. Yours truly, Commissioner LAR ..0 , / " - W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminloner ®0 March 5, 1935 Hone Fred M. Truax Commissioner Dear Sir: ERNEST W. JOHNSON So .r Ri.re.o..a. CHAS. A BASSFORD City Atd ita May I respectfully submit to you herewith amendments to the building code for introduction into the Council? The electrical code committee has taken agreeable action in each case. These changes in Section 1 to 6 were deemed ad- visable in order to clarify certain clauses and in order to arrange them in proper order. Sections 7 to 16, inclusive, pertain to the elevator section of the building code, and these changes were recommended by the elevator inspector and -approved by the elevator code com- mittee. Sections 17 to 24, inclusive, were deemed necessary in order to clarify the ambiguities existing in the present code in regard to projecting signs, and we believe according to this amendment, these sections will be clearly understandable to every one. trchitect LAR..0 W. LA MONT KAIJAAN SuoL of P.rlo 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL .Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hail FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminfonn 4WO-O Hon. Fred M. Truax Commissioner Dear Sir: ERNEST W. JOHNSON S.oL of Pl,y dt CHAS. A. BASSFORD Oty,ARhltw March 16, 1935 The attached file was referred to me with the request to deter- mine whether or not this ordinance could be condensed for pub- lioation purposes. I respectfully inform you that this matter has been prepared by the Legal Department and is submitted in its most condensed form. LAR..0 our ruly/, ty Architect 0 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 14th, 1935• Hon. Fred M. Truax, Coma'r of P.P. & P. Bldgs., Building. Dear Sir, The attached ordinance, C.F. #100064, was referred back to you, by the City Council, with the request that you determine whether or not the ordinance can be condensed for publication purposes. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[ COUNCIL 1010 65 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY G-11 DATE— COMMISSIONER—— _ RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Sam Popora, pro- viding for the payment of compensation to him at the rslte of $17.60 per week during such time as he shall be totally dis- abled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Water Department on the 14th day of February 1935; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Water COmmlBsioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Sam Popora the Bum of $17.60 out of the Water Department Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the Board of Water Commissioners, being for the period to and including .February 28th, 1935♦ l C. F. No: •160065—By 8. C.Wenzel— Resolved, That the Board of Water Commissioners be and It 1s her_eby _ au- P COU ILMEN Yeas 7y---In PPeearce/LY5zerson /Koen• favor jlruax /7 /�Varrcn —Against /Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 reason of Injuries received by nim W-I'o I I. tho employ of the Water Department onthe be It Further Reaolvedtthat I-—e.r�danoe with said agreement, the Board of Wa- ter Commissioner. le hereby author% teed topay to said Gam Popora The sum of .817.60 u[ f the WI Itr Department Fund, in final settlement L hie claim a6alnst the Board oL :Water Commis- eloher@being Lor theperlod to and ln- oludingFebrusrY E9th..1936. Adopted by the I,...eil Mach 6, 1936. 'Y Approve d'March 6. 1936. (March. 9-1936) Adopted by the Council NO a R 6- 1 N 193— Approved— ---193— L Q Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 100066 � */,� �±{,� CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ENO1L NO.//11Ve 66 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE/ That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay the city's proportionate share of the bills submitted by the Advisory "ourt House and City Hall Building Commission as shown on Abstract of Claims Number 64 of the Advisory Court House and CityHall Build - 19 38.15 irg Commission, totaling , the city's share of which i , and all as shown upon the claims submitted by said Commission. C. F. N. 100066—BY L C. Pearce M. H :Gahan— Resolved. That the proper elty ofll- cora be and they are hereby e.uthorized ,ad direoted Lo paY 4he'. olty'6 prop.I- tlonate atislre of the Mlle eubmltted .' BuiiAdvisory anR C pCmlBelonoas ehownGa ioo Abl street of Claims Number 64 of the Ad- visory Court House and .City Hall Bulldin9. Commission, totalln� E3,676.39, the city. share of wbfch is $336.15, and I all- ns -shown upon the elalme submit- ted by enld Commisston. Adopted by thaCouncll March 6, 1936- M Approved arch 6. 1936. (Diarph 9-1935) N" COUN ILMEN �/ MAR 6 1M 193 Yeas Nays �jdopted by [he Council _ safes ,1L'cterson �i osen _ ___In favor Approved ���� 6'JW6193__ T "ax — — Zrren _Against ��7 � Wenzel Mayor /M r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL t0 CITY CLERK -1 COUNCIL 1006 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL 'ro0oa—sv may'. FILE NO. :hnDter 409, 91 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLraaeE ror a neR p a service emn COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENET. —Go 're.r. PRESENTED WHBRWAS, Chapter 409, Session Laws of 1933, provides for a hearing for all classified Civil Service employes before a board of appeals or referees, said board to consist of three members, one member to be appointed by the City Council from the administrative officials of the municipality; one member to be appointed by the Mayor from outside the city service; the other member to be the chief civil service examiner of the city; and 11 :kS, the Mayor had appointed, and the Connoil had con— firmed the appointment, of Joseph W. Finley to sit as a member of said board in the case of George Gilmore; and WHzMS, said Joseph W. Finley is unable to act in this case and has to erect his resignation to the Mayor; and whereas, the Mayor I, - bag appointed Walter T. Ryan, of Saint Paul, as a member to serve with Herbert W. Austin and John B. Probst, Chief Zxamiuer of the Civil Service Bureau, in the case of George Gilmore and such other oases as may ooze before said board; therefore, be it R380LVSD, That the appointment by the Mayor of Walter T. Ryan ae a member of said Board, to act with Herbert W. Austin and John B. Probst, be and it hereby to ratified and confirmed by the Council, said appointment to be effective until December 31, 1935. id COUNCILMEN 193 Yeas / Nays Adopted by the Council�� _� .-iAm4�-- PP rce• /Peterson • / / o.,en • _ In favor Approved 1 —193_— !Warren• � Against /VVenzel Mayor p� — Jss7� AT. President (Gehan) - PUBLISHED J f 5' 5M 6.34 COUNCIL NO - FILE R !!� FILE OPIOINIIL r0 Xis CITY CL... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Ge—rty prom:. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FC' a commissmne .. 'n�7 PUDlIc-B• �•'- - Council tn., s7 rsm rr � P i PESENTED BY is ✓'�r (;\_.�,,.�,1-`4.! DAtk� �, 5 R 6 0---�— COMMISSIONER _ .A e1 uZwr.. of Parke, playgrounds and public p�AS, the Commissioner Buildings has reported to the 0ounoil that that certain one-story cated on Lot frame dwelling with lean-to on the rear, lon Stierle, McConville and Seeger's Midway Addition, also known a26, es a 2, 51? 5 Fry street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RBSOLVND, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wracking said building, on the 2nd day of April, 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court Rouse /� and pity Rall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it VURTMM RES0LVZDI That not less than ten days prior to the time fazed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Baildinge shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or 000u - pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official City, said notice to be published not 1608 than newspaper of said five days prior to the date of said hearing. the Council (-t�.S�-193— COUNCILMEN Adopted by--i���— Yeas Nays �Peeec$ i J Approved M i � —193__ Ap"LLosen ----In favor PP - /"l ruax �/Warren __Against / )1 Mayor Wenzel _ Mr. President (Gels ptjBLISIII D 5M 6.34 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 16th, 1935• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached communication from Commissioner Truax recommending the condemnation of the vacant dwelling at 517 Fry Street was referred to you, by the City Council, for a resolution setting a date of hearing on this condemnation. yours very truly, City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN S.PM. of Garb ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt of Pimmund, . CHAS A. BASSFORD .. Oer Archit d CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commialoner ®O Burch 5, 1935 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen; The Fire Prevention Bureau has referred to this Department for condemnation the vacant dwelling at 517 Fry Street. This is a one story frame vacant dwelling with leanto on the rear. The doors are open and the windows broken and some are covered with compo board. The shingles arerotten and the siding is off in places. The chimney is on a bracket and waste paper is strewn around. The building Is a fire menace and dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. It is located on Lot 26, Block 2, Stierle McConvilles And Seeger4 Midway Addition, and the last known record owner is Charles H. Smith, 1657 Charles Street. A Danger notice has been affixed to the building, and condem- nation proceedings should be started in accordance with Sec- tion 1-14 of the Building Code. Yours truly, LAR..II Commissioner ORIGINAL TO CITY Ol-O D�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENca NO f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION /—GENERAL FORM PRECOMMISSIONER RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Oommissioners be and it is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Thomas Welsh, pro— viding for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $17.63 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Water Department on the 7th day of February 1935; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the Board�of Water Oommisdioners :.is hereby authorized to pay to said Thomas Welsh the sum of $70.5$ out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the Board of Water Commissioners, being for the period to and including March 7th, 1935. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays l�carer osen ---In favor /Truax /Warren __—DTAgainst /Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C. ia[e of time ae Adopt d Eby th Con 11 March 7. 1996..., _rp oved Xo 6h 7 1935. (M.,ch 9-1935) Adopted by the Council MAR 7 j9,�S 193_ BAR 7 193 approved // 193_ Mayor G' Oripinnl to City Clerk 0070 �� 0 A CITY OF ST. PAUL IF11[�ca ,•--- 0 0FFIC49F THE CITY CLERK NCILLOTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER . DAy,F Febrnars 21 �__ 1935 That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-30 foot pole and 1-45 foot pole on Dudley, East of Raymond Avenue, with necessary guys, anchors, wires and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed When requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate #21946. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay may Adopted by the CouncimiAR.-.-_7-1935 l_--.. - 193 � Pearce ..... - ...... In favor Approved ............ pD AN!1A11.-.._7 135 -- • --- Rosen Truax .... -..Against ��.�.�...���...-.��!� ----193----- �,----� - Wenzel Mr. President lldrmi� .>u u Mayor b•aa ORIGINAL. 1�O CITV CLURK COUNCIL I CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORI,''"'.'�,', PRESENTED BY Pa J- GMMISSIONER romr WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain one-story frame shack located on Lot 33, Block 4, Hayden Heights Addition, also known an No. 1464 White Bear avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being oondemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the and day of April, 1936, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Pant, Hinnesota;.be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not lees than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of s said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant thereof, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of the City of Saint Paul, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN MAR 7 1935 Yeas Nays �' Adopted by the Council _193_ Peterson LL !/ /Rosen In favor /Truax n /Warren __Against /Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 BAR 71935 Approved _193__ �/ Mayor PUI3L_-.- -D -E-3c CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 5th, 1935. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached communication from Com- missioner Truax recommending the condemnation of the one story frame shack at 1464 White Bear Avenue, being Lot 33, Block 4, Hayden Heights Addition was referred to you, by the Council, for a resolution setting a hearing on such condemnation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. W. LA MOM KAUFMAN FRNEST W. JOHNSON Sup'. of Pada Supt of Pimmunds CHAS. A. BASSFORD Ot, Ar hiu CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminloner dajo- O March 1, 1935 Hon. City Council City of Saint Paul Minnesota Gentlemen: This Department has received a petition from property owners In the vicinity of the one story frame shack at 1464 White Bear Avenue, protesting against the condition of the building and asking that.,it be condemned and removed. This office has made an inspection and finds that it is very dilapidated and is condemned by the Health Department as =- sanitary. The building is open and has become a hangout for children and vagrants. The owner of the property is R. J. Schnelle, 1922 St. Clair Street. It is described as Lot 33, Block 4, Hayden Heights Addition. A danger notice has been affixed this date in ac- cordance with Section 1-19. Please set a hearing in compliance with Section 1-14 of the Building Code covering procedure for condemnation. Yours truly, 'C�U� 7t'. '2 Commissioner \ f LAR..0 � LI/ ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL? CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. LL4W OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL Fi,pp A PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER =rnY✓ [I[4� / V\�t�lO DA'PFJ . AIMtiE.Wr1IRiIi r. WHEREAS, by Council rile No. 88572, approved January 2, 1835, the Council did determine that that certain dwelling located an Lot 3, Block 7, Hazel Park Division 4, also knows as approximate- ly 1828 gerwin-street, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; and RRISREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-18 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Oommissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 2WA06 /ejerson /Rosen In favor �tuax /WarrenL_Against ,Venzel /Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council MAR 7 1935 193_ Approved MAR 7 195 —193__ Mayor PUBLISHED f �r f. Adopted by the Council MAR 7 1935 193_ Approved MAR 7 195 —193__ Mayor PUBLISHED CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Capital of Mlnnesote OFFICE C)F-CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERgUSON City auk and Commissioner of Registration March 5th, 1935. Nr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirt The attached communication from Com- missioner Truax reporting that no appeal has been taken from the order condemning the dwelling at 1625 Kerwin Street was referred to your by the City Co-oncil, for the proper resolution (3rd) directing the Commissioner of Parks, Pler- grounds and Public Buildings to wreck said building. Yours very truly, City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Sod. of Parks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Comminioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminione, �O March 1, 1935 Hon. Council City of Saint paul Minnesota Gentlemen: ERNEST W. JOHNSON S -.L of pl. ...ds CHAS. A. BASSFORD Cry Archle With further reference to Council File 99399 and 99572 in connection with the condemnation of the dwelling at 1828 Kerwin Street, please be advised that our inspector has made an investigation and reports that the building is still In place. May we report that no appeal has been taken from this order? Yours truly, LAR..0 Commissioner f ,� ORIGINAL TO CITY OLiRK Y' COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. 16 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY----��// [(S.�X VK7B� COMMISSIONER - J YI Whereas, there is considerable cash in the sinking fond of the City of St.Paul which is available for investment, the Sinking Fund Committee did, on January 26, 1935, ask for offers to be submitted to them every Wednesday at 2;00 P.M., and WHEREAS, on Wednesday, March 6, 1935, at 2;00 P.M. offers were opened in the Comptroller's Office and the Sinking Fund Committee recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Sinking Fund Committee in the purchase of the following bonds from Piper, Jaffrey & Hopwood; Amount Price State of Minnesota Rural Credit, due June 1, 1954 $5,000.00 3.15 State of Minnesota Rural Credit, due June 1, 1954 2,000.00 3.25 City of St.Paul, 55% General Improvement, due January 1, 191+9 1,000.00 3.40 City of St.Paul 4% Schools, due July 1. 1955 1.000.00 3.25 Total . . . . . . . . . . . $9,000.00 and, WHEREAS, the Council is of the opinion that the above offers should be accepted, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor, Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays on L:77.: n favor �ax lyWa'ren —� Against / /Wenzel Ar. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council193—_ —�a�7 1935 MAR 71935 Approved Mayor PUBLISHED 5 77-5-C ORIGINAL.:W $ FY GLlRK / OtX—T'�15VO4ECOUNCILNO.�jif/ITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM Ct PRESENTED BY DATE Uproh 6, 1295 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons for the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Nick Breier 609 N. Dale St. Barber Appl 1178 Renewal Alphonse Guertin 779 S. Smith Av. " " 2289 " H. L. Pierce 45 S. Avon St. ^ ',ae +� 2272 n Wolf & Keim (Lowry Hotel) 339 Wabasha St. " 2287 n t fe: `r Roman Zielinski 1059 N. Western Av. " ^ 2207 " Ernest Robinson 322 Rondo St. " " 2306 New Capitol Oil Co. 1054 Payne Av. Fuel dealer " 2300 Reneeal A. L. Orenstein 680 Selby Av. Confectionery " 2138 " Otto P. Gruner 742 Edmund St. Groadry " 0911 " Otto P. Gruner 742 Edmund St. Butcher ", 0910 " Esther Burstein 168 E. Congress n ^ 6569 New Frank Slater 604 S. Smith Av. " n 2297 n Jessie Coleman 340 N. Dale St. Restaurant " 5933 Renewal Jean Golather & C. L. Hurd 233 N. Snelling Av. " " 2265 " P. J. Kochiras 16 W. Ninth St. " " 2317 " Chas: Hoschette 1214 N. Snelling Av. ^ " 2253 ^ Mrs. Marie Koenen 418 N. Cleveland " " 2250 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) sm 6.34 Adopted by the Council—__193— ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED Sever Peterson Court Drug Store, Inc. Quality Box Lunch S. E. Casey C. B. Schlerf COUNCIL I CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. it (t0 7th OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE March 6,`1985 —2- 1112-1324 Arcade St. Restaurant Appl 2237 Renew 41 W. 4th St; " " 2307 New 384 Pleasant Av. " " 2110 " 1060 Seminary Av. Off Sale Malt Bev. " 5792 Renew 401 N. Smith Av. Motion Picture Theatre it 2261 " COUNCILMEN. Yeas � Nays c�Pterson /4/sen In favor ja ax rrenAgainst nzel //14r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 MAR 7 1935 Adopted by the Council 193— AR 71935 9 Approved — 193 -- Mayor PUBLISIIED 7 ORIGINAL TO CI CLERK V�FILE 1 i, I ENCIL NO.— CITY OF S7. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER' DATE March 7? 1985 RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 1878, On Sale Malt Liquor, application 1879, Off Sale Malt Liquor, application 1880, applied for by Jos. Gans Couptanao at 258 W. Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue sack licenses upon the payment into the city' treasury of the required fees. Renewal of licensee Former licensee at same location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ./iy(e� / ' Y crson q�en YY In favor �Ll ax Wnrren Against ,,'Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 i lfcene:On gate Malt 11 1878. llicaLion 11889, �s9r fed �.Conetnnzo. at 268 W f, ae and. and the Alt, Clerk:}s ne sneh llCenses: uP0n .thecity treasury et a. Council Mnrch 7. 1936. eh 7. 19x6. rch 9-1936) i Adopted by the Council_ MAR 71935 193 MAR 7 193b Approved_ 193— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLd.K. COUNCIL NO. ■ t]�lY ii! f// ITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCILRJESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM C�' - ui,";;n,,., 1, ie2 .'fi 17 Mh 7 1935 PRESENISp 9Yarc !— COMMISSIONERE I p};;i TS 'iF,7Tvint :II t•I r:'x I:I. of RESOLVED _•a r' t for by the f0ll0TM, A0me8I,persons for the That licenses applied addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Nick Petros 120 E. 4th St. Barber Appl 1360 J. B. Keogh 350 N. Robert St. Salary Loan " 6045 John G. Marson 330 Robert St. On Sale Malt Beverage " 5406 John G. Marson 330 Robert St. Off " ^ " " 5407 (Restaurant) John G. Masson, 530 Robert St. Restaurant ^ 5408 E. A. Swain 204 Globe Bldg. Salary Loan " 6193 E. A. Swain 204 Globe Bldg. Chattel Mortgage Loan ^ 6194 E. H. Ayer, 132 E. 4th St. Restaurant " 5960 0. J. Douglas 171 E. 4th St. Off Sale Malt Beverage " 2056 0. J. Douglas 171 E. 4th St. On a " ^ " 2656 Previously sabmitted, approved for issuance, but withheld because of delinquent taxes. COUNCILMEN Yeas y_1�6per Nays /1 ' On ���///RRR sen --_In favor ax J'� arren ✓ Against Z' enzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M &34 Adopted by the Council MAR 7 1995193— MAR 715 Approved 193 a ,z'z - Mayor PUBLISHED `J� 9 I DEPARU!Ih'NT OF FIPANCE. March 6, 1935. T�:r. Carl Leonard, License Inspector, ...epartment of Pullic Safety, Saint Paul, .i;nnesota. Pear Sir: heferring to application for barber license made by Niok Petrov, 126 East Fourth Street, which is being held on account of delinquent taxes, you are hereby notified that satisfactory arrangements have been made to pay these taxes and the application may be released. Yours very truly, Axel F. Peterson, Comriissioner of Finance. DE R`I[s"VET OF FIPIANCF. Maroh 6, 1936. Pyr. Carl Leonard, License Inspector, Department of Public Safety, Saint Paul, I,iinresota. 6 s'� Dear Sir: d Referring to application for salary, and ohattel loan dealer l icense made by J. B. Keogh, 330 North Robert Street — which is being held on account of delinquent taxes, you are hereby notified that satisfactory arrangements have been made to pay these taxes and the application may be released. Yours very trul.'r, A*F.qPet1rs-n, Commissioner of Finance. D3FA.R'P4r?1,i1T OF FIT'.ALCE. March 6, 1935. b,r. Carl Leonard, License Inspector, Department of runic Safety*, Saint Paul, ,,`,ii-jresota. Dear Sir: ,;yJ64 5,ko1 Sa6g heferring to api:lication for on k off -sale malt beverage, restaurant license made by John G. Marson, 330 Robert Street, _ which is being held on account of delinquent taxes, you are hereby notified that satisfactory arran.,ements have been made to pay these taxes and the application may be released. Yours very truly*, 4y—( q�c Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finance. DEPART1,11,' 1T OF FITIANCE. Maroh 6, 1935. Yvr. Carl Leonard, License Inspector, Department of Public Safety, Saint Fan'_, T.iinresota, Dear Sir: heferring to application for ea�ary and ohattel loan license made by E. A• swain, 204 Globe Building, _ which is being held on account of delinquent taxes, srou are hereby notified that satisfactory arrangements have been made to pay these taxes and the application may be released. yours � very trull,r, ou Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finance. r D ,PA,R,rnl!;idT OF FIPIALCIE. Mareh 6, 1935. YLr, Carl Leonard, License Inspector, ,epartm�,,nt of Public Safety, Saint Paul., Pear Sir: t' heforring to application for restaurant - 3 icense estaurantlicense made by E•_ H. Ayer, 132 East Fourth Street, which is being held on account of delinquent taxes, you are hereby notified that satisfactory arranements have been made to pay these taxes and the application may be released. 'lours very tr y, 0* - Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finance. D PA.RT11'EPdT OF FIP?AhCE. Maroh 6, 1935. Nor. Carl Leonard, License Inspector, Department of Public Safety, Saint Paul,T.iinnesota. ��� h� Dear Sir: y ti heferring to anPlication for Off and on -sale malt beverage license made by 0. J. Douglas, 171 East Sixth Street, which is being held on account of delinquent taxes, you are hereby notified that satisfactory arrangements have been made to pay these taxes and the application may be released. Yours very truly, Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finance. ORIGINAL TO CITY CL... C TY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO.—IWW r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / �"Y'� �j COMMISSIONER DATE MArnh 4� 79'�iS RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons for the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees C. R. Brings 44J W. 4th St. Hotel (Palmer) 42 rooms A ppl 2258 Renew Thelma McGinnis 24 W. Exchange St. ''" (West) 34 " n 1826 " Johnson Bros.mgt `105 H. Washington " (Euclid) 57 " " 0883 " COU�ICILMEN Yeas C// Nays P tce �VE terson sen In favor ax rr_____Against. /Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 F. No, 106077--By H, E Warren— Fred M. Truax ResolvedThat licensee applied for by 1dresses Indicat de be errson for, the. rjo.Iraby granted. and the Clty Cle k Instructedtolseue such-11Censes-upon Ie pa'Ymcut into the:ctty treesuty of .e- required fees: ` C.'.R Hangs,"44 W. 4th St,Hotel�. almer), 42 rooms, Appl., 2260, Rel -.1. Thelma McGinnis, 24 W. -Exchange :newal. Hotel -(West), 34'rooms; App1: 1020,. rohnson. Bros., '406 N. Washington, ,tet: (ruclid); 67 rooms, App1.,, 0633, adoted by the ip IT, vcq March 7u 1936Efarch 7, 1936. (March 9-1936). Adopted by the Council MAR 7_1935193_ MAR 7 5935 .pproved 193__ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY GLLRK cou Nem (1 01 18 CITY OF„ST. PAUL FILE NO. d OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM i(�[ /.J �` f✓,.Llh �.'.�"�' PRESENTED DATE, March COMMISSIONERER RESOLVEDed for That licenses for Roller Skating R7.nk, application 2847, appy by 0. J. Phchs at 1058 Grand Avenue be and the some is bareby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon tb4,payment into the city treas#ry of the required fee. New owner and location formerly Oxford Ballroom COU ;ILMEN Yeas Nays Pr r, P tel sen In favor lu. ax j arren Against /Wenzel President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 i C No. 100078—,BY H. N•. Warrep- I / 1,1111r Truax— a 11ed Resolved. That licensestor Roller- SkatlnB RJ Fuchs att10533347, (3' Ated fo by C• nuq: be and'tho came 1, hereby {n' and the city clerk is lnstiuctnt' lutoethe ! Ruch license. upon the paYtee city I o urY of the required Yea 1 Adopted by the C 7u 1936. etch 7,1935. Approved Marsch 1936) Adopted by the CouncffiAR 7 1O,G 193— EAR 71995 Approved— —193_. � l Mayor March 2nd, 1935• Hon. H. E. Warren, Chairman, License Committee, City of St, Paul. Dear Siri We enclose herewith the application of C. J. ruche for a license to operate a roller skating rink in the Oxford Ballroom located at 1053 brand Avenue. This application was referred to your Committee, by the City Council, for your consideration and recommendation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. A21 - CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepitel of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON Cly Clerk qnd Comminloner of Registration { i March 2nd, 1935• Hon. H. E. Warren, Chairman, License Committee, City of St, Paul. Dear Siri We enclose herewith the application of C. J. ruche for a license to operate a roller skating rink in the Oxford Ballroom located at 1053 brand Avenue. This application was referred to your Committee, by the City Council, for your consideration and recommendation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. March 1, 1935 Honorable Mayor and City Council Court House St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: I hereby make application for a license to operate a roller rink in the Oxford Ballroom located at 1053 Grand Avenue, St, Paul, Minnesota. I am now operating the Surf Ballroom at Clear Teske, Iowa. I have operated roller rinks in more than seventy cities in the United States and Canada, and 4M pleased to refer you to the North West Savings BankofMason City, Iowa, or the Chicago Roller Skate Company, 4458 West Lake Street, Chicago, from whom I have purchased supplies for years. Appreciating your immediate consideration Of this application, I am Very truly yours, {J L� / ORIGINAL To CITY CLERK COUNCIL �rj(� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. 1.)70 t OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM R E94.V ED ' �"( DATE March 6, 1935 That licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 20032 and Restaurant, application 2004, applied for by Nettie Hayes Saunders at 350 Cedar Street be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C. Fred M. Trues -1- . P — ep Resolved. That. licenses". o3 Selo Mn1t.Beverage;+aPPllcatlon 2003, .and Yor tbyt Nettio pHnYesioOnunders anty1S60 Cedar Strest be and the -same arehere- by. Srnnted andthe Ctty. Clerk structedto Issue such ltcensoa upon the payment Into. the cltY treaeuryol; the required -fees. i Adopted by 'the Council Marsh 7. 1936. New location Approved March 7.1936. - (March 9-1956) New applicant COUNLMEN Yeas y�rcc Nays P erson o en �ax In favor tren ____Against JWenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6,34 Adopted by the COuncMAR 7 1925 193 VAR 71935 Approved 193__ Mayor �CITY OF ST. PAUL FILEN°�� NO._1(j( OFFICE OF TWE CITY CLERK /COUNCIL _�%ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �— DATE March 79 1995 " That licenses for which a ' applications have been made by the ,, �g IlPaapersons _4-,rM' for the addresses indicated beaand they are hereby graf?� city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment intau': 4ir° r treasury of the required fees: Simon Louder 228 E. Fairfield Av. Barber Appl. 2527 Renewal F. E. Ehdersky Globe Bldg. " a 0944 16vowal Thos. Bacigalupo 559 Jackson St. Confectionery a 05.9 n Stephen Donohue 295 W. 7th St. IT a 2260 " B. R. Gendron 860 Randolph St. " a 2552 " K. Knudson, 933 W. 7th St. a n 2188 a Corby Bros. 448 Jackson St. Grocery ^ 2585 n Sam Danna 600 Canada St. " " 2281 ^ Fine Bros. 1569 University Av. " a 2559 " Sam Fishman 591 Arundel St. " " 2305 " John A. Haakmnsen� 919 Woodbridge St. " n 2282 a Japan Tea Co. 188 W. 4th St. " a 2358 " C. N. Schuman 559 St. Anthony " n 2182 New C. N. Schuman 559 St. Anthony ^ a 2185 Renewal E. E. Shimota, 275 W. Winifred St. " n 2257 a Frank Slater 604 S. Smith Av. " " 2298 New Steichen Broa. 744 Rondo St. " ^ 2341 Renewal COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council 193_ Peterson Rosen _In favor----�— Truax 193__ Warren --__. Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gchan) Mayor 5M 6.34 - 'CITY OF ST. PAUL F 16UENCIL NO.- IRKS tf OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE March 7, 1955 COUN ILMEN yeas Nays eece �Pe/terson In favor lr ax r ren Against 'Wenzel . President (Gchan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council— MAR 7 1935 193— MAR �r Approved 7 193_— / �Mayyoorr PUBLISHED _2.. endrew J. Urban - 566 N. Robert St. Grocery Appl. 2239 New Geo. & Agnes Wondra 619 Lafond St. n " 2285 Renew Frank Beaudoin 911 Central " " 2364 " M. Byn„m 991 Topping St. Fuel dealer " 2288 " H. S. Kaplan 116 E. Chicago Junk dealer " 2349 " F. Winniek 29 E. Water n n " 0853 " Alfred Mayer 826 Hastings Av. Gas Ste. 3 pumps " 2344 " Mittle & Sprague 2060 Randolph " It 4 " " 2550_ N6w W. F. Wbbster 377 Dewey n u g n " 2301 ROnev Whitcomb & Ryan Co. 591 W. 7th St. " " l n n 2277 " Thos. Bacigalupo 359 Jackson St. Restaurant " 0518 " Otto Newbarth 260 Rice St. " ° 2251 " Mathew O'Neil 690 University Av. " " 2329 " Montgomery Ward & Co. 1400 University Av. " " 2813 " Otto Newbarth 260 Rice St. On Sale Malt Liquor " 2230 N.O. COUN ILMEN yeas Nays eece �Pe/terson In favor lr ax r ren Against 'Wenzel . President (Gchan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council— MAR 7 1935 193— MAR �r Approved 7 193_— / �Mayyoorr PUBLISHED ORIOINwL TO OITY'CL6RK j(r�,(j Q.p OF ST. PAUL 06UNCIt NO. 1!�'13l �C7�! OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK q COUNCIL RESOLUTIO —G ERAL FORM PRESENTED �! "'�"' �V �- c2i Cti/L'A COMMISSIONER�n RESOLVED That licenses for Tavern'* application 2278, and Dance Rall, application 2279, applied for by Effie Reilly at 138 East Fourth Street be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Renewal of licenses. COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays Plaice ZPejerson n In favor �jL-r}(ax '"I /Wren Against /Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan)/ SM 6.34 C. F. No. 100081-8y 1;. );, Wnrren_. Fred Et. Truax --t, c, pearce— �PReaolved, That l/cense for Tavern, 1lca22 9 2278, and Danoo $all, aPP1t- at I 227n9e Fourth for b Y ]or 1. hereti 'bYreet be and the Clerk fe . trucLed anted and the Clty tenses upon the tO Issue &nth, Iy treasur Payment Into the Cft .I Yat the retlufred fees, Adopted by the_ u - pproveMar. C° d 3.1ncll Mar, 13, 1936, III A '1,936. __. (March 18-1936) , r Adopted by the CouncilrfiAR 1 e__ 19M —193 -- MAR 1. � jar Appprovveed 193__._ Mayor jLEc �� ✓� �i1��G� Oi �.ftc�f.� i,'„(-//JCG-�/d// � /��, tJ 2criy�/'Cvf-%-�v'l�( r�.t-2.le.I 7 .2c+//. -r n�,�. ✓/ri/Lctl /,•,-,T/tr-�r--y O"'',q'„G -J .�%-fes/ -rfe e 9= ' �/o //C� (/p.'7y!/i� •x_71{/"1e-P Y-;iCC.I �. ii:-�o,.�✓.',� � e �GC�..Jd . ryt i. tl.� Cr r/, T and 10% l/nJ �.•1ZK�J m march 7th, 193r,. For.. ., F. Warren, COLIP" r of Public Safety, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir. The City Council laid aver to i?arch 12th the application of rffio Reilly for tavorn and dance hall licansac at 1;£: ^ast filth Street far further investiUation. It was reported to the Council that gambling is or has been carried on on the second floor at this location. It was also reported that this place operates after legal closing hours. charges. The Council renuested a report on these Yours very truly, City Clelir. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 11, 1935 Mr. H. E. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety Chairman, License Committee Dear Sir: With reference to the report that gambling is or has been carried on, on the second floor and that viola- tion of the closing law has occurred at 188 East Fourth at which Tavern and Dance Licenses of Effie Reilly have been submitted for renewal.. This place has been under the observation of this Bureau 6or several months and during that time there has been no violation of the closing law; also, during this time there has been no gambling on these premises nor are there any in- dications that such violation is being carried on. We shall continue watching this place and should such violations occur we will recommend the revocation of these licenses, which we recommend should be granted at this time, in view of the absence of definite evidence to substantiate the reports of law violation. Very truly yours, C. a nerd, License Inspector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 7th, 1935• Hon. H. E. Warren, Coms'r of Public Safety, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: The City Council laid over to March 12th• the application of Effie Reilly for tavern and dance hall licenses at 138 East 4th Street for further investigation. It was reported to the Council that gambling Is or has been carried on on the second floor at this location. It was also reported that this place operates after legal closing hours. - charges. The Council requested a report on these Yours very truly, City Clerk. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK — '�-' —CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO._g (; (ii 3fd2 r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY y'V�� ���• COMMISSIONER DATE March 6, 1955 RESOLVED That Grocery license, application 4995, applied for by A. G. Schroeder at 291 W. Seventh St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C. r. No. 10OI182-13Y g• E. Warran--. Fred .M. Truaa— Feaolved, That Grocery, ]lcenae, aDDil- Sch"oeder9at2OlDlled for by q, G• the eamefs hereb W' Seven ah St, be and j olerk Ia Instructed to 0 t e sueht jjcense urY of thnt eprepu7red if e. the city treaa- Adopted by the Council ivfarch 7, 1936. Approved March 7, 1936. _ (March 9-1836) � Previolis]y submitted withheld a/c delinquent taxes COUNCILMEN Yeas ,.Nays earce ,,K:,erson o/sen _In favor /Truax amen Against *enzel Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council -M 193_ WAR 7 1-511 vr•� amu_ --193-- Mayor AXEL F. PETERS44 JOHN C. FELDMANN Commission" Deputy Commissi... r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier March 4, 1935. Mr. Carl Leonard, License Inspector, Department of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Biro Pertaining to application for license made by A. G. Schroeder, 291 West Seventh Street, you are hereby notified that satis- factory arrangements have been made to pay the delinquent taxes and the license may now be granted. Yours very truly�.��� Axel' F.P(/leyTjt�ereon, Commissioner of Finanoe. ORIGINAL TO OITY OL[RK' / - COUNCIL Y OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I.+ March 5, 1935 COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED That licensee for Restaurant, application 22842 On Sale Malt Liquor, application 2285, and Off Sale Malt Liquor, application 2286, applied for by Edward Hotinger at 509 Selby Avenue be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Change of ownership only. New applicant for old location COUN ILMEN Yeas �6rce Nays /Peterson __In favor L9sen Zoax rren _/'2__!—Against /enzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 e, 100083—BY H. E. Warren— Y . Fred M. Truax— Resolvtd. That Been...... Resta-, antes. applle-11— 2284, On Sale Maltll Liauor, app emtlon 2285, d OH Sale -malt Linuor, pn1l..U.. 228 0. applied ror by Edward Hotin.Ker at 609 Selby Avenue be and the same are hereby nrant�d and t1,, Ctty Clerk le Jt ed fo i.suethay- e city lietreaeu,Ye or the re re qulred fee.. Ii Adopted by the Connell March 7, 1935. 1 Approved Drarch 7, 1936. (Match 9-1935) Adopted by the Council MAR 7 !M--193_ — WAR ` 1935 193_- Approved Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLYRK COUNCIL NO. VI 84 • OF ST. PAUL FILEtttJJJJ 111 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �wCOUNCIL REWLUTION —GENERAL FORM COMMNTED BR- /� DATE March 7th, 1935 RESOLVED , That licenses for Tavern, applfeation 2225, and Dance Hall, application 2226, applied for by C. J. Williams at 379 Carroll Avenue be and the same are hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to C. J. Williams the fees of $200.00 and $15.00 and to cancel said applications for license&. COU IL EN Yeas Nays 7ce ,,on /sen __In favor u a x _Against /�✓arrcn /Wenzel At. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Warren— Pred D Trunx— Resolved, That ncenao for Tavern, ap- ph '2' 't225, and Dance Halo app�l- tion 222G, pplled for by C. J. �VIl- name at 370 CnYrd. A nuo..bo and the me hereby dept d the Proper clty' ff1,e a e her 3g - %:A.nthorized t0 Me nd to C. J. Wn)I 'the fee- at $200.00 and .$16.00 andto c ncel -aid appllCd[1on- for llcenaee. ADppt ed starch 7u 1936March 7, 1936. (M rch 9-1935) Adopted by the Council MAR 7 1935 193 MAR 71W5 193 Mayor All Outside, Airy, Neatly - TRANSIENT ROOMS A SPECIALTY Hot and Cold Water Furnished Room. Telephone: Date 9713 Hath New Keystone Hotel and. Tavern Table and Booth Service C. F 1Piffiams, Prop. • • Private Dining Rooms 379 Carroll Ave., ST. PAUL, MINN. V '✓ 44 v GEORGE W.MARKHAM ATTORNEY AT LAW is oz e. R1SAI1-0— ftANK UIuciHo NT PAUL. MINN. January 16, 1935. Commissioner of Public safety, Court House, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Verlyn and Lila Green, husband and wife, living at 388 Carroll Ave., have applied again to me for protection against the granting of tavern and_ oe lioense at 379 Carroll Ave., to be Conducted by one C. F. Williams, notice of application for which license has been sent out by Coun- cilman Peterson as Commissioner of Finance, and hearing is to be had on the 18th of January 1935. Mr. and Mrs. Green have been clients of mine for a number of years and are entirely respectable, industrious and law abiding. They inherited this house from relatives and have occupied it as their home for a number of years, and while they recognize that it is not a first class neigh- borhood and do not object to the use of the property for an ordinary beer parlor, restaurant and billiard hall, as it in now, they do object to this man being given another tavern and dance license in this place. When he had such license my clients came to me repeatedly and told of the debauchery of the place and the fact that it was impossible to even sleep in the neighborhood, and at that time the Com- missioner of Public Safety and Chief of Police, largely I understand, on account of my intervention and complaint, took his original license away from him, but he again tried to obtain a permit to operate the place, and during his ap- plioation was granted certain liberties for which he had no written license but he was denied a new license for dance hall and tavern, as I understand. I respectfully submit that these residenbe owners who want to live a decent life, should be permitted to do so. Yours very truly, GWM/M Copy to the Mayor and members of the Council. GEORGE W. MAR KHAM ATTORNEY AT LAW �a oz a 1 18AINT PAUL, MINN. January 16, 1935. Commissioner of Public Safety, C©art House, at. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Verlyn and Lila Green, husband and wife, living at 388 Carroll Ave., have applied again to me for protection against the rantin of tavern license at 379 Carroll Ave., to be con u e by one C. F. Williams, notice of application for which license has been sent out by Coun- oilman Peterson 68 Commissioner of Finance, and hearing is to be had on the 18th of January 1935. Mr. and Mrs. Green have been clients of mine for a number of years and are entirely respectable, industrious and law abiding. They inherited this house from relatives and have occupied it as their home for a number of years, and while they recognize that it is not a first class neigh- borhood and do not object to the use of the property for an ordinary beer parlor, restaurant and billiard hall, as it is now, they do object to this man being given another tavern and dance license in this place. When he had such license my clients came to me repeatedly and told of the debauchery of the place and the fact that it was impossible to even sleep in the neighborhood, and at that time the Com- missioner of Public Safety and Chief of Police, largely I understand, on account of my intervention and complaint, took his original license away from him, but he again tried to obtain a permit to operate the place, and during his ap- plioation was granted certain liberties for which he had no written license but he was denied a new license for dance hall and tavern, as I understand. I respectfully submit that these residenbe owners who want to live a decent life, should be permitted to do so. Yours very truly, Cid GWM/M Copy to the Mayor and members of the Council. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK 1 OF ST. PAUL - Fn.e"`IL NO. liJ 85 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER Z� Y'DATE_ perch 6th, 1935 RESOLVED a That licenses for Tavern, application 2092, and Dance Hall, application 2091, applied for by H. Kroening at 741 Eimund Street be and the same are hereby denied, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to the said H. Kroening the fees Of $200.00 and $15.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses respectively, COUI jCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce �� x rson sen __In favor Truax /Warren _Against ,Uenzel `Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Q F. No.100085—By H. E. Warren— Fred M. Truax— Resolved, Tb nt licenses for Tnvern, applleatlon 208'2. ad Dance Hall, ap- plication 2081, applied. 1p, by H. Kroen- ing t 74I Edmund Street be and the earn' are_ hereby denied, and the proper city oPflcers are; hereby authorized to r fund to thesatd H. Kroening the fees of $200.00 eeQ�,r $15.00 and to cancel said a ndoyted by;"the11Co unetl March 17,e19il Approved March 7. 1935. (March 9-1936) Adopted by the Council MAR '_wg5_193__ ApprovedVAR 193 Mayor C� i Application �3� for Ifi�sic and Dance ss ' Name A dress • _ 2 •��, 4 o . '—J iE vt.�t.0 Gi i^$-�C ( � t• G7/Z f Go 4 %tJ y :r f :,-O r C ,n ,((' r 276z- 5 76 d t./c.� .s�-j(:4-ir'j,. / � -C_e� '%%�7 �C'�..7.�-.-Gl�r.� ij.z—.. 5t d �, �° ` : "' �S` S G".. , fir``' 9�j ��' 7` ��'7r` Yt d �.4 'r i v 1�' 1� d✓ 7 �o CMZ y'i"ts� c 0 10/✓+if ���i� a'i tf t.—'tem. Lrk t C4./�. 11 12 W' 1166) 13 *lt• .f.i [i 16 771 70 20 2 22 23 o / ,26 25 26 ��J�/ 28 (fGr ca�p�?J/✓ 771- 7%9 T/i%%9 G Q 31 r - .�- v'4/��+J✓)'� ..!.--i C.. J .1 1. ..�� F c.L. �'/."(� -/! __ 33 �%�f/L irk �7� �1Z+—['�1r�� �i 5 �' / r•.4 0 �. _�/ 34 �.�iG✓ ! 9 6 C_oYi� v .ter kfi 35 b ( e36 io-o. 339 7 l 40��� �. 7 6 t ' Application for Dance and Mu,ic License Name Address 41 43 44 45 76- 46 4748 49 LMI" 50 51 52 �/✓ �^1 -/ 53 &-c-4 , 54 / oil i'�✓✓✓° i 4 f 55/ 56 � -- 57 59 61 62 %��i(/� ��/j U�1 / ✓ (i�vtw(�YV� r. �f 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 0 76 v77 ,V •78 1 79 80 iJo ejo jo -Y O,fo f 621 94 3,3 661 i crwf.vy�1/ r p[/v i/�..r f.-b,�y`".�.a,+§ano rS- ,�.,ti'�R."S}'e.' C«�. +rte ,.�'aw. u. � .0 rr� ?tee ,� y: rebriar;, 27th. 1915 - Hon. Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finance, Buil di n:7. Dear Sir: The Co,mcii today laid ovor to March 5th, the applications of H. Kroening (747 Fdmur_d St.) for Tavern and Dance Hall licenses at 741 Edmund Street and renuested that your department send notices of said hearing to property owners within ^DO feet. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ORIGINAL TO CITY CL.— PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— RESOLVED OF ST. PAUL FILENoll No. 1 10008 iii8 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM e• DATE__ March 7th 1935 That license for Barber, application 2204, applied for by Joseph Bonen at 684 Selby Avenue, be and the same is hereby denied and the Proper city officers is authorised to Joseph Rosen the license fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays tee / fPoter /LKsen In favor /11ax rrenj _Against /*entel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C P. 100086 --By H. F, Warren—� Rr 1-il TThst.license, Por Herber, nllcation 2204, applied' for by Joseph ; Rosen at 684 &Iby Avenue, be and the seme Is hereby flenied and the neoper �tY tater hereby uthorized. to r fund to J eph Rosen the;, license fee f $10.00 .and to cancel said.upnlicatlon i foAdlopted by the Council Wsreh 7, 3035. - I Approved. ptarch 7. 1036. (4rdreh 0-1036) Adopted by the Council VAR 7 W-193 Approved i@?i� �CI�_ _193_ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE'44NO. 1(t(i6 ) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �f _ ( COMMISSIONER DATE March 7, 1985 RESOLVED That Grocery license, application 1979, applied for by H. Coopeapan for 878 Carroll Avenue be and the same is hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Health, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to H. Cooperman the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 7r':.erson sen 'ruax In favor ; }JVarren Against /Wenzel AT. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C. F. No. 100087—By H: E. Warren— Fred !i. T"' _5 Resolved, That Grocery license, app11_ cation. 1979, applied, foryby H. Cooper- man- for a78 Carroll Avenue. be and the nme le Hereby denled upon r commthe dation of. the Bureau of Health, and the proper city. 0111'erB e. hereby authore ]zedto relund to j;. Cooperof man: the fee for$10.00 1 een end to. cancel Bald applicatlon Adopted by the Council Efnrch 7, 1936. 1 Approved March 7, 1936. (March 9-1936) Adopted by the CouncillAAR 7 WE 193__ Approved 64AR 71935 193__ Mayor ORIGINAL t0 CITT'OL[PK COUNCIL NO.10(" J ut �k OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE9ENAb BY / DATE March 7y 1985 COMMI ONER RESOLVED That Grocery license.- application 20853, applied for by Philip Gresafe at 119 Granite Street be and the same is hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Health and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Philip Gresafe the fee of #10.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas /Pe Nays ce 7rson Rosen _ In favor /Tfuax /Warren Against /Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6,34 C. F. No. 100088—By H. F: Warren— Fred M. Tr.-- Resolved, ruax— Re olved, That Grocery licenae, alp - Plication 2083, applied for by Philip Gresafe the r,ert 119 Granite Street b and the sameals herabydenled upo¢. room-. menda[lon of thaBuresuof Healt and thorized torefund to Philip Gresafe the fee of 510.00 and -to cancel said aptll. cation for Hcenes. Adopted by the Council March 7, 1935. Approved March 7, 1935. (March 9-1935) Adopted by the Council MAR 7 IMS R 7 I, —193-- Mayor 193_ Mayor OamIHAL TO CITY OLBHK f TY FILNO1LOF ST. PAUL ENO. ( 41Q✓ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL UFSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY��� wVv� COMMISSIONER --DATE— March 7, 1985 WHEREAS, James Bertucci desires to withdraw application 1523 for Grocery license at 1184 W. Seventh Street, and requests refund of his license fee; therefore, be it RESOLVED; that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to James Bertucci the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pe cc /Gerson yen In favor �r ax //Warren /Wenzel Against /Mr. President (Gehan) iM 6.14 pkg]� T0n0nx- -n—� E{EiE{E{11111I11 By 11. War Whereas, James Bertuct deseeto C-ithdraw application .1623 for Grocery license at 1184 W. Sevonth Street, and r.,. ePund therefore. be It ofhis license fee;I � Resolved, that the proper city -officers e 6 b and they are hereby.. authorized to refundto James Bertudci the fee of for //censeand . to cancel said application j Adopted by the Council March 7, 1936. j Approved Mareb 1, 1936. (Dlorch 9-1939) Adopted by the Council—"193— Approved WAR 7 10�`� Mayor THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY i OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION Mr. H. E. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety, Chairman, License Committee Dear Sir: March 7, 1955 With reference to the attached resolution for withdrawal of application for Grocery license by James Bertucci, 1184 W. Seventh St. Mr. Bertucci is compelled to move because of street widening. As yet he has not found another location and inasmuch as he is being forced out of business at his present location, it is recommended that his request for withdrawal and refund be granted. Very truly yo s, O Ca 1 R. Leonard, License Inspector ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK COU NCIL fll S� 11'5 CITY.,OF>'ST "PAUL FILE NO. �VG E OF THE CITY CLERK I�CIL RE OLUTION—GENERAL PRESENTED E RFORM --�� COMMISSIONER— / — DATE� FAMAW M WHEREAS, Ramsey County Sunday School Association has requested the free use of the arena or the theater section of the St. Paul Auditorium for a service of worship on Sunday afternoon, April 28th, 1935, between three and five o'clock, and WHEREAS, such use would be for a strictly public purpose and no admittance fee will be charged; therefore be it RESOLVED, that permission be and it is hereby given to Ramsey County Sunday School Association to use the arena or the theater section of the Auditorium on Sunday afternoon, April 28th, 1935, between three and five o'clock, without charge; and there shall be set up in the budget for the year 1936, a sum equal to the cost of opening and operating said portion of the Auditorium on that occasion, in Auditorium Fund No. 17. C dLMEN Yeas Nays P,Earee eterson 'Rosen In favor iI sax / t . arren /J / Against Wenzel / /r. President (Gehan)- 1 54 6.34 >..000bo—sy_7.�,.Yearcaundav 11 1t Resolved; that V tru 'Ramsey. County 1 hereby g v Srena orsthe the tsr•iation eectl n oY 19eAu' ditorl m on bet ween three .and Alive it26th, a re shall cloek. without charge; an be set up in the l bund he tort t11 uear 3936,.a umegna °O tfgn of the i Ing and operating. aid Por Auditorium on th t occnslon In Audi- i torium Bund No. 37 n 111a ch 7. 1936. Adopted by the C Appr d March 7 1936. (March 9 1935) Adopted by the CounAlAR 7 9% 193_ Approved ( ?,,5193_ Mayor NOTICE t cheY 'CITY OP SAINT PAUL 100091 o woe COUNCIL FILE NO. To tssasaa.aT, z ""COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER ft'•to 1$07 : '." n C . , 1�QLL 6 193 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 99-3�—_COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 11969 TO 12019 1 LUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / /( ADOPTED BY THE COU NCII MAR 81935 193—, // WAR / •v rxou APPROVED °"•'R " �•' 193— %`..,.. .. PUBLISHED DU�ICAT TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL F9 d COUNCILMEN—ROLL,CALL FIS COUNCIL il§L-4� 7 7 4✓A- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER NQ,....._ P ek80�y' COUNCIL RESOLUTION _L_IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS much 6• ..._........._....... _._. _...,.`�...._ ROSEN lIVIIIIIIII,ill! __._ _...AGAINST WENZEL R. PRIES. MAkWA" Gahmli RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGG��E�AAMO NT OFf... �f� COVERING 3 3�INCnn��CHECKS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -MAPCK NU_ TO �'/���INCLUSIVE AS OFFICE �F THE C�C MPTROLLER L1�A III���OV�-�ED SP .. /.. {-�.. _ wi J MAYOR...... BY/... j ....Ef�_r...F. �.. .,.:.� ../. • CHECK NUMBER 11969 119.70 11971 11972 113 1974 11975 11976 11977 11979 11979 11990 11991 1199332 98 li994 11995 11996 11997 11999 11999 11990 11991 11992 1199 1199 11995 11996 11997 11999 129000 12001 12002 12003 12004 12005 12006 12007 12008 12009 12010 12011 12012 12013 12014 12015 12016 12017 12018 IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD 0. T. Duley Adam Decker Hardware Company Lampland Lumber Company Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goo western Shade Oloph Company Axel F,Peterson, 0 of Finan Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan .Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finan Axel F,Peterson, 0, of Finanl Andrew Vincelli Blue & White Cab Company Capital Envelope Company Fred J. Marhoun Anthony Hulvioh Board of Public Welfare The Frederic Hotb1 General Electric Supply Corp, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Compal St, Paul Voc, School Revl,runc Christ Steinbrenner George Williams Lillian & Mamie Greer Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finan( Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finan( Axel F.Peterson,, 0. of Financ Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Financ Albert B. Miller The First National Bank of S1 Joseph 0, Gardner Apothecary Shop Dr, TV. Goltz Dr. S.H. Mogilner Dr, H.J. Prendergast 9t,Josepble Hospital American Transfer Company Dauber & Pine Bookshops, Ino. Deep Rook Oil Corporation General Electric Supply Oorpo The Golden Rule Hauenstein & Burmeister Harry Holmes W. A, Lang, Ino. A.L, Law Agency, Ino, F,G. Leslie Paper Company R.J. Lilly Company N.W. Bell Telephone Company H. Peltz & Son H. & Val J. Rothschild, Ino. St.Paul White Lead & 011 Oomp, The Sta-vis Company, Ino, SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD _- TOTAL -DATE' RETURNED TRANSFER; DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS Co. Paul ration 10 0 54 9 149 11 1 197 2' 11 261 2: 374oa 35 2( a 60 0(( 1 000 0( 71 255 5( 33 0( 304 9E 51 61 9 4C 28 SC 10 OC 273 55 31 3C 3 725 75 16 35 250 OC 100 OC 2 3E 10 2C 16 oC 15 00 320 900 646 43 1 00 803 78 221 74 69 21 95 00 50 17 1 795 050 944 1 00 20 95 254 15 43 4o 75 75 193 37 509 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL9.K COUNCI(. ST. PAUL FILE No.—AMM OFFICE G THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE March 8, 1955 RESOLVED That License for Barber, application 2556, applied for by Al Goldman at 41 E. Sixth Street be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is in- structed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COU ILMEN Yeas Z ays Pearce P terson Rosen In favor �uax• /Warren --Y—Against Wenzel /r. President (Gelian)- 5M 6.34 C. -F. ,No: 100002-13y H, E. W—fen— t Fred EL Truaa—I. C. Pearec Resolved, That license for Barber, aDPllcatlon 2360. applied for by Al 9 Goldmatiat 41: E. $lath Street be and the same 1. hereby .granted. and the city clerk is Instructed toissue such license 1UPonthe payment into the city treasury orho reyulred fee. Adopted by the COuncilMar.,20, 1036. .Approved M 29. 