97603-97937_04-03-1934_05-22-193424, ;ERIAL 110. 01' ROLL DEPARTiFNT (/ _ n ROLL IDENTIFICATI0N ;LIP (/ PE-MANENT RETEITI01: DATE 'I'0 BE DESTROYED If I.iml to LIl4TED RETENTION DATE 'tICROFIL['I'DL�G�. CONTENTS rill, -21 NUMBER OR NAME OF FIR;T DOCUMNT OF REGULAR CC TENTS P 12 `IUImER OR NA:T OF LAST DOCUMENT NICROFILIED Opera:or J OI::T CITY COUIITY 17ICROFILII BY Supervisor N-1 „q o.=„�.�.�� 97602 !�76i:3 S476A T. .ol';---- n ..r..4-:OUNCIL RESOLUTION I_ INTO in�mali n co Ifanh 29 4_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. zz�T77Oss__THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF I I _ 2473 pA� COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. .ocPTEN .1 TSE —1—L APR 9 193A / APPROVE ,sT v �� /�li7�C/✓1�� / No. COUNCIL RESOLUTION tines AUDITED CLAIMS March 31A A -1WT _T AIL ua IN FAVOR OF Hsrea 2529 Mrs. C.S. Robbins 1 221 2530 Drs. Ryan & Ryan 3 �c 2531 Sit Jobn's Hospital ' 7 C� Ili 2532 9t:Joseph's Hospital 7o 6c, 25347 9t.Lukele Rogrital 253 or, 110 P53Z or: I:E"'Sti's'ette 27 0 253 The Sto- I i -Gal Company N 7 2537 Dr. E.O. Swanson 3 5 2538 Dr. J.H. Wallinga 41 0 1, 2539 Dr. Frank Whitmore " jo on's 220 0 2'4 5 - ,4l C.Z%ei—t.�n 2542 Arthur M. Heinen 116 6 2943 Charles Jannet t, 95101 33 ' a 4 5 25 4 Louis Sit -an 4 123.6 .1 2545 Milton Rosen, 0. of Finance] 2546 Pilton Rosana 11: of Finance 1 229 09 254 lt.n ":. C o 2547 M Finano 2 555 43 8 Milton Rosen. 0. of Finsuo: 4 22 3 2549 Lawrence J. Xautack 912 16, 2950 Tri-state & T:lg. C. 276 14 41-S.. & T 1g. Comp o '�'Y 2552 John Cusiok 10 DO 255] Farwell, O=un. Kirk & ComPs�Y lag 64 2594 Lodis Gilbert 12 00 2555 H.N. Blaugas Company 34 02 2956 Paper. Cel—n— & Company 199 20 2557 m I it.n Rosen. C.P.R.Y. 968 31 2598 L.C.Smi th & Corona TY 350 00 ,vestern Union Telegrape—'t� -','559 ph Co. sZ, �7 55 P56o Mrs. Josephine M. Ayd, Guar an 0 00 4o oo 2561 Mrs. Catherine M. Claughert 2569, Mrs, Etta Flaherty 28 28 Mr Ann:,Schneider 17 28 25 , :: 31 86 , Ago Weis. 256 ,lex side 52 so P56Z gem C se.1—d. 2 40 S14— TOTAL -0-1110 6 813 31 _ lo8o596 .19 F, IL No. i6ii 14 COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS -X-9h 31, - .193-3rve OT —=�— AL rvuwecn crvcc^IN FAVOR OF 111. 1 .1 10—A— 8812 31 r=596 19 2567 G'o;. P.Kisoh 2568 Hilton Rosen, C. of Finance 11 n0 35�. 2569 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 1 1 451 3- 2570 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 2 154 6 2571 Board of Public Welfare 13 173 Od 2572 Al Bonn 5 0( 2573 Capitol stationary lifg.Comrany 190 91 2974 The Speakes Oomnany 1325 95 1 257 Standard Brandej Inc. 2572 Amerloa:n Development Compan# 4 475 2577 George C dabi 12 9 2578 Michael �ft.ffy 875 O� SHEET TOT,L—aoawAao 9 81331 f ~,.~-� �~__ ~=---'-' w "~"^" rre urr ©••t CITY OF ST. PAUL ,v NO. 9I60,) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERH MM En COUNCIL RESOLUTION-�"ENERAL FORME ! _ _ ,_mac �. -Jy t-�,T-u—.,.,ti-t✓� April 2. 1984 RESOLVED That licensee applied for by the following named persons for the addressee indicated be and they are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to Sean such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Sam Robbetes 859 Psy— Ave. Restaurant Grayling Realty Corp. 545 R. Snelling Av. " L. Herter 182 State St. " Steichen Hroe. 740-744 Hondo St. Butcher n n n ^ ^ Grocery Anthony Colgan 195 W. Fourth St. Ret—r—t On Sele Non -into, ca:ln, ;salt Beverage Off GUUM ILAIn1V Icll�rnnlJ �lfnrcn _ _i In favor Iiryren �ruaa ��.. Against /W ."'I `. e_r /hlr. P—ident hiahoacy t l'(Y CLEBE r it Ad q,t, d by err, n„�rrr�t _ APR._ _ 3 1934 1 : i Approved . 193- ' ie- " �--, -,- " i � f , i I !d h_ try H OF 'n - C I MILTON R�StEN FRED Ec LO, VELL CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.piul d Mi -n - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Yareh E7, 1934. 1[ . VSnoamt L ddm, Dspt. of Publie Safety, St:. Paul. Minn. Dear Sir, On the applloatlon of the Haallns Hotel, looated at 545 B. Snelling A-9. I m informed by Yr. Charles 1:1—r. manager of the hotel, that thle property 1e 1. r 01-arehip and u soon ae a --ort settlement is made, the t—ea will bo pe -id. Yo e truly, Cosmlaelon re of FSnmoe. MILTON 0.041,1- CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.PiW of Minn— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Kroh 25, 1934. Mr. Vincent Luddm, Dept. of Public Safety, St. Paul. xi®. Dear Sir, on the application of L. garter, 182 State St. for a grocery lice—, Mr. garter was in my office and stated that the terse will be paid by Yayy let. I r —.d that the poem. be granted. Yo y/ ruly,— Ft (c �i•eioner of Plmme.l FRED E. LOVELL CIT? OF SAINT PAUL Office rf City Clerk 7 t 7 . ty Cl. i k & C, v i i,r— ,f F-r,i c t— t i M. 19th, 1934. Y- L. K—t.r, 162 State St., St. P.., , mi— D.— Si - At r -.1. r' --ti - - of ,, t- -r4� , 16th d, -f hatch, y—r ­pl4c,ti— for GROCEFT LIC --MSE nas r,ot n. d .1 a11,—d. d--- t, advise � 11 tFil flet, 'Id -­— Y, i� —If MIL T,041 . .. ROSEN fes. FR0.D Ec LO��^L CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.piW of Minn -- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE V-- h "3, 1934. . Vi nc ont I.uAden, :,St en ae Inepeotor, 9aoarb�ent o' R�h11- �41'aty, Gityvt 1-1. ear sirs Referring to tha application of Anthony Gnl den, 195 '.Yost F Orth :treat, for restaurant and off and on -gale non- .ntozi cat ing malt b--ge lit enae. ,t ta,:h atl herewith y.;u will !'inn a unioation from �ath�art k )'azf i-ltl, statin v. that this n _er too is in itifat'.on. Very truly your., j C oavhSSeionAr of Finance. CATHCART F' MAXFIELD ILEAL sWrATe. MANAGEM T OF PROPERTY, -R ­ March Twenty Third 1 9 3 4 Hon. Milton Rosen, Co®Saeloner of Finance, Court Hn.e, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Co®Ieeloner ?ef:rt M to apelicltill made for restaurant and off and o sale beer license at 195 rest Fourth Street, w refer y:,u to u o r letter of February 9th, 1934 in corron ectiwith this props r ty. Thi. store Se located in the Arlington Hotel, Saves Corners, which owned by John F. Fitzpatrick. Mr. Fitzpatrick has if l ed a. apn 11 cation for a reduction Sn the a seed valuation of this property and c sequently has not paid thes1932 twee. As we said In our letter of February 9th, it is the first time in perhaps a enty yenre that the Laze. on this particular property has noc been paid. will you kindly give this application the necessary attention after considering this letter, and oblige? Very truly yours,G /l CATHC ci:y 0jAiNT ?A"L O:f.ce of ^.Lty Clerk F. 3,,tt '.ti Clerk I ­ 1 1 1-,, f R-4 r Ir', M ­h 19th, 19;4. Mr. G thOny Glg­ 195 W. TO St. St. P-1, Ili— D.., Sir: h �It, 7"-i, 14, ­'RAVTPIiltTL, Oyfro'A:lr ON SAU BEER LICENSES ­ ­ I;ls ped %! 11-1d. I ­ dir,­! t, �­ ' — :— tj 1. f_ t Y, �IJ , err Y—,r-.f ­^rdi-ly. Y-, trly, o.,a I .o av ask CITY OF ST. PAUL °,u ` NO. 9 [ W 16 IN r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LC NCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM verve o av DATE Aprll_2r 1884 WHEREAS, the C. & H. Club (Cook & Harley) desires to .ithdr" eppllention an On Sale Hon—intozlcating Melt Beverage license nt 575 A. university 1765 for Avenue; therefore, be it ty officers be and they are hereby wthortaed RESOLVED, that the proper ci to refund to C. & H. Club (Cook & Hurley) the fee of M.cO deposited oa application and to cancel said application for license. ::a u° t -a °o <wo.a 'r ,sarl COUNCILMENAPR 3 mA I�;I eId by Ih, I -"'il. � ay Cl�ellmd 2E� '`� pcurcr In favor ,\P7'mrrd nn. AgnIIFt u�.��< nn,�. ear a-na/Mr. Preeidel,t NInhoney o.ia�.•I �o cis, c�.rk CITY OF ST. PAUL N0.. 91.60 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUMON—GENERAL FORM MOT% +T_ once . _ A9TU 5... 1854 . WHEREAS, Theo. J. Pepin desires to withdraw application 84 for under which a llc ense wa ran r,ted by mistake Berber license at 1567 0aivarsity Avenue, therefore, be it A RESOLVED, that tha proper city officers be and they are hereby m thorized to -fond to Theo. J. Pepin the fee of $.10.00 and to cancel said ql Barber 11crose. i.'.a,wt..snw coumrn"alcn APR 3 1934 rase N,,- Ad<�pled 1,>� a„� t��d ula. �n�enla APR rpt 1pni-t �! , /W env�l Jlulor am c -m /All. Resident Alnh-, / / CITU OF Sr. PAUL ,LL. ` NO. �lll➢��L/ OFFICE OF THE CITU CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the application of the Anchor Oil Company for per- mission to *root and rsintain two 17,000 -gallon tanks for the storage of gasoline, at 686 North Aldine street, be and the ease is hereby granted, said tanks to be Installed in accordance with the ordinanoes of the City of St. Paul, and wader the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner —� of Public Safety. c xA • •._a, •,v„ I � LI°.°. alt a,"m¢:°• ,w.,� � �_. W�Ij °f ��mmWlay, °! h¢Ib loGeew l.e�wlt t t eI, ls., i 1u1. ('f)VN(II.)IIIN ,itu.vrn //I /15'enx�l / \Ir. I1r ,Ie t ntnhooey :Co= ea a -v _ERK �7-- Ad,,U,J by Ilu APR. I W, ll A,".— d CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT C." Clerk and Commi_..., of Re9�sr,ar,o,. .1119�:. March ?9•h, 1.' . Yr. L, L. Inde rson, Co rpo it on Cosine al, Building, Dear sir: The at taehed applieatlon of the lnc hor Oil Co®aoy for permis sloe to a act two 1T, 700 gallon tanks for the etorege of gasoline at 56F No rth Gldine street w referred to you todxtiy, by t -':e Co�i^.ctl, or t_e o _ r resol�itlo ant SnT erw�a. Yo—, very truly, '_'ity Clerk, CITY OF SAINT PAUL f- pleel of Miom.at� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tend. ad Minn� Se. - JGHN H. McDON/.lD, Corvumau �u Mr. Willi— F_ City C�.�c�o tt, aris, s.."., Minn. HeraRi�h Ls r� of ins��^cti on Ly Lle 9urui.� �f Firms - c,ntion on ...�_ �-Lirar_ion oi' lh� :n�.hor Oil C'.om .o ?. .. .no -1700`1 F,110, 1'0^ t1dL— iN . Tommi psi. 0— CITY OF SAINT PAUL CW. d Mi....w. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T..th ..d Ml..aob Sb..b JOHN H. MAONN , CorxwsHOH:v TH—S c. 0'COHr.i1 —1- -qW0 yarch 26, 1934 Honorable John H. McDonald, Co®issioner of Publio safety, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear sir: In regard to the application of the Anchor 011 Company to erect two 1 70n gallon tanks for the storage of gasoline at 565 Horth Aldine Street. We have investigated the location and report that there wouldhe no serious increase in the fire hazard of that vicinity if permission to install this bulk slant was granted. Heepe`cctfully yours, CHIEF IN9TOR r ANCHOR BLOCK COMPANY Steam Cured Building Blocks 555 ALDINE STREET ,...I ST. PAUL, MINN. N1 IC 2 March 19, 1934. Gity councll,� city of St. Paul, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: we hereby make application for a License to operate a Bulk Gasoline Plant to be located at 565 Aldine Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on Minnesota nTransfer Railway cr T r a ckage . L+2e:wl 1 7 1,b O q aX- V.+ . Very truly yours, ANCHOR CIL COMPANY, ey A. D. H.vde. THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL,�MINNESOTA COURTHOUSE March 29th, 1934. Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir I have your letter of March 20th relative to application of the Anchor Oil Company for license to operate a bulk gasoline plant of two 17,000 gallon tanks at 565 Aldine Ston Minnesota Transfer Railway Trackage, This is a Heavy Industrial District. The trackage on which the tanks will be located is some distance back from Aldine St. Thereis no objection to erection and Operation of these tanks subject to Underwriters' Specifications, and the Board recommends that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, GEORGE B. 9ERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh oM'n�y av sees CITY OF ST. PAUL ,iu cc NO. 97609 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COUNCIL RESOLUT —GENERAL FORM ` 3 e.mwR,rn ,Y l 4 u.e( � ✓���' mmMM.a��R � _� mesa RESOLVED WEXEIMS, the folloring nemed person. hove hertt0fore filed applications for 'off sale" 1lmuor llnen.ee, and have deposited with smch applications the limen.. fee therefor, viz; Jack Cohen 503 1labaeLa St. Henry J. Meyer 603 llaba.lu 9t. Patrick C.s.ett. 241 H. sour th 9t, Harry Simonson And Ralph Lichter 69? St, Peter St. AND, URELS, Bald applicants have rlthdrarn their apDlt,atlo,o and has, ;o nested the return of the soo—t deposited, together rith all papers filed eith the eald applications; therefore, be it RESCLm That the proper city officers be and they are heremy authorized and directed to .stun to the above named pe..... the uvt of the "off sale" license fee heretofore depoeited by them rl th their appllcntlons end the City clerk in directed to advise the State Lieuor Castrol Cosvaiseioner o` the fort that eel_P anollce- tions 'bv been wlthdrer.. COil\CII.\IEE 'Nis, ' �frponeld /Poarce In Lmur / I w� .lgninet Wenzel awt a.n / nl r. Prcddc��t )Inhoney . (1. P. Adopted by ❑,e C-,-1 tAPR � jq�0 .Ion. Apps "d Al nynr March e9, 1934 To the City Council St. Paul, 1ilaneeota Gentlemen; In regard to the off sale 1lcenee that has been turned in I am asking for s refund on off sale liquor license. MEYER DRUGH COMPANY o oa EsI PAUL 11- 7- - u M„ FILED CFFICE OF CITY CLERK 'fT,CITY ""'t, %l �+ 2 y �1 3 s� � � � ��° �-u-o �_.� �„�"' _,��R� . ��,, � .w�� ��—cz,1� l� ,54 3 .� _ � �� � // ��-� l� 6— St. Peter 9t. Pt. psn1, u1 nn. A-ril ?, 1-34 Poncrable Vavor and Cruncil, Gentleren: t lee Pyo w , Parry G1¢cnson anA Pal oh Llchterf, ep lied for an off -sale liquor llocn se pere.It un.ler the name of ;he CapitolCity Llquor More locates at P, St, oet-r Street. 'or various ressnns unkrown to us the pt -it was not .ranted to us, altho- h we are respectable citlzena and pay o—o $1000 a year for taxes. Th-refore, --iny thst the perv.lt' nave all been elven out,we Pak that oir 3p,llcation, money, and bonda be-turnei to us. �-' 9'7610 Cin OF ST. PAUL ..: }... .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --- COUNCIL ON ---GENERAL •TM W WMRZA6, on K&rob*2. 1934, the Come 1, -md, authorised the Oorporation Counsel to request of new bind coun- gel their opinion whether the bonds of the City issued pursuant to authority of the sewage Disposal Act of 1933 were payable from ne- linited taxes upon all taxable property in the City; and WHEREAS, the Corporation Counsel did thereafter request much an opinion from the .firm of Chapman & Cutler, of Chicago, Illinois; therefore, be it RESOLVZD, That the act of the Corporation Counsel in obtain- ing such opinion from Chapman & Cutler be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed; and WHEREAS, the firm of Obapman & Cutler has given its opinion that such bonds are payable from unlimited taxes; and WHERZAS, the Public Works Administration requires such opinion if the same to obtainable, and such opinion Is not obtain- able from the firm of Thomson, Wood & Hoffman, of New York, who originally acted for the City on the question of the validity of such Sewage Disposal bonds; and WHEREAS, Chapman & Cutler estimate their fee to be between $10,000 and $12,000 for the total issue for both Minneapolis and St. Paul, and approximately one-third of such fee will have to be paid by the City of Saint Paul; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel be and he is hereby authorized to employ the firm of Chapman & Cutler as special counsel to page upon the validity of the bonds of the City Segued pursuant to the Sewage Disposal Act of 1933, at a fee not to exceed $4,500.00. Y- cOUNCI M[I N AM �,J1( y - �,a,��`a`' Pearce In furor dppmn•d- w PUDIISHL• ID,/_7- f u -a Previ�lenc 3lnhoncy SCP. SCOTT, CITY CLB81S er__4.... ... 97611 CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM M*Q—o Pware�ATE . A.P111 4, 1934- RESOLVED 4f WHZR:,S' ah umfo-e ..es ­­r d J. that ine t,b.e in the b.ile. at the -t _1a., ­i—1 buiDli,E -'eve b,-odia beyond repair, no i:n1—, tnhelis' ­j_ daiaige ,_1t, now the of.- be it ,__rLVZD,:het n -2—d-10 --1 6ect— 291 of toe Ch"tt' the F—h—i,g Agent, -t "'I '-o"" f t i ty Comptroller sad the ii yo, is hereby aut: or iz.d t,, I.Ialdl— ly , the the Ke_e. boil_ company in '­Jre t�"T­­ , 7% repair.'. ,, replacements, said rep.-ire to cost -PP:-illt-ly th' boh f t-1— hidod,ed ($1200.00) Ve. ra—I.I! A F Y R j V Z D Cit, •Lompt,oiier klay.r '�,W A.1,AM b, the 01- 4193.(024 Zia, A d /1'runxAg.e- fay MI. 11—'i,i,int Mah.—y a -- ')71;12 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR ". o-mmanint; and talcing an aaaammh in the lm� neoaesary for .lo:o , onto and fill. In the grading of MaB..I St. from Seventh St.to Smith Ava. a—t aid* of Douglas St. fi Seventh St. to BB ft. north of Ooodrloh Ave. North aid* of Goodrich ova. f7m 9evaath St, to 20 Pt, woe! of DouFl.a St. South aide of 6ocdrioh Ave. Prom S:vanth St. to 2S f't. -at of Seventh St. .,,at aide of Douman St. 1'r*n Savamth St. to 102 ft. mouth of Banfil St. Eaat aid, of Dou®an St. from Seventh St. to 72 ft. mouth of Banfil St. Rorth aide of B—fil St. Tann :; avanth St. to Bo It, amt of .'n axon St. South aide of Banfil St, frac S.vonth St. t* 50 Pt. o.at of Hort` aido of Goodhue St. fr® Sevavth St. to 192 ft. :vat of oV St. South aide of Goodhue St. from Seventh St, to 102 ft. :".at of r.,.racmn 3t. Ann St. from 5eraath St. to Ysuko. St. Northaide of Yankee 8t. er.0 Sevaath St. to A ` et. SOT aide of Sankee 9t. Prov Beranth St. to 110 ft. ..at of Ann St. ?met aide of Boatarn Avn, Pram Seventh. Sc, to Von Slnden St. Heat aide of '—tern :.vo. frma Seventh .St. to 88 ft. mouth of the oaumt.r line of Yon Minden St. prod ... d North aide of Van Min yen St. from ..atomto SO ft. amt of n.etera w Horth aide of St. Glob =t. free Seventh 8t.at': "' f , wast of ;seat... t... South aide of St. Glair St. from Saventh St. to Nug*.t St. goat aide of Rialawad St. from 119 ft. mouth of ^t. Clair St. to 327 feat north of the month Jin. of Oram. St. Allay in ` wL 9, 1.*ooh'm Addition fr®::..—,t`. 3t, to SO ft. -- �f .--h :;t. .—d, f damages to the onmers of such lands for said taking and condemnation as net forth in said av--t roll. he and the same is h ... b. in ,Ii —1—tv ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the come is herehy ordered to be submitted to the District C—ft for confirmation. pec�iae�acgea�vzdxxhax� ,®3caa�ueotxbazrodr3sAa<keYB4Fxgsr2f�Hlaxr<s'fr,s{r5iS5le` Aw53xr.Xx.ezzsz�gt(;(xagtR4..pA.ak-yr6W BLSSQ4nNxPFPBtif36�t4feiEiif. APR 4 1934 Adopted by the Council _ APPro,ed __ R76'P _- F'tc Clerk. I� / ) Councilman Codwo' Counchman_ gun Councdman s Id �•;', -' - pi/j}I.ISIll'.Il `� Councilman- " Councilman ..a...a,,:, Cman WlWaimeamn ouncil /�l'.�.._il 4 r 9"iG12 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR ,1,1110 ` 4L under Preliminary Order__ ---97015 -- approved , approved_ December 21r_1933 Intermediary Order ________ 27099________, approved__-aUutry-10-1934 Final Order__-___ 37228. _ _ approved __February - o, 1934 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the bands nr easements therein, for the above improvement, and the award, of damages therefor. and alw upon the assessment fit of bene, therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be n Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed a... ment ,all, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners o. such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth u, said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same 3s hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be aubmuted to the District Court for confirmation. flecitrf><dhEerE�cidx�hatA�ex�dca�>u+tf¢vvticSSAb�tev04}aSbletiill�9xL3'tlE �hj�ETex kAx3F'zx .cchxt9piagc�aKmxavakxp6t�fi aXAaAArHCbLFItic�tNS€&F. Adopted by the Council --- APR 4 1934_--. �tY Clerk. Approved - Councilman fgnwy_ Councdman er uson, Councilman pnald Councilman Councilmaneitd;=–°�+ Councilman dYtlWif� Mayor . a?�sa �lal�.umy. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND OF ,3GVEFITS In the matter of______________'_______________-. _._______--_______.. oadelmg oad taking . in the lend neo,-7 for elo��ee, Out, and fill, in �an mement the grading of MaBoal St. from Seventh S= Smith Ave. Rent side of Doug Le St. from Seventh St. to 66 ft. north of Goodrich Ave. North aid. of Goodrich Ave. from Seveath St. to 20 ft. wast of Douglas St. 8Outh aide of Goodrich Ave. from Seventh St. to 23 ft. met of Seventh St. Neat aide of Do.— St, from Seomth St. to 102 ft. .Doth of Ba l St. East aide of Dousaam St. from Savoath St. to 72 ft. south of Benfil St. North side of Berfil St. from Seventh St. to 90 ft. mat of D ... aoa St. South eida of Banfil St. froat Seventh St. to 60 ft. -at of Douanm St. North aide of Goodhue St, from Seventh St. to 192 ft. wast of Do—St. 8onth eida of Goodhue St, fr® Soventh St, to 182 ft. west of Dnevean St. Ann St. from Seventh St. to Yankee St. North side of Yankee St, from Seventh St. to Ann St. South ,ids of Ywkee St. from Seventh St. to 110 ft. west of Ann St. Eeat skis of ',.stem Ave. from Seventh St. to Von Minden St. West eida of Western Ave. from Seventh St. to 98 ft. ,oath of the center line of Von Minden St. produced North side of Yon Minden Bt. from We,6ern Ave. to SO ft. met of heaters Ave. North side of St. Cl.ir St. from Seventh St. to lb8 ft. ..at of Western Ave. South side of St. Clair St. free Seventh St, to Nugent St. East aide of RlOh.—d St. from 117 ft. south of St. Clair St, tO 327 feet .ort: -.of the south line of Grace St. Alley in ",'look 9, Laaoh', Adaitioa free, Sovanti. St, to 30 ft. ,net cf Saysnth St. That he has fixed and determined the value of the land lands or easement therein taken and appro- printed for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the person, to whom such awards are payable; that he ta» .1w fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, frum the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled an above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. j r Commissioner of Finance. r; - under Preliminary Omer--- 99Q3�_- ,approved_ R-bAl'., Intermediary Order_______32099_------ a pproved_--- _.,Iav„ary_ 10,_1934 ----- ___.___________ Final Order --------- __.__31226______. approved______ Sabruary_-6 _1934____ TO THE COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the ov.ners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. miss------- - -------- Commissioner of Finance.am,e. CITY OF ST. PAUL ,v c" NO. 976J3 3 FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,tO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Phe EN D ay COMM ss�onen .._ Dere __.marrb_.31r _1834.. RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one ..son -Dick Model 96 Mimeograph from A. B. Dick Company, at a price of $450.00, less allowance of X25.00 for old machine to be taken in trade, making the total cost not to exceed $425.00, without asking for competitive bids, as this is u patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. Yeas COU NCILNIFN AN Adopted by tho Cuaneil..._ 4 ���4 ? 9�t / . h favor App,—d. .193_. �'ruax ...Againet /�Venzcl / Afayor u j Mr. President Mahoney ,. ,� FOIST 'Ho• 2 �_ .. ,, .. 97614 , Sttbjeot _ Co 31s $a. f hod FORM Ao. 1 April 3, 1834 An emergency has arisen in be Department of Publlc Utilities Bureau of Water, rendering necessary the employment of certaln employee of that department for more than eight hour. per day in the doing of the following work: Repairing water main on E.Como-Phalen between East Shore Drive and Fleher St.w Drlvin truck.# This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: !Leak in main. #Tak�men to and from � .tet �i�iEs C '�Y-le"d�c_�o�r`Jr/rect Le nerd N• Tho Peon General Buperl nt endent 97615 COUNCIL FILE NO. By �eandwlnq INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Metter of changing the grade of the north side of Cook St. from Gaultier St. to a point 176 ft. rest of Gaultier St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached end made a part hereof, the present established grade being She= by the blue line thereon, also grading Alley in Block 22, Auerbach k Hand's Addition from Cook St. to Oliver St., under Preliminary Order__ 97276 _— —pprov The Council of the City of Sc Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby. resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is ere hereby ordd to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the 1 -ver, which the Council recommends is change the grade of the north aide of Cook St. from Gaultisr St. to a point 196 ft. west of f uYtler St. to of form to the red line on tha profile hereto attached and made a pert hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon. also grade Alley in Sleek 22, Auerbsah and Hand's Addition from Cook St. t Oliver St., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $533.83 Aesotved Further, Th,, a public hearing be had on said improvement on the—. _ , I _ —day of u"193 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court 1 House and City Hall Building in he City of St. Paul. Th., he Commissioner of Finance give orrice of said meeting to he persons and in the mannec provided by the Charter, .rating the time and piece of h- int the nature of the improvement and he [oral cost thereof as estimated. 4 1934 Adopted by the Conn,?NR 4NR 4 g94 193 Approved.__—_ _.. ___. --- 193-- Clerk yor C—,- —, M,Do-id Councilman May Y1MLLSIIED Councilman Pearce Councilor n iios n v Councilman Truax CouncilmanWencel Mayo, Mahoney Form B. S. A. 8.6 !)76 16 a COUNCI FILE NO. ae - By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemningn and taking a ant in the lmd n .ary for elopes, acts and Cills in the grading of Allovin Block 22, Auarbaoh end Bend's Addltlion "_Coak Street to Ol ivar Street, under Preliminary Order_ _99277 approves Yebr`m^ 1l_ - 93� _- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissions[ of Fim— upon chc above mproveme , d having c .md...d said report, hereby resolve. 1. That the aidcantepottand the same .s hereby approved end adopted, and the mid improvement u hereby ordered eo be p...c ded .with. 2. That he 6— of the imptovemenc which the Council cecomm.nds u I -d— and take an ant in a land n e eery for elopes, cute and fills in the gradin- of All ins Block 22, arbaoh andsHmd'e P.dditicn from Cook Street to Oliver Street, in ordance with the blue print hereto attached Ind mad. a part hereof, the hatched orticne eh.w ng the cots and the thaded porticne showing the fill., -h co alternatives, and eh., he estimated cost hetwf is $_Sa.O1. ---- Resolved F—het, Thar a public hcarin be had on said imptovemenc on the --1 - - --day of W _ __—, 193A—, ac ch r of 10 o'clock A. M., in chc Council Chambn of chc Co— Hou and Ciry Hall Building i the Cie ouSt. Paul. That the Com n r of Fin ce give not c< of aid sm ing r the persons and In he c ptovided by chc Char s� ing. the nmc and place of [hear ing, theses rune of he mpro a dr then cal cosy thereof as e,ti—.d. 1 i vemcnt n ro Adopted by the Council - - 4 . 19'_-. Approved._ APR a I M 93 s / .ry cls -- -- _. M councilmen McDonald Councilman May eonnt�lman Pearre � p�JpjjbH��-- C:ouncilman Rose, Councilman Truax / Councilman Wen:cl Mayor Mahoney Form B. S. A. S -h COUNCIL FILE NO, By INTERMEDIARY ORDER W61i la the Matter of eurbiug Blair Street from Grlgge Street to Syndi—t, Avenue, under Preliminary Order__. 45323. -approve L -S --t >,e. Nr 193.1 The Council of he City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, end having considered said report, hereby res 1—. 1. That the said report and the same k hereby approved end adopted, end she said improvement is hereby ordered . be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends m vurb Blsir Street from Griggs Street to Syndi nate Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated core thereof m $ 860 ry9 _-- _- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th`— 1 - day of v— , 193 4 t the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give tr n of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, senting the time end place ofhear- mg, the nature of the improvement and the tocol toff thereof u estimated. Adapted by the ConntiL APR 4 1934 9} a vara Approved— _ Q� _ — 193 C Clerk C:ouncilmwn McDonalJ / ��$1�D y._^, at'ar Cot cilm r Msy ; C.—, n pea ou C - n Counciiman T—a. C. nctlman We -d / y" Mayor Mahoney - Form B. c_ A. 8-6 li76 i s COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Scheer of c..binD the 8-1, side of Finn ;.venue from Summit Avon— 7 ^lley _t1h of Summit ..d,, Preliminary Order 96994 approved. December 19, 1933 Th,, Council of rhe C- of St. P-1 hmiog received rhe report of ffic Commissioner of F—t— upon rhe above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolve: '.Thar rhe said and he hereby p -- - - d d adopted, and h� d h-1, ordered to be P"',,d,d with. 2 Th., rhe ..cure of rhe —p--, which rhe C-61 ­,nmit-d- i, —b the -.t sl d. of Fim Avenue from Summit Are— to Alley south of Somrit A,o,,e, with no alternatives, and char she .--d o.ot thereof is $ 135-78 ___ R -1-d Further, That . puhli, hearing be had on said improvement .n th, 1 d., of -F— 1111 ,, —, , the h,, 1 11 o',I,,l A. 1., in the Council— ,",,l 1111 11 "1 Court, H,,, and City Hall Building m h, City of St. Paul. That h, CommissioCommissioner­­ i, of Fgive notice 11 .id t000rg to the persons ,d i, the manner provided by the Ch -t-, stating the time and place of hear- ing, n"­g, the ­—, of the irp,­,&" ­Atliwl there.( as estimates. Adopted by he Council_ Approved Clerk i,1cDonald to C, R,,,,,, C ­_jm_ T,,,,,, '_iJom. w _ _,I Mayo, Nl.h.rt, Form B. S.A. 8-0 CITY OF ST. PAUb Resolution of Council Approving Assessment 1. the mutter If 0.1 arc ---t of ban.^its, costs and eF puns es [ur I.. tru.tig, r p ewa o ns truutiaand repairin- .-out sidlks, Flt—ab. No. 2, Contraet'No. M -2, 1933. --A ...... ble-- F.O. 94487 11--d Streot, xeet side, Cram F.aet Seventh Street to Brand Street F.O. 95680 East Congreae Stroat, north side, bag inning at Robert Street, th.n.e Deet. 116 feet F.O. 95659 Fourth Street, north side, beginning 105 feet east of Market Street thea.. .ant 15 £eat F.O. 95974 Southeast and southwest .oof Rall k— end Congress Street F.O. 95761 Mnrkat Street, east side,beginning at Fifth Street thenoe south to within 100 feet of Fourth St rest e,. -Dept driveway F.O. 96761 Fifth Street, south aide, beginning at Market Street thenoe ..at 70 feet F.O. 95659 Wsehingtonand Fourth Streets, ,. orthwont .v.n , 28 feet on Fourth Str—t, 30 fast on Washington Str..t F.O. 95659 Fourth Str—t, north side, b.ginning 120 Peet ,.h—,. Streot, thenoe .eat 120 feet F.O. 94835 Dole Street, xest side, beginnia.. at Uri, reit'v A--_ Chase sou.... to allay F.C. 94017 E. Cook Street, south aide, beginning 72 feet east of Courtland Street, thenoe east 16 feet, beginning 92 feet farther east, thenoe ..at 6 fe t F.O. 84641 Wabash. Street,wast aide, beginning at Sunasit A anua, thence north 52 feet, and Suit Avenue, north aide, beginning at Wshaeha Street, 'hen.. went 36 ';set F.O. 94207 Tilton Street. north aide, beginning 92 Leet -east of St, Peter Street, thence east 12 feet F.O. 95926 Northwest a of Comn ar.d Rioe Strdet, 20 foot north on Rion Street, 16 feet northweet.rly on Come and PS11 radius apron Rioe Stre.t, westeid e, beginning at the south line of Winter Street prod uv ed, than.. e.. 16 P.vt, skip 65 faet,�thenae 10 feet, skip 24 feet, thenoe 10 feet F.O. 95926 Rise Street, west aide, north e of b, .hot:,- A.k.r and Pennsylvania I— of sad f bridge 60 fejt nrrth, a t. ids yr Hi- 6tro.t .fr01". amort -i,, .1— wast sid— Ri.ae Street, s utl, an.. cf Bridge 20 foot south ' F.O. 95931 Ri.e Street, wset side, beginning 95 feet south of Sherburne Avenue thence 10 feat south F.O. 95931 Sine Street, west side, bvgioni., 105 feet south of University Av.r .h-- auth 30 feet, inaludinE 10 fact of driveway F.O. 94204 Fuller Avenue, south sada, ba -inning 58 feat south of Ca,.iedral Pleae,then.e west 10 feet F.O. 94834 Minnee.te Street, west side, boginni,g 55 feet south of N!nth Street, than.. oueo th 46.5 feet, ola rstru cting 27 feet our, F.O. 94842 St. Anthony Avenue, north side, beginning 82 feat west of Cori—e Street, thenoe ..at 6 feet F.O. 94745 Iglehart Avenue, south side, beginning 95 foot west of Paeosl Avonuo thenoe went 30 Peet, bagi�ing 35 feet farther west, thenoe west 6 feet, beginning 183 feet farther wast, Lhenoa neat a feat P.O. 94302 N-1 Avenue,..at side,, ginni g 42 feet Orth of 0 S Sty Avenue, th anorth 39 feet, b gi 1 g 56 feet Perth rth th north 8 i Thef b—.11t.. eI:uIt — f— and hI —,I. the above ha,mg 1,,,, 11 1111111111t,d to the Council, and the (',—il having noreand 1"."d the —d ", ';I-faI l they, ("" he T 11-101,1 1:1), Tial the J?JNOLl I '11 YI Thald, "t Ay 1!1..34., the h-1,f 10 .', 1,),k A M M. the -I il Chb,, ,f the C.—I —ohell ('ilk "ll II ty of St " E", I , that the C--i-- of Pi-­, i,,, mart, r. ­'i­ , —d , the It— —d "I.- of h ... m" the ..III,, o[ the imflrovemant. the total cost III"—f and the a--' oen,sed against the h't to 10— the notice is di... d Ad.,-d b, the C.-, II APR 4 1934 19 A,,--d C..—ii— CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION+GENERAL FORM PRESENT— BY r comm ss onER (. E i«C._![_�.. dPril4, 1934. RESOLVED That the proper city officer. be and they are hereby authorised to r.f—d to the following mored ....one the feee indicated de—.ited on appllcationa - for Dance Nall lleenses which previously have been denied: S horgie Ferris (The Silver Dollar) 120 S. Wabash. St. Dance iisll ;15.00 (4715) Earl M. Nelson 363 F. Snelling Av. e ^ 15-00 (4452) 1: UN('ILNIEN Ian. nI�D.lrald N,„a � In (nvm n T Ag—,k %.five -74fr. I'resiJent n(uhonev uo m: selor w`> ew woo.°.•°' e.° < cai_"B �°a. aeaa. rwcru z-.asi)w Adl,-d Ly thr• _ APR $ 9934 u)s Approval. a.ea ea>a_. CITY OF $T. PAUL 97t 29. .� �� NO.. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION FtlERAL FORM X06 eEa_..i,.t-�.._��1 s: ___ 1 _._._ oAr•E _. ADr11. 4, 1854 Pot�rffi . 141WREAS, Lester Robinson and Albert Roreold desire to withdrae application 6755 for Tavern license at 497 St. Peter Street, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby mthorised to refund to Lester Robinson end Albert Romold the fee of $200.00 sod to cancel said application for Tavern license. COUN('I1.hIFN Yeuv Nay,�( /�ScDnnnid conic _. h favor /Tran.. 0._.' /W—M .e 4 /Mr. P veld,, t slahoney cxeti—as r. n, oo _ di66Yf�e �ecverv�il eevi wo'�Sq et, i eNoarnol�W ereegYo pttiael%u o bii0o�0 ween ^Aoneove 6, lv,l 4PR 5 1931 nd�pu;d by m, ra�,a,d_ "RR Apprure 1_... 199. wr. a �i� vLvH ULVIN AND CHRISTENSEN J^ e rTOAMEvS wT L v., Pch .2'14. 1C n e Cu:m i ssi on ern�'��: =ir_ .a. Cc rt Cclr Yr..Mc Co n.li: it Sly cr_,- 1 i 1 is T, v ions e, b' u __ ,n Pete. _.r__ re_ A-., car - _.lad. / i sparties s net no,r operatin. a 1 t-vcro an io not int=_ni to j ao ,r tray have alreajv ne.ij tc. th e4 License `apartment under your sun -iei^n • m.f 1 2 C". Co. R^ shall ar a fitly a nAciata, the,,'1-1P, Oar ra- .urring tris n,eneyto therm t"rcvh oar o"ioe. "� th best ^i she n, +_ r.mai n, 7ery sincerely yours, t.1� G v, h.snot P. Tti.. appi ieatic�/as ye: been c rsi eyed by ..,o C—bil -n ie Sn the office o' t}. City Clerk. CITY OF ST_ PAUL =— NO..... :7622 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - yOU NCII_ R6pt_UTION �EN ERq� FORM vgas¢ryrE v I �^ / APril_5, 1934 -- wFffi2EAS, Frarnle 5i£ii13e aeairea to —1thdr application 709 for Tavern iic _ns and application 710 £or Dsaca uni license at 229 Wast Seventh Street} tharefore, ba it RESOLVED, that the _ r city o££icers be and they are hereby authorized to ,ef' z 1 to y,,_ c Bi£u]—�c tl_ £_ or $200_0O and the ie= of $15.00 and to cental appli cnt ions £or Tavern —.1 Dance Ball licensea, respectively. Ic —� wr pe',.y"� ,[ulk ManonalE— e QegoM101, ss �;a aon�o.a wnrrr i [ea[r . s. 9 r.l COU NC 11, li I'.1V Y— N.,-. Adot APR May ped by tn,� c�„„�„.�i /Ivicvnnald �Pearcc _In favor President niahonoy 1luyur —%1 CITY OF ST_ PAUL OFFICE OF THE G3T CLERK COUNCIL R60LUTION--G EI�IERAL FORM e. rwssEaTev nv // epril 5, 1954 a 7 RrAS, Harry T.imback clam res to R5thd— application 1062 for on On Sale Non -intoxicating Malt Bev arage Zi cFsis r and apoli-tion 1065 for en Off Sale Aon -intoxicating M it license at 1187 North Snelling ,weave; therefore, ba it RFNOLVEI), tl'lat the _ _ _ r ,it_y o£. iters be end they lire hereby authorized to refund to Harry Li-mbeck the -r— o£ CSO -00 sad the fee of $5.00 sad to cancel �olications £or On Sale ca t iag M—J-tt B. rege anti Off Sxle Non -into iceting 7ialt Bov age lice. s e a, r=: ! �ctive3y- COUr('I LM E- vee ?r aye Naar � Riclldn ala In AWeen rIaax Agni—t /i'onacl aM •- / Nlr. Yreeident nlehovay c. aa`i: 'iv �ela�n r �n:ni�'�wev:vu °6 ieegyr urea �m[�. s ems° norav a i�vr�l i�i9ill An 6' all. Adapted 1,. m, I �,��„�a RPR 5 193419:; A,,ll,led_kl?r, s 04 os two �., �... G CITU OF ST. PAUL m'^'C6 NO.. 9ry04..`'_...._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO.LUTIONJENERAL FORM MoEKeio... �..c�„{+L... ✓ tiM2._. _ _ o.Tc April 5, 1 Ro�vcD it UMMS, &ugane H. Pfeiffer desires to withdraw application 1636 for a florist license at 632 South Snelling Avenue, therefore, be It RFSOLY31, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Eugene A. Pfeiffer the fee of f1f.70 and to cancel said application for Fl—let llcsnse. of u6Ao : . . ['0 NCII,MEN Ycas � \nye Ad.,pted I, thU (',ii,ncil_An..._5 9:4_ 'wDonnld It ,vcl \Inyur Yens CIT' OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R OLUTION GENERAL FORM .n. ` NO. �l I61.,5 < i_n .. •�_aC-u�y.. o„Tc.. ...Anil 5...1934 flHEREAS, George McEianon desires to withdraw applicst:on 221 for a Barber license at 1901 Stillwater Road) therefore, be it ".FSOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authori::ed to refund to George McKinnon the fee of M.00 end to cancel said application for Barber license. tow±MdR^'a➢➢,lIVU88.[V-1:Ser:c�9�n' �eee•p's�'1001 Ilw•tee W;', ne i me°8 t� rcQlr ib. a a[rlio 0pm v • o [a npvovc prI e, b, t0 CO LiN"I LNI I :\ Na— Adopt,d bl'tb� ['���;nri �.�ay � �]APR- 5W'',4 Ilei ���nr>anla /,>earo a In�;rr n4 S t93d A,pnir��I .ct ser, 'ruaX \I{ni���t I'res deet \Inhoney o.r•.,r,a a.., CITY OF ST. PAUL mu.rcu NO..... 'x'7626 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—RAL FORM co, ssor,Ea .r,COUNCIL 'GW l ! itL2Fu. fL,"2'_. mATE AP:-11 b, 1954 RESOLVED That the varieue licensee listed here Ln be and they are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: 01119 Ahlf 1213 Randolph St. Barber Appl. 1558 Andrew T. Allison 9 Chas. J. Isaacson, 987 Payne Ave. • 1546 A. N. Anderson New York Life Bldg. • 408 Charles Anderson 905 Payne Ave. _ •,. 394 L. E. Beaty 180 Ramsey St............e:An�•'on'.`e 'I°in 6ni{446 Sem Berg 247 S. Sn.laig A,.•e.l° lo'"`a 9'?qe �ci�r T`dO°'""Farce.>c.•nen Avid s.: ra•n',Sb2 Morrie Bareaovskp 256 S, Snellin Av, 8 _3?4 Michael Bill., 661 Dniverslty Av. • 689 Alvin Boelter 511 St. Peter St. • 443 N. Breisr 609 N. Dale St. ^ 524 Frank Burnell 860 Randolph St. " 1571 Henry C. Carlson Onion Depot 87 ..Pe}.0wwey...-- _.__._._._____-RebE-Ynre!¢il1�Mr___. •. ..1331 Forest Churchill 879 Payne Ave. • 137E T. D. Cockburn 366 S. Snelling Av. 1889 Leo J. Davie 1819 N. Mianehehs St. " 450 Adul�tid h� tL�. t'unril 93 /1;cifuLnlJ Apl 19',1 /T1u /Neuecl Agninet /AI'. .Afi 1're.ident \lahuncy eN e» on•:�•r .o cis • co.M ssT.`oNEa._ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM _. o.TE _ _ r�u ` NO. q7626 . April 5,. 1954 RESOLVED _2_ Mike Eiechene 1595 St. Clair St. Barber 1476 Joe. A. Ertel 925 W. 7th St. ° 1565 Wm. Gehrnan 503 Blair St. " 511 Noy R. Goodwin 101 E. 5th St. ^ 1380 Joa Griemaml 963 Rine St. " 1206 A. F. Grit-acher 265 W. 7th St. " 472 Edward W. Haack 71 Endicott Bldg. " 498 I. R. Heath 401 No. Prior Av. ^ 618 P. J. Reck Merchants Natl Bank Bldg 1484 l.. W. Hockemeyer 1400 Hnlversity Av. • 1540 FrdnL Jamee 52P Rondo 8t. ^ 718 R. F. Jenny 1051 Faetiuga Av. 1296 Fred Joet 324 Hemet Bldg. " 216 Fred '^. Keieer 595 N. Hemline Av. " 1576 Math Keieer 465 N. Shelling A- " 1559 Fred C. Kicherer 211 Bates A- ^ 449 Martin F. Firby 763 Webasha St 1096 E. E. Kludt 670 Grend A, " 381 R. R. Knapp 1696 Grand A- 1542 COUNCHAILN fees �nya Ad 1,,I I, I., I I' I Al., \I c7)omld I'rn rcr In fnenr 1I:1 iri,�r:I _. IWI ILnui 7'nin� :\gnin^L ll'en zcl �I uy:� Sf r. President MM-"' COMM 95iONEH. _. CITU OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE LUT1ON—GENERAL FORM Dare_. LOu c" NO. AErj,1 5" 1954 RESOLVED _vy Omrdiea Bldg.Barber 1411 134... E. 4th St. • 184 James La Barr 584 B. Prior A— 1574 Ch.s. Lehman 876 Payne AV. 1382 Uelter A. Lenz 257j. University AV. 1565 Arttmr Tondervold 2286 W. Como AV. " 1494 John Venn 436 Daly St. • 1115 Thomas Medella 187 T. 7th St. 625 T. P. Mergen 499 University AV. " 1532 C. R. N.oMillan 240 S. Fairview AV. 1451 George H. Moore 1055 Grand AV. ^ 1357 Perry S. Nichol. 485 St. Pete^ St. 1653 A. C. Poulson 1537 University AV. " 1592 .14wh_Barlman__. 62-E— Sth St-. • _'�. . Charles H. Perry 951 N. Pele St. ° 1648 Emil G. Peterson 925 Payne AV. ^ 422 H. 0. Petrie 1090 Ear! St. " 1649 -UA,zo..t,.,.° .. . 128-E. 4th-St. ° ..1360.. H. L. Pierce 45 S. Avon St. 1368 Jemes H. Pazinger 163 W. 7th St. L176 ('OU\'('II.\IPM ilia ]1allonnId Penrcr In farm Ap,,--d Itnx e 'I'nu,x :\Knii:et lVenxel �I:,.i , ew, 4 M, President J[ahoncy • CITY OF ST. PAUL No._.._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM cMU=IssloHEq onre___ gPi11. 5. 1934. RESOLV EO -4- Cherries id. Raba, 371 W. 7th St. 1225 1[ike Rembish 42 W., 4th St. 590 M- -T- gobert soa 166 Concord St. • 1390 Aat bogy Ross 3-12 Endicott Arcede ^ 425 C. -T - g«e1 486 S. Snelling Av. ^ 1585 60-. R..b—t .St.. ..A_ 13Gy Rick Sara£ox— 1080 Rice St. 401 J _ Schadt 106 Ne pork Bldg. ^ 761 — - 3164 Ri`a St. . 1667 F-. -.3� S.-s•�� —_ 623 E. NSnoehe., at. . 16U Robert Schroettar 568 Rice St. ^ 1177 Len Scbwrabl 618 Arendel St. ^ 1488 -.. --�-il—emteo--st-:--e--------- �2.. Robert Spru-T t., 472 S. Cleveland A- ^ 459 St _ FYan cis Hot P1 7 W. 7th St. ^ 1455 Ba sit St. Maria 526 R. 7th St ^ _ 1510 St. Pev7_ Athletic Club Fourth & Cedar Ste. ^ 113 Pa..T Steiametz 226 A. 4th St. . 1150 N.­ NS sy- AdoyLed b}' LLr fbunil 193 \lc I1c>n nlci Ycfl rc.' In fea�r 12...... A,, .. 19:1 Wenzel a>_ti a 33 Mr_ 1're5idcnt �i.iho,.cy \Inyiv CITY OF ST. PAUL mu.cd NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITU CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM com EONen_. _.-. __ .'Dore April. 5, 1954 RESOLVED -5- Geo. P. Utery 585 Babasha St. Barber 445 George Vender Worker 954 Payee Ave. " 222 James A. Vavra 2626 R. 7th St. • 1509 Jesse Vethourlkee 486 Jackson St. 1544 J. E. I.tkine 2U,1 T. 7th St. ° 452 1688. -- Clarence Nolte 499 St. Yater St. ° 1567 Harriet T.. Young 46 S. Baldwin • 1407 John Hubert 567 University Av. 1670 Howard Joseph 201 Concord St. 1597 +- - ._6Eb8•d�erM�T_A^". —.�-._ . .. ... -_. ._ ._._1899-- --0retSc •- _—Coufwtlooary _- I"S Ho,.erd N. Prodger 775-777 Front St. Deace Hall 712 9 ..__.— _—�:P2LN�D �9r—-zm-•°° --____ _ low - Schoch Grocery Cc 500 E. 7th St. ° 1852 M U N'CIIAIEN Yrna N.), Ad,g,d I., Ih. C.mncil. 193 \Iey M l D.m.Jd P,,..e to favor A,.......1 193 'I'runa' Agninrt Wenael �I�..r nII. rre"mc�n eD,l�anay onmo•I .e an O..^ CITY OF ST. PAUL ru 4 NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Pe—TED eY _April 5, 1854 6_ RESOLVED P-1 Veal-- 653-- Fred Spadino 1270 St. Clair St. • ^ 1583 B. Halper 286 S. Snelling Av. Grocery 85 Hational Tea Co. 2282 Como Av. ^ 1255 Hele 1. Andaraon 1401 White Bear A- Gae Sta. 3 pimp. 1560 Goodrich Silvertanm, Inc 176 W. 6th St. • 5 ^ 1519 Ed Heinech 65 E. Congreee St. • " 3 " 1538 17M an va.a3t¢2r_ v • 5 ^ 1554 Ire C. Pickett Highmood " " 3 " 1340 Phillipe Petroleum 93 S. Hobert St. " ^ 4 " 1657 Skelly 011 Co. 581 Robert St. " • 6 • 1612 Mre. Edna Prouty 261 W. 4th St. ^ (St.Regie) 49 " 1613 -J„r•., --_ .__ _.148-fi..8oblr St_ I” aagan._. _ - 15[11.__ Sohn-Beremrits_ �_. _ I48' .-Rohs--at, - Sca_Siatios--- .._}500 S. B. Robin. 184 E. Fairfield Av. Junk Dealer- 1668 Ralph Galindo 285 W. 7th St. Off Sale Hon-intoxicating Malt Beverage 750 Pat Delaney & Robert Gallivan 628 Selby Av. ° ^ ^ 1633 COUN('HAIE.N 1'cus N¢ye Aduptud by the (lniucil.. 193. May A1cDoe¢Id Pearce he (¢vor App--d _ 19:3 Iin"in 'I'ninx Ag¢iaet iVe ) a 4 Mr. I'reaident hlnhoncy CITY OF ST. PAUL ^,u NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co®Miss oo°Niw April. 5. 1934.. RESOLVED Stanley Fiorito 258 H. Kellogg Blvd Off Sale Hon—intoricsting Malt Beverage 1055 B. HalpeO^ 286 S. Snelling Av. " " " 86 Minnesota Sports Service Co. 1156 University Av. • • • • 1526 Wallace Welsch 1199 Bice St. • " ° • 1664 H. F. Bettis 498 St. Peter St. On Sale Fon—Intoxicating Malt Beverage 1541 Frank Bifulk 229 H. Seventh St. ^ " 711 Ralph Callndo 285 H. 7th St. ^ " " 751 Pat Delaney & Robert Ga111ven 628 Selby Av. " ° 1632 Carmen Delmont 147 W. 7th St. ^ " 1000 Anthony De Staeio 756 Payne Av. " " ° 1601 Stanley Fiorito 238 W Kellogg Blvd ^ 1054 Albert Gardner 376 Jackson St. " ° " 630 Minnesota Sports Service Cc 1156 University Ave. " 1525 The Sber11ng Club, Inc 315 No. Dale St. " " ° 1082 Wallace Welsch 1199 Rice St. • 1665 Rey 011 Burner Co. 834 Marshall Av. " " " 1676 M. H. Allen 750 Greed Av. Restaurant 1477 Frank Bif lk 229 W. 7th St. " 708 Pat Delaney & Robert Gallivan 628 Selby Av. " 1631 Yalu N— Adapted 1,, ,—,1 19A hlay \I r.I>nnl�l I'eurco In favor Approved _. 193 R��sen 'fruux :lgnioxt Ncazcl \I i�v�r AIr. I'renidrnt \7 nhoncy rJ..k CITY OF ST. PAUL .� ` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM P—EN oorviw _ ... _. mAT.... April. 5" 1954 RESOLVED -6- Anthony De Steele 756 Pea ne Av. Restaurant 1600 Rudolph Leiner 558 F,dmwd St. 1828 Very Lenhardt 62 W 7th St. • 1469 S. L. Lee Stamper 579 Rice St. " 1257 Henry Ling 385 Wsbeaha St. 1595 Helen Partin 192 H. Snelling AT. 1570 Oliver James Y Slams" 255 Rondo St. ° 1595 lfinnesota Sports Service 1156 University AT. " 1524 Mrs. John Nehlinger 626 Selby Av. 1495 J. F. Port 1046 Gread Av. " 1576 Isadore Riseball 414 Jackson St. " 1508 Wm. Spiel 828 E. 7th St. 1529 Francis Turner 2754 W. 7th St. " 1629 Wallace Welsch 1199 Rice St. " 1665 SPd 5t._Pater_St. Second bend dealer (lAkrn)-1671 Y. F. Resnick 798 University Av. ^ ^ " Auto Parts 1573 W, G. Rhodes 617 Pioneer Bldg. Salary Loan 1587 HOeard W. Prodger 775-777 Front St. Tavern 713 .- T-- (He 1l—HItelj- I591 _.f,aeyi'a-Z:"'AttQ6fBv73e1ff'it-'Bneiiing r, a^' n #I" OUNCILMEN' 1"ins N— Ad,A,A by thy 1. lfay M,Domdd 4 Tmn< I r. scoTT, AI r. Prc�ilinl \inhnvay ..I.EFtK A.,. - - Answer Filed. MISCELLANEOUS Del. - Del inouent DELINQUENT TAXES April 24, 1934, Year Amount. Northern Cooperage 551 Concord It. V (Fuel Dec7.er) 1930- Del. $ 862.97 1931- Paid. / 1932- No A,F, 819.99 Mrs. J. M. Orth 50 9. Cretin Ave. (Confectionery)1931- Del. 1940.39 1932- A.F. 1606.22 N. C. Hansen 1215 N. nele St. (Florist) 1932- No A.F.265.37' Jacob Perlman 62 E. 5th St. (Barber) ✓ 1931- A.F. 1550.73 / 1932- A.F. 2797.65_ Nick Petrov 128 E. 4th St. (Barber) 1931- No A.F. 3687.10 / Charles Xuralle 13k F. 4th St. (Barber) 1931- A.F. 664,01 1932- A.F. 1035.10' 0. J. Courtemanche 1085} Grand Ave. (Barber) ✓ 1931- No A.F. 363.90 1932- No A.F. 346.47 Samuel Roeenbinm. 1148 Grand Ave. (Butcher) ✓ 1931- No A.F.. 148.79 1932- No A.F. 263.57 Jewett Shelton 327 N. Grotto St. (Barber)` 1931- No A.F. 140.61 1932- No A.F. 120.72 A. Tesler 249 Grove St. (Butcher) 1932- No A.F.- 72.52 L. C, Nossack lh-dlan Bldg. (Barber) 1932- A.F. 6279.96 M,F,Vaughan Estate 420 miam}ine Ave. (Grocery)" 1931- No A.F. 55.09 1932- No A.F. 99,51 Pat Casey 2052 Marshall Ave. (Barber) 1931- A.F. 419.50 1932- A.F. 368.92 F. J. Schrader 623 E.uinnehaha St. (Barber) 1929- No A.F. 111.29 1930- No A.F. 106.06 1931- No A.F. 110.32 / 193?- No A.F. 71.99 Van 9lyke Fuel Co, 1010 Payne Ave. (Fuel Dealer) 193?- A -F, 970,95 National Tea Co. 385 N.Prior Ave, (Butcher) 193?- A.F. 450.81 John Schneider 1194 Rice St. (Barber) 1932- A,F, 63,30 U. S. Sampson 360 Robert St, (Barber) 1932- A.F. 13,574.61 John Beroovitz 149 S.Robie St, (Ice Wagon) r ,/1931- A.F. 419.36 (Ice Station] 1932- A.F. 936.21 Jesse Cottingham 237 Rondo St, (Butcher) ✓ 1931- Del. 110.40 1932- A.F. ?40.05 / Frank James 3?? Rondo 9t. (Barber) V 1925- No A.F. 697.75 1926- No A.F. 696.00 1927- No A,F. 1929- No A.F. .6451.71 648.55 1929- No A.F. 656.81 1930- No A.F. 555.81 1931- No A.F. 576.90 /1932 No A F. 4p6 410, R. L. Hornbeck 1956 St. Anthony Ave. (Berber) J 1932 ,,p.,�' p aia MISCELLANEOUS DELINQUENT TARES April 24, 1934. Year Amount / r. J. Utley 50'7 St.Peter St. (Barber) �// IQ'i?- No A.F, 6539.00 . )A. Feldstein 524 St.Peter 9t. (2nd hnd " ) 1930- Del. 324.38 (dlr.-Furn.) 1931- Del. 1407.85 1932- A, lPl2.95 . John Regolo 534 9t.Peter St. 'S"ber) ✓ ,1�?�- A.F. 3848.74 Edris L.Windinetad 732 Selby Ave, (Restaurant✓) 1931- No A.F. 151.00 1932- No A.F. 282.58 ✓ Henry Wata1 '1069 R. 7th Rt. (Barber) 1937- No A.F. 72.19 Ryan Hotel Oo. 6th & Robert Ste. (Barber) ✓ 1930- Del. 21,469.79 1931- A.F. 31,353.12 1932- A.F. 26,425.59 1 Leslie L. Anderson 545 N.Snelling Ave. STavern) 1 32- A.F. 2447.63 `Hemline Hostel Pat Regolo 623 Univeretty Ave, (Butcher) ° 1932- No A.F. 714,52 Frank P. Kaiser 1786 University Ave.(Ges.Sta.)1931- No A.F. 316,32 3 pmoe, 1932- No A.F. 277.59 Royal Oil On, 2165 University Ave,(Fuel Dlr.)1/1932- A.F. 1246,30 N MI90ELLANE0II8 April 24, 1934. NOT DELIAQUEAT ,. 011ie Ahlf 1213 Randolph St. Barber 1338 ✓ AndrewT. Allison fl 987 Payne Ave. " 1347 Chas. J. Isaacson ✓ A. H. Anderson - Hew York Bldg. ' 408 ,' Charles Anderson 403 Payne Ave. ' 1394 ✓L. E. Beaty 180 Ramsey St. " 1446 ✓ Sam Berg 247 S. Snelling Ave. • 1352 ,/ Morrie Berezovsky 236 S. Snelling Ave. " 1334 ,'Michael Billman - 661 University Ave. ° 689 ✓ Alvin Boelter 511 St. Peter St. • 443. /x. Breier 609 A. Dale Bt. ° 524 r Frank Purnell 660 Randolph St. " 1371 / Henry C. Carlson Union Depot 97 / Forest Churchill 879 Payne Ave. • 1372 / T.•D. Cockburn 366 S. Snelling Ave. ° 1339 ✓ Leo J. Davie 1619 W. MSnnehaha St. • 450 Mike Eiechens 1395 8t. Clair St. ' 1476 Joe. A. Ertes 9P5 W. 7th St. 1563 ✓ We. Gehrman 503 Blair St. ° 511 ✓ Roy R. Goodwin 101 E. 5th St. • 1360 ✓ Joe Grlemann 963 Rice St. • 1206 / A. F. Gritzmacher 265 W• 7th St. ° 472 / Edward w. Haack 71 Endicott Bldg. ' 498 ✓ I. R. Heath 401 A. Prior Ave. " 618 P. J. Heck Merobaate Aat.Bk.Bldg. • 14$4 A. W. Hookemeyer 1400 University Ave. 1540 H. F. Jenny 1051 Hastings Ave. • 1296 Fred Joet 324 Hamm Bldg. • 216 ✓ Fred W. Keiser 595 A. Hemline Ave. • 1376 / Math Keiser 465 N. Snelling Ave. ' 1559 ✓ Fred C. Ficherer 211 Bates Ave. ' 449 ✓ Martin F. Kirby 763 Wabash. St. • 1096 E. E. Rludt 670 Grand Ave. • 381 N ✓ R. R. NnapD — James La Marr ✓ Chas. Lehman r Walter A. Lenz r Arthur Tondervold John Mara Thomas Medelle / W. P. Merges C. R. McMillan George H. Moore Perry S. Nichols ✓ A. C. Pauleon Ch.rlee Vii. Perry / Emil C. Peterson - ✓ H. 0. Petrie ✓ H. L. Pierce v Jame. H. Pozirger / Charles M. Reber ✓ Mike Rembish ,r E. J. Robertson ✓ Anthony Roes ✓ C. J. Rummel ✓ Nick °.aratolean / J. Schadt ✓ Robert Schroetter ,-'Len Schwabl Robert Sourlin (✓ 9t. Francis Hotel ✓ Basil St. Marie ""St. Paul Athletic Club / Paul Steinmetz ✓ Geo. P. Utery ✓ George Vander Werker James A. Vavra MISCELLANEOUS April 24, 1934. 1696 Grand Ave. 384 R. Prior Ava. 878 Payne Ave. 257 University Ave. 2286 w. 0omo Ave. 436 Daly St. 187 w. 7th St. 499 University Ave. P40 9, Fairview Ave. 1055 Grand Ave. 495 St. Peter St. 1537 University Ave. 951 N. Dale St. 923 Payne Ave. 1090 Earl St. 45 S. Avon St. 163 N. 7th St. 371 W. 7th 9t. 42 w. 4th St. 166 Concord St. 112 Endicott Arcade 486 S. Snelling Ave. 1090 Rice St. 106 New York Bldg. 568 Rice St. 618 Arundel 9t. 472 S. Cleveland Ave. 7 w. 7th qt. 526 w, 7th St. 4th & Cedar Ste. P26 w. 4th St. 533 wabesha St. q54 Payne Ave. 2626 w., 7th 9t. _2_ ROT DELINQUENT Barber 1542 " 1374 • 1382 • 1565 + 1494 • 1115 • 6P5 153P • 1451 " 1357 1653 " 1392 + 1648 • 422 • 1649 • 1368 • 1176 1223 • 390 • 1390 • 423 1365 • 401 • 761 • 1177 • 1488 • 454 • 1433 • 1510 • 113 • 1150 • 445 r " PP2 • 15M -3- - - MISCELLANEOUS April 24, 1934. NOT DELINGUSNT James Vethourlkas 486 Jackson St. Barber 1344 ✓ J. F., Watkins 234 w, 7th St. " 452 ✓ Clarence 'Tolfe 499 St. Peter St. " 1367 P✓ Harriet W. Young 46 9. Baldwin St. " 1407 ✓ John Hubert 567 University Ave, Butcher 1670 ✓ 'toward Joseph 201 Concord 9t. " 1597 ✓ Howard W. Prodger 775-777 Front 9t, Dance Hall 712 Schoch Grocery Co. 300 F. 7th St, Florist 1652 " Fred 9padino 1270 St. Clair St. Fuel Dealer 1593 B. Helper 286 S. Snelling Ave. Grocery 85 r National Tea Co. 2282 Como Ave, " . 1255 ✓ Nels L, Anderson 1401 White Bear Ave. GAB -9t.3 pmpe, 1560 Goodrich Silvertown, Inc. 176,r. 6th St, " ^ 3 ^ 1519, ✓ Ed Heineoh 65 E. Congress St, " " 3 " 1538 / Ira C, Pickett Highwood " " 3 " 1340 I Phillipe Petroleum Co. 93 S. Robert 9t, " " 4 " 1637 ✓ Skelly Oil Co. 581 Robert St. " " 6 " 1612 Yrs" Edna Prouty 261 w, 4th St. Hotel -49 rms. 1613 (St. Regie) / S. B, Robins 194 E. Fairfield Ave. Junk Dealer 1668 Ralph Calindo 285 W. 7th St. Off Sale Non-Intoz. Yalt Rev, 750 Pat Delaney & Robert Gallivan 629 Selby Ave, " 1633 ✓ Stanley Fiorito P39 W, Kellogg Blvd. " 1055 ^✓ B. Halper 286 8. Snelling Ave. " 86 ✓ Sinn.9ports Service Cb. 1156 University Ave. " 1526 ✓ Wallace Welsch 1199 Rice St. " 1664 I✓ N. F. Bettie 498 St. Peter St. On n 1541 f✓ Frank Blfulk 229 `": Seventh et. + 711 ✓ Ralph Calindc 285 W. 7th St. " 751 Pat Delaney & Robert Gallivan 628 9elbv Ave. ° 1632 ✓ Carman Delmont 147 w, 7th St.. " 1000 Anthony De 8taeio 756 Payne Ave. ° 1601 I✓ Stanley Fiorito 238 w. Kellogg Blvd. IN IBM NOMMEMIN IMuuw■ _ . MISCELLANEOUS April 24. 1934. NOT DELINQUENT ,i Albert Gardner 376 Jackson St. On °ale Non-Intoz. 630 Malt Beverage v Minn.9oorts Service Co. 1156 University Ave.. ° 15?5 The sterling club, Inc. 315 N. Dale St. • 1082 ✓Wallace Welsob 1199 Rice St. • 1663 ✓ Ray Oil Burner Co. 834 Marshall Ave. " 1676 M. W, Allen 750 Grand Ave. Restaurant 1477 ✓ Frank Biiulk 229 W. 7th St. • 708 Pat Delaney & Robert Gallivan 628 Selby Ave. 1631 ✓ Anthony De 8taslo 756 Payne Ave. ' 1600 p- Rudolph Leiner 558 Edmund St. • 1626 Mary Lenhardt 62 W. 7th St. • 1469 S. L. Lee Stamper 379 Rice St. 1?57 {✓ Henry Ling 385 Wabasha St. ' 1593 �✓ Helen Martin 192 N. Snelling Ave, • 1570 ✓ Oliver James mw(anus ?35 Rondo St. • 1595 ✓ Mlnn. Sports service 1156 University Ave. • 1524 ✓ Mrs. John .Mehlinger 6?6 Selby Ave. ' 1495 '—J. E. Port 1046 Grand Ave. • 1576 ✓ Isadore Rlschall 414 Jackson St. • 1503 ✓Wm, Spiel 828 E. 7th St. • 15?9 ✓ Francis Turner 2754 W, 7th St. • 1629 ✓ Wallaoe welech 1199 Rice St. • 1665 M -F. Resnick 798 University Ave. Ind hnd.dlr. 1573 Auto Prts. W. G. Rhodes 617 Pioneer Bldg. Salary Loan 1587 ✓ Howard W. Prodger 775-777 Front St. Tavern 713 The Owl Grill (A.Saloum) x 421 S. Wab.sha St. Dance Hall 7062 J. N. Earter \ 679 University Ave. Tavern 7360 Nichola. c, !lert.� .. University Ave. 6ic " 6790 137627 CITY OF ST. PAUL �� NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM; o.EYe e.Te ePr>> _a, 1954 RESOLVED That the licenses applied for by the follo+ini- named persons for the addresses indicated be and they are hereby granted end the City Clerk is Instructed to issue such 11censes upm the payment into the city treasmry of the requlred fees: Town Talk Send.vich Shop, Inc. 380 Robert Street Restaurant Appl 5351 (1933) Rose Berkns 257 Adel Street Butcher • 275 (1954) P. P.Doren, 50 S. Cretin Ave. Barber • 1225 (1954) 1"i uv N., ,t .dr �l"Y �. 1,D—Md 'It•nrcc _ Iei furor �to•�e ,ig-"t �iyee�el .a ._„ �1r. Pm=ideal 1lnhoucy li;J. C Adopted by Ih. (lmml % A ImA I93. 4d? 5 Y 2 App,—,d- ms ,lip W. U —1 —1-NERNEST W. JOHNSON S.R,, of P.A. S.P.. of PHyg— - CHAS. A BASSFORD CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepif.l of Min.... f. DEPAR—T OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS ' RA5 Cify H.0 FRED M. TRUAX, Commiuionar CARL E SPEAXES, D. E, 4w March 27, 1904 M, Vincent Loden, LicenseInspector Department of Publ. lc Se fa t;: 3t. Ysi�, Minnesota Dear I en. Ndvised t .� t '. nppll-Li— for barba:• licer•.se of Mr. 1. V. Doran in the apartment builr,ing loomed at Grar:1 and Cro tin Avenues e not boenIssued because of delin�uenc? Sn taxes. Ines_h as this is an eeCa'.;o a S the property is in litiEsstion, I'—Li st that Mr. Doran be p, on teal *.is licenso. Yours —1, tr�tlf, Com �d ssi onar . . . . . . . . . . . APPLICATION MET RENEWED i. the City of Saint P.,d, to b, dj_i_ from N.— R,id,—, Add res ..,h—ty Tel Remarks. APPROVED by — 0— d., 19i 3 Sqn f Apnliet A/ By CITY OF SAINT PAUL /LAW DEPARTMENT i April 2nd, 1934. Mr. Vincent Ludden, License Inspector, Otty. Dear Vino; The enclosed letter from Arlene Oldfield to oommissioner May, regarding lioenses for the Town Ralk Sandwich Shops, was brought 1n to me today by some one from Mr. Mayne office. It refers to matters which do not concern this office, but a check reveals that the 01ty Clark -e office Lae apparently issued the 1lcenee for 418 Wabash& street, while the one at 380 Robert street, according to the letter, was held up because of delinquent taxes, which the letter Bays have been paid. I suppose that the thing to do is to verify these facts and instruct the City Clerk to issue the remaining license. Your. truly, Assistant Oorporation Counsel. Shops, Inc. T OW NTgf - K Sandwich dT PAULMSNOTA Just Better Faads 1.1 -oh 14, 1834 �lr. Clyde P. May - City of Ft. Paul ,)ear Mr. Nay. 7!111 you have someone tocheck up on our licensee? We haven't received them yet and Mr. Mc Cormick Se having a fit. I've telephoned everyone in St. Paul but can get no result e. The license for 380 Robert Street was applied for July 10,1933 but was refused because t—a had not been paid. Since then they have been paid. I verified that by malling the finance dept. The legal deeorlpt ion of 360 Robert Street isSoutherly One Third of lots 5-6 and 7 Block 12'- St. Paul Proper. Our applic atlon for Iicenee at 418 Wab4sha was applied for Dec. 22, 1933 but no action was taken, I do understand your finance and city clerks office are swamped butthie eeeme to be of great importance to Mr. Mc Cormick and he Sneieta on me trying to get the actual license to poet. C—tefully Youre- / DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL f COUNCIL COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. MAY COUNCIL RESOLUTION MCDONALD PEARCE IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS A,ri14 0 ROSEN TRUAR AGAINST RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, WE " TO THE AGGREQATp AMOUNT OF 1 15)�612.65 COVERING MR HONEY -- •;>N , I � CHECKS NUM11RE1 C�C719 TO � INCLUSIVE. AS Y THE COUNCIL PER CHECKS OFlI,E pN THE O"FF�ICE.�/OjF E`�J',/jY COMPTROLLER 1 I ITP COMPT uHIR T4 AL DATE " RETURN ANSFFR a5F A+1 N, BY BANK L-11 LL --D 2579 ReMi== Pnblihing Company 1 61663 ^580 Jihn 3. Roth 250 00 2581 Nrs. H. Mitch 274 95 2582 +merican National BRnk of ;t.Faul 240 ,05 no 75 8} Ain eri can Ratlonsl Bank of 9t.F-u1 2 485 99 2584 A�nlre Ret. Bank & T ust Co. • 96 122 00 2585 Empire Nat, Bank & ?,..t Co. 994 4o 2586 The Bret Ratlenel Bank of1177 493 0 1187 The shot National Bank of • 12 191 32 M II 2588 ?t - Paul " i r e Dant. Melia, Ae oc. 9 Ono 0-` 1589 Jo§erh Millelll %15 on 2590 lmhere2 H +il—, ^h=rides 150 n' 2591 ,.J. Nr hcun 715 nn 7592 nrl Precher & John ,evcik 215 0^ y 7593 % Ysyberg 250 00 ='594 The 3-eake= Compsny 339 50 2595 Northern CoRl & Dock Company 1 990 76 '596 'Ailton Rosen, 7, of Finance 369 61 ^597 Milton Rosen, pf Finnnce 395 On °598 -c=re of Public velfare 13 '"85 Fop Bar,I,nl Lumber Company 244 80 26nn Turfibre Company 257 79 2601 F.—l' A. Lesson 90 On II'. 2602 Tmii Fede11 916 67 26 n3 Hertl coal company 186 67- 7604 verrisM. Shen 916 67. 7605 I—ence Rantaok 10 O^ 26n6 Milton Rosen, C. of Fine nae 31 6o 76')7 Milton Roeen, C, cf Finance 1 242 P5 X 7608 Milton Roeen, C, of Fin snce 55 0^ Ramsey11pgN 26n9 Fuel & Ice company 5 14 i4 7610 Thor Iverson 90 00 7611 Tbornton Motor Comn-ny 6o2 47 2412 'spry J. Meyer 250 00 2613 Jack Cohen 250 On � 2-14 R.T. Kingston Company 15 00 « 2615 Patrick Coesetta 250 00 2616 'lr s. C.F. Reye 28 5n f 2617 Tony Keller 3 50 2618 Paul Miehuk 15 00 • 1619 Milton Roeen, C, of Finance 249 6n 7620 Milton Roeen, C, of Finance 85 15 'r 2621 !Allton Roeen, C, of Finance 8650 57 I 2 2 Milton Rosen. C, of Finn-nce 30 140 77 2 , Milton Roeen, C, of FS nonce 3 538 71 2674 Fu al oil & 'j- Company 739 14 2625 Hertl Coal Com pany 714 17 ^677 - -i-t n1 -ity-nsr-r - - . 6ri kk 7627 -)i,.on' .;elk li—se 3h ne :cm^any 58 80 2628 stall. o=un, Kirk& Company 253 89 `Iry 7629 Fisher Nut Company33 On 2630 Gruber Auto Electric Company 172 0 26"il NpF`.dAen-Lambert Company 52 75 N 26,2 14h. Moeller Company P06 10 h 263, T)FI Beebefkin 37 Co 4 2614 Miltob Rosen, C. of Finance 3 500 86 L; �I —T .1595672.85. �I - --- -- - L I� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL f COUNCIL COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. MAY COUNCIL RESOLUTION MCDONALD PEARCE IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS A,ri14 0 ROSEN TRUAR AGAINST RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, WE " TO THE AGGREQATp AMOUNT OF 1 15)�612.65 COVERING MR HONEY -- •;>N , I � CHECKS NUM11RE1 C�C719 TO � INCLUSIVE. AS Y THE COUNCIL PER CHECKS OFlI,E pN THE O"FF�ICE.�/OjF E`�J',/jY COMPTROLLER 1 I ITP COMPT uHIR T4 AL DATE " RETURN ANSFFR a5F A+1 N, BY BANK L-11 LL --D 2579 ReMi== Pnblihing Company 1 61663 ^580 Jihn 3. Roth 250 00 2581 Nrs. H. Mitch 274 95 2582 +merican National BRnk of ;t.Faul 240 ,05 no 75 8} Ain eri can Ratlonsl Bank of 9t.F-u1 2 485 99 2584 A�nlre Ret. Bank & T ust Co. • 96 122 00 2585 Empire Nat, Bank & ?,..t Co. 994 4o 2586 The Bret Ratlenel Bank of1177 493 0 1187 The shot National Bank of • 12 191 32 M II 2588 ?t - Paul " i r e Dant. Melia, Ae oc. 9 Ono 0-` 1589 Jo§erh Millelll %15 on 2590 lmhere2 H +il—, ^h=rides 150 n' 2591 ,.J. Nr hcun 715 nn 7592 nrl Precher & John ,evcik 215 0^ y 7593 % Ysyberg 250 00 ='594 The 3-eake= Compsny 339 50 2595 Northern CoRl & Dock Company 1 990 76 '596 'Ailton Rosen, 7, of Finance 369 61 ^597 Milton Rosen, pf Finnnce 395 On °598 -c=re of Public velfare 13 '"85 Fop Bar,I,nl Lumber Company 244 80 26nn Turfibre Company 257 79 2601 F.—l' A. Lesson 90 On II'. 2602 Tmii Fede11 916 67 26 n3 Hertl coal company 186 67- 7604 verrisM. Shen 916 67. 7605 I—ence Rantaok 10 O^ 26n6 Milton Rosen, C. of Fine nae 31 6o 76')7 Milton Roeen, C, cf Finance 1 242 P5 X 7608 Milton Roeen, C, of Fin snce 55 0^ Ramsey11pgN 26n9 Fuel & Ice company 5 14 i4 7610 Thor Iverson 90 00 7611 Tbornton Motor Comn-ny 6o2 47 2412 'spry J. Meyer 250 00 2613 Jack Cohen 250 On � 2-14 R.T. Kingston Company 15 00 « 2615 Patrick Coesetta 250 00 2616 'lr s. C.F. Reye 28 5n f 2617 Tony Keller 3 50 2618 Paul Miehuk 15 00 • 1619 Milton Roeen, C, of Finance 249 6n 7620 Milton Roeen, C, of Finance 85 15 'r 2621 !Allton Roeen, C, of Finance 8650 57 I 2 2 Milton Rosen. C, of Finn-nce 30 140 77 2 , Milton Roeen, C, of FS nonce 3 538 71 2674 Fu al oil & 'j- Company 739 14 2625 Hertl Coal Com pany 714 17 ^677 - -i-t n1 -ity-nsr-r - - . 6ri kk 7627 -)i,.on' .;elk li—se 3h ne :cm^any 58 80 2628 stall. o=un, Kirk& Company 253 89 `Iry 7629 Fisher Nut Company33 On 2630 Gruber Auto Electric Company 172 0 26"il NpF`.dAen-Lambert Company 52 75 N 26,2 14h. Moeller Company P06 10 h 263, T)FI Beebefkin 37 Co 4 2614 Miltob Rosen, C. of Finance 3 500 86 L; �I —T .1595672.85. �I - r.. 97629 ay�.av a.n' ti mid CITY OF ST. PAUL No. .0 - --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION FNERAL FORM ee M—u /� April 5, 1934 COMH—OHeY —— RESOLVED In the matter of Repairing and Relaying Cement Tile Sidewalks in the City of St. Paul during the Year 1934, except work to be done under Federal Aid requirements. Resolved, That plans, specifications and estimated quantities for the above improvement as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it Resolved Further, That the Purchasing Agent is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improve- ment. �.�' _ - a. 1h 1 1 .q 1 .. a..u.. ;7-a COITNCII MEN Y� - ypyy Aa.p�a by the oo—la_4PR---51934 Ise XI°" /,M DD-el,l / 5 ,...., Nf.... Approved_. _._ _. 193 �I'nuu / ARoioet hl nynr J l{'rnael I'n•.vidr,.t M.I—o ,y fr ' lcoT ' 1 CLINK CITY OF ST. PAUL .iuwc�L No. 97630 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C OUN_CIL- RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM April 5, 1934 R EsoL_v E o Zn the matter of' constructing Monolithic Concrete SidawalKs :Lu the City of St. Paul during the Year 1934, ..--Pt w—l< to be done under Federal Aid requirements. Resolved, That plans, specifications and estimated quantities Mor the above improvement as submitted here- with by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it Resolved 1ti—t;her, That the Purchasing Agent is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improve- aeat. Aa-p�d by Ibo C,,- ,ij APR i 1934 193 ay. MCIL�n.,Li IM In fav��r Alipr�ved_ I93__.. Niel_ 7 :1' -- M.y- 7 \/r. F'r...��.1.•nt ti ul... n..y. CITY c,I.l uy �l cmc.,"� Slrli��l .1-. CITY OF ST. PAUL CO1x04 NO._.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -ATE April 5, 1934 RESOLVED —# In the matter of paving Rice Street from University Avenue to College Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 95501, approved May 26, 1933, and Final Order C. F. 95956, Approved August 3, 1933. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. ('0TIN(I ' 1.�11�:'.�' Y.—.1',y, Adopted by the Council_--QPQ i '.Q;i4 193 /'�fr Donald Y S 'nlil Pinar. In favor ApNruved. -_ _. _. ._ I93_ itinxen � r �� ninx ANninxt //.-..4 GG.� _:---.ti z jJ5'rnz�d Afnyor /air- I mad,,Unlnlu,n°y W'''I. F. s("OTT, CITY OF ST. PAUL ..0 NO. %M2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK M rnissi HEn /� COUNT RESOLUTION QENERAL FORM OE PTED By IApril 5 1934 RESOLVED In the matter of paving Rice Street from University Avenue to College Avenue, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C. F. 95956, approved August 3, 1933• Resolved, That the attached plans and specifications showing the gas connections to be made on the above named street between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is herebyorderedand directed to serve a copy of this order together with said plans upon the Northern States Power Company. P. cnrsru.�u:� APR 11'4 1'em \'nyy Ad,,rled h, the 0--l.. /`Iny /NIrllowhl A /IFnrcr In tn�or Ahpnivcd -. j town AHnin,t GCG �ra�LG-Nhicr O A?PROEIYATK CUANTITILS FOR GAS CONN EXTIONS ON _ ZCB S?Fi E. E.2 YROY. UL:IVrr.1=ITY nV -NUr. TO COLI. P.Gt AVcNOB 19 — N — 3s s CoxaneCei,ns oo�G444q I gon�lo�4� a� 4S9 Como A✓c. ��, ,,� � I Q. Zenifh L4ne/Co. � m TAco./Y mBrir�rq �. 40J�.eme Aro mi>c�' I � D 6S/E�ivrehohs Sf — —c �" .G�/�o/wr nSFS/Cmfc1 PiudPnfin//ns C.. v � /iPHO.,�, n'✓. w w � � +I JI 353.4/Cc .if f6fLa nLridyP Arc��J o Jj Roy..(Sira.norc TEwJ 13e3 RrceJ�` /Binnfnon Mcf.Poofiir S.Com.� �� °' — � �S9 Rice 3f P' Mo y G.�ca c 372 icr n" u> N � j`" � Bd. Saro/. C.fiocfrits - 1 A.o�/ondA✓�. .5+;16 O/I�09J .%% 3 s Ui !aT/Ycrrfa-r Libf'. x s Cl Q < -r-- --L.— o 66/EMinnc.Sa/�o.J� � �� � - - — Lm6. iYos/,�iryrbn Jfs o 0 lr D .He yoicr�i Sonfe �, _ o .349y f2ice Sf s/O?icc Jf � W Z � _ f� ry.SarnPi 4/B.Pice _1Y � do/�RfisfL�s�-�h Clx-17' Gc 6r .m 9/7�cc Jr� C _ Ile— Gccn6cy.� o cnjY. %S/SCa�iYo/d/rd �3�Po/i.Y.ELCo�no//y ,yC ,, ry, LPy �' m � 1734Unirc si/y Arc 717/fo//y Arc °-- «_-•-� �, ✓afire Go/us�a 444 .Pico Jt `'��' lv/ioFF Edf/r L. Fiosf, Tiu.r/ i �f5i/d Fi%s�ineas, efs/( „_ — `" a� iNirrr Po/s, Mien. BJB Unian sf l N p� 4- - -- �N nA ens j Go dncc 1 . AURORA sdoiionv 7p5 Rionea B/dy 1 Lba;Pi�nc/9-mode 1(36ox/6y Are 947 /y/e/ro.f A✓e. �..a, ,,�, -�� _• w� c Jomn Lsy cfa/ o 23sG.oceS/ ��`^— — � ..H F/eicne� 303✓auson.Sf S46Co 'A' p/a/ ll y Rcc S%Sfnr 6F. ..' ?- 4 IY3J���oohy c/o/ .2 cc6', YYabos/.vS L � I976Eti1nnP/4bo -%f _ � � BS IYo6osho SE I� N oo�M4"�4 �d � r` G •� � �p `� 'fit q � 1 I a' ti I a� II I I I Fica/Chenno o - C C hen y /'X Lay 75OR/GPSf A, _z �S/3 /Yc �r Ya-/c B/dy. I JJJ Ths,Y//11otlhPws �m� -"u 973 Linco/n hLr. {= J — �' flnna 6i bis ✓L.Newyod — � 266 Sfafe V 2Jr -zr7 Xice V /46E3m3/ I r_�--�- !ci/o r/o D . BenePc {( r�'° z 263 Rice 3L 79Doy/e� AvP f (+z v 07--- p- p s Ir F�Pdnick Bunf�arf—r-- ' 3 A�csJh'N'//der CiSocify 6;1/6erfb 611ierf >Z = v - z— 3m&YYorii�yfon Sfs /023 Guordon B/S9. :� H -� !'lox Goodmon I N " � �� „betas B. Foi.asf yJ6 Ponf/o�o/Are} I o m y �n�on Bear 706, aPJO%aT1s. O 0 8 m (P-" JO Pofiic�E l{/y�er I I So wa/Gfvchu/fr _ $o Ame/ro �f'frose� '' : � i G N 360RabPrf Sl o o SJSMo�fro.reLane m � n � [(�1 — �tr /ostPouil��d. 292 Rice785 Rice Sf Me /Dewe/o�menfCo9 , N e = J N m Mary,4. Ace!li & TL YOon D y� jLLS/yewfm d/o' a 7,1Co. ffoir/m Brerriny e°. $ w 1 R. A. Wa!s,ti Endicof� B,bg'. 912 h, sf {LL a _ Cher/es fan%l, efel Anton G/cirsac� 1507 A/mond S%' Nmry Po/o%rky mm Biaw/ y C° 544'C/ark 3f., Chicego, I//. °/E Mnxhaho S/ 243 LY�r/is Jf —_ )Ge a/oii/ Doridson T hf /nduririv/Loon larp T/,re JB? Robccf sf o s, - r 'W } Y E/iro3P h R3c%roadc� ChoiMer N Zoon g N 353 l2 Cenl:o/A✓c Formerr Union B/dy � - " �. LyinfCo so. s/ Pau/ I s/axb dLi/Yia.d. 0 m� o Z cp J O O• p\y y' �`"•. 't" KodSeii/.�^f Nur/ey n 0 •4 a I CITY OF ST. PAUL �� " NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU NC,I)LRESOLUTION— ERAL FORM vsa Es¢vr¢o av / �oMM,ss,oHeR ✓ � L-U o�Te April 5, 1934 R ESOLVEO In the matter of paving Rice Street from Qnivorsity Avenue to College Avenue, with necessary water connections, under Final Order C. F. 95956, approved August 3, 1933. Resolved, That the plans and specifications snowing water connections to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commis- sioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account. dd,,,.11,, u,,c„�,��a_'.PR 5_L934_ ma \Ind �Nj� I)., r. a I'l .1Kni,i.t �\N�. rizel 11 ny,ir \ful,unr,�- A??ROXIIATE QUANTITIES FOR WATEn CONNECTIONS ON RICE STREET FROM UNIVERSITY AVENUE TO COLLEGL AVENUE 6849 Water connections to be replaced with 3/4" connections. 1 Water connection to be replaced with 1" connection 1 Watar connection to be replaced with 1-1/4" connection iE M - 3/4" Water Connections (new) poo44�4G �yytik.,ti • � p x 1 l28Rice_li I � <2 Zenifh LonerCo. Q. � m Then.Nc m der � f .Y`'�. 4o7 drem� Ater mi C � � y 68/E�ivr aha Si `� 641r190 sfw//A✓E� 1, �� cn .67e' nionSFMCeatcr 4 �� N 1/67 Jaiyent A✓e n a !1 � -""^ o avistlGue✓ir� Auyurt0./(/P irmen I _Q,�a � - &V 372 Avcf- "mN — jRoylSi.'revnorc McfRoofiiiLS.G m:c -n Sa^�e np. �c^ ryfo y C.�canc 372 n" - _ 2 Ash/ondAre. f�itr PRarmuuen U 3aA5 rMf �Y/ soa T— -- — a f �� o Offod� S o C!1 Bk. 6B/E+tliirn Hamm Bir+riny Co. I llvnme cio/Jrfife ..� c iaZ-.P.e jl r*YW � : _ LmC�. lYos/unyton Jts o Maiyoicrf5 Joni.+- _ o J'49 Rice Ji " 5 4 S Rics -JY /,gryJ Fivnd�cr, __ o SrORicc �t - � z �'= 4/ARice Jt �a 4/B.Pice J7` " - � ariv/G�PtiifG>5..��b Ge--bec (m - 4/7.Picc St C .i .7.__-- He.,,,o.�G y3/S CoPiYo/ d/rd _ � Potir.F L Connor//y /leer fYLey " � � 7714Unr✓ciriy A✓c 717 Ho//y Ave ., 74/11Pe1'1� Sf. y.Las..yl Fienze/ o,'�.e 444 Rice Jt - � ^ �� Ca/roF&Ed�'/iLFios/, Tiurters �" I 4675 /Yosbbu n Aro Jc. a W >� �irnenPo/�, Mhn. ,/forf5i/doFiYrsiinaorc/n� ,r- � pcn BAB Union 3t - T ' oN ntTj ljO/O/nCi lo. AURORA o._spoiianr_.j 723 Prones B/dy Zs �_ •u. Del Line/lxndA-made pct t6 wwa 3�c%ri n A- "+� f36axf6y A✓e. 947 /f/ehorf A✓e. n>e. l 0 I lbiy E- f1o% ��oinin Levy cfa/ - 135 G o✓e sf ,'�,,;`" _ } � �, �/ ��� �'�� 303 ✓ackson Sf Lcvy ne/Lc ?yan efo/ S46loPi/I/ Bird 1 _ ='" w /66/Court%Are R cc3Y�%dirt' 4-41 o' roe tazo YY'sJ by tf o/ y Ritc S/ SfalcBP. `^ 976E /nne /obo Jf �cccS YYobosf,�eS A d cwtifar,E 10 9 4 4 / oity\�4R aye l ��gX;.k3i. 44 a\ ti �' 11 Fic�Chennour G Lcy a 25oRice3f. AI z S/3 hew J'�'h BfSAq`. T/ics,N/Jlolihervs G m-. I rU Anna 6ih's .New o d 973 L into/n fiLtr. ' 9 e:re (�266S�afeS% z zr7 XicesY /1omc.////oy/C . III ✓ G /<6ESm.3f s ° I Lci/o A ane ��ee, ko/vs Geis n CA ,S79Lbyieo Ava C. (1Z A A Mrirn.��h�ocrxer Q/¢ja '" W `� FrPo'rrck Burk erf � -- i 3 gn1r r/h'N'i%rci C/t© ify Gi/6erf6 Gi/6e�f >� _ � � z sm6lYosiii:,gfos Sf-s /023 Gua�cion B/y9 H ~ Mar Gaodmon I N y I 1 N .,b�».cr d Forres/ 9J6 Poif/ond qre} I o -- - - y � xn B az l II 7d��nxsot J. �. I � O Q O fbfric,F �g6ei I I , �,csu/fi `-^ _ %Ame/rb k'Finser � G u �360.Po6</fSf o_ o ,SJSr1/O/J/rOSPLOne m � I � n T � I Mi;fhoe/Daffy 792 Rice Jt >r" T,x _ — z 2d9 Rice Jf ,lk jra5 Y!w/ao si/Dive%mom f 6 - "' Msr A. Fbcelli & TL. YolMn a ye 9 �' 0 ^' U 9; R A. Walsh Endicoll B.H,q. r`� Theo.f/o�,Berh9 0 Char/es Fan k/,efal 6d/EMrnnehohe S . - o - Powers MO RoEerl Sf //94So0 cr/Arr Anfon 51 /So7A/mond Sf I Nm y Po%✓sky �c y^�, q � mm Bi�nnn9 Ce. S44'C/ark 3f., Chicago, J//. • �, oay ,,.. \ �/f Mnx/aoho -St 3arn Fic/fa/one W> � � o/dir DO✓/G�JO/J o -• _ ,• 1 cn� so. sdF 9( Tamrne, Waah. ,�.�w l 77.re dQ rascrn be• /nduSbio/Loon CocP. N � f Ya E/rrodw/yi P3e/rroe+�'� 3d1 4aber/Sf. ro o L S 353 YY len/ o/i0re. W Chas/er f1. Zergo Farmerr Ui7Mn 6/dy � ��3/a�b dLi�iio. d. fYiirl Co So. Sl Pou/, _ rf 3/9 Ricc 3f m O 6 y 't" tKo�ireiix EHui/cy /Y Y to+// �O 1 Petition _/ G. 21 :till ;F PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEe'"se a'—y�eaa�, .mi{`=mese.1 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. r M Theuadezeigaed hereby pmpoeeethe mekingof the following public improvement by the City of Baint Pell, via.: Grade Jackson Place. from Youngman Avenue... to a. point._.... 210 feet southeasterly of. Youngman Avenue. oaten this. 5t4 nay or April,. 1934. neamen. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via: Grade Jackson Place from Youngman Avenue. to a point.__....__.. ,t 210 feet southeasterly of Youngman Avenue. h.vmg been presented to the Council Of the C' tY of S.riet Paid _ ...... _................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tibet the Commieeioner of Public Werke be end is hereby ordered end directed: 1. To investigate the aeceeaity for, or deeirnbility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent end eetimated coat of said improvement, end the total coat thereof. 3. To fumiah a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. 4. To elate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownen. b. To repoft IN. ell of the foregoing matters W the Commimiooer of Finance. Adopted by the Council... WR . 5_........... _...... Ysee N— Councilman blur r McDoxeta Approved_.. ........ _.........._�:... _._...... _.... _....__. _.. _... _.... ^ Penacs Roaex l\'exzet ....... M. ParstnevrMayor. YUUllJIiliUC •- �- �` r.. c • u rsu r.ai N'. SCOTT, <'LLka ..___, ter. w,.. I.. `_l.(3?5 �I PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMU' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. " The..dereigoed hereby propoeeethe m.ki ng of thefollowingp,bli,impmvemenl by the City of 8—a Paul, via.: _.Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for ..slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Jack OPn..place _. ___.. from. Youngman Avenue to a point 210 feet southeasterly_ of _...._.Youngman Avenue._ Dated this 5th day of April, 1 4 �Imm. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written pr,p—I for the makiog of the edl—iog improvement, vis.: Condemning.. and taking_ an. easement in the land necessary _ _.for slopes.,. outs and .fills,.. in the grading of Jackson Place _.from.. Younoan Avenue to a point 210 feet_ southeasterly of fd/ ...Youngman Avenue. .. _ .. i having boeo p—h ed to the Cormcil of the City of S—'t P-1, therefore, be iC " RESOLVED, That the C mmimioner of Public Work. be and ie hereby ordered end dimeted: 1. To i—eetigote the ."emity for, or dmirebility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To iove.tigate the o,t,m, extent end eetimated coat of mid improvemont, cod the toted eoet thereof. 3. To f...ieh a play, profile or eketnh of mid improvement. 4. To t.to whetber or not said improvement i. asked for on the petition of three or more owoen 5. To report upon nil of the foregoing matters to the Commimioner of Fi... ee. Adopted by the C—reil.. AK _J ie7,4 Yv.s �N— C-61-4C;.v v-)4 4�tcDorver.n Approved .. _ ... �f .nee �atinx L� e.rt /Ma Pna.roerrr Mayor. `M CITU OF ST. PAUL mu.cn NO.. _. NW -36 i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ CO IL RESOLUT ON—GENERAL FORN—e, c.uociicpiwevel_-u vaeaeNr[o er � a e.i., � u counca WHEREAS, By Council File 96691, approved November 29, 1933, the Council authorized the at "to an agreement with C. M. Engemoen, Henry D. Van Hoven, and I. L. Seekl ns, Sr., co-partners doing business under the firm name and style of the St. Paul Feeding Company, under which the City would furnish garbage and the feeding company would raise hogs from such garbage and divide the profits equally with the City, and WHEREAS, One of the partners, namely, C. M. Engemoen, died before all papers were executed, and WHEREAS, Henry D. Van Hoven and I. L. Seekins, Sr. desire to receive the same contract for the same period of time and under the same terms as was given to them and C. M. Engemoen and have thralshed a bond in the sum Of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) to secure the performance of such contract; therefore be it SOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby, authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with Henry D• Van Hoven and I. L. Seekins, Sr.,co-partners doing business under the firm name and style of the Ste Paul Feeding Company, for the same period and subject to the same terms nd conditions as the original contract with the said Henry D. Van Hoven, I. L. Seekins, Sr., and C. M. Engemoen; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the bond of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) as fixed in the orifi lnal resolution, namely Cou>jcll File 96691, approved November 29, 1933, shall be approved as t�ezecution by the Corporation Counsel and as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance, and deposited with the contract in the office of the City Comptroller. Aai(I,.]J, weo��:;i�PR F 193.4 ii ICON i1'�nre" ,l lig fns,�r :\pI-".d 193 Al'.Prr: t nt 4Inlurnry— Llf 1' cLEXR A'+I"' - - �" • ' 141. \'ice Pres. \; e:.,.r, —. ay t"Irl filed rvith s nn prlica tions tine license fee ._OI e, , ,v,. re1­­te� t- ret� f t 1Pllt, d' .ore, ceit Oe c they11 h ereby 't� t, '. Ob— Leveed t"e emLurlt of the "a"` sale" fl, ert,fO - 1,,,pltO, b, t icat Sons end , t -0 C ' ty C h, rk 0 dil-t.d t, advise the State TAO- , ­­islill­ Of the fact that said OP-11—tin­ !,,,e been withd,'_O . ('QjTN( 11_11]:N 'N . Ad,AM b, h.AP AT h ra," Apl".—d ID3 y CITY OF ST. 'Au, No. 976,37 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTEO OY ATL RESOLVED t"Irl filed rvith s nn prlica tions tine license fee ._OI e, , ,v,. re1­­te� t- ret� f t 1Pllt, d' .ore, ceit Oe c they11 h ereby 't� t, '. Ob— Leveed t"e emLurlt of the "a"` sale" fl, ert,fO - 1,,,pltO, b, t icat Sons end , t -0 C ' ty C h, rk 0 dil-t.d t, advise the State TAO- , ­­islill­ Of the fact that said OP-11—tin­ !,,,e been withd,'_O . ('QjTN( 11_11]:N 'N . Ad,AM b, h.AP AT h ra," Apl".—d ID3 y Off— V.d Od20 Rea.: Gladebne fb16 ANNA M. HOLLISTER RENTALS AND REAL. ESTATE PROP—TY MANAGEMENT 6 W -t 6th Building St. F'nul, Minn. r d n.. WALTER AAMOLD'S a1 UPTOWN GARAGE G 650NG AND SAVE. SERVICE AND STORAGE EEU,u,,i (1474 CITY OF ST. PAUL rn NO. .Jl�rl OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I ��}} COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM L PneaeN NEq.. C r�_r( Jr. ✓�. +.�L oA- / 3 coni rola ... � _ RESOLVED 11.i111"l, the 1111-1op named hove madeapplication for on sale^ llovor licensee et c!,e cadre ease in dScated, and iR�FEdS, the C nnc it ti� anted Bald applfc atlone resold appl icanteoheve r ue atearwt[hdrawel n er.L a fUna of their lir ense fee. anc .e.1n �. ��:e1r Mo =, oT ce It FESILTIE, ut t'ne o city offlcerr b and they a reby avthort zea to re Pend to the sold applicants tl.e llc ense roto `o re depc sited 'oy them anL the City Clerk le a - lzed ; return their respective 'povde to t`;ec, and c..nrel [lair appllcatlor. s. Leo Flelechmea '71 -r1 St. H. Lum, and 7,_' Brand s41 F.Sce St, ('()11\rILMI:N lase �� \Iny �k D„nnld I / �eoee�� %I'nrav i� 1 Kuinet lyemel /Air. t'resirtrnr tinhon<r AdnpteJ 6y the 1Aniue APR F !9996 la3.. npp�.,"d_ lad - — .,rz...e soli-.to:� c.F. 97010 __ _ ae„�tn; -,11 a..��e r al llrenseo eo es rzrz. .o �.rz�,nh:.lcn s.,,��, -----' - rz�al,��,��e. Yeas / c7(71l.nut,N \e AJay �Ciern�llam �.nax C � Agail�.t u a jTt t. President htahonry ` `'ERR Adopted by the (:ooaeil.... �" R 1911. 193_. n+a� CITY OF 3r. PAUL '0......��!`Dt .) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM oM.`, ss ooNegr. _ �C _ny.. ✓` ...=ti-... oA� _ April.@� 1834 RESOLVED That the pamper city officers be and they era her by authorized to refund to the following nerved persons the fees indicated deposited on applications for Dance Hell licensee which licensee have previously be® denied. -1 R. Trout 452 Toronto St. Dance Hall $15.00 Appl 4728 i S. D. Macent 2515 9nlverelty Av. • 15.00 • 6166 Richard J. Erickson, 956 Pgne Ave " 15.00 • 5542 Martin Sal—dal & John Hollering 2759 n. 7th 61vd ^ 15.00 5644 R. G. Webber 1579 Selby Av. • " 15.00 • 5656 Yeas / c7(71l.nut,N \e AJay �Ciern�llam �.nax C � Agail�.t u a jTt t. President htahonry ` `'ERR Adopted by the (:ooaeil.... �" R 1911. 193_. n+a� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT C,ty C66 and C --i—, of R.ginraion .A.m Nerch ^91h, Hon. J. H. M,Donald, Co -1 r of Pub11c Safety, Building. Dear Ste: The al toched r ae at o° Rout ,or ara fund of the llc enee fee deooett ed by him for e dance hall lie enee at 47? Torrn to— sr referred to your department for the oro per reeel'vti.a. Yours ver', trily, City Clerk, onyev mGo a.n CITY OF Sr. PquL ,v c" NO. 97640 OFFICE OF THE CITY\\CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c rnMra°nAn April 6, 1984 RaCOLVED ` •- � WHEREAS, The Conoco 011 Co. desires to withdraw application 1980 for license for Gasoline Filling Stetton (8 p=ps) at 177 South Robert Street{ therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be end they era hereby authorized to refund to the Conoco Oil Co. the fee of $40.00 and to cancel said ltcense f -r gasoline filling station. CI�UWH MEN v,•oe .Adopmd by m, a,a—d _APR R.1 4 I93 �Mnr APR /rra,r,• lu (neor Bppromsl. - -. 193 /4� ll'mvcl Mnync .a 4u /W. Vice Pr 'v ...... . CITY OF ST. PAUL NO, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ea N-0 �4�.1 ✓.._« e s oxer. o T e Aprll_6, 1934 .. RESOLVED r That the Croner city officers be and tl:ey are hereby euthorix d to refund to Thelma '.ICGinnls, rest Hotel, 24 R. F—hen, Street, the fee of 450.00 dentsited on On Sale Non -into Stating V It Beverage license denied by C.A. 97:.36. Yens \''s(9 /\Ic D��uuld /IOvvcr In hrror � am � as�a��AL iYemcl Mr ,. Adun4d L� tht ('uuncil. ,•pQ 1w, dppmard I93 \bow o.�n� �.r CITY OF ST. PAUL .0 cn N. 91,02 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM April 6 z 1934 Tbat FFeste-ur.�_nt lic arcs P placation 1890, On Sale Non -intoxicating Ma -t Bo—age llceeae, 3- s89, end Of_Sale Non-intoxicetlne Mslt Be, a -eg. license, sI>oli cat ion 1888, —p—lied £Or by Mra. Harold Fuller et 1187 Nom Snelling Avenue be —OcJ tTiep are hereby greeted and the City C1erP is instructed to issue such llce — —,-- time pa_ymant into the city treasury of the r quired fees. }-ean �i uy:a / �fc I I..n al l �'a�arci•. / � I�� fxva�r 1---id—t Nlahoiiey SPR R 193 A�7,,1�1ed V3' th,� ('��uncil _... -.. -__.. _IU:i. • CITY OF ST. PAUL ,v " NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLlJT—MN-.—RA,FOFM vRESEr.ITE� av ~ com m,ss,olaEsa p- 5 ri. - J k s i t- ` - _. on.c April 6, 1934 RESOLVED--- Triat R—tati1 P.a s -a p`�Z tW-Er m 1710, On Salu Non-into).cating Malt R--ga license 1711 and OYf Sa1e Aon-into#,,ting halt Beverage license, pplied £or t -y Pasqusl Fhrinelle ,t 648 Jackson Street be and t and the City Cl.,k ie instructed to issue sucri licenses _ a the payment into the city tre,eury of the required fe• e_ h,u vena I �a�-a Ad,j—d byinatl,,,,dl JUL 8 _1934 ..les. aa.r 1Vcn-1 1luyar ^ ,~ ,^-....^��, ,'^`.,~.'.a~ `�����I. `I.������ � °, `.* an OF OFF"' OF THE C11 NC fRLUTION— P N-D C WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has heretofore made Its application to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works for a loan and grant in the amount of Six Million, rive Hundred Twenty-two Thousand Dollars ($6,522,000.00) 00) for the pur- pose pose of paying the .0.t of drains, sewers, and otber r at uros used exclusively by the City of Saint Paul and its share ofthe cost of the additional sewage system used jointly by it with the City of Minneapolis, all a:grequired by the Sewage Disposal Act passed at the 1933 session of the State Legislature; and WHEREAS, said Public Works Admints t 'r ationhaeMadeon, allotment to the City of Saint Paul of the sum afFive a MAllion, Five Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars (45,550,000.00) as a loan to the City of Saint Paul, and an additional mount representing 30% of the cost of labor and material employed upon said sewer work, which sum Is estimated at Ni Hundred Seventy-two Thousand II Dollars 01lars (0972,000.00), making . t.nt:1 allotment of mot to exceed {6,522,000.00; and WHEREAS the Public Works Administration, as an agency of the United hates of America, has prepared a contract known as the "Loan Agreement the City y of Saint Paul end the f Amert,:,t's- t .1 United States o . embodying he terms of the acqui tion end use,of wuob .. of money, ey , which contract is to be executed alsoby the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sani- tary DI striot for the son that a part of such eums will be used by said ianitarUImotin constructing the portion of the work need by the City of Saint Paul jointly with the City of Minneapolis; ince apol is; and WHEREAS, said contract or Loan Agreement is as follows: -LOAN AMIZEMINT dated aaOf - ' 1934 between the CITY Or SAINT PATL, Ramsay bounty, Mince sot a, (herein called the "Borrower"), the MINNEAPOLIS -SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT kherein oansd the *District"), and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (herein called the "Government"). Govern.ant.). COUN"ILMIN Yeas N",s Adopted 1, the Conn ril. "'y T-. AgM.� - W­nl M M'. NI.h.­y (2) (B) She oonetruotion,Ly.the Diet Mot of a eew- ,age disposal s"gbbem (hereifl'bealed the" Dis- -yoenl8yetem) Sa.. tbk Distri,gt at'-an deti- .,.mated coot, of ft9,,483 260 :'the=portiou-'of' 'Mob cost to be oontribnted-,bytbe Borrower being estimated at 'bpprozimately {4,1711000. snd,tor other and Snoidental porposes• all pursuant to the Borrow ergs applioatlon (beipin called the s<pplibationm); M A Docket B0. 4397, the pyrooegdinge.anthofisia6g t1 Alonanoe,of-tbe Bonds, Title II of the lational Indust;lal Beooveay,Aot;'.(herein called the sAot•)'-approved June 16, 1933.. the constitution and Statutes of the Btate:Of-Yingesota (end the.,0barter of the Borrower) in-.. cluding partioularlyt chapter ff Title 33 Beotigns 449�¢3'aad 407 of the "cited gtatee code �nnobbted Obepter 341 of the Besbfon Leis"ot YSan.1 ta, 1 33 8ehtlons,l93" ead`1943 to 1873, inolneive Wineou�e YSnneeota'.`- BLakntee,'end, Beotiba 2Ot ofhe.Horrowbr's charter.., ., ca) -2. "Desoravtidn 3 Bonds... (a) Desi ,a on 'Sewer Hondq..of the 019q of, Saint n prein galled•Sewer Bonds').,ssnn�d'8ewgge fliepop4l System; -Sonde of'the Olty b{�i. daint Paul• (bereigbelled-■8eifage� Diepoeal.System Bonds. 1), (b) PriuclAieount t2,00o,000 'sewet bonds, end 0 sewage dlepoeslsyet0i4 bonds.. (o) jj�A: Wegotiable. gene reljobllgptlon,'ooupoa bond. (d) ietrati 2egieterable at the "tion of the 1 er ne o..prinoipel ball. . (e) Dn'Eb. ,. sewer... Bonds;. Series` Amount ate 'spriee fro:_1 ISa ,000. -Yay 1> 1984 a. _. Be'ziee lfo. $ 2 ,000 .8eptember l,'1934, 9ew4e Disposal SyeLem Ponds Series 80, 1 -i*852;000 :'Yay I' 1034 fi Beeet80.-2 43i4,000-Oepiember 1, 1934' the 4erlee hineberiidate$.' interest payment, dates and bisturltibs of thp' remainder1. of thb $oaGa, of gaoh lseile sha11_be, fl;ed::by reed utlon of,the Olty Coanallof ;tbe Born pr frtl tl'me to 'time ae the" } iusuiii of 'shad 8gnds is aut orisedi, nil suoh dabee�ead mbtarities•tgt'be'eatisfaatdry to Us fed'e;aT'tmergenoy'Adminietra Qr of�:;nblio Works (herela oallep the 'Admfnistratdr•) (f) II�t�ere�et ^4 per.,oent perannum, payable semi- - ana�,a � ae ;tpllowas Bbrise is 1 gtyeaoh lesiie)) Yey l�"end 8ovember 1 ; BeraeA Bo. 2 of eaob,Asi;ue) Haroh l and September I (g) Hata%._ iSiee. I.•'8ewer'2oads (First two saiiep) .. Series. 80. 1, �w l of eegh year: r (4) Year A==% Yeikr Almunt 1037 4 7;000. 1951 000 1938 7:060 1952 13,000 1939 7,000 1953 lej000 1940 8,000 1954- 13,000 1941 8,000 1955 14,000 1942 9 000 3.958 14g000 1943 9 000 1967 14,000 1944 10,600 1958 15,000. 1945, 10,000. 1959 15:ood leks-, 1o,000 1950 15_000 1947 11,000 1981 '18', 000 1948 11,000 1662- 16,000 1949 11,000 1963. 17;000 1950 12,000 is" (it) Se'les No. 2, j3epteiber I of eaob year. 3:937 8,000. 9,000 M e : 000 1952 9,000 1939 6,000 1953' 16.,000- 1940 6,1000 '1954 ,000 1041 1;000 1955 0,000 1942 8,000 1958-, lo"Obo 19413.7`,'000 1967, 11,0.00 1944 7'000 1958 11-,000, 1945 0,000 1859 .11,000 .1945 8,000 Aged 12,000 1047 1948 8,00.0 8,000 1981 1962 12"000 19,000, 3,949 9'0100 1963, 13"000 1950 9,600 1054 13,000 11. S?wage DISPOSSI system Bftdi. -(ri.ralt two Baries W Afty I, of each ycar Year Amount 1937 /612,060 lasi $3.9,,000 leas lots 13,000 13;000 1952 1903:.81,000- ,20,09,0 1940 00 114'�,Opo 1954 22,606 1941- 1955, 1942 14,000 194$ 15,000 1951 -"-25.000 1944 16,000 1958.; .1945 18 ,000. 1959 26* -GOO ' 1946 16:,boo l9w, -28.960 1047, 17,000. 1961 27,'006 1948, 17,000 i 27i000 1.940:, 18 000 600 �p 0 76 19" 28,000 (5) (ii) Series. 80. 2 September 1 of saoh jgara. Year AmountTo- 19 ear imomt. 1937 {.9,0006,000 1938 Si000 1962 �18'AW 1938 10,000 1953 1°1.1)00. . 1940 10;000 1864 17'.,000 1941 11,00011,.. 1965: rle"1000 11-606" 1968 181000 1942 1943 ]3 !d00 .,. 1957 19:000, ... � ,01968 19,y000 . 1944 MOW - 1969: ,20000 - 194g 13;000:. .,..eEp. 2o;Dob 1947 ' 14,006, 1981. 21x0,00 1948. 14,000.. 1952 21,000 - 1849 16,000 -1x83 22,000 22,000 1950 16�d00- 1984 .. (b') eoa 1irit t 0teone�x h,ob noSRnl nna CfiDttler t from Pa le pr _ y1 Valorem taxes, wLidh asY>se 1evSed withgak lSmittab,".0 Tattl,or' amonnt mpoa a1I the taxable pFopyyt7'withSn thB torr tnrinl limits of, the Horrosor.. plttenm oY peamenti gei4th fie,01Yo�YOity osgat� ane di - o'i-k6e�ityaintZ+sn1 Sn t14e oitp';treaenry,ia the OitY of Saint pain, Yinne- so�a in�:anoh fgn4e sa ire oa tha i'-eapeo, , dates of yaymeLt. of't5e'prinoipal ;of and'imtgree:t the 80Rda, -legal Lender for• debts dile khe,;IdSted 8tatea, of Ap erics. 000. Deaona'Eiont .�1, _ . 3., form �e�k end'6amole.. of Bon_d.. She HodAs ehs11 be In form aatisfaotory tko t-Be -R lnistraLor HQ'Soxe 'the Z)onds are prepared _ `the Borrowtlr•'apall'ssnif[it a a,, 0 oT.°epeoimen bpad°(with 000ponej for ayprovgl'bl, thd,,,Admiaietrakor. Bonds. ��d at 4.re�YS ote Stbe stntee publisaltie maepxb9, , 1927, Seation 1943. (a) 8e*er-;Hondet 'The; Hgrrosex wi11 offer the Sewer �e'yon Bale, from time to time in hlooks iuf- floient,,together with current ((rent Payments based .upon,tpe;labor-and materials emplo9ed, .uppt[:tha Bewez 8jretem,:to pvhide.funds idr' the odn94tnoti.8a o .the ,Sewer. Bygtem"ib-the.smo"to oe atxlad,-to the Horrower,for 'that-piurpose,.in' _ the All! budgets of'the Board Of $rusteee oY'khe:Dietriot,:, 8nu1eot:to the termsead vols _ (6) ditions of this Agreement; the, Oveondsrnmeat 1x111 <„ arrnnge;to enDmlt'.bide for's.ph Bfrom time', •to tineas the ease Are o`ffoied fur`asle. (b)1L61f - pi�oen]" Br�temH�oe !ha Dorxowbr w111 o er,t5e-��agtem Hoadr for- sale ;from time to time In bloyks snffLolent,_.togethei wYtbgntrent�Bsetitpaymenbbbesed�upon the lab'or`.` and materials employod upon the Diepoeat Bystee; to provide funds, for the use 'e'otp64,D1etrioro iq themognie allooited p64bhe $orrower for the construetion of thelviapposal,eyet6103n the success- �jie budgets certified tb the, _Borrower by the8oard %of Trustees otrtha District ,wjlabjeot,to tba terms d gdS}ditYone-of iMa'Agreement, the Governmedt:.. 'w111 ar;nage. to eubmtt bidi•for sliob.Honde from time to time As the'name are offered ,for sale.' Tho.4overnm it w111 take_ vp• and pay for elighBonds as me.Y be award+• ,ed tpp It,from time to.tlma,`es. funds are, needed ,for the'Pio qt;'. Or toe eatj,rb'amounro o3'.th6 Bonds. of any blook awarded to t Govent npoh any b}d,;'qr .bidtl.antmdttpd ee',hprein.Iniovided say be'4;hk � anfl pgid' Or, by,-the'Boverament mt• a time,' in the; dlm'ofetion of ' 64dminiatrator. ale,bonds to be Purohised dd 'liken IIs' ; The " Gpvernment shall ate ui 'er UFOWigatd,an: to porofiase or -to take up sad, pay for sewer Honda D'eyOnd the, amount lrbl4 (togeth6r tith'so m.0 of Otber D,undw end%of the amount to be paid to the Horroirer oaa000nnt of•She Grant pareaent,to parWaphe IO an¢'IH PARV, TIfO hereo;, ae'ehaXl,be alloomtid•tq the cone r(totiod'Of the Bgwer Byetem) shall ;be geoeabaprryy 4in the,'j p -,q hhe Administrator;" to,bomp3e�e'dha eeMar dyelem. The Gbv t shall be 4ndq}�`no ob lgettSnn, t9-pggohelee'br to take' -up end ,p`q'y-for Be. go,plapoaa>r;- System 8ehdetbeyond the'"aeountil. (togeYtiA;"with so mroh•pthei. Tmde, dnd,.of tb'e•.amonmt; to be',pald to the -Borrower on aooaunt of - the brant pimkmuent to peregrephe`IO anti 1A -'FIAT 4110 hereof, as•`. Shall be aj.lOd4tad-_to -the, codetruation of the DYeptieal ;Byetem), eDall bs'aeoii4fj%ry, to-pi64Ide the:, gorrowetiI °s5tere 'Ot the funds;` xequirefl, la tyb judgaeiit o; thgyldminietr-to r for the oompletjoh o{.-tlie-pfepdg9l System.-, the xi8ao>It of apyy':ligyment9':hioh may De: Nadi to ibe,Borrower to•prOvide fox the�,peyYent of'Sntereat be= ooming due during,th6,perIOCgf oonetrngtion;of the Brojeot upoA .. Bonds not Wd-by, the G"arament;, purso4q't °.to the proYi eione of p6ragrPph,8 ,YAjlT TWO hereof,,sbal, be' bemefl:�to be Ytpaxt of Lheopero.•gf the, Ergjeoti.'. In case: any of'Sjie; eondtst,xh4:Yby.1leto' piQAkeiletrargther•bban the Government the priaoipe'I. amolmt of ` Honda wMoh the Government. Is' obliged to'purphase•ehpSl be Op.rseapoedingly-reduced -� B. oeit �:V ,•Bond Proceeds 'end Orant the -Borrower willr pay All .alar.. Nn If, w1+7'osiireae v fro _' sale of the. Babde of•ei`ther.. igsne Sato thb'einkfng.fcud: SOr'eaoh, Issue prCvided for-in,'Rarsgraph a,"P1At`09S heredf, end, euoh-noorned interest. ebal.1 used solely for the payment Ot: the interest ,r. (8� r P'['BT TW 00. 1. ►ppro�a�..o'f��� dement, iithin e';reaeoriable so aft. tpe r6oeipt .oZ�bementa the HorroRar umQ �Yt�s Dietro6;.aisli edoh. 9QVDt a reeolntion Metting'�ortlf the segment ih'�nll; spproa- - DSetriet�e rot ehetil'o lting;ths, ereoni'oA';'the�eot d to alp- the e4me'.oa,, the, Ir. Promptly thereupon{. -the Such official Ox ,otfloiale bs Borrower WboA the Agree- theDl strict, M (16)- j dodiafadvis0le thsn to,te�%btallld in un -:.Itb 116 cO - eatjo�a 't " projeP .off the Bofids�,:'Inaluding all 6P#r6ikUcOi-­ permiti-of- the Searetary of. War'-sud Chlof,of 3keseers for'Vokle ln,gpu­ iiatiaWitth the PrOjso%,'neO60bary1 uno z 9batter 9, Title 33"Sootioni _- 403 and 407 of the VMIt6d'S3•&jes 'bode Aiwptated'. Take ail tba.proosedings nooessary for the authprikation and issuanos; of the Bands. INotica of -Bale. As soon as the provisions of Pata- grapa Si PA T TWWi;ok_,__0Ta1l have beei zomplied with to the Batts- feation oflhb Aftluistrator, and from time to,-,timm,,thereaffer, the Borrower *11L,offir:the; Bonder for sale tn., tb,b m_�pnor,prbtRed In. Paragraph 4, PART OBE, hereof; and'mill notify tbo�Qovsrllient in toque to bi Jnobi4id In the t in.,6fferid ihd� as to the time wheg, �plads where and dbidi- black t -to t1`6ne upon which tide *Al, be received-(tbe date, fised' be not.; earlier itan ton ddys,Aftsr the. Governmentse-tooei t of such-nottoe, unless btharriis eattiltaotory to t Sabb such notice-iba].V be aocaxjsqied by proof of due. Oomplionoo *itt the provisions L al. hooflon 1104l�1927, and by'sPolvotbor doeumsits asmay be requested by the Administrator. If such notice and.tbe...40cuilents accomponylng,the.'saw are satis- fsoiory and substance :to the Administrator; to - be terms sndoonditldi4 at this'=86"Uti, thal 'OOV' ­ - idt"WIiid far' the Boudb'of.ilicht1boX. ernment will s!7bz -Qwiia.Reanlsition AO upon ere a � Oak Of tba-' Bonds aball 'bqV&;-bwan,,&wards& to tile, covernziout-phrgueat"to a bid or bids isibmitted�',ad'jiovid& In Paragraph ,8•k Ill; file with -1he, government s: requisition. requesting. the gftsrnment amount of the Bonds so ' , r- or swardA, of'either b6tW jmoueiB,-ss, togetbdr,'idib Other Funds, foi the -oonatiuction'Of the Bower System; end/or"the. Disposal, System for a �Vaaohnslblo -period :,(pr, in 'thid licretion' of We Administrator, a requisition to tskeLUP� and pay for the eattrq -amount thereof at (me' time), Speoifyifig the TttlNdl�'fwablaoiboma' i4huei4ir*es numbers, tiii!Itiin bhaft7bi satisfactory to tbi4dianlitrafoi) o b,e the t and tho,4sto' �iqben, it Is desir�ed to - f t e' Bonds, requested *,bbltsken u f date 'a Wl-.not be earlier than ton:aayo, after: the- 064etpmeut-s r-.Zelpt, Of addh-filet Bond 'requisitiorr.'usates:6the ' *I rwios leatisfidtory,t6. the A itstrator, the first Bond' ijkluteAticin. 'to be, scoompanlid k,& complete transcript of- ", , isdi t oll -bpn 06' ngo i4`date, togethe Ob or itfoatesi. fords,, oollains*�llett6ro,,,,Btitimefits an r doonments se, may be requbstid;ty tlie'A'dituistrator. (11) g, r et. '1; khe first Bond regnisitiion' and the dooumente soon' 99! ng .hjdM' pre'aisbiefaotory in t -.t10 euffieenoy and,:enbatanoe t,0 the=♦dmSnljtrat0 thea, "puDleab `bo the, terms tlnd conditloae, of .thie.,�$reement; upon reaeofiaD a noti¢be ta:the gorrawer','end witDSn n re the time atter-..tLh reoeSR4 by tike Goverfligblat of •the'fitet BoM requieition,.tha .fiovervmenk,. will `arieeaaggee to take; up'snd'Pay far ,enoh amonnt'df"the Bonds previously; awnrddd to ths.6;verriment ae, boBether iit -Other 1'mndp will -pro hide AS the„jgd6aent bVIthe. admialetraEor; en�tioi ent'.'SunQs Tor the %oonefrgotSOn,of the Bewei Sjotem and/or the Dispoeeti System Sor a ' reasonable poriod, or, in'the jndgeient of 'the Idministratot,.tSie entire aigount of Said Qonde tHhe• Trot Hohd., pagmenS:_to be made 'et the ;Dederel Aeegrve Bank 0 xviisapolie, YSnneapolia, 111nnaaota ' (herein called 'bha OAeeerve Beak*), brat, m¢oh .other place or, - 1__ _..i.a.., et�ntin,- mk' AeeionatR7 exalnst: Qellvery :by -the tante me may Oe-requeeyea. oy ena vui�u-wsau end. silhatsnee ` as theretofore approved -by. , ala} 9, f� an_�t Ae uieitiane. She, Borrower may nt any time after the 'LA '.ikon of s igreemept bnt not oftener,tban once a' meek; film a requieitiori egaeetin8 thn Iidvernme to make a payment, to.,.the Hdrfoeer On a000vap. of thhe.00tanty eaoh'Qraut,ragnieltiod tQ be. a000mpidled by euoh. dodumente,. ae may, be'requeeted by'.the /dmtiii atratdr. (13) 10. �6reat .Paymehte, If a Grant requ14iii0i end".the. the OWN are satisfaetory in.�arm, suffici- doovmente 4000 saying, q dr they, subject to the terms not Condit of, to the ;Admiai twat.' scribed by . sad doadit lone of'thfs hereofentpond :;the "nimltetionc PtA paragraph 13, PJAT 170 Eereof, upon reaeeneble notice to- the Borrower, Of and-;wlthim a reasonable time after the recej.pt .by the f,overament o; enoh Grant regnieitiOM (but not earner thea Iten day"QQ Li�fter the re - dept 'tb'ereof, Np10ee otherwise Batt' �aotory to .the 6dminigjob,to the Government will, pay'to the Borrower a enm of money; which, to - the gatherwithell�prgvicne Grant peymeats, - i , ynn,. and the total amount Of Bond-lnterest oonponq',yhei, oforei'oanaellpgd�e ae: provided by paragraph 14, PAR T TIIO:•IIergQoY;ehel7.. he equtahlid®lnietiptox) oitheo 25"per oentum dY-the doet.`'US appraveQ by x i"d labor and ,material "ebolm ;to have been employeQ upon tlie; project to a date snot later than the to of arch"t}rent:�regnlettioa; each. -Great „payment to be made at the PC Henle or�at such other plBOe or' places ne'the AdminietrAter'may'dealgnato, egalnat delivery by the Borrower of 'to reoelpk 'therefor. • 11F; ant 8_a_gn�Seition Within a roaeon ble time e;ke"x the Projeoi Lae been comp— feted sad a11'ogekq Incurred in con naot•iothe prewith Save Leen cover it ,the Borrower may, file a ' .sOgnieiti'on witl3.the Government regne eLiag the'Governmeat Yor. the fiDal par on of the orewt4 such -Tinel Great-:aegnieitlgp•to "a "-aocompsnied byauoh •+49o?menke ee may be regtibekb4 by the Admjnietratos. 12: na�.. Gant t. If the sinal'Grant Bequisitioa aad.tha doormen a a000mpea ng a acme axe-satisfadtory !n form, soffioienoy 'gad enbatanoe to the Administratyr, then, eabjoot to:tbe tefine and oonditione pf this Agreement and .the limitafiona preedribed �y paragrepha13, PAB•R TFO?hereof; upon reasonable notice inetaovBnr rgxdr,'and within s FeagF2hab'le,tlme after "the.receij)f.by menu „o; the Hna1 Grant Regnieition`(boi"not earlier then ten ;days _ :ihor the reoeip'G'"thereot, ;tml0sa otbOrwi" sails{4otory So,.tLe Adeinietrator) the Oovesnment,wil3`.jtay 'to the gorxower,.a antq•.of mgaey, bEloht tdg9thes with all pievioue.,orent peymente, Other ptmde, and. the, total amc»nt of Bond Intergdt ooayone theretofcis cancele6 ,. is, provided bY,ACMBgrapE 19. PART 140 bereof`i eball roL" oeL in .. aggregate amotm SD 30 perSoegtnm,"of tEe cost (se apArpved the ' Adminietrator),`.of LEe+latior and>materlsia:•employed«upon the ;ojeot, the ilyel 6rsnt pq�magt to be ]m:ae�:eL at kbe"Reeerve Ben)c'or at last Other place or, 'pleaes,aa' the Admi�aietrafor; say deeignake age _delivery by tha.Borr4wer. of its '.reoeSpt therefor 13 Orent Pa ate=-y►'mit�at�o�dIs AS1 pay??ante whi.oh mag . be made to they, rrower on s000m i tEe'Grant pnredant to the, pro-, graphs 10;and 12, .PART TOTO;hereof, shall be, subject vi since of Para .the followinglimltatioast '(a) The"otalF,t a ala such Grant ppayments{ _ added -to theprinoipnl amaunt'Of -tha- Bonds purohaeed.by the oovbrnmbnt',''ead ' - othes.ldodor shell'not.axao ed in the „aggregate. the sum Of ',(,522,,Obo b; . (b) The .total oall snob-greet payments, added tq the:Prinoipal amount of the Bonds sold bY; the Borforea!,(whether to the oovamment or':,to Others), and -- other rondo; �ehali nob;..e:oeed 3n' the - aggregate the total duet °of 'the Protect. as 31ne119 determihed'end approvedby'' the Adminietsator. - 14, ,oencel atida of Hbnd Interest Odu�one�. Subjpot to the terms and `cop one; iSlTgreemeaf, ,tAe QovernmeAti Will apply the Grant; to theoenoelkatioa oiAinteraet�ooapone wbenmentt. se the bomb,bepoma pa9ahle, upop;a}1 Bonds lip lit 10 'Government. , up tw and inglnd}nB 00 )Us 'Payablb ori�thb:,-last interest payment -,date k iot 'to. DeoembeF,, 33 2937, er the bate; o! tha SiliA6 of-the_ yinal..:,brant• Aegoiaition-,'whiohgver, •'data to the earlist 16.