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9 l lull 6 l lull S Z l lull 2 4 X1 Ll SERIAL 110. OF ROLL a /04 DEPARTIENT ROLL IDENTIFICATIOF. SLIP ^''.PPIANENT RETENTIOV DATE 'f0 BE DESTROYED I Ltm tee LIMITEL RF.'TNTIO'N DATE !IICROFILFTD CONTENTS HUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS ^ 97 °/30 a v y19 11UI®ER OR NAI1E OF LAST DOCUIENT HICROFILIED SIPIED 1 �f-✓ Opera.or JOI'T CITY COUNTY IIICROFILN BY Super�zsor 818UTION "•c ;9 "Ji5n ... T COUNCIL•RESOL`No— — �MrnovVeno1fiaTs t.e. d, That the Councll hereby .;proves the action of the • Contraot Committee 1n awarding contract fur furnishing n11,'_abor end aa'erial required to inst,11 12 new 4CO candle_ po:Ier 18 foot siaE-Ic light st—dards, move 5 present eLi_le li7,ht standard and _c�av 1 pre el, s1ng1= 11_ht stnn5erd ou Asrora av'n ,rom Ric: .treed to "'.1al street, to the Doi _. 'CCIOil 00., they be in, the lowest re spcn.lbl=_ b$de,e,, for the sum cf $'2,4:7.00, in accordance with glans -.nd specifications - shed, and the Corcoration Csunsel is hereby n tho it d draw u*: the Groper form of cpyltrp.ct therefor. .o."....�o".. 9056 rl. .00 9tat.e Aid - •�"�•• ,487.00 _• - .2.467.00 71 MAY 22 1934 . .... ",.. �—,".,... ,........ "". MAY 22 1934 — -- F. SCOTr. �L g1JDLlshlFa76' .I May 17, 1934' SO 777 YYY il0t{OWLB LLA OR AND THE COUNCIL or THE CITY OF SAINT FAUL. y Oentla�eni The Contraot Committee hereby reoommends that the ,follo ng 1 aontrao.t� be s� arded: *P F. a. 9 5: Furnishing ell lebor ani ma teria3 Ssguired to in tall 13 new 400 candle power 18'fop t s inglI light standards, move 5 present �eingl light standards, and Temove 1�preeent ein,Tle 11 ght ethndatd on Aurora avenue from Rios street to 'Yabeha astreet TO DONOVAN CONSTRUCTION CO. 1' For the a= of - $2,467.00 Engineer's Estimate $5,199.M Complisnoe `o ertifisate with bid. Respect -u ad, THE 9 AC C0 d T V 9 - � CITY OF ST. PAUL ..ends' wui OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �RwoPtu eso qe<n u qH p me DeIG} ne �—GENERAL FQ,; raon ePs { ereo,u .eu, l d 'urn nssHreo � COUNCIL ESOLUTION Y cornMiss,on pE8p6yQy. WHEREAS, a sudden and unexpected emergency has arisen, due to the fact tile, .ne Workhouse Hospi dl has been closed since January 1, 1934, and the estabiisnment of a hospital for the treatment end confine- ment of pe=sons suffering, fr.,m social diaeas s St; urgent, and F,, t_: ar'e n,t sul.icient f// ds In ttl oud,.eL of the Euro u - Hlvi.0 Lo �:e—y t..e exp-nvze of Or Lnr and 0ratin; one '.Yorknouve Hospital for the oelance f the year 1934, now therefore be it R.E30LVE1), that t..a `_' For and ;:ue Jo ptloiler be cnc they are nereoy—1—i-d and directed toborrow the sum of 46b00. Ui and to enecute and deliver to the party or parties makin5; the login a prom- issory note, payable to such party or parties, and bearing interest, at :ate no-, to exceed gree end one -nal. per cent (3�c,) her annum, 6 i note :n be )ayabte one yea' from. the date of execution t:.ereof, and 9E IT z^-..''T.R R F'7SVED, that the funds so borrowed be credited .e ,he .'orknouse 4ospiz-1 Fund, 9-G, of the Oerart:nent of Public 'efecy H^alta Pund'and tit- paid funds be expended only for the p—pose of maintaining '.ne said Torknouse Hospital and defraying the necessary eyp—es incident ver^to. COUNCILMEN JUN Yeas Noye Adopted by the C -6L.... 5T'y j cDonnld JUN W In favor :. Approved _.. .._._... ... _.. _....193-- IRA— /Wylizcl 11-;1 4. JIUPl lAMnyor Gixy�7cLervx -;_[/p_ �J•' <w, e.,r �a(r. Pr lent Mahoney { Adopted by the Council..'.... 193 . Yeas. Nay.. MAY MI DONALD PEARCE ROSEN / TRUAX IVGNZCL —' / AIR. PRESIDENT (MA110NEI-l* L art. Adopted by the Council.. ......193 Yea.. Nays. MAY NkDONALD 4EARCE -I / /11 /ROSEN j TRUAX -"II'ENZEL MR�PAL81DEN'C (MAIIIIOONEI" Ix l v/ Adopted by the Council..'.... 193 . Yeas. Nay.. MAY MI DONALD PEARCE ROSEN / TRUAX IVGNZCL —' / AIR. PRESIDENT (MA110NEI-l* L art. PoknH¢l H.Ao, - CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Gvir.l of Minnno� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC .SAFETY T.mh sed Micee..0 Sh..b 0, JOHIy,.H. MAONALD, COMwssIOHer O'COHHELL D.— Ca..i.w.. 1`I ` 20, 1934 /lebruary Mr. John H. Mn ODOld CommdesiOncr of Public Safety St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir, A matter of vital importance which merits dints tteatin. is that of the control of the socia senses. As you know, the Como Hospital xhiob heretofore ated person affected by venereal die - i61, oa January 1, 1934, closed by the City Council beoana lof lac of fade. I am ttaohing letter from Dr. A. E. Ai.hol., Acting Chiof of th Hnrean of Health, which covers this matter quite thorn y. This matte should without delay, be brought to the attention of the Council in order that ar- rangemeate may be mads Yor re sad quareatin of infected person. May I eug of that provielon be made at the Canty Jail far �t' h oases. You x111, I nm , a reole.te the grave - nese or this eitntion end t erefore, that you will give it your immediateenti VeryArul)j yours, b� Thos. Dnhill Chief Polios CITY OF SAINT PAUL C'Pltrl of ml...not. - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T•.Ih .cd MI—sou Sa..h JOHN H. M ON�LD,CohuussioNEn ,N— c.onNNa.O.yry �..miw.. CdB® 7ebrmary 19th, 1934. Thomas E. Dahill, Chts7 of Police, Department of Public Safety, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Door Chief Dabillr ` On January let, 1934, the Cmo Hospital was closed by the City Council, because they were unable to ma]. provision for same Sn the 1934 f budget. Since then, the Burson of Health has bean unable to quarantine many infections cases of Syphilis and Conorrbee., although we are so directed by the State Board of Health. Only last week, two cases were brought to our attention, both butchers employed in large shops, who were infected with Syphilis. If these mea do not cooperate with the Bar --of Health, under the g seat eov- ditioa they will be able to remain in the shop and cut most for the consm- Sug public. ' 91mce J_1st, there have been at least tea Court s Cess., male and female, who should be- been quarantined, a. they Sn 41 probability, were sources of Infection - Parity Squad and Poliea Depart- ment arrested them. Ons, case was a colored man who was Snfeuted with Syphilis, whom the Barren of Health had been trying to locate since Oct- ober, 1933, and on January 22nd he was brought into court for violating the Liquor Law, and the Bureau of Health was nnabla to gaarautiaa h1m' The Sheriff rafts.. to take any one it the County Jail ■hp is infected, and both Judge Parke and Fdmhout have agreed not to a.- to—infected co-tenseinfected women to Jail, consequently they may walk out of court and still be scarce. of infection, knowing the law will not pre—te them. Tbs Police Department, Parity Department, ProbAtion De- partment, and different organisation., be- requested the an of Health for eso�inetions, and we have been unable to Comply d� e Control of Venereal Diseases is of vital importance to the health and happiness of the people; It Se one of the most important step. over undertaken for the physical and mental selfare of the people' The Bareau of Health rad the Bureau of POline, should CITY OF SAINT PAUL Opihl .I Mleeoct. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.mh .ed Mme..at. Stroh JOHN H. M ONALD, Cornwssic— MOmiSG.oco. FLL—ce..e•1— ASrQ yebruary 19th, 1934. Chief Dahill. -2- have the active assistance of the serous orgsaisetlous devoted to public welfare, is sradicating Venereal Diseases. It Se claimed by authorities, that seventy-five percent of Insanity is due to Syphilis, acquired or inherited. Syphilis not only brings misery to the guilty, but Se passed on to the innocent of second and third generation.. These victims of Venereal Diseases ars difficult to control or cooperate with. —... those In authority have the backing for enforcement, very little can be accomplished. yours very truly, D. ANgS Acting Health Officer. r Y �' t ' yyE ER2t00, R 0940 • ee 2,600e00 ;'•,10 Ob "°' X1:26 MIwo '• ' ;Dor6 .. ppllea a ... b. .t, �b98 2 00 1's S 00 .K r f SOie7. 8�p??9B 4,8�69s E0� ]A.889.b6 rp. y s •� S— E8 ¢ dqr 3urlaa"1e68 +min° , Yg rr h""`< 6verag'e prtlgamen per { Iry _. 747 a o APPROPRIATION FOR 1934 ( Cemo Hospital ) Wage Bund _ _ ' 7,500.00 lnaludes _ 1 Dootor _ 138,00 Me 3 Natrona _ _ 114.16 \[• 1 Guard _ _ 71.70 Lege 149E Cut Hxpensee _ Board of Prisoners _ j 2,000.00 luppliee _ 200.00 Misoellaneous,�Ooi net supplies 50.00 $ 2060.00 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capilal of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLUM F. -.- C'." e.d C—Wi r of �� 0.aaisnaiion May 22nd, 1934. Yr. L. L. 9nde reon, Corporation Counee 1, Hui ldiag. Dear Sir: The attached resolution by Cos, al. atone. McDonald, authorizing the borrowing. of $6500.00 by the CS ty under the emergency loan aectdon of the City Charter for the purpo ea of providing fuads to defray the expense of operating the Bgrkhouse Hospi- tal far the balance of 1914 was referred to you, by the City Council, with the request that you give them your written opinion as to whether o not this constitute. such an mergency under the said Charter provision as would authorize the negotiating of said loan. Tne Council would apprlci:t' having your opinion at tomorrow-. meeting, if possible. Tours very truly, City Clerk. MV 22nd, 1914, Mr, L. L. Anderson, Corporatton Counsel, Badding. Deer dire The attached ro solution by Coo~ m tssioner tbtbld, authortaiw. the borrovinF of $'6500,00 by the City under the emermenoy loan section of the City Charter for the purpose of providiw, funds to defray the omanee of operating the Norkhonss Aoapi- tal ter the bel anoe f 1914 sos referred to You, by the City Connoil, w2 the reoueat that you Five them your vri sten apiniondor toe Itd Chane ptoviaion un.t:tnteo —1 h an emarpe, ua ea n d anthortae the aegoliating, of said loan. The CounalI could appreaiate having your optn}on at tomarros'a wettiw, if possible. Tours very truly, City Clerk. .... _ �3onra of Public 3fflelfare oV Xou. CITY 01 IT. PAUL IT reoL- Mu+H. April 1'a, 1934. JohnH. McDonald, Commissioner, Do par tment of Public Safety, Room 379, Court House. My dear Mr. McDonald: TheBoard of Public Relfare has given earnest consideration to your request rela tive to the treatment of persons suffering from venereal diseases which was discussed at the meeting on March.the 27th. However, an opinion has been received from the Assistant Corporation Counsel, Hilary J. Flynn, and the Assls tant County Attor.ney, John M. McConneloug, which recites in part as follows: °WB are of the ooinon that poor relief moneys cannot be expended for such purpose. According to statements made at the Joint City Council and County Board meeting, persons afflicted with such disease might not necessarily be poor persons and in a greaymany instances would not even be residents of this county and for this reason expenditure of such funds would be objectionable and, furthermore, we do not believe that it is the duty of your Board to restrain such persons during treatment.' Rive Board shares with you the gravest concern over the dangers bo the community which lie in this situation. We are convinced that something should be done promptly to regulate this condition as it has been controlled in the past. We regret that we are not able, within the legalrestrictions under which the Board operates, to render any material assist- ance at this time. By order of the Board of ,®I 1 c `eAjfire. G. A. 4tdqt. gal/smm ave.e„e.. TTyw,te:mm.hee.r �17J40 r CITY OF ST. PAUL . ana ne he.ehr �: 'oihaen n NO........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLP s COUNCILLUTIONENETj ESO cosMSMls�.elo°scx_���1��._f i fLa9. Z2., 1fl34._.. RESOLVED That the Corporation Counsel be and he hereby is orders.`Y to co-operate and assist Plaintiff and Plaintiff's attorneys in every man—r possible in the prosecution of the claim of the Cit: of St. Paul against the Northern States Power Company for the million dollars alleged overcharge against the city by that company, in that certain action pending in Ramsey County District Court, entitled "Mary Callend$F, as teapayer on behalf of herself, etc. vs. Northern States Power Company and City of St. Paul^, and that brief supporting said Plaintiff's position and contentions be prepared and filed by our said Corporation Counsel In the appeal now pending in the Supreme Court of Minnesota from the order of Judge Gustavus Loevinger overruling the demurrer of the Northern States Power Company in said action �9 ,\I _._etiTre COUNCILMEN yy Ye. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cuuncil ... ii�i1...2.g_193k....193 _. .. Y �J Donald m �e res ........Is favor Approcrd 1�QY..9.d..17.7.e... 193.. Agnimt7iG MMemr �/r�s�r eY tin IM,. Prehide L M.1, y y wm. F. �CllTT. Pilll.l\III'!) C.(TY CCLMa 77' o.TY any CIOF ST. PAUL .� rn NO......_. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I PwF�N �o a. AT. . L RESOLYEm That the City Council of St. Paul order the Corporation Counsel and he hereby is ordered to substitute the City of St. Paul as Plaintiff, or obtain leave of Court for said City of St. Paul to intervene as a party Plaintiff in that certain actiton to recover back over a million dollars unlawful overcharges due the City from the Northern States Power Company, which action is entitled; a " Mary Callender.,/on behalfof herself and all other -xpay=rs of the City of tt. Paul, Plaintiff, -vs- Northern Ste tea Poser Com, any,a corporation, and City of St. Pa.:l, a municipal corporation, Defendants. ^ and which action is pending in the District Court of Ramsey County, Minnesota, appeal rrom which is being perfected in the Minnesota Supreme Court upon an Order of Judge Gustavus Loevin,er overruling the demurrer of the Northern States Power Company, and order@ng said case on for trial. COUNCILMI.N Yeo. Nay. Adopted by the Council_ ..._ .... 193... _ May FfcDon.Id Pearce _... _.. _... In f.vor Approved.......... ...............193.. R.— Truax _..... _.... Agsin.t ...... Wenzel Mr. President Mshoosy Covveil File No_......._... m � By CITY 11 ST. 11U1 Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the aescssment of benefit., damage.. ...te end expenses for grading paving, oomtruetivg a amort sidewalk. a o..netrvoting existing eldasalke and 000etrueting or reconstmating ornanentallights on the rolloaing atrostMs Seventh St. ftm Sixth St. to center lire of Smith Ave. ae wid—d by C. F. 93767. approved Sept. 20, 1932. Sixth St, fro, seat line of Franklin St. tr. 172 ft. east of nashington St. Franklin St. free Sixth St. to Seventh St. Fifth St. from essE live of usohange 9E. to • line d m Prom a pel.nt o the worth acerb Line 186.9 ft. seat of Fravklin St. to a Point on the south curb line 207.8 ft. west of Franklin St. produoed Kellogg Boulevard free Wim Ave. to Seventh St. all of the abovs Sark to iaalvde curbing and Paving alley end dri—mv approaches, reoonstavotiug dr1romy approaches share neos..ary, oenairueting sneer eatar and ga. oolffeoti-A from street mins to property 11acs share not already made, making all neoeesary changes In satsrmies. Masers and appurtenances, installing conduit ' for tMgf,10 signals. and srklng chenggM made ne4aa.ery by the aideming of Savgmth St. in t}'te striata Lot—...ting it betas- the aforesaid limit.. else .11 otherenrk neasea-7 and,—GnUal ta the abmwaSsm ib.d fnryrevasaet, also clanging the 'reds of the fsll..d g street. to .—f—to the red I.- profile. hereto attached d mad. a part hereof. and reson.tructirtg cideawlk., curb. FPaving and other asieting Improvements to Bald red lines when eetabli.heds ' Cbc t -t St. fret Seventh St. to 118 ft e mubhoast of Sweeth Ste West aide of Smith Ave. from Seventh St. to 40 ft. south of Seventh St, j gnat aide of Smith Ave, rree Seventh St. to 45 ft. Smith of Seventh St. North fide of Forbes Ave, free Seventh St. to 19 ft. Best of Seventh St. ` Seat side or Leech St. free Seventh St. to 28 ft. south of Seventh St. South aide of Ramsey St, free Seventh St. to 37 fb, cast of Seventh St. North side of R$mear, St. 4roo -anth St. to Bilkin St. - Sobthecot side of Sherman St, from Seventh St. to Wilkin at. Rorthesetaids of Walnut St. flee Seventh Ste to 30 ft, soothe at of Seventh St. ea Southst side of Eagle St. free Seventh St. to 46 ft. Menth.s.t of Seventh 9t. p West vide of Franklin 8t. from Sixth St. to Seventh St. 1 Ii J" oa S—th Street .hail be 3}s asphaltic oonersts pavement surface with 2J" brick gutters, 7 feet id.1 en Sixth Street 31 Sheet asphalt payment surface, and on Fifth Street 3e brick pavement surface. and at the triangle between Street oar tracks at the intereection of Seventh Street and gellegg Boulevard, 41 IIgr pavenent base shall be 7" oworateS Chestnut Street $ball be resurfaced eith brick free Serenth Street to 118 feet southeast of Seventh Street; the pavement betsesv the rails of tho street nils W tracks shall be granite block on co orsto baso free Sixth St, to Rea.ey St. and concrete free Resmey St. to Smith Avee. the 2 foot Strip outside of the outside rails to be paved with 4" asphaltic concrete, r the payment ;kith shall be 30 feet on Seventh St. free Sixth St. to Ramsay St. and 58 ft Pram Ramsey ft. to Smith A—, and 40 feet on Pifth St. aced Sixth St.; nes ornaiental lights of_$the combined trolley pole and single light type ,ban be installed betseen Sixth et. and Kellogg Boulevard an ® d the existing ornectal ll�i— o1 tr.s remblvod troll oY -1, n. .. .t ;le 11o1:e type batecau gelleg' Boule- vard and Smith ,.vv. shell be moved to oonforr. to thu -- street Width. a iop[ed by the Council..... ....x.,,,..193... Yens. Nays. 1-4cDONALD PEARCE i! b I /OSENTRUAX ENZE U 1 //I/R. PRESIDENT (\IAIIONEI'; f\ Adopted by the Council ................193... Yea.. Nays. QQ /MAY /NitDONALD I / IEARCE lq�11'/yi✓ 4OSEN UAx �Y ENZ EL �I Y 1R. PR6SIUEN'I' (M:\IIONEI int ,�fJ Adapted by theY:ouncyl. _ . _ 193 Yen.. Nay,. ZAY /cDONALD 4EARCE '//ROSEN i4�7 IlTR XV6.ZEL SIR. PRESIDENT IMAHONLI' Adopted by the Council. . —/ 193 Yces, Neye. /AY /cDONALD /PEARCE /ROSEN /'fRUAX IN ENZEL , /MR. PRESIDENT IMAIIONEY, Adopted by the C-61 -'MAY /McDONALD .PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX WEN EL 'NIR. FRES I DENT (MAIIONEY) 0111' OF IT, OFFIL'E OF 71'F. CO1111ISSIONER OF FTN A_NCE Report of Completi n of Assessment __.April.. 2b__... _.. 10_34. Iu the matter of ene.eth%3�ot of benefice. a.ma5ee, costa and expaoeee tee rlr.g art std • ming -toting addesalka Wad aon•truatintt t1a5 o N It the follw.in5 sty who. S.vwth St. from Sixth St. to A4010 line of Smith Are. as Widened by C. F. 53767. approved Sept. 20. leis. Sixth St. fror W.at line of Fraeklia St, to 172 ft. Wert of Weahingtan St. Frenklie St. free Sixth St. to sovwth St. rim st. fres West It.. of 5x.hege St. to r. It.. drawn free a Pout oa the Werth ourb line 166.7 ft. a"t of Franklin St. to • point w the ewth verb lino 307.8 ft. Wevt of Franklin St. prod—.d lellegg Boulevard frw Main dN. to Sneath St. all of the abate fork to iaelude etmrbing and paving alley and driveway approeahe•. resw.t_.ti C driveway app hes share nesoewry. Woo tru-tlag eager, water end gam co wU:.. fro■atr." wine to property linea where net .1rNdy made, making all eeooeesry ah agao is owl—ine. aNara and appartaoawea, inatolling conduit for traffic .igooi.. cad Welkin •hng- —do moos ..ry by the .idem., of Seventh St. is the rtn.g Sntora.oting it between the aforesaid licit.o al.o ell other Work steamy end enoebial to the above described Imp—weentr valve ahoaging the gvede of the following atreete to aanfow to the red lines oe the prafiiN hereto aEd�ah•d and apart hereof, amd reeenetrovtiag sldeoalks, eurb,� paving effi other ed•tiag rerraot. G avid rad lines When ertebll.hed. ad Ch.fft=t St. Free it. to lie ft. 'ft.' of 8evoth St. riart side of 8eith frena Seventh St. to 40 ft. Beeth or Sereath St. 'vet ride of 3rd to 46 ft. awth aP eereath St. Borth vid. of F dtw. —Nth t. to is ft. Wart of fi—th St. cert aid. of Ste from S.v.etk 3 to 25 ft..eath of 8erwth St. South aide of 4emoi St. trot 3eve.kt► to i7 ft. —",or 8.vmtb St. North side of Beeaq St. tram Seo :.St t. Wilkie St. Soath...t "q of Sherman Bt• f—j Wroath St. to Wil kL et. N orth—ta i" of wel—t et. Ifs Sevwth St. to 30 ft. ewltkNat of Soreoth St. SouthNet side of Faglr St. from Sevwtb St. to 48 !t. sonth.00t of Sevwth St. Wert Wide of P;anklia St. free girth St. to Serath et Watarhl w Swooth street .hall be Se esph►ltle N •ret. paew.int �! briak getters. 7 Peet wide! w 81dh NI W9 i" shoat -,Y and aA Fifth 9.4rAlili a' aberat oar traaka' at the iattoesootioe or-l-Wwth Stroh a.A,itl7sg�ieul..Lrds oil n pavergat.bare ahal'i h� Tp' evnseMe! Qhaatst-iMee�;�i?i7lsli re—faaw e,itb brier frw Seventh stiyeet tb ilW'reat inulh.a.t of seveeth Str6.tt_- bloek on oonur.t.•t�� _1^•.. ..,_ ..,,o•Sao rg11e to Ua paved WithJe bj^ ...nh.lEla eerwr..la. :ev_ a L.etb .. meant uldth shall be SO feet on - cos QOcfvat wLFifN'�t. -r1:a11 •t 'Sra...rt free Ao.eey St. to with Ava.. 1. 11 ht ental li6hte or the o biped trellaY Pole and eiag g tb'P°- b. n�txll4d Sotroreon Sixth St. and lollagg Soule.ard end the erletiag crura tel nod traltla�peln m. gle light type between Be11- ..—:lo- �.r. the N etr.ot width. undrr Pr.bm� y Onl 94721 .Inti l�nry Order 96217 F-i.al Order1. 96446 r �yyrr n11 ....I MAY, bb 1'133 To the Conned of the City of The Cnmmi,s....rV Fi.en.. herchy report. to the Conn.il the following ns n statement oY tLr e3prn- ditty,, necessarily incurred and to be incurred for em1 in ......tion with the making of the,abore ins pruv. meat, vu Cost of oonetrueti— $111.609.32 ---- CovetrveElon Engineering 7.265.32 Cost of publlehlag voLloe O 16.60 Cost of poetel .—d.+� 5. 30 Impeotlon fee. 2.447.72 dmouvt of eourt ooets for oonfirestlov 1g.60 Saver aoaneotio.. 865.16 Nater oonneotiove 6.289.16 Curbing 1.797.87 ......__ Sidewalk. 9.662.9E Areaways 2.016.67 Drie wgye 41.30 Said Belevoe to Owner 0.00 m n, ¢bar.-o=.ermmd. (Bens fits 424,612.01) to wit. th (IMmagee = 16.00) n,l d,�m.1 b.velit.d by .h.: ...d i iota. Expenditures �'^' • I with th. b. fit. ed to 6tt R- Co. Le.e the sum b111ree f. "'dd ht I Ls the ewn of C -d' 31 x. 1-Yeer 3Y32 eo E•eo q)-4�7$d�46- comll.f.,l br bm .i�...,1 (Leve the a of (Code 31 E 1-yser 1935)'312.936.94 'red p...... wl irl:.i� k and (Leas the a of (Ravine,, Street Bond f1.d A - Nnt Ae ave mnent (Balance to pity) -T-04 6.01 I -dc, P,licam-1) 01,1�1 94723 li.,, O�d, 95217 �Insl Order—.— T, the Coweil of f I -d d !� ecacd benefited by---" the said imp—aaaaat,!andna�qi�of each lot, P.4 of perm'mmnr-ia� --th tic Iea,fila as 1,� h— and Caaac—i-,r Yey 23rd, 1934. Hoa. Milton Rosen, Coms-r of Finance, Building,tit t; Mr L, C, Seemer Dear Sir. The attached R ... lotion Ratifying Issessnent in the matter of inprovement of Seventh Street from Sixth to Wth, eta., under Preliminary Order 94723 was laid o• r to May 25th end referred to you and the City Snglneer with the request that you report to the Coum11 regarding,the oonstrooting of arenweya under the sidewalko1 the necessity for constnwting or roconetruotlng,• these a -eye; the,.oet of wan end the method of ewe®!ng the cost, etc. Yr. C. ?. Hforn, ett=y, oh,)eoted ........nt for the Cost of Hese —ways. your renort, fill you please return the order with Tour, very truly, City Clerk, Key 231d, 1934. It, Ceoxg. N. Shepard, Chief Engineer, City of Saint Paul. Penn Sir, Tho attached Reaclution HatifyixW Ae 91ee1e1t in ti -e matter of impro—ent of S—th Streat fro, Sixth to Smith, etc. under Prelimimry Order ,y'�4723 sae laid o r to 11sy 21th and referred to yon end Mr. L. C. 9erser ri th the ro—t that y— report to the Cotmeil — Carding the constructing of are—ye under the side Salk s; the Mae sei ty for eon. trmtioro reoonstroOtinP the ea areareya; the coat of same end the method of •,sassing the oost, etc. Yr. C. 9, Biorn, attomay, objected to am aeseae-.,t for the met.of thee- axe easy. your report? Will you please return the order -ith Your. very truly, City Cleric. � )7942 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matterof__almdamiug_and _taldag sa eeaeme>rL 1n_tha_land �eoeeaery Sor_alnpos._ este end fill.in the gr.ding of Alley in Blook 6, Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyte Como Outlets Prom Web sokAvenue to Hoyt Avenue, L under Preliminary Order_________ 9727d --------- approved- _Fnbrtiery_2-1934----------------- Intermediary , Intermediary Order-------------- 97603--------- approved__Herah--- 20,19E4________________ - Final Order ------ ----------- ---- 97689_._------- approved__ April___ ll. 193E .___________.___ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or msements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respect, ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council -MAY isT---------------- - Approved______ 19__ �y �a __ t93C / / _ _ City Clerk.-_ ___, , Councilman 8� y Councilman MCDb alb-�' ) PUBLISHED Councilman Yea}ce Councilman Rohland Z Go ... ilman Sadheimer Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS t'") ..I VGFITS In the matter of__ Doer¢_maing_eng_cnkSng_�n_e_s_emient_in_ the land_n sory_ror elope., out, and fill, in the grading of Allay in Block 5, Hy -0. Hearrangemeat of Hoyt'c Como Cutlote from Hebr,slra Avenue to Hoyt Avenue,. under Preliminary Order ---- 27224------ approved ------- Fat—y-2-1454_____________________ Intermediary Order -------- ,97fiQg------ approved ------- Hatch --- 20—_lam _____________________ Final Order_______________ 11708____ approved ------- Apvll --- 1.7— roe4____-_______._____-_- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- pri,ted for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ------ Commissioner_ - of Finance. I WMINNINIVININE 1 Laid 3rd. a app. ... Adopted I Yeas / Nays Peas Nays hfav ay Id � Ic Donald ^ , a�n Ra U ,.n � rrr�aa Pres. 1lahoncy \ir. 1'r.s. \I ahoncy /J ORDINANCE 1743 OUNOIL An ordlnancg repealing Ordinance No. 7291, entitled 'An ordinance providing for the extension of the ear line from North Dale and Maryland streets, north on Dale to Lake Oomo and v Phalan avenue, in the City of 9t. Paul,' approved January 27, 1931. 4 THE COUNCIL OF THE OITT OF NT. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7291, approved Janu- ary 27, 1931, be and it Se hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force thirty days after its passage and publication. c'ss cl,'a: asy oraia.... R. m u.r, .aon.a mar owsa..e. sd. vaa am. u x oRa.Ul aw.r. L ;6 FAR6DBOR. Yeas Cauppilmsn N.S. Passed by the Council JO 8.04_______ .. _. . In Favor Pearce Rosen J "Pruax Against - 'tvenzel 1 Nr. �resid nt'hrraeyl - �' 19Q= Fi v - .appro.ea: ,,....,r cru I h•�� _ I Adopted by the Council T93_ Yeas. / Nays. PEARCE .�— iRGSEN /IRUAX WARREN AENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) i �/ l No.._ `1'794.5 CITY OF Sir. PAUL a .v """^" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Rey WHEREAS, for some time pact, the City has ranted from th 9ooieta Italia the gymnasium and other parts of the building necessary to operate the gymnasium, located in that oartain building owned by said Societe Italia, at the northwest corner of Bradley and Pe=L9idgs Streets, in the City of 9t. Paul, for recreational activities, and WHEREAS, the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings needs to use the building for the acme purposes this year and there is contained in the 1934 h -Item 19—A-3, a sum set up for this purpose, at the rate of. 0,00 per month, for the year 1964, therefore be It RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and -they are hereby authorised to enter into a lease of the said premises for the year 1934, at the said rental of #90.00 per month, and the Corporation Counsel to diresj,ed to prepare the proper lease therefor. "N 04 f 'r ,m or 1-211 �,.,. ,n..,ror.. „_, COUNCILMEN¢ __. Y 23.1934.... I93 ... �McDon¢Id �aY $9 1934 Penre,. In favor Approved.... -_...___.. _... _..._ ...193_.... Rosen Mayor AVenzol TY CLEaK b `_ /I(Ir. President M¢hnney j� 9'r" CITY OF S 1 )46 T. PAUL .iL. � NO._._.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Po -M =s o1EAc WHEREAS, a waster plumber license has been heretofore issued to Arthur T.'Swenson, 988 Jenks Street, and WHEREAS, the said Arthur T. Swenson has been ordered by hie doctor to remaia in a hospital or sanitariums for a period of at least one year, thereby rendering his license valueless to him, and WHEREAS, the said Arthur T. Swenson has aade request for a refund of the license fee, in part, for the unexpired term of the license period, because of his great need for the money, and WHEREAS, the pro rata mount of the license fee to be re- funded is $23.34, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to refund to the said Arthur T. Swenson the em of #83.34, upon surrender by his of his master plumber license. COUNCILMEN iso r— N111 Adopted by 6ne C ,.I .. p3 1934_ Asa �Y // �i/ lcDonald ii" MAY $51934 /I'anrce T. b,—Approved __- _ "r"— /iVrnul ....Motor H _ r /Al'. I/riwi.lrnt M'h..r Y ��aa, ar a No-- E17;14% CIN OF ST. PAUL .v OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK COUNCIL RESOLD ON—GENERAL FORM P—N Eo °. --- >�® HHERHAS. heretofore en •oa sale• liquor license nae been issued to 0. H. Regenanes for the pr ba Street, emises known as Ho. 816 East Yinnehaand Hf�REAS, the said 0.:. Regenauar has requested that We Y1oBreaasn transferred regneeto tnthatthee��nee beand ttrmefarre�d to bar, and HHEREAB,the B ad Anna Y. Brennan has given a bond in the SUN of $3000.00, in compliance with the ordinance, and i HHEREAB,the License Committee has recommended that the transfer be peratltted, therefore be it REBOLVED, that the sai• license of 0. H . Regenauer for the ibove described premises be and the same Is hereby transferred directedYt Brmakkeathe proper changes incity theofficers hereby nn City records. BZ IT rURTHEH RESOLUD, that the bond of said Anna Y. Brennan to hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the C'axeounsel isin eauthorized and diroffice of the ected tonotifythe theCorporation On the bond of the said 0. H. Regenauer of this action of the Council, liability releasing etton surety from nay lI, 7 arisi - ng after the pub- lication of this resolution. omat" 9 COUNCILMEN Yam n`8Y ��bo�ald � or In (nv �IG�ecn 'ltunx Aeeinet ��Venacl / Mr. Ptdent Mnhonay A.._ .... 193_... IV . 193 Mayor I. JC()173, - CI'1-1' GLC&IC �UL CITY OF SAINT Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK wiwnei F. scop C. City Cleh end Commissioner of Regis�raiion May 15th, 1934. Hon. 1. H. McDonald, Chairmen, License Committee, Building. ear Sir: Ae attach herewith request of 0, W. Begenauer for transfer of his On Sale Liquor license covering premises at 875 Bast Minnehaha Street t,� Anna M. Bt.- The Council today referred this matter to the License 0-1 ties for investigation and recom,endation. Scute very truly, City Clerk. State of Minnesota, ) ea. County of Ramsey, ) For value received, I, O.R. Regenauer hereby transfer, assign and at over unto Anna B. Brennan, all my right, title and interest in a certain On Sale Liquor License covering premises at 975 Rast Minnehaha Street, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. I hereby authorize the transfer of said Liquor License to Anna M. Brennan. I hereby further transfer, assign and set over unto A nna M. Brennan all my right, title and equity in any otne.r State, County or local licensee of any description, which at present is issued in my name, covering said premises at 975 Fast Minnebaha street. m / State of Minnesota, ) ee. County of Ramsey, ) On this 12tn day of May, 1934, before me personally appeared 0. W. Regenauer, to we well known to be the same person who executed the foregoing instrument, and as, acknowledged that he executed the awe as and for his own free act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. JOHN ENTFNil'. Ir. _ NOTA Y r, - My "' r. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK oea a oe c o . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL Ik\ ranayrsve=LGC. R RREI�.AB thrniehed the services of R. L. the Burns and McDonnel3 Engineering Company Beldmin on October 25 to 25, 1938 end paid hotel and traveling espensea for auch time at a total ezpense of $209.01, and waREAS the Burne and McDonnell Engineering Company furnished the services of a P. Bate r in Yarch, 1954 in oonnection with the preparation of °rate ordinance and paid the hotel and traveling expanse. incidental thereto totaling $195.70, and RREREAS theae, service$ and .:pensee are in accorda.ce with valuation contract entered into het- the MY of Saint Paul and the aforementioned engineering company and the Committee on Public Btilltiee hes approved the payment of these amorists, TBERmu BE TT RESOLVED that the City Cornell approve these bills and instruct the proper city SO officers to make the payment of same COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ MAY.91.1934...193_ - Y_ Donald 2g iaa_ 193 _-- �I[/'�eoarceApp Quad .... _ - Ag.m t ✓ 'i�l1'fl' Mayor AN, mol rim. F. ScO m" PCItI ISrIL'D to- y�� em a• r Prrejde,t Mahoney -tTv 5.¢vx BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMI-NY CONSULTING ENGINEERS. . . ......... KANSAS S _CITY. Apr. 5th, 1934 (Copy of bill of 10-27-33) CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINffo To services of R.L. Baldwin, Oct. 23 to 25 Inc. 3 days @$50.00 par day, - - - -- - - - - - - $ 159-00 Hotel and Traveling Expenses ----- - - - - - - 59,01 TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - $—OYM+ State of Missouri) )as County of Jackson) of Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company l "a.*. une foregoing account V is just and correct, due and unpaid. I make this statement for the,purpose of obtaining payment of Said claim:. Subscribed and,4�n to before me this 9th day of April, 1934• smi. e 1'0TAR'j.. _.1.'rPLI %_'13 8 BURNS S. MCDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY CONSULTING ENGINEERS KANSAS CITU. Mar. 23, 1934 CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. .Amount due for Engineering Services: .Time and Expenses, M.P. Hatcher, in connection with preparation of rate ordinance: Time - 3 days, @ $50:00 0per day, - - - - - - - !, Expenses_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 0 TOTAL State of Mlasourlo )as County of Jackson) I,�}�- > -,��v of Burns k McDonnell Eng neer ng ompany do sG�emnly —af that he foregoing ecco—t Se bus d correct, due and$ unpaid. Ij�make this statement for the purpo a of obtal Hing payment of aid cl6lm. S cribed and sworn to before me t s 23rd day of March, 1934. Comm. $spires I BURNS &McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY CONSULTING ENGINEERS KANSAS CITY. Mar. 23, 1934 CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. Engineering Services rendered: Office time = computations on effect of rate ordinance - Mr. Mayts letter of March 15th,1934: Time - 3 d -Y- at $50.00. - - - - - - - - - - - 150-00 State of Missouri) )as County of JRckson) I, of Burns & McDonnell Enginscring Co. do so emmly swe t t c foregoing or" g ing acconic a at T ' statement f andsorrect , due and unpaid, make th�i—t.too. or the purp Be of obtaining of said I of a pay.' t 1.1 of 3rd da� Sub.cri 1, re me this of March, 1934. --T NOARS PIIS IC fah ,p p' Commis sl qn ..piro. 2�23,6 BURNS S. MCDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY .. CONSULTING ENGINEERS y KANSAS CITY. e May 12, 1934• Aon. Va. Mahoney, Mayor, ° St. Paul, Minn. My dear Mayor: C'e have your letter of May 11th and note that Y— Anderson and Commissioner key objects to our bill for drafting the application to the Federal Government. This was an engineering service not contemplated and not provided for under our contract. In fact, when w were first employed, the PYLs appiica tion shouldA. w not heard of and yet it w eapparant to s11 concerned that this be filed. The legal part ofit Mr. Anderson no doubt compiled at the expense of the city and it must have taken him considerable time, as well s some of his assistants, and yet the engineering part of this appllca tion involves ten times a much work for the engineers, and in justice to us, we cannot conceive of how Mr. May or Mr. Anderson should object to at least covering our actual expense and Outlay for this additional work brought about through the filing . of the federal application, and we believe upon further considera- tion, they themselves will fatly realize the injustice of asking us to do this work without any compensation. Regarding Mr. Hatcher's two bills, we note the willingness of Mr. Anderson and Mr. May to approve of the bill of $193.70, providing the bill of $150.00 is cancelled. The bill of $150.00 was made necessary because of theseveral daysI work of Mr. Hatcher in supplying the information after his return to the office. We agree that it was related to the first bill, but St was an additional service after he returned here. However, we do not want to be arbitrary In this matter for we are anxious to get the account closed and we will therefore cancel the bill of $150.00. You may therefore so advise Commissioners May and Anderson so that we may re cel ve settlement of $191.70 upon Mr. Hatcher's bill and this leaves the bill for the utility plant and application still unsettled. in the amount of $463.50, and in all fairness we believe this other unsettled account should be allowed. Sincerely yours, BURNS & MCDUNNELL Engineering Company, ✓// REMaDonne 11-S By ;AOO50.1Q1 '// t� E M. SKIVTON / oewn comcnoller CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cayital of PT j� CITY COMPTROLLER I 1/ ROOM 109 CITY HAIL April 16, 1934. Ron. WIiIt— Mahoney, Mayor, City of Bt.Fooll Minn. Dear sirs \ Referring to copy of bill of Hume & McDonnell. dated April j. 19342 Your attention is called to the fact that the regular procedure for these billsis that they are authorised by the Utilities Co®Stteebefore being presented to this office for payment, and also that there is no appro— priation in the Budget for 1934 for the purpose of financing this additional cost. Very tmly yours, �J CITY C.TRO=R. FBW—M BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY CONSULTING ENGINEERS _..�... c .yry KANSAS CITY. March 23,a 1934. Hon. llilliam Mahoney, Mayor, St. Paul, Minnesota. Mayor Mahoney: I am enclosing herewith a bill for my services on the trip; also, a separate bill for office work ontai led in the execution of re- quests outlined in Mr. May's letter of March 15. It was nocessary, in ordor to answer with reasonable accuracy the matters set i'orth in his letter, to make a study of some of the P, - consumers. This took a little r..ors time than I had an Ae a matit. r of fact, it has taken all my time since I returned from St. Paul, and a couple of days' time for another one of the men in the office. However, I have billed the work at dust three days of my time. Hope that you can see fit to request that the bill be allowed. The total reduction in revenue came out a little bit less than I thought it :eight. So much the better, the. This places the ordinance on even a firmer footing. Very truly yours, ':: P7la tcher: AMG. '. 5. We will be quite interested in knowing the reactions to the ordi- nance. i °(174949 CITY OF ST. PAU ��NO11 NO..__...r. .. OFFICE OF THE, CITY g- ;io�ner or COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G nor uu ' me nx r e Eelo.� moNs DHEA G �._.—..^ and u�x"a.`( .May 22.,..1434._ - RESOLVED #That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be installed at the locations listed below by the FEYEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, under their annual sidewalk contract, known as Comptrollerts Contract L-3821 at a cost not to exceed $62.00 based upon the unit prices bid under this contract for the current year which cost is to be appropriated from the non -assessable Local Improve- ment Fund, Code 31-E3: ` Northeast and Southeast corners of Fairmount Ave. and Syndicate St. Southwest corner of Fairmount Ave. and Griggs St. Northwest corner of Brimhall Ave. and Juliet St. Northeast corner of Brimhall Ave. and Juliet St. COUNI'II.AI I?N Y'. Nnre Adopted by the Council..... MAY 2 3 1M 1 AI.Y 11CD.-Id ,y� e® Approved.__.�..Y$ri1'p.lg.�e.. 193.__. �1 AR in=l . Ar honey - t ' Pllltl.l SI7::IY,� �maoa.. CITY OF ST. PAUL .� n NO..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED that the application of Prattle Impress Company for per- mission to inAnll one 1,000 -gallon gasoline tank and prop, for Its own nss, at Its garage located at Thirteenth end Olive streets, be and the same is hereby granted, said tank end pomp to be in- stalled in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILM I`N Ye. N,y �fny c /Mcllur�uld /Rosen In f¢vor 'Cn�nx Apmi t R'e d Prrsid-t Mahoney 14y�7, p, scorr, CIT!' CLERa o 7� Adopted by the Council.My 23. ^934....193..._ �App .... d.__.nryp 29 1934.. - 193.__. CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4ple.l of Mlnn..oe. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T..e6 .sd Ml.-- Save. JOHN H. WDON/ , CO-ioNen Mq 7, 1984 -ta-ca Mr. Willies F. Scott, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota Deer Sir, Herewith Is report of inspection on the application of the Pratte Express Company for permission to instal one 1000 -gallon gasoline tank and pump for their owe use at their garage located at 18th & Clive Streets, in which the Bureau of Fire Prevention state. that such Snetellation mould not increase fire hazard to the eztenrt that it would warrent rejection. Very truly your., lioaer of Public 61etp EM CITY OF SAINT PAUL GpiW .( Mi—.ot. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tmth ..d Mi.n... u Sh..0 JOHN H. McDONALD, COwu5 Nce Way 5th 1934. Hon.John H.WoOonald OomlSesloner of Public Safety, Bt. sol, Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Prattle Exnrees company for permission to install one 1000 gallon gasoline tank and pump for their own use at their garage located at 13th & Olive Street. we have Investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not Increase the fire hasard to the extent that it would warrant refection. Respectfully youre, Ohief Inepeator. ROB/he/ Tire Dept. ESTABLISHED 1857 PRATT'S EXPRESS COMPANY EPPIGES: P. X. C MOTOH TRUCES AND TEAM$ YY SPEGIAI, ATTENTION GIVEN H.sbTM tl.ys TO OUT -OP -TOWN SHIPPERS M1u4 YmrwY. W Mrlwr sl St. Paul, Minn., May 1931 Commissioner of Public Safety, 101 East Tenth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir% We wish to install one 1000 gallon gasoline tank and Pump, for the use of our own trucks only, at our garage at 13th and Olive. Will you kindlyadvise us as soon as possible what your regulations are in this regard? Your. very truly, PRATT'S EXPRESS COMPANY, IR?!<GL _ e CITY OF ST. PAUL v�reCeL Na.. `� 9 )1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Co. co®RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM v ,.,... M�o— _...___ DATE_.... RESOLVED 'bat the app"""" Of Of "dway lseriOm Legion lost No. 447 for Perniseion,to hold a festival at LezlnI toe surd Aurora avenues, the week of June 10th, 1931, be and the ease Is- hereby granted; Provided, however, that if say sorry -go -round or other amusement device for whloh a license suet be paid under any ordlnaaoe of the City, is satntalaed, said Poet No. 447 shall pay the• license fee so provided therefor. COUNCILME'N Yum \nyv ,Ponrcr. [n favor Roecn 'mrna Apinat AV, �d ew e n �. Yreaident Meboney ' r 1'r 'y Y �n 9r=e':mr `wni� t"L 4aS IJu a _I eel Y Ya. a9aa.l� Adopted by the CouncilMAY P3- i9�4 ...... ... .....__...193 Approved___...... MAY 2, e3d _ 193._. �a. M yor CITY OF SAINT PAUL C,Pllel of Minnesota OFFICE Of CITY CLERK/ WILLIAM i. SCOTT City CI.,L .nd Commissioner of R.sist,.1i- 4P P May 22nd, 1934• Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporacion Counsel, Huil ding. Doan 91r: The attached application of the Mld—y American Legion Post Po. 447 £or paiml s, ion to hold a festival at Leaington and Aurora Avenues the wa ek of Tore 10th, 1934 w a referred to you today, by the Council, for re solution to grant; said resolution to contain"provision that if any merry-go-round or. other --rut device for which a license must be paid node, aRyaordln— a of the City is maintalned, that the 1lcenea fee so provided for moat be paid. Your, vary truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Ps.I of Mlaa.wb DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T—h .ad Mlnn... b %..b JOHN H. h ONALD, G—zo— n-1. 0 .--co..M—, May 9, 1954 •ewC9 Yr. IIilliem P. Scott, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: J Returned attached is application of the Midway American Legion Post No. 447 for permission I. to hold a festival at insAvm the week of June 10, 1934 and list of residents in immediate vicinity who have no objection to the conducting of such festival; also the name of one resident who is opposed to it. Very truly your., Commissioner of Public Safety - ^', a „1 it � YX CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capita! of Mi—e DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T—h ..,d Miss-- S—ft JOHN H. McDONP.LD, I -- T.— May 8. 1954 M— Thomas E. D hiaa. Chief of Police Dear Sirs Herewith is applioati— o£ the Midway American Legion Post No. 447 for perwaieeion to hold a festival at University end sre,..i+„e Avenues th.e week of June 10th, 1954, for investigation and --a—ti— Bindly return the I application with pour rep—tior submission to the City Council_ Vary t—ly yours, on er of Public Safety CITY OF SAINT PAUL CaPilal of Mineesola OFFICE OF CITY CLERK MW— i. score Cay CIa,M end Canmissionar al kayinrafioo 's!'C Ray 4th, 1934. Bon• J. H. YcDomald, Comer of public Safety, Badding. Dser lir, The attacked application of tba Yidwq American Legion Post lo. 447 for permission to hold a feetiral at University and Hemline Aroo,es the week of Jane 10th, 1934 was referred to your department, by the Co®cil, for inveetigaticn d report. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Obway 110fil Nil. 447 044 Ampriran Tagian_ 11 11— MINI 1p,il 1-i, 1�1-4 Th, H,n, C. '-',Vl—y Efe Yo and he fvemtors of Th, Ctity Council Ccurt Hnuse p"ll in—,,t, 411 "1 .11 �,-y f-., 11 , r L,v' P. 4 : " 7 tr V, i 1 rnil, 1 11, t: I r r, c_¢ion Z, t - -11 t Irh irrit I n I t L,.1,, 1,n —c poi, FV— —n n 'V h, .,r 1, tt- t rvpr,, oi ettln2!,g comm ntl�lynthe 'n, "hick iv y c -n and 1c, t:, t v 1 7, 1 t, 0. nrus o, t I t w- r,t 1 -hl '11 "i-t—'t �—tj, 011, f, t int! If t- liv 11 V, - c 'i, I , y 4 POR AGAINST te- � 7 � �� ,e -c 11 i pp� /JJ Q ��v✓> >OGjJ1 C�7 %Lw�o7 »t,PjC q FOR f AGUNST HBSOLVED, That licensee applied for by the folloeing per... for the addressee indicated be end they are hereby granted and the City Clerk Se Sa.trocted to Seaae each licensee opo, the paynent into the City Troe 7 of the required fee.: Pat Rego lo, 621 Oniverslty ave. Blt cher Otto H. Sch—e 493 B. Del- St. Barber COUNCILMEN Yeas Nnyr Afay / McDonald � ��Panrer In favor hme.n , �rrnax �', Agnlnet �N.nz.l /Mr Pr.s lent Mahoney J� Adapted by the C.,—lil..-JW.-Qa_... , 193 . App .... d_._ !AY_$9.1934 s3 !s�LCGca—rw� Mayor 47162 CITU OF ST. PAUL `�""cn No. _........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �'-�OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM llny, AT. 23, 1934.. . RESOLVED HBSOLVED, That licensee applied for by the folloeing per... for the addressee indicated be end they are hereby granted and the City Clerk Se Sa.trocted to Seaae each licensee opo, the paynent into the City Troe 7 of the required fee.: Pat Rego lo, 621 Oniverslty ave. Blt cher Otto H. Sch—e 493 B. Del- St. Barber COUNCILMEN Yeas Nnyr Afay / McDonald � ��Panrer In favor hme.n , �rrnax �', Agnlnet �N.nz.l /Mr Pr.s lent Mahoney J� Adapted by the C.,—lil..-JW.-Qa_... , 193 . App .... d_._ !AY_$9.1934 s3 !s�LCGca—rw� Mayor .102 1.!SEN DERE.LLO�VELLL CITY OF SAINT PAUL G'lol ol Mlaeao4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .s....r... .�..on. say ... .. May 21, 1934. To the Mayor and M—bere of the City Counoll. Gentlemen, In the nutter of the folloeing llcen.es, PatRegolo, 623 Ifni—reity Ave., Butoh., tt/ Oo'I.Sohwaree, 493 1I. Dole St., ilarber, Kr oga1 1 Ranohin, 621 Jniver.ity Ave., Druggist. — This property Sa ownod by the G's tate of Nicholas '"" ler and par Lha agreement of Elr. Fred 'r/oiler and Cha Council, 1'r. Weiler ie planing '$100.00 a month In Participating :ortlfi- .ates until he has ao nand lated enough to pay the taws. There aam ertlficetea in the ant of $410.00 in Particlpating certifiaata Bond. so tat 1- rreller Se kaepl nl; faith lith the Counoil. I am transmtsiic this information to the C unoil as 61r. '" iler will net be able to be present on the 25th end he would like to have these Bogue.. granted ae soon as possible. Yo � ttr,lly, Cosml.sioner of Film... I� i. (►'7953 COUNCIL FILE NO. By— INTERMEDIARY ORDER In he Matter of r astruoting with monolithic acaew-te the aid -11c on the south aide of Dniveraity Ave. (16 Pt. wide) begirating at the —at line of Dale St., theme. 41 feet west, under Preliminary Order_._ 470S._ .___._______.approved__ _Jpril-3gr1ps4 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: `. 1. That the said report and the same o hereby approved and adopted,, and the said improvement b hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reoomatruot with at a.11th10 a rate the eid-1-k ea the south aide of Dni—Itty Ave. (16 ft. wide) bee tuting at the ..at line of Dale St., theaoa 41'feat treat, , ith no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_. a6.pp- Resolved Further, Thar a public hearing be had on said improvement on rhe_ 19th_ _ _day of dune 193_4—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meing to the persons and in the ma er provided by the Char, rating the time and place of hear, ing, the nstore of the improvement and thetotalcost thereof as -hosted. Adopted by the Co ... iL_ MAY "19U... , 193 Approved— n'01g ___..__193... Co ... i n, n McDonald Councilman May Councilman Pearc "Coo,/ ilmRose1 Councilman Councilman Wenrl Mayor Mahoney Form B. S. A. 8.6 .ty Cierk YUBLIn[SEi� ��-.3y' COUNCIL FILE NO-_— usmse®wv ..t. acme ....... w,. e A CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefit,, ..at, and expenees for paving Payne Ave. Prom Reanay St. to the bridge ov r the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis �d Caaha Railway tr,oke approximately 66 feet north of Fauquier St with .seer, water and gee c aneatione from street mein, to property linea complete where not already cede and where neoeeeary, sle, curbing and paving allay and driveway approecheq,where n es- eary. The roadway shall be paved to the e.i etiag roadway width, 46 feer., with Se vertical fibre brick. The grade on the street being 4.6,4. The base shall be 7i concrete, ,oder Preliminary Order....__HIM Intermediary Order 95629 Final Order__959$S . nPP....d ...... _. July 28 _......... 193$... ..__.. ecce __ The assessment of.... benefita._noata_ and _aapenaea.............._.........._._..for and in conn.. tion with Ric above improrcm.nt h -mg b.m. submitted to the C .... J, end the Council having a ..,d ... d sem. and found the -id ass.eam.nt sa tisfae -y, therefore, b, it RESOLVED, That the said ussisemevt b, and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTII h:R, That, public hearing b, had on said asaeasment an the.. __. __ 20th__. ., of jure ...... _ __ecce. , 19. 34 wit the hour of 10 o'clock A. M, la the Ct .,il Chamber of the C -i -t Aousc and City Ilsll liuilding, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of IND.— gi,, notice of aaid -,ti- .s re,lai red bT the C'.harter, st sting in said notice the time end place tf hearing, the vatur, of the ni prt.,cent, �h, t,t,d .o thereof. aml the --d against the lo,. or lots of the p-i.ular tuner to whom the notice is directed_ Adopted by tl. Ct,meil_ MY 9.1 in0'_ eco e.. _�_�-(r.-x, 19/.. R A,,,.-,I__afy td. _ 19... Cm e.lm � vl v Ctuneilmnn _ 1 ' loun.d man Cmtne.ima. Ctunciiman Ven cel Coon.i win. P. St: UTT \fayoc Aodgson Plnh.��.. CITY QI:� `G!6 .„ate COUNCIL FILE NO..._.. _ r.ie:'�r ..n.a•.. o uan.r.nr wawa e, Ry__.........._............... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment Is the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for rep.ving Prior Ave. from St. Anthony Ave. to University Ave. by r owing present surface and r urfee g the ezieting c rate base xith a spholt mixture, except sehere asphalt or briokeeurface in goad condition n exists, also curbing, paving alley and driveway approaohe., a seater and g oonnections from street mein. to property lines sehere not already made,�and including .11 -rk n scary and incidental to said improvement. ,&atarial shall be asphalt mixture between F anis, All. and University Ave. and 3 inch vertical fibre brick between St. Anthony Ave. and Feronia Ave. including these intersections, under Prcltm nary Order..... R5504._..... Intermediary Order ...._95750_ _... _., Fine] Order.... 9595.9.......... , nP[ ed........Anga 1_._._... , 19.33.. The assessment .f han.flta... costa_ and.. axpanaes_...........___._._.______for and in connection with the above improvement hexing bee. svbtn lit erl to the C ... til, end the Coonan haying considered same ee.1 found the said assessment sn[isf.ct.ry. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the sail e.ses.me.t be end the same is hereby to ell respects approved. RESOLVED FLRTIIF,R, Th.t a public hearing be h.d ....id .ss.a mens on the.__.21. _._... _. day of _.Inas___...._ . 19..34., et the hour of 10 o'clock A. DI., i. the Council Chamber of the Court Ifoase and City ILII Iluilding, in the Cit.- of Ft_ P-1; that the C.mmiasi.n.r of bl.anee give notice of said meetings, a ,q,,i...I by the Ch.rtrr. .d sting i t —d notice the time sod place cf hearing, the nature of the mpr—ement, the t.t.l cost thereat. end the amount esseased .g.i.st the lot .r lots of the part—I., .xner to e,hom the notice is d-,t<d_ Ad.plcd by the C --fl MAY 23..1834.._ '19 _.. _..Z�e Q¢, City Clerk. Apprn K•d. -. .�..i_l�ts_ 19 j�� / , Councilme Couac Itnnn m@rgeeoa-�-- xi e c.unetlmtut aia�iwttetd-Y I � m.lti: Il'n =�1i cnnneilma. �exfaee=�.�t I<. ]man ®aaael>-= rr,.�^ ue;._. 1.. c.n i 1t• ",l scorn, lfayor >lubnner (•t:f t. :. C -- a~ma�a , 17y5li CITY OF $T. PAUL NO.._ � �e e 4f-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -� �)C ESOLUTION�ENERAL FORM C. ssiorPew_ _ _ Y u 3 s�tx®c WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul has been selected as one of the cities in which General Motors' products will be shown to the public at a free exhibition, from June Sod to June 9th, 1934, inclusive, and WHEREAS, General Motors Corporation has requested the we of 25,000 square feet of the Auditorium Arena In which to conduct this exhibition, now therefore be It RESOLVED, that the use of said Arena be and the same in hereby granted to said General Motors Corporation, provided said corporation defrays the cost of opening and operating the Auditorium for such dates, . �>i„> ac won . •� �9 COUNCILMEN !r♦ai �4 �4 Yeas Adopted by the Council. .. _. _ _...193..... Tlay I// Donald ii'enrcn A rave. Approved__. _ 24i _____...._.. _. _. 193.... Bonen ` / '1-rt'rtx. ✓ARainet �A R�enra� Met ygYJ `. Mr. Vico Pres. Wenzel CITU OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / aCOU RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM _PR MM"esaorfwonce _._Yay. 24,. 1434. RESOLVED Shat the Coomleaioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to oil the following otreat.. Alley-Kandalpb-Jenne-Painiew-rraderioka r°` ° `° °� ° Burne, lithe to Rita Bear k. Hoyt, Huroa to T---dAlla)-lanoa-Cook-yoreet-Cypress Alla-s.elliur ng-"by-Bebraeka-Hoyt Alla-Adg.r6.-3.arla-Icy-Deeny Brand, Johne. Parkwy to Tracy Tracy, Brand to Rarwaotor pming, Hebert to Oakdale Pro.poot, ..ol t• Cane Way m..0 Place, Baym.d to Mya.d Alloy-wakefield-Bad..-Warl-Let 30-Blk 3-Bob—be. Autu®, n -..s to Ruth Marion, Laws. to Cook Alley-Sort-elm.-Pan+o-0reeebrier Jessamine, Joba.on Parkway to Prosperity All.y-Gc.say-Third-earl-Tell Kuth, Bian.baha to Koko." South naet A West A Berth oo A South Allay-Prineotou-Gdrieh-Baldwin-Amborst om Algc.quin, Boki. to Iroquois Page, Stryker to Humboldt B A e Alley-Sherburao-Charleodry-6solliag Yva, 11—id. to Plato R A a Allay -Aohland-Laurel-Pry-Anollimg Page, Chippewa is Gherok.o Brand, Razelwood to K.—sr Clear, Payne to Greenbrier All ey-Sime-Cass-Payne-6r.enbriar Allay-Dayton-Warehell-Pinn-Gl...land ('011N( 11 MEN 1'c� icy 1ny� �11cDonald �Penrcr. In Incur `) �iioeen 4'm¢x� AFaix=[ °M ! Ad,hled by Inc U-11cil MAY ..2.1 t*#._..193 _- Approv/edd.../%FV_.?i. sou s. 193..... PL'BI.ISHlU�� � Y � -clTv of sr. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKx a - e Haaal ne ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION EN ERAL I c5t r,.rove toe `t �.. -... .emeut aee�rie a, _._. 4s9 6 [ t , ss Whereas, additions and deductions which might prove to be neo- eseary in the improvement described as the curbing of Fairmount Avenue from Syndicate Street to Griggs Street., John Sandqudst, contractor, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices therefor have been stipulated In the contract, and Whereas, it has been found necessary to make the following de- ductionas 2lin. ft, standard stri fight curb 0 $1.45 $ 90 9.42 11 n. ft. standard radius curb 0 $.50 4�1 Total deductions Now therefore be it Re solved, that the City Council hereby approve the aforesaid deductions made in accordance with the specifications therefor not to ex- ceed the sum of $5.61, to be deductedProm the lump sum consideration named in the contract ]mown as Comptroller• s Contract 1-3813 for the making ofthe aforesaid improvement for the reasona hereinbefore set forth andpursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipu- lated in aaid contract. The department of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, John Sandqulst, that the sum of $5.61 is the reasonable deduction to be made from said contract. Apprev d Contract r City Comptroller � /- Commlesionar rl rN( ILNIEN MAY 94 ,raw I I'- Adopted by the C:ou�iciL.-_ - -. _- __-.. 193_-_ Ally m...Id'-1AY g 4 193» 1'cvery In favor Approved._ _... 193..... Rn9rn J `i'Fffn-" AltHl nst i w- 959 CITY OF ST. PAUL ry ca No. ...... ..... 97.......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLiG NCII RESOLUTION EN ERAL FORM r-v�-"JCL+—�-�.�L� • �E��ae on,e_.__xay xis iaas _ - __. RESOLVED That the —per city oS£l cars be and they are hereby nathorized to refund to J. J. Siachena and PrsaK Boaz the sums of $9.17 and $45.83 being the —d portions of licenae Peas deposited o application 3255 for Restafrent end = application application 3256 for On Sale lSa1t respectively, at 785-7 U i--ity Avenae, which licenses are b 11:51 cans celled_ COUNCILMEN Yeas r no�ala Pearce � _... in fava�r We ,zef- Adopted by In, MAY -2d -193d-'93_.. Avuterea _ - MAY 24 M4 _ 193 lr yor CITY OF Sf. PAUL . NO.. _.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �COUNGjL RESOLUTION!—GENERAL FORM MessD, �_ ,..'-1_'c"/�7.�•-- -�/1 nnre YQ 2d, 1956__ RESOLVED That the proper alty officer. be end they ere hereby mthorined to refund to Ernest Lmbert the sone of $166.67 end $12.50 being the ffinsed portions of license fees deposited on application 1867 for Taves and on application 1868 for Deuce Hall licmee., respectively, st Fairfield Street, ehi.h lionise. are hereby emcelled. Yea. \nye , McDonald �rearee le ra�ar �iioeen pienzeF Mn-P"M Adapted by we 0,-,d__.MAY 24. W& Q A p/prored _ ....... MAY 4 WA..........`_..'.. 193.. f � //n ` v V ACEI MuYar May 23rd, 1934, Han. J. H. MCD bnaId, Chairmen, Lic... a Crmmittee, Building. Maar Sir: The attached lettere of Joe. J. ESachens and Frank Bea. and of Mre. 1. Lambert asking for refunds o applications for v ri oue 11 cen,ee w referred to your C_ mitt.., by the City Council, £or rac da. t' Your, very truly, City Clerk. �, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capil.1 of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. score City Ct.,,,end Comm,., of Regiarai May 23rd, 1934, Han. J. H. MCD bnaId, Chairmen, Lic... a Crmmittee, Building. Maar Sir: The attached lettere of Joe. J. ESachens and Frank Bea. and of Mre. 1. Lambert asking for refunds o applications for v ri oue 11 cen,ee w referred to your C_ mitt.., by the City Council, £or rac da. t' Your, very truly, City Clerk. �, St. Pal Minn.May «, 1934 To the Honarable Mayor and City Councilmen: „ent1�.n: Havingdeposited 9L15.00 (t -Hund -d and fifteen) Dollars wi th the city Clerk for a Tave^n and "`a nrP Rail Licence and as 1 have no `. recei d thes ' am berme, of ou to re uxd toD meleie Zea at�ve mdn17�r. ,.. s will no he moble to rua e F ace ss my hus was a ken serlousl 111 and is now ir. the An er `} 3p gal and V I I be the^e for the naxt Twelve `127 elks and I ar: ntt able to handle this place it is located at 193 P' Falnftell qtr. 'Pr+anking you Ir, advance for yo ',ted ccn-lderatlor, I rerrerl n, Yours Sincerly Mrs. Lambert. [DF. p/ —; c .wn}. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gplul a Mm...ob DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Taoth .ed MI—ou Sbub JOHN H. MAONA D, COwa —K wows c. o, CC.— Y y 25, 1954 ryM-@ Honorable N jor and City Council, Saint Peal, inneeote C utlsen, The attached file containing request of Yrs. E. Lambert for refund on Tavern and Dance Hall llaensee located at 195 Hest Fairfield Street is returned by the License Committee with the recommendation that refunds be made to cover the unused portion of licanseB from the date of the above request. Very truly yours, rX I_x T � YL.i License Committee Is E. Lambert, 193 W. FalrPield Tavern lice, as - application 1669 Dance Ha11 1868 DatedApril 1, 1934 in .,.ration a ppr.z imately 2 months. 916.66-2/5 per month Tavern 1.25 ^ ^ 11-. H.11 a v a.,. 97y61 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,v NO..._ �....._....'..... I'. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JrOUNCIL RSOLUTIOf�ENERAL FORM v—E,+vED By cor+r+ ea oNEs.. RESOLVED That Restaurant license, application 5784, and Tavern license, application 5785 applied for by The Rmeeian Club, loo. at 579 Viooesota Street be and they are hereby granted endl±he City Clerk is instructed to issue such llcausee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. 1 �nF gn COUNCILMEN Ycee Neye / Adopted by the Cuuecil._..MAY __...24 193A_..._. _.._._193--- At, / �nfeno,�eld mnt g�, 49@� Pertrec In favor Approved__. r .193_ Vft - 9l, e . AgnieeL wrpzrr Aatir� tey,�, ,oa�ae. � CITY OF 5T. PAUL .�� NO 9'7962 O FILE OF THE CITY CLERK C IL RESOLU—GENERAL FOR . _. co�nvi5sioveR� ogre. X0- WHEREAS, thru error, a plumbing permit, No. 27997, .ae issued to duplicate to A. Wbnmldt, 594 South Smith Avenue, for which s fee of $1.66 Was paid, therefore be it RESOLVED# that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to refund, out of the proper fund, to said A. Schmidt, the one of $1.55. COUNCILMEN Y'. N'Y' 'AgcDonnl� N f.... 4'*imx- ARnlnet s'es� v Adapted by the C--il .... MAY g.q. "4.193.. _. Appro ed A�Y/pQ.a 193..... W. LA. MONY.FAl1FMAN $.p1fo1 P..l, CITY O F SAINT PAUL OEPAATM ENT OF a PARKS, PLAYCGROUIVOS AfVO PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 Giy HaL FRED A_ TRU/�7C� Co...m:sionar GRL E SPEAKES� 0.pv�y Ge...mlWemr _-Lmm� May 21, 1034 Aon. L. L. .Anderson Corporation Counnol Department of La Dear Sir: EBNEST W. JOHNSON B P1. of Ple ...d, CHAS. A BASSEONa .1, -N-1 Way 1 as;: you to pi je r tri© n c ssary papers providing a re- fund to Mr. A. Schmidt, 594 So utl-i Smith Avonue, in the amount of $1.55 for plur.Jbin� Hermit No _ 27997. This x .it leas 1 --din duplicate thro�.:-rh a arr or _ Yo ux's truly, C o: -ani so ioner [OR CO[ FRACTOR • p�In o`sniNT Paul '"" • .-2 O PERMIT • $..1 Fn ��� n --- - - - res — • L1t s 1 '• r 10� `41 � —d nay P-., No. ` O-, i 1 � � � � � AdJ r._.. • m Add..„M "1'0 ....v oma: IM1. ..o.4 .P.cified 1� thl. x.m�: o..M1. (ollo..l.e d..��6N o .: s' Ivo .�mli:�'� :1 ...I iY ...d th.i. • r..4 �>' . m. �no� I e v�,..i.m�.. V nr .ItU1LDINC. • LL All F.LFCTItICAL LUMIIIN PIAFERING I[FATINC. SIC„v'c IIIIIHOAROs IIIVATOI2.5 • '� c • • x'n:::i i.n' iii. x nii..iii x ..v i i�n-r • iii.N. .ri ....iii INSTALLATION / • • -.. 4 MOTORS �n FIXTURES _ _ _� • N. IT -71, �1 n.- _No_ • �rt Whin. _ r _ — • ' • PI:NALT\�FOR VIOLATION OF ANY OF TI IF . PIi0V 10-01 B1111.I)INGCODE.ORDINANCE J • No. 7110. FINE OF FROM FIVE DOLLARS TO ON E I LINDRED DOFI 0R IMPRISONMENT FOR FROM FIVE TO NIN—DAYS IONFx of —-'-i',Adlro. nH n rvnll...... v�_x rnxes. n.nv • • -�. John H. MaDonalA ,''he differences botweon Ben ltoscnfel�i uj_ —ner over the license to the h a n .'avern .,45-7-9 Selby :.venue have been amicably adjusted, ,rid it is no. satisfact-.,iy to all psrties that license issue to i,_ Viner. L:rs. Ren ;cosenfeld is N -re with me to ;<Mch for this statement if ny c4vs nry•. JOHN:�0-31 .. attorney - 719 commerce 1dB. CITY OF ST. PAUL _ ).. .._ 97063 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 0 a. IINCIL RESOLUTION—GEN L FORM .. corn.W.Rn[e simae<a WHnZAB, heretofore on eon mal*- liquor license has been >» Issued .to Ben Rosenfeld for the premises known as the B and R Tavern at No. 846-t-9 Selby Avenue, and WHEREAS, the said Ben Rosenfeld has requested that this 1loense be transferred to A. Viner, and the said A. Vicar has made request that the license be transferred to him, and WHEREAS, theBald A. Viner hasgiven a bond in. the sum of 43000.00, in 00mplianoo with the ordinance, and WHEREAS, the License Commit tee has recommended that. the transfer be permitted, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the said license of Ben Rosenfeld for the above described promisee be and the same Is hereby transferred to A. Viner, and the proper city officers are hereby directed to make the proper changes in the City recordei BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the bond of said A. Visor is hereby approved and the 0ityClerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the Oity Comptroller, and the Cor- poratlon Co meal I authorised and directed to notify the surety on tae bond of the Bald Ben Rosenfeld, of this action of the 0ounoil, releasing such surety from any liability arising after the publication of this resolution. COLOY'ILYIEN reoa u_.{ ml,.y � M'Domld u_ 'frons �A&—t ""'j Adopted by w, C, m61.- MAY 2.5 1934_.193_ _. MAY 25 M4 A uve� _ 193.... Irw Mayor l'lj T CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pl�l of Minn<.ob DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Teeth .ad Mi..... S...l. IOHN H. M DONALD, Cow+as 1— n��,rnn� May 18, 1984 Mr. Edwin Murphy, AsBietant Corporation Cam eel, Saint Pool, Minnesota Dear Sir: Attached 1s rec—andation of Mr. John Bowman that On Sale Liquor license held by Mr. Ben Rosenfeld at 645-7-9 Selby Avenue be transferred to his successor Mr. A. Viner, which I am referring to you for the necessary resolution. Vary truly oars, //`y\ //Co®Seeione of Public Sefe. NIv MAN & BOWMAN May 16t1,, 1954. .7, ii. PGcDonald, c,.nis sioncr o,' Lui.11c .,.i.r t�, .,L. P-1, Winn. .._.... Dear sir: oa e::1 c 1ci l::,s - ...,i s .ol d ;.^x. Mr, t>,, ' usiness i'evern" nt 6 - �,lb--, venue - ili o 5 7 , esle h,, neon executed cmt filed. e is -sale li<ieer liccnse s issued c L'u•. !. enf--ti---ti—�i�':itnsS on�ss on or out i�ebruer� 9th, 1954, anc. it is 0 desired t :.his liccnse be t neferred to '.:ice s,iccessor' in the business, ,.. Vin,r. — boyo of these ,en lcnl; favorably, v eli,v, .eTe 1s n .sill, objection to :.hentrunsfer. -his 1'tt�rni. sin'1-, in the nature o a letter of .ecorr'.�� _tien or Wr. Viner, nd ,:.e ..oui_1 br :,loosed i_ ould eo ee—iter it _,n -. -latter of tornn.fer cones " our., ,I11,17, St. Paul, Minn., May 22, 1934 Hon. John R. McDonald, Commieeloner ofPublic Safety, Chairman, Licanee Committee, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The undersigned, B. Rosenfeld, would—1—rlate very much your taking the necessary steps to transfer the hard liquor, tavern, and dance licensee under his name at 647 Selby A,.—. to Mr. A. Vine, ct the name address to whom he hes sold said business. Appreciating your action, I am Very truly yours, o � / G /,''/YAG /%Y// %�//i o `� ,� �� , r.:�/? O U ..i s.�..... NEWMAN 8c BOWMAN 1-4. i1on. 'olein _� i.:c Doneeld, 3t i guy f Z -G?int ;;1'�OJ.'.0 n x r n Ly,,.,nf,ld to 'i -11t = - V1 -.h L1L10n :te-,li _ 1'- A - .� ncl. CITYOF ST. PAUL nu No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOl-UTION—GENERAL FOR. P. NTED BY Al— RESOLVED t a r, ('013NUMMEN Y_ Nese , %McDonald � In favor Ag,i,,t W-1 W., Adopted Pr— by We Council_-- VAy113 2 193 St. Paul, Minn., May 23, 1934. To the Mayor and Member. of the City :ounoil, Mike Lyon, operating a b—b., shop at 394J Nabaeha Street has been notified to appear before the .o noll on May 25th with eYe rano. to delinquent taxes the property where hie IrsM of bu.lne.e is locnted. Might I state that this property Is owned by the heirs of the estate of Mrs. Kate Devaney. This matter is in litiga- tion and is being einog represented in St. I'sul by Mr, Thoma- C. Fitspatriok. p. a on as the litigatlo n Se settled, the taxes will be aid in fti 11. I therefore request that I,. Lyon be yi ven hi. llama. with this information before your honorable body. / or Y 9�a C ITY CF SA TT PAUL Office of City Cl—l- williazn F. Scott City Cleric Hey 14th, 1914. Hr, Ylks Lyon, 184/y Wabash& !t. , !t. Pani, Mine. Dear 51- I have been directed to inform you tbat your application for a HARMER license at the above address w —t passed by the City Council. From "cords it appears that Lazes are delinquent n this property- The Co c11 has been withholding li- n income producing Property on which taws are delinquent. I£ you a of the of this property, thsn the o should be informed o£ this action. There will be a hearing, before the Council at 10 A.. M. o MV 25, 1� and if there is a sable ez:planation of the c of the taws not being paid a the Councll will consider theufacts at thls hearing. Y— very truly, City Clerk. May 14th, 1934. Lr. B. O. Schulz, 88 Ae st 7th St., S. Paul, mian. Dear Sir: I have been directed to Snfe m yen that your application for a BABBEH City license at the above address ^as not Passed by re the Counc ll. From r ords it appears that taxes a li- on this property. The Co+mcil Das beennhtc hh taxa sga.e n income producing Property on de lingne n t. If you ar not the owner of this property, then Che eener should be informed of this action. There ill De a hearing before the Couac it at 10 L.M. on_Xgy 25th.flghe and if there is a reasonable expleantion of the cause o taxes not being paid the Council ^111 consider the facts at this hearing. Yours very truly, r city Cie �j CITY OF SXM PAUL / Office of City Cle"7 Willies, F. Scott City Clerk May 14th, 1934. Lr. B. O. Schulz, 88 Ae st 7th St., S. Paul, mian. Dear Sir: I have been directed to Snfe m yen that your application for a BABBEH City license at the above address ^as not Passed by re the Counc ll. From r ords it appears that taxes a li- on this property. The Co+mcil Das beennhtc hh taxa sga.e n income producing Property on de lingne n t. If you ar not the owner of this property, then Che eener should be informed of this action. There ill De a hearing before the Couac it at 10 L.M. on_Xgy 25th.flghe and if there is a reasonable expleantion of the cause o taxes not being paid the Council ^111 consider the facts at this hearing. Yours very truly, r city Cie CITY OF ST. PAUL r`a�`~ NO.....__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f•w.nawre, er . 7 ... cOMw�ae oNEw d(Arc key 25. 1934. RESOLVED L#SSOLPED� T t licenses applied for by the follo,ilig persons for the adds e.. ,indicated be and they are hereby greeted and the CS Se to s Mr ted to Sesuo such lice—es opo, the payment into the Cty Clerk ity Treeeury of the required fee.: Like Lyon 3841 pabaeha St. Barber B. 0, Schnl. 88 peek 7th St, Barber 000NCILNIEV rens :v"ye ndopt�d by we c-no;i_ MAY 25 1934 . _. ... ..... 193..... �18y w n 1.. f....WAY � a 934 u .._. APP: ove�l... 193.... .'1'runr C... ARninst /Itlt�/!I Afnyur �" il71lEiG \ cin of sr. Paul ;LLp�a No. T', OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coremies,oaER , :✓� ti 2 )I, _ _ _— DA - RESOLVED RASHERS, the fplloling named have made applications for on sale" llqunr licensee at the audress indicated, and RlfEHEA3, the Co•.ncll has not granted said application and said applicant has requee ted ese �ithdrasal of sem and a refund of their licen fee end return of their bonds, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the _proper city officers be son they are hereby authors zed to refund to the said applicant the license fee heretofore deposited by him and the City Clark is authorized to -turn his bond and cancel his application H. A. Price and S. Y. Smith 383 R. Seventh St. COUNCILMEN MAY 251994 Yeas ties Adopted by the Council_.._ _ ._ ......._193 _ Tf uy / ^C alp, ala MAY 25 1934 �4„a, — ,igninat - 14eezel - .... -Aelinriaaypr Mr. Vic W-7ce Pre=. Werr•1 ,. ��a� ,o-., , _U V J i i � � E_ is ,.(' !'�7iC� ��G � � --- - n � cL � y >ze , i m � �� .��-,/_,- _u—r- �/ .. i /y -- a� - = -�� �' 7 ��Sf. �.����, �� �� � 2�.;? fe CITY OF ST. PAUL nu - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —rNEFtAL FORM C. RESOLVED Wiggp,0$, the following named persons have b.retofore filed .pPllcatioaw for "off Bale" liquor lie ... se, and have deposited with such applica- tions the license fee therefor, virt l.aec L. Ore eaberg 466 Wabash. St. lad, Whereas, said applicants have wlthdrasa their applications and have requested the return of the amount deposited, together with all papers filed with the said appllc.tSoae: there£6re, be it SMSOLTE That the proper city o£flcera be and they are hereby author- Sr,d and directed to roturn to the abo a named pereone the amount o! the "oft' sale" license fee heretofore depe :it. d by them with their application- ead the 'Sty Olerk Is directed to advie the State Lienor Control Com- missioner of the fact that said application' have been wl thdrawn. C)l.N'CILMIiV yses Keys /McDon'Id �/ {}-m. In fnvor AKeinel Renal It nt 1934 Adopted by the Cuuucil_....... MAY 2 5 . _ - _193_ ... App�rov�ed�-..._ MAY, 9, 51.. ".14 193_.. 7968 CITY OF'Sr. PAUL 0... _S. O ICE OF THE CITY CLERK j -JON--GENERAL FORM /fes g a for b7 the llowing meed one perefor applied fo RESOLVED That the varlwa linen... the city clerk ie instructed the add--... indicated be and they are bereby granted end upon the pgvment int. the city treaaury of the required fees:�{{)J to issue each licensee p- A. Ander.on APP53651/9°"', 1939 St. Anthony. Av Bakery ,�J 5577" 878 Lafond St. " Toe. Br>II+ner �o� 3424Y!- Nteper Herman 840 Selby Av. " — Frannie Nowak �I 441 Thomas St. Illl 564 O,Dell &Bader onn 1932 St. Clair St. Mre. Bel® Rybak Mr 935 Dnivereity A- a".t r+,.err 2549 1479 > Frank Steiner 920 Randolph St. - n 2942V Carl U-3— 1815 Selby Av. " 3505 Albert D-1.1-0- 920 E. Seventh St. Barber 548 Ohio St. " 1855 C. I. Fit.eimons 3552 " D. F. Hefron SB S. Heallne Av. " 1172 E. 7th St. " 1445 A. B. Keenan 5451 389 9t. Pater St. " Georg. Kreacas Alfred Yom 480 Robert St. gng, n pillow 586 Kent St. " SSSO Thomas Prokopowit. 955 Forest St. " 5484 553 Wabeeha St. ° 3537 Jobs Pearo. COUNCILMEN Nay, Adopted by the Council._ ............. _..... _.._....193_... Yeas �. M M.D... Id J APProved.. --- ...193.... Pe.rce _.-ln favor � Rosea Truax A&aet W—d Ir M,. Preeideat Mah... Y an of ST. FAUL No.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cowrn—lesor+2rs .. RESOLVED Ca.pbell Msohime Co. 2845 S. Harriet Av. Ypla 011 Burner Installation 5527 C—lidsted 011 Buser 1916 Bnivereity A- " " • 5562 ' Hubbard 011 Burner Co. 1014 Marquette Av. Mpls • • • 5551 Lampland Lumber Co. 419 E. 6th St. • • 'W 3508 Motor Power Equipment Ford Road & River Blvd • " 5042 H. L. Schaefer 1620 Harmon Plaoe, Mp14 " " ° 5465 Sutherland Air Conditioning Corp.385 Minnesota St. ° " " 5267 H. E. Anderson 1359 H. Pascal Av. Butcher 1848 W. C. Bergland 1525 White Bear A- ° 2982 J. Fink 740 Selby i.v. " 3435 W. S. Gm & R. J. Exley .1724-Thsicwai%f-Av :"--_r—_-. __-_ - _ .. - . _--967z-- F. E. Grendquist 799 Raymmd Av. ° 3324 C. Hoemke 582 Kent St. ° 5596 Aome Meat Co 440 Omive{,�ity Av. ° 5517 Wm. & Nattu.n Kaplan 2019 E. Mim:u:uha St. " 3055 Ike Ketahovits 3-14 State St. ° 5470 Job. H. Kraus 1141 Forest St. ° 3222 Chas. Monsaur & Co 125 S. Wabash. St. ° 5355 National Tea Co. 537 Wabasha St. " 3478 Mrs. L. W. Radke 201 Bates Av, • 5294 -� COUNCILMEN Ye.. NaY° Adopted by We Council, - -. _.. -193.. May McD..dd P".— In l.vor Approved_. 193.. Rosen Truax Apirwt Wennd Alnyur ,u Mr. President M.honey .".��.,a a... CITY OF ST. PAUL `a'•<u No. a i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R60LUTI0N—GENERAL FORM conrnrsslomew._.._Y4F 24,. 1954 RESOLVED V. Baskin 951 IIn_ivar airy A— Buteber 5502 E. A. Scbmidt 529 Concord St. ^ 5522 'r Anna Stevens 250 Thonna.s St. " 5374 .r Paul Ilei.. 856 gdaaimd St. ° 5418 �I B. T. Becker (Parkside Ice Craam Co) 585 University Av Bonfactionery 1791 -' Tl Collin. & Garrett 565 Bf. Weat— A— " 1290 H. P. Conrad 645 U.:I.--ity Av. " 2542)(} Stepben Donohoe 295 W- 7th St. • 10211 H. H. Elfenbein 1540 Tk�. St. • 55M ' �� E. D. Fales 1102 1— -p to — • 5184 _pretarsal Order of Ealaeff r, Yrs. Johanna Gardner 629 Sent St. • 1548 PI Otto Gehrt 561 UF—I-- aity A— " 2941 V. R. Gendron 860 Randolph St. " 14781' J. B. Helper 600 A_ Weat— A- Eva Ingber 662 Sa1by A— " 5488 ° 17720 J. P. Jelinek 961 W- 7th St. Howard Jerento.ky 612 W- 7th St. ^ 1195 ° 5462�� Aregel & Decker 240 S_ Sae111ag Av. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay. Adopted by the Cuu nci l_ ._195__ _ May McDonald Pr.— .Icy favor App,.,,-,I, .193 Buses Truax Agai— Wenznl illayor Mr. P... ident Mahoney am �-a CITY OF ST. PAUL " NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co® �o.New-_ _......_—_ __ _____. _._ owre....... M.ey_2-4 19_§4 RESOLVED -4- f { N. A. Lillie 499 w_ 7th St. Coufeotionery 1682 i J. J. Marty 865 331 . ord St. • 5569 n J. W. Nelem 979 IInivereity A, ° 5516 �/• The Tr—.it Supply Co Collage, h Wabseha St. ° 5285 ,. Robert A. North 786 S. 7th at. 2950 nT Mrs. Mary Ram 82o Jac]ceom St. 772 ' Etta C. Scbnidt 562 Rica St. " imQ C. A. B— m 574 Rica St. " 1014 ff�l F. W. Reasley 20T1 St_ Clair St. • 651/'' F. L. Tome =71 R. Cbateeorth St. " 2917 The Tr—.it Supply Co Collage, h Wabseha St. ° 5285 ,. Wolter Bros. 458 U—L—sity AV " 2950 nT 772 ' R. W. Carr (Ray's 1—ch) 529 W- 7th St. Dance Hall 1409 _--1.986 Bud George 257 E. Fairfield Av. " " 1998+�kw- Era,et Lembert 195 W, Fairfield Av. " " 1868 18985 J. E. O'Rourke 1040-42 University Av. ° ° 672 2 E, J. Weber (Eddie's Tavares) 886 Pe,yna Av. COUNCILMEN - Ye¢¢ Nay, Adopted by the C'ouncl_._.... _. _......193.. -. May McDon¢id Pearce ..In fav vor Approved..... .193.... Rosen Truax ARaiaat M, Pre¢id—t M,honey CITY OF ST. PAUL •"• No. --"----'---- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 2&°_7.954_ RESOLVED -5- H. P. Brindley ne 1054 PayAv. Gasoline Station 3 pncps 5687 Av. ° ° 5 Cities Service Oil Co. 146 N. Snelling Av. n n 5 v 5221 Hyman Goldberg 194 E. Indiana " ° 5 ° 5472J/ Ludqig utter 503 Bradley St. patrols= Service Co. 317 Como Av. ., 5 Phillipe Patrols= Co. 982 Grand Av. • ° S • 3455 1 Sebracklerr, W. A. 744 E. Srd St. • S 5588 Sinclair Refining Co. 877 Selby Av. " " 5 • 5507 Albert 71st 1525 Cerro Av. " • S • 3276:, • 4 • 5575., Econam 011 Co. 781 Hampden Av. ^ " " 4 ° mwo Archie Daeeon 902 Arcade St. Direct Service 011 Co. 384 E. 8th St. 7 ° 5225 //egetable L. W. Hard 611 Grand Av. Frait Store & F5555 /J ° " ° 2777 i.e. IneerrQ 42 W. 4th St. " " 9950 Y. Po1ur 909 Rice St. " Morris kit 73.1 tlo. Snelling 'v, Grocer,, 34746 H. E. Anderson 1539 N. Psecal Av. " 1847✓/ _.. /--.:... 17181 j -X860-.etoe•Stw..,.. _..a._..._._a..�_..Y.. William E. Belkin 255 Oaiversity Av. 985 ✓) COUNCILMEN Y— Nay° Adopted by the Cuuncil _ ...195. M Mcllaeald Pearce Ia favor APPr... 1 - 193_ Ito°en Truax Against - Aluyor Wenzel M, Pre°ideet Mahoney CITY OF ST. PAUL oma.. c'� No. ..... .......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU NGIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co imioNew _ owre Hy 24. 1954 REsoLvm Ben Belau, - 678 Rondo St. Grocery ,/� 1849✓ Yeler Bernet 395 N. Western Aa. • 1279 " $arty Bloom 779 Whoelock Pkwy • 5086 Boa Breelaw 144 S. Robert St. • 779 A. L. Coraeliu. -dgene Bote2tiglaaw 761 Mlasieaippi St. • — 1650 S. J. Culver _.__... _._._.__. 1219 Randolph St. ^ _,_.__ ... .._]564+--- 551' Thome. J. Cumming. 534 Na. Dale St. 1815" 0. J. Dahlgard 367 University Av. ^ 3137 i W. B. Dickow 463 University Av. 3328 E. J. Donai. 962 Burr St. • 927 Clarence T. Eeboldt 479 W. 7th St. ^ 1459 . Sohn Farkas 1199 Albemarle St. ^ 3357 Jo.. Fink 335 W. "awson St. 966 J. Fink 71-_0 S'11'� S.. ^ 3434 Llllieo Frohlich—o, 544 Rice St. ^ 2133 / E. A. Geer 1754 Selby Av. " 1820 ' Mike George 910 Agate St. " 5477 N. N. German 126 State St. " 5457 E. B. Gould 576 N. Clevelsod A- " 3510 If COUNCILMEN Y_ Nays Adopted by We Council_ __. _193_. Mey McDonald I'earne _ __. In favor Approved..... .193. Rosen Truax Wenzel Mayur a 4 r Mr. Preeidr.t Mahoney CITY OF ST. PAUL .COAL.NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL. RESOLUTION —G ENERAL FORM ._DATE _. Aloy_24s_19E4.. — –7– RESOLVED ______ __ .... Graaflquist Bros. 599 N. Snelling Av. ° 3381 Mrs. Bert Hand— 722 N. Ramline Av. " 5417. Sld E. Haseley 1179 E. Minnehaha St. ° 5495 FY.ank ROPfI— 622 Grand Av. ^ 3201 George Hoff— 499 Fuller Av. " 2477 R. Johnson 856 Edmund St. 1818 Roy T. Johnson 919 Armstrong Av. ^ 967 A. R. Kamp 171 N. Central Av. 1516 J. B. Kasmirski 655 S. Snelling Av. ^ 2962 J. Klein 518 Rice St. " 2000 C. M. Klos 978 Cortland ^ 1751 _996-.., loim L. lit dst— 712 N. Snelling AY. ^ 5576 L. G. Lutgen 90 N. S—it Av. 1909 D. D. Macent 2513 Dniversity Av. 349" Mre. 73 11 Mason 1429 Grand Av.. r 548 Sem Mark & Sam Flidanbarg 880 E. 3rd St. ° 597 S. Mayor 988 N. Dale St. " 656 LM. EN Y— \ays Ad.ptn7 by We (:uuncil_ ... .._193..-. Mey McDonald Pearce In favor Approved...... .193_ liee.n Truax Agamut W—.1 hl^yup !Lir. P—id— Mahoney CITY OF ST. PAUL .� CES NO..._....__..... _.'...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ co®rnueso°OHew. XV _24._1954.._ �- RESOLVED Thos. McRlhone 981 Puller Av. Grooery yJ 6g58 John Maletroe 88 W. Coot St. • S1A4 �� Rdaerd Mergens 1674 R. 7th St. • 1656 Ir Louis Michaud & Son 1826 Grand A- 5496 ', Pred hiller 585 Mississippi St. ism 1, Teresa Miller 163 1. S—it Av. • 872 ' Chas. Monsour & Co. 125 S. Ifahashe St. • 3356 - Re. Mosley 500 R. Central A- • 1872 Ih r, f-Menee -."616•#WFIE-BI:—'--^'-'__.. ____._,_. ..__....._1734'x.-f Ga.. D. O'Neil 774 Capitol Heights ^ 3578 Ma1erPneldl'm9a'-.'"-._..._,.W._"..9FA�i'y......�-.�.... ..... ..__,—. .. ®liver Peloquln 897 Marlon St. ^ 1902 - Morrie Polur 814 T. 7th St. • 2027 D. L. Posers 1293 Rice St. • 3008 R. H. Prime- 563-5 University Av. ^ 1817 Hart Riager 381 FA—d St. • 1160 Louie Rogers 1416 Hazel Ave. 1900 E. Rosenfield 315 Rondo St. ^ 778 Sem Roseinl 239 Marshall A- 34.48 ' Jacob Shear 673 MacAubin St. ° 1220 COCSCILniBV Y— n'ny^ Adopted by We Council_.. _...._ ......193___ ]Say M1lcDunulJ Penne R.", In favo, Approved_..... .193.. T'—, Ag,dn°t Wenzel Mayor r .. Mr. P—ident Mahoney CITY OF ST. PAUL m,rcu. ND ......................._ OFFICE OF' THE CITY CLERK GC WMJ 1A_ RE p "-rl0N—GENERAL FORM co,m�oain Da—_�3y. RESOLVED _9_ C. Y. smith 501—SOS gt Cel St. Grocery 1714 Zokm Stneny 1065 We—t— AV. N. ° 29551' F. S. Tennant 570 F gtoa Av " 1089" C. F. Thlmee 490 W— OF t varsity AV. " 2051 i Bertha Toeaah 823 7[i sai sniped St. " 11 " Lan Vennelli 569 29-2-1-:1L St _ " 1780 1, A. Vogel 554 IV CI:—t worth St. " 1826 Nath Wardfan 3_142 Farz-iagtoa AV. 1645 Jog. Wolelager 1276 M�ft d St. " 2003 ' Walker Pence Co. (C.—dor. EL tel) 7S Wve-tt.— AV. ° 3550 W. X. Wilmeroth 45S N _ Grotto St. • 5335 S. Zeff 511 XT -1— sity Av. " 1491 � H. A.'Hedrle 189+* £— 8th St. Hotel (Wadell) 31 rooms 965 1 A ... d Shen 580 J--Ik--- St. • (Garfield) 50 " 34791/ Can Zettel 374 W-11-1— St. " (Aatorie) 70 " 2704 ' 1 Carl Bron. 673 c:1—las St. Ice Delivery 3404"/ Wm. Cole 874 a—i-s Av. • • 2969"" Henry Shepherd 191 Roa Bo St. • • 2790 COUNCILMEN Ycn. Paye Adopted by the ('„until _. -. _ .193__ Ainy Mal)on,dd 1'--- In favor Approval..... 198,. Ro.cn 7'n,ox A,gxir�st .. Wenzel M°Y„r N Mr. P—ident Alnhoney CITY OF 5"f. PAUL mu•cc No........ ............... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL_ RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM co rm oaER - -- ..... _._ RESOLVED _10_ 5415 Melvin Grerck 999 Rica St- Ice Station • 2981'%n.� Hillard Lnreon 560 131—a sea St. • E. S. Eeplen 116 S_ Chicago Junk Dealer 1522,x. Publix Theatre (Minae sot- Ames--t' Co _) 449 Anb-she St Motion Picture theatre 3482 ' ' Twin City Theebe Corp. " e • 82 lf_ 61-h St. 2746 Henry Alda. 618 EL r clo St. Off Sale Malt Beverage 2654 Mr, Albert Alpert 1041 F.--t St. " " • " 2626 " 1950 " Arthur Auge, Jr. 928 Jack eon. St. " • 3564 Arthur Banholaer 624 Lea A—. " " ° 24,62 H. F. Barnlek Barnickr- Grocery) 612 N_ Grigg- St. Frank Beaudoin 911 W- 0—In .l Av. " " 2252" Peter Belgea 893 R1ce St_ " 2645 William S. BeIN^ 255 Uuivar site Av. • e n n -.:982 ' r Zelik Hardt 352 M- W—I —d St. 2920' Stephen Bergl 690 N _ 13Me, St. " " " " 2175', M. Bernstein 659 Y-L-1- St. , Harry Bloom 779 Wheelock Parkway " • n n 3085 J. M. Horgan e 421 NL-1—b3-n St. " " n i 2578 COUNCILMI'iN Yens .Faye Adopted by the Council.. - __. 193...._ May McDonald Pearse I. favor Approved..-.. .193.. lineal 'freer Wenzel Mayor Mr. Prenidcnt Mahoeey o.u�vimura a..� CITY OF ST. PAUL ac" No. ...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PM KH D. _ mwrr_ ._Y�Y 24a 1934.._.___.. R6 LVED e —� 5 n • 2929 „ 407 J--- St. n • J. Rulers ..,R -,g -fie Deno v �.,..,�.--._._—...•-.-----�5$�Q.'_. J y490 n n 2679 Yra. Jenks Caron N_ SnaliAv. ^ l� ^ ° 3587 Charles C. Cernay 453 Rica St _ E.,h. Clnrk 202 W. Central Av. n 5029 •793 2028E. A. Dsnnecker t _ PandolPh St- G. A. Dickman G. 796 Grand Av _ Jo>m R. Domback 2069 R—d.3Ph St. n n n n 5350 ' Stephen DonaWe 296 A. 7th St. n n 3456 " Arthur Dort 882 Woodbridge " " n ^ 3011 Gladys S. Dusak 251 W. 6th St. n 3500 " ^ u n 8182" Davld Efron wv 7:.0 W—t�-n Al- n 1461 Clarence T. Eeboldt 01 479 W. 7th St. J—'r °mac 7411 5e1 -,'y :1v_ n • 2467 Geraldine Flanders 1218 Selby Av_ ^ n Y. L. Frenkel 217 Mt. Airy ^ n n n 2613 COUNCILNIFN Ado Lc .... ..193 by the Cupi_.-. 1'mn Naye Ma). Md)—ld Pearce _........ 1. favor App ro.ed .... ....193..... lioscn Tr— A6ninet _.. \(.y— W-0 M, Prceid-1 3fahoaey G t T 2r .. T OF ST. PAUL ry No. .................... OFF= M GE T THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R—FSO UTION--GENERAL FORM co®.niseomr+cw._ _._.. __._ ._ .. _ - _. __ _ - -- - ___- _ "eY, 24z 1954 RESOLVED 2— Herbert Frena 544 Par7c v _ Off Sale Melt Beverage 5062 58 Fi Av. M. Front. 40 W _ 4 t 3�— St _ n n v v 2468 '. Stanley R. Frost, 960 F vQ Av. n n n n 2460 Otto G.h t 561 Univ __. sity AY, v n e n 2940 Bud George 257 E —Yield Av. " 3571 J. E. Germecheid 683LF_�..�� 3 St. n n n n 3304 Simon Getsug 223 $_ Z ��3L. St. ° " " ° 3498 George Cie— 126 W _ reel AV. • " " 3560 M. L. Gliechineld 1060 Z-X—a c3 St. n n v v 2568 Mrs': "JVBephin'e-VTombitaa 505 Goy--...-Siv. w n • v 1861- • S. J. Goldberg 1036 ��o�t St. ' " " 2859 Welter F. Rang 9"O li-e .. _. n n �� � 3402 C. A. Hammond 636 A B111ng Av, n v n n 3529 . He—, Carl 581 Rob grt St. " ° " 34 53, COTINCILNIEY Yuen V uye Adopted by the ('ounc 1 _...___.. ____ _. _..._.193_.._ Mey hicDoaeld 1'rurcc 1m favor Approvrd_.. _..... 193_. Iiunen - '1'ruac A,.x—t ......... _ Wenzel MuY"r.._ Mr. President Muhouey CITY OF ST. PAUL oma.. ^a NO..... _..... _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM Yay 24, 1954 RESOLVED _15_ Heron and Wagner .232 E. 8th St. OS£ Sale Melt B—rege 2496/1'//. Anna Hines 260 Bargees St. ^ ^ ^ ^ 2255 1 :11. Chea. Hoehn 546 Rice St. ^ 2789 1 Frank Roffman 622 Grand A— v n ^ n 5202 it Charles H. Hmeier 445 Jack— St. ^ ^ ^ ^ 1268, 1 Jame. A. Ilk 601 N. Dale St. ^ " ^ 3262 " Clarence Ivey 759 Capitol Height. '• •• ^ 3527 11 F. A. J.— 677 Blair St. ^ ^ ° 208811 Jame. Johveon 451 Mandota St. v v ^ v 3504 ' Clara Jones 452 Toronto St. ^ ^ ^ " 5558 Kafka Br... 684 N. Western A— ^ ^ ^ " 2880" A. H. Kemp 171 W. Central A— ^ ^ ^ " 27621 1 J. Klein 518 Rice St. v • ^ " 2501 J. Klein 580 Rice St. ^ ^ " " 2502 C. M. Klee 878 Cortland ^ ^ 3528 J. L. Knollmeier 880 E. 7th St. ^ ^ 2566'1 Robert Knutson 1445 Arcade St. 5412 " Helen Kosoy 100 N. Dale St. ^ " 688 '1 Yeas N"Ys Ad-yA—i by th,• ('„uncit. _... .199__ M.y At<t��r�°1d Yrmrm. _ L1 fnvar A nFruvrd__. Itus,n 7'runx Against Kennel M ` A11. 1'reniJent Afnhoncy .w,".,,•o a... ' CITY OF ST. PAUL 2r— NO_...._..___._......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coM—uor+en ya 21__1954 —14– RESOLVED �7 Harry I. Kram— 1.171 Cortl•ni St. Off Sale Malt Beverage 2967 " "� Joseph J. Rnbee 65 W. George St. " " " 2877 10henek, Frptk 1058 Western AV. W. " 5534 Mrs. C. Eulkey 540 Rice St. " • ° 1825 Frank Lokcwdch 228 W. Fairfield AV • • " " 5095 L. G. Lutgen 90 W. S—it AV. " ° " ° 1910 Laura Mese 346 W. 8th St. " " " " 5572 Cyril J. Masek 179 Colborne " ^ " " 3548 I.. Wm. Meet— 488 Rice Se. " 5092 Francis Mayer 988 N. Dale St. " " " 2755 McCormick's Cafe (Freeman Young) 555 Wabash. St. " " " 2358 Thos. MCElhone 981 F.11er AV. " " " 5459 ' E. W. McGill 870 Rondo St. 2894 M. D. McIntyre 995 Van Slyke AV. " 2658 Ed Mergens 1674 W. 7th St. " ° " 5525- Miller & Co. 163 W. Su mit AV. ^ " " " 2554 Roe. E. Miller 739 Selby AV. ^ " " ^ 3580 � COUNCILMEN Y— Ynvs Ad,p-I by thr Ci�uncil _193_. _ M.y McD mndd 1'eurco In favor A,........1 . . .193.. Roam 'Pruni ...Against Wenzel.. Mayor N r Mr. President b[ahoney ona�".i " av a..v munm No.. PAUL "� --' ----'-----"' OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL_ RECO'! LOTION --GENERAL FORM wwvsswreo er cosiowcw_... ._ owrE. Ym.211954 R601..V ED -1 S - -6845'••• .. " " ^ 3180 Herman J. Horan 567 St e5 Av • " ° 2986 C. L. kullsly 719 1 e 7M- A- 3176' Roy J. Nadeau 320 St ea St. ^ " 2059 Natlonwl Tea Co 103 W _ --It A- v n n 3518 Nelson & Peterson IT l 2-: A—de St. " 2439 A. Niss---i6 441 FL-- o St. n ^ 1917 Hrs. B. G. Novak 741 V— St. O'Grady & Roth 14-5 S _ 7A—t e-orEh St. " n ^ 2143'' Alfred W. Oleos 622 R _ omo Blad " " " 2246 " 2976 - Gue Oleos 1071 --e— —a. St. J. H. O'Rourke —Xj ij arsity Av. " " • " 671 n n n 2871 H. J. Pecheno 6-1_1 R � ings A- n n n 2159 Hre. L. Peine 1200 St. " n v n 2205 Johsma Pith— 2624 !-mr- 7th St. ^ ..!!166 r, " 35011, H. Raskin 931 arsity Av. COUNCILMEN 1'.N Yrs. Nay, Adopted by the Council _ ..... .......... . 193_. _ xay At�nn��ma 1'rnccr. 1�� fe,"- Appnirn1. - 193 IUwr n '1'ninr Ags,i-t May - y rMenzel W -0 M, Pre^idem 9lnhoncy CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co�wEiss or.ea.._ __ oA,E _ Lay. 2-4,1934_. _. RESOLVED -16- E. R—h—tar 1611 Rice St. dfi Sale Malt Beverage 3097' , Roy Rayburn 1105 Selby A— ^ n v n 2563" Otto W. Reg—= 1178 E. Maryland St. ^ ^ " 3525 m. W. Reg.--- 875 E. Min.nahaha St. " • • ^ 3107 Bart Rieger 381 Edmund St. 2928 C•-t�—ind Risgsr 1094 Iglehart Av n ^ 3315 -288s- 2885Anna A-R—ingar 521 Selby A— n ^ • n 2978 E. Rosenfield 515 Road. St. ^ n • 2507 M. 0.1—d.1 & J. Hollering 2759 W. 7th Blvd • " " 2015 F. J. Sand—ky 251 Edmund St. " " ^ 1880 Sanitary Bottling Co 79 S. Robert St. 3565,/<< Pearl Schaffer 319 W. Maryland St. • • 3061 M.Sene ky 263 W. Central A— ^ " ^ ^ 2633 John Sevcik 451 Bay St. " ^ " 3291' John R. Sevailc 421 R. Dale St. ^ v " ^ 2951,. Rel. Sj.strom 428 S. Wabasha St. ^ " 2547' A.St— t 128 M. Clevalaad A— n ^ ^ " 2445, Cit)IJN('f I.M F:\ Y— days Adopted by the Council. play .193..... MCD—.ld }'earce _ In fervor Apprnvr'1 _. 193_ Truax Ag.i,— Wenzel M"yor •u • Mr. l'—idem tlahoaey CITY OF Sr. PAUL .� c' No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c'orE°nM"rsvaioNEn —E_. _. May 24. 19,54 —_ --17- . RESOLVED t' T. H. Steuart 473 No. Snelling Av. Off Se.le Kalb Beverve 291^ Anton Stoll 1041 Thomas St. " " ^ • 2208 Ida Strain 560 Van Buren St. " " + • 2531 Floyd B. Tennant 570 Farrington Av. " ^ 1088 le Terris .crar w 3022 Nick Torok 834 W. Como Av. " • ^ " 2712 Joseph G. Tschida 497 Wabasha St. " " " 2510 A. Vogel 334 N. Chatsworth St. " • • 1527 Walgreen Co. 362 St. Pater St. " ^ • " 2996 J. Walsh 999 Payne Av. " • " • 2109 White Castle System --._ _..__._.._220. 89 W. 7th St. " ° • " 3360 Lome Wigen 580 Thomas St. • " • 2446 W. X. Wil, erotb 435 N. Grotto St. " • • • 2189 Joe. Wolelager 1276 Edmund St. • " " ^ 2544 Wolter Bros. 438 University Av. ° • " • 2990 Norris Yblonaky 1158 Grand Av. " ^ " 3494 " 0. G. Young 191 Waste= Av. " " + " 3410 Frank Zen11 457 Ninhlgan St. " • v a 5412 r Arthur Auge, Jr. 928 Jackson St. On Sala Halt Liquor 1949 Ctill\CILMKV Yea. NaY. Adopted by theCuoncil_ 193_ _ Mey M,D.-Id 1'enrce _ I favur Approved_... _. _ _ .193_ lie.��i Truax Agaie.t Wcasel ._.. Mayor "r • Mr. 11rrai'l-t M.h.-Y CITY OF ST. PAUL w c• No. .................. —F'ICE OF THE CITY CLERK GOLF !moi Z L FZZ I EUTION--GENERAL FORM cora rn s.Eio... _ _ Mgy_24° 1954. RESOLVED -18- Arthur Beaholaer X24 Lee Av. On Sale Melt Liquor 5565 ✓'.•.. Elizabeth Beasley S Rondo St. ^ " " " 5486 D. F. Blackney �S�-9 Selby Av. . 5568'- Barry M. Brotchner =:K_8 Grand Av. n e 52981 Mrs. Jn1ie Caron '�---•---.__. _...- _ R. Snelling Av. ^ " 2580 Chas. C. Carney i � S Rice St. • • n " 5585 Robert Co111ae & Louie Ge..rx-ett S N_ Western Av. n • • • 5490 R. J. Davinl 7 ht:L—esota St. • • ° " 2649 C. R. Dodge 2 Carroll Av. • • n n 5425 Stephen A.Donobne S W. 7th St. ^ " " ° 5457 John W. Dornbach —�9 Randolph St. • ^ • • 5551 Artbur W.Dnchaine 11-15 University Av. ^ • ^ " $215 Gladys S. Dusek W. 6th St. • • • ° 5501 John J. Gallagher -- S Robert St. ^ • •"- 5541 . Effie Garrett Rice St. ^ • • ° 5408', Bud George E. Falrf'ield ST n ^ n . 5570 George Giesner =3P-- W. Central Av. ^ • • • 5558 , COUNCILMEN Yea^ \sye Adopted by the Council__... _. ...195... :Key McDomIJ I'enrca In fave� App 1, ILrs�.n _ 193_. Truer Agai ria t Wenzel r » Mr. Preeid-t Mebouey a~v....a,a.. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRaeE Tee Bn_. _ owTc May 24, 1954 RESOLVED 19- Welter F. sag; 920 Heaney St. n n n n 8401 C. A. H—ond 656 H. Snelling Av. e n n n 55550 Carl Hanson 581 Hobert St. " " ` 5452 Harmon & Wagner 232 E. 8th St. • • n • 2497 Cbarlee H. H--:L-- 445 Jackson St. " " " " 1267 James A. Ilk 601 W. Dale St. " " " " 5264 ----5268 Emil Job.— 958 p,— A- • • n 5435 Hobert Kaateon 1445 Arcade St. n Herman Kroening 741 Ednand St. • " n n 745 Frank Kulhanek 1058 Weatern Av. e e e . 3555' Yre. C. AnT Yep 540 Rice St. " v n e 1824 Otto Lange 197 E. 9th St. " • " • 3484 " e e . 2680 Arthur J. Langer 200 Concord St. Y . a a 3094 Frank Loknwieh 228 W. Fairfield Av. Laura Mean 548 W. 6th St- • • e . 5671 ('Ill.\('II.\1 F:ti Yana 1 ay-� :\doptcJ L, lhr l'uuncil _. _..... _ .10.4_ _ ntay. �tw.„al a 1'carc� - In lnvn� ApyniveJ _. _.... 193. "i'rua� - ARninrt st"> w���.�1 NI, r— id—t tiiar,or �y - C:Ir CrF 3 . PAUL No. ... .........._... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL FZE L-LITION-GENERAL FORM CCo%,,ones _. _- - _ _. __ o•Tc May 24, 1954 - _ RESOLVED -210- Robert Yee®er 292 S_ 5th St. On Sale Pelt Beverage 551E Hernen J. Yoren 567 Stry-ke,r Av. ^ e 5179 Eugene Hania 255 E. 71th St. • ^ ^ ^ 485 Hal- & Peterson ].112-1714 A --d. St. ^ • ^ • 5517 --.. __...___• a --n__. -5�...�. Horth End Improv -et Club 1079 Rica St. • ^ ^ 2785 Alfred W. Olson (Como Park Phax 7,) 622 Como Blvd ^ • ^ • 2247 Gua Oleon 1021 ^--I. St. ^ ^ ^ e 2974 J. E. O'Rourke 10-10-42 II-1—alty A- . • . ^ 670 Steve Paderski 1019 A-1. St. " • • ^ 1898 P. H. Planks- 1561 Grand Av. • ^ • 1808 Roy Rayburn 7105 S -3 -by Av_ ^ • • • 2564 ' John Reddy 7593 University Av. • • " • sm 5406 Otto W. RZgs— 7178 S_ M -73--d St. • v v . 3524 0. W. Regananer 875 E_ Mi.aaehsha St. • • • • 5108 G. E. Richardson 4699 Wabash. St. ^ " ^ ^ 5564 Anne Roneinger 521 Selby A- • • 2979 Y. Sal -del & J. Hollering 2759 W_ 7th Slvd • • ^ ^ 2014 S. Silver 21 E_ 5th St. • ^ ^ 5224 t'e� �laa Aar�Pled 6y 0, I'r���noii- �Iay ..193_ .Nkl) eld P,. -e Irr I:i -c>r Apliru��d. 19:3_ Itru n Menzel Aixyur r ar ^.v AIr. P"'ident NI,honey CITY OF ST. PAUL __..__... NO.. .. _._... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .N_._.Maly 24. RESOLVED 1558 Grand AV. On Sale Halt Beverage stahl Drug Co 3520, T. E. Sundry 2.SE Rice St. -peameriex n ° n n 2308 Joseph T.chida 497 Wabasha St. M. A. Techida �9 Robert St. D. M. 7ogelgeseng 919 Randolph St. " " 722 White Castle 9y stem 470 St. Peter St. " • ^ 3384' 191 Western Av. 1. " ° • n 5411 0. G. Y000g ---- - -... 15 pool tables 5418 .' Bilb. ^ 2898 F. A. Carlson 1 596 Selby Av. 8 " Collin. & Garrett 365 N. Western A7. 4 ° " 1291. John Redd 1598 University AV- 5 " n 1800 ' 773 �rYsl-Aiigbr4s---. _ Reetenreot� 3247 Chas. Bacigalupo 385 Minnesota St. " 1877 " Walter A. Bailey 8'72 University AV. ^ 1295" Thoma. Bekvla & Ray Traynor 7Ss W. 7th St. • 358Y�` A. Banhol.er 624 Lee AV. " Elisabeth Beesley 385 Rondo St. 1920 Ablin A. Benseu 656 Vandalia St. ` COUNCI I-NI FN A�I�ptcil by tlit'"u°cil _ -- _ .193 _ }sane � ays hf ny NcUiin°I.1 1'rnrce - Ira favc.r Aplr<i�erl _-. -. - 193_ It.re n 'I'r— K'enaal �NT r. Maho..ey CITY OF ST. PAUL mu"c2 NO_ O--IICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC■ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c�'R saonaew _...__ once Ys,Y_24, 1954_._. RESOLVED _22- D. F. Blackney 1819 Selby A- Re etenrant 5567 F. A. Carleoa 1Selby A- " 2899 r ° 2657 I Asea Carpenter 299 E _ 7th St. C. S. Cerney 4 --VM 123 ce St. " 5586,1 5489 r Robert Collins & L. Garratt 365 H Western Av. " Geo. Criee 812 Ahite B.- Av. " 5409.. C. H. Dodge 236 Carroll A- Artbnr W. Ducheine Halveraity Av. ° 5212 ,. Adolph Gabriel— 49'2' St. Peter St. " 2601., Jobe J. Gallagher 46 5 Robert St. ° 3545' Effie Garrett 30'9 Rice St. " 5407 . Bed George 2SI E_ Fairfield Av. " 5572 " Gec. Gleaner a- W. Central ' 5559 Fairfje3d A— n 5520 �.. .. ._. .__..1859 - Welter F. egg 920 Re—Y St. " 5400 ,J C.A. H—nd 636 N. Snelling Av.- ° 5551, 1"cne \aye A,I�pted Ly Ih, I93 _. _ flay NI'D. Wd I'. A _. .193_ It n 'I :1qui"��t. Nenzcl Atxy r Afr. 11--d— \Iahuney „a... . CITY OF ST. PAUL .m”` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM cow. —aoonen Mqv 24, 1934 RESOLVED –23 Harmon & Wagner 252 E. 8th St. Restaurant 2495 W. Y. H—ity 757 Selby Av. • 2345 Charles H. Homier 445 Jackson St. " 1266 Rail Johnson 956 Payne Av. -510M.— 557 Robert A. Johnson 686 N. Sne111.9 A- " 3492 J. N. Aarter 678 University Av. " 1879 Robert Knutson 1445 Arcade St. • 5431, Frank Kulhanek 1058 Western Av. " 5556'' Otto Lange 197 E. 9th St. ° 3483 McCormick's Cafe ( M.F. Young) 535 Wabashe St. ^ 2336 " Robert Messmer 292 E. Sth St. 3511 James Morelli 565 Payne A— 2896 ' Andrew A. Oleo. 858 Payne Av. 1876 Grace Olson 107 E. 6th St. ^ 1515 i Gus Olson 1021 Arcade St. " 2975 ! 4 J. E. O'Rourke 1040-42 University Av. ^ 669 ! Steve Psderski 1019 Arcade St. " 1897 ' Sever Peterson & Sever Nelson 1112-14 Arcade St. " 674.E IX)UNI'ILNIEN Y�se N, Adoytc(l Ly the ('uuneil_ _ __. .193_. _ Nlay NIcDonald hi—,- In fnvnr Appcuve,l _. 193. Roar 11 'Truax :1Rnin=t R'euzel NN", All. PmxiJent Nlnho— a.WnUroav a..r CITY OF ST. PAUL ru�L No.... .......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R6 LUTION--GENERAL FORM wae.ewreo av mwre _ bray. 94-1954a. –24– RESOLVED Pewter. & L. Brache 1927 Univeraity Av_ Reetazaamt 5242 I 120 P. H. Planker. 1561 Orland Av. ^ 1807 Sohn Reddy 1593 University Av 3405 E. Aaryland St ^ 5525 Otto W. Regenauer 1.176 _ 0. W. Regenauer 875 E. Mimnehaha St _ w 3106 G. E. Rlchardeon 499 Natasha St. ^ 3553 Harry Roberteon 1786 E. ML. haha St. ^ 5488 Hr, Helen Ryb.k 935 U ivereity Av_ ^ 2W Sclnrek & William. 560 St. Anth»gy Ao _ 3498 Steve Schwelt. & Remy Strom -all, 992 Arcade St _ ^ 1496 Arthur H. Schiller 754 Edmond St. ^ 1497 C, G. Sharon 153 IImivereity Av_ ^ 1805 S. Silver 21 E. 5th St. ^ 3225 A. Stewart 128 N. Cleveland Av _ c ^ - ._---"–._--274*-- 2442 Local Loan Co. —1PEIB Aire New York Bldg Chattel Mortgage 5581 Local Wen Co, New York Bldg Salary Loss 5582 Family Finance Co. (C,J.Cleude) 576 Robert St _ ^ S250 (.Ull�'('II.AIEN Y'. Nays Ad,,1 c 1 by the ('iruncil _.. _... ._193_.._ May MoL) laid I'enrce. In fuvor APp--d_.. _ 199. 14urn "fn�aa 1gri irnL -. Alny"r Menzel All, Provident Mahoney a,...a.. a_. . CITY of ST. PAUL m^; `a No..._...,(�'.7,(.��7,t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERALFORM 'coM.`iss`oNew.__ ... owe.. may 24. 1954. RESOLVED -2 Ev- E. P. Geraba h 862 E. 7th St. 2nd hand auto Dart. 1641 Sam Lavey 371-3 E. 7.h St. ^ ^ ^ ^ 3060 Ben Poboi:-.k 883 University Av. ^ ^ ^ 1819,1 Ban Sebud✓S 934 Arced. St. " " 1598 R. W. Carr (Ray Lunch) 329 W. 7th St. Tavern 1410 Bud George 2157 E. Fairfield Av. 1997 " J. E. O'Rourke 1040.42 University Av. 673 E. '. Webb, (Eddie'. Tavern) 886 Payne A— ^ 5344 ('()l,\('I I -N1 F:\ Yces ti ay r `_tlnv acen,,,,ald Adopted by u„, C,,—, il.. IVAY $1934 .193- - '934 Iu raver App,. ,I._. AXEL F. PETERSON Comnu„rore. JOHN C. fELDMANN Dov h mmiuio�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minaeama DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LfONARD C SEA 1k V,lu. - — vess 1 Era MARRY A. I.H.—H, CA el 0-1 CLIFFORD M NISTROM, C-1-1 -E@-® ►ug. 11, 1934. City Clerk, St. Paul, Hann. Dan- Sir, 9e. applloati.— for linen-ee C.P. 97966. Thi. department has reoheoked the taxa. om property at 740 Selby &venue, 000upied by J. Fink end find - that the taxa; for 1932 and prior years are paid in full. The lioenaea for butoher, grocery end off -sale malt beverage applied for by Hr. Fink may be i -erred. Your. truly, Az 1 F. Peterson, Commie; ioner of Fi— CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4pIUl d Mlnn.w,. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON Cjl Clwk .ted Cemmiulenv d R.si.—U.. Y -� . _ - ouguet Mr. Harry Bioom 179 Whwwiock Pkwy. St. Zi. Yinn. D.— Bir: I beve Dasa dlrecteto .'.— you that your application for 4HGCYHf d lCYHS at the above address was-wara not paseed by the city council. From records it appears that taxes are delin- gnent on this property. The Coun<11 bas been withholding licensee on income producing property on which t— are del iaq—t. If you are not the Owner of this property, than towner should be informed of this action and if there Jr.ereasonable e�@leaation of the cause of the Lazes not being paid the Council will be pleased to grant you or the owneY ahearing. �'�✓^/Y ` Sours vary truly. ;: /�/ -• L city C1.7 "U F. PETERSON Cavnn,roner JOHN C. FELDMANN Rw , C ...... — CITY OF SAINT PAUL <-77'"I Mi -1. E>EPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEO.— C FYARRY A IONNSON, Gel Oerk CLIFF-Oqp M —T[OM, C—.1 -(®`® -&A—gnet 13, 1934. City Clerk, St. Paul, Mori. Deer Si" We have --l—ked the delinquent texee in oomeoti on with the Following applleatione Tor lloamee end find them to ba paid in Nil, L-16 AS -t;' 7S4 N. Snelling &"nue, William do Nati-. �+ Keplen, 2019 K. Minmheha St. The 3-3- a s —1 be 1--d on thee. applloationa_ Yours truJ� Azel F. Pete reon, Cowvleel oast of Finenoe. --CITY OF SAINT-PAUL C."W d Minoan. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. 1, FERGUS0. Ory Ol.h.nd Cumminle.r d R.yi.a.uon August w. 1934 yr. Yorrle kit 7Y+ R. e- I,ag Are. St. Pani, glen. Deer Sir I have been directed to Inform you that your application for OHOCIRT LICMN It the above address was -wase. not pas sad by the CSV Council. From recor de it appears that taxes are de13n- quant on this property. Toe Coum 11 hen been withholding l iceneee on incosa producing property on which tease are delinquent. If you are not the owner of this property, than the o.nn r should be informed of this action and Sf there Se a reasonable eapl-anon of the cause of the tease not being paid the Council will be pleased to grant you or the owner a hearing. Tour. very truly, eo--. p y p City Clerk. '3z q6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL G..1 d n+,..— OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON dry a" ..d C ... 1.1— d Ry.— September 12th, 1974. Son. Gzel F. Peterson, Co®Seefoner of Flnanee, Bn11 QSng. Deer Sir: We attach herewith — i -ti --from Clapp-Thomsem Co., relative to property on the eouthweet comer of Snelling end Dnivereity A-8. at which 1.oatlon •. M. Stewart has applied for an Off Sale Melt Beverage license. This wetter w e referred to you, by the Coancil, for further report. Iows very truly, City Clerk. CLAPP-THOMSS F=" GO. REAL -TORS .o....o .. ..o..... September 10. �1934_ �..,,A..�. ,.o....e.. Comie.loner Wilton Rosen Court Roue Bt. Peal, Minnesota Bear Coaiseioner Boesg1 W. are age—tea Zor tbs Barrett 6 a}amerman property located oa the so—va_et corner of 8nelling end University a ammo t'tria city. i7ndnr data o S lagiist loth, R. M. St_t, the tenant in Chia bei 2_ 1L find located in the .tare a—bered 473 Worth Sne 11 iag A .sada, res advised by the City Clerk that his pplicat ion for -Off Bele Walt Beverege Li..—.' was not laws aed by Cha Council dm to the tern. being de lingoeaL. The tea oa tb.ie property are Sn litigation, sn en.wer hn avig baa— S11ad by Mr. Richard Kyle, repreeeativg Barrett & Zi:ate^-- ie coMiagly, will yon be kind enough to use— a S'So r to wrath the Council that they will pw. Mr. ets -t- a e3pp11canon for the above license? Appreciatimog 3- attention to this matter and with kim per DL ragarda, w are Vary truly yours, 6 T_avv_'�OYSSII CO. 1, i 1 " � 1 411,[-.1,- a( -' MI808LLAHEO�TB 0. F. $97968 DELINQUENT TAXES August 6, 1934 Year Amount Clarence Rea 1081 Arcade St. (off gale- 1931 f (on Rale halt Bey) 1932-A. F• (Reataurant) Ernest E. Lares 807 E.Buffalo ^t. (Orocery)'X 19"�-`7n A.F. 73.88 H. H. Hauer 559 Carroll Ave. (Grocery)I „193? -No A.F. (off sale Malt Bev.) 229.55 E. J. Lingle 779 °,. Central Ave. (ofalt Hev.) 193o -No AA .F?. .F. 1'.86 - 1931 -No A.F. 155.62 1932 -No A.F. 124:6 Major C. Wilson 1159 '.Central Ave. (Grocery) h 19301-NAa.FF. 16692193 1.7 1932 -No A.F. 2.2 Mrs. B. P.ohveder 1035 Charles St. (off Sale +x"1932 -No A.F. 55.63 Halt Bev.) m s.Josephine 505 Como Ave• (Off&& Ong 1931 -Ho A.F. (Sale Malt Bev.) 1932 -No A.F. 155 68 613_ .94 Blombitaa (Restaurant)" 292.62 W. H. Byrnes 2313 Coma Ave. W. (orfh & On _,� 1932-vo A.F. 187.12 ( .le Malt Bev. ) (Restsurant)'"r M. Poltrook 561 Edmund St. (off Rale 932 -No A.F. 61.58 Halt Bev.) Cooper Stein 922 Edmund St. (off Sale `+'1932-Ro A.F. 60.22 Halt Bev.) Bob Gleckmsn 223 E.Fairfield (off Sale X 1932-4) Malt Bev. No A.F. 108.71 (Restaurant J. IS. Fren 258 Filmore Ave. (off & on 1932-110 A.F. 226.63 (Sale !!alt Bev. (Restaurant +1' F. A. Gilbert Lot 25 2203 Ford Road (Off & on ,.(1930 -No e•F. (Rale Malt Rev. (1931 -No a. '. 212.94 190. ((1932 -No A.F. 183. Lot 26. r" - (1930 -No n.F. 1931 -No A.F. 154.92 129.69 11932 -'No A.F. 1 2. 100 . • _ MISCELLANEOUS c. F. X97969 DELINQUENT TA r -S August 6, 19'.4. j Year Amount Stanley Jarosiewios 650 Forest qt. (Restaurant) 1932-90 A.F. R 95.98 Rocco Lucisano 571 Front St. (Off ^ale v,K930-No A.F. 75.22 Halt Bev.) 1931 -No A.F. 72.32 1932-90 A.F. 6 02 Daniel Narey 164 Iglehart Ave. (Off °ale "Y193�-N^ A.F. 197.46 valt Bev.) Catherine Rieger 1094 Iglehart Ave. (Off "ale X1932 -(L) 65.32 !felt Bev.) No A.F. Roberts cigar Rtore 363 Jackson St. (confect.) "r 1931 -No A.F. 1526.08 1932-A.F. i2gZ..4 / 2 ? Dan Nikituk L07 Jackson at. (On `7ale vY'1930-A.F. 3536.05 Malt Bev.) .1931-A.F. (Restaurant)' 1932 -No A.F. 599• l 44p01.. (.� 12651 . LeRoy Belden 642 Jackson 4t. (Ice eta.) "k" 1932 -No A.F. 51.18 Wm. & Nathan Kaplan 2019 F..Ninnehahe St. (Butcher) 1932-N9 A.F. 86.58 T. ,N dyed ���Y +•J' [Ca ..l 406 Minnesota St. u YJ�� (Barber) '� 1931-A.F. (15 pool tb1A:) 1932-A.F. 1230.99 5 Sam Brodinsky 951 Payne Ave. (off gsle X1931-A.F. 166.12 !Balt Bev.) 1932 -No A.F. 10 "091 Ray Campbell 1576 Portland Ave. (off Sale -'t 1932-A.F. 1006.11 ifelt Bev.) 0. A. Cedarbolm 210 Ramsey Rt. (Confect.) �+- 1932 -No A.F. 127.83 Walter F. x //9'20� (Off & On ,X 1931 -No A.F. al malt Bev.) 1932 -No A.F. 64.73 6o.92 d�A^' (Aaetnurant k Orrin Anderson 360 Rice St. (Grocery) X 1930-A.F. 122.68 1931-A.F. 321.03 1932-A.F. 275,56 9.29 Aaron ^asner 413 Rice St. (Junk Dealer)'" 1932-Ilo A.F. 286.56 .3- MISCELLANEOUS C. F. 1197969 DELINO.OENT TAXES August 6, 1934. Year Amount Sam Ruskin 494 Rios St. (2nd hnd.auto vj' 1929-No A.F. .4 120.02 parts) 1930-No A.F. 243.06 1931-No C. F, 249.37 1932-No A.F, x�2277.•04 839.49 Rudolph Tsohida 1208 Rice St, (Restaurant)1929-Vo A.F. 96.35 1931-No A.F. 100.27 1932-No A.F. 82.1-4 2 7b Fraternal order of Eagles 474 Robert St. (Confect. )'X 1932-A. F. 1162.26 Jesse Oottingham 237 Rondo St, (Crooery) 1931-A.F, a4o,05 Sem Yanum 241 Rondo qt, (off Pale Halt Bev J 193?-A,F, ?40,09 W. Williams 554 St.Anthony Ave, (Confect,) X 1931-No A.F. (4 pool tables) X1932-paid 129,81 W, A. Front 379 Selby ave, (off rale 'rl931-No A.F. 1926-79 felt Rev.) 197%A.F, 1916.74 J. Fink 740 Selby Ave, (Butoher) A 1932-No A.F. 501.06 (Orocery) 'r �, (Off Sale T'alt Bev.) Bohland d Xli: 959 Selby Ave. (Off Sale Salt Sev.) 1932-A.F. 452.13 R. 0, Clark 1168 E. 7tb St. (Off 1932-No 3 (Qale Bev-) yr A.F. (Reetaurant)�t 40g .9 O1 J. B. ^elter 1198 F. 7th St. (Off Sale ualt Bev. 1-t A.F. 53.06 1931-No A.F. 101.20 1932-Raid. Mrs. M. Nemer 543 w. 7th Rt. (Grocery) -+ 1932-(}) 64,63 No A.F. QbOiff 6 E. R. "gen 333 N.Snelling Ave. (Off gale 1932-90 A.F. 135.03 "alt Rev.) W N. Stewart 473 N.Snelling Ave. (Off Sale X1932-A.F. 1174.33 Malt Bev.) -4- !'ISC4Lr.nNEOUs o, F. A97969 DELINQUENT TAXES August 6, 1934. Year Amount Oreyling Realty Oorp, 545 N.9aelling Ave. (Off "ale X 193?-A•F. 2447.63 & On Sale X Malt Bev.) Norrie Ait 734 N.9nelling Ave. (Grocery) " 1932-No A.F. 12o.96 Helen Paokerman 93 W9yoamoxe B1931-No A.F. 79.22 (;ff Sale Malt )Bov.))1932-No A.F. 66.55 1 !R Christ Aliferls 159 E. 3rd St. (Restaurant) X1932-No A.F. 390.85 bre, Mimie Miller 351 E, 13th 8t, (Off gale /19?tNo A.F. 131,13 Malt Bev.) 192 ° 121,81 IM ^ 12.40 192 " 12 .65 1927- " 127.09 192g- 128.11 1929- 124.89 1930 " 118.88 1931- " 123.55 8 2 0 Kregel & Renchin 621 University Ave, (Off & on X193?-No A.F. 714.52 (gale Malt Bev.) E. 9. Philips 1P07 WSversity Ave. (off gale e4' 1927 to 1932 tool Malt Bev. No A.F. 64.62 (Restaurant 'r W. 9. Gow & 1724 University Ave.(Butoher)"Y 1932-A.F. 1032.26 R. J. Exley Grooery X Isaac L. Greenberg 468 Wabasha St. (off tales. X 1931-No A.F. 8658.37 (Broadway rug Go. 1977-9 Johnson Bros. 474 Wabasha St. (Gn ^ale ,,1931-No A.F. 8658.37 V t Bev.) 1932-No A.F.y6666 A1.0 David Rfro4p 7�414--e�vr ",ale X 932-(�l) alt Bev.) No A.F. 66.00 Harry Bloom 779 Wheelock Pkwy. (Grocery) 1931-No A.F. 246.37 193?-No A.F. 2 81 7.1 MISCELLANEOUS C.F. #97968 a--7 G, 1934 NOT DEL iWOUEWT 0. A. Anderson 1939 9t. Anthony Ave. Battery 3363 Joe. Brunner 678 Lafond It. 3377 Meyer Herman 64o Selby Ave. 3424 Francis Novak 441 Thomas It. 1447 O'Donnell & Bader IQ32 ^t.Clair It. 564 Mrs. Helen Bybak 935 Univernity Ave. 2349 Frank Steiner 920 Randolph St. 1479 Carl Deelman 1615 'alby Ave. ?942 Albert Danielson 920 T. 7tb St. Barber 3503 0. I. Fitzsimons 546 Ohio °t. • 1655 D. F. Hefron 58 9.Hamline Ave. 3532 A. B. Keenan 1172 T. 7th St. " 1445 George Krascan 389 I't. Peter qt- ° 3451 Alfred Moen 48o Robert Pt. 3569 Fugene pillow 388 Kent ^t. 3550 Thomas Prokopowltz 935 Forest Bt. 3464 John Pearce 533 webrsha et. 3537 Campbell Machine Co. 2845 S.Harrtet Ave. 011 Burner Minneanolie installation 3327 Consolidated nil Burner 1916 TIniveraity Ave. 3552 Hubbard Oil Horner Co. 1014 Marquette Ave. 3551 Winneanolts Lampland Lumber Go. 419 F. 8th St. " 3508 Motor Power ROuipment Ford Rd. & River Rlvd. • 3042 H. L. Schaefer 1620 Harmon Plece " 3463 Minneenolis Sutherland Air 385 Minnesota It. " 3267 Conditioning Corp. H. F. Anderson 1339 N.Pasoal Ave. Putoher 1848 m. C. Bergland 1323 W. .1ts Bear Ave. 2962 F. R. tarandquist 799 Raymond Ave. " 3324 C. Hoemke 582 Kent Pt. 3395 Acme Meat Co. 440 Tlnivereity Ave. " 3317 Ike Katzhovitz 114 tate ^t. 3470 John H. Kruse 1141 Forest "t. 3::'2? Chae.Monsour A Co. 125 S.Wabasha 9t. " 3'35 !!