1936. (March 23-1926) ij. nA� �. . ( � p p � Adopted by the Councitla°� 193_ Approved 01AR ' 0 Q§ 193_— ��_ /rz Mayor Q Marc!, Sth, 1935. Fcn. '9r r.,.eTj Cr"imnn, TJCAn"e Cormitteep City of Gt. Pall. Pear Sirf ^be attrnchec' fife in the m4itter of t"Ie ,,Ionli.c^tion of Al Gol@nian for a barber licence at 41 '% "Y..th Strut e;as referred to the License Committee, by the City Co+mcil todr_y, for further imestipation. Yours vert truly, City Clerk. ORIGINAL TO CITY CL.RK COU� {��� FILE NO. 1 -�F ST. PAUL �"�� "'�� �" ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rCOUNCIL—RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR uuEaci^Diuva DATE M WHEREAS, heretofore "off sale liquor license No. 201 was granted to the let Arcade Wine Shop to operate such business at No. 113 First National Bank Arcade, and WHEREAS, the licensee has requested that its license be transferred to permit it to operate such business at No. 343 Robert Street instead of No. 113 First National Bank Arcade, therefore be it RESOLVED, that such request is granted, and the proper city officers are directed to make the necessary changes in the City's �P/ erson sen C. P. No. 100093''—Hy H. E. Warren—I T ax TeCOTdB. Whereae,Theretofore ".Reese 1lquor Against /enzel liconee No. 201 waR Rrnntedto. the Set 1 Arcade Wlne 9hoD to operate such In - n - 1Ineae at No. 113 First NationalBank -. Arcade, and the Ileensee has requested' that 1t. license be transferred to Der- mit It to operate each Business at N. 343. Robert Stre6t Instead of No. 113 4 R First Nati...I Bank Arcade, there- fore be It Resolved, that Ruch request fe grunt- ed, and the proper city Gfticer. are di- ected-to mnke the necessary chnnirea I. the City's records. Adopted by the Council Mar,8, 1935. Approved M.T. S. 1935. (March 16. 1935) - COUN LMEN Yeas 4aers Nays p� �P/ erson sen In favor T ax arren Against /enzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council MAR B 19 193— Approved 193_ ���Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mlnnaota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �f� L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Comminioner of Registration March let, 1935. Mr. John D. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached request of the Birgit Arcade Wine Shop to move from 113 First National Bank Arcade to 343 Hobert Street was referred to your de- partment, by the Council, for a resolution granting such transfer. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Jelephone _ Cedar 4720 1St Arcade Wine Shop ' 113 first National Bank Arcade St. Paul, Minn. February 27, 1935 The 7onorable v. R. Warren Commissioner of Public Safety Saint Paul, ,Jinnesota Dear Commissioner: We are asking permission to move the 1st Arcade mine Shop from the 5th Street Arcade of the First 'ational Bank to 343 Robert Street known as the Rogers °uilding which joins the bank building on the north side thus giving us a street display and street entrance. If our request is granted Davis and Lagerman have agreed to remodel and put in a new up-to-date front in this building at 343 Robert Street. Yours truly. let Arcade 'gine Shop �� ✓ c -c_ JTW:KT President and Treasurer 1, �' r� lM' Pda 434 CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No ------------- __-___ (This form mint be filled out in addition to the app li cation form and a—a Statement required by the Liquor Control Commis.—er of the state of Minnesota) Name of Applicant--'-r--r5 --- Residence - Residence Address -------------- — -- - - ----------------------------------------------- Telephone No._�P� _ --- Are you a citizen of the United States? T �_____—_________--_—________________ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, /cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? When and where? If corporation, give date when incorporated ----------- -______ _ "k_ -T' Name and address of president and secretary of corporation, ,a and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be sold c �Cn `i �/ �� t- h. ------------------------------- --------------- ----- ------------------- Name of surety company which will write bond, if known ___---emslYrLt=!_.. Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets 3't3 How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?-__________ How many feet from church (measured along streets) ?--- ---------- ---- —--------- _--- ______-_____--___________-___-___-_---__ How many feet from closest public or parochial high or grade school (measured along streets) ?_ Nameof closest school--------------------------------------/--�-------------------- ---- ------ ---- ---------------- -- - - How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? __----- 1__________________________-__--------------------- ---------------------------- - On what floor located? ---------------------- . If leased, give name of owner__________ Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store How long have you operated present business at present site?____-___. Do you now have an "On Sale" non -intoxicating liquor license? ---------- (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must be verified.) Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated ---------------------------------------- License Inspector. ��v-- d--- . ... ..lv Form 8 --For Retailer's Off -Sale Licenses. APPLICATION FOR RETAILER'S OFF -SALE LICENSE State of. Min a ota, License No. County of To City Council of _ County of To David R. Arundel, Liquor Control Commissioner, State Capitol, St. Paul, Minnesota. The undersigne -1 4 L __-�C—s—�(_� �—w� � � of the City of �� 4 G County of �—c State of Minnesota, hereby makes application i Retailer's Off -sale License to used at the fol lowing address: / t� t•anafier Op n —City of.___C County of in accordance with provisions of Laws of 1934, Chapter 46, fora period of one ea_r from and after the day of The undersigned agrees to comply with all the municipal and state laws and with all the rules and regulations prescribed by and to be prescribed by the Liquor /rControl Commissioner. Dated thisday of y��t� 193. By PERSONAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA, �ss. County of j sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant named above, that he has read' aid a application onand knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 193._.. CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OFINNESOT9, l County of wL }ss. n 0 ) On thi — _day of ^ 193C before me a ppeared to a personally known, who, being m n ul swor d' s y that is the 4- e J of instrument is the corporate seal of said that the seal affixed to the foregoing Said co oration, and th said instr e behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directo and sai as executed in aeknowledg�� ent to be the free act and deed o aid corpoQrat _FQtsry puwiq Rawl y Courv1 Kim. �""p r 4„nunf saioo L:apirvm pp1•yj jy�, ' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK _ ,, �� rr FI ENCIL NO 100094 • 7 L�kiY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSION.. DATE March S. 1985 }�; RESOLVED That licenses for Confectionery, application 2325, and Two (2) pool tables, apnlication 2326, at 223 E. Fairfield Ave. applied for by Bob Gleclmaa be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. See petition attached. COUIILMEN Yeas � Nays Pearce Prison / /R95en In favor uax rren Against enzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C. ResoNved100094—BY ir. That He - forwCorcu nfec- tionery. application 2326.. and Two (2) pool table., appl,catlon 2326, at 223 Fl. Fairfield Ave. applied for by Robb Oleckrean be and thearea are hereby granted and the city clerk le Instructed Intoissue e the cisuch ty treasury of. the rq euired fees. Adopted by the Covncll Afar. 8, 1936. Approved Mar. 8. 1936. (March 16-1935) Adopted by the Council LIAR O 11kt 3 MAR 8 19,36 Approved 193_— Mayor r We, the undersigned, residents of, and having business enterprizes in, the block bounded by East Fairfield Avenue on the south side, Robertson Street on the wast, St'steStreet on the eaet, and East _Fillmore Avenue on the north, in the City of St.Paul,, Ramsey County, Minnesota; and others residing at and having busi ness enterprizes in the vicinity close to the same- hereby express our approval, and petition the Honorable Council o� the City of St. Paul to grant unto Robert Gleckman a license to conduct a pool hall and confectionery store at No.223 East Fairfield Avenue, St -Paul, Minnesota, to the end that he may provide a living for himself and his wife and five small children. Name_. Residence.." i Place of Business. /�% L 1 Z Dated March A , 1935• We, the undersigned, residents of, and having -business enterprises in, the block bounded by East Fairfield Avenue on the south side, Robertson Street on the'nastgtht:Street on the It, and East Fillmore Avenue on the north, in the City of St.Paul, - Ramsey County, Minnesota; and othere'residing at and hawing bust - pess'erlterprises in the vicinity close to the asme,.hereby express our approval, and petition the,Honorable Council of the City of St. Peul,?t-o grant unto Robert Cleckmen a license,tu vonduot a pool hall and oonfeotibnery stoke at No.223 East Fairfield Avenue, St -Paul,' Minnesota, to the end that he may provide a living for himselfl and his wife and five small ohildren: urariis Residence. Place of Business. Datel Varch , 1935. 4 We, the undersigned,, residents of, and having business enterprizes in, the block bounded by East Fairfield Avenue on the south side, Robertson Street on the nest, State Street on the East, and East Fillmore Avenue on the north, in the City of St.Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota; and others residing at and having busi- ness enterprizes in the vicinity close to the same; hereby express our approval, and petition the Honorable Council of the City of St. Paul to grant unto Robert Gleckman a license to conduct a pool hall and confectionery store at No -223 East Fairfield Avenue, St.Paul, Minnesota, to the and that he may provide a living for himself and his vrife and five small children. Name. Residence. Place of business. Dated March � , 1935• 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 6th, 1935• Hon. H. E. Warren, Chairman, License Committee, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: The attached letter from the Congregation Sons of Israel requesting that license beFnot granted for a poolroom in the building adjoining 223 eet at the corner of Robertson Street, was referred to your Committee, by the City Council, for consideration. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK oV FBENCIL NO... CITY OF ST. PAUL / OFFICE OF THE TY CLERK C CI LQT10N— ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Ce ATE March 6, 1935• COMMISSIONER r P Or e 'R LVED the Commissioner of Educaticr. has oftheCity W�REAS, a,cordar,ce witY: Sectiorgn 3 which rendered r,ouncil ir. ar. emergency of "is Charter the existlocenf cf certain employe' f employ' necessary the employment usual hours department for more than their be it merit; therefor, , the proper city officers are hereby au- to pay the following named employes, at the RSOLVFD, TI -at employment for e, tra tY_orized rate otherwise fiset for tra time Y,ereinafter T IP.'iE RAT`' TOTAL TITLE N A.iE Arlington Hills Branch Library Green, William Janitor -Engineer 8 hours .55 4.40 St Anthony Park Branch Library Hickey, Patrick F. Janitor -Engineer COUN LMEN Yeas ece e ersrson Nays sen _____In favor /Tf uax //W/arren 11-2Against Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 4 Syt 6.34 11 " .57* 6.33 Adopted by the Council—MAR-8-M6 93 MAR 8 1935 193_— Mayor Ajov FORM NO. 1 March F>, 1936. An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more -than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: To keep Arlin ton Hills and St. Anthon Park Breach Libraries o en and to clean b This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessary to keep Branch Libraries open cn account— of s ecial activities at buildi s. — This report is in accordance with Section 53 offthe `Charter. COUNCIL FILE N0._ By ------------------------ -------------------- ,r is 5 aor . oblentlone nd FINAL ORDER li "0096 In the Matter of__-___nnnatrfrine_rnrhLg_�n_Blair_Btu_irom_Avort__8,_n_Yisatnria_Sta, under Preliminary Order ------------ 99364 --------------------- approved -----_November__27, 1934 Intermediary Order -------- — - - ---------approved - - --- -- -- — - - — - - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is- ----- o_ona_traEt__QtisbiAg_Q�_B_>gir St _from won St._ to and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith Adopted by the Council___VAR--1-Z-Tqq,5__________- 192 d1 a 1� ------- -- /----------- �AR-1-2-193- � � ���� City Clerk. Approved---------------------------------- 192 CouncilmanMayor. Councilman IPerguson �f/�rers„o Councilman ;ZDonald '° /1 e Councihnan "bFcQlogarr� Pas q Councilman 11gi [e9t1Cei acre❑ / PUBLISHED J_ �15 Councilman s eazel / Mayor /(iehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF' FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 99x)04 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of constructing curbing on Blair St. from Avon St. to Victoria St., EI under Preliminary Order approved NOV. 27, 1934 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of -Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated am uof the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $ t aan oa g 0.70 The estimated cost per/40ot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Bldg. 16 Avon Street Addition to the 250 City of St. Paul 17 do 500 500 2000 16 do 500 2100 19 do 500 4650 20 do 21 do 500 2600 500 1150 88 do 500 3900 23 do 500 100 24 do 500 3000 25 do TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEMT OF.FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 26 Avon Street Addition to the 500 2100 City of St. Paul 27 do 500 4450 28 do 500 100 29 do 500 2000 30 do 550 2900 1 4 Syndicate No. 5 Addition 550 2 4 do 500 4000 3 4 do 500 2750 4 4 do 500 2850 5 4 do 500 2150 6 4 do 500 1250 7 4 do 500 2250 8 4 do 500 1850 9 4 do 500 2950 10 4 do 500 1650 11 4 do 500 1700 12 4 do 500 1000 13 4 do 500 2850 14 4 do 500 2350 15 4 do 400 1150 $14750 x'61800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ll Dated 1935- Z. Form B. E. 12 Commissioner of Finance. St.. Paul, Minn,(V. 4 1931 -- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ----------16% ------ ------ - - ------ --- - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- t 1 - - -------------- (0 --------------------------------------- -------- ----- ------ --------- ----- --st. Art from-�<�-- ----------------------- - ---------.St. Ame. to--C-.tit I ---------- ------ ------- -- ---------------------------St. AW# NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 9 C 0. P Y- Finance Dept. or ��(p St. Paul; Minn-------------------- _ October 16th934 -----��i��i; fi�"FiNA�E To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: 9 Q We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your orabl Body to cause the following improvement to be made: NOV 20 1334 --------------Curbing---------------------------------------- -----------------------------_---------------- ---------- St. -----------------St. Ave. from ------------------ -Avon---- ----------------- ---St. thee. to -------- Yict_oris----- ---------- ... ...... • ---__-___St. Ave. NAME I 11 LOT BLACK ADDITION Mrs. Bertha Bruder 26 Avon St. Addition 'NoI Mrs. Theresa Cepress 26 o] Mrs. George Fretschl. 22 Ayon,St. Addition No: mrs. iAnna Danielson 23 Avon St. Addition No: Wm. J. Behr 8 4 Syndicate No. 3 No Charles Poferl 4 4 " " "' No John Kowalski __;L 4 " " " No M. J. Jos.B " n u Not Steve Ackerman 10 r Mrs. A. W. Kohl Avnr/ Mrs. Jos. Bichkof . 18jin „ Le Ie ►e ie Ie ae ae 3eeord Rner None None None i MILTON ROSEN Commission€r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GEORGE M. SHEPARD Chid Engineer JOHN M. REARDON, Asst Chief Engr. and Supt. of Constructlon G. H. HERROLD, Office and City Planning Engineer MARK W. WOODRUFF, Chief Engr. Clerk FRED E. LOVELL Deputy Comm. I. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, Supt. of Sanitation M. S. GRYTBAK, Bridge Engineer RAY J. KARTAK, Supt. of Workhouse January 21st, 1935. Ron. Milton Rosen, 9 7 Commissioner of Public Works. 7 Ad Dear Sir I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Blair St. from Avon St. to Victoria St., under Preliminary Order C. F. 99364, approved November 27th, 1934 - Estimated Cost $830.94 Cost per front foot .70 Inspection 14.82 Engineering 75.00 Frontage 1185 ft. Yo70'R7GM y truly, .f Engitteer. M, F FINANCE, 'Office of the Commissioner of Publicor 2 Report to Commissioner of Finance 7 6 JAN 231935 <9 January --21st. ......193593 .-...--- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: 7897 The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..99.3 4._.... -.-approved--.- November 27tht 19 . relative to the.._curbing..-OP-- Blair ... St. _-from _ Avon_ St. ...to_Victori&-_St._--_---__-------------___------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------- and (or) desirable. (See attached letter) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- . - _._-._..-, and the total cost thereof is $---------------- ..._............ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._.._.___..._------------------------ _.--------------------- --_........... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ---------------------- -------------_...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 5. Said improvement is-----.... ---------------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �* COUNCIL FILE NO -- --- __------ ___ By_ ------------------------------------------------- FINAL ORDER IGbG97 +eearina:. Arygt:� ': r._ � fmnrovemei:-tet>o {the:'CounctA.: bavtni' b]ei•Hon :.and rac^ '1 b In the Matter of ----- curbing-_Esi* ++�+�Qa+++A frvni_Prior_Avenne_to%enaath_gzem, under Preliminary Order __- --- 889.62 -------------------------- approved ---_-------Saptmber__.2.6_1934L ----------- -------- Intermediary Order ----------------------------approved -------------- --- ---------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same;''therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__our_b--Rairmount_Ague- f�om__prio=-AYanua-to �fazmsth and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare. plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAR 12 1935 Adopted by the Council__________________—_—_____________, 192_____ 4 -------------I -------------------------- - cam' ity Clerk. Approved--- - -MAR-1 9 IT,* ., 192 - Ze - — Mayor. --�� Councilman Nancy Councilman Ferguson "" f;erson Councilman McDonald - iT itgan Council ' ,arrre Council nzenl Counciliggsion Mayor (ieha❑ C/ Form B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLISHED-5 ���� •� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTrfiENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS13IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (Aj In the matter of curbing Fairmount Avenue from Prior Avenue to Kenneth Avenue, 99905 under Preliminary Order approved September 26s 1934 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is frt. - S 0.77 The estimated cost per/oot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Vp LUATIO% LR11Q j31dg• 13 1 Underwood's Third Addition 11500 $5300 15 1 do 1500 4950 Lot 14 and West 5 ft of 15 1 do 1225 4050 East 45 ft 16 1 do 3.375 6200 17 1 do 1375 4100 18 1 do 1375 5300 19 1 do 1375 5950 20 1 do 1,375 5250 21 1 do 1375 4750 1375 3950 22 1 do TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OR FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) LOT 6�ocK ADDITION DESCRIPTION 23 1 Underwood's Third Addition West 40 ft of (Except Prior Ave.) (Lot 24 and East 10 ft of 23 1 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 4 6 4 9 4 10 4 11 4 12 4 do do do do do do do do do do do do do ASSESSED VALUATION $1100 $5400 1700 4500 1375 10500 1375 4650 1375 4150 1375 4100 1375 8500 1375 4600 1375 5300 1375 4700 1375 7700 1375 3850 1375 7500 1500 6950 $33275 $132200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 1 3 193. /p Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 To The Honorable, The Council, St. Paul, Minn ---------- ---- 193-Ay— City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: 7 We, the undersigned property owners¢ hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ---- ----- --- ---- - -- -- ----- — - - ---------------- --- ------ ------------------ ---- --- ------- ------------------ -- ;-,f5 -- - ---- ---- -------------4r Ave. from-- ----------- ----- ---- ---- -------- t&t-. Ave. to.. -Ac _ ----------------- ------ .. - - -------- --- ------- St, Ave. ADDITION LOT BLOCK • ADDITION MILTON ROSEN FRED E. LOVELL Commissioner Deputy Comm. < r .2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL -7 8 Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, GEORGE M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer JOHN M. REARDON, Asst Chief Engr. and Supt. of Construction 1. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, Supt. of Sanitation G. H. HERROLD, Office end City Planning Engineer M. S. GRYTBAK, Bridge Engineer MARK W. WOODRUFF, Chief Engr. Clerk January 15, 1935 RAY J. KARTAK, Supt. of Workhouse Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public works, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Fairmount Avenue from Prior Avenue to Kenneth Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 98952, approved September 26, 1934. Estimated Cost $ 235.11 Cost per front ft. where curb is not in .77 Intersection cost spread .11 Inspection 4.02 Engineering 30.00 Frontage where curb is not in 207.2 ft Intersection cost spread 896.4 ft. Note: Where curb is in but radius curb and drainage not taken care ofathe intersections, the cost of this intersection work is spread over the property frontage. YoWi M. SHEPARD, ngineer. Approved For trans ssion to of Finance MI N 0 , Commissioner. 78 9.5 Offic6 of the Commissioner of PubIicW16-PkONAkdg. 12 Report to Commissioner of Finance= 7 ... ..g...... . JAN 211935 Jan... -J7, . 15135- ----------193..._... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.959-52 . approved ....... SePte 26,.1934- _--193..._.-., relative to -the-- cuTbing0f. TairmoUnt. AV-e.rxu-e --- from -Prior .. Avenu.e .... to K.enne-th Avenue --------------------------- --------- - ---------- ...... ...... --- - ---------------- .................... .1 ------ — — ----------- ......... -1 ---------- ...... --------------- ---- ---------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie -_...-.-necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimated cost attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._.._....__..._.____.... and the total cost thereof is 8 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:......_ -- - --- ----------- - --- - - ------------ ------ --------- ------------------ ------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ----- ----------- ---------- ------------------------ ----------------- ------ ------------------ ------------------ ----------------------------- ........... 5. Said improvement is ---------------- --------- ----- asked for upon Petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 0 or In the Matter of --- curbing -both nadaA oF_Faller__Avamia_frAm_8t�_911:ana�tssat__te_.____ Grotto_Street where curb is not already constructed, under Preliminary Order - ------- 9g$3& ------------ - ----------- approved ----- September_12,1934____ Intermediary Order --------- -_-_- ---- -__------------approved -------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ------- curb__both-_aides__e£-Fullergvel aR-t. albane Strsnt�_Srrott4_�trsQt�rrhsr_e_nuzb�.�nnt�.lrsady__o_onstr�ct���`�__------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.__MAR 12 1935 ________, 192&l City Clerk. Approved ---------- ��--�� m' ---------, / - -- � ---------- - --- - - -- ------ Councilman GWasy, �° `^ Mayor. Councilman Fergeam Councilman Aki" M`— Councilman MaGlegan 1�� Councilman Sndkeimer Arnim"`r �. I� pUBLLSHl, ✓_�� -J=� Councilman Wenz 1 Mayor Hedge" 11,11-Ir— Form 1,1.n- r - Form B. S. A. 8-7 -00096"- , ter of'ourblmr both..I - ve. from St.. Albans �1 where curb is not a'+ - "d. under �Prelimfnar.t COUNCIL FILE N0. - .earnaIg'-hg hnbe! 1'•hhe improvement ham °J .+lnettons and By---------------------------------- r .f.9eP FINAL ORDER In the Matter of --- curbing -both nadaA oF_Faller__Avamia_frAm_8t�_911:ana�tssat__te_.____ Grotto_Street where curb is not already constructed, under Preliminary Order - ------- 9g$3& ------------ - ----------- approved ----- September_12,1934____ Intermediary Order --------- -_-_- ---- -__------------approved -------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ------- curb__both-_aides__e£-Fullergvel aR-t. albane Strsnt�_Srrott4_�trsQt�rrhsr_e_nuzb�.�nnt�.lrsady__o_onstr�ct���`�__------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.__MAR 12 1935 ________, 192&l City Clerk. Approved ---------- ��--�� m' ---------, / - -- � ---------- - --- - - -- ------ Councilman GWasy, �° `^ Mayor. Councilman Fergeam Councilman Aki" M`— Councilman MaGlegan 1�� Councilman Sndkeimer Arnim"`r �. I� pUBLLSHl, ✓_�� -J=� Councilman Wenz 1 Mayor Hedge" 11,11-Ir— Form 1,1.n- r - Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT Or FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (��� (A) ON PRELIMINAOY ORDER 999 f6 In the matter of ourbing both sides of Fuller Avenue from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street where curb is not already constructed, under Preliminary Order approved September 12, 1934 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 278.66 frt The estimated cost per/i`oot for the above improvement is $_ 0.81 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 16 2 Butterfield Syndicate Add. $825 $5150 No. 1 17 2 do 750 4150 18 2 do 750 3750 19 2 do 750 1500 20 2 do 750 2700 21 2 do 750 2100 22 2 do 750 1650 23 2 do 750 2400 24 2 do 750 2750 25 2 do 750 150 TOTAL, Form 8. B. 10 (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 26 2 Butterfield Syndicate Add.No.l $750 1700 27 2 do 750 1800 28 2 do 750 2750 29 2 do 750 1650 30 2 do 900 2300 1 9 do 850 3600 2 9 do 700 2950 3 9 do 700 2600 4 9 do 700 4000 5 9 do 700 3200 6 9 do 700 3250 7 9 do 700 3100 8 9 do 650 9 9 do 650 10 9 do 700 11 9 do 700 2800 12 9 do 700 2300 13 9 do 700 2600 ( 14 9 do 1476 5200 ( 15 9 do $22100 $72300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated — 3�^— Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Comminioner of Rasl*ailon Son, Milton Rosen, Comstr of Public Works, Building. Dear Sirs Aig ust 24th, 1934. The attached petition requesting the curbing of ]Puller Avenue between St. Albans and Grotto Street where curbing does not now exist, was referred to your do_ partment for the proper order. To -are very truly, City Clerk. 700 Ij To The HonorableThe Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul. Mind ------ 193--, 7 VIJ 11� Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: I'VV ----------�2,0 St. Ave. I& St. -AMC. to from ------------ ------------ --- ------ Now A ------- --- NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1-0 all 7r It Vfl' V 716 - A/lIL4 I -�4 yo' A01 4C'Q N. Ix,' S.E %a, 5r 35 T. 2J— R.23• UiviveRaiTv uFi FULL.EiZ. II( 5 CEN-TP-AL A vr-. - O a t- m J > - Q ol p 5 r *6",4 -T rt-r k o11Y MILTON ROSEN $ 278.66 FRED E. LOVELL Commissioner - - where curb is not in Deputy Comm. CITY OF SAINT PAUL intersection cost spread .13 Capital of Minnesota 4.76 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 36.00 Frontage GEORGE M.SHEPARD ,where curb is not in 235.8 ft. Chief Engineer 911.7 JOHN M. REARDON, Asst Chief Engr, and Supt. of Construction I. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, Supt. of Sanitation G. H. HERROLD, Office and City Planning Engineer MARK W. WOODRUFF, Chief Engr. Clerk January 15, 1935 M. S. GRYTBAK, Bridge Engineer RAY J. KARTAK, Supt. of Workhouse Hon. Milton Rosen,ri 8 0-% 6 Commissioner of Public works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing both sides of Fuller Avenue from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street where curb is not already constructed, under Preliminary Order C. F. 98835, approved September 12, 1934 - Estimated Cost $ 278.66 Cost per front foot where curb is not in .81 Cost per front foot intersection cost spread .13 Inspection 4.76 Engineering 36.00 Frontage ,where curb is not in 235.8 ft. intersection cost spread 911.7 Note: where curb is in but radius curb and drainage not taken care of at the intersections, the cost of this inter- section work is spread over the property frontage. Approved for transmission Yours ty, to e C s of Finance GEO M. EPARD, Chi Engineer. 0 ROSEN, sioner. Ill 1 � . rOffice of the Commissioner of Public Works 00M. OF FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance ' P s: 13 7896 z.. 6 .... . January, 21st..--iy�j V To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.-.--9883-`5-...approved...-September_12th._...__-.193-.1j.-_, relative to thecurbi.....St._,_ -..._...................................._... ---------- ........... --------------------......- - -both sides. .......... - - ....__. -... - -- - ---------------- ------ .......... --........... ......... ..... ... ..... _...... ....... -.1 .......... - ... - ...._... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. .__.. __-...necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimted cost attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is 8 -------------- _..__....-, and the total cost thereof is $__..__------------------_.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:...___ . ................ ......------- _--- ..-------__._- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ....- ----- ------- ------------------------------- -------------------------...------------------------------ -------..... 5. Said improvement ie --------------------------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. e� of Works. COUNCIL FILE N0. By------ .___.----- --__-_.._ FINAL ORDER 100099— , iatter'of constructs:; _slow Are. from A" �fdere St.,.: under i ,3a nnroved Nor xearSng •pavis �. a lmTtr�vem--- F30f iag In the Matter of ---- _eonatruating__ourbing_an_-Winalovr_Asa_..__Yr_ons-Anmp_o-lis-St.__to______ Be_ImUere _8t�. -- --- - --------------- ------------------ -------------------------------- - —-------- --------------- - ------ -- --------------------- under Preliminary Order -------------- 9334& ---------------- -_.approved ---- Novemb_er.._22,--1934--------- ___-______--___ Intermediary Order ----------------------------------------------approved ------------------------------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is-____aonstruot-_ourbing-_on_ Winslow Ave. --from Annapolis St,__tn_Belvider_%At ------------------------------ ; r ------------------------------------------ - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council --- MAR-_12_i9_3.7�______ 192� a� _ ------------ - ---------',--------le!-u.aru,._ ity Clerk. Its ` w Approved--------------- �R -'� �- `-"----- , 192---- Mayor. Councilman CWhff - r, , a ree Councilman 3+ ft'dd6h. l'eters-n Councilman 9RD6nald'=" Councilman Wfr%-logatr `-"R R"1 n 1—as Warre ) VIBLISHE Councilman 8ii&Mifftle :. Councilman z Wenzel Mayor Geban Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF Se. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISS40NER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of constructing curbing on Winslow Ave. from Annapolis St, to Belvidere St., under Preliminary Order approved Nov. 22, 1934 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 1,411.32 frt. The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is - - $ 0 q4 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION S. 3 ft Lot 10 and all of lot (Ex.S.3 ft and EX. E. 30 ft ( LOT BLOCK ADDITION 6 9 Jackson and Bidwells Addition to Nast St. Paul 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 9 9 9 9 15 15 15 15 15 do do do do do do do do TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $500 $1800 $450 $2300 450 4150 550 6750 400 3500 550 2900 500 500 3050 500 550 2550 CITY OP'ST. PwUL DEPARTMENT OF 'FINANCE REPORT OF COMMLSS1014ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 16 Jackson and Bidwell's Addition $550 $13200 to }Vest St. Paul 2 16 do 500 3200 3 16 do 500 3700 4 16 do 500 2000 5 16 do 600 1 General Rodney Smith 475 4200 2 Rearrangement 425 3 425 2800 4 do 425 3100 5 do 425 3300 6 do 475 3100 1 Sullwoldts Subdivision 450 3350 2 do 425 3000 3 do 425 3500 4 do 425 3500 5 do 426 3200 6 do 425 3200 1 David's Subdivision 500 2850 2 do 375 3000 3 do 375 3000 4 do 375 2850 5 do 375 2750 6 do 375 3250 $16200 $93050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Furor s. D. 12 Commissioner of Finance. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. -------- 193 -- Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .'y - 1 ----------------- ----- -- ------------------------St. Ave. ------------------------ from -------------- - - --- ------S't. Ave. to- �<� �r c-'" .._ -------- - ------------St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION oJJ`P % 01 (o Y 1 f /,r M St. Paul, Minn----------------- ------------- 193 ----- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your onorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ----------- ---------- -- --- ------------------- ------ - ---- ----- - - - - ------------- ------- ----------------- St. Ave. from ------ -------------------------------------- -- -- -------- St. Ave. to ... ----- — St. Ave. 0 NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 7Z7d J 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnaols OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSOpf Cly auk and Commialoner of RegDtraeon 4 7 4 September 22nd, 1934, Hon. Milton Rosen, Come Ir of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: The City Council today requested that You proceed with the following improvements: Cement curbing on Winslow Avenue from Annapolis St, to BelvidereSt, Grade Heger Avenue from E. Como Phalen Avenue to W O �r Vassar St, Yours very truly, City Clerk. _•-.-- _-_.__.___ ,�'�: ` , � ��•"cam G�.U-v MILTON ROSEN_ FRED E. LOVELL Commissioner Deputy Comm. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GEORGE M. SHEPARD Chief Ensineer JOHN M. REARDON, Ass't Chief Engr. and Supt. of Construction 1. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, Supt. of Sanitation G. H. HERROLD, Office and City Planning Engineer M. S. GRYTBAK, Bridge Engineer MARK W. WOODRUFF, Chief Engr. Clerk RAY J. KARTAK, Supt, of Workhouse January 21st, 1935• s Hon. Milton Rosen,- Commissioner osen;Commissioner of Public Works. � Dear Sir k I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Winslow Ave. from Annapolis St. to Belvidere St., under Preliminary Order C. F. 99346, approved November 22nd, 1934• Estimated Cost $1,411.32 Cost per front foot .94 Inspection 25.91 Engineering 90.00 Frontage 1500 ft. You very truly, EO E Dd. SHEPARD� C ief Engineer. Approved for transmission to r� Finance. EN, Commission •. Office of the Commissioner of Public CaMMrIUANCE, ' 11,n12,�•1 ,a ':2 _nn Report to Commissioner of Finance 9 V '3 �...6 ..5 JAN 231935 January_ 21st.. _--- ------------- 1s3....-- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul a d ""'- %J k -J The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under. consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. --94346.._.-.approved..November_-22nd--_-..---_--_- 193...4-.., relative to the curbing Winslow.. Ave ...- from-__Annap lis.St..__..to-- Belvidere._St----------- ------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... ___...... .necessary and (or) desirable. (See attached letter) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $----------- --------------------- and the total cost thereof is S ----._.._..--..------------_-- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.--.--__ ._-------------------------------------- ..._-------------_.......--.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ---------------- ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ................ 5. Said improvement is................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. o sinner of Public Works. I b\ COUNCIL FILE NO_ -_--_-_ By ----------------- ---------------- FINAL ORDER. relaying, re Hirt �tiY 0_ V n� cement tile: slid- , id- y'tlLF71Pa10 fond .11 t� j,- pe ' gt'LaP-1 :St:, Dec.18. 1n; rn proved: ec: 18. 1r1 -lip ,♦I-: .. IC0100 In the Matter of__r-elayingt_x_epairing_-and-r_eoonat.=ating__Qement__tile__sidew,ikos__-______ Wsat__ 3.d_e_o_P__Elfg�,t_��;ee�t_beginning_at_the_south_line__of_La£ond_Streett__thence south under Preliminary Order -------- 99497------------------- __.approved _______Dec. 18, 1934 --------------------------------- Intermediary Order -- --_-_------ ----------approved ------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__—r�keY� repair_ead_reoonetruot_oement till sidewalks- lYeat--side--o-£-Elfatt_3tr-eatr_heginning_�t__tha_anuth__lina�P__LaPnnti__&tra�t.,__t1?enoe aQuth and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance/therewitAdopted by the Council____�R_12_ 1�_____ _____ __ ------------- - - - - - - -- - - ---- -- City Clerk. Approved---------- --j� __ �` __ �------, 192----- / � - ------------------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman land c. Councilman -Fer uson rerson Councilman McDonalds Councilman eGIogazl Councilman el' �yaz rax a Council an nze ,�azei ;han (/ Mayor o gson. Form B. S. A. 8-7 ,;; T,FSHED I i'. TI9LISFILD�� L. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINAN-CE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 99fbo ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalks- West side of Elfelt Street, beginning at the south line of La£ond Street, thenoe south 72.3 ft., under Preliminary Order approved Dec. 18, 1934 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 49-1710 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. Fast a of 1 27 Lafond's Addition to Saint $550 $1550 Paul, Minnesota 4 27 do $900 $1750 $1450 $3300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— F— ated Aorm B. S. A. 8-5 D Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: - . _Jan.. 8,...19.3..5 1s3..... The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 99497 _Dec.18, 1934 193 ... ---, relative to Council, known as Council File No...__._.._....__...approved-...__........._____... relaying,._repairing--and.-reconstructing-cement tile sidewalks on the west side of Elfelt Street, beginning at the south line of -------- _------------------....-.--------------- - ---------------------------._...---------------------- - ------------------------------------- ---- Lafond Street, thence south 72.3 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is --------------------- _.necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 3..... ------------- and the total cost thereof isS-....--.----------------------- , ESS Lot 1, Blk. 27, Lafond's Addition $30.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:........._ .................._._...._........_-----.-----._..--------.--_.--- Lot 4, Blk. 27, Lafond's Addition 12.00 ----------- ------------ -- -------------------- _------- -------- - ------ T-otsl--------- -------$43:fl0--------------- -- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is................................asked for upon petition of three or more owns/ -f property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ,!> �. Commissioner of Public Works. (� 3j� S3990 1U0101" '�`tec uerelavinfs;Teu: actin' cement 'th0 elde Indlaar� -'i0 [t. whet of tltre aha,Se•,. thence- _--------- ''"s,28 fQfurthe •-60. n R. under PreHr �. - COUNCIL FILE N0.______ _ -d Dec By---- - ------------- -------- T FINAL ORDER In the Matter of----- selaydng.._>"8gairing_and_x_auonatxuetiAg_.a_amaz�t__tila__4ad-ovikiko--oxt_- Sou_tb-nids__n Indiana_Ava.__itsginning__44_ t�_w_Qs�__q€__tl�e_-great__llne_of-_Wsbasha_5 .�_thenoe west 16 ft., beginning 28 ft. further west, thence west 64.2 ft. ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- ------------------------------------- ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- I----- ---- -=-----.------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- under Preliminary Order__ 99499 _ ------- _ _ approved Dec. 18, 1934 Intermediary Order - - - - - -� — - - - aPProved --------------------- ---- - -- - - - --- A ,public hearing having been had upgn the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard allpersons, objections and' recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City ruct cement tile side- walks on,_--_South_side_of Indiana Ave. beginning_40 Pt. west of the west line of Wabash& St.,-thence__west--1S--Y�.-,_-hsginniag_28�t._fur�haz' �ea'ta�.hsriai+�e_�64��e��---- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER; That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- eeed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_M-AR 121935 �-� ------------- 192. �(2 ---------- - - - - - -- MAR 1 �, 1- -_City Clerk. Approved----- -- --- - ---- --- 192 Councilman CouncilmanWwrguson: - P eerarin / i' CouncilmansMDbnaltlat koaelr ;. Conncilmanlogalx� _'1'r x Councilmant� • rren / Councilman enZel - mayor i 1 eball - Form B. S. A. 8-7 dd PUBLISHED J s CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 9() 911 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (D)., . In the matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalks on - South side of Indiana Ave, beginning 40 ft. west of the west line of Wabasha St., thence west 16 fit., beginning 28 ft. further west, thence west 64.2 ft., under Preliminary Order approved Dec. 18, 1934 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 49-()n The estimated cost per foot for above improvement is _ $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. (Except the Southwest 50 ft)l and 2 166 Robertson's Addition to West $2225 $4750 St. Paul Southwest 50 ft of 1 and 2 166 do $1200 $2200 $3425 $6950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated 3 19� .67 - J Form H. S. A. 9-5 D Commissioner of Finance. r., -Office of the Commissioner of PulAInC C0 — FdNANCE: t , 9,9_ 3 V, " 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance 8 4 Dari. ---7e--1935. ............. 193 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No... -99499 Dec. , 34 --.-...-..approved---- ---- -----..... 18 .19...... . .........193.-----.-, relative to Relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalks on ......------------------- ........................................ -----......._...........--------- ----- ................................................. ------------ ...south side of -_Indiana._..... -. beginning-- 40- ft- West. of- thg_-wsst_ -................. line of Wabasha St., thence west 16 ft., beginning -28 ft. further west, thence west 64.2 ft. --------------------- ---------------- ------------------- ....................... -------- - .............. ........................... --................................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ------------------------necessary and (or) desirable. Ex.M.50 ft. of Lot 1, Block 166, Robertson's Add. $20.00 .2. The estimated cost thereof is 8 ....... ........ ...:...:._, and the total cost thereof is 5 .... 49.-f1Q-.-............ SW.50 ft. of Lot 1, Block 166, Robertson's Add. $29.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ------ ------------- -......................................... --_-_--.............. --............................................- ----- --- ----. ...............------------- ----------------- ......................... -........ ................ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------ --------------------------...................................... --------------- ------ ---------------- -------••----------------- 5. Said improvement is .... ._.- _--------=-----------asked for upon petition of three or more owners o��roperty, subject to assessment for'said improvement. I ANCE. - ......... mmisein a of Pub ' 12 951 S6-138" 7 6 5 COUNCIL FILE N0._ --------- ---_______ •ied "rn,;� ':Sear ., �rrli FINAL ORDER 160102 In the Matter of_-_._relsying� _repairing and_reoonetruoting_oement_the sidewalk-_____ oA__the_auuth _aide__af-_Eaat_-Maryland__Sty__beginner-H3.D_i't.,_Weati_of-tha_weat__line_nf---- Payne-Aza.:--thenc e--west-129--it.--{including.-2Q-ft.-alloy-sr�sslg}------------ ------------------------- under Preliminary Order ---------99498 __ approved Dec. 181-1934 Intermediary Order -------------------------------approved ------------------------------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is xa1W__._ npair___and_r_eaonatxuat_ cement _tils__nide- _ �na].]c_..__on--the-_a oath-aide-aP--East-Max-gland-3t.-hagia�iag�3.fl--gt�-.oast--o£--the-west• iue of_Tayn A� .,__thenos__nreat _129.41.aflaing�---------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said ipggyement in accordance 2rewit, -.- iYlAt( �.2. 1� �Adoptedby the Council_____________________-_____-________ _______--, . -------- ----------------- - - — —' City Clerk. Approved--------- ----_��_ �4�w- 1192 ------- 192� /, / / v ' - Penrce Mayor. Councilman uncy Councilman('Ferguson;:" Prt "On�Ctl Councilman`1VIcDonald,._, �ax Councilman tit' ren Councilman enzel. Co 1c Mayor o gson Form B. S. A. 9-7 CITY Of ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 90910 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement the sidewalk— on the south side of East Maryland St. beginning 33.0 ft. west of the west line of Payne Ave. thence west 129 ft. (including 20 ft. alley crossing) under Preliminary Order approved Dec. 18, 1934 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ A7 00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _ ADDITION ASSESSED. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION Land Bldg. Lot 10 and North 4 feet of 9 1 Joseph R. Weide's Addition to 1550 5000 St. Paul,Minn. 11 1 do 475 1800 Alley crossing in Block 1 do No valuation 2025 6800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commlesloner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D ---- Office of the Commissioner of, Public oF FINANCE,' Report to Commissioner of Finance .... ����pp••,6 VM ..,5 q ✓ Jan. --7, -193 ------------ 193 --- ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File N... -9949P approved-- _Peq!t_ 18,-- 1934 ------------ 193....-..., relative to relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk - -... .. -- - - ------------------------------------------- On the south side of East Maryland St. beginning 33.0 ft. west of ----- --- -the..west --- Line- of--PLayne--Aas.,_thence west --123 ft.- -....... - - - (Including 20 ft. alley crossing) -----------------------------------------------------------.--------------- ----------------------- - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is, ---------- --------- ._necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 3... --- .------- -------- --------- and the total cost thereof is $............... Lot 10, Block 1, J. R. Weida's Add. $47.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 11, Block 1, J. R. Weide's Add. 20.00 Alley-.-Gros.sing --- -City...Fxpense... - ------------ -------- 20-00 - - - Total $87.00 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -------------- ........... ................... .... - ..--- ------------------------------- - - CO 5. Said improvement ie........__ -...-_ .............asked for upon petition of three or more o a of pro subject to assessment for said improvement. ( G Commissior of Publio neo wompw ............................................................ 1 -;-ytag:bavli: , COUNCIL FILE NO ----------- ---.------- By -------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of --- raconat=oting.I mnnn tbaQ_QQ�i4rg e,__the_aidevralk_on_the__,____ of Ra_n_dglph Street, beginning 298 ft. west of Snelling Ave., thence went under Preliminary Order -- ----- 99641____-___--------- approved ----- --------- ?e_°s---8a-1934------------------------ - Intermediary Order-- - -- -- - approved ----- ----------- ---- --- -- -- --- - -- - � public -hearing -having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__ra�AnatruQt_-pl�tb _ttlou411�igoonorete�_the sidewalk On tha goMth aide of Rnndo1ph Strant, begRnning_2��-�,. west of_$yg],��p,�_Ave-thence west 42ft.-- - - - --— -- ------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith Adopted by the Council- MAR 12 f gas -- ---- ----- 19 ------------ ----------------- -- --- - - --------- City Clerk. Approved---- MAR _ 12 T '---------- 192--- . j Pea c Mayor. Councilman �Mhcyl'' - Councilman']] rguson _. r e Pitersnn Councilman MeN . ald� "' "JSCf us Councihnan`k'd'Gio-a�� 1�0 Councilman feiinrie �-�enzel rren Counci ehan Mayor o gson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 9,91,3 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D3 In the matter of reconstructing with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the south side of Randolph St. beginning 298.0 ft. west of Snelling Ave., thence west 42 ft. under Preliminary Order approved Dec. 18, 1934 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 37.40 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 2 Benedictine Plat 1 3 do 4 do VALUATION Land Bldg. $1100 $ 150 $1100 $5950 $1100 $3300 $6100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. — ) Dated 3 19 6 f � / Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8.5 D >of� -;� 'Officle of the Commissioner" of. Public W ffl� ANcI. 9= V Report to Commissioner of Finance Jl1/41/ 8 _._Jan:. ---7a-.-19.35- - . ------------ 193.....--- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._._44501..... approved .......... Dec. 18, 1934 193.._-.--, relative to reconstructing with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the south---§ide'of -Randolph--Sty b'e-91Ming --- 248--.-O --- ft --.----west of ---------------- ------- --------... Snelling Ave., thence west 42 ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is --- .-------- _.----- .-necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-------------- -------------------- and the total cost thereof is $..-......-..---..-...-.._.--._, Lot 2, Benedictine Plat 1 $ 1.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..--... Lot 3, Benedictine Plat 1 35.00 - " ..4.,. - --"------- -" 1------ ----- -- --- -------- -----------------_----------------1.40 Total $37.40 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4- -------------------------------------------------- .....-- . --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is................................asked for upon petition of three or more ow�ers of proper i� subject to assessment for said improvement. --G ../------------------- ....-. - Commissioner of Public Wor Adopted by the Council--________ 193 Yeas' Nays. e PETERSON —R65EN--- tl/WARREN WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT ~L t/�� PAUL ^ 99ob • Fal/AINANCE ll' :REPORT 0? NER OF FINANCE (D) ON Y ORDER In the matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk and retaining walls: thence on rt%eet west aide ofasoutherlyg30�.1 fting at Third to replaceSt. missing tile sameerly 0lengt ft toflr tain of retaining wall* thence ing wall, under Preliminary Order approved Deo- 18, 1934 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement isU $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION Land Bldg. _.. 19 39 Lyman Dayton's Addition to the $375 $350 City of Saint Paul $375 $350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. —_—_o r-k�� Z � Dated X l" �' 19 Commissioner of Finance. Porm B. S. A. B -S D Office of the Co er of Public Works An" � FINANCE, '��a Report to Commissioner of Finance g l`"�d,$ JAN 15 193s _._... Jan. ' 10,...19.1'5---------- 193 -------- To - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: n The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 9950.0 approved-. Dec.18 1935 193..-....., relative to -.....t.-- - relaying, repairing and retainirig vralls: reconstructing.cement_tle_sidewalk-and--------------- On the west side of Hoffman Ave. beginning at Third St., thence southerly---96:"5fl--ft-o- with -18 ftp of "retstriiiigwall ....... thence""sou ttrieT-ly 30.1 ft. to replace missing he with same length of retaining wall. --------------- ----------------- -------------------------------- ----------- ---------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----- .-------- --------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 3 ................................. and the total cost thereof is 3-. .................. Lot 19, Block 39, Lyman Daytons Addition $165.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... .------- _--------------------- ....._.-------------_______ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. --.._--------------------------------------------------__------ -----_--__ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is --------------------------- .----asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 0 0 of Public Works. 53392 March 26th, 1935. Hon. Milton Rosen, Coms'r of Public Yiorks, Building. Dear Sirl The City Council today laid over the Final Order in the matter of relaying► repairing and re- constructing cement tile sidewalk and retaining wallet on the west side of Roffman Ave. beginning at Third St., thence southerly 96.50 ft. with 1Y ft, of retaining-, wall, thence southerly 30.1 ft. to replace missing the with same length of retaining wall, under P.O. 99500, to May 28th and it was referred to you with the renuest that you make a report to the Council at that time as to the necessity of making this Improvement. It was reported that there is approxi- mately $$252.00 delinquent taxes against the property affected by this improvement. Yours very truly► City Clerk. COUNCIL FILE NO. By. --- - - - -- - 100105— ter 'e reconstructin t' 1h.pWes t g side of 3fo, ie at the north line thence North 13., 'h' noit6 7' N-5—k—k-1k: ORD 19—R— In the Matter of -_ til --e --- s-i-d-ewal-kan -t-he West aide of Moore_ Ave!L.J19ginning ... s�the_northlineof Marshall Ave., thence north 134 ft.; also beginning at the north line of Iglehart Ave., thenceii�5irfih--- -raLat of Carroll Ave.. --- thence south 20 ft., under Preliminary Order_______ - ----- -- 99495 ----------- approved _ Dec. 18, 1934 1 - ---- ----------------- IntermediaryOrder --------- --------------------------------------- approved --------------------- - ------- - ------------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul to be make by the said Chy is ----- recons als south 2Nft., Ave bi Asad the ,;-a-m, r�r -------------- c 11�-- L M, nd ab ----- - --------- ---- - ------ - - - ---- ------------------- - ----------- - -- a the Council here order said improve it to be made. 'R s ' at Im Comm . n of Pu ESOL�ED F_ , , is ner T Th the 'I - of Public Work.N�e and is hereby instNctell,and it same to the for direct to to prepare plans AIq specifications for sa improvement, ands- 1 Co it for appr a that upon said appraval, the proper city offs i Is are hereby aut and directed to�- ov Q cor ce� ceed W1 making of said impwvement in accordance herewith. 12 15 Adopted by the CouncilMAY - ---- 1193---------------- ------ - 192 -------- - Approved------------------------------------192(� - --- - ------------------------------------------ Councilman Peqrre Mayor. Councilman'FVrguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 'Mcfflogan�-7-' Councilman tudheimei" Mayor %loft'A Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i (D) . , r.. -V In the matter of - reconstructing, relaying and repairing cement tile sidewalk on the — a West side of Moore Ave., beginning at the north line of Marshall Ave., thence north 134 ft., aleo beginning at the north line of Iglehart Ave., thence north 80 ft., East sins of Moore Ave., beginning 106 ft. south of south line of Carroll Ave., thence south 20 ft., under Preliminary Order approved Dec. 18. 1934 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 141.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 14 28 Merriam's Rearrange,ent of $1750 4850 Blocks 24,25,26,27,28,29, Merriam Park (Except North 50 ft) 14 19 Merriam Park, Ramsey Co.,Minn.$ 850 3100 North 110 .t of 6 20 do (Except the North 110 ft of Lot $ 900 1100 (6) All of Block 20 do 13000 117000 $16500 126,050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in . reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ) 3 —1935— Form B. S. A. 6-5 D Commissioner of Finance. CURBING ON MOORE AVENUE BETWEEN MARSHALL AVENUE; AND TERRACE PARK --2L BLOCKS L 401 ft. frontage --resident owners want curbing. 481 ft. frontage-resident�owpprs do not want curbing. 60 ft. frontage--resideni,� Mored it,and neighbor talked her out of it --indifferent. 402 ft. non-resident owners --renting their property --naturally op- posed. One owner lives in Minneapolis, one in northern part of state. Do not know where the others live. No own- er lives in his house on the east side of Moore Avenue. All the property on the east side is school and rental prop- erty. Street is like a country road. Cars park on the boulevard all along the street. Curbing is only way to stop it. Four places where cars drive over boulevard and sidewalk to garages, without permit or driveway as required by city or- dinance. One of these, heavy trucks drive over walk and park on boulevard. Much traveled street. Christian Science church and Longfel- low School on the street. It is the principal approach from Marshall Avenue to Terrace Park. All East and west streets are curbed. a Cleveland on the west and Prior Ave c on: the ea a.r� curbed. Moore Avenue is curbed from Terrace Park to St. Anthony Avenue. Wilder Avenue is curbed from Carroll Avenue to St. Anthony. Only two blocks on each of these streets north of Marshall Avenue not curbed. Why? bWrers who live in their homes and opposed to curbing Murphy, 141 ft. frontage --Rooms rented. Two car garage rented. t z r pour family apart - loo ft. frontage. Pe is (or St3rhaug), ment, o0cupies one, three rented. Two car garage. VLe vin, 150 ft. frontage. -Iwilliams, 60 ft. frontage. Two families--uPstairs rented. (Favored curbing, but talked out of it.) McDonald, go ft. frontage. _Non-resident owned property: f"Ppio"'Yr' N. E. Corner Moore and Marshall, 141 ft. frontage. Rented. Two car garage. No "'4 S. E. Corner Moore,and Iglehart, 141 ft. frontage. Rented. S. F. Corner Moore and Carroll, 110 ft. frontage. six apart- ments,ji rented. N. E. Corner Moore and Carroll, 150 ft. frontage. Duplex, both V rented. other property --in favor of curbing. Christian sq, ience Church, 141 f±. frontage. Y ,Ellery, 50 ft. frontage. VLongfellow School, 210 ft. frontage. 