�'"0 oellatio .of Bonds, "IL theBorrower,' witbin's . reanonablg •time er he ao, et Ga 6f the, Project, aha1a have _ filed'the rinal,.Gsant equ.01 with_#he-:({overament and 1Y the dcodmente acc� anying.-the",eemo ,ere aatlleiao'tory ., 11 11 m snifici- 6nog"pnd sniie'oe to•the ldminiN.trator,tbep'� ia' ad6ition•tC the Grant'paymente'�meda ant<:Bead interest ooupoce DenCal 2ed Hader.. the. provisions =oi:ParagrAP?�a-lo , la'dnd 1'4,. P9B,T` Wo haxeoi t1p ,'.. Gog11. ' t x111 canoei;'Yn ee ter,;:as possible and in each' order ae may be eatSefaetcry to the idminietrat'4,r Bonds andor, coupdae ta,ap=.aggm �egete eIDeaaL etivai to'tLe` amomt if any whid�t,30 per menti of`"tAec ooet_(ae kp;1mra by the;Admihietra'td'r) ot. the labor and materiels employed Hpo� the Projeot eh.11,43A0 1 ,the , ..gv g'datb of`a11 eao)1�Grent 'pnymeptai Coupons pr6vienely :'eaadelled.y - and;.GLhex run3e=fead for such•T6aeonabl6 time the Goperamept' VA.11...".. hoId�Bondb xil dn. em4udtaenifiCYent to sffeotuate,the purpose and .intent of: skis l4#W1aph nitlask;ps"-t of snob excess sbAl'be. otherwise pm"kdea,for;,* the dOvarnment.,,- r ._P i B $ B H —3 iH GdB83DtBAT209'-03P mg GAA T. TBE HOHROrSA TEBAB�l6' B iR - 2 trdoton uric: X11 vork?to be done on the Pro— _`- 7goY ebsh1 been eo ,o 4l1.43_Vl is- and Fe6m•stipad.. - adoptgd•bytbe,,redaral��*meergeagy. Administration gi Pdblj& Yorke ('hes,eia oal2ed the !piiDlio WCrk§; ldsiinletrition') to �sTwpioht the;puxpgse bpd dontr?3- the idmin3stretion of he.. I and regalatkeue sha11 ber`Sn60g6rated verbatim Ya sll"eon atr'cctiea.coptraeta for 'work op:�Eha re3eoy exgept+•that in ,aali1. pleobs whgree--:tile term "Borrower"'1s•usedd� ,ths name of the 'Borrower L be Hebd. .:` :< 1 ta): ooaviot Labor -`ro aontlot Saber, shell be employed tiie pm�aot and no materiels mmat'eotnrbd or prodnoed by.00nviot labor shall be need oa'the TOJ60t (h) 3birty� our week. Exoept SP executive, ',administrative, and aupervisory Positions, so fai:48;Practioable _- (lfi) and feasible. In: the judgment of the Government Engine&Z no in- dividual directly employed on tbe'lroject eball be•pe ;Itted-to ' work,itore'tbaa- eight "hours in any ;oae day normore than'thirty -, hours in any one, week.t.Provided,.'That this clause sboll-be,.00n- otrged to.permit working time lost because, of inclement weather or unavoidable' delays in any one week'to'be made tip in the suo- oeoding twenty dare. '(o) Ho work shell be. permitted,on Sundays- or legal holidays sroept;in casae oi-emergeaoy. 2.-W! s.- (a,) All employees directly employed,on._ this work ohall:iM paid.1ndt and reasonable wages which shall be compensation. onff}oient io providb; for :the hours of :labor. an limited, a etendar'd,of :Living `indeoeaoy;.and comfort. Such wages, eball In, no event, be loan 'tban-tho'ninincm hourly wage matas�dor .. ekilled'and-inskilTed'labor preeoribed by; the' Potilio: 4ork.m d ministration for the zone or sones In which the, work is to',be done, vizi .. Skilled labor - - - - - #1.20 Unskilled labor: - - 60 _ (b), In the event that the prevailing- hoarly rates ;proscribed under polleotive.agreements or understandinge . - betwgen organlned labor' and'employers,_ia,';effect dn, ,•1933,-, shall -be abooa the minimum rates--specified`above, suotee& regrewage ratio, owl; apply? Provided, That. such 'agreed wage ,rates sbe11 be effective for, the period of this contract, but not to-giobo" twelve moathe from'the dateof the oontraot. -(o). ,The above designated minimum pates�are not to be,used in discriminating. agaiust,.aesieteatsi-helpers*„ apprentices; and serving laborere-who workgaud eeroe. ekfiled .oae- _ neymen meohanios and, who are not to,-be•termed as thm6killed> labor - ere•. - -. -(d) The: provision' of this oontiaot relat- Ing.,to hours and minimum. wage-ratia for labor direotly:'gmployed on, the ;Ero)eet aball'for the pirpoeii, of this contraot, too,„the extent appiioable, supereede.-the terms. of- any node .adopted _am¢er Stt1e:,I of the dot permitting longer houes'or. Lower minimum wage Tates,.' (e)) All employees shall be paid in f4lt 1not less often than�onoe, eaoL'week and In -lawful money of :the -United ......,.... �....,.....��....^- .., ..�..�.. . of the pay roll, whioh shall be at the fates$ dnte'praotioabla prior to the date of. payment, end theiq ahal3 'be ao deductions or rebates` on'aoopunt 'of goods paroibiheed; rent, or other obligatggiooaln1e, but such Prctrideed'how6 'arc hatroEehl�e ,olaneelehnllnsotlbeboonetrne4 t6 pro- it bi it: the making; of deductions for premiumefdr compensation and. medical aid•ineureade, ln.euoh.amodnts,as;axe autltariaed .by then . laws of the State of Yinbeeota to be paid by employees, Lis 'those oasee°.in which,; after the making,of :the deduotioas,'tbe wage_; rates will,not be. lower, .than the minimum wage rates berein establi ehed. Ut-se-Vt of iuj saiployed. ow,t)�e work to-be'Pai`d *Its NvOik1,01"600 of"181 v. pre gatb . or-)IFItil U.Statiji4ni lof,lt)i6,'deduO.tiOili'4tUT4$fFOM fO3 z A".a - owmakiii1to f9r TOF sfoo Poo .1iod'em/or kedibM '*'d- 'M'w,didnot�dns b' .0 M 6M, � In - , i lblo 01 ylilii 108 1 'j " 4 was 0 zzadi !'a IM posts ' d,I n A P_ZO t true and a effl. %k_ of tbe��Vork, "aud,tbore sbal b6,:kap , a . A of tike Us wap's' a3LOIusl'e"bf -1 , eo'b . dnd'VbaAn9i'A6a dedo, 'j� ' on, - i6ttondj paid - Ins sl,,al: be xK a�ikd• with; , and enlo-profese 4'ende;edi e=al hoprl7!. rates Oe wbeiqthep ere. %ben ju.thejo: tbi oovettu6ft as&/ok County 'Ohnso t lon sit state$ �Mil- all ..wit , tape, vho!; a 'd Or county 06unty of sent Al fide real ib.650 Wifflial and quilk :'). ZnglueaTS, st, I us, 'employees engaged ou- tb6',bVJe9 O'AaVrOoek To .00SI, rates �foj Ob vnrlous tyOW-of, ds , a 'I'',,, L to bb, ;,for, t. that be`,ti'jfi'6sV,jatd clasm'd, a)cjjjsi.j',ji%b0i_ direst the PiO366t-*'-,,,* St bor Ptaf6rancs 6 or 0. a IM. %:W I,% v�ex .. dents, sol nasi a i to"exr.. LO*in'or dart,, 'b , Or v , Sp 0 or" a 04, eMPI )Aoh witIl p a ... i ' a a d, Baser 0 ot a waf tild Sewer eyot co us who 10�i ajojared'their. :is bonaIlde resider ot,$aint f I "r, employed upon or ¢n. tba,I)iff Pas I Wlyate 0 zo 13 *r,r o tbev intaiition of me", a 00 aa'bond21¢e,jiji, a a ot.lbs� Y, ' K'Hamea or I �o f the 01ty Of Ytnne spoils Or in of the, United Ststbsand saisus sed thais o Ott WO, are intentionOsing oitizens, that 0 0 j, 'i-troirldeC tI_ Seats 03. -the, State Y only a A Jibbt '16aystivffils to,pe3form the work to'. "to t il*smpjoywaht rdiateg'- (b) tee ioesi- To the;fullesp extaht- possible labor require ,ior t e:, .ra so 'and agpraprlattf Io` be _ tt gp seo$r.ed r,brough employment eervioesneball be choseffr" kbs lists of,quallfied woxiers, subalOed by lcoal employment agenaiee designated by the URSt4¢'9Latee"Rmployment�Senioe:. 8rovidefl, how ever„ that anion labor,' ekklled.and unskilled, shall not bb re- quired,.to-register.at euoh looal;eMployment `agencies hat If uch labor Ts desired by. the employer,, ahhl:l be. seouied in the customary. ways through recoghised union locale. In the}.event, however,%that. .. employers who wish to `emmpA union labor pre.aot„ fukniebed°with qualifiednAioa'workere:;Dy the .Enion locals whioh ate,.agtborised th to furnish such labor; residing lu'a lodality withiis 48 ]lours,:. .(Sundays snd.holidays excluded) atter,saquest,ie filed by, the sm- ployer, alI labor, shall .be ohod4e,froi lists of qualified porkers submitted W,-Jlocal� agencies desigaated bythe,:U-itsd; 8tatss'toloy meat Service¢> In• the:eelecti`oq,'of workers%frost'lists..-pxeparaa:.by such employment agencies ,.and union, locals,:.-tbe.l.abor Pxefererio'so 'provided in; section, (s.).;oi this'Paragraph 3,ahsll.be. observed, dad prefexeaoe:,shall be given'•to those unemployed at the data of registxatIan who, at_the-:date'of:eeleotion.,' have,no�.other available. employment: (o) 06 ,luno with itle I. A.. a,- She follow Liu- Ing sections 7.(n) and (aj-(2 of T tie S of the.dot eball be .obwervedt -(I) That employees shell`-have the right-to organise and'bargain 001- leatively througtr representatives of,.their .own choosing, and shall'be';. free from the interference;; restraint,-„ or000rclon 4of eteployere` of'labor, or their agents; in the.designation bf . evgh ;repraeentativee or in self-organ- isation or.In other ocnoarted activities for the `purpose,'of. oolle'otive bargaining - - or other motuel aid or'protdotont (B) that no amplo_yst an¢ no one seeking sm- t _ ployment shall be requiY;ed. as a condition of employment to, join any company, union or-to-refrain from joining; organising, _ or.aeeietiag a,labor.urganisatioa Of-48 . can choosing;•,,, 4; H n tabor She; Maximum'of human latiOT .eball be used is 11eu of machinery whgre66r+preptiodble and :consistent with , sound economic en4`Publio 6dvdntege,erid'to the extent that the .work may 330, accomplished at'uo; greatar expense by him 'labor, thea :by',the aee',oY,'maohipery, sad labor of xegnidite'.quglifioations' i?4 available, such human-labor-shall be employeds` e. apmdeneatidn Insdranoe -=very employar, of labor, Aba11 provide if permitted ,by:'th laws of .the„State,,of.Hinnesota,� adequate workmen;: oompeneatioh insurance. for a1l.1eboY employed by bim.on' .the Projeot who may come within the protection of, such labs -and shall (is) prcvi&,, where'preotioabie, gmployerel general ushtlity inqu{.anoe Lor the;bengjit..of hisAimployees hot prataoted by apoh:oomianea4lon lowj,.aod,proof, of, such:tneuranoe 4etiefact6ry to the Government., Engineer eball.,be given: Where it It'not .py'armitted by law £hath euoh:inenreaoe .ba. provided, some isthod satisfactory to ttk,edmiui� strator must be provided, by, which the eeiployses'may, by paying the entire. amount of t -be premiums, 6rlia a 'sijAlar' protection, 6. Per 'entitled to nefi_t�s of`aabor rovisions'. - There shall be exfende o every person -4 o pexroFme a wor of a 'laborer or of a meohanio`;on the. Projeot. or.on any, partthereof the benefits,of the labor ari4^wage ptovisione Of;,ibik oontraot, regard- - lege of say oon£ractoal telotlonehip NkWeea,the: employer and.. such laborer or. mechanic,. There"ehall bA. no di'e rimination-in the �. seleoti'on'of labor oa the ground -'of rgae, creed or 0010r-; .: 7. .:wit hholdina `a n r�el1 ocnatruction contracts, . tae Borrower -may withhold from Too,00ntrootos' somuch of accrued payer menta -as may be necessary to pay to. laborers of mechanics employed on ' the •Work, the differenoe:between the r`ate''of,-wages-required,by.thie aontraot.to bepaid..io.laborers or, meohani00 On the work and the rate`of vagee actually paid to such;leboraii or mechanics: e. -0ao idem prevention.- $easoasble precautions shall at a1L'times be ererrile Lor t e safety•of employees on tSu w0rk'and. applicable proviefoae-of,,'ths Iedeial Btate',:and manioipal safety Iowa and building.ank ooneiruction.bodes'ehall be observed. kill' machinery aid _equipment ,aad"other:p)iysiOW Np.aardo eba11 be guarded in accordance witht$e safetyprovialone of the 4[aayel of Accident prevention. in ,Donetruotions of tbe,,Aspooiited'Oegeral, oontractofs of America >unlees and bo,the extent thab suoh':provisionsrart iuoompat iblo w11h yedere1,.8t'pteor municipal is}s,Cit regulations. matert a 86for ae artiolos mat oriole and pp so produceded.'Btatee nae oonoerned only:artloles, , materials and supplied ptcdnoed nnder oodee `of fair oompetitionrunder ' Title ,I of_tbe Jot or nnder the^president s'.Aeemployment Agreement, bball be used i$,the,P rfRrmani�e;of--this Bork,, e:oept'when the Govern- _. meat -Engineer oertifSeZ;that this -requirement Se not'im the public interest or theit'.'the Ooniequent'oost Se unrea§eeable. ., - ,(b) Ooal reference. Bo far as practioable, and subject to the Or 8, wa 0 Be. on (s) of tb'1 Paragraph 9, prefer sage shall,also be given to the nee:"oi locally' reduced materials SL eooh does not invdlve hi8her coat,"tnfgrior quality,'Or.insufficient quantities, subject to the determidabioa;:b!'-the Go►erument.Engineer bat. there shall be no use- of price 'differbntialW for, or restriotiag the use of materials. to, thsee,produced,within the Eation,or state. 10. (a) 7inaneotion. records :-She public works Ad ministration, through its 'authors=ed gganbe .,Shall have the right to inspeot•all' work asit progresses', and zhdlI'hove aooese.to all. -Pay Tolle, recards'of personnel, invoioeo OVIDiteriale.; and any and all other data relevaut°'`to the perfoinenoe of. this c`ontreot. There. shall - (IRY; S.E be eaj}.tSed to the I�blio ,Rorke idminietratioa through. ire authgr iced 'bgeata t�he ,paaae �nqd, nddreeees 6f all pereounel, gad such sobedniee oL ;the)p6st�I bf 'labor: ooete and gvio#-,a Pftsl,sj, sad' other items ;eopgott>d:aa to oar;ebtnebe by enpA adidgpoa sa;. and i4. pooh fox f•N, the.,8ablio t[orktl ldminiptratioui rihro h Ste anthoxfeed,agentb, mgg,raquk;o lhe'enbaideidn and std*OTILL oY' aald'.pobednlee, ST xe,44ir'ed shall-, 1(¢'a oonflition P3eeedent cto the . aaking�of: ;any pgymMit npdor the ;gontraot. 'Y (b). Share opal} be '-rovided for ��he vee of Ithb" i rfigineer Inspootor evoh.readoupI Sao111Siep"as"46 mny-retlnaeL. - r 'In, 4 oppe of,dfeppRe''the q"exa_0ent,'Engineer epeil detbrmfae the, reap6nsble4eebLbi tWr45,uget �t it 'AeporiVery employer oY laox bn Rhd;:Pxoleot ebnll report wi,+{S R-. ve dayA aftdr the oloea:5bi eaob ogendar aogthy'on for to be•fnrnlAbed by..tpe Dnited,gisted D'epartmeat-of abor,the 4naber of;perpa�ad as their reapeagive�Day roils dlredtly "aonne;to frith'the Pxojdot: 4be sggr;ogate`amouptpcoi euoh, ay r'oTie, .sad tt�b man hoofs �{prka}i •,,a�ggee �oeSer phid Ro, the varlQak blaseee: of ' c labor;;end the;tetal ,eXpe1{di�aY4e":for materid7:p� �Ywo;dppive oY'�eaah oY epgh moaShl9:repet' ata to he furolbbad to the fiovbrammht Engin eer,end ohs o01��Yy of tA the DRitiad at atdeD®Partment o� Lahore The Q,ontrdatdr nitdeF eh; aolatxootica contraox. ehali al eo furnish to yLe. Bosxe*er ,; to thphoveramen;EbBineeP ea4 to, tha;,IInSted ;4tatpa Departmeat�,of TA. b4"apmee.andieddroeeed of all enmontraotorp- on.the'worY dt;.thp eerlibet date pragRibable.:,: a 19 bexe sba;7.11 be pr6v i ided all naceeaery 4err-pTlo'e ate, all materiale,toolet ,Smp}omenta d applieno'ee requirpdt-to perform boa bomDXBte ent}reiq dpd-,#a a eoik6,mpnne4 the work provl3ed fpr lu'`t4 tSatt�neeiabh peivihoae i@ba1L beo...pt�a4id^into:rritpofull ELT the'"t the A anoea:ehe0.1 be paidfbr 4�aptrppo6 a mOn h'�`ortl}s.g7c3'ahtdo;p9U� . the coat tperaot ko,ping400ntrtotgr and:the d'etdai`4ing 1•% shah be'poid tbirty;daye eEfter�the pomplbtion of the pi t,6tftbe work-in cc's or on:-wbioh such matafielb tool@�impYemepte-or bpplafiops inoosporatid or;need _. B�� e, 61g4e baari She lege0`3 W. pho nCt NO 439 bhall'bo ereoteA la�aPDrpprihterP±aAeP at Rbe," f este of the Projaot " Y4 '17Y raseanablo rules pod regnlatldae dbgh the Rubllo lorks'adminie rption e!aY;l+reeortiibe"towprd tpb'bi#eo£nation 4f the tipttexe oover6;d,byaragrpplie 1o';Y3 inolaeiie ehall'betteerved da tpe pb:faxmegae oY tbe;`,toxk � ,t � ,;; H: %9m oatrao�t a (a)' AppropYlate pr4¢Seione shall be :Soaerted in, eobooa. xeotp rdlating to bplp Todo _to:..inenxe °the ja14111ment of,e�ll Prbdgne°af this nontraqt difaotingoh ooa r_` o .tractors partYOgiarYy aragraDbs'1tYk'id6'�nbive { tr 4r � �n i ` y � i>ri >xak bSd nhel� "�}` zeeeiyed iro�-ntiiY sgboontsEay'ox tulip fiaa nbt �e1�0 $ Oovernldent ]'orn Y¢ P Fvisl e%ina� on. or'bte oh Ia h}k e#edt thaf eAy aL rtbb �iroxieibnk o sgrnp to 16 iaolgs3,an ai�bhse poatrgnt�ere '� ►ie}®tAd the den xgbtd}' hnne�bhe obgat�WbSOa f�og4txaot o{ i `any eii eo7,ox��nn¢tikk_ �Fk '�tooittragt�on t�lek'eo}X`;tTto aorrorbr dr ar°gY anbjeF 3t 5tt'4d d Arae t tltq 00 hN &Sf6lnpizr, end aporia ho ggubet jpfAe�dl4tiet4ato�shp17 tdr��iinn�� a thn roontaao$ ; rr'edtiing trtitStm oto 1 op d"A idtbe�>go,itr�ithia otor of ite tpE3n idad tAri6lddt3-ash oppgdoltt aqn; nnletep dye, teff 6, eerviag of anoh pot eef eaob bi'oiiatiod pf�gt} oeispgi ,�7io- bnat;sot• �; eha11, neon tprxs liirnt;od gS nal t,¢tyo� oetfie pnd �erminhta Ia'theFA4nnL;ga( any an6h ter+afiutt� on.t p� orro" APX take otic thecork 4Pxo;ppeonteibe aeme}gowpletdn br biltprtrSeA for`tlfe diRoount a¢ `g thtt S;tg&aeq Af ;SLq, oon}r t � bad/or,anbobgtrA3tbt ratd+t�p o�{}ledtryT d'nd.piy� kazgt3ea a 1Sd lieb'}e �Y,p thn 'goixgver, for Any ezoeas oggY aooanlbnAdj#heyBoower is the dventrdiaamy enofi serrolnYiE3oritTand�he eorrotipr mayytnte P4paeeeloa pf ann ,- " � ��1 Sae in o¢ilpletiifg � °`rork -�ioh mptgti,alnf a �dnoea, vcca11 �4' � .` p1,e�t eq,7q&S!Ibp � the fip�,ge"'61 'tihb hrro�osjc" ahn'�eaer'daxy hereY� ` .. _ .. ;:: Zbie.rillat[e4;e<�¢ �ttu"�,o„o�'i`exgit�,to,yYavent �t�q��er�,patibp-'foa , . puppoY,ted by�'ktq=�eure �or'4 6pr bd�gi{A �r g6bniy A to fe �` .' �t _r ` i f8eborF�t the Rn'tlti OWA64 i 1*,!,b3 fit rbtgntioti':df 5 tb& Bori of (�dhkbtb$iA f o�p3 Mie + d d orktLn Pxojeot �, of etiyLrpn t4;t��h8aao � ,Tbe b fi �gtoF nam# hny ad btsnobit�p odatra" klwbliu11'be requaren toygvde bY�1ofa�t�ity iaeuagrige sh tlxw_sonnt ` - Dµtibfaot'¢kp2tpYtbp�Obye ;'p,�ineAi'S "..ti3� � 4 s �� � {`� , � of a afio�c jf priuee�in Elie bido are ezoeeeixe the - Burro j` S ege�rgb t aa'higl�ft�}Amj fbtn§ tirt., hip tgfdemnpt tb he; do& F Crary pBEwsL�iYtand'ib$,. t0 b,$p1y to thA ifubl,,b` kPxtn',liamsaietrpttio t �: Stir ptr�ml.neYpa tw ¢e, e11 ,or4ianpyart of, thei ifrojb3t; byt dby inlydr =riyon An4h. co the l�i}611a M„XkB-YAminietrd'EiOn ;nays 1ePpaee , •{ a (21) tyri,4AT`.."0VjA T O'6netrnbtion of Pro 66 Qpoa reopay, eiviag as'8ond megf} raider tlt�e. pFovieloae: o�para�rap 4,1 ,AtiT TNO h8rtl6tj t�te,1 8brrowgr ea6 "ypoa reobkving f0nde„theretor"from th Botroker tbA DSetriotfMiYL promptiiy oomkenoe of oauea:to 1*,_, e oomo}eaodd the Qoatltribtloa At;thd poFtfgns oi the Pdojeot tb he gonetxdeted by �,'� thtldiy-freeppeotiyoiy (nnleee auoli"obgetrnotion. hae alxtjed}r 'keea obnimenoed) aaQ'tlie Horrgfre# and,the�.Dkbtriotr deepeotyvel9 `ai9.l theteliftar pont laudaienio�h�,efonptrno$fon or ofedo tit to .b0 aodt�rine6 'to oompjetiba With,A P,iraatioeb3er:diep0.tbh�'A, v�en b;i191eat ahiL eoonomiohl,.manaefix atseayDpable ,o'tl4 `and"ih 0.000rdal}oB irYtn; 'begampo l4yd`l�po.l`rils 4&e133sRjaa'e�al !,heaSA$ana gdroa+riaeepb Lina,- ,' t1,on�;hand Donrlf�ivOY�„41kj�aot,�e,..z*nighp8{Qept tar enboontraotr-;� .. p1rA aeore'..ae� � F e.`• 4htl o ebt lynd to h:Qtb det re dd t1y d giat 4tor m6 jt ie , 9haef;�ei}oh 8e t33 to be,,g9oomp6 lid b9.,en9YY dhffar8a She JdmiaieyraAr mfiy te�uedt t x < Hfoirnrangwosivel ail' oilo-f�oYe pnrbbaeer tl rbaiodti;Gsetibtle�rytno2rnleh t90OooernsgiehH� n todad 4t; relat ndg rttbuobehatnhye s 2orroRet, the DSpthat aad the1Psdfeat ae phg AdmTalatrator oreny : enoh parohaearileom time -to Yidie ,day xe,6e0.b17% feQn:re .•s M' 31ond�'tioda :PreoedAn -'.tb the Ooidrameatd` OtfYiccat�one T`^t T.e dove 8t'•hall 100 va Pr ria q gat oaf, b"t pay'Yo say"obre HOade gr °mfake ;puy or,” � b4 { (a7 H�iudd e��et`v �� to ebb lnagmenY_of.1,116'. inietsatbr �, n• Borrower hes ¢ailAdito balanbe.ite htiflge r :•s �egt�e" aal}oril ;.ror ha8 taklbd to--takeaestirfaot- pay aotkoa-whioh itl reaso#8,X designbd to brin8', bhe'ot'dluary gamont ezpebdituree.�bt the Horror , of �ithln the':pSndentlq estimateff,avenueb.,therb-, - (lb) aoet.:gf ar1.oryryeot� inaLk jieAHdorsoRar Val% he able to .Oonstruoti Ehe eewer,.ggetem ead'tbk, the , will .9p9ne%#d DiepoiaL b i A # I A' 6 d rate ad•:no� 71 qtAfkt(*,,iq -be' t h{ot10n the.$dxdr 8gelem: os of the. l�6tam{ type Adm1n>;etzeko}�,efisli "iia :f ad I ," ad bgj: tfivougfi, 7,6 to, Ott to:, Borrower or itl is D Is ., tr dt — *hall' I the pat£efabtlon M sSo'slth pro - i A the I do a ltbe :Bonds 10 Is,tp z0 1 tiv W�i Lorimar La i -SO,"O the epomr7,ty -of, , omp, qfgk 1tb' elq *77, ow i,;j oompl£s¢. tk! td.,5, sblone .v'2fenyr re `F regi or the Distr£OS�lar�tb!'6'agza�eea� ttefd VO t:,W; that"Borifter," or todad.�py'the ldmliiietratbr 'La be moor ggkg. 62 _rc- It, n', 1w j t of the �lnenolal oondti'ap of the ;; 1*aI,.bav0AbshPd, 11iiiiO.Ab 'i ISPZ, row Its, , itioi e*,AhbiRi&6 �Aond daa with, It ofnue? 11131. j Mason tbe�­ lnaeapo 1e .en the Dixitribt 5.s d p g , *,6t8)Nf*d, d I by. Raid City, in tpe,DlepoeeS Systini, and'(b)'of portioq of tee (.YOst;.6f, Disposal ;,O YC Iry �0 0,4i � to"or 4 `4 g rt C , will .9p9ne%#d DiepoiaL b i A # I A' 6 d rate ad•:no� 71 qtAfkt(*,,iq -be' t h{ot10n the.$dxdr 8gelem: os of the. l�6tam{ type Adm1n>;etzeko}�,efisli "iia :f ad I ," ad bgj: tfivougfi, 7,6 to, Ott to:, Borrower or itl is D Is ., tr dt — *hall' I the pat£efabtlon M sSo'slth pro - i A the I do a ltbe :Bonds 10 Is,tp z0 1 tiv W�i Lorimar La i -SO,"O the epomr7,ty -of, , omp, qfgk 1tb' elq *77, ow i,;j oompl£s¢. tk! td.,5, sblone .v'2fenyr re `F regi or the Distr£OS�lar�tb!'6'agza�eea� ttefd VO t:,W; that"Borifter," or todad.�py'the ldmliiietratbr 'La be moor ggkg. 62 _rc- It, n', 1w j t of the �lnenolal oondti'ap of the ;; 1*aI,.bav0AbshPd, 11iiiiO.Ab 'i ISPZ, row Its, , itioi e*,AhbiRi&6 �Aond daa with, It ofnue? 11131. j Mason tbe�­ lnaeapo 1e .en the Dixitribt 5.s d p g , *,6t8)Nf*d, d I by. Raid City, in tpe,DlepoeeS Systini, and'(b)'of portioq of tee (.YOst;.6f, Disposal { 1 Chjs. is 'on �fO�lLtifigel�ioR'dr.�athes��xobtlq'naair ' qre ame.,l+em�in6 osSthreA�eE�e ao�eLzJiotl�Tr'a��; v6Y'6t1T, eifeot #;he aar - dpdietiad of die 'Pi4plbt ortlxe ilnatioL Son dl4yion of- (ap.,Tinenoi���oy6�itL�OL {'T�p oh�aaYe# of i+Ae�sBietµ '� e - inq�poin�.`-abi4Ait��n, .i1M,8brxd�¢r, �-ei'e'v u,, a�grnt�q. se 7at�':Qhe wits b�` tNs eprz� d to moe , soap il�pan p� etg$e�Cntr � '+. � s :tthe 4¢spmeYy§iaCba P4�t�.r�r4frih%h�e"'e]iiLrao%e�i�'Dir'. ,.....1 `TM } ; �`��FJ ees`apYiat`'`�'p od'st%{rde6oroo�ta(kidn�Dea, ,oT ages o MY etpei bT EfJe:8orr4lr4r . Pha Mai r �,• tt,arxeny $lythejiirtliive �jr-bd�lnpaAe '" j a, arih r Beet #lrea,�,en�Saagreemen� tp'. � f .yeY"s Sei�`o�,piip4Dieeion"r e.,�e�n4.9o' 1l''� ,' k ` ontgreCdzF#A'{tiri'�R �„peQDlt§r�¢t Yun � did d#iitlere, emp�oybbe`' `egen#s �r r retS�e� 1n okdtoseedkro Ehe c 30 yeti �o� mean iseixl .'V-7 qtr q r (e); .�iii"nmh`Eibn-�!'6�¢tt`y'�e' �l�w}thitle nt}d g R " c " egmtln �n ttte,% ppliopstSOarren�i ; Tr , -. i `meat �heretb'orhamdndment�3pered8,�tip¢� n tlhT ��` ;.5 � othbrrebovygntsiaTfmltteQ't4�ot,torcbe�,eabmit093�ro�ra,: r +. ,#fiea G'dterhueaz bT- or"n',$e,.'�j ttiA° borsoJS9F) �4r {{' : : . a1 r' tai! 71i4t��Qt 1`ar Ot M11besih,,k���n��t�SaoYJ1���Tfy s eQrtll0.�8a� 0,6E�letebY,6+e 4r-AA�k:.. khw�PioMot S' . - � 8 IaQomniiidhiiion � Yhbt'8orraa � .� � last qhY ", ; a dedt`en6 �1S v�'4 e o o � �9onde fi+'an '�$o, Emmen a621 lose or �iAbil}tY Inonrrad by �Feaeoii di oaT'ineoo�'��i or 'Snoomplp'ie ti� �.3 J v tip. 'ih1e:�si�4 asterh.L'8£s'tr-ost hereby 4. :, covenant t,�y4 i y wibl 1�6tit�ier, �'Y�rosEsonte aa� carry �o compietioa ineoiar a6 S3 may, be withY�t �k�e2r 2+aRer� g '* a� -sada sad t 1a6d to �b-periormed�dY done to eebai.a' t7te-efaac� -"C off^'=Zeg'siat'•�va ox: tC' e000mpl;eh enop.6 her p�ooee¢iagsy 3aa3-cis� vor- o�}liesrwiso ".a:d`=my-be" y neaesenry Appropriate or adcieable td emPQwei t}1e BorSawer tatipeue � the 8q�dn cad 'to iemedyany db�gote 311ega11tiee.,aad l4�d�aritiepf � ' in Abbe pr_,to%, age of tha'13orrowdr re}btige�ko ^th¢ #apusad}�-oTt�ibe 8oyerbked to t1Attbe',jbe pea¢ niter the 1pannti a #,tfereoT�to #iu. " •�:oyeeasenty cTsm the��Ldgment'pf;..the@Admt��ets�tor -auah sotlo?raay' --'i; be daeme0 neoebeary aDProPrdate or gd�Se�tg):le ` ` is < iaoel ane iShi'e 1�0¢megth�hsll ba biacgYAg upon tpe parties heie p eq>aopleh badraota 4nlp eYeo tdq by the borrow ' er She Dietrlat and thp, Aovprnob}�Lpha11 ha�Ce b(sn%Yeoeignflby s. the-_HorroeaL`aud by the,.Diatriot:a� Ship lgreempnt ehbX<�. be 6dvprped by"aAd bd ooagtraed 1A^.-"aobb;dagod':iN.th bhq;la�e olio Btaie ;di Yiniledpta Stiir /greemant shall tie biading.�t}pAa aA;d'Inu t0 -`the ben ofi the',POtide •-��p'nppetb their raepeotive ade3• a. and-tbe puoceepo{i� df tpe 8orrd er jWd o} the a;bx4Ldt providad fiowavex� th'at�„no r�ghte-;oi the AorS�oiei• or'tho Diet i here�iifle! ehal#=,Ler r aeeign6b}a,p;soppt pith 'the p'rTor aritte3'•a"onaea#T'oE thq (ipbarame�y# 111�.`;obligdtioas ,Q! tha ,Borrower and of #hg. DSdtrigthereunfle�¢hnll geese, npoa pdynieat 1A Tall of a11;: the Hon¢br 7 Y&,� , roew'tion'of Nat oo ,Reonv A2 aha Horropeb ailfl ` . tba �i�oArio4 oAwenenrol 0 8ipo 4g0 SY�aad at#t� sli pobeible ¢iepata'h"kL4q dntfba.anct .eblIINC anp impbtrad; uDlm ,''�bm`by Lhip,igrae .` �+,;,, me4t. _�.trbeipg`phe yurpode,oi tljis;.11gi¢ga`pat to'en'able.the ��:ew.. ” . 1b 'itadue yp the rower Rhe fiosekmgegt et#a11 ja<Ye Lhp rightatse s�o men x tho Prbjeot and amiul; any ohli,Qat oh 'to meta q,loi or d lYrabt #o ibe ,r4a'e; i8iidae`'#ha je Borrower e$df th'a Drldtriot' e]}a1.F within ek reaeop¢b d time < e` - b (4) 81'!ia-and rdtnra tQ�the dovarmaeaty:tb�ee nmilq�er parter.,of this '�gitam' t ae prodded in Yar aPhe 1 and: ,, Pli' TpQ hereof, rIBg�tbp,�p7ht17o^r o; tbi4 eiibpbtagFSPh 18 (a),''a ,Yea oaable #Yme :'bhal} -* he dbebie3 to bo.ltea A yp"ln t'Y(a ordinary o yfid��J or ¢uoh 7,phfoi QrSod aw. eht,�1T' be,4 L, E e3,lowe6 la the ebeolne dlsoTetfoa of ,the .fid- a (b) Oapply wit4 "_tbe p{o►181opa,4 ' arg6�apph'"2{ j'r - PAAY 370 berbof i$aludipg pnr#1pu'larly Bub- �peraigaph (b) ralat3ieg td the anLlteriicat}on'eaa ibanaifae of the`Hoadp=• Z 'regdioStiOIDe with the i}oi'sFna¢nL in aoti6yd v aabe ,*ith'the ,ps ovielope of P.aragr8.pte 3 atfd'6, PLRT„"W ,iiiijo' and (d) Oo pause or ogyba #o be oomrnoe6 bha%aoaetructlon * of Lbe.Proieot,,, ._ She �tlmlalebretor ehall.`detarminb'.in bio abboYutp crexioh whit oanetitutee•..a reaeoaable time withl the meaoiag of this '. Paragraph 18: -:�, .�.:, _ .. CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM (27) THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, That William Mahoney, Mayor, Wm, F. Scott, Oity Clerk, and Harold F. Goodrich, City Comptroller, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Loan Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Saint Paul; and the 01ty Clerk is hereby directed to transmit four executed copies of said Agreement to the FedAkle rgency Administration of Public Works, at Washington D. 0.1 the came "Attention Private Projects Seotion, Legal Diviogether with a certified copy ofthis resolution, and a oeextract of the minutes of this Council relating to the adoptionthis resolution as the same appear on the minute books of thty Council. t OUNI'H-M I':N �munnnla fio��rv� In r"�nr =franc i _ Against Wenrrl Nr. Presi.lenl. \Inhoney .M e , " �I 1�. S(X)TT W.I.Rtlt Aanlned hp a„ t„�In.�4PR 10 IM ms. ApprnrrJ _ �. �. I!ra a'I,ULISkILD CITY OF 9T. PAUL NO. 1)'-1'645�J OFFICEOF THE CITY CLERK E ,COUNCIL F�OLUTION—GENERAL FORM co iESENT orvcq / pg7E RE VED, that —solution, Council File No. 42446, as amended, be and the seine is hereby further amended by striking therefrom the Lines ".Painter, eighty cents (80x) per hour; painter fore— man, ninety cents (901) per hour" and incertine 1,t lieu thereof ti's fcllowingt "Painter, One Dollar ($1.00) per hour; Painter foreman, One Dollar ten cents ($1.10) per hour," BE IT FURTHZ'R RESOLVED that said rate shell take effect and be in force beginning wltn the present payroll period commencing April let, 1934. ('(11'N1 It.\IY.\ N" , A,I.q,l"d by th, --1 APR 10.59'39 ura N1,11 m,H I'o:vr� In rnror Appmcisl 1113. 11 iu•I Mn�or \Ir. I'­idrnt \IuLoiie��A-Irbtf[ `�'91p CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mmeesola OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WIIIIAM F. SCOTT City Clerk and Comm-ssn . r of Reg s a --on m1 W -C., ?7th, _i 14. Hon. J. H. 'Ic IY nald C'aeirr— Wa,e Scale Conm:i tt+e, 3uilding. _ear Sir: The attached latter frog. the ""t—, Decorators and Pape rh—"' Local Un,— N61 ee tabu ehl nG the rate o.` pip' of $1.M1 per hon for all erfo—.cd by thoir members rto the AaPI Scale Committee, by the Co.incil� T(S conei de rat ton N and r r.. Ye"'. very truly, City C.erk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL c­t'l of M --l. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. -011 C."o At'i I , 1, 14, H-,-,. J. :"i r,a, qt,: ITettch ner-ith F-1 c- p ter la " t" �It­ 'c or d paper p" th', 1 Tnie .,tt- —, r,ed t, the Nle Scale C_Itt", by t :,, :o—A!, �,, —ort. City I. Vaul Qlhapirr 9rr„.m„.. I�( April 3, 1934 Civil Service Bureau. City of St.Paul, Minn. Dear Sir; This Se to imform you that the St. Paul Chapter of Master Painters and Decorators Inc., at a regular meeting held on March 13, 1934 iasaed a resolution setting the scale of wages for painters and paperhangers at $1.00 per hour, seven hours yea day, five days per week from Monday to friday Snaluelve; to take effect April 1. 1934, up to April 15th 1936. Very. truly 3,cy9 �$ecretart'-Treasarer preelG�%�� BROTHERHOOD OF aittterg, Deeorotorg unbaer�jttttgerg of America ('eNtlleilNl: n — 'Loral Union -Qo. 61 419 NORTH FRANKLIN STREFT :eo„�. �.�m.in ai_o Sainl Pnnl, Mlnnewrtn M:�rch 26, 1`134. Mr. 'Nn. i. ScLt, CSty C1e C1ty o^ St.Pal: nr,. Door Sir: This 1s t� a. 0 9.�u that on March 20th, 1934, e c c,LLtoo ro r�son T.in� tho Lir�therh nad o' Pn into Ps, Dec -Mors ant P¢Per Hsr,.rs of A��e rtc a, mot w1Lh a cornclttoo ropres—LLnp, tho rontroc tars of tiie palating, doc orators and paper hang Ln��. of �St.P,11 e!11 Rs,—y County. The following u6�'nn,.iuuL wee err Lvo�t st st thls uontcronca; Est �blis hine caro of Pa- of $1."" p"'. h�nm for ¢ll w p r£ormad by our members for sold contractors Ln tho City of St.Paul and R.":ss, Count-. Vfa, t'.e re f.l rc, rxs pe etfully ro'i t that tho City 0ounc L7 re cofntze this sgro ement and ostab'ish a rate of pay of $1.00 per hour ae a min imus rata for all r rk per- formed Por tho City of for fsre�-.nn thin i. a rbors o oul or- ganieetI and Yours v : truly V�Pr—! n n t Sacr to Local Unica 11- 61 o iai�.i .. r•�<. a..k CITY OF ST. PAUL„u NO. �pI646 /l O FILE OF THE CITY CLERKN ` O RESOLUTION GENE—L FORM PRESENTED eY / �.(�- comm ss oNEN �( _ o,,,E April _10, 1934 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he to hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the LE,- and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 9000 -Hone, 400 end point wascllne, frc:n the DEEP ROCK CIL TO., V. F. SMITH TIRE d BATTE-Y CO., AGENT, at a price of $ .09592 per cellon, including state tax and state inspection, also Federal excise tax, on informal competitive bldq, as an em aency exists where failure to act oromotly wjuld work a hardship to the beet interests of the City. Charge Water Depart– ment Hund. Innn« io `es r COUNII ,Mu.N �- APR ].0 to;e S'esa \n,e Adopted by the ('uuncil_ IU:; nidi Prnr.<' _ Iii fnri.r - Iioso�i = W--1 am n a \Ir. i'rc.i.lenl. \(nhoncyt o.in,..i o cvn ci..t CITY OF ST. PAUL .iu L No. I G'647 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PaESENrEc eY ��,� o„rE April 10, 1934 RESOLVEDNE That the Purch,sing Agent he is hereby -thorized '„o =-- purchase, with the consent of the 2aynr and the C.)mptroiler, one tank car, approximately 9000 ,eallone, 400 end point F.1111ne, from the DEEP HOCKS OIL CO., W. F. 912ITH TI3E & BAT',E-:Y CO., AG '::TS, at a price of # .09592 per gallon, including state tax and state inspection, also Fede -1 excise tax, to be PLO, ad on Municipal Eeiipment Bureau Spur track at Dale St., cd 1nf—mal competitive bide, cs su emerzency exlets wher- failure tO act oromptly would n irk a hardship to the beat interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Kunicipol Eoulpment- 1003-134 W C011NCI I )II<S 11 1934 vias N,,,, na'pAm b,� w„ c��ll��u_ �IRV VIcl LninlJ ��� tt •�� I /K ,arl Lin¢ " CITY OF ST. GAUL No. "r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �ILON-1FORM RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the International Institute to use the Auditorium for an International Folk Festival, Homelands Exhibit and Old World Market, as follows: Stem Hall, Friday, April 27th, 8:00 A. M, to 6:00 P. M. Saturday, April 28th, 10:00 A. M. to 12:00 P. M. Sunday, April 29th, 1:30 P. M. to 930 P, M. Theater section, Old Audit orlum, Friday, April 27th, 7;30 to 11 P. M. Theater section, Old Auditorium, Sunday, April 29th, 8:30 to 6 P. M. Said International Institute to pay the cost of opening and operating the building on those coc elone. 1d11111 11 11, 111-:1 Ap, 11 1111 ('uoN(ALNII:N Y— a„ 1',"rcr In facer R m,n Truiu .agniii"t P. \l'euzcl 'ti' 6COT1, M1I r. 1'rcrid,ut \luhmiry ' APR1�1'.M1 .ldopt1'd hp 011 ('""'-I 193_ I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PEn RCE. c ccowcc i. Bncoa^..�� co���aa•ova. BUREAU C.I I BLr LIBRA ll BUREAU OF PUBLIC SSC -S AUDIT 'U AT U 11, L•bi:••ate S O ARi ELL, S�ce�•�e�d.�i BUREAUBR5 d BURE CHOOLC ITERIAS p D mU TlU AU, D•ixio� 6ir. Law'.- Lt .lnde:sou po rnCou :set Please nit, ttached aletter fat-_ -- :.0, fr m ..:.. X11=e Dicke la, 3z u_1ve 3eore t=_�-y of tna In t::e ,ew11 F., Cs trie 4udl to�lum Cor n.."lntc rnat ion+1 .'olk Best lvsl, kiomel :n 3xh in S t snd 01d -.•o '1d irk -2" �:'Sn; the last we „r11. Phe s _ third pe-a- grn�Ls ;Ivl L;ts dotes nn,'. tl;eoha lis r eeted. lutfon gra nt in¢ this r .,- et eo.t opening n.. o� iag. V 6 CP -ii CITY OF ST. PAUL .i�. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM r Co EONEYn - � � oArF_ RESOLVED, Tllat tele R—Ointment by teleO..,1Ni8Slbner of Pubi1C 6afety of Cr. :. .,. 11-t—en, Li. _niel .1 ,,jt,l Gl'ficer of t_ City 1. Saint Paui, ce and tl:e larre iS nereoy Concurred in and „>roved. 1 01 N''I I.NIEN APR 10 191 nm, Vfe Uunnl,i R . ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL N., `'."6 50 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM I" MUMMIX RESOLVED That the application of the Certified Ice and Fuel Company for permission to move its ice station now located on the north side of Oiorgs street between Stryker and Hall avenues, to a location approximately 20 feet east of the present location, be and the same is hereby granted. ('01TWILAWN Ad, -d 1, 1„ ( APR 10 1935 iim CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mmne — OFFICE OF CITY CLERK wiuinM c. scop air c ,od C—ml—, of R — o 0 <e April 5th, 1934, Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporetlon Counsel, Bui 1 di ag. Dear Sir: The attached application of the Oertlfiad Ice sad Fuel C,-- for perml salon to mo their See et et ion now located o the north el de of Ceor ge Street between Stryker and 11,11 Avenaes to a locaLloa approzlamtely 2p ft. east of Lha present location, x famed to your department, by the 1­11,for a lutlon granting thio re nue st. X90 Tours vary truly, CIV clerk. S.P. of Pan, CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Pit.1 of Minne,o to DEPARI.E.1 OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445C." FRED M. TRUAX, Commia.ionar CARL E SPEAKES. D. , Cemmi..._ .4%• 14 April 3, 1934 Hon. Fred M. Truax Commissioner Dear Sir: I am returning to you herewith the application of the Certified Ice& Fuel Company for permission to move their ice station now located on the north side of George Street between Stryker and HallAvenues to a location approximately twenty feat coat of the prsee nt one and letter from the City Clerk asking our investiga- tion and report. This property is zoned for commercial purposes, and in view of T the fact that the present location was approved by the Council under CF. 93733 on September 17, 1932, I believe there should be no ob lection to the owner of this station being granted per- mission to move the stationtwenty feet east as relucsted. I re 0ommend that this permit be granted. LAR. .II oh Stect CITY OF SAINT PAUL C,'W of M,n .... 1a OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WAM I IC.TT "r,11" 1.:.'I", co -11 11 P.P. TI";, Build,,, . Do., Sir: e ith We et,-), her—eet o f Ice _d �,,ej C ep , the Certified Ice or t, ,—, tach re st,ti— — 1—ted — tl., north side of George Street tet.—. Stryker and ,Il Avenues to o loon, ion o_ . ,,,i,,t,ly C' fl., ollt If tno 0,111A oc. The Co- 11 tot�y referred tilts setter toyodoper Cnect for invest igatlon and rv_ort. — 7-- very truly, City Cl—k. �ij�•�i.2� /93� 733 ' /HP �n�fr✓ �e s Fue � �. i N O _ O x PR,NTea 'a�T�Li..'IliX.NCILo RESOLUTION d 1. ir mm�:of`.�.00a 9o'e,. VApril 9 RESOLVE Ingl CHECKS'+BE BRAWN ION THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 5_4,509.64, COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREB 2635 TO 2695 INCLUSIVE, Al PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. a PrROVED Is, I %7 / No. I COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS I I i No. COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS April 1134 °p51"4° 509.54 E" TOTAL aao��„Teoawaao 1595672 85 96'5 imeric nxL N=tion nl Bank of ;t.Peul (ILA Note) en 000 On 26'6 4marlcan National Beck of Bt. Paul (Not.Int.) 474 44 16'7 9nnlra Nation=1 Renk & rr�Lst Co, of 9t, Paul (MR Note) 32 Ono 00 1618 a _1 re National Bank & Trust CO. n 3t. Pau1 (Not^ Int.) 189 78 76'9 The Fir et N=tl onel Bank cf ;t.P"I (MR vote) 388 000 'NI 164, Tn, FIr st Naticnel Bank of 3t.P nut (Note Int.) 2 101 08 7641 , 'limoneon & 9, Licht” 250 OO 7647 )list Lindell 875 On 2641 Mi d..ey IceCream Comneny 475 15 X44 mil Ice Cresvo Com army 221 76 2645 *en Ch slSky C16 67 764E Lestera, Rob inenn & Albert Norwold Lxlo Oo 7647 Godfrey Johnson 250 0() 9640 John B, Hedlund 875 00 ^641, 965n Board of Public selfera Milton Rosen, C. of Finence 3 96 20 35 9651 First Tru et Comn nny of Rt -Paul t.41. 792 90 7652 Milton Roeen, C ^f linsnoe 8 87 2653 le,Tge Mc Elnnon� 10 On 2654 3, Berglund Lumber Cm—any 232 26 2655 1'.T. Roon Agenoy 119 70 26 72 9656 2657 National Bu ehing & Psrta Co. N,tional Lead Company 9' 1, 62 ?658 9659 3t.Pau1 'Joc. 3Choo1 nevi. Fund .1 to E_le 011 Coraor 0tlon 11' 577 80 266n Teib City Hard—d Lumber Com-=.ny 131 15 1661 Cleyton L. Forton 2 55 7662 1,nryJ, L,,g, 250 on 2663 Cook & Hurley 50 0'� 2664 Slbertw. Johnson 105 On 2665 Tart M, Nelson 15 01 2666 11.1 Luna & sd. Brand 916 67 21,67 Hilton Roeen, C, of Finanoe 241, 60 46 2668 266" Maandler Brush Mfg, Comneny RailUni x reaa Agenoy O1 lz 99 2670 2671 The Uniteed Charities Mrs, Delia Bron '42 15 2672 MT, Mary Thily Christy �7 OB 2F7r Mrs, Anne R. Foley 71 90 4o o- 9674 John Lennon 40 7675 Mrs, E11 zabath Literski 07 2676 Mre, Hannah Paterson 74 2677 Mrs, El frida Soderberg ?8 to '678 miter L. Anmold 250 0^ 2679 falter Butler Comnnny,Ino. 1 312 S, 7680 Geo. J, Grant Cnnet. Comoeny 1 037 01 2681 Cart P, HeTb. rt 240 On 2682 Bureau of M. Researcb 50 On 740 0, 2683 Robert Pslmer 160 n^ 2684 Reymond F—leeks ?685 Carl Ven Sunt" 975 on s"cc=roTA�-Doerr<eo 2110162 49 - — I oa �... 'X7652 CITY OF ST. PAUL �,.s......... ..... .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RFSOLUTI OI�TGEN ERAL FORM Cor�nMi69EONEA � _ oArE _.._. RESOLVED WE33t 3, the followiag named persons have beret -Sora SSled appl Sasiln ne for °of f sale^ lignor Ile -nee a, and have dapoedtad -1tb. each application - the 1lcenee fee thsrefor, vi.. Barnett d Lee 660 Selby Im. J. Sing 242 So. Claval—d A- - AND RHEH6/9, said applicants have wlthdrain their appldcationa siiime! and f' have rag— atad ta rat axa totba t deposited, together with all papers filed -dth tbhe said app l Scatl ons; amoun therefore, ha it ::SOLVEDrnar , that the proper city offleee ba ed tbaq hereby amthordzed and dlrx ted to res taxa to the above named pa raona the amozmt oS the ofP Hale^ 1leeaee fee there tofora depoei ted by them w'l their applicatlone and Chn City Clerk Se Ql rec ted to advise the States Li gnor Control Cos�isad onar of the Sect that said applications have been wlthdr . ,sY rens .nom �, "017N Il MEN APR 1 O 193A 1"t•uy \^1.v Ad,,1.tc.1 Ly th., C...unc it ._.._ _ _... .19:3..._ I'i�nrr�� Iti lnvtir 1 �...I _ ' •• _ 19:1 lin�t•ti Wets d \Ir. Presiiletit \Initoney � ""�j�'-' 'B A R E Y, Il, &- L E Jed CUT-PRICE GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN KOSHER DEL ICA TESSENS�QND SMOKED F11H SAINTPAULMINN 7 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of ftm...ola OFFICE OF CITY CLERK W W— i. SCOTT air clew a�a comm.��a, of a�g, a�o� / O c <o c.., n_ 1No.. l{ 11153 r CITY OF ST. PAUL -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAI WH %: Rr.AS, he re tof o^ean on saic.,yup. � -- - been E ranted to Aibert .ad ow ski and Lawrence GO Daman, to o.�e rate s.ac.. buy; i:.eas at No. 53� 'forth Cale Pt ree'�, and the sai, Lawrence Go ociman has eo le out rtis interest :,o ne b­i:e ` to Albert Sadowski, and t o said Aibert adnw ski has yanked Lnat City cnange its records le ed, ki 1lcen se will oe in it i:: n e nn :.y, and the said Albert Sadowski nas given a new ^on tale^nbond cover int the license ueri od, ni cn bond has been approved as to form aid execution by rile Corporation .�ounssl, ti,.P efo::e 1, it RESOLVED, that the license issued to Albert Sadowski and Lawrence Goodman be cl:angsdby striking tnerefrom the nerve of Lawrence Goodman, and the bone, of said Albert Sadowski be and t ne. same is hereby aopr ove d, and the 'Sty :1-rk is di r -ted to deposit it in the office of the City Comotro iter. BE IT FuR'Z:--ER R-SCI,VED, L: -at the Cor oration ::Dunnet is a".itnorized and .: irected to adv,se the surety on the part- nership bond or to is acnlon of the Council and re le asinE it from any liability under pa rtnersr,ip bond anis 1n� sub- sequent to APT11 14, 1954 su ,.I.e date on which to 1:; resp lotion waP oubli sned. e'ett-\('I I.NI EN 1 i N ll_ ]II�I>onuld Iio��ri i Ads„ud 1,> h, A RPR. 1 ] i ma 193 < ': �LIiIlri PUBLISHED I/- �� 1 MNO% J. NAHURSKI WAR April lu, 1934. Department of WIN safety, ;,icense Com.�lttee, an" sty=uildino, St. Paul, muhneso.a. lentlemen:- ?his is notice to you that Aloert Sadowski, one o_t. co-partners operatia, a liquor tavern at 535 :fort:: Dale Street, tnis City, and ,,assessing an on -sale license for dispensin,- the same, has acquired the one-half interest of Lawrence Gcounen, the other co-partner in the cusiness, and is now entitled tc the sole and exclusive .;..session thereof Kindly transfer onvour records the one- half interest in said license to Lr. Sadnwaki, and notifv ai, of the tranafef. His address is 750 Blair Street, M. PM, 40ns-ata. Ver_. truly yours, FRANWS J. NAHU73KI n", CITY OF 57 PAULR � � OFFICE OF aunt TY CLEK N— GENERAL FORM <oM NEa whereas, the ^"y of St.Paal, by Ordl Hance 3. 1928 and stifled by the slectore of said Cit 6974. oppy _d October provided for the sale of b7,577 000.00 !ter value ott the elect No. los heli ZT_mb_ 6-1929. St Se Whereas. the bonds o* th- CSt_ rind necessary, at this ".a. that $2OO ,OO O� bond- oY -�Sd be Bald for carry-ing on the work therein outlined in subdlial on eNv-n v, of' Sa ctl on 1 o2 said ordl Hance; Aasolvod, that the Co'.sncil Is._ sad all at onthis time aia ti ona7, $2001000.00 par veins oP the bonds of the City of 9t. addl Paul Pu rauaat to Ordisa — Ro_6974- Nay Mrpo�ald 1� la,or I4arn H„srn 'f+^dA«w•r vi , x e Ayai­ 1 Mr. Prr:�drei Ne�.c . nni P o�'tsoo,00a.00 0 I,�n sora, ,Horn ,• ,sa.,s rLns �. ,ssr_ ndop,rd i, e_ C__1 APR i Y 793 Iv ACP ni,pro..ed ' 6 o.�... ..,.�.. �.,.. CIT OF ST. PAUL xNO_ .Ir(3t21 OFFI E OF CITY CLERx a si�eiou en m r % "CIL R SOLUTION—GENEF si 1ffiT_, the Board of Education of Bemidji. Minnesota, through Sts President, W. C. L. Pegelow, President, has accepted the proposal Of the Singing Fund Co—ittee, mmely, "— —h,,, from the Sin:--_Sng Fund Co=ittee the 4,000—� Belt—Mi Co., Indepdent School MItrlct $7 Bon de, of Bemidji, at the prlce �..,ey e held 1n the General SSn:cing Fund of the City of St. Poul, namely, a 4.30 bests, plus a rued interest to d.te (including the cou»ne due W,rch 1, 1934, n the above bonds) end. RUF.vxe the Sldd.ng bYtnd Committee r ends the elle o.` the abase bands at the price quoted, and the Council Ss o£ t. opinion that the aIle Ss For the best interest o° the Ci:, of S+,Snt Paul; tu—Ifore, be it RESOLPe'D, Phut the Ueyor, Co�nlesloner of Finance n d City Comptroller be d they e e hereby euti�ari zed and directed to sell the abovenbovls Co the Hxarc of Education of Be�ul d,71, Mlnnaso to Ina co naum,vnte the transaction, Yeas Uwe i�MEry gays Adopred by rb, Council _PR 11 1%4 19 4zrnrnr " SSI M�oo��ld II razor Ahpro—a 19 p.a.a Roe<n MA h L.. ■I ! I I Apni M. 1934. -4.6 etlag. of tLa 6ld4ng lau6:domltt".AW )4d ells 4W In ths's moor's Wiles., Arent. Wpar MUM Ughomy. Ooadsdmw Yllton R -m and 0000- . {miter H. P. doodsid.. . Itt. And.ietn. porpor-Won Oganssl. raporfad'io Mr. Ocgdrioh that lip iud p.Pdt� • Xeplp to Lis 1oltn' gfJpni $. 1934 to Mr. d. 1. pe of Ohs Hoard of isoastlm of 3=14A. aiaseeota. W. regdow !used la D1s S.ttisr to W. Anderson, tb t thr Sapooi Bacrd st44:ocoyt the sal-sok%Of the 8 Aand Oagduss mad porgn.ao arm thn 0=4%4" the lkr 'a!iv st , " Zodytm.nt- saboA Dittridt fT 2031S of DaIL64 . aaa Laid to. tps Caoaral Rand q st. Peal. u the yrige }La a.-a=t.isa Lsld. is add fU4 =Wdr '`'Ilad.; pias eaarnea Satereat to data. Saelnding taw Garan i. 1934 oov--. ppot atamsr Hilton Down aide a motio% somadad it 8, 0.-Ooodriohq damp. i 1 ]* U 'end ornloensil darned, stat the doamiti.s Wait tna -Dore Dmfs to the .7A.osYd er DdodctioR. of 8etldtl. Ulna•, at the aLora price, am rseomand a- 0 to U. A sottcn sad also Gado IF am.Udonsr Roam. ssemcled Lp 0Mtroider 8. T. aodrich and VnWAM aaly oasrlsd, that $204000 Holds be ilnsd m6 MIA L' N �, to carr* an tDe volt ootllmd In gandiridon Serest of aaotlon 2 of Ordlasnce .. Ho... 69j) . pprov-d get. 3. XW. and ratified NOT, 6. 19sd. and that a t'ew20- t1on..to VAs sffeat be prossat to the Qcaadl. TM sooting lbefeopm &Qa=aed. s-yoz Approved itr offida Praaldo" .faaar-a! 81n -Woe . ,.. g®peroilar Ba-offido Saerets37 1 u,ic��a,o av u.a CITU OF ETT. PAUL NO. {�IlSC24� OFFICE of THE Cl- -ENE ITY nn-�n�na ei m U NCIL RESOLUTION-� EN E`,..,„ zr.. , ]R�KM WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary DSetri ot, at a regular meeting held on Monday, March 26, 1934, did request the Cit as of Saint Paul and Minneapolis to fur- nish the sum of $15,000.00, estimated operating expenses for said District for the months of April and May, 1934; and WHEREAS, the obligation of the City of St. Paul with re- lati�n to said request is the sum of $5,086.50, and the City of St, sal has no fund from which to meet this obligation, and the Council is of the opinion that an emergency exists, and that to properlyy pr, tect the public interests, it is necessary that said sum of $5, 06 .50 be borrowed by the City and paid into the treasury of said Sanitary District; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Mayor andCity Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to borrow on behalf of the. City of Saint aul the sum of $5,086.50 and to execute and deliver to the parties making the loan the promissory note of said City in said a of $5,086.50 with interest thereon at a rate not to ex- ceed4� per annum, said note to be payable within one year Prom the date of the execution thereof. 1•uc,��n,>rns APR j 1 n,l„I,I,�,1 I,y' .h,. (---1 1934 Illy 1ti�M n l.I r. r,.•..�a�•,e �1„1,<„��Y �t • r•. sc I ,rr. 1uBftsl;Fn ��- //-� Y CITY OF SAINT PAUL CaP,W of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK -"I'M F. SCOTT Cny Clerk aid Commisslonar of Regi:n�iio� .fw , ?7 � 6 i June 13th, 1934. Yr. L. L. Lndereon, Corporation Connsel, Building. Pear sirs The attached resolution of the Board of Trnateee of the YinneepolL-seiuf Peal Santtary District regoeeting m ad.enee or $5,595.15 from the City of saint Paul as its share of ea- to the Mat riot for operating eapenaes from June 15th to Gngoet 1at, ee referred to you and the City Comptroller for the preparation of the necessary resolution or ordi- nance making this money erailable. Yours rery traly, City Clerk. MINNEAPOLIS -SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT Ju— 13, 1934. Pilton Roc an, Corporate Secretary, St. Feu] Rev . . and L. R. C. Sty 'lo' Court St. to u7,s Minn. C.ar Reverend Ferguson of the 'di " - m-1:'eati ng on '_o 11 nary DS et rl of adopted the r—l"ti". -l ­d herewith. The 1, 't.tz."t"by 'Spo'itery­it'_ t'l.t that Fee.7l1­uoy. -1;�.dy .11oo.t.d for t�- T�u :iti.. _� _ l'.' e _ i ue, will net b,,,,,e available until A,6,,t 1,f, 1934, and that the p ... ti -,g —pore.3 ofthe Serit... District from J- 1.5 to A,,,:.t 1 w111 be $16, 500 . ry) Will., you pl...e present this letter and the ...... p,,yi,g r solution to the City C.—tl of your City t the ,-t me t"g of that body? Very truly y—ro, Ex.—ti— S.—t—y' A7. G .4w- RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Mi .... polia-Saint Paul Sanitary Di.trici, at its re Euler meotirg held 11 the Diatriot office, 1923 1'ni—.ity Avenue, Saint Maul, !finnesota, on Manday, June 11, 1934, doe. —by regceat of the Cities of bdnnoapoli. and Saint Fan1 an adoan oe of .ixt.ar tho .s and five hundred ($1E,500. CC) dollar. foroFerating an- p_..a fro. Juno 15 to au — t 1, 1934; and BE IT F'RTI.ER RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustee. of the MSn- nespolla-Saint !cul Sanitary District doe. hereby request of the Cities of Minneapolis and Saint P-1 that they advance this money 1r. the fo3lon- Ing pr opo rtione; 66.09 per cent or $1C,904.P5 for Minnoapcli. and 33.91 Far cant or $5,595.15 for Saint Paul, these p—antagee being in propor- tion to the saeeesed valuations of real and pe..onal property of the two Cities in the year 1933 and the ase ase ad nal—tion basis being the one on whieh the ,at of the jointly -used portion of the Twin Cities sewage dis- posal project is to be divlded; end BE ST PTR T1tiR RESOLVED, That these fande are to be used pending tho release of Federal P. 7'. A. funds for the Twin Cities sewnga diapoaal project, which release Ss ..1—ted by -gu.t 1, 1934, and the re apeotive .lune a Haid to be o—ldered se an ad—,b. and part of the payments to be mads by the two Cities for thelr respective share, of the ,jointly -used sewage o j..t —t. Choi. sen Corporate Secretary Juno 11, 1934 o.....,_. — n.. oF<< ( 11 l f _ CITY OF ST. PAUL �u �LL NO. �._... O FF'IGE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM cowsm sc�a 4.:c�.0 J _ « _ `.._ onrc Aril l9, 1955. RESOLV ECJ That G—exy It ca>ase—t ic,n 532 a1 plied for ty Ida Cnrdel'.1 for ly5 No. Western Avenue be and it is hereby granted -.d the city clerk is instructed to issue such license - n the pso—ht into the c:.ty treesury oY the required fee. C011NI'IL]SKF Y— r,az; N.,-, :uay 7t„eeu / R euz� l rlr. 1'r�vid��nt \Inhonc, na�,lxed I�. u,.• r,an,�R 1 1 1934. .Ise_.. . ....... 9?SILVER RNID RU=NBERG - -- F, 1 7, - -- -, Sirs: H .... ctf 111„ S: e.�¢i� �,�vi.r L�<.¢ GITY OF ST_ PAUL riu a No. a�l�.Pt1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 GOU NCI RESOLUTION — -{ r4—AL FORM 6Pri1. 6, 1934. RESOLVED That Restaurant licerise, appl3cac is>n 1857 end On Snle N—intoziceting Melt Beverage licensa, application Z8 S8 ay PJ t ed for by Anton Schultz for 191 North Snell_tng Avenue 1— :—za tkey — hereby grunted end the City Clerk ie instructed to issue —1c :L:I- — upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees Iei fa<<,r A.1 -I,-11, w: "4 11 1934 193 stn Scna AuSe M, j M, J7 ll„�ii,l d -True. j �Yr��iel if r. i're.id�•iit \Inhunc �� Iei fa<<,r A.1 -I,-11, w: "4 11 1934 193 stn CITY OF ST. PAUL IILi NO..... ....... ...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r' COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM coMM ss`O°°Hen. _.. ,F .t�_d C.'_. L ^_._�-. oarE .A.S... 1]_, 1934 RESOLVED T}v�t Co�fecti„n �y 1Lec:.;L'..n iH23 e�lid,: for ry Mr:._ L. L`. Scott f., loo est ri h str-eat (Lletro�oli� oLe_� aoUse) ne erety "t"d and thn City Cl—l ._ in�-tt^acted Lo l:-�e _udr LLcense v, 1 the lay—"t, _nto .­ ,Lty tr­.911.y Adopted by the ('ounril _. ----WR _i -” ]']Q-, "): .. ntnr„� COFNCII.MEN Y'. N-,. nt„, M1mu�,nnld retiree In h,��r nven�el Mr. P—Ment MS,h,n-y Adopted by the ('ounril _. ----WR _i -” ]']Q-, "): .. ntnr„� CIT OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Pcomm ss —ENTT ev A: ril 11, 1951, RESOLVED Th,t the lill-11 lil -icO for Ly tl-e oll-ink n<.mec ,--s 1, —i hereby gl—t,l —,. .- City Cl—ie i—t--d t. i—, each licenses on the layment L.to the , ity t"',"'y of the ""i— f—: The 0,' Grill A. 4:'1 Z. St. E-- Hell Arll. 7062_ J. N. K,,z-t,r, 678 llti— ity Ave. T.— 7560 Nichol— C. M.,t,, 266 T. University A- T-- C7 - COIT,�( ILNIEN ,%I�D,,-Id Ad, ­6 by 1,,, 1 l,-1 app I 1-193-0 lot PAUL riu u NO. II�IDIDa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM eaeeE—E°i camw.issior+eA April 10, 1934 RESOLVED That the proper city officers be arse: they are her by authori zed to refund to the followint, ruined ersone the fees indicated depo lted oa aPldicattons Por Dance Hi Tj licenses which have r eviw sly teen denied: Andrew A. Bernhardt 560 University A— Dance Hall ¢15.00 Appl 4426 N. ' .gofeky & Louis J. Plike, 205 Forbes A— ^ ^ 15.00 ^ 5156 I The Bleir St. Tavern 560 Blair St_ ^ ^ 15.00 ^ 4878 Barry Yager L Bud'Lyona 2225 University A— ^ ^ 15,00 ^ I� it —1s n 11 TIIII 4406 Y_' Win, -y Adup4,d by o,, I .,_1 APR lina�•n A�rpri���r��l IU:1 Trun.v � Agair�sc �LIL�,--�.. LGGc—ZL._ .idri,t �fahoncy ��t. r,-I�x C. F. i:710 CITY OF ST. PAULv cc NO 9 / 6611-1 JFFI CE OF THE CITU CLERK UNCI, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �oMM = ER J 4 April 10, 1934 That O£f Bale Non–intoxicating melt 5everng. license, .- pllcct,_ 1605 applied £or by Sam Fl-sae et 648 Jackson Street be and it in herby denied u .�' ro—sendation of tha Bureau of Police and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to said Sam Floss. the fee of $5.)0 and to cancel slid anplicati �n mor license. 1,: T eau Nn. Adopted by the l'u iirl 193 i1S ay 1irlJ.,nuld !'.are��. In favor liu � n .-\iipri�ivl 19:3 unx -=ig—net Wei�z.l \In1 or .m e-» Mr. 1'rcnident �f ahoney w '- Ad.,Ied by the C"I"Cil 113 1 eae. Nuys. NIAV \1�UONA1.D PEARCE Z ROSEN TRLAX AN I.NZI-L �/ \IR. PRESIUEN-1 MAHONL1 Re ett—h-d re solu Y.ion denying llcgnsa for Off Sn1A Mel,, go--, end refund o£ 8.S_0O ',o Sam Flosse, 1,9_ns for 0, S,.in and Rest, uv --t —e ao_nied on .---,,d, tion of Poli,= by C_ F. 97542, d,at, d ;harsh E4, 1934. The ,. PPlic-.t,io-: 1605 h, --',o attached should h-,va been inclnd-d I. that, "im Re solur,ion, also .„t,lhed, g,onti,e Iias`,�iu ^��.n �. .,,d Off 31-7Ye Malt to P.--1 Farinellr, 648 J,,ckson S,. F— �,k- '.hn place over since 3t was vnceted by S— Floss=. .1pr11 11 t"„ 1 ;'4. Hon. J. S'clb.^.alt., C!a iri:wr., 1.l can ne Coa.lt tea, Bui l dI—. roar A- ettrd=d r en l-,tlone, , C. F. '+"7643 mRinv not ae. nn ny.o sr la r ltc=r^ee to Pe—1 mrtaet lane t ekr Tnc' nen 5t reset e-.+ t`r ^ C. F. dei{YSrr of, S'+lc ° r l�c�neo an rllc�.H+^.'o`r S` Fl oeee at (4g Jeekeoo 9tre.etew ^e�'. l:ecl- to L'ie i.tcer.ae Corse.{ttee by t?re City Cormcil "e y,`for ^+rt`iar 1nveett—tlon ^ e ,. .,rt. Y,,,re v-ry 1r11yr City Clerk. (it CITY OF ST. PAUL ry NO...... .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--E;ENERAL FORM P—aNTED er �1...c1...)Ls Dare __..April 11.... _19759 RESOLVED That Rest,u, at license, a,plib-t'. on 1685 and On Sale Non-intoxicating Malt 8—rege 11-1e, application 1686 applied For by Thomas Idnnning at 1816 Se11y Avenue, be an: trey are —.by granted ab th- City Cler IE inet:,bted ..o _. -,ch licenses upon the paymetlt into the city trer.sury of the re..u_rrd Fee... iAdopted by the ('ounciL. ..._les_ .App,—.,d... _ _ _ _.. 193 I coosru,MEN vasa Mya , MnY McDnnnlll Prarcc� In (nwr Iiunen� 'I'ninx �.. .\Kninet Wunzcl � Mr. President Mnhonev iAdopted by the ('ounciL. ..._les_ .App,—.,d... _ _ _ _.. 193 Aprll 11th, lost+. Son. Milton goaov, Cowa'r of Finance, Hu11d1nr.. Aar 91rt The eppltcatian• of Tha:me Monn1M. for Aaet.0 t lloanve d On gala Non-Into�icaL tn^ Malt 31 1 1 1 eAa license at 181E 4elt;y Avawe + re letd ov r for to gpr11 18th by the City Council to7gv and you rao-t,oated to ee A -'i—ae to pmparty onara wf thi n wereSae Yoiire -u [rely, • sr ee. .o.,,� �oAw•Ro 2197:52 80 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT I'AUL - COUNCILMEN ROLL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER "ENCIL CALL NO, �. MAY COUNCIL RESOLUTION M CDOHALD IN FAVOR ,PEARCE AUDITED CLAIMS April 10 IB ROSIN TRUAx AGAINST NZEL RE50LVEI THAT CHECKS BE 31 811 0 THE CITv �jMMM, 1]0.31 TREASURY. EOVIRIHG REB MAIL—Y _. . --. ..__AE,IiJ rl THE R GAITE AMOUNT DF, TO // INCLUSIVE f_ l PE .CHB HUMS 6&6CFO -FIT CITY COM AB PTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNSIL CHECKS I LL, 2 1 APPROVED. -0:7 By I TOTALDATE RETURNED CHECK NUMHER T ANSFER [NEC xS DIS BUR SF MINT CHECNI BY BANK ARD II ?11C161 49 ® ?686 Milton 9oaen,', ^f Fi�Rnoe ripisehun 671 83 916 61 ?687 Loo 76,36 ll1Rn 1ckland 6 7� ?639 'imv koerson Ir 91 ?bon Iranr ^, 1pTinin�5 A X691 Tilton 9oePn, C, -f Fin -ce 10 1,.7 °d 769') "he Van PovPn Comnany,Ina, 175^h "647 ,^,nnoco Oil Onmrany 40 n} P69L vrank M111k %15 X695 GPrrgR 3u^Pith 3 �� ?696 L-7,,noP 4. Soler, Csslier 'stet f`P^arhnRnt 147 63 ^597 R=rw1und Lumber ComcA.ny 21 92 ?6?8 Rrr Com,ny IIRTn 'ecker Hnrdmn 34 74 1 016 ?6QnPnPrR1=micel ?7' Cnm^=ny GillPtte tub, Como"ny ? R1 P71 "m, Y. Grohs, 4gent 4 no ,7On K^nnoly R7nt9Pr9 Arms CImcany 71, 70 ?7n7 Pittsburgh Ecuit^tlP kPtPr Co. 103 75 '704 1—J. 71=zier �8 n' ) 77n5 v.,JP v Qnith 575 00 n7nt T'T,nk J. .,oulP 17 n0 ?707 pier ,.J,s & Foui rm-nt Som any 13 n'1 7^8 �719 %% Rinr°ld Efilton Rosen, Cnmlr. f FinsncP 50 9'1 70 4r,, 65 0710 4iltnn $oeen, Comer. if Finance 5� no "711 'h.Rrgi- FPrris 15 771P trait "r -J, 1 5? 140 Oo 7717 rr. CilbP*t J. L<or,rd '714 Barry Limbeck On 0715 Ir. ',-?gP N. Rnhb-Tg 750 n0 • sr ee. .o.,,� �oAw•Ro 2197:52 80 ) i()65 ,.rntuteorMr a- COUNCIL aeu eel tllnR 1-ini-sal -Ideate COUNCIL FILE N0. nRlaAisinosa Hua °Y " INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of opening, widening and extending Johnson Parkway between Hastings Avenue and Hudson Avenue by adding to it those parts of lots 13, 14 and 15, blook 1. L2 dl sy He i ghta lying westerly of the are of a 160 foot radius oirole tangent to the southwesterly line of said lot 15, and to the westerly line o s lot 13; also by adding thereto those parts of lots 15 and 16, block 2, Lindley Heirhts lying wester- ly of the arc of a 235 foot radius circle tangent to the westerly line oP said lot 16, and the northwesterly line of said lot 16; also taking and condemning an ement for slopes, cut cold fills, nese Bary to the grading and improvement of east se vice cad of Johnsons Parkway, w' -den da ae described above from Hastings Avenue to 247rfeet southwesterly of Hudson Avenue, under Preliminary Order_ _ 97404 approved _ March 2, 1934 The Council of the City of Se Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above imptoccalcIt, and having considered said report, hereby resolve: L That the said reportand the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improtemem u hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is open, widen an extend Johnson Parkway between Hastings Avenue and Hudson Avenue by adding to it those parte of Lots 13, 14 and 1E, block 1, Lindley Heights lying westerly of thea of a 180 foot radius circle tangent tc the southwesterly line of said lot 15, and to the westerly line of said lot 131 also by adding thereto those parts of lots li: enn 18, hlook 2, Lindley H i-hts lyi ni; westerly of the arc of a 235 foot radius circle taugeat to the vresterly line of said lot 16, and the northwesterly line of said lot 15; also take and condern a m eastent for slopes, outs and fills, necessary to the grading and improvement of a et rvice road of Johnson ]a;i v,wideaed as described above from Hastinve Avenue to 247 feet outhwesterly aT Hudson Avenue, in accordance with the blue print Keret. attached and adha a �a���rt hereat, the hatched porticns showing the cuts and with noeapternae 9," t'otriet tV,' prated .fft IRes&f is $ 95.m Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. ath- day of _ May , 1934 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of line. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. aPR 1 I Adopted by the Council 'PP .934 , 193 J y a.DR 1 Y `f Approved— "Y12__ 19J_ ,pity Clerk C ounalmm; McDonald ei ALLS1{I:IJ - A` j Councilman May Councilman Pcarcc �\ Councilman Rosen Councilman Truax Illvl`rl,' Councilman Wen:cl %,a.,\far Mahoncc / Form B. S. A. 8.6 F, SCOT!, ,tTY CLP�6H. er - :Yi666 COUNCIL FILE NO. naI By. ... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In rhe Matter of ""'Si"' the grade of Cook Street from Albemarle Street to yiooe- bridge Street to—nfonr. to the rad lice on "o profile hereto etteched end rade art Hereof, the e ent aetabli aha:: Crede bei.ag ahowv by the blue line t}.eroon, also gyne ivg Cook Street from 41bem¢rle Street to Noodbr, dye Street, end grading Alley in Block 25, Auerbach k Herd'e Addition Prom Cook Street to Oliver Street, under Preliminary Order. 97xrt -. app--d_..__Februe;y_-0tel@34 The Council of the Ciry of Se Paul having received rhe report of the Commis..— of Finance upon ,he above improvement, and hating considered said report, hereby raphes: I. That rhe said report and he same is hereby approved end adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered m be pne—dad with. 2. That the narure of the improvement .vhlch rhe Council recommends is change the grade of Cook Street from Albemarle Street to Woodbri;,ge Street to conform to the rod line n the profile hereto attached and made a ::art the present established Erode being shown by the blue line thereon, Street Albemarl also gredo Cook Ste Street to yfoodbr:dge Street, end gredo Alley in Blaen 25, Auerbach SrHard's Addition tram Cook Street to Oliver Street, 590.76 -Cook St. ,with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 5_579 t -i)tay Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... _ 8th- day of _ _ _, 193A—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in rhe Council Chamber of the Court Mouse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give 1—cl 1—cof said meeting to the persons and in rhe manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the narure of the improvement and the —,I cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by rhe CounciL4R 11 IM .t 1^ qw Approved_ _. _ 191_ Coun<ilmnn McDovnld _ Councilman May Cnr calm n Pea . CouncilmanRosen Councilmen "— CouodlmanWenzel MMahoney ahoney >n.r sRa Form B. S. A. 8.6 rtTx t=1-b>zx 193 Ci y Clerk euill ISHFI) COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER M In the Maerer of— s ar. 0 bra ang a. rmm��a-- -'rad _nG hll ey in Block 25, dunrbecF. L P.anc'a iidd'.ticr: Oook Street tc Olivor St., ' under Preliminary Order. 17382 approved_ Pebrmery_Zb, 1934 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is heleby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is eondenm and take ar easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the gradin: of Gook Street fror, Altormirle Street to Noodbrilge Street, and grading Alley in Block 25, Auerbach k Handts Addition from Cook Street to Oliver St., in accordance with: the blue arint hereto attached end made a part hereof, the hatched nort4. nns sit -4 ng the cuts and the shaded portions showing the fills, with no al ternauves, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. "C.00 — Resoh,ed Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ @th da, o mY__ _. _ , 1974 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall B,,Iding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance gice notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the nni, and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 1 1 ^ I9 r Approved.__. ten„, tolmvn McDonald C.ou nctlmnn Mai Cori�cilr�an Pca r.c Cou....1—n R�scn C".—I—o T-- C:ounctlman Wen_cl M a,'or Mahone. �o: C,.Clcrk _ M YIiBLISILEt)=�� COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER `,ti (Df it2 In rhe Matter of surfacing with bituninous m rerial Alley in Blook 4, -en F. Lane's Hmsesite Plat 2, from emline A_Tua Hto Albert Avenue, Ta, Cou ni ofr n,e (.MIY v n et -may. - eeiv.a e oe f m under Preliminary Order_ 97R(Q _ approved_ __19_b[11@TY 25 1934 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is surface with b'. tuminoue material Alley in Block 4, Den E. Lane's Homeiilte Plat 2, from Hen line Avenue to Albert Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 494.34 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the @th day of May _ , 193 4 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance gine notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by he Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adapted by the CounciiLR 111914 Approved - _ I�1 it C,ep Clerk C:���ncilme�� S1cDonal.l C --d— 11" PIiBLI51IED cilm . Pen .c Cou ncilmnn R.,x,� Co. calm "I -r Councilman We�-cl \lavor 1`tahonr; COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER Inthe Mo arccr of —binP— iii, PitStreet 'ia from -.ar1 Street to a p. --,t nt 2t5 feet s- of Griffith St raet, under Preliminary Order 96324 app—,,d--- Sel?t— 8, 1933 The Cou cil of the City of Sc Paul having .....—hereby.. d rhe repor of rhe Commissioner of Finance upon ve the abomproveme , and having c —dered saidep, resolves. L That rhe s,idtiep— and the same is hcrcby approved and adopted, and rhe said improvement is herebv ordered ro he proceeded wich. 2. Thac ncI nature of nc,, improvement which the Council recommends 1,i... I Pacific Street r,om }arl Street ton int 285 feet —st of Griffith Streot, wah no aItcrnai ives. and char rhe escim—d —t thereof is $1,417.66 Resolved Further, Th., it public hearing be had on said impmvemenc on the_ 8th day of _ 7day_. _. _ _ _.. _ _, 1934. _., ac nc� hour of W .dock A. M., in ehe Coancil Chamber of the C.— iii and City Hall Building in rhe Ciry of Sc paul. Thac the Commissioner �4 Finance sive n of �h-- said m ing co the per ns and in the r provided by the Char ing ehe came and place If ing, nc�enacurc of nc� impmvemenc and che'oral cost chcrcof as escimaced�at 1 Adopted by the Council 1p3 .Approved / + W c'„uncdman McDonald S' _% PLIBLISHED ”' " :` M tcilman .- c'ouucilmau Pea �-- r.e Cou ncilmau Rosch - " Councilman Truer. ncilman Wc�:cl Mawr Mahoncv Form B. � A. 3-o COL NCIL FILE NO. By I 1, 1 ill' . t (1 i M INTERMEDIARY ORDER .:if„'i, In ,hc kl.—, cf Durbin,•, Stenson ctroat frnv. ?err`ngton Avenuo to %-tern. 1—w-, I under Preliminary Order_.. _. .MU approved. Sekt-'4er 8, 1933. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon rhe above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Stinson Street from Farrington Avenue to Western Avenue, with no alta—tives, and than the estimated cost thereof is $ 788.86 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said impro-ment on the 8th day of Y-17 _ _, 193 4 __, at he no., of 10 clock A. M., is the Council Chamher of the Court,. House and City Hall Building in the City of Sc Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting in the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. nig, the nature of the impros emgt of i e total cost ,hereof as —i—ed. 4 R L 1934 Adopted by the Council . I9t Approved— _ 14; Coes iolmon McDonald Councilmnn Mac Councilman Pcarcc Councilman Rosen Councilman Trua> Councilman Wend .Met -or MalOnec Form R. � A. 6-b , I b. 5CV"Cl, Iry clsex City Clerk ['UBLISII�G L�_ COUNCIL FILE NO, By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In rhe Atvtter of eurbinF both a_.ee of Wells St. from Payvo Ave. ' n ilg ertan St. under Preliminary Order 96411 approyed.. ctwn4er. 19. 1533 The Council of he Cin of Sr. Paul haying re yed he repot of the Commissioner of Finance upon rhe aboya improvement, and haying considered aid report, hereby resolves: L That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered robe proceeded with. _. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb ooth s.ces a: Wells St. frog Payne Ave. to Edgerton St., —th no alreviaziyes, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 845.11 _ R -1-d Further, That s public hearing be had on said Improvement on the 8th day of , 193 4 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the C .... I Chamber of the Court ou Hse and Cir, Hall Building in the City of Se Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance givet n of said meeting n the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating rhe time and place ofhear- Jug, the nat." of the improvement and the rural cast Thereof as estimated. Adopted by he Cou�p4 d 1 g C. .... tan .McDonald _ Cbuncllm,, M'ii Councilman Paarrc Councilman Rosen , Councilman T,,, Co—Arran Weo:al Mawr Mahn— Form B. S. A. 8-6 _ 19j x j -GEGI� roc Lf1c,� V1 il;ALISHED�+– -•–a'� I NO. .. i CGUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS, April 11 X04 ,42�97+3.39� 2 OF 70TAL _ R �H, Foa»<„o ?197352 60. • 277 anStol7tatlonery Mf 3•Cn. 208 10 43 59 7717 2716 -he.ioa1 9alee & safety Comaany !dr=, H. Mit-b 751 70 2719 BoeTi of Sater Commis loners 510 57 7720 Board of "eater Commiesio ners 987 49 ^721 Board of 'Kater Commlaslonere 197 78 772r Board of Ceter Commleslonere 179 76 2773 Board of tater commleslo ners 55 43 7724 Board of Seter Commissioners j 085 15 ?775 Board of Neter COmmi-inners 106 88 7726 BaarI of Sater Commissl nnera 367 OP 7727 John H. McDonal d, c.P,safety 5 �^ 7728 I.O.Pearce, C. of ?du0stion 357 50 2729 I.7.Pearce, C, of 3du oatl0a 166 94 1720 1red N. Trua*, C, of Parke 6n8 37 7735 fled M. Truez, C. of P=rks 1 611 a� 7732 H, C. ^'en zel, C, of P. 'Yorks z. 273 O1 A.C.'°anzel, of P."orka 2 5-O 70 77'4 A.C.^enzel, C. of P.Fork. 328 19 2725 Tenzel, !' of P. corks 2 763 56 7735 H. C,Ten zel, C. of P. Barks 2 476 53. 2737 H.C.Senzel, C, of P. So' ka 780 07 2736 4, :. "en zel, C. of P,"orks r02 27 273- H.o.."Fenzel, C. of P. 'vorke 811 11 7740 H. C, San zel, 0. of P. 'vorke 732 41 2741 H. C.'en zel, C, of P. Snrke 348 49 7742 H.7.Tenzel, c of P. Sorks 1 639 81 ?74z Y, C,-+enzel, C, of P. Snrka 779 36 2744 ,Senzel, C. of P. `Irks 513 9g 2745 H. C,'Tenzel, C. of P. 'vorke 1 325 14 7746 M.'Tenzel, C. of P. Barks 644 44 7747 A. o., Sen zel, C, of P. 90 rks 247 sO 274g Ti 7. Sen zel, C. of P, a-rks 20� 34 274q H, C, ^'en zel, C. of P. Sor ks 605 71 2]50 H. :. 'ran zel, C, of P. 1orke 2 422 23 7751 H,c.Tenzel, C. of P. �'orke 2 694 93 2757 H, C.Tenzel, C, of P. nor ks 783 12 ?753 H.C. Boyeson Comnany 155 34 2754 Common•�e alth Tlectrlc Comrany 872 53 2755 H-enstein & Burmeister 39 09, 2756 Healy 7,1—bin,, & Heating Cnmrany 7 017 98' 2757 9to+. and Davls Furniture company corp. Counsel 297 2 401 74 2758 2759 L -- L. 4nderson, ndam Deck— Hardware Comrany. 6 70 2760 Indians Limestone Cor --tion 44 50 1761 Joserh F, Beimbold 50 00 1762 J,4, 9ohmid Pon 00 7763 '"r1 -state Tel. & Telg. Como-ny - 64 2764 4, ?. Lehman _ �.. r.It," 2 FO 7765 Harvey L. Mille ? 00 776r j__^, 1!i O0 7767 N-lson Broth=rs Plumbinz & Ht3.Co. 5 00 ^768 'tn. 7, Pe'ers en 5 5 00 30 ?769 1770 J. Benner Notional'"Snao^ ci-,Ftn� c=pany 193 00 7771 flnrthe rn gtntes Po9er Com ^anq l 49- 71 2777 Star Photo Cmm�any 16 On s�EET TnT„� FnA,,.,ao 3 j Doo 14 2207296 05 I CITY OF ST. PAUL ,Ii. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL R LUTION GEN L FORM ...... s- eA / �Z� DATE April 12, 193 RESOLVED Inthe matter of grading Alley in ®lock 1, George J. Anderson's Midoey Parknay Addition from Fry Street to Aldine Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92803, approved June 21, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 93513, approved September 13, 1933. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifi- cation=_ as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. 976, 3 Y� .��,� Ad., A,,1 by th, cl.. - APR. 12 1N4 ma. _- III m.-',, AIIp--d APR -.I n m ms R'rnm,l Alupnr .AIr. I'nnidrnt AInlvnu�c b. t II I para>,4 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO>>U NCIL OLUTION GENERAL FORM April 12, 1934 coMM ss o�E.. _ RESOLVED In the matter of grading Alley in Block 5, Wilder§ Addition from Mendota Street to Arcade Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 96047, approved August 9, 1933, and Final Order C. F. 96870, approved Nov. 28, 1933• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifi- catl ons as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works £or the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. a,.l.,en rlhnmYiiea�lA�4iacamin- ili��blb'W�ti..f t� 4avu provaL:enC beme - 8hsr 1 �1 .\..........i 193 �I r. I'r.�, i�l�•..t �7 alai �::���. . CITY OF ST. PAUL „�. ` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rn rn,ssioN[rs / / COU. L RESOLUTION GENERAL F^oRM of NTEoo, April 12, 1934 RESOLVED In the matter of grading Alley in Block 14, Holcombe's Addition from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 96625, approved October 10, 1933, and Final Order C. F. 96974, approved Dec. 19, 1933. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works /r 3 for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approv d. t'U N' Il.ol FS 11,.r It:,,ar•n 4PR 1'') rl^,� A,lol�ler>L,'the. ('::ui,cil 19:1 11nyr� CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� " NO. _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GF�NERAL FORM v,x ESENT Y ��� owrE SSS+ RESOLVED AHEHEie, the follosing named hde appllcatl.- for so. sale- 31gmr llceneee at the adds,seeave maindicated, and WHEHEI.S, The Comd11 has not granted said application,, and sold applicants have req -,ted .1thdr- l of eam and a refund of their license fees end ratmrn of their bonds, therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby autho rl It to refand to the said applicants the lice... fees heretofore depo el ted A9 them and the Uity Clark Se autho ri aed to re Lvrn their re spec Live bond. tc them and cancel their applications: Paul Mi.hmk 436 Lafo.d St. H. Hath—V a Job. Kleinert 531 W. 7th St. cOUNCII NILN APR 1? if," 7t"..Sn>q- ode„1�dbpol,�1�„Ile1-�i. _..spa -- .sag P--' le h'—, Approcr.1 I93 It ic--1 y1.yor sa 6_„ A1,. P ...... Nh,h— r St. Paul, NSnneeoLa, Gpril 11, 1914. To the Honorable, the C1ty C-011, Sty of St. Paul. Gentlemen: I he reby —q—at, that my "on eels" llq-1 liceaee application for 416 Z.af—d Stroet be lithd— and the fee deposited —r—lle d to --- T— truly, �� �� s � y �� � �� � � i �171i77 CITY OF ST. PAUL rn. NO. --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM RESOLVED 1l8EflE15, the following namn ed persona have heretofore filed appl icatlons for -off sale- liquor licensee, and have deposited with ench applications the lice,,, fee therefor, vis: John J. 1leleeh 1197 Hice Street Sgvder�e Cut Hate Drug 416 Wabash. St. AND IIHEHP: Bald epplicanta have withdrawn their app licatlone and he- regneetea the re Lara of the am', wt depo.Itea, together with e11 papers filed with the said applications; therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the proper city officer. De ane they are hereby authorised and dl rected to re tarn is Eha aDov, named pe race. the not of the -off eels• license fee heretofore deposited by them with their eppllcatlons and the City Clerk Se directed to advise the State Liquor Control Comm Sesioner of the fact that said apniteatiove have been withdrawn. 1'fll N( II MEN AM 1910o� Mi 11,iald t'�arrr le fu�iir A..le.....I 199 1GenzelCX, IT .\I . \I r. I'm.'i�lcul \Iuhnnry I.I:IiK St. Panl, Yim sots Apr11 11, 1934. Ph. Honorable City Council City of it. Paul, Kinnesota R. -Off —1e Li..... #11 Gaatle men: I- accordance with request of your honorable body, the under.igaed has surrendered license y11 -off Sale- l.—ed for sale of lignor at 1197 Hice Street. Surrender of thi1 lloenae w reque.tad for the n that an -eels licenes had bean granted for ad- joining premi.e.nmod no off -.ale b—mase had bean .... ducted. Wl you therefore Yindly arrange return of 11ce�• fee paid and also teleses of surety bond pro - e ded when license wa. greeted. M. P_ S NYDER D R U G S.�C IGAF25F CANDY TOILET ARTICLES A—il 1,.., ris 5� cr•C��t—..fat,^rW .1, �.. _s..n✓ street, __e --tfully, Y ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY OR.—CE NO -Z� An ordinance amending Section 16 of Ordin since No. 7537, approved January 18, 1934, entitled "An ordinance regulating the sale of int oxicating liawr within the City o St. Paul, I rov iding for such sales y ;np persons, establishing f b duly licensed r egulation a for the operation of places where such intoxicating liouor is sold, providing r egulations for the granting of sucb 1l cen8eo, setting license fees, prov I ding penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing all inconsistent ordinances. This is an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preser- vation of the public peace, health and safety." Thisis an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sect ion I. That Section 16 of Ordinance No. 7537, approved January 13, 1934, be and the Bame is hereby amended by striking out of Said ordinance the said Section 16, and by Inserting In lieu thereof the following: "Section 16. No license granted here- under h.1 1be transferable from person to person or r Prom place to place without the consent of the City Council, which consent shall I be evidenced by resolution passed by the City Council. No license granted for aspecified part of any par- ticular premises shall permit sales of such liquoron a part of such premises not specified I n the license; provided, however, that the Council may, by resolu- tion, grant the right ght to use Such other io portion of the pred.as for such B ales. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Be ction 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after its passage and publication. ApR 271934 Y-' Councilmen Faye Passed he the C—id] 41.7- 11,D nald RF pZ'n Tr'- V — Ag.i.A W, noel o.iBi•. rk CITY OF 5T. PAUL .� ` No. 9 1679 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL rB— F .er 6teE Y. Trvee— 'o ev Ueorae C. Halmeekee pug CorE.fM2�'JrvER �'� � 7k L« -r•1[. tereette estal Clce �Ytlan ---.__— $LSmMA 1HEREAS, George C. Hetznecker has made application to the Council for permission to erect a retail ice station At 1338 Thomas street (Lot 15, Block 18, Syndicate No. 5 Addition); and WHEREAS, proper notice has been given pursuant to Para- graph (f), Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permission should be granted; there- fore, be It RESOLVED, That the proper Qty officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said George C. Hetz- necker a permit for the erection and maintenance of said ice station on said property, said building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. Said permit is granted sub- ject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. f"ITNIALM FN \'sun � M., Id . r. SLOLt. em u t Tlr 1'-,.',I,., t 11 thonr� CLtiBS Adop6eJ L9 ihit'ounrll ut7 I ,� 1q3� lua :lppn wrd 193 CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.P.tal of M—osola OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT Cary Cleh andCommi na. of �Reg rr��n� o 1. April 11th, 1934, Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Connael, Eullding. Dear Sl r: The attached application of George C. Het:nackar for permleslon to a act a re tall ice statiieete 133g Thomas Street, located onr?j.ot 15, "'cic 88,, �1, for f5 Addition w refs rred to you today, by the proper resolution granting the same. Yours very truly, City Clerk. POST CARD NOTICE! �IFF11'1: cilTlll: ('t�\I \II��ItI\'1!It iif I.,:\\t'I-: "rra _14 —1034 s d, ,f Isis l�li iik %uii� ',d I'll, , ul�lin,�,,I .I'll, 701. IJ_"_, �r ;n Iirr,11 s n ""ii�.,l ili-�i ilu• ;�liyli- C�i1$ett4eokOS Si.114A� lot. l6} blk, 18, "'I i�,• el I �� I,� rel nt 1338 Th— SYndloate #C Add, fill n tl t , ❑ dl r ...... II w 6wldml; on Ih�.� 11th ii it -rh uJ,or VI1,1'0N K061: N. 7798 Cunvniseioner of F'ina�irc. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C .Pif.i of Mlnneeole i — DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 Cify Hell FRED M. TRUAX.X, Commhu—r CARL L SPEAKES, O ... ry C --- ml.— .vBw CITY OF SAINT PAUL CaPltal of M- --OFFICE C)F CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT C, Cle,k a,.d c.——s—, of N.arch 1,11, Eon. Fred N. Truax, Coma'r of P.P. Buildix . Dear Sir: At tri- ma -ting held today, the lily ount C 11 r ,`erred t -r o £ the aphe at t p llca tion of Eetznecice r£or n x -ml scion to install acash end carry Ice Station at "79Thomas Street to y ur depar Lment for inveeti—tlon and r -Port. Yours vary truly, city clarx. M.rc�r �, t4, .. 'q, n. ). 11 t-, P,,,, , C, a f -. 1—c. Darr girl t, install es Ica h"', at 71n"., st—t. :9111 you i-InIly.'l, t I on c this .,,,Iia,ti,n tad? Y, ir, - 'i t-1,, a` ®w THE BOARDOF ZONING � "' � SAINTePAUL, MINNESOTA COURTHOUSE ntLo. tw.m.. Mar C(_ . t_h, L)34. Mr. R'm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Pear Sir . Your letter Of March loth reiaclve to appiicution of �;eorge C. Y.etznecker for permission to ins till a cosh and carry ice station at 1338 Thomas St. This is in the rear of' the store building whis i, faces Thomas St. an the ice 2: o 'ill f:: Hamilne Ave. This is the souther st cornu of Hamline :.nc Thomas. The Board rc comTc emir tl-.._t. the rm1L be granted subject to a hearing. Yours +ery truly, EOROE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secret..ry. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL S .o..�....o�.r�..o ocFArar mFDIVISIONROF BUILUI NG INSPECTION etJi�oirvcs APPLICATION FORM PERMIT TO. INSTALL HANG ® ❑K OAi[ mwry e=oX rvEs ❑ ❑ O OR �R ❑ D cw siG ��t�si c, r. r. .-I.rF I ra.x�F e...... o.... icc� wo vcn.i sTr�UCrUr�E OSEo%s OWNER. � p La- Gfi..fL AUDRESS/lir JL"t-I'`�__^-tom _o _ CONTRACTOR _. __ ADDRESS t ae-rwec wr crxos Et-rs SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE =T �s oR P�inAR ks SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES T eE AT c A T 30 F sA u F orvr ry Ro-A o�N ivirvc moors 8 FEE! Frvou —F sr REfr L—e 1-- -' -- DDDR T.n (or o d. o—NSTRUCTION ON VACANT LOT PROHIBITED �x ��J��n.�i hl _ u r�dreelnRl ttie nr luul��llnn.euln. rk .ry h�ri�n .Pail I In �APACF 000ws u�isr rvOr oPcv �vrn A��Fv �"" r �Ir �rll rJ ln�r n�e ` i tl CItY n I NO PERMIT ISSUED UNDER THIS APPLICATION co... P�Vm©irvG. ELERrsicn �. PtASTERirvc ora wARu Alla F�rvrvA�E Worv�. � �% S CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.piul of Mi,a..o.. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T—h and Miee...0 S—. q ' JOHN H. M,DONALD, CONJ.I111-1 , Vv.s V oCo�L�D.wti Ca..i..io-�n �i March 21st, 1934. Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Si, Hnder date of March 16th, 1934, you refs rred to o r Bureau the appllcatton of Oeo. C. Hatzne eker for permlesS ov u to Snet all a Cash anT Carry Ice 6ta".. at 1338 ?'homes St., for rove. tlgation. 0`-r report, that the above Hamad party hes complied pith the reg:�l etl one of the Bureau of Health. Sours very truly, ASN -S. Acting Health Officer. 1 h I i I � j I � I i i DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK liii CITY OF SAINT PAUL I I COUNCIL (1 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCILMEN ILL CALL No r1. (i NAY COUNCIL RESOLUTION au rt^Ra "'"°°" AUDITED CLAI 34 n°A.N Q TnU^>< ." a° _. _ °AIRST pP� RESOLVE r R fuer, 13 1930. T. TRE A°°R A.,°°R. °r , ?73- Rrt°. T1.w00kLji9 nrH 7 o f. d ^ TOT m f i iia B.40a"R" meso si s4. IN FAVOR OF rR Ms rr ycHcc"s cHrc"s .1 As'scPna ro i �n. Asrl BROUGHT FORWARD 000 141122-07296 0 - — - 2773 Tdwhoenges d Alex 7alaum 15 15 0 I 2774 R. Trout 2775 Fuel Oil 6 Gas Company 122 2 2 649 1( l 2776 ROsPoTRns Electric Company 2777 Thelma McGinnis 50 0 30 4 2778 2779 Jack Kerrigan American Insurance Agency 15 no 68 4� 2780 Atlas Gas & oil Company 314 451 2781 Brn Sheet Iron k steel Company o 48 87' 2782 Buffalo Meter Comnany 'Rm. 49 65 2783 R. Burkhard 38 00 2784 2785 TECarpenter Citizen= Ice k Fuel Company', 138 00 2786 Commonwealth Electric COMP64y 104 87 2787 Co-Op. Laundry Company.Inc. 37 8 2788 Dainty Products Company 10 06 1 2789 J. Mark Dalglish �3 21 165 60', 2790 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company'', 12 00'' 2791 The Frederic Hotel 72 25', 2792 2793 Gangl and Company Generator Specialty Company 39 09. 2794 Hancook-Nelson Hero. Company,1 �,.. o0 2795 Don HRynie 2796 A.P, Herschler Factory CORI Company 69 44 116 25' 2797 Holmes 1 42 2798 Joyce Inaurnnoe Comnany 14 2799 Kennedy Brothers Arms Company 70 28n0 Kenny Boiler d6 Mfg.Company 70 26 2801 '9.R, Ko.pke 5 OO 2802 R.Lilly Company 200 00� 2803 Northern states Power Comp 3 617 93 280 Northern States Power Comn 591 62 2805 Otis Rlevator Company 1 165 oo 2806 Rand, McNally 6 Company �6 oo 2807 0, Reiss Coal Company 5 3 71'! 2808 9t.Paul Book & Stationery Co 222 53 2809 9t.Paul Book 6 Stationery Co 435 08 2810 9t.Pau1 Builders Material Co 138 171 2811 9t.Paul Vooational School 9 00 2812 St.Paul White Lead 6 Cil Co.I 297 14'' • 2813 2814 Andrew Schoch Orooery Oompan Andrew Schoch Grocery 0ompan 65 98''' 62 84� 2815 Standard laundry Company 23 73 2816 Strickland-Doolittle Companyl 50 55 2817Thompsonl= Restaurant 15 75� 2818 2819 11,3. RubbRr Com—ny,Tno,IP Roodetook Typewriter Comnany'i I, 12 50' AH.ET T°T"L-F°n An° I 33 COO 14219144 29 k OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK e•i;^• COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM cDni e r loge CROEiS T— EYrs - / AT. ®gp� K:'ER"AS, "r' iC%=y 2c,-_ i -I'-', 'Wa=ter T. Hoffman, a _firemen in '..,.e ,L.y of t:.e telent If Pub 11c Safety, w injured by reason O_ an a—idl _,t while ___ ., dares ,f :.i,- enp Lay:nent, and t._�. .. i- in tll .-.. n w._._ .eby cIt,lly I, _cled uncal Li id �. -id _ .I L for t1.1 fir- six :lont7s, If dimer-bi _ity, and I:u Lf nay for t:.e oalalc of the er iod �- n it dir- -Ci Lity, =d _ec tion 4326 Of the Cene=al S --tee c_ ILirr:e e,ota Ovide. tOLya_eie to - :pl.ye ander n.,y w—rter -DV -1011 ie _e_ tr_c 1 tuE , ur.t oa7ab Le in the a..ua1 ,1. ca. e _ _ r t..e . Act, sucl, clop la Ye s:.a11 be ted IO t-'-_ _te tet .O_ t., in .I.I. Act, an� each rate .,,IdY , en_. _ be 3c(D. per week, and EP" As �:.e ai_£e r,.,, e L,_.,. _en tac e.'n�unts the said F.ffrnan ..tee been aid nt -I -Lf rate and t,,erate of 420.0') per week in 5S3.20, tl.erefore be is R-S_i VED t, -L )r-. _r city officers are ­­oyautnor- iz.d -(i to , :=Y t. tr.r F,id :;eIt, T. P.off:a&n t.,e ew:: of Dunt t be p� �b_e out o`_ the '.,cr_.r.en'n com.)enr�ation IulN<nu .�:N Acc�unc General Fund. AVW 1.31934 (A��l,prarced lea... r ryi-r 1luyov ek>< u„¢i. iso urv,a..0 CITY OF ST. PAUL (P.i13� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM oESE ss o E� RESOLVED Il0ERL4SI the following a®ed persona have heretofore it lend appl ice.tione for 'off sale• liquor licensee, and have depoaitesd with such spplicatione the license fee therefor, viz: Harry Ssnsby 600 Oaivarei ty ave,. AND Where.., said applicants have wlthdrean their app lie aeiossa and have regneeted the return of the --t depo.ited, to ge thnr with all paper, filed with the said application.: therefore. be 1 t RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they a re, be -1,y authorised —1 directed to return to the above named pe re ono tYae as —t of the"off sales license fee here tafo re deposited by thews v.l t1x tLe Sr applications and the City Clerk le directed to advise the States Ligmr Control Co_isaloner of the feet that said applications have base wiith— drawn. Y,•ae se, stay -Sir UounlJ hv,•,��.I sco'11', .N .>, qtr. r�,.�d�•eI Nana _ _� r.naa Ad, -d Ly th,. 1'.,.— 1 '-% PR T 3_ '_�n4 _IDs- - 'ati�liii Lk3rnh. }drug (nut�aat( Com¢II file No. _ l f l6S3 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undcnignea hereby Promised Ne making �.f arc Alux'inu Public itnPnivvm.mt by IIIc "ity of St. Paul, viv- .Reconstruct in, .wi.th monolithic concrete the sidewalk an the tine south side of University Ave.(15 ft. wide).6eginn inK at. the _.- of Dale St.,thence 41 _feet west. rte, 191 day ,l April 3 Dared hi, 10th counci , tn.anti opoertl. PRELIMINARY ORDER w~teeL' WHEREAS, A written PruPosal for the making of the following imProvement, Reconstructing with monolithic concrete. the.. Sidewalk on the south side of University. Ave.(15 ft. wile) beginning at the_west line of Dale St.,thence 41 feet vest. -- having been Presented to the [ auncil of the ('ity al St. Pawl themfoa, be it R E,G)l.%4:D, That the I 11-1-1-l—u( Peblic works nr aha is nrvd,y urtlered amt directed: me o c dcarability of, me making If saiA ImPrwemenl- I. 'Po tmrr Sate nuc aha estimated mst of ciid imPro�. ml ,and the wtal rost thereof. 2. Tn in, tctSgate thenmm�, I tent 3. '1'o famish a Flan, Proide or%sketrh of said imProvement. nen w homer or not said imProvement is lekal roe nn the Lat ion a( mor ur mom ox - I I,, date r ,�f Pinanee. 5 'fo relxat ol.m all ( the Laegoing marten m me t ummtsaone qVR 13 19�e k,j.pb,1 by me Cell v sNnvs rwnaman Mev MCDa S.st.tr tyPPr°vea Pt .e R.— ' Mayne. / hla. 1'aesmrrT l� � -- E SCOTT, �. Ir 5R� 11,10-1 to CII, "'A ORDINANCE h„ ?►'i(�ti4 COUNCIL FILE NO. I PRESENTED By ORDI NO. An ordinance establishing a zone in which the parking of vehl Glee SB prohibited for a period longer than thirty minutes at any one time, and providing an exception thereto. This is an emergency or dl nence rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ... ,... THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. There is hereby established and created a 'I cul zone within which it shall be unlawful for the owner or driver-^,��I °�� n of any vehicle to park such vehicle for a period longer then lel. thirty minutes at any one time. Section 2. Said zone is hereby defined as follows: The west side of Wabasha street between Third and Fourth streets; the north side of Third street between Wabaeha and St. Peter streets; the eastside of St. Peter street between Third and Fourth streets; and the south side of Fourth street between Wabaeha and St. Peter streets. Section 3. The provisions of thisordinance shall not be held to apply to any portion of the streets within the defined zone set apart by the Commissioner of Public Safety for the use of the. Sheriff W the County of Ramsey; and the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to set apart such portion of the street for the use of the Sheriff as Sn the opinion of the Commissioner of Public Safety is necessary for his use and that of his office. Section 4. lny',person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof ehal1 be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars or by imprisonment for not exceeding ninety days. Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after Ste passage and publication. coa.edmen Nay, P,,eed by the Coaaeu MAY 8 M4May il Do..Id Pea In Fa�ror Roe asalb,t We zel >o- Ir,°la,��,. I>I:0hell,,, lc�{ ym" , s er1,InJ ,e Cltr n.,Y MDINANCE 1G6S5 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY. OR DIN �IOE NO. An ordinance authorizing and providing for theissuance and sale o£ not to exceed the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) par value of bonds of the City of Saint Paul, Minne- sota, for the purpose of extending and improving the municipally- owned City Market owned and operated by the City of Saint Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the City of Saint Paul issue and sell the negotl able bonds of said City in a sunt not to exceed Two ',��„•� Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) par value, for the purpose of extending andimproving the municipally -owned City Market owned and operated by the City of Saint Paul, as authorized by Chapter 63, See Sion Laws of Minnesota, adopted at the extra legi.- lative session of 1933-4. i Section 2. Said bonds shall bear date the first day of the month in -hi ch they are sold. Said bond. shall be in the form of Berial bonds, a portionof which .hall be payable each year - efter issue, but none of said bonds shall run for a period longer than is (30) years; and the Counoil shall fix the denomination of such bonds and the dates of maturity thereof. Such bonds shall bear in tercet at a rate not to exceed five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and both principal and interest eh all be payable at the officeof the Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Pal, or at the Fiscal Agency of the City of Saint Paul Pau, in the City of New York, State of New York. The coupons attached to said bonds —he authenticated by the engraved signatures of the Mayor and Comptroller. The faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul ishereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithful payment of both principal and int ere at of said bonds. The proceed. of said bonds are hereby appy opriated and .hall be used solely for the purpose of extending and improving the municipally -owned City Market owned and operated by the City of Saint Paul. Section 3. The Council shall negotiate and sell said bonds from time to time, in such amounts as It may see fit, upon such notice and 1n such manner as may be prescribed by law, at not lees than par and accrued intere et to the highest respon ai ble bidder or bidders, and the proceade thereof, including any premium$ thereon, shall be credited to and placed in the Municipal Market Fund of said City. Section 4. The proper city officers are hereby directed, ordered and required to Bet aside annually, out of the revenues from the operation of said municipal Market a sufficient amount to i pay the interest on said bonds and the principal of all bonds maturing during Such year. This provision is in addition to the pledge of the general faith and credit of the City for the payment '_Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council -- � b[ kirald _ In Favor Pearce Rosen lhuax Against Wenzel Mr. President (Mahoney) Approved: Attest: City Clerk 1[eyar ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1 (2) of said bonds and is not in lieu thereof. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and bet, force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yea, Councilmen Nay Nc Donald (� ReJ o, T7xx R'enid Nr. ident (\Ixhoney) days Pa��e 1 b,the Cox 61 _my 9 im In F,, .o .\qxi-t MY 9 1934 I Plil3LISH1'.t%�--�� ,kd,,Pt'd "Y the Cou�cll 1 ens. . ..... .... ARC kx X, VNZI 1, I'la'sIMN, . ..... .... Adopted by rhe C-61 Y.- Nays. /PEARCE !ROSEN �tRUAX ,WARREN VWENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (GENAN) 0 / Ad,,pted by the CIU-Cii 14.i Near. Nay a- -11.AY \1 ,D 0 ALD �-p Lx RCI -'RUST:\ /"FRLAY /III- 1'11LS1DLNI MAI I()V 1--) ANCE COUNCIL FILE No. PRESENYED BY AK .d ,3. A � ` ORDINANCE NO. - An ordinance regulating the renting of buildings, structures, and parte thereof, for living and dwelling purposes within the city of Saint Paul, excepting therefrom licensed hotels, and requiring the filing by landlords of information regarding tenants, on forme to be provided by the city; prohibiting false information thereon; and providing penalties for the violation thereof. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Seotion 1. Definitions. The term "hotel° as used in this ordinance, shall mean every but lding or structure, or any part thereof, licensed under the statutes of the State of Minnesota as a hotel, and kept, used, maintained or advertised a., or held out to the public to be, a place where sleeping accommodations are furnished to the public, and furnishing accommodations for periods of less than one week. The word "person," as used in this ordinance, shall mean any per. on, firm, corporation or association. The word "landlord" as used herein shall mean any person who owns any building, structure, or part thereof, used for living and dwelling purposes, and/or persons in charge of the rental of such buildings or structures. The word "tenant" as used herein shall mean any person occupying or seeking to occupy any building or structure or any part thereof for dwelling and living purposes. The word 111remises," wherever used in this ordinance, shell mean any building, structure, or part thereof, The words "rent" and "renting" as used herein, shall include the leasing of premises, Section 2, Immediately after the passage of this ordinance, the Department of Public Safety, through the Bureau of Records of the Police Department, shall issue to any person requesting the same, booklets containing twenty-five pages, six inches long and five inches wide, which shall have thereon the following printed words and be in the form herein set forth, to -wit: "TENANT'S REGISTRATION FORM Required under Ordinance No. ... Tenant's name ...................................... .. ... Place of residence at time of signing this form ......... Name of landlord of said premises Tel. ..... Address of prem tees rented herein . ............. ........ Landlord thereof ........................................ yen, Councilmen Nnya Pa.,..d by the Council May McDonald In Fn" Pear Roe T,uax Wenzel " )7 r. President (Mahoney) Attest: 3[ayor cit, l'1, 1 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (2) Number of persons in tenantle family, over sixteen years of age ... .......... Under sixteen years of age .',....... TenantIs business or occupation ...... Place of .... Tel. ... d Perioof residence in St. Paul .......... In Minn. ......... Make of automobile ........... License No. .................. DrlverlB License No. ................ References. (Nome of two pereone who have known tenant at least one year). Name Add—Be ............ .. ........ Neme ..................... Address ...................... Tenant's Signature .............• Section 3. After the passage of this ordinance, it .ball be the duty of all landlords, before renting pre mises to tenants for dwelling and living purposes, to obtain from said Bureau of Records theTenant's Registration blank described in Sectl on 2 hereof; and it .hall be the duty of all landlords, before renting premises for dwelling and living purposes, to require the tenant renting the sameto give the information required in Section 2 hereof, and to req ulre such tenant to sign Bald form prescribed in said section. It shall be the duty of all such landlords to file said registration forme, after the same have bean filled out and signed by the tenante, with the Sure `U of Record. of the Police Depart men within two (2) days after the taking of possession of such premises by such tenant. Said registration form shall be made out in triplicate, the original of which shall be filed with said Bureau o£ Records; one duplicate to thetenant, and one to the landlord. Section 4. No person shall knowingly give or knowingly permit of here to give any false information on the registration form described in Section 2 hereof; nor shall any person sign a false name tbereon. The eigning of a false name or the giving of false information thereon shall constitute a violation of this ordinance. Section 5. It shall be the duty of the Bureau of Records to file said Tenant's registration forme and keen a permanent record thereof. Section 6. Hotels as herein defined, and those portions of buildings used as hotels, within said meaning, shall be ex- empted from the operation of this ordinance. Section 7. Any person failing to comply with and violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof Bholl be punished by a fine not ex- Teas., Councilmen N.Y, Pa .,ed by the Council Hay. \[,Donald In Fa,'or Pea aoa We-1 W.Af{alA st Ltlnzel �I r. I'.-idem i\Ia ho ney') .App—ed: Attest: Cit ('lerk M,yur ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (3) ceeding One Hundred Dollars, or by Imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety day.. 9eotion S. Thi. ordinance 1s hereby declared to be an emergency ordinanoe rendered nece.sary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 9. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force Immediately upon its passage and publication. ]ea �1Councilmen N,,y, Pz—d by the Council ry McDonald Peirce It oxen 1n h'a Jnr Weel Again rct \I r. Preside nt [Mahoney) .Attest: App—,d: Mayor L. Arizxi.!'-,P in June 29th, 1911, Hon. ". F. 1larren. Comer of PUDlio Safety. Hu.11Q1 rid, D.- Slri The ordi—e providl W. for the ftliw by landlords of Snf—tt_ regarding, tenants �. •ae 1 d over by the city Councl] until t t 29th / in order tt you might ...eider your budget p—lbll- itle• for 1915. T",- -r, truly, City Clerk. 3.� June 15tL, lyi�l, Ban.7--,G.,r of Public Snfaty, Build Std. Deer Sir. Tta etteehed —di—ra vut ria' the filir:r of as main Snro n:,a LSoa rarerdinr, tenant. by the landlord. of —tai. WildUa i. U. City • . referrod book to you by tri. City Council with the rovua.t that ynu 1-11 Cl a en e.t toa to of the coat to the ty of the admtn- t. trncton ann euro rcarent of thio ordinance. Th. -di-- — lata over to lune 79th..- Ynur. vary truly, City Clerk. ��-� . '�-� � �--s�,-�' . �-�'.. �'L _ �„-.�, � ==�% - , �� .zv,�� Ute; ��.> �/�h, ,�- -tti�.- � -, � �-�/,�-�� _' '`u'�G^- � ��d d u�-�+' �- � � / _ � i '- " .���,��� -�'�iM lam, �i� LO ' � �,/ij ��ZLC I�-a-T�' � ," � �� �,,�r, � z,. ' �'_� CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.P.1.1 of M,nnasota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT C.1y Cle,4 and C—i.--, i. —, -FREP-11 June 15th, 1934. Hon.H. E. warren, Comair o1 Public Safety, H.1ldiog. Dear 91rt The att_k_eL __a4L.aace requiring the filing of certain information raga. ding tenant. by the landlord. of certain buildings 1- i]— City ane referred back to you by the City C-11 rit3 Chs regmat that yon prepare an eetimate of the cost to thn City of the edmi, 1.tration and enforcement of Lhia oral—'. The orQlnanca —s laid over to J.- 29th. Yom -s vary t ruly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepael of Mn .... 1. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT air CI.A aid Jame 8th, 1914, Ho, H. E. Warren, Comer of Public Safety, Building. Dear Sir: The attached ordlnsnce, Council File T14-97586, providing for the registration ` tenents in apartment buildings nae referred to yo',�, ,othe Lhe City Co—il for at�idv. The ordinance n al eo laid over one week to June t5th for a_. vel ae toaform. Yours very truly, � f City Clerk. ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO-. �_ PRESENTED BY_ — ORDINANCE NO. �iF�'t7�1 An ordinance providing for the extension of the car line on East Maryland street from Kennard street to Hazel avenue to connect with the car line now operating on Hazel avenue at East Maryland street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the St. Paul City Railway Company be and it is hereby ordered and required, pursuant to Ordinance No. 1227, approved September 30, 1889, and more particularly under and pur— suant to Section 18 thereof, and within the time therein required, and pursuant to Chapter 278, Lane of Minnesota for 1921, to lay and construct a single track line of street railway with all the necessary poles, wires and appliances for the operation thereof, on East Maryland street from its present track on East Maryland street and Kennard street, east to Hazel avenue to connect with the present line on Hazel avenue, together with necessary Y's on said streets, and when so constructed to run and operate care upon and over the same. Section 2. That forthwith upon the passage and publloati on of this ordinance, the City Clerk is hereby directed to serve a copy thereof upon the St. Paul City Railway Company. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. 1l l Yeas n } N. Paced he the Council - - Co cilme M .ticDanald Pee e Sn Fevor Rosen T.... Against We 1 Pre_.idert (Ahd,e„ey) A nnr�ted: Attest: City Clerk Mayor V',y l.t, 1-4. Hon. silll o uaanney, )lnyor, City f Sn1nt Pnul. Hear SSri The Illy C', 11 re ionted yo�� to n confervr:ce nith the o"Sclnl St. Pnul City Comp—, f r He T.na =ny, Nq� ',th et 11 A. to dlecu es t''^.e mnGtnr �f the eztoneiI'nry1—d .trout c 1!ne na trrn s!x�rtn tion fac 111 ti oe "enerelly 1r. '!nzelnPnri: nor !;,,ydan 'Io1 -`.te diet ri ct e. Yours v truly, City Clerl:, !lr. T. Suli nn PCGI 11, Preatrentr St. Peel city A Slny Co., al 9a. 11th st., pin --I te, vtn'. N- !'. r. t'.c G1111 T`., city : nnctl laid ovsr U:e firvil :orTinr a v!dtn- t!'e extanni nr. n! rnor tr T lt^e nn rxvt !'at'yl nn!. 9t rn n' rmn a '—d street to --1. Alone to l.uy 11th at 11 A, and hn a tnstrnt- ed me to Snvite. y"�, to nttent t'','p.arinr. nt thnt Lina to dtetuss this nr�`.innnce n. tre5,tnr rtntl�n fnc 111 tt es »nornvy to tse �mmt Pnr. Jnr ^n+'tAn-.atchta nt st rte to. Y,,— v ,' crnly, it / tt., 1'.'4. 1 9` otntti 9t. Min ai tP.. n— st- '" �1 t'.- a.cil x117 hold at e.rt— ^� nub inthe r to -.tens Lon of the It, at to ._ .ivum•v.lnr. c' to calms. Adi ec�a= trr�-s?or to tlou fm 111 ties -ens rnl ly Sn yn`.�r r'.Set-1c G. to from "• ' eeA t� rep roa en to t vee of yr?>>rAe ^nolrni S�n at t` .nt tlne,�r . , gra —, t,,I�, -tft�,, t 1n t .1-1 i n. City lnrl TWIN CITY RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS. MINN m �iir_ <�e��_ 3Fj. i -Kelley tLhtruNractnr Com -n. Fred '4. Tr—.. :,u.y 1)th,1?.S4. C1nrth1use. it -1 :,Sinn. De -.r ce,nie,irtner r id xy `+Itry 1..^th Share wt-. De .or fill :.ct ion re;;c. rd Ln, the coni in—, o: the veyne avenue street .,.r line up M—r lend Street to —e in Le rsacat ion - t,o 'th '. 11-th St R,l ll— k. I nv vit,.11y Ln to res Led Ln to Ls natter, being,. home owner on the coiner of :M,yl .,I ,.nd Fl,.nd-1 Z wish to ste. to not only :hy p,,Itlon bat ul- the wish,, of ench end every one o ay net ore. We .re oV,,ed to thio p11,n oecxu.,e It w111 not oarve ..ny "a i L Lo n,+1 ,eoVl, but inote,sd WL11 eli:einete from nhy tivt_ street a sere ice ,,ny hundreds of people who h,.ve Invested in property end hone, 1.11 he K den Hei;hte Dls 1,1I. The mane -1 _oneeneus of o2 in ion With few exception, of the people In the north ares. w Lch includes the Ke,t I.ferylund 11etriot ee well n, the hundreds of pao21e 1 LvinS in the LLayden Haight:+ distrLct Ls thut this. if onrried thro'. h,^ 1efinL-1_y Kill •+11 ch.n;es of t4ture levelo2:uent of thls incort:,nt ere,. The I I— 3houla run north on Kenn— ,even.l ujo h :.nd then eget end In thnt --r .v,,:1Ia ba o f definite be nerlt. I nm <.eR ei--Iy for your sui,po rt Ln ItLIl in ed III proposed exteno ion ee We people in the A"- -tot :.ffected should h,.ve the r L-Sht to oohs our own Vroblemo without the edvlce of n few People livl— Out o., the aLs tri ct ant ire ly, Ln other We ho those fuvorint5 thin plan care tato ae who live south o`. the 'FYI to Bear ,.nd Omeh„ t rxcice Dridµe. Pleu,e ba fere aP L:1 Ln.; thi_, 1,I—trent m.tter h—. the oounc 11 ,.red city pl,•nn Ln; bo:.rd .n_ -,ca — further irtve,tlY, tion. Th -akin, y u for your lntere,t In this -Mier, � 5lnc ar,�lY yours.i / ���� lulu Be,t %ryl.nd St' Hayden Heights Civic Improvement Assn. M—, 4th FttJay of e,d, Month at Havdc� H�,ghls Sch.�ol (cojy•of facts a cco am ins; Ietiti)n -n 4rinJ of 19A i,)r III$ eael'810rl) TO il, HONCRAELE 1L' 11MOR,'U, 1_Y C'l, JL 0' ,L !ZL. Semtf� I, apt Stuf duos nave (Tu—sed ti.t, ePci,W, 'Alt"ll: i,,a 9 t S iae 1,6600i&ted Gabs, ,,Mae li,aitr, Call -1u, Dbytonla C00,:11 liL. "Or, lrc,crt, Ovnertj Datnct Nj. Coi:dtvty aub. 11 11 1 ,. 1. .1 I, : v L 0 rr, C r � IM, r V, ILe n t Aauecr., ;:a.z,_j lark Com"_ . i L wo o a CC It C 1,i b Kci ar Laxt &6encr. Ciao. L"e Gar via Im. roveriei A., _jL I, IL,ne Avenue business h1W, As­2­t­n- 3culin : az,i la.xi Imrove.,,.ent ar,v,.ent Ir.,:ov, c.ei.t 0)­_�,n T , a- View Imi,rovcment� ;,6,0, , "1161, A,-ri -an Club. '-'ayden Heienta IL,lrovtcient Abs0c1, .-jr.. Glauszne COMIl Ciuc. HLztl :arSocial Center _,_b. -c Conference Hoare -1 .he Cuil.n, 11 01 1 -embers anj its Sj,erIr;tcnG6n, ijivt, en,cr6ea tr.is letltion in behL11 0"' _tS, 3etJ Tne County 110., t�as ei;vv,.,eu --is petitljn ai*.n its 99 ,etitJnerp, neat:IEG L; tlaelf` 3U,tfl! OlUelit, y'" e School, of the 1 set Site O I 101jowing drncljl-: I ro 81 erity Heights S'nool, T,L_,I,er5, -1 'U'Llo .'Ileigts S nL,01, . 11. j-: on ir. 11 ,,a :;els 4'lv tails. Ames I.t1lool, ;Iir.aL Aaele 3U:1%,, ir. zu,116 iasterr, Heights Thool It Si.eri(,an School, ;iEjen !,ar�,)r., ls. r `­CIIE Loan.3, 001, l�:� 2_ __e% 2:t 1,rIld ioiey 11 Slate: ;:eru 3nnjon T—c,e-­ lu,_I. - - . . 5b71 iia)uen ::Ezt7,,t8 c CIurc.. Uarri:,aj­ 1a-tcr. Grace Luti:eran Cur... 7-v. r. 0,c 3n.;.. lar.: 'r, Gcoz,l cerl,alt, 2,!,. �_�Ircn. F v --e r Fasts.. 7LCre:.11;t, tjr­_ 'ot&l n—I, r �I cur :mere 717 rrj, Hazel lark 7;.cLt.,,e c :Tt,'clsA. So ".'I I __ 7c car r—rp'. ou"l i lu c, r r­tr, _0t=i: t, e n -joji,, Dcvinc S1, ej K1,f'r sitz, Ir"a '�r ., '- -�� �- . 1, t � � ,. + � � I i tl i �' ' � � � ; St. Paul, Minnesota March lue, 1964 To the Honorable, The Mayor, The City Council, The Commissioner of Public Utili ties of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota: The undersigned pn,,erty owners and residents adjacent to East Maryland Street and White Bear Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, re- spectfully petition your honorable Boay to have the street car line, operated uy the St. Paul City Railway Company, on East Maryland Street to %enard Street, extended so as to operate on East Maryland Street to Hanel Avenge and connect with their line now operating on Hazel Avenue at East Maryland Street. Street care to run every ten minutes from 5:3x, A. M. until 6:3U P. M. every day and from 6:30 P. M. until 5:3U A. M. not leas than every fifteen minutes. Transfers to be given at every intersection or transfer point unto its street care or buses. rLAALMA (Copy of facts accom,.anying petition In Spring of 19.50 for Chid extension) TO T& HOHORAHLS, TU AAY011, TH L M C01:!CIL OY M C11 01' ST r, UL. Seventeen East 7,1de clubs have endorsed the enclosed petition: ,,Het Ride Asocciated Clubs. Arcade Phalan Cc.u'1 ,.lub. Dayton's Com'1 Club. Dayton's Bluff Property Owners Aesoel&Uon• District no. 6 Comennity Club. District Ho. 19 Community Club. F1ve Cor.— Improvement Association. Hazel 1'ark Com -1 club. Hlghwood Com'1 Club. , Kellar Lake Edgerton Club. Lake Garvls Improvement Aceoclatlon. Payne Avenue Busine— men's Aneociation. South llasel Park improvement A.uociation. Afton Grove improvement A—L,tlun. Coleman Lek. View Improvement Ao eo via clow. Polish American Club. Hayden Heights Impervement Association Gladstone Com'1 t.lub. Hazel Park Social Center club. The Conference Board of the Cudahy Packing Company, consisting of 21 members and its superintendent, Hr. . Foster — endorsed thipte s petition In helf of its 60G employees. The RamueyCounty Home has endorsed this petition with Its 99 petitionere, headed by their Superintendent, Mr. J. hanley. Hine schools of the Flet Side endorse thin petiti.n, consiot.ug of the following schools: Prosperity Heights School, nice Abbe Hirth, Pr. 8 Teachers, el ,upll Hayden Height. %tool, j. U. Johnson Pr., 11 '+ pu achers, 670 pils. Ames School. Miriam Adele Burch. Pr.. LU le -era. 6bU pu,.ile. iaetero Height. School • S " IOU Sheridan School, Helen Pearson, Fr. b Teachers 175 pupils. Dem School, Mary J. He rrigan, Jr. 6 Teachers, 720 " Foley 2hoo1, lister Alphrnsus. : r. 7 reachers, Jul - Harding High school, . R. Bomell Pr. c{ Vouchers, 660 pupils Johnson • . J. 1. Guise, �61 9b4 Mo. of Schools - - - - - - -9 • Teachers- - - - - -I.5U • Pupils - - - - - 3671 Hayden Heights ipt. Church - Rev. C. C. Markham. Pastor. Grace Lutheran Church. Rev. A. W. Walk, Pautor. Hope Eng. Bvang. Lutheran Church - Rev. A. H. Auld, Pastor Basal Park Co : eyel Tabernacle, Rev. J. , Routed, Pastor. " Congregational Church, Rev. F. L. Collender, Pastor Church of the Blessed >9a.rament, Rev. W. M. Fi.iey, Pa.tor. Total number of car riders - -717 The hazel Park Theatre nue dUU our riders. 'rhe Foley A. C. Bowling ALleye had 76 oar rider.. The Hazel Park Com01. Cldb Alleys has 95 mr rider.. Sixteen hazel Park nero:.antu luxe endorsed thio 1.etltion. Committee in charge - -John Devine - Geer go Siegal - Anthony haeg - 11111am Kiefer - William Connolly - Tom Fitzgerald - Charles Ringold - Alfred Johnson. f At the meeti callea ny the As-oci:. - Clubs o1 :.he Lust Stoe I night, may H, 15:4, a:. the H_1 pa, Commercial C iub� the matter oC the ex ,iior, of the m—yiana Streetcar li— from n�nnaro Lo !la::e1 Avunua ::a., oisc.iusea ane after a lona dia— c�sa>ou imi;w s aEesti.,us aero mane ana a motion to urge -a City CaunclL to n Lhe resolution calliad t'or this extension — mace ana unanimously pasaea. C. S. Bineoln, Chairmen. nd Laid over to & COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the )latter of grading Alley In Hlook_5, Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como Outlots from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, also conatruoting a anor in the alley from 180 feat south of Hoyt Avenue to the aewar in Hoyt. Avenue, under Preliminary Order 97223 ..approved February 2, 1934 Intermediary Order _.... __. _ approved _....._ A public hearing having been had upon the an... improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all Persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is grade -Alley In Block. 5.. Hoyt', Rear -no; ent of _ Hoyt'a Como Outlots .from Nebraska.Avenus. to Hoyt Avenua. also conatruct d._oewar_ in the alley from 180 feet south of Hoyt Avonue.. to the.. senor I. Hoyt. Aven4e�. .. _.._ and the Council hereby orders .said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ie hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and uibmit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials xre hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said iypR ov ent in dance therewith. .adapted ou by the Council '134 accordance '934 19., �. city Clerk. Approvrd 192 Councilman Vjm �yr�hnald Councilman �sussn-�.r ,Ft(,,, e i'L:B1.LSk1� Councilman �4p]]ec�3_ �•( � ,� Councilman dfcGlegaa_-.,�..n our ilman Bpiheimen— z n Coucilman dy J.,.,,,,a \fay nr 1 dgaon Form R. S. A. 8-7 � P —PARTM—r bF FINANCE REPORT OF`COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) h 0,- ny to :loaY S, 'ioy;'s r - snF,� Ant '�`Yis Como r.•�tlo'.e' frrvi H nbrneka f.v+. to h.�yi hva., also c netr�t1 a sow..r in thn alloy `r m 1[C "t. c ut7. cf soyt Ava. t tb� sower n -yt Av ., Febr y 2, 19M "1 Si- P -d u( F, (,.:i—.s- 1256.06 tl. 5 1.08 f ....., d [...1, ul or oescaiPrior+ Lor LsndAI�nrior�bldg. 1 5 H- t' yen" of '. s 325 Comc O.atloten 2 5 25 3 5 do 3,21, 4 do 6 11 -- 5 do 325 v 5 do :; 2;.. do 325 e do 9 5 do 55 10 5 do 325 5250 CITY OP ST P111 DEPARTMENT — "fJOANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 11 5 Hoyt', F.anrrw tense ut of Hry"s 325 Com.: outlo.n 12 5 325 4500 19 u da 32:, 6100 15 5 do 4050 In ., do 4!,0 1�0 17 b do 325 1, 5 1. 3'k 3h50 11 5 do 2- 2c 5 do 2- 1 5 do :'1 22 5 do 325 4200 , 5 do 325 440J 24 .5 do 32:, 25 1 do 325 26 5 do 325 27 6 do 3:15 �l 5 do 32t 3150 29 5 do 325 30 5 do 325 4400 °10,000 538,750 'f he Com mss sioncr of F��anc� (u rah cr rc is iha� b� has .n. cs�iR��c.l all of 0, ,f, --id me..c . and h—hy -bmii: h, (,,,,going a� hip rc ion fl—,—, co the C"',—ii, iog<<lier wish ch, repo ri made �o him i., ,f--, io said --, by the Com n�i ss':on ri of arks. �-1^ � 1 D—d a c 193 4 ..<_r_t�-r1x.,.�J Commrssia ncr of PH.ana. -!�- ;7- (�, St. Paul, Min,. 19 � To The I Ionorable, The C—.— il, City of St Paul, V it,u Genclemrn: N'e, the undersigned Pt,,p,,ty c�wmr, hrml.y I,rl it i�n ur Ilon�,ral�'� B.,Iy fol loew-io{ Imade J/, g/"t.-a-ec--c-oa_{'-e ¢sem_ 13�o�/T - HoyTi RE gRRHvoc mz v, o� LDIII ffaXT 1�j-Ave_In NcBR45KA FVr St. Avr. .�v AIIDI'I IIIN ! � I NRa 16 Jw e 8_ N."e.a. stn. } t f' I �v i N Af, VRo, =N fk.-Nord prvncr 00 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mi --- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT Cily Clark and Commss,o..er of Rag rra�on 6ctot— 31st, 1933. Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Coma - r of Public Works. Buil dlnE. Darr Sir[ 2Ce Co�cll tom tT ragoeeted that your depart—t proceed to prepare a preliminary order on the fo13o.1ng de eC rl Wed Smp ro�amaat Grade ally In Block 5 0£ Hoyt' a P—rangment of Hoyt' s Como 0—t3-- t s . tri1 a allay rnmlog Horth and Soath parall al to Bol toe and Pascal soee. We attach copy a£ _ a tltlon herewith. Yoara vary truly, Cly Clerk. i M�( W O C O P Y To The Ilom,rablc, The Council, City of St. Paul, Mi-, St. Paul, Minn. 192 Gendemen! We, the undersigned property hereby petition y-r Ilnurablr Body to cause the follow jag j.,j o c- ­t to be nada. 'fo grade Alley is Block 5 of Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como Outlots. This alley running North and South parallel,t'A,. Holton and Pascal Ave.. t f"_ Hoyt X�' e Nebraska Ave. St. Ave. I`A\1 F_ I fuT BIPCK AOIIITION Hoyt le Aearran ament of tersoa none t er son6 5 do not owner 1 Ejr 7 5 do none a ,t„ none Oscar F. Aadersoa Oscar F. Aadersoa 10 11 not owner of owner George Kenzie Jr. 12 none W. Philip bar 1 do not owner C. W. Carlsea Clifford E_ Coa H. A. Karr 14 5 16 iB d0 9% do do none none of Owner M. C. Ke11y, - 20 5 da C 3 none James P. Cowie 22 do of owner Clarence E_ Bad er son 2 do none Daniel L_ Br+ ten^ 24 do of owner Olaf A.. Peterson 25 5 do ^ntoone W \ INTRA -DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION To; Commissioner Milton Rosen. From: Leonard C. Seamer, valuation and Assessment Engineer, Date: October 25, 1933. Subject: Petitions for Local Improvements. I am returning herewith the following petits -,ns of graperty owners for Local Improvements, as submitted to you by Com- missioner Wenzel, to -wit: Grade Alley in Block 5 oP Hoyt's Rearrange- ment of Hoyt's Como Outlots, this Alley running North and South parallel to Holton and Pascal Aves. On the back of each petition you willobserve the amount of back taxes, also each lot and the sum total of delin- quent taxes at the bottom of the petition. When no amounts are shown back taxes have been paid at this writ- ing and I recommend the same action and procedure be taken by the Council in the above cases as in previous reports by the Council. Respectfully submitted, 00 b — �✓ 1-att. --=7,--SNELL ING A35URY AV E. ]zCz AV r. SON AVE. PASCAL _ AVI, HOLTON ALBERT AVE. —HAMLINI — TAE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) .2b. ', .934 Hon. Herman C. ��en.. el, T tr,,"it her er:ith prc_Lminary estl,,te o cert f'or cry:=ing 1.L!ey :^ black `, `ioyt': nearr=ng=r.ent of "oyt'` Como Out_ots fr,m Ilebra_ke ,+v teue to Hoyt Fv enue, zL=o con=tructi r. sewer in the Alley frcm L,,0 ft�t south o. Hoyt ;�.v_ uc, to th, __- in Hoyt .-venue, un,'.er Pre'iR_'_r -ry ---ed FobruLry , 1'e,4. estimated Coot �i,796•06 Cost oar front foot L. )H T --,ti— 2 .06 Enginer:ring 1:.0.00 Front:', 111)4 ft. Yours truly, r Chief Engineer. ',nrovrd for t,,.,:,iesicn00 to thc 4omriissi over of Fi n:.nce JAbt O n c . '^ Uom,i.s=loner of pu,l, i.oris. Office of the Commissioner of Public ` MNCt Report to Commissioner of Firiarnce Fl=� 1S 1'-1;34 Feb_ 14, 1934 uvt 1, unt onwuwn,r,d I of ihr t'i of tit. Pnnl. Thr ,f 1'ul,lir I\'„rk,, h--, h „t,d,.. i, 1. � r a t i.,„ the I,,.- I i r.iinary kno— a. ronnail 1 97223 nf,f Fab. 2, 1934 lsa the grading of Alley in 171ock 5, Hoyt' s Hear rang�m crit oP aoyt's tomo Outlots from Nebraska Ave_ to I3 oyt Avg also construction of a sewer in the All ep £rom 180 £t_ sou tia o£ aoyt Ave. to the sewer in noyt 1n iig i —t.9 -d th( ,f. rn-d to thr eat h. r,-1,5- r -ports: snia ����1��„t,•n��nt in t„„� _ —d n"n d,.,ir,.1,1”. _ 1t 296.06 Cost per £rout £oot $1 _OS Thr rstintntcd cunt thcrenf is R .d the- total the -roof S , Inspection $23.06 Engineering X120_00 Front-kg�e 1194 Pt_ ntid thr unl itrc and rxtrnt of ."d t is e_v follow,. :i. A Iden, I -Al, - skrt,h of nald i-1--, —t i. grid --I- h,,—f- 4. o. nniJ iinf,ri„unrnt is coked fur upe,tt l,ctiti­ cif th,,, or rx,orr. e>.x ne_r9 of pro_,ty, nuhjrrl t„ t�e�nntcnt fir -A intt,ruven,ent. -1 00 C'a�tz�r,iisraioncr of lic orka. \ o i1r', Nal.rnt-No FINAL tRDER IN CO34DEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 7 It,,,,,,,,,,,,,; condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts andfills in the grading of Alley in Block 5, Hoyt's Rearrangement of goyis Como Outlots from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt .venue x..r,o. 1',el....... ��..� 97224 .,1,. �, rd February , 193 97599 hl....... March 20, '-934 It P.>nl.Aha �. Itc rhe C i the � r n ....r. 1 ', thal il:• 1 � i _.i.n. ,t an.; kn.d �,� i ,�.icut o, be �nadc be the raid Gtr I� condeming and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block „ Hoyt's hearrangement of Hoyt's Como Outlots from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue ami �b.r l inlnii; hr«'Lc ��r�irr s1iJ IlnpanrnlenR t� In' madr. RFaU!,l1:l) R 1C I III[N, that the laid bmd, or n,ecunR thrum Iir and II'.e Hanle are n•Lr r�rdr« �! Ii, Lr (ACII, r Ihr purpii— t� Ina' ":n; the rani m pri,wnuiV, r iz For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 5, Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como Outiots from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public V�ork_ attached hereto a:hich plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. R lrjnl I' I, v,- Il"i R.'Ilia, o, C I1Jd, %\ ,k. I, an.1 i_ 1— -I-al a I ,I� , - Ia are herc'.� Dp ra,.1,�eI he aye i„nne,I 17+e?q lob, rh,k C.. Alr. I'rrridrut -1 d F11 ALLEY BLK.5 HOYTS RE.0F-HOYT5 COMOOUTLOT5. F.y...e..b I h Nebrosfca f1v� Hoy+ Ave. G..r o. F II p line. - F.y...o- e be .d p p n Ilna. � L.oc. &A Noz379 X % 5... Bk. No,232 - � _ c HOLTON AVE. y� Y T S F?, E. O F H 0- Y T_'5 C 0 M 0 0 T L O -T 5 Q 60 sa 29 26 _ - 27 I_ 26 25 29 I 23 22 Zl 20k-,,I.fn .. .. _,37 I ' Br. se...ay a `- ,I 9f� /�ecol i Y . j7 - 6 7 I 8 9 io I /l /2- I 13 Q K o H 0 Y T .5 R E. O F H 0 Y T-' S C 0 M 0 O U T L 0 .T 5 W _ I z ' PASCAL AYE. . � +��P .,ter o - . -,� _ . . ���o .: �?`� �.c , � - , - �.�� i <<, l , ,� �� ;� /��� � � � /moo � ���P.-mac 2 <<--�.�2 ��. _ �' �-Q----.� , J �� !1 i,� _ . r .� � -. ... _ . GEPA RITMENT SO FPFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSId.;ER OF FINANCE �A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER la i1— R .. , of -and—inr, and t— i Fngt in tn� lsnd n ea . y eosones, .,dnd fills - the grading of Alley in e, N �vt'enE ::aar�r,nge-er:toF Ii�vt'=G orc nit lc is from Nabre,er.s ...... r... Hlyt Ave. under 1"11-1-1-1 C>rd<r February 2, 1934 C,—,—] .,f IIIc C— ,f S,. c,.. a.:,ss,.. .:.luai."n of cacl, .oc or rccl as I.- r,..I 1, clic .A—ss. o 1 -PT— mor a�oc. AooirioN LoGn�u^T'�N Bldg. 1 6 11'a Rearrang—t of Raytla 325 Como Outlote 2 6 325 3 5 do 325 4 5 do 325 6 5 do 325 6 5 do 325 7 5 do 325 5 5 do 525 9 5 do 326 10 5 do 326 5250 Ili,11 11 1 .. D TMENT'01 ".. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE: ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 11 5 Hoyt'. Rearrangement of Hoyt s 326 Como 0.tlots 12 5 325 4600 13 5 do 32b 14 5 do 325 5100 1b 6 do 460 4050 16 6 do 460 160 17 5 do 325 18 5 do S25 3650 19 6 do 325 20 5 do 325 '1 6 do 326 22 5 do 326 4200 23 5 do 326 4400 24 5 do 326 25 6 do S25 26 6 do 325 27 5 do szb 28 5 do S25 3150 29 6 do 325 30 5 do 326 4400 $10.000 $38.760 "rhe C..: f -O." uf--'d — -d hereby -1-'- the I ... his "i— the C --J, """h" "'lh 'h' "I"', ,.ea nee --d -'— by the C-1111-111-11 "-k' Office of the Cornrnissi<D-rier, of Public Ur4�INANCI Report to Corrirriissiorior of Finance FEE 15 1934 1 eb. 14, 1954 1n3 "I" the ( � r 'f 1'- ,f t h, ( I. .,f .1t- I',., , I ,f 1,10.h( NV", k , , 1, i , , F I—,1 1-1- —1 —,� 0.- -id, .f th, -''I I -A, N., 97224 "pp --d Feb- 2, 1934 193 condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in U -ie grading of Alley in Block 5, Hoyt's Hearrangement of Hoyt' s U— Outlots, from Nebraska Ave. to Hoyt Ave. 2 Th. .1 .—t th,--f iA S Xx d t h, t, -I th d i, S XXX 1h, �.,] --- .,f —] f-11-- 3, A pl,,, j fil, or ek, t,,h ,f —d i—T .. . ......... t t—h-I xn.l innJe n put h—,,f. A. ... ...... .... C')CyCII. PILE: i)�,. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In a,,, .,i,_ ,f condemning and taking an easement for constructing and maintaining a sanitary intercepting sewer tunnel below elevation 40 feet above City Datum over the roate described below. 97216 "1 ,,.d February 1st, -934 97510 :�,�p�„�,i March 20th, 1934 i- a,, :. I , n. ^ constructing an intercepting sewer tunnel as part of the Minneapolis -St. Paul Sanitary District. 9 I�I(:ui.Al II Pl kllIHk Ilim iI, i 1-,:,g Ir,n':. ,.. ,_, I ..i - IL c i p; Ilrid A strip of land 20 ft, in width, the went -2r line of which and the property it crosses Being described as follows ; Commencing at a point in Wabasha Street 80 ft. northwesterly of the center line of TeMth St, and or. a line 15. feet soutpwestelly of and parallel to the �„t,,,� 11 n r'w ti et..... , i.:t 1;. n a„5 .; . 7U ft. southwesterly of the center line of Ninth St. and on a line 18 ft. northwesterly of and parallel to the center of Exchange St. across Lots 12 and 11, Block 2, Lots 31 4,5 and 4, Block 5, Lots 1,2,11,16,9, 8 and 7, Block 4, Baz111e & Guerin's Addition and miscellaneous tr>ct(St, Jose,h's Hospital property; lying between Block 4, Baz111e & Cuerlr.'s Addition, E. Rice's Enlargement and Exohange St. 1)1N, 1J, HLE FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for constructing d maintaining i sanitary interceptiJag sewer tunnel bel— elevation 40 feet above City Datum over the route de5cribea below- under Preliminary approved9.4 . ..... ... Intermediary Order- .-97510 ......... - approved . -204. A934 ml� heard public hearing having been had p.n the i,,p ....... 1,, .,ti- and ", d a11 on,, mj-m- -d thereto,having f.11., considereJ the 'am ; lh—f—, b, i� RE 10� I I I FI K I I I': R I I I V, I cd , I'd 1, 1 1, 0, 1, "14 IZ ih,.�... .... cni f", h, aI, — - - - , 2C .00 1.. the :1 o Land wnriorv61. g. ll and 12 2 Basil t '. .r n .. _dd to $62500 $2;000 wast 1G ft o. loo ft of 2 6 & 9000 2960 100 "t of 3 4 5 do 1675 200 mast of 4 S do 4375 N 1/3 of lo.s 5 and 6 5 do 20000 18000 S i of N. 2j3 of 5 —d 6 S 1 1500 1300 3 1/4 0. lots 1 and ,. 4 do 7500 " � of 5 _ :' 1 and 2 4 do 71b"o ..eat 40 ft of 7 4 do 10000 2450 "i (I" Ci— of Sc. I'—I '1�Lc ia.ca. c=o maicd amouuc of �6c as.. ss.��uu for (Lc nh�nc i .�m�.v is - - _ 25 .00 11 and 12 2 il—il .4 '— — ;.dd '_o 062500 j27000 t. .-1 Weet 10 ft of. 101, -t f, 5 § 9000 2950 100 ;'t of 3 .ast of 4 o do 4.576 200 .ost of 4 S do 437; N 1/3 of lo'..s E end 6 .-. do 2000C 18000 5 2 of N. 2j3 of .. and 6 5 .0 15000 1300 5 1/4 of lots 1 and 1. 4 do 7500 M z of S�7 If 1 and 2 4 c.o 7500 Fast 40 ft of 7 4 do 10000 2150 ' DEPART N ENl-QFP FI NANCE REPORT OF COMMf4SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) 8 4 U-1 and Gua Wi Add tc St. Pa :1 9 4 da ry of 10 4 E 25 ft of I: n ft of 10 and N. 50 It ((Exoopt Sly (Lot 'l, b1ocY. zil incl 1 o Add, that ltruct in the NYI �, oT.n2L, the :I by tl,e line between T.,,'b! e 21 end 29, ( on the Ely s e b, J-11 and Guer'..u's .Add; o the (Sly o by �'r.chei� 5th Sts., (by 4:. Aloe's Fdll ar geciant of P.ice k Irvine's Adll_ ( also lo'_e 2 to 9 86 Irvine'e En1ar, meat of ( Rice and Iry ico's P_dd ( also lots 1 to B . Ri—,' �v _,__t of Rice wd Ir i-11 F.dd to St. Paul 13000 80 13000 10:,0 65o0 500 14000 x'400 210000 x70000 "; 466, 7t '1, 0;i2,JC0 The Commissi-- of Finance h—hcr 0- he Inas 'in. esiiRa�eJ all of ,he aforesaid magic and hereby suh— hc foccg,mg s his rcl.- ch-- in the Oyu ncil, ioRe�hcr "iih Abe i �nn,.e ��� I�im in a(c rcncc to—d male, by ibc C,,—issi.— of Public 1\'orks. Com mrssioncr of Tina..a. ,. _ sonilary / /<raohn9 5<wer , _ E45EM£NT W.5 --e h5). Br h WOba]ha-Exchonye Sl. olNin"h 9B�mo� e.E 34 5�°/a /" • /00, '+ 5 �TENTH T.' - --- ✓� ?a � %l Qc /O l/ /Z MlSC. TRACT °"" ` Ih •� / EXCHANGE ST. '✓ • \sem \ 0 171 Office of the Commissioner of Public VO'wks--DUCE g 1 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance FE 15 IU34 Fb. 14, 1934 1!13 1.. ih.. .. .,f I...m— 4 '1.� t ..f tit_ 1""'I .,f \1 ,,k,, h—. ­ i. si.f .....1— r...,,.d...... .... � W� lin.i..-,- .-1,, f .h.. � ..i�..1. kn..�....., r ..��... .I I .I.. N,, 97216 ......1 F'eb. 1, 1 af>f>>- - 934 ma ".h",". ... ..- �..i.l i�. i�r.....�.. n, i, s k—1 f— tt [ t� f thc.r a, . (111.1. n of P,.P"ty, =ul.jr��i t�. nra.•.u,�i�... int (..r nni.. ii���rr�v�rt����nt_ !/ J p ('ommiivslnnor 4 Pul—���- orke.� nig 1 y r ..- �..i.l i�. i�r.....�.. n, i, s k—1 f— tt [ t� f thc.r a, . (111.1. n of P,.P"ty, =ul.jr��i t�. nra.•.u,�i�... int (..r nni.. ii���rr�v�rt����nt_ !/ J p ('ommiivslnnor 4 Pul—���- orke.� Office of the Commissioner of Public \V*krsF-r vqcf I. u I . I I . . . I . I . . . t I, I'll . -111 1 t , I. I n, I , I , JI d ,� S I ,".d It., "d -d III, i " , i extent "I J -A - II.' o " " .1n.r1 ........... I, ,k,-,] I- upo., pa,-,, j " —'— of property, COCSCIL FILE NO _ In the Matter of changing tl.e grade of 611 eys i ;lock 2 ark 2nd ddit_on, to c rm tc the rat line on tFrP r file heretc attnchet a art her oo:, tho pros- established trade bei�:g ,horn by a bine 1 e1Qe grad:,;; allays in Bleck 2, 9 o Peat 2nd Addition, .^ Cx Cord St. tanl.rgyleoSt. enc from 'Satoh St. to the east and wast alley t^ the n adored line wren e,t,b:ished, ^v�tf�jtft 'I: under Order X7214 oppr—d _ebrvary 1, 1934 Intermediary Order appra,',d A public hearing ha,'ing been hod upon the ab.,, npro.'ement upon due notice, and the Council haying heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the snme; therefore, be it. RESOLVED, Ry the Cuuncil of the City of St. Paul thatj���' prod ant to be mnde by the sa City is change _ a grate of AlleysBlock _2 �. Como .Park 2nd Add on, tc cont^re- t^ t red line_^,_t\­ a." ereto at t ted r,.ada a hereof, theos"tcetahli d.Rrnda bae alleys 'n Bck, Como Part. ad Additird St. to ^g•leRetch St. tot est and wast all totl:a pline when eatahliah [I C.—,i1 hereby d d p. et u 1%n d SOL\'CD FURTHER, T th C f Publo, rk, be and is herb ha t ,d and I' Nd ,p p pl d 1 l ( d p eat,,A. and - b t is t h C—,ejl fur PP I t t t id pp 1 th p ff' I B 1, I lrtand I' ted to pte- eed th he king of saii mpro�emen aecoMnnc. [h [h, .Adopted by the Council rit'P �. - "14 192 APprn....1 Y s . 192 C:�nncihnnnP€roiP"' `In, r y�SED a,:��:rdmanrnteSdngia� t t«�nrilmanaSfiF�ib=%'n'�' -r_. r�,nndhnan°g�Shc–relm��, .. `. C,:nneilmanf F,,— R- S. A- 8--7 urr aar<x WE THE UNDERSIGNED, PROPERTY OWNERS ALONG TETE FAST -WEST SECTION CF T_ALL^cY IN MOCK 2 COMO PARK SECOND ADDITION OPPOSE THE GRADING CF THIS SECTION OF ALLEY FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS_ 1..Impoes Ible for acme to bear expense. 2.. Because this —U.. of alley Is clean and in good oondltlon. }.. BBeaLL9e statement given out by clty eng lne ar that thio would not interfertwith grading or North- South alley. 4-9eoause no benefit would be derived tY�.e ra-from. S..It would be a.detriment to owners In th3.e section as they could not use their garages. 4)-(y}7-0. �� !G ' 3 17 DEPARTMENT ;-AFIIANCE REPORT OF COWMI,%IONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER rn the I'y bl_ 1 k — 11"], : � u.. — 1, h"'A , f die c- ,f S, 1'-1 h, J f I.T i.oc. nooiT iory I—A L—d ....IE TI, N 2 �— :'—k ;Adll 175 50 6 2 d, 271 1050 7 1d, 275 500 lot 8 unr. the N of 9 , do 100 1,t 10 1 h,� S 9 2 d. 0�0 " 0 cc 12 2 1150 5500 12 2 Co 12 2 950 4500 14 2 15 2 d. 400 150 11TY 01 AUL DEPARTMENT,SOFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS5 ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) lu 2 ...it r., 400 1'100 -00 ) 15 2 d, 400 560 d„ 450 1 2 dO 650 310 2 ) 1, 60 2050 2 ) d- 24 2 ) do bb0 2150 2 ) d0 lOt 25 0 – Of 27 2 d0 400 2400 and (—. 37.z0 ft) tt.- z 3:: p Of lOt 2/, all 0 11 2 do 4110 lobo Lot 30 sup,- N Of 31 2 dO 30400.00 :34,400.00 The Cam ssi.,.¢r of Fl:.an,e (uehar .c1. is rLe: lie leas uuc IIRn¢J all of ,I'.e .web, s,bmas f-1,, R •Lir m�-o e ❑,ere,n n ,he G„coca. r ..er .,,b ,..e , oia..e ro .,.m .o rete a:¢e io—d by i.m Ccm mhsloaar of Publle R<,rks- Sc. P-1, Mine 19; 'I'o lhc flonorablc, "I -ha L<,u r,< -Sl, City of Gcndemen: ti'.-, the ur,dcrs i�riad F�r�,Party owner., horrby pciii i�n u. Ilonorabl,� Rodv wade. St. .Ave. ISLOCA nlrpll I�,N R.o,- , R o rvA LJcf, rt z c c ,s � l li A �a � i I `, LJ000 �C CHv vcf/ IZ4 q4E I D �C _ OIfCRG sr � ' 2 n GHfEN JT Co �A`1 CH9TSWo9TN AYE, � � FM I /f/[BURN Jr. ' lie re qiA sr .a THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION .L, I ti- t nere:!t: 1,..-L: m!n'. r': .te t:.-; t" t t. t- l,, 1 1.LLcv 1 I'l— :?nd il t e i lry= i ocF: Pr r: :'nd 'd,,'t 0 or� �t. tt. It z y . - t ted t..t 6 Cost ��.r tr,�nt toot 'J. Engin, r in_ �rwtt 77 L N C C' I., , _r i_. Pit cl W Office of the Commissioner of Public FINANCE = 33 Report to Commissioner of Firl—T ce FIEB 1-5 1934 r� .L, _ 1 4 4 1,.:, _ Ih� ��iiin.�nnii,ii�r "[ 1'�illitt ��rk, Iwvi��A hwl ii��.l..r ���.�_��I.�r,.x �.... th• E. .-li x... x.a-_ .x r. i. i �,i il.� 97214 ....r. ... reb changing the grade of Alley 1. Block 2, ldi ti ons also grading Alleys in Block 2, Como P8r%c 2nd Add1 t2on rrom Oxford at. to Argyle St. and from Hatcri St_ to the ta; st aril w eat Alley. ni��l liu....0 ��•� tiKnt�.�l Ilse ii.utt�r_ ..nil t1�nFv ii�rn��l t.. t[.. a.� h. r.'F._ r -P.�rx _� _ e;ost per Front foot $0.89 685.45 inspection $11.87 Engineering *bO.00 Fron tag er 773 - 22 ~£t i.n1l thi .,,u u,,A extent -It 1-1 i�nprti.'�n�ent ` ­f��now� '.t. .1 VLui, 1.r�(ilr .,r sketch of Fail 'in��ni.-iiie�i[ iv t.r�-t., ne[n�-kx•-�l axx <i xus<3e- a F=-srG kx�-rt-<.f. 4. Su i nIj-r.i.ei'­nt wil.jret t.� a evmnent (.,r riud in�l.rovcn�e iii. � c'o rxx xzxi�-zi c>ncr <.f Pukxlyn orks. GT Cl NC11, VII. No /L F Nn97692—BI H 1w,11" end AIIeWApe condemning and taking an easement in the ihnu saxy slopes,for i cut, and fills n the grading of Alleys in KockComo Park Second Addition from Oxford Street to Argyle Street and from Hatch Etr-et to the Ea=t and West Alley 97215 February 1, 1934 97507 March 20, =934 Irtrmr!iary tad..,ti;-I, "lid �I— tII( l uu1 i tht I, It, I I lit I'aui that 441—T—I the n 9 necessary conde ng and taking e -Al n giindtjriin�f Alleys or slopes, cu and fillsthe g - B ck 2, Como P8 Second Addition f\om oxford Street o Ar le Street and in Hatch Street t the East and We Alle ; be W the l alt lig v cl 0i'llili I,, For slopes, cuts and fills in the rading of Alleys West. o a Como lis i Street t B ock 2, Co. Park Second Addition tion f is Oxford o S A gyle Street and rom Hatch Street t the East and Wsst Al ey, to the exte t Eh— upon the pl of the '"cemissi� er W of Public Works att ched hereto nbich p an is be—by refer ad to nd made a part ereof. N I 117 II I. ..... 1,10 1 1! -J, d—, APR 17 '034 DR L . . - t — Ind�utee FII. Typical N°tanen 'tea ALLEY'S BLK. 2COr PARK 2L ND AOD. C°t e.erq a e,.evedy hne - Oxford St. Argyle St. 44,.- <e hiJ, - F�u.ee'b.l.w. Gpe ,hew East & West '91 ley - Hatch 5t - - wslope. - eefepd ber°wdvyeve.ry' line. L«. Beek No,8!?o X -Sec. Bk. Ngifoo ' OX FO R DST. Scale /:40 r Fr Fr. H.J N -6--- �= GDMO I PAIRK 2D AD;D. ... Z - N 22 23 2.. 4 25 26 27 .. .. 28 29 3o j is. as Fl. O 31 - -_. - . - f j -� _— F.�2.9 h� G r. v. Fr. Ge' Gp r 4.n 5 - O d .�: io c a. CO MO PAJRKi I 2r ADD. Q = -p,-, II I _ 4 .54,r '02 'W33. ARGYLE - h .^7T _c �.,�� �►y, !� r ~~ -&Tm ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OFCOMMISSIONER orFINANCE ON �""°�^��"=� " .`��',�.`� ���°w ~�����~~°� ' ~ j.^^ --l"~~_~`^!"."._ ~,_~` `."" ^~"°� ^.......~..~,~^~~^^.~ ^^"'1^~~°°~.~J ~_`f ~~—~ 11~11N "..A.~~.~Bldl' " ` cmo Prk~~ond^dd=°. 175 ", `""" " , do='" °° , , do =° 1000^~,~^°~" � , do" l* " , do`"=^^^."�." 400 °". 11 , do 1150 5500 12 ,� do m " do °° ^""° ° ` do "~ 16" do ~'^^ DEPARTMENT i3FP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) 16 2 Como pa k S—=o �daitlon 400 600 1700 1660 17 2 d� 18 2 ) do do 400 950 19 2 20 2 do 460 21 2 do 660 50 3100 2060 22 2 do 23 2 ) do do 650 2050 24 2 26 2 ) do lot 26 and S of 27 2 do 400 2600 and (F - H. 37.50 ft) tho S a 31 3 of lak Y7, ell of 26 2 do 400 2650 and N. 37.60 tt o: B oY 31 2 Lot 30 ead 9 ha 31 2 do 376 3700 $6900.00 $34,400.00 Th. Cl­ls.,—. 14 JL -hl ..... ef ,he afo,es.+iJ magi r, �oJ ..rr<6. susn: i:s the foregoing ship c el:c.e--, h, C.)—til, ,,(..cote .o s+id :..n i,er by ,he ('on, miss i:��tr of P::llie Com m:umncr of 1'ui.:,t,. Office of the Commissioner of Public WVXJC*FJNANCI Report to Commissioner of Finance FEB 15 1934 Peb. 14, 1934 I93 1'.. I h. ( . , ........ ..... j I , d H, ( ,, j I 1",i 11 i,. .............. J "Ohl, l\ k.' 1", t.' I.uJ u.A. , , "',i, 'll,,, 11, - I rd.., ..f .1., . ...... I k.,,.—, 1, .......n1 1 1. - 97215 nPVnm.l Feb. 1, 1954 ❑%, rr luh co l., condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cu ts and fills in the grading of Alleys in block 2, Como Park 2nd Addition from Oxford St. to Argylst St. and from Hatch St.established.to the East and Welt Alley to the proposed line i.. when .... .... .... i -I t l" J i. S xxInil th1 f ,,�d the ,ll,,,, ,,I --t J -A , ­ f,,11. ­ I i. -kld f- ,f tl, lf -,,o, ('onuntcsutner of ilic Works. 00 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL. RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM R6 L—D Vet the proper olty offlcore be and tbey ere hereby mnthoris.d and di rented to pqy the city's proportionA,te eb— of the bills mbmitted by the Lvi..ry Court House and City Ha11 Bni lding Conmfeeion — ahem on ibstrmt of 07alms 8'mber 55 of the Advisory Coact Hooee a.d City Ball Bailding Oo®Sssion, totsling $5,445.00, tho city' a share of whiob is ♦2,722.50, mod all as ehO= IV— the clmdme rnitmitted by o id Commissions COU\('I1. N1 Y— �� y Donnl� w enzel ♦m `_ �1�R r. F'reaid,e t TSnhoney Agai—t 11 HK mid... A Ad,,, -d 1„ u.. c...,..,,, APR ]. p ^f I it,:, 1lur�,i CITY OF ST. PAUL _�NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORA' e-SE _L MMS �$ w-=? LEI'S, the Cit_, is the OVInel of all the . 'erty abuttin.c Lafond Street, twem 3a•._1tier ._nd Larion streets, and lvch abuttin, .,r �erty 1:: used `or oley- ,-rnund�r cl r9-F,'R=A5, elide -u -unity n,_ve r uested that Lafond Street, '--een Gaa!tir=r and L..rion Streets, cevac4ted, therefore be it r-t=S'OLV FD, .np., the Commissioner of Ed-htion and the .,oti Li ssioner of parks, Playrounds and Public Buildings be and tney are nerecy autn jr e,d and ,'.irected to execute a petition for t - vacation of tna said portion of Lafond Street, on behalf of the City, and the Corporation Counsel is directed to prepare such petition. Ise _. APPrnccd 193. '1'ninc A ­ i -t v -MIA �� ��.� � .�. � _ _ , � , �" _ T " --�- 1 / v- J y- �') � �/ ' 7 � :mac �.-�- aim. '�Vr_ � .. � ,v .� � � � �t G.� r, .� 5 —G - �, � �-a- �- . ,ris , - / . � � ..-< � ; . ,../i s / ,� /, ' ��� .� ��.: �/ C ' �h e �=-�C� � YG �' � s���<-� -�_ '_�"�- �%'�. -� � � �� z � � �� -tel /, ., , , <- .! ✓'� �t. Yaul, Yi nn. .arch b, .34 Mr. N'red M. 1 ruaz tommlasioner of Parke I Playgrounds St. Paul, Minn, Dear ...r. Truax. We the undersigned cit—ene ono t— nsy—a o.` St. Paul knowing the condition of our Schaffer Playgroonde, and real—ing the Ganger to which so many , our children are who u.e this field, ask .or th, improvement of Lhasa g—onde by closing Lafond street hetwee, �acltier anc Marion, cutting the trees and Joining the two fields together. .. als, Pretest aasilet removing the grsnd Mande from Como Park. Yours truly, tqa 9r 90 2NeLtehL ,� 117 371 3- 3 Y CIA, 14, St. Paul, Minn. March u, 17. red k. Truax �C ommtsbi.rer of 'ark, I "."Y 'ound> 't. Paul . lfinn. lle=• 61 r. Truax. we the urn- siFned ci lizena and tax nlYera of :t. Paul, knowing the condition of our Scheffer Playgrounds, and realiz- Ing Lha danger in which ,o menj of our children are who u,, this field, ask for the improvement Of these grounds by clos- ing Lafond Street between ;aulti,r anc L.arl.on, cutting the trees and joinging the two fields together. we also protest against removing the grand starde from Cos. Park. Your, truly, aO-U- 0; 0 o ipe.a „gun ctr,r CITY OF ST. PAUL .1Le L No li'%ie�ir) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM April 17, 1934 RESOLVED That the Parch„sin, A—nt be, and he 1. hereby .,thorl—d to purcr,ae, ith, the c�hsent o” the mhvcr r:nd th- Comptroller, one t— car, a roximately >000 :�al.l:—, 400 end oolnt ga — line, £rom the H. K. STAHL C016PANY, at a orice of $ .09935 per gallon, Including state tax and state inspection, aleo Federal excise tax, to be spotted on kunlclpay Equipment Bureau Sour track at Dele St., on Informal c mpetiti— bide, a. en emergent y exist. wnere fallure to act or, -11v wa ad work a hard.hlD to tom= beat interest. -f the City. C*.nr.e 0eneral Fund- 1-iicipal Equi-ent 1003-134. � Nei c O �yecn _ Ad,hlre I,y h,t v�„,,,�a- APR- 1 7 :ngyl9z- �11i1,c,/r,l Dluy,ir , 1"sus ' ..\Iny Y['D nl,l I'currr In In,-nr Rosi u 'trans ... ,\Kniest 1Yenz 1 sar All. President \[.honey � Nei c O �yecn _ Ad,hlre I,y h,t v�„,,,�a- APR- 1 7 :ngyl9z- �11i1,c,/r,l Dluy,ir , CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL ION—GENERAL Fr 8.v x.,l n.e t•o�.t xom. eRnlnn, Foier 6eoln- ��etnln ne,u,rnee w�neaw • l /lf� - i�aax WHEREAS, the City of Bt. Paul and the County of Rmcse'y did heretofir- niesent clai^ againet Foley Brothers, Inc. far certain scratc ed wludow .-Lass In the City Halt and .7-Tt H—e, and -: FdEA:,, t..eKawneer ,—y is successor in interest to _us Coleman-S—oe C.—any, _1 , .,.,,any was the sub- contractor of Foley Hrotners, Inc. and resHonsio Le for the scrat — in,,, of said window glass, and o;:'_d Kawneer C a^.y, s Such succer-r 1.2 inter—t, I.as offered to Isolace certain of ti, window CLass in '-e o--li-inC, and cnch offer has been ac—ted by tiie Advi Pory Court Y.,_.:e and ty 'r. c -.LL Bsi Lding „ommiesion on A-,ril 13ta, and has been anUroved and r—,. -ended by the r e;)ective ecunseL fns tie City and --ty, now -Ieref ore, be it + RES4LW'D, Chet City ofiicern be and they e^e --by authorized to accept such aroposel and to autnorize the said KFwneer Comany to coplace such eindow glass in full eettle- meat :f the claim of t,e City and County a,_ainst Foley Brothers, Inc., for said scrat,h: d .;lase. ('til -\I II.\t EN N- M,.. . _'\1eDonuld� i� ri,rr.l rc 1 Ad,,h,l by th, APS 17 T9 ms _ ,y,o--d los. CITY OF ST. PAUL `g 7607 ,„j NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �.. COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM � PsEsE€� a nA,E X7/3 c aeaaAn�mc WHEREAS, the American Jewish Congress has requested the use of the theater section of the Auditorium on Thursday, April 26th, 19?4, at which time Rabbi Wise, of New York City, will give an address at a meeting sponsored by the Mrbesota Federation of Labor, the Woman's International League for Peace and Freedom, and the local Jewish orwanlzatlons; and WHEREAS, no admission will be charged for this me -ting; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the theater section of the Auditorium be and it is hereby granted to the American Jewish Congress for the coat of opening and operating the same on that occasion. "(,INf 1I,\IEN Y,vm I \ny.+ Wny At�nn,�nld T�>aren In furor /I \KninnL M'rnarI eu a-�r /\Ir. 1'rr.idriit Mahoney ....r Ld,pied Ly h., � I ppR 1 - m"d ma App,.—il_ 19,i cC� C t T Y OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota QEPAtZTMENT OF EDUCATION eU0.EnU O! P-11 --S .¢g... Boe[nJ O; vUAIK LiB0.nRr ,e ,cr,or.aa r -.,: from cn c1L v k. 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL No.t1 11l�?CS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERF I COUNCIL TION --GENERAL •m 'RE ...e ev - coMN ss or+ew 1t.Y1111; C, Yk,e„cC is DATE 4Y!c_....13""-si-19'4, E�yCYEm NHEAEA:>, rercr I.. -I L ,r... cit Sr: a�, ordanc�. ar_th 3-t'_on 55, of _ _ CI_a rter the e __atenre of a me rgenoy vrhic `.^rends rr'i .......ry thecemFloye.e nt of certain employed of h artment for more rF r. their usual hor;rs of employ - mnnt; '. here Cor, b= 't, D, 11--t 11- probe^ c'*.;; officers are i-.erehv r_ - th or' z.: �? ' `.he fo 11 ov+ing n mea emnl Dye at1t1•.^ rate ptr ervrie e�•Pixe9 for Fxtra employment Cor extra time here_naf ter 14AME 7 -"'T,F T1RE RATE 14;,%T)Ti-L Seorce Barrett Jin, Enc„ 1C hra, .57� .83 4,92 Henry Ben er ' 12 hrs. 12 .92 5.4] Christl- 1;-, 17 hrs. ,57 1:42 8.36 Frsd Ra -,rt " ' 8 hre; ;57. :67 3.93 John F.^ckstrom " 5 hre, ;57Y .42 2,46 Albert Beeernft " 14 hrs. :571 1..17 6,88 Yvan B. Benson " ^ 14 hrs. .48 .97 5,75 Erik Bc-rgstrom Janitor 9 hrs, .F1} .67 '.94 til Berlin 4 hrs. ,510 .30 1,75 -John 131 -berg "IS. 8 hra. .48 .56 3,28 Iislph Bogue 4 hrs. .43 .25 1.47 John Buhl 8 hrs. .57j .67 3,93 Riche rd Bolen. 4 hra, ,57 .33 1.97 lees. Burltingo me 8 hrs. ,574t .67 3.A3 -rad Bursinger 4 hre. .571 ,33 1,97 George ^_r -.e ron ^ 10 hre. .57 ,83 4,92 Frank ^hapman ° l5 hre, ,57 1.?F 7.39 Alfred ^ti`_ristensen Stat. Firemein 10 hrs. .50 .73 4,30 Ore sta Cismni JJan. c:ng. 6 hr=. .57 ,50 2.95 John Dippel 8 hrs. .57 .67 3.P3 Javid Donovan 8 hre, ,48 ,56 3.28 R. J, Dyar 4 hrs. .51{ .30 1.75 HarbartRFeton 10 hre. ,50} ,73 4,30 Jns -Ph '1mqulst 24 hrs. .55 1.91 11.29 Charley Engslbret-, 76 hrs; ;57s 3,00 17,70 Andrew Engstrom nd. 1 -1t -?O tits. ,57g 1.67 9,83 COUNC'ILMEI vrea^re - Adopted by uu• ('wndl. APR 1 7.193}93.. �y 7 "M'Do Md /1'on cc In fnwr Appnived _ 193. Agxi-t /,1Va-d dt Urx, A7 nyor em ,,, /"(I,. P-idc t NI.ho y -r c3.z;ex yypyld6FLED f- ^/-.� NAlel, '1'1'1'1,} '1'111L 11,'i,1 14�� TUT/,L Joseph ed _k,e ier Jan. En6. 16 , .. .57§ 1,:5:5 7,A7 Narl Poster 30 hre, ,55 2,39 14,11 k"",H, Fuller " 8 ,ebriel G",•'1ar31 14 h,rs. ,573 1..17 6,86 John A. G,ih Pon Stat, tlre:asn 8 hrs. ,57; ,67 3.93 John W. Glpple Jan, hr a. 16 hr- -.. .43 1,00 5.08 Chs rl.ee Giossi ° 5 Yr^. .f;7) ,42 2,46 George 0^i^ 10 hrs. .57i ,q,. 4,92 Clarence �'ory Sch. inr,. 10 `; .. ,rig 1.00 6,90 Geo rg9 Gun t Jan. h:�g. 14 ltrs, ,57= 7,17 6,8? 0ecar caldron 30 hre. .57 2,60 14,75 Charles HamnerltLnd 1(: ,r=, ,57 ,A3 4,9? Gc orge gay es ?4 hrs: ,F7j 2;00 11 ,R0 Carl 17,'11 t,nd " 4 ,,:.57 ,33 1,97 Fre 1, Iied1—,1 " hrs: 57 ,42 2,46 John A. Heinz ^5 hre: ;57 2,09 12,29 Otto H. Hess, ,52` ,61 3.61 Werner Hesse " 75 hrs. ,571 1.25 7,3R F.l.mnr Hint;. " 16 hrs. ,!�7; 1;33 7,87 George P. god ce " 8 hrs. ,571 3,93 Anton F', Johnsnr. " f hrs, ;4q -;67 ?? 1,64 Gunn Johnson 5 h s, ,55 ,:0 2;35 Hamflton t:enny ' h S rs, ,571 ,4? ^,46 Andrew A.1n tad " 2A hr=, 2.? 13,17 Joseph Eustalski f h ,50 2,96 'F'11.1 iam La wLill" 1.1.: e J_4 1—. ,571 1,17 5',88 Lyman G. Larecn " 12 hrs. .51 ,99 526 Ne1s Lindberg " 16 1—:,57. 1.33 7,.R7 GeorH^ T.autncr Stat Firem-, 16 �,,,c , 57 1 „"; 7.97 Victor Lawrenoe Jnn, Eng. 25 hr=. ..7 2,09 12.29 Ws Iter I,ea 5 hre, .50' .'.6 2.15 Gus 6 hre. .57i ,50 2,95 Frank Linn 8 hrs. ,57f ,67 3.93 " nr7e Lonmie 8 hre, ,57� ,67 3,93 Giuseppi Lucia " 30 hre• .57r 2,50 14.75 ".= Lunzer 4 hrs. .57g 1.,97 John Lynch 10 h ,57v_ ,83 4.92 Jsc oh Ma1{mrs on 8 hrs, ,48 ,56 3 .2R F'.d—d L. Fic ns Ua 3U hre, ,57i ,50 14.75 W illlsrn 11"n"F, hre. ,55 ,�q 2,82 *.eslfe 91. M111er 4hw-, ;52f .31 1.90 Cs^7 M11'_ . n 8 Lester Molln a • ;Sm FO - :,2 .57Z.t S t 1 .77 7.07 -. lveste^ 0–'onnp'1 n hre, ;57 ;33 1.97 'n1171 n1 t,-hint. '' R hr=,r.72. 3.93 16 'r ,s7t ,1)7 •'57 7.8 ..nhcrtm r '� 6 hrs. ;.p �7. ,57t ,4R ,78 1,54 ?•t ^t :., 0.1 " 10 :•.. ,q0 4.70 14e:;5 57^ 57 3.93 Johns PH1.e1- ' c3 hrs ,Fi72 Waldemar Nic)iter " 30 �zrs ,55 .80 4,70 M7 r.? -+r.= Ross " 1 O 2-+ rs ,57 .A3 4.92 Joo erh J. Sch-fbillig " �.� mare ,6,7� 1.00 5,90 fienr S�'an'i'I" �3 1-ir� 57 .67 Otto S::tu-ppmne]a e^" O.8."+ 4.42 -t Sy Mer c0 T1r_ ,97^ 1.67 0 SA, W. Stkv=skS ' E3 azrs .57j .67 3.93 Wilbur Simons 1 0 1- .52= ,77 4,51 0-r Smolen9ky 1 4 'r -i r ; ,57 1.17 6,88 T.loyd 5ce tzn!en ' O >^ ra .57 1.67 9,83 '��ict o]as Ste,ltfeld 7 �r9 ;67 1.00 5.90 Ge lua Stsffn ' - _ .57� 2,0( 11.80 CT. -1- Starz " T 4 r ;55 1.12 6,58 Arthur Story " ^ r ;57g .83 4.92 n A. Svenc'.eer " "` ('• r ,48 2,09 12.51 0 90 5.97 Edward Thoras " 4 1-�r=. , 57 ".01 .33 1. Ieeaa P7. Thomson " Z C573 1-;33 7.87 Earl Derby - i->.rs .57; :.i3 1.97 Wm. Viev'rl ng " 4 Y'e r s ,57 :33 1.97 Carl '%n_rodell ' 4 Mrs. ,57 .33 1.97 James '+la is on 15 Y-ir� ,h7 1;, 7.38 Ernea. st �•,;-er Yirs. .57 ,67 93 3,93:q3 Max Max " �_ 4 Y.x-� .57 1..200 1 Albert Woods a :l - yrs. ,57g ,83 4,92 4ugust A. Ysuger Sch. ling. 4 rirE. ,69 .40 2.,36 Dewey Mi c h ola Stet. t'l raznP_zi 12 Yir1 ,48.84 4,92 Albert Otte " 26 Mrs. ,55 1.28 7.52 George H.Turnqui:+t Janit- 9 1- s ,41=' ,55 3,21 Cerl E. Uaialby 6.41.? .',5 .00 2.15 John 8. Y'l... gen Stat. U'irc;:^x�in ZEE 1-ir=. ,43 1, 5.813 Jo<eph F. Gobeil Janil - 4 hrs. .51 .:50 1.75 John Wil.. rt ' S_a r_ ,.51, .37 2,19 FORM M10, 1 Anrll 13, 1134, Siur�. ma of '.r on1 •n7.r `�. F: . �. ni ��� --i�l o�rr.�nt oP cArteln .rlno ,r, 'h= fo-,!-,'na w—k: Cleanln • schools end :hls emergency arose b} _ ee3 Qon of tt:a fo_lowing fent., sn1 ckrcums;.ecr.eo: tra ficin' uue to cold weather and keeuink uuildlnns open_ on account of special evening activities at buildings, _ report _s _n A .rn. n �. v ', (: . rr f,:t of r, r, c. ';h.s. , o.o.�, .o ... ..... . CITOF ST PAUL ,•c NO. O FF,i OF CITY CLERK era C CIL OLUTION- GENERAL . ,r„ , na • ss o 5 -tom ffiffiii®( WEXREA.9, the following bond= ar, meld in the Slnklne Funds of the City of St. Paul, to-wl t HIND OF B049DDA_T�E unt Caen Coy Handing June 1, 19 HATE A1CIUNT �- ,000.00 BO1:D NUMBERS _ oe. 12-18, 19 No..-r- + June 1, 1935 6� 10,000.00 21-30 + June 1, 1936 6¢ 10,000.00 31-40 Jana 1, 1937 6¢ 10 .000.00 41-50 ° Jane 1, 1935 10,000.00 51-60 • June 1, 19}9 64 10,000.00 61-70 June 1, 1940 9 10,000.00 71-80 ° June 1, 7941 20,000,00 81-100 ° • arh. 1, 1936 2,000.00 161-162 " Hefhnding Jane 1, 1934 S.000.00 1-9 Jaae 1, 1935 8.000.00 9-16 Jura 1, 1936 9,000.00 17-24 " • Jane 1. 1931 9,000.00 x u June 1, 1938 9.Coo 00 Jane1, 1939 9.000.00 43-51 Jana 1, 1940 9,000.00 + 52..60 Jane1, 1941 9.000.00 61-69 Jana 1, 1942 9.000.00 70-75 Jun, 1, 1943 9,000.00 79-97 Jana i, 1944 9. 000.00 9g-96 + • " Jane 1, 1945om.o0 " 97-105 . 193,000.00 WHEREAS, St Se n Ceaaary, in the opinion of the offic.r. of Coe. Ceunty to refand the said bonds, and WNENEA" the Bald officer. of 0-o 00-ty have offered to purce:aea $20,000 of the above ba onds, n ange for the balanee, $173,000 bonds, relnbef set out, bonds as hereinafter described, all n hiw e:e to be dated Janmary 1, 1934; said bonds to bear 4% interest for t-fir=t £i- years, "" for the next five years and 5¢ thereafter. The of£lcers If Cass 0—ty hove oleo offered to pay lnteraet upon all the bond. flrst her elnbefore mentioned, at the coup a rate, up to Jamuary 1, 1934, and TRIAS, the Sinking Hand Committee has r mmended the said sale and aulo- etitutlon as being in the beet interest. of the Salting Hounds of the City of St. Poul, a , therefore, be It Ery Ycss co�rvcltM N ­ C--, Ado ,,d by rh, <:,-d 19 Mev McD—Jd _ In lavo� App --d 19 Ve.,,cr H open Ag�ins� � - moron tiu dh °imcr M, P,—,17,h 13—ah„ CITY OF ST PAUL NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--- GENERAL FORM c unit RESOLVED, tna actloa of t-' Si sing Find Co. Atte, be and it 1 hereby -p—ed, and be It FTIRUM. Rae LV7'D, t-te the proper city o£fi cels be and they 11-1 hereby autt rized to tcapt for the b -de here Snbei ore deecrlbed, b-nde o£ t e following dates, _turitiee .+nd mount,, togetner wi- intere,t upon the b -ds tcbe-chaneed to J—ry 1, 1934 BI:;D OF DCD DATE Cees County P,eiunding January 1, 19 A OUNT 10,00 00'..Oo B01.1)NM03ERS " 1, 1942 2,, 86-89 " 1,1943 2,000,00 103-104 1,1941, 1, 000. o0 108 1, 1945 5,000.00 113-117 Incl. 1, 1946 3,000.00 133-135 Inca 1947 4,000.00 153-1516 Inct1 1, 1946 5,000.00 173-177 Inc11 1949 5,000.00 193-197 1-11 1950 6,000.00 213-218 1, 1951 1, 1952 7.000.00 233-2 9 Incll 1953 8,000.00 8,000.00 253-A I-11 273-276 moll 278-281 Inc11 1. 1954 7,000.00 293-299 1nc11 ' 1. 1955 6,000.00 313-320 1nc'1 1, 1956 10,000.00 333-342 1-11 1, 1957 9.000.00 353-361 1-11 1, 1958 ' 1, 1959 10,000.00 11,000.00 373-'921.01 30-463 1-011 " 1, 1960 11,000.00 4o4-414 Inc11 • 1,1961 11,000.00 433-443 1.011 • 1, 1962 10,000.00 453-462 inc11 ° 1, 1963 16.000.00 473-488 Incl 1964 000 00 27: " 493-505 1-11Totgl .... 173,000.00 nd.,l-d I" ,t,r I lll."AplH 1 7'0,4 Is AI'p.o.cd l�,iu 19 MAYOR PUU115i-IED-`- 7 -` i M,r McDonald In favor I'earcc I,-'. .. Axa Mr. F'cr"id- le-44- nd.,l-d I" ,t,r I lll."AplH 1 7'0,4 Is AI'p.o.cd l�,iu 19 MAYOR PUU115i-IED-`- 7 -` i J!� Apr11 14, 1934. ♦ meting of the Sinking Food Oa.efltta us bald We days Present Vgor William Nshoneq, Cemissioner Hilton Rasey Comptroller N. F. Go*ldy Lbrporatioa Counsel L. L. Anderson, Fred t11e04 SWdAr Aoaowntant in Comptrolhr$s Office, Mr. Nansie, representing the Northwestern shmimipal Association. Ina.. Mr. L. 0. Peterson. Auditor Ones County and Nr. Braodan. member of the Coes County Board. Mr. Ranke explained to the Comdttaa that Cees County hes offered to Pan - chase from the City of St. Peal. $20.000 of the $193.000 Cass County Bond. new owned in the Sln"d Fundsw which arc included In the refinancing Program of a— County. and to exebaop the balance, $173,000. for a like ®cunt of Case County Refunding Bonds to be dated January 1. 1934, to mar 4% for the first five years, 4ji for the nest fire year* and 5% tb-"nw. owes County will ales Pay sound interest on the $193.000 bands at the coupon rate to Jewnery 1, 1934. the date of W Refaading Bonds. Oomdseioner No•en made a mtion, seconded by Comptrolla Goodrich and unamimmsl7 married, thet the dosmlttss &wept Wu proposal of Caen County and r000mend tem to the 0=0111 0aaw is a list of the $W#000 Ones 00onty Bonds owned 1n the St. Pall Sinking Andy {20.000 of whimh are to be ynrdhased 7 08,0e and the balance to bo ad=Pdi Bind of Qaes omnnty Amdiag Jou 1. 19 �'___.�_ y 0.•W 1bt. .19 .% Joao 1. 1,June • 10,000.00 10•=:0 • June 937 i93s ; 0:000.00 inns 1 • • jaw 1.1839 Jane 1. • 10,000.00 • 10.000.00 6P70 • 71-M innate Ipa • 20,000.00 • 314M Case County Amding Neh. 1. 1936 Cue County Re24ading .Jnamm• is 1199334 2,000.00 , ' '.00:00 • 16 1F2 • 9.L6 June 1, 1936 • N.Ooo.w • 1720 dine 1. 1931 • 9,000.00 • -j3 June 1. 1930 • 90000•00 s Jam 1, 1939 Joe 1. 1940 • 9.000.00 • 9.000.00 (34eg2 IPS • • Jsae 1, 1941 • 9.W•� • Jam 1. 1942 ' 9.000.00 Juno 1,. 19gj ; 90Do:0 • Jou 1. 2.11399'945 • 9.,.9,000,422- • 97405 $193.000-00 �i Below is a list of the Case County Retuning Bonds, z�; Mllltwi Iloreo- ��` ����� thereae, It is aeoessary to obtain $2001000100 in CA9h t0 defray part Of t e COet of the Improvements aithoritied by Ordinance No, 6914, approved October j,1928, ratified by the electors at the General 1180ti0n held Wovemboor olb 19029, ldbyl80 Hssolntfiedion by 9 654 Chapter 112, haws of himissota for the year 1929, and approved 4ril 11, 1934, has authorized the issuance of bonds in that amounts Th�jefore, Be It Resolved, That the bonds authorised by Ordinance so. 6914, be cold in j manner provided by law in the amount of $200,000,00. Said bonds to be in dkomina ne of $1,000 each, to be dated May 1, 1934, bear a rate of interest not exceeding ?our and One-half per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on November let and Mqv lot, according to the coupons to be attached to said bonds. Said bm de shall be eriad, a partlon thereof .ball be poyable each year, but none of said bonds ahall ran for a longer term than twenty year.. and .bell be -bared 43752 to 43951 inclusive, The date. o wbi rh said bonds shell matore and the --to which shall mature annually over said period shall be ae follows: ]late of Bond Amount of Bate of Bond Ammmt of Maturity bemire Bonds 7.�o twity_ May 1,19 5 3833 3g 2 Bonds io,000 5 I 1936 3752-43758 437g9J+3T65 7.000 }day 1. 1946 43s43-43852 io, poo may 1, 1937 437b6-43772 7,= SW 1, 1947 43:5-43867 11,oa� may 1, 1938 43773-43790 43781.431:: 5.000 :,Coo may 1, 194: 43:64-43874 may 1. 1949 43875 +3856 ll,000 12,000 may 1, 1939 1, 1940 43789-43796 5,000 may 1, 1950 43997.43998 12.000 .,may ' may 1, 1941 43797+3804 g.000 rmy 1, 1951 43599-43910 12.000 - m�v 1, 1942 43801- 1913 9.000 may 1. 1952 43912-43923 may i, 1953 43924-43937 13.000 14.000 may 1, 1943 438144--443822 9,� 1954 43938-43951 may 1, 1944 43823-43832 10.000 Mey 1, • The said bonds .bell be in the fallowing form which he. been prepared by the SSNt1pg Fund Committee and approved by the Cornoratlon Counsel of said City and is hereby approved and adopted, vial UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE 0? MINNESOTA OOUNfr OF RAMSEr CITY OF SAINT PACE. OE MU IM?$DP&lM BOND. No. $ Faow all men by these presents, that the City of saint Peal, in the County of - Ramsey, and State of Mianeseta, aclmowledges itself to owe'and. for value received hereby promisee to pay to Bearer the sum of One Thousand Dollar. ($1,000) on the first day of may 19_� together with int erect thereon frcm the date hereof until paid, et the rate Of per cent per anmtm, payable semi-annually on the first day. of November and Uy in each year as evidenced by and upon the presentation ,and .attender of the annexed interest coupons as they a everal7y become due, Both princl- pql and Sot er set of this bond are payable in lawful money of the United State. of America 'at the office of the Commissioner of Mnence, in the City of Saint Pmol, or at the. Fiscal - Agency of the OSty of Saint Paul, in the City of Nei York., State of Rev York, at the nation of the bolder; and for the prompt payment of this bond, both principal and interest, at maturity, the faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul are irrevocably pledged. This bm d is one of a series amounting in the aggregate to the sum of Two Sandred Thousand Dollar. ($2GO,000.� ism ed by the City for the purpose of paying part of the cost of the improvements satherized in C un S1 F17 77710 c >'-• 6974, passed by tae 0' ^.til " F + r ,..,. -i -cad, app ed and pab- liwhed is ... manner required by the charter o. said City owed by Che electors of the City f Saint Paul, at the General Election held November 6, 1928, ,.nd oleo r;atlfled by chepter 112, Lew, of Minnesota for the year 1929, also a resolution of ti,, 'Mwstil No. 97654, duly passed and approved April 11, 1934 and under authority of and ia. .11 respects in .full compliance with Section 217 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, and quoh other sections thereof a. may be applicable thereto. I It In Hereby Certified end Recited, That all things, nets and conditions required by the Constitution and Lax. of the State of Minnesota „nd the Charter of said City to happen and be done and performed precedent to and in the S. nuance of this bond, have happened and been done and performed in regular and due form and time as required by lax and that the total indebtedness of said City, including this bond, does not exceed any constitutional, statutory or charter limitations. In Witness Whereof, The said City of Saint Peal, by its Council, has caused this bond to be sealed with its corporate Beal, to be signed by its Mayor, attested by its City Clerk, and countersigned by its Comptroller, and each of the interest eenpone hereto attached to be executed by the 1lthogiaohed fac-simile signatures of said officers this First day of May 1934. Mayor Attest City Clerk Countersigned Comptroller COUPON November on the first day of Nw 19^, the City of 9elnt Paul, Minnesota, promisee to pay to bearer _ ($ ), at the offs ce of the Commissioner of Finance, in the City of Saint Paul, or at the Fiscal Jgency of the City of Saint Paul in the city of New York, state of Now York, at the option of the holder, for the interest due that day on its ORBERAL II&ROVEMM BOND, dated May 1, 1934. No. _ Mayor Attest City Clerk Countersigned _ Comptroller Resolved Further, That sealed proposals be received at the office of the City f Comptroller, in the Court House end City Sall Building, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, up to ten o1clock A. M. May 15, 1934, for the sale of all or none of said bonds, after giving due notice of such sale in the manner prescribed by lax in the St. Paul Review, the official paper of said City. Each bidder shall be required to accompany his bid by a certified check or cash deposit for two (2) per cent of the ameant of bonds bid for, which shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages 1f the bonds are not taken and paid for when ready for delivery. The City Comptroller shall at the next meeting after receiving said bide, present the same to the Council for its notice thereon. The said bonds shall be offered to the person who will pav par or better therefor, at the lowest rate of interest not exceeding Your and One-half per cent. 4PR 171935 yeas• uyacilmen. nave• Passed by the Council /(knonald• ' - /�earce. ............. .....?r. F:,vcr tios.n .................... Arainst f%en¢el Mr, Presiden. Atte at Ar '---- --- --� Mayor WWO r - Whareu, It is necessary to obtain $200,000.00 in ash Lo defray part of tale 0081 of the Improvements antbori%ed by Ordinance No.".9Proved October 3. 1,926, fatifiod by the electors at the General IIeotion hold llov e6A 290, and also ratified by Chapter 132, Lm of Mimeacta for the year 1929, and tlu COanoil by assolntion To. 97 eppmed April 11, 1934, has eathorised the Innes of bons in that amount, Sherefore. Do I4 Resolved. That the bonds anthorl»d by Ordinance No.",be sold in the manner provided by Inv in the Aetna of �200,ODO.00. deed boos to e in dawminatione of n 000 each, to be -dated Mel 1, 19 boar a rate of Interest not`� m ezoesding Tour and Gno4mlf par ant per mama,. ea d -mumu fly on November pt and May let, according totheampona to be attanhod to said bonds. Said bands %ball be serial, c portion thereof Mall be payable each year. but none of sad bonds shall ram for a longer tarm than t " Year*., and %ball be mpbered 43752 to 439% Inclusive. Who dote- on *Kch said bonds %hall maters and the aaannts sbieh-shall motors annually ere, said period sholl be b fal3eea. Data of Bond yeyCorilgSr, Mfft4 Amovat of Dote of 7Bo�nde^� Amuont of �_�T,0000.0007 � 1. ig47 4 Seg lo,ODO Nay ,, 1 000 366 214000 It -7 1, 1939•.,t,� 437 d 000IiiA 000 6.000 Matey I., 1949 � 12.000 � 1. 1941 4.000 flay 1. 1958 43�T-43.16 12,000 wN yqy 1. 19944)2 -4 604 xey 6.000 NN 1, 1931 43699.43920 132.000 1952 9.000 May 1.1944 3,2e 2 1j3�1Y�Fj9=3 14,000 9 VI 000 k. 1gj4A000 10,000 ltsd' 1..,19jj. 4TI�3� The said Dards shall b� SLiltlag land Oomdtaes and appro ' .� tall form %hich has ban prepared by the o%in6 approved and adopted, Tial a �� Corporation Oonaesl of said City and is _ gamma Imm No. 10eos all mon thee% by peccants, that Liu City of saint- Sa aha County of Ramsay, and State of Mim1, ssota, ack=4.dg., itself to eve and v11 t rycelved hereby proodsee to pay to Beerm the s0m.of One Thaaaand Dollars ($1.000 ` the first day of Mq 19 together vith Interest thereon from the date heraol.mmtil'`'qgaaSSSS,, at the rate of m ant per annum, payable emdbanmatly on the fire, days of NAvamber-and Vey An saoh year a. evldeaaA by and open the presentation and emmamsr of the amazed tdsrast coupons as they s evarally bee=* dm.. Both prizd� Pa and Interest of this bond are payable Sa lectin money of the adtad State. of Amenias aL the otri ce of the Commission" of Llano., in the City of Saint peal. or at the rieaal Agency of the City Of Saint Paul, in the City of Ns. York, State of Now Yank, at the option of the holder; and forthe prompt payment of this bond. both Principe, and interest, at btWIty, the faith and credit of the City of Saint pool are Srreeooebly pledged. This bmd Is one of a caries amounting In the aggregate to the enm of Two gandred 2bousand Dolls.'% 4200.000.00) lasted by the City for the propose or part Of the Mgt i th+ i:�T—smente antharised is Council Nile Ro. p�d�e 77710, OrdllaO2 Heron, 6974. passed b7 Lhe Ceun.l, - �- -- - - 11 In the manner ragnirad by the Charter of Bald City andd�app-d byby the .lactate of t City of Saint Paul, at the G®aril Nleation hold November 6, 1929, and also ratified by 0 ter 132, Lome of Mimawta for the year 1924 also a reeolntion of the Oomon 9o. .duly passed and approved April 11, 1934. and candor mthority of and in all respeota M11 cmplianoe dth Section 21T of the Charter of the City of Saint pool, and sash other sactioes thereof ac may be applicable thereto. tateotd sed olatiou 1011 IS �e �exe� C�tifiad end, a�oij�d, a116bS►�� er p; ieid Oltiy �c ty the Conetitntioe and %'���tp�,o+edaenti OobendpintEh�tthe ooano this boed,� �e happen end be done and p er ad duo form end time ae r* happened end bean done end performed in Y�8n1 law and that the total indeehrtyedneeeor �olesaid cistioaedluddng We bond, does n00 IXOl1d say coaetlt¢donal, Ia ilLaesa 8hsraof, The said City of Saint pent, b7 ire Ooaaail, rue aeaecssd 17 %hie Dona to be sealed with its eorporate mesh to be signed by its yatut 0, the y. City Clerk, end eopnLerelgaed Dy iLa CompLrollde� ealcehei�to eed,floete att..he& to be srecated by the litho8a•pha 'i.4 ��lret day of may 1934. oeactersleaed`--- `r„_,�:.t, pemptroller ODMION Bo. 4 November Oo the tlret;` �_� the city of aa1aL Peal, t4�sas t promisee to pee to be ' (� �, as the oYtl as of the Commissioner, of the C1ty of aeiat Peal, or at the Masi. /6maq ef the MY of datat Peal Ln the ,at York, stets of Sew Yozk. at the optica of the holder. for the iatereet dee that day�`off �e�, 80HD, dated 167 1. 1934. Bo. Attest City Mark Hef017ed 7=11212= QtberThat sealed proposers bs reC \th*fice of the City comptroller. SnShs Oonrt Ranee and OSLy Hall 8allding, of 9ataL Paul.Winstoot►, to Sea o�alook A. 8. 8s7 lg, 1934, for thl or none of said beads, after giving das notice of sari sale in the s®yy �, in the et. Pawl 8rsisw, the offlalsl paper of said Oily. Bach bi ra�tirsa to accomq�ashicheck or Dash deposit for two (2tho amooyt of DoaNbid tor, which shall be forfeited to the City . lividm the bonds ere act treedy for delivery. ler shall at the meet meeting afn ids, ➢resent the ease to the Ooaaoil for its motion thereon. The said bonds sball be offered to the person who will pay par or better therefor, at the lowest rate of interest act exceeding Your and One-half per oast. Tees Councilman awe Passed by the Council APR 1 7 1994 BeDonala pseroe .............. ......In favor Room bei ................ Vessel Br. President (N boae7) Approved APR 17 M4 Attest City mark 167nr e.,v"., <o..,....��C1L 9779l9779l1 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-G\ESN ERAL FORM eaE9ENTE0 av cOMM159�ON�R ----- -- - - - - - - DATE RESOLVED That the proper city oZZleers ba sad they are hereby authorised to refund to the f.11—lg .wed pare... the Zee. ind-t—tea deposited on applioatien. for D—e Hall licensee, nhich licen.e9 have bean previouely denied: Harry L. Kremer 985 W. 7th St. Dance Hell $15.00 COUNCIL -MEN Y— Nnv /+/Iv ,Donald �Penrcc _ ]n favor Truax _ .. -AKI iI—t iWeo�cl Dir. P:csident Mahoney <_ t ._.� 77 APR 1 7 ins Adopted VY tl:�� C��uni�il _. ....__._.._........ Apprnvrd.. _. _ 198.. Dl y„r on4w .a an Ltwa CITY OF ST. PAUL .0 ` NO.. J771.12 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK \ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM A'.r Ll 1'7, 19'54 o�rEiiassEior.cv � �" ItM1., c��h+A-*4.... _ owrc _ _.. R-E*RW.5,4r F. S. k �5 -, �e Avenuc� �. Schin3ler ^.=ir ._ �r ,ithdrnn :r_r. Ali-'.LL.n 19"'O Cor Berk- license ^.t <0 E. seventh street; Lhc r^_fore, e t t the cLty Office's r.r_ _ '—l', m,thO-ized to ^efnnd Eehlnnler W enncO_ seiri n _ _..i ,n= for R—Der Licen s's. COUNCILMEN reae s,�a/ ' fty ' N[,DOnnld �'k'curcc _ h, tnvur 11n�„ . Trunx 'Agninet Wenael Mr. 1'renident \]uhnney / -'' Ad„I,td by me cell—lu DR 1.7_L934. I98_ Appror,.I _... _ Y.._1. 7a I93. Alnynr RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Alr ;Zr— No. i�77 13 WB212e°, the fellowi� aaaned pe reons b— heretofore filed appli- cations for "off eale. ligmr llc ea.e e, and bave depoelted .lth each application. the license fee therefor, via: J. Y. Rafter, Jr. 1210 E. 7th St. Ha11 a& Andersen 2 if. 4th St, f L. Div 11-145, 9t. Clelr 9t. Lawrence 6. ..l._414 St. Peter St. And, WHEREAS, said appli—ts have withdrawn tbelr application• and have regneetad Lhe return of the amoffit depo elte d, together wl th all pepere Yiled with tho said applicatloas; there Sore, be it HESOLM), That the proper city officer. be and they are hereby aothorlaed and directed to retina to the above named permne the amomt of the "oY£ sale° license Yee heretofore 11p, sited by them with their appl lcatloae sad the CSty Clerk S8 di rooted to advise the State LSgoor Control Commissioner of the Sect that Bald appl ice.tione beve been elthd—. CUIIICI LNI F N J.y ` Wclli�nnld '1'unrii h(ay.,r a,d„et Ad„pled by the (,,nil. WR 1 -1 ,,.193.. ��� amu_ .��-� � � �� � � �r � �%���� ^� �� _.�1c _-cam �/�� J 6 0�,��*-�'c��-/.� L/�il� i _ 9 �.i�.�� .Y' , a-•__ 7//� f�/,J//� �n %�/ ms's _.�_ �.�_� �/� i v i o �� �Y�'...41� V 1- p O O C �_ O _ /-a-c,_-� ��C N / � � N � �.' �� /1 � � J O 3 1 I :'i / . ./ ' 31 ~ � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL GpiW of Mine...ts OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM .1 SCOTT, City C­-.1—,nlClek .nd Con.r of RiyiN.aon mom. J April 14, 1934. To the City Comcil of the City of 9t, Pani: In the matter of the application of I.. G. Heleou for sib off sale liquor permit yew records will above tbat he f11ed 2.6e application on the first or second d.ty that applications ire rec elvrod and he ettecbed the required caehlers aback I- the e� of $2550.00 together with bond of a eorety congrezW. His application was never approved but Che City has not re La d the money, 4 his attorney I hereby alah application to aithd— the appllcatlon as 1,r, 8elsoa Se now e,ga(;ed 1, boeineae slaw 1b and ask that the fee paid sad the bond be—t—ed. 7onr ru1,y. Attorney for I— G. Bel eon. COMCIL EESOLUTION—GEN� FORM Pr. C=e .d » - _ Coumil rile Co®Seeior Sohn H. McDonald No. ne9/ liedM. Trans I. C. Pearce EESOLPED, That llcan nes for .hSch applications have been made by the persons n®ed oa the attached list be mad they are hereby Granted and the City Clark !s instructed to issue 9aoh licensee uPoa Payment Sato the City Treasury of the reouired fees. adopted by the 0—oil APR 17 1434 Lpproved APR 17 193A �i'77�14 ono"•I n an a•.4 CITY OF ST. PAUL .v NO.. ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R6 1.110N -GENERAL FORM Arril 17, 1934 cwEsson� J.11us E. Krnmschroeder D. Lapel COUNCILMEN Year N. /MCDruxld /Pcurcc _ In laver _ /Basun iTru­ _ Againet Wen.rl /Mr. President Mahoney 851 E. 7th St- " / 459 546 Payne Av. " 1440 Ad, ­d by th, C -d, __'193_._ 193. __.. Ata RESOLVED That the various licenses listed here following be and they are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such li caner, upon the payment lnto the city treeeu y of the res Grad fee: B. Buschman 513 Wabaeha St. Bakery Anpl 1614 898 goad p-�• n 1849 T_ny Auesy 798 Thomas St Barber 1490 George J. Boehn P4 W. 9th St. " 425 F. F. Bonhaim 1041 Thomas St. ?'41 Poter J. Brodalle 777 E- 7th St. 11,15 mer–'EtSi 1347 A. A. Burque 969 Ark—fight n 411 gong--0alrlont 52 W. 7th 8t. n 1639 Carl Duerr 835 Univorei.ty Ac. " 1426 Joe W. Fisher 1185 E. 7th St. 1590 John Janes k 614 Como Av. " 1114 a, 587 Wabasha St_ n 406 e ,loyaaoa Marguerite Johnson & Mildred Corm-., 52f Bremer Arcade 998 J.11us E. Krnmschroeder D. Lapel COUNCILMEN Year N. /MCDruxld /Pcurcc _ In laver _ /Basun iTru­ _ Againet Wen.rl /Mr. President Mahoney 851 E. 7th St- " / 459 546 Payne Av. " 1440 Ad, ­d by th, C -d, __'193_._ 193. __.. Ata CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R—UTION -GENERAL FO- -TED avonrE _ AFr11 17, 1934 RESOLVED / 4-,m-c =E.----- Andre,, Lavrinets 475 i4_ 7th It. Freak G. L— 1194 Payne A.— ^ 1401 Geo. J. Miller 93 W. 7th St. 375 ..a—al M. ?erklns ^06 E. 7th St_ 366 26='.• -6. 4ttrSt. ^ 1218 _ Ogg.-p ...nd-,- - " - 1162 _ H. M. Racer 445 Wa—ta St. ^ 47'.` John Rogers 759 W. 7th St. " 435 ihnil R—kel 645 Parkway L'riva " 1395 Harry 6naulding 12F_ Sth St- 1397 Frank Stanton 562 St. Peter St.. 1415 Ra1Ph 5—dinnn 728 White Ben.r A— 596 Theodore Zabel 1.190 Pale Ave_ 1388 Joseph A. Weise 961 E. 7th St. " 1567 Frank A. Wortman 1518 Randolph Et_ '36 James i,achs 2-54 E_ 13th St_ 1558 -_.1216 A, L. Cornklius 761 St. ^ 1545 Ales Fedoreal 560 Como A— ^ 1163 COUNCILMEN YcEs \"nyn A�3oPtc�i 1•y th, ('ou n cil _...... _193_ _ May McDonald Ponrcc _ In f."" Ap l..... ed _ 193_ It-- t—nTruax T'... ARainei. -. Wenzel 3-- 6, M, Pr^sident Mahoney - CaoEr lSrn TEooN ER CITV OF Sf. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITV CLERK COUNCIL RE L.UTI-N -NERAL - - _. _ NO..... FORM owrE APrll 17,. 19;A. RE LVED 928- - --- --- 46.5 Sbl-t- St. " 1235 C-1 Guglrisberg 857 Rondo St. " 1656 Emil Gydesen 105 s. V"aba =.he. St. ^ 1275 Anthony Kaekm '. F -k C -.k 172 E. 7th St. ^ 141.1 C. F. Larson 293 M -1a A- ^ 6" Idem, er Pro_. 94:' F- 7th St. ^ 61FF. ... P. Mueller 1457 J-££erson F.v. ^ 1557 N,Ai-1 Tee Co. 228? Como Ave. " 1256 m. mirk 15ro Smith ,.v. " I218 F. J. 1,11 796 G -d A- " 1175 hl. I, Tsr_ en 575 Broad -y " 15.15 Bodib Drug Co 237 E_ 7th Lt. Aon"rctir:nery 1636 J. E. Coleman -19 S. CT-1,,oc. A, 1564 C. A. Costello 1298 F. 7t1, St. " 1586 1473 If. 7. Johnson 341 Rondo -.t. ^ 1642 M1linnesote S -t S-;ce Co. 11.56 University `:v. ^ 16,'3 Jokm N. Aullorkey 1051 So1hy F.v. " 16.^2 COUNCI I.NI HI Y- trays Adol,teJ by th, ('ouncil- _....... .193. lfay M,Donald IN-, - In (ay.'r 4pprnrr�l- _ 193.. Against NI, P -id -t %I.h-y CITY OF — PAUL r� NO ..... ......... - OFFICE C>F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R60LU7ION-'GENERAL FORM vrzesenreo ev �.. onre April 17, 19 =4 RESOLVED - 4- 2te1--i urns; Cl. 13-8 G=n 6 Ave. Confecticnery 1624 Welter I. Mitchell Co. ;64 Robert St. 1617 St. M,rie Co. Inc. 9E. E. 5th St_ 1586 I. R. ..mister 32.^ .. o- I1r.mline Ave. Plrel I. —lel 1151 T*.+;ve_- aty-�- 11 1544 moi} -Gam -5165 T—k.r.r Gee Inc 25C4 Foehny Tower 1386 460 E. 7th St. '"lul 1. 1179 E. Miecchrha Grocery 1521 Frank Cerus- Sol Cohen 115 S. webe.she St. 1599 Corbey Bros 448 Seckson Sty 1454 Sco Dennw 600 C—nd,, St.. 1171 Sid Engeewick 1700 e Ave. " 1549 1950 i-17-1nth 1364 .. S. lone" 1406 :shite Secs Av. " 1520 K. J�nsen Rowarl� J --;'h-1 201 Concord St. " 1578 _. .. .,inc—y 674 G --d Av. " 1589 _nc L-11111 d 787 Selby Av. " 1619 �,1ict,.+vd 3roe. Inc ?34 So. Snelli-V Av. " 1585 535 Collin-, t. " 1594 Ino-e11_.o. CO li S CI 1, n1F: h Yeue \eys Ad, -d Ly tl„ ('punch_ __ _193_ _ \ley MnD—ld I`..... In favor Alipnivr,l.-.. 193 Truer Aq inet R'enzcl M, President, Mehoney ' oMM�ss`oNEA_.. CITY OF ST. PAUL �^�a NO.(1771 i4 ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE50LUTION-GENERAL FORM —TE _. A,vril. 17..19.4 RESOLVED --191s- T. E. opt-dnhl 1390 "rosnerity '.v. " 1674 5•sm Per.. 686 Gonda St. " 1539 o ritzknr 450 ?ob-rt St. 1537 M. & E. K. S,)--der 1981 Ashland A— " 1562 td. n. `rar_eu 575 Broadway ^ 1535 C. Cleary 4561 St. Peter St. Hotol (6—d`ord) 50 roma 1968 Co: 1111 Arcade: St. O££ S.I. Non-�tox:cnting. Inn Lindblad 787 Selby A— 1620 Carl"':'rache.r & John :ievcik 4.':2. Toronto St. " •' " 547 T'. I•. voeel€asnng 919 Randol,h St. 723 'asst'S2Va"['C^s--Cov----- - 3111-ro.ada..SL_ fin_Sala.Non-intmcicnting- _ .. --3470___. Carl P—hnr & John Saveik 432 Front St. " " " 541 B. Dillon 99 S. '"abash. ^t_ R—tru^utt 1528 .,Fowl "lumbo 469 '•yab-vha St. ^ 1377 Carl t.1— & John ..-evcik 4�P Toronto ^ 540 COITN'.ILAIl�:N A 71fi Y— Vsya Aduptud by the ('none il- _--_ _-__... loci May McDnnnld � _ 195 - It n Truax ..� Against am Mr. President Mahoney A.F. - Answer Filed. MISCELLANEOUS - [[ DELINQUENT TAXES - ,say 1, 1934. j ve ar Amount Nick Kellie 95? Arcade St. (Barber) ✓ 1932- No A.F. C 54.16 C. Larson 977 Arcade St. (Barber) ✓ 1931- No A.F. 96.68 1932- Paid. East Side Drug Co. 1111 Arcade St. (Confect.)` 1931- No A.F. 192.99 (on & Off Sale ✓ 1932- No A.F. 194.21 (Non-Intox, pelt Bev. ) Mrs. Helen Pugleasa 469 Broadway (Barber) 1932- No A.F. 1513.60 Ray Pomorskl & Roy nravalar 26} E. 4th St. (Barber) 193P- A.F. 2396.53 Elmer E. Brenlzer 1092 Payne Ave. l (Barber) 1932- No A.F. 71.32 National Tea Co. 385 N. Prior Ave Y (Grocery) 143?- A.F. 450.81 E. A. Dahl 998 Raymond Ave. `s/ (Bakery) 1Q2- No A.F. 160.40 A. J. Bloeohl 173 E. Roble St. v (Butcher) 193?- No A.F. 164.46 Samuel Foster 62o Rondo St. (Confect.) 1931- No A.F. 137.75 193?- Paid. Tony Delmont 52 W. 7th St. (Barber) 1932- No A.F. ?486.33 Ben Frishberg 676 S. Smith Ave. (Butcher) 1931- No A.F. 352.9P 1932- No A.F. 169.65 A. Clansman 463 State St. (Butober) 1931- A.F. 539.29 193?- A.F. 517.93 Royal 011 OJ. 2165 University Ave. (Fuel Dlr.) 193?- A.F. 1246.30 A. W. Johnson 587-} Webasha St. (Barber) 1932- No A.F. PP2.54 Dora Dudovitz 695 Wabash. St. (Grocery) 1932- A.F. 1959.95 f f j I y190EL?,ANY 0US ray 1, 1034, NOT DELINQUENT B, Bueohman 513 Wabash St, Bakery 1614 VTony Ausey 798 Thomas St. Barber 1490 ✓ George J. Boehn ?4 W, 9th 9t, " 06 ✓ F. E. Bonhalm 1041 Thomas 9t. " 341 ✓ Peter J. Brodella 777 E. 7th St. " 1315 A. A. Barque 969 Arkwrlght Ave. " 411 rCarl Duerr 835 University Ave. " 11'26 ✓ Joe W, Fisher 1186 E. 7th St. " 1590 John Janosek 614 Como Ave. " 1114 Marguerite Johnson & 5?? Bremer Arcade " 998 Mildred Corniea ,-Julius E, Kromeohroeder 851 E. 7th R. " 459 / D. Lanes g46 Payne Ave, 1 1* Andrew Lavrinets 475 W. 7th 9t. 061? / Frank 0. Lee 1194 Payne Ave. " 1401 Geo. J. Miller 93 W. 7th 9t. " 375 / Samuel 1,1. Perkins 206 E. 7th St. " 366 / R. M. Raoer 445 `sacouta Ot. 473 / John Rogers 759 V. 7th et, ^ 435 / Emil Runkel 645 Parkway Drive " 1395 Barry Spaulding 1?5 E. 5th St. " 1397 Frank Stantcn 562 St. Peter St. " 1415 / Ralph Swendiman 726 White Bear Ave. " 596 / Theodore Zabel 1190 Payne Ave. " 1388 ✓ Joseph A. Weise 961 E. 7th 9t. ° 1567 ✓ Frank A. Wortman 1518 Randolph St. " 338 ✓ James tache 254 E. 13th at. " 1558 ✓ A. L. Cornelius 761 missleeippi St. Butcher 1545 ✓ Alex Fedoreal 560 Como Ave. " 1163 Carl Ougglsberg 857 Rondo St. " 1056 ./ Emil Gydeeen 105 S. webasha St. " 1?75 Anthony Keehn & Frank Capek 17, E. 7tb St. " 1+41 ✓ C. E. Larson P93 Maria Ave. " 663 /--Memmer Bros. 943 E. 7th 9t. ° 613 !a ISCELLANEOUS May 1, 1934, NOT DELINQUENT ✓7.. o, dueller 1457 Jefferson Ave. (Butcher) 1557 ✓ National Tea Co. 2282 Oomo Ave, ^ 1256 ✓ Wm. Supornick 1340 Grand Ave. " 1218 E. J. wall 796 Grand Ave. " 1173 M. D. warren 575 Broadway " 1536 Bodin Drug Go. 237 E. 7th St. Confectionery 1630 J. H. Coleman 39 S. Cleveland Ave. " 1564 ✓ G, A. Costello 1295 E. 7th St. " 1586 ✓H. W. Johnson 341 Rondo St. " 1642 Minnesota Sport Service Co. 1156 University Ave. " 1623 i/ John N. Mullarkey 1051 Selby Ave, " 1622 ✓ Stahl Drug Co. 1338 Grand Ave, " 1624 ✓ Walter D. Mitchell Co. 364 Robert St, " 1617 /St, Marie Co. Ino, 96 E, 5th St, " 1568 ✓ R. R. Banister 322 9, Hemline Ave, Fuel Dealer 1151 A- Tanker Gas Ino. 2504 Foshay Tower " 1384 46o E, 7th St,, St, Paul. Frank Caruso 1179 E. Minnehaha St, Grocery 1521 Sol Cohen 115 9, webasha St, " 1599 ✓ Corbey Bros, 448 Jackson St. " 1454 Sam Danna 600 Canada St. " 1471 Sid Engeswiok 1200 Payne Ave. " 1549 S. Heck 1950 Hyacinth 9t. " 1364 / K. Jensen 1406 white Bear Ave. " 1520 Howard Josephs 201 Concord St, " 1578 E. V. Lindsay 674 Grand Ave. " 1589 Ina Lundblad 787 Selby Ave. " 1619 Michaud Bros. Ino. 234 S. Snelling Ave. " 1585 Morelli Bros, 535 Collins St. " 1594 0. E. Ootedabl 1390 ProsDerity Ave. " 1674 ✓ Sam Perna 686 Canada 9t. ^ 1539 ✓ Leo Pritzker 450 Robert St. " 1537 ✓ 11. L. & E. E. Schroeder 1981 Ashland Ave. ^ 1562 M. D. warren 575 Broadway 1535 —3-- - PI'CSLLA.NEOUS 4ey 1, 1934, NOT DELINQUENT Cleary 456} St. Peter St, Hotel (Bradford) 1068 50 rooms ✓ Ina Lundblad 767 Selby Ave. Dff Sale Non- 1620 Intox, ualt Pev. Carl Praohar & John Sevolk 432 Toronto St. ^ 542 A' D. M. 9ogelgeeaag 919 Randolnh St. ^ 723 /Carl Praohar & John Sevolk ' 432 Toronto At. On Sale Non— 541 Intox.uelt Bev, ✓ B. Dillon 99 S. Wabasha St. Restaurant 1528 l Samuel Plumbo 469 Tabasha St. " 1377 Carl Praohar & 432 Toronto St. John Sevolk 540 —3-- 33 000 14 2221639 37 Y i DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OE SAINT PAUL —II" IL N0 COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER rI/F COUNCIL RESOLUTION MC WNALO PEARCE POSEN IN EAVDR AUDITED CLAIMS April 13 I' 1934 TRUAK AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT :HECNS BE DRAIVN ON THE CI IY TREASURY W ENZFL 09 MR PRE AHONEY.., r T:) THE AGGRLCATF AMOUNT OF T O 959 495 COVFRI- -- -- -- CREGHS NU AER PFR CHEC"TIFIL6 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL TO INCLUSIVE AS ?aOFFIC$Jt// CITY COMPTROLLER APPRoVID „ r ----- H NCR BER TOTAL IRaNSEEN URSE ATNT CI CC nS CNECn1 DATE Rf TURNED f , Br BANH ORWaRD 33 000 14.2219144 28. 820 .restern Crucible Steel Co. 51 25 250 7821 7872 Arthur Barnett Harold J. 91a•ik, Inc. 6 Co 7823 °.R.K. McComb, 'Treas. 5 00 1824 Uc6111–Kerner Company 5n 63 124 78 2825 2826 McKe8son-3C, PPu1 Drug Company Mah 1P Auto Pody Co—ny,Ino. 2 25 2827 Manbee Eouinment Com -any 3 00 65 4r, 2828 2829 Nidoey Creamery Comoany filler–Bryant–Pieroe Comoany 1 80 2830 Minnesota Che mScel Company 1 5� 41 61 2831 MinnesotO R—Plone 'any 126 05 2812 Minnesota Mining & Mfg.co, Compeny 132 43 2611 2814 MSn�cesota 011 & Refining Minn. Public Health APE,.. 10 50 2815 Mothers Friend L—ndry Bompany 1 99 6 O4 '816 Motor Po+e^ Enulpm=nt Comoany 48 7n ,977 2818 NassauPan— Comeany Nation A Battery Comoany 58 84 7819 Nation -1 Cash Register Comoany 18 On 284n National Education Assoc. 2 On 2841 Nst SonPI Fire Protection 4esoc, 10 01 2842 Nation el Me. ter Como e.ay 12 22 9 36 2843 NntlonP1 Regulator Company 68 41 P844 2845 Nicola, Dean &Gregg Comoany North Centr Pl Aeeoo. 221 arterly 1 00 2846 Nartberr. Auto Electric Cam^any 78 52 2847 Northern Jobbing, Comoany 27 01 '848 N.1. Stamp "OTks, Inc, 15 15 ?849 Office P.quin. & Liq. Comnany 10 00 28Fo Oaborne 98sooi9tion 2 On 851 Otis r,evator Comoany 67 2652 Owatonna Tool Comnany 6 2g51 Deme Motor 3iipo, Inc. 71 5 2854 Panama Carbon Comoany 17 40 2855 Pacer, Calmenaon & Comoany 178 54 2856 Park Machine Comoany 153 15 2851 C.1. Pearson, Inc. 86 63 P898 A, Peitz & Son 105 67 2859 Phillios Petroleum Compeny 17 02 ?860 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Comnany 5 ?6 • 2861 ?,)stage Meter Comnany Company 30 nO 22 08 2862 2863 Postal Telegraph Price S:leotric Comnany 31 3j7 2864 Printers Typesetting Comoany 12 56 2865 Public Msnsgement 4 0n 2866 Public School Pub. Comnany 64 20 2867 Pure Oil Comnsny 173 10 7868 Purity 9eking Comnsny 1 66 2869 The PyramlA Comnany 1 95 ?870 ^uallty Perk Tngraving Cam -any 120 18 2871 quick Service Battery Company,In^_. SE 12 33 000 14 2221639 37 Y i louncil FJe No. ,+S /f fly 4r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER Ile undersigned herchy pmposea the making of the f,,11—mg public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vtz.. Open, widen and extend a 15 ft, alley from Bradford Street to the. southerly line of Lot 3 produced by taking and condemning the. westerly 10 feet of vacated alley abutting Lots 4,5,6,7,8 and 9.;. also the westerly 5, -feet of the easterly 10 feet c,f vacated alley Daiyl�ting Lots 10 and 11, all in block 81, St. Anthony Park. t s 17th day of April 19 34. l ' PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 WHERHAS, A —i en proposal fot the making of the following improvement, ♦- tz.: Open, widen and extend a 15 ft. alley from Bradford Street to the southerly line. of Lot 3 produced by taking and condemning the westerly 10 feet of vacated alley abutting Lots 4,5,6,7,8 and 1{/ 9; .also the westerly_5 feet of the easterly 10 feet of vacated alley abutting tots 10 and 11, all in Block 81, Sta Anthony -Park-. having been Presented to the ('ouncil of the City of St. Paui. therefore, be it RtSOIA El), That thr Commissioner of Public Works Ix and is herchy ordered and directed: I, '1'o tmestigete the necessity for, or desirability of, th, making of vid improvement. 2, 1'o tm .tigate the oatttent end—imated mst ,f .aid impro�t me and the total cost thereof. umi. 3. 1. fh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4, To stele whether or not said Improvement is asked for on the petttton of three or more oxvers. 5. 1'o rcpt t u,, all of thr (ongoing matters to the ('ommicsioner of Finance. Adopted by the Coundl APR 17 1931 Yens Nnvs Councilman M- M,D.-rn Approved ru T.— wrnzv:t t PRESENTED By ORDINANCE kV %07 114. COUNCIL FILE NO. _. (' An ordinance granting to the /�Twin City Motor Bus Company,. a corporation organized under toe Tawe of the State of South Dakota and author- _ ized to do business in the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to carry on the busineeiorfbgaee�on carrier of passengers for hire, 'ny mo .,. over and upon certain of, the public streets and highways in the City of Saint Paul, following regularly establisned route,, for a term of one year from and after January first, 1934. THE COUNCIL OF TRE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That subject to the conditions, terms, reser- there isre y vatione and requirements hereinafter containedcorporatioah0'ganized granted to the Twin City Motor Eus Company, te of San a DE bUnder usiness inaws theof the State ofaMinnesota, itskanecessoret and laesl gns o are period yeari£rome andeafterdto as Januaryt let, 1933,e�aeohereinafteropxovide d, the ri gnt, privilege and authority to conduct and carry on the ' business of a common carrier of passengers for h1m, by motor buses, over the following named routes, using the Streets and avenues of tae City hereinafter described, for that purpose: (a) Starting at S1xtn and Sibley Streets, up Sixth Street to Excnaage Street, over Exonange Street to Ninth ut Ninth Street to Summit Avenue, out Summit Street, oAvenue to Mar snail Avenue, out Ma.. shall Avenue to 'Aesternd Avenue, over Western Avenue to Asn land Avenue, out Asn land Avenue to Lexington venue, over Lexington Avenue to Marsnali Avenue, out Marsnaii Avenue thru to Lake Street in Minneapolis. (b) Starting; at Bus 3epot, to F'_ftn S€eth Street, Fiftn Street to Robert Street, Robert Street to Ei Sigr.tn Street to 'aacesna, Webaena to St. Peter Street, St. Peter Street to Central Avenue, over Central Avenue to Rice Street, Rice Street to University Avenue, University Avenue to Minneapolis. Section 2. Such use of the hignways of the -Sty of Saint Paul, granted in Section 1 of, shall in no way interfere with tae —vel et reetseand pub licand c vgrounde, oandrsnallynot ainterfere witno other ver aid uses to which the City of St. Paul snall put said streets and public grounds. Said Grantee, in the use of such streets, ..all D e subject to such reason e as onabie reguiatlons as may be imposed by the Council fro:,, time to time by ordinance or resolution. yeap,.., Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council _ -- -- _--4ay % In Favor P Pear Roeev _ Against True Wen al Mr. President (Mahoney) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor CITY Of SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT Aril 17, 1y54. . ,,.AFs.ioner of P,iblic .. ,.r ..o�rscissianer: I bend y— ire —iln, Fin ordinance o—ink a one jear pernit to the _win City L:otor _,te fcr two routes. __—, o ._c two mates w.,icn I _i , belie,,' ::,e Ci-. —,u a runt ,.o re. stre in Dpera-ion u—n e..(over, a -d in ,7j,icn conten pion t:ie C �-Srts _.;:slued ^.e. Tt may „e tt,at 1`— B':tllr I'll'_ . ")rove of t.'.s —ii :— in its --, form. )w'ever, 1. can -ce irr r.,duced, and s — --E— ...a<_, F,rr n—esor _>r to t . Srd .eadin;: an,proval as to form. I --n y—t file. .o—, v ry truly, L A -L' . --r—ion Co—s,l. ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section 3. °ne rigr.ts and nrivileges granted to said Grantee by tris ordinance are subject to all t.,e provisions of CLapter X of the Charter of tU;e Ciay of Saint Paul applicable to franclases, permits or orivileges for the purposeE or uses for which this hermit is granted, and such other provisions of the Charter applicable to the provisions of the permit herrby granted, Section 4. on or before the first Monday in Yarcr, of 1935, the said Grantee snall pay into the treasury of said City a license fee in a sum equal to five per cent (5j; of its gross earnings derived within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, accruing from the exercise and enjoyment of t,e privileges granted it by tnis ordinance, darinb the calendar year 1934. Section 5. :aid Grantee shall w itnin t:A rty days after / the passage, approval and publication of tris ordinance, file with �1 the City -lerk o_ said City, its written acceptance t.ereof, in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and t:,eracioshall agree to abice by, keep and perf )rm ali tae terms, I conditions and provisions of t:.is ordinance and of the C:.arter of the City of Saint Paul. Section 6. Tnis ordinance sn,all take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passae, approval and publication and the acceptance tnereof, as provided by 6ection 5 nereof and the Charter of the City of St. Paul. Yeas Councilmen Hays Passed by the Council MAY 9 193 +4-T / pe—c McDonaid vor S/ Pearce /., In Fa Truax v Against Wenzel Mr. President (Mahoney) Approved. MAY $ 0 _. Attest:�71{" 1_ - %{-K��,O"""d-'� �C�— City Clerk 1 - �Dfayor- J77U8 CIT OF ST PAUL NO. OFF1C OF CITY CLERK _ IL R OLUTION -GENERAL FORM 4. PHoeMM 'T" -- .—FYJD@0L3= _— Upon tae recommendation of the Cornmclnn Counsel reciting that e_ecla clr enure teneee eaiet, reale ing it advleable to e:-pl, e_ eciel counsel to pa,a upon the validity of the ie a of Tvo 1L ,,dt d T`hansa^.d Do111.rs ($200,00'I.00) General Inmrove�vent Bonde of the City '£ St. pain, Idinnesota, aut..orized by Council File NO. 91654. epnroved Apr -1 11, 1934, be it Nesolved, Tout the SI -JA -9 hind Committee be au...orized to amplcy Tho:veon, Wood & Noffmnn, At.orneys, Ne'e ?or._ City, tr rae.•� upon the validity of the above issue of bonds, at I comPensat ion of v0. to exceed One Hundred Fifty Doll- ($150.00), PaYuble out of the Debt Sorvlce Expense Account. n PClevp eCuunll I e 6�1.:,�pwoutdd'Dun ill'1}.1BN.Dhlt n j� [im"`x$mkln �� IA ano.o. rtl rnriU xet tY]r, rr. �e. �s ° { APR 1 R ",I . oeMery c.ou^] Adop�ed by il„ Couueil " Gun•uy Wr'^ q j- iid May Approvrd Mrpo ld frt �mnvoR N^.rn Ae„,:t S..dh­ Mr. Prr.ld­ .. FORM No. 2 9%709 9ub�ect: - 1C until File No. l I 'bei present 6d 1934 �� R.911//'.d, WHEREAS, the CI—i"!....of Public Utilitie has reported in ��jll" ccordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the —let.— of an emergency wh lch rendered necessary the employment oT certain employee of his department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, amid employment being mora than usual hour, of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby .. FORM No. 2 9%709 9ub�ect: - 1C until File No. 'bei present 6d 1934 �� R.911//'.d, WHEREAS, the CI—i"!....of Public Utilitie has reported in ��jll" ccordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the —let.— of an emergency wh lch rendered necessary the employment oT certain employee of his department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, amid employment being mora than usual hour, of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized topay the following named at employoe at the rate othernise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time set forth: NAME TITLE SUNDAY REG,LAR RATE Walter Heidenreich Water -shed labroer 8 hre. .46q Frank Flemipg Unskilled laborer 8 .45 Ludwig Zwlr ner " " Foreman 8 _ u7 hrs. .45 .75 Ole Munson Leonard Munson Utility— .53 Ed. Kordell James Tighe Mech.helper Ens rg. repairman 7 7 " .58 .4644, Joe Bruno Ditch diger 7 " .55 Joe DiMartino 1.55 Rosario Nicolletti " " 1 .55 Harvey Donahue Utilityman 24 " .53it Mike Fritz Ditch diger 1 " .55 Antonio Paduano 2 .55 Paul Rulli 2 .55 Daniel Todora Gust A. Johnson " " Utility— 0omitted 2 last j Marchj 9 " .55 53'g James Saporito Mech.helper 8 .56$ Joe Grappalle Ditch diger 8 .56 Mat Roberto " 1 8 hrs. 4� " .55 John P. KruseUtility— William D• Carla on Filter Plant Lab. 2 " .531 .46, MichaelMulkerp, Jr. " 8 " 6 " .461 Stanley C.Hesmuseen " " " 2 " •46a Ayes Councilman Nays 'McDonald _ ,,Mey iRoeen Adopted by the �oR �.A 1934 1934 /Truax Aenzel Approved ` ' I 1934 Mt. President Mahoney � Mayor. J Certified correct Leonard IT. Thompe on General Superintendent r. 1( OTT � m' asxx FORM No. I. April 16, 1934 An emergency has arlaen in the Department of Public Utilities Bureau o£ Water rendering neoeasary the employment o£ certain employes of that department Eor more than eight hours par dap in the doing of the following work: ( DIrivFF a i g trucks Rapa iring main at Cretin and Wellesley.# (� n e 1 This emergency arose by reason of the following fact. and circ uma tent es: sTaking men to and from CWA work. #Leak In main Certified correot Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent cr a..t CITY OF ST. PAUL riu NO. f)I%i� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FOR`z True:— vr,E9ENTEo eY ^ t r'rrr nx, z1i�e r., ntnr. Corn M199io rvEa /"�<` )�� � ���. �� _ nlnck fine z enu xll nr HC70ljVLflx „r .o .. WHEREAS, the City has heretofore leased part of Lots 1 and 2 and all of Lots 3 and 13, Block 5, Dayton's Addition, for an annual rental of One Dollar, from the Creat Northern Railway Company, and has used the same for playground purposes; and WHEREAS, said property 1e not now being used for play- ground purposes, and the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has no further playground use for that property; and WHEREAS, there is a delinquency of $2.00 rent thereon for the period of July let, 1932 to July let, 1934, and the Great Northern Railway Company has asked that the agreement dated July 1, 1924, between it and the City be cancelled and that upon such cancellation the $2.00 due it will be also cancelled; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the request of the Great Northern Railway Company for cancellation of said agreement is accepted; and the City Clerk is instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to Jemee T. Maher, Right of Way, Land and Tax Commissioner of the Great Northern Railway Company. fens \nyn Mny McDonnld Senor+ In In - Trunx � ) Al.r— Nenvcl I'. Alt. PresiJevl 9lnhuncy � � �. - eM OR 1 a meq Ail 1,d Iry Ilrr /'in rneil 193 Aplrro rr,l •� tl� 193. A N —NT KAUrM— - ERVESi W. JO„NSON AS.p,. of P.A. S, P,. of %arv,o.�Er CHAS. A ;ZSEORD C.rr A,cF•lecl CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepifel of mi--' DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS a' CZ Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Co..im;. m CARL E SPEAKES, D.P.h Cemmi„—, 1'r.i,. Ana-- or po rD t'c:. o. De— Si, TI__o L�j,e .'t: •anc h been leasing S,— described eo Lots 1PSA o Lot- 3 - - B1ooY. ;;, �o','t on's %dP.iC ion, 3-, ie.1, £ro,:. t"' Creat tior Clio rr. RD ilvray et a roi�te� of 41.0u ¢ yecr. .,000tionStreet :'ty ,:;ori,, a�ilotc.er afore aug c -het you dravi a yi•oy O�' ra sul Li on ^or cE nco :'r 91 on of tha voT, c,ill £i"! ttec^.ed _e 't"fror., the Gre D'.. P:o""0rn isailv+�y OOrpn �., e�hich is sal£- ezple.nctory. The k1,.g yo,: fop ­ Dt-ontion •„O Ms, Y—m t"1y, �or..n,is o i onor GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY Paul , Minn., Arrll 6, 19M Lesae 5ivision. Ur. J. 4. Clancy, Air ct:asi r.Fr el:..eut , City of St. Paul, St. Pend, Minn. beer Sir: On March 29th, 1934, 1 wry .a y.0 ss follows: y unting L "T--— called o at: sn to the se fact the tur:d 'r lnesed tot the SS'.y ofujt. Ya ul for pent of lots 1 and 2, end all o£ lc is 3 ,1 13, block 5,-yton's dd ditto., St. Pail, ti.e re D unt of .2.00 due for rental from July 1, 19-'0 to July 1 1934 � it v; ill be ap�-reciate,d i£ 0, n arrange fo -ey—,t of this small emourt at an e,-1 y ca e_ Since the ane ve n ett� ittan 1 find that the boys e acted n ith the Union 'ospel tLi ssi->n �: is1: to - e lots 1, —d 3 i ^.1,ek S Bey ton's ^dd ici�n, -sl�v g;roxind P-- , -- untni's.nrd furtler !fiat tF.e City Is ent u trE nt?te r-ty, r. c?it -to .,e th'.. at it ou.� he Just es .It to have the ..ity'n _--11, ceon,ll�d. It this i .satisfactory to yuu 11 y.>u D'1111 tnve the :'ity's untrpa:t of the ax_reev.ent o£ Ju1y 1,0.1921 retuned to me Cor c ce llation, end in such a ent we w111 cancel the ;.2_00 rent referred to in the n..ove quoted letterV �o s very truly, i _ t CITY OF ST. PAUL wu.c�. NO....., J77 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,u COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM P—ENTEO ev COMrn IsslONEa �i .� .� —_ _ - Ste'• ..� A-� l_ F. owre. RESOLVED RHERELS, the following coned heve made eppllcatloee for seels• if goor licensee at the add—epee tndic -ted, acd on IIHEHEAS, the Comcll has not granted Bald applleatloea, ®d said appl Scent. have 'Z -PPI withdrawal of a and a refund of their license fees end return of their bonds, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city offlcere be and thsy are hereby nnthorized to refund to the Bald applfcecte the 1lcenee fsae heretn- f6re deposited by them end the Clty Olark Se authorized to rat— their respect Sva bonds Lo them and cancel the Sr applications: Lome Long 961 Rice st. COUNCILMEN M \'nye Ad. tad Ip Ib� ['<�uncil�PR.. �. B_ 1934_. .IBS_.... Ahul. -'file Do' -Id 4 In f-- Al�I�mveJ 'a.... ))_� j195_ �i5'euzcl 11'9CI)1'1', \I tERK N e /tlr. President iltnhoney - .T�.. _ _ � ... ._. _.. _. _.. _ _.. _._ _.. Y--ia-3r "I���-ta/�c-�iK.��( 4 �ti ,� .n,Lti,G� , �//,/q,.� L ��CC-�--- / /' /- �/ /� � I 1\�A2� 1 Pp Charles Charles La Bocnta has died since —king these appllcatim- for 110s'ses. — -- Inspections have not been completed on ------ ---not yet been applications and licensee have isaned. Widow of Yr. Le Boonta wishes to sithdras eppllcations as she does not went to eater into this business. 0 o.o:r :o aa�t 07712_ CITY OF 3r. PAUL 2x- NO...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ DATE _ April 10, 1934 R -LC. Ii �k J.. -... •�-w: ---- WHEMvec, it ie desired to withdraw application 1911 for Bestanrent lice... and applj cation 1912 for Oa Sale Belt Beverage license applied for by Charles La Bounte at 839 R_ M-L—haba Street; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to r flznd to Cbarlas les Bnonta, the fee of $10.00 and cancel said application for Restaurant li can aa, and the fee of $50.00 and to cancel said application for On Sale Yalt Bery ge, li cern sa_ COITNC'I I.MFN Yea. N aY' /May / McDonald �. _Ja..w.ec _.. [. raver -r—a.. Against wan='i My President Mahoney . Aa�„kd by the t'-- il.. 9 PR_.1 g-1934 -193_ Ap 193. G \I n� o.�Ydl .o cio a••t CITY OF ST. PAUL .v NO.... 9771.3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R-UTION---GENERAL FORM Apr7.l 17,. 1954 -.'n.c- t 11x ✓� a -.c Bg§q&—D wRislRec, on April 7, 1958, Yarp Carlat ta, 750 Payne Avemoe vada application 2752 for m Off Sale Malt Liquor 11canse, for which license No. 765, expiring April 7, 1954, Rae ieened, and AERO, through m,i—darst—ding Or the .-pi--tic- data, Mary Carlotta made application 5137 far renewal of OYf Sale Malt Liquor license and liesnas 1572, expiring June 30, 1954 was isaaed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city orr:L -. be, and they are hereby authorized to refund to Mary Carletyte the fee of *5.00 and to cancel License 1372 for Off Rale Malt Liquor license. rou�f'n.an;� Y-¢ �¢y¢ m¢y .il,arce _ In [¢aur Rnnen -'fru¢x Agui—t Nciizel Preei.lent 1I¢honcy Aa.,I,t,!a by the f'—il_ _ APR 18 193%,. App 7-1 _ _ _ _ 193. \1¢3 / CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM oATc ,Pru 1B, .1964 =..' No _ :97.714 V LI" RESOLVED ication 1729, SPPlied for by Sem ro Bdinelp ghat ]Soanee for Grocery, appl at 951 Peyne Avenue be and it ie hereby denied upon rec-dati® of the Bcrean of Health and the Proper olty officers are hereby authorized to refund to Sam Brodloeky the fee of $10.00 end to cancel said epplicetion for grocery license. COUNCILME1 Yeas Vnya /May M,Dnoald Rosch Truax /W '-4 /(Iv1r. President Mahoney �1. F. Sc 0III Adapted by 6he (�, 1. APR ..1 8_1,q?4..193_ p e 1 ' 9 i334. I13. Jlayur F a... CIT!' OF ST. PAUL NO, 97715......'._..._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That Tavern license, application 1677, Restaurant li—se, application 1570, and Dance Rall license, application 1578, applied for by Ilre. Patrick Dryer at 57 X. Isabel Street be and they are hereby denied upon recommendation. of the Bureau of Police and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Kra. Patrick Dryer the fee of $200.00 deposited on application for Tavern license, the fee of $10.00 deposited on application for Restaurant license, and the fee of $15.00 deposited on application for Restaurant license and to cancel said applications for 11oanses. ='" H�Po �1% n ikS e�. oo I� --d o. _ „ COUNCILMIEN Yeas N., 7 a McDomld � Rumen �..Agai-t /weemel ,Mr. P—id,,A nmhueey Adopted by We ee„I,eiPR_ 95 1 lea.. A/prny 1 ntay�,r Vilt- P—t, conIf Fit—, Deni sir: t, A-11 ?'th. I -i' I *, , , ". yo cheek�f t i ­.r. Y,,,r, —y tl'IY, City clerk. Ai, r11 , _1, 4 We 'r 11",r eil i rII LUL cI'. - thula etr�l'e 'r Tlre`Wo oS.mer a to .. i��.�ee u s1r lh.e r .,r Eot twice a nei- ". he �.c1n eta rti nF at e ' slue c'1 � wl Llnr.t slr'K u_ held ebaut ueiv,- 1—r o. N.r. Iir.�.l. hr�:; e Fall uysti.l re, for the flue ye to ,..anuf �c.0 rr c.. _ -.. thry we _.�vi ne rrr nie r ..;m. I.la tutu l.r.et few altere.t ic,ns w _ tl,e . rt .end 1—*.'—1 s Pr.r'Hur1e� o eI ti 6ne;ia le neer Ft,llll an. _.verb ue1nF the r .. i.lver'+i ew Dutci: Nou ne. Thl'll aineu nt11 L'r.ree r four 1r. L?.e -".K• P'1 �t.[s Sneide Lhe F.i+11 a n Lhe street grid flnrly t rm in( ul �, }ira},er L)' cu"F. Lellft telulreo 11rr.L two fliF.'treu cf�e�al r^, wY 1ct. �evul ted .r. ou .. be In cr, ee i h 17 Mr. Gr. M2rcl. 17 h'.rn. r :Tw;/er t r tl,e h --i— :T11_I: !. Tl.e1l nh ra ceful rnditicna 1'.:.ve- Younyop,irla e,l I:x veeteen c Tied o _ c drunk Lte Ce}. e teer.eu walk. 11,1— M. Iteno a four fa:elly aNrrrt.-en: eu 1111 nqG fifty 1e from the ""i.n In uN:.r ent down st:.irs 11 v'ee tl.e nitcr the atner dcwn stat to al.:. nt tl.e tenant ny, 1'.ay two ':N _Lr+1re e{�nr tmeitu have r main eel un rer..e1 "in"in"in":h.e hi ve r'+l ew Lut et, liouae started ul. last year. All Le a,ij.i"1,K 1rol.e rt; o •�'e e1F. r.e1 w 4et12 icr. to deny.. 1Twyer a On -:;a ie bee rwi,,,I Te��ret'n Ll cense, \5'e hcie p,en t'_ee.en Y— will dant our relue et. ,il(tned. �� /�.j[�slh'1 Ltd air MILTON RO$EN CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of M:.-..-.ezo� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE A pr i1 19_ 1934. Mr. W. F. Scott. �ii.y Clark. St. Yaul. lLS nn. Dear .Sl— LRED E. LOVELL I am ming h9rewitta Coiario i] Yile. 497715 relative to applioet ions by Lirs Pat ri cic ITvyo for lioen,ea f r tavern, eataurant and denoe tis 3- at -9 iir 1 Straek.o The petitionsboth for and six-Lst Nava _ean ohaokod and the following ra port i s made s The premises Por wtiioi-i app lio at ions made and all propar- tiae wlthla 200 £aat tkaara o£ ntiraly within a rc isl distriot and a of a££aotad aby the prosi, Lone of Saotion 6. 0 rdinano, 7513rra lAt iva to tava rvs. There a e 1B owrL s o£ 31 ops rt iae .rithin 200 feet of the premi see s££aotad Ttia pat iti on £avo ring such to-- . eSgned by two and tl->_raea to Hants. The petition aveinet ie signed by tw<+ src3 ttiraa to Want,. On or e poperty the two owners +haora o£H a i grad ag ainat. while t'. entonante .timed for. Th, t for 1930. 1931 ,rad 1932 era delinquent, nqent, totallne $893 ee .16plue inter.+st Trusting this t s the+ i ni'o rmrati on you desire. I remain 7Yours truly.. 7�y� =�' co s i of Flo—oa." ' Yet ttlon April 16, 1934 Yetltlon ;gdlnegren'- 9 �. Tavern nn� fir. -3n Le LS cen ae to the '. Riverview Dutch Rouse (Urs. Y. Dwyer) Lecated et Isabel. end Concord. �s."_ a � 4 y I �., �. �✓/ �LI/l.(� (.r��kf 62FLQ0� Yt/ H./ n _-1 �CCi/t /2.R� / '•f j" m^ fA? q it m ,7 iw 22 II /►' Appil 17, 1934. w To the Maven and Council The taxes on our property at 419 Living -ton Ave. and 420 Star key has always been paid. n e ve Ata420 Starkey, windows have been broken, n e rel ,zoasione person. have attempted to break in and when ci.a sed h ave fled back into the Gatch House. Drunks from the Dutch Hcu=e have made d nulsan.e of themes lto uFon the property. If this ontinues o ent will find it neca e. any to move and the $25.00 a an at we are now ieaelving will be lost. gator !'r .. Margaret :ten j. NS.e Lucille tan 407 Liv in lice e.. 1 awn Sn the .