#i I, ous "91966 •2- NOT )E N LIEN National Tee 537 'Prbeeho Qt, Ntohet 3476 Mrs. L. p, Radke 201 Pates Ave. " 3294 it. Raskin 931 university Ave, 3302 K. A. Rehmidt 329 Onnoord "t. " 3322 Anna "Levens 250 Thomas "t. 3374 :aul 'esies 856 rdmund Pt. 3.416 B, T. Becker 585 University Ave. Oonfectinnery 1791 (Parkside Ice cream Co.) Collins & Garrett 365 n•Testsrn Ave. " 1290 R. I. Conrad 645 University Ave. " 1342 4tephsn Donohue 295 w. 7tb Gt. " 1021 H.H.Elfenbeln 1340 Thomas It. 3506 E. D. False 110? Lcroenteur " 3164 Ure. Johanna Gardner 629 Rent At. 1546 Otto Gehrt 561 Rniversity Ave. 2941 V. P. randron 860 vandolnh 9t. 1479 J. W. Relaxer 6o0 q.eestera Ave, ° 1156 Eva Ingber 662 Relby Ave. " 349 J, P. Jelinek 961 W. 7th At. " 1772 Horns Jerentooky 612 W. 7th Rt. 1.95 Bregel d Decker 240 Q,Pnelling Ave, " 346?. ),I. A. Lt111e 499 w, 7th Dt. " 1682 J.J.Party 965 Bradford Bt, 3359 J. ^r. Belson 979 University Ave. 3316 Robert A. `forth 786 F. 7th Rt. 31i49 `Is. Mary nahn RP9 Jrokson Bt. 3349 Etta C. gohmidt 562 nice Bt. 1846 C. A. eonnen 574 Pica 9t. 1o14 F. W. Ramaley 1071 "t. Clair It. 631 F. L. Towne 171 n.Chatsvorth "t. P917 The Transit Sup^ly Co. College & Irbanha Sts. 3283 '`alter Pros. 438 University Ave. P930 R.v.Carr ("sy°r Lunch) 3'n 7th `t. '"Bra " 11 11.09 Carmen Delmont 147 . 7th ''t. ir56 Bud 'sorgs 257 I.Falrfield Ave. " 19"8 MIN ,® MIsoELt,nNEnUB 97969 —3 - NOT DELINQUENT Ernest Lambert 193 a,Fairfield Ave, Dance Hall 1969 New Deal Cliib,Ino, 1949 University Ave, ^ 1696 J. E.01Ro•a'ke 1040-42 University Ave. " 672 E,J.Weber 896 rayne Ave, 0 3345 (Eddie's Tavern) R. P. Brindley 1054 Payne Ave, Oos.Sta.3 pmpe. 3487 Oittes ,.ervtoe nil Co. 146 B.Rnelling Ave, " 3 " 3480 Hymen eoldberg 194 E,Indiann Ave. " 3 " 3221 Ludwig Butter 503 Bradley Rt. ' -;472 Petroleum Service Co. 317 Como Ave. " 3 " 3421 Phillive Petroleum Co. 98P ^.rend Ave. " 3 a 3455 %brankler, T. A. 744 r. 3rd St. ° 3 3566 Sinolair Refining Cb. 677 Selby Ave. 3 3507 Albert Vick 1523 tomo Ave. 3 3276 Economy Oil Oo. 781 Rampden Ave. " 4 " 3575 ArchieDawson 90P Arcade It. ' 4 " 3460 Direct Service oil Co. 364 E. 6th St. " 7 " L. W. Hard 611 Orand Ave, Pr.gtore R Veg. J555 5 Joe, Inserra 42 ^'.4th it. 2777 H, Polur 909 Rice Rt. 993 H.E.Anderson 1339 N,Pasoal Ave. Irooery 1847 nillism E. Relkin 255 'hiiversity Ave. 993 Ben Bernath 678 Rondo St. 1949 Maier Bernet 393 N,'eetern Ave. " 1279 Ben Breslaw IV ".Robert Rt, " 779 A. L. Oorneltus 761 Miesieeinpi It. " 1550 S. J. Qilver 1719 RAndOlpb Rt. 551 Thomas J. Cummings 537 H.nsle et. 1815 0. J. 0ahlgard 387 tlniveratty Ave. 3137 W. H. Aiokow 463 "lniversity Ave. " 3328 E. J. Donnie 962 Harr "t. 9P7 Clarence T. Taboldt 479 r. 7th It. 1459 Joan Farkas 1199 Albemarle It. " 3'37 Jos. Fink 335 ".[.—on 't. 969 kIS0RJA2E608 0. P. 27888 HOT DMIV(&EBT Lillian Probliabnan 644 also St. Oroo"y 2188 S. A. War 1754 esihp A—. • 1820 Hike Oeerge WO Agate 80. ' 3477 H. H. Garman 126 State St. ° 5487 2. B. Could 878 N. Clevoland Ana. • 8810 Oeangalet Bros, 889 H. Snelling A". • 8881 Urn. Barb ]Lndven 782 H. Hamlin. Ave. • 8417 Bid S. Hesel.7 1178 E. YSmehela at. • 8498 Prank Boffoan 622 Brand Ave. • Sam Wsrge surman 499 Pallor Ave. • 24" R. ;.km 866 EdwMd St. " 1818 Ray T. Johnsen gig Armteaig A". ' 967 A. H. Kamp 171 a. Central A». • 1618 J. 8. 2aaa4raki 968 S. Snelling Arne. • 2982 J. Hein 618 at" 8t. ° 8000 C. K. 11" 978 Cortland 8t. • 1781 Jahn L. Lindstrom na H. Ses111ng Ata. " and L. 0. L.atgen 90 W. Snmit Ate. • 1802 D. D. H..ent 2513 University Ave. 649 Alta. Elliott Mo.. 1188 arand Ave. " 848 Baa Mark b sem Pudenbarg SW S. 3rd St. • 597 8. mww 996 8. Dale St. • 658 Time. Yoffibona 981 Puller A". ° 3430 Jelin Haletrm 68 H. Cask St. " 81% Hdaard Yergens 1674 W. 7th at. • 1868 Loofa Hlob.nd 6 Sen 1888 Grand A—. • 9490 Prod killer 688 Bississippl et. ° 1880 Tama killer 163 a. 8a®it Ave. • 918 Chas. konsonr 8 Co. 128 S. aabasha et. ' 3889 hL. ROGI-7 900 W. Central ►ere. ° 1872 Geo. D. 019e11 771 Capital Be-. • 3378 Oliver Poloquin 897 kerion St. 1902 HISOILIANSWO C. P. im" NOT DELIBqURNT Morrie lblor 814 W. 7th St. Groem7 2037 D. L. Poaere LOSS Rio. St. " 3008 O. H. prism. 6634 Oniterdgy Ara/ • 1817 Bert Ri.Oer 361 edoond at. • 1160 Louie Rogers 1416 H...I Ave. 1900 8. Oo.enfield 316 Ronde et. • TTB ea Rossini 630 Warehall Ave. • 3468 Jaoob sheer HIS Waoklft 6t. ° 1800 a. W SmIth 301.3 Rio. at. • 1714 John StLew 1083 roetem Ave. W. " 8838 F. B. Tamoant 670 Parrington Av.. Iwo G.F.Mhlanes 440 f. Bdireroity Ave. • 0061 Bartter Tomah 823 Wiadaaippi at. " 989 Lon 7Wme111 388 Rill St. • 1780 A. Togd 834 N. ahat9wrth at. " 1838 Wath Nardiad 1140 Farrington Ave. 1846 Jen. Wo181ager Iva s m at. ° am Walker Fmee Co. (Commodore Hotel) T8 W.8tord Ar.. " 3380 W. E. Hilmaroth 436 N. Grotto et. ' 3333 S. Seff 611 adversity Ave. • 3491 W A. Isdrie 189b K. 8th St. Hotel (Waddl) 966 31 roams Aee.d Bhon 380 J..kem et." (Darfield) 3479 30 ro®e Geo. Kottd 374 7kbuha St. • (As-) 3704 70 rove Carl Brune GT3 Q rlm 8t. Ion Dellvwy 3404 Wer. Cole 874 Auram Ave. • 0989 Homy Shepherd 191 Rondo St. • 8790 Wdvin Graok M Rio. at. Ice 3tnt a 3413 Nillard Larsen 380 Burgess 8t. 2981 H. 8. Kaplan 110 R. Weep Junk Dealer 1838 Publie Th.atro (Wlmi.eota Aememeat Co.) HS Wabulr 6t. ifs. Plot. Th -etre 3469 M Ef Ifs •fes MHEN ea laaaaaamS�sse Mn City rheatro Corp it is 9th Ste No, Plot, Notre CMO Remy Ades 916 Rondo Ste ott We 1wt Bey 8994 Mrs. Albert Alpert tool Front at. " 26H Arthur Aug*. Jr. 922 Jackam 8t. " 1950 Arthw esnbelsar 624 Lee Ave. • 59156 H. F. Berciok (Baraiek"■ Groovy) 6L B. Grigg{ St. • 2462 Track Beaudoia an W. central A— • 2992 Teter Balgm 892 Bice at. • 2849 Willie a. Bolki2 255 Dnivereity A". ° 992 2elik Baht 222 R. Winifred 8t. " MCI Stephen B ergl 890 W. We St. ° 2199 H. Beraateln- 259 Boucle 2t. • 9281 J. H. Borger 421 Waivbic St. " 2298 J. eulara 407 Jeees 8t. " 2929 Hre, Julia Caron 490 9. S-111mg Ave. • 2879 Charles C. Carney 455 Me et. • 2687 H. A. Clark 202 W. Cactral Ave. • 2029 F. A. Deraecker 798 Randolph et. " 2025 G. A. Dioisan 799 Grand Ave. • 2298 John W. Dombaak 2069 Randolpb et. ° am Staph® Denehae 299 W. 7th 8t. " am Arthur Dorn 562 Woodbridge at, • 6011 Ciadya S. Weak 251 W. 8th 9t. am alaranoa T. Eaboldt 479 W. 7th et. • 1461 Ovnldiae naadve 1918 Selbr Ave. • 2487 H. L. Frankel 217 Ht. Airy 2t. " 2512 Herbert Trane 644 lark Ave. " 2052 H. Fanta 40 W. 4th St. " 2468 Stanley R. Frost 960 H. Woatern Ave. • am Otto ashrt 681 Dnivereity Ave. • 2940 Bad George 257 E. Falrn.ld Asa. • 3271 J. B. Geresaheid 681 Edmund St. • 3304 III i IL] ; I] [T 11-' -,,J, t f 1¢SGELUVEM X99968 -T- sar DS INgu S Blame Oat.eg 933 R. 16th at. Oft Sala Malt Bev. 3696 Searge 0lomar 19S W. D.ntral A—. • 6869 M. L. 91S.aAi.akl 1060 Band St • 9669 8. J. 0aldaarg 1066.8 Front St. • 9669 0. A. H.amand aw R. a..11iag Ave. • 6699 Carl Hooson 891 Ratan St. ' 3466 Be— and Eapar 969 S. Sth St. " 9496 MrS. An.. Bin" 960 Barges. St. • 9966 Oh... Bash. 646 Ric. St. • 9789 Fr..k Berman 896 Grand Ave. ' 9909 W—U. B. Boaeier 446 J.etsm St. 1968 Jan.. A. nk 601 S. Dal. St. • 6969 0lareme lvg7 769 Capitol Height. • 3667 F. A. Jams 677 Blair St • 9068 Jane. Johnsen 461 Ra.dote et. • 3506 Clan Jonas 439 Soro.to St. ° 3838 setk. eros. a" M. Roston Ave. • 9880 A. H. smp 171 B. C.ntral Ave. " 2769 J. slain 618 Riva et. • 9801 J. slain 680 Ride 6t. • 9606 C. B. 12" 978 Cortlmd • 3696 J. L. Km.1b ier am R. 7th St. " 9888 Rotart santsan 1443 Arcade 9t. • 3669 Won Emw 100 R. Dela 8t • am Harry L. bast... 1171 Certl-m St. • 9887 Joseph J. Boas as B. 9aorga et. • 9677 Frank -1 -.k LOBO Bat.— Ave. R. ° am Yrs. G. galkV 540 Rica 8t. • 1896 Frank Lek.eloh 998 B. FalrfUld Ave. • 5083 L. G. Lutga. 90 M. 6uAxit Ave. • 1910 Ltera Be— 346 W. 6th at. • 3679 April J. Mask 179 Gelb— at. • 3648 <m. Rest.— 488 Rice St. ° 3092 111"! HT, �BCBlJ.4HB008 {99988 NOT DBLIBQU®T Fran. is Rayer 988 B. Dale St. Orf 8816 Malt Bev. 2766 Nag or dek'e Cate (Freeman Yong) 636 8abaaba 8t. ° 2338 The.. ROBlhoae 981 Feller Ave. " 3439 B. H. R.9i11 820 Rondo et. • 2894 R. D. R.lntyre BOB Ven Slyke Ave. • 2668 Ed Bergen 1874 R. 7th St. " 3323 Hiller d Co. 163 B. B..dt Ave. • 2664 Roes K. Biller 739 Selby Ave. • 3880 Beraan J. Yeren 687 Stryker A—. ° 3180 0. L. Ba13a1y 719 Pelham Ave. " 2988 Roy J. Red— 320 Stine- et. • 3176 Rati.aal Tea Co. 102 R. Summit Ave. • 2069 R.leon 8 Peterson 111214 Arcade St. ' 3618 A. Ri.san—nig 441 Rondo St. ° 2439 Mr.. B. O. Norsk 741 ven barna St. " 1917 O"0radv A Both 146 8. Cha+.s.orth St. 2148 Alrredd w. Oleo, 622 w. Coma Blvd. " 2248 9.. Ol.— 1021 Arad. St. ° 2976 J. B. O'Rourke 1040.42 Rniver.ity Ave. • 671 R. J. Peohano 841 Re6tiiaj-. eve. • 2871 Bre. L. Fein. 1200 Oealtier St. • 2139 Jobanna Pith— 2624 R. 7th 8t. " 2206 R. HBakin 961 Baiveraity Ave. ° 3301 Bre. R. Ramhearter 1611 Rio. St. • 3097 Roy Rayburn 2.106 Selby Ave. • 2683 Otte A. Reganamer 1178 B. W.rylead at. " 3626 0. R. Regenaer 876 B. Rinaeheba St. " 3107 B.rt Rieger $81 Edmund St. ° 2928 Anna R.miager 621 Selby Ave. • 2978 B. Rosenrieid 316 Rondo 8t. " 2607 R. 882..d.1 A J. Hollering 2769 R. 7th Blvd. • 2016 F. J. Bandneky 261 Ed—d 2t. ` 1880 Sanitary Bottling Co. 79 S. Robert 8t. • 3686 Pearl 9ohaffer 319 W. Yarylead St. • 3061 a 20T DELINQUENT H. SoMmaky 883 W. Central Asa. OK Sale Wit Bet. 205E John Sevoik 461 Bey St. • 3891 Joh. R. Saveik 481 N. We St. ' 2931 Wals ejostram 428 S. Wabash. St. ' 2341 A. 8tenrh 125 H. Clavalemd Ase. • 2448 Anton 8to11 1041 Th—as at. • 8208 Ida Strain 560 Van Buren St. 2531 noyd B. Teumant STo Farrington Ave. lose Fannie Torrlasi 476 8. Snelling Ave. " 3088 Risk Tarok 834 W. Coen Ave. 2712 Jeeoph 0. Teahida 497 Wabasba St. ° 2310 A. vog.l 334 H. Cbstseerth St. • 1887 Walgrae. Co. 382 St. Pater St. 2988 J. Walsh 9B9 Payne Ave. " 2109 White Castle Bret- 89 W. 7th St. " 3360 Louis Wlgen 380 Thames St. ^ 2446 W. X. Wllsareth 436 R. Grotto St. " 8185 Joe, Walelager 1898 Edmund St. 2644 Welter Bros. 438 UALversit. Ave. 2990 Harris 2b1ousky 11sB 0rand Ass. 3404 0. 0. Yang 191 Westar. A—. " 3410 Prank Scull 437 HlohUm St. ° 3018 Arth.r Ange.,Jr. 958 Jackson St. 0. Sale Wit Ltq. 1949 ('Arthur Banholeer 624 Lee Ase.id '° 3688 eth Beasley Elimbas 883 Ronda et. 3463 D. P. Blaency 1819 Selby Ave. • 3686 tarry H. Brotohaar 918 Ureal Ave. " 32¢6 Hra.Julls. Cares 490 B. Snelling Ave. 8580 Chas. G. Carney 453 Bine St. 3386 Robert Collins A Louie Garr.tt 366 B. W-tara Ave. 3490 R. J. Davina 347 Hi—eat. et. " 2649 0. B. Dodge 238 Carroll Ave. " 8428 Stephan A. Dcroshaa 295 W. 7th St. 3437 40- MISCELJANDOM HOT DSI.ISQO822 John W.Dornbaah 2059 Randolph St. On Sale M.lt Liq. 3361 Arthur W. DueWlae 1611.1E Ohla.reity Ate. On Sole Malt Liq. 381E Gladys E. Auric Sal W. 8th St. ' Sam Job. J. Gallagher 485 Robert St. 35" RM. Garratt 3" Rio. St. ' 3408 Rud Georg. 8676. yairTi.ld St. " 5370 George Gleaner 126 W. Central A". ' 8866 G.A. Haveffi 638 1. Smelling Ate. • 3830 Owl Hooson OU Robert gt. ' 3468 Harmon a Rog— EES E. 6th St. • 2497 Charles H. Hmier 445 J..keon St. • 1&87 Jane. A. Ilk 601 H. Dal. et. • 3861 Hmil Jeh— 668 For— Ata. • 658 Robert Nmataon 14{6 Amada St. " 8453 Herrn Ironing 741 2damd at. • 745 Prank Aclhaaek 3088 .stern Ata. • 3536 Nre. C. galkay 540 Rio. at. ° 1824 Oche Lenge 197 R. nth St. ° 5464 Artbw J. Longer 200 Concord at. " 8580 Prank Lekamieh 228 W. P.SrPi.ld Ave. " 5004 Laura Hos 24S W. 8th at. " 5671 Robert Monomer 292 E. 5th St. • A522 Sereno J. Mer® SOT Stryker Ave. • 5170 Rogone Nem1a 256 E. 7th St. . 463 Nelson . Peterson 1112-14 Arcade at. • 3617 NorthdRod rf,a..nt Glob 11079 U... St W.0L. Alfd• 282708 Om Olein IOU Areeda St. " 2974 J. E. 0 -Rourke 1040-42 Dnirerelty Ave. " 670 Store Worekl 1019 Asad. St. • 7698 P. H. Plank.- 1561 Grand Ate. • 1908 Ray etybnrn 2405 a.lby Ate. " 2684 John Reddy 169E University Ave. • 3406 Otto W. Regamener 1176 E. Maryland St. ' 3624 g •11- 1QeCELLAHEM $94988 HOS '- MMQUM 0. H. Regsnsaer o78 S. Rinnebabe et. On Bale Wit Bev. 3308 0. S. Riahrrdson 499 babaehs St. • 3864 Anne Raminger 321 Selby Avs. • 9979 R. Balsasdel A J. Hollering 8759 E. 7tb Blvd. • 2014 B. eilvar al E. 6th St. • 32PA Stahl Drug Go. 1388 Grand Avs. 3601 T. S. Bundry 263 Ries St. " 3388 Panni. Tarried 476 S. Snelling Ave. • 5011 Joeeph ?..hid& 407 Habash. St. • 2309 lie A. Tsahida 319 Robert at. • 2331 D. R. 7ogolge... 918 Readolph St. " 413 Mite Castle systea 470 St. Peter St. • 3394 0. G. I000g 191 Haatarn Avs. 8. ' 3411 F. A. Carlson LOBS Selby Ave. 6 pool tbls. 2698 0o111ms d Garrett 365 R. beet— Are. 4 " 1281 John Reddy 1693 unlvereity Ave. 3 • • 1800 Ch.s. Bmipalupo 383 F.innesota St. Restaurant 3247 Walter W. Bailey 872 university Ava. • 1877 Thema. Betula d Ray Traynor 733 W. 7th St. • 1283 A. Benham r 624 Lee Ave. • 3662 Elisabeth, Beasley 383 Rondo `t. • 3293 Albin A. Baum 838 7md.11a St. - • 1920 D. F. Bieok ey 1819 Selby Ave. • 3667 F. A. Carle— 1696 Selby Ave. • 2899 Apps Carpenter goo R. 7th St. • 2834 0. S. Osrnsy 463 Rine at. • 3688 Robert Oollime A L. Garrett 388 B. re.tern Ave. • 3489 Gee. Crime 912 Whit. Bear A". • 3489 C. H. Wig. 236 Carroll Ave. • 3491 Arthur R. Duabl.. 1811-13 university Avs. • 3213 Adolph Oebrlelem 497 at. Peter St. " 26M . MISM"SMUS PIRO NOT DRJNQV@7r John J. 9allagher 488 Robert 8t. Restaurant 3643 Effie Garrett 309 RI_ St. " 3607 Bud OeorC. 257 E. Pairfield Ave. " 3372 Geo. Oieenor 126 W. Ocatral A". " 3889 C. A. Heombed 636 S. Snolling Are. " 3631 Harmon & Hagler 232 E. 8th St. • 2495 H. H. garrity 737 Selbr Ave. ^ 2366 Gh.rles H. Howler 463 Jackson St. " 1288 Evil Jobmcn 968 pwa. Ave. • 867 Robert A. Johnson an N. shelling A". ^ 3492 J. S. garter 678 DESvereit$ Asa. ^ 3879 Robert Knutson 1443 Arcade St. ' 3431 Prank Eulhm k 2OG3 Sectors Ave. " 3338 Otto Loop I" E. 9th at. " 3483 HcOondokfe gate Sag Fabmhe St. 2338 (M. P. Yang) Robert lWamor 292 E. 5th St. " 3611 Jmc. Morelli 566 Pgyne A". ° 2896 Andrew A. Olson BGe Payne Ave. • 1076 Orme Olson 107 E. 8th St. " 1623 Ow Olson 1021 Arcade St. " 2976 J. E. O'Rourke 104042 Vniverelly Ave. " 609 Stara F derski 2019 Arcade St. " 1897 Serer Paterson 6 Saver Nelson 131&"14 Arcade St. " 674 Pesters L L Hraoha 2929 IDsiversitr Ave. 3245 P. H. Plankers 1561 Orad A". • 1807 John Reddy 1893 Ynisersity Ave. S408 Otto H. Rogensuer 1178 E. "I=d St. " 3523 0. N.Heg.naher 878 E. Mon hahe St. " 3108 G. E. Richardson 499 Habash. St. • 3663 RarrY Hobartson 1786 E. Mlmeheh. St. ' 3408 Mrs. Helen rybak 935 Osiveraity Ave. " 2368 Mafia NEWS {97068 301 MLIRQUM subuek 6 Ri115ue 560 at. Aathow Ave. Raetaornnt 3444 Stew. Soh—it. 6 Henry Str-11.992 Aroad. St. ' 1496 Arthur F6 Schiller 7M Yd.=4 St. • 1497 O. 0. Sh— 135 Cult' ItV Ave. ' 1603 S. Silver 21 E. 6th St. • 3293e A. Stewart 126 W. Cleveland A—. • 6643 1oos1 Loan Cc. eee York Bldg. Chattel 5ortgage 5661 Local Loan Go. Ss York Bldg. Salary Loch 3682 hami;y Finance Co. ( C.J. Chad-) 374 Robert St. • 3530 B. P. Oarobaeh 862 S. 7th St. tad hand auto parte 1641 Sam L.M 37" B. 7th St. • 3060 Ben Fabeisk S43 Ualverelty Ave. 1819 Ben Bohude 034 Arcade St. " 1690 R. W. Gorr (Roy Lunch) 326 W. 7th St. laveur 1410 Sod Oeorge 2167 R. Fairfield Ave. • 1997 J. R. Ogiurke 1040.42 0hlveralty Ars. ° 473 S. J. Weber (Eddie•. lateen) 686 Payne A—. • 3345 CITY OF SAINT PAUL GPU d ml.— OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. 5, fERGUSON Ciry Cl.h .nd Comminlonv of R.gl,e.uan August IU, 1934 Catbe rine Rieger 1 u94 Iglahert Ave. St. Paul, Mi... Dear Radem I have been directed to inform you that your application for OFF SALE MALT RRTRRLO LICRRS1 - at the above address la—not passed by the City Council. Prom records it appears that Lame are delin- quent .this property. The Council has been withholding license. on income prodming property on which taxes are delinquent. If you are act the owner of this property, than the owasr should be informed of this action and if there is a reasonable a�@lenation of the cause of the tame not being paid the Council w111 De pleased to grant you or the owner a hearing. Tour. very truly, \ lark. City C ����� J__ �,_, T�r> ��t -�S 3. ja. c CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4pRnl of MlnnnwY OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. 5. FERGUSON City C'.and Cemmlmonm of Rnelmnaen Angeat 10, 1934 Mr. Walter F. Heng 9" Homey St. Bt. Feel, Kin, Dear Sirl I havebeen directed to inform you that your application for 011 AND ON SALE R►LT Hi/HHAU AND at the above address .resMS ---a- nota passed by the City Cc=il.From records it appeare that tame are delin- quent on this properly. The Douncit has been withholding licenae. on income producing property on which tame are delinquent, Ifyounot the ownershould be the ofethis esti-. aanndrif there 1. s reasonable ..planation of the cavae of the Lam a not being pal the Council will be pleased to grant you or the owner a hearing. Yours vary truly, - r Years' City Clerk. i 2 890 s6 6oO 33 p -C-108" wu nLw No. RESOLUTION 4 May 23 ITED C IMS AUDITED .. 1-4, 2. .5 4 TOT - I FAVOR OF 7 25 999 00 Ly� ....... 371 907 64 —ffartl 127 30 184 96 4146 11147 Coal C.-Pan'y James E. GipPl- 20 00 4148 Malloy Grocery 2a 30 2 4 go h149 4190 Michaud 13rctherB,InC. M, c s , . k is on Grocery 1 11 4111 Midst PublishingCompany 19 50 4152 Mianeeota ChAmioal Company,1no. 5570 4innesota 15� N8 Company M — 122 25 1, I'; is tional Battery Comrany 115 2 49 3� 41 59 4156 No Notional M.— Company ,–"ask 2 50 4157 ..rtl" or' Auto Electric Company 1 0 214 lr8 4158 Northern Yells 2 46 3 411�q tat Po ' Company Xo�therr states 805 17 4160 Northern State. PO -1 Company A 10 52 90 4161 North star Val.l.b Company 5 4162 .pper & Bros a fork. N.V. copper 38 15 416; N.i. rel Company 53 12 4164 The Nor tbwestercPress 1 70 1-16� 011 Dutch Products Company 1 25 416 0li—U.ohi.e Company 29 85 4167 -forI UniVer-ity Press Oxford 13 65 4168 Pepe,. al, —son & Company l 82 42 4169 4170 Paramount Pies M.F. PattersonDentalCompany 0 11 00 4171 C any CX,, 121 25 22 4172 417" P,T . ion Type. Inc. tion Phillipe Petroleum Company 3 5 24- 4174 Company P ,_7 Typewriter 35 00 4175 Price Electric Company 35 56 4176 1 r. Ptacek & Son 7 75 4177 If Public OVnerebip League A. 5 00 417 8 1 PublicUti I I t ie. R epor to . no 25 35 4179 Public works 3 00 41so The PrCompany 23 76 4181 '. r. Quar,ie & Company 75 79� 4192 Quarterly Journal of Speech 2 50 41 N Railway Express Inspector 4 97 00 41 4185 ,_say County Boiler Raymer Hardware Company 99 4186 4187 c.yme iss al Company 00 R�jianoe Engineers,lno. 2Z1 00 3 2 151' 41 g Ril y Plug gm an 7 )5� 414 , Riley StokeC Corporation 65 21 h190 Robinson, C,.r, " 9-11 Company �' 25 4191 Tborm— t 77 4 1 '),L It",1111111 00—Y 9 419l Royal T yo eVriter Comrany c6 15 194 4194 9 t . P aul 9—k & 9tati0r—y C...,.y 71. 78 4195 3t.paul Book & Stationery Company —L "7 2 890 s6 6oO 33 p -C-108" wu o�ti�uh .Jr o �Ne.vv .—Z., T"e�N0. [ COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS may 24 34 220. ..E TOTAL o, FAVOR OF aao ,eoaw,ao 25 989 00 386 600 33 4196 4197 Biorn Public 'welfare 15 on 19 381 39 4198 Board of Ramsey Fuel & Ioe Company 1 191 96 4199 Milton Rosen, C. of Finanoe 246 00 4200 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 52 983 75', 4201 H, F, Goodrich, Comptroller 38 01 4202 GR- Coneumere Association 4 00 4203 Gopher 9t ate Products Company 64 35. 4204 M„,dl.Company 366 78 420E Sanitary Food Mfg.Company 71 90. 4206 Milton Rosen, C. of Finanoe 2 518 95 4207 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 21 90' 4208 Leo V. Cunnien 32 86 4209 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Company 110 03 4210 Law Bonn Company 46 85 4211 J. Ryan & J. Roland 41 66 4212 Andrew Roehnan 1 482 76 4213 Wati Opal Biscuit Company 21 43 4214 Wortbern States Power Company 231 71 4215 Worth 'n States Power Company 376 04 4216 Park Machine Company 7 00 4217 Pioneer Alm & wheel Company 1 95 4218 Plantation Coffee Company 17 80 4219 Presto -Mfg. Company7 00 4220 Public Management 4 or) 4221 Public School Pub.Comrany 145 00 4222 9t.Pau1 Braes Foundry Company 57 422j 9t. Paul Builders Materiel Co. 46 00' 4224 9t.Paul Corrugating Company 99 66 4225 9t.Paul Foundry Company 38 42 42x6 9t Paul Class Company 5 26 4227 st.Paul Goodwill Industries 117 63 4228 St,Paul Letter Company 22 00 4229 9t, Paul Milk Company 279 91 4230 9t, Paul Milling Company 16 CO 4231 9t,Paul stamp *arks 57 20 4232 9t. Paul vocational School 2 25 4233 9t.Peu1 Welding & Mfg.Company 27 66 4234 13, iebury IS 7 20,. 4235 9ohelen Auto Eleotric Company 15 60' 4236 Jacob Schmldt Brewing Company 108 00' 4237 Sohneider's Gift Shope 13 Olt • 4238 Schreier's Auto Top Company 8 75 �23+9 9chroeder& Company 12 On 424 Snhulz 7 opery 10 64 h2i,1 424- 'c r.un em ea & Yan nh elmere Charley9oribner'e 9�ne Sn OS 4phz F. 9ouiley �. 50 00 4,44 j, '3eeete.dt Cnmoany 17 50 4245 Frank 9bepard Company f 41 on 4246 Sherwood P, e' 3 28 4247 R.J. Slewlk, Inc, 38 34. -4248 Tri-9tste Tel. & Telg. Company 216 83' ?ri-etnte Tel. & Telg. Company 1-t 01• 425n Trl-,State Tel. & ?elg. Com pony 103 65 4251 Oniver eity of W, C. Press 3 82 .'° •-” 25 999 00 467 920 57 a __ H cn�� o„ice o. ,HE cornvrao�cca .�E No. wnr COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAD& ” Mal' 25 34 X final 873 394 95 -13. -95 aEso� f7� o ,.. . !Nr. �" eduotion2 TOTAL _^ 111 T1.111.11, m.eb VOR OF c..ECFs"cc ns r e. ..r" 111 25 989 oo1467 820 57. 4252 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 18 117 07 4253 standard atone Company 573 55 4254 9—el Foster 65 00. 4255 Milton Rosen, Treae, of Police Pension Fund 40 127 91 4256 Milton Rosen, Trees, of Health Employees Relief Assoc. 6 000 00 4257 Lawrence A. Soler, Cashier w.D. 133 10 4258 Northern States Power Company 4 568 69 4259 �barp-9peakesmCompany6 ny,Inc. 15 66 4 60 Th 4261 ETnest Lambert 179 17 4262 St.Paul Book & Stationary co. 568 54 4263 sanitary Farm Dalri a s,Inc. 245 20 4264 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 50 94 465 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 21 13 4266 H.V. Smith & Company 6 75 4267 L.C.9mith & Corona Typ.Inc, ] 30 4268Ruth Alice Smith 4 20 4269 0. 9ommer8 & Company 265 64 4270 The Spragues 4 33 4271 J.T. Stacey 1 on 4272 R.K. Stahl Company 66 64 4273 9tanchfield Company 19 00 4274 Standard Laundry Comvany 25 88 4275 Standard Unit Parte Comnany 54 89 4276 She Ste–Vie Company, Inc, 69 75 4277 A, 9teiert & Son 244 80 4278 9talnle Meats & Grooerles 1 96 4279 E.J. Stilwell Paver Comnany 46 29 4280 E,H. Streube 47 02 4281 Swift & company 4282 Time5 00 4283 Tri–State Tel, & Telg. Comnany 194 15 4284 Tri–State Tel. & Telg. Company 66 64 lig 4285 Tri–State Tel. & Telg. Company 773 88, 4286 Trusoon Steel Company 61 17 4287 Twin City Show Card Company 1 50 4288 Twin City Tea & coffee company 23 55 p 4289 Twin City Textile Mille 20 13 • 4290 Underwood–Elliott–Fisher Company 32 00 4291 Union Braes & Metal Company 22 0� 4292 "niv, Carloading & Dist.Comnsny 4 b1 4293 U.S. Radiator Corporation d 8 00 4294 "ni,e Ity of Chicago Preee 13 43 4,95 'Iniveralty Prints 05 4296 The Val lumnld Cmmny 9 4297 7111,. fox & Lumber —p�-ny 355 50 4298 7a1lorf ainiery Company 414 36 4299 Ge o. T. walker & 0=,any,Ine. 120 90 4300 Yashington Foundry coma any 120 54 4301 Taxahaohle Nursery company 2 20 4302 TesteTo arucibla Steel Cast.Co. 48 96 OT& A uetment of error on Res. Sheet No. 83, Voucher No, 4018, M+iy 17, 19334 541 015 52_ —T ro,.c_Foaw„ao 25 989 00 543-235. 4e a,or ,� 97�72 B a 'FOR IMPROVo. ♦.-:.,.:.. ,. and 'l. "7 PRELIMINARY ORD 1 The and—im,e hereby p,opoaes dx making of We following public improvement by fe Paul, w..'. Condemn, t:ke and appropriate for City Market purcoses the following : Bomp:s Addition t Allof Lots 1 to 14 inclusive. Greve, Oppenheim & Begents BeArrangement: Ail of Lots 10 and 11 Markley & Walker's addition All of that part of Lots 8,9 and 10, Block 4, lying southerly of a ,ine drawn 70 feet northerly of:khd paralleh to the south line of Norris St. Joel Whitney,s Addition : All of that pa t of Lot 4, Block 2, lylr„, southerly of a line drawn 70 feet northerly of and parallel to the south line of Norris St., also all of Lots 5,6 and 7, Block 2. Pricce& Desnoyerts ReArrangement All of Lots 7 to 2C incl aSv=, also that ,are of Lots 5 and 6 lying soutt:erly of s line drawn from the Weat most comer of said Lot 5 to the EA�t most corner of Lot S. St. Paul Central Lots Lot 17, block 1. Also all that land lying —theasterly of Lots 1,2 end 3, Borupts Addition, to c,,,n said Lott 1�2 and 3 and the north :ine of Tenth Street. Also that strip lying southeasterly of Prince Desnoyerls Addition adjoining Lots 13 and 14 Sa said Addition northwesterly a. the Public Market. Markley & Walker's Additiont All of Lots E and 9, Block 3. Also all that Sand lying southeasterly oL:Lots 1,2 and 3, Scruple Addition, between said Lots 1,2 and 3 and the north line of Tenth Street. i u s7L' yl� Pt �7Y.13riGj,''., ' ' I I rlus 0'. po!,..l z t - �'Fvs7,IE P49I :: 77ve OZ, Ao-,Tj. vat F}f6Lr1. J4, - c7 raTUR T 1x Cpt'F - '�l '11', T'OrE T`)�, vTr Dated this.- 25th. day of May _.. " _..-. 1934 Counuiman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A azitten pmpwal for the making of the following improvement, riz Condemn, take and appropriate for City Parket purposes the following : Borupts Addition All of Lots 1 to 14 inclusive. Greve, Oppenheim & BeganIsUkrzongemeatI All of Lots 10 and 11 Markley & Walkerts Addition : All of that part of Lots 8,9 and 10, Block 4, lying southerly of a line drawn 70 feet northerly of and parall0h to the south line of Norris St. Joel Whitneyts Addition : All of that part of Lot 4, Block 2, lying sout4arly of a line drawn 70 feet northerly of and parallel to the south line of Norris St., also all of Lots 5,6 and 7, Block 2. Prince & Desnoyerts ReArrangement All of Lots 7 to 20 inclusive, also that part of Lots 5 and 6 lying southerly of a line drawn from the West most corner of said Lot 5 to the Bast most corner of Lot 8. St. Paul Central Lots Lot 17, Block 1. Also all that land lying southeasterly of Lots 1,2 and 3, Borupts Addition, between said Lots 1,2 and 3 and the north line YTT of MP 9 Rug TOOF flecKrsa � 41eT�eLia YgaTCToua I . S� UPT':e to t'.9T F70U —q TY TD asTq V99TFT0V DOLFpysarsLT1 os DsavoasLfa yggTFToD sgloTDToI, roP2 T3 9Tao PP aFLTb T%TU6 aonfpseaFSL;A oL bLTUGs g os isDlP 2CLssr• i r04 T.1' PTOCIf T' 2f' bsnT CGOFLsTrola GULUSL 0 ro; 8' GOLUSL OL ang roC 2 Co Fps gsaf mo2r oL s TTDs gLsem LLom Fps yisar moan 62p 0T r Fz 2 —9 P Ta TUR zon PPMjI 9TT oL ro Fa d Co SO TUGTOaTAe' 1110 Cps:' bLTUGG ¢ DsaDOXsL, 3}js`JL—URG...0 2'P -q d' BT --K S' TTUs 01 pottTa 2F'' aTao arr oL roP2 enT.CFst; T. of .:�; hPLerrs; ;rrs zoaCi- eonfpsLT] os 8 7TDs gZaee[r �0 LssC @TT oL CPar bs r oL Pot t^' 13T --FS' IIT-1'10sT .MPTFUQx,2 P9gTFTOU : Mr. oL poLLT2 2t• DoL fPSLT% oL —9 b—TTs91 Co 1'ps zon,p T2.TDR zon Cv-LTa oL c TTUs 4L— �0 Lssr "T7 �L FPsr b_LC oL rata 8'd 'meq TO' PTOGK 7' Z"LK7sT g MsTXsL'a Y99TfT0D 'rToL rwit TO —q TT CLO.6 Ob b..pe Tm j H.RSU' z SB9LL9DSSIasuf: PTT oL roC= T ro V TOGF,zT-- noLnbtz Vqq Tr To- FVs Lo7T0eaT�,R having been presentcvl to We Council of the City of StP..] therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Nblk Norks be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To invesligate the --ily for, or desirablity of. the making of said improvement. I To investigate the nawre, erten and estimated met of said imp— and the total cow therm(. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To dale xhether or no said improvement is asked for on the pefli- of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing masters to the Commissioner of t'inance. rar 2 s wed .Adopted by the Council _. Y— \n Caoncilman Mxv / Mclbnnn.o Approved ,�S iy,i.. _ T.- 3ticarer. ro..,enMr�a a-iit Prec— 7" m mu'mi 'imomm ��,, ,��.., m.,. ►'r ►73 CITU OF ST. PAUL ,� NO ........ ..... ... • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMMissloNeR _ � o,.re RESOLVED, that the bond of John F. Doyle, in the amount of One Thousand Dollare ($1000,00), therein the United State. Casualty Company 1s surety, covering his term of office a. justice of the peace, which bond has been approved as to form and erecntScn by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same 1e hereby accepted and approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller. -- ------ i" �...., . ... m..,.... corNrn.Nua 1"mgr \n� /fit cl)unnl�l / f m¢ Mr. Vice Pres. MAY 2 9 1934 Ad.ple,l 1, the <\�un 0 9 tdA_ 2 . 934 193... rCt v� CITY OF ST. PAUL .v"c" NO. ;.�-%:714 y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RErZOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ ewescwT[o ev / COM moeEe��.__�_-_ .AT.Y 011113mumWHEREAS, the plaster cast of the statue for the concourse Of the new Court House and City Hall has been completed by Oarl Milles, the sculptor, and Is now located in his studio in Detroit, Michigan, and WHEREAS, at its last meddng the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission passed a resolution dirsoting that Mr. Millee cut the plaster -pane cast, whicn is now in two pieces, each 18 feet hign, into the proper sizes, to allow for fabrication in onyx at some future date, and to ship the cast to St. Paul for storage, insuring the same against lose, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the 0ounall approves of and conours in the action of the Advisory Commission. aocb i 46''le ecXirl�e Yebetmt�n ('I)I"NUILME.N— Y'm nb .. AdupLed by tn, C--il MAY _2-9.1934 m.3 /nl'nIa 16 �ab�.,• In m,'�� — 29 19� l Tau,. Aznlnat CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minneso1, OFFICE OF CITY CLERK wauwe F. scop C." Cleh and C..._o.— of Regisnanon .,J . ,. -- - Ne4v 24th, 1914. Nr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Hulldin,. Dear Str: The attached letter trot Corl P. Herbert relative to the cotyle ted plae tar cxet o' the tatoe for the a of the City Hall w referred to you 1—the preparation of asolution sltilsr to the o e passed by the AdvisoryComniselon, as described in this letter. Your. very truly, %�K1- e-11�- City Clerk. Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research A,hledc Club Building 4210 May 22, 1934. To the City Council, Ci ty of Saint Paul, Wi r vote. Gentlemen: So tiego Mr. Mill.. completed the platter of the .,at_ for - — the concowse, and since that time it hat remained in the studio at Cranbrook School in Detroit. Lt it. l..t meeting the Advisory pasted a solution directing that Mr. Will.. cut the pl—t—parl. —.t, ch or:-:,t:,piece "to the Pro- ;'.!,t-iOo,--tfuture - date. "...0 '.,t-t.dthat..pl..t.r caot be hippdvrefr.tor- ,go, and that it be insured. CPH:SH This matter it ref—red to you for your action. Very truly your., Secretary, Advisory Court House and Coy Hall Bulldi.g C—i..10.. 2'i'.')7b CITY OF ST. PAUL COL:xc" NO..... OFFICE OF THE CITY -- /COUN IL RESOLUTIO GEI iio M oT-L� "%/ _ May 29. 1934 _ --- RESOLVED WHEREAS, theconstruction of the new Post Office Building is practically complete, and WH Lai EAS, the established sidewalkand curb grades on Sibley Street east of the new Post Office Building require that the grade of Sibley Street be changedfrom the south curb line to a point approximately 200 feet south of the south line of Sibley Street, and WHEREAS, such improvement is necessary to conform to the new Post Office Building grades, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be directed to prepare plans and specifications for the re- paving of this street, using existing granite and sandstone blocks where possible, and be it RESOLVED FURTHER, That the cost of the improvement estimated to be $4,163.00, of which amount $'750.00 is to be paid by the Fleischer Engineering and Construction Company as liquidated. damages for settlement of the exist- ing street due to construction along the Post Office Building site, and be it RESOLVED FURTHER, That the net cost of $3,413.00 or as much thereof as shall be necessary be appropriated from the City Paving Aid Fund, Code 31-E1, to cover the cost of said improvement. 1— I'M NrILMIrn s�n3 MAT 291934x3 Ad,A,dbymeCoundl _ _. NAY 2 P 193 /7'ra rer _ In [nvor Ay�n� �_ _. _. I93_ Rmen "� °-» 67r, A'ice Pras. R'enzei N., CITY OF ST. PA{ ' 01D.k— HE cl� F �Q 7cou�F� TY ION—GEAE+UL h., X14MM trMEahave , the Hanford Air Line Inc., e the contract with o a Goverment for carrying mail between Pembina, North Dakota, and Chicago, which includes the City of St. Paul, and WHEREAS, the said Hanford Air Lines Inc. desires to Use the Holman Municipal Airport as their Twin City Base, and has requested that it be permitted to install an 8000 gallon storage tank anda 2000 gallon auxiliary storage task, both for the stor- age of gasoline, at the northwest corner of Holman Municipal Airport, with a pipe line running to a point north of the mucloipal hangar, where the 2000 gallon auxiliaxytankleato be boated, with a pipe runni.tt g from ouch auxiliary ask o . or vi a piteast of the hangar, and WHEREAS ,the Hanford Air Lines Inc. will make such installation at Its own co at and Woes that such tanks and pipe line shall become the property ofthe City upon installation, and that the City shall charge no fee for the use of 9=0 tanks for a period of three months, and tnat thereafter taeHanford Air Lines Inc. will pay the City as a fee for the use of said tanks sad,pipe line, at the rata of one-half cent per gallon on gasoline services from such tanks thru suohpips I for so long a period as the Hanford Air L, 1.8 Inc. continues to Use the airportas a base for its operations, euoh privilege and foe to cease at any time that the said Hanford Air L1 no 8 Ino. no. di eco at roues the use of Holman Municipal Airport as its base, therefore be it RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to install the gasoline storage age tanks and pipes aforesaid, Under the terms re- quested, and the Corporation Counsel is directed to draw a proper agreement therefor, herofor;Oand the proper Olty Officers are hereby author- ized and directed execute the said agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that such Installation shall be made in ac oor dance with the ordinances of the City Of St. Paul and under toodirection and to the satisfaction of the Commissi oner of Public Safety. COUNCILINIF1 Y'. sorx A&q) by thx C.-61 MAY P8 1934m "I"Y f.... App,,d MY - 193 PURI] 'I: IFIIIE OF TIE EITI —11 Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATP/// TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made —d FILED CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.cI.l oI Ml..—u DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Troth ..d Ml-... S.... -HN H WN/ D, C--, M'. it -- of 'he P.-- lh- 111,11., of '.nom H—f—d At- In- f— —M—l— 1. L--1 for p,j%',- . f- � i -T,j ., CITY OF SAINT PAUL Opiul of Mlneaob DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T,wh and Min.aob Sb„b JOHN H. WDONALD,C-11- -4w”. or.,wss1- -4w"w May 31 1934. Hon John H McDoiald., Oo®-r. public afty, 9t Paul Minn. Dear Bir; In regard to aII the a Itoation of the Haord Air Lines Ino,for peraieeioa to install a filling Station for there privat me for filling alrplanee,at (Holman Municipal Airport) W have investigated the forgoeing and report that by this installation it will not increase the fire hazard in this locality. Very truly yours Ohief Tire Inspector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of MZ -71e DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �..wurrar�ecomm..w�.. MILION H0§4JI,. At I. -ID. Q.el F— 0.EANt0, D.wr Cammiva.r Gi.M(t F U M S.p d Cn+��.�o+ L C1�n00., S.p ai SamNiw. G N H!I[OLD. Off— -^C,11—gyp EnyMm MA50. GxYt1AR, bdpa fnomam June 11, 1934 Ferguson, City Clerk, Court House. He Apnlicatlon of Hanford Air Lines, Inc. for private use, airplane fil Ing station to be located at St. Paul Airport (Holman Municipal Airport) Dear Sir: Hanford Air Lines, Inc. By- A. S. Hanford, Jr. This is an application to place gasoline pumpsand tanks on St. Paul Airport property for the private use of the Hanford Air Linea, Inc. The property is zoned for.Heavy Industrial purposes and the proposed use is wholely within. the Intended purpose of this district. The tank capacity is small. This application is not accompanied by a blue print showing the location of the proposed pumps and tanks but St Ss suggested that they be located Sn such a way as not to violate the design of the airport as laid down or interfere with its future development. Yours v=ry truly, ' �Ihl�� �� i .f%n� M5 EPARD, lneer. MILT ON HOSEN, --- ConmissLoner. CITY OFST. PAUL ` NO. 97 9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIONCi NERAL FORM , Co=s reo ev T. as'acmm WHEREAS, the employment apeoificatloae for the position of •kettle firemsng do not require that the applicant be licensed, and WHEREAS, the persons holding that title are required to sestet In the handling of high pressure boilers, and the Civil Service Bureau has recommended that the qualifioatione be amended, now therefore be it RESOLVED that the minimum qualifications for applicants for the position of "kettle fireman", in addition to the qualifi- cations now included in the employment specifications for Bald position be amended and the same are hereby amended to require that applicants be thoroughly qualified as first -Claes fireman on stationary boilers for high pressure steam. I'M NCIIAIEN Nn,I �Ad,d I, thr ('uuncil__.. ,. MAY ^ 9 tg4493 — �IcUnmd<I - r�n�.�� Approved MAY 2 9 1934 193 _ THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION -.11111w CD May 18th, 1934• Commissioner H. C_ Wenzel, D E P A R T M E N T. Dear Sir : On June lst the Civil Service Department will hold an examination for kettle fireman. It is normallyintended that a kettle fireman shall be used at the City Paving Plant, and the duties on this workhave always been the firing and care of asphalt kettles and the care of steam bol l ers as well. According to the specifications which the Civil Service Department has been using since 1926, there has been no requirem ant that a man be a fireman on steam boilers. This has complicated matters as far as the operation of the asphalt plant is concerned, because many men were certi- fied to us for this work who knew nothing about steamboilers and we did not dare use them around the plant for this Job. I have discussed the matter with Mr. Probst, and he advises that the best way to correct this sit- uation is for the Commissioner of Public Works to have a resolution put tbrough the City Council which would require that one of the qualifications for a kettle fireman shall be that he be thoroughly quali- fied as a first-class fireman on stationary boilers for highpressure steam. Mr. Probst states that if this resolution is put through the Council they canadd this additional requirement to the present specifications for this Job, and in this way head off future grief and trouble in securing men for this particular Job. I think that any action you take In this matter should be undertaken at once. Very respectfully, GEORGE M. GAREN, Asst. Supt. of Cons & Repairs. gmg-rh _ l 117978 ' CITY OFI ST. PAUL NO............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL 2bes2sm3u WHEREAS, in the matter of widening West Seventh Street, there appear public judgments against Lots 4, 5, 8 and 9, Block 14, Rice & Irvine's Addition, which propezW was owned by the First Trust Company of St. Paul ae trustee, under the trust created by Patrick Cooley; and WHEREAS, the amount of the award of damages was $15,975.00 and WHEREAS, the Trustee and the City desire to prevent delay in the street widening project, and did agree that the Trustee should deposit in a deposit box in the First National Bank of St. Paul, under the joint control of the City and said Trustee, $50,000.00 par value bonds to protect the City from any claim made against the award of damages by any of the judgment creditors, which agreement was entered into under date of April 18, 1933, pursuant to the authority of Council File No. 96347, approved April 18, 1933, and WHEREAS, pursuant to such agreement, the First Trust Company of 8t. Paul, as trustee, did deposit, pursuant to such agreement, the following bonds: $5,000 Central Name Power Company First 4 1/28 dub December 1, 1957. $6000 anddlR�undf�ngghigan Electric Sa due March 1. 19First 55 $5,000 Home Telephone d Telegraph Company First Bs, due duly 2, 1943. $5,000 Pennsylvania Telephone Corporation Se, due December 1, 1960, and WHEREAS, the Trustee now desires to withdraw said bonds and deposit in lieu thereof, bonds of the par value of $ 21,000, as f ollows: $5,000 Metropolitan Edison Company First Mortgage 4 1/2s, due Marhb 1, 1968. ('UGSI'I LM [:N Y_ \nen AdupLed by tha C,iuncil_.__._..._..193.._ \Iny \IcUonnMS _ I'rnrce - Ili fn,'nr App roved __ _.. _... .. _.. _. _ 193__ Itnarn 11'r ii vrl _ ➢tarr an, ..rr \Ir. 1'rn'ulrut �tuhonry , ' CITY OF ST. PAUL CDL: NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i9- $5,000 Carolina Light t Power Company First and Refunding 50 due April 1, 1958. $5,000 Wayne County, lorth Carolina, School Funding 5s, due July 1, 1939. $5,000 Church of 9t. John, St. Paul, Last Fifth and Forest Streets, First Mortgage 5s, due August 1, 1939. $1,000 Eresga Realty Company, First Mortgage 5 1/2s, due Maroh 1, 1935, and WHEREAS, the market value of said bonds is at present not lees than $17,043.85, according to the beet information obtainable by the Commissioner of FSnanoe and the City Comptroller, which mum if $1088.75 in excess of the amount of the award, and is ample to protect the City, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council conours in the request of the First Trust Company Of St. Paul, as Trustee, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to surrender the original bonds deposited, upon delivery of the above named bonds, which bonds mall be deposited in lieu thereof, and said agreement of April 18, 1933 be amended to that extent. ('UDS('ILNP:S Ad„ t, -,I by u,� C,, -,i[ MAY _2-9.4934. 1o:1 u null I 1. o f—" AI,Ml r d _. los ---- .M ..,, Mr. Viae Pres�we ze�i_ pUBLISI11'1- CITY OF ST. PAUL .�,. ` No. !),I'8j.0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEIERAL FORM PREEN / _MMs�`oNEA C� L l -e 1� 1 LS'0 E �✓ WHEREAS,in the matter of widening West Seventh street, there appeared to be judgments against Lots 4, 5, 6 and 9, Block 14, Rlce & Iry Snels Addition, which property was owned by the First Trust Company of Saint Paul, as Trustee under the trust created by Patrick Conley; and AREAS,the True tee and the City desired to prevent delay in the street wi den lag prove ct, and did agree that the Trustee should deposit in a deposit box in the FI 'at :I atlonal Bank of Saint Paul, under the joint control of the City and said Trustee, $20,000.00 par value bonds to protect the City from any claim made against the award of damages by any of the judgment creditors, which agreementwas entered Into under date of April 18, 1933, pur- suant to the authority of Council File No. 95147, approved April 19, 1933; and F` WREREA8,. the First Trust Company of Saint Paul, as Trustee, desires to withdraw said bonds and deposit in lieu thereof bonds of the par value of $20,000 an follows: $5,000.00 Met�opolltan Edison Co. First Mortgage 4 e due March 1, 1968 $5,000.00 Carolina Light & Power Co. First and Refunding 5s due April 1, 1956 $5,000.00 Wayne County, North Carolina School Funding Be due July 1, -199E; fly T317 $5,000.00 Church of St, John, Saint Paul, East Fifth and Forest St First First Mortgage 5 e due August 1, 1939 IAAND WHEREAS, the market value of said bonds is at present 143.75, which sum Ss in exca as of the amount of the award of 15 975.00, and is ample to protect the City; therefore, be it (Y111V LNII:N Yens \n)'s A&I)ted by Ihi� ('i. ii ncil. 193 Alnr \1 rl)n ii nl,I 1'enrce In (u vor Appru.rd _.. 193 Itue'i n CITY OF ST. PAUL .�� ` No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM (Z) RESOLVED, That the Council concurs in the I,sc—t of the First Trust Ce pany of Saint Paul, as Trustee, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to surrender the original bonds deposited, upon delivery of the abovenamed bonds, which bonds shall be deposited in lieu thereof, and said atcreement of April 18, 1937, be =mended to that extent. t'O(TNCILNIE\ Y— 1""nye AJn1,6cd b) the C -,1 _. _I93. hlnv �icllon nld Penrcc In h—" App --d _. _.. _ 103. It ne„i 'I'ruur Akninet N Dlr. I'residenl \fuhoney CITY Of SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT May 33, 1934. Mr. Milton Rowan, Commissioner of rinanoe. Dear Sir: I am forwarding herewith, letter reoelved from W. X. Knots, Trust Officer of the rirst Trust Company of at. Paul, together with City Mortgage Information on bonds of the Kresge Realty Company, in which letter Mr. Kynts make us to accept a $1000 bond of the said Kresge Realty Company as additional security to the bonds already agreed upon, covering the payment by the City to it as Trustee of the Patrick Oonley Estate, owner of some property involved in the Hee% Seventh Street widening. We feel that this is a decision which should be made by the financial officers of the City, and therefore transmit the letter and information to you for your decision. Yours very truly. 0 1 EM -MS. - Ae9l stout Corporation 0 ouaeel. I \Ob FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL A.... ........a .a.. r ia„ w,. —,, B— P— C-11 511n111— Sw.Nr Pnui �•-• Yny 1B, 1954 Yr. Edwin Y. Murphy As sl stent Corporation kttorney Room ¢316 - Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Murphy. Yr. Stolpestad hSnformed ma that you would like to have u add another $as 1,000 bond to the list of bond$ which it is proposed to substitute for those no, eyed by the e w involving the West Seventh Street widening ward insc action with the Patrick Conley property. As uchaddiLionel deposit, we, therefore, suggest $1,000 Kresge Realty Company First Mortgage 5 1/2. due March 1, 1935. A descriptive circular covering the above issue is enclosed herewith for your further information. You will notice that the Kresge Realty Company is owned by the S. S. Kresge Company. This is-. is not Meted on any stock ax- cbange, but in on r judgment it is a safe end well acured loan end all interest installments have ba—ye beenemet very promptly. Roping that with thi. additional item the subeti- Lution may be completed, I remain Very truly yours, WEK-kc Trust Officer Enc. T-2199 CITY MORTGAGE INFORMATION Aonount No. Nome: Loan No. r 386 Mortgagor: Kraft* Pealty 0ampaT Present 0 -- Original Amount: $ 326,000 Reduced to $ Dats: /l/3D Rate: W, Payable: Sao. 6 ga,. Maturity: 0,1.1966 Loan made through asrehants Trost Oea� H— Acquired: Description of property: since Tells. south D.UOU (nee Was) Appraisal: Land $ 101,000 Bate: By Whom: Insurance: Buildings: $ 90,000 Fire $ 76,OOD Total: 3111M Q/1/32 - Dost ,a-tm, Windsto +rm $ Interest paid to: 311=1lg[ /32 9�l�33 3 i 4 Tates paid for years: 12930 • 1931 1932 Remarks, including r -dations, if delinquent: !bL lone In seemed by fls,t eort,a,m ea lot 18 amt 4 of let 17. 61oek 17. J.1.PE1111p6 ldditlos to the 02ty of since Tells. 8odh D.Jbts. tbs ,road bas s fat n%W of 66 fast as M1111ps 4vsas and 166 feet = 1001 steoet, bola, the SW aeras of tate Intwreatt®, sed eealded the beet mtstl eea.r m the eta. no eao8u0 Data "61,07.1 for this Plop" to to 1921, at ebl& pee thae sos se old fo= at.j brtek xetldta, a 91, eeeated Is 7662, ed et eon Stas oee9VW by the 9iaehsha ss,"ad Hat. tae e1d balidln, see etl"Ir oat of date, and the fls,t floor was axes, stamen 16se1. 7t was "tartlally of m value sed we wreaked d=in, the seems, of 1929, Anse sbtah Use the Vf"V Oaspsey bee mated a as, =ossa. tee.s%j7 Drina sed Naas stem beildta8 66X166. for their ova oeoapaey at a east of 696.006. sskttg tbsir total less". ant In the Pgo—ty $..066. the baeamnt Is used for ,tote Tom the ft"S floor far eslooieen. saesdt • 60aft 28X99 Imsed to 91I1m..roa1 pe p.M the sseomd floor aentsta 16 offlbe and rent rope, ate., for wres,a eoplefuse. !hs Pe164e aylSal of tbs Iree,s IDw1ty 00s,00. shiab to a 91ehl,e eerpoeattea. Is 62.62►.200, all of iM stook of .htch to bald by tM S. s. 29eep 0eyoe<y. the Property " lessd W tbs R—ItT Obapm7 to the IIeede *WPay e011 Rasa 21. 1961. on the baste of 6% eat=s an the tuvete ed. May 7, 1939. Mr. lalton 1?o sen, "ommissioner of �inanoe. )ear sir: An Snve: ?lain tl on in- the vresent marketvalue t the bonds whien the First Trust Com?any, .. trustee If Lne 'atrick Conley trust, pro?ores to deposit under joint control 11th the City, in plane of other bonds heretofore deposited, snows that the amount Se $160.75 In azcese of the amount ed the axard, and It occurs to me that perhaps this me:y to Ins f!cle .t to 7retect the City. '�,e market value of tl:e ar l;, inn, t.-.nda Zd of the substitute bonds opl. suown on the aocompanyin,- tabulation and represents a drop oP around add00 SInathe b—de, tY probablymwill betwlllln.�t to do BOee if requested. '.e had prepared a resolution a., Teeing to the eubctitution but noticed that tl.e ,ruotee had a,, reed to deposit, r..e other bonda, 35000 par v slue of .�ayne County, tt Pref Carolinareeolutlon waenaot spaeeeddue Jbeoausa of3thend maturity date. Tne "rust.. notified ue 1ho thisthe tae a mlateke on their part and that the bonds were actually due July 1, 1939. However, before preparing another resolution, I tcou'ht It beet to call. stteution to the 'act that the award I "15975.00, or, as have said, within X168.75 of the present value of the bonds. If ynu ar;re e, omit additlonat bonds, u� setat nor bowie or "ra tee 1f St zlll not dep a is-n'r market value? Ytura very truly, Assi,ta,t mor o.'. I -i I — e.. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL C-nv:,ni_ 41.00u X00 SAINT P UL - .- taiti �c _t. ot, t tie t1 st..tc 1. 1 c a.� to t.,�o. ,,-.. tit:tio:, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM f. SCOTT Gly Clah end Commissi.— of Regi:i,aiio 9B�C May 4th, 1934. Ir Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Baer Bir: The attached resolution was referred back to you by the City Council with the requestthat you correct s — apparent a re Sn the wording and ale, tbat you set oat the deacrlpLlon of the aOcuritiek which are now held and for which the listed securities are being aub- etltuted. Sonne very truly, City Cl.,". H. f. GCODR- �vvolle. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mi ... wts CITY COMPTROLLER ROOM 109 CITY HALI Ld i� t May 2. 1934. Mr. L, L. Andeon, Corporation rs C eel, City of St.Pan"' Minn. Attention Sdwla hy. Dear Sir; Aeplying to y— letter cf April 21, regarding —thin bonds belonging to the Patrick Lonely Trust involved in the West 5eventh Street Widening, You will find attached, her .with, the par value amount and the present market price as nearly as it is possible to de- termine at thle ti.ve. TBW -H Very truly your., A. F./f-�J(L/�-V�T CQH,{jCLJlIIj ' Chief Accountant.. f hR SKIviON Dewar Cangroll.r FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL i -T �... S -.T PAUL Iril. lb, L3.'.4 I of in li— of t�.., •0 1 .y - to t:. -_ tti=, 1,_ ^ t tp t:,v J t ith t 3 . t t -ct '..i � .not =..�1 L: _= t .. v . c .1 1_ _, 13;3 ny .1t, .. � /O/ /'l IO V ✓ 'lee tx i:: Co y n u +. o.o.,c'tA .uu._„i tote tae :011o:,irt„ c..urities. h1tr y Aril 1, 1359 un ty, .,girth 3.ro li:i_ t Lt. John, t pnoi, F_t piftn— / F3',e.,t 'trr:etn, Fi, st 13 ` ta,. l:.et f ritie:: i_ £ lite:o unt o t::e ity'- I 2 So, " t e - - ✓ t ! loll" of be e --.d to t C .trl'c order. if ncc sues te, o£ _ou _ add s "ntkte t5er eccur'tiea belonein5 toothe t: ,in to thete..cr , dd I _io not iec,. / FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUT 1 t- J. .,p;il 1-,, 19:4 t CIty. rill it 't i! th, it ti, 11j j May 33, 1934. Mr, vilton Posen, Co,n 1z,sioner of Finance. )ear Ar: I om for—rdint, herewith, letter received - :'t, Kunze, That Officer of the First Truet --y of ❑t, Pai_t, together with City ifortga ,e Information on bonds of the Kres,:e '�eolty ^ompany, in which letter !'r. Yunze asks us to accept a $1000 bond of the aid Kreege '+.salty Company as additional sec rlty to the bonds already agreed upon, coverin the payment by the City to 1t as Trustee of the Patrick Conley 'State, owner of some pro.,erty invotved in the -:r t Seventh treat ,id—ing. �a fegl tn:_t this is u aecision whist: should ba ma,:e by the fins-ncl:a officers of tt,o City, and t—refo e transmit the letter and in'ormatlon to you for your dacislon. Yours very truly, –ta ,Sol tan'. Corps atlon 'ounsel. May 28th, 1974. Mr. W. F. Runze, Trust Officer, FSrst Trust Company, Saint Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Runze: This will aoknowledge receipt of your letter of May 25tb in whlcb You request that the Council pass a resolution accepting the bonds which you propose to substitute In the Patrick Conley Trust matter. upon receipt of your letter suggesting the Kresge Realty Company bond, I surmltted the question to the financial officers of the City, rut have not yet heerd whether it 1s satisfactory to them. I am sure, bowever, that whether it Se nr not, we will be able to adjust the matter with you by MOndeY so that on Tuesday, —hen the Council has its next meeting, e resolution can be passed autborizlng the change in ronds. Yours very truly, kesletant Corporation Counsel. EM—U FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL A-111-1 s_..... , b". "I s.. PAI Sunt PAUL May 21, L934 Gr. Edwin M. Murphy A ss:stent Corporation Attornb} Room #,316 - Court House .eint Paul, Minnesota ienr ,;r. Murphy Because of the n s,ity of 11j.6certain c s uritiee 'oelocgin6 W the Petrick Conley Trust r the purpose of ising fu.da with which W make certain payments as directed by an order cf the Rameey County Cistrict Court, it le very Sm portent W complete a s possible the eub etitutlon of uritiee to the a waiuvolving the We,t Seventh Street widening award pertaining to the Patrick Conley property. Under m the circumstcee, we will appreciate it very much if you will make a P-0-1 effort W complete thia traneae tion byhaving the City Council pale the necessary resolution without fa ther delay. In I'll er any Nlthirma nfotion is required in c - _tion wl th then w uritiee which we have offered to deposit, please let me know by sreturn all and I shall be glad W furnish Pful er particulate. Assu rin6 you that your ss isteaae and cooperation Sn this matter will be very hiappreciatedby us ana hoping to hear from you further upon receipt of thin letter by you, I remain Very truly your, NM-kc Trust Officer T-2199 CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT may 88, 1834. Mr. William F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Bir: I am sending herewith, amended resolution No. 97810, relating to substitution of bonds in the Patrick Conley estate, together with the correspondence between this office and the Trustee, and this office and the office of the Commissioner of Finance, believing that the resolution, as recorded in your office, should have attaohed to it this correspondence. Yours very t ruly, Em -mg, Assistant Corporation 0oun8e1. m'►'7479 e„yep Gn a..t CITY OF ST. PAUL ,:u NO... _ .. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM co rvEsi,ENTED ev owre 1 ......a �— RESOLVED Whereas, in the matterof widening, grading, and paving of West 7th St., from Smith Ave. to St. Clair, the removal of build- Sng from the widened portion left unfilled basements oa the widened street area which moat be filled before pav Sng, and Whereas the work of filling ouch basements is not aseeesablI f�adnwithh sufficie nt ezactneseproperty af Dain contracts tot be made foannot rsitei execution, now therefor be St Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he Se hereby authorized and directed to do the necessary filling of basements on the widened portion of West 7th St., from Smith Ave. charSt.gedto Clair P'8 t* aFI.Rund. Codeandandeto be financOdi asc partost s of be the above described improvement and that the City purchasing agent be and he ie hereby authorized and directed to secure the n ec a salary supplies and materials for said work. b.� !r ('UI'Sf'I1.A1F:S AII.PtId t4till 0—l"l MAY 2 .n os__ Al., Al 1) 11 P".”, I" f.'— APP �f-yR-_.I-2 ----. tsa__. 'I'n inc ✓ Agni—t ! ArZigF �. em a-„ M'. `, . , 'Y—Ze: o . ,. -' CITY OF ST. PAUL ,,,i NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR TEO EA / o,TE REsoLvem Whereas, a lease was executed between the City of 8t. Paul and Ed •. Grl ff in on June 1, 1933. pereusnt to the terms of Council File No. 95533, an proved June 1, 1933, and Whereas, St is advisable that the City execute anew lease for the year ending December 31, 1934, therefore be it Resolved that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enterinto a lease with the said Rd W. Gfiffin for the property described in Bald Council File No. 95533 and under the condi- tions herein set out. min>. �i 1r Dnnnlrl h, f.... Roprn 'I nu,x Ag'i-t /WryMll`F Mrr Vlce F""wrtrM sn'F" "I Adn,tcd Ly the C--1 _ Aoki 29 -19 IN _ ,W\pr)uced. "L.9°.�.. 193._. Vhereas, a lease was executed between the City of St. Paul and Edward He ckeroth on the 5th day of April 1932, pursuant to the terms of Council Bile Re. 95065, approved March 31, 1932, and ex- tended for Che year beginning April 5th, 1933, to April 5th, 1934, pursuant to the terms of Council Bile No. 95065, approved April 5, 1933, and ihereaa it is advisable that the city execute a new lease for the year ending April 5, 1935, therefore be it Re ea 1 ed that the proper city officers be and they are here- by authorized to enter into a lease wl th the said Edward He ckeroth for the property described 1n said Council Pile No. 92013, and under the conditionalherein as out. 1111'Nt I1.\1 N.\ �'riinx J ARnin=t Adma.,d " t" (""""- MAY -2 9198n- .. 193 . Approved 1MY_.-2.0__���._-_ .. 193... CITY OF ST. PAUL �<.<,. „u NO...... _. .. .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL --WD Ea Mi N FORM , RESOLVED Vhereas, a lease was executed between the City of St. Paul and Edward He ckeroth on the 5th day of April 1932, pursuant to the terms of Council Bile Re. 95065, approved March 31, 1932, and ex- tended for Che year beginning April 5th, 1933, to April 5th, 1934, pursuant to the terms of Council Bile No. 95065, approved April 5, 1933, and ihereaa it is advisable that the city execute a new lease for the year ending April 5, 1935, therefore be it Re ea 1 ed that the proper city officers be and they are here- by authorized to enter into a lease wl th the said Edward He ckeroth for the property described 1n said Council Pile No. 92013, and under the conditionalherein as out. 1111'Nt I1.\1 N.\ �'riinx J ARnin=t Adma.,d " t" (""""- MAY -2 9198n- .. 193 . Approved 1MY_.-2.0__���._-_ .. 193... Workbouse farm or ducts 1933 104 bu. String Beans...... @ .90 ........... 93.60 770 doz. Corn, Sweet....... @ .10 ............ 77.00 12,050 lbs. Onions............ @ 5.00 ........... 602.50 153 bu. Cucumbers......... @ 1.00 ........... 153.00 267 bu. Tomatoes.......... @ .50 ........... 133.50 95 tons. Silage............ @10.00 ........... 950.00 25 tons. Corn fodder....... @ 7.50 ........... 187.50 65 tons. Bay ............... 410.00 ........... 650.00 35 tons. Straw ............. @ 5.00 ........... 175.00 3 tons. Cow beets......... @ 5.00 ........... 15.00 10 tons. Cabbage........... @20.00 ........... 200.00 125 bu. Carrotts.......... @ 1.25 ........... 156.25 60 bu. Beets ............. @ .50 ........... 30.00 1565 bu. Potmtoe s.......... @ 1.00 ........... 1565.00 3,073 lbs. Beef .............. @ .06 ........... 184.38 18,043 lbs. Pork .............. @ .05 ........... 902.15 62 lbs. Veal ............... @ .10 ........... 6.20 42 lbs. Butter ............. @ .20 ........... 8.40 1123 doz. Eggs .............. @ .15 ........... 168.45 37,835 lbs. Milkl...... I....... @ .011 ........... 567.53 6,440 lbs. Beans, Navy...... @ .04 ........... 257.60 890 bu. Oats ............... @ .30 ........... 267.00 169 bu. Barley ............. @ .50 84.50 300 bu. Corn ............... @ .30 ........... 90.00 Total .............. 7,524.56 },98C � CITY OF Si. PAUL u. pum anPueailov NO..._......'.....7' _ . ^' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK�L.�`•"m,n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAIAFON`an �{ q corM-nm ssEoeew _w0... � i P-�✓"�"""4� oA . WHEREAS, the Certified Ioe & Fuel Company has made application to the Council for a permit to ereot a cash and carry toe station at the northeast corner of Front and Chatsworth Streets, being Lot 10, Sahlgeardle Subdivision of Lot 55, Lake Como Villas, and WHEREAS, proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph "F", Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council to of the opinion that. such permit should be granted, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to said Certified Ioe & Fuel Company a permit for the erection and maintenance of said station on said property, the building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code, Said permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Oounoll, COUNCILMEN Y'. Nay ,w. Adopted by the(;ouncil�Y 2%_ ig,14193__. 41"y /McDonald i � ; Tenree [n favor Approved 291894 1. Ag"in,t _. ,M •✓�itr. Vice Pres. Wenzel CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT City CIsA aid Commiuiomr d Regi,aaiion .RNs` May 24th, 1934. dareon, Corporation Covneel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of the Certified Ice & Fuel Company for peralt to construct a eeh and carry it, houee at the northeast c of Front and Chat seo rth Btreete • referred to you today by the Council, for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, City Clark. (°,, /ver) Adopted by the Council ........ 93 Yeas. dal s. /Ph01cD0N-TLV ARCE /ROSEN /TRUAX /NV'ENZEL �1R. PR651DEIT %11AIIO111' POST CARD NOTICE! OFFICI: OR THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., "'Y6 103 4 Pursuant to Pnrugrapl, F, Srcf iou 6 1, uvended, of fiuildiog 'Lone Ordiunnce, upproved July 71h, 1922, you arc hereby notified that tho appli- wn fof_ Certified Ioe k F, r or pr ' ' lot tnhtinue retail ice station located NSF 66 l.eke Como Villers � will eoom np for em,eideration he&,re the Council in the Cmwcil Chamber III the City Hall and Unum House Building on the 18th of —__no, Ipy 4 , 'It 10 o'clock A.M. ---day MILTON ROSEN, 7828 Commissioner of Finance. THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT'PAUL, MINNESOTA 'p COURT HOUSE May 15th, 1934. Nr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of aPplica tion of the Certified Ice &Fuel Copipany to construct a cash and carry ice house at the northeast corner of Front and Chatsworth Streets. This is on a vacant lot at the northeast corner of Front and Chatsworth Streets and is adjoining a residence. The Board laid the matter over for further consideration. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, gh-rh Engineer Secretary. �F � ry of CITY OF SAINT PAUL ... DIVISION OF BUILDING A -0—T __Zll APPLICATION FOR PERMIT To: e.._ INSTALL A... All— R,,,,, M- IN— H,,G RECT —AIR OWNER_ ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ADDRESS A—— wnAT — wnp°-T A-T- .. T-T SEPARATEPERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES JY e To eE AT L :�I' _ =' T- . TI :. AT L ST "Feer= �Rll�TTI L� _E= a F� .P— urvL¢ss o00 11"! IIZ lk l� kI CONSTRUCTION 0 VACANT LOT PROHIBITED I �,by d. G.PS0 No PERMIT ISSUED UNDER THIS APPLICATION W.IL -ER R A ..—L W.- THE CERTIFIED ICE & FUEL COMPANY ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA April 23 1 9 3 4 The Honorable Council, St Paul Minnesota, Gentlemen: We ask your Honorable body to grant us an ice station permit for the Northeast corner of Front and CSatsworth Street.. Attached is a petition of 23 signers in the immeadiate vicinity. We beg to remind you that the ice business is our means of supporting our investment in St Paul,and our employees which total an average of thir$y the year around. We have made our customary survey and believe this to be c Pone of the few places in the city not overly crowded with h O' E igvQ st46es. Your favorable consideration will be greatly IV o � v plated. very truly yours, THE C/EJ'RTIF120/ ICES AND FUEL CO. J LAF:MR Em COURTEOUS COAL SERVICE Call RIVERVIEW 1900 ie,the undersigned, property owners or residents, directly ad- jacent to or in the immediate vicinity o$, the Horth Faet ereby petition Corner of the Honorable Council to extend a temporary permit to main- Front and tain a cash and cary ice store on the above location. Chatsworth Ste RAMS ADDRESS Oft— JIr Y 7 C rel- iI � - _— T � % /: i,✓ ' 77Z- W_UOpn p.A KAUFMAN. ERNBT W. JOHNSON Supt. al O'.v0p . CHAS. A BASSFO0.0 11 AmON. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Miaa..ola DEP00MEN0 OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 Gfy HeR FRED M. TRUAX. C— 64... CARL E StFARF3. D.pury Cammi.aenn may 7, 1934 Eon. Fred IS. Truax Cosmni ssioner Deer Sir: I am returning to you herewith the connection with file in applications for permits to install ice station. at the fol- lowing locations, which have been referred to this Department for investigation and report: On the east side of Victoria between Selby and Dayton, describ-ed as Lot 10, Block 4, Nininger & Donnelly's Addition, applica- tion has been made by "lm. J. Logue, Jr. The property is zoned for commercial purposes and as there is no ice house In the irasediste vicinity, I can see no objection to the granting of this application. 694 East Third Street is between Maria and Bates and is known a. Lot 18, Block 38, Lyman Dayton's Addition. Application ie )_ f being made by F. If.. Blomquiet. The property in question is A' J� zoned for commercial purposes, but there is an ice station a LLL000 /1Cl-� short distance from this site at Be tea and Third and I do not 41, ✓ believe there is any necessity for another ice house at this � location. On Payne Avenue between North and Hopkins, application has been made by Joseph P. Yarussa for permission to Install an ice at ation on Lot 6, Block 1, Brunaon's Addition. This property is zoned for industrial purposes and application to the Coua- �4-- oil in this case Is not necessary. I am notifying the owner ,V� today to call at this office for his permit, which will be panted. #2 The northeast corner of Front and Chatsworth 1s zoned for commercialpurposes. moves an is. the statins tofthdl silo ca tion! Company, I do not ';!hila there is already one at the southmme st corner, believe there is any necessity for another stntion at this int arse ctlon. The property located on the north side of St. Clair, third lot east of Snelling, described as Lot 17, Block 2, Den E. Lane's Homesite Addition, is zonednrf St bstst thecCertlf iedsIoe 1—licatlon has been made for a neis y I can seenoobject y and ion set ohas ice stations at this location. On the east aide of Snelling, betweon Breda —d Como, describ- A ed as Lot 13, Block or cc-).ercialPpurposeshir. Addition, licaticn property Ssth zoned n r1. eports d. therea are already! ten ices stations in tthissvicinity, one on the northeast corner and the other on the southeast corner; the proposed site being on the southwest corner. I do not the there is Il necessity for another Ice station It this intersection. City Architect 777 LAR. -U e CITY OF ST. PA....e.m NO....... 47983 OFFICE OF THE CITYC eep'rter brua COUNCIL RESOLIITIO EN ERF "f1ea n,o.e .-...d-... mmmmumm WHEREAS, on January 84th, 1934, an -off ealw• liquor license was issued to the Jehnson-8ohaffer Drug Company, and WHEREAS, thereafter the -aid JOan-On-Sohaffer Drug Oompspy surrendered such •off sale- liquor license and made applloation for an "on sale° liquor license, and deposited the proper fee for said "on sale" liquor license, and WHEREAS, by Council File Eo. 97358, approved February 83rd, 1934, the said -off sale" license surrenderwas. accepted by the City Council and the "on sale" liquor license was granted, and WHEREIN, the pro rata license fee for the "off sale- liquor license from January 84th to February 83rd, 1934, is $20.84, and the said Johnson-Sobaffer Drug Company is entitled to a refund of the 'Off sale ,license fee paid, minus the pro rata share for the time such license was used, and WHEREAS the -off sale" liquor license fee is $550.00, therefae be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be end they are hereby alltbOrl2ed to refund to the said Johnson -Schaffer Drug Company the sum of $889.18. COUNCILMEN L0e Yayv MAY 29 1934 Y AJapieJ by the Council..._ ....... Ia favorn 93 �Roeen ARainat Approved ? 1934 193.-... ayor-- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mieeesola OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. score Ci, Cl.,k and Commiaioear of Reyisr.a ASO May 15th, 1914. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Chairman, License Committee, Bulldiog, .Y Dear Sir: Johnson -Schaffer The attehed communication from DrCo., reo et" the difference re them on their -oz ff sale" liquor license which they turned end then later made apalicatlon for an-on gale" at the same address, was referred to the LlceneeComeitcee, by the Council today, for recommendation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. a CC " Cedar 06a1 GL. 0606 Johnson -Schaffer Drug Company PHYSICIAN'S SUPPLIES PRESCRIPTIONS Fourth and St. Peter Streets St. Paul, Minn. M.y 12, 19:4. 0 _ o To The Mayor end City Council. '� F City or ?t. Paul. .entlemen, Aec entlY a anted er. -'Off sole^ licenee end deposited 8250.00 foree,m 'e then Ch^"nged o "Off sale" ' e0n Sale" depositing ¢1C00.00. At the t1,re w )ind a certified check So :he nm unt of $1000.00 end as the em of the fee e 16954.00 n mould 9 p...into a refund.In the nm unt of -"$46.00. Wn Sould el So a.p...1,te your ret'urnln� the dl rfer a due ue on o'r ^Off Bale 1l cen ee x':t ch re ..9�e give. up. i Thanklc, Y- for y ur prompt attention to the stave, s ere Yours very truly, Ji)tn.S0111- Cx,t_"`2 LET", CO. s n~� m mom 979K9 • CITY OF ST. PAUL .`� No.. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK s{ COUNCIL RESOLUTION EN ERAL FORM M.—YR .aoa.. a Z AT. MAY 2.1434. RESOLVED r )— ITHEREAS, the follosivg named have mad, applications for oa sale" liquor lienees at the addre aaee indicated, and WHEREAS, the Council has not granted said application,, an and said app licmte have requested ♦ithdrae,al of a d a refund of their license fee, and return of their bonds, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That tae proper city officers be and they are her authorized to refund to the said sppliemte the llceo.a fees heretofore deposited by them and the City Clark Se 111hor ized to rats. their respective bonds to tbem and cancel their appl.catl...: Job.H. 6rapp 347 University Ave. T. E. Slndl, 293 Rice St. �n" w or ze IIII1n lin. .. o,. , .o" a is•., ' x �s - COUNCILMEN Ye,s Naye �M.y j. /MeDomld �Punree In moor �Itosen _, p.,.. _Against Adopted by the G,uacil......_.Ng .O 9) 1OIA3.. . Approvca__._.. _M,NY..9.1'34. Is3.. _. Aol aye, St. Paul Minnesota May 36, 1936 Oity council 9t. Paul, Minnesota Attention Liquor License Oommittee: Gentlemen: On March 9, 1934 1 applied for an on, sale liquor license which was not granted. 1 therefore ask that this applioa— tion be cancelled, and the money refunded to me at once. I� EHD ERAINH EM 'C D II �rtic. SHG: MT By: JOHN G ECOURCY SAW "Mai n.N�,oaoa�. CIT' OF ST, PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM -asENrE0 naMN,aa,oNaa _ a_ Hare May 2._1934. RESOLVED That licensee applied for by the following Pereune for the addressee indicated be and they ora hereby granted and the City Clerk Se Sna true ted to S_ such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feeet F. J. Court—che 1094 Grand Ave. C. F. Phillip. 1752 van Buren St, Sisk Eallis 952 Arcade St, C. Laraon 977 Arcade st. John Raechlek 979 Arcade St. Lexington Tire & Battery Co, 2250 University 9111e111 eros. 1698 Randolph St, J. B. Welter 1198 Zest 7th St. Pulbrogee Flowers, lnc. 90 Zaet 6th St. COUNCILMEN Y.. Y cDi7 onald /peace �iteeen �... _. In fsvnr Amax ...Against eM .�1Ur. Vi- 11"e. wW Barber Butcher Saeollne Ste, - j Ponpe Off Sale Malt Beverage On Sale Malt Beverage Florist Adopted by the Cou-iL.... MAYzsJ3 I„AQ_193.. ... APP d MAY $8. 193..... ��/ ; J ,�� �� — _�----- 17 7 < �i�i L i.�; .i ,f- J�!c� ����`s � �� '/ �' '-ci ����. Adopted by the Council.... ._... 19A.. Yens. Nays. /�/� cDONALD �/4wA kA66 "//TRUAX /// `IR. PRESIDENT IMMIONEYi Adopted by the Council.. ......193 .. Yens. Nays. MAY /�-�McDONA1,D /1_ /J/RUAX // 31R. PRESIDENT (MAIIDNEY� CITY OF 9CiMarc: ty ar UL Office of City Cl low O willam F.Scott O City Clerk uwy 14th, 1934. a O � J. Ccur temanehs 1085} Orend Ave. St. Peal. 41nn. near air: I have been directed to inform you that your application for a HffiBB license at the above address w not passed by the City Council. From records it appears that taxea are de 1ingnent ce to ie property. The Council has been wit hholding le- ne e an income prodacinp, property on which taxes ar delinquent. If you are not the owner of this property, then the owner should be informed of this action. There will I e a hearing before the Covnc ll at 10 A... on �' �5, 1934 and if there ie a re sonable a*1 as on of the ca ee o£ the taxes not beim^ pall the Council will consider theufac is at this hearing. Yours vary trulyyp City Clerk.. a �.1, �� ,447ticfi CITY OF ST. PAUL mom."I NO.. _..._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIOry—GENERAL FORM %-/—/� -M.- Moeea C �J'�C�_�y.�S!_�-�^'�as. cure gay 29, 1964 RESOLVED That Restaurant license, application 1288, and On Bale halt Beverage license, application 1288, applied for by Took Values at 61 Heat Seventh Street, be and they are hereby transferred to 1648 Rice Street and the City Clark is hereby instructed to issue each tic®see upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. COUNCILMEN ^, Y— Na� AJopted by th Council_ . MAI2 (�. 1fl;b 193 .. �foy �G��aanla Iu fp�pY 29193 favor App ed _ 193_... /A n / 1 nx Agnlnet ...�/%/1 `... #iw�lRmry y,r �x Vic-. ..s. Wenzel r. St. Peol, Hiro..- . M -V 29, 193+ Hoa. Joba H. McDonald, Comniesioner of Public Safety, Chairmen. Liceaee Coomittee, Saint Pant, MSane.ota Dear Sir: On being notified by the City Clerk tbat my license for On Sale Hon-iatoricating Malt Beveragg and Restaurant were being withbeld because of dellageeat tazee�on the property at 61 D.Seventh Street. of wbIob.I em not the am", I have made' arrangements to remove ep business to 1645 Rice Street. I therefore respectfully request that the said On Sale Melt Beverage and Reetaureat licensee be transferred from 61 E. Seventh Street to 1648 Blue Street. Very truly your., CITY OS SA-= PAUL. Of£ica of City Me.— William F_ Scott City Cleric May 14th, 1934. Mr. Jock Malone, 61 West 7th St., St, Paul, MS— Dear Sir: I have been directed Co inform yoss tSat your appl Scat ion for en OR SeT.y FON—IYTPo4I CATING MALT and 8ESTAUWT enaeea lict the above address w n of passed by the City oun Ccil. From r orda it eppearathat taxes are delinquent n this propert'. The Council has been withholding 11- n inc oma prodvc ing property on which taxes a.e delinquent. If you ar not the caner o£ this property, then the owner should be informed o£ this action. There will be a hearing be£'ora the Cou_-�cil at 10 A -M_ o May 25, 19}4 and if there is --b -1 e�cpl anat3 on o£ the c o£ t -,ie taxes not beim paldatlhe Council wi11 conaidor theufacts at this hearing. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Geo. Beeerehon f3 W. 5th St. Restnu—t liceas, Secaed Desiree to withd-ex Off a^d O'� I'll m"t be, eaalm��a_. No..... � CITY OF ST. PAUL 9797 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GEN RAL FORM of-vrq--c /s-n-..re-.f.r� , comm es o°ry n _�4l_djL.....-_o-�L. nnrE May Z@,_. 19'.151 WHEREAS, George Hanrahan desires to withdraw application 2559 for On Sale Malt Beverage license and application 2540 for Off Sale Malt Beverage license at 275 W. Fifth St; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to said George Ran'ohac� the fee of $50.00 and the fee of $5.00 and to cancel said On Sale and Off Sale Malt. Beverage license applications, respectively. counciLAnIS AA1 2 9 1934 h=v Yens .Unya Adopted by the Council ....... . ...... _._193..... Ceo<,eeld HAY 29 1934 Tenrce In favor A� �V I93..-.. me�ea Truax J .Ago,,t ._.. ✓w..waet 4ciing or vMr. Vice Pres. Wenzd a. aw a.. 1�9f38 CITY OF ST. PAUL.� NO. � r. "OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �LCOU�NCIL RESOL ION�ENERAL FORM " co ar,-onre flay 29,. 1954 RESOLVED That the proper city officers be end they are herebi anthorirad to refund to the following nerved persons the license fees indicated deposited on applications for dance hall licensee, which have previously been denieds Dec. F. 0rayse 1209 B. Snelling Av. Dance Ball $15.00 Appl. 6501 COUNCILMEN Yeas tiny, "nfay WD—I" Ree.° � ❑. m°e. rnri e. �. Aga.net i- . a. i „o °.... . Adopted by the Council..... Mai. 29 153.193.. _. App .... d MAI $9 1934 _lea._._ (EvulTril rd P, istrirt Clubs OrFICEI- DIRF�QM: G ---d .-1 11 nnF F. vire rree:dent <., ,r liouee sr AW -4 a�.� .•n,�a . �, R7�1E39 • ' " CITY OF ST. FAUL NO. --%, ._...._.. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTIO I—GENERAL FORM i rwasEmrao av G ) ✓/lMp.+G —TE May 29, 1934 RESOLVED That Herber license, expiring January 9, 1985, issued to Charles H. Anderson at 908 Payne Avenne be and it is hereby revoked upon reco®eudation of the Hare= of Health. License Hc. 206, appllceti— 1894 �cwA.d o ale i_.d • ('fillN(1 I.M EN yy y— N— Adopted by the C,—,il.fA.1... Q.Q. 404_...... 193 _ D els YiA ? 9 1934 rce j._.. Li (nvor Apprevc933_p. Al -- /r,'— _ ARemat <m �� Vice Pres' K'enzd CITY OF SAINT PAUL Geral d Msnnews. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tensb .nd Ml....0 Sbeeh JOHN H. WDONALD, Comwimowe *NoruS c. o owunL N— . .®O go 22nd, 1934, Dr. A. I. Nichols, Aoti;Iealth Officer, Saint Paul, Iinnssots. Dear Doctors In regard to the Application of Mae. W. A.derson, 903 payee An., for a Liddy -to operate a Barber Shop, beg to advise that this Ap- plication wd not approved on March 23rd, 1934. Upon relnspoction on I4 -A*.,, 1934) I foend that this man had a License to operate. When I inquired at the license Be--. it was ..plai-d to d tb;t a License bad bas. granted in error through - oranight. This License vee -t 0. K. -d. by d for the reason that the living and sleeping recess in the rear, of the Shop, open into the shop, which is contrary to City Ordinance #1524, Section f6. Upon oq reinspection of said shop. I fond that this -41. tion had -t been remedied. I would, therefore, r.—ad that this Li- cense be revoked, for the reason that this .em, has not complied with the City Ordinance. To-. reepectf.11y, AH -9. bar Shop Idpeotor. Thi, pl—, L, n — —ndi'i- and not "1 11 11 o.�yulroav aak Cln OF ST. PAUL ' NO...___.(�.L.:.}�7O OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G ERAL FORM l llgp. 29 1954 RESOLVED That Bntober license No. 5498, expiring October 9, 1954 iesned to half Tenick nt 242 Grove Street be and it le hereby revoked up= reco®endation of the Bnresc of Health. In oe ore la„ "f-iaaxl r�ay.�is �rY �.edi'ionCOUVCILMf?N Y,_ / Nnyx Adopted by the Cuoncil_ .1 MAYx..9L q. .,%t 193.. ... t y I.—Doneld ' I'enrce�.In favor I App—ed—�1934 /Roxen // Agme.tACUng .nCr�ov .r ��=I/BIr. Vlee Pres. w'enxel SB my'}2odn icK� 444 ]B o -d -y did not, this ridd r=ss m mU a9`7991 CITY OF Sr. PAUL „u NO........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �CODUNCIL R LOTION ENERAL FORM .a...—a,N,�n e. �� >k. a � � nA a Key 29. 1954l011w _ RLSOLYL0. WHEREAS, Sam Rodnick desires to withdraw application 3769 for Restaurant lioease at 444 Broadway; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby anthorizad to mfmd to Sem Roduick the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for resta+sant license. COilNCILMEN ye. tiayn,' �IOy C/ '{.11c Donald Pmrie [ favor A'nmx _..ly(...Ag Sant mr.—rn�i+kw�M�f.�aay .M �VNfr. Vice P -se. Wenzel Adopted by the C.u—u__ MAY 2 9 1934 IBS _.. Y 2q +�aF App d ... ...193...... Actin�Y, This noplicant, 7ecob Smit:, 154 con rord St, epnlied for li rnnse May 14and on My P5, 1 notified Linens^, [all �P,,, thet ho sold ,o L"_ Milia^ & ''✓olk _d Cher=fo^= +A shoe 'o wP hd-•.s hi. n.-,11, .ion CITY .1.l. OF ST. PAUL °� `a N0.....992. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—i ENERAL FORM a le uL .aaaaNrao ev !y'��l-,.7 _ oeTc � YS° 1954 .. RESP WHEREAS, Jacob Smit desires to Withdraw application W60 for Reeteurant license and application 3661 for On Sale Malt Beverage license at 164 Concord Street; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to refund to Jacob Smit the fee of $10.00 and cancel application for Restaurant License and tha fee of $60.00 and cancel application for On Sale Malt Beverage license. COUNCILMEN Yam j Nnya ASnY /McDonald /1'enrce — In favor /fneinx— Va.. Agninet a I/ r. Vice Pres. Wenzel ndMn . o. d lb g°�1h, Acv.°•°aAd °' 1h C I. iiuv.9 . U. e:}M°r to Adapted by the Cowl, MAY 2 9'014 193 ._ App—M ..MAY 881934__ ,ss.. CITY OF 5T. PAUL •'u No.___.._t��7.w1t3 THE CITY CLERIC �OF LUTION—GENERAL- FORM _ PR EN D M 1954 T— applied for by the following named P—r - for RESOLVED That the various licmeea —11 the City Clerk is instrveted indicated be end they ape hereby greeted the eddy..... into the city Creasluy of the required feeee to Sesae each 11emee9 upon the payment 20 Christine Jacobs 981 psyne A— Bakery I- F. L. Breen 280 Rice St. Barber 280 5682 150 A. 7th St. Barber ` James Cooley " 5885 - 548 Rica St. " ' Fey B. Decker '• ` 5712 Basement -Hamm Bldg• A. A. Yeller 5717 Hick Nicholas 192 E. 7th St. " ' 592 W. Central A. " 5721 E. 0. Pearse 5727 Theodore J. Pepin 502 A. Snelling AV- • Felix C. Spillers 94 E. 6th St. • 5705 641 S. Smith A— Confectionery 5714 C. F. Di -g- 5671Harry F. Lipinski 1781 E. Yinaeheha St. • " 5657 Ritechele Pher .y (p_j_ ,iteebel) 761 H. Snelling Av- The Anseim Clabr Lnc. 579 Yinneeota St- Dance Bell 5785 2558 Daivereity A— Gnashes Sta. 5 P --P8 5615 L. H. Connor 5 . 5679 1185 Z. Yinaehaha St. " Geo. Nelson " " 5 . 5629 Phillip- Petrolem Co. 440 Selby Av 1844 W. University A •• " 5 " 5615 The pure 011 Co. a 5656 1228 H. Snelling Av. • n 5 L Stogie COUN('11.h11•" Adopted by the Council ..... ..... ...... ._ .. _.._...193.. _.. here May McDonaldp'�provad ....__ . _.. _ _.. ._...193..... 1. Rosen Truax \i'enze) Agaieet Mr. President Mn1q�§ CITY OF ST. PAUL ND..-..._................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM .. , reasaRrEo ar comm ss omen ---� _ o.ra.. Mesy. R4, 19$4 RESOLVED _2 The Pare 011 Co. 652 E. Third St. Gasoline Station 6 p—p. 3614 Trackage 011 Co. 1685 University Av. • • 8 • 3610 Aldine Ca.h Grocery (Lucille Padwal) 629 Aldine St. Grocery 3596 Johneon Bros. 1899 Stillwater Road ° 3687 O'Brian Broe. 1321 White Bear Av. " 3695 Tito S. Vlttori 221}-225} E. 7th St. Sot al 3585 Joe. Doro.how 265 E. Roble St. Ice Delivery 3670 Geo. Devitt 18 E. 6th St. Off Sale Mlt Beverage 3605 R. P. Gruber 442 Beafil St. " ° " • 3623 Isadore Ingb- 651 Canada St. • ° ° " 5594 Sidney Lea Stanper 379 Rice St. ^ ° " 3618 Harry F. Lipinski 1781 E. einnshaha St. • • • • 3672 Lucille P.dwal (Aldine Caeh Grocery) 629 Aldine St. • e " • 5597 Eva R. Paisley 108 Pierce St. • • ° " 5616 Robert Sabsen 689 E. 3rd St.- ° n n . 3548 Ferri. Y. Shan 580 Jackson St. " " ° " 5591 F. T— 2589 Univer.ity Av. • • " • 3641 Geo. Devitt 18 E. 6th St. On Sale Halt Beverage 3602 J. Jahnke & J. Toanghane 560 Blair St. " . " " 5612 Sidney Leeetanper 379 Rice St. " " " 5617 COUNCILMEN Yea. Nuys Adopb,d by the Council_......... ... ._ ...._...193..._ niay McDonald - ....193_.. Rox�.n - Truax AR Inst _---'� .. iVrnul ,%`� Mayor ran a-s: Slr. PrcxidenahoneyJ �` ' CITY OF ST. PAUL .m.""c• N0..__�......3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 vaESEeTEo arDATE corn nr�ss oaEsn .-��- �1 _ _ May 29. 1954. _.. RESOLVED Robert Saba- 688 E. Third St. On Sale halt Beverage 5549 Ferris 9. Shen 580 Jackson St. ^ ^ " " 5595 F. T— 2589 University Av. • " " 5640 Tito G. Vittari 221}-225} E. 7th St. • • • " 5684 Automatic 011 Heat Co. 585 E. Fairview Av. 011 Burner Fquipt 5890 011 Burner Service Co. Inc. 155 W. Lek. St. MP2. " " " 5655 Louie H. Peters 164 Pleasant Av. • • • 5500 Slgwald Engineering Corporation 2957 4th Av. S. Mple • • • 5658 A. L. Gains. 818 Rondo St. 6 pool tables 5608 Geo. Devitt 18 E. 6th St. Restaurant 5601 A. L. Gaines 518 Bond. St. " 5609 J. Jahnke & J. Yon.ghme 560 Blair St. • 963-1 Latus Maes 546 W. 6tb St. " 5579 Joh. B. Mger & Tina Winter 58 W. 7th St. • 3715 Jobn B. McCormick 412 Jackson St. • 5606 Wm. MOCormi.ak 224 W. 4th St. • 5607 L. G. Olin & E. F. Sherrill 106 B. 4th St. • 6701 Robert Sabean 689 E. 3rd St. " 5547 Ferris M. Shen 580 Jack— St. • 5592 Beatrice D. Thayer 412 H. Prior Av. • 3605 COUNCILMEN MAY PD � . Y_j\'ny^ Adopted by the C��uncil_ _........ _. . __ 193 .. }ay / /.icDonald r SAY S1 ®A 1.D. •__. /}'sures In fovor APP oved _. 183._. �(/ .lgain"t V GLISHf:��� PUB /Mr. y Vice P�enml CITY OF ST. PAUL NO... ' .... ... .... ...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERY�(" �. .� COUNCIL RESOL ION—GENERAL FORM wassNrso av fJM.¢ o�,� care 11e7 29, 1864 RESOLVED That license for On Sale Halt Beverage, application 5440, applied for ✓ by Joseph Villelli at 1694 Randolph Street be and it is hereby denied upon i/. I reco®endatioa of the Bnreen of Police, and the proper oity officers are here authorised to refund to Jose Adopted by the Couacll - I93 by Ph Villelli the fee of $60.00 and to -- Yeas. Nay, caneal said application for license. MAY AkDONALD /PEARCE /ROSEN /TRUAX ,/N5'ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT NWIONEI Police Report as follow: Joe Vi11e111 & Jas. Vlllelli .—o.s of Ids business place have been in grocery business he -e `.he Past 15 year', edded a reetanrant and bear parlor 1 year ago. This Is a fully equipped restaurant in good condit'on J.J. Maher, in ertoil COUNCILMEN Yew �Nnye May /MCDnnald —Peens "4 In favor ,@oxen jfnmx Against Adopted by the Cnaned_ — YAY _ 2 9 15,-,. 193. wnv®ts34 APProved. CITY OF ST. PAUL �� ca No-- OFFICE O.....OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CoMwtNYoMEa REBoLVED Tbat On Sale malt BeYerage liaenae, application U40 applied for by Joe. Villelli at 1694 Randolph Street be and it is hereby granted and the City Clerk is iaetrocted to issue each license upon the payoraut into the City Treasury of the required fee. Yuri COUNCILMEN Neye May McDonald Pearce Rocen Truax ............Against Wenzel �N s Mr. President Mahoney Adopted by the Council_.._ ................_ ..193...... APVroved.._.._ _.. ..193.... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CIN CLERK WILLIAM 1. SCOTT City clerk and coa,mis.ioaer of Resinralioa .W-(, )ley 15th, 1934. Hon. J. H. YcLbnald, Chef rsmen, Licevse Committee, City of Saint Paul. Dear Sir: The attached commmeicatlon from the Highland Park Improvement Aeaociation protesting against the granting of a 3.2 beer license at 1694 Hando 1ph Street — referred to the License Committee, by the Council, for their consideration. Yours very truly, City Clerk. St. Paul, Minn., May 14, 1934. TO: THE HONORABLE THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gentlemen: - Me have been advised today that Mr. Joseph Vlllelli made application within the fast two or three days for a '.2% beer license at 1694 Randolph St. As explained in previous petitions, Mr. Joseph V111e111 originally operated this; place as a beer parlor. He was convicted in the Y-.inicipal Court of the City of Et. PnIl on March 9, 1934, of the charge of permitting dancing without Tavern license. He also operated this place in such a manner as to constitute a nuisance to our district. The beer license was revoked by the City Council about the middle of March. A few days later, on March 22nd, a public hearing was held before the Council, at the request of Mr. V111e111, to consider whether or not the license be re -instated. At this hearing the Council refused to re -instate the license. About May 1, 1934, another apclication was made in the name of Mr. Destito at the same location. Mr. Destlto is a brother- in-law of the Villelli family. This application was also declined last week. We wish to inform the Council at this time that the fel ghbors are just as much opposed today to the granting of a beer license as in the past. On March 13, 1934, a petition of 148 names was filed with�� the City Clerk's office objecting to a 3.2r beer license being granted at 1694 Randolph St. On May 3rd another petition was filed,M by the neighbors, practically 1317of which were within 200 feet of Sheet 2- 1694 Randolph St., objecting to a 3.2% beer license being granted to Mr. Destito, or any one else. At this time we wish to once more protest against the Issuing of a 3.2% beer license at 1694 Randolph St. for the same reasons as given in the previous petitions. The Council will probably remember how at the public hearing held on March ;:2nd, several of the neighbors testified as to the undesirable conditions which existed during the time Mr. Villelii was permitted to sell 3.2E beer in his place. If there is any hesitation on the part of the Council Ln refusing the license, we, the undersigned, representing the majority of the neighbors in this district, ask that a public hearing be held at which time we will be glad to present the views of the neighbors giving further reasons why this license be not granted. We also make the request at this time that at -:ny time in the future should Mr. Joseph Villelli, or any other person or persons, make application for a 3.2% beer license at 1694 Randolph St., that those living within 200 feet, who have signed below, be notified in order that they might present their objections to the Council. t �e no o lin 4/s L��zs We, the undersigned, have no objection to the SeeuasD of an on—sale license for the sale of 5.2 beer by Joseph 'yillelli at 1694 Randolph Street, this city. 3'. m U i�7r � 7 _ _ bQ E 1p # Ilk Al4411,— ! G f a tb-a b 1 " q U��%t q�cv�l to �JYY �6 76/ae Gum Q T, F t /673 ir71 _ F t We, the undersigned have no objection to the issuance Of an on—sale license for the 4ale of 3.2 beer by Joseph Villelli at 1694 Randolph Street, this city. /7/E�� !h� /V? Sy sJ� /77z 1-77 17,2 0 Y�,dl /! (� 173f 731 2 e j� 7.5 5 7 /z� 9L �71 6 7 c, AIL 9L �../* a 16 p/6 7y � d+ ak6 yiG'�y --)e ;. —1, objo of to , soft drink — I r i , -- -, — , ':,, t. V.11.11i. , t.o —r -r of R -1.1--i, n,.� t7Et 71�b /71 7797 17 `f y i 7s 6 V A 6 Y �/ r, , �a,&,, �? �% / T au ,-x, j : , !ee" i 193 ,S CITY OF ST. PAUL ,� NO.._.. '. . .. ...... /J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /// CO�CILL.FCRM/V//f////y Mev _29.79s4 RESOLVED That license for On Bale Malt Beverage, application 5828, applied for by A. J. Todd at 591 Western Avenue be end it is hereby wanted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upm payment into the city treasary of the required fee. COUNCILMEN ]'cae M McDonald �cnrce Nays _.In [nvor Agaiast Mr. Vice Pres Wenzs14,-- x� 6 oar "1 .r a. 1914 Q 9 �'. AdoFlted by the Council...__ .. MAY .. _. .... ....193.. _. Approved....... MY. '91 l�o�i. _. 193..... �-� Acting .. To the Nembars of the City Council City of St. Paul Gentle— We, the t.—t., living is the vioinity of West Central and Western Avenues, do strenously protest against the renewal of a 3.2% Beer Tavern Lioense ( on or off sale ) to the Tavern on oorner of West Central and Western Arenue, tnowa u 391 Western Ave. The phos has beoosn a nuisanoe. We are onstantly disturbed from oursleep in the early hours of the mgrning and the .—dot and languago used by the patrons of this Tavern on the street is 4ntolerable. 6L 7L� IZI, X77 Go� ino tell, Lti� 1 s > Lel ,fie To the Membera of City Couaoll City of St. Paul Goat lemn- We, the property o ra, living is the vicinity of Weat Central and Weetera A'enuee, do Bear atreaonely proE�eQ� aeinsof 1leathe rCentrsl and Weete— A---,aI-- as 391 Weatern Aveoff ' to the Tavern The place hae became andnEhe pe duetar. end lavguegeyud idkbyb- d fro, our sleep the petrean of khleTethe vera�ly houre of the mornjjnng can •e oa the at eeQ Sexntolereble _ *�P ��?-t� 7 313 9r, a � � .: �� �. � ��; �_ �� �f ,, e s g e res dents in the vicinity .1 '.7estern and Ce: tral ;, cit. Paul, :,:innosota, whose residences dc t ly ado in tee .ave rr. at 351 Wes tern Ir —y Avenue, hereby jj,.ition _ ., ve Ccu�.cil to brant a 3.2 L-er license to 6ne _ ,e aione4 Tavern. : L_ce In, to our v, V: io rsonal 'a or'.le�;s ein,vc .aced by its s ores_nt pr'Frie ter, Art:,ur I T, dd, it - very 1e;.ce- fu or -13 a:.nor. C/e, tt,e pet! tioners,re— te c1 ser L c��d � ' c t_ ester:'. 7aver,, titan a�.y �+.her =roar cf i;.dlvidu�ls ='he::ce -.ore 1n. a ositicn to ..d ze ',he .,,,..war in �.vril: aplace of iUsineos is t,.r,G c-. nd-ted. ��avia�� CITY OF ST. PAUL m.°XC6 NO... t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �CO/U�NCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM ,RM .May. 29, 1934 RESOLVED—� _-- In the matter of surfacing with bituminous material Alley in Block 4, Den E. Laners Homesite Plat 2, from Hamlins Avenue to Albert Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 97380, approved February 28, 1934, and Final Order C. F. 97822, approved May 8, 1934. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Y_ �y �1CDOII81d Pearce In favor �l'rmx �:\gainst .a �M"r. Vice Pres. Wenzel i° -"a6.B°OF Bw^n n Sl�9aiaWr C. F. ,�;a b. �n'r norav �uoWa'k•f Bb Adopted by the C ... 61..._NAy .U.q _]Jqg 193_ _.. APProved __. .....__....._ _...._ .....193 .__. .99 t canna rat N. ....... .. I► PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT—l—,' c. wut— and a. PRELIMINARY ORDER.6. a. Thennder.igned hereby pmpo.e.themakingof thefollowivgpublicimprovemevt by the City of Saint Paul, via.: - Widening the. roadway_.op.Pleaa[lt Av ...te...4.9.Ft..._CrvW ....._.____ Ramsey St. to Angle point 20b ft.- of Lawton St., in- _ __.Greasing. -to 50 ft. --at-Duke-St.- and _to --50- ft, ...from _Duke_84.-_.._. to Osceola ^ve., setting back curbs and paving the -- --- widened portions with--asphaltic-concrete--on caeeetie ac—.*x rr __...base, .aIto ._resurfacing the...existing..paseaent_ betaaen._tha____... aforesaid limits with asphe ltic concr/� e. Dated this ...25th.... _day of __ _.MAY, 1954.. _... uaeamm. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposd for the making of the following improvement, via.: W, %ing the...rq dway_gp__P.l.ea$amt�i.ve.. tG._A.Q_..Ct....from 6 ___......... -. Ramsey St to angle point 20 ft. sof Lawton St., ..inaraaain.g...to.. 50 ft. -at-Duke-fit.-end-to-50-ft . -Brom- Dake -fit r to Osceola Ave., setting back curbs and paving the widened _ ----p6rtions-with Asphaltic concrete -on -" __..r.e.SllrSaoing.. the .axistSng .pavement hatneen_the aSnresaid aNc R Err limits with as phaltic concrete having been presented to the Council of the City of Stunt N.) _...... ........_. ____..._ therefore, be ii RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the oeeesaity for, or deeimbility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To Investigate the nature, extent aad estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile —ketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more —re. ✓ 1. To report upon e11 of the foregoing mattere to the Commissioner of Ili...... Adopted by the Cennea ___ MAY 2 9 1934 Ysaa N.rs Coundlman Met ff..111I11 / MCD—L. App roved........__...__._!Rfl%$.�- .-.__............._.__ Peace Roser /' / !' l✓�/i" V 1'sunx Acting yet. .... c. urnyvfnpi Vice Pres. Wenzel ) tion G. 32 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT.& A1111 -1E.. F... ..d ... . PRELIMINARY ORDER. The ,d,r,ig.edhe,,bypmp,s th,tna.kil 9 of th-f-1I-wi-§P-hIi1imP'om,,t by the City of Saint P-Wilit' A Leffm 'd He.91 Addit -t.", gtfar. Changing th de of Blocs ons GO C. Van D� ' ;'19'11 , A'di i—'an'd' ",st. tl..hed and '. ada a part to the red line on the profile he being shows -by blue -line h a,6.f the present established grlide LQff. Sfea B r&by 4.;it Addition._ thexenL Alao. grading 1y,1- lock 1� '-:�t from Chatsworth C. C. Van Dyke's A"itjjnlau Eil's Rearrangement Alle g et. to 0.ford Stsj anCd cou-st'U'ati.9 - 'seM. t G --a rg4�tj.40 ft- wytopf htit,viorth St. to sewerl.In Cha sworth St. 29th y Key, 193 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, written p,o& for the makiy, of the following �Tpr.yoroo.t &Raast Addition, Changing a grade of Alley n Block is efftian f�xm.. to G. C Wk., tt— . Additi-Rrang""t" tc� c" f the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereo p 'Iisheigrade--being-shown b7 a blue lins� ther-em. th,1 p"1111t "t"' AddIt ill, "' All "k1, 1.eff.an.4 11aasf_* A.1at,! Chatsworth St. Van Vk�,.Additloncaud Rearrangement . as, , in th..Ch y -f-p� .- Do -int; t artetti et, tf. I J. h1alt'sworth St. 'h-i.g4b0—fP-91 y '4 of sewe therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commieeioner of Public Work. be ..d ie hereby ordered ..d di—ted; .. To h""tig,to the necomity for, or doeir,bilitY of, the m,jj,g of said impm,emeut. 2. To ia,ntig,to the nature. .stout ..d mti..ted —t of said hop- --t, end the W.1 coat thereof. 3. To forlish 6 plan, pmfile or .1o,tob of mid improvement. 4. To state whether 01 not mid improvement is -eked for or, the petiti.n of three or more -w--- 1, To report uP,, a f the foregoing m.t.- to the C.mmimi—er of Fin—ce. Adopted by the Counrif MAY Y— NA- C—riho.. Mer 111Y McDONILD App,o,,d PlAlle Rose. T.— ui-x� fi7N9 T4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Z.- .adW . 4- 2 - PRELIMINARY ORDER. M"' Th ... d,mig,,dhembypmp,,mth,,,,ki,g,fthef.B..i.gp.bli.i.p—.m..tbltb-CitY-fB-i"tP--i-v"-: Condemning and taking 4A..9a5govent in thp jaD4 slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of J-!1.K0ck Leffrusn..S, He"Addlti0n, C. Po V=-DYXQ',s AddltilQA 4TA51. Emil, § jje0TranZp;oqpt 5-tr%et— Doted this. 29th A., of UVI—A 4 ...... . ....... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the m.ki.g of the f,Uowing improvement, vi— ...Condemning and taking an �easement in the lapd1fleges se ry. for C." and fills, in the grading_ of Alley InBlockjA Teffman, & Haas' Addition, C. C. Van Dyke's Addition and......., Emil' s Rearrangement from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street., having been presented to the Co U of the City If Saint Poll therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commimille, If Public Works be —d i, hereby ordered end di—ted: 1. To i—eatigato the areemity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent sod estimated cost of said improvement, end the row coat thereof. 3. To furnish a Pill, prefile or sketch of mid improvement 4. To state whether or not said improvement I, asked to, an the petition of three or more .... re, 5. To report upon atl of the foregoing mettem W the Cmmimi ... r of Pi ... re. Adopted by the C—oil MOP iq11-A - Y— NAY, Councilmen ...il." My SAY !W4 MID-- Appr.Yed PIAIII TacAx V!.I fl—, We -1 MLISHEDL- �p —,;?X Petition G. 32 PROPOSAJ,.FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The mulon-ilte-dinueby prop—t1mon,king of the follm,ini,publi,improvIncent by the City of Saint Psul, via.: C Changing the grade of Alley in Block 11 Leffman & Sees' Addition, Ch I t to 06br6i'M - Van Dyke's Additim; and Emirs R9arTRn9BM0u to the red line on the profile hersto attachedeDd xild.e..A.-Part- E6je67f, the prese. t established grade being shown by a blue line --thar-oo.- .Also grading All -ay in Blo-ek 1, Leffman C. C. Van Dyke's Addition and Emil's Rear rang ement.. from Chatsworth 'Street "td OXford Stfstit. Dated Wil. ..- 29th ..d.y.f oil. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propneel for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Changing the grade of Alley in Block 1, Leffman & Haas' Addition, Ve . ; Dyke- a A. dditi*ni �d Emil` Rearrangement, _to -conform._.. onform to the red line on the profile herattached and made_ a ,hdra6T present a.atabli shed grade being—shown by a blue lin e Alsa_,grading-Alley., inBlock.1_ Addition.,.-... "Xfwta je-Re.al Chatsworth. C. C. Van Dyke's Addition and Emil's Rearrangement from Chat .. swo . r . th Street to exfoTd- Street. having be- presented W the Council of the City Of Senct Pen' i t"7f?e', ba — RJ�SOLVMD, Thnt the Commissioner of Public Warks be and i, hereby ordered end directed: 1. To investigate the momity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, end the total cod thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4. To stele whether or net said improvement i, ulmd for on the petition of three or more 1.- / 5 To report up-- oil of the fmcif-i-9 ;-t.. to the of Fine--. My 1914 Adapted by th- C --- Oil_ y-. N Cc ... ilm" MAYro McDot. Appved AM RPaeans _ 11a.. 0 11112MAW' 1 Y;" Pr- WO.-, Council File No..__ qM� �' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT TT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Th ... d ... ig,odhereby pn,,ese,thamaking of th,f,U,,i,gp,bli,i,,pm,,m,,t by the City ofS,int Poll, vi- -CondQatning and taking 4n easement in the land. necessary for slopesr cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, Leffman,& Beast Addition, C. C. Van Dy.k.els Addition and E.il's _Rearrangement from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street. Dated thio 29th ..day of RBY, 1954 eaoor— PRELIMINARY ORDER. 17aourn., WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, is.: Condq.4jnZ aqd _taking_en @45gie@pt In.. the land fills the grading of Alley. in Blqqly for s�qpks. �.t� �,pA in .1affman.& Bass' Additlon,, C. C. yan..pyke.1.5 Add;Ltjon.=d Omil' 5. qeejrpt4gement frqte Chatsworth_ Street to.9xf9rd.Str@1A- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul— therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said hap—ramt. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of &aid improvement, and the total rest thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid inap—ono.t. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is mked for on the petition of three or more owner. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Conarnied-or of Piano- - , ? 9 199 Adopted by the Council.. .... ....... Y... N— CO ... ihasa Ma" MOD—. Appr.-d P- o. RO Too— 6 46tw may.,. Vi. Pres. W.—I KNIUSHED-GZ-7 e-1 7-1 mea°. COUNCIL FILE NO.. ____........ <°�•t•v s:vvd =tai w+nw•r tr.ca• ... a ey .•n,va°e u• CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In Lha matter of the assessment of beae£its, coats and axpensea for repaving Snelling Ave. Prom the Northern Pacific Rail—y tracks too Ave. West, by ccooc owing the te blocks -d r s ,, c c ..feeing the .statin -ate bees with aephe.lt mixture, also cuorbing, paving a11,yand driveway app...oh,,, ,rwater and gee comeoti... from street mains to property 1'... where not elreedymade, and ell other work incidental and neoeasary to said improvement, under Preliminary Order...... 96503 Intermediary Order 95947 Final Order_.. 95967...... . a"'—d ...._Aug• 4 __...... _....... 19.3,3.. The assessment vf.. benafdta....—ts. and.. expmaee _ for and in ann, action with the above improvement h.wing bee. -1, mcd to the Council, and the Council hswing considered svmc -d found the said --it sat isfactnn', there[orc. be it RESOT.t"EU, Th.t the said a...cesme.t be .Id the same is hereby in all res pests approved. RESOLVED FURTHFR, That . public hearing be had on .,id aasessm.nt on the. _38 ___. _.........dew nd .._......June-._—_..__. _..., 19_34-, st the hour of 10 .',lock A- ii_ in the Council Chamber of the Cour, Mous, and City H.11 Itt,41 vg. in the City of St. Paul; that the Commiasioner of Finsnce giw notice of said mie Ings, as re,tuired by the Ch.rtar, storing in s-1 notice the time end pleas of hearing, the n.ture of the mprowemrnt. the tot.l cost thereof, the let nr Ints of the pnrtievlar owner to whom the notice k direct,vl. Ad.pted by me C.—H, MAY $9-M4- _ ... }0 �.fxh-�.... City Cleri,. Alprnwd 3.aY cntm,dmanwfeae� �—�. C.—it".. =7177 - .I Councilman n 's' r.. wr< Councilmen 4Feh15$dva' , H..>.n - , Cou cilm n 9k�8inec ' dj,l.,,,. pyo, 177 res. W anzd RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING "T" 1';D 'M", TI.K OF HARING 0,A TIIF AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of ---- 9onda itne-uD -tAkin__au sa,�awt_StC th4.lsaG_na=egeatY_for elgpe,, out, and fill, in the grading of Alley in Blank 25, Auerbach k Hand's Addition fi,— Cook St. to Oliver St., Y under Preliminary Ord er__.... 9736; __----,�-2@.-1539. approved____.eb ._ Intermediary Order_________ -97607 _ approved__._ _Apt. 11._1934 _.. _. . Final Order --------- ---- -----EM24___. approved_____.__May a.-1934- The .-1934The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his relrort in the above matter a, to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or eaY•ment, therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also hating submitted his assessment of benefits to property - from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Reached, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approver Resolved further, That a puhb, hearing be had before the Council ul— said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and alio upon the said aasessment of benefits; at the Couneil Chamber. is the Court It ... e in the City- of St. Paul on the____ ------ 27 ----- day of__ Jima ___ 19_32, at ten o'clock A. )l.. and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is herehy directed to gine notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. +cog Adopted by the Council___- MAY 24 Approved- Councilman on'aTfia Councilman Councilman 4WRHMR� t " M V:c^ thy'-ysc�-1�{ r^ � \ City^Clerk. / J fine M -or. to ! 180) 4 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING 11 FHEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING OV THE AWARD OF DAMA( In the matter in-lena_aeneanary_rnr_s1oP9e.-Lute and fill, in the grading of Alley in Block 22, Averbach h Hand`, Addition from Cook St. to Oliver St., under Preliminary Order_97277_____ .pproved_._Feb. 13. 1934 Intermediary Order --------- 751&___ --- -pproved--- AprU 4._1934 _ __--__-_-_, Final Order --------------- 97774 ------- _----- _. approved___ May ____11.1934__..______________ The Commissioner of Fin anee having submitted hi, report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or casements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also lacing submitted his as..ssment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby xplr—ed. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a eon- firmathm of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said asses,m ant of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the ('wort House in the City" of Sl. Paul on the _ 27 -day of______ lune_______1B_34_,atten o'clock A.M,,nedthat the Com- m s,i,ner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council__"MAY 9 Q 1011 �pg� ; '-c Citlerk_ APProved. '.i�yT �-(" __ . 19_. � i' '/ / I Cqulman 14IN'.oY... Ini! NnYor. CCpp441�I1mmaanuF -.,_, ounC oilman x+,e. 1,.. � Crquncilman h%'Nf16 Tbz= n Amin `M'l'R2lf� r. me enzd ylleeeer}� RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING DN' iND FL;IN'G TIME OF IICIRING OS TIT[ AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of_ apeain-,cLd=jt,, Rrld_ei5p4_i_ng J--- Pxr6 ay-botwaon Av a t'_gs Ave. and Hudson Ave. by adding to it those parts of Lot, 13, 14 and It, Block 1, Lindley HeigF.ta lying westerly of thea of a 160 foot radius circle tangent to the eouth- eat,rly line of said Lot 15, and to the westerly 11ne o said Lot 13; alae % adcing th.rato t"', parts of Lot, 1; and 16, 91ook 2, Lindley kieigF. a lying westerly of the s 235 Soot raci.:s circle tarbent t the westerly line of said Lot lo, and the northwesterly lin. of said Lot Itt also talon,; and crndeaming ar. .ant for slopes, cut, end fills n Bary to the grading an improv®=net o eat , oad oT Johnson Parkway, w anedeaesdeacr ibed above frog. Hastings P.va. to 21" featrscuthwesterly of Nuri, an Avec under Preliminary Order_______9_74Q4------ _--- _- approved_ !larch_ 2_1934 Intermediary Order__----___fi7666__ _.. approved. April 11,_1934 Final Order_______________ _.. 2.7620_ ._. approved__M4y_-._6__1.964 The Commissioner of Fi.... e having submitted hi,, report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or eascmcn t_, therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his xsscs. meet of benefit.,, :. property from the making of said improvement, therefore be n Resolved, That the said assessment of henefits be and the same is hereby appro,'ed. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commi,sioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Ceort House in the City of St. Paul on the____ -------27-----__day of - _,lona .. 19_,14, at ten o'clock A. Af., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed tc gine notice of >aid hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council -----KAY 2 Q 'p"' -..--- --- ----. 1py_ APProve d- sf.,4Y �# A .19__ T , CjWClerk_ --_ _ _ - / ^In mo:,.t Alay Counc�lyymnnan o—Wm,,-gib— No' Coun CoucilLan _ I:�....:r Councilman _J t•" �'�rAeY ��' � iFil !i iEi COUNCIL FILE NO. - o. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the M-1—of opaning, widening and e.t..diag s 16 ft. alley from Bradford Street to the southerly line of Lot 3 produoed by taking and eondemaiag the westerly 30 feet of vacated alley abutting lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and BI also the westerly 5 feet of the easterly 10 feet of vacated alley abutting Lots 10 and 11, all in Blook 81, St. Anthony Park, under Preliminary Ocdtr__ 87709 __. approve_ Anril 17. 1834 The Council of rhe City of St. Paul having received rhe report of rhe Commissioner of Finance upon chc above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report end the same is hereby app,...d and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2.That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends k open, xid- and —tend a 15 ft, alley from Bradford Street to the southerly line of Lot 3 prod uoed by taking and condemning theweakarly 10 Peat of vacated alley abetting lots 4, 6, 6, 7, a and 91 also the waeterip 5 feet of the easterly 10 feet of ..anted alley shutting Lots 10 and 11, .11 in Block 81, St. Anthony Park, with no 0--i—, and that the estimated mac thereof is $.10.09. --- - Resolved Funher, Thar a public hearing be had on said improv.ment on the 26th - day of 193A, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House end City Hall Building in the City of Sc. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, .racing the time end place of hear- ing, chc nature of the improvement and the' total mst thereof as —imat d. Adopted by the C ...iL MAY 29 IV _ , 193. Approved— _3aM— - 193.— — CouncilmanMcDonald C ... cilnItoMay Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen `1 J Councilman Tru a M.ptn M.1 T FortMrr. nq 8P(res. Wenzel / / f Cw .h11 -Mayor ............... ---- --------------- — ------ - ------- .�... Cnun�iI File No. neuro r. By CITY OF IT, PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matt.r of the scse..mrat of benefit., ..at. end ..pane .a for "'at—ting, raoonstruatinr and rePairlry- cement sidewalk, ',it -e No. 4, Co.t-.t 11-2, 19SS. --AaeeseaDle— F.O. 95927,Onivaraity ;.veno north aide, beginning 135 feet west then., wast 72afast - ;;t. Albano Street. F.O. 96092 University Avenue. .Doth side, beginning 265 feet wast of Oxford Street, thence ..at 80 feet. F.O. 95927 University Avenue, north side, b.ginni r, 140 feet oalt of ;r -gr" :;treat, thence East 30 feet, drivecay. 40 t'set Balk a :cut wide end 36 feet driveway F.r,. 96022 University Avenue, south side, beginning It F..mline .; s thence ,at 16 fest F.O. 96091 University Avenue, north aide,.beginning 125 feet eeat of Snelling Avenue, thanoe seat 79 feet, then,, 6 feet gnat from curb to d fee, south of property line =.0. 96294'0.ford Street, swat Bide, 1rd. Iglehart Ava.vs to 914 feet Hort) of Iglehart Avatue F.O. 96075 oceatruating curb on west aide of Oxford ,treat fram Igle art Av®ue to . point 92 feat north of Iart glehAvenue F.O. 9eO33/8rimhall Avem.e, east aide, Degiouing 86 feet south of St. Clclr Street, then.. south to drivaesy, or ..boat 48 fest F.O. 94205vRamline Avenue, east aide, beginning 112 fest north of Lake Como sod Phalen Avenue, thence north 6 feet F.O. 96024,Ssuth t/abash. Street, west aide, between Fairfield end Indiana Avauuea, beginning 100 feet south of Fairfield Ave®., then.. south 20 feet elth oentr.l driva 12 fest wide end 4 feet radin. curb :'.0. 