6 Mr, ,Levin opposes it. He drives over sidewalk to ILarage' Garage doors open over sidewalk. and l,ot extends two feet intq alley --low retaining wall, place for garbage can, ashes, etc. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION 6 1 t - November 29th, 1934. Mr. John M. Reardon, D E P A R T M 9 N T. Dear Sir : In the Council this morning the state- ment was made that property owners in the vicinity of Moore Ave. between Marshall Ave. and Terrace Park Ave., a distance of two and one-half blocks; were driving over the curb without proper driveways, and the Coundl has instructed this department to Invest- igate this report. Will you kindly give me a report in the matter, and oblige ? j mr-rh Yours very truly, MILTON ROSSN, Commissioner of Public Works. S Y_ COM. OF FINANCE, Office of- the Commissioner of Public Work _ - X1.•.12,.,, ` 9. 3 8 Report to Commissioner of Finance 6 •••5' 4 JAN _Jan._ 2,. 1935 - .............193 --- _-.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..99.4-95._...._.approved_...-_.Dec.. 18s- - 193ej - _.1 _ 93....... relative to reconstructing, relaying- and._repairingcement_-.tile._sidewalks--.on_ _.--_---.- West side of Moore Ave .beginning at the north line of Marshall Ave. thence..no-rth--.134.-.ft...;....also... b-eginning._at. .-the. north..line---of_.._............. Iglehart Ave., thence north 80 ft. East side of Moore Ave., beginning 106ft. south of south line_ -of , Carroll Awe: -thence §outh 20 Et..-... - - - --- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: I. Said improvement is.. ..... _..... __.._-necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S ---------- _.._.... _......... and the total cost thereof is $...._........................... _ ____ ___ Lot 14, Block 28, Merriamts Rear. of Blks. 24 to 29 andLthg n ture d extent of said improvement is as follows:_.. _.... 80.00 �nc/%fa o i4s ock 19, Merriam Park Add. ---.._-...-.-- _ N. 1101 -Lot 6, Block 20, n n n 4 .00 Lxa.N-1101 Lot--g� --it __"---------_-- -M-----------n n...._..._-- _.... '�•O�i Totali4 00 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part ereof. 4. --- ----- ---- -...------------------------------------ ...... -......... --....._.._--- - ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is --- ..--------- _--- .----------- asked for upon petition of three or more% ners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �? �r ,<----- . -- . - ----------- — - ------ - mmissioner of Pub 'c Works. may loth► 1935• Hon. Axel F. Peterson. Commissioner of Finance, 'Building. Dear Sir: The attached Petition of Remonstrance side of against the constructing Of fa dr'vewgq on the westnorth of the north line Marahof MooreMarshall feet; also b Avenue beginning 13 beginning SO feet P:all Avenue. thence north 7 thence north north of the north line of Iglehart Avenue* thenrred to you+ 20 feet, etc., under P.O. Pio. 99 The final order by the City Council, for check and report. 16th. in this matter was laid over to Thursday. aS Yours very truly. City Clerk. may 14th, 1935. Hon. Milton Rosen, Coms'r of Public Works, Building. Deer Sir: The Commissioner of Finance reported that the petition of remonstrance filed in the matter of Constructint; driveways at the following locations: 0n the west si6e of Poore Ave, beginning 114 feet north of the north line of Marshall Ave., thence north 7 ft.; also beginning 60 ft, north of the north line of Iglehart Ave., thence north 20 feet; also bet-imiln;; 136.5 ft, south of the south line of Carroll Ave., thence south 11.5 ft.; also bepInning 60 ft, north of the north line of Carroll Ave., thence north 1? ft. 0n t:ie east side of Moore Ave., b%,Inning 1?1.5 ft. north of the north line of Marshall Ave., thence north 19 ft., under P.O. 99496, Is sufficient. The Council thereupon requested tint the City Engineer determine whether or not in his opinion this matter constitutes a public necessity. The order comes before the Council on EAsy 16th. Yours very tvily, City Clerk. ------------ A F of coneiruoting :di''f 'P - qf.t ng locatlone:; ' - - r elde sof Moore Ave -v ; (t: north of the n ar=1 Ave:. thence - C' > DBsslnning 80 (L non,, COUNCIL FILE NO -- — ]lne of Sglehart, , J:�th 20 fL, alsobeirp Ah of th aquth :;a th ncr outh _ In the Matter of___nnnatrnatinv dri4— vewnva et thfl_�Q11QTfiAg__1QQAC52I1A8_L__—_____________ nn th weRt sia, of Moore Ave-hwgi—ing lRb ft north oP_the nOxth a Of Marah811 Ave., thence north 7 ft.; also beginnin 80 ft. north of the north,line of Iglehart Ave.,thenoe nnr.h_20-fs,F also bet n+ng 13Si, _g gQyth 4f the south line of Carroll Ave., thence south 13.5 ft.; also beginning 60 ft. north of the north line of Carroll Ave., thenoe nni�th _12 f t On the east aide of Moore Ave. beginning 123.5 ft north of the north line of Marshall Ave. thenoe north under Preliminary Order ------------99496 ------ ------------ approved ----- -_Dea._181_1934--- ---- --- _----------- - ---- -- Intermediary Order ---__— - -------- —approved --------- --------,-- -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it Q y yp v rii rL4i _ � RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that , be grid the same are I;2 -a'. ; r; -s l4 d, :nnelled, a_d rc Tinded mid 0i1 nlCs in Acid tnattx be - 6at"tfle om�mlasiiiner o u 1c Vorka el; 1s hereiiy ins �ucted an direete to prepare pla and specificatio] for said impro ment, and subml ams to the Co til for approval; hat upon said a roval,the props ity officials are ereby authorize directed to , e makin of say 'mprovement in ordance there teed g �y Adopted by the Council -Y 2_�Zk?___._______, 192______. Approved-------- jr---------, 192__ Mayor. Councilman Councilman Ew - �'` Councilman MaDeneW Councilman 11WCJaffwjG' Councilman Sadheiaier Gsun@•V;al Mayor EWdg ea-o PUBLISrx,., Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF ER OF ON PREL MIISNIXRYIOR ER FINANCE 99914 (D) In the matter of constructing driveways at the following locations: On the west side of Moore Ave. beginning 134 ft. north of the north line of Marshall Ave., theno� north 7 £t., also beginning 80 ft. north of the north line of Iglehart Ave., thence north 20 ft.; also beginning 136.5 ft south of the south line of Carroll Ave., thence south 13.5,ft.; also beginning 60 ft. north of the north line of Carroll Ave., thence north 12 ft. On the east side of Moore Ave. beginning 123.5 ft north of the north line of Marshall Ave. thence north 18 ft., under Preliminary Order approved Dec. 18, 1934 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 89.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ¢`,7950 $19880 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated la 19-?� -4� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 14 28 Merriam's Re—ar.of Blks. $1750 $4850 24,25, 26,27, 28, 29 Merriam Park (Except North 50 ft) 14 19 Merriam Park, Ramsey Co.,Minn.8 850 $3100 1 19 do $1150 $3800 (East 127 feet of 4 Merriam'sRe—ar of Merriam Park $2100 $2800 (and East 127 feet of North 15 (feet of 3 30 do Lot 7 and 'Nest 10 ft of 8 27 Merriam's Rearangement of Blooks$2100 $5300 240250260273 28 ,29, Merriam Park ¢`,7950 $19880 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated la 19-?� -4� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D OF INANCE. Office of the Commissioner of Public 9.v':," 3 a- . 4 Report to Commissioner of Finance JAN " 8 _ Jan. .7.,..19.35.._.. - lsa To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 99.49.6--- approved.... -_Dec. 18, 1934 193 relative to Constructing driveways at the following locations: On the west side of Moore Ave. beginning 134 ft. north of the north line of Marshall Ave., thence north 7 ft.; also beginning 80 ft. north of the north line of Iglehart Ave., thence north 20 ft.; also beginning 13§,5 ft. south of the south line of Carroll Ave., thence south 13.5"ft.; also beginning 60 ft. north of the north line of Carroll Ave., thence north 12 ft. On the east side of Moore Ave., beginning 123.5 ft. north of the north line of Marshall Ave., thence north 18 ft. Estimated Cost: Lot 14, Blk. 28, Merriam's Rearrangement of Blks. 24 to 29 8.00 " 7, " 27, Merriam's Rearrangement of Blks. 24 to 29 20.00 S—'' " 14, n 19, Merriam Park Addition 22.00 " 1, Blk. 19, n n n 15.00 {° 4, " 30, Merriam's Rearrangement of Blks. 7 to 10 and 16 to 30 24.00 89.00 11! i -�, CWyJ, OF FINANCE. (`1PA�0 .,f +1114D. �'.r.V"T"iccinTiPr of Piil,11 Wnr R, go•oo ElTK2' 1 PO 70 'JUg TQ +O _)0 :,1100 „ �' a 30' il6LLTM..2 YGULLUUg6nrsU4� OL u T' 13TK' Td'' u uu 7 -DO Tc' 44GLLTUm Fj�Lj! aqT-PTOU JO :� ,�' ky Sja tni6LLl9atJ Ly 6:ILL9IJ Fi'6ID o:J {` Oj, PT1L2' SV' P0 �d „ • JO POS Td' BTK'Sg' ;n;6LLT3ID+2 �oJ=L�.�c,�6mOU�' Of, :JOLt'P T;U6 oL 71ULWp TT z,A6•' r[IeUCG UOL4�1J TR Lf - OU 4'u6 6a2�p 21g6 OF, iqi 6 vAG-' p6PTUUTUn TSS ;�' UOL;_U O;, t -P& TTU6 OL CeLLO]'T VA6-" PPGJJCG UOL�PJJ TS +IJCUcs 2orJpg T�-� Lp 9T20 p6RTUUTUE QO U' UOLFU OL Ft's UOI.'�U UTzo p6ETUUTUR T3Q'� LF' 20rJ�P}. OL 4�U6 20fJPU TTU6 OL OSLLOTT 1.-A6.' UOJ.pU OL 1`Ud UOLFU TTUa OL TRT6UULF VAG" �PUCUcs UOLPfJ SO LF'' TT J OI MIS, 2UJTT �.A ' LJJvIJCS CrpLCU � - _VT 0 p6P� UUTJ ' Qn T ,.. _., .............._� u -- - ---- . ------ -- ........ -'"""'-- -s and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ ..___.___ .necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $----- --------- ...._..._....., and the total cost thereof is $___----------- _.._.._._., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_.__ __ ....._..-...__.__...__....._----._--...._--------_..._. -...._..._... - . ...... - - ----------------------------- --._........ - - ---.._-------..._---------------------- ........ .. - - - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. - ---------- --- - ---------------- ----------- --- ......_.._._..............------ -------------------- -------- -------- — 5. Said improvement is ........... ------------- _... asked for upon petition of three or more 070- of property, j ; subject to assessment for said improvement. / r Commissioner of Public Works. C7, 4E� �J t ` ,�> 4 d illr PETITION OF REMONSTRANCE u It the matter of constructing driveway on west side of Moore Avenue beginning 134 feet northof the north line of Marshall Avenue, thence north 7 feet; also beginning 80 feet north'of, he north line of Iglehart Avenue, thence north 20 also beginning; 236.5 feet south of the feet;' south line of Carroll Avenue, thence south 13.5 feet. also beginning 60 feet north of the north li theme north 12 feet. On the east side of Moore fAvenueilbeginning`` 123.5 feet north of the -Avenue, t north line of Marsh 18 north' 18 feet. al The undersigned resident owners and agents of resident owners of nroperty_£ronting on Moore Avenue, from Marshall Avenue to Terrace Park, Comprising sixty per cent of such resident ownere and agents of owners and more than fifty per Cent of the lineal frontage on the line of the proposed impaovement of curbing both sides of said Moore Avenue, do respectfully petition the City Covnail o3 the City of Bt, Paul, and remonstrate against said improvement Be provided in Section 243 of the City Charter. Name Residence Description Lineal feet Of property of frontage 79U N 3 TNV e 19.1d g. ec If State of Minnesota ''Ycsl &W it t:' 'r`•• (B e Countyo Ramse says that' 6ch_e is Af the bbing first dufly,,setorn, deposes and of remonstrance and he does hereby, oertifons who ynthated theaidrpetitionawas oil also signed by the nersons whose name aonear the eon: Su'r;scr ` ed and orn to before me thi .da March' -11935. Ramwy ommcv 3�htr Notar Public, Ramsey C f� U" 14,18 7, MY `Commission eTMires:` `,., PETITION OF REEMONSTPANCE In the matter of constructing driveway on West side of Moore Avenue beginning 134 feet north of the north line of Marshall Avenue, thence north 7 feet; also beginning 80 feet north of the north line of Iglehart Avenue, thence north 20 feet; also beginning 136.5 feet south of the south line of Carroll Avenue, thence south 13.5 feet. also beginning 60 feet north of the north line of Carroll Avenue, thence north 12 feet. On the east side of Moore Avenue, beginning 123.5 feet north of the north line of Marshall Avenue, thence north 18 feet. The undersigned resident owners and agents of resident owners of property fronting on Moore Avenue, from Marshall Avenue to Terrace Park, comprising sixty per cent of such resident owners and agents of owners and more than fifty per cent of the lineal frontage on the line of the proposed improvement of curbing both sides of said Moore Avenue, do respectfully petition the City Council of the City of St. Paul, and remonstrate against said improvement as provided in Section 243 of the City Charter. Name Residence Description Lineal feet of property of frontage H: e s SE Corner Carroll-& Moore State of Minnesota) ss County of P.. E. Engels being first duly sworn, deposes and 1 says that he is one of the persons who signed the foregoing petition of remonstrance and he does hereby certify that said petition was also signed bar the persons whose named ap, :her fs/g Subscribe and sworn to before me th T day of d£a 19 Notary Public,unty, Minn. My commission eScpire, ta-� �V-rq 3r/ . CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HILARY JFLYNN JOHN L. CONNOLLY EDWIN MURPHY CORPORATION COUNSEL IRVINO.00TLIES JAS, F. SULLIVAN A ROY E. H. SWEOEEN CLAIM 1-11-ATOR May 17, 1935. To the Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: In re Petition of Remonstrance - Erection of a Driveway on West Side of Moore Avenue adjacent to Marshall Avenue. Under dateof May 16th, you referred to this office for an opinion, the question of the sufficiency and date of the petition of remonstrance in the above entitled matter. In reply you are advised that we are informed by Leonard Seamer, Valuation and Assessment Engineer, that this matter came up on the 12th day of March 1935. At that time Mr. Levine filed a petition of remonstrance. The City Engineer made a report to the Council. The Council was of the opinion that the matter, in view of the petition of remonstrance, would have to be passed as a public necessity. Mr. Levine requested the Council, before declaring it a public necessity, to view the premises but inasmuch as the premises were covered by a heavy snow the petition was with- drawn and refiled on the 10th day of May 1935. On the basis of the foregoing facts, it is the opinion of this office that it is within the power of the Council to declare this to be a public necessity at any time within twenty days from and after May 10th, 1935. Yours very truly, JLC -S `� Corporation Counsel i i OpIOINAI TO CITY CLERK ,� ��( FILE NO. ■ � 5� R • CITY OF S7. PAUL �.SL�L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE7DAT, FORM PRESENTED B $� C. Wenzel/{' (�!/V z March 12, 19`'3'5• RF LVED Whereas approximately 27'836 citizens have petitioned the `/ City Counoii to set a date Por a special election for the pur- pose of considering a Bond Issue for a municipally owned power plant and distribution system, and Whereas, according to the City Charter it requires the City Clerk to check the petitions to determine whether the petitions have a sufficient number of legal voters thereon, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the City Council establish Tuesday, March 26th, at 10:00 A. M. for a hearing before the City Council, at which time the sponsors of the petitions may be given an opportunity to be heard as to a suitable date for the special election; Be It Farther Resolved that the Co oration Counsel be re- quested to have a legal ruling in writing Pore said City Council on Tuesday, March the 26th, indicating the legal pro- cedure and interpreting the charter provisions regarding said special election in accordance with the petitions as submitted by the voters; Be It Further Resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Corporation Counsel, and a copy to the United Or- ganization Committee for a City Owned Electric Plant. COU. 3CILMEN Yeas � Pearce Nays P rson ._1n favor lCruax i1� tren nzel % ) Against //Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council --MAR __sa'35193 NIAR Approved 193_— Mayor PUl3LISHLD_ The UNITED ORGANIZATIONS COMMITTEE For A CITY OWNED EL70TRIC PLANT For ST. PAUL6 MINNESOTA. March 9, 1935. To the Honorable Mayor and City Oouncil-Greetings In accordance with the provisions of Chapter LB. of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, the United Organizations Committee for City -Owned Electric Plant presents herealth for your action, a petition signed by more than the required 25% of the qualified voters for mayor at the last election. This petition requests that the proposed ordinance embodied therein be submitted to the voters of St. Paul at a special election within 120 days as required by the aforementioned chapter. The proposed ordinance authorizes the borrowing of funds to establish a self-supporting, city-oaaed electric plant for St. Paul upon the approval of said ordinance by a majority of the voters of the City; and your honorable body is hereby respectfully requested to designate the date for a speci*l election within the time limit provided in Chapter I% so that this vital question may be determined as soon as possible. Fred Miller, Accountant and Custodian of Petitions 410 90 Fpnxlix:gt. LL c, o � v tJ Z3 - V- G7 f y Respectfully submitted UNITED ORGANIZATIONS COMMITTEE, for a City Owned Electric Plant 11 COUNCIL p_(144 08 ORtO1NAL TO CITY CL... FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK %JC:OUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM v ' G DATE March 7 1935 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing one Elgin Model D Pickup Sweeper and extra equipment to the Bureau of Municipal Equipment, for the use of the Bureau of 8anitation, to THE ELGIN CORPORATION, they being the -lowest responsible bidders, at a total cost of $6,690.00, less 2% for cash if paid within thirty days, all in accord) a with city specifi- cations, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. No. 9125. i COUN LMEN Yeas Nays z/e�fce. /Peterson. R/ — • In favor �oosen iT1'ruax . //Warren • _�--Against /VVenzel- ,Ar. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 mki< 131%35 Adopted by the Councitpl�� [3 q g s�� 193— ?Nd b� 11 3 W-6 Approved------193— Mayor pproved— ----193—Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL Rk PRESENTED BY Wenzel COMMISSIONER COUNCIL .R.����.��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCS• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Po. 100100—sy H. C I. COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FOP, .ef9eee taer city�tg snot• ,atIelnnd and Paciti,' are about to enter herein said ^.Ity .y t%Gut reptt ' _ DATE_ '--.tainnln -.nC. .{ if WRWREAS, the City of Saint Paul and the Trustees of the Rotate of the Chicago, Rook Island and Pacific Railway Company are about to enter into an agreement wherein said City is given the right, without rental charge, to construct, maintain and oper- ate an underground wire line crossing consisting of two wires carry - Ing a current of not to exceed 750 volts, at a point at and in the vicinity of Rngineer's Profile Station 946 plus 57, West St. Paul, said location being more particularly described in said proposed agreement; egid underground wires to cross under the surface and tracks of the right of way of said Railway Company, the same being so placed for the purpose of furnishing current for electric ob- struction lights at the Municipal Airport; the expense of construc- tion, maintenance and operation of said underground wires to be borne by said City; and WHRRRAB, said agreement and the terms thereof have been approved by the Department of Public Utilities, and the form of said agreement having been approved by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it R.RSOLVRD, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to,enter into said agreement and to properly execute the same. COU ILMEN 12 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Councill'iaR1_._-193—_ P rce Peterson Rosen ___In favor Appmved_-MAR 1.2 ---193-- ax 193__ /Warren Against /Wenzel Ma /Mr. President (Gehan) PUSLISIILD ?✓–� 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-�OENERAL FORM DATE March 12 1935 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 50- 5/8" Hersey Model "F" meters, at a price of $9.00 each, or a total cost not to exceed $450.00, without advertisement, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department Fund. t C. F. No. 100110-13Y H. C. Wenzel- Reeolved, That the PurchaRfng Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent oY tho Comptroller, 50 %-' Hersey Model meters, at a. price of $9.01 each, or a total cost of to exceed $450.00, with- 7 out advertisement. as theso are Dat, t- ed articles and no advantake could be 5� gained thereby. Charge Water Depart- Ey Ment Fund. Adop ted Y arei 0It 19361 Mar. 12, 1936. (March 16-1936). °COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays //eaatce son ossa ;79:n —_In favor �4uax �arten Against enzel / /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Counci) NEAR 12 10 --193— Nu."a 12 1"&5• Approved 193— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL RR CITY OF ST. PAUL RILENCIL NO.� OFFIC THE CITY CLERK �.J N ESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY — — j, COMMISSIONER _ DATE REsoLvED, that Children's Hospital Association be and it is hereby permitted to use the arena Section of the St. Paul Auditorium, with ice, for a benefit performance for the Children's Hospital, to be held on the evening of March 29th and on the afternoon and evening of March 30th, 1935, at the cost of opening and operating. COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays Peearce PPeterson /osen —_In favor Truax 'Warren --10---Against *enzel r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C. R. NO. 100111—By I. C. Pearce— , 1?esoly d, th6t Chlldren'e Hospital I,,. Association be and It is horeby D.rmit- j fed to use the arena section of the St. Paul Auditorium, with ice, for a bene - I flt performance for the Children'. Hos- Dital, to be held on the evening of Dfareh 29th and n the afternoon and ening of March 30th, 1936, at the coat of oppening and operating. AdoDied by the Council Mar. 12, 1935. Approved Mar 12, 1936. (March 16-1935) Adopted by the Council MAR 12 900 193_— Appro�vedj_� . 193 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY C1... •/ COUNCIL f '� /•/r/. CITY OF ST. PAUL CFILEOU NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL.,RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSION RSZ:Z, DATE March 12th. 1935 v v-� RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 2310, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 2311, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 2313, applied for ty Alex Dawson at 919 East Minnehaba Street be and the same is herety denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Alex Dawson the amounts of $10.00, $550,00 and $5,00 heretofore deposited for such licenses. C. F. No. 100112—Hy H. E. Warren j" Fred 1. Truos-1', C. Pearce— Resolved, That licensee for Restau-1 Hevernsa It310, 231�nandOft 1e 1lfnit Beverage; aDDllev, 23]3,- ap- plied Yor by Alex Dawson at 819 East Minnehaha $treat be andthe'-same fs hereby denied and the proper city otfl- cars ar hereby sutho iz d to rePund [o Alex Ds.wson [he amounts oP E10.00, S $60.00 and 35.00 hore[ofbre deposited Yor ( such licenses. I Adopted by the Council Mar; 12, 1935. ! Approved Mar. 12, 1936. COUN MEN Yeas A Nays � Peterson /Rosen I IIn favor / AIVarren — /")-Against /Wenzel /,Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.334 Adopted by the Council 193_ Approved/L/y__193_ ORIOINIIL TO CITY CLERK CITY OFS7. PAUL FILE couNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE— Maroh 7, 1955 RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 2310, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 23119 and off Sale Malt Beverage, application 2318, applied for by Alex Dawson at 819 East Minnehaha Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the requires fees. New owner for Old location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson /1 I� 1 Adopted by the Council ------____j 93__ Rosen —__—In favor Truax Approved---_____ —193 -- Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Mayor 5M 6.34 N THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION February 28, 1935 Mr. H. E. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety, Chairman, License Committee Dear Sir: Alex Dawson has made application for Restaurant, and On and Off Sale Malt Beverage at 819 E. Minnehaha St. at the northeast"corn�r of Arcade and Minnehaha. This place at the present time is not in operation although it has been previously licensed for the same type of business. This is applicant's first venture in such business; he having operated a gasoline station at Arcade and Jenks Ste. for seventeen years. His general reputation is good. approved. It is recommended that these applications be informally Very truly y s, C Leonard, License Inspector , / March let, 1935. Hon. Axel F. Petersong Comtdssioner of Financep Building. Dear Mr. Votersona The City Council will hold a public hearing on the matter of the application of Alex rawson for restaurant and on and off sale malt beverage licenses at 819 E. Minnehaha Street, on March 8th and requested that you send notices of hearing to property owners within two blocks of this location. Yours very truly, City Clerk. 0 Saint Paul, Minnesota March 4, 1935 TO: THE HONORABLE MARK H. GEHAN, MAYOR, AND THE COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Your attention is called to the revocation of the res- taurant and 3.2 beer licenses at 819 East Minnehaha Street, cor- ner of Arcade Street, formerly known as Greens Pastures and own- ed and operated by Mr. Henry Green, on the ground that the business was improperly conducted. Tie have been informed that an application is now pending before your honorable body for the issuance of another license at this location. We, the undersigned, as citizens, taxpayers and property owners, occupying and owning the property adjacent to this location, hereby enter our objections to the issuance of any beer or liquor licenses at this location of the following grounds - 1. The immediate vicinity to this location is largely residential. It is a fact that this district is zoned as a commercial district, but it is also true that this district is still largely residential and occupied by home owners, 2. The operation of such a business at this location re- sults in the existence of considerable noise from early in the even- ing until a late hour the next morning, and makes it impossible to sleep, during the_ night time, on at least two or three nights of each week, 3. The operation of such a business results in the exis- tence and presence of automobiles around and about our property at all hours of the night and day making it almost impossible to find space for parking our automobiles or those of our guests whom we entertain in our homes, and 4. The operation of such a business has resulted,in the past, and will undoubtedly continue in the future if this license is granted, in decreasing the value of our homes and making it al- most impossible to find and keep tenants -because of the aforemention- 0 f t kt 7 f 0 ed facts. If, however, your honorable body do issue a license to operate this particular business at this location we do hereby re— quest your co—operation to help us maintain a clean and moral business on these premises. (signed) , -z 3 �71 C) D 41 St. Paul, Minn. March 7th, 1935. Mayor Gehan & Members o3 City Council. Dear Sir - It becomes necessary for me to call your attention to February 13, 1935, when„d- presented to the City Council at that time, the neglect of the Prosouting Attorney. He on March 4 th, neglected to conduct his duty to render the service the Minnesota laws provide. He likewise neg- lected to call the witness to give the fact to the Judge, so the Judge can render the justice. I`therefore ask the Mayor and the members of the City Council as an official of our City Government and we as oitiaehe of at. Paul as part of the advisory body of the City. That the City has a clean Government as the City Charter requires. This will require to the application in regard to prohibit the license to the oorner of Minnehaha and Arcade streets, known as the GreenPasture, which is coming up before the City Council March 8th, 19359 and the City Council should be familiar to know previous the operation of the men that are applying for the licenses, and the operation of the Green Pasture not alone down stairs, but upstairs, which I will properaly give you when you grant.me the permission to make my statement to you to the Council. If you do not permit me to make my statement than I will take my deoission that you do not represent the citizens of St. Paul as the City Charter requires. Yours Rea�tfuiiy, 1, 351 Hope Str., ._ St. Paul, Minn. ORTINAL TO CITY CL9^' / C6UNCIL 160113 1, Z "� JCITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ��—� / DATE 111e-T'Qh 12p 195$ RESOLVED That Restaurant License No. 5765, On Sale Malt Beverage License No. 1250 and Off Sale Malt Beverage License No. 1718, expiring April 7, 1935, and issued to Peter Mercure at 1'46 S. wabasha Street be and the same are hereby revoked upon re— commendation of the Bureau of Police for the reason that licensee was arrested for possession of unstamped liquor. C F. No. 160113- BY H. E. Warren— Fred M Trues—I. C. Pearce-- Re olved� That Re.t.- t llcehse No. CO j�iLMEN Yeas Nays /p/ �e� j7 / /etkrson s'en _In favor lI'zuax iW rren Against /Wenzel r. President (Gehan; SM 6.34 elOn " U"tB n reeieO rOr.D00906- mDed liquor. Adoyted by the Council Mer. 12, "as - M—.'12, .Mas. 1y, '1936. (M—.h 16-1936) Adopted by the Council MAR 12 1995193__ Approved—,NOR 12 1935 193 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLIRA/ -I-M4 9 [� ,�d� 9 / I COUNCIL $ CITY OF�PAUL FILA NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM J PRESENTED SY�.� _ DATE March 12, 1935. COMMISSIONER - I RESOLVED lied for by A. Schoch That Florist license, application 2351, app Grocery Co. at 300 E. Seventh Street be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the required fee. COUNCILME �J Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 193 Pearce Peterson / 61 Rosen --In favor Truax / Warren _ " Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) / 5M 6.34 93_ Mayor march 7ta. 1935. d".r. Jotn ,n L. Conolly, Corcoretion Ccuneel# Puildinv. Dear Sir: The Cit; Co'meil ?Fid over t,-) !`^rah 12, of tLo ,.ndreti^ 3ct1och Ctraces Cqc:%z;•r for florist licenie. !'r. Fulbrove, repreGenting the St. Paul Retail rlorists objected to the ^.rantin,, of such a license to tris aoolicant claiminF, that they had not proper refrigera- tion as rennired by the terns of the florist's ordinance. Tie further claimed that grocers sell flowers only at certain periods of tho year such as Easter, Mother's ray, etc. and that they provide unfair competition to the regular florists who overate as such the entire year. The matter was referred to the License Committee and the Corporation Counsel with the request that they consider these objections and report to the Council on Lurch 1?th. Yours very t—lys city Clerk. 41x,111 7"1, 1Iz7 ,Tnn. 01si:•a•r, Pcr Coa�t:attee, P}err ?ir: The City Council laid over to n rc', 1.2, the a) !ic- tio-i of t',' 'adze'+ ,_-„di t;lt cer Cur,,) yr br a fl-,ris« 7.io,n,+• . :,'.r. alb?^a=;e, repre,cntin- t'.e ;t. 11pill Retail florists objacied to t' --e , rrjltier of such a license to glia anilicrait cicimin<: thnt they had not proper re`ri«era- tion a.s ramiired by the teras of the florist's ordinance. -re further claimed that grocers sell flowers only at certain poriods of the year such as Easter, I'Jotrer's Day, etc. and that they provide unfair competition to the regular florists who operate as sneh the entire year. The matter was referred to the License Coma-dttee and the Corporation Cmmsel with the reouest that they const -or these ob.jectiona and report to the Council on March l,"th. Yours very truly, City Clerk. RESOLVED That licenses for Tavern, application 2291, Dance Hall, application 2292, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 2298, and Restaurant, application 2294, applied for by Charles K. Voight at 419 Wheelock Parkway be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /P rce � L'eJ,�rson / ORIGIN�To CITY CLERK In favor. ,/ COUNCIL �� 0115 / Against - - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. Mr. President (Cehan) 5M 6.14 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE March $ 1985 RESOLVED That licenses for Tavern, application 2291, Dance Hall, application 2292, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 2298, and Restaurant, application 2294, applied for by Charles K. Voight at 419 Wheelock Parkway be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /P rce � L'eJ,�rson / /en • In favor. ax �iarren / Against - Wenzel Mr. President (Cehan) 5M 6.14 C. FrF. d No.M. 3arr 0011en- 6-13y 13. E, WeTruax— Resolved,, Ilceneee t,o291 for Tavern, n112292. 0. Sal.Mali Beverag1,11 flap plication 2293, and Restaurant,. appllca- tIon 2291, applied.. for byCharlesway be K. Volt at !1I Wheelock Park and the same are -hereby granted and sthe Clty Clerk ie instructed to leeue' uch llcenees upon the DRyment Into I city treasury f the reQulred tees. Adopted by the Council Mar. 12, 3936. Approved Mar. I. 1936. if (Murch i6-1936) Adopted by the Council._ NAR 12 193 ---- MAR 12 lW Approved -------------------193-- Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6PK l i. b -` r 'CI CITY OF ST. PAUL RI ENCU NO.JLJLU OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � t DATEMarch12 1935 RESOLVED That licenses for Tavern, application 2402, and Dance Rall, application 2403, applied for by R. J. Fallon at 353 Robert Street, be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the reggired fees. No. 00116—gy g, E. Wacren— Fred M. runs—I. C. Pearce— Resolved, That ilceneee for Tavern, i pplleaaon 2402, and Le. f gall, np_ I PPlication 2403, npplied for c- R. 11J. Fal_ i lon at 353 Robe t Sir eat, be npd [he Clerk lea netructeda to leeuo suchC liy tenses upon the p"y"a"t Into the city trAdpted by theeCpunollfMe,. 12, 1935. Approved Mar. 12, 1935. Renewal Of licenses (March 16-1935) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays eatce // "1``'eterson �Kosen -___In favor ,4u rax Warren —7/ ----Against /Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5�3 6.`14 Adopted by the Council MAR 12 1935 _193_— ` [�R 12 1535 Approved--- --_---_-193 --- Mayor OPIOIAIIL TO CITY ELL:PK �� / ~ FNaL �� �0117 }r. Y OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED DATE_ March 8, 1935 That Tavern license, application 2334, applied for by Charles Jannetto at 425 Upper Levee be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. Renewal Cr edam. Truax BY H. E. Warren.— . Resolved, That arce— Ta Crne license, ap_ Jannott ''pllcafion 2334 applied for by Charles sa 0 is at 426 UPPer Le Vee be and the clerk Ile hereby granted and the city It thenatructed to issue su h license payment Into the city tre¢s- u Ad vt d tiyi he Council Mar. 12, 1935. APpr.,ed , r. 12, 1935. (March 16-1935) I COUILMEN Yeas Nays ; ! Py�rcc eterson /I`fgsen —___-_ _In favor � ruax //Warren �U —Against /M//VVenzel 1. President (Gehan) SM 6.14 Adopted by the Council__MAg—I-?,19'S _193__ Approved— O�� 1 2 ___193__ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK / COUNCIL NO. ('� ITV- OF ST. PAUL TM OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r (� PRESENTED By ---- �L\u _ � _ DATE March 12, 1955 RESOLVED That licenses for Hotel (Angus, 140 rooms) application 2499, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 2450, Restaurant, application 2451, and Off Sale Malt Beverage application 2482, applied for by Blanchette Investment Company at 171 N. Western Ave., be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. COUNCILMEN Yeas 7�rercc JJson Aosen -Truax nrren / Vcnzcl /v(r. President (Gehal 5M (.34 C Fred AT. Truax—IB.yCHP arcs— ren— Resolved, That llcensea for Hotel (Angus. 140 room") nDDlicatlon 2429, On sale MeltBeverage, application 2430. Restaurant, aPPhcatlan 2431, and i Ott sale Malt Bever.' aPPlic0.tlan 2432, 1opPhed for by Blanchette InV98tneent CN *Tphey..-- are hereby granted sand Lhe City Clerk ie instructed to Issue ch tit"an"s upon the DnYment into the city treasury of the required fees. Adopted b liar, Council MGT, 12, 1935. Approved(March 1G-1935) Nays � Adopted by the Council _ P1'AR 12 1 �+_— 193-- / WAR ___._ In favor Approved_._—._ _ ---193_ A g'ainst Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLE.IL Z " - C6UNCIL 1 Y� 1a➢ ( CITY OF ST. PAUL 111 FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK: �o COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL v. TPIp PRESENTED BY �—�-� - DATE March 8, 1955 RESOLVED That licenses for which applications �baire been made by the following named persons for the addresses indicated be and they are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Joe Eckert 309 Jackson St. Barber W. A. Reepke, 1824 Grand Av. n Sam Dunn Steele Bros. Steichen Bros., A. H. Taws, Sam Dunn, Sam Perna, Leo Prtizker, Hickey Bros., Antoci Yianakoulis, F. P. Kaiser, Hugo M. Lesteritz, Mrs. Anna Nixon Socony Oil Corp. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson 426 S. Robert St. 1105 Payne Ave. 744 Rondo St. 615 Wabasha St. 426 S. Robert St. 686 Canada St. 450 Robert St. 559 St. Peter St. 5092 Wabasha St. 1786 University Av. 279 E. 3rd St. 159 W. 4th St. 924 Payne Ave. Rosen —__ —In favor Truax Warren ----Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6•i; Butcher n n n Grocery n n Confectionery n Gas station 5 pumps n ^ 5 n n n $ n n n $ n Appl. 2407 Renewal n 2228 " (Naw owner) ^ 2400 Renewal ^ 2535 ^ ^ 2340 " ^ 2167 " ^ 2599 " ^ 2587 " ^ 2576 " " 1443 " ^ 2283 " (New owner) n 2566 Renewal n 2406 n ^ 2441 " ^ 2586 n Adopted by the Council-_—-- ----193 —_ Approved— -----_—___---- Mayor onIou+wL TO ary cLenK L FILE L NO. y CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE March 8, 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED Socony Oil Corp. Socony Oil Corp. Soeony Oil Corp. SoconyVacuum Oil Co. Socony Vacuum Oil Co. P. L. Kochian, Mrs. Christ Averbeck, Jack Williams Geo. C. Oczak —2- 81 N. Snelling Av. 1000 W. 7th St. 243 S. Cleveland Av. 871 E. 7th St. 630 N. Dale St. 16 W. 9th St. 500 W. Central 253 Ramsey 1277 St. Clair St. COUNCILMEN Yeas/ Nays P`earee /1' erson R6sen In favor ,'Truax /Warren ,.___Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gchan) 5M 6.14 Gas Ste. 3 pamps n n 3 n n n 4 n n " 4 n n n 3 n Restaurant Ice Station Ice Delivery Off Sale Malt Bev. (Grocery) Appl. 2585 Renewal ^ 2583 " ^ 2382 " ^ 2379 " ^ 2378 " ^ 2443 " ^ 2172 ^ ^ 1042 New " 2266 " Adopted by the Council__— _.___—_193 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY 4LERK U (i CITY OF ST. PAUL FI EN��� No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �. COUNCIL, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BZ= fi � (/'� G MM SS ONER DATE March 12, 1935 RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons for the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Wm. Beck 466 S. Robert St. Barber Appl. 2439 Renewal Erwin Rademacher 1558 Como Av. " " 2390 " Mrs. F. N. Amundsen 1042 Selby Av. Butcher " 2309 " (New owner) Fred Babneman 1055 Arcade St. " IN 2397 Renewal H. Hoffman & Son, 964 Forest St. " " 2304 ^ F. M. Klim_ me ,,onhanen, 850 Selby Av. " ° 2427 " Michaud Bros. 234 S. Snelling Av. " " 2395 " Clarence Schiller, 1039 Charles St. " ^ 2391 IN Clarence Schiller 1039 Charles St. Grocery " 2392 " Bd Heinsch, 65 E. Congress St. Gas Ste, 3 pumps " 2424 " Socony Oil Co. 2387 University " " 6 " " 2384 " M. W. Allen 780 Grand Av. Restaurant " 2371 IN Robert Harrold U79 E. 7th St. " " 2358 ^ Isadore Raichall 414 Jackson St. " ^ 2404 " Wm Spiel 828 E. 7th St. " " 2393 " Schweitz & Stromwell 992 Arcade St. " ° 2417 " Union News Co. Union Depot " " 2375 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor Approved—____________ ---193 _ Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ( G ® CITY OF S. PAUL eI Er4el� NO. IC10119 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE March 12, 1955 RESOLVED Northland Amusement Co. Yale Winnick Peter J. Babtis n n n Simon Darrion n n n n 0. J. McManus III n n n IN n Margaret Lewis -2- 924 E. 7th St. Motion Picture Theatre Appl 2448 Rene 23 Wgter Shy. ( Junk Dealer If, 4204 " (Previously submitted -withheld del. taxes) 498 St. Peter St. On Sale Malt Beverage App 2542 Renewal n n - n, n Restaurant - ^ 2343 ^ 280 Front St. On Sale Malt Beverage it 2353 " " IT n Off " ^ n n IT n n 2854 ^ Restaurant " 2355 ^ 235 Rpndo St. On Sale Malt Beverage ^ 2360 ^ n IT Off " " ^ " 2561 n n it Restaurant n 2362 " 4562 St. Peter St. Hotel (Bradford 28 rooms) ^ 1312 ^ (New owner) COU CILMEN Yeas Z Nays /P�i/rcc 1 / YeZCC n RPsen '____In favor -/'Truax 4arren __ /_ __Against 'Wenzel j Mr. President (Gcban) 5M 6.14 Adopted by the Counci1--44AR—j-248W193 _ SRR 12 1935 Approved---- - -- ----- - ---19 3 - — �J Mayor �" PUBLISHED .�_� CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMP' MAR 12 10 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII -193 MAR 12 1x 193— Imo/(% ..�.,>•„ 2_1�-� s /1110120 100121 NOTICE ` CITY OF.6A NT PAUL �._ ��. ....- COUNCIL FILE NO. TO 199129, 190121, 199122- ; LOTION PRINTER C. F1::1os, Resolved: -That checks be drawn on to the -City Treasury, amount. of 524,726.27, overinS�hecka 1201 maxch g I93� filo 1n2 the oRf ftha perpIl—d ,,rr CltyeComptroller. Adopted by tho Ccunefl Eiar. 12, 1936. RESOLV�D,THAT wppreYedta��h2ieiss'sa ITY TREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT z _ _ _ _ _- —. 12147 OF $ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -12D -38 -TO 11M INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMP' MAR 12 10 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII -193 MAR 12 1x 193— Imo/(% ..�.,>•„ 2_1�-� s DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILMEN—ROLL GALL' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL NO...... — = 'Pe arson- 7 MCDONA COUNCIL RESOLUTION -.....INFAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS MerOh ROSEN TRUAX_....._ _._.._....._.................. ...._1935.. WENZEL .-.-.._......_.AGAINST RESOLVED. T AT CHECKS BE ORALyYN N���///TIC CITY TREASURY. MR. PRIES. u Ge �4" TO THE AGGREG AMEElil'OICE T _.�V G R 1�'Iv 75...... COVERING ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL CHECKS NUMBEJO�y�EUSOL VE.AS PER CHECKS O / COMPTRE APPROV f l; , ..... ✓..T/COMPfRR.... MAYO BY TOTAL DATE CHECK i i NUMBER IN FAVOR OF I� RETURNED �/ TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD I L..-__._— cc pQ ��LZ_ 0 __ _ e 12019 Paul Mishuk 1 12020 Review Publishing Company ! 1 000 0 391 2 x2021 J.H. Nilva, Assignee Nu—Tre Tire Co. 12022 Axel F.Peterson, C, of Finance 1 41 12023 Jacob K. Thompson 1 1 000 0 12024 12025 Mrs. Delia Brown Mrs. Mary Emily Christ q 28 2 27 0 12026 12027 Mrs. Louis Fay Mrs. Anna R. Foley 28 8 12028 William Gaston 31 9 4 0 12029 Frank Hetzneoker 12030 John Lennon 40 12031 Mrs. Elizabeth LiterskiI 4o 0 12032 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 24 9 3 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 28 1203 4 12035 L.H. Sault Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finan Is 4952 0 4 12036 12037 Axel F.Peterson,, 0. of Finan e Frances Beek 6 377 1 12038 Axel F.Peterson, C. of FSnane 2 545 5 11 12039 120 0 Elea M. Obst, Treas. R.Oo. St.Paul Dispatoh_Pioneer Pre a 89 4 68 3 12041 12042 St -Paul Auto Paint Company I 114 0 12043 Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Oompy Air 56 12044 Reduction Sales Company . 70 12045 American Book Company American Civic A^Tsooiation 570 0 12047 American Linen12046 American rSupplylo pCompan 5 0 I 0 12048 12049 John D. Anderson A Armstrong Cork &' Ins.Oompany l 164 26 2 I 12050 Atlas Gas & 011 Company 3 05 363 4 12051 Austin Western Road Maoh6Co.1 I 160 12052 12053 Automatic Electric Mfg.Compay Automotive 22 Oa� 1205 Service Company G. 86 7 12055 Baglio The Baker Mfg. Company 66 4 12056 Ballard Ramp Garage 8 12057 Belmont Corporation o 8 12058 Berman sporting Goods Compan4 12 001 12059 12066 . Bibliographical Soo, of A. i 12061 Bingham & Norton, Inc. Bingham & Norton, Inc. 79 331 120$2 Boeringer & Son 57 31'I 2 12063 12064 Bradford 011 Company I 16 0 12065 Brewer Bicycle Hospital F.J. Brings & Company 50I 12066 Bruoe Publishing Company 124 3 0� 12067 12068 Buffalo Meter Company I Callahan & Lynch 42 0 33 331I 001 12069 Capital Ice & Fuel Company 23 5 12070 Capitol Laundry Company 27 5 12071 Central Soap Company i 120 00 12072 12073 Chicago, St..Paul Mpls. & O.Rylf.Oo. Uitizene Ice & Fuel Company 2 09 12074 Cleveland Public Library 37 50 100 12075 Coohran—sargent Oompany 1 303 461 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I P I Baa a -t CG 75 556 %- DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FOUNCIL N0 __ COUJIL EN -ROLL GALL - ""'""".""-' ""'"""""'""""--' �Rx4- f'0 werrson COUNCIL RESOLUTION ••^2"A +`+-.►__.....IN FAVOR PEARCE AUDITED CLAIMS_...._._..__.._.ar.o_h__.._...._...................._...,9....35 ROSEN TRUAX--AGAINST ----- RESOLVED. AT CHECKS BE D /� T CITY TREASURY. WENZEL c MR. PRES. AiASibREY Ge+�l i 7 TO THE AGGRE TE�AMOU LpF 5.--l!. _.._�0. COVERING •. JV CHECKS NUM R{Zb ...I. y7..T0. .. 2GT /1I CLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS Ij� Tj1� OFFICE f F TH CITE' COMPTRO ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. _.. ....... _ / / 1 APPRCITY O_ MR LE F_/ GOL CHECKRETURNED NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER �� DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS I CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 475 556 7 12076 Commonwealth Electric Compan Go 19 12077 -Op. Laundry Company 3� 12078 Co -Op. Platin Company 5 12079 Carol Cox Book Company 41 81 12080 The Crane Company 127 4 12081 Cudahy Packing Company 13 5' 12082 Cortise 1000, Inc. , 12 9 , 120f David Bashefkin 32 0' 12ON Sam Popara 17 61 12085 Thomas welsh 5 12086 General Electric Supply Corp. 470 19 7. 12087 Healy Plumbing & Heating Company 300 OI 12086 Fuel 011 & Gas Company 90 OI 12069 Griggs, Cooper & Company 26 44 12090 A.R.Knox, Coll. Int. Rev. 1 079 6' 12091 May Is. Inc. 1 078 91 12092 Murphy Laboratories 12 01 12093 Rea Linen Supply Company 96 8 12094 Roe -James Glass Company 1 50 li 12095 white Eagle 081 Corporation] I 254 7] 12096 George sudeith 28 0( 12097 Consumers Milk Company 87 T 12098 Adam Decker Hardware Companyi 93 4i 12099 Diebold Safe & Look Company i 6 0( 12100 Dist. State Boiler Inepectorl 1 9 CC 12101 Ditto, Inc. j 2 0( 12102 Do.More Seating Service 5 0( 12103 Downey Typewriter Company 43 3° 12104 R.C. Duncan Company 98! 12105 O.R. Eckhardt Company 458 12106 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company, 515 if 12107 Egebevg Cycle Company 6 v 12108 Electric Blue Print Company 201 5c 12109 Electric Blue Print Company 141 OF 12110 Elk Laundry Company ( 17 OI 12111 Elk Laundry Company 30 V 12112 12113 Elvgren Paint Supply Company' Thos. J. Engel welding & Mfg .worke 174 % 17 75 12114 H.E. Erickson & Oompany,,Ino.l 2 87 12115 Esslinger & Company 19 15 • 12116 12117 H.L. Ettman Sponge Company Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compy 7'+ 46 66 3C 12118 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp y 19215 12119 F.. Faxon Company w 12120 Thomas Finn 5 12121 H.11. Fisher 70 7 1212P Fisher Nut Company 40 96 12123 Flint Broom Company 97 50 12124 Flor-Sani Mfg. Company 44 00 12125 Foote Lumber & Coal Company 56 42 1212.6 Leonard Frank Company 34 73 12127 Frenoh Book Club, Inc. 10 00 ! 12128 Charles Friend & Son, Inc. I 16 30 i SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 'I l 491 477 70 • DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL Y f OUNC{� F� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER PILE IVO ........................... ......... Cj,} + 'YM Tierso CALL .. MM_. C COUNCIL RES tON PEARCE lar- r _AN FAVOR AUDITS C AIM _. __._...-_._M�oh....9._....._...._._......._....,9.3`x.._ ROBEN TRUAX AGAINST WENZEL ������ ((�� y��� R OLVED. HAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, MR. PRES. RTAADREW ehan, TOT E AGGR ATE AMOU FS ......t%.,.7.56; Q ........ COVERING CME KS NUM RE ..TO.. rMMr=='�......, INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL....:..<1:"}L PER CHECK F FFIC�j ITY COMPTROLLER. I APPR .... 1 .... ... MAYOR - CHECK --- NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD 1P129 Thomas F. Waters 12130 Mrs. H. Mitch 12131 H. Kroening 12132 John Fitppatrick 1213 Braunig & Sons Baking Comp. 12134 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp y 12135 Holm & Olson, Inc. 12136 G. Sommers & Company 12137 Otto A. Bartusch 12138 J.J.Gillen, Reg. of Deeds 1 12139 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finance 12140 Elea M. Obst, Treas.R.0 Mi 12141 Elea M. Obst, TreaB. R.Co.Mi 12142 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Comg y 12143 Lamprey Products Company 12144 James Bertucoi 12145 St.Paul Institute 12146 Sharpe & Dohme, Inc. 12147 Goodyear Service,Inc. i I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD t I ] i I i 3 � 4 k r i r I r 1 j • DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL Y f OUNC{� F� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER PILE IVO ........................... ......... Cj,} + 'YM Tierso CALL .. MM_. C COUNCIL RES tON PEARCE lar- r _AN FAVOR AUDITS C AIM _. __._...-_._M�oh....9._....._...._._......._....,9.3`x.._ ROBEN TRUAX AGAINST WENZEL ������ ((�� y��� R OLVED. HAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, MR. PRES. RTAADREW ehan, TOT E AGGR ATE AMOU FS ......t%.,.7.56; Q ........ COVERING CME KS NUM RE ..TO.. rMMr=='�......, INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL....:..<1:"}L PER CHECK F FFIC�j ITY COMPTROLLER. I APPR .... 1 .... ... MAYOR - CHECK --- NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD 1P129 Thomas F. Waters 12130 Mrs. H. Mitch 12131 H. Kroening 12132 John Fitppatrick 1213 Braunig & Sons Baking Comp. 12134 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp y 12135 Holm & Olson, Inc. 12136 G. Sommers & Company 12137 Otto A. Bartusch 12138 J.J.Gillen, Reg. of Deeds 1 12139 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finance 12140 Elea M. Obst, Treas.R.0 Mi 12141 Elea M. Obst, TreaB. R.Co.Mi 12142 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Comg y 12143 Lamprey Products Company 12144 James Bertucoi 12145 St.Paul Institute 12146 Sharpe & Dohme, Inc. 12147 Goodyear Service,Inc. i I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD t I ] i I i 3 � 4 f I, r I TOTAL DATE RETURNED 'RANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS I 481 477 7C 294 4 255 5 215 0 96 o 14 1 226 53 86 11 553 2 3 751 15 1 167 11� 40 70 116 89 10 00 333 34 96 78 103 31 404 234 34 � i I i 3 j r I II aerof Daving.i111e; d.md b`lodc 3:-Fo v. from 4Vheeier Avl under Preit193 , ^.cued Peb. 6, 1936. Ant the City of e 119 TBDort of ` i a .: :1IDOII t1 COUNCIL FILE TO— B O B INTERMEDIARYORDER In the Matter of paving Alley in Block 2, Maywood and Block 3. Forest Lawn Addition,-0 from Wheeler Avenue to Fairview Avenue, under Preliminary Order D 99845 approved February 5, 1935 4 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.. > Thavthe sai&report'and the same,>yg,he.reby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is pave Alley in Block 2, Maywood and Block 3, Forest Lawn Addition from Wheeler Avenue to Fairview Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2.117.75 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of April 193-k_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in 'the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council MAR 12 ]� 193 ��`. Approved IIAR 12 193—City Clerk Mayor Councilma Vearre Councilmancj&y - Peterson > CouncilmaneR.=Fee "'a Rosen f j CouncilmanxRjdsen ::=xu 'Truax V Councilman alt = Warren CouncilmanRVAraWenzel PIj$LISHED y Cr Mayors Gehau Form B. S.-A. 8.6 D124- _K'0124 iter of conatrucf 'c coppr.ta the r?-netructir. ' COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing with monolithic concrete the boulevard area, and reconstructing, relaying and repairing the tile in existing walk on the south side of York St. from the east line of Walsh Ave., thence east 280 ft., all of which abuts the John A. Johnson School Site, under Preliminary Order 99809 approved February 1,1935 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner Qf Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said -report and, the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceededwith. - 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct with monolithic concrete the boulevard area, and reconstruct, relay and repair the tile in existing walk on the south side of York St. from the east line of Walsh Ave., thence east 280 ft., all of which abuts the John AOFohnson School Site, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $PAB*45 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of April , 193-5-_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CoundJQR 12 INS 193_ Approved p�gP 1 0 10M 193��� City Clerk Councilman bid0mmidmm Pearce Councilman May. :..r_ Peterson Councilman Eeaarce.. \ Rosen Councilman Rbsoiirt-" ... Truax Councilman '457aw: t�_.. O'arrea Councilman l et( elm-- %Venzel Mayor 5106W Geh=, Form B. S. A. 8.6 Mayor PUBLISITED ! -/G +. (`25 d e y COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER` In the Matter of opening, widening and extending East Third Street from White Bear Avenue to Pedersen Avenue to a width of 80 feet by adding thereto s strip of land 10 feet in width on each side of the present street, and opening, widening ant extending Fast Third. Street to a width of 80 feet from Pedersen Avenue to East Avenue by taking and condemning a strip of land 40 feet in width on each side of a line 322.3 Peet north of and parallel to the east and west center line of Section 350 Town 29, Range 02, also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in grading of East Third Street widened and gx10$ed as above described from White Bear Avenue to East Avenue, under Preliminary Order 99668 approved January 16, 1935 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is open, widen and extend East. Third Street from White Bear Avenue to Pedersen Avenue to a width of 80 feet,by condemning and taking the South 10 feet of Lots 1 to 11 inclusive,blook7, and the North10feet of Lots 1 to 11 inclusive Block 10, Robert L. Ware's Eastern Heights, the South 10 feet of Lots 5 and 33 to 59 inclusive, Block 3,and the North 10 feet of Lots l and 6 to ,32 inolusive,Block 4,Wild Rose Adcii tion, and the South 10 feet of Lots 16 to 30 inclusive,Block 3, and the North 10 feet of 116%`1'.; to 15 inclusive,Blook 4, Hazel View;also open, widen and extend East Third Street to a widiiit sP: 80 feet from Pedersen Avenue to East Avenue by taking and condemning a strip of land 40 feet in`' .width on each side of a line 322.3 feet north '(of and parallel with the east and west center ---line of Sectio 35, 0 29 g e zz22;els Conde a Make an aseent in tthe 1 d ne sass fo slo es cu�a and 11a'in�rading o? East Ttir� Street ��33,aeneand exteede�as move NKscrTbed, from White Bear Avenue to East Avenue n accordance witT the blue riot hereto attached and made with no alternatives, and that the estimate cos thereof is $ 50.00 a part hereof, the hatched ortiona howin the cuts and Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on theded port9+Hs s�owiaogfthe fill ARril 193 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Cohuancil Chamber of the ddCourt House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in -the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounclIMAR 12195 193_ Approved MAR 12 10 193-- City Clerk Mayor Councilmanr� Councilman'' r non Councilman Pearce 1 Councilman ° ,x Councilman ��� ren Councienzel Mayor a ioney Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBLISHED >ootz� -atter of condemning -i easement -YorubaDDu-1 acting and malntain7.n1- i m in a tunnel belo - i ✓e (fib) feet above f on -rient,s11911 be .n,. (2't..fc"'^arc to f +w ' ha -air "�• COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of j Condemning and taping an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public server in a tunnel below elevation sixty-five (65) feet above City Datum. The said easement shall be a strip of land twenty (20) feet in width, the center line of which. and the property it crosses being described as follows: int on the center line of Dearborn Street 330 feet east of the ntui� �x•y >+y , a a � rt Street, thence northwesterly across lot 6, Bloo] 93, Lots unde r° y o + r t oe ots 9 and.10, Block 95, lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, Vollmer's Rearrange- rti v 7 a 8, 9, 10 and 1, Block 87, lot 3, Blook 75, lots 8, 7, 6,, 9, 5, Th ,' y a .0 m N in West St Paul Proper, to the intersection of the center lines the above fi a n r. Ninifred Stree't''and commencing at a point on the center line of 1. That sat of the.oenter line of So. Robert Street, thence southwest_ hereby ordered to 2, Masek's Rearrangement of Block 89, and lot 12, Vollmer's tc: 88, all of West St, Paul Proper, to a, point on the center line 2. That the nate ;et west of the center line of So. Robert Street. " Condemn and take an easement for the purpose of oone�rita-ting main'tainsng_a- pn public sewer in a tunnel below elevation sixty-five (65) feet above City Datum. The said easement shall be a strip of land twenty (20) feet in width, the center line of which, and the property it crosses being described as follower 1 Commending at a point on the center line of Dearborn Street 330 feet east of the center line of So. Robert Street, thence northwesterly across lot 6, Block 93, Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 94, lots 9 and 10, Block 95, lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, Vollmer's Rearrange- ment of Block 88; lots S. 99 10 and 1, Blook 87, lot 3, Block X15, lots• 8, 7, 6, 9, 5, 2 and 1, Block 76, all in West St. Paul Proper, to the intersection of the -center lines t of Humboldt Avenue and Winifred Street, and oommenoing at it point on the center line of Robie Street 190 feet east of the center line of So. Robert Street, thence southwest- erly across. lots 1 and 2, Masek'a(Raarrangement of Block 89, and lot i2, Vollmer's Rearrangement of Block 88,, all of West St. Paul Proper, to a on the centerline of George Street 100 rest west of the center line of So. Robe Street. Adopted; by the Council M AR 1 r10 193-Q Councilman FMOMMkhm 'Councilman'^ Councilman V&fed'--' `_aa Councilman 4(Z66h "--=-N CouncilmansFteiaz - Councilman's:' Mayor B. S. A. 8.6 itv Clerk YUBL,ISIiED 3_16-36- A COUNCIL FILE NO._------ In the Matter of i� �tesement formtha pu-� `loirlln a [vane-belonlni-. . +ae (fi5) Yeet above C saw r+eat: shall ne • 'n 2 fc" �� I .r, INTERMEDIARY ORDER mand talring an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining Condemning i a public ewer in a tunnel below,elevation sixty-five (65) feet above City Datum. et in line Tsaidof which,eandmthe property itstrip of crosses being described scribednty ) eidth, the center asfollows Commencing at a point on the center line of Dearborn Street 330 feet east of the lot Lots '. 