—a bl�_;c '; niverview Dutch Hous. at 476 Starkey St., a four family ap¢rtment upon which all Lase. hxvw beer. paid. The two upet¢Sre spa rtnents have not been entad eln.. the Rive ry law Dutch House opened up 1.at year, and now on May let one of the Down .Lair. epartm encs w111. be v cant. There Se on the property which the i.lvalview DutehaHou ea ccupie- three (3) year. del"sent taxa. amount irg to $614.00 net including this year. taxa-. Mre Dwyer has had a petition. signed by a mmmber of people n of wriom awn property in the neighborhood. The petition has been improperly elgned in several places: .,.ck Hall 442 Livingston Ave. ib 20 yearn of age and not of legal voting age. John I'henning is not a ,elder' of the neighborhood, -but works fo i' the pure 011 St at or Concord and So. W.b.eh. i X%. W. Thompson and W.J. Thompe.n 428 So w.b.mh. w.s signed by the e.me person. I -.ole 416 Starkey is leaving the neighborhood on May let. I have had a petltl.n signed by the ':n"' of property N eXt to the Stivervlew Dutch House against I nting a Tavern and 6n -Sale license to Mrs. P. Dwyer. Signed. ( 4u? Livin�y,ton Avc., St. Paul, Minneso'..a 11 Api'11 19: entlenen: I an oo-1 eel to th eranLi of r'C', - ., n tave_n license to 1/.: Dwyer v: ino is �lying for s 1lcense Lt aropc rate e tn_vvrn et the corner of St.hrkley —d' Isabel Sts. The—1.1-nes_- of t:.e pll,oe IF —kln,- 1t difflc It f:,r us to keep our property P t 416 Star;cey entad. T_,e people frequentlne this te,Vern drive ovFr the boulevard a i 11 ve broY_en bottles on our lawn and In the et—, t front of t:.o bullaln6. Very truly' yours, ony e•� w air ty..� CITY OF ST. PAUL riL• NO. :l-L.I..I.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co®M sseoNER -- :-- DAT. April 18, 1934 REI5OLVED That the various licensee applied for se follows be end they are hereby granted end the city clerk is instructed to issue each licenees upon the pgynevt into the city treasury of the required fee.: Otto Brauer 936 Magnolia St. Bakery Appl 1804 John Bufner 1605 University Av. • 1792 Peravoont Pie., Inc. 614 Wentworth _ n 1788 Albert Llaeut 643 University Av. tt-h 1737 Alfred S. Blair 1175 E. 7th St. ' i ^et.°ca 1766 armo J. E. Ddy 685} E. 3rd St. wan.•.• w•s �n-,sao I 1756 August A. Goettsoh 404 Rice St. • 2177 Golden }pyla Beauty Sal— 95 E. 7th St. • 1999 Ed Jacobson 943 E. 3rd St. ° 1763 Joseph Lang—esker 911 Rice St. • 1987 West— kewie Streetcar Berne, Snelline & University Aves. 1739 M�d—s L. D. Plessis 40 E. 7th St. Berber 1925 Tobe Moore 1715 E. 7th 8t. ^ 1814 Roy P-1- 775 University Av. " 1709 WL D. Revd 522 Ceder St. • 1855 A. Voeller 919 Reeney St. • 1798 E. Eerl White 1811 Selby Av. • 1928 Louie Wolf & R. G. 6e® 359 Wabash. St. (Lowry Hotel) 1736 COUNCILMEN Y— Nays Adopted by the Cniincil- -.._ _._ _. ..193 May. / McD.—ld J'enrce � Iteee�� In (avo, Apprtaad_ 193 ' T,nnx - _. Against w-M Mayo, m j Mr. I""ideet Mahoney " CITY OF ST_ PAUL `arc" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL_ FORM coM Hen... April 18 1954 RESOLVED Abe Applebaue 1936 St_ C3--JL— St_ Bl .h— 1435 T. E. Bremer 800 E_ 3.rd St_ 759 1579- Gao. Hefner 1182 A—1- St _ ^ 1535 Johnson Bros. 1058 El—t-i— A.va- 1258 L. lase 739 Iglehart Ave- ^ 1774 Yicband Bros. 254 S . Av _ w 1584 F. Hileki 1166 Sa1bp A - 1771 -979 Awosda- SC_ ^ __ _ _ ._._ ..__low Clarence Schiller 1059 C]._3__ _—St_ ^ 1457 W. B. Sett—holm 1057 E. Ala y3 a a St _ ^ 1272 C. H.S ith 301-503 Rica St_ w 1715 Zopfi. William 1]12 Rica et _ ^ 1721 Sam Eady 551 J-1— St_ C.afeeti—y 1680 Orman Estemsom 2283 A. Canes _v _ 1735 Fanny Farmer Candy Co. Inc. 47 E_ 7th St _ ^ 1796 Carl Franc— 655 Pesyna Ave _ ^ 1869 W. A. Eohnke 975 Z_ 7t.h St _ ^ 1789 H. K. Lieberman (Concord Drug Co) 176 Concord St _ ^ 1831 J. F. Sheady Drug Co. 172 Ho_ 1775 fear \"n�n .�.i.>F�L�-cl 3��tlir t'uii iiiil._ 19:3_ \I sy \Ic llnnnlil I'rnrcr In (n�rr :11�Vr„�.,1 19:i Risi n 'I'ninx \Kni not Wenzcl nt u�r \I r. I'renilcnt \I uhoncy CITY OF ST. PAUL .� ' NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM —ENraoar t oe.TE April 18.. 1954 RESOLVED _5-- Smsdberg Drag CO. 1110 Payne Ave- Confectionery 1684 427 St. Peter St. Fruit–Vegetable store 1854 A. Applebaum Home Trade Fuel Co. 2195 Rnbbina St. Fnel Dealer 7129 Black Diamond Fuel Co. 2195 Robbins St. ^ • 7150 Twin City Fuel & Ice Co. 1160 Si.ma St. • v 7148 Lake Park Ice & Fnel 1160 Sims St. • • 7149 Bingham & Norton 857 CQend A— Gasoline Sts, 2 Pumpa 1852 Barley & Hid— 515 Jackson St. ^ ^ 5 n 1667 _C_ 2860 -Sha,. Bratty-Aw. w 5 1790 . a 5 ^ 1755 (1955} Phillip. Petroleum Co- 420 Main A— Phillips Petroleum Cc. 420 Nein A— w w 5 w 1754 (1954) R. J. Bernier 1278 Grand Ave. Grocery 1750 Carl J. Johnson 597 Casa St. • 1685 A. G. Goldberg 178 Concord St. • 1698 S. Kauffman 856 E. 7th St. • 1751 Rational Tea Co. 1041 Grand Ave. w 1812 Yaz Aeskin 951 U.J, sity A— n 1797 Clarence Schiller 1059 Charles St. v 1458 wm. W. Scbmid 1577 Edgerton St. n 1873 Joseph Scbeabl 2184 Narsb 1.1 Av. ^ 1856 C'OUNC'ILM I:N Mt y \Ic I1„nnld 1V'meel \1 �. I'nvlilcut \(uhoncy CITY OF ST. PAUL v c" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM P—ENTeo ^v C11-1111— _ / _ onTE April 18r 1954 RESOLVED F. Y. Barwick 612 H. Griggs St. Ice House 1811 L. H. Freemen 1056 Hoes St. . • 2504 Rdeord Schifferl 1818 Randolph St. • • 1754 Mickel... Ica Co. 525 Concord St. Ice Wagon 1744 World Amu.--t Co. 494 Wabaeha St. Motion piwture theatre 1853 C. B. Ab-sch 925 Selby Av. Off Sale Malt Liquor 2224 C. G. Aderman 1076 E. Maryland St. • • • 2260 Carl E. Anderson 758 Selby Av. n • • • 2521 Spiro. Ant- 621 Selby A- . • • • 2269 Petr Aplikowski l 572 Rise St. • • • ^ 2214 Tony A.— 827 Jackson St. • • . • 2229 Barnett 4 Lee 860 Selby A, • • • • 2531 l.ier Bermat 595 H. Western AY. • • • • 2539 D. F. Blackney 1819 Selby Av. • • • 2264 Henry Carr 457 Oedar St. • • .• n 2192 Henry Chase 552 Kentucky St. ° • • • 1891 J—i. Dandridge 560 Rondo St. • • ^ • 2294 Geo. Del Signore 179 Rondo St. • • 2274 H. T. 8.dlued i 1,200 Forest 8t. ^ ^ n v 2188 Job. E.ob 1120 Beech St. • • . . 1918 (:OIINCII MEN Yees M,,Ad,,1,A b, IIIe ('illi ucil \1nY NI'D Mid 1'rgrm' In fnvnr AI,,.—d. 11:1. Itiixrn 'frllnr ,\gninpt \Veneel ..\1nv.r al a-r/ Mr. P—id-t M.hoacy CITY OF ST. PAUL ..0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rsESEs.....- — l y � AprLl 18._1954 RESOLVED Mr.. Agnea Fleming E. T. Y..h. Great Atlantic & Paclfie Tea On. M. F. Graber C. H. Haggard A. H. Hein.obn Otto H.imaman C. Iass, soon & A- A. Koonce Cha,. 7aan8tt0 Stanley Kielsa One Kntzk7 Fred Kress 5. K --.r J... K..tnar F-dolph Lei— Oliver lame. Mdlanna H. J. Meyer Michaud Hroe. Cha, Milan & Chas. Saunders OWN( ILMES Y_ A^. Mnv McD("-ld _ r_- 976 W- 7th St. Off Bale Malt Liquor 2215 796 8. 71-h St. • " 2281 1607 UmL v- city flv. " n ^ • 2,100 199 H. -11^e A- n n • • 2218 521 Ffargess St. • ° ° • 2296 951 Arcade St. n ° ° 2278 686 Woodbridge Av. " " v " 2552 1561 II 'Lvai-Bity Av. • v n ^ 2207 425 IIppar X. 01 ° " ° " 1842 1986 Sti11 ter Road " • • • 1748 1102 Rica St. • • ^ • 2289 3.657 S- 7th St. " • • . 2279 543 Rica SE. • • ° • 2295 430 Casa St. n n n n 2240 558 gds l St. • a n • 1785 255 Roado St. " • ° ° 1597 605 Gabs aLa St. ° n n n 2179 456 Robert St. " " n n 2257 555 Rica St. • • v " 2507 1'enree I�� fnv��r knn<ii '1'ninr :1 Rei��et W--1 \Ir. President NI,hoaey A(I A,d by the ('unnril_ _ _193 . CITY OF ST. PAUL „u NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM P—SENTED sv oAre epril ls, 1984 REI50—ED �- 1581 Rice St. Off 9e1e Melt Lignor 2275 Joe Ynellner Mra, J. M. Orth 50 S. Cretin Av. n " 2246 Dain L. Rabitm 245 So. 8nalling Av. • • ° ' ' 2268 L. W. RamLaleY & C - 868 Orend Av. 2178 Prank L. Sameo 519 W. 7th St. • ' • 2501 R. A. Scanlon 2054 Marshall Av. • " • • 2181 C. A. Sederinla 210 Reeesy St. • 2516 Raybals Seyp1Qo 816 Payne Ave. " ^ e ^ 2250 Snow Crone Co. Inc 1345-1445 University Av. • • . 2277 Y. A. Stloknay 558 Rice St. ° • • 1764 Sm Teets 751 P•vae Av. n • • 2196 Alai Tork 976 Arcade St. • • • n 2506 Y. Techida Jr 616 Como Av. • " " " 2514 Y. A.Techida, Sr. 519 Hobert St. • e v • 2512 0. H. Trantas 1220 W. Minnehaha St. n • n • 2075 0. W. Watkins 1625 University Al. • a • • 2524 J. E. Welch 57 So. Beeline Ave. • • e n 2228 Rarry Yager 2225 University Av. ^ " ° 2225 Roman Zielinski 1059 M. W9etere Av. • • • 2258 COUNCII.11 V.' 1'eae I, the t'ounuil_ 19:1. Mav Mcllue�nl ii I'rnrcc Iii f��vnr A........ ... l. l93 It�iw< n '1'rua> :\Kni��rt W cu­l Mr. Yresi3�nt Mahor�ey ..�•��•, ,. c�>a..t - CITV OF ST. PAUL .,u N. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GEN ERAS FORM e_ c April 18. 1859 RESOLVED -7- C. B. Abr...h 925 Sa2b2p, Av-e_ On Sale Halt Liquor 2226 Peter Aplikoeeki 572 Iii ce St_ ^ 2215 H. R. A11® 75O Graced A-- • • 1991 Bertha B. Bsrnea 762 River El—I and • • • • 1726 Albin A. Benson 6S6 V-5-- ,., St. • " • 2261 James Bran. 952 Areeda St_ " • • • 1852 Agnea Carpenter 299 S_ 7th St_ • • • 2252 Henry Carr 437 R_ 7th St_ • • • • 2191 Deatsches Hans 444 Iti ca St_ • ^ " 2251 II- S. Brmeti-ger 5s7 SL . --tae, St. n n n 1907 Job. Ee.h ]120 Beech St. • • • • 1915 Shigori Ferri. & Yr.. Y-ry Favi— 121 S _ Wabash- St. • " 2333 Fets.h Bros. 549 Ro sabal St. • " • 2255 Yrs. Agnes Flaming 976 W_ 7th St. v • • 2916 MMOTF _...-ygBQ 6276 C. Isaac— & R. A. B:.— X861 2206 Che.. J—att. 425 typper Lava- • • • • 1841 Paul Eabits 245 S- Ave. • • • • 2267 Stanley Kiel- 1986 Still aster Rd. • • • 1747 _SLS-.. a . - .... ._.a....__. _ .7718_.._. COUNCILME res �a>-y ad„ht-a i„w. I��,����di. 193 M., nl�u���aa P,-(” tri (nvnr m Mr. I'reni,ic,il Muho.cy CITY OF ST. PAUL No. -- -- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-'GENERAL Fo- April 18, 1934 P—ENT— ByATE RESOLVED -S- 430 Gsaa St. On Sale Malt Liquor 2238 Joe. Eoetner Rudolph Leiner 558 Rdmund St. e n n • 1782 Lev®eone Sandwich Slap 587 Cedar St. ' ^ ' ' 2272 Gnat Lindell 944 Payne Ave. • • • • 2193 W.. Meet.— 488 Rice St. • n • 2290 Oliver Jenne McMamae 255 Road. St. • • 1596 Cbee. Milan and Ch— Samdere 555 Rica St. ^ ' ' 2508 W. J. Reutaling 1518 Randolph St. ^ ^ ^ " 2527 Frank L. S=ec 519 W. 7th St. " • ^ ^ 2500 i:o.-mak-o'a'ses='— ..Oniverelb7-Avc-.. Sm Crain C-Inc. 1445-1445 Wpiveraity A— " ^ " 2276 we. Spiel 828 E. 7th St. • a • * 2222 Ale: Tork 976 Arcade St. ^ n • . 2505 Y. A. Tenhida, Jr. 616 Como Av. w w " • 2515 Y.A. Stickaey 538 Rine St. • • v • 1765 Walkar-Pence Go. 75 R. Neat— Av. ^ • ^ • 2286 0. W. Watkins 1625 8niv.reity A— • n • * 2325 W. G. Weber 1579 Selby Av. • • n ^ 2152 J. E. W.1eh 57 S. Hemline A— • w n n 2227 yeaa Arlupte.l l.y th. ('iuncil_ _ 195. Mny 'NIcltannId I'enrn iii fnri.r A........ i. l._. 193_ I2.iA� n '1'rnux ,\gninrL _ AI,— \Ycnzel A7 r. prexident \I phoney raasa^Tc- a. NO... CITY OF ST. PAUL riu - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM o>TE dpril_181 1954 RESOLVED -9- Ha-7 Yager 2225 L7rr_ivar site Ava_ Oa Sale Halt Liquor 2220 Frank Yaroe.o 657 Py— Ave_ a v v . 1965 Harry Yee Pon 418 Qabashas St _ • ° 2245 C. B. Abr... h 925 S.3 -by Ava_ R..taurant 2228 Antoni Baesi 870 Rica St. 1719 J, Y. Praer 596 Wnbasba St _ 2298 Jame. Bron- 952 Amada St _ ^ 1851 Corbey Brc.. _ 448 Jack— Sb- ^ 1865 Carbone Broa. 680 E. 4th St - ^ 1864 Patrick Coasetta 241 R. 41Lh St _ ^ 1766 Harry Daien 2049 mar l T Av . 2256 John Each 1120 Basch St _ ^ 1914 we Hanson 2144 IImivarsitp Av- 1690 Chsa. J—.tto 425 Upper Lavas ^ 1840 stan1ey Kiel" 1986 R.oad 1746 Joe. Eset— 450 Casa Sb- • 2259 Mr.. E. H. Eraidler 1662 Grand A-- • 1728 John J. Lane 455 I.eItlag+,— Av a 1904 Mary F. Maseotti Leadtr87 & Domttq Delmont, 9 B. Kat-10fg:g Blvd 1805 Am. Yeaternan 488 Rica St - • 2291 COUNCILMEN Yens 1'ny ('ounril _. 193 M.y \I cl)i.unll 1'enrce In (u..r .4 �F.ruvrd 19:1 Rs. n 'I'n�ns :\gninnt Wenzel \1 nyir Mr_ President Mnhoney ('OITNCI .911'.\ Y- say, n6,h1,•d I,> w,11?4R 161934 Iaa \Isy o.�u"•I . u„a..k CITY OF ST. PAUL iu ` NO. ".'�11� I"avrr• h k"', OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK It COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGEN­FORM co"M' oNea o TE April. 1$° 1984 Mr. Pnvid�ut 9lnLoiiey RESOLVED —10— y______--_ —E63b6el+ereTtTAv— 8H9TA1Ta£-- _.17E6- 85 E. 5th St. " 1838 Note— ()'flail 690 U.ivereity Av. ^ 1701 Pauly Patient 427 S. Babaehe St • 1961 III— A. G. Peteraoa 1187 Peyae Av. " 2250 Service Club, 206th IaTentry Armory Bldg. 6th k Exchange " 1931 N. A. Sticlmey 538 Ria. St. 178E Arthur y. Todd 391 K. Beaters Av. • 1740 Nicb.el A. Techid., Sr. 519 Robert St. ° 1808 B. 7. 9t1ey 500 St. Peter St. 1895 E. T. Weber 886 Payne Av. 1794 Lazanae Loan 179 E. 7th St. P.—broker 1713 655 Payne Av. 2 pool table. 1870 Carl Free.... R. B. Mole- 283 Marla Av. 3 " ° 1743 ('OITNCI .911'.\ Y- say, n6,h1,•d I,> w,11?4R 161934 Iaa \Isy I"avrr• h k"', API ivrd -. _ Ills It r«�a. ARel."t Wuiurd 91„ nor Mr. Pnvid�ut 9lnLoiiey Del, • Delbouent, COLUMN 111 DELINQUENT TAME May 8, 1934. / Year Amount J. M. Bruer ✓ 395 '?sbsahe 9t. (Restaurant)) 193?- A,F. "3,484.77 H. Cooperman / 380 Carroll Ave, (Butcher) l 1Q11- No A.F. 84.20 Harry Dalen ✓ 2044 varshall Ave. (Resteurent)/ 1931- A.F. '+19.50 1937- A.F.63.8,9 7 2 H, T. Edlund 1200 Forest St. (Off ^ale ✓ 1937- No A.F. 922.73 "alt Lt..) Elms, 9, Ermatinger337 9t -Peter 9t. (On Sale ✓ 1924- No A.F, 8,94 Malt Lia.) 1975- 3,822.24 1926- P:o16.93 1927- 7,072,60 1928- 2,1441.31 19p9- 2,109.9 1930- 2,116. 2 1931- 2,169.07 1937- 2rO 6:80 9 10 (Property owned by theTrustees of Hemline Univers Sty of E!Snneeota) Hazel Park 862 White Hear Ave. (On Sale / 1931- No A.F. 184,46 Commerolsl Club Malt Lt..) 1932- Paid. J. J. Rohn ✓ 468 Wabash. St. (On Sale 1931 -No A,F, 6,658,37 `.!slt Lio.) 103P -No A.F.2 i , 7.09 Ti. iclinsky ✓ 416 Ccn.00rd 9t. (off sale ✓ 1932- No A.F. 41.69 Malt Lic.) Lazarus Loan ✓ 179 E. 7th 9t. (Pswnbroker)V lc7� A.F. 1,490,95 Lexington Tire & ✓ 7250 University Ave. (:ae.Stfl. ! 1931 -No A.F, 1,5o4.41 Battery Co. 3 r-) 1932 -No A.F, 9 8,10 7, 2. 1 S. D. vacant ✓ 2513 University Ave. (Restaurant)1 932 -No A.F. 874,56 Mery F. Masoottl '� 9 F-Tellogg Blvd. (Restaurant) / 1937- A.F. 7,757.51 Lendway & Dorothy DElmont Frank Matschinger ✓ 85 E. 5th St. (Restaurant)) 193P- A.F. 4,281.39 MM MISCELLANEOUS DELINQUENT TAXES %lay e, 1934. / Year Amount Mrs. J. L. Orth " 50 G. Cretin Ave. (Off Gale ! 1431- Del. c 1,940.39 "alt Lia.) 143?- A.F. 1'8_ 0 374E 61 Phillipe Petroleum ✓ 42o Mein Ave. (Gas.Sta. 1931- Del. 406.51 Co. 3 pmae.) 1932- A.F. 933-31 1779-.9 John A. Raechiok ✓ 979 Aroade St. (Butoher) 1032- Paid 1131- No A.F. 96.66 O,A.Sederholm " 210 Ramsey St, (Off Isle ✓ 1932- No A.F, 127.83 'salt Lia. ) Villelli Bros. ✓ 1698 Randolph 9t. (Off Rale 1931- No A.F. 371,03 ialt Lio.) 1939- Paid, J. B. Welter 1199 E. 7th St. (On sale ✓ 1930- No A.F. 53.06 Valt Lia.) 1931- No A.F. 101.20 143P- Paid. 157.-27— Harry Yager y 2225 University Ave. (Off Gale ✓ 193?- A.F. 406.44 Dalt Up.)/ (b On Rale),/ Mrs. Frank Silvers 22177 University Ave. (On Gale ✓ 1931- Del. 464.63 "alt Liq.) 193?- No A.F. 435.25 899,88 'T a it i i f i I, I i I —1— -MISCELLANEOUS May 8, 1934 NOT DELINQUENT Otto Brauer 936 Magnolia St. Bakery 1804 John Rufner 1605 University Ave. " 1792 Paramount Plea, Inc. 614 wentwo rth St. " 1788 Albert Alzant 643 University Ave. Barber 1737 Alfred S. Blair 1175 E. 7th St. " 1758 J. E. Darmody 6834 E. 3rd St. " 1756 August A. Goetteab 4o4 Rice 9t. " 2177 Golden Rule Beauty Salon 95 E. 7th 9t. " 1999 Ed Jacobson 943 E. 3rd 9t. " 1753 Josenh Langenecker 911 Rice 9t. " 1987 Ueston Lewis Snelling & University " 1739 (Streetcar Same) Madame L. Du Pleseia 40 E. 7th St. " 1923 Tom Moore 1715 E. 7th St. ' 1814 Roy Parelow 775 University Ave. " 1709 N. D. Revard 322 Cedar Bt. " 1835 A. Voeller 919 Heaney 9t. " 1798 E. Earl "mite 1911 Selby Ave. " 1926 Louie Wolf & R. 0, Reem 339 Babasha St, Lowry Hotel 1736 Abe Applebaum 1936 9t. Clair 9t, Butcher 1435 T. E. Bremer 800 E. 3rd 9t. " 759 Oeo, Hefner 1182 Arcade St, " 1335 Johnson Bros, 1058 Hastings Ave. " 1258 L. Maes 739 Iglehart Ave. " 1774 Michaud Bros. 234 S. Snelling Ave. " 1584 P. Milskl 1166 Selby Ave, " 1771 Clarence Schiller 1039 Charles St. " 1457 W. B. 9etterholm 1057 E. Varyland St. 1272 C. M. Smith 301-303 Rice St. 1715 William Zopf 1112 Rice St. " 1721 Sam Eady 331 Jackson St. Confectionery 1680 Orman Estenson 2283 W. Como Ave. " 1735 Fanny Farmer Cnndy Co.,Ioc. 47 E. 7th St. " 1796 i UISCELLANEOUS May 8, 1934 NOT DELINQUENT Carl Frasoone 635 Payne Ave. Confectionery 1669 71. A. Kohnke 973 E. 7th 9t. " 1769 U.K.Lieberman 176 Concord St. 1631 (Concord Drug Co.) J. F. Sbeady Drug Co. 172 N. Snelling Ave. ° 1773 Sundberg Drug Co. 1110 Payne Ave. " 1664 A. Applebaum 427 St. Peter St. Pruit-Veg.Store 1534 Rome Trade Fuel Co. 2193 Robbin. St. Fuel Dealer 7119 Black Diamond Fuel Co. 2193 R.obbine St. ° 7130 Tnin City Fuel & Ioe Co. 1160 Sime St. 7146 Lake Park Ice & Fuel 1160 Sime St. " 7149 Bingham & Norton 657 Grand Ave. Gas.Sta.? pumps 1632 Hurley & Hindman 513 Jackson 9t. " " 3 " 1667 R. J. Bernier 1276 Grand Ave. Grocery 1750 Carl J. Johnson 397 Case St, " 1663 V1. G. Goldberg 176 Concord St. " 1696 S. Kauffman 656 E. 7th St. 1751 National Tea Co. 1041 Grand Ave. " 1612 Max Raskin 931 University Ave. " 1797 Clarence Schiller 1039 Charles St. " 148 Wm. W. Schmid 1377 Edgerton St. " 1273 JoeeDh 9chnabl 2184 Marshall Ave. " 1836 F. M, Bernick 612 N. Irigvs St. Ice Rouse 1811 L. R, Freeman 1056 Roes St, " ?304 Edward SGhifferl 1616 Randolnh St, " 1734 Mokeleon Ioe Co, 3?3 Concord et, Ice Wann 1144 World woomont CO. X94 "rabfteha �t, !.1o,Pict,Theatre 133 C,B,Abreeoh 9?y eelbj Ave, Off !)ale !!alt blot �??� C. C. Aderman 1076 F. Marvland 2?60 Carl E. Anderson 736 Selby Ave. " ?321 Spiro. Anton 621 Selby Ave. " 2269 Peter Aplikonski 572 Rice St. 2214 Tony Azzone 627 Jackson St. " 2229 Barnett & Lee 860 Selbv Ave. �� 2331 -3- 1.1ISC&LLANEOUS may 8, 1934, NOT DELINQUENT Maier Bernet 393 N, 7estern Ave, Off qale !'alt Lio. ?339 D. F, Blaokney 1819 gelby Ave. " PP64 Henry Carr 437 W. 7th 5t, ° ?192 Henry Chase 332 Kentucky St. " 1891 Jennie Dandridge 560 Rondo St. " 2294 Geo. Del Signore 179 Rondo St. ° ?274 John F.sch 1120 Beech St. " 1916 Mrs. Agnes Fleming 976 'V. 7th St. " 2215 E. J. Fuchs 796 E. 7th St. ??81 ;rest Atlantic & 1607 University Ave, " ?100 Pacific Tea Co. V. F, Gruber 199 N. Hemline Ave, ??18 C. H. Haggard 371 Burgess St. v?ab A. H. Hetneohn 931 Arcade St, ??78 Otto Heinzman 886 Woodbridge Ave, " c33o C, Isaroson & R,A,Koonoe 1361 University Ave, " ?207 Chas, Jannetto 425 !finer 'Levee " 1842 Stanley Kielsa 1986 gtillwater Rd. " 1748 Gus Kutzky 1102 Rice St. " ??84 Fred Frees 1657 E. 7th St. 9?79 E. Kroemer 843 Rice 9t. " 2295 Jos, Kastner 430 Case St. " ?240 Rudolph Leiner 558 sdmund St, " 1783 Oliver James McManus 235 Rondo St. 1597 H. J. Meyer 603 webasha St. " 2179 Michaud Bros. 456 Robert' 9t. " 2237 Chas. Milan & Chas.Saunders 335 Rice 9t. " 2307 Joe Muellner 1,481 Rice St. " 2?75 Paul L. Rebitz 243 S, Snelling Ave. ??68 L. w, Ramaley & Co. 666 Grand Ave. I " ?178 Frank L. Samec 519 l'. 7th qt. " ?301 T. A. Scanlon ?054 pnrehall Ave. " 2181 Raphala Semico 816 ayne Ave. ??30 Snow Crown Co. Inc. 1443_45 University Ave. 9?77 i —4— V Ig DRLL ANEOi1S V,y 6, 1934 NOT DELI NO(LEITT '?. A. Stiekney 53' nice St. Off gale "alt LSO. 1764 Sem Teets 751 Payne Ave. ?196 Alex Tork 976 Arcade St. 7306 Y. Tschida" Jr. 615 Como Ave. " 2314 V.A,Tsohida" Sr, 319 Robert St. " 7312 0, H. Trautner 1220 T, Vinnehaha St. " 2073 0, 1, wstkine 1625 University Ave, " 2324 J. E. welsh 57 S. Hemline Ave, " 2I26 Roman Zielinski 1059 N,7estern Ave. " 2259 C, R. Abrasch 925 Selby Ave. On Sale "alt Lie. '225 Peter Aplikowski 572 Rice St. " 2213 M. W. Allen 750 Grand Ave,i " 1991 Bertha B. Barnes 762 River Rlvd, " 1726 Albin A. Benson 636 Vandalia St. " 2261 James Bruno 93'� Arcade St. " 1952 Agnes Carpenter 799 E. 7th St. 2232 Renrp Carr 437 W. 7th 9t, 2191 Deuteohes Haus 444 Rice St. " 2231 John Esch 1120 Beech 9t, " 1915 Shigori Ferris & 121 S. Wabasha It. " 2333 Mrs. ,Mary Nevius Fetsoh Bros, 349 Rosabel St, " 2253 Mrs, Agnee Fleming 976 1. 7th St, " 2216 C, Isaacson & R,A.%oonoe 1361 University Ave, " 2206 Chas._ Jannetto 425 Upper Levee " 1841 Paul Kabitz 243 S,Snelling Ave, " 2267 Stanley KSelea 1996 Stillwater Pd. " 1747 Jos. Koetner 430 Caee St, 2239 RudolDb Leiner 559 7dmund St. " 1792 Levensons Sandwich Shop 397 Cedar 9t. " 2272 Gust Lindell 944 Payne Ave. " 2193 Wm. liaaterman 499 Rice St. " PP90 Oliver James :'.cl:+anue 735 Rondo St. " 1546 -5- - .,SIS CF•Lr,�iNF.CCi9 may 8, 193k NOT DELINQUENT Ohae.Mil an & Chae.Saundere 335 Rice 9t. On 'ale Salt Lia. P308 r. J. Neutzling 1518 P.andnlnh 't. " 7327 ^rank L. 9emeo 519 R. 7th St. 7300 Snow Croom Co. Inc. 1443-45 University Ave. " '276 wm. Soiel 8'8 E. 7th 9t, " '7'P Alex Tork 976 Arcade, 't. "05 M. A. Tsohlda, Jr. 616 Como Ave. 1313 M. A. Stiokney r78 Rice St. " 1763 Walker—Penne Oo. 75 N. western Ave. " PP96 O. w. 17atk ins 1625 university Ave. " 321 N. C. I'+eber 1579 Selby Ave. " '182 J. E. welsh 57 S. Hemline Ave, 2177 Frank Yarusso 637 .Payne Ave. " 1963 Harry Yee Pon 418 wabaeha St. " ?245 0, B. Abresoh 925 Selby Ave. Restaurant 2226 Antoni Beast 870 Rice St. " 1719 James Bruno 932 Arcade St. " 1851 Corbey Broe, 448 Jackson 9t, 1863 Carbone Bros. 680 F. 7th 9t, " 1864 Patrick Coseetta ?41 v1, 4th 9t, " 1766 John Uoh 11PO Beech 9t. 1914 k Hanson ?144 Oniveraity Ave, " 1690 Chas, Jannetto 02 her Levee " 16U0 Stanley Kielsa 1986 Stillwater Rd, 1146 JOB, Kaetner 430 CBee St, " P$ vra, E. H, Kreidler 166? Grand Ave, IN John J. Lane 453 Lexington Ave. " 1904 Wm. "asterman 488 Rice St, " PP91 Mathew O'Neil 690 University Ave. " 1701 Pauly Patient 427 9, wabaeha St. " 1961 Mrs. A. G. Peterson 1187 Payne Ave. " 2250 Service Club, Armory Bldg. " 1931 206th Infantry 6th & Exchange M. A. Stlokney 539 Rice St. " 1762 Arthur J. Todd Michael A. TeoMda, 9r. J. Utley A. J. feber Oarl Frasoone R. W. Molean -6- "I4OEL?,ANBOU9 KAY 8, 1934 NOT DELIN?'TENT 391 N, 'astern Ave. Restaurant 1740 319 Robert St, " 1806 500 4t. Peter 9t, 1893 886 Payne Ave. 179' 639 Payne Ave. 7 cool tables 1870 P93 `.aria Ave. 3 " 1743 1 aLL.rc nl". ouvL iLniE TO ci OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ROLL CALL TILL IL No. F1 f (1 COUNCILMEN COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS April 17 34 ncniNST RESOLVES THAT c".crcs .1 onoN r" - "4 "NTS Lgdpppi��Q119 43 ­- y/ ELLry /T1 11 TIECQUNC.L TOTAL A 33 000 14 2221639 37 - 287? Milton Rosen, C. of Finance }04 40 469 35 2873 Milton Rosen, C. of Tinanoe 1 697 10 2874 Milton Roeen, C. of FSnanoe 2 611 57 2875 Milton Rosen, C. of FSnanoe 2 353 72 2876 Milton Roeen, C. of Finance Finance 5 686 17 2877 Milton Roeen, C, of 2 163 80 2878 Milton Roeen, C. of Fin,noe 27 782 80 2879 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 7 2880 Milton Rosen, 0. of Fln?nce �3 Milton Rosen, C. of Finence 47 2881 2 534 2882 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 50 2881 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 4 4 2884 Una M. Hollister 250 00 2885 Mrs. Josephine M. Ayd, Guardian 4 0 00 2886 Mra. C, Claugherty, Guardian 40 00 2887 Mrs. Etta Flaherty 28 28 2888 Mrs. Anna Schneider 17 28 2889 Mrs, 4gnes 'teles 3186 2890 Phil Anderson 90 2891 G. Baglio g106 2892 Farwell, Ozmun, Birk 6 Company 78 92 2891 Griggs, Cooper h Company 16 00 2894 McFadden-Lambert Company 23 J.L. 9bie1y 0011-11Y 216 P995 2896 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Company 81 90 2897 Vitone Chemical Company 8 75 2898 S. S R. Sandwich Shop 15 00 2899 R. Hathaway a Jno. %lunert 875 00 2900 Walter T. Hoffman 83 20 2901 Max P. Snyder 250 or) 2002 Andrew A. Berhnardt 15 00 11 948 42 29o-; 2904 Milton Rosen, C, of Finnnce Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 20 701 21 29Milton Roo an, C. of Finance Heroff 1 449 392 2906 2907 John Ed. Bohwa,etr 60 2908 2909 Jam ee Ginple H.F. Erwin, Agent 24 00 25 00 2910 Blue 8 white Cab Com -any 600 95 2911 Midway Ice Cream Company 287 52 2912 George 9 82 6 00 2913 • 2914 4ulwood Mfg, Com oa ny Mfg. C.R. Knudson 25 00 ?415 Leonard R. Tbompeon, Centl.Bupt. 540 00 2c16 M. 7egorsky 6 Louie J. Blike15 0" 2017 Board of Publlo telfare 7 884 71 2918 A 1 Stenogranhio Bureau 15 05 ?919 J.E. Coakley 14 50 /1 ornL- oaw.ao 33 000 14 2325750 30 COUNCIL FILE. NO ,r �nmaaen i arta and ex Denees 13y -- �slvlilPi°so-�te i..isai ni�u aaa srceet. to �aamrm n' Ila .r on the n,lllr h' - CITY OF 3T. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the s.,,, meat of benefits, damages, coats and expenses for changing the grade of the west side of Sibley Street from Third Street to Second Street, to confora to the red lines on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the prseent established grades being shorn by blue lines thereon, ands Pn lintinarr Order__ 9Z$57.. . Intennedw." Ordrr .93126 Pinel Urdu ..93360. appmnd _ ..Aug.. 16__.. _.. 19.32 ph,assns: nine of benefits, damages, costa and expenses for and ii Bial n u-ith the nho"r in, 1,11,1 •m hating 1',,u atlnalu.d In ,I" l'ounrll, and thr t'auneii 1lncing ro;s:drm,l .came and foetid thr sail f,rl. 6r II RE1[1C 1:1), That the said h. and th' in sll ...peat, approcrd RESOLVED FCI TIMI, That a pnhloI,rarinp hr Imd oil said asso—hent un the 16th .lisp of M I!1 34. at ;tl, hour of In o'rlork A M. in thr Council Chanihir of the mull l'i Iluus and Cite Ilull hulldiog, in tl,r i It, ,f Si I'aal; tlwt lhr Cnmmiseiunrr of Pinnure glen n,41re of'aid elating., as rrgnlred Le ihr Chartrr, s sling III .nhl Inure III, Ilmr and plaor of bracing, thr noon of th,. nlproiwnrni Ili, bnal rnri ihrm,l F. and ihr ill -nit nssrssrd sgtt t ihr ,nt or lute of thr particular Damn to xehor, ihr notion Is d"', I, APR 1 Adopt,d he th, Cnum i1 ..-., 19 n - dlgirorrd _ to J/ NIB", I'umlcihnnn�'erguso(I .. alIe Cunnrilmnn �fcBmtaLl' ,. I'a r,a Councilman dlohlaml . Id �,.n Counoil man&dhfe='c Il unx Councilman lw—blltq 11, ,,,,I Mayor QdOgsami Plnbone) Foam. e s 11 PLBUSHED i >CUPT, i likK 1019 COUNCIL FILE NO- By 0...._ ���• a ,nyt� um ,: l'hvtp §hart Rmil 9�1¢m t n. [,ufona it noel ll n CITY OF ST- PALL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the nmtter of the eaessment of benefits, damages, coat- and expenses for changing the grade of Chatsworth Street from Thomas Street to Word Street, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present estab- lished :;rade being shorn by the blue line thereon, under Pi-, I-oi — tlydrr 94722 95106 Plonl Order.. 65138 nl9,n�md _ ....1441 9. .. __. __. _ 14 33 "I'h� t ,t of beneflte., damage§_, oo At A.. and 91pans.ea__.. _. .for nod' ,t::rinn Kith the nbn- hallo, he.o "ol�and the council enol f I ill .oi,l ti RF.1111.1'ED 'I'hnt t.o .no. ,y .. .>n,. nt Luo.l the sxme is hen h� in e;l rcnl`ert= n�[trn. rJ. RE"ID F11 I l'Itl'lIF.1 . Thar: a I,o IN, henrinu he hod on snit �o to 15th Ind of 11,y_.. I!154 . nt thr boor of Irl n'r 1,),k A At in the c'ouoe ii ('Itnntlor of the l'oort I loi.pod t'i: Ilhll 14lli1'h." in thr t'itc of " 1'u:l vhnt the (:omn,lscioner n( I: innnrr pi.r optica of Axid m �,t nga, nn d 1, 111" r'hnr, r, tat I, , Enid node, the timr .,nil Idn,r of hrn o" tl., oatur. of thr m..ro.rm, nt. 1hr total eo.t thereof. and Ili, nmpun_ . s., svrd npni It the lot ar let' of tl:r pa Imola. o.. o,. to whom Ihr nod irr i. dire r:,.1 ,1r1"l,t rci by I'.,, t'000d APR IR '-. _ Ijl ,pz' oy ('Ir rlt. ('ron�dmxn-A�yenay -.� .iloinn Ikrg.�ran. n teilmnn n Alalhtnnld - - 1L,hlv:d 1 ��unrilmnn 44ndM1ei r �� cnnneilman msm,�l._�_ I w n. r _ M, ,pz' oy ('Ir rlt. COUNCIL FILE, ti0_... i 7 CITY OF ST- PAUL . Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the m.tter of the ,Lssrssment of benefit., demegee,, caste end ..pensee for 'hinging the grade or Alley in Block 11, Ning and Chute'. Addition from the south line of lot B to the north line of lot 41 to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attaohed and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, under I'nihniva,c 0,h, 940$4 Intennrdi— Orae, 94$59- . Fin.1 Ogler .94492 11.....20. _ __... _. 19 32 rn,• a.�,tat„•ttt d oen.Ml , —t.&.d, f, -d —0, the nLnt, in l,rt t. i,„nt battik b,,n "0 ' 0, '„u., , tna th, l nun, it Let m'r nshlerrd san„ n:,l fauna tha-sail aa....me nt --fae t"", the re f.r,. 1” it RE-1.1'ED. That th, .—,J a-- nt I, ,1 t5e same is hereby in ill respect, aPp--i Rh:IM,%'FI, F tTmiCH,'i l,al . I1,i, hes ri,iK he had —said u+=e.v mens nn tltr lath _M -Y.... , 1•,1 34, at the hour �, ltt o'elnek A )I, in the t'nun. it l'h-0, „( the t'r„irt and t'i _ Ilan Itu.'.�li: �,..n the _ �,( �. Paul; that th,I'm—, git nt„ t"" • n. re,l hy- th, t'harte r, =t r,. 4 n rnid n ,t the [i,nr nm] ,1see of heariut,, the nntur, of th, int l,rn�, n,en t. the Intal -, 'l,”, 'f n„asessrd p,i-t the let or Int-. of the 1,-, ala, t„ kh„m th,, t,,,i,e, is dir, .. pR 1 q t�34 adopted by the I � j te__.. ul ca ,t,�ilmat�Erh'ffrg”"� / - c„nttcuh,an.A'hrgaffim^�r - t'nvvcilm.n eFR�nnrd'� i:.;.,” ('ovucilman 4iahland' . clrY of ST. PAUL ,iii No. OFFICE of THE CITY C- -�jCo -RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM RSS®]m! WHEREAS, over a year ago, Carl Mill—completed the plaeter cast for the concour ee statue; and WHEREAS, the contract with Carl Milles provides that $15,000 shall have been and was paid Por thie work at that N.— and WHEREAS, it w contemplated tlst immediately upon the completion oP that worK the statue would be fabricated, and Carl Milles would inspect the finished statue and receive an additional $5,000 at that time; and WHEREAS, thie $S,COO 1e an arbitrary amount not dependent in any manner upon the work to be done; and whereas, $2,000 will I. suffici ant to guarantee the work eti 11 to be done by Carl Milles, end since the failure to complete the contract is in no way due to any act of the said Carl Milles; and WHEREASthe Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission at its meeting on Friday, April 13th, adopted a resolu- tion asking that the said eum of 8-1 00 be paid; the re £or e, be it RESOLVED, That Carl Milles at this time he paid $? 000 on hie contract, and the proper city of flcera are hereby authorized to pay the City` s ah are of said enm. r N_- x„y / u�an,��nl,l A.3.,1, d by u,,. < . --[ ":FSR 3 V; 1934 I.I:3 A�1 -u d Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research * A,hlc, c Club Buildin . .....,,4,w�.n.,,.. """•'' cai.. tz io April 16, 1854. To the City Coancll, City of Saint Paul, 41nne.ota. Gentlemen, Ot the met ting of the kdvisory Co union last friday, Gprdl 13, the fo 11n'Ing regio latlon was Passed. HHS,o.sr ►year ago Carl Mille. completed the plaster .set for the contour.. .tutu►, and 11HSRT.GS, the contract with Carl Mille. provides that $16,000 shall have been and sae paid for this work at that tiro, and, FH&R . It + contemplated that immediately aeon the completion of that Bork the esatue would be fabricated and Carl 4111se would Saepact the ft Imbed statue and renelve an additlo al $6,000 at that time, aad WE tyf' this $6,000 1• an arbitrary amount not depe dent Sn any manner aeon the Bork to be done, and, REMRBiS, $8,000 will be s fficlent to goarantee the ArY eL111 to be done by Carl Mille. and .Seca the failure to complete this contract Is Sn no way due to any act of the said Carl Millee, '2S3mRzFOR8, Im IT =LVZD, tbat Carl Mill.. at this time be paid $3,000 on hie coatr— Very truly your., Secretary, pdwlsory Court Honea and City Hall Building Co t..ton. CPH. SH ��o c„ ci•.. tN�a��• v CITY OF ST. PAUL •�� No. 1)i 722 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION�ENEF RAC ORM A / RESOLVED That the use of the theater section of the Auditorium be and the same 1s hereby granted to the Hoa, Demonstration Servi.e on May 25th, 1934, for the purpose of epon sor ina an adult education program; the cos t of opening and opeTating the said ...tion of the kuditorlum to 1- paid by Bald Home Demonstration Service. I'01 NCTI-NIEN tic Uounld .� .., �nh. I"',d—, -NI-1--y Ad,, ­1 1 I„ m. APR i Lva CITY OF ST. PAUL A NO.. tfl.I2:3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM MESEW8By �/ it♦,i.. .J�tl. _ ours RESOLVED RtiSAEAS,the following flamed per.one here heretofore filed app llcation. for "off, sale" honer 71csn.a s, asld here dapo el tad wl th each appllcatlone the license fee therefor, rte: Sam Rossini 239 Marshall Ara. Aad, Whereas, aaid applicant. here .itbd,— their eppli..ti..a and here ragas area the return of the amount deposited, together with all payers f11ed wl th the said appl Seetloae, therefore, be it n11VZ1, That the proper city officer, be and they are hereby authorised aad dl rected to ratnra to the ,bore named pe reone the am wt of the "off eel.° license fee heretofore deposited by them with their application, sad the Ciq Clark is directed to adri.e the State Liquor Control Coamlealoner of the fact that said application. here been with- drawn. V",es \,fit ..Sates \Icl)i iiu,l�l - 'Yrrzm— 'F4*erte— lgniiisl AV'eexnI AT, I'rc.i,li•ut \Ishoncy l'z . L..n Ad,,t,1 lid thi ( tl n4 1 1) a04 19;1 Alil,rr„'���I. •. .fit, 19:1 AI„t FRES—TED By RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL „u " NO.. �)'l.L2.P9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM i I J _ onrE Wuawsec, the fo11ow1— named hate made epplleat Sone for eon sale. liquor 1lcen sa, at the addressee Indicated: and t.r¢nse the Co cil has not granted said application-, and said applicant. haeme—gve,ted withdrawal of same and a relhnd of their license fee, e d return of their bonds, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the, proper city offlcare be and they are hereby ass thorl:ed to raft d to the said appl':ante the license fee. hereto- fore depoeltad by theme —d the City 011,11Se anthcll—1 to return their re ,P ec ti�a bond. to them and cancel their app' Snetlays: John Greco 302 Rice St. George Mauro and lout. Nauro 791 E. 7th St. Ad,,I-d I., H,, � "-11 APR 19 49841:; \I r. I'rc.iU,�„t \Iahonc3' CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. 9'-d' 42 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM MMNTEoB " � Z� oA.e April 19, 1934 RESOLVED I� the matter of paving West Seventh Street from ce Y, s of Smith Avenue to St. CL;,ir Street, Contract I'A", under Preliminary Order C. F. 97014, yproved December 21, 193-, and Final Order C. F. 97225, approved February 6, 1934. RESOLVLE , That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Puh`_i2 'horns for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby aoproved. v7_.y Na— "NIr. NI"I'r,"i,L iit N1.0-'.", - Adnhled by d,, r,,,�,,, �I. plpR l9.;L'U . 193 I9:3 /cGc..� till -c< I urc, nin,- . Lslcx CITY OF - PAUL No. j .OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK co,w Miss: C, OUNCIL R OLUTION GENE71­0— A FORM /«l � 7 . April 19, 1934 RESOLVED L Th the matter of pevirng West Seventh Street from center of Smith F.—nue to St. Clair Street, Contract "A", with necessary .was connections, under Preliminary Order C. F. 97014, ap:: roved Decemher .l, 1933, and Final Order C. F. 97225, approved February 6, 1934. hesolved, That the attached plans and specifica- tions showing the gas connections to be made on the above named street between tri. points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a cagy of this order together with said plans upon the Northern States Pov,er tom pany. - i)I-VrIL?I I.S I'M r,•,� ��:,>. � .a,lupl"d by a,, 1��:,,"gin APR.1 a z;:Zq tc,a�.l goo ` . - gPPRO%NATE RPANTI,TI&S, FOR:., GAS CONNECTIONS - 01, WEST SKV@g MXK SrRMOT FROM, THE;, CENTER LINE OF SMITH- 8-NFEMMAMFM TO ST.. CLAM STREE CONTRACT sA„. 13 =Atevr ' gas coaaections -A-1' existing gas services shall, -- be reconnected to new gas mein �'a'o'I `�1ij (1ef4 CITY OF 5T. PAUL NO. OFFICEIOF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GEN FORM MM�ss�oNeA �� "ArE Aril 19, 1934 RE$OLV EO p In the matter of p�v'ng West S,,,r,th Strait f'— ,, -center of S, -,S t:•I .+v.,nu, to St. Ci.,ir street, Contract "A^, with necessary water cou�ect+o under Yre_i.uin-,ry Order C. r. 97014, approved December 2'L, 193', and Final Order C. F. .7225, approved F'eb,,—y b, i934_ Hesolved, That the plans and specifications showing water connect Lon- to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Couunissioner o£ Public horks be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force A^_ount. ✓� I'I II'\I'll. \1 I�:\ � o by tho c„u���;l aF'F2 } " - _-- 934_ i sa -ti.n.,-- App, --d , 93 /IGin, n R,.nuI ST a< <u APPRUx=6 QUANTITIES y 41 ldc 30 %a M1 - � A✓- e X9.0^ c�C��_ � _�%�/�-j� � � O � .. ,. -�� i.3 o e A t•"u r9 i a'a^Na Bare: ,' 'c+.Tta —021' tlD a a X'r hu^ R. 3ar-s 3," r \ 3a soadh�� (J) 4 D / 0' o ✓ C, 5 h�aJ � ,� c , - SL.i .✓ "'-^B' CA o °.1;'. Lawfr^523 ,Ne Yor+BAig,.(C��`-� cy..l,er De_� T 7 � C) ` 362�i'amsey St T V v � _ p° ol N. �a.n, ne Wal/.cK_ 499 n r a�2.y S,^-fhAu.,._-- •�_ � � S� v Joh P. 8 Lucy F°u/pmbo -r-t E lrarc- -- 43� �,e°b�rfc. Msbek /269 4— z Z , 42 3 nib -d. �c.� v e o e T Carv,4ne �. ro, /2 ✓✓ vs r✓ OW jTli g .? 0. Scn✓ ie ' o Dou Las. � � � � � Seca,,, y Slate b ;ao. R0L�rtSt. o\Are ax t z �a Mame nves�menf Co � — � � y:vv c � 'a .N Ockson - Z34,Y7`Boa o n r ^ 101 eche. P 9 'go/ N F 0 ThrV r•eq_r�nr9.-Kn i\ Y 1 � 1 i ✓' I �.a w0o os'-"soa Et, c �. M=',Km✓co Payo ��. � � _ � m y � � m � n ° � ° a c � w1 3a � , qb'r, La. Z v,d n o ° 406519.ai�S} (f) �o I ECCW't6� Y3 Z N �\ 4 In --�---_r--'- ✓ 2 Y' ,g.He.'le asey �' /' N� L- _h- ZE 369 Emma g ..a'Sc�me uoe?en b )�� ✓ o_ ,!'Jg '✓ y,.`e 1_ .o cn � � ,. vim' a 22 6 Ve SY c, dz o CA �r Z ✓ca_ oh P D�bias - � - o - - 3sd ,a Law&nS23 Ye Y 314 zc e SOF Sf. -o ID am 6� & Wash:nglan S/s / 372A�- n 437Good.;oXA✓e o ? f ;z✓s A.,h;e �d Ave. r- � e�-� _ z 0 °•• NVM•[^ fi07 GOU ni �g L LrRESOL UTION•"` IV o.___{__- �L� Aesolvedo„That the ---iA- __e r — y au_,:roves he action of the P rc._ sing Commitee !n a—dinP contra c t ___:— iag urninh/cc—imntely 500,00^ ¢allons • Real011 Ho. 2 to the _spa rt-- _ "I 1u1lic d'orks for — eeas— of 1234, — the ., IL, �.!,-:- Y, they beinw the lowest responsible bidder, at a ,,rice of e _OS1C _ - _. = gallon, f—b. S-. Faul, maiming the total amrnnt of the contract -- —imately $'25,500.00, to be delivered .c r_—ircd, in accordance r> —._ standard city a pec i£ic_, t i —, the Sr bld and award of cnntr-_ t 1, r o o attached, a. 'he Co tion 0—csel is he—by a,th,! zeal to 3r. v- - -- , r Form if contract °.l_r_f— 90b0 1 • 9prinkl ing 1004 , � w - -- //� �� 7 9 • °.. ,... -- ...._. � moo. .�...° a..,. �o,,..� � 9 .. u.,.. 8 U 7...., ..,u No_--t�%-- �_2__�8 COUNCIL RESOLUTION x v n novEMeHr v.,a�ecrs R olved That the Council ereby au roves the action of the Purchasing Ing Commi'tee inawardi— contra et furnleh/aih. xlmatel 500,OC^ call... Road 011 17o. 2 to the 2epartment of Public 14orHs for the ssasoi� of 1934, to tae STAiiZ),?_D OIL X,.i ANY, they cenc the lowest re.aoneible bidder, at n bribe of $ .0510 per gallon, f.o.b. St. Paul, ai—.inv the total amount of the contract anoroximately $25,500.00, to be delivered as required, in accordance with standard city specification., their bia and award of contract hereto attached, at, . -.e Cor;. rdtion 7cunsel Is hereby authorized to Jr v. ;sober form 'i.e contract ther=for. LA 9050 fSPrinkling 1004 v.,aw 806 COUNCIL RESOLUTION Awraoa�z.r�oa o. c«.c�iv�r+oveMEs. Pao�ccr� 3eeolved Th,•t the Council herebfhu.rovas the action of the lPure basins Cn:rt,l ttee in awardlnz contract for furnishing and • �� del iverLuo. icatins Oils reouired by various departments and activities of the City for a period of one year Io-lnnin- Ili April 10, 1<34, to the H. K. 6.A"HL CL41rAYY, they bein7 the lowest re,ionsible bidder, on :.astern Cile, at a total contract of acproximately $6,875.39, their prices 1_evi - been reduced on the three items for the Department of Education, in iccordanee with their letter dated April 16, 1934, oil to be d -livered as reouired, 'I in r. o eardance with stool id city ,-eeificati-s dated January 10,1'33, their bt'. and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Co.un­1 is hereby autnprized to dr .v+ 11 the rr_oyer. form of contract • therefor. 9045 Hpxiak3k¢g Charpe,ryv ri.us dep rt ❑ta a -Jered. .o�..,. SPR 1919'•,0. ,...a..o __ ss z a • 97730 CITY OF ST. PAUL •i1� " NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COIJ IL RESOLU ON -GENERAL FORM el _ / .acker.w PraesEr+re e✓ c. _ �_ i7F9€iEN�o A E� ti 3dw L Lccey e o£ tce art e_it _- 1 �., ur i"'~Fn c. _. A.,, ., e:d as : _t it _.� _ z., ., , t,r _n e1 Ile _ weYs, _�.te _ .._ _ r d.• ..:e rd ase f ie right :and, ,.nd fii Le_ cent 200 s o 0 –e for c n loss u_.1e Ler-t ,.r _, lan Le�t�-.zl o: e5re e.. mad ..o-^': �r. re :,> '.i•' tne. said :ward J d p90J J in L se Le t =r x -ar" et j 't —:_be�Ore,, t .e J o_ L932, sai stto be payr r ie o o: C pcc �nnt �� 2'e „c r —L F zd. I i1-\1'11.\I1:\ N„ VIrU��nnl.� Rei., u 5� Ad,,t.,i 1„, u,,. a APR 9 n e los -�......... .1 i os tvm.Ls= - o, .o G[r �-,• CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTEn av .l coMMiss�t NEs f_ _ !owre April 19, 1954 RESOLVED ?hat the proper city offt— be and they are hereby authorised to ,.fwd to the following named persona the lic eneee fee. indicated depoeitad on applications for Dance Hall licenses which p—iously have been denied% Harry Yea Pon 420 Wabash- St _ Dance Hall ¢15.00 Appl. 5880 J. E. Bertrand 561 van B-- St. " 15.00 • 4564 Sam Cob— 989 Arcade St- • 15.00 • 5096 mm " 017NI'Il.%il-:r �e --}'crrrL•r .Iii fav„r 'Csaea� AKlll ��nt Mr. I'n�vi�l,�nt \Inhoncy Ad -I I, HI. I �#Rg U 193_ l \7 G i32 Col -r, dr•�,n. Sir r�,� CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. ` OFF 1 G E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL F2 E_SOLLT)ON GENERAL FORM PR -ENT— By �C co MM�".I.Ea � L<-.0 %i- � sf — i µ+. _ oA,e April 24, 1954 RESOLVED That the proper city be and they are hereby authorleed to refund to Thomas Yanning tha f'aa o Y $10_00 deposited on application 1685 for Restaurant license and the Pere oE- !jr---.o—o0 deposited on application 1686 deposited on application 1686 for On Sale E Llquor licenee at 1816 Selby Avenue, which licensee were not granted by tine C :N- ty D—il. -- n -r, .Ad,,t,d I, w, 0„11-1n++K. 7,1 1BM- los Nny��� CITY OF ST. PAUL ,,,e ` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n—I COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM n eek F�'�`.. WHEREAS, Horace Thompson has heretofore been issued so ^ o £ £— e ale" lleuor license for the premises located in the arcade o £ the First National Bank Building; and 7^e 1E A9, sald Horace Thompson and others have. incorporated under thname of the Fire Arcade Hine Shop, Inc., and the said H or ace Thompson has reeuested that his 'off -sale" liquor license be ts£a —ed to the corporation; and WHEREAS, the corporation has furnished a new bond in the am oun t of $7,000.00, dated April 20th, 1934; end WHEREAS, the Liquor Control Commissioner of the State of Minnesota has consented to the transfer; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That such request for transfer of license be and the -Ie Sshereby granted, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to make the proper changes in the records ,,:r F the City and notify the Liquor Control Commissioner of the State o£ Minnesota o£ thisaction, eending to said Commissioner two copies of the "off ea le" 11q uor bond; be it FURTHER RESOLVED That the Corporation Counsel is hereby \ authorized and directed to advise the surety on the bond c the said Horace Thompson of this action of the Council, and release j the .'i d surety company from any further liability on such bond -� �- arising subsequent to April 28th, the date of the Publics l on of thi S resOlution. and each new bond 1e hereby pp --d, Thomas Nanning states that the Council did not grant his ltcenses, se..esolution dated April 11, 1934 and r I sets that his license fees be refunded. V'.— "t 1 11IDLISIiLD '.. - , APR 24 1934 „>.. a�l,l,l,d I„ o.,. I •I I�,a Prnrc.• In fnrar itu„ n Trun� lair. 1'r,�.�i rl�•nt \I phoney "t 1 11IDLISIiLD '.. - , 97735 �� .� � OF ST. PAUL ,��. " NO. QW OF THE CITY C— ell LERKl V',: CO LIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, T -t Tile PU-o1 5!_1,_ x__!l' D-, ..na 112 SS .-.reb.v ­t.l,ri Zed to ..,.1. ­. r_ ...... ,.;, j T .. 1_,. .i_ 1111 r, >x lm:.�e l�✓ 1;:^ cu.'✓-. 1-_.-4 r=^iy-mixed concrete fr rm the _ n ]restr_�ct':n Co., Dn iifln-1 bid., wit'vut advertlee^.ent Q s plWe of $d. 41 p=r c vd. o_ z tot,1 .,"net ..r ire f _x_._.s ah--- f.:l-sr= ane oast ln'erests If .. city. ^_.,r,e 'i,,t=r v ,,rtm-t. „—i aPH. "1 1934 ma APR PA. :l, --d. i9:1 I \In�r l apt... tt „� i\ iz,-I X11 � CL1:FK liy -1 „—i aPH. "1 1934 ma APR PA. :l, --d. i9:1 I \In�r l CITY OF ST. PAUL .2 " No. lVJ (rDi M OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM CCoar.,Mass alien AP -1-1 24 1.954 WHEREAS, Agree B. He"—. deeiree to withdrax application 250 Por Barber license at 58 S. Hemline Avenue, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be end they are hereby e—thorized to ref -d to Agree B. Heffron the fee of $10.00 and to cancel eaid appll cation for Barber licecse. r°aa s��•n Ad,y,l,a I,v Ih,. I a APR 24 193= .19:3 1'unrn' In rnror y Ivs 1Venscl ,�„ I ]I ay,ir Dlr_ I4o.'i6 iit \Inhon,. - . T See letter attached AFP�ican• �lreviou sly oera�nd Poolroom - - et 1938 On'v rsity nd�ren enad a-.�11 eHt ton _ ,_ _ __ _ in re aeon ao e o'ice sent, to Ym in regvlxr c of business. Ne. how^ve^. --. - - ie no longerso�ern ting e [`ool room. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO73 - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM oA. Apra "4, 1854 �aMM,s�,o�ER W13M -MAS, .lobo Eealinger, Inc. deeiree to withdraw Appllcetioo 161 for license for 4 pool tabus at 1938 Qniverslty Aveooe{ therefore, be it RMSOLVF.D, that the proper city officers be end they are hereby authorized to raRcnd t:o Sob. %eolinger, Inc. the fee of $26.00 and to cancel saki epplicatlon Por li can saw APR 21 Scmt ton 1"civ \a�.. ,\rlul,teJ Ly th.' ('..0 nail- ��v Ag nhl,.,,„=I ❑ra PAYOR'S COPY • • ' LICENSE BUREAU RECEIPT • • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY • ROOM III PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING • SAINT PAUL, MI f • 1 / D .-o✓ Ci ��� • Add— _ �✓ ljiZ(C_ GL • • ce ��L�c.Q. �o a • G� • D� t — appli—i.. to "�d�.. �¢� �1_h-fi-s 1� J'u� • •Car NumGor___/S4 _. _Car LL— N—L— __ ._.,_• • NOTICE • THIS IS NOT A LICENSE— ONLY A RECEIPT. NEW Room PH - • I • John H. M.D.-ald. • COMMS R OF PUBLIC SAFETY • No. t 3 f; By QILZtl2:C L���.-„a. �... t SMITH. WALDORF & JEN-NGS April 21, 1334. Hon�rn"-s Jahn 11.?k Donnl f� conmi ss!,inar Public 3, P blic "afety Builii-, c.. be.i_. Wi .esota. Hoon, „a •r, This ie — isritt- t- _et, :happl icn:_on f .lclu. Es si i:..a r, li. "o al icon se to opsrs9e n cool-rccr_. A deposit sf x:15. J0 ei 7-1,, or: ti;is a.. pl icatlon. k'oll oa Li,_ tha f the alio sl', t- spplicnnt dpen ac id ai to o ' liquor atore at 'riie pl•;e Lusinsen, snd, c soq..ert"y,nt.,a pool -r om li=erase "'I" not bo grant ad. Ha ob'r.insi an] Paid far yule license, nnd, therefa re, sho�id be a titled to a afund fstlia - nay a. .. .-id as s dapceit o.� ..is sppli clition .forthe o. room 1l ce..se. .4 p__c-.t 5o iner r '.sada h-ith .f the ret.:rn, of this money, and wa '.clo so .vi tl: this latter re e'•.pt N�:r 13607 of the license of t?.e Dspart.rent o= P'.: blicc Sof et Y. 1. r, :'d ra .iest t..t ^�iCt son ce ..da '....s'h n. ...a y draft ..o �syable tc Sohn las sl in -er. I9c. If anyt::i"g `e rthar is regn lrad in tri , in Sly advise e, "id a 3..x11 atta.^rt t„ r.�.ly n1.t:Y. T'rankin: ycfor tine many .."!Io. s and 1,11..ei.es y -"u I,'— ex.e..osd to +e rama_n Rasps:t.fnlly yours. 50TH, :I,.:DORF 1 73I:1:I::::, BY crs/ian ens. 1i73� a�•ro air v�..a CITY OF ST. PAUL '2r- No. OFFICE OF THE GITV CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION�EN ERAL FORM r PRe TEo ev �24� 1 L•. .....i/ Lam.-_L�-Sr _ once bFri1 24 ..1954. corn rn ss onew_ f _ _._ _— _--_. RESOLVED That Licen ee for Hotel (Boyce) 16 room application 1541, applied for by Leone Cranna at 500 St. PetHr Street ba and It ie hereby denied upon reco®endation of the Bnreau of Police and the proper city officer. are hereby anthoriaed to refland to Leona Creoana the fee of 425.00 end to cancel said application Por Hotel license_ coust'ILME'N Sae A4-F_\e nmu�aaia _1'� fa.-.. Ruse ii / Truax Agai not Mr. 1're+ident �I phoney s Cl'i't C'I.I=Tal. s—s'k c XTV APR g t 1934 .adopted by the Clnulnl __.._-.. _-._ 193.. APR 'rl'1.� jlos- M ay Police Dept reports: 4-12-34 Leona Cranna, 26 years mer ied to Angelo Crenae, Italian at Big Stone S.D. Born Big Stone, S.D. maiden name; Leona Ahartz. and a citizen of St. Paul, 4 years, and worked as a waitress for the DelMonte and Millers Cafe. Her husband, Angelo, was born in Bessemer, Mich. A resident of St. Paul for 7 years. Steel cabinet maker and machintat by trade. Leona (Ahartz) Cranna arrested March 7, 1931, Petty Lar. any - no dlspowiti n Her husband, Angelo Cranna, wearrested e Sept 1930 for leaving a of accident and also arrested anthefollowing dates, for the offenses show 04 31, 1932 Drunk Feb 18, 1933 ^ ^ 27 1933 ^ - 30 days suspended Aug. 27 1933 ^ $10. fine Sept. 26, 1938 Disorderly conduct - $15. fine ^ 30, 1933 General investigation - released gar. 16, 1934 ^ ^ n Lt. Joe. OFFICE COUNCIL REF FORM Apra 241. 19% RESOLVED That the —ione licenses applied for ae follow. be and they are hereby ,rented and the city clerk is instructed to is-- —h U—se upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee, App -1. George Moore 5 F. 9th St. Barber 2282 d. R. Bunn cel Michigan St . Butcher 2644 Joe. S. Fischer 1085 B. 7th St- " 2550 R. J. Messing 1820 Selby A— Confectionery 2559 Ace Boz Lmch Carp 2560 Onivereity A— Off Sale Melt Liquor 2561 Apothecary Shop, Ina. 6th & St. Peter St. • • • " 2621 Fick L. Arvenitie 448 St. Peter St _ • • " 2645 Falice Bacigelapo 423 Fry St. ° " 2872 Sony Baesl 870 Rice St. • 2590 it.. Befiklh 604 Fabasha St- n • " n 2451 R. Berko. 257 Arendel St _ " " 2684 R. J. Bernier 1278 Grand Av . ^ • n " 2545 B11bo• Amueemect CO -Inc 406 Minsects, St . 2555 A. Blieeenbaah 99 F. Dale St . • ^ " 2415 A. J. Bremca 350 Jackson S+-- " 2415 G. Braced 170 R. Falrflald A— v v n • 2594 Fm. Brault & B. Andersce 1190 Rice St_ n e n e 2408 S. S. Breed 1945 Acta Av- • • " • 2578 COUNCILMEN y— Nv,s Adopted by the I_ .... ....... .... .103_.. May NID...Id .-Fxueee I• f•rer Approval... 108. Iioscn Ap-t Weneel - Mnyor •a _ Mr. P—,� dont NI,6... y ­­T­ Tao By CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL F.— ORMvee owTe "„s NO..... Apr-1 24, 1956 RESOLVED _Pr Carl Breitmen 807 Ohio St. Off Belo Malt Liquor 2688 A. J. Burkhart 1670 Marshall Av. ^ " 2489 E. M. BY-MOB 317 Selby Av. " n n n 2573 Capitol Drug Co. 481 Rice St. 2556 Roy A. Carr, 529 W. 7th St. " n n n 2453 Peter Chakerie 869 Grand Av. " 2457 C. ChriatmB® 1567 Oniversity Av. • ^ 2549 M. E. Cl— 391 Borth Prior Av. ^ " " 2464 Frank Cohen 488 Brainerd Av. " ^ ^ 2895 J. H. Coleman 39 S. Cleveland Av. e n e v 2466 A. J. Comolly 1853 Randolph St. ^ ° • • 2659 F. E. Co—tt 685 B. Snelling Av. e " 2603 C. A. Costello 1298 R. 7th St. • • " " 2478 Philip Cournoyer 1596 F.dmnnd St. ^ ^ ^ 2525 CrBa Bros. 504 Rice St. n n n e 2669 Barry Daim 2044 Marehall Av. ` • ^ 2406 Paul Damim 246 Front St. n n e n 2666 R. J. Davini 505 Robert St. " " " 2646 R. J. Daviai 347 Mi—Beota St. • ^ ^ • 2648 C. M. Doraiden 1887 Randolph St. • " " " 2485 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ad,A,d 1,y thr (',.uncil._ _.. _ .193_ May Mcl)unnld R•ora• Ii, favor Appri.�".d _. .193_ lionu, w'—d Al,— M, Provident NI.h... y CITY OF ST. PAUL riu No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM onre April 24, 1954 coHNissioNea. _ _ _ RESOLVED 1958 Gnlveretty Av. Off Sale Malt Lignor 2606 Jot. pslingar, Inc. v 1049 Arcade St. " 2508 A. J. Faehi gbauer 242 So. Hemline A- 2668 P. 0. FSeher 631 S. Snelling A- ^ n ^ 2400 P. Y. Foldoe 2487 Friedman Bro-. 421 Habaeba St. Anna Friedman 489 Selby Av. n n v ^ 2484 76 W. Fairfield A— • ° ° e 2458 Mike George • ` " 2401 Jacob Goldenberg 220 H. Cretin Av. " 480 E. Curti— Adolph Grose " 2418 1056 E. 7th St. " we. Haberman ° • " 2427 668 Central Park Place Anebel Hagan v v v 2465 L. J. Helper (Hen Greed Cseh St, 1866 Grand Av. n 1958 Grand Av. P. Houde 2675 %rietam 7emsen 1406 Whoa Bear Av. ^ 559 H. Gnt!,o St. " " 2469 H. C. Tepean 2642 Carl E. Johnson 219 Bates Av. Y. Como A— v n n 1562 i 2459 Cadfrey Totmeon 818 F-gnier St. ^ ^ n n 2490 Gust P. Johnson " • 2482 Prancie L. %elly 978 Fro, St. " H. C. �& Son � A- 778 Selby 2505 COU\('II.MI:1 Adopted by 16c <'o un cil _.. _.... _193 Sena NnY° A1sy M cDnn aid Apl�rncrd 19:4 li•urc.c In fever . Itu�i u Wenzel Mr. Pre"ides, Mhz Y No..... CITY OF ST. PAUL .v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Anrll 24. 1954 RESOLVED Joseph J. Kokeeh W. C. Kregel Kregel & Decker Kregel & Leaka Abram Kurie Harold Lenge, Arthur J. Langer W. 0. Larson Ike Levine Ede. Linds y A. F. Lnchau Mra. & Mrs. Leonard Lund L. S. Luis T. J. Maruska Louis Mae. Gu. A. Miller Nerdlni erne. J. H. Ni -- No, Central Commercial Clnl Northwest Hotel'Co. COUNCILMEN Pune Ne. \fay McDnnalJ 1'rnru Itun�n -4- 1218 Thoma- St. Off Sale Malt Liquor 2520 2180 Marshall Av. " " ° ° 2494 240 S.Snelling A- n n n • 2486 580 Selby Av. " • ° " 2662 266 Banker St. n n • ^ 2595 579 W. Onivereity A- ° " ° ° 2650 200 Concord St. ` v " . 2499 849 E. 7th St. " " ° " 2449 507 E. 15th St. " " " " 2515 674 Grand Av. " " " MID 1074 Ha -tinge A- ^ " 2428 1764 Oniver.ity Av. " ° ^ 2457 625 Selby Av. " " 2598 1112 W. 7th St. ^ ° v " 2476 759 Iglehart Av. " " " 2821 54 E. 4th St. ° " 2410 281 E. 7th St. 2405 496 St. Peter St. " " " ` 2401 116 Onlver.lty A- " ° " 2510 7th & Wabash- Sts. ° " " 254 Adopted by the Council. _... _193.... Ap"1 _ 193. 'I'runx Agninxt 91u v��r Wenacl Mr. Pmeident M"houny CITY OF S'f. PAUL •"i NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--�'ENERAL FORM n E - Apra 24, 1954 o r cornrw�ss�ov�a.- —_-- --- RESOLVED –� Off Sale Yelt Liquor 2641 7. d. Nuwaeh 1818 St. C lair St. ° � . 2446 775 W. 7tb St. B, phennesaein � „ „ 2586 949 E_ 7th St_ ° Yeurice Peterson v 2455 1927 pnivareity A—^ P ewtere & La Brache ° 2696 719 N. A— R. 3- Price . n 2545 489 F. Dale St. ° Yre. A. C.Qaayle a 2474 781 P. Snallin6 Av' ° P. S. Ritenhel 2460 1121 E- Yllnneba-be St. ° C. 7• Andean „ . . 1498 734 Edd St. ° Arthur A. Bchiller 2517 883 Quiver aity Av. Henry J• Schmidt e . ° ° 2886 601 Wabasba St. A. SchwaTt vwold, . a n 2867 Y. L. & K' Schroeder 1981 Aabland A— 2455 Yre. 1074 R1ce Sat. g, Set tberger 2698 767 R.7--dAv. ° F1sle Y. 9eaehore ° � � 2480 Sobn P- Sheady LR•n8 Co. 172 Ho. Snell-ln8 Ao. � ° v 2447 202 Concord St. R. Sheibel ^ . . 2663 1039 Selby A— ° N, 7. BSn1ey � . . 2529 1079 Feet St_ ° Kate Sleehta . 2422 1209 W. 7th St. ° Joe. Streneky, -1— , 2682 ° 1199 White Bear A. C. ' OU 5wson L(7' \n)e Y—S7sy il .193 ...- VIcUnnnld APDrovrd__ 193_ w"—1 nay. hie°�ae.,c M,,h—e). ona�wi " uo a..• ' mw�� ... CITY OF ST. PAUL No.- - --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PREVENTED av -.re April 24, 1934.. RESOLVED C. J. Tbcmae 1941 Grand Av. • • • n 2475 T..m Telt Sandwich Shops,I— 526 Cedar St. • • • • 2522 %. J. Wall 796 Grand A- " • e a 2498 E i+e Wiberg 282 Rice St. ° " " " 2555 Freak Serosa- 557 Payne Av. ° ° • " 2575 Ahl$utst & Birkeland 260 Rice St. En Me Hllt Liquor 2895 Hick Arvanitio 448 St. Peter St. • • "j 2642 Joe. %. Bertrand 585 Ven eorm 3t. " • " 2677 Roth Bloeeer 455 St. Peter St. • " " " 2412 A. J. Branca 550 Jack.- St. • • • • 2414 -W..9sa at & H. Anderson 1190 Rise St. • • • • M7 Bae Depot Lunch, Inc. 415 St. Peter St. • • " " 2659 RRV R. Carr 529 W. 7th St. • " " • 2454 H. Cbekarla 869 Grand A— • • • • 2458 C. Cbrietmean 1567 Bnivereity A- • • • " 2548 C. V. Coneett 685 H. a.e111ng A— • • • • �� Harry Daien 2044 Marshall Av. n e • v 2402 Pani Deman 246 Front St • • • • 2665 R. J. Davini 505 Robert St. • • n . • 2647 COUNCILMEN Ado LY the ('+.uracil_ 193_ Yens :'nye Dted \1sy McDonald Penne In favor Aliyrucri1 _. 193. Ilneiu Truax - Agei�et - Nh,y r W--) A1r. P—ident \1ehoney ori•�w�."qn a..• CITY OF ST. PAUL .v n NO.. 5555. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM APru R41 394' RESOLVED — —7— Jobn Eselingerr Inc, 1958 University Av. on Sala Yalt Liquor 2606 Wm. J. O'Grady 241 E. 3rd St. ° " • ° 2546 the. F. Haberman 1056 E. Seventh St. • • • • 2417 James D. Barrie 525 Jackson St. " ° ' • 2619 869 Selby A- • " • • 2612 F. C. Friedman 1960 University Av. • • ° • 2519 Harold Lenge 579 University Av. ° " " ° 2651 A. 0. Larson 849 E. 7th St. ° " • • 2448 Julius Leechineki 719 No. Dale St. • • " 2.524 Yrs. & Mrs. Leonard Lend 1764 Uni—kity A- ° ° " " 2456 L. S. Lurie 625 Selby Av. n n • • 2597 Y. Madigan & H. Meted 758 University A- " • • ^ 1707 0. Yattaon & W. J6tneon 187 E. 7th St. " " " ° 2451 Gas A: Miller 54 S. 4th Ht. 2409 HerdSni Broe. 281 E. 7th St. • • " • 2404 New China Cate, Inc. 385-587 Wabash. St. " " " 2656 Horth Central Co®ercial Club 113 University Av. • " " " 2509 Horth Feet Hotel Co. 7th & Wabash- Sts. " " ° 2555 Maurice Peterson 949 E. 7tb St. " " " " 2596 Pewter- & La Brach- 1927 University A- " a • ° 2454 COUNCILMEN Yens \nyn Adopted by the Council_ 5___555. __5555. .193.. Ml y M'Do"Wd 1'exrce In, fxvnr Approved _. _.. _ _ 103_ 'I'nwr :\Ruiuet 5555 rvnll�� nl.,. mr, rrnsidnn� nh.non"y CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM v,x Esan.rEo av APTi1, � 4a _... 34 RESOLVED -$_ S. Robbatas 839 Payne Ave. On Sale Malt Liquor 2435 St. Paul Athletic Clnb 540 Cedar St. " ° • " 2488 Haary J. Scbmidt 665 University A— • ° 2516 R. Scm.artawold 601 Wabash. St. • ' ° • 2686 Yrs. Bast. seashore 767 Bgyeond A— • • • • 2694 Ammar F. Slater 468 B. Lexington Av. ` ` • • 2592 A. Stewart 128 B. Cleveland A— • • ^ ° 2441 Joa. st—.ky, Jr. 1209 W. 7th St. " • 2421 — Prior Av. '- • w e • 2462 Tows Talk Sandwich Shops, lac. 526 Cedar St. • ^ • • 2525 Ei afaldar, L.A. (Electric Maid Bakery) 967 Payne Av, Dnk-Py 1724 Park Catering Co. 1599 Selby A— Bakery 1845 George Bodnar Minnesota Club 4th & Washington Barber 1422 Jamas Harrison 729 Randolph St. Barbar 1355 Peter Yitcball 57 W. Sad St. • 1654 Elmo O. Sol® 42 S. Snelling Av. " 1522 Harman H. Wigand 285 Rio. St. • 1417 iarriam Park Grocery (F.P.M.Glogen) 201 No. Cleveland Av. Dutcher 1742 Hatlonal Tsa Co. 1041 Grand Av. Butcher 1613 (70IJNc'1 L MI -:N Ycas N�y, Adopted by the f'ou—il._ _. _.. ._ __.._ _19:3_... M ay McL--Id 3'i arca In I-- Appro—d _.._ Illi. "I'ruar Aq.h- _..... W r n z�l �I xyur Mr. F'renidee�t M.1o'y o.�ein.i o ur vi•.. CITY OF ST. PAUL ... ` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COM.,—ONEa _ _ _ oniE 6 pru. 24, 1954 RESOLVED_— Se.l Manson (Garden Confectionery) 955 W. 7tb St. Confectionery 1405 E. seheankel 896 Rice St. • 1787 Job. E. Alt 1519 Rice St. Grocery 1741 G. L. Anderson 215 Front St. • 1887 Maria Both 404 Front St. • 1518 J. R. Coakley 589 Pe s.1 A- • 10 Great Atlantic &Pacific lea Co 948 Pe,7ne Av. 1885 819 Woodbridge St. • 1511 Jo1m A. 9aekaneon Mrs. Susan Herbeck 1143 Rice St. v 1708 C. Ivey 759 Capitol H-19bt. ° 1194 1552 St. Clair St. ° 1545 Ernest Jacobsen 1102 Rice St. ° 1801 G. O. Entske 909 Rice St. • 1810 Peter Miller A. 9tnher 35 W. Gr—i— St. " 992 1112 Rice St. • 1720 Wm. ZoQfi Nick Pngleaea 435 E. 7th St. Soft drink 1878 545 Robert St. 9 pool table. 2654 Rogers Recreation Co W. J. Utley 500 at. Peter St. 5 . • 1692 563 pan Buren St. R..t--t 2576 J. F.. Bertrand 455 St. Peter St. • 2411 Ruth ffioeaer COUNCILMEN Y,- N—n Ad,A,d 1,, llir council_ _I93.. aiey !1SrUnnlil 1'I�rcr� In f�i�nr Apl.rovr.l 193. IL�m� n \N"--1 11 nadir NI, I'rcri.iruc \Iuhoiiry COUNCILMEN (71 39 �.ac. a... CITY OF ST. PAUL .iu No. i \1cDunnld OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -4eRrc< _ In (nvor COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORMly , T'— _ owre App 24, 1854 RESOLVED -10- 741 Selby AV. Reateareet 2650 H. D. Boyd 275 W. 5th St- • 2558 Gao. Bmrah® 2565 Ray Reybnrn ll05 Selby A- ' bale Liber,— 442 Jaekam St. Second Hand Dealer 2675 185 W. Fairfield A- Tavern 1867 Erneet Lambert 8. Slovenelq 256 A. 4th St. Barber 4og COUNCILMEN a Nnyy Atny. i \1cDunnld �, -4eRrc< _ In (nvor H��srn T'— Wenscl NJ,. President Atnhaney K 3 t 1934 Adopted by Tho (•ounce_ _._........... .193 241Y4' 193. PIiBI,ISl�U '' �f C.F. Na, 97739 MISCELLANEOUS p, F, - Anewer Filed, DEUN�UENT TAXES Del, - Delinquent, "Ry 151 193k. Nr Amours d, Bliasenbaoh 99 N, !48 01, Off Sala 19 - U. !'alt 61a, A, J, Branca 330 Jackson 9t, (Off & On 143?- A -F, 6,41j,92 °ale It Lio.) Harry 9aien ?044 varsball Ave. (Off Pale 1931- A.F. 419.50 -felt Lio.) 1932- A.F. 368.9? W-47 2 HSlbow Amusement 406 Minnesota St. (Off "els 1931- A.F. 1,230.69 Co., Inc. )salt Lt 1.1 lo'�- 12 26 3,355.9 He at ri ce Thayer 419 N. Prior Ave. ✓ (Off &`On 1o30-10 A.F. 243.90 Salei'alt 1931- 253.29 Lt. .) loll- ?22. A. J. Connolly 1853 Randolph It. (OffSale 193?- A.F. 1,542.57 Melt Lt.. ) -Wm, Rrault & A. 1190 Rice St. "(Off &,-on 1930 -No A.F. 44,50 andereoa Sale Malt 1931- 4'J.32 Lia.) 193?- " 4 ,26 13FO7 Ernest Jacobsen 155? St. Clair It. (Grocery) 1931 -Del. ?,3 9.14 193?-A,F, ? 146._LO ,5 5. J. H. Niemann 496 qt, Peter St, (Off Sale 1937-A.F, 1,866.35 Lalt Lia.) C. Holm Y 389 Selby Ave, (On °ale 1937 -No A.F. 1,387.83 Salt Lia.) N. L eimley 1039 Selby Ave. ✓ (Off Sale 193? (4) 7?.54 Malt Lia.) No A.F. P Y. Fold 631 9.Snelllng Ave, ✓ (Off Sale 1930 -No A.F. 164.11 "Rit Lio.) 1931- 153.51 1939 141. 9. 1 V. Conzett 685 N nelling Ave, (Off & On 1931 -Del. 479.09 eale,Halt 1932-A.F. 4.02 / _ a LSgai 11 97739 MISCELLANEOUS DELINQUENT TAXES Vey 15, 1934. -p- Tear Amount Mrs, & Mr. Leonard 1764 University Ave, (Off & on 1432-A.F, 1 109.88 Lund Pale Yalt Lia.) F. 0. Friedman 1960 University Ave, (On 'ale 1832- A.F. 1,497,96 'salt Lio.) Ace Boa Lunch Corn. 7360 University Ave, (Off Snle 1Q31 -)el. ?,9?4,31 "Pit Lic.) 193P-A.r. 5,964.83 �1 9.11 • C. F. No. 97739 MISCELLANEOUS NOT DELINQUENT May 15, 1934. . George Moore 5 W. 9th St. Barber ?282 A. T. Bush 381 Michigan 9t. Butcher 2644 Joe. S. Fischer 1085 T. 7th St. 2550 R. J. Messing 1820 Selby Ave. Confectionery 2559 Apothecary Shop, Inc. 5th & St.Peter Ste. " 2521 Nick L. Arvanitie h48 SL. Peter St. ?643 Felioe Bacigalupo 423 Fry St. " 267? Tony Saaei 870 Rice St. ^ ?590 ?fes Belkin 604 "aebseha St. " ?431 R. Perk— 257 Arundel St. " ?684 R. J. Bernier 1278 ^.rand Ave. " 2545 G, Branell 170 E. Fairfield Ave. Off "ale "91t ?594 Lic. S. 9. Breed 1945 Autumn Ave. " 2578 Carl Sreitmaa 807 Ohio St. " 2688 A. J. Burkhart 1670 Marshall Ave. " ?489 E. Y. Byrnes 317 Selby Ave. " 2573 Capitol Drug Go. 481 Rice St. " 2536 Roy W. Carr 329 n. 7th St. ^ 2433 Peter Chakeris 869 Grand Ave. " 2457 C. Christensen 1567 University Ave. " 2549 M. E. Goan 391 N. Prior Ave. " 2464 Frank Cohen 488 Brainerd Ave. " ?695 J. R. Coleman 39 S. Cleveland Ave. " ?466 C. A. Costello 1298 E. 7th St. " ?478 Philip Cournoyer 1398 Edmund St. " ?5?5 Crea Bros. 304 Rice St. " 2669 Paul Damian 246 Front St. " ?666 R. J. Davini 305 Robert St. ?646 R. J. Davini 347 Uinnesota 9t. " X648 C. -. Dorniden 1887 Randoloh St. " 2485 John Esslinger, Ino. 1938 University ave. ?6o6 A. T. Feehingbauer 1049 Arcade St. " 2508 F. O. Fisher ?4?". Rar�l Sne Ave. ?668 Friedman Bros. Anna Friedman Nike George Jacob Goldenberg Adolnh Cross vim, Haberman Anabel Hagan L. J. Helper (New Grand Cash Store) P. Houde Kristen Jensen H. C, Jepsen Carl E, Johnson Godfrey Johnson Gust F, Johnson Francis L, Kelly H. C, Klosterman & Son Joseph J. Kokesh W, C, Kregel Kregel & Deoker Kregel & Laska Abram Kuris Harold Lange Arthur J. Langer N. 0. Larson Ike Levine Edw. Lindsay A. F. Luohau L. S. Lurie T, J. Haruska Louie Mass Gus A. Hiller Nardini Hros. No. Central Com. Club Northwest Hotel Co. 97739 MISCELLANEOUS may 15, 1934, NOT DELINQUENT 421 Wabasha St, Off Sale Malt Lia. 2487 489 Selby Ave, " 2484 76 W. Fairfield Ave, " 2458 220 N. Cretin Ave. " 2401 480 E, Curtioe 9t, 255", 1056 E. 7th St, " 2418 668 Central Pk, Pl. " 2427 1666 grand Ave, 2463 1938 Grand Ave, 1406 White Bear Ave, 539 N. grotto 9t, 219 Bates Ave, 1562 W, Como Ave, 818 Fauquier St. 978 Front 9t, 118 Selby Ave, 1218 Thomas St, 2160 Marshall Ave, 240 S, Snelling Ave, 360 Selby Ave, 266 Bunker St. 379 W. University Ave. 200 Concord St. 849 E. 7th St. 307 E, 13th Pt. 674 Grand Ave. 1074 Hastings Ave. 625 Selby Ave. 1112 W. 7th St. 739 Iglehart Ave. 54 E. 4th St. 281 E. 7th St. 113 University Ave. 7th & '•'labaehn "tr. 2622 ?673 2469 2542 2459 2490 2482 2503 2520 2494 2465 2662 2593 P65o 2499 2449 2513 2500 2428 2598 0476 2621 2410 2405 ?510 2551 J. A. Nuwasb H. Ohennessein Maurice Peterson Pewters & Le Brache R. J, Price Mrs, A. C, Quayle P. J. Ritschel C, J. Rudeen Arthur H. Schiller Henry T. 9obmidt R. Schwartawold Mrs. Y.L. & 7. Schroeder E. Schwertberger Elsie H. Seashore John F, Sheady Drug Oo, H. Sheibel Kate Sleohta Joe. Stransky, Jr, F. Swanson C, J. Thomas Town Talk Sandwioh Shope, Inc. E. J. Well Ellie NSberg Frank Yarusso Ahloutet & Birkeland Nick Arvsnitis Joe. E. Bertrand Ruth Ploeser Bus Depot Lunch, Inc. Pay 1V. Carr H. Chekeris C. Christensen Harry Daten Paul Damian MISCELLANEOUS Vey 15, 1934, 1818 St. Clair St, 775 W. 7th St. 949 F. 7th St, 1927 University Ave, 719 N. Hamline Ave, 469 N. gale St, 761 N. Snelling Ave. 1121 F., uinnehaha 9t 734 Edmund St. 663 University Ave. 601 ±abesha St. 1981 Ashland Ave. 1074 Rice St. 767 Raymond Ave, 17P N, Snelling Ave, POP Concord St, 1079 Forest St. 1209 W. 7th St. 1199 Whits Bear Ave. 1941 "rand Ave, 326 Cedar St, 796 Grand Ave, ?8? Rice St. 537 Payne Ave, 26Q Rice St. 4L8 St, Peter St. 563 Van Buren 9t. 435 9t, Peter St. 413 9t. Peter 9t. 329 W. 7th qt. 669 Irand Ave. 1567 University Ave 901111'arshall Ave. 946 -rout "t. NOT DELINQUENT Off Sale Aalt L1q. 2641 2445 " 2595 " 2455 " 2696 ^ 2543 " ?474 ^ ?450 " 1498 ?517 ^ ?685 ^ ?667 2453 " 2698 " 2480 " 2447 " P529 ?422 " ?682 " ?)175 " 2522 " 2498 " P533 " 2575 On gale Dalt Lip. ?693 " P64? P577 ^ ?412 ?639 ^ P434 2456 ?546 P402 X665 . - 97739 -4- ?'ISCELLANEOUS Vey 15, 1934 NOT DELINQUENT R. J. Davin1 305 Robert St. On Sele Malt Lt.. P647 John Eselinger, Inc. 1938 University Ave, " 2605 Wm. J. O'Grady P41 E, 3rd St. " 2546 Wm, F. Haberman lo56 F. 7th St. " 2417 James D. Harris 325 Jackson St. " 2619 Harold Lange 379 University Ave. " P651 ^, 0, Larson R49 E. 7th 9t. " ?448 Julius Lesohlnskl 719 N. ')ale St. P5P4 L. S. Lurie 6P5 Selby Ave. " P597 M. Madigan & H. Finstad 738 University Ave. " 1707 0, Mattson & 7. Johnson 187 E, 7th 9t. " '451 Gus A. Miller 54 E. 4tb St. " P409 Nardinl Broe. ?81 E. 7th St. P404 New China Cafe, Inc. 355-87 "abasba St. P656 North Central Oom. Club 113 University A—. " P509 North West Hotel Co. 7th & wabssha Ste, P553 Maurice Peterson 949 E. 7th St, " 2596 Pesters & La 8rache 1927 University Ave, P454 S. Robbetzs 839 Payne Ave. 2435 St. Paul Athletic Club 340 Cedar St. " 2488 Henry J. Schmidt 663 University Ave, " 2516 R. Sohwartzwold 601 Wabseha St. " 2686 Mrs. Elsie Seashore 767 Raymond Ave. " 2694 Arthur F. Slater 468 N. Lexington Ave. " ?592 A. Stewart 128 N. Cleveland Ave. ?441 Joe. Stransky, Jr. 1209 W. 7th St. " P421 Town Talk Sandwich Shope, Inc. 3P6 Cedar St. P5P3 Eiefelder, L. E. 967 Payne Ave. ??akery 17,4 (Electric Maid Bakery) Perk Catering Co. 1599 Selby Ave, " 1845 George Bodner ns lata !Aub Barber 102 4th & '"seh in,,ton Ste. James Harrison 7P9 Randolph St. " 1353 Peter Mitchell 57 'I. 3rt 9t. 1634 FIRELLANEOUS im 15, 1934, NOT DFLINVENT Elmo 0, 9olem 4? S. Snelling Ave, Barber 13?2 Herman H, Wigand ?85 Rice 9t, It 1417 Yeiriam Perk Grocery ?01 N, Cleveland Ave, Butoher 1742 ( . P. morlogan) National Tea Co. 1041 Grand Ave. " 1913 Saul Malison 933 7th St. Confectionery 1403 (Garden Confectionery) H. 9ohwankel 896 Rice St. " 1787 John E. Alt 1319 Rice St. Grocery 1741 G. L. Anderson a13 Front St. " 1887 Marie Both 404 Front St. " 1518 J. H. Coakley 569 Pascal Ave. 843 Great Atlantic & 949 Payne Ave. " 1883 Pacific Tea Co. John A. Haakenson 919 Woodbridge St. " 1511 Mrs. Susan Harbeck 1143 Rice St. " 1708 C. Ivey 759 Ce Dltol Heights " 1194 G. 0. Rutske 1102 Rice Bt. " 1801 Peter Miller 909 Rice St. " 1610 R. Stuber 35 W. Geranium 4t. " 992 Wm. Zopfi 1112 Rice St. " 1720 Nick Pugleasa 435 E. 7th St. Soft Drink 1878 Rogers Recreation Co. 3457 Robert at. 9 Dool table. 2634 W. J. Utley 500 St. Peter St. 5 " " 1892 J. E. Bertrand 563 Van Buren St. Restaurant 2576 Ruth Bloeeer 435 St. Peter St. " 2411 H. D. Boyd 741 Selby Ave. " 2630 Geo. Hanrahan 273 W 5th St. " 2538 Roy Rayburn 1105 Selby Ave. " 1563 Louie Liberman 442 Jackson St. 2nd hand dealer X675 Ernest Lambert 193 W. Fairfield Ave. T.- rn 1867 R. 91oveneky "^. nth "t. 9arber 1,09 J 146 IT . u No. OFFICE ape C.-thoYh.1-1 —d the ­rl COUNCIL R61c ea �outlaneasmen a•. o.n u ioHes �wDo^�teG Orbal.w cul ^ee'fA z wnr. % �.:�Jaeve�saj9aeaoi n r. a.. ase Fil 25a 1954 RESOLVED That the varioue licensee listed as follows be and they are hereby granted and the City Clark Is instructed to is—. such licenses upon the payment into the City Treasury of the required fee - Ted J. Hermann 258 Harm Bnildi.ng Herber Appl 1982 Everd Schindler 1944 Autumn Av. • 2072 nhllip Snell 471 Mo. D...te St. • 398 0. X. Weinstein 427 W. 7th St. Buteber 1988 Meisner Bps. Inc. 48 E. 7th St. Confecticaery 1942 Hale Sjostr® 428 S. Wabasha St. • 1908 A. J. Fn..bingbaner 1049 Arcade St. 0rooery 2002 15U Randdlph St. • 1908.. J. E. E--- 1127 Chatemorth St. • 1987 National Tea Co. 557 Natasha St. • 2049 Warren Heutaling 1518 Randolph St. ^ 1945 R. J. Rick 958 S. 3rd St. • 1925 iF H. Vaughan Estate 420 S. H-11ne • (1934-1955) 1517 N. P. Vaughan Estate 420 So. Namii+a.. • (1955-1954) 5072 Mrs. E. E. Cleveland 59 E. 7th St. Motel (Duluth 50 rooms) 1929 H. Rabinovlts 272 Florida St. Junk Dealer 2028 Hick Sell.. 117 W. Central Av. 2 poet table. 1995 CITY OF ST. PAUL riL, ` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION _.GENERAL FORM P—SENTEocoMrn Uy —R oAT. April 23, 1934 RESOLVED _2_ Crit Batroot 919 Rice St. Off Sete Halt Lignor 2022 HicY Ballne 117 E. Central A- ' " ° ° 1996 A, C. Boyo. 1948 A.hlend Av. n . e • 2041 Charles Cha— 1819 St. Anth y AY. • ° " ' 2020 0- J-..D—glsa 171 E. 8th St. • • • • 2038 Jos. 96vlieh 1553 Onlver.ity Av. " • ° • 2071 Chea. T. Heller 51-55 R. 10th St. e • • • 1930 Eddi. Herman 1124 Payne A- • • • • 1989 Rillemat Golf Club 2200 S. Larpant.ur Av. • • • 1955 S. D. tl..emt 2515 Daiv.r.ity A- • • • • 2025 George M r6elloa 412 BroadIW • • • • 2082 tlam-ice H. tloy 413 Robert St. • ° • ° 2974 Rational Rea Co 644 Smith Av • • • • 2069 • • 2058 11arehall Av. e n • • 20" • e . 252 S. Cleveland Av. " v e n 2067 v • 2282 Como A- ° • " • 20b5 • • e 617 Grand Av. • • • ° 2062 e • • 1041 Grand Av. " ^ • " 2056 n n 1816 St. Clair St. • • " • 2067 • • • 918 Selby A- • " " ° 2065 RESOLVED National Tea Co Alex Hnvtaeny Sam Heno Ha• K" Chn, Inc. J. K Palmer E. if. P.J ter Jobn PlIny Peter Stratokoe C. C. Tallaokeon Iff— G. E. Vensae Anton Voeller E. T. Williams A. M. Ad— . -Hick Bali - COUNCILMEN CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM o., TE April 25. 1954 -5- 1216 Selby Av. Off Sale Malt Liquor 2066 1817 Selby Av. v v • a 2061 181 H. Snelling AT. • " • • 2064 557 Uabasha St. • ^ " " 2058 175 H. Neetern Av. " • • • 2065 500 1-1 A- • • • • 2042 200 H. 5rd 6t. ° • • • 1968 18 E. 7th St. • • • " 1919 678 Ohio St. • • • • 2050 1578 Como Av. • • • • 2054 805 A. 7th St. • • " • 2052 1551 University A, • v • • 2045 640 Grand Av. ° • • • 1960 509 Selby Av, v • n • 2079 918 E. 7th St. • • • • 2040 1174 Arcade St. • ° • • 2075 268 E. 7th St. On Sale Malt Liquor 2080 117 V. Central Av. • • • • 1994 - -_-._'473-9soads�y- - - • • v • .2080 - - _961 -dreads St.- ____ �.. _- a. v • _2055_ CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. " NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM —5—TED 8y —E April 26. 1954 RESOLVED _4_ Crist Betroot 919 Rios St. On Sale Melt Liquor 2025 Patrick Caeeetta 241 W. 4th St. v e e n 1981 Job. Daltae 525 Wabash. St. • • v • 2029 0. J..Doeglae ... 171 E. 8th St. ° • 2087 2bu-E1kF61ab 549 Eo. Ifesbisgton • . • . 2019 Herman E—g 842 Salth Av. S. • • • • 2054 i.e. Havlieh 1555 University Av. • • • ' 2070 Eddie He— 3-124 Payor AT. e • . • 1988 Joe. L. Rnollasier 880 E. 7th at. • • v • 2048 Luna Lavorato 497 Bradley St. v . • v 2094 2515 Uni—reity Av. • • • v 2024 George Margellos 412 Broadwsy • ° • • 2081 Mary P. Hascotte Lendway & Dorotbp D61m tp 9 E. Kellog Blvd • " • 1970 Maurice B. Noy 415 Robert St. • • • • 1975 Hick Macciara 818 Payne Av. • • ' ° 2088 Maeicias'e Duioa 458 Wabash. St. v • • • 2091 Sem H®o 200 A. 5rd St. • v e n 1957 New Sin Cbu, Lmc. 18 E. 7th St. e . e e 1918 Pauly Petieut 427 S. Rabeeba St. " • • • 1982 Job. Puny 805 M. 7th St. ° • • • 2051 COUNCILNI I:N CITY OF ST. PAUL ,u NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERALFORM c MMS s�oNEa —TE April 23, 3,934 RESOLVED Oresti Pi..tti 831 Pay- Ave. On Sale Balt Liquor 1971 Arthur H. Schiller 734 Edaund St. • n n 1992 Peter Stratokoe 1581 University Av. " " • " 2044 Freak C. Thompson 376 Waba.ha St. • • • • 2045 Sam vavis 144 E 4th St. " " " • 2001 Bre. B. E. venesa 509 Selby Av. • " " • 2078 Anton voeller 910 E. 7th St. • " • " 2058 E. T. William. 1-174 Arcade St. • • • " 2076 A. W. Andaraoo 315 Sibley St. Restaurant 1903 Bannon. Bercentile Co 80 E. 7tb St. • 1928 Frank Berger 700 Reaaey 9t. " 1996 Culbertsoa & Emard 240 West 7th St. " 1921 a's'p•-'�• r=' 207�111r4th St. • 1964 Sem $sd7 154 E. 4th St. " 1927 Kirch & Gillis 1597 University Av. • 1965 Herman Snag 842 Smith A, S. n 2053 Joe. L. Enollmaier 880 E. 7th St. • 2047 Laos Levurato 497 Payne A, " 2085 Jullu. Leschinski 719 No. Dal. St. " 2062 Gust Lindell 944 Puy- Av. • 2004 COUNCILME, .__..193..... u^a��u•. ��..� CITY OF ST. PAUL .iu " NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM coMMsso�ea ogre AE¢11 25, 1954 RESOLVED George Yargelloe 412 Broadway Reataorent 2085 Rink Buooiaro 818 Payne Ave. ' 2085 Dread Plnotti 851 Payne Ave. " 1970 prank L. S.— 519 R. 7th St. • 2008 Joe. Streneky, Jr. 1209 N. 7th St. • 2050 C. C. Tellekeen 640 Greed A— a 1959 Yre. G. E. V—aB 509 Salby A- ^ 2077 Anton Voeller 918 E. 7th St. ' 2058 COT NCILMEN APR 2A 1934 Y'. N., Adopted by the co, LL.... _..... -_- _. 193.-_ %1- LSFM,II M, I I-Id ADc 4, a. 4'.Rl•� Penrer lu fnvur Aphrov//d 193 C.F. No. 97740 -1- MISCELLANEOUS A.F. - Answer Filed. Del. - Delinquent. DELINQUENT TAKES June 8, 1934. Year Amount X B. Borndale 951 Arcade St. (Onalt SalLia.) 1932 -No A.F. c 99.51 Campana Bataglia P"' 473 Broadway (On Sale 1932 -No A.F. 1,513.60 Malt Liq.) Y Mrs. J. Cantieri " 207 E. 4th St. (Restaurant) 1931 -No A.F, 1,490.16 1932 -No A.F. 2 99.81 1 \e M. F. Vaughan t ate 420 9amline Ave. (gro$ery) 1931� �o A.F. 5 g 19324No A.F. 1 1 . 9 (Mary F.Nasootte 9 E. Kellogg Blvd. (On gale 1g32-A.F, 7,257.51 Lendway & Dorothy Malt Liq.) Delmont X C. L. Johnsoa V 1511 Randolph St. ((,rooery) 1932 -No A.F. 401.46 ,Y Crist Batroot 919 Rice St. (Off & On 1932 (})-A.F, 78.38 Sale Halt Liq.) X Bannon Mercantile 80 E. 7th St. (Restaurant) 1932-A.F, 30,622.22 Co. 0. J, Douglas ✓ 171 E. 6th St. (Bale&On Malt 1932 -No A.F. 3,414,82 Liq.) �( Chas, T. Heller 31-33 N, 10th St. (OffS811,iq,) 1932-A.F. 3,848.74 MaltS. D. Macent i 2513 University Ave. (Off & On 1932 -No A.P. 874,56 Sale Malt Liq.) X The Elks Club / 349 N.Washington (On Sale 1931 -No A.F. 913.27 Malt Liq.) 1932 -No A.F, 879,49 C.F. No. 97740 - MISCELLANEOUS June 8, 1934• NOT DELINQUENT Tea J. Hermann 236 He— Building Barber 1952 Evard Schindler 1944 Autumn Ave. " 2072 Philip Snell 471 N. Dale 9t. " 398 0. E. Weinstein 427 W. 7th St. Butcher 1966 Nelsner Bros. Inc. 48 E. 7th St. Confectionery 1942 Nels Sjostrom 428 S. Webs.ha St, " 1906 A. J. Faschingbauer 1049 Arcade St. Grocery ?002 J. E. Rroener 1127 Chatsworth St. " 1967 National Tea Co. 537 Wabasha St. " 2049 Warren xevt zling 1518 Randolph It. " 1943 R. J. Rick 938 F. 3rd 9t. 1925 Mrs. E. E. Cleveland 59 E. 7th St. Hotel (Duluth) 1929 50 room. H. Rabinovltz 272 Florida Rt. Junk Dealer 2026 Nick Helios 117 W. Central Ave. 2 pool tables 1993 Nick Helios 117 W. Central Ave, Off Sale Halt Llc. 1995 A, C. Boyce 1948 Ashland Ave. " 2041 Charles Charnov 1819 St. Anthony Ave. " 2020 Joe. Hevlleh 1553 University Ave. " 2071 Eddie Her— 1124 Payne Ave, " 1989 Hlllorest Golf Club ?200 E.Larpentevr Ave. " 1935 George Margellos 412 Broadway " 2082 Maurioe B. Hoy 413 Robert St, " 1974 National Tea Go. 644 Smith Ave. " 2069 National Tea Co. 2038 Varehall Ave. " ?088 National Tea Co. 252 a. Cleveland Ave. 2057 National Tea Co. 2982 Como Ave. " 2055 National Tea 00. 617 Orand Ave, " 2067 National Tea Do. 1041 Crand Ave. " 2056 National Tea 00. 1816 St. Clslr It. " 2067 National Tea Co. 918 Selby Ave. " 2063 National Tea Co. 1916 Selby Ave. " 2066 National Tea Co. 1817 Selby Ave. " 2061 National Tea Co. 181 N. Snelling Ave, " 7064 —2- 97740 ' - MISCELLANEOUS - NOT DELINQUENT June 8, 1934. National Tea Go. 537 Wabeshe St. Off Sale Malt Liq. 2058 National Tea Co. 173 N. Western Ave. 2o65 Alex Navtzeny 500 Laurel Ave. " 2042 Sam Nemo 20O W. 3rd St. 1958 New Rin Chu, Inc. 18 F. 7th St. " 1419 J. L. Palmer 678 Ohio St. P050 F. M. Painter 1578 Como Ave. 2034 John P11ny 603 W. 7th St. 2032 Peter 8tratokos 1581 University Ave. " 2045 C. C. Tallackson 640 Grand Ave. " 1960 Mrs. G. E. Veneas 509 Selby Ave. " 2079 Anton Voeller 918 E. 7th 9t. " 2040 E. T. Williams 1174 Arcade St. " 2075 A. H. Anderson 268 E. 7th St. On gale 4alt Llq. 2080 Nick, Belice 117 W. Central Ave. " 1994 Patrick Cassetta 241 W. 4th St. " 1981 John Deltas 523 Wabaeha St. 2029 Herman Haag 842 Smith Ave. 9. " 2054 Joe. Havlish 1553 University Ave. " 2070 Eddie Herman 1124 Payne Ave. " 1988 Joe. L. Enollmaier 880 E. 7th St. " 2046 Luca Lavorato 497 Payne Ave. 2o94 George Margellos 412 Broadway " 2081 Maurice S. Hoy 413 Hobert St. " 1973 Nick Muoolara 818 Payne Ave. " 2086 Musician's Union 436 Wabaeha 9t. " 2091 Sam New 200 W. 3rd St. 1957 New Rin Chu, Inc. 18 E. 7th St. " 1918 Pauly Patient 477 9. Wabaeha St. " 196P John Pilny 603 W. 7th St. " 2031 Orestl Pinottl 831 Payne Ave. " 1971 Arthur H. Schiller 734 Edmund St. " 1992 Peter Stratokos 1581 University Ave. " 2044 Frank C. Thompson 376 Wabaeha St. ^ 2043 —2- 2774_0 —3— • - MISCELLANEOUS NOT DELINQUENT June 8, 1934. Sam vavis 144 E. 4th St. On Sele Malt Lia. 2001 Mrs. 0. E, venae 509 Selby Ave. " 2075 Anton Voeller 918 E. 7th St. " 2039 E. T. 'Williams 1174 Aroade St. " 2076 A. W. Anderson 313 Sibley St, Restaurant 1983 Frank Berger 700 Heaney St. " 1996 Culbertson & Finard 240 T. 7th 9t. " 1921 Sam Eady 154 F. 4th St. ^ 1927 Kirch & Gillis 1597 University Ave. ^ 1965 Herman Haag 842 Smith Ave. 9, P053 JOB• L. Knollmaier 880 E. 7th St. " 2047 Luca Lavorato 497 Payne Ave. " 2093 Julius Lesohinski 719 N. Dale St. " 2052 Gust Lindell 944 Payne Ave. " 2004 George Vargellos 412 Broadway " 2083 Nick Mucciaro 818 Payne Ave, " 2065 Oreeti Pinotti 831 Payne Ave. " 1970 Frank L, 6ameo 519 W. 7th St, " P008 Joe, Straneky, Jr, 1209 W. 7th St. " 2030 C, C. Tallakeen 640 Grand Ave, " 1959 Nre, G. E. Venaas 509 Selby Ave, " 2077 Anton Voeller 918 E. 7th 9t. " 2038 97741 �^^:OUNCIL RESOLUTION-- PR�NT gprll 20 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE BRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY 2,z .64 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 3441 $ , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 2920 TO 23# ( INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. INH 24 1934 ...IT- ". THE -N-EI � I( i 4o 500 14 2360997 32, III sou"IAll . OF. mE o. NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS April 20 34 o, J .�2177 oz ' TOTAL ru Macn IN FAVOR OF aAo „ .oAw,eo 33 000 14.2325750 30_ • ?920 Ir.1n J. Fing 250 00 14 25 2921 G.7. Froellah 16 40 7922 George Robertson 916 6 7 ^928 2974 Paul MS ehuk Alfred Ivers 50 Op 2925 The 8o sakes Company 51 43 2926 Lavrenoe G. Nelson 250 00 2927 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 117 56 2928 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 625 28 00 1929 ?080 Milton Noean, C, of Fnanoe J,M. Refter, Jr, 246 250 00 1931 The Kenney Comonny, Inc, 27 00 29,t2 Pioneer Eleotrio Company 111 41 420 18 2938 2934 George R. Hurd Realty Comnany Isaac Summerfield 687 56 2935 Pat Reilly 65 00 2936 T4Iiin Murphy d 40 2987 Allan AakI and 17 10 ?988 Milton Rosen, C. of FSnanoe 7 500 00 ?939 2940 The First National Bank Austin—vestern Road Maoh.Co. 97 54 2041 Fisher Nut Company 44 00 2942 General Chemical Comnany 1058 40 2943 McFadden—Lambert Come any 59 03 2944 Nutting Truck Company 11 86 2945 9t.Pau1 voe, School Fevl,Fund 106 53 2946 George 9udelth 28 00 2947 Rertl Coal Company 72 48 2948 David Bashefkin 32 00 2949 MrCh ae, L.Bounta 60 00 2950 Millon. Rosen, C, of Finance 1 300 01 2951 Milton Rosen, 0. of Finance 2 990 47 2952 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 9 953 39 ?958 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 3 989 72 ?954 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 8 544 11 2955 Aces Buonly Comnany 55 69 2956 Rar ry Bremer 15 00 2957 Jig Ba. Inn 15 00 2958 F,4. MoOemmsck 10 00 2959 Louis Long 915 ?960 ?961 Supply Company 0.. T 6607 1hompeop . 2962 Tvin City Refrigeration Rpr B. 20 296j 2qu v, r.Bmith Tire Company 1 Fnrwell, Ormun, Birk h Oomppay yy 902 29 29665 ■elson 011 Company I P 7114 (6jl 14 7 ^96 Price T.lectrla Company 2967 Riverside Press 12 65 4o 500 14 2360997 32, EME «p ,"E oMe,ao Ea " No. " %ao COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS Apr1l 20 34 APR t. ° 4� 13 +" 09 ."E TOTAL rvu macs IN FAVOR OF sAo°�" ,oAw,,ao 40 goo lit 2360)97 32_ _ 2968 Central Cash Grocery & Meats 7 68 2969 Gas Consumers Association 8 00 ?970 Goodrich-Silvsrto� ITO. 22 68 X971 R tionsl Biscuit Company 15 54 2972 Rational Buehing & Parts Co. 10 35 2973 Rorthern States Poorer Company 57 76 ?974 YictCry Printing Company 767 75 2975 T -lythe Howie 41 52 ?976 Joseph Moses 15 00 2977 Mrs. A.P. Revius 916 67 2978 Craoo, John 916 67 2979 A1" side 39 60 2480 Dr. H, J. Prender gaet 114 On ?981 Mrs, Delia Bron P8 28 PCs? Mrs, NarySly ?hriety 27 OC 7981 John c. Fahey 1? 67 2984 Mr a. Anna R. Foley 31 40 2985 John Lennon 40 oo 2986 Mr e, Inizabeth Literati 40 00 2987 Nr e. Hannah Peterson 24 92 2988 Nr s. El frida Soderberg 28 80 1989 9t.Pau1 Institute 250 00 2900 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 7 30 pool T,dward N. LRokey 900 00 s"ELr T-1 I-- 4o Soo 14 2365361 45 I I i I � I CILMEN aocc cw�� o�..F c.......... COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIM$ April 21 1934 '.J'dl 21 "u...r IN FAVOR OF �,..�.s TOTAL �.. is •s .. e.". 40 500 14.2365361 41- • 2g92' Raymer Hardware Company 200 62 2993 Red ling Union Stoneware Co. 98 81}8 2994 Ramington–Rand Business Serv. 251 2995 9eoublio rlow Yeter Company 10 64 10 2986 Rex Linen supply Como any 2997 `lex Oil company 4 68 2a98 Riley Plug Company 134 10 2999 Robinson, Cary & Sande Company Co. 9 s4 3000 Robinson Plumbing Specialty 43 29 3001 Roe–Jame. Glass Company company 17 50 3002 Royal Typewriter 2 20 3001 3t. Psu1 Abstract Company 1 00 7pn4 9t.Pau1 Arcade Company Co. 4 4 42 3nO5 St.Paul Book & Stationery Stationery Co. 672 67 7no6 3007 It Paul Book & 9t. Paul Bottling company 135 99 3nn8 9t. Paul Foundry Company 15 78 3 38 3009 3t.Pau1 glass Company 169 83 3010 3011 3t.Paul Goodwill Industries 9t. Paul Letter Oomp any 10 00 29 14 3012 3t. Paul Machine Rorke Company 129 94 3013 3014 3t. Paul Office Eaufoment 3t.Pau1 9-& Knife Rork6 1 75 3015 3t.Paul Stamp 'Rorke 6 57 5 40 3016 3017 9t.Pau1 vocational School 3t.Paul Relding & Mfg. Company 8 33 10 62 3018 8-1 terry ycod Mfg. Company 52 15 54 3019 3020 E.A. Sargent Company Soheffer & Aoeeum Company 11 10 16 6�j5 7021 3022 3chelen Automotive Company Jiaoob 9chml dt Brewing Company 365 3071 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 84 3024 Andrew Sohoch Grooery Company 221 3ohool Music 00 '025 15 50 026 7027 3ohreler's Auto Top 3ohulte'sBook Store 83 43 09 3028 30?9 Scott, Toresman Company 3oull7 Steel Products Company 53 59 3030 The Seagrave Corporation 35 30 493 82 • 1031 '032 3033 J.L. 3hiely Com pony J.L. Shiely Company Arletta Shipman 233 25 10 00 7074 D.B. Shotwell Company 11 75 7035 311ver–Burdett Company 125 95 69 7036 3n77 modeler Athletic Equipment Co. H.v. Smith & Company 50 39 R5 3n38 L. o.q.ith & Corona Typewriters,Ino. 3 00 7n79 0. Som—re & Company 254 21 704n 0, Sommers & Company 233 25 7041 Sperry Office }hrniture Company 11 35 ri �rvEE, .oTw�-.oaw.rvo 40 500 14 _ 2370499 94 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL ru.No., -----' -""' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P� ENT Syew__ la=11.20., 1%34. RESOLVED In the matter of planting and protecting abed, tree. on both aides of Yontro Lane from Haodelph Street to Hartford lyenne, except ,here good and sufficient tree, exlet, ander Preltmlmry Order 94477, approved December 16, 1932: Henolred, that all order- in the -be,- matter be and the same are hereby canc.11ed, annulled and rescinded and all proceeding. in .aid matter are hereby di.continned. COU NCI LM I:N ney� �mn�I,nld /Year,, In favor iTcoea ___ _ A,i-t Wenvel .M r. YrexidenL \lahoney Cdly L:I.I: ­ 14 la won.w rw„r�il xeaex.l '••:� e1BN. Ad�pLcd by w, U-11111 .12.24, 133A -__ma__ ni �{ i,103 I ftKL MILTON ROSEN CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepiel of Mi..",e DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE J m—h 29. 1934. Yr. wm. F. Soott, City Clerk, St. pen, mi n. Dear Sir, I am att.ohing herewith oavmunloati San —.i—d by me from Zenith Land Co. oppoeing to the prop o..d aeeeeament for trees on Montrose Sena. ander Preliminary Order 04477. Thi. matter Dome. April 4th end I troet you will plaoe this obj..ti— with the fllea eo that it may be read before the oounoll. Y t— ly, / i Coamile eloner of Finance. GRED E. LI ELL ZENITH4LAA�pNp�D COMPANY 5'P. PAUL, MINN. maron 28, 1534 111ton nos 11 Ccr¢l +eei oner of Fi-- Ci ty F_1 St. .amu., ei..c_sota D— 51 r Confirming our convereation of the 26th t.ureoy cppcse o.nd objeot to the procoead a ..a --t for trete on Vontrese Lune ur:der P r s 11..1 nary Prier 54477. the Vventy-txo p.ie,ces of pros erty aI]acted 6Co of it has 1 to 3 pure ie lln;uer,t t.aee, t:e ref cre, Itsee¢e suite obvious such an aeeeeamnnt cannot be ooll acted ant this or ier 3bould be de_eated. Yours tru.y, ..A'P'ITF LA"^—11PA1'Y X11 r' n � r COUNCIL FILE NO. nr.. By FINAL ORDER " In the Matter of planting andprat-Ling shade trees on both aide. of. M—troea-Lane from- llaadolph. Straat to Hartford L—a.-3acapt where good_end auffioimt_ trooa-eaiet, under Preliminary Order. 94477 .approved Deoember. 15,. 1932. _. Intermediary Order ___._ - _._ - ___approved __ -. ._.__ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is plant and proteot sbada trace on Loth ei4se of— Montrose..Lane from.Raadolph Street-to-Hartford Avenue, exoept where good and -eufft— ciant .troea exist- _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Ado,ncd 1,3 In, C mcil MU 193 "\ City Clerk. JJ Approved - 192 ceanruma,-m �I� hie"Id ° Councilmm.bJ ¢%nz,ldz i ^t,ly Councilmar�t><ilo�ida,/J^^^1 t{' councitman�cBlagmu-�+ I��•��•"' Co nncilmanarAhetnla /'t/ lmanilm+�a oi Mayor \[.yore-21nn„oey "/ FormR. S. A. 8-7 11 'll DEPARTM1111ENTST OFP—INANICE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER CAI In fl, -- p I - � , —t— ;— —d. t .... .. � 1, lh sides r t—'. I — C". " — , , :, , d _7 t, 1:—t—j .""Pt �h—, — — f,"l—t t—, ."J" 0"1" .7: 1 ',— 11— 1932 J. ih, C,,.—I of the Cis, l Sc.P-11 I.... U5 ..... .. f''ll—, 220.00 f— ,t ..... .. 0-20 27 1 36 1 40 1 12 1 42 1 43 1 45 1 46 1 47 1 48 1 Ry— Pl— d. dr. do do do do do a. d. Lend vpLUA Bldg. 7bO 5000 750 5450 750 750 750 550C 750 750 535C 750 750 750 (c) DEPARTMENT SOFPFINANLE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 49 1 Ryan Fl— 7;'O 50 1 do 900 12 2 do 600 13 2 do 800 1= 2 da 800 15 2 do 600 17 2 do 800 18 2 do 800 36 7 22 2 do 600 23 2 do 800 24 2 do 800 2$ 2 do 950 17300 24,900 The Cum misslo �ie� of Finance (ur,h« 11"l , ilial he has in,...."d all of the -d h�rebl ub mils the foa.goi . s hip rr po r, [hc rcoi� m thu Gu ncil, tcy ct her ��i�li the in adc to f.im .n rcf... of Pubh, d Ig ca�»m�,��nn« CITY OF SAINT PAUL GPIW of Mlee..o�. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. XOR, Oh CI.r .nd Commlo— of R.shu.ean .{{} OO V --b— 2^n d, lq'P H. -F. P. & P. Bldg, s., 5u11Lin o Peer Convi—ioner: The attached—titlon of Property ting the olantllE; If trees on un tAon trove Le fromr —m— ting St. to Aert ford Avenue w referred to y— today by the Council for t:r.e 1101— order. Yours very truly, z' - Z,- 7- /' city Cler}_. L--7:1 A r j � c> FA N t. Paul, biin �"� igiF "Ib "Ilse Honorable, The Council, City of Sr. Paul, Mi— ' G-0-- W" the undersigned property —ne _herehy petition your H„nnrablc Body to cause the following mpro.emcnt to be made: from St. Avc. St. Ave- NA vc. 5V--"- CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pit.l F Mi......ot. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City H.II FRED M. TRUAX, Commissions. OTTO E. CONSTANS. D.p Cemmivione o -*Eg!- January 10th -1433. Mr. Geo.M.Shepard Chief Engineer Dept.of Publ.Works St.Peul,Mirn. Dear Sir. Preliminary estimate of cost of planting and protecting shade tr, es on Montrose Lane from Randolph Street to Hartford Avenue, including five year gurantee,is $220.00. This estimate is based on 1112 feet assess- able property at 18¢ per foot end 10% of total cost for engineering se—ice. Yours truly i , : : t-, , 1, , THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Jen. 13, 195? ion. Herman C. 'ti en zel, Commissioner of Pubtie :50. .... F- 'ir: I t,,.sIoit 'r. ere.lth �--1lminary estimate O_ Cost fOr the elantiol —d rOteCtin, o! sha6e trePS on both si'.cs of Montrose Lane from h—dol_,h otreet to Hartford %venue, e:mept v. here Cool and sufficient trees exist, under Preiiminary Omer 94477, approved December 16, 1952. "ti—ted cost, - - - - - - $220.00 Cost Tel front foot - - - .20 —gin' 'in„ - _ - _ - - _ 20.`0 .rout:..e - _ - - - - _ _ 1112 ft. Yours truly, vh" ..� 7`4 6EOf, M. 6HePA:D, Chief engineer. I, rovPd for transmission to the Commissioner ,f hinanee. Commissioner of Pu 611c 7596 Office of the Commissioner Report to C( --)m miss I<--,. T-1 E, -r- 1, '1 ... . ....... ,"I'l, 'If 1,11.1.Ll. 'If lhl' I - I.f 11. PI -A <:::>f Public VV or F FInANCL of Finance JAf 17 193:F , c-. 16, 19 , , 193 ..f P,O)h, 1-1 1-11.- < ......11.11-1-11TI-1�1 .f lb. -1 1i,. N, 944%% ............. 93 hn,—, 1, the ',i,,g =rami — _r _.. on bo'.., -1'-2-- tA­,.se Lc— H ....... ... 2, lh- -,,--('d U -11-f ieS 27_ L L I £L 3. A ph,, I fil, , Ek, t,h ,f -,j -j,_),,.-,-, j- k, + - - - - at .-I , I, . ,,,t h --f. A. ...... ..... P,Ali� �k 7 t-4'entrrse 1,. .e, eb ^uary 21 1 e33.1. . "tlt on Ac san. - elcne^ 02 PS.�ei rca. ^.Sty of 4t" PNvl. De':- 41r: * he. -tea _ ur not : oe of ?eT'^'uary 24t,, 1°33, nbllo heru-S 'u 7th on Smr-ovenent ^evered by Prel!�!nar7 Crder No. 94477_ Ccnta .r,lte t as irnn-cven.ent Ss a very deeSrabla ore, of b—fit to -. —t I -o bloc k. .. — therefore In fa—r of sane, notwithst—oll n,-, trsa Sant that It w111 Ween an assess ent ereinst r -part, (Lot 4s 41 ocY 1, R -an Plaoel of the uodersl^Wed. Yours truly, / a ./ fid—,: A. 41k St. P-1, Th, Council,c i ,f S. Paul, Minn. We, the '—I ... ig-d propertyh—by I—lli,n y,,,l, 11W, to eau e the full—ing i,l,p... --t to b, S1. llz— 11 St. NGS St. P-1, h,,nn. city f St. 11-1, „,nn. We, the undersigned pmp-tyow nc 11-111y petition your Ilon„rnblc ,s Body r cruse t II wing F mccm c u, be „ade: CD St. Ave. �> f St. Poul, Minn. �?9?� —A To The Honorable, The Counoll, CS ty of St. Puul, Minn. Gentlemen! We, the—iersign,d property —era, *._rebv petition your Honorable Body to .,.use the followinv_ improvement NOT to be mode' Plan L_ unci pr otect_ shade- trees on both aides of Non trove Lsne except where aood rind _auffi-I.nt _trees ex1_et.-_ -_ _ St. from Randolph __. ______ _ _ St. Ave, to_ Hartford St. Ave. ----_---- N A M E--- --- _- LOT BLOCK =_ =-�ADDITIoN - -- ------------- --- --- L- -2 --- 32 ?3 '.------ -------- - --- �2 ry ' To The Honor sblo, The Council, City of St. Poul, Linn. Cantlemen: We. the undersigned property owners, hereby petition vour Honorable Body to cause the following improvement NMT to be ma ie : _py�d xn n .piQtalt had, _tr P. e 9 ten. ]cath e t i P a _pL :LolLttnaa t.sn d_ _ _ _ _ eat aber_- ort lynd_e aieat_tr:ta�xiat.____________— St. exp a Y from Rundoln_kl____St. Ave. to P.:�'tf oy_1_—______St. Ave. N A d E LOT BLOCK ADDITION —_ --------- ____._____V____--- . 12 /A a R_r.n Place V St. Paul, Ylnn._ l�,¢tc/i1933._ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Ulnn. Gen tlemen1 We, the undersigned property owner., hereby petition your Honorable Body to oeuse the following improvement t70T to be made: Plant and protect shade trees on doth sides of Montroee Lane exc�,ot w Gene good and a fflolent Lite s exist St. from Randolph St. Ave.. to Hartford St. Ave. H A H R LOT BLOCK ADDITION St. Pau1, Minn. lj,a t� 1833 _ TO She Honorable, The Corm of 1, City of St_ Paul, Minn_ Gentlemen: Ae, the underelgnecl property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to o ae the following Improvement ti CT to be made= Plaut and proteot shade trees on 'both sides of Montrose Lane exp t here good and a '£1 iant Lreas exist St. from Randolph St_ Ava_ to Hartford St. Ave. N A M E i LOT BLOCK ; ADDITION 2 COUNCIL. FILE \'0. Rv FINAL ORDER 445 In the ]fatter of curbing south side of Thomas Street from Snellicg Avsnua to the east line of lot 11, hlon'r 3, Hemline S}^rdl_at, Addition No. 3. � rnrwa, oanena. onder Preliminary Order 96996 nppro�'ed Dee ember 19, 1933 Intermediary Order _. ..._approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relntive thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, Ry the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature. extent end kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is curb_aeath side of Thamaa_.Street frw.Eaelling Arenue to the asst liae of mat. 11. mock 3, Hemline Syndicate Additioa.11--3.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement . be made. RESOLVED FURTH F,R, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit e— to the Council for approc:J; that uponsaid approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of snidor2rMr accordance therewith. IIJJ. Adopted by the Council YY _. 192 Approval 'wry 79: Z-7 Councilman ' y Councilman M kli13USLIEL) Councilman-7rCalgg��, I ^aan'� / (.,Councilman-, Couyorncilman tQx� \la4tMes J , � •nnh,,,,ey i f•'mm P. S. A. N -i � REPORT orCOMMISSIONER orFINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ^' =~~ '` '"~~^"'~ bl-k ,'~^_^_`.^~°~^~�� , .-li."^_1"°,~^ ~~-"~ ^' °. ill "~."^d"."~~~ ,-. `~°~_~~,^~~~ ��~~.~.°~ ~~~�.. ' °~"-,�������_^~~�~ J*.=~~`.~^...~~ ~�. LIT~~ ~~.~ -.AT- -1 t 3"00 -36750 ,-°~~~~~^~��~.^~��°.~~~ .".�~.^~~ .''.~...~...^~~.~^,.^.^`~__~°,-"."~� Cityof Sc.I 'a G—fl--: XN", 'I" h—b., p""i,, Body t—au, th" fIll—­9 'T ""l- (�K Ll Q Q fO�wNO ST - � t e I Tri F�E -El ��� � 2 SN.vaw4d. � A✓e h V F c� INTRA -DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION To: Commissioner Milton Rosen. From: Leonard C. Seamer, Valuation and Assessment Engineer. Date: Nova mber 1, 1933• Subject: Petitions for Local Improvements. I am returning herewith the following petitions of property owners for Local Improvements, as submitted to you by Com- misei,ner Wenzel, to -wit: df ConStreetctiocurb on scoth from Snelling) Ave nuei oe e-halfomae block to alley (East). on the, back of each petition you will observe the smount of back taxes, also each lot and the sum total of delin- quent teles at the bottom of the petition. When no amounts are shown back taxes ?i ave been paid at this writ- prc byg, and I relofnetdhet above caseeacti as ion an oreriedusra be reporteken by the Council. Respectfully submitted, b—�— — 1-att. 7791 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Of THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER OFFICE COMMUNICATION 4bp March 2, 1934 Hon_ Herman C_ enzel, `-ommission er o£ry Public works, City of St_ Yaul, Minn. -ear Jir: I transmit herewith preliminr:ry estimate o£ cost i'or curbing the south side of ilom— °trset £rom 5ne111-ng —nue to the east line of lot 11, Block. 3, Hnm1_ine Syndl cite Addition No. 3, under t'reliminary Order �_ r _ 96995, approved December 19, 1933. mstimated Cost 09.03 uost per front foot .1+9 InspecCi on 1.35 t -n ginee-ring 20.00 Frontage 100.00 Yours truly, l� G WRGN M. en cPAhD, chief mnglneer. /, W Approved £or transmission to th�/C: pr¢n5�s�-aner of h'in e H E�hltc�Nit+(V/`CJ_ h LSV L --1 .:L ssion erof Yub lic or'rs. Office of the Commissioner of Public WOADFFINANU 9f �ir � Report to Commissioner of Finance �••�,. MAP i 1934 !larch 6, 1934 113 n [ Piunn.. of the (", ,d Kt. Pnul '1'h, <'onuulas..n.er of 1'u611r APovk, h.u'Ing hnd n...1-1 ronr.doni(n n. W, pulimhuvy .vi.r of the ii k,. (1.111,-0 rm. N...96995 •mP,^, e,I December 19, 193�19s ,.d.�1�•� w the curbing of the south side of Thomas r,treet frOlD Snelling Avenue to the e st line of lot 11, block j, Hamllne syndicate Addition no• 3 and h -".K the �.. ter. 111.1 tI iem.l Iii then ln, 1. r. h, ce,, 111, I. purl imP�'^. m. nl ix nr. i,. _ iml forl ilesirublr. Cost per front ft. &0.39 z. 'rh, 89.03 . ,mi we 1uLx1 ruxl u,ere�r s „ml �ns�F�11ro�.S e�rrt3� rn�din��a�9$4a$ ernntage 103 rt. :, k Phu. I file .,r k,,,h ..f said mPr111- 11` ` hend., nllnrhed nml mule n P", h"—d. a. ,i. S -I asked f..r .,f three or mon. ownrrn of Pmperty, Fuhjr�l 1�, a.n�ssm,nl f.,r-id in.Pro,emenl. J r t'�,✓nmi.wioner rf 1, is Works. 77&Z-) I Ce... it F,1, N. I By CITY OF ST PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment L, the "tt, , of the exsessmevt ,f benefits, '"'t, end 0-anses fur evin, Cedar Street Crom '%2 Pt. northt K,11,gg B-Ie—r� (f,me,ly Th 11 Str,A) to Sip; b, h Street, with —tel -ul ,, -­,t�,ne 1— 1-1 nr.p.rty y ay driveway app .she.; lh� —d—y se11 be —d 40 f,,-, dti , with 3 i.. 11,11t .:I, t I ft- 4,ttere t,�1%1,,ed t11h'1- in- c, 'I, I _ n for t" iz" ne 1%,I— g.r,.d,,..th d '� ' d i,.b,;3k; the — 'e, n" tv ---t —11 - 7 in. --ts, . e- '. , ,.d,,r Yreliminnry 0,dr , 85726 • 1—,eed—y O,d,, 59612 I'i--1 Ind, ' 9734. ,ppre,,d —Au-uet .3, ..__...1933.. A public h—i.g h., me been had upon the ---i for the .1,— improvement, rand said h.,n, been f,,,h,, e—.,id—d b, the Council, nvd h,—g been —,I—d finally eatisfncton, be it th—b— RENOLVED, Th,t the said ---t be and thr -- i, hereby in all respects ratified, and the e.,, is ), rr by ordered to be submitted t. the 1h,t—t C.— of the C ... ty of it—ly f-1 13E IT FyRTHER RLSOIVEII, That the said msr.xmevt be -d it is hereby de ---d to hr 1,-bl, Adoptedth, Conned_ " y 2. M4 19 city (A,,k My I 19q- 19 M.y- WM. k scup, � ITV (11" Pari, UFFI( E' ii F i I i L COV�I I 11 F FINANCF Report of Completion of Assessment Mch2 7 P 34 h, the mutter of the nnu s.m lt of h--fitl, —Is and a rasa f- 1 - Cedar —t fr,,. 72 ft. northwest oI 't""I th —tar no g— actions Cron PR"" ody made, also r— —n., I l Pro— ty �nd lines c"PIt" -vin� -alley —d d r i— I pros the _ "Y 11 . ..... to 40 foot `i�th' �it� 'I - sheet 2"t 17. o�tt—�tr "I'—. with 12' i- 1-1 -1 --t —ro e,,O,d enhalt;'= —i for ttko intersect— of Sixth and �d ' t eats, �h sh.11 — p ... d with 3 !,. brick; the b— '.r oil ty— l' —,— 7 in. C, creta, -],, P,I "n II:,[ 88726 ,,1,: 89512 1 na! ( rd,r 'n, the i:olur,i of the Piny of �t —,d anal to h. ....... .. . I f,,, aml i,,th 6, mahlnh of tl,.� 0,", 33 71: . 11 an 781.00 2.40. 135.00 641.50 �onetructi E 1 seri 948.75 12. 00 L::; the I F,4, IInI.,r !'I'k Ir.jW �-o 't 7 S,�34,516.47 _7 of �.. l _ L thend F�Ind 22,435.64 said n,ntm ... r norther that �,gT.AwmXntl lea, d ORtPE 8 1, ,, t : the sum ,f $34,516,47 11 ens 1, %, I r1, rc b", ""rt sir p�., 11 of lon,l '1, l,I 1" l' the ",,,I ntpro,rment, nniI in thy of 11 1, per, I of lald in a, "'th 0'. f, —d tH, 61 a. tt. nt lira I :lint h, a - T h, I , � 1 :1,",.,I h, the siy 4 the i ( , fl�Idl th, 1,1d it al "'pl't,I b, 1-1, 1 ]i "duhniit t'.d t 1". 1 camel alae . (►7747 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CL�e'wa—eayoe HNltaone� COUNCIL RESOLU ION —GENEF--I s a (a 'Ar- I. .. [6 p IW t m tFe P W. w r, a ,. e, laeem X4.1:'0 So � sees nnl,�we RESOLVED WHEREAS Jhe Chicago, Milwaukee, Saint Paul and Pacific Railway is requesting a loan of three million dellare from the P.W.A. for the purchase of thirty new freight ri locomotives which ll tend to eliminate a large number of locomotive. ¢ow in service, and WHEREAS The Chicago, Milwaukee, Saint Paul and Pacific Railway now has a large amber of locomotives stored, many of them of r cent purchase, which if given repairs could be made servieehle to furnish the required power f said railway, and which would provide additional employme¢t for local shop craft forces at the various pointe along the entire syet.., and WHEREAS the shop craft forces during the past four years have been seriously handicapped by working short time and through reduction in force. which has forced many shop craftsman to seek welfare relief, and WHERFAS the purchase of these lee ti, world tend to further reduction in forces and add to the unemployment pxrolI and relief roll of Saint Paul, and WHEREASthe repair of the present locomotive. would give increased employment and meet the used for additional locomotives, and WHEREAS there is now stored in the Twin Cities more than sirty engines, many of them ofmodern type and suspectible of rendering efficient service if given proper repairs by local shop craft workersthereby saving A huge sum of money and providing useful employment for local labor, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council petition the Honorable Joseph, B. Eastman, �( \ / Federal Coordinator of Transportation, and to Frank C. Wright, Director Railroad /\ /♦\{/\ Division of the P.W.A., to investigate this application of the Chicago, Milwaukee, Saint Paul and Pacific Railway for funds to purchase n w locomotives and endeavor to have such funds diverted to repair work on the large number of locomotives now in the shops instead of for the purchase of ... locomotives. �'ru�l n.vrs Ly the APR 27 192 y—ns \nye A�I��I,Icd ('uuncil___ Mn� \Irlh�unlil ��� 2' � �y�✓j 1'eurrc iii Ltt or ,\lipn.ved _ _. _. .. 193_._ i \t'�nzel Mn�ue .r ,-, \I r. 1'n•.id�nl \Inhoiiry PUBLlSi�0.�� _. I �i Adopteai by the Cuundl .193 MAY M,DONALD -PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX N\'I:NZE1. 