96089+C.noord Street, south aide, beginning At ...t11-, of Ada Street produced, thence neat 24 feet F.O. 96076.Ada Street, seat aide, beglmiag 106 fest north of Concord Street, thence north to 80.alley F.O. 9600reeneood Avenue, seat viae, 'oe:l®ing 40 Peat south �f Robie .,trout., tF.erce south 76.5 feet F.O. 96087+Clinton Avenue, Beat side, beginning at Congrea. Street, thence south 100 feet, alae Clinton Avenue, seat aide, beginning 10,6 feat north of Concord Street, - ..nae north t4 facts beginnlog 10 feet farther north, tl,enoenorth 4 feet F.O. 96024✓South Robert Street, .eat side, between Fillmore sod Fairfield Avanu,s, baginning 112 feet south of Fillmore, th— south 24 fest F.O. 96095'Rocabal Street, west aide, fr— the south line of Seventh Street to the north lice of Sixth Street r.0. 96393"Fifth Street, north aide, beglnnin, at Broadway, then.. seat 20 feet F.O. 96072 8roadeny and Fifth Stra.t, southwest corner, 50 feet on Broadway, and wont 30 feat on Fifth Street F.O. 98096, Sixth Street, south side, beginning at assents Rea+wt; lhennw aaelrlf Ae�- F.O. 98096 Sixth Street, south side, ::e -Mia,:. at Sibley .,treat, thence weat 33 loot, f''r hey —=Eb-A�eeeesbYs j P.O. 94288 Stanford As— and Fasoal A�, southeeet oorner I r. FSO. 96298 Bolton Avenue, west Bide, frpq�he end .f existing calk, thane, 65 feet south to the e:Jet ing orosh117i oa the north aide of Luka Como and Fhslm Avenue F.O. Is— lint" Street, south aide, be '���h�� 6anc 100 Caet .set of Jack—Street thence ' at 20 feat ,^ ,/ _ f � 1 ; T t->wQjQgy,pII-MAomIY f iYCa pm87'{�i�j ;q'Q,l 'N- PMF.'F �Y .-iA F R 1.�:..i+._ ris .'"},`Qp1�!liid.w`+"L'—. iAx�..., a x .i.h4.`aw.� .,d - _. t4i>• � _ .a.. . a ,r' �CJ&9•tor4'K��i+"e.0 'f+Lao-°q P�; r•::•.,�c ,a S'°�' 3`n�'pfit� ���? - - xxxx�e�dc�i9dkXs-sx:zzm-xxax E�FW@IIR. x].cxF.FFAx.4R.v.].AF].. A public hearing herring been had upon the aesessmeut for the above i,,—, meat, acrd said msr srm� of ha.-iog been further c —derad by the Council, and herring been eonid—d finally eatis(aetorr, be it there fur. RESOLVED, That the s,id ns,i,emeut be and the name is hereby In all respect, ratified, and the ,ama is hereby ordered robe submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confi rma tin,. IIP: IT I•'fl1CTHER RESOLI'ED, That the said easy—m ba and it is hereby determined t. be ,.yabl, %%.........e9n,l installments. 1 ,934 nd,prta by the cpnn.rl MAY. 3 Ifi Cite Clerk. 1'IY u1: 5I'. 11AI'11 I'M('F t,l '1'III1: � O)I\IISSIONEK OF FINAM'F: Report of Completion of Assessment may 1 . , 9 34 Ie the .f ria. .—-, �,t of benefit., Dost. and vapenaes fo'rho: Constructing. r natru.ting and r .airing cement aida—lk, F.at i.�e-e No. 4, ...,tract N-2, 1933. --A ...sable-- F.O. 95927 University Avenue, n rth aide, beginning 135 feet neat o. St. Al— Street, th-a.wset 72 feet F.O. 96022 University Avenue, south side, beginning 266 feet .,at or 0xford St rant, thenoewast 60 feet, F.O. 95927 Unlvereity Avenue. north aide, bagiming 140 feet ,at of Grigg. Street, there, East 30 feet, driveway, 40 feet walk 6 feat side and 35 feat driveway F.O. 96022 University A,—, south side, beginning at Hamline Avenue th—o.wast 16 feet F.O. 95091 ""areity Avenue. north aide, begin ing ]25 feet seat of Snelling Avenue, thenoe .sat 79 feat, the^c. o teat east Prom curb to 6 feat south of property line 96294 Oxford Street, .,at aide, from Iglehart e..... tc 94 feet north Of Iglehart Aver F.C. 96075 oonatructiag curb On seat aide of Oxford Street from Igle art .venue to a poi.t 92 feet n..thnf Iglehart Avenue F.). 96033 Brimh.11 Avenue, sant aide, begin ing 65 feet south of St. Clelr :;tr.et, thenoe south to driveway, o t 48 feet F.O. 94205 Hemline Avenue, .net aide, beginning 112 feet north of Lake Como and Phalen Avenue, thence north 6 feet F.0. 96024 South Wabas he. Street, ..at aide, net wean Fairfield end Indi beginning 100 feet south of Fairfield A , th-- south 20 fent with antral drive 12 feet wide end 4 feet rad rue curb F.O. 96099 Concord Street, south aide, beginning at aeatl .a of Ada Street produced, thenoe .,at 24 feet F.O. 96076 Ada Street" east side, bagiming 10, feet north of C...... .tro»t, then.. Orth to ally F.C. 96090 1—wood Avewe, .,at ei,,, beginning 40 feet south of E.obi. :;tree., then.. o-th 76.5 feat F.O. 96087 Clinton Avewe" east side, beginning a., tongr,se 3tf.et, th enc. south 100 fast, ale. Clinton Avenue, went sitl a, begin ing 10, Sfeet north of C ora Street, 'hence o rth 64 feet; beg anal ng 10 feet farther north" than cenno rth 4 feet Street wast aide between Fillmore end Fairfield Avenue., enoo., side. Prue hFe —Fk ] t e-__.._ F'.O. 86072of.cn r rth `e way, then.. —at 20 feet felt on I—eleny and w.at dr 10 fat .n Firth s F.O. 96095 SSsth Street, south aide, begiming at Wa.o.ta Street, thenoe ..at 60 feet F.O. 96095 3is h Street, south aide, b.gSming est Sibley Street, thenoe west 53 feat, F.O. 96095 Sixth Street, south aide, beginning at Pia. Street, th-O. _at 16 Poet F.O. 96094 Sizth Street, south aide, from Olive Street, .net 25 feet, e.l.o beginning 60 feat .net of Pin. Street thenae seat 80 feet P.d. $6094Bizth Street, north aide, from Job. Street then.. wast 10 feet, '- .81#h Street, Beath .ides from 95 feet east of Olive Street to John Street it 0:;.98925 lskfwygtta Cnt-DPP, east aide, from Hath Street to Or.— Street req..94930 Ninth Street, Booth aide, ba&innlag 100 feet wast of Haeab.l:Street, thenae west S feet F.O. 95930 Sin th Street, south side, beginning 85 feet seat of Hobert Street 'thenoe —at.50' Peet . F.O. 968$O.Finth Street. —, h .ides beglffiSag et Ylnneeota Stra.t. tbaabe wset 55 Peet. begimiag 66 Y Q h'.id.r watt, therm -a ts6 feet P.O.. 96884 7P9et 7th -Street.. rth'.ide, begiaaiag t 1Lyn11�e Allay —at Of St. Pats . ' Stlbet thenae b4 f e! aeatl all b '._ Forttiwe t Ooruee Of St. Pater,and West Sa'venth'Streeta. F.O. .95761 Fif li Street uaath Sde. bdglaaiag-E6'feat went Of Pravklta-$treeE thenoe west 4sfeet f.0. 96096 Roaabel Street,- e L ids, '".il-auth Street. and -6Ygb/;ii`BEreea , `$ ft.. driveway: eatranoe lie Na:"g, �s P.0. 94298 Stenford -an— end Faecal Aveana" south.est c C.{s. 90298 Holton ave ue set sada. Pram tl.e end of axiating walk, th once 55 feet outh tonthe existing crosswalk oa the north aide of Lake Como and Fhalen .Avenue F.O. 95930 Ninth Street, .Doth .i a, begiminv 100 eget 20 feet feat east of Je.kaon Street thenoe - .,--r 8f aaf• Fpalm � ,.,f. I r aI FF .1 F• 071 vFon ye°una +•� `T"o oa aeF• Fp° O3 on.r 7J0 _ LaaF• b7ao ' x14.` ae',7wive b.p� 6nOBd CT av ;ov Fsonna` a ,...� .. i ". .. FP .1C•0 uaOFo a.iw7nk :0 L F e _. - .°FP Fo eS eal• T : Ib; 1.°'3F .°, 4 135 • ad 371 .. _ .., :�n�Fx�,�,xxx xuux,xuxlxxmxm�xxxxax�u=xxxx uxuuxux: rxsxxsz=uuuxuxu=zzutxuux=.xxxxszxuxxxzx:xxu=rxxuziYu T° lh„ Cnmvll °f the CII, of �I. I'I,ul Th: Cninnhi..h'ner °f Finnn, �. her, he n'I'" Oh'. fn',I:: •. f Ili :.xl.... ,liture+nrc:.,.°rill M, :,i„1 t" h� n, ii. r�.l f�,r .i ��I in con n,•�tin�, •pith Ih, 'f Ih" ii.:•. :iii l,rn,. n:,•nl, �'iz 6' 2104.11 f 7.06 Cnst .,f 1•ufil�nh'iny n, In. 1.41 210.40 7.06 2350.02 Total Aeeaesebin 60.00 Talal mrymrdkeaaaxxx.non—eeeeeenbin 48 Total Drpe ditu 2410.02 . :: iJ I'::...i::n•r f:�rihrr r I' ell :I i.:. .�.•1 ii n,l I: •'il tl lu nl rn: I. ••ill tli�..n�n n[ i 2410.02 : : n n:i .: • 1,I. I:i: -t r r l,n :.: „( h,nl .I..::n�.,l h:u. �il..l 1:. I I.� •: I •,:n. _ J,�[ �I:.li I..: r I:nrv,l °t I: d n �sr I n •� Il: Il 1 .ils .�- : [, r:�I Ih: r, ,•n. Ihuc thr ...ii,l .......... nl h::. Ipl I,.,. nn'I Ih:o h", n.ln�.h. i i d.....,l1, 0� u 1...11 :i. ''1, , r... f. .,.gins ,r•I�I: t„ 1 t:n:. n.... CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. ��1iil(, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION _ GENERAL FORM rr+[scrvreo e� / coM Missiowea -- oArE May 31, 1934 In the matter of widening the roadway o Pleasant Avenue to 40 feet from Ramsey Streetto angle point 200 feet northeast of Lawton Street, increasing to 50 feet at Duke Street and to 50 feet from Duke Street to Osceola Avenue, setting back curbs and paving the widened portions with asphaltic concrete on concrete base, also resurfacing the existing pavement between the aforesaid limits with asphaltic concrete. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same are hereby approved. Resolved Further, That theproper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. o rnr�rualr:v MAY 31 1964 nd„Pr,a I,y vhc cowA.. I93 /mDo„m�l `'40 3 t iMo /il�tirrn '11�Pro ved -_ -_. _. - 193__. 'I'r iu�x J ,\pninct Alsynr em �„ i\I r. I'ri=xi, leul \InLuw•y CITY OF ST. PAUL .,u ` NO.. .�()�l�l�). wnc OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f COUN/a�f�_RESOLUTION�i ENERAL FORM RESOLVED -. '.._ :.: ,':: . .. .. .... .. �,. _ 12 sn/ JcUUllnld / � li•nrer � I" fnoor 7'runx ('OUN('1I.JIEN ym^ sn/ JcUUllnld / � li•nrer � I" fnoor 7'runx Ag.inxt '1Seneel rF.,. .\f r. I'msi�ent \Inhonev CI 11, li.fHh Aa,,lx,a by w, c�,uncll_. MAY 311934 ...193_ MAY 3 D +u?n pproved._ _ 193. ro ro.Rtlti1l10 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,v NO.. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM m a WHEREAS, A. W. Gannon has petitioned the Council for per- mieelon to install and maintain a drive-in filling station on Lots 89 and 30, Block 3, Syndicate Bo. 1 Addition, also described as the northwest corner of University Avenue and Grotto Street, and WHEREAS, said A. W. Cannon has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -Ant, with riveways, curb returns, pump location, side- walk., etc. for the idnformation of the Council, therefore be St RESOLVED, that permissionand authority are hereby given to A. W. Cannon to install and maintain said station in acoordenoe with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automat ioally void the permit. Tha tanks and pump. shall be i¢- Stalled in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the CO®iB:lOner of Public Safety; the building plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any .hang.. in ourbing, sidewalks, r amp:, drainage or other public improvements within the street linea shall be made under the direo- tlon and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Pnblio Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to rev. cation by the Council whenever said Council Shall determine that the main- tenanos of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard, rnr�rn.yn's s�„ � na.pt�a 0y u,, c�����a— MAY $1-...1934 103. . WAY 81. t49e NrDunnlJ I'rnrcr In fn\nr �App,u d__... _-_. _.. _. _-_. 193.. �\V�n mrl Muyo' Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION -- � TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made -a FILE. THE BOARD OF ZONING ° SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA COURT MOUSE may 23rd, 1934• Nr. Wm. F, Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir In the matter of application of A. W. Cannon to locate a filling station at the Northwest corner of Grotto and University, This land is zoned for Light Industry. The plan s for the f111ing station are excellent as to driveways and layout and comply with the State Trunk Highway Order No. 8445. The property is now vacant excepting as to billboard. The Board recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, V�F—t—;-.Ji GEORGE H. E1ROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.piW of Mi...... DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.nth .nd Mi.-- Sh— _ N N McDONnLD, Cow.vssi�x+ie Mr. William F. Scott, City Clark, Saint Pau,, Minnesota Dear Sir! Returned herewith ie the applicat.ion of A. W. Cannon for pexaianion to instal e drive-in gasoline filling station on the northwest corner of Oni—ralty and Grotto Streets end reports of ih-r—t"' from the Harems of Traffic and Fire Prevention. Very t—ly your., '\Cn er of Puhlic Ssfety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Hay 22,1934. Hr. John H. McDonald, Comissionar of Public Safety, Deer Hirt- ® Phil is in reference to application made by A. H. Gammon to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northwest corner of Dnivenity and Grotto Streets. Please he advised that I bave made the usual inspection of the proposed driveye. and do not find that the granting of a permit for the installation of %his driveway, will materially interfere 11th the movement of traffic. yours truly, �� Hairy H. Lergr9a, Hit. of affin. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gcit.l of mi.-- DEPARTMENT innc-DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Troth -d Mi-- Sl— , i(JHN H_ McDON�LD, COIAMIS:IVN14 May15.1934. Ron.John R McDonald Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul'vinn. near Bir: In regard to the application of A.w.Cannon to install a drive gasolind filling Station on the R.R. Corner of University and Grotto Streets. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly Increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully your e, Chief In4pectOr. Fire nenartment. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capiml of MinneW1, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C WENZEL, Commi1-1 n. YAULANiO, oaw�r ��mm•++�� K CLAr:Oe. sm .��.�•�, G �� SHER¢O1D�011.n and C r P e� p a•�� M^SN t,+r�o� IBAK, B dao E.,.,— May a ,seg May 21, 1934 Mr. Wm. E'. Scott, City Clerk, Building. Uear Sir: Re Drive -In Filling Station Lots 29 and 30, Block 3, Syndicate No. 1 Addition (NW corner of University & Grotto) A. W. Cannon, 623 University Ave. This proposed filling station is to be located on property zoned for Light Industrial purposes, and a filling station is permitted without formal hearing before the City Council. The layout will be satisfactory and the drive- way dimensions on University Ave, com_:ly with the standards established by the Minnesota State Highway Department for trunk highways. The Board of Zoning has approved this location. Yours very truly, RG SHE ARD, hi at gineer. Approved HEHbIA.N C. WENZEL, Commissioner of Public Works. I pc I it II - ,_ _ - - II IY— !oco ..,_. V csv[^�✓° c ✓'�' v`�,�•Yw%v': '� � _ � J .8C I i J I ( „ \ - q : r : I- O � �lt�t i91 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL NO..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES OLUTION VGTNE, AL FORM OLUT I i L Pa MM�95EONE RESOLVED That the app toetion of the South St. Anthony Boosters Club for permission to bold a summer festival the first week in June, 1934, at the South St. Anthony Playgrounds, Cromwell avenue and Bent street, is hereby granted; provided, however, that if a merry-go-round or other amusement device for which a license meet be paid under any Ordinance of the City, is Main- tained, the license fee provided therefor must be paid. COUNCILMEN Yam N.yr y �MMcDonald /Pearse __ In fna of /Rouen n /'r-.. �Aguinet /�i'enul /Nl,. Pmnident Mahoney Adopted by the C--iL_M ... 11934 193..... APP .... d.....10._._1.. Ma_ 193..... WDA. F. 3(" .. Mayor _.. CIT��//Y c-Lln R9._Zl CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepirel of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK , WILL" F. SCOTT City Ck,i .ed C—iuiane, of Regin,,i- May 29th, 1934, Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of the South St. Anthony Boo a fere Club For permle.ion to hold r festival the first week In Suner 1934, at the SOuth St. Anthony 'I 'r Cromwell Avenue and Hunt Street w referred to you today, by the Council, for salutlon; said ' ..T to con Lair. a provlaion that 1£ any merry-go-round o other amusement device for which a lice... moat be Wald under any ordinance of the Sty Se maintained, that the license foe so provided for moat be paid. Your. very truly, City Clark. ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ceplfal of Miaeesole OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT C'ey Cleh and C—um ioee, of Re 111, 1- 40. (' -1B-U• yqv 27nd, 1974. Hon. J. H. Mb Do-ld, Com1 r of Public Safety, Bulldleg. Dear Sir: The attached application of the South St. Anthony Boosters Club for permission to hold r festival the first week to Juae, 1974 at the S.=St. Anthony Playgrounds, Cro 11 A-- and Hunt Street,s w referred to you, by the Council, for inveetl- gatlen eadreport. Tours very truly, l� Cl ty Clerk. &,_1 fj L4 L L v�.u.c.CCa.c-t� / �vu.r..wwL7 City Clerk, Court House at. Paul, it.. Dear Sir: The South St. Anthony Boosters Club an organisation founded to cooperate with the department of Parke and Playgrounds to assist in the further development of the playgrounds, Is desirous of holding a Sommer Festival the first week in June. we,therefore, re- speotMlly asY the City Council to grant a permit for the use of the South St. Anthony Playgrounds situated at Cromwell Avenue and Hunt Street for the above specified period.' The attractions will consist of riding devices such ae go Merry --round, Ferris -wheel and minature Auto - track. The oompnay to present the attractions has been endorsed by the St. Paul Playgrounds Comoll. Gambling or gambling devices in any form will not be premitted. The sale of liquor in any form will also not be allowed. The proceeds are to be used for equipment and supplies for the South St. Anthony Playgrounds. Trusting this request for permission will be presented to the City Counoil, we are Very truly yours, SCUTH STS -.AH S CLUB By C (� Pregidani 996 Manvel Stre �j St. Paul Minn, May 28, 1934 city Oounoil City of St. kul, St.Paul, Mina. We, the undereiped residents of South at. Anthony Park, mediately surrounding the South at. Anthony Playgrounds, hereby oonsent to the holding of a Festival on the South St. Anthony Playgrounds during the week June 4 to June 9. 1934 inclusive, It is understood that no gambling is any form shall be permitted or liquor shall be sold. �� ate. at. real; 34 May 26, city council Stat Paul tOtm. ". Was the enderal0�ec�1agtlof South 8t. Anthony Park. S=adist y surrounding South et. Anthony Ala hereby consent the holding of a Teat-ival on the to the South St. Anthony Playprounds during the week Tune 4 to dune 9. 1934 inolueive- It in understood that no gambling in any form shall be permitted or liquor shall be sold. S -i � q 3 ft Pala is; 28, 14kan MY Council ' OSL of at. ;aul, Minn. We, the underaled residents of South St. Anthony Park, immediately surrounding the South ft. Anthony Play frouzxds, hereby oonsent to the holding of a Fast V.al an the South St. Anthony PlayNounds during the week June 4 to juso 9, 1934 inolue TO'k It is understood that no gambling in any form shall be permitted or liquor shall be sold. aNi".� w av cu.t CITY OF ST. PAUL NO........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL I LUTION—_4NERAL FORM co�wieaiorvo' tt�.�sne_ owie RESOLVED that the application of the E -- dgoambe Playgrounds Booster Glob for permission to conduct a festival and operate a merry- go-round at the Edgoumbe playgrounds, Griggs and Wellesley street., from June 19th to 33rd, 1934, be and the same is hereby granted; license provided, however, that said Club shall pay the/fee required by the ordinance for the maintenance of said merry-go-round or any other amusement device maintained at said festival. COUNCILMEN ��m Y'. "7Ad.pWd Ly the C--L1.atil7... 1r�4 193... /t"onnmd JINN 9 f9M ntn.�n Again=( -'R'rnzcl \Y M. F. SCOTT. Mayor am a.v /Mr. President Ma —y "VIE" 7-1 l 1 �.R pKa1l2 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,,.. NO. .. .. .. .... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— NERAL FORM RESOLVED that the s piloat Son of' the Ed9`c=bs Playgrounds Booster Club for permission to conduct a festival and operate a merry- go-round at the &dgolmbe Playgrounds, Griggs and Wellesley streets, from June 18th to 33rd, 1934, be and the same is hereby granted; lioense provided, however, that said Club shall pay the/fee required by the ordinance for the maintenanoe of said merry-go-round or any other amusement devioe maintained at said festival. COUNCILMEN 1— / Nd,d �NeD raid �'/ �'enrcr _ In fxcoc /hoarn �Tniur :"Z _ AgdmA 1t'rna J P—id,a Afnhoney wa��• .el :. .. Adopwd by the Council riff. _..1 1!`x,.1 193 _ App,—d,. "m. F. SCOTT, Msynr _. C�Y /CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mlnaewta OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM i. SCOW City C6rk and Commi"b , of Raeht,etioa 4wj Yaf 29th, 1914. Yr. L. L, inderaon, Cc:poration Covnael, Building. Dear sir: The attached application of the Edgecumbe Playgronnds Booster Club for permit to conduct s festival and operates erry-go-round at the Edge- vmbe Playgrounds, Crlgga and Wellesley Stree te, from ,jure 16th to 2jrd waa referred Lo yon today, by the Council, for r solution to Prant; said r solution to Contain a provision that If any merry-voeronnd o other musement device for which a llcene. must be paidrundo, any ordinance of the City le maintained, Chat the license fee so provided `or must be paid. yours very truly, City Clark. R I,5 ASO � `. � �� �[�-v ' l�.i f � 6� � �iY . _., •muv a.n CITY OF ST. PAUL .dyXCO' NO._...._9801F) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RE gpLUTIOF �ENERAL FORM T / Q.- as o°r.ew __ oA.E Illy 51, 1854 RESOLVED That Restaurant licegse, application 5578, and On Sale Halt Beverage license, applloatloa 5577, applied for by Hre. S. Kseyuacak and D. Sullivan at 552 No. Fairview Avenue be and they ere hereby denied upon recomendation of the Bureau of Police Bad the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Bald applicant. the fees of $10.00 Bad $50.00 and to cancel said application. for Restaurant and On Bele Halt Beverage lice—II, respectively. ° iiseotvee�r psi&e °a.azio� sae el`°v°.°ii gyp) COU NCHAINNAN Yam r Nnya Adopted by the Council..._ n/�IB 1'enrer / In fnvnr App —d 1.l34— _._193... Roru•n � ` / Mayor R'envcl M, P—idem 1Qagwey- �r�. _. 7� _ /,,.-,L ���� —_ {� c � � . �. , y� � . !i ,� Adopted by the Cou it 143 Peas. N,y'. �1l'UUNALD P ARCE ,,kosEN TR UA -V ,l WEN Z EL NR. PRLSIUGN"t (�1 A110\Ll' � c Jttn® 7th. 1574. Bon. B. E. W., —, Comer of Public Safety, Baildinc. Dear itr. Barrenl The City Council referred the atta 1.0d resolution Which pnpo... to deay res t.uraat lin ea se add cele malt beverage license applied for 10' Mre. S. B:agmao and D. gull Ivan at 352 Ao. Fairview Ave—, top_etber with arlove petition. for and-,.i..t the graatiag of .aid It— o en.es, to you With the ran—st that you have the Pollee Dep.r2,ent Sa..tlgete thi. matter end melte a report and recomuendetion to the Council, port icularly me to she ther thi. plane t. likely to be primarily a --- eetabliehment or an orderly end legitimate reetanrnnt. The matter .ne laid o r to J_ 12th. Will you kindly return the entire file to ue, together with your report.. To— very truly. City Cleric. ' CITY OF 8NO. T. PAUL .u.a - ........._-..'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEt1ERAL FORM Ill 51, 1956..... ..__ cowM�.sionsn __. __ RESOLVED "It Beverage that_ pFllnd. _r, >1ise. S. aneymoflk and D. snlltvm nt 552 No. nlrvie- STemue be emd they _,, h_by Wanted eDd the City Clark ie instructed to Sema euc2>< licaneee -yon the pgjaent fat. the dty treaenry of the required fee-- ('oU.1'C711.MI,N 1'— Nay - M, MrD... Id Pearce I n favor Rueen T"— Again=t lV-0 Mr. President Maho racy i J_% lq'I Adopted by the C --iL... ..._.193.. Approved.-- -.-..... 193..... Mnynr ■w ii.t, 1934. Ron_ 162 1 con Roam, Coal w r —:f' Pisano., BviM di>=._ Dear 91 rw At the Co+ oil m attng Lold this mo xa isst:, wire Fe st--t and On We Malt Beverage apylloati.n. of u r -s _ 3_ 7cawmuealc end D, 8olllvan at 752 Bo. 8e1rv1n Av naos wee a -e laid over ons wale to 71tne 7th and You were rw_ Qne,s Le d Eo send not SCew to proyerty owners within 200 feet and a1 — to the e1 P-ne r• Of the pall tions for and .,.at the appl is a tions, vh'!'. are atteohe8 herroto, T—s very truly, Cit, Clerk, y Pr- TTTT in TT -1 tj t' -.e 71 _, –:f- t- d—ly of ne Liq 3.2 ./o :f �JP #€,I l rl Mill rl In rMIN I x"'11' t V'! . n 0 i J f f,, j -77 J T 7Z f"7 3 � �I ��� i� til ��"�I�'.f �'1 G � I I'�1� I �� ! �� t '' / i I � I jj ,, � i �' � i � i _' --�tl16-_ ����' . �11fIi�IIIIIIIfINlllllllllll , , �� i � / I �� i _' --�tl16-_ ����' . �11fIi�IIIIIIIfINlllllllllll , , I� ;fl ���I �il �' it til �'� �� �'�I�� N � I I' ! l � I , � � � a � ��� C I f ,, ,, 6� . , � �� �� �� .. � � l F�, �' =�-% � � �� -�� �l'��ci�.. -. - ���_ ., , � _, �� � ,. � �7 �, ;'� i, . j I�� (��. � ., � r . y, 11� e _. � r 7,, . k i , 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepilal of Minnesola OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT C." C'."and Commissioner of Regis„aiio� June 7th, 1-4. Hon. F.. E. Warren, Co.., of Public Safety, Building. Dear Mr. Warren: The City Council referred the a)t,ched solution which pro po eos to deny restaurant license and s.Bale malt b,,:, -,,,Ii ce.;: applled for by Mr.. S. Easymacek and D. Sullivan t jNo. Fal rvl ew Avenue, together with arioas ostitis.: for and against the granting of Bald 11- to you with the r est that you have the Police Department investlgate thisumatter and make a report and mmendation So the Council, particularly as to whether this place is 11Y.e ly to be orisor, ly a dri nkf ne es tabu aliment or on orderly and legitimate restaurant. The matter w s laid o r to June 12th. Will you kindly return the entlre file to s, together with your .rte. Y.— very truly, City Clerk, Ad.Pled by the Council — _ _193_ Yeas Nays PEARCE PETERSON -'ROSEN /TRUA% "'WARREN "WENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) ' CITY OF ST_ PAUL iu�"` NO.98014. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK w si,MENTEw C IL RESOLUTION GQV E12AL FORM _— ae'W _ _ May U, 1964 RESOLVED ✓,'LC,LC Sl.. �Lv`-I�^.L- _ __ -_ - __ That Tavern ]losnae, applications —d Dance hall llemae, eppli-tion 2420, applied for by Rudolph Leiner, at 558 Fcb-3 St rest be and that' are hereby granted and the city clerk 1. iaet—ted to issue such pon the payeant tato the city treasury of the required fees. CIII'\CILMF'N Yeas \ay" Acl c�ptead by the Cnuacil.. 193. illcl>oa.Id I'iarm In favor A Pproved...... ....._........_ _._ I93.. _. R,—. T,—. Agaiaet \\'rnerl Mayor_.. .w ..0 \Ir. pm.idrnt \lahonry 9 ,,/ L � J � � �' Adopted by the Countil ...^. ��.. ......193 .. Yes.. N.yn. MAY Mc,DONALD ,"PEARCE /ROSEN %TRUAX /IYENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT IMAIIONEI'� I APPLICATION 2a 3 ) oerwwnaor or rueuc .ufr,v or u¢rnaca APPI. No.. .. —Z -f- �- � _ ...... .__ ----- -. .. _...._ .. Licenee No. ff I. the City of 'nt P ul, to be —ti— from.- to 07 ...19 . Name ,; Business Address �//T- -. _ -./..� Tel. . Residence Add— .... --Q.� f-..-._ -- - - -... Q -.. A Tel. - If corporation, give name of person in authoritY_----.--_ __ __ __ -__-_ /''_''___��__.__AA__�y Remarks 1_--._ ..-._.__... - .... APPROVED by met 's �. .say of- ��e.193 ....- SiSaature of Applicxn /J Lice a Inspector �� � �-- - DEPARTMENT PF'PUa —1 llET. APPLICATION -- 24tiri — APpl- No. Renewed/�/L�C�� �c nseNo..... . in the City of Sajjn/5;Pul, to be ffective from _ %� / 193. to Name _..... Business Address J u.. �Ci'���/'��� TO. Residence Address _ �� Tel If corporation, give name of person in authority. _. Remarks _. __'.... _ .................... ...... i - _ '� APPROVED ' ' / -9 (i2r y by me this I da o£ 193 F � License /// Inspector Signature of Applicant , CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM V SCOTT o,..,n,: eg City Clerk and C , n r of Ria rano # CO a May 17th, 1974, Hon. J. H. Mc Doaal d Chairman, LSc ea sa Conaait tea, Hullding. Dear Sir: The attached petition of property e in the viciai ty £ Edmund and Kent Streate re quaet Sng the denial o£ eippl ac—tion £or lava rn 1lc ansa at 55E Edmund Strew t, a Lot 15> %lock 2, F_ M_ Ranney'e SubdSviei an, was referred to the Li cease Committee, by the Coonan, for Snve s tigat So m Yours very truly'', -W� City Clark, Q, A � � � c a Cz � •� ce. G�anlPs X. _ J =I n� 1 V i. 30 I I I �51 G� St. Paul, Minn. 193 To 1'he Honorable, The Count il, / ` City of St Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: ` 4G W'a, the _dereigned property owner , herrby p,tition ur I lonn rablc Body m ""t-cube.-wdc: St A— BLOCK AI)DIIZ N -Pr Al- -- -- St. P—J, Minn. 193 To Fhe Honorable, The Cone ll, City of St Paul, Minn Gentlemen: Wq the undersigned Property owners, hereby pnitbn —11 Honorable Body w cause the following improvemem to be made St A— from St. A— to St. Ave. Mqy 31st, 1934, Ron. Milton Rosen, C—I r of linmo., Buil dire. Dsar girt AL the Cewetl msetinr held this rntn^ the tavern and dense hall applloe tions of Rudolph Leiner at 55°1 Md d Street sero laid over one eeek to Pam 7th end you .ere m,—.ted to send notices to property omors eithin p0` !set to residents on Charles gtreet tr. the vinirity ofAthis lecetion. T—rs very —ly, ,it:, Clerk. • I ( � 1 yL J � U�fI-— -LLL, o„n�cw.E,o .ryouNc�snn oFrica OF THE "coMrraouea caueery �eo��cnu . " No. COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS May 25 .34 _ K oEof tfe44 T.E r. w"3. r r"s n SEE�D , st M3!" I c i.o IN FAVOR OF TO .r crrccns /, c"s 25 989 ooi541 015 52, 4303 4204 H.T. Beckon yr R. J.Y. Ayd, Guardian 43 00, 40 00',. 4305 Mr e, C, Y. Clougherty, Guerdi an 40 00 12 67 4306 4307 Joan F. Fahey yr+, Etta Fl eherty 28 28 4308 4309 yrs, Anna Schneider yra. Agree welee 17 28 31 86 4310 Harry Churchill 6 D. B. YaCR ae 94 40 '. 916 67 4311 4312 Harry A. Price d S.M. Smith M11top Roeen, C. of Ficanoe 108 730 35 4313 George L. Hayford 25 00 154 84 4314 4315 emerioan Linen Supply Company G. Baglio 10`5� 97 256 4316 4317 .leotrlp Blue PrPnt Company F1 Laundry Company 54' 16 93 4318 Leonard Frank CQ0'Pany 34 80 4319 Griggs, Cnoper a company 7 74 4320 J.R. Hulme Company 91 45 4321 Mid+ey Creamery Company 57 27 4322 Minnesota Milk Company 159 50 4323 4324 Minnesota 011 h Ref.Oompany Company 37 35., 297 25' 4325 Motor Power Equipment Northern Malleable Iron Company 36 92 4326 Nortbern States Power Companyjj 6 24' 4327 Northern States Power Company 4 448 10', 4328 O+ere Motor 9eles,Ino. 103 82' 4329 Perk Machine Company 259 85 4330 A, Peltz 6 Son 00 53 4331 kd ak Service Tire d B.0o. 312 4312 Tri-State Tel, h Telg. COMPanq 37I 431'i University of Minnesota Press 1 00 423 University of N.C. Press 55 4335 R, E, 'Vedeletaedt Company 164 22151 4336 *astern sign Company 4337yes tinghouee Electric Surrly Corp. 123 westlund Meat Company 301 4338 4339 *est St,Paul Times Printing GO. 1 75 4340 R. A, whitaore 6 Comoany,Ino. 2 4341 The white Company 901 01 4342 White Eagle 011 Corporation 471 76 4343 John Ailey d Sons,Ino. 5 94 �.. 4344 G.E. williems 8 00 4345 Tilliams Linen Supply Comrany 2 50, 4346 H ,!.Wilson Company 21 05 4347 +ieoonein Library Commission 2 00 4348 woltere Brother- 34 Fj2 4349 Woodburn and Brandl 140 69 4350 wood—Insert Brake Lining Co. 19 69 4351 'Aorld Peace Foundation 2 50 4352 'rorthlnvton—Garcon Meter Company 16 38 435'Yoerg Brewing Company 15 00 4354 Wm. A. 21ag1er Company,Inc, 11 79 4-; Zin mea=ter 9aking ("'—ny 4 92 11EError.1_10aw.ao 25 h 989 00 659192 96 e j I ; 1 I I NO. ++� c COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS, May 28 34 .. ` 3 080 27 i v,. VM 911934 M��bo. 1 V TOTA li ih t h 6 I. ii 11 lir 11' II YYNliIr NOR OF DArE ry - ' - +- RETLsNED _�' pA TRWSEER I�III ( 11 f.1 ;'; 1 II IIE heCka ( 11111111111,h III DISBURSEMENT BY BWI( CMECM5 /MECNS to llluu ui xe Prl �ioF i III I ihr P f Ihr filr II p p p II '1 I IFai JOUGMT FORWARD 25 989 00 659 182 96, t 4356 George J. Flynn 4357 11 95 6 05 Clifford Nystrom 4358 N. O.Robinson, Clerk Of Dist.Ct. 42 80 4359 9t.Pau1 Yoe, school Re,LFund j7 7? 4360 ""tory Printing Com'epy 2 50 4361 Frank ROreje 31 52; p 4362 Air Reduction Sales Company 9 56 4363 American Assoo. for Adult Education 2 00 4364 American Hoist & Derriok Co. 146 40 4365 T.N. Amundsen 11 56 4366 John D. Anderson38 11 4361 Armour and Company 4 25. 4 4366 Armstrong Cork & In 8. Company 43 Atlaa Gas & 011 company 35 73 98 437 Atlas Oas & 011 Company 58 70 IIS 4371 Automotive service Company 24 22 43it John Beiesel Company 24 41. 43'(3 Bingham & Norton 62 29 43774 Blomberg'. Grocery 4 35 II 4375 3. F, Bowser & Company 8 24 4376 F.A. Brandl 4377 Bringe & Company. Ino. 6768 50 4378 Brookings Institution 51 4379 Bucka Brothers 11 19 4380 P. P.caprOni & Brothere.In c. 6 00 4381 Central 9cienti fio Company 27 72 4382 Central 90 ap Company 6 13 438' Ceramic Atel, er 15 68 4384 Ohioago rlexible shaft Comrany 4385 25 33 " Chicago, 9t.Pau1, YP1 e. & O.Ry. Co. 4386 Cleveland Snglneere 9ooiety 4 21 1 50 4387 J.H.Coakley 11 92 4388 Comm, tteeof Ref, & Counsel of For, it isone aonf, of N. A, 1 25 438q Con eumere Milk Company 125 73 4390 Crescent Creamery Company 112 a6 4391 Adam Decker Hard- Company 225 38 4392 A.B. Dick Company 17 50 �I 43g3 Donaldson Oompany,lnc. 8 00 4394 v.J, Dyer & Brothers, 54 51 e 4395 Eaet 91de Grocery Company 4396 Nies Annie D. Edwards 7 54 2 50 p 4397 L. Eisenmenger Meet Company 303 96 4398 Elkhart Braes Mfg.Cpmpany 1 59. N9q Thos, J. Engel ''gelding & Mfg.Wks. 10 30 00 Farwell, Omun, Kirk & Company 34 02 4401 Farrell, Ozmun, ESrk & Company 136 73 4402 %11 Ceist 23 80 4403 The Goldea Rule 19 25 II 4404 Gruber Auto Electric Comrany 37 63 I. 4405 q.J. Haas Mfg, comp 102 65 4406 R. c. Heuer 1 99 4407 Horsey Mfg. Company 668 50 4408 Hertzberg Bindery 4 64 4409 P.T. RS1AreA & Cnm. �nY 49 61 4410 Lyle 91gns,Inc,.. 24 00 I i.. ar. _ oRw.Ao 25 989 00 062 263 23 p t I �Ao��KC. CFFICE IF IE�CCmeT-1— . �, NO. ;1vi t COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS may 29 „ 34 ..o 7'. / T07AL 11 it FOR111O 25 989 00r 662 263 23; 4411 4412 John 8andquiet Arthur DeBru"ker 6369�I 4413 44111 Capital City 510n10 Studio 59 7I, 3 501 4415 Dr. George A. Ceist 75 00l` 4416 Leonard B. Thompson Alex side 250 00' 4417 4418 Feyen Oonetruotlon Company Yr s. Edythe Howie 26 40I 1 046 00 4419 Board of Mater 00=16e1onere 25 37. 301 04 41120 4421 Milton Rosen, C, ofFinance 8 528 31 4422 Milton Rosea, C, of Finan.. A.L. Boelter 5 202 10 4423 4424 O.J. Cook 60 7F 4g jCI. 442 CO-OP. Laundry Company 30 7C II 4426 CHdahy Packing Company 110 2 11 4427 Farwell, Ommun, %irk a Co. Postal 373 57l 4428 Telegraph Company 9t.Pau1 42 17 4429 Boot a stationary Co. St,Paul Institute 141 33, 4410 G. Sommers A Company 240 00 4431 4432 H.%. Stahl company w.F.emity 86 77 78 94 it 4437 Tire 6 Battery Company Milton Rosen. C, of 7lnaaoe 7078 0 3 443�i Milton Rosen, 0, of Finance 471 4g. x`36 C. of Finance , 1 697 10 4437 Milton RoeenMilton C, of Fieanee Milton Roeen, C, of Finance 8 060 611 f iI'' 4438 4439 4440 Milton Roeen, C. of rinance Milton Rosen, 0, of Finance 369 SOI 5 648 54� 4442 Pilton Roeen, C. of Finance 10 603 70' 4442 yl lton Rosen, 0, of Finenoe 27 772 86 Y 4448 Milton Roeen, C, of Finanoe Milton Rosen.C, of Finance I 4 149 06 2 1370 4444 Clare Aemold, w3 dow of H. A. 00 I' 4445 4446 Ann T. Oamplon, widow of D.H.O. 30 00 4447 Aelen Sul llvan, Widow of M.S. goo, for 3o 00 4448 the Prev, of Cruelty Jan k xergigan 150 00 4449 4450 York_wlllis Agency Feyan 30 40 52 4451 Construction Company Donald �7 181 6 • 4452 quirk George 9udelth 30 00 II 28 00 4453 4454 Milton Roeen, C, of Fl canoe Milton 231 25 4455 Aoeea, C. of Flnanoe Milton Rosen, 0, of Finance 861 01 2 6o4 27 4456 Milton Roeen, C, of Finance 4457 4458 Milton Roeen, C, of Finance 107 73 501 47 Milton Roeen. C. of Finance Wilton Rosea, C, of rinanoe 953 57 2 892 36 - 445q 4441 Milton Rosen' C. of Fine no 6 694 22 4462 Milton Roeen, C. of Finance Milton Roeeenn, O, of Finance 7 629 02 7 4463 4464 Milton Roe. C. of Flnanoe Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 9 6 95 601 4 495 46 4 246 72 1 sRECr TOT.�_FORw..Ro - C, 40 020 43 94 795 83 ai,mn m a� a..k cin of sr. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co6EN 0 B Herman C. Wenzel RESOLVED June 1, 1934 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, through the Department of Highways, has initiated a project which contemplates the improvement of Dniversl ty Avenue during the year of 1934, where that street crosses the tracks of the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, and WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul has not, and will not participate in the expense of this improvement, and WHEREAS, all negotiations with the various public utility companies affected have been conducted by the Highway.;epartment, NOW THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul go on record to the effect that it will not issue any order requiring the St. Paul Street Railway Company to participate in the expense involved in moving, replacing or in any way changing their facili- ties as involved in the contemplated improvement. ('011('1 snyy M.Y nrrn��„nld / I'rnrce J 1n f.— R�ieen 'I .J.. Agnin=t ':t' l' C1.Ei11H .., >, yo-. err„idet,t itanonrl > _�._�... Adopted by theC -il JW--L.1a"1�. 193 . i t t9�d App .... d ....... ........ ........... .193.... M ern .- CITY OF ST. PAUL .�u No - -"At OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL RESOLUTIO GENERAL FORM June 1, 1934 0. RESOLVED WHEREAS, the Stag of Minnesota, through the Department of Highways, has initiated a project which contemplates the improvementUniversity Avenue during the year of 1934, where that street crosses the tracks of the Minoesota Transfer Railway Company, and WHER v.AS, the City of St. Paul has not, and will not participate in the expense of this improvement, and WHEREAS, all negotiations with the various public utility companies affected have been conducted by the Highway Department, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul go on record to the effect that it will not issue any order requiring the St. Paul Street Railway Compan'�to participate in the expense involved in moving, replacing or in any way changing their facilities as involved Sn the contemplated improve- ment. l Yew snyn . �tny /nleDenAm �f'enrcr - In favor Roarn /I'r�inv (� :1 Rni nsl 11", -]rat \lnhonry Ad.,.d by the C-161 _ JUN 1934193 _. �9Et 11934 Approved........ ....... _ 193..... MnYnr ' CITY OF ST. PAUL 98019 „`�„1N06 No........ _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,+ COUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM coarse ca �. �L�.+� 7LS. i.�%N.�-+•-ae. Dare Juba let 1934. RESOLVED WHEREAS,the following named persona have heretofore filed applice- tlone for 'off Bale" limo, liceneee, and have deposited with such application, the license fee therefor, vis: J. Svabek ✓ 504-506 West 7th St. And, Whe as,, said applicants have withdrawn their apollcationa and have requested the return of the omo t deposit -d, together with all papers filed with the said app l ScatSooe; therefore, be St RBSOL9ED, That the orcper city e£ficera be and they are hereby authors sed end directed to retury to the above aeneed parsons the amowt of the "aff sale" 1lcenes fee heretofore d ited by them with their applications and the City Clark Sa dl red ce o iee the 9tata LSauor Control Commissioner of the fact that said application. have been withdrawn. -oi� COUNCILMEN Yess Ne, Ih1ey MCDoneld I'evnr Is favor / It I x Ageiaet R sl Preeid. t Muhosal. •� U'1T, ex AJoldad by the CnunciLAM 11934 .193 _. Approved...... Msyor T < —ttiern States Wire Prociuctts �- � /.umD.lhndr lYrumc. and l�forist.' /lesi�na 1 •oe �+.�+r.roie sera.. �. t...,�. ♦t.r. r.. .'Northern States Wire Products Co. �. • — /.nmD Shu 1, t....... r.rd w .. • .. c,rir of 5'f. PAUL / "Get '.pam • No...... � of-FICE O>F TFiE cITY CLEt,. wurtre. ov COUNCIL -J" FRANEW WHEREAS, a Federal Hine rg6aCoy Housing Corporation has been establisnedby the Federal AL<§i :2.alstratlon of Public Works, Washing- ton, D. 0., and WHEREAS, direct coaat:ruotton by the government of housing projects will be confined sola 1y to demonstration unite for the lower income groups and only vrhare bad housing will be destroyed, and desirable housing coaatx -fte.d, and WHEREAS, the Federal Housing Corporation will only take the 171iListive Sa e. ooemmunntlty where it has been asked by some representative group of oitizsas upon approval of the municipal authorities, providing ooadlt ions are found to warrant such action on the part of the F'adaral Administration, such conditions Xt, being as follows: The pro"Ot soald relieve a serious unemployment situation. The project aoa13 D a acquired at a price which would make low oos{ hour L— poasdbls. Thet there wrotild ba a sufficient demand for low cost housingkhat the G.over++�ebnt could set up reetrictioas against its use by o nLia than those within the low income group. That if ocoupled by tenants from this group, itrwould not disturb the inooaa derived from now.existing adequate housing. That responsible citizens of the community would sponsor the projeot. WHEREAS, the Oity IP aT+T+ jag Board has completed its survey of the housing situation 1a -tha older sections of the City and has worked out a projeot for aBmollahing inadequate homes andbuilding new omes I. that riot ion or tha Odty bounded by Mississippi Street, She Great Hortnern Shops, Street and University Avenue extended to Grove Street, aamAOL COUNCILMEN Yeee --- N,yu Adopted by the C .... iL.._ bt,y Pesrce In favor —'� 'CPPloved__.._ . _.. ..__....... _.... 193...... Rouen Wenzel - Mayor ,r -n Mr. President Msh.—y a . CITY OF ST. PAUL Wv"cu NO. .. _... "r.l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, this project has been approved by the Oitlsans' Housing Oommittee, and WHEREAS, the acceptance of the project by the Washington official: will mean the expenditure of some $4,000,000of govern— ment money in oarrylag out this housing project, and WHEREAS, the Council believes that there is and will be a housing shortage in the next few years, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the 0ounoll hereby approves this project for submission to the proper officials at Washington, D. 0. COUNCILMEN Yens NnYs j Y AScllonnld / In favor r �unx �ARninsl V F. 8COTTI r. Yrrsident �Inhonry CITY CLERK Ad.pt d by the CnunciL. JUN, .1. 1934.... IB3..._ Approved.... JI�.._..1.1994... 19:1.... yor e[iBI.IEI1Pnl 7z 2 !l CITIZENS HOUSING COMMITTEE SAINT PAUL May 28th, 1934• To the Honorable, The City Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen . As you are aware, a Federal Emergency Housing Corporation has been established in Washington, and a large appropriation has been set aside for the rehabilitation of slum areas in the larger cities. The plan provides f_ the demolition of inadequate housing and the rebuilding of workingmen7s low cost homes in certainsections where the present buildings have out- 11ved their present usefulness. Minnesota is contributing its part of this appropriation. St. Paul should in return secure its rightful proportion of the money to be so expended. The City Planning Board has made a survey of the hous- ing situation in St. Paul and has prepared a project which has been set up insofar as they know in accord- ance with the government specifications. This project has been approved and is now offered to the Council by the Citizens Housing Committee. It was one of the requirements of the Government Housing Division that there be set up in a city having inadequate housing a Citizens Housing Committee of non-political character, who would submit the project after its approval by the governmental unit, which in this case is the City Council. We,therefore, submit this proposal for your approval by resolution, copy of which is submitted herewith for your convenience, and ask for your kindly consideration and approval in order that we may forward this project to Washington. We bel -leve that with the expenditure of $4,000,000 on a governmental housing project, we will point the way towards providing better homes for the page__2___ wage earners iw3 the lowest income group. Houses have never been but 1 L in St. Paul for this class of people, they all 11-6 z2� cast-off houses. We a1 _o wish to say that this in no way will interfere —ith private interests. Houses will be destroyed -=-i new ones built, and while the plan provides £or amore new units than were destroyed it will not is tae smallest measure take care of the doubling -up w]E 'S ch has already occurred in the poorest sections o£ of city. ZS cerely y 4rso RL For the Citizen ovs g Committee Associated in signing this letter are Frederick R. Bigelow Bomar P. Clark Carl W. Cummins William J. Dees George W. Morgan Pd gar B. Ober William H. Oppenheimer George W. Robinson J. Clair Stone K-. ooa. i -1d, L-11'1-. Doer Si,-. T'.. City C-01 ted "aeSved la t'ar fr»m the Apart".^.t r': -erg 4—mt•tl- of 5t. Ba,l e pro tar.tin� A`:e en :1<n r Cewn11 in aP^'vt'jyN tl:e t re art o` t:.e C1 tl:er s f'�'at� Cnr:•t tten vl thootw e he, .rt1. The C"-'il,Vrereto r, deo tdad to - hold a :�e nrI to this matter ar 9a^neaday, Jwn l;h� .t k, 1n tt.n Ca�mc11 CtMere ar eill appreciate itte�d mill request the —bort of �our Comittee to at this meaner to f. ther e.pl.in your report. The Apart- ment Ornere A.... i.tio. nod the St. ?eul Ae.1 .,:is Board have also been notified of this heartog. Yours very truly, ,it, CIO Jtm- 7th, 19114. Yr. Get. H. Remold, City Planot.9 Dtgineer, Building. / 1 . Door Yr. Remold, The CS Cyit today r ..tdered their mile. to aetti-g - on fime 13th in the matter of the report of Elsa Ci LIL mai H—aing 0—ittee and ioetead referred the att—l—el ooaans�ioalSon from the Aparteant Cwoere Assac l -tion. to the C-1 tt-e and reeceeted that the members of the Coonnitt"O hold m Oonfarame with representative• of the Apart—t Ow•ma-a AmeocSatlon end 9t. Pani Heel Betate Hoard. Zt was daclded that the mestlor, be held to Boom 274 at 3 P. M- Om X e lith. •111 yov lriadMy ratify the member of yourCommi ttae and ale. the rap ra eearlt alive a omen f the Apartt Cmere Aseociation and the 9t_ Paal Rnal Set-te B—& Yoar I—y truly,. City Clerk, l City Clea+-. ^t. - '. 'hmera A�aoCintior. C. st. r-� 7:r_ \'V Yr+r3 v.- t, -,'.y, l City Clea+-. j,-. '7t' , !,114. ,, . or,,e 'T. 'I. -.1d, ,ity .'I,nni t. 'trwtrn ars D— gtrl City o_j) jjj jold 10 A, i,. in the Co—cli a—l— r, Citi- I. C..- f th. A,ar,,,,nt O-ner. A—cinti-- sill yo, kingly I'll'Y t c —, i t - . ? Y,,-4— t—lv, City Clerk. r Statement to the Honorable the Clty 09u 1.1 This so d oallaalum Clearance and los cost housing pro Jest which thi. C.—I.1 has approved, L m attempt ao the part of a group of public spirited oltirean to obtain for Ohs City o! Saint Paul a little more than lour million dollars from the yederel Smargemoy Housing Corporation for a the srctlon of low met homes for worker. In the low income braokete. It Is priosrlly a aoveeent to reduce ==ploy - meat im the bulldlwg trades, but eeeamdarlly and of equal importnnoe. St Se deelgned to am.omplieh the removal of lnsanitar7. Snadequato sod andeairable housing. Thar.hes been eat aside, out of gavarneent funds, the sum of 0125.000.000 to be wed by those cities able to seat the rigid specifiaatio on set up by the governeent for Projects of thir character. 1t: to the C"I.. a Housing Cowmittes at the time Ehe rubjact first Deme up sad the opinion shill pr'aveils that, •Inca IIlonea.ta hu eontrlbutad its fall share of the 0125.000.000 eSrsady appropriated, eo h of it u might properly be utilized for local low rental ho— lug should be assured if p..aibl .-The aompreh... IT. re - part forwarded to Waahisgton under data of Jme and 1e the initial move to acgelre aom. of this money. We are firmly of the belief that my project. having for its object. thea a,q,layaeat o! idle warta", deeerw.e the eaao uragement and support of *Very ineilidual interested in the broad scale reoovery program of Presldant Ro..wralt. And. when It ■er►eo the double purpose of rs- dneimg un, loyment and at the same time ridding the eom- mmity of a houolog problem that is becoming increasingly badand one that we will be forced to deal with ultimately, there to greater reason for making such effort an we may for inaugurating the improvement. Every tsohnition knew. that housing make. heavier demand. for labor thea the mora rationalised Snduatriee, *van though the final Drod not inmrporatne a large —not ofmeohiae mels good.. About 40 parent of the total costa go to labor o. thr job; and another 20 or an go to matuials 1. which labor bee already played a part• is the land coat@ •ne the lSmnc lel ao et■ of yrivata building are dlmlaiehed in a nemprofit. gowerement aided project, Lhe cannot that goes to labor inoresaas. This, we aha uld My. give. to the proposed plana ether important plane it any local re-employment proinm d footing the building trades, an industry that is is cad need of neuaitatio., se your building pernite for the last ton year- -111 oo.o3ualvely ohne. The creation of modern sanitary quarters for el-vea huvdred finedliee So the 131 sore arae reoommanded Lakes ogre of o01p a pert of the 13tL1• mors then Use th.ucaud famillaa that recent survey. has to be 11vi.g under aond itiu.a unfit for hunna habitation. It doesn't begin to no the housing probl.m 1. LEL .011 Must say care than similar action of other Cities takes care of like problems for than. Thera is ample avideane of a -ids-.pread hous- S0g shortage nationally. The Department of Labor In a published report 40veri.g at.ti.tion of 339 representative oiLias makes the slain that we are we nose 914.000 d-elll0ga in suave. By Chic is meant a physical shortage o0 Ehe basis of 4he actual population and the actual acconvods 91o..40ea.vy to house than in health and decency. Market shortage 1s nom -thing also, for as long as aur 40.00-30 .Latus eonLI.uee I. process of adj..tm..t there -ill undoubtedly be a surplus of Eouaee both for rent and for eels as a "suit of mfaread doubling up, and drastic contraction of ep-. par family. In aaking its request of the Federal Bmargmay Housing Corporation for goverment financed beep for a group that for the moat part has never been properly b.u.ad, Lh1a committee Se of the epi -in. that Lt is per- forming a civic duty that Will u.bo.itatiagly be approved by all who take the long vie- of the question and who dash. t. go along with the President is his effort to Provide d""t, healthy homes for those who up to now, been amble to obt.l. them. ne.I�ae eIa¢�Teaa APARTMENTopOW[NERS' ASSOCIATION t �•- SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA mi..o,.i n•. �.m mss June 7.3, 19.14. '1S. L. A. 5. Ferguson, ;Itp :lark, y 3t Paul, E1lnneaota. N. Leer sir: F4reuairt. to llS. 7ehan'¢ advloe uMer late of June 19th that yeiu will ¢ivlee when the ;Sty ;ourwll will find Lt opportune to give the IT PAUL -111-110P1 OPPg els A110:11IOI: eu opportunity to be heard Sn prase nt Sag It, slaws on the propoeod Federal floueing Pro Jeot for st Paul, I — —It!, to aak you to eat the tLnu. Beoeuea or absewo of a of our mamba.. from the pity the —,L rig week, a date Sn the early part of the weak following sill be beet for ue---say about Tuoedey, July 3rd. Re ahnll a osvnodate ou selves, of o , to the o e^Laron of the ; }1111—rd wlll tryrto side �rsakuany other engagements that oonfllnt ae wa want to ooma when the ;ouno it will all be pro- aeM. :1Efl�7N 1 I I very truly yours, ST PAUI.yAPA1iT!�)]T ASSO:IATION By 1 l�/aTde CL s. loses CITY OF 3T. aln maFI PAUL NO.. CE 0%THE ERK GE 4%F%co.M s'seo°Oacw.... __IH9IHL1Sa.....P&ARC •_ _ __. -� o..re MAY. 25TH_1934. RIMOLVt.T WHEREAS, The fommis,Sonir sf Ed-t.ior+ hay= rort•I th, Cosine 11 1n so c orr3nnca w_th 3 coon S3, of the Charter the osis t enre of an I.ncy v+hi c Y. r re^i ery the e. -cloyment of rert a In m"loy" of h.ln department for more than thele u.-aleno �r, of t ;ioy- ment; therefor, be it, RESILVED, That the proper clty off thorized to pay the following rate atharwise f'_xed for e _.e Y, --t, t'or time here_neft- :- forth: NAME 'P :'"i,E �T_ME iiF.TE 14' T7"AL e.Sy aver Jpn. Rpg. 6 hre. .52' 50 2.71 2.95 re avmgart John Backstrom 6 hre. 4 hre. .57 .57 33 1.97 Albert Beecroft 6 b-..57 50 2.96 Irven B. Benson 19 hre a .50� 1.38 8.17 brick Bergstrom Janitor 9 hre . .51 .67 3.94 RSo Berlin 30 hre . .51 2.23 13.15 Ralph Bogue Jan. 1g. 4 hre. .43 25 1.47 Richard Bulena 6 hre. .57� 60 2.96 J=.. Jes Callahan ° ° 10 hre . .57 83 4.92 Frank Chapman ° 15 hre . .57 1.26 7.38 Alfred Christensen 8tat.Fireman 8 hre. .5 .58 3.44 Herbert R. Raton Jan. B:.g.4 hrs. .5 29 1.72 Joe eph Almquist 16 hrs. .5b 1.28 7.52 Charley Hngelbretson _ - 30 hre . .57 2.50 14.75 Joseph Fedlmeler 8 hre. .57 67 3.93 Gabriel Gagliardi ° 8 hre . .57 67 3.93 Charles GSoee1 ° 5 hre. .57 42 2.46 Geor a Gray 4 hr . .67 33 1.97 e Gunther 4 bre. .57 33 1.97 - Oscar Halgren lA hre. .57 1.50 8.85 m Charles Hemerlund 12 hrs. .57 1.00 5.90 George Hayes rs 18 h. .57 1.50 8.86 Carl Hedlund 8 hre. .57 67 3.93 Frank Redland 6 hrs . .57 50 2.95 John A. Heinz 4 hre. .57 33 1.97 Otto Hesse " " 6 hre. .52-� 46 2.71 COU NCI ,ME Y-N.ye Adopted by th, (*-,,-1JUH JUN 11934.193... / i11xy / _ .. �7:icDonnll 1'enrce In fnvor Approved -.. Y�y J P... `V4 .193. :Truax// ylgnin=L /JS/Q�K �G4 Ab. President M,honcy c13`•Y `'- YIIBLjsIjj.-D ,.., 1 -2- OVERTeE - JANITORS & ENGINEERS WAY 25TH -1934. NAME TITLE TIME RATE 14 TOTAL Werner Hesse Jan. Eng. 12 hrs. .57 1.00 5.90 Elmer �Sntz 12 hra. ,57 1.00 5.90 Georgy Hodge 6 hra. .57 67 3.93 Anton E. Johnson 4 hrs, ,50 29 1.72 Gunn Johnson 4 hra. ,55 32 1.88 Ham Ilton Kenny 12 hrs. .57 1.00 5.90 Joseph Kustalakl ^ ^ 4 hrs. ,57 33 1.97 Lyman Larson J-tk- a *r=. 51fp 59 3.51 George Lautner S*nt �`+Tenon 30 hr=. 2,50 14.75 Walter V. Lee Jan. T'nr. 6 hrs, :57g 5. .46 2,71 Gus Linde " 4 hra, .57 33 1.97 Frank Linn " 32 hrs. .57 2.6 0 15.73 Giuseppi Luc1a 26 hrs. .57. 2,17 12,78 Thomas Lunzer " " 9 hra, „571 75 4,43 Jemes R. 7ynn " 10 hrs. ,571 93 4,92 la'il F. ahlar 4 hra. ,57 33 1.97 Edeard I., Manske 10 hrs, ,57 83 4,92 Lester Hollers 4 hra. .57 33 1.97 John Mombrae 6 hra. ,57 50 2.95 John aunkelwitz 12 hra. ,55 95 5.64 Pierce murphy ltat.}I. amen 8 hrs. .57 67 3.93 ,�J$.hn Nelson Jan, hog, 20 hrs. ,57 1.67 9.83 Hugh O'Donnell 8 hrs, .57 67 3.93 Willi- Oliphant l0 hra, .57 83 4.92 David O'Regan 6 hrs. ,57 50 2.95 Nets Paulen❑ 10 hra. .57 83 4.92 Alfred Peterson 4 hrs. ,57 33 1.97 Augast Peterson 2 hrs, ,55 16 94 John Peterson 3 hra, .5725 1.48 Waldemar Richter 4 hrs. ,55 32 1.88 Mathias Ross 4 hrs. .57 33 1.97 Jos a ph J. Sc her Pbillig 10 hrs, ,57 83 4.92 Henry Sohneider 6 hrs. ,57 50 2.96 -en l Sohneppmueller • 5 hrs. ,57 42 2.46 Bert Said ler 12 hrs, .57 1.00 5.90 Oscar SmolensY.y 9 hra. .57 75 4.43 Lloyd 3petzmen 1F hr=. ,57 1,33 7,87 Nicholas Stadtfeld 1? hra. ,57 1,00 5.90 Charles Starz 4 hrs. ,55 .32 1.89 Arthur Story 6 hrs. ,57i 50 2.95 He rman A. Svendsan 28 hrs. ,48 1.95 11,49 Chrlstophar Tarte ' 4 hr a. ,57 33 1.97 Iseac 'W. Thompson 5 hrs. ,572qq 42 2.46 Earl Verby 4 hrs. ,57gggq 33 1.97 William Vleverin " " 8 hrs. ,57 67 3.93 Thomas F. Wetter.- Heed Jan. 6 hrs. ,57 50 2..95 M- Werner Jan. Eng, 13 hrs. ,57 1.08 6.40 Dewey k,ch. ls Stat.Fireman 8 hrs,.48 56 3,28 George R. 1'urnquist Janitor 4 hrs, .41q 24 1.43 Harry McDonald 4 hrs. ,41" 24 1.43 Stanley Pehoaki 24 hrs. ,41� 1.45 8.57 Gilbert Jorvs 6 hrs. ,3913 34 2,02 Henry F. BSenhotP ' 20 hrs, ,61} 1.49 8.76 P -Aim NO_1 1?34, n of carte In rnr moi. _ar. _("'I +n..s n..r rlri;r This emergency erose by iea =orr of the Following facto u..ces. Necessary to keep spool b Sld]nge ---- because p nbecause of special evening--tiit1 e_at buildings. 'R: is report +s _n anno. n _ ,en _.on f:3 of rhe 'h.erter, CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE — THE CITY CLERK COUCll- RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM --E ... . JL 22 RESOLVED That the use of Stem Rall In the Auditorium be and the *me Is hereby grunted to the Oxetin Alumni Association for the evening of June 9th, 1934; the cost of opening and operating said portion of' the Auditorium to be paid by said Alumni Association on that occasion. I "I N' ILMI' N JUN 11934 Ad 1ed 1, the 0--1 Illi JIM 193 Rosen IN I SCOTT, Mspor '.)814` 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ._ pP1E May June 1, 1954 RESOLVED That nermleeian be and it ie hereby granted to the Daughters of the Wnim Veterans of the Civil War to conduct A festival at Tilton and Rice Streets Prom Jima 4th to Son. 9th, 1954, iaalueiva. provided, however, that if a merry-go-round or other amueemeat device for which a license must be paid under any ordinance of the City, is maintained, the license fee provided therefor moat be paid. rr n' rIL11 P:S . t- 1"ccs \ncn ,\,IopleJ Icy lhu ('��u�icil... __.. 193 — /NTeDunMkl Il r�„orr...ra T9s _. - Mey��r / \Ir. pr<�'elrnt \Inhnnry �' CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.clt.l of Ml...... DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T -h ..d M;..om. Se...e. JOHN H. WDONALD, Corvussi—. June 1, 144 Non. JohrH. Id cUon .l d, Comml seinen^ of Rrhlic P�fety, Saint, Paul, Mtr-osa'.,� Dna. Si With reference to t.ra ��11�=.ion c. ...a i. �+,�Ch'.e`s of the Union Vetorans of the Civil War for permit to rondo ct e festival st Tilton end Rice Streets from Jun= 4'h to June 9th, inclusive, beg to advise that s cenves vne made of the resident. in the vicinity and es it is found thnt the—Jori`,y of these people are not opposed to the conducting of this festival there is no objection on the part of this bu rehu. V. rely yours, Chief of Police CITY OF SAINT PAUL Caadel of Minnesosa OFFICE OF CITY CLERK W ILI— F. SCOTT Cny Cone mo, bh end Com s. r of Reg�s� anon , Edea 79th, 19T4. lionJ. R. McDonald, Mlrmen, License Co—itte" p.i l ding. Dear Sir: The attached appllcatlon of the or "�St to condwtr, of the Onlon Vete£eativaltet Tllton7landf RS ce pens en V r a re - streets from Jens 4th to June 9th Snclualve wa £erred to your Ce=lttee� DS the Councll� 'orinvestSgfl- tlon end '"o—dation. Yours very trulvs �r CS ty Clerk. ' St,Paul, Minn, m norable 15/24/4, ayor & City Council of St, pain, Court house, St -Paul, Vinn, Dear Sire; The DO-11tere of the Union veterans o` the Civil War dceiree the richt to oltair, a Permit from your Council, to conduct a summer Frolic at Tilt,. and Rice 5ts, from June 4th, to June 9th, IM The proceeds derived from this Frolic to be used to help with our lite toConvention to be held bevininp June 4th, and also to carry on further Fstrloti0 work in our City of 1t.Paul. Our Organization is known through the state as a great necessity to schools, Patriotic Orpanizetione to. Inthe event this permleslop is Pranted, let us assure you this Frolic will be under tqe Fatrlotic Orpanizatlon and will be fair to every one as well as beinp a very �opitimate show, This Show will be composed of only citizens Of St,Pau1 and vicinity. Trustinp this will meet with the approval of you and your council, end thankinp you for the many courtesies in the past Very Truly Yours Daurhtere of the Union Veterans of the _. Civil war, -AZI11 s. I IN CITY OF SF. PAUL ,v NO. IN i24 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RMOLUTION�iENERAL FORM co rr s orr �-� care R7P><i NHEfiEAR, the a er-Penoe Company, a oorporat ion, has ode appll cation for an •oa sale• liquor lioeaee, and has paid the required fee and furnished the proper bond, and WEER As, the License Committee has recommended that such -on sale• liquor lioeaee be granted, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Olty Clerk be and he is hereby author- ized and directed to SeaW euoh license to the Walker- once Company, for the premises known as No, 79 Western Avenue (Commodore Hotel); be it FORTHER RESOLV, thtae bond of Bald Walker -Pence Company, in thED e sum of $3,00at0, whlchhas been approved as to form and 0 e -tion by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same ie be reby approved, and the City Clerk is instructed to deposit Bald bond in the office of the City Comptroller, ('01 N('ILMEN Ynee 1'sy 4i luy �V �yyl)ifiwld Truax 4k�in nt '\\'enzel 1'r�nideut Meh.�nry d�.r. r. y�'C✓t"P� -rr c.�t.yas Adapt,,] by the ()-'61 i- l \r2'19:i Am S 193 Q May r . o.We•��°O'r �'°'t CITY OF ST. PAUL )k4F i2J r"' No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNjaL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM June_.1, 193 rsescNr.osEq.ThaYll t the Northern State. Power Company be given permission to excavate for and Install pipes and cable. 1n boulevards, streete, and alleys 1n the vicinity of Princeton, Amherst, Cambridge, Coodrloh, and Baldwin ae shown on attached sketches. Estimate $20451. Y_ N. stay ,/1 SlcUonahl rsar� 1, mrar Trans 4dai-I nvaaz� ll, si ant Mahoney Adopted I,y I11 l'ouncil' ..... ..... ..... . Spproved_ - -— 193 ,���u�:�a•a - �:�.j:��;�}q i C. x No orrxln.�ro carr Gert wheeeu�7e~aY Peva v. Trues— ��n1`�l, CITY OF ST. PAUL -2—,-1 vee a c°uncN N°, y,N, a to v uir>111 nim 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY C,%' atur �c °e� aorta a the vont°tnni et COUNCIL RESOLUTION GEN unser wn�on .°cn ° Sia°^Y ine�r x e uelne the e C ry eer'eed ee sone IoM r.EA_ 77-':i_:A3, By Council File . 97 31 apraved May y, 1934, the Council authorized the entry into a contract with t:•te Municipal Soft Dalt Assoc ie.. ion i�nd the '1. _ctoal B,sab—1 Asstciatlon, under w`ich such assoo ietions sG—d to play their ga,nes at Gunning r ie Id du r,-, t"'. season of 1954s ? the Oity e r,ed to pay to s Assoc inti ins certain sums out of the sale of bled cher seats, sndch certain di.,ffic:tltles 'eve arisen in the method of appropriation .—h n ...ads, and the time when suc sums nre to -be given to such associations, ani . it 11 necessary :,o clear up such riifflo,tlties in the contract, therefore, ba it, RES u:.',ED, That the contract to be drawn by the .brpo•.stion Oounsel provide that the s s to Pell to said Associations s set forth in said i.ouncil r'{_�,e 97831, namely, a sximum of x1,333.50 to the Amateur Ba rebs 11 Association, and a maxi rmim of x1,201..50 to the Soft Be 11 Association, shall be pend after the cost of operation shell first ba deducted from the revenue received from the sale of bleacherseats from games played by members of such associations, which cost of operation shall include the cost of e triclty, ticket collectors, gate help end police and grounds caretakers, be it t17RTr ISR RESvLV v'D, rhot the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Build Sags end the CS ty Comptroller may advance to said Associations from time to time, as same is neadad, from the excess of the cost of operation, such sums as in the opinion of said City Comptroller and Cocnaissloner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buillings is proper, provided that in no event shall the total given to the Amateur Baseball Association exceed the sum of $1,333.50 no. $1,201.50 to the Soft Ball Association, and be it FURTHER RES OL'�i ED, That Council File 97831 be, and the same is hereby amended to conform with this resolution and the Corporation Council is directed to prepare proper contract in accordance with this resolution and the said Council. File No. 97831. COUNCILMEN .r1pl Y—Neta Adopted by the f'„��—e JJN... 41W /Nleut,r,rad // �Prnr,s In fn.'nr .41,prov-d AV -0 W.q. F. SCOTT. N �' /M,. President Alahnaey - Falll �Jl il,li� This applicant ^len-=d to "t " Roller Senting Rink on I—P, c.o—ty �. 1096 Uni^ersity. -ns nd,lsed by J —tors tbet license —1d not ba grnnt.sd been se of got.-'u�.ing plumbing fecilities 1-.st^.11ed wia�=•Imc•y a.,k CITY OF ST. PAUL I .Z. c" NO.. f-)so2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R OLUTION^CQp FORM co Ma o,+eA re June 4, 1934 _ Rci® NHERE.AS, C. J. Ruche desires +o xithdr— application 3541 for a Roller Skating Rink at 1096 University Avenue, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to C. J. Fuchs the fee of $25.00 and to caneel Baid application for license. <nr �ru.il l:S Yeaw \n. `/. /\Icl)on nLl R n I n. //, Ag.inrt Ad.�pina l,p um tl,iw�cll JUDI_-A 191113 App--) _... _ 193.. � i C A7 a�ur 77 77 5% I a V L —� THE SURF BALLROOM AHo ROOF GARDEN CLEAR LAKE, IOWA 1:ay Li cenee .dept„ St,Paul,t"inn, 0, about Yay 9Lh I made application for a permit to operate a portable Roller ;ti nk on the corner of Lexington and Univerai ty Ave,I left my ci; eck for W:.5, ai th the application and Lhe check was cashed b"t 11,e permit was turned down eo far as I have been able to findout, In a much as my a :icati— was turned dawn or not acted o❑ I feel .a, I should have WY deposit returned, Ths.—ing you very kindlyfor .— return of deposit, I om Yours very truly, :.S.�uche, IOWA'S PLAYGROUND / L ct, CLEAR LAKE--IE-1 s BEAUTIFUL REE,[2RT" 1.. - ' DVER oI]D l'DTTASES VI ..i THREE WELL EQUI PPED HOTELS ;;UIZSI; CK IITNG CLEAR LAKE CDMMEREIAL C' -IJP -IA No._._. CITY OF ST. PAUL��+ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ^ COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENE L FORM 1954 ,Me .-E, oer Dare lime 1, coMaea )Lti � •, t..< � -. _ � _-r RESOLVED enthori—d to refund That the proper city officer. be and they are hereby to Bslph Zagaris the fee of $25.00 deposited on application 5919 for 0n Sete Melt Beverage, which license M. preoiooely been denied. roo�rn.�n:� /Uil)r nnlil // ipen c., i favor i12o. n / 'M ` + \Ir. 1'ro.irlrnt pinhnn�� JUN 4 1934 191, nawf,d 1,y the c�,����11_ _. \ppmved TTS_. 195_.. :.l len se fo- 0, $awe M,1' P -1—g" ., 1�,•'io. s d^._l.=d by lou-cll solo ", Lo^ nn p c'ohs- "7 : �•� d•'to� of Bu^e=ue of H -111.-d police ` t'!':� 'im�ofee of :75.00 ne o' refunded ',o him. On Ise 1"fi�to -med :. e de^led M Re.lph Fo :578 JscY. son St. faroo vhi chle ce h.. ,o a Ic. R-etnur-:n, -d N S�.le Mn l- 5a„ or Mr. 7,sgn ria `eels -¢t i 'lien of 'he felt '. s Mnit llcen ae et 7?1} gr 7th -11 denied Or end •.',lor�Of the Dent. of Public Sefety end the,' h= _ -l'_ed '. _w locetion in order to I'll 3 ' hear he it entiohd .o n refund of the license fee of ,`25.00. Mr. "g."' nt ""', time o red the Cem Hotel at ??1 5. 7',h and hie 1trenee acs refus=dpnec•nse 1, v s b: r c'.1 or a1 :.h I minor hotel. .o.. . COUNCIL RESOLUTION o;- .11 MPROVE71T • '- ._ .. .. .. �. - .._'lot, In oma+ ........ — o .. ........Mn. —. JUN 41994 - L L_ JUN 41934 CITY OF ST. PAUL .iL. ` NO. 98030 OFF OF THE CITY CLERK _ v�u �COU" ��LITIOMG�E�LORM 0 WHEREAS, in 1931, a Company damaged the traffic signal at Sixth and rrantlin is the amount of $153.11, approximately one -Half of wnion owfor labor is mating repairs, and WHERE", the Feyen Construction Company denied liability for such damage and has refused to pay the same, and the City has withheld such sum from moneys due the said Feyen Cone truetion Company, and WHEREAS, the Feyen Construction Company, thrn its attor- neys, has made an offer of settlement, in which they agreed to pay the City the said $75.00 in full settlement of the Cityts claim for such demege, and WHEREAS, some of the repairs to the traffic signal were made by the Department of Public Utilities and some by the Depart- ment of Public Safety, and the Commissioner of Public Utilities and the Commissioner of Public Safety and the Corporation Counsel have recommended that such offer be accepted, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to release the Feyen Construction Company from any and all claims growing out of the damage to the Bald traffic signal, upon payment to the City of the said sum of $75.00. ('I)II\('II.M EN Yum � N." Atop -I by the (;.-di.. d ��• .193.. �fiic Donnl�l �f'rnrer In h—, Approved. _ :NF1 /........ .. ..... 193.. 'Cn nr A t /- Knin= Mn •w _ r /A1r. I'mui�ieul Mnhuury �./ �I. h, �' CITY OF SAINT PAUL y- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T-Ih sod Mi... 1- Sven �o�irJ H. mmoNAto, CI-11-1 Corrorntion Counsel, Saint Peul, Etinnesota A11111A- Ur. Jrs. L car Sir: It is r_no®ended that, the 11111 a€stet F.Y. construction comPanY, ne ,Iy Registered Bill No. for damages to trsffi, signal at Sixth and Franklin streets be settled on any terms that the coroors tioc ".t.-nay s---- fit to make nith the Fey.,, Co, stn tion Co—ny. fit SURETY CASUALTY 1111UE I EULEY ST PAUL, MINN. May 17, '974. Edwi.M. lAu rphy, Al.iIto.t ;-11-1-i.o ;--1 Leval —portm—t, it' of it. I' III St. P-11 Deer i1r: Ne Ir i , " to the cLnims of t" to. en �ovat=vct ion may, -no of i— "I ?I lttl�hlf 11 the nrt- F,blll Ilt"Itll 11 h. of _d h other on behalf If th%D%,h loth of %oh i Safety in th' d�he to oi� lh.1 ,,Jd cinim the writer Ioof—:Z%tltl"lIl - �3113.79, 7" 1, 1 t 1, .10 - 1. —ki 1, 7 1:1tIll",ee ilt" iboth , , tl-,Yl sold claims ts,,,5 p.,,t - the Y. It 'r o, inlov t h 't there " " 1" Tt" " City '7 In it. T' ,h. 11 y 110- �l I I on, t r I d to ,.. n,l. without �1: -'On liobill 5, .:,d _'I: ;'or '41 t-- c)—ted without 0 0 litil—tilt. ,III kindly -on --l—Ily to your 't t it �J, in t Jo Very truly --rs, BMIDL 7 X, 4e 44 - Gill E oce�aTMu:T oP_..Pnhl.lo__SSL1.t1.ea._ 2- 1006 REGISTERED BILL w <. _Fe -Ten Construction -ca. _ __. _. _.... February 2, 1932 277 Burg�.s St. .......a _St.. Paul, Minn- __.. -. Job Sheet #247 • TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL — RETURN THIS SLIP O.. --I— o.rc.Omun.. 1.moa WITH YOUR REMITTANCE Lighting 22 B6 NOTICE Cost of repairi:g cableand condc damaged by your men on Franklin St, north aide of 6th on September 11, 1931. Material; 60 Ft.#6 Armored cable 4 go le 2 Rolrubber tape 0 1 Fr ictin' 10 50 Ft. 2J-1galvanizedpipe 1 90 22 50 Labor: 11 Hrs. 0.45 4 95 7 .50 50 7 .91 637 14 92 Use of truck 1 Hr. 01.50 1 0 Total Cost. 39 2 COPT rvw. ro. o- MO«Y OF ORIGINAL BILL ISSUED April 28, 1934. Feyen Construction Company, 277 B,rgees street, SI:e cpartment J Public Ctllltles hal placed alt'n t`�Ss office for collection, a claim against you in the amount of $39.12, colt of repairs to cable o,,,- Jt -- �ed by your loyeo on ;er.tenber 11 th. 1931, at or near tlixth end 'ranklin Itr"te. ,"'is 1d :ta —, a000unt and •o have beca inate ct,,d to t a],a Smr„oiilets scene for collection. liowc--ver, n do not aten to nr,.rt %It a.+ln:,t ym; Until we hv.ve elven Y—�� )por:.";;St} La coca Sn and make ee tt lea ant. P1,, let ue hear from you nromntly. Y— —o , truly, Claim Investl,iator. ""•'""'"""vt CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESUfION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED - • - - . .. ri ('(11 N''II.\IEN \nes 1'eue /�I.Ihnuil.l il'enir�, In favor .x s_ �Ir. I'rr,�irl�•nt \1nhun"r ' AIN 4 193A Atn)"o, ' -e.a Z.,R FORM NO. 2 Subjecti �-6" rile No. 981132 n e prase 1934 Xep'o ed, WHERRASv the Commissioner of Public it ee has reported in `✓ accordance with Section 63 of the Cityexistence of as emergeaoy which rendered necessary the employment of oettain employee of his department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME William Dupre Eugene Tourville Peter Horn Dan Slater Russell L. Blaisdell Julian J. Duren Orvald F. Ryberg Frank Fleming Ludwig Zwirner Leonard Munson Ed. %ordell Chris Racer James Tighe Joe Bruno Thomas Schaffer William D. Davie Roy Bene Chao. DeVinney Peter J, Murphy Frank D. Strong Frank B. Truso Prank F. Racine Harvey Donahue Gust A. Johnson John Ansevino Joseph Ciarla Pasquale DelFiacoo Sam Tuminello Edward A. Sohwart. Andrew Vince111 Henry J.Conrad Mike Alfonso Angelo MFiorito Joseph Fiorito John P.Eruse William D.Carlson Stanley C.Raeamaeen Aye. C oilmen oDoaeld ay eeroe Aoeen i enzel Mr.President Mahoney TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATS Watershed lab. 8 bra. 8 hre. ,491 6 " 8 ,44 Filter -Plant lab. 8 ,4 n n n 8 48 Emer. Repairman 6 Fi.ter Plant Lab. 6 ,46 13 16 " ,46 Unskilled lab. 8 .45 " 8 " .45 Utilityman 1 .56 Mach. Helper 1 6 Filter Plant lab. 12 48 Emer.Repairman 1 .4 Ditch diger 1 .55 1 .55 Utilityman 8 " .66 ° 8 " .56 Emer.Repanlrman 8 4 8 . n n 8 .44 n n 8 .4 Ditch digger 8 ,65 Utilitymen 24 ° 8 .56 " 4} .66 Ditch diger 1¢ .b6 1 .56 Mach. Helper 2 5 2 b Ditch diger 2.55 2 ,55 Plumbers helper 8 " 4 .b8} Ditch diger 8 ,66 16 8.55 " 16 ^ 8 .65 Utility— 5 .56 Filter -Plant lab. 4 ,491 " 8 " 6 " .44 Adopted by the JUN � 1934 Approved 1934 Certified correct ` :Myo.. �2Z scorx. /'.� /�1'G��-ZIP ci cir xx Leonard N. Thompson 4---- General Superintendent i't.1L;.;I 1. , FORM NO. 1 Duna 2, 1934 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities. Bureau of Water rendering neoeseary the employment of certain employes of tnat department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Operating Hazel and Highland Park pumping station. Emergency work.* Repairing Conn at 191 H. 4th St.## Driving trucks.* This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: #Sundays and Decoration Day. *Account of Decoration Day. ##Leak in connection. *Driving ERA men to and from fob at padnais-Sucker canal. Certified oorreot Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent CITY OF ST. PAUL Ce:"c" NO. 98034 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK e/ / - COUNCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM oMM, H. C. ren, June s, 1934 RESOLVED That the Cammieeiooer of Pab11c Work. be and he Se hereby directed and antheriaed to oil the f.11.ai.g et ... t., 1 Mlliot Plane, Batea to Movnd ip — .yoming, Ball to Robert I ,,, ,a Asekubi., rro.t to Lawson Alley-tllair-van Nnren-Aldloe-try Albeearle, Cottage to L. Como Phalen ... .... All Page, Wi.alov to Stryker rlfth, Tarry to Goteian L. 0=0 Phalen, Payne to Greenbrier Hva, Plato to Chicago a a . All ey-Iry-Clenr-Pay.a-Ursenbrier allay-Iglebart-"Troll-Milton-Ylatoria Allay-4berbums-Gharlee-vale-Hent Frank, Goak to M.ryland a a ■ Alley-Ndmu.d-Thomas-Are.del-.e rto- Albemarle, L. Como Phale. to 160' North Frank, Casa to Cook Commenwealt6, Gordon to West end of Park Ia.Suaky, Minnetonka to L'6emter Cerdo., Langford Pk. Pl. e. to A" nd Alley-Hetero-G.M.St.P.a P: Sy. Clair Allay-AHet tong-Jano-Ylotoria-Tier Ally -Cleveland -wilder -Carroll -Nobly, �Z,uee."''i" ll, me Sito Case Langford, Commonvaelth to ",do. Bridal path no Midway Parkway from Snelling to Hamlin. Bore rood Market yard, 1599-1601 Uni.ereity AYane,.e 9 - t Melander - vrivevay a alley, 1760 H. 8evtb 'temple Aaron Cemetery road., Nals a Larpe,taur ' North— Paoifio ny. Local rreigbt Yard C. St. P. M. a 0. Ny. L—a Freight Tard Arnold rairohild, a/o first National Bank - Brivevay on S. Hobert St, near So. St. Paul on off Mrs. Schulte, 103 N. Yiotori. - alley adjao..t Theodore Alo111, - driveway, 1188 McLean Aiehale eros. Ina. Coal yard at Harvester a Johnson Parkway L 3816 - .eek sztaneie., Barge Termi.al Contract alley-Simp.on-Pasael-Nebraska-Hoyt ['t IXIEN ►Tea u.d.Heath earl St. Bridge betvee. Bose a Seve.th eta. Kiny°. St. Nog Wer. Road Adopted by the OonnclJUN 4-1934- 193.. _- i�hiy /J /\IcUonnld MS�m -1 m In [nvnr ,i �p""'d _. YAW, 193 _ .. 193__. COUNCIL FIT. NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of oonstrunting with aaaallthdauonarete. the sidewalk on the north- easterly side of Oakland Ave., begiming gp ecimatelyy 16 ft, amth—t.rt4�y of the outh urb line of Grsad Ave. (produced), then¢ae2�rft. southeasterly, also resetiing 38 ft of granite curb oontigum thereto, oleo r setting granite curb - the northeasterly aide of Oakland Ave., beginning 5.5 ft eautbesaterly of the south curb line of Lincoln A—, (produced), thence 75 ft. southeasterly, under Preliminary Order 97818 _..approved May 4, 1934 Intermediary Order _ _ _._. pp ... e _..._ _...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having head ell persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pan) that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is —t—.t with m.A.Utb;L. naaarata_the _e.idanalk_¢n tWnortheapterly aide of Oakland Ava., begginning approximately 16 ft. sneth—torly of the south curb .line of Grand "-4pradnoedJy..thenm 21 St.._enutheeaterly. &len-Haat__ 38 ft. of ranite aurb o ti thereto, leo reset ranite curb on the northeasterly gg on cue s ea aide ot. Oakland. Ave.,.. be 6,b ft.enutheasterly of the anuth. nurb. lima _¢f_Lla¢aln Ave.( produced), thence 75 ft. southeasterly, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare pians and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - cord with the making of said improvement in accordance therewlt Adopted by the Council JUN 19 "34. 19, Approved 192 - �.. Cnuncilmnn �walcz,_. POfi11 Councilman $Teue. SfTFD Councilman ![aDetwld_� C.—ibnan '"40,-p—,;�,e,,,, / C.—i— .m"ai>oo �Iaynr � Form 13. S..4. 1-S REPORT orCOMMISSIONER opFINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER w` `._~. ^ oon,tm,tinr ad th monolithic ~~ rate the "—~~ line ������~~� ^~mtt 0"I" "d May ^.mm , 62x0 �`°.... —d —I Land Bldg. ` Goodkind Terrace, =.Pe°.M^~=65" 2 do $1750 That part of lot- 3 end 4 do $16200 $30000 th. Sly along uaid Wly lin fa t; 'on In lin, of Oak,-, A— IS.. $ 21600 $30000 °1,,^~_^~~—~^ ..°.^— ^—^^^~^ Office of the Commissioner of Public W FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance 9� �' •'a MAY .7 1934 May 7, 1934 laa Ire, I It, t inu .......... „r I ..t ile I ily „r sl, j 1 the (',im ni—enig ut pe,j, iN-k,, hoeing hid under +iJ"'a i i<in th,. lir�I t am,il, ke—, - ( I rd,• Nn. 97818 ahhr, ed May 4, 1934 t. constructing with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the ln�ortheastterly side of Oakland -ve., beginning approximately 16 ft. southeasterly of the south curb line of errand Ave. (produced), thence 21 ft. south- easterly. Also resetting 38 ft. of granite curb contiguous thereto. Also resetting granite curb on the northeasterly side of Oakland Ave., beginning 5.5 ft. southeasterly of the south curb line of Lincoln Ave. (produced), thence 75 ft. southeasto rly. and ha rink in„;:+tiKale-1 thr inntte rr and tlin ,eG rterl to ih, rr•i n, Iu mL?' mporta: 1. tiaid im pn „n"nt i, i, r. . nd I-) des rnhle. Lots 1, 2 sand 3, Goodkind Terrace $62.00 2. 'f he ertiu.n t,•rl t thereof i, S mxMOGx %aCxCtdW(pcSl `fJ4Xpc�tXx i,nd the inion n,id est,•nt If said im pm,'en,rui e, " to lloxe 3. A I,Ian, profilr or skrleh .d Nail in,pn„-1111t is hemto eltached and ,node a liars h—,,L .,. .V,id i�iipri ,, ,oris in naked f�,r open l,etilion of lhn•c or ,n,i r, ow,i,m o! pro pe t.y , auhje.t t,. awe.,„.,.m rer .aid —prnee„te,n. ��[tie,of Puhlic ke. June 5th, 1934. Be.. Anel r. peteraen, Comi..loner of nuance, Building. Dear Bir. At the Council ...tine held today, She final order to the met ter of Constructing with monolithic concrete the oidawalk on the corth.—terly aide of Oakland Ave., beginning approximately 16 ft. aoutheaetsrly of the south curb line of Crend Ave. (produced), tbancs 21 ft, aouth- eaeterly, alu reeettim, M ft. of granite curb no- t 1 tlpuoue thereto, vel so reae Mor. granite curb an Cho northeasterly etch of Oa1-lend Ave., bepinnlnp. 5.5 ft. .outheastarly of the south curb line of Lincoln Ave., (produced), thence 7s ft. southe.eterly, zrlaid over one week to June 12tb and you sere reouaeted sand notices to property owner of said hovering. Tnure very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL CO,i"c" NO.......{42it)r6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK w oNrL FORM co Ne COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GEER Mayor Gehea / I/ �"'�'f1o,�ime 5th, 1934. l ZM2XRb In acuordenoe with the provisions of Chapter 15, Section 283 of the City Charter I hereby appoint Herbert W. Austin, Purohasing Agent and respeotfully request the approval of the Council for suoh appointment. Be it Resolved that the said apnointment be and the same is hereby approved. COUSCILNIP:N 14eI3enakl /// �� Yenrce [n furor Ro9en ^ Ad.j,fed I y the (;,__] .,AIN _-; 149 3..._ t App,—,d 193.. nlny�, issioMEw CITY OF Sp. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y� COUNCIL RESOLUTIO \ GENERAL FORM C rA onre No. 'If11I3 RESOLVED, that the appointment by the 00mmissloner of Public Safety of Michael J. Culligan, as Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety, is concurred in and approved. Nmm°le.io cm�l ovo.aP ,�une s rez.r s. iazr. Yrse tinge Adopted by Lhe Council ... �...__..193. I'-"' In fn, Approved _..... _ .... _-- _ 193. _- I<nnen_-- 'I ll'rnzcl Mayor d Mr. !'ren.dent try ` CITY Of ST. PAUL NO..._ >'.J. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION��,--GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, Thet the appointment by the Comc:issioner Of Parks, Play- grounds and Public i il:ings or Charles I- bass ford, as City Ar- itect, be and the s -e is hereby concurred in and approved. COO\('I I.N11iN Yc N., !afeBeneh3 riuscn Yen vol No-. P—id— Ipya::, :commTT er to ea u. ._ 'la �< A "a�"�amiaaaa P""°atrswn a v� eat_ Adopkd by w, c oall..I JUN __. 5_IRR4 _19'd_ . JW S 1934 Ntn> �.�,... �00 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,v"""` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK jjCOUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM COMM s�orvEn /✓f... RESOLVED, That the appointment by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public buildings of Carl E. gpeakes, as Deputy Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounda and Public Buildings, be and the same is hereby concurred In and approved. COUM II.MEN y— Nn s Ytey '? Meii�n+eM.Lr.. P, nrer In r.vor W -M h,, Prceldca6 — Adapted I, the c. ,j _ JUN... 5 1911 -197.. ti 91934 ApP[U\'rd_ _ 197. „ray,,, CITY OF ST. PAUL .,� " No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIILLRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P—SEN—D BY P onTE RESOLVED, That the appDintment by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public culldings of 'i— ie Mont Kaufman, as Superintendent of Parks, Depertn,ent of Parks, Playgrounds and Public buildings, be and the same is hereby concurred in and ap}roved. Ycue \ AdnpAcd 13 the ('.,unci. rezc�v �� `" —S-1004 ts:i_ AicFimrnid �<a N Penrcc _ In (¢v.,r Apprnvr,l_ Itus,n _ I99. Tn W—d eN a -n Nr. Presldm,t 'r'[q •`� CITY OF ST. PAULru ,L No.... OFFICE OF THE CITY LARK �[ '�ICOU�NCI R/ES.O�LUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, the DOsI5J3�,6y6;lro//ner of Public Safety desires to appoint Thomas E. Dahl11 IOJief of Police, temporarily, and the said Thomas E. Dahill has consented, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the appointment by the commies Sonar of Public Safety of Thomas E. Dph111 ode TOhief of Polio:, to serve temporarily until further action, be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. COUNCILMENY_ ad pr d by th, Couoell_ . SIM I,, A}eFiwnMh WnNRCry� i r,.�rrr�• o. re �r °f S i�: Iinwn Approved Trnx R'envcl Muy,,r ,w Ur. Proaidrnt �" CITY OF ST. PAUL ru ` NO. _:)til.142 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVE, that the appointment by the Oommiseloner of Public Safety of William J. Sudeith ae Chief of the Fire Department of the D City of SS. Paul, be and the same is hereby concurred is and approved. COIL\C[I.�7I:V Y,M \nyn �y.�l'ctfi25er✓, M«H«uxM Wn: `t Ibnnv. In favor Itowen //�� 'I'riin� t/ �ARnin=l �1'rnzel Nil. Pvsident — Adopted by the C --Cil.. _...ft....5.M�to3.... CITU OF ST. PAUL 43 - OFFICE IF THE C111 CLERK NCLL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coni RESOLVED Tlet the 2, polnterent by the i-io-r of Pbllc el.rk. of M. Sheph—d I :-t, is n—by ..---d i, —d sp ..... d. 01'N' [1–NIEN a+ey Prez coy. A',im,t IN �-M N1 r. President Ad,,jAM by th, C 1.10 110 193 9aNP !93Q 193 M.Y., CITY OF ST. PAUL c .—I No !oM ')OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -GENERAL FORM 'R _E NTED� ,�LUTION onr RESOLVED That t,e appointment by the Cot—i—l—, of PA,lio .,k. of Reardon -i"t—'b"t of I,. and Rr. i. hereby epp,.d e,,l .—fl—d. M N('11,MEN JU 5 1934 193 4o.�a��.i CITYOF ST. PAUL N.,CE OF THE CITY CLERK R 'OLUTION GENERAL FOR. o MST 9N OwrE RESOLVED That tne ypOint—lt by the ^ortc¢iss Sorer of Pliblil do,k. of Reymond J. Ktek I, of .no V.,kh,,u is nxreby —1--d in and A,1,,t,,j by tj,, (,, . ..... I JUN 5.103 03 Apj 193 CITY OF Si. PAUL I I , n"ll No, 18046 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IUNCII RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM AT. RESOLVED TI.At the .p ointment I)Y 'he If Vlblil 4-k. If I. E. :,Ittll,b ,, S,pertntend—t If Sanitation i, h—by concurred i, and rpro-d- COUNCII-M EN Nny, Adl,t,(] by th, 4, ? ...... irrl I .. ............ MAY, CITY OF ST. PAUL47 No /)DFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GENERAL FOR, RESOLVED Th,t the ,p,i,tmt Sy t,o C—i-i ... r of P—llo W—k. of =red L-11 - Dop,t, C.� -ioo.r of Public M—ks II, li—by 3---d 1. And Al,E—d. "I)( N"ILMEN Y'. IL,I.Y R R& P�urci• In favor ItoPen rAg,i-t ILI— — Ad,,I)t,-d by the Council_ JON S, I_q34 193 A,,—,d 19:1 E 'lei'MQ CITY OF ST. PAUL No -1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rr �' Cl,NLYL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM MM swoN _ ✓.._ • _. __ / • JUNE 5TH -1934.__ $. P -E. RESOLVED That the appointment by the Commissioner of Mucation of George J. Jacobs as Deputy Commissioner of bducatlon, be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. ('01TWII.NILN 1'ci�e �� y` RSeN \�///J 1'�vvc� � I�� favor A&oIptrrl Iry the ('..,nn 11 !N S 1* 193. A VPruvcd CITY OF Si. PAUL NO.. ISI 49 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / C NCIL RFSOLUTI —GENERAL FORM �o� so EA �i'L o,,,E Sune 5, 1934 RESOLVED That the appointment by the Commissioner of Public Utilities of Hr. William A. Parranto as Ceputy Commissioner is hereby concurred in and approved. lu N( 11 -MEN 1'ciw N— �. ➢e TF Rc�h I'rvrr. Iii fn�ar Rumen \Ju Pled by Uic limncil _ i IM, 193.. - Ip nle� o� CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 19 COUNCIL LUTION GENERAL FOT.RM �l l�—/J-Y/y+// L J>tne Sth, 1914, RESOLVED (� :hat the apooi—nt by the Comptroller of E. $Seton ae hit deputy be and it is hereby appm,,d. COVN\ II.JI EN Y— \"r 24,F, r r li�ivr�• _ � lu fuvur a<�eea 'frunx �" ARninel IN "'I rw ear \I r. 1'nmidentF_._ �•.�A Adopted by the (;uuncil... - f _. S 14,, 1195 Approved . _. _. �.. _._.. 195_ h nynr COI TIN CIL At EN Y— N,,, Ad,l,t,,i I, ti, C I JIM 193 PIN IM '/'I" P PAUL N., 6)2 'ITY OFHr C ITY CLERK I OFT E --N�RESOLUTIONGENERAL FOR. PR d RESOLVED - , z GOWdssim.ro f Pnbli- Saf-tY, 010,000-00, dated J.0 5, 1934, the with t - Saint peal-Xeroury I.de=ltY company. arry Grogby, CM.table$1000.00dted Jma 5, 1934, -ItbHthe RaT t f,d A- . idan t , ends I, demitY.OOMPanY 9 u,g NCILMEN Yeas ' . N-, �ny Ag-,t Ad,,pt'd 11Y tll� G-1111 iWI93 A,,, -,d 193 NN," 1Tat�eh,eb courvcic Fiu[rvo ` - "• °°'r,iu,�eia�:���•� R vwu� OUNCIL RESOLUTION M&Y 31-11 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY Te THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 4465 TO :/INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / JUN s AD—TE. — T— —U 1 iss� V PPRo Eo >jr #tee aY } " 40 02o 4511001510 1a i i i N0. COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMZS May 31st34 56t1 57.54 v NOTA L" . n IN FAVOR OF a-T Foaw «o 40 020 45. 944 795 W5 • 4465 Milton Rosea, C, of Finance 872 40 4465 Dr. John F. Br1�ge 548 00 4467 ,Julia M. Bruees 70 Or) 4468Midwest 011 Company Ill 79 4469 9t.Paul Voc.Sobool Revl.Fund 32 71 4470 Standard Oil Company 6 187 58, 4471 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 66. 4472 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 220 143 447 Tester. Union Telegraph Company 4 149 40 447 Pioneer Flag & Dec. Company 4475 Johnson-Schaffer Drug Company 229 16 4476 David Bashefkin 32 00 4477 RayDavenport 32 40' 4478 Ram Bey Fuel & Ice Company 2 465 38 20 414go HSoc C.of FS nanoe 1sFrederikson 772 O n 4481 James E. Gipple 18 00 4482 Rm. J. I f1rady 875 00 4483 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Comnany 7 89 4484 H.1n11 Gydesen 35 00 4485 R.J. Johnson 16 80 4486 Board of Public velfare 15 217 44 4487 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 287 52 4488 Mr a. Della Brown 28 28 4489 Mrs, Mary Tily Christy 27 00 4490 Mrs, Anna R. Foley 31 90 4491 John Lennon 40 OO 4492 Mrs. Elizabeth Literati 40 00 44oI Mrs. Hannah Peterson 24 92 . 4494 Mre, Elfrida Soderberg 28 80 4495 Jacob Smit 60 00 4496 Cr andview Tbeatre Corporation 100 00 4497 Frank Horeje 15 76 4498 Isaao L. Greenberg 250 00' 4489 George Hary ehan 55 On 4500 Lao V. Cunnien 12 86 4501 Review Publi ehing Company 585 47 4502 T nton Chrleti ancon '/5 00' 4503 Duncan MoRae 75 On 4504 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compeny 2667 53 • 4505 4506 General Electric Supply Corp. Gopher State Products Company 39 58 89 18 4507 Graybar Tlectric Comosny,Ino. 2965 4508 R.E. Hulme Company 60 38i 4509 Int. Institute 35 76 4510 E.A. Moeller Company 217 75 4511 Donald D. Murray, Mgr.Aud, 87 58 4512 Price Eleotrlo Company 25 88 4513 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company i 397 71 4514 Milton Rosen, C. of Finanoe 4 591 Tl 4515 John Peroff 18 00 4516 <d. 3chwartz 32 4n 4517 �tlaa Cas & nil C,,= any 777 10 4518 ,tandard Conveyer Company 40 O0 40 02o 4511001510 1a i oFFCOUNCIL "RESOLUTION LEp NO. � � �E AUDITED CLAIM$ June 2 34 MK S 1934 A/of� v�"eca IN FAVOR OF —'TOTAL 4519 st.Pau� Fire Department 8 000 OG 4520 Re11 of A....iatlon F.1e11 Frel sale 651 On '.. 4521 Board of Water Commlaeloners 692 91 4522 4523 Board of deter 0--i.eionere 52 95, 134 19, 4524 Bo and of Water Commleal on— nater Commieeioners 996 51 4525 Board of Board of Tater, Commissioner. 197 68 4526 Board of Tater Comml.elonere 574 091 4527 Board of Water CommlealonarA 592 79' 4528 John H. Yolbnold, C. P.Safety 2 00 4529 John H. YCDonald, C.P,Befety 1 00! 4530I—Ing C. PearOe. C. o1 111--. 385 00, 4531 Milton Rosen, C. P, R. F, 530 94 4532 Fred M. Truax. Com lr, of Pks. 10 88 4533 H, C.'*enzel. G.of PWorks .Work. 5 690 18 4534 H.O.Tenzel, G.of P, 9 020 97 4535 H.C.Tenzel, C. of P.Rorks 666 51 4536 H.C.Wenzel, C, of P.WOrke 2 703 26 4537 H,C,Tenzel, C. of P.Works 2 438 63 ' 45j38 H,C.Tenzel, C. o1 P.Tcrke 141 45 45 9 H. C. Menzel, C. of P.Woxke 2 226 79 40 45 W1 H.C,Menzel, C. 'f P.Moxke 1 152 87 4541 H.C.Menzel, C, of P.Worke 1 477 63 4542 H.C.Wenzel, C. of P, Torke 623 69 4543 A, C, Menzel, C, of P,Moxke 120 4.,, 45,V441�, l, C, of P. Torte H. C, Tan zeC 525 87 4546 of p *York 273 45 4547 H,C. Tenzel, C, Cf P.Morks Yre. R. it 873 83 246 65 4548 Yrs, ETR YStsch - 4549 Chemical galea 6 safety Co. 10 C6 4550 Milton Rosen, C, of FSnenae 12 771 53 4551 Robert Butler 2 00 4552 A.H. Gear Ian 1 89 4553 F,F.MoGrey 1 49' 45544 R, J. Murdook 5 00 4555 Blue 6 White Cab Company 65 25 4556 „rlgg., cooper 6 Company 2 38 I� 4557 YOFadAen—Lambert Company 193 24 4558 George Badek 9 70 4559 B=Hilary Food Ytg.Company 70 70 • 4560 Standard 011 Company 1 208 80 4561 T.L. Weber 6 62 BEET TOT, Foaw.Aa 44 g7g os 10 538 69 . 9HI1rl5 CITY OF ST PAULs�L[ . N0, J OFFICE OF CITY CLERK Y SJ - NERAL FORM REs NTE aDATE jun. s. 1934 RESOLVED That the -appointment by th C maieeion of Finano of John C. Feldm ae Deputy Co—iaei... I of Finenoe is hereby approved and oonfi—d. Y.. CVVNCILMEN Nays hi., Tn 14,19-14 d'nx,¢rryI In lavor pearcc Seah�w�..« Adopmd by k, C ... c,l jo 5'M4" Approved iqqd 19 • CITY OF ST. PAUL ��CIIT I;jOF THE CITY CLEI = LTo .LITTHIO�C.. E.1 jai Iinazx WHEREAS, Arthur H. Schiller, on March 3rd, 1934, made an application for a restaurant and an 9off sale' beverage license, and on April 4tb, 1934, made application for an Ion sale" beer license, and deposited with the City Clerk the sum of $65.00; and WHEREAS, said licenses have not been issued to said Arthur H. Schiller and be has withdrawn his applications and has requested a refund; and WHEREAS, the pro rate share of the restaurant license fee for three months is $3.34, for the "off sale" malt beverage license fee the aur, of $1.66, and for two months of the non sale' nft- ,. 33 intoxicating beer license is or s total of there- for., be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are berePY authorized to refund to the said Arthur H. Schiller the sum 51-4 7 of $43= OUNCILMEN N,, m, I,,, ad -t Gahm A,1.1,t,,l by Ili, 0.-,i" 6 1,9.34_ IM jffl 0 Apj--d 72Y1, M.Y., CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK -111AM f. SCOTT Cay fleh and Commissioner of Regi,neiion ."W" June 4th, 1974. Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Coun'el, Bulldi ne. Dear Sir: The attached c—alcation of Yrs. Uscule 11,111, for refund of lice ee fee for re'taurant at 732 Selby Avenue w referred to you, by the Council today, for a resolution greeting such reflmd. We also attach letter of Arthur H. Schiller for refuel of part of the license fee' c "ring eetaurant and o and Off sale malt beverage at 714 Edmund Street. This o'er .red to you for a resolution graaLlnS such req-t. Yours very truly, City /C/lark. �\ 98057 657 CITY OF ST. PAULNa enJ O. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERFuD^.m coMrn issi « a,cOUNCI ES LUTION —GENERAL RESOLVED ., _. -.. L :t, r 5, Katherine H. Wame, 9eoretary to the Manager of the Auditori m, $2500.00, dated May 28th, 1934, Great Amerloan Indemnity 0ompany. ('UCS( ILA1I:N Y— Ns)� 193 ady' 1'e In favor A,, --d _.__.... _ 193.. IF, reon Hosea ' / �Seniel ➢I ny,r �,rr °ia,,nI,44 rh,,, Gehan .M .,, FUe', lsxl.n l CI F ST. a „e.a u ,ne en.Gunl"npsof menu- NO._..... OFFICE THE Q IB'e 1UNCIL �i OLUTION GE. "` e .. Pr E o dune 5th, 1934 RESOLVED Whereas in the improvement described as the construction of monolithic sidewalks as ordered by the City Council during the year 1933, Standard Stone Company, contractor, it has been found necessary, due to requests by property owners, for widening of driveways to So the following additional work : Remove 9 11n, ft, of Granite Curb ------ $1.00 Remove 12.50 lin.ft. of Granite Curb--- 1.50 be it Whereas, the net additional is $2.50, now, therefore, RESOLVED, That the City Council hereby approve the aforesaidwork done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the specifications therefore the net addition due to same not to exceed the sum of g2. 50 to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3779 for the making of the aforesaid improvement for the reason hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to aforesLld specifications. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Standard Stone Company, that the sum of $ . 0 is the reasonable amount for the above described work. Commis///s���i�on/e7-roof� Puubl' orks Countersigned Contractor. City C ptroller. UOUNCILAIRA' 1'cav Vnyr aLy� yeZH.e.,. Af�BeneFd)la.tn.-K� Penrcc //.�./1 In fnvor I?riinc � ..Rai i=r Rens 1 Adoliled by the Coun�.ciwwl�m... JUN _5 1f1oA 193..... M4 :1 �I,roved ............................... 193..... Ninyor •yF�„k yj c,,, .,,„, CITY OF ST. PAUL K OFFICE OF CITY CLERK /CI ` _,C UNCIL RE LUTION G ERAL FORM a o _ oA,E_ Nay 31i 1934. _. RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized L. to enter into a renewal of that certain contract known as G-1056 entered Into by the City of St. Paul and the United States Government, on the 16th day of February 1915, for the usintenance of the lights on the bridge crossing the Mississippi River connecting Fort Snelling with the City of St. Paul, said renewal being for the year beginning July 1, 1934, and ending June 30, 1935. L.Br' Ycas �ourvci�rn Lry N Adopicd by chc Council Jun 91193A APPcovcd 19 r Noanrn2 Ag..ins� ' ' r. Yreeridm� Wii�S CITY OF ST. PAUL °p,i"<" NO. FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WEMM 9, the Northern Cooperage Company paid the sum Of Twenty-five Dollars for a fuel dealerla license at 551 Co.- cord oc—eOrd street; and as the said apoltcant nos desire. to •ithd— said ®plication; S, euOq license pond not be islued to theorthern ,`y�\operage Company bedausa of delldquent property taxes; Lh .- Iota, he 1 RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to refund to said Northern Cooper- age Company the said sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00). rnrsl'ILMEN �.e. nd,,l ,l I,r we au ,SUN I IM4_ lea &;�rl— ,1 P's,(". is Is—, U -,.e APfiS ved JiaNR__V,_M. 4_ _ 193.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ca,W of Minae:ole OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM 'SCO" C." Cbd and Commissioner al Regio eon ,f.,., June 4th, 1934, Mr. L. L, An de reon� Corporation Covneel, B ulldi np. Dear Sir: Theattached letter of the Northern Cooperage Company re eetinp a rafond of the fee deposited for fuel dealer's license at 551 Concord Street in the sum o f $25.00 a referred to you by the Council, for resolution granting such refund. Ycure ,ery truly, City Clerk. �' \U iTH_)H:12�T VOO 'hI2A(i�: (tO" %iFtrl+ice ' + • , STA-A-IL-MINN. May 23, 1934. 'i'm. P. Scott, City Clark, St. Paul, Winn. Dear Sir, Via have your letter of May 14 ata Ling that you oauld vat issue a 1lcenea to u fle a feel dealer beoanea of dellna,uent property taxeaIn that case, will you kindly refund na the x:25.00 which we paid you some time ago. Yours very truly, UOR:'' rRR.�Gc CO. eh S: ii5 ealdent. o,o�,,,L.. �2r��►i ' CITY OF ST. PAUL „u " NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLU ION— GENERAL FORM PREaE Co" Es_EaoATE June 6, 1934. RESOLVED W:_&REAS, the fol l,nine, named have made appllce'loss for on eels" liter licenses et the addressed Snd Scated, and WREREAS, the Council has not vrented said apollcation e, and saki eppl lcants have re—,ted ntthdrawsl of s and a refund of their license fees and return of their bonds, therefor, be It RESDLVEP, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to rePend to the said applicants the license fee. ret, a deposited by them and the City Clerk is authorized to retarn their respective bonds to them and cancel their applications: Catherine Arbuek11 111.7 )nl vera lty Ave, /joaoc va tee.°de q' �tf o� ✓� _r COUNCILMEN Yeas _ 1'rnrm In favor a,.rp Tn ax 1_l ARalaet lir zrl M az biz. Pmmdeet A Sp Adopted by the CouucilJ 9_M41_. 193. W M4 193 a�o�� J S$ CITU OF ST. PAUL NO......_ :1FLF�R-OLUT1ONC'TY..ER.L ICE OF THE CLERK O FORM WHEREAS, the Russian House Incorporated has made application for an 'on sale' liquor license and has paid the required fee and furnished the proper bond; and WHEREAS, the License Committee has reoommended that such license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorised and directed to issue a license to said applicant for the premises described in the application; be it ]FURTHER RESOLVED, that the bond of said applicant, in the sum of j.4000, which has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same Is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is instructed to deposit said bond in the office of the City Comptroller. I __ ___, �...... Ion�tu,Athv Itnnrn tc��a�a Aaoptud 1, m,� "--A j" f..j434- tsa �e ntey., a�dlro r. c�..t CITY OF ST. PAUL ` NO. Nrev OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MI si COUNCIL RESOLI 11N GENERAL FORM AREREAS, heretofore Ben Rosenfeld sold out his business at 845-49 Selby aveane to A. Viner, and requested that his son -ale" liquor license, tavern and dance licensee be transferred to the said A. Viner, and whereas, by -1-take, the 'on sales liquor 1lc ense�wea transferred to the said A. Viner; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the tavern and dance licensee issued to Hen Rosenfeld for the promisee at 845-849 Selby avenue, be and the same are hereby transferred to A. Vlaer to conduct such businesses at the same address, and the proper city officers are hereby instructed to make the necessary changes in the Oity records. t V1UNCILAIEN Y_ Nnye asoa,r.�e ,e tt Peterson ❑. rx�or 1"barren �� 3gnin=t IP,•nzel .M aa. 11 r. I'r,•,+ide�t.LJolsuw.y Qehan Adolded Iry III, (,, a iL. JU% _R 193A_ lea. U^r R 1934 b7e�or 6_ `} i CITY OF ST. PAUL m,.'""c" NO..... 9806.. + OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FO— '"111"T" ORM'"111",.ly RESOLVED, that the application of Albert G. Anderson, for permission to maintain a gasoline filling station on Lot 24, Block 8, Baker's Addition, also described u the southeast corner of Cromwell and Franklin Streets, be and the same is hereby granted, the tanks and pumps to be installed in acoordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. CUUS('ILMRS Yeas Nn/ys a � Pcarci' Iii Inver Ross '1'nurx l/, ARaiust \{"rnml r 4 Mr. I'maiden[ l�y� Ad.pr d by the C .... iL_ jo 9.43.1 193 - Maynr Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made 4- 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.p1w of Minn:.ov DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T -k -d Minna.ov Snc.. JOHN IV. McDONALD, CVNJNSSIONf4 May 25, 1934 .Qg.it m- William F. Scott, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Jinn eso'.x Dear Si,: Returned herewith is the epplica'.ian of Albert C. Anderson for oermission to in st gel a dri+a-in gasoline filling station on the southeast corner of Cromwell and Franklin Streets and rep.,t, of Sna!a,tion of the Bureaus of Fire P—entlon and Traffic. Vary truly yours, Commisaianer of Publin Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL May 25, 1934, Hr, John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir, - This is in reference to ep,llcatio. made by Albert G. Anderson for psrmi--Son to install a drive-in pso line filling station on Int- 23, Block: 8, Baker's Addition, also described as the Southeast corner of Cr ---11 and Pr—klin Street.. Please be advised that I have made the usual inspection, and do not find that the proposed station rill materially interfere sIth the movement of traffic, So traly, Bury H tce rgren, Sapt. Traffic. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C -t.] of Minn—, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.mh ..d Mi.-,. Sne:n JOLiN H. M,DONALD, 01-sIO May 23, 1934. Hon. John A McDonald 00mmissioner Public Uafty, St Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of Albert 0 Anderson for to install a drive in gasoline station on the S.F.corner of Cromwell and Franklin Ute. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours Ohief Inepectdr rilg Dept. ,e THE BOARD OF ZONING ' ' SAINT PAUL,�MINNESOTA COURT HOUSE �l May 29th, 1934. Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir : Re : Drive -In F1111ng Station Lot 24 Block 8 Balser's Add - (SE Corner Cromwell & Franklin) Albert 0. Anderson, 1853 Marshall Ave. This landis zoned for Heavy Industry. The plans of the proposed station comply with the standards established by the Minnesota State Highway Department Order No. 8445 for Trunk Highways. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, C g �E H. HERROLD, Eneer Secretary. gh-rh 11- L. H. :. Ferguson, City Clerk, Court House, tte Drive -lb FillingStation, Lot 14, Block 8, Balser- Addition (b.o. Corner Cromwell & Franklin) Lear Sir: Albert G. Anderson, 1853 M—hall I've. T'nis proposed filling station is to be located on pro_ erty zoned for Heavy Indu strlal pur- poses, and a filling station is ::e- itted without a i'o cnr.l hearing before the City Council. The layout .-ill be =satisfactory -4 the driveway dimensions on Franklin Avenue cam„ -1y vrith the standards established by the tEimie=_ota State Highway Department Orner No. 3445 for Trunk bighways. The Board of Zoning has approved this location. Yours very truly, OB M/`NIPAF Ak� thief Engineer. owed: ESI LT ON ft05 EN, C.—is i-er. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CZ"I of M"'"'a DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS _ ":P1.utiL1Y[clziL, comm�.�lo.., `NAL I O;v I<Ci LM®Gy GI V0.GE w�' M 11-1a. —1 F.v�— O. D.wn <ommsvo�. �' P -A- - IAML\ E CA0.4JLL Asir Cn.el E11v1 end S�oi of w�„�,.."�,� �U0.0.� G M _.La, -.1 end M L CLATIO¢. SuM of Sanve.m 5 Gcv10AK, Oave! v ee 11- L. H. :. Ferguson, City Clerk, Court House, tte Drive -lb FillingStation, Lot 14, Block 8, Balser- Addition (b.o. Corner Cromwell & Franklin) Lear Sir: Albert G. Anderson, 1853 M—hall I've. T'nis proposed filling station is to be located on pro_ erty zoned for Heavy Indu strlal pur- poses, and a filling station is ::e- itted without a i'o cnr.l hearing before the City Council. The layout .-ill be =satisfactory -4 the driveway dimensions on Franklin Avenue cam„ -1y vrith the standards established by the tEimie=_ota State Highway Department Orner No. 3445 for Trunk bighways. The Board of Zoning has approved this location. Yours very truly, OB M/`NIPAF Ak� thief Engineer. owed: ESI LT ON ft05 EN, C.—is i-er. `r .• - IAs A' Ef. _ ._...__.. 3zG_ - A..E /,e �Y * 4�• .-. _ euru'1 Ba' u r s L R ,' <J}t -•: - �'t iy'i - ...,.� . , ...,�. 1. _ , '- '---F' A .. _ a lar � •e�r�li.Xt _ C 4r ae� . SAfY ti: i C[ntEhr � !, v i'hri !S l✓ nl�r / xnw -_ _ ` iI FaYAR euewSri luwxr N C 4 _ 1 t ••.'�• Y CINDER rQRUSHCD RoeK DRIVEWAXT '`tQ Y• -' -u� _ 14IV W xA II yl - w°r-x.an.Y..•, a [!Y :.,:. r y>. -tet_ O 4 xi i P A LY --.. __ _.. ... ...__ �__. ry •--• �___.. /9.12• __.._ �„�_. __. _.... _.. 30• rr- - .. FS• - FRANKL/N AVE WHITE STdeeo v m m p m . TAEwrET a✓r<.e,r<Rs - - -- PAFSEMr DtAI.' �- � YJI ,.t. - ��L wAn T/t lfS -;5oTH OLO D<OLJ Y DE GOV<Rt M7r(TE -• • 1 v. - _ Wnn mETRt • WHITC.� � 1 I� (II 1 I. I II - - - - 1 I �� � jIlk-SIL �pjp� ,j I tit 't 1 Z r _ 1 I� J �; j 4 � - I� � � I. Q !� . ( i � c _-_ _: __.—. 1 / _ .: 1•i L _ _ .STAT/ON FOR SKEL[Y 0/[ CO.. - - FRRNKL/AC AVE .E[EdAT/ON _ _•AN CRbMMiLL * FRA/ A,41,y �,/_` O• ANEM RDD/T/oR -FRRAM! -METR[ —r. - ST PALL. M/NN• __ � _ _ o STI/ff0• fOOT/REi ODWiI• JM/N. - � � - - SG Aa!' AS .IMsrN � S J? -74 - .. [.T, S. 1 /S o " 0 sY ute T?EJG W Il _ fn :mow •-. sr � T o _ wo I'......,, .e iu .r uwu l - _ • ��x: � . ` - � - .w.•<r< o .� •-•-cur ` 7r: sl �' r � v GrM1< -- $� u z•'n.< 1-r ��• �y _ ': W~ � � o<<- _ - � r eurlEi�� � u•� L • 1 . � e�'re< - a•..rER -i.- (� A _ r J �-fyf'S a7 l N � - v�. .Yet ' M.I �•R � � R W r Gxwrea - :_ SASN -,fl,yI f tln.EM17 - -ti E<a-< nn N F a . �..m a.. e•R - � L_ 'v ,- L • E h<cL. 7e� r< w•I r. .r /-�.--� - e<frc lY •" "'�'T '/ � --- ' C l/YDER'temuSMED ROeie DX/OE[V.tys - F arwl � ;e � - 7 •.� t A U . n4 lV < -� ..:._y4r I�', O II w EawMY__- '� '• nr! E[4 .~�r � .� * -", ,.''�.•�,-,�� -. �\ � i A2 S/OE WASH r .R PAVEP v _ FRAN.'lL /N AVE si o" CITY OF ST. PAUI.(c. No. reoee—t — ()S1 65 OFFICE OF THE CITY rm COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GEN(i a ,' —ES.ENT.. esamx�u WHMUUS, James Bormanek has petitioned the Council for permission to Instald Install emend maintain a drive-in filling station at 665-667 Bel wHERZAH, said James Hormanek has submitted a blue -print ofthe proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump 10- Olt ion, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the 00nnoll; end p wESRSAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Para- graph (f), Section 5, of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLUD, That permission and authority are hereby given to said James >ormanek to install end maintain Said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will au t omatioally void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of Commissioofacity Publicof at 8afe;Y; the building p—der the lanstion of the and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street line, shall be made under the direction and to the eat iefacctlon 0f the Commi se ioner of Public works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Coonoil whenever it shall determine tbat the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traYfia has ard. �J �g COUN ILNI -NR 1994 Ycsr N,,Ir Adul�tzd bl the Lou uL. JUM _... I93 n --. #4e.Dewol.i � i�� �CRp 1n I—, App,,,—d.... 193.-. 11 E�0ra0n - yar„r N .,: \t r. Iti�ide„t Mnhn�.y Gahan �'d.IShll';f71� I - Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made L POST CARD NOTICE! OFFU E OF I'IIE COMMISSIONE It OF I LN'AN( F s" r."d, UM -95-103 4 Purvun ... 1.......tion 5 of thr 13,,ildi, Lune O,,Jjnn,_ n,&,tnd I, t, Cuiu.ril of h, Cil h .if 1, 1'nn1, J"l'"' 192 2, 'pplh"'tw�� f - J—. Farm and i -tall u " S.1 the � N id- -f �Slby A�- bet. Dale & St. Alb�'�.--665 ...... u..I',- Cllr II'dl and Cuurl 11nu=e Rulding ou LLr 6th 193 4, at 10 u uW,k A.111 MILTON ROSEN, 7835 COt"I'lliol- of Fin-. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.,i.I of ml...... DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.nth end Minn.— %-I- 'lJl'i^N H. MCDO NnLDo wn u11ao [? Mpy 2� 19N Nr. Willinm F. Scott., Cl ty Comptroller, Saint Raul, Minnesota Dear Si,: Returned herewith is the aPrlication of Seines Formanek for Permission to instal n drive-in gasoline filling station at 665-7 Selby Avenue and renorts of inspec- tion by the Bureaus of Fire Prelention and Traffic. Very troly yours, C Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL May 22,1934. Mr. John B. MODomld, Commissioner of Public Safety. Deer Sir. - This is in reference to the application made by Jae. lorosnek for permission to install a drive-Sn. gasoline filling station on L 90 ft of t. 2DO ft. Block 20, Mose outlets, also described as 665-7 Selby ♦v— The first application made by Jae. yormanak was objected to on account of position of tha driveways; to overcome that objection, driveways lova been changed eo there will be a 22 ft. driveway installed on Selby ♦venue which will permit care to drive in from Selby and go out the alley, or come in from the alley and go out on Selby. Such an arrangement, in my opinion, will out materially interfere with the movement of traffic, and therefore we will have so objection to granting of a permit for this oil station. Io— truly, sa,Harry S. i ergren, Supt, f affic. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.01.1 oI Mi--. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Teeth -d Mim-- So- . JOHN H. M,ONALD, Cow.uissi�Nce May 23 1934. Ron. John R McDonald 00®Sssiver PublIo Safty St Paul inn; Dear Bir; In regard to the application of James Formsnek to install a drive-in gasoline filling station Iodated at 665-667 Selby Ave. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire haeard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours 8hief Inspector Fire Department CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C. WENZEL, C --i.... G[ORQ M SH GnRD. —1 lav— R.w MES E TO. Doom C m.ss�wa� CA0.ROlLA. . Cm+�•� LAYIOR. S�v� W Sa�leim G RROLO, Off"... GnER e�•% p 1-— MA S0. UYTBAK E.a— May 25, 1934 Mr. William F. Scott, City Clerk, Building. Re Drive -In Filling Stetion, 665 Selby � enue, Formanek Bros. Garage ny- James Form anek. Dear Sirs This application is a revision of layout occasioned by the objections raised by the Safety Department to the plan submitted to you under date of April 24th, 1934. It is located on land zoned for commercial purposes and is permissible subject to a hearing before the Council, which is set for Wednesday, June 6, 1934• The location was approved by the Board of Zoning April 23, 1934• Yours very truly, R SH EPARD, hlef Engineer. Approved:: HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner of Public 'Works. - HI A1LEY a hod AVMI W.4/YEk.S•PatT. Air • pews f.. _ ;z ba fo Offce r<.noreJ E R fo h, fi7iP�J1A/YE/< B.Pb.S, 67G5 .SELBYAVE. CITY OF $T. PAUL .... No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 9 PRUEN D U 11—allER RESOLVED That the committee assignments made by the Mayor, according to the attached list, In and the same are hereby approved. COUN('1I.MVIN ea N. Ag,i- A,I.I)Wd by th, C.u.,j, _JUN_. T 192A iqa C' OF ST. PAUL OFFICE F THE cCITYE,1;:ie vp.'Pui1r°d'aaa�quaYi'�nau'I 9 S067 COUNCIL R20LUTION GEN EDPRESENTED BY WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds I Public Buildings has reported to the Counoll that that certain Swelling on Lot 13, Block 10, Eirshall's Addition, also known as No. 157 East Indiana avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condi- tion as to warrant its being condemned and tom down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability andnecesaity of wreaking said building, on the Sth day of T." 1534, ten on o'clock A. M. In the Council Obamber in the Court House and City Bell, In the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it TURTHER RESOLVED, That not lose than ten days prior to the time fixed for said bearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent Or Occupant of Said property, & notice Stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to he published not less than five clays prior to the date of said hearing. ('017NCILMEN Y'. Ad,pt,d by tbi C g61 193 Pcnrce In IS... Al,,—cd 193 Y" n i'I Mr.KU6LLi CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota /J OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM 1. SCOTT C." Clerk and Commis,i— of R-, -1— ."Q, C! June 6th, 1934. Nr. L. L. Anderson, Co xporation Couneal, Eull di rg. Dear Sir: We ettaeh herewith to— vnl ""' from Cha.. A. Eae.for d, City Amhit Ct, re ending Chet the dwelling et 157 East Sndl sol Avenue be con- de—d. The Co unc 11 toddy referred thle matter to you for a eolutlnn eettinP a date of hearing on this �m� condeetionre Yours very truly, City Clerk. W. EA MOLT KAUFMAN S.". al Pen, CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pif.l of mi— e.ole DEEARTM ENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 Gly Hell FRED M. TRUAX. Cemmiui.n CARL E SPEARES, D. t, C..mb,lomr 4B ."