60�tar line of So. Robert Street, theme northwesterly across,nd 106,Oollmer9e,Rearrange- a �nd;4, Block 94, lots 9 and 10, Block 96, lots 7, , 75, lots 8, 7, 6, 9, 5, ment et Block 88, lots 8, 9, 10 and 1, Block 87, lot 3, Block "md I. 'Look 76, all in West St' Paul Proper, to the intersection of the caster linea of &wnbtlld*, gveaue and Winifred Street,'aInd commencing at a point on the center line of Roble S+,reet 190 feet east of the .oenter line of So. Robert Street, thence southwest- erly acrosslea ] 'end 2, Masek's Rearrangement of Block 89, and lot 12, Voenter's Ree.rran;ement �loek 88, all of West St. Paul Proper, to a, point on the °enter line °t George Streat "I feet west o£+the center - line of So. Robert Street. o ni g - , {age'an"easement for ttCe purpose of oonei-uig d main public' ► eI below elevation sixty-five (66) feet abo City Datum• Thb said easement shall be a strip of land twenty (20) feet is width, the center Ilse of which, and the property it crosses being described as follows Commanding at a point on the center line of Dearborn Street 330 feet east Lo the Block 93, Lots center line of So. Robert Street, thence northwesterly, tel86r9sand 10s lot ,�oolimer's Rearrangeand - (( 2, 3 and 4, Block 94, lots 9 10 and�1, 91ook 87, lot 3, Block 15, lots 8, 71 61 91 5, ment of Block 884 lots 8,, 91 to the interseotion of,tho:oenter lines 2 and 1, Block 76, all is West SS Paul Proper, at a point on the center line of of Humboldt Avenue and Winifred Street, and commencing so. t thence southwest - Roble of B14 center 89, d lot 12, Vollmer's Roble Street 190 Peet east of the center line of So. Robert res., � erly aoross lots 1 and 2, VAsek siBaarreng �t oa the center line all of west St. Paul Proper, Rearrangement Of Block 68, to a Street. ` of George Street 100 feet west of the center line of So. Robe; _193 �4 Adopted,by the Council ily C1.11 ir/1� _ -- Inn•• - •- - Mayor Councilman �a- Councilman 4k�dy" == �s Mon Councilman V&rdd aF ---•..::C4 lijruax - Councilman't � �( Councilman tiox = 3 V,lrren • C°uncilma.A76s=el euzei• MayorMINUMEAS Alan,MUMMY ' YUBLISIiED-�� '� orm B. S. A. 8.6 I A 5 r � v , . t: Q 'I 4 -Y 0 (. 3L por . 9 $9a r xu I c r j j IJc , op , UoprA P+ -39F 180'6=Gr allox^ c. +sc� x'Ts a r or dx :ruyjc+ul.r1ic cc-r.x :. 77✓, Z L'ru oT F -n7 :(tur,,n-.•i 3+iae; • .o;,a,.-r,.an; r '� .1 •mq T' ''j"cl: dB' 'ITT ru .4saf 2F' bx,x "�'4o.�a,r, r_ o a ...3 r ri:. f•_ ntA:r.F o, 210olc &R' ToFa �,a �T ::r.c1 J1 a c S 3 4 v' bloc;{ 8d' Topz 8 trtr a cso ez 4 10 n7ooi• gopazF ?{rca0fNeucs ;ior.rlreor. " io o p Tuo oT ..tU?alr' r;q pWA irzobor.pn of cr°oases. ;:oTu gocc Tpaq c77v.tec r ` 11TO kTTyTMJq as a:van pcjT Pe a+L T o;; -. ..::,.�. .._,.,,oma.-._ 1-...•.� .: -4�ir •.�„ cc:.r.�Ar. under Preliminary Order 9fi3 approved iann ._1s. l°.25 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ie Condom and take an easement for the purpose of oonstruoifnglend maintaining a publio sewer in a tunnel below elevation sixty-five (66) feet abode City Datum. The said easement shall be a strip of land twenty (20) feet in width, the oenter j line of whioh, and the property it orosses being desoribed as follows, j Commending at a point on the oenter line of Dearborn Street 330 feet east of the 1 oenter line of So. Robert Street, thenoe northwesterly aoross lot 6, Blook 93, Lots. 2, 3 and 4, Blook 94, lots 9 and 10, Blook 95, lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, Vollmer's Rearrange- ment of Blook 86 lots 80 9, 10 and 1, Blook 87, lot 3, Blook t5, lots -8, 70 6, 9, 5, 2 and 1, Blook 76, all in West St. Paul Proper, to the interseotion of the•oenter linea of Humboldt Adenine and Winifred Street, and oommenoing at a point on the oenter line of Robie Street 190 feet east of the oenter line of So. Robert Street, ,61 _thenae southweat- erly aoroes Iota 1 and 2, Masek's(8earrangement of Blook 89, lot12, Vollmer's Rearrangement of Blook 88, all of 47est St. Paul Proper, to a, t, on the oenter line of George Street 100 feet west of the oenter line of So. Robe Street. Adopted -by the Council NAR T/ 1._ , 193_ Approve 193 ity Clerk Mayor Councilman e • ICouncilman 4Fy ^ le, on Councilman 4rearde - sen • ,Y' Councilman sen s µax • CouncilmanaFruax zs �(!/';irren. Councilman "v4MVI'' u �C� case: v� Mayor � e B. S. A. 8-6 , PUBLISHED -1 r 3a 1j: u op: r La, jeL7 + a , o ;r +TCT oee 7 ' •9 ✓ r r a,"-FlTc c 3 r �. o T 0 F7't-TG BoPre 1+..ae� IcU u , r .i. r, + ry oau+� do •racy IAF ob Tl,'rjPo7gr `. .,..;c D':Tq ..,La;j `:Uq. T' :-Juo1' �Q, u7J ! 7 zi- ^t ' brrr l eLui,a a c:: c of Wsu.P of'aai' UN' fora r' u' TO ZWq 7' �' 3 xAq v' y7ooF HGF' rorz 8 eruq 70' 3]�or- 21 ugal. j jAl, of, NPP",c g4!Lca{:' cpeuce roL¢ saPeTl or - F A Ass P Lu 2,=Lse >_ peq :;a {,ol7oaca: 7 Go uadeteitm►nar9 girder 996A2 approved J8+'+»..70 r ass The Council of the CTty of St Paul having received tfie report of"'the Ccs tLoaF th,e above"improvement, and having considered said report; hereby resiilves: '+ 0TT 0 1. That the said report and' the same is hereby approved and adopted, arp,+ {lA;,L,,; A. R. If eta* x� c 3,��': �, �sz�a��: `�, ..w �'- "� ,'� .• •:tr".' �+,r .; .`ate ,I- '"rr- � _ wi Resolved Furcher ent on the_ gbh day of April , 193 5 n at tiiE` o ���� A-lvl., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of SG Paul` That the Commissioner of;Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and i the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature-of the improv t and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council MAR 121935 , 193 "�x — Approved $ 2jpSK193— --- —ity Clerl:' Mayor Councilman ? e• Iorm Councilman Rbt"— -iP raonCouncilman V atee- --= senC�ouncilman&6ft uCouncilmangVii6xC'PVi�r ouncilman LAIMayorehan' lUBL1SIED" B. S. A. 8-6 _ '0127 ( ,iy7 Iea er ent.20dfeet17 easement •80 feet h - a elevation of 60 an; - ton of 45, CRY Datt' e of'conair ding . a sanitary Interest.: ' hrou h and across' -.Ive, BI k 1 );dq„ i • 12, and lots 17 pati 'q�od Addit4 n 53r'v.•. COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of (CZdemning end taking an easement 20 feet in width below an elevation of 60 and above ane enation of 45, City Datum, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a sanitary intercepting sewer under, through and across lots 1 to 13, inolusive, Block 1, Edgeoliffe Addition No. 2, and lots 17 and 18, Block 2, Riverwood Addition, from the south line of Hartford Ave. to the wrest line of Mount Curve Boulevard,)the center line of said easement bung a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of Hartford Avenue 15 feet east of the northwest corner of lot 1, Block 1, Edgeoliffe Addition No. 2, thence southeasterly to a point on the line Forming the common boundary between lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Edgeoliffe Addition No. 2, 50 feet east of the west boundary line of the aforementioned lots 7 -and 81 thenoe, southerly and parallel to the west boundary line of lots 8 to 13, Block 1, Edgeoliffe Addition No. 2, to a point 10 feet south of the north boundary line of.Piver..d Addition, thence easterly and parallel to the north boundary line of'Riverwood Addition to the west line of Mount Curve Boulevard. Also oondemning and. taking an -easement 20 feet in width below an elevation of 60 and above an elevation of 45, City. Datum, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a sanitary intercepting sewer under, through, and across lots 1, 63 7 and S. Block 2, River wood Addition, from'the north line of Highland Parkway to the east line of Woodlawn Avenue the center line of said easement being a line described as follows: Beginning at'a point on the:=north line-of,Highland Parkway 22 Feet east of. the east line of Woodlawn. Avenue, thenoe-northerly on a straight-line to a point•on,the_west boundary line of.lot 7, -Block 2, Riverwood:Addition 17 feet northeasterly from the southwest corner of thesaidlot 7, and saiddrr-line produced:northerly Al,ao condemning and,,taking an easement 20 feet in width below an elevation of 65. and abo an elevation 'of 50,- City Datum, -for the purpose of constructing aad_maintaining,a seaitar' iateenapting,sewer under, through. and across Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 87, f the•eouth line. of Highland Ford Parlway to the east line of Mississippi;:River Houle- vard, the center line of said easement being a line described.: as follows ::_-1�eginning at a poin -on the -neuter line of Highland Ford Parkway 21.68 feet west of the center; line of Woodlaun•AvenueI thence southwesterly at an angle of 530 - 421. from the s -aid oenter line of. Highland Ford Parkway :on a straight line to Its interseotion.with the. aforementioned east line -of Mississippi River Boulevard. Intercepting sawer, under, through, .and across. lots 1, 6, 7 and 8, Block 2, Riverwood Addition, from the north line of Highland Parkway to the east line of Woodlawn Avenue, the oenter.line_of saidoeimeement being a lire described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of Highland Parkway 22 feet east of the east line of-Woodlawn Avenue, thence northerly'Ma straight line to a point on the west boundary line of'-lot'y,`Block "2, River - wood Addition 17 feet northeasterly from the southwest corner of the said lot 7, and said line produced northerly. Also condemn and take an easement 20 feet in width below an elevation of 65 and above an elevation of 50, City Datum, for the purpose of oonstrueting and maintaining a sanitary intercepting sewerunder'through and across Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 87, from the south line of Highland Ford Parkway to the east Sine of Mississippi River Boulevard, the oenter line of said easement being a line desoribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the center line,of.,Highland Ford Parkway 21.68 feet west of the center line of Woodlawn Avenue, thence southwesterly at an angle of 530 - 42' from the said center line of High- land Ford Parkwey'on a straight line to its intersection with the aforementioned east line of Mississippi'River Boulevard. -y�- o»,.e .+rd„oa-evufi�n�sefoz7.a ap eu 1ru570 OL e3o 'TU, LLorr FNa asl•q: oeirpsr. 7iue bOTZV. OV ;);O osu;OL Tfue ob ?17epj�nrq LoLq jarLjrasr.k 57'e8 Leop a+s2p OL ppe ceupeL TTxre oT Aazq,., ppe Osupez True OL aaTq avaemeup paTrrE a TTua goacr.T•psq ee LoTToa2: BeP zraTnc s; a LLom';};o 2o,;pN TTzre OL &TENT 4 LOLq bvzjatal ;o ;i;e eaap TTue oL ;T22TeeybbT gt.ai;L B01rTs- aauT;aLa T;;;eLos�;Tu eo"AOL rnTgOL' ;P40fleN suq aoL022 r0; S' dngT.VOL,2 a5PgTAT2Tou Ro- 81' WPOAs su OTaerr.FTou OL p0' OTp zia;rn, LOL +Ne 517L})020 OL oouapLrropruQ auq =Tupu7ufu2 a y7eo ooxrgeuuavo. ouq pe n6 su ea•aemorl.p SO asap Tu ATgFN POToat eu s7ens;Tou OL qp uarq evig =TTuO bt.ogrtcsq 1JOL;W0LP, W-101- coq V49TpTO17 Ta Lssp uoLp}JeJe;aLT" LLcm safe zu,t;}r.ozp cOLueL OL pge eir q Top �' auq p,feuos uoLppezTA O:r b a;LaT2jY; 7euo po a SO u; 031;Ire.u32; po,ruge T1116 oL TOF i' BTOOK S' OU ppe TJOLpN, 7Tue OL I TRNTSWq I; LPAv?L SS Leer ea2p o i, ;}re seep TTUO OL AOOgTaetu . .pIJG.Oau;0L.TTAe OL esTq cueoaa.u: pa uG' a TTue goaac_TOeq ae Lo7Ja�a: gokTz;ur:;f-' op U boTup YOOq �Fg,i:pTOu LL -;Ire AOI.p;i TTus OL 77CpTGWg r,aLjVAQri, 10 {:}Je strep TTlIg OL i','';,OOgjaASA ";,'ABIti19'• eazTpazl Tsrpszosy;Tua ea:eL ungaz' p}uo>rq}r' auq UGLoae Lupe T' e' i auq 8' B7Ooic S' L?AsL vpoAo au oJsAapiau oL ' OT -A Da;rra' L01. ;}Jo brlLboeo Og couepwropTIE auq 1MTupaT1Yy.V? or vlao oouge;,r.rT•ua auq pfrrTu'o Tru oaeerJeup SO LOOP Tu 1ATgpN POILIA GU eTeAa;TOM OL k;O buq 7Tue OT; 1STAOLK009 VggT;TOu ;0 i:Ns ::asp TTua oL NUM; On LAO BorrTsAaLq- pOrJngaL? TTve OL iSTbeL.aooq 3ggTpTOu' ;NOAOe eaa;eLT?. zug i)0'LvTT9T ;0 ;Ile !;Of pj pcj,ijgdL?L TOp2 8 ;0 73' 37oOK 7' jl�geaOTTLLa Vggipiou go' S' ;o a bOTu; TO Lao; eonpp OL ;;Je uoz;N aLOLamsr;;Torraq.Topa S arq 8' ppruce 20rIpI;0zTR auq L61-11101 ;0 pps ase; pormgsiL?L 8' E7ocj: 7' EgTrus oL T ao?TECs, VggTfTou I10. S' p0 Lse; eaep OL pNe .use; pouugvLl. TTue, nL pNe ;Neuce aorrpiJeaa;sLTa po e BOT -up ou pus TTZe LOzurTu2 ;}re OOlrfaou POnugei.7, pepraaerr Topa 1 auq jiesufre Tp ;sop 999; OL ;Ne uoLplrae2; coLUOL OL TOp T' BIOOK 7' i;qf?ocTTLLa VggTpioA Ro' S' _oOT.J� v T{ue goao;Tpeq ue 1,01fOte: 1302Tuur112 a; Or bOT14 ou ;_ce eor,_u True Or. uvLrTOLtr under Preliminary Order 99999 a pproved-7ebrasxy-26, '1935..-- . The_Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is Hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Condemn and take an easement 20 feet in width below an elevation of 60 and above an elevation of 45, City Datum, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a sanitary Intercepting sewer under, through and across lots 1 to 13, inclusive, Block 1, Edgeoliffe Addition No* 12, and lots 17 and 18y •&look 2, Riverwood Addition, from the south line of Hartford Ave. the west line of Mount Curve Boulevard, the center line of said easement being a line described as followas Beginning at a point on the south line of Hartford Avenue 15 feet east of the northwest corner, of lot 1, Block 1, Edgeoliffe Addition No. 2, thence southeasterly to a point on the lime forming the common boundary between lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Edgeoliffe Addition No. 2, 50 feet east of the west boundary line of the aforementioheil lots 7 ' and 8, thence Southerly and parallel to the west boundary line of lots 8 to 13, Hlook 1, Edgeoliffe Additiop No. 2, to a point 10 feet south of the north boundary line of Bpi r4god Adis tidi--thejoa,,eeaterly and parallel to the north boundary line of',Yii.vernoMAddition to the west line of Mount Curve Boulevard. Also condemn and take an easement 20 feet in width below an elevation of 60 and above an elevation of;,46i..,City Datum, for thepurposeof constructing and maintaining a sanitary Intercepting, Sewer: under,, through$ and aero so lots 1, 69 7 and 8, Block 2, Riverwood Addition, from the north line of Highland Parkway to the east line of Woodlawn Avenue, the oenter.lin.er.of 'said aasement being a line described as followes Beginning at a point on the north line of Highland_ Parkway 22 feet east of the east line of Woodlawn Avenue, thence northerly'a straight line to a point on the west boundary "line'of idt�7,'Hlock 2, -River - wood Addition l7 feet northeasterly from the southwest corner of the said lot 7, and said line produced northerly. Also condemn and take an easement 20 feet in width below an elevation of 66 and above an elevation of 50, City Datum, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a sanitary intercepting sewer tmd®r, through and across Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 87, -from the south line.of Highland Ford Parkway to the east line of Mississippi River Boulevard, the center Me.of said easement being a line described as followss Beginning at a point on the oenter.line.of Highland Ford Parkway 21.68 feet west of the center line of Woodlawn Avenue, thence sonthwesterly at an angle of -530 - 42' from the said center line of High- land Ford Parkway on;a straight line to its intersection with the aforementioned east line of Mississippi'•River Boulevard. o4: o„ ajW u+. i!to _ ISr ;1-0-w ;ye- OWT(I. 0WIFer.<77sre boTup. ou plre osu;sn 7Tue oL'l3TgPTVu4 LoLq buLlrUaA ST'0 beep AM; oL,';NG ceid;' Gi ypro or. nffzq' gFe oeu;eL 7Tue oL zvTq evaemexrp poluz Or TTue gOGGLi'Peq as LO77OA2a BBRTuuTZC or; or LLOII;Fe aOnpF JTus oL R:rCyjvuq LoLq be'LXau% fo Ppo eaap 7Tue o; TeeTee;bb7 STasL Borr7e- eguT;n,k Tu;G400b;TzuQ solder. rmgeL' FPLonPlr -q VOLOaa rO-P S' VffgTV0L,e 217pg7AT2T033''110* g&' upoaa au OTGAu;T-ou oL 20' GTPA Bu;rrm' LOL ;Fe 511Lboe9 OL Qo1;8;LnQ;T3re. auq w1u;uTu;uR a Vigo oougomuTuR awq ;vrTrR au evaeruatrp So Loa; Tu S1T9PF .PGToSt oar s7sas.�7ou' or. eP vUq evTq 7Tiro bLogaceq uoLpgoLfA gTysLxop4 V4gT{=TwT 7.1 Les; 1joL;lr99ep9LT?1 LLOIJ a:FG z0r14'y-M0e-p GOTXGL 07 ;}re evT'q TO; S' dug PP9900 U04V9LTA .ou a afLaT ;Np TTuo 420 aboTarp oir PFG taxa; pouugvr:l, TTue oL JOP . k'- B7001e S' ou Me r049 True oL ETRF7OU9 hirLwavA SS Lae; eve; OL ;Fe seep TTuo oL A 00gTastzr .FFG Qeu;eL T;zre oL euTq susexal4 po uC u TTrre gG2GLTpsq vo LO7Tana: BeE:Tuu?trC a; a boTup etooq dgq?p?ou' LLotu ppe uoLp;r TTuG OL h?f'N7vaq t,uLPA ?, po 4VO ave; 77ue or.,•roog7artu .,Asu,re evu?paLA TupeLOsb;TutiL @eller. rj1rgO0 ;RLorrliy% uuq a0L0e9 Topa !' 8' 1 auq 8' BJOGF= S' ;STAOL aPoae sai e7snr ;ofb`r!' G� Dsrp:ru',_LoL p;io ormbPeo or. :coxla zrrofTxrF : uuq„mg aparuro�-ff OL vgeeToeTbbT KAGL BonTQA7Lq- 7auq Tu;9LZGcp:rOar mT;F ;jr9 G-LoLer�supTOusq Gera; JTus r{Aes,7e' pireuee sorrplutoepoL71 ap cra aWu 10 oL 230 - fS, LL- ;yrs avTq ce4oL 7Tue cL yTuN- ;Fo 00upaL 7Tue or. ur2117vuq LOLq buLlatvA S7'88 Leo; sloe¢ o1, ppo oeupeL slue cL !40og7asm oeupeL 7Tue o1 ea;q suserreu; p9TvC a 7Tue goe"T"I Ore Lo7Tarda: D02TuuTuC ap v bop; ou aon;F TTuo 0:6 ATQN7vuq LoLq -.aLluduA ;c0 ;pe eaap 7Tue or. l;TeeTeeTUI graeL Borr7eAvzg' ;Fe Tufer.cebFraR 8GUG ..urger.' ;1TLonRF auq voLoaa rop S' '9nq: poL, a 3npgTAr21ou 110• W LLO ,pe crs e7eAap;ou oL 20' GT;A Da4uiwl LoL ppe bnLboae or. eouapLrrcpTuR auq W Ta;uTugut: euUTgLaw aLi. 72vo bLOgncogu0fVQI; _p So Lee; Tu UTgPF Pey” uu e7oau;Torr or. e2 duq gpone m0oq V4gTPTOu 71 Loop u0iF1JouepeLT1 LLOm;lre eorrpFU9aP GOLueL or. uoLPpeLTA ;Ne 3079 Jo; S' �q aar4 ou v a;LaTCfr; JTus ;o e boTupou ;gs steep ponugi L?. 7Tue or. op S' B7OOK S' BTAes- ppe uoLpir 7Tue or. ii!'-Py�7 bory-rm % SS Loop ears; of, ;yo eve; True o,00gTaeur VA9uno� ;lreuos.:' oeupeL T7ue or. 2&79 susemerrp pGTu€: r. ra TTLG gaeGLTPoq ae LOTTOsta: BeBrun;uR of a bora; ou V4gT;Tou' LLour +Fo rroL;,r TT -G OL HTG:VT-9 baLTLw-a?' ;0 pue Qua; JTus or. 1.ioog7erdu Vaoune' T17pz;ToA 88dtHL rrugeL' fNLo�uN' ;,re =9 BOLoae Topa J' q' a7rq 8' B7oGK S' gTAe-oog aue 7ena ;7 L dB' ,QT�A DOfrnu Los ;Ns brrrboae or. GouapLno;Tzr:ti auq mrTuPu7rTTua R euuT;uLA Vfzo oougeruu uug Ptce:.au aa2ew9u; S0 LOG; Tu stTq;N pe7odt vu oTeAa;Tou oy1 op auq apone 7T -G Ov .T7AaLaooq Vg4T;T0u'Po pue rteap TTz:G oL ,r;o=.p Grg.JG BorrfeAeLq• PonugaLA 7;ue or. H7aOWA00q hggT�PTOu' ;)$GucG eaapor.7A auq baLe77GT ;O ;No uoL;N SO;rgaL?t ;O 73 87ooF 7 EgRGo7TLLG ?q4?PTOn '✓iO' S' Po a boTup 70 heap aor;;;r or. ;i9 uoLpF aLoLerueufroueq Topa a urrq 8 PNeuOO eon;VOLT?. auq bar.u7ToT ;o PWG ;seep PonucaLA 7 ue or. 8° BJooir. J' EgeGG7TLLG i'g4T;To:r 110• S' 20 Loe; Qua; oL PFe Use . onu uz;\ us 0r. r© ;Perms eon;Feaa;eL7A ;o v boTup ou ;Ne TTue Lor. P P q 7T ?AaljaG o .Piro Gowwou p0mrgaL% pG;stesu TOPe I auq - 7__ Leo; Gua; or. ;pe ojTQU l: coLu9L or. 70; 7' tJ7oG;+ 7' ggC9o7TL?e i'gg7,"-TorT 'i 0• S' i pa?uP u TTus geaoLTpoq c,e Lo olnz: T7 a iJoT;Jf o;r Pvs ao.,-`u rrra n, --, 111— with r„T with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of April , 193 5 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 35 c; Adopted by the Council MAR 1219� � , 193 UAR 12 AC Approved 193 City Clerk -- l/ Mayor Councilman Pearce Councilman §a I;:.:._ Peterson _ _ 7. Councilman Pearce,r. � Councilman osbtl `''3 12usen Truss Councilman Warren PUBLISHED Counci n z Wenzel Get= Mayor MME y Form B. S. A. 8-6 ORIGINAL TO CITY GL6PK ����1�]8 COUNCIL ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK VI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, the police radio station and equipment is in immediate need of repairs and reconditioning and an emergency exists,.where failure to act promptly will work an injury to the City, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent, with the written consent of the Mayor and Comptroller, be and he hereby is authorized and directed to purchase the necessary supplies and let the contract for the repair and reconditioning of said radio station, without advertisement and competitive bids, at a cost not to exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.00). COUKeLMEN Yeas Nays ZP ce - l .r1 son In or art n Against/Uenzel / Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C -WP No.. 300128—By B. E. Warren- WheTo-WP the pollee ta.dlo station and (� equipment is in Immediate need of T.- `J`J`Jppp@@@JIIIjjj oaIm and reconditioning fand an om- igency. exists, where ailure to act promptly ill work an In]ury to the City, there[orebe It Resolved, that the.. Purchasing A�enf, with the. written coneent of the E1 Mnyor, and Comptroller, be and he here - .authorized and directed to pur- e ne_seary suPplles and -let the enn tract for. the repair and econ- ditton'ing of said radI station, without ndvertisemont and competitive bide, at a oat oP to exceed Two Thousand Dollars (32000.00). Adopted by tho Couneli T. 13 ,1936. Approved Mar.. 13,. 1936. �. (March, 16-1936) l Adopted by the Council MAR 13 1936 193_ Approved_ R . 3AM 193__ Mayor NOTICE g f `� TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL _W0129 I9 Y .6 l3o PRINTER l * �QUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO, -rAAi 114Q-iY .12361 IY ''. Yr R the olt I;1) i, march 11 RESOi Ep�CHECKS BE i ,935. DRAWL ON' THE CITY TREASURY TO THE GGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 12148 �j1 CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY Cnmc r:-.. CLUSIVE, AS PER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MAR 1319%x. / 193_ c .i7 1r APPROVED_.:) loJ I t DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL No COUNCIL CALL 11111T— P9 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FOLL COUNCIL RESOLUTION.. AUDITED CLAIMS T',1FAVOR My W.► ...............................................................................9.....3.E..__.AGAINST WENZEL MR. PRES. MAHORlT n.f Gehaa RESOLVED, T AT CHECKS BE DR WN N{�THEO(C`�TY TREASURY, - TO THE AGGREG O T F S-.� fi►D.{i...... VERING CHECKS NUMB ......... ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL... �!�s .l�...j..y.. PER CHECKS M^ S'0......... .. 200. __SIVE. AS FFI OF H ITY MPTROL APPROt � ��T' � CITY COMPT R MAYOR -... TO AL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF ANBFER �/ DISBURSEMENT RETUR D BY NK / CHECKS/ • CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 494 234 3 A12149 Piper, Jafray & Hopwood 10 593 2- 12149 Jack Cohen 252 12150 Acme Fast Freight, Inc. 6 12151 Garrison Company 25 12152 M.A. Gedney Company 5 3 1215�f Emil Geist f 7 2 12154 Generator Specialty Company 21 5 12155 Ginn and Company 109 0 12156 Goodrich-Silvertown, Inc. 102 7 12157 Grasselli Chemical Company 11 7 12159 The Grinnell Company 0 12159 Griswold Signal Company X45 12160 Gruber Auto Electric Oompany'1 47 0 12161 W. J. Haas Mf g. Company 39 2 12162 Theo,, Hamm Brewing Company 99 2 12163 0.9. Hammond & Company 7, 12164 Hannaford, O'Brien, Ino. 10 9 12165 Hanson -Bennett Magazine Agen�y 1 a 12166 Harcourt, Brace & Company 129 7 12167 P.R.L. Hardenbergh Company 1 5 9 12169 Harvard University Preen 1 2 12169 Theo. G. Hells Company 1 6 12170 Hersey Manufacturing Company 940 5 12171 Hetfield-Parry, Inc. 5 2 12172 Highland spring Company 12 5 123-73 S.A. Hilde Company 35 0 12174 Holtzer-Cabot Electric Compaa.n�y 5 5 `. 12175 R.E.Rulme Awning & Shade Comrlany 19 3 12176 Herman the Company 7 12177 Int. Business Machine Corp. 4 12179_ Japan Tea Company 34 0d 12179 Jeffrey Mfg.Company 9 12190 Joy Brothers Motor Oar Comp y 40 6 4400 12191 Junior Literary Guild 3 9 12192 Keasbey & Mattison Company 48 35 12193 Keegan Farm Equipment Compan 19 75 12184 M.D. Kenney 10 15 50.. 12195 Klauer Mfg. Company 163 53 12196 Kremer Auto Spring Company ( 46 al 12197 Lampland Lumber Company 66 05 12199 Lee -Hoff Elevator Company i 19 361 12199 • Linde Air Products Company 61 191 12190 Little, Brown & Company 14 40, 12191 Al. J. Louie 2 50 12192 Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goodls Co. 34 00 12193 McClain & Hedman Company I 114 77 12194 McFadden -Lambert Company 193 91 12195 MoKesson-St.Paul Drug Oompan 295 34 12195 G.A. MacArthur Company 19 75 12197 Mack Int. Motor Truck Corp. 1 169 68 12198 Maendler Brush Mfg.Company 103 19 12199 V 200 Martindale -Hubbell, Ino/ Phil. A. 25 60 Maynard 111 411 700 6.12 I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD t 1 PLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 1��0130 WWII MOLL CALL O OFFICE OF THECOMPTROLLER NO_ ..... ------------ - - -- j� 1224M I Owens Motor sales* Inc. COUNCIL RESOLUTIONFILE 201:79 PUReeIn IN FAVOR ROSEN AUDITED CLAIMS 12 1 Owens N-ot**-' Selasig-, Ina. 12245' Panama Alatboi, Company TRUAX GAINST WCL RESOLVED. TVAT CHECKS TREASURY, MR. FRES. MAHONEY 881IM-MAR TO THE AGGREG OU CO ING 131935 CHECKS NUM T CE 0 INCLU E. AS PERC, CE 0 CHECKS T CITY OLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL A VED_ 13 -2 00 L DATE 6946 CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANS4 CHECKS. 12248 ii Paterson Laboratories RETURNED DISBURSEMENT By BANK CHECKS 49130 2 1� 0249 0„ A,. PearsonIno,,115153 d i 498 791 1 BROUGHT FORWARD i 12250 jj Pink, Supply ompany 12-001 T,:bur, L Thou Arthur. 75 jOO 1 930 112251 Pioneer fteotric Company 12202 I - P , gterson, 0. of fin.! Fin. 109127 gg' SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 12203 Axel 1�* tersonp 0. of 509 57� 6.P tW;j; J. L. Johnson 95 2201 A,F#1:744 Peterson, 0. of Fin 'os 2 713 JL220 D. Do Murray, $upt* A I 2201 Hospital 1220 %aifohaps 19tiler Brush-Odepany, ii I2209 ii "Pher, Stamp & ble Company 61Q 12210 Inter. City Paper Company 13 8 12211 %_4, McGlynn �,12212 Meier Sales .& Squlpment Company 1 12213 it Quo Do Messing 3 1 1222,4 Meyer Zn#aTjng_.Co4pany 1 15 12215 Midway CreOIIItary Company 55: 9 ji 12216 Midway FounOry ;CompaAY 3131 7 12227 "Midwest. Itat, Obeileal �Voitpany, 7 2 i 12218 Miller _Srys:ntwP1er**Ooiapany i 14! 7 j� 12219 Minnesota Company 12220 1 Minn*iota�, Ice; Company 65 5 11 1112221: 113 8 12222, 19*k�.-Moeljei:Aoipaciy 291 1222 Morton belt.,Cono any,, I 122, Nationea,ftecult' Oompany 1 22 0 ii lZ2 0026 1, 'a: Mpg A 12210 Inlol ial.1esigue 12227 !1 National -Ap 17 il22228 JfationeX:Probation Aosoolati n j 1 5 22229� National Safety qs::Oi 20, 1 22230 Thomas' lels6ii* III,, 31 New York Tea Company 3816 .12231. 12232 j. N16018j, Down )& GtejX COMpanyf 150 9 22 - 2 NIOOIS� Dian A GTegg'Company!j 1,12371 NoTthern.Auto Mectrig Coiipaxy 138 51 6 1 91 Jobbing, 05 12235 forthern Comparty T 50 12236 Northern Stato'k #owar,Cogpau i 574_62 12237 Northern States - Power Companj 1223U NeWel Copper- STales Works, 43Z,97 141,9 11 ii :i -1 )any 1i 122 [,*4 Fuel'.Coil. 906173 2?, 122, W i, Oil Heat.,Servlos:oompany 3100 12 .16 ;f 0,Laver Farm AW"PIN G 03pa"j 12242 1 Oriental. Laundry OWwy 1 21! 1 45 1 1 j� 1224M I Owens Motor sales* Inc. 201:79 12 1 Owens N-ot**-' Selasig-, Ina. 12245' Panama Alatboi, Company 141,15 7100 ii 12246 Paper* caimenson,company 13 -2 00 12247x'ParkMadhine Company. 6946 12248 ii Paterson Laboratories 49130 2 1� 0249 0„ A,. PearsonIno,,115153 d i 12250 jj Pink, Supply ompany 75 jOO 112251 Pioneer fteotric Company 109127 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 509 57� 6.P I ORIGINAL TO CITY tLBAK � No_ IuiL(�TY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. /6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK S -f •, CO'UNCILJESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED L _)z /t" WREREAS, William Breckenridge has made application for licenses to operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul as taxicabs, the following described automobiles: Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance Co. Policy No. License No. Studebaker F24965 7029771 Lloyds of Mple. H-37101 84 Studebaker 1562 6015524 " a H-37101 85 La Salle 415569 none " ^ IT H-31101 86 WHEREAS, William Breckenridge, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7321, has filed copy of insurance policy with the city of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the corporation counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. „tai-sy rr: -re . ;c manic ��[6T;�.4 ctl .y COUNCILMEN Yeas 1<_� Nays Adopted by the Council AR 181930 193_ ZZrarson en —In favor 1 Approved—_A40dr,4? ' 193__ �l ruax /Warren -_._Against /Wenzel — �— M�ayo•�r /Mr. President (Gehan) 1 V uLISIIED 5M &3i COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO TO CITY CLERK FILE No. OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM ~ DATE March 13th, 1935 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER 1rhereas, Isaac L. Greenberg has requested withdrawal of his applicstion for "Off Sale" liquor license at 466 Wabasbs Street, the refund of his license fee and return of his bond; therefore, be it Resolved, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the said Isaac L. Greenberg the license fee heretofore deposited on application for "Off Sale" liquor license, to return the bond to him and to cancel Bald application. (C. F. No. 100132 --BY II.. E. Warren— Fr d M,Truax—r. C. Pearce— Whereas, Isaac lI Greenberg has re- quested withdrawal of hie appllcatton �for "Off sato, liquor license at 466 Wa- basha street, the refund of his 'llcense feead return of his bond: therefore, be it ( nesolved, that the. prover city offi- cers be and they arehereby authorized I to refund to the said ISena L Green- - berg the license fee hertofore deposit- ed on application for Off Sale" Ifauor p license, to return the bond 4o him and S to cancel Bald- applleatlon. Adopted by the Connell Mar. 13, 1936. Approved Mar. 13, 1936. (March 16-1936) COUNtLMEN Yeas Nays �i/ ce eterson osenj---In favor /'fuax XVarren —12—Against *enzel / Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council M@ 13193593__ Approved �.", 193_ PP / Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Y'.111 Ou. O `' Y OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE March 18, 1985 COUNCIL j(jQ133 FILE No. RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Calvin F. Williams the fee of $15.00 deposited on pante Hall license for 379 Carroll Ave. which has previously been denied by C. F. 96710, Oct. 24, 1988. C. F. No, 100133 -By H., E. Warren—' FredFr. : rues—I. . C. Pearce— 'eolvMed.TThat the proper City OM ,cors be and they are hereby :authorised to refund to Calvin F. Williams the fee I ;of $16.00 deposited on Dance Hall It- 1 c,n,a for 379 Carroll Ave:. which bas I prevlousty been denied by C. F. 96710, Oct: 24, 1939. Adopted by the Council Mar. 13, 1935. .Approved Mar. 13,1936. i - (March 16-1936) COUNfLILMEN Yeas � Nays Pezfce /PLL/eterson sen In favor �'ax Zarren /�' Against /Wenzel /' Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council MAR is __193— Approved- - 193_— ri • Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CUNCIL "�"�U_4,yj8OF ST. PAUL FILE6NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL JRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED%% COMMISSIONERDATE March 13, 1935 A RESOLVED That Restaurant No. 5754, On Sale Malt Beverage No. 1227, and Off Sale Malt Beverage No. 1672, licenses expiring April 7, 1935, and Confectionery license No. 7942, expiring June 19, 1935, issued to Mrs. Anna Barbos at 959 Gaultier St. be and the same are hereby revoked because of liquor law violation on these premises. COUI�eILMEN Yeas Nays Peafce ' Z,on n In favor ax rrcn —0—Against enzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council MAR 131935193_ MAR 1.3 m Approved_, / 193__ Mayor THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE+® CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 12, 1935 Mr. H. F. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety Chairman, License Committee Dear Sir: With reference to the list of liquor law violations submitted by Geo. Dix, Clerk of the Municipal Court on March 11., 1934. Attached is a resolution revoking the licenses issued to Mrs. Anna Harbos at 959 Gaultier St. at which address George Duvlin vas arrested. Arthur Formacori, 670 Payne Ave. who was also convicted, was arrested upstairs in a flat over a licensed place, namely, that of Mabel Arrigon, 670 Payne Ave. This licensee, however, has no connection or knowledge of the activities of said Arthur Formacori, and should not be penalized by the forfeiture of her license. The other two names and addresses mentioned are of persons who do not possess licenses and of private resi— dences. Very truly yours, Ca9.9onard License Inspector 17i ORIGINAL TO CITY .CL k 9E 9 CITY OF ST. PAL]', FloLUE NO. 1101013 OFFICE OF THE CITY tiot14 i35—esolutlonym' Prf•H" I. , ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEh of octafthme Un1toctol';iV�>� �7 C'eaor t PUL. PRESENTEpp��Y COMMISS•IPl9ER WHEREAS, a resolution providing for the President of the United States of America to proclaim October 11th of each year as General Pulaski's Memorial Day, for the observance and oommemora- tion of the death of Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski, is now pending in the present session of the United States Congress; and WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Council of the City of Saint Paul it is fitting that the recurring anniversary of this day be commemorated with suitable patriotic and public exercises in ob- serving and commemorating the heroic death of this great American hero of the Revolutionary War; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, State of Minnesota, hereby memorialise and petition the Congress of the United States to pass, and the President of the United States to approve, if passed, the General Pulaski Memorial Day Resolution now pending in the United States Congress; and that copies of this resolution be transmitted forthwith to the President of the United States, the Vice President, and the Speaker of the House of Repre- ssntativss of the United States. ` COUNCILMEN Yeas Pearce Nays Adopted by the CounciMAR 14 1,9351,935193_ -- Peterson RO&GR__1�� 41n :; In favor hu•u Truax Approved_ 193__ Warren Against / Wenzel t! Mayor . r SM z.MR. VICE PRES. ROSEIi PUBLISI-IED —J CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mlnnnota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Comminloner of Registration February 21st, 1935• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Bailding, Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you the at- tached letter of I. X. Rervinski requesting the Council to memorialise Congress to approve General Pulaski's Memorial Day resolution now pending in Congress. You viii note there is such a resolution hereto attached, but the Council preferred that you draft a resolution. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ignuflus W. Werminaki ;A. 0. Qiommissioner of Beebe for Indiana oanth 8enb, Indiana FOO 9th.1935. To the Honorable Members of the Common Council. St. Paul, Minn. Honorable Sirs:— Enclosed find resolution self explanitory for your kind consideration and action. The resolution is to memorialize by your Common Council, for the Congress of the United States, to approve GENERAL PULASKI'S MEMORIAL DAY RESOLUTION, now pending in U. S. Congress. Very truly yours, r i U C I -B CC) � u� RESOLUTION MEMORIALIZING THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES TO PASS, AND THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO APPROVE, IF PASSED, THE GENERAL PULASKI'S MEMORIAL DAY RESOLUTION NOW PENDING IN CONGRESS WHEREAS, a resolution providing for the President of the United States of America to proclaim October 11th of each year as "General Pulaski's Memorial Day" for the observance and Commemoration of the death of Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski is now pending in the present session of the United States Congress: and WHEREAS, the 11th day of October, 1779 is the date in American history of the heroic death of Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski, who died from wounds received on October 9th, 1779, at the siege of Savannah, Georgia; and WHEREAS, the States of Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and other States of the Union, through legislative enactment designated October 11th of each year as "GENERAL PULASKI'S MEMORIAL DAY"; and WHEREAS, it is fitting that the recurring anniversary of this day be commemorated with suitable patriotic and public exercises in observing and commemorating the heroic death of this great American Hero of the Revolutionary War; and WHEREAS, the Congress.of the United States of America has by legis- lative enactment designated October 11, 1929; October 11, 1931; October 11, 1932; and October 11, 1934, to be GENERAL PULASKI'S MEMORIAL DAY in United States of America: Now, therefore be it RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF St. Paul,_ and STATE OF Minn_ SECTION 1. That we hereby memorialize and petition the Congress of the United States to pass, and the President of the United States to approve, if passed, the GENERAL PULASKI'S MEMORIAL DAY RESOLUTION now pending in the United States Congress. SECTION 2. That certified copies of this resolution, properly authenticated, be sent forthwith to the President of the United States, the Vice -President of the United States, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, and each of the United States Senators and Representatives from Minn. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLtaK •'.. f ?........ CITY OF ST. PAUL �� . ; u FILE No.H OFFICE OF THE CITY CL.'- COUNCIL L:. nCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER.' C PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER I,there is pending before the State Legislature House file No. 653, Senate File No. 366,. be tg a bill granting authority to the State to impose a tax of 60 per thousand cubic feet on natural gas; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Council of the City of Saint Paul that such legislation would not serve the best interests of the citizens of Saint Paul for the reason that our manufacturing and other industries are at a disadvantage in competing with eastern concerns, due to the freight rates which materially in- crease the cost of coal, which item Is the major part of the cost of carrying on the business of said industries; and WHEREAS, in the opinion of the City Council, the best inter- ests of the citizens of Saint Paul would be served by furnishing to industry lower fuel rates and to the domestic consumer; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul goes on record as opposing House File 653 and its companion Senate File 366, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Chairmen of the Ramsey County delegation of the Senate and House. COUN LMEN MAR 14195 Yeas -Nays Adopted by the Council 193— Pe ce eteson / SEAR IL —In favor Approved—_ —193 -- en Against - /Wenzel Mayor 'Mt. VICE PRE$. ROSEN PUBLISHED 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY OL... Sv'J137—RY R. �4 'y��.-l7 �•% .Rouen-- -- CLeNCIL No. V 3 j CIT OF ST. Ple, tt hes been + I.erci lata n.. OF THE CITY' la f t }� C NCIL RESOLUTION—GF^.,, _ } I.1 M //// PRESENTED BX/ nn^ COMMISSION DATE ISS WHEREAS, it has been proposed that the State Legislature authorize cities of the first class, in the State of Minnesota, to indemnify employes of their respective police departments against liability to other persons on account of injuries resultant from the discharge of fire arms by such employes in the pursuit of their duties, and that such legislation be in the form of the annexed pro- posed bill, and WHEREAS, it is the consensus of opinion of the Council that such legislation should be enacted, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the enactment of such legislation and the form of said annexed proposed bill, and that the members of the Ramsey County delegation in the House and Senate be and they are hereby re- quested to advocate and vote for the enactment of such legislation, and that the City Clerk be and he hereby is instructed to send certified copies of this resolution and said annexed proposed bill to each member \of such delegation in the House and the Senate. f U C�ZNILMEN MAR 14 1935Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 193_ Pe Peterson 1� In favor Approved ��� 193-- _ ' //�tuax � QQ ✓arren Against /Wenzel �— � Mayor MR . VICE "PTFq. . R09'P PUiiLiSHLD_L_�°^ 5 SM 6.34 An act authorizing any city of the first class now existing or hereafter organized under -'s home rule charter under Section 36, Article IV, of-the,Constitution of the State of Minnesota, to indemnify employees of the police department thereof against liability arising out of the discharge of any firearm by them, within or without the corporate limits of said city, while in the performance of their duties after June 1, 1933, and before January 1, 1936 ;r Be it enacted by the legislature of the State of Minnesota; Any city of the first class now existing or hereafter organized under a home rule charter under Section 36, of Article IV, of the Constitution -o,f the State of Minnesota,.is hereby authorized to indemnify employees of the police department thereof against loss or expense arising or resulting from any judgment rendered against such employee for bodily injuries inflicted by such employee, by reason of his discharging any firearm either within or without the corporate limits of said city, while in the performance of,his duties after June 1, 1933 and before January 1, 1936; and to pay the amount of any judgment rendered against him on any such claim without first requiring such employee to pay the same. i tas . ; OrlQlnai'[o.r .�0 Clk '. he Com: 100138 �. .. CITY OF ST. PAUL r .f,M rr a , rns ea OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ERAL. FCIRM'.' PRESENTED ev I.C. PEARCE. m"""" 81 19359 R711 D WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE T114E RATE T3TAL George Barrett Jan. Eng. 16 hours .572 9.20 Christian Bauer 11 a 6 tt .572 3.45 Henry Bauer " 't " to 20 12 It a .55 11.00 6.90 Fred Baumgart Albert Beecroft tl 1t ° " 12 it It .571 .54 6.90 Irven B. Benson gka,:,Berlin Janitor Eng. 13 22 it " .52- .511 6.85 11.2&•. 4oYn Blomberg Jan. " it 8 5 ° .52t 4.22'A, 2.28xE a Ralph Bogue John Buhl 't u It ° 24 ° n .451 .57Y _ 13.80' Richard Bulena to It 4 12 ° .57w 2.30 6.90 Isaac Burlingame It " 6 ° .57f 3.45 Fred Bursinger James Callahan it 't u it 4 n 't .57-1 .575- 2.30 q� George Cameron It t' 26 " .57Y 9.20 14.95 fL Fr nk Chapman Oreste Ciampi ° ° ° n 105A 11 .571 5.75 Ralph W. Crawford Carl E. Dahlby Jit or 6 14 " 't .571 .44y 3.45 6.20 John Dippel Jr• 't Eng. t' 8 11 .57Ij 4.60 4.50 Roland Dyer 't ° 8 10 ° .561 5.75 Joseph Ellenson Joseph Elmgthist 36 to .572 .55 19.80 Charley Engelbretson 30 't .572 17.25 COUNCILMEN a-1935 Yeas Nays, Adopted by the CounciL_.�..-._1-------- R -----------193 16 3`` 31 Pearce----- --In favor Approved -----..1,1AR --------- ........... ..-.-...- 13w.� Truax ---Against Wenzel ----- Mayor .M 6-32 MR. ROSEN �� VICE PRES. PUCLISIIL'D -2 - NAME _ TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Joseph Fedlmeier Jan. Eng. 17 hours571 9.78 Elias Fehr " It. 4 °- Earl Foster " ° 10 it .57W 2.30 Albert H. Fuller " 119 it .55 .55 5.50 Gabriel Gagliardi ° if 12 it 4.95 John A. Gaheen Stat Fireman 10 " .571 .57- 6.90 5.75 (maples Giossi John Gipple Jan. a Eng. n 5 " .572 2.88 J seph F.- Gobeil Janitppr `'ng. 12 4 0 ° ° .511 2.48 .05 76 Clar nce Gregory Jan. Sch. Eng. 12- 8 " .572 6.90 George Gunther Jan. En g• 20 'r .69 5.52 Oscar Halgren u u 36 n .571 11.50 Charles Hammerlund ° 'r 36 it '57- 20.70 George Hayes u u 36 „ .57- 20.70 Carl Hedlund n r, 8 n .571 17.25 Frank Hedlund it u 8 •57i 4.60 John A. Heinz u o 20 n .571 4.60 Otto Hesse n n 8 „ •57z 11.50 Werner Hesse ° ° 8 it Elmer Hintz If It20 rr .571 4.60 Anton E. Johnson " ° 4 It .571 11.50 Gunn Johnson ° if 8 It .52R 2.11 August Kahler ° " 10 if .571 4.60 Hamilton Kenny ° 11 4 ° .57 5.75 M. Kirchen " Itrr 4 4 57 2.30 Andrew A. Kolstgd it It 1 11 it .521 .55 2.11 6.05 Joseph Kustalski ° if 'r 1 5.75 William La Chapelle " " 6 It.57 Nels Landberg ° ° 1 itT 3.45 Walter V. Lee u u 166 „ •572 9.20 Gus Linde it it 20 It 5.50 Frank Linne n n 22 22 rr .57JA6 11.50 Peter Linn n u 6 °.57e- •57� e- 12.65 George Loomis " 'r 12 ° 3.45 Thomas Lunzer James n it it n 12 n .57 .571 6.90 6,(90 L Hacob Magnuson n " 12 n ° .571 50 16.33 Emil Mahler ' " 10 ° .529 Edward L. Manska " if 24 ° .57 5.75 William Manuel it If ° .57� 13.80 &KKk MR Harry McDonald Janitor 36 it .55s .441 4.40 15.93 Dewey Michels Stat. Fireman 16 itt 8.04 Carl Miller Jan. Eng. 8 „ 5o+ Leslie M. Miller ° 'r 16 16 n 4 4.02 Lester Mollers ° It If .55 - John Mombrae u 1120 u .57-1 6.90 2hobasL'$ ,.Mulcahy Stat. Fireman 5 n •572 .57 11.50 2.88 John Munkelwitz Jan. Eng. 10 .55 Pierce Murphy Stat. Fireman 8 it .571 4.50 John Nelson Jan. E " .57[ 17.25 Hugh 0 -Donnell It 11 16 It William Oliphant ° rr 12 It .57 9.20 6.90 David O'Regan It 11 10 11 .572 .572 5.75 NAME jk* TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Nels Paulsen Jan. Eng. 10 hours.571 5.75 Robert Pearmon 1t 11 12 11 .57y- 6.90 Leo Peet to 11 10 11.529 5.28 Alfred Peterson It 1t 10 t1 .572 5.79 August Peterson " it 10 t° .55 5.50 James F. Peterson ° 1t 20 11 .571 11.50 Waldemar Richter ° " 12 ° .57Y 6.90,-. Timothy Roddy ° '1 8 '1 .57- 4.60 Joseph Sander '.° '1 10 ° .57t 5.75 Henry Schneider 1t °1 8571 4.60 Otto Schneppmueller 1t 1t 12 1f .57� 6.90 Bert Seidler 1t It 20 11 .572 11.50, Wilbur Simons 1t 11 10 1t .55 5.50 Oscar Smolensky 11 1t it 11 16 1t t1 .571 9.20 Lloyd Spetzman 30 .57R 17.25 Nicholas Stadtfeld It t1 10t° .57- 5.75 Galus Staffs. 1t 1f 11 to .572 6.33 Charles Starz 11 1f 10 " .55 5.50 Arthrm Story " '1 12 ° ,571 6.90 Christopher Tarte '1 to 36 1f .57y 20.70 Edward Thomas '1 't 8 11 .57- 4.60 Isaac W. Thompson 11 " 16 '1 0571 9.20 William Eievering " 11 8 °° .54 4.60 Carl Warodell ° ° 6 " ° .57y- 3.45 2Uomas. Waters Hd. Janes. 5 ° .571 2.88 James W9tson Jan. End. t' ° 20 .57� 11.50 E-ragst Weiss 11 " 6571 tl 4.60 Max Werner 20 .571 11.50 Albert Woods ° '1 12 11 .572 6.90 August 0. Yaeger Soh Eng. 20 11 .69 13.80 Albert Otte Stat Fireman 24 '1 .55 13.20 Rollin A. Todd 11 1t 16 11 .43 6.88 Alfred Chbistensen '1 1t 8 11 .52T3 4.22 Frank C. Cholewinski Jan. Eng. 8 " .43 3.44 John H. Flanagan Stat Fireman 32 " .43 13.76 Arthur F. Leppla It 1t 24 " .43 10.32 ,Fred V. Haigh J9n. Eflg. 17 11 .43 7.31 Carl J. Fransen Janitor 12 11 .37 4.44 George E. McKinnon Stat. Fireman 24 1t .43 10.32 Gilbert E. Zirk 1t It 24 11 ,43 10.32 FORM NO. 1 —_ MARCH B. 1935 An emerPency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau Of Schools, rendering necessary the emnloyment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and ei`Pcumstancesc �undav firing and keeping school buildings open account of special evening activities. This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST_ OA111 COUNCIL NO. , a� II f3 OFFICE OF THE 00130 -sr Axel y 111 V 41 + � x;n COUNCIL RESOLlJT10N'!41 1. thofondsiA c Gene. FORM . IR svn/inbfO Tt PRESENTED n,.d^ CO-,. ER .1996; nk f+ COMMISSIONER I ..�,+n • -e;v 1r .... DATE WHIMUs there is considerable cash in the sinking funds of the City of St. Paul which is available for investment, the Sinking Fund Committee did, on JanMary 26, 1935. ask for offers to be submitted to them every Wednesday at 2:00 P, M., and ■HIMUS, on Wednesday, March 13. 1935. at 2:00 P. M. offers were opened In the Comptrollerle Office and the Sinking Bund Committee reeommende.that the Council concur in the action of the Sinking Pund Committee in the purchase of the following bonds: 'NAME OF IUM OOOPOH Wo BAF Bhmpire Bahl Bank & Trust Oo Paul OF Water St. Rater Rorke MLTURIW AWMT P CE Maul schools 4 Jan. 1,1953 1,000 Jan. 1, 1955 2,000 3.30 3.10 Central Republic Company d Schools, 6 % July 1, 1951 5,000 3.40 Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood • High Schools 4 % Nov. 1. 19$0 2,0003-00 Wells—Dickey Go. a Oenel Imp. State of Minn. Hiway Tov. 1. 1956 10,000 .00 3.05 " June 1 1954 3.000 June 1, 1954000 3.05 Total .............$26 000 WREMW* the Council is of the opinion that the above offers should be accepted, therefore, be it 23MINED, that the Mayor. Commission- of 7inance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. COUNQ[I MEN Yeas�Nays P rce Peterson In favor ax ren inzel Against ,m 6.,,MR. VICE PRES. ROSH Adopted by the Council R 14 P35 _193___ MAR 14 JS Mayor PUBLISHED � r��—J✓� ORIGINAL i0 CITY CLI[nK `�/�!"IC• — Ir/C �,( COUNCIL 1(��_ 44 'iyr �ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK l COUNCIL SOLUTION FORM PRESENTED COMMISSION " ✓"""l /i RESOLVED, that resolution Council File No. 42446, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended bystriking out of said resolution where it appears therein the following line: "Street Sweeper, $.37j per hour" and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: fistreet Sweeper, $.45 per hour." 100140—BYH. E. Warren- --Roeen—I.' C. Peace—H. C. Iserting_in lieu thereof the fol- ,. Sweeper, -S.45 per hour.-' - d'by the Council Mar. 14: 1935. I, Adopted by the Council MAR 141935 193 Approved 193__ Mayor COU CILMEN Yeas Nays Farce Peterson In favor j /J6R. L,r_uax /Warren henzel —Against snl VICE PIES- R03NN 100140—BYH. E. Warren- --Roeen—I.' C. Peace—H. C. Iserting_in lieu thereof the fol- ,. Sweeper, -S.45 per hour.-' - d'by the Council Mar. 14: 1935. I, Adopted by the Council MAR 141935 193 Approved 193__ Mayor ORIOINRL TO CIT�CL[R12 A Co�NC,L .1.41. C_, CITVOF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM i PRESENTED BY"F'-- COMM ,SS � -- /J RESOLVED That, Council File No. 42446, effective NoY.l, 1922) as amended and Council File, No. 94285, effective Nov. 109 1932, as amended, be and the same are further emended by striking out, where it occurs, the follow- ing title and rates Garbage Collector, $0.95 per hour, or $168.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Garbage Collector, $1.05 per hour, or $168.00 per month. The change in rate as above specified shall take effect and be in force from and after March 1, 1935. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �- Pearce Peterson Rower—+ In favor Truax //^ Warren (10 Against Wenzel S R. VICE FRES. R.UEc'^" 100191-13y H. E. Warren— C �ILLton—R.oaenz-L_-.–Pearc . e—H. C. $16 arbage Collector, $0.95 Per hour, or 5188.00 per month ani lnaerting 1. lieu thereof the following: GarbaTee Gonea*or, $3.05 Per boar, or 5368.00 r ...nr by theCouneil Mar. 19, 1935. d Mar. 19, 1935. (March 16-1935)' Adopted by the Council MAR 14 10 193_ NAR 114 B A�pprovved _193__ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLE.. COUNCIL NO WfiI49, CITY OF ST. PAUL RILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , A PRESENTED B!'�14 % �O-LPiti�/ __ DATE march , 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons, 400 end point gasoline, from the DEEP ROCK OIL CORPORATION, at a price of .0950 per gallon, less 1% ten days, including state tax and state inspection, also Federal excise tax, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 COUN LMEN Yeas e ce Nays eterson __ln favor TT ax . ///� 'ren / -� Against /(X/enzel 9Mr-ReeeielenF{�a�ani-- sM 6.AR. VICE PRES. Hu&IW Adopted by the Council VAR 14 1936193- 14 936193 14 18,16 Approved—193— -�—�- Mayor (�U ORIGINAL TO CITY CLKRK tyGCcQ�t.CJ�'Y OF ST. PAUL F1LE— - No. 143 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL E1S�O�L�UTTI,ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER C .• DATE March 14, 1985 RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 2409, On Sale Malt Beverage, applied for by Joseph Roepfl at 147 W. Fifth Street, be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. COUNILMEN Yeas /r/ `ecce Nay eterson.. _In favor rpax• rren• • ——_Against /Wenzel MY Pregiel___ Cn_t__T dR. VICE __. ,. . Rr,cFa 100143-13y 8, E. Warren— Resolved Truax-1. licenses ef r Restau- BlteveragelaPplied forODY 0.JoaephSale 8oeyfl µt 14T W. Fifth Street, be and the Game aro hereby 9rented and the City Clerk Ia lnatracted to, fasue each ]feenseG up - one payment Into ho city .treasury •th of the required fees.- . Adopted by the Connell May 14, 1936. ApprovedMar. 14, 1936.. ( n March 16-1936) Adopted by the Council-WR—j++93&__193_ Approved --.-MAR ','14 1 E 193__ Mayor rtk�__� p r� ORIGINAL TO CITY CL9.X z� �c" GE1 f OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL No,` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL 'FORM DATE March.14, 1955 RESOLVED That Restaurant license No. 6155, and On Sale Malt Beverage license No. 1806, expiring May 24, 1955, issued to Frank Ballis at 142 W. Seventh Street be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of possession of untaxed liquor upon these premises. COU ILMEN Yeas Nays / Puree ///✓// eterson In favor 1 uax arren �/ f Against 'Wenzel sl c sn4 F,HR. VICE FRES. ROS' N C. F. No. 100144-13y H. E. Warren— Fred bf..Truaz—I, C. Pearce— Re�olved, ThatRestaurant lice... No. 6135, and On Sala Malt Beverage it.- No 5806, espfring May 24, 1936, issued to Frank Hallie, .142. W. BeV- enth Street be and the same are hereby Voked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police becauseof-possession oG untaxed liquor upon thee. prem1, Adopted by the Couneil'Mar. 14. 1936. Approved Mar. 14, 1935. (March 10-1935) Adopted by the CounciINR 1419115 193_ Approved_NAR 14 0 193__ Mayor ORIOINML TO CITY CLKRK PCOUNCIL to'0145 .�� �' •_- STY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY i DATE— Feuer , 1955 COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, Philip Birmser has made application for "On Sale" liquor license at 476 Wabasha Street, has paid the required fee, and filed the proper bond; and WHEREAS, the License Committee recommends that such "On Sale" liquor license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue each license to said applicant for the premises described in the application; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the bond of the said Philip %irmser in the sum of $5,000, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is instructed to deposit the same in the office of the city comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays // /r ce / eterson J/U`'/1) In favor �aX Z,,ren Against nzol 5M 6.3P . VI CF 'Pr F^ . ROS.EN Adopted by the Council. Mar .14, 1936. Approved Mar. 14, 1936.' (March ,16-1936). . Adopted by the Council MAR 141935 193— ',:Yd.[�G6 Approved , /� 193- ORIGINAL TO CITY CLt RK f COUNCIL No. � CITY OF ST. PAUL Fac OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL PZSOLUTION—GENET, : - , s, C ( a I iR[Itute h / /L the City Dov PRESEMSEO ER Fear ce\ ,.�� /�1C, �1i'.[.,ltucauon COMMISSIONER �-.