11R_ PRESIDENT t,IIA110II1' ��ii k-11 -7t L, ' 14. A. ane A -t—, r. C. :W— 9ir: -1, ,,,Io,. with —� -1—tfIIIW I'll y,,r tte,tion t pyo —ol—ion, Council File 7747, rnlntive to to. S-ilt ;—I P—i'lc f,,r frog. t , r. *+.A. —cite y,,Ir Y, .r., . — t —I , City -1- . Dear Sir: c",-11. T'a 4-11 th —0, •ki'll 1' t, 1-14. St.Paul, Minneaota, d,>ril i7tn, .x'34. Mr. William Mahoney, Mayor, City Hall, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Mahoney: 1.beha-f of ti-. shop craft employees of t—Chicago, Mllweukae,St. Paul & Pasif is Hy. we are submitting toy,.0 a proposition and re q u e uting t!.a auar_ort of yourself and ti.e City Council of Wit. Paul in opposition t -roto. The Chicago, LSi lwaukee, St. Paul 8 Pacil is :y. is recue.ting a loan of $3,000,000.00 Prom tna Pahl is Work:e rand for tiie .nrsLtea of thirty new xre fight loo omot ivae ,.f t:.e -ergs st and moat modern ty pas. Tha ourci,aee of t: -sea l0 come tives mans t�. e,t an even is"ger nu:r. tier of i000untiv=s now in .—Ice �i_i ce Iiec.rced frou, _ctive service. Tae Cn ice go, Mil,—ea, ot. Paul & Pacifdc nas ny, now ha _arge number of ...... tivee oto rad. Many of mese are of ti:e it meet recent �uroz�+. S. These locomotives if given the necessary repairs can be made eerviceable apo furnish a-_ the power that th. Chi Milwa aae a St. Paul P Peoifie BY. needa to me at re _ui re:,:enta o£ its service suo if ti,. ea locomotives are given the necessary ".pairs, it will mean additional employment for shop craft forces employed by this railroad at various points inc-� iag the oitiee of tet. Paul, Pdinna�.;o. ie gnu oti:er points on the s::tire a,stem. Chop ora ft forces during the -at four years rave been seriously effected by the depraee ion t--gh the ,voraing o:' sl �.rt time and t:.e reduc- tions of force to such an extent ti.at ma rlrp rai lr�= a ah o poen hove been Pore ed to secure relief from loo -1 re_. ief .gene ie e. Tin re pairing of the e cuipment now owned by this railr-ad instead of the i-rcha se of aocitip,,el naw locomotive. "rill mean increased employment, whici, in turn will ".duce the need for aid from locz:i relief bod -- Th. fur -!--e of t. sse r,aw loo omctive. mill :".an tett they -.vill be ready for eery ice when da--ive red, 'wi it not 2 ed any genera repairs for teep..rcx- imaiy t:ro ;ears and w -u_d taye a✓sy from shopmen wlxc lave been most ser- ioi;ely effected the p ... ib—ity of v additional employment during this period of time. Ne feel twat ti,e into rest of c _1 --.rued, the —d-—doho m,e n, the municipal it iae in ✓hi ch we are employed aro the general public t..rzugh- out the entire Northwest will he hest served if t"ese los omotivas urs not bought and neo. eeary reroir `.vo— on stored locomotives is rarfoxmed to increase employment. Wewillapt-raciate your cooperetion in o .„using the Joe. .tive. and any action t::at you can ta” ti.at 'il- convince tl:oae in authority teat --. 'Wisest mr, ve t.,at can he mace at this tic;e is to r tir their pro sez,t locomotives. eaare ett,.Lix,S hereto a statem.nt sh ., ving the numbers and eiass of various types of locomotives stere❑ in St.Paul and Minneapo_is awaiting pegejkvE d,,n tinuad neoese. ry repairs. Any action ta:;en in s.,,ocrt o' our re, ue at should he f warded to president pronkim sport tiaoosec�nitnd t1to ErankHonor o C.a+fir igot Cirea lor13. a Itailrondal COordlnet�r of a Oivieion of t.a Prh.ia __. nd ministration .,l �t �+eahi ngton, D.O. 3e ore soot ir:g t o r'ede,tei Shop Crefte, Chicago, M1111au._ee St. Paul & Rrolflc iiv., St. Paul Local 46e11ti— Englnee st ered in Tw1n C1t1ee +j 1202 6202 1203 Frt. 9ervIee .anage Rattng 2ngl ne Po. Class 6345 2270 ^ 4600 tone 8002 L-2 6365 8003 6367 5500 8006 5505 7108 8022 7110 5536 6028 5551 7612 6029 5592 8043 5623 " 8066 " 8069 6127 8082 " 8080 8110 " 5121 " 8112 ^ 8123 „ 8134 " 8147 „ 8158 8171 " " 5400.t--- 400t-ne63,1 63 , I L 2 8392 " " 4800 tine 6516 L-1 8517 „ 8519 " 5400 tone 8643 L-3 Other engines stored in Twin Citiee 6152 1202 6202 1203 6214 1243 6325 1288 6345 2270 6357 2867 3006 6361 5005 6365 5035 6367 5500 7035 5505 7108 5527 7110 5536 7135 5551 7612 5587 5592 5623 5624 6 11 9 6127 6141 6138 ............ CITY OF ST. PAUL .n. ` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITU CLERK 9pUNCIL RESO UTION--GENERAL FORM r`"o°DHEA. / oATe. APril 1739 RESOLVED Tha.*. the Purcheeinz A::-nt be, and he is purchase, with t`:e copse.^.t �f the a Ye �n•I '•.e Co mptr�11_�, one tank. enr, c_. �x Sma to ly eOCO -cellons, 400 end cot,: ttlslllnl, f— the ATLAS 0..,. & OZL .._yr...:Y, at rice ..f $ .09273 p r ,zellen, includia- st'te t s. - av e e inspec,. ti, ,1so Feder=1 excise t -.x, tc a_ �rted _n iiun'_cip-1 _ ._n. _r,.cr. ., -e 9t., „ inf —1 Car:lti etitiv- b1ds, c exists w_._r_ `-,ilure b ct - �mctl_ v. �u1d I. pix e he,rdshi; t, -.�.. best interests )t the City. Fund- L:u iai, al 'cul F.:,er.t 100-1?i 1",•un \"n r+ � IL,ei i� Tr—, aw. a -n ill r. 1',�esident \Inhoi�cy Adopted by Ih, t'uundl.:yPR.7a .191. A� I ma • CIL RESOLUTION `°"""""`""- - PR�NTEA ..Rl., April 23 RE OL VD, THAT CHECKS 9E ORAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S Jw j COVERING CHECKS NUM9ERE0 3042 Tq �ltsa INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / J ouvciurc r°ciry uca� ciry ov s.ur o"uc ! --- orr�cE or ,He IoM e,a o��Ea ��1,­ . N0. eirrnea aou u�t COUNCIL RESOLUTION ri.c AUDITED CLAIMS April 23 a4 �, rT 111-1 e TAE. — Ae, mac f. o :�16902 87Ea TOTAL A If �u Meru IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD 40 500 14 2370199 94 1042 Harold J. Achterling 11 00 304} Oanitol stationery Mfg.Oo. 156 16 1044 v.F.9mith Tire & Battery Co, 777 84 1045 a.;, Roepke Comnany 31 35 1046 Earl Hansen 916 67 1047 Geo. Mauro & Louis Mauro 875 00 x048 Ramsey Fuel & Ias Comrany 1 568 99 3049 John Heroff 21 60 3050 Dr. Arthur J. Dohm 63 00 3051 Reilly & Gannon 15 00 052 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 1 802 35 053 R.I. Kingston Company 15 00 3054 The 3neakes Company 301 93 3055 American Linen Buonly Company 199 63 1056 American Linen Buocly Company 9 �7 7057 American Linen suDDly Oompany 11 7 3058 F.K. Amundsen 6 18 3059 John 0, Anderson 21 31 3060 Atlas Gas & 011 Comrany 60 37 3061 Atlas Gas & 011 Comoany 65 14 3062 Blombergle Grooery 676 3063 ?.A. BTandl 11 13 7064 Bucka Brothers 71 1065 Chioago Great 'destern R.R.O. 250 66 7066 Consumers Milk Company 109 97 7067 Aunnis Fairway Market 12 19 1066 fest gide Grocery Comoany 7 67 7069 L. Eisenmenger Meat Comoany 180 77 3070 U. Erickson 10 7071 H.B. Fuller Company 8 68 7072 Goodyear 9ervioe,Inc. 173 41 3073 Gonber State Products Comrany 35 00 1074 Great Lakes Asphalt & Pet.Co. 869 37 3075 Great Northern Railway Company 200 51 3076 Gruber Auto Electric Comoany 149 1 3077 Mrs. J.T. Jennings, 21 98 3078 Kea Lox Mfg. Oomoany 53 19 1079 MoFadden—Lambert Company 371 87 3080 McKesson-3t.Paul Drug Company 40 49 3081 Malloy Grocery 7 87 • 1082 M.M, Metoalf Oompany 4 971 308j Michaud Brothere,Inc. 34 04 108+ Mtokelsen's Grocery 3 44; 1085 Minnesota Milk Oomoany 129 30 3086 Minnesota Oil & Refining Company 470 17 1087 Northern Coal & Dook Comoany 295 06 7088 N.P. Bell Telephone Company 19 951 x069 Y.T. Fuel Comrany 8 104 1s' 7090 Oriental Laundry Company 13 70 In91 John T. PelBert 7 95 xn92 O.T. 9ohland Comrany 4 0f, 709; St.Paul BTae4 Foundry Company 10 98 in94 The Andrew 3choeh Grocery z? 11 3095 Tri—state Tel. & Te1g. Company 134 4n 1096 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Comrany 49 04 2097 Tri—State Tel, & Telg. Company 55 15 1()98 3e11ge A. T,. Ru 5 00. ­r°rwl 4o 5oo 14 2369402 81 SHEET T°TAL-FORwARp 40 500 14 2409134 03 i B i �l ouruc.rE To urr CLERK clry or s"1RT I'll GOUNCiLMEN�iOLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER , GLI 1L N,^,IO,,. COUNCIL RESOLUTION TSL April M 34 AUDITED CLAIMS �I AIIvR. M.HONEr +c+1NET RESOLVE. THBR CIF­5 1111-1 11 TIE CITYTRE.SVNr T. TRE .11REa.Te AMOUNT °E 1 19,7311.22 c01E11NG -- ---- (� 4 aR5 NUM REREO NCL° +OOPTE.RY THE COIIrGIL T,._ PER cHEcns ©n E`EEI .. °r EiCE t�C1rr COMPTR9OL1vE LER- i ' B ryoL, ` TOTAL OATE h CHECK NUMRER - " RETURNED IN FAVOR OF T-61IR DAHURSEMFNT er s— ,EECnS CHELI(S aROJGHT FORWARD 40 500 p 14 2389492 81 e 3099 9tationere Engraving Company 58 80 48 3100 Board of Public Welfare 11 3101 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 14 092 11 3102 Frank Horeja 31 52 3103 St.Paul Book & Stationery CO. 411 6 3104 9t.PAulBook & Stationery Co. 196 94 7105 St.Paul Milk Company 258 59 1106 Sent" Farm Calries,Ino. 203 39 3107 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 21 37 3108 Schulz Grocery 14 66 3109 Speedometer 9erv. & Aoo.oO. 73 60 3110 Spool Cotton CompRny 5 4o 3111 I.T. Sprengnether 36 50 3117 Standar! Mailing Machine Co. 1 10 7113 Standard 011 Comnany 514 53 7114 Standard Specialty Company 1 81) 3115 Standard Unit Parte Corporation 85 00 3116 Standard Unit Parte Corporation 167 7 7117 C.R. 9tecbert & Company 25 3 1118 9tegmeir Tire Company 126 02 3119 Stein's Mette & Groceries 3 12 3120 M.J. Stilwell Paper Company 245 o91 3121 Swift & Company 48 O1. 1122 Syndicate Printing Company 10 35' 712j G.H. Tennant Company 61 25 7124 Telford E. Thompson 22 50 1125 Transit Supply ^,ompRny 754 80 3126 Twin City Book & Stationery Co, 20 11 3127 Twin City 9aw Duet Company 38 00 3128 Twin City Supply Company 1 04 7129 Twin City Textile Mille 283 75 3130 Underwood -Elliott -Fisher Co. 61 75 3131 Union Water Meter Company 9 33 3132 Universal Oarloading & Dist,Co. 3 77 Cream3131 Vanier Bie loe Company 130 1134 D. Van HostrandCo Company 6 53 7135 Van Paper Supply Company 323 67 1136 The Vellumold Company 32 24 1117 Villaume Box & Lumber Company 73 90 1138 Waldorf Bindery Company 260 05 7179 Geo. T. ;alkder & Company,Inc. 9 0 7140 • Warren—Given, Inc. 38 79 7141 W.L. Weber 13 25 7142 B.E. Wedeletaedt Company 447 77 1147 'lest End Ice & Fuel Company 32 69 1144 "Testern Badge & Novelty Company 9 00 1145 "Testern Sign Company 17 65 1146 Testlund Meat CompRny 35 25 1147 "Testinghouse Electric Supply Co.Inc. 306 57 1148 W.J. "Testphal 17 00 7149 R,B. Whitsore & CompRny 63 Q2 7150 ',bite Bear Press 2 00 1151 Wolters Brothers 175 41 1152 "Torch Cigar Company 3 00 SHEET T°TAL-FORwARp 40 500 14 2409134 03 ' '�l filar ..aaraa...a, oanmea. ori COUNCIL FILE NO - Br. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In rhe Matter of changing the grade of Alley in Block B, Woodland Park Addition from M,okubin Street to Kent Street to conform to the red line on the profile hereto at- tached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being ehoam by a blue line thereon, :leo grading and paving Alley 1n Blebk 8, Woodland Park Addition Prom U,okubin Street to Kent Street to the proposed red line Men established, under Preliminary Order_ 97523 -__ approved_ March Z2, }980 The Council of chc City of Sr. Paul h.—g received the report of rhe Commissloner of Finance upon the abuse mprovemt, and hating c ,aid ... d said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the saidan tepott d chc same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said impro.emem is hereby ordered to be pt -.dad with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is change the grade of Alley in Blook 81 Woodland Park Addition from Nackubin Street t6 Rent Street to con form to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made,. part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grade and peva Alley in Block 8, Woodland Park Addition from 11-Iotbin Street to Rant Street to the propos ed red line when established, with no al�ernatives, and that rhe estimated cost thereof is b-2200.00 - - Res I -d Furnc,r, That a public hearing be had on said imp...ement on the. 22nd day of av _ _.. _ _- __, 193_4._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in she Council Chamber of rhe Court House and Cir, Hall Building in the City of Se Paul. Thar rhe Commissioner of Finance gi.e no of said meeting co chc persons and in the manner prosided by the Ch ...... .rating the time and place of hear. mg, rhe nature of the mpro. egr Srhe sial cost thereof as esnmated. Adopted by the Council. � ,los Approved. 'G-.•!_G/^f �`Z .lfJzcF� _-ZI. Ivy-�nr Councilman McDonald Councilman May J_s�j3LLS}iF.l �.-� — Councilman Pear:c CouncilmanRosen _ Councilman Ttua. n: ilmatt Wtn:el Masor Mahonc� 3.TLSa'�Q"a 7 e ooa,a,,,�. a �a�tm o.11 �nlm. COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 977,52 hn he Matter of oonderaning and taking en ent in the lend taeery for elopes, onto end Yills, in khe grading end paving ofAlleyin Blook S, ttoodland Park Addition Yrom Neoknbin Street to Kot Street, under Preliminary Ord., 97624. _ approved. _ .hath 22, 1954 The Coencll of the Clry of Sr. Paul haying ....trod the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby —.1- 1, That the said repot and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improsement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. . 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council —ommends is oend— and take an ant Sa the land a .eery for elope., out. end fill., in the grading end paring .fsA11 y in Blook 6, woodland Park Addition from Neeknbin Street to Kent Street, In -cord—, with the blue print hereto atteohed and meds a part hereof, the hetohed portions showing the out. end the ahed.d portion. showing the fill., .with no alte.... , and that the esnmated cost thereof is $_ 60.00 _ _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. 22nd day of —, 111.A—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That he Commissioner of Finance give notice of said .""ng to the persons and in the manner provided by he Charter, staring the time and place of hear, ing, the nature of the mproyement and the total —t hereof as estim.ted. Adopted by the Council aPR. 25. Ip �I 19i 5 X934 �} Approved - _ __ 197 _ y Cl.:k ynr C,uncilman 11,D—aid , ausm Cotmdlman May ---- —_ Councilman r.ara CouncilmanRos.n Councilman Trua,, Councilman Wemoc: Mayor S1.hon.v Form B. 5..A. 8,6 SLuvr, CLE RK I I V U (rpm Lawson-" '. Cook at.. ,"e`aana... Ora.r Br6E1 xpnro� 1,ere,E4. 19]1. T°e c,.... le "report of 181 w ne race restInMee u COUNCIL FILE N0. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In he !.lair,, of grading Cypress Street from Lawson Street to Cook Street, under Preliminary Order- 97621 approved Muoh 22, U4 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Fmnnce upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade Cypress Street from Lawson Street to Cook Street, with no alternatives, and that he .,i—,ed cos, ,hereof is b. 1299.15 _ Resolved Further, That a public bearing be had on said improvement on the 22nd day of 193_9_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meing to the p,,,,,s and m the m er provided by the Charteq toning ing the time and place of hear- ing, thenat... of the imp ...ement and the total cost ,hereof as—mated.a Adopted by the Covnc,IAPR, 1(134 Approrcd ;J. c:oundlmao UcDonald Councilman May c'ou ncilman Fearer Councilman Rosen Councilman Truar l:ouncilman Wen_cl \iaror Mahon,; Form R. I. A. F-,, COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In chc M.cr of ondemaiog and taking an ement in the land n eery for elope., outs and fills, in the grading of Cypress Street from Lawson Street to Cook St ... t, under Preliminary Chde,_ 97522 _ ._..._approved__ Lamb 221 1954 The Council of the Clcy of Sc Paul having received she report of the Commissioner of Finance upon chc above improvemenc, and having considered said repo,,, hereby resolve: 1. That the said repo,, and chc same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said —P --o, is hereby ordered . be proceeded with. 2. That rhe nature of chc improvemenc .vhlch the Council r«ommeeds is —d—and take an ®ant Sa the land aeoeeaary for elopes, ^uta sad fills, is the grading of Cypress Street from Lawson Street to Cook Street, ins ..den.. with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatahed portion. showing the ante and the shaded Portion. showing the fills, .vlch no alternatives, and that chc —imamd cos, thereof is $ 50..W Resolved Fu„hc,, That a public hearing Ix had on said improvement on the 22nd day of ,,yam. _ _, 193..4 , a, chc hour of 10 .'dock A. M., in the Council Chamber of he Cour, s House and Ci,y Hall Building in ,he City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance givent'of said meing a rhe persons and i manthe r provided by chc Charier, ing the ams and place ofhar- ing, ,hcnature of chc mp.... —nc and el eco,.I cos, thereof as --,ted. Adopted by h Council_ �APR 91 rood loi Approved_ IVB C�,-I an McDonald Councilman May conndlman .sera _ - �=Y Cou ho.o Rnscn Si .l' k C:_ouncilman T,ua. Councilman Wenzel .Mayor Mahoney Form B. S. A Sfi u.tt F. SCO'1'I', ('LTi' Ct_EFh COUNCIL FILE NO. By __— INTERMEDIARY ORDER G f, 1, In he Matter ofr netm-ting with monolithic o ,rete the sidewalk on the mouth aide of Tenth St. (11111 width) begionaug 100 ft. ..at of St. Peter St., theme 116 ft. west including 10 ft. driveway. under Preliminary Order. 97559 approved. 11 -oh 27, 1934 The Council of the City of Sr. Paul having received he repo,, of he Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said imp—men, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2.: Th., henature of the 'mpro ec which the Council rends i reoonetruet with monolithic, norete the sidewalk on the a uth aide of Tenth St. o(fell width) beginning 100 ft. west of St. Peter St., thernoe 115 ft. ..at including 10 ft. driveway, svi,h no alternatives, and tbar the estimated cost thereof is $195.00 _ _ _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing he had on said improvement on ,he 22nd day of __, 193 4 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting ,o the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear, ing, ,he nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated, APR 2 5 +934 Adopted by the Council n N Approved___ 191 _ G' L1I Ci, ler{. Naso, / Councilman McDonald Councilman -- Councilmen Pearce / Councilan Rosen CouncilmanmTrua.� CouncilmanWen:cl Maya, Mahoney Form B. c_ A. 8-1, 4ii66— ln IM1e >In ller foom I u a 1 (; iii lM1. r Ivo, , 9l `r tl lA�, o„(or Mme rome COUNCIL FILE NO. � � �.i 'o - By INTERMEDIARY ORDER Inthe Matter of changing the grade of Lawson Street from Gaultier Street to Matilda Avenue to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shcea by the blue line thereon, also grad. ing Lawson Street from Gaultier Street to Farrington Avenue, under Preliminary Order. .97525 approved_. M—h 22, 1934 the Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ,he above improvem , and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is change the grade of Lawson Street from Gaultier Street to Matilda A—. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shoran by the blue line thereon, also grade Lawson Street frog Gaultier Street to Farrington Avenue, with no alcernativu, and Char the estimated cost thereof is $_ 1391.49-_ __ _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 22nd day of 1933—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. APR 2 5 1934 197 Approved_. _ 191 J. C Clerk Councilman McDonald C --unman May c�- 1�` Councilman Pearcc Counclman Rosen Councilman Tru,,, Councilman w—'l Mayor %lahonec Form B. S A. 8.0 COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the NI.rter of o..domning end taking an em� ein the lend neoery for slope-, outa sad fill., Sa the grading of Lannon Street from Gaultier Stre, e-ato Farrington Avenue, under Preliminary Order__ 97526 aPproved_itarLh 22� 1834_ The Council of the City of Sr. Paul ha,in, received the report of the COmmtssioner of Finance upon she above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be Pmcceded with. take rue 2. That the nature of the improvefortelatch the Coennc�la fill -+din the ngra=dingdo4 Larson ®ant 1n the lend neoeeasry Pen+ ° Street fr® Gaultier Street totFhereof,otha�t�ntchednpohioe. oring the out, end the hereto attached and made a par o -herded portion- .h..ing the fill., with no alrernatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $- 50.00 22nd day of Resolved Further. That a public hearing be had on said improvemen ton the. _ _, 1933—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., n, the Council Chambmissiou'r of er of the Court Hou and Ci Hall Building i� the City Of St. P That the the Cha rer. .... .ting the cin, and place of notice House hot,, said meet...... in the per ns and in the manner providad by ing, theenaeure of th Improvement and the total cost thereof as es—aced. Aa„plea by the e4nnca 4N 25 M4 ?tz 9. x? L Iv; �7 ja',�C�ae,7f Approved C_nn l a„ McDonald PUBLI.511ED Councilman Mny -� Coancllo,an Pearce Councilman Rosen J c<, cilm n Trn Councilman Wcn\cl �7 n,ar Mahoncv Form B. A. 5s COTI gae.t.a ae,aeeam,r.. CO L^: CIL FILE NO_._......_ ... ............_.._._ .�,�. s,:ox_ B y CITY OF IT PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matt of the varcemect of bao.flte, dama4s., oo,ta and expenses grading,paving, c netruoting n ament aid. 2k. o ctructing existing .idewalkt and oonatructlng or reo0netrncting ornamentel a nslight, on the following straetaz Seventh St. from Sixth St. to center line of Smith All. ae widened by C. F. 45957, approved Sept. 20, 1932. Sixth St. f west line of Franklin St. tc 172 ft. west of Wa M,i ton St. Franklin St.ofr= Sixth St. to Seventh St. Fifth St. from eeet line of Exchange St. to a line Ir from a point on the north orb line 155.7 ft. .ant of Franklin St. to a point on the .Doth —,b line 207.8 oft. wee' of Fra Iklio St. produced Kellogg Boulevard from Main Ave. to Seventh St. all of the above work to Saolude aurE ing end paving alley and driveway app,osoh,s, net ru cting driveway eppro.. hen where n eery, c nat—.ting a natal and gas oo actions from street main, to propertylineswhere not already mods, making alln awry changes in sat.—J.... .—are and pp -t-., installing ...duit for trefflo elgoels, and making e ohangsa wmad, necessary by the widening of Seventh St. in the etreeto into ....ting St between the aforesaid limit", also all other work net eery and cseeatiel to the above described improv®ant; also changing the.grede of the following streets to conform to the rad line, on the profile, hereto attached and made a part hereof, end r net—,ting sidewalk,, curb, paving and other existing improvements to said red llneeowhen eatabliehed; Chestnut St. from Seventh St. to 118 It. ooutheaet of Seventh St. West aide of Smith Ave. from Seventh St. to 40 ft. .,nth of Seventh St. Ee.t old. of Smith Ave. from Seventh St. to 45 ft. south of Seventh St. North side of Forbes Ave. from Seventh St. to 19 ft. wast of Seventh St. Feat aide of Le.oh St. from Seventh St. to 25 ft. south of Seventh St. South side of Ram,.y St. from Seventh St. to 57 ft. east of Seventh St. North aide of Rema ey St. from Seventh St. to Wilkin St. So uthweat side of Sherman St. from Seventh St. to Wilkin St. No rthe. tslde of Welnot St. from Seventh St. to 30 ft. south oast of Seventh St. Southeast aide of Eagle St, from Seventb St. to 4' ft. ooutheaet of Seventh St. West side of Franklin St, from Sixth St. to Seventh St. Material on Seventh Street shall be 3j" asphaltic ooncreta pavement surface with 2*" brick gutters, 7 Peet wide; on Sixth Street 3" cheat sepholt pavement .urfeoe; and on Fifth Street 3" brick pavement eurPaoe, and at the triangle between ,treat r treake et the Snter.eotlon of Seveoth Street and Kellogg SouLesardl ell a pavement be...halI be 7" o rete; Chestnut Streak -hall be r.aurf...d with brick from Seventh Street to 118 feet southeast of Seventh Street; the pavement between the toile of the street railway tr.cke shall be granite block o rete base Prom Sixth St. to Romsey St. and c ret. from Rem, ey It. to Smith Ave.. the 2 foot atrlp on to Sde of the oatalda rails to be pavod with 3j" asphaltic oo rete; the payment width shall be S1 feet o enth St. from Sixth St. to Re y, St. end bb It from Ramsey St. to Smith A-, and 40 feet on MU St, and Siz h St.; w�ornamental light. of the combined trolley pole and ei.gle light type shall talled between Sixth St. and Kellogg Boulevard and the ax is ting '-- an tel of the combined trolley pole and ei ngle light type betweeo Kellogg Houle - and Smith Ava. shall be moved to conform to the nex street width, I PRO"'" ASSESSergl'TS COGICII, FILE ti0......... .................... ��� maI(tI sf [Ile aNO(IR ��IIIN, (III III aXIN, eoNlN I)y....................................... vee for grudllig, Im kl!' uro' rrmrr �urlliig CITY OF ST PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the ncsessment of benefits, dama,;es, costa and expenses grading, paving, constructing new cement Sicewalks or reconstructing existing sidewalka and oon-truoting or reconstructing ornamental lights on the following street e, Seventh St. from Sixth St. to center line of Smith Ave. a" widened by C. F. 03757, approved Sept. 20, 1932. Sixth St. fro, wa went line of Franklin St. to 172 ft. west of .hinytcn St. Franklin St.fro, Sixth St. tc Seventh St. Fifth St. from west line of Exchange St. to a line d wn from , point on the north ,Kb line 155.7 ft. west of Franklin It. to a point 11thesouth curb line 207.6 cft. west of Franklin St. produced Kellogg Boulevard from Mai. Ave. to Seventh St. all of the above work to include carting and paving alley and driveway approaches, not ruc•t e ing Irl approaches where necessary, c n.try ting a -r, water and gas oco®eotime from street mein. to property lines where not already mads, making elln cee,ary change. in watermain,, sewers and aiqurtadanoe., installing conduit for traffic signal-, and making changes made necessary by the widening of Seventh St. in the street: intersecti.g it between the aforesaid limit-, also all other work :sees aery end aesential to the above described improvement; also changing the grade of the following street. to conform to the red line" on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, and reconatmeting sidewalks, curb, paving and other existing improvements to said red lines when established, Chestnut St, from Seventh St. to 118 ft. southeast of Seventh St. West aide of Smith Ave, from Seventh St. to 40 ft. South of Seventh St. East aide of Smith Ave, from Seventh St. to 45 ft. south of Seventh St. North aide of Forbes Ave. from Seventh St. to 19 ft. west of Seventh St. East side of Leech St, from Seventh St, to 25 ft, south of Seventh St. South aide of Ramsey St. from Seventh St, to 37 ft, east of Seventh St. North aide of Ramsey St, from Seventh St. to Wilkin St. Southwest side of Sherman St, from Seventh St, to Wilkin St. Northesetaide of Walnut at. from Seventh St, to 30 ft, southeast of Seventh St. Southwest aide of Eagle St, from Seventh St, to 48 ft, southeast of Seventh St. West aide of Franklin St, from Sixth St, to Seventh St. Material on Seventh Street shall be 3i" asphaltic concrete pavement Surface with 2j" brick gutters. 7 feet widel on Sixth Street 3" sheet asphalt pavement surfaoel and on Fifth Street 3" brick pavement surface, and at the triangle between Street car tracks at the intersection of Seventh Street and Kellogg Bouleverdl all new pavement base shall be 7" concretel Chestnut Street shall be resurfaced with brick from Seventh Street to 118 feet southeast of Seventh Street; the pavement between the rails of the street railway tracks "hall he granite block on concrete base from Sixth St. to hemeey St. and concrete fromRamsey St. to Smith Ave., the 2 foot strip outside of the outside rails to be paved with 3j" aephniti....crate; the paveme.t width shall be 60 feet on Seventh St. from Sixth St, to Ramsey St. and 56 ft from Ramsey St, to Smith Ave., and 40 feet on Flf6h5t. and Sixth St.; ew ornamental light, of the combined trolley pole and single light type shall be installed between Sixth St. and Kellogg Boulevard and the existing oraccantal light: of the combined trolley pole and single light type between Kellogg Boule- vard and Smith Ave. "hall be moved to conform to the new street width, i aI"�..r.-r+....,of-fl!n; ar ::wM;ia�.-1J.,....— -� IZORMIMPe:7 JJBPFe 6L TI's oompJueq F>.ojji+L bore euiJ.tttl@j''9-?fjSp :rlsba eP�J7 :;. 2F• and Be Lf ;LOW ymu907. ^f• F0 PWIP Vea aaq d0 Lee; WT: F• auq ST,;' q i Fp 6ae�ter,F aJ9F4 epajj P9 PCI Leof L L I ..+ LLw xfp -F Fa ,eeteea i 1� I. y o.., aab}ruTFtc caar Lupot yee•' fpe ; Loof xfL7b �nfejge o a Lalj .:fo Pe oa 9q ";fp ii jt)G. 0n oquOLofa paPa LLom 2T 4F 2F• fo auk _F• a-OM;LSF ,.a. W,eeea 3F• � i { �i 't JU6em9Uf pepteea f. LaIjN OL fpr e L ++ LB 71 Msa La91C9 t%paJ7 p0 i4aJ�J, Lor. ner;p FLeaf fo jjB LQef xonfvoe9f c �oneLFF �fLoaf: `anon tp PQ9e 2pajj oto �:0um.0f91 gp9ef115f y,Lesf elajj PQILe2i1.-o "aj u.J;}; I,Ljcr _ a1 ft oFe,af ,Fro 7ufo190cf7ol L, -UAG;t fLeaf •uq KaJjQU B0nj9a9Lgl ajI uem aq ou LJLPP ^FLcaF ga PLION be Ixi; of en,.; cW aur, of fpe }'Ljauej9 pefei99a 9FLeoF `�4 t Sfa PL191c 14i;fma p Leaf +Ijg91 oil 8jxfp 24`4eeP h PW gebyaJf benemepf emLeool nor r - z a rr 0",-t r 4j if - 4P 4P 4010AM), P 8ojgafe7e'dLTa 21i! jLom 24e�FPaZP' R° 9¢ J. tiai#pP6ef ab �RT'eufg 8£ AID ,WO N,QTq?,oL fbd7n11P;2F!Aj�om p-aw ?JI - ;O 20 L$r',1011ppaeef of g0ACiIi ef! i*witsep. 97gB.rot 911"01.0ih W Low 29naufp 2F' Fo Oditlu 'P• goLfp ¢iaa 0L Inluoa ?F• ., u.. ,F. ;. �,.fi;-t �f• ^Quit 2,q0 c6.,.n�aa .Loin ^acov�F' _ aL L. ,aLctp ';F' .r9f e7co OL N.('y^;' ;, t: :L 9nenfp .• Lf• aLnF7, a_. .;n0n pp 01, nLPea y.+e• ;,wc om; - ,L w ga.:anfl' .< �. s7ce c6 ^¢-f L `'Ae• ;,Lo: .�n9:,.} if• eonF'p t,,, IG4.UIp F• e27. ^Ice e6 ^Lq.y':'e„• ,LOa 7,:. n'ip - .L ,. "cnfF uFlt 'e "pa^part{- ?F' LLula ya:..;u Fp �F• lj,. :..• azo; eF oL ;oae �cl' 2F• m,Alct: 9aq ofpaL exj9f7u:; r.:JLOAOL,-Ufe FL 2r :a9 IJuae a!p9u 09FepJIxp,I1,l -LL 7102 uaLofO 1ffacp9q n,' urgc I' ,.Lf F.:.. ' :T; Lac.,rxFu' ;7c° �:1 zo c��ru;:; u'r•V- CLx.d „ Fpe L0j]sga'.: ay t.o0fe r �Lcu,fu rue Lag Ii:; ,e .,.. .i .a. ZUI.,� b11C •�9e63if'Irj ,.n F�'" P;a'Ae oxf L].l I'.1.1. efteafe I�O:', r; v' st rafu;e a;LL99v7 ji4 l rloo Lo.. ;c er.m lL' a1c en,: .,c clnr;l log w,..-; ar.c9xeal :, �?„I:c .+r'•su7v � ,... tt-co eeL,l cpuaC9e t� e.eF�;wmll o' aastr,.x cue x.;hm,Feuaucae' IueFa717uC ora n7 G -L nMT9Ofjoue LLor, 9fce9f W,, fo hLo;,eLcn Iruea ny:aLe w:f ajLoaq'A L -,P ar.•r: ...e.. -LJn V'JteA ebiaceclax v.l=ea ::c oe xe>✓�` :. - .; 7.;° x0:..,1' :r�eL ;: --I Io1. ,_ ,,:.tut... �LOL , •..a �, .., a..aur. , {'S3”,. oi. cpr��a .r t..z. .. ..c f• Lctiv: ^rxpP o ��.,, .. .. ... C.. ice... under 7'n•li ming, t)nlrr 89728 In:enncdiarr Order .95217 final Order 95445. a1 1 _._May 23 _... 1933. '1'h.• _: :vment o[ benefit,, dame&as• ooate and ezpensas rug en. with - - .. _..... 1 to tnnnectton the abut, mpr unmet Ln.iug he�.n snbmnt. J to :h. C„aneil, and thr t. ouncil having-,;,,darrd Cain. an.l found the xnid a„ s.mad w G.fat..n. IL, 72 H:gOLt"H: D, 'that at,. ,aid a.. s>m. m he anJ th, sato, is nerelm i all rtspm•Ls nppm,ed. Itb1.OLC F.0 PCIITIIER, T1 a p ihh, 1, had on avid muv m, nt nn the 23rd - d- f 79.34_, at the hour d 10 o'rloek A. 11, in the Cannril C'-1— of thr Laurt Iluns and l'it, Iinit I4nildiuK. to the t of " 1':tnl that the Commissioner of F`imnae Kin 1-1-, of acid nt., inK�, es i �nimd h� ihr 1'hnrter. 1- 1.1 IF, sald notice the time ead claw of hearing, the nntun q the m,,r,rment. the tutxl eo. thern�F; Mitl.J hamount oast sserl agninst the lot nr Inis u! ihr pa ..calor nn err to „hom thr diner tvi. iPP f Ado,tt 1 b, th, il �Q ...-. 19.:". ,\nttra ved l9 � . t'on neilman Clancy /i ['auneilnin F iY7aaa _ tbnnrilnuw �� 1 P1;17L1SL1Lll "- � L - ' a.' r�nnedntan tut�;i aS- ronn�alman s6a�Gocr caanenman Are"�Pi Nevar Ikdgsaa RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING TuRIO)i AAD FIXING TVA[ OF HAMM, C'. IIF-lit't3D OF DA)1AGf� In the matter of_aoodemaiing and_Y,ski g- an--am4wt. lb 'Intlaad_A95es ggry_fol_ eIQgos,__ cute and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 5, Hoyt`, Pearrang®ent cf Hoyt`s Como 0utlote from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, nwrwrc Kis•.enuas onoex. under Preliminary Order ------9-72$4_ _----.. --, approved_ _ Fe_b_r_u_nry_2,_ 1.9.34 _ Intermediary Order _______. glb09___.. __._. appro,',d__M—.h---20.-].°34 _____. Final Order _____________ __ 32689__. ____., approved__Apeil___ 12. 1934 The of Finance hating submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages a,,,ded for the taking of the land or —cmonts therein appropriated for the aibo- im- provement and to xhom payable; and also hating submitted hisa.9ee,,mo,t of benefit, to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be :nd the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon ad report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damage, made by the of Finance. and also upon the said assess meot of benefits; at the Co—il Chamber. In the Cuurt House In the City' of St_ Paul on the_ - ____23rd____ day of _FGey. - ---. - . l:i_S4. at ten o'clock A. M- and that the Com - misswner of Finance be end he is hereby directed w give notice of said hearing a_. prescribed by the Charter. APR 2 5 1914 Adopted by the Council_______ ,a g tsn Approved_ Onn-loran Conroy Councilor n Ferguson-' Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce Councilman Bnd_ Councilman Sdiiemo,r Mayor - b... Gity Clerk. M, or. L,... (17760 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. - �V OF THE C X Pm�actRN oea; / CO�INCI ESOLUTION � et epe Mp /r f/ eleTwu no //� ' at, t91�N.nd C, �a �ER RESOLVED .... WHEREAS, C.W.A. Project #3297 covering improvements at the Municipal Barge Terminal. was not completed due to the closing of the C.W.A. program on March 31, 1934, and WHEREAS,during the past winter approximately $95 000 .00 has been expended on this project of which amount $681 6.00 has been expended for materials by the C.W.A. and $6100.00 for mater la is by the City of St. Paul, and the balance in labor by the C.W.A., and WHEREAS, due to lack of C.W.A. funds for materials since February 15, 1934, and winter weather conditions, it was not possible to complete the coal storage area of approximately 7,000 square yards, and WHEREAS, the Port Authority of St. Paul at an informal meeting on March 31, 1934, did of estimates of cost for certain additional construction necessary to complete the above work and to maintain a proper operating standard ofthe St. Paul Municipal Barge Terminal, such construction involv - ing the levelling and surfacing with bituminous material of an additional area for coal storage, and WHEREAS, the sum of $3656.70, mainly in materials, is required to complete said surfacing so that the area may be available when the spring shipments arrive, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the sum of $3656.70 be appropriatedfrom the balance in the Docks, Wharves and Levees Fund foruaa in flunishing alladditional materials, equipment and skilled supervision for the construction of the above work, and be it RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructedby the City Council to proceed without delay in the construction of said work. (YtI'S('I1.A11!S 11n�- 1 li n.i �i F. SCOT, eM '- \Ir. I'...... ra it \Inh,�i��y OIT'Y Ct.r Hk APR 2 6 1934 A,1��1�1 r+1 Ly thr. ('...0 nuiL .193. "LCi h 1 QiA :\ 193._. CIT, OF ST. PAUL qir Court H—e CI -11,I Cite of Ae y,,, or, ­,, I—— :.;­ 000 -t-i- addition. and of ti,o Muni B—o T—t �l (P11' y F of I W. n, wI.t- -itK tl.e i,� o C. A. �e, In, M'. Shepy—d, Chi,f Enein— of th, City of St. Pau if 1 "l- IttI., I—, of c .. oil— of C.T..A. of, , It t� i, to ',to 'or,ni 1—t draw- ing f,,tl,, on I Dk. o, -es on,! Levees — — "'.r. Sc ,- we have o iv ed from M, Sh. , h , ,, n , doted April 2. 19,�. r-li— — follow.: ""' "'T tloo Mth the d,winter, ,Ioo—,t of l,.. .-o T—tl—1 ";" , the p_ t _bt_ ' to t Y. that the of -rori—tely $9-,C<)O h— beer. e.p—ded on this ork C.6. P-j—t #2,97, �f A. — -,t $c 1(.00 to , C.A.A.�100 CIO by ft, ,ot,riol, ,., N-ished by the City of St P-1, t— t.1-oe boi i'� I 'ba r f_1 shed by tee C.W.A. At, .,tension or. I!, tree tie of 170 feet -1 o. o",o_ y d ,nd r—ehly .,,fo,d ti I I'll ,lten ,lane. r,, It, leveled o�floo _fo_ o p—nt,bI, p- 0, a,count of ..e t"- conditions � tr, niti,lo,: t —t-, t for t,,, mOItio—1 ,,,I t ..... . — —10. —t to oor,l.t. b,fo,, tine cloy of t�e C.W.A. on Moron 21st. We Li -e ref ore findtint o to """Z x111 L cuired '' t. — toi- bit—irt- t -,, 't'—, lb,, 1, —111111- - to f,ttol 110 I?, timber th� doe's b t tl Ie -111 I' within two week, rt.te relief pr -r—.- At o T—ti- of the Port Authority held tod,,y I-, — le,il,d to request "t U.,CS ty C—cll authorize t1., npproprixtion of th, 10AU ... 1 of 0—y --d," by Mr. Sh ...... d. Pu --t to t* I tion ne neve hod prep red h 'o-ory i,n IE ­b,,itt,d h, If y,��,Ill the ,,P,,.., I d r,tl,, of this ... ol'tio'. of tIo _,"e.t ot, call. 'te. , I b o ,��d os itl the 10, --or, ..o. .. it I, -=— U' -at this -r,. lea—peiito- y— —Y truly, Secretory. UL CIT OF ST . PA 1� _� F f • fil' : I --" rfI t t lj�, I I,L1, 1— : —'Atl- tort y n l t- .1 p" S CARBO (COKE SALES CO. CARBO COKE C-6—PetroleuC-6— 54 EAST SIXTH STREET SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA April 25, 1934. Mr. Clyde A May. Commissioner of Public Utllitiea. 2I6 Court Rouse. St. Pau1,Mlnnenota. Dear Mr. May. Per our oon ver aation today,you plan to present resolution to City Council on April 26th. for the purpo.e of furnishing fund. to complete sarPscing,preparatlon of tresel, at the Municipal Coal Dock terminal. o IE ie really very import anat to us that this work be completed as soon as poasibla, Our pr gram to put 50,000 tone over thio property this year,was basal on the promiae that this extended area would be available to us to store this amount of tonnage. Our Barges ere arriving at rate of four to six a week, and I am sure you will appreciate our position Se011cting your generous co-operation that this work be cpmpleted without deI4. Thanking you for your kind consideration, we are, Yonre v V truly, WJB/AA �.rbo-Colo Sale. Company, Carbo Cole Sale. Co. Minn. Div4iun Gea. Laku Ca..l e/ Cole of ChicnAv New VarL AUTHO C17Y OF ST PAUL _ J_' 17, 19,14. e1ay, cn cr_t =si oner o_ Pvt 11c Ut11{u�e, 5 1>e in 1 t . _ -f A: ril tion r _ -' A 11 1�-ren- d 1 Cr { i 1 dor~letter t - tri lditi 1 L n' to 1e..e t:.e _a _ m cr� !s .. - co'�e stn rsire ..a ni�+e e Ter:,innl -r1 c;:a . n Cer tn'ces , . oal n W.A.proJect Nn 2Z,9�. - ox _ 1— Ne `' btni ned it `+ She�:ie ] :n itexl zed etste,=vt en3l turaeve o, c1 -•ten3{t�.P trestle n ? t`.e the auris tior. n_'e$_i,1�.O� - red b-. vn solutloa n _-e C.-. ro96956, m -_,is et.n te-aent ^i eat rano .l Coed r rmi llrnote tr14, 3.ez -led Se a eml t'.. andv total•`a�ouni espen $?, `_Q3-22. T:ere Ss, t.Pe refore, x. erd raft o $1,40:.22 0.- to _- ris. ti oa of $'.. 1OG,x referred to nbo:�so, `+She: i.erd ases dviti.un .st der the uce redrhle estia__te o£ $2,656.']0 for I -bo re; ^steri nl 'Ir ;11 St,ii-d an e"t__ent incor-mora ted is oar let tar of Apri lelO�to $'�,=(y_.n_ T';�e r solo :t on ad?Silo nelWpropriati in to :.1e to t::e P rP lsined ,. Voul:+. ine ref ore. - -ed Lo C. SG 710n clue $1.4'. .:e2esov or—ft i9O2 �22 ins to a+. o iein�+11� to in 111 n� ']O -22--.e l atter : -ir tote3 :clod ia. a' es Limn t,�+ "ft $1, }�..,r,C n�, t_�a evi ous p et nhl eh, a r._lei ned above, r-ctu.11l e, e to $1,403.22. s - moon. We re fort ,er dvi seri ...-it t�.e Oo c:cs, W:n ry .� L.... fnllov:e:a ze_ �-,n_ nom etna.le ns Balance Ssmvar�`-, -L C.F. 1. . 96�.39v _ 62'1 2, $1_, 106.12 C -F. l.0 96356, nt isc ad statocent Biel^ace l:er n- rutin-. to ro -pie to .x Bayne $ 102.90 ur. Civ:ie R. Y y f2 A: 11 1,, 137,1. Wits, t— =w— t'.11 --t—, -e tr—.. r!i. 'i:i it -'.-eister.t tc ^ree=d .i.rt L -.Ss e -'1!i r ... �� trr sl and c rf letet. I: <ndditi on to rat h•.r. =seof e i" r.Le :tv r ce t.e: ennreel_o000 Looe tc tnrtes c river be them 'i. nay? st. Lo Ii ld t=,rse '�.ir�-ea —t t —1-1e3 Sxr.e SS ^�.Cely rrlvnl e .i. enpttee ca ret..rne^_ ot:.ar�iee to *.-ole � *111 Iii—pte1. Weor ."Itinz vlrnte iet[er "ti, i rel ec'_ri c^1 S ns Lull^cl.n.net t c:: :.y: yg "3e r'nnn !.'uel• ler. ✓ - - STAT -31M OF Sr� ITORS3 BARGE TBRM-IWAL IMPV-ZUMHT -�- `�•� - Y , 93 3 - April 7934 , 0 72451 501 Timber piles 825.00 333' C 73556 a 73557 Lumber 33 x10•-20' 485- 60 20 C 7 3558 6•x8+ - 6•a1°• 3 62.79 0 73559 S.- 3•x8•-12' 0 73560 • 8•x18• - 14•:14• 738.6A C 73265 4 various toes, stringer., sto. 1 - 5 .13 C 74599 Freight on lumber 1.385.75 131-15 0 75395 Timber piling C 76236 c 76809 Lumber 12•x12• - 14' Calc piling 35• 380.32 81-90 244.80 0 76010 • v.rii. s 121-20 166.00 C 73885 Structural steel plates -to- 0 74202Pipe 21.59 44.76 0 74298 C 74413 Pipe & fitting 30 lb. rails 6� long 14.75 0 75019 Tools 13.12 4" 31 0 75389 Car bite C 76237 Machine bolts, nuts, washer. 34. 36 C 76238 a 760°8 Bails V Bolts, tie roes 89.10 29-29 C 76811 Machine bol to 9-10 C 76812 spikes c 77595 G 76814 Bolts Machine bolts o 17.50 26.28 C 76238 Bolts, tools, etc. 24.28 0 76813 ID 10751 W"bers Plant eervi owe and Equipment rantai 272.80 ID 1072 • • - 6 Na- ID 107 p IDd10966 Equipmaot maintenance • 4. 57 14.51 ID 11018 ID 11023 Hauling Equipment to Job 36.00 2.88 ID 11073 Bolts 10 3.80 a 74207 0 72396 Coal Kerosene 33. 0j5 0 7 231supplies C 76245 Blue prints 3-90 0 75018 JCS -3781 Boom rental rj0 - 00 Plant Service. and Equipment Rantal 723�00 Reg. 6940 4 - 40 Req. 7054 9.503- 22 7 -3 `/ CCCUNCtL RESOLUTION �.�.,.... �� . April 25 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS RE ORAV ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COVERING CHECKS Nll —E, 3153TO �l�e�7 �'Y ANC—SIVE. Al PcR CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY 'OMRTR FL.E— noor�Fo ur r��r c:�i�rvcii l �9� comar..... .,�. NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS April 25 34 3 929.S�i «u mecn TOTAL IN FAVOR OF 40 500 142409134 03 _ - • 119Thos, Hanning 60 00 ligY Bundlle h Belley, Attya, for Bertba A. Caldwell 100 00 7155 • 100 00 156 Lawrence A. 3o14W, Cashier I.D. 138 13 945 00 1157 7158 H.C. Boyeson Company John Vitznatriok 9600 1159 Claes mineral Fume B -the 60 00 7160 Ni ea Ruth nquiet Tur 2 so 64 1161 116p Allen Ackland Griggs, Cooper S Company 21 20 3163 9anitary rood mfg. Comrany 68 79 7164 world Book Oomnany 10 89 3165 'torthington-Demon Hater Comcany 143 50 316E Toerg Brewing Company 97 50 3167 T.. R. Ziegler Comveny.Inc. 77 83 1168 Allis-Chalmers Hfg,Company 171 17 716o American Book Company 10 56 '7170 Amerioan can aomnany 53 15 1171 American City magazine 2 00 3172 American Foundation for Blind 37 33 7171 American ''oi et A Oerriok Company 139 95 1174 American Hospital Association 2 00 3175 American-IaFranee h Voits Ind,Inc. 66 35 1176 American Library As 8oclation 17 80 3177 American Prison Association 3 00 7178 AmerioAn Radiator Company 10 19 317- Am erloan Soc.of mun, 5n gl Asara 5 00 1180 yrank Ammon Oompany 2 43 1181 0.)1 An;erson Lumber Como any 102 38 1182 Anheue er-Bueob. Ino. q4 1183 As enol at ed 9hortband Reportere 13 87 114 87 3184 1185 AtlasGae 8 011 Comnany Atlas nae d oil Comnany 45 3 07 1186 7187 Atlas Gas 6 Oil Comnsny Austin-'iestern Road maoh, Co. 88 73 1188 The Auto Engine 'Rorke, Inc. 5 10 3189 'utomotive service Company 45 44 1190 Babeon'e Report- Inc. 2 4o 3191 Badger Yater mfg.Comrany 15 25 • 1192 1191 Baldwin Transfer C, A. Harries Soheol service 5 50 26 9 1194 Ohrl etian Be oker, Ino. 250 On 7195 Beebe Laboratories,Ino. 5 01 3196 9, Berglund Lumber Company 94 59 3197 Berman sporting Goode Como any 6 20 11ga Alfred m. Best Comnany,Inc. 30 00 710- Bingham h Norton, Inc. 109 11 3200 :, C. Birch and d Company 125 52 —ol R,B. poek com oany 3 EO 32o2 Albert Bannier Pub. House 7 q2 1207 Borchert-Ingersoll,Inc, 63 77 3204 Borcol Laboratories 20 OO 3205 Boy 3enuts of America 1 On 1206 Bradford Oil Comneny 81 15 1207 9, Brand Coal Company 164 50 a„-F-aw>ao 40 500 14'2413o63 89 I I � i NEL, .o.A-FORw.ao 4o 5oo 14 2428547 63 I •. No. - I COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS April 26 34 . .".. 15.4g3 ."� "u..." IN FAVOR OF aao��., FOAH..Ao 40 500 14 2413063 89 • 3208 Hertl Conl Company Company 389 22 14 50 3209 3210 ParamouttInk Martin 9tIII ttner 32 14 50 50 3211 Bred,, Ino, company 23 70 3212 Bring. h r' J' 5 32 3213 3214 Brookings In.titution Brown and Bigelow. Inc, 73 3215 Stewart R. Browne Hfg.C.. 3 00 3216 oeor ge Bryant 41 V93217 3218 Buffalo weter Company Caoital City Lime 6 Cement Co. 17 00 321'1 Capitol Auto Top Como-ny 4 50 3220 CRoitol Laundry Comoany 93 82 3221 Centrel Scientific Company +0 4 10 62 3222 Crramic Atelier 6 31 3223 Chemical Formulary Company Comoany 3 69 3224 3225Cleveland Chicago Apparatus Heat Company 27 1537 3226 Creeoent Creamery 0ompany 122 53, 44 3227 Cochran–Sargent Company 111 3228 Commonwealth Electric Oomn aay 3 72 3229 Conor,te Steel Company 22 54 19 62 3230 3231 C.H. Congdon Company Con selidated Electric Comoany 1 50 3232 Correct English Service Company 36 35 3233 Th, Dally Is—Pub. Company 5o 40 3234 Dearborn Chemical Company 5 75 3235 Adam Deo ter Hardware Comnany 133 0 40 3236 Denver Fire Cl.y Comoany company 5 467 50 3237 3238 A.B. Dick a Dictaphone Sales Company 9 50 3239 Diebold Safe 6 Lock Company2 50 3240 Ditto Company, Inc. 3241 Dow Chemical Company 10 21 3242 Downey Typewriter Comnany 125 10 3243 Drake Marble Company 2 10 05 44 3244 3245 Drewry 6 Sone Company Egry Register Company 250 00 3246 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company 76 64 3247 3leotrloal Installation Company 43 10 3249 Fleotrio Blue Print Comnany 87 23 3249 • 3250 Ilk Laundry Company Plvgren Paint Supply Company 14 205 48 87 7251 Thos. J. Rigel 3elding d Mfg.3orke 14 25 3252 8.t. 141okson Company 9 40 IP51 tselinger d Company19 72 I*Donald D. Murray, Supt, 17 50 3255 Northern States Power Company 465 06 3?56 Northern States Power Comnany 11 892 70 7257 9t.Pnu1 Foundry Oompany 500 00 i NEL, .o.A-FORw.ao 4o 5oo 14 2428547 63 I w gun u..e \A/7itS CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ....,Sm rvTeo ev / TE Anrll 26, 1934 ---: RESOLVED 77 Ic, ;..,c -tter of colas .._actin: o_na...—tal l i�hts on Aurora Av en'le fret Rice Stzec-t t, 2b;csha Street, under Preli:oinar., Order C. F. )6cO-,, —or—ed Au.-aet 3, ',�33, and Fin: -1 Order C. Do—le=r : , i33- `L3SCL'J::D, and snecific.,tione ae eubmitted b, the Co .ur.i ssioner of Public Works fo: the ,Dove na.ted i - ove.nent, be and the en,d ... '.zereby or owed. 'UI']'t'1 LAI L:S ]ny� ' \,m" APR 26'-4 I,:, Aa.l,lld I,.� tl„� a,e„dl .. _. - CITY OF ST. PAUL .i.. No 97764- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM A�Iii 26, 1934 RESOLVED I:•. '.he Fr diob, paving, -:'-d con- si..ei�'P,alks on ­, Avenue from 'Mice Street tc 'Y:ioa etr- Scree. a.�� on St. Peter Street .fra^J Aurora ., Wab-.eh �i Street, un.er Pr=_liminor, Order C.F. 96�C1, _ Yed Au -uet _ '_).)_ and sinal Order 19024, ---d December 2"�, 1133. R.SOLT,,'D, Th.t the t_,.ns and a, cifi-ti-A _s—bmitted by t:,, Co aeiesioner of Public 'Ifo rks for die above vaned i-ement, b_ and the sane are here- by --.—d. ✓4w.5 4 r„rslnNII :N fi'r�v�l Ad ed Ly e,,, cowm,I APR 2 fi_1934 Ins _ 191 M syor / cITY of ST. PAUL ;ti. No. ti i7h,� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM o TE RESOLVED IISER"S, the Pol "'9 named persons have heretofore filed applications for -off Sale• liquor licensee, and have deposited vi th such application, the license fee therefor, viz: R. N. Washington 399 Selby L,. - Lod, WMMZLS, Said applicants have eithdr their applications and have regnae ted the return of the amount deposited, together with sll papers filed Sith the said application e; thS re Yo ra, be it RESMnD, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby anthorl ved and directed to ret- to the above named pe reone the saonat of the •ofP ,ale• lieenee fee heretofore deposited by them Ith their applications and the City Clerk ie directed to advise the State Manor Control Commieeloner of the facet that Bald applications bave been .Sthdrm� COUSI ILMEY , 1434 Ycas \n}'s A�I„I,Lcci }�}� the c'�,,,aril_ _ -M.Y 'tilcl �nn Id 6� Pinrcr In fnvnr A..F,rov... 1 Wenscl hlxyur «_ / Ttr. 1'rrsi,lrnt 1lnhouoy � �a--�-! �------\ 4 � �,���, � � � r ..s cln of sr. FauL •^, No. OFFICE OF THE Cil n CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Feo t r1+_c in ,i ie ` r b ut Driz" to R6OLVED h� i Mn-�-17 mo-- lha chi oe n,t to exceed without eeklna c .Pti.:ve t`I., t:-1^ : �, _tented er<Scle end no nAv2 cta>e .l.f b c 1ne3 "'=ebY• ,,r,_e ? Find 1"A -A-151 COUNCII.JIEN Yens \n's . l'rnrcr. In fuv� limen Wurzel s OTt Tic, Presid,mA Nnhoney ��. h:YK /7......._.... R 27' Ad 1,d liy the ('nuncil AP _. 103. t iY34 oiai�•: �ui. ri..a CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Co.oNEp f / J o E d➢r11 20. 1934 RESOLVED That upon the _ec :n,,.m 1•tion rf th, Co,ftm1—: rn'r o' F�lbl he 91fety cit;' �f`1C=`:: c-. nt t.._ m_ er, -.==�t2,r lz ed _n*=_r in— 1=r.3z :+..n t, 11. Ryan Icf., ,n_ rental f th-. oI1 Frl- Av-. Fol lc• St tl>n, ��=_1 ::,. in. to the 7e�e rtv���t of Fubtic oaf=t.�, -11 1 t� ta.'e from prrviie :or a rent1l of $ - rO in t:-.!-ty dNYal notic= on th= c•:t �_ "ye City. COUNCILMEN 2 7 1934 i 1'. nrce .. In tu�ur App,-. 1 IJS. 74ivrn - 7 // G R'cnzcl I'P. \1 r. 1're.iile�t \InhoneS _. .. GIT OF b . PAUL mu°" No.. _... _.__. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ACOUNCIL RESOLUTION---<�-ENFRAL FORM PRESENTED RESOLVED IIH1111L4, the following named person, have hextofom filed applice- tlone far °off sale. ligmr llcen ea e. and have deposited with each applications the license fee therefor, viz: Ed A. Schmidt 329 Concord St. Mal— J. Hackney 111 East 6th St. Whereas. said applicant, have withdrawn their apolicatione sad have regnestad the re tura of the am imt deposited, together with all paper. filed with the said appllca tl on a; Che ref. re, be 1t He solved, That the proper city officer. be end they are hereby authorized and direc tad Lo return to the above named pe r.oa. the aswant o£ the °off sale" l Scene. Yea hereto fox daponited by them with their applicationend the City Clerk 1. dixcted to advt ee the State LSgaor Co n t tol Co®iss sioner of the fact that said appli—ti— have be ea withdrawn. Y, N,— Ad-,,hd I, the t'„un�il_ 7 193_ 11., \I cI)iinnll AYE( GF ('sorer I�� (n v,ir :11>pnve�i _. 193 -\Fenzel - � �Iny,ir s tOwe Lul 4;i, - 1t A—. 3t. Paul, _!nn, 1,�4 City Counoll 3t. P—I, ...Sr.n. cnUl nm�n, ,e �y r��ue et ti.at tr.e llc�n=e fee of Two L—dredjr�lCty .,ollsre (;kCS0.0U) whldn w e f11ed ty wltn t'ne Clty �1erk, toveLnvr wit r. an aool]est ion for "i7f:-sel e' 11q—r license it 41 'asst 5th Street, refunded to me Inasmuch 19 the license w not .rsnted, 7 nleo request that all paper., documentee etc., flied ,. Sth the Clty C1 erk In connectlon wit t, eald appllcatlon — returned to me,. [ours CITY OF ST. PAUL .,u NO. G769 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MmiN[n r COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 1 Y � RESOLVED, that the r city of'.icere be and they ere tI reby outnor- ized to _r_ter °:I- a, re, :^.int v:itn Albert Ivey, D, —1 for SII cn� �f c�, n:.ation .urine 4icn ._.n,_ ._c ..a.. - tc el Ly 'is ;;lyd o_ 1,L—o . in3urie., rece LVea „ i^ r.:.i_e In of tn'rt-:.ent nn 20t„ , )--._ic_. 103c 'ee it ?L'RT-i?'R RES`LVEE, ,, t.t in li_n —td e,_reP nPnt, the )r—er ,ity offiea_ r- E__P IIIb aut,,ori zed to nay :o eidwlee T� 11.1P. —e un of '83.34 out o_ ',:.e-, iorknenl: _ ,,action A -1—n-, of t..e len r:•1 F— , in fine1 ce.._—'nt _ :,JS Cl;l:n. atalnsc ,_P cet .�, �_e iod t , and i:Ic Lu,ing Anri L 24to, 1934¢ I'IH N,'II.NIFN ��— �i<a�annla /fi�ina J AR¢in•L nFR X71934 Adapted by the council - _- -- 195 Mn Lr:nK i. i L LJ o�.Lur, =o �.. c�eav �•r o. ! �r, Lry Ci�mEry ROLL E comeTaouEa 1.P LL Oe FiCc OF iry NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS ApTll2t X,34 r .. .r ee. a Ee o14W�751.46 _ ore. �m��m( '.('R2Q To E. ..00vrco vv rHe v.Acrrc."ie.ap Rf7�r. cm Lev -� i T TOAL f� v+rr ..�."' FAVOR OF _ Arrunr,co , oao�em,.oAw„Ro LLO 500 14 2428547 63 S 3258F-i J. Dunnigan 500 00 3259 3260 Dspatch–Pioneer Press Company Yiae Adele Graham 32 06 1 98 ?261 Guiseppe Masucoi 65 70 3262 Lamprey Products Company 1 50 326 Jack Kerrigan 30 0 3264 1265 Kenny Boller Mfg. Company City of 9t.PaO. 9 018 48 93 11 3266 Joe. Pavlicek 1 70 1267 Irving C. Pearce, C. of Ed. 216 90 7268 Al T. Pennig 7 98 3269 Joseph Bigelow 7 43 3270 Drs. Chatterton & Von der '+layer– 109 00 3271 Joseph C. Micko, 2 00 3272 'Villi em Beihart 5 OO 3273 Dr. H.J. Prendergast 3 00 327k Geo. J. Rise, County 0.udltoz 416 67 3275 St. Anthony Park M.E. Churoh� I0) 7276 ,t.Joaenb'= F.—its, 15 60 3277 O.R. Sieme 5 11 3278 The Crane Company 161 83 3279 L. ES senmenger Meat Comnany 87 58 3280 Fairb ante, Morse & Company 19 11 3281 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 179 68 3282 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 214 15 3283 Field–echllok, Inc. 11 15 3284 H.7. Fisher 29 87 3285 J.J. Fitzgerald, Reg. of needs 20 On 3286 Frigidaire Sales Corporation 4 00' 3287 The Garland Company,Inc. 25 20 3288 E. Geiger 7 00 3289 General Electric Supply Corp. 121 20' 3290 The Glukote Company 215 25 3201 Goodrich–Bilvertown,Ino. 179 08 1292 A.J. Grant Company 7 00 3293 9.J. Raas Mfg, company 365 80 3294 Hersey Mfg. company 821 25 3295 B. Herder Book Oompany 3q '296 F.T. HSldred & 0ompany 42 55 3297 The Robert Mfg. Company 20 90 • 3298 3299 Junior Literary Guild, Inc. Monroe Caloulator Company 90 07 11 85 3300 Toth 'n States Power Company 8 61 701 Ror thern Stat ee Power Company 323 82 7702 Pure Oil Company PS' c "n3 Stan Hard Laundry Oompany 20 29 "n4 3tar Photo Comnany 70 00 "OS vn�dburn —1 Brandl 110 28 or.L scow>ao 49 735 52 2434062 71 i �� ,. 97771 cm OF ST L No. FFICE OFLUN T1Z CO IL RESOTION—GE M � L PRESENTED ev .W WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, has duly canvassed the returns and votes cast at the general city election held on Tuesday, April 24th, 1934, copy of which canvasa is hereto attached and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, it appears from said returns and from the canvass thereof that the following named persona received more votes than any other candidate or person for el actl on for the following named offices, Sn the City of Saint P. u3 FOR JUDGE OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT John W. Flnshout . . . . . . . . . . 64,979 votes FOR CONCILIATION JUDGE OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT John L. Round. . . . . . . . . . . . 51,548 votes FOR MAYOR Mark H. Gahan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,496 vote. FOR CITY COMPTROLLER Harold F. Goodrich . . . . . . . . . . 46,905 vote. FOR COUNCILMAN H. E. Warren . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,745 vote. Milton Rosen . . . .49,655 ° Fred M. Truax .. .. 46,994 Herman C. Wenzel . . . . . . . . . 46,224 Irving C. Pearce . . . . . . . . . . , 44,605 Axel H. Peterson . . .. . . . . . . . 41,757 uu FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AT LARGE 3 pp coust•n.�u:� EJg�ineFA.Doyleck. 34;190 votes Yee \n}'e A,] ,j 1, thr 1'.,u n ril. 193 M1 y \fc Uoludd 1'rnrce i„ fnrur Apprm-rd _. 193.. Itos'� n Truax Againxt - W"-.l \I nvur a a hfr. 1'm.id-t Unhoney CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� No. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO-GENERAL FORM FOR CONSTABLE AT LARGE Edward W. Hanft - 36,251 vote. Benedict G. Fischer 35,281 " FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE SIXTH WARD Wm. J. Bollan 2,944 votes FOR JUSTICE PF THE PEACE: TENTH AND ELEVENTH WARDS Thoma. J. Nesh 14,603 vote. FOR CONSTABLE, SIXTH WARD Harry Crosby - 3,060 votes RE8OLVED, That each of the foregoing persons are hereby declared elected to the respective offices a. de.ignated above, 1 and the City Clerk Ss hereby inet rutted and directed to notify themof their election and to issue and deliver to them proper certificates of election. (�orNCILM EN /\1rD,.nul�1 1 / F'inrc<l iii fnviir Itnsr �, Truer .._. AKni iet Wenzel _-[lir. 1',c,id—t \L,h.—yL- aver APR 271934 A,] ted ir,thy (',--ii 19:1 2 7 $W \Ing r Q 1'UUL.1Jllill. - I 'P.:a Citt+ ucunoil, ea L. canvusoi.,, W,,r., an:.vuu:-aL m,e -otos asstfor city officcruat the oonoretl City rlootion of 7t"esduy, April 24, 1934, and the City Cowso ll hereby 6,oclareo the results uc folloss: Votes 0 ff ioe ti000lvod ;tending Judge of the Municipal Oourt, John ., Flnshout, 'looted 64,979 (1) Concilintion Jud(ee for iuricipnl court, kaaan J, itautzingor, 22,b48 (C John I. `founds, -looted 11,148 (1) ':eyor, lark t. Gohun, .looted 47,496 I1) �illia:a;"oncy, 47,012 (a City uomptrelior, Harold r. Coodrloh, ,looted 46,90b (1) Prod biller, 10,bb2 (2) uounoilcn, Janos M. Clancy, 36,439 (11) L, A. .,, lor8uson, d0,306 (8) john .,, lindlan, 41,661 (7) Clyne ii, trayl1 3b,245 (12) m... J. U'2io11. 38,617 (9) Lrvirv, C. Penrod, uootod 44, 60L (b) :ixol r'. �otdreon, oo c 41,767 6 t. 11 ton nonan, u..Ted-- 49,Gbb (2) :,illim, F. 39,360 (10) Fred F.:. '1vaz, .:Looted 46,994 (3) vnrrnu, Bed� W,74L 11) r'". mrruu C. �bnzaTrooted 46,_24 (4) Justice of the reeoe at Large, Pdxurd h. :alancY, 24,028 14) Pat. J. Lclaney, Jr. 31.183 (3) John 1. Doyle, looted 34.170 (2) =geac :.. L1onic&—oatod 43,004 (1) Constable ct Large, Frod J. nauar, 23,682 (4) enediot C. Ylsoher. looted 31,281 (2) =,dr. _. Umnft, 61eotcT— :56,251 (1) 1. "finks, 34,699 (3) Justice of no :ones, 6th .ard. m. J.twllan, elected 2,944 (1) h. L. Piles, 2,502 (2) Constable, 6th ='are, :'.eo. J. ,oatz' 2,389 (2) itorry ,: rosby, 41octed 3,060 (1) Justice of Lite read., loth t: llt`i ter: c, ...ca"uu J. Push, 'l. oted 14, i�3 (1) :JY:.L GCL'. :1, .., ..: 1' ­_, 129.216 Tv': I. idi�',..n .,. .:hLL.a wJ':Z,;LLY v.'.. .,:� Ctkii F; ti, 9b.78b Mi -,ted on th•- .ifiictnl .return Ase various "Jules eirltten in. :;tmti sly oa the results to bn referred to tw"o Corporation uowtool for t ;:ropor form ul re::olution. CI OF Sr. PAUL r,u cn. No. 9 772 111 j( L THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL. U, ION GENERAL FORM 7aam¢aauc WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Peu1, Ramsey County, Minnesota, has duly canvassed the return. Of the votes ..at at the spec l el city election held in the Clty of Saint Paul, Rameey County, Mlnneeota, on the 24th day of Apr11, 1934, upon the ratification or rejection of a proposed amendment to the City Charter by striking out Sections 11, 12, 1?, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, and substituting in lieu thereof new sections to be known as Sections ll to 17 inclusive; and WHEREAS, it appears from said return and the canvass thereof, copy of which canvass Se hereto attached and made a part hereof, of 77,572 electors lawfully voted at said election, and that 46,672 voted for the rat ificatlon of the ..sld Charter amendment, and 30,900 voted against the ratification of said amendment, and that three-fifths of those lawfully voting at said eleoti on voted in favor of .aid Charter amendment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said Charter amendment is hereby declared to be ratified and adopted by the electors of the City of Saint Paul, as required by the Charter of the City of Saint Paul and the Conetituti on and laws of the State of Minne- sota. /�ICI)�iu Hill Ten r.l In (n�oc '1'rulLr � \Rnil,et R'enacl �h. rrennlent nnaloll�y -... �__... . d,,t,d lir It,, (', n,.d *R ? 7 193 AI.Invr r,l. \IIIc or y j14 CityJounoll, ss H onnyming marl, onnvnosad tho votes suet on tbe proposed n'UJI-tanto to the �hnrtor, 01011 0111,i prop000d 010d• mento amend tbo zj,rtor by 9trikinp out 100tlona ll, 1r, 1S, 141 10,101 17 and 10, and substituting ili 11ou tharoof null seotians 11 to 171 W aluelve, at the .3peolal vity Blaotlon oC l wedaq, April 24, 1984, and LLo �$ty Jounoil hereby deolaroa the ro611L6 ne fo110161 i�►e}-i ber-eta-Pernaae-Mte Gere-i raaatreuMt�ebe�l, %tow Y39 ReoOLVed 46,678 votes Ito Reoelved 50.900 votes 'ental Ywoer of Holloto astwilly -eat end counted 77,b7$ on the n-op000d ri:mndrants, � total Number of iLurws in ye0iatraLlon yard Gebinote, 189,300 Nr,i. 4U�r,J NdCastnr;Y C� :;.d'Y (�'HtZ'd n�IFttt3r YiVa9E mt i:i:L4'' A:.:J VOTi90). YM Rooelved 46,678 votes .3usmry of the roota6a o he raferred to the Corporntion aouneol .or the proper fom of resolution. me 1 .u.m.a �,`inRt:noM1:n nv in: eleo A¢rntllAI- va, 1. ffi aentl'� COUNCIL FILE N0. ` ores° °vn" By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of charuring the grade of the north side of Cook St. from 9aultier St, to a point 176 ft, west of Gaultier St, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon, also ggrading Alley in Block 22, Auerbach a Randls Addition from Cook St. to Oliver St., under Preliminarc Order 97274 _ approved February 13, 1934 intermediary Order ...approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objection., and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, Rv the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature. extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City is - oh"e the grabs of-- UL. -aor-t,, aide of .Cook St. from Saultier St, to a point 176 ft. west of 7aultier St, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attanhadand made a Dartharad,. thenreaent-establish. ed ,,rade beinfv shown by the blue line thereon, also grade Alley in Block 22, Auer- bach and Rand s Addition fro¢. Coni. St.. to Oliver. St.,. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is herebv instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit some to the Council for approved; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby autlmrized and directed to pre- laed with the making of said imayemfn}0recordance therewith. Adopted be the Council AATT `"'JJ 192 l ('o, y a rns Approved 192 _ P,00 ncihirarF�"� s May'br. ( 1 ¢g r$9faMiF" C 1 rFM<II61fiiISr- I Cou I °f369KettTNl`a � � Form H. S. A. 8-7 r r l'lil CLLRlHK C111 11 OEPARTNIENT SOFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE f. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �A) ohne in¢ the trade of tho north side of Look :. Cram ;—ltlorint • n � 176 It. west of Gn i'_tier :;t.to cn .. rn� to LYs red llnn -n tt.e r onin- by tFn fil ea F.eretc nt- nnd made s ert hareof. theP pr to h. _shed E - sF.oxn t ach al. eat es ;r r. a blue lino tl.er non ,e lsn ern di r,r alley en I1 acl 22, hunrh sandh I'and'e P.dditl on f[am Cook St. to Oliver St., e�idcr Pr<Ii,ni-11 01,!ll o, m.<,I February 13, 1934 C-11-I1i. of ih< C111 of Si. P"' •70 1'rt it, C' Lau Ix of Im,d vl r be v.e—d be_cf,. fo� ... .vau<. ( eau: of or h., ,db1 th,A...... ,.... „faun,.,. (Except alley) 1 22 Auerbecl: s Head's Add to th,, p_1do 97t 3250 2 22 42.E 3000 do 3 22 do 425 do 4 22 do Y..o 3200 do 5 22 do 42c do 6 22 dd 425 30b0 do 7 22 do 42S 2550 do 22 ,In 425 29w do 9 22 do 475 do 10 22 do 325 3000 (c) W6925 $41,000 Th, Commis:;,-, of F,—.— fi ri liar rcI-� 1s ural he hes in.c �'ig� c.. all of the a.ores�id mai�cr nd h-1, Cd, to K�lh er �•��h c.ic r�� or[ mode in h.m ��i ,j--, %% k, / Com m�ssioncr of va,m SPAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (�xcoct all ny) 11 22 Auer A— Hand- Add to thn 2 ON 10110 City do 1� 22 ao 3:i0 3300 da 15 .... 350 370 do 11 22 vo .,50 3400 do LS 22 uo i25 10 I" 22 d, 17 22 do ,...-. 3100 do 18 22 d 51, 3000 W6925 $41,000 Th, Commis:;,-, of F,—.— fi ri liar rcI-� 1s ural he hes in.c �'ig� c.. all of the a.ores�id mai�cr nd h-1, Cd, to K�lh er �•��h c.ic r�� or[ mode in h.m ��i ,j--, %% k, / Com m�ssioncr of va,m N.e o F,O. R,O, R.O. T. 'I'hc I fnnorablc, 'Phe Council, City ��f St. Paul, S1in', . Gentlemen: Wc, he u,d—i);ncd property o vu hereby petition yam: honorable B,dy the impr gement to Lac made: S1. Avg_ f- n i St. A— >�n< � urr i��,ncn nnumuu z Z t9AR d7,19-313 r Department (4 w.G., ,ea. � A,eV. 1 St. P-1, "N't'. 192 m, 1*11, H"'v"abl" Th' C--il, City �4 St. Paui, Nl B, d y to Sana, dot f" I I mg iii,d, Crrade G Y\ A f e '3 Si.A— o o K Si. A— i� .� olydei St. ren/aye ., i.ucn rnanon ZZ /�3 'INCc 14 wkOTT AVE. NANO A 2 i 0 A✓L. o A FAZ[/Nf1bN � I ^ A o A✓F �� ST hrr'! A MARION. ��jjII 197 I. IfSfoee�afc - LLeaeAaa.E TBE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dace) r ebruary 77, 1934 Lion. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public W-1— Pear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary order for changing the grade o£ the north side of Cook St. from Gaultier St. to a point 176 ft. west of Gaultier St., also grading Alley in Block 27, Auerbach and Hand's Addition from (-oak 5t. to Oliver St., under Preliminary Order C. F. 97176, approved r'eb ruary 13, 1934. estimated cost x533.83 Cost per front foot .70 inspection 9.00 E:nginaering 75.00 F-ta,e 756.1 ft. Yours truly, &' � . -)/e � a , d GEORGE M. SHEPARD, N./ Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Co ssio�n^er T ilinance k1 �(/ V E Commissioner of Pub13c r:zs. i - Go ^ l c Office of the Commissioner of Public IMM&EfINAW 9? 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance •..,,, ,,,5 6 MAI 2 1934 March 5, 1934 '".+ -I,, iI" t nnmu......— .A I'lu®„, .d Wo t ,d a' I""d r, r,f 1,1b, fci,,k�1mht ,--dh.—", thy. t,.,I"�,.n _ ...a„ �1. k 1-1-1--1 Fd,N,,. 97276 Feb. 13, 1934 0:1 changing the grade of the north side of Cook Street from Gaultier Et. to a point 176 ft. west of Gaultier Street, also grading Alley in Block 22, Auerbach and Hand's Addition .from Cook Street to Oliver Street. iriirl Iw.inµ in�r�tiva'r''I tlii hurt tr" nnrl things r. {,.�r.,I t., th, nin, h�.r,•l,� c, tr,.rtn_ I. .nirl ,m....... ost rhe �, ttn,tt,a �,,,t m.•.t„r �= t . '70p•rd .533.83 n hr 1 u„.. 'Inspection $9.00 engineering 875.00 Fr,ntage 758.1 ft. niiil the -,-, curl catrn6 r,f stud i'nitr<i. rntr rpt is tw I'd,—, :f. A limn, Dn,lilc , -k-,t6 of 1111.1 iii�l. r, �.i nu nt is Iv r, to nt tn.lu ,l nnrl tired, a Irart h-, ol. 4. uirl irnl..,.rc.n... i. sulrjert tri uwr Asn ��nl fr:, swirl itnttrnectnrn 1. tv�ke,l [rrt' rtl.r in Irr�6i tirtn rrf than or rrii �r. a»��� rs of Pr��prrty, Go CA q� i-71 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNA'T'ION PROCEEDINGS ; condemning and taking am. easement In the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 22, Auerbach and Band's Addition from Cook Ltreet to Oliver Street 97277 February 13, 1934 97616April 4, 1934 ..< ..... condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 22, Auerbach and Band's Addition from Cook Street to Oliver street cI_n I I P I III k Thai J., II l :nn,. ..r ... nn -n1, 11—,- br nn., 1 ,...,k ".. [1.i[r-� ....... ..i i, tI,, . ..,.i Por slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 22, Auerbach and Band's Addition from Cook Street to Oliver Street, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan Is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. I . FI !.I IIf R 'IL." I MAY i p.IBQ i�i oy C——i me" fi rcuisitea�- ; Y DEP ;—FINANCE REPORT OF COM I ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ,ndo—ilg and —kine, in the !:�d.—i. ...... y Ccr elopes, cv�. and i jjs i, th,, of Alley i, Bloc',,e2, Olivet Street, -i-+,. —,", February 13. 1934 "f 'IL, l,ly "f St. P-d� ......... . .. I f Ih, the A— 111, "1 1 22 Lutrb..h&.Hwds Add to thO 476 .11-Y) City of St. P..j :,0,000 do 2 22 425 do 3 22 do 425 425 3200 do 4 22 do do 5 22 do 426 do 8 22 do 425 3060 7 22 do 425 2550 do 8 22 do 425 2900 do do 9 22 do 476 10 22 do 325 3000 do $6926 $41.000 The CommisFioner M F,n,-, f-0— h, has inlesi'""'d u11 of III, f"""'I —11— and -111 0, """t made In li'iIn in b, the 193 DEPA OF FlIA111 REPORTt"NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER A ...... 11 82 Auer echd Hand -B Add to the , A-11- 276 1000 City of St. Pul do 12 22 do 360 3300 do 13 22 do 350 3160 do 14 22 do 350 5400 do 16 22 do 325 do IS 22 do 325 3100 d. 17 22 do 325 3100 do 18 22 do 375 3000 $6926 $41.000 The CommisFioner M F,n,-, f-0— h, has inlesi'""'d u11 of III, f"""'I —11— and -111 0, """t made In li'iIn in b, the 193 l , qLC E y B[ K• 22 9UER69�.✓eiHa9/r'O.iyGYJ AL -La+otKFill Coo.K Sf O/ivei' Sf irriul.fl.fff.n � - Fi�.ro Cdr Fill dpwp fy Ifn< - Z Fy..a b.l.. fine h- - d•rF.r. A v.hi.h .1"- evfn/ hq.� profir 1! e L... En.Ic Maple Xsec. dtHn.LJbo. - Sco% /s¢O� coo Fj IJ Eat BHCH MAT/Loq -577— 'v NH /Y OS Fh7OO• GD _ .. /O // /4 _/5 /6 /7 - /B Z Z ego 0 GIn 6rK Bin "se _ 4t! sb ..�_o N O f,. V O 2 2 o U 9/ a 4 s z 6a9411-7-/FAF .ST 1. Office of the Commissioner of Public `Cow�NpPIGB Report to Commissioner of Finance 9. pAl 2 1934 March 2, 1934 Its of 1,ibh. \\ —k .. .........l tir.n 4 1h,� ounrl. k ❑ 1 il, w- 97277 Feb. 13, 1934 IJa condemning and taking an easement in the landnecessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 22, Auerbach and Hand's Addition from soak street to Oliver Street. --1 1h, l thing, r -.f--] t,, h—"h) 11'5-1t _. fh� �sf ii��nted �o�t therea�f ie $ XXx ��d thi t�,tnl c.ret thereof iLL S xx —d the I —0-t of said ii it....... --,t i� » f�dlo err :i. A V1-, P—fil, or Sketch J —ill —.—t i_y hrmto nituched —d --I, v Vnrt hcrenf- 4. naked for Pro Prrty, �uhje�i to n�Remn��. pit for "id in�l�r,�een�. nt- UV Ai, W—k.. 1� _I� `,Jr %l,r COUNCIL FILE :50. By I, the Matt- of curbing, Kai, St -1, Prom I.riggs Street to Syndicate Avenue, - ,n rue e.me."r nne,r�e under Prellmmary Order 96323 appromd September 6, 1933 Intermediary Order _ _ ._approved _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that reeeee-xe6u-eKWutaucLkiodaG »-- prm ent to be ma�v the �St City is aurb'TtWr 5trB9t fraibt,Qriggs_ St�rgnty to Sate Ave , he Bnd 4,v,',, car Apd the Council he y orders said improv ent to be made. RESOLVED FCR ER, That the , sma ss er of Puhlic Works he a is hereb}' instruc and lire, 1 1. prepare plans d specifications for sin tiiPprovement, and submit e to the Coin 4Qr appro,a that upon said epp •al, the proper city officta are hereh}' authorized an ,�iree[ed to pro- teed n'ith`tbc making of said i emept.jp peeordance thiKewith. Adopted by the Cour,il 1 19Jq , 192 t^QY i q�q 1=in-Hrrkr Approved Rte' 192 M`a Councilman No, Councilman Prase r i V Councilman Tro- \layJlay r' �iY�sdsrr-�':^^*^+' I' , ForoB S A.8 O EPARTMENTV;ll".-- REPORT OF COMAIISSIONER OF FINANCE �A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER "clic mei,i„f curDi n. �ln1r treat f— �tr¢et to ...net tato ._. en , 0,d-.1;, ""”! e..t¢v— L, 1533 Ta the Q�u nGl of 'hc C— "f S.. P"o.- '1'hc G... misz'w:icr of F.nv �i« I:r rebs n, is as fellow,. �,�.maird.. m,.u_... f,.. .... .... fd"" il,,, f'—for its ab -„e . I (,dnd 'I”! 1 � ....... 1 e .t s f c<I ns lass « P —d b. tic A— s, r. arc - DoT AuoiTiory Lnn AT�odld5. 16 N Svndi—te No. a lddlti— 'i50 3�5p 17 h d¢ 5:;n 2500 10 d do S50 3000 19 9 da S,r,O 5300 20 d do -0 22-0 21 B do 3100 22 f, do :,JO 3700 F3 H do 24 tl d' 0 2E 8 do 5;,0 200 OEPA-E'M-r ( FMIFINANCE REPORT OF COMMI.ZS10NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR-� ORDER (C) _b B Syndicate ndditi,,.. 500 3050 27 H do 550 3350 21- b d, 550 4200 _, _ c t :.50 4050 SO t5 do 600 4500 1 9 do 600 7 0 2 9 do 550 3350 3 9 d 550 2650 4 9 do :150 3400 9 do .,50 3350 0 9 do 550 3200 7 9 ao 550 8 9 do ''50 22.50 9 do 500 2150 10 9 do 550 2100 11 9 do 550 2000 12 9 do 550 2600 13 9 da 550 3500 14 9 do 550 2400 1t. 9 do 650 3000 gi6,1m $89,900 The Qpm mis.iomr of P--- further r ; acs that he has In. estlRa ped sll of the aiorrss id 008.00 .and h —,b, submits ibe foregoing as eo clic c,,,,—% —h clic maJ, t,, reference co said matter by the of Public Daad b-CJ�u-�' a� 193 ee��ma�i0�te �f ri��a��te_ St. Paul, Minn. I/ X HoTh To The aorablc, e Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property ow ne herehy petition your Ilunorablc Body to cause the following improv--t be made: X12 i • hSsY#><!N/Ha - - - - - - - � 1117 DCII ' Lard ,yp ST h kF----- 117 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 1, 1934 ,ion. Herman U. nenzel, commisslonerof Public norks, City of Wit. Paul, eAi— Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Blair Itreet from Griggs Street t - Syndicate Avenue, under Preliminary Order 96323, approved September 8, 1933. Estimated Cost r,860. 64 Cost per front foot .72 Inspection 15-50 Engineering 70.00 Frontage 1202 £t. Yours truly, GEORGE M. SHEYP-11D,- Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the? Commiss ner of N' nance, }i Cr (.. ENL (/ Q Co�mnis Sion er of Pu c Yorks. W Office of the Commissioner of Public WVffJFbFFINANCt Report to Commissioner of Finance 9a =3 6 MAF. 2 J21" !Barth 2, 1934 111:1 'f,, Ih, ('..n....... 1­�", ,f Ii ,f 1h, ('its ,f St. of 1'ul,h, Nk' k, ),-mg hu,l a .k.. ...... ratio„ th,- preli n,inary ord, r „f th,. rd,. N,..96323 .......... ... I sept. b, 1933 11.13 relati.c m curbing Blair Street from Griggs Street to Syndi—te ­ue. and lu,r 'K�'_", Kn4d the inn!fere and ihi, ,f.,d t„ the--, her, -l.. r,.l.... ta_ I. ni,l �ni�ni,coin,nt i. ni„r _ ,n,l for) drsirahle. F Cost per front fo t.72 860.64 „d the total t there.,f i, S Inspection $15.50 Engineering $70.00 Fronta �e 1202 ft_ and .. nntnn. and -trnt ,f sn I improvrnie A is ,,s full,. 3. .\ ,Inn, �,r,filc .,r �krtch ..f said in,�.n.�i•,in nt is h,—U, attached and —1,- a part he reef_ A. :,_ nid iniyn,ceinenl is a k, I fur upon petitie.n ,.f three or more, uwnere of property, suhjrrt In 2vsesnn,rnt fur I i,nf,ro. ' — c'.of1'miasiOner eif Public rke. 52 WE,THE 'INDERSIGNED DOHEREBY OPPOSE THE PRELIMINARY ORDER 96323 0 TO CURB BLAIR iTREET FROM GRIGGS TO SYNDICATE AT A COST OF 72 C FT. WE HERBY ASK THE CITY CO''NCIL TO SET ASIDE THIS EX PENCE AT THIS TIME AS TO COSTLY AND IINNES SARY TZ SIGNED.... 'vC*firG !R GO ti. / I I 9777(; COUNCIL FILE: S0. _ Rp 7,, In the Matter of ourbing the ..at sills of Pian P�v =Q 'rpm ouvmniat�.uato Alley south of S—it Aven , F— erg 9999, -4e= oLle<ttfier e. rliaerefo eel under Preliminary Order 9a994 - approved December 19, 1933 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council E r having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered i the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that prft�ment to be made Af t\he said City i.�mrb the east e`r4k of Finn Areilue from Surto" Av s to All seattfof Sump>t walrus, be and ; hr rr_ od and all Nweedinze b C— slid the Council hereby der' said improvsment to be made. RESOLVED FUR THE _That the Commisahm&of Public Works be and is hereby instruct&i and directed to prepare plans and Apecifications for said improvement, and submit wine to the Councii`fQr approval; that upon said approval; the proper city officials arc herchv authorized arld directed to pro- ceed with tN making of said-p—lement in accordance therewith. adopb•d by the Ceo it V 4 1. 1934 1 192 A„loo... r NAY 11934 ,192 connoflmay,�agaeacp n... atll:D ? -'� .� Rmncilma�tr8e>mhtr: r•"°"" Pliiu-1- �--� t'o ncilmar�adhaimesn t..,:u amyolr rhe,•.a« Fnrrn 11, S. A. N --i H i11 F. SCOTT, CI'(T CLERK ' ac,oerorcowIVI/sSIomseornw^wos = ="=ORDER ""^",~� ^l ^~°.~~~.~'~~..^ ` f,.^^~~~~~~~. " .72"^"- ^ .~ ^^ =~~ ,~. ,`^^ ^ " " ` ~~°_=°^`~~ =�~~ =° "~°_- ^~^h -_~+- ill 'If .il^_".._.. "~~1�~_� .,,' ^~^^^~^ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of M. -- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WIWAM f SCOTT C,." CIeend Com— f Reg�siralon -Q@ October 24th, 1937. Hon. Pilton Aoeea, Comer of Flaenee, Building. ea Dr Nr. Aoeen: Tie attached pe tltion of property eetdiog on Flan Avenin ba twee. 9—,t and Grend Avenue erre Waetlug that saki portion of Finn Avenue be curbed w referred to your department, by the Con.cll, forscheck ae to dello Went t— on this property. Sonne very truly, City Clerk. t V1I Oot. 7, 1933. To the May., and Member. oS the City Counoll, We. the property owners residing on Finn Ave. between Summit and Grand, urgently request that xith the new Improvement on Sundt Ave.. that portion of Fion Ave. between Summit and Grand be ourbod and xe attaoh our petition herewith. Your. truly, HC TA[l� CSO 7y. Trustee, ey A I is anent. � V, Sc. Paul, Mime. ootober v, 19; 3. 1'o The I lomorablq The Council, City of St- Paul, \iinn Gcndem"' We, the und—ig—1 property owncre, h,rcby petiti,m r Ilunc,rabl� Body to cause the following inlpnn-e nuIil cc. be olade: Tho` thn nncnrbsd portion of FLnn Ave��ue Da!wmeP. Luwnit nn�. .r:nd A-- be -bed. .ii. A- SI, A. -c. to St. Ave. VAMP.o BLOCK D ADI'I'IIIN /�r'*,rny,� �az.nrr 90. 8� PL t Lota ] �k 19, •. <' oleo- so 60 Pot t� Lot 1B. —. 14-Y17 S UU�o 310 3100 / ri I, 26 2 TX R. -J's. .�. I G.¢ANo A✓E. ry JF- W L- THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER- OFFICE COMMUNICATION �l66-s March 2, 194 Hon_ Herman (:. Wenzel, C;ommi ssloner of "u'o11c works, C:1 ty of 5t. Yaul, Minn. Lear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate o£ cost for curbing the east side of Finn Avenue from r.w .mit Avenue to the Alley south of summit Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. r'. 96994, approved Dec. 19, 1933- 4stimated cost 6135.78 cost per front foot .72 Inspection 2.27 Frontage 190 ft. engineering $ 20.00 Yours truly, GI,,0nGE M. SHEYARD, Chi e£ Engineer. y, Approved for transmission to the jur�,isione of °finance ,N O. w ZcL, msioner of Yub!ic�o ks. Office of the Commissioner of PubliCCO&TOF �a E Report to Commissioner of Finance �•f~-�' MAH 7 I" :41-1, 6, 1934 I-,:, '(o th. 1 ..... iu of I a..m� .d 0" t'il, .d ?t. 1'lwl. \t'urk N, hnvinµ In -I u � . , I - - r ... ,.-i. 1.- r x I i.,. , II, - I. r. - l i . . . i.... r. ..ril.r f ih�• 96994 tr �.�� <-.����. d, xn.,..--„ �N r.��n�u rlh• ��,. I Dee- 19, ' u Ia ..h,t�,,. al�l the curbing of the east side of Finn Avenue f— Summit Avenue to the Alley south of summit venue. "Lig."A the mui ii i. a-1 thingry foot $0.72 zrh.eti ���led �.��I thtre��r iys 135-78 Inspection $1.27 Engina^ring $20-00 and the nut�in and extant of "-i 'ani...........i•n t " us f"ll—, :i. :1 v]n , p-il e - skeleh 4 snail i,,_ . v. nI-t,t i= h—mt.. —a. -h. -<I .....i —ad, a Iit.rt h"ll—(. 4. is 1-nn—, c.( thr.r =til �j��rt to nw�xnment f„r .nail ilii pro.�rm�nt. /l 7 7 9 o CITY OF SAINT PAUL. LAW DEPARTMENT May 4th, 1934. To the Council. Gentlemen: I received from Mr. Scott a recuest for my opinion as to what action the Council should take in reopening the matter of the proposal to curb the east Bide of Finn avenue from Summit avenue to the alley south of Summit avenue. As I understand the letter of the City Clerk, the improvement was in Itlat ed upon the appli- cation of the owners of four pieces of property, for the improvement. which property will not be ae sessed hie letter is correct, then If that lnterpretatlon of not before the proposed public improvem ant was properly the Council. Permit me to call your at ter.tion tthatcal Public 240 of the Charter wblch "idea, briefly, .p be improvement such as the one here considered, at inter- initiated upon the app1"ation of three or more property may be twouled, ested owners o£ property, wblch the written proposal o£ a Councilman. It would or upon appear, the -fore, that the matter should be started anew by a proper petition. - Yours very truly, Corpration Counsel. LLA -0 =°=.~` °~ "--~`, ,....^ .~,°`~~^ 1" t�°. =°=.~` c,... (17777 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GOUNCtt RESOLUTION-Gd'PERAt-FORAt) iY�. are v S c .`,HEA Yi»tYMx N:HEAFAS ,.I.rjre B-k, received a b uken n, _ while in t1_P ymn e-ium c!a: 1 '_ ,.1-e A!.— 1—o �] on nnere'oy .,:'.o.:nted is $4:..00, n19 ...,eiofo:e be it .__..._�,.. ti.: -, ...e ,a r city ­ioe.:; be and _-y are --by a,:-horiced ae_fl u_.eeted t, pay tr -. �_,cken, iat!.er )f the injurfd . irl, _11, F , $4:5.00 out of the Tu .,moment and �o _ omise Blind, upon the delivery to the �ity of et. Peul of a release, approved by the Corporation I ouuCn.w<s Z"YD. M wlm�rl- �1r. I'resfdout hf nhu„r,. lm® ""M. r. ,`('IT-' Crrr AdoplRd by the Ce -61 "y 1 5934-.... les.... ona��•���ci,r ci..k CITY OF ST. PAUL „u � NO. ►777 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �. COUNCIL RESOI�ITION--GENERAL FORM �w� RE0dL�4F re.e i 17:e�. WHEREAS, under the present form of emergency relief, whereby certain funds are furnished by the Federal Government, through the local Emergency Relief Administration, it is necessary that the 01ty agree to provide workmen'. compensation payments to all persons Snjured on such projects in accordance with the Workmen's Compensation Law of the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Council that such compensa- tion responsibility be accepted by the City; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Mayor, City Clerk and City Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute all such agreements with the local ERA, providing for such compensation responsibility and such other responsibility aI SA2 reaulred for the FERA plan. cou_.cILMI:n MAY 1193 j �I'� nrcc• _i. In lnvor Appr..vi•,I _ 'IAp"'�. ->YcneeF- \I r. 1'resiilrnL Jlnhunc). 11 M. i. SCcl..r Y,y$LISIIGUy�..� O1r1' CLhNh Na (G 77'.9 CITY OF ST. PAUL - _ f .�u 9+ �G OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUCIL RESOLUTION-EHERAL FORM W RESOLVED RESOLVED, That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue and draw s warrant in favor of St. Paul Abstract Company, Agent, in the a— of Seventeen Dollars and Ninety Three Cents ($17.93), same being the amount erroneously paid into the City Treasury on Ex. N. 32 ft. of Lot 6 and N. 1B ft. of Lot 7, Block 6, Baker's Addition, for which Receipt No. Z9593 was issued April 5, 1934, and is hereby cancelled. Charge to the P. I. R. Fund Imp. No. 3133 $15.62 Charge to the P. I. R. Int. Fund 2.31 $17.93 I�J CC U NC I t.nt E- �'�ae ,'Mcnonal� ,'Prnrc� In (nv.�r iieaAh -. Against a�'ertzt7 ,Nlr. P ... id -A Mahoney rpJi tI�1" 11934 A�IupLed Icy he ('��uni�i - _--...--._ .193 MAY.-...l..iQ26. IU3. ��T.`., CITYOF ST. PAULNOCE OF THE CITYCLERKESOLUTION—GENERgI FORM ..__Yarch_13-, 1934 That the Northern States Power Company be given Permission to install 1-4p foot pole on the north side of Central Terrace at alley between Rice and Harriet, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be re- moved when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal Estimate #19844 LZ y/ty-3 COONCILMEN N� Ycne n,.v/ / �sy `I'/" /.'IcDonnla AN.— - Io furor Zl en�zc7 ex as Mi. Prosi Jent \Inhoncy I. I . su, TT, t:l ]'S' CLE1tK ndor—d by thu can 41AY__1.1fl34 I93_ mAy ,Pp --i .... ..193. ntny„r - ojJgi CITY OF ST. PAULc" No. 977.B -I. u OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t �\4COUNCIL RESOLUTIONiENERAL FORM goE `o„EA_6L.-11_6. 1934 RESOLVED Yrf !, io That the Northern State. Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the east side of State St., just north of Oakdale Ave.; and 2-45 foot poles on the east side of Oakdale Ave., south of Midway Ave., with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said re- moval to be borne by the Northern States Power Company . Estimate $20026. COUNCILNIE- Ycue '-`�aYA \hy tt�.cn nlr. 11—sunt Afeh—y CS'd'v it Li. coinru,nu;ti Y,os ;vo>', play m�no,�obi Penria In re��r liacxr,- Tnmx Agninet Wenze!' i�vl. [�. UC:U'IA �7 r. Proside„t \inl,oncy c:[Ly cLl:ks eN a -n C'7 o--+- Aar,pl,a by wA U-1161 MAY 1.1934 _1,3_ A ,1_ MAY _ _ 193_ M1I n� ui4 iv CITY OF ST. FAULcu No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ - UNCIL RESOLUTION �aENERAL FORM rRcseNTeo sv �C.._ae- _ DATE_. April 11, 1934. RESOLVED a onr That the the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 2-40 foot poles and 1-16 foot pole on the south aide of Belvidere St., east of Oakdale Ave., with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Compnny wires. Pole. and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern states Power Company. Municipal Eetimate #20081. coinru,nu;ti Y,os ;vo>', play m�no,�obi Penria In re��r liacxr,- Tnmx Agninet Wenze!' i�vl. [�. UC:U'IA �7 r. Proside„t \inl,oncy c:[Ly cLl:ks eN a -n C'7 o--+- Aar,pl,a by wA U-1161 MAY 1.1934 _1,3_ A ,1_ MAY _ _ 193_ M1I n� o.�yn.l .e c�.r L�..• CITY OF ST. PAUL No. X11783 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—iENERAL FORM PRGSENTEo av Aprl1 9, 1934 RESOLED a nnav That the Northern States Power Company be given per- mission to Install 1-35 foot pole on the east aide of Montgomery Street, south of University Avenue, with necessary guy-, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and coat of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate #20079• i COU�r Il..cl;s ll 1934 Ycas Veye Ado(� Adopted by the C. oi".193 1In} i Pvnrcc [n fn��r Aj,p--d___.. ... .... 193.... AVcrt Fr am a -v N1,. P-.,id—t NInh.—y 11 ✓. 9 COUNCI L'RESOoo MEIONo,Eos L e Re so lv e3, That the Council `_ —eby concurs in the recommendation of the CDntr,It Committee cad awards t ;e I contract for eurfec ing • ].11 nn eh -11a Street from Prior avenue to Fairview even,-, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to TH7RBTCN 3ROS. CO. SII they beim the lowest .esnoa5ible bidvie rs, far th= eum of $5,750.00, and -he Corporation C,uns=_1 is hereby instructed to draw u;, the orooer form of contract therafor_ Certificate of Comclience with NRA in connection with PWA proj zcts attached to bi�i.— ere ... xCIC'M1 n.. • � � e.� Y.' .ee.- ''n""�• ,nc....van I 9052 ._.«E.. eF.o..e 3,195. 00 .....„. .e.-. - aE=...a.,as-- I', _ .....o.,.,, Eo ..o..���. .•...,... o.�<o<.� �.....o.,......r. - - Po.. - .00. 31-E1 = 3, 750.00 .,atimat edo Fede ra 1-111Tge 1, 2O0. 00 oNo 183VC oo. ' 'I to MAY ] 1934 ._oA — HAY 1V9A • • COUNCIL RESOLUTION o,. o. Loew MPao�EME T ewe Eters Resolved, That the Council hereby cone urs in the recommendation of the,Contract Committee and awards the contract for gradin, and paving 6m1 th avenue from Banfil street to the north end )f the nigh Bridze, In accordance with plans and eceoificati,na hereto attached, to the CLEMENT F. 3CULL6'Y 3g7IFM-ENT CO., they being the lowest r=snores ltle bidders, for the sum of $6,730.00, using oil asohalt, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw uo the :rover form of contract therefor. Certificate Of Compliant=_ with NRA in connection with PWA projects attached to bid. ego`°pv`nHe°csii ",UE, " ecuia°°a"v .o•,...�.,� � .9051 wo..o.., m.,. s-w.o .. i. �s •. i 6, 889.00 •.....,...,.. �No. -11 �U.L.C..) Highways ,.,,E � � _ _ _ � 6,730.09 •.Estimated Federal Aid- $2,153.60 6.730.00 �T.o .... o . MAY 11934 114 :)'778(1—r ) c.f vtea sroTav»n o UNCILRESOLUTION n .ea a c'sQya aza>�a. zss.. April 27 RESOLVEC),TT.�H�gT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i 3jo6 570.346.26 COVERING CHECKS NUM.FREO__ TO Lp+(!/P - / INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. I ooPTEo aY T E tv1AY 1 1934 APPRO�Eo - t I i o„P,.cwr. r°cr�c�E.. ry Ooc� o�..cc of rre^coMPreo��Ee cw� ri�E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS April 27 �4 .,.E .° 5"p�-- ..13jo51- 73 SAX 1 a TOTAL NVMeEP IN FAVOR OF y eROu`",Foay.Ro 49 735 52 2434o62 71 • 3706 7707 Fred G. Albrecht, Director Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 175 00 128 010 54 7308 Stateof Minnesota, 5 086 5o 9t.Pau1-Mpls, sanitary Diet. 160 8o 3709 Hertl Coal company 7710 Allen 4okland 3 00 3711 Richard M. Washington 250 00 3312 Ballard Ramp Garage 3 00 86 69 1313 A.B, Dick Company 3714 Electric Blue Print Comoany50 203 05 3715 Herman Goldberger 34 3316 Hamm Brewing Company 282 00 3317 Mary Holmes 6 5;1 3318 Holt Motor Company 5 00 7714 Int. Harvester Co. of Amerioa 101 30 3320 C.I. Johnson Mfg, Company 19 20 3321 Johnson service Company 5646 3122 Joy Brothers Motor Car Co. 31 3323 Wm. nine 8 70 3324 A.J. Krank ComDany,Inc. 3 25 3325 Bremer Auto spring Company 29 68 3726 Linde Air Products Company 21 06 3127 Luverne lire ADDeratue Compeny 21 50 1328 900hin & Heilman COMDany 71 66 3129 Ba 018? Brush Vfg, Comnanq 53 91 )330 John Yavua P� 01 3131 Midway Creamery CGMDany 5 19 3732 Midwest Chemioal Company 23 lb 733 Minnesota News Company 91 45 333 Minnesota News Oompany 83 02 3335 Motor Power 8euipment Co. 127 51, 3336 National Carloading Corp. 2 33� 7777 Nicols, Dean & Gregg 34 22 7778 Nicola, Dean & Gregg 93 51 33 9 North Central Pub. Company 7 00' 90 7340 3341 O'Brien & Company Owens Motor sales, Inc, 5 112 77 3742 Pioneer Electric Company 201 89 174j W,T, Pottboff Motors 31 50 3344 J�T. Ptaoek & son 5 ?5 3345 �uiok service Battery Comoany 208 74 • 3746 3747 9t.Paul Arcade Company St, Paul Book & stationery Co. 3 00 287 89 3348 St.Paul Book & stationery Co. 312 09 3349 9t.Pau1 Saw & Knife Works 11 50 3350 St.Paul 'Welding & Mfg,Company 41 22 3351 St.Paul albite Lead & 011 00. 98 82 7752 C,R, Sargent 2 90 3753 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 51 34 7754 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 113 27 3355 L.N. 91ek^18 Company 15 00 3756 D.B. Smith & Company 60 0' 7757 R.K. Stahl Company 148 71 7758 T.C. Wheaton Company 13 20 7759 White Eagle Oil Cor -oration 267 13 SH EE}ToiAL-FaawwAo 49 735 52 2571514 44 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD o< , » 50 667 21 727137 45 � r j iI o COUNCI�m EN: R61-1- CALL orricE OFT"eco"FTROLLER „�E " No. l ! I r}.♦ COUNCIL RESOLUTION °" AUDITED CLAIMS April 30 „ 34 Wcwi�.r "cAiNST RESOLVED; T"/Tc"ccR. E" CRE ;153 ° r�70 w RRL TOTAL Ru aeeR IN FAVOR OF cRrc Ks �Rcc rcs r n. e.R" RR°°D"T FDRW""D 49 735 52-2571514 44 - • 3360 Addessa Demont - 9t.Paul Corrugating Company 10 0. 451 7 3361 3362 Scribner—Libby Company 16 9 3363 R.B. Stahl Company 800 00 3364 Tri—State Tel. i Telg. Company 228 14 3365 Tri—State Tel. 6 Telg. Oompany 74 65 3366 Tri-9tate Tel. a Telg. Company 139 25 3367 Better Bake Shop 189 25 3368A. L. Divine 0 00 3369 3370 Yr a. J. Y. Ayd, Guardian Yre. C.Y. Cl augherty, Guardian 00 40 0o 1371 Yre. Ettn rlaherty A 8 28 3372 Yre. Anna Schneider 17 28 3373 3374 Yre. Agnes weiee Clare. Aamold, widow of R. A. 31 86 30 OO 3375 Ann r. Camplan, widow of D.R.C. I 30 00 3376 Nelen Sullivan, wl doom of M.S. 30 00 3377 Soo. for the Prev. of Cruelty 150 00 3378 Rorthern States Power Company 1 964 45 3379 'Feet Publishing Company 136 25'. 3380 Adam Strauss 5 00 3381 Milton Roeen, 0. of Finance 3W40 3382 Milton Roeen, C, of Finance 46935 338} Milton Rosen, 0. of Finance 1 697 10 3384 3385 Milton Rosen, 0, of Finance Milton Roeen, 0. of Finance 2 969 02 5 727 11 3386 Milton Roeen, 0, of Finance 2 211 45' 3387 Albert Ivey 83 3 3388 Ramsey Fuel 8 Ice Company 356 88'. 3389 Maloome J. Hackney 250 00 3390 Jessie E. Scott 15 30 3391 Milton Rosen, 0. of Finance 126 313 75 3392 W.T. Poop Insurance Agency 33 3 339! St.Psul yoo. school Revl.Fund 63 5 33 8911[[ W.L. Darling 5.00 00 3395 Geo.T. Morgan 500 00 70 00' 3396 3397 Mies Julia M. Brueee Capitol Stationery Mfg.OompaU7 102 61 3398 General Equipment Company 66 08 3399 Northern States Power Company 4 421 94 3400 Northern States Power Company 1 586 42'. • 3401 3402 Review Publishing Company Milton Rosen, C.P.R.F. 931 69 374 65' l}3'k•o 3403 3404 vowtern Union Telegraph Company Milton Rosen, 0. of Finance231 55 62 12 3405 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 2 545 95°. 3406 A 1 Stenographio Bureau 8 90y SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD o< , » 50 667 21 727137 45 � r 0 50 667 21 3003477 29 OVP11G•��cnc� COUNCILMEN uRa LmE" aoL orrice or 11e coMvlROLcER r,�, " No. M. COUNCIL RESOLUTION 34 "`"°°" AUDITED CLAIMS April 30 —I -T RESOLVED—T rn .,,. 4—.Mo°n 1.1-S e[°K'39:8� , 3 'jt T-1111 E°R oa" —v .R'b °, O °r.�'c,.°",a°— —TE1 11 T11 C111C11 j TOTAL n��mecR IN FAVOR OF - angio BROUGHT FO—ARD 5o 667 r 21 2727137 45 . 1407 14og Ramsey Fuel & Ice Cnmoany V.iltin Rosen, ^, of Finance 1 755 71 7 841 1$ �4n9 Vilton Rom, C, of Finance 4 149 04 3410 Milton Rosen of Finance 91 466 91 3411 Vilton Rosen, C. of Finance 4 236 49 �412 gra, R. Vitc4 250 15 1411 Tda. L. Loalnski 21 6q 1414 Vllton Rnean, C. if Finance 467 47 141E Muton Rosen, C. of Finance 6 658 05 1416 Allton Rosen, C. of Finance 96 131 66 7417 Vllton Posen, 0. of Finance 1 5a6 8o 1418 !futon Rosen, C. of Finance 11 014 88 741. ililton Rosen, C. if Finance 21 016 37 742n !futon Roeen, C, of Finnnce 953 57 3421 Nilton Roeen, C, of FSnanue 2 873 12 3422 in C, of Finance NSltnn 1.1 7 521 93 3423 Boarof Public '1.11-2 14 748 C9 1424 ,425 StatinneT figraVing Comoany23 yii—at 011 Com -zany CO 115 46 7426 H. Peitz s Son 765 33 1427 3t.Pau1 Voc. 4chnol Revl.Fund 47 57 ,428 Sharp ten! Dohme 147 O� 142' dzm.s Gloole 6 5n 3430 Orville G. Young 15 00' 327 4^ ,431 S. Berglund Lumber Comoany 64 34 ,432 7437 vs—.11, O=un, BSTk & Company R.E. Hulme Comoany 12 00 7444 Ycvalden–Lambert Com -any 113 15 0 50 667 21 3003477 29 --Naa-aeeeaee:ble— F.O. 9" 7 gemard Street, seat Bide, Prom FLt Seventh Street to Bread Street F.O. 96974 Southeast and eoutheest oornars of Hell A;mae and Congress Street P.O. 86669 Fourth Street, north Bide, begiming 120 eget of Bsoharge Street thenoe east 120 feat Z F.O. 941BO Central Av®ae, Porth side, at the oast - � Fast Central F -k Phos produoed F.O. 96974 Cretin Aveaae'and Naf?ereon Avenue, northevet oorner F.O. 95974 P-1 Avenue end Blair Street, eoathveet corner A p,,I,li, h,-- ),.,i,g b..n had upon the for the nlioyc improvement, ..d s,-1 hn.ing t."', 1" the Council, and haying b", —"d""d finally '—ofio —y' It, it therefore RESOLVED, That the said ---t b, and the s—c i, herrbb" in all respects rnlifieJ, and We samx hereby order,,] to 1), submitted to the District Court of the ('aunty of R.M.") for BE IT PUII' IIER RESOLVED, That the said --ra,w b, and i, is hereby dm,,n,nM 1, b, parable q-1 MAY 2 1934 Adopted bf th, C.,-1 Ca, Clerk. AAY 1934 2. 71, NIa3 or ,f, ie l.V,, �I i 1r1:IIP, ,„)I 1111111Eltiq IINA.1 f Report of Completion of Assessment In t[,':i�. t+.,..,,,_i. ;_en,^its, c.e:a anf, erp"a es ,.,,,XI oonatruutin,g, reoonetruoting and ropeirin o®ant aido el: a, �ti- to No. 2, ;nntraat no. 8-2, 1933. —..eaeeeabl+-- F.r. 84467 Kennard Street, creat aide, 1r m '.eat uarenth :treat to .: .ltreat F.O. 96600 East Gongreae ;treat, north. aide, beginsLg at Robert Streot, t.onue -at 116 at F'.;. 95669 Fourth btront, north si e, begin * 10:, feet .met of Lareat Street tnenoe east 15 feet F.G. 86674 6outheaet and eouthweet corner of 9,11 avenue and Goagrooe street 'r .C. 95761 Market street, not aide, beginnir.� at Fifth Street thanoo soutF to within 100 feet of Fourth street a<oopt driveeey F.O. 96761 Fifth Street, south aide, boginning at 'orkat Street thence Gnat 70 .feet F.O. 86659 dashington and Fourth )tracts, orthwoet aornar, 20 ,font on Fnurt!.,,t-, t, 30 feat on aeehin,rton Street F.O. 96669 Fourth Strnet, north aide, beginning 120 foot oaar. of .xohangc Stroet, thence cast 120 foot F.U. 94856 bale Street, west aide, bo,,1nniq,, at University ; anua, Umoo cough to alloy . 94017 Gook Stroet, south aido, bo„inning 72 feet east of Courtlanc. trvt, thonoo east It font, beginning 92 feet farther sae'., thanoo oast S .fo t 94841 labusha troot,wast side, borinning at Suruait f.votna, thooco north 1)2 feet,RnrI Sumit hvanue, north side, beginning at '6abuha Street, hano, ,most 36 eat 94207 Tilton Street, north aide, beginning 92 feet oast or 3t. Peter ,sroot, thonoo east 12 feet F.r. 96926 'Northwest oorner of uomr and Rioa Street, 20 feat north on 'ico Street, 16 foot northwesterly on Como and full radius apron Ties Stre t, wont side, ',orinning at the south lino or hintor ,rout iror,UoRd, thane south lu Poet, skip 66 foot, thanoo 10 fact, skip 24 foat, thonoo 10 foot F,c. 96926 Rise Street, west aide, north end of bridre botwacn Loror RM oonnsylverie from and of bridge 50 feet north, also east side of NS o .Aroot froe =n.: f bridge 20 feet north, also wast aide of Rioa 'treat, s •. ,t!. n: o!' iir'.:go 20 foot south F.r. 95931 idoo Street, mat nig o, begi: ninr, . b foot soutl. of .,hnrburn„ veno m t!a 1C foot uouth . , 95931 Rioa Gtreat, frost side, beginning 105 foot south of niveraity -r , +r co south 30 feat, 'ncludin.• 10 feet o.” dr:ve.,V . &4204 lLller !,venue, south side, bo. -inn Liz, b8 feet south of .athadral .loea,t.-rn:o neat 10 feet . 94834 :'.mosntn trait, mmst sL:o, bario,,l , 66 feet south of intl, tre t, '..a ce I^ _11 46.5 foot, ale,, cnr. etruct''.n- 27 foot ourt . , bo,^itvin 62 foot vont orl.re otrot, of aeut h. t o, bn-inr!r, 95 feat poet a° P oal vorue t'.ome woot 10 foot, begimiv; su feet farther nest, t)mo oo went b feet, boAnning 193 foot farther a6t. thence creat 6 feat YeO. 94502 Faeoal p 44% went aides beginning 42 feet north or 'nivorsity ..yanue, �eagI OQ lreEi toglAgW'Wbot. further gerbhe t1 iAOt Im"'a i tgap, `Q14tl1 ""rd 8 e4t+0#ei44trom Haat 8gceA 8te«btp,gruid,serest s�_1It� B!t!d1d.oVjilaneteiaiun et vl�nra4'.ea dogtle ;atr..t sV"'°`F17 VIG, CITY OF Si. PAUL No, (47-M OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM WE[FJakS, t— -11yofficer! lid, to I— L11111-itY of �—.til File N- 97219, -p,,:,ved Fib. 2. execute , ^-.t, If t�.l _ .' St. Pml to tre P—ti,,i—id, C-tifi—te B—, I. tf.l —l' of $2,00C.0C I', int --t — — It the rp'— of 4% T- ­ t, Fed—, , lo— If $2,Xlj.(J m,td whi— nIte f1lit die o, !, y 6, 193�; and WHEREAS. t— ba -Let for to- :—, 19y, dt�n.. T -Iiia "01 t— n:,y -t of Said =,SCLVEr, t -t -, p=r,,, city Iffil— be .nay are hereby authorized to —e, ems__ note at , rate of 3j% inter— y,i .—.v", f— . ne,i,d of l—ty dq­ UIHJN'II-NlI:N Y— N,I,'„ Adopted It, It,( MAY 2 1934 1 m 1" racer Aplirmrd W--] Mayr NJ, P—id—t NI,,h,,—, o.ia..i ur ��•.r -- CITY OF ST. PAUL ,�i, ` No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE9M.UTIOt --GENERAL FORM eco eaEA IHVIEG C . iii o„re MAY 1T-1934. RESOLVED '1171''- :REAS, The roes^._.-?io Gdu �. t.ion eror to ri the nc11 i acc ordune���'�h 3Pct'_oa tr-, of- the Cou n marc=r tr.e e__ ore erbea�, ,:r.�-r. r=_naorei ary th,: -,- -t -f 1-1,,In 1,11.10y - rt --t or r±a a spurt -at ror pore thus their .a.,ua1 h-, 7 o.-P,10y- ..,Pnt; the. e_o ba _ , ."'.. '•.• thori z>a to thF�P fot7 ow!n6 ,_m,i n., 0.1th� n.. t,I h.r I:R.`dE1 F.'. I".1: RF.t'E 14j, T1THL George Barrett k7an. T+pC. 8 hrv. .57} 5.93 Henry Be -r ].2 hrs, ,52- 92 5,41 Christian Beuer 18 hrs. .57 1.60 8.8b Fred Beumgart 14 hrs• .57 ,17 6,88 Albert Beecroft 6 hre, ,57_ �,5tl 2.95 I ... n B,Beneon " " 10 hr s• .48 j .70 4.10 William Benton " ^ 3 hrs. .5T} 2$ 1.48 ,,,e Berlin Sanito$ 15 hrs. .Shag 1.i1¢ 6.57 John Blomberg Dan. Eng. 14 hre, ,48 .87 5.75 Ralph Bogue 4 hre. ,43 5 1.47 John Buhl 15 hre. ,57 1. 7.38 Richard Bulena 4 hre, .S7 .$ 1,97 I ... a Burlingame _ 7 hre, .b7 3.45 Fred Bureingar 2 hre. .67 LL ,98 Jamas Callahan 10 hre. ,57 .8p 4.92 George Cameron 15 hre. .57 1.2$ 7,38 Frank Chapman° ' 6 hre, .57 .50 2.95 Alfred Christen... Stat. Firemen 12 hre, .5 .87 5.16 ores ste Ciampi Jan. ffiig. 5 hre. ,57 2.46 Rol nd Dyer 4 hre. .51 6 1.75 Harbert R. Seton ^ 4 hre. .50 1,72 Joseph Elmquiet ' " 18 hre. .bb 1. 4 8.46 Charley Engelbreteone_ ' 30 hre, .67 2 O 14.75 Andrew gage trom Ed. Jan. 4 hre..67 �$3 1.97 , Andrew Erickson „an. Eng. 4 hre. 55 `�2 1.88 J..eph Fgedlm�eier 9 hre. .57� .75 4,43 Ea I C017CPQf},?FN ^ ^ 16 hre. .55 1.28 7.52 Ycns goy.. Aa„pt,d 1, w,� c'„�1-1 MAY . g- ic3.k.. 19:3 r� ❑, f,,,Al d MAY _ 2 1934 lua t --i �7 ntr. Preside.[ M h -,y CITY CLF.Nn ay-1..__..._ __..... _2- OVSATIYE FOR JANITORS AND ENGINEERS NAME TITLE TIME NATE 14j% TOTAL Gabriel GagliardiJan. Eng. 14 hre, .57 1.17 6.88 John A. Belie en Stat, ilroman 4 hre. ,57 ,,33 1.97 Joeaph P, GobeiI Janitor 6 hrs.,61 ,45 2.63 George Gray Jan. Eng. 8 hrs. ,57 .67 3.93 George Gunther 8 hrs. .57 .67 3.93 Oscar Halgren 74 hrs• ,i7 T„00 11.80 Char..2--l-," ..2--l-,r 2n *r=, .57 1.67 9,83 George Heyes " " ?. hrs, ,57 1,83 10,82 Carl Aedlund 6 hrs, ,57 .50 2.95 Frank ftedlund " " 4 hrs, ,57 ,33 1.97 .John A, H.1 " " 20 hr=, ,57� 1.67 9.83 Otto Hesse " 13 hre, .5 ? -'.'7 ,99 5,87 Wez-ner Hesse " ' S hrs, ,57t ,67 3,93 Elmer HSnt:: " 16 hrs. ,.57i 1.33 7,87 George P.H.dFa " " B hre. ,57. .67 3.93 Robert Jabs Janitor 4 hrs. ,Sls .30 1.75 Anton E. Johnson San. N.ng, 10 hrs. ,48 .70 4.10 Gunn Johnson 15 hrs. ,55 1.20 7,05 AugustKehler 14 hrs. ,57 1.17 6.88 Hamilton Kenny 8 hrs. .57 ,67 3.93 Leonard M, Kirohen 9 hrs, .48 .63 3,69 rew AndA.Ko letad 4 hrs. ,56 .32 1.88 Joseph K_ tale kl 20 hrs. ,57�, 1.67 9.83 William La -Chapelle " 7,57 ,58 3,45 Lyman G. Larson Janitor 5 hra, ,51 ,37 2,7.9 N.I. Lundberg Jan. Eng. 20 hrs, ,57 1,67 9,83 George Lautner Stat,F'irexnen 1`2 hre. .57 1.00 5,90 Victor Lawrence Jnn. Eng. 12 hra. ,57 1.00 5,90 11 .1 V.Lee 10 hra. ,52- ,77 4.51 Gus Linde 10 hrs. ,57 .83 4,92 Frank Linn 30 hrs, ,57 2,60 14,75 Peter Llnn 15 hrs. ,57 1.26 7.38 George Lo oxnls 8 hrs. ,F7 ,67 3.93 Glus eppl Lucie 30 h'-,579 2,50 14,75 Thomas Lvnz er ?hrs . .57Y 1.83 10.82 James R, Lynn " 12 hrs. .57 1.00 5.90 Jacob Magnuson " 10 hra. ,48 .70 4,10 Emil Mahler " " 4 hrs, ,57 ,33 1.97 E:rlwurd L. Ma 26 hra. ,57 2,17 12.,78 William Manuel 3 hrs, .5F 3 1,88 James McDermott Janit-.or 4 hrs. ,51+ .3 1.75 Leslie M. M111er Jan. Eng, 20 hrs, ,52' 1.53 9,02 Laster ,.toll. era " " 14 hre, ,57 6.RR John Mombrae " " 8 hrs. ,57 .67 3.93 Thomas F.Mulcahy Stat.,Fireman 11 hrs, ,57 ,92 5.41 John inunkelwitz Jan, c,ng, 8 hrs, ,h5 .64 3.76 Patrick Murnan " " 16 hra, ,57t 1.33 7.87 Pierce Murphy Stat,"r'iraman 20 hra. ,57 1.67 9.E3 John Nelson Jan• Eng, 20 hre, ,57$ 1.67 9,63 John O1Brian Janitor 4 hrs, ,51, .30 1,7$ Hugh 01 Donnell Jan.Kng. 8 hrs, .57J ,67 3.A3 OVliRT1MF. POR JANITORS & ENGlNNkj-(S NAME TIT L.r: TIb1S RATE 14j�% TOTAL David O'Regan ^a*i. hYag. 9 tire. �F7 •175 '73 4 43 1.87 Nele Paaala on 4 hrs • 4 hra. .48 �P8 1.64 Leo Peet red Paterson 14 hrs. .57 1.17 6,88 August Peterson 0 hrs. .55 .64 1.h0 3.76 B.85 JamesF.Petare on 18 brr. t,rs. .57 1,44 8.46 Waldemar RScTater la .55 .35 2,05 FBank Ritc Bet .48 .57 .75 4.43 M thiea Ros ^ 4 Tyr=. .57 .33 1.97 Joseph Sander Joesph J. Schnrfbll i 1 F, ^ ^ 20 bra. .57 1.67 9.83 Henry SrhneldP ^ ^ 14 hrs. .57 1.17 1.67 6.88 9.83 Otto Schne pr ­l 1 ar ^ ^ 20 1 -e. hrs. .57� 1.67 9.83 Bert Seldlar ^ ^ 20 4 hrs. .57Y 1.80 Wilbur Simons ^ 9 Tara. .52' ,31 .75 4.43 Oscar Smolen.k-y 22 hrs. .57 L83 10 2 Lloyd Spe tzm.n Henry 5p rieatarabach Bch. Eng. 11 hrs. ,57 .69 1,10 6.4A Nicholas St.dtf aid Jana. r:ng. 12 hrs. .57 1.00 5.90 Galas Staff. 4 hrs. .h7 ,33 1.97 Charles Starz _ 4 hrs. .5b .82 1 8 Arthur Story 12 Tara. .57 1.00 5.90 ledward Thomas 14 hrs. .57 1.17 6.88 Ieeac W. Thornp son 10 hrs. .57 .63 4.92 Earl Verby 4 hrs. .57 .33 1.97 Wm. Vlevering 12 hrs. .57 1.00 5.90 Carl W.rodell " s 4 hrs. .57 .33 1.97 Thomas F. Watters H.I. Jan. 20 Tars. .57 1.67 9.83 James Watson Ja hYag. 16 hrs. .57 1.33 7.87 Maz Werner 14 hrs. .57 1.17 6.88 Albert Woods 26 hrs • .57 2.17 12'78 August O• Yaeger SCT.. B7ag. 6.69 .60 3.54 Dewey Michela �tat.Flreanan 14 hrs. .48 .97 5.75 Albert Otta .96 5.64 Georg. R. Turnqui=t J^n iror 3 hrq. .410- .18 1.07 Carl E. Dahlby 6 �r<. .