..ay :'8, lgJ:4 Hon. City Council Saint Paul, 11'nnecota Genti- en: ERNuT W. JOHNSON S.". of CHAS. I --'a C„y —t,, - May Is advise that there is an old dilanidnted d-:e111ng at 157 East Indiana i arae, which is a tvm story- frame structure, oven, vacant, and in generol very neer condition. This build in,^ Ss on Property described es Iet 13, Dlocl; 10, bfl,rshslbuil's :addition. J:e have ascertained that Isadore Chernic}:, 10'C Marshall ;:venue Ss tho onnar and Lir. D. E. l/illerd, uric 1781 First National [, A uSld.ng represents the nortga„ee. On account of the above f.ets, vre believe ccnde,iou action is advisable and rcco eud it to you for--ideration under ;;ac- tion 1-14 of the building code. LLsd e�' Q —Ci.y Arcchitoct ” o( 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL .iu--- No. 9w- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COM K� �.G� Yll ✓ .� ,, oAT. RESOLVED That the application of the Palace Community Club for per- mission to conduct a festival at the Palace Playgrounds from done 18th to 23rd, inclusive, be and the same to hereby granted4 provided, however, that if any merry -Go -round or other(am .-..t device for which a license moat be paid under auy ordinance of the City, to maintalned, said Club shall nay the lice... fee so provided therefor. �R«wlve'q �1ti�t pe� eim�i�en omen. e Cemm two �rv�m .app ref : v: v,w; eo .e: �O.n° Aev.e. ee t. u i erre. r. eiiille <vo.ru.tl„v 1��m 7 19?� Y— \n�. A�lopled Ly thr. l'�inncilJV�l_. --�-.. _. I93 .'.,1S F IJJes Pravice hi h-” Approved _ _. __— ------ — 193.__ afieynr tl.. r,e,�deet CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK wiuiu.� e scop �� Cny Cled and Commission., of Res ,at— J— c th, 1434, Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Cauneel, Buil d ng. Deer Sir: The attached applicetlo, of the Palace Cov�uni Cy Club for o esion to conduct e festival at the Palace Playgrovnda from Tune 16th to zjrd, ,,I "I' w red to you to,V, by the council, for resolution`s. enting s•rh p.—it. Yours very truly, l city c'.err. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cep'eI of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT City Cle,k end Commissioner of Regisnaiion -"W(, May 22nd, 1934. Hon. Fred N. Truax, Come r o£ P.P. & P. Bldgs., Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of the Palace City Clb for petml,aion to conduct a festival at the Palace Playgrounds from June 18th to 23rd, Smluslve, w referred to you end the Commleeloner of Publ lc Safety for further SnveetigatIon and report, by the Council today. He also enclose petition, for and against the application. Yonrs very truly, n✓ City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.cn•I of ml—ot DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T•ath and MI ... lou %--u JOHN H. M DONALD, CO -11—I May 21, 1939 Mr. William F. Scott, City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith I$ the application of the Palace Comemlty Club for perMission to cmduct a festival at the Palace Playgrounds, Viav and Jefferson Streets, from Jose 18th to 23rd, inclusive, with list of names of residents In the district obtained by the Police Department Indicating that fifteen such residents are opposed to the festival, while twenty-one do not object. Very trulyv 1mr�s,,',, �ComniaBimer of Public Safetj/" CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of M --l. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM f. SCOTT City Cleh ..d Commissioner of Regis -1- 48.45 May 15th, 1934. Hon. J. H. ILClbnald, Coms'r of Public Safety, Building. V.- Sir: The attached petition of the Palace Co®vaity Club for permit to operate a ntmer festival at the Palace Playground., c.,.., View and Jefferson Ste., fr— June 18th to 'I'd Sncluelve a referred to you, by the Council, for Snveetlgation end report. Yours very truly, �City Clerk. THI PILICW COMMUNITY CLUB View 6 Jefferson Ste. St.Paul,Minn., may 9, 1934. Han. Is. Mahoney, and City Council, St.Paul,HSnn. Honored Sire: - The Palace Community Club respectfully petitions your honorable body for a pereit to operate a Suemer Festival at the Palace Playgrounds, corner view d Jefferson Ste., June 1S th to 23rd inclusive; proceeds to be used in furthering activities of the Pal"* Playgrounds. It is understood that operationwill be by members of the Club and there will be no gambling. We are desirous of entering into contract for a -marry go -round and ferric wheal-; the owner of rides to be responsible should any accidents occur on said rides. Thanking you for consideration in the latter. H apeo tfully youre, �-Q.W PHESIDINT Palace Community Club gh We, the undersigned, are in favor of the Palace Community Club operating a suamaer festival at the Palace Playground from June 18th to 23rd inclusive, 1934. ') () /! .- . OF ST. �".°R NO..-..._. CITY PAUL �IiI IIfJ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ �,ryy COUNCILLRRESO TION—GENERAL FORM wE?.ii'ss omNew. �K. ;`-'I:I.i�.riV� r i onTv .Jane 7•. 1954 RESOLVED That the various licensee applied for by the folln�ing named persons for the address.. indicated be end they era hereby granted and the City Clerk is inetmctsd to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the ragnirsd fees: George His. 202 Front St. Berber Appl. 5924 Sidney Fosema 425 S. Robert St. • 5871 J. D. G1ynn,� 1824 Grand A, • 5882 Belau Rill 1D9 E. 8th St. ^ 5898 '-Ab".1. _. Beaoone-W-P--7th-&t: "_ _ egg/.. Geo. Lasaroff 870 Jackson St. ^ S895 R. B. Lee (Lee Beauty School) 45 E. 7th St. R. W. Lee (Maim. -Marie Beauty Shop) 417 Cedar St. °Da°u 5907 Eli B. Bertin 582 R. Dale St. ^." . 5888 J. J. Morin 1154 Selby Av. 5040 Henry Rose '152 E. Sth St. ^ 5875 Jos. Roes 194 Arundel St. ^ 5888 Louis Room 102 S. Robert St. ° 5941 Otis L. Sladak 401 E. Maryland St. ° 5820 B. A. Smith 779 Selby Av. • 5884 Turner J. Stark. 1656 Grand Av. ^ 3750 o"uwma�a...m�•�� CITY OF 9T. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM vsasaareo av coMN�ss oaaa _ f + oar Jnn9 7, 1914 ode. � _ RESOLVE. -2- 5861 Welter Waldamaraea 111 S. Anaspolie St. Barber Sfiu AmelSa Godfrey 1160 E. 7th St. Butcher Stillwater Rd. " 5888 Jo�eaa Broe. 1899 -_kr 400dlel— _... - 14ib-R, nth St... L®ora Basemen 1694 Grand A— Confectionary 5698 J. W. Dornbach 2059 Randolph St. " p 3755 James J. Yee 1110 W. 7th St. " 5819 Barry Shapiro 978 Grand A— ° 5624 _-�. -�.�•l. ..,.._x ... B`Y.-6o�d'4"8.--__—__t9R=582-Saekno46t.- ....PYor1e6__.__ ... 6719 J. 508 Jackson St. Fruit -Vegetable atone 5702 Atlas Yeyer Rm. J. deb 616 Seating. A- Gas Station 2 pompe 3942 ra '--- -. 2 w - .-_. _ 5664' .. H. A. Warden 517 Broadway " " 2 " 5917 Stanley Fedorski 1084 Earl St. " n 5 n 5854 R. L. Hutchinson 2205 Bniwereity AV. ^ " 5 " 5881 COUNCILMEN . a.....va 1,,, .h.. 11.11""il.. _ ...__. ... ... ... _.-..._193..... CITY OF ST. PAUL m°n „u No. . .... ..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co�MNTeO e. as or,Es ' -TE t L w June. 7, 1989 RESOLVED _g - Miller & Holmes Grove & Lafayette Gasoline Station 3 pumps 3723 �' '"J Miller & Holmes Grove & Mississippi " " 3 " 5722 Park Co-operative Oil Assn 2277 W. Como A- ° " 3 " 3761 Fred Wight 341 Pt. Douglas Rd " ° 5 ° 3751 Geo. Baldwin 1341 St. Clair St. v n 3 ^ 5958 J. W. McElhenny 1521 Randolph St. " 5 " 5866 Standard Oil Co. 2178 Marshall Av, • • 3 3870 4—F-swer-Gad-B--Oil-Co.InC�38TE'.--81tr-9t.--F1b8F-i994� - ° g • gg88 . Ban Freemen Gas & Oil C -Inc. 341 W. 7th St. (1935-1954) ° 5 ° 3887 Ban Fra— Gas & Oil C.J— 590 E. 7th St. (1955-1954) • 6 ^ 5889 State Co-operative Oil A— Rice & Amore A, • 6 5626 —Ch-2—Al—de- _-_._.--60'YW- a -131.g A- - G--7 -.. _ -3m '--j C. W. Dornid® 1887 Randolph St. ° 5895 Mrs. Gus Berg gren 571 Atlantic Av. ° 5879 ` A^ls Henry j![,r < - / �' 954 Arcade St. " 5728 I. Johnson 579 Wabash, St. • 5759 F. J. E.iser 922 Selby Av. " 5882 A. B. Eley— 131 State St. ^ 5778 Elisabeth Ecrfhage 938 E. 8th St. " 5914 Roe. E. Miller 739 Selby A- " 5619 COUNCILMEN CITY OF ST. PAUL NO... -. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESRy Ew _ _ .. - .. -_ Jane 7,. 1934 RESOLVED -4- C. Pastoroak 640 Selby Av. Grocery 3855 A. Stacker 243 E. Fairfield Av. " 3842 Chriet Sunne96 1618 Randolph St. " 3762 C. Thoma, Store., Inc. 141-45 W. 6th St. " 5708 Sem Ch—. 461 St. Peter St. Hotel (St.Albene) 28 rma 3847 2- .J Nellie Began 555 E. 7th St. " (Hag®) 28 3814' C rui3ae-��errmd •_ _ _- 44 W. --10th St. • (St.Gearga) 51 " 3752 Boeltl Ice Co. 1078 Hall Av. Ice Dellvery 581.1 Stanley Fedorowski 1084 Earl St. " 3835 Emil Malone 976 Stryker ^ " 5974 Solomon Gilman 271 State St. Junk Dealer 3758 Mustard & Rowe 176 E. 7th St. Motion picture theatre 3972 Nay 011 Bnrner Co. 834 Marshall AY. 011 Bmver Fgnlpt 3765 b04-N�-S1iIIIlim Av.----Off-Hale Mnit-Bee'eee _.._ 3759-._. Mr.. G. Berggren 571 Atlantic St. " ^ " " 3880 Agnea Carpenter 299 E. 7th St. " " " " 3817 A. Favillo 110 E. 8th St. " ^ • ^ 3852 Katherine Foley 1060 Haeti g. Av. • ^ n ^ 5884 Cha.. Haggard & Walter Toekey 902 N. F—i gtan Av. • " " • 3771 Oeo--H®em----. - - -. L4 E. Fourth St. n v v . _ •.._ - -. 5785 COUNCILMEN CITY OF ST. PAUL w�"c" NO.. _._... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM aasaserEc a. -- i com Miss oNsa ��r�^. J DATE Jmle 7, 1954 RESOLVED —b- Joe. M. Lowenthal 477 St. Peter St. Off Sale Malt Beverage 3652 J^'� Chas. L. Lund 142 Concord St. " " " " 3940 Geo. C. Marsh. 1099 Randolph St. ^ ^ ^ " 5864 Geo. & Lewis Mauro 791 E. 7th St. • " • ° 5645 Has. McDonald & Wm. Baer 859 Randolph St. • • " • 5786 7Lles McDonald 726 W. 7th St. " " " • 3935 H. Moore 320 Carroll Av. • " " ^ 5774 Louie Wehlnalq 194 E. 7th St. " • " " 3807 " Donald Poorman 653 S. Smith A— " " ^ ^ 3719 A. & D. Rossini 309 Sibley St. " " " " 5692 " Benjamin Sebueller 602 Wabasha St. " " " ° 3746 Anton Schulte 191 R. Snelling Av. " • • ^ 5752 Steve Soh-its & Henry Stromwall, 992-994 Arcade St. " ^ " ° 3961 Ernie A. Seabloom 1080 Payne Av. " " ° " 5705 Security Food Market 1668 Selby Av. " • • ^ 5790 Harry Shapiro 976 Grand Av. ^ ^ ^ " 3625 Arthur F. Slater 468 R. Leringtos Av. " ° • ^ 5738 Soule & McKenna 347 Robert St. ^ ^ " " 3676 ' J. Wiener 670 Canada St. ^ ^ " ^ 3677 COOYCILME'N CITY OF ST. PAUL riu NO...... _..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMM ss`o°revoAT. Jung 7, 1939 RESOLVED �- Tillie Cohan 426 Selby Av. On Sale Malt Beverage 3652 A. Favillo 110 E. 6th St. " " " " 5851 Katherine Foley 1060 Heating. Av. n n n n 3885 _HolyGleelma---- 2125- g. �nirPi-l"`- _.arec-___.. ChrFeb-ge2em .1959 F—t-.St..... Stephen 1-huba 413 Robert St. v e e n 3750 Barry Kremer 1028 W. 7th St. n n " n 3776 Tony Lamina 363 Upper Levee n v v v 3710 Jae. M. Lowenthal 477 St. Peter St. " " " 5651 Cha.. L. Llmd 142 Concord St. ° ° " " 3959 -__SB..Px-9td St.-_ - _... _.- . _..a.._ -e-__ _. "... . - .._tow Geo. & Louie Mama 791 E. 7th St. n 3642 Jee. McDonald & We. Baer 859 Randolph St. 3787 Vila. M.Donald ______...- 725 W. 7th St. n n n n . __r_-------- 5932 36r* -F4'ed"'W:'MYLISr B. Moore 295-Remee,F-Bt' 520 C-1.1 AV. e e v . 3775 Louie 11.112.17 194 E. 7th St. " " ° ° 5806 Andrew A. Olson 858 Payne AV. • " • • 3689 Axel B. Ol.on 399 Ca.e St. " • " " 5756 .. Donald Poormen 653 S. Smith AV. " • ° ° 5720 COUNCILMEN CITY OF Si. PAUL "iL° No. ... . . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM s,asaarEm er v once June 7, 1934 RESOLVED -7- A. & D. Rossini 309 Sibley St. On Sale Malt Liquor 3891 Andre, Rothmeyer 949 W. 7th St. n n n n 5965 Benjamin Schueller 602 Webasha St. ° ° • " 3745 Steve Schweits & Henry Strom,sll, 992-994 Arcade St. ° " " " 5960 '^ Ernie A. Seabloom 1080 Pays. Av. " • ° • 3706 Walgreen Co. 418 St. Peter St. " " ' ° 5794 _— Weequah Country Club 1490 East Shore Drive " " ° " 5716 Women's City Club 505 St. Peter St. " ° ° ' 5803 R-stitenre.-t_____— 3848. Tillie Cohen 424 Selby Av. " 5653 A. Favillo 110 E. 8th St. ° 5850 Chas. Haggard & Walter Toekey 902 N. Farrington " 5770 Barry Kremer 1026 W. Seventh St. • 3777 Rony Leeann 561 Upper Leve. " 3709 ,. B. Leb— 537 Greenwood " 3880 E. G. Lucas & Frank Stan-yk 127 Endicott Bldg " 5741 Louie & Geo Manro 791 E. 7th St. ° 3644 Jae. McDonald & We. Baer 859 Randolph Mt. " 3788 COUNCILMEN Yeas x",.o _ aa,,,ea.l by ..h• �; until..._ ___. _. _.._ _.__._193..... (Working— a Lova -kr-emmci ' 302 Midland Bldg-. - Salary -Lova ,. (Tuatee Fimnee-O-) 3ele' Merz Reimer. 377 B. 7th St. Second Hand Dealer 5775 Chs.. A. Hemline 1041 Dnivernity A- 2nd head auto parte 3757 " ('I)( N( CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. u �:.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t/r4/-peamp COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM '4rF%+e coM'm�ssloNER -. DaTE dune. 7, 1954 Ag"Inrt RESOLVED- �- r Vi -las McDonald 725 F. 7th St. Ae etauzeat 3930 Che.. Milani & 0. Sender 335 Rice St. --.--DeE 5659 . er H. Moore 320 Carroll Av. ° 3772 Louie Hahiaelq 194 E. 7th St. n 5805 H. Pol.ti 136 E. Ste St. " 5925 Benjemin Schueller 602 Faba.ha St. " 3744 Ernie A. Seabloom 1080 Payne A- " 5704 Geo. F. Cramoer 511 Bremer Arcade Salary LoanC ) 3711 (Working— a Lova -kr-emmci ' 302 Midland Bldg-. - Salary -Lova ,. (Tuatee Fimnee-O-) 3ele' Merz Reimer. 377 B. 7th St. Second Hand Dealer 5775 Chs.. A. Hemline 1041 Dnivernity A- 2nd head auto parte 3757 " ('I)( N( t/r4/-peamp �. In favor '4rF%+e c «a Ag"Inrt w -"I NI" I'rrnid"nt / fr�r. r1/ #3«ecnwy- 11 f93d Adopted by the Cuuucil_.JUL ......._.._193..._ JUL 11 Approved.. _:.. �. _...183._... . ayor � Q O �Cc ` MISOELLAWEODS O.F. ff98069 -1- . DELIHQDDWT RASES A.F. - Answer Filed. Del. - Delinquent. July 9, 1934. Tear Amount J. W. Feaetermaker 1554 et. Glair et. (Barber) 1931 -Del. 52,3 9.14 Gust Heidbrink 6 W. 6th St. A. Woodley 0. E. Poirer W. F. Simley Frank Wolf Joe.F,Ohenoweth R.L.Gould & Go. Harold Grealish Hen Freeman Gas & \/ 011 Do., Inc. A Ohae.P.Alexander /\ Wale Henry 1716 E. 7th St. 1083 Grand Ave. 1039 Selby Ave 574 Wabaeba St 14 E. 8th St. 1932-A.F. 2'146: 0 5 (Barbar) 1932-A.F. 3,484.77 Last �. (Butcher) 1932 -Ho A.F. 124.84 (Oonfectionery)1931-Ho A.F. 363.90 1932 -Ho A.F. 3 .47 (Confectionery)1932 W -Ho A.F. 72.54 (Dance Hall) 1932-A. F. 5,148.78 (Dance Hall) 1932-A.F.Pt.l-2,134. 1932-A.F.• 2- 699.9 496-502 Jackson St. (Florist) 1932-A.F. 778.38 1301 E. 7th St. (Gas.Sta. 2) 1931 -Ho A.F. 416.56 1932-10 A.F. 432.01 W.57 387 E. 6th at. (Gas-Sta. 3) 1932 -Wo A.F. 144.97 3G4 W. Snelling Ave.✓(Grocery) 1932 -Ho A.F. 201.26 (Off Sale Malt Bev.) 954 Arcade St. (Grocery) 1932 -Ho A.F. 55.13 Labt J. Oaroline M.Perrard 64 W.10th St.(Hotel 1932-A.F. 427.62 (( St.George 31 rooms. Geo. Hanson 34 E. 4th St. (Off Sete 1931 -Del. 3,167.44 Malt Bev.) 1932 -Wo A.F. 610 Geo. A. Wiedl 425 W. 7th St. (off Sate1931-Wo A.F. 172-23 Malt Bev.) 1932 -Wo A.F. 149.1 3 a135 1=.. 98069 —2— _ MIBOELLAREODS DELIBOUENT TAKES July 9, 1934. Year Amount Bob Cleokman 223 E.Fairfield Ave. (On Bale 1932 -Wo A.F. $ 108.71 Malt Bev.) Last }. Christ Kolomeres 1039 Front St. (On Sale 1932 -Wo A.F. 132.96 / Malt Bev.) + (Restaurant) Mauer, John 6 56 W. 7th St. (on Sale 1932 -yo A.F. 2,517.31 Tina Winter Malt Bev.) Fred R. Miller 193 Ramsey St. '(On Sale 1930 -Wo A.F. 46.82 Malt Bev.) 1931 -Wo A.F. 48.42 $,(Restaurant) 1932-Ro A.F. 141:800 Walgreen Oo. 398 Robert St. (On Sale 1930 -Del. 21,469.79- Malt Rev.) 1931 -Del. 31,353.12 1932 -Dei. ��Q9 26.42��_F579 8. (Ryan Hotel Bldg.) A. J. Branca 330 Jackson St. ✓( Confeotionery)1932-A.F. 6,417.92 ' V (Neetanrant) A. C. Knobsj02 Midland Bldg. (Salary Loant1931-Del.) `Trustee Finance Co. 1931-A.F.) 6,188.96 1932-A.F. 11. :68 1 Abe Kahn 80 E. 7th St. (Barber) 1932-A.F. 30,622.22 ( Bannon ) ° G.F. #98069 -i- + MISCELLANEOUS July 9, 1934. NOT DELINQtMHT George Bias 202 Front St. Barber 3924 Sidney Fossum 425 S.Robert St. Barber 3871 J. D. Glynn 1824 Grand Ave. " 3862 Helen Hill 109 E. 6th St. " 3898 Geo. Lazaroff 670 Jackson et. 3693 R. W. Lee 45 E. 7th St. ° 3908 (Lee Beauty School) R.W.Lee 417 Cedar St. " 3907 (Maison-Marie Beauty Shop) Eli N. Martin 362 N.Dale et. 3686 J. J. Morin 1154 Selby Ave. • 3040 Henn Rose 132 E. 6th et. 3973 Joe. Rosen 194 Arundel St. • 3966 Louie Rosen 102 S. Robert St. " 3941 Otte L. Sladek 401 E. Maryland St. • 3820 N. A. Smith 779 Selby Ave. " 3694 Turner J. Starke 1656 Grand Ave. 3730 Walter Waldemarsen 111 E. Annapolis St. • 3963 Amelia Godfrey 1160 E. 7th St. Butcher 3621 Johnson Bros. 1899 Stillwater Rd. ° 3689 Lenora Beseman 1694 Grand Ave. Confectionery 3649 J. W. DornbsoL 2059 Randolph St. ° 3753 James J. Mee 1110 W. 7th St. ° 3919 Harry Shapiro 979 Grand Ave. • 3624 Atlas Meyer 508 Jackson St. Fr.Veg.Store 3702 Wm. J. Ash 816 Hastings Ave. Gas.Sta.2 pmps. 3942 H. A. Warden 517 Broadway • • 2 3917 Stanley Fedorski 1084 Earl at. • • 3 " 3834 R. L. Hutchinson 2205 University Ave. " • 3 • 3881 Miller & Holmes Grove & Lafayette ' " 3 ° 3723 Miller & Holmes Grove & Mississippi " " 3 ' 3722 Park Go -operative Oil 2277 W. Como Ave. ° " 3 ° 3761 Aeon. Fred Wight 341 Pt.Douglas Rd. " 3 ° 3751 Geo. Baldwin 1341 St. Clair St. • ' 3 " 3938 J.W.M.s1henny 1521 Randolph St. ° • 3 " 3968 - 99069 -2- MISCELLANEOUS July 9, 1934 HOT DELINQUENT Standard 011 OD. 2178 Marshall Ave. Gae.sta.3 props. 3870 Hen Freemen Gas & oil 341W. 7th et. " • 3 " 3887 Go., Inc. (1933-1934) Hen Freeman Gas & Oil 390 E. 7th St. • ' 6 " 3889 Co., Inc. (1933-1934) State Co-operative Rice & Aurora Ave. ' " 6 ° 3626 011 Aeon. 0. W. Dorniden 1887 Randolph St. Grocery 3895 Mrs. Gos Berggren 571 Atlantic Ave. " 3879 Y. Johnson 379 Wabasha St. " 3759 F. J. Kaiser 922 Selby Ave. • 3882 A. B. Kleyman 131 State St. • 3778 Elizabeth Korfhage 939 E. 6th Ht. 3914 Rose K. Miller 739 Selby Ave. " 3619 C. Pastornak 64o Selby Ave. " 3955 A. Stacker 243 E. Fairfield Ave. " 3942 Christ Sunneas 1919 Randolph St. • 3762 C. Thomas Stores, Inc. 141-45 W. 6th St. ' 3708 Sam Chumas 481 St. Peter St. Hotel-St.Albans 3847 28 rms. Nellie Hagen 335 E. 7th et. Hotel -Hagen 3814 29 me. Boeltl Ice OD. 1079 Hall Ave. Ice Delivery 3911 Stanley Fedorowski 1084 Earl at. ' " 3935 Emil Malone 976 Stryker Ave. " • 3974 Solomon Gilman 271 State St. Junk Dealer 3759 Mustard & Rope 176 E. 7th St. NO.Pict.Thea. 3972 Ray oil Burner Co. 934 Marshall Ave. Oil Burner Egaipt. 3765 Mrs. G. Berggren 571 Atlantic St. off Sale Malt Bev. 3890 Agnes Carpenter 299 E. 7th St. • 3817 A. Favillo 110 E. 6tb St. ° 3852 Katherine Foley 1060 Hastings Ave. ° 3984 Chas.Raggard &. 902 N.Farrington Ave. ° 3771 Walter Toskey Jos. M. Lowenthal 477 St.Peter St. " 3732 Chas. L. Lund 142 Concord St. ° 3940 Geo. C. Maroha 1099 Randolph St. " 3964 - 98069 - - MISCELLANEOUS - HOT DELINQUENT July 9, 1934 Geo. & Lewis Mauro 791 E. 7th St. Off Bale Malt Bev. 3643 Has.MoDonatd & Wm.Baer 859 Randolph St. • 3786 Vilas McDonald 725 W. 7th St. ^ 3933 H. Moore 320 Carroll Ave. ' 3774 Louis Hahinsky 194 E. 7th St. " 3807 Donald Poorman 633 S. Smith Ave. 3719 A. & D. Rossini 309 Sibley St. • 3692 Benjamin Bobueller 602 Wabaaha St. " 3746 Anton Schultz 191 N. Snelling Ave. • 3752 Steve Sahweita & 992-994 Arcade St. ' 3961 Henry Stromwell Ernie A. Beabloom 1080 Payne Ave. • 3705 Security Food Market 1668 Selby Ave. • 3790 Harry Shapiro 978 Grand Ave. " 3625 Arthur F. Slater 468 H.Lexington Ave. • 3738 Touhy & McKenna 347 Robert St. ' 3676 J. Wiener 670 Canada St. ' 3677 Tillie Cohen 426 Selby Ave. On Sale Malt Bev. 3652 A. Favillo 110 E. 6th St. ' 3851 Katherine Foley 1060 Hastings Ave. ° 3883 Stephen Koehuba 413 Robert St. • 3750 Harry Kremer 1026 W. 7th St. ' 3776 Tony Lamana 363 Upper Levee " 3710 Joe. M. Lowenthal 477 St. Peter St. ° 3631 Chao. L. Lund 142 Concord et. • 3939 Geo. & Louis Mauro 791 E. 7th St. " 3642 Jas.MeDonald & Wm. Beier 859 Randolph St. • 3787 Vilas McDonald 725 W 7th St. ' 3932 H. Moore 320 Carroll Ave. ° 3773 Louie Hahinsky 194 E. 7th St. ' 3806 Andrew A. Olson 858 Payne Ave. " 3689 Axel H. Olson 399 Case St. ' 3756 Donald Poorman 633 S. Smith Ave. • 3720 A. & D. Rossini 309 Sibley St. " 3691 Imil 0 _3- j, z f t y .. , .. _. 98069 -4- - MISCELLANEOUS July 9, 1934. HOT DELINQUENT Andrew Rothmeyer 949 W, 7th St. On Sale Malt Bev. 3963 Benjamin Schueller 6o2 Wabash& St. • 3745 Steve Schweitz & Henry 992-994 Arcade St. • 3960 Stromwell Ernie A. Seabloom 1080 Payne A". • 3706 Walgreen Co. 418 St. Peter St. • 3794 Weegeah Country Club 1490 E.Shore Drive • 3716 Women's City Club 305 St. Peter St. " 3803 Tillie Cohen 424 Selby Ave. Restaurant 3653 A. Favillo 110 E. 6th St. " 3850 Chas. Raggard 6 902 N.Farrington Ave. ° 3770 Welter Toakey Harry Eremer 1026 W. 7th St. " 3777 Sony Lamanna 361 Upper Levee • 3709 B. Lehmann 537 Greenwood • 3680 E.G. Lucas & 127 Endicott Bldg. • 3741 Frank Stanozyk Louie 6 Geo. Mauro 791 E. 7th St. ° 3644 Jas.NCDonald 8 Wm. Baer 859 Randolph St. ° 3788 Vilas McDonald 725 W. 7th St. 3930 Chas.Milam h O.Sander 335 Rice St. • 3659 H. Moore 320 Carroll Ave. ° 3772 Louie Hahinsky 194 E. 7th St. ' 3805 H. Polski 136 E. 6th at. ' 3928 Benjamin Schueller 602 Wabash& St. " 3744 Ernie A. Seabloom 1080 Payne Ave. " 3704 Geo. F. Cremner 511 Bremer Arcade Salary Loan 3711 (Workingman's Loan Go.) Marr Reimers 377 W. 7th St. 2nd Hand Dealer 3775 Chas. A. Hemline 1041 University Ave. 2nd Hnd.Auto pts. 3757 Effie Garrett 309 Rice St. Tavern 3650 CITY OF SAINT PAUL C71 a - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERG USON Ury Od .nd Cnmminionw d Rneimn.on July 12, 1934 Or. 1.1. Hasty 954 Lr-" et. St. Paul, Minn. Aar 11r, I have been dlrectedd= q inform you that yow application for WZY[ license at the above address w not passed by the City Co— iI. From record. it appears that Lane are delin- quent on this property. The Council has been nitbh.lding licenses on income producing property on which tame are delinquent. If you are not the owner of this property, then the owner should be informed of this action and if there ie a reasonable explanation of the cause of the Lane not being paid the Council will be pleased to grant you or the owner a hearing. Yours very truly, Q r-� ofcity Clerk. �"`� CITY OF SAINT PAUL GP`j a Min. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. A. 5. FERGUSON Ory CIm4.nd Camminlonw W a.g�ro.uen July 12, 1934 ,Mr. Ouwt Baidbriok 6 t. 6th at. at. P.". Minn. Aar air: I have been directed ta infors you that your application for a a►HaiH license at the abov1 address v not passed by the City Council. From record. it appears that taxes are delin- quent on this property. The Council has been withholding licensee on income producing property on which taxes are delinquent. If you are not the owner of this property, then the owner should be informed of this action and if therem ie a reasonable esplanstion of the cause of the tae not being paid the Council will be pleased to grant you or the owner a hearing. Yours very truly, C/// ✓CS ty Clb'i CITY OF SAINT PAUL G W1 d Mi -n OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. 5. EERGUSON Cayo C'.nd CommiWora d R., -- Jay 12, 1934 Mr. A. 0. Mocha 302 Midland Bldg. Bt. Paul, Minn. Dear Birt I have been directed to inform you that your application fora B1UBT wa license at the above addreea w not passed by the City "0"'il. From recorde it .ea that taxes are delin- quant onthis property. The Council has been eitbholding licensee on income producing. property on which tams are delinquent. If you are not the owner of this property, then the o r shoul rdbe infoxmad of this action and if there ie a nable explanation of the cause of the taxes not beingpald the Council will be pleased to grant you or the ownor a hearing. Yours %very truly, ."'✓D�� ,�j� V City C�j �.„ �1i 110 • CITY OF ST. PAUL „u NO.. _ ... e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cos'e Ne owre Joe 5, .1959. _..... RESOLVED yCat proper city officers be and they are hereby anthorised to refund to the following named persons the fees indicated d9poelted on Dence hall licensee, which licensee have been previously denied: Wicholaa C. Yerta 266 W. 0aivereity Ave. Dance Hall $15.00 Appl. 44591% Clyde Egan 58 S. Dale St. • ° 15.00 ° 6108 r. n csP c.a. T—Mim ` can Ye e�dt6ws�w°Eeoi�FPoli °b IMn� a bels ea°1gE�es!(Ge at lkaq� elu �'N°M;ami, ltleW�°11W,en1��s Ycss Vn'� Adopted by the Cnuncil_... _%..IQ )d.....193.. ... � 9 993d Pearce In furor Approved... .._....._ _._ 193..... Three, '1'nlnr gaine[ ! ! W—d Mayor Afr. Pre-d"'U �y 374 enbasha St. (Aeto-i, flot,l) melt liquor to to di ---d nnst.oi-s ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 Q V4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL eFORM PRS EA a�a sr lesa ale daFega licenser application 2705 applied for by EEI On S Zettel at 574 lfabasba Street be and it is hereby denied upon recommendation of the Buresu of Police and the proper city officers are hereby eathorlsed to refund to George Zettel the fee of $50.00 end to cancel said application for 11cenee. COUNCILMEN Penrcr. In favor 14ot., T,nn, A,, Fmk \I r. I'mridi•nt �� .0 ma..v9.r-4 Adopted by the C--" 71141W ....103..._ App .... d _. L'..'C.^._.. .IJ34_.. _ 103_. /✓ �. . Mayor CITY OF S . PAULmu.mc ue No.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESpLUTION—GENERAL FORM praRTao av G // co Mss oHaR. r--� owre Jtme 7, 1954 license, Henry J. Schmidt desires to withdrar application 1957 for Restaurant application 2516 for On Sale Malt Beverage license, and application 2517 Off Sele Malt Beverage license et 663 University A—; therefore, be It RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be end they are hereby mtthcrised to ref -d to Beery J. Scbmidt the fee of $10.00 the fee of $50.00 end the fee of $5.00 and to caecal eeid It. t, --t, On Sele Malt Beverage, and Off Sale Melt Beverage licenses reepecti-ly. l eqa ,y lnyy I Penrcc In 'e— Roern I'n ux l�.l Agnln=t tV tzel am a» )tr. Prreident .;e4—a, C. P. It vee+t—av a _ t P�e6E w appyilpnvlBl d( Rea a npgse eppllgvely of o On 9 vevOQQ IIeaeenee. en .miser[.. Vv veonl It,—nq Iv w.t 16. `a 0.od- [6000 h ee� jachmlga tae he tp vanve� �aplE aes4vem'l BtPo vll 8enrage. vn pane q ppraveagSp�eiCalnollelmeai eietl.l (lane l!-1ilt1 I! Adopted by the Ceeo,d].. _. JUN_....(.. �93.i..193.. ... App i ved ...._. 7 193..... Mnynr 0 9 e A.� all L E 44 878 084105 117 27 orrCOUNLIL"RESOLUTION No AUDITED CLAIMS June 4 34 .•"..c 94 579-59 '934s owe. �r�r " c,. TO: AL ....c.s , Y .". • rravw,ao 44 879 Ok 10 538 69, 4562 John Conrad 72 00 4561 TM. -M G—. & Met. S.GT..O 4 87 4964 Auto Parte Exchange 26 50 49a Sundry T ',— 9 16 67 45 v Milton Roseno C. of Finance 290 00 4567 wiltoh Rosen, C: 1 11,,nc, I 240 go Milton lton Ro e C of T,,—ce 55 00 4�;6 9 4570 Fred d R offtILn A I stenograDhic Bureau 14 00 14 22 4571 The 9pe ekes Company 22 40 4572 American Development Comnany 4 840 41L 417� Fey'n 011lto�u.tl.c 00-1-1 1 061 56 151 85 457 4575 9t ac'.Stone t e Com any Dr. 1a11ace H. Cole 25 00 4576 or. T.V. Goltz 17 00 4577 or: :.A. Ron.. 15 00 4979 Or. D.D.ilger 00 4579 or Joseph J. 111Cltby ill 20 00 4580 st k Sri .1 32 29 45 "I 9t. :' so'-'.o.o-tital t Jos p 36 o�; 4582 or. Vd—1 S.h.n 9 0 4593 Dr. O.I. Bohlberg 7 00 4584 nr. F.L. Webber 31 on 451 456 Milton Rosen, C. of Ficence Finance 386 so 12 276 62 4587 Milton Rosen, C. of Milton Rosen, c. fFinan. 75 00 4598 Milton Rosen, C. o' FSnonce 1 371 22 4589 Milton Rosen, C. of finance 3 179 93 4590Milton Rosen: C. of 11n -' no: 9 907 63 4991 Milton Rosen 0 of F _no 120 00 4592 Board of Public Welfare -1 791 62 4119, ,I Bonn 5 W) 4994 I'll to. Rosen, C. of Finance 6 252 49 4999 Duk, Barghi.i, 9s.. 3 60 00 44 878 084105 117 27 820 T 'ISLa4 COUN No.--' ,,�Il- RESOLUTION ' Petition f PROPOSAL FOR IMPROV. and w ae. s iouoro� vro::m. i.14�m.iar. PRELIMINARY ORDER. -- The un�gned hereby proposes the mnking of thefollowing pubhcimprovwnent byvthe City of 6nint Paol, vie.: Constructing monolithic side-.valk on the north side of Central Avenues beginning 117 feet west of the west line of Jay Street, thence west 33 feet. (Lot 13, Block 9, Elfelt., Bernheim_ers! and Arnoldel Addition) – - - --- Dated this lst day of June, 1934 Can,;eirman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the mnking of the following improvement, viz.: ConstrurtinS..monoli.thic sidewalk on the north. side. of Central Avenue, beginning 117 feet west, of the. west. line. of JAY Street, Chance west 33 feet. (Lot 13, Blocs 9, Elfelt, Bernheimers!_ and Arnoldls Addition _ -- - having Leon Presented to the Caoocil o[ the City of Saint Pnu1. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity far, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investignte the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three e, more —em 5. To report upon all of there fogoing maers ttto the Commissioner of Finance. s q iq'ts Adopted by the Council........- - Y.- Nera . B .._'I", —_ Approved... P—e. Rosary `V- -7 Ma. P...n).rrr My— PROPOSAL FOR IMPR1c s, we. wT Cie pre�yy � m tIN of te�iaiiewle� Impro pr mpvt l and truol Mm Wo ertY�lOe Q li. PRELIMINARY ORDER ea en^^.. "i �r'en'el The mdersig M hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the (hy of St. Paul, .iz_. ..Reconstruct. withmonnlithiccoacrata the sidewalk a the north side of Isabel St. teginning at the west side of Wabasha St. thence 32 ft. west, -6 rt. Wide, alsoonthe west side of Wabasha St. beginning 8 ftz north of the north side of. Isabel .St. tbmca 104 ft„ 8 ft. wide, including 8 ft. driveway. Defied this 7th day of June. _ 1934.- (ouncilmen. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A writ- proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.. _ Hacanstruct. witb. monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north side of Isabel St. beginning at the west side ofWabasha St. thence 32 ft. weal -,-6 ft. wide; also on the west side. of Wabasha St. beginning 8 ft. north of the north side of Isabel St, thence 104 ft., B ft. wide; -including 8 ft. driveway. _- having Imppr---1 to the round of the City of St. Paul _. therefore, be it RF_Y)L%ED, That the Commissioner of Public Warks be and is hereby orI 1 and directed: I. 'ru mvstigate the —ity for, or desimbflity of, the making of -ad imprp ement. 2. To i—tigate the oat ,tent and estimated mst of said -p...... ,and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile oresk-h of said impm ement. 4. Tn state whether or nn said impmvrment is ,ked for on the Ire tuon of thee, or more oxners. 5. "I'o report ulwn all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Fmxnce. AdoptM by the (eendl IN 7 199 veaa N,,,', coundlman 36t Warren III"+ 7198 xeHow�cP eterson Approved 1 peaece Rosea T -AX /-�'2 ... Wen'zet 11p. I'm:srur:>arMayor. so.m 1A <ra a au Petition G. ?6 �°`.1i.i.' PROPOSAL. FOR IMPRO''v" _ •t o, Hi atee. nd PRELIMINARY ORDER. Th ... d,,ignedhereby prop..cathemnkingof thefollvwiugpublicimpro neni by the City of 5nint P.,d, ver Changing the grade of Fair Place from Asbury Avenue to Snelling A venues to conform to the red lines on the -pro fi Te herato attached and glade a part hereof, the present_ e5tabl�,shsd_ grade being shown by the blue lines hereon. Also grading Fair Place from Asbury Avenge-te-he-proposed red lines -when established, and grading Alley i n Block 1 0, Fr ankson's Como Park Additlo from Fair Place to Lake Como -&Phalen Avenue. - ,),ted thio 5th _arty of dune, 1q54 //// Conncilmev. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written P"Poml fur the ,,king of the following improvement, vin.: Changing the grade of Fair Place from Asbury Avenue to Snelling -Avenney-to conform to the red -lines on- the -profile-Itereko atteehed and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the -blue lines thereon. Also grading Fair Place from -Asbury---- - Avenue..to...Sne1lirtigAver" a to the proposed. red .lineswhen... at ahlishad, and grading Alley in Block 10, Frankson's Como Park Addition from Fair Pl— to Lake -Como & Phalen Avenne: - ------ ---- ,,.g b— been presented to the Council of the City of Sni„ t Pao[ therefore, be it - HESOI.VED, That the Commimi—e of Public Work. be and ie hereby ordered .nd direeted: 1. To inveetigatn the necessity for, ar dna,bility af, the .,,king d said improveme,t. 2. To ivveatigste the nature, oxtent and estimated coat of said impmve,ent, and the total wet thereof. 1, To furnish profile ar sketch of acid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for ov the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the fomgm,g mnttera w the C—mi—, of Finance. opted by the Cnnncil_ JV n 7 1934 Y.- Nero Councilm,v aFar j'�,.�- n- A4ellox.wr,llwxc-,� APProvcd.. 17 eenCe Roevx /; '1'nrnx , Reuza', ` M. Pnestpvxr �.�_....�..����" ' ��- Mayo, 21 C --d File Na. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tho undersigned hereby proposesthc making of thefollowing pulIicimprovement by tho City of Suint I'eul, ria.: Condemningand taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fi 11a 1n the grading a-fFair Place from Asbury Avenue to Snelling Avenue, also in the grading of Alley in Block 10, Frankson's Como Park Addition from Fair Place to Lake Comoan Phalen Avenue. _ Dated thio 5th day of June, 1,934 — _.0 o—iimen- PRELIMINAR-t lie WHEREAS, A written ,,.poen) for the making of the following nnyfovement, viz.: Condemningand taking an easement. in. the.. land..... necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading ---of-Feir-Place from Asbury Avenue to Snelling Ave—, alsoin the grading of Alley in Block 10, Frankson's ---Como Park Addition from Fair Place to Lake Como and ....._..Phalan Avenue... having been preeentod to the Col-il of the City of riaiot Paul - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publie W-ke be end ie heroby ordered end directed: 1. To investigate the necessity fur, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To inveetigate the ,store, extent end estimated cost of eaid improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To ,tato whethor or not eaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more awnere 5. To report upon all of the foregoi.gg ��mttatWm to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.... _ _JV.n... 7._�oaA Yens N— C ... eil.e. eveCouncilman Airs :;4, McBuuatnApproved lid... r........ Pe Roe ex Me. PaesloSNT / Mayor. IHtli'1 CITY OF ST. PAUL „L, NO. ,OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1COU CIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the following bonds, whloh have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the Bane are hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the offioe of the City Comptroller. Benedict0. Tischer, Constable, dated Jlme 4, 1934, in the Bum of X1,000.00 with the Lmerloan surety Company as surety. Edward W. Janneok, Aeeistant Clerk of the Municipal Court, dated June 4, 1934, in the sum of {1,000.00, with the Great Amarioa Indemnity Company as surety. Paul le 11be the Hee Ame93rdamnf0ae cit ty o mpa�0 ae0e�detyh 1'ei�v \u5s A,I„I,t,,l Ly We <'u -JUN 1 4n14 _- 193 3kry ^ '"o n 1934 1'rurce In (nvnr A,,,) ,,l_- _ - -- 191. / ll'� nzcl \toyer W CITY OF sT. PAUL ,,,� " NO. _ OFFICE OF T COUNCIL R-OLUT: MA*.atCa.e1 ,U a�.: s.,,a Z° 1 TEo a. aelem,.a m..,�. ..m.e n�a, •. Fasn®rxz WHEREAS, the 00mmieeioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain two -.tory frame store and flat building located on Lot 5, Block 33, Lyman Dayton's Addition, also known as No. 697 East 'third street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant Its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wreaking said building, on the 3rd day of July, 1934, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Obamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not lees than ten days prior to the time fixed for said bearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playground. and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or pur- pose of said bearing, and be shall also cause a notice of such hear- ing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not lase than five days prior to the date o1 said hearing. "I NI Lhl l!S v,•,� �„r„ Aaanl.a h, w,� a„�a_. Jun . c ..,, �. Isa W. JVFi 91934 Ap,vu d _ _ 193-”-- M.Y •M .n PU13;.1 FIIY.D � ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Caudal of Mesola OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM f SCOTT City Clerk and Commissioner of Reg�si.ai�o� Tome 7th, 1914. 111, L, L. Anda re o,, Corporation co meel, Buil dl ng. Dear Sir: We enclase her,,ith c vnication from Chao. A. Baseford, City Architect, relative to the condemna- tion of the property kmrn as 697 Eaet Third Street. TheCouncil today referred thle matter to yo., }' resolation reiaetating this condemnation and setting adateo£ hearing in tho matter. Yours -,,f truly, 7 � City Clerk, W n MONt tnllFhv.N 4rvE5t w IOHNSON k S�Pr of Vaika „ i .1 P, vi. Cw�aenaI <ih AB nSRCORD CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commini — fe.(D i7 dly ;id, 1914, Aon, Fred '1, Trua>;: (.OLv'r of :', P, , F, Bu11d1:'. Deer Si,, ttr, L, 1., I:a l".. appeared for the p rociaes laovn as G97 'est ?'.i:, 9t -et, a,:alvat �11cL ccnder�ation p -o co eLin s 's n;',. Tae Council rn fn rr:c el.o cat ter bac': to ��v1 th Lthe raaue et L1aL you coni ar vi th 11I.cAdmc: x1 [i, a So• to errlvinp at o �at1?factory aetti—c t in thio cwt ter. Y."', . _ t-ly, City Clor CITY OF ST. PAUL .°. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM MMS:s�oHE —, Tune 8, 1934 10 RESOLVED WHEREAS, under C. F. 97975, the Commissioner of Public Works was directed to prepare plans and specifications for the repaving of Sibley Street from the south curb line of Kellogg Boulevard to e point approximately 200 feet south of the south line of Kellogg Boulevard, and WHES EAS, the necessity of providing for traffic to and from the Post Office, freight stations and various industries, in this vicinity, making it nec- essary that the work be carried on intermittently, and WHEREAS,there is an uncertainty as to the actual quantities of filling and new concrete base which cannot be determined until the old granite block surface Ss removed, thus making it difficult to determine a schedule of quantities upon which to base bids, there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That the attached plans and specifica- tions for the above improvement be approved and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is in- structed to do this work by city forces, furnishing such materials as may be used from the City Paving Plant and charging same to the cost of the work. a°<o°.y n prep ols� i `>°p ""•o i'" 7'eae :ynl'a iid)wrld IO�nrer In [nr'nr Adopted Ly the C -1111..-111N-._4 19% 193__ Appruved4-M4 193.... �h / -f_e l �j Ale�er .'ii tli.lall: FY /� onawi.o cin ci..r ,� CITY OF ST. PAUL . ` NO. �►H.(1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PPES—TEMM�ss�D a zits f "e, o.1E June 7, 1934 RESOLVED In the matter of changing the grade cf Alley in Blo c'r. 1, Leffmann and Haas' Addition, C. C. Van Dyke'=_ Addition andEmil's Rearrangement, also grading A 1 1 ey in Block 1, he fmann and Haas' Addition, C. C. VanDyke's Addition and Emil's Rearrangement from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street, and construct- ing a sewerin the Alley from a point 40 feet west of Chatsworth Street to the sewer in Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 97998, approved May 29, 1934• fi ESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discon- tinued. ('OI'SI11.AIEN Il am T rnn, d Rai nt eN .„ JI r. Pn .IJr nt #4Lryc' Adopted by the R too 1h9,.... Ilw , 9909 Approved. _ _. _. 193... z,— Ifiah11r CITY, OF ST. PAUL No, "N N.3 OFFICE,OF THE CITY CLERK an MAi T[ _ /� �COUN CIL, R60LUTION —GENERAL FORM u" N / ", `/— L -, „rE June 7, 1934 RESOLVED In the matter of changing the grade of Alley in Block 1, Leffmann & Haas' Addition, C. C. Van Dyke', Addition, and F. ills Rearrangement, also grading Alley in ©lock 1, Leffmann & Haas' Addition, C. C. Van Dyke's Addition and Emirs Rearrangement from Chats worth .".treat to Oxford Street, under j?relimioary Order C, F, 08000, approved May 29, 1934• HESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and thesame are hereby cane elled, annulled and rescinded end all proceedings in such matter discon- tinued. t't l l']t'Il.AIIh:S bf�Hrdd I'rnrer In fn��or "Ir �z AKain+t ll ��nzel !✓ AdoP d I, the C,- l "IN -8_19. 193 . J10 Approved _- .. 193._ Mayor petition G',-7 Council Fde No. PROPOSAL. FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'rheund.reignod hereLY Grnpnseethe mnkiogof the following publiciinprove�nent by the City of Saint Peul, viz.: Grading Alley in 61o6, 1, Leffmann and Haas' Additl�n, C. C. Van Dyke'= Additis;.n, and &mil'S Y,earrangem rat fr:;m Chatsworth 'treat to Oxford Ltreet. 1 / Dated this 6th .day ,,r J,Ane, L934 ..r ta... .e Pm;r...m.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for th..eking of the following improvement, - Grading AJley An. Block _1, Leffmann and Hass'... Addition, -- - C. C. Van Dyket s. Addition, and BmiJJ s Rearrangement from Chatsworth btreet to Orford Street. having been Presented to n,, Camwl of the City ref Seim( I'md. - -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, 'That the Commissioner of Public \Yorks be end i. hereby ordered end directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making .f said improvement. 2. 7'o investigate the ..lure, extent end estimated cost of said improvmncnt, and the total wst thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvmncnt. 4. To elate wh.ther or not said improvement is ask.d for oo the petition d three nr more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattersto the Commissioner .f Finance. d f,. n 1934 Adapted by the Council Yens N— C.'—ib ... .rsC.'—ilmen M- ✓ `• L U.&— Approved.... ....4;-.{q h .... / Pa ca R J 1 nx Ila xr. 1J-., /✓ c�G. - —.. Ma. P..... r sync. Petition G. ?2 IV c Council File No.I- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT cad PRELIMINARY ORDER. Th ... der.igned I by propos.them.kingof the following p,bli—op—,o,,ot by the City of& tPsol, vi.._: Grading Alley in Bloch 1, Leffmam anal Haas' Addition, C. C. Van Dykete ^ddition and Lm11's Rearrangement from Chatsworth ;street to Oxford Street, also constructing a sewer in the Alley from a point 40 feet west of Chatsworth Street to the sewer in Chatsworth ,.... . :ti•e et. llated thio gth o,of ,lune, L934 , HI PRELIMINARY ORDER. - WHEREAS, A written prop ... I far the cooking of the following iinprovmneriLotd..: Grading Alley in Block 1, Leffmaret and Haas' Addition, C. C. Van Dyke's Addition and Gail's Hearrang ement from Chatsworth °treet to Oxford street, also constructing a sewer in the Alley from a point 4G feet west of Chatsworth :.treet to the sewer in Chatsworth Street:._. __. _... booing been preeented to tho Council ,f the Cit, of Sa i Paul_ _..... _... ___ _.. th... fore, be it RESOLVED, Thnt the C—oti..ionar of Public Work. be sod ie hereby ordered nod directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or deeirobility of, the cocking of said improvement. 2. To inve.tigeta Lha nature, extent n.d estimated c..t of said improvement, nod the total oust thereof. 3. To furnish n plop, profile or sketch of avid improvement. 4. To aMW whether or not acid improvement i. caked for to the potition of threa or more ow -I 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matte, to the C—oomianer of Finance. Adapted by the Conncif. _JLM._.. A 1934 Yeas Nev. Ms'�M1wws Approved _... .. _..... /^ Pe.ace Iioeerr '.. / Ma P...rocxr Mayor..... ORDIN Ni ., ~--- XP b w.nw_�nsr FILE NO - -- . . T' GE NO. PRESENTED An ordinance granting to the Twin City Motor Bus Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of South Dakota, and authorisedto do bueineee in the State of Minnesota, its a=- oessors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to carry on the bueineee of a common oarrier of paseengere for hire, by motor buses over and upon certain of the publlo et taste an high- ways in the City of Saint Paul, following regularly establlehod routes, for a term of one year from and after January let, 1934. This is an emergency ordinanoe rendered neoeae ary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That subject to the conditions, terms, reserva- tions and requirements hereinafter contained, there Se hereby grant- ed to the Twin City Motor Bus Company, a corporation organized under the law, of the State of South Dakota, and authorized to do bueineee In the State of Minnesota, its successor. and assigns, hereinafter referred to as the Grantee, for a period of one (1) year from and after January let, 1934, as hereinafter provided, the right, privi- lege and authority to conduct and carry on the business of a common carrier of passengers for hire, by motor buses, over the following named routes, using the Streets and avenue, of the city, herein- after described, for that purpose: (a)Starting at Sixth and Sibley streets, up Sixth street to Exchange street, over Exchange street to Ninth street, out Ninth street to Summit avenue, out Summit avenue to Marshall avenue, out Marshall aveme to Western avenue, over Western avenue to Ashland avenue, out Ashland avenue to Lexington avenue, over Lexington avenue to Mar- shall avenue, out Marshall avenue through to Lake street in Minneapolis. (b) Starting at Bus Depot, to Fifth street-, Fifth street to Rqbert street, Robert street to Eighth street, Eighth street to Wabasha, Wabaeha to 8t. Peter ,treat, 8t. Peter Street to Central avenue, over Central avenue to Rice street, Rice street to University avenue, University avenue to Minneapolis. Section 3. Such use of the highways of the Oity of Saint Paul, granted in Section 1 hereof, shall in no way interfere with the safety and convenience of ordinary travel along and over said streets and public grounds, and Shell not interfere with other uses to which the City of Saint Paul shell put said streets: and public grounds. Said Grantee, In the use of Such streets, ;9hall be Subject to such reasonable regulations as may be imposed. by the Counoil from time to time by ordinance or resolution. ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTEDbY— _ — __ ORDINANCE NO. Section 3. She rights and privileges granted to said Grantee by this ordinance are subject to all the provisions of Chapter Zof the Obarter of the City of Saint Paul applicable to frae.blsee, permits or privileges for the purposes or use. for which this permit is granted, and such other provisions of the Charter applicable to the provisions of the permit hereby granted. Section 4. On or before the first Monday in March of 1935, the said Grantee shall pay into the treasu�??''qq of said City a license fee in a sum equal to five per cent (5%7 of its grove earnings derived within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Pana, accruing from the exercise and enjoyment of the privileges granted it by this ordinance, during the calendar year 1934. Section 5. Said Grantee shall, within thirty days after the passage, approval sad publication of this ordinance, file with the City Olerk of said City, its written acceptance thereof, in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep and perform all the terms, limitations, conditions and panvisions of this ordinance and of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul. Section S. Shat Ordinance No. 7562, approved May 3, 1934, relating to the same subject matter, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 7. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergenoy ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the Public peace, health and safety. Section S. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication and the accept- ance thereof, as provided by Section 5 hereof and the Charter of .aid City. Set' Councilmen Nays Passed by the COlmcil JR 9 1GgA Rosen�et er eon 'Itu:'z warren / Against el 11rn� fbehaa) _ a JUL_ 4 Q Attest: City Clerk '.lpA� L y[ Adopted by the Coondl_._. __.t93___ Adopted by the Council— _.. _193 Yeas Nays Yeas. Nays PEARCE PETERSON /SEN �I /TRUAX / WARREN /WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) /u Ak PEARCE PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX WARREN WENZEL MR PRESIDENT �GEHANf / PEARCE PETERSON /SEN �I /TRUAX / WARREN /WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) /u Ak CITY OF ST. PAUL .�.. No, r.Illq l(l( OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCIL RESC4lUTION-GENERAL FORM ia,tw RESOLVED, that the bond of William J. Bollen, Justice of the Peace, in the amount of $1000.00, wherein the National Casualty Company is surety, which bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk Is directed to deposit it in the office of the City Comptroller. [ur�r[[.Ans Nnyy, d *y \b'1 IioNeii Peterson "f riin.r AKnin=t Warren .v ..>, 1Ir. Pn•+idem Md—.W Oehan �a8a o y:rY. Ad,,-] Icy w, u -1 _ ",1-2.1934 19:1 Appruvrd JUN 1'L mayor ,)Sl oss CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUC IL R UTiON —GMERAL FORM A/ PeoM D,8,Y RESOLVEDThat the bond of Eugene A. M*niok, as Justice of the Peace, In the amount of $1,000.00, wherein the Fireman's hued Indemnity Company Is surety, which bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same Is hereby approved, and the City Clerk Is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller. C"UNCILMEN y— k f."', T-., Ag,i-t W, -d AI r. Prraidrnt ?Li®p. --w T- ........ . . A,I,pt,d by We (;conal'_ --JUN I ? 193 J? io,)A Approved......."...... 93 MY- enon�-4:1, s w:e� r. s.,...eo— �no eeme.t rn w. s.m oromaea . �o�.�,. Cir ,e..�000, on nn000.ae. r,wer. ;t. No.... OFFICE OIC �crffJr m�6uv nun e,ee //////�� CQUNCFL R�ES'OL..�vtierreu,p eaW a C'.' �•�am 1n MMS E ► W z Js h�..�,. 69� �Nw� 2 3— Wim WHEREAS, Albert W. Paul provided a bond in the amount of $1000.00, covering hie duties as Assistant Clerk of Municipal Court, which bond was dated May 25, 1932 and was continuous in form, and WHEREAS, the said Albert W. Paul has now been appointed Clerk of Conciliation Court, beginning June lot, 1934, and has provided a bond in the sum of $2000.00, effective as of that date, and WHEREAS, the New Amsterdam Casualty Company is the surety on Until bonds and has requested that upon approval of the $2000 bond, It be released from further liability under the old bond, therefore be it RESOLVED that the bond of Albert W. Paul, with the Now Amsterdam Casualty Company as surety, in the amount of $2000.04 covering his position as Clerk of Conciliation Court, which bond to continuous in form and dated June let, 1934, and has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same Is hereby approved and accepted, and the City Clerk is instructed to deposit it in the office of the City Comptroller. SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel be and he is hereby instructed to notify the New Amsterdam Casualty Company that the City will not hold it liable for my loss 000urrIng under Its bond of May 26th, 1932, covering the said Albert W. Paul ae Assistant Clerk of Municipal 0ourt, which liability arisen after the first day of June 1934, and providing that such release shall not prejudloe say claim of the City against mob Company arising under the bond prior to the first day of June 1934. COUNCILMI?N Y'.4_—..193... _ .\TanM 019 toZ4 r�arr� Peterson. kf.111r App,,,,,d _.... m3-.. \\'i•iizel Warren Mr. rro�ido��� ashen i `M •v 'I.!SHED ��� ��� ; � - , >�.�, � �; � - , �/ r � � �' �____ 4 ur CITY OF ST. PAUL „u ` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM mn June 13, 1954 R tion for licenses to operate six (6) WAEP.EAS, Sem Greenberg has made appllce automobile. upon the streets of the City of St. Paul as -Rent and Drive Yourself" vehicle., described s. follow.: Hake motor No. State License No. I.--. Co.Policy No. License No Ford 18_307712 8-11931 Continental Casualty CA -200070144. 8 18-55927 8-77961 n 4 18-159470 8-11950 ° ° ° 5 18-502222 B-LI932 ° 6 Cho—olet 3091547 B-155944 n . 7 Ford 18-303454 B-77952 WHEREAS, Sam Greenberg, in accordance With Ordinance He- 6892, he. filed a copy of l_ma,ce policy with the city of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the corporation counsel, therefore, be it. RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they ere hereby authorised to issue such licenses to said applicant, subject to the provisions of said ordinance, and upon payment into the city treasury of the required fees. I',It`S( ILMEN JUN St 1934 fens T \n„+ Ad,,pted by the Giunuil_ .. ........ ... _... Ifl3 _._ 444.4JO It 1934 Pensee Inf.—, Approved.__ __..._ Is3. nlnynr . _., ,�7 , cd CITY OF ST. PAUL 2NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR. ATE J—. 12, 1934. RESOLVED that the appoictMeat by the Commis.iocar of Public Safety of 0— J. Pederson, &M AASi.tact Fire =of of the City of St. peul Se concurred In and approved. y— Adopted by the I JUJA 12 1934 ma t In faun, Approved_'.0 1 Tnlux A,m, W,,—] M.Y", M'. 14—dent CITY OF ST. PAUL A "L No Ah092 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ay 551ON. . J— 12, 1934. RESOLVED tbat thesypointmnt m14 the Omieeioaer of Public Safety of Dr. H. B. J. Schoch, u Chief Health Officer of the City of St. P-1 1� oomarre6 Sa cad ep,—d. r`utiuo°e'.r nno... uo's�eii'ju�• �.. 's 01I NCII.VIN.V Adgpt,d by m, c��,��u_ JUN 12 19389 It•nrc^ In favorJU^ 1 T M4 APprovcJ... _ 193.. Ito.en R �nze1 _ F.. �� �• r hlnyor M ar \I r. 1'ri•niilrnl. navvy CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .:o —ESENTED 1RVSNG C. PF.ARCE ewTE RESOLVED"— = ` No. '0.03 ONE 5TH -1934. That the appointment by the Commieeloner of Education of S. 0. Hartwell as Superintendent of Schools is hereby concurred in and approved. 11 111-111 bY - woo... cOUNru-HIENSUN 1 '�34 1"u°n \ d�ol�teJ Ly the (;niancil _ _.. .193. "r ffi" 1-1�Q34 I'eiirce In f__ illilaniv.A Iinaen 1 dh-.- R'rnzcl \Ir. I'msi�lent hWmq CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. ''�i.I:l`� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ~ COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PPE—NED ioNc IRVINE C. PEBHCE Ohre JTJNE 5TH -1934. RESOLVED "'�.•t the ..11011t—t by the CO^.^ISseloner Of Education of Fred .'h•Sver as Superintendent of School Buildings is hereby concurred in and approved. com`�.r./T~n` � a...�• j"i2 tc�4 fans _ � 1n✓i ,\ilulite�l Icy- Ure ('n--il_ _ __.... 193 . I'rnrcn In lnvnr Ap,,--d _.. _..193 R"rnzel / D1s}ry m O CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .COUNCIL,RE OLUTIOT=GEENERAL F.— PR -TER ORMPRES-TER ey r o.,re nNE 5TH -1934. coMrn�ss�oReR IRVINa CC P%AHCfi RESOLVED That the app.intaent by the Co mmiaeioner of Wucation of Jennie T. Jennings ae Librarian of the St. Paul Public Library is hereby concurred in and approved. 1'Ene \r'Ip 1'enrce In fnvoo R°.rn l 'IYunx V ARuin=t R'enzrl \I r. 1'rrnident-Yfid�oy ".`.`� o . r:...... JUN 1 � Vim AJopU:d by thn (:nui:cil. 11�N 14 ��4 195. Mul"o. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FOR. IRVING _ C. FRkRCE A— jm 5TH.1934. RESOLVED That the appointment by the Commissioner of Education of Donald D. Murray as Superintendent of the St. Paul Municipal Auditorium is hereby concurred in and approved. 01 N( ILMEN N,. \ccnrol 1 1-t A(I.,,,t,,] 1, w,- ",—.1 j" 12 1kM193 A, --d JUN 12 04 In M.,or CITY OF ST. PAUL '� NO. r�n1.1 �J! OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM Std WHEREAS, Commissioner Irving Pearce has been named by the Mayor ae a member of the Election Committee of the city Council, and WHEREAS, It Is the desire of the Mayor that Commissioner Pearce be excused from service on this Committee, therefore be it RESOLVED, that Commissioner Peterson be Substituted as a member of the Election COmmittee in place of Commissioner Peai'be. }sus \fin iY11i /� )"MmUd ' 1 r,•krep o� m,„� Its Peterson Warren � eu a -n 11 r. I're.idrnt -NAA"y Gehan efE cb� the M - eaomp�co„ ae. Aoorav C !inose die f,88, ne l; lens. Adopted Ly the C'nuncil JLFN 1 ? 1934 Isa.. Approved__." -3-t 1434- - Isa-- . Mayor a� ..Iwci„rn° CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL PESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 11M E"T[o IE i RCM=m WHEREAS, Selma Lindblad, employed as head nurse in the Department of Education for several years, will be incapacitated and unable to perform her duties for a period of Sixty days from and after the let day of June 1934, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Education has recommended that she be granted sixty days disability, with pay, from and after said date, in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph E, Section 41, of the Civil Service Rule., therefore be It RESOLVED, that the proper city Officers be and they are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence to said Selma Lindblad, with pay, for a period of Sixty days, from and after the let day of June 1934. zue- i'r elri "d.l ....r.. u... I. ,.... ('111Nl'II.MEN a�y Yeas ' Adopted by the (;.-6[ I�ieAexei�' _. •. �yp _... 193..._ Rnaru ARII���.c I5'rlivel Mnyor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BDREAUof'EJEC'wE—Es R. 5 O I 1�.......d=� EULA OF OFERE1 DOBE LBFORT . Ub�e��.� BURS CHOOL—ET11 AS B A E i DEAU, D�.rio� URE , May 31,1931. D D MUR Ar, Supu-I—d— Mr. S. 0. Hartwell S.iprrintendant of Schooley O F F 1 C H. Dear Mr. Hartwelll Request extension of leave of absence sixty days on account of illness for Mise Selma Lindblad. i��u I. She has been In this department for nineteen years and last year lost six months on account of Illness. With her additional expense and her pay reductions it has been quite a hardship for her to meet her financial obligations. I deem the granting of this request to be most worthy. Respectfully yours, George W, Snyder, M.D. Act Ing Director of Hygiane. GS/S CITY OF ST. PAUL �L No. ICE OP THE CITY CLERK COUryG RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM COMM ssEorvea �1l'. ' L�[�-Q 1% May 2E. 1334 RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given per- mission to install 1-40 ft. pole on the west aide of Oak Grove Place, between Osceola and St. Clair, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and ..at of said re- moval to be borne by the Northern States Power Company, Municipal Estimate $20192, COUNCILMEN Yem 1'I.— �In Lrvnr ltoxeu 'I'runr JApniuxt Wenzel em a -v bl r. I'rexi�en[ '1(wi��y Aar,Pmd by nye I_ ,IUM ]_ 2 1934 lea 3111,11 1934 A p�)prji.,,ve,l . I93 Alnyur YUNLItif I1�:IJ / � - That the Northern States Power Company be given per- mission to install 1-30 ft. pole on Duncan St., north of Stillwater Ave., with necessary guys, "Chore, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate #20416. COUNCILMEN Ycoe weeM °m °v Mr. Prcaident} Adopted I, w,• C, ,,-JUN 1.2 1034 1911- - Apl7"] yy,. PUItr ",?,:T) `;/ o•u��•��o c�.r L•••° CITY OF ST. PAUL •� NO. 0 FICE OF THE CITY CLERK CCOUN L RESOLUTION—{GENERAL FORM e. �ti '� Po E o rE Yny 29, 1934 101, .... ss o�EA . -- -- RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given per- mission to install 1-30 ft. pole on Duncan St., north of Stillwater Ave., with necessary guys, "Chore, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate #20416. COUNCILMEN Ycoe weeM °m °v Mr. Prcaident} Adopted I, w,• C, ,,-JUN 1.2 1034 1911- - Apl7"] yy,. PUItr ",?,:T) `;/ That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the north- west corner Montreal Ave. and Elway St. with neo- eseary goys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wire. to be removed when requested to do Bo by the Common Counoll and ocat of Bald removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate $20354• Y" COUNCILMEN .0 n Ad,A,-d by 111, 4Tmncu d9N 12 19'14 d— (JFt 1 t X934 193. Rosen j J� `' Trues ✓ AgnineL ' / ' �� �^-�- �s' Y- Msyuc Ne—I ' �'� .0 `r Mr, Pre &,A :, Y VAZUSIiLD CITY OF Si. PAUL No, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCI, RESOLUTION —GENERA, FORM - � /- l� �, ,:, Ner.a n.�r—. .rE yey 24, 1934.. eNTEn i. RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the north- west corner Montreal Ave. and Elway St. with neo- eseary goys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wire. to be removed when requested to do Bo by the Common Counoll and ocat of Bald removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate $20354• Y" COUNCILMEN .0 n Ad,A,-d by 111, 4Tmncu d9N 12 19'14 d— (JFt 1 t X934 193. Rosen j J� `' Trues ✓ AgnineL ' / ' �� �^-�- �s' Y- Msyuc Ne—I ' �'� .0 `r Mr, Pre &,A :, Y VAZUSIiLD CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .� COUNCIL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM Co.,M�--t' o.rE WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 97877 approved May 15, 1934, the Oounoll did, on the 8th day of June 1934, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Couno it Ohamber of the Court Nouse, hold a publio nearing upon the advisability and necessity, of wrecking that certain school building known as the old Quincy School, looated on the north side of Montreal Avenue west of Snelling Avenue, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7310, approved May SS, 1930; and it Se the opinion of the Oounoll that said building ie unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wreaked and removed; therefore be it RESOLVED, that said building be wreoked and removed, and that a copy of this re solutlon, dir.oti ng the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of Bald building or structure, by the Oommis- sioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commlesiouer of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. oh* coop C'111 9CILMEN - Aaoplea by 11, C -- Il JUN 12 1e".1.193 s� nswkmm Pet eon YE 193e 1',nrce _ In Lir nr App,.—d __. _ 193.. "'""I "I Meync Warren ea e.n \Ir. -- 6ehan CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. Scou C." Cle,k _d C—,--, of Regi,lration .11� o June a_t_o, Ir, Nr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Connell, Bu ldi"F. Dear Sir: The mattar of ti.e condemmtlon of that certain school bulldinp known es the old Quincy School, located on the m rth ei3e c£ Mort real Avenue ..at of Sne111ng Avenue w sbefore the Council today for he -I., w referral to you for the proper resolution ratifying said • condemn. tile. He enclose Council Tile 97877. To ere very t rely, City Clerk. aNESI w. JOHNSON 5•q of P.•t, naIBnSSFOCD ..,,.., CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota `may DEPARTMENT OF / I PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 Gly Hall FRED M. TRUAX,%, Commissioner July C, 9Z4 Hon. Council City of Saint Teo' N.innesote Gentlemen: Please bead vi l -sed that p - sed 35"97 hes been issued covering the :•pre eking and removsof the school building '.-o'ar. es the Old -,,uincy Con the north side of M.ntresl Avenue west of Snelling :,vcnu- ^urthe^ council eotior my, therefo_e, be dropped. you— truly,150 y ` City Architect LAR. .0 CITY OF ST. PAUL „�, ` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION\ -GENERAL FORM PR rn.... . / June 13, 1984 RESOLVED %'fhnEcation of the North Fad Improvement Club for permission to hold their Samuel f rival at Rice and Lawson Streets fros July 28 to Anguat 5, 1954, inpluaive, be and the Same is hereby granted, provided, however, that if eV marry -go- d orother amusement device for which a licenee suet be paid under any ordinance the City Se maintained, said Club shall pay the license fee eo provided therefor. i' I. i "a: ".Pei ......... . .00... „�.. ,. nsil��• Seas Sn)� Ailoplr,l by the C --d_ JIM 1�- � 197 . �Fe S? war I'rmnr In (n',r .\li,n�Ived _ ._/ \. �. _./.. 197. "Friss AK -,l � • /.. - - nfaynr 1l -A 14 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL iKrvwrvicc oowtw,uniurion �� , June 8, 1934 Yr. Thomas E. Dahill, Chief of police Dear Sir: Attached is en epplicetlon of Mr. J. A. Smith of the North End Improvement Club for permission to hold their annual feetival at Aice end Lesson Streets from July 28 to August 5th. 11111 you kindly Investigate end sdviee whether or not there is any obj action on the port of your department to holding this festival? Very truly yours, puGly Comm d �� � r 1 ���,, , � ;� � 'f �i� �R t.ii �f� �1 i li �6 � � �I. E � � /} i�>/�L ,. =,� � _ ���� �� /} i�>/�L CITY OF ST. PAUL No "S IFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • L RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM P—ENTED RESOLVED That the &PPlIentiOn Of the Yen's Booster Club of the H,U,geret Recreation Center for perMiSBion to hold their annual See-er feati,&l fro, Jure 25th to June 50th, 1934, incluaile, an the Margaret P1,ygrOnedo, be and the sans ie hereby granted, provided, however, that if &ny merry-go-round or other amusement device for which a license must be paid under any ordionece of the City, ie maintained, acid Club el -U pay the license fee ao provided therefor. m "W V ]LAWN Ad.,I,d I., lh, I —,-j AM If 1"4 k"'cJ 193, A'.m" "4/ w........t�t,'i �9 I „9. MISCELLANEOUS _elnveati tion REPORT J. Mikschl f Tomeszewskl, �q.__q_wu D. POLICE DEPARTMENT City of St. Paul ., 12.47 P•>,. 6-a-31,._ - -- - - - u... at • •.�l,rm CPflce. rim.. ... �•.,.., ......a. In regards to intorvlewing neighbors of Margaret Playgrounds district to flea ifthey kava any objections to havinv a f- tivsl sponsored by the 9ooster Club, we Sntervioeed the people_ -in the_. entire block on Beech from Earl to Frank St. and the folloeing ab neighbors have no-0bj—tinn— _ Samuelson, grocer, 1059 Beach t. yes. . 9utt^rfield, 1069 9eeoh, yes. N.—,- . J. No, 1073 Beach yes• T.'ancon, 1079 9eac h. no...,obJacts to festival. N re. 9, °o nen, 1023 Beech Pt, yea. F.Prown, 1101 Flesch dt, yes. - -- -- A. 9ussiere, 1103 Beeoh St. yea. +. John 'ah, 1120 Pasch, grocer, yea. - RAVE SQUAD# 9 INrEMIEW THE NEIGHBORS ON THIS REQUEST POR OR AGAINST AND LEAVE A REPORT TO THE DEPUTY COMR. `d.C.CULLISAN. LEAVE THEIR REPORT Wr.H THE DISPATCHER WHO WILL RETURN TO DEPUTY COMR. LIEUT. COULTER. June 7th, 1114. Ron. P. E. 'd'srren, mnleelo-er of PnSlic Safet , Eui lding. Dear Sir: attached application of the Men s Eao r Club of the Margaret Recreation Center to hold their en ual -r festival from June 7Fth to June 10th inclusive on the Margaret Ployground, na referred to yoar departaent, by the Council, for 1n- vestigatlon and m,ort. Yous very truly, c City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital yl M'msesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM 111011 Cny Clerk era Comm .1w, r of Reye e,ioe lone June 7th, 1334. Hon. H. E. narra n, mmmissio"' of Na lic safety, B lain'. Dear Sir: The attached apolic atlon of the Man's Booster Club of the Mar'aret Aec reatian Center to hold theirxa usl s r £esttaxl from June 25th to June i0th incly sive on the Mar;'ret Play'rovnd, na red toyour deoartnant, by the Connell, for In- veeti'xti_ and m,ort. Yours very truly, City Clerk. C�vl� MEN'S BOOSTER CLUB MARGARETRECREATION CENTER EPeST NPAULc MINN 1081Ross St, Ju na fth,1:34. Air L.R.S.Ferguson,City Clerk, City ofSt.Peul, City Hell, St.Peul, Minn. Des, Sir:- T- Men'sBooster Club of the Margaret Recreation Center, Earl and Be on SL,82.Peul,heve selected the weak commencing June 26th and ending June SOth,in which to hold their thirteenth annual summer festi vel. Trio festival is conducted by members of the Club,end the proceeds are used to promote various activities in the interest of the children who patronize the Center. Will you kindly furnish us with the necessary permit for conducting the fe atival,on the Margaret pie ygrou nd,on t- dates mentioned. Yours vary truly, �President,Men's Booster Club, Margaret Recreation Cantor. r7 r Council File N....�� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundemigned hereby pro poses the makmgof the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reconstructing with monolithic concrete,.. the. sidewalk OR the south side of Harrison Avenue between Western Avenue and Goodrich Avenue, except _where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. Lewd this.. 12th day of Su.ae., 1934A-C�%.(�Q-�-�• 191 _.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making d the following Improvembht, c. u• en" Reconstructing with slonoli,thtc concrete,._ the...slde.Wa.lk.. on the._. south side of Harrison. Avenue between Western Avenlaa_ and.. _. Goodrich avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks_.. now exist. hevmg been presented to the Couacd of the City of 'all t Paul. therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thet the Commissioner of Public Works be end is hereby ordered sod directed: 1. To investigate the necessity tor, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To invmtig.te the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not mid improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more —ere rto po al of the f Pon ing matters the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. I 1 orego,) Yee. Nara Cenneam..-1" = r < t 9 9A� Tau&mexc %6' " Approved... JUN _ _._..... Pe ecce Ro.ery Tacnz /_ ,.thee unnrrsi Wt.. Ma. Pae.,oewr Mayor. e.,o,..,,.e,, ... ;pll►6 CITU OF ST. PAUL ,i�. " NO. .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PDM,.TE-.-Y RESOLVED, The Council Fd 1e No. 96064, adopted Juice 13th, arentin;; the Palace (:ommrnity Club permission to hold a summer festival on the Palace Playground axe , be—..c,ded by striking.; out the words, 'woeo. June 18 to 23", ='. Snae:,ti:.,� in liue t?creof the words, was. of Jun:; 2b to 30 ee'C mm a- R-1 n%veLei Poi°oc •Hort. �u". a xazl, • ,z, xeer COUNCII.JIE'N Q y—"�a Adopted by m, c.„,,,�a N 1� 193 _19'3. I'enrce In tuvor Appzl, v,=,1 _ _ 19:1... Truax I_y=lgniii+l /V - / <�iG2 �L IVcuzc� 9I u�,ir M, P—id— 1'. '.oyc 'ry _ —11 cityor am,i ere e�,. id 1' e tcn .� G—It eat yi. u�u tc t'_eedrtr'o —, . c]noe Ci�ty Fea ti vel fro.n�t:e woe.: of .T'nne l't!. tc ..rye wea;� �,f June ��.. E, in ed ve i.oe fer yc 'v^ Pvc refile tens l7eretlen� f t.'., requa st, I re:r�in U r��y ident. . olene C.:,vn,'ty 1;1u6. (',,( N' ILMEN y— N,,A fl,, JUIj 193 mm Nl, I", "'b "t CITY OF ST. PAUL ....... I NO . sli tu7 OFF15EOF THE CITY CLERK 14 COUNCILU11.GENERAL F.R. RESOLVED F-rc In A n' z 1' ix Ile: i-,_ tj t I- c _,t I t_ teje -e -x ,z 1L r., F. —ITH L. 2A^1 ly 3— f Zell jr.- ol'd- 1e- F—er to z t �it I F 1 —-4 ooJ ie 7Z.At MW ' M"M— T .... . ..... ''o 'M "r %" b— .1 C' A11,111 11 11, 1111,11 111, 11, (',,( N' ILMEN y— N,,A fl,, JUIj 193 mm Nl, I", "'b "t CITY OF ST. PAUL •iu QIy[O�F�/tICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNRESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM 1934 RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to Install 1-30 foot pole on the north side of Commercial St., east of South Nabssha, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate $20444. 6� /{ Q �1 - 3 V COUN('I I,AI P:N Y'. v ye .T .. re�.ne to re.n. enyen i Truax W- N1 President 1W.. I Adopted 11Y 01" JUN IS I" 19a. I.�t�f g91�R a No. CITY OF ST. PAUL "'s / IOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t CWJ�tCIL RESOLUTION -GEN RESOLVED n.m'tJ;^oT.: •a'� That Permission ' b end is harab}° es&a °c xc is Tri-ttata +akpin ne and Tale6rai'1' tO make Lha n rY ° v tion.oy unci°r Ground conduit with ne manl'.o1es ends late rel°pipes c ding the in- tersecting azr� alleys o n the t'o llowJ.c�; nsrvod sires te: streete6e Af ester Ave. to 4vkomis hve. and on Ruth Ase. On Alb°n4"'n ve. ® Hary from iJokomis Ave. to 4irvt°halm Ave. 'l7ork to ce done under p 1i- direction and to the sati sfection of the "omni ssic ne oi' A.:bl is works", the Telep}'.one '..ompeny to aY the cost of ins pe c'. ion. nelnearing end pvbl S�.stio/n-. lista V//` /- Aipro'reSip't.of fighting Hureaur T p ��Police �lrn� ✓ -d-s-- Approvodl o�sslo of Parke k P1aYL anlds Approvedommis sinner of Public works COUNCILMEN Adapted Ly the t'ounul. .)tN,. �-IBS. Ycas .p�y - - ID'3.. Pcnrec f In fnvo� APpro/v/cil _. (/ :1Hninxt Ncnzsl 1'C11LIJ1dEI� L- %" � 3f %i r. President 44-V, . CITY OF ST. PAUL No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ZcIIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FOR" ATF RESOLVED hop ru . ........ ... I. a. a, 7,1--l.t. a, polos, y !..I ..bi t—t- a Ave. . 7—lid — P01— and cable t —d h-, eq,,,Ie, t, d, 6, b� , U.. -- --I, ..*c -at paid by the Te1e1,1— — 0 4—y. S�Of Li,, a/ App rovBds I. A Approved: Data Commis Diane oC Parks & pl.yg,.—ds— App—a — Dat. ies ... of' 1-1c W—k. COUNCILMEN T—. AgI,—t w' -d 9I r. 1'reaiden6 1Lir�� Ad.j-d 1, th, W 15 1""' Is App,- 193 CITY OF ST. PAUL „u �� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R950LUTION— GENERAL FORM MM�ss�o Ew l� o.Te Jame 11, 19'4 RESOLVED NH EREAS, under the C.W.A. Program the recon- _ st ruct7 on of the Phalen Park °ridge was undertakenf: _n November 19',3, such reconst'ruc Lion lnvolvlr.g qqq c stone facln g, concrete flooring and paving of the m old structure, and WSI f:A EA:, materlais for certain porticns of this work including the paving were originally approved by the C.'A.A. out due to discontinuance of this .e.e.,a program on April 1st,the Davin, and certain other portions of the work yet rema-h .c be com, leted, end WH Eh r;F.S, efter April 1st no further requests for mat er l els were approved by the C.A. A.,, and il'9 En nA5, to cs omrlst. thistructure, the Depart- ment of Public Works has furnished labor and mater- ials for the paving of this bridge in the rim.—pt of $816.16; therefore, be it hESOLVED, That theamount of $846.%6 be appro- priated from the City Paving of rund, Code 31 -El, and credl ted to the City Pn ving Plant A'und, Code 11-E. N,,>, Aduhtra 1,r w, Cao -I JN 13-19M _. lea _ :4� 1� 19aa 1'rn nw hi fi,rn, Appmvcd_ _ _... _ 193_. Svc„rid i�n,l„� ..,, OuuuSlu;D G a'n•1100"a•rk CITY OF S . PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLI OUNC ESOLUTION--G f P"U TE"D'eA H. . lila 01 NO FORM .— June 13, 1934. R oL D Whereas, Harold R. Hiland, 976 W. Central Avenue and Clarice !' L. Hurd, 5 West Summit Avenue, are desirous of renting from the City of St. Paul a small frame building located on the Holman Municipal Airport, Ho. 654 Bayfield Avenue, for the purpose of maintaining a refectory, and Whereas, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has recommended that said property be leased to the said parties for said pur- pose, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the proper city author Ities be and are hereby authorized to enter Into an agreement with the said Harold H. Hiland and Clarice L. Hurd for the lease of said property for the months of July, August and September, said lease to provide for an annual monthly rental of $25.00 per month and the lessee to pay the electric and water bill ousuma on said premises; said lease to further provide for rental fee of $16.00 per month during the winter months if the lesees desire to Continesto operate after the summer season. COU\CILNILN Y— Na s maIt m m -"r �o'ieraon - ` Ag,m.I P -e id -t Oehan JON 13 1914 ,ldnptad I, the (u ,,ji ._ __.... 193. �Ia. St. Paul, Minn., June 12, 1934• Hon. H. C. Weasel, Commissioner of Public Utilities, 218 Court House. Dear Sir: We hereby make applioation to rent the refresh- ment atand at the Holm— Munioee�o pay at month for lye ... talal suvm�er season of 1934. We Ir t, and of $25.00 per month for the month. of Tulpto o.tinu., Augue Sept..ber. Should we be samonthly rental off$15.00eper�ar ..aeon, we agree to pble ap month. We further agree to pay the electric and aster ions- We bill during tvlhthPelod all cl ty ordlnaneeete e regarding se s restaurant, will comply 311 suchirolescendnregulatl one thatlittensprevaldl,00mnly with s The undersigned appllcanta are qualified and ,perienoed operators of suoh ooncessions, and agree to operate a first-class lunch and refreshment .tend to serve the employee. of the enn P, and thrust thatd wehmay public in a a,tisfao tory m be given an opportunity to take over these aonaeaelona during the "'a"' Very truly yours, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ca W of M.—, - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES GaOfR YiY.f �.uo.r e Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner - June 13, 1934. Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Utilities. Dear Sir; "reply to your request of June 12th in regard to qualSfloation and recommendation of the applicants for the oon- cession at the Holman Muaiolpal Airport on file, will say that the one filed by Yr. George Jensen and Wilbur R. Jenks does not meet with my approval, as I do not believe these parties are qualified to operate same. In regard to the one submitted by Mr. Raleg Chernievsky, wish to say that I called him on June 7th to inquire a,.to.. to .he or not he was still interested. He called on e and e fated that he wished to withdraw hie original offer, and .s I tube tltute he offered $15.00 a month, as he felt it was rather lata Sn the season to oommence operation. and the various licensee I— I.ed would mean too great an investment at this time, ae he wee oP the opinlon he could not operate same profitably without a tavern and dance hall license. I would, therefore, recommend that the application of Mr. Harold L. Hi and and Clarice L. Hurd be accepted. Very truly ycurs AIRPORT Mp:71.�R� FJG.ER VORToF, AINTPAUL lffGa«,ar tithe Greet Nonhw..t u�4!{y!J CITY OF ST. PAUL a NO. �'L,jL,t�FJCE)OF THE 1 ` C COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEM °Oyor u0010018D WHEREAS, heretofore an "on sale° liquor li0ones has been issued to Regolo Brothers for the pr mi see at No. 107 West Tenth Street, and WHEREAS Regolo Brothers haverequested that such license be traneferr ed to Catherine Arbuckle to conduct soon business at Bo. 1537 Univer city Avenue, and the said Catherine Arbuckle has joined in the request, and WHEREAS,the promisee at No. 1537 Univerelty Avenue must be remodelled before they are in proper shape for the conduct of a restaurant and "on sale• liquor buelne ee, sad the said Catherine Arbuckle desires to know that the traneier of said liquor li oenso to her will be made before engaging herself to pay the ezpense o2 soon remodelling, and WHEREAS, the Bureau of Fire and the Bureau of Health have approved the plane of trio remodelling, and WHEREAS, the said Catnerine Arbuckle has furnished a bond in the sum of $3000,00, covering such "on sale° liquor Neons e, which bond has been approved by the Corporation Counsel, and WHEREAS, the ,,cm Committee nae —oo=endBd that this requested transfer be greeted, eubjsot to the completion of the remodel- ling in a.00rdance with the plan submitted, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the "on Bale" liquor license of Regolo Brothers be and the same is hereby transferred to Gather Lae Arbuckle to conduct and operate soon "on sale" business at No. 1537 University Avenue, provided, however, thatthe City Clerk is instructed to with- hold delivery of the license to said Catherine Arbuckle until such time as he receives from the Oamml ssioner of Public Safety notice that the premises at Bo. 1537 University Avenue comply with all the requirementa n of the city ordlnanoas and that it is satisfactory to Sasue to hex such license, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, thatthe Oorporation Counsel is author- ized and instruoted to notify the surety on the bond of the said Regolo Brother. that they are released from say further liability under soon bond arising subsequent to the date on which the license, in fact, is I, am$\J�rthtsaid Catherine Arbuckle. y'� r; Adopt,d by tn,� 0,W ,11JNN-S 0 1934— Ise +Lw"wr. In lnvir Ap,ro ]. _._-_.-... 195... tt " Peterso$ ��- ��Warren Air. Pm.ilr nt l'UHWSIiCD AmEGEi Oehaa THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Jun, b, 1934 Hon. S. E. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Si,: Following or. e the facts c ruing the application of Catharine Arbucklefor en On Sale Liquor Lienee at 1537 University Avenue: Because the number of On Sale Liquor licenses all—edby lax had already been issued, Mrs. Arbuckle "' unabl. to obtalr. a llcenee and therefore withdraw her p cation afar such license at 1537 Uni—relty Ave. (See C.F. 90061) 1 Yrs. Arbuckle has since purchased the On Sale Liquor license issued to Begola Bros. at 107 W. Tenth and chair°, to h—m this license trsnsf.rred to 1537 On I— ty A—... She plans to remodel these lstter mantionad preml see and x111 handle liquor on the ground floor. She has not stated whether o not she intends to operate a t.— but at p -.sant she Is of theropinlon that she will not. Vary truly yours, V. A. LODI)EN Licanee Inspector Fla N� OIL' X37 CITY OF SAINT PAUL C,d'] of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT C, C16A and C.—.i ner of Aeg.,l 'l— ..1. o June 5th, 1914. Han. H. E. Warren, Coms'r of Public Sofety, Building. neer sir: Weattach herewith ro set for transfer of ^ sale" 11,-, license issued to Regolo Bros. at 107 West 10th Street to Catherine Arbuckle at 1537 University Avenue, Thi! matter was referred to Y—, by the Council, for report. Your, very truly, 64, City Clerk. � V / � n St. Paul "On Sale" Liquor Dealers Association' June 14th, 1934 Ron. H. s. Warren, Chatrmmn, License Committee, Rnildinr,. Dear Sir, T attached resolutions and file. traneferriw, ac •oc sale• ligmr license from Rego to at 107 West 10th Street to Catherine Arbmkla at 1537 U.,-reity Avenue and g—tiw a reetanrant it.—.. to .aid Cetherins Arbockle et 15'7 University A erne — referred Deck to your oo_ Liao, by the Connatl, forrs further consideration and reco—dation, especially with regard to the advisability of granting a liquor lScen es to premise. which .leo contain a reomlog hone. Torre very truly, City Clerk. Jana 11th, 1'74. C - .'r of P.hl1c Safety, 1111 dl ne. ikar Sir, 7^,e attached rea.Iutlona trnne f.rrix� No ° aria• ltou,r if tenors ant T nl Sn- On n d O4f Sola i,7 geer ]1cen. p ane retnn—t 11-n— to Joe.n1, Clarkin were rc •erred Feck to you by the Ili y Co.no11 .tth the re^n�pt t"at yon prmrf dr farther Snfa rmatlon ov the 'on -le' IS,.uor lice... Lrnnefen. It—.tee that you have then m fill oot the terer 4on.rof application for an -on Bale,, 11.u.r licence w erinv all the "It "I . It"I. .oIt.ed therein and that a poll.. report he —de to the Council based on the inforc.tion contained in the seld application. The other roaolIit...ae laid cv pend'-; a report on ti. lte.or lican.c transfer.. Tour .111 note tt,at the location to not specified in the beer and —t—rent lice... -.Il tion. Tour. very trely, City Clerk, ti.r..r.:.� 15 CYJ �f.rf�l CITY OF ST. PAUL .• eu nrov Inuee ,n aa.een No......... ...... E[,e1P.rtlf�-CLLj CL,.rene m e. A - �J `c LQUNCIL Rfi9pLUT10N IGEN coM Missior,ar.oxJWn°3o..,pe i°eb M --WHEREAS, he an °on sale' liquor license has bean issued to Joseph R. Footer for the premises at No. 518 Jaokson Street and WHEREAS, the said Joseph R. Foster has requested that this license be traneferrad to Joseph J. Clarkin, to operate the said business at the sama address, and tae said Joseph J. Clarkin has Joined in the request for the transfer, and WHEREAS, the LSoease Committee has recommended that the requested transfer be granted, and WHEREAS, the said Joseph J. Clarkin has provided a bond in the amount of $3000.00 covering such "on sale• liquor lioenee, which bond has been apprpved by the Corporation Counsel, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the "on sale° liquor lioenee of Joseph R. Foster be and the same Se hereby transferred to the said Joseph J. Clarkin, and the OSty Olerk ie direotad to deposit his bond in the offioe of the City Comptroller, and the Corpor atlon a un.el is authorised and inetruated to notify the surety on the bond of the said Joseph R. Footer that it is released from any further liability under that bond arleing after June 18th, 1934, the date to ie resolu- tion Is published. COUNUILMFI Yeas Yny SleAaaaW Pearse" - Ia favor 4w lU.._....,., AR¢iaet W—d .w ..rr mr. 1're.ideat Adapted Ly the (;nun cil_.f. ],d. jr-!.. 193..... ApI ved... 193..... mayor euDLisIHSDG—/� - 3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of mm -le OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM i. SCOTT Uy Cl.rk aid Commiss�o�er of Reyisi,a,�on June 5th, 19, 4. Hon.H. E. Warren, Co,::s'r of Pub11c Safety, ?uildlvg. Dear Sir: The attached re -est of Joe— ? r for transfer of hie lim license at 516 Jackson Street to Joseph J. Clarkson a w referred to ycn, by the Council, for investigation an drecocu=endet ion. Yours very t—ly, y � J ,.1jL4l.�v OJL� City Clerk. 1 1 V Saint Paul, yin, esota Juns 4th, 1934 The Honorable ti:a ya r,:m2 members of The ;itv Jia— it o: t..� 31-, of St.Paul 3enofc"a The undersigned Joseph R. Foster is the owner of a hard liquor lloense Isaued to him for the premises at 516 Jackson Street, St. Paul, Vianseota. He has entered into an agreement to sell said place ofbusiness and all the fixtures and equipment t:•iereln contained to Joseph J.Clarkin, 1053 Iglehart Ave.,St.Paul, ?tinnesota. He therefore requeste you Bono r,ble body to transfer the hard liquor license issued to him for Said address to the said Joseph J.C1arkln. ,he uadsrsign•-•d Joseph J.Clarkin informs your Honorable body that he has entered into an agreement with the said Joseph R.Foater, for the purchase of the business, flxtu res anc. equipment in the preadses at 516 Jackson 9t re et, 9t. Paul; that he Sntends to carry on sal: 'business in ;. c earca premises; thai he hoe never been accused or convicted o£ .: viol:t:on of t.e liquor 1a ws o£ the Unitei States of Amerlcr or t:.e S . ,1:... cot,, anal resp e tfu'_y petitions your Honorable'body to to be tr:.nsferred :o him, the in—Ilad portion of the hard liquor license issue,; to Joseph R.Foster for said pre:nlses. sep6/R. Fo atsr. `-- osep1h J. 1: c in. •41 —,ao CO oNo 1,1- 1,1Z oLU EHONoreor. uL No.—S4�rTS�Y-- • I Resolved tn. the Eouncil :hereby —proves the action of the 01'..tCommltt in a ardl the_ contract for f r i -in_ all labor, material, e III tools t for ccne ructin 1> tl-. a C e t !.:onol lthic Con- cxete ,S:i.e of W. Ie t, St fr S-ith Avg. to St. Cln it 3t., emu rt^, v- incidental thereto, to the STA,,-,,iD STCHE rn:JY t_, j" — low re .,ible ni,dere,1 of .-pr �xima 1. 86, 06110, in c o -..zc 1 iflcetiole air bis uai .ver., i- co�r et r_.o a't c ed, ,ni the Cor or, 1,. Counsel is ::ereby in., ruct.e:. t0 ,r w u. th- ori--er fo. . of cont-ct therefor. u..... .,.00 III..,,rM.r..w,,.,.o...................._._........,..,....... .. <...<..., ......... �.. ___ _ ,. ....... o,,•.o•..,.,.,..a...,..a...yo.o,. <o o.r..a�. �w..o...�.r i• 4,6 009.1 D. 0 10 .. ......,.,.. r... .o,. ..�. .. 31-E1` 4,6 rn ry .o�� NO. CALL . � I. COUNCIL RESOLUTION Tune 9 AUDITED CLAIMS g34 - - TOTAL - ''OR OF 44 878 0& 105 117 27 4596 Laurence A. 3o1Qer, Cashier W.D. 13' 33' 216 on 4597 4598 Cedar Rapids Engineering Company Thos, E. Dahill, Act.0 of Police 70 34. 45gq Stegeir Tire company 151 39 23 46n0 4601 Arthur T. Swan eon T.D. Thierry 3 1 503 4602 Tha Van Hoven Comprny,Inc. 325 10 4603 Vlllsume Box & Lumber Company 239 98 4604 Pauline L. Shultz, Assignee Arthur H. Schiller 51 67 4605 7.C. ming 00 46n6 A.L. Johnson 83 41 66 4607 4608 E.F.Jellnek h Rey Roberta Catherine Arbuckle Sia 34 48 46nq L4morey Products Company 51 4610 Ralph Zagaria 25 no 4611 Axel F.Peterson, C, of Fin-noe 1 qg3 70 4612 ^.lel F. Peterson, C, of Finance 55 0o 4617 Rudolph Leiner 916 67 4614 John H. Graop q16 67 4615 Henry J. Schmidt65 O^ 4616 Axel F. Peterson. C, of Finance 15 112 71 4617 Mrs, Josephine M. Ayd, Guardian Td—rd J. Ayd 4000 4618 Yrs, Catherine M. Clougherty 40 00 4619 Mrs" Etta Flaherty 28 28 4620 Mr% Anna Schneider 17 28 4621 Mr,. Agnes 4eiss 31 86 4622 R. Johnson 5 20 4623 R-asy Fuel 8 Ice Comrany 198 00 4624 lam %edrle 215 Oo 4625 Standard Stone Comrany 1 583 67 o0 4626 4627 John Fitzpatrlek 6.A. Ashton Company 96 274 o9 4628 9. Berglund Lumber Company 116 13 4629 Adam Decker Hardware Company 125 69. 4630 Feyen Construction Company 365 52 4631 Grasselli :bemical Company,Inc. 39 07I 4672 S,C_Johnson & Sone, Inc, 19 00 4633 Minnesota Chemical Company,Inc. 88 05! 4634 Rex 11nen Supply Companyi 215 851, 4635 4636 Mrs. Arletta Shipman 9tan1sr1 oil Company 24 5n 7 050 09 4637 Unity Church Children's Hospltsl G. 9 35 4638 Sam Rodniok 10 00 46 9 Jack Farrigan 3o 4o 46µn 4641 Axel F, Peterson, C. of Flnsnes Farwell, Ozmun. Kirk S Company 231 6o 89 00 4642 Louie A. Gilbert 4 0^ 4643 Mcradden–Lambert Comrany 273 43 " 4644 Standard Oil Company 555 51 4645 John Tsgener, also kn— cs John v.gener, Jf. 452 50 4646 J.J.Fltzgerald, Reg, cf Deed. 2 5n ET.oTA-Foaw<ao 44 878 o8 .138 Sol 9& i i rm °a m�o 1 98118 COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading Jaokson Place from Youngman Avenue to a point 210 feet south- eaetarly of Younpan Avenue, under Preliminary Order__. 99834 _._-- approved_ - -April 5. 1934 -._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having receivrd the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby —.1— I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered co be proceeded eirh. 2. That the nature of the improvement which -the Council recommends is grade Jaokean Place from Yotmgmen Avenue to a point 210 feet southeasterly of Youngman Avenue, with no elteruetiv , and that the estimated cost thereof is $1919-84 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the- 10th_. - day of iuly. 1931- , at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court 1.1— and City Hell Building in the City of St. Pont. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meting to the perso and in the manner provided by the Charer, ting the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as nd ed. Adopted by the CounciL JUN_13.Md _.. _, 193 _ lUN 1918!4 Approv<d _ 193— - y CI<rk C J.SG. _ g- -.-. Mayor cn..cdma pan,,nx re s"r----�r- 2uau5fituF /G 3 n Councilman Cn mcilmon P&k--,- __^ Cocilman R"94'3— Po Eons. Ci /J un ou Cncilman 7F 1'.uar \Yxrreo Councilman IAW4iW= Wa,I Mayor hiPMR,H G.Ium Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO. ' INTERMEDIARY ORDER in the Matter of oond®ning and taking an ea ass in the land necessary Por slopes, cute and fills, in the grading of Jeokeon Plane fron Youngusn Avenue to a point 210 feet southeasterly of Yo -9— Avenue, under Preliminary Order-_._ __ _3T536 _ ___ _ _ _. ._approved_. __9PHI loan__ The Council of the Cit, of St. Paul having received rhe report of the Commissioner of Finance upon rhe above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby —1- 1. That he said teport end the some is hereby approved and adopted, and rhe said Improvsment is hereby ordered tobe proceeded with. 1. That the imp, - of the improvement which the Council recommends is oondann and take an ement in the lend n eery for elopes, out. and fills, in the grading of Jackson Place from Youngman Avenue to a point 210 feet eonth... terly of Youngman Avenue, in so ordanoe with the blue print hereto att.oh.d and made a part hereof, the hatched portion. showing the outs and the shaded portions showing the fill., with no shat-twes, and that the wtinmted cost thereof is $25.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-.- 10hday of July 193-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Co ua House end Cit, Hell Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of acid m«ting to the per .... ..d in the manner provided by the Chartery, �stating the time end place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as uT Adopted by the Coaann_ciL at�t 13_' ___, 193 _ Approved-._ ` to 4 193-... �� ✓ �� Clerk Mayor Councilman tdd:--•, , .. _ PLBL:sF�;D - G -3 C..ndlman 1,W - C.. -I— co.nmman rte- Co—Ana k.. , C-ncilma - U,,.oc.n1 M., Gena. Form B. S. A. 8-6 �wos mane ,. n.� s.:a; �.a., ••r .,,,;, or . nom .vs, COUNCIL FILE NO.... . ............. a. neem. naetuo�, >ro.�ot By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment Iv the matter of the assessment of benefits, dse,ges, Dost:- and expenses, for ahenging the grades of Alley in Blook 4, M.celester View end Brook 3, Adem's Addition, from Pascal Ave. to Albury Ave., end *IIA Ave. from Marshall Ava. to Iglehart Ave. to c - form to the red linea ov the profiles hereto ett..h.d end meds a part hereof, the pr .irt established grades, being shown by the blue lines tFe on, also grading alley in Block 4, Me. lest. View end Bleak 3, Adam's Addition, from Passel A.ve. to Asbury Ave., and temporary approaoh on Asbury Ave. trot alley to Iglshart Ave., this being the wish of the property owner. pr .... t, ander Prelimi cry Order...... ....93321.... Intermedtery Order ..93.689..... noon noon.. noon., Finer Order_.. 94005...._.. app... �d. .....0.akabar..11._._. _...._.., 19...x2. The assessment o f...... tiMPTit9,_dam&gee,.. o0 tilt-tuid_ eEPMAQe._........._ for and m ...vection with thv .bone i.p..... ant haring bee. a.bmitte I t. the Council, a.d the Council b -mg -,-1 ... d tomo soil found the said ---,it ,it .utis[actnry. th.rcfore, b. a RESOLVED, Tbat th, said aviasmevt be ami the same is herby u, all ...peers appr.ved- RESOLVED FURTHER, That s n.hlie hearing he had ov said asse...t ov th.. _ll___. _ .._....dao of ......_._duly_.. _.. , 19 _14 al the hour of 10 o'clock A. 3t, m th. Cmaneil Chamber of the C.—rt fl.use ..d City 11.11 Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance gi,, notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, et sting i,i said notice th, tim, and place of henri.g, the .store of the mprovrme.t, th, t.ta1 lost thereof, and the .mount assessed against the lot nr lots of ibr part ieular ox nrr to whom the notice is dimct.d_ pp��pR Adopted 1 th.�.tt Cmmcil___d11.. 1 101• Approval 19 ' Councilman 411eeay�. C.uneilmev )$mason _ ,.,,, 7 Counoilma 'mld C .... i1ma. l f,,:�. pDl}L151i1-ll�= Co.cflmnn 9 co...ilme. V� Mayor 11Al� t>ta.,.n COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ... _..........._.._._..._.. By ...........___ ....... ..__.....__.__'_'._.... _._. _._.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Nssessment In the matter of the sm—tcent of benefits , oasts end expenses for grading entl oaving Charl ea It. from Vandalic St. to the went line of 01—lend Ala. --ted. 6leterieI shall be 7 -inch concrete, under Preliminary Order 94887. . Intermediary Order .._._._95115.... Final Order. 9h353...... . nppreved.. ...... _.... Lay 16-....... 1933... The assessment If.._._beneflts... coste.. end.. expenses _........ ........for end in cnnneeticc with the above improecencnt having barn suhmiticd to the Conned, end the. Council having cansid,r 1 same aml found the said aas,ssmc It satis[actorc, thcreforc. be it RESOLVED, That the said saeessnirnt h,and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTUER, That n public hearing be had on said assessmcot on the ____- 11____day of iluly___... _. __..._ 19_34, at the hear of 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Council (1-1, r of the Cour, Ilnnvc avd City hall Rnilding, in the City cf tit_ Paul; that the Commissionrr of Finance gill notice of said meetings, os reflnir,d by the Charter, strafing in said notice the tier cod place of hearing, the nature of the imp......n t, the total cost thereof, and the nmmmt assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JUN73' Adopjcd by Lhe Coram it Am- ved 'U iII 4 19 Conneilmav Maw, _ Pearce Councilman F6ignma. __ I _,.r,° s :T Councilman bme[lya 1 = t:_ , Cmmciln 't5a7e ' I 1 :., r�, t'mnncilmen 94 \t':i r�•-r. Councilmen-4hetr�el�-- \\.��...,i Mayoc HbCg�iF' c:�t�°:t ISIS` RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING FINNIERano ND FLYING TLNE OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGE In the matter of___ nmdamning.sffi_takin, an_esaemenh Sn tha_]m[l nacassuy_ fo[_s].auen. Date and fill. is the grading and paving of Allay in Blook e, Woodland Park Addition from M.okubin St. to Rent St.. '- - op coom .-1 under Preliminary Order_____ 97524____.. - approved_____ Mn[cb_2Zr X934 ------ _-____ Intermediary Order__________ 97752._.._ approved__-.1pri1_26'1334___________ Final Order ------------------97915._..., approved___-__Etsy___22,_1934.... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the x cur' of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above m- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said ......m ent of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the. - ---11th--------day of____.-- --- .-. July -------- ....19.Z4,atten o'clock A.M.,and thattheCom- missmner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council--- UR 1311e 19- c/ �- City Clerk. d__ __1K't'.1��4 Approve _ ____ ___________ 19__ L)_ Mayor. Councilman t'reme Couneilmav ' - I•,-,rrnoo Councilman ] e'Xi'%"8 rUBLISHED h, „ Councilman Tr„az Councilman Councilman Mayor 'tl�1):; RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING 0111111 EVEN IN ".RUON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of__ vendsamSn¢_and_taking_eaeasm t_in-tb—Let d_naoe.ea fir-slopea._ —t end fill, in the grading, of Cypree. Street from Laseon Street to Cook Street, C3A:NaBelit— . ' re1'tff �a •mct�. veematn - eNpagtiu iSe-�d� - eeNa under Preliminary Order__________ M22-__, approced------ M—h 22._1934_______________ Intermediary Order_______________ 97754 .____. approved__ .Apri1.25.-l_q,, Final Order ----------- ---- ___---- 32317_______. approved______ lay___ 22.. 1fl34----- ---------- The Commlasioner of Fire— having submitted hi, report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or casements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same ie hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Caurt House in the City of St. Paul on the__-- ---------- lltk,-d.y __---------llth_day of__. _ _-___._July____--..19_34_.attenticlockA.hf.,endthattheCom- t inner of Finance be and he is hereby directed 1a give notice of said hearing a, prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Conned ------- JUN 13 1934 uYu $ �G'1e 19 City Clerk. May— / Councilman Councilman C uncilmmn Liebe',.[ hfaYor ® (;,Lan ast,1— Iv W tte vt Ne euaumev[ o[ ,eve,4 exon.., coax w Fe ez- aea.e. [ar a pOeRl . taw. a: �H 124 Council File n:o....... .o-vvuve vow •;eeaaati vva•uvetmw oe r•eaa.u�emw vav- us.[,. tm;owve B c F. eu[,..aaravae By _. _...____..___.___ ee.eaeb e1 m xar[n CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the mffi of the sau„ment of benefit,, damages, cost, and e,p,n,,e for gredlnr,, paving, c mtruoting o ant sidewalk,, or reooaet—Iting existing ,ide- nalke, o netruating o netruotiat. o ®tel llghkt, on the fallowing etreeto u pond. widened or raxtendad by �. P. 91660, approvad Feb, 9, 1932• Arad1gy St. from S venth St. to North St., Bedford St. from North St. to Decatur St.. Decatur ''t. from dodford St. to PWne Payne Ave. from Decatur St. to Reanay St., North St, from ..at line of Bradley St. to Bedford St.. and Preble St, Prom Decatur -St. to Beammort St., all of the above work to 14f da curbing end paving a11ey and driveway appr...h... raoonstroating sidewalk .:.he.. where an oesary, costruotin�- o onetruotLn' a venter end gas a nnaotiona from .treat mama to property in awhnra neoeeeary, making ell .......7 o`an Sn watermalns. , and appurtenances. Laying conduit for traffic signals, and all other work neeetbaryre t.LWd improvem nt, also SncludSng construction of a e on North St. from I. point .pproxl,utely 6 ft went of Bradley St. to the east rline of Block 1, Brumeoa't Addit Lon, thonoe e:.t.riy o eat to be obtained in the southeast j of the northwest j of Section 32, Town 29, Range 22 to Phalcu Greek, also grading the area between the proposed pavement and the right of way of the Northern f .ifim Railway Company free the north line of lot 7, Grave's Rearrangement to the southwest line of lot 5, blook d. Irvine'. Second Addition, also ohang1mg the grade of the east tide of Payne Ave.frav Reaney St. to B6 ft, south and of the awth side of Roan St fram 63 ft. —at of Payne Axa. to 27 Pt. east of Payne Ave., and of Prable� fr— Beaumont St. to 140 fts north, and of the Aller is ➢loo}: 3. S,rX1AQ'2-,S.cond.AddlyicA from 127 ft. north of B.—..t St, to 92 ft. Bout t: of Ninnob hs St. to ..of.— to the red linea on the profiles hereto attached end m.d. a part heroofl also grading and r000astruoting sidewalks on above described alley and streets within afore,.id limits to said red linea when Iat.bliehed] the location and width of roadways shall b follows[ A roadway 56 ft. wide on Bradley St., Nedford St. and Deo,tur St. from u S .nth St. to Pays. Ave.. the center line �r whI,` Se the oa+t,r line of 3redl+y St. �w1do:12d 91x40, approved 'rebs r n pnini 7,..e P - - __ — _.. ht o.^ 1140 ft. rep iuc tm,;unty to 1a,' ev gibed ISao for a :iiatmca nl' 17b.vf .... tt�ance on . cu a to by right of 403.a6V ft. redlut tan,; at to l�.et deaorlDed curve for a distance of 61.05 ft.. thanou on . tenact to last de,oribed .urea a distance of 531.96 ft., thonoe on . urea to the right of b40 ft. radlue tangent to last dee- brSbed line for a di.t.noe of 431.01 ft to a point an the center line of Decatur St. as widened under Ifor... Id Gounoil file, thence on the mid seater line of Decatur St. to Payne gve.i Ileo a 27 ft. roadway In Bradley St. extending from the comes described roadway to the pre. ant north murb line of North St. and bounded on the west by a ll.. �¢ 12 ft. met of and parallel to the wset line of Bradley St.' also c roedwgv oa North it. 27 ft. 'n width bounded on the north by the preamt north curb line an North St. from the ..at line of Bradley St. to the aforesaid 66 ft. roadway, the land lying betwmen these 27 ft. roadway. and the 66 ft roadway previously detoribed herein to be curbed, traded Ind parkedf also the aforesaid 66 ft roadway shall be widened to the n ant westerly curb line on Bedford St. and a new curb line 12 ft. southeasterly of and parallel to the northwesterly line of Decatur St., slid widening of Idway to extend southerly from Decatur 9E. Eo the Sntoreaction of rte northweatotly 11na of the aforesaid 68 R roadway and the pro e oaE west curb lino mm Bedford 8E. .1ti:1 th of t.$ also the .Q Decaturpoint St. to Beatmwnt 8t.tcuhall be 321ft. Swids also the roadway aa roadwayan Payne Av.. be -Mon the •outharly line of Decatur 8t. and Nianehaba Ste shall, be the width lyist6 betwam the WoodUE lest oerb line and a It.. 14 to+.balfkrti!''# }#eat'• 111Le ?� $yZ1Ms'•tij2-`t' ''..• k � � i •f wt t�n• #�+.N"'ke ,{, 5. l ei•t ts' shirt +%7: ,:r. v+ ", :t.n s>!w .1, vre- j8 t. •..i �'>'*: dq•lia .... 17'T .. � ., 17uEn __°. f n-..umauubll iT.ual � _ _�.•� n: ...,Aetl ,u _.. --- _ _.. .�., .u•.>,... - S tl,.w#gmtr'o""iPv nl G mt § 1 jrir'f,'u ,.qc ..a:r�a .mrc.Aa,,, N M a rt •.tom j _ '.'Z1, under Preliminary Order__... 84217..._._., 1,,t, medisry Order .._.845fi5.___...., Fi.el Old,, 8458a......._.. epproved___Jsna_$1....___.... _. _...._ 19_S.S... A public hearing having been had upon the ansealel"t for the sbove improvement, and said sa.emment having been further considered by the Cvuvcil, and having bee. considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said a mrae.t be sad the lama is hereby in all r,lp,,t, ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be s,b.ittod to the District Court of the Canty of Ramsey for eo.5rmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said -,seem be and it is hereby determined t. be payablo iv.._....... _._.A ---equal instill - e --Adopted by the Cl u lld �UN 1 9 IM41. 19 y Clerk. uN 4 �a�a YliULISiIED_E,� l'ITY OF IT PA( 1, OI,M'I('h: 1 IIII, ,'-IMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment May 16 le 34 1�„t„ n�at„r of ,he sr� �vni. iit of ban.fit-, damage., oe to and ..pane-- for 1 - gradin,„ paving, oonetru.tin P, new .anent sidewalk., or r o.etrc.ti.g ..i.ting .ide- .,alke, oon.t.uoting o neon-truoting arnemental lights, on the Po11or1e .treat. opened, widened or r ..tended by C. F. 91640, approved Feb. 9. 1932. nBradley St. from Sevevth St. to North St., Bedford St. from North St. to D-.atur 4t., Daeatur St. from Bedford St. to Payne Av ., Pay.. Ave. 17am Deoatnr st. to Heaney St., North St. from wast line of Bradley St. to Bebose, workdford St.. and P%ble 9t. fro. 1 of Deoatnr St. to Bsa.mont Stl reconstructing Sde.retlklnclude appronahee,laher�neom'ary, allney and drl =away approach,,,e o truotinF o o tructin. .ewer, -star and gen oonao.tione fr.: ,trap nniae to in operty lines where o .eery, making all all— ary change. prwaterma Sass sew. , and app-rtacanoes. laying conduit for traffic x1-1:. and all other work neo eesryrs to said improvammt, also in.ludin,; contra tion of s sewer on North St. from a point nppr—iaat,17 5 ft west of Bradley Ot. to the eted In tions of Block of the hn'. Addition. then.. ... teriy on an ae,®an northwest } of Section 32, Tuan 29, Range 22 to Phnlan Crack, also grading the arm between the proposed pavement and the right of way of the Northern Pacific Railins way Company free the north line, of lot 7, BrevaleoRehm inr tmhe to the of the"Itsl aid* wf let 6, block B Irvine'. S�ovd Idditio.. *1,1, oY Pagae Ave.from Reanay St. to 98 ft. ,oath and of the 'oath aide of Reeney St. from 6E ft. wast of Pgyne A, to 27 Pt. east of Payne AO... and of Pr eble St. from Beaomgat fit. to 140 ft. north, and of the Allay in Block 3. Irvl.a'e Second Addition from 127 ft. north of Beaumont St. to 92 ft.south. or Nlnnahaha St. to conform to the so rand ad line. m thidewnliles above deecrlbed alleyhereto attached and dand treatsrwithinlaforesaid g11mit- anetruoting e too. aid rad linea when established) the looetloa and width of roadways 'hall be ne Pollowe. A roadway 68 ft. wide on Bradley St., Bed POM 8t. nnd Decatur St. iron E. Seventh St. to Payne Ave., the —ter line of which Se the .anter line of Bradley 9t. eepolatnd under 76.B faetFe�anthofethe oan�terSllne�afrHopkina BtS.•thence on om $eVertto the right of 840 ft. radius tangent to last described line for a die tanoe of 176.95 ft. then.. o e curve to the right of 403.56 ft. radio. tangent to last described curve for a distance of 61.05 ft., than.. o.. tangent to last deeorlbed 1:t—t: aintanoa of 536.96 ft., thence on a curve to the right of B40 ft. radio. tanglent des- -g6 line for a diatanoe of 4E1.01 ft to a paint on the .enter 1"1 of Deoatnr 9t. s widened under aforesaid Council Pile, the.oe on the said gent.. line be Decatur St. F to Payne Ave., also a 27 ft. roadway on Bradley St. extending from the above y , lined oadway to the pr ae ant north curb line of North St. and botmded on the wast by a lino 12 1 east of and parallel to the west line of Bradley at.; also a roadway .n North it. 27 Pt. In width bounded a. the north by the present north ourb lineonNorth St. from the -eat line of Bradley Bt. to the aforesaid 66 ft. roadway. ying between thee. 27 ft. roadways and the 66 ft road-ny previously described daherein to sued to be curbed, graded and parked) .leo the aforesaid 56 ft roadwgy hall the ore, ant westerly ourb live on Bedford St. and a new curb line 12 ft. southeasterly of and parallel to the northwesterly line of Decatur St., .aid wldming of roadway to extend southerly from Decatur St. to the inter ... tion of tl-.a nortiwe-terly line of the aforaeaid 56 ft roadway and the pros ant wast ourb line oa Beef. Dle st� rr.m int rM—tel 74 ft. south of Collin St., .1,o the roadway on Ave. be- po app _ y _. _ .._ _ --._ _iae she read-aT'?n P4W!,Aee, _ PITY OF IT PA UN'FIl'E 01' TIILL l: i_O\ImjSS10\ER OF TINA -M E Report of Completion of Assessment may 16 _ . 19 34 In the mutter of tLv ...... !,iJ nr of bem,fite, demag... ...te and expense° for tax gradlnr,Q peving, construct ins new oement eidawalks, or r000natruoting existing elda- lks, .netruot ing o 'con truotlag orn ental lights, on the following etreete opened, Widened ore emtend.d by C. F. 91640, approved Feb. 9, 1932, as 8L. from Seventh St. to North St., Bedford St. from North It, to Decatur 3 , Deoetur St. from 3edford St. to PByna ,.v ., Payne Ava. Irom DedatuY St. to A°array 3t., North St. fr— west line of Bradley St. to Bedford St., and Preble St. from Daoatur St. to B'nmont St., ell of the nbe— work to include ourbing and paving alley and driveway approaohe., rI.matructing eidawalk approeohee, where naoeasary, netruotiaF o net matin:- sewer, water and gas oonnations from street main° to pT.party linee'where t e ,, making nil .......ry changes in wetermaine. sea. , and appurtenanoee, laying conduit far traffic eigasle, end all ether work nee earyrs to Bald improvement. oleo Snoiuding oonetruotion of a ewe on North St. from ' a point eppr..i—telt' 5 ft wast Of.3 edtatoSt. to theed Snrthee seet ' of eboth look 1 of the n•e Addition, than.. easterly .a en eaeam a northwest } of Bootie. 32, Town 29, Range 22 to Phelan Creek, ale. grading the arae between the proposed pevament and the right oL Way of the We Pncifi. I'llway Campaap frmi the north line of lot 7, 0r 1. Aearreag—ant to the a.uthwoet line of lot 5, block l Irvine�e S�1aad Addition, also ohangibr the grade of the east Bide of Payee Ave.from Rooney St. to 9e ft. south and of the -doth 111defo ebl 8tstfrom from 53 ft. west of Payne Avo. to 27 Pt. sant cP Payne Ava., Beausnnt St. to 140 ft. north, end of the Alley in Hlook S. Irsiandnafe Second Addition from 127 ft. north of Beaumont Bt. to 92 ft. _L of MSnnehaha St. to conform to the red linea on the profiles hereto attached and made a part her;ofI also grading ami reconetruoting sidewalks oa above desoribed alley and ;treats Within aforesaid limits to said red linea when e;tablishedl the Iodation and width of roadway. shall be u fellone A roadway 66 ft, wide oa Bradley St., Bedford St. sad Decatur St. from S. Seventh St. to payee Ave., the center line of ehloh Se the center line of Bradley 9t. as widened under Final order C. F. 91640, approved Bab. 9, 1932, from Seventh St. to a point 76.8 feet south of the center line of Hopkins st, thence on a aurva to the right of 840 ft. r.di= tangent to Leat de.orlbed line for a die tande of 176.95 ft. then.. on . curve to the right of 403.56 ft. radlue tangonE to last de.oribed ow^ve for n die tenon of 81.06 ft., thence on a tangent to lest described curve a dietanoa of 636.98 ft., thence oa a curve to the right of 840 ft. endive tangent to last dee- bribed line for a distends of 431.01 ft to a point on the center line of deter st. as widened under aforesaid Couaoil file, thenoe on the said oenter lin' of'Daoatur st. to payee Ave.l ale.. 27 ft. roadway do Bradley St. extending from the above d...ribeed bounded to the present north ourb line of North St. and bmded on the west , 12 ft. eget of and parallel to the ..at line of 91a41°y St -1 also a roadway on North 't. 27 ft. in width bounded on the north by the present north ourb kinelamlyin 2t. from the west line oP Bradley It. thehe 56 for-dwdyfipr� roadway. the herein to between thee° 27 ft. roadway; an r shall be wi ds d. to be —b d. graded and perked; also the aforesaid 68 ft roadway the present westerly .a Tb line .a the St. and a naw our°S ft lline id enla - r� of and parallel to the northwesterly line of Decatur St., e to ;stand southerly fras Decatur St. to the intereeoti.b o�tehnndHedtardiIt, 't ive Of the aforesaid 56 ft roadway end the pre.+nt east our oadwey on Arable 5t. from point approsi—t.ly 74 ft. south of Collies St.l el.o_th-- d—Y vm peyae Ave. beleadway - it lMQ qv'cViil A�J.'77'z 4,4Py fe UP Pf..- movo % P tp 6PIP n -o T'S A&- nd,, P,lmm,,— 0nd- 94217 "t --di", 0"1" 9460 Proal Order_ 94698 1 Jan. 31 Id 33 To the C—,,il of the City of St fold Th, of �- I'-, h, the fi,Il ie, - . tM I 'f th, dit—, nccessaril. incurred ""d to he ""d f- —.1 ,i,h the —Aim, of ih, nl.....,nl.ro... ........... —t, 'i, cost of ocnatruotion $109, 505.07 C ........ 2, 497.71 Cost of publishing notice 20.85 Coe- of postal cards 4.17 J.:Pco t 1 0. fsoe 2' 278-53 Amount Of court costs for confirmation 20.65 WItll o actions 2. 441.00 Serer .0 Vo.. 154.00 D'i—q. 110.37 Sid lks 6, 708.37 B.I= . to -.or 0:00 (8—fit. $17,697 " 6: 0o (D—g.. 16.00 t, -,it the Total Expenditures L— — billed to Street Ry.C.. 43.20 the -.nld mq 91, $123 697:7,2 fi —'d Ih— L... th. a— of (Cod. 31 E 1) 86: 000 0) $-77,697.72 nn[ur. of It Not Asaesment (Bal 0 City) tojctN 17,681.96 -d which i. I- Charge to Bond la.u:`;:4 a7 , 'j;�' " " r -.q P�, 4' 006 tP',"r, TTteW -7, W—, ,a, j q a IT*o "n, Y, In,. C 1�01 T',,"ti- f— — - 1. -1— . . A d D,fl I," J,I I 'f ha I in a ...... hn. ferrr,I there nn: that the ."d . .... ... nature of the said Coin—&--, and mml, n 1—t hereof, is the said ... m.,nt ce, completed by him, and which Is h--ith .T-d—d to 111, 1 b, .,,.,,,id -,d p—pl, MI Wti W lmpMi.in-Y Final Ocd.,. T',,"ti- f— — - 1. -1— . . A d D,fl I," J,I I 'f ha I in a ...... hn. ferrr,I there nn: that the ."d . .... ... nature of the said Coin—&--, and mml, n 1—t hereof, is the said ... m.,nt ce, completed by him, and which Is h--ith .T-d—d to 111, 1 b, .,,.,,,id -,d p—pl, MI In the mtt" If —1-1t, of benefits ,i sing frort. g -1-g, paving, siilks, -1., 11 311d1ly St—It - ?vYae Aw. —t—i— Obj,I-i. If Christina Cr.,, t" the Lest Will n. J.