�--�" IphLh . .t.. WXAMS, the Saint Paul Institute of General and Applied Science to a charitable corporation for educational purposes, organised and existing under the laws of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Institute has for many years maintained a public mneeum in the laity of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Institute has served the City and aided the City Government in the field of education by carrying on an so - credited night high school and a summer school, both at a great saving to the City of Saint Paul and to the taxpayers thereof; and WHEREAS, it carries on the work of visual education in science by instructional moving picture programs in all the schools of the city; and WHEREAS, it maintains a public science museum primarily as .an adjunct and aid to instruction in science in the schools of the city; and WHEREAS, prior to 1938 end the acquisition of its present building, the Saint Paul Institute occupied substantial space in the Saint Paul Auditorium Building at a nominal rental from the City; and WHEREAS, the City has contributed annually to the main- tenance and operation of the present building; and WHEREAS, its present building is wholly inadequate to house its museum and to enable it to carry on its activities and is unsuitable for museum purposes; and WHEREAS, there is a need in this city and in this metrppbli- tan area for a large public museum of general and applied science; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the members of the City Council that a project for the•oonstruotion by the City of Saint COUNCILMEN P p Yeas \ Nays Adopted by the Council---193— Pearce ouncil 193Pearce `� 3 Peterson -- Rosen In favor _ "approved _ —193 -- Truax. Warren -Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ! -- . COMMISSIONER- _ DATE— (2) COUNCIL FILE NO. 3-ia- 3S .Paul of i museum building to house appropriately and adequately the St. Paul Institute, should be provided by and have the support and advocacy of the City Government and of all citizens of Saint Paul; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the•,City Council approve the addition to the comprehensive inventory of Works Projects for the City of Saint Paul, as approved by the City Council under Council File 99920, adopted February 15, 1935, and transmitted to the Public Works Administration, of an additional works project for the construction of a suitable modern museum building, estimated to cost $450,000, and to be locat- ed on the south side of West Kellogg Boulevard between Washington and Exchange streets, upon land to be acquired by the City in con- nection with the proposed plan for widening Kellogg Boulevard, such building to lie constructed with a view to its being leased by the City of Saint Paul to the Saint Paul Institute, to be used for main- taining a public museum and for museum purposes and as headquarters for carrying on its various activities, upon terms similar to those upon which other cities have provided museum buildings for similar quasi public institutions conducted not for•profit; it being con— templated also that the=_Institute--would be authorized and per- mitted, in its discretion, to sub -let portions of such building to other similar educational institutions organized not for profit; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to forward such additional project to the State Engineer of the Public Works Administration with the request that it be included in the comprehensive inventory previously submitted by the City of Saint Paul. COUTj]CILMEN Yeas � Pearce 1Pr, rson Nays /Rosen /T uax arren _ _In favor Against //Wenzcl Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council MAR 15 IS3b 193 r, fitt?. 1� Its 193 Mayor PUBLiSALD •3 On101N11L 10.1 1Y CLERK 1��01..1 • .'�•�Na�'Jf�, s TY OF ST. PAUL Foer4ul NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK l/ COUNCIL R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IGLA DATE March 15.'1985 RESOLVED 'khat licenses for Restatrant, application 2510, Dance Hall, application 2511, Tavern, application 2512, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 2515, and Off Sale Malt_Bpyerage, application 2514, applied for by Anna Moriarity at 1040 University Ave. be and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police, and the puoper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Anne Moriarity the fees Of $10.00; $15.00; $200.00; $50;00; and $5.000 and to cancel said applications respectively. 300147—By- H. E.. Warrtn— FredM. Trunx—i.-C. Pearce— Resolved, That llcensoe forReetau- '! runt, apPllcatlon 2610;. Dan ca Sdail, ap-. plication. 2511, Tavern, appllcatlon 2612, On Sale 'Malt, Bevorage,- 'apPllcatlon 2513, and oli :6al,1 EIalt ,, ppge;' aP- pllcal4on 2514, applied for by - Annn Morlarlty at 1040 University Ave. be and the. snone are hereby denied upon rec_. _.. Ilce� andndtl[elOyynroPeof thel Bu oKlcers' are hereby; nuth.rized to refund to Anna 11rlarity 11, fees of E10.00;- St6.U0, $200.0.0; ;60.00; and.$5.00, and [o cancel slid applications. espect(vely' - Adopted by the Council Sia.. 15.:0$6. Approved Mar. 16, 1035. (March 23-1035). COUNCILMEN MAR 15 lQ Yeas �1/ Nays Adopted by the Council 93__ ce P rson 1 5 Rosen In favor Approved 193__ ZIuax rren �� Against IM/ iWenzel Mayor /r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 CRICINAL To CITY CL6aK cid (Ct"F ST. PAUL F6ENCIL No, 60 48 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ,p�p7SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PED / `��-�'�- - COMMIeRESENTS10NER - - DATE March 15 1955 RESOLVED, TUat Foodstuff License No. 8515 for Confectionery at 557 Robert Street be and the same is hereby cwt aged to read Ruth Cress Candies instead of LeRoy pan Crnum, which latter name was given in error on application, and the proper city officers are hereby directed to change their records accordingly, C CILMEN Yeas Nays rce P terson osen /fruax __In favor , Varren / . Against /Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 I C. F. We. 100148—Ry g, 1.;, t4xaren— i Fred M. Tr�az—I. C. Poar44a— CS Rexolyed. t Idcense No. 86I0 for Conf6nfeotloneFoedxtufr ctreet be ry- tt..357 Robert hanged tore Ru- theth Cre a Candfeg inY stead of LeRoy an Oroom, which lat- ter name wax givetiin. error.on appl!- atioa,. nd the properci[y olgcerx are onlx hereby directeaccordingly. d to change their -c_ Adopted- by the'Counen Met. 15, 1936. rovea Mar. 16, 1935. I (March 23-1935) a Adopted by the Council AFAR 15 j,.'-5 193_ R 15 J�5 Approved --193-- Mayor 193__Mayor ORIb INAL To CITY CL RK41 ('j PILI! No. 1! I F {1 9 c p CITY OF ST. PAUL l/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Parch 14th, 1 COMMISSIONER _ DATE 935 RESOLVED s that Florist license, application 2351, applied for by A. Schoch Grocery Co, at 300 E. Seventh Street be and the same is hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to the said A. Schoch Grocery Co. the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Eeassea- / Peterson Rosen ---'--In favor Tq"a,c- Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Oehan) SM 6.34 C. F. No. 100149— j tResolved, 'That. Florist license, appal edtlon 2361, applied for by A. Schoch - Grocery Co. at 3001- Seventh Street be and the aame 1s hereby denteand the Proper city o®cera are herebyd author- iz d to efund to the said A. Sohoch Grocery aid aDCo. the Dllcoroll eo lloe of E10.(0 and t0 cancel Yor license.'e: Adopted by theCouncl{ Mar. 19, 3936. Approved Mar. 19, 1936. j (Maroh. 23-1936) — Adopted by the Council sa _193 1.1� R 19 10 MAR -IQ,) �AW� Approved 193 Mayor COUNCIL FILE N0 ----------- -_--_-__By------- -------------------------------- FINAL ORDER 100150 j, conetructlrt from Po:ak In the Matter of__�anetruntin�p _a �rer nn Saratnga�t;._�ron_ PortlandAse__to_a-point _195 Peet so 1 .h of Por .l ndAyaT under Preliminary Order — ------------- 99717/ ---- ----------- approved --- Intermediary _ Intermediary Order -- - ------------approved ----- ------- ------ - --------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__-__nnnai ntah__a__seerar__on__Satatnga St�__frnzb_Pnrt7 and _ AVT-, two a point 195 _fe t_aouth_nf_Rortlanr1 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewi Adopted by the Council_____ r _____2_Im-------------- 192 G� City Clerk. Approved----------------APR----2- ML, 192------ -----t-----A✓+-- Councilman y.-. r -Pearce Mayor. Councilmanclyergusan' �n Petersnn CouncilmandMG16gig= Truax J i CouneilmanfflA%J"r'EZ'3 Fenzel MR. ICE pRE5. ROSEN Form B. PARS"" � P1jBLiS1.1ED L/� ✓ _ / A CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREOMIN#RY ORDER In the matter of constructing a sewer on Saratoga Street from Portland Avenue to a point 195 ft. south of Portland Avenue, under Preliminary Order approved January 22, 1935 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 795.00 The estimated cost per�foot for the above improvement is - $ 2.80 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATIONd g• That part of Lot 7 and the south 19 of Lot 8 and the vacated alley adj. said lot 7 which lies east of the west line of lot 5, produced, north also all of Lot 5 and 6 8 Summit Avenue Add. to the $5550 $11000 City of St. Paul Lots 9 - 10 and 11 8 do 4000 95000 Lots 12-13- 14 and 15 9 do 4500 14600 North j of Vac. alley adj. and (Ebro. part for alley0 16 9 do 750 $14800 $120,500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r.�,, Dated - - , !) e 19-3---r-ak-t__.W Porm B. S. A. 6.5 D 13 Commissioner of Finance. • ->-6 ------ 1z' St. Paul, Minn��-----. ... .... 193-- . To The Honorable,The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: -- - - -,-----—,/---jt7 4y _ _->.----------------------------------- --------------------------- -------- - --------- - _1 ----------g---------------------------------------'-_*R Ave. I from -- ---- -- --- ---- k- Ave. to. z7 --,4M Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 4). � ofu! 01 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE, CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION ®O January 29, 1935 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Saratoga Street from Portland Avenue to a point 195 feet south of Portland Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 99717, approved January 22, 1935• Estimated Cost $795.00 Cost per front foot 2.80 Inspection & Engineering 75.00 Frontage 285 ft. Approv 4ROSEN, sion to t of Finance M Commissioner. Yours truly, a EOR M. SHEPARD, Chief Engineer. 00 °max: Dfffce of the Commissioner- of Public IftWiNANCE. v :? Report to Commissioner of Finance., �4 6 ...5 FEB 1 .1935 January 29, 1-93.5---193 ........ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..99717 approved-.. January22. 1935 --- 193----..--, relative to constructing.. -a sewer_ on Saratoga_ Street --Prom. Portland Apenue_--______--__.--_ to a point 195 feet south of Portland Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._. ...... -------- :.-necessary and (or) desirable. 95 00 Cost ❑❑er front foot $2.80 2. The estimated cost thereof is 3..-7.._--..z..---...- and the total cost thereof is 3 .................. ........_:---, Inspection & Engineering $75.00 Frontage 285 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.............._--..---.---_..-......-...._._.--------------------------------- ------- ---------_.-..-_-.------.--.----- - --- - -------------------- -- ----------- ----------------- -- - - ------------------------------------------- - - - - ----------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4- ---------------------------------- ----------- --------- --------------------------------- -....................................- 5. Said improvement is ......... __---------------- _.asked for upon petition of three or more ow rs of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. % J 8 ` - --- - - : -- - - -- ------ - --- - --- -- Commissioner of Public Works. 91 a G� �a2rLccc�P%x!� �yzZyi Varch 19th, 1976. Tion. Axel F. Peterson, ComsIr of Finance, nuil dint,. Peer Sire The City Council laid over to April 2nd, 1916 the final order in tho matter of Constr»cting a seeor on Sbrato,,a St. from Portland. Ave. to a point 1.97 fE-t south of Portland Ave., under P.O. 99717, and reouested you to send notices of said hearing to property owners. Yon rs very truly, City Clerk. ORIGINAL To CITY CLCRK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No.—romi OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIOog6L DATE RESOLVED Whereas, in the contract for the construction of interceptor sewers "C" and "D", Comptroller's Contract Number G-3334, W'oodrich Construction Company, contractor, the completion date., specified was March 17, 1935, and Whereas extreme weather conditions during the past winter caused a dangerous lining of ice in most of the shafts delaying progress considerably, and Whereas, unforeseen ground water was encountered in several manholes causing additional delay, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the time for completion of the above contract be and the same is hereby extended to April 30, 1935, and that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary changes in the above contract; provided, however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect until the sureties on the sbave contract have agreed in writing to this extension of time and shall have filed such agreement in the office of the City Comptroller. 4 --COUNCILMEN YeasNays fer .✓Rosen . ___ ---In favor aVrren— L— L -_ Against W enzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 61114' b C. F. No. 111361-131, Milton Rosen— Whereae, In the contract for the con- Btruction-of Interceptor sewers "C" and G-3334, Comptroller's Contract Construction Number j pang, contractor, the completion date syecifled was March 17, 1,936, nod Whereas Mich weather conditions " during the past ;winter caused a dan- i gerou. lining of ice in most of the shafts delaying progress considerably, i suWhereas, unforeseen ground water was encountered In several manholes ausing additional delay, now there- fore be It Resolved, that the time for comple- Itlon of the above contract be and the rte Is hereby extended to April 31, 1936, and that the proper ity officers direRod cted t cause d they Are the becessaryau ichanges .Fla the above contract; provided, how- { 'ver, that this resolution shall have o i force or effect until the uretie o the above contract have agreed In writing '1 to this extension of time and shall have by the Council Mar. 19,-1935.', 3 Mar 19, 1935. (March 23-1936) Adopted by the Council NAR 19 1935 193 Approved—_ "A' 1910 193__ Mayor orlpl.a to city tact¢ NO._ ------••-0 152 .. CITY OF ST. PAUL :a.e` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL• FORM PRESEN BY_. March 18, 1935 Comm,. NER_ ..r._ _ DATF ._.__ RESOLVED WHEYAS, a project for the replacement by a concrete bridge of the present wooden structure carrying the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste Marie Railway Company's tracks over Wheelock Parkw4y at Trout Brook Junction has been included by the City of St. Paul in its comprehensive inventory of work projects, and WR'YAS, the Chief Engineer of the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sioilt Ste Marie Railway Company has submitted complete plans for such proposed concrete bridge to the Department of Public Works, and W11IMS, such plans have been modified to meet the requirements of the Department of Public Works and the Department of Parks, Play— grBunds and Public Buildings; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, the Commissioner of Public Works, and the Chief Engineer, be authorised to approve said plans and to, forward same to the Rail— road and Warehouse Commission for consideration and approval. t 4 C. F. No. 309162—By Milton Rosen— f Whereas, a Drolect for tho replace- ent o a concrete bridge of the nree- ent wooden structure carrying theMin_ Rallwn "'l'" and Sault fits. Marls Y ComP—Y' tracks over Whee- lock Parkway at Trout Brook Junction I Pnul loan Included by the Citry of St work tom" Invontory of Wherensepttheand Mlnneapolle, St.Cpagl,Bglneor of the 1onrle Railway Company has eublml S d c mDlete pinna for such p0 proposed ete bridge to the con- De➢artment of Works, and Whereon, such tDiana have bean mod-' iaed o meet the reeulrementa of the Department of ParkIleP Works and the and Publle Buildings; therefore, be It j Resolved, Thnt the Comiaeloner of Parke„playgrounds nd Pubnc Bulld- Work., Land the Chief Engineer, Puto bilc tohorized to Ilpproye Bald plan. indaa. Wand house Commiae on fRorl cone dera Rion an➢royal. - Adopted by the Council Mnr. 19, 1936. APProved Mar, 19, 1936. /' n (March 23-1936) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council-_. VAR"I"-193e.-193...... -M,Pentrkl C iieeree In favor Approved [VAR. .. ..........-_.. Rosen T"hibm. _...... ...._.Against /...'...'.� - / :.. ---- - ... � Wenzel Mayor 6M 6-32 Mr. President Mahoney ORIGINAL TO CIT• CI.{RK` COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. — FILF l D OF THE G el°itl Vv u aHiha 'f fire seryl," tt o+' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—d-tl ehlan?M + nl substantial e, Chaptor' 232, hese PRESENTED BY RarTen otd for 1°29, Droy'ne: COMMISSIONER •cy +unl,+IpaIIty r WRMAS, it appears that the rendering of fire service to outside villages and townships has in the past cost the 01�ffv sub- stantial sums of money; and WHEREAS, Chapter 332, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1989, provides that the council of any mnnioipality having control of its fire vote, authorizement its fire depart ention or anypted portionathereofetonths attend and serve at fires outside of the limits of the municipality; and WHEREAS, authority is granted in Qaid law, authorizing the entry into contracts with other municipalities or private groups for compensation fpr service@ rendered in fighting fires; and WHEREAS, the Department of'Publio Safety is desirous that the City be authorized to enter into contracts with outside villages, townships and municipalities on -the followingbasis of compensation: For each piece of apparatus on a call or run, $50 for the first hour or fraction thereof, and $25 for each succeeding hour or fraction thereof; said contracts to provide that the City shall not be Obli- gated to of theeany calls or Fire Departmenttiin his discretion; herefess the same are ore, bred e It he RESOLVED, That the Fire Department of said City, or any por- tion thereof, is hereby authorized to attend and serve at fires Out- side the city limits of the City of Saint Paul, and the Department of Public Safety is hereby authorised to negotiate on behalf -Of said City, and the City is hereby authorized to enter into contracts with outside cities, villages and municipalities for the compensation aforesaidand necessary, to the nDepart entder such eofsPublicand oet and Safety; said contracts nditions as shall seem toe be subject to approval of the Corporation Counsel as to form; and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to enter into and execute said contracts pursuant to their approval as to form by the Corporation Counsel. COUNCILMEN Yeas 7ersc n R sen /Warren AVenzel Nays / __In favor Against /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.)!i Adopted by the Council LIAR 19 1935 193— Approved-- _193— Mayor PUBLISM,D 'Og101N11L TO CITY CLURK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.--jL"LFjL#4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —COU LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY�— / / COMMISSIONER Pe DATE RESOLVED That permission is hereby granted to the Junior Class of the Central High Bohool to use Stem Hall for the evening of Friday, May 24th, 1935, for the Junior - Senior dance; said Junior Class to pay only the cost of opening and operating Stem Hall on that occasion. r ',I C. F. No. 100164—By 1:. C. Pearce— ' Resolved, That permission le hereb tral High School to Clasof the Cen- y granted to the Junior s. i uee Stem Hall for I the vening of Friday. May 24th. l for I for the Junior -Senior dance; said Ju- nlor Class to pay only the coat- of opening and operating Stem Hall on that occasion. Adopted by the Council Mar. 19, 1936. Approved Mar. 19. 1935. (March 23-1936) COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays / Adopted by the Council MAR 191936 193__ Z/ erson osen __In favor Approved---____ 193 b�arren _Against %OVenzel "�� Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M AIR. - original to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL No•- .... ---m m FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED eY _ DATE—..__ March 14,_1935 _ __ COMMISSIONER '-- RESOLVED That the grade of Alley in Block 43, Auerbach and Handis Addition, from Front Street to Hatch Street, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. CR s14 olved0Tha�lt h° BY Stade oY�Al1eY lnl, YY d Hand s Addt 1, nl k 43. Auent 6t.r ae t Hatch 9t e t I y� \t10 .from 1'O Ith the d grade lin In nccordance w a on the nceo-Pa-Ying Pro919 and se y reco the mmended by We Cor sam.I. liere1 Publto Worke. the as to 11 Mar. 19, 1936. j bypdopped by the Co Labliehed grade. i',,; APProved M°.reb 2391936) — COUNCILMEN Yeas NaY M.F� read 'Feet@ ....................In favor Rosen n ------------- Against Wenzel Mr. President Amp 6M 6.37 Adopted by the Conncil._�_�,�R .�..� -....193...... Approved.----- .......... Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL 1tY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. J OFF>CE OF THE CITY CLERK Calk. R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEBy COMM NTTED ODER \� / —�� DATE !larch 19, 1935 WHEREAS, C. A. Holm desires to withdraw application 2522 for Tavern and application 2523 for Dance Hall licenses and has requested return of his licenses fees; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to C. A. Holm the fees of $200.00 and $15.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. C I. C. Fear.—.100156—By H. E. Warron— I. C. A. HGIm desires to with - d draw apDlfcall.n 2522 for Tavern and ¢ppllcation 2523 for Dance Hall 11- nses and has requested return of his Ifcensea feesm ; therefore, be It Resolved, that tho prober city o - E ore be and they are hereby authorized to rto C. A. Halm ttie `fee. e 5.100.e0fund0 nd $15.00 :and to cancel said i a npl lcatlons for licenses. Adopted by the Council Etnr. 19, 1935. Approved Mar. 19, 1935. (March 23-1935) COUNCILMEN Ycas Nays ilelaree — /Y',eterson nRosen An favor /fatten —Against Wenzel / MT. President (Gehan) 5m 6,2MR. Adopted by the Counci�i 9 193 19 W �Approved— Mayor OgiOiNAL TO CITY CL[^.pK - COUNCIL E �� Gc G.�-<"c.�,C Y OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE March 19, 1935 COMMISSIONER WHEREAS. Gust Behm desires to withdraw application 2459 for Butcher at 1148 Grand Avenue, and return of license fee; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Gust Belem the fee of $25.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Pti'arsst.. 7rson n __.-_ ___In favor -,10� ,,*arren _—__Against /Wenzel /Ar. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14-� I C Who eusiGuet Bohm deaEres�to with- draw application 2469 for Butcher 11- nense f 1148 Grand Avenue, and re- turn ox license Pee; therefore, be It Reeolved, that the proper city ffi_ forrefuse dtoh Gust- Beleey are m 9{het feelzof 3<5.UU"and to cancel Bald apDllention for license. Adopted by the Council Mar. 19, 7936. ApM proved ar. 19, 1936. (March 23-1936) Adopted by the Council—MAR R 1 9 _'0____19 3___ flim 19 1935 Approved_ ___ ___193__ Mayor On101NaL TO CITY CLERK / . 100158 F6ENCIL NO. ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ PRESEN— _c_,yh.191935 � COMMISSIONER_ TED BY DATE MBPC RESOLVED That license for Fruit and Velgetable Store, application 2505, applied for by Harry Pass at 2044 Marshall Avenue be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN / Yeas Nays Pc/ erson �- osen_____In favor Against Warren _-- /Menzel . President (Gchan) sM rt+6r, . ... C. F. No. 100158—By H. E. Warren—' 1• C. Pearce— xesolved, that Itcenee for Fruit and Vegetable Store, lign atlon 2606, n i. ➢lied far by Harry Paae a[ 2099 MHr- shall Avenue be and the same Is hereby atruc ed to issuehauchi Y clerse k is 1n - Payment into the city treasury➢ on of the -required fee. Adopted by the Council Mar. 19, 1935. ADDroycd "far. 19, 1936.^ (March 23-1936) Adopted by the Council_ MAR 19 _,192eFL_..193—__ -MAR ! 9 l?3� Approved—_ -_'— --193_— Mayor 41 Fy G6UNG14 NO. QPIOINAL TO CITY CL6PK' 1 PAUL .� FILE IY PFT 3_i � F CITY"ne�hnve been m OFFI . q m, the Pe• , NCI RESOL ION—GEN.>•ra:• r L March 15v 1935 DATE PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED lied for by the following named persons for the app That licenses the city clerk is addresses indicated be and the acme are hdreby granted and of the licenses upon the payment into the city treasury instructed to issue ouch required fees: Appl 2451 Renewal ll W. 9th St. Barber Christ Psoroa n (delinquent)" 2452 New 11 W. 9th St. " " n 2472 Renewal 487-N. Snelling Av. n A. W. Hochmeyer " 2473 " 1400 University Av. " A. W. Rochmeyer a 2488 " 149 E. 5th St. " A. C. Mahn, " 2420 " 58 S. Hemline Av. " Lee E. Miller n 2414 " 1017 W. 7th St. " Lloyd Peterson " 2557 " 515 4Pabasha St. Bakery B. Buschman, n n 2418 " 915 Payne Av. M. I. F91'no " 2480 " 61 W. Winifred St. " E. C. Jerabek, Confectionery " 2363 " 1298 E. 7th St. C. A.Costello 11 " 2533 " 331 Jackson St. Sam Eady " " 2454 " 341 Robert St. H. W. Johnson, " 2458 " n 1580 St. Clair St. Wm. Mavroulls " n 2896 a 50 S. Cretin Mrs. J. M. Orth, " n 2370 " 39 S. Cretin Av. J. H. Coleman, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_------ —193_ Ycas Nays Pearce Peterson In favor Approved—_ ----------_l9 -- Rosen --- -- — Truax Warren _----Against Mayor Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CIT' CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No.-M.59- OFFICE O.- .59OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ,RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE March 15, 1935 RESOLVED —2— Lyle Lawson 3.189 N. Snelling Av. Confectionery Appl 2121 New Lyle Lawson 1189 No. Snelling Av. 4 pool tables " 2122 a 0. R. Eckhart 318 Minnesota St. Florist " 2500 RBnewal A. G. Haupt, 106 Concord St. " ° 2465 a Ratterman Bros. 82 N. Snelling Av. n n 2469 n F. W. Topel 191 E. 7th St. a " 2478 " H. A. Bruchner, 1214 Selby Av. Butcher ^ 2434 " H. E. Haas, 740 Blair St. " " 2534 " A. S. Johnston, 655 S. Snelling Av. ^ " 2319 " Kimbro Cash Markdt, 249-2492 S. Snelling ° " 0597 " A. J. Schadegg, 1671 Selby Av. " a 2359 " etr Esther Braverman 470 So:'Snelling Av. Grocery " 2405 New J. A. Broaek, 999 Hastings Av. Grocery " 2445 Renewal a n n ^ " n Off Sale Malt Bev. " 2446 " Harvey & Haas, 740 Blair St. Grocery " 2535 " Mrs. Lillian Haynes 1218 Selby Av. Grocery " 2411 " n n n n " n Off Sale Malt Bev. n 2412 n Hermes & Jungbauer 595 N. Dale St. Grocery " 2536 " F. A. Jerue 677 Blair St. " " 2527 " A. V. & A. S. Johnson, 655 S. Snelling Av. ^ " 2520 ° COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council____-- — —__193 Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor Approved __—_--193__ Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) - ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 1`.0159 CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ENaI NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER . _ DATE March 15. 1935 —3 - RESOLVED RESOLVED F. M. Kl.imenhagen 850 Selby Av. Grocery Appl. 2428 Renew P. E. Larson 959 Earl St. " " 2369 " Cyril J. Masek 179 Colburne St. n n 2872 n n n n n n n Butcher n 2575 n Off Sale Malt Bev. " 2374 • Wm. Menold 799 University Av. Grocery " 2484 " Michaud Bros. 254 S. Snelling Av. " " 2394 " M. L. Schroeder 1981 Ashland Av. " " 2415 ^ 86tterholm, L. T. 1082 P Av. " " 2422 ^ C. Thomas Stores, 249-2492 S. Snelling " " 0596 " S. Zaikaner 1058 Front St. ^ It 2482 IT W. Gehrman 1386 Furness St. " " 2224 " Frank Slater, 604 S. Smith n n 2488 n Blue & White Cab Assocn 199 A. Smith Gas Sta 6 pumps(delinq)a 2469 " Blue & White Cab Assoen 190 N. Smith " n 6 a It 2470 " C. D. Brown, 332 E. 7th St. n " 3 n n 2479 a B. F. Goodrich 176 W. 8th St. a a 3 n n 2558 n Phillips Petroleum Co. 1817 Randolph St. " a 3 n " 2444 n Phillips Petroleum Co. 420-24 Main Av. " " 3 " " 2248 ;Ira C. Pickett Righwood n a g a n 2270 n• COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council-------.--- 19 3___ Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor Approved —193__ Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5. L-14 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED FILE No V� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Pottbo££ Bros. Skelly 011 Co. Socony Vacuum Oil Corp. Ace Auto Parts Co. Pioneer Loan Corp —4— 216 Batee Av. 588 N. Robert St. 459 S. Robert St. 507 University 404 Oppenheim Bldg. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / P arcc %t_"on /Rosen __ye_ In favor ax f 7/arren Against Wenzel /r. President (Gehan) VICE,PRES. ROSTU DATE Barth 15, 1985 Gas Ste, 2 pumps Appl 2509 Renew " n 6 n " 2506 ^ 6 " " 2561 ^ 2nd hand auto parts ^ 2516 " Salary Laon " 0025 " Adopted by the Council_ -MAR 19 1 _193 Appro%,cd_ _- _-193___ or yU13LISI-ICD .�/ �--� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �LENCIL 0 60 FINO �jPAUL U. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED '� March 16, 1985 COMMISSIONED _ DATE RESOLVED That license for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 2466, applied (11 for by Chin Sing at 13 E. Fifth Street be and the smme is hereby granted —and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUN ILMEN Yeas eaTterse Nays / /P//eterson In favor 'lyUax j/ arren Against /*cnzel / Mr. President (Gehan) Sht 6.14 CFred M. Truce 11-yCHPee.rceW+-a-rren— Hesoived, That license for On Sala pbn led or v by", Chin Jping alt 13. 'c. rIY h Street be d the eatme Is hkrehY granted and the City Clerk is lnet�uct- ed to Issue Ruch hcansea upon the pny- Is t Into the city tre vary of there - I qulred fee. !I Adopted by the Council Mar. 19, 1936. I} Approved Mar. 19, 1936. p (Ms.rch_23-1936) 13 Adopted by the Council MQJ�419._ 995__193_—_ fi a Approved__— __1`___ _-193__— Mayor 160161 100162 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. To COUNCIL RESOLUTION ahem 5 PRINTER _ ,118.46 ���h 13 193-- ?n 18364 the RESOLID, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,TO 12EG�AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 122 2 TOINCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THECITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL193- III LER APPROVED 193__ PUBLISHED -5 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL 12253 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER -. -P terson 12254 COUNCIL RESOLUTION .AMCD�ONALW 11 FAVOR Louis Rosen ._IN Reloise D. Houghta�lIng AUDITED CLAIM, CLAIM,.. RO� Axel F.Peterson, f7. of FinanI;Ie /\1 (/AGAINST WENZEL Elea M. Obst, Treae. R.Co. MR. PRESJ...IAMI.MTO r I/ Ic5'� r ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL PER CHECKS DFf 12261 Elsa M. Obst, Tres. R.Co. 12262 Deep Rook 011 Corporation 12263 Axel Anderson 12264 G. Baglio 12265 Johnson Printing Company 12266 Review Publishing Company 12267 St.Paul Voo. school Revl.Fun 12268 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Compan 12269 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Compan 12270 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Compan 12271 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Compan 12272 Northern States Power Compan 12273 Northern States Power Oompan 12274 Northern States Power Compan 12275 Pioneer Rim & Wheel Company 12276 Postage Meter Company 122?7 Presto Mfg. Company 12278 The Print Shop 12279 12280 I E iok Service Battery Company; I Radio Engineering Company 12283 Rainbow Pies Company 12284 Ramsey County Boiler Insp. j a I Raymer Hardware Company 12286 Raymer Hardware Company 12287 0. Reiss Coal Company 12288 0. Reiss Coal Company 12289 Reliance Engineering Company i Resnick Auto Parts Company 12291 Riley Company 1229P C. V. Ritter 12293 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company 12294 Robinson Plumbing Supply Compaany 12295 Joe. A. Rogers Agenoy,Ino. 12296 Row, Peterson & Company 12297 St.Paul Book & stationery Company 12298 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 12299 3t.Paul Braes Foundry Company 12300 St.Paul Foundry Company 12301 St.Paul Goodwill Industries A St.Paul Letter Company i. 12303 St.Paul Milk Company DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL 12253 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER -. -P terson 12254 COUNCIL RESOLUTION .AMCD�ONALW 11 FAVOR Louis Rosen ._IN Reloise D. Houghta�lIng AUDITED CLAIM, CLAIM,.. RO� Axel F.Peterson, f7. of FinanI;Ie /\1 (/AGAINST WENZEL Elea M. Obst, Treae. R.Co. MR. PRESJ...IAMI.MTO r I/ Ic5'� THE AGGREG CHECKS/B ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL PER CHECKS DFf ,7 .... I .... ...... ------------------ A) MAYOR MAYOR NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD 12252 Pittsburgh Coal Company 12253 Pittsburgh Coal Company 12254 Edwin 0. Sattler 12255 Louis Rosen 12256 Reloise D. Houghta�lIng j 12257 Axel F.Peterson, f7. of FinanI;Ie 12258 Elea M. Obst, Treae. R.Co. 12259 Alex Dawson 12260 Gonad sixl 12261 Elsa M. Obst, Tres. R.Co. 12262 Deep Rook 011 Corporation 12263 Axel Anderson 12264 G. Baglio 12265 Johnson Printing Company 12266 Review Publishing Company 12267 St.Paul Voo. school Revl.Fun 12268 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Compan 12269 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Compan 12270 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Compan 12271 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Compan 12272 Northern States Power Compan 12273 Northern States Power Oompan 12274 Northern States Power Compan 12275 Pioneer Rim & Wheel Company 12276 Postage Meter Company 122?7 Presto Mfg. Company 12278 The Print Shop 12279 12280 Puffer—Hubbard Mfg.Company purity Baking Company 12281 iok Service Battery Company; 12282 Radio Engineering Company 12283 Rainbow Pies Company 12284 Ramsey County Boiler Insp. j 12285 Raymer Hardware Company 12286 Raymer Hardware Company 12287 0. Reiss Coal Company 12288 0. Reiss Coal Company 12289 Reliance Engineering Company 12290 Resnick Auto Parts Company 12291 Riley Company 1229P C. V. Ritter 12293 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company 12294 Robinson Plumbing Supply Compaany 12295 Joe. A. Rogers Agenoy,Ino. 12296 Row, Peterson & Company 12297 St.Paul Book & stationery Company 12298 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 12299 3t.Paul Braes Foundry Company 12300 St.Paul Foundry Company 12301 St.Paul Goodwill Industries 12302 St.Paul Letter Company 12303 St.Paul Milk Company 12304 St.Paul Wreckage Company 12305 Sanitary Farm Dairies,Inc. 12306 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company! 12307 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company! SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD FOENCIL. NO.. -....1(10!L[1 _...._ March................ 13...................... 9.._35 ]ECKS BEDR/p�W O TH ITY TREASURY. ^CUNT OP i...l.,`�F.37}...j......, COVERING T/H2JE��CI OM=.VL�{L�ES - TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS Ij CHECKS 1 232 7 1 026 4 10 C 21521 66 1426 6 65 o 357 2 77 725 0 106 4 188 0' 350 3, 58 8; 312 81. 189 1; 1 149 4: 234 8! 38477 84 91 1 556 oL 3 0( 30 OC 16 5( 1 1155E 3485 04 66 3C 83 3 oC 190 03 78 14 326 4o 542 50 7 25 23 78 11 25 126 02 134 72 17 34 173 20 407 83 882 47 22 32 53 74 10 26 14 01 218 11 1 5550 236 34 32 4 72 24 523 03.1 DATE RETURNED BY BANK 0 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F C CIL No. jo�U EN =.—F "I er f% FAVOR COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1- ROSE. AUDITED CLAI Xarc-h 15 35 7� 1---j-AGAINST W.—L RESOLVED AT CHECKS — DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, M M, ' 6;.CLCE... R. PRES Geblin T THE AGGR TE OUNY OF $1.3,5*2A 47 USV '"AS CHECKS NU E OF'. 0- "C R 19 1935 PER C I �YM COMPTROLLER. BY THE COUNWr AP ................. LL,R ............ .................. . ....... TO -AL DA TE CHECK RETURNED NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 01 • 12308 Elizabeth Sohwamberger 1 635 12309 Elsa Mo Chat, Treasurer R.O. 6 Ai _LV._ A 4�� 'E A.. TE/ OU - N. E _-Ec I_ 61 12310 Elea M. Chat, Treasurer R.C. 12311 Exel F.Peterson, C. of Finan e 15 1 12312 J.F.Doyle, Abstract Clerk 27 1231 Elizabeth Hosohette et.Al. 359 9 123R Isaao L. Greenberg 25 0 1231 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finane 2 55 1231 C.F. Williams 230 0 12317 R.A. Myers & Company 95 0 12319 Dick Speakes Supply & Fuel Cc- 10 Z3 12319 Twin City Hardwood Lumber 0 g 9 0:pang N2 12320 Velvet Mfg, Company 2 12321 West End Lumber & Coal Comp y 77 12322 David Allen Tozer 1 1 00 12W Robert M. Soynell, eto. 5 641 291 1232 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finane .43 03 12325 Elsa M. Obet, Treas. R.0o. 359 99 12326 First National Bank of Owato� a 769 76 13227 Elizabeth Cor000ran 1 1 270 113 13228 Axel r.Peterson, 0. of Fjnancb 462 ab 12329 Axel F.Peterson, C, of Finance 356 00 12330 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finano 1 729 99 12331 Axel F.Peterson, G. of Finano so 00 12332 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan 3 021 51 1233Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finano 167 68 12334 Axe F.Peterson, Cb of Finano2 743 74 12335 4z I F.Peterson,0. of Finano 6 3g7 19 12336 Axe t F.Peterson, 0. of Finan 1 3 38 12337 Axel IPPeterson, C. of Finan 2 600 qq� 12338 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finano 3 916 32 12339 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finan 22 262 39 12340 'Axel F.Peterson, C. of Financ 3 558 83 12341 Piper, jaffray & Hopwood 1 2 1362 58 4, 12342 Empire National Bank & Trust Oo. 3 57 1230 wells-Dickey Company 12 541 28� 12344 Mrs* Area Weiss 31 86 12345 Mrs. J Ayd, Guardian 1 40 00 12346 Mrs. C.M. Claugherty, Guardia# 40 oo 12347 Mrs. Etta Flaherty 28 28, 1 40 o 2348 Casimer Kafka, 0� 12349 Mrs. Lucy B. Knigh6 16 80 12350 Axel F.Peteraon, 0. of Finance 4 9Z 95 12351 Waldorf Bindery Company 1 15 12352 Axel ?.Peterson, C. of Finanoel j 31 495 85 12353 Philip G?esafe 10 00 12354 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finano 12 636 35 12355 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finanoo 9 559 95 12356 Stepelr Tire Company 500 59 12357 Blue & White Cab Company 827 93 12358 Mrs, M.E. Engle 11 00 12359 Flint Broom Company 65 10 12360 Mrs. J.T. Jennings 23 27 12361 Maendler Brush Mfg.Company 147a 46 12362 Mrs. H. Mitch 4 15 1,363 St.Paul Voo. School Revl9Fundi 49 39 12364 The Speakes Company 79 08 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7*0 641 I 1659 295 101! 7 1 1 100163 oe the `aseet� s nndeapanaea� fg Ftifller Ave.a z wase oe sc. COUNCILFILE NO .......... -............................. By...... -................................................................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and pavin; Fuller Ave. from Rice St. to 40 feet west of St. Peter St., includ- ing curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, constructing sewer, water and pe connections from street mains to property lines where not already made, and construct- ing retaining walls, also surfacing the present concrete pavement on Fuller Ave. from 40 feet west of St. Peter St. to 50 feet east of St. Peter St. with asphalt, also curbing and surfaoing Fuller Ave. from 50 feet east of St. Peter St. to Park Ave. with bituminous macadam, also constructing sidewalke on Fuller Ave. from Rice St. to Park Avenue where not already built, also grading Alley in Block 11, Easing and Chute's Addition from the south line of lot a to the north line of lot 4, also do'.n; all other work neoeseary and incidental to said improvement) material shall be 5j in. asphaltic concrete, 7 ft. brick gutters -6 in. o`onerete base, 27 foot roadway, benefits coats and a ensee_ for and in connection with c xP...- The assessment of ................... .......... the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............17th ..--.--day of April--------..-- 19._3`x.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost there6T, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to'whom the notice is directed. mpp 19 1935 Adopted by the Council --------------- ..------ ----------------- .._..-..------ ----- --- +.--------...._----`------...-- ------- ............... City Clerk. Approved- ........ ..........................19......... Mayor. ---•wase f.�� f �k iii✓oe� Councilman &erguson. I'atrrs. f3 Councilman�MeDonald�; ,./ PUBLISHED CouncilmanU%w1bciM9r_--j Warren, Couneilmanta -:� Wenzel Mayor11W5@Wa GehHn Fom'B. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE N0------- ----------•- ------------ By In the matter of the assessment of ,a= the - haseh s andexPenaes• tg.Fssller Ave.t i west or st. •binq arA Dai, t. y , • e^,. ...1 CITY OF ST. PAUL fits. Coats and ezpenaea 100163 it for 96885 - 96522 .............. ..... Intermediary Order ..-......------------------................................. under Preliminary Order ....................... . Final Order -.....97027............................ approved...... -D��' -26 - --------- The assessment of-..._benefite�--costs end exQenaes----------------------------------- for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the -...-..-....17th.-day of ---.-.- April--------------------------------- 19..35., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said arter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the meetings, as required by the Ch ;. ed against the lot or lots of the particular owner improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assess to whom the notice is directed. MAR 19 1935 MAR -. ---- Adopted by the Council-------------- ----..------ ._... ..._...-. ."'................ City Cleric. Approved. -.------------- ------------------------ 19......... /b/ l�'-•� Mayor. 0 Councilman &&, guson.,,n Ycter,utl SCouncilman 14FeDonald.7 Psen oJ PUBLISH) Dom= Councilmang&adheiT=--M Warren councilmanWenzel MayoriOLURM Uehan Form B. B. 17 160164 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENTAND FIXING TIME OF HEARING JKRUN AND FIXING TME OF HEARING ON TUE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of ---- noudsmning_anJ_taking_an_esgAmArt _ in- the-land_n sass ry_f=_.sl_oues, cutsand fills in the widening and grading of the widened portions of W. Seventh St. from Richmond St. to Tuscarora Ave., ION. of COUNCI, ,S HEARING IN .PROCEEDINGS. „nols�f t condemnl" under Preliminary Order__________ R8LU9------- approved- - August_ 29__I9 Intermediary Order --------------- aKQ7-------- approved --- Januax7__28,_1935-_______________, Final Order ______________________.;34829-------- approved --- Fehr a1:3r_26_1936_______________ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- -------- L7th ---- day he___________-L7th____day of ----------- A ril------------- 1935._, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council --- MAR_1�9_13% _________G� 9 Approved---- s City Clerk. �----------�}'�`J----- _ Mayor. CllnCllnII�96.ald-_:_' YCouncilman J *etmeamreseo— ❑ _ Fedree .:t-.... Councilman Rohlnnd.. Councilman agdheimer ..: i PUBLISHI D Mayor ' or'thoasseast� and eavensea.;. 100165 ; "t d e Univers ! U {`./tF J� ve., lncluding , L: ♦nd. driveway nt�" Council File No................................... to - B CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Rice Street from University Ave. to College Ave., includin curbing, paving alley and driveway approaches, sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines where not already made, and all work incidental and necessaryto said improvement, material shall be asphaltic concrete exoept 7ft. gutters, to be paved with 2-" brick, base to be 7" concrete, under Preliminary Order..... 255.01.........., Intermediary Order...... 9ra742 ........... Final Order....2535fi._—. approved.A.ug.,..-------------------------- - ------ 19.3.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IIT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in........ ---.! ..............equal installments. MAR 2 0 1 Adopted by the Council- ... -....... ................. -........................... --....,./..����,���� ........�...................... -_--............ City Clerk. f�� Approved-- ............._..-------.....------------------- / b� -----------�+-..J---=-----•kSL�-•!•r:"--��-=..., Mayor. F— B. B. IS PU13LISIII;D . 1, '� �,..a- ,-,...�� �- c �.tP y ���� � ,--, /� � 3� �C.�r�� o �'i,r��.G� ' i i i March 17, 1935 Members of the Council, I can`t see why a tax -payer must pay such high assessment for a paving job when the job is not done right. 1. The curb stone sunk on the corner of Aurora and Rice. 2. The good sidewalk tiles were removed (naturally a profit for the contractor to sell them elsewhere and soak the tax -payer for cement) for no reason at all. To make matters worse the contractor put a rotten job of cement on the side -walks. All this work was uncalled for because the tile was perfect. 3. The steam shovel turned over all the curbings, so the contractor could charge the tay-payer more money and thus, make more money for himself. I thought the understanding was to straighten the curbstone and not to turn the curbing over and reinstall it. 4. Two stumps were removed in front of my property just because the Power Company could not get at the wires that light the street. But, mind you, I was soaked X2.00 for four hours work, just to help the Power Company. I'll pay my share of the assessment but I certainly want a square deal. I demand a good job or a reduction. I also think the sidewalk taken by the contractor should be turned over to the owners of the property because they have to pay for that rotten job of cement. A T.AXPAYER4n � ✓ GG/ John Galuska 435 -Rice Street c0 '. Please read the letter out -loud at the hearing. --Thank you--. • - N CITY OP ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CONIDIISSIONER, OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment .1abruax,v ..20 .............. 19 -ab - In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for jhm paving Rice Stroet from University Ave. to College Ave., including curbing, paving alley and driveway approaches, sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines where not already made, and all work incidental and necessary to said improvement; material shall be asphaltic concrete except 7 ft. gutters, to be paved with 22" brick, base to be 7" concrete, under Preliminary Order.. ............ .................__-___ Intermediary Order ---------- 5749----- Final Order ---------- 95956.................................. approved............. . --Aug' 3------------------.............-------1 1933 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $...4.3,691.43........ Construction Engineering 1,989.67 Cost of publishing notice . $............ 20.6.5-.-.--.. Costo pSostnl 1,389.%{{%�� cards jl$ Water connections ..............�Ah�.......- 2,983.50 Inspection fees $......U.a.92 .... Sewer connections 56.00 Amount of court costs for confirmation $........... 20..85-__----_- Tntnl.linand1turaa _ ___..-_ _ _51.055.22 Less the sum of (Federal Appropriation Said Cot (under P.W.A - Project bove ascertained, (Docket Nn.750 to -wit: the and )$36,966.29 med benefited by Less the sum of (Business Street Bond the said impj (Fund the benefits con- ferred thereo Net Assessment -7T20,088.93 itified by the sig - "e nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessrae-n_f-ag conpleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considered proper. � .. _. ...----...... F- s. B. Commissioner of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMIISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment .Eabrusry.-.20.............. 19—M. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Ab= paving Rice Street from University Ave. to College Ave., including curbing, paving alley and driveway approaches, sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines where not already made, and all work incidental and necessary to said improvement; material shall be asphaltic concrete except 7 ft. gutters, to be paved with 22" brick, base to be 7" concrete, under Preliminary Order ............ ________ Intermediary Order ---------- 95749......-_--------------- ................ Final Order ---------95956 approved ................. Auge..3........................................ 11933... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost �oatal cards$ Y1,387 waar ooimeotiotta- 2,983.b0 inspection" fees . . . . ... . . . Said Cosi' " tha#e ltaa assessed`and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sumo s -n 6 p pon each and everyl9t, 8TEar parcel pf Tatildileemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the 'c""ase"of ese$ Iota pare o>xpazceTyif land an' a ebrdanee with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ...1.:................ r— a. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. FORM No. 2 Date presented 196b R ved, 'NHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATE John P. Kruse Utilityman 8 hns• .524 Dan Slater Filter Plant Lab. 8 Michael Mulkern,Jr. n 3 " .52 141 hrs. Leonard Munson Utilityman .584 Ed Kordell Mech. Helper 81 " .562 It Sam Ranelli 8 .562 It Chris Rauer Filter Plant Lab. 8 .52 " James Tighe Emergency repairman 8a .52 " Frank B. Truso " " 141 .52 " Joe Bruno Ditch digger 82 .55 _ �lo. 100166-33y A rens; tha Commis: ea has reported -action: 63 11 the C eoP an emerge) - cesanxy - �Dle R o l.e ' Ayes Councilmen Nays —Pearce � Peterson Adopted by the MAR 2 0 1935 1935 —Rosen Warren � A.R 2 0 1+ Wenzel Approved 1935 --mr. President Behan Mayor. PUBLISHED Cert' ed oorreot Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent A�U FORM No. 1 v March 18, 1935 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities, Bureau of Water rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Driving truck.# Operating Highland Park pumping station Repairing 16" gate at Eagle and W 7th St ## This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: #Taking E R A men to and from jobs *Sunday. ##Work had to be done outside of business hours account of shutting off water. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS By `"�Df�re`side`n� Ceti£' d correct _ PUBLIS?TI:D 3 �� aj 4 Leonard ld. Thompson General Superintendent O Hw±rocirvc�enK COUNCIL __ 100+6' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILK s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7167—By A..1 P.an— COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL Z M ander date of si '-I- National E ^d an aealgn nd' // lte t Iia hnndF PRESENTED BY �� /y, ,,II �.'_1/��11 Y 9t Se COMMISSIONER i �._._,�i',t,a fl.''� Tt / '! .�'i xlrE3;0tZZM WHEREAS, under date of January 22, 1935, the American National Bank of St.Paul executed an assignment, as security for deposits in its hands and owned by the City of St. Paul, which assignment consisted of the following securities: $385,000.00 3 3/8% Treasury Bonds of 1941/43: Due 3-15-43, Nos. 1845E -4644D -4645E ® $100,000 ea. 4549X-455OL-4500L-4502B-12689$-12690L-12688J- 12691A 0 $10,000 ea. 39430- ® 45,000 $ 15,000.00 First Liberty Loan of 1917, *% Gd. Bds. of 1932/47 due 6-15-47. Nos. 4706 ® $10,000 367549/50 - 16139881817241/2 ® $1,000 ea. $50,000.00 3 1/4% Treasury Bonds of 1944/46; Due 4-15-46 Nos. 13524D -13525E -13526 -F -12519X -12520L ® $19,000 ea. $50,000.00 3 1/8% Treasury Bonds of 1946/49; Due 6-15-49; Nos. 4069OL-J1A-92B-93C-24975E- ® $10,000 ea. $ 300,000.00 2j% Treasury Notes, Series D-1938; Due 9-15-38, Nos. 3456-3447 100,000 ea. 3176/85 ® 10,000 ea, and WHEREAS, at this time it is the desire of the Amed can Nation- al Bank to withdraw the said $385,000 3 3/8% Treasury Bonds of 1941/ 43, and the said $15,000 First Liberty Loan 34% Golds Bonds, and s ub- stit1te therefor the sum of $400,000 Treasury Notes 21 per cent Series D-1935, due 12-15-35, and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Sinking Fund Committee of the City of St. Paul that said Bank be permitted to withdraw said bonds and substitute said Treasury Notes, now therefore be it RESOLVED that the proper city officers are autnoriged to deliver and release to the American National Bank the said bonds and accept in lieu thereof the said Treasury Notes, upon the same obliga- tions and conditions contained in the original assignment, and that said COUNCILMEN Yeas*—. Nays Adopted by the Council"_"__--___._193-- Pearce --- -- — Peterson Rosen----193-- Truax - Warren Against Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 1 ORIGINAL To CITY CLERK �. CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ENGIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__ __ _.____.._ _—_- DATE_ - 0 action is and hereby is approved by the Council, and the City Cierk is instructed to file a copy of this resolution with the City Comptroller, to be attached and become a part of said original assignment. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor M – Warren —_Against Wenzel 'Mr. President (Gehan) M11 6.34 Adopted by the Council ° R_U;Zp5_-193—_ v OR 2 Approved------- -ro-1-----.193--- s� Mayor PUBLISHED o2L ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL No. 1 j 1�Z68 OF ST. PAUL FILE t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Com` RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY� DATE March 21, 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That Restaurant license 6462, On Sale Malt Beverage license 2028, Off Sale Malt Beverage license 2726, Tavern license 205, and Dance Rall license 629, issued to William Trust at 345 University Ave., known as The Penquin, be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of said licensee's refusal to cooperate with the Policewomen and to obey the law governing the conduct of such business. COUNCILMEN YcasNays P rce errson Rosen __ ____.In favor rren - -Against Wenzel r. President (Gehan) M 6.14 C. r. No. 100168—BY H. E. Warreo— I, C. Pearce— Resolved, That Restaurant license 6462, On Sale Malt Beverage ilcease -. 2028, Ore sale Malt Beverage Scenes 'L 726 Tavern ncense. 206, Dance and Halt license 629, :_issued to William Trost at 346 University Ave., known as herebyerevokedbu ponand r Lh mme dation Y the Bureau f Polico beca- of salQ 11 enseo's refusal to cooperate with the Policewomen and to obey the law aov- ier,ing the conduct of a ch business. Adopted by the Coucil Mar. 20, 1936.! Approved Mar. 20. 1936n . (March 23-1936) Adopted by the Council— &R_r_,1 Approved— ��7AR�-�_Y --193-- ------Mayor._ _ THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL :XJ INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 19, 1935 Mr. Carl Leonard License Inspector Dear Sirs This is in reference to an investigation made at the Penguin Beer Parlor, 47,1 .University Avenue. On February 21, 1935 Dorothy Truax and Catherine Grauer were reported missing from home. They had failed to attend their classes on February 21 at St. Joseph's Academy where they were students. The Women's Division had a report to the effect that these girls had been in the habit of frequenting beer parlors, and after making inquiries found that their usual haunt was the Penguin Inn. We went there on February 21, accompanied by William and Harold Farley, foster brothers of Dorothy Truax, but did not find the girls there. We did, however, find a place on the second floor of the above premises which was filled with young people, all loud and noisy, and very disorderly. The bays were throwing glasses around the room. On this occasion the manager, Mr. William Trost, was downstairs in his restaurant, leaving the dance hall without appervisiou. We spoke to Mr. Trost about the condition of the dance hall, and he was very impertinent. The ladies' room was unclean and en- J tirely too small for a hall of that iise. We again visited this place on the evening of February 23 and found the same conditions existing. We again spoke to Mr. Trost about the number of minors in the place and told him it would be to his own advantage to not cater to them. He said, "What do you want n me to have? a gray bearded crowd?" We have made numerous trips to the Penguin Inn and have al- ways found some minors. Upon questioning several they said they had.1.0 been asked their age before being served beer. On Friday, March 15, we made our last investigation; found a small crowd but still found minors. Below are the names of same of the minors found there at various times: THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Mr. Carl Leonard - No. 2 Mildred DeRoohe, 474J Farrington Ave. (18) Carmen Anderson, 579 Laurel Ave. (20) Florence Taylor, 782 Rondo St. (18) Isabel Dietoh, 236 Sherburne Ave. (19) Ann Horvath, 1005 Argyle St. (16) Peaches Welter, 357 W. Central Ave. (18) Mamie Uttermark, 888 Tatum Ave. (15) Emily Grobner, 229 Fuller Ave. (19) Salljr Ann Evers, 516 Charles St. (17) Pauline Grubs, 526 Charles St. (17) Lucille Straits, 561 University Ave. (16) Very truly yours, Women's Division Statement of Dorothy Truax and ®atherine 9tiravier, taken in the Polioevomen's office, far.16th, 1935,6:00 P.M. Questioned by Myrtle I. .Wenzel, & 0. O'Connor. Q. What id your name? A. Dorothy Truax. Q. Wher do you live? A. 2350 Bayless Av4e Q. With whom do you live? A. My Mother and father, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Truax. Q• What is your birthdate? A. Mar. 8th, 1918. Q. What is yaur name? A. Oatherine Gravier. Q4Ahere do you live? A. 331 Lafond St. Q, With kkom do you live? A. My mother and father, Mr. & Mrs. Jules (�ravier. Q. What is your birthdate? A. Jtme,18th, 1917. R Q. Wgat school were you girls attendin# up until 3Feb.218t, 19352 A. St. Tosephts Academy. Q. Were you girls in the habit of frequenting beer parlors prior to your leaving school? A. Yes we were. Q. What were the names of these beer pallors, and whereare they located? A.„Tip into Tips."on IIniv.& ]Farrington, and the " Penguinll Univ.& Virginia. Q.Were you ever accompanied by your parents or guardians when going into these places? A.No Q. Did you ever buy beer in these places? Continuation of statement of Dorothty Truax and Catherine Gravier� A. Yes, we did. — Q. Were you ever accompaniled oy any other minors? A. Yes. Q. Who were they? A. Lucille Straite, 561 University Ave. Q. Any others? A. No Q. Were you ever questioned as to your ages at these taverns? A. Yes, at "Tips", but not at the "Penguin" Q. Have ;;our parents ever objected to your going to these Places? A. Yes. Q. Have you answered these questions truthfully, without threats or promised, and are willing to sign them after thgy have been typed? A. Yes. r ORIGINAL TO CITY CL... COUNCIL ( 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK tootas—sr AL H. GAV ' ar� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM •o zoning F11. N. 