&1. .36 2.15 John H. Flan.gan S+ar .r1 roman 1. S> .43 .75 4.41 Gilbert J. Jan*tor 6 �.ra. .39q .34 2.02 F3Fat NO. 1 l54. ..n m it - .., r,- nF�. .m.•�t o. !:,ilia It io o. C^r—In I -hr Cleaning schools. :his acr._,c_y- aro s, by e­4ojj of tY.c following fecta ani r_ir�.ums taricns: N e .y to keep school buildings open on uccount of El tion nd sY6c ial activities at buildings. -- :1:1, rAoort _s _rz ., . c -or nn . I_ F:s of th, Ch—trr. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �dE€P No. -.G If April 25, 1954 WLMEAS, S. M. Archer has transferred to the City of St. Paul Ooe (1) Cadillac Sedan, 1951 Model, Motor No. 702951, to be added to end need ea equipment of the Bnreau of Police, Department of Public Safety{ therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said automobile be and it 1e hereby accepted end made Part of the motor equipment of the Bnreau of Pollee of the Department of Public Safety. Y— `aJ" - 'r��n��.,.. /\\'rn u•l .M,. lfah--y`- _ 1 Aduptad by till ( ncil-1a-2.Y_ 9 19U 198 Meyn CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. 97793 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERA', e ne a o0 ,, ays Eh NSC�By on nt RFiOR\lBOt � WHEREAS, T. C. Borg hae petitioned the Council for Per- mission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station on Lots 3 and 4, Block 12, Baz111e & Ouerin's Addition, located at 16 E. Ninth street; and WHEREAS, Aid T. C. Borg has submitted a blue -print of tie epalkosedtcayt fortheitb lnformationeofc the Council; and mP location, s WHEREAS, a hearing hae teen held in accordance with.Para- graph (f) of Section 5 of Ordinance 11o. 5840; therefore, bSt RESOLVED, That permlesion and authority are hereby given to said T. C. Borg to install and mal ntaln said station in accordance om the lan as with the automaticallyivoldtheyperml ttloThertanks and pump.aphallebe Sn et all Ad in accordance with the ordin antes of the City of 9t. Paul, under the direction of the COmoisssi onbjeoL public he approval the building plans and landscaning roundel and Public Building-; of the Commissioner of Parke, Pleyg dr alna¢e, or other and any changes Sr, curbing, sidewslke, ramp%, pnd an Schanges ias .ithln the at reet lines shall be made under the direction and to the eetief action of the Commissioner of Public Work.. The hp Peat, lrwlenevertla eh all det eshell be �minereve rthat)ect to revocation n g by ` the maintenance. of eFte station constitutes a fire or tr afflc hazard. ,',,I N 'I1.\IFN r. N,,, r j 'M'D ,"a i l'ru,ri• .� In [near nn •- fir. 1'resi it,iit \7 nhonc� '(Ty pLliHtt Ad-,pUsl by Ih, t'.,uneil, MAY 2 My V"", App--,[ 19,1 /\In, 5 YUIIL15i�"""� - - 3 Soo�. nu,� Y L �. . - - - ._ , . , L_ _ _ �. _. _ �. I - _ ,._ ------ _ - -� � � � _ - - � _ - �_ __ - � .. � ... - - - .. ----_...--- - - � __ -._ -_: ._ 3 Soo., ,u,u un.- t'ou_ « ._,� .. _ -_ �: lir.. r•'8 _` ` � - II'Xt - _ - _ _. -,, ._.. _-_ _ - 1, a ..� _ -� �l/.. _ .._ i Y H --._ �_'.. .. Ll_ _ �- -. - � - - \ _.._.. � -��. - � _� � - - POST CARD NOTICE[ OFFICE, OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Sl ........... ... .. o"I till (its ifi, tLut t, I'd Cha.,b, Cil [lull Middit, 2nd at 10 o'd,,,kA M MILTON ROSEN, 7808 C--Itl+mi.... of Fut-- Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made e A2 —E. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minn—o OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT City Cle,k end Commissioner of Regisiraiion qB. r„ April 6th, 1934. 'r -'- C. Borg, c/o Borg . P..er. Phrolture CO., Blghth and Cedar St.., St. Pant, Y1no—ta, Dear Sir: The City Cowell is informed that you de.ire to c nst'not and operate a filling stat los at 16 East Ninth Street, permission for which was grant- ed by the Council on Saptember tad, 1932. A. the Zon1ag 01di."`. regniree that such a statics must be eompl.Led within six months from the date of the permit, the Corporation Cona.el's office has ruled that yon meet file a application if yon deal re to proceed with this matt. Tours very truly, C City Clerk. ;',~ THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA `'+� " COURT HOU5E Air, Wm. F. LCOCL, Ci t•i CLerk. Gear Sir Pe : Drive -In F1: -ink =lock 1<, BaziLLe�s Ouerin's tidaii (q16 E. N_nth S-., (being at _lie int— -tion of 8th, Cth —1 rtt L.1.u, adjacent to the hors & 'overs Co T. ) T. C. Sorg, Np,.11-a t Pt -, d Ced:.r St:'. This a ilc�!ion vs grantel u�.er C. k. 935do w,d ezaeud ed •.,0 2e.:c. 3rd, 1933 unaer C. F. 9564`7, and the dri—ays e e cons ruc ted Lut�ncv lied onp1a.n knov.n �s Proposition No. u tui Zings o _ were erected. The applicant n v,ishvs to finish tte -,ka �ro;,o s ed e.,' ._roved un _r the so-cait en Pr opositlon No. ;. ' s Che st::*ion is to !e Located in a are. ned fnr c mre rc: al . mo _.nd v gaapproved by Lie hoard of "In. w hj"L to the in -.,ion of eon ci eto w��l '. pomp screens at -i _en a into ,hi .our_ „ :rely, Enoiaeer beoret—y. gh ri. enc 1. CITY OF SAINT PAUL .{ Gpi�l of Minne.ote DEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC SAFETY an T.h end Minnaaom S— April 17, 1934 Mr. William F. Scott, C lty Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of T. C. Borg for permission to instal a drive—in gasoline filling station at 16 East Ninth Street with reports of inspection by the Bureaus of Fire Prevention end Traffic. Very truly your,, C� Commissioner of Puhlic Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Apr. 11, 1934. Mr. John R. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sdrt— Thi• ie Sn rePe ran ca to agp lioat ion made by T. C. Borg for permiu ion to install . drive—Sn gaeo lino f1111ng station on Ince 2 end 4, Block 12, Bea113e 8: 6mr la's Addition, also described N Mo. lb L 9th Street, May I refer yon to pravions recomendation made on this application Aug. 31, 1932, +h1 ch read. N follow. t • I Lave be,n. presented with a set of plans for this station, which will overeome the objection. raised against the first plans, vis., that the grade between. Ninth and Eighth Street has, been eliminated by plaeing a r teiaing wall in i— center of Cha block, and melting the grade level +itbboth et re eta .o that there "111 ba mo danger of cars skidding scrose the sidewalk n. 8th Street, as might have bappened w e the first plans appro—d.W. It world also prevent Care from driving thru this station from one Street to the otber. It is my opinion Chat the revised plans will not materially Interfere with traffio. Iosemach d the ra bas bean no change made in the last plane submitted, I do not find that the granting of this permit will materially interfere with the movement of traffic. Trusting this meets with your approval, I sus Tours truly, Harry R. tergren, Supt. of Offraffi.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C. I .I of Mi...... DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T—h ..,d MI.-- So... JOHN H. McDONALD, COruvisic>rvt¢ i Honn.�s V OC��oec.n Cw...,e.. April- 17, 1934. Honorable John H. McDonald, Com`r of Public -- r ty. Deer Sir: T—regard to the application of T. C. Borg for permission to lne tall a drive-in gasoline filling station at 16 S. 9th Street. We. have investigated this loaatl o and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard or that vicinity if this station were permitted to be, installed. Respectfully yours, Chief Igsp actor. WCB/J r Yne n f gip;• - e,ra�'.:�>' - .. ✓ ..Gi^. _� "._ .Ct. :. � L+1�C1 ._r TO 1 1. • L 1. F7- - - i ------- _. - - - -- - - � I I I i P,hsbur,n )7704 CITY OF ST. PAUL .....NO.-- -- -' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PResEnreo ev ,.�' .— - ` �� •-- -_,L C. r� owTe MY tt 1954 wRF.RF ec. Charles W. Doane deeLree to withdraw Barber lice... at 655 So. Snelling Ayanna, tha fora, be tt RESOLVED, that Lha p—per city officer. be end they — hereby authorised to —i—d to Cba_ lea W. Doane, the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for Be- her I -L— . COU NI'1I.M F:N Y— 1 a3'+ -Atay / Nil D<.nnl.i 3iaan \\ --1 �m a -az lir. tiah......y- iiRilR� A g,ia,t It Ad,pt,d by till C-11,11, -MAY---2--191 19193 �. App193__.. roved -.. - CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. _j 7! OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— EN ERAL FORM c ss_� z _ =�i Ltt{ Yvl ✓. L`--C`-�G. Dare MAW 1, 1934 RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the following named per.... the fee. indicated depoeited on application. for Dance Hall licensee, which licensee have previously denied[ Job. H. 6rapp (Emerald Inn) 347 Dniveraity Ave. Dance hall $15.00 Appl 6298 George K-7 & Carl Cory 186 Grove St. ' " 15.o0 5567 Jerry Mlk..e l.h 455 Collin. St. " " 15.00 • 5651 ('O ti N('11. Yi HN Yetis \a y llrw- / 11Sc IJo n.lcl k,srrtr il'r��ax 1 AR rout _Nh, P"n id'' t 1S nl�onry � A,lupt,d LY th, C' ­ l___ _mi, ,qv Appr,,,,d . _. 19.7... GGcc 1« ws M nor" O// CITY OF ST. PAUL NO t)77% OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+ COUNCIL RESOLUTION —y ENERAL FORM se 7 =—�—=R=-_. ✓. w/A )L�. ��Ltc±.R�C. on May 2, 1934 RESOLVED That Hest—ant license, application 3077, On Sale Halt Beverage license, application 3078, and Tavern license, anplicaticn ,185, be and they are hereby granted to Harry Bernstein at 156 Horth Dale street, and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such lie ens es upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. 1'cnn \'n�n V. .n Agn�nst Pt-.,fxheen''Zl� Adep sd by u s e l -- MAY 2 9 1934 sa Appro.`s°I ` 2 9 1934 e/d ` dCtigg M n _•.u�-tt str.,..t ,. fl --y t --y. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY To the BUREAU OF POLICE: BUREAU OF LICENSES 77 Appl. No. -.:�e' Name Business Address— he- -PPli.d -'1 ice- - Furnish in detail you, reasons for approving or disapproving this application.4 REPORT License Inspector. -71 < :' APPIV-7V--- Chia of —Police USE REVERSE SIDE IF NECESSARY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY To the BUREAU OF POLICE : BUREAU OF LICENSES _Appl N...- Business o.-Business Address____ has npplicd L/ for- �1.L'. -� L._ l_ -E���.SLLicense Furnish in detail your reasons for approving or disapproving this application. REPORT: License Inspector. APPROVE Df , ' -- --- Chief of Police �-- Inepeetar USE REVERSE SIDE IF NECESSARY ioa �w CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PIJBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF LICENSES To the BUREAU /OF POLICE: Appl. No. _Lt has applied �. 193 �-�-' _, ior—��1_ — — License Furnishin detail your reasons for approving or disapproving this application. REPORT: / License Inspector. APPROVED: � Ch of of Police I Pecto{'.' ' USE REVERSE SIDE IF NECESSARY if 2"", ion !t,:act street loc-,tion of Tc,rn_Z,,e—Z In Chet building zone classificatior?. On -het 11... lore? 7-6, ',I n , -io" ro. "ill 6ancir,E IQ provides'.? `. of 11.or ccul"x "ill veudsville enteric i- b- ---ic-d?-- t., of qnto,t,i—tt- Name of annii—t? 1 b, "It Y- - citi,-1 of -'),c 7-.-d Sttn,l N,t­ f offoj,-,.— H— Y." e— ti,)b, '�i hulinelz o. s 1— 111,,—? "hat kind of h—, lo"t'd Sr.. Pnul , pain C71 THE OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Application No. 8077 Nerve Harry Bernstein Bueinees Address 1S6 No_ Dsle St. has applied Apr_ 20, 1939 for Restsurnnt license. REPORT: Mr. Bernstein hr's just started in Business nt this eddrees. Was Formerly parking cera st 384 Cedar St. Tor 3 years. He is a Citi zan o£ O -S. Hss very nice up-to-date pince with all the regssirements_ Good reputstien. Will operate in en orderly Approved: Ae£ftery & KennedyThos. E. Dsh111 Inspectors ChieF £ Polices Appli—tion 3078 On Sale Be.,- Applicaties 8185 See App1.. 5077. Keep -Out in Front for 1,934! / Date CALLED ON PERSON INTERVIEWED TOWN T (o 7- JIL 1 "Thls one thing we'll do and o Neff" Salesman Be Successful, Well and Happy Keep Out in Front for 19341 Date CALLED ON PERSON IN"FERV1EWED TOWN �.J (e lay Je "Tots one thing Nell do and do Nell" Salesman Be Successful, Well and Happy ® Keep Out in Front for 1934 ! i vote CALLED ON P' PERSON INTERVIEWED TOWN T • "This one thing We'll do and Jo well" Be Successful, Well and "uvvv • Keep Out in Front for 1934! Date CALLED ON I PERSON INTERVIEWED TOWN al JI 1 �� • "This one thing We'll do and do Well" Salesman._ Be .Successful, Well and Happy CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ca to of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WIILIAM f SCOii Cny CIe,4 and Comma o — of Req -1,,, .� May znd, 1934. Aon. MS lton Roeen, Co., of Finance, Building. Deer Sir: 4 The City Council referred the attached petition favoring a tavern at 156 Bo. Dale Street CHarry Bemeteln, applicant) to you with the requee you check the petition and report hov many of the petit tonere property e o rc or --ii dente Sn the 1®edlcate vlcinity of the l oca t i o n . The matter nae laid over to May 9th. Tours very truly, City Clerk. BENEFIIS I)AMA-:S -(IIAN-,• A, ..I -1v x' I'll NI:R 1,L Bl.lk w D". -N eZ �,f 6 BENEFIIS I)AMA-:S -(IIAN-,• A, ..I -1v N"', --t for -- — ----t — n7 Qe -n l'i et I \I 4h .1: 1.: \t'4: 1—t BI— A 1) 1I 1'1' 10 N - —El—1 UAAIAGE.S 1G CIIVNEIt "I U'CY Actunl A.s. eenLle J 79//'i C�Cc � v. .oroa.:-„ iGi �%' /r�•rc�� �!Y FJ .�� � /Y-� `4�,o'ai �o "� 9 S +� �. 1 A—ussrurrit for 'i 7 eA' Al� Assessment for Ilk", A 111111 ION A, 1- Ts IN— CITI Petition ) t, f, Cozen c:l Fik No�__-- A d _..7 A PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT^^nr od,sna. and �. •, uowta�r .n rovaa.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigned1l eby I,,..esthc mnki ng of the [ulluwing publicimpro vement by the City of C:,i„f Yaul, viz.. Plant end protect shade tree=_ on Chi I combe Avenue from Brompton Street to Eustis "treat. - D—dthis. 25th. _dayof April,. 1434_ Cou an. T PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.. Plum_. and ._prDtaat..shade_. txaes---on Chilo-omb- AsE, — from ..........Brompton Str.et to Eesti -s- Str°•e-C -. - baying been pmacnted . th Council of the City of Sloe Yaul. themfore, be it RFSOLVEU, That the Commiaeionnr of Public Works be and :e hereby ordered and directed: 1. To ioveetig,w the necessity for, er desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nztnre, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total fucoat thereof. 3. To roieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. a owners 4. To state whether or not eeid improvement ie asked for on the pc titin of three or rn 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commias:oner of Finance. ✓.y,..�, 11 Adopted by the council..... _....�iiiY- Yens Ners M,Dol", App, ­d IL........ Paean. it— M.. t -Ma. Psesmea, ­C.n.I. p�BLSSi�� Petition G. 25 CIII,l r,I, N.. • PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ..d PRELIMINARY ORDER. ity of S.pint P"'d, viz.: Grade gustis Street from Myrtle Avenue to Wabash Avenue Dated thin 2nd dI­f May, 1934 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written F., the f the following improvement, via.: Grade guetis Street from Myrtle Avenue to Wabash Avenue having b... p --d t. the C-11.lil 14 the ()t, of --Ilt 1'-1 therefore, be it RESOLVED, Th.t the C.—oi-i-Ill If Public W -U be Ihd i. hereby ordered ..d di—bd. 1. To i,—tig— the .—mity for, I, d,,.,i,,1,i1ity of, the —ki.g If n.id improvement. 2. To i—tig.o, the -t—, —t— -11 1-ti—ted —t of enid improvement, and the t.Ud —t thereof. 3. To f,,.i,h , plan, p,.fil. or sk.tch of said 4. T, state I,h,th,,, or .,t said itIp--- ie caked f., on the pItitw. of throe or mora ow.ere 5. To report op.. ell of the f.mg,img mutters 0 the C—,Wi.— If Finance. Adopt d d.ptd by the C.—,il "y2 193Q Y.A. N— .,Do,", App—,d 3w M.. Pneet.eerx M.Y., ra,med File Na. / PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. TheundereigneJ hereby propunra the,nnking of the following puhiic i� �provmacnt by the City of."i-t P-1 'h Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary far slopes, cuts and fills In the grading of Eustis Street from Myrtle Avenue to Wabash Avenue. DMed this 2nd ,1, of May, 1934 I93. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for We nuking of the fallowing i-provc-oot, via. Condemning and taking an easement In the land necessary for slopes., cuts and fills in the grading of Eustis Street from Myrtle Avenue to wabasha Avenue. Loving bee. prae—d la the Council at the ('it, P.ul fl—dove, be it RESOLVED, Th.t the Conuninsioner of Public Works bend is horeby ordered a,d directed: 1. To m... tigate tho ne—ity for, or desirability of, the -,king of mid improva-ant. 2. To i.veatig.te the ..t,m, extent .nd e,tim.t,,d cost of mid improvement, ..d the total coat tlwreof. 3. 7'o fur,ieh a pl.., profile or ek-b of e.id i-prove-e.t. 4. To elate whether or not —d improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ow.ere b. T. report upon 0 of the fnr.goif Fi... nk�.tteAa ypy�c Car-niasioner oce. � a app LL 11``��JJ Adopted by the Council_ Yana NAY. M council-.n-E ., 51, �Q cDo!rns. Approved _.. _. Pe Ik Ma P err; . irr CLE.. -- l All 1 1 1 1 '4 Y t I t 1 1 i l _ f sue, {1� COUNCIL FILE YO CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, reaonstru.tior and renairinr cement sidewalks 1:ati u e 4o. 4, Contract 4-2, 1033. --Assessable-- F.O. 95927 University Avenue, north. si e-inninr 136 !e.. lic,f Str..t, t ­ ,ca west 72 fast .0. 96022 University Avenue, south side, beginning 26:. feet wos. o. xf,r� ,-.rest, theme west SO feet, r.0. 95927 Univor. ity Avenue, corth a!—o, bo -i not ;; 140 feet nast of ,rig; -s Crest, thenad East 30 feat, driveway, 40 fast walk o fact gide and 35 'e +t drivevmy 'r.O. 96022Unsiiversity Avenue, south side, beginning at Hemline Avenue thence wast. 1: feet F.O. 96091 Univerty Avenue, north side, boginnim„ 125 feet east of Snelling n.a, tharoe east 79 feet, thence 6 feetleust fror, curb to 5 feet south of property line F.O. 96294 Oxford Stroat, west side, fror Iglehart f.vsnua to feet aortr f Irla'.art Avenue F.O. 96075 constructing curb on west side of Oxford Streot from Isle arS :. c judo to a point 92 feet north of Iglehart Avenue P.O. 96033 3rimhall Avenue, east side, beginning 65 feet south o:' ;t. Clair :;treat, thence south to driveway, or aoout 4d feet F.O. 94206 Hemline Avonue, east side, beginning 112 feet nort. of Lake CMM and Phalen Avonue, thence north 6 feet F.O. 96024 South Wabash. Street field end Ind:-- a-:,mnos, l-•I^r f ^a'� +. n ' tha24 .fact — r.0. 96076 Ada Street, set side, be.;iating, 10:, feat nnrtt of C,--. _trout, hence north to alley F.O. 96090 Greenwood Avenue, west side, SB Inning 40 feet sough of Fo'oie Street, '...anoe south 75.5 feet F.O. 96087 Clinton Avenue, ..at side, beginning at Congress Street, thence south 100 feet, also Clinton Avenue, west aide, ha;;inning 145 foot north of Concord Street, hence north 84 festl beginning 10 feet farther north, thence north 4 feet -Y.O. 96024 South Robert Street, .rest aide, batmen Fillmore and Fairfield Avonues, beginning 112 feet south or rillmoro, thence south 24 feet F.O. 96095 Rosebel Street, west side, from the south line of Seventh Street to the north li-.e of Sixth Street 96393 Fifth Street, north aide, beginnin; at Broadway, thence wast 20 foot F.O. 96072 Broadway and Fifth Street, south—t ornor, 50 feat on Broadway sod wast 10 feet on Fifth Street F.O. 96085 Sixth Street. south aide, b,,1—in,; at 1l .... ta Street, t1—ce east 60 feet F.O. 86096 Sixth Street. south aide, Serinain at Sibley Str—t, then.. wast 33 feet, F.O. 96086 Sixth Street. south side, beginning at Dine Strep, thane. west 16 feet 7w0, 9w=T.SRt4 ,ides. Seaw O19%rseEe iib vh laptf -lw M¢mtia�, HIS rot +� .-p:0'•Sbit` Slertk:4laelf'1llisoi8t wakt 1G !'s�E't'r aabert B,b-W`thsasoi so. theme -.t'55 foot, Jay . wast. of 3t..petdr 1g6,!,((«y,afr�t�. peter'mtd west soveath Street.. Eft a; nor+. sin. b. FAr Y8486 9os}hei �traaat, sett wiiisy between saysmth I StrilrE end N1,g�rtti.8lnr ►t? 6 'fg� j ;dri,'aow eatranoe figs1ss-.{il., —Hoa Asseeeebls-- � F.O. 94298 Stanford Avenue and Faecal Av.aue, southwest screw G.F. 96296 Hole thAtathe e�iatiagat e•raeewalk onfroa the athefn rthtildeafkLake C- and65 Phal® Avenue x o P.O. 95930 Ninth Btraet, south aide, berinnicr 100 feet eget of Jackson Street thence j Dost 20 feet 6,f, T;w,: ........... I .... . Th, nxarsement of b—fit., .-t. and. -P-.-- f,,, and in ronneccioel -h the M,,, I ,, hinitt,d to 0, Council, and 11, --1 h—, ."d found the said --f- 11, 11, "r-, h, it FI), That 0" —d n, I, m,f the exme is I RESI)L\ ED FL It I IIFR, 11-1 1 11,Ad, h,,-, 1,hxd on sail asie,arm�n1 on t11SJ liu�01 fey 1P , nt th, huuv of 10 , ]m k A Nf in 0',('nonoil ( 1­0h� , of 0', 1 if I Hall liulldlla. in 11, f 7 Pa"I that th, f Fi­,, gi, of . .......... 1h, , II., "w-, )f 0, ,,, th, v. wiwm fh� -1111, in Jvon„l. 2 Ad,,h it 1, flhi !'lurk . ....... ..... W- I • • CITY OF S+u. ne�ee �o a --:1-. NO. OFFICE OF THE Ct, •. B--- t - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN ne qtowa-` ^�Nk T awzn AAS, Led orrisnereto-ore been issued an "odf stle" liquor lice::se for the n ­ Premises located in the Coceee rce ,' ldinF at 'ne corner of F"Ttis and s: abae na Streets, an ".I"•:HFAS, t:.er- ,:ae been created a hew cornora'.:i:, n, under the laws of tre St- of L:in�e�ota, known as the Co —erce Liquor ;tore, Inc., for tae sur Pone of a,nducting the 'Off -ale" liquor business on such Premises, and said Ben F.arrri, has requested that 1Ss "off. -ale" liquor licenee be transferred to such corporation, and lr'ESEA, the Comnerce Liquor store Inc, has furnished a new bond in the amount of $3000.00, dated May 1st, 1934, and -tiEAS, ane Liquor Control Co:amie sl over of tns Sta_e of :.. ihneso2a"Las consented to t.,e '-Lnsfer, therefore be it RE}OLV.D, that such ""C nt for transfer of licence be and the e her ��by dr anted and the Proper city officers are ie authorized and .:irected to :r. n-omalr changes in the records ake t^ of the City and notify t:,e said Liquor Control C a-si sslo ner of Ln1e a^tion, sendinE to said Co.:mtn sinner two copies of the "off sale" liquor bond,( BE IT 9`_iRTHER RESOLVED, that the bond of the —m—r— ,or Store, Ino., be and the e—c is hereby ap .grove d, and the City Clerk is directed tx deposit tn, same in the office of the City Com .,c roll er. E I F17RT -EA R 9ULV D t ;a Poratron C 1_ be -by atno 1.zed d -re ed ad 1 etre surety on t e c and 1 / o ',Le saidBen Harrisof t heti n f re Council, and triat rn tursty is —Isee(!x c any fur ner liability ari,in ri / / c. rood aft or r St:;, ..�e ..e o,xuo. is 2lon ts re-o:ticn. COUNCILMEN Y— N"}d nd"F,ieai,Yw,�a—„cIIMAY 3_1934_Ihs �Penrcr - In [nvoc AI,,,tnvcd .... ... .... . .. . I93_ -:,a","f- �w 1 SCO'CI`, c}rYB. cc¢>:uc St- Paul, -inn - May 3, 1934. TO TH;-- "STY CO-JNCIL, St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. SIPS; The unde-sl fined, holder of an .,£f -sale liquor license Sseved by your So dy, coveri— the nremisee known s 2 Fast 4th St., St- Paul, co-�inty of Ramsey, state of 6:i �:ne so ta, does hereby beg to inform you that there he. been created a corporation for thy- purrcec of carrying o!. the "Off -Sale" liquor business at this add r e es- The name of the Corporation is ti:e Commerce Liquor Sto re,I nc., Incorporated, under the la". of the State of Minnesota. This letter is written for the purpose of re - ....ting your Honorable Body to tri+. r.sY er my lincense to the said Commerce Liquor Store, Inc-, and to Sndi- cate my cor.eent to such transfer. Very truly your., Ben e., i )7�i112 '. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITU CLERK COUNCI!„/RESOLUTIP;i—GENERAL FORM 7 Rcmmnaa WHEREAS, the hereinafter named liceneeee have heretofore been granted on -sale liquor licensee and deposited for said license fee an amount in excess o£ that required by Ordinance No. 7537, approved January 16, 1934; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the sal d ordinance, auch licensees are entitled to refund. in the amounts set opposite their name.; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to said Iicen.eee the gums set opposite their names, to -wit: Name -of Licensee Amount- of Refund A. L. Johnson $83.33 Steve Bchweitz and H. Str-all 41.66 Henry Scheibl 41.66 Ra y Bernstein 4. Mrs. Eva Mitech 41.6666 Chas. H. Haggard 41.66 `• jeal S. Silver 41.66 F. Mateo inger 41.67 m^<. Jobn.on-Schaeffer Drug Co. 41.67 John F. Egan 83.33 Isadore Rischall 41.66 Edw. J. Peterson 41.67 George Fyhrie 41.67 Emmett Connelly 41.66 Wallace Welecb 83.33 C. Eddie Bwaneon 41.66 Victor Tschlda 41.66 E. F. Jelinek and RaY Robee Tts 66 Nick Chlomee 41.66 Pat Delaney and Rohr. Gallivan 83.33 Harry L. Bremer 41.67 Park Recreation Parlor 41.67 J. Ryan and J. Roland 41.66 COOV('ILS11?V 1'ene Nnrs Ad r, I, led 1- Lli,il. IJ:i. Sfay SicINn-Id \\ eN sa, I N ir. 1'i,lenL S(oh oncy SI" Prry - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRMWO ByI $SIDE[ItQQ ( 2 ) Jack N. Earter $41.E7 Fred C. Hergee 41.66 Papoleon DeRoma 41.66 John Eeelinger 43.66 Ace Boz Lunch Corp. 41.66 Geo. Richter and Ed Aydt 41.66 A. J. Todd 41.67 Yenn \n,s� ifas- //`Ic7)nnnlJ / �4'cn zcl aa M a_ :TI r. I'rrri�lc��t Ji phoney 1 9 „�, No. Ad ,-d I, Ih, ��.,�������1. MAY 4.1934m, A pF�ru���1 .t 1�1JR 19:t f r'C[ pYJBLI';IILf) J � �� i - L<>tATInN ___.. —_. __ _. _. _ _.._ __ _ _ ____ p — ___ __ _ — - .a „nr � c_r rvs['F � �. i r,..i t _�. r �'��-!/c„i /'. �� /' �/^ '!G Ct �� Sao ,�.i � � �E c,� .. �. � � M �. �,..... .._ �.. �. _ -G z c�-c� -- �----. i � -sem /�-1 �� �- d �� � ��� � � �/6G- / , I ��� �/G6 /� - �' f�ftiris�wzc- � -�/(�- � �'d ZoZ �� -�/Gl "'''�I �' �, ��c yf ��L� F � SII �/6�_ � l o b - / (/ � -- - -x/66 i�d , -c Gf�L �ir �isr�.�-r � I �/� y. > � h �//�� /,fes �... _. LCC t�TiO h' . i '{� i_ ,r -i. ... ,-...off � cc neo' .�q�. .�, � .. t. " .._ t�ni� s,. .. ... ,... .. <<— __. ___. �1 S �.� � e. � Y u-.� Ao. ,.., r., i �( �� � (�. � C � I IIS _.��—. / p, _. i �. Nn -- ._,_ _, _ _. ___ _ _. _ -. 4. r_._.._...__ � - ._� I _. _ __._ __ ._..-_ ____._. + _.__ - - - _ _ _ - - r __. _. i �1 _. _ _. _. _ I i e .. - _... i� .:.___ — _ _.�.�_...__.�_ � ... a _ . _ i .�.._, _.�.� — e;Cli` )�.ar�v. o �.w'^•^ CITY OF ST. PAUL CLERK ...r NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL oy FORM 61119[71�I HEtt5Ai;, the hereinafter n ­d ltarn;ees have he—tofore beI granted on-e'Ile llnnor Ito-nae- gym1 that re�.�.11red deVosl ted for -n1'' . by Rr'inrn 1,e lto-ese fee aroa mntninryrl6eeloof4 -�}izR4n `, yurevnnt to the a 1� , or^Sn the act anor, Wool^. 11c..nee ea opoatte tt.,ir no^oa; are entitlei to refunds in nnounte therefore, be It RF3oLVT.M Thet the proper olty offtarre t'y sre be qnd no the ;at oproslte d to -ate' lto^naeee ber aty ." thori;.d to r,funthetr U_ na, to-®tte N,re of Lioeneeo ARou't_ of fte!un^. _r1�, A. 6. Johnaan - Steve seh_itt and St�nmanll r+ Henry 9ohelbl , �14 Harry Bern-Loin _ r. 41.66 J x r,1 H7s. Fbe tel teoh � �. 4L 60 . tr. Cha;. ,;. HagPare, 41.68 . S. silver - 41. 07 _.. eohnger V. Hnti Drnc C- 41..7 h ,`'Johnson-sohaeffer job-; �&pn 41'06 _ Ieadore Ri;oh-11' ';'r�;� 61 67 . r-s?Cu1v. J. Peterson X41.67:y 19[. George fyhrle - ' R"`. .4166 . ... - y !..o Xwett Connelly — _i Wallaoo aelsoh - f N.41 7 1 41.36 a BdAe Swanson -41.66 x"-Vlotor T-ohidn - .41 x; - ... y 7. . Jelinek and RaY HOtCrts SJv- 41.66 k _ ' fllok Chlomee Pat Dalnney and Robt. 01,111van , 6.,.37 - .1 Harry L. Kremer "'° >�41.67 - - � 41.67 Fnrk Reareatl on Parlor ,l;.eo 41.66.E _, T.Ryan rnd .T. Roland - -, } nn�rll.�lr: MI \I r. 1'i-ilil Malliir. •�.�..,c .�. ��I�.wr�..,..,� CITY OF —F PAUL ,i•. NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU NCIH R60LUTION GEN ERAS FORM (2) - Jsok RarLer -341.x:7 •.1 Fred Aergee .. v I flaPoleon no -10 a �,•I John Eealinger- 411 ..6866 � AoBox L"lah h,,,, _. I!6eo. Alohter aziA F.f1 Ay3t _ :�(.'41.G6 „! J. Todd .,.. 61.67 VI .... —I I, '1.. It, ITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT March 15th, 1934. Yr. William i. 600tt, Olty cl- rk. Dear Bir: Your letter, of W—h 13th, to which you have attached a letter from John T. Ygan, requesting a refund of $83.33 on a 11quo; license, is returned to you for the reason that there is a large number of liquor licensees who have refunds coming, and your office is preparing a list which shows the amount of refunds due them, based upon the date when the lioense was actually issued. Seedless to Asy, there is no reason to select one from this number and pees n resolution, separately, regarding it. Yours very truly, Assistant Corporation Oounsel. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F SCOTT City Clark and Commizzioner of Req -1 1— March 1"th, 1914. Mr_L. L. dndar.on, Corporation Counsel, Bill l d1 ng . Dear Sir_ Tha at C—,11 --1 c ha,'.%P.1.11—,d appl lc at i one £or wt thdrawala o£ o££ sale^ liol�or licensee end r.f—d. of the faealeposited thara£or w referred to you, by the council, for the Proper ra so luti on grants og such re—. t a. Wo also attach letter from Toho T. Egan sting a ehsnd o£ $83_3z on his " sale^ li qunr license. whlchrwaa refs rred to you for the proper resolution_ Your. vary truly, ;z City Clark. Y -h 9, 1934. TO THE HONOR.ABI.E COUNCIL OF TKE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: On February 6, 1934, I paid to the City Clerk the a— of One Th --d Dollars pith an application for nn "Oo-Sale" 1lquor license at 1096 Grand Avenue. The license nee issued on March 2, 1934- I hereby makeapplication for s refund of $83.33 for the month of February inasmuch as the license as not ieeued during that month. Very truly yours, � 1V t -- 1096 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul. Minnesota. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ca —1 oI Minnasols OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT City Clark and Commr er of Reg r.nr�on mss o March 14th, 1914 Mr. L. L. d darson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear si— The attached reo��eet o£ J. py— & J. Aoland for ra£und o£ $41.66 o their " e,le- -11 le" aaor license No. 1-18 aFa ad to you for the proper resolution granting thi acre Yam d_ Yours very truly, City Clerk. �( °��`��.� �`�`� U � � 6 Z i �� GZcx. t- St. Peel, Ifinn ee of s, 14arch 14, 1934. City ,—ci1 City o£ St_ Pass1_ P1---b1a Si ra z Ozs Fabn ary 24, 1934, I made application for an @a Sale 7L,i quor Li tensa at prem J.to tet ad et No. 1953 University Avenue, sad d —posited therefor the mum of $958.33. A 1 —ring on my seld application v e had before your body tlza tad oS 3fareh, and as a result efst hat heeling, my ap pl scat ion vas denied_ ch ae I have no further desire for an On Sale Liquor T"i tea sa =Tl:aa>�by espaetfully request that you euthorl ae the ratanr+_a t.o ma o� myrsa id depo mit of x958.33. 14spectfu11y yours, BSaov Wellmme, 935 Uoodri�h Avenue, St. Paul, Ylnnesotn. li T -eF (L./:. y --r �:.,- - : f r- i J r-� `t -i . rte- ..- _� ✓_�..,� .v. ���.,.. �� .. , r � -_r� �;:-�ti�, �_:�.�y; a,,,.r�.,,�.�s �_ r i/t,l6 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK c COUNCIL RESOLUTION—ENERAL FORM Paanaa oATE_ RESOLVED I1H&HFSR, the following named have made appllcat i ono for eon sale. liquor 1lc a nese at the addre seed indl Gated, and WHEE es, the Conacll has not granted :aid appllcattone, and said apcencante Lava regneateod withdrawal :aid and a rat\at of their 11 ee feee and ' torn f their bonds, therefore, be St RESOLVED, That the proper city of£lcere be and they n e hereby aothorl zed to re Shad to the as" applicants the license feee heretofore deposited by them and the City Clerk Is authorised to re tarn their respectSve bonds to them and cancel their applica- tlone: Joe. Delmont & A. J. Ruchie Jemee 8111 lame, Frank BSfalk COUNCILMEN Y— N— j -stay /�I ci)nnnld �Penrcc In fnvor 1tu.ea- � l Against C"I Mr. ll -,id— Muhoncy _ y--- -- 648-850 Payne Ave. 560 St. Anthony Ave. 229 W. 7th St. to —ld Adopted by th, cMDY _.. �4 1"4-. .103_.. MAY a 7qi4 103_ Mayor.. .tet. Paul, Minn. May let 1934. Tothe Members of the City Coca t3- o Y City of 6t. Paul, City hall, 6t. Paul, Minn. ,entle.men: on March 8th 1934, 1 the is rides icned deposited with tt.e City Clerk of the City. of -t. Paul L_=l a of tt, the urm of Nine hundred sixteen and 67100 Dollars 0916.6 7) to t2 -.e end of obtainln¢ an Un -sale Liquor Lioenee; that S have been in^armed that I will net obtain said 11cense and Sn view of '._1' Yact, 1 desire to withdraw the money, to -mit: Pw916.67, vrLich 1 st 111 ?:ave on deposit mith the City Clerk of the Cit;: of -t. Paul, ..ii renes ota. This letter ie written to r -._e me nb era oY e City Council of the City of tet. Paul, upon being informed that a ler ter to said City Council would be neoee eery in order to Lave said It Coulcll take the matter up in routine to the end oY havinc the money- above mentioned returned to me. .and S therefore makd demand for the return of said 9916.67 at ti.e ea 3_:L st convenience of the City Conno ll. nes Peotfully > 560 St.-nthony -nue 2 �z�:.t Paul. Minn. U N i 3 o - No1_l B04 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COU NGIL RESOLUTION {E I RAr. FORM RESOLVED WEST 4, the Yo llowi-9 named pereone have heretofore filed appl icatione I. •of£ Bala• liquor 1lcen ae s. and have depo.i ted with such applications the lleanee Zee there Yor. vi.: Strobel Bros. 1821 St. Clair St. H. E. Liebe rmen (Concord Drug Co.) Concord at State St. -d, Where,s. said pplicante 1—a withdraws their applications sad have reeve a ted the return, or the amo—et dpoelted, together with s11 paper. filed with the said applications; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper citg o£Yl cars be and they are her -),y authori.ed and directed Lo return Lo the above memedpereon. the vnt oY the 'Off sale• linea ea Pae hereto Yore deposited by them with their pplice,tlone and the Cltg C1a rit is directed to advlee the State Llgmr Control Codasionar of the £act that said application. 1—. been withdrawn.. UOU NUI1.M EN Y es N,, j . '�[BIJnnnld ii'cnrc, In fn.,,r 'I'runc A,ah— t\'enz�l `M e � Mr. 1'rcai,l�nL 1lnhoncy Ad,,pt-11, the ('uu,-IVAY 3 '0'14 193_. CONCORD DRUG COMPANY C",—d " S,- S,— ,;—I Peel M��osota L i c<: r:.a Commit t�.e: Ise„r Ctrs. Is. i srnt in no ucllim�tl un for un off -sale liquor licuns, for my drug store. I undnrstsd that. I11 Possible licensys --' b�u i—Id Ind t..::t there is no o :,ibility for mur(beinr, i-,snnd in to n.. r futur. "'u rednq the ease, I requast t I ” you 'e.und mc. my a�50..,0 Ind n, turn bond tnat I m.;:y I tir it t.m the bomdinq Ce,. Sinc-,Iy - Q Berman sole owb_ 4 � <) N O h 4. 3 oME ow Eo . o oEo, ., .o ME =EA crairloay. STRO BEll, BROS. FINE GROCERIES AND MEATS CITY OF ST. PAUL mv.cic NO. _........... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 5, 1934 raeseeTeo v j`.�J onT MaY ooMM�ss�oN&R _ / ... RESOLVED That That Botcher license, application 2048, appii.d for by the National Tea Co. at 557 Wabash& Street be end it ie harsh, denied upon reccmm®dation �f the Berean of Health and the prepay city officers are hereby sathoriaed to refund to the National Tea Company the fee of $25.00 end to cancel said appli- cation for license. C0 �N-ILMEN /hZf Donnld /7'enrc�• In luvur g,i,,,t AV, --I WPI. P. — 'I M'. Pry-.i�l� nt Mnhoney Gl'fl C'R.K Adapted by the Council'A� -_ _ _-.. 197_ .. App,.,,,] ... !. ... 197... Mayor m 1"'Zilili CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM s rnesE.aTF�, Y� S 1954 •• RESOLVED That Ba her license, application 3196, applied for by Geo. Lazaroff at 670 Jackson Street ba end It is hereby denied upon recommendation of the &¢eau of Health and the proper city officer- era hereby authorised to ref—d to Geo. Lasaroff tba Sae of $10.00 and to cancel said application for Barber liceaea. Cl It 7 N('11.: IE NN Y— 111�Y— /11IcI)onnld �1'earo-• In favor 12eeCIf' - \) as. ..vim J1r. Pr —I—t Mahoney _ CI_rHTC Adopted by the Coe—iLMY— 9..1934,._. Isla..... Approved__ __ }.i .'i M. _.�._rdyn _. 101..__ Mayor a.W.iroc�.r a..k CITY OF ST. PAUL „i NO. 97807 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM r Are May 5 1954 WHERBA9, R. V. Howard deelres to withdraw applloation 2717 for a Barber license at 106 Gilflllan Block; therefore, be it RMOMD, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby aothorized to refund to H. V. Howard the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application .or Barber license. Adupted by the Council_ "y! _ _ App --d MAY j 193.-. Mnyor G n2"S. Yeas \n� r/ �sld /1'enrce - In favor r /�1T2rrr"mn ARaiaet �t'rnv J M ar Af r. Prcrident \1nhnney Adupted by the Council_ "y! _ _ App --d MAY j 193.-. Mnyor G n2"S. N. 17. PK CITY OF ST. PAUL .iu - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL FZ�—TION GENERAL FORM co o e•' °��� � .re Yny 5, 1854 __._— _ �oNss - �2.c-�( WI FeC, Tavern 1lcense No. 56, apiaication 6715, a piring November 1, 1954, was issued to Marvin Eadrie at 515 Rion Street, and WHEREAS, Marvin Eadrie operated said Tavern for a period of three month., namely, November, December, and Jeau ry ..ben he was ordered to close said Tavern by the emrean of Police; they r—, ba it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby enthorised to ref=d to Marvin Eadrie SX50.00 being that part of license fee —acing --pared portion of 11cen.e, a period of nim month., upas forfeiture of said Tavern license No. 56. T. COCNCILMKV Y— Nnye / trnnonld �'i•nru — In favor �I'r�inc Ago net �1Ven gel `M •- fir. I'rr.il—t Mabonry - Adapted hr the C--il MAY 9 191A 193._ -- A,,--d _ N.!�iS___.l _]��A. _ 193._. M a�-or CITY OF ST. PAUL r�u NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM ��i-c...�.- Gin. • �jL DATE R=13W xx 'XHZREAS, Melvin Srerck has made application to the Council for permission to install an ice -house on the west side of Rice street between Hatch and Lawson streets, being Lot 4, Block 42, Auerbach 4 Hand's Addition; and WHEREAS, proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph (f), Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said Melvin Frerck a permit for said ice -house on said property, said building to be constructed In accordance with the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. UOUS( ILMEN MAY gg }"C6N tiny/ A�Io�I,��J by 11',C'„un�il .. -- Y .^Ct7ly �p,�y :\t C�iinlnlJ Mpg s "4 1'. nrcIn f,�or .AI,I.r..v��1 _. - 193 _ltueerc �,1 - Wen v.I nm e- /Nir. \[,honey -- , ' �, � t'UBLISHI-'D j CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital oI m.,—ola OFFICE OF CITY CLERK -Iffl— F. SCOTT Cliy Cled and Com i, inn , o1 Ree deo May 2nd, 1934. Nr. L. L. Anda reon, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached pe tltion of Ne1v1n Prerck for permle ei oa to Saetall as ice house on the eat side of Bice St, between Batch and 1—on Streets, being Lot 4, Block 42, Auerbach & Bead'e Addition ea. referred to you, ty the Cowcil, for the proper r,eolo- tion. Tour. very truly, City Clerk. POST CARD NOTICE! OFFII'K OF 7'IIp; COMMISSIONER OF FINANCL. St. Paul. Minn., Apr. 21. 1934_ 1'ureunnt t.. 1'nra�nipli F. Srrtinn 5, , enr!n1, 4 13uildinq Z,)" i ::a,o­ , up1 --,l Jnlr 7th, 1932, I that the nppli- catiof_.... _ ___ _ itelvl Framk I. 1m nin wulinue m•Inil' elation Ite,l R. aide oY Maes St., bet.Rttaht Larean--lot 4-bl> . 42. _Acerb—h__ A Hand's Add. ,.ill r, , np (..r +i.lcrnti.n brfnr th, o.. ril in thn (''iu�.ril l'hainlmr n thr'City Ilnll nod Co,.It Ilnn=o I3uil.linN ^n Ih,. 2nd of _ _M�_. 1!, 4 at to,, bock .\.\I. MILTON ROSEN, 7850 Commissioner of Finnncc. THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL,�MIN NE SOTA COURTHOUSE April 13th, 193L. Mr. Wai. F. Scott, City CLer'T. Fear Sir Your Letter of April 3rd relativ_ to ap'�lication o1' Melvin Fre rck for oermissian to instal: and aper:, to an ice 'ouse on the west side of Rice St. tete: e en Hatch and Lawson Streets, being Lot " 01-1, i,2, Auerbach & Hand, s Arid pion. T t-. 15 is in a Commerci el Dlstric t. The clock is practically vacant, only one house on rear of Lot e, And across the street Che entire block Ss aiso vacant exc e': t:ng for a store building near Ii. tch St. The hoard recommeri�s that the ,,e—it be granted subject co a hear Ing as provided for in paragraph "f" Section 5 of the Zoning Ordinance. Yours very truly, GEORGE!. Y.ERHOLD, Engineer Secret-ry. g h–r h t� Ev1ES7 W. JOHNSON W. 1.017 KA nu . al P ........ S.v of R..1, CHAS. A —STRD C, A.<R;lecl CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ CapifeMinn eaofe DE DEPARTT MENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX. C—illi—1 CARL E SPEAKES, D.P.,, C.mmini.— _(@ * April 9, 1934 Hon. Fred M. Truax comm ss1oner Dear Sir: I an returning to you herewith appllcet ion of Melvin Frerck for permit to inat all an ice house on the west side of Rice Street between Hatch a nd Lawson, which was referred to this Department for investigation and report. This property is zoned for commarclal purposes and the near- est Sce station is two blocks away and while there are no objections I reconanend that this permit be granted. truly, y Architect LAR .. U CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CM CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT City Clark and mssion Co m� e, of Regis .-non i April I'd, 1914. Hon. Fred M. T— C ruax, Coy." of P.P. & P. Bid— Building. Deer Si - The attached 1ppllcetlon of Melvin F11-11 for permit Lo install an Ice houee o the west side of Rlce St. between Hatch and Lawson Street. w red to you, by the Council, for investlgatlon and rt. Yours very truly, City ty Clek.\ CITY OF SAINT PAUL oc PnaTm c tri�Dirvcs ro..�..... . ... DIVISIONa OF BUILDING INSPECTION A .—Lnr,o —E APPLICATION FORPERMIT TO: BIIILO INSTALL m nrx aE5 ❑ ❑ oa REVAIR 1111WrvECrc HnNc A❑ o. ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DAie _193_ B1soX OWNER '�.. _ _ �_.^• _ _ADDRESS CONTRACTOR_. __—__- _ ADDRESS. ­­R w Aao Loi Buocrc Aooiriov oR rawCT SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES r es Ar _T 10 Fe raom owr-=�uvc ov snm1 ­r TI ©E Ar �F�.sr 20 Fl raom owr•=��ivc ov n �rvivc dors oerA �s oa ac arcs. Ar r 30 tT Faom ca yr TaE [[T raom sioC sra[[T oCONSTRUCT ION ON VACANT LOT �v Llv[ urvLEss 000a PROHIBIT1 _yED rvl(neJ hereby mvkex ppllev[Ivn �ilJiu�yJN ��rk i. I ere n ape.Ifir1, vi{reelnp .. orJim.�..11h ull .irJ lnvm is ��( [hc (or a ml[ to do [o Ju nll work In v[rlet ('I[y vt lvin[ Pnul, .I�nn�votn. NO PERMITGISSUEDS UNDEROTHIS APPLICATION wicu co Ea P m L__ 'A, Pu _ vG oa wnam A ll­­woa y ev _ _ ____�✓ k—t' I'th, Tiiton 10 r 0, i I din nnrr r—, "n y 1''.1^ 'd "ill Y— ',I t thle I—Ii-till n, t 'y 1---' —Irty FORM No, 2 Subject:� Council File No. e presented 1934 1 ed, WFERFAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported Sn accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employee of his department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, thereTore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE SUNDAY REG'rIAR RATE William Dupre Water -shed lab. 8 hr e.- .461 Antoine Leroux " " " 8 " 491, . Harry Oas Utilityman 8 6 hre. .534 William C. Smith Energ.repr. 8 " .44 Ralph Mulroy Meter repairman 3 " .50 Harvey Donohue Utilityman 3 " .531 Joseph Fiorito Ditch digger 8 " 55 Gust A. Jonson Dtilityman —" 7 " .53j Ben Danna Ditch diger asgotvrroae 1 It .55 Antonio Paduano " F N, 91911-13, 11-1 n rine,_ 1 " .55 John Risfanelli ° ° °ilii' ne, t moos "hoer of Nall, 1 '1 .56 Paul Rulli ° 11 dl seetma 67 of me Cay charter, the 1 ° .56 Joe Santello re ofas emmgeney whleh r. n ee neary the employment n mploye, of ble deparlmenl 1 " .55 Daniel Todora " g ghl hours per day at 1 It 55 Thomas Fahey Mech. helper Cd employment being .1 , of em"ls, 3 It .561 James Saporito t1 11 3 " .561 Joe Grappalle Ditch diger 3 11 .56 Peter Meyers " 3 11 .55 Mat Roberto " " . 3 11 .55 John P. Rruas Utilityman 3 " loi " .531 William D. Carlson Filter Plant lab. 1 " .49} Michael Mulkern, Jr. " "112g " .4q Ayes councilmen Nayte McDonald 7 Pearce , MAY d 1934 Adopted by the 1934 Truax Wenzel Approved MAY 110 1934 Mr. President Mahoney tic.�Id rN. Thompson General Superintendent W;q. F. SCOT'd, Cf—ITY CLINE FORM No. 1 May 2, 1934 An emergency has arisen In the Department of Public Utilities, Bureau of Water rendering necessary the employ_ ant o£ certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Opsratl ng Highland Park Pumping Station.- Changing meter at 457 St. Peter St.## Connecting main at Summit and Rice.## (`onnecting temporary main at 825 Gaultier St.## Driving truck.+: --Y Repalring holes in streets.n Pouring concrete. #--## This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: -Sundays. ##Had to shut off water —Taking men to and from CWA project. — Account of sudden thaw. ###Had to flnish Job. C d correct Le rd S Thompson Gen rel Superl ntendent CITY OF Sr. PAUL „u NO. 97812 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC_II RES LUT/ION GENERAL FORM co�M"ss RESO—D TTat there be and hereby is appropriated out of the Forestry Revolving Fund (1005), the sum of $5.20, payable to R. Johnson, 1721 Harvester Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of reimbursing him for an assessment for tree trimming work against Lots 25 and 26, olocic 3, Hazel Park Addition, as the assessment was levied in error, and the property having paid this amount — represented by receipted tnx statement. COUNCILMEN Pena N.}� M, 'Id Peurcr _ _In favor Ag,i—t /Ttr. President \fnhonny Adopted hp the ('--il_.._y,-Ay. _ 11934. -Isa__ i y /r:7d CITY CLIih I. ona�•• ,o ��r c�..r CITY OF ST. PAUL „� " NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �oMM,ss o� E RESOI_ thr,t the C,7)lication Of the t­Via Oil CoI­,,,y for permis SiOn to inB-11 rtora— tanks '�r 5o0,Qoo ,;allone, >£ fuel Oil, to be Located on the sou,.nee::t corner of F:a-':e Street and the L:ibwe-.111e1' Rliirold tracks, be and the came is —T,by ta.ted, ­en :­jref-e tan..., to be ina_alie_ in aclO dance w1-1 erdinencm of tr:e City P_­, and �der t— direction &-nd t-, t_.E. �ati>.f_ctiO �_ -o_:i>i:rio ,r >_ Pub Lic Safe=ty. ('tll'\(11.\IFN sa.-.� � I' —, .4Rai—t \\'•nzrl P. SCOTT, \I t. I'rr.idreit '\S anon ey � � e).Y'RY Adopted b, 1h�, (7,—,61MAY_ 41934 _ 193. _. Apl,n,vrd _. '9Y_ 41 TM 198.__ Mx} ur CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of M- .. -OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WI111AM F. SCOTT City Clerk and Commissioner of Regis,.ation aay 3rd, 1934. Nr. L. L. L demon, Corporation CoTmeel, Building. Dear Sir: Thn attached application of the Sta Vis 011 Coeapa a for pertalseion to erect storage tanks for 500,000 gallons of fuel 011 to be located on the a utas het c rof M gle Street sad the Y11- w vkna Rail -d tracicaw a re fa rrad to you today, by the Council, £or the proper resolution. Tours very truly, City Clark. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.cn.l oI Mi—,.o DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.mh end Mm—.. Su... ��HN 11. M�DON/�LD, CnFNVSSiONEY A. r11 21, 1954 Hr. William F. Scott, City Clerks Saint Paul, Minnesota Deer Sir: Herewith Is rep= -t of inarection of the Sure— o£ Fire Prevention on the application of the SteViaOil Company for permieelon to erect storage tanks for 500,000 gallon, of fuel oil, to be located on the southeast corner of Eagle Street and the Mil wnukee railroad tracks. Very/truly your,, Commissioner of Public Safety CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gv1t.l vF Minn:.om DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth end Mi-- S—ft JOHN H. -DONALD, C, --- Apr. Apr. 19, 1934. Honorable John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Sta- Vis 011 Company for permission to erect storage tanks for 500,000 gallons of fuel oil. These tanks are to be looated on the southeast corner of Eagle Street and the Milwaukee R. R. tracks. Ibis department has investigated the loca- tion and reports that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard of that vicinity if tanks were allowed to be installed. Respeotf.11y your., wcR/j Chief 7nsp eotor. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT Cir CI•,4 and Com i oo, of Regis ,T1ioo m�zs o April J" th, 1914. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Comer of Public Safety, City o£ Saint Paul. Dear Sirs An application hese been filed by The St -1, Company, Inc., 184-188 Ea91e Street for •permit to a-ect eto rage tank. for fuel oil the vacant property located at Eagle Street and Che Ml lwa¢ioae Lr—":. ThIe property Se located ac a the estreat £xnm our present plant, addrese 184 39-91- Street. We contem- plate ertcting 6torage feci11t1ee for about 500,000 gallons.• Thle application w referred to your department, by the C-11, for to—tlgatlon and repor t. Yours vary truly, City Cleric. THE BOARD OF ZONING A SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA • S COURT HOUSE T zL��wv. fir. Cr. iti CL er :. -ear :'ir oP „„ri1 1'tY. _ _rc3 ing the �. ;;r lic'-Lionr,F�l�e eta-vls Co_m,un;;,elnc. "U”a p=•reit t erect story �e s Yor f'u el �i1 �F1e :;tre�t :r.d tt.e tdil+�.skee tr--ckuse. "P t.i sn h sire � �i.e :.r .c Ks cr. Lice east ofnd is . _.. e s, --t .mm ti,pl..n� SCF -vis T' _. e a.eLsr it e.. v,; In' -try. nct. �r ;e is oer:n_ =iLLe He ,. ., In'vstrlal Lis t.r ict. if it „ intern -:'e -lt1 _nin '.'...�_ ric.L p 1�i5 L./ ESi :,.: 1:1.-1, '.7 .00.. r�IL a,'JPear '-o :.e the c.,..... T:_e '.-�..rd r•.=co :.. -"i t:...' t:�r_ .. r,r.' :_ Tim STA -VIS COMPAN V, INC. .7!'ttl N?L NORTHWEST DISTRIBUTORS OF P6I4&OIL ST. PAUL, MINN. April 12, 19:4 City Clerk City of St. Pau1 St. Pau 1, Minn. Dear Sir, Wewould like to receive a Permit to erect storage tanks for fuel oil en the vacant property boated at Eagle Street and the Milwaukee track.. This property I. located across Lha street. from our present plant, add- rese 184 Eagle Street. We oo nt emplate erecting sterage facilities for about 500,000 gallons. Will you please give this matter your immediate attention. Thanking you for yourpast favors and await ng your early advice, we remain Yours very truly, THE STA -VIS COUP iA. INC. t is •esi en.. JRtmh ND 5)-814 ,.., CITY OF ST- PAUL wu.=�� _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,u COUNCIL RESOLUTION ----GENERAL FORM �. i./. .c/ ! —._! ? o Te May 5, 1934. RESOLVED That On Sete Malt Beverage license, appll cation 3273, Off Sete Halt Beverage lioenee, annlioation 5274, , Ht2Aff-ZT75, applied for by Joeeph Deetito at 1694 Randolph Str'aet ba and they are Lereby denied np— raco®endatlon of the B-- of Police, and the proper city offYcere are hereby authorized to refund to Joe Deetito the fee o£ *50_00, tLe fee of $5.00 a -"he _gee -eq -$;0:9P and to cancel appl3cat lona £or Om Sale Malt Beverage, Off Sale Halt Beverage, which s¢ch Paas ware deposited reepective17. 1'()LTNUi .ME', I \ ayn al y / M, I I.—Id ' 1'enrc�• _ - to favor Basan i'1'ri�nx .Against %Ir. P,-,.1rnt V ehon rj A Bio pted by the (7--iL. _.. 9 I. _.I L'114.103._ _. A7W C ApI,ro veal _... 193._... - _.�_. � m-tea.•-t� hi xyor W=1. F. SCOTT, �C(1TY C'.LSH$ e� ,o CITY OF ST. PAUL `%^"` NO... 97 (414 -' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM r, f -----.._ / n co 0— ,�- 1,1,x(, ) , -'—f�� —T. My 3, 1934If _ =_ _.. . RESOLVED That On Sale Malt Beverage license, application 3273, Off Sale Melt ` Beverage license, application 3274, , a'tTbTr-S175; applied for by Joseph Deetito at 1694 Randolph Street be and they are hereby denied upon reco®endation of the Bureau of Police, and the proper city Aficera ere hereby authorised to refund to Joe Destito the fee of 160.00, the fee of $5.00 sad -.the to cancel applA..ti..a for On Sale Malt Beverage, Off Sale Malt 1 - Beverage, whioh such foe. vera deposited respectively. 1694 Randolph St. This is place formerly operated by Joe. 7111.111 on xhich lin ensas ware revoked end denied. S'ex9 Vaye JJoy urnpnma � I'inrcr In favor Boeen Ag,i-t /lCrnzrl W h F. SCOT -T, .v .0 /\Ir. 1'rrsidrnt btnhouey �CiTV CLS%$ Adupled by the (4—'d_ _.. "7.9Y_ _. 4 M4 193 _. Y� A,, --d .-.. -.... 193._.. Mnyur J St_ Paul, Minn., May , 1974. Commissioner John R. McDonald, Chairman of the License Committee, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Comm issloner: We understand that application has recently been made by Mr. Pestlto for a icense at 1694 Randolph Ft. Mr. Joseph Villelli originally operated this place as a beer parlor. he was convicted in the ?dunicipal Court of the City of �It. Paul on March 9, 19 .4, cf the charge of permitting dancing without c Tavern 11cen— . This place was als, operated in such a manner as to constitute a nuisance to this fine rez.idential district. The beer license was revoked by the City Council about the middle of March. A few days later, on March 22nd, a public hearing was held before the Council, at the request of Mr. Villelli, to consider whether or not the license be re -instated. Atthis hearing the Council refused to re -instate the license. The building in which a request for license is being made is the only business property in the neighborhood, the rest being strictly r—idential. Across the street from 1694 Randolph St. is a school for young boys. A short distance away is a school for yo—V girls, and a short block in another direction is the Mattocks School, a public school for young boy=_ and girls. Vie do not believe this location is a proper one for the sale of '.:',% beer. 7e arc absolutely opposed to the granting of a 3. y beer ltcensrto Mr. Pestito, or any one else, and respectfully ask that it be refused. Ne understand Mr. Uestit0 is either a brother- in-law, or some other relative, of Mr_ Villell. i. 'fours very truly, ,p /7o.2,U'.' �N_� L Gff -qt, Mr. McDonald: Ti— S t_ p:-1 City Directory shows Joseph Dest it. as a carpenter,—ieiing at 1696 f:andolph St. This is on the second floor in the .erne building in W,IL h a license is being requested. All of t-- neighbors who h— signed the atta,i-d setter llve within X00 to ?00 feet of 1694 handoiph .:t. Z am also enclosing a list of 149 —es .iA,h was filed ,Ith the City Clark March l.', 19.'4, objecting to :, beer license being granted at trice same location. 704 - THE HORORl9LE THE COUNCIL OF THE CTCV OF SAINT PAUL - G=tlepeaj The undersigned hereby petition your Honorable Bodyto revoke the bear lieanae heretofore Leaned, covariag -the premises at 4696-1698 Heedolph Street, at the corner of Undereood. Joseph V111alli,-one of the proprietors thereof was con-victed in the municipal Court of the City of -St. Paul, on March 9th, ' 19b4, of the charge of -permit Ping deacing an sald''prexises YIthoat a .•i "T4Oera license Th'e'.-maaber._in wbich the Place is operated ie''subb ae to oonetitate a nuisance to this fine residential diatriet, so long as beer is permitted to be Bold there. The, proprietors thereof,. or some of th®, have sold beer .� as late. as 5,15 AR on Sunday, and heve.permitted danoing and the sale of beer on other 000asioas. The undersigned have no-obSeotiom to the operation of a - grocery_eto;e, and reststirant on said premie... C.. E. E6kman 1702 James. St.X. S. D_ 1701, Randolph y. Haa_ owner of 1708 Hendolph R.I. Hodgins 1714 James Edith R. 8e1®nn,. 1702 James 4* x�� ,1706 -Stanford d�xi�ti - Pradef ce R; Gems 1676 Juliet - David Job.. 1712 Randolph .Lewis A. Snyder - 1668._Rmnplph R-. N. S. Dunn 1701 Randolph Lovilla.Wilder _ 1701 Rmdolph _ Edward-A.'Rardoa - 14os Heodolph E. H. Doree -1697 Jnao , Helen Held In 1698 Jvlab �- nom. - -•Amanda .Arndt .. -1728 Randolph .. 'Hatheriaa FF9e., NOB Typo . 'LrtleIr ➢orae' - 36aT,Jvao 1706 Jemea . .. Yrs. L. w ms . Yrs. 0. Lerohe _ 1706 :James.. - .. ,c :.. Vary S: McGough '; 1701 Jame4, > . yrsL.. G. Yo -Gough 170b Miss M. Roth„ 1728 Randolph !/-w"�*-�� -. - Pate Henry - 17�04,J9me9 Oryatal Yitlar Yicholne Fry6,,_ 1685 -' 17$6 amlep $erecta 8emouingeaa 1767 Jame" 1767 kdWee G. dei?ie ,. .1.5 Lynch - 17b8 �'Jemee �,' A,, d. 0autbier 179 Tinea Birdsall . 1688 Jmo - mate 8lrdeell 1888 T=o} 1686 duno 6—"`iA. ..1r%rd, SebPt4 a... `- 8mt41;Age4te tor;N4. +b6 Reltlot., 'Leet Seey 1886 and 1686, RWdolph Dom @ 6trioyer Ina.• $" B, . Omed by the Prudeetiel lne., (Is. Y, B� Jamieson - omer Lot .9 R1ook. Hipps Gdilege Perk g6, lot asst, of Ondereood m avno St .. forth Side )ft. F. Loery 480,8., Brimhau (?tiQ � ' Y.'0. Hkblad 1758 Rendolph -5_ Borman E. Erickson 1695 Randolph Otto G_ I.Indberg 1695 Randolph Reuben D. Westphal 1665 Randolph Mrs. L. H. Bol -t 1651 Randolph J. W. Haansa 1691 Randolph Mr.. Norman Erickson 1695 Randolph Bra. 0. G. Lindberg 1691 Randolph (O� Bre. R. Westphal 1665 Randolph lira. L. A. Snyder 1665 Randolph Mrs. Caxroline H. Vil—d— 469 S. Nacalestar 4Z64rx2iL� Fdward G. Jobnson 459 S. Necslaata, 6�-- Mrs. Ethel M. Eriakaon 1682 Jam.. G4-cn� 0— E. Eriokaon 1662 James CL�i Mrs. J. 1691 Randolph Esther Chelmo 1665 Randolph L. T. Coulston 1664 T— M­ L. T. Gonlston 1654 Jame. F. Rarkle 1651 Randolph %. E. Comrsd 1657 Randolph H, F_ H.—Ilton 1680 James Narloi.e Fenska 1684 T—a. � H. E.thar Feska 1684 Jame. Willie L. Andareon 1529 Grand A— A. L. Noma 1664 Randolph S. H. Conger 1577 Sargeut Mrs. F. Waab—. 1679 Randolph C. R. MCM311an 1667 Randolph Mr.. C. R. M.-Mijaan 1667 Randolph Nis. Eve3yn Larry 1667 Randolph Frank E. Wm-rq - 4 - F. W. Nagel 1667 RaadolPh M— F. W. Nagel 1687 Randolph Edward S. Reay 1692 Jame. Marcella G. Rnllke 1669 Juno Robert H. Benolk— 1676 Randolph Marvel Hing— 1756 Jemea d- � Gertrude Willie ower of 1740 Jame- Frank E. Wm-rq 1752 James Kra. F. E. Murray 1752 Jemea Henry H. Met --hit- 1725 Jame. L— Florence Matsuahite 1725 Jame- Mre. J. Fowls 1725 James Mrs. E. DeSboag owner oY '1798 Palace Alma E. Bamolke 1675 Randolph Wm Ludwig 1675 Randolph A. F. Beaolkea 1675 Randolph �"— Beene A. Price 1675 Randolph A G Bergman 1675 Randolph Esther Seith 1669 Randolph Joan Doree 1697 Juno R. C. Baldwin 1696 Juno B. A. Price 1675 Randolph s^^ - L. H. Boldt 1651 Randolph 1675 Randolpb (IIpataire) Ann Bergman P. E. Foldoe 1669 Randolph Mrs. Edward G. Job— 459 Macalester Levin. Doree 1697 Juno -6- Richard E. Yogennsy 1670 James John Hirtling 1668 Jesse a ------- -- -- --'Fred FredC. Seith 1669 Randolph �•''^"'��� Joe. A. Truso 1659 Randolph Zephra Y. Tm.o 1659 Randolph Mary E. Conrad 1657 Randolph Yrs. H. F. Hemiltm 1680 Jmee Yrs. Orrin C. Blind 1664 Randolph Yrs. J.P. Devine 1688 James J. P. P. Devine 1888 Jmee Freak Wedhme 1679 Randolph Donald Pedalty 1660 Jmee Yrs. Donald Pedalty 1660 James C. A. I.akeon 1715 Jmee Henry A. Davideon 1841 Sargent Gane Pravits 456 Yacalester E. A. Previte - 466 Yanaleetsr �—• P. Basquin 466 Yacalester Yrs. P. Baequin 466 Yeoaleeter Belle Bergman 476 Yacalestsr Rosemary Bardon 1705 Randolph Ralph C. Gardner 461 S. Snelling Yrs. It. 0. Gardner 461 S. Snelling Yr.. T. P. Hannegan 465 S. Snelling Frances Dearborn 465 S. Snelling Anna Adolphsm 471 S. Snelling John P. Adolphe= 471 S. Snelling pp.� Loxia Walter. 470 Yacalester Yrs. L. Walters 470 Yacaleeter 6-ce� _ 6 _ Jemea He®ingasn 1736 Jamas :. Harry L. Wolf - 446 X-2.eeter .. . Mr a.:.Harry Wolf 446 NL aleater Otto Halke 3.689 Juan Yrs. Otto Hulks - 3.669 T— W. T. Rogers .. - 1640 Randolph .. . L. H. Friedman .. '' 1640 Randolph - Kra. Ed. Friedaen - 1640 Readolph ,. .. Margaret Proudfoot, 1640 Remdolyh M. 0... D—mjn ord 1649 Randolph Marion Baaolken 3.675 Randolph O1en6 Sacrisoa 3.650 J�o u------ ----Heassh He sh Saorieoa- .. F. R. B-011 1666Juno Yrs. F.R. Bunnell 1668 Jffio . d'�' Mrs. H. C. Belson - 1668 J— Mrs. A. Marcotte - 1688 Juno (3`� Kathryn Rryere 1676 Joliet Evelyn C. Manahlp `-~ 1676 Jnliet Anna S. Goodyear 1676 Juliet Daisy A. Keith 1669 Juliet Warren W. Johneoa 1669 Juliet Jae— Keith - 1669 Jul et 0. e. Hina 3.659 Jn]let 'M. L. Hein. 1659 Juliet - St. Foul. Mien., May 3, 1934. / Ccsmdesi... r John H. M.Dona Id, Chairman of the License Co—ittee. St. Paul, Minn. Doerr Commieeioner, We understand that application has reoeatly been made by Mr. Deetito for a 3.2% beer license at 1694 Randolph St. Mr. Joseph Villelli originally operated this place as n bear parlor. He was convicted in the Munioipal Court of the City of St. Paul on March 9, 1934, 0 of the charge of permitting dancing without a Tavery license. This place sae else operated in scoh a manner ere to conaiituta a nuisance to this fine residential district. The boar Ito— was revoked by the City Council about the middle of March. A few days later, on March 22d. a public hearing sae held before the Council, at the request of Mr. Villalli. to consider whether or not the license be re -instated. At thin hearing the Council refused to re -instate the license. The building 1. which a regneat for licansa le being node is the only busineee property in the neighborhood, the rest being strictly residential. Across the street from 1694 Randolph St. Ss a school for young boys. A short distance asay is a school for young glrlae and a short block in another direction is the Mattaoke School, a public school for young boys and gird.. We do not believe this loeatlon is a proper one for the sale of 3.2% beer. We are absolutely opposed to the 9F ting of a beer license to Mr. Destito, or any one alae, and reepsotfully ask that it be refused. We understand Mr. Destito is either a brother -in -lee, or some other relative, of Nr. Vi13e111. Yours very truly, Bessie A. Prioe 1673 Randolph B. A. Fries 1673 Randolph Mr. A Mrs. A. 0. Bergmn 1673 Randolph Esther Seith 1669 Randolph Fred C. Seith 1889 Randolph Alfred F. Benolken 1675 Randolph Alms E. Benolken 1675 Randolph Frank Wadhams 1679 Randolph Bernioe W.dhnme 1679 Randolph Nellie H. Dunn 1701 Randolph Carl E. Eokn 1702 James Edith W. Eokman 1702 J- E. R. Dore. 1897 Juno Joan Ddree 1697 Juno Katherine Frye 1683 Juno Eenneth S. Do= 1701 Randolph Edserd A. Bardon 1705 Randolph R.-ry Bardon 1705 Randolph Mrs. N. E. Eriokeoa 1693 Randolph Norman E. Eriokson 1693 Randolph H. A. Miller 1704 Jesse. Crystal Miller 1704 Janes Niok Frye 1683 Juno -Th. St. pgnl City Dl—tory-show. Joseph De.tito.e.e q oarpenter, reelding e2 1696 Rs dolph St. Thi. de oa the seooad floor in the ee..e building i. whish a lieea.e ie being requested. All of the neighbor. who have elgned-the att..h.d letter 11oe within 200 to 300 feet of 1694 Randolph St. I am .len —1— ing a li.t of 148 nacre. whish was filed with the City _ Clerk lEaroh 13, 1934, objsotiag to a beer 11oease being granted at the .ams loeatiea. To, THE HONORABLE THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINT PAUL 0entlemem+- Tho nndarsignod hereby petition your Honorable Body to revoke the beer lion... hareto£ore issued, ooverimg the premi.ee at #1696-1690 Randolph Street, at the oorner of Underwood, Joseph Villalli. ono a£ the para prletorB thereof was conriat'ed in the Municipal Court oT the City of St. Paul, on M—h 9, 1954, of the charge of parandttiag danoiIf on sold preadeea wlthooto Tavern license. The aie.maer in whl.k the plsoe Se operated 1a enoh a- to o ..titnu a auleaR a to this tine residential distrd.ot. .o long ae beer J. permitted to be Bold there. The grepriatore thereof, or Boma of them, have Bold be or as late a- 3.15 AM' 88 Sunday, and have per.&tted damciag and the sale of bder on other ooeaeione. The undersigned have no objection to the operation of s grooery store, and a astaurant on ne.id premieea. C. E. E-k-- 1702 Jame. St. A. S. Dunn 1701 Randolph F. Hannon owner of 1705 Randolph R. I. Hodgins 1714 Jame- - Edith W. Eeka 1702 Jame. ' E1Ln M. Lewis 1706 Stanford Prudaaea R. Owens 1678 Js11et - Devid.JohnsoII'. 1712 Randloph I,eria A� Snyder 1685 Randolph ' .Mrs.Hl; H: Dunn' - 1"101., Randolph Lovilla W lder - 1701 �RandolPh . - Ediard A. Resdon - 1705 Randolph., E. RL Dorsa - 1897. Juno Helen Baldwrin 18peJvao A—da Arndt 1729 Randolph _ - H. A. Mill— 1704 Jams; gathering Frye 1683 Juno Arthur Dere 1697 Juno Mrs. A. Eden, 1706 Jame. Mrs. C. Lerch. 1706 Jame, Mary B. McGough 1701 Jame, Mrs. C. M.G..& 1701 Jame. Mies S. Roth 1705 Randolph gat.Henry 1729 Randolph Crystal Miller 1704 Jame. Nicholas Frye 1683 Juno There.. Hemming... 1736 Jame P. Jarvis 1757 J— Mos. G. Ja rvis 1757 James Jams. Lynch 1755 Jame, W. J. Gauthier 1751 Jame C. B. Bird.ell 1666 Juno Bleie Bird.ell 1666 Juno Mary Snepte 1666 Juno Dann k Stringer I.., Rental Agents for By Newell N. Nelson, "at. Secy, 1686 sad 1688 Randolph bored by the Prudential Inc. Co. E1, B. Jamieson -miner Lot 9 Block 1 Rippe College park second lot east of Dnd—od on Juno St. North S}de W.. F. Lowry 430 S. Brimhall R. D. Bkbl.d 1735 Randolph Norman 8. Ell olca oa 1693 Randolph , Otto G. Lindberg 1wn 893 Randolph (Oer) Reuben D. Westphal 1666 Ra.dloph Mr.. L. H. Boldt 1651 Randolph J. W. Hannan 1691 Randolph Mrs. Moana. Srioka on 1693 Randolph 11— 0. G. Lindberg 1691 Randolph (Owner) Mre. R. Westphal 1665 Randolph Mra. L. A. Sayd— 1663 Randolph Mr.. Carolina H. V1la ad rar 469 S. Maoele.ter Ave. Edward G. Jahnaoa _ 459 S. Meoelaeter Mr- Ethel M. L�-iolm oa 3.662 James ' O.osr E. Erio1® 1662 Jamas Mre. J.Hannan 1691 Randllph Esther Chel— 1665 Randolph L. T. Coulston 1654 James Mr.. L. T. Coulston 1654 Jame. F. Barkley 1651 Randolph K. E. Conrad 1667 Randolph H. F. Hamilton 1680 Jame. Merloiee Fenekn 1684 Jame. H. Esther Fenakn 1684 J— Millie L. Anderson 1529 Grand Ave. A. L. Morrie 1664 Randolph S. B. Conger 3.577 Sargent Mrs. F. Wadhams 1679 Randolph C. R. MoMillan 3.667 Randolph Mra. C. R. MnMillaa 1667 Randolph kiss Evelyn Larr-p 1667 Randolph F. W. Nagel Mr.. F. W. Nagel Edeard S. Reay Marcella. C. Hulk, Robert H. Benolkan Marvel H—imgean Gertrude Willie —or or Frank E. Murray . Mrs. F. R. Murray Henry H. Matsushita Florence Matsushita Mrs. J. Farrier Mrs. E. DeShong owner or Alma E. Benolkem Wm. Ludwig A. F. Benolken Beeea.A.. Prise A. G. Bergman Rather Seith Joan D.— R. C. Baldwin B. A. Pride L. H. Boldt Ann Bergman P. E. Fold— Mrs. Edward G. Johnson Lavine D.- 1667 Randolph. 1667 Randolph 1892 J- 1669 Juno 1675 Randolph 1736 J- 1740 J- 1732 J- 1732 Jamea 1725 Jgmea 1725 Jamas 1725 James 1798 Palace 1675 Randolph 1675 Randolph 1676 Randolph 1673 Randolph 1673 Randolph 1669 Randolph 1697 J.- 1696 Juno 1673 Randolph 1651 Randolph 1673 Randolph (Upstairs ) 1669 Randolph 459 )&osleeter 1697 Juno Rlehard E, M.Kenney John Hirtling Fred C. Seith Joe, A. Truao Uphre U. Truao Mary E. Conrad Ura, H. F. H..ilto. Mr.. 0-1. C. Blind 1114. J. P. Devine J. P. Devine Frank H.dhama Donald Pedalty Mr.. Donald Pedalty C. A. leak.. Henry A. Davidson Oen. Pravit. K. A. F—it. F. Bnaquin Mrs. P. Baequia Bella Bergman Rosemary Berl - Ralph C. Gardner Mrs. R. C. Gardner Mr- T. P. Hannegan France. Dearborn Ami. Adolpheon John P. Adolphe.. 1670 -James 1666 J- 1669 Randolph 1659 Randolph 1669 Randolph 1667 Randolph 1680 J- 1664 Randolph 1688 J- 1688 Jame. 1679 Randolph 1660 Jame. 1660 J- 1715 Jame. 1641 Sargent 456 Maesle.ter 456 M.ealester 466 Maeala.ter 466.Maoaleeter- 476 Maoe.leater 1705 Randolph 461 S. Snelling 461 S. Snelling 486 S. Snelling 465 S. enelltng 471 S. Snelling 471 S. Snelling LouisWaltere Mrs. L. Walters Jamas Hes®iagaea Harry L. Wolf Mrs. Harry Wolf Ott, Hulks Mr.. Otto Hu1ke W. T. Roger. L. H. Friedman Mrs. Bd. Friedman Margaret Froudfoot M. O. D—opord Marian Benolkee Clese Saari— Hana..h Saari— F. R. Bunnell Mrs. F. R. Bunnell 11— H. C. Nelson Mr- A. Nereotts Kathryn Bruyere bbelyn C. ?&,.hip Anna B. Goodyear Daley A. Keith W.rren-W.Johneoa Jame. Keith 0. H. Hine 1/.. L. Hiss 470 lle...leetar 470 Maealeeter 1736 Jamas 446 Maoaleeter 446 Maoeleeter 1669 Juno 1669 J=6 1640 Rw dolph. 1640 Randolph 1640 Randolph 1640, Randolph 1640 Randolph 1675 Randolph 165Q Juno 1650 Juno 1666 J.- 1668 nno1668 Juno 1668 Jon. )bWY �w Jun 1676 Juliet 1676 Jnliet 1676 Juliet 1669 Juliet 1669 Juliet 1669. Juliet 1659 Juliet 1659. Ju11et ` .0.41...1 .o v1• - CITY OF ST. PAUL .i�. N. ill rD OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLLJTION`CNERAL FORM coMMi s�ol+es '• / ri'__ _.. v r once Mal 4, 1934 RESOLVED That the verism llcenaea aPF.lied for by the following named persons be and they are hereby granted and tha City Clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treaenry of the regniz'ed f.es; The PAPorinm Barber Shop 7th & Hobart Ste. Barber Appl. 1903 S. F. Hail 12 W. Fifth St. • 261-5 FAhmrd S. Knoblach 645 9- 7th St. George E. Moe 1328 Py-. A— "-423. ° X617 William R. Oleos 927 E. Seventh St. c11r la Ermeet L. Palette 999 Van Sl,Yke Av. • '"",•• u,,.., ATI -1.1,,.., �861 Louis Stone 1155 Pay— A. 5197 Mike Capets 675 Winsloa A— Dutcher 2425 Mary Carletta 750 Paynes A— • 656 Gene Grossman 2190 Como A— W. " 645 A. J. Schlukebier 65 W. Winifred St. • 2055 R. J. Pachano 641 Hastings Av. Confectionery 2670 Roger. Recreation Co. 845 Hobart St. " 2656 Frank W. Smetana 579 Hobert St. 2660 Mike Capetz 675 Winslow Av. Gronery 2424 Harry Devine 1150 Grand A— n 2677 Morrie Santer 795 E. 7th St. ° 1577 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Louie P. Reilly Joe. Wiener Park Garage Sandberg Motor Co. Sandberg Motor Co. Frank St.— Atlee Gas & 011 Co. Atlas Gas & 011 Co. Phillipe Petroleum Co. Fred Thomas Oil Co Ryan Hot.l Co. Weston & %Stamen Rogers Recreation Co. Philip Greeafe Sam Al.... M. Rolnick Fred J. Robinson Demes Appleton & JAbn Williams Willard Avarbeck Job. Bell— „, No. May 4, 1954 -2- 1848 A. 7th St. Grocery 1675 670 Canada St. " 2697 1759 Selby A— Gaeolin" St.. 1 pump 2956 1201 Payne Av. • " 2 • (1933) 2779 1201 Payne A- ° ^ 2 " (1954) 2780 680 Dodd Road • 2 " (1933) 2796 214 W. Dnivereity Av. ^ • g • 2813 1775 E. 7th St. • " 3 ^ 2805 553 W. 7th St. • " 5 (1953) 3047 277 R. Snelling Av. • • 4 5199 400 Robert St. Hotal (Ryan) 287 rooms 2881 191 W. Third St. • (Atlantic) ($25.) 2037 545 Robert St. 12 bowling alleys 2655 606 Jackson St. 2 pool tables 2906 Grave & Broadway lca Roue. 2660 148 Plato St. Junk Dealer 1915 198-200 E. 7th St. Pawnbroker 3105 260 Eagle St. Off Sale Malt Beverage 2671 779 Raymond Av. ^ • 2921 806 E. 5rd St. • • " s 2867 ^.raio.r nur CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTEO By corn rn issiorvea OnTE Mey 4, 1954 RESOLVED Alice Beeolkin 840 E. 7th St. OS£ Sale Malt Bavaraga 2475 Esther Beraetein 168 E. Con9ees 5�.. w n n . 21661 H. P. Boyd 741 Selby Av. • w ^ 2652 Be. Breslau 144 S. Robert St. w e n 2970 Harry M. Brotchaer 918 Grand A— • ^ ^ 2691 E. T. Berke 521 Tb— St. • ^ n 2919 207 M. 4 -bb 8t-� w v e 2888 Mike Capetz 675 Winslow Av. ^ ^ w ^ 2425 Mary Carletta 750 Payne A— ^ ^ 29c3- 961A. A.H. Carson 676 Ashland Av. • ^ ^ ^ 2965 R. Cooperman 171 F. Robie St. ^ ^ ^ • 266ig Harry Div ne 1150 Grana Av. ^ w 2,576 E. J. Donaie 962 Burr St. n w w n 2944 T. A. Donohue 185 S. Chatsworth St.- ^ ^ 2640 Sem Dom 426 So. Robert St. ^ w w w 2699 R,dolph Ebert 878 E. Third St. ^ ^ 2855 J. F. Eger 1096 Grand A— w w n n 2985 Joseph Faiad 767 W. 7th St. ^ v ^ 2611. Henry Meek— 1.116 Reaney St. ^ • w 2627 Hagelin Broe. 2175 St. Clalr St. ^ ^ ^ . 5052 u.�^i..^i �., i.i �r ��-.• CITY OF ST. PAUL „�. ` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM —ESENTED BY coMM�ss�oae.. DATE Hay 4, 1934 RESOLVED _rte Jame. D. Harris 525 Jackson St. Off Sale Melt Beverage 2620 Carl Holm 389 Selby A— ^ ° " 3059 E. Hou.. 450 S. Robert St. ° ° • ° 2950 R. A_ Hanby 500 Hata. A— ^ ^ ° 2946 L. W. Hurd 611 Band A— n • ^ n 2966 L. C. Jacobe 1285 E. Minnehaba St." ' ^ " 2821 A. L. Johnson 1347 Bnrn. A— a 2817 Johnson Cash & Camp (R.Job—) 836 S. Smith Av. e n e 2652 R. H. Jobs— (Hnael Park Gsocarp) 1718 S. 7th St. " e n ^ 2862 A. H. Klayman 131 State St. a _ ° e 2458 P. E. Larson 959 Earl St. • " " 2084 Pen Lebnann 537 Greenwood Av. ^ " ^ ^ 5044 Vasil Lemanowsky 1022 Farl St. • • • ^ 302E Gust Lindell 944 Payne Av. v n n ° 2797 C. J. Lucchesi 1066 E. 7th St. ° " " " 5160 John Lynch 1818 Grand Av. ^ 2956 H. Hanovitz 208 State St. " " 23-12 2747 Wm. Havroulls 1580 St. Clair St, ^ 2909 W. W. HOCollor 169 M—hall A— " ^ 2687 U<�4°•� � �i•r C�•• CITY OF ST. PAUL ,.. No OFFICE COUNCIL OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTIONGENERALFORM PRESENTED BY COMMS so.+eA —Tc May 4, 1854 RESOLVED August R. Heel 1950 University Av. Off Sale Halt Beverage 2815 Richard Messing 1820 Selby A- ^ • • • 2902 Hillcrest Tea Shop (May F. Hills) 124 Bremer Arcade 3081 Roy W. Hole— 285 maria A- • ^ 2607 John Hnrplp 1942 St. Anthony • • • ° 2939 Hari. Mardi 177 W. 7th St. • ^ • 3187 H. {dardi & A. Gatti 106 E. 5th St. • • • 3190 Robert A. North 786 E. 7th St. " • • • 2629 metthe•r D'Han 690 University Av. ^ e • v 29W Park Recreation Parlor, Inc. 186 No. Snelling Av. • • • 3138 Frank J. Pilney 1052 W. 7th St. e • • • 2975 W. R. Prescott 865 Grand A— • • • • 2926 W. H. Prescott 1057 Grand Av. • • • • 2925 John J. Quigley 428-432 Wabaeba St. • " 2851 Esther L. Rice 541 Ohio St. • • " 2865 Otto W. Robland 461 W. 7th St. " e e e 2750 Ray J. Ryan 571 Cypress " ° • • 2967 Ed— J. Saoererine 1145 Rice St. • " ^ 3028 A. C. Schabacker 1458 Frank— St. • • • ^ 2655 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,.E N. OFFICE OF THE CITY -,- COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM —ESE—D BY corn Missiovc^ —F My 4. 1984 R—L V Eo C. A. Scheffler 1728 University Av_ OEf Sale ML It Beverage 2875 To.y Scioc-t. 50 Leech St_ ^ ^ 1569 Job. Seycik 451 Bay St- ^ ^ 2624 Thos. Skweree 475 W.1—h. St_ ^ ^ n n 2925 Frank Smete.e 579 Robert St- ^ ^ ^ 2681 Stahl Drug Co. 1538 Grand Av_ • ^ n 29.82 Laurence Steiner 1202 Rice St- ^ ^ n n 2985 William Suporaick 1540 Grand A— ^ ^ ^ 2957 V. S.anburg 2119 Grand Av _ • ^ w 1572 Rudolph Tschida 1208 Rice St_ w e e 2742 tlrs. d, tl. 7.lat 1184 E_ 7th St. ^ ^ e n -2"P�. J. J. Veratraete 567 Hall A— ^ ^ n n 2748 Walker -Pence Compeny (The Co—dors) 75 H_ West— Av_ ^ ^ w n 2927 Wm. Welter. 937 E. 3rd St- ^ ^ ^ 3055 N. G. Webber- 1579 Selby Av _ n w a n 2627 E.L. Wendt 561 Stevens A— ^ ^ ^ 24185 Wm. Woetoyich 625 Cantr3l Park Place ^ ^ 2690 R. C. Works 555 Tackeon St_ ^ n n n 3101 tlerle ZSaekae 168 E. 10th $t. ^ ^ ^ ^ 2884 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM RESOLVED John Belioma Matt C. Benhardt All— Bsnolkin B. D. Boyd Rudolph Ebert J. M. Filbin Flyan & Raths William Henson E. Bou+e 450 S. Robert St. Clara R. Jones bre. A. E. Kallsen Anthony Kulbich Ben Lehmann Nary Lenhardt C. J. Lucchesi Wm. Mavroules August R. Meei Mill—set Tea Shop (May F. Mills) Roy W. Mole— were ('I)['NI 11.VI1 1 „E NO Key 4, 1934 -0- 806 E. 3td St. On Sale tlelt Beverage 923 W. 7th St. 840 E. 7th St. 741 Selby Av. " 878 E. 3rd St. 52 E_ 4th St. 20 E. 7th St. " ^ 2144 University A— 432 Toronto St. 321 Robert St. ^ • ° ^ 120 S. Robert St. 537 Greenwood St. 62 W. 7th St. v ^ 1066 E. 7th St. ^ ^ ^ 1580 St. Clair St. • • ^ ^ 1930 IIniversity A— 124 Bremer Arcade 283 Marie A— v n n n 151 W. 6th St. 2866 2184 2472 2631 2853 3016 2934 2918 2949 2600 2628 2362 3043 2,943 3159 2908 2814 3080 2609 2623 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,�° ` NO. COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM co.n .°sso�ER oAr My 4, 1934 R ESOLVEO Mario Nardi 177 W_ 7th St. On Sale malt Beverage- 3188 M. Nardi & A. Gatti lob E. 5th St. " " " ° 3189 Mathew O°Nell 690 University AV. " " " " 2901 .ark Recreation Parlor, Inc. 188 H. Sns111ng AV. ° " ° " 3139 John T. Qtitg].ey ° 428-452 Wabasha St. " " " 2850 F.ether L. Rice 541 Ohio St. " " 2,864 Riverview Hermans Hall 454 Onega n n n n 2856 Edw. J. Sanarwine 1145 Rice St. " ° " • 3`326 C. 4_ SchetYler -H7 1728 onivereity AV. • " 2872 H. L. Seltb— 263 W. 7th St. " ° " ° 2876 Thomas Skweres 475 Wabasba St. ° " " • 2922 W. M. Stewart 473 N. Shelling AV. " 2911 Victor TBchida 33 E. 6th St. ^ ° 2679 Walgreen Drug Co. 353 Wabaeba St. ° 2995 Wm. Walters 937 E. 3rd St. " ° ° 5054 E. J. Warr 886 Payne Av. " " " " 2614 R. C. Works 555 Jackson St. " " " " 3100 A. Yianakoulos 510 Hice St. " " 3134 Maria Ziaskas 168 E. 17th St. " " 2883 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM pMss,orea o..*._ 9.,y 4, 1954 RESOLVED -10. Gust Ales 161 W. 7th St. Restaurant 2968 Rick Hellas 188 E. Fairfield 2514 Mrs. Carollns Bartlett 152 W. Daiversity Av. " 2938 C. Batroot 919 Rice St. ^ 3,312 Mat'- C. Benbardt 923 W. 7th St. 2185 Peter Blanchette 15 W. 9th St. • 5046 Paul Damian 246 Front St. ^ 2664 J. F. Egen 1096 Grand A— • 2984 J. M. Filben 52 E. 4th St. 5015 Flynn & Rathe 20 E. 7th St. " 2955 Fred Hensen 418 Waoonta St. " 2933 ' James D. Hanle 325 Jackson St. 2618 Fddie A. Herman 1124 Payne Av. 289 Anthony Ralvich 120 S. Robert St. 5058 C. J. Lucchesi 1066 E. 7th St. 3158 Wm. Mavrcolie 1580 St. Clair St. 2907 Rey W. Mol— 283 Maria Av. 2606 The— F. Moran 286 Ven Buren St. 2594 61EI L. S. Perron 1575 Brand Av. " 2653 ('UC-NCII.JIN.N -'V ('♦�,.�..• CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM -T. Hay 4. 1934 _11_ R ESOLV Eo Joh -7. Q-.iigley 428-432 Natasha St. Restaurant 2849 Est kaer L_ Rice 541 Ohio St. " 2862 Ea— J _ Seue-wine 1145 Rica St. 5027 C_ A. Schaffer 1728 University AV. ^ 2874 Thos. Sllweres 475 Wabesha St. " 2924 Ar hn— F_ Slater 468 N. Lexington Av. 2692 W- m- Ste rt 473 N. Snelling Av. • 2910 Victor Tschidn 33 E. 6th St. 2678 T. w -3-h 999 Payne AV. 2108 Wm_ Walters 937 E. 3rd St. 5,356 Whit a Castle System 548} Wabasba St. • 3117 A_ C_ Works 555 Jackeon St. " 3099 p�_y Il¢s 171 E. 5th St. ' - 2766- MAY a tour 19:1 ]L U .... eld uls lA zl �ifr W. A. WARREN COMPANY MORTGAGE LOANS ._uu.NS 11RANCeJuai... Jun. 4, 19;4 Mr. Harry Divine, 1150 Grand Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Lear Sir:. We wish to advise that The Penn Mutual Life Insurnnce Co.,,_,, ortgegee, hae psid all of your 1932 taws and the first half .f 193 taxes in order to s y Peuelty or further interc_st charge. The total amount paid xUs =401.14. Tha mortgagee in to be reimbureod for this am unt by the $50.00 n month Payments that you have agreed to p y at this office. Please keep this in d,id and let ua have your ohock each month. Yours very truly, WAW: LB Pres. C. F. NO. 97815 -1- NI90ELLANEOTTS I. F* —Answer Filed, lei. — Oal inouent. OE LIN^UFNT TARES June 8, 1934. Year Amount 7m. 'Woetovlch 625 Central Park P1. (Off "ale le'g— A.F. x,145.85 "vlt F, to. ) Esther Bernstein 168 F— C—greas It. (Off °ale 1931— ')al. 539.79 Tait Llc.) 193x— A. F,' 8 1,05 .12 Perry Zoukos 238 Earl St. (Off Sale 193? (})—No A.F. 93.03 lalt He & On Sale) F. Otto 361 Farl St. (Off 1^le 1930—Nn A.F. 318.80 salt Bev.) 1931—No A.F. 3 3.76 1937 -Paid. 74P.56 S. 7. Fell 17 17. 5th qt. (Herber) 1931-0e1. 6,971,?7 193-A. F, 6 9 Mr., J. Cantieri 107 F. 4th St. 7 (Off -ale 1931 -No A.F. 1,490,16 ",It Bev.) 19'7-90 A.v.7909 81� ;,rte Abe !:oekovitz & 1082 Orand Ave. (rest—rsnt) 1931 -No A.F, 195.05 Ieadore Rischall _ 1937 -Paid Malt Bev.) X V. Saenburg 1119 ,rand Ave. (Off Sale 1931 -No A.F. 410.47 t Bev.) 1932 -No A.F,66.62 77. �9 Sundberg Totor Co. 1701 Payne Ave. (—s.ste. 19?a (!)-No A.F. X51.,7 1�/Oy/�' , P=.. ) 'Villard Averbeck C7Yy aeyMO nd Ave, (Off Pale !'alt Bev. ) Henry Hackner 1116 4eaney +t. (Off °ala 193? O -No A.F. 60.65 Walt Bev.) C. Eatroot 919 Rice It. (P.estaurant) 1931 (x-)-A.F. 78.38 Laurence Steiner 1702 Rice St. (nff Sale 1030 226.87 "alt Bev.) 193' 206, 3. 1 SLIVTJVT Tg June 8, 1914. Year Aunt Rudolph Tsehida 1208 Rice St. (Cff erle 1929 ^ 96.35 '!Alt Bev.; 1931 100,27 1922 82.111 P777— i.:re. A. ?. t'allsen 321 Robert St. (Cn "ale 1931-Del. 1,52L.79 'Alt Bev,) 1932-A.F, 1 462,Pl ?,a 0 Ryan Hotel Co. 400 Robert St. (Hotel Ryan) 1930-Jnd¢r±ent 21,469.79 287 rooms 1931-Dei. 31, 53.12 1932—A. , 26 2 .1 79,244F,.10 John Murphy 1942 °%.Anthony Ave, (Off Sale 1912-A,F, 457.07 )'alt Bev, ) Carl Holm 389 Selby Ave, (Off :gale 193?-No A,F, F2.87 +alt Bev.) Ed. V. Knoblaoh 845 E. 7th St. (Barber) 1972 (=)-Nn A.F. 143.35 lrs. J. %. Velat 1184 7th St. ()ff Qele 19'1-111 A..;. 1R�.37 !'Alt Rev,) 1932-Raid. Hyman L:argolie, 932 T. 7th ^t. ("'£f gale 1931-No A.F. 119.3P `Alt Bev.) 1937-Paid. 0. J. Douglas 171 E. 6th St. (Restaurant) 1931-No A.F. 3,414,82 1932-Paid, r, l�. Stewart 473 N. Snelling_ Ave. (On Sale 1Q32-A. F, 1,174.33 '!Alt Bev,) ("estm rant) K. T. Burke 321 Thoma. ^t. (Off gale 19?.^ (--)-No A.F. 147,27 ".alt Bev.) Fred Hansen 418 'Wacouta ^t. (Restaurant) 1931-N' A.F. 525.61 1932-A, F. 540.49 1,0 .10 ,.. C. F. No. 97615 -1- MISCELLANEOUS June 8, 1934, NOT DELINQUENT The Emporium Rsrber Shoo 7th & Robert Ste. Rather 1903 leorge E. iloe 1373 Payne Ave. 14?1 William R, Olson Q07 F. Reventh fit. 617 Ernest L. Payette 999 Van 91vke Ave. 1?61 Louis Stone 1175 Payne Ave. 3197 Mike Canetz 675 minslow Ave, uutcher 001 Mary CPrletta 750 Payne Ave. " 656 :ene Grossman P190 tomo Ave. '", 845 A. J. ^chlukebier 65 w. Winifred St. 7033 N, J. Pachano 841 Neetimrp Ave, Confectionery 1870 Rovers Recreation Co. 345 Robert St. ?636 Frank '. S4uetana 579 Robert St. " 2680 Mike Capetz 675"inslow Ave. Grocery PO4 Morrie Kanter 793 F. 7th St. 1577 Louie P. Reilly 1848 '7. 7th St. " 1673 Joe. 'rimer 670 Canada It. " ?697 Park -.,rage 1759 Selby Ave. se. 9ta. 1 pump 936 Frank 9tessen 680 Dodd Road P 1796 Atlas Ors & 011 Co. ?14 "'. *]niversity Ave. X813 Atlas Ogee & oil Co. 1775 `• 7th 9t. - P901 Phillips Petroleum Co. 553 • 7th 9t. " 3 " (IO17)3047 "red Thomas Oil Co. P77 N. onelline Ave. " �' 3109 tveston & Yitzman 191 '". 'rd It. Hotel (Atlantic) 1037 (^5.00) Rovers Recreation Co. 345 Robert It. 19 bowl. alleys 0635 Philip ;r,ssfe 606 Jackson It. I pool table= P906 Sam Aleeeo grove & Broadway Ice '',use P66o 11. Rolnick 148 Plato 9t. Junk 7ealer 1913 Fred J. Robinson 198-000 -. 7th It. Pawnbroker 3105 James Appleton & John 760 =m,,Ie It. Off Isle Velt Bev. P671 William, John Bellow 706 r. 3rd St. P967 Alice Benolkin 840 F. 7th It. 1473 B. :). Boyd 741 Ielby Ave. " 163� Sen Breelaw Harry H.. Brotchner Like Caoetz Lary Carlette A. H. ^arson F. C000ermen F. J. Oonaia T. A. Donohue Pa. Dunn Rudolph '.bort J. F. '-Can Jo—b Faiad Hagelln ?ros. James D. Harris E. House R. W. Hruby L, W. Hurd L. C. Jacobs A. L. Johnson Johnson Cash & Carry (R. Johnson) R. F. Johnson (Hazel Perk ,rocery) A. R. vleyman P. E. Larson Ben Lehmann Vasil Lemenoweky Guet Lindell C. J. Lucchesi Sohn Lynch M. h+anovitz Tm. Msvroulle W. W. LcCollor MISCELLANEOUS June 8, 19,4. 1�4 S. Robert St. 918 ,rand Ave. 675 winelow Ave. 750 Peyne Ave. 676 Ashland Ave. 171 7. Inbie St. 96P Burr It. 183 S. Cheteworth It. 4P6 S. Robert St. 878 K. Third St. 1096 ,rand Ave. 767 w. 7th Rt. P175 et. Clair St. 3P5 Jackson It. 450 Robert It. 300 Rates Ave. 611 ,rand Ave. 1P95 E. 7Jinnehaha St. 1347 Burne Ave. 836 9. Smith Ave. 1718 F. 7th It. 131 St,te St. 959 ?erl It. 537 ,reenwood Ave. 1011 Earl It. 94i, Payne Ave. 1066 E. 7th St. 1818 ^rand Ave. 108 Gtate It. 1580 't. Clair St. 169 "ershall Ave. 97815 -P- NOT USLIN:"t3NT Off Sele Palt Rev. N70 ^ ?591 p4P5 P961 P965 2689 1q W1 ^ 169q n PR55 ^ a983 1611 ,p3P P6Po Pg5O Pg 46 P96o ^ PRP1 PR17 1b5P pRSo P438 1094 n ,041: ^ Cp13 o7g7 ^ ,160 q56 ?117 P909 P687 August R. 'lest 1930 University Ave. 11 2815 -3- MISCELLANEO(iS June 8, 19'4. NOT DELINQUENT Richard !Messing 1820 Selby Ave. Off Rale Walt Bev. 790? Hillcrest Tea Shop 174 Bremer Arcade 3081 (!day F. !'ills) ooy w. !.!Clem 783 'eria Ave. " '607 Mario Nerd1 177 w. 7th 9t, 3187 Y. Nardi & A. I.atti 106 E. 5th St. " 3190 Robert A. North 786 x. 7th fit. ?679 Matthew O'Neil 690 University Ave. 7900 Park Recreation Farlor, Inc, 188 N. Snelling Ave, '138 Frank J. PSlney 1032 W. 7th Bt. " 2973 ;. H. Prescott 865 ',rend Ave. " P026 H. Prescott 1037 ;rand Ave. " 2925 John J. Quigley 498-3? Wabssha St, pF,51 Esther L, nice 541 Ohio 9t. '863 Otto W. Rohland 461 'W. 7th 9t, '750 Ray J, Ryan 571 Cypress 9t. " ?987 Edw, J. 9, uerwine 1145 Rice It. 3028 A. C. `chabacker 1458 Frankson St. " 2655 C. A. Scheffler 17?8 University Ave, 2913 Tony sciscente 30 Leech St, 1569 John !�evclk 451 Bay St, " 9624 Thos, Skweres 475 Wabashs St, 2923 Frank Smetana 579 Hobert St. " 2691 Stahl Drug Co. 1338 Grand Ave, 2932 William Supornlck 1340 ;rand Ave. 9957 J. J, Verstraete 567 Hall Ave, 9748 Walker—Penoe Go, 75 N. 'Western Ave. POP7 (The Commodore) vim, 17sltere 937 F, 3rd St. " 30F5 N. G, Webber 1529 °el by Ave. " *7 E. L. Wendt 361 Stevens Ave. " ?483 P. C. 'Works 555 Jackson St. " 3101 Merle Zlaskas 168 F, 10th St. 2884 Jahn Belloma 806 F. 3rd 9t. On Sale !welt ^ev. ?866 Matt C. Benhardt 973 o, 7th 9t. " ?194 97915 -4- MI90FLLANEOUS June 8, 1911. NOT DF.LIVTENT Alice Renolkin 840 E, 7th St. On ,Ale "Alt Rev. 247? H. r,. Boyd 741 Selby Ave. " 201 Rudolrh Ebert 87� -• 3rd Et• 'F53 J. 'd, Filbin 57 E. 4th St. " 3016 Flynn & Pathe �O F. 7th St. 1074 17111iem 9enson 2144 Untversity Ave. ?918 =. Rouse 450 `. Robert It. " 'Q49 Clara R. Jones 4— Toronto St, P6n0 Anthony Fulbich 110 S. Robert St. " 2362 Ben Lehmann 537 ,reemvood St. 3a'.: Scary Lenhardt ;? 1''. 7th St. x43 C, J. Lucchesi 1036 E, 7th St. 31511 "7m. P.avrouleA 1580 °t, Qlair It. ?9OB Aur%u9t R. 'deal 1430 university Ave. P914 idlllcrest Tea Shoo 174 Bremer Arcade 3080 (Ney F. mills) Roy 'V. 11olean 183 Marla Ave, " 7609 Tm. Myers 151 'v. 6th It. " '623 Edario Nardi 177 T. 7th St, 3188 V. Nardi & A. latti 106 E. 5th et, 31R9 !lathe. O'Neil 690 'iniversity Ave. PQ01 Park Recreation Parlor, Inc. 188 N. Snelling Ave, 313Q John J. ^ulgley 418-32 webesha 9t. '850 Esther L. -tee 541 Ohio ',t. P864 Riverview Sermane Hall 454 Onega " 1858 Edw. J. Sauerwine 1145 Rice St. 3026 C. A. Scheffler 1778 University Ave. 2872 H. L. Selthun 263 'Y. 7th 5t. 2876 Thomas Skweres 475 Webashe St, " 2912 Victor Techida 33 F. 6th St. P679 "'elgreen Drug Co. 333 Webeeha It. " 1993 'nm, Walters 937 E. 3rd St, " 3054 E. J. Teber 886 Payne Ave. " 1614 R. C. Worke 595 Jackson St. " 3100 ...-_ • 97815 -5- 4ISCELLAYIOUS June 8, 1934. NOT DFLIN)UE:iT A. Ylanakoulee 310 Pice St. On Sale !'.alt Bev. 3134 naris A a.k- 168 °:. 10th Ft " 288i Gust Ales 161 "'. 7th It. Restaurant '068 Nick Ballas 188 3. .airfield Ave. 1514 :'re. Caroline Bartlett 15P W. 11niversity Ave. 'OZR L:att C. Benherdt 023 W. 7th It. Peter Blanchette 15 W. 0th It. 346 Paul D-1— 246 Front It. 2=64 J. F. Fean 1096 :rand Ave. 2O8h J. `.. Fllben S' E. 4th 9t. 3015 Flynn. & Rsths PO F. 7th St. " P935 Jamee D. Hanle 325 Jackson 9t. " 2618 Eddie A. Semen 1124 Payne Ave. P"9 Anthony Rulvich 120 S. Robert St. 3058 C, J. Lucchesi 1066 F. 7th St. " 3155 wm. 'lfavroul ie 1580 Ft. Clair St. " PQ07 Roy VY. Moleaa 283 Maria Ave. " 2608 Tbomae F. ;gran 286 Van Buren St. 2394 L. S. Perron 1,975 ,rand Ave. " 2653 John J. '�aSgley n 4P8 -4P vabashe St. " '849 Esther L. Rice 541 Ohio Rt. " 286' Fdw. J. Sauerwlne 11L5 plce It. " 3017 C. A. Rcheffer 1718 University Ave. 1874 Thoe. Skweres 475 wabseha It. °'4 Arthur F. Slater 468 N. Lexington Ave. 1602 Victor Te chide -, E 6th Rt. 2678 J. 'Ialeh 999 Payne Ave. " 2108 m. 'Walter.437 F, 3rd It. 3056 White Castle System 548 F,btaha 9t " 3117 R. C. works 559 Jackson St. " 3099 wr''� "i t PR N�E'R 9�ICIL RESOLUTION y 3 9 4 RESOLVED/THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITV TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 7� 6,.c5.4Gz•yI{''11'' 3j1ip COVERING CHECKS NUMBERE❑ �TTj `j TO 7C3'�E7H13 IIyCrLVSIVE. AS PSR CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. Aoo , o rHc courvC, MAY 4 M4 J DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK SAINT PAUL ( 4 5 1 -- - COMPTROLLER cou"CIL No OFFICE OF THE . 11 COUNCILMEN-ROLLCALL EIL[ +.TRV COUNCIL RESOLUTION EARCELD "`"°°" AUDITED CLAIMS W 3 9 34 RAI TIL.. AGAINST REaOLVE,A. THAT CHECKS 9E OR TREAsu"v. E11EL ^I 5 MA.ON' T° THE AC. GREGATE AMOUNT OF 1 7 T .5717. COVERING __— 11934 PER CHE ufi R`R; �E °EEIEE A"11TY CDM T; LELEA ADOPTED RT THE COUNCIL By . �..K TOTAL o i rvvl. eeR IN FAVOR OF is • 3435 Highland Park Com. Church 7 50 L i 27 973 15 r d �: DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK SAINT PAUL ( 4 5 1 -- - COMPTROLLER cou"CIL No OFFICE OF THE . 11 COUNCILMEN-ROLLCALL EIL[ +.TRV COUNCIL RESOLUTION EARCELD "`"°°" AUDITED CLAIMS W 3 9 34 RAI TIL.. AGAINST REaOLVE,A. THAT CHECKS 9E OR TREAsu"v. E11EL ^I 5 MA.ON' T° THE AC. GREGATE AMOUNT OF 1 7 T .5717. COVERING __— 11934 PER CHE ufi R`R; �E °EEIEE A"11TY CDM T; LELEA ADOPTED RT THE COUNCIL By . �..K TOTAL o i rvvl. eeR IN FAVOR OF is • 3435 Highland Park Com. Church 7 50 34366 Hilton Rosen, C. of Finance 27 973 15 3437 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 104 14 3438 9t.Pau1 Fire Department Relief Association 8 000 00 3439 'ler aide 39 60 3440 weIs Frederickson 57 6o i441 Feyen Construction Company 2 490 00 3442 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 5 688 on 344} Dr. Arthur 'W. GarbTeoht 00 3444 'Td. Sobwartz 422 6 80 3445 Al Bonn 5 00 3446 R.I. pulme Awning A Shade Co. 90 50 3447 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 1 429 21 3449 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 77 55 3449 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 270 95 3450 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 393 99 3451 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 55 001 3452 L.I. Pollen, Assignee L.P. Geri8oher 20 00' 3453 L.I. Pollen, Assignee L.P. Gerischer 40 00 3454 Gas Sonsumers Assooiation 1 501 345' John Sandquiet and Guaranteed Concrete Company 1 129 37 3456 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 1 179 95 3457 Milton Rosen, C. of Finnnce 9 254 10 1458 David Bashefkin 32 00 3459 F.J. Brings h Company 219 70 3460 Mrs, Patrick Dwyer 225 00 3461 Harry Sansby 250 00 3462 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 636 27. 3463 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 1 381 79 3464 linton Christianson 75 00 3465 Dineen McRae 75 GO 3466 kmerican Insurance Agency 105 84 3467 4merican Development Company 4 970 02 3468 G. Saglio 136 22 3469 r.A. Brandl 21 45 3470 Chicago Pump Company 5 021 3471 Thos. E. Dahill, Chief of Police 227 61. 3472 Ind. Pneumatic Tool Company 1 201 • 3473 McFadden—Lambert Company 141 05 3474 Donald D. Murray. Supt. 23 77 3475 R.9. Fuel Company 7 412 741 3476 Joe. Pavlicek 41 61 3477 Penn—o-Tex Oil Company 7 17 IC 3478 9t.Paul Voo. School Revl.Fun4 50 08V 3479 Mrs, Arletta Sbfpman 9 35 R 3480 The 9neakes Company 45 65 t 3481 Mise Ruth Turnquist 3 001 3482 'Woodburn and Brandl f 89 16 DTAL-PDRw.RD 1 74 560 57 I i � x!!11 T.. c.......... NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS May 4 34 3483 – 3540 a aA E<n , pY _d4193A ^ra °t# N FAVOR OF TOTAL _. .. e.... .Ao „T,o.»..0 74560 57 - 3483 Milton Rosen, C. of Flnanoe 4 769 41 6 00 3484 3485Adame A a B Cleaners Brothers 6 00 3486 Tho Alpha Creamery 6 Oq 3487 H.L. Anderson 6 on 4 85 3488 3489 Chas, a, Arend Mr e, Edna Bailey 6 no - 3490 Frank M. Bertho 6 0o 3491 M. Bonner 6 on 3492 M. Berg 6 50 34U M. Berg Cburch 6 54 6 od 34 3495 Trustees of Bet. Luther= George Bettendorf 5 60 3496 Reuben Birnberg 3497 Geo. A. Boggs 6 00 3498 Mrs. Jane Holland Cameron 6 00 3499 Rev, M, J. Casey 6 00 3500 A, Chalek 5 257 3501 JOT Chamberlin 6 00 3502 Citizens Ice h Fuel Company 6 5q 3503 9eoy. Criepus Attucka Rome 5 6d 6 o0 3504 3505Sven Cypress Street Churob V. Dametedt 6 3506 Johh T. Dervie 6 5G, 3507 Mr e, Llllien A. Doyle 6 Oq _ 3508 Julius Dzlkiewioz 6 00. 6 00�, *509 3510 3511 East side Motor Sales Company Frank Eha Charles r,—enholm 7 50C�' 6 OQ 3512 211as Fahr 5a 351 J. Fenlon 6 351 J. Fink Allen R. Fisher 4 50 3515 John Frenkson, Tress. Como Pk.C. 6 oo 3516 3517 B.B. Gerlaoh 75 Oq 3518 Mr., John 01 ewwe 50 '. 3519 Chas, A. Godbout 4 4 85! 3520 TheGoodwill Industrie. w. 9. 4 85i 3521 3522 Grubbs Botel Hmllne 3523 Mrs. n 6 001 • 3524 3525 M.O. Hast Aastingsga A.D. Hayek 6 001 6 00 6 oo' 3526 3527 George Haok Joe. Hentges 5SOI 3528 RSld rbr,ndt Bzother. 3529 J. c, Hofer 00 3530 HunnBrother, ! 6 o0 3531 Mrs. Ali oe Husten 6 00 3532 Geo. D. Rut 'hip. 5 6o. 353 r. IT. Iden 5 6o'4 6 353 3535 Trustees Forward Lodge 418,L O.D.F. Mr e, Axel Johnson oo 4 85 3536 Carl J. Johnson 6 oof 4 501 3537 Mrs. Aana Kaier Kaminsky 6 no, 3538 Hyman 'C OTT• 6 00, ;539 3540 Hubert A. Ksne �LLex Kell em Drug store 6 0o. --T T.TAI-F.—.. - 79 6641 23! I i � Or PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEI —wnr ,sons.. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. iw o Theundersigned hereby prop,,,. the maki ugof the following public improvement by the City of Suint Paul, viz.: Construct with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the northeasterly side of Oakland Ave., beginning approximately lfi ft. southeasterly -- - of the south curbline of Grazed. .Ave. (produced), thence 21 ft. soutla- easterly. Also reset 38 ft. of granite curb contiguous thereto. Also reset granite curb on the northeasterly side of Oakland Ave., beglnoing 5.5 -ft. southeasterly of the south -curb-lineof--binaoln Ave. (pry te�t�d�, thence 1.7!,,ft. southeasterly. 4th May, 1934 Councilm ` PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following impp em t Construct ith monolithic concrete the sed ewalk�onn�h a northeasterly side of--Oakland--Ave.-,--begi�-aing--a pprcrtcimately. 16 .ft..... southeasterly of the south curb line of Grand Ave. (produced), thence 21 ft. south— eaSterly. Also --reset_.38 ft. of granite curb contiguous --thereto:- - Also reset -granite ---curb on the northeasterly side of Oakland -Ave:-,------ beginning5.5 ft, sout_heasterly_. of the south. curb _-line pf..Linecln--Ave-. (produced), thence 75 ft. southeasterly. having bee. presented to the Council of the City of Suint Paul .. - therefore, be it RESOINED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and i. hereby ordered .vd directed: 1. To inve,tigute the .e mity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. '1'o investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of .aid improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish s plc., profile or sketch of .aid improv- nen t. / 4. To etnte whether or not enid improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon e11 of the foregoing matter. to the Commi,sianer of Finance. Adapted by th, C .... il___. UM 4. 1934 Y.- Nwr. Council...!A— wr .esrfA MCD, Ar Approved _W4, -. Pen R4oeoL Ma. Pne.msxr May rim c. v uu 11.1 .� y. F. SCOTT. �[LtL CLSRB - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GEI>IERAL FORM co soNsa __� (.s1 I ✓. _ n_� �_= oATE RESOLVED \ = " No. 1�/llJ_J RHEA..., Lha following named have made application. for "on �ale- ."—r liceaaea at the address.. Indicated, and SLS, the Council has not granted said applications, and said applicaate have ragva.ted withdrawal of a and a refund of their lice... fee, and return of their bonds, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers be end they are hereby authorised to refund to the said applicant, the license fees heretofore deposited by them and the City Clerk is aotborized to return their re.pec t ive bond. to them and c ancel theirapplicetio ne: R J. 0111— (O'Grady Bros. ) 241 East 3rd St. Edward J. Sea_, 1145 Rice St. Geo. C. Yersh 1099 Readolph St. /1'enrcr Y_ In (nvo� Rosen 'fnu.x Aa i—t /WW IT. F. SCOTT. (:Y CLERK 1.......lrnt. Mxhenry 7'J hl— y'Y o.. z. Adopted by the (N—MAY 8 -193b _.. - Ise _ _. ._S._1934_ y Mayor O'GRADY BROTHERS ST, PAUL. MINN. f � � �( ac�orrvi �r 1.••��, ,-rel-( t, FILLO 1934 �z _Yco. W;,d, CUCSC71_ PILL: SO 1) i sN FINAL ORDER IN CO EMNATION PROCEEDINGS It, &ttt, .f opening' widening and extending Johnson tarkway between Hastings Ave. and Hudson Road. - Ism... one oat°ae�aoioxos. 97404 March 2nd, 1934 n �......,97665 April llth,1934 I on.n be n to improve Johnson Parkway by widening. kl: X01.%ED K R 1111=-1<_ I1,,,t tI„ foll— :. ilcr<�ii I�r an,l ,he =a . Those parts of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 1, Lindley Heights lying westerly of the are of a 180 foot radius circle tangent to the southwesterly line of said Lot 15, and to the westerly line of said Lot 13; also by adding thereto those parts of Lots 15 and 16, Block 2, Lindley Heights lying westerly of the are of a 235 foot radius A-- %-1a to the westerly line of said Lot 16, and e northwesterly line of said Lot 15; also an easement for slopes, cuts and fills necessary to the grading and improvement of east service road of Johnson Parkway, widened as described above from Hastings Ave. to 247 feet southwesterly of Hudson Ave, K Pearce Pearce �1 � R F. SCOTT. \, cnerl iIrV CLUX VIr. Pr -,!-T -,s20 FINAL ORDER IN CO 1V EMNATION PROCEEDINGS opening, widening :no extending Johnson Barkway between Hastings Ave. and Hudson Road, 97404 March 2nd, 1934 -d, 97665 April Ilth,1934 In,IFr 6.—,'lrel< 1, , , , 0111111:, 1-1 ',u. teat the prcc-,wturc, extent and kind of #prove Jobn3on, Parkway by:widenitig m, :.'T OL a 1" 0 b L, CL ayob `V9 ;.T, ?a 116G62 a—>, CC pj 6 Fns UOLPPM62CGLJ% TT.G IL zsTq Cop 12! sja. su G,26.6u, TLCT%PmJIGU rPOpPG -e=CGL7X TTvG 01 ­Tq Pop w -j HGTRPP TXTUR . C -2 OLIX OL PPi VLG CL s S32 Loop L.qT— Fr6 expo C jo aeIsLca 01 , .,-a T2 —, -- CPO Mea C6LTX TTUG cL -TIT 0' rel ,e.lIII 1 0 \1111,111 l 1" Ice ( 11„,l'. A;q", ": MAY MA Councilmen Penne I ru;ux K F. 'SCOTT, " 1 `7' CICY CLUK Mr, , KTIL 121 1 yN lUll - t - - ✓oh N En P rk S"I'll 934 zk -Z-1 a \ /4 /34 12 IG — - 17 10 17 41 h 1: W 19- L/ rJO�+hdicates F _ TyPica7 No to Pion s Figures above line sines I Figures Lr/ow /ire show _ - Distance ;b which slopes Ex tend beyond Praperfy Lin,. John:or a,�. y scale: /"/00., Open.�g/Oc�3 MIlk - - and 5/oa 825 The C<1:-nis,ir:ncr c,£ 1'1:1a:,1e f -,h-r ray .,r�. tha, he },as oil ::f IIIc --,d - and h<rcl�} s bmi, the as h:s r - ri ch - c ih, C..0 nc�l, 11,1111 r -111 011 11,1- him "f -,"CC iu said ire , b, Fc 1,, ,J (J cam m1�s1­­ of ri.—«. O E PARTM ENT SO F, FINANCE • REPORT OF COIJiMISS10NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER` (o) Ir. �hc wauu of Opening, a'id enir:g �_nd extendinK J7 h! non Pc k.•ay beto'een L,stings venue £nd vanue by Id,' f to St those parts of Lots lig 14 and 15s 5locic 1, lindlay Aai gh is lying terly of the me o� 13J loot rcej circle tangent :o the soutnwas'erly line e o1' said lot 15, ar.�' the _ line of s,..i,' lot 1t A1no Gy a'-r'.ing th'-ratoJ tfw s= its o Lots 1.5 and 1.6, i,Locx = i.Sn-X11-may i-t ai grit= Lying w- arc of e 2'5 foot rs�jius ci:-cl c- t�ci�en r_ '.o '-he w ''"1y -.ne of said lot 16, ­1 �2z - northw mss'. = ly lane of said lot l t,lso t£ki nd 1'i'_lfis n3Ce5 �8 rj/ Of e t service road of So.`�n mon ?n rK.•�y� w'id en .. r1 Ze=. rl hsd �• - ung fr�m Hastings �.v nue to = '.7 -3- -cu tYiw e=•. _. _- ,. .:u'1s �',.>vv 0 _. To The c+�ia ied f.,.,. f.a rccl �� lase ri Pir��., 1, A­ sem. re ..s (ol I—, oEscwivriory DoT ago c.� nooiriory �auunrio dL lK. 1�: 1 Li ndlsy :. >i:;hts 100 13 1 _0 100 1? 1 do 100 lf� 1 do 100 ].i 1 do 125 1., 2 d. 100 1 , 2 do 1- 0016 1 62 do 100 825 The C<1:-nis,ir:ncr c,£ 1'1:1a:,1e f -,h-r ray .,r�. tha, he },as oil ::f IIIc --,d - and h<rcl�} s bmi, the as h:s r - ri ch - c ih, C..0 nc�l, 11,1111 r -111 011 11,1- him "f -,"CC iu said ire , b, Fc 1,, ,J (J cam m1�s1­­ of ri.—«. OEPA RTM ENT OFP FINANCE REPORT OF C:C)MMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -� (D) " In rh: ai,<r of undar 1'rrli iiiiL r� ()r.lcr .i„ ""i "fir the Cru n.i; �f eh�� l'i�r� of Sr- I'a iil: 'fhaC,rni���issi�,i�cr �f i��na:icc hc�rcl��� rcI�r�rrG as (�1I.,.v .: l'he c�ini est,marcJ n���ou�ir of rhe �s.r s.mei� t fr.r � he >!�<,� r. .r r��ro. cmenr .s y _ 'IIIc �.tiinatcd c��.r�cr ft— 0:c ah").e �.o ccl „s last npon�J b. IIIc .1vr�: r�..s folic, .. s_ oiliory Lcuid �unr�o F3l,iq� 12 1 Lindlsy 5,ii<hts 100 13 1 do 100 lA 1 d 100 1 1 30 100 1-3 1 do 125 14 2 do 100 1:, 2 do 100 16 2 d c, 100 82f, IIIc Commis=ioiicr r.( I ir.a rrcc l��r�h�r r err. that he has i.,. csriFaeeei all of �h, ,fid matte , d him hcrcb� �ihmir� the forr�o n� s his r rr thcr«>rr :> the C.�u ri til, r ..� rt rn to s .ann togerhe eh nc� re Fro o,ie r rr�lcrcnn io said a.ucrrr Ir. the C�r�r.�m��sronrr of Pt�l�lic \\-��rks- e,�.m n.s n. n.e a C'or.r mission er of Finan«. Office of the Commissioner of Public WWW FINANCE m Report to Corrlmissioner of Finance a``p_...... l6 1834 march 14, 1934 ms th, ('it,- „f .tet. Pa,a; W -k- h—ii­ „rd- d th, 97404 aI, (, r,,.,.,, march 2, 1934 19:1 ,e^.crag .stings Avenue ::nd -ud s:�z ,venue by adding to It '_hose p,rts of Lots 11, 14 sn' 15, =•1oc 1, Lindley F.ei gh is lyinb ly of the rc �f _•� TOJt Sus el rcle ang aat tha southr:es erly 11ne 3Tj a:Ld -,.t 15, sn' _. -:y 1=osty '_dirid th--l.. ...lrs �# rrts Lots 1�, ^. 16, i3:.— S.S n_'1ay Heights lying .-.y the +.rc o.^ a 2'S foot iius circle _nngwa illy re oC said lot 16, a 1 Cha nor t.*a-r.os- ly lina c,- = id lo`. 19. ALso ta<i- � e� —r! come-nlny_ an eaent o, sl-, cuts and f1'_l s, necessart!-h g: r.�in.� s uv:an-' Smdrov--rit of east asrvice road of Johnson , wld ened tre Ae^crl b=d ahova from Ha s ting` v nue ,o __.c •] ae., sou thweo'e:.y _.. ..v,. -ter. :.v•^.0 e. A, A ylnn, p -61, k -,.h of -i,i uttnch-1 and e.,a,h, 4. .i_ dniJ impr„v,•n,r ut is zvked f- upon Petition of three Prnperty, =ulijrrt to a�eenvninl for raid —„j.r„.ernett. ('cimm.ns.0 ver v( Pkn. AD Office of the Commissioner of Public WVW9FINAM 9� Report to Commissioner of Finance ��M1.r r.!'.R 16 1934 march 14, 1934 na nud the ua- nn I —[ I ..f :t. a �.I�in, f�rofi l� or �k.•cch u[ .�nid iii. Fero. ��.. ��t is h.,.- —.0-d — d p"d hc""E 4. 5. a k,d fur .iron p, ­ti— ,f thf nr pp t, =ul,jirt t., nwrr.An.� nt f..r nv id ini�rovrmcnt_ CAD 1 C'omrniesionec u! YuL tic orka. :)1nil COUNCIL FILL: NO. °sena . n n lir ••'"•. .:... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of curbing both sieea of 7,elle St. from Payne Ave. to Edgerton St., under Preliminary Order 96£11 approved epte—ar 19, 1933 Intermediary Order _.. ....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon doe notire, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it _ - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is auto both s_._s ,f sells Wit. " c. Fayre tc Ldi;erten St. and the Council hereby orders sold improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commi000m, of Pohlic Work, be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for .raid improvement, and submit same to the Council for xpproval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereh, authorized and diverted to pro- cred with the making of said improvement in accordance theewith. tdnptest by nye conned MAY g ,gU , 192 MAY a 'x39 .Apprm'ed Councilman anc}�� �l•u11E•, erguspp-. Councilman Rald t -""Ila an p ¢en ,-., c,anrdmaa �.. .e� Council Mayor o gaon Form R. S. A. 8-7 KGea-C�. In a-a�a> I'll ol llul DEPA9TMk��T11 OF FINANCE REPORT OF commrssiONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER of Si- .. ........ .72 "p, ......... a, f"ll i3ldr. 350 1601) Eill. 3�1 A t 17 ""i'l. t, St. 200 19 d. 500 10- 2054 275 "bo 21 450 2450 22 460 2200 23 450 2500 24 d. 450 1000 25 450 1450 }228OO 355700 Fh, Ck,m,,.,,. — J F„;—« man<, «L. 116— I" a,, .,k --d a,a.l« . .,d hrrcLr sub���iu fhc f -e , s leis alio . [hcn„i� [,� IIIc C��:i., r.1, rigctn cr 1.3t1i �... ....... maJc i� h -.m iii �c[c«ncc v, said m��1er by clic Com n�'ission��r of P��bHc \\'r�rA s. //nn D—d 19 C111-11111-11 of F'11a11- DEPA RITM ENT SO FP F INANGE REPORT OF COM M1561ONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �,nnt of 26 27.5 650 ` D1 ocY. 5 f nr'_i �l trin Hille .ant 4 ^f 26 hfi—. 22:, 900 ::7 do -0 y00 ... l0 500 1 00 .. ."i t a. 2: o ao .,000 10,0 450 1550 a0 4,0 000 22:, 900 .netk, f do 25 1550 Nget I o 7 ao 450 1300 o 45,. ]000 X150 -0 ,0 4'10 u.1 71 .0 4�0 1'50 12 .0 450 1100 1, do 450 14 :.10 }228OO 355700 Fh, Ck,m,,.,,. — J F„;—« man<, «L. 116— I" a,, .,k --d a,a.l« . .,d hrrcLr sub���iu fhc f -e , s leis alio . [hcn„i� [,� IIIc C��:i., r.1, rigctn cr 1.3t1i �... ....... maJc i� h -.m iii �c[c«ncc v, said m��1er by clic Com n�'ission��r of P��bHc \\'r�rA s. //nn D—d 19 C111-11111-11 of F'11a11- Paul, 'I h, Council.S�. Rudy —ex SI, A— St. A— 1 N.'/z oc 9.E :S E.;• 2: T 2D. e Z.2. /3F -� SCJ E=- DD oD- �o_ DF'Ie e N o � rosK sr. 4,I--�4 ��D3rDDD� 1 - WELST THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTEROFFICECOMMUNICATION .@p.lil March 2, 1934 Hon Herman C. v+enzel, Commissioner of Public works, City of St. Paul, Mi. - Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing both sides of wells Street from esyne Avenue to Edgerton street, under Preliminary Order C. h'. 96411, approved September 19, 1955. Estimated host 9845-11 Cost per front foot .72 Inspection 15.10 mngineec-ing 75.00 Frontage 1178 ft. Yours truly, �1 / GEOHGr. M. SHEPAHD, P u' Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the///b �issione- of Finance H'EFiE1Ah Commissioner of Public w r ,Office of the Commissioner of Public t)&BkWNANCt .a Report to Commissioner of Finance F MAR 7 1434 M—ch 6, 1934 i93 Y. iI, 1 d I nu-. .d 1h, t'Itt d 11 Rud 'fho Ili000is��on,r of 1'olilii �\'o�kr, huciog hnJ uod,r c„oµid�rntmo the pnlimimvr ord,r ..f ih, 96411 nhp",cd Sept. 19, 1933 i53 the curbing of both sides of Wells Street from iIayne -enue to r:dgerton Street. ..n.I baring i—, -g -'I 1hr nu,ttrrs and things cofonY it t., Chemin, h, A, reports_ 1. nnid ool�ror,in,ot i� ower, incl !nr) dr.irnl,le. et per front foot $0.7,' _.'fh, ,ntiu�nt,d r ��t thereof is £ 847' 11 uid thr to tnl cost thereof is R Inspection !15.13 Engineering $'75.00 Frontage 11'78 ft. and thr onto", and tent of nnid 'imprucrnonl ix Rs roll�iw-F J. .1 limn, I,- 1, o" ak,tdh of nnid improrenieot it h. r,U> nttnrhe I and mode o port hemnf. A. n. Snid is aA,d for upon lwta,- .f of pmp,rty, euLjrrt to ---t for —id improvcnient. 00 0 COCNCH, FILE \0. •�� -.—� B, FINAL ORDER In the ]falter of e f.cin,; v. t t—incus material Alley in Block 4, Den F. L—.,. Eomesite Flat 2, from $aniline Avenue to Albert Avenue, under Preliminary Order 97380 eppr... (I February 21, 1934 Intermediary Order, _..._ __..... _..... .. _approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is -f- with _ itwinr— materiel Alley in Block 4, Den E. Lane's Bon"11. Plat. 2,, Prom_.Hamline Avenue to Al:., -t Avonue, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are herehy authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said imoymennt1 in accordance therewith. ,ldnph•d 6}' Bir Council 192 , 19'_ l'Irrk SAY 91914 A pprDvcd , 192 r^1 -I „nrdd M' CauneilmatiCPAtiCr"'11' J (' •e.'I ice+— !/ C11"cilma�A�fll9dPfdfB N i p f CooncilmandlK4#lo�afi-- J Councilman�$6dRta" PLRLISH[iD_,,_/_..1 C'ouncilman�0iPt4f,EP'�tlO zlveuzrl Ila>or"IRM i`labov.v -� Form R, S. A. 8-7 W11 J - f CITY ­ �T —L ^EP^=°EN�T~"FINANCE REPORT orcoww/��/mvs�or=r/w^mc " = s w "" ~�'�^"`""" '^�^".~^ ~~—�~' ^~~~ ^~by_~. ^^"^~. ^~.^^^~~-,~,.�~~ `t"_~~..~~/I—, f'."^~..~~~~~..° ^ ,^` "~^~~,~° ^^^.^.�".,°~~~~ ^~^.�~^~~~~~~�.�.�~~~^~° _^.^-~ � = =` `910 "= ~» = 1.500 ^710 `= "= `= = `200 "400 ,:10� = `2), = 1200 ^= DEPARTMENT OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) 13 h .e� .. 2 100 4100 14 ° 1900 ?000 1:, 4 'O 1;00 5850 1,3'00 1/ 4 0 loon 41 10 I in 1000 1,113 ° 1000 4100 20 1.0 1(X10 4500 21 0 l noo eno _ 4 d° 1000 410o 23 4 a 100o s000 21, k o 1OW 4350 2�, 4 d 1(100 39lk1 26 4 d. s000 300 27 4- do loaf 52so 21, 4 . ldn0 350 :32,560 :112,900 l'lie Commissioner of P�:innce (�r�h�r r<I ��ns lhac lie Iiae iii. es iigni�d all of the aforesaid main ��d n<reby eub milt �6e [orcgoi�ik as hia rc2orz cli�m., �� co <hc G.i�ncil, toee�li �� "i�h �..c redo ri made to h'im 'in said J, the Com mission<r of Public 1 ,,k,- 19 J_ Y Co of Pivanc<. A, Paul, N I i 1, "he Ct" ,f S, P-1, Xh-,. Blade and surface with bituminous material - Alley in Block 4, Den K. Lane's Homesite Plat 2 --A" lxx:x— — Albert Avenue ti 35c— NANtE AI -1-1 t to 4,n —N- -G -- A -,- - - , t ( (—) vp A- 4-� " Mr. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner Court House Saint Pail, Minne80t a Dear 81r Ienclose herewith petition for Blading and Burfacing with bituminous materiel the alley inBlook 4, Den E. Lane an Home alto Plat 3. Would appreciate the speeding of this petition and if It iapossible to do the work 4his fall the petitioners would like to have it done. There are only two Casae Of delinquent taxes in this block so far as the 1931 and prior taxes are concerned, which I think is pretty good in these times. AFH H (/Avery t y yours A. F. RoHLEDER LA \Y CJFFIM BARTA ROHLEDER N e-a�w sn��r rni i, enter+. usa�rvu �C� "23d,Mw C� August 1933 Mr. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner Court House Saint Pail, Minne80t a Dear 81r Ienclose herewith petition for Blading and Burfacing with bituminous materiel the alley inBlook 4, Den E. Lane an Home alto Plat 3. Would appreciate the speeding of this petition and if It iapossible to do the work 4his fall the petitioners would like to have it done. There are only two Casae Of delinquent taxes in this block so far as the 1931 and prior taxes are concerned, which I think is pretty good in these times. AFH H (/Avery t y yours A. F. RoHLEDER _ S. %z _ tir y GOODRICH - —_ ,q VIC. r I-A/RMOUNT - AVE. ! 1 I� a . � I y, - SAR o Env 7- 2 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION march ' , 1934 son. Herman I;. ri enzel, Commissioner of Po— is a— ks, �;ity of .;t. raui, Minn. Dear Sir: L tran—it herewitY: _,rel m.inary estimate of cost for surfacing viith bituminous material Alley in dock 4, pen L. Lane's Homesite Plat 2, from Ham -line ..venue to i+1'oert :,venue, under � x ellminary -rimer L. I- 975130, approved rebrua.ry 7d, 1934. Istimated oast X494-34 cost r— front foot 3.43 Inspection 8.71 r.ngineering S0 •U0 Front. -e 11 G3_d�J ft. Yours truly, M. SKEPAND Chief F-ngineer. Approved for transmission to tha Commissioner of Finance ,MP liCL, c _ . ,o" moi! omi�i scion er of eu b OiFice of the Commissioner of Public s 9t R/ J Report to Commissioner of Finance c MFF. 16 1991 .darc6 1`„ i S4 tI '1'.. Ih. t'. -- ice— ...� ..f I i...... ..f t h. 1 *0 , J St . I'...II I... t'.,......i+ri..n.r ..f 1'.i 1.1i. \\.,,k,. I—, -g 1-1 .—.I., .i.it —,-. tl.., n.Ii i..i,-, .. d'' ..f I.,,..,.d. ko.,..0 a. I..,....0 Fl. 97380 v...........I reb. 28, 1954 Ina the surfacing with bituminous maL erial Alley in lock 4, Uen Lane`s Homesites elat 2, from tiumline Avenue to Albert —nue ,,—I h... -i. i-1 —91111 11 ti......t l.ry t1 -I Il.i..K` ,. F. 't.d I . . ,1'.." i i., I., r..I, t,_ X0.45 per front foot rn. ., ,a. d ih. ..r 494.34 ,d th. t.. , I —It u.. .,f s Inspection $8.71 N�ngineering $50.CO Frontage 1168.88 ft. w -- :i. A I,1-, p—fib .., AO,I, r,f —,I i...prv,—.....t i, h—lt., e.t l -I -d ."I n.s.l.- x I,", 1--f. 4. . nid .ukcd f.,r .f 1,-P-ty, ul.jr-.t t.. nte�_sFn.. ..t f.,r Knid imprucun.ent_ /l -L / -i—i-- ,f e QO CC COL\CII. FILE \0. By flet pt,rhRp(1a81he q 11.tf0 t. At —1, ' tae. Bt. lE'.cow— 'he Droale n hsrd{'tlf _ FINAL ORDER ,,,I he Matter of ohaagin6 the grade of Cook Street frog Albemarle Street to Wood- bridge Street to conform to the red line on the profile -1-1.attacher. an!, made a part hereof, the orosent established grade being 'ng by the rine line t-ereon, also gradin CookStree`� from hl bmnerle Sorest to 'Noodbr'_dge Street, an c trading Alley inHloek '_b, Auerbach & Hand's Addition from Cook Street to Oliver Strest, under Preliminary Order 97381 approved Febrwy 26, 1934 Intermediary Order _.. _._approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _. --.. ..... -- Oliver Street ---- erede Alley in Hlocl 2,f, Auerbach k Hand's Addition from Cook $treei to and the Council hereby orders said improvement to he made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Vho,ted 1, the Cc it MAY R 1934 Ise MAY A Milclerk- ,vpnro, d .I9> �, Mn c Councilman �fnn� =� i loon, Coom,'Imnn ffl-+ ( 'Imnn Atm' ( onuilmenillMlP� s" cam. � 1layorl Fara, B. S, A. 8-7 P. SCOTT, CITY CLE" By r i I O EPA RTMY NT OFPFIv REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER J 1„d,e ,.I chn I. of th., _on :tr ha i.. Glbme„-t., aooa br: l;,e ut _. �- t, —d— l)-.. , r=.� ii�r wary _ 1"134 rt ,._e ab—, ey s iPriory I.T LAlll:Tllry bldg. nll>y in bl:c.° s"i, sa. Sl r, 2 .1 >.dd t:, _....nu_ . o..s 2 —f 1 25 F_u ar cnvh 4 !ian l�� dd -.o vh,, 900 2400 � Paul 3 25 do 500 2650 _ 2. l Do 2560 5 2.. do 500 3100 � LS _0 500 25 .o 100 2450 8 25 :SOD ,'D0 a3 25 .�0 500 6400 (C) OEPA RTM ENT SO FP F INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONEFS-OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ?14, 00 S3::,350 'fhe C --i",... ��f F'�na��c� f„r�h�r el. rig cl:al I��- Inas iii.c �iR� e�. nll o[ the ......l '.b—i'i 'I" [., c ) r, s his cForc ch�rc ,.� <<� clic C. unci1. i ti<<h�r .. iih lii� rl m�.lc co li��� .n re (ere nee c.> avid �»acic, by the c" --i'--, "f Public /,u..- . ­ k liedf 1, A— t�, the 400 7 11 2:, do 900 12 2r do S00 1 S 25 -io t00 2100 14 ..., ao 500 950 l: ._., 500 600 1 , _.. .o ' S00 1200 17 20 .. .+00 1300 18 21 do 500 13 21 do 500 105, 2 J 21, do 400 2250 ?14, 00 S3::,350 'fhe C --i",... ��f F'�na��c� f„r�h�r el. rig cl:al I��- Inas iii.c �iR� e�. nll o[ the ......l '.b—i'i 'I" [., c ) r, s his cForc ch�rc ,.� <<� clic C. unci1. i ti<<h�r .. iih lii� rl m�.lc co li��� .n re (ere nee c.> avid �»acic, by the c" --i'--, "f Public Erre R.O. /r�. - _-,_�<,, ,- ., •,. ., - N.R.O. O R.0�'r R.O. R.O. J /o AUG 1933 �r rant nt J Yut'ji� AV R.O. N.R.O. n s ego dog `/ l i I✓`�rs4N -- — - — AVE.-- -T— NANO A✓E. fA¢¢/N67NN O A✓E• C L o� • n, M�n� Lo� AA'[I E [1E _ GAUL7E/Q JT . I LH ��l�Jy�y�Jy Nfsania�c az A[OEIMIlL6 I Sa . ---1 F---1 F -II iII THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTEROFFICECOMMUNICATION .fir,; March 9, 1934 �omici ssi one, of 'b 11 rvork.=, City o£ „t. lla,l.inn. ue— ,:ir: i transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of rook street from Albemarle ,;t. to oodbridge Wit_ rind grading gook St. (Lee Alley in '3111. 15, Auerbach & nand's Addition) fr,m Albemarle Lt. to woodbridd� 't., ander Plellmi,, ry Order approved Feb_ ?3, 1934. F.,:timated `—t S590.?6 Cost per front ft. 1.14 Inspecti , 10.31 Engineering 65.00 rr->ntage 516.89 ft. Yours truly, SHr:pA. HI), of ngineer. Approved _or transmission to th {�Y/t, o!r:=lssvV rYnu ice O£ �k{, hP-,b si—er omrnis si on e^ o£ Yu bl orr.s. CITY OF SAINT PAUL e.plr.1 ar Min ,e .. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C WEN—, Herman 1. Wenzel, commissioner of Public +pork;:, CS ty of Wit_ -au , n_iuu. near tir. 1 transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Alley in block 25, Auerbach end Hand's Additlon (See Cook ;,t. from Albemarle to '',..dbricge) from Cook tet. to oliv,r at., under Prelimirary order — r. 97^01, apjrov i eebruary estimated Cost X579.54 uost per front foot 0.76 lnspection 9.89 ,.ngineeriug 7t.00 ­ntage 758 ft. Yours truly, Pry hur' M. bn:.PPt ng^_neer. Apyroved for trans:nisyioii �UIYI,OFFINANC� to the Co�m�i /�eJi/,�9f r : n—s /1'J �L�:tiiFft'N ti". wi'SJZ h:L, ."��/' 7�••t2•, ,1 commissioner of Public �„brks. 9; n3 MAR 16 1934 -Office of the Commissioner of Public WUF FINANCt 9� � � ,=3 Report to Commissioner of Finance er., _� MAO 16 IW4 March 15, 19-A ,I❑ b. the t .n............. r 4 1'l, n — "I the I'i,, d Wit. Pnul .,I I"Ohl, \t'.,rkrv, hurl nK --l. 41li n.i i. a n- r.rd, r 4 '1., Il.ui.ril, k..n„n n. r.�.inr 11 I i1, \o. 97;81 npr y. et. z9, 19,14 changing the grade at Uook _t. from t,ltemarle &t. to woodbridge Wit. and grading crook tt. (-ee ,+lley in Blk. ?5, Auerbach a Hard Is Addition) from Albemarle -t. to 400 lbridge :t. n n.l hnr-inµ in,r=tiµnted ih. �nnit— ui.d (11,11µr 1.fi ed t.. 0—r—., herel.c r.�l.or4 _ 590.76 lost per front foot Sl.lq 2. 'f Lr .��t ii..nleJ rug th.ee�il ie f and ih.� tni.d ruet then��.f i+ F inspection 810.31 engineering 8.65.00 Frontage 8516.98 and the �uilum and .dent ..f . 0 iniprnren�enl in n, I.,llt,— 3. :1 pL,n, profile nr sk, to Ii of nnid nips... il,,t i. hereto ntlnrhe.I �, I nude n pnrt here., 4. 4. iniprorei..ent I, -kid for iip uh- n( Lhree ur i�.or� uw nen o[ property, Frthjeil 1�. nwrvvi.� it Ior nnid . ���inn�l Toner of ,ibde W. W wk Office of the Commissioner of Public WoM FFINANCt v Report to Commissioner of Finance OPAL+ 26 1934 eaer�h t5, 1934 1"3 1.1111. 1 ............ "', ,f I inuii, ..f the ('- ,f Wit. 11-d 'Ih.�.f P'Od" %\—ku, 1--., haul n—I— , rati„n the pnli---y i"d... h(� c ou nril. kfm. N. 97381 aph. ,. ��d t• eb—ary 28, L9 :&d3 the grading of Alley in Block 25, Auerbraeh and Hand's Addition (See Cook ot. from l,lbemarle to 40odbridge) from Gook to Oliver inA iK I.d th, 11 and mfr rn 1 - th, rein, h, r�•1,1 npnrL: .,nd Lost per front foot $0.76 _trd r�n.t Weu•uf in s 579-54 ud thr total Lost thrrca,f fs k IaspBction £9.89 r:ngin eeri n� $''775.00 Pront.:t,e 758 ft. olid the ani ori ni�d i•st�.��t ��f said intprnvr����nt i., ns f„II(,w, 3. .A I�Inn, profile ,, k,t(h of �niil impn���.�m �-nc i� h��n �to attar hc�l and tnadr a part hemof. a sul�jert to nweumrul !or said i�iiprovrrnint GOOF FINANCE e "'••. z ~1 � .-3 - MAO 16 1939 a ked f— Iton 1,.-tiu— of throe or mon ua arra of pmprrry ` f'ommi.�sionrr of Puhlike. I11LSI-I1-F1 A Sl FINAL 64tDER IN CONIX�MNATION PROCEEDINGS condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Cook Street from Albemarle Street to Woodbridge Street, and grading Alley In Block 25, Auerbach & Hand's AddJ&i— from Cook Street to Oliver Street - — 97382 Feb. 28, 1934 h under 97667 April 11, 1934 �r aria �t l,r ri,.�n. he i[ P 1:"11.\'F1), B, , ,.,,,i condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the .,@^gradin lley Sn Block 25, Auerbach & Hand's Addition, from Cook rest to Oliver Street. and the Gn,ncil hemi,, order; said Impm...... KFSOI A GU FCH"111471, 1 hm ,hc t"ilo„Ing 1- 1, _ ,hemin be and thr m ore hrrehp _1_'l 6, b'e taken, f r 1L, pe r).��c�ui m,,n m� the �uml :n,pruccm a,ts ���-- For slopes, cuts and fills in the aeW-gradin ley inn cE-�5, Auerbach & Hand's Addition, from Cook S reet to Oliver Street, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public 'Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. ..d „ 1•r 1 � 1 �,.,_ ��� 1 1 << �,,.l,r ,_ ��d a � I � i_ are hero S, MAY R'o34 1 LC > 1,n MAY 81934 1^ coy <um Vichrnabl '� �— / F. SCOTT. \I r. 1'resid.=ut CITY CLLRa n_ - iB/k.ZSiRen6oeh .dsAw eAl ol; st 02 NyJ3B ALLEY BLK. Z5AUERDACH&HAN&5ADD.. — show - COOK ST, OLIVER ST. shev I XS.c. Bk.NgYtA6.. . Sca181�:40 WOOD13RIDOE ST.CC A U E R B A C H & H A N D S S A D O. a co 2%s' :e 13 14 IS I6 17 G O. Ger 60 4qr. [h r. Shed Gar a� vv�� p�y mmII _I ry 7DD. O A U ER B A C H & H A 'N D 5 A - ALBEMARLE ST 1 + I.dKates C„ t. — Inds— Fill. -" ul N.w— `— :yur . — line slaw :..t o.s,ll at P. dy line. - �/u..s bele.. line drew .tan <i which slopes Rend beyond propeRy Gee ec. Beek Ne,2.t9b X-S.c. Bk.NgVYA ALLEY BLK. ZSAUERDACH&HANDrb ADD COOK- ST.. OLIVER ST. - WOODBRIDOE ST. - + A. U E R B A C H & H A N D S A D E _ II 29 5' <a .I3 14 IS 16 17 .18 qe, Az Cf) Fr. - _ 60' F. -i Fr Fr Gur. Fr' 60 a �iM �� ~t � SIH � �I^_ •�"j(��k ��K d�°y Qt �° �� �N G Gar. Obl Fr. Ger - Fr. Gar. �. G � K 1, O W > V 2)O A U E R B A C H & H -A N D' 5 A D" -D. - ALs5EMARt..E- ST -- v+inaie.nec„c � — I.dicws Pill. T>v�c�l Nol.,ion Fy�..eWw lineclw Cut er allhp�>y line. FiH,... brow line aber diyenn le. nMeb abpr -' e>lend Wand P^•a.�b R.n, - l.oc. Beck Ngi.?.S?XSar. Bk. Ne,ZZs,� Ws m * I2 C c� o 6o -- -- zO 60' /iA23 La Q 0. W af m $ P L :A Y G R O U N p S W Q CITY 01 IT OEPARTP�ENI.qF1111 FINANCE -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI M'NAR?- ORDER ,f gad nru -i t,ki­, I, ---t i�l thA land 1— "y f-1 Illp—, �llt� -1 fill, I, Stlllt, 'I;, - 3t., y -k under I'rrliii iii ()r 31, alb- , , r ., ryl:a SS he C . ...... I of ilia C- of S, Paul. foa I h, 'I",- 1, ,f ,d p I b, Thr A,--. Land Bldg. lot. 2 -d 1 25 A..Ib..h & Hood'. Add to th. 900 2400 Cityof St. Paul 3 26 do 500 2650 4 26 do 500 2360 6 25 do 500 3100 6 26 do Boo 7 25 do 500 241510 0 25 do 600 800 9 26 do 600 6400 (C) AUL DEPARTMENT QF P FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINPlRY ORDER 10 25 A.—baoh h Handle Add to the 400 City of St, ilol 11 25 do 400 12 25 do 500 2250 is 25 do 500 2700 14 26 do 500 960 15 25 do 500 600 16 25 do 500 1200 17 25 do 500 1500 18 26 do 500 19 26 do 600 1050 20 25 do 400 2250 19600 ¢32350 "I'he Commissi�,ner of Fi��a..ee fu rch�r rc l���r cs cl�ac lie has all of i, ci< , a[td hereby —bmiis the foregoing a� his rc bore elscrec,n e� clic C -,il, "`Becher wid. clue r���on �naJe co I.im in rc(crencc co said macier by the C——i--, of Public Works. /- irl)a led C�I/{�.�1" !/% Coi��miss�oner o[ F-inaoce- � :' - - FINANC! of Public cumgide �of the Commissioner �i 'Report to Commissioner of Finance a e h A <'G 1934 KU 16 1914 e6arch 15, 1934 I93 ( -n- ,f Dina n," "f the t'it. .,f Wit. 1'u�tl "t II t"f 1"tl.li. NN ,k,, t -'i", hnd ��n�l.r ��,�icid. r:.t i�.n LIQ,. I�r.liniinnry i.rd�r ..t the k ...... .. I II. So- 97'82 eb. 28, 19 'd 191 relnCae b, condemning and taking an ea—ment in the land neces_ury for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of hook :, treet from Albemarle to Aoodbridge btreet, and grading Alley in Flock 25, p—,b—h an,, riand's Addition from C=ook -street to Oliver-treet. and hn.i_ in..-,tUKI,d 0" dints— I-1 thit'Rc —f--] to tb.—ln, 1,(—I,' thrreuf is 4 xxx , till It', t<.tnl '—, tf " S xxX nn.1 0- tint—, and rxtcnt of —1 -....... . _-NI ;. A I,Inn, 1-411, — Fk,,tch of caul i�nprv... t... nt i= hrn•to nttnchcd and mndn a pnrt herr��[. \�[\J. 4. . in.l.ru....... is I,k-1 for u1x, 1 -nn— of thmi MIP-ty� EUl�jrct l.� n.�ercn..�rnt f�.r enid intl�rovetnent. •. r.)W OF FIIVANCj,),1/,---C—Z,11/' 34 Mn. 16 1 825 G COUNCIL FILE NO. l;y I In the Matter of purring Pacific Street from -art Street to a point 285 feet —t o, Griffith Street, l under Preliminary Order 96324 ._.approved .September 8, 1533 Intermediary Order _approved .4 public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council ha ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations datis relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it d.�e.�,�riy,2 x RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul chat orole[ent to be mad, by the acid City -'L' cern Pecl!'i�traet froN�` 1 Street�ba_e pont 285 feet f Griffith SeZ et, cil here orders said improvement be made.ED FDRT R. That tCommiPublic Works 6e and is hereby trusted and repare pians a specifications for aaid imemon"andsubmit some to the it for \,he t upoaid nppro 1, the propertyofficinlaaherebyauthorized and direrled to - muking of sail im ovemen accordance there h. Adopted by the C-r,h 192 . 'Jll Councilm n 61Bitdga-"=�='� �I clmnntE Couneilm n Nfo96pep3'=J. �'...r Gnrsihnan NFs �:. �� Councilrcian a9!lR94NTf� T��,��� t ennrilman «„"�� 11. or 1 9eR Form R. S. A. 8-7 W`4 F. SCOT T CITY CLVRK Efnyor DEPARTMENT OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIG510;-IER OF FINANCE �A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER cu rb in. Pavia i, Strait _rom -zrl ..t. tc pn.nt 2[f5 t't. w•jet o. ,r."f ith 3t. 'ender Preli n..n v Urger ; I ,. c,i ept—b— E2, 1933 "1'o ch, ,! ane Ci of S, P-1 "1'1. �Com mis.i�ner of Finance hereby re l,o res as (,Ilo ��s- "1'he c•�I„ <. c����a<<.I a. • �! i.�e ass css «,���� f�•r i1�e ab..e � nl.� .cm.��c �s - - - 'i'hc cs�unalcd ensl pe�rt�(ar cbe abo.< � , nun• u, w - - _ _ _ _ _ g .6@ The 1„is • reels of land ehai �� b� as.e sse.l ben efi is (�r su.h i ,.nye n1 �..e ans es�ed .al��nci�•n of each oe or 1•a reel as Iasi r•p.�r. e.l b� the .-\.s.ss rc ae l�,I l.w.. LandvALDpT131dP. 15 2 9r �11J. A1ots 1 0 11�o b1s 17 2 '_1, all Dart .. ,^ k.cLaan'e ^.ns wrva-550 1100 tion to St. P-1 1112 do 550 BOO 19 2 do 550 1450 20 2 .o SO 1250 21 2 .0 550 1150 22 2 no 550 1350 23 2 .10 500 21 2 do 500 2700 (B) REPORT OF oCOMMISSIONER EOF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 25 2 D—k.l - Ro-or or block- 2. 8, 550 100 9, 10 an,i lo'_-.dr_,to 11, of M1lk. 26 2 11, all port of McLean'- R-----550 2100 tion 27 2 _.0 950 2200 28 2 do 550 3000 29 2 do 550 30 2 do 600 4200 1 8 do 800 2850 2 8 do 550 3450 3 8 do 550 1700 4 8 do 550 150 5 8 do 550 1750 6 8 do 550 3100 7 8 do 450 8 8 do 450 1000 9 6 do 300 10 6 do 300 11 8 do 300 12 8 do 300 13 8 do 525 14 8 do 550 2200 15 8 do 925 2300 1 ".Kmart`- Pacific S -,—t Add to 650 2550 St. Paul, nlinn. 2 do 000 3 do 600 3700 4 do 600 2250 5 do 600 3150 6 do 600 Illy OF 'll CEPARTMENTSOFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER —SIRIPTII1 10T �3At .1" Cto . 13G ft 't .hn cif is �t ::-4 40 ^t �f 1-t N^ "t 13'.• ft n^ thnt me :nLa¢n e _.nservntion 110 do da da da L-1 unT�oB11E. b 1700 525 2,50 525 2100 525 3200 710 "o 700 7 1 Kin,3'e .0 to St.�n ul, ..'.inn. S00 1000 8 1 do 000 2850 9 1 d0 S00 24.50 10 1 10 500 4100 11 and 12 1 do 92: 3150 l 2 J. 220 2 2 ao 221, 3 2 do 300 DEPARTMENTSO FP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) 4 2 M—'- F.. i to � e,rl `._. ..�. 37b o 1,)"o 11 0 �1J,�350 ?Bl �'J50 The Cmmi,i,— of F:.,,"c f—h- 0— he bas ncrcby he as Isis -1-1 th,crn [� rhe C��ncil, coKclb, +�iil� the rc l,ort n.vJc to I�im in rt(vuice to m all, by the Coin missio�cr of Pblic 11—d lam=lig^--{ // f9 3 % ���"� i� C-- Doer of Pio���cc. T. I he I lonorable, The Council, - City of St. Paul, %1inn. Gentlemen: We, the und—igned property owners. herby petiri�,n - ur (lonorable Body m cause the f.11---9 improvement to be made��— Ca., r / 3 B-+✓ V1.4.� Y' i�/'(`�t+ G4 C� 0'ii _.soy L-[� from St. Ave. to St. A— NAME IAI HLOCR IIIDll'II,N /t C2 R.O.= -• -o c : �,. ,. _ � -- - � — — -- R 0 = P—rd Owner N.R.0.— Not P.—P14 owner R.0 R.0. R 0. ° COPY Petition for Curbing on Psolflo Street from Earl St. to Griffit& St. Miscellaneous Section 33, Town 29, Range 22. Th.t, ,art of SA 3 of SW y of 33, Town rge 2bounded by Paoi^ic 9, an'2 �t., 2 Add!tior,, Pont !:ouglae Subdlvislon 1929 to 1931 $221.79 (Ezc. 5. 20 ft of tt.e N.36 (7) ft.) strip lent 6 ft. w7 Is lytn6 E. of Lot 1, rilo.:k Ir E,. ..3 thio, 1931 44.50 A strip of lend 20 ft. wide by 36 ft (7) doop So. of Pac Lf is t. and adjoin'_ng lot 6, 91ock 2,Larkln's Subdlvtsion 1908 -to 1931 22.Ob CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cap't.1 of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F SCOTT Cay CI.A and Comms:goner of xog•,�. oi•on sagnet 22nd, 1933. Hoa. H. C. Wenzel, Cometr of Public Work-, Building. Dear Mr. Wansel: We atteah copy of petition for cnrbing Pacific Street from Earl Street east to Griffith Street. The Council approved this providing that it would be cut down to eliminate that part from Griffith Street to 295 feet west of Griffith Street, making the order read -from Earl Street to a point 295 feet west of Griffith Street. Tovrs very truly, City Clerk. V _ '` I � . �. iti. fib, �' � - _. }• -��� �rzr.• - _.-.��:� �� -tis" �.., t— z n _r",',.�?aa�;_, _.._er1-� r �7`adf" THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 1, 1934 Hon. Herman u. 4enzei, Uommissioner of Public nor , City of St. Paul, Minn. Gear LA- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing eacific Street from sari Street to a point 265 feet west of Griffith street, under Preliminary Order c. N'. 96524, approved Septemb-r 8, 19= Lstimated Cost $1,417.66 Cost per front ft. .65 Inspection 25-54 Engineering 115.00 Front�.ge 2209 ft. Yours truly, GEOe,GS M. SHEPAk D, Chief Sngineer. Approved for transmission to th.missioner of Finance. UU H L',i 1 C. WNaIL EL, Commissioner of Pub c oor— i Office of the Commissioner of Public WiqpAFINANCk 9 ~33 Report to Commissioner of Finance ' x... MAR 2 1934 M—h 2, 1934 193 -1-- 1h. t ...... .f I „f t1 I", ,f ". P'—I 'fl�i� t'.�iii���i�.i..���-r ..f 1'„1,1„- \\"�.rk�, hu.�inµ lin�l i�i,l�r ,,.i�.�d��rnlii,ii 1h� ❑n�liii�ini�i. ,�nl�r ..f 11�,� 1 24 1.. �., 963 ept. 8, 1933 I93 =._ the curbing of raci£ic street from Earl titreet to a point 2b5 feet west or Griffith Street I hn. cif; "."11,1—d 1h, '—d the",'r—I'd 1-1 1 1111, - I. st Ger front ft. 30.65 _, rh, sl,417-66 ...a m, L,Ind _1 m r S Inspection X25-54 r%ngine ering 3115.00 Frontage 2209 ft. rxt��,t :t. :\ 1.In��, F+r c,file-�- k,-1, h „f .nii1 1+h-"'1-1 nitnchcd n P,", h,=n=.,f. 4. —k. d ( ti lien ,-f three 1� 1 „u nim of Pn,1„,ty, � Jl'nineni�winner of Pu c Wmka. �L 00 �. MILTON ROSEN CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.piul of mi—.— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Md y 7, 1?l4. '.!ty Clerk, FRED E. LOVELL Pear SS r� will y- the nttachod let+er read nt tomorrow �orninf,�s r:��tln� an refarn tr �n order wnl�n oomae t,err-e tha Cou nrzil on a ragular heart nv Fray Rth'' CC . rnmn'asioner of Fi V r 0 I 9t. Paul, MiYay 5th 1934, CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, Milton Rosen, C.=i..Ioner, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - Inregari to proposed curbing of PACIFIC STREET from Earl to Hester St root: 11F., THE TTNDF.RSIONF.D PROPERTY 011NERS; concerned with the proposed curbing of this streot, OBJECT TO THIR CI7RIINO for bsst known to each inAivi.ival, ani present thin various reasons petition to the City Cojnc 11, asking that same will not be passed: NAME ADDRESS Number of fsat of pr oPsrty_owns 1. (may v(;. 1- . Paul, Minn., May 5th 1934. CITY COUNCIL OF 9T. PAUL. Nilt on R000n, COmmissior.e , 9t. Paul, .inn. Dear Sir:- In regarl to proposed curbing of PACIFIC 9TREST from Earl to Hester 9treet. WF:,THE UNDERSIGNED PROP-RTY OWNERS, concerned with the proposed curbing of this street, OBJECT TO THIS CURFING for various reasons beetknown to each 1r.iividual, ani prdsent this petition to the City Council, asking that some will not be passed: NAME ADDRE99 Number of feet of proportv owned. i fir<�-_ 1A) �!s`.l�ya*d, zsfu ���. 7;= fry COUNCIL. FILE NO. . By LiL�� In the 1latte' of curbing Sc r -son Street fr— Farriroton A.—rue tc Nest-, ......nnln��rr Ora.rey6°.t::l as yhee;lva �fi°rina°b n aaa bo.< moai°nom °m� nee:a an u i e:i°a imirl under Preliminary Order 94322 approved Sept tuber 6, 1933 Intermediary Order _ ....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendation, relative thereto, and having fullyconsidered the same; therefore, be it � -,76.4-,- RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that"----'--- pros ent to beby the said City is\Fl curb 3tinsJestrest Pr,, a -+_ngon tAvenue to 'haat A-'. _ he .r,l t : _re lb—h, r.- ,..,d, and ­cl.^.6i.Pd 3>k g1:.._ and Flu,Council hereby orders aNLuTprovement to be made. RESOD FURTHER, That the"6apruba oner of Public Nyrks be and is hereby rted and directed to prepark plans d specifications` wad 'd - provement, omit su e [o tt e C oil for Su approval; that upo pp ,al, the proper t�'�( Is are hereby a orisedmind directed toyro- ceed xith the muking of'1. qjd improvement in accorelitt� Ther—ith. Ad.,„led hy- the C.,—I MAY 8 1934 _ . 191 . APpr nr+l . 192 i cuanrilman erases---- ^,,".�a�+a,a -l:.woeilmang rgusou �•+� Cour,ilmart 9RCDdn,Vr I / C Iman 9*GlogIft I (/ PUBLISHE. 1, co B. S. A. S -i Wl F. 1( Cyn, l , t 'LkRR DEPARTMENTSOFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In Ih<�i�ali,r u d- Prrli niiii [,.,.. 1'o the Cl 11 -it o[ the lila ,J SI. P.,,. of Fm,. , h ... hv r,, Is - f"li—, The Ii caliinal�J a ., ,. ch e....... f- the'n.�.� i iil r .� m�iic i. - - - : 7L 3 rt. A lh— .i —d hei.l.is l..r nuA n2 , 1,� li,.n of each Im ost 26 rt o. 4 1 c.—rtl—, o n t, 275 Nn nn. (=x east 26 ft) 4 nn. ell 5 1 1— 1 400 2650 1 2 n S75 511D 2 2 a 250 2 ho 250 lots 5 end 6 1 tho 3ity 700 2400 7 1 enc 3�0 1i3O B 1 io 350 3300 CITYOF D EPARTMENT SOFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMM ISSIONEF70F FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) 1 2nC :1Adsdition �, he .._oy 2i;o .1:,o JAo ,_50 6,10 5 _ do 225 4 do 22:i 7 1 0 35o SO': 8 1 1 2 0 225 2 2 0 225 3 _ 4 2 do 2 m 3000 10 1 R --t A. Smith's! r - —t 525 , 7 f lots 1. 2,3,4 i,o,r n of ]1 1 lkin unl _' nA.0 s .'11110— to 425 ;ii. P-1, Minn. 1� 1 do 425 1150 13 1 .0 425 2800 1 4 do 2'.O'-00 2 4 0 S 4 Ifo I,:iO 1080 4 .n 475 2300 ?9825 t30350 The Comr..issi.,— of F'. iia nce f—'I... rel-. iris f the xf."..i.3 mai�cr i d I�crc l. eubmics she (n re goiol; ae hie -nthere— in the O+uiiV '—A- "A the re l.o rt made in I�i.n in rr f�r��. ee io said r��s�cer Uy' the C'c.mml.si r+ner �( 1'�llic \\orke, 1A3Y-�t-o-���—''"""�_y�--i C'om m�ssio �.cr of Flns.�«. Sc. Paul, Mi." 5uly 12 19� 3 To I he I lonorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, V inn Gentlemen: We, the undersigned pr�pe rtv ownrr.. h�rcby pe�rtin ui Ilon�rablo ftodv �o causes du following in�pr�,. ems -n* to be made Curb Stinson tic. XAXe. from F—rrinpt— St. A— - Westr,rn Ave StA— RO I3LOC'K 11��f fle �N Neo L a . 74 k'.O. '7brTIS- A R.O. - /✓of �co�d O.rn�r .x 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mmneso1. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT Cly Cle.k and Commiv.ione. of Reg�v .alion inly 16th, 1931. weasel, Coma'r of PnDlic Wo ,k., Building. I).— ar_ Wenzel: TD_ attached petition for the curbing of Sti..eoa Street from Farrington to *the Councllmforathe referred Lo your department todey, by proper order. Sour. very truly, City Clerk. ` THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTEROFFICECOMMUNICATION +t>1W 's. March 1, 1934 [ton. Berman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works, city of ot. Paul, mine. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Stinson Street from varrington Avenue to Western Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F'. 96322, approved September 8, 1935. Estimated Cost - - - - - $788.86 Cost per front foot -67 Inspection 14.19 Engineering 65-00 Frontage 1184.5 ft. Yours p truly, ChORGE, , ChiefM. S Chief rn gineerer. N, Approved for transmission to the /Comm7i7 of r'inaT�nc/Je. /'h ERY N C. WENLIsL ` commissioner of Publa Ylorks_ Office of the Commissioner of Public W"POM 0-1%_11 j Report to Commissioner of Finance 9 JW 2 1934 March 2, 1934 193 -k, h,,-, K!„j _j ... ......... Ih. "'. -d- 96322 .1 ...... . ... I September 8, 19319a reh,ti re t” the curbing Of Stinson Street from Farrington Avenue to Nestern Avenue. a. Thr e_�U,nntr,l cost then•nf is a 788,86the "'­C-Itper front ft. Z0.67 and Inspection 1-1 -t thereof i, S 1-gin—ring $65.00 Frontage 1184.5 ft. nnJ 1h, t' "'.d rxtent of sold nnpro.ement i, as f,,11 w . 3. a plan, prof lr. "r -ketch o! snit _pro.-en.r nt is 1"-t" u'­h'.d and part hereof. 4. is r k,d for upon 111titm" of three of prop" ty' f"' -d m'I l_/ Coinmiee' /r Public Worke. -Q K_ 00 No. 1 /(,� CITY OF ST. PAUL -- 'OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM �`orEa rE - ZamEEKTKIM WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul and the County of R[unsey nere- tofcre accented the proposal of settlement made by T:.e Kawneer Company, successors in inter,•st to T.le _'oleman Bronze Company, of Niles, 1Cic IE -an, tnereby aettlinr t. t certain claim .cn'w and nu:ebered as B-1 L:. _i:.y �- .:t. P-1 c --d county 11 RamseJ _inst Foley Bros. Inc., in '..e ar1D1trhti0a oroce dihrn now yen _inE- 'ee,`ore a Board of Arbitrators, and Pd! -ERE AS, ti_e e,aid Kawneer 'o,,any nas presented a performance bond in connection therewitn executed by the said -i,e Kawneer Company, as principal, a^_d by the Saint Peal L_e­y Indemnity ., . many of St. Paul, Winnasota, as surety, now tnerefore be it RESOLVED, t:.at the Council of the City o£ St. Paul :-,by eoproves t::e _,aid bond as to surety. — <v n-rc*n.N1U4N YNnyn ev a_v /Tlr. Mahu, y -✓ hi AY c 1014 Ado Pted by the Cay iL. MAY R m4... 193..... L'. SCCITT, CITY OF ST. PAUL ,.0 NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION 7NIRAI FORM �Eo.l RESOLVED That _.i. _,rchaein,. A—t be, nl he i= _ereby _uthnrt.ed, ­'j- ., >. ,.._ �� _ _�!1__, ., i-h H. J. Sod: feldt _- _—.i 7in, tC_ Bureau , 3cid, ',i^_ — -anite Outfit C L. let- -_, n_ wa ei r.—p, .-- - - .__ poi*.h c 11-1rn aad t- oPz- t, fl, .-,..nd- bl: -tir:�z ,!ax c_v-=ic>_ -._th __ni'e ..,-rstde cf t-e Y=-r1=n Pt-.rx :=no r_te 3rid;_e, , ,-nt I ). „-4 - . a „eri .d o` .. ,xi l.elo �_v-n lays, ith_ _ c�mre-itiv bldc, ae H. J. �­jfcldt is t':e .;nlv ;er )) e- ged is t-n1:; y_rtie _lar w-ri_. ..:.,,.re 3ri.L9 Bui:Sir:.. 3 o.a,.-L_. 12-11- Y— _ Imo Yeas N.,- Ad„lA,d by w,, C,,,, -i] MAY _R lua - -- 1834 MAY A 1934 ma /iVC .I WM. F. P' 1'• Al uyor CITY CIII�K e_ /Ir I -,idem Nlnh onev 1� - eM � CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .NER 4 I. f jLa _y A E M RESOLVED T�;:t ti, F—t '- A. e. t be, ni _. ..er-h'1 .'u t­l . d to pu^c hnee vit �...;. ent �. the :. _ r :nu t.^.. rim--tri?ler, on_ t _cr0xlmete I7 ?^^ rllor.s, w.. ':.i dint ,l+ne, fr)rr t?.= 7.:i�I �?3 =.BF I': I':� :._ e. .1L.I'"'.'. TI7E 1 _.AT-E?Y OO., ,,.,_.�.-, ­j �I .. �1 0 �e Ser l ex�e ls' t,, x, 'o - rcotted on :lu Scl-r1 _�ui.:n:=nt 3.:n— y '.ir Ont= cn Snfc r,.�el =ticive tide, ':3 '=n =r Z'nc`/ ix-te '. h . :,i-re t� act or,mp'ly .•.��li ­r. .i !, t�.-' t inter=: ' of the 01ty. Thr rae 7-neral sand- Mur IcICE1 +c'ci.ment 10^3-134. COUV CI I.AI K\' v� s N,., / IT:aa 61 /r�a���• _.m f—, �Mr. 1'reeident \Iehoney "-� it_ni�. , eM ear na,pt,a by w, Counel1. MAY 91934 193-- n,.„��y�a—SAY _3193fl_ hJJ pinuv _YrY OF ST. PAUL ..� No ' OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL RESOLU7? , - ���� P, -Lti WHEREAS, Sn the matter of widening West Seventh street to a width of 80 feet, from Mc Boal street to Richmond street, the Council, by resolution (Council File No. 96927), approved December 14, 1933, confirmed the condemnation and taking for the purpose of said Improvement, among other parcels, that part of Lot 4, Block 9, Le ecbIa Additl on to Saint Paul, Minnesota, that lies northwest- erly of a line parallel witb and 47 Peet southeasterly from the original center line of Weet Be and street ( except West Seventh street), and the award of damages tpp__t he then owner of said Lot 4, by reason of said condemn.tiorI, >rthe sum of $2,133.80; and WHEREAS, the owner of said property being dissatisfied with said award of damages appealed therefrom to the District Court, which appeal is now pending; and WHEREAS, It pas been proposed that the matters involved In said appeal be finally settled and compromised by increasing saidnet award of damages by the sum of $607.00 so that the same shall be $2,740.80; and WHEREAS,the Corporation Counsel and the Assessment and Valuation Engl ne er have recommended that said matter be compromised and settled in accordance with said proposal, and the Council deems said disposition to be for the best interests of the City; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That the net award of damsgea as confirmed by said Council Tile 96927 for the takl ng by condemnation of the above described portion of said Lot 4, in the sum of $2,133.80, be and the same ie hereby increased so as to be the sum of $2,740.80; and the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to disburse from the fund appropriated therefor, to the person entitled to such award, the said sum of $2,740.80 on account thereof; all upon the condition that said appeal shall be dismissed, and that the appellant, Ella M. Dickson, shell establish to the satisfaction of the Corporation Counsel that she has a clear right, as owner of said Lot 4, to receive said a and of damages as the Same has been hereby increased. Ycae �n�'a Aclul,ted by the (7--rMAy._ _A. 1P14 193 \I cllunuld `. r�a�� h. mt 4ph� 'd MAY R 1934 - .... _. wm. r. scor-r, Cd y �YIB1AJIfi:U J v( � CITY OF Win. ' NO. OFFICE OF f / COU/NCIL R�oITG� WP ERE AS, a "unicr As a s 1 3o tbal l and a ISunici'al Baseo 11 ,tt:np ion -rains pined in tiCity and affiliated wit:: the ..ep:-^.ent �f rpr:rk;:, play;.,r,;un ne d= and public Buildinks, trru that _epartr�tent':; r-.. re..ion al activities, and :REAS, t:e entry fees of the various teams in e Associat on do not e.fford such ass^_tips ion suf {i ci ent income to cover tue cost Of O erasion, and `n1WHEREAS, "c' c' `--­;`--­;"e'&-i--_;pciaions have as -;reed to _-,ley _heir nn . is at �uln�_ %field, tt:us enaoline t_:e City to obtain a� s ub st antiel revenue from thesale of bleacher seats at said !)—ninE _e1d, at Oen cents per person, and WIiEPEA$, such associations have as Yed that the JiOy pay to theta the diff rence between the entry fees and the cost of o; rat Son out o£ the said ten c encs chark;e, which s�.arr, in the case of the amateur Baseball Association is ,1333_bO, and in the case of the 'o{tball Association 61201_50, orovidin�, however, that the City obtains sufficient money fror: the sale of bleacher seats ne pay :.uch difference, and YF:EREAS, the continuance of such amateur aesociat ipns ie oenefi tial to the neoole o_ City and will .st tract r rile City, therefore be it e c__ to RESOLVED, that t..e proper city o{_ ice's be and they are o�reby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with each the -aid as:. ociatiOns, Lander win ich the City a-rees to pay to ,.ne A:aateur Baseball Association t:.e s:.L. of '].333.50 and to the Hoftb, Association t sum - ;;1207.50 out of tr-o proceeds ot- a_ined _r— One sale o: ebleacner s at tout Of g cield, which contracts stall provide that if t ierevenue from ti,e sale of such seats is not scffic lent to o -v suet r-,._ras,i:en such sum only es is obtained shall be -'aid O associations and shall be divided b%� ten t:—n in the oroe or ti - at the total to be riven to each beers to ne total to be iven to b oth, and the Coroorat ion Counsel is hereby directed to oren_are contracts therefor. �"oy+ MAY 8 193 Adopted by the C'uur�cil- 4 .193... /rP,.r,� 4lAY 8 haat A(17>yp�ru v�u.i _.. ..._ 193._.�/ 'COI -T, CITY OF SAINT PAUL CaPial .f M' -nes. to DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 C,ly Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner aOII+U May 2, 1534. Mr. Fd Murphy Ase't. Corp. Attorney St. Paul, Minnesota. Deer Sir: 'Ne have in connection wl th our Department Softball and a Bas abs 11 association which operate as of fillet ed groups. I desire et this time to enter into s contract with the said association. t have them play their games at Dunning Field, whereby the revenues from bleacher eeata et 10V per head will become pert of our Refectory Fund and be handled by our authorized refectory, using Civil Service help. The associations mentioned above a not entirely self austaining. They have entry less r from each team, but the cost of operation exceeds the Inc.... The coat in excasa of the income for amateur b ... bell is $1333.50 and for Softball $61201.50. 'Nouldyou please drew up a contract and prepare a resolutl0n to be pa aead by the City Council authorizing the City to pay out of the income from the 10V ad Iasi— of the bleacher seat. the amounts of money as at above to the respective organizations. I would appreciate it if that can be done very soon. Yours very truly, C0-1..ioaer. ,1:5 a+uo•.wu.r ..,.,k _ CITY OF ST. PAUL N. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION —C;ENE\RALFORM coMrEn NTeo ar ss oHc �7 RESOLVED � - �•. - ._ <_._<.___ — _ _ _- _ _. __ — _— MEDS, the following named perso a. have heretofore filed eppllceations for off Bale• liquor lice. .have sad have deposited with h application. the llcen.e fee therefor. viz: Wm. Johnsen 500 Salby Ave. Ad, Whereas, said pplicant. have withdrawn their application. entl have requested the return of the amount depoalted, together with all papa re filed with the said application.; therefore, be it HSSOLVE , That the proper city officers be nand the. are hereby authorized d directed to return to the above d persona the with theirshe eppllcatlons ml,.andensthea City fee here to fo ra deposited bed to y them the State Ligmr Control Commi esio ser of Clarthe .fact . that saiddviee cations have been withdrawn, hexa appll- COUNCILMI(N MAN 8 1°3a sus+. Ad,,,ted Ly the C;ounci L. _ _..193 ��IrlJunnl� 'MY 8 1x34 Inv r �I'runx li -- JOHNSON'S 500 CASH AND CARRY GROCERIES FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 500 Selby Avenue l ST. PAUL, MINN. y cf '*1un•' 1o'.11j 1.1••, CITY OF &. PAUL ,,� ` NO. 978,33 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK » COUNCIL RESOLUTIONW GENERAL FORM rnrn ies�onea .+1.-w� .{'v �•Lt Poeo LtI ar ,. a e RESOLVED BSSOLFED, That licensee applied for by the f011—ing pereone for the Adreeeee indicated be and they are hereby granted and the City Clerk to S..t, -t.d to inane such liceneee upon the ogvmant into the City Trenemy of the required fees: We. Mary Aazlawik 320 Front St. Gae St, 3 Pmps 153 C. E. Daley 26 1, Em:h—: St. Eeatanrant 0619 C. E. Daley 26 !. EmhaogSt. On Sala Malt Beverage 2572 Samuel Te Sne rman 744 Rondo St. Butcher Samuel [eine rman 744 Boodo St. Grocery Federal Bake Shop 730 W.baeha St. Beet--t uopC�I ..mu.r o C `tnnu oeim98e :ren otli e�.. °°aaamEeNUl.ma�mVD• ss>�3 �A`1.. �•E eun� ...ronien. ono cuoncu.Mr,� Yeas \n�. Arfoyted by the G II .._. ..... _.. MAY 91934193.. _. `Mar /N U�n�ll /u Pa W--] pM. F. 8('OTT. \Ir. I'n sidrot. NIA'o ry CITY CI_f+Hn SIBLISIII.D_ fR �!J 4 w W-iN- w IV. EDGERTON, OOHS. MUELLER No EDGERTON ATTORNEYS nT Lnw May 3, 1934. C/O City Clo— 's Office, court Nouse, St. Paul, :.�inneso ta. Dear Sir Ia sorry that I did not Give YOU the loo atlon of the oil station I wrote the City Council ab., It yesterday. It is 32� Front Street, co rn.r of F arr- Ington. The owner is more snxlous than anyone; to see that this tax is p aid, and a soon as she is able to obtain enough £or tgt purpose will do eo. we be Neve ti:=,t �s soon ae the huilding adjolnlnl; the.same produces an —c—, this can soon be done. I wcu 11 have appeared this morni ng hail it no t, bee n for the fact th-..t I w on gaged in a court natter, and expect totbe tomorrow mornin. abain, but i` not will appear in :—rson. Trusting y..ur action will be favorable to the owner, an aged widow, I am, Respect£illy submitted, FWIT,',RTCN, DC??i, :DC E...RTON. .OHS. MUI—ER — EOGERTON ATTORNEYS nr Lnw May 2, 1954. To The Honorable Lf.-bers of the p,oard of Commi aeionere of the City of St_ Paul, Court xo use, St. Paul. Minneaota- Gentlemen; Mre. Mary `A all awik some time ago handed a letter ad dres aed to her l,y nFr_ Scott, City Clerk of this city, advieina. her that her application for gasolene at at ion lice nee was r.ot pa .ed nor allowed, no twithatand ing th,ff, on January 6, last, she paid the um of Forty ($40.00) Do 11 era for such a license which was not returned to he, with the letter above mentioned. Today I took this matter upith Mr. Reardon of�the City Clerk's o£ti ca rrl who in- fo meth it was bec auae o£ delinquent tales on the property in question t1 --t the license was not granted. The owner is a�.:re_ Wei r Pns, aged woman and who has nther property except per nape a lot and who has been in poor Yiaancial circ umetances of late, is the that ehe thuld of pay the taxes, bee id esat he fact thr't e nortgz.ge n this propertyas foreclosed aryl the time for red en,pt ion would nave expired I eat Septembershe not obtained a large I' an to redeem the ase, all oYwhicri practically a -le her penniless s ince that time arxt the property ie .till vacant which is a baking plant, except theoil at..ti.. on the corner fron which 116tle is realized but arc in hopes that the baking plant for which a lease is now being made will turn out profitable so that can uee the f income therefrom to pay the take awnow delinquent. / EDGERTON, DOHS. MUELLER Ano EDGERTON ATTORN EYs ar Law ..o o. -2- Your denial of the application for a license to conduct a gasolene station would make it still w for her, in addition to tl_e fact that since she redeemed the property last summer, almo et a year ago, she has obtained not one cent as rant, except little from the oil at ati on and tt. ere£o re you ac an see the circum- stances she is in and th--.t she is moet an -i- t 0 nxiousto pay the delinquent taxes to save her proj.:erty. Thewriter ie writing this in the beet of faith so that you may be apprised of the owner's circumstances and the reason why the taxes have not been paid, and what it will re- sult in if a^o it and gasolene station license ie denied. This is Got a case ws due to -"ethe failure to pay the same waryy other reason excepting the fact that she hasn't a cent with which to pay the same until the property brings an income but th@s you would prevent by denying application "or a license_ Tru -ting you will lin�.ly give this natter v 0 ur prompt attent ion for which the writer thack< you pNr son ally in behalf of the Respectful Ly submitted, EDGERTON,DOH3, :OJEL E:R WD EDGERTON 3y / A M:DC �/ l CITY OF ST. PAUL�1 / f � No. . 6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC/L RE OL TION—GENERAL FORI.l ._. .. T. t yGy!9-tifG �oae ✓ L:C �. re J ary 23, 1934 RESOLVED That lic a Por rhich epplicettone have b made by the persona named on the attached list be and they are hereby granted end the city clerk is instructsd tc issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. 1'coe j. 'r \nys /NrIJo��nld �i'enri' � in (nor Itooin �)5'enzil ar ear /T]r. i're..ident Mahoney Adopl,nd by the C.,, cit._FE _!/. ie> •..._. 193._ _. h App -,yd 19:3_.. _Mayor / at. 4l Q ., aI846Le�/004 J --y 29th, 3934 .. O. Bass a Go.. M-1walvesastir Ave. M*Ary H. F. 8ssalt 02 No. Qm�w U. Hatekpr 37 Aol Hoteafae 739'aoibt 7atAe 7273 H. /kabaret un 7. 3t. Hatcher 70 Job¢ T. us Qh 71 0 8C. Muldhor Otte F. lead 4M A. HarylarA at. eatahar Sy laomQ H. Jordan 59} et,, roes et. Hager 7114 H., a. nett 921 aoa/o Ht. Hetabor J. J. Womb 121% mao_a ft. 7Atdw 7263 0. L. Hal1a1T 719. Panelist 1tliBl4 71bp R'a may 573.1ttowia Ht. lhttber 7299 Joe. FAsk 943 W. $!. Hdtehar 7277 ' eallto Hlve Hlbbea Market 179 ft. HYHtaM Hetehar - O.r, 6 e.J./t4lekNlav ✓fin /Bus} 467' tteDaeha Hdd[ar 7351 H PaseMlslL-,kala 313 W. lib: Ht. tlAtkte----�/�— 7MdM 7zjj 4' am 1573 Haa0e; k Helmer 7292 Obeeer Hui. 349 Afters tv Osaf"Moml 12S .;..:'; 0at4arlae.*=ban 6`19 Hine OeelaeRimq 7Y 7» J. Pride 719 Zia. Hemalas C."aetimmy 73tS �iM-iet9tr HitYae Hallos 441 0 siverait' hoof. -e— DaoeM 841 7;44 . Je/aph MAN* 9e Oit'esaiy _ Ooete &!1 7069 Hlmmeaeta Ap4voOmt Oafs Go. low aa. x alae ye$ Heals at. 4l riscai+moas tmg 25. 1930 sued A on ampow 250 7. 60% 9!. Ons tL 3 pope 200 A«. D. ffitcbtne 1342 Poftt neaXsa ad • • 5 • 257 :' :fes Atlstss. Chen. X. s37 mines=~ ' • 7 • 245 A. A. 9aleto 2MS s. Mmmahm&m 3 • 2O4 R 2. 14elly 674 oto seer Ame. • • 3 • 295 Ammmv OIL cm. 791 unow Asm ' - • • • 4 • - 297 - ` oft ft. ' S.7.asrsksl A AJWW mbns.Tr. 95ft—_ 992 9Biv Aw. • • 3 • RCT 7 '':•'3 U tyaand on as. 65 L 90L SIA. • • 6 • 171 - 9. R Otte 1064 i. taarrx0ma • • ♦ • lot .. }Elllfyr Yetroleem 6e. SW aeaemt 9t. • • 3 • 7349.. • 111 Cesbeit • 3 • 7347 am on owwww 350 mN...sssti• • • 6R • 160 sum" on,, oo vw 2102 R. Cone • • 3 • 39y • '. .. . Savior so. • 3 • 196 is3t 9s"624111tr Ave. • • 3 - a • • 234 Be. HVIRMS4 AXIS. - • • 3 • lf6 • , 925 A. 711e st. • 3 • . .. ,• .. 2644 iib ieo. • • 3 s 1911 'may:- • • • 639 aa. 6$ ss. ■ . 3 • 193 - v • GM so. 9eS1Yas i9P • • • • <ai 2 s. OWWAWse • 3 ' 19 - • - • 1202 se. 9elltas • • 3 • 'i9O •. • 457 s ler A.. • 3 • .. it • • • 79 It. 9! ss: • • 3 • 1e • . sig 316 Mm27j ®d . . 3 uBORLTAXIM j ---w 2%b. 19P st.ae ra an OWN~ 23t1 Umlver•its A—. 6.n at. 3 a 10S • • MY V. Yes St. 3 1s6 • • %03 m0. aaullm • 6 ` U3 • ,. 712 Ono& a+.. • • 3 • • 993 Rive St. b 1sa • • • 1793 allty nrl. ' ' 3 • IA "At! R.s1! On Co. 2OWAO a alai • • 3 • 1i0 ! • • • Goo uavftult7 Ave. ! • 6 • 173 • • loop W. Ttw at. • 3 • ITS • • ' !� Ri,so �� 3 • 171 .t; • • "Y'R. TfAl at. +► i76 "% • • L99 so. awlm i at. 7 iTi • • • • t Ro. smallaa Ave. - • • 3 • lr1 • r r • 2^ go. Cna.4al • ! 0 • 173 1 1 • ■ . • 2ja7 mi6tity 27..:. 6 • 172 . *M a 1•oor Ism Qa.o •w. O -6-7 ' EaAras meds Or•a+n7 3w ssat.T® at. •' 217 F f-Ja-'�r-ib•eiL 67S.�-e_ .. w lou- . R. R. CDlw1.m1 WA Vdas • •. tuft •':Ss; MOM J. M. Irmas ..-1022 Rime at. • 236 . - Jo■•pL O.ari$ 215 W. G"X'O • -233 R. Desss Wx Rietr at. • ?Ry 0. R. Ri.,so lOSL sa mollbs • 226 . Rus. Rees. ia`*MMWMa ave. • 43 , `z 8. P. Desalde bs2 Io. GWIM. St. masar� • •. Chasm" W. O.aaa.l • 1 Art algal 666 St. Pete! St. • 64 H. COepemm" 361 Carson _ Jes.b Deroaboe IOU Deily Ae.. . 7299 XOrrie Dabtadv 21'4 S. iota St. 5 L. rbameee6e raa4 aa. 4" wabamw ft. • i De. nedloaa 149 M. a xiamp 67 - 7riaMan lave. 421 vaboaba �. • yt *&*a 1UDAM2 Bea. 666 oemtal ftsk Pis.. • - Otto P. loot h}6 X. r • 5S Dta11a6 arecew W, ilk a. Tm St. - • ILM Sep Lars 36t Opyer Lora. . - w .. O. L. reads 1264 W. j".b. St. • _ - _- S ROOM Daae. 6d/ NO. Sedans Ae.. So- ZaeDam 25 W. T$ at. • T9 FROMIS X. tour 976 ryset..>rt, • 3,7 J. Eesla 16" w 7te.=Ots -. • &as J. 1M . 179 molbma. s - 30% -. a. D. ltlAo loamst 512 ame • _ _ c. Simmer 6 as. 10 state at. m1Ph rets! 436 raftod at. Joe. autlmsr 1361 8lse St. • S AL. teieea 6 D. I ldcm an Bio. 6t. • � - Abe lblied4 627 am-as St. •- ILU 6e1.a Prle. �T sag Dnbart St. • - 2216 - J�se rotmpia P3 ftvmdmw - • { ,:. A. O. smOUL1t4 r a. ;l a sid ra r is" leak!.*& 3 • si -- -�,-•ri,.� s s, mss. - 3a "Wass, -------- • � s: aMSfaMct• 1 ]i. asoma T" ; *-k 3"111 - § : s 3 R - aeon wassurma" f - Jetm nntY/ . �+m.�. • � l��3 Lte 1-13119 t 73 Y 6$ at- A. j. lKys .. - -.153 �....•�tta it: b: ., 116 ; > lolled* �. -620.' St. • 7jao. * 157! 17 ✓r. ri; Astra. 235 jkwx`ma. s�9 ions. ralln. p�� z. Cellae ROA _Adm if .eat. swnatt ta,I syys.> 6zi Feaver"1W as. tfetue rM air ar, s61. >�+st" res sad.. 7262 �Dc .amoas aaro.W 25..193 i •s ai«a 565 Seal s•sanv zas jo••Pb eamm 265 IF. *carp ■ 234 Yate La 39mr 55j .dad om DomfooKoarY 2D5 =ate 2bo ■ 566 zw---7 • 21W Mme arism 41d Jam ■ 24i Hao•u YLeser■q 93* > • 2G2 Wa&&V s Dram Qo. 333 Pesaab► • ■ 362 *S.. Petri • 2" • • 41� Et, . -Peter • 2/6 - •wAboahm,2q rAortaa 91tcc3W. 720 No..9setilas Ave. • 291 't—d—d Al O+. -hite Andre, -ch0ch �r cery T-. Cleveland ,'—. 1. . Tlyrn. J,.e,h 1-briOl F. Porrn C. , . "I.-er Allen Tiros. m. Cnernov rt 01"l Jacob '47 TTni—re I tY Ave- -7 - -. 7th ' t - " N. -nellt— I". 71, "—d 59? 175, ITni—r-ItY "I IoOO . 7th t. Sr7 7th t- 4— '-ob—t %. C1 'e, I I -,n5 ^3M7 1510 0". '") . 7th -t- r"P Tlil ter Ave. Ic)-, ,r5 7eorpe- "t. e"Q11 ''toe t. logi Arl",ri -It 't. o— 1-1-1 Ave. 61, ,tP: - "t. 741 Ie,ntr,l rt,,g t. "ett. — lo"I lbV P—. NOT 11"Ll'i — NT F r 7 6 "rte c.ry 1. 'IsblrsSICY L. i­­l-nK­ — t ' 'i"oh—n "rl-d.en I. -J- ;,.—b.1 ­­­ ,)tto -. I­^I- ,^terllmx �mcery co. Tony 1--nnn ro-. .T. I.,b. Ittl uejj.ar P,be : 'I'll rice Oc. 'later C. I t I C7F L', - 117 " T,. -,lis . 14th -IL. b: ahe t. i -. _tolr "I. 1401 b--Hhn '-t- ­k i,1 ion 174 7th 't. ,r,l 17--er Lev— I,rL 7th t. 6Fls a, --t- 7th 't. ''rent "t- jr,Srt *'. 7th %. 17Q -t- ,4, lhic I't. 117 't,te -t. 6�7 o-11 t 417 - ^b.rt "t. 9,3 o" ­i -3r I-, 6th "t. P74 -1-ite -e,r rve. NOT !)'T.1 N^TFNT _conomy nil rb. 711 -1.--:-• en va. r. A'. T..'. BerthoI ". �resnnhen, Jr, Independent Al �S _ `0th t. r -h 1111:-n et rol e�xx S17 anty r,. -i tv tnndrrd Al n. "'10'a -� •• ' " .. .. 1.'1 .. -Tni —itv !ve. .. -14 T, . --,. I 1 t— eve. •• " 7th .t •• " " ^�00^ 'rnt—tty r .. .. .. �z� Sth t. ,. . .. ^ t h t. Leo "tech >5S : 2? 'vP. 'art cher Pete 1.r. '.r.sn S°,� .7-c?: r -an "t. "^nYect innery y Ilte TI-1—en T'.rnadc-ny " 'li;mne Theteen ?0 7.Jg'ren Dlml. (a. 71oriAn 131t—hol qerinan 13",ko I,iIb­t-. "pa John :'Leets V.1 TS. 'u­ki V.1 'j. trt oi"I J.—b `.MSI,0'1 John 0. 401t7. F �. Bormi,.n H. -berhnrdt Joh. T./lc. ()tt. ". Tn.p." T.eomrd !-. J.rdn. lett J. T. 1,1-.e.h C, L. 'ruiiaiy Fred -oy Jos. lyb,,k ,,alit, Olue �Ibbon 'nrl­t C.-• c i.J.-'.h1uk.bi.r -�pvngenber,7 ' e.te IAV� CFLT, A Nf` 'I T'_ NOT 1. 1 m , I yl: HT 36? '-t. �-� '-t- 1,18 -t. , eta 4 —) ­.b—h,' ­. 7�0 17. `nail 4L 107 5th --t. -16 i--11 ty I -;o 1701 T--1 6911, V)41 --lby ty P- 739 e1by Ile,7 innehnha 't. t 7th -t - ..179 ',Tr-t•°rn 1167 b-, 31- 7th '--t- TF '-rn —f—t t­e'y nnYecttnnery ry "itch. r 4. 5 7• I ^t':' hi. nti'� ^' Ts 11oT a= 6IN^7rfT7T 'in. Them 1573 Pandollh t, T?utoher Co.,r-r Broe• 749 , hit- rs ity A. ve. l^nf. cit to ne y Cctherine 'Innol—n 679 '!Sseisetor•1 "t. ^ P.. T. vrlce 719 N. T?nralins ave• ^ e: --.nn Fierko 1-i41 'Tnivereity rve. '»nce -I'll Jnse-h "c Bride SOl '+ntvsrr.tty ave. ^ "Lnneaote By--r-duct 2000 `T. 'n 1I.. dve, !',.I 'feeler Coke On. Tnnknr ':ns, Tnc. 2iF.0 ', 7th A. C.-'oh.bsoker 1458 rrnnkeon Ave, ^•moery q-- crieglar 4F9 Anita "t. ^ L. Fi() Th -'es ^t. ^ P. '.telinskl 1059 1. "estern Ave. " rrnnk 'enll 4"7-Ichi;mn "t. ^ u;—e Theisen 1%10 .Tn eks.,n ^t. ocl Tables .7chn '`nl tae rj ->3 "abash. I. ' estnurnnt : nrl Pr ns -n 1FSl '-,bert 't. ^ .. yroenln,r 741 °',ir.•Tun,i t. ^ Leo T,n Vnlley 173 6th 't. ^ J. A. 711ceen 11,3 9th t. " r... "1mma 9556 "tendo It. ^ `lormen ^trtndea F; 10 rr^nt tet. ^ N. ^. 'eber 1579 ^elby 1-. " -':ll-beth "e tha rDea 0079 Tlrs. ^...,il Sne Y=rRer !-?-nlle.re 'n tel nnae 1R ro—. T'eubeno to to r- ^n olrn 5-6 'htivereixy +v=, "nvina ^Set'.ue Pny "iller Ri?7 Arndl sy "t. et "tare 5 MIITOf�L ROSEN CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ceoi.1 of Min..... DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Naroh 23, 1934. ki— Vinosnt Ludden. Dept. of Publio I,f,ty. St. Pau 1. Nim. Dear Sirs Attaohed hereeith find oomminloation Prom San 1 Reinerman, ower of property looated at 740-744 Rondo St. on whish an application for a butoher and grooery license has been asked for by Stelehen Bros. They make a definite prormloe to pay these taxes on or before May l,�t of this year. I reo—rd that the license be g—tb Y.— trul C.-a-loneof Finanoa. FRED E. LOVELL �S�' � _ � �i .,__, ._'. L ��".. ti_ z�, -�.�s, ih . j < x L Kr. � � _ _. L .f 1. / Ii. � i� %h<. -�-� T �. � ' /� �_ � < . . < <_ �;' <-cam% � r �..-�6�� (/ � c-� �c�ce � - �-rfo--•r-Q� a v �� <��. `�_ March lath, 1-4. stelc—p . , 744 R—L StB St. Paul, Uinn_ Gentleu.er.: March, 1914, BLPI`FI'ILR 1TZ GT_20 .=£ LS CEMSES Licensee 71thh,ll becc��e� of quem "X— n`. 105 S. Wb—h, A;-lic t cin OF ST. PAUL ' No.._... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RAW -14 19,4 RESawY • - `• WHEREAS, Frail Gydesen desires to witdraw application 1275 for Butcher license and application 1276 for Grocery 11cense at 105 So. Wabasha Street. therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officer. be end they are hereby authorized to refland to Fwil Gydeaen the fee of $25.00 end the fee of $10.00 and to cancel applications for Butcher and Grocery licensee respectively. I— ........... . .re b."11g a, c0UNCII NIFN Y... N'3 1nn1.1 `' iS��.r« ❑, rear �1{I:tltll �True< :Y�,inrt Mr. rr—id—m. ;� 1 — Amnee,y .. r'N Adopt,,l Ly tl�r ('ouncilMY 8 ' _. ''193.. _. p 9q�a .4 ppruvc,l........... -. ........193.. Mr- ayu� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL .LL, LL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C COUNCIL RESOLUTIO-GENERAL FORM AT. 9 8, 1934. �o,.Mlaa oNra - o_ 1fHE.RP.A3, Louie Michaud &Son desire to withdrew application 1555 for Grocery license at 758 Grand Avenue; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to refund to Louie Michaud & Son the fee of $10.00 end to cancel said application for license. COTINCILNIE1 Yeas �{w�' Dnld �% �'cl ie In ihvnr Truax /.. :IgainNt ivy a¢e1 sm e- �hl r. Provident \Iah—, SCOTT, �'l.k Rfl `>J Adopted by Ih, I LIIneII_ _ MAY _ 9.7934105_ �Y sr M4 195_. I 'Nily „r�"�- o.fnfeef o u.r mark CITY OF S - PAUL =—NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CCOUNCIL R60LUTION—SEN ERAL FORM NHERi.EA3, Joseph Deetlto daairf.. to witba-- apps j cation 5275 for a Restaurant license et 1694 Randolph Street; th--rp e, be it RFSOLvED, that the proper city oPYieera be and they are hereby eothorised to refrmd to Joseph Daetito the fee oY $30-00 and to cancel said application for 1lcense_ CO U N - CI 1, NI EN �-�•as Naye �1'�arcc In fav<�r AKainet Wenzel - •m �_,a /Mr. IAC(-pl rlcrit. hlahoucy �- _- - �. Aduptcd by the MAY.._—R 1934._1,,.... App --d 193 m.y— "� 9-7837 CITY OF ST. PAUL .� �� NO..... L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1' COUNCIL RESOLUTION--o.€NERAL FORM Kay 8� .1954 _ RESOLVED ` That On Sale Melt Beverage license, aprilicati-- 5416, and Restaurant license, application 5415, applied Por by W -d T- Ay-dt and Geo. RScbter at 408 Nabasha Street, be and they are bereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenaes upon the payment into the city treasury of the regalred fee.. (70UNCII-HIEN Y— , Nn�e Hier / ,ald l/ "Al, M a- Nb,honey Adoptod by thy C<,--i_MAY9-934 _19a_ .. . _ App --d Mnror _.. 1S'Pl. I Cts F�_ � �_�.� ',.1Q,, ��. � � -�< //'� - U � // / y� � �� a UV ,� V 1 o4E °,n. a �► 1��o N `�'7t�, its 117K46 rTi:a s"oe's` °i°°nvee` 1`,°�UNCILo`R ESO LUTION PA NTEa ° ° may 4 s, RESOLVED,THAT CHECK RE DRAWN ON THE CITY TRF--y._TgTH 6E AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED__ 354- TO 7'��9 /nII INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. I , MAY 8 1934 fi j P L y- l aooPTEo oY TSE Co„NC I PPRo Eo MAY A 1934ZJ�`- u rvci�m[ �� c^cc No. COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS May 4 34 ooPrEoa:, E ^l .."SMAr TOTAL "umeE. IN FAVOR OF �ec n�"ccRs T pa+ea"K Sao rv.1-1— 79 664 23 3541 Mrs. Y.K. Kemce 4 8� • 3542 Kemper-Chevrolet Compsny,Inc. 6 011 3543 'I.G. Kirby 6 00 3544 Klinkerfues Brothers 6 on 3545 C.M. K10ee 5 6n 3546 1.A. Kohla 6o 357 Frank Kohout 6 on 3548 J. Kri¢ 4 85 3549 Lake Park Bsptist Church 6 95 3550 Peter E. Larson 6 00 6 3551 Naz Levy 5o 6 3552 John J. Littfin 35 3557 Long Brothers Motor Company 6 or) 3954 J.L. Luby 4 50 3555 Mrs. O.M. Lundstad 4 85 3556 A.H. McCleary 6 50 3557 H.E. McKenzie 4 s5 3558 McQuillan Brothers 6 00 3559 J.J. Maier 6o 3560 L.S. Mainge Company o0 3561 Malmon Motor Company 6 00 3562 Carl Mannheimer 5 60 356 Maths & Miller Auto Livery 60 6 0 356 C.J. Martineau 6 oo 3565 Trustees Masonic Temple 3566 May's Inc. 75 3567 Thomas Wells, 6 oo 3568 R.G. Mellin 6 oo 3569 Mrs. Sophie Michel 6 0 3570 Alfred Millet 6 0^ 3571 Minnesota Milk Company 6 0^ 3572 Minn.Sawdust & Shaving Co. 66 oo 3513 Mrs. John T. Mitchell 3574 Mrs. Jennie Moore `� 3575 'raper F. Mulliken 35 3576 E.T. Murphy 7 On 3577 Murray Body Company 5 60 3578 Neighborhood House 56 3579 J.'v. Nelson o0 3580 North Central Commeroial Club 6 or 3581 Northern Motor Company 6 00 3582 Robert A. North C. Norton 560 3583 3584 Mrs. Mildred M. Nylin 6 00 3565 Frances O'Brien 5 60 3586 Oakview Improvement Company 7 50 3587 Olson-Bowman Company 6 35 3588 John Olson 6 35 5589 Psrk Garage 6 Oo 3591) Patter8on-9tocking,Inc. 6 00 3591 41fred Perlt 5 25 3592 Emil Peterson 6 00 3593 H.O. Petrie 6 Oo 6 00 3594 3595 Phillipe Auto Paint Company Mrs. Lenore Popnler 6 35 r9F � uickSce Battery Comoanq ,.� ^ervi 55 Or -, '^5r Jo"P. J. Riley ,. 5 60 �^I �orvw«o 80 oo6 23 °" _"o so 290 43: oFF�E o�.�E coM P.Ro. LF" ri.E No. .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS may 4 „ 34 ."4AY R 1934 U Iry FAVOR TOTAL so oo6 23 • C,, MrsRelena Robert r, Aobineon 5 00 6 00 O1 ,3. T. Roger. 00 �+ 3602 Aug. A. Ralf 65 3603 R& A Specialty Printers 6 00 6 00 3604 3605 3t, Andrew. School Trueteee, St.Antbony Part Y.F.C. 6 00 3606 9t.Bernard-s Ball 6 as 3607 St, Clair Yot0r Company 6 00 3" Trueteee of 9t.Pau1 Y.F.Churoh 6 o0 3609 9t.Philllp'e Cburob 6 Do 3610 9NOTed Heart School 6 00 3611 Albert Schlesinger 5 6o 3612 A.Y. Schmidt 6 00 3617 Joseph Sohnabl 6 Do 3614 A. Schneider 5 60 3615 Nick Sahol:en 6 00 3616 John 9chOtt 6 On 3617 9chwisd Brothers 7 00 3618 John F. Scott 5 60 3619 9eeler-Farnum, Inc. 6 75 362o W, Sm1tb 6 0o 1621 L.A. Sorns 5 60 3622 FJ. 6 W.J, 3prigge 75 3623 Nicholas Steinmetz 5 5 a 3624 Anton Stoll 7 50 3625 Rich erd G. Striokland 6 o0 3626 A.F. Swanson 5 25 3627 Joe. Teaem er 6 Do 3626 Toenjee 6 On 3629 %0: Cha., Traybiatofeka 5 60 7630 Yr e. Leo TT. =at 4 65 3631 Jame , W. Vanek 6 00 3632 Venne Brothers 57 6o' 3637 'Farren—Given, Inc. 50 3634 W. Waterman 6 On 3635 J.C. Weaver 7b 50 3636 Wel some Ball 6 a 00 3637 Wellman Grocery 7 On 3639 Hervey Williams 6 00 3639 Yre. B.Y. Wilson 6 00 • 3640 3641 c, . T. urs. T, H, Zabel 5 60 5 00 3642 aaob,an Brotbere 5 60 3643 3644 A,J. Zimmerman Rev, Frenk Zoubek 5 60 6 o0 °" _"o so 290 43: I I � L o�.�ucE`ME Ea NO LL"c ^LL or�,cE of T"REao wr�oH AUDITED CLAIDIS_ May 5 34 75 1934 .oweea 1TOTAL IN FAVOR OF ZZ 80 280 43 3645 Theo. Hamm Brewing Co -Assignee Marvin Kadrie 150 On 3646 Jerry Mikovi ab 15 00 3647 ^beater A. Ylhleie 250 00 3648 uilton Roeea, c. Of Finance 2 993 BO 3649 uilton Rosen, C, of Flnanoe 10 037 15 916 67 3650 3651 Frank BSfulk Joe. Destito 55 On 3652 gam Rossini 250 on 3653 1654 mechanical Development Company 5o 94 250Go 3655 John J. •elch 9. Berglund Lumber Comneny 450 64 3656 Central soap Company 335 01 3657 Fey'. 0 ... tructlon Company 191 75 3658 C.B. Lyon & Brothers,Ino. 129 32 3658 Adolph F. Meyer 50 00 3660 Rational Bushing & Parts Co. 67 65 3661 Schroeder & Tremayne, Inc. 112 90 3662 Ors. Delia Brown 28 28 3663 Mre. Mary Msily Christy 27 00 31 90 3664 3665 Mr=. Anna R. Foley John Lennon o 00 3666 Mrs. Elieebeth Litereki 40 00 3667 mr e. Hannah Peterson 24 92 3668 Yrs. 6lfrida sod erberg 28 80 3669 miltoa Roeen, C. R Finance 3 44 43 3670 Helen Johnston 66 3671 Gustav C. Axelrod & Edward J.C. Attye. for George Knudson 214 5o 3672 George sudeitb 28 00 -5671 Pittsburgh Coal Company 325 91 3674 Blue & White Cab Company 5950 3675 9. Brand Coal Company 2539 3676 Capitol Envelope Comnany 1 0 00 3677 Cepit of Stationery Mfg.Comriny 195 36 3678 Joe CSarlo 771 3679 Fuel Oil & sae Company 2% 695 3680 Thomas H. Howard, Chief D.Clerk D.3. District Court 5 00 3681 John W. Mitchell 65 66 3682 Rational Window Cleaning Company 122 00 3683 Northern states Power Company company 3 892 07 582 50 3684 3685 Otte Elevator Ramsey Fuel & Ice Company 365 90 137 35 3686 36{7 Rez Linen Supply Company Joe, A. Aogers Agency, Inc. 62 00 3688 9=nford & Company 3 27 3689 security Bank Rote Company 202 60 3690 D,. C.B. Tel eberg 14g 0' 3691 'Pnleh Investment Company 68 00 36a 'r, v. Rnwerd l0 0n 36�j 4tl ae sae & oil Company 793 08 3694 s. Berglund Lumber Comnany 44 10 3695 Cairnoross Tire& Battery Com"any 294 2n 1696 Direct 9ervioe 011 Come..ny 259 34 61 11*17 cn-,L i,ua 108 571 18 0 onawi m cm u.a CIN C+F 'ST. PAUL .,� ` No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ~ COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERALFORM May 8, 1934 RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he 1s hereby authorized and ordered to cause the section oI' streets named in the accompanying list on file in the office of the City Clerk, to be flushed, sprinkled or oiled for the purpose of laying dust during the year 1934. roo�t'n.�l ra Y— Y"'n AFni—t F COIF ��� 7t_ti3tS Adopted by the a,--IMAYg 1934. _.. 193 JW a 1c'16 r D(n�or AR&ARK RL 1431 AlasaS L1Sf§HE§4 �1 Aroads C.St.P.M. s O. By. -like Como Mass Besumout Payne Drewry Lme Burr Collins Jenks Case Westminster Pays. Collins Letayette Drewry lens Beaumont Pap Duluth Maryland Earl York Ivy Prank Maryland Ivy . .. Grove B. a.. - -. Lliewiseippi w4yette. Earl Phelsb park Hawthorne Earl . Hyaointh Ivy Enrl pangs Lafayette Road Grove Collins . Maryland Payne B. P. Ry. Yimehaho, a �. P. BY. Etdieeippi E.B. 6P[iovo 'York Borth Paine "s Olive Greve. Woodward PLelen Park Ormage Earl Partridge Brunson �.na Payne seventh Pepe Prefile Bs.t Seventh Grave N. P. BY. Westminster York Caes York Itleeiseippi Westminster ITUAT MC14 TO bond. " sixth _ 0.6t.P.M. a 0. By. Bats. H..ti.ge 8aventh, Besoh arcade. gaol Bums 250- T. of Joh --ft Pt. nuuglns Boad Onvay Youado Blvd. Maria Earl Thu- Seventh Fifth Mounds Blvd. Ysria Basting. Mouada Blvd. gaol gargaret Seventh Berl MariaPlum 86evth 14ndota Bssoh dete.th Min..haha M. P. By Huth Mw.ds Blvd. dlermont Sove.th Plum Bwnd• Blvd. Batas, Seventh H. P. By. Johnson Parkway Mth Bridge Berl Third Mou.de Blvd. Bates shite Bear Ml.uehsha ame. BTRI= WARD 3 FRou TO Broadway Enllogg Blvd. Grove Gonad. Ninth Grove Eightb Jaekeoo Yiiliue Fifth Jaokson John Fourth Jaekeoo Kitteon Grove 8 8 Jack$- IafaFette Jaok—ks S Eellogg,Blvd. Groes John Fourth Seventh Kellogg Blvd. Jeokeon Vi:doet (1251 Y of Job.) Lafayette Bond sixth Greve Niasipippl. 8loadwny Grove, Ninth Jsnkega Pine Ninth' lafaystte Qood 111Yiue . Norrie TOW ranee Canada Pine Fourth Grove Prinoe Broadway. - pine Resebel Kellogg Blvd. Eighth Sevaotb Jaekeoo Bridge Seventh 8 8 Bridge Grove Sibley lope Bpruee` Sixth Jaekeo. Bridge Teaperonea Eighth Ninth Twmpmranoe Tooth Grove Tenth .. Jaekeaa Broadway 7aeo.ta Kellogg Blvd. Spruce an= 4 °TMz TU cedar Yallogg Bled summit college Xoll.gg sial co&r BUTS S. Br. th Levoo tellog9 BIvd xl�enth GdasTlsa J.nk'.oa xzohange Yollogg 81vd Jaokson Cyder Fifth X*ll.gg B.Led Jackson Fourth s-ee. Corpora Aekwa- Bled Fourth Proc#in fifth Math Jamkeon ■ s Kellogg Sled Thirteenth ►ellegg Blvd 3.8. Pleaoaa Rhin Comers 411ogg Blvd Seven C'ernere Jankeom - Main Market Sawn Corvtera -81vd Tenth manoeota Xa3.10 er ;eilogg Blled -BB�t.t. Ninth Smith- Jaekean Ploamant X011.99 Blvd sixth Rime Robert Tsnth YSaalaeippi River Br. SVsndit Bsbert Its saasait. Thirteenth St. Peter Keliogg -Sled gM®T{ Seventh Sava. -Corner. Jooknon sixth8etith -.- Joaksoa Smith Kallagg~ $L d college . Summit S 8 Kellogg Blvd , RODer! "nth Twlfth Rao. Jackman reDasnaL Jackson 4baeha X911039 Bled Tomah Washington - Kellogg Blvd Sov..th Ex�KRt 7Rmt TO Seventh Chestnut Wvse angle W 8 Less$ Mailegg Avd 34600". Bead Randolph .Lexington YSfth Pleasant UaloggBlvd Franklin Chestnut Eagle Semina a 8 Otto at. Clair 011ogg Blvd. s 8 Plsneeet Be... Corners R.sxingtos Parksay Randolph St. Clair Lombard Laxisgton - Mesa Oakland - western Ramsay Osoaela Seventh Pleasant Flaasant S S at. Chir Ramsey Pleasant Ramsey Kellogg Blvd Ramsey Pleasant - Seventh, Randolph Remains SeVenth at. Clair S 8 Eamlios Pleasant St. Clair Saveattb ?I east - Obeaola Saith albian , Bfsea Career* Cliff Kellogg Blvd Washington Chestnut Eagle WARD 6 Baker. 125, a of Chiyyemv. .Cherokee Chorckse Baker. Smith ' Chicago Wnbeshs , Robert Coa—rd Pago & Arthur Wabash. - Cesgress abash. "rt katoa .. Indians t Fie rfiald 1 -latch Fillmore Water F.— -Indlaas - Fairfield Fairfield Bella at.** Pillmare Hyde Stats U orge " Cherokee Robert Humb.2A% George .Winifred India.. Hobert. States Isabel - Wabash. Hebert ..+ - LI L geton . - Coccord .. Isabel Oakdale Prescott net. Chl. George - Wlsffred Plato abash. Robert - Prssoott. Oakdale Voodbury - Hobert. ;Asnayolie tosisa Rdb4lst - Couoord - Miss. Haver Bridge .. Robertson Indiaaa Fairfield Robs. Conoerd _ state Ae&ay011s -Cherokee . St"ata - Oakdale . `. _Concord - - Stats aebie W Rsbio-= - stats Utah Tiluore Stryker Dearborn 'Winifred Wabash& Winifred Miss. ;Haver Bridge WaitorI Fairfield - Fillmbro W3s1fred Ohio abash. . STRELM Ars del WAAD.z roti tD Kir!xball 3�it - -♦ehland yi7da64oa :Mete» Amom St. C1air.. -Mali»1 - Carrell-a 8 Dale Hate= c3mts`orth Oeaeala 8u®it Croaue Plaei 7a;i4pmt Ododrioh . Dale yairmeunt Oerroll Dayton - I.erlagton 81mit yaimount l+ezingtoa Dile larri.ngt oa en®it Laeihe3l - Goodrich Hymliae Bradtoate "odrl.oh . . Lexington gton 8e¢erawier'• they Grand Osklend _ Grotto 19'B of Lismood Plaoe Smait Hagne Syndionte Dal Hemline, A 8_. At. Clair gamit Holly .- Plotoria Ustern Iglehart 'Lexington yarringten Sent - B M"t . YareLell - laurel - Syadiaete LnaSon - Gr%nd 8u7eait Leziagt on Parkti y at. 614ir YsreLnll Iwsingtoa P+ k�y AS -Yarnhall Ceerdll - Lisaola = 5e0111A Oakland . Lin>rood- Placa. Axon- -Seafood Parkes y, . ifaeknbin ,' Sena'it1leeatipll =arehallS-,H H�k4113pe t,� ��•. m- 3 . x- a s kdir Yiltoo _ OeaeoL E�ae4it Naas s Sumit Selby . . Oakland S®.ti -lb"i e ;.. Oaeeole. 1t;l.toa Plemm�t _ Oxford Osoeola 8aeaif LAD 4 (Codtiouadl Maataut A 8 at. Clair western Portl—d Laziagtm Suit at, Albaaa. yairaouat Somit.. 4t. llbme Ulabart Carroll St.. Clair A a - Aaalina Plaaumt 8.1by li6alioa Buimii B—It' Saabs* Callogg AlTd a—It Court Lt1m Suit yiatoria W»ala Daytm virgule eamit Yat�ball Yasten Summit Carroll WATM 8- STARRR - FHd[ � g.aker - Alb. %s Rie. Carrell,e b - Dal. Ift t.rn Central Dale Rise CLgbtorn Caao I fond Como Dale Rion' Dale R s Carroll Vheelrck Ferkesy '. Front Dale -,Ales Igl.bart irm—Ingt on Rio. Lafond - Como Rio. yareball R 8 Le.i. Ro®it Ri.. f 8 S.—ii Guru= Rondo Dale 11.6 el.th Svaaif Iglehart Smrmit R 8 Y.110gg Blued Rios Dnfa.r.Jly Dale Ricer i.etero Carroll front $TI�iT FHOt SO Aker Jaokeon Yleeieeiyyi Caaada Grove yoart.—th Cayitoi Blvd. Haivereity Como Cedar Snwwait come Central Rice at. poter Central Shbaeba Robert Central Park Place a_ 8®S.t Control Central Park Plane !- Smmeit control ,. Central Terrane -Sattriet '$t. Peter eme Hie. PArk Fourteenth Rob6rt Broadway Greve S S daoksoa .1"Glosiyyi Iglehart Rine iabeeba Jaokeon R 8 (frese '1'kirtssnth J..*." , Thirteenth .uniesreity Jaokeon 6• R. Bridge _-growors ILt}weie.Ippl r 8 Grove X. P. $y, ' Park Y}Lgahn Cmo Rine; S Sn■e11t CRrben - , BoboTC �i - t 88 Simeiit Thii�teonth "bort Thist'eerth uaiwrlaity St.. Peter Smit Central Bhe'rbnrne 8i" t4okout Dnmt a B t Al." Hebert mtiversitp Bio* - Rebort wabawha 8c,St university WARD to STOW FRO[ TO ge7looa Croasiell Raymond CePltol mall-in8: iLwlino Carleton - Lteivereity Chmrlee CMrUe Carlei on Campden 6laveland Como Ci*y L7mite Como Eva. W. City Limits leml.I.. Cro-11 mirersity R.-yleae yainsie. Qnlrersitg 440.6 oY Th— Hamlin: Hewitt He.yden IIaversity Raymond Heeltt - Aldine L.food Aldine - 8aelung Lexington a 8 IIsiyarslty .. Tdt Slyke Vidaay :Bark—y $.0111-6 Rasline Mi—Mb. Prior Laociagt on - Fil.lobory gairsr.lty. Territorial Road Prior ' Dsiversity - kpmehnha Reymond V.I"rsity _ Como Snelling Q.iwr.lty Hoyt O.ivsreity i e �.:..ld y ezingte. Be. Bnr" Fairies[ S.a111-6 Vandalia ubi--Lty Territorial 8'aad fesUy F.1-1— Snelling p7T:S�ii STMT Clu 1Q mo Aldine at. Anthony ipelivereitT Dni�/sreiiT Aldine Plaea Aldine St. Clair Y:inoeia Amherst AehlaaA Snelling Partial Baldwin St. Clair mt. Curve Blvd Smit Semlling Bensley Bob. i. —A - QriBBs CambridgePrinoeten ' l./ziagtoa Central Cleveland Dan].ap SaaflelphIDalprsitq Demo G River glad. l[iss. Hiver Blvd. Otis lass. River Blvd. Cretin Svm®it ■%oar Placa Otis 81v�r'erood Place -Fairmount foO alsomo -Cr*Li. -�' Fairviavr Palsmooat Prior s�111ng - mime Pmirmonat lsirviev St. Clsir .. �fmait Pairviev . Selby Faerald _ Ydr,shall '-Ueivsreltp ytacklin - Goodrich Yias. $icer Blvd. '..Crstim Goodrich Cleveland Anherat Goodrich Saehing Gratia lisilims Hmalins Grasd Bohn ' blvaralty . Griggs Huaiae is Otto University Sumit' 755` S of Dsivereity Bayiine Hampden 6hashr+ :pbiraraity Tessa TairviotSnslling S"lling Seffereon Fsi-rvievs Snelling JolietFairvieer - .. University Lezingtoe v S Liasole liar�••�" Faairvis� .. Ysoaltet er '.: lionoln Snelling no2611ne WARD u (Conti -M) SYRi:tiY FRCB TO 31acaft.4er Jaffer.on 8®SS ftarsb.-v• Kiss. River Blvd. Bamains Ynrehall B a Rawlins Lazington . Rontrosw .X . gartrord Rand. olph i®Orohs PlassRiver�ood Place tarsball Ht. C.—.'Bl-d- St. Clair Fsiraount Cscaol.a Snelling Reeks. Otis tis... River Blvd. Soaalrille Palace Fairvi.w Snelling Pal hgm Fra klin Cnivarsity Pillsbury - Yyrtle Bailsroity Portland Cleveland Pascal Princeton tis.. River Blvd. - thoalestor Prier Marshall Dnivurel4P Bandolph Lisa. River Blvd. Realise Riwersood P1acs Otic F,zaterPlace St. Clair` Miss. River Blvd. Reline Sargant Toodlawn Balchin Selby Fairview Baslino Sjmlling Otto Uniyorsity Stsarord Fairview S.aSling atonford Goan - glee. River Blvd. StemEridge Blvd. Stonebridge Blvid-. Jafrereon et. Clair sm—L-b ties. River Blvd. Aaaline synd3dat• Rohn- Cnizerwity Caiwaraity a a Ymereld Lexington C.t.St.P. 3 P. MA ir.ity Versos St. Clair Princeton iFallealsy Fairview Snelling Koodlawrn 'Jaffar... Doodrioh W= l: WMT maw.. TO Central Lexington Dale. CLateeorth pont V.Y. Slyke Como Sled. Deryland Dale Dale e S Carroll /haeloak L%rkmny rroni Wington Dale Lexington t 5., Carroll Lan Slyke St. Altace 0-11 Central Cnirer.ity Lexington Dale SEASON OF 1934 STRXsr OILING YARD 1. 'T' Alley-Cottage-Daa.y-Payne-Greenbrier haat No A So Alley-Deany-L. Como Phelan -Edgerton -Payne bast and Neat Alley -Denny -Lake Como Phalen-Aroade-M—dot. 'T' Allay-De..y-Lk. Como Phalen-Yandot a -Fare at Alley-Hawthorne-Grange+Forest-Cyprees 'T' Allej-Hawthorne-Orange-Earl-Frank 'T' Allay-Hyacinth-Ivy-Narl-Frank Allay -Maryland -Hawthorne -Frank -Duluth "T' Alley-Oran9.-Hyaoi.th-Earl-Frank Alley -York -Sim. -Arcade -Mendota Arkwright Whitall Be -0.1, De Soto Bedford Payne Bradley Beaumont Bradley Casa Bradley Magnolia Brni..rd Ark—ight Brunson Partridge Barr Janke Case Clark Clark Clear Gook Cottage Cottage Cyp—a- Cypraea Deany Da Soto De Soto D. Soto Duahoae Dal.th Earl e.6. Edgorton Fauquier Fore at ,'ore at Fourteenth Freak Pay.. Yhit.11 R.ee Ar..d. 'Aaetminetar Paye Ara.da Si.. Ifaryland Edgerton Collin. dhitall M.r yland Well. M.gnolia N. P. Hy Payne Edgerton N. P. A Q..ha Bridge Orange ltie.ieeippi Sime Brainard Payne Ml...b he Fauquiar Janke Brainerd Edgerton North Ivy Frank Casa ueryland Foreot At lent in Greenbrier Fore.t Casa Orange Foreot Fauquier Magnolia Brainerd Case Maryland York Wheelock Parkway N. P. Bridge Maryland Lake Como Phalan Lafayette Road Case WARD 1. (Coat Lm,ed.) Geranium 19—tmineter Ark—ight Geranium Bradley Duluth Graeabrier Ze11a H►vtharae Greenbrier Wheeloek Fkway Nebraska Grove Lafayette Boo Line Tracks Hawthorne idgerton Arend. Hawthorn. Forest Sari Hopkins De Soto Payne Hyacinth Ad ge rt om Arcade Hyaeinth Mendota St. Paul Luther Col. Ivy &dge ton Payne Ivy Aroade Sari Jerk. Wentmin at e r Frank Jessamine MI—I —ippi Burnqudat Jessie ml—k-b. Fnuquier Jessie Whltall Brainerd Lafayette Road Collins De Soto Lake Como Phalen Ar.ade Forest Inn. Fla.. Sa.t and Vast of Park Jen semina 1163 Lane Plass Lnweon Mio.eleeippi gnrl Lookout Plana Westminster Arkwright Magnolia WeetIDlnnter Arktikht Magnolia De Soto Hater Co. R/H Maryland Mieeiaeippi Payne Mendota York Maryland Mendota Ivy L. Como Phalen Min..haha Rivoli Payne Mieais eippi York Maryland Mt. Ida Rivoli De Soto Nebrnaka Payne Waleb Nevada Er dgeton Whaelook Parkway North De Soto Payee Orange Ydgert on Walsh Orange Weide Arcade Orange Fors et Sarl Otsego Lafayette Road Mi. Ida Prebl. Fayre Minnehaha Heaney Edgerton N. P. Ry Roaa Burr Duluth 5earle Ivy Denny Bime Sdgarton Frank Walsh Wn h U.ide delle delle (North Bid.) delle (South Bide) 'Nbetmin Star geetmin st ar Woodaerd York York B rd 1. (Cont inuad) York Yegnolin Wheelock P-lk—y Nebreeka York Yerylend Ed ge rt oa Noll Wall Greenbrier Te11 GreOnbCler Whit a11 York Caee Laf ayatta 'Mu.ld Soo Line Trnaka Wa etmi net ar Weiaa Ar cad a Pore at WARD 2. 613ey-BgtoO-Nomd-NOLem-Hast inge way-Third-Forest-Cypreae ` lfargaret-Beech-Ar.ade-Mendota ' Mimehahs-Ramey-Cnleh-Weida ' Yinnehahn-Hsmey-YOrs at-Cyyte ee Minn.heha-Reaney-snrlrFrank " Seventh-KarWSn-Hazelwood-Germain ' 'xhdrd-Fiemovt-Cypreea-Karl Amee White Bear van Dyke Arcade Oooway Fourth At la.tiO Third C.St.P.M.d O.Ry. A. — Kennard White Bear Autumn Nasal Ltirve Bate. Mepnde Blvd. Hastings Bete. North Maury Beech Earl Johnson Parkway B—d Flood— Whites Bear Burda Momd g$O• W of Johnson (Pavement) Burne Pt. Douglas Sine Gehl.Seventh 12$' N of Margaret Cherry 1$0• W of Mde. Blvd. Monne Blvd. Clarence Surae Hudson Road Conway Maria Earl (.Lne Pro.PeOt Helen Cypra.e Mr.L.— Seventh Duluth Sixth C.St.P.M.& O.Ry. Duncan Autumn Lake Como Phalen xiehenvald Sizth Seventh airbth Maria North au.lid Haetinge Sarl Fauquler N. P. Bridge Johnson Parkway Fauqui.r Kar d Whits Bear Fifth Maria Earl Fifth Got.J.. Atlant i o Flm.drau Min.eheha Seventh Forget M.L.— C.St.P.M.A O.Ry. Fourth Momd. Blvd. Clarence Frank Margaret Seventh Frem..t Areade Serl Germain Be—th Kerwin Gotziao Third Margaret Greenbrier Min. ehaha Feuquier wARD 2. (Cort' ued) Harvester job..— Parkway Trany Harvester White Bear Hazel Hawthorne White Bear Va. Dyke Hazel Margaret Minnehmha Hazelwood Seventh Brand Heater Burnes Ha.t1.g. Hiawatha Thorn Burn. Hope Fourth Margaret Hudeo. Marra Karl Hyacinth Hazel Ruth Kennard MinaebahaSeventh Pauquiar Ke —1. Hazelwood Germain IaCroa.a White Bear Hazel McLean Mound. Blvd. Maria M. Lean Mound Griffith Maple Heating. Gable Margaret Cable Seventh Margaret 'Gail Kina Margaret Hazel Ruth M-5- Seventh North M.ry"-d White Bear Ven Dyke Me.dota Hudeo. B ... h Mendota Says.ih Pauquiar Mound Thorn Heating. North Maria Seventh Paoifi. F—at Pt. Dougl.e P. ifio Clarenoa Kt— Plom Bate. Mapl. Proepeot White Bear Rezel Proepe at Fur.e.a Ruth St rllwat er Joh.son Parkway 1'roeperity Pro.perrty Stillwater Maryland Hazelwood Lake Como Phalen Prosperity Re N. P. Bridge Ktna River Mound. Blvd. Marl. Roe: Seventh Soh.... Parkway noes Fla.dr.0 white Beer Sherwood White Bear Hazel Sherwood Ruth Winthrop St.—Srzth Seventh Sizth Earl Clarence Suburban darl Heater WARD 2. (continued) Third Bet ee Johoeon Perk—y Third H.S. Maple Arosds Thorn 640' Weet of Rarl Indian Md,. Park (Sod of Stroet) Von Buren P1aod Mounds Blvd. Maple Wakofield Maple Heeter shite Baer Margaret Minnehaho WARD 3 Jehn Ssreuth eighth Kitt.- Sixth S—th Neill Sixth Seventh Oli— Seventh Eighth Roenhel Ninth Tenth Spruce T-perauee flsvNtn Williue Sixth Greve Alley -Kellogg Blvd-Fourth-Darket-St. Peter Hill Washington Kellogg Blvd Washington &egle Hill WARD 5 Alley beta... 365 kill St. A kill School Allay bate... 387 A 391 kill 6t. Alley beta... 394 A 402 Hill St. N A S Alley-Bnpard-Hartford-Griggs-Sdgcumbe Al l a y -Doug lea -Smit L- F o rb a e-R—..y Alley -Du ks-Co lboux-a a -St. Cleir-kiohigan ' Jame e-Pelaca-Pisa line -Syndicate Juno-Rnpd o Mph- Heml ine-Syndicate ^ Juno -band olph-Syndioate-Grigg" ' 111 oh igen-Superior-Rinhmond-bleat aro ' Nilae-Juno-ue � ins-Syndioate Nile e- Jua o -S ya,d i tate-Grlgge Palace- Ju l i a2 - Hanalive-Syndicate Aandolpb-Jame a-Hnml ins -Syndicate Randolph -Same a -Syndicate -Griggs 'T' Alley-Rsadolpla-.Tames-8dgcumbe-Lexington All ay -S ohod-Hemline-Syndicate Alley -wet sea -Nile a-Hemline-Syndioate Adrian Albion Hathaeay Albion Adrian Seventh Am St• Clair Banfil Arbor Jemee Brace Araet rc.g Pleasant 0....1. Audubon Sev.vth C. St. P.k.A P. By Banfil Duke Smith Bey Stseart Grace Bayard Hamlin. gdgvumbo Saynrd Hilton Ylatoria Bev Hill Read St. C1eir Victor in Berkeley Syndioate Griggs Butternut Otto Boedoin Canton Otto Seventh Cecelia P3ao. Stanford St. Clair Chat—th 6e ... th Plea"ant Che etnut Seventh Pleasant Cliff Yankee Smith Col. orae Cascade Jefferson Co lb— 428' North of Jefferson Superior (Pavemovt) Daly Jame. Grace ouglaa Goodrich Rnm..y Douevuw von Hind.. Goodrich Drake 7L"narora Randolph Dake Ca_d. Fie ._t WARD 5 (Continued) Gri Sleenor chat— Ith S.—th is or Franklin Vldlkin Nim Aeetern Cliff k®a Randolph Superior Kris Wilkin B:egle Kxohnnga Douglas Sxehange FX. Foretar (mt on Ba Ce atnut Frmklin Fulton 61m Randolph Jaffharsoa Goodrich Pleasant Gsrf ield Goodhue Duke Pleasant Cliff L...). Gosdrieh Osneol. R ichmond Erase Bayard 5t . Clair Griggs Western Douglas Narrisen Hemline Sdg—ba Hs rtford Hemliee S dg.umbe as Highland Parky Arend Park Around Park Irvine Park 270 1-1.. St_ 330 Irvine st• Irvine 5.5. Hamlin: Richmond James Hamlin: itdg— be Rend Jefferson Pleasant Colbarne Jefferson Hamlin. Leiingto. Juliet Pleasant Victoria. Juliet Flace Hemline gdgnumbe Juno Chat— th Via. Juno Savanth Drak R. --y Lae Goodrich LABOh Wilkin Bast men to Pavet Levee A. le Levee Pleasant Douglas Lisboa Canto. Bay Lagan 4aBoa1 Douglas Wilkin Alaska Nay Seventh Seve.th Neroer Otto saw nth MSah1gM St. Albans Rogers Mlddleten May glm Mill Wllkln Milton Otto st. Clair StCl Milton R1dgemood IBRD 5 Continued STBU — FROk TO Niles Hamlin. Nugeat C. Y. St.P.d p. By. Grigg. St. Clair Ovoid, 0....1. j— ruse ot to rcra Lexington Seventh Victoria Palace Hemline Pala.: Chetseorth Lexington Plaeeant Chnt.—th S.vanth Juliet Plnee Hees Be.eey Vista Sevevth Roger. Randolph Seventh Wilkin Richmond 155' South of Nil. By. Toronto 130'N of Mil. By. Richmond (Pavement) (P.v°ment) " be Seve.th Goodrich Roger. Seo Rill Head St. Clakr 5eventh Otto S;, Clair Soheffer Oecaoln Cliff 5.heffer Nnml ins Grigg. Sherman Chat aeorth Seventh Stevford e'rsakl in Hemline Pleasant St.- Griggs St.rgic ftt est ern T .... ror. SuperiorDecide.—.gla. Deteov Sy.d Scat. Wester: St. Clair Thompson " Rnmeay to R..dclph PI .:sant kuec.rora Ghatseorth Grace 0 .... In Veno. Victoria James P.laae Vise Sevevth C. M. 5t.P.d P. BY. Viatn Seventh Sevevth Jefferson Vo° Ninde. Race We Cliff W.lnut Pleasant Wataos Hamlin. Idg— park Chatseorth lidgaumbe Webster BebKar '.V.bster Randolph View St. Clair Grnoe Wellaeley Hamlin, pleasant We .tarn C.Y.St•P.d P.Ry. Grigg° Oilk1. Sluff Pleasant Sherman Yankee Western Cliff WARD 6 STL"T FROM TO Alloy-Baker-King-Ott.en-Smith AdaConcord Alio. Ohio Andrew Curtice And—Robie Anita Concord Auguste Bidwell Baker Cherokee Benor oft Go. co rd Bellows Sydney Belmont Chippewa Belvidere Hinelw Belvidere Andrew Bidwell Dodd Road Brown Geta. Brown Preeoott Bunker Oakdale Charlton Cb.roka. Cherokee Chioago Chippewa Clinton Colorado Colorado Gongr. Congre chart ices Dearborn Delaware Delo: D.loe K.t on Kdward K 1lzabath slizab.th Kva On Gorman Gorman cr.enwooa Nall Harvard Humboldt Sydney Annapolis Bmith Edward A.:epolie Concord winslw 'Wabm.he Ohie Robert Robert Bid -11 Annapolis Bellwe Starkey Florida Fillmore Bidwell Humboldt Chioago O.kd.le Peg. Louie. Concord Annapolis Gat.. Tyler Dunedin ferr.ce Chercke. Gate. Winifred Congree e Robert Bidwell Congress Delos Charlt no Oakdale Connor d Pr..peet Terrace Page 180' North of winifr.d 'Woodbury George B.kar Ohio Yaba.ha Ch.rckae Height. Blvd Colorado Rall Beet to End of Street Nabeeha 150• K of Banoreft Co ... rd Robert Baker 360' Yaet or Hell Greenwood Indian. K mater Yi.elw Gorman Indiana Kansa Augusta George Del.. Prospect Terrace Pre ... tt George AA" 6 (C..t'.vad) Indiana athel Robert Isabel Obio W bashes Isabel Robert State Kentucky State M:L. eto.ka g. ng Cherokee 31=11 Llv ing at on Lon iea Dearborn Livingetieabel Wood Livingeton w Indiana Fairfield Louie. Bidwell Stryker Louie. Humboldt Robert Luc y Stryker Robert Lucy "&.ward Woodbury Menomin Annapoll. Cherokee Midway Oakdale 200' h' of Woodbury Morton Chippewa Waeeea Porton Bellows Bobe t Yount Hope COrtiee IUd—y Oakdale Annapolis Pre...tt Ob ioAnnapolis George Obio Winifred ieabel Orleans Pages Cherokee Ottawa Amapolia Cherokee Page CherokaaBidwell page Humboldt Concord Prospect Terrace Bidwell ueal A berteon Chicago. Indiana Roberteon yair£ield 200• Northerly Robie Ya.Om1. Ohio Robie Charlton Humboldt Robie State Andrew S.ainole Belmont Sydney Starkey Isabel Delos Starkey Colorado Plato State Concord FL. I. W State Bobde M CG. W. Ry. Steve.. Ottawa Bidwell stiy Lue Coa.ord Stryker Annapolle Angu eta St rykar 'eini£red Proppent Terrace Sydney Chippewa Dodd Road �vyler wt. I.. Stryker 'Tyler Humboldt Hobert WARS 6 (Continued ) SMST PROI Waaece Sydaey Water Harriet Ielend smt—e Wetarloo Belvidere Winifred Concord Wlnone Chipp— Wioelov Annapolis WYoming Chippewa eyoming Stryker G—rge Wabaeha Curiiee Andrei Charlton Proepeot Terse. Charlton He11 Alley -Dayton -Mar .ball-Grotto-St. Alban. Alley-Grand-Sundt-Oakland-Floral Allay-Li.col.-Grand-C.M.St.P.& P.Ry-Dunlap Allay-Marshal l-I glahart-Oxford-Chat worth No & So Alley-Osceola-Fairmount-Dunlap-Lesingt on Alley-St. Clair-Linwood Place-Oxford-Chat —th Alley-St. Clair-Linwood Plae.-Chat.eorth-Milton North & South Alley-Seat of Dal.-Goodricb-Lincoln Arundel Marshall Carroll - A.hland Syndieate Lexington Av en Laurel Carroll Carroll Iwxington 113• Fast Carroll Chatssorth tel• Cathedral Fl... Dayton Marshall Chatsworth St. Clair Oaceola Chat.worth Summit Carroll Dayton Hamli.e L.zington Dualap Goodrich Marshall FairmontGrl Fairmocnt It O1 Wa oY Dunlap 1—zLngt on Farrington Mareball Carroll Fisk Laurel Carroll Floral Reather Plaee Summit Goodrich Syndi.ate Grigg. Goodrieh C.M.St.P.& P.Ry. Lezington l(ar shall Grlgga Summit Carroll Grotto Summit Rag.. H.mline Syndicate Hemline Summit Ashland pamlina fugue Marshall Heather Place Floral Grand Irvin. North Side Waetern Rear of 350 Summit K.nt Marshall Carroll Lanrel C.- *&P.Ry. Syndicate Linwood Fl... LexiQgt an Av Lou i. De t Marshall MacYubin Yarehnll Garroll Mar.hall Place Farrington Louie billion St. Clair Oeoaola Milton Summit Garroll WARD 7 (Continued) T FROM TO U,ceole Hemline 8yadicata Oeoeola Dunlap Pilton Oxford St. Clair 0.ce01s Ozf or Summit Iglehart Portland Hemline Syndicate Portland C.M.St.P.d P.Ry Lexington Ramsey 5ummit Weetero St. Albans Sndmit Iglehart S argeat Hemline Grigg.. Syndicate St. Clair Summit Syndicate Aahland Mare hall Victoria St. Clair 0....1. Victoria Dayton Carroll Vi rginla Marshall Carroll neater. Irvin, Summit FROM TO Allsy-Aurora-Univareit y -Dole -Kent Al1sy-A.rorn-U.Jv re ity-Jay-Mario. Al1sy- Char" a-&dmund-Kant-Mackubin Alley-Charlee-Ddmund-Arundel-Western Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Kent-Meckubin Alley-Phomas-Laf ond-Arundel-Wseta- A]ley-University-Sherburne-Dela-Kent Albemarle Ateater 1-0. Alber 1. Cook South ArundelCarroll Minnehaha At set orWestern Albemarle Aurorn Dal- Rice Dlair Dale Como Burges-: Dale Gnultiar Carbon Marion Rice Carroll 'cleat ern Ries Cathedral Plana Marshall Fuller Cbarlee D. Rice Cook Western Woodbridge Cottage Gaultier Woodbridge Danforth dheelook Cottage L+dmund Dale Rie- glfalt Charles Como Farrington Carroll Como Farrington Durgese Carbon Full- Dale Rica Ggultier University Como Gaultier Atwater Carbon Gaulti-r Cottage Lake Como Phalen Geranium Gaultier Rica Bend Front Maryland Hatch Mackubin Woodbridge Jay St. Anthony Unlveraity Kent Carroll Miunehaha LaPod Dela Como Laveoon Mackubin Farrington Loeb Lava on Cook Louie Marshall Fuller WARD 8. (Continued) MackubinCarroll Maokubio Como MarionFuller Marlon Attar Marla. Cook Maryland Dale Matilda Front Milford Gaultier Mi..ahah. Del, Oliver G.ultier Ravouz Iglehart Roe, Gaultier St. A.tho.y D. Sherburne Lal. 5lmcoa At.ater south Gault i,r Sti.eon Mackubin Stin eon Wa.t orn 'Ph omen Dale 'Popping 'B. et am V.n Bure. D.la Virginia Carroll W.y:at. Gaultier Weetern Front Woodbridge Atwater Mlnneheha Front C- Lay.on South Rice Carbon Rio. Como Ric. Rondo R1.. Rio. Rine W.y:.t. =oodbridga 474 St Sneon Gaulti.r Como Gaultier Como Como Rle• Oliver South +ARD 2 STR"T FROM TO S QW Alley -Acker -C neeea-Bu££s10-Miealeeippi Abell J..eamine Marylned Anker Bylvae Light— Place Arch Rine Park Ar nh Jankeoe Columbia Atwater Rin• Syl9an Aurora Cedar Robert Broadway GroveFourteenth Bv.ffalo Aekar Granite Canada Fourt a .nth Val lay Capitol Haight. Oniceraity Peeveylvania Cayuga Cortland MS eeieeippi Cant rel St. Pater Wabaehe Cast rel 'terrace Rice Ramat Cent rel 'ferrate St. Peter Cont rel Columbia Glenooe Penneyl—ia Como ParkCapitol Heighte Cook Rica Sylvan Co rt len d Av ker Marylmd ro—t eemth Broadway Mleeie.ippi Frost Riee 5yl— Gana sea Buffelo Mie.iseippi Geranium Riea Agate Glancoo Golumbin Miaeie.ippi Granite Cortlmd Mieele.ippi Hardanbargh Plana Lyton Place Atwater Harriet Gentral Terrace Central Hat eh Rico 5yl— Jo esaniina Rine Mi..ieeippl maw's oo Rice 5ylvm Lit ehfield Rina 5ylven L•Orieat Broadway MinnehYha Ly -t.. Placa L Riee Sylvnn Magnolia Rica 5ylvm Magmolla Abell Cortland Manitoba Rica Sylvna ,,aryl nd Rice Mi e.ie.ippi Mt. Airy Warren Mieei..ippi Park Central Wabaehn Fsrk Como Arch Park 5yeamore Marylmd Pana ry lvmia 225• W of Colombia flie.l.eippi WARD 9. (Continued) STRRRT FROL TO Robert Onivereity Capitol Height. Roe. RSoe Sylvan St• Peter Central Fuller Sycamore Jack eon Cortland Sylvan Acker Hat oh Sylvan Magnolia Geranium Temperance Grove Thirteenth 'fhill, eonth Robert Miealeeippl Tilton Rice Sabaeha Snivereity Robert Broadvay Valley Jackson Broadway Viola Rica Capitol Height, WarrenMt. Airy Arch Way at. Ri ee Park Winnipeg Rica Sylvan Winter Rio: Capitol Height. -a" 10 Alley-AlDart-Sha ldo.a-Frankaon-Lake Como Phalen Alley -Arora -SA -Y.wks Como Pha.lea-Nabrneka 6 d: W Alley-23uY or-daHrempt on -Como Neat No A So L71 s7 -Garter -Do wall -Keeton -Como Alley%harle a -his d-Grigge-Dunlap -r Alley-Gomo-Me cl ss-Fulbem N IS Allay -Do -ll-Bms nf_d-Chelford-Hytha Alla y-LaS on d-Blai r-� soler -Aldine A71ay-Laf ond-Bls3r-Aldine-Frp Alley-LS nfo.d-Blair-ymdicata-Grigg. A31sy-Lnf mud=Blair-Gri gge-Dunlap 'Tw Allay-Laf orad-Hlair-Wnlnp-Lezingt on a a W Alley-Sharbu rae-Charla,-Fry-Snelling Allay-Situp.on-Pas mal-FrankNa-L. Como Phalen 111ay-IIaiver sit y�-Sh arburne-Asbury-Simpson Albany Smelling Hemline Albert U.ivareity Mianehaba Albert Franks.. Hoyt Aldon Raymond Gibber Alden Place Aldan Gibba Aldl.e University Taylor Almomd Snelling Hemline Ar- Wynne Nabrneka Anbury Univareity Capitol Asbury Hewitt Taylor A.bury Aidamy Parkway Lek. Como-Pbalan Atlantis Snelling Pn.ca1 Atty Scudder Raymond Bayless Suett. Cromaall Bayle an s Reymo.d Manual Bayle.. W Bnylaen me - I Barry Ter, it oriel Road Pearl Bieoa Midway Parkway t:aat to Pascal Blair Fairview Lezingt on Blake Gordon Raymomd Bourse Keeton Bradford au.tie 111. n:ndioato Bran at om (Seat oY Park) 150' S of .and,. 204• H f Healon Branat on (',Wer at oS Park) 150• S of Hondoa 224' N of Aendoa Branton 224' N of Hendon Hoyt Breda S.alling Hamliae Brompt am Doswell Pieras Brompton Buford Allay North Buford Brompton Cemo Buford Grantham Cleveland C..pitol Mim.ehah. Snelling Capitol H.mlime Dunlap Carter Gordon Cleveland Charlae R.mPden Va.dnlia WARD 10 (Co.ti... d) Charles Aldine Lexington Charlatta Hewitt Taylor Chelmeford D-11 Dudley .h. I... Hoyt Idaho .—Ion Prior Tatum Chile ombe Su et le ge et on Commonvaelth West and of Park Saet and of Park (Horth eider of Park) G.—.nwae.lth Hest end of Park cast end of Park (South eider of Park) ,k) East end of Park Cleveland Cromwell Saylees uanval Cur£ev University Charles Doswell Suetls Cleveland uu dley Grantham Clevoland Danl.p University Vaa ft— urenEdmund kW. od Aldine Lexington 'Ilia 'Territorial Road Hampden ...ti. University Saylaea Fairviav 440' South of Thomas Hewitt (Pave ant) Frank.on )Udway Parkway Hemline i'ry University Hewitt Fulham Como Hendov Gibb. Alden Como Gordon (da.t eid. of Park) Carter Langford Park Place West Greatham Y Doswell S. Sod of Park GranthaID V (.met of Park) S. Snd of Park N. Sod of Park Grantham N. Snd of Park Hoyt Grigg. University Seminary Natal ins Hewitt G. N. Ry. Hr"•l ins N. P. Ry. Hoyt HendonComo Cleveland He _y Hampden Endicott Hewitt Fairview Aldine Hewitt R.. Syndicate Rill.. Prior Fairview Holton Ui^nehaha 'Taylor Holton Wynne Como Holton Lake Como Phalen Ho yf Hubbard Hemline Syndicate Hythe Doswell Dudley ' T Bae111.9 TO K.A. Carter Buford Cleveland KnaPP Langford Como Knopp Plana Knapp HOTt Curfew taf and F.1 -i -Aldine Lexington Lefond Lake Como Phalan Snelling B.e111ng Chel ase Langford cordon Como K..Pp Lavgford Park Plane 5 Bayl.ea K.aP0 Langford Park Placa A Bayleae Sllie Long .eymond Cle..lgg.nnd SoKinley Frank— Lake Como Phalen Bidway Parkway North Yinn.hahe Hrawdtt Servioa Uri,., Snelling Pa.ca1 Uideay Parkway South Aldine Lexington Servioa Uri-, Pnocal Hamlin. Nebraska Bae111.9 H�.lina Nouraa N. P. Ry. v don Pneoal Univer.ity Taylor 1".. HOTt Curfew P-1 P.arl Bsrry Cromwell Bayla.e W. prom ton Como Pr1or Nivnahaha Penno.k Pueay Chelt on lkllnln Raymond Cleveland Uudl.y Soudder Blnka Cle..lgg.nnd Saminary Hemline Sheldon Yinn.hahe Hrawdtt Sheldon Fraakeon Hebraeke Sherburne Aldine Lexington Bimpaon Univareity 'Taylor Mid—y Park•aay Hoyt Sy.dlcate U.J.--ity Hewitt T.11ula Place Clayland Fairvl.w Tatum Sin..h." 'e.Ilul, 'Taylor Aldlne Holton Torritorial Road .tie Carltov Sheeler Thoma. Fairview L..ivgton 'Phomas Aldine von Baran Svellirtg Lezi.gton Walker Hewitt 'Taylor Shaldoh Wa cl oy Holton Univareity North to Spur Track ehaolor Sheeler Lafo.d HevriYt Wynve Snellin6 Hamlin. WARD 11 Alley -Ash land -Lau res l -Pr io r -Hove 11 Alloy-Aehlavd-Laura 1 -Al d iaa -Pi a Toa Alley-Aehlend-Laura 1 -Pse cal -Alba rt Alley -Bayard -Hart £ o rd -Fre de ri c sa-Ua d a r-vo a Alley -Barka lay -St. Clair -Jo aaph is a-Fai ry iav Allay-Barkeloy-St. Clair -Pascal -Albert Alley -Berkeley -St. Clair-A.lba ins Alley-Dnyt on -:Jar shall -Prior -H ovro11T Alla y-Dyt cv-Jlsr sha11-7i-12.-Daroa y Alley -Fairmount -Good r ich- Sue -F ai rvi av ^T' Allay -Goodrich -Line of _j, den -Cleveland A71a y-Goodr ich-Linc oln-Saratoga-Pse n a1 Alley -Grand -Summit -Cleve len d -Pr i o r Alley-Grand-Summit-Feirviav-117• W. at of Fairvlav Alla y-(+rand-Sn®it-Fairy i av-Ba.i dvrin Allay -Iglehart -Carroll -Asbury -Pse cal Alley -Jame a-Palaea-Pae cal -Alba rt 'T' Alley- Ja fferaan- Walla.lay-Underwood-Mescal-at ar Alley-Jaf f era on -Wella sla y -Pa s c a1 -Alba rt Allay -Juliet -Jeff...... Re ar or 1890 Jaffer.... Fsirviav ..at No & So Alley-Jaliat-Jaffera on-}Aacala.t er-Snelling Alley -Juliet -Jeff era ov-Pa a cal -Alba rt A11ay-Lincoln-Gra.d-Cleve len d -Prior Alfie y -Lincoln -Greed -Fairy is+-Baldvria Alley-Llneoln-Grand-Bsldvia-120 • East of Baldwin N & 5 Alley & Wast 100' of »: g Allay -Lincoln -Grand -Snelling -Saratoga All hal -Crest i n -F W an 611sy-l9nrshai 1- Iglehart -Cl a v a land -W i1d ar Allay-ldarehall-Iglehart-Wilda r-asoo res '•T' Alley-Niles-Juno-Binn-C1a valand A11ay-Onoeola-k'edrmount-Alba rt-T��*•+� ins Alley -Palace -Juliet -Prior sat t o and of Allay Allay-Palace-.iuliet-Pae cal -Albert 'T' Alley-Princeton-Goodrich-Fai ry iav-Baldwin Alley -Randolph -Jame a-Sue-Fai ry iav Alley -Rand olph-Jame.-Pas oat -Alba rt net & We et Alley-Rznas- andolph-JaA.r 1bt-Hemline i'T' Alley -St. Anth oay-Shi aid a -B sac oa-Wheeler 'T' A11ey-St• Anthony -Shield a-Piarc a -Fry Allay -St. Clair -Sargant -S nes ii is g-Ssratoga Alley -St. Clair-Sargent-Saratoga-Pss cal Alley -5t. Clair -Sargant -Pse cal -Alba rt Allay -St. Clair-Sargent-Albert-lismli nes Alley-Saratoga-'Warvi cY-Ja£ f argon -Stanford Alley-Sargent-O.nools-Sn a 11 i cag-Saratoga Allay-S.rg..t-Osceola-Sarat oga-Faecal Al la y -Sargant- O.... neso la -Pse cal -Alba rt Allay -Sargant -One Bola -Alba rt -Hsazl in a Alley-Sntga�-Princ et on -Kana at h -Prior Alley -Sergent -Prig c et oa-Prior-S F inn- Cl av a land beet & Waet Allay-Selby-Daytoa- All ay-Snelling-Brimhall- Jar S a r a on-5tanf ord Alley-Wervick-Faecal-Jeff ar a on -St aafo rd Alley-Wellealay-Stan£ ord-Xan aath-Prior dARD 11 (Continued) FROM TO �i nn:•f A11ey-'ifallaeley-Stnnford-Underwood last to North k South Allay Allay-dellealey-Stanford-Pascal-Albort Otto r summit Albert Randolph Summit Albert Alba rt Summit Alley N of Ashland Marshall Ald ins Summit Roblyv St- Anthony Aldine Cretin Fina Aam drbor Cleveland Snelling Ashlar d Pascal Hamlin. Ashland Fairview Swelling Bayard St. Anthony Un iveredty Beacon Franklin Al Barry Pseeal Aamli na Hamlin. Berks lay Medford l. GlendSt. $ovely road r Hartford Clair Bram*-1 1 Carroll Cretin Hereohel Pasoel Crroll a Piero. Syndioata Sru®mit Carroll Bayard Cret in Mies. River Blvd. St. Anthony Cret iv :9abeeh University Cr —11 Myrtle University curfew Otis Saratoga Dayton S.—it University llavrey Somerville Como d River Blvd. Doane St. Anthony Central Dunlap un Fredericka Macaleeter ffileen or dmerald Berry n:llia W.bs eh Universit y ostia Rivsreood Plane Marshall g>rartar Place Fairmount Cretin Prior SClair Fnirvdaw Otto Summit Selby Fairview Marehall University Fairview Carroll St. Anthony k'erdi-and Prior Fairview Fa ron is A11ey So of Randolph summit Finn Finn Selby F =n n Randolph St. Clair aderioka Summit University Fry uoodri.h Cretin Cl.valana St. Anthony Griggs Carroll Fairview Albert "'g"5 755' S of University mline F11.1.11n.a (Pavement) r' HARD 11 (Continued) Hartford Falrviev 5..11i.g Ha ... 1.1 Ashland Carroll Herschel St. Anthony University Revell Summit St. Anthony Iglehart Cretin Pierce Iglehart Snelling Pae..I James Cretin Fnlrviav Jame. Pea cal Hemliva Jefferson Miea. River Blvd. Fairy iev Jefferson Snelling Hemllve Josephine Stanford St. Clair Juliet Cr ti. Fnirvlar Juliet Parcel Hemline Jwo Underxood Svellin6 Keunetb Randolph St. Clair La Sells Myrtle U.ivereity Laurel Cleveland Alba It LS...I. cretin Feirviev Lynnhuret n Fer-ia University Lyn.huret . Feronia University Irta Place Lyn.hurst H Ly..hurst S Maualeeter Otto Jeffaroon ldil-ukee Aatorin Montague Place Mo.tague Piece St. A.thony Milwaukee Moor,Su®it Yerrase Park Mt. Curve Blvd. Randolph St. Clair llyrtlo suet le Raymovd Niles Cretin Cleveland Nils. Underwood S.ellivg Oakley Prior Lynnhur at 1. Palace Cretin FairvSaw Pnlaea Snelling Hemline Pascal Rudolph Summit Paeeel Aah1Md Hague Pascal Marshall Robly. Pelham C.M.St.P.A P.Ry. Fra.k11. Plaroe Su®itMarshall Pierce Roblpn Uvivera ity Plvehuret Fairview U.S.— Portland Faecal Hemline Prior Ravdalph Marshall BARD 11 (Gontisued) Reymond Wabash University River wood Plane Stet or Plane xoblyn Cretin gilder R oblyn TerracePark Fairvlew Roblya Herschel Paeanl do Gri gAnthony Lezingt on .or St. Univers ity St. Anthony Vandalia Lezda gt on Saratoga Hartford Dayton Sargent Snelling Hemline Seh.f%r Fairview E:s sale et er 5aheffer Snelling Saratoga Selby Sister Place Fairview Sheridan gdgoumbe Bellevue Shields Fairview Aldine 5h191de mar— Try Stanford ut. Curve Blvd. Fairview St en ford Scall ing Fiamllne 5tawart Prior Seventh Sue Randolph P.M. Sue Prineeto. Grand Summit. Horth Driveway Baldwin 3•6111b$ Summit, South Driveway Baldwin Brleball Syndicate U.—hell Carroll Syndicate St. Anthony Bohn Temple Court CrRoblyn 'r.rrnoe Park 'Wilder St. Anthony Underwood RSghlend Ford Parkway 5t. Glair Vandalia St. Anthony C.N.St.P.B P.Ry. WalthamPrior Dewe St. Clair Werwi ak Hartford W eteon Underwood Snelling Welleeley ut. Cu rvo Blvd. Fairview Wellesley Faecal Hamldhe Wentworth Donna St. Anthony Whoeler Summit Carroll Wheeler St. Anthony University Wilder Summit at.Anthony I—dlawa Randolph Teffereon rde rth gdgaumbe Road Sav anth uABD 12 Alley -Argyle -Chat .moo rth-Hat oh -Orchard Frant Alley -Blair -van Buren-Av..1rotto Blair A11sy-Blair-Van Buren -St. Alban a -Dale Oxford Alley-Central-tL ller-Giotto-St. Albano viOtoria Alley-Charles-sdmund-Avon-Grotto Bu rge.s Alley -Como Ave N.-Boland-$ealoek Pk—"-C—Pk—"-C—b"A11e Chat worth y-Boland-D'olsoarCarbon-South 116• Y of Victoria ArgyleFront N. P. By Argyle MOKgnty Vaa Slyk. Aurora L.xingtoa Dale Avon Carroll Min..hnha Barrett Frant Orchard Blair Lexington Oxford Blair viOtoria Dale Bu rge.s Of.rd Chat worth G6Pito1 116• Y of Victoria Grotto Charles Lexington Dale Chat—orth Carroll Thoma. 42a4aahrLb Burg... Front Churchill Front Orchard Churchill MOKenty One Blonk North of Van Slyke Colne Front N. P. By. Como Ave North Como Blvd. Quiy nc Qui.cy COMO Ave North Larpenteur Cbat—Olth Vna Slyke Como Blvd. Service Drive Como B1vd.8ervics Urive from Chate.orth Vest and North to and of drive nt 128$ Como Blvd. Gomo Blvd. Service Drive Como Ave. North South COMO Place FTOat I= Crosti Lazin S"t on Argyle Groeell Front M.Kcvty Edmund Lexiagto. Dale Fisk Carroll Aurora Full— L.xingto. D.I. Grotto Carroll S.minary Botch L Lngton Grotto Horton Van Blyke Como Blvd. J—.on Front Orchard Kilburn Fr oat Orchard Alb.— N. P. By Onio. Lafond Lexington Cele Lakevier CO.. Blvd. Como Ave North Louth Froht Orchard 1— 12 (Continued) F TO S'LxA42 Como Blvd n Can. Maryland Carroll Thomne MiltonLsxingt on Us 1a Minneh.hn L.", 9t en Victoria U.iver.lty Lafood OxfordOr.hartl Oxford oxford Stinson Orchard Cron. oxford Mcganty Lexington hyla Hondo Front N. P. Ry. xyae central Minna hahi SL• Albano Loxingtan St. Albans St• Anthony Oxford Chat e�orth Seodn.ry seminary Avon Lezingt on Grotto Uale Bh. rbarna ply g of Mog.nty Uala Biylon Lnxington Ghatevorth Bt Mnen Iyxington Dal. Lhomnn Union Chat-.rth Como Victoria Van Baran yaxingtoa ChatChat .00rth Via Sly.. Carroll Inf'ond Victoria Victoria Front Crohard ... a... I u..sc.. 8 1 `} No.__ ..9 / ------- COUNCIL RESOLUTION T.yR;G—R—r- I PR rn�x-_�_ Resol—d, T`�-,t the Co— it here[.} apples the ection of the ontr,et C�mrnit ta_= in awarding t'.os contract for c:ne tructing in ,laoe Portland ment Idon_ol ithic Concrete Sidewalksaci :the work incident.l t:,ereto, in the City of St_ Paul d—it- the year 1934, to the FEYF.3 COi7STF:CTi Oii A'Z-, they c_ in:r t1le lorre=t reeponsicle bidders, for the sum of - ay ::roxir:as tely $13,7O3_00, in acnorisnce with s pecifioation., their or c,—tract hereto attached, and the Corporotlon -- I C.,..,3 -i_ 1 --by instructed to draw up the prauer form of contract Ad i IIIA ---------...,,..,..o.oa.0000. MAY 11 M4 coy.vr .ica H •iy __--"T..__. __._ ._ ��'�5���//,� .G may,.=j_� • �J 815oca.'Z'L MEON O CUNCIL RESOLUTION R.zwT.or. o Resolved, That the C1—it h3raiiy ar-roves the cchion o. the Contract Committee in award "E7 the contrrct far reuairinv, rely yi n= Ina re— c;nstrnctin Cement Tile Sidewelke in the City of St. :-ii1 —ring the , _. r 1334, n..Id z, l— £or Ill wcrk incidental theret,, to the ST6:4DaRD ST7iiz'COi�r Ati f, tnev 'nein,_ the lowest resronsible bidders, far the sum of aocrozi—telt' $2,556.25, in with s: lfi.— cations, their bi i end --rd of c,ntrect hereto att ched, an•i the C—coration Coun—1 is hereby ins'.ructed t, draw — the trope, form of contract th--ref— i .... ,,� .�o ..o. 3057 •2,256.25 _P �r,s�w� �grwP7 ��.e/v..)jeC/. :`eO�C/•/'v %w�E:: .:�oew,.i/� v ..�`rir..�o. o.n ,00�.o-- - _ •... _ �. , _ .� � �,�,� � 8 1934 'A AY 8 ism CTTY 'i May 3, 1934 TO THE HOHC ...HLii .d,YO, CJD '2HH COUNCIL GP THE CITY GF SAINT P,,UL Gentleman: The Contract Committee hereby recommends that the following contract be awardsd� F.13.