—ph C—, D- --d. j_1p11 C-,,, xno ddit If 0a1 LI1, 'o t" T, I If 31. obj,.tI to me PrOl`'. 1-111-t If bfite, — .,t forth 1" h. r"I't If t', If Fins ..e t,, t,,,, CI 12. Th -t the --t of the assess _, If 37,, 01 "ry to PPtrty; '11'ho property so .... -I hes e f—It — If 41y feat St ... t; _twt � -,-i, fI l" L11.01-1 —t pf ,-i,h t- i_ __, 1, It _h, si'ie of this property, n! the h— il—,pd this objector,, p,,p,,t-Y in t -t t'- — "RI b11-1 an 1risl hi; -.ho ., , oith If trIffi, 1, t-i'il I .:'Int, ' Id by r .... I of --h t,ffi, re.,ts ns ve h -d to ba reduced. Thsl If S732_12 f I- property. t, 'h, the Itr-1 we ra m3ra ly Por tro "—fit If the V-11 pIbliI, t- o ,,, rit h, property If this Ibjett Dated J- 11, 13,'4. --t-1 If the Last Will ,.d If I. c—, 114Dl S Co w C. 0-111 Ifs City Clerk, City Bell, St P-1. Minn. re— Si,j nc to=5 ng ha of Christine Cee, es executor If the ill or I -L' I1, 1'in the matter of benefits mattermatterfit. eri.i., fl— re�in,, mvinK, siilke, lights, on Bradley Street Lam, �t '�li�if � . %� ��., ��� � �r � �- J -�. �/ , �% � � L„� e d,�..._ ,.-.i���,J , ,, ��',C �/ �,t/., .. f, �,�� a ��Yd -� . �', �� ��� �/ Ad,pW by the Cwndl_-- 193— Yam Nays EARCE ERSON / 33��'' ROSEN / TRUAX / ARREN / / WENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT (GEHANI n/ ® aeww maw CITY OF ST. PAULiL, ° NO.. "M Fj110E OF THE CITY CLERK a OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a LC.�+"�- L o•re Jnne 14e 1934.. RESOLVED tion 4114, On Sale Malt Beverage licm0e, Zhnt fleataurant liceaea, application application 4115, Tavera license, aprlicatioa 41]9, and Dance ball 1lcease, appli- cation 4117, applied for by Allen J. Conolly for 500-509 Selby Ave®e, be and they are bereby granted end the City Clerk is inetruoted to Lesue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. COUNCILMEN Yee° Mny McDonnld P<ar�e __..n, favor a�sen '1'runx ..Again=[ Wenzel M, PrreA—t Mahoney Adopted by the Council .......... ... _ ......193..... Approved... . _.._......_.. ...........193.. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA June 12, 1934. Chairman, License Committee City Council, St.Psul, 5Sina. Gentlemen: "'e, the undersigned, owners and residents of the vloinity at 508 Selby Ave.ue, being the mer and residents of 512 and 514 Selby befo r theAvenue, City Cou.ollbeen aelioenee that there is now pending to operate a Aeetaurant for ..sale and offsele end Tawara at 508 Selby Avenue, mieb to voice our pro teat and recent the granting of a lice... to operate said plea., a license having heretofore been issued, And that the dancing and drinking hoe greatly and annoyed the tenants mhSch said Selby Avenue, ises are used as al9oomingl4 Ilouee and contain a number of tenants. That the grouting of said 110.... mould depreciate the neighborhood os s effhomect thed a desirabilplace of ity for tenants to 000vpythe same lv 1. � 1 4����Qoc-C-r��.p-,.-� eaen fl 2 Se yy Ave -(l�-1(� Tanen a Selby Avenue. -LTJ f / , a l ✓ _t J— /%/t,�,�- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of M--mn W. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM f. SCOTT Ciiy Cleh aid C,,ioeer of Reeistrnno� .lg•Cr ,r— 14th, 1934. Hon. E. a. Warren, Chairmen, license Co®Sttse, Hnildiug. Dser Sir. The attached resolution granting various licensee to Alen J. Conolly at 500-908 Selby lveaue was referred beck to your Onawittes for further consideration and recosnandation. There Sea" at- tacbed a petition opposing the 6r®ting of the. Itcenses. The Couch also dasiree to know, whether or not this is the location at sbich a ltoenee has heretofore been revoked or denied. Tours very truly. City Clerk. C Honorable Mayand City Council, City Q Saint Paul, ✓�+ / I//11 Minnesota. �f. Gentlemen; ®e, the undersigned, reo IA eats and business men who live or operate a buss nese within the radius of two hundred feet of the premises located at 508-608 Selby Avenue, hereby approve of your granting a 5.2 Beer and Tavern License to Allan J. Gpnolly to, operate his tavern at 606-608 Selby Avenge. daint Paul, Minnesota. as f/tll{i��i�I�Y�u� �Yill�liWY��YIl m Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, residents and business men who liveor operate a business within the radius of two hundred feet of the premises located at 506-508 Selby Avenue, hereby approve of your granting a 3.2 Beer and Tavern ldcenee to Allan J.Conolly to operate his tavern at 506-508 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Mi nneeote. Berne Address "D 0 ✓ L.- s56i// ,�'o4f -1 moi �0 of 14' ,I U 0_U �. sou �� � a/2.. Al —SI Z& I E EN' I E June 1^t':.' 1914, Axel F. Petersen, Comer of PSnnnce, Bulldim. Dear Sir. At Ine Co it meetin,- hold today the ep�ltoatlona of Allen J, Conolly for reetourent, on cele Wt bovore'e, taus m. ,+ c Coxa hell lice.... at Selby Avenue .r a lett o r to Jwe P7th and yl— ...... our ......tient n eetad fosand n ttcee to property owner• eithln �Y)r feet, Y-- vary truly, City Clerk, St. Paul, f.anne nota June 25, 1934 THi; HUDOR.B-.a 11,,YCB and THS C�11liCII aentlemen:- the undersigned, beseech you to refuse the appli- cation of Alan J• Connolly for restaurant, on -sale malt bever- age, tavern and dance hall licensee st 506 to 500 Selby venue (a place known us the "Old Vienna"). .ie, property owners and residents of Selby ovenue, protest the granting of these li- censes for the following reasons: 1. If a dance hall is opened at 506 to 50b pelby avenue, young men and women, drunk and disorderly, will be on the street at all hours of the night. This has been previously proved. Z. If a dance hall is opened at 506 to 508 Selby Avenue, unde- sirablenon-residents will be brought into the district. This has been previously proved. 5. If a dance hall is opened at 506 to 508 Selby venue, there will be disgusting scenes on streets, between buildings, within adjacent blocks, and in parked care for several blocks jaide streets ae well 39 Selby Avenue); there will be screaming and loud talking, honking of horns and continual starting of the care through the night, thereby destroying the Bleep of the residents of Selby ;,venue - particularly between 11ackubin and Kent. This has been previously proved. 4. Directly across the street from 506-506 Selby Avenue, there are already two restaurants with 3.2 beer, which, without the intolerable nuisanoe of a dance hall, sufficiently supply, with food and drink, the demands of the block. 5. For the sake of the young people of our families, we do not want a dance hall and we do not want a tavern at 506 to 508 Selby Avenue. In order to protect the present and the future welfare of Selby ovenue and its residents, we beg t::e mayor and the council to refuse the application of Allan J. Connolly for restaurant, on -sale malt beverage, tavern and dance hall licensee at 506 to 506 Selby Avenue. Very respectfully yours, HL1AS LUMBER STP ST SS6 �t�cJ. 556 555/ ✓��;� o-fivz.e�-t. � c, :'�yi:.R-uG �- J 3 S ' yY c n-�, � �crh - S3S; 1 n t �v�e�c�c Y�`°�''' ""'� � o,,, w �.�e c �-;�; .: � o o ��-t vt � .� c� � v � - So 8 t c-�-� un -c,-.,.< �'t , J,.t-�..,f, cf e ��.��"1.�, )'l -ate... / � « '�._ �%� d'/��/ h`�` jam, ,«.�.�,��� .� sy ��_���.�v-tea - � �i �� �� f. �. � � � ��iV e 1�}-w�"^.� _ � , ;�, ,,;-, - ,� � l� n � � G �. � 6a- v,3 /«.. - SC �3 Council File N." - .°.nee CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment Iv the matter of the ssesement of benefits, Dost, end expo^sea fvi repaving Sit Ave. from th^ Mi-i-ippi River Boulevard to A'hseler Ave. and Baldwin St. by r owing the present surface and r urfaaing the existing o rata base with avhalt mixture a Dept where good asphalteor brlek eurfeoe n iota, also curbing paving alley and driveway approeahea, a water and gee a eatlone Crom street mains to property liaee where not already made, —d lnoluding all work neoessary and incidental to the said improvement, under Preliminary 0"I".__ 96506_,..... £ntermedmry Ord.r 95946__.__.__.. Final Ord- 95953____.. app .... d.Aug. 1..._.... ..19.33... A public hearing ba.'ing been had upon the assessment for the ab—, impraremeat, and said aasessmevt baring beau further considered by the Council, and harlvg been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said --a be and the same is hereby iv all respects ratified, avd the same u hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the Com ty of Ramsey for confirmation BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said ass—,rt be and a is hereby determined to be parable in.......__ ...equal inetallmevts. Adopted by the Cvuneil_ 'x114 1934 9 Avprocea_--M_1h_ 1934_____ 19. / ?L,BUSHLD(— G I I . "1 11' rayl, ,J-Pl, V� IP , 1l 1. (11' 1 [NAN( E Report of Completion of Assessment May 16 11) 34 1, 1h, ii.alter J 0, ,t of b—fita, o.It, end l,p,,.,, f— It. 11pl-14 Summit Ave.from the III— BoulevardBoulevard�—Ave.Boulevard to '—1Aand 3Baldwin't . b, th:.P,.I.t f... end r owing d the existing rete be,, with h Ip,elt mixture ....pt where good :-ph-It— brink —fao. I—..i.t., also —bi.g ,:,',a :11ey —1 dl,,:,y p"IsIhI�and gas —I.t:... f- at...t maiaa to ...party '... .t.I,..d,ad so including all —k ........y end i—ld—t.l to the said imp ... sotaot, P''It 11: 95505 1 :t— I -rd 95746 I 95863 33 I I FIII-11 Il I I l[I niin 1, sir. Coat If lonst-Itill "tfPI,l It,— 24.15 Coat of postal %.r . 4.83 Insp—ti— f 2,041.92 Amount If Itt"t —t, for —nfi-sti.. 24.15 Curbing 469.67 Conatruetim Engineering lm206a96 Total Expenditures 105,420.?9 (Leas the vum of (F,d ... 1 0—t -d., .yid utl PWA Pr D.oket No..50 ) ((Lee. thea of Code 31 c I h"", Net A .... III . t 21,457.71 1, 1 11, F "i , I 1,t I Report of Completion of Assessment May 16 i 1 34 benefits, —t. and -pe—a for on repaving S�----Ave.it Ave.Ale. fthe Mie,le,ippi River Boulevard to ffh1Aand Baldwin St. by r owing the p,,,&,t surface and ..... f,,I,, the iti,g --to be,, with asphalt mixture .... Pt where good ..ph.It ., brick r a -I.ta, I.. e.rbi.g paving alley and driveway ppr,a,h,,, a—, water and gea o—eot4,na f— street —in, to property i,;%LIZ,,,et already made, and including all and inoid,rt,l to the id ir�P 11- , Pr�i'im.:.i:, i), ! 1 95505 1 -: n.l.e- ,:. 95746 95953 Aug. 1 I. 33 0, "1 ,f 11 Pa'd Th, of F) We hereby reports to the l,—,j 11 f.,![ f 0, dn— n—m-fly i ...rted.,ndto bW for nQ in a Ineppation fes, 2,043: suI Comm—ioner furiiii; reporta that h, he, aasewad and levied the total atoo— as ab- : , " it the num of $AO4190M Rea each and every let, part - parcel of lend 1,, n, ti,� I Oh- —1 in,,pr-, en nt, and In Ih, a,h 110, It or 1,-, 1 of I—d I Th tt. h•.n.. — 1h, 'A "'], 'I 1 11, t 1, -1 it fi• 11,E h, -d 11... h --f, I. Ih, said --- .. —Pl—d 1, h-, and St. Paul. 4lnnaact., Jun. 12th,1934. TO TRE HONORABLE, THE NSIlBERS Or THS CITY COUNCIL OF 'rens CITY OF ST.PAUL' . The Undersigned Edward T.Plydn, residing at 1799 Summit Avenue, Si.Pnul,Niun- esota, owner of E j of Lot 19, All of Lot 20 and the t¢ of Lot 21 of Block 7 of Egbert O.B ndy's Addition to the city of St.Paul respectfully protest. the assessment of $184.97 levied against said property for paving abutting said lots eomplacad in the fall of 1933, for the reason that when said paving was done said street, (Summit Avenue) in front of said property was a part of Trunk Highway N0.12 of the State of Minnesota and the paving should be paid for out of the State Highway fund ae provided by law. The undersigned therefore refuse, to pay for said paving and claims .aid ae,saemevt add levy ie illegal. The fact that trucks are not allowed on the Agtway, or .treat in question, given as a reason why the state will not pay its .Lara of the paving should not be allowed to go,.—, an the stats or city e I un- deretadd prohibited tracks an said highway or street for .its o convan- iance and not for that of the reeiheat,. If truck, were allowed to run ov the avenue there would be no room for private auttomoollea and b—ee. The andreigned reepectfp.ly prays that anch assessment and levy be therefore not made against said p—is... n / e I ally Bubm / l SDMAR 0 1 11 LT N N/. H H 1 16 i H H A H H B •PO SiTmgn4 JTTnJloodeay . o Tmvad PT- V..TeBv spam loa oaaJaaa97 oq WT P- Tnemeeoesv Vona ;vVi shad Cjldjjo de Pou2TeaPun oqI •eoenq Pw voTtgomolnv v;'aTad aoj moon oa eq PTnos eteg; enure' oql 'o ani 0% Pe TT* 'toe vganal JI 'vlaoapeaa aql Jo I-0 aoJ lou ow eoaeT _u-eaoa uao -IT aoJ lvaagv to Ivag2Tg pTve uo atonal Po1TgTt[Old Pu'latep -w I ev ' ATO so a;vle oqi n '-A09 al PoaoTlm oq lou PTnoge 2uTevd aql )a eavgo IT Red 10a TIT. elle aql Iqn uoe'oa v a' -12 'uoTlewb aT leaala ao 'Av%ggTq aql uo ponoTTv you eav a;anal I'll 1avf 09t •TvS-TTT eT U.1 Pu0 luemeaoeev pTve --Mv p— 2uTevd pT'e aoJ Iad of eaanjoa ... Je ql P-2Teaopw "a ..' Iq popTeoad ev p -I IUag2lH eiviH eqq So loo aaJ PTvd 0q pp.go BaTead vql Pw v;oeawTTl Jo o1e19 ogl Jo HT•oe Iva" *"' Jo lead v ea Ilaetoad pTve Sa poij uT (enuaAV STS S) 'iooale pTve euop ass BUTe'd PTvs uege I'ql uoo'aa egl aoJ 'PP61 Jo TTul 0gi uT pe%eT.lmoa elaT PT- 2uT4ingv 2uTA'd aoj Iryaa'oad pT'e J"T'2v PeTeeT L6"ST$ So luemeeaeav aqI eloeload lTTnliaedsea Tnvd'SH Jo I;To eql of uOTITPPV e,IpuvA'O laog23 Jo L HooTH Jo TE l0 So J1 oq1 pw 0" l011 Jo TT7 '61 ;aR Jo k I So 'e ''lose _wT11'Tn^d'SS -....AV ST -9 66LI iv 2uTPToea '_ATi'1 pavep2 peu2Te pun egj. . -- :Invd'l.2 LO U10 AHS do 'fIONnoo ILIO BHI d0 HHBH7fm HHF. '27HYHOHOH mq OS '4r 6T'Vi2i enol 'vlosouuTH'Tned'SH St. Paul, Minnesota, June 12th,19J4. TO TR HONORABLE, TIM MEMBERS OF TIM CITY OOUNOIL OF THE CITY OF 8T.PAUL: The Undersigned Eduard F.Flynn, residing at 1799 Summit Avenue, Bt,Paul,Minn- seats, owner of % 6 of Lot 19, All of Lot w0 and the Nj of Lot 21 of Black 7 of Egbert O.Handy'. Addition to the city of St.Paul respectfully protests the e..e..mant of $104.97 levied against said pro,.orty for paving abutting said lot. c— leted In the fall of 1933, for the reason that when said paving vse done said street, (Summit Avenue) in front of said pro}arty was a part of Trunk Highway No.12 of the State of Hinneaet. and the paving should be paid for out of the State Highway fund as provided by law. The undersigned therefore refueea to pay for said paving and claim. .aid aeeeesment and levy is illegal. The fact that trucks are not allowed on the highway, or street in question, given as a reason why the .tate will not pay its share of the paving should not be allowed to govern, as the .tate or city , u. I cm derstand prohibited truck. on said highway or street for its own cony -n- Sence and not for that of the reciaente. If trucks wore allowed is run on the avenue there would be no room for private automobiles and buses. The undrsigned reepectfplly prays that such assessment and levy be therefore not made against said promisee. Respectfully Submitted. % D N A R D Y FLYNN . u- I`.th �,,., 4. • Jove 15. LBM. Mr Robert 8. Whit"n, 1761 —1t hens.. St. Paul. 11=6604. Dear Nr. Ahlteen, Your oom®loation add—eaed to niltoa Rosen. Comisalo of rin , Sa duly referred to m mod in -ply could may that I will be pleased to present your oommunioatioo to the Coaaoil for reading Thoredy, Juin 11th, at the tine the atter of the ►esesmeot of ber rite for pavlu6 zhmlt A -mum Domes up before the C—il for oonsidsrstion. Very truly yours, ke1 P. Peterson. Comieeioner of plume. onW�o cv,r ci CITY OF ST. PAUL ,�,s NO. !.0^. 127 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM M rv'�� /� r vwra June 14, 1954 RESOLVED That Restaurant license, application 4153, applied for at 1537 University Avevue by Catherine Arbuckle be and it is hereby granted and the City Clerk SB in- structed to Issue such 1lcense upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. coo.cu.�u<� Yeas 1ny 14.— h, Nvr,r WAIIH 1I r. 1'rr.i�li�it Mnhvney Ada„ Iia I,Y 1h,1 Cvuncll_ _ JUN 2 0 1934 _.ION LB 1934 Ise. M.y- CITY OF SAINT PAUL J 1 Capual of Minneso,a OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. lco" Cty iClerk end Comm. r of Regni eno� mss. on Jane 14th, 1934 Hon. H. E. Warren, Cbsi— License Coamlttes, Building. Deer Sir, She attached resolution- ®d file' transferring an son -ale• liquor license from Hegolo Bros. at 107 Hest loth Street to Catberins Arbnekls at 1537 Caiversity Avenue and granting a tletaurant license to said Catherine Arbcokle at 1537 Mdversity Avenus were referred beck to your co®ittee, h, the Comcil, for further consideration and reco®endation, especially with regard to the advisability of greatiag a liquor license in premises which also contain n rcoming hones. Tours very truly, City Clerk. 'o.'a' Ct1'Y OF BAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF LICENSES Appl No.To the BUREAU OF POLICE: , Business Add - 71 �� has PPlied 1 � �- -193-. fort'J1 t-License" Furnish in detail your reasons for approving or disapproving this application. REPORT: �,) License Inspector _ f_ _J- __ .•-� - r v �1 APPR � / e - --_�L_J Chief of Police Inspector. � • USE REVERSE SIDE IF NE SSARY L �.L �.�� �- ,tl� �- � � - ` ,t � .(: � S�L a, rl/., �, K.�, ocao.i to a... CITY OF ST. PAUL ,m„, " NO. isI28 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ER ` 'v V/„r Jana 14, 1954 WHEREAS, C. L. Be. decir- to withdraw application 3428 for Restaurant license, application 3429 for On Sale Malt Beverage license, and application 3561 for Off Sale Malt Beve—ee license at 1081 dreade Street: therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to C. L. Rea the fee of $10.00, the fee of $50.00 and the fee of $5.00 and to cancel said Restaurant, On Sale Malt Beverage, and Off Sale Malt Beverage licenses, respectively. COUN( ILMEN Y'. \ny+ AL.n .LI P-", _�In favor Rrnen / 7:.wea- Again,t lYrnzel •w zz Afr. I'nroident A4e6sw,f A°vim 'eu8"a k'a(vn �" I Adopted by th,, a,,—i JUN 14 19.34 f9a_ jo 14 100A Afp—,d 193 Mayor I 21--, R'•, 1031 A—de This 2 h.— o 051 ,ny sad L.�—Abl, for Id- ge, 1051 A—de v6 .90 h" ---d, —111-61 f"d of u—n- fees. r F-"-�Y. Kenr.=dy ^irk -..r... 11^.,�. i0..a l-. r�LI,Y ^la -k'.; of` �Ttz(Af� OFFIC-CIIOIF-THE -.CITI.Y.CLERK NO COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENE—L FORM cn June 14, 1954 RESOLVED That On Sale Melt 13—rage license, application 4131, Off Sale Malt Beverage 11—se, appl-loation 4132, and R.et--t license, epplio.ti.. 4133, applied for by J. J. Clarkin at 516 J..k... Street be aud they ere hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such lia—ses upon the paymoet into the city treasury of the required fees. COLTNC 11-NIEN Y— Ag,6,,,t N1, P'—d— .... ..... 1h 1h. A&pt,d by the Cour 1ja I& WA 193 tow", CITY OF ST. PAUL No ICE OF THE CITY CLERK L J CoyTCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM MM1T. I o. RESOLVED, that Applications No. 4131, 4132 and 4133 of Joseph J. Clarkin for Pon sale' non—intoxicating malt beverage, °off Bale° non—intomloating malt beverage, and restaurant licensee be and the same hereby are approved, and the proper city officers are directed to issue each Moen.... ('00 V('.I I.J11:1 Y'. \nYy ffi klusi I I'eurcr. Peterson 1 (nvo Rosen Tnmz Warren Agai-1 we�Ecl ntr. rre,lde��t NZoaxa9 Cenan. Adopted by the C --it ___ _.__ _ ..--. 193__ Approved............_ ... ....... ... 193..... CITY OF SAINT PAUL CaP'let of Mi -5-1. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM f. SCOTT Cily CIerA aed Com er of 0.egis� eio� �; on June 13th, 1934. Hon, H. 1. Urren, Oomsir of Public Safety, Building. Deer Sir: The attecbed resolution- traneferriu9 two en "on sale" liquor llc.... I d granting On and Off Sale 3,2 Beer licenses and retanr t license to Slewitb tbe�ln were referred beck to You b9 i7 ea request that you proride farther Saformatlon c. the •on eel." llgmr license transfers. It was W..t.4 tbat You hews them ft 11 out the regular form of applioatioa for m "on sale• liquor 11..... .%svri.g 1,11 the questions contained therein snd that e. police report be —ds to the Oo=ilon�wd on the taf._tion contained in the said app The otber resolution was laid over pending a report on tba liquor license transfers. You sill out. that the location is net specified !a the beer end reetaurent license raeolaLlon. Sours very troly, city Olerk. �'� R CITY OF ST. N PAU •0. rvvl`°q° ya,°i �iy; .lyu"c'� O. 5'^f 3 tDlf . OFFICE OF THE y`° e CL RESOOU LUTI >r_ EN C ^r e�ri°I oti �I ��{ nxs� WHEREAS, by Council File No. 97337, Ordinance No. 7588, aappproved May 29th, 1934, the City Council authorized the Bale of $eB6,000 par value of the bond. of the City, for the purpose of paying the share of the City of St. Paul of the Dost of that portion to be ConetruCted in 1934 of the system for the oolleotion, treatment and disposal of sewage and waste matt er, used by the City o2 8t. Paul jointly with the City of Minneapolis and forming a part of the com- plete plan of the sewage collection and treatment system of the Ylnneapolia-Saint Paul Sanitary District, and WHEREAS, it ie now necessary to issue such bond. to the amount of $552,000 for the purpose of obtaining cash to defray a part of the Cost of such project, and WHEREAS, the Council by Council rile No. 97338, Ordinanoe No. 7587, approved May 29th 1934, authorized the sale of $588,000 Par value of the bonds of the City for the purpose of paying the coot to the City of at. Paul of $hoer drains, .ewer., intercepting severe, pumping station and other structures to be —ad by the City of St. Paul exclusively and oonstruoted by the City of St. Paul in the year 1934 and forming a part of the complete plan of the sewage oolleotion and treatment system of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Bas it District, and WHEREAS, it Sa now aeoeeeary to issue such bonds to the amount of $334,000, for the purpose of obtaining the cash to defray pert of the coat of such project, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the bonds authorized by Ordinance No, 7588 be sold in the manner provided by law, in the amount of $552,000, and the bonds authorized by Ordinance No. 7567 be sold in the meaner Provided by law, in the amount of $334,000, said bonds to be in denominations of $1000 each, to be dated May let, 1934, to bear a rate of interest not exceeding five per Dant per emanm, payable semi-annually on November first and May flret, according to the coupons to be attached to said bonds; :aid bonds shall be serial and a portion thereof anall be payable :aid year but none of said bonds shall run for a longer term than thirty years. Said bonds shall be designated as ■Sewage Disposal System Bonds - Series No. 1g, and •BowerBonds - Series No. 1", respectively, and the numbers of said bonds and the dates on which said bond. shall mature and the YCOUNCILMEN ar9 N'nya r Adolltcd by tho Council___ N 1'enrm In fnvar Rawrn Petersen -' Approved.._................. .. 193..... A'enul -... _..... hfaynr ,x .,o no-. 111"Innt DMAOUI Cehea am011ate xhloh shall mature annually over said period shall be as folloxe: SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM BONDS - SERIES No 1 DATE OF MATURIrr BOND NUMBERS AMOUNT OF BONDS May 1, 1937 43952-43963 $ 12,000 May 1, 1938 43964-43976 13,000 May 1, 1939 43977-43989 13,000 May 1, 1940 43990-44002 13,000 May 1, 1941 44003-44016 14,000 May 1, 1942 44017-44030 14,000 May 1, 1943 44031-44045 15,000 May 1, 1944 44048-44060 15,000 May 1, 1945 44061-44076 16,000 May 1, 1946 44077-44092 16,000 May 1, 1947 44093-44109 17,000 May 1, 1948 44110-44126 17,000 May 1, 1949 44127-44144 18,000 May 1, 1950 44145-44162 18,000 May 1, 1951 44163-44181 19,000 May 1, 1952 44182-44201 20,000 May 1, 1953 44802-44222 21,000 May 1, 1954 44223-44244 22,000 May 1, 1955 44245-44267 23,000 May 1, 1956 44868-44291 24,000 May 1, 1957 44292-44316 25,000 May 1, 1958 44317-44341 25,000 May 1, 1959 44342-44367 26,000 May 1, 1960 44368-44393 26,000 May 1, 1961 44398-44420 27,000 May 1, 1962 44421-44447 27,000 May 1, 1963 44448-44475 28,000 May 1, 1964 44478-44503 2,8 000 o52 i �� SEWER BONDS - SERIES No. 1 DATE OF MATURITY BOND NUMBERS AMOUNT OF BONDS May 1, 1937 44504-44510 $ 7,000 May 1, 1938 44511-44517 7,000 may 1, 1939 44518-44524 7,000 May 1, 1940 44525-44532 8,000 may 1, 1941 44533-44540 8,000 May 1, 1942 44541-44549 9,000 May 1, 1943 44560-44558 9,000 May 1, 1944 44559-44568 10,000 May 1, 1945 44589-44578 10,000 May 1, 1948 44579-44588 10,000 DATE OF MATURITY BOND NUMBERS AMOUNT OF BONDS May 1, 1947 44589-44599 $ 11,000 May 1, 1948 44800-"Slo 11,000 May 1, 1949 44611-44681 11,000 May 1, 1950 44688-44633 18,000 May 1, 1951 44634-44645 13,000 May 1, 1958 44648-44858 13,000 May 1, 1953 44659-44671 13,000 May 1, 1954 44673-44684 13,000 May 1, 1955 44885-44698 14,000 May 1, 1956 44899-44713 14,000 May 1, 1957 44713-44726 14,000 May 1, 1958 44727-44741 15,000 May 1, 1959 44742-44758 15,000 Map 1, 1980 44757-44771 15,000 May 1, 1961 44772-44787 16,000 May 1, 1962 44788-44803 18,000 May 1, 1963 44804 14820 17,000 May 1, 1964 44821-44837 17,000 = 334,000 The said bonds shall be in a form later to be determined and which form shall be approved by recognized bond counsel, or counsel for the Government of the United States, should the Government of the United States be the successful bidder, and which bond form shall be approved also by the Corporation Counsel of the City of St. Paul. RESOLVED FURTHER, that sealed proposals be received at the office of the City Comptroller in the Court House and City Hall Building, in the said City of St. Paul, up to ten o'clock A. M. July 5th, 1934, for the sale of all or none of said bonds after giving due notice of such sale in tae manner prescribed by law, in the St. Paul Review, the official paper of said City. Each bidder shall be required to e000mpa�y hie bid by a certified check or cash amount for two per cent (2;Y.) of the amount of bonds bid for, which shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages if the bonds are not taken and paid for when ready for delivery. The City Comptroller shall, at the next meeting after receiving said bids, present the same to the Council for its action thereon. The said bonds shall be offered to the person who will pay par or better therefor, at the lowest rate of interest, not exceeding five per cent ( 0). �., 411931} CITY OF ST. PAUL ,�,s NO.. _..... _ _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PREsENTED "y ATE R� f'()ll'N('II.N E -N Y,m LBSBOII �� fn invor `-- Warren ARni- �55'rnm: rresi I -t )F,37.&,?Sa Gene Ad.pt,d by the Cuw cil_ JUN 14 19M ,, App,. -d..... Mnyor PUBI,iSI�D a —16 &,=%a whioh shall mature annually over said period shall be as follovei BEWARE DISPOSAL BYDTEM BONDB - SERIES No. 1 DATE OF MATURITY BOND RUMBERO AMOUNT OF BONDS may 1, 1937 43952-43983 8 12,000 May 1, 1938 43964-43976 13,000 May 1, 1939 43977-43989 13,000 May 1, 1940 43990-44002 13,000 May 1, 1941 44003-44018 14,000 May 1, 1942 44017-44030 14,000 May 1, 1943 44031-44045 15,000 May 1, 1944 44048-44080 15,000 May 1, 1945 44081-44078 18,000 May 1, 1946 44077-44098 16,000 May 1, 1947 44093-44109 17,000 May 1, 1948 44110-44126 17,000 May 1, 1948 44127-44144 18,000 May 1, 1950 44145-44182 18,000 May 1, 1951 44183-44181 19,000 may 1, 1952 44162-44201 20,000 May 1, 1953 44202-44222 21,000 May 1, 1954 44223.44244 22,000 May 1, 1958 44245-44287 23,000 May 1, 1966 44288-44291 24,000 May 1, 1957 44292-44316 25,000 may 1, 1858 44317-44341 25,000 may 1, 1959 44342-44367 26,ODOO may 1, 1960 44366-4459a may 1, 1961 44394-44420 27, ODO may 1, 1962 44421-44447 27,000 May 1, 1963 44448-44475 28,000 May 1, 1984 44478-44503 _ 52,000 ���56622 ��000000 BE3ER BONDS - SERIES NO, I DATE OF MATURITY BOND NUMBERS AMOUNT OF BONDS May 1, 1937 44504-44510 8 7,000 May 1, 1938 44511-44517 7,000 7,000 May 1, 1939 May 1, 1940 44518-44524 44828-44532 8,000 May 1, 1941 44533-44540 8,000 May 1, 1842 May 1, 1943 44541-44549 44550-44668 9,000 000 may 1, 1944 44559-44868 10 000 r May 1, 1945 49589-44678 100,00000 may 1, 1946 44579-44688 DATE OF MATURITY BOND AUMBM AMOUNT OF BONDS May 1, 1947 44689-44889 4 11,000 May 1, 1948 44800-44810 11,000 May 1, 1949 44811-44821 11,000 May 1, 1950 44822-44633 12, COO May 1, 1851 44834-44845 12,000 May 1, 1962 44646-44658 13,000 May 1, 1953 44849-46671 13,000 May 1, 1954 44672-44884 13000 May 1, 1985 44685-44898 14.000 May 1, 1956 46899-44712 14,000 May 1, 1957 44713-44728 14,000 May 1, 1958 46727-64741 15,000 May 1, 1959 46742-44766 16 000 NO 1, 1960 44757-44771 15 000 May 1, 1961 44772-44787 16:000 May 1, 1988 44788-44803 16,000 May 1, 1963 44804-44820 17,000 May 1, 1964 44921-44837 17.000 4 334,000 The said bonds shall be In a form later to be determined and which form shall be approved by recognized bond oounael, or counsel for the Government of the United 3tatea, should the c,overument of the United Utates be the .uoceeeful bidder, and which bond form shall be approved also by the Corporation Counsel Of the City of St. Paul. LVED RTRBR, that sealed proposals be received at the floe of th'V City Comptroller in the Court House and City Held Building, it, the said City of Bt. Paul, up to ten Oclock Lly 5th 1934, for the sale of all or none of said bonds ving n t100 of such Gale in the manner prescribed Paul Review, the official paper of said City. shall be required to a000mpat� hie bid b a certified oxen amount for two per cent (2y:) oY the amount of bond. bid for, which shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated damage. if the bonds are not taken and paid for when ready for delivery. The City Comptroller shall, at the next meeting after receiving said bide, present the same to the Council for Its action thereon. The said bonds shall be offered to the person who will pay par or better therefor, at the lowest rate of interest, not exceeding five per cent (0). )l r CITY OF Si. PP'uve ro N° "eavcaan. wu.ciL _ e A I OFFICE OF THE e.y'Qe r g�vN�OID COUN IL RES LUT —ESENIER n,M �ss�oeEr+ MILTON ROSE ��f hese 14, 1934 RESOLVED thoe es, edditl,ns and deductions which might prove to be nec- essary in the Improvement described as the grading and paving of MI AVENUE from BANFIL STREET to the HIGH- e RIDGE, Clement F. Sculley Equipment Company, contractors, have heen provided for in the specificati one and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the contra at, and Whereas, it Has been found necessary to make the following de- duction end addition1 DEDUCTION: 89.4 lin. ft. of existing curb originally ordered resat - @ $ .30 $26.82 ADDITION : 89.4 lin. ft. of 8^x24" concrete cu rb in P, - @ $1.33 118.90 NET ADDITION - $ 92.08 Now therefore be it Resolved,that the City Council hereby approve the aforesaid addition made in accordance with the specification. therefor not to exceed the sum of $92.08, to be added to the lump a— consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3820 for the making of the aforesaid improvement Por the reasons hereinbefore set forth and ,pursuant to the aforesaid specifications end unit -prices stip- ulated in said contract, T11e department of Public Works has aged with the contractor, Clement F. Sculley E"ai."nt Company, that the sum of $92.08 is the reasonable addition to be made to said conct. COI SS ONE UEL C WO KB Ad"pted by te" C e„e L._ 14_ 4 193_ ] 9 1QQd Approved _.............. . _ _.. 193..... May"� rUBLLS— L:- COU IG D - Comptro ler COUNCILMEN Warren XXX Petersorb iMm,&I Yenree In favor R000n // a;..",.— ._ .Aga."P] Mr. President 142MW GERAN COI SS ONE UEL C WO KB Ad"pted by te" C e„e L._ 14_ 4 193_ ] 9 1QQd Approved _.............. . _ _.. 193..... May"� rUBLLS— L:- CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. )S V32 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O/LUTI.O — GENERAL FORM faesmxaa, - WHEREAS, by assignment dated June 20, 1932, the American National Bank assigned to the OSty, Fourth Liberty Loan, 4j% gold bonds, due 1933-38, in the amount of $50,000 as security for the deposit of Otty and School District funds in said Bark; and WHEREAS, said American National Bank has reoueeted that it be permitted to withdraw said Fourth Literty Loan bonds and deposit in lieu thereof $50,000 Treasury Bonds, 3 1/8,%, due msµ` 1946-49, No. 4069OL-91A-92B-930-24975E, and has prepared a proper assignment of such treasury bonds, which assignment has been approved by the Sinking Fund Committee, and as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assignment be and the same 1s hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized to surrender the $50,000 Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds upon delivery to them of the Treasury Bonds. It � Feteraon 1 ��*arren �Rnh�a a e 1 \Ir. Yn•sirleut Melmm•,• Oehan AdI,t,J by th .SIR 1R 'APP^,. -gid yy IDs PUDLISIll�.O 'y_� CITY ST. ' N11v u�l%e.I CE OF OTHE CI TYUCLERK NO. )f l.1.li3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM —ES—TED DY ATE It�pFIA WHEREAS, on March 21, 1934, the Russian House, Inc. deposited the sum of $875.00 for an "on sale" liquor license in accordance with Ordinance No. 7537, approved January 18, 1934; and WHEREAS, said license was granted on June 6, 1934, the pro rata fee required for the balance of the year being $666.67; there- fore, be It RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to said Russian House, Inc. the differ- ence between the sum deposited and the fee required, or $208.33. R'°iee::eat"r b. Itt S `aHU. Couscu.MEN Yc� \nys I- r,•,�rx� -ltwlw"•` ARxi-t IN .-A aN e- \I r. 1'rrsid�•nt 1,tJ,e"wy Adopter) by the C., ,d° 195 _- N ]-g. ids APproad. JMTe L� IJa4-–. 195 Mxl or CITY OF ST. PAUL .�.. `. NO i�/11 r) OFFICE THE CITY CLERK 1 )4 COUNCIL OLUTION GENERAL FORM c N rw isslov a i ��� �/ 1 onr[ RWAX=m WHEREAS, at a meeting of the Council, held on June 5th, 1934, pursuant to the term- of the Charter, a vote was taken for the election of City Clerk, and L. R. S. Ferguson waa duly elected to said office by the mebere of the Council voting thereon, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, tnatthe said L. R. S. Ferguson be and he hereby is declared elected by the Council as City Clerk for the period Of two years from and after June 5th, 1934 and until his successor shall nave been elected and qualify. m.a�a"o... .... �e6gvea�� C�1i�cl I'OI SIILNIEN Ni— AUX �1F�fi�7f Peterson IIS ta.-�r -�arrea iM'. r.,dd�l�l � 6enah -AN 1 5 1934,oa sp1�1°'' \ppmc"J IFlS nln> aVv „o I CITY OF ST. PAUL iiS135 'ICE OF THE COUNCIL RESOLUTION e'We 'oup�to - _ 1—T— q-D��pe:'Ii�Wemtisa �,n` x�na_ vleba�ot�il�n n WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of ^014ter 341, Law. Of Minnesota for 1933, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, on June 5, 1934, duly held an election for the purpose of electing one of its members (other tban the Mayor of said City) as a member of the Board of Trustees for the government of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, to take the place of Clyde R. May, retiring Council member; and WHEREAS, Milton Rosen was duly elected to the office of Trustee of Bald District by the Council on said date; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That the said Milton Rosen be and he is hereby declared elected by the Council as a Trustee of said Sanitary District. rnI'St'ILlI P:S N'„�y I'rnrrr _ iii lnvnr Iionrn �- � AFn1i1�L \t'rnarl A,],ipt,d b, the ('i, ,,d... _ ON 1_ R 1QQA ,I 1N 1 al,proveJ _ _ _ 199. AIu�„r 3U J CITY OF ST. PAUL ,u " NO. ' IS 1 t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /t1NCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM M s�NEa Po�E RESOLVED That the bond of Edward R. Hanft, as Constable at Large, given to the Cityl of Saint Paul, in the sum of $1,000.00, dated June 11th, 1934, with the Fireman's Fund Indemnity Company as surety, which bond is approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Ckk is instructed to file the same with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Ynae N In f."" Ito+nn W .... I \Ir. P—idrnt Lieheuay ArlopW by the Council_. FAIN.. l.5.a334-..193..... .Approved_. nteyn, CITY OF ST. PAUL Io�.ca No.. FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL�FOR. June 15, 1954 RESOLVED ME l That Restaurant license, application 5995, on ,We Ya1,t })average license, application 5996, Tavern license, application 5997, and �Q9 jie%ansa, application 5999, applied for by Mystic Caverns, Inc. for 676 Joy Street, be and they are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. P�nnv lu tnvnr iiasen /� 4'sf .'` � ,igninst li'cn arl \Ir. I'reeidrnt a so— vu a. r°—i�arcaeew: wt�n o.a nr,an � end wo - dune a v.re 16�e1iaro' Adopted by wr c,__1 _ W 15 1934 :ippr���d. 1c i9sn Mayor ---• ac. J. Sudei th CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pU of Mi....ol. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY -'- - T.mh ..d Mi...... So-ub !,E.ilarren, ]®Rt#Q1�L]QDCouwmor.v I: , J . Cu.1 i gan , naacessnamoeva, o.,... ce„.e,., June 14, 1934. "onorable 'i. E. 7arren, Commissioner of Public Safety. Deo, Sir: Asper your request, A:r. Barron and myself have todey made an inspection ,f the h'ys tic Tavern, Tnc., 675 Joy Street. 17e found conditions perfectly safe as fe.r as fire hazards are concerned. Exits are all properly marked and indicated and are kept clear at all times, Soda and acid fire extinguishers are installed at all necessary c rots and are irr good shape. Respectfully yours, Fire Chief. T�.v— 0' -96 7 Lxi.c- ha11 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepii el o! Min n e, ola OEVA_— of PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX. Co..inioeer CA0.l E 50.EAKE5. O.pWy Cemml..iou., -fe•14 June 15, 1934 Aon. H. E. Warren Commissioner of Public Safety Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: I have made an inspection of the Mystic Cavern and find it in very good condition. Ican see no objection, from the construction standpoint of this oave, why the place can not be used for a night club. 'lonra-truly, J City'Arahltect CAB..0 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVF1c oaosas. and II o PRELIMINARY ORDER. Th—&signed hereby propose, the mnkinguf the following pobhe improvement by th, City o,f..Snint P-1, viz.: Curbing Portland Avenue from Griggs Street to the right-of-way of. the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul. and Pacific Railroad. _.. Dated till.... 15th I,y of June, 1934 cnnnaamnn. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vie.: Curbing Portland .Avenue from Griggs Street.. tothe right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St... Paul. .. _. and Pacific Railroad. having been pre,entcd to the "",—ii of the C- of u'int Pmd lberefore, be it RESOLVED, That the C mmieeioner of Public Warks be end is hereby ordered end directed: I. To invmtigote the necessity for, or deeirahility of, the making d said improvement. 2. To Investigate the -tare, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or ,ketch of mid improvement. 4. To ,tate whether or not void improvement i. asked for on the petition d three or more ownere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters 97Tt,tyy, the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.......... L..�..5..IRJy......... Yeee N— Cancilman#a'�� "— A4eAexw+.e- 1'anaae Rosery / � M. Paaetanmr / .Approved ON 19 IMA. ...._ Mayor. EUBLISI IED � �_ Petition ✓ Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT F end PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theuodereignedhercby prnp.... W+e+nnking of the following poblicimp ro...... I+y the City of 9++i+,t Psul, viz.: Curbing Brimhall Avenue from Palace Street to Randolph Street. Hntedthia 15th ,lave(.. June, 1934 cnnnean;nn. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A w,it— proposal fur the —king u( the following improvement, via.: "tan uv:ins vo.v Curbing_ Brimhall Avenue. from Palace. Street to I,. .... m cit, rer • rmp.va v ..r..r vr- Randolph Street. .................. braving been p—tted to the Council , f the C -t f th—fore, bo it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Warks be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To i. veatig— the necessity for, or deeirnbility of, the mnking of said improvement. 2. 1'o inveetigat. the nature, extent .rad estimated coat of said improvement, end the total cost thereof. 1. To famish n Plso, profile or sketch of avid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more owners ✓ 5. To report upon nil of the foregoing ..ttem to the Commissioner of Finance. .Adapted by the Council...... ..1 5. lgZA .. Yen.Nex a Councilman M % Approved .... _ _.... _._..... PIAIIE Rosen Ma. Pae.ioeenMayor. v_e.nr= rr., U"-- 44 f until Nile No..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. TheondornigoeJ hereby propowe the ranking n[thefollowing publicimproven...A by the City of Seiot Psel, via.: Reconstructing with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the west, side of Eheldon Avenue North, beginning 17S feet.. north of Lake Como & Phalen avenue, thence .north 122.+81. feet. Dated this 14th day of dune, 1934 Qy Imen. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ., WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Reconstructing filth monolithicconcrete, the... sidewalk on ..the west side of Sheldon Avenue North, beginning 175 feet north of Lake Como & Phalen -Venue, thence north 122.85 feet. having boon p,t—ted to the C.,—ii d the Cit, of Saint Pmd _... - _.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thwt the Commim,otr of Public Works be nod ie h—by ordered and directed: 1. Totnvestigato the necessity for, or desirability of, the ,,king d said Improvemewt. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated suet of said improvement, and the total Dost thereof. 3. To tarnin, sh a plaprofile or sketch of said improvement. 1. To stole whether or not said improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon ell of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Fiance. Adopted by the Council....... -two �. �. i�34....... Yeas Nero TilmaI � i77, o3L,P rwar IN,t ... r , ` Approved.... .. .._.. P—toe Rosa. / M. Pwaamerrr Mayor. ... r..m c. r, a� , u� YURLLSliID •: - '> _'�, j PROPOSAL FOR IMPROII c. end PRELIMINARY ORDER n^ Tb ... dereig-1 hereby propowrethc making of thefollowing public imprnvc�ne.t by the City of S—A Fold, viz.: Reconstructing with reinforced monolithic concrete the sidewalk and areaways on the south side of E. Fourth Street, .beginning 150 feet east. of the east line of Watasha Street, thence .east 75 feet. Dotedthi. 15th .days Tune,1430. ti ce.ned�a.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propos.I fur the making of the following improvement, Reconstructing with reinforced monolithic concrete the sidewalk and areaways on. the south side of E. Fourth Street, beginning 150 feet east of the east line of Wabasha Street, _ thence east 75 feet. having bee. pramot,,d to the C..ncll of the City of Sa."t P-1 - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Poblic Work. be and is hereby ordered..d directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To i.ve.tigate the ..ture, extent and estimated coat of .aid improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a pl.., profile or sketch of .aid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownera. 5. To report upon all of the I— Virg .roe"ters to the Commissioner of Finances Adopted by the Con.cil.. Yae. Ner a Co.00ilma. AL—I JWZ, #6yibw.rn %' <-. Approved �_ � ...... ... Pence i Rosen t5 -n—'. ..sass. Mayor. Me. P.—.— 7-s11 PUBLLSIIED (, . W a... ,. we. ,,,.ma�rcIb A,et F. P t.r.e� 91i 1 42 CITY OF ST. PAL wk ke OFFICE OF THE CITY v M / C.O NC U- 660 UTION —GE MM A �. PaEaEry Eo e. co siorva WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul entered into an agreement, dated November 10, 1933, with the First National Bank of Saint Paul, the Empire National Bank and Trust Company, and the American National Bank of Saint Paul, by the terms of which agreement the Banks purchased for the Cit of Saint Paul $1,575,000 market value uncalled U. S. Government 4�, 1933-38 Government Bonds; and WHEREAS, the City a eouted to the said Banks on January 2, 1934, Ste notes, due in ninety deye from said date; and WHEREAS, the Said City of Saint Paul did, on the due date, renew the said notee for lesser sums; and WHEREAS, thetraneaotions were predicated upon the terms of the Said contract bereinbefore referred to, and by the terms of said contract the City was to apply on its said obligations with e aid Bank" any Sum in exoese of $300,000 oolleoted from taxes de- linquent on January 1, 1934; and WHEREAS, said Olty of Saint Paul has received the sum of $166,000 in axes as of the said a= of $300,000; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby autborized and directed to pay to the seid Banks, to apply upon the notes of the City dated April 2, 1934, the following respective Bume: To the First National Bank of Saint Paul, the sum of $1291111.00; to the American National Bank of Saint Paul, the sum of 426,349.00; and to the Empire National Bank and Trust Company the Bum of $10, 540. GO. ('1l l'V['l 1.H lid 11' �I [ py� Yeas \vys AJopted by Lhe G,uncjµ,p l_d_W14_.. 193 \Inv ntc l)nnnl,l �pW q�(� I'enra• ..'^. iii (nvor Approved.......____..._... .._193..__ .Against �t, Gael qtr. rre.id°nt Jlel,n„°�pUpIysi¢D/�=—� r:lw3 COUNCIL. FILE. NO. By In the Matter of reaonatruating aith.uanolithic ...crate the aid—ls on the eauth aide of Univaraity Ava.(16 ft. xid.) basinning at.tbo neat lana of Gale St., theaca 41 fast —t. e�volkNe�emQa e�lE tlEawYt-m +� �I Pee i F1� under Preliminary Order 97683 approved April 13, 1934 Intermediary Order -......__ .-......approved .. -.. -._..-....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it .t-�— "4 "k, RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that vement to be made •the said City is Bannatraet ,itt�monali�wgie nap�rata the on south eida of arai .Ave_ 15. ft.. xida b\eg}n° at the\*�sL llne--or_ be and the sa car arc 'r.-ar. ,al.d. ac c.alhf, and —irded sud sll 77. --- -- d the Council hereby rd ers said .mprovemen to be made. ESO LVED FURTH , That the a---c \Yorks be and hereby inslructeX d direc to prepare plans an ecifications for said ant, end a, mi the Council`,- approva that upon said approv the proper city offherebyuthorized directed to pro �re Geedwith making of said imp emnt in accordrewith. Adopted by the Cenadl_}-9-��,31:-- . 192 App—,d --JO 1 S }434 192 - Councilman -MAW-. ' Mayor. Councilman 8Fgnsoa' Councilman 4SEG I .' Councilman fAie'i Councilmen I Mayor 261M ". , / i — Form B. S. A. 8-7 /� -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In 1111"11 -It", :,ti ..... l'ic 1' " ", ' University Ave. (11 11. do , t , t n.7," , ,feet wast, 1-j" 1'1''..11"�,, 0h-' ai i "'Id April 1.5, 1934 111n h, C, l-, "i 11"r C,,," , f S, 1'.. ,1 $ 88.00 fhr d Lor I � I,— I Lond Bldg. Lot 1 no East B inch- of 2 Chute Bros. 11"'1" 40. 1 $8000 $18000 Addition to the it, ..,�J, ?A inn. t8000 t18000 Thr , has i .. . .... .... .. 1 .11 if ii, f-,- ,, and 1,, C .. .... 1, ih, .d, Inc him is DC.—mi—, of Finance. � o , � - —d 1) Ila 2 7 19 Office of the Commissioner of Public 06NANUF 9c 53 Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY ,7, 1834 May 4, 1934 eta 'P„ th, ('..,n,n,..,f I „u,,,, ,d the ('its ,f t. P—I „t P.Obh, 11 k, lu„Ink I a„1,, e,,-Jti11,1 ilii„„t, „,"I,, „f th, 97683 .n,l..,,.,,i April 15, 1934 ma reconstructing with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the south side of University Avenue (15 ft. wide) beginning at the west line of Dale Otreet, thence 41 feet west. .,�„I hnel„K it,. ertiNnte,l the n,ut trry ut,.l thlt, g, ,,f, n,,I u, tI., rel n, hemi, nP,vt=: en„ nt „ ,.Hv. nn.. („.J tlesintl,lr. Lot 1, Block 1, Chute Bros. D1vl is on No. 1 $88.00 e111-, Nd e„MI thee,„( i, 8 u,.l the tr,t"I cu=t 0--f it ? nt„I the nn„t„ „,d ("1"" ,J Ani 1 in,Pn,.em-t I. ns fullnua i. \ phu,, Pn,lile �e nkrech of =ni,l i,,,l,t'a.'"""'nt i. hereto nttnrhe,l nn.l nuul„ n Pnrc hc�r.d. 4. ... �ni,l i,,,l,r„er,,,ent i= oskcrl fur upon I,etition n! Ihn,n .,r more or uv� o[ propcet� eul,jeet t„ tivxe=N,t„ „( for -td ito Peoernte„1. lCO Y C / l:otnmissioocr ublic Woeke. _ ,T�v^ u ..,u cITV OF-.....�'wt�en v'ee ao— �o�,,.�. No. �)SA OFFICE OF Th. ur " lid r ti COUNCIL RESOLUTION m� Rasmmam WHEREAB, by Council File No. Z2742, approved August 17th, 1933, the Council appointed a commission of three, to be known as "Port Authority of Saint Paul", and WHEREAS, George C. Lambert was one of the Commissioners so appointed and Was appointed for a term of Bit (S) years from the date of said Oouncll File, and WHEREAS, the said George C. Lambert recently died, leaving a vacancy in said Commission, and WHEREAS, a vanahcy oocurring In said Commission is to be filled by the Council, the new Commissioner to complete the unexpired term of the Commissioner Whose place is to be filled, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that William F. Davidson of St. Paul be and he is hereby elected and appointed to said Commission to fill the vacancy nereinbefore described, for a term expiring six (6) years from and after August 17th, 1933. t•u CSt'n.bl ¢� j rr:�, w „�,, na�����a Icy ❑�� r �������a.. JUN 19 7934 los rr n„„ .,,. JUN 1 A 474 res PUBLISHED G -?Y .�/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.P.1.1 of M --l. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 216 Court Hou�a CTY9L 1t-IOIAf, T8Fr;r—;6; i �Vurr.Ywi +iH+-B.p..,t mme.memr Or�acD ry e _ Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner z„nH. M,.I.. M•,.. Wm.A.Parranto, Deputy Commissioner . p 9AKF0. V June 16, 1934. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: You will find attached letter from the Port Authority recommending the appointment of Mr. Wm. F. Davidson to succeed the late Colonel George Lambert on the Port Authority. Therefore, will you prepare the necessary resolution calling for the appointment of Wm. F. Davidson,to said Port Authority,for the council's consideration, and oblige? Very truly yours, FERMAN C. W—L COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES HCW:ER YSA�AUL P 1h� G,..1 H -,t CITv OF ST. PAUL PAUL ro... NO _98145 �-GLfiY OF .iir / 1 OFFICE// OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL E50LUTION—GENERAL FORM wTE S'— 1�co RESOLVED ,.lr.. FlllO li HILI .1=-.'1'. -C t' .. c ntas, - o C. u vEvalve eenolineo I�me W� ota .0 la� OA�k o �Feeerele z1Onz:u °e:Inar. me.. _ W." ooro. u��a za.raan . tact. <'0VNF'I I.SI N.\ funs I 44— In Invnr Trllna ;% Ag,i at Mr. Prexidest 1 Adopted by the C,--1 ...JUN -.1..9.-1934. 193. _. Approved dIRlA_l. I _ 196.__ Mnyor COUNCHIMEN aaoel'al,yte�co—l'1,Jul( 14to34 lea__ mak_ 1p +n,aer t.. f-'), al�ht�.��•a 146 CITY OF ST. PAUL No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM o rE SUS'_lc� c mm. siSri p,-,(L/. Y/:•tt _ _:.RESOLVED Y... --J LJ T:::' C[� 1 a' =� .. - ... �t ..2 ... ... �. n..v .. nt. en t -'an— ..... g. COUNCHIMEN aaoel'al,yte�co—l'1,Jul( 14to34 lea__ mak_ 1p +n,aer t.. f-'), al�ht�.��•a CITY OF ST.PAUL „r, ` NO. 14 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Y COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM —T[ S3A760ScYffi WHEREAS, P. L. Anderson, 1643 Taylor avenue, paid the aum of One Dollar for Building Permit No. 34258; and WHEREAS, it developed that a restriction in the deed pro- bibited the building to be constructed under said permit; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to said P. L. Anderson said eum of One Dollar. c g�— — P+ 11 _ser oo:evee i I nn U COUNCILNI I:N Yr Nu Itoxrn 'I'r,1nx �.� A&-1 aM ._ Nr. Preeidant r:LcL«einy Adolnrd by tLr Cuw,cil.. _ _ Jt1R -} A NNlt I9:1 A", a _ ;�1 Y 9_io? `. _ I93 _. .A�—oNT KA AN S�pr. of P..1. ERNEST W JOHNSON H —d. CHAS ,lPIO ASSFORD Grr A -T." CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cnpifel of Minn... fe DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commiaupnar CARL F SPEAKES. D.p.,, --'i.... -QD.* Sun- 13, 1934 Hon. L. L. Anderson Corporation Counsel Department of Law Dear Sir; May I respectfully ask you to prepare the necessary authority for a refund to P. LAnderson, 1643 Taylor Avenue in the amount of $1.00. This fee was paid for a building permit, No. 34258, which permit is of no use to them on account of the deed restriction prohibiting them building according to this permit at 1472 Huron Street. LAR U (=r.hit..t/ PERMIT �! .p • • D., tier Sig .. 193 • • (T.ne .... i/ iii i i� i � i. r � .\•I.Iree � ' ✓ e �—n � C! l • / V • �ru � is �,1 � qui � X11 o _Ix; ai �.� -1 ��. • • , l r u �, No COUNCIL RE OLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS June 14 34 ...... Gah,411 N 1 69&3357 71, _A/ 7 TOTAL 44 979 0&139 901598 4647 4648 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin. 3 287 01 4649 Peter S. Monson14 Better Bake Sbop qO 185 00 4650 J.J.Fia.b.O- & Frank Be.. 55 on 4651 Harry Yee. Pon 15 00 4652 Les-Hoff 11—.tor Company 41 40 465� Ni .bol.a0 C.Mertz 15 00 465 L.o V. C.n.,.n 32 96 4695 Terminal motor Bus Company 229 00 4656 Benner Chemical Company I 225 12 4657 Ca-itol Stationery Mfg.Company 65 09 4658 Farwell, Oxmun, XITk & Company 259 52 4659 General Gbemi..1 Company 1 059 24 4660 Gopher State Products Company 106 28 4661 FalTis Brothers Mfg, Company 9 07 4662 Mr., J.T. Jennings 28 48 4611I'll, Louis, II.rkelt ,,,64 Malady Paper Comonny 27 33 4665 Geo. E. Robertson 28 55 4666 3t.P..l Vo.. 9ohool Revl.rup d 27 71 4967 A Schmid 1 55 4669 Mies a Ruth Turnpuist 9 00 4669 Hertl Coal Company 252 55 4670 St.Pauj Teachers Retir ement Rund Association 25 000 Or 4671 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 22 45 4672 H.W. Kingston Company 52 01 4673 Nome Demonstration Service 13 73 4674 James E. Gir,le 40 00 4675 Clyde Egan 15 Or) 4676 Axel T. Peterson. 0. of Finaroe 10 948 Ol 4677 Axel F. Pet arson, C. of Fin spo 40 4678 Axel F. Pete—op, C. of Finano �o4 9 75 4679 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finano: l 6197 10 4680 Peterson, Axel F. Peterson C. of Finano: 8 281 20 V8i Axel F Peterson,C. of Finano 5 657 74 4682 4693 Axel r. pet C. of Fin-no Axel T. 2 lU 28 4684 Peterson, 0. of Finano: Kee Lax Mfg, Company 2 5 11 40 468� Midway ice cr.— Company 79 423 13 4686 Vid.ly Ice CTesm Company 426 20 • 4687 4688 W.F.Smith Tire & Battery Company Axel r. Peterson, 0. Finanoe232 40 co 4689 of Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finance 87 467 47 4690 Axel F. Petereoa, C. of FiCew 754 79 4691 Axel F. Peterson. C. of Finance 1 41411 4692 O.L� Re. 65 469� Mann -Smith Company 40 . 469 National window Cleaning Co.1 nn. 390 00 4695 H. Paltz & Son 301 77 4696 P.— oil Company 157 9' 4697 H.J. R-11;1dt 368 On 4698 3t. a.i Bu liars Mate 'rial Co. 42 53 4699 St.Paul Von, 9obool RevI.Fund 47 62 4700 Shell Petroleum Company 7 49 4701 Conway w. leikert 10 00 44 679 08,208 259 69- ogPe4e,f on p op COUNCIL~ RESOLUTION11 11—T.LEe r �E NO. .r�smzry--Y'- AUDITED CLAIMS rune 16 cep 7 la ig 14 �::. 702— 7,56 Ili T,Ro —AL , IN FAVOR OF neo FOe "a° 44 878 08 208 259 69 • 4702 Atlee Gas & 011 Company ++I ogPe4e,f on p op COUNCIL~ RESOLUTION11 11—T.LEe r �E NO. .r�smzry--Y'- AUDITED CLAIMS rune 16 cep 7 la ig 14 �::. 702— 7,56 Ili T,Ro —AL , IN FAVOR OF neo FOe "a° 44 878 08 208 259 69 • 4702 Atlee Gas & 011 Company d 4701 Capitol stationery Yfg,Company 3 4704 Mrs. Delia Brown 4701, UT, Mary Sly 47n6 Mrs, Anna R. Fol eyriety 4707 John Lennon 4708 Mrs, Eli ..beth LSterskl 4709 Mrs, Hannah Peterson 4710Mrs, Elfrida Soderberg 4711 Axel T. Peterson, G, of Finance 2 6 42 71 AxelF. Patareon, C. of Finance 2 3 4711 Oxel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 14 2 4714 4-1 F. Peterson, C. of Finanoe 91 3 4715 Axel F. Peterson, C. ,f Finance 95 5 4716 Mrs.H. Mitsah 2 4717 George 9udeith 4718 Joe. wolf, Collector 2 4719 Joe, wolf, collector e 4720 Axel F. Paterson, C. of Finance 1 4721 David Bashefkin 4722 Axel F. Peterson, 0, of Finance 27 6 47PI Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 8' 4724 Axe] F. Peterson, C. of Finanoe 4 II 4725 S. Kaomaraek & D. 9u111vsn 4726 Axel F. Peter eon, C, of FSnenoe 91 4727 Axel F, Peter. n, C, of Finance 20 5 4728 American Electric Company 4729 American In euranoe Company 1 473n G. Beg110 lI 4731 Cashman Nurseries,Inc. 1'. 4732 Hsrry Chapdel eine 4733 Cochran Sargent Company ! 4734 Ditto sales & service Company 4735 Fielding & Shepley, Inc. 4: 4736 The Frederio Hotel 4737 Government Printing Office ] 4738 Great Northern Railway Comp :my 11, 4739 Griggs, Cooper & Company 4740 Kenny Boiler Mfg, Comonny 1. 4741 McFadden–Lambert Oompany 2( 4742 Ypl a. St.Paul & Sault ste.Yaria Ry,Cc. ! 4743 Monroe Calculating Machine Co.Inc. 3f ® 4744 F,J. Morse & Company 4745 Nicole, Dean & Gregg f 4746 Niccls, '�aen & Greg 1' 4747 4748 Nnrthexestern Fuel om any 9t. Paul Abetr-ot Company 4 34 4749 9t.Anthony Park Y, E. Churh 4751) 9t,Paul Goo swill Induatriea 4751 Andrew Schoch Grocery Comrany ] 4752 sharp abd Dohme, Inc. 1C 4753 J.L. Bhiely Company, Inc, 1 27 4754 Thompson's Reetaurant 4 4755 The iuffibre Company 4756 -a tinghnuae Electric supply Co. 3 oTp FOAwAAo 44 879 09 479 606 17 52 378 08 669 129 53 No. COONCJ�ayroft cAll -F COUNCIL RESOLUTION ei1 r. Jima Is AUDITED CLAIMS 34 -11- .710".176 7_1.1", Ho IjA 1934 TOTAL IN FAVOR OF 44 878 08 .479 606 17 4757 R,aslan House, Inc. 208 33' 46 ar) 4798 4759 John Heroff rd. Schwartz 3� 6c, 4760 Board of Public Welfare 14 ol 37 4761 4762 F. Belde, gecy.Treas. S. Berglund Lumber Company 7 , 65 30 476j 4764 F.J. Brings & Company & Company ill 51 107 95 4762 Farwell, Oxmun, Kirk -,.11 Frel-is 35 00 476 John W. Uttohell 21 00 4767 7. W.Bell Telephone Company N.W. 20 19 4768 Th, peak.. CoslDsMy 132 32 4769 Th. Waterous Company 372 20 4770 Blue White Cab Company 793 10 4771 AxelF. Peter eon, C. of Fin- 7 500 0() 4772 Gen J. Ries County Auditor 416 66 477� N.t:Banik of (Gen.,,,:,,: B'6� 349 co 477 Stil'n.R EmniTs National Bank , A Co.. 1 540 00 477� Tba.Fir:t,N.tio. al Bank of S. Gen.Rev. 129 111 00 477 Jos Deets to 10 00 4777 Joe 1 50 00 4778 Ab;,V.'t'F1.'l`lil1er Cbarllf.. 150 00 4779 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. CompsM 726 70 4780 Tri-State Tel: & Telg. Co"Parly, 100 27 4781 Tel & Telg. CoIzDany Tri-State 71 34 4792 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 248 29 4783 4784 American Linen Supply Company Americ an Linen Supply Company 130 67 10 78 4785 4796 capital Envelop aCompany Cash & If -ate 128 77 50 is 4787 Central Grocery F.M. & r. v. Dolan 95 4799 L. Ti.e-,nger Meet Company 194 1' 4789 Tlectric Blue Print Company 61 8 4790 Anthony Tinb, , g & Son 21 00 4791 General Electri 'Suprly Corp. 140 42 4792 H.gh.on & Whitacre 21 60 479 R.E. Huime Company 14 27 474 Hydraulicl., 'i Piet Company 2 01 479� 1m. P. JoYoe & Company 25 00 479 lenny Boiler Mfg. Company 171 80 4797 Landers-vorTi.on-ChTiatsneon Co. 271 90 • 4798 4799 R.A. Lang, 1... T.P. Lowe §L Company 14 74 21 0 4800 M,K-ason-St.Pa,,l ^Fug Company 264 02 4801 ,11,,7FounAry I - m,, 2?0 94 M Ray a Y '. Miller 69 36 4903 Minnesota Oil & Penning Company 16o li 4804 Motherly Friend Laundry 4 62 4805 R any2 PC 4806 National Biscuit Comnany 13 71 4807 — National Carl, Ing Corporation 2 74 4908 Northern State Power Company 300 91 48 Northern Staten Power Company : 639 Pq 4810 Northern state. Pow- o,..T,-y 2 eos 43 52 378 08 669 129 53 ona�..i,o un ossa CITY OF ST. PAUL „�, " NO. ')SUM OFFICE`O,/FoTF'E CITY CLERK ��1LNT I0N --GENERAL FORM Jtme 19, 1934. RESOLVED jUgp744, the following named persons be- heretofore filed applications for•off sale' liquor license., and Deus deposited with soon epplinetione the license fee therefor, viz: Cormik J. Coegrov. 503 Slni-r.icy A... AND, wMMW, said applicants heve withdrawn their applications and heve raq�ete6 the rei— of the --t deposited, together with all Pap ers ed with the said epplicetiona; theroforo, to it HSSOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby anthoris.d and direoted to :*tarn to t above named persons the amomt of .off sale" license fee heratoforo de0 sited by them with their appli- cations and the City Clerk 1s directed to advise the State Ligm Dentrol Co®lesion:: of the fact that said applinetioae baro be ea withdrawn, OUNCILMEN Yeo* P��aaarrtzermmson tictio�t � 1 lioym Nil. rrcrl,ir.nt :®a1[[y Aaop�d I,y u:� c„e„ell_ JUN 1.9 1934 lea Am 191c"34 SaCF. 957.0, �-j L:� c,d .11",. a.✓ CITY OF ST. PAUL /h/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM c/ eAT. June 19, 1934 RESOLVED that the_� �- proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the following named persona the licenses fees indicated depoeited on appliceti� Por Dance Rall 1L-—, whlch 11 --have prevlouely been denied: John J. Swanton 27.1 Rice St. Dance Hell $15.7J Appl. 5342 Clarence L. Rea, 2550 R. Seventh St. " ° 15.00 ° 5190 �c ..�R'i z1 R. as raa.ae . ae. as POLLNC -NII1 , Yens Itn..r e 7 nu`a ARninet it enzrl w 4z1 \I r. President M' 48152 Adopled by the C'ouiicil ;RiN _ 19:1 Y � M2A Al�priivrd ___... 193 Maysr CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesole OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT Cey CIa,L and Cammis.i , of Ra ,1i Nr. Clarence L. Bea, 2550 W. 7th St., St. Paul, mi D.. St r: Your applScation for e. lic^nee to operate a Uanca Hall at Che above addresa w e dented by the City Counc it upon recur ndation of the Bureau o: Police. "N unt of thia action y the Council, n , e been directed to notify y to Piecontinue the operation of a dant" hall at this addr.ea i—diately- Yours truly, City Clerk. NO �^ 103 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Ccr/JCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .TE June 19, 1954 RESOLVE0 That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to S. $Sher, 859 Float Street, the fee of ¢,10.00 deposited on application 5394 for Florist license, .hich license has been denied by the Council. COGSCIIMEN -/�e-�- 'Na" In I-- a�Arn (� 'I'nur< Apninrt R'rnzel ,� prr��drnt iGGi Adopted by the C.-61 JUN 19 tn34 I93 Bid 19 1n?r t uy„r unew�mc„r n..t CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. _'(ll♦)/� FFICE N OF THE CITY CLERK UNCI L RESOLUTIOGEE\NERAL FORM rsese.+reo av 195 ,s'� LV once Jwa 13, 4 eommissioNea ": RESOLVED That the proper city officer. be and they are hereby authorised to refund to Lbsdolph Leiner the fee of $200.0o deposited on application 2419 for Tavern licence, and the fee of b15.o0 deposited on application 2420 for Dence Hall 1Le..ee At 558 Edoned Street, which licenses have previously been denied. Cnp]t'II AI L:S Ag kL c „<d Ad,,plld by It," a--1,•IIN 1-9 Irk, _ Im . App ,o ,d JUR I t 1934 aa_ TF.1_s bq-ber shop It 537 St. Antho,ry 1- 1e lo—t,d 1n n p -i -1,q reaiden o•fc,d, 1V cio ^ ` A CITY OF ST. PAUL ,,,s ` NO. N • 55 MOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM s`oeEA i rCC-(DATE 1.. 15, 1854 RESOLVED That Saeter Barber'. license, application 5685, applied for by Thnmea Seal at 531 Ht. Anthony Avenue be and it ie hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Health, and the proper city officers are hereby instructed to refund to Thomas Beal the fee of (10.00 and to cancel eaid application for license. ('r11i \('I I.M Iii 1 I "Pn a Aknin=t I>i b. 1�Ic'aleYe �ne ai w�° 'labmu iiwlise°Y""ol�ta. aaetie. o..,. m.. sa aeau • n. ase,. Adoplcd by the C'ou,Icil_ JUN 19.034. 19:3 .... 3fl4a t � 1934 M n. r 'CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' CC�NCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM • � _ June 19, 1934 RESOLVED That 4avero license, application 4165, a.d Dance Ball license, appllcet on 4170, applied for by Sam Badri. et 475 St. Peter Street, sod to be operated under the name of the Arabian Village be and they are bereby denied upon reco=eadAtloh of the Bureau of Police, and the properj city officers are heresy authorized to refund to Sem Radri. the feed of $200.00 end $15.00 end to cancel said appllcat Lone for Tavern and Dass Bell lice... s, r.ep.ctively. 7'eea ]�i.ii., ai•-.� onyx pe 4+e.rr er,oel� i „r. pre�Ident Z{whm.y JUN 191`)34 AdoPlyd by the li�uncil_. - G9BB 9. 1� 1934 Approved _. 1511 A,eynr PPP- CITY_OF 8A T PAUL 'DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF LICENSES vp To the BUREAU OF POLICE: A 1. No._ 4170 Name _ Sem Aedrie Business Address_.—_____ _ 473 St. Pater has applied --June 11-----1934 for_Dance Bell ricenae Furnish in detail your reasons for approving or disapproving this application. REPORT: License Inspector. Several Har and lunch counter Cetera to alder class of people but cW t recommend it for a license NOT APPROVED: Thee, E.Dahill O ER _ �R. Foga-ty, K. 0.7an Chief of Police Inspector. USE REVERSE SIDE IF NECESSARY This application not approved I do not believe the applicent is a proper person to operate a dance hall; also the location or district pends a cleaning up and the granting of this license a -.Id interfere alth present pleas. Thos. E. Dnhill Chief of Police aarrwrrwa .same ®w,.. � 107 Council File Vo........._... Ic. saes[ a 1n T s,By . wai CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefit,, coat, and expeneea far paving Payne Ave. from Reaney St. tc the bridge .,or the Chicago, St. Paul, Ninnespolie and Cataha Railway track, app—inctely 88 feet north of Fauquier St. with a water and gas c action, from street malas to property line, complete where not al reedy made and whereon ,eery, ,leo curbing and paving alley and driveway app....he, where n - .a , The roadway shall be paved to the a ieting poadwav width, 46feat, with S" vertical fibra brick. The grade on the .treat being 4.8%. Tha base .hell be v" concrete, under Preliminary Or,ler_.._...961@A___, Intermediary OrderG6629._. _. _... Final Order _959M.._- app...red........_....11tly._28___._.._.... 19 N- A public hearing having been had upon the ,ase ct— for the above improvement, nod said esseasmevt hsvivg been further considered by the Connell, end having bee, eoasidered finally eatisf,etory, be it therefore RESOLVED, Th,t the said —ssmcnt be and the same is hereby in all respect, ratified, and the same m hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the C—ty of Ramsey for confirmation. RF. IT FURTDER RESOLVED, That the said ---t be and it ie hereby determined to he payable iv __._.__�,%_... equal installments. Adapted by the Council :)�N.. �.�-.��4 19 F: 4:✓� city Clerk. Approved_ __-_tlAe'.L'�a �"''d_...... 19 - S Ad.,I.d 6, the Co cd _ I93 Yea,. Nay,. PEARCE PETERSON -'ROSEN ,4RUAX /WARREN WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) / U I'M I.IF. 11 Pk1, OFH9CI? nF 1.11F I11)1)IIS_if0]'Nai OF PIN.III F Report of Completion of Assessment ._.may:.. 23 .19 34 In the of thr of benefit', oat- sad expense- far xbn paving P-Yne Ave. from Ramey St. to the bridge ...... the Chicago, St. Paul, Mienn-nPY"" end @'aha Railway tracks approximately 88 feat north of Fauquier St. with a wa and gee o eotloae Prom street mains to property llnee complete where not nlraedy made and where n eery, also ourbing and paving alley and driveway appr—bll whore n ee -cry. The rnadw�y shall be paved to the ..Seting roadway width, 4fi fe-�t, with 3" vertical fibra brick. The grade on the etr..t being 4.8%. The bee. 'hall be 7" concrete, 1-d'r 1'rr1ilili.— _ IIS 1� 95184 "11 95629 1 incl 0, 1, . 95935 July 28 1,.,33 T.. al�caal,eu ar Ire r�I, � I rllld '1'hfnnunGslnnrr of Finn arh.n.l, rr;mn<on,, t'ouvril Ihr foYaeing of 0., Coe{ of o netruction $6,577.64 Coat of ou511eh1ng n ce 5.40 Coat of p..t.l =d 1.08 1.108 In-peotion feea 135.20 Amount of o .rt ooat- for confirmation 5.40 C onatruction Engineering 137.11 on Water a neotiona 519.75 Curbing182.36 Total Expenditurea $7,563.94 Les- the sum of (Federal Grant order PP"A to,rlt the i ( Project Docket No.760 Sruelit r,l h� ( and $5,416.77 II„—d Le.. the sum of (Code 31 E 1) Slir".I. t2,147.17 IF, him. ar.l �. - Cammisianer of hirer's. I'111' f1P 1 PATI, (WF I,'Y. OR 'I'II I! lI I.MMISSIO\'1:N 01Irl\.1.\lE Report of Completion of Assessment MU h, iI,, of tI,r benefits, ..at. and expan sea for itme paving Payno Ave. fr Reaney St. to the brldge over the Chioego, St. Paul. Minneapolis and Oahe Railx y track. approx imataly BB feet north of Fauquier St. with a water and gee a eotlons Prem, street malna to property line. er..plot. where not already made end xhere n eseary, also ourbing and paving allay and driva..y approach.. where n ea- sary.The roadway shall be paved to the ex iating reed—y width, 46 f -t, with 3" vertical fibra brick. The grade on the at ... t being 4.8%. The baso shall be 7" concrete, uo I,r P, li.l,.1 96184 .lot.. no,.l :it_, <i it 96629 foal O'd- July 28-....... 1933 I'o the C....il of the City of St. P hl The Comm T'—ivaceb by q ' —.'.to tLa Op tyhp.3d a 4*te t f the expel d -lure. necea.a ly i. mdto be incurred Por'nd in connection witli'the �tb b - impro.r- `°nC'dbaetruatioa -, r.57�•677.g4 06ik'df pvbliehing noti oe.6.40 —d..ne+t oaf 'e0ietel de 1.08 .uwi uipe„wivaee .. Said Cammisaion—further reports that he has seaweed and levied the total —t as above .....i.,nd. 10 -wit: th, sum or g._._..upon each end ovary lot, part or pereel of hand deemod benefited I, Ili, xi,i,l 11n1r „m,ut, w'd m the "., of .a,1, Int, part or p—d of land is accord.aen with Ilio b—fio , „ 1101:11 h,. k, o.e�..=•o =..r =.... CITY OF ST. PAUL "" NO bK V)8 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI L REST WN—GENERAL FORM - `_ /(W�� oAIE Sime 20. 1934. RESOLVED That the proper city oLflcere be and they ere hereby authorised and directed to pay the city'- pmportiomta -bare of the Dille sab- matted by the Advi-ory Court Ho— and City Hall Building Ceam<leelon a - Nom on Abstract of Claims H®ber 57 of the Advieury Court Home and City Hall Building Co®talion, totaling $1.146.99, the city'- -hare of -hich 1s $573.49 end all a- -ham upon the claim- submitted by said Co—lsalon. COL'NCILMEN 1'css N^� Rurcn � In (n.••r Truax Warren W. -I- Nr- Prc��d�ni ICcl�nn Ad, 11d1, 1111 IJUN 201934 Ivt .JUN 9 ®1934 A � �laynr %. �vu Ad, 11d1, 1111 IJUN 201934 Ivt .JUN 9 ®1934 A � �laynr RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to pay the city', proportionate share of the bills submitted by the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission as shown on abetract of Clete. Number 57 of the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Cosonieeion. 1 totsling� '11 . the city'. .hers of which isd" and all es shown upon the oIslas submitted by said Co®Se slo a, / m., a... I N j 59 CITY OF Sr. PAUL .� "` NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ( UNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERAL FORM corn rn slyNek�` i L June, 15, 1934. RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given per- mission to install 1-30 foot pole in Como Park, northwest of Floral Conservatory, with necessary guy., anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and coat of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate $20564. COUNCILMEN Y_ _ - Nnye / Itnecn Trunx Ag , t Wfrri u MI. PreeiJent Mnhoney A,h,Pt,a by w, (7, n,ilJUN-14193493_ 11019x4 193. Mxynr wW�r•ro cin car CITY OF ST. PAUL .,u NO.. .NSI60 } C�OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM =�o.r�rl�, %// o.TE June 20, 1934 RESOLVED In the matter of curbing both sides of Wells Street from Payne Avenue to Edgerton Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 96411, approved September 19, 1933, and Final Order C. F. 97821, approved May 8, 1934. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifi- cations as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. y'— \I J;A— In fn. or �'fnua /� Agninrt tFrffllN /\I r. I'rr+irlrnt \lulioney AJop1.ad try the (bunch. 1"N 9 (. 1114. JUN 2 n Appmvcd — _—._.. _. 199_. /J,_ _ �— M1lel nr COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER ,M61 In the Ma«er of grading Alley in Blook 1, John Gearden Addition from Underwood Avenue to Fredericka Avenue, a All, a r— mo under Preliminary Order. 97854 _... approve�-9.,. toys -. The Council of rhe City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commission,, of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the said report and the same k hcmby approved end adopted, and the said imptovem,ot is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends 6 grade Allay in Blook 1, John Geardan Addition Prom Underwood Avenue to Praderioka Avanoe, with no ahernarives, and that ,hc estimated —, thcr,of is 51.Li8.9�- Reso1ved Further, That a public hearing be had on said Improvement on rhe 17th day of joly . 193, a, rhe hour of 10 .dock A. M., in rhe Council Chamber of the Court House end City Hall Building m rhe City of St. Paul. That rhe Commissioner of Finance gi- not of said meedog to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charm,, stating ,h, time end place ofhea,- ing, the nature of the imp,ovement and the total cost ,hereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ If ' n 1934. aa •,,�,ta,i�b __ _� / Approved._— I93 _ (j/y�./��( Maya, PUBLISHED Councilman 1'��'r--�d Councilman �"'"' �� Councilman) '—'"� �"••" Councilma Mayer a ones t"� Form B. S. A. 8.6 '!t{1W COUNCIL FILE NO. By f INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of andemniog and taking an ant in the land n asry for alone., cute and fills in the grading of Allay in Block 1, John Geardan Addition from Underwood Avenue to Fredericka Avenue, -- under Prehminary Order- - ___3266b_ _ -__ _approved—_ The Council of the City of Sc Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having ronsid... d said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said impo—trut.t is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 'That the not,,,imp— of the impwhich the Council remenda is ...deem and take son easement in the land necessary for nrom slopes, out. end fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, John G—den Addition from Underwood Avenue to Fredericka Avenue, inscordanoe with the blue print hereto attached runt!runt!mads a pert hereof, the I tohsd porticos .how- ing the cute and the shaded portions showing the fill., with no alternatives, and that the mtimated cosy thereof is $ 26.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ Uth - day of rely 193, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give nodes of acid meing to the pens and in the maer hear- ing, by the Charter, st ing the time and place of h ing, thenamm persons the improvement and thetotalcoat thereof m —nested. Adopted by the C ... iL HIN—g0 199 — . 193 0� Q 11 1934 — !V pprove 'F '/Et, Clerk I' Mayor Councilman _ r`�eta�n % 1 PUBLISHED , C ..Ideon ilma. erten c.nnrdma 4ebna Mayor a oncy Form B. 5. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Macer of grading Elaetie Street from Myrtle A—nee to Wabash Avenue, e.gne . per n..i.. undo Preliminary Order_ 99798 approved_. hley 2. 1834_ _ - The Council of the City of St" Paul having received the report of the Commiuioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and h,—g considered said report, hereby —.1—: 1. That the said -p—end the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered ro be proceeded with. 2. That the .attire of the improvement which the Co..cil recommends is grede Eustis Street from Myrtle Avenue to Wabash Avenue, with no aIter..tivm, and that the mtimated con thereof is $-1,63_2.0._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing lx had ...said improvement on the_.. 12th day of .17 193-A-- at the hour of 10 .'dock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in rhe City of Se Paul. Thar the Commissioner of Fiance give ""i"of said meeting to the persons and i. the manner provided by the Charter, st,ti.g the time and place of hear Ing, rhe nature of the improvemem end the cocaI cast thereof as eniim—d. Adopted by the Co until. JW 2r ,193 / C/ Approved _. _._- 193_-_ City Clerk Mat Councilman tday.. 1 ..,ers.n PUB / Councilman Sec Llcuctt Councilm n "aar:".. Mayor Imp c,• hau Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. By __ INTERMEDIARY ORDER 3.x96 h,rhe Mercer of ...deeming and taking m evt In the lena d n eery for .lope,, outs and fill, in the grading oL ..,ia Street Pram Myrtle AvmuetoeWaba.h Age , a - under Preliminary Order—_. 97298.._. —__– _ approved—Alay_2r 1934 The Council oe City of It Paul having meb ed the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ,he above impcovemferhnt, and having .... id ... d said report, hereby res 1— I. That he said report end the ve same is hereby pp --d and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the imp covement which the Council recommends a oondemn and take e,n errant iathe lemd_ypoeaeary far elopes, out. and fill. in the gr.ding of t4etie Street Prom Alyrtle Avenue to Wabash Avenue, in s ordnnoe with the blue print hereto attached and made . part hereof, the h.tahed portion. showing the cute and the shaded portion. showing the fill., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 25,00. _. _-- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. 17th _ day of .,fitly— — – 193 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., m the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in she City of St Paul. Thar he Commissioner of F—nce give ..rice of said meeting ro he persons and in he manner provided by the Charter, .racing he rime and place of hear- ing, the .,tort of he improvement and the total cos, thereof as —meed. Adopted by the C..—1 'LJN9,n 14 , 19, SI�t 2 P APPlent," _.— _.1St Clty Cler Mvyor Councilman iwtfi �.a.t PUBLLSHEll� L Councilman PEnr"Ee is„ter;; `J J Councilman li6€en- \las ort+ , c:eh.n Form B. 5, A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. nau..v co B vt. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In he Matter of condecaning and taking maruc ent for the purpose of c ..tting and maintaining a public a , under and a s property of the Minnesota Transfer Rail- way Compagy. The :aid a ®ant shall be a strip of land twenty (20) feet in width, the enter line of xhiah shall ba 460 feat rest of end parallel to the west line of Prior Avenue 11'om Umiveraity Avenue to a point o a line 50 feet northeasterly of and parallel to the northese terly line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Cotspeay right of way, than.. southeasterly and parallel to the north ... tarly line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway right of way to Prior Avenue, under Preliminary Order-- ---979M- - --_ _approved—.--liay17.,_19-u, The Council of the City of Sc Paul having received the report of the Commissioner, of Finance upon ,he above improvement, and havmg considered said rspom hereby cesol- 1. That the said report and the same k hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement u hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is send— and take as meat for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public a under and across property of the Minnesota Transfer Railway Compaap. The said a ant on, be a strip of land twenty (20) feet in width, the center line of which shall be 460 feat west of and Parallel to the west line of Prior Avenue from University Avenue to a point o a line 50 feetnorthessterly of and parallel to the northeasterly line of the Chica,,o, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company right of way, thence eo.the..terly and parallel to the northeasterly line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway right of way to Prior Avenue, with no atternetives, and that the wtimated cost tht,e.f is $_ 25_.9Q. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said imp—emene on the 17th day of .Tiny _, 193, at he hour of 10 .'dock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Cour, House and Ci,y Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. Thar the Commissioner of Finance give—Te— rTof said meeting o, he persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, —,mg the time and place ofhear- ing, the nature of he improvement and the coal cost thereof as animated. Adopted by he Council_JUN $ 1) W4 _ . Ivi Approved_ _. 19i - �sy� ✓Y.. Clty Clerk Mayor /Cou�cllma i'vrcry"� ,..� Councilman =A Councilman Councilman C_.. iVarr Mayor a ones r+ehau Form B. S. A. 8-6 Council File N. _.._.... _. _ _1... =ov... u..... . By CITY OF IT. I'll' Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the asscs,mrnt of benefite, oat, end expenses for repaving Prior Ave. from St. Anthoryv hve. to IIniversity Ave. by r ovvng prevent e Ifr urfec Sng the existing c rate base with asphalt mixture, e-cept xb.— asphalt or brick surface in good conditi onnn exists, slvo curbing, paving allay and driveway approve has, v water and gee c actinne Rom street main- to pr. -:-1 where not already made,,and including all work n eaary end incidental to aaid improvement. Meteri.1 shall be a.phe It mixture between F onia Ave."d University Ave. and 3 inch vertical fibre brick between St. Aoth.V Ave. and For..,. Ave. includ Ltg these intersections, c under Preliminary Order..._965(H.__.__, Intermcdwry Order _95758..........., Fi.al Order ....95954 _........ ... r. v e d....... Auc.. 1 _. _. _. _ _. _.......19..33.. A public br-ring having been had upon the a .....ant for the ab.- ire, roceme.I, end said assessment having been further emmidered by the Council, -.d having bee. considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said aw—re-1 be and the same is hereby in all respect, ratifird, erd the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Diatriel Court of the,C... ty of Ramsey f.r confirmeti.v. HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said eseewme.t be end it i, hereby determined to be payable i.._............ /16 q-1 installment,. jo E 1 tare Adnplyd by the Cou.cil_ ,.... S<}l..V-�✓'7, City Clerk. Approved. _._._. _._.... 19....._. I ? CUWAUMD �',--%7 -= v A t'IT) nP IT. I':LL'L 0p"I(E * Sl1E t u311I IS510SER OP PISASt'F, Report of Completion of Assessment . may 23. Int 34 In the nisi ter of the ae11,e - I e. benefits, costs and exp .... a fUe ve. from St- and nvingrfsaingAtha existing AnthonyntAbnee nithelvephelt Aixture, removing 'orickeeurfaoe in good conditionn sxlste, alsocurbingm paving alley and driveway or approaches, sewer water end gas connections from street Maine to priperty lines where not already made. pend Snaluding allworkn... eeary and incidental to said improvement. hlt tur between Fni. A— vlarti ceand 3 inch l Tibr. brickll be pbaetweanixSt.eAnthony A— nand FeronladAveiv including these intersections, 11,1"P,I ni:tiM., ":,1" 96504 Intcnu�disn tt�J�; 9575q I'u'al Clnlcr. 95954 .i 1 .Aug....!. T,, the Couneil of the Cilc of Sr Puvl- Thr Coni.tic.inner nP Finn nes hrls r, l,nrt� ihr t'en.il the fo;:n,t log xs x _stetrrnent ,f ih, diteree necscaril� int urr.l uu.l to bin.t.: sit f"oonne'tien ss ith the making of the shn�� imprut meat. Utz. Coat of oonstruotion Coat of publishing notice $16.994.15 Cost of postal cards 8.40 Inspection fee. 1.68 Amount of court coats for c^nfirmation 33'!.55 Construction Engineering8.40 Curbing 298.25 83.13 Tctal Expenditures 32. Lae. the sum of (Federal Grant under IWA) Enid (' and (Project Docket No.950 ) to tt tt_ th,. Laee the sum of (Code 31 E 1) ) $11,923.87 ) 1 L,ocf trJ b. Ili.said im Net As.e.®eat a bemhrF eori- f.rrd ihr. $ 6,808.69 n.t utr u[ thi..aid lT�ii niiiuner.:nd mndc e I,nrt hreo[, t he said eree.sment ea completed h.' him, and tt hili is hen xitli .n Lnuttid in th't'„iun it .'..r sigh _itton thrr,on n. , be'enside rsJ proper. C tsnianer of Fin-', ^ `"`OF I r=^ QF~1: (11'111`( 01MISSIONER W F1 NAN( E Report of Con-ipletion of Assessment �`�y`° " 34 ^~~^~~~~v___~ --'-d -'I°wd 1h, -'d ^�. 1h,~.°v�1-7,532.56 .."~`1�,,,~~1,.,, ) .f h-1 d,,,~d °_+.~ ~,~^"..~...'~~~."..^ .^'b~"~~. ^~~ 'h, -^~~r~ '1",~ ~^'^^^~^ ~1,1^°^'h, - .f th, 'a'd ( " ..,] . .."~_..^~~_..'...^~~.,..^'~"~~~~..~~..°..*^.-~" .1,~^._^...1h,`~~"F-~~^._.^~~~~~h�~~"... ~~~ o.o....o c... cu.. CITY OF ST. PAUL .ic. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R _SO O.._ FORM cPRES-TED Dy orn H, E. Warren nATE Tune 21, 1934 _ RESOLVED That the appointment by the Cos®Seeloner of Publlo Safety of Carl R. Leonard as Lloense Inspeotor be and the same is hereby oonourred in and approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nnvs � -Re.en- _ h, fa. or /Truax ��rre� D nRae,.r �Vcrra� / Mr. President fGe1�nC Adop,cd by 1,c C--1 "t1 "d 193 joL1 low Appro. cd 191 Mayor FORM No. 2 Subject: Council File No. Date presented 1934 Resolved, WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employee of his doper tment for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE AntoineLeroux Water -shed lab. Thomas Peltier JulianJ. Duren Filter Plant lab. Orvald F. Ryb erg Frank Fleming Unskilled laborer Ludwig Zwirner " William Dupre Water-shsd lab. ..=one Tourville Joho G. Mandel Ditch digger Gust A. Johnson Utility man Ralph MulroyMeter repairman Harvey Donahue Utilityman ThomasFahey Meoh.helrr James Saporito Joe Grappalle Ditch diger Mat Roberto Angelo M. Fiorito " Joseph Fiorito Stanley C. Rasmussen Filter Plant lab. Ayes Counoibmen 9..HwM Paterson Area Truax Warren Mr. President Gehan SUNDAY REGULAR RATE 8 bre. 4 8 .4 8 hrs. .48" 6 .46, 8 " .45 2} " .45 16 .49} 16 " .44 B .55 1 12 .66 1 12 .50 12 " 5 .56 3 " .56* 3 " 68� 3 " .55 3 " .55 16 .55 16 .55 8 6 " .462 °e*; • •, Adopted by the A M 81.1934 1934 Approved Ig 91 jqq! 1934 Mgvor. 1 1'liuLlStiHD �—d�?-�f Cer Leonard N. Thompe General Superintendent aV / V / PORN B0. 1 �\ June 18, 1934 AD. emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities. Bureau of Water rendering necessary the employment of certain employee of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following works Operating Highland and Hazel Park pumping stations. # Driving track ## Changing V meter at 1788 Bdaerton change 6e meter at 863 Nehkubia change 3s meter at 620 W nth Nove hydrant S.W. Cor. 7th and Western ### This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and oircumstanoess # On Sunday. ## Takina BRA men to and from job at Sacker-9adnais Lakes. ### Water had to be shut off, DOIDUSUIUMM UP "BBI.7�IEl M Certified correct Leod H, Thempaoae Cane al Superintendent. �r•t .°°.. °.... CITY OF ST. PAU o11° i ()H1!l_,(1 OFFICE O THE CITY c wne.:'u�ln�aljt a°°� •H COUNCIL RE LUTION-GEIa lstn••=" ° �r ut itnm.ei Cou i � .uses tea ret"rne "l Bala tin ><aeeam<gaa WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, acting as the Oanvaeeing Board, has duly canvassed the ret Aline of the votes cast at the primary election held in said City of Saint Paul on the 18th day of June, 1934, upon the ratifi- cation or rejection of a proposed Charter amendment regulating the compensation to be paid firemen and policemen; and WHEREAS, It appears from said returns and the canvass thereof that 54,160 electors lawfully voted upon said proposition, and that 35,420 voted in favor of the ratification of said proposed amend- ment, and 28,740 voted against the proposed amendment; and WHEREAS, it is required that three-fifths of those lawfully voting upon said proposition must vote in favor thereof before a Proposed amendment to the Charter shall be adopted; and where.., it appears that three-fifths of those voting upon the proposition did not vote in favor of the adoption thereof; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said proposed Charter amendment, fixing the compensation of policemen and firemen Is hereby declared not to have been ratified and adopted by the electors of said City at the election held June 18, 1934, as required by law. COUNCILMEN % JUN 22 1934 Adop ] Ls .h. I 191 /rayl tso� L, let r �N 2� 1g�4 fit n rrt-=d Ini na i Wcn:cl /: 4,. N -d— (Ooh") PU13US1WD C- - �n -_4-/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepllal of Minaesola OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT Cny Clerk aid Comn,iioe o . of Regan e�o� June Egad, 1934. L. Anderson, Corporation C-1. Hnildlag. Dear Sir, Attached is a statement eho"ag the reenit of the Special Election held June 18th on proposed amendment. tc the City Charter. will you kindly drae the neceeea" re solution declaring this reaultt Some very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF ST. PA4 OFFICE OF THE CITY '.0 a[1eYarll� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G ipe`Mv��ivd Du var° n / CpvvNl vrvre at WHEREAS, the Mayor has advised the Council of the appointment of Martin E. Youngquiet to the office of Secretary to the Mayor, and has requested the Council to approve of ouch appointment and approve the bond of the said Martin E. Youngquist, as Secretary to the Mayor; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the appointment of Martin E. Youngqulst as Secretary to the Mayor, be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the bond of said Martin E. Youngqulet in the sum of $5,000, whereon the Aetna Casualty and Surety Oompany is surety, and which bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit it in the office of the City Comptroller. s�•�.y snr� AKnip,l Ad,,pt°a I,, th. JUN 2 R 1934 ms aJUN 2 8 +934 YIiHLIJIIliDI ' ' "3 `f -. /� / / /J _ / (/ � O - / i � �� � /� / / /J _ / (/ � O 192— $--.._ — — ' Will you kindly take ateps to collect the bill. This department will cooperate to the extent of holding PaYments which may be due this account, if you will so advise, until the above bill has been paid. Yours very truly, CITY COUPTROLLRR �1ei1 i�� a CITY OF ST. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - enjr `�1 COUNCIL R GLUT —GENERAL FF' o°I�arkaa io.0. o e. 1oE=E . y m—µ ` ld, f MMss n AS the Hoard of Trustees of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul 10, 1934, determined \ Sanitary DS strlet, by reaolutlon dated June into certain parka, streets, roads, public the nece a of entering highways and grounds within the limits of the 01ty of Saint Paul for the purpose of laying out and constructing sewers and appurteneneee diepos al system plan tbereto, all in accordance with the sewage ify the tpublic Cior tyaCouncil of this action and Its desire to9enteriUpon property therein described; and ' WHEREAO, the eaSd Banitary District desires to enter upon Se not specifically in- the 01 ty Market property, which property in the Leglslative Aot creating the Sanitary District and cluded granting it its power; and WHEREAS, the Trustees of the Sanitary District desire an its on aproves of spublici on from therCConty namedtintthe aforesaid n ticeeaanrding -o tere theit WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Council that an easement the Sanitary over the City Market property ahould be given eaSd District; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council does bereby oonsent to the entry to the city of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District on 1934; be It ^` property 6escribed in said notice of June 19th, FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city and they Market nea wo�ferfi-tc�e�.s-be ere hereby authorized tet thenM pinneapolis-galnt PaulyOanitary ty for sewer purp oe esto roperof One Dollar; be it the sum DSetrlat, upon payment by St of FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby the Chairman of t eaof this Sd Sanitary oDistrict. offp theeBoardTrustees Of COCSCILMEN Adopted br till 01-111 JUN 9 9 to'43 - - JUN 2 6 1934 103_ r�•nr�r In rn��r nhpr�,��,d_. 'I o n.� ✓ AKnin=[ - - - NI.yl" \\"r oval �O _3 \f r. l'rr.idr nv 4'lalws'+- pS191.��D (O 3' —, f Tm.tles, t P-1 Si'' -,Ilt.' Avan ?, " I" I a' t'.. Ll,— ",I,, I - , - trey, I tW CITY OF SAINT PAUL C-1,1 of M-esole OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM f. SCOTT Cey C'.'L and Commissioner of Reg ,,.,- .aw r., Tune 21st, 1934. Yr. 14 L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Deur Sir: We attach herewith letter from Allen Wagner, gzecutive Secretary, Minneapolis -Saint Paul 11 tart' Dletrict, together with a resolution adopted by the Board of TrveLees and a notice to various city officers whereby the Sanitary District proposes to enter neon cer- tain park., streets, public highway., etc. in the City for the purpose of constructing a main interoepting sewer and neceeeery appurtenances and connection. thereto. The City Council todayreferred the above to you for such adieu ae is necessary. Tour. very truly, City Clerk. WHEREAS the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Ssnitery District deems it reasonably necessary and expedient, for the purpose of con.tr,cting, nainta+ring and operating its proposed sewage disposal YA-r, to enter upon municipal parka, etre. t., road,, public I.Sghways and ground, within territorial limit, of the City of Saint Paul and to lay out and oon.truct In ouch plass. vain and intercepting .aware and necessary app,rtens.n— and _,,..esti one thereto and to connect thereto any saw drain or out- let now in plane or hereafter cdust,osted by said City of Saint Paul, all as shown by a form of notlse add .eased to the Honorable The Couno ll of th.e City of Saint Paul, the Honorable Mark H. Gehan, Mayor thereof, the H ... rebl, Milton Rosen, Cormi..ioner of Publis Works, the honorable .red M. Truax, C—de.ioner of Parks Playground, and Public Hulldings, and the Honorable Harman C. Wenzel, Co,rmis.loner of Public Utilities, this day filed in the office of said 1.liedeapalie-Saint Paul Sanitary DSztrict; THEREFORE, RESOLED that the Chair,mn of this Board be and he is authorized to sl gp and cause to be served �pdn said Council of the City of Saint Paul, the Honorable mark H. :ehan, May— thereof, the Honorable Milton Rosen, C.Isd.sioner of Public Work., the Honar.ble Fred M. Truax, Commi sal Doer of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Building., and the `,, enable Ferran C. Wenzel, Con,aissi oner of Public Utilities a copy of said notice es required by law. June ld, 1934 MINNEAPOLIS -SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT 11.1 AV.... .A11T IAIL 10AR1 01 TRUSTEES I 1A 11 jon. 19, 1934. All A ty o'k, Court Hoo.., Saint P-1, Minnesota. De., Dr. Ferguson: Will you kindly read this letter and the entlo-d solution, adopted at A meeting of the Bard�f Tru.toesof the minne. t Pa. 1 sanitary Dietriot on Jun, 1B, t . "o— City p .. ii. at it. next me tiog'In dlti.n to adopt- ing the enclosed resolution, the Board o, Tru .tee. Un ani—a 1Y adopted a motion aekl n' the City of Saint F..l -1 nth and Commie el ousts named in thio 011ti.. to -11 t It.":Yltrl- ,,hi.h the Sanitary Diet at propose. to take In entering upon .it _Rad '.. f� the purpose 0 at y- the 0"'t-'.'t1'g.th..d portion of n City -90 project �h h t b yet ot ly. Y- very truly, E .... tiv. S.—tery AW EG NOTICE To the Honorable The Counoil of the City of Saint Paul, the Honorable Mark H. Ceh an, Mayor thereof, the Honorable Milton Rosen, Cvrmi seloner of Publlo 'Nork,e the Honorable Fred M. Truax, Commieaioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Pub lit p u llding., and the Honorable Herman C. 'nenrel, Conmiseioner of Public Otilitlee, You, and each of you, are hereby notified that the Mim polle- Saint Paul Sanitary Distriot prop.... to enter upon the following publio park., et ... te, road., elleye and publio high -ye in said City of Saint Paul for the purpose of tonetm,ti ng, maintaining and operating therein a main interoepting .ewer and neoeesary appurtenan.ee and o ..tions there- to, and to oonneot thereto any sewer, drain, or outlet now in plate or hereafter tont—ted by said City of Saint Paul, that is to any, Streets Clermont St. Broadway Bates Ave. Canada St. Maria Ave. Temperance St. 6't Lean Ave. Seakaon St, Short St. Eleventh St. Cherry St. Cedar St. Plum St. College Ave. Hudson Ave. iiaba.ha St. Euolld St. Su .it Ave. Commercial St. St. Peter St. Sixth St. Iglehart Ave. Kitt— St. Tilton St. Seventh St. Central Terrane Willi- St. Rion St. Lafayette Road St. Anthony Ave. Lafayette Ave. Hemline Ave. Pine St. Pas.el Ave. Spruce St. Roblyn Ave. Wilder Ava. D .... yer Ave. Cleveland Ave. Join St. Cretin Ava. Otis A— Parks, Fnrkmys, and Playgrounds Indian Mounds Park Mound. Boulevard Lafayette Park Merriam Ter— 0 --River Bwlevard Mississippi River Boulevard Blook 53, Ly— Dayton's Addition Other Property St. Paul City karkat Also all alleys and street intersections along the center lino of sever ns banked nod shone en mop n000mpossying this notice. The Sanitary District ale. propose. to ..netruot shaft. along said eemr extending from the bottom thereof to the aurfaoe of the streets at Pine Street, Sibley Street, "rtab.sha Street, Maokubin Street, Chatsworth Street, Hemline Avenue, and Fairview Avenue. The .enter line of said interoepting seer is deeoribed a. fo11.m; Beginning at a point on the northerly right of way line of the Chioago, Burlington k Quinoy Railroad ae located .or... Government Lot 3, Section 4, Toeashlp 29 N. Rang. 22 W, 74.7 ft. easterly from an iron monument marking the P. T. of the right of way curve at station 5666+27.2, thenoe northerly 9,94 ftj thence on a .eros to the left R. 137,5 ft.,'evgle 52019'-, 125,66 ft.; thenoe dorthmsterly-parallel with and 30 ft. distant from the northeasterly line of Block 14, Subnrban Bill. Addition, 6300.61 ft., thenoe oa -2- a curve to the right, Radius 137.5 ft. angle 12001140", 28.79 ft.; theme northeasterly 964.36 ft., theme on s curve to the left, radius 135 ft., angle 4047' a distanoe of 11.26 ft.; thenoe mrthw,et.rly a distance of 411.53 ft., theme on a ourve to the left, radius 135.0 ft. angle 30005'50" a distanoe of 70.P1 ft.; then....terly a distanoe of 1187.60 ft.; theme on a ourve to the right, radius 145.0 ft., angle 36036150" a dletenee of 92.66 ft.; then., northr sterly s dietenee of 422.28 ft.; thence on s curve to the right, radius 132.5 ft., angle 15003-50", e distanoe of 34.83 ft.; then., northerly parallel with and 97.81 westerly from the ,at line of Kittson Street, a distanoe of 413.37 ft.; theme on a curve to the left, radius 132.5 ft., angle 77023110" a dist-.e of 178.96 ft., thence westerly a dietan.e of 346.03 ft.; thenoe o curve to right, radius 132.5 ft, angle 21034150" a distanoe of 49.91 ft.; theme -at parallel with and 50.125 ft, south of the south line of Or -e Street, , dletaaae of 1190.34 , ft.; theme on a curve to the left, radius 132.5 feet, angle 36013120" s distance of 83.76 feet, thenoe south- westerly a distance of 1597.87 ft.; thane. on a .urvs to the right, radius 132.5 feet, an le 1034120" a dietan.e of 3.64 feat; theme ..uthwe sterly a distance of 1160.80 feet; the non on a .urve to the right, radius 132.5 ft., ,ngl, 16028,58" a distanoe of 42.70 Seat; theme wa s terly e distanoe .f 388.19 feet; theme on a curve to the fight, radius 117,5 ft., anglec33o35-46" a distanoe of 68.90 ft.; thenoe westerly a distance of 1732.86 ft.; theme on a a-. to the left, radio. 117.5 ft., angle 17053150" a dis- tanoe of 36.71 ft.; them, -t along St. Anthony Avenue e di,tan,e of 10459.18 ft.; theme on a curve to the left, -3- radius 119.166 ft., angle 13°39'30" a distance of 28.41 ft.; thenoe .o ntiruing on St. Anthony Avenue a distanoe of 1366.81 feet; thence on a ourve to the richt, radius 117.5 ft., angle 14016'40" a dieter.. of 29.28 ft.; (the point oP intersection of this .-me is los ated at the intersection of the produoed center line of that part of 1riggs Street between St. Anthony Avenu. and University Avenue with the original .ante- line of St. Anthony A --e); thence -at a distance of 5248.97 ft., then.e on a .urve to the right, radius 117.5 ft., angle 5°11'50" a distant. of 10.66 ft.; thence westerly a distance of 1314.02 ft.1 thenoe on a curve to the left, radius 117.E ft., angle 6°40' a distant. of 11.62 ft.; theme we at along Roblyn Avenue; a distance of 1568.58 ft.; thence .n a ourve to the right, radius 117.5 ft., angle 8°38'51" a dieter.. of 17.73 ft.; thenoe westerly a dieter°. of 1046.99 ft.; than.. on a .acme to the left, radius 117.5 ft., angle 8°37141" a dlsten.e of 17.69 ft.; thence west along Roblyn Avenue and said center line produ°ed wast a distano. of 3830 ft. (plus or minus) to a point in Mississippi River Boulevard; thenoe north- westerly to a point 30 ft. (plus or minus) wasterly of the intersection of the canter line of Somarville Avenue with the easterly line of Mississippi River Boulevard. The portions of said public parks, streets, roads, alley° and publi, highways to be ....pled by said intercepting senor are indicated on the plat thereof, hereto attached, marked Rrhibit "A" and hereby made a part hereof, Dated this % day of Juin, 1934. MinneapolleSal t aul S to stri.t B7 MODIFIED CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM I KEY TO DIVISION AND JOB NUMBERS f /� LEG. MoR— ConPLETLD DURING Exhibit ^ I 1934 .935 1936 U LI I—i �J � � ��`� � �— u U U U u � �� I—u _u .•.� .,, ',—.�',tw'A-- a_ :. l � UU' _ J -IU U� U_I�]JLl D UUf-JUU-U�UMUU=U IUUU-]'�C�'� 1 JF \ uuuuuu Uuu __ - �J �-� 11 �_ �uuuuu��ur �' o _ U 1 u�u`uuuuu���, U�� l l U 1 ��U❑VLlLi uLUPuULu uu u ,! -- -- -- --_ -- -. ' DIV D .^JOB 400 - - DIV D 'OB 410— —_ - DIv. E lOB SOO —.�• 1935 5.-t l 1935 - Nov. .I 1934 JW I 1935 GLACIAL D0.fFT 1 --Auq 11935 De 19 ' Iv [JOB 51 600 6 w `� SepT. 934 —_--- r -• CLAY SAND .lune ' 936 D � qpo AMDC4AV E'. I -__—[e f — R so r- . . CLAY SAND AND bFA PL 6.1 _— OR— r - - - 5 HALr _—.. ,. .... ... .... ........ ... .......... .. ... _ .a. .r.. 5 ... .... .... .. .. is-.•.:. .: ..• L MESTONE _. -- _-. - _ - � — ... - I—HFFl5�0NE— . . a ,`.'. , ...a < •j � .0 �ea.. _ . s .. .. - SAMD6TONE ' SSHD9T OIiE i 41- • a woo —_- _ - M— 4GWG --- u�D 7/ 1 MINNEAPOLIS - SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT MODIFIED PLAN AND PROFILE OF WORKS USED IN COMMON CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM I i BY MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL — PROJECT Ilp Y TO DIVISION AND JOB NUM`cG` 1 •` -.EVATIONS REEERR[D TD SEA LEVEL DATVM Li v��L� �]J J U _J 'V�j'� vv✓^\LSC`'+° �vUv� %°� J UILI Ll�. ILILj -, a jgLi o 9za _ _ �� • ,OB I10 r.f-� - - DIV. A JOB 120 ti -. B - Div J eB 3 EJB 100- _ L`8200 ... -Div JOB 30c STt.O `�- -_-._ 0 t-D1V 935 B 320 I � 1 1 I 9 4-E 1 93� rt 1 935 Feb _• - Dec. Jul I 1934 June I 19 M,.r- .k (GLACIAL DRIFT - CLAV SAND AND GRAVEL LAC AL eoo ..LIMESTONE ^ =SA.Ds R. •' S ANDSTON[ _ • .. - .. - Po • a t � r° d5 - .- - ,qJ - a ^ �� o c• wo ^aH'^. � 5000 .o,oOJ _ .5 J0. .... a... CITY OF SAINT PAUL - NO... (i 'i /2 .... APPROP IATION TRANSFEIRS—RESOLUTION FORM P SsINTED B � coHMlsa oNER el F. Peterson Rwa,ER eec.loN :o" D.re . June 14, 1934. RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 24.1)--3 Board of Publio Welfare 24.A-1 Admin. (Bal.) 1 24. A-2 " (.P • ) 24.B-lll Hospital (8a1.( 124.8-2I� v (Exp-) 24.0-2� County Rome (Exp.) 24.D -i Publio Relief (8e1.) Bond r �! Yes 1;�oUNGILMEN NAYS 666.66 • Y.'YYREIY'Erf — �...IN FwvoR �..ADwINaT 1 000 00 WEN— q) 13 446 92 MR. PRESIDENT •�' • "I• , 28 282 75 4 000 oa 6 447 34 53 943 67 r �! ADOPTED BY TRE COUNCIL .JUN ? F "934 19., JUN 29 M4 APPRIIED, 19 CODNTERSIGNED aY Yes 1;�oUNGILMEN NAYS • Y.'YYREIY'Erf — �...IN FwvoR �..ADwINaT WEN— MR. PRESIDENT ADOPTED BY TRE COUNCIL .JUN ? F "934 19., JUN 29 M4 APPRIIED, 19 CODNTERSIGNED aY CITY OF ST. PAUL .,ce NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK + COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRsSsNTE o°NRy sa�{tsC %1U• S�,.Ltne �L a e 26, 1934.-- RESOLVED - • '� Whereas, the Town and Country Club of Saint Paul has invited the United States Golf Association to hold the 1936 Walker Cup Matches in Saint Paul, and beli.,.,Whereas, ves ea that thetthe tCouncil fSaint l greatinterestlnGolfwhich exists in this community, and the sincerity and ability of the Civic Organizations who are sponsoring this invitation will make this event a great success, therefore, be it hat City of SaintvPaulThereby the OffCity iciallycextendil of tto the United States Golf Association an invitation to bring the 1936 Walker Cup Matches to the City Of Saint Paul. Cou:dCLXJ1N J 2t V1 7'cas Nnys AJC J I ``Prnrec �, pic }rhe c'on�ril 191 '1'rrcr,a�n 2 6 t4 h,na. Avp:n. ed jet N[7''a.ren Auatnzt - jN r. Pre.idcnr lCCch„�� Mayor YUULISIiEO CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK_ COUNCK RE�SO T GENERAL F.-,rc CoM s.,oa� w WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and the Sinking Fund Committee did, on the 2nd day of Januery, 1934, borrow certain some of money from the First National Bank of Saint Paul, the American National Bank, and the Empire National Bank and Trust Company, and did execute notes for said sums, due April 2, 1934, with interest thereon at four per cent, said money having been borrowed to finance the current obligations of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, on April 2, 1934, the said notes were renewed and .111 fall due on July 2, 1934; and WHEREAS, there remain unpaid on the present notes the following sums: To the First National Bank of Saint Paul, the sum of $1,032,827.00; to the American National Bank the aum of $210,781.00• and to the Empire National Bank and Trust Company the sum of 184,312.00, which said reapstive sums the City of Saint Paul and the Sinking Fund Committee will not be able to repay on the due date; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers and the Sinking Fund Comml ttee be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute new note. to the respective Banks for the a—. here- inbefore set out; said notes to be dated July 2, 1934, and to be payable 1n ninety days with interest thereon at 4$, 1 01 9 F 193 Aa:.r:,.11„ a,rr-,,::.:.d IUN oz r r« PUBLISHED a... A...rr �►h115 CITY OF ST. PAUL e�O.. .. ..�lD OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE',! ao�w euw� u tr Reru.aina,¢nu U R LUTION�iENEP' sxumee`r: rhe. t e A / Dltc .te eRE.ENTEm eY t�Yete b�b NAmov ie COMM 55 Ory Ea_. r"" t". _.. --- Daae NAmuu� a. 9HIRW. the following bonds are veld In the Sinking Funds of the City of St. Paul, to -wit; %IND OF BOND ➢AT& 11DIINT BOND HUI®EAS Hw1ft County Hefltndl ng tH,A�T&- Nor ch 1, 19 wgp ,000 Noe. 1-j Inch Swift County Ditch 48 April 1, 1937 5 % 2,000 193-194 ' 1, 1939 5 % 1,000 219 " 1,19 9 5 % 6,00o zz6-zze, 242-244 ' I, 1940 5 % 7.000 ' 250-252, 266-269 • 1, 1941 5 % 9.000 275-279, 292-294 • 1. 1944 5 % 1.000 369 Swift County Ditch i7 uey 1. 1936 5 % 2.000 9 b 32 1. 1937 5 'd Z.� 9. 33.34 Total .......Ad oa0 WHEE i5, It Is necessary, in the opinion of the officers of Swift County, to refund the said bonds, and TREA5, the Bald officers eY Swift County have offered to exchange for the bond. hereinbefore eat out, boade ae har�lnafter described, all of wuich are to be dated February 1, 1934, and have offered to pay interest upon all the bmds first hereinbefore menticned to February 1, 1934, and WERRUS, the Sinking Fund Committee has recommended the substitution as being in the beet interests of the Sinking Funds of the City of St. Paul, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the action of the Sinking Fond Committee be and it is hereby approved, and be It QOUNCILAI bIN 8 4 Yens \srs Adopted by the ('„uncil... JUN, 2 193 .___ _.._793__.. \fay M cllannl� Penne L. rn.„r liontn Ag"w" Wenzel .N as nlr. President S[nhoney "2R 1934 Appnived _. t93.. 1lnyur rUBLISHHDL - 7(- . ...,, .�A;: `"' ^ CITY OF ST PAUL NO. / OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F —E.— T ORM-E.—T wY TIMTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they ar, e hereby authorized to accept for the bonds hereinbefore described, bond, of the folloeing dat ae, mattlitl,e d amounts, toget-r with interest upon the bcnd, to be exchanged to ;,rosary 1, 1934 E1'D OF Bo;.'D DOE DATE RAT& AlU BoD NUMBERS Sa1ft County RelhndSng Eeb. 1, 19 first 5 years ,000.00 Hoe. 50�T 496 Wert 5 year, 5 $cherEafcer y," P-- ^+m^meld" In fa.�,r P-- Agalmv /Mr. Pruiden, �B.w�i:� Adop,<d by she Cncil 'if " 1.;:119 Ak>proved '1� �.t jp �.i 19 I'd 'all ic r„r.n ' CIN OF ST. e: NO. ..... �,R THE Cl+m^ ,n�ION 11 `�N E�iAIEVINO C;P JIfNE 2 ^_'N-]9-4; '17kI2F Th= c - 1 1 to tion h rd , lounn_1 , f the 53the .y Charter cheat e of a ervency �:h-ch. renicr�9 ary these cloyment of ,...rtnin -PI oyes of hl^ department for Is re thar. their usual ':ours of er:ploy- y,. tpent; it, RE30LVED, l,therefor,obe R'hat th- oroper c'.ty offi- rs nre hereh7 nu- thorizggh to nay the fo11ow1ng nnned employes, a'_ th= rata atherwll C1xei foremplaynent I'or ex..ra time here_na`.ter yet forth: Nme 'C_TrE TIME. RATE ].4�'-f;'T)TAL G--g. ]an Bauer 4 `�: •. rlitor 4 hrs. .17g 33 1,97 0eorgs Berrat.t 4 Urn, ,671 ;t, 1.97 Fred Ba�wgart " 10 hrs, ,578 83 4.92 Wil I'_ Heaton 4 bre. .57 33 1.97 Frill Bergstrom Janit�or _ 2 hre, ,51'P 15 ,88 Nlo Bar11n Do 24 hre. ,57.g 3,78 10152 John Blomberg Janitor-Engineer 8 hre, ,48 ,56 3.28 John Buh1 Do 9 hre, .57� ,75 4,43 hlcherd Bulena Do 1' hrn, ,57 1,00 5.90 Fred 61u sing- Do 2 hrn. ,b7 17 ,98 Jamas Callahan Do 15 hre. ,57 1.'25 7,38 George Csmeron Do 10 hrs, ,57 ,83 4,92 Frank Chapman Do 6 hre, ,57 .50 2,9b Graste Ciampi Do 4 hre. ,57 ,33 1.97 David Donovan Do 8 hrs, bOg ,58 , 3.44 Herbert Ea toe Do 4 hre, 5 ,29 1,72 Joseph EL�squist Do 10 hrs. ,55 ,80 4.70 Charley Engelbrateon Do 2F hrs, ,67 2,17 12,78 Ad nrew Engstrom lm.j-lt nr 7.'• hre, ,57 1.08 6,40 Josoph El lesson s n, Fov, s 1�rn. ,57 ,26 1.48 John A Geheen Stst.. �Sr.•r�•r 1R Ura, ,57 1.50 8,86 0abr1al Ge glierdl .Tan. Fnp. 10 hrs, ,57 ,83 4,92 Clereaoe Gregory Soh, Fng, 10 hre. ,f,9 1.00 b,90 George Onnther Jan, Eng, 20 hrs, .57; 1,67 9,83 Oecar RalFran Do 25 hre. .571 2,09 1'2.29 Charles Hnmmerlund Do 24 hrn. 7 2,00 11,80 Ga0r6a COi BCyl f•�iRF Do 32 hrn, ,57�2,67 15,73 Y-]`r \nye Adapted by the C.-il. JON_....._193. ?fir a I'enrce _ __ Io favor Approved.. ..193.. JUNT/'In-;{ Roern T,.-Ag,m,t A_ I. ")l/ /-,Y� as _ Mr. Preeld-t �lab...v 1'L'UL1SIlE7J - C -3 -2 - . 1, & iL1IG1 WE6h5 vur �`r.1-16:54. TI1^�T•E Tlbil: iu_k: 1 �3^; TG`AL NAt•'.E ,, rl 11! land Sxn. Gt,1;, 8 hr-. .:7 67 1.33 3,9.3 7,87 Jotm A. Hetrz Do. 16 hrs, .57� 5.41 0t. to Besse 12 hrs. 1S h. rs .52--- ,92 7� 1.2c 7.38 .;larnar Hesse Do 14 hrs. .571, 1.1'! 6.88 Etmer Hintz Do li'� hrx. 57 1.33 7.87 George P. E. Hodge ro Do ;cr=, _r .60 1.02 6.02 Angus•, Aug., Kehler Kehler no R hrs n yrs' c7 1,60 1.00 B.P5 'x.90 Hamt]ton Kannv nO 7 hrs, ,57't ,49 2,87 Leonard M, hrr x!-rc�0 6 hr ,, ,4R s}: ,a8 2.82 And r.w A. Ko]sl ad Do 2, 1-: SIi ,75 .88 I•ymxr+ G. T,ersor� Janitor 12 hrs, :17 1:150 1.G0 5,90 Nets ia nd t,x :•F Jen. Yang. 30 hra, 57 2,50 14,75 Georg- I.nutnar Stet, Fir�m.n 16 hrs. a 7� 1.33 7.87 Victor ,e Jan, Eng. P hr=. 3.9; Gus ?-1 nd.nn Do. 32 hr.. .r.7% ,G7 2.67 1:.7. Frank iS In Do, 14 hr .'`7 ,57 1.77 5, R`1 Pater Lirn Do. Do, 14 hrs. .67: 1.17 6,13 Gorge LOOmiv 14 isa. .:,'/ 1.17 6.88 James H. Lyrm moo, Do 24 hra. .7 2.00 11.80 Giueeppi Lucia Do 24 hrs. ,57t, 2.00 11,80 udwe rd L. Manak. MODermott Janitor 8 hrs. .67. .59 3.51 James Leslie M. Millar M. dng. 12 hra. .5`20 .92 5.41 Carl Miller Do 20 hrs .48 1.39 - 1.00 8.21 5.90 Lest. er Moll. rs Do 17 hra. 6 hrx, ,67 7t ,50 2.95 John Nombre. Do Do 10 lu•s, .5 .55 .80 4.70 John Munkelwitz 16 hra. .57 1.33 7.P7 John Nelson Do Janitor 7 hrs. .51" ,F2 3,0R John O:Brien Jan. kng. 24 hr•s. .67 2.00 11.80 Hugh O'Donnell Do 10 hra. 57 .83 4.92 'Hill tam Oliphant 8 hrs. .67 3.93 Paulson Do 16 hrs. 5 1.17 :5 6.87 Leo Pest Do Do �2 hrs, F7 1.00 5.90 Alf r ad Peterson no 4 Y•ra, 66 .32 1,P8 A uguat P.tar-n no ^0 �•r=. .574 1 67 9.83 James F. Peterson +b 6 t,r�.. ,57 .50 2.96 John WAldsmar Pater=on Richter no lh1.20 7.05 Y.th iae Foes Ib 12 hrs. ,574 1.00 1.67 5.90 9.83 Joseph J. Scharfb l l_i 1g Do 2,0 hrs. .57 6.88 Henry Sch ne. td.r Do 14 hr.. ,57 1.17 Bert idler Do 20 hr=, .571 1.67 9.P, W1lbur 5lmona Do 6 hrs. .52'- .46 ?. 5.41 0acar Smoleneky Do 11 hrs. ,57 ,92 3.93 Arthur Story Do 8 hra. 20 hrs. .57 .67 1.67 9.83 Lloyd Spats_ iM 12 hrs. ,57g 1.00 5.90 Nlc ho las :: tedtleld - 6 hrs• .57g .50 2.95 Galue St.l'fa Do 10 hra• .57 51, .80 4.70 Charles Starz Do 2 hrs. .Sly .lh .88 0a p Strommer Janitor 7ar+. ung. 24 hre. 5 O-- 1.75 10.31 j Herman A. Sv.ndsen l.0 hrs. .57' .83 4,92 Edward Thoma. Do 8 1u•a, .6R 3.93 Iseao W. Thomp.on Do .571 rOMA N0. 1 1134, E7nra•.0 �- oil^ ^^n�er'rR n n mil oyment oY carte in .n 1o1.nv the fo11-1— :h le emergency eroeo by ±ee..on of tha following f—t, �r.i cire.umn r,n ncei: 4ecea sa ry to keep -1 -1 pen on gono��nt of eelal ar. t:l ✓1'. Sea at bu11�i1nPs end for alectton, :7:ia report - _n a....n17_ _-It ,nn 53 a. the ':h artrr. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U . UNCH_ R ESOLUTION -GENERAL 'F_ ".11 . . -d.... .... ...... . PRE zRzz=wm WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees Of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, at a regular meeting nerd on Monday, June 11th, 1994, did roque at the Cities Of Saint Paul and Minneapolis to furnish the sumof $16,500-00, estimated operating expenses said District for the period from June 15th to August let, a t , l 934, and WHEREAS, the obligation of the City of Saint Paul with rOle.