'nnm•1. n ,h P razor: Y lJ —,__ PRESENTED BY�'% 4�VL R� DATE_.. COMMISSIONER TTI�p-= WHEREAS, House rile No. 1034 changes the zoning law so as to permit the City Council to rezone when demanded, without the consent of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate within one hundred feet of the property affected, whenever the Zoning Board has recommended such rezoning, which recommendation can be made only after a hearing of all inter- ' ested parties; and WHEREAS, the Council is of the opinion that the zoning law should be amended so as to permit a rezoning under this plan; therefore, be it . RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul approv- es House pile 1034 and recommends its passage, and the City Clark is directed to notify the members of the House and senate from Ramsey County of this action of the Council. C7ILMEN Yeas Pearce Nays P terson /Rosen In favor arrcn —1 ---Against enzcl � At. President (Gehan) 5M "6/34 Adopted by the Council MAR 2 1 M5 -193 -- MAR 2 1 Approved --- — 193— Mayor PUBLISHED ORIGINAL -TO CITY OLHRK b9TY OF STPAUL COUNCIL NO. 40(470 .... _ � . FILE LE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK tJmeii�RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY J March 21 19555 COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED That Restaurant license, application 2605p 'and Off Sale Malt Beverage license, application 2604, applied for by Mrs. Emily Stamper at 694 St. Peter Street be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is in - strutted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. COUNCILMEN Yeas iPe rce tson Nays / M,—In fayo,; / hate. _ 2_Against /*enzel rest ant . 5M 6,39R. VILZ r'FC ,. RJ"ff s C. F. No. 1OD170—BY H. I:. Warren— i I. C. Pensce— Resolved, That 'Restaurant ltoenee, apPllcatlon 2603, and Ort Sale Malt pile erage Itcen.e, application 2004, 94 St. Pete Street bemand the saemeanre her- sor cis granteIs d and tses he Clty Cleric le tn- paymentt ntoa the CILYIIt[e+lauryp of the required fees. Adopted by the 2 ell afar. 21, 1936. Approved Mar. 21, 1936. (March 23-1936) Adopted by the Council- MAR 2. 1 1935 193_ WAR 2i 14 Approved _ Mayor ' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK ` FOENCII NO._ 1(�F ST. PAUL 1J����� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY J DATE. March `21, 1935 COMMISSIONER �1 RESID WHER.EMS, Louis A. 31nykin has requested withdrawal of his application for "Off Sale" liquor license at 104 W. Kellogg Boulevard, the refund of his license fee and return of his bond; therefore; be it RFSOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the said Louis A. Sinykin the license fee hereto- fore deposited on application for "Off Sale" liquof license, to return the bond to him and to cancel said application. COU ILMEN / Yeas Nays ZCe rson \—_In favor �1 %ifVarren Against Wenzel .9E 51.1 6.3': -- . C. F. No. 100171—By H. E. Warren— I C. poor.— A- Louts A- Slnykln has e- ; qqueeted Ithdrawal f his abplicatlon for 'Ott bale" liquor. license at 104 Wnd Of . license fee ul nd rreturn of uh a bond; therefore, be It r Resolved, that the prober city otd- 11 to refund to the said out. A. Sinyk n they license fee heretofore deDoolted on appllcafion for "Off Snis liquor license, J tc return_ the bond to him and to can- cel said DPit' aL,"' Adopted by the C uncll Mar. 21, 1935. ' Approved Mar. 21. 1936. (3f or 23-1936) Adopted by the CouncilMAR-2 1 1935- _ __193 -- MAR 193— CSAR 21 1d Approved------- —— Mayor LAW OFFICES OF OWEN P. McELMEEL AND PAUL G. FISCH SUITE 535 RAND TOWER MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA March 12, 1935. Honorable H. E. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minnesota. TELEPHONEGENEVA 5162 1 Dear Sir: I desire to withdraw my application for a liquor license now pending before the Commissioner of St. Paul. Due to a recent serious accident in which I have suffered permanent injuries, I shall not desire to have a license issued at this time. I shall be pleased if you will act upon tais application as promptly as possible and for•:ard to me the check of $250.00 whic'a I deposited with my appli- cation. Ver :trul�oouurs, LOUIS A. SINYKIN LAS :IAK 3 t ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK GCUNCIL No. 100172 TY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK s C CIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY. DATE march `24, 1935 COMMISSIONER REy0fd6M WHEREAS, Antonio La*nanna has requested withdrawal of his application for "On Sale" liquor license at 361 Upper Levee, the refund of his license fee, and the return of his bond; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the said Antonio Lemanna the license fee heretofore deposited on application for "On Sale" liquor license, to return his bond to.- him, and to cancel said application. C. F. No. 100172—By H. m Wa.rren— II I. C. Pearce— Whereas, Antonio-Lamnnna has quested �vlthdral of his application for On Sale" liquor ].cense at 301 Up- per Levee, the refund of hislicense fee, Godthe return of his bond; therefore, be It Rosolved, that the proper city omcere .. - be a d they are hereby authorized to fund fo the r said Antonio L¢mannn the It""' fee h'eretoYore depoelted on ppllcatlon Y.. I.r $ale" llquor license, to return his bond to b4 liquor and license, can- cel said application. Adopted by the Council Mar. 21, 1935. Approved bfar. 21, 1935. (March 23-1935) CI COUNLMEN '1 rce >•son Yeas Nays favor :rren _ � Against nzel 5.m VICE FRES. RO`'EN Adopted by the Council—MAR 211-1W 193— (B Approved AR 21 1935 —193 -- Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY GLBPK� %✓ - 100173 � 1L No. '�'«'��'t-C26i�Y/ OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CUN 66 RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i PRESENTED Y COMMISSION DATE March 219 19Z5 RWa9j9M9R VrHEBF.AS, N. Papineau desires to withdraw application 1824 for Bakery license at 1584 University Avenue and requests return of his license fee; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to N. Papineau the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUJ LMEN yeas Nays / �carte / ps/tetson I.eeer1- _._ __In favor W� /urren %Wenzel __----Against 561 l,-34 MR. VICE Fi.E:' I - [ C. r. No. 100143—By H. E. Warren— r. C. Pearce— Whereas, N. Papineau desires to I withdraw application 1824 for Bakery license at 1684 University Avenue and requestsreturn of hls license -fee; therefore, belt i Resolved, that the proper City offi- re be and they are hereby authorized to refund to N. Pe.Dinean the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said aDDlicatlon for license. Adopted by the Council Mar. 21, 1036. Approved Mar. 1086. (March 23-1036) ' Adopted by the Council_ MAR 2 1 1_193 -- Approved—____ .._O 193_- -- Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLC FO EI' c" NO. 1001'74 Y OF ST. PAUL r ��E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UN L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -- PRESENTED BY DATE March 21, 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That Restaurant license 61759 On Sale Malt Beverage license 1896, esti Off Sale Malt Beverage license 2537, expiring July 24, 1935, issued to R. J. Steiner and E. N. Coan at 450 No. Cleveland Ave., known as the Sideway Garden, be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of maintaining gambling devices in said place of business. No. 100174—BY V. E-: — — . WaTr— C. Pearce— Gl G Boone 3nlehMaltt Beverage license ff gale Malt Bevera6e 11- 1846. ..... 2537, expiring JuIY 24, 193b, I t hued to R I.J. Steiner and E. N. Coan at �I450 "Y Garden be and the name ire hereby yoked Den recommendation oC the Bureau of Police- a ecanoe of mnlnta.lninR Im.mblinq devises 1n said I, place OC bueinese. Ado➢teed disc. ..Gen u So936Mar. 21, 1935. APDYOV IMarch 23-1935) Adopted by the Council MAR 21 1935 _193__-.-- mAR 211 Approved—_—_ Mayor COU�1LMEN Yeas Nays�PPrce n _ ._ln favor Znrzeel ___�_Against 5.11 6,4R. VICE P!? F!S. No. 100174—BY V. E-: — — . WaTr— C. Pearce— Gl G Boone 3nlehMaltt Beverage license ff gale Malt Bevera6e 11- 1846. ..... 2537, expiring JuIY 24, 193b, I t hued to R I.J. Steiner and E. N. Coan at �I450 "Y Garden be and the name ire hereby yoked Den recommendation oC the Bureau of Police- a ecanoe of mnlnta.lninR Im.mblinq devises 1n said I, place OC bueinese. Ado➢teed disc. ..Gen u So936Mar. 21, 1935. APDYOV IMarch 23-1935) Adopted by the Council MAR 21 1935 _193__-.-- mAR 211 Approved—_—_ Mayor Refercnro Report Received By At M. How Recetved Dep. A..I-.d N � G �timd I District MISCELLANEOUS REPORT POLICE DEPARTMENT City of St. Paul Reported by T ti Netoro of Report ComDlaimnt Pince of 0-...- 4Z-j6 ceoraneo4Z.jd Timeand Dace of Occonnce ? P. M. Add— 0 Phone I , 2� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL 100175 ��Ct�t <-=C-edY{-Y)OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -( - CO CIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B\- 4 I DATE March 15, 1985 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That Confectionery license, application 2477, applied for by Walter D. Mitchell at 384 Robert Street be and the same is hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Health and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Walter D. Mitchell the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. C. F. No. 100176—By H. E- -Warren— .I I. C. pearee— Resolved, That Con Cectionery 11- cense, Dp Mitchell'2at13�64 RobW Street be and the me la hereby denied upon ecomnteedation of the Bureau of t. heath and the proper fty aNlcere Iter hereby authorized to fund to Walter I D. Mitctiell the Yee of $30.00 and to can- ' [ cel said pPilcatlon for Ifcenae. Adopted by the 21,019361 Mar. 21, 1936. Approved (March 23-1936) coiCILMEN / MAR 21 195 Yeas / Nays Adopted by the Council- _ - ___193__ P arcc ((11\\ V ry /P erson ---- ltltftK -} - _In favor Approved__-_ - 193_— ll Warren ---Against jWenzel Mayor i est en C15' ni - SM17 G.lirk V1''h 16 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLIRK �CFILE NO. j(1,01• CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ootzs—Br muton' "A. S. Mergens I M COUNCIL RE LUTION—GENERAL ,.It f.. v arlPe�`' `t5 Ar Dt. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ri no:; WHEREAS, A. S. Mergens has petitioned the Council for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station on Lot 20, Block 31, Dalyls Subdivision of Block 31, also known as No- 1000 West Seventh street; and VHLgEAS, said A. S. Mergens has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Paragraph (f), Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said A. S. Mergens to install and maintain said station in an ascordance with app approved willthe automaticallylan tvoid he permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed nderotheddirection ofthe the Commissioner ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to. be subjeot to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and iBonand improvements withinthe chanes in ramps, drainage or other publo shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever it shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. COU CILMEN Yeas � Pearce P erson x,Inzet Te Nays / n favor LQz.pcaeidenr(6eh'Sn) CytR 4ICE PRF`;. 5M 6T ' ROSEN Adopted by the Council PEAR 2119$5 ._193-- — MAR 2 l S5 Approved — _—.-193— Mayor PLTRi.lSiil?D-�=—J CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 20th, 1935• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The City Council today approved the application of Al Mergens Service for permit to install a drive-in filling station on Lot 20, Block 31, Dalyts Sub. of Block 31, being 1000 West Seventh Street and referred the enclosed file to you for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, City Clerk. i0o ' v 6' POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., Feb- 23, 1935 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of A. S. Mergene _ to erect and install a filling station located on lob 20, blk 31, Thomas DeL 's b �f Blka 18 k 3 In M t oon� Broom de Ramsey a dd.--11000 W. 7th St. —, come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Cham- ber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 8th day of Ma"h 193A—, at 10 o'clock A. M. AXEL F. PETERSON, Page File 790a Commissioner of Finance. r F4�`j.1YOp°ar� THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 t n SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman ��March 20th, 1935. LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD 1. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD'City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of Al. Mergens Service for a filling station on Lot 20, Block 31, Daly's Sub of Block -31. This is on the south side of Seventh St. and the property runs through to Randolph St. It is occupied by a garage building and the lot is 40 ft. wide. On February 1/+th the Board recommended that the plans of the Al Mergens Service and the plans of the White Eagle Oil Company be considered together as there was a confliction of interest and driveways. The Al Mergens Service has now brought in a new plan which provides for a driveway into their garage on Seventh St.,which does not in any way conflict with the driveways of the White Eagle Oil Company, and two pumps at the exit from their garage on Randolph St. As these pumps are only'9 ft, ffom the side- walk on Randolph St. and as a car leaving the garage would have to stand on the sidewalk to take gas, we recommend that the permit be denied unless the pumps are put inside of the garage which will make them 14 ft. from the sidewalk. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh Adopted by the Council---- --- - 193 Yeas. Nays. PEARCE PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX WARREN WENZEL -6 MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) Yfl Adopted by the Council 193 Yeas. Nays. PEARCE PETERSON --kOSEN ZTRUAX WARREN ENZEL /R. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) IN ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL TIN =11ICATE AND FILED IN TN.A.E CTI OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLERK. OFFICE. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE --- / — ------ I ------ eq -------- To THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made --------------------------------- INDIVIDUAL) B Y fte-e.e" 411-A—Mill I OR FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A____ ---- 'AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT ----------- ------- /ALS. E.. IAD.t " -IB. AS -- iwz AN NUMBER) 0 NO. OF PUMPS _0L ---- - NO. OF GAS TANKS (:� — ------------- CAPACITY OF EACH FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE- --- - -- ---------------------- ---- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY---- -- - - RECEIVED CIY FROM CITY CLERK -- ---------- I DATE --- - CITY PLANp/IING BOARD .......................... BY ---- tf�'l M. J. CULLIGAN Chief of Police ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH Health Officer WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief G. E. BRISSMAN Acting Supt. Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Commissioner February 2, 1935 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Mitmesota Dear Sir: Returaed herewith is the application of Al Mergens for permission to instal a drive—in gasoline filling station at 1000 West Seventh Street, and reports of inspection and recommendation of the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. Very truly yours, G. H. Barfuss, Deputy Commissioner THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION February 10 1935 Mr. G. H. Barfuss Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Siri This is in reference to application made by Al Mergens for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lot 20, Block 31, Daly+s sub -division of Block 319 which is also described as 1000 {11We&t Seventh Street. Please be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the proposed driveways and in checking the plans I find that the scale calls for a 25 foot driveway which would not comply with the State Trank Highway regulations which specify 22 foot drive- ways. I believe the plans should be changed to comply with the State Highway requirements and that the driveway should be limited to 22 feet. If this is done there will be no objection from a traffic standpoint, and I do not find that the proposed driveway will materially interfere with the movement of traffic. Trusting this meets with your approval. I am Very truly yours, Harry N. ttergren Superintendent of Traffic BM/W M. J. CULLIGAN Chief of Policy ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH Health Officer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Comminioner Feb.2.1935 Hon.HiE Warren Commissioner of Public Safety St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief G. E. BRISSMAN Acting Supt. Police and Fire Alarm In regard to the application of A1.Mergens for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station at 1000 West 7th Street. We have investigated the foregoing and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard of the immediate vicinity if permit for filling station be granted. Respectf ullpyours rChief Inspector. Fire Prevention Bureau. TRIPLICATE - CITY OF ST. PAUL IL[o Iry rRE clry OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,.�LRn s oFFlce. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION ., DATE / E..... .. _ 19 >v�. TO THE HONORABLE;°THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY - _.< ,__ -✓ - "- _ '- � Irvnm[ K mon Iv oVnLl - FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A. -- ��only[ IN on "Isa,c�e,�MeC^1 - -"---"-"------- ----------- - AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT -._ t_s4 �� BLOCK I E-uMn ALSO DESCRIBp AS - I-- AN. N ERl ..I ,/-..... �. CAPACITY OF EACH TANK NO OF PUMPS NO. OF GAS TANKS _ ti, Ca NT - FILED PL cNnrunE of wv . u RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE --- - -- -- - ------- ----19 --- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY _ __ _ __________ ____---------- _____ ----- -- _ RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK OAT- ---- __------ _--- _----- _----------------- CITY ______________CITY PLANNING BOARD BY_____ _ __________ __________ _____ __________---- . . ----- Y F��•� Op f -THE BOARD'OF ZONING � Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 �� ": m. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA •` 234 COURT HOUSE February 11+th, 1935. ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman " LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER - " `� EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN „}} CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, ' Engineer Secretary 4 K. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of A. S. Mergens Service for a drive-in filling station on Lot 20, Block 31, Daly's Sub of Block 31 -this being the southerly side of Seventh St. between James and Randolph and immediately adjoining the present white Eagle Oil Company's station. This is a 1+0 ft. lot. and is zoned for Commercial purposes. It is not possible to have a drive-in.and out station here unless the owner arranges for an easement over adjoining property. He has already sold an easement to the White Eagle 011 Company to drive over his- property in order to get into their station. There,is a conflict of Interest here which makes it desirable that the hearings on this drive-in station and the remodeling of the white Eagle 011 Station at the corner of Randolph and Seventh St. be concurrent. Because of the widening of Seventh St., 14 ft, on this side of the street, the White Eagle Oil Company must replan their layout, and the applicant for this permit must cut back his garage building. The attorneys for the white Eagle Oil Company advise that their plans will be submitted as soon as it is possible for their engineering department to prepare them. page-2-- TiMP,,Board recommends that the plans of the A. S. Nor gens Service and the.plans of the White Eagle.011 Company be considered together otherwise there will be a situation in which there will be practidally no sidewalk on Seventh St. for a long distance. They withheld approval on this plan until some: coordinated plan can be worked out. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, gh-rh Engineer Secretary. MILTON ROSEN Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GEORGE M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer JOHN M. REARDON, Asst Chief Engr. and Supt. of Construction - G. H. HERROLD, Office and City Planning Engineer MARK W. WOODRUFF, Chief Engr. Clerk February 26, 1935 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. FRED E. LOVELL Deputy Comm. l: EDWARD GOTTLIEB, Supt. of Sanitotion M. S. GRYTBAK, Bridge Engineer RAY J. KARTAK, Supt of Workhouse Dear Sir: Kindly refer to the report of the Zoning Board dated February 14th relative to the application of A. S. Mergens Service for a drive-in filling station on Lot 20, Block 31, Dalyts Bab. of Block 31. I concur in the recommendation of the Zoning Board that the plans of the Mergens ered and the plans of the White Eagle oil Company b to- gether in view of the contemplated improvement on West Seventh Street. Yours very truly, ^ 9GE.� PARD, ief Engineer. HQeAL - .:_gyp` �. R•: i�+ I to �,y� 'kms o - ' ti Y MILTON ROSEN Commissioner FRED E.'LOVELL Deputy Comm. Al CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GEORGE M. SHEPARD Chlef Engineer JOHN M. REARDON, Ass't Chief Engr. and Supt. of Construction I. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, Supt. of Sanitation G. H. HERROLD, Office and City Planning Engineer M. S. GRYTBAK, Bridge Engineer MARK W. WOODRUFF, Chief Engr. Clerk RAY J. KARTAK, Supt of Workhouse March 20th, 1935. Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of Al. Mergens Service for a filling station on Lot 202 block 31, Dalyts Sub of block 31. this is on the south side of Seventh St. and the property runs through to Randolph St. It is occupied by a garage building and the lot is 40 ft. wide. On February 14th the Board of Zoning recommend- ed that the plans of the Al Mergens Service and the plans of the 10hite P-agle Oil Company be considered together as there was a confliction of interest and driveways. The Al Mergens Service has now brought in a new plan which provides for a driveway into their garage on Seventh St., which does not in any way conflict with the driveways of the White Eagle Oil Company, and two pumps at the exit from their garage on Randolph St. As these pumps are only 9 ft. from the sidewalk on Randolph St. and as a car leaving the garage would have to stand on the sidewalk to take gas, the Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be denied unless the pumps are put inside of the garage which will make them 1/+ ft. from the sidewalk. I concur in the recommendations of the Board of Zoning with the exception that if the pumps are left outside of the garage the clearance of 12 ft. between the pumps and sidewalk will be required. You very truly, SHEPARD, gms-rh Y&.fWgineer. COUCITY OF ST. PAUL FILE lL NO. 100177 � I'_ PILE __ WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be i t RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. ame _ i e N o s. Rate of ay Einck, Walter Bates, Carl D. Truck Driver Truck Driver 100177—By. M11ton Rosen— Wherens,. the Commtssloner oC Public Works has reported In accordance with t� Section 63. of the Clty Charter, the z- Istenceof an emergency which render- " necessary -_the mDloymenf of cer- tain employes of hie :Department for iii ore than elgeht hours per day and on m Sunday, said. mployment Tieing more than .usual hours o[ employment, therefore, be.1_t _ Resolved, That the proper city otH I hereby-authorlaed to paY the -, (� . following named employee at the at [herwlee BxaH Yor extra employment VA. for the extra time hereinafter setforth. �Einck, Walter, Track Driver, 8 hr.. S _; at 633.' C• Bates, Carl IS., Truck Driver, 2 hre. at 63 yi0. Adopted by the Council 31ar. 21, 1936.-y Approved Mar. 21, 1936. '(March 23-1936) �. _- :633,' Adopted by the Council.. MAR 2_ q35 _19__ Approved__ 19_ MAYOR COUNCILMEKa Yeas P�� ,Clagcy,• .. v *cDonald �Ig favor Sudheimer Wenzail.y;,; Against yam_.:iLl Truck Driver Truck Driver 100177—By. M11ton Rosen— Wherens,. the Commtssloner oC Public Works has reported In accordance with t� Section 63. of the Clty Charter, the z- Istenceof an emergency which render- " necessary -_the mDloymenf of cer- tain employes of hie :Department for iii ore than elgeht hours per day and on m Sunday, said. mployment Tieing more than .usual hours o[ employment, therefore, be.1_t _ Resolved, That the proper city otH I hereby-authorlaed to paY the -, (� . following named employee at the at [herwlee BxaH Yor extra employment VA. for the extra time hereinafter setforth. �Einck, Walter, Track Driver, 8 hr.. S _; at 633.' C• Bates, Carl IS., Truck Driver, 2 hre. at 63 yi0. Adopted by the Council 31ar. 21, 1936.-y Approved Mar. 21, 1936. '(March 23-1936) �. _- :633,' Adopted by the Council.. MAR 2_ q35 _19__ Approved__ 19_ MAYOR I An emergency has arisen in the DEPARTIBMT OF PUBhIC VIORICS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Cindering icy streets and intersections This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Sudden change in weather conditions 'c. i D 4." e� f, COMESSIOITER OF PUBLIC WORKS ORIOINIIL TO CITY.1... ..�� ����((��..�� rry�QQ COUNCIL (7 r CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. Vl OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 190178—BY Mlitoz.' COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F06'u PRESENTED BY provided by C, 1rb. 21 9th block. a,n COMMISSIONER DATF'Id. ata WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 99967, approved February 21, 1935, the Council did, on the 19th day of March, 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Court House in said City of Saint Paul, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking the shed in the rear of 1634 Carroll avenue, on Lot 8, Block 8, College Park Addition, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and danger ous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent of said property; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to' said property owner, or his agent, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson -Roger In favor u ;1;rnale• Warren ::�_Against Wenzel it. President �aehmj�_ 'M NR, VICE PRES. ROSEN Adopted by the Council MQR 211935 193_ 211935 Approved 193_ Mayor PUBLISHED, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ari Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 19th, 1935. Mr, John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear 31r: The Council today referred to you for resolution the natter of confirming the condemnation (2nd) of the shed in the rear of 1634 Carroll Avenue, on Lot`2, Block 6, College Park Addition. We attach herewith COPY of Council File 99967. Yours very truly, City Clerk. onwixAL TO cin eunc �((��lyn CITY OF ST. PAUL r`u.EN`fL NO. ` y `9 THE CITY CLERK TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-282355DATE WHEREAS, the Council is advised that United States Senator Kenley, of (fest Virginia, has offered an amendment to the Work Relief Bill pending before the Congress of the United States, which amendment provides that the sum of $500,000,000 be used -'for school building purposes; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Council: -of the City of Saint Paul that such amendment to desirable; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul endorses said amendment; and the City Clerk is hereby instruct- ed to forward a copy of this resolution to the United States Senators and Congressmen from the State of Minnesota.. C. F. No. 100179—By I. C. Pearce— Whereas, tha Council JS advised that .United states Senator Kenley,. of West Virginia, has offered an '.tai—t to the Work Relief Sill pending before the Congress of the United, States, WhlCh amendment provides that the sum of $600,000,000 be used for school building purposes; and Whereas, It le the pinion of tho Council of the City of Saint Paul that •, such amendment Is desirable; there- fore, be It Resolved, That. the Council of the ;City or Saint Paul endorses said amend- ment; and the City Clerk fe hereby /n- etFucted, to forward a Copy of thio ree- olution to the United States Senators andCongressmen from the State of Minnesota - Adopted by the Council Mar. 21, 1935. Approved Mar. 21. 1935. (Marchh , -1936) I, COUNCILMEN Yeas rce Nays AR 21 1935 Adopted by the Councf 193_ P erson RAR 21 1935 ---In favor Approved — 193_— r ` ✓ Against /a� ;-- Mayor 5M 6.A4R. VICE 71 -.Lr' ROJii�' ORIGINAL TO circ cLKRK cou NCIL 1l 10180 CITY OF ST. PAUL TILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 100180-13y m. x, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'ueat— House File826 r t, obtWn n t or ,/ jj Ing on Anyy lnk i et an�Lto nN ng PRE�ENTED BY ✓! /, /V/ TE__ COMMISSIONER Trtl S t n E ti- v ree ebr... a,r WaREAS, House File 825 authorises the City to obtain a tract or tracts of land bordering on any lake, for a municipal forest and to manage the same on forestry principles, and permitting the use of the land as a public bathing beach, the selection of such land and the management thereof to meet the approval of the State Forester, which bill is designed to permit such operation at Beaver Lake in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Council is of the opinion that the passage of this bill will be advantageous to the City of Saint Paul; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council approves of House File 825, and recommends its passage, and the City Clerk is directed to notify the members of the House and Senate from Ramsey County of this action of the Council. COU CILMEN / Yeas Nays / /Pearce ' Peterson / In favor Z7 /Warren —Against enzel sM MR. VICE PREU. ROSE& Adopted by the Council MAR 2119$5193 MAR 21 195 Approved —193—_ PUBL151iLD�F3—�`-' � 1GUi.81 ,U8`t:ju NOTICE iL:"'7tY OF. SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. TO E 'RESOLUTION PRINTER rtltl II18 f•2 •zre itry 'en... - M9.TQI'1 Jf 199 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,TO i HEE3 AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 7 ,- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO -I SIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROL R. I Ago r ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI - 193__ nc« MAR 211W e,.. eo... APPROVED .193__ vl mT .iSHED_��=- h DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL -1001.81 ���� M� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FOUNCIL No. �j-1 _COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL -"""'-'--"-""""""--"-"' sQ erson COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- Eiwa rm _.._.IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAI S Ll..__oh _3S ROSEN- ._..._......_......._ ................._..-........19 TRUAX .-,................ AGAINST RESOLVED T AT CH BE DRAWN ON THE CI TREASURY, WENZEL TO THE AGGR A AMO F S MR. ARES. MAHONEY r�bnT - 1130 spl.....0 COVERING CHECKS NUM E .. .- TOGG....J/...... ... CLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNaCL..--. PER CHECKS ICE MPTROLLEi .... tt l'T ... ....- / AP O ED_ _ .. ... .... .. ._ ' "CITY COMPTfl LL ..- ... r ... ' TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS' CHECKS I BROUGHT FORWARD - =- �.65� 295 111 • 12365 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.companr 2o6 3 12366 Van Paper Supply 0ampany 30 8 12367 Anna Moriarity 280 0 12368 First Trust Company of St.Pa l 4 702 0 12369 Adams Products Company, Ino. 129 0 12370 Duke Barghini, Seo. 12371 S. Berglund Lumber Company 49 10 6 12372 Capitol Envelope Company 12373 Farwell, 0zmun, Kirk & Company 16o 12374 General Chemical Company 1 261 5 12375 General EleWio supply Corp 810 5 12376 Inter city Paper Company 34 12377 J.L. Johnson 138 6 12378 National MoWO Company 12379 Pink Supply Company 24 6 12380 Pyramid Company 12381 Mrs Arletta Shipman 70 0 12382 Di@� Speakes Supply & Fuel 0 mpany 21 2 12383 9tanchfield Company Sg 6 12384 illaume Box & Lumber Company 12385 Testinghouse Electric supply Company 707 211 0 12386 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Comp y' 12387 Board of Public Welfare 12 082 3 12388 Red wing Unton Stoneware Com�any 114 3 12389 Reeves Coal & Dock Company 442 1 12390 Remington -Rand, Inc. 315 8 12391 Restaurant China Company 10 5 12392 Rex Linen supply Company 36 5 12393 Richards—Wilcox Mfg.Oompany 26 0 12394 Royal Typewriter Company 12395 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 6o0 6 12396 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 226 8 12397 St.Paul Bottling Company 16 2 12398 St.Paul Motors, Inc. 12399 St.Paul Stamp Works 71 8 12400 St.Paul Tent & Awning company 2 1 12401 St.Paul Welding & Mfg.Company 43 1 12402 Sanitary Bedding Company 15 0 12403 Sohneiderls Gifts 10 0 12404 Soholattic Nat. High School weekly 5 • 12405 Sohouveller Meat Market 7 12406 Schreier's Auto Top 9 7 12407 R.C. Schroth 6 0 12408 Charles Soribnerls Sons 75 0 12409 G. Seestedt Company 35 7 12410 P.R. Seward 3 8 12411 dilver Arrow Distilled water Company 5 4 12412 Walter C. Simonson Company 5 12413 Singer Sewing Machine Company 23 1 12414 G. Sommers & Company 25 5 12415 Southern Mille j 103 6 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ]00 6-02 Mi 6W i►..' � a DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL -1001.81 ���� M� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FOUNCIL No. �j-1 _COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL -"""'-'--"-""""""--"-"' sQ erson COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- Eiwa rm _.._.IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAI S Ll..__oh _3S ROSEN- ._..._......_......._ ................._..-........19 TRUAX .-,................ AGAINST RESOLVED T AT CH BE DRAWN ON THE CI TREASURY, WENZEL TO THE AGGR A AMO F S MR. ARES. MAHONEY r�bnT - 1130 spl.....0 COVERING CHECKS NUM E .. .- TOGG....J/...... ... CLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNaCL..--. PER CHECKS ICE MPTROLLEi .... tt l'T ... ....- / AP O ED_ _ .. ... .... .. ._ ' "CITY COMPTfl LL ..- ... r ... ' TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS' CHECKS I BROUGHT FORWARD - =- �.65� 295 111 • 12365 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.companr 2o6 3 12366 Van Paper Supply 0ampany 30 8 12367 Anna Moriarity 280 0 12368 First Trust Company of St.Pa l 4 702 0 12369 Adams Products Company, Ino. 129 0 12370 Duke Barghini, Seo. 12371 S. Berglund Lumber Company 49 10 6 12372 Capitol Envelope Company 12373 Farwell, 0zmun, Kirk & Company 16o 12374 General Chemical Company 1 261 5 12375 General EleWio supply Corp 810 5 12376 Inter city Paper Company 34 12377 J.L. Johnson 138 6 12378 National MoWO Company 12379 Pink Supply Company 24 6 12380 Pyramid Company 12381 Mrs Arletta Shipman 70 0 12382 Di@� Speakes Supply & Fuel 0 mpany 21 2 12383 9tanchfield Company Sg 6 12384 illaume Box & Lumber Company 12385 Testinghouse Electric supply Company 707 211 0 12386 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Comp y' 12387 Board of Public Welfare 12 082 3 12388 Red wing Unton Stoneware Com�any 114 3 12389 Reeves Coal & Dock Company 442 1 12390 Remington -Rand, Inc. 315 8 12391 Restaurant China Company 10 5 12392 Rex Linen supply Company 36 5 12393 Richards—Wilcox Mfg.Oompany 26 0 12394 Royal Typewriter Company 12395 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 6o0 6 12396 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 226 8 12397 St.Paul Bottling Company 16 2 12398 St.Paul Motors, Inc. 12399 St.Paul Stamp Works 71 8 12400 St.Paul Tent & Awning company 2 1 12401 St.Paul Welding & Mfg.Company 43 1 12402 Sanitary Bedding Company 15 0 12403 Sohneiderls Gifts 10 0 12404 Soholattic Nat. High School weekly 5 • 12405 Sohouveller Meat Market 7 12406 Schreier's Auto Top 9 7 12407 R.C. Schroth 6 0 12408 Charles Soribnerls Sons 75 0 12409 G. Seestedt Company 35 7 12410 P.R. Seward 3 8 12411 dilver Arrow Distilled water Company 5 4 12412 Walter C. Simonson Company 5 12413 Singer Sewing Machine Company 23 1 12414 G. Sommers & Company 25 5 12415 Southern Mille j 103 6 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ]00 6-02 Mi 6W DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'CO COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER No ....... ./. ..0 ..1....8....2 .. .. ..... YeI I �wso - COUNCIL RESOLUTION ma�yT�. PEARCE .._�......... IN FAVOR.....................MarYiLL...l. 19. ROSEN AUDITED CLAIMS 9----------------35- TRUAX AGAINST RES N�E.D' 6TEA�MR PRES. MAHONEY V AINS TO RT _ADOPPPTTEEDDBBY TH COUNCIL. ...... PER NECK ............. .. ..F.. •T MAY OR CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANS CHEZ 0 is I'm 12416 12417 12418 12419 12420 12421 1242232 12424 12425 12426 12427 12428 12429 12430 12431 124332 12434 12435 12436 12437 12438 44 99 12 12441 12442 12443 12 12445 12446 12447 12448 12449 12450 12451 124532 12494 12455 12456 12457 12458 12459 12460 12461 124632 12464 12465 12466 12467 12468 12469 1247o 12471 12472 BROUGHT FORWARD ! Central Republic Company 0. Thompson Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finan e Axel F•Peterson, C. of Finan e Joyce Insuranoe,lno. Andrew Vincelli Speedometer Service & AOO.0 o1 Sperry Office Furniture Comp�n3 Spool Cotton Company R.H. Stahl Company Standard Book Company Otandard-Stone Company Standard Unit Pmts Corporation G.E. Stechert & Company P.D. Sullivan Supt. of Documents Superior Refining Company Swan—F1noh 011 Corporation Swift & Company John N. Theiseen Thomas Publishing Company Toron ManufaoturEng Company Transit Journal Transit Supply Company Twin City Candy Company Twin City Candy Company Twin City Saw Duet Company University of N.C.Library Van Paper Supply Company Victory Printing Company Vital Speeches Waldorf Paper Products Company George T. Walker & Company,In . 'Pallace & Tiernan Company Washington Foundry Company Waterous Company Webb Book Pub. Company W.L. Weber H.E. Wedelstaedt Company W.M. 1.4eloh Mfg. Company West End Ice & Fuel Company Western Auto Supply Company Westinghouse Electric Supply o. Westlund Meat Company F.B. Whitacre & Company,Ino. James T. White S.S.White Dental Mfg.Company The White Company F.D. Williams Coal company John Co Winston Company Wolters Brothers Woodburn & Brandl Wool Products Ind,ino. Yarnell—Waring Company Yoerg Brewing Company Wm. H. Ziegler Company,Ino.; Zinsmaeter Baking Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD i IN WE. AS OFF E CITYC O LER. / 1-4 CITY nS TOTAL - --- — - -- - - DATE -- RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS 6 679 3' 2736' 3 772 27 49 8 22 50 102 2( 90 % 409 75 85 9 25 13 44 11 2C 2 00 110 82 48 96 69 50 19914 25 44 00 1 9851 00 462 45 5 00 1 00 182 51 495 oa 00 58 75 52 18 88 17 97 42 37 20 72 20 00 276 12 22 93 77 173 09 36 6 64 65 12 00 26 70 133 43 966 6o 195 13 42 02 128 4o 25 00 41 25 133 g8 37 37 702 675 2E I N1 i 1, r Ij . DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 9`���2 COUNCILMEN -ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FDUENCIL NO.____--Y.--.j--__.__...__U_.___-_.-_- MAY COUNCIL RESOLUTION MCDONA IN FAVOR ROSEN ren -- `i9e sea AUDITED CLAIMS ._........._._March 20 ..................................935 TRUAX „__ , AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. W ENZEL MR. PRES. MAHONEYSSVE. AS a��y2typ� R 9-1 �q }`1 CHECKS TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 129yj 6_ _ fl COVERING ADOPTED BY THE COORCI�-..�,� t .j r%J.. .. ...... PER CHECKS O P F E`'JV /HI�ITYO+CO C ROLLER. ROVED .. _ ._.__ 19 ... .....� {. f...... .. ,� COMPIRO .../............... ..... ... ... .. ii. /// MAYOR VBY ........! ..� - ...�./ DATE 'CHECK RETURNED NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 12473 Jack Stark 79 C ru 12474 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan e 1 413 1 12475 Axel FRPeterson, 0. of Fin" e 8 480 5 61 6 12476 James O'Donnell 12477 Emma Juenemann 100 0 12478 Andrew Sohoch Orooery Company 10 0 12479 Oust Behu 25 C 12480 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finance 11 532 8 12481 C. A. Holm 215 0 12482 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Fin. 7 500 0 Braunig & Sons Baking Company32 7 122483 2484 J.H. Coakley 11 0 12485 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 38 4 12486 Joesting & Sohilling Company 5 5 12487 Keasbey & Mattison Company 3 3 12488 National Lead Company 85 1 12489 Sharp & Dohme, Ino. 7 1 12490 G. Sommers & Company 18 2 12491 Twin City Textile Mille 5 0 12492 Magner Paint Varnish Compy 4 21 0 .& 12493 David Bashefkin 32 0 L D SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 7 500 00 24 85a 0 700 6-32 ? I Council File No..._y.`��� ;! PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT n®LIMINARY OILDS' 100194— and :betract. rr :'Itt n p c • '� P . .fi 3 PRELIMINARY ORDER.J. 1114 -, hefollowingpublicimprovementbytheCityof8aint_Poul,vls.: The undersigned hereby proposes the makingof t ' constructing new centra sidewalks 9e al lights reconstructing Street� sting 0. Grading, pavjag, aidewallca and constructing or reconstructing ornamental lights on Sev� 43et. widened as described in C. F. 99140 Tuscarora Street, including curbing and paving alley constructing drriveway seweracwater, reconstructing driveway approaches, where necessary, and gas connections from street mains to property lines wherenotalreajdyyamaadde, making:agt necessary changes in water•mainat sewers and appurtenances ,, ing conduit for traffic signals, and making any changes which are necessary to this improvement in the streets and alleys intersecting Seventh Street between the afdre— sa¢d limita, also all other work necessary and essential to the above described` improvement. Also changing the grade of Seventh Street from ,Colborne Street to Duke Street and from Erie Street to Oneida Street 16 nform to the red lines on the profiles hereto'attsched,:and: made :a part hereof. Also changing the grade of the following streets to conform to the red lines on reconstructing tiie profiles hereto attached and made apart hereof, and grading s �iicalk9� eurbiig-j paving and other, -,existing improvements to conform - to aid red �es'when:eatailisfied. ' 1Pest hide of Richmond'St. from 'Seventh St. to 156 ft. north of Grace St. West eide of Colborne St.from 127`ft. south of,Grace St. to 228 ft. north of the `Booth line"of 'Grace St. East aide of Colborne S from 67 ft. south of Grace St. to 228 ft..north of. the south line of Grace St. South side of Grace St. from 60 t.•east of Duke St. to 40 ft. east of Colborne. St. West side of Dake St. from 198 ft. north of Jefferson Ave. to 67 ft. south of Grace St. East side of Duke St. from 248 ft. north of 'Jefferson Ave. to Grace St. West side -of Erie St.' from Seventh St. to 110 ft. south of Jefferson Ave. East side of Erie St. from Seventh St. to 20 ft. south of Jefferson Ave. from - de o£ JeFFaroon Avs, 110 ft. 'e,st of Erie St. to Oneida St. oh. South_"do;o£;defferson Ave. from 20 ft. east of Erie St. to Oneida St. of Ons3ida St from 50 ft: north of Jefferson Ave. to Seventh St. East 'side West side.of Webster St. from 107 ft. north of center line of Pale.ce St. to 12 -,ft NEE of center 'line of Palace St. West`side of loronta Ave. from Seventh St. to 85 ft north of Je.mes St. E_ai e fTnroator Ave. from Seventh St. to 155 ftr north of .James St.. `�''taa �e7,4' r � v $ "irdm`�Ja7.y St. to $oranta Aver - tr„3 � e of 4�Yame`s• tr- F :: oaf .1daudol 3 . from'6Aventh St. to 2$6 ftr east of;Oaaeola Aver .� bc. f etre` 1�romf3aventh qtr ,ta 245 '£t.-ea+�"� the ;center eine. iof'Ha�i°Street. -.��. s��i� of-8av:8t.�AmBegentit .9t.-'�o l80 ft nrtrth of Lae,Ave, - south Oilthe'south�ii" �,IIQr�}!• '�tle of :��t'oiC� S'�r fTgid-$q�vexlth ilt'tr ta:llj} Y't+ 9fe3L;ox uerp+s_�++ , �t Aattd .�t'ota R�Xenth Sty 'tb l8 # ea$t of.. Seventh -St. MY, F r � South side West side_ i East side E{ o t , Lee Ave. from'Seventh St. to 216 ft. west�of`Bay St. View St. ,from Seventh St. to 27 ft. north of Seventh St: View St. ,from Seventh 3t. to 64 ft. south of the south line tson Ave. produced i �Ttsca� rora St. from Setenth St. to 10 ft. west of Seventh St. ram Seventh St. to 1s t. east of Seventh St. Y -t :-_ 9` .7 '•i �: - g urn 'c,: �'aFr.;q.cuq ;�� �, bi■L�`geLeor- LJ,0 LIE; f 0P 46 OU,,Tqv �{.`S..GG{:' .�`O CJuvoIeU :n }tG ;.e TT;'6- ?i1 ;470 ^g6 2 .a6 UL �cneu.}`g 2rLs6r .�Ln' po r,. ,6 Tt I LC! t+u76A r' s'ue Ga cll. .:T r ;'pc opoae 5c14p 3 TA 4I,6o.ra mug UT.f61]'Ai:EI.Ct',C{.';IJ. 1LA[iA (r TY ;i,C6r jf6r.hC; f.b }}IS uutiQl7Tj' ,Jt. PLSTTTC !T'A^3T" `:Uq 1i- TUR a7.) GZft.'U t,- 7Jj .7J :L6 AF,C6".857; 0 ,,. [f =Tj- ❑tzCG.^^.?::L� (,I': MIC..+: :I ?. .}'E7. CI�SIJ..' S6_".GLS. - �J(,' nl,lbl7l.tGTJJl7!:E3# .JZr 'T�:::t�: •�:.7C7 ,.. ;piTItFC{'7oA.. T o.� 'c'.fLGGt wMJYUu }6 bL0bGLfX j' SIE2 :.p'GLe :; O.f u13.6.';2l, [4:. ;:G# OTJ-.PZFTGt .ii;E 4'L{AGti.ti7. Ur CCZM LX' CGZS 4`,f=p PT;fE 2Gt19-0 M -'40j-. 5 Tb r^ LE c,lf j-.T17�1771�. On-LOTUv - f 3JL j'7 A UG njSflh[1 a _: o'.: PCI -1 ;]I. .: r. ,t.. C:. ..4 • LT : { - + •.: STr F s"xS-iCP� J ir...,.,. .. �✓Lrr -:.g:, - .tr — f--..,--�-- ...........--......................... .........................---...._......................_..............._....................__....................................... ........................ ..............................................................................................................................---......._... rchs-_1935----------- - ----� - - . -, 193.. ---- Dated this .-_7.9t,h--------.-day of...._.....-------M••-a Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: _...... _..._ _......_------------ -- Grading, paving, constructing new cement sidewalks or reconstructing existing Grading, sidewalks; -and constructing or reconstructing ornamental lights on Seventh Street, widened as described in C. F. 99140, and C. F. 96295, from St. Clair Street to Tuscarora Street, including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, reconstructing driveway approaches, where necessary, constructing sewer, water :md gas connections from street mains to property lines where not already made, '1Bakin9"'all'riecessary'changes in water mains, sewers and appurtenances, installing :oonduit,for traffic signals, and making any changes which are necessary to this improvement in -.the streets and,alleys.intersecting Seventh.Street between the afore— said limits, also all other work necessary and essential to the above described improvement ' Also changing the grade of Seventh Street from Colborne Street to Duke Street and from Erie Street to Oneida Street, to conform to the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof. Also changing .the grade of the following streets to conform to the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made`a part hereof, and grading, reconstructing sidewalks, curbing, paving and other existing improvements to conform to said red lines when established. a West side of Richmond St. from Seventh St. to 158 ft. north of Grace St. West side of Colborne St. from 127 ft. south of Grace St. to 223 ft. north of the south line of Grace St. Fast side of Colborne St. from 57 ft. south of Grace St. to 223 ft. north of the -south'line of Grace St. South side of Grace St. from 80 ft. east of Duke St. to 40 ft, east of Colborne St. Westside of Duke St. from 193 ft. north of Jefferson Ave. to 67 ft. south of Grace St. Eastside of: Dute St. from 243 ft. north of Jefferson Ave. to Grace St. au1'� � ,�� �::�., ..i -+'"� -k`.t- e¢ �' Rr c, k'c ij�' � r. �, X y,.�; _�� ' r6. -. � •'° .1• - East side of Torori`tb`9 e� - tw � +Ywpe x i 1 j i��"��( 'k; 'yiF•+'}`s^'ai"<y.1 !. a� ""�e Y�.$�°iY.. � * n.' +' r .•+ .";^ "HyiY 'x'� �`j"f. s''�': �8.(zd '•v j• T � west ::. nit S van ll St Eb 8 P north oP Audubon $t. ,1- ' v J 4�4 F -.r.F r 4e:j`t• ;`�'+, �'S jj�'� - x n e[L ii} s ��S`#— -"R i' ou#S�iva� of1 21 is eve i, °• west `side of Vier St. from Seventh Std to 27 ft. north of Seventh St. y t t - , East side of View St. from Seventh Sts to 64 ft. south of the south line of Watson Ave. ,produced. North side of Tuscarora St. from SevEjth St. to 10 ft. west of Seventh St. 18 f Seventh St. j and from Seventh St. to .'east of V, .-- - .. ,:- ..r r- ��v tr .....,}N v{, -y-ti el."s Ou trAe• __ E22 ' fF aige o{ D Ti s 2+' LL^u 513 Lf aoLrp OL '1sLLGT.zou ,e2r 2Tge OL Dalry 2f• LLotu 762 Lf• ij.Lfp T. '1GLT6L2O1JT yr.G• fo E� Lf 2onfp OL G'L5Gs 2p• 2°afp args of Lacs LL 60 b c:;zr o;, rr c U vG Lim• f1'4 OL-0]_POLIIG 2f• rpG Jru j-;Jb of L>c or VTL'W vf' 21n.F 'q GT.. cc :o jruG2 ,Aj Gu G24:aPST2pGq- 2;gei,Aajlca' crmpTuu' b.:4Su6 soq OfpGL Gxr2fTu2 T9bLOAG1UQJJf2 fO CouLOLIU fo 20Tq LGq fps bLOUIG2 JJGLGfO Jffz;cueq Guq w�qG a bsLp yeLooL' -irq aLagTU&' Lscou2fLncfru V130 CpjURTuF� fps CLsgG OL rpG LOjjoc.TUR 2fLesf2 fO COIILOLID f° fps LGq ITU62 ou UGLGpO 3rryc}TGq .5uq msg6 s b0Lf UGLGOL' - LLOm ELTG 2;L-:Gp ro OUGTgs ZfLGGF' fO cOrJLOLm fO f}TG LGq jn;G2 ou rpe bLOLT.TCe V120"opsURTu3 rpG QLagG OL 2GAGLJCp 2fLGGp LLom COTPOLUG 2fLGGf fo Dnl[G 2rLGGp auq TwbLOAGZGUf es;q jTw.rfa' �j29 'JI OfpsT.aAOLg uecs22s-La Guq G2:761JfTZJ fO PPG ;POAG gs2CLjpeq 7ID1)LOA6liiGUp 7U`p6 2pLs6p2 Oxrq sjj0.^c TAp6L2sCfTlJti 26A6IIfjT 2fL66p p6f:266U fpG ^oLOLb'- CougJr{f LoL PLaJUTG 2TUU93-0 G"ug u*GKTvo au,, GiJsugGa LIprcp aLG UGCGaaGL?i f° fpT2 urRTu6 sT7 UGCGU'a La ouc-JJRC2 Tu JAsfGL.19UTUS' $erGL2 c,-jjg GbbaLf6JJaucea' T.U2PUjJ7ua 7]Jq "o.5J2. CODUGOfTOU2 ;LOUT 2fLGGf U&TIJa p0 bLobsLfa jrue2 24UGLC UOf GjL6�G1 ;sage' T.GGOU2pLncjpTr*E gLTAr,=X""uk1hL05Cpe2' faTJGLG U6C622-LXX C6U2fLf1CfTIIg 2636!.' ih6f G-_- 112CGLOLG 2fLG6f' TUCjfTgTIIR GfTLpTUi ..uq DaATUu 0110, :,uq gLTAG1AG?L sbbLO:,CpG2' Tgeu6g s2 geaaLTpGq Tu C- " aaS30' zjuq C' E' 8eSa2' LLOW 2f' CS ? 2fLGGf ro n ----- gT(T9�•. _TrK2' .!7;SCOv2tLf7C'T°JP. C. S.rO,2 ^L17CFTIig OTS79:uSTJF-T r' CJI" having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.. .............. __ ----___--_ ------------------------------------------------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- --_------------MAR 2 -110 -------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman MAY MCDONALD Approved -��P21V }'...... ---------------------...---------•-•- PEACE % 1 sTXZAJ-- WENZEL.............._............ � . Mn Pnrnan mom* Mayor. Par.OA ib ARM VICE PnP`,. 2 V -C 10®185 Council File_No------------------------- f 100186 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1 " A w i°t enoyropomi, the following 1p r0, and r x tt a PRELIMINARY ORDER. yr nJar -A»: The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning end CU tO taking er1 esnement in the innd necessary or slope l and fills in the grading of -- Seoela�_ from Colborne St. to Duke St - West aide of Richmond St. from Seventh St. to 158 ft. north of Grace S -t @test side of Colborne St. from 127 ft. south of Grace St. to 223 ft. noitiY of the 'south line of Grace St. Ernst side of Colborne St. from 57 ft. south of Grace St. to 223 ft. north of the south line of Grace St: South side'of Grace'St. from 80 ft east of Duke St. to'40 ft. east of Colborne 5t. West aide of Duke St. from 193 ft. north of Jefferson Ave. to 67 ft. south of Grace St East side of Duke St. from 243 ft. north of Jefferson Ave. to Grace St. Rest side of Erie St. from Seventh St.,to 110 ft. south of Hefferson Ave. Sast',�ide of Erie St.ifrom seventh St. to 20 ft. south of Jefferson Ave. North aide of Jeffexaon Ave. from 110 ft. east of Erie St. to Oneida'St. South side.of.Jefferson Ave-, from 20 ft. east of Erie:St..to Oneida St. -7 f. � t. ci, L -'D-� i�' U C" "0,: LJG .'onff 79f; :m" .1, GoTpcj_jj7F ;y 0 M-SrIl TT 1C 01. Goypo Lu"G, '. t-: G, '-.G Po z"�2 uo'i"I, oT, ;a`-'2{' ENG CGG 24� OT, CL'I aeZ4 ;ITc.1c 6L '��Cjjlgojjq Al" 'P'GAGu;F coypoIjUG DITI- q L:r:rlG Tu L:M 'Uq OL ...................... __ .......... ................................... ............ ........... ..................... ............ .............................. ........... .................................................. Dated this....._ :Mtl! ------- day ................ . .... ... 7 ------------------------------------------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ... . .... ...... . . . ... . ....... Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Seventh St. from Colborne St. to Duke St. 9fest�side of Richmond St from Seventh St. to 158 ft. north of Grace St. West side of Colborne Sts ftom!127 he south of Grace St. to 225 ft. north of the southjine of.,Grace;St. East side of Colbor , ne,r§t. fiom 57'ft. south of Gra ce St. to 225 ft. north of the south line of Grac6*'St. South side of Grace St. from 80 ft. -east of Duke St. to 40rft' east of Colborne St. West side of Duke St, from north of Jefferson Ave. to OT ft. St East side of Duke St from 243 ft. north of Jefferson Ave. to Grace St. j. West side of Erie St. from Seventh St. to 110 ft. south of Erefferson Ave. East gide-of Erie St. from Seventh St. to 26 ft. south of Jefferson Ave. North side of Jefferson Ave. from 110 ft. east of Erie St. to Oneida St. South side of Jefferson Ave. from 20 ft. east of Erie St. to Oneida St. East side of Oneida St. from 50 ft. north of Jefferson Ave. to 250 ft. south of Jefferson Ave. Nest side of Webster St. from 107 ft. north of Center line of Palace St. ta,',�.U4 ft. south of center line of Palace St. VArP+ of 1—t -i- line of lforthl_Side of Tusdarora:,St. from S6venth�:St. to 18 ft.- vast of Seventh. Ot.� M I'A MM -B �'� U MIMI, M 11MEJ �7 ,.���� r,� �., , t,'k.�ti� L.ss , . ; ,t ;�• , �, :�� �; .,:� , , t�� � . „ ;,:tri Y: zi 'T T" `yG .46L n, 140r1'11 o;gs cT. a t„, .},. -"...�:.. _... -..r.. - �O iS�F LF• sOrY;;u ,ll, r UI jrs,: a'.r b , r Ea2� Tqo 4tiL Out;I'au.Ull Ll,u,u :PO IS' 1lo1•(1' or. '1` s.. r., .ni 1r nrifp.22t3© 1i(• `f 6].-nl yr17, :rge"bF Di et -30u n�_. LL_nii j,C? 6�' 'l, l,� l' ', Crr Mu p Lsef' q6 oL Lr7Y�; BF• I,Lo;t; ;�, f, e' tlor.rgl :>1. '1�=i.:.� i.,�ou ,� � :..,f.;. ,:�' 2Ofr{J 2z96 oz CLzT(; -. + :,i. „•r ;:;ii Lt" uoaa OL llrrico lr f ,,:::: , '1. :;OJ1.:.•,.0 ; Vis.. fps zor?y^jr TnE OL CLacf, '�i' IixJ'2P eras oz -CoTpoLlis +• LL,,m pS Lf• .cf 'IJ o;.. Us- Ce JJ' C� uzq Lf• uOL p OL fps 201rfp 7Tue OL CLscs 2f• s2f errs 01 QOTPox.us LLo;:J TSS L�P' aenl•p oi, pL�Ics 2:' N 5S3 L;' J.'Lru O, ,u1S2f.. 2Tgs oL ygcpwoUq 2.P' LLOFT 2sAenfp ap- PO I'28 Lf' OOLfp 0;. UL6GG 2f• 2eneupp 2.P' LLOD COTPOLue 2P' CO U,fRO 2.f. ::Ug LTT1_2 Tu _pO gLeq,un oL — having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul... .................... . ...................................... ......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners: ✓ 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 21 1935 Adopted by the Council........................-�.R------......----”-'---'............. YEAS NAYS Councilman MAY MCDONALD Approved -.......-.-.f!':^.. _:....._.. PEACE / TR8 II X 'I WENZEL..........................._................................................_................ Daae -a -um Mayor. F—CA18414a3)VICE PRES. ROSEN PUBLISIi)iD .3 ORIGINAL TO CITT OLiR COUNCIL 1UO1�b CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK tl UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE March 15, 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the Council hereby app roves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract for furnishing and delivering, IF AND WHEN FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE TO PAY FOR THE APPARATUS, one Model 14W Double Bank 85 ft. Pirech Hydro-Mechanioal Aerial Ladder Truck, complete and ready for service, to the Fire Depart- ment Repair Shop, Edmund and Marion Sts., St. Paul, to PETER PIRSCH & SONS CO., .ENDSHA, WISC., they being the lowest responsible bidder, at a total contract price of $16,960.001 less a cash dis- count of 51%1 for full cash payment within thirty days after delivery, in accordance with St. Paul Fire Department specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. No. 9123 ;,P" U�jCILMEN Yeas y Nays arce Peterson Rosen In favor Warren Against Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 SAP, 21 IS& Adopted by the Council 193— trJg 21 ft Approved— ---193— Mayor CHU of 'Saint Paul MARK H. GEHAN MAYOR yLvecatifie March 20, 1935 To the City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: The Purchasing Committee at a duly convened meeting held March 20, 1935 in the office of the Mayor considered the re- commendation of the Council to the effect that the contract for a fire truck be awarded to the American LaFrance Company. After due consideration the Purchasing Committee decided not to re -consider its award to the Peter Pirsch and Sone Company. Very truly yours, PURCHASING COMMMITTEE, /b , Mayor Comptroller Purchasing Agent March 19th, 1935. Mr. H. Vt. Austin, Purchasing Agent, _ (Purchasing Committee) Building. Dear Sirs Relative to the purchase of a hook and ladder trod`: for the Fire Denartrzent, the City Council today adopt6d a motion referring this matter beck to the Purchasing Committee with the recommendation that they award a contract for the purchase of the best enuipment obtainable, namely, the American LaFrence apparatus. Yours very truly, City Clerk. f#Ii# of 'Saint Paul MARS H. GEHAN MAYOR TLxeraf%0Repart"n} Parch 19, 1935 To the City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: A special meeting of the Purchasing Committee was held at 9:30 A.M. March 19, 1935 in the office of the Mayor in the Court House. The committee considered its action in awarding the contract for fire apparatus to the Peter Pirsch & Sons Company, low bidder, which award was not confirmed by the Council by a vote of four to three. The Corporation Counsel advised the Committee that no further action was necessary on its part, and the only mamer in which the matter could again be considered would be for the Council to re- consider its action. The committee was of the opinion that the Peter Pirsch & Sons Company was the lowest responsible bidder and no other action can be taken under the present proceedings by the said committee which would be legal. The Peter Pirsch and Sons Company being the lowest responsible bidder and the award having been made to them by the Purchasing Committee, and not confirmed by the Council said award cannot be legally made to any other bidder under these proceedings. It is escapable in view of the recommendations and statements of Mr. Willis, Superintendent of Apparatus; Mr, Sudeith, F ire Chief and the Commissioner of Public Safety, made after a complete and thorough investigation, who are best able to judge this matter, that the Peter Pirsch and Sons Company were the lowest responsible bidder and that the Purchasing Committee must assume full cognizance of the statements of our experts. Respectfully submitted, Purc sing Committee s"V' J aori Comptroller Adopted by the Council __—__ _ _ 193. . Yeas. Nays. �PETEN --IRb'AX --- RREN '-'WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) / Adopted by the Yeas. PEARCE• PETERSON /ROSEN- XRUAX• WARREN -"WENZEL 193_ J Nays. /MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN)- t T ''� orlona W City ClerkNo.