#9057t TO S'P„NllNiD STONL CO:..;'C.NY For furnishing all labor, machines, tools and equipment for repairing, relaying, or reconstructing cement tile side- walks for the year 1934 and other work incidental thereto, at prices listed for work and material as follows: (A) A unit price bid on the following ft. c$0.12 1, Relaying cement tile sidewalk with new the - per sq. - 2. Relaying cement tile sidewn lk with old the - per sq, ft. - .69 3. One course monolithic walk. 4” thick _ _ _ _ par sq. ft. - .20 4, Concrete block paving incl, concrete base - - per sq, ft, - .26 5, Brick paving including concrete base- - - - - per sq, yd. - 2,00 6. Standard straight concrete curb in place- - - per lin. ft. - .60 1. Standard radius concrete curb in place- - - - per lin ft - .60 B.Resetting old curb to line and grade - granite, sandstone or concrete - - - - - - par lln.ft. - .30 9. ROble masonry laid in cement mortar- - - - - per cu. yd. - 4.00 10, Excavation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - per cu, yd. - .05 11. Embankment ;fill - - - - - - - - - - - - - per cu, yd, - .50 12, Pit run gravel in place- - - - - - - - - - - - per cu. yd. - .75 13, Cinders in place _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ par vu, yd. - .&0 14, Plank headers in place - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ per 1000 ft. B,:,.. _ 40.00 Making the total amount of the contract approximately $2 556.25, in accordce with standard city specifications and their Forma an Bid No. 9067, Respectfully submitted, THE gONTRACT COir:i..ITTE l�� r 0 • • "a..•." h l l GOUNGIL'RESOL—UTION <- HESOLVED, That the Council rioreby conetara in the recommendation of the ContractCommittee and awar3� the contract for grading Alley in Rio ck 1, George J. Anda --t s 1.'-i dwa}- Parkway Addition from Fry Streot to Aldine Street, in --ft-arca with plans and specifications here to att—hod, to SEYr:N CONSTF2LICr=O14 Co,.:PANy, they being Che lowest reap—ib]e biddcrs, For tYie avm of ;486.00, cod the Corpora - tie. Counsel is he,—by inatr+.x cted t- I--- up the praPor form cf contract .o..M..v o.o .o 9060 596.00 �Ea........... ...... r .....rrEov ao.... .o 486.00 486.00 . �...»_ o o e o.. �' or.. �...o.....,..a. .o»��s,.o N_.eere•.o...`o..,o.,..: �, � o „ r o � .r..�..�o....,�...o_..— oa MAY 9M4 MAY 1 COUNCI L• RESOLUTION II .�r�oRa.ro,. o. �x.� �MeAo„EME�7 PRo�E�rs 4esolved, Thst the Council her..=by clpoSrE 1n the recom-.endation o£ t—Contract 0,—Ittee end award, contract for 1111111L' 1111Y In 91 acv 3, ,7 ilderla Al '. tl.n it om-endota atreet to Arcade —et, in accordiace with plan, ant cpecifi—tion- heret� a'-t•,ei_cl, t, _.,:I;. F3ZI-S_._ , _.e be _ c_ lore. r_-,,ible ci3der, _cr ti,e sura of ap671_00, in accordance wWi ria letter dated Lay 1, 1�174 r C ing hit bin, -nd she Cor;:o re t 11. Coad H el 1 he Ieby ^_ne tract ed ,raw ue t:,ie nropar f arm a. contract t',erefor. ' i - I{j�I{ 37_,1 ....... 671.00 o ....o.oA��oo - - - - - - - • r71_go MAY 81934 .o..... .o..o --eat It Tr4 -- �v:tet. F, C.LfiH% 7 CLERK t.ITY r.... �. c..oc..� u__... May 3, 1934 TO THE HCNI4ABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Gentlemen: The Oontraot Committee hereby recommends that the following Contract be awerded: F.B. #9058: TO FEY EN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: Dorfurnishing all labor and material, machines, to ole and equlom=nt for constructing Portland Cement Monolithic Conor ate 8ldewalke and other work incidental thereto Id the City of 9t. Paul during the year 1934, et price. listed for work end material as follows; (A) A unit price bid o❑ the following: 1. One couraa m,nolithi walk 4" thick- - - per sq. ft. 3 .13 2. One course monollthlo walk 5^ thlok- - - 3. One course monolithic walk 6" thick- - - ^ " .145 .165 (drivss) 0 Ri Items 1, 2 and 3 shall not ep ply to sldewslks apann I. areaway. or opening. In the found. tion. 4. Relaying cement the sidewalk with new 5. - - ^ " Relaying cement the sidewalk with old tile .13 6. the - " ^ Reinforcing steel (deforemed bars) tnoluding .07 7. pl..I-g- - - - par lb. Structural .teal girders of standard rolled .04 8. a hapes atin place - per lb. Claes "A" .08 concrete 1n retaining walla, founds - ti o.andmIsle llaneous use, in plaoe Complete and inolud Sng all 9. aX.T 'loft & formwork neceesary-ou.yd. Claes "i" 10.00 concrete 1n Sid: -alk slab, beams or columna in plaoe andftnlshed complete, Snoluding all ezc.va tio& preparation of 10. site & all formwork necessary - - - _ _ -- " ^C" 12.00 Claes concrete in retaining wall., founda- tlons and mieoellaneoue us., Sn piece Com- plete and inoludl.9 all e.Cay. tion & form- work necessary - _ 11. - " Standard straight concrete curb Complete In place 12. - - - - _ _ - - 11n.ft. Standard radius concrete curb complete in .$0 13. place - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Resetting old curb to 11ne and grade- granite, " 60 14. sandstone or conoreta 4nbble 15. mesonry 1.idin Cam ant mortar Plank headers In .25 set place - - Continued-- Continued— -2- 10. Pit run gravel in plane - - - - - - - - - ou.yd. $1. 35 17. gxonvatlon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - 30 1B. Cinders in glsoe- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 85 19. flmbankment or 1111- - - - - - " - 3 5 20. Removal of ex Seting monolithic concrete or fl'getone sidewalk which cannot be removed by rick or shovel - - - - - - - yd. .25 21. Removal of existing monolithic ooncrete sidewalk which 18 re i nforoed with steel mesh or rude and cannot be removed with pick or shovel .35 Mak1n* thetotal amount of the contract apProxlmately $13,703.00, in ocordanoe with etendard olty ep, ifl—tions and their Formal Bid No. 9058. Ai FR0VE0: THE: CONTRACT CgALMITTci CY,air 9062 731.00 .we.......,. .e�...��.c .��o ro .........,.ee. re. oo.r e.:...e �....o..... E..r .. .o��o..... MAY 9 1994 (:17'V i`Llih�S COUNCIL RESOLUTION ECTs _..._— ® the recommendation Resolved, That the Council hereby concur s in ,f -.e C.'ntract Ccr�:nittee a:i awards c ntr: ct £cr __ a.d in alley • I in Bloc lc 14, 3c lc onb e's Addition fron. St. Albans street to III Grotto street, ir. accordance itplans and specificaticne hereto attached, t? the FEYEN COPSTH'i=):: CO;1i i y, they `oei--- the Lw: eet le bidde re, for the -- of .$600.00, and ne Cor -.—ration -unsel is : reby instructed to draw up p—,r rm If contract Ifjl t'ierP{or. woe 9062 731.00 .we.......,. .e�...��.c .��o ro .........,.ee. re. oo.r e.:...e �....o..... E..r .. .o��o..... MAY 9 1994 (:17'V i`Llih�S Lj� y 3, 1934 TO THE HONOi.;.31--: .w+Y 0.1 Nj THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIP.T PAUL Gentlemen: The Contract Committee hereby recommends that the following contracts be awardedt F.B.g9060: Grading Alley in `+lock 1, George J. Anderson's Giidway parkway f,ddition from Fry street to Aldine Street. TO FEYEN CONSTRUCTION COkPA11Y $4H6.00 For the Bum of Engineer's Estimate $596.00. F.B.,,/9061' Grading Alley in Block 3, Wilder'e Addition from TMendota O EMIL StreetFREISEIBo 'rcade Street. 671.00 For the sum of (in accordance with his letter dated May 1st, 1934, reducing his bi f,�871,p07.00 to :1871.00) E ngi neer F.B.#9062' Grafting Alley in Block 14, HolcombeIs Addition from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street. TO FEYEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 600.00 For the a= of Engineer's Estimate '731.00. Respectfully Bubmitted, THB CONTRACT CO'.. ITTEE / CA J Q F Y st- '.Ysneel, of F',ibl i_ .,_ .f 3t. Fa-ul. I submitted bi-i o' a�.�B7_ ,r Odthe t =lla•; Ln �loo;c S, ".ilde is .'.3-3it1 �n Fin: _ t rrm G end�a S'. _� arcade 9L. fro <�o ael 2:�_ 9081. he Lit I submitted iE .$1 _00 - E—r than .t.i—,e.t`:e:t, f ri11 i> card m= the --r- t 1 •N 111 "gr _- to d th=� cf 0, wiiichla�y -_ t wit _ .__ iInrily cons ilan�'i �n, I .,m yrs + _ truly, 'sL.rr_ed) _mil F-1-1,1 A GOUNoCIL. RESOL-UTI_)N T9 • I� t— i, ,until _ e ---t fa n, • a..t--Ittee_1,:1 , v - c C.,11 e a enae, :n a—rd.ancc th= C. F. 3CULLEY f..r the _ENT CO., .''-may _ t1:e lec:eot r=m ansible t: dders, I - �n rur.sel 1. hereby ii ^ted II vm �f ;j4 ,a40_ n ._n3 re . o SrKn sp t o r,.. f �ntr t t'.__a.. A N 51, 655.00 14, C D 0.0 ............ ...16,940.00 - 13,500.00 '� Federal Aici E.etiw.t .d - 44 440.00 .oma .,.........ne r... .......,...,. ., ,,,. wo : MAY 8 IM May 3, 1934 TO THE HONCP.JS'LF IiAiOA ,ND Tido. COUNCIL Gentlemen: CF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. She Contraot Committee hereby reoommends that the follOwl r.. oontr:,ot be av, arded: F.B. No. 9056E rorHaving aloe at—et from University avenue to 0.11.9. avenue TO CLEMENT F. SCULLEY EiUIi TIENT CO. For the sum of $44,440.00 Us1nR oil asphalt Engineer's Estimate $51,655.00 NRA Compliance oertlfloate with bid. R^epectfully submitted, THE C/)N BRACT COI I TEE ' L _e— Ohal n �� Aye Council Filc N.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ..d PRELIMINARY ORDER. I A by the( City ofSj­t P-1. Curbing Fuller -venue from Fisk Street... to. Avon Street L., tj,e 8th d.y if m -Y, 1954 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHERE,AS, A written pruposnl f., the nuking of the b)H­mg improvement, via.. Curbing Fuller Avenue from Fisk Street to Avon Street. having , ... presented to the C .... I of the (City of la"It - therefore, b, it RESOLVED, That the C­.imi­, of Public W�,,k,i be ..d is b­1by ordered ..d directed: 1. T, in ,tig— the ...... ity I,, ­ desirability oL the ranking of ..id imp,,- ­t. 2. T, i­tig— th, nature, extent and ,,ti—d -t of .,id mip­­­.t, ..d the Wtd -t thereof. 3. T. furnish . pl., pr.fik ., sketch of said m,p­­­.t. 4. T. ­. .1,,,th­ ., not enid improvement i. naked for on the ptiti.n of tt,,,, or more ownare report6. p.. .11 -f the foregoinforegoingT.f N'ionnce. Adopted by the Council_ YNeve - C.... WEIIA11 Approved P__ R.— M. P- ­ Me ­ euti,i CIA— , CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY C /c COUNCIL RESOLUTION}-GEN' PR N—D By .. •. ! / .r eub mitt Q Na WHEREAS, the Board of Freeholders Of the City of Saint Paul, on May 4, 1934, submitted to the Hon. William Mahoney, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, a proposed amendment to the Charter of said City, whichhad been submitted to it in accordance with a petition signed by more then five per cent of the voters of said City, which pro- posed ames.:ment will add a new section to the Charter; and WHEREAS, there is no general election to be held in the City of Saint Paul within six months from said May 4, 1934, but there is to be heli on Monday, June 18, 1934, a state primary election; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That there shall to submitted to the people at a special election to be held on Monday, June 18, 1934, the euestion of the ratification of the proposed amendment to the City Charter, which said proposed amendment was submitted on petition of more than five per cent of the voters of said City, and which proposed amendment is as follows: "From and after December 31, 1934, the minimum entrance rate of pay for fire fighters and patrolmen shall be fixed by the Council in Salary Standardization Ordinance No. 6446, under such standard salary rate as will produce a current adjusted entrance rate on December 31, 1934, which most closely approximates the average minimum rate paid to fire fighters in the cities of the United State' having a population of within 50,000 of the City of Saint Paul, and such average rate and population shall be determined from the statistics on pages 1336 to 1357 in the June 1933 Issue of theMONTHLY LABOR REVIEW published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. Such adjusted entrance rates so determined shall thereafter be subject to such adjustments as may become effective thrau¢_h such standardization ordinance, through changes in the cost of living as determined by the periodic coat-of-living surveys made by the f'OI NI'II.\II:N y,.ue \u— Atlo pteJ bJtltc ('u un til _.___. _. _ -193. M.0 1'..-- In fnv,tr _ Ap Ftr„a.rd ._.. I6 hi u_t \Venal- \Ir. 1'reviJ unt \fuhonc} RK O„c,e.i ,.. L11j "•I� CITY OF ST. PAUL rile NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM —ESEN—D BY 5t&Sf�laN£S1 ( 2 United State. Bureau of Labor Statistics, together with sen l ori ty "Tress which .hall not be lees than the eenl.rlty increase. now prescribed by said ordinance. The foregoing method of fixing the pay of firemen and policemen shall remain in effect of The ratio of the personnel of the Bureau of Fire Protection to the population of the 0iy of Saint Paul .hall never exceed the ratio that the present ersonnel bears to the p population of said City as shown by the 1230 Official Federal Cans. a." FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to cause said proposed amendment to be published as re- quired by law for thirty days in three duly oualified newspapers of general circulation printed and publlehed 1_ the City of Saint Paul, viz: Asst Ssint Paul Times, St. Psul Review, and St. Paul Legal Ledger; the cost of said publication to be paid out of the Official Publication Fund; be it FUR Five notice of said special election in the manner provided by law, THER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby ordered to and he 1s hereby authorized and directed to prepare the necessary printing, etatlon ery and election supplies, the cost and expense thereof, together wl th other expenses of said election to be paid out of the Election Account of the General Fund; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That he polls Of said election eball re- main open during tha hours P, rotvided by law, and that the I lil tration records on file in the City Clerk'e office shall be used, and that the CityClerk be directed in bis notice of said election to set out the pr ecinote and polling places, and he shall do whatever else 1s necessary for the eubmiseion of said proposed amendment at said ( �� special election in :he manner prescribed by law. J rofNI II.NII my 91934 193 /'m , /�'rnn� In L,v or Ap pru ved _ _ _. IUSF. .. 5COTT,«, CSTY CL58H or�YN��o do a..t CITY OF ST. PAUL = NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK A COUNCIL R60L/UU TT/N —GENERAL FORM RESOLVED ¢aL the proper .Sty offt.... be and they ore hereby e.th i..d and dl rectal to psy the eity'. proportlomte ehere of the bills cnbmitted by the 11,1n ry Ceart Hoene sad City He11 Building Coms+l nsloa es eho_ o. lbetr.et of Clai.e Humber 66 Of the 1dYleory Court Eaane sad City Ha11 Belldleg Co®leelon, toteli% b `,,So4. 11 . the eitye. .bore of hi -h is { t,4o4.45 ,end all se shoee Spon the .laics, sumitted by —id Comieeioa. COUNCILMEN 1'cav\n. /A'aY✓j i MCJ)(1 Jd /fear« _) lei favor /Wea�cl au ..n / r. Proxidelit S7 ahnneY Ct'[Y et¢RH NAY 91934 �ti A 193a Apl.ra.id Ifl',S Z, Jlu� PAUL ....... No. CITY OF SAINT �.... APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM P£a c..q RTER sECT1oN zoa Pores EINTEo B �� D.T. GOMIw lsslo / '-- . RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE GOM PTROLLE R. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTnIN ITEMS MAV BE MET BY SA10 TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK P. --`BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 426.76 8 B 1Fire prevention – Salaries 88.75 8 B 2 OYtica �psaee 426.76 � 8 C 1 Fire Fightin6 – S larlas I' 88.75 � B C 9 ^ • IIisc � i s.vaons II '�I } I i f en I tram xnnn iI �� ` ADOPTEv eY THE DOUNCIL aw YEs C ✓) COUNCILMEN C ✓� NAYS A-0... 19 M GOONgLo H..`dr� gINST W ENZ£L COUNTERSIGNED BY ............. m............. Ma. PIx£sIo£INT SGOiS• CITY OF ST. PAUL �ii� ` No. 1��') OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r Cl U�ry C11 R—OLUTION--GENERAL FORM Fi�— ,,.. PF'AS, E. police C—a.d c: -_r, .ile pur sulnE_ c speedinr c;;r on oelby Avenu , on A -,Til .:ird, 9:14, suuok a cer o*ned cy J. ". Bnbi C, and ­ i --ti, cation disciosee that eaid J. = Babic wL.s wi--t fzn Lt in tue r -d Isis car Iva. da:;.a,.ed in the .—a nt of 20.00, now therefore be it R= SOLVED that ti.e i_ her cit_ �fficere be ar'd ti— are r,. y cat: r—a —d a,:d .ir,.. c<.efl -.,e .. —rrera ir. `. v -,r of ;- J. _ . R,bi, in — punt _I. .-0.00, upon his ex ec�.,_1 on and _e._ve , o: n ::e'_ i.._: ct.9„ r•,l ..a.:e in raid .DDr-,v,,d by A1,11 U ­ f '1 I LN( I I. \1 1 he 0,uii,:il�1 �y( 9.JM .193..._ if u� � Al nru, i \Ir. I'r,�.i,l,- \inl�.—, Cliff ILL.- em e.3� to,�_�—___ CITY OF ST. PAUL ` NO.-.. ! i H03 OFFIC E OF THE CITY C COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN.' - �T onr ru�.„nl�v i 2wamcxan WHEREAS, on February 28, 1933, the City of Saint Paul received from the Central West Casualty Company, of Detroit, Michigan, a claim draft drawn on the Nstional Bank of Commerce, Detroit, Michigan, for $51.50, coat of rep¢iring Is— post on Unlver'ity avenue, second southwest of PSllebury avenue, by insured, Dr. Carl F. Otto, 1730 Lincoln avenue, on January 19, 1933, accordlna to Registered Hill #2-1121, Ss sued by the Department of Public Utilities to slid Dr. Carl F. OttO� and HEREAS` upon depositing said c-.e:ck In the bank by the Comma es17iFinance, It was returned, marked "PROTESTED FOR on er o . NON-PAYMENT" account of BANK HOLIDAY DECLARED, with PROTEST FEES of $1.59 attached• sn3 WHEREAS, the Central West Casualty Company failed to re— open after the Hank Hol lday was lifted, ar,d a custodl an man seer was appointed to take care of the Company's affairs, accordln¢ to correspondence received by the Commissioner of Finance, and up to the present time the Company has not been able to have the above check made good; therefore, be 1t RESOLVED, That the Commissioner Of Finance be reimbursed in the amount of Flf ty-three and 9/100 Dollars ($53.09) out of the Lighting Fund, Code 22 B-1, and that the Commlesion er Of Finance and the Corporation Counsel be instructed to make further attempts to recover the amount due the City from said Central / West 0, n_lty Company. Y- N"> rn "�I1r,�ux � _ AQLLIII!I FC(YI I .ur ..n i11 r- I'r...id,•nt 1LJi„n,•v , '.b'&? Q Adu pte,l h, Lhn (:uu ncilmy --.. 193- �`( �119;i4 I93._- M a�-or Petition G. j4 Council File No.. -j � �)4 PROPOSAL. FOR IMPROVE'. • a,, se — wb-r w and rn o me [ono.nn tm rovemee PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedhereby proposee[he ranking of thefollowirig pu blicimprovement by the City of Suint Paul, viz.: Grade Alley in Block lr John Gaarden Addition from Underwood Avenue to Fredericka Avenue.. anted this 9th day of May, 1934 193 PRELIMINARY ORDER, WHEREAS, A written propose) for Che making of the following improvement, vin.. . Grade Alley_ in Block. 1, John Gaarden Addition.. from Underwood.... Avenue to Fredericka Avenue. - - hewing been prevented Lo the Council of the city of S:,int Pnul - therefore, be it HG401,VED, That the C--Iissianer of Public Works be end is hereby ordered end directed: 1. 'fo investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. '1'o inveetigate the nature, extent end estimated cost of said improvement, and the tote) coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To eta. whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere ✓�/,,,._p 5. To report upon aH of the foregoing matters tro t -he. Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council-... ri 9_1QU Yexe N— Councilman Mwx McDorenr.n Approved may.. �.... -. P.—. /i. moi! Hosea Ms. Paesrnexr Mayor. ✓a.exreran r -,at IV F Cu r - F, ea File Nn. St!'. �_a,, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVE'.- e_ xo. sxs and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of Che following pu blicimpro vemen t by the City of Saint Paul, min. Condemning and taking an easement. in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills.. in the grading of Alley In Block. 1, John Gaarden Addition from Underwood Avenue to Fredericka Avenue. Dated chin 9th ..day of May, 143�' PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A writton proposal fur the making of the following improvement, via._ Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for _ slopes, cuts and _fills in the grading of Alley in BlgcK 1, John Gaarden Addition from Unde—ood Avenue to Fredericka Avenue. having been prrx+—d to the Council of the City of S --t Paul_. therefore, be it RI -SOL V ED, That the Comini.=sioner of P,,hhi IVorks be and in hereby ordered and directed: 1. To i—tigate the necessity for, or deeirnbility of, the making of said improvement. 2. 7'o investigate the nature, extentand estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cont thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile_ or sketch of Haid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked I— on the petition of three. or more owners 5. To report upon all of the fomgoing matterr1 the Commissioner of Fi oance. ✓f Adopted by the Council__ AY4 .. _..9 1 Yens N— (:auncilrnan McDoxe— APProved.... .._..... _..... _ PeAacx Roeex ) \V ruzr�. ✓ /:.cam- <<_.__�� /,G .. _. _- . Ma. Pacernexr ,. �y � Mayo _h 11 .;ts: COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In rheMatter of constructing with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north— easterly side of Oakland Ave., beginning approximately 16 ft. southeasterly of the south urb line of Grand Ave.(produaed), thanoe 21 ft southeasterly, also resetting 38 ft of granite ourb aontigroa a thereto, also resetting granite ourb on the northosetsrly aide of Oakland Ave., beginning 5.5 ft southeasterly of the south ourb line of Lincoln Ave., (produced), thanoe 76 ft. southeasterly, under Preliminary Order_ _.- _ _ 97818 -.._ - approved_. - UM 1984 The Council of the City of Se Paul having re, ved the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ,be above imp rovemt, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same .s hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the northeasterly side of Oakland Ave., beginning approximately 16 ft. southeasterly of the south ourb line of Grand Ave.(produced), thanoe 21 ft. south- easterly, also reset 38 ft. of granite ourb contiguous thereto, also react granite ourb an the northeasterly side of Oakland Ave., beginning 5.5 ft southeasterly of the south ourb line of Lincoln Ave.(produeed), thence 75 ft.southeasterly, ,,ith no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_62,09 -._-- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 4th day of June _ 1934, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. -Adopted by the Council MAY 91934 193 't Ry 1994 197. — ,�L cin clerk Approved _ -- Cooncdmsn McDonald Councilman May / /f euun<�Iman Pearce Co— -anRosen CouncilmanTrua. Coundlman Wend Mayor Mal, Form B. 5. A. 8-6 97857 CITY OF 9T. PAUL- OFFICE AULOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTION -G EN ERAL FORM gaol WHEREAS, the Comml esioner of Parks, P1 ay err oun da a—e- Putlic Buildings has reported to the Counc ll that t7iat certain church building loc a.t ed on Lot. 15 and l- Bl oc 1c 1 YA at3'offin & Breck enridwel e Addition, also known as NO - 196 Tho maw etre et , is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant 1( its he ing cond—ed and torn down; therefore, be, iI- D D, That a publ lc hearing be had upon the advisability r\�// \X; and necessity o£ wrecking said buildl-g' on the 6th day of June, /� 1534, at ten oI clock A. in the Counc ii Chamber in the Court // \ / House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul P3inne sot a; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten ci yEI prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Oovmi esioner o£ Parlcs, Play- grounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last 1, oven record owner of said property, at hie last Known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice st at ing the t ime place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and be shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publ lc at ion in the official such of the C1ty of Bai-t Paul said notice -t be published not le.s than five days prior to the date oY said hearing. J ! - COUNCILMEN v�,� so'/ Aaopte<t by tiie c—a=.,aLMAY - ...-I-A-193k Isa Muy ❑. m.o. App --1 - _IL_0 L336 isa /I'nina -A,,mA- �Vrnzel iL7337..151?. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnazota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT City Clerk and Commi zoo .r oI Ragiztr a,on Ms ;y 9th, 1934. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached order of the Consul—loner of Public BulldlnRa £or co n deamcztlon of the cbl—h building kno.n a. 1196Th=..Street, da.c ri bed a. Lots 15 end 11,Block 1, Mago£fin & Bracic—ldg. Addition . - ferr.d to you, by the Courc il, fOr a ra.olution sett'r' a date of hearing on this condea,nati— Tours very truly, City Clerk. \ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ce Pifel of Mi --t, w T or PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 Cty Hell FRED M. TRUAX. C. --..— CARL E. S—KES. o. v ­, .1.... -*0-. 14 M. y 5, 1934 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: Complaints have been registered with this -)epartment relative to the condition of the church build leg ]mown as 196 Thongs Street. This property is described as Lots 15 and 16, Block 1, his geffin s, Breckenridge. The building in question is vacant and the basement windows as well as the back door are broken. The structure is open to vagrants and has become a nuisance and fire hazard. The owner of this bui.ldin,- is the A. id. E. Churchin care of The Reverend Carlyle P. Stewart at 435 Say Street., Cond�_�r Lnc tion proceedings in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code are hereby re co^v,end ad. Yours truly, City Architect I LAR ..11 I, �y v Fred N. Tans 0DO STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Io the oor of the condemnati.n by the Commissioner of P—, Mics- I, ..d Pabam c.sldln�,-., or a chIIr'c'r build Tug ...d t. be owns. by A. II. E. M—ch (Rev. (!arl71e P. Steuart ) a " uPnd I—le. the [ollowi.g ,, cubed raw eetam, to .n. I4to 1G and 1G, Rlook 1, Magoffin d BrFvkawSdpo ORDER H'HEE-S, Tho( -1.— of 1-1, P ,�� , ., 16;_e n - o"' a,e ,e. of the dbure in buildinS 'noun.." describe"... _VG 112� RtPeat vnJ —ate. „bos'e dexr,b•J , , ho. fo.n 1 and .Ir:�.m�r.,.', 11-1 This is a Vacant r bulldrg. RaaC=Mt vindo9a aro bmlwn cad beck door is 1-01-X1 in. Open to vagrants nod has became c nuisance# and a fire bmaa.d by r, a,oa, of the .hogs f." a.id abeseh building a, nn,.m and dangerous to life, limb, arcl wb joir4ng pr owty 5015, THEREFORE, by virtu- of the aulh,mi confer. r,l ury,n the sam ('m sinner of Parks, I'luygr.uaal, and I'ublie Buildings, pursuant to thr laws of the State of .Nit" as and the Charts: and Ordinance> of the Ctly of Saint Paul, and particularly Ordinance No 7114 rn1Ita ,l' An Ordinance proi,ing far all matters concerning, relating t., or affecting the construction, alteration, repair, remneal and mainnionee of all Lolldingr or structures or parts .f boilding, or structures erected or to be erected xitleb the Ci!c of Sacnt I'an[ Said ___church bulldinQ__- h ,br eon len 1 d and t is e rd that it Le ma dr Irn[eLtakrn xn rr „se'1 and material tl ref cin ren.,ced I n from the premises xilhin day's from the data of the senior of thi, order and notice up.n the mcner a o cupant thereof. In the event of the failure of the oxmr nr ,. apart to comply with the terms of chis order within the time aforesaid, the said Conso loner of forks, P1,yg—a6 and Public Building, shall ..... thio order to he complied with, and thee.p,n.e s thereof charged to made a lien al, ascot the property- ,bore described. IN WITNESSWHEREOF, he f.repo- order is mnde and siKnrd by the Commi-+eioner of Park. 1'laygre.ndr and Food, BojIdh er, at St. caul. .11In ae..I., thi= fjl_.IM dap' .f March 19 34 ,. required by law. /J , e L 2 C.mm, .loner.( l'a'rk.,, Play' on I� and I'ahl.c Rud, ,,, NOTICE las n. Q. E• Chtwoh (Rev. COrWO r. kovat) a rTq Atd'AO.t Owner and to No. Occupaht, H,a, lake ngtje that the f r going order y, a nweJ h the (mmlaeionef of Parkt, Pla}groun 1, and I'uhlie 3 ,i 1 'f ' 10 Mand you Ire herebyi ecta l to comply II r,x tl J at tl '.t Oat " "Ifoll h .r ([.at bdo not fl er, objection or appeal as qui ed by the Charter and Ordininice,of th. City of sj. 1,.,u[, Oth,li. lays prem tae note of service of (lair order and notice upon you, the said Commissioner of Pork,, Playgmuml, and Public Buildings will proceed to enforce said order and sail property will he charged x,lh the expense thereof and the penalties preseo/Hbed' by law. / � Commtsslnner of parks, Playgrounds nmf [Iublic Buibhngs. CITY OF sT. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM / DnrE RESOLVED .��. NO. 9[_l'].r)S May 9, 1934 In the matter of grading Alley in Block 51 Hoyt'. Rearrangement of Royt`s Como Outlots from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, also constructing a sewer in the alley from 1BO feet south of Hoyt Avenue to the sewer in Hoyt Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 97223, approved February 2, 1934, and Final Order C. F. 97688, approved April 17, 1934• Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, same are hereby approved. MAY 1 n 1994 los_ A do bled bJ' ,hc Cou nciL _. -- - lo 1934 Ins. till �' Al F:S Yews ('tIL St'11 S n}� �1�.. -d,Tlrt*mH -t�� i MAY 1 n 1994 los_ A do bled bJ' ,hc Cou nciL _. -- - lo 1934 Ins. till �' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROi` .. ajns` o m. [on•wme %crv..m••.l PRELIMINARY ORDER. - '^ The under.ignnl hereby prupa.es the mnking of the following publicim pravement Ly the City of Saint Poul, viz.: Construct monolithic concrete sidewalk on the east side of Atlantic Street from Beech Street south to Alley. Dad this loth d.y of May, 1934 191 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propn.nl for UI, mnking of the following improvement, via. Construct monolithic concrete sidewalk on the. east side _ of Atlantic Street from Beech Street south to Alley. _. having Leen preeentnd to the Council of the ("ty of �n'inI Pnul_.. -' therefore, be it RESOT-YP.D, That the Commieeion.r of Puhlic Works be and i. hereby ordered and direetnd, 1. To invenllgate the nereeeity for, or dceir.bjbty of, the mnking of e.id improvement. 2. To investigate the naturo, extent and eytim.ted coat of said improvement, and the total coat theroof. 3. To furnish a III— profile ar sketch of -id improvement. 4. To et.. whether or not .aid improvement ie asked for on tho Vetiu.. of three or more ownsre 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matter. to the Commissioner of Fi...... "q­'Adnpted by the Cnnnr,_.. _.(IAY_10.1934 Yews Nere Rosen --- Mm p......x'r r>sc•uum r..a ;t,,nVI U15G:lP;) j PROPOSAL FOR IMPV1 and or ane on...n m ro..reeaa PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tho undersigned hereby propo-ee the ranking o[thefollo wing puhlicim pro v-ement by the City of .Surat Paul, via.: Conatructing 4" monolithic concrete sidewalk ( 6 £t. wide) on the northerly side of Waltham btreet between Prior Avenue and Dewey Avarice, beginning at the easterly and of the .existing br].C1L. drive- way .abutting Lot 1, Union Park Addition,. thence easterly 14 feet. Datn-d thi. 2ad day of May, 1434 I PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propoael fur the makiog of the following improvement, via Constructing 4- monolithic concrete sidewalk (6 £t. wide) on the northerly side of Waltham Street between Prior Avenue and Dewey Avenue, beginning at the easterly end of the existing brick drive- way .._._.. -. way abutting Lot 1, Onion Park Addition, thence easterly 14 feet. having been pre -anted to the Cwrneil of thi City of sn Pail therefore, be it RESOLVED, 'That the f Public Works be and i- hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the neces-ity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To Wve-tig-te the naturr� extent and e-timated cast of -aid improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. 'To form -h a play, profile or aketeb of said improvement. 4. To stats whither or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of thmc or mare owners 5. To report upon alI of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. / .Adapted by the Canned_ _ MAY 10 1934 Yana Nnre Councilman Mnr�1 j-I'ICHORxee- .Approved. -.-..-....- --..-- P � Roe.. � I'urn� Mn. PasarnexT Mayo, . roec•ie esu ..�r� j'�/ a "rrr i� 1'��� t" J ff Councd rile `.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEM'r' `to. exa,er— we.rr.oc and PRELIMINARY ORDEI<­ _I'he undersigned hereby proposes the making; ,f the f.11owing y,bli, improv'cmrnt by the City of St Paul, vrz.. Construct , monoli ti_ic concrete dr:ver.:.y crossint on tt:e south side. Or 6rL_zja ­ve. t.et, .. ri Lyn Lcc,te e. -nd the C. M,, LA. -P. &P Hy. hegiritaln� 5-Z, f L._ —L.. f .tile_ —L. to L 11ce of Lo L 8, t..Lack y., aay Stin_onr s __tai L 3l tion thence tk, 1(J ft e -.._t, drlvev,.u,; to 4e. 1c'cel ni,tY. e xf �tetines b ft. " ter. i e t..Sk I. r _ to utDad this._h r� G of � _-•r12U }' f:oG�tl PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A wntten profw for the making of the following improvement, .rz.. G4n54a-t3Qt drive-,, cry_. _ on the - uth aide of ..teruid ._ve_ bet- -yndic Le r_ve. �, Lice C_ by. nn begiing 54 ft. euaL -f the west lot lineof Lot 8, B1ock_4,. Stinsonts B_oialHYe..rd.�.ddili on.._ them 13 ft_ __t, drivel' -y to Le Ievel with e fisting 6 ft. s�,o�ewI , �ttt I� mpp to t utter. ha rng been presented to the ncil of ty of ti'. ph ' therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the ('nmmissioner of Public Works be anti i, hereby ordered and dirrcteA: I. To mves[igate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement 2. To tn, .,iga- the natu e, estent and —Ii --I ro_v, of aid imp' �a men t, and the total cost therm(. 3. T'u furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said impmvemenr. 4. To state Mhether or not said improvement is asked for on the 1,66— of three or more onners. 5. T'- report upon ali of Ihr foregoing matters to the ('ommissi.ner .f Finance. Adopted by the C' n ,ii pp AY 10 1S Y'rws \nv4 Councilman Ivinv MAY :\ppr.ved j-L)m4 � Rosx: `r i c� :tray.'; ro..., c,. ra cr>r-'r-aar _ PUsirntiL:u 5 I.�.air . CITY OF ST. PAUL „u `�` NO. 91,862 FICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO)J IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM owre �hereae, the BinMng pond Committee did o 2j00 P. M, Yep 10, 1934, on !(5,000 Vill a 7. 1934 ask for bide to be enbmitted et dne ae follow e; °ge of Arlington (Bibi ey County) 5j% S__ torrents, 61,000 Oct. 1, 1935 1.000 Oct. 1, 1936 1,500 0nt, 1„1937 1,500 0et. 1, 1938 now held in the Oenerel Si U,_I.g Bead{ end thereon, Aide were op®ed 1n the mayorte Office et 2100 P. U. of bid of Salman & Company, 8t. Paul, E/inn., of 05,152,00 and -..—.d my 10, 1934, end f delivery was the Daet bid received• and Snterest to date ihareae, the SSaMng Phnd Committee has recommended that the bonds be awarded to Salman & Compayv for $5,162,00 and accrued interest; therefore, be it Henolved, that the bid of Salman & Company be accepted, end the Mgyar, Oommleei,ner of 71id. and City Comptroller, be end they are hereby authorized and directed toe e t the DSd f Salman & Company, d awnmeats the transaction, ec p is uoolt— .onowe. b%IZ eewe. Werrwu, nue ne 10'. o bl e nmar e� ic'iaio o'° bld CUU Vc'11,\IEE i ��•' o 0 of Ycas 'NIsy �, id +•r Y-omrev_.701Rr-17 193_ /J1c1)iinuld � _.. A 1934 It-,” one�i / PVn�rrd... --. - 193- / Ag -,q �L YIr. i'residrnl \Inhuncy AC.r F.IF I Aiay„r Mr.— -1 19-7 10. 1934. A tooting of the sinking Wood Ooe3ttee Was bead this day at 8400 P. O. In the office of the ihyor. Frown&, 8N9or William Oeboney and Omptrollor N. W. Ooodriah. Phis mooting Woe held for the porposs of receiving and spend bids on 05.000 9111ago of Arlington (Sibley t'amty) 5J% Ower Werramtte In motraamoe With a !attar end to Hi menpolie and at. Wall Boad Nooses Wader date of 1y 7. 1934, held in the General siNdng )mods and due u folloot $2.000 dm Oct2.000 out: 1, 1 2..9DD a oat. 1, 1937 1.500 a Oat. 1, 1938 The follwing bide War* reossWe4s AID= OF &D+DS alum DID ON BID Walmen 6 Coop atp 45.000.00 85.1$2.00 Piper. JaMew A uopsood 5.000.00 5.0919.00 ILM National Damp and lhsst Co.. 5.w)-OOrp1... Mica 5.000.OD S. BlploW. Webb A 00. 5.4DO.OD 5.OD5.OD W*11*.mcgey De. 5.000.00 1.960.75 A motion Was ode by Ooaitlrollar N. F. Goodrichs eeaonded by Nycr Willi= Amey and maeaimoosly carrie4 that the bid of Kalem 6 0attpatp, St. Poul. Minn. be aawpted and Wwosmall" to the Ocean, and also that the oertlfied cacke be rvtmaed to tbm unmuansi4l bidders. The meeting thereupon adjourned. 090, rz- fioio Piesidmt Moptrollar gaofficio Secretary o.�a�••l.o c�� CITY OF ST. PAUL r.0 , No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �,�NCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM c slo�erx Jr ing C Pearce May 10 1934, o Tho.. f .-1--ti—h- -ort,,: 'h, Chert.9r the e- _�t.ence o£ rge nc —,—r, th,+X P �ploynant of -rt "neI'loyc:aroi' h_z rtme rt o 1'or m , then their u.,-ol_ -- of —T1oy - ...Pnt; *t:eret'or•, b=. It, .. r;."L\'t: �, '.hx'_ `ham toper ity of£'_.. - - •.•r-� rete f'_xei for t!me h. i _nnf Y.er .. for'.hX Petrick F. Hickey Janitor -Engineer 17-1/3 1-- .57* 1.45 $8.52 1P. iPcnnr In [n. -„r It epi i� �l avenzer 1•• SCOTT, m n /\(r. President \I h—y 1X14 )CLSRE "AY 1 a A,],,pt,d by th, (', il_ _..-... -105.. fl. 'rC"� 4, AJ p��Fir.. ...<I at -. - 193.. ?r,RM N0. 1 ar.::l o,r,.a o_ `hn` ri �,:��rtm. r.t rte. _.or nn ,,•r•:r rr�... ,,.r rinY, lv1o1— -h- To keep St Antbony Park Branch Llbrary open and to clean _ Thio-m�rgency aroea by facto errl c_i r,une tnnce.�: Necessary to keep St. Anthony Park Branch Library open on account of Election d p tial cti Sties at tha puildino. apo.., .a _,. e .cn, n . _ n.. .�.. of �..e rhor`�r•. j. ur�¢ie.�rvur a... CITY OF ST. PAUL .� ' NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION'-- GENERAL FORM cortins— ea � �jt,S..cL lhr.� �-1.•4A-4 .Mcg lOz 1934 onrE RESOLVED That Beeteurent licenser application 3540. and On Sala Ma--Lt Beverage license, application 3542, applied Por T. J. Tuoby at 347 Robert Street be and they ere hereby granted and the City Clerk ie inatruotad to lamas such licensee upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required £ees- ('4)11\(I1,MEN y In h—, aR .1 - r. scorn. Ad „p Leel 1» th.. f' --il MAY J� 1_ 4 193. Appn, �t aro l Ta r:,. �F J v ........ -... les CITY OF ST. PAL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION GEN ERAL�. t TE bee^ .__ t. __ ..�.. i Eid d. -d nt AIS. .. .:i� . i... �:^.� �, :_:_ �:. - ., .,.,. .. cic ,_: icy.- ar r• :.,, ,,c; Ta r:,. �F J v ........ -... les KREMER AUTO SPRING CO. QUALITY SPRINGS 136 E. 12TH. ST. PAUL. MINN. stAnd See C.F. 97542 in which Re',, a authorised On Sale Malt Beverage licensesaw ,.ithdru and fees refunded. The off Sale Malt Beverage application 1605 should have been included Sn C.F.97542 but thru error ha"5subei!u d ae denied by Police in resolution an Apr. 10, netl9Zthis letter r solvtion.w either not passed 11 o not submitted to council es City Clerk has n .cord. zen and an advised gam s. Floeis not 'it' s that he void obtain a llcense. CITY OF ST. PAUL LL NO. .1.I.L. LI-� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM ceoM ` t_i TE Ye,%. 10, 1854 Rusmdmft WmFAS, Sem Flo.se desires to withdram application 1605 for Off Sale Malt Beverage license at 646 Jackson Street; therefore, be it RFSOLVSD, that the proper city officer. be and they are hereby authorised to refund to Sam Floes. the fee of $S.O0 end to csacal said application for license. ( OUN('ILNIEN }'ens N,— N1, /b1o1) n Id i Pinrxe _ In Iscor /ri'ruux � Ak,in1 S(O'Cf. K Nf, I'n!J,lent Alnhoney yr__/ v 4Y 11 1934 Ad,,j-d by th, ('-uncll._ - - -193. App-vnl _-. 193 �l Atey�ir See C.f X96710 denying 911 d,—, ah�l'_a Sn c .tAon with or�a,�", o u,• ��..• CITY OF ST. PAUL ",u NO. I,� (I� )C., OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ._..Map 10.. 19.54 RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and th[p ere herehy sathorised to —ftmd to the following named persona the fees indicated deposited on applications Por Dance Hall licensee which have previously Leen denied: Jolm Hermes 599 No. Dale St. Dance Nall $.15.00 Appl. 4854 Lange & Johnson 197 E. 9th St. ° " 15.00 ^ 4855 Fred W. Ya11ow 126 W. Central ° 15.00 ^ 6146 (:()1111'11.\IFN �I'earcr � In le,vor /1'r„Irr ARni.- NW,—, Ad�,pu:d Irl. d MIkl I I OAF 193 :lpp1.... 193.. T m.y_ , . a�l,�u.r �,•.t CITY OF ST. PAS. - -- NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY•' COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GEE' - . c ....n s orv��f-u�( )zti /✓ oJ-1� o s nere .. E- ;"A rank Benz and Jo• eon J. - •:che:ts r. to"ore been _ r licennl end a &verye license for 'e ,. < -�•d .. ... 31. 785-7977;nive: elt, Aver:ue, e B-nz end J, J. i r. c._.... race re—e. _ed -i ee Le" Ii(1-) license In tn- tav--n licence .11c bv -re _r._...... --r...4 ,> Lc rence A. J.un, r-. L:nd _i.e .-aid Lsvrerlee ,,. ,l, __.-. _... ,i-__ _n _ rnd in sum _ (.3 UO 0, � --nn. . be— an —vea e' to cv tnc, >r:,oration -. .ei, and TFdE—:,;i, _:. ., .:^it aee 1 ---dm' o� ae r ceu�;es be _ t.:r:—for'oe is : VED, tnc:t on raLe 1I—er 'ieenr - _ .,cld cy - .._ Renc ndJ'esenn J. - __ andtne�e are ;.—n" ,•nr.> sueH�, buri::ees o. c :)—mis-� "no'vn L c 79b-�l�' University Avenue, _ice. .-. ou aut,:ori zed laky .__e or _e, i-ri Is in the records �_ tue��_ .,,r:einin ti—etc; 5E IT "'_"RT..:'R :2'i ? VF,!D, .. --, o and .1 o s-1 o_ .300'I. UJ, re In the -ea o. ,.rete �711 lily _�ierc ir�-.ed... r __ .��Liee oft e 'ity �1 ier, �.ndr _ -is a —iaed and i -d a 10 I y bold of sk-id F,.,,k Benz end Jr.;epu J.n-isc.ene tnat the -aid —re2y ie re Leased from a L i.bi iity reon ari sir.uG e.e cuenc .� the d'` -.e v...e., —e s�ia- I'n �- ..-,v.re..ce P. n bee—ec. of —_ive, 10 Ycuv Snc- Ad I'd �,y ILr 0--1. - _ ..34 WAY g4, wir r.nrr.. In raver ,y,pruve/d 193_ { / f'1'tf LISHIrI) it by thcil. APE.{RCL 95EN /TR AX l{ JANE, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mienesola OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT C." CIa,4 aid Com ne, of Req ..rt.on m p May Sth, 194. ton. J. E. M4 Doneld, Chat tman, Licenee Committee, Building. Dear 91 - The attached c n—icatlon frov, Joe. J. Eiecheae, and others r s stlm� the transfer of the On Sale licuor license andTavern 11c.—held by , enk Benz end Joe Rl—hens to L. A. odn— at 785-797 Dniverelty j—..w referred to the Licenee Co®i t to by the Council, for Snves [Sgatlon and recom- mendation. Yours very t—ly. City Clerk. ® Uivi��r.rz�rrY tilcrro►�� llo uc �+:- Pc.v n�cro'rn ]895 ^U r i r�ur Bei �v.�nrre�T}, rasr �.z� j - N, 11--, I ". City f St. P.111. D— Sir. T,. tt­ �- on... e, f, rri — t 1,-,- -,j T-.- 11-- b.ld by 1,-—- A. G.11,!— I,t to I,y I ly --r I.,— -. A. CITY OF SAINT PAUL' Capie al of Minn.soia OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F_ SCOTT City CI^rk and Co m, s.o r o{ R^gis�raiion Me, 11th, 1914, ML Thos. C. D-11111 , Chi .£ o£ Poli.., CSty o£ St. Pav1. Dear Si— 'Ph' e3 atta laed solution trmsferring the ale^ 1t-- It—eee and Tavern lies... held by Frsnlc Benz and Jo s_ J _ MI. -1-. to Lawrence A. Gsodmm at 785-787 University A ­e - a eferred to you, by the City Council today, f' ­r yota.rapproval of the pplic=t, Lawrence A_ Goodaan_ Yours vary truly, City Clerk. I ,1_ L oo"ufrE o 10°,.�,� "ECoMP,aoLLEA NO. acaM a cnu e%Ro COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLADS May 10 34 67 1 5.53 TJJTAL p' r i 7 p ,i... ;,VOR OF %_1" c"ec"s T �•�•"" �ouc NT roew�ao 108 571 14 , 175 736 71 -- 25 00 ® 3697 3 Rational Tea Company 20 2� 3698 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 37 9 369P "eed, Parker h Company 10 0' 3700 F.P, 9ohindler j 246 3701 Tilton Rosen, C. of Finance 40 3702 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 3703 Central Cash "rooery 8 Neat$ 2 6559 15 3704 Hilton Rosen, C, of Finance 1 278 15 3705 Kenny Boiler mfg, company 35 443 5 4 3706 Board of Public Welfare 18 898 50 3707 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 875 00 3108 Geo. C. marsh 10 00 3709 Agnes B. Heffron 3110 A,R.Rall 6 Albert B. Anderson 60 �5 3711 A.L. BOelter 1 254 90 7712 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 27 61 3713 Roe—James class Company 30 47' 3714 9t.Paul Voc. school Revl,Fund 3715 Thite Eagle Oil Corporation 0 25 00 3716 Strobel Brothers 10 00 3717 Theo. J. Pepin 3o 40 3718 Jack Kerrigan 31 52 3719 Frank Horejs 50 00. 3720 B.M. Sohorn, sr. 916 6T',' 3721 Jos. Delmont�KRobertcbis 93 33 3722 pat Delaney callivan 916 67 3723 Jwmea Williams 250 00' 7724 Edmund A. Schmidt 250 0^ 3725 William Johnson 3726 John F. Egan 15 �, 3727 John H. GrapD 50 OOi 3728 Bureau of m, Research 240 00 3729 Carl P. Herbert 280 00 7770 Robert Palmer 160 00 1711 Raymond P. Pavleoka 275 00 1732 Carl Van 9untum 30 00 373; James E, Gipnle 30 00 1734 ?d. Faust 83 33 1735 T.ilaaa 'oelob 223 52 1736 The Speskee Company 1 209 86 3737 Standard Oil Company • , 175 736 71 ww• Igo a. CITY OF ST. PN,ti NO. vOFFICE OF THE CITY Cli�.�el COUNCIL RESOLUTION— Qi Com" I. ev I • nq*e ... _7.1a. 1854 RESOLVED That the varlcae liomeee luted sa follo"o be and they are bereby granted and the City Clark is inetrnated to iesne such """as upon the payment into the City Treasury of the requires fees: Yre. Basel Barrie 784 Grand Ave. Bakery 'j Appl 5157 Charles Enaub 088 Nice St. Barber 5298 84E Jeokeon Bt. " 137 5 G. F, Use SB S. Dale St. " 1589 Maier Hernat 595 N. xestero Av. Butcher-' 2727 E. P. Brovn 1112 x, 7th St. • 2947 Are. Y. Cambray 2256 W. Como Av ° 2737 Frank Drkula 1250 W. 7th St. • 2959 Emil Danker 976 Ch—d lv, n 2491 C. 9. Pressen ll87-89 Aroade St. ° 2584 J y,,- d 669 H. Western Av. ° (1933-1954) SM Len 7nane171 669 Mill St. 1779 H. I. Westland 697 No. Snelling Av. " 3161 Blm & Crinm (Hlm DnB Stove) 825 E. 7th SL. Confectionery/ 5140 A. Hredahl 1132 Payne Av. • 5182 W. C. Dargavel 1579 Grand Av. ' '"� 2954 151 Coaoord St. • 509% .. I �) COUNCIL\Ili\ Y_ \nYs ,,A,d by Lhr ('��Il aril_ _ -.�... .._793... MuY f M rl)onnlJ \ Penrrr In (uvr :\ppn.rI _. - 193. ILnrn I'nwc ARninn� � Msyur Nonml �', A7r. Pmriilrnl Nnhoucy o.�a�...� •� v�" o..k c1TY of ST. PAUL ..,� '� No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE I-UTION- -GENERAL FORM r-6—TED ER - onrE _ Y 11,_. 1934 RESOLVED -E.-�-Edwards Joseph Felger Aan Fianegsn Arthar A. Took Arthur A. Funk W. L. Gratheol Harry Iverson St. Paul Cut Rate Cigar Store Ino St. Paul Lodge $2, I.0.0 -7- T. A. Smith Drug St— (R.P.S-db-g) Thos. Sweeney, Inc. F. W. Woolworth Co. A. S. B—hard Samuel S. Breed Hathern Brodsky Eva Call Frank Drknla Y•ne N- M-, I'nr'�' lig (ra �rr 1V'i•nzrl .m a» DI r. I'rc.ilenl (,inl�oncy 1949 St. AnthomV Aw. CoafecE2aaai 766 Rendolrh St. Baltimore Bldg 1048 Payne A- ^ 1623 University Av. ^ Pioneer Bldg. 2058 Marshall A- -� S77 Da7l- A- 451 Rabasha St. 156 W. 9th St. ^ 124 S. Wabasba St. ^ 2922 H. 7th St. ^ - 1521 Peyne A- ^ 339 W.basba St. ^ 434 Nabaeha St. ^ 254 H. Falrvlew A- r oa y �- 1945 Autumn A- ^ 149 E. Chicago A- ^ 189 H. Bn 11?no A- v 1250 A. 7th St. Ly th, f'„u�cil._ App --d 1795 2991 3183 3006 3005 2292 3169 2822 3178 5130 1905 2849 - 2946 2889 3038 2887 3045 3136 2958 193_ MJ No... CITY OF ST. PAUL r"s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM RESOLVED p 11 Drucker Sem Drucker G. adberg & C. Lore'te-' B. P. Falkenberg ---Morris-Fiddle Howard L. r at -n Carl Geldaxmen Mre. Anna Quatefe-n ' W. R. Hoaghton W. H. Houghton I. Ingber Wm. & Hatban Hapl'n Bre. Marie Homan H. %olinelq _F ­z -- R. c. N-11-9 M. D. McIntyre Ludivico Nardi Ela R. Pel -ley Lincoln B. Robina-' COUNI'll.\IFIN' y-, \a h1°v �ll>nnlrl lcl•I,.a 3n,llo,l�y- -wTE 976 Grrand Ave. Grocery /' 361 W. 7th St. ]187 A—ad. St. " 96 W_ Winifred St. ^ 2250 Edgerton St. ^ 558 Cedar St. ° 777 3- Smith Av. ° 1784 W. 7th St. ° 1097 W_ 7th St. ° 1097 W- 7th St. 651 C --Ad- St. ° 2019 E_ MA. -.h.1- 4 -L8 R. Cleveland A- 418 Oon—d St. ° 1su a—e,at sr. 951 White Bear Av. . 995 Van Slyke A- ° 277 W. 4th St. " 108 Fierce St. ° 1422 W. 7th St. " (1933-1934) (1935-1934) (1954-1955) 2492 2783- 5152 7815152 2860 5051 5144 5064 5171 5074 5073 2951 3054 1557 5198 2968 5105 2657 3152 2591 3198 A&-pl-1 011 <'ou�i�il . 193. Ap,,- 1413 M.", CITY OF ST. PAUL .,� No.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM corn rn iss`or.EA _ onrE H4F. 11,. 1954 RESOLVED -¢ Homer L. Sanders 959 Cosy St. Grocery, 1609 Eo. A. Scbmidt 1215 Arcade St. ^ 3065 Gertrude Stein 581 Michigan St. ^ 2099 E. J. Wall 794 Grand Av. 1859 J. Weber 1279 Randolph St. ^ 3076 "�Ys.-ilelabul'C 2276 Otto Av. 525 H.leey D. Chess 585 Jackson St. Gasoline Station 1 p-p 2952 W. W. Thomp.on 412 S. Wabasba St. •� • 3 • 2114 Hre. Geo. Grieba Foot of Fe-1 St. Hotel (Bnrliagton) 12 -a 3082 A.H-&,.Ina.-.Pal^... 88 W. 7th St_.... - • (Royal) 47 rooms 1658 Beaed Shen 410* Jackson St,' ^ (Adiaoa) 28 -a 5098 W. F. Timmons 4141 Jacksom St, ^ (Liberty) 52 rooms 3156 Ail Co. 2165 IIa1-1-ty A- Oil B- egnipL,' 5194 Wm. Black 590 H. S..111-g A- Off Sale Halt Beverage/ 5128 Eu Clatinio 180 E. 7th St. • v v . 049 Jerre. Copalead 557 Jackson St • ^ ^ • 5174 215-17W. 4th St. FI'atlk P. Dade. & V.P. T.1-da. &-g�-��-ra'----�-- • • • 5002 Jemee Daksa 485 Jackson St. • • • • 2847 -ilras-lF.--a; 9111att 415 Ate: • • v v 2972 49-4h9al - 1948 U.-L eitr A- • • • • 2557 Trus \adv Ado,t,d I, th, ('„ii -'fl 193 \Ir 1)iiull 1'=i. r, lii fe��ir Appr.�rd 193 '1'runr Ag""'t �V.i�acl 91ur,r M, President \luh-- CITV OF Ste_ PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -14-6-- RESOLVED � H.s _ _ _ _ _ nr M� 11• 1954 RESOLVED x -­ -1- Geo. James -Skvalog JarosleRicS 9m & Nathan %.plea Loafs KSakor Mrs. A. N. Klugm=n Nettie Letteagara.r Adolph Lindstrom --Pvtisr Mercure Jerry Mikacevioh D. N. Moran H J. Pabst (Pabst Food Market) Thomas & Blanch Parrish T. L. Rice Saveria Rosi Geo. A. S.mec L. P. Scbaitaar Ii: -N= B1a6ss & San 7'ene ti a M y \1rI I, inl.l 1'�irc_lei fay -„r LV en kcl m u_ M, I ".-1-it 1Inhon�y A ......... .I _ _ 193 227 W- 7th St. Off Sale Malt Bavaraga,'-. 2380 1D0 E_ 11t.h St. • • v ,. 3053 832 E_ 7th St. • • ^ 3241 850 V -sat St. a ^ a v 3210 2019 E_ PA:L-ebaba St.- ° ^ 3033 287 Atca St. " " ^ 5017 694 St _ Pater St. ^ ^ v 1966 728 E_ 7th St. " ^ 1841 912 Pcayna A- • ^ 5122 146 S- Wabash. St. ^ ^ 2096 455 Com t..a St. ^ Well 1237 S_ Sth St. • • ^ v 2021 798 Iff grist St. n a ^ 2895 751 W_ 7th St. • " ^ ^ 3279 96 Ho - Da1e St. ° SLU 258 vn +-t a A- w w n v 2966 48S 0- W -b -b. St. w • v .. 25g 764 W_ 7th St. n w " a 3287 1199 Courtland St. ^ ^ ^ ^ - 5187 Sw .= .7-k a St. ^• • n v 2964 A ......... .I _ _ 193 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Joh. Staraeck.L Jame. Tucci T. J. T,-hy Yrs. Ella Willy Wm- Bleck Carl E. Bodin Ed Clarizio Jame. Copeland Freak P. Dade. & V. P. T.J--dos Daytona Bluff C0® 1-:1 Club Ed. Doenges & Al.. Saloum James Dukes w.oel- Peter E. Fooehe Golather & Burd Goodman & Sad—kJ- m— adowskim— Fora W^1s x,c1 d.Hota1 Lout. gfakor Mrs. A. B. KI-9— CO t I N ('I lugmaaCOtI\('I I -M 1'1N 1'ean v a_ \Iny' \f ��I>iiunll I'ur��• Ili fu. -r I tx �i Ag --t \4'ru zl NI, 1'rrnil�iit \Iah��ay May ue. 1954 6- Sale Malt Bao araga' 2199 1110 Forest St. Off 1780 E. 7th St. " ^ ` 2572 563 Wabaeha St. • n n ^ 2988 80 E. lith St. e w w ^ 2913 590 H. Snelling Av. On Sale Malt B --g. 5127 643 Univer.ity Av. " ^ ^ ` 2980 180 E. 7th St. " " ^ ^ 55048 557 Jackson St. " ^ n n 3175 215-217 W. 4th St. ^ " " ^ 3003 770 E. 7th St. " ^ ^ ^ 2745 421 S. Wab.eh. St. ^ n .. 3175 485 Jackson St. " " ^ ^ 2846 1948 University Av. ^ ^ • ` 2556 157 W. 7th St. " " " ^ 2722 253 H. Snelling AV. " ^ ^ a kk • f`" 2127 1574 535 W. Dale St. • e ^ 1)0 E. lith St. • " " ` ' 5052 405 H. Waahington ^ ^ 2582 287 Bice St. " ^ 3018 694 St. Peter St. ^ ^ w ^ 1984 Ai[,,t,d Icy 0, il - - -A93-. - Apyr��vril.- IJ3. - Ma r CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Irvin H. booP (Empress Hotel) Sregel & Deeker W. C. %regal Eestaurant• Inc. Elizabeth A. Ls Fountain Louis Long --Pwt,ti MCM baa '--'Peter-I(ea�esre- -. Ray C. Millar Jerry MJk.--I.h F. M. Painter Thee. & Blench Parrish Mick Pugleasa T. L. Rice Cao. A. 8— L. P. Sebmitzer Winn E. Wellraff COUNCILMEN Ma, 7, I)- 1.1 I'ur„ Iii fuv,r �Vinzcl Mr. P--lid-I Mvho�cy May 11 1934 -7- 481 Wabash- St. 0n Sale Malt Beverage 2577 240 S. Snslling A— • • • 2565 775 Wabash- St. • • ^ 2564 372 Robert St. n . n n 2479 961 Rica St_ ^ 2585 387 J-ck— St. • v . w 1952 146 S- Yob -ahs St. " n v 2M5 . 541 Jankso- St- • ^ ^ • 2617 455 C i t L— St. a n v . 5087 1578 W. Como Av. ^ • • 5025 751 W. 7th St. n n n n 3278 561 Ed—I St. ^ • v • v 31Y0 435 E. 7th St. ^ 3142 96 W. D-ls St. n v v ^ 3110 485 S. W-baehs St. • n v w 2585 764 W. 7th St. ^ ^ ^ ^ 3286 1199 Cortland St. " ^ 3166 216 E. 7th St- v w w • 2562 563 W.b-abs St. • • • • 2989 1539 R-ndolph St. ^ ^ 2110 A 1.IL•i I�- Ih­il .19:3 u.a•i ..,i .i..t CITY OF ST. PAVL �•� � NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- {,'EN ERAL FORM PRUMNTEOr.erx — _.- n Yctiy 11, 1934 RESOLVED %. Black 590 N. S— l-L.g A— Reetam-ant 3126 Ed Clarizio 180 E. 7th St. ^ 3050 C. F. & Anna Devidaoa 503 A—T-p ^ 3129 M. A. Dittenhoffer 656 Grand A-- 31175 Ed. r—gen & Alex :..,lowv �:'_L f". . 878 E. 3rd St. ^ 3013 D. Erickson 155 E. Se1.1og 131vd 1Ara. A. xlug— 694 St_ Pater St. ^ 1985 A. Liadetrom 912 P.-- Av. ^ 2878 EAL x—._. - 140* S_ _N.. i.., aw_ Sty ^ 2098- Jerry Hikecevich 455 Collins St. ^ 3089 F. M. Painter 1578 Pl. Como Av. ^ 3024 L. L. Fice 96 Dale St_ ^ 3109 Albert Sed—pki & Laurence Goodman, 535 N. Dale St_ LCL` 2.571 N. Stirrl 190 N. 4th St_ ^ 3].55 ('()ITN' 11 -MEN Ad,,,t—I 1, 11— (',uuu x_12 _ 913A _79:5-. -- A PI,n..... 1 relay— / Ad,,,t—I 1, 11— (',uuu x_12 _ 913A _79:5-. -- A PI,n..... 1 relay— / - C. F. #97971 MISCELLANEOUS 1. A.F. - Answer Filed. DELINQUENT TAXES Del. - Delinquent. July 9, 1934, Yeas Amount D. Plonty 642 Jackson St. (Barber) 1932 -Bo A.F. S 51.16 J. Muraski 659 H,Weetern Ave, (Butcher) ✓ 1932 -Ho A.F, 167,43 S. B. Dubin 151 Concord 8t, (Confect.) 1931 -Del. 419.36 1932-A,F, 936.21 E. B. Edwards 1949 8t.Anthony Ave, (Confeot.) ✓ 1931 -Ho A.F. 4o9.25 1932 -No A.F. 6 .4 70 Mrs.Pearl M.Saundere 377 Dayton Ave. (Confect.) v 1932-A.F. 1730.65 Merton Staples 2622 W. 7th St. (Confect.) 1931 -No A.F. 11.81 1932 -No A.F. UL3A 122.15 Payne -Ivy Drug Store 1321 Payne Ave. (Confect.) 1932-A.F. 42o.31 (R,P.Sundberg) Morrie Fiddle 1230 Edgerton St. (Grocery) ✓ 1930 -Ho A.F. 115.10 1931 -No A.F. 119.66 1932_ No A.F. 116.84 75-170- E. 1. 0E, P, Lundeen 1321 Forest St. (Grocery) 1932 -Ho A.F. 119.12 Wm. Weisburd 2276 Otto Ave, (Grocery) 1931 -Del. 971-35 1932-A.F, 10.2 1991.60 A.M.& Joe.Pelant 86 W, 7th St. (Hotel -Royal) 1932-A.F. 1546.62 47 rooms () 1931 -No A.F, 6 1 —79.9 Royal 011 Co. 2165 University Ave. (01 Burner) ✓ 1932-A.F. 1246.30 quipt. Mrs.W,B.Elllott 415 University Ave. (Off Sale / (JJ) 1932 -No A.F. 67.93 rt Bev.)) M. Engel 1948 University Ave. (Off & on Bele 1932-A.F. 1497.96 jMalt Bev.) l Mrs, Tors. Holm 100 E. 11th at. (Off & On Sale 1928 -Ho A.F. 31997.03 Malt Bev.) 1930- 284.98 1931- 199.17 1932- ° 19-1--m 1312; j 97871 2. MISCELLANEOUS DELINQUENT TAXES July 9, 1934. Year Amount Stanley Jarosieeiee 850 Forest et. (Off Sale 1932 -No A.F. `` 95.98 Malt Bev.)) Peter Meroure 146 S.Wabasha St. (Off & On Sale 1931-10 A.F. 258.09 Malt Bev.) 1932-A.F.6} 1.10 (Restaurant) 6-1919 Mrs.Oeo.Bakelares 485 S.Wabasha St. (Off & On Bale 1932 -No A.F. 647.15 Malt Bev.) R. R. Binger & 580-84 Jackson St. (Off Sale 1932 -No A.F. 515,37 Sem Zimmion Malt Bev.) / T. J. Tuohy 363 Wabaeha Bt. (Off & OnMalt Bev) a 1932-AS9 71,27 F• 6 1, Euclid Rotel 405 N.Waehington St. (On Sale 1932-10 A.F. 3998.74 Malt Bev.) Patrick McMahon 337 Jackson St, (onnalSale ) 1932-A.F. 1435.71 t Be M, Poltrook 561 Edmund St. (On Sale ` (i) 1932 -No A,F, 61.56 Malt Bev.) Aleck Taboliob 216 E. 7th St. (onnasale 1932-A•F. 1o47.36 ' C. F. #97871 1. MISCELLANEOUS July 9, 1934. HOT DELINQUENT Mrs. Hazel Harris 784 Grand Ave. Bakery 3157 Charles Enaub 886 Rice St. Barber 3298 G. F. Rose 36 S. Dale St. " 1389 Maier Bernet 393 H.Western Ave. Butcher 2727 E. F. Brown 1112 W. 7th St. ° 2947 Mrs. M. Cambray 2256 W. Como Ave. " 2737 Frank Drkula 1250 W. 7th et. 2959 Emil Drucker 976 Grand Ave. " 2491 C. S. Franzen 1187-89 Arcade St. " 2584 G- _ --,ROM Len Oamnelli 369 Mill St. Butcher 1779 H. I. Westlund 597 N.Snelling Ave. ° 3161 Blum B Grimm 823 E. 7th St. Confectionery 3140 (Blum Drug Store) A. Bredahl 1132 Payne Ave. " 3162 W. C. Dargavel 1579 Grand Ave. " 2954 Joseph Pelger 786 Randolph St. " 2991 Ann Finnegan Baltimore Bldg. ° 3183 Arthur A. Funk 1043 Payne Ave. ' 3006 Arthur A. Funk 1623 University Ave. 3005 W: L. Grathwol Pioneer Bldg. " 2292 Harry Iverson 2058 Marshall AVIA ' 3169 St.Paul Cut Rate 451 Wabaeha St. ° 3178 Cigar Store, Inc. St. Paul Lodge #2, 156 W. 9th et. " 3130 I.O.O.F. J. W. Smith 124 S. Wabaeha et. " 1905 Thos. Sweeney, Inc. 339 Wabaeha St. " 2889 F. W. Woolworth 00. 434 Wabaeha St. " 3038 A. J. Bouchard 254 P. Fairview Ave. Grocery 2887 Samuel S. Breed 1945 Autumn Ave. " 3045 Nathan Brodsky 149 E. Chicago Ave. " 3136 Eva cell 189 N. Snelling Ave. 2868 Frank Drkula 1250 W 7th St. " 2959 - 97871 2. MISCELLANEOUS July 9, 1934. NOT DELINQUENT Emil Drucker 976 Grand Ave. Grocery 2492 Sam Drucker 361 W. 7th St. " (1933-1934) 2781 G. Edberg & 1187 Arcade St. " 3152 C. Lorentson B. P. Falkenberg 96 W. Winifred St. " 2860 Howard L. Gaston 538 Cedar St. " 3144 Carl Gelderman 777 S. Smith Ave. ^ 3o64 Mrs. Anna Gustafson 1184 W. 7th St. " 3171 W. R. Houghton 1097 W. 7th St. " (1933-1934) 3074 W. R. Houghton 1097 W. 7th et. (1934-1935) 3073 I. Ingber 651 Canada St. " 2951 Wm. t Nathan Kaplan 2019 E. Minnehaha St. " 3034 Mrs. Marie Koenen 418 N. Cleveland Ave. " 1337 H. Kblinsky 418 Concord St. ° 3198 R. C. Malloy 951 White Bear Ave. " 3103 M. D. McIntyre 995 Van Slyke Ave. " 2657 Luoivico Nardi 277 W. 4th et. " 3132 Eva R. Paisley 108 Pierce St. " 2591 Lincoln B. Robinson 1422 W. 7th St. " 3196 Homer L. Sanders 939 Conway St. " 1609 Ed A. Schmidt 1215 Arcade St. " 3o65 Gertrude Stein 381 Michigan St. " 2099 E. J. wall 794 Grand Ave. " 1839 J. Weber 1279 Randolph St. ° 3076 Kelsey D. Chase 385 Jackson St. Gae.Sta. 1 pump 2952 W. W. Thompson 412 S.Wabasha St. " " 3 " 2114 Mrs. Geo. Grlebs Foot of Earl St. Hotel -Harlington 3082 12 rms. Eased Shen 4104 Jackson Ht. Hotel-Adison 3098 18 rms. W. F. Timmons 4144 Jackson St. Hotel -Liberty 3156 32 rma. fin. Black 590 N.Snelling Ave. Off Sale Malt Bev. 3128 Ed Clarizio 180 E. 7th St. " 3049 James Copeland 557 Jackson St. 0 3174 - 3 97871 MISCELLANEOUS July 9, 1934• HOT DELINQUENT Frank P. Dades & 215-17 W. 4th St. Off Sale Malt Bev. 3002 V. P. Tsiamardas James Dukes 465 Jackson 8t. " 2847 H. M. Frady 227 W 7th St. " 2380 Geo. James 832 E. 7th St. " 3244 Wm. & Nathan Kaplan 2019 E.Minnehaha St. " 3033 Louie Kinkor 287 Rice St. ° 3017 Mrs. A. H. Klugman 694 et. Peter St. " 1986 Nettie Lettengaruer 726 E. 7tb St. ° 1844 Adolph Lindstrom 912 Payne Ave. " 3122 Jerry Mikaoevich 455 Collins 8t. ° 3088 D. M. Moran 1237 E. 5th St. " 2021 B. J. Pabst 798 Margaret 8t. " 2993 (Pabst Food Market) Thomas & Blanch Parrish 751 W. 7th St. " 3279 T. L. Rice 96 H. Dale St. " 3111 Saveria Rossi 258 Marla Ave. " 2966 Geo. A. SameC 764 W. 7th St. 3287 L. P. Schnitzer 1199 Courtland St. " 3167 John Starzecki 1110 Forest St. " 2199 James Tucci 1780 E. 7th St. ' 2372 Mrs. Ella Willy 80 E. 11th St. " 2913 Wm. Black 590 N.Snelling Ave. On Sale Malt Bev. 3127 Carl E. Bodin 643 University Ave. ' 2980 Ed Clarizlo 180 E. 7th St. ° 3048 James Copeland 557 Jackson St. ° 3175 Frank P. Dades & 215-17 W. 4th St. ' 3003 V. P. Tsiamardos Daytona Bluff Commercial 770 E. 7th St. ° 2745 Club Edw. Doenges & 421 S. Wabash. St. ° 3173 Alex Saloum James Dukes 485 Jackson St. " 2846 Peter E. Fooshe 157 W. 7tb St. ° 2722 Golather & Hurd 233 N. Snelling Ave. " 2127 _ - 97971 4. MISCELLANEOUS July 9, 1934. NOT DELINQUENT Goodman & Sadowski 535 N. Dale St. On gale Malt Bev. 1574 Louie %inkor 287 Rice St. " 3018 Mrs. A.H.Klugman 694 St.Peter St. ^ 1984 Irvin N. %cop 481 Wabasha St. " 2377 (Empresa Hotel) Kregel & Decker 240 S. Snelling Ave. " 2365 W.C.Kregel Restaurant, 775 Wabaeha St. ° 2364 Inc. Elizabeth A. La Fountain 372 Robert St. ° 2479 Louie Long 961 Rice et. " 2383 Roy C. Miller 341 Jackson St. • 2617 Jerry Mikacevlch 455 Oollins St. ° 3087 F. M. Painter 1579 W Como Ave. " 3025 Tho.. & Blanch Parrish 751 W. 7th St. " 3276 Nick Pugleasa 435 E. 7th et. • 3142 T. L. Rice 96 N. Dale St. " 3110 Geo. A. Samec 764 W. 7th et. " 3286 L. P. Schmitzer 1199 Oortland St. ° 3166 Winn E. Wallraff 1339 Randolph St. ° 2110 Wm. Black 590 N. Snelling Ave. Restaurant 3126 Ed Clarizio 180 E. 7th St. ° 3050 C.F.& Anna Davidson 503 Asbury Ave. ° 3129 M. A. Dittenhoffer 656 Grand Ave. ^ 3113 Ed. Doenges & Alex Saloum 421 S. Wabaeha St. " 3172 Rudolph Ebert 878 E. 3rd 8t• 3013 D. Erickson 155 E. Kellogg Blvd. " 3102 Mrs. A. Klugman 694 St. Peter St. ^ 1985 A. Lindstrom 912 Payne Ave. " 2878 Jerry Mikaoevicb 455 Oollins St. " 3089 F`. M. Painter 1578 W. Como Ave. " 3024 L. L. Rice 96 N. Dale St. " 3109 Albert Sadowski & 535 N. Dale St. " 1571 Lawrence Goodman M. Stirzl 190 W. 4th St. " 3155 t ` -� 2 of ST. PAUL �O/FFIGE OF THE CITY CI -"ERIC"" COUNCIL RESOI-UTION--�'ENEHAI-FORM may. 15, _.1934 _ tZESOLVED .hat the various licensee applied for by the following named persona for they ere bereby granted and the city clerk is instructed the addresses indicated to issue such llcanaea be and n, a tba paymen.t into the city treasury of the required fees: 488 Rica St_ Barber Appl 1460 Conrad Freund 3215 653 S Snelling Av. ^ Edw. Schli k 1972(x. n C. W. S. Jacobean 1097 Payne Av. Bakery 3248 !'• 1"'" Mrs. Harry McGee 1093 P�'yne Av. " �St- Confectionery 37 Geo- %obilka 1318-Y�•evt 5334 l' -Brea,-Inc- 2264 W. Como Av_ 482 S. Snelling Av- " 3272 Joseph M. Silberg 2440 128 Ho -Cleveland Av.^ A. Stewart 5284 The Transit Supply Co 3.175 E. 7th St. ^ --487, - Brvadwq ' 5332 2179 St. Clair St. 'Butabar 2585 - ' Benjemin F. Sh ama 181& Mrs. 4. B. T'_L11ott 15 Uni,e Uy A— 8ro81--y 220 Cretin AV- H. 3239 Jacob Golden Berg 3325 Yi S.-E-GYandgviet '1q9 Ra7lnomd A— " _ Mre. Rosa Binz 1402 Portland A— " 3204 ' Hagelin Bros. 2175 St. Clair St. " 3265 - - _ 3562 J. C. Hmlt 1465 Payne A— ^ 1285 E. Mimmebaba St. 312 3 512 L. C. Jacobs COUN('I I.\1I:r Yeas \ a_ A,InptF 111Y Lh,. (' 19:1 .pl�llwrslcl / i, 193 Praroc 1 n favus �/Y// Apyruv•il _ 7'ruu� :\gui�eL / hiurr \Venzrl •M •-" .. VICE PRES . R103Ef7 CITY OF ST. PAUL rcouwcu NO..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM A - N4F 15,1934 RESOLVED -2- 2008 &read A- Grocery 3206 (', x Henry F. & Alta J. Mei-ding 1404 A- ^ 3229 M. M. Metcalf 250 F_ 4th St. ^ 5375, . Olaf Nelson 911 Payne A- ^ 3147 Olaf Felson 911 Papne Av. ^ 51481 - Mrs,. L. W. R dke 201 Bates, Av. ^ 3293. Mrs. Anna Nixon 161 W- 4th St_ Cas Sta. 2 pampa 3216 Potthoff Bros. 216 Batas Ave. ^ ^ 2 ^ 3220 Cities Service Oil Co. 1T75 E. Minnehaha St.- " 5 ^ 3262 E. D. False 1102 R_ I--pent— ^ " 3 " 3326 J. L. Flenner 2574 A. 7th St. • " 3 ^ 3261 - vaeeeur 660 Canada St. Ice Hocse (Cash-0nrry) 3261 hCG -.Barrettr$ Si-armen, Inc. 477 N. 8ne711ng A- Hotel (Sa111ng) 3319 De I-. Theatre, Inc. 287 Maria A- Motion Picture Theatre 3541 ` Reliance Ragineers, Inc. 1218 Pioneer Bldg. Oil Barger 3364 -r8lair allBeatCo. 586 S. Saratoga A- v • 3393 Thermos Service Co.Inc. 2824 Hampden Ave. w v 5268 yh. C. A1.iferie 159 E_ Third St. Off Sale Melt Beverage 5426 -Aadeaaaa- 360 Rica-3t_ w w w ^ 3112..._.1 _ Andrea Angelos 1589 Selby A- • ° ^ 5256 '.. COUNCILMEN Y,.. \'a1 :. Ad 1-11, 1h. <'�ii�nrl.. - 19:3- -m� Al 1 d 1'i nri�r lei farir A-1 193 Weuzcl NU-, F ;'}SES. ROSEN RESOLVED Barinbsum & Fidowsky Fred B. Blum Frieda A. Bork A. J. Bounhard A. Bred -hl H. Brodslq J. A. Brozek A. C. Carlsm Frank Caruso Rm. P. Chernow -Goltimbus Ball Ass— S. J. Aver & Co. M. J. Cummings H. L. De L— A. L. Divine Arthur Du Chain. A. B. Farrell Joseph Felger Mrs. Louie Fico Howard L. Gaston 1'.1)t'\f'l1. Ycue \e_ CITY OF ST. PAUL cn,mcu NO..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---G"ERAL FORM onre Iisy_15.". 1954 -5-- 649 5_649 Canada St. Off Sale halt Bev -^age 825 E. 7th St. 552 H. Lexington Av." 254 H. Falrmiew Av. • " " " 1152 Payne Ave. 149 E. Chicago 999 Hastings Av. 1599 St. C]air St. 1181 E. Ninnebaha 741 Y. Central Av. 150 H. S.Jth Av. 1219 Randolph St. n n n 1958 St. Clair St. 1657 E. Minnehaba St" 1459 St. Clair St. . " 1611-15 University Av. 609 University Av. e 706 Randolph St. 118 S. Robert St. 558 Cedar St. Prnrcc Iii fn r�iir 'I'runr A,6-1 �\'r iixcl Vf"rYrr.i.imc-hf«I«.xq� •°' e." .- PRE,. ROSEN 5228 3141 5001 2888 5165 5155 5116 5118 5258 " 5249 5191 3168 II 5219 5177 5155 5214 5552 2992 5289 1 5145 195_ Ni—, a,...... �., a_.. _ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERA, FORM co`...41 `oI,.ER_v�9..15,.. 1954. RESOLVED -4- B. H. Gendron 860 Randolph St. OPS Sale Malt Bevsrage 2711 " Anton Baran 459 IInlvereity Av ^ • • " 5566 e ^ �farnanLlle Co. 2117 Cb—l.. St. v • n n 3258 L. M. Batch 612 Selby Av. " " ^ ^ 2835 Mrs_ Toss kl nz 1402 Portland Av. " ^ 3205 Harry Iverson 2058 Marshall Av. ^ ^ 3170 Gao. Jamas 1050 Haetings Av. v v n n 3246 J. 1. Jelinak 961 W. 7th St. ^ ^ 5151 Howard J.—l—ky Jerentosky 612 W. 7th St. " 2655 ' W.16.G--.e, (Jr. Meet & Grocery) 518 Selby A— • ^ • ^ 5059 -Sriaar 922 Selby A— w ^ n v 2744 G-4k. peri - P. Kish 657-59 Stryker Av. • • • 5243- 241W. w.J. K-1— 685 Selby Av. • ^ • ^ 5149 J. E_ Kroamar 1127 No. Chabewortb n • ^ 5115 Knlstad & Ha1ne 1945 Grand A— ^ ^ ^ ^ 3036 Anthony Knloich 120 S Robert St. ^ 3447 Ed 1—e]d 317 St. Peter St. • w . w 5514 F—k J. Li s]m 551 Michigan St. " ^ ° 5155 John W. L— Co. 154 University Av. ° • ^ ^ 2955 .._St a>o1sg fie: loe1+� - 905 W. 7th St. • e w 5255 1"inn \n�'n �1fay— ,\<I�ipl�d 1.� tlii 1'il _ .193_ #ii-Firrnxrtrt N'," A, ....... I 193 W'�n zl 11 nYr A'ir.-i i'eairlrnt-'A4+�enav aM a-a� 6{f7 FAEi . RCSF17 ` No. crate t.o u.>o.. CITY OF ST. PAUL ros ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM r Nc�- 15. 1954 RESOLVED -�' Off 8.1. Ye1t Beverage 2600 Peter Navroulta 618 Selby Av. n , " r 3E0"/ ' 20oB Grand Av. ° .d Negrat� " n 5217 399 Case St. ° ° Anel H. oleos , n Bogs 627 Anita St. ° B. Bal zman , n 3469 St 1`42 Harry Boberteon e 3195 1422 W. 7th St_ ° , W 7th St- T.lrcoln B. Robinson ° , n B-13240 841 Br St . ° Rnthet.ln Bre. n ° 2854 477 Co111ne St. Nre. Frank Bne.'o 3083 1160 Selby Av_ ° R. 5. 5elaeheider - e n 3067 1215 Arcade St- ° ° Ed A. Sebmidt n 3194 E. E. Shimota & W. J. Povak 275 W. �F7 nifred St- ° n 5270 482 S. Sna111ng Av. " • Joseph N. Sllberg " n 2534 919 Bohafiar ° N. Sma11 Hood n , n 3227 1814 Selby Av. " C. J. Soanen & Co. 3143 469 Anita St. " ie er Sem SP gl e n 2753 2162 Onlveralty Av. • ° Jobn Steete " n 3075 Stein Neat & Grocery 3o$4 118-20 E_ 4th SL. Oscar Swoboda 3154 ° Randolph St. • Chri atia� s—...1818 n n " 3066 861 Selby Av. ° H. C. Toanjee l'()il\('1I.,%11-:N ,1.lilt .I Ity tlt'i�nt il. .193. -1>A" !'c tiro 193 }hfS['n \\ enzrl y _ `t•• `-za \' T -F P'F:'r.3 . RCSEN on i,a ci.�a• CITY OF Sr. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -SEN ERAL FORM RESOLVED Tom, & Country Club Walgreen Co Walgreen Co. Walgreen Co. -W--gS0® Co. J. Weber White Castla System of Eating eouaes Inc. J. Wang Wugene Yoh. Christ Aliferle Andrew Angelos Ar .ry Service Club Tony Aaeone Harland Ven Beek COUN('ILAINN Y'_ Na. z+svy - mr»nnnl,l „ No. May 15, 1954 -6- 2279 Yareball Av_ Of£ Sale Heft Beverage 553 Wabash. St_ ^ " 418 St. Pater St_ 451 We.beaha. St_ 898 Rnbert St. n v n v 1279 Randolph St_ 172 E. 6th St_ ^ n v n 5482 Wab—a - St. 615 UnAvereity Av. ^ • ^' ^ 1081 Payne Av- v v 470 St. Peter St. 1945 IInlvar site Av. ^ • ^ ^ 1598 diversity -Av- 567 Selby Av_ ^ v v n 681 Selby Av- ^ ^ v 159 E. Srd St. Oa Sale Halt Beverage 1689 Selby A— • ^ n n 6th & E-1—ge n a n a 627 Jackeoa St. ^ ^ n ^ 41 W. 7th St_ w a v v A I,I,r,...-t 13eWin '1'ruu< Agui-t �Vanzcl e -Y au Ian l'ICE 1,N.`-:- ROSEH 5057 5000 2999 2998 2997 3979 3354 ,.;57 5580 558E 5385 3587 5459 5345 2505 3427 5237 5289 5252 3292 CITY OF Sr. PAUL „u NO.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R6 UTION -E'EN ERAL FORM vsxES—ED By - _ - onTE Yqp 15, 1954 RE —EO Capitol Drug Co. (W.C.Hregal) 481 Rice St. On Sale Malt Beverage 2555',- 555',Frank 1,181 E. M-t—bah- w . v 5257 F—inkCaruso Hall Aeeociati— 15o W. Smith A-- w . v w 5192 Mre. Geo. A. Griebs Foot of Earl St. ^ ^ " 5599 489 U.,j a aity A-- • ^ ' ° 5565 Lon H— C. H. Hinton 722 W. 7th St. v w n w 5591 __eb-1— Lau Gnardlen Life Bldg v w w w we " ,Stanley Maeloeki 906 W. 7th St. w ^ 5254 Jamen Morelli 565 Pune Av. " 2897 L. S. Perron 1575 Gren d A— ^ ^ " " 2905 \ Rad Cechob. 12 C.S,P.S.Hall 561 Michigan St_ ^ n n n 5m Riverview Covrml Club Con ae & Concord St " " gre 5091 i. " X 6^ w • v 414- Jaelesaa- 8. bll47'(e "- -�a�erc-Riachall w 5467�v'":, ' _ a,. 1786 E. MA---f—ha St w --s}�=�e.1-BeLweiaer 171 E. 7th St. • ^ • 5547 Joseph N. Silberg 482 S. Sne].11ng A— s v w n 5271 Walgreen Drag Co 451 Wabash- St. • w w n 2995 " v w 562 St. Pater St. w n n 2994 �A: 3:-Weston - 36B Jackson Stv v v v 5226 White Caatle Syete Of Eating houses Inc. 172 E. 6th ^ " v 5355 C OUN('II.AIEN l-cas tix1.a Ai1l�t�i1 !, lU:i Mu} Pearce In fn�„r A[>V--d-. 193 W--) ':ICE PRIES. ROSEN CITY OF 9T. PAUL .�� " No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM com .....or+E'rs _. —1. may 15. 1954 RESOLVED Waite Castle System of Eating Rouses Inc. 548; Wabash, St On Sale Malt Beverage 3356....- n 89 W. 7th St. ^ " " • 3358 • n ° • • e 615 University Av • " " 3379 n e n e • e ^ 1081 Payne Av. " 5583 e e e n n n e 1945 University • " 5586 8. M. Williams 1598 University A— " • • 3458 J. Wong 567 Selby A— ° 3342 Matt Luby & John J. Woseka 731 Randolph St. ^ ° 3553 Joh. Steets 2162 University A— • ° " 2752 Arthur Ange, Jr. 928 Jackson St. Restaurant 1948 Tony A.— 627 Jackson St. ° 5255 Nick Balice 117 W. Central A— ° 5312 Frank Caruso 1181 E. Minaeha 3259 Fetech Bros. 549 Rosabel St. • 5251 '- _- 2203-rD &-Rend- •. _ 293A C. H. Rinton 722 W. 7th St. • 5592 Geo. James 832 E. 7th St. ^ 3243 Ed I—ski 317 St. Peter St. 3313 " Frank Lokowich 228 W. FalrPield Av. UOUNCILNIEN Y'.an #ems Ilii ('.,,-d II,:, .rfcHmmhl I'rarcr Ii(nvur A,,p--,1_ 193 -}2naF� Tniar ,\gniiie.t _ w' -'A \t -'- a� a-» Id Cl� VICE }•p, .,�. :t.Sh:I7 oneM.i .o ur CITY OF 5 . PAUL r u NO. v �872 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL Rce ev RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM GOMMIssIo=R ry ER M4IY 15, 1954 RPSOLVED 961 Rice St. Reat—t 25/1. 1 Y. Madigan & H. Floated 738 Uod—city Av. • 1706(-, Stanley Maeloeli 905 W. 7th St. ^ 5235 S. Hardt 277 W. 4th St. 3405 T4os. & Blanch Parrish 751 W. 7th St. 5280 561 Edmwd St. 5119 .. _ Geo. A. Samec 764 W. 7th St. 3288 L. P. Schnitzer 1199 Cortland A- ^ 3185 I Michael Sch�elzer 171 E. 7th St. • 3346 John Steete 2162 Oniversity AV ° 2751 , White Castle System 615 Uoi— elty Av. " 3589 89 W. 7th St. • 5588 G. F. Riddell 152 {aet 6th St. 1690 I Heart' Loop 414 No. Smith Av. Ice House 2792 COUNCILMEN "" " JUL 20 1934 �4 AJnI»ml Icy u, t�ounail McH^na1.4 r�•nr�a In r JUL 2 0 1,,; 'I'rilnx Ag,6-t Q-•-i— eM C.F. $97872 1. MI8CELLANEOUS DELINQUENT TARES July 16, 1934 Year Amount Claude Whitlock 493 Broadway (Confect.) 1932 -No A.F. 8 1532.56 Albert Levasseur 660 Canada 8t. (Ice Dues)" 1931 -No A.F. 59.02 Cash -Garry 1932 -No A.F, 52.74 / 110.7 Hancock Nelson 2117 Charles St. (Off Sale 2nd � of 1932 5339.31 Mercantile Oo. Malt Bev,) A.F. Eusterman Bros.Inc. 2264 Como Ave.W. (Confect.) 1932 (�)-Ro A.F. 399.65 M. Palterock 561 Edmund St. (Restaurant) /� 1932 (�)-No A.F. 61.58 F.A.Gilbert 2203 Ford Road (Restaurant)) 1930 -No A.F. 212.94 Lot 25 1931 -No A.F. 190. 1932 -No A.F. 163. (1930 -No A.F. 154.92 Lot 26((1931 -No A.F. 129.69 1932 -No A.F.1 2: / 7 J. M. McGrath 2006 Grand Ave.(Grocery)" / 1931-A.F. 1757.77 (Off Sale 1932-A.F. 1621.26 Malt Bev.) Charles Lau Gdn. Life Bldg. (On Sale ✓ 1932-A.F. 6276.96 Malt Bev.) A. J. Weston 363 Jackson 8t. (On Sale / 1931-A.F. 1526.o8 Malt Bev.) 1932-A.F. 12 4 2753-42 Harry Robertson 1766 E.Minnehaha St. (On Sale / 1932 -No A.F. 165.27 Malt Bev.) White Castle System 1081 Payne Ave. (Off Bale J 1926 -No A.F. 125.61 of Eating Houses,Inc. Malt Bev.) 1929 -No A.F. 182.19 1930 -go A.F. 154.12 1931 -No A.F. 249.27 1932 -No A.F. 221.26 9 / (Ernest W. Lux, Porch. F.E.Grandquist 779 Raymond Ave. (Grocery) 1932 -No A.F. 76.11 Orrin Anderson 360 Rice St. (Off Sale 1930 -Del. 122.66 Malt Bev.) 1931-A.F. 321-03 1932- 275-58 Walgreen Co. 398 Robert St. (Off Sale ✓ 1930 -Judgment 21,469.79 Malt Bev.) 1931-A.F,(Del.)31,353.12 1932-A.F. 26,425.5c (Ryan Hotel Bldg.) 79,248.5o 97672 2. MISCELLANEOUS DELINQUENT TAXES July 16, 1934 Year Amount St. Clair 011 Heat Co. 586 S. Bar atoga Ave. (011 Burner) // 1932 (})-No A.F. $ 89.45 Fred J. Kaiser 922 Selby Ave. (Off Sale ✓ 1932 -No A.F. 505.94 Malt Bev.) Michael Schweizer 171 E. 7th St. (On Sale ✓ 1932 -No A.F. 694.77 Malt Bev.) Stanley Maeloski 905 N. 7th St. (Off Sete & /1932 -No A.F. 24.28 On Sale Malt Bev.) Columbus Hall Assn. 150 N. Smith Ave. (Off & on Sale 1932 -No A.F. 3038.67 Malt Bev.) Barrett & Zimmerman, 477 Snelling Ave.N. (Hotel- / 1932-A.F. 2174.33 Ino. Snelling) Geo.& Peter P.Xlsh 637-39 Stryker Ave. (Off Sale✓ 1932 -Ho A.F. 43.14 Malt Bev.) J Anton Haas 439 University Ave. (Off Sale¢ 1932-A.F, 342.23 On Sale Malt Bev.) �Mra.A.B.Elliott*1598 /versity Ave. (Grocery) ✓ 1932 (�)-No A.F. 67.93 E. M.Williams University Ave.(Off Sale ✓ 1932-A.F. 2174.33 Malt Bev.) Nick Xatzambia 587 Aabasha St. (Restaurant)/ 1932 -No A.F. 222.54 W � " - C. F-. -#97872 1. MISCELLANEOUS July 16, 1934. NOT DELINONENT Conrad Freund 488 Rice St. Barber 1460 Edw.SChlink 653 S.Snelling Ave. " 3215 C.W.B.Jacobsen 1097 Payne Ave. Bakery 1972 Mrs.Harry McGee 1093 Payne Ave. " 3248 Geo. Eobilka 1318 Forest St. Confect. 3297 Joseph M. Silberg 482 S.Snelling Ave. " 3272 A. Stewart 128 N. Cleveland Ave. 2440 The Transit Supply Go. 1175 E. 7th St. 3284 Benjamin F. Shama 2179 St. Clair St. Butcher 2585 Jacob Golden Berg 220 Cretin Ave. N. Grocery 3239 Mrs. Rose Hinz 1402 Portland Ave. " 3204 Hagelin Bros. 2175 et. Clair et. ° 3265 J. C. Hunt 1465 Payne Ave. 3362 L.C.Jaoobe 1285 E.Minnehaha St. " 3123 Henry F. & Alta J.Meierding 1404 Raymond Ave. " 3229 M. M. Metcalf 256 W. 4th et. " 3373 Olaf Nelson 911 Payne Ave. " 3147 Olaf Nelson 911 Payne Ave. " 3148 Mrs. L. W. Radke 201 Bates Ave. " 3293 Mrs. Anna Nixon 161 w. 4th St. Gas.Sta. 2 pumps 3216 Potthoff Bros. 216 Bates Ave. " 2 " 3220 Cities Service Oil Go. 1775 E.Minnehaha. St. " 3 " 3282 E. D. False 1102 W.Larpenteur " 3 " 3326 J. L. Flenner 2574 W.7th et. 3 3261 De Luxe Theatre, Inc. 287 Maria Ave. Mo. Pict. Thea. 3341 Reliance Engineers, Inc. 1218 Pioneer Bldg. 011 Burner 3364 Thermos Service Go. Inc. 2324 Hampden Ave. ° 3268 C. Aliferie 159 E.Third St. Off Sale Malt Bev. 3426 Andrew Angelos 1589 Selby Ave. " 3236 Barinbsum & Widowsky 649 Canada St. " 3228 Fred B. Blum 823 E. 7th St. " 3141 Frieda A. Bork 332 N.Lexington Ave. " 3001 A. J. Bouchard 254 N.Fairview Ave. " 2888 A. Bredahl 1132 Payne Ave. " 3163 m I 97972 2. MISCELLANEOUS July 16, 1934. NOT DELINQUENT N. Brodsky 149 E. Chicago Ave. Off Sale Melt Bev. 3135 J. A. Brozek 999 Hastings Ave. " 3116 A. C. Carlson 1399 St. Clair St. • 3118 Frank Caruee 1181 E. Mlnnehaha St. " 3258 Wm. P. Cher— 741 W. Central Ave. " 3249 e.J.Culver & Co. 1219 Randolph St. " 3168 M. J. Cummings 1939 St. Clair et. 3219 H.L.DeLano 1657 E.Minnehaha St. " 3177 A.L.DSvine 1459 St.Clair et. " 3133 Arthur De Chains 1611-13 University Ave. " 3214 A. B. Farrell 609 University Ave. ° 3352 Joseph Felger 786 Randolph St. " 2992 Mrs. Louie Finn 118 S. Robert St. " 3299 Howard L. Gaston 539 cedar et. 3145 B. H. Gendron 960 Randolph St. ° 2711 L. M. Hatch 612 Selby Ave. " 2835 Mrs. Tose Hinz 1402 Portland Ave. " 3205 Harry Iverson 2059 Marshall Ave. " 3170 Geo. James 1030 Hastings Ave. " 3246 J. P. Jelinek 961 W. 7th St. " 3131 Howard Jerentosky 612 W. 7th St. 2625 W.E.Gerenze 519 Selby Ave. " 3039 (Jr.Meat & Grocery) W. J. Knowlan 683 Selby Ave. " 3149 J. E. %roemer 1127 H.ChateWorth St. " 3115 %ulstad & Heine 1943 Grand Ave. " 3036 Anthony %ulvich 120 S.Robert St. ^ 3447 Ed Lasewski 317 St. Peter St. " 3314 Frank J. Llska 551 Michigan St. " 3153 John W. Luc Oo. 154 University Ave. " 2953 Peter Mavroulis 618 Selby Ave. " 2900 Axel H. Olson 399 Case St. 3217 B. Reisman 527 Anita St. " 3093 Harry Robertson 1286 E.Hinnehaha St. " 3469 Lincoln B. Robinson 1422 W. 7th St. " 3195 Rothstein Bros. Mrs. Frank Russo R.B.Salecheider Ed A. Schmidt E.E.Shimota & W.J.Novak Joseph M. Silberg M. Smallwood C. J. Sonnen & Co. Sam Spiegler John Steets Stein Meat & Grocery Oscar Swoboda Christian Sunness R. C. Toenjes Town & Country Club Walgreen Co. Walgreen Co. Walgreen Co. J. Weber White Castle System of Eating Houses, Inc. M n P n J. Wong Eugene yoke Christ Aliferis Andrew Angelos Armory Service Club Tony Atxone Harland Van Beek Capitol Drug Co. (W.C.Iregal) Frank Caruso MISCELLANEOUS July 16, 1934. 841 Burr et. 477 Collins St. 1160 Selby Ave. 1215 Arcade St. 275 W.Winifred St. 482 S.Snelling Ave. 919 Soheffer St. 1814 Selby Ave. 469 Anita St. 2162 University Ave. 396 H. Prior Ave. 118-2o E. 4th St. 1818 Randolph St. 861 Selby Ave. 2279 Marshall Ave. 333 Wabasha St. 418 St. Peter St. 431 Wabasha St. 1279 Randolph St. 172 E. 6th St. 548 Wabesha St. 615 University Ave. 470 St. Peter St. 1945 University Ave. 367 Selby Ave. 681 Selby Ave. 159 E. 3rd et. 1589 Selby Ave. 6th & Exchange 627 Jackson St. 41 W. 7th St. 481 Rice St. 97872 NOT DELINQUENT Off Sale Malt Bev, p n n n n n n n a a p n n n a n n n n p P n n n P On Bale Malt Bev n n n e n 1181 E.Minnehaha St. n � w 3 3240 2834 3063 3067 3184 3270 2534 3227 3143 2753 3075 3084 3154 3066 3037 3000 2999 2998 3079 3354 3357 3380 3385 3387 3343 2505 3427 3237 3269 3252 3292 2535 3257 97872 4. MISCELLANEOUS July 16, 1934. NOT DELINQUENT Mrs. Geo. A. Griebs Foot of Earl St. On Sale Malt Bev. 3399 C. H. Hinton 722 W. 7th St. " 3391 James Morelli 565 Payne Ave. " 2897 L. S. Perron 1575 Grand Ave. " 2905 Had Cech No.12 C.S.P.S.Hall 381 Michigan St. " 3211 Riverview Comml.Club Congress & Concord " `3091 Isadore Rischall 414 Jackson St. " 3114 Joseph M. Silberg 482 S.Snelling Ave. " 3271 Walgreen Drug Co. 431 Wabashe St. " 2995 Walgreen Drug Co. 362 St. Peter St. " 2994 White Castle System of 172 E. 6th St. " 3355 Eating Houses, Inc. " 544 Wabash. et. 3356 " 89 W. 7th et. 3358 " 615 University Ave. 3379 ° 1081 Payne Ave. " 3383 ^ 1945 University Ave. 3386 E. M. Williams 1598 University Ave. " 3458 J. Wong 367 Selby Ave. " 3342 Matt Luby & John J. Woseka 731 Randolph St. ° 3353 John Steets 2162 University Ave. " 2752 Arthur Auge, Jr. 928 Jackson St. Restaurant 1948 Tony As one 627 Jackson St. ^ 3253 Nick Helios 117 W. Central Ave. " 3312 Frank Caruso 1181 E. MSnnehaha St. " 3259 Fetsch Bros. 349 Rosabel St. " 3231 C. H. Hinton 722 W. 7th et. " 3392 Geo. James 832 E. 7th et. " 3243 Ed Lazewskl 317 et. Peter St. " 3313 Frank Lokowich 228 W. Fairfield Ave. " Louie Long 961 Rice St. " 2384 M.Madlgan & H.Finstad 738 University Ave. " 1706 Stanley Masloski 905 W. 7th St. 3233 S. Nardi 277 W. 4th St. " 3403 Thos. & Blanch Parrish Geo. A. 8amec L. P. Schnitzer Michael Schweizer John 8teets White Castle System of Eating Houses, Inc. G. F. ^Riddell Henry Loop MISCELLANEOUS July 16, 1934. 97972 NOT DELINQUENT 751 W. 7th St. Restaurant 764 N. 7th St. 1199 Cortland Ave. " 171 E. 7th St. ^ 2162 University Ave. ' 615 University Ave. ° 89 W. 7th St. ^ 152 E. 6th St. ° 414 N. Smith Ave. Ice House 5 3290 3299 3165 3346 2751 3399 3399 164o 2792 CITY OF SAINT PAUL C 0� ' of Mim..+ot. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk .,•d Commiuio.ee of Regisb.rio� inty 21, 1934 y r.. •. 17. illlo tt 41 rj Slniwerwlty St. De— Nedem I have been directed to inform you that your application for 6HCCYHY LICi6Si at the above address w not passed by the City Cormc il, From r eras St app Bare that taxes are delin- quent on thle property. The Council has been withholding I Scanees on income producing property on which taxes are dollnquent. If you ar not the o o{ this property, then the o should be informed o£ethle action and 1£ there Se a nable ezplanatlon of the c o£ the t—a not beingrpald Lha Council will be pleased to grant you or the owner a hearing. Tours very truly, City. /rt. 17 CITY OF ST. i �nu� •10. .��5,/J OFFICE OF THE CI c — '� COUNCIL RESOLUTION a IUoo. ro5 Pu Ella l oom letn�ab r .unanY t Com sco rvER � t'6� / i'v �� l l � L. _.. � w c Put Wiese - aaervrea Werk R. .ttl.. of _ RESOLVED, That the Council hereby co.tcurs in the recommendation of t'ne c.att sto Wer o£ Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to lease the pr 1v11age of a pony ring concession and popcorn stand at the Como Park picnic grounds area, to A. R. Wattles of Saint Paul for the park season of 9.14, for thmonthly 1dvsnce, rental of Ono Hundred Dollars ($100.00), payse a said lease to provide that the lessee shall furnish proper liability insurance to protect the public and the city against damage. dua to the operation of as id concession, enc_ Provided that employees of said concessionaire shall not be required to work longer than 48 hours in any one week, and that add Stional hours we may be worked by such employees upon payment o over Pay yeat the hourly rete for such per employment and e further provision that the wage scale paid such employees shall oe_.the . e scale as paid to regular City employees doing Et19 same or similar work, provided that if no wage scale is provided £or the particular employment of such concessionaires employee or employees they shall be paid not less than the scale provided for a Refectc'y Sales Clerk; therefore, be it RSSC LV ED, That the Cor goration Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to draw the proper lease therefor, and the proper city officers are authorized to execute the aame on behalf of the City. ('01'NCILM 11N vel„ Na A,] 1-1 1p 11 <,,.,.,<a MAY 15 1934 1sz ►Fsr 4Y In Lev„r Aypro and _. �� .1. i ITA, 1u,t 3VmZe1 � IT^ \I i/ -- _ O 1� �a CITY OF ST. of OFFICE OF M1: HEC p ee COUNCIL RESOLUTION' ride cvnceulen ee vvD a'tedx t loetcun dArthur ]. t v et rnrY e]�. p _ �n¢n Ou,lnene u tee Cepl tet Ames - Araevr, yyR gAg, The Commissioner of Per"-, Playgrounds and Public &,i1dings has recommended the letting of the prl vllsge of a Kiddie Airplane ride concession to be operated in the Col.,o Park picnic wren for the park season of 1934, to Arthur J, Metzdorf, doing business as the Capitol Amusement Company, the said Arthur J. Matzdorf to pay for the privllage twenty pe^cent 120%) of the gross receipts and to provide a public 11ab 111ty and property damage policy, which policy shall be approved b;; the COrDOra tion Counsel and deposited with the City Comptroller, and Provided that e!ployaes of said concessionaire sha'_1 not be required to work bnger than 48 hours in any one week, end that add stionef hours urtl ne rpaye a tmthebeo rkedaby uchor suohloyees upon paymen employment and n furtrier provision that therwage scale paid such employees shall be the same scale as paid to regular City employees doing the same or similar work, provided that if no wage scala is provided for the particular employment of such a once sslonaires employee or employees they shall be paid not less than scale provided for a Refectory gales Clerk; therefore, be it, RESULVP.D, That the Council concurs i,.the recommendation of the Conmissioner of Per '.<s, Playgrounds and Public Huilrlings ani the Corporation Counsel Is hereby authorized and directed to i raw the proper hese therefor, and the proper city officers are authorized to execute t e same on behalf of the City. y.. wrMAY. 15 1534 -los_ s_ 9934 193 -W.�rtxe1 - I. �f� _ :_ 7- \1x set ens /i ir. 1'resi�ent \lYhonc} _=j - - _7' No a OFFICE OF THE CITY c COUNCIL RESOLUTION {-. �,o °Commlvi Hu nd PUOtIn ......... A WH3tl:AS, The Commies Sonar of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Edlldings has —c omnia nd ad the leasing of the privilege of operating alae tr 'o al driven children's automobiles, and e'_a ct rical ly driven c1,11_d rens train at Como Park, to Lao Wright, doing bue i_ss as the K1ddy Speedway Com.: any, the said Lao Wright to pay for said pr ivilegs 107 of the gross income received from the operation of said eOn ces sions, payable weekly, and to provides a public liability insurance policy covering injury to parsoc�s or property, which policy shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel and deposited with the City Co.:,p troller; and Provided that employees of said concessionaire shall not be required to work longer than 4d hours in any one week and that adds tional hours per weak may be worked by such employees upon payment of ovortime pay at the hourly rete for such employment and a fUthar provision that the wage scala paid such employees shall be the same scale as paid to regular City employees doing the same or similar work, provided that if no wage scale is pro videdf or tine particular employma nt Of such concessionaires employee or employees they shall be paid not less than scale pro v Id ad for e Refectory Sales Clerk; therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Corms is sl oner o£ Par}cs Playgrounds and Pablic Buildings and the Corporation C unsal is hereby authorized and directed to draw the proper lease therefor,a the proper city officers are authorized to execute t"a some o, behal f of the City. COUNCILMEN i n Na_ MAY 15 tw3d Adopted by the (',.midi _ I93 Approve,, SPAY v P ,y:, -ctrr'I T r MAY 15 tw3d Adopted by the (',.midi _ I93 Approve,, SPAY v P ,y:, -ctrr'I CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. � NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM R—VEo, that Permission be and it is hereby given to the Young Vents Athletic Aee001atiOn Of Hewell Park to conduct 4 festival at University and Hamlin Avenues from May 94st to May 28th, 1934, inclusive. . viva, —T N( I1.AII':S 11.,—I,,, Ualmni,. Ctf,. 9(r Cl r:..l:ltk U9 __ MAY 17 19311, 11AY 9 9 193 Appnn.rl. nmy O CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capnal of M.—, ­ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F SCOT C." Clerk .nd C..._ioner a( Regisirrron .Fv " MeyY 11th, 1934, Nr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Hui 1 dl ng. Dear Sir: Tattezhad of Toting Men's Athletic Assoctationofanewell application ha k for mise ion to hold a festival at Onlversit and per- .is ar- lAay 21st to May 26th inclusive, w as Hemline you nvee by the Council for the proper resolution granting .ation. such ",Ii - To—. very truly, City Clerk. Adopted by Ibe C;._jl. 113 Y-- N.,, MAY -"�1lcDON.ALD PEARCI. �ROSEN /TRUA\ j\!R. PRESIDE\"I' \I:IiIU\L1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Pit.l of mm...— DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T-6 end Mi --t. Street. �JHN fl. McDONnLD, C�r.wussior+ie May 9, 1954 .pia.. .q Nr. William F. Scott, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned attached is application of the Young Men's Athletic Association of Powell Park for permlesion to hold e festival at University and Hamlin. Avenues Prom May 21st to May 26th, inclusive, and list of resident. in the immediate vicinity obtained by the Police Department who have no objectinn to the conductir:g of such f.stiv.1; also the name of one resident who is opposed to it. Very truly yours, n i Commissioner of Public Safety CITY OF SAINT PAUL Caoivl of Minneom DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T—ih and Minnc..W S -ft 1�)H�J FI. McDONAID, C.orv.�ssiorvEe May 8, 1934 Nr. Thomas E. Dahill, Chiof of Folks Dear Sir: Hmewith ie application of the Young Nene Athletic Association of Newell Park Tor a permit to h"d e summer festival at Hamlin. and University Avenues from Nay Plst to May 26th, ivclueive, for investigation and recommendat±an. Will you kindly return application with your report for submission to the City Council? Very t 1p your., Commissioner of Public Safety CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital e{ Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F SCOTT Cny Cla,k aid Comm.: io�er of Req ,a�o� May "rd, 1934_ Hon. J. H. !lcDo..ld, Comer of Public Safety, Building. Dear sir: The attached application of the Young Men'e Athletic Assoeis tion o£ "I'll Parlc for a permit £or r fe eLlval to be held at Aamllne and Ualvereity Avee., from .d 21et to ." 26th inclusive sae referred to you, by the Counc l 1, for report. Yours very truly, City Clerk. NEWELL PARK YOUNG MEN'S aA T HLE EICq ASSOCIATION s p..�>amn so may 1, 1934 Honorable yeyor end "0-11' ,it, Mil, C.'rte Pcuee, Saint Saul, 'lieneeote• neer Sir; iOn of ark The Youn6ht tae ob tain nop ermitl itrom you rH well il, dee in euh® ripeetival to be held at Haml Sne end Vnlvere- for yl to May 26, inelueive. it; Avee., tros May TF.e Sunda derived from eu ch en uadertak Sn6 to beF ue ed to pu roheee eWipemeot end eu lts for the nen lx 0 5enlzed kitten -bell teem f Hewell PaYc. i..t m e you, in the event that this permieslon Se 6rent ede, thatthe fee tiva1 under the Lurie d iction ouch 7mittee will see to It that the lawn Eov=min6 e entartelnmente are strictly adhered to. that th ie x111 me^t with the apPmvel of you I -^SBL` u tar your many court - end year ¢eeociat.. —d :hank 1a5 yo eei ee In the past. Very truly youxm, P pe;i,wp Preeident. . �� lhnirmaa of Feet lval Co mmdtt� :/�< <(, � i b POR AGAINUr i FOR AGAINW j - J NO. CITY OF Si. PAUL „u OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ICOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P—S—TED By Qi�IE>D WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Pullic Buildings has reported to the COUIc 11 that Lh et cert al r. school bullding known as the old Quincy School, located on '.be north aide Of Montreal avenue west ofSnelline. avenue, is in such a dllapid=ted and dangerous condition as to warrant its being con- demned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hsarin, be had upon the advis-,bility and nec as aity of wrecking s11, bulldinR, on the Sth day of June, House \ / 1934, at ten o'clock A. ,. in the Counc 11 Chamber In the Court /X and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; Te it F1JRTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time flzed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Pa"'" P1-.y— grounds and Public Buildings shall mall to the lsst known record owner of esid property, at his last known address, or to She agent or occupant of said property, a notice statin, the time, place end nature or purpose of eaid hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such he ar Sna to be elven by one puhl lc att on In the official newspaper of said City, eaid notice to be puTliehed not less than five deya prior to the date of .,id hearing. by tn,� 0..1­1..-WAY-.l.r,-tSd Ias . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capdel of Woo—ole OFFICE OF CITY CLERK W IMAM F. SCOTT C.,y Clerk and Comma io . of R.9.0—t- 1, eq —t- 1, May 11th, 19'54_ Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Covneel, Building. Pear Sir: The attached order from the City Archltect r ending the eon demnatloa of the school bulldi nP, lrnovmmes the Old Quincy School, located on the north side o£ M yon, bC-11,ontreal Avenue west o1' Snell tog, was refs rred to y the Cil, for a resolution solutionsetting a date of hearing on the matter of such condemnation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. w. U MONI [AUF'n nN CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepif al 04 Minne.ofe DEPARTMENT OG PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 4 s ay Hen FRED M. TRUAX, C -4 -i -- GAIL E. SPEAKES. D. 11 Ge....l..l.... -Qv- (4 May 7, 1g,,4 Hon. Council City of .,a int Yau1 Gent 1 erten : This Den:art —t i.. in receipt of com`laints relative to the condition of the school building Kno:mn as the old Quincy c�ool,i eobuild in g ise— ccunt,noth s sd firre hasnrd,landsbeyondne11 ea- sonaole repair. The legal descr on iptlof the property, is Lots 17,.e1B,se nd 1`), C i t y�ofl SaLnte Ya ul, Department of BEd ucat Sonhe c.: ^r itrio j,.ay �- aslc you to start condemTuat ion proceedings at once in he ildinC thlsTbuilei`n gt-yebteiP omoved andt the nremi sesccleaned upat s truly, nreh� ct ;dad F3. "Mrns � STATE OF MINNESOTA CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER C—T Hoose 5T. PAUL. MIIIISOTA In the mutter of the can,lemnuciun by the C.tnmi,sioner of forks, plar...and, atld Pabre B,Ud hg,, of a ode1004 b"ing mid to be owned by City Of SIMInt Paul. DaLM14mont of UkWtIM an,l I.—,i upon the followingIre J-1 reel e,tate, to -t Leto 21. ia► 11w 29, 02oal 31. Lmwfo MSWAOC Porll 'AMtlm ORDI•:R N II FREAS, The Cammi.., nnrr of Park, 1'la�i I' .,..-, na, upon the �It,pectiln nt the coha $ b"Ing known and de.cribe,l an, ad ( fie a& Of IMtrwl AM=, OoDL of 9ODIJIM AVOM and •hunted upon abuse ,l -"1e ,d properly has found and d benI,",I thnl voomats fico i]pDEE1id, Rall b*vx) rwo=Uo ropir h}- r-ott of the tilx, fact, ,',ild {l411WIM I, —tfe end dangerous to ]pop lbbs oad OdjoiataG JE opmICB NOW, THEREFORE, by alr ue of the aothont. cln ferm,l upon the -h'. f Park, , ar.d Public Ruildingr, 11-1-1 to the Inwe 1f this State of ,e Charts -and Onlll,al1111 of the t It' or Seim fool, nn,l partieularly 0,,lit—, \o. 1710. 1nt,alyd "An ONillunel pr. : nlr for all mattr r, eoneen Iti. mlating t,,. nr vReet.ng me ron.true altertai,�n, repair, n shoal an.. m.nn a1 0, all buddi::y- or t.o. tlrrn ,r pans of handing, or �trurturaa are Bred or to he c ted within _h,. r' ..f Fa,,,t a re�sy��q�� t, admi i� ernby en 1 :r,yi 1 t ar .1 Ile rewlll-TAE1l—t k m, 1 .. f ,re,l �.7..k.1 -o-.m me l f h erre f 1--4r . , e rhe.wn aro .,i.I .h1Ihr...rol,.,.., I_n 11, her--t of It., r f the e,,tIpl, .. , h1,111l, of tht. -1- T l,, "'aI P "111 Pu ll: I'll_11 1 � 1,I'll I 111.11 ce 11, h; ,,1 Bd nwm, r.•l,c, lJ mad, A lirn a m„, e ...p— oboce de,- ,:[,ed. IN WITNIS., I I 11DIF, t ler is m:ylg bF U., Come�.v-_ser of I'irk I'nyygg,und, ndul aPI-I. c Bud 1114: ut SPeal t r of rk.: rml gr l t rvanhl n,.d,nng>- N0110E ,111 Clt9 of 9n4ffi Fina. ik. mt nr BSamtim. City 77au. owner 270. a c take tont the I..rrir,•1�I; or. n 1 he .m o[ Turk 1'Iatgnmr.J-. un,I P,.�hbc Hull,linruse un „ noyjFe lrayy ,> ue -' Ih,.r —I, mat .n m11„,m mat J1u failrso to do or rhos y—W,t fib• any a _ wnr, ,h -U.. or appeal, y+ n e,i by the Charter x11.1 Unlilmacc. 1f th1 I' ..f 51. Paas, within .mss from t1 of .... ', of thin n er rl unJ nn Ie upon 11LI. the ,alts t1-111-1,1111of Park, PIal gro �., un,! P„ hbc 11„il Air, . Hill 11.11, eI t1 enf-, sail order -d _d propend will be rh , I "'Irhe ex —, Thereof/rin/11 hh. I..,n-aRIn, prescribed ,f P;,rk, P,SgrQ//TruF Is ,,.,�1 I`u 11,c Buildings CITY OF ST. PAUL •~^ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEI °". N" COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL , .blRoD corn ENTEo av r e•inrowea �O/'^".� 1L-� �.. (.. t _ r L o r c � o w w w $FtmSY81 THEREA6, the Neighborhood House Association has appealed from an order of the. Department of Pe—ke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings refusing permission to erect a frame shelter -house on the vacant block rounded by Fillmore, F.--irfield, Robertson end Eva-trests; and WHEREAS, the refusal was based upon the fact that the location is within the fire limits of the City of S -int Paul; end WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 5-1, Paragraph (f) of the Building Code, the City Architect and the Public Safety De- pertment have ndvlsed that in their opinion the erection of said buildinc would not increase the fire hazard; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cormaiseioner of Parke, Pleyarovnds and Public Buildings be and he ie hereby e,thorized and directed to issue a permit for the erection of—id building upon such terms as may seem necessary, and upon the further condition that said buildinr shell he removed at —y time the Council -hall so PA rect. cuoS( u,]11{y ,.N{ 1 5 1934 Yens Vnys� Adapted ley'th, Co,,—] _... .- __.... 10.3._._ d (A AtJ yli'1, 1, /1'rnrrr In [nvnr � Apl,n,vnd. _ __ _ 10:1._.. ;'ITuna -J AKi�,_ =t n r / JI r. F'r,:+iil•nt \inhoney � i'i- ;. J CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT Cny Clark aid Comms. r oI ks o Regis .a.on JL /— 1 may 11th, 1934. Kr. L. L. Ands roan, Co'pora tion Counsel, u Bi ldl ng. Dear Sir: The attached application o£ the Neighbothood Bouse Association for permit to erect a story frame shelter on the v ant block bounded by Fillmore, Feirfield, Robertson a.nd Eva wa referred to you today, by the Council, for the props rs re solution granting such apolica Lioa. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Pii.i o! Minnewt. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.nt6 ..d Mi.—.1. S.... JUI- H. McDONALD, Cornmiuic�rvte May 9, 1934 -F� w Mr. William F_ Scott, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Herewith is report of the Bureau of Fire Prevention on the application of the Neighborhood House Association for r.—it to erect a ono -.tory frame ehelter on the vacant block bounded by Fillmore sad Fairfield running east and .at and by Robertson and Evan running north and south, which report states there in no .Ejection to the proposed structure from a fire hazard standpoint. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Seff,ty CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepit.I of Minnc - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T -k ..d Mi.-- St—h - M<ooNnu,, cv��,�•,v�w., May 9th,1934+ aon.John N.NoDonald Oommiseioner of Public Safety Dear Sir; Referring to the attached correspondence in regard to request from the Neighborhood Rouse Association for permission to erect a one story frame shelter house on the vacant block surrounded by Fairfield and Fillmore on the east and west and Robertson and Nva on the north and south. Our investigation discloses that, altho this building would be in the Fire Limits, it Is the only building in the block and would not seriously inscrease the fire hazard in the vicinity, and we recommend that permission be granted . Respectfully yours, L✓ Chief Inspector. F,5 Fire Department. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capifel of Min na.ofa DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX. C—h.i.— CARL E SPEAKES, D .. , Ce.....�..w... -WER.-C4 M.y 7, 19.54 Hon. FrogN. Truax, Co ..I oner Do:,r Sim: On the vacant block surrounded b;; Fairfield and ^ilimn ore o the east and ",e .t and t2 ob ert son and Eba on the north and south, the NeiGhborhood House ....!,-tion have n.da applica- tion to this Department for a permit to erect, one—story frume structure for shelter lrcuse I>ur ne aes. Th is n ermlt can not be granted without the consent of ti -c Council on account of the property beim; in the Fire -.init s. Thia bu;.ld inr vrilllt for a ;rood .:.use and I do not nsld er it a £ire hazb., ard on accotin'of i'- m bei, the only b uild!n - in the block am,: t7jerefoi e ould - eeormnend that this —it be In'anted. -____C itrch i.t ect a.s.. IT CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall .. FRED M. TRUAX, Co—ss ., .r tc'. ty The ::e_zhborkzood Hli.t nssociaticn hereby City Council to grant its permisslnn to erect esc ^r"^*r r� fru:ne bu 11111nG, described _n theeccompeny- I'll n blueprints, to ba us ad es a field c..se for rec- rpat1­ J B t?V1 tie9. The location of _ property on ch the bui l�9'ne tr ha erected, bound ev by the streets, _'Illmore and 1'e'rfi eld •.inE; st and wast, nd by 7cberts orndv runningnnorthaa na utH. Although this 1"" t" isHwi. thin the fire zon it would be the on]y structure on the bl polo. Thebuild`t_ng s to b ed e field house for ��luy;;rcu nd .e t iviti es in the asrl m ' nd £or .,.t ng cttvitles in the winter_ The a,tivltles -,,,Id be affiliated ,Ith the Perk and 'le ygrc ands program. ..as tful.ly yours, TT_=3]_3C-jjCCI' kiCUSE ASSCCIA.TICIN. ,tij�/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM f. SCOTT Cny CIer4 aid Commi--, of .fj�.: may ath, 1y34. Mr. ft. Barron, Chief of Tire Prevention Bureau, City of Saint Paul. Dear Sir: We attach herewith file Sn the matter of the application of the Neighborhood R e leeee'etl on for parch to erect a story fr®l strum Lure to be used a field house for re eaticnsl ectivitles, to be located Sn block bounded by TSllco% and Telrfleld and Robertson and Eve. The Council todaye r red this matter to your department for report ss to fireh s—d. Tours very truly, 1 City Clerk. ` \ - - I I 17'� 3_O� Z 11 � _4' 4 3�.3!* � Z: 4'• jG L, 9% •' � - _ V '[j 1 .. - - ` ;sus •• xz � 3V\LD IN[, � SIDING. 14•-1%i X 30 S�4 TT VEG hL SX POSV -- i ---- ._-- _— 'Y-------__ 30 DEGCEE SLOPE tr _ 6 f - ' .STOCK MOVLD\NG _ .._ M FLObR1N4i t\D4•E GwV LwID D Iw4.OMAY.Y I T'-F taoL �i=1E•lE - -.-- 3NINGlES AS iRdMEMBER -WOOD PtINEL� - CALLED FOR'.-- AT'LNDS 10� 70 Z.-'116 0. C.. � - TIK4. TS $LII-lD$" X DILE T : - —_ _._-. —_—_ -. - - __ --- S�4• X 6• L0.e P 51 DIN4� _ �.: .:: _ - _ - - : "' - MlAE.L SVILT =,OF.� LIME CONGRET >` $L.OQK NCRETE FODTIw6 . SCREENED wT\O VEN716AT00.LN - - - - SAM£ ON KORTN" rOVMLJN --,• _ELE VATISM. - �_T_ .. - MGC S0V7F _ \ / _ - V`VG J T Iv CO 1' O. FOOTIN..61 H0Vs FoR Tha T:Y Pt CP.L Wl4l L: SGT,I.O N: ciGt:??OrGALE �F�JOs� �-cJ'J_`ic S V-JOINTS -- _ _ - - .S I:L _ -.-:bM eswcas - - ST. PAUL M11-NNES-OTJ�` i HnHi1N4 LD4fi _ - TOLT2.• KING &pAV Co.. wo. - . *.F DOOR- - - - 19 3 9 IIEGORpOR• TEO ' $EYEL'LD4E5 - DwH4': w0. ENGINE.E RS..n_ �: ri l.N: TEL. TS Y••EET M0.' - - SLIGNT.LY- - - - - : _ s\. n.VL. ww ESOT• 1 _ - - NS _V D E FACE _ c..aD.. ^S MOTES ScnLa i -- 3 i4-- ----- —---------- 3 33/4" 3-3-/s' . 24 3b" __�—__W_y 4_„�•z _9/a W _ SNIriGI AS d GALLED F' PAPLR. -- ti DX D4•S TL TE0.5 - � X4• .`. TVDS - - - y GADSEM ENTS I4S4/1N41N4 7 I6" O, G. �,• � _ - n(S L z PAOV\2>E' l X fi, v F•n - a 1 - MAf CF E1L BOARDS A: _ SEAMS 4-0 O. C, \•� - 1 OAK SILL N? Zj 1 rENT EC I- -V EEH - AND TN SLE SHOLD - 2 X 8' D. M PLDO e1N - \p c W-- _� COLLAR SEAMS AND F.Pf'T ERS - - _ ...'LAPD DIAAO NALLY '� - ..- TDUK 2'X4 STVDSI 16 O.0 PVBLIOF F1t E :t I -G 6•-Q.. _ 1 __ - - .PRDVIDE. FlK5H� — - - - WALL VO•EN IN45 3, -o, -o x T• �IVP _ 3 - - -x1Yz" to K sl 11. AND _• . S _ ji4TTEN DOotop'.CrATE _TNRES \LD FS L # — C t E.3 I Va" X 4Yt - •i -9/s 2-4_ 3-3 zt4 Z- I�'y* _3r -d i n _z-s'•.—3'-3�4 z_4". 2=9%c" _. _. Ml - _ j3 NE i DR4 -- -SLOG k r" 'WMT - .$GALE- - • A\a ut CAP _.Ti4,x s -Y Cd► 3v1LDr, )c �s IDIN4 i f _ _ I,•1- �6 TTPIt�I'EICPDSP 3O. DE4eCE Slo pf Ln •r OD PANEL SHINGLES A:- i R e cMEEP. Y D6E_GAP _ LAID D-IA40N,Vy WOALLY� _ FLDDL LINE \ --�_- __ �- bi A➢CD CI �\�1u $TOCK na � �1a6 - - __--_ _ _ --.__ - � q �� .... �__ - —1.-: -.�. �--]7 Z..� T. _--� - - __ _ _ _ _ _.__ t<A•IGK DRIP s�lrr- -�,n