- tion to said request i the mum of $5,595.15, and the City Of St. Paul has no funds from Omo..ioh to meet t thiB obligation,and the to Council is of toe opinion that an rid that C go'o y P I t a :,, : T sum properly be borrowed pub '. o int er , it Se .... eery that said , of 59 5.15 b.�=e d by the 0ity,and paid into the treasury of said Sanitary District, therefore be t RESOLVED, that and City comptroller be and they are the f f . hereby authorized and rent ed borrow on banal o the City of 8 a i a t Paul the sum of $5, .15 and to execute and deliver to the parties makingpromissory ry note of amid City in said 8 $5,595.1thlothlirt.r'.1stpth arson a a rate not to exceed — of t four and one-half (4j) per cent par annum, laid note to be pa able t within one year from the date of the execution O.ra.' 0 --- �5 W-4 l 01 N' I 1111:1 Ad,,ptld 11, till JUN 6 1934 'ietareon Cu.,,, /war—n &OW /A o.o�...a =.+ c.... CITY OF ST. PAUL r... NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE O .TION—GENERAL FORM c ..... _A X, , Z � DATE RESOLVA, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to enter Into an agreement with John Halek, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.40 per week during such time as(he shall be totally disabled by reason of injur- ies sustained by him while In the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the 15th day of May 1934; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said John Halek the a= of $57.60 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including June 12tn, 1934. cOUNcann-N Nay P ,ra r�l�r,nn Roxn Tram Warm" A....... Wenzel A,] I h, 0— n JUN 2 6 1-341 , JUN ER 1934 A.I+r+r. ILLI Mn nr e.o..�.o �.. �.... CITY OF ST. PAUL .i.c NO. OFFI OF THE CITY CLERK y C N RESOL ON—GENERAL FORM ArE WHEREAS, under contract with the Remington -Rand Business Service, Inc., the City rented 100 Remington typewriters for the period of June 15th, 1935 to June 15th, 1934, which contrsct afforded the City an option to renew the contract under the same terms for the further period of one year, to and includirg June 15th, 1935; and WHEREAS, the Department of Education desire. to exercise its option and rent the typewriters for such further period of one year under the same terms; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the Remington - Rand Business Service, Inc. for the rental of 100 Remirg tan typewriters for the period from June 15th, 1934, to June 15th, 1925, at a rental of $7.00 each per year 1:0 V SC'.I 1,11 EN ,J1�2R19"-1 ,o. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BUREAU OF RUBnC BCHOOlS eeowae ,. ,nc o: .(•w •. co..i..io... BUR[ dear BANGS. Librarian HARBM'E +ver a MRS 1 t O- BUREaV OEOSCH UDE UB —1.,S Bl0.[nU O( A MURRAY,F A [ iRUDFnU, Drrecror D D MURU., SYnre1denr June 22nd, 1934, Hon. Lnw is L. Anderson, Corporation Couneel, City of daint eau 1. Deer Mr, Anderson: des �tT•Pnt �•n� n rental contract company for thx are' nr inn ., •., .., ,,. �r,.rs at 11.n0 each per rh., r men .n ins w�.th, 19:53 to Jnnwitrh, This contr•+nt I'lls nntlnnai rinn e wn asw 'he the contract �t rhe art ••n of the le nr,nd _ there will hrnnd r eaidv typewriters for an -""noun, year,this l)en�rt,mwnt wishes to a rntse theoptlnn to renew this I—Ir—t 11, moth— rIt is fnrtnnnta that, the not clause was in last yEBa is rnntract for the preeer r, ne ural rete is Wlrl.�u per c.c:hltBa, and wilt rneelt'eying oP 9300.00 to this Department. It would hu lmpoesible ro },urrhnse 100 typewriters at t'.lis ti -T. as it would involve a expenditure of approxim.t.1y $7,000.00. It has been eo ns iderahly lees expensive per year to rent typewriters Ilion to purehasn them because of the dupraclation and the sary ice chargee. Attached 1s a leaning contract on Herrington hand, Ila is their regular form of contract. Please give this matter your early attention and nhiloq va r� rr•,+•. ..ours, v RPFT-L � Cmmntssi Quer of R,innntion, I r o.a....o c.,. c.w CITY OF ST. PAUL w.. No. ! Illnr) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Il CIL p SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P-ESENTED By RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of S. 0. Hartwell, Superintendent of Schools, for the purpose of defraying his expenses in connection witt a trip to Washington, 0. 0. to attend the convention of the National Education Association, from June nth to July 4th, 1914; said sum to be payable out of the Education and Administrative Fund, 15—B-4. OI(,IL\1 L�' ' Pc ,rsm, /�%+cnccl Ad 1 I" : ,, c,,,::,,:1 JUN 2 9 1911 r„ JUN 2 R 1934 ApI......1 I", o•'o'~••.e c,•c`•^` CITY OF ST. PAUL ripe NO. ILK181 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RRSOLUnOON—GENERAL FORM —.a se o°aEAI Pearce arE RESOI-VLA That a leave of absence be granted to Mrs. T. B. Jennings for the purpose of attending the American Library Association meeting at Montreal June 25th to 30th, 1534, the entire ex - parse of said trip to be paid by Mrs. Jennings. T��. �,v. na„❑�,.n..I„I..,,�„a JUN 261934 1„ nlo, n nl. ,.,d JUN B6 1934 0I / /Wci�_cl �� 'Gchin CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpivl.1 mi ..... Z DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION In, - , a 1: - —h ah -L,, ltkl t, t'—,e I 'an L i —a jn2 -,n --al - A' t—dance at this h r I ry . . .. . . . . T� rely `` 'y like —k Wf a tog Ljb,y en— l—,t hi -fl,_,j.CornrllUni,,sl fy, Tlh—a, Yor, ,;. j SO uiniW,o cl„cl..n CITY OF ST. PAUL ,ii, NO. OFFICEOF TH CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES ION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVEC*That the application of the Riverview Commercial Club, the Edwin C. perlt Poet of the American Legion, and the Riverview Veterans of Foreign Ware for permission to hold a festival and food exhibit at Lehmann's Woodyard at 9outb Robert and Congress streets, from July 28th to 9ugust 5tb, be and the same is hereby granted, subject to the payment of all required license fee-. r(11 NCILMEN j y— I ti u�hs L. P,..„.....n. Nt.L - w1d 4 Ob- aie's�u: A&ptl°d I,y m° C--11 _-JUN_o F.1A34 les... Aa_. ,Il1�.E6193h_ lea.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.vit.l of Mia- -DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY .ad Miaaa.o� Su..N T:�5 ..6 qq�� j9444 '1MA6B, C—ssiorv[e �1hli4ws`6i5wu¢c, o.ow ce....,o... jr— 20, 1934 T:.e ;Sverview Coevre reiel Club, t�eathar with l;he Edwin 0. Perlt Poet Amerlcsa Legion and the hlver- vlew Vetnrans o :elfin lYnrs want a Parade to hold a Teativai nM Loodvezh161t nt Lnhmanu'e Woo�ynrd o South Fobert end Congress Streots, Trow July 26 to August S, Ploaee me tho noc... —y investigation of the district. Very trul//y//�//yours, Deput�oovnl esioner o: llc�Sa/ y In favor .o,`fastivsl Agninst festival 9. 'dIIINE )HADe dU. 4 13 ado-lv",L ----------------------- Aq, s o—qA C "f CITY OF ST. PAUL ,��. � NO. I k<4,Krl OF ICE OF THE CITY CLERK �'RESOLUTION—GEENERAL FORM 1111ENT11 11 �C� to �_.. C.�� ✓�/✓ onre June 22nd, 1934, RESOLVED mhet licensle appl lad i0r by the following persona for the eddy..... Sadic.ted be and they r are hereby granted end the Cl ty Cleric Se Saatroated to Seamwonh licenses upon the payment Sato the city treasury of the required fee.: S. T. Burka 321 Thomas St, Off sale Malt Beverage The Slke club 349 B. Washington On Sale Melt Beverage Perry Zoakow 239 Furl St. Off Sale Malt Beverage On Sale Malt Beverage S. B. Msceat 2513 University On Sale Malt Beverage Off Sale Malt Beverage 0. J. D-glaw 171 E. 6th St. Beetaurant Off Sale Malt Beverage On Sale Malt Beverage $vmea Margolis 932 W. 7th St. Off Sal. Malt Beverage Sowa. ..naso. Ex a i.' COUNCIL \11,S nd,,, -1I, IIS<i-„„a 1UN 28 1934 „� JUN 24 P3ds /Truax /Wnrrc� Alain,. � �, � �� �/� r/� � % �' / x / / �� �� ,/ / l <l, . i �, �� Adopted by the Caunal _._. 193 _ Yeas. Nays. Adopted 6y the Coeval. Yeas. Nays. /PETERSONPETERSON AOSEN 'ROSEN /ERUAX TRUAX -WENZEL =VtMIREFF=— / WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) % MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN] CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT June 22nd, 1934. To the Council. Gentlemen; The City Clerk conveyed to me the file with relation to the claim of William F. Davidson that the taxes on the property known as 171 East Sixth street, although one-half is not paid, are not delinquent. From an examination of the law, assuming that one-half of the taxes is unpaid, as shown by the file, It is my opinion that those taxes are in fact delinquent, although no penalty or interest may attach. Yours very truly, l Corporation Counsel. LLA -U CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cap.isl of Ml—n - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOii Cny Cbh aid Commiatoea, of Rey.:neio� .(P ,. June 21st, 1934, Yr. L. Lilndarson, Corporaton Counsel, Building. Bear Sir: The attached letter of *a. F. Davideen regarding the delinquent ta:ee at 171 B. girth Street at which lonatioa a restaurant license and off and on sale malt bwverage lSceneas have been held rep by the Council, wee referred to you, by the City Council, with the request that you give them your opinion as to whether or not the texas on thle property era delinquent under the prevision. of the various tar laws of the State. Tone very truly, City Clerk. Ci"Y OF SAINT U11L Office of City Cleric L. 3. S. Fere on City Ci e rk b' -0. J. Doug iae 171 B. 6tr. St. t Paul, Hine. Nal sir: I v n three tod to into rm ;' .c that your appl is aria rfor,.n agsTAUR&YP at the a edrre. a was not ^sed by the Cit;; Conn, 11. Fro r* ords it appears thatataxes r dalinluent n this oroperty.c The Council has beev ,ith} 1ding II - re n I-.— producing _arty �n which taxes a dellnaurn t. I£ you are not the own r of this property, than nele will the owner .hon Soba theConan11 It At1/anon19'9i bof t e a h aring cause of d 1f there ie a ra eomble oaplanationnei deco theufe.c to It taxa. not being palda the Cocmcil will co this hearing. Youre very troy, City Clerk. C 1-:f OF SAINT PAU, Offi— of City Clerk L. R. S.--es— City Clerk V,. O. J. Dougiee 171 &. 6th St. St. P—' kion. Deer Sir I have :, a iii rec tot' to lnfom y � chs: your appllc.tior. form Off 6 On Bele kelt Be verege lice-_ee at the a_ ad.P r ess w -I � esed Ly the Cit-- Covncil. orris it appears thatta xee a edellneuent n this eroperty. The Council lus ,i tlh'- dint li- n income pm duc int , rooe-ty cn w.,,ch taxes oro del innuen t. If y a net the n of thie property, then the o ould be informed of this action. There w111 a hearing before the Cell et 10 A. k, o June 22, 1934 and If the r. ie a .able oxplanetion of the —se c o£ the t""e not being pe" the C. -ell n111 cons id- thafaets a.. thle hearing, Yours v ry tIlly, City Clcrk. !!21 i �S' Eno, �.• .ti'..,, 11,S1.1 „n.:., i6, 1';'4 IT. - rye reus un, i:it, I I—k Su i nt ce:ul, ,._..nc+: Its .Ili,.ear It: Yu. 1e1t.r Junc 1. t:. _ .4 - .- Vnl lersi t- l,i:us a 1.,nti n, ir y,� .s to in t:.ut le ttsr ::..t . ic&ti,�+. for < off it bever�Fe 11 ce::se ut t:.e a wee :It Le ee�i by ti,e Cit, Counc it L iro;r- tLrI reit a„r��r t t eS oelilyoent i.F,. ropert}, _t: r, stn ti n. t:..t S 111.--' t:.e . 1(:.. t1J+ O.i� „u Jn j_' .. , 1,,4 1:. _ _—p—t, _,a, _11 11 Ki;,, 1, ry , . �.,rt _e Ir's,r.:.14 wi tY: enaltY a- �l...erest .::.ounce” �1 ��o,�,l;.. ;.y �G, 15y4 , we Ur: p.Iy t:.e "e I tux ir: the s::.ount of Al. f +- � now nel in�uent only on t:,e fi ret nxlf oi' t:.e i�:� tsx, un:. if t:.e Covncll�s �o t1Jn to refuse . license to . snt ie' _.easse", it is �oiu. to ...are it ,just t—, un, n. rue, Iur•Les tJ gay ',11 tLixes, ve a Lry- in� of ncJ.ec sL.;l. tea .ru:. LI, )rjpert% for t:e t. p.y t.e first n.if IT c..e s>, s 1u:y tax "F'„:e ,very lonK., I Be ile ve w:.en you-C�ns r t:.e fl-ls, if y will .= fair in ;,+,I mt,'tye;, yIu will nut I. i:ner, L, -1-1 :.elpsalo- 4 u ' +- Sit ll J+; L-:' 1 BUlsh'ti, Ii Cenee, In ere. D_.- .t.rin� it p0aible 1'�r .:r. Uacent t:J ,Inti nue ;utyin- :.isient, -c,, ..sine 1.e t ,. oes ib le °ir > p.y ttaxes. r;'e trust tna� Ju , ill pr;_ tLes' f.c-s,tu the City Council st tneir i.e.ri- o. ann we a e y"" t"It t:.I fi - t —If of t+.e 1'. is x, t]le:. . ul.. as s�... .._nae uL�.0 ul t--, x i z will Y.,.. 2�` :.».....n Se"re Lary ,1-Y OF SAINT PACT Office of City 01-1, FILED L. R. S, Serguson City Clerk OFF ,y C., ERK ,4121 2 ze M LW J— 15. 1934. SISAUU �,V..-SEYCO. MINHESOTA Mr. pr -y Z-ko. 239 earl St. St. P-11 mi.r. De- sir: t, 11fo; Yo your 5.1. & On le Malt Beverage lice-seat the.rt 1t.11 100rlsl -r, , t ""Id ty t',e Cit:, Council. Fr— r.—ds It appearsth- L A innucnt ,,p,,ty, T,,, Co t,1 has b—nwi tivol dingy 1+- taxes are A_ d.1 i—nt. If you a t the owner of property, then the awo'r should be inE rmed of this 1— T, at 22, 123 will - n, f therehearinP. 1s a r.._before the b %pl _t f the of th. not � t,,,s bai , paidth, C—il will consider tl��, fwts at this hearing. Yo— v truly, CAI, C1 I io "'ZI "EL R PETERSON JOHN C FILDMANN [L,-, C.--., CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.P,I,l of mim"'t. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C S—R, -.LIFll. - --, —1 A LO.l.., —1 11-1 CLIFFORD M NYSTR C-- .00-4 JN— 21, 1 nn ro -1 her 1th Jet .59, , 1". — taxes cl 1-t 3 and 1rt 4 A R Lost hlf 1,,j $113.27 L.,t !:ulf L4 P Fil- v .... teT, r.�ii. AXEL F. PETERSON JOHN C FELDMANN CITY OF SAINT PAUL c.PR.I of mi—'.Ia DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE IIFIHARD I ICAMIF. -A.— 1.d A,--- 11,, HARRY A JOHNSIDN, OY.1 Clelk CLIFFORD MN YSTROM, 0 A- "I -i— Ll—"'i'h lle t. VIH t— 'It"Ctlm - ...... TI"—' -�t. tH -d� 1-t" Report - E, 91 ft. oP lots 9, 10, 11, '�5'a lir iah's Subdi vl sion of part of Lafond's Addition 321 Thomas St. First } of 1933 taxes peid on May 31st as Mr. Burke States, Of the 1932 taxes, one half was paid on May 31st 1933, leaving one half delinquent. On June let, Mr. Burke peid } of the balanoo due f}) w th penalty amount ing to X81.., leav- ing 1 remaining due amounting to $P.19 plus penalty from June let, date of last payment. De11m3uent g 1332 363.19 r[ x -1 -ser -'.4 1:'0 ._.. C i -Y OF BAIFT PAUL Office of City Clerk L. B. S. F eon City Clerk J— 15, L?14 Yr. A.T. Burke 321 Tnomae St. Bt. pawl, Vlnn. Deer Sir: ( haus n di rec tc� to inform ",b, tha: yoir appl icatlor. forea OPF BALM ULT BYFYBACY lieenee at the e_ addrees wee not , ssed bya tt',e CS t, vnc ll. Froze r ords it appears [hate taxes r delinquent n. n thie nroperty.o The Council hxe been ni thhol ding se- n Sncovw prodvc ]ng -ty on which taxes a doiinq—r.t. If you are not the owner of thie property, then the o ehould be informed of thin nc tion. There w111 be a hearing before the Ce—it at 10 A. M. on nth and if there ie a be eonablI explanation of the c so taxes not being paida the Co'mcil Hill bensider tha1fac to n. thie hearing. Yo— very t,,ly, City Clerk. r, \ CITY OF ST. PAUL „u �` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R TION -GENERAL FORM oAT. MI6 O E`` RESOLVED XHERFAS, J. E. Bertrand, on April 7, 1933, made an aopli-tion for a Dance H 11 llcenee; and deroeited witi: th. C1 -.y ^ f ts1i of $15.0^,; and said licPrse has not been ie, 1 e:id J. E. Bertrand, and he -e withdrawn ,is e,lic tion _I ha¢ r.. ueete"_ a ref_d; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the o r c�tv officere be and they are ien, eby evtborized to ref'and to Bald J. E. Bertrand t..*.e sum of $15-00- e— C-1 15,00,a 'atY,i• �9.�ila i ei 8a COUNt a-NIFN Nnye Adapted by we C- d IBR 2 6 M4 loa JUN t6 M& rover Iu fitvnr Approved erg.+rr� 'f rrlux ARaiaet�, ` f /V/_ 1{-rlrzrl MnYor M `_ \lr. rre.i,I.nl A4.iw CITY OF ST. PAUL m ^ NO. CE OF THE CITY CLERK C IL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Co rnw,is oNeA .�. E. Wr;rren-CQlil/ nre 0 RESOLVED PAS, M Ile P. Bloeey, on Jure 4, 1914, vada n o-ol'c.. tion Por a Seaond HI-nd 'J-Kler'e license, and depoaltsd with Gee City Clerk the — of $25.00, and THERFAS. Sr!d 1lcenee has not been issued to said Ottile P. Blosey, and he has Withdrawn nie application —a has r ested refund; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they aro hereby authorised to refund tp the aold Ottile P. Bloeay the -- of $25,00. COIIS('I LM LN he. r, `e)T ,.— Ponree In Invor n::a., Ag—,t Rl peel .M 41 aL. r.�•F�d�•ei rrt-.. aa..en.....:f;�..me e:'S« 1 P. .. Adopted by tLc ('--il"_Q-8_1"4 If13 _ 931 nI.IW,...,d may�� o.Y�dl �� cir ci..k CITY OF ST. PAUL ,.0 ` NO. 918 1 86 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL UTION—GENERAL FORM coM orviw c^TE June 761h, 1984. RESOLVED WMUMd6, the Baster Barber's License #206, issued to Charles Anderson, 903 Payne Ave., wsa issued by mistake and was revoked by the Bureau of Health, WHER ', said Mr. Charles Anderson is still in his place of business and went. to make a nes application for license{ tberefore, be it BESOLP®, thatthe proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to refund to Br. Charles Anderson the fee of $10.00 and cancel said application for license. c0,----'- Ycas ' lam N., I'rnreh, f-", Tnin�r ARai - ll'nzel Adopted by wr C. --i --JUN 26 1934 fes _- iu� t � ?a9.', Appmivcd. _ .. fuss_ A/ � nl nyor C.7. Hoe. 98187, 98188, 98189, 981897*, 98190. Hg8OL9HD, That oheoke be drug oa the Ol ty Trea.ary, to the aggregate emomt of $92,294.35, to—ring check. wmb—d 4811 to 5067 laolnd- e par check. on file Sa the office of the Olt, Comptroller. 07 s«. a .o�. JUN 87 t9a� t7 1ae, 52 378 08 4701 435 55- No COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS June 20 34 32,307.02 934- JON 21 lq`� TOTAL 7 IN FAVOR OF 52378 08 �669 128 53� 4811 Stationers Engraving C..,—y 74 60 4812 T.r.Smith Tire & Battery Co. 779 90 4813 4914 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance �5 17 20 4819 Axel F. Peterson, C. if Finance Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 9 2 93� 92� 4816 N.T. School Supply Company 114 94 4817 Otis Elevator Company 592 50 4818 Joe. Pavl1cek 2 96 4810 Pioneer Electric Company 121 95 4920 Rose Brothers 58 00 4821 Royal Typewriter Company 13 40 4822 ' Law Reporting Company 'tat" 1 97 4822 4824 -pok op Tf�f R Ti -Y Commeroe 1 G4 41 00 49?5 U.S. Dept. if be Van Haven Company,Tno. 1 96 oo 4926 Velvet Mfg. Company 6 40 4877 'eatEnd Toe & Fuel Company 39 13 4828 Testinghou.e Electric & Mfg.CD. 65 482q The 13Deakes Company 1, 245 7 4830 Louie P. Sheaban 50 00 4831 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 1 095 57 4832 Axel F. Peterson. C. of Finance 3 378 80 49N Axel F. Peterson. C. of Fin szoe 10 997 25 11 4g3 Huxley Gj.T.eth 10 00 4935 Kilmer Northern Nurseries 61 50 4936 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 9 739 90 4837 Mrs. Etta Flaherty 28 28 4938 Mrs. Edward W. Ayd. Guardian 40 on 11879 4840 Clarence L. Rea Central Soap Company lz 00 25 4841 J. Mark Dalglish 43 91 4842 George RybTie 41 67 4943 Z.% Hulme Company 54 85 4844 Klub Ob—s Company go 4845 Mrs. Caroli— Larson 75 00 4846 Otis Elevator Company 582 50 4847 The Speakes Company 97 73 4948 4iotory Printing Company 297 75 4849 Consumers- q—ar.1a, Inc. I on 4890 Blue & white Cab Company 464 oo 52 378 08 4701 435 55- I � i cou W 'Jcw�� �wwf-� Pq eT eQIIu COUNCILRESOLUTION M, arxaA7,vo. AUDITED CLAIMS in nine zlat 34 L)Gehan ^4- o.Z -�. �� 193A ... o., .�E `�?o.: �° TOTAL .uw ac. IN FAVOR OF --T .ao 52 379 0& 701 435 55: ® 4851 Geo. Bryant & Del Hanlon 15 00 41 4852 495 4854 Victor Teohlda M ® r9. C.Y. Claugherty, Tuardl 66 40 00 67 4855 John E. Fahey Yrs. Anna Sohneider 12 17 28 4856 Yrs. -ease wei es 31 86 4857 AsronextU cal Chamber of Oom, of A. 2 70 Ahlberg Bearing Company 21 79 4858 9 4860 Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Company 90 82 4861 Amsrioana Corporation American Art Olay Company 9 00 14 50 4862 Amerioan Battery Company 90 4863 4864 American LaFrance & Foamite Ind.Ino. 11 82 4865 4866 American Library Association Atlee Cae & 011 Company 7 0- 102 58 89 b5 4867 Auetln-western Road Yaoh.Co. Auto T6ngina !forks 6 50 4868 Badger Meter Company 205 401 4869 Ballard Ramp Garage 4870 Fred H. Bethke 11 64 4971 Beek Duplicator Sales Agency 11 40 4872 Geo. Benz & gone 150 00 4973 Biebighauser El ec trio Company 3 13 4874 Board of Education 1 00 4875 Lsw Bonn Company 2 16 4876 Borobert-Ingersoll, Inc. 82 61 4877 Bowen & Sone 5 84 4878R.R. Bowker Company 3 72 4879 R.C. Boyeson Company 63 90 4880 S. Brand Company 27 05 4881 Brown & Day, Inc. 59 83 4882 Brown Instrument Company 5 35 4883 Buffalo Meter Company 9 85 4884 Builders Iron Foundry Company 6 83 4885 4886 Capitol Laundry Company 25 88 4987 Central sofentific Company C4loago, Butlington & Qy.Ry.Co. 33 68 79 4888 Citizens Ice & Fuel Company 44 so 4889 Coohran_Sargent Company 109 49 4890 The Commonwealth Fund 2 00 ® 4891 4892 The Cracker Jack Company C.irtis 1000, Inc. 295 00 20 775 4893 Daily Hews Corporation 9 40 4894 4895 Adam Decker Hardware Company 37 89 4896 Denver Fire Clay Company Diebold Safe & Look Company 14 77 95 00 4897 Ddsmey Typewriter Company 21 80 4898 R.J. Dyer & Brother 36 I1 4999 East gide Upholstering Shop 5 00 4900 O.R. Eckhardt & Company 9 40 4901 L. ESRenmenger Meat Company 24 90 4902 1M-6 t% tl Installation Company 12 65 4903 Elk Laundry Company 15 42 4904 Elvgren Paint Supply Company 47 99 4905 Eeelinger & Company 7 81 4006 H.L. Ettman Sponge Comnany 1 50 �9EET .aTwL-Faewweo 52 379 08 703 477 3 h EET 1or.-.oAw.Ao 52 378 09 705 556 G1 NO .. < c �FN���{lt eS eOII-LL COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS Jona 21st 34 Genanf - - Torn �'- ..u...ca IN FAVOR OF crecnz _ F cnccnz r aAo»��r.a4w,ao 52 378 08703 477 32 • 4907 4 OS Thismgt� A.I. A PRc.Ay.Co. 95 8 0 4909 Farwell, OmuII. Kirk A Company 64 05 4910 4911 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 120 OS 62 4912 Farwell, Omeun, Kirk A Company O.B. Fehl and 94' 8 10 491'1 Felt d Tarrant Mfg.Co— any 1 75 4914 Fireside Book shop 3 80 4915 Fisher Nut Company 22 00 4916 The Fl ox company 28 40 4917 Chas. Friend h Son, Inc. 11 83 4918 Fuel 011 6 Gas Camany 4919 Gangl A Company 62 2 745 4920 Emil Gei at 4 00 4921 Generator Specialty Company 16 16 4922 Glukote Company 6 on 4923 Herman Goldberger Agency 3 50 4924 4925 Goodrioh-Silvertown,Ino. Gordon 8 Ferguson Company i010 1 50 4926 H.L. Gould 8 Company 83 36 4927 The Grinnell Company 109 09 4928 Lester Griswold 30 92 4929 Tha Handcraft 4 85 4930 Rarocurt_Brace 8 Company 19 23 4931 A.P. Hersohler Factory 38 40 4932 Hillyard Chem foal Company 37 50 4933 Hobart Mfg. Company 5 95 4934 A.R. -older 3 75 4935 Hubbard Grocery Company 22 95 4936 J. T. Hulme Company 27 20 4937 Institute of Arte 1 50 4938 Inter City Paper Company 61 20 49 9 4940 Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police 10 00 4941 Jacobsen Mfg. Company Johnson Printing Company 207 55 45 00 4942 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company 62 65 4943 Junior Literary Guild 14 85 4944 4945 Kesebey 6 Mattison Company 19 13 4946 Kennedy Brothers Arme Company Kentucky Macaroni Company 34 55 4 50 4947 Ts. Kline 7 75 4948 4949 E.L. Klingel Kremer Auto Spring Company 11 00 21 39 4950 Lewis Motors, Inc. 4 26 4951 Librarian, Library of Congress 50 70 4952 Linde Air Products Company 112 57 4953 L.B. 91p p1 noott Company 4 o0 4954 Fred Lo0kley1 50 4955 Al. J. Louie 6 00 4956 C.B. Lyon 6 Brothers 481 00 EET 1or.-.oAw.Ao 52 378 09 705 556 G1 o. T�,E NO. S0LUv1o�LCR ar re2l,�c COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS Jin 22 1934 axnc�o- cehea o15A Y.W' .... p N. .�i,. . .A IN FAVOR OF TOTAL .lu rn.ew . e. ep�u TF�FW pc 52378 08 .705 556 41. e... ® 4957 4958 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finance Finance 6 606 60 00 4;9 4960 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Hunn Brothers 8 6 00 ' 4961 Midway Ice Cream Company Axel F. Peter eon, C, of Finance 383 96' 5 688 00 4962 Dr.O.H. Burfiend �.. 16 00 4963 Hartland H. Callender, Assignee Radio Service Laboratorles,Ino. 229 56 4964 A.J. Phelps 17 75, 4965 Owen Brown 82` 4966 Healy Plumbing A Heating Company 131 8411 4961R.E. Hulme Company 25 59= 4968 Tony Xujaiva 75 00' 4969 Albert Linder 3 75 4970 YoFadden-Lembert Company 66 26• 4971 D.D.Yurray, Manager 7 67 4972 Northern States Power Company 5 288 33' 497 497 H.W. Blaugas company 9an1taxy Food Yfg.Campany 41 52� 95 82' 4975 Lawrence A. Soler, Cashier Water Department 129 51. 4976 Wm. Tungbauer i Sone, Inc. 10 50. 4977 Dr. Adolph H. Ahrens 100 00- Is 0. 4979 Dr Hugh Bealsp 11 50 4980 Dr. A.L. Bolender 5 00- 4981 Dr. John F, Briggs 15 4982 Brown A Day 6 O; 4983 Drs. Chatterton a Von der Weyer 43 35 4984 Comfort Artificial Limb Company 23 00 4985 4986 Obarles P. Dawson Truss & ADp1.00. Don 16 00 4987 Dr, M. Decouroy pany Diagnostic X -Ray Com 18 00. 15 00 4988 Dr, James H. Dunn 42 00 4989 Dr, Gustaf Edlund 8 00- 4990 Dr. X. E. Endrea 16 50 4991 W.E. rebel 9 50 4992 Drs. Hammes 6 Eamman 10 00. 4993Dr. J.F. Hammond 25 DO 4994 Dr, V,P. Hauser 35 00- 4995 4996 Or. C,A, Ingerson Dr, A, Franklin Johnson 5 00 14o 00 • 4997 Dr. Paul H. Helly 5 00- 4998 Dr. H, A. Yol ander 2 00 4999 Dr. J. Ohage, Jr. 75 00 - 5000 Dr, Azthur A. Ped Breen 8 00 5001 Dr. E.S, Powell 22 50 5002 Dr. H.J, Prenlergsat 39 00 5003 Dr, Herold J. Rothschild 28 00 5004 St. Johns liceDital 10 00 5005 St.Luke's Hospital 31 20 5006 Dr, Edward Sobons 11 00 5^07 Dr, B,J, Singer 217 00 5008 Dr, George W. Snyder 54 00 5009 Dr, Frank Whitmore 13 00- 5010 Arthur W11It we 4 50. 5011 Dr. Charles H. Zander s�ecT TOT..-roewAao 9 00 e oT. oaw.ao 52 376 08 .161 422 88 —="� cc c,cc orrcc of Tie coMPTao�cEa .�E NO. COUNCIL M:aO,UTIoN .c ` areg$� AUDITED CLAIMS June 25 '34 Lo_ ,....E::. Oehea o.».. .E.EE. »leo. 35,956. o.o 1934 TOTAL wur..ecn IN FAVOR OF BR�VG T oaw.ao 52 378 08:725 466 o4e ® 5012 Sam K.drie 215 00 30 40 5013 5014 Jack Kerrigan Nick 9oholzen 6 00 5015 The Kenny Company, Inc. 190 00' 5016 Axel F. Pet ai eon, C. of Finance 15 082 35 5017 Axel 1, Peter eon, C, of Finance 1 935 22 5018 V.A, Forel ey lb 50 5019 Harry Replan 32 0 5020 Highland Prk Community Church 7 50 5021 Standard Stone Company 2 253 24 5022 A. C. McClurg & Company 6 19 5023 NoGlll—Warner Company 82 53 5024 r. 11Maoaulay 5 27 5025 Yaendler Brush Mf Company 204 04. 5026 C, & K. Yareball Company 13 26 5027 John Maurus 8 08` 5028 P491A. Maynard 42 53' 5029 Merrill, orear, Chapman Company 9 78 5030 Gus D. Messing 9 30 5031 MY. Metcalf 8 26 5032 Michigan Valve & Foundry Company 104 91' 5033 Michaud Brother=,Ino, 11 92'. 5034 Midway Creamery Company 69 82' 5035 Midwest Cbemloal Compary,Inc. 7 25 5036 H.C.Mill, Sale. Agent 18 00' 50'7 Mp1%st.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry.Co. 63 81 5038 Mlnnesota Fen oe & Wire Worke 3 00 5039 Minnesota News Company 47 59 5040 Model Laundry Company 8 78 5041 E.A. Moeller Company 8 75 , 41. 5042 5043 Mueller Mfg. Company Mutual Paint Company 141 5 5 6 5044 5045 National Education Association National Meter Company On. 145 339 46 5046 5047 New York Tea Company Northern Coal & Dock Company 52 587 83 5048 Northern States Power Company 607 D6 5049 Northern States Power Company 273 87 5050 Northern State: Power Company 1 200 62 5051 Northern Stat Be $�rer Company 1 442 44 5052 Northern State: Power Company 8 940 62 5053 N.T. 8temp Works, Inc. 20 45 • 5054 0. Olsen 2 so 5055 Orloff Leather Company 16 29 5056 Oriental Laundry Company 12 83 5057 Paper, Calmenson Company 309 73 5058 5059 Paramount Piee 29 55 5060 M. F.Patteraon Dental Supply Co. Perfeotion Type Company 112 8 89 74 5061 H.C. Perleberg 7 07 0062 PSlneer ElectricCompany 140 90 5063 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 49 11 5064 9tPaul Book & Stationary Company 785 12 5065 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 80 11 5066 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 178 27 5067 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 217 07 oT. oaw.ao 52 376 08 .161 422 88 CO IL RESOLUTION 0 .... .........o IIS JUN 2 6 1934 .......... rvS, EQ . ... o " • COUNCIL FILE NO. - BY. INTERMEDIARY ORDER opening, wldaning and extending en alley iv Rondo'a Addition, Blo.k 10, and Summit V111., bounded by Cathedral Placa, Ravoux St. and Iglehart Ave. by taking and oondemvivg a strip of land sa folloxe, Beglooi g at v point on the east aide of Cathedral Plaoe 191,69 ft, north .f the Orth line of Marehnll Ave. than.. east and o rallel to the south line of t:; 1.h—t - - Ave. to .point 10 Pt. wast of the seat line of Lot 11, Rondo's Addition, Bl- 10, thence soothe.. t ar 'y to a point 19 ft. south o.^ the eouth line of Matteson Piece n the seat line of Lot 11, Pondo's Additlon, Block 10, thenoo easterly to a po Lot 160 ft. east of the e.st line of cathedral Piece, then.. north 5 St., thence net t- the ...t line of Sunaait Vills, thenoo north 25 ft., thence xast 26 St., thenoo south 19 ft., thavoa wast to a port 160 ft. asst of Lha eget line of Cathedral PI.... thanoe north to a point on the .outh line of Iglehart F.va. 160.13 ft. east of the east line of Cathedral Place, thence west 16 ft „ thocce south 209.50 ft, thenoo west tc the east lin. of lot 11, Rondo'. Addition, Block 10, thence north to the —th line of Matteson Ple.o, thanoe west along the :Doth line of Matteson PI... to a point ov the s.st line of Cathedral Placa 205.59 ft. north of the north line o." Marshall A—, thence south 14 f't. Lc n .nt of beginning. widen an evd en alley in Block 10, Rondo's 4ddition ands—it Iilla, bounded by �ath.drel Place, °e .nu.e „re and Igl.h.rt hv.nue, b•. condeew'_ng and takln� the fol I_in' n.ie s%1-m1n.' rhe +at 1 —4 —1 Placa at .otnt - !'t.- nrth lin f 1'ers`�nll inr�'H+e soutrwest allel, .f- nrth li ellot�_v st lin ethedral nlsce; _ nrth n u'ol�'^.. _ -»m'it VSlle; thence mirth 2 '. h.n.s logit 25 ft.; th--c est c repel with tF .. 'e reheP ivlc ft '"t Ad^al t1 Orth to a nofn u cf Irl herr _ tt:e .ass, 1 ^- x'.h+oral !",71;: ehenon vast 16 I't.f eh�rr a., se. °2c's.60 rt. to -,Dint 144 ft. east east 11th ar "Itr. tins �. rshnll ;, �. ltn, -S t 11, -ilo I 1I,1 n;;d o's addition; thence n errh to tho ..,th 11— cf :'.atteson Fl.— thence south to to !ha oleos c^ bsginnlr f. Approved --- 191 _ Ci "u— Mev Councilman Psi YI1gI 1�Hll)/.' -iy Councilman Peten.n nC.+uvcilma T-- / Councilman 1'ruaz J N'er.en r/ Councilman Council �e�v Mayor a ones Aly/\/V1 Form B. S. A. 8.6 I raa�wnu®m.ar anncrr.. 192 under Pnelimfnary order- 96754 approved_ - Ootober 3}, 1933 The Council of rhe Cry of Sr. Paul having received he repo", of rhe Commissioner of Finance upon ,he above improvement, proeent, and ha.ing c nsideced said rep.,t, hereby cesolvrs: s 1. Thar he said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and he said improvemenr hereby ordered to be proceeded -oh. _. That be nature of he improvement which he Council recommends is widen and "I'll an alley in Block 10, ftondo'e £ddition and Summit Villa, b unded 5y .,athedral Plac ...... o ...re ', ani lglahart nv,n br coed—ning and th Place at nrth lin" �s,,11ne'�tfie out'. est c. -� 1 � u 1 ^ .:..., G '" u rallel mth astaline .,r ;;atnedral north ]1 t, L •v -it 1111,, thence 1n�ei no rt - rtn 25 'hent t 25 -,ilei Mth h ll -Y v , . "est -orth t f "loin' i t n �� 1.'5.50 ft. to ial '1. h n t 16 1't c. .•le rels"1 Mth of nt 144 eat th at 1 a B h 11 tv a , 11 -he 1 . 1..:vrth. 1 _th to thea, curt ] n rf att,s nn 'loco, then r. aloe_" ,d.:iti�n, th - _ begSrr:ny. s,:; -n _1na io cr.ar p"rca o iol �l T City Wecc Approved.. � a� i?i3d _. .. _ C:oanrdman pro, L'URIASULD G,unciloran Fetenno nCouncilman Hoeen ^ / Coaocilma 9roa. Councilman li'erreo < / nc'd N'a Co. l or a one, GNeu SAay/11 Form B. S. A 8-6 I / y, _,l�,a� ri: uu°v naefa75 LF•' FYouoauaon .�:.,:� � FY oa vot.FY F b IvF ov FYe eor+FP 7l a °L IYB ince-F y e• 7 .. la.$faaf� 7.1 Lf: {aaio °F ;: a bvluF 7!0 u. ��^�1� � uop�.iz39F F_oA40�P�FPtRfbf?'LFY' «�bee3,1-r 1585.— _ with no alcernacives, end that he esclmatcd wsc thereof is $_ 1.030 -OIL— .r, -41 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on [h 24th day of 197A 1 che hour of 10 .dock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and Gey Hall 1luilding in the City of St. Paul. Tl,at chc Commissioner of France give no ce and in th< man r ptovidcd Fy the Chatter, ere ing the time and place ofc�heat Said m I" the per n and the Local < thereof as "'i—ed'zc n,d thecnature of th improvement e ost Adapted by the Conned JUN 26 1934 cty clerk Approved —atm 2P iQ_ _ - i'l �V / , P-- Councilman l YIIRI I,,w I) :': �e Fetenne / Councilman Council GeoL�/ Mayor a ones fjyl Form B. S. A. efi � � / c.... CITY OF ST. PAUL .. .I NO. 18193 OFFI E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co.Miss ION/! W 4i9"" DATE - RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author— ized to enter into an agreement with George Williams, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.40 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of Injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the 14th day of May 1934; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in aocordance with said agreement, the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay to said George Williams the sum of $86.40 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, In partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and Including June 35th, 1934. 41 4 Ad.,I d I., Ih, I JUN S9 fie o; T-- \1,. `'read.,,, a.o... ,. �.. ..... CITY OF ST, PAUL NO.. IN 194 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ioNa� COUNCIL RESOLUTW N—GENERAL FnORM 3a 27t1 1@34, RESOLVED BBMLW, Z" J. Yargellon desires to withdraw application U96 for a Barber Liceaae at 436 Jackson St.; also Thetas Prokopwita d-ires to withdraw application 3464 for a Barber License at 933 Forest St.{ therefore, be it RMILVED, that the proper city officers be and they era hereby —th riaad to reft,nd to Goa J. Nargellon end Tboaea Prokopeita, their fees of 110.00 each, and to coocel said application for Barber Licanae. ('Ot 11,11EN ,)UN �i mi M, \1 r. P'—d"', iGO"', RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR-..;.'.' ='.,..,a .1.1.1o.„as°°^ In the matter of__QP_of n&, Kida_n_i_gepd__e_,t andira 8_J_o_hneon _Parin+_ay botxeea Rsatiaga_Ave. and Hudsor. Ave. by adding to it those parte of Lot, 13, 14 end 15, Flock 1, lindlay ,,airhts lying v:eateriy of the a e 180 of radius c rcle tangent to the sooth- we,terly li of Bald Lot lE, and to tF.e ^estarly lice of said Lot 13; also 'oy adding thereto those part, of Lot, 15 and lc. Flock 2, Licdley Height, lying westerly of the are of a 235 foot radius circle tangent to ti.e westerly line of said Lot 16, and the orthwa,terly line of sold Lot ; also taking and condenninc. a ant for slopes, cots and fill. ne.ary to the 15grading and 1 p ---t of east s wits road cf John, on Farkwegy, w':d modeee described above from Heetinv, Ave. to 247 feat southeasterly of Hudson A—, under Preliminary Order____________ 97404_____, approved- _-Harty 2,_1934__________ _ Intermediary Order __ _ __.. __ 97fifi6_____. app y..ed__-kpr1111,_193A______.. Final Order ----- _9782(1.. _.. approeed__W 8— 1934 A public heaving having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and clad nlwn the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved. That the taking and condemnation of the lands descrihed in the anne.ved asr�ssmene roll, identified by the ,igrntnre of the Commis,ianer of Finance, and made a part hereof. and the awards of damages t. the owners of such lands for .aid taking and condemnation as vet forth in ,aid a...—ment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said n_,, e,—ment of benefits. be and the same i. hereby m all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be sbbmitted to the I)istrirt Court for confirmation. �iedm�iis�:d.<2Fzk�exsr�a�mL�sudcik AxMr�tCy.<tlaW txpAal�7[RSE1Nt xxx xzdkxswFzt%xxaep2xihpfi Adopted by the Council j”$7 Teat Cite Clerk. Approved— Troy May — Councilman Co ncilman Fey Councilman Co I atayor `LJe nes REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDF.NINATION OF LANDS VAI) l>�4IiSSMFNT 01' liI:AGFITS m the matter of9P_4.4?r✓6._"'i_d_en ing_end_ eztendin5_J_o_hn.on_Par1_y-betw_e_m Feeting, Ave. and Hodson A— by adding to it those pmts of "" 15, 14 end 15, Block 1, Lindley Hel ghts lying wee t erly of the a of a IHo foot radius circle 1a¢ ,mt to the south- aeterly line of said Lot 16, end to the westerly line o said Lot 13, else by adding th...to those parts of Let, 15 and 16, Block 1, Lindley Heights lying westerly of the of s 235 foot radio. c rcla tangent to the westerly line If s .d Lot 16, end the orthweet arly llne of "I't Lot 151 sl.o takinr and condemnlnr a .ent for slope., cote and fills n ary to the grading and imorovee.ent of a rvia road of Johnson ?erkvmy, w:d...deasa do ... -bad above frac. �wetinge A— to 247afee'a,cuthweeterly of Hudeo¢ Ave., under Preliminary Order____ 974fY1___., approved__ _ M. -I, _ 2i 1334_____________ Intermediary Order_________ 9760L..._, approved____April_ J.J.. 1334. Final Order__________ _. _97821) approv,d----- M y --- b 1$34___________. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the calve of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he Its, x1so fired and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned', finding on said matters. Coinanee. 1 i i i i I I t I i i *'9i0 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR I, the matter CQ—lVT-- — end fills I 22, A..,b..h & llAod-, Addition from Cook St. to Oliver St., —de, P,,Iim,.,,y Order__-___ 97277-----------, approved__ Feb.- 13,-1-9-34_------_ Intermediary Order 47616approved- APril 4 .-1934 Fj..] Order__ 97774 a,,,r.-d--Xy l— 1934 A public hearing hawing been had upon the t,ki,g, and -rd—ItIll of the lard, or —e—ot, therein, f., the above improvement, and the .—d, of d—- therefor, and also up- the a,, --rt .f benefits therefor, and the C.—ed having duly considered the same, now therefore be it That the taking and condemnation f the land.. dexrihed in the a,u,j ... e"vmert roll, identified b, the ...nature cf the Courini-i-, of Pio—, and ri,,d, a port hereof, —d the A—& of dc—g- to the c, I,,, of surh lands f- -,d taking I,ol —&mu,ticu — -t forth in said assans ment roll, be and th,, same is 11c,ch, I III 111PI-1 ratified and -rfi—d' Resolved forth- that the said ; ... —uncot of benefits, be and the —rue i, hereby in III ratified, and the same i, hereby .,dc,,,l to be submitted to the Distract Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council 7 LqU App—led ----- IW- 19 . 1 11 Mayor, Councilman C;t;Ox A;BUSHED C C—eiluu.. PT&,W-- Councilman Iffik"9701--, I C—ceil. Al'yo, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter If___ oondmnniug-end iakinw_ axt essem,n 1n th,-land asaecaery--fer elopes, coot,end fill, in the grading of Alley in Block 22, Auerbsohk Hend'e Addition from Cook St. to Oliver St., under Preliminary Order____ 97227___. . appro,ed_____ Fan— ]3,_191L______________ Intermediary Order________ 97ti1@------ a ppro.ed.__..April 4.,_1910 ---- ----------- Final Order_______________ 97774_. -. III, roved ----- May _---- ,_1912 ------ ___________. __ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the Value of the land, lands or casements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the nwa,d., of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such swards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, sad that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned', finding on said matters. l___________ Commissioner of Finance. m RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of --- —Amaig —d tekLng � —,t in tha-la-L —&—y f—albp� outs d fill, in the grading of Alloy in Blo,k 25, Auer Lech & Ho.ddl, Addition f... Cook St. to Oliver St., ..... ... ... NZ end,, Preliminary 0 d- 97282 ---- approved_- Fob. 2d. 1934 Intermediary O,d,, RMB 7 approved__Apr. 11-1934 F-1 Order 97824 approved.__ KU 8, 1934 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands ,, easements th—m f., the b.,d improvement and the --d, of d.ei.,g— therefor, and .1— n— the a ..... .edt of benefits th—for, end the Con nc it having d,fl, —,,,id -,d the —, now therefore be it 11,,,d -d. Thnt the taking and condemnation of the lm,d, 1,-ribd in the a—,,-1 al"Inildt -11, jd,,,diW b, the —dat,— 4 the of Finance, and made a pert hereof, and in,, —a'd' of damage= to the —n— of such land= f- -id lakm, and condemnation a, set forth to '.id a -1-11t r.11. b, and the same i, ,—h, in all ... 1—t, ratified and -nfi, in,d, Resolved fu,th- that the aid assessment f b—fits, b, and th,, -- i, h,—I, in all —p-, ratified, and the mine it hereby -d... d t, be submitted to the District Court for —firmiade,. Ber xb...& *eedz bd—..,tx=A- p -")p 1UN 271934 Adopted by the City Clerk Approved ----- M.Y-. Councilman Councilmad councilma 2111 V REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS .11'11 .1t�9ES9Jii:N'1' IIF I:IS6FITL In the matter of_ o_ondecv_'_ing and taking ve ea ant in_the_1_and ......ary _ Cor_ slope., cut. and fills Sn the grading of Allay in Block 25, Auerbach h Hand'. Addition flan Cook St. to Oliver St., under Preliminary Ord er____9738R ._--_, approved._ Feb, 2E-.1934_ _ Intermediary Order_.. ___976_67___, approved__ Apre_lli 1934_________________ Final Order -------- _______975 -?A _. app—ed-_AY___6y -U-3,4- TO 934_TO THE COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, ],ad, or easements therein taken and eppro- pnated for the .hove improvement and the amounts of the aw & of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awarde are payable: that lie has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property', from the making of .aid improvement, not ecceeding the ,at them of, and that hereto to is an assessment roll ent,tl,,l as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said mater,_ Commissioner of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL v��e NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUTL —GENERAL FORM RESOLVED , That licensee applied for by the folloai ng pe Yedna for the addressee indicated be and they are hereby granted end the City Clerk to instructed to isms each licensee upon the payment foto the city treaa-7 of the required fees: Abe Moekovitx & Ieadore Biac Fall V. Sxanbnrg Mre. J. Cantiere H. Borndale Henn Back - <:Ul',WIL NIL\' Tnia. Wsrren _ ) A..in.. 1YtowsL /VI' p'—d—, r60,.ni 1082 Grand Ave. Baetaurant 2119 Grand Ave. Off Sale Bon -Intoxicating Malt Beverage 207 L. 4th St. Beet—ant Off Sale Hon -intoxicating Malt Beverage 951 Arcade St. On Sale Malt Beverage 1116 Heaney St. Off We Malt Beverage c(r. 11, w— BL. eo a. vl,t—d',, d,...„.n.a JUN 27 1935 Ion ll.��.,.d nh� SULLIVAN, SCHUTTE a DONAHUE June 25, 193 �) Mr. Axel F. Peterson Commieeionex of Finance St. Paul, Min ne eota Gear Sir; - At the request of Mr. William A. Reem, the owner of the building located at 2115-19 Grand Avenue in the City of St. Paul upon which there Is now delinquent real estate taxes, I am writing you to explain the reason for this delinquency. Mr. Ree- forwerly had a tenant in this building named Frank W. Burtie, and Mr. Burtis failed to pay the rent due in September, October, November, and December of 1933, in the amount of $500.00, and as a result, has been unable to pay his taxes. In December, this office on behalf of Mr. Reem commenced an ation against Mr. Burtis which is now pending in the District Court of Ramsey County, to collect the rental due, and negotiations are now pending with I(r. Charles Lethert the attorn9y for Mr. Burtie, for the purpose of getting this case settled. Upon settlement of this case, Mr. Reem will im- meciately pay his delinquent taxes. I wish to state further that Rr. Reem has been unemployedic practally during the entire past year, and the only income he has is from this building. He has now rented this building to the parties now in possession at a greatly reduced rental, and if the present tenant is denied licensee, Mr. Reem will have no income whatsoever. At the time that this new tenant went into possession, it was necessary for Mr. Reem to make considerable changes ano improvements whlob took practically all the money which he received as rental from the present tenant up to thle time. I would appreciate if you would give this matter serious consideration and issue licensee to the party now in possession and I will pwreonally see that when this action Is disposed of thet all delinquent taxes will be paid. Thanking you very kindly I am, V y_truly yours., ARS/ams_ vl� Adopled by the Council— __.. --193— y... 193Yeas. Nays. ��EARCE / PETERSON IEN j/ I RUAX /jV'('ARREN / //WENZEL //MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) II*x7P_49Ivr9p p ;—a 22nd, 19;4. Aon. Axel F. Petarsoa, Co.mieeioner of Fineace, Sandia.. Dear Sir, The ettec..ed lett— of Olaf Iae, 9OF Pgvne Avenue rslntive to dell—ant taxes on property at x;51 Arcade Street • reforrod to your by t',a C1 'y Councll, with t- re oast t:',t ya : i„tnr.t a. rad Pet a de flnita premise f— hi rain LSva W th,, pa✓nent ,f tt.e.e taxae. Phe attar ad letter of A 3tcl1est.,d, A.efeta t Real Eatete Of f1^er,of the First -'r..t C.,,).W w.rvferred to you for roport anoreo—endntion not ,All beebeforo t*,r C.I 11 on'fo-day, J—.. 25th. The C -nail .leo referred to you tine ua;ttor of the appllcetinn of Henry "ac r for an Of' Sale 7.2 beer I loans. at 1115 Reaney Street, ehtoh vne held up on act—t deli.—t taxes. It apoa.r. t'. -t lar. C. '.. Aocsuth 1. tt.e ""r of thla plop arty and the Council roa3eted you to attar., to obtain o dofinito proml.o 10 —1 tln� i c, him rolative to the payment of t:�,eeo dellnauent taxes. Vara very truly, City Clerk. '- a.o... .o c... c.... CITY OF ST. PAUL --11 NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Vo� m. -Y GATE Joe 27th, 1954. RESOLVED That license for Gasoline Statlon (2 pumps), appliostim @1954, applied for by Prank Underwood at 1521 E. Jessamine St., be and it is hereby denied upon reo- omandatlon of the Fire Prevention Bureau, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Prank Underwood the fee of 05.00, and to cancel said applics- tioe for li-e. 0( N( L�I F N Nay A¢amsr .<�.. P""d—::ad,.��, o� Ali 9;`lwd 1.v. , .. . nd,,-d be d„ I '-I SUN - " 1474 lo, Am 2 5 ' .r...... CITY OF ST. PAUL')821 0 NO OFFICE OF THE Cc I, --- U f COUNCIL RESOLUTION'svaaa��e e�A'nnI; m°.miioo rasamckem .. WHEREAS, the Inter -City Fuel Company has petitioned the Council for permission to install end maintain a drive-in filling station at 251 Rice street; and WHEREAS, said Inter-OSty Apel Company has submitted a blue- print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a bearing has been held in accordance with Para- graph (f), Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said Inter -City Fuel Company to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps ehall be Installed in accordance with the ordi- nanoes of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Com- missioner of Public Safety; the building plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings; and any change. In curbing, aid.- walks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the directl on and to the satis- faction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever sold Oouncil shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard; said permit also gr -ted subject to the pgvmeat of deliaQueat Lama. t'r1I-\ I' I LlI li.\ Pruni' ✓ lu R,r�v Itn+i u \Kill ii,l lt'�nirl ajd. ' Ad ,d I,, m. I .....,a JUN 27 1934 my _ �UWIR L'r 9por \In u PLB1 SU LD "c-3 0-111 11 11E CITI 11-1 Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made . - -FILED 21 CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Pi�I of Minne.ol. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Teeth end Minne.oi. Sae.n JUIiN fl. McDON/.LD, Corunrs;ia+iv May ^5, 13'!4 Mr. William F. Scott, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of Henry W. Leyor, Inter -City Fuel Compeny for permission to instal e drive-in gasoline filling station st 751 Rice Street, and reports of inspection of 'he Brea,, of Fi-- Prevention end Traffic. VeerrVery troly ytnly yours, Coumtissloner of Nblic Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL May 25, 1934. Yr. Job. H. McDonald, Co®ieeloner of Public Sefety. Dear SSrI— This Ss 1n reference to application made by Henry E. Leyor, Inter -City hal Company, for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station n the South 78, lob 5 and 6, Hlo.k 59, Irvine-• Enlargement, ale. described en 251 Rico Street. Ple be advised thave me at I hds the usual Snepectio., end do not flat that the proposed station will materially interfere with the movement of Yraffie. Harry H• r tsrgr® / Supt. afflc. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pit.l of Min —u DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tamh and Mi—,.t. so -.a, JOAN If, M,�ONALD, Couwssiorvre May 23 1934. Hon,John Mo Donald Oommiseioner public Safty, 8t Paul Minn, Dear Sir; In regard to the application of Henery R Leyor to install a drive-in gasoline filling station located at 251 Rice 9t. lie have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours Ohief Inspector Fire Department. s e°` o' THE BOARD OF ZONING a % 5 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA O":S'.'.'• ^ COURT HOUSE p June 11th, 1'13 MI. L. R. S. FE,.—, -1C l ty C1eY•c. Dear Sir He : Drive -In Filling Lt-. ion, So. 78' of Lots 5 and 6, Blk 59, Irvine's Enlargement (251 Rice Stre0 InterCity Fuel Com )sny (Henry N. Ley) By- i4al ter Kueffner, 1324 E-Fi-st Natll Bank bldg. This appliratton is a re -submission of the plan to use this plot for a filling stu tion c whih was approved by the Planning board, Sept. 29th, 193•' This property is in a district zoned for m comercial use and a filling station is permissible subject to a public hearing. The plot of ground to be used is in the line of vision of the Capitol Dome. The filling station proposed would be less of an obstruction of view than an apartment h use. Expansion joints should be ;laced a., shown in yellow on the accompanying blue print. The ooard of Zoning reconsidered the appli- cation at their meeting M'y 29th and recommend the passage of this application. Yours very truly, HIERIILD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh CYVVVAIS��►�►�✓ peparFmemhvf Publ vWvrku Ju— 1?, 1 9 iA ... .,,... e, w,...o,,.. Mr. L. R. 9. Ferguson, City Clerk, City of St. Paul. Re Drive -In F11 Ing Station, So. 78 It. of cots 5 and 6, Block 99, Irvine) Enlsrgement (251 Rice Street) Inter City Fuel Comieny (Henry W. Ley) By 'Walter Kueffner, 1324 E. 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Dear Sir: his plan t Tthe use thisiclo toforss afillingmi to ti on ssionofhich w aperovrd by the Planning Bosrd, Sept embrr 29, 1932 as This property is in a district zoned for commercial use and e flliing at a tion Ss permissible subject to a public hearing. The plot of ground to be used is in the line of vision of the Capitol Dome. The filling stationproposed would be less of an obstruction of vies thin an apartment house. Expa.nslon joints should be placed as sho— in Yellow on the accompanying blue print. The Board of Zoning reconsidered the ap^lica- tion at their meeting May 29th and recommend the passage of this application. Yours vegx truly 7-r wedGETM. SH6PARD, EN„Chief Englneer. issioner Public Works. :�—, ,he .olorsiEned propert ;, x , '--tit stiona end n si ie.t= n properties ndince.t to nods+ tha im diate noivhborh.cd cf ^lock $9 Ir�ioe•s En Lnrgameet, do h... by protest the .... ting o nppli cit ioh mde 'ny "911ter Korfnor is a ect ¢vd install ¢ fi111ny, et.t Son antho S, 78' of any$ S 6 blk 53, Irvinv'arEnlarEe�-ent �f tho ;ity of St, Faul, :7e a that there is no nand nor ns seity of an�thar fil lin statiov nt rha lor�n'i nn 'ha n i-iS dill is bain�;os read svf�ic!on 6 nos, in thFl immrl to to vir tly by n nuphar oC fillip,; stat lone in Sty,s A/ �.C�� h . J� r 6- �jjac ��ry Inv (c/ -awn es 1 T7 Ark I �Yo a f in- W/OW 7943 Adopted by 16 193 YNays — PEARCE PETERSON /ROSEN /WARREN /WENZEL /MR PRESIDENT (GEHAN) POST CARD NOTICE! 1( E 01 ME ( OINIMISSIONFAI OF I [NASI'1: It. PI Nh-, llln16-193 4 It"'I.1mg Z",., 0,,j Jule 711, 1922 56 27th d, N1 7943 Av r II , >..k J 12 � c s+ q 1i I -o II I.. n r ' L. . i1 vs --70 all-, 60 ff I I I Mp r r r� I h t a�PPrr S o J� ko• s cL'V L" ; a / -qS P F�7 n,oh H 5 �w SI[t , • .ii rr, I mncnr.; k f4. -30'o" - -,„ �KLL1 (Tl,' C6 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL •"' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM NTED By V+ dine. 24tw 1854.—_ - -- RESOLVED That the proper City Officare be and they are hereby authorized to ref®d to the f-11--ri-9 -sued parse-- the fees indioatad dapoeitad on Dance Hall ldoeaea., whi.b 11oeneas have bean previously denied: Dainme & Kotsanaroa 115 W. Tenth St. Dance Hall $15.00 dppl. 5585 Karr & Doyle 457 W. Seventh St. • $15.00 5855 Edward P. Pitkin 240 H. Seventh St. ^ " $15.00 ^ 5214 W. G. saber 1579 Selby V.. $15.00 5656 COUNCH MEN R-- Tm^a Warren � Agni nor yl"r. Prc.iden. �Clchn n' w ca> .°i L is"s � T p ooAla' e:P:^n0.^a^ °. " ow Ad„L:°11,a,°a,,,°,n M27194 lel Jn 17 190 M r��r I 0 M coV aciLMpet on' COU CIL RESGILUTION AUDITED CLAIMS No. one 26 34 X315 119.60 ;4 JUN 2 7 ia- . ........ . 7 7- 7 TOTAL 6 52 378 08L761 422 89 5'68 5069� 9070 9071 Sculley Xquip.company Mr=, ' Ruud Northern Cooperage Company Hurley Gjelaeth 6 722 0$ 5 00 25 00 10 00 9072 John W. Mitchell 380 001 5073 5074 S. Berglund LumberyComY Miller Seed O—— 101 38 421 40 5075 5076 Testinghouse Electric Supply Co. Mrs, Edward Datko 391 20 on 9077 Mary Carl-tta 5 00, 5078 O.F.Soulley Equipment Company 19 7766 39 5079 Northern States Power Company 290 93 9080 9091 Northern States Power Company J b T. Psisert 311 48: 9 PP 5082 50 Pioneer Typewriter Company Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 1 1� 35 67, 5ON Postage. Meter Company 30 00: 50; Price Electric company 83 22' 50 p J.F. temak & son 7 5087 Pure Oil company 29 9088 9099 Purington Paving Brick Company, Purity Baking Company 397 93 2 00 5n90 Ramsey County Boiler Inspector 6 oo 5091 Raymer Hardware Company 7 so 5092 Red Wing Union Stoneware Company 211 00 501Z C. Raise Coal Company 48 00 ,.g Remington—Rand Company 53 556 501 Rex Linen Supply Company, 21 40 909 9097 5099T.17. Robinson, Cary & Sands Company Rose 9111 Nursery R.8b.It Company 49 70 67 75 49 go 5099 5100 5101 5102 9t Paul Arcade Company 9t:pwl Book & Stat lonery Company287 9t.Paul Book & Stationery Company Rt.Pwl Cement works 1 00 48 159 3 100 23 510 -'t Paul Electro Plating works 21 61 91N 9105 51n6 5107 q t :P—1 Foundry Company 't Paul Glass Company 9 t.Paul Goodwill Industries.1no. 9t,Paul Hydraulic Hoist Company 97 90 122 87 is go 5 70 5108St.Pauj 5109 5110 Milk Company St Paul Office Equipment Company St:P sul Stampworks 252 77 20 V 910 5111 3t.Pau1 Vocational School 4 416 5112 St.Paul Welding & Mfgco.pazy 15 10 5117 9114 'It.Pul White Lead & Oil Company Sanborn Map Company 140 95 17 On ';115 9116 3oheffer & Roosum Company Jacob S.hmi dt Brewing company 1 52 122 60 9117 5118 5119 Andrew gob. o b Grocery Company Andrew Sohoo h Grocery Com,any 9obroeder & Company 93 28 91 42 3 50 9120 W.R. Shaw, Lumber Company 1 79 5121 Shoop Printing Company 15 10 5122 5123 Simplex Valve & Meter Company Si.delar Athletic Equip.Rpr.co. 20 00 3 65 S11E1 11-1 -101-11 52 378 08 L79e 542 4& 0 M Council File No..... )� -3 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVI a raenr oameae. end ,: os e a a.m m rovema . PRELIMINARY ORDER. `^ The onderaignvd hereby proposes the nu,kingot thetollmving public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viv.: O pan, widen and extend Alley In Block 2, Pavilion .Park.. by adding thereto a triangular piece of land in the southwest_ corner of lot 8 in said block measuring 10 feet on the_sRR.th line of said lot 8, and 10 feet on the west line of a.a1d 1 8. Dated this. 20 thday of.. Jung, 1� Couneilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vie.: Opens widen and extend Alley, in Block 2,_ Pavilion.. Park .by adding thereto a triangular piece of land in the southwest corner of lot 8 in said block, measuring 10 feet on the south___.... line of said lot 8, and 10, feet on the. west line. of said. lot B...____.. having been presented to the Council of the City of Sele.l Paol. _ ... tborofore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cooead o— of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered end directed: 1. To inveetigate the necessity for, or desirshility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigete the octan, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, end the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Ileo, prable or eketch of said improvement. 4. To elate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownem. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. e y� Adopted by the Cennea_ 87 190 Y— ounNays r Ccilmavire I Approved ..i.t...iQ`l �.... ....._.. Peal ' s Roeaa Tw ac -won... M. Paesipoa'r `. / Mayor. r.. o.1. nu 1 m1 PUBLISHRD <f���� I/ Council File Nu...._ ................. .n.......mBy .,,r o U ..on°u n,i• CITY ON' ST. 1A11, Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assess — of benefit a, coat. and expenses for repaving Snelling A..— from the Northern Pacific Railway tracks to Como Ave. West, by removing the --t. blocks end r urfacing the a eating c rete base with sephalt mixture, also ourbirtg. paving elleyaand driveway ap prosch...naewe water end gas action. from attest malna to property linea wirer. not elr eedy rmada, and all other work inoident.l ane necessary to said IMP v orient. under Prebmmary Order..._ 9550x3.,., I Intemued-y Order 95747. _. Final Order 95957 appr... d.___..._fANL... 4 ._ _...19.33.. A public hon mg having been had upon the m ---a for the .bare imprevomeut, end said a,,....mcut hazing been further camidcred by the C uracil, and heving been c—id—d finally satisfactory, be a therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same in hereby in atl respects rstified, and the same W heroby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for coufi rma tion. BE T FURTHER R.FSOL4 EU, The, the said sss .—I be -d it m hereby determined to be p.y.blc iv/_.,/___.. ___e4ne1 in.tallmeuts. Adopted by m. C - I. 8 M4 .rys Clerk. Approved. _....'WN-28-MQ.._....19 _ - / 111), 'IF �f. PAI'I, ()`F I( ()1' 'I'II is I (IMA11SJI0NE It 01� FI N.VN, E, Report of Completion of Assessment N.y 29 .1934 In benefit., oo.t. end ezp..... fur Ien, repaving Snelling A— frons the Northern P.clfic Reilwey tr,ok, to Como Ave. west, by ing the ...... te block, and r e.rf.eing the a ieting c norete base with a.phalt mizture, .leo _i, n, paving .11eyend driveway approach.., .—r, water and gee oetiove from street mains to property line. where not alreadymede, and all other I, Snoldentel end necese.ry to eeid improvement, 11r -r 95503 In;.-�n, .l'iar? 11r�Ir 95747 I incl (I'd- 95957 _ .,1 Auy..4 1,133 T,I thr t•uu—I of th• 1'it, • �t. fuel 'fhrtn.r d I h,. r..l�� r�. �,��n..�� thy, t -d thy fo L'e,r'ing us . ,tuts stent .,f thxl•..;i. ditur� n�rw�arilp ini--] m,d t,, hI itis..—d fi th the making iI the nhnrinilrn�- n'"nt•`"' Ccet of c ..truoticn $10,950.77 Coat cf —bl iehing e.1ioe 9,75 Coat of post.l Dards 1.95 I-Peotlon fee. 356,05 Amount of o urt ooste for oovfirmaticn 9.75 Cons truoti on 3g i...ring 403.83 Curbing 667,61 Driveway. 14.74 Total Expenditure. $18,614.46 Lee. the sum of (Federal Cram under _I (R'A Pro�eot Dock.t No. f (750 a rt nl and $12,705.80 the Leve the eum of (Code 31 E 1 hn•ttt.l lis fir: id that Net ;.e sae sn,.nt $ b, 901.65 .,1 I� ;h, ,1' I is h,ntt 11 .ul mitt d t) IF,[ ,nm .I F- ..,tion I tt nn. t 1 uid,—d pr��,e•r. "' t' " " l;ommissisner of h'inenr�. liT`"1 11 PkIll ~=""""'""`""==~==,'`°`^ Report of Conoplc600cfAssessment �"~= °= ...° 'b—".'~^.~°~~~~ �~~ Al O"ill 95957 C__, ,.- th.t b� h- --d ..d=th�~"��~^_~_� *18e^^" 1, 0,� a^~"`�~~-~^~^~~^^~~~~+~�~~~~~'~~~~+^^'�^-~^' "'~~^~^~.^'.~..~.,`~.�.^~^,~._ - nn�n� "ne• CITY OF ST. PAI-- •��. No, OFFICE OF THE CITY c �,�,y/� COUNCIL RESOLUTIONPR ESENT ED —GE�M1 a=gnu _SSIO'ER WHEREAS, a sudden and unexpected emergency has arisen, due to the fact that the Workhouse Hospital has been closed since January 1, 1934, and the establishment of a hospital for the treatment and confinement of persons suffering from social diseases is urgent; and WHEREAS, there are not sufficient funds in the budget of the Bureau of Health to defray the expense of opening and oper- ating the Workhouse Hospital for the balance of the year 1934; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Mayor and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to borrow the sum of Five Thousand, Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($5,750.00) and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan a promissory note, payable to such party or parties, and bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 3,4 per annum, said note to be payable one year from the date of execution thereof; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the funds so borrowed be credited to the Workhouse Hospital Fund, 9-G, of the Department of Public Safety Health Fund; and that said funds be expended only for the purpose of maintaining the said Workhouse Hospital and defraying the 7nqeqcessary expp en see Snci dent thereto, FURTHL�H BESOL9HD, that Cofficil FSl,OIa9111tI. approved Jme 1st, 193 be and the same Se hereby repealed. 1'rnn it Nn,� / r � Ad JUN JUNE81934 I°a �� JUN 2R /ir,�.,> Arrvra,l 1"4s� na„ r:r u n.,. Pit iswn /J� / ll_SiY�nro-. il. .. ,ebn ch ••.�• CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gviul of Minn - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.mh .nd Mi-- S—h June z1, 1934• Mr. d. r aldrich, City Comptrcl ler, St. Faul, Mi— II' erewi t!- s,,bmllll n6 a survey of amo—t requi ray ,,^cr the bel an ca of ttia Year 1934 Por .Pesti on of 17or}house Hoapi tl, whirl- 1s usarl for the p•�r Fo se of tre utf nE vena. eel di sasses. urY,e '-.ut t'ils haar,--d Immedlata7 y, a 't� of vi': al import nce to the ea hlth and ��Al,^era If the* this wort: !�. star tel at -rd it th'.s If'! co s -s lTlc instances ocCcir^-?V7 ?•��13 lnfrr tcd w?t!V nOrBal d: sOa�ns '.v emp7cyei +. - rur'.Sc places, s..o. �,.. ..a. ���d •it cs fan ears etc. e car. appr „o.r ss.ener I_ c Jun. 21st, 1934 Amount required for Workhouse Hospital for period of 6 months and 10 Day.. Ho.pital Nure e. _ 3 at $ 114.60 ' 2186.00 Medical Inspector 1 - 138.40 916.00 Guard Nurse 1 . 142.40 ( 1/2 time ) 452.00 -------------- Medical Supplies 250.00 Board of Prisoners ( 26 at .36 pe esl ) 1730.00 Dormitory Supplies 150.0() Miscellaneous 65.00 _______________ $ 3554.00 $ 2196.00 5750.00 o.�o�..,..o c.. c.a.. CITY OF ST. PAUL _—DtiZII(1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CL.,wp ui,'e Di COUNCIL R(rLUTION—GENE, ' C0_ -a,c _ r ea,E Im� WHEREAS, John P. Barry, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, was injured on the 8tb day of March 1932, which injuryconsisted of having both feet frozen while working at a fire, resulting in fractures of bones in both feet, and WHEREAS, said John P. Barry has suffered permanent lose of use of tae left foot, not including the ankle motion, in the amount of five per cent, and lose of use of the right foot, including the ankle motion, in the amount of twenty per cent, and WHEREAS, the Workmen's Compensation Act provides that for permanent lose of use of a foot, not including the ankle movement, an employe ;hall receive compensation for 125 weeks, and five per cent thereof is sla and ane-quarter we eke, and WHEREAS, The Workmen's Compensation Act provides that a employe who receives n a permanent lose of use of a foot, including the ankle movement, shall receive compensation for 150 weeks, and twenty per cent thereof entitles the employe to 30 weeks oompen- .ation, and WHEREAS, said John P. Barry at the time of his injury was reoeiving $172,20 per month and is entitled to a compensation rate of $20.00 per week for the period cf 356, we eke, or a total of $725.00, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are r`II i hereby authorized and directed to pay to the said John P. Barry the sum of $725.00 in final settlement for permanent lose of use !� of bis feet as a result of his injury on March 8, 1932, such sum to be paid out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. UOUNCII MEN v�:,_• Ngr� Ad, -d1-1,, I -0281934 Iol P`"•,"� JUN $R 193A Rosin In h—, nrru„cd l01 Wcn:cl �t.ryur ,Ar. P,—dent (Gclin nl Pa4L1 JI Il.I) =% 1 / // 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO !)!..a1G OF — CITY CLERK U _C L ESOLUT lCl.L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FIR" too R 7. 034 RESOLVED That the 0 "11, of F,111, Works be and he le ho -by authorized end directed to oil the following st rest e. Sheridan, Pull—. to De-ere Bran. to, to deet to :1 1 5 '11'y Cha23 ILar-iame Cut I to to FairviewShort, . d Blvd to But.. Al 1 sy-L.C,,o Ph,lo,-Nevada-Edgerton-Payne WAlley-Orouge-Hyaci,t h-P,yn,-1 ... brir Al1,y-ko Tylerd-H—th orae -Edgerton -Payne i ..... 9. rl to Frank Alloy _Well,-York-Payne-Greer.Lri,r "_ 1 ...... _la"d-gild - Shield,, Roy to Snelling Ally:Ut. Curve Blvd-Ilontroe, Lane -Hartford -Randolph &11:y ,1d N & 5 All y-Ilr-91-Hy,cith-?uyna-Gr ... brier AII.Y_F..rt h-Fifth-F—.t-Cypr— Whit. Beer,Cmy to F fill St. L.'ro re' e.uri to L. .11 Kenneth, Goodrich to Alley South Yla rce, Carroll to b "H" Allay -Sime -Cees -Edgerton -Payne All y-McLe—Pecific-Hert—S, t to End B=, D—er, to Hazelwood Sheldon, Hoyt to South to Sod 'T' Allay -Iglehart -Carroll -fined in g -Asbury J�.K..bo- 16$8 W. Seventh I pea Wh Ste Lead Co. Bitumin owe Surf— 'Creating Co. Nativity F—i.Y Playground. St. Agree , r,.h Dr ive ey Thomas oI C.1l.g.-Driveway Mu'i ip.1 Airport y'— JUN 2 8 1934 In f."), App,—,d JUN 19 1934193 CITY OF ST.PAUL NO._—�����tl OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 9. �' COUNCIL RESOLUT N—GENERAL FORA v.ve ei t crq�o a �a a.. r...." ,o ,.. e: 1 0 corEn owcn o.re o s>u: A. WHEREAS,heretofore "off sale" Liquor License No. 42 was Issued to 81mon D. Sloan to conduct Such business at 182 East Seventh street; and WHEREAS, the said Simon D. Sloan has requested that his license he transferred to the St. Paul Liquor House, Inc, to operate the business at the same address; and WHEREAS' the St. Paul Liquor House, Inc. has filed a bond in the sum of p3,000, as required by city ordinance; and WHEREAS,the License Committee has recommended that the re- quest for transfer be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That "off sale" Liquor License No. 42 Is and the same SS hereby transferred to St. Paul Liquor House, Inc., subject to the approval of�the State Liquor Control Comte loner, and its bond in the sum of $3,000, which has been approved by the Corpor- ation Counsel, is hereby approved, and the City Clerk SS directed to deposit said bond in the office of the City Comptroller, and to notify the Liquor Control Commissioner of the State of Minnesota of this action of the Oounoll; and the proper city officers are directed to make the proper changes in the City's records; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel ieauthorized, and directed to notify the surety on the bond of Simon D. Sloan / \ that it Se released from any further liability arising after the date this transfer becomes effective. COUNCILMEN ". N",. s.l,.❑aa h, Ih�cnnnl�l JUN 28199 Ivy rnar,nn Rosen I ". Warren W-1 511 fi M1 PrcniJcnt (C`�ch"nl AKain.r A �Pr�.1cJ JUN 2R 19V 19] PORt.ISIiED__� 3/�a / �y CITY OF SAMT PAUL pEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF LICENSES To the BUREAU OF POLI ppl. No. Name f �L7, Businee Addres—/1? 2 has applied, �1- h 19g�.� for. - " •f ieenae Furnii,h in detail your reasons for approving or di ving thio aPplicatio REPO ! /�, �+'{ License pector :Z APPROVED: Y uhia of Police Iy actor. USE REVERSE SIDE IF NEI,ESSARY i Officers of St. P, i Lin --e' Max Y.o,berg, P =.side,,, Nom= 1", ad ndd^ese: LOS? Sshl..d A,a. H- Pnu1 15lisih- H roar o• rise ye��s"f`..�.,,.,_t-€ e,st,ess. Sem.inl H. €l - Home sdd^^_as: 216E Shoff, Nns i- sno_ G� L'- _ i - i. !if,. Mayer Sh—ir, (" o: =Y) Home add -lee: 1831 P -LI h+�. Offire: ^85 Fndi-" H:d,�. 1' 7.. To t.,., al, :::. r'. 3.,.,-, :.-:o- .: _ , C .. - "tv „_a I to r_. .�..c tr:n _ -_n 1 ,_,aor lio anew _ --1 to 1 2 E. dtr.,t, a..._._. to S . "- _ , 1 n,,}— I 32 }-132 E. 7t':: St-, t St._a _C i::: - . 1..., E. 7t -. St. , St.F:. _ ,. i :._.. Z:, . -�Sn- ;.ad,r.- .. s C.o � ,fi -S�le Liquor Li censo �. ar]-- c 6. ioro, 51-.c- 31oan, for Fremi::F ..n. 1,"t, �Lro t, �it. Y i ,�,. ., n, si,rrel c .� ai - ',:1 Li Qua o.iso ✓„`-<-. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of M— ... tz OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM i. SCOTT City Cbrk and Com „a�o n r of Reg e,— .om Tune 21st, 1934. HonH. a, intron, Cbair , License Committee, Building, Dear Sir: The ntt.hed regneet for transfer of Off We liquor license Ho. 42 for 192 E. Seventh Street from Simon D. Sloes to St. Beni Liquor Hone., Inc. sus referred to the License Committee, by the Oonecil, for Snveetigaticn end reoo®eadatioa. To— very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF ST. j" °Ye° 0^101X•` .0 .11. c`e •M1 OFFICE OF THEgem tat e. er or e neon °paalOril` o (C OUNIICIL RESOLUTION —GE1 �IOj1111INTE- Sy w. ae�in in O'eei gni Rummy WJiEREAS, H. H. Hauer, owner of the premises described as Lot 15, Block 2, Wilson's Re -arrangement of Part of Mersnall's Subdivision, located at the northeast oorner of Kent Street and Camcll Avenue, in the City of 9t, Paul, duly appealed to the Council from the decision of the Commissioner of Parke, playgrounds and Public Buildings applying and oonetruing toe provisions of the Building Zona Ordlnan0e Ro. 5840, ae amended, to the effect of Aron Sblting the o0n,truotlon, maintenance or operation on said premises of a retail ice Station as an extension oP a pre-ezlet Ing non -conforming commercial use valid at the lnoeption thereof, said premises being within Claes "B" Residential District, estab- lished by said ordinance, and WHEREAS, due prooeedinge have been had upon said appeal and the Council has duly received the written recommendation of the Board of Zoning for tha granting of ,aid appeal, and per for suon extension of Said non-oonforming use upon said premises sought thereby,and the granting of such use upon being in harmony with the general intent and purpose of said ordinance, therefore be it RESOLVED, that said appeal be and the same is hereby granted and that the construction, maintenance and operation of a retail ice station upon said premises as an extension of the present non -conforming commercial use thereof be and the same SS hereby permitted and authorized and that the proper city officer, be and they are hereby authorized, upon due appli- oatlon therefor, to Jesus any and all permits required for the construct)on, maintenance and operation of a retail Ina station upon Bald premises as an extension of said non -conforming commer- cial use. COUNCILMEN ns : r" Nays �°° nd„rl,�dh� Illl,c„Illl�a ��It✓ ?8193t 1e1 AN $ P I?— �Wcn:cl nhr:,,.,,i o� Qv .•uw.�slu:�� G3� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ce W of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WIIIIAM F. K.- Ci'y "." and Com iaai ner of Ra9isi.ei�on 4$• 0 J— 22nd, 1934. Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation comsel, Building. Dear lir. The attached appeal of H. H. Hauer a for peraission to tend w. -confoming use to permit ice station at the northeast corner of Bent and Carroll - Lot 15, Block 2, Idea.'. R.. of part of Yarshetl'• Sub. .aa referred to you today, by the Comc11, for the proper re olution greating .aid appeal. Tours very truly, City cleat. Adopted by the Council_ _ _ __.193. Yeas Nays PEARCE -PETERSON /iOSEN AUAX WARREN /WENZEL / MR PRESIDENT (GEHAN) t d Adopted by the C.—I _— —193_ Yeas. Nays. RCE �OSEN /TRUAX —' /WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN( L POST CARD NOTICE! OFFICE, 0Y TRE C:OI)11SSIONE1t OF FINANCE "pa., Jul, Ze 1934 lii . mite, Pwnun'ph F, � 5 n �cndal, or Burldi,, Z- Ordiu, xhpe„ed July 7L8� , 1923, , me Lereey tiji, that tl,e u],li �-- _ ro mroalbrml_ to rmlt loe etatio t'N.E, p Rent k Cnrroll--lot 5, A —� f�- i,ill c „p !nr , isidecnlieu e�(nri lLe ('ni iil in Ilse C..0 eil ('Bonier. in tBr Cilr 11,111 mid (".It llmiw BuilJinr; an tBe 9tlt __dny of Jane , 1934 , nt 10.'d -k A Al. MILTON ROSES, 7837 Commissioner of Fit—', __ ... �. .. .. ...... er.ri .._._ ,..5.5 ... u--" ...,ad s ate _..: ,-- :;rl;, a.tirionad o" ..- - :aca_`L .: •,.• -: _l�idant In ice en= 1-, o,: c•..:'.i ar. 1.. ... "o^'� St. ,at e..? on - So•,::h s_de thereof, e�:d betwaan-ant s-... :.11 :!Mn .treats. _he .ode rsl c':e3 s-reoa 1_ °oi'oa s..e �; -ia :.a ,._tee.'o-:e rnicz ' aIle . _ .,. J`.9_��..'_� „' iCa, ... ":11--'tru-t t._ '_l-1. s :cane =.. butld'_ng crdif—..ce coni.a:;ded. 559 Cerro 11 ;casaa, St, 1, :.:inn.-t.. Tat e9 « .nn. Paul ,. ::.Y, 8-1934. i 0 L2 LZ- X f2 F - °` Y THE BOARD OF ZONING ° ^�,',c # SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 0COURT HOUSE *t June 7th, 1934. �d r. L, R. S, Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : He application of H. H. Hauer for permit to extend the existing non -conforming grocery store locatedon the Northeast corner of Carroll and Kent (^B^ Residence) by the install. ti on of a cash and carry ice station.Tha nearest ice house is on Rondo St. between Kent and Mackubin. There is no objection to this location nor the extension of this business to in —de Ice. The Board recommends that the .permit be granted. Yours very trull ti lo D GEORGEH ERHO D� Engineer Secretary. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL oE.>n RTm R VINSPECTIONc vlcv�ry 1/ DIVISION OF BUILDING G VOLnRON....7 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT rwE7 m Tw�A. <�„M,s=,onEn � TO B..L. InsrALL Avo.R7w Move H DATe - 193t— mnw.y RE5 ❑ [:] [:] ❑w [:] [—]❑ ❑ rvEw s c o/A R �/ — w9 OWNER CONTRACTOR __ _ ADDRESS. mBEREll r 1 errwEEN WHAT oss STREET � / wAR7 wr acocrc —ry ow rwwcr - ... ........ ....++. r... av convraucrlon w.... Srimwreovn-- r... SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE rn1�s 7w aem Mrcs. SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES J AT r 10 c eT awam 7waccln nme TI Al T 20 aeeT wont 7wacclry Aoioi nine L.T. Tv r 30 e w m rworvT T T.AT L.A:l8 FEET FRorr 517E STREET L�rvE VrvLE55 Wo o Tne underelgned nereny m vpPllcvtivn fvr v mi[ [n do CONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LOT PROHIBITED "Aw. a 000wa _n ..T owE. 1rvr7 A�.Le. IU I1JlnR ��'��rR �1n Herein apcclfieJ, agreelaR lu Jo.11 work in.1r 1 r,vrJanoe ..nn ..0 r�mm,o�.e .d ureelrr ��f su'pl r�rr�I. nn�ar„„w. NO PERMITv ISSUED UNDER7TIA S APPLICATION -Ice Eceera enc. wusrER rvc ort waarn n1a nA IcrvEo M er' av b hJ �}� �:i• tl i W. UMONT "U%MAN FRNE5tf W. JOHNSON S„Pr. of P.A. oPI.v9ro+�d, HA,. A BASSPORe Ci" CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Pil.1 of Mi"RRPnie DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS "'City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commi.ionar CARL L SPEANES. D. t, Camml..le,,.r 4B® Yny 22, 1934 Hon. PrcI Id. Truax Commisslover Dear Sir: I a returnin to you herewith file in connection er Sth the ap- plications of A. H. ,amp, 409 havoux Street end H. L. Heuer, 559 Curr D11 Avenue for permits to install cash and carry ice houses, which was referred to me for investirution and report. application is for e station to be planed next to one et ore building facing Central, )mown as 171 ".est Central Avenue. This property is zoned for "B" Residence purposes only and it appears as thou;;h 1t would be located in front of the dvrell- Sng to the east. There are no other stations wIt hin taro bloaks of this site. H. p.. IIauer wishes to install a station in connection with the ,r}•ocery store now occupied on these premises, Imo. as 5�,9 Car- roll Avenue. This property is zoned for "9" Residence purposes i)ut the ice station will be located in the rear of th!s store n the same property and in connection with his buss peas. ''here Ss no i':e station in this im..ediate vicinity at this time. Yours truly, C y Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL .arnL ru cou r. o - o[PAai mcDIVISIONa OF BUILDING oINSPECTION c ILolrvcs ""—" «o aoN.rvcE� U APPLICATION FORm PERMIT To: ` B.— —T— Aoo. A— REanla MaysN HAIIA. Onre x. 193 rw siGoX a so ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ c❑ ❑ ❑❑ � c �. OWNER CONTRACTOR —- - _._. _. -. -- _-_ADDRESS _. rv�m�eq %� ,sruser "/ —E BEfw — — — wnaD LOi aLo�k i nNo,r�ory OR _ I SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE Darn �JJe �/ SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES r i 10 rc LT room ow iN„ snm Lor T. r 20 r rr ra m o .o�oI rvi rvc Lois 1.asn T30 rerr ram Fa sr Lirvr 8 rerr room slo[ sra[rr Liar orvLrss o00 ar sT L-1'lli' �raderxigned I makes n Iicntlon t o mli In do oCONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LOT PROHI BITEp IJldnp \\'ork ux I ercer eclOeJ, plrceln( oo all xork n err cr rVarvnec woaKoo[ —T—AL.TPIAST-1— oaLwnam nia icN[o .INr I Marc i ,('Iry u r l'vul, !.Ilnnexore. NO PERMIT c ISSUED UNDER oTHIS APPLICATION ex 1'1 t)�/ /,(i/'///Ait To The Bureau of permits. City of St. Pent Mianesota. Attention City Rork. Dear Sir, - The undersigned, owner of the building situated at the North East corner of Hent St, and Carroll Avence.the Sane used by him as a residence and operated by him as a grocery store on the buildings ground floor.petltlons far a permit to Install an ICF. HOUSE upon the CASH and CARRY basis upon the property and within the walla of the building now existing and described above the space to be used to be attested at the rear of the present stole and properly partitioned off for the reception of toe and clearly described for area in the aeoompaning drawing. There appears no objeetion.but rather a desire of the resident customers of the undersigned and for their eonvenienoe to have an too house installed. The nearest Ice House now existing and in operation to on Hondo Street and on the South side thereof, and between Hent and Haokabin Streets. The Undersigned agrees to follow every role and order governing the sale or other disposal of Joe, and will construct the floors and wails to keeping with any building r s ao®andsd. H. H. Hiner 669 0arr0:11 Avenue. St. Purl. Minnesota. Dated at St.Paul,ninn. May, B- 1984. . CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES TION—GENERAL FORM 'R—NTE, a a .... one Jme 26th, 1854. RESOLVED 'bat '_rc Licmxse, application J4582, and Dance Hall license, application #4581, applied for by Sem Radrie at 475-475 St. Peter St., be and they are here- by vithdraeo, and the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Sem %adrie the fee of -435.00 and withdraw, said application for 'even License, and the fee of $15.00 and withdraw said application for Dance Hall license. e^ i CCC COUNCILMEN Y— sn>. Adoptrd tr wn C.--[ JUN 28_193.4.._ r ` In rnvo, Apprmtt I ".'_.2. A..'n0( ria.. __ Tnms NI" President i iw ., .. .� .,,,.,�,_x � P � <� Gess . w .> ,m..c..ue.«._ .. ..v CITY OF ST. PAUL N.. V6.U.OFFICE OF RT AICITU RK 01- .S.L 0—GENERAL FORM Ie �eMM 11 'EIIE' AT. Jun. 27th, 1954. ..... NE. RESOI-VED That ),iownsos for which applications b— been wade by the Persons ._ad on the following list for the addresses indicated, be and they are hereby granted and the City Clark is instructed to issue each liemseS up— on the payment into the Cit7 Treasury of the required fee: Carl car 926 Arcade St. Carl Warner* 926 Arcade St Off Sal: Relt Beverage a 926 Arcade St 01 N( ILM EN N",. A,— m"y.' Mj G,h-, MISCELLANEOUS A.F. - Anewer Filed Del. - Delinquent DELINQUENT TAXES • July 27, 1934. Year Amount R. Vanno (Varno) 2281 Como Ave. (On Sale NONE (Off Sale (Restaurant Carl Warner 926 Arcade St. (On Sale 1930 - No.A.F. 275.32 (Off Sale 1931 - No A.F. 281.61 (Restaurant 1932 - No A.F. 253.40 S. Kaczmarek 1961 Feronla Ave. (On Sale 1931 - No A.F. 121.84 (Restaurant 1932 - No A.F. 124.97 O LI j � i I i NO, �,..—cPOt BreOII COUNCIL wEEOLUTION jure 27 34 r.. AUDITED CLAIMS 130,-23- 30,-23 Gab= aenan �.r.o..r� JUN 28 1914 q, TOTAL 52378 08 _792 542 48. - 5124 • L.C,Omith & Corona Typ.Ino. Toundry Company z 75 58 55 5125 5126 South Perk Sperry Office Furniture Company 1 1 4 5 5127 5128 John G. Handel Axel F, Peterson, C. of Finance 215 300 5129 Rudolph Leiner 250 00 5110 John AraDeok 32 86 5131 Leo V, Cunnien 197 20 5132 Jame- E. Glass 57 60 5137 John Halek 15 00 5134 Dan Mulln er 588 20 5135 The Cracker Jack Company 20 0C 5136 Edward Anderson 12 00 5137 Margaret Lynch C. cf Finance 123 250 5138 ixel F. Peterson, 00 5139 5140 9t. Paul Institute 3t.Paul Von, school Revl.Fund 35 05 155 67 5141 Lawrence A, Soler, Cashier w, D. 1 60 5142 Mfies Ruth nletCompeny 157 26 5143 FoodMf Sanitary g• Grocery Company 120 55 5144 5145 Andrew Schoch Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 61 11 5 00 5146 Schreier's Auto Top 92 90 5147 D.B. Shotwell company 6 5148 Singer Sawingol Machine Company 24 5149 j. A. & R.L 79 95 5150 R.K. Stahl Company 28 60 5151 24 70 5152 staanndarde Laundry 515 Standard spring company � 60 515 St.–Vis Company. Ino. 8 30 5155 G.E. Steohert & Company g 00 5156 Ste�n elr Tire Company Company 22 19 5157 5158 9w'ft & syndicate Pub. Comp-ny 10 GO 28 5159 The Synthetical Laboratories 20 50 5160 G.H. Tennant Company 2 13 990 5161 Transit Supply Company 1 8 33 5162 Tri–State Tel. & Telg. Company 84 18 63 517 Tri–State Tel. & Telg. Company & Telg. Company 42 31 5164 5165 5166 Tri–stat- Tel g. Twin City Book & Stationery Co. Twin City BrickCompany 69 58 90 8 25 5167 Twin City Exterminating Company & wire company 55 80 5166 1169 Twin Citq Iron Talc City Sawdust Company ¢2 O0 79 19 5170 5171 Union —ter Meter -oma ny United Autogr aphis Ae gi eter Co, 3 49 41 42 517P Ven PepeT Supply Company 47 60 5173 George warner & company 16 25 5174 'We.bburn–Crosby Company 2 00 5175 5176 Tater morks Engineering H.M. wedelstaedt Company 117 26 7 5177 '"est End Ice & Fuel Company 4 51 5178 R.B. 'Whitacre Company,Ino. 497 57 5179 Shite Eegle 011 Corporation 13 98 1180 ',. "Tondra SHEET TOTn�- nwneo 52 FL 379 .m." uMee 8'~; l COU `w/76cCIL ,RESOLUTION "" ` No.__ Iii w / J J�Urw owixnYiolu oe �oc4� �tnpwoven.ervr pwoiecie RESOLVED, 'That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract Por widening the • roadway on Pleasant Avenue to 40 feet from Ramsey Street to angle point 206 feet northeast of Lawton Street, increasing to 50 feet at Duke Street, and to 50 feet from Luke Street to Osceola Avenue, a et ting back curbs and paving the widened portions with asphaltic concrete on concrete base, also resurfacing the existing pavement between the aforesaid limits with asphaltic concrete, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to RARLOR RD OEES, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $74,822.00, using Oil Asphalt, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. • ^M•• ^'� 9076 -77,470.00 kpM,... a., .•o�.,o..F��.. �.... o.uo .o�.., .. ....9CO ov'31—El oV M i 32,322.00 .. ...,..,�,...'..• Business St.f~rt ... _... 300-B :20,000.00 Federal Aid .22.500.00 rueuc wonws +JUN r ..... ..........- -- ---- f r... c.... CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO. ')8214 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PRESENTED BY / ERSEEnoN:De cUHNIssIDNER R. 0. Wenzel DATE June 29, 1934. • RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. rnoln A✓✓u. rion Eo i.eu ca 21 0R xarkete 10,995.56 21 01 8,322.681, 21 02 21 Cl 5.75i 21 c4 21 :50l 21 05 — 1,709.511, ADOPTED eY TRE CDUNCI JUN £9193A ,B APPRUVED_... JUN 29 mo ,B. Yee l J IWW..-ILHEN I�ATS • Nnia xYFt 1IN FAVOR TPZR $6 11[OtQi / A.Ai T W ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT ADOPTED eY TRE CDUNCI JUN £9193A ,B APPRUVED_... JUN 29 mo ,B. Who--, Mrs. Lucy Heins., is the —r of City of St. Paul Participating Certificate Ho. 33039 for the amount of Si. Hundred Del I—, and Whereas. said certificate has been loot and said ower has made application for n duplicate to be issued in lieu thereof, and whereas, the said Mrs. Luoy Heinen has filed nbond in the one of Teelre Hundred Dollars, or double the amount of said oerti- fioats, indesmifying " saving harmless the City of St. Pani from damage lose or dage gr—Ing out of said lost certificate or the issuance of a nm o , and Whores., said bond has been approved ss to form and execution by the Corporation Coumel, cad ns to surety by '.d' Nemeth J. Brill, of the District Court all pursuant to Section 1971 of General Statutes of Minnesota for 1927; the -fore b it Ltesolved, that the proper city officers are authorised to Scene to the said Mrs. luey He_ a dnplioate certificate in lien of the said—tifioste No. 33039 .hioh has been lost or destroyed. Ad, -d b, m' JUh.29 -1934 ma �1�k4w 1mn A I:I......d 193 CITY OF ST, PAUL NO. �. YII )A 5 1� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM commissiorvcw �Axel f{y1NCIL F Peter """`•,,� care Jam 29, 1936 RESOLVEU Who--, Mrs. Lucy Heins., is the —r of City of St. Paul Participating Certificate Ho. 33039 for the amount of Si. Hundred Del I—, and Whereas. said certificate has been loot and said ower has made application for n duplicate to be issued in lieu thereof, and whereas, the said Mrs. Luoy Heinen has filed nbond in the one of Teelre Hundred Dollars, or double the amount of said oerti- fioats, indesmifying " saving harmless the City of St. Pani from damage lose or dage gr—Ing out of said lost certificate or the issuance of a nm o , and Whores., said bond has been approved ss to form and execution by the Corporation Coumel, cad ns to surety by '.d' Nemeth J. Brill, of the District Court all pursuant to Section 1971 of General Statutes of Minnesota for 1927; the -fore b it Ltesolved, that the proper city officers are authorised to Scene to the said Mrs. luey He_ a dnplioate certificate in lien of the said—tifioste No. 33039 .hioh has been lost or destroyed. Ad, -d b, m' JUh.29 -1934 ma �1�k4w 1mn A I:I......d 193 enia'N•1•o c••c`•^` CITY OF ST. PAUL r:Le " NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NT ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM oMM s=—Eat RESOLVED That license to erect and maintain a moving -picture theater on the south 170 feet of Lot 2, Block 7, Lake Park Addition, located on the north side of Como avenue between North Bnelline avenue and Arona avenue, application for which lioenee hes been made by A. W. Number, be and the same is hereby granted, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon pay- ment into the city treasury of 'he required fee. COUNCILnIEN Ad�,pi, 11,E �I:, < �.��:�.�I JUN 29 tF341°' „ g 1934 �inur A..en„.. i Ian A......, CITY OF SAINT PAUL C-1.1 of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK "L 111M f SCOii Cnr CIe,L and Comma:,i ne, of Req „e„on Jnne 27th, 1914. L. Ander..., Corporation Comeel, Eulldlag. Dear Sir; Hmnber forTh° attached appltcatloa of A. W. permlea3oa to erect and maSntala s movSog picture thentre oa the south n;D tt, of Lot ;, Block 7, Lake park Addltiort located o the moth eSde of Como ►venae to "n Horth Snelling and Aron. Avenm • _ ferred to yon for the proper resolution to grmt. re Hearing has been held is thi° matter 7aure very truly, CS ty Clark. St Paul. Sinn. June :th, 1934. HcryCouncil, ^.ty of3t Pau!, ^�o city ^lerk., 39f ^ourt Hou e a. ,entlemem:- I have secured an oiticn the 30 1 30f Lot 3 slack 7 ',oke ?ark Addition of in City, which Ie located n the north eiiP of Come Avenue between Vorth Snc'_lir1 and Arena Avenue. '"his property Se loc atad Sn a com�.ercial one under the zoning ordinance and Isnot in the City fire 1l mite. It Se my desire to erect on this proierty atthor- oughly modern moving picture theatre having a coxlma tel of six hundred seats. The building will cost appr Y $35.000, and its construe tion will provide work for at least thirty building artisans andmWhanlce for some four months, besides making use of property which has not been used for many years. Ie, pectifully apply to your honorable body to authorize the building department Lo iso us the necessary permit therefor. plane and—eclficatione will be furnished and all ordinances corrplled with. Yours very ,nuly j-/(' A.W.Humber. 1606 St Clair St. THE BOARD OF eZONING / SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA COURT MOUSE June L.tI, To the ho"' -""The 111y Council, City of at. Paul. Gentlemen In Lhe —tCr of applicationof Carl E! Boyer to erect and ope—te a .,ovie isle to re house �n the west side of Sne111nC ave., on e lot south of Como Ave. hest, and Che ap;Ji-t1— of A. N. Humber, to erect a op,,ra to a moving picture theatre on the north -ide of Como Test, East of Snelling Ave. and near Arona Ave. Both of these sites are in a comm�:c tai district. About twenty citizens fro¢. Lhe dlstrlct appeared bef re the F0 Ed in la or of granting th- ,—, e permit. A lett_r w e A signed ty the Pr e_L�'. ent of the Bethel Institute located at :'n elling and 7 Nebraska Ave. opposing the , an t.in,: of the ,:ermit. A Letter w re -d signed by the Pa.tor of the Lake Park Huptist Church opposing the 6rautlne, of the permit. A petl ti on w received signed by 160 "''- dents in the neighborhood opposed to the granting of the permit. A petition was also submitted to Lhe boar' containing approxi mately 700 n s Prom Lhe Lake Park District favoring the granting of the p::rmi L. A s':Lement v also h:,nded the Hoard signed by ldr. Hoyer and Mr. Humber, the two appell- �nts,reouesting that only one :ermit be issued joint - 1y with the privII., of erecting and oper-ti ng a motion picture theatre on elLher one of the above described premises. Representatives of the moving picture L� inder ustry were also ,he g.reun sents opposing the granting - of the pmit on trods that no more theatres were necessary at thio time. page--2-- The board believe that there sholld he no objection to one moving picture house near the inter- section of Como Ave. hest and Snelling Ave., and after a careful consideration of the proposed sites and their surroundings, including the State Fair Grounds, Churches and Schools, they recommend that a permit be granted for one movie house on either one of these sites. Yours very truly, Zr--• s���.----rcr.L GEORGEH. HERRCLD, gnglnesr Secretary. gh-rh (All papers are enclosed herewith) Jm B, 1059, To fte civ naming Board Of lb. 0iv poi 0aftuam9 0e{ tLo Wd-ftlgmd. voters oW La PW— of tb. OIV of BW Peal end re= to tb. vt"V of the sax ed lhottor., d. b..tr petitloo me Somr+ble BMW oat to grant lieeoeoe b !ho !boater. lh.t b— .Pp11ed for lioenee. u tot 4 u��.Ktotl weglooAdium and Oouth 150 feet of bot 5 Blook 4 take PoRRitipo ory !roll yqur, June 8, 7854 To the City Planning Board Of The City of St. Paul cenuamen. He, the underaigned, votera and to payers of the City of St. Peel and —aiding in the vicinity of the auppoeed theaters, do hereby petition the Honorable Body not to grant liceneee to the theater. that have applied for 1lcenaea et 40 Lot 2 Long'.Jdition and South 150 Feet of Lot 5 Block 7 \I { Leek./ Park4kition Very trLLU' Your., • ;— 8, 1886 TO the City Plssnieg Board Of the City of Bt. Peal Osntleaaot Pe, the ttaderaigaed, votetw and tar pV- of the 0ity of St. Pahl Sad r0aidtag io the ri0ltiV of the etPaoeod Shouters, do horetp potation tho Bomrehio B0dY not to gsmt 110eneee to tho theaters Chet have uppllod for 1loansae et act f Loag� 06%AlStion am South 180 Pact of Lot 8 Blod[ 9 Lek. PerkA&tim 16 Pert' tmly Y—., Tv ::.� ..y :.ire - . a �. .i.., .: � .. �. F..,.i. F. � .. ...y � _, . � r, _ _. June B, 1954 To She City Pla—ing Boerd Of She City of at. Pwl Oeetleaend Pe, the u.d-.igoed, voter. and terpsyer. of the City of St. Paul ed re.idiag ie the vioiaity of the supposed theater., do hereby petition the Honorable Body eot to grant lioee.e. to the theater. that have epplied for licensee .t Lot E Qk, k Sat 1 LongaejAuti- .m South 150 Feet of Lot 5 Block 7 L." P.rk9j6tion Very truly yours, d, -^Ly�t, /1 June W, 19M To The City Planning Board of The City of St. Paul Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, voters end tax payers of the City of St. Paul end residing in the alcinity of the euppoeed theaters, do hereby petition the Honorable Body not to grant licensee to the theaters that have applied for Moans.. at Lot z VIo�Kaet 1 Long'eJ�ditlon and South 150 Feet of Lot 5 Block 7 Lako PerkCdStlon Very truly yours, /'„ �, � �� .� . (� /3rF �� ��� n rz f, � i? f?_ , o�, ., _�_ .. ., l! 4 � �. _�, � S � - Jum S. 1636 20 The City P3-ffi- Board Of The City of St. Paul Centlm s Ye, the und—dguado rotary and tax payors of tha City of St. Paul and reaidiny in th- vicinity of the a ppoaed theatara, do hereby Potitim the Boaorahlo B" not to ,-t liomaea to the th—tura that have ap;Ilied for Liaemea at Iot 2 ti - ..d South 130 Foet of Lot 3 Block 7 Lako Perk4ditim June 8, 18L6 1. the Oity Pl-A'ug Board Of the CSty of SU P-1 Oeatle . We, M. .d.ral(ped, wtara aad taa peyers of the City of St. Paul and roaidiag in the vlaiaity of the =PPo.ed theatara, do hare• potifilm the Ro rahle Body eat to great lic— to the theater. that havo applied for lieen.ea at Lot Y pie kLoong o�diuon and South 130 Feot of Lot 3 Sloak 7 ,.1.i Lake Park*tdou Vary tro7;1 Your., v/1 Cz i- ,'I Ur June 8, 1956 To the Cil, Planning Board Of The City of St. Paul Centlemena We, the undarsi®ed, voters and tax payers of the City of St. Paul and residing in the vicinity of the espposed theatere, do hereby petitton the Honorable Body not to grant licenses to the theater. that have applied for liconaes at Lot B G310 �{ het 1 Long - and South 150 Feet of Lot 5 Hlook 7 Lake Park*Lition Very truly yours, l rn z_ /3 %3 ��ylatimQ(� ' June 8, 1954. To The City Planning Board Of The City of St. Paul Gentlemen We, the undersigned, voters and tax pgere of the City of St. Paul end reeiding in the vicinity of the -q poeed theaters, do hereby petition the Honorable Body not to grant licensee to the theaters that have applied for licenses at Lot 2 Li a" -ft Long'§ldition ond South 150 Peet of Lot 5 Block 7 Lek. Park06ition Very truly your., :— B, 1954 To The Oily P1effi1ag Board Of the Oity of Bt, Psul Osotleoent Val the underaignsd, voters and tezpyen of the Olty of St. Peal eod residing in the vicinity of the aappelad theaters, do hereby petition the Bowrebla Body not to grant lioeneee to the theaters that have epllod for 1leemae at Lot 2 �ilo�fC�1 Long,a16tion am South 130 Feet of Lot 5 Meek 7 Lek. Park46tion Very t—ly ywre, � YI / ✓ ��.�- lql� ' . z/^/ /6/ ' ' ' ^ Juo. 8, 1934 ToThe City Planning Board 0f The City of St. Paul Cent] eaen: We, the undernl�ed, vc tam end tax µyore of the City of St. Peal and melding in 1Le vlcini ty of the supposed theet.rs, do hereby petition the Honorable Body not to grant licensee to the theaters that have applied for licensee at Lot 2 Lei 1 Long' siltlon and South 130 Feet of Lot 3 Block 7 Lek. Parkwgitlon Very truly youro, Jae J w2 Adopted by the C.. -I _.. _. 193 Y— Nays ZPEARCE "PETERSON /ROSEN /TRUAX �WAitWET7--- /"ZEL /R PRESIDENT �GEHAN) TO THE HONORABLE NENBERB OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 8T, PAUL, NINNE80TA: By mutual agreement, Carl H. Boyer, Who has applied for a motion picture permit on Lot 2, Block 1, Longts Addition, and Arthur H. Humber, Who has applied for a permit on Lot 3, Block 7, Lake Park Addition, request that only one permit be issued jointly to both par ties With the privilege of erecting and operating a motion picture theatre on either one Of the above described properties. Youre respectfully, �s I- i% J— 'V,, "I, . Ds,r 9irl )I,,dr 7 Al— Y.-- -,-+ t_,y, City Clerk. 61 -7/i,/ Gentlemen: f 6e I Am in favor of the 7 project for the following reasons: 1. It is is line with the President's program. 3. It mean; a good realestate sale far someone. 3. It means increasing the taxes on this property from around $50.00 to $400.00 to $500.00 per year 4. It will create work for from six to eight persona who are at pre- sent out of work. 5. It will mean the expenditure of $30,000.00 to $40 000.00 for labor and materiae. 5. It will be an improvement to the community and a source of income - to the surrounding stores. 7. It will accommodate the popula- tion in this community and save considerable driving In order to reach atheatre. B. It will be easier to keep track of the pictures to be shown at a neighborhood theatre than to watch those down town or at a distance, thus insuring against our children seeing objectionable plotures. 9. It to no more of a temptation for the children than more distant theatre. and if parents have not the ability to keep their children from this theatre they probably would go to another one /anyway. Si (1415 NO AlbertAve., ?w0 Children at. Paul, Minn. 10. It has good parking facilities. I..\I',\KK Ii.\ i nll.ti'1'/'11l' 1.('11 "('hri.vllike hiring (lar Aim" �ii..i i.. .�i.... ..i aune 12, 1914 the Honarable Planning Board of the City of 31. Paul, WS nn. tlear 31rs', It has come to my attention that you have received appllcatl one for two licences to oper„te £heaters In the Lake Park district, one on Como Ave. r rnell!ng Ave., and the other on ;r 11I.g Ave. t & South of Bomo. 1 have lived in this community the greater rt of the time simce 1920, I have taught in Be thel In a i tuifor fourteep years, I am a voter and a ta,payer, and for six years I have been the Pastor of Lake Perk 6eptl st church. ::othing which I shall say in this letter is intended as a reflection upon the character of the men who have made the applications for licences to operate th eateec. I am willing .. - a,t that their !deals may be high and that Chair intentions may bo_good. I nevertheless respectfully request the Honorable Planning Board of the 01ty of St. Paul to deny the appI ic_t ions Cor licences to cperata the theaters above described for the following reasons: 1. Due to the system of "block -booking" and "blind -selling" which has b -n and is followed no local theater can show pictures that era uniformly good. No local theater has the opportunity to decide upon the quel l ty of all the pictures which will be shown. "As matters now stand, even when the feature picture at a theater is of a 'approved sort', a visit will often show that the balance of the program supplied under the prevalent system which denies the exhibitor access to an open market, is of a thoroughly demoralizing nature -'.(The Christian Century, June 11, 1934) The Rev. Father Daniel H. Lord, the actual authorof the Hays' code has this to say:"For a long time I believed the motion picture Industry would clean Itself.. .But I no longer believe ahy'.of that. The solemn pact which was signed by the heads of the industry five years ago, that much -publi- cized code in which they agreed to keep indecency and Immorality out of the films and to uphold in their productions the moral law, correct attitudes toward life, has been flouted again and again by every one of the companies. It has meant nothing whatsoever where the box-office was concerned... It was a dead letter. Immorality is now the rule and not the exception. It is a rare film that does not have the0punch' scene, its element of illicit love, Its nudity, its glamorous crime, seduction, open vice". these words by the Rev. Father Lord help to explain one reason for our re quest. 1..\ICH 1',\IfK [tA I"1'I ti'I' "" 111('II h ri.l(likr 1. it ing liar Aim" 2. if and ce effectively by so mea quotations fromPP-1�211152ifnacbb0000k be made `releric IS. Thaaa er: `Phe Gang. A representative q.;otation Ss given: "Aga in and ag: an boys caught In delfnquencles have made t:.e explanation: It ':coked so easy In the movies, and we th cught w could get away with It too'... e 2. Our commynity does not need a theater. A. there 18 In St. Paul a sufficient number of theaters for the People who desire to give them their patronage. One of them Ss wl thin walking distance of our community, and can be ranched I n ten minu tis by street car, or Sn five minutes by auto. The others are down town and can be reached in less than one half hour. B. The character building programs of the community are suf fist ant Lo keep the boys and girls buoy. 'ui thin a radius of approxi- mately one mile there are two grade schools, onus parochial school, three Protestant churches, one Catholic church, and organlza tions of Roy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Campfire Girls, 'Lbs, etc. The presence of Lheate� in the community would Lend to rob Lhe children of some of the opportun Sties why ch now are theirs. 3.l.egitlmete business In our community would be „expo rdized. The colns which would find the lr way into the theater could not at the same time be used to for the purchase of milk, bread, at, sugar, flour, and other necessities of life. PractSe_lly none of this money would afterward be used in the community. The movie industry in communities far away would be Lhe only ones to derive any benefit. 1 Have confidence in the firms of our community whIch are engaged in legitimate business, and t bel'evT they should be protected In the pursuit of their business. The m ney rent In theater would be lost to them. o A theater weuld tend to attract undesirable ,..ople to this and thus lower Its ideals end standards. 1 4. The psop_e who own homes in the community purchased these homes while there are no theaters here. Mary of th MOA have selected this particular community for thi. reason. hese home owner. Petition the Honorable Planning Board Honorable City Council of St. Paul to deny tbesppl lc at Mni os for licences to operate theaters here. These Honorable Governing Bod les have recently taken action to protect the homes and children in the St. Anthony Park and the Hemline districts by denying the appli- cations to span theaters there, and we respectfully request the Honorable Gentlemen who are membere of these bodles to give us similar protection by denying the applicatIona - to operate 'Ch2 theaters above described. Very res,,ectfully yours, 1'�le �l5 Offinn d aoard of Try+an TK, aoj. g. �Ctbet ]nzfitu`V nor A. Arl andrr eilfr d fi+ria ver, T. • waChairm an aH I Aarhan. De.n i. PE. Sch.0 r C.IIr•r r CAaim Sreiar I14• S 1A 1 (... at'ID ll.\t�sl N0\I, P.e.id am O. Milron Lind e Well red D—ml+on, Drev d'. 1'AI: I.. 111,1N Srnrtar, ,4vrir' John Enelued Geor¢e f.. H c rn, Direr�vr T.ro.vrrr June 23, 1984 The Honorable Mark D. Gehen Mayor of the City of St. Paul Ed Honorable Members of the City Council St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sire: / The hearing on the application for a moving picture theatre at or near the corner of Como and Snelling is to be brought before your part,✓• on Wednesday morning at ten o'clock. This unfor- tunately comes' Haat s time when both Profeeeor FSnstrom, the pastor of the Lake Park ptist Church and teacher of Bible at Bethel I-tituto, and myself as president of Bethel Institute era forced to be absent from the city for at least two or three week.. We ar , therefore, respectfmlly petitioning your honorable body to postpone the final c ... Ideratlo. of this case until we can be present. We represent a body of people scattered throughout the entire country, and particularly through Minnesota and the Twin Cities with an enrollment of nearly two hundred people. Many of these live in and around the school and St. Paul, and their friends often visit us to attend school functions. Other. living at a distance oleo ar frequent visitors at the school upon stated occasions. We consider the t a picture shox of this kind would be detrimental to the best in- tereste and the high ideals for which Bethel Institute stands. Thin school was located, originally, in this community because it nae s quiet home -owning, safeguarded ..m ity where the 11% of young people, both livin g here and coming a distance, might be protected from all king and injurious influencea. Thus far we have wrought coopera- tively to the best interests of St. Paul and xith a assure of eu We are hoping that thio � continue and we feel reasonably more that it will if the influences of the moving picture might be kept at s distance from the school. We assure your honorable body that we have no ulterior mo mmercisl tive in our plea, but purely an altruistic, constructive andnhelpfltl mottos prompting .11 that we do. Bance, we would be greatL,y appreciative of the postponement of the final hearing on this until some later date, any approximately three or four weeks. Thanking you in advance for past favors and for the favorable consideration of this request, I am o behalf of the Board of Directors and Faculty of Bethel Inatitute,� Yours vary incera , Ga:IE G. 9rvid [{agstrom, Pree den \ TAIL\l. Offi.en of ao.rJ of Tru•,.e. :1120bel k5fitiltC a. �... HVIII HAc:cI NU.I, . ......... ,I T..,,,,, r.. June 11, 1934 The City Planning Board Court House St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs: Having received the information that applications are before your body for two moving picture theatres near the corner of Como and Snelling, and as our school, Bethel Institute, is situated within four blocks of that corner, we wish to register our protest against the granting of such petitions for the following reasonst Bethel Institute represents a body of nearly two hundred faculty and students and employees, most of whom take or get off the car lines at that corner; many of these young people are from homes in this community, and others from St. Paul homes; a number of others come from out of town homes to attend school here and their parents and guardians haveentrusted the moral and physical well being of these students to our school; a number of the faculty members are property owners and taxpayers in the city of St. Paul and feel that their property interests and home environs would notbe safeguarded but rather menaced by such amusement places, and, hence feel earnestly that it would be detrimental to the ideals of good character and constructive citizenship have such allurements open their doors adjacent to our school. Hence, we cannot but sincerely and earnestly plead that your body will give serious consideration to this protest and refuse to grant such petition. on behalf of the School.Board and Faculty of Bethel Institute, I am Yours very truly, G. Arvid HagstT/om P r e s i d e n t GAH: EL J To the Honorable Mayor and Counall, St Paul, MS nn. WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPERTY OWNERS AND RESIDENTS IN THE VICINITY OF COMO AND SNELLING AVENUES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE ARE IN FAVOR OF AND PETITION THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE PERMIT FOR THE ERECTION OF A MOD} -ERN PICTURE THEATRE BE GRANTED TO ARTHUR W HUMBER TO BE LOCATED ON THE l:H 120' of Lot 3 Blook 7 Lake Park Addition, on the North aide of COMO AVENUE between NORTH KNELLING AND ARONA AVENUE. _____________________________________________________________.______ �ea. �. 4�crcl ^^- � / 3 R /%/,�. J'a'y. •Gl�"f - >,,t— Yo97 r 7( �__ ics6o 'SIO .B �v /.� s�/� �•h fibr�'s /6 2 /moi L/ I cl, - , Y6 .� oz�� ( I L,14 7 JYJ3 7 ,2 ) 4 � 4 f&"� i��.r�Coc. ��r<.�i._� z� �._� ��'�� += / � � �, ��/� � � %ti a.� r fq, C%�; � `1 %'� /�ze<�c / S ,� � �°� �-�z� Q�—�_ „ _ ;, ; • - To the Honorable Pryor end Council, L St P►ul. Minn. VB THE UNDERSIONED PROPERTY OWNERS AND RESIDENTS IS THE VICINITY OP COMO AND aNNLLIND AVENUES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE ARE IB FAVOR OF AND PETITION THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE PMQQT FOR THE ERECTION OF A MODERN PICTURE THEATRE BE GRANTED TO ARTHUR Y NUMBER, TO BE ERECTED ON THE SOUTH LEOf of Lot 3 Block 7 Lake Park Addition , on the North aide of COLO AVENUE between NORTH SNELi.INO AND ARORA AVENUE. Hems Addreee. All 0 To the Honorable Mayor and Counall St Paul. illnu. 'Is TRE UNDERSIGNED PROPERTY OWNERS AND REBIBENTS IN THE VICINITY OF Como AHD 8HffiSIH6 AYSHUEB HEAEBY CBRTIPY THAT WE AM 13 FAVOR OF AND PETITION THE CITT COUNCIL THAT THE PSHI7IT FOR THE ERECTION OF A ROAM PICTURE THRATRX BE CRXWM TO ARTHUR W H0lQ3=. TO BE LOCATED ON THE SOUTH 120t of Lot 3 Block 7 lake Park Addition . on the Worth ide of Cam Avenue between North Snelling _and -Arena -Avenue. ---------------------- memo Addres.. )516 /moi r X14 � ,*/ /, �� _.— i�r.� frv. _',�. "� , '%',�o /,��� � 9� � �-' — �, r���� ��� � • ��✓ �) >, ,�_.-� <5 4 � ���c�-- �y��, � , �_ ,-��.____ — � 3 g 7 — (��--�� ���� �� � __-,-� �-�/J�z� v �� l Gt � � 0 � %9'�^- :. � To Lhe Honorable Ma, or and Councl 1, 1� SC Paul. Minn. J WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPERTY OWNERS AND RESIDENT:- IN THE VICINITY OF COMG AND SNELLING AVENUES `:-''EBY CERTIFY THAT %'E ARE IN FAVOR CF AND PETITION THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THEE PERMIT FOR THE ERECTICN OF A MODERN PICTURE THEATRE BE GRANTED TO ART!:' W HUMBER, TO BE BOCATED ON TBE NORTH? SIDS OF COMO BETWEEN NORTH SHELLING AND ARONA AVENUES, O:: THF, Bouth 120'of lot 3 block 7 Lake Park ?.dd it lon. Nama Addreee. c V Biu �- 1. , 0 9 � ""y 4- .y - v � � ,..fes-, • � _ Y �,,,,,� �.� ,(� �� `V� �� � � y w � - �,4-r�-�, cam,---� �. �L� � � � _ �' � <l�. -�f i�> � �-� - i T, � J , .. ,�Q .. �� %oma /. � � ,. _, � � _z ��7Z—�, .G�e� j � /(i�oCciJN� ._, 'ij,�e��" 3 � dim � � � � ' _ h To - the Paul. Honorable vayor and C*UhciI. St Ulm. 13 THE UNDIMSIGNIM PROPERTY OPERAS AND RNS'D]INTS IN THE VIC114ITY OF COMO AND REELLIVO AVERUES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WZ ARE IN FAVOR OF AND PETITION THE CITY COUNCIL THAT TER PERMIT FOR THE ERECTION OF A MODERN PICTURE THEATRE 10 GRANTED TO ARTHUR W NUMBER , TO BE LOCATED BNMJJNG AND AROKA AVENUES, 00 N THE NORTH HIM OF CUUO NSTWEEH NORTH Park Addition. n the south 120ft of lot 3 blook NORTH Ems Address. 24 -a -7 IL4 i 841 - 0 / 3"o rJ C� �R-•"t r % r 7L ' she ::onoralle Dayor and Coanoll, 3t Paul. k1na. T1IP' UNDHRSIOHHD PROPHRTy O+[HR&S AHD RRSIDI=S IN SNR VICINITY 09 CONO 02 [R CIT�UNCIL THAT�PRRNIT Poli SHR RRHCTIONY CMHTLYY THAT 'IR ARE NOPAAOUODRRN PICTURYANO IOB IRATRE BR ORANTRD TO ARTHUR Rd1LHUMBSR. To BfC the N ICTSDth 00 Tll'Of C3 O AVBNUS UTH 340' [ lot 3 Blook 7 Lako Pei* et"ea NORTH SUMMING AND ARORA AVHNUB. Hams Addreaa. U �' ` moi; - �• �✓ CEO, r /3-1/ . / f 2 8 /.Z� '^'` �% / : -1 .. � / , -s s .i eye w � �. (� T r , 4.r...�� /�V� /�.- c�t.�x-Cel .� /� ,� �/ �� A f / 6-5 < < 1 To the Honorable i.ayor and Counoil, ' At Pau1. 1'lnn. :VS TKR UNDRRUl UN '.0 PR UPRR'IY U++N!tN.. Ald1 il6J1L'.eNTs 1N 1'11.5 V1U Ili1TY Ue CUIU ANU .fNRLUNG AV ':I USa r14NN. C-�:N11YY 1'IIAi ,N'S - nAV('11 ,.b nl:U 1''.1'11'iUN Th? CITY CLULCIL T.:Al' THP: PKRNIT YUR TH: IJMTIU:I UY A .. UJRRN PICTUN3 TII RATRR N'• GRANT` 1 TU ART'hUh '� I,Jb N�3l, i, i, . LUCATKU U r TI:� ;:011'1. .. 111R UY COLO RR'P .RRN NORTH JNI[LLING AND ARLNA AV'IPURU, ON TNI': south 123(.9 lot b blook 7 !ake Park Aduitlon. ,same Address. I i 1 ' f i Y V /`112 17�K � ��/�'/ ��,,, VVV c � ,rte ���'� i�f>y;,i � � � � � � � v �t� •C ., � 14�7 F, � �/ F�--,-„ 2 � o S' a To the Nonorablo Dwyor-and Coonoif� Vinn. WR TRH UNDIR3IONRU PROPZRTY OVHRRB AND REOIDENTB IN TNR VICINITY OF COHO AND 3NILLING AVKMUEO HWUY CERTIFY THAT 9B ARE IN HAVOti OH AND PETITION THE CITY COUII01L THAT THR PERMIT FOR TNT RRRCT1On Of A MODJ -ERN PICTU[UX THRATR6 B'? ORANTRD TO ARTHUR W HUNDMR TO BE LOCATED OH T][ti SOUTH 120' of Lot 3 Block 7 Iake Park Addition, on the North olds of COMOAVRRUE between NORTH BNRLLINO AND ARONA AVRNUR- --« --------- -"'-'---------------------------------------- -------- J i l „: � � �, � �; l; . -; ; u Gi �. �- d� 'o ��� - �.�, -� I no /iii. (�°-'_ ijl J� i - ti /9� S �",•.. -� rr � h To the Honorable mer and Counall. v 3t Paul. I" Ulna. CS THE UMIDiaM= �ROPMiTY OVNRRS AND R931DENTS IN THN VICIIIITY OR COHO An SHSLL1nO AVMMM Mf=. CHRTIFY THAT VR ARE Iii FAVOR OF ASD PBTITIOS TSS CITY COUNCIL THAT TIM PEWIT FOR TIM MICTIOn OF A HODRRS PICTURE THRATRS AR ORANTSD TO ARTHUR I RUSSBR. TC D¢ -micTim OR TRa: SOUTH 3,20 - of Int 3 Block 7 fake Park Additlon . on She North aide of COVO AVSHUS betwen NORTH SHNLLINO AND AROSA AVBNUR. Name�/'j•/�� J ice/ e P,K // ,w /W" Address. tho !Ionorable 1'nyor end Council, P-1 T ;t Pl, 01 E TIi'. L1107I, JG".! YROPMTY OWNERS AND RNSIORS.3 IN TICS' VICINITY off ONU Ai:J 3A':IJ1AG AVS.6UE8 HRIiRHY CERTIFY THAT aS ARE 1H MAYOR OF AND 'NTITIUN TAS CITY COUNCIL THAT TIS' PERMIT HCP. THY M,'ZTIO'. C9 A NODS .w PICTURv TWTATR. SR aPAMTP.0 TO ARTHUR ■ AUUBKR TO HS LOCATED ON .1", 7; 30UTI! 120• of Lot 3 Rloek 7 Lake Park Addition, on the !forth •Ede of ^also AV-X= betvaea NORTH 3NRLLINO AND AROMA AV3NUS. AAR% AJORft:i� i�'•sQi Yom../�Y. l,P���� /�f/J !L�``_�u�,,!,p,: v" �. t� e ��w S0 3 e�� n ��ea , / i ✓ . 