----,1.-1117 CITY OF ST. PAUL coBca ti OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4.1march 22, 1935• PREa dNTED BY Axel F. Peterson DATE_..._.__._ COMd15310NER..._._._..___--------- ..--- __--------------- _.__..__._... — ------ RESOLVED 1Whereas, Anna Donaldson, is the owner of City of St. Paul Participating Certificate No. 224,178 for the amount of One Hundred Dollarss and -Whereas, said certificate has been lost and said owner has made application for a duplicate to be issued in lieu thereof= and whereas, the said Anna Donaldson has filed a bond in the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, or double the amount of said certificate, indemnifying and saving harmless the City of St. Paul from any loss or damage growing out of said lost certificate or the issuance of a new one, and -Whereas, said bond bas been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to surety by Judge Bago 0. Hanft, of the District Court all pursuant toreaction-1971 of General Statutes of Minnesota for 19271 therefore be it Resolved, that the proper city officers are authorised to issue to the said Anna Donaldson a duplicate certificate in lieu of the said certifioate Ho. 224,178 which has been lost or destroyed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays mhWF— MaBeaaid Pearce In favor -TIP"mr ................ Against Wenzel 6M 6.32 MRVICE FRES. ROSEN Adopted by the AR -.�'2..19�5..iI Coun '�-.-.-----193-- .-- Approved-- 6A11_n......-- _--------------193.. Mayor CIL opro an c�eaK ! FLEN OF ST. PAUL NO.—=--� -. �a.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLC-�`�n L RESOLUTION—GE; ' ORM 4: Z7 i March 22 1985 — PRESENTED ER" COMMISSIONER �. - =��`.g ; ,rt.., RESOLVED licenses applied for by the following named persons for the That indicated be and they are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed addresses the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: to issue such licenses upon 999 Selby Ave. Barber Appl. 2624 Renewal Clifford C. Ropp " n 257-1 University Av. 2581 " Walter Lens n n 2538 " 5 W. 9th St. George Moore, 1213 Randolph St. " " 2504 " 011ie Ahlf n " 128 E. 4th St. 2518 " Nick Petros, n " 1990 " Chas. J. Ptacek, 876 E. 5rd St. 102 S. Robert St. " " 2567 " Louis Rosen, n 2597 IT Sisemore & McColl, 365 Rice St. " IT 961 E. 7th St. 2476 " Joseph A. Wiess n n 165 Concord St. 2563 " Abraham Zachs Colonial Flower Jhop, 8 W. 7th St. " IT 2521 " Emporium Flower Shop 7th & Robert Sts. n TO 2583 " Fulbruge's Flowers n n 90 E. 6th St. 2501 n " 20 W. 5th St. 2549 " Holm & Olson, n " 21 W. 6th St. 2544 " A. W. Lemke, 474 Wabasha No Bill Poster " 2654 " B. R. Wheeler COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council — __-193— Ycas Nays Pearce Peterson favor Approved -- _ 193_— Rosen -----In Truax Warren —Against --- _ -- Mayor Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M1f 6.34 OHI�NIIL TO CITY OLHnK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILEN OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE Ma_reh 22, No. lgS9 —2— 2RESOLVED RESOLVED 826 Aldine St. Butcher Appl. 2628 Renewal Herseth & Bowman Herseth & Bowman 826 Aldine " (Delinquent) " 2627 " John Fischbach, 783 W. 7th St. n " 2555 ^ Friedman Bros. 421 N. Wabasha5b. n " 2575 " Sam Glassman 879 Randolph St. n " 2502 ^ 0. E. Goodermont 241 W. 7th St. n " 2314 " (New owner) P. G. Malmstrom 1037 Payne Av. ^ a 2496 Renewal H. Westlund 599 N. Snelling Av. " IT 2578 " William Zopfi, 1112 Rice St. w " 2888 " Wm. Woetoveak 625 Central Park Place Grocery " 0801 " E. H. Jahnke, 1614 University Av. Gasoline Sta 4 pumps " 2532 " Mrs. E. Rauchwarter, 1611 Rice St. n n 2 n " 2492 " C. G. Soucy, 361 Main Av. " n 3 n " 2615 " Fred Trumble,� 255 E. 8th St. " " 3 " " 2586 2 Ben Schude 934 Arcade St. 2nd land auto parts " 2619 " M. F. Resnick 798 University Av. B " " " " 2559 " Harry Cohen 365 E. 7th St. Junk Deibler " 2336 " Michelson Ice Co. 323 Concord St. lee Delivery ^ 2610 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen _— __ In favor Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 Adopted by the Council--------193-- 193-- Mayor ORIGINAL T6 CITT CL@RK 66UNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO_ OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE- March 22. 1935 1 RESOLVED J. J. Welsch . 1199 Rice St. n n n n n n H. E. Borndale 951 Arcade St. F. Carbone 680 E. 7th St. Coberson & Norman 986 Selby Av. George Gekas 460 St. Peter Bt. Anton Haas 439 Bniversity Chas. Jannetto 425 Upper Levee John J. Lane 453 N. Lexington Harry Ling 385 Wabasba St. S.D. Macent 2513 University Av. Maurice Peterson 949 E. 7th St. J. E. Port (Gilberts Tea Room) 1046 Grand Swig & Snack Shop 1043 Grand Av. M. A. Tschida, St. 319 Robert St. Francis Turner 2754 W. 7th St. White Castle System Inc 5482 Wabasha Riverdrive Coffee Shop 762 Riiier Blvd. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen _____In favor Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M G -l4 Restaurant Appl. 2629 Renewal Off Sale Malt Bev. " 2630 " On n n n a 2831 n Restaurant " 6012 " n n 2612 " ° n 2377 New 2618 Renewal n " 2227 n 2545 n 2644 ^ " ^ 2454 ^ 2602 n • n 2483 " n ° 2481 n n " 2442 n 2584 • n " 2531 " " ^ 2608 ^ On Sale Malt Bev. * 2636 ^ Adopted by the C0Uncil______ 193 ApproQ 193 Mayor - ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK s CITY OF ST. PAUL Foeaen NO.��ll OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE March 22, 1955 RESOLVED M. A. Kadrie Anton Knutsen Mrs. Edna Prouty —4- 1891 E. 8th St. Hotel (Wadell) 51 rooms Appl 2564 Renewal 578 Jackson St. ++ 16 v e 2508 a 261 W. 4th " (St.Regis) 46 rooms It 2519 a COUNCCILMEN Yeas Nays / �S/ e ce rson f 1I osen In favor TyGax ✓_Against Warren / Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the CounciL-MAR 22 )9 193_ Approved OR n o 193 Mayor `_ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLtRK FCU &IL I NO. l�jUi89 ITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE"OF THE CITY ,CLERK C RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE March 22, 1955 COMMISSION.R RESOLVED That licenses for Tavern, application 2480, and Dance Hall, application 2461, applied for by the Midway Amusement Company at 1659 University Avenue be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Renewal of licenses COUNCILMEN Nays / Yeas / iPe�rcc In favor ren Against 7nzel 7.1 srt caa VICE PRES. ROSSO ' C. P. No. 100189—By 8. D. Warren—� I. C. Posrce. R.eaolved', Thar licensee for Tavern, application 2460, and Dance -Hall, p- pllcatlo 2461; apptt fl for by. th Mid- way ppptueement Compare I 168& w vordity� Ave ue be and the,: ealne 9- herL4Y= b'ra tedr d the Cltp. Clerk., Ia insLruet d to iesueeach I(ceneee upon. ,�th,payme t lttt the aty treasury of the h To ' ed f es Adopt d by th Colncll Mar 22 1926. Ayproved Ms.. 22, 1926. - <. (March 20-1926) , Adopted by the Council— MAR 2 2 1935 193--- Approved WNR 2 2 101 6 —193-- OaIOINAL TO CITY CLHBK COUNCIL 1 Y OF ST. PAUL FILE No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C YTNC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM F' V PRESENTED BY - l-� arch 22, 19.415 COMMISSIONER �'�-• DATE RESOLVED That Restaurant license, application 2598, and On Sale Malt Beverage license, application 2497, applied for by P. F. Kuehn at 541 Rice Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C. a- IF . hP 100190—By 11. Ewarreh-' p 1 erT— hatnRestaurant nse, pIlaton 2698, ed o Sale Malt B v- I NeW a age 1 hao, hyplleatlon. 2497 aDPll d for. by P, F. Kuehn at. b}l. Rice 6treet� be sad the same, are, heretiy granted' and the .city cIerk 1, instructed tc.Issue such lienees uponthe - payment into the elty treasury of the re¢ulredfeee. Adopted by the Counoll Mar. -22, 1936. Approved Mara 22,. 1936: (March 30-1936) COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays Pe e stetson ' '\— In favor Warren Against ,AVenwi Im. VICE FRES. ROSEN SM 6.34 Adopted by the CounciL__fjAR_22 I9Sp193 R 2 21'1 Approved—___193— Mayor i ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK 10019 7 co" 69�C Y OF ST. PAUL FILILEE N0. OF THE CITY CLERK .I C�CILRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PJtESENTED BY 9JMMISSIONER DATE March 29, 1935 1. RESOLVED , That permit heretofore issued to Mrs. George Kilgore to operate a drive-in gasoline filling station at 63 So. Grotto Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Harold G. Wilson. co ILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce /Peterson favor /� Accu. �In /W= 1 _tee % Against .,Wenzel Mp sM e,3MR. VICE PRE^. ROSY4 C, F. No. 100191 -By H. K• Warren— L ""-or ' Resolved, That permit heretofore. fe-'. sued to Mrs. George Kilgore to Ps T63 drive-in gasolln@ , ni-g station at 63 30: Grotto -.street be: and the -ams Is hereby tran-ferred to Harold G. WIi-on. Adopted by the Coancll Mar. 22,.3936. Approved MGY.22, 1936. .. (March 30-1936) MAR 2 2 1925 Adopted by the Council 193 MAR 2 219 Approved --193— Mayor 193_ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK GGU NCIL 10101 y2' OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU, -LIC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - DATE March 22 19.iS WHEREAS, F. W. Woolworth Co. desires to withdraw application 2462 for Florist license at 61 E. 7th St. and return of license fee; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to F. W. Woolworth Co. the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUIjeILMEN Yeas P Pearce/ /- Nays Peterson ,4L,g6cy In favor arren Against Wenzel sM 6AM. VICE PRES. ROSEIQ C. F. Nn.: 100192—By H. D. Warren—} I: C. Pearce— 7 Whereas,. F. W..WoDlworth Co. de., Pearce— Ire to withdraw aDDlicatlon 2962 for h`laS'lot license t.61 l;, 7th St, and e- tuReaolved,nth teSthe prober cit Otfl-j for efund to F.yWTeV✓oolwdrttitCo the.,' fee .01.' $10.00 and to Caneel said ape Opted 7lcenee. AdODted by the CounelI Mar. 22,. 1936. ADDroved Mar.. 22, 1935' _(Marek 30-1936) Adopted by the Council MAR 2 2 1335 193 Approved__ MAR 22 193_— Mayor OPIOINAL TO CITY CL#.k �>OF ST. PAUL eeUNciL 117V1 FILE NQS—___—_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM COMMISS COMED MISSIONER DATE March 22 1985 WH REAS, S. S. Kresge Co. desires to withdraw application 2557 for Florist license at 57 E. 7th St. and return of license fee; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to S. S. Kresge Co. the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNNLMEN Ycas _ Pe�t'ce Nays e fson In favor Against /Wenzel • e all snt 6..3UR. VICE PRES. ROSS►• 100103-13y H. E. Warren arca— j yReeolvea, th .t the: prover city officore beard they are -hereby su[horlaed to Iratans td t8 a Kreaga Co. the If.. of lc -11 nd to cahcel add aDPttcaton for Adopted by the Council Mar. 22, 1835. f Approved Mar. 22, 1935.. (March 30-1935) Adopted by the Council_ MAR 2 2 1935 193_ MR 2 2 '193 �tf Mayor DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER P erson COUNCIL RESOLUTION —�PEARCEA _ IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS --weeT y .__..AGAINST RESOLVED. TH W ENZEL _ TO THE AGGRE3 ROS GAT �� PER CHECKS ON�GitE ADOPTED BY THE COUNAR I ~ V � MAYOR BY..... No. 100194— —— — — R-11ved, That rbeocs be drawn on C thc' City Treasury, to the aggregate u ring checks I COUNCIL No �(�0194 FILE------------------- -"`------- March 21 _......1935. 4ECK5 D N TREASURY. .-.... C EKING 0........ ._..., INC IVE. AS . ICE IFS E G'PTY CO ROLLER. Ntauount of $12,1_3.7.,, mber¢d 1'249{ [O 12646 ill" aslve, t OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT P" ch e¢ks or file in the office o[ the CHECKS CHECKS CItY Comptroller. Adopted by the Co 11 \lar. 22, 1935. Approved :11ar. 22. 1936. ;HT FORWARD q (ma -11 30-1935) 7500 00 24 852 07 1 6i 416 61 4 0( 8 31 2 c 144 of 3 612 of 289 9: 17 V 10 OL 50 OC, 75 oc 5 6� 10 of 1 V 16 75 8 22, 6577 5C 2b 9e 51 if lo4 o4 8 75 54 69 76 31 2 0 1 496 67 74 32 1 67 166 9 328 86 2 647 11 116 46 23 94 16 26 13 73 151 30 69 oo 82 15 143 38 41 990 io 64 495 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 500 00II736 975 ]NI 6-12 12494 R.B1 Owen 1249955 Mrs. S. S. Tingle 1 12496 Geo.J.Ries, County Auditor 1 12497 Adam Decker Hardware Company. I 12498 Johnson Service Company 12499 K1ine,s Key Shop 12500 National window Cleaning Co. no. 12501 Northern States Power Oompan 12502 Otis Elevator Company 12503 Tri-State Tel, & Telg.Compan 12504 American Art Clay Company 12505 American Linen Supply Compan 12506 Auditorium Managers, Assoc. 12507 Geo. Benz & Sone 12505 Blomberg's Grocery 12509 Buoka Brothers 12510 Ceramic Atelier 12511 Dunn,s Fairway Market 12512 East Side Grocery Company 12513 Eisenmenger Meat Company 12514 Fisher Nvit Company 12515 General Electric Supply Corp. 12516 Ree Lox Mfg. Company 12517 The Kenney Company. Inc.' 12518 H.C. Klosterman & Son 12519 Kremba.Company 12520 Librarian, Library of Congress 12521 MOKesson—St.Paul Drug Compare 12522 Mies Louise Markert 12523 May's Inc. Ice Oream 12524 M.M. Metcalf 12525 Michaud Brothers,Ino. 12526 Midway Creamery Company 12527 Milwaukee Flush valve Compare 12528 Municipal Finance Officers'Assoc* 12529 Nassau Paper Company 12530 Nichola Food Products Company 12531 Northern States Power Compare 12532 Northern States Power Compare John T. Peieert • ij 2534 12535 Pioneer Electric Company Postal Telegraph Company 12536 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 12537 Sohulz Grocery 12538 Security Bank Note, 125 9 T. D. Thierry 12540 Thompson's Restaurant 12541 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Company 12542 Weed, Parker & Company 12543 Westinghouse Electric Supply o.Ino. 12544 Wastlund Market House 12545 Wm. wondra 12546 Wm. H. Ziegler Company,Ino. 1 6i 416 61 4 0( 8 31 2 c 144 of 3 612 of 289 9: 17 V 10 OL 50 OC, 75 oc 5 6� 10 of 1 V 16 75 8 22, 6577 5C 2b 9e 51 if lo4 o4 8 75 54 69 76 31 2 0 1 496 67 74 32 1 67 166 9 328 86 2 647 11 116 46 23 94 16 26 13 73 151 30 69 oo 82 15 143 38 41 990 io 64 495 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 500 00II736 975 ]NI 6-12 DATE RETURNED BY BANK 1 1 I i DATE RETURNED BY BANK ORIGINAL i0 CITY CL[RK 100195 r , CITY OF ST. PAUL FFILEENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO )rCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM BLS WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 99984, the 0ounoil did, on the 22nd day of March, 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wreaking that certain two-story frame building located on Lot 8, Block 54, West St. Paul Proper, also known as No. 20 East Isabel street, following due notice of s&id hearing given pursuant to Ordinance Ho. 7310, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building should be wreaked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, -That said building be wreaked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wreaking and re- moval of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this 'notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Peaks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. �.No. -1o0196—Hy Muton, Zecuest- reau, as rovlded by.C, !994,,the Council did, c�;; March, .1936, Rt'ten o'i .11 : Chamber. & f COU CILMEN Yeas 11 Zce /etson /Rosen Nays __In favof arten gainst enzel r. President (Gehan) 5M 6,34 Adopted.by the Council-- MAR4 _ W193 Approved VAR VAR 2 e 1931S93_ Mayor PUBLISHED-!:! `317 Adopted by the Council —_ _193 _ Yeas. Nays. RCE PETER ON ROSEN TRUAX WARREN PR�rGENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) Yeas �'-�--PEARCE Nays. ON TRUAX WARREN W ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) D' ,� Adopted by the Council --- -193 - - Yeas �'-�--PEARCE Nays. ON TRUAX WARREN W ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) OgIO1NAL TO 4TY CL[[K , . - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /C(NCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILMCOU NO. WHEREAS, as provided by Council Pile No. 99981, approved February 26, 1935, the Council did, on the 22nd day of March, 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain two—story frame dwelling located on Lot-4,.Blook 3, Dawson & Smithts Addition, also ]mown as No. 767 Capital Heights, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said buk1ding to unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wreaked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing -the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known recbrd owner of said property at his last known address-, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the -mailing of. thi a -notice to said property owner, his agent or the occupant, no appeal has been thken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas zNays Zrce P erson osen _In favor //amen Against Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.3'r 100196-13Y. Mlit'% Bs provided.. -2C .approved Feb.da2 T ort .hk A, d dIn: o'clock A. M. In: or.'.the C .ld a D N•%- Y and h, r ,. te.lnta.'+ a: D Adopted by the Council MAR 2 6 191.5 193 MAR 2611 Approved 193_ - Mayor PUBLISHED.!?--SO� Adopted by the Council _________ 193 Yeas. Nays. PFARCE �PETER$pN ROSEN TRUAX lio WARREN /WENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) ORIGINAL TO CITY CLS.. C FILE No. 1 019 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CILES� —GENERAL FORM PRESENTg4 W Pearce DATE co"ISS1I66IIJJER WHEREAS, as a result of a leaking boiler at the Mechanic Arts High School on February 9, 1935, the same had to be im- mediately re -tubed with charcoal iron tubes, safety plug and copper ferrules installed, rivets caulked in rear head, and oleaning and scraping shell had to be done; and WHEREAS, a bill for said work has been submitted by the Benny Boiler d Manufacturing Company in the sum of $1146.85 for materials supplied and work done on said boiler; and WHEREAS, the payment of said bill has been approved by the Purchasing Agent of said City; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said sum of $1146.25 be paid to the said Benny Boiler & Manufacturing Company for said services rendered and materials furnished, and the proper city officers are hereby, authorized and directed to draw a warrant, payable to said Company in said amount. COUNCILMEN Yeas/ Nays y"ce P rson osen—_In favor 1Ty'tiax � Warren e.�—Against / enzel vtr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 1 r160197—13Y Libor , the' Mechaalc ` Feb.O}e b d Wli -atelY- u1 .Rnd '•:.eStetY D ' et C. s calN " 9Rntng a•!'1 ' Adopted by the Council 1AAR hc 1D?,fj 1-- 193— Approved `6�W4� 2+ 6 193E 193— Mayor PUBLISHED KENNY BOILER & MANUFACTURING CO. 0 GA rfield 1256 ST. PAL7L, MINK. CE d- 106T Fpb'v 8th I9A5 Invoice No. Our Order No. 447 Customer'. No. Routing Tenn. NET CASH 30 DAYS SHI". TO .A.H.S. Boiler #3 Soidto H. W. Austin, Pur. Agt, City of St Paul, St Paul, Minn. Re -tubing boiler with charcoal iron tubes Installing safety plug and copper ferrules Caulking rivets in rear head Cleaning and scraping shell / 68- Charcoal Iron 'Pubes 891,28 60- Copper ferrules 24.00 - Labor 145 hrs o 203.00 - Gas Machine 10.82 - Compressor 2 days 20.00 r•;;; - - Gas & Oil 7.15 7 W., tb< uodvtived�, Ido 6vebY Shu the Nod. lovdud 6veln ame produttd or cunuf.wed In .smcdauewith the PNcat CWd Iabm Act d&vttm1= . t9.4 KENNY BOMER H MANUPACTumo CO. BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS S. O. HARTWELL. SovrevoevT BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. E. TRUDEAU, DIRECTOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ' IRVING C. PEARCE, CMMISSIONER GEORGE J. JACOBS, DerurrGCow viasio veR Feb. 26th, 1935. BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MRS. J. T. JENNINGS. LI.....A. BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM D. D. MURRAY. Soren .....T Hon. Irving C. Pearce, Commissioner, Department of Education, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: / An emergency arose at the Mechanic Arts High School of tulles leaking in boiler. Six tubes had to be re— placed and a hydrostatic test put on, and it was then discovered that all the tubes in the rear of the boiler had been rolled out to such a point that the beads had broken off and could not be rolled out any more. It was then necessary that all tubes had to be re— placed. This work had to be done immediately in order to keep clases in session and all equipment running as all machinery is equipped with direct current motors and in order to do this it was necessary that we operate our generators. Fortunately, we enjoyed rather moderate weather during that period and we got along with just one boiler. I took up this matter with the Purchasing Department and the Corporation Counsel, and they suggested that we go ahead with the work, and as soon as the work heid_beEncompleted anEmergency Resolution would be presented to the Council. Mr. Kenny has now submitted his bill, which is in the hands of IJir. Austin of the- Purchasing Department. Very trulyUTY Vol SSIONER. 9, ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUFILENCIL NO « 198 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL ESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY�2C'l.� 7�� JLC/ COMMISSIONER \ DATE March 26, 1935 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to Purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons, 'IQ„ Ethylized gasoline, 68-70 Octane, from the DEEP ROCK OIL CORPORATION, at a price ofo .1044 per gallon, less 1% ten days, including state tax and state inspection, also Federal excise tax, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 COUhICILMEN Yeas Nays R arce �PRtcrson osen ---In favor Truax arren enzel _Against r. President 5M 6.34 Adopted by the CouncAAR 2 6 1935 193_ R 26 IM Approved 193__ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLARK COUNCIL 160199CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL. RESOLUTION —GENERAL S,`xs'".fa,r!q.t�•:� PRESEN7ED BY COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the Corporation Counsel has certified that he is in doubt as to whom to pay the award of damages to Lot 4, Block 31, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31, in.Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, the southerly fourteen feet of which was taken by condemnation in the matter of widening West Seventh street from Richmond street to Tuscarora street; and WHEREAS, Chapter 219, Laws 1921, as amended by Chapter 396, Laws 1931, provides that whelgever the city attorney shall certify in writing to the City Odrnoil that he is, in doubt as to whom such an award shell be. -paid, said City Council may order a warrant to be drawn for the amount, payable -to the.Olerk of the District Court, and providing that the City Clerk shall de- liver the same to the Clerk of Court and take hie receipt there- for, thus enabling.the Court to decide the respective rights of any claimants to the amount; and WHEREAS, thepu orted owner of this property has`, by his attorney, requels the City Council to pay this money to the Clerk of the District Court; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to draw a warrant in the sum of #1,460.85, payable to.the Clerk of the District Court, and to deliver the same to the City Clerk who shall deliver the same to said Clerk of Court and take his receipt therefor, advising the Clerk of Court that this money is paid to him pursuant to the statute herein set forth and for the property herein des- oribed. CO�ILMEN Yeas ce Nays erson oxen __In favor �ax arren Against W 1 enze /vfr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council MAR 2 6 1935 193 VAR 2 6 Mayor PUBLISIiED5 —,; 0_3 S CITY OF SAINT PAUL IN LOUIS P. SHEAHAN LEGAL DEPARTMENT HILARY J FLYNN JOHN L. CONNOLLY EDWIN MURPHY IRVINO OOTLIER CORPORATION COUNSEL JAS. F. SULLIVAN A.SIETANTS ROY E. H. SWEDEEN CLAI,I-K-GAT0" Maroh 33rd, 1935. To the Oounoil, - City of Saint Paul. Gentleman: This is to certify that the City Attorney is in doubt as to whom to pay the award of damages to Lot 4, Block 31, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31 in Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, the southerly fourteen feet of which was taken in the matter of widening Rest Seventh street from Richmond street to Tuscarora street. This certificate is made pursuant to Chapter 319, Laws of 1921, as amended by Chapter 396, Laws of 1931, which provides that upon such a certificate the City Council may order the amount of the award paid to the Clerk of the District Court, where claimants may go to have their respective rights determined. Par— ther, the payment into Court is made at the request of counsel for the owner. Accompanying this letter is the proper form Of resolution to accomplish this effect. Yours very truly, Corporation Co 1. OR. To CITY c19nx C1002,ll )A ■ CITY OF ST. PAUL T " t t�"' FaOUeNCIL l VNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY C(nubii - si;ur`.1 b'ch COUNCIL RESO ION—GENE to aR PRESENTED BY�?�!¢� COMMISSIONER_.... DATE RESOLVED 00 Whereas, It is necessary to have an experienced farmer at the Oak Lawn Farm on upper Afton Road operated by the Bureau of *orkhouse of the Department of Public Works, and Whereas, such experience requires: (1) Ability to advise proper city officers as to proper cultivating of the land, planting the proper crops and raising of live stock and poultry. (2) Ability to direct the workhouse inmates assigned to perform the manual work on the farm. (3) Ability to repair and take care of farm machinery and buildings. (4) To oversee all farming activities upon the farm (5) Continuous residence on the farm for 24 hours eacg day from April 1, 1935 to February 29, 1936, watching over the workhouse trustees assigned to the Yarm; watching over the livestock and poultry, and perform- anoe of all general farm duties and such other duties assigned by the Superintendent of the Workhouse, And, Whereas, Sylvester mwwlan possesses the required train- ing and experience and is willing to enter into a contract with the City of St. Paul to act as a supervisory farmer at the Oak Lawn Farm fev the period from April 1. 1935 to February 29, 1936s on the basis of a consideration of $1045.00 for such period, payable in eleven equal installments at the end of each month during the period of such contract, the first installment to be due and payable April 30, 1935 - Whereas, The Commissioner of the Department of Public Works has recommended that a contract be entered into with the said Sylvester Khowlan upon the aforesaid basis, excepting only that the said contract may be canceled by the Commissioner of Public COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 193_ Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor Approved 193__ Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIGII, L TO CITY CL[Rk - }.w CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENtIL NO. 1002QQ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM A. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER- ...•.. RESOLVED Works at any time upon twenty-four hours, written notice to the said Sylvester Ehowlan of the fact that he so cancels the contract; therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Council concurs in the recommenda- tion of the Commissioner of the Department of Public forks and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw the proper contract therefore, and when drawn the proper city officers are authorized to execute the same on behalf of the city. COU LMEN Yeas , 5rce ejetson • Nays ;Rosen . —In favor arren. — Against /Wenzel �Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the CounciLVj q+ 6 10 193_ MAR 2 6 1935 Approved---. 193 � �MMayor PUBLISHED 0-3� OaIOINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL V^ I. 4 OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. 4�444F F THE CITY CLERK Of MCOIJNCI��__SoLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMISSIIONER _ED BYr_.. DATE March 26 1985 RESOLVED That license for'Ice Delivery, application 2622, applied for by L. Milton, 396 W. Central Ave. be and the same is^hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to L. Milton the fee of $8.00 and to cane&l said application for license. C F .PiO. 100201—By H E Warren— 7 C. Pearc Resolved That Itcense t r Y.. D. - it e-ltv ry, application 2822, ayyl/ed for by L Milton, 398 W. Central Ave.'b0 aad the same is heroby.denied upon recom-� mendntloa of the Bureau of Pollc end the proper city of6oere 4To' here by aU- thurized to refundM11tonth fee of ;3.Q0 and to cancel said ayyllcatlon_.I license cense, Adopted by the Councl Or. X26. Y936. II i Approved Mar. "'1 .. 8;186 1 (March'30 1985) -- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays MAR 2 619 Adopted by the Council 193— P arce Xerson T�u,1ax 2 ylatten /Wenzel I In favor �% �,1 Against Approved MAR 2 6 � 193__ Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 FTE, TAE UNDERSIGNED PROPERTY U-;RUERS AI`ID TENNANTS, LIVING ON V;IST CENQ 4 AVENUE BETWEEN 'WESTERN AVENUE AND ARUNDEL STREET, DO HEREBY PROTEST AGAINST THE GRANTING OF A PEDDLER'S LICENSE TO THE BOSTON FUEL COMPANY, OR ANY OTHER PERSONS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PEDDLING ICE AND FUEL FROM 396 WEST CENTRAL AVENUE. } 4p 3 - -c* �3 Y'3au act zloP� TIE UNDERSIGNED PROPERTY O"'nERS MM TENNA11TS, LIVING ON 'VEST -CENTRAL AVENUE B7hT'fEE?N 1,71ESTERN AVENUE AND ARUNDEL STREET, DO HEREBY PROTEST AGAINST THE GRANTING OF A PEDDLER'S LICENSE To THE BOSTON FUEL COMPANY, OR ANY OTHER PERSONS, TO - PEDDLE ICE AND FUEL AT 396 WEST CENTRAL AVENUE - -tired I ee, ORIGINAL TO CITY CLtRK q-� ST. PAUL COUNCILFILE NQ. ■ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �6— r_—� CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED iB COMMISSIONER DATE March 26, 1955 RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 2568, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 25699 and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 2570, applied for by W. H. Cook at 1059 Front Street be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New Owner COU ILMEN Yeas Nays P rce / P erson L/ .sen —In favor arrenAgainst enzel /M r. President (Gchan) SM 6.34 -a C. F. No. 100202 -By. -H. B. Warren— I. C. Pearce— Resolqed, That licenses for rt—tau- rant, application 2568. and'On dale Malt Beverage, appltcatlon 2669,. and OIY Sale AV Malt Beverage, application. 2670, ap-' Street obe and heCoam.at re39hereby` granted and the City. Clerk 1s Instruct- I ed to 1e6Us each icons.. upon the pay Ment Into hCCity treasury of the re -I qulred fee a.. L Adopted by the _Council Mer. 26, 1936. j ]8 Approved _Mar. 26. 1936.' (March 30-1936) N MAR 2 61935 Adopted by the Council_ 193_ 26 1 Mayor 1A ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RIf CbUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ©URESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY1 J.p c� _y DATE March `26, 1985 COMMISSIONER - RESOLVED That licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 27089 and Restaurant, application 2709, applied for by Henry B. Albrecht at 381 University Avenue be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treas=y of the required fees. j No. 100203—B7 1i•_ E. Warren—I Now owner COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays �j[iyarce Y�terson Rosen In favor T,{uax Warren �enzel Against Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the «Y n; licenses uDo y treasury : Or; Mar. 26, 1935.1 b VAP 26 SO VAR 2 105 93 Approved 193_— � /-r Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK C6 UN CIL R OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ir �- PRESENTED BY�- DATE March 25, 1985 COMMISSIONER �.� RESOLVED That licenses for Tavern, application 2592, Dance Rall, application 2598, applied for by J. B. Ragland at 1521 Rice Street be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Renewal of licensest COUNCILMEN _ Yeas `/ Nays 'Y�arce gP/ terson• Rosen- — ✓ In favor Zrren- --Against Znzel• /2vir. President (Gehan). 5M 6.34 C. L F. No. 100204—)ay 8.. E. Worren—� C. Pearce-- aDDilcatlon� 2602 1 .Dance e8a11,BpDlica- tion 2693, gDDlted for -by. J. B' Haglund; t 1321 )ilce t3treat'ba and theeamaare', herebygraated .and the Clty. Clerk I. tnatructed to ieeue such Ilcea6eRuDon� the paymentInto the city Yr scary oY' the re.Wi ed feee. Adopted by the Cou Mar 20, 1936. �k -Ayproved Mar. 20, 193II. 6. ! (March 80-1986) Adopted by the Council MAR � 6 011P 193— — FOAR 2 619,3E Approved 193 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CGUNCIL F ST. PAUL, a Fae NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY rtu. IIttn C IL RESOLUTION—GENY� and �r PRESENTED BY. COMMISSIONER _ • DATE March 25, 1935 RESOLVED That licenses for which applications have been made by the following named persons for the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: A. Bruckner 1522 Como Ave. Butcher Appl. 2656 Renewal Wm. Gotlieb, 114 State St.( (Mery owner) E. J. Gouette, 1684 Grand Av. n " 2560 Renewal " 2670 " L. Mass, 739 Iglehart Av. n n 2623 " Paul P. Milskia 3.166 Selby Av. " n 2599 n A N. Schribman 160 State St. n 2463 " H. E. Anderson 133799 N. Pascal Grocery 2658 " n 2659 n Ane Applebaum 1936 St. Clair St. Butcher a 2660 n " " a " Grocery " 2661 " C. M. Dorniden 1278 fa &Q1-p'h66 ' Grocery " 2551 N6av Off Sale Malt Bev. " 2550 if Howard Joseph 201 Concord St. Butcher n " 2654 Renewal n n Grocery n 2655 " W. B. Setnerholm 1057 E. Maryland St.Butcher n n 2645 Renewal n Grocery a 2646 a M. D. Warren, 575 Broadway Grocery n " 2663 " n Butcher n 2664 n S. Cohen 115 S. Wabasha St. Grocery " 2571 " Friedman Bros. 421 N. Wabasha St. " n 2576 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Pearce Nays Adopted by the Council_ _193__ Peterson Rosen _In favor Truax Approved—_ 193_._ Warren Against Wenzel Mayor J Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL@XK CITY OF ST. PAUL F6eNC1L NO. 1102125 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER DATE March 25 1935 RESOLVED _y M. Giathoria 101 W 7th St. Grocery Appl. 2607 Renewal Sam Glassman 979 Randolph St. n " 2503 ^ R. H. Glewwe r 194 Concord St. n " 2609 ^ E. A. Greer, 1754 Selty Av. n " 2614 " Philip Gresafe 119 Granite St. a " 2625 n Gene Grossman 2190 Como Av. IT " 2579 " 1172 Duluth Av. $97 Case St. n IN 2520 ^ A. E. Klos, 978. Cortland n " 2611 n G. 0. Kutzke 1102 Rice St. n " 2565 " E. V. Lindsay, -674 Grand Av. n John gelstrom " 2357 ^ 88 W. Cook St. n " 2626 " Morelli Bros. 535 Collins Av. n " 2671 n Bert Rieger 381 Edmund St. n ^ 2423 " R. S. Robb, 289 Main Av. n " 2577 " A. C. Sedin 1410 Arcade St. ^ " 2455 n A. H. Tews 615 Wabasha St. n " 2601 n Twin City Tea & Coffee Co. 478 Wabasha St. n ^ 2596 n S. Zeff, 511 Main Av. n " 2453 n W. Sopfi, 13.12 Rice St. a " 2389 " Bodin Drug Co 237 E. 7th St. Confectionery n 2666 n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays , Pearce Adopted by the Council —_.__193_ Peterson Rosen _-In favor Truax Approved_ _193_._ Warren _Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Mayor 5M 6.3; ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL cENca ( j I FLE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V�� No.—M-205 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMENT ONER -----_ DATE March 25 1935 RESOLVED Frank Drecholer 127 W. Winifred St. S. B. Dubin- Confections ^ �' APP1 2640 Renei 151 CPncord St. a Mrs. J. Gardner Appl. 2413 Renew 629 Kent St. IT Geo Georgepoulis " 2458 n 297 E. 7th St. n Mrs. E. Rauchwarter 1611 Rice St. n " 2487 " H. K. Lieberman 176 Concord St. n IT 2495 " W. D. Rode, 379 Maria Av. n IT 2580 " W. D. Rode, 378 Maria Av. " 2573 IT G. Swenson Off Sale Malt Bev. n 2574 ITHang 299 Carroll. Av. Confectionery n Atha Gas & 011 Co. 350 University Av. 2554 IT Hang Dego Gas Sta. 6 pumps n 2657 " 816 E. 7th St. n n 4 IT" Edward Lord 2687 New 636 Montana n " 2 n " Minnesota 011 Refining Co. 695 Arcade St. n IT 2109 New George Georgopoulos 3 " n 2723. Renew 297 E. 7th St. E pool tables n 2436 New W �• Rhodes 617 Pioneer Bldg, SalaryLoan n Sinclair tRefining Co. 2226 University Av. 2589 Renew. Berger & Steffes, Inc. Fuel Dealer IT 2499 " 494 Webasha St. Motion Picture Theatre 2679 IT A. M. & Joseph Pelant 88 W. 7th St. Hotel (Royal) 47 rooms 2658 n J. H. Coakley 569 N. Pascal MEN Grocery Appl 2688 Renew Yeas Nays 369 Mill St. n n Pearce Adopted by the Council 2689 " Peterson -- ----193— -__193_Peterson Rosen _____In favor Truax Approved_ 193__ Warren Against Wenzel _ Mr. President (Gehan) Mayor SM 6.14 oaloiNAL to Clrr CLERK C6UNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Marrh 26a 1935 RESOLVED Dale St. Greenhouse S. Ostvald 0. E. 9pstedahl Puvogel Flowers, Inc. Roselawn Greenhouses B. H. Vincent Andrew A. Olson Wm. Hanson Mrs. Eva Mitch G. F. Riddell Charles Jannetto n n Mrs. Harold Fuller a n n n n A C. Christensen n a M. W. Allen C. F. Dinger n n n -4- 588 N. Dale St. 1489 N. Dale St. 1390 Propperity 979 Grand Av. 808 W. Larpenteur 282 S. Snelling 858 Payne Av. 2144 University Av 129 E. 11th St. 152 E. 6th St. 425 Upper Levee n n n 1187 N. Snelling n n n n n n 1567 University n it 750 Grand 635-641 S. Smith - a it n n COUN , ILMEN Yeas Nays -on t n _ In favor T Z siren _Against i enzel wlr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 Florist n n n n a R@staurant Restaurant If n On Sale Malt Bev. Off n n a Restaurant On Sale Malt Bev. Off n n n On Sale Malt Bev. Off " n a On Sale Malt Bev. Off Sale Malt Bev. On " n if Appl. 2516 Renewal " 2515 " n 2582 n ^ 2526 n " 2585 ^ ^ 2621 " " 2697 ^ 2680 " " 2665 " ^ 2676 " " 2722 Renewal " 2728 n n 2712 n n 2715 n " 2714 " " 2740 " " 2741 n " 2786 " n 2691 n " 2692 " Adopted by the Council -MOR 6 935 _193_ Approved R 2 6 W5 2 Mayor PUBLISIMD 3 3� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLl RK �OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYi., lit,. COMMISSIONER DATE- March 26, 1955 RESOLVED That licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 2559, and Restaurant, application 25409 applied foP by Alfred Dufour at 146 So. Wabasha Street be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue aneh licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. COUUCILMEN Yeas ", Nays P�rce - P terson- _'r Rosen In favor AVOrren Against ./V(/enzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C. r. No. 100206—I3Y H. E. warren— I. C. Pearco— 4 Resolved. That liceneea for- On Sale Malt :Beverage, application 2539, and Restaurant,' appllention 2640; applied for by Alfred Dnfcurat- 146 So. Wabashn Street be and. the 'same e' hereby granted be the City: Clerk 1s Instructed to Issuesuch licenses upon the. payment Into the city treasury of the roqulrad tela'. AdoptedDy the Councft Mara 26, 1936. - Approved' M... 26, 1936: (March 30-1936) Adopted by the Council_JfiA2t,_%*_l93_ Approved— R - G 193 i� Mayot CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 22nd, 1935• Mr. Carl H. Leonard, License Inspector, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: The City Council informally approved the applications of Alfred Dufour for restaurant and On Sale Malt Beverage licenses at 146 So. Wabasha Street. Mr. Dufour showed the Council a bill of sale covering furnishings and fixtures at this location from Peter Mercure to himself and also filed the enclosed letters testifying to his good character. The Council suggested that you attach these letters to the resolution granting the licenses when the same is presented for submission to the Council. "er r Yours very truly, City Clerk. ,f J '-� C\ 14 �Ir/j �.� CITY -Or ST. PAUL H. E. WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety BUREAU OF LICENSES INFORMATION REQUIRED IN CONNECTION WITH`""` Name of Applicant Add Between what cross streets and on w at side of street to be v orated? It y 16 y 55< Date_ -7 � 1 Trade Name, if any _ — Is application for renewal of license in same location?_ -_--- Is place to be operated by new owner or former owner? — --- If new owner, has he been in similar business before.> -I Where - ---W lien In any other business? Have there been any complaints against operation of this type place by applicant? --- Has any former owner been arrested for any violation on these premises? - /A , Are you a citizen of the United States? How Long in the City Moral Character —_ ---/f--- Ever Been. Arrested ! L-- Violation of What Criminal Law or Ordi ��- State ANY Licenses Applicant has had Revoked ---- Number of 3.2 Places Within 2 Blocks__------( Closest Intoxicating Liquor Place Off Or On-----)-- if n_ - If premises now unoccupied state how long a dpre IOUs u ! - - ----- Nearest Church Or School_ Number Of Booths, Tables And Chairs_s�� Time On CitiT,e}rl d�ship�-'�--"j----`�-- Remarks. T ( 7 APPROVED NOT APPROVED Chief of Police INSPECTOR ------ License Inspector orlo.at to city Clark , CITY OF ST. P?'- eomca 1002.07 OFFICE OF THE CMYe reacrcoIre at tb f e M1e81081PPl. RI•.,' CO IL RESOLUTION—C'Ilia ;And oPemied� - ereat'ofnavlgau. y n dery c i March 27 105 PRESENTED BY .T COMMISSIONER a.,..\TE__ , e TE RE9S, the reservoirs at the headwaters of the Mississippi. River have been constructed and operated primarily in the interest of navigations, these reservoirs having also sued the very useful public purpose of regulation of the rivers particularly during periods of low Water, for water supply, recrea- tions fishings sanitation and dilution for sewage -disposal, and 1MMM, Water supply, recreation and sanitation arc all of major importance tos large proportion of the population of the State of Minnesota residing ad- jacent to the Mississippi River below the reservoirs, and RDRM, even with look and dam construction complete in the Upper Mississippi River, which 18 not the ease at the present times insufficient depths for navi- gation at the upper end of each slack water section may be encountered during Periods of drouth and low water unless special regulation is maintained to insure a minim m. flow during such Periods, which minimum. flow can: only be furnished from the aforesaid reservoirs, and WSJ3[MP for Water supply and sanitation parposes, it is eseentIA that a minimum flow in the Mississippd. River be preserved during periods of drouth and low water, and 1ltSEABlIs, regnlatiorg of these reservoirs has In theposthasa been under the direction of the U. S. Government and such regulation for water supply and sani- tation purposes as well as for navigation purposes can beat be obtained by con— tinuation of such regulation, particularly at flood steges -and at low water stages; therefore, be it RIMV1D, That the City Council of the City of St: Paul ezpress the wish that the Upper Mississippi River be regulated in such a manner that it will serve in the most efficient and economical mauner 9.11 of the people living in the territory through Which it floss, taking. into account the noes of the river for navigation, water supply, Power, recreations fishing* isanitation and sewage disposal, and be it R1SIXV1D FMTMMo That the City Council of the City of st: Paul is of the Opinion that the United States Magineers who have had charge of the regulation of such reservoirs since their constructions are best fitted to impartially administer this regulation ■4.4h2..ka• so as to best serve the needs of the entire area, and be`it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.- ....................... ........... McDonald - - -- ---- -_ - — Pearce -------------- --------- --' " .....------193.- --- Rosen '�----_. Truax -•----^ .......... - Wenzel - - Mayor 6M 6d2 Mr. 'President Mahoney CITY OF ST. PAUL uNm No ------ ..- 01020 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNqL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTE-ftY , COMMISSIONER RESOLVO FURTHER., That the. City Council of the City of St. Paul recommends that the authority .of the United States Engineers % the matter of regulation of the Upper Mississippi reservoirs for emergency conditions of flood or lom,iater flow in the Mississippi River be continued as in the pasty and be'it'` RESOLVED FURTHER That a copy of this resolution be presented at the hearing to beheld In Stt. Paul an March 28, 1955, for the purpose of considering this matter. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays r *w ✓ Pearce ...................In favor Asses- ✓ -Truax. --.... --- Against `ileaael 0 -- - sM 6'MR VICE PRES. Rp'SEp Adopted by the Council—YAR 27 1935 193....-. S 3' Approved------------ ---------------- ..........193 - .J 0 � Jar PUBLISHED 100208 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR _-.. 'yFYING •IOII[N6TT-_ __ - 100248--� - �� oY"oR?sn�Ty P iIn the matter of--------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ opening, widening and extending Fast Third St.. from Clarence st. to White Bear Ave., to a width of 80 Peet, by oondannieg and taking the following propertyt "the south 10 ft. of lots 13 to 24 inclusive, Smith's Subdivision of block 14, Stinson's Frances St. Addition to St. Pauls the north 10 feet of lots 1 to 11, inclusive, Brat's Additions the south 10 feet of blocks 110 12, 13, and the north 10 foot of blocks 18, 19 and 20, Stinson's Frances Strest Addition to at. Pauls the south 10 feet of lots 9 to 16, inclusive, block 18, and the north 10 feet of lots 4 to 12 inclusive, block 16, G. V. Bacon's Additions the south 10 ft. of lots z_ 8 to 14 inclusive, block 3, and lots 16 to 30 inclusive, block 6, and the north -'--let of late 1 to b inclusive, block 4, and lots 1 to 18 inolusivi. block 5 :masm, McConville and Stiorle's Subdivision of lots 2, 12, 13 -of Lee's 8uburben `0the south 10 ft- of lit*74& t6 to 80 inclusive ''blonk'1,-and`luts 16 to 30 -. ve, block 2, and the north 10 ft. of lots 1 to 15 inolusive,,blook 3, and t o 15 inclusive, block p'-Btntde's Park'Afld tion to"St:`Paul ' Final Order'-- ., ...� _ X9585=` _r_ dpT�roved---man•--Z; 33Sfr__� - A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement,,gnd the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council havinz duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That theA act nature and extent of condemnation shall be as follows: The south•10 ft. of lots 13 to 24 incuSiVe, Smith's Subdivision of block 14, 'Stinson's-Frances St. Addition to St. Paul; the north 10 feet of lots 1 to 7, inclusive, Bret's Addition, the south 10 feet of blocks 11, 12, 13, and the north 10 feet of blocks 18, 19 and 20, Stinson's r'ranees Street Addition to. St . Paul; the south• 10 feet. of lots :9.. to: -16; inclusive, block 15, and the north 10 feet of_lots.4„to 12.inclusive, ,blAak 16, G. V. Bacon's Addition; the souili 10 ft. of lots 8 to 14 inclusive, block 3, and lots 16 to 30 inclusive, block,6, and the north 10 feet of lots 1 to 5 inclusive,. block 4, and lots 1 to 15 inclusive, block 5, Heinemann, McConville and Stierlets Subdivision of lots 2, 12, 13 of ,Lee's Suburban Hills; the south 10 ft. of lots 16 to 30 inclusive, block 1, and lots le to 30 in- clusive, block 21 and the north 10 ft. oflots1 to 15 inclusive, block 3, and lots 1 to 15 inclusive, block 41 Bunde's Park Addition to St. Paul; therefore be it further "�Counc:lmaa `- u- Id_ __Sir, �___►":r _ /� PUBLISIi1 n..an., ',"7 Xv- nzel (/ - fma3ror-=� G;rF as IdR. VICE PRES. ROSTA 100208 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR _ L; m,ou mcg i In the matter of------------------------------------------------------------------ Opening, widening and extending Past Third St. from Clarence St. to White Bear Ave., to a width of 80 feets by oondemning and taking the following property; 'the south 10 ft. of lots 13 to 24 inclusive, Smith's Subdivision ofblock 14, Stinson's Frances St. Addition to St. Paull the north 10 feet of lots 1 to 11, i inclusive, Bret's Addition; the south 10 feet of blocks 11, 12, 13, and the north 10 Peet of blocks 16, 19 and 20, Stinson's Frances Street Addition to St. Paull the south 10 feet of lots 9 to 16, inclusive, block lb, and the north 10 feet of lots 4 to 12 inclusive, block 16, G. V. Bacon's Additionl the south 10 it. of lots 8 to 14 inclusive, block 3, and Iota 16 to 30 inclusive, blook 6, axilthe north �. .10 feet of lots 1 to b inclusive, block 4, and lots I to 15 inclusive, block 5 . Heinemann, McConville and Stierle's Subdivision of lots .2, 12, 13.of Lee's Suburban Uhs; the south 10`•f8. of lots 16 to 30 Inolusivai,`blook l, -and lots 16 to 30 inclusive, block 2, and the north 10 ft* of lots 1_to lb inclualvo,,blook 3, and - lots 1 to 15 inclusive, block '4,`Bunda's ParleAdWion to 'St.' Paul ' •4y{ym..ri•_____ _ _________�a.cuvv___________, oyya v.a:u___yy;.__rr,. ..,w^ .y ��r -- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvementland the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now. therefore be it Resolved, That the A act nature and extent of condemnation shall be as follows: The south 10 ft, of lots 13 to 24 inclusive, 'Smith's Subdivision of - -lock 14, Stinsonls ,Frances St. Addition to St. Paul; the north 10 fee lots 1 to 7, inclusive, Eret's Addition; the south 10 feet of blocks 11, 12, 13, and the north 10 feet of blocks 18, 19 and 20, Stinson's r"rances Street Addition to, St., Faul;, :the -south 10 feet=of lots ..9. to 16, ~inclusive, block 15, and the north l0 feet of lots 4,to 12 inclusive,-blmck 16, G. V. Bacon's Addition; the souilf lO ft. of lots 8 to 14 inclusive, block 3, and lots 16 to 30 inclusive, block,6, and the north 10 feet of lots 1 to 5 inclusive, block 4, and lots 1 to 15 inclusive, block 5, Heinemann, McConville and Stierle's Subdivision of lots 2, 12, 13 of Lee's Suburban Hills; the south 10 ft. of lots 16 to 30 inclusive, block 1, and lots ld to 30.in- clusive, block 2, and the north 10 ft. of lots 1 to 15 inclusive, block 3, and lots.l to 15 inclusive, block 4, Bunde's Park Addition to St. Paul; therefore be it further " �4 Coune3lman ,� , PUBLISH) D 5 fi ri0U11ClinlSn �a:'�� Wenzel ..- IWR. VICE PRES. ROSEA SSESSMENT THE FEF . 'tr 100208 ES- ANn under Preliminary Order ------- 88197 ----- _____-, aPProved___Dnt._24,_1934_.--____-- Intermediary Order ------------29410---------- approved- --ZLeo,,--5'-1934 ----------------- Final Ordei------------------X9.585---------- approved--- .Tan.__2_,1935------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements e assessment therein, for the above improvement}*,gnd the awards of damages therefor, and also upon th of benefits therefor, and the Council haying duly considered the same, now therefore be it �' Resolved, That the act nature and extent of condemnation shall be as follows: The south 10 ft. of lots 13 to 24 inc-usive, Smith's Subdivision of block 14, Stinsonls'Hrances St. Addition to St. Paul; the north 10 feet of lots 1 to 7 inclusive Eret's Addition; the south 10 feet of blocks 11, 12, 13, and the 'north 10 feet of blocks 18, 19 and 20, Stinson's *ances Street Addition to.St.. Paul; the south 10 feet of lots 9.to.16, Inclusivet block Bacon's 15,, and the north 10 feet of lots 4,to 12: inclusive, -block 16, Addition; the south 10 ft. of lots 8 to 14 inclusive, block 31 and lots 16 to 30 inclusive, block,6, and the north 10 feet of lots 1 to 5 inclusive, block 4, and lots 1 to 15 inclusive, block 5, Heinemann, McConville and Stierle's Subdivision of lots 2, 12, 13 of Leers Suburban Hills;the south 10 ft. of lots 16 to 30 inclusive, block 1, and lots 16 to 30 in- clusive, block 2, and the north 10 ft. of lots 1 to 15 inclusive, block 3, and lots 1 to 15 inclusive, block 4, Bunde's Park Addition to St. Paul; therefore be it further PU13LISIi1 D J ll'enzel 1__�61R. VICE PRES. RUW r 100208 On ' ;w r� �. �; x' f xr 1iS�C`Tltli"'TiF�NG A13 CONING C4iiiii tbEMNATION AND AWARDS ;UF DAMAGES AlYlf ASSESSMENT: THEREF; .^f SaJ:+70+QBs ;,.'��,'�, Jn &rpg''-�y.•':7gc71par:o' PSo7?*+'-y-„ .. ' i n.....-..:. _ U9'9iP3'oa1'..r, a _i'.�.2�+ao�,re_-,.sazraoe 2Fbeo�7q'FNo_Tror.,�pF, JO x. �r"4i-..- PWGLGLOLG D8 TP LfTf JGL �T!72TA6' PToGg TPlTjU,, ,�GCuo1,', - �F' grru�ler' h"LK VggT Tou Po �P.,bsnTl _ 2urTP;T TO LP' o'. Tolz T8 To 1c'7Lr,. OT. Tof2 T'fO T2 TucTrr2TAs' PTOcK ,2' 2PTGLTs42 2nAgT=\T2Tju OT. Tof2 Tri T PGGOGJ� 2 ou^ roTz T� Po 20 Tu- PTQcK T' qu T_. T_, OT Pssr z Grp rL;� a `TTTrz, PPG g ToP2 T Po T2 TuGT7 Tn:;' PTOGT' 2' GTI,s.IISUR rc'-PO 20 ounT. VggTPlou:TrPPsa7osPuPTOc�FQ,o�u7o roLfP TO xGGP or Topa 7 Po 2Truc n2 nsb' TP'VqqUTq PPG noLP1 TO�LssP OT, Tof2 fi PofT,;TTuc�2T-j G" ' A7ocK �' sug ToP2T 2P' bunT• PPs 20 TPP T. PTPCK TO n'.Q' pucou 2_ T3' sug �i.rs uoLP i TssP oL ATocir2 LG �r�isuop'CJ i Co TO' TucT:7z,;ns' ATocx! T 'o PTU20UI227LI ELsPr2 9 �FT1 u'PoPP' RofUP�TO IGGf oLuPTocK2uTT' Tr'ssP 5 T� 2P. zoui2 �LHUC62 pP• b nT• PPs uoLP;: TO Les o T,Ps 2orTPP TO LP' OL T092 T3 Po 61T TUG--Z2Tnc' 91UT Pr 2 2nPg?nT2rou OT. p7ocK2 LoTro:v.2: he2ornsq' T.ps;� P;.rs s�CscP A5PITLG 7urr GXPsuP o: cougs:uua fT,,r, 2usTT Ps s2 De a:icesotveu-inu�-o„e �,,,a ._ roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a partrereof -ariH tha �4 awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council____________����� ------ ------------------------ Ci erk. Approved ----- IS `/ Mayor. Councilman ebnrw-- r r r er ,n nci n paon. uax Coouncihnan _eaee; .__-- rraY _ 6ea tib" / /J PUBLISHED' b �COnnCli2fl&II lVrnzel R. VICE PRES. iiosEx COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK IN AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS STATE OF MONTANA MONTANA STATE COLLEGE E% ENSIGN -SERVICE AND U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE MUEEEL.NELL AND GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTIES COOPERATING. ROUNDUP.MONTANA March 25, 1935 Mr. Axel F. Peterson Commissioner of Finance Courthouse St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: In reply to your Notice of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings, I am putting in the following damage to the following property fors^opening, widening and extending East Third St. from Clarence St, to White Bear Ave:, to a width of 80 feet, by condemning and taking the following property: the south 10 ft, of lots 13 to 24 inclusive, Smith's Subdivision of Block 14, Stinson's Frances St. Addition to St. Paul; the north 10 ft, of lots 1 to 11 inclusive, Eret's Addition; the south 10 ft. of blocks 11, 12, 13, and the north 10 ft, of blocks 18, 19 and 20, Stinson's Frances St. Addition to St. Paul; -,the south 10 ft, of lots 9 to 16 inclusive, block 15, and the north 10 ft, of lots 4 to 12 inclusive, block 16, G. V. Bacon's Addition; the south 10 ft, of lots 6 to 14 inclusive, block 3, and lots 16 to 30 inclusive, block 6, and the north 10 feet of lots 1 to 5 inclusive, block 4, and lots 1 to 15 inclusive, block 5, Heinemann, Mo Conville and Stierle's Subdivision of lots 2, 12, 13, of Lee's Suburban Hills; the south 10 ft. of lots 16 to 30 inclusive, block 1, and lots 16 tq 30nclusive, 15 inclusive, block 4, Bunde's Park Addition to St. Paul." amounting to 02500 if the house does not have to be moved. If the -house has to be moved the damages will be $3000. I hope that this amount proves satisfactory to you. Very truly yours, .Fritz B. & Elvirs Peterson 6A REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS Inthe matter of ------------------------------------------------------------------------- opening, widening and extending Past Third St. from alarenco St. to'Mdte Hear Ave., to a width of 80 feet, by oonderning and taking the following propertyt the south 10 ft* of lots 13 to 24 inclusive, Smithls Subdivision of block 140 Stinson+s Frnness St. Addition to St. Paull the north 10 feet of lots 1 to 11, inclusive, Eretts Additioul the south 10 feat of blocks 11, 12, 13. and the north 10 feet of blocks 16, 18 and 20, Stinson', Frances Street Addition to St. Paul= the south 10 feet of lots 8 to 18, inclusive, block 16, and the north 10 foot of lots 4 to 12 inclusive, block Us G. V. Haconts Addition; the south 20 ft. of lots 6 to 14 inclusive, block 3, and late lu to 30 iriolueivo, block 6, and the north 10 feet; of lots I to S inclusive, block 4, and lots 1 to 16 inclusive, block 6, Holumu n, McConville and Stiorle's Subdivision of lots 2, 12, 13 of Loots Suburban HillaS tho south 20 ft. of lots 16 to 30 inclueive, block 1, and lots 16 to 30 inclusive, block 2, -and the north 10 ft. of lots 1 to 16 inclusive, block 3, and lots:l bo l6 inolusive, block 4, Hundels Park Addition -,to -'.8% Paul urcermea3ary::: Final Order------------- 9q -585b------ approved-- Ian. --2-, 38--------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. =-`=""„-`-'------- Commissioner of Finance. OF COMMISSIONER O.F FINANCE CONDEMNATION OF LANDS ANT A ooT-00-7- -m r„ -r •'*TTTnn C1 under Preliminary Order -191V -------- approved----- at. -24,--.2a4--------------------------- Intermediary Order ------39.410-------, approved ---- 4i&o--- 5, -48U --------------------------- Final Order ------------- 99-6855------ approved- ---jIan---2 I SAS --------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. 100209 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of- _.anndemning And. _taking_An_easeman_t_-tnr_BIDPaa,_for_omt.a-atd_fiJl&-in_ the grading of East Third St. from Clarenoe St. to White Bear Ave., ,. aozos- mattor-of. condemnin€�' :edsement fer-sloDee le7n the t of T +m Clarence c- .at,. , to --3 -der Preliminary C - Nov. 22, -.1D34 under Preliminary Order_______ 99349 ----------- approved__Xoe._22,_1.934__._________________- Intermediary Order ------------99504 ---------- approved- _Deo. 16,_ 1934 ------------------- Final Order ------------------- 990?,3 __________- approved --- dans_17 _1935____________________ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set fokh in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. e -____-: J�_AE"l-� �-'��:5�---, 19__ � qty Clerk. MAR �'7 , Adopted by the Council ____�,�____________ ----- - - - _ c c-- Approved Pearce Councilman - - - t-'. _ '. I'rterson unc�itl�m�anason,_.,: WnIlCLWnLLTGlifGe�`•.�'~'Xi/til"U:1C SB37ACiIAi4^R....�31�- c_ U—. - ------ ------- Mayor. r I SMR. VICE PRES. ROSE11 PUBLISHED ' �o Yr -ch ?7th, 1575. Eon, 111ton ^:asen, Cm-sIr of PnLl1c clorics, Tiu11 ai n/-. Dear Sir: Tho attached copy of letter of .rest TT. Lento allWgnr dan:aP•e to Mc pro?erty in connec- tion .;i t', the openlm7, e:idenin> ,,nd e;:tendino! of 'Nast Third Stre•. t f rens, Cl;:" -nc - Str,-ct to ',Ihite BOW' ^.venae w s referred to you a2d the Corporr:iinn C01m1,e1, by the City Council, to dotenane wl,,e`l.er or not the City is liable for dam: -,-es in this case. Mrs. Lenze appeared aAd alleged tlwt her poultry business was ruined bec.^nse the dynamiting Dade the hens norvoos and they world not lay e��s. Yours very truly, City Clor?:. ?.torch ?7th, 19,5. Mr. John L, Connolly, Corpora tinn coingsl, 33ut 1 c t r_p. Dear Si r: The attac?ied letter of ?rust ' Lz a e a1laAinr Cnj;[.p to his Property in connection with the naen- i ivideninr Rn,'-ixtendlnr, of^t Third Street fmn Clnrwnce SrF tot to ,T,ite peer Avenue was referred to ,You ane, the CoL.- uis-loner of nblie Works, by ttie City Council, to dotermine rvLether or not the City is liable for damaFeg in this case. Mrs. a her poultry buginess Aaeruinedbecnxralleged that andvn the y the hang nervous And they would not lay ePP,amitins made e. Yoixrs very truly, City Clerk. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter in the grading of East Third St. from Clarence St. to White Bear Ave., under Preliminary Order ---X8349_----_, approved- -Aciv.-22.,-1.434----------------------------- Intermediary Order -------- 82544------- approved --l2a..-1Q,-J —U ----------------------------- Final Order-------------- MM approved-_ Jent-17,- 1936 ----------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined'the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---�-� ?-- ------------ Commissioner of Finance. C) -,,- 01 State of Minnesota ` ®USE of EPRES!' __ �7ES GEOEOE W. ]OHMON' SreAias ... . SAINT PAUL WALTER H. CAMPBELL March 27 1935 33RD DISTRICT 4828 E...e . A— S. MINNEAPOLIS Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, City Hall, at. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Referring to the condemnation proceedings for the opening, widening and extending of East Third Street from Clar- ence Street to White Bear Avenue: As suggested by Mr. ConnollyI am writing you this letter in behalf of the owners of Block ALO, Stinson's Francis Street Addition to St. Paul, which property is included in the proceedings. As I stated to the council this morning, the owners of said property claim that they received no notice whatever of these proceedings until yesterday. They are residents of Chi- cago. On behalf of the owners of -said property, I wish to have this letter go in your records for the purpose of protect- ing and preserving any rights that my clients may have for dam- ages on account of the opening, widening and extending of East Third Street, as stated; particularly by reason of the fact that they had no due notice of such proceedings. While it is probably not very likely that any claim for damages will be made, yet in order to preserve any rights that may exist, I am sending you this letter. Very truly yours, WALTER H. CAMPBELL y Rolls ■ pp� . -100210 Council File No ................................... By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, ousts and expenses for ohanging the grade of East Third St. from Clarence St. to Birmingham St. and from. Hazelwood Ave. to White Bear Ave. to conform to the red line on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, .:IJ �LLu to Is.'"9 caU +Car -lop3 �twf n^=.11. under Preliminary Order .... ....... 99348 Intermediary Order ..._99b03 ............ Final Order.. -99672 approved ... Jest. 17 -1965. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. Adopted by the CounciL......... -.....--MAR 2.. 1935 .................. .... 9....... -..:.._ .................. .................... Zity Clerk. MAR 2 7 19K Approved..................... -... -.......................... 19........ ._...... .. ..................f Mayor. Form B. B. 18 PUBLISHFD _3 S CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ..FsbrvarW.,26............ 19.Z5. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses forXka changing the grade of East Third St. from Clarence St. to Birmingham St, and from Hazelwood Ave. to White Bear Ave. to conform to the red line on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, under Preliminary Order..................99340......................., Intermediary Order........ 99503--....................................... Final Order 09.&T2 -..... .. ............- approved ............J411s--17................................................. 1935... - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . Cost of publishing notice . $....20...70 ................ Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $.---..4.14-------.. Inspection fees $---.=.................... Amount of court costs for confirmatio i (Damages 138.00 $....2Q ................ ,.T.Q (Benefits$138.00 $ ----------- Total Expenditures tb OWn r 4rrD,,—...rr-0 Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied th totunt as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $..45.54 ......................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Farm M B. 17 -�"/ Comm�esioner`o�'Finance 100211 Conveil File No. ............. ............. b By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Fisher St. from a point 631.2 feet south of Autumn St. to a point 829.8 feet north of Autumn St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, ioozu— matter :oY- ahs -: �+; damages; costs a-pointt ap8ln63iTr -oint829 fee s'e - under Preliminary Order....... 9.545.8 .......... Intermediary Order ....-..89229_........ Final Order........g9361._ approved-.-YAr-t-2.Z.... _........ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further_ considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. Adopted by the ConnciL----------M.AR ------_..---2.7-----1935 -------•--•------------------- ----- 9 -9 -- /.. �w Approved................................. .-......-------.19 .... _:. -/- V — .....----. Mayor. Paan R. B. is PUBLISHED� %4 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment -February. ........... I 19.M.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses forXkX changing the grade of Fisher St. from a point 631.2 feet south of Autumn St. to a point 829.8 feet north of Autumn St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, under Preliminary Order ----------------- 98458 ....... .__.__.___.___ Intermediary Order ........... 99229 99361 Nov. 27 34 Final Order..... approved ..... ............................. ..................... 19........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice $....._1 05 ................ Cost of postal cards $_---.0.21 ................ Inspection fees $. ----- Amount of court costs for confirmation $.__-1-.05 Dams es 7.00 ----------------- e�its 7.00 Balance o owner . . $-0�Mo............... Said Commi stoner iur erdreporis that he has assessed and levied th$total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of..................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ......... Fo B. R. 17 Commissioner of Finance. O RI6INAL TO CITY CL¢NN p A(10212 CITY OF ST PAS,}° bY2v1r8tuerora�h:. FIOLENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY'ated 1+'ebruan' 20to L 'C. guttttr COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GEa"�2orsn"'a`a' ("" t{ t a t. -Pui, PRESENTED BY ` �� •� ? i 5 - COMMISSIONER_ bATE }tea �.l_�1 •I� R"94GXXXD WHEREAS, by virtue of that certain contract dated February 20th, 1934, by and between L. C, Smith & Corona Typewriters, Inc,, as Contractor, and the City of St. Paul, said contractor leased to the City 50 typewriters for the period of one year commencing January 1, 1934, and granted to the City an option for the renewal of said lease for the additional period of one year commencing January 1, 1935, at the rate of $7,00 per typewriter; and WHEREAS, said leased typewriters were for use in the public schools for instruction purposes, and there will be a need for said typewriters for an additional year; and the Commissioner of Education has recommended that said option be exercised by the City; therefore be it RESOLVED, that said option be exercised by the City, and that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of. the City a renewal agreement, renewing said lease of said typewriters at the rate of $7,00 each for the further period of one year commencing January 1, 1935, and that the cost thereof be paid out of Public Schools Fund L Main. Of Plant - Rep. & Ren. 15-I-5. 4' Adopted by the CounciliYiAR 2 7 1935 _193 i Approved__— N AR � �_ , K 193__ Mayor PUBLISITrD 5 `-S'95S n COUNCILMEN Yeas dice / Nays �" /Peterson - ---In favor A'alleT•' Against Wenzel sm 6,A4R. VICE PRES. R0Sh6T 4' Adopted by the CounciliYiAR 2 7 1935 _193 i Approved__— N AR � �_ , K 193__ Mayor PUBLISITrD 5 `-S'95S n coU CIL OPIOIMIIL TO OITY CL... CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE" NO-ABOW OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE March 2C,1935 COMMISSIONER - RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing proexi Department of Public Works during the season of 1935 with app _ 2,750 tone buckshot gravel and limestone binder ushed lrook ime ane,atoroxi mately 4,125 cu. yds. sand, �onBible bidders, at J. L. sHIELY CO., they being the lowest 7 84s.25, in accordance a total contract price of approximately $7, with standard city specifications, their bid and award of contract h ructed hereto attathedproperformrofrcontractunsel therefor.is F.Bin#9128. to t'. COUNCILMEN Yeas 4 Nays / Lrce /Peterson vTruax favor Against AEfell� SM "UR. VICE PaES. gosh �> a Adopted by the Counci Mks 193— Vit,' 'I R `2 '� �•. � 3 —193— Approve NOTICE 1 TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL to pat cn CIL RESOLUTION PRINTER yy R12@1"�c� t11,47 to- n file j -'A' Lsv RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASI OF 5 ,i .io COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE yOFTHE CITY COMPTR LLE k ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MAR ( %5 / 183__ APPROVED �tIAR '•• 193_ COUNCIL FILE rip.___ yar nil ai 193-5— ,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT AS PER DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK � r RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS ` I I 736 975 g 12547 George A. Sameo & Mary Sameo 844 4 12548 Elea M. Obst, Treas, R.Co, 5 12549 Commercial State Bank X55 1 00 0 12550 Geo. F. Robertson lg 12551 Mrs. Delia Brown 28 2 12552 Mr S. Mary Emily Christy 27 0 12553 John E. Fahey 12 6 12554 Mrs, Louis Fay G 28 8 12555 Mrs, Anna R. Foley 31 q 12556 William Gaston 40 12557 P'l'ank Hetzneoker 40 0 12558 John Lennon 40 0 12559 Mrs. Elizabeth Literski r 12560 Mrs. Hann4 Peterson 24 9 12561 Mrs. ElfrBda Soderberg 29 g 12562 Skelly 011 Company DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK � TRANSFER CHECKS RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS I I I 736 975 g ffm OLL CALL MA*I�CN7113B en PEARCE .................. IN FAVOR ROSEN TRUAX ._.,AGAINST WENZEL ..._.___.... MR. PRES. MAHONEY _ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MU I CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIM, 030 110.53 RESOLVE{J. TO THE AGGRR///EE/� ((Q^{ [F CHECKS N, E PER CHECK44 OF 35 f TREASURY. _...... COVERING INCLUSIVE. AS CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD _ I 7500 00 736 975 g 12547 George A. Sameo & Mary Sameo 844 4 12548 Elea M. Obst, Treas, R.Co, 5 12549 Commercial State Bank X55 1 00 0 12550 Geo. F. Robertson lg 12551 Mrs. Delia Brown 28 2 12552 Mr S. Mary Emily Christy 27 0 12553 John E. Fahey 12 6 12554 Mrs, Louis Fay G 28 8 12555 Mrs, Anna R. Foley 31 q 12556 William Gaston 40 12557 P'l'ank Hetzneoker 40 0 12558 John Lennon 40 0 12559 Mrs. Elizabeth Literski 40 0 12560 Mrs. Hann4 Peterson 24 9 12561 Mrs. ElfrBda Soderberg 29 g 12562 Skelly 011 Company 2 097 5 12563 J.J.dillen, Reg. of Deeds 4 C 12564 Antoni9 Lamanna 12565 Theo. Hamm Brewing Company 1 000 0 1 652 5 12566 Theo. Hamm Brewing company 1 4 594 0 12567 Walter D. Mitchell 10 12568 Oooyran—Sargent Company 77 1 12569 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp y 220 7 12570 Gopher State Products Compan 64 3 12571 Hill Floral Products Company 26 9 12572 Minnesota Chemical Company 62 !� 1257 Minnesota Envelope Company 48 7 1257 E.A. Moeller Company 173 6 12575 St.Paul White Lead & 011 Com any 175 1 12576 Sharp & Dobme, Inc. 186 12577 H.K. Stahl Company 160 0 12578 Waldorf Bindery Company 129 0 12579 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Finan e 8 838 g 12580 Lamprey Products Company 36 75 12581 Joseph Rosen 10 0 12582 Ray J. Kartak, Supt. 10 61 12583 Mrs. A.E. Kallsen 21j Co 5 125 George A. Trudeau 4 12585 American Transfer Company 46 43 12586 Central States Freight Servi e,Ino. 10 41 12587 Cleveland Avenue Meat Market 50 80 12588 Fireside Book Shop PO 12589 Fuller Brush Company 3 38 12590 Gas Consumers Association 1 50 12591 Glenedaning Transfer Service 1 00 12592 J.J. Hill Reference Library 24 8 1259 W.W. Koepke 16 25 1259 Mp1e,St.Paul & Sault Ste.Marie Ry.Co. 72 10 12595 Northern States Power Company 6 388 25 12596 Northern States Power Company 232 91 12597 St.Paul Builders Material Company 16 63 12598 St,Paul Voo, School Revl.Fund 94 12599 The Sta-vie company,Ino. 627 7 5 12600 Union water Meter Company 26 76 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD .. _... 7a. 41-12z _ -- 7 CAO 00 J i -.`_ 767 086 3 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUHLCALL �e erson Ti, ��ncacca p.� PEARCE =.511E....IN FAVOR ROSEN TRUAX .............AGAINST MRN RES. mmmey Gahan K ...- r .7 45 � ADOPTED BY THE COUNC A1..:. ......... R f CITY OF SAINT PAUL I )[� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER UNCIL NO.... _.... t0�-�C215--._.. COFILE -lw COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS ___ Maroh..._25,..._...............19.....35 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DTWN ON THH�CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGA/TE //AMOU CHECKS NUM BEyEp...._. OF f..._....,1.9.g.,a�t......./..., COVERING ........-.2E.�CLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS O 1 OFFIC OFFICE JdF T,HE CITY OM PTROLLER. I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUHLCALL �e erson Ti, ��ncacca p.� PEARCE =.511E....IN FAVOR ROSEN TRUAX .............AGAINST MRN RES. mmmey Gahan K ...- r .7 45 � ADOPTED BY THE COUNC A1..:. ......... _–....._.........Ty....^ ...... �._.._..��............. . . ........... MAYOR CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD ® 12601 Motor Power Equipment Comps 12602 Service Press ip603 Louis A. dinykin 12604 Amherst H. Wilder Charities 12605 Thomas welsh 12606 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp 12607 General Electric Supply Cor 12608 Air Reduction Sales Company 12609 Edwin Allen Company 12610 American Electric Company 12611 American Hospital Assoolati 12612 American Rose Society 12613 American water Yorks Assoc. 12614 Architectural Forum 12615 Armour and Company 12616 Art Shop 12617 Automotibe Electric Company 12618 Barrett & Zimmerman 12619 Bingbem & Norton, Inc. 12620 G.L. Bisenius Truck Company 12621 Borool Laboratories 12622 Bowen & Sons 12623 Boy Scouts of America 1262$ V.K. Brown 12625 Burroughs Adding Machine Cot 12626 Butteriok Company 12627 Capitol Awning & Shade Comp 12628 Ruth K4 Carvey - 12629 Central Scientific Company 12630 Coohran-Sargent Company 12631 Commonwealth Electric Compaj 12632 Co -Op. Laundry Oompany,Inc. 12633 Correct English Service Coml 12634 Curtis 1000, Inc. 12635 Daily News Corporation 12636 Dave's Auto Parts 12637 Downey Typewriter Company 12638 Wm. Eckert, Inc. 12639 Editorial Research Reports 12640 Electric Blue Print Company ® 12641 Electric Blue Print Company 12642 The Emporium 1264 Esslinger & Company 12644 Farwell, 0—un, Kirk & Comps 12645 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compe 12646 Foreign Policy Association 12647 Leonard Frank Company 12648 The Frederic Hotel BY DATE RETURNED TRANSFER I� DISBURSEMENT BY BANK /CHECKS CHECKS 00 N7 086 Lr 1 boo c 19 250 C 50 C Z5 469 1 17 5 35 10 5 2 a 65 o 61 6 20 4 25 0 73 5 76 o 10 5 108 1 2 1 i 31 8 0 45 1 47 3� 10 3' 19 11 157 51 144 8 6 oI 82 8! 18 91 1 01 141 61 167 655; 26 4! 2 158 2( 26 41 6 oc SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD Toa s.ss --_ 7 N _00 770 20-.,15 R f CITY OF SAINT PAUL I )[� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER UNCIL NO.... _.... t0�-�C215--._.. COFILE -lw COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS ___ Maroh..._25,..._...............19.....35 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DTWN ON THH�CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGA/TE //AMOU CHECKS NUM BEyEp...._. OF f..._....,1.9.g.,a�t......./..., COVERING ........-.2E.�CLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS O 1 OFFIC OFFICE JdF T,HE CITY OM PTROLLER. _–....._.........Ty....^ ...... �._.._..��............. . . ........... MAYOR CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD ® 12601 Motor Power Equipment Comps 12602 Service Press ip603 Louis A. dinykin 12604 Amherst H. Wilder Charities 12605 Thomas welsh 12606 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp 12607 General Electric Supply Cor 12608 Air Reduction Sales Company 12609 Edwin Allen Company 12610 American Electric Company 12611 American Hospital Assoolati 12612 American Rose Society 12613 American water Yorks Assoc. 12614 Architectural Forum 12615 Armour and Company 12616 Art Shop 12617 Automotibe Electric Company 12618 Barrett & Zimmerman 12619 Bingbem & Norton, Inc. 12620 G.L. Bisenius Truck Company 12621 Borool Laboratories 12622 Bowen & Sons 12623 Boy Scouts of America 1262$ V.K. Brown 12625 Burroughs Adding Machine Cot 12626 Butteriok Company 12627 Capitol Awning & Shade Comp 12628 Ruth K4 Carvey - 12629 Central Scientific Company 12630 Coohran-Sargent Company 12631 Commonwealth Electric Compaj 12632 Co -Op. Laundry Oompany,Inc. 12633 Correct English Service Coml 12634 Curtis 1000, Inc. 12635 Daily News Corporation 12636 Dave's Auto Parts 12637 Downey Typewriter Company 12638 Wm. Eckert, Inc. 12639 Editorial Research Reports 12640 Electric Blue Print Company ® 12641 Electric Blue Print Company 12642 The Emporium 1264 Esslinger & Company 12644 Farwell, 0—un, Kirk & Comps 12645 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compe 12646 Foreign Policy Association 12647 Leonard Frank Company 12648 The Frederic Hotel BY DATE RETURNED TRANSFER I� DISBURSEMENT BY BANK /CHECKS CHECKS 00 N7 086 Lr 1 boo c 19 250 C 50 C Z5 469 1 17 5 35 10 5 2 a 65 o 61 6 20 4 25 0 73 5 76 o 10 5 108 1 2 1 i 31 8 0 45 1 47 3� 10 3' 19 11 157 51 144 8 6 oI 82 8! 18 91 1 01 141 61 167 655; 26 4! 2 158 2( 26 41 6 oc SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD Toa s.ss --_ 7 N _00 770 20-.,15 UPLICATE TO CLERK CITY OF COUNCIL DCO 6 COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THEA COMPTROLLER FILE • •O•-...................... ------ MArAR7pg1R'op terSO COUNCIL RESOLUTION �' FAVOR %hww Warren- ROSEN AUDITED CLAIMS--.._.._._......._._g4r...o4._.26._..__...___.._..,935.. TRUAX .,AGAINST RESOLVED. TH CHECKS W ENZEL MR. PRES. MAHONEY Gehan TO THE AGGREGA MOU CHECKS NUMBET BE D WN C TY TREASURY. ..._.._'IZ�.��}'^(+� !... ........ COVER ADOPTED BY TI, E COUNp ft ~... 1�........ PER CHECKS O If T F THLUSI ICE E CITY COMLLER. APPROVED MAYOR - Y ... .. T AL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFE CHECK RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BAN CHECKS / BROUGHT FORWARD 12649 Iii On Thomas F. waters36 771 PRA 19 8 12650 Dennie J. McGinley 1 636 2 12651 Commercial State Bank 3 45894 12652 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finan a 1265}3 Elea M. Obst, Treas. R.Oo.7 477403 126514 George Sudeith 28 0 12655 Deep Rook 011 Oorporation 766 3 12656 wells—Diokey Company 7 562 7 12657 Simon Bloom 1 0 12658 Flea M. Obst, Treas. R.Co. 25 12659 Flea M. Obst, Treas. R.Co. 44 6 12660 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finance 16 0 12661 Henry Lauer Investment Company 2 807 8 12662 Elea M. Obst Treas. R.Co, fioler, 151 9 12663 Lawrence A. Cashier w D. 160 2 12664 American Linen Supply Oompan 107 4 12665 American Linen Supply Company 8 1 12666 Braunig & Sone Baking Company 78 8 12667 uonsumere Milk Company 127 4 12668 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp p 780 7 12669 The Flox Company 30 0 12670 Gangl & Company 55' 12671 Emil Geist 20 5 12672 General Electric Supply Corp 147 3 12674 The Golden Rule 39 5 12674 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company 651 6 12675 Griggs, Cooper & Company 19 9 12676 Fred W. Hanks Company 12 5 12677 Heger Products Company 61 2 12675 A.P. Hersohler Factory 8 12679 Hersey Mfg. Oompsny 657 12680 The Hilex Company 3 0 12681 History Reference Council Hobart Mfg. Company 2 4 1268'43 H.R* Huntting Company 12682 4 12 84 Inv#pldstad Lumber Company 95 0 1285 The Institute for Research 3 7 12686 L.E. Jasmin Company 3 5 12587 Jeffery -Quest Foundry Compan wm. 212 1 12688 Kline 8 7 12699 Lampland Lumber Company 90 3 12690 Harold H. Laskey 5 12691 Lawyers' Co—Op. Pub.Company 15 0 12692 Lin�eAir Products Company 42 0 12693 Lyons & Carnhan 4 3 t 12694 MoKessonwSt.Paul Drug Compan 56 5 12695 Minnesota -Milk Company 153 1 12696 Northern SEates Power Company 521 6 12697 Northern dtates Power Company 121 0 12698 Northern States Power Company 231 1 12699 Oriental Laundry Company 10 0 12700 H. Peltz & Son 351 5 12701 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company 93 7 12702 L.C.Smith & Corona Typ.Ino. 5 5 12703 G. Sommers & Company 72 8 127014 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Oompanr 75 8 12705 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Companr 191 8 12706 Tri—State Tel. IN Telg.Oompanr 131 6 - -. _.. 000 6-01 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 WO 00 794 1o4, 9 Council File No.----to-021- ` PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and RELDN RARY ORDET" 10817- PRELIMINARY ORDER. PDetract e:- :ace The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Cuanging the grade of the following streets to conform to the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the, blue lines thereon: Commercial Street from the south line of Euclid Street to Fourth Street east of Commercial Street. The lovrer gi de of Kellogg ncu.L✓ rd _'ro'^. 1DC f east of '1:e center line of Comn.erci•1 Street to '68 feet ive^t cf �,hc center line of Co^merci^1 Street. Fourth Street from Commercial Strict to 576 ft. 'sect of the cerate- line 01- Commercial fCommercial Street. Conray Street from Commerei^1 Street to 100 ft. e^st Z the een',ca, '._:c of Co^merc��l Strc,•.t Also grading, reconstructing sidewalks, curbing, catchbasins and manholes, watermains, hydrants, water services andappurtenances, and other existing improvements to conform with the red line when established on the following. streets: Commercial Street from Conway Street to Fourth Strcet c-st of Commercial Street Kellogg Boulevard belon, bridge ;:row: Cc-merci^1 Street to 100 feet e-st of the center line of Commercial Street Fourth Street from Co7nercial Street to 576 feet -.=rest of the center line of Commercial Street. Also grading, reconstructing sidewalks, curbing, catchbasins and manholes, watermains, hydrants) wAer services and appurtenances, and other existing improvements to eoa£orm-with the red line when established on the following streets: Commercial Street from Conway Street to Fourth Street east of Commercial Street. Kellogg Bo.uUwax,& below bridge from Commercial Street to 100 feet east of the4.—' center fine of Commercial Street — c a 11 W11;.1.,., ... Fourth Street from Commercial Street to 576 feet west of the center ]�ne�O Commercial Street. j I' i Nuc^r mcioncscurz ro GonG J c T.Gq is S 7o? Yirt q r„ (7:)7.r:) {`jJe bzogTle o uy c c, -?.i '_.. by Lc P; ey "J o] JO. I.l - 7'. { J 7 '17 ------------------------------------------------ --' ------------'--- Dated this .......Wth------ .day of --------------------- March,..1985...............--- .----- .................... ........ .. .. ' ----------------- --------------- ----------- '-------------------------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Changing, the grade of the following streets to conform to the red lines on the -profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established QTedp; keing,,sho= ;by.,the, blue.,lines •thereono Cif '6i�die'i'Street from the south line of Euclid Street to Fourth - east ZdrV ;olnmerciel' Street: She lower grade of Kellogg Boul.Vgerd from lQO.ft.,sast.of.the csater.line of f Commercial`'$treet"ta u68" h6tVWe `of the center line 'f Commercial Street. Fourth Street from Commercial Street to 576 ft, west of the center line of Commercial Street. Conway Street from Commercial Street to 100 ft. east of the center line of Commercial Street Also grading, reconstructing sidewalks, curbing, catebbasins end manholes, watermains,-hydrants) vjstar services and appurtenances, and other existing improvements to con$tlriaNith the red line•when established on the following streetss Commercial Street from Conway Street to Fourth Street eastofCommerT. cial Street, Kellogg Boujwve3*,', 01ow bridge from Commercial Street to 100 feet east' of the` center-I`ine;i5 Gommercial Street .,,.m Ga !T t2 Y,:.a..! Fourth Street from Commercial Street to 576 feet west of the center 1 a Commercial Street. I c,,,<,PUGL �O]:ILt6J•G Sb J' ;;rYGC-.F• orrLPp 'urLs6.P IJo Cow �_:.cT::T g� e6.F �� eSc beer rac:; o rlas :;eursz 7ue ;�b C6A�'eJ, TTTJ6 O�, ('011llil6l:07i_T C-fS.66{.' ' �c7To PonTeaa'xg p6Toa pz.rg 6 TLo:3 Cc:uJsz.craT Cpre6r po T00 Leer 6 apo .slJs C0!;zJG.ct7T �p�'J6I bT.em Couav>. '„£Z6G� ro LOST -PP CPLGOP T9bs,oAG11iGu{2 ;0 coubo-.cw i.q,11, P.FC LGq True cap GV G::.FscjreiJ6g ou +iJs boTTo:.'Tz7:= e,.mc;u::' igzuu a' r: iE 6zaTc62 'z,uq ot-nLrG;J- tUG '�' n isY sxrc� �`= ,.jao gL qTu�' er06 TKe' cnr.pTcl?cc4c;JP..::ru :.JG.3-su7o7s,>n Co ire r T Fzssc c6 Cor fz, r bzola Ger- eT.crv' j ,.6b -Po T00 T.P• r e .-L�u ;rzss� bJ.oa, �o;m::b,.cr,T .lrzGsr Po 2Sz ?r n:c.. �b .;;n= c6u�6. Tres -oamb c Yse•.�• ..T 2rYGsr ro :_c8 esr mer i ,pcGUrs z e ^r c ceuP Tr7G ,',;c j0aa.6z 7tvGc of :;`-TTo�.<, s,;er ob Com,�szcrsj G;:L=sG' Co wezcr=J7 2rzecr bz.e, ge 'aonriJ TTrJs 0;, ErtcTTg 1rY6Bt *0 �Lics p6TuZ 2po= p=: 'Pu PTn6 TTusz PgsJ.sou: PIJG bY0bTTG2 FGY6.F0 3.F'r< cp6g crng "J'SgG u baz.P P6I.60;' .:tib iYG£vu {: 6`'--FO'A7i =S7GG �:Tf:ui;r;JP:Ime 1-7'3g6 0: ;}Jr 1,0TT01tiiuP 2.FY66r2 ro couTol..u; ro. F)Je x.eq Truce oy having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAR 2 7 1935 1, - Adopted by the Council ..................................... ...... - - ..................... YEAS NAYS �MsHeresu — PEAROE /l TTRuwx %f77erP>®ereE�r e—cAt�ia3i VICE PRES. ROSEN a9 s Approved ........................ ......... - - ------------ Mayor. PUBLISHEDS _ Council File No 10021-8 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followingpublic improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: _Construct-a_six foot--wide-_monolithic--concrete--sidewalk--on-.the._vest-_side_o4--------------- -------- RSi tA�_.AY876t11g k 2m ME4�BI3H17._ A9.BLA&... Q...St.....A th0..AY- 4V.MUOA------------- .............. Dated this ---------- 22th---- day of--------------- .......... n,193..----• wrlttq fora PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Constructaxfootgidemoolthic concretesidewalkon theveataideoY -_-s-_--_n-------------------- ................ -___..................... 1IsIIO.ine..dyms..f.Lm.Iarehall.Av-snue_.tn_-St.__Anthony.Avenne.�--------------------------------------------------- - y having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.................................................................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ Adopted by the Council ---------------------- --------------------------------------------- YEAS NAYS �—Eouneilman lit= 1�! r . N � w) AiaDor+� Approve ................ !...................... Approved------•------------------- —PEARCE r Mee" TU warm _--------- Mayor. '7- VTCT; p^-� Form C A 13 (2M ) - PUBLISHED 3 100219 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARINGIN-M-01409DWARM In the matter of --- oonrlamn;ng_and- -ttsking-an An9mant_a�d;ha_land.-naaaasary--f=-alopaiL, outs and fills, in the grading of alleys in Block 1, Ruth Livingston Addition and Block 8, Ruth Livingston 2nd Addition from Thomas St. to Lafond St., and from the north and south alley to Dunlap St., �Q OP COUNCIL' +.HEARING IN Cf: • PROCEEDINGS.' 100219 '..atter of condemni- ti •> t in the! cute x •.alleys', under Preliminary Order_________ 99175_-------- approved_ -_ ------------------ Intermediary Order --------------- 9954.&_-------- approved___ Dan. 26 _1939____-_______-______I Final Order ______________________9959£ _______- approved__Farah__b_JM5_-_____________-__- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ------- ?4til ---- day he____-_--_--24th____day of ------------- Amil---------- 19-35-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ------ AR -2 -7_tW_-_-___ ----- ----- -- -4_- �-�� ----------- n rt � `' City Clerk. Approved --------- ---------------------- 19---- -------------- IR -4--Z Councilmanoy Mayor. �%% Councilman On + - rsnn 07 Councilman ftaace L pUBL1SJEL 3 ORB t"", I r_.. ROSR"l (Ai"* ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK COUNCIL NO. 100220 FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC COUNCIL R/EgJ�LUTION—GENERAL FORM ' 'eitY avenuo •,,;,� pip ,uflwuY C3rndo: &, ,>q� _ WHEREAS, by resolution, Council File 98486, dated September 26, 1933, the City Council of the City of St. Paul did request the Commissioner of Highways to include as.a Federal. Aid Trunk Highway projipct the reconstruction of the University Avenue -Minnesota Transfer gei3way Grade Separation, and WHEREAS, general plana for a project Of passing University Avenue under the Sinnesota Transfer railroad tracks together with the raising_ of such tracks was submitted to the City Council early in 1934, such general plans being approved by the Council by resolution, Council File 97278 dated February 14, 1934y and WHEREAS, such general plans. -were approved by the Minnesota Railroad. and.Warehouse Commission On March. 2, 1984, and ABERFM, the Commissioner of Higlwrays has.submitted detailed plane and specifications for the University Avenue -Minnesota Transfer Railway Project known as state Project No. 12-10"4 and. Federal Project ,and WHEREAS, the detailed plans.and specifications for this project have in part been prepared under the direction of the Department Of Public Works and have the approval of the Commissioner of Public Works and the Chief Fagineer, and WHEREAS, the entire construction of this project as well as the settlement of right of way and easement claims is being carried on without cost or obligation on the part of the City of St. Paul; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That. the City Council dohereby approve the plans. and specifications for the University Avenue -Minnesota Transfer Railway Project known as No. 5070as submitted by the Commissioner of Highways, and be ifsrt� Projvcf Ne .n1 -t o`t'a •} • n�i Fede. ••1 Prejec# RESOLVED FURTHER, That the City Clerk return one approved copy of said plans and specifications to the Commissioner of Higbways.l�� COUNCILMEN 193— Yeas Nays Adopted by the Counci2-8--'���---- Peatee Peterson 41AR 2 8 M63 Rosen In favor Approved— __— 193 -- Truax G/ Warren --O—Against Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) PUBLISHED 5M 6.34 J. T. IL.LISON N. W. SLS96R0 rwr uo opo oow.e �� oerrm�a.a> raw.. W. F. 0106 amAml O. L. KIPP _ - M. J. MOAMANN N/11KTIONAdak O�S�� �IOOt ppwQw STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ITA6 uNrvwrrr wvlveuc SAINT PAUL. MILAN: March 25, 1955 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Re: University Avenue Underpass Project N.R.M.607-D. I am transmitting herewith copies of our plans and specifications for the above noted project, which we have just been informed have been approved by Mr. A. E. Palen, local District Engineer of the Bureau of Public Roads. Upon receipt of such approval, it is customary for the Highway Department to advertise an N.R.M. project for receipt of bids, but before .taking any such action in connection with this particular improvement, it is desired that we obtain approval of plans and specifications by'the City Council Of St. Paul. It is my understanding that this project was officially approved by the City Council during 1984, at which time official action was also taken in connection with the establishment of revised grades for University Avenue and adjoining streets within the limits of the improvement. Our Department has completed_ plans and specifications for this project in joint cooperation with Mr. George Shepard your City Engineer, and in accordance with our agreement the Highway Department will take such steps as may be necessary to settle right of way and easement claims of adjoining property owners without obligation on the part of the City of St. Paul. It is desired that we obtain official approval of the plans and specifications for this proposed University Avenue Underpass Project, so that we might proceed at once with the advertisement for bids, and would accordingly like to have your prompt consideration in this matter. 0 I assume that Mr. Shepard with his first hand knowledge of this project, a considerable portion of the plans for which were prepared under his immediate direction, can give you any detailed information which you may desire, but in case you have any further question, I would be glad to see that you are given such additional data as you might request. Yours very truly, DEPAR� � F�GHHV9AY5 IUlE:IC Commissioner�Igh�7 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK F. I`i0. 300321-aY 7dh.� `L��I�IFV1 horens tho'City of SA FILIs LCCUNCIL V IB O� BRtOTiRIemth A FILE NO. CITY OF ST ^dwnrI, 8eIf. th nnB� OFFICE OF THE CITljth n' .1 '1 pri ehe, o b�ginning, .' jOT let prel 1st 193E I�,', COUNCIL RE TION—GEJ�d PRESENTED BY:/%}(/`�. COMMISSIONER �_/� '--� %`l-iCs^L..�_._ DATE WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is desirous of enter- ing into a new lease with Edward Heckeroth and Claudia Heckeroth, nis wife, for the period of one year beginning April let, 1935 and terminating April let, 1936, with the option of renewal for the period of one year from April 1st, 1936, said City being lessee of the premises described as follows: The East one-half (Ez) of the Northwest Quarter (NW}) of Section 1, Township 28, Range 22, and the East one-half (E) of the Southwest Quarter (SW4)'of Section 36, Township 29, Range 22, situated in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a lease with the said pasties for said property, said lease to be approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, said land covered by said lease to be worked and farmed by prisoners of the Workhouse, and weer MF_z the products of said land to be used for the feeding of said prisoners. COUNCILMEN- fleas Nay Peeeee� Peterson Rosen —__ In favor Warren ( Against Mr. President (Gchan) Adopted by the CouncilMAR 28 1 g _ _193— Approved—AAa2 9 L$S--193__ �= Mayor PUBLISHBD `J�^ - ORIGINAL TO CITY CURK � - '- 7NCIL 1-00222 CITY OF ST. PALv-euelainde a c iMar.1 NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY i' Midway National sank of ;; euted an U.Iga—t, ae ..dr oslta in.Pauli I hand and owned COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN' of St, Paul; -which a9slgntnr' 3 of the following securit'•" i ^cB'-U., Sr.. S 55 % Treneur•• - PRESENYED BY + '; COMMIC'SIONER— —fv- wmuzu, under date of march 7. 1933. the midway National Bank of St. P-1, executed an assignment, as senarity for deposits in its hands and owned by the City of St. Paul, which assignment consisted of the following securitiest $20,000 U. S. 3 1/9% 'Treasury Bonds of 19$6/119. due June 15, 1949, being numbers 51167 and 5117H • $10,000 each. 5,000 St. Paul 14}%, Genal Imp. Bonds due Uch. 1, 19116 5,000 St. Paul 1j, School Bonds due Oct. 1, 1953. and VMME S, the $5.000 St. Paul 11j% School Bonds due Oct. 1, 1953 were withdrawn by the above named bank on July 211, 19311 and $5.000 St. Paul I4*% main Sewer Hon" due U June 30. 19143 were substituted, and VIMBtAB, it is now the desire of the midway National Bank of St. Psul to with- draw the I 5tOOO St. Paul 40 Geheral Improvement Bonds due Mch. 1, 19116 and the i$5s600 St. Paul I" main Sewer Bonds due Jane 30. 1943, and substitute therefor the sum of x$10,000 U.96 2 1/8$ 'Treasury Notes Series X1939. No. 36296, due June 15. 1939, and WiBEAS, it is the recommendation of the Sinking Fund Committee of tha-City'of St. Paul that said bank be -permitted to withdraw said bonds and substitute said Treasury Notes. now therefore, be it:. Resolved, that the propercity officers are authorized to deliver and release to the Midway National Bank the said bonds and accept in lien thereof the said Treasury Notes, upon the same obligations and conditions contained in the orbginal assignment, and that said action is and hereby is approved,by the Council and the City Clerk is instructed to file a copy of this resolution 4 th the City Comptroller, to be attached and become a part of said original assignment C1UNCILMEN Ycas Nays Adopted by the Council MAR 2"995-- 193— n sen —�--In favor Approved R 2 8 IM5 —193_— ax /1 t /Warren -/ Against�r �9`_'yy 4enzel ayot 1111r. President (Gehan) / PUBLISHED .J `3 � 357 5Ai 6.34 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL O.. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER M —ROLL CALL FILE - 3!. •------- T0�0�0�N,.CI M.Yr a arson COUNCIL RESOLUTION PEARCEE `D 4�.�L-IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ....._ .................. -W94...-27.._..... ......... _....... ,9........35 ROSEN TRUAX-,,,,__AGAINST RESOLVED, WENZEL TO THE AGGREGAT TH T CHECK OUN F E DRAWN ON TH CITY .. _.Ty.,.07 ;.- - TREASURY, .....COVERING MR, PRES. MAHONEY CHECKS NUMB{�TO i PER CHECKS 'j 11 OE I FF 1'IN( CE OF CI COM US VE PTROLLER".� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ! V4, APP D__. '// 19 - - .. CITY //"{/�/I COM ROLLER _. .. ..I.....Y .J..� YOR P. Nn. 100229— ' U{ _]Yed, That Cha✓ T, TOTAL DATE RETURNED I/ the C•itY TrensurY, Lty nt o[ as l,o72.t•\o [I, 71N FAVOR OF rz u mbe red 12707 CO ,�2y ,Lys cheeks fltP r; TRANS ERDISBURSEMENT CHECK 5 CHECKS BY BAN o 9 i lift' C -on ter. fro /her-lr' _ Adc Pted by bl' IhC�dp trr CoZ Approved BROUGHT FORWARD (�tarc•�p l/ OO 4 l04 % 54 4 ' 12 9 0 6 12707 lestern Shade Cloth Company Development Company 12708 American 256 9 12709 John Hentges & Mary Hentges 12710 J.J.Gillen, Register of Deeds 12711 Elsa M. Obst, Treas. R.O. 53 7 12712 American Insurance Agency 70 0 12713 John W, Mitchell 12 2 12714 Nortbern States Power Company 3 229 7 12715 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 235 1 12716 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 9; 1 12717 Twin City Brick Company 960 5 12719 Inland Investment Company 12719 Review Publishing Company 1 913 64 12720 ThoW T. Kennedy 9 712 05 12721 J. J. Gillen, Refeter of Deed 256 00 12722 Elsa M. Ob, rease R.Co. 194 00 1272] MoCarthy Well Company 12724 Mol'adden-Lambert Company 588 09 12725 MoGill-warner Company 13 00 12726 Maas Keefe Company 40 35 12727 Jobn Maurus Maier sales & Equipment Comp y 93 0 94 12729 Melady Paper Company 12728 34 12730 Merrill-pGreer—Chapman COmpan 20 88 98 12731 Minnesota Rewe Company 8 09 127$2 Minnesota Publio Healtb Asso . 36 1273 Model Auto Body Shop OOO 1273 Monroe Calculating Machine C Ino. 35 5 o 12735 Mutual Paint Company, 102 5 55 12736 Nicole, Dean & Gregg i 64 48 b`F 12737 Nicole, Dean & Gregg 311 65" 1908 Northern States Power Company 486 12 39 Northern States Power Company 17 0 North Star Varnish Company 12741 Northwest Airlines, Inc. 120 54 7 905 o6 12742 N.W. Fuel Company 12743 N.R. Fuel Company 513 23 12744 N.W. Stamp Works, Ino. 25 00 12745 page& Hill Company 85 95 12746 Pan American Union 29 12747 Paramount Pies 12748 Paterson Laboratories 35 00 12749 H./D, Perleberg 7 07 12750 Petroleum Pub. Company 50 46 59 12751 Phsoll Mfg.Company 48 72 12752 Pioneer Maple Products Compan Co 162 54 1275'] Pittsburgh Equitable Meter 12754 Public Works Magazine 3 00 2 04 12755 Purity Baking Companu 12756 Ramaley Printing Company 10 50 36 oo 12757 Rand McNally & Company 5 o4 12759 Rochester Germicide Company 12759 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 192 19 12760 St.Psul Book & Stationery Com any 445 49 222 69 12761 St.Paul-Milk Company 17 80 12762 St.Paul Stamp Works 12763 St.Paul White Lead & Cil Comp y 42^25 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 CM OO _3. 5 177 '3t- Tao sat A ORIGINAL TO CITY CLARK L LO CITY OF ST. PAUL co" No. 1y NO.2 OFFICE OF THE 'CITY CLERK ,COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G NERAL FORM ��11 Jto.. 100$24 --BY R J 3_ PRESENTr.� BY '.eas, There lep a COMMISSITYNER_ DATE se of the United 8 no Legislature of .4a'= .:Rota, two -bills for n . f711iC8YLky" LTJ. JSt •lila ':IY '4{Jsar -Rfi�nfr" WHEREAS, There is pending before the Congress of the United States and before the Legislature of the State of Minne- sota, two bills for unemployment insurance; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it is the duty of the Congress of the United States and of the Legislature of the State of Minnesota to do everything in their power to put the unemployed back to work; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Council of the City of Saint Paul that those individuals who ase -unemployed through no fault of their own should be protected by some form of un- employment insurance; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul go on record as favoring (1) Legislation by both the Congress of the United States and the Legislature of the State of Minnesota, pro- viding employment; and (2) that an adequate unemployment insurance act be passed both by the Congress of the United States and the Legislature of the State of Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be for- warded to the representatives of the State of Minnesota in both the House and Senate of Congress, and to the Ramsey County dlega- Yeas C"' CIWE e Ouse and Senate OY the opteeNays dbofhe unclot$ 93— P rce �—��R_ erson % n f__ In favor Approved M,44R 9 O RtM� 193— (�yflax arren—Against�e/ _ // Wenzel Mayor r. President (Gehan) - / SM 6.34 PUBLISHED �-Z- 5� y, y V* CITY OF ST. PAUL OFF THE CITY CLERK C ESOLU ION—GENERAL" FORM _ DATE— I. FCOUILE NO 100225 FILE - PESS WHEREAS, John E. Trainor, an employe of the Department of Education, was injured on the 23rd day of June 1933, which injury resulted in his death on the same day, and WHEREAS, the Industrial Commission of Minnesota has held that the injury and deatn of the said Jonn E. Trainor arose out of and in the course of his employment witn the City of St. Paul, and has awarded compensation to his widow, Carlotta Trainor, in the amount of $11,45 per week, such sum to be paid during dependency but not to exceed the sum of $7500.00, and also awarded the sum of $150.00 funeral expenses to be paid to the said Carlotta Trainor, and WHEREAS, it is 92 weeks since sucn death, to and includ- ing March 29th, 1935, and compensation for sucn period, in accord- ance with the award of the Industrial Commission, is $1053.40, therefore be it / RESOLVED that the proper city officers be and they i' nereby are authorized and directed to pay to the sai d Carlotta Trainor and Guy W. Kimball, her attorney, the sum of $1053.40 -- compensation to and including March 29tn, 1935, and the further sum of $11.45 per week to the said Carlotta Trainor during her dependency, but not to exceed in all the sum of $7500.00, sucn sum to be payable every two weeks, and the furtner sum of $150.00 to said Carlotta Trainor for funeral expenses, all of sucn sums to be paid out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. C F. No. 300225—BYI. C. Pearce-.+ Whereas, John B Trainor, — ploye of the Department•of Bducal was injured on the 23rd day ofJ•' 1933, which Injury resulted fn his. d:T In the eaane day; aha Whe*•'as, the I held 0 ^.ym Inll' _. has held f+ the inti h. .Y v. Lw /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6•3A Adopted by the CouncilijkjR 2 U 1935 193 Approved AR 29 ___193..- -- ��%`�--_---- Mayor PT T^i .-;T4FD �/1-.� ,_ COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays //fiyarcc / Pe rce n 70sen — ___In favor /`fr-uax /Warren 10 Against /Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6•3A Adopted by the CouncilijkjR 2 U 1935 193 Approved AR 29 ___193..- -- ��%`�--_---- Mayor PT T^i .-;T4FD �/1-.� ,_ odiaiN.L To CITY CLANK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. -100226 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O CIL RESOLV ION— ENERAL FORM" a F' X'-loosze—s3 [ .,r Whereas,oa Dec. Z6, occurr d between a atr• 'd Ladder Truck Nu e .e.rt�an ra PRESENTED ER k w— A. badly:de.maged tj atth�� GOMMISS 7NER DATE .ot..be repalred..and put In aervlca f� 'ta•n, at tti++ = hNlntne hook 3ftXsz m WHEREAS, on December 26, 1934, a collision oct,j;,-. od'�r u,r;r a street car and Hook and Ladder Truck No. 2 of the Fire Department, in which collision the truck was so badly damaged that it cannot be repaired and put in service again; and WHEREAS, the remaining ,hook and ladder trucks available for fire fighting are old and insufficient to provide adequate fire pro- tection to life and property within the city; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to provide a new hook and ladder truck at the earliest possible moment to afford such fire protection, and the funds available for such purpose are insufficient; and WHEREAS, the Purchasing Agent has asked for bids for the purchase of such new hook and ladder truck, and upon the recommenda- tion of the Purchasing Committee, the Council has awarded the con- tract for said truck to Peter Pirson & Sons Company, of Kenosha, Wisconsin, for the am of $16,960, less five per cent for full cash payment within thirty days after delivery; and WHEREAS,a sudden and unexpected emergency has arisen, due to the foregoing facts, requiring that the City borrow money tempo- rarily so as to provide such additional hook and ladder truck, and WHEREAS, there are not sufficient funds in the Equipment Account of the Department of Public Safety in the budget for the year 1935 with which to make said purchase, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to borrow a sum not to exceed $16,512.00 for the purchase of said hook and ladder truck, and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan, a prom- issory note payable to such p- ty or parties, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding five per cent per annum; said note to be pay- able4,one year from the date of execution thereof; be it W%tN l l/ i FURTHER RESOLVED, that the funds so -borrowed be credited to the proper fund of the Department of'Pu;Jtlo Safety and be expended only for the purpose of purchasing said hook and ladder truck and equipment thereon; be it further _COUNCILMEN Yeas _` Nays Adopted by the Council Pearce Peterson Rosen __—In favor Truax Warren _ Against — --....---------------- Wenzel Mayor Mr. Tresident (Gehan) stip has. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERKCOUNCIL �: 1(1(1, CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. 26 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMIS. TONER neT'r I -E. RESOLVED, that any moneys received from the Street Railway Company by way of damages resulting from such collision be appropriated and the same are hereby appropriated for the -pu*etrase of paying off such loan when due, �. 5%1 t,3A Adopted by the Council MAR Fi 9 1M 193._ mm 2 9199 Approved-_.. _I93__ ✓ Mayor PUBLISHED_ k. COUNCILMEN Yeas j P/earce - Nays /P�terson /n `/ /Rosen _ favor "'�Iuax ___—In r arren _Against i cnzcl /Mr. President (Gehan) 5%1 t,3A Adopted by the Council MAR Fi 9 1M 193._ mm 2 9199 Approved-_.. _I93__ ✓ Mayor PUBLISHED_ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLKRK 10022'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i� \ � o� PnuuEcaE, Be I t�� itw _ cJ A • w . %. _ w s -.i •n�' L _.. WHEREAS, the White Eagle Oil Corporation has petitioned the Council for permission to re -design its drive-in filling station on Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition, be- ing at the corner of West Seventh and Randolph streets; and WHEREAS, said Corporation has submitted a blue -print of the proposed changes for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Para- graph (f), Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said White Eagle Oil Corporation to re -design said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage, or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever said Council shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Pearce �f �eterson /RRosen __In favor /T1ruax 10 /6Varren Against /Wenzel / Mr. President (Gehan) Adopted by the Council PEAR 2 3 19S 193 VAR 2 Z 19S SM 6.34 PUBLISHED f� Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL U Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 27th, 1935• the matter of on to re -design th and Randolph an 20. Thomas eon, Brown & the City Co— 11, y, City Clerk. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Covaeel, Building. Dear Sir= The attached file in application of the White Eagle Cil Corporati their drive-in filling station at West Seven Streets, being located on Lots 17, 18, 19 Daly,a Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31, Stin Ramsey's Addition was referred to you, by for resolution granting this permit. Tours very trul POST- CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., Isar- 16 193 6 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of White Eagle Oil Corp. to erect and install a fillingg station located on parte of lots 17 to 20 south of 7th St. Blk. 31 Thomas Dal 's Sub. of Blks. 18 & 31, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Add. --004 W. will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Cham- ber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 27th day of Maroh , 193 6 at 10 o'clock A. M. AXEL F. PETERSON, Commissioner of Finance. Page File 7910 ctTY a � nom, a ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B U I L D I N G. Dear Sir : March 25th, 1935. In the matter o of White Eagle 011 Corporation toareldesignntheir hdrive-in filling station at W. 7th and Randolph Sts., this being on Lots 17, 18, 19 arid 20, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31, Stinson, Brown & Ramseyts Addition. this is an existing station being re -designed on account of,the widening of West Seventh St. The appli- cants have submitted a plan purporting to show all street utilities and the new proposed arrangement of their drive- ways. The curb returns are in accordance with the stand- ards of the City o:t,St. Paul and the order of the State Highway Department relative to trunk highways. The Board recommend that the plan be approved and the permit granted. On 11,tbre ed that the plans eofuary the Whitethe Eagleard OiloCompanygandco�end- the Al. Mergens Service be considered together. Because of the withdrawal of the plan of the Al. Mergens Service and the submission of new plans which removed the conflict between these two companies in the matter of driveways, the Board on March 20th recommended that the plans of the Al. Mergens Service be approved and now recommend that the plans of the White Eagle be approved. Yours very truly, GEORd 0~`` D gh-rh Engineer -Secretary, M. J.'CUWGAN WM. J. SUDEITH Chief of Police Fire Chief ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH G. E. BRISSMAN Health Officer Acting Supt. Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Commissioner March 19, 1985 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of the White Eagle 011 Corporation for permission to instal a drive—in gasoline filling station at 1000 West Seventh Street, and reports of inspection and approval by the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. d Very truly yours, G. H. Barfuss, Deputy Commiss oner THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 19, 1985 Yr. G. H. Barfuse Deputy Co=is sioner of public Safety Dear Sir' This is in reference to application made by the White Eagle 011 Corporation for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on parts southwest of West Seventh Street of Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, Thomas Daly's Sub -division of Blooks 18 and 81 Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition* which is also described as 1000 West Seventh Street. I have made the usual inspection and do not find that the proposed station and driveways will materially interfere with traffic. Very truly yours, *1" HWet gren SuHterof Traffic M. J. CUUJGAN WM. J. SUDEITH Chief of Police Fire Chief ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH G. E. BRISSMAN Health Officer Acting Supt. Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Commissioner 3:arch 1.1,1935 Ho.^..H.E.Warren Commissioner of Public Safety. £t.Paul Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the White Eagle 011 Corporation for permission to install a drive—in gasoline fill— ing station on parts southeast of West Seventh Street of Lots 17,15,19,e.nd 20, Phomas Daly's Subdivision of Block 1£ and 31, Stinson, Broom and Ramsey's Addition: also described as 1000— West Seventh Street. Five pumps and three tanks, two of ICCO ballons each, and one of 500 gallons, are to be installed. V We have investigated the forecoing and reF.crt that such an installation at the desired looation would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, 'p, Chief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau. 9 , Vn tr6yi et'll bFST. PAIX. MITWWE�tOTA RAGIX OIL�ZIOR!POIRAm% dr;Lve 'it —ATtZ;l "D -- LICA -r. 6.1�'Coz Vt-llto Slot 4 J i6i 01 tAl r,%Ill sso 'ECE.Vub COPY Pa6m AV MILTON ROSEN Commissioner ITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GEORGE M. SHEPARD Chid Engineer JOHN M. REARDON, Asst Chief Engr. and Supt. of Construction G. H. HERROLD, Office and City Planning Engineer MARK W. WOODRUFF, Chief Engr. Clerk March 26, 1985 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Building. Dear Sirs FRED E. I. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, Supt. of Sanitation M. S. GRYTBAK, Bridge Engineer RAY 1. KARTAK, Supt. of Workhouse In the matter of application of thud Shite Eagle Oil Corporation to re -design their drive—in filling station at W. Seventh and Randolph Streets, this being on Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 81, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition. This is an existing station being re -designed on account of the widening of West Seventh Street. The applicants have submitted a plan purporting to show all street utilities and the new proposed arrangement of their driveways. The curb returns are in accordance with the standards of the City of St. Paul and the order of the State Highway Department relative to trunk highways. The Board of Zoning recommend that the plan be approved and the permit granted. viewpoint. There are no objections to this plan from an engineering Yours very truly, qDR0ief Engineer. 1 .i n r F • 1. YY Al I I . yr, j ( � 1 1� - - _ ii_ �1' 10� l` �'�,'•. 72C.Q.._._. s11 ,.-,y. ., �.. a�". ry...-_''=.1_ .i...__---.._.._. _ _..__.._.._ -- - - - � - - ir r• , • a, S CC3NY VACUUM Q1 -L Cy Oi, ilir c ErCJ1'! slOh j r I 1 - -- - - CH_ 1 SHEET 5c.r,a 1. 1 Dr'1 H , rr ..� 11-�J V.J !l V V \ /1 SERIAL 110. OF ROLL �� A DEPARTFT.NT C.1 C,ct k ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP DATE TO BE DESTROYED =2— z- DATE HICROFILFED r, __r. -=:7 OF R£Cx7LAR COYTEFTS CX- - s C'R?T :�CROz^IL1%D Aly c Z-1 � S– P Operator JOINT CITY COMITY THICROFILI? O VHo 1S31 Nounios3e Aao�aH�in S08VONVIS j0 0V38na 1VN01IVN FSS `� 9•I� �''t �Z•i��� —0. z -$ j•j VIII �l —Z. Z� ���,' ,' o •� VIII S—ZIIIII ,� Z�iN�� @Ell 46>%,\ \' Q //O y o