7' 0 �TO AqT UP 7,1 , -0 -th f A��41j-g 3-'r- A�!.V! '-7s e. TJ , 3rti — /i—y ko - To the Honorable Mayor and Counoil, 0t Paul. Linn. ?5 YR TH:r UNDSRGIUN'.D PROPILRTY ONNL+Rd AND RSGlDSNTH 111 THR VICINITY Ulf CUkO AND dNRLLING AVSNUSH HSRSITY CKRTIBY THAT 'H ARR IN FAVOR CY AND PETITION THR CITY COUNCIL TdAT TIM! PRRNIT YUH TH'S �JWCTIUN OY A .ODICRN PICTURE THRATRS H? GRANT H,D TO ARTI(UH I HUHHI.&, TU HA DOCATRD ON THF NURTH SIllS U1,COVO U'?TVSSN NURTH 3NF.LLIN0 AMU ARUNA AV�NUBH, UN THE, South 120'of lot 3 blook 7 Lake Park Addition, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ N-1 Addrea S. rr n To the Honorable Mayor and Council. 3L Paul, Minn. WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPERTY OWNERS AND RESIDENTS IH THE VICINITY OF COM0 A.� SNa_I.LING AVENUES HERESY CERTIFY THAT WE ARE IN FAVOR OF AND PETITION THE CITY COUNCIi THAT THE PERMIT FOR THE ERECTION OF A HOD -ERN PICTURE THEATRE B^ GRANTED TO ARTHUR W HUMBER TO BE LOCATED ON THE SOUTH 120' of LotBlock 7 lake Park Addition, on the North b3 aide of CONO AVENUE between NORTH RNNL.1.LuG AND AROMA AVENUE. -------------------------------------------------------------------- HAUB ADDRESS , r �. G CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of M...... la DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner .Vw CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM f. SCOTT City Cleh and Commivsioner of Req,sirr�io� y✓B.ri Trine nth, 1',1. Eon. Fred;'.. Truax, Comer of P.P. & P. Bldgs., Bui l dine.. Dear Sir: The attached auolication of A. W. Eumber for pamission to arm act a nvlag ur picte theatre on the south "" feet Of Let t,Mork 7, Lake Park AdIll1on, located on the north aide of Como Ave. between North Snelllne, and Arany Avenue was referred to your department, by the Council, for investigation and r ort. Yours very truly, City Clerk. o.�.�....o c... c.... CI Y OFST. PAUL •��e NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -I COUNCIL SOLUTION-GENERAL FORM com N Y 1� DITE June 20� 3934 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorised to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons, 400 end point gasolh, from W. F. SMITH 'TIRE & BATTERY COMPANY, at a price of $0.093 per gallon, including state tax and state inspection, also Federal excise tax, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau Spur at Dale Street, on informal competitive bide, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the beet interests of the city. Charge General Fund - Municipal Equipment - 1003-134. C'OLIN(:ILAII N //�crcnoo / nOYll L. fa,. r A, � /Wrnvcl Aa„ I,,,a L, a,, 1 --.1 JUN 2 9 wh "" i 2 y t9?n Ac,l Ini ".�°.,....o c,...... CITY OF ST. PAUL .pie NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCjt RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT SS.,.ERI f , . _.... - ..1 HATE Jona 29, 1934. RESOLVED�_�� IIHSn iq, the following coned pare.. has heretofore filed application for "off Sale' liquor license, and has deposited with such application the license fee therefor, v1,1 Emgel & Laska, lob. 390 Selby Ave. AHD, dH'MS, said applicants have withdrawn their application and have ra quested the return of the --t deposited, together with all papers filed with the said application; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and that' are hereby eathorI sad end directed to return to the above named persons the amount of the ,off sale° lScenee fee heretofore deposited by the. with thllr appllcatlon end the CSCy Clerk Se directed to advise the State Liquor Control Commissioner of the fact that said application has been with- drawn. N;- 41 L�Len,�n �Wnrtcu � ACni cxl W So AJ.,�„�.I I,� , 1,,t', --,l I o i A2gio) A ppn,cc.I 10: S1. NO, Mih.- 193_. KREGEL & LASKA PRESC.RIM IIIN UIILIGIiISTS DAIC DIJH 1EI.Dl A11) 0.'ES-HN 9 DELIVER amity Jjerk Pleaae ].et uar. fond cer ifiec� �. iiea yue ia.d all .:uterirl U f r Llyucr Llcenee. i:reee1 L�a.ika IID RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be end they are hereby authorised to re to to A. H. Crowley the fees of $10.00,r$80.00, end $5.00, respectively, and oanoellapplications for Restaurant, On Sale Beer and Off Sale Beer Licensee; to S. S. Kresge the fee of $10.00 end cancel application for Florist License; to F, W. Woolworth Co. the fee of $10.00 and cancel epplicatias for Florist License; to Stella Robertao the fee of $200.00 end cancel application for Tavern License, also to Stella Robert- the fee of X5.00 sad cancel"epp]Scatim for Dence Rall License. - -- COUNCIL MEN Yeas {,T N, Adopted 1'rnrc�• In L,vor Ronin R'rnzrl / .N ..,� 11 r. rrr,id�•at�r,Ww,a JON 29 10'34Adopted by Lhu Cuw�ciL.._ _.. 193 Approved........._...... �.. 193... 7 / S1uYnr cunusnr� ": / CITY OF ST.PAUL " No IN21 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co oa er MI NEe IATE •Tnae lath, 1954. RESOLVED That licedsee for I. ch applications ?e by the following named persona for the add-.eee indicated, be endtheyare hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police and Bureau of Lines— A.e. Crowley 2254 Hampden Ava. Restaurant Appl. 84517 n On Sale Beer 4515 Off Sul. Beer ^ 49.9 S. S. Kresge 57 E. Seventh St. Florist " 1502 F. W. Woolworth Co. 81 E. Seventh St. • . 1850 Stell. Robbert.e 159 P%" Ave. Tavern • n 5781 • • • Dence Bell " 5782 RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be end they are hereby authorised to re to to A. H. Crowley the fees of $10.00,r$80.00, end $5.00, respectively, and oanoellapplications for Restaurant, On Sale Beer and Off Sale Beer Licensee; to S. S. Kresge the fee of $10.00 end cancel application for Florist License; to F, W. Woolworth Co. the fee of $10.00 and cancel epplicatias for Florist License; to Stella Robertao the fee of $200.00 end cancel application for Tavern License, also to Stella Robert- the fee of X5.00 sad cancel"epp]Scatim for Dence Rall License. - -- COUNCIL MEN Yeas {,T N, Adopted 1'rnrc�• In L,vor Ronin R'rnzrl / .N ..,� 11 r. rrr,id�•at�r,Ww,a JON 29 10'34Adopted by Lhu Cuw�ciL.._ _.. 193 Approved........._...... �.. 193... 7 / S1uYnr cunusnr� ": / 'SEE, .o'w` 11—A— 52378 08 981 386 Lo Evc` NO. oFFC Cw �c nr0� rBy B=in OUNCI L„RESOLUTION`EF AUDITED CLAIMS June 28 34 5141 5 OF TOTAL AVOR 52 378 08 923 166 42 • fj181 7,odburn & Brandl 130 76 73 50 5182 5181 Yoerg Brewing Company Zinsmaster Baking Company 15 15 5184 Fdwin Murphy 15 0^ 5185 Sem Cohen 15 00 5186 nr. A. F. PIInkere 65 on 5187 The Home Ind, Co. New York 5 60 5188 Mary M. M�lowski 5 00 43 17 5189 5190 John F. Varian DevidBashefkln 32 00 5191 A 1 Stenographic Bureau 13 97 5192 P.L. Anderson 1 00 5191 Thomas Med Ila 7 00 5194 Leaonard A. Thompson 10 60 5195 Stationers Engraving Company 49 00 5196 George Willi ems 86 4o 5197 5.0. Hartwell 75 00 5198 Thomas Prokopowita 10 00 5199 Mr e, Delia Brown 28 28' 520n Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 27 00 5201 Mrs. Anna R. Foley31 90 5202 John Lennon 0 00 5203 Mrs, Elizabeth Liter ski 40 00 24 5204 5205 Mrs. Hennah Peterson Mrs,Elfrida ScIerbex 92 28 80 00 5206 5207Ann Clara Remold, vidow of H.A. T. Campion, 'Tiiow ofOH.C. 30 30 00 5208 P. el en Sullivan, widow of M.S. 30 00 5209 Scc, for the Prev, of Cruelty 150 00 5210 Cudahy Packing Comnsny 2 70 5211 Olaf A. Peterson 40 Oo 5212 John Heroff 25 20 5211 The First National Bank of St.Paul 12 On 5214 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 55 628 75 5215 John D. Anderson 34 20 5216 C. Baglio 32 73 5217 Consumers Milk Company 119 83 5218 Crescent Oreamery Company 14g 32 5219 Dun's Fairway Market 14 08 5220 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company 250 7 • 5221 5222 5223 Leaonard Frank Company Hanoock—Nelson Mero.Company August Hohenstein 3' 0 198 45 2 71 5224 Tri—State Tel, & Telg. Company 297 16 5225 western Union Telegraph Company 44 26 5226 N=ls Frederickson 57 62- 5227 L.F. no Company 162 47 'SEE, .o'w` 11—A— 52378 08 981 386 Lo mm CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rEN4 D BV En COUNCIL MR UTION -GENERAL FORM �IWW//,,f}((�`/�//�JCC�..."" o JULY 5, 1954 WHEREAS, William Winerman desires to withdraw application 5068 for Restaurant, application 5069 for On Sale Malt Beverage, and apnlication 5070 for Off Sale Malt Beverage licensee at 695 Mississippi Street; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper c_ty officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to William Winelasn the fees of $10.00, $50.00 and $5.00 deposited on applications for Restaurant, On Sale Malt Beverage, and Off Sale Malt Beverage licenses, respectively, and to cancel such applications for licenses. COUNCILMEN � Nny, I'i•urri• k fsvor \\'rnxi•l lin _1 r'nT onR"i o,o'o., o'eoon: a`i'm r'e, nv m'n i Adopted Ly the (;.-.I.. , sRq 1"4_..103 Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRES—ED By ER RESOLVED That the DOunoil hereby approve- the appointment by the Mayor of Dr. John C. Aoheson, of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to fill the unexpired term of John S. Findlen as a member of the Board of Public Welfsre, said term expiring three years from July let, 1932. CC) 7-C[LMLN y... �crenn pan In h"" /Wurnn /W. n:rl AJ,.I-,11'„11e t'l JW Q T"4 Int @Iifq of ttiitt 111111 3E—fi� a June 50, 1956 Honorable City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. G®tl amen: I beg leave to advise that I have appointed Dr. S. C. Aobeean, 1666 Somit A—, Saint Paul, aa a city .sober of the Board of Public Welfare to fill out the unexpired tern of John Findlan, resigned, to July 1, 19S6 end respectfully ask that said appoint- ment be approved by the City Cowc11. Very truly yours, Mayor. July 3rd, 1934 Dr. G. A. Lundoutet, Beers tory, Board of Public Nelfare, St. Paul, Yim:eoata. Deer Sir. Mayor !lark !I. Gehea today appointed Dr. John C. Acheson to fill tl-.e unernired taxa of John S. Findlao, a .-bar of the Board of Public Welfare for Ux taxa a>piril; three yonra f—,� July let, 1912. 1'ne City Coonan unproved t'ne appoint:,ont. ale attar:, a co"y of ttv reoolutton. Y-- very truly, City Gloria. o......a car. c.... NO CITY OF ST. PAUL . l i} 23 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coN_110NE1 `� V 111E July 3, 1934 RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he 18 hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, books for the Public Library for the sum of net to exceed $1200.83, without asking for competitive bids thereon, as these books are copy- righted and no advantage can be gained in asking for competitive bids. This particular lint of books is entirely for the School Division of the Library, toward the coat of which the State will later refund approximately one-half of the amount expended. The coat will be charged to the Public Library Fund— Library Service --New Books 16 -Ab. i., d:. 1.,,::, a 'Ml_ 3 1M4 rl; 1 993a CITY OF ST. PAUL _ NO. ! +' o24 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLn COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENEI By PRESENTED Co�,�,l==oeEe J z „ maam WHEREAS. Angelo Mike Fiorito, an employe of the Water Depart- ment, claims to nave been injured while so employed on the 23rd day of October 1933, by reason of whrh injury he claims to have been totally disabled from November 29th, 1933 to April 28, 1934, a total of 21 weeks, and WHEREAS, the City disputes the fact of his injury and claims that the time lost by him was not the result of his employment with the City, and WHEREAS, Angelo Mike Fiorito, upon advice of the Industrial Com- mission of the State of Minnesota, has agreed to Bettie the disputed claim by the payment of 15 weeks compensation, which payment shall be In full and final settlement of any and all claims arising out of the alleged accidental injury, and WHEREAS, the Corporation Counsel has recommended that this compro- mise be accepted, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with the said Angelo Mike Fiorito authorizing the Industrial Commission to make an award of $264.00, which sum represents 15 weeks compensation, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay the said sum of $284.00 to said Angelo Mike Fiorito if such payment is approved by the Industrial Co®Se- s1on, such sum to be paid out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. C'OUNC'ILMFN 1[� Yea. Nay. Ad I I.. I.,.-l'�,u i�. it I`)3 9193 I, f,,,,� CITY OF ST. PAUL ,,,s NO. 1xV5 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM CorEa s IN— D. ryEn y$g9DllU,EII: COU\('11,NIEN Y—_ �>•ra A,h�ioa �a. mr• ;1 _ JUL ms Penrce _In fnvnr A _. 193. ate,•„ �- > 1\'enzrl \Iny,m \I r. 1'resi�lr„t � As per tabulation of Formel Bid No. 9000, for furnish- ing and installing stoker in the Douglas School, Stevens and Or- leans, contract for ,which was awarded to the Stott Briquett Com- pany for $1,332.87, alternate for omitting iron grating in the amount of $33.00 was accepted, which will be deducted from the amount of contract and leave a balance of $1,299.87 I recommend the payment of thio contract in the amount of $1,299.87 as the work hes been completed according to contract and specifications. a..... ,o ... c.... CITY OF ST. PAUL vice NO. .i' 226 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -Te RBSOI]Vl'tA WHEREAS, permit No. 34259 for a garage at No. 1472 Huron Avenue, was issued to P. L. Anderson, 1643 Taylor Avenue, for which a fee of fifty cents was paid, and WHEREAS, because of deed restrictions this permit one been made valueless, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to refund to said P. L. Anderson the cum of fifty cents, payable out of the proner fund, IOUNc11-MIN �JUL 3193 N,,,, A,] n,l�,l.��d h��l,�o,����,u rn i W--1 Mn. or CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Pitel of Min —+. w " or PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS M5 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, C—hm i.— CARL E SPEARES, Da 1, Commi••�o... •M. 4 June 28, 1934 Hon. L. L. .Anderson Corporation Counsel Department of Law Dear Sir: 14y I respectfully ask you to provide for the necessary re- fund to 1.4. P. L. Anderson, 1643 Taylor Avenue, in the amount of $.50, which is the fee paid for a garage permit No. 34259, at 1472 Huron Avenue. on account of deed restrictions, this permit has been rmde valueless. Yours truly, Commissioner • • c'I IY OF S.�I� I I .1l'�. • PERMIT �� • /c/� Doie _ 193 • _ • • o • \I.I I" I: I� i lil it il,�l�� viii \\< — ' • l La „o~•••o••,• CITY OF ST, PAUL r�.e ” NO. r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMp�Si.oNEA Y ,1 � ��•\ �_ I�V�Ci onrE =Esx� WHEREAS, Permit No. 35033, for the construction of a garage at #179 Fairview Avenue was issued to Harry Runge, 279 E. Annapolis Street, for wnlen a fee of $1.00 was paid, and W9FREAS, this permit is a duplicate of Permit No. 34801, tnerefore be it RESOLVED, tnat the proper city ofiicers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to refund to said Harry Runge the sum of $1.00, payable out of the proper fund. 0i, N, 11 au 1 �.�.,, u.,.. :d�.❑.,d I" ,I„I �.,��,,.I 1111 3 14',18 I.,i Jul CITY OF SAINT PAUL CePifel of Min '., e DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS H5 Cify Hell FRED M. TRUAX. C.—ml—, CARL E SPEARES, D-1, Camm�•�o.., u. Sun. 28, 1934 Hon. L. L. Anderson Corporation Counsel De p:. rtment of La Deur Sir: Dtsy I respectfully ask you to prepare the necessary authority for providing a refund in the amount Of 01.00 covering a gar- age permit, No. 35I 1,for the—struction of a ,arage at 179 Fa irvle'x Avenue, Issued to Ifarry Runge, 279 East AunapolSs Street. Thispermit is a dupll.cate of No. 34801, and is therefore un- necessary. Yours truly, Commissioner .. .. _.. CITY OF ST PAULA NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUF4�_IU R 5 L TION—GENERAL FORM r vnar as, the share of the ezpenee that ie be borne by the City of St. Paul enc the Co'..nty of Ressey fs the maintemeace of tae 3fices of the Mi—rota state ze, ployment service at Rooms 95 and 273 Court Hese, amu.:nte to yhe ew, of $900.00 for the period begs—ing July 1, 1934 enc ending December 31, 1934, w.i �. expense Ss t, be borne equolly by the sad d Clty and County, and Rier�as, t._e joint City Hall and Court uusae Commdssion o 1— City of St. Paul and County of aamsey, 'doneeote, requests tea. ... sum of $900 be appropriated, $450 thereof to be .purged ageInst the County funds and t- balance $450 to be charged against County's the CSty1s funds to be used to def—y the expense hereinbe'ore et,ted. Hoe, Tuerefore, be It Resolved, that the City Council o= the -ity d' st. Paul. Minnesota. in regular' session assembled this 3rd day of July, 1934, does hereby approve eald request of the joint City Pall and Court Homes Commission and does hereby appropriate out of dxmde now available the said sort nerelobefore stated to be used for the purposes (Adopted subject to the anus action belay taken by the County Boa:"'-.) e��.a br 11-� C1111111-1C1111111-1J1A. 9 1934 Ad19 Nay ApP«....d 1v pyebWww I,e 1�.0� / lius�� Ag'""` VUB1.1_,I11.1, o ^'^1Y„ •a c♦• c,,•^ CITY OF ST. PAUL else ie NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -'n_ nmaa� x1�aI1LTaac WHEREAS, by a proper agreement for arbitration, executed on the 17tb day of October 1933, the City of St. Paul, the County of Ramsey, and Foley Brotners, Inc. did agree to arbitrate the difficulties arising out of the contract for the construction of the City Hall and Court House, and WHEREAS, by the terms of Bald agreement the e.rbltratars were to make tnelrreport to the District Court within 180 day. from October 17, 1933, and WHFREAS,by resolution, said period was extended ninety days and terminates on July 14, 1934, and THERFAS, toe arbitrators nave advised the attorneys for the rcap ... ive parties that they will be unable to complete their report at aald time and will need an additional thirty (30) days from and after July 14, 1934 in which to complete the lr said report and to make their said findings, now there- fore be it RESOLVED, that the proper cit cf##i�qe�re be and the are hareby out nor izad and directed to entez�"AYL' agreement extending such time thirty days from and after July 14, 1934, said agree- ment to be approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel. ...... Ill '\t'IL\I[ �,. �:,, J11L 319glI�I: a,o... o ... ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL .�..� NO. i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUT N—GENERAL FORM com SSIO�EA �(���� WHEREAS, Ursule Dexter, 14? ':. Grotto str st, did, on the 27th day of September, 19?"', make en nppllca'i.n for a rest—rent lic—c Pt 772 Selby —,ue; and C EREA3, on November 29th, 197?, Paid application was denied due to the fact that the taxes on the premises at 772 Selby ^venue were unpaid; end WHEREAS, said Ursula Dexter did not operate the restaurant except for the period from September 27th to Nove—Pr 29th, a period of about two months, and she has made aopiication for a refund for the unearned portion of the license fee deposited by her, which unearned portion amounts to $8,17; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city offic—P be and they are hereby authorized and directed to re.ind to sail Ursula Dexter .aid sum of $F.... 01 1N( IL�11 A,I�,h,.,n„I„II Jlll 3193$ ML App., ..I 1 ,y �y � � , N � � �/ { F r„ co�Nci cn No. Prue eS BOOa COU RCIL RESOLUTION Aran""V�" June AUDITED CLAIMS 30 �g 34 Gehan 211,2od.96 0o rr IUL a o Jot FAVOR OF TOTAL p uc",oRw.ao ..e<r. 52 379 09 -991 396 10 5228 enrge sudeith 28 00 5229 Goodrioh-911vertown,Inc. 67 38 5230 v. K. 9tah1 company C. Fin. 711 o6 40 5231 5232 Axel F. Peterson, of Axel F. Peterson, C, of Fin. 304 419 75 5231 Axel F, Peterson, C. of Fin. 1 697 10 52)4 Axel F, Peterson, C, of Fin. 27 949 46 5235 Axel F. Peterson,C. of FSn. 107 73 5236 Axel F, Peterson, C. of FSn, 4 095 19 5237 Axel F. Peterson, C, of Fin, 5 675 34 5239 Axel F. Peterson, C, of Fin. 942 10 5239 Axel F. Peterson, C, of Fin. 2 157 30 5240 Axel F, Peteraoa, C, of Fin. 4 138 85 5241 St, P sul Fire Depertmeot Relief Assoolstion 7 500 0- 5242 7.7. Koepke 5241 Ottilis P. BAoaeey 25 00 5244 BOsrd of Public Welfare 15 415 25 5245 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin. 2 963 79 5246 Sam Ks.drie 215 0- 5247 County of Ramsey, 9t.Paul,11inn. 125 000 00 5248 Gas Sonsumers Association 2 50 5249 Griggs, Cooper & Company 1 05 5250 Waendler Brush Yfg.Company 91 85 5251 C.A. Pearson, Inc. 1 61 5252 Standard 011 Company 8 590 45 5 53 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Comneny 65 28 5254 Farwell, O=un, Kirk & Company 203 97 5255 9t.Paul Legal Ledger, Inc. 39 00 5256 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin, 228 55 5257 Axel F. Paterson, C. of Fin. 2 524 45 • EET,orA "JRW„� 52 378 09 11.92595 06 I - . ._ . ---i - —TroT, FOA — 52 378 08 1240047 27 I I - I i o� T�E'coMPTao��Fa .,�E No. c ou HciP e260II cpLL COUNCIL RESOLUTION JnIIe TJO y 34 ;4 j IAarrm... AUDITED CLAIMS 193 7. 52.21 .� a.,�,. -- — e+ �'`4 ...o«E. -- _- - TOTAL . FAVOR OF .. BRooG'+• roR»..Ao 52 379 06 1192595 06 - 5258 gxel F. Pet ez eon, ... of Fin. 0. of Fin. 10 999 9 858 4 2g 5259 5260 Anel F. Peterson, Azel F. Peter eon, F, of FS n. 637 O5 19 85 5261 5262 Goodyear cervioe,In c. Inc• Graybar Fleotr to Company, 64 3 23 55 5263 Yoxe-on-9t.Pau1 Drug Company 185 82 5264 9t.Pau1 white Lead 6 011 Co. 5265 state of minneeote, 9t.P aul-dple. Benitary Diet. 5 595 15 10 50 5266 J.Y.. Tierney 725 00 5267 John P. Barry 6 00 5268 5269 C.C. aob3neoa305 Review Publiebing Comoeny 01 5 00 5270 Al Bonn 12 00 5271 Alfred L. 9ch omm er 4 4C 5272 41ex 9i ne I - . ._ . ---i - —TroT, FOA — 52 378 08 1240047 27 a,. _Foaw.ao 1352747 24 NO. �wwr� $fl BT 9OIIcp COUNCIL RESOLUTION en-- AUDITED CLAIMS July 2 34 TOTAL FAVOR OF • 5273 Ray Davenport 210 32 40 761 00 5274 5275 The American National Bank RL The Amerloan National Bank 2 356 64 5276 Empire National Bank & Trust Co, RL 84 312 00 5277 Hlspira National Bank & Trust Co. 942 65 5278 The First National Bank of 34.Pau1 RL 1032 827 00 5279 The First National Bank of S4.Paul 11 547 63 5280 Review Publlehing Compeny 345 45 5281 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 1 072 76 5'82 Axel F. Pet er eon, C, of Finance 25 50 5287 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 7 017 35 =,284 4x11 F. Pa ter eo n, C. of Fl na nce 72 00 5285 Axel , Pet or eon, C, of Finance 794 00 5286 Borcbert—Ingersoll, Inc. 367 50 5287 Bureau of Municipal 9esearch 50 00 5288 Carl P. Herb art 275 50 5289 Rex Linen Supply Company 83 96 5290 A. & B. Cleaners 6 00 5291 Adams Brothers 6 no 5292 The Alpha Creamery 6 o0 529; R.L. An der eon DO 4 5294 Cha a. ±. AT Ind 85 5295 )('a. Edna Bailey 6 o0 5296 5297 Frank M. BarthO M. Benner 6 00 6 5208 M. Berg 50 5290 M. Berg 6 5o 5300 Trustees of Beth. Lutheran Church 6 OD 5301 George Bettendorf 5 60 5302 Reuben Birnberg 5 50 5301 Goo. A. Boggs 6 00 5304 Mrs. Jane Holland Cmoron 6 O0 5305 Rev. M.J. Casey 6 00 5306 A, rhalek 6 0 5707 Jobn J. Chamberlin 5708 Citizens Ice & Fuel Company 6 5o 5309 9eoly. Crlepus Attucks Home5 60 5310 Cypress Street Church 6 0� 571113ven V.DAmstedt 6 00 5312 John T. Dervie Yea, Lilll A. Doyle 6 50 6 00 • 5717 5314 an Juiiue Dzikiewicz Company 6 o0 6 o0 5715 5116 vest 91de Motor 'sisa ;.at Eha 7 50 5317 Charles Esaenholm 6 5718 Flies Fehr no 5719 J. Fenlon 50,) 5320 J. Fink 6 5321 Allen R. Fischer 4 50 5322 Trustees Forward Lodge $18,IOOF 6 o0 5123 John Fr ankeon, Trea?, 6 OD 5724 Max Frlendl and 6 on 5325 Mas Friendland 7 00 a,. _Foaw.ao 1352747 24 CITY OF Sr. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILRES UTION GENERAL FORM P—SENTEc NY Mssi RESOLVED pp]_i..t, one for licensee have be.. —do se f.31 ... 1 C. J. Crocker 502 Rice St. Grocery Appl. #5755 C J. C—k— 502 Ric. St. Off Sel. Beer - 85756 • WEEREAS -id— — to have bedented acid licensee by the Fire .:ppli Department, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the properJty..ffi-r. be and they ere hereby authorized to refund to CT. Crocker the fee If $1 00 and cancel said ppli-ti- for GroceryStore iceo.. 1 .1.o refund to C. J. Cmckcr the fee of $5.00 and cancel Ml pplicatlm for Off Sale Beer License. .. ........ COUNCIL-ME'N ^ JUL 3 Y— \ nl'tl Adopted by {.hr C.-61 — IT, fi—" A, -,—d Rnirn M.Y"' f Lin CITY OF sT. PAUL < NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R TION—GENERAL FORM rola t.\rr PwsseNrao• er Corn sioNae 1859 RESOLVED That Restaurant License No. 5918 and On Sele Melt Beverage Licenee 1570 issued to C. H. Dodge at 236 Carroll Avenue be end they are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Pollee. ('()!'\['ILMI:\ III' Pea Nr�y Adoyted by Wr cuunclL__ 108 . 1'raa'r• h, f.,." Al (—d .Ilit. 1 103 11'rnzrl - - Mui nr.Y, .M nn \Ir. I" idiot Msh� •tt.u,n • PAYOR'S COPY • • p LICENSE BUREAU RECEIPT • • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. ROOM 301 PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING • SAINT PAUL, MINN. Z • �� Det ✓ 193_ • • Rersived of �c '6d�a. �ry` • ollare (aY�i�) • Depoei[ on epplica[io��nfor cenw • • Application Nombe 3 ce' a Number_jjEZCI— • • NOTICE x • THIS IS NOT A LICENSE— ONLY A RECEIPT. • JOHN H. WDONALD 0 Cmanivima of Public SJcy V. A. L DDEN 0 u cm. • N..IS1°G • By ea.wmn.eu.e.w owv.a. L! • uuua 40 • PAYOR'S COPY • • • ` IOICENSE BUREAU RECEIPT • • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY • ROOM 301 PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING • SAINT PAUL, �aax MIN "A'; 193_D • • • Received of_ AddAg —13 — • _� -Dollars (i�) • • Deposit on eppli—tion ff�.tt '']]// Dwnw • • Application Nomber._t]Cq_'��_L cense Numb r3^y • • NOTICE • THIS IS NOT A LICENSE-- ONLY A RECEIPT. 0 JOHN H. McDONALD 0 Como,�evimv of Publie 5.(ey • V.LA. JDDEN No.181'..,i • BY 0 _, o...�M .._...._. a__ ... " CITY OF ST. PAUL�NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R TIONGENERALFORM o>re July % 1834 - RESOLVED ' That Restaurant license, application 4380, and On Sale Malt Bele-age license, application 4379 applied for by Sam &adrie at 473-475 St. Peter Street be and they - - are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Licenses, .and the proper - - ---'�- city officets are hereby Anthori zed to refund to Sem Kedrie the fees of $7.0.00 . �__....._ and $50.00 deposited on applications for Reetaurmt and Om Sale Malt Beverage " - "— 1 licenses, and to cancel said appl Lcations for license,. a. �.,�.� i e reputation and conduct of the place at - -- . 473_475 St. Peter St. (Sem Radrle) do not -rran„ the granting of Restaurant and Beer licanses. 1-_ V"s'i -- Adopted by me C-,-] _ J��._ _ 3 10i3 193... �.�.. -. _ Tavern and dance licenses for this place h,ve - - _ -- been previously denied. p�nn,e lu raver 1ppnned. ._ _ Itorrn Again,t � L .�:_ .,r <.,, qtr. rr.�d•m 14.6 ,, - -----. _ CITY OF 5T. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL ON—GENERAL\\FORM eR C.M `-b.re ,July S. 1934 RESOLVED — - That Reetaurant 11,ense, applibetien 4469, and On Sale Halt Beverage l Lcense, application 4468 applied for by Ben -Breelax at 144 South Robert Street be end they are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Buren. of Health and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Ben Breslax the fees of $10.00 end $50.00 deposited on Reetaurant and On Sale Halt Beverage applications, and to cancel said applications for licaaees. CM N'( ILMEN fees Ygt�s �� II I'enrce _ Iii hrvor 'I'ninr / Ag—i ,t \l'�nul Adopted by We Cu ,l_.. JUL 1, In" 198 AIP V34 p)provuJ 198 Mnyor CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO(L/y(y Y r t(. ,FN—GENERAL il LX4�i+oN —GENERAL/FORM Raa �- Jnly 3rd, 1934. RESOLVED RRERESS, the fo13on1ng named has made application for eon ..I.— liquor license at the add-.. indicated, and IfBEREAS, THE Council has not greeted said applications, and Bald appl lc ante have requested wl thdrawal 04 same and a refund of their license feee end return of their bonds, therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they ere hereby authorised to refund co the Bald eppl Scant the license fee hereto- fore deposited by him and the City Cleric is authorised to return his bonds to him and cancel his application: K. F. Battle, 498 St_ Pate =St COLINCILMI N i Trusr � Wen:cl r(wh- ed,�,d1,,,I,I "I1 31934 Ip; Mnyor CIT1( >; r. PAUL •v -_ - � OFFICE OF THE CITY W411< - COUNCIL R ION-GENEFtAL•FpR^ rseseNreo e: ___-. mere May. 1s .1854 RESOLVED That the various licenses applied for as follows be and they axe hereby granted and the City Clerk ie instructed to issue such lic®see neon the punt "to the city treasury of the required feees J. 1. Bruer (Purity,Maynesor Doughnut) 395 Veto.). St. Bakery �.___..__,�y;-2297"`x- Mra. V. Thomas 1568 Randolph St. " 2504 1'� " \ 2705 17p. - Martin M. Wmgmeteen 2471 S. �el]Sng Av. Fisher 457 University Av. Barber 2295T Alfonee Guertin 779 S. Smith A- 2148 'N w..^259 Jemee Lloyd A- n 755 Paye e"° Me.ima Permatoner Ino. 7th & Mimesota Ste. 1'111,-',V-`.`• e824- ""„'"� ' ". 19e4, 2182 Prod P-low 1901 Stillwater Hd. { George Winter 977 H. Usivereity Av.e 2858 1\ B. P. Conrad 645 University Av. 8 boeling alleys 2541 ' • 2146 Shoe. J. Harkins 28 W. 7th St. 18 • Sm Drucker 561 T. 7th St. Batch- (1954) 2782 Sam Glseemmn - ._979-RAadolph St. • -1844 ” 2819 )P Gottbebat Bros. 1059 H. 4th St. Peter Prokopuk 1597 St. Clair St. • 2828 ' A. H. Zimmerman 969 E. 5rd St. " 2818 L. A. G lagbor, 1540 Como Av. U. Confectionery 2640 'Ta�C'Gie�tier$"(BMmd-yDrQ%- -488-nabsahn-8tr. a --.. 1450-ft— COUNCILMAN .. - --- a.yb� roury oY• 1• _ CITY OF 6T. PAUL No.... • I' OFFICE OF THE CITY C _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENEI7AL }WRA' P. as yeses mATa Rey 1• 1964 RESOLVED -2- J. E. L—ou 8 E. 4th St. Confectionery 2186'6. Scott Stores, Inc. 17 E. 7th St. • 2889✓" Minnesota Box Mfg. Co. 827-841 Forest St. Fuel dealer 1862% , Sperry & Hutchinson 4th Floor (Emporium) • • 2876 James Berkey (Blue Goose Market) 7th & eabesha St Fruit-Vegetable store 1850/Q�' Joe. Ins — 42 W. 4th St. • • " 2776 ,, -7—Bartts - -. 864 University Av. Grocery 254v-- M. L. Benner 1828 Fermis Av. • 2426 " Helen Blomberg 2510 Como A, • 2845 , Stewart J. Bob. 1880 St. GlAir St. " 7771 „ E. M. Byrom 517 Selby Av. • 2574 Robert V. 91nee 261 Selby Av. • 2761 Louie George 527 St. Peter St. • 2701 J. Pial 1.158 Thome St. • 2845 --Henry-Pltteu— 669 No. Bale St. • 2558-'r-- Abram Silberman 217 State St. 809 Margaret Sheet 589 E. Gates St. ° 2118 , A. B. Ten 615 8abasba St. 1855 E. A. Thom 677 Hague Av. • 2707 - Honrd Tocker 1090 Earl St. • 2508 ' G. H. Trautner, COUNCILMEN 1220 W. Mi.nehahe St.- 2778 r m� CITY OF ST. PAUL No._-- " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER 4N COUNCIL RMOLUTION-GENERAL FO oM NEa-�.1!\ �U�,ti�, onr May 11 1964 RESOLVED --ALIe6-Cas _g biY Co. 229 Maria Av. Gas Ste 5 pumps 281Y� • w w • " 805 N. 7th St. • ° 5 ` 2808"''- 808"''"962 962Lexington AY. ' " 4 • 2809 v • . n n 676 W. Central A.• 6 2807 '. • • v " . 1400 Marshall A- • • 6 " 283.1 .. —Phil-Babrfs- 2111 FarB-Road- _. w •-. S_ "• - .2186.••; . Lonis J. Gibis 1254 Grand A- • • 5 • 2166 �� - 546 Fisk St. 22561'x.. Nels Nielsen 181 K. 5th St. " • 5 11 1886 - Alverdea Resteorantr Inc. 579 St. Peter St. Off Sale Melt Liquor 2558 n-T� R. B. Anderson 458 S. Hobert St. " " " °- 2185 Nick Ballas 188 S. Fairfield Av. • • ° " 2518 C. J. Becklond 45 S. Cleveland A- " " " 2765 Albin A. Benson 856 Vandalia St. • " • " 2262 Frank Berger 700 Reeney St. • • " • 2141 Scum Borelli 649 E. Minnehaha St. • • • • 2890 Books Bros. 1680 Grand Av. • ` " • 2567 Jaatine Bpve 1022 Rice St. ` " " ' 2244 Carbone Broe. 680 E. 7th St. " ° " • 2795 C. T. Cassidy 985 Randolph St. " • " " 2074 COUNCILMEN a0 „ r ���° CITY OF V. PAUL "v NO......... _.... ' r S OFFICE OF THE CITY CLP COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL eCff a coE' r\ / {— DATE play 1, 19.54 k RESOLVED -4- Nick Chionee 51 W. 7th St. Off Sale Malt Liqnor 2757 0lL Nick Chlomes 617 Selby ft. • • " • 2759 Joe. G. Cikenek 1167 W. 7th St. • • • " 2550 F'f john Clarialo 421 8. 7th St. • " " • 2211 .i" - . - 585 Webe.ha-St. n _..... - ^ n 2135.;. `' . • Fi - Corby Bros. 448 Jackson St. " • • 2116 Geo. C. Cries 812 White Beer AV. " • " " 2126 fZJ— aim Dieaslin & Gallagher 1676 N. Le Lngton Av." ^ ^ • 2265 Harry J. Dietsch 601 N. Western Av. " • • ° 2486 Met. Pbermacy 1059 Grand Av. • e " ° 2764 • " • " 2557 C. F. Ding- 641 S. Bnith Av. _1._Dint- 50 W. 813®10 Av. • • • e 2266 Dries Bros. Inc. 1418 Greed Av. • " " • 2554 -as_ Sam Eady 154 E. 4th 8t. " • • ° 2150 -�- _Z. H. Edeead. 1949 St. Anthony Av. • e e • 2855 J. W. Egan 185 Western A- N. ^ ° " • 2527 " Robert V. Eb s. 261 Selby A- • • • • 2;47 " F. J. Ei ck 592 Selby A- • ° ^ ° 2754 " Elmgnist Dreg Co. 53.1 N. Snelling Av. Y • • • 2568 Jame. W.1 759 Thomas St. n • . e 2597 r COONCILMI?N Yc°s Nave - ArIA"ted bs the CosnciL__ .........._._.___....193_._. o.h/o.l ��b ayk .• _ CITY OF ST. PAUL `9� NO.... rOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coM"M u5o°mea 1, 1854 RESOLVED -15, Emil Fedeli 91 S. Robert St. Off Sale Halt Liquor 2725 /'< ~- Alex Fedoreal 560 Como A- • ^ ° • 2561 Feteoh Bros. 549 Bosabel St. • • • • 2567 Fine Brae. 1669 University Av. • • • • 2471 John Fischbach 785 R. 7th St. • ` ° ' 2802 John Fleeear 707 State St. ° ` • • 2257 H. Fade.berg 564 E. Laved. St. • • • • 2895 Fly. & Ratbe 20 E. 7th St. • • • • 2788 . Peter H. Fooehe 157 W. 7th St. n • • • 2725 E. A. Geer 1764 Selby A, • • • • 2565 Geo. Gekae & H. Sareetob 460 St. Peter St. • • " • 2767 ` Oarl Geld— 777 So. Smith Av. ° • • ° 2506 .. Louie George 677 St. Peter St. • • • • 2765' Goletber & Hard 255 No. Snelling ►v. • n • • 2126 , J. Goldfein 1700 Greed Av. • • " ° 2280 , Julies Greenberg & Joe. Silberg 496 Eabaeba St. • • • • 2806 ,. W. F. Greve 878 8. Smith Av. • • • ` 2287 A.tho.y Gudi. 655 Orleam St. • . . • 2502 I. Hnalmer 10009-1 St. • n n . 2745 v H. J. Haider 2: E. 4th St. n n n n 2591 COUNCILME Y on•w r+•�v ay �� r CITY OF 5T. PAUL u " NO.. r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM e.. NTED av —T. Mal 1. 1954 � _ RESOLVED 981 Iglehart Av. Off Sale Malt Liquor Ma: B.lparn George Bear -ban 275 W. 5th St. Fred J. Berme 950 Rayaood A- ° • " " --Mepy-BtII9l- 759 Pillsbury Av. • " " ° August Rohenetein 427 S. Robert St. " • " ° Cbee. Bosahetts 1214 B. Snelling A- • ° • ° Regina Bunt 1485 Payne Av. B. J. Jensen 1682 Grand A— Johnson Bros. 1899 Stillwater Rd • • • ° Roy T. Jobnoon 919 ArastronpAv. Leonard E. Jordsn 495 St. Peter St. Morrie Kanter 793 E. 7th St. Irwin J King Phernacy 242 S. Cleveland Av. • ° " " Kiroh & Gillis 1597 University A- Ale: Kl.opka 1286 W. 7th St. " • v n O.A. KDhls & George A. Kohl. 738 Thoma. St. Mrs. Merle Koenen 418 B. Clevaland Av. • " ' ° John J. Kobus 695 W. 7th St. • " p. S. Kusbn 492 S. Snelling 0. n Tony Lameooa 561 Upper Levee COUN('II.MEN 2522t'- 2540 2754 2087 2826 2760 2692 2728 2842 ?121 2174 2875 2569 - 2493 2782 2148 2152 2571 2770 2758 ......_ ......___193_ ... m w uh awt H . m CITY OF ST. PAUL ,iu NO..... .. ^ ' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co oo°new o E Key 1, 1954 RESOLVED Leo La Valley 175 W. 6th St. Off 8.1. MeltLigcor 2124 �'--- Harry Liehermac (Concord Drug Co) 176 Concord 8t. " ^ ^ • 2719 L. S. Lurie 574 Selby A— • n ° v 2728 A. T. Marelics 1058 H. Maryland St. " " • ° 1968 R. C. Malloy 951 White Bear A— ° ^ " • 1975 " .Toho-Mayar 500 E. 4th St. • • • " 2187 ' Elmer McBride 710 H. Dale St. • " ° " 2105 - James J. Mae 1110 W. 7th St. • " • ° 2176 Henry Vert. 520 Mississippi St. • • " ^ 2587 Arthur J. Mix (Mix's Hew Yorker) Hen York Bldg. • • " • 2575 '- Joe. Moutemerano 154 W. 4th St. " ^ " 2882 Tho.. Mores 286 Van Buren St. " " " ° 2596 Mrs. Jamas Morelli 555 Collins St. " ° • " 2119 - James Morelli 565 Payne Av. S. Moekovits & J. Pantilovich 722 H. Sculling A, • " • • 2254 Abe MoWwvits & Isadore Bluebell 1082 Grand Av. • v • e 2152 Hick Mnsciaro 818 Pace Av. e n • 2212 -, Warren Neutzling 1518 Rgndolph St. ` " ^ " 2528 A. M. Niemann 1556 Tbomas St. ° " ^ " 2856 We. Nikituk 514 St. Peter St. n • " ^ 2585 COLiN(II.MI,:N Yeo. Na - Adooted by the Council._._..__. _. .. ... _-._...193_ _. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.. . " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM "aasaxTaI e. coMMissioNea \�._L onTE MAY 11 1934 RESOLVED 2731 Gen. &Oce Nikoe 497 Broad Off 5.1. Halt Liquor •R7 L. F. Novotny 877 Oakdale Av. • ° ° 2854 " Orville Olsson 869 R. Hinnehaha St. • " ° 2787 G. D. 0-H01 774 Capitol Ht- " " " • 2217 Harriet Peterson 1187 Payne Ave. " • ° " 1828 Bac Pena 686 Canada St. " ° • • 2089 Rd J. Peterson am 870 Payne A- • • • " 2245 " J. Pial 1158 Thomas St. ° • • " 2844 ' John Porte 562 S. Snelling A- • " • ° 2801 .. E. J. -.Rases 17838t. Clair St. • • ° " 2550 •. Rapp 6 Wittman 919 St. Clair St. • • • • 2157 Joeeph W. Rogers 1522 Portland Av. ° • " • 2156 Sem Rossini 238 Harehall A- n n ° n 2720 - --hath-Rota--.(Hotel St. Pana) 586 St. Peter St. • " n • 2848 .. Jeme¢ Rotondo 523 Broadcgy n n n e 2706 Ed. A. Schmidt 329 Concord St. ° " • • 2541 Otto Schnidt 224 N. Weeten Av. • " ° " 2840 Andre• Schoch Grocery Go. 300 8. 7th St. n n . . 2168 F. J. 8.h -it., 3.109 Arcade St. • " • ` 2625 . COUNCILMEN Y.."" Adooted Lv the C—,6L-_._.__._......___193_... o•W.L•�unb an+, ,� CITY OF ST. PAUL w�xcM1 NO......_... ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cow cneA Y 1° 1954 4 RESOLVED '9" William Segel 559 Robert St. Off Sale Malt Liquor 2795-' E. V.Sherrill & L. Olin 106 Z. 4th St. • " " • 2592 Pali. Bi- 222 W. 7th St. v . n . 2687 Mrs. Frank Bill— 2177 University Av. • • • • 2271 J. B. Slo b 707 R. 7th St. • " " ° 2857 Sigurd Some. 274 Maple St. " • • ° 2254 Adeline Stewart 499 Laurel A, " • ` • 2554 Joseph 9trane37 472 Grace St. • " ° " 2518 Leo Thieves 101E Front St. • ' • • 23.57 A. H. Tawe 615 Wabaehs St. • ' • ° 2774 Howard Tooker 1090 Earl St. • • • " 2841 Job. Techida 909 W. 7th St. ° • ° " 2588 Trocke Cafeteria Co. 576 Wabash, St. " • • ° 2202 Frannie Tamar 2754 W. 7th St. " • • ° 2170 We. Turner 2728 W. 7th Blvd • • ` ` 2171 Winn E. W,llraff 1359 Randolph St. • ` " • 2111 A. G. Walter 742 Grand A, • • • • 2891 J. D. Wellman (Gold Medal Beverage Co) 1953 University Av. ^ • " 2.101 Ace Be. Lonch Go-. 2560 University Av. Wo Bele Malt Beverage 2580 George = ' � 994 White Bedr Ave. • • • .. .. 9157 , COUN('II.MNN Yeo, No _ _ _ Adopted by the C, 6L ___ _.._... _._._._l93_ _. CITY OF $r. PAUL m�"c" NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM P.aservTeo ar eorvrn �ssiorves once May lv 1954 ,c .,. ,r RESOLVED '10' Alverdes Restaurant, Inc. 379 St. Pater St. On Sala Malt Liquor 2359 /�.�.. Chas. Bacigalupo 583 Minnesota St. • ° • • 2714 Nick Bella. 188 E. Fairfield Av, • • • v 251 , Tony Basel 870 Rio. St. • • • 2122 Frank Berger 700 Raney St. ° • • • 2140 A. A. Bernhardt 660 Nnivereity Av. • • " • 2325 --B23bmr-d�neemeat-'liar 408 Nnivereity A- " • • • 2154 _ -8s..dwr-Dreg-Co. _.. 9th A: Wabaeba Sts. v • v n 2783. ... Mrs. J. C.ntieri 207 H. 4th St. • • " ° 2565 Carbone Bros. 680 E. 7th St. " ° ^ 2754 Carling., Inc. 549 Robert St. • " • ^ 2180 A. C. Carlson 1599 St. Clair St. " • • 1871 ,Tee Ghan.—th - _-. - 1A. E.. 8th St. -- -_.r a -• v - -2105— Nick Chio®e. 617 Selby Av. " " • " 2758 Nick Chi -es 31 R. 7th St. ^ • • • 2756 . Jae. G. Cikanek U67 W. 7th St. " • • • 2551 John Clariaio 421 N. 7th St. • " • • 2210 N. R. Conray-. - 665-Wab-1.-St.._... n. _.n _._.. . _ _.-2134 Corbey Bros. 448 Jackson St. " ^ " ^ 2115 Cries^ Geo. C. 812 White Bear A- • • v ^ 2125 COUNCILMran _ Y es. , uY^ Adopted by the C,w 61 .._ .........._ _...._ 193.. _. " ,oW�a r• � CITY OF ST. PAUL � ca,�"c" NO. _... OFFICE OF THE CITY LLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P—ENTED DY _ll RESOLVED Frank De Carlo & Tom Yauraotonio 222 Eagle St. On Sale Balt Liquor 2015 C. F. Dinger 841 S. Smith " n n n 2556 " SO R. S..St A, ° • • " 2265 ` `Br\9ta/B�'Sne. 1478 Greed Av. • • • • 2558 28 #p'c-h—w St. w w . • * Sem Eedy 154 E. 4th St. " " " 2129 " SFr VeYeal'order of -Eagle. 474 RobertBt.. • ". •.—. a 2104 ��. Eat Shop A, .: !/� _" 365-85 Robert St, n • 2158 J. W. Egan 185 N. lleet.ro Ave. • ` • ° 2525 F. J. Elnck 392 Selby A- • " " • 2755 Aldor glmqui.t 53.1 1. Snelling A- " • v n 2570 James Eakel 759 Thomas St. " ° ° " 2598 Emil Fedeli 91 S. Robert St. " " ^ ° 2724 Geo. Gekas & Y. Serantos 460 8t. Peter St. • " ° • 2765 " Randolph Pharmacy (Bertrand R. Gandron) 860 Randolph St. ° " " 2710 Jobn Georgantonis 494 Jackson St. • " " " 2788 J. W. Goldfein 1700 Grand Av. • ° " " 2161 Jn71ns Greenberg & Joe. Silberg 496 Aabaeba St. " " " ° 2805 A. F. Greve 878 S. Smith Av. " ° " ° 2288 Y. J. Haider 22 E. 4th St. ` n n e 2590 COITNCILMN1 Y_ \ave Adopted by the Council_....._._._ .. ...........193.. _. � CITY OF ST. PAUL `�" NO...... _..... ... _... 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _GQUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r coern"eM rssroni`w J -�-.rte-�""�� onre gay 1" 1954 RESOLVED -12- George Hanrahan 275 W. 5th St. On Bale malt 1lquor 2569 W. Y. Barrity 757 Selby A, " n " 2544 Chse. Hoschette 1214 W. Snelling Av. " • ^ ^ 2769 Kirch & Gillis 1597 Urlveraity Av. ^ ° " 2820 -Philip-RI—mr - 476 Webaehe St. • w n n mm . Yrs. Marie Eoenen 418 H. Cleveland Av. " " • 2151 0. W. Kohle & George A. Kohl- 758 Thomas St. n " • 2149 " (,. D#affitAovaldmk-... 6027enkeos St. - ".. a. v n rrmvljh�y P. F. Knehn 492 S. Snelling Av, n . n . 2769 Lee Le Valley 175 W. 6th St. " " ° 2125 Edward L..-.Iq 317-19 St. Peter St. n n ° " 2142 Joseph E. Lennon 8 3. 4th St. n • e e 2194 Harry K. Liehermen (Concord Drug Cc) 176 Concord St. • • ° " 2716 -4-6, L.A.- - - 674 Selby Av. • . • • 2708 ,. M. Maroo 221 E. 7th St. ° " " " 2299 Elmer McBride 710 B. Dale St. " • • 2106 Yc0ormiok�e Cafe 555 Wabasha St. " • ° " 2657 Geo. McIntosh 486 Wabash. St. • ^ • • 2581 Midway Club, Inc. 1957 U iverelty A- • ° • " 7115 Den Khoo 19 W. 9th St. ° ° • 2657 „ COONCILMEN Y_ Nny" Adopted by the Council__.._._ _._ _ __ _._._193..... au✓ web aav r� . =..., No.... CITY OF $T. PAUL .i - - - -- - ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM aaasaNTeo av Dura Nay 1, 1954 _ -13- RESOLVED ArCIM S: NAA (Nia:re Paw Yorker) Na. York Bldg. On Sale Kelt Liquor 2574 Tho.. Nor— 286 van Buren St. " " " 2596 Abe NoMvvfEa & Ieadorg?,t80h 11 1082 Grand Av. Sam Noskovits & J. Pentelovitah 722 N. Snelling Av. " • • " 2255 Nr. Chas. May 1085} Grand Ave. " ° " " 29550 L. Nardi 277 R. 4th St, v • 0 " 2576 No. Nikituk 514 St. Peter St. v a . n 2582 George Nikos & Geo Hi.kos 597 Broadway " ° • " 2750 H. Ohennees- 775 A. 7th St. " • " " 2444 Mrs. A. G. Peterson 1.187 Payne Ave. ° " " ° 2249 Ed J. Peterson 870 Payne Ave. v n • . 2241 A. C. Quayle 469 N. Dale St. " ° • 2700 Frank Roberta 20 A. 10th St.- ° • ° " 2529 -Rwbh.Botel Co. (8t.PAu1 Bot -1) 5565 St. Peter St. • • • • 2588 ___ 402 Aobert 3t. v • • • 9.65 Me Sauro & Nick Seuro 222 Chestnut St. ^ " " ° 2209 Henry Schaibel 202 Concord St. v . v n 2851 George J. ScMller SON S. Smith Ave. " • • " 2115 F. J. Sahweita, 1109 Arcade St. " ' ° " 2924 E. Schwertberger 1074 Rice St. • ° ° " 2092 COUNCILMEN Yam Nay. Adopted by the Council..._ _ _. _.._ .........193..... • � CITY OF 9'f. PAUL NO... ..... .... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cor`"nm�ss�D ay -` a Hay 1. 1954 RESOLVED —19— E. F. Sherril & L. Olin 106 E. 4th St. On Sale Halt Liquor 2595` Felix Sico 222 W. 7th St. n n v . 2588 ' Hels S]ostram 428 S. Wabash. St. " ° " ° 2164 State Hotel Corp of D.J. (Hotel Lovey) 559 Wabash. St. • ° • 2647 „ Joseph Str.nkky 472 G-oa St. • • • " 2519 Leo Ttd— 1015 Front St. " • " " 2156 Tom & Country Club 2279 Harahell Av. e n a • 2200" Trook. Cafeteria 575 Wabash. St. " " " 2201 '- J.d.1Vk Tdo3Ld. 120e Ries St. • • n " 2741 Frances Turner 2754 W. 7th St. ° • " ° 2169 We. Turner 2728 W. 7th St. ° • • " 21Z " University Club 420 Smit Ave. " " " ` 2857 J. Walsh 999 Payne A- • " • • 2107 Ellis WSberg 282 Rice St. e n n n 2552 ' - Csrmaa_Delmoat. ' - 14T-W. TtTi..9t�... - Tevse ._-. 186&4 John Balloon 806 E. Srd St. Restaor.nt 2866P, H. Carr 457 W. 7th St. ^ 2190 " 3w0hmoWSGD(SErand S��oom��d 8.-eili-3t: • Yi02 ^ Frank De Carlo & Rom Haurmtonio 222 Eagle St. ° 20121, Harry J.Distsoh 601 H. Western Av. • 2548 •• COUNCILMEN Y_ Nays Adopted by the Council............ _. _ _ __....193_ ._ CITY OF $f. PAUL NO, 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM Co`'" °New r 1 ...Are pay 1. 1954 RESOLVED J. W. Eg® 183 R. Weeter. A- Restaurant 2528 > r Freak ffin.k 392 Selby A- ^ 2752 James E.kel 139 Thomas St. • 2599 'SeolrQybidea_--._.-__.____. ___-Z8'8:'Sth. St: _... a.._ 219 A. B. Persil 609 University Av. • 2187 Pater E. Poaabe IST W. DW St.- • 2721 Cao. Gekas & Al. Sarantoa 460 St. Peter St. • 2985 _Car1 Gorki.. 185 E. 7th St. ° 2726 J. Greenberg & Joe. Silbsrg 496 Wabash. St. • 2804 Wm• F. Hab.— 1056 E. 7th St. 2416 M. 3• Haider 22 E. 4th St. ^ 2389 E. Sousa 450 S. Robart St. " 2948 Job. H.aka 4891 Wabash, St. • 2315 Clara R. Jones 432 Toronto St. ° E699 O.A. Roble & George A. Sohl. 738 Thomas St. " 2150 i Irvin H. Soop 493 Wabasba St. " 1947 ' Diamid Eovalobuk 602 Jackson St. 2799 r �� &a a -Lurie 557448.1by Av. ^ 2153 ., .. Harry McClw S 1854 S, A.4. Av " 2430 Geo. V. Alli tush 485 Webasha St. ° 2570 - COD\CILNI:N Yam tiny^ Adopted by the C .... il..._ _.... _...._ _._....193.._. u.ri=•�.o cio ci..'t ����r��� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL`�L.°NC1 NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coM- Nay 1, 1954 RESOLVED Chan. Way 10851 Grand Av. Restaurant 2029 Bardlai Broe. 261 E. 7th St. • 2405 Palmer Bros. Inc. 48 E. 7th St. • 2565 Warren Beutaling 1518 Randolph St. • 2826 Y. O'Connor 501 Blair St. • 2586 Ed J. Peterson 870 Payne Av. ^ 2242 A. C. Quayle 469 W. Dale St. • 2701 Scott Stores, Inc. 17 E. 7th St. ° 2858 Felix Sino 222 W. 7th St. • 2589 Joseph Straneky 472 Grace St. ° 2520 Leo Thienee 1015 Front St. " 2155 Truck. Cafeteria Co. 575 Wabash. St. • 2206 Wm. Tumor 2728 W. 7th Blvd ° 2172 J. B. 'eelter 1198 E. Ith St. ^ 2285 .8nery.YSger. .-. 2225 Wnly stty A-' • 22P'l -I COUNCILMEN Ycee tiny+ 6e. , — . Afar In f^var B ma D ARni^^t \Yenael .N nao N1 IReadeut Ado Ptcd by the C,—o ,il U _1.1_ *14.. _.. 193 A, d JUL. 1.1. RiT_... 193 mnyn� 3,d Adopted by the Council _ _ 193. Yeas. Nays. /�ARCE /"PETERSON /"�OSEN TRUAX N-'ARREN AENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) -1- •. MIBCkLAftous y A.F. - Anew r Filed _ XYZ el. - DelinquenA DELINQUENT TAXES Year Amount Henry Pittslkow 569 N. Dale St. (Grocery) $ 68 02 1932 -Ho A.F. 60.32 Mrs. Pearl M. Saunders 377 Dayton Ave. (OPP Sale 1932-A.F. 1,730.65 (Malt.Liq. Joe Chenoweth 14 E. 8th St. (On Bale ,/ 1932-A.F. 2,833.17 (Malt Liq) (Restaurant C. E. Daley 26 E. Exchange St. (On gale /1932-A.F. 1,866.35 Malt Liq.)/ Each & Nolden 19 E. 5th St. ✓ (Restaurant) 1932 -No A.F. 1,987.26 Ted Johnson 345 Fisk St. (Gas Sta.3)'-�1932-No A.F. 47.41 X Phil G—I. '\ 2111 Ford Road ✓ (Gas Sta.3) 1932 (*)-No A.F. 156.37 M. J. Haider 22 E. 4th St. (gale.lt 1932- A.F. 2,386.55 Liq.) / (Res ant) Mrs. J. Cantieri 207 E. 4th St.% (Malt Liq ) 1932-N. A.F. 2,999.81 John Mayer 300 E. 4th St. (Off Sale J 1928-A.P. 7,147.99 Malt Liq.) 1929-A.F. 1931-A.F. 5,236.92 6,269.31 1932-A. F. 5,051.79 i(Off & on -/' 1931 -No A.F. 195.05 Abe Moekovitz & Isadore Rischall 1082 Grand Ave. (Sale Malt 1932 -Paid Liq.) Mr. Chs.. My 10851 Grand Ave. (Oa Sale V 1$31 -No A.F. 363.90 Malt Liq.) 32 -No A.F. 346.74 (Reataurant) (Offs& On"'� 1932-No.A.F. 410.55 Dries Bros. Inc. 1418 Grand Ave. Sale Malt LSq.) Atlas Gas & Oil Co. / 229 Maria Ave. �/ (Gas.sta.3)v 1930 1931 1932 -No A.F. 196.16 Bilbow Asmeement Co. 406 Minnesota St. (� ltsLiq.) 1932-A.F. 2,125.76 739 Pillsbury Ave. (offsale " 1932-A.F. 4,878.14 Mary Hines O _. 1 f • MISCELLANEOUS ''- r2- DELINQUENT TAXES yYear Amount Sam Gleeaman 979 Randolph St. (Butcher)✓/ 1932 No A.F. 101.60 Rudolph Tachida 1208 Rice St. (On Sale V 1929 No A.F. 96.35 Malt Liq.) 1931 No A.F. 100.27 1932 No A.F. 82.14 Fraternal Order 474 mobert St. (On Sale � 1932 A.F. 1162.26 ,- of Eagles Malt Liq.) Eat shop #1 383-385 Robert St. (On Sale ✓ 1931 No A.F. 5,215.46 Malt Liq.) 1952 No A.F. 5,019.07 Ryan Hotel Co. 402 Robert St. (On Sale ✓ 1936 Judgment 21,469.79 Malt Liq.) 1931 A:F.* 31,353.12 1932 A.F.* 26,425.59 *Decided E. H. Edwards 1949 St.Anthony Ave. ✓(Off Sale ✓ 1931 No.A.F. 409.25 Malt Liq.) 1932 N. A.F. 367.45 y l�d'-"� 1932 A.F. 450.81 ar Hs`y MeC luney/ 954 St. Anthony Ave. (Restaurant)' E. J. Raess 1783 St. Clair St. (Off Sale 1932 A.P. 632.46 Malt Liq.) Roth Hotel Co. 363 St. Peter St. (Off & On ✓ 1932 A.F. 11,887.23 (Hotel St. Paul) (Sale Malt (Liq. L. S. Lurie 374 Selby Ave. (Off & On 4' 1931 A.F. 1,926.79 Sale Malt 1932 A.F. 1,816.74 Liq.) (Restaurant) J � Carl Corkin 185 E. 7t4 St. (Restaurant) 1932 A.F. 1,490.25 J. B. Welter 1198 E. 7th St. J(Restaurant)J1930 No A.F. 53.06 1931 NoA.F. 101.20 1932 Pald Y. Dint 30 W. Summit Ave. (Off & On ✓ 1931 A.F.* 3,534.25 Sale Malt 1932 A.F. 3,404.65 Liq.) *Decided Jos. J. Fisher 437 University Ave. (Barbar)'✓/ 1932 A.F. 342.23 F. Bartho 854 University Ave. (Grocery) 1932 No A.F, 155.85 Mrs. Frank Silvers 2177 University Ave. (Off Sale ✓ 1931 A.F.* 464.63 Malt Liq.) 1932 No A.F. 435.25 *Decided Ace Boz Lunch Corp. 2360 University Ave. (On Sale -/(1931-Pur by John Olson Malt Liq.) ( 2,924.61 1932 A.F. 5,264.83 MI3CHLLANEOUS -� - DELINQUENT TAXES Harry Yager 2225 University Ave. (Restaurant) 1932-A.F. 406.44 I Isaac Greenberg 466 Wabasha St. ! Confectionery) 1931-NO:A.F. 8,658.37 (Broadway Drug) (OngSale Malt 1932 -No A.F. 7,993.72 J.M. Bruer 395 Wabash. St. (Bakery) ' 1932-A.F. 3,484.77 (Purity Mayflower Doughnut) Philip Kirmser 476 Wabash. St. X. Bale ' 1931 -No A.F. 8,658.37 Malt Liq.) 1932 -No A.F. 7,993.72 i H. R. Conery 583 Wabaeha Bt. (Off & Ong 1931-k.l?.* 440.71 Bale Malt 1932-A.F.❑ 397.37 Liq.) Decided George Allen 834 White Bear Aoe. ,/ (On Sale / 1930 -No A.F. 305.72 Malt Liq.) 1931 -Ho A.F. 311.52 1932 -No A.F. 126.47 —i— _ n" DELIAQUENT Mrs. V. Thomas 1658 Randolph St. Bakery 2504 Martin M. '"angensteen 247k S. Snelling Ave. " ?705 Alfonso Guertin 779 9, Smith Ave. Barber ?146 James Lloyd 753 Payne Ave. " 2259 Maxima Permatone, Inc. 7tb & Minnesota Ste. " 1924 (Incomplete address) Fred Parlow 1901 Stillwater Rd. " 2162 George Winter 977 w• University Ave. " ?856 H. P. Conrad 645 University Ave. 8 Bowl.alleys 2341 Thos. J. Harkins 28 W. 7th St. 16 " " 2145 Sam Drucker 361 W. 7th St. Butcher (1934) 278? Gottbehut Bros. 1059 E. 4th St. " ?819 Peter Prokopuk 1397 St. Clair It. " 2828 A. H. Zimmerman 959 F. 3rd St. " 2818 L. A. Gallagher 1340 Como Ave. W. Confectionery 2340 J. E. Lennon 8 E. 4th St. " - 2165 Scott Stores, Inc. 17 E. 7th St. " ?839 Minnesota Box Mfg. Go. 827-41 Forest St. Fuel T)ealer 186? Sperry & Hutchinson 4th Floor (Emporium) " " 2376 James Berkey 7th & wabaeha St. Fr.Veg.Store 1650 (Blue Goose Market) Joe. Inserra 0 w. 4th St. " 2776 M. L. Benner 1828 Feronia Ave. Grocery ?426 Helen Blomberg 2310 Como Ave. " 2845 Stewart J. Bohn 1830 St. Clair St. " 2771 E. M. Byrnes 317 Selby Ave. 1574 Robert V. Ehnes 261 Selby Ave. ^ 2761 Louie George 527 St. Peter St. " 2791 J. Piel 1158 Thoma. St. " '843 Abram Silberman 217 State St. " 809 'Margaret Sheehy 389 E. Gate. St. ?118 A. H. Tewe 615 wabaeha St. " 1855 E. A. Thom 677 Hague Ave. " 2707 Howard Tooker 1090 ?,rl St. '303 G. R. Trautner 1220 '". Minnehaha ,t. " '778 -a- ' MISCELLANEOUS NOT DELINQUENT Atlas Gas & 011 Do. 805 W. 7th St. Gas -St -.3 pmoe. 2808 Atlas Gas & 011 Co. 962 Lexington Ave. " " 4 " 2809 Atlas Gas & 011 Co. 376 T. Central Ave. " " 6 " P807 Atlas Gas & 011 Co. 1400 Marshall Ave. " " 6 " 2811 Louie J. Gibis 1234 Grand Ave. " 3 2158 Nels Nielsen 181 E. 5th St. " " 3 " 1886 Alverdes Restaurant, Inc. 379 St. Peter St. Off Sale Halt Lic. 2358 H. B. Anderson 458 S. Robert St. " 2183 Nick Ballas 188 E. Fairfield Ace. " 2518 C. J. Beaklund 43 S. Cleveland Ave. " 2763 Albin A. Benson 636 Vandalia St. " 2262 Frank Berger 700 Ramey St. " 2141 Sam Borelli 549 E. Minnehaha St. " 2890 Buoka Bros. 1680 ,rand Ave. " 2367 Justine Byrne 1022 Rice St. X244 Carbone Bros. 680 E. 7th 9t. P795 C. T. Cassidy 983 Randoloh St. " 2074 Nick Chiomes 31 W. 7th 9t. " 1757 Nick Chiomes 617 Selby Ave. " 2739 Joe. G. Cikanek 1167 W. 7th St. " 2350 John Clarizio 421 E. 7th St. " 2211 Corby Bros. 448 Jackson St. " 2116 Geo. C. Cries 812 White Bear Ave. " 2126 Diesslin & Gallagher 1676 N. Lexington Ave. " 2263 Harry J. DSetsoh 601 N. western Ave. " 2486 Dietz Pharmacy 1039 Grand Ave. " 2764 C. F. Ginger 641 9. Smith Ave. " 2557 Sem Eady 154 E. 4th St. " 1130 J. W. Egan 183 western Ave. N. " 1517 Robert V. Ehnes 261 Selby Ave. " 7147 F. J. Einck 392 Selby Ave. " 2734 Elmouist Drag Co. 511 N. Snelling Ave. " 2368 James Eckel 734 Thomas 9t. '347 -3- 1 MI80ELLANC0D8 ._ NOT DELINQUENT Emil Fedeli 91 S. Robert St. Off 9ele i°alt Lia. 17?5 Al.. Fadoreal 560 Como Ave. " ?361 Fetsoh Bros. 349 Ro..bel St. 1367 Fine Bros. 1569 University Ave. " 1471 John Fischbach 783 W. 7th St. " ?802 John Fleszar 707 state 8t. " 1257 H. Fudenberg 354 E. Lawson 8t. " 2895 Flyn & Reths 20 E. 7th St. 2768 Peter H. Fooshe 157 W. 7th St. 2723 E. A. Geer 1754 Selby Ave. " 2363 Geo.Gekas & M.Sarantos 460 St. Peter St. " 2767 Carl Gelderman 777 s. Smith Ave. " 2506 Louie George 527 St. Peter St. ^ 2735 Golather & Hurd 233 N. Snelling Ave. " 2128 J. Goldfein 1700 Grand Ave. 2280 Julius Greenberg & 496 Wabashs St. " ?806 Joe. Silberg W. F. Greve 878 S. Smith Ave. " 1287 Anthony Oudin 633 Orleans 9t. " 2302 I.Hackner 1080 Earl St. " 2743 Max Halpern 981 Iglehart Ave. " P32P George Hanrahan 273 W. 5th St. 2540 Fred J. Harms 930 Raymond Ave. P754 August Hohenstein 4?7 S. Robert St. P826 Chas. Hoschette 1214 N. Snelling Ave. P76o Regina Hunt 1465 Payne Ave. " 2892 B. J. Jansen 1682 Grand Ave. " P729 Johnson Bros. 1899 Stillwater Rd. P942 Roy T. Johnson 919 Armstrong Ave. " 2121 Leonard E. Jordan 495 St. Peter St. " 2174 Morrie Kanter 793 F. 7th St. " 2875 Irwin J. King Pharmacy 24? S. Cleveland Ave. " P369 Kirch & Gillis - 1597 University Ave. 1493 Ale. Klopka 1296 W. 7th St. " 1702 0. A. Kohle & George 2148 A. Kohls 738 Thomas St. ° _4- ' MISCELLANEOUS NOT DEL INOUENT Mrs. Marie Koenen 418 R. Cleveland Ave. Off Sale Malt Lip, 2152 John J. Kube. 693 W. 7th St. " 2371 P. H. Kuehn 492 S. Snelling Ave. " 2770 Tony Lamanna 361 Upner Levee " ?758 Leo La Valley 173 17. 6th St. • ?124 Harry Lieberman 176 Coaoo rd et, " 2719 (Ooncord Drug CU.) A. T, Mereliva 1058,E. Maryland St, " 1968 H. C, Malloy 95'1White Bear Ave, • 1775 Elmer MOBrlde 710 R. Dale St. • ?105 James J. Use 1110 W. 7th St. • 2176 Henry Mertz 520 MSsaissippi St. " 2387 Arthur J. MI New York Bldg. " 2373 (Mix" Mlz �e Rea Yorker) Joe. Montemarano 154 W, 4tb St. ^ 2882 Thos. Moran 286 Van Buren St. " 2396 Mr.. Jame. Mor '11 535 Oollias St. " 2119 Jam.a Morelli 565 Payne Ave. ^ 2120 S. Moskovitz & J. Pentiloviob 722 N. Snelling Ave. " 2234 Niok Musciaro 818 Payne Ave. " 2212 Warren Neutzling 1518 Randolph St. " 2318 A. M. Niemann 1336 Thoma. St. " 1836 Wm, Hikltuk 514 St. Peter St. 2583 Geo. & Gus Nlkos 597 Broadway " 2731 L. F. Novotny 877 Oakdale Ave, " 2854 Orville Oleson 869 E. Minnehaha St. ^ 2787 G. D. O'Ne31 774 Capitol Heights " 2217 Harriet Peterson 1187 Payne Ave. " 1828 Sam Perna 686 Canada St. " 2089 Ed J. Peterson 870 Payne Ave. " 2243 J. PSel 1158 Thomas et. " 2844 John Porte 362 S. Snelling Ave. " 2801 Rapp & Wittman 919 St. Ol.ir at. " 2167 Joseph W. Rogers 1522 Portland Ave, " 2136 Sam Rossini 238 Marshall Ave. " 9720 -5— MIBCFyLARE0U9 _ NOT DELINQUENT James Rodondo 523 Broadway Off Sale Malt Liq. 2706 Ed A. Schmidt 329 Concord St. ° 2541 Otto Schmidt 224 western Ave. N. • 2840 Andrew Schoch Grocery Co. 300 E. 7th et. " 2168 F. J. Schweitz 1109 Arcade St. " 2825 William Segal 559 Robert St. " 2793 E. F. Sherrill & L. Olin 106 F. 4th St. _ 2392 Felin Sieo 222 W. 7th 9t. " 2587 J. B. Slooumb 707 'v. 7th St. 1857 Sigurd Some. 274 Maple St. ° 2254 Adeline Stewart 499 Laurel Ave. " 2334 Joseph Stransky 472 Grace St. " 2318 Leo Thiene 1013 Front St. " 2157 A. R. Tewe 615 Wsbaeha St. " 2774 Howard Tooker 1090 Earl St. ° 2841 John Tschlda 909 W. 7th St. ' 2388 Trocke Cafeteria Co. 375 W.baeba St. " 2202 Francis Turner 2754 W. 7th St. " 2170 Wm. Turner 2728 W, 7th Blvd. " 2171 Winn E. Wallradf 1339 Randolph St. " 2111 A. G. '"alter 742 Grand Ave. " 2891 J. D. Wellman 1953 University Ave. ^ 2101 (Gold Medal Beverage Co. Alverdes Restaurant, Inc. 379 St. Peter St. On Sale Malt Lia. 2359 Chas. Baolgelwo 383 Minnesota St. ^ 2714 Nick Ballas 188 E. F.irfield Ave. 2515 Tony B—i 870 Rice St. 2122 Frank Berger 700 Reaney St. " 2140. A. A. Bernhardt 560 University Ave. 2325 Carbone Bros. 690 E. 7th St. " 2734 Cerlings, Inc. 349 Robert St. " 2180 A. C. Carlson 1399 St. Clair St. " 1871 Nick Chiomes 617 Selby Ave. 2738 Nick Chlomes 31 W. 7th St. " 1736 Jae. G. Cikanek 1167 W. 7th St. ^ 2351 John Clarizlo Corbey Bros. Cries, Geo. C. Frank De Carlo & Tom Maurantonio C. F. Dinger Sam Eady J. W. Egan F. J. Einck Aldor Elmquist James Eckel Emil Fedelt Geo. Gekas & M. Sarantos Randolph Pharmacy (Bertrand R. Gendron) John Georgantonls J. V. Goldfein Julius Greenberg & Joe. Silberg W. F. Greve George Hanrahan 17. M. Harrlty Chas. Hosohette Kirch & Gillis Mrs. Marie Koenen 0. W. Kohla & George A. Kobls Diamid Kovalchuk P. F. Kuehn Leo La valley Edward Lazewsky Joseph E. Lennon Barry K. Lieberman (Concord Drug Go.) M. Maroc Elmer BoRride MISCELLANEOUS 421 E. 7th St. 448 Jackson St. 812 White Bear Ave. 222 Eagle St. 641 S. Smith Ave. 154 E. 4th St, 183 N. western Ave. 392 Selby Ave. 511 N. Snelling Ave. 739 Thomas St. 91 S. Robert St. 460 St. Peter St. 860 Randolob St. NOT DELINQUENT On Sale Malt Llq. -6- 2210 2115 2125 2013 2556 2129 2526 2733 2370 2398 2724 2766 2710 494 Jackson St. " 2788 1700 Grand Ave. " _ 2161 496 Wabasha St. " eR05 878 S. Smith Ave. ^ 2288 273 W. 5th St. " 2539 737 Selby Ave. " 2344 1214 N. Snelling Ave. ° 2759 1597 University Ave. " 2820 418 N. Cleveland Ave. ^ 2151 738 Thomas St. " 2149 602 Jackson St. ^ 2798 492 S. Snelling Ave. " 2769 173 w. 6th Rt. 2123 317-19 9t. Peter St. 2142 8 F. 4th St. P1194 176 Concord St. " 218 \299 221 F. 7th St. " 2 710 N. Dale St. ^ 2106 —7— P MI90ELLAFEOIIB NOT DELINQUENT McCormick"s Cafe 535 Wabash. et. On Sale Nalt Liq. 2337 Oso. McIntosh 483 Wabash St. " 2581 Midway Club" Inc. 1957 University Ave. " 2713 Dan MShos 19 W. 9th St. " 2537 Arthur J. Mix New York Bldg. " 2374 (Mix"s New Yorker) Thos. Moran 286 Van Buren St. " 2395 Sam Moskovits & J. Pentelovitch 722 N. Snelling Ave. " 2233 L. Nardi 277 W. 4th St. " 2375 Wm. Nikltuk 514 St. Peter St. " 2582 George Nikos & Geo. Nikoe 597 Broadway " 2730 H. Ohennessen 775 W 7th et. " 2444 Mrs. A. G. Peterson 1187 Payne Ave. " 2249 Ed J. Peterson 870 Payne Ave. 2>41 A. 0. Quayle 469 N. Dale St. ° 2700 Frank Roberts PO W. 10th St. 2329 Mike Sauro & Nick Sauro 222 Chestnut 9t. 2209 Henry Scheibel 202 Concord St. " 2831 George J. Schiller 508 S. Smith Ave. " 2113 F. J. Sehweltz 1109 Arcade St. " 2824 E. Sohwertberger 1074 Rice St. " 2092 E.F.Sherril & L. Olin lob E. 4th St. " 2393 Felix Sico 222 W. 7tb St. " 2588 Nels Sjostrom 429 S. wabasha St. " 2164 ,Btate Hotel Corp. of Del. 339 Wabaeha St. 2547 (Hotel Lowry) Joseph 8transky 472 Grace 9t. " 2319 Leo Thienes 1013 Front St. " 2156 Town & Country Club 2279 Marshall Ave. ° 2200 Trocke Cafeteria 375 Wabaeha St. " 2201 Frances Turner 2754 W 7th St. " 2169 Wm. Turner 2728 W. 7th St. " 2173 University Club 420 Summit Ave. " 2837 • i, MIMLMNEOUS — NOT DELINQUENT J. Walsh 999 Payne Ave. On Sale Malt Lia. 2107 Ellis Tiberg 282 Rice St. " 2532 Carmen Delmont 147 W. 7th St. Tavern John Belloma 806 E. 3rd St. Restaurant 2865 H. Carr 437 W. 7th St. " 2190 Frank Be Carlo & " 2012 Rom Maurentonlo 222 Eagle St. Barry J. Dietsch 601 N. Western Ave. " 2346 J. W. Egan 183 N. Western Ave. " 2528 Frank E1nck 392 Selby Ave. " 2732 James F.nkel 739 Tbomas St. " 2399 A. H. Farrell 609 University Ave. " 2197 Peter E. Foo.he 157 W. 7th St. " 2721 Geo. Gska. & M. Saran.. 460 St. Peter St. ^ 2765 J. Greenberg & Joe. Silberg 496 Wabash& St. " 2804 Wm. F. Haberman 1056 E. 7tb St. " 2416 E. House 450 S. Robert St. " 2948 John Hiska 4893) Wabash& St. ° 2315 Clara R. Jonas 432 Toronto St. " 2599 0. A. Roble & George 738 Thoma. St. " 2150 A. Roble Irvin N. Roop 493 Wabash. St. " 1947 Diamid Rovalchuk 602 Jaokson St. " 27&9 Geo. M. Nclntosh 483 Wabash. St. " 2570 Nardiai Bros. 281 E. 7th St. " 2403 Neiener Eros. Inc. 48 E. 7th St. " 2355 Warren Neutaling 1518 Randolph St. " 2326 M. O'Oonnor 501 Blair St. " 2586 Ed J. Peterson 870 Payne Ave. " 2242 A. C. Quayle 469 N. Dale et. " 2701 Scott Stores, Ina. 17 E. 7th St. " 2838 Feltz SSoo 222 W. 7th St. " 2589 Joseph Stranky 472 Grace St. ^ 2320 Leo Thiene 1013 Front St. " 2155 Tracks Cafeteria Co. 375 Wabasha St. " 2203 Wm. Turner 2728 W. 7th Blvd. " 2172 CITY OF SAINT PAUL C Wul of MI.—u OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 1. R. 1. 1E0.GUSON Cliy Clak y.d Cmmmlmlonn W Rygee�eo. July 12. 1934 ltrs. J. Caller" _ 207 s. 4th at., St. pens. Minn. I Deer Yadm : appllcat tonaforban een d01 ceALI Y4L4 zxted to mku that your license at the above address was not passed by the City Council.From records it appear. that tams are delin- quent oa this Property. The Council has been withholding licensee on Sneo= producing property on which tams are re the ownerfehouldrbenot lnfothe rmedofrthisthis action andProperty, lf there Se a reasonable e>planatioa of the cause of the tame not being paid the Couacll .111 be pleased to great you or the awns a hearing. \ Yours very truly, City Clerk. 4 d` CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4p1Y1 d Mlnnaal. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. 1. FEI.Ul.N C'ry C'.Y.nd Cammlulona d R.g—.. Jnly 12, 1934 It, Y. J. Raider 22 1. 4th St. st. Peal, Minn. Dear sir. I have been directed to Inform you that your application for 0" 1® 01 s1L1 MALS SPS101 M 113MUR11S license at the above add- ee wen not passed by the City C.— 1. From record. it appears that tame are delin- quent on this property. The Council has been withholding licensee on income producing property on which taxes are delinquent. 1f you are not the owner of this property, then the owner should be informed of this action and if there See reasonable explanation of the cause of the Lame not being paid the Council will be pleased to grant you or the owner a hearing. Tour, very pt /ruulyy,, ` City CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.vlel el mi.— OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON Clh Clml, •nd Commlmlonm of Rnybb.uon Tn1y 10th, 1934, Yr. T. R. Welter, 1199 East 7th9t., 9t. Fend, uin. , Dear 91r; I' been directed to in£orm you that your appllcatlon for a RERTAMUNT lice... at the above address a not passed by the City Council. From records it appeare that taxes are deli._ Mot on this property. Tia Council has been withh.ldi ng licenses on income producing property on which taxes s a ra If you are not the -weer of this property, then the owner should be informed of this action and Sf there Sea reaeonahle sxpl—tion of the cause of the taxa. not beingpaihe Council will be pleased to grant you o the owner a hearing, r d t Yours very truly, Cit rkG�� i CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4'W d MI.— OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON Ory al.nd Cammielonv.I R.'—... July 12, 1974 Yr. Hsrra Ynmae.yP." �� et. Peal, eine. / Mr 11w- Bir - 1 have been directed to in£o,m you that your Igplicatlon for aeleLlMW cens. at the above address was not passed by the City Press m adaci1. Frorecords it appears that tae are deli n- ,Aht on this property. The Council bas been withholding lioenses on income producing property on which tame are delinquent. if you are not the owner of this property, than the owner should be informed of this action and if there a reasonable explanation of the cause of the taxes not bel paid the Couxu:il will be pleased to grant you or t ar a Deering. Tours 11rY truly, lit, Clarkl.�5 w , R F— CITY OF SAINT PAUL G0m d -- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON Clry 0" ..d C...i.1— d R•s�.e•.on July 10th, 1934. Abe Yoelrovite & Isadore ESechall, 1062 brand Ave., St. Paul, Linn. Gentlemen I have been directed to inform you that your applicat lo. for OFF A" ON SALE MALT EEVERAGE licenses at the above addrees were not passed by the City Cou�lI. From record. it appear- that taxa- ere d-11n- quent on this property. The Council has been withholding licensee on inaosw: produc for property on which tams are d.linqueat. If you are not the owner of this property, then the o r should be informed of this action and if there Sea e...nable esplanatioa of the cause of the tares not beingpaidthe C.-11 will be pleased to grant you or the owner a hearing. �- Yours very truly, � /f City CI'&.& (: t.•-t.^Vo ..eLQ/F.u9�t. ta. 418240 COUNCIL FILE NO. By. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Metter of o,thing Fall— Avanue frim Fisk Street to Avon Street, T � _ mltk �� eur(etvA ruua eee at feen oil, o. under Preliminary Order__._97648__ _approved_—_. . -X fl1934-..- --. The Council of he City of Se Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvemem, and having considered said report, hereby solves: 1. The, the said report and the same is hereby approved sad adopted, and the wid improvement u hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Coa.ed ree—menda is ourbJFbiler Aveaue fr— Fisk Street to Avon Street, with no Ot.... ttves, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_.667.26 -- _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on thr_ _ _ 31 --_day of T"lg , 193-A__; ac the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in he Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting tothe persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, crating the time and place of It - mg, the nature of the improvement and the rota) cost thereof as —boated. Adopted by the CouncILJUL. 3 lmd- 193 Approved-. An 1 M4--193- -Councilman co—t-193 Fearre Co.ncilmis Councilman i War Councilman WeoulISHI:II_--Li Council / '..1ayor Ma ones r Gahan Form B. S. A. &6 N241. COUNCIL FILE NO. By. _ __._ _ _ _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matte, of planting end proteoting shade tree. on Chilcomb. Al— from Brompton Street to E—ti. Street, r nT :t e aenr o ir under Preliminary Order_. -- 97722 _ approved_ The Council of rhe City of St. Paul having racived the report of rhe Commissioner of Finance upon the .bove mprovemt, a.d.h.—g c-id...d said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the midrepoa and the same is hereby app,ov i end adopted, and rhe acid impcovem.nt u hereby ecdered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council r ---d. u plant and prot-1, shade trees on Chilcombe Avenue from Brompton St ... t to Ensti. Street, with no At.,nacives, and ,ha, ch. odmaced — thl,—f is 8. 11@.Hff__ Resolved Farther, The, a pablic h.eriag be had It, said improvement on the --Al _ _—day of a,y _, 193 , a, rhe h.— of 10 .clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That th. Commission.. of Finance give —ill of aid m ing to the per and in rh< , provid i by the Char sr ing thl i— and place oft ha, s set sons manse car, at ing, rhe nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adop,ed by the Caanril- JUL 9 199 4 1M A __ 193 . —ry Clerk Approved— �—_ ..May Councilmannt t p7me Cou cilmen�` � `n z°a Cos cilman�a c /f.//ll,IStiliH Cou cilman�e "' � Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. By— _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER f)824" b, the Matter of ...coveting monolithic ...crate aid armlk on the seat'si s of Atlentic Street from 3aech Street south to Alley,1. pay NaCIV oil' �P. v �:oa.°na oaf tWp a. under Preliminary Order_ __117859._. approved. __x_10,_19a The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commimio.er of Finance „poo the above improvement, and having considered said report, hcrcby reml- 1. That thesaid report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement u hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends u nstruet m ..lithio on rate sidewalk on the eget side of Atlantic Street from Bseoh Street south to Alley, except where good end euffi.ient aid -1k. now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 106.00 _ _ Resolved Further. That a public hearing be had on said improvement oo the 31 day of July_ __.____, 193'1 t the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Courr Hou end City Hall Building m the City of St. Pm,L Thar the Com of Fin e givttof said meeriog to the persons and nn rhe manner provided by the Charmrscoring the time and plc a ofhear- log, she nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof m -im—d. 1�,�uu 9 1934 Adopted by the Council. JVD. �� A 1834 . 193 PC-/ Approved-._ _--._. IUi_ May C.. cilm „�m henP ,on 1 Councilmen Couocilma o'IT�— co,y�enzet 4(7BLISFTk:D Council z t;�rnn M...r n .— Form B. S. A. 8-6 (R)W3 COUNCIL FILE NO. By..._ _.. _ _______ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the M.of c Hatt.. ting m nolithi. sidewalk on the north aide of Central Avenue, Deginning 117 Poet west of the acct line of Jey Street, thence neat 33 feet,(Lot 13, bl.ok 9, Elfelt, Bernheimere' end A—ld'a Addition), eec'+e� o°xii under Preliminary Order_ 98075 __. ._approved- j_7,_ 1934 _ The Council of the City of St. Paul hamming received the repo,, of the Commissioner of Finance upon ,he abovemp,.vem[c ,and having osidered said report, hereby resolve. I. That the s.idr,por, and the same is hereby approved end adopted, and ,he said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded wah. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Conned recommends is oonstr.et monolithio side- walk on the north aide of Central Avenue, beginning 117 feet west of the west line of Jay Street, thence .,et 33 feet, (Lot 13, block 9, Elfelt, Bernheimere' end Arnold's Addition), e—ept where good end e.ffioient eide,,elkii now exiet, . irh no alternatives, and chat the estimated cost theteof is $_ 23.49_- Resolved Forth,,, Th,, a public hearing be had on said improvement oo the__ _. s1 _ _ day of July—, 193 ., ac the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to he persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, seating the time and place of hear- tan ing, henature of the imp,ovemen d rhe c W,t thereof 3 19 es estimated. Adopted by the Co'u'n1cil_ JUL 193 Approved -At. ® 193_— Mayor Councilman WOmfthm Pearce Councdm n ACty.:.+as.�a, t'rt r „ Councilman 'I�vr-= 1:,,srn Councilman e.r, • 1' uaa Councilman lt�„tr�,n 71 Councilman 11'—ei ftJL.LSHlI)4 Mayor I� Behan/// TTTT % Farm B. S. A. 8-6 11w?44 COUNCIL FILE NO. By.._ __ -- INTERMEDIARY _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In he Ma of ,streeting 4" m nollthi. c rate sidewalk (6 £t wide)on the e"harly aids of Waltham Street between Prior Avenue a Dewy Avenue, begi.nn ing et the esaterly sad of the existing brick dreway ivnb,tti,g Lot 1, Onion Park Addition, henoe easterly 14 feet, 1.1 iioear tinct under Preliminary Order_ _ 97869___._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received he cep— of the Commissioner d Finance upon ,he above improvement, and having cocvideced said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report end the same i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. The, the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is o ,:tract 4" a nolithic oom orate sidewalk (6 ft wide) on the northerly aide of Waltham Street between ^riot Avenue and Dewey Avenue, beginning at the easterly end of the existing brlok driveway abutting a Lot 1, UnicPark Addition, thence easterly 14 feet, ezoept where good and :efficient aidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and chat the —imeted wet chef is Resolved Further, Th,, a public hearing be had on said imp .... men, on rhe_. _Sl _day of ,ru�v 193 , e, he hour of 10 .dock A. M., m the Council Chamber of the Court House and Ci,y Hall Building in the Ci,y of St. Paul. Th., the Commissioner of Finance give notice of saidmeeting to the persons and m the manner—by the Charter, staring the cine end place of hear- ing, the naeure of the improvemj5tq�JUI.n � d he1�4pW Adopmd by the Council— _____._._. __. —i -1.l cos, there.! as imae—i-1. 193_ Q� APProved-- JoL_193 - _�^ Clerk Mayor Councilman t Peerr< Councilman `l Councilman / Councilman T,-... Counalma�n r� �r 3Yxrren �$�.�`,� weasel Mayor Mvhoncvn Gehaa —J �yrfl,� � � � " Form B. S. A. 8-6 f N245 COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In rhe Macre, of mit—ting a nolithie c rete driveway c ..ing on the south aide of Grand Ave. between SyndicateoA— and tl, 1. 11. St. P. k P. Ry. beginning 54 ft net of the ..at lot line of Lot 8, Blook 4, Stlneon'a Soul everd Addition, thenoe 10 ft. asst, driveway to be level with existing 6 ft. aidewalk .ith ramp to gutter, under Preliminary Order_.__ 2MOL . _. _. approved_ _ my 30. 1934 The Council of the City of Sc Paul having received the repo,, of the Commissioner of Finance upon ,he above improvemen,, and having considered said report, hereby ,wolves: 1. Thai the saiort d repand rhe same is hereby approved and ad,p,,d, and the said imptovemenc is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which ,he Council recommends is o netrvet a aolithio rete driveway o seing nn the ,oath aide of Grand Ave. 'oetween Syndicate Ave. and the C. St. P. k P. -Irv. beginning 54 ft. east of the en. lot lot line of Lot P, Block 4, Stinson's B-1 evard Addition, thenoe 10 ft. east, driv—y to be level cath exiating 6 ft. aid avmlIt with ramp to gutter, .with no alternatives, and the, ,he en --d cost ,hereof is $_ 33.➢0 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. 31 day of S lv --- 19}�_, ac the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in chc Council Chamber of ,he Court H.— and City Hall Building in cho City of Sc Paul. Ther, cho Commissioner of Finance given of aid m ing r ,he per ,",.,,d in the r provided by he Char ing he ume and place of h—, the nature of he mprov andmhc .1 cost thereof as es ...d. , m n, Aanp,eaby,heconntac')UL _3 I9 193 ����p` App—ed 191 191._ "�h - - - City Gild Mavo Councilman Pearce Councilman Y f'�ter.,,n Councilman 119A �u:: 3i11fLISH1.I) — Cou Councilman 4Jen_cl � is �„a.,i Mayor PF.'4— t)ehen Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. By. ale INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reoonatroeting with m rmlithil c rete the ald—lk ^n the north Bide of Isabel St. beginning at the wast a of Wabaehan1t. thence 32 ft. went, 6 ft. xid.s sleo on the wast aide o£ Wabeaha St. beginning 8 ft. north of the north aide of. Isabel St. thence 104 ft., 8 ft. nide, including 8 ft. driveway, under Preliminary Order_ _ _ 25Q76 approved_ June 7. 1934 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ,be above imptovenum, end having considered said reporc, herebyreaot- 1. Thai the said report and the same u hereby approved and adopted, and the said imprvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement whieh the Court il —romends , netruet with m - 11thin c rete the sidewalk on the north side of Isabel St. beginning at the west aide of Wab,eha St. then.. 32 ft. west, 6 ft. widel also on the wast aide of Wabash, ;t. begin- ning 8 ft. north of the north aide of Isabel St. thence 104 tt., B ft. wide, including 8 ft. driveway, y with no alteratives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $15L00_.— Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 31- - day of July _ 193—A-, at the hour of 10 .'dock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, —mg the time and place of hrar- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost there.( as atimat ///777 Adopted by the u�Coo —L-JUL g 1934 193 0��� Approved— JV`�.—_. 193___ _ _ /(//. _ty Clerk �/ Mayor Councilman Mi�bif�t�"�' 1'•a.re Councilman MAY l Councilmen Pearce -rc Councilmen Rosen � j 1'LBLISHED�� - Councilman Council Uelbau Mayor M tStl� Form B. S. A. 8-6 'N247 e: COUNCIL FILE NO. od By. _ e INTERMEDIARY ORDER In[he Matter of r netting with m nolithic o rate the sidewalk the west aide of 641nnaeota St. beginnrucing 52 ft. North of Ninth St., on 43 fton the North to building, include, driveway, f,rther 100 ft. North, thence 25 ft. North to driveway, 10 ft. wide, under Preliminary Order_. _ 97905._ __.. _ _ approved. Mty 17,_1934 The C, --,l of rhe City of St. Paul haying r, d the repo,, of the Commrssmner of Finance npon ,he above improvement' and having considered saidrveeport, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and ad,p,,d, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be pr«e ied with. 2. That the nature of thmp e irovement which the Council recommends is r netrvot with n ..11thic c ..e the sidewalk on the .,at aide of Min -...ter St.,beginning 52 ft. North of Ninth St.,then.. 43 ft. North to building, includes driveway, f—ther 100 ft. North, then.. 25 ft North to driveway, 10 ft. si, . kh no alcernanves, and that the —ousted cos[ thereof is b- 110.00 .. _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvemen, oo he 31 ..day of my 193 , a, he hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Ccm—I Chamber of the Co.,, House end City Hall Building io he City of Sc Panl. That the Commissioner of Finance givent'of e said m ing co rhe persons and in the nr provided by rhe Char ing rhe nme and place ofhnr- ing, thenat,,, of the improvement and the total —t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C.„nuL�ll _ 31934 Avpr.vea__ $I__._. 193._. cc�r Clerk l- % �"viii+.---,_ Mayo Councilma / Councilma _) Councilma `�� I`"" //�_��j/ Councilma -- �' 1t,"`� •� ft38I.1SfiI',D CuncJ� oilma t`.J ouncilma N'a..rr Ctt'evutt Mayor U=y G.Inm Form B. S. A. B-6 anuen,..un a... m,.,cLL No..... (IS2-41 • CITY OF ST. PAUL ,v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM cOea,niea mryay aw._I / ... J - movie Whereas, the Council by 8eeolutlon He. 9n3D, aPPr ova d June 14, 1934, aathorisd the issuance and sale of $552,000 Saint Paul Sewage Disposal System Horde -Series No. 1 and $334,000 Saint Paul Sewer B -da -Series No. 1, and Whereas, the proper city officers, pursuant to said resolution and the lane of the State of Minnesota, have fully c sed c said bonds to be advertised for ealeand said advertleement required bide Co be1eubmltted on July 5. 193,, and Whereas, bide • e submitted and were opened, eaamined and tabulated by the Council, and the Joint bid of R. 1r Day & Company, Milwaukee Company, Phelps, Henn & Company and Ws I., Di_.y Company, w s found to be the highest and moat advantageous bid for said bond Seaues; 1.—f—, be it Neeolve:,, Tbat the .aid Joint bid of H. L. Day & Co.epany, Milwaukee Company, Phelps, Penn and OoVany and We lie, Dickey Company, be and th, snore Se hereby accepted and said bonds awarded to H. L. Day & Compar>,v, Milwaukee Company,Phelps, Henn & 1,0-::71- ,r.11., ompany end We11s, Dickey Company, at the price nam d, asrmaly, per and accrued inter set with en interest rata of Three and four tenths per cant (3,41) par annum and acpremium Of $443,00, Further Resolved, that the Council hereby rat Sflee and approves the aeti- of the 91Nc1ng Head Committee in firing the mwbere, denominations, date, place of payment and form Of said bonds, and also the notice to bidders thereon, and also ratifine and approves each end ovary other act of said Si Hand Committee in oonoectioa with the offU:, sale and issue of said bond, beforeer the adoption. of this resolaticn. eOUNCILNIEN Ad„ ud b u,e C --I, 5 1934 1'ene p )' ......___.._.......193..._. ICA^ _In favor my /'I'niav-.' AFninet / - / Mayor BIOs BaCE1T?:O CA "M $334.000 nod 9552.000 Seas, ABB SMR 11009 AQY 5. 19'54 Baltod Rtage of Amerim 552,000.00 4.000 0.00 Oatted !;tate. of Amario 334.00';.00 4.00¢ 0,00 enoaeesafa Aitivra. AVOWM Coal= Pan ASlren:.ae Co., ) ph -1p.. Lean A Co..) 552.0.70.00 ) ' 7a11e, r4.k w Co. ) 334.000.00) 3.4% 443.00 Piret Batieml Dank of ) Chieago, ) North= Trent Ca., ) Throll Rest A no.. ) 966.0.70,00 34% 23.419.00 Lebmnn Bros., ) Seem, Taylor A Co., ) R. c. Prc..prtch A ^,o., ) 552.000.00 Pir.r. Affray d a"ood) 334.000.00 30 1,565.94 0onranty Tract Co. of A.T. ) Eduard B. Smith & Oo, 9.70) 552,000.00 ) Pi.i Rational Bmk,st.Peal) 334,007.00) 3.70 6.990.54 Y. s. Bo"loy A Co.. ) Taatas 2. LOae Co. ) 552.000.00 ) Chao National Bonk ) 334.000.00) 32% 3.109.96 0oarnaty Trani 06. of N.Y.) -chard B. smith ! Co. ) 552.000.00) First National Bank,3t.P.) 334,000.00) 3.75 14561.20 346.7, 3tnart A Co.. ) Daaetmarioa-Blair C -P.. ) r N, Rollina A SM4 1m.) 552,000.00) 3,60 ) bi111m , Reagan A Co. ) 334,000.00) 3.60) 1.619.10 Bnrold, !. load�A Ce.. ) Vint of Boston Corr., ) ratabreek A Co. 552,OW.00 ) Tirat of Binbiga Corp. 314.000.00) 1.75 7,799.63 Bmm,Barrlman 6 Oo,.Tne. ) Herosatile Cow*nBank b) TrdSt C=payp, ) 552.".00 Salve, A 0o p w ) 334.000.00 3.73 6,104,54 Baltod Rtage of Amerim 552,000.00 4.000 0.00 Oatted !;tate. of Amario 334.00';.00 4.00¢ 0,00 enoaeesafa Aitivra. City of Saint Paul, Minnesota $352,000.00 S-9,- Disposal Svm,ni Bond— S-i— N,,. 1 W1,000.00 S,,-, Bonds Series \o. I Not Exceeding 5 oI SUI.11 AT 10:00 A. N1. 1W, 3, 1934 OffieW Advert icemen[ NO1 1CF. OF BONI) SALF H V, 14 "d % I . ....... kt--- 1 12 1111 7 It. 77 1, "1 2, 727 5 1 2 7� 7 1 Il 17" C 1 7 711 121 1 It'j, ll iNl ..... i . ....... 7, Ill' Itill 11P, I 711,77 1 I'll gyral filial. 1 4. TtIT 11, LiAllIIJ I I—Elil ANII 11 1 9,1111.5' CITU OF ST. PAUL,, NO. � uea. esl OFFICE OF THE CITY CL;a COUNCIL RESQLUTlr—GENE'.. PR 6 rd WHEREAS, Bessie Pearson, John Schleck and John S. Flndlan for some time past have been members of the Board of Public Wel- fare of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey, and have served faithfully and efficiently and have performed a valuable putllc service; and WHEREAS, they are no longer members of the Board of Public Welfare, and it is the opinion of the Council that their services should be publicly recocnlzed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, in regular session assembled, on the 5th day of July, 1934, mindful of the sacrifices which they had to make to perform such public service, does hereby extend a unanimous vote of thank. to Bessie Pearson, John Schleck and Johr. S. Fiedler, for such public service, and does wish hereby officially to commend them. COUNCILMFN 1'cn, Lca roc Nays ,� M,-1 b, 11,c <',.,i i,c l l JOL utl 5 191 ,.1 SQL g i934 9 ,Wo... nuo�,,.. /W�. l All. P—id—, 1C.6-1 FORM NO, 2 Subject c'ounall File ate presents 193I7. aoAyid, WHEREASthe Commieeioaer of Public Utilities hoe reported in accordance with Se otlon 53 of the City Charter, the sxietenoeof an e emergency vhich rendered necessary the employment of cortaln amplcyee of his department for more than eight hours per day and oa Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, to it Resolved, That the proper city officer- are hereby authorized to pay tlu following named smpl eyes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ} meat for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE. SUNDAY REGULAR RATE Chauncey J. Barett Wateer..Shed Lab. 18 hr.. George N. Dupre 8 e George Leroux Jolty P. Hruse Utilityman b_ 56 Harry one Utilitymen 16 .5._ Julian J. Duren Filter Plant Lab. 3 hrs. 1��.6'}� William Map's Water -Shed Lab. • e n 16 44 Eugene Tourallle John G. Mandel Ditch Digger 8 -55$ Ole Munson or Faman 18 hre. bb_ Leonard Munson Ed Kordell Utilityman Meoh. Heeper 15 Sam RandAli 15, Gust A. Johnson IIEllitypan • • Ralph t,'ulroy Meter Repairman 1 G Harvey Donahue Utilityman 1 5 Thomas Fahey Meoh.Halper " 1 James Saporito Dit oh Digger 15 Joe Grappalle Mat Roberto 1 a c Michael Mulkera, Jr. Filter Plant Lab. ( 4 hr.. 4 Stanley C. Rasmussen 4 • •49t Ayes Co ceilm en ter eonos sen uex rren f Adopted by the AM �' 1934 1934 nze1 President Gehan Appaved JPIB/ MA_ 1934 /R Kay Certl�Correct d7 Lee onard N. V Thompson, General Superintendent. a+m. 300 1934 1n —genoy has erieen in the Department of A"JOU11011m Bdreau Of Nater rendering necessary the ,. Mt of oertala eaployse of that depart11ent for mre of t home per day is the doing oP the fo11pWing world ing 36" foroe main at Rioe St. and MQOakTen Blvd.* Patrolling Vadnaie Lake.** and Park pumping station. This eisrgenoy groes by reason of the following facts and cirecaetemess *Leak in main. #Taking BRA man to and from Sucker-Vadnais oanal fob. **To prevent trespassing. ##On Sunday. IQert' ed eor/reots%// yin/// Pm Board of Water dommlesic rs ksy Le TLoh�pa��on / � esident. 0sn11ral Bnperlatsndaat. o.e...•, CITY OF ST. PAUL •�� No. OFFICE OF "IH CITY CLERK �COUNCIL RESOLU N—GENERAL FORM L RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to draw a warrant in favor of the League of Minnesota Municipalities in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), payable out of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Account of the General Fund, for membership dues of the Gity of Saim Paul for the year ending August 31, 1935. COI NCILMEN , NT/ hv,c.co A o„ �Wcn:cl M r. I'residcnr ((�ch,n, Ad,—d ly the Council im � —,I", A ppm,cd SIL 9 M4 Mn nr CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4pR.l al Minn.,ai. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. 5. fERGU50N Ciiy CIeF rad Camml„ioner o10..g1,�.�io. July 3rd, 1934. Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Doan Bir: The attached bill in the some of $100.00 for dues in the League of Minnesota Municipalities to August 31, 1935 see referred to you, by the Council for the preparation of a resolution authorising the payment of said amount. Tours very truly, City Clerk. Lity of St. P-1 I I Population, (1930 Conatn)271,696 To LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPALITIES, Dy. 1913) Room 16, Univentity Library, Minneapolis, Minn. 1-1111" 1 T':J�111 For d,— in th, LeaPuo of M-n—to Muuicipal,t— to August 31, 1935 $100 Do P.y.— 1— T.. Funds Authorised by Ch.,- 211. G,—A L— M Mu, --a, 1923. Stan, of Minnesota. County f Hen—pi., d" -'a' tl,;,, 1h, f-,' "t an"l '--t 1'1'1 n., 1 f I ,I I Nf-,,, this 1Nk t...NM The League of Minnesota Municipalities .....,. June 30, 1934 . .n... To the Mayor and Cvuncll: ends ng you herewith a statement o1 dues for your uaioipal i tys in the League of Minnesota Municipalities for the year ending September 30, 1935, with the request that it be considered for eurro,al by your council. We anticipate another profitable year for the League in the c of the state. The League staff and c enittee m - "" wi l lc continue to an r eny inquiries o icipal affairs submitted by your officials. Several c mmittees�wi 11 be active on matters of importance to you. Confeoencea will be held o ectal problems. The League will be interested in legislation at the coming s ss i on of the legislature. we a set to keep cloy contact with the actI vibes of the et ate and federal goverrvsents to r pent the interests of cities and villages and to be able tolteen you advised of your rights and privileges oection with theee acties. vitiThe Northwest Fire School iillbe held August 13 to 17. -,)tin ne sofa Muni cipalitt es," the League meg az in e, will be sent as usual to all of your officials for their general information. The League is a voluntsry cooperative a iat ion and i ,_.g cognized by the laws of the state. Membership in the I.e ague n eludes 363 municipalities. Your municipality i - operative member of the organization. The atm in thefuturea n the oast of this office will he to render helpful, impar tisl —rvl ca in the exchange of information and experiences. This c ming year Hill be eltent o n the urogre of government. The League with Its many act ivitles stands ready to render services to all of the officers of your munici'e11ty. Cordially you -re, Ambrose Filler Director FeeVL . CITY OF ST. PAUL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4� Ar COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM cc -10— IAIE �OI�NiF7f7: WHEREAS, by Council File No. 98065, approved June 6, 1934, Permission was given to James Formanek tc install a drive-in f111 - in¢ station at 665-667 Selby avenue, according to plane then sub - witted; and WHEREAS, said plane have been revised, and said revision 1s satisfactory to the Planning Hoard and the Superintendent of Traffic; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said revised plane be and the same are approved. A1111111 11 --11 1.11 1, 1111 COUry('ILM[N Yca.. W.I R�.I Aln in�� /Wen:cl P"I'd 1 (Gchu,.l A,I.,(•,�J bl d.. n.m...I JUL 5 1934 las Mvl „r FORMANEK BROS. GARAGE 006 Selby Avenue ST. PAUL NINNE—A D- 03]0 juby second I 9 3 4 The Honorable Council City of st. Paul Gentlemen: We hereby petition your group for permission to revise plane in connection with permit for service station recently granted us. A copy of the revised plane, also copy of letter from Lieut, mettergren's department are herewith attached. The change in plane also has the O.H. of the Planning Board. You will note the changes made are a departure from both plane submitted to your group, and it is our opinion that they embody the safety and convenience features to a much greater extent than either of the plane previously submitted. Very truly yours, FORYANER BROS. GARAGE JF -JF Byt CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Teeth and Minnesota Slreels H. E. WAAREN, Commir rioi»r July 3, 1934, Pormamk Bros., Garage, 665 Selby lvenae, St. Pail, Hinneeots, Gentlemen, Relative to my inspection of your premises thid A. H, for the purpose of a rev=s ion Sm your plane for earvics station, advice that the alterations you have eubmt tted on the old Origi-1 plan have W 0. r. Hr. Trianer of the Planning Board las also passed favorably on some. The 18t driveway on the neat end of the property is ample for entry to the statioan n= y wider driveway would not facilitate entry. The additional 4 feet island change. the entry to the station from the east side in that care will not skirt along the building and traverse almost 40 ft, of sidewalk space, endangering pedestrians who may be on the walk, Ton are regoeated to paint yellow line from the wast and of small Salm to corner of building so that care will drive inside of some. T/Toouuuree/ truly, Harry o, tt�� Supt. f rsffio, Gas and Oils Dis[illale Greases Gas Oil Olfie. and Pl. nf: £o ton and McColl.... 5f.. SfRPau/, Minn. July, 5th, 1934 11r. H. E. Warren Courthouse City Dear Ned: Attached herewith is copy of Formanek Bros. Garage letter to the Council, also copy of Lieut. Wettergrea'e letter to Formansk Bros., all in aonnection with obtaining Council's permission for a revision of plane for service station inetallation at premises 665 Selby Ave. This will be brought before the Council Thursday A.M., together with plane showing changes from f ret the submitted. It is my sincere bell of that this revised plan embodies the safety and convenience features to a much better advantage than either of the plane submitted; moreover, the applicants will have a deoldedly better opportunity to make a suttees of their venture than they would have in following the seoond plan, on which permit was granted. This plan provided for a pump island running parallel to the length of the lot, the idea being to make the trade continue on thrdugh the length of :the property, making their exit in a narrow, blind, poorly surfaced alley. The average drivers would not do this; they would invariablyback out across sidewalk into Selby Ave., thereby causing traffic hazard to both pedeetriane and care. Also from the applicahts' post of view, the revised plane present a much neater, attractive, more readily seen installation than the eeoond set of plane submitted. This is, essential to the success of the station. You and I have seen stations fail that were improperly planned at the outset, with pompe hidden from view. Anything fou can do therefore, to have the Council adopt the amen- ded plane without further hold -over, will be greatly appreciated by all of ue. Very truly yours, A.W.Defiel-lilt C4? FOM ANER BROS. GARAGE St. Paul. Minn. The Honorable Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: We hereby petition your group for permission to revise plana in connection with permit for service station recently granted us. Aa -Dy of the revised plane, also copy of letter from Lieut. Wettergren's department are herewith attached. The change 1n plane also has the O.A. of the Planning Board. You will notethe changes made are a departure from both plane submitted to your group, and it is our opinion that they embody the safety and convenience t features to a much greater extent than either of the plane previously submitted. Very truly yours, FORVAM BROS. GARAGE Jae. Formanek COPY OF LIEUT. WEETERGREN'R LETTER TO FORM.UM BROS. Gentlemen: Relative to my Inspection of your premises this A.M., for the purpose of a revision in your plane for service station, advise that the alterations you have submitted on the old original plan have my O.E. Mr. Trimmer of the Planning Board has also passed favorably on same. The Ie' driveway on the west end of the property is ample for entry to station; any wider driveway would not facilitate entry. The additional 4ft, island changes the entry to the station from the east aide in that care will not skirt along the building and traverse almost40 ft. of sidewalk apace, endangering pedestrians who may be on the walk. You are requested to paint yellow line from the west and of small island to corner of building so that care will drive inside of same. Very truly yours. LIEUT. WETTERGREN ___ - } - -- - _h ALLEY i n c .6.-a ' �� j .�.�...-..--- �o„�. .� .Pvi»ws 71 ib.E•= Yy ..w - 6xsf; j� urs,: y _ - - •� ,� 3EL BY AyE r. _h Fo.P.yL9/�Ei( B,POS. 66S JEl BYAYE - f1Pli/ 23, /934 -� � � - ,xo/% pie �= /-O o.�o....o c... cc... _ CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COUNCIL RESQLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMM..... 1 - �_ _ _ r DATE RESOLVED That the application of the Hurd Realty Company for per- mission to erect and maintain a public garage on Lots 39 and 30, Block 1, Syndicate $4 Addition, located at 691 North Dale street, 1. hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parka, Playground. and Public Buildings Is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. _ cOUNen.n�rn en �• AFni„c,r Ad„r,.d I,, a,� c,,,,n, I IUL 3 W4 ”' Appn,ccJ WW 9,476 X1'1] Ma r CITY OF SAINT PAUL c.pi'i vi MI�...or. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L.P C5m.= oU50N C, CI., . .iori— July 3rd, 1934. Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of the Bard Realty Company for permission to erect a public garage on Into 29 and 30, Block 1, Syndicate 44, located at 691 So. Dale Street sa referred to you, by the Council, for the proper resolution granting this permit. Tour. very truly, City Clerk. c- =I _TC P_7�N Pi!6 YEiiNI'P ".'0 El F,C_ .A I'JB,1C OANIAUE. ,j -{o: is hereoy g41t rs .int �o Sectiun 1`-13, J)piln�nee ':o. 7210, �f Sint pa 1, to in.�es ote, appl1. enr. ijonrv711 be „o til S�a t:,t ke�a 1, Minnesota, or by -- rmi s -ion to erect . pub is garage on the fol lo1r Snr, describ- ed royal estate, situated in k.msey Co.:nty, Linneeoha, iot S� Block / ��ln.aa`ot.. Addition, the _ _ side of It. on ed It. Ave. Ave. vamber t. Ave. Oot.ed at Sotnt —,l, STATE OF MINNESOTA, Couney of Rnmeey, m' Ye' sworn belne tlulr av ca ssn: tno n m ape awing n the tin,« ar the n - — -- - wnnar era co., vmlener or the rMxwocer a.ra.ne n.. twl knnwteage or u,e rary Pnor know„ a, eI earn n�Pxmn, nerem.ew ewtea. nnt rw more u,en one ear n i n Nter wet a, we:uii eim�l aarlcea. .1—M x n the c ta ne ten -q Pr i -Y. - of Mmnesomn v h dd, of escn reek, Ith g I mt a -P- h. been prinletl m Ne kT Plublt®Hcn mtAln Ne cltY [rom when it purpo Ls to ne IssuMoas tntetltU rtln r�r^"° 'n..C��. ens anat rot,n rgmrment m spas m et lesst ronr Pegss, with n unea aner een w kn °�• ^�° ,. jw.a . n „p. .. _,�• --- _. ---_-- �mnl>anea m able vlere n ppbuan «aerY metenm m PrePormg ensd mekenP not less mnertwontr-me Per , or m rest m me rommvmty It e „vlle.tea onr Dino, pnMmomn, ona earekl.ements; Hoe u em me I,.— m ,e moat two h:area entl qn Pceau,earr Vm w p1 Prmtmgetne some trot a nn seta umean�is ant or Iv news ooh,,,,ns a re xeP eerntea to mem PIT— w tn„t aneng eu sem nine a no. ona na. not ceeP emlrelY moan PP ar Petenu, eLra m ona n - ens m - co ,- regpmn> eeernrea n P.ti, suhscnnen ona hod entry es lhll m been m. Ne In the o[(la or me emanmL or a Perean norma xnmrlmge .ma new.Pncer ona me e.�stena or me newspaper. eaM m e snot the n er Cu mLyeM[nnewin. m merrnn ens —In, the none end t«ouon ar eonmmro eon.utnungees awuneeemn: a. a reaol - we. enL ne o.lmm�,eta nexsp e es Prt a Pne r oea w mnea mwem h mr cg (t w��.ss- the o,geen IongPoga �. met it xn, nret so nnmlmee nn_.. �` '.a'/.me ....... _.d., or --.-. Y"..�. e....ii,...... ona t ona 1-1-9 tee... to reinter ..am ar...— ... .. tg......: nna Leet tho meowing Ir o d os mpr o[ the lowerelPhebet [mm n to Z, Hath melushe. lQegea etre o.d m klntl or 1—nssa In the eomPr�,Gan ona �nmleeuon m vwsole -k, to-wtt. 1 ` tJ N suhscrlbea ens sworn h belore me Nis aeY t. _t. --y idiiineo n eph —1y. STATE OF, .I IN NESOTA, t .� County of Ramsey, • ` � • � ...... wr1H awr )worn, on aaN naw Been deck aaye; Net ne � dna dPrw a Ne wn« Here nbtea et yawl rloneer noneer Prue Co. Pnblmhm o N ewepepv to � uun ane yea / Brae and eu full tnowleagn f N 1 / 1 ��INr sw�, .. /-([ PPFIdrw. Ne prior PPh��jjfiiieon _ 1r4 (^Ct exnoea..wld newawPe* ww, p—d aaa Pl—u In Me —Y of at. aanl. mulNcowar or a.maer slak of m on each aa➢ of each week: Mat donne ml r,ewepacer naw ecen PrNted N NI ENelmh Iw"H""ee Irmo lu known °ul« xo� auc^ Ima. ue n':v 'moi m + o°t of dela tkne dela of PuhllcwtYn wINN Nero c1tY from whlcb IL pmporm b be Ivued m above e4 N n lipweee. wIN Iive wlumne b w was Meet fano ulvelen[ In apace W at leeatour each elwteur Inches lone: hen Leena dw1 Y eon w Irmvrt�trwwn atlNe roved in awd°w Pue wasp an utpped wit alatlllN ell aeW UmeaIn Ili t r+n rinung u,e 'dine: N nrWH weeny one mea Nen twmtr-Ilya per cent oI Im Helve wlwmnn bwve b III— W 1 W Ne wmmuNtY It pw%rm b rerve: liar d—I, all d L1 a Ir. r. • n., ree. a, - ePPnwea .nY oNer w—tion. am — nm even nurciy III a nptnf "—' was edver[Inemenin; rue been c IfIatea in nn awr Im sola plea f P b to - earenl of wt least ten hundred ane —Y 1140) poples tnt—lr dt➢- a W lutIII, wcr— and had entry m Iona clam mwtter In Im blllu' woe that [here Ne County Audlbr of RaWmwey Gvunty. Minnesota, lino Seen onthe b Ne office of rig knowledge of Ne facts, ehowine Ne name and loratbn�d ewle neiwapeper and tn�e exmWna oI Ne condltl.v rorutltPUng Ili gwhllcaUoru m n newrywPer. wan eno nom the owmrs ot ewla mwapaper. paw na wmlenm Nemn m - the Fre11M languag o ,� _...._ ZI N n that le )a v 4>J ...wan nrnt ao c i Y ane Ner inter m..... -.- K-eeen--weak ..deY ol... ..........., 10......: end hat Ne fotlowlne m a "t.cop➢ of Nc lower cane alphwbet 1mmuA NZ. boN Incluelve, IftI,d —It Ne eine woe kind oI type u. d Ne campml(bn < end m herebT ectn m was PPbnc.uon tt dela nonce, b-wit. ' v o .. sphierlbea woe eworo W abre me min ar ... xab r vela MY CITY OF ST. PAUL""c" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM M sio"i�+` W `'�-t�u�<-4Gsc6ara JULY 5, 1954 RESOLVED That On Sale Malt Beverage license, applicstion 4274 applied for by A. C. Sedin ,at 1410 Arcade Street be and it is hereby denied upon reco®endetion of the Bureau of health and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to A. C. Sadie the fee of $50.130 and to cancel said application for licanse. COUNCILMEIN Ycav 1ny" Penrci In favor liosen Agn a,l A&I,sd by wa C--1 _ W. , 5_19,,14.. las _ _ Apprnved__.. _.�_�_._�. 193 o<u�dlmcar a..k CITY OF ST. PAUL ,,,� NO.. t�^ JJ j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLl1T ON—GENERAL FORlyM c M - 1<[(,(c. 1.91e July 5, 1954 RESOLVED That On Sale Malt Liquor licen �pSicatlon 4335, applied for by Henry Mertz at 520 Mississippi Street be and it is hereby denied upon reco®endatlon of the Bureau of Health and the proper city officers ere hereby authorized to refund to Henry Mertz the fee of $50.00 deposited and to cancel said application for license. OWN( ILMEN Yces , ,i. Adopted by tha 193 (7-,-1_ry_y� _. .ri_.��- I _ Ifuvrn .M am NI, P—id',ft plow o,u�.•�o ce�u.,� CITY OF ST. PAUL „u ` NO. _.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i COUNCIL RESOLIIT�Ip/N—GENERAL /FORM coM a.LrV`GATE July 5, 1934 as wBEREA5, S. Kacymacek desires to withdraw apClicatien 4276 for On E.ale Malt Begerage license, and application 4277 for Resteurant license at 1961 Feronin Avenue; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to S. Aacymacek the fees of $50.00 end aO.00 and to cancel said applications .,r On Sale Malt Beverage and Restaurant licensee, respectively. CICl'NCI 1.%I F. Years . . Nnyd 1'rnrrr In favor Itos�n Trunx '_/�Azn��„c .I r. I>-- h 0 I F1 v... 'eeQy L uNoflil! Adopl,d by the Cou ncil_-m_._S-inn{ 198.._ Airprovod--AE_.....q M4 _ 19:3_. i � I I ao�� cA�� o..cE o. ,mac coMeTao��Ea .�. N0. .�� qn� Ler myi ,• oq COUNCIL RESOLUTION J"ly 3 34 AUDITED CLAIMS 9 c�Ecns r�Ma� q`.xE63aG� 1934 �. 5.i3„..c544.75 TOTAL A oBOF a.„... 24_ • 5326 J.E. Bertrand 15 00 5327 H.O. Hastings 6 00 5328 James E. Ginnle 32 00 5324 Yrs, H. Mitch 200 60 5330 H.B. Gerl Rob 7 00 5311 d-s. John Glewwe 5 50 5132 Chas. A. Godb,ut 4 85 5314 The Goodwill In"u-tries 6 00 53'Mrs. E.J. Hanlon 7 00 5115 A.D. Hayek 6 00 5116 George Heok 6 o, 5317 Jaoob Hentgee 5 50 5318 J.C. Hofer 6 00 5319 Yrs,Alice P.usten 6 00 5340 Geo. D. Hutchins 5 60 5341 F.W, In en 5 60 5342 Mrs, Axel Johnson 4 85 5341 01J. Johnson 6 00 5344 Rudolph A. Johnson 6 50 Kajer 5345 Mr;; 4 50 ,Anna 5346 Hubert A. Bane 6 00 5347 Mra. Hattie M. K6 00 5148 K=llam Drug store 6 00 5349 Yrs. H.F Kemps 4 85 5350 Kemper Chevrolet Co., any,Inc. 6 00 5351 `.G. Kirby 6 00 5352 13.M:K10-s 5 6o 5353 R.A. Kohl- 5 60 5354 Frank Kobout 6 00 5155 J. Kriz 4 85 5356 Lake Perk B-ptiet Church 6 00 5357 Den E. Lane 5 00 5358 Peter E. Larson 6 00 5359 Max Levy 6 50 5360 John J. Littfkn 6 35 5361 Long B-others Motor -o nany 8 00 5362 J.J. Luby 4 50 5363 Mrc. O.Y. Lune-ted 4 85 5364 R,H. vecl axy 6 50 5365 McKenzie 4 85 5366 McQuillan B—there 6 0o 5367 J.J.Meier 5 60 • 5368 L.9. Maings Company 6 00 5369 Malmon Motor Company 6 00 5370 11Mannheimer 5 60 9'71 Inothe & Mi 11a- eutc Lil=ly 5 60 5372 r„J, Martineau 6 00 5373 Trustee e. Maeonlc Temple 6 00 5374 T.G. 11,111.6 00 5175 Mrs, Sophie Michel 6 no 5376 Alfred Miller 6 00 9777 Minn-sot, Milk Company 6 00 5178 Minn. S' d'st S 3h—in, Co., any 6 00 5179 M. John W. Mitchell 6 on 1353261 99 I � i V^ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER Council Mk No. _.......... ._ The n.d,,d,I,d hereby propose the making of the following public improvement by the City of tit. Paul, viz__ ___ _..Reconstruct with monolithic concrete.. the sidewalk on. the south side. of Sixth St..beginning 130 ft. east of waLasha St.. thence. 20 ft,_eesti 10 ft. wide.. Deled this 5th. day of PRELIMI NJA] -Y ARY ORDER ro„aw'na m roVeTer WHEREAS A written proposal for the maktog of the followmg improve vrz.: R�oonS_truct.. with.�onol.i.thic.. concrete the.. sidewalkon the south side of.L5irth $t__ -beginning. 130 ft. _east of Natasha_&5... thence. 10 ft. _east, 10 ft, wide..__ _.. _..... having been presented to the Cound of the City of St. Paol therefore, he it RE501\'ED, That the C—imioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. F. imestigatc the necessity for, I, desimbelty of, the making of said improvcmeat. 2. To i—tigate the net extent and estimated cost of said impmvem ,and the total cost thereof. 3. To fumish a plan, pmfile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petitmn of three or mare owners. 5. 7'o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council J"L I im Yras N— cnnnrilmanAXiEU Ppterson Pe— Rosa. Tar,A>< Wenze� / It Ma. Pusmanr Marren Approved.. _._.... Mayor IQU.Nk I I. FILH O FIrAL ORDER D4N, c t.. th,„ ,,t opening, .widening .and extending a 15 ft. alley from Bradford St. to the sou Lt. erly line of Lot 3 produced by taking and condemn- ing the westerly 10 feet of vacated alley abutting Lots 4,5,5,7, 8 and 9;also the westerly 5 feet of the easterly 10 feet of vacated alley abutting Lots 10 and 11, all In Block 81, St. Anthony Park. 97706 w•"�fe r April 17th, 1934 bn�rnioYa ,�d.., 98006 May 29th, 1934. ar:n_eI D, l,,- m, c„ a1, Pala[ ,..a. ,e, j . o, too widen and extend an alley in Block 81, St. Anthony Park, the westerly line of which is the westerly line of the vacated alley abutting Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in said block, the width of the alley to be 15 ft. from Bradford St. to the north line of Lot 6, and 10 ft. from the north line of Lot 6, to the north line of Lot 4. curl ih.� luuncil I„�r,l„ �r�icn �ail 'i npr ,in�i .ii_ �. I„���:i.ic. _ ........n he an.l �hc she —d i�n�,ru,�ementrc The westerly 10 ft. of the vacated alley aoutting Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, clock Si, St. anthony Park, and the westerly 5 ft. of the easterly 10 ft, of the vacated alley atutting Lots 10 and 11, in said clock 81, from B .dford St. to t:�e northerly line of Lot 6 ex,end ed Sn said Block 81. JR-1 ��nn Approved..__.... M.1J.F..8_Sc..T.. , 19 ..:. -. �o x'�- yiy-x Peterson �"kk Warren / / R�.en S1AZI f,L4 Truax I ,i / �\"cnzrl lUL\'t H. FILE No B, 7 - FIrAL ORDER D441,G-&_ In tl,c opening, widening and extending a 15 ft. alley from Bradford St. to the sou 1, erly line of Lot 3 produced by taking and -condemn- ing the westerly 10 feet of vecoted alley abutting Lots 4,5,6,7, 8 and 9;also the westerly 5 feet of the easterly 10 feet of vacated alley abutting Lots 10 and 11, all in Block 81, St. Anthony Park. una,� Pr�rnni _ ...... 97796. �:�fSi° April 17th, 193, Int, nnc,iii. �rrl.r 98006 May lath, 1934. I d Cit P-1 th tithe_ to t t d 7n`pd3ofN'eYti r>etr P `a B -4Y lYne of�swhi�ch >s. ek1.y, line o :ti$e da a "�alY`ey 'ab'uttingx.LS$ts 4a 5a •4i _ d" id block] the iiid:Eh of the alley to be 15 ft. Dm. Bradford St. to the north line of Lot 6, and 10 fthet. L0 t- 6'vsai'd"D7 ock-to extended -77 / .! /,17— 11 I Il I" R II: t. [ 1,il clic \\'�rA. ,�l , - ... the C,,_j Il �l 111Th :,ppnn cd.. JUL I fid. Ia C- I1,,k Cou�ilmen �+—t.�la�„r. xnxa Peterson k Warren Tnnir $lBLIS[i1;13� ��; � : � � h �i_ ��fs,� ;<<<-v, Y , � �' �� �,�, ,� % '1 Adopted by Ike C..—1 _ _t Yeas. Nays. ""PEARCE PETERSON /ROSEN A ILIAX /WARREN ,,WENZEL SMR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) Adopted by Ike Council_ __ 193_ Yeas. Nays. _ PEARCE /RJETTERSON IOSEN V \ n UA% �4ARREN ,WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN( -� - ST ANTHONY PARK. BLOCK 61 B_d(ord5(--5.lineo(lo(3 pro9 OPENING o/Engineer5 • Nov. 241933 - Seale 1"• 100 \ 40 C d ' Q 'VL P ELL15 S.T. �66 Deek /OB) 4 W e 0 W. , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSAONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the of opening, widening and extending , 16 ft. alley f,m th,olf—d Street to the southerly line of Lot 3 produced by taking ..d condemning the we t.rly 10 feat of --t.d allay abutting Lot, 4, 5, 6, 7.8 and 91 also the westerly 5 feet of the ... t-ly 10 feet of .... t- ad alloy abutting Lots 10 and 11, .11 In BI.ok 81, St. A.th..y Park, .,,d,, I',,l---y 0,,I,, sl , --1 April 17, 1934 h, C"l-'.1 of 'k, C,,y of St. P,id, Thi Co f F.,,-- hereby re ion, as f lyssa The "I'll 11111—I'd —,—, of 'h, assess —, f- 11, "b"', i, $ 10.00 the ---'d co1 J— f I f., 111, s1.— insl,r .cm ens ., - . S gid f", "d 0.1 asscs.cJ 'f -h !oi or 1., A 111N 1'ny -- bldg. West of vacated allay adj and 3 BI St. Anthony park, Mirr. 900 2800 do 4 81 do 850 I8000 do 5 81 do 850 1150 do 6 81 do 850 4650 do lot, 7 and 8 81 do 2750 West j of vacated .11.y adi.7 1, 8 61 do 50 E j of — alley adj . and those parte do 360 1350 of lots10 -' 1161 lying S. of . line at right —gl.s to the E. line of said lot 30 f- , .. 63 ft. from the most .. th r,y r h.—f ., P 4.1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI,SSIOrIER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Icl —T E.t j f ... et,d Alley Adj. —d those ps,t, V lots 10 and 11 81 St. koth,,y Perk Minn. 700 2350 lying NE -of . line atrightangle. to the E. line of 71" lot 10 frau I pt. thereon 63 feet from the ...t Southerly on ... r th.ruf 17300 $30,300 -.--—,--f 1 .1-111 ill !1"' r. leo_ _ ,, has ......... _,j all of ji, f --i,1 --, ..d ),,,,b) ,,h, —01 1!, 1—, m f,—, t" D—d f Fm—, A t 1 7 Ihll vcr0 'y St. Pxvl1'tnevo tn. 0, i, !'r. 9,-- It p—ty —t .11., 1, I 9t. t -I!, „ic11 Iwo irec ted 11'y Y, t int ' I 'I t" '7 F7 1— 7, I' - '7 Yom'.. v ; I - ly , M INTRA-DEPARTI(ENTAL COMMUNICATION To: Milton Rosen, Commissiener of Finance. From: Leonard C. S—er, Valuation & Assessment Engineer. Date: November 1, 1933. Subject: Petition for opening an alley fifteen feet in width, in Block el of St. Anthony Park, St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, from Bradford Street to the Southerly line extended of Lot 3 in said block, the Westerly line of said proposed alley to be identical with the Wes- terly line of the alley originally platted through said block and thereafter vacated. I have checked petition filed in the above matte 'and referred to your Department for check as to delinquent taxes, which check was made. It was found that the following property is delinquent in the amounts set opposite thereto. Lot 5 1931 tax $70.97 Lots 7, B & 9 1931 tax 104.50 Total delinquent $175.37 The owners of the above described property signed the petition for alley opening. Respectful.y submiated, / 0/ LCB -B �- Ih ' The attorney for l�ixerls Olidway Securities Company) asks 'that this �e in roduced again as taxes oa Lot 5 are Co. letely paid VVV G. H. H. I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capilal of M-esola OFFICE OF CITY CLERK -IMAM f. SCOTT Cily Cle.l and Comm—ianer of Reg alion 46}i. October 30th, 1933. Bon. Milton Bonen, Comer of Finance, Building. Doer Sir: 'Yue att-bed petition requesting the opening of m alley, fifteen feet in width, in Block 91, of St. Anthony Park, from Bradford Street to the Southerly line extended of Imt 3, in aaid block, w referred to your de- partment, by the Cooncil, for check as to the delinquent tame, SY eqy, on this property. Sours very truly, My Clerk, SMITH. VWALOORF d JENNINGS H:. -old J. Riar1— c;o City Clea Ccurt I incl roe w pe e d 1 ch the c ne r.. u_ �_-tyren B,-?, 81 of�5 t1 VAony 'Chic Se th !—Lt- e .cerr.i,., which I poke t� y..0 L:.e ocher daY. good .ugh to e that this �etiticn ise pr,,ly `filed and set iory hea-ag' I believe that th— '_ y_ur lil e, i nati,n a t the c -,..hip of all oi' the land ii the bloc'', to'""" witi: the r.an.es end F_ddr ee e ee of the var—o f w%rs. If this i nf:;r—ti— ie required or desired, I eha'_1 be very h ;vy to supply it. Thenking y,u for your holp in Lnie e.atLP,. Your.. v. ry tru:y, C. PAUL U ITP. W &:c. �-1 CA p; r„ �U A: b " - St. Paul, IIinneeuta- 'Ootober 19, 1433. r TO THS WNCRBBI,B, THE COUNCIL, CITY OF 8T.. PAIIL. MI OTA: - Gentlemen- &e the und¢'TaAgged .property owner@, hereby petition yoaY Hofiorable HbdYp o ;rinse ,the,followiag improvement to be 4 made; ry Tq }an ,alley, fifteen feat ih�Vidth; ... in;.. Sjgpty na ('61) of St,, AnWiony Park...' / $t; Pad]. 'OduntYS I[inneseta from Brad. gs told etiad the Qon orxY Nue of of ?.et TaY'ee'{3' " ,a egidT�'�S dok, the iPp@tb'r, line. df'4ai pdoosad tk1Ze� to be idenfiosl with` the h n BeeteFly line of #jiu@' elle' ds3'$ipa1>y';,platted. tllTough eaid';blbbk+atid. therdaESer-vacated. . The. anders ad petitioaerseonstitute all of the fee owners Df.la1111adjoining said proposed alley on the ]test, and ".agree to suriender`ton feet„of.,their land, in said vacated alley an ageiIIat.fi7e, feet: required from the,two owners of land ad- ' joining s(a13 proposed alley on the Bast in order to effect the opening of'the ,said pi�o„posed,glleg as herein petitioned. > ti MMix” SZD1CRXXT�IES OWANYY By O Fi.,:�Clt/!'LLCa:� I iaDq `g Ia 08 LOT 4 I$ Sam N,OC OD - OP LOT b IN S= BLOCK -se CA ZA 01 F IAT 6 IN SaZD BID "TTIMMMT1, Office,of the Commissioner of Public WAiF FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 1 1934 May r,, 1934 1W I .. the I.� ...........o", j V,,u . .,f the 1 .1, 4 ". P,,nI 16 ( —",. , uf Pu0,1,, t\ ,k, hr...ng lord un.ler the I'll Iimin1111 f 0, -1, k .... . .. ... I I, It H" \I' 97706 � ......... .. I April 17, 1934 ij:i dh, opening, widening and extending a 15 ft. alley from Bradford Street to the southerly line of Lot 3 produced by taking and condemning the westerly 10 feet of vacated alley abutting Lots 4.5,6#7p8 and 9; also the westerly 5 feet Of the easterly 10 ft. of vacated alley i n ?c Park. thony ,p tit ... uj ie S XXXX , —I d" "'W ", 1h,"'f ie S XX.. :i A ph, ,profile ,, sketch of -id m, —,,'A i., 1" ,t,, lttlh,.l -4 '—d' . P- I f. 4. uk,d h, upon Pe4iliun u( th,,,,, or more ox nern of h1k W.,k.. 1�r bi. 1 ani, Minn. - ------ 192 3 To The Ilonornble, The Council, Cit, of Sr. Paul, Aline. Gcn ticmcn: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Ilonorable Body to cause the following improvement t, be ,.O" *.ate.-ned. 3t .-tb•. . e1'ni s_ro86 -•-w St. A,c. tmr n, q�.tl x z, tF.4 1n:}t^i1ec��i ld in rsnrd rr a... re_.-. - iron, th, ,eine If -1,lntnt„c_ ---t- S,. A— 1 ,, 3 • fir. Q..sz_�-.� P°,.�, �.P. a i O \ � p b I 6 F 44 - .04 C5 IV 0 iURrAU OF & 7S15 q q< UAt�O� ^~ .°`",, ^~ °`~^°`_~" JUL ~� ~~~ � ^~~^ ^~ =~- ".. ^°~ '''�y Adopted 6y the Council _ -------197 Nays Yeas PEARCE /PETERSON /RLOSEN ARUAX /WARREN /WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) J o.e....o c.,. ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL — NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c ,INEa owrE duly 6th, 1934. 1Resolution to be pawned by City Council- of CS tie, lnEa led is the 1934 National Traffic Safety Conte ei HN —1, the City of Saint Paul, Hlnne Bata Se a rolled in the 1934 Not Sonal Traffic Safety Con Leet of the National Safety Vouncil and lhareae, automobile accident, are increasing tremendaualy this year and lfhereas, 38 deaths and ]3j Per sonal icj—lee he- resulted £rom accidents inour city eo far this year and Ilhereae, it i, the aim and ppo,a of our Mayor and pity Council to do sll to tposerur heir to make motoring our on the ,treat, of city safe, be it Resolved, That thle City Cowell, It the auggestion of the Mayor, i esw through the pre es of o cl ty to our people a arning to aDetaie from those c orale se Acte .hicb c e the bulk of ecldente ono etraet,n to obey the signs end signals and the ordinances of c city; end to observe those rules of c urteq and self-respect Sh,driving nhlch lie at the heart of the automobile safety problem in thin country. C01 NCILtlil:� 1'cn. \nv Tnm. Wnrrcn W,,, -,l If, N d—' <,.I Ad,.f,c.11,, ,I,c t'r„inch Vl_ i w 10 App --d 1I1i. - loo THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY .1 T.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL —R—F— - '—j t proplelt!", twit li b - -I!-,- .,-IF —"? apr:—:, 1 — Titu of mint Anil June 20, 1934 "'*";a' - Warren, .=I inner of Public Safety, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Warren: Please find enclosed herewith proposed reeolu t1o. and letter frau the Rational Safety Council wU.b I. self explanatory. If you will have ao a in your Department insert the umber of deaths and personal Injuries I think it would be well for the Council to pass the Resolution. Very truly your., Mayor. ,;, NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL ,Torsoty [at W rh-on the6Ymet- (n theXome �rv1L � 1��Chicatlo .lune 1lr. "lli m Nalonay 1B Mayor 193, St. Yas1, Minn. Dear Sir Since you have enrolled your city in the Nstlonal Tralffl Ca pre ae Content oY 193, Yon eau participating Sn the bur�co en Yor the Frevantlon f I'll, a idents in o untry. At the time of the enrollment, your local pap ere carried a w- ent that hc city had entered and woulhoun—d make every effort t in. That Vaconstructive, helpful publlc.ty. Since such Publicity makes for Defter pub llc underandl ng of the good purposes of your admin letratlon, IC would nee advi^able to make another appeal for public cooperation no Therefore, I am enclosing a suggested resolution whish You might flak Your CS no Council to consider and pane at its ne t Certainly, w Is the time when your cl thane need Lo have their .—rise Jogged about street hazsrde. The lset half ned, and ac - year Se the w ret hslver ar er ae accld ante ar c e e cldente the country o Sncressidg by leaps andr Dounds. W111 you do this? nAnd wilspaper repot l you give whateverempheela Is needed, o that your wtare will print a report of the resolution In their papers? Everything Se to be gained and nothing Is to be lost by this ac tl nne and you will be performing a ery P-tr lotic function and that will De bound to bring its d back to you. Sincerely Yours, CurL�tl¢ plllln/�t� CD:NG National Traffic S fety Contest Committee Encl. N� RAS CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Seean H. E. WARREN, Commi—.., m t CIHG", NlP ., Suyy 2, 1934 Honorable H. E. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Commissioner: Your letter from Mayor Cehan with enclosure, asking for information to incorporate in a resolution in the interest of public safety, I em returning to you with the information wanted. Very tr }y yours, apommi r `►K>ii1 .......o c... �u.. CITY OF ST. PAUL c�Lc � NO. — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r� ,,ISoa,E •� WHEREAS, arrangements have already been completed under which the Hanford Air Lines have Installed gasoline supply Lanka on the Municipal Airport and pay rental on the Same; and whereas, the Hanford Air Lines now desire to rent a portion of the Airport hangar under an agreement whereby they agree to pay a rental of $200.00 per month, beginning September let, and they further agree to furnish $1500 in building material for additional office apace at the hangar, the City to erect the additional building neoeseary, and such building to become the property of the City upon completion; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be end they are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said Hanford Air Lines in accordance with the above provisions. COUNCILMEN N., na. —iI, h,CI AL 61934 Ivs A .L 01%4 Iva M.Iv iWcn:cl \1 r. Cra-..iJcil fCCchn� o^1e1M•` •o c •• c`•^[ CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� � NO. !)82Q OFFICE /pp/ THE CITY CLERK !OU 61L-- OLUTION—GENERAL FORM L ' — / / RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby an employe of the Department of Education authorized to enter into an agreement with Max Wernerq pro- viding for the payment of compensation to nim at the rate of $18.40 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of Injuries received by nim on the let day of June 1934; be It FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Said flax Werner the sum of $55.20 out of the Workmen's Comoensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including July Stn, 1934. ............. . PS' 114 COUNCILMEN 1'rns Nays MJ� 11, lir li JUL 6 vmgi �I'carcc R 1934 A1`reo 'ad IVi �/�/ nxi;�.a�� ✓-nu:�::,.� �b�. �J�CITY OF ST. PAUL NO 4.9/ rna f'FICE OF THE CITY CLERK •v I NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM < f( !. c. : t,' !•�, on July 6, 1934 M. RESOLVED That permiesio. to conduct s festival on the Colorado Playground. from July 23rd to July 28th, 1934 applied for by the Colorado Playground. Council be and the eeme ie hereby granted, provided, honever, that if w7 merry-go-round or other amusement device for nhich a license must be paid under any ordinence of the City is maintained, said organization shall pay the license Pae so provided far. d. Id nnr... ivIh..� ori Jnr s. �sr. COUM1C;ILNIEN Ycea / Vohs k(eL —14 Penrce Raven l\"rnvd )Ir. Prenideet iSaMrnwf Adopted by the Council.:-.±�-lC^.�-_... 193 AIQd 'a `gra Approved .... 195... CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gviul of Mln.a•at• OFFICE OF CITY CLERK II . 5. "RGU50N Ci,y CI.,4 •nd Cnmmiuia.n July 3rd, 1934• Roo. H. 9. Farren, Comer of public Safety, gulldlog. D.- 81r, ■e attach herewith application of the Colorado Playgrounds C ®d. from for pe rd sl- th to hold a to festival at the pleygr ua Th1e application was referred to you, by the Couacll, for investigation and recommeadetion. Tours vary truly, City Clerk. - For Festival * x9.i—t Festival ?I r 1 6 61 x9.i—t Festival .. . NO. �)K4 =.•• _• CITY. F ST. PAUL OFFICE ,O THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL REb LUTION —GENERAL FORM E ND a wl: - RESOLVED lho— uu11 F Ic" I`I; COl1NC:I1.\7I-�' Na.,y Ador�c.l l,x ,I,c 1.<,�inc�IJVI crs�n F 9n, /it/oEcn In (a. err .'NYI ApI`«.c1 191 7 �- /�V cn:cl /.C1•- r ... id— CITY OF ST. PAUL No. ----'-- OPF E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM T LL '' AT RESOLVED WHEREAS, in the contract for repairing, reconstructing and relaying cement the +W sidewalks forthe year 1933, Standard Stone Co., Contractor, Comtrollerls Contract L-3780, tge reserve based on a contract price of $7,397.50 was sst at an amount of $150.00, and WY.E3MA the actual work done under said contract did not exceed the sum of $1,600.00, and WHEREAS, a the reasonable amount, to.be WiLnoj.d., -as a reserve on such adjusted contrct price is $50,90, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City Council hereby authorize and direct that the amount of reserve on said contract be and the same is hereby reduced to$50.00, Provided, however, that this resp1' tion shall not h-'ve any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractorts bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. .. ( III NCI %I I:N Ads, IM by Iha G -1,1I1 -..111E R 1934. Iso.—. ,pyngxx Peson n mtavaclaax War ei01u_ '� sq'i4 1'� nrro I i fncuc 1pF uvrd ,, _- 193,, . I'riins /�1Rn'n=t Meyor \\"rnvI \I r. I'rrvi�lent abi�rw"1`- No CITY OF ST. PAUL .iL. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE dRAL FORM I, Wtt �A- Tuly 6, 1934 coM orvcw p' RESOLVED I That Restaurant license, application 4'02, applied for by Carmel Delmont at Sol Payne A—aue be end it is 'nereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license u. n the pe�yment into the city treasury of the required fee. New applicant, old location ;�� ,ysii°.oviirM ntY Is�8i�.6S °t�ne,c�e ne f w e ASvl. ri. tar.. COUNCILMEN Ys. acn J �� In favor T'-, Agalr.r \l'rnzrl AaapIaa by iha cr�aaaa_. JUL 19 MA -- _.. les_— III 1 .4 _ ma... �' WW Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM f. SCOTT Cny C6h a.d Commissio.e, of R,kt,n n.. yg.(.. Y, ?9th, 1914. 8o n. J. P. McDonald, Chairman, License Comcittes, BuildicR. Dear Sir: The attached r nest cf Carmen Ddmont £or transfer o sale" lianor lloenee from the present location at 147 Rest Seventh Street to 901 Payne Avenue red to the License Committee, by the Council, far investigation and report. Yours very t-ly, -, L. cz City Clark. FILFU St. Paul, Minn. May 25, 1934• TOTHE HONORABLE COUNCIL, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NINNFSOTA,- GFNTLEYEN Ow Ing to the large number of liquor liecences which have been Segued and put into effect In the vicinity of Seven Corners, I find it an undesirable location toconduct a bus these of this nature. It Is prejudicial to the beet intereate of all con- oerned to have so many llecencee concentrated there, and it 1e for this reason I request the HONORABI,F COUNCIL to transfer my licence now located at No. 147 Neat Seventh Street, to No. 901 Payne Avenue, at the corner of York. I believe.it will be to the beet interests of all if you see fit to grant this request. Very truly yours, (Lleance No. 95) ,Tiny 6th, 1934. Yr. Osrmen Delmont, 711 "W.I. Street, at, Paul, Minnesota. Door Sirl The Oity Coonoil set a hearinR for duly 13th at 10 A. M. is the Oomcil Ohambn to the matter of your application for reetaurent and "on rale" li ganr Ito— At 901 Peyne Ovswe . Property orners in the viotatty have been notified. Sows very truly, Ci ST Clerk. Jolt' 6th, 1934. Hon. Axel P. Petersen, Coms'r of 7lasnos, Building. D.- Bir$ The City Council today, set a date of hearing for July 13th in the matter of the application of Carmen Delmont for a restaurant license end transfer of m "c. sale" liquor lice... to 901 Payne A-- and requested that you send notice. to pmoorty owner. within 200 feet. Yours very truly, ��J City Clerk. o,�o�... ♦a [ •• cL•^` CITY 01 ST. PAUL NO. PEKE OF THE CITY CLERK 'fLE C UNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM co Mmi ssir vaas[Nr WHEREAS, heretofore an`^on e 7e" liquor license nae been issued to Carmen Delmont to operate eucn business at No. 147 West Seventh Street, and WHEREAS, the Bald Carmen Delmont nae requested a traveler of his liquor License to No. 901 Payne Avenue, and tse License :ommittee has reco.mmedded that such transfer be i,,rantcd, t::orc- Ione be it RESOLVED, that the "on sale" liquor license of Carmen Delmont be transferred from No.147 West Seventh Street to No. 901 Payne Avenue, and the proper city officers are requested to make the necessary cnanges In the city records. I MIN( 11_M I'N I'cvr.� l rune WA4:iii�.i w—'I OP1e4• ' c, CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO[J—GENERAL FORM /ATE July 6tH, 1934. �aMmlesloNEa RESOLVED I( Ha so lved, that llceneas applied for by the fall—ing Hamad pare.ae for the addre ease Sndieated be end they ere hereby granted end the City Clerk Se Snetractad t. I— each license. apo. the payment into the city tr,aeary .f the re..lred fee.: anayalt $ey 0 S elan It Be?ara Reeta t J.,. G. 4111,111 800 University Tavern Raet--.t Off We halt Beverage On We Halt Beverage 1-111 W►h );" I t)lILII \ N— I'cicr"�n Ro.on lu In. ��r W, .I "I",.,. J b, , h. < 1034 Arv......I Ioi \tac A. F. - Answer Filed -MISCELLANEOUS DELINQUENT TARES July 6, 1934. Year Amount Lloyd F. Rogan 600 Broadway (OYY Sale 1932 9 146.57 On Bale No A.F. Restaurant (} payment- 6/27/34) Joe. Villelll 660 University11"0n staurant 1931 S 185.76 Tavern NoA.F.Off Sale 1932 376.20 Sale No A.F. 5TL.9b — ��e �z��-�,.a-.� �. � P�.�G. flu-�.� J' / 93�f °�'�.'-,-�G� ���..-G �G . � � , , .�� .� . ��' a� o ZG,�.,.-�<.�y � � �� � � �� o� o%oL�o-,� iI �t L ir�zc _ z. � - r , l� Y � , CI J,�i rfr � [.� �.pi /� i / JC �i '.� t r r .. o^1O1x•`.e c•, <L••s CITY OF 5T. PAUL ri.r " NO. 1nf OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM •! l .q L"', , JDA TE ecoMsil"srsio c R� WHEREAS, heretofore t vern and dance hall licensee have been issued to Jonn Fargo to operate such businesses at No, 260 E. Sixth Street, an WHEREAS, the said Joan Hargoff has requested the Counoll to transfer such licenses to E. J. Wainwright, and said E. J. Wainwright nae joined In the request, and WHEIREAS, the License Committee has recommended that such transfer be granted, therefore be it RESOLVED, Last the tavern and dance hall licensee of John Kargoff be end the same are hereby transferred to E. J. Wainwright to conduct such businesses at the same address, namely No. 260 E. Slxta Street. — 1 (11'V'. ILMI'I fr«�„ �A�„� Aa„I•„.I I,, m.-1 ,....,,u '111 R 104 I,n f yah Ar..r,,,<,I I„I 7f epplic It i� c.> or. t, , '— � — ",' 1 ._rel v-ros of - 1c- __ I t b i. / r , Hive Y., o..,E ..f:,.c in 9P. -..'.f _ .,�i'•,� o . i.... _ , -..e.e loc-ted _o. 7f epplic It i� c.> or. t, , '— � — ",' 1 ._rel v-ros of - 1c- __ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of M,n ,,la OFFICE OF CITY CLERK W UTAM f SCOTT Cny Cle.k sed Commissions• of Reqs al�o� .{8. Jim, 27th, 1934. Bon. B. 1. warren, Chairman, License Co®ittee, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application for transfer of Tavern dance license at 260 Fant Sisth Street from John Fargoff to F. J. Wainwright ferred to the License Committee, by the Council, for inane tigation and recommendation. Tours very trniv, ' J City Clark. L < . �q�, I�. �\. ,�,�� �'� r o N 0 99 �jp1ne •� e• e,• CITY OF ST. PAUL site 1L NO. 19 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUT[ON—GENERAL FORM 101119 w rjl. i._6aY� eREa Yt p�a� WHEREAS, nere tofore tavern fan anc`e na1L 1l cense. ruve been issued to Wlilism J. Lerson to operate sucn busl nesse. at No. 663 University Avenue, and WIiFREAB, the said 'Ai Lliam J. Larson Las requested tnot sucn licenses be transts,rsd to Frank Sweeney and JOLn A. Carr, and said Frank Sweeney and Conn A. Garr nave ]oined in the request, and WHFR-.AS, the License Committee nag recommended tnat the transfer be granted, tnereiore be it RF,SOLVED, toat the tavern and dance pall licenses of WL1Llam J. Larson be and toe same are nereby transferred to Frank Sweeney and Jonn A. Carr to operate sum businesses at toe same address, namely No. 663 University Avenue. (Ot IN, ILnteu na„ 1 h� ,I„...........1 R 1924 Ina i R.— nl, /W ...... Ir_ Wigg r:.,,,.1 loi f,1nr,�r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mmne — OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT Giy Clerk and Comm.... n r of Req e�o� �r o June 7th, H n. A. E. 'barren, Che irman, Llconse Committee, 9dldlm, Dear Sl r: The atCeched r est f— transfer r Tavern and Denca vnll tic ensese at 567 vniveretty avenue from WS 11 tam J. Larson to Fr,,:< Sweeney and John CI, rd red to the Llcenee Cb—ittee, by the Councils, fore tnvestivation and report. Yoars very truly, City Clerk. �t to, "I .net -Io—. slaw -4 o f C, of r Y.1, 'iti-TI of 'Jhit-11 st"ts7 re- i. A ? -------- ------------- N,t,,, of offe?_ het -here lo -ted and for r.,, 1o.,L2 If _tich,, gil, r- of -o:. Sr AT w Saint Paul, L:Snneeota, June 6, 1934. Honorable Iayor and !e bene of Clty Council, City of Saint Paul. Gentleiaen:- Tile undersigned William J. Larson 1s the osmer of n Tavern and Dance Hall Lleense issued to him for the prenines 1—own as 663 West Dnlverslty AveauP, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and is eo operatin6 said premises under said license at this time• He has entered Into an agreement Nhereuy helips agread to sell and convey the fixtures and all personal property In said premises to Frank Svreeney an,o Sohn Carr ane therefore respe c tfylly roque ste your honor- able body to transfer the Tavern, and Dance Hall License Issued to iilm mS1 0 Toes to t.e said F,r ., Sweeney . John C..,.., i.. 1n tti_e ,,._.., Caa ,.c lvi U t.. A C. _e - u_1Iv- Jfilll J L n - of the p r 1 ..n y r D ice H ll License for - p�1'e „ ,,_ :t _n1 ,1vcnue espectfully ur t Yohono rs i : �_n.-_ H I License to �i111 J. L. ^s.,n _ '18112 NCIo° °..—L RESOLUTION or �E 1 COUNC I F 1E 11 -- rn NrEa - - — °"M`" July 5_. - -4--- RESOLVL_..... N ON THE CITY TREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 1i__�° COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_ -53M TO __INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. .oO—E. aY JUL ® 1934 ; _� on 1QR R 1994 1383493 34 U 01 No. COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS 34 aEso .......... ... 11 0 1934 ?.2 IN FAVOR OF ____TOTAL ...... .. • 5380 eaoVG�TFoaWwao F. S. He" 30 1,353261 99k i 5391 Charles Anderson 10 0 51E 53 53 S k George aj;�, C.,.go.d iott—Fisher Co. D lotrom �i� i 53 5386 5397 A;.71. P A on: 00: Of F,.n a xel T. F:tt:rr:.. of r, : John O.Decouray, Attorney fil 2 346 7 55 0 5388 5389 M1 -is Arbogast. etc. P. - B randl Axel ?. Peter son, C. of Fina4as 2 480 17 7 6 963 31 5390 Julia M. Bruess 70 0( 5391 5392 5399Z 53 G.E. Dransfield Axel F. Peter Axel F. 00: off FrI.a;.a: Co. , Cosgrove 13 V to 247 41; 58 5( 250 0( 5392 539 5397 AX61 Y. Paterson. 0. of ?in Axel T. Peterson, 0. of Fln=o: Wei Winerman 280 OC 1 264 PC 65 o 5398 5399 General Chemioal Company Northern States Power Company 1 015 1 4 678 23 ,4 0 5 0 4.1 5402 5403 5404 5402 40Nei N 5 07 5408 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 Cr v 8 T. . Oito 3:, itZ Realty company M?% JennieymRo.11rae Walter F. 1 ken HUI 1 E.T. Murphy Murray Body Company gVT rbo:d "ones 1.'. el-. Robert A. North Worth Central Oom.eroi&l Club Northern Motor Company C. Norton6 John Novak Mrs, Mildred M. Hylin 15 00 so 94 60 635 7 00 5 6o 60 00 55 60 6 00 6 oo CC it 6 oo 6 CC • 5414 5412 541 5417 5418 419 5420 5421 5422 54g 542 5425 5426 5427 54 5429 5430 5431 54 '32 Franoes O'Brien oa�ir Improvement Company 0. o_= company John Olson Riobaxa Pant.er Part '25, P:tt.'� . t..ki.9, Alfred Perlt mail Peterson Phillips A Auto Paint shop Mrs. Lenore Poppler Qulok Servioe Battery company; r H. Quimby John J. Riley MT8. Helena Robert B.T. Rogers Aug. A. Rolf Rosecrans zleotrio Company R. , R. specialty Printers 6 50 50 1 35 6 00 00 00 DO II 25,, 00 6 or) 6 35 Z 60 0" 5 601 5 25 55 00 85 0 0 00 1383493 34 2—"" N.. COUNCIL R[SOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS July 5, 193+- M— Gab= I 6L 6 19q4 TOTAL IN FAVOR OF ........... ..... ..... eaoVC 04" -3.4 5433 St.Audrewfs Sohool 6 5 9434 5'13 Trustees St.Anthony Part M.Z,C. �St BIT81.d.18 all company 7 0 9 0 ,432 5417 t:Cl ir t.r Trustees It -t-Pwl X.r.Cburob 6 543 chro,, 6 o 54 q "'ored Heart 8 ohool 6 o 6 5440 5441 "J'art .'Ll. n r A.t ge 0 5Z3 Joseph 6 o 5�N A. Schneider 2 6 5 John gohott '41 Sob -ed B '44 um, 7 , L 1,ollo 6 o 5448 F: ': . W.'. 6 14449 111o"olso —at. 5 5.5. Lite S at.. to, 5 54- Ri�bag.16 3tr1okland 0 54511 5, 5.45 A.E. son J*% Tessmer 14Z IJI.otor company 0 5452 H. . rooms. 6 545 a- 'bia to faka Zl– 95 5457 4 " 5459 IT' --Tr- an "T ek 6 o 4' 5 159 5 6 546" W on GiZa Ino. 5 54 61 3!7,r at;. 0 5462 J.O. Weaver 5 46 Welcome .1 5 4,� W:I ery00 Harvey Willi an . 1 00 5466 5466 Mrs. B.M. 'Wilson 6 oo 5467 0. Wolf 5 60 5T. Zabl 5 00 5 69 Zachm0anH. Brotb:r. 5 6 o 547 A J Zimmerman 5471 R;I:ZiZimmerman6 Frank 4bubek 6 00 �3723 74 1� `•.�<,>.1 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT W end PRELIMINARY ORDER. TbeuvdereignedherebY Proposes Lhe making v(Lhefolluwing pablirimpmrrmerit by the CRY of Sill -It Poul, Reconstructing with six inch monolithic concrete, the driveway on the south side of Eighth Street beginning 92.6 feet east cf tRe east line Of Olive Street, thence east 24.6 feet . (12.3 feet wide). 1934 Dated this 5th day of July, //f- f7.:r... C�muncflmeo. PRELIMINARY ORDER. .r err . ronowio.r n WHEREAS, A wriuea proposol for the mokmg of the f II wing improve t . 1 Reconstructing with six inch monolithic concrete, the Driveway on the south side of Eighth Street beginning 92 6 feet east of the east line of Olive Street, thence east 24.5. feet. _. ._.(12.3 feet wide).. __. _... hnviug beau Preeenl,d to the Causal' of the CAY of vfoul - - - it fore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Puhlic Works he -1 ie hereby ordered evil directs 7. t. To investigate the .... a ity for, or de ,.bilAY of, the milking of esid improvemen 2. To investigate the vaLure, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, evil Lhe tote' coat hereof. 3. To furdah a plan, profile or ekrtcb of esid 4. To state whether or oat esid improvement b, asked for on the petdion of three or more owners ommissioner of I+inoses. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing "'t"'to Lhe C JyV�i 6 lQ, r Adopted by the Council.... - - Yews Nara Cauncilmeu air* - Mepgw.yii,..,,— Approved _... , Pewnca I'm.nx Mayor. Ma. Paeeioewr \U o.e...,n c.,. c.... CITY OF ST. PAUL i��[ NO. 'N2'5 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK T COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED H. E. Warren SS_ ER Yred M. Treat on E Jnly 6th, 19}4, RESOLVED That lic eneee applied for by the folloling named person for the address indicated be and they are hereby granted and the City Clerk to instructed to isms each licensee upon the payment into the City=reasury of the required feet Lloyd Fagan 600 Broadley On Sale Malt Beverage Off Sale Malt Beverage Restaurant C.CII'�t'.IL�t 1'ca. N— W ...... —Warm, / Acs Wri,_,l Ad r,, d l„ d" c .„ ,,, a JUL 6 1934 rn CITY OF ST, PAUL No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��ppyyvv ,QO(p CIL RESOLUTION -G NERAL FORM PRESE co m NT �w —TERESOLVED, that the board of Nater ommiesl onere be and it is hereby authorized to enter into an agreament witn John G. Mandel, pro- viding for tr.e payment of compensation to nim at tne. rate of $17.60 per week during such time as ne sna1L be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by nim while in the employ of the 'Nater Jrpartment, on the 4th day of June 1934; be It FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the board of 'Nater Commissioners is hereby setborized to pay to said Joan G. Mandel the sum of $ 35.20 out of tae Water -apartment Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the Board of Nater Commissioners, being for the period to and Including July 7, 1934. ,;,;_ ld 1934 ,,,, JUL 101934 COl'6c 14� cr .�„ ,;,;_ ld 1934 ,,,, o.a ... .o c.,. c.... CITY OF 1)82,77 ST. PAU r C"""���,i ICE OF THE CITY G' OUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENET, eav as8Ew, -- — = i WHEREAS, heretofore "Off sale" Liquor License No. 37 was Issued to the Qu al Sty Park Investment Company to conduct such business at No. 1577 Univ er slty avenue; and WHEREAS, said Quality Perk Investment Company has request- ed that Ste license be transferred to Oscar Moekovitz to operate the business at the same address; and 'NFL RE A9, Oscar Moekovitz has filed a bond 1n the sum of $7,000.00, as req aired by city ordinance; end "�4HEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that the recus at for transfer be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That "Off Sale" Linuor License No. 77 be and the same 1s hereby transferred to s id Oscar Moekovitz, subject to the approval of the State Llouor Control Commissioner, and his bond in the sum of 0,,000, which has been approved by the Corpor- ation Counselie hereby approved; and the City Clerk is directed to deposit said bond in the office of the City Comptroller, and to notify the LlnuorControl Commissioner of the State of Minne- sota of this action of the Council; and the proper city officers aredirected to make the proper changes in the City's records; be 1t FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel is author- ized and directed to notify the surety on the bond of the Quality Park Investment Company that St ie released from any further liabil- ity arlsin¢ after the date this transfer becomes effective. v,•", ��� ra"rz nd�,�dhl II���,. d AL 101934 lov /pole,. on AL 10 1824 log �.,.. , n,...„., h �d yW3Ll�21LU Mnc..c CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota r OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM f. 5COTi Clay Cle.k and Commiuione, of Reye, i.a��o� June 15th, 1934. Hon. H, L ►amen, Chairman, License Committee, Building. Dear Sir: We attach heresith comm,mication re- questing the transfer of Off We Liquor License No. 37 from the Quelity Perk Investment Compaxp to Oscar. BoWmvits at 1577 University Lvenue. Phismatter sae referred to the License Committee, by the Council today, for investigation and recom- mendation. Tour, very truly, City Clerk. City Clerk, Caurt Aouse, St. Paul, "Ain- Doar Si': &BIGELOW rtes .iid+�erfisir9 F— 14, 1934, Aa, the undersigned, Qial ity Park Investment Company, wish to ase' Co our Of feels Llcenae $37 to 0eear Mon k—it,. SY there Se eqv thing further n ary o art to complete this aeei gement, nl ease adlieeaae we h>ve agreed to aeeign this oolication to Oeoar ll-kovltz. QUALITY MM IMS"TENT NMPANY S'-2 T I, the undersigned, agree to accept the above application and ba bound by sll the rules and regal 'tions of the Llgaor Connie eloper o£ the 8t ate of Mlnn 'sots. L —f CITY OF SAINT PAIR, APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Applk.timn No No., of Applirant Age Residence Addt— Telephone N,�)� Are you , citizen of the United StAtc-4? Have you es er been engaged i Ioap, of,, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nut -r? When and he,,? If corporation, g— dntr when ir—l—mtecl So., end dd-1,1 1,f president and ,f corp-at"a. end name and add—, of 111111ag', "I upon which fill -II is h, be 1111' Same of ,rely company whirl, gill write bond, if kn Number Street Side Between ard How many feet from an academy, 1-1119, or university og 3t t,) Hew many feet from church (measured -long streets) If— many feet from closest public or parochial high m grade school (measured along 41 It%) Name of ol.—It sIhol Zoning Ordinance? III, are premises classified nado, On what floor located? If lensed, give name of .,nor Is appliontim, for drugstore, g-11-1 food store m exelusice IN— It-tt? V: How long h— you operated p,,s,,,t business at Pre -Int Ate? Do you now have an "On Sal," ,,a i,t,,i,.Iti,g Juluo, hromee? - (The application "at be signedby the applicant,andif a corp -ration, by an officer of the corporation.) 'Noto:TheState application form and information must be verified.) Issuance of license is It �,comneended, Doled Lienee Im-pettal. APPLY #NT. APPLICATION FOR RETAILER'S OFF -SALE LICENSE State o[ Minnesota, ljwe e No County of To City Co—,,I of (—my of T, David 11. Liquor Control Commisv --, Slate Cn,ibd. M. P-1, Mm",'ot" Th, uod—,igotd of the Cit, of County If State of Minnesota. hi—,by makes application for 1,-- t, h, o -d at the f,,] luw-ing address: Cit) of ("'ooty of in to iurdance with w.oll-l— ,f l,", ", 1134, Chapter 46. for a Period .,f o e Sear from trod after thethda, of 11,„ol—iwi kigl ogres b, ,,iy with all fit, ,o,,i,,,,j and "t”, la", w(] �with all the "'b', z:aol -golatioo, I ib,,l by nod b, 1), 1--0-1 by th, I o,— on Comnii xione r. Dated this •dol of ort If, VETISON,M ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATF I)P MINNESOTA, C.,mt-, of being first doly i, deposes and that ,� i., the it,plh-ot ,a—d it[ the —d said applicationt�, t t and o", L), thereof, ,it that the o oo, is r o Sob.—ib,il and —o- to before -, 0— 'Id", of 1 19:3 1, CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STAIE, OF MINNESOTA. 0—it, of On this day 'A 193 , before nt . .....gored to — p,,,00ljjy k,,,,,, ho being by 11 doly -o-, did say that h, is the ,f that the "al ani"d to the foregoing i-tro—ot is the corporate —d of said corporation, and that Haid m.,t,o—ot boh.lf of -id carpornl mo by authority of its beard of directory and -id - _k ... rj"]g,d said metro—ot to be the f-, -t nod deed of - d c . ..... toti,,,, t'j- COL'\CII. Fll.f: \"O. By FINAL ORDER `{Ng-lti In the Matter ,f grading Jaekaoe Pleoe £rim Y.mamei , P_vmun to s point L10 feat south– ...terly of Youn,;maa Ayenue, under Preliminary Order 97634 approved April 5, 1934 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had ,No the above improvement ,on due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, ohj,,tions and recommendations relative thereto. and hating fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nahire, extent and kind of im- prove—rit to be made by the said City i. grade Jacks Placa from Youngman A—en, to a point 210 feet southeaatarly of Youngman Avenua, and the Co—il hereby order. .aid improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public l�ork, he and is heretic in,tructed and directed to prepare plan.., and _vpe,ifi-t,o- for .said improvement, and -lonit same to the Co on,il for approval; that upon said approval, the proper it, officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- reed x,i1h the making of .-id improvement in accordance therex'ith.JJJ f ilmen M e� Adopted be the Council jil I n 1934 l \lucur .lebne .improved . 7'J:: / / n(a, Cmmcdman (Nancy - ,(„ C '1 ffirHeaald C I t I lmnn / /) f ilmen M e� l \lucur .lebne !roan B. S. A. 8-7 / / ~~~~~~ REPORT OF CO M MI.5SIONER" nw^wcc \` ON PRIELIMINARY ORDER ...�~^....^ "~^"°^'~^~~"~.~~~~M~°.~,^^"°~^~~°~~t^ ~. April ".`°° ~.`... ^~~~ ^~°�_~,~~~ °.~~~^ ~—I b"~f- ""I�~��_��.�~^��~ .^^~~~.~..~~ ~I~ON LIT~~ L d~�� � `, ~.^��.°",�-� °° ` � �,�. ~. , � � "° ^ � � "~ =� " 12 � "° =" " 1 d,� 25 , � � , 13° ^= `= " 13^ "" 10 � � "" 1113 � "� 12 13 d. "° S1175 t5700 °Y—d '11°.°^~~~~~.~~^ > - 00 /11�999�-SSS- -�-- X933- -_ - - �✓ Y, lUli: W 1z -- 1w _ To the Ilonora6le, 16c C.=�,u�il. City of St P-1, \till - Grndemcn: \F<, die onJe�si�;neJ pr<µ,��i cv o�.�nors, h<<��by pci i�i���� .oui Ilonorab!�� 4,A, Sc. Arc. > - 00 /11�999�-SSS- -�-- X933- -_ - - �✓ Y, lUli: W 1z -- Z THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION .4w May 4, 1934 Hon. Herman 9. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Jackson Place from Youngman Avenue to a point 210 feet southeasterly of Youngman Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 97634, approved April 5, 1934. Estimated Cost $519.84 Cost per front foot 1.24 Inspection 9.01 Engineering 60.00 Frontage 420 ft. Yours very truly, RCiE M. SH EPAHD, of Engineer. -11 Approved for transmission to the Commissioner.oif Finance ,Vtiv' HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner of Public s. A .Office of the Commissioner of Public \N%W- P 3 Y Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY ..1,1934 May 7, 1934 193 I , ih, (tn,uul.=m.,,., 4 fhwn ,�f the ISir ,d Ft. P."d The tln1i111—ii.ner "f I'"N" W,n,kv, hn—, Iuul nn 1.r . the I�n=I'iininury �.rdl� d Ilu I l, knn a. � I ne N,,. 97634 ....pr.... April 5, 1934 193 . "h"", "I the grading of Jackson Place from Youngman ,.venue to a point 210 feet southeasterly of Youngman Avenue. nn�I h—"9 the .....dery unJ t Cost per front foot $1.24 rhe 'h. "'d "'lI9$ 519.84 V SEs timated Cost$519.84 Ins�ec ti on F9.01 Engineering 960.00 and for .uturr and extent i�[ ri f i�nV,n.-rine", in i lctio Frontad- 420 ft. :S. \ I.h.n, rn,hle ur _sketch of =aid iinpru.rnuiit ir' hemt� ntt ached and mn�le n ry.rt hen•i,f. <� A. asked inr .iyn�i lietiti�n a[ three nr ni�rr u.. n, ry of I,roPerty, nuhje l 1„ n. v,w�ne��t fair xniJ iml�ru �e��ic�it. f Pubii ��r(..\). ' VD C 0 P Y St. Paul, TIlin n. Sept. 22nd, 1W. 'I'oThe I Ionornblc, The C�nN, Ciry �,f St. Panl, Min, Gen tlrmcn: We, d" and—igned property own n, hereby peri Gym your Ilonrahlc Body to cause die f''ll"ing improt..Hent be made. Grade Jackson Place Si. Arc. fn.m Youngman jk A— to Bluff 1 block. St. Ave. N ,t None I- p�� F2�LOORDERIN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS h, fl,, ,, condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Jackson Place from Youngman Avenue to a point 213 feet southeasterly of Youngman Avenue. 97635 .......... I. I April 5, 1954 O'd- 98119 ...........d June 13, 1934 ,[,, .. ........ .... fl--, RES(MAED, h, th, I II,"t 1, P. -I t.cat tk, "t"I" —1—t and kind of 1), —d C." condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Jackson Place from Youngman Avenue to a point 210 feet southeasterly of Youngman Avenue. I., n, I I,-1 1, 1h, 1,, anal the —d It, 1zk—. ,-i —d -- 2 h, �h, ", I ""." " d t For slopes, cuts and fills in t e grading o� Jackson Piace from Youngman Avenue to a point 210 feet southeasterly of Youngman Avenue, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plar, Is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. %% and li,, p—p— I", JUL 10 ID4 JUL 10 1934 Co 61-- TYPIanl Noufisn - TACKSON PLACE. F.is.bow lin. dww - CNyFiprtpsprdGna - YOUNQMAN Ave. ToAPoINT 210 FT. ,SOUTH- Fruw ykw i...hnw - EAOTERLV OF YOVN MAN AVE. _ LaP.6.nk N�?(l9A XSte. Bi.N4W,3 - 5c lel"4 Y O U N G M A N & L A M MS Li s+ 15t. i 2LALD ua :StuccoHo. -Ho.4.. - Tep a f Bluff —�19° 91° as 41° XI° 2+42�� h� _ - OI -- 1 Y O U- N G. M A N & L A M M �S } A D D. - I'll ol I'll DE ARTMENT51 QF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1..1 t�l,, - %— t I, _— the 1—d ....... ry f— elope', -outs I — 11s' " tho ' j I. _ 'IaYoung— k.. t. . point 211 rt �111 ''surly of Y--- A—.., -d,, —1 01,111 'i 6, 1964 The tots. —1—n1 of IhI —111TIT" f"I t111 $ 25.00 1h, .... . ..... L.T A ...... God Bldg. 1 12 young A L--. Add., R—y 160 2 12 Co.,� Mi= . 100 3 12do 100 4 12 do 100 2200 612 do 100 2350 612 do 26 7 1 do so 813 do 100 1160 9 13 d 100 10 13 do 100 11 13 do 10D 12 13 do 160 1175 5700 Th, C ,f F, f,,,,h,, r., is that h, has zE n4 th, f"'—id mutt. ...I —b' submits !" f ...... , "! ,, '1" C, '-d' """I— —h the m reference . b, the Cu1%.,k, 19 Commissioner ,f F.--,. 1— ', I A s Office of the Commissioner of Public W1,&-flNANUL 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY .7 tea+ May 7, 1934 1113 I . , III ILuinu,-on,, ,�f Planum , f the City nl di. Poul. "f hI I oinini— I, j IV,I., Nl.,,k, holnu hid under r<1", 1,. ,,iou tl,pmliuI I.r of Ih. I onurlI k,.— w+ 1'oumit FII. No97635 iqeJ April 5, 1954 19'1 r�=Inucn to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Jackson Place from Youngman Avenue to a point 210 feet southeasterly of Youn_man (venue. nnrI hn, iug 1 th, nintttm, and thin Fs ni,ateil to Ihrn in, Iu n1, rrpot6 1. Heid iinpror�in�nt ie n..... Ind (or) d�•si�nl.I.•. _. 'fh� xliulnt�il ior't thcmof is I"Ild cost the",J i. S nud the telt lul and extant of -d impnrcemenl i, . full'—. 'i. A pion, prtilJc or ski ,h of wtid It ie pn't h—c ,f. 4. �. S-1 iinpmn+nrnt is waked for upon petition of thlce or mmi opt airs of ptapn10w1n evl�jnl to aeeunient for said iniProremtnt. \I i ('ommissioner 4 Puhlic Wor pI ORDINAN vsa , !, PRESENTED By O*.CE NO A. ordlnanae amending Administrative Ordinex—, No. 32507, passed August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570 and subsequent amendments, entitled -A. Administrative Ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor? TER COUNCIL OF THE CITr OF ST. PAM DOES CEDIIH; S..ti.. I. That Ordinance No. 3254, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to the Bagineerirg Service in Section 6 of said ordinance the following additional grade and title: LINE Or PROWTION Prom To GRM 14- 14a ... Public Utilities Ergine. . . . . . Ilm j No.. And the said Ordinance I.. 3250J is hereby further —.dd by striking out in Grade 10 of said Sngimering Service In said Section 6 the following line and titles 10c ... Superintendent qf'Lighting None Now And the said Ordinance No. 3250j. as amended, is hereby further emended by adding to Grade 11 of the Maintenance Service of said Section 6 the following line and title, 11d ... Superintendent of Lighting . . . . . so- : None Sectio. 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Ihereby rendfor passage by the Council the abo-tioned amendawat. to the Civil Service Rules. civil ber"ce JUL251934_— Pca 1934 Prye Peterson R.—F.— —Z— W ... A,� Wcnzcl JUL 25 1934 Xmoix 7- t ox,ax...o c... ccc xx Cl Y OF ST. P"^ vi.e NO. -. OFFIC OF THE CIT' COUNCIL OLUTION-GI, I"I � Y �pE f NER and deductions hi 11pro,/ / Whe resa, additlona a might 9ice bt nfro m fill �snry in the improv em-nt ieec ribed as the pay.nr of Co contractc rs, Coll Qe Ave• t" Univ ,v. , Clement B. cu tley 5quipmen have been ProvSded fo n the s cific ati ons J+. ni unit prices tw. ^for have been stipulated "' the contr:.ct, and Whereas, it h been found � recesses ry to ma th= follov.ins addi- tions and d eductions, tho cost of work d ne c;i th in Lhescre ,—r tr:.c ks areas to be charged a,,in,t the 3',I—t 4a'.ayo Company. 0 Additi,n.s: ° � 11n. ft. �t '7. :. Pipe re _1 .c ed the 56 tos n h:et ee-,2 t tnn l id v area o. screar,ca ana ; 39.0 �== 14.00 Deductions: 1 nanh '_e --...,e and --eS 0 .00 'Nherees the net addition is $506.0C Now th—efors be it rovfleso'_v ec', that the City Council hereby s at ase rector^r- ftTe e...ed d4tlons made in acco rd as ce with t*.. sne cifi::, neiderati m. named in the Lhc- sum of ,$506,00, to be added to the lump sum co _ contract known as Comptrollcr'ssC,nt—c befot L- re22eto for tl, tindhe i of the pursuurt to the said improvsmen' for the e'- s c1:tr ;c t. of c. aid s.ecifieati ons ar.d sunit �ricee sticu'ated in sail c oThe deoa rt.�e n'. Public ',Po r'.:a h.-, agr=_ed with t _ntr9cto r, _ .,f 06,�0 Ss�t?1e r.... onab'_e al sment c cul ney 1sou east ^, o., the: su._. 3 do itlon to be age tol sn4 coil t r.oct. 6 — A,,roved by: - Contras .or � J,Ov � City Pompt roller ,y�� Comni ss>_oner ✓✓ couNCILME , JUL ] � "oA A dnpc,.i by ,hc c:,.,i ncil I,)t �(4p`alt i e 1934 11/liuox IO lac ar App—, tti 19� /Wcn:cl M,vrr Puauvl{rn /%/ CITY OF ST, PAUL NO. ( 282 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .n M --E— Anel F. Peterson pTe July 10, 1934. RESOLVED Whereas, R. H. 11111, is the own r of City of St. Paul Participating Certif Scete No. 215921 for the amount o£ One Hundred and 'Pweuty Dollsrs; and Whe-se, .aid celtifi.ete hoe been lost end Bald owner hes made applioation for e do plioste to be issued Sn lieu thereof; end whereas, the eeid E. H. Milhem hee filed a band in the sum of Tw Hundred and Forty Dollers, or double the Hundred__ of said oertifioete, Indemnifying and saving harmless the City of St. Pain from any lose or damage growio, out of ..id lost cert I ficste or the issuance of a new o , sad Whereas, eeid bond has bean approved ae to form end ez cation by the Corporation Coumel, and e. to surety by Ju urdg, K—th J. Brill, of the DSstrist Court s11 pursuant to Section 1971 of General Statutes of Minnesota for 1927; therefore be it Resolved, that the proper city officer' ar euthorlsed to Sesue to the said 6. H. Milham a duplicate certificate in lieu of the eeid o.rtlfi..t: Ho. 215921 which Me been lost or destroyed. Yea9 s.,.y. th.�a 'I'r.n< / Aguinnt Sc�n.�I 1;.. r.�•.,id.el �� Adopted by e.,� 0..n..I JUL 10 TV ID,I . App..r.d_.A-101934 .. IM CITY OF ST. PAUL "1e No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAk, eRESE"'Eo er Coif orvER IP£AOliB0f7C `-`--'- ---` WHEREAS, as provided by Council File NO. 98067, approved June 7, 1934, the Council did, on the 6th day of July, 1934, at ten o'clock A. ' in the 0 -- -"'-� - Chamber of the OOurt House and City Hall, hold lecil hearing upon the advisability end necessity of wrecking that certain dwelling on Lot 1?, Black 10, Marehell'e '--'� Addition, also known as `±o. 157 E.et Indiana avenue, following due notice Of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved Mey 22, 1970; and it Se the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and ad'olnlng property and "— - should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it REBOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by ll the Commissioner of Parke, Playground.and Public Build- - ing. to the last known record owner of said property ---�•Is at hie last known address, or to the anent or occupant ---- - .r, AdoPled by the C---1- ---- t93 — of said building; be it N.Y, FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days Yaas. �ARCE after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, has been taken from �TERSON his agent, or the occupant, no appeal this order, ea id 0omml seioperof Parks , Playground. and Public Bull dingehall report as id fact to the Council. //ROSEN �^ _w wo /V✓ARREN "'-'--- -" /WENZEL PRESIDENT ( GEHAN) l:OUNC'I L\fI-'r' Nn,/ Ad, -d11,1111('11-111 JUL 1 0 la3q /r�f�„f,” 11n 9 Fl ta�4 Art`n,.rd �nfrcn i J A--1 Y/ - CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gplal of Minne.or, OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. IER G Ul.N CRy Clerk ..d Comml..lon er of Reei,p.tio� su>,y 6th, 1934. Anderson, Co rpo..tl on Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The matter of the condemnation of that cartain dwellt 4K on Lot 1}, Block 10, Marshall-. Ad dl tion, al eo known as 157 East Indiana Avenue, was up for hearing today before the Council and waa referred to your department for the preparation of a resolution ratifying aoid condemnation. we anclose Council File 96067. Your. very truly. City Clerk, e.ia... .o ... c...' CITY OF ST. PAU( OFFICE OF THE CITU CL" COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENEa COMMISSION— WHEREAS, by lease dated April 4, 1933, the City leased from the Northern Malleable Iron Company, Lots 26, 29, 30 and 31, Block 2, Williams' Re -arrangement of Block 7, and part of Block 4, Nelson's Addition, for the purpose of maintaining a playground, at a rental Of $1.00 per year; and WHEREAS, the Department of Parks, playgrounds and Public Buildings desires to discontinue the use of this property for play- ground purposes due to complaints of neighbors, anti for that reason desires that the lease be cancelled; and whereas, the lease provides for cancellation upon thirty days written notice by either party; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and direct- ed to notify the Northern Malleable Iron Company that the City has directed the cancellation of the lease at a time thirty days after the date of the letter of the City Clerk to the Northern Msllsable Iron Company, or at Such earlier data if consented to by said Iron Company. --� COUNCILMEN Nn nd,p d h, a„ JUL 1 0 1934 ,. Arr'�,�a i fl l Ie3 ,.„ ¢� ,: ul ice. M" ['resid-, (Odr. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C e Pit. I of Mi.—. f "'AP..... >�[1 oP PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 145 City HJ FRED M. TRUAX. Commiuioner CARL E SPE—S. 0-1, Cemm�•• e... June ih, 1934 �� 6r Mr. L.L. Anders on, ` Corporation Counsel, ` City of St. lain. I, .t�� � Dear 91r: have under lease from the ';orthern Malleable iron Compnay, property described as Lots 23to 38 inclusive, Block 2, Williams' Rea rra.geme nt# of Block 7 and part of Block 4, L,\'."e \ I�_ I A r�N Nelson Is Addition, loco ted on the North side 0f Wells between Mendota and Arcade. it is leased for playground purposes at e rental of VJ w" 41.00 per Y. Owing to the number o:' complaints from neighbors we are compelled to discontinue the use of this property for playground purposes. Therefore, will you kindly take such steps as may be ne cessery to e.^1'ect cancellation of the lease covering said property, "'ich provides that leases nay be cancelled by either party upon thirty days written notice to the other party. Thanking you for your attention to t, is,I e , Yours very truly, Co:.v.is stoner July 10. 1934. Northern malleable Iron Go., 667 Forest at., St. Paul, min.. Centlame.I We ase encloHng a copy of • "solution adopted by the City Council today directing us to notify your company that the city las dlrasted the cancellation of a lease dated April 4th, 1933, by the terms ofwhich the City of St. Paul lasted free your company lots 26, 29, 30, -4 31, mock 2, Williams' Se-erroags-1; of block 7, and pest of 3lmk 4, Nelson's Addition, for playground purposes as rental of 61.00 per year. Said cancellation to be effective thirty days after the date of this letter or at an earlier date if covsnted to by your company. llll you kindly aoknosledge receipt of this letter, sad also inform us whether or mt yon will 00neent to the oemellation of said lease at an earlier date than that mentioned, and, if a., as of what data? Very truly yoare. City Cl.*. � II CITY OF ST. PAUL F rt"'(. tIDFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM M ssl _ —TE July E, 1974 RESOLVED Tlut pe L,7a to conduct a feet.ivnl et Rioe —1 Tilton'treate, from July 23rd to July 28th, 1934, ioclueive, applied for by the Marconi C1u1 of F, . -eul, be enc the some je hereby 6 anted, provided, honever, that if any merry-go-round or other .musement :Ievice for vhirh a license must be paid under eny ordinance of the City is meinteined, said orguniaeticn 0111 ley th' license Cee so provided for. N � .o,a nrll �r (-,01 NCILMI-N Yea+ �,... Nw, / Ad„❑Iaa 1, h, I Alll 1 e..�,�, O� I„ t„�� JR 16 loo � nrr,, c d 19i iW,....n /W - 11 h evor �1 r. Presidcn� �c�cl,�i�� Police D,A, For investigattoo and -)—t Be else this Sn -t-.d to the Dispatcher. CITY OF SAINT PAUL o,w o OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. 5. fERG USON Ci,y CI.,L .�d Cammi•,io.e� of R.gi.�.,io. July 3rd, 1934. Bon. A. 8. aerren, Comer of Publ Sc Safety, Bnlldlag. Dear Sir: The attached application of the Yarcaat Club of St. Paul for pe:mieeton to conduct a r festival at Bice and Tilton Streets from J ly 21,dto July 28th, 1934, inclusive, w referred to you, by the Council, for Saves tigat loo end r eco msendetSon. To— very truly, City Clerk. 6t.Peu1, Minn. 6/28/34. To the . aorable Key Or sad CS ty Council of 6t.Pe,1, CourtYa use St. Pa u1, Win.. De -r tire; The me n k.arconi Club of bt.Paul, en oTF.aiz'tio. of citizen. slEd the ght to ain Perms tl tiom syour co uncll LOL co nductias summers Frol i c attRi as ad TSlten Ste, for one week, starting July 23 and contlnulnF tY:roupj, July 28, 1934. The purpose. Of this frolic is to raise funds to furt7er carry oa activities in our city as well as for the or F.ai.atlon. be ittee In chary assure eeou if th 8 that this fro11os1 encorrled and Sathe most reppectabl manner and also in aeoo rd an ce with the -it, law. and regulatlo ne, Trusting this -111 meet with yha, approval of you and your ._i. tee and thanki.p you for any past courtesiee: Yourrs7 Re spe ctful}l-y , �I-� � 7l tJt cIQ,G o7 a. Sam Speranza, Pre e. Marco Marco nl Club 1977 Frinceton Ave. O1sy For Festival r against ftatival IVI—I 40 7-Z �t u , , /', 0 Tho >7 7,1 d,_T- SH— TOTII-FOIWIs.uP coor+ Me ........ No. Peters*COUNCIL pxaOLUTIOM AUDITED CLAIMS ably 9 J, 34 CIO ...... TOTAL - - - ..e.... '�T,'..I,,., ' Ia. ,•... j.oaw.Ao t 130723 ET ® 5472 Tork-willis Agency 46 31 5473 0. Thompson 4 5474 Axel F. PeterLou: G: of r7jinn:� 51 5475 Axel F. Peter Welfare 419 28 05 5476 Board of Public Mrs. J. M. Ayd, 30 40 DO 5477 Guardian Mrs. Catherine M. Claugherty, 40 Do 5478 5479 Mrs. Etta naher ty 28 29 5480 Mrs. Anna Sohnelder 17 28 5491 Mrs. Agnes Weise 31 86 5e2 g Art Soelter & Pso.R�Co. 72 9 1 26 54 .ggc!M1l.1t.1-1 an.arget Company 13 83 545 '-11. Cmox -: Rr' " Compare 121 75 15 5486 5497 rarwall, o= ilk I .,an Feyen Conetruc tion Company.InI. 2456 4171 5498 Harper But Company , 2 35 5489 George E. Miner6 75 5490 National Lead Company 51 27 5491 St.Psul White Lead & Oil Oomp�y 90 97 5492 549� Sharp & Dobma T.F.Smith.TiTe & Battery Compsny 63 70 9 0. Sommer & Company 30 3 223 80 5494 54 VillRume Box & Lumber Company. '3 61 5496 S. Taomarek 60 00 5497 Elizabeth Lee 15 00 5498 F.P. Huggins 1 95 5499 Dr. Arthur J. Dohm 25 00 5500 Max W 1 ;7, 52 20 5501 Axel Peterson, 0. of Fin. 21 95 5502 Mrs. CreaDexter 1 9 33 55 t. r. Zimmerman & Go Zimme an Pates 210 00 55NftEdw.l Z. W. Zimmerman & Una Zimmaiman Pates 100 00 5505 IreyenConstruction company 7 4o7 aq 5506 Ben Breslaw 60 oo 550, Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 1 731 90 5501 Capital City Lima & Oem ent Company 237 50 5509 Corning-Donobuo, Inc. 1 118 7 5510 — F.11' O -un, Xirk & Company 28 82 5511 McFadden -Lambert Company 19 89 5512 5513 Park Machine Company St.?aul Bottling Company 193 00 301 4o 5514 Standard Oil Company 9 162 48 551 5512 Villaume Box A Lumber company Worob Cigar Company8 100 5917 Axel T. Peterson, 0. of Finano� 14 9"62 95 SH— TOTII-FOIWIs.uP CITY OF ST, PAUL NO 982 r- 0 FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM E 1c. y C01MISSIONEI DITE July 9, 1034 RESOLVED That the proper city office- be cor. tI.,y .sere by ,tl,,ri,,ed to refund to R. J. Steiner tl., fee of t15.00 deposited on ,1l—tion 5755 f,, r flell et 450 No. Cleveland Avenue, which llceneerv.s previously boar. den.cd. m 1- C.F. 96710 (10-%6_-) 6'yi'E 1: d.— I _11 license- ir. 11"I'lol 'it' end b— F -11..s co c T -e— license oldi"".'=.. Jut 1 R told r, IP 10 IMA A ........ .. I Int i M, N—d—, G'I", o.e.0 .o c...� •(�I��(�' CITY OF 5T. PAUL v��c NO I,J� + 'OFF I CE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM + Pae -n -D By c eIONER \ . ..TE WHEREAS, Sem Wolf deeires Lo with.— apl licet ion 4557 for Barber 11cenee at 746 Tatum Street, therefore, be it RFSOLVEL, that the proper city officere be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Sam Wolf the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for llcan.a. COI M ILEI IL\' /Ros n Ia h—, Wcrrcn /� Acnll �� f We -1 � .U,. rani I"', G,1 a 4d,. -db, a,cl:.,uo,-II jUt 10101)n I1„ A-— ,I ilJt 1 1934 M.��. o.,,....o.... .. .'// " NO. II�iJ�l ,I;�y/-CITY OF ST. PAUL "^ E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMPRESENTEO BY + DATE only 10, 153+._. RESOLVED WMM,LS, the fo llowln named persona have heretofore filed application for "off sale" liquor licen.e, and have depoel ted with .uch application the it..... fee therefor, vis: Liggett Drug Co., Ino. 7th and Hobert Ste. ➢t7D, wSDAL1S, aald appl tc ante have withdrawn their application and have regneetad the return of the emonat depoelted, together with all papers filed with the avid ep pllcation; therefore, bait FMLVID, That the proper city officer. be and they are hereby authorized and directed to retnxn to tin above named person. the amount of the "Off .ale" lice... fee heretofore depoel ted b9 them with their application and the City Clerk Is directed to advise the State Liquor Control Co®S..Soner of the fact that said application has been with- drawn. CoiTCa"ICK fin,.1>!� t n w34 In '193 `Wen:cl M.Yo[ ,U, r. I'ruicicn, 'GO,.,,, LOUIS K. LIGGETT COMPANY oRER„T RO UocETT OR„G STORES STORE ...REEF 7th, and hober4_u_LrnaL.,_.,t- ul rt..n.. . To the city Uouncil, Uity of at. caul, Minnesota. uentle=eAi This to to inform you that i hereby withdraw my application of iA Uff Sale Liqu*r Lieense, and ask that you return to me my ddposit of $250.00, together with the bond which was filed with the city Ulerlr an January 24th, 1"4. Thanking you very kindly, L amp Recpectfally y))ou", Liggett i g CSmvimy, lna. Menager. g w O W CO )0 U _ _ O ^ N J CITY OF ST. PAUL ryp_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'Lc COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r cowrn lssioNEa�` R onTE _ RXEX"DM WHEREAS, heretofore LR "on ea le" liquor, tavern and danoe nall licenees have been issued to Harry Bernstein to operate such businesses at No. 156 North Dale Street, and Ws FREAS, the said Harry Bernstein nes requested tnat such licenses be transferred to Louis A. Rolener and Ben Rosenfeld to operate sucn businesses at the B=e address, and 'NHEREAS, toe said Louis A. Rolsner and Ben Roeenfeld nave furnisned a bond in the sum of $3000, wnlcn bond nae been approved by the Corporation Counaa 1, and WRFREAB, the License Committee recommends that sucn transfer be granted, therefore be SL RESOLVED, that the "on sale" liquor license, the tavern license and the dance hall license heretofore issued to Harry Bernstein at No. 156 North Dale Street, be and Lne came are hereby transferred to Louie A. Rolener and Ben Rosenfeid, to operate soon buelneases at the same address, and the bond of the said Louis A. Rolener and at Roeenfeld Se hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit same in the office of the City Comptroller, and t he Corporatl on Counsel is authori¢ed and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said Harry Bernsteim from any f urtner liability arising after the date tnis resolution is published. COUNCILMEN Yca+ N. v A,fiq -d I,, ,lir..„i"_n JUL 10 MA loa JULI nrr.,,,'d Ian PI:uLl,lua.i i ��� a 1� r H &:act streel, ion -,tion of T --.,ern. In shat building zone claasification? On ht floor I.Pasd?- vj T-1.: o. Trade Name? 71ll dsn zinE be providsd? 0 "M vobde,illa ent-L.i—iX b- --ided?_ any otna of 11r,"i Nome of " lie" Residence Add. es. 41 you - citizen of :.ce Unit -d St.,te.? Have you n— beg, for or o—a-6 of I .io. im of .1 ordid snca? N,t,r, of offense?_ I'll, Y" "I, "e", bua. eir.ess 'but kind of b,.9i,,,55?__%( ' 1."t? lo -ted ond ,r he, if nfolioant i, Ei- r— —d If 'o S'. ol St. P,11 . 1,in, June 11, 1974 Hl- H. T. W-', C-1-ilre, If P�bli, Lice— Cjt,, Saint P-1, ear Sir: The unde—i-1-3, H.—Y B,tej, would arnreciate very —h yI,, the —l—r -t— to tr—ier the hard t,--rr. a,I 'l -l— lil--- un Ser hie fume flt 15E No. 011e Street, to L-1- tha a oddr— to v1— h, h— sold said bll.l—.._ Appreciating your action, I as 7ery truly yours, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK -lW— R. score City CIe.L andComm. , of Req n.- o June 12th, 1934. Bon. H. E, Warren, Chairaaa, License Co®ittes, Baildi.g. Dear Sir: The attached coemunlcatlon requesting the transfer of the "on also liq.or, ta"M and dean linen..- at 156 in. Dale Street from Harry Berne t. in to Louie Hotmer and Be. Hoeeaf.ld see referred to the License Comod ttee, IV the Council, for imeetigatlon and reon®ends- t1on. T.— rery truly, City Clerk. ... .mac... c.... CITr OF ST. p4isW�y .q—, 1� NO.. OFFICE OF THE CIT'L o COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GI.� PRESENTED 1Y Co IIISSIONER 11R REAS, the Blnclair Reflcirg Company has petitioned the Council for permission to rebuild its filling station at the southeast corner of Bev enth street and Smith avenue; and has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with drl vewey e, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; therefore, be St RESOLVED,Tbat permission and authority are hereby given to Bald Sinclair Re fl ring Company to rebuild said station in ac- cordance with the plen submitted; any deviation from the plan RE approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be Instal led In accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plane and landscaping to be sub - Jt to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Plsygrounde and Public But 1dings; and any changes In turbine, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public WorL_e. The permit he reir, granted .hall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever 1U, shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes D fire or traffic hazard. 10, Ad il,Id,,c�,��,�U�lO1Q94 IOI Ra, 17 q fl 193 /r,,.,. err,,.. .d l03 'w.,,,.,� n,;, IFF ICE 11 THE CTI CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION 'A E -7 C, 1. "71 TO THE HONORABLE, THE'_� Y COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION L�Hereby Made Z/ Io,IA— A FILED DEIiH iHPUAi f D rre Gael rn . a a� pSEVH A MA FOBE¢! B 1 SCHOCH S�q Vdree erW fn Alie m Heerrn Oln�a. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Comoro—1 M i wtficnrv. D=w, C...m-o.er Suly 5, 1934 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the appllcatimn of the Sinclair Refining Compenv for permission to instal a drive-in e-escline filling station on the southeast corner of Seventh and Smith Avemies, wd reports of inepectton and approval of the Bureaus of Firs Prevention and Traffic. Very truly yours, Deputy C6"si—r� r� THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Jnly 3, 1934. Mr. H. E. Barren, Cosmiasioner of Public Safety. Dear Sirl- This In in reference to application made by the Sinclair Defining Co., for permission to install a drive-Sn gasoline filling station on Into 13 and 14, Ieeohee Addition, oleo described as the Southeast Corner of 7th and �1.th Avenxe, I bave made the .—I inspection of the proposed change I. the driveway of this oil station, and do not find that each change x111 —to - 1.117 interfere Ith the movement of traff lo. Traeting this menta with your approval, I as TTour. truly, ( r Barry g, ttergrea, iz^� Sapt, of Traffic. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepit.I of Minn — DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T -h -d Mi--. S-1, B.r.Aarren 1"""—,c1—111'o.sc fi4'"791 9PID7 —,c•^", ^•, .eE�' July 5tb 1934. Ron. R.r.ifarren Comq�ieeioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Linn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Sinclair Refining Company for permission to make oertain ohanges and improvements to their present gasoline filling station at fleet 7tb and Smith Avenue. we have inveetigated the foregoing and report that Such changes and improvements as the company desired to make, would in no way increase the fire hazard of the vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector WOB/h Fire Prevention Bureau. 11 j D1ITM IaOMAS E DAHIII ire Uel inn o oar. IOSIVeA I 11AY ROBERT Bel SCHOCH S�v�vd<e ase lie aieim CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesola DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesola Sheets H E. WARREN. C -41 -ane. m I a.wcu1. D , ---- July 2, 1934 Nr. Willi- Barron, Chief Inspector, Fire Prevention, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Herewith is application of the Sinclair Refining Company for Permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lots 13 and 14 , Leech'- Addition, also described as the southeast corner of Seventh and Smith Ave. Please inspect as to fire hazard and furnish report. Very tray Y--, Depnt�mmie- ��, x THE BOARD OF ZONING J c � Nw SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA COURTHOUSE J'n_ , _ 3 Mr. L. R. S. F City Cler.c. Dear Sir Re: Drile-in ""Line St -tion Lots 13 and 14, Block P, Leech's Aa.dition(SE corner Seventh & Smith Ive.) Sinclair Refining Co. By-B.C. Bissonnette 19 J1 3ran3,NE Minn eaaolis, Mir,-.. The,,u r pise of this a,: licatio r, is to remodel existing filling st.. cion 'iue to the widening of lest Seventh St. The Lond is zoned for Light Industry and no formal public hearing isnecessary. The layout of driveways has been Inform to tMinneis no L' StLe eT rui:iRh—yr COmmmission the plans Order No.8445• It is recommended :.I gut the ermit to 4 tinted. Yours very truly, GEOB: F' Engineer Secretary. FRED E. LOVELL MILTON ROSEN CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS m. Sli[vnxD _ En0.DON. n.• � CM1<I [.v+^d 5. p� �I Co..i,+ ��� 5 YAR 7LIr! M 0.Nt0.ROLD. Olnca o^d Gry ilo^% m � ^v [nv^.••.� 0.nT 1 r. al aM1a. MnRn w w000xurL, a.n „ I.a June 22, 1934 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Re Drive -In Filling Station Dear Sir: Lots 13 and 14, Block 4, Leech's Addition (BE comer Seventh & Smith Ave.) ComP Sinclair Refining nyr I19- H.C. Bl ssonnetto' 01 Grand Ave. NE, Minneapolis, Minn. This is an application to rebuild an existing gasoline filling station on a site zoned for Light Industrial purposes. No formal hearing is necessary be- fore the Council. The application is accompanied by blue prints showing the old as well as the proposed layouts. The Plaa conforms to the standards established a beyWell as �eota State Highway Commission, Order No. 8445r standards of this Department. This redesign is incident to the widening of west Seventh otreet. Yours very truly, HEPARD, hie Engineer. Approved; t MILTON ROSEN, S Commissioner f Public Works. i WAR--- --- I • 1 { i `+,6 + p ANN. LY/N6 Sou ,'� 3 •"�;,b � per v!�a,do / - I I` , 3 1 • 4 ' o n bg i .r g3 p. 9 e 173 d 1 r s I u 4 Y 35 v . �1• r.. A• � � gj h E qqoo l _ 3 8' .I s �{ /•� ----------------- --------- _ J ,11.3 u �- -- -- --- ----- - , - a7 I d �� rps e1 FI•,�d l�'ts o w( k H t - s�+ se a'ile f G if I p DAL f M B � I ,yolk. I _ �5. ,� ti ". � ,- l?•a J:• �._7 �.' s ' ; is ; ti= 61 PROPOSED. A2.2AHGF.MEN,T tOUi{ni'.I'`1'HJT ST _P kU 1 I I N N i SQ TP. LLLT T _ _ !� 1 SINCLAIR REFII(IlIG,;.COAPAAY:.'• . ' PT e.ai....o c... e.... CITY OF ST. 1c.µo. NO. OFFICE OF THE CI COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE ° an c.e u. P-SENTED - COMMISSION - WHEREAS, Charles H. Haggard hae made application to the Council for permission to construct and operate an ice -house on the northeast corner of Farrington avenue and Burgess street; and WHEREAS, proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph F of Section 5 Of Ordinanm No. 5840, and the Council is Of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city Officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said Charles H. Haggard a permit for said ice -house, the building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. Said permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. COUNCILMEN �a.« //V✓/1 n;l„al�,l I,� II,.� c�,��,�li JOK 10 1934 ret 1„ c- ML 10 M1 nrr,-,d Alai n,.l W.—I �1✓, Gam¢ , . % M eN 61e . President (06un)IlDL15711-.D_� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. 5. FERGUSON Ory CI.rL ..d C_mi. of R.yI'-- July 6th, 1934. Yr. L. L. Ands reon, Cotporati. n Counsel, Build ng. Dear Sir: The attached application of Cha.. H. Haggard for permleelon to construct aad operate an "'ous he on the northeast ..roar of Barrington Ave. and Burgess Street, being Lot 11, Block 2, Nat.ls Sub, of Lot 11, Ifilkia d Heyard's Outlots was referred to you, by the Cooncil, for the proper res.lution. Tours very truly, Sty Clerk.Jll dopled by the Council_ ---I93— Adopted by I, Council—. -----I93— Nays Nays. Yeas. �CE ._. ..._ _ . RCE / P Eq PETERSON /PET SON �OSEN POST CARD NOTICE! ROSEN /IL RUAX same t)PI'If'I�: ltl� 't'II E: t'(1\I \IISf+l lr\EII UE II\,1\(: E: �Tgl1A% � I 1 Jmre 25 03 /WARREN I' r 1 ;�I I I I .I, �i( IS l y4 i WARREN r 11 IL IBI�rlit II 1 �WENZEL I111 Be6biid - /WENZEL1 ✓ E _ - - I /MR. PRESIDENT (GEMAN) MR. PRESIDENT (GEMAN) � � I Lltr P Y 4 L P leE 11 Tri ltrl ,y B .,{ 9 fi. eor• op pew, - Y'� 1Lutlo_ti- Vie, 1n¢59�r,�ee Pmine B reeve u.I f 11 13 I L' " —6S`h 'd"> [ -sL�� 19 f4 I IU I A \. Ni ASDL f. PETEYSIIY, / N,{�L�'�V,{ 111'111, 'I'11`T 784,5 Dc- Sir : In the matter If application of Chis, to cans czpplie t .Mrd r u Cruet and opera a an Ice 11 urgers 't. near Farrington. is I "lu' Residence District. It is proposed to o t the ice i:o use in the rear of the saloon known as 902 Farrington A ere's -the street from the saloon is a grocery sore. Th. Board recommends that the permit be granted under paragraph ZQ ex'-endin., a non-conformin., use. Y—rs very truly, GEO.911%,1i. �HFRPOLT En gi " - r Secretary. THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA COURTHOUSE Ju'u, l(ti" 19" mpnnw II Mr.LR. S. Cit,Clerk. Ferguson, Dc- Sir : In the matter If application of Chis, to cans czpplie t .Mrd r u Cruet and opera a an Ice 11 urgers 't. near Farrington. is I "lu' Residence District. It is proposed to o t the ice i:o use in the rear of the saloon known as 902 Farrington A ere's -the street from the saloon is a grocery sore. Th. Board recommends that the permit be granted under paragraph ZQ ex'-endin., a non-conformin., use. Y—rs very truly, GEO.911%,1i. �HFRPOLT En gi " - r Secretary. 4rvt5t K' iONNSOry w, USM6Nt K N .• n , upi of Perk, Cin cni«i I AR t SPtnr.t: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of M, 01a DEPARTMENT Of PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 Gty Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Co --'Boom - Iy d t° ��Fion -t 1, o z I c loco do _o.. _c arort. b c o- ^..0 o buil ;P.Ss .r of c.. 'no on tio b _. .Lod in G -'-=e "' 3....e lots t� nly c._ CITY OF SAINT PAUL DIVISIONa OF BUILDING OINSPECTIONc auILOINcs oLgRON "„ E ❑ APPLICATION FORm PERMIT To: K %% [� BOILo INSTn LL A— AL— RE—, Move HAac-!__- m"a s N ❑ 1:1 1:1❑ ❑ ❑1:1FPAIR 193T W ar Xa r- n aoo.ucru [ - __ - ___ _ ADDRESS_- CONTRACTOR- --- WvTcwo EFTS LOT - LOCK nooiTiory oR TawcT CZ , SEPARATE F ICAPERMITNS RSR UIREDPRIVATE FOR GARAGE �LIT�`� � K,s / SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES To ee AT e" T 30 Feer ea m LING T ra IN All'.'-- Lors 11 T 11 oe nr —T II FEET raom sloe sTaEEr Llrve ury Less o00 ,L(� SE-SSIy of nr Lis ee� o �aory s eeF o Ervlry iweiel„�J�e"oou�"rle�,, o eo o CONSTRUCTION ooasOm VTCrvoI*T LOT rPaROHITo n�81[ ED ccur1. Junc/e, Ilh ull. rJl�.uncea of �1 eaMly of s.� P..I, rRlln cea[u� NO 'PERM ImlEDUNDER THIAPPLICATION:.- _IL nsraOBauL HCicv[o L! a. 3� CITY OF SAINT PAUL E_ _ v[PART ErvT or RARns,aurGavunos wrvo Ruslic mIgINGs DIVISION OF BUILDING INSPECTION n APPLICATION FOR PERMIT L, To: IrvsTAllR[rwiR WR[cn HA- AANGj� � ,1 mwa B�sGX R[s I y I ❑ ❑ ❑a IY—/—\+I ❑ ❑ ❑ �: �...LJ. � 11?Aie�4—___193_ -LCT Ew C rE I "ur 9TRueiune ussv ns OWNER_. _ _ _— �._ _._ ._ N __. — ADDRESS._ CONTRACTOFL__._ _. _ _._.. ADDRESS.— / 9FR �__ _ _EET _ — ��' EEn wNAT cRoss AEErs wARv— Lor RLocK tion SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE Alas o vans. SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES To 11 AT T 10 r orn vw nc ory — or [ A T 20 �scr Faom G c ry n inirvv Lois r T30 veru m TR _ T.r 8IEC'Faom siG[sraesi Lin[ury LEss Dooa ° TI ALLI unJetalgneJ hereby m:�kca vPPllcv[lon for v o do lin CONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LOT PROHIBITED Ila lid i nq Work ne heroin xperlfleJ. i. urtlen<< -1,b all urJinvn.is ngreelnq to Jo vllrk e[rlet of the Uhf of Svin[ Pnul, NIlnneanra. NO PERMIT ISSUEDS UNDER THIS APPLICATION w C.�1 mein sLcciRlcaL. PusTEairvo OR -1. All 1 SUD[i1H Mni E DnFiLL "° P., / M p SCHOCn Suw Poi,.EAfCe nLi. m "1e a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Mlnaasota Stseats H. E. WARREN, Commissioner m 1 CULLIGAN. De 1 Cnmmrr�oner July 6, 1934 Dr. A. B. J. Schoch, Chief Health Officer, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Deer Doctort In reference to the application of Mr. Morrie Sazerud for permission to locate Cash and Carry Ice House in the rear of 902 Horth Barrington Avenue, I beg to state that the location would be ideal Senoed o far as to sanitary conditions are concerned. Mr. Saserud is m erper m the city ordinance Sa regard to the laws of sanitation. The building will be x feet edge df thaabout eidein twalk.snter of the This buildingtand about will be abouts tenobyitwelve few a Inside o So far as the health conditions ere comoerned this Depart- snt have ao cb tions to the lonstioa of said Ice House. The Ice supply will come from Pike, New Brighton, Minnesota. Respectfully submitted, Edward C. Anthony, Health Inspector. G CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mleeeso la DEPARTMENT CF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner July 6, 1934 fion. Fred M. Commix sloner Dear Sir As per the City Council's request, I have made an investiga- tion on the northeast corner of Burgess and Farrington, or 902 Farrington Avenue, where there is a non -conforming one story frame and stucco building in a "B^ Residence district. This building is occupied by Mr. Daxerad for the purpose of serving lunches, 3.2 beer, and hard liquor. The interior is well furnished and provided with the necessary toilets. There is a door in the rear of the building, which opens up on to the rear of the lot which is approximately 25 feet.D E E P The proprietor claims that this door is locked most of the time. Space in rear of the buildin; is approximately 25 feet by 40 feet, where 1t is intended that the ice station will be Too. with no direct communication from rear of building to rear part of lot. - Ye�� ry truly, Architect CAB. .0 Memo 933 Goad Prluting Baubles the Value of Good Advertising ee. �C Pljo✓sfe /rirrr�nq/ot, . iu�eJ�fPd �y ��c. "ono' 7`0 a Ti✓o 7- /P 7`S Eorner vnd not rnuL'�i (i li oncr 1�o GP am Pn OCP /o �Po��f �, Engraving Speak• With An Eloquent Tongue 5taoonere Engraving Co., Inc. j Pri 1- Engnvera � cne J111 0.obui Svcs 11 u„a'M•"oc,•cL•^• CITY OF ST. PAUL 'U NO. IN2M OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c oNEa Y� l t� . .wl. AT.. r RESOLVED, that John L. Connolly be and he is hereby elected C-orporation Counsel for the term beginning August 14, 1954. 1. (.OUNI.ILMFN Yrn. / Nny /J 'iiusin In rn, or Ad, -d l>, I JUL 1 D Ioa, lot 11IV 1 D tme A "a I:n CITY OF ST. PAUL °11 ' •n"'� •I Yttt(ftXlb4ICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� I I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � i 'coEMENswnew _ m w E July 9. 1954' _ 1 . RESOLVED it That the Moue .icrr see applied for by the followinc named person' for the eddreesea Sndiceted be and they are hereby granted and the city clerl ie L V inatMeted to issue each lioensee upon the payment into the city treasury of thehe J� required fees: / �Ld n De ont 801 Bayne P.v. On Ss -M7,� a1,�t Baiai'c€e �!�u�' v /� �� • -- �p�a'i&-24SF-7 a'3PfIE2E� +ILg•en1; BifYilk 1190 F. 7th St•--- ! __4466-6 465/@�"—, Neave applir—t- .or old locations - I t COUNCILMEN IUL 10 19M Ycns Nayz A.I..I.�c.{ hY nc� t:i..���cil p",- pcic .49AL 1g 193a B.,.re In [. —, App1i,,. 1 w� war �d _ nu,..,.. � %7 � /✓ ��Lr/� � .—•— Wce:cl My., Mr, P,—d—r Killl.+r� o,...... .e c... �..., CI Y OF ST. PAUL ee 1l NO. ( N^ ,) I `. •�<J1A®F3DQ/OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL Fq Mal. Z. nl. iioen. PRESENreo eY DATe Co_,110NE1 ., WHEREAS, "On Bale" Licuor License No. 105 has heretofore been issued to Ham M. Kadrie to operate such business at 473 St. Peta—treet; and WHEREAS, the said Sam M. Kadrie has recuested that hie license be transferred to N. F. Hattie to operate such business at 498 St. Peter street, and the said N. F. Hattie hae joined in the recuest; and whereas, said N. F. Battle has furnished a bond in the sum of $?,000, which bond has been approved by the Corporation Counsel; and WHEREAS, the License Committee recommends that such tran efer be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that "On sale" Llouor License No. 105 be and the same is hereby transferred to N. F. Bettis to operate such business at 498 St. Peter street, and the bond of the said N. F. Battle is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit it in the office of the City Comptroller; and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the gond of the said Sam M. Kedrle from any liability arising after the date this. resolution is published. COPM LMEN ren, N"➢, Ad n pial [,, ,I,, t onii. Il t"L 11 19: 4 191 (IIl 15.1934 'iiosen In fn...c A.er„, cd lol_ Ta."a /W1111111 Ag.-- ,/1Gcn:cl / M" Pre.i I—, (C,6n—� — . ')8216 cenneil By... ....... _... CITY OF IT. PAIN, Resolution Ratifying Assessment 1, the matter of the essessmrnt of benefits, ooeta end ........ for grading and paving Charles St. fron. Vandalia St. to the rset line of Cleve lend Ave. vnested. Yateriel shell be 7 -Sash concrete, ' res�jaer � se`6ae� under Preliminary Onler..._. 94687........, Intrnnediary 0rder.._.95115.........., Fins) Order..._..95353......... approved__ btsY..10............. _...... 19.33.. A public herring having been bed upon the sseessmmtt for the above improvement, end said esseesment he.ing been farther considered by the Council, end having been considered finally eatisfectory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be end the same is hereby in all respects retifled, end the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Cvart of the County of Ramsey for confirmntian_ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said esecssment be and it is hereby determined m be peyabl� in_. _._.__..__._..__....egael installments. Adopted by the Coaneii._. Approved_ St ..1.'_ _. _.......79 ) 1'UBLISI IiD �/ "I' 'I I 0 %I I' It OF FIN,1.N( E Report of Completion of Assessment 0-1 15 34 I„ th. ni ntl, , of thr of benefits. coete and Ilp.,— fnr V— gr,di,g end p—inr, Ch—l- St. fr= V—d,li, St. t, th. .,,t line of Cl—land All. vacated. Material shall b. 7—inch "'d, , P'' , 94887 I dl t" (",I, r 95115 Fi Council FSI, lvo........... CITY OF IT PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment 1. the matter of the xavexsmrnt of benefits, damages, —t, end exp snaea for changing the grades of Alley in Blook 4, M ... 1 -ter View end Block 3, Adem'e Addition, from P.soal Ave. to Asbury Ave., end of Asbury Ava. f— Marshall Ava. to Iglehart Ave. to o - frrm to the rad linea on the orofi lee hereto attached end made a part hereof, the pros entre estebliahad grades being shown by the blue line. thereon, oleo grading alley in Blcok 4, M ... le.ter View end Block 3, Adam's Addition, from Fe ... 1 Ave. to Asbury Ave., end temporary approach on Asbury A— from alley to Iglehart Ave., this being the wish of the property owners present, w°°iar —d- Preliminary Order..............93321, ]ntermediary Order.._._33S.B 9......., Final Order.. 340fL9............. approved....__ October 11._..._.......19.32. A public hearing h.ving been bed upon the ame.e meat for the above improvement, and .xld am,,. ... t baring bent further e..id... d by the Canncil, and hx.-i., been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assratment be and the same i. hereby in all ro.pecte ratified, and the swva ix hrrcby ordered to bo .nb.itt,d to the District Ceurt of the C ... ty of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT EU ETHER RESOLVED, That the .aid .==a.ement be and it i, hereby determined to be pe v.hl, in......... _._._...equal installments. naepted by the en�eil_. "._._1UL_ll 1999 sq-- , I T I , I' NT 1',11'1, 0 VP I ( F nP 111 E C I I M �V I ISS I () N I, It OF VI N.VN ( 1: Report of Completion of Assessment J- 13 int 34 1u the mntt.r of the .,--.-.t of benefits, demag ... ... t, and ..pensee for tl *hanging the gradesof Alley [1-1 4;M.—l-t— Vl— and Block 3, Ad—'. Ad.iti.. ,f P....1 A - to Asbury �d of A.b, A- f... Marshall Ave. to Iglehart Ave. to - formt.th. .d lin.. .. th. fil,: hereto attached and -d, , part hereof, the pre, ant t _tle had grade, being .h —byth'I"tllr,,n1 1:, Bd.ok 4 katal eater Vi — —d Block 3 A -'s Addition, "l__.A,'t Asbury Ave.,_tempotemporary„_h on Asbury A- from alley toIg1,1,rt A-, this being the .4,h of the property present, 0"1'' 93321 ; 93669 11"J” 94003 O,tob,r 11 32 To the C,i,il of the lits of I, Pm,l The t'„tnmi.xien�=r o4 fins n, e h� w"I to b� iIh the ranking 4 the C,et of .... ...... 831.00 nbh,hm, 0.15 "t of Pnd "'l, laz I"',- Ion f, , lo.Qa I ... t, 100.00 I t967.21) s d ;� . ..... 0:00 B.1 -o. to 0- T-1 (�� D_ 1—vto. �,3. ,yr, 1 ii64.21 ha, -,-,l and hied Ih, -'d of $ Hj,.2j 1, s I i riry 1"l, part or 1—, .1 of land d,,,m,d b... fir"I by 0, —d imps., meat, e I in fl, J nr, .,f —h I.n, port or .—I of land in —h 11', l-,"fiI, f� -d Ih, reon th"t the sJd n_.m,,,,l h;', been , ; I that Ih, sig ",t", of the said and 111 h, 11-f, is the -id J ..... ..... RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND .AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_..,d—_ning_and S.aking_an was®ani in the_land_necaesary.!'o=_sloyaa�__ cots and fills in the Grading of Cypress Strsat from Lawsoc Streat to Cook Street, under Preliminary Order____-_ 97522 -------- approved Intermediary Order. _- -_____ 97744 - .-------, a pp roved_____ April 26, 1934 Final Order__. .. 37917_..-..--.. _. approved___.- May ---22._1434 A public hearing haeing been had upon the taking and condemnation of the land, or nty therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the asscsment of benefits therefo, and the Council having duly considered the same, no,, therefore be it Resolved. That the taking and condemnation ,f the lands described in the :o e—d assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Cou,nuu nner of Finance, and made a part hereof. and the awards of damages to the owners ,f such lands for —d taking snd condemnation as set forth in said ,saesem ant roll, be and the same is hereby is all respec L+ ratified and confirmed. Revolved further, that the said aa—.,ment of benefits. be and the same is hereby in all resp�Ms ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the I)istrlcl Court for confirmation. _ nRWA l 54.£�N:k Rx5iftS�xil49EPiNkXASix<kkt(fE%StlicAkx Yxflx6@eRkbRfixWcilersN%x&k Adopted by the Council Juj- 1 1 1Q34------ - -1 /� JUL-1 1City Clerk. May- 6euxeiNaan-�oy Councilma IEZ - Councilman C,I)gpaid Ir. ". .x Kibl-t_,li, c...tsima c M ygym. (ishan REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS - tzSLSS?tj,N I, uy L'!,-NEFITS In the matter of -condemning and taYln�an aeaemeni Sn the. land sec es �So=-elapea� tote and fills in the grading of �YPI... Str,et from Leveson Street to Cook St ... t, under Preliminary Orda, ---- Q752L ...... approved---- - M—k-72-1934 ---- 1.te—edhiu Order -------- 97754L- pp—ed ------ iplil-25-1934- - ---- --- Fined Order_ -_-_--------._97919-- pp,oved ------ 2hiy- 22.-1934____.._----- -.__----- - TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL The Commissioner of Finance hereby 11P111t,1: That he has fixed and determined the value of the [and, lands or easements therein Lik- and appro- priated In, the above i,ap-1—t and the amounts of the —Oh, of damages therefor t, the — ..s th,eof, and the pe—., to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined One amount of benefits t. property, from the —king of aid improvement, not ex... h- the —t th,,e- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment I'll 1—tIld as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said nntt", ,Z— - - - , - ------ ------ C,mmi,,ioner of Finance. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter ot__ Eau4ta nlas _and_t s.�_en_ asa_emAnt_in_ the_dnd_r_e_ceeeary_ _o_r_ lope,�- cute ant fill. in the grading and pavine of Alley in Block 8, Woodl and Falk Addition from Mackubin St. to Kent St., under Preliminary Order _____37524_____________ a Pproveq___Sfarch Intermediary Order --- 977.52 ------ pp approved\\\April 25, 1934 Final Order-----. _-.9791fi____. __, \ approved.. __Xky --- 22__1934 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or e.,_,ement, therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Re_solced, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed an. e..sment roll, identified by the signature of the CommissSoner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for .aid taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same i, hereby- in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby m all re,"ts ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. pyx= - �eE®thhAfFEB�ftkj�8� �EclmrdtdasQibetkEtr�s Adopted by the Counc --jR-1-}-M4JUL 1_ 1 1934 �-�c' �`�_�`/�,`y'��,` `_"_z,°'-✓ i7 City Clerk. 9em--iirm tr gyres _ _ 1'r r Council" F Cncilman ou Councilman F1J0: '�`t'"_/: Councilm Councilman 5hdfl"eli tt',. ��u� Mayor '^^.. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF aCNFFTTF In the matter of_ aonda�ing end_ talcing_an_ eaaamant_ In- Aloe land_n t4u&ry_ f cute and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Black S, Woodland Park. Addition fro Nackubin St. to Kant St., under Preliminary Order___99_b_24______ I approved___ Nash 22,_1.9.34_______________. _ Intermediary Order __-____97752------- -pproved--- AprAl 2L,_19Z&- .... __. .__--- ---- Final Order______________s21S_-._-_. xppr.eed--- Yay___22,-1931___.__. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land. ]ands or casement., therein taken and app— priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to wham such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. % r� i f .......o c... cl... CITY OF ST. PAUL •��• NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'seSENTEI BY ,(,-/u 4DATE RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with Charles Atkins, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $18.02 per week during ouch time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Safety, on the 3rd day of May 1934; be it FDRTHER RESOLVED, teat in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to sald.Charles Atkins the sum of $42.04 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including June 16tn, 1934. 1,,... o. eo n •`a a n,..n> .�mo COUNCILMEN hr�oa /VUCn:CI �"Mr. I'rcstdcnc (Gchnnl Aa1,. C..,... JUL 111934 I.I; JUL 111934 Mn.r a•,afF,L •^c••c,•^[ CITY OF ST. PAUL site c NO. OF�OFUTHENCITY CLERK COOLING—GENERAL FORM c°nek'AT. July 11, 1934 RESOLVED That the Purchnslnz Agent be, a— he is hereby authorized to pur—ose, with th= consent of the Mayor end the Comptroller, one tank ont, aporoxima Tely 8000 :-a 11- , 400 end point zasoline, from the H. K. STA L C,., at a price of $ .09435 per =all n, less 1$ ten days on refinery price, lneludina state tax and STate inspection, also Federal excise tax, to to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bur j spur at Dale Street, on informal cor.petltive bids, as an emergency exists where failure to Pct pr mptly wool,! worx a hardanip to the best interests of the city. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment 1005-134.,,y. IrI ew 22� v� iiab }ne�u¢„waa � Biu �>n% E COUNCILMEN 1'ca'. /I'cnrcc N+v �osen a � In Ln or Wcn:d Xi,. P,d (GO—) A&p-I1,t d,r,I JUL 11 toad Ir)I JUL It 1934 nrrr,..�d lot Mat or CITY OF ST. PAUL ✓�� �� NO. '" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM / R corn. i s9 i0HER u-�"�f.. � / oAr RESOLVED That the bond wiven to the City of Saint Paul by Carl ?. Leonard, as License Inspector, in the sum of $1,000.00, dated June 22, 1934, with the Great American Indemnity Company as surety, which said bond Is approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to surety by the Commis - stoner of Finance, be and the same is hereby approved and accepted. r I° 6 �I coo Noss % Rosin 'T"'n 'W,,:111 /Wco:el 51, ��yy 1111_ lMt 1934 I.. f:i,.�r J11L 11 1934 Apprn,«i l9i �twor C1 OF � PAUL No 0 1 F�ME CITY CLERK _ &CUNCI L TION__GENEIAL FORM PENYD R C .—. IS110-1 June 25, 1934 RESOLVED - r. That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole in the alley south of Como Ave. West, between Brompton and Fulbe , with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate #20623. 7� COUNCILMEN _ Y " 7 N,," Adapted by the --61JUL I I 19U 193 App—,,d Rueen Mr. P—id—t AkI,-, e.e....e c... cu.r CITY OF ST. PAUL ria. NO. OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK Approved, R LOTION—GENERAL FORM /� �jCOUNCIL k aygroumds RESOLVED nden— Date ie c eai_r of Public Wor ea':..•. That Permla Dion be and is hereby granted the .e .e.l Tri—State Telephone k Telegraph Compsgy, to act ^m nel•��I..., m polae, plane cable and nee eeary equipment on nart>ma the following named ntreeta, 11 1934 On Shrub Street from Lnrpenteur Avenue to Como Park. On Hoyt Avenue from Dale Street to Shrub Street. Rosin On ]angtry Street from Maryland Street to California App --d 191 Avem,e. AFnhssr Poled and cable to ba r moved when requeatad to do o by the Common Couno ll, said cost to be paid by the Telephane Co=ps y. Approved, Dta nap' . or ILgAting Bureau Approved,W-.�s . �+...,✓e......�..,, Data Sup rt. of Police Alarm A Taleg. Approved, Data aelonsr of ar k aygroumds Approd Date c eai_r of Public Wor COUNCILMEN Y"" Nnvx Adoprcd by,h, (:--d AL 193 �Pearcc 11 1934 Pcrcrson � • w�ra�ww 2 I,J4 Rosin �_i _ In favor App --d 191 Truax ' Worrcn AFnhssr Wcnxcl Mayor fir. P—idem roenenl CITY OF ST. PAUL 0 �FTHE CITY CLERK 0 C COUNCI ES.1UT1..—.ENE.— F.R. PRESE—ED By —TE ,0-1—OMER RESOLVED That Pi.ei.. be W i. hereby granted the Tri-State Telephone and Telegraph Company, t o set P.Iep'—''......e'y. 'ton the Nlloi.=1 tt.." 1, alley aouth of Autumn Street from K—d Street W Roth Avenue. In ley soth of She—ood A.--- from H-1-1 A= to Winthrop Avenue. In :�J.y south of Bel— A— f— H .. 1—d Ave to Winthrop Avenue. Pole;to b ee— d when requested to do eo b; end 0able. r the C— Council. .2d ...t to be pid by the Telephone, 00-PWV- Appro—d, DATE NO. Approved,.- Datei_ A,prlved,Dte_ Co_i.. oner of & aygrouadn Approved D.te.— �- 2-ioner o Public Work. Ycac 7 " -11 -MEN N., Ad —111, lhc 1:11-1111 JUL 111914 wI r<n A,p--d mull 0"4 Ko." - /7"', Warren Mn, / ' ac •• 1L IIt CITY OF ST. PAUL ri.e NO. Ji�i: -, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL Ie , FOPRIESIENT 8V COMMISSIONER ..TE >eb ato RESOLVED- r�.t ti •- vl.--, .I,e liner. �..: .nr r..'. ,.h _:1ic.'.!.r ra- a�"Fil xe:e filad by t1.c fl'_o:•:in - _. .�ns for t. _ eoc. .. ,. indi cr t.Pl I n "... rl.e� RT" he -hY �, �r..I." a ti,e r. cler;: 1= instructel. .I, .��. 'ic�•I�.., I,e :-hilltie 1`At,n1— Co. ': 1,G Universit-: Avr. I. -line ;t:L'_. I. 4.749 � _ uck Ce.v. c,- Lry t•_ray Cu. Inc. 119 '. cent" 7 Av. .. 477'.. '. .Hotel isle & £lair Ice rt" nn 45`0 Join Looe '-ti. °: 7holr,=_:. 4569 J's. Johnston 618 Conndu It. " " 454C Milton " •' 45G^ A. C. =Anker Pi- & F1vn0, It. " " 45.57 1526 n1tr Be— Av " ° 4507 Y. Hent & Guy er " " 456'7` 4566 ..4549- �— -- aestemc Ne1Ron • 4561 C. !. Feltar 1196 E. 7th Ft. " 45G6._ F ciL-1.. 677 — _miti Fv. Mo'.ion i,c ilrr .r.e. ,ye 4551 H-. A. Prank 1161 Sharhurne Av. Of!£ole Md It :eve -, 449' L. rude 7 F. SilYh .`t. " " " 4525 Yeas \'ny. \,I.I.I e,11 -r lhr t-„ii�.il _ 19) RT avG 819 A,, 1,7�,,. ed lol T,rI„ 2,-sk_ WcII:cI DAufor CITY OF ST, PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO,M,,""C, —E J.4 S, 19.1 RESOLVED Mrs.F,,,. t .W.—t. Off Sale Melt 4478 Frnnk H.-o' 1174 W. 7t7i St. 4582' M. Johnston 1f� F',yn,, — I I 44F,6 L. TL..tlu 11`0 F. 7th Ft. 4529 L. r.,Id 21 W. eth Ft. Ielt P-Pr,6, 4524 M, . F—d, F,,t,,C*'- 637 W. 7-nt,l' 2t. 4477 F,—'. 5-- 1174 T. 7th Ft. ^ ^ 4561 A. 1. John— 1347 Furna, Pl, 454;: Adolph Lioc.t— 912 Pyne Av. 4576 JD-Kh M.— 118 Eaton Av. ^ ^ 4184 FrlllR TimotIV 1150 F. Seventh 4528 C. ro--lli. nC. Gallagher 1676 N. L.1-Lt9t.. 1— FPlt•nrlo,t 4480 Fr,," L. Dodc 2: Pest Si.1 I. Et 4525 Mr- F—a. Francis 8'7 W. Rat— St. 4476 A. L. Johnson 1347 Bu-S A, 454E Peter LP Ns sn 55' JacVmn Ft. 4565 John Loreto. 1179 University A- 4514 Jose ph R.g-ki 151 F. W,,1"al. St. 4765 Frank Timothy 1150 F. 7th St. 4527 U01'NUIL.111 N AUG 11 '934 1" -p- AUG 9 193'4 h—, A ppr�..cJ let T,o- W-:6 ninr ruw MISCELLANEOUS C. F. #963o6 DELINQUENT TAXES August 6, 1934 J�/ Year Amount Jae. Lavelle Farrington & Fuller (Ice Station) 1931-No A.F. $ 156.35 1932-No A.F. 139.36 295.71 White Castle System 1081 Payne Ave. (Restaurant) 1931-No A.F. 249.27 1932-No A.F. 221.26 70. C. A. Welter ✓ 1198 E. 7th St. (Ice Station) 1930-No A.F. 53.06 1931-No A.F. 101.20 1932-Paid 16 1 .2 W. Ryan !1' Tuscarora & W. 7th Ste. (Ice Station) Cannot Locate ./ M. Joyce ,� University & Milton (Ic/e Station) 1931-No A.F. 57.35 J A. M. Smiet A, Western & Nelson (Ice Station) 1931-No A.F. 148.96 1932-No A.F. 167.27 ✓316.23 W. F. Eaphings 1329 White Hear Ave. (Ice Station) 1930-No A.F. 36.89 1931-No A.F. 66:34 1932-No A.F. .276-95- 0.1 12�IG. i �7 c. - - August 6. 1984. MI8081JABEOB3 C. F. $99806 -1- MOT DMaRQDiHT Phillips Petrelsoe Co. 1160 Waiversity Ave. Gas Sts. 4 pump- 4649 Q.iek 8erv1ee Battery Co. Ins. 119 W. Central Ave. " 6 • 4676 P. Boatel Dale b Blair Ioe St -tion 4660 John Boss Grotto L Thomas ' 4888 Jos. Johnston 619 Csaade. St. ' 4646 A. C. E.nker Bio* h Edmund • 4866 Y. 6oroPar Leat A Fuller • 4866 Georg* Cerisah 827 S. Smith Ave. Mo.Piot. theatre 4661 Eermas A. Brunk 1161 Sherburne Ave. Off Sale Melt Bee. 4492 Frank L. Dodd 22 W. 6th St. • 4626 Mrs. Fred. Frassi* 867 A. Wet" St. ° 4478 Frank Hammer 1174 W. 7th St. • 4682 M. Johastoa 1606 Payne Ave. • 4468 Freak L. Timothy 1160 E. 7th St. ' 4629 Frank L. Dodd 22 A. 8th St. On Sale Malt Ber. 4624 Mrs. Fred. F—sie 867 W. Water St. " 4477 Funk Hammer 1174 W. 7th St. " 4681 A. L. Johnson 1647 Borns Ave. • 4642 Joseph Moses 118 Eaton Ave. • 4164 Frank Timothy 1160 E. 7th St. ^ 4828 C. Di`eselin A C. Gallagher 1676 B. L-tingtoa Ave. Eestanrent 4480 Frank L. Dodd 22W. 6th St. " 4826 11y Mn. Fred. Franois 867 W. Water St. " 4478 A. L. Johnson 1647 Burro Ave. " 4646 Peter L Masa 666 Jaoks® St. " 4686 Jahn Loreto 1179 University Ave. ° 4614 Joseph Bogeski 161 S. Wabash. St. 4668 Prank Timotip 1160 E. 7th St. • 4627 Adolph Lindstrom 912 Payne Ave. On We Malt Bov. 4578 ... ..o .:.. .....� .:�. " NO. 1.1�)li( �/(rr� ITY OF ST. PAUL P J ,}` ML. I f' -f FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ` eneservre —E July B. 1994 cornmissoNEs _ - RESOLVED < Thet t; : Ll -tion 4019, Lente Hall Licen=ce, arillc.tion 4f70, Off Sele m -it Ewers{;,, license, aFpliceti- 4021, On Ss Le Mall. D -- E. li—ne, ,liretion 402., enol T-nre 111snse, epplica Lion 4023, applied for 11 A. Froin nt 8.'0 Le.f.:yrt•:e A',be and t) -e same .rs I:ereby Lrented and t'— city cls-}. ie in strutted to issue such llcenees u_ n the I'ny not into the city t_ ,; ,f ti'je rewired fees. COUNCIL111 N k I I ` 1 1 t y IV COUNCIL111 N A,Iopu�Ibpd,ccounl:I J�11193, Iot Cc........ IV T n /Wcn:rl Mnyor HOT DELII�RT 7-7-34 Dance Rall 4020 R, Erven 630 Lafayette Ave - ongale Malt Rev. 4021 On sale Malt Rev. 4.11 Restaurant 4023 Tavern ITY OF ST. PAUL NO. _1]tJin' OF THE CITY CLERK , L[ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM iSSIoNER _—._ onTE July 11, 1384Ch"_ P-S—TE G ¢ RESOLVED Yhat C—Cectlenery license, application 698, applied for by Hickey Brothers at 869 St. Peter Street (St. '.'sul Rotel) be and it is hereby granted and the City Clark is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C:OL'v'CII_tt[V �'11� 1 193 App}r��,.cJ �Wen_cl Mn��or /M1 ' Prc.l.{..n� rC.t.an� applicatl 698 was p 1 sly, b Stt d for ieeuence but t. .':,r1�t 4 11n.,uenr, taxes, which matt i e th SL Paul b adjoRtod xith Co .il er pCity Clerk ffi e CITY OF ST. PAUL r., NO. -�,"(�((G (f,�FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' coNNissio_ Dare July 11, 1934 rveR , 7 WNBREAS, Jotm E. 9-I:, desires to withdrew application 4765 ''or Off Sale Yell, Beverage 11canse at 1630 Grand Ava ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city ofi-r. be anal they are nereb.v authorized t> refund to Job, E. Bucka the fee of $5.07 nad to cineol sr,'_d application for licence. I ✓H Lr^,�, In f���„r W�n:cl Ad1 hr the t :„.:,:.IJUI 111934 Apprt„rd .GG4C 11 f93d ,,„ Mnlo�- Cunncil Pile No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theuoderognedhereby proposeethe making of thetollowing publicimprovmnenl by the City of Ssiut Paul, viz.: Constructing Sanitary_ Sewer. Interceptor "Co as included in the.'_. comprehensive plan of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Sanitary District with subsequent modifications approved by .said board. Dated this 11th. ..day of. July., 193 ©AI� _ Q Jl 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imProv, Constructing Sanitary Sewer Interceptor "C" as Snc�w " in th_e_ _. comprehensive. plan of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Sanitary____ _._.. District with subsequent modifications approved by said Board.,,..___.. having been presented to the Council of the City of S.ti, t Peul. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered cad directed: 1. To investigate the necessity tor, or deeirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, end the total coat tieveof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To etete whether or not said improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or moreowners. � To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �. 1 F 1934 Adopted by the Council......... ,! ... Ycea N— C ers q Cooacilman M— ".T"' JUL 11 wA Maibrtwe* ik4i.. r— Approved .. _.... _....__ Rosen / J 'Cruex y � M. Pane .— Mayo, Pt hl'isl I! I, o.a... .a ... ..... — NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL+u!` - OFFICE OF THE CITY C. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENET! NBy _ _. _ DATE_�_� RIEMBIw50 WHEREAS, by agreement of the Municipal Soft Ball Leagues of the City of St. Paul and the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, the championship team of Baan league shall v1.tt the other city and play a series of cnamplonship games, and WHEREAS, heretofore the championship team of the City of St.Paul visited Winnipeg and played its aeries but the amount of money.advanoed by Winnipeg was insufficient by the sum of $225.00, to pay the coat of the trip of the St. Paul champion- ship team, and WHEREAS, the Municipal Soft Ball Association advanced said Bum of $225.00 to enable the teem to go to Winnipeg, and 'WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul has an agreement with the MunicipalSoft Ball Association to pay it certain sums of money from the proceeds of the Bale of bleacher seats at Dunning Field, therefore be St RESOLVED, tnat the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay the Municipal Soft Ball Association the furtner sum of $225.00 from the sale of bleacher seats, after the coats of operation are deducted. HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the p per city officers be and they are hereby autnorized to pay fr the proceed. of the sale of bleacher seats at Dunning Field, the expenses of the champion .( snip Y. M. H. A. soft ball teem of Winnipeg to the City of St. Paul, for Ste series at Dunning Field, COUNCILMEN JUl 12 1934 7'cas Nays A.In l.i cal Fl the t:ounail 193 JUL 12 1934 Rosen In (n.nr nrrr"—d T.... Warren Wcnrel Maynr !.1 r. Presi<Icnl (Gehnn. % , / WMISHI D e.e... .o �.. ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL .iLe NO. _ ')83 1 Z OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM o°n 11TE July 12, 1934,___ RESOLVED Inthe matter of grading Alley in Block 25, Auerbach & Hand's Addition from Cook St. to Oliver St., uuppder Preliminary Order C. F. 97381, apprpfed February 28, 1934, and Final Order C. F. 97823, approved May b, 1934. Resolved, That the plans and specifi- cations as submitted by the Commissioner of ks Public Worfor the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. L 9. COUNCILMEN Ycns Noy' I'ca e.c Pcic.san - 2oxn Truax Wn.rcn L -I Api. Wcn:cl Ad„rad v d, C- J ,ML ] 2 IM4 res 9 Arr.�'.cd H11 1 1934 193 Mayor e.e... .o c... c...x CITY OF ST. PAUL 'U NO. ' k8M OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _MISSION OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR" July 12, 193A- RESOLVED 93¢RESOLVED In the matter of grading Alley in Block 22, Auerbach & Hand's Addition from Cook Street to Oliver Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 97276, approved February 13, 1934, and n Final Order C. F. 97773, approved May 1, 1934• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifica- tions as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. _ t.Ol'\'('ILXt I:\ R-_ In c,.,.. Arrro."I It 1934 I,�a T.0 W,rrcn �, nu,l�,.� �Lj �✓ �f�r �....,�. Wcn...l \1 e lnr ,11.. N—d—, (leL.,n� o.a... .o <.. __.•. CITY OF ST. PAUL riga NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK S' NE�/ C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F^OE M July 12, 1934 RESOLVED Inthe matter of constructing that part of Sanitary Sewer Interceptor ^C^ on St. Paul Ave. from Snelling Ave. to 108 ft. southeast of Rosalind Place. Edgcumbe Road from St. Paul Ave. to 295 ft. north of Morgan Ave. Edgcumbe Roadfrom Field Ave. to 140 ft. North. Davern Ave. from St. Paul Ave. to Seventh St. Field Ave. from Davern Ave. to Edgcumbe Road. Sheridan Ave. from Davern Ave. to 470 ft. 'Nest. under Preliminary Order C. F. 98310, approved July 11, 1934. Resolved, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it Resolved Further, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. V couNCILMLN Y_ N"" Rosrn In f,�.��r Truax Warren AKu��. `. C JUL 12 1934 I,, !934 A rrr.....I 101 �JMn�c.r KIM , SI ��_i. 1. �i'x �� .1451610 ...... of TSE coM.r.o�LEA nLe aL 1 No. 1h, U Ok AUDITED CLAIMS 10 Gaban .. . ... . . .... TOTAL ......... ..... Prm od�ol. Opany ,,IIIL=;:y 7 35 . 5519 . li Me 29 so 5520 Alvin Olafson 7 14 4560 5521 Jack Kerrigan 5522 Leo V -mien aq 55 0 21 Geo. hObtov & Ed. Aydt 55 SiTo Produots.Comp—T. A — -a 6 Donaldso n Sheet Metal *or. 5525 'axr Motor Corporation 115 5� 6 595 55,,6 S. ilver 10 . .1451610 ITY OF ST. PAULa NO. -�!'tl_p.'J.iJ THE CITY CLERK , Lr 'COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR. PaeSEnT longicowmiss DATr- L E July 12, 1954 _ RESOLVED That permission to conduct a festival on the vacant property at Case and Arcade Streets for eleven days, from July 16 to July 26, 1934, inclusive, applied for by the National Veterans' Association of St. Paul be mr; the same is hereby granted, provided, however, that if any merry-go-round or other amusement device for which a license must to paid under any ordinance of the City in maintained said orgenizatlon shall pay the llconae fee so provided for. COtivaiMf_ AJJUL 12 1554 Yrn. f\'ays �.r�nl b,�li�- t_..��ucil 19t rear« A" "'d lirl iq�A 193 True.. Warren Cy ACain•� �� �t/, (`-e—��` Wcn:cl Mayor M,_ r ... ld,n, a;rl�an ♦< �o Sort PalAIc.-d Nr. u.�m CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capilal of Minnewta DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth end Minnesota 51-1, HE, WARREN, Commi-.— rn , Cuwc.r+. D—, Commn—, July 12, 1934 The Fnnorable Mayor and City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: flit" reference to the attached application of the National Veterans' Ae societion of St. Paul for permission to hold a £estival oa the v ant property at Casa and Arcade Streets for eleven days from July 18 to Ju1,y 26, 1934, inclusive, the residents in the immediate L have been interviewed by the Police Department and as the greatest number of them are not, opposed to the on ducting of the proposed fest"' al, attested to on sheet also attached hereto, this Department has no objection to the granting of the requested permission. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety .400D CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cac,tal of Menne:ole OFFICE QF CITY CLERK LenR mn„„eeero ON C.iy Cler egisira lion July 10. 1934• Hon. H. E. Rarr— Conmieeioner of Public Waty, City Hall. Dear Bi - The attached apDiication of the He ti .nal Veterans' Ass boleti.. asking for permt sero. to hold r fe,tilal at a efe rr ed to you bytheCityo Crce St t iiforiov"tigation and rec onme ndatl on. Very truly your=, City C1edc. * Against Festival , r For Festival a Against Festival e i I r rcSlivaI �9 allis%� �eS�i jiq� f The Only NATIONAL CIATION, Inc. All -Veteran HEADQUARTERS CHA P�9 WEST CENTRAL AVE Organization j T P'EII IA Lt. I �j Tt i'lets-ns Aa: -':.,n f A. 1'a ulh� 1;:,q t, n b, r v t t 11 Ai thgh 7,! c i rt,.e r carry en h. r, — "� needy if t - cp c,,, I ro Tic 4 s granted the I t, '_1 acc—,ance 2"" NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL QC-b.FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR. ti PRES—TE1 a DATE July 34 ColMlISIONER RESOLVED Tl.t On Sell Melt l'—" 4093 -d P-t —t be he 'l pplin,ti- 4CZA, epplild f— bY P—e- "t 'n' J- rl'i-'t -t v"t Seventh ,`.rent 1, "". ti.'iy are —ly Gr e 'ro. n issue such 11-n— �j- the payment in-., th, city t—e-4 o_"ty-1 "';,.ir,d fees. Pew e,Flis.st old I-Ot". 'o�' Z" ......... ........ ... C0['N( ILMFN.,y, ... Ad-—] 11, Thr� 1 12 1934 R-- App W n.. Apnlnsr 121934 Iv; NOT DELINGUENT 7- 7-34 Romeo Hathaway & 531 W. 7th St. (Hee ta=ant - 4094 John Kleinhart On 9ale Malt Lio.- 4093 m " ..... .. ..... ..L. NO. �2�rtf CITY OF ST. PAVL �-�-' - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ION -GENERAL FORM Y �R�ES/O�L/U�T FRESERTED BY / JTJ./`��-`-�^-� DATE '-Ti-X15'-i?t1s14-- - RESOLVED a That the appointment >b the Cov®issioner of Public Safety Of Ll—der G. Jemte of Chicago. Illinois ae Chief of Police —� Is heretp comurred in end approved. Adopted by the Council- _ _ ---. 193 Ye�/ Nays. ///RCE ✓ /R� �� /�//% PETERSON ROSEN //_///TRUAX /�///WARRENIY- WENZEL 000NCILM EN 193 - - Ycvs /rc N",/ AJoptcd by 1111C11111111_ 1 /MR PRESIDENT (GEHAN(/ Psrer'on� R In Evan, Appro.cd 193 'Warn 2 ARainsI / Mvyor /A4r. Presidcnc (Gchvnt --- CITY OF ST. PAU c OCIT...... c OFFICE OF THE Y . ne uai Qi COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE aenn �n�:lao p c .910 WS6>tA7,x V WHEREAS,the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that a certail garage located on Lot 6, Block 5, Woodland Park Addition, also known as No. 669 Fry Street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; tnsref�rs be it RESOLVED, that a public nearing; snail be had upon the advis- ability and necessity of wrecking; said building, on the 10th day of August 1934, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the ';ity of St. Paul, Minnesota; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time.fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds _and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owners of said oroperty, at nis last known address, or to the aesnt or Occu- pant of said property, g6totice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearin,,, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by ono publication in the official newspaper of the City o: St. Paul, said notice to be published not less tnan five days prior to the date of said hearing. I a, N.- nd„L,.d L, n,.I ,,,,,,�IJUL 13 1934 AUL 19193 Actin9 Wcnz=1 e ,u ^ L EEtausnl;u PN o51 IWe aNN50N w � MONi kAUfMABI UAS oA BASSfOxO LASuv� al De,4, c GY Ircnii«i a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capitol of Min naio la I DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner +t6�GD July 9, 19�h Aon. City Council c�o Mr. L. R• Ferguson City Cler It Gentlemen: 0111 you kindly hove a hearing set relative to the advisa- bility of wrecking end removing the garage which 1s located in the rear of �;G9 F`ry Ctrest? Upon investigation of compldilapidated,sDepartment has rotted, twined that this garageut ° and an eyesore to tho community. It is located on Lot , Block 5, woodlaem Fark Addition. The owner Ss 1, liarry F. :.with at this same address. Y¢ur �ruly, City Architect 0 L;,R .. 17 r / I STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS,PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER In the matcr of the ndem a on by the Commisxioner ��( Parka, Playground¢ andPublic Haildmgs, oft, oma t0 be owned by H Il I.. BmiCfl anA located uP n he follawtng de—i— I -k, to 106 % B]Ook 89 NooAlaal9 Park. ORDER WHEREAS, The Commi.x:oner of 1•arks. I'Iaygro�mAs unD Publi< HuilDing*. nae _1 me 1 1 1 1 1 u0, of the known and neaermed and dtua[eD un above dercribed ...... , Fns found and def - —d time Ss Lhni , ltn:�a ••oCte..� ogefiora _sto ti.0 coy L 1c.j. 14 =,.. by re s n of the above Inas snit �T,v.t�^ VOW THEREFORE, by v u or tM10 authority ca nferred u n the snit Commi-sinner of Parks, PlayKrounD� enA Public Building,, nur,uant to the laws o[ the State of Ninnesotn end the Chart¢- and Ordinancc1 of the City of Saint Pnul, and particulaOy OrJinvnce No. ]E10. en flied ".4n Ordinance p oviding [or ell —t-1 cancer ,slating to ar effecting [he construction, alteration, repair, r vel and maintenance or all buildings for structures r ports of buildings or structures erected or to be erected within [he Cily of Saint Pnnl" i, hereby it i= dared that it b gjdryy)g/� tak 1) d h I h f 'ed from the premt a rth n _ '=nI 3 I 1[ro the i— of lne =erv'ce or lb i, order Ld ouce upon the nxner o t thereof. In the event of the (allure or the owner or occupant to —ply xdth the term, of this order within the limeafore,vA, the a.bd Commissioner of Park, Plnygro —and Public Buildings shall rause thi, order to be complied with, and the expense, thereof cM1n19ed to and made. lienabove ngtproperty ,t the Aescribe.D. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the foregoing order i.. made amlsi ned by the Commissioner of Parks, Plny'ground, g and —Hm Hwldmgs, at St raw Nlm—om th= i __. ....any 0r.. -nave k— Is sq a, gmreD by law. C; �m�f Pnrks, PlnIs nnD Public Huilding,. o�.��wa.v� !NOTICE 1. __... .Bl�f._P. aMI4 kw BBQ -.'07 aftllo" _... 0'- -1 t. wnercad[.___. no _.... Owui Please Wke no me that the foregoing order w =.ued by the Commissioner or Park,, Playg,.unDs and Public t ns t: Huild nKs an the 1...... day of..... y, .. 19...cisand you ere hereby Ji't. to comply therewith, that in the event that you foil sa to da 91-611 you do not file any answer, objection or aPpt.1, as require) by the Chaney ami 01,11 aces of the City of St. Poul, within.......... days Imm the ,late of ,e1— of thi, order and nom upon you. [he _mid t.amm,ss, ner ,f l flay ods nA Public 1b,ddin will lto ¢,.force ,aid order anJe—d pr per[y will be chergeD with the pen.¢ lh—ff a�J/n/l tthee + p saltie ribed1by ll.w.. Cnmm:.',1��ner,1r1 rk,�I�L-KrounIx :,,iii Pabhc Uwhtn> CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepl�l of Ml..e,a„ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. City CIe,L .R.Com. mGo--- l ,gi„io July 11th, 1934. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Bulldtng. Dear Sir: Attached are three order¢ In the matter of condemning certain bulldings at the locations de eerlbed below: Three story freme building at 755 Cortland street, being Lot 1, Block 2, Drake', Second Addition. Dwelling at 725 Plato Ave., being lot 12, Block 19, Marshall Addition. Garage located In rear of 669 Fry Street, being Lot 6, Block 5, loodlewn Park Addition. The Council today referred the above t, you for the proper resolution, setting data of hearing Sm the above matter,. Tour, very truly, AJC / City Clark. �� o,�a....o ��.....,, CITY OF ST. OFFICE OF THE C17- {{/I COUNCIL RESOLUTIONcOM-GE,'� eSmEiss'o a _ _ _ _ ._ _ ,a -E 1Q[seuva� WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that a certain one story frame dwelling, located on Lot 12, Block 19, Marshall Addition, also known a,ae No. 225 Plato Avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore be it RESOLVED, that public nearing; shall be had upon the advis- ability and necessity of wrecking saia building, on the 10th day of August 1934, at ten o'clock A, M, in the Council Chamber in the 447ourt House and City Hall, in the City of St, Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not lees than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commlesioner of Parks, Playgrounde and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating t- time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of the City of St. Paul, said notice to bo/published not less than five days prior to the date of Bald hearing. COUNCILMEN' Yc,t Nny, Ad,," d 1•, dh, JUL 13 1934 I,rs i Peursoo -R— - h, n„-,,. JUL 19 1934 rr 193 T.uvr Warren Aknina w—'l ACtinr Mopor �s,NR. V1�'.E FHES. HOSEN I'UBLkSl11:D1 � 3 < ERNEST w IOHNSOH S, tAMONT [AUFMAN ,. o — . + A BASS OCD Ory A�cMi«i o. �..e.I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota 'r DEPARTMENT OF ' PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner July 9, 1934 Hon.City Coun ell. c/o Clty Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: — May we refer to yoifor condermation the dcmlling at 225 Plato n venue 4 This building Ss vacant, open, and the porches are falling. It is a one stor^ frame delling. The property is known as Lot 12, Block 19, Marshall Addition, and the owner Is Victor Berkovltz, 222 Plato A'enue. Y truly, y-Archi Cect Li,R .. U STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER In the ..--f of 0e candenma[ion by the Commissionr o ef Parks, Playgrounds and[f'ublic Buildings, of n swJ to be owned by Q'iOGm 9avtcovi4a bid Io'— up.v the following describ«I real esm[e, m xit. LBC 28& nook 39. Uwd=U AdMUM ORDER WH El Tic om r„f1F�'...�rkc. Plvyg..... n,..l P-11 13-1,1E, - ivv the //..�....�1�<� 1v of I'll warp known vnd describe,I — 9W Plato AV® and .- ted upon ab—w Jvscr: bed property hos found—ddw�I�eter�mine I Ili;,, 9at762a9 W�IILr �I faLuTem ama is am stmy rLvzlp* by r nson of the eb.ve [n �. unsafe vnd dangerous e:0 1g='b• 1=="�1 oIIa adiaftinQ N'0\4, THEREFORE, by virtue of env nuthonty conferred upon the -mid Cammisrioner .f Park=, Plvy'Rrounds and I'uLlic Buildings, Pursuvnt fo env laws of the Slate of ll .... I. and the Ch, - and Ordinance, of [he City of bainl Paul, and partieularly Ordinance N.. 1314 entitled "An Ordinance p o.dding (.r vll matters concerning. relv[inu ta, or v8ecting the cons ruc vl[er removvl and mai n of all buil ling r s[rurturv. , p is of buil,ling ar strvcturcs erected o otben tpedrwi[hin the - t> of Salm I vol." _.- is hereby co 1 1 nd it i, ordered that it b TIA11L-MfW—token uvxn remo.r I) and the mate: als Iherefr,nn rem—Id tram me pre —thin _... __.. y= from me ate of Oill.— of this order and notice span the owner o [ mere.. N 0e event of me tailors of the owner or occupant to ,mP15 with the terms of thtt soler ori thln the tcimenfaresaid, the said Commissioner of Pnrk�, 1'le>'Rrnunds acd 1'ubP.c Buildings shall cause this order I. be complied x ub, end the .sus thereof envrged t nd mode n lien a nins the shoos des 11111, n v ' u arty c IN WITNESS WHEREOF me fareuo le i, mad I - I by h C i, s=inner of �[rks, PI � .ands vnd Pabl'c B dlingc It S[ Paul )1'nncso[e th day f 1 as Commissrks, Pleygrou (�1(P~ub`Iji,<„\➢[uildinus'. NOTICE da 71abw 9erlmaits, 20 Plato Avm>® owner so and to....... _... Occupvvt, Flews mks IU [ha h t regoing r�er yyas issued be the Commipyjp !Parks, Plvygr-i- and rl�blic ➢uil�l ngs nn the _.... .lay of J� 1'J OY. d ou ere hereby d'recteJ to romply therewith, that in the event that you [wl so to Jo or that yoa�not file any answer, objection or nppevl, the niter and 0,d f th L) f S I 1 h- 1 3 t e v f: ''re of t- order no4ve apo y II - 1 C f l PI yg I P.1,11, H Id' . -I _ I sal p,,party -11 b harged witM1 h pence Cher t',anYd'�j�/�)c penal' rescn'bed b Commi.= roar o[ Pvrks, P grou ' PbPublic uilJingx CITY OF SAINT PAUL Geibl d M.— OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City G ,,d Commlelenm el R.yhn — Awust 10th, 1914, Mr. L. L. Anderson, 0orp0 ration Counsel, Building. Den. Sir: Yours very truly, City Clerk The Council to dgv r red the follow- ing conaennatlon nat.ere to You for resolutions (No. 2) covflxmiti each condemnations: Garage at5�9 Fry St., bclnr Lot 5, Block F, Woodland Park Addition. Dnn111ng at 275 Plato Avenue, being Lot 1?, Block 19, .14arsha11 Adcition. We attach herewith Council Filee Nos. 9931) and 9agzo. Yours very truly, City Clerk .... 10. ,. -,L- a 104 pCPAII'l IT I Ff 1;7,I iCAT;0[ IIU4GfLR OR 'WE P7 1I3`n' Ge Cli`:LI:T C! {ti:GJ LA a. C'IY.TF.:ITS C 7 U'NL& Ok Nff, oI- LAST DCC6 TIFT DI CROTILIQ;U 4— �C 2—l1 ,-,,l".T CITY C01 "i" "TCI'OI 6Y ,uper+i.oc 9�l lull 6�l lull SZ�l �Z'IIIII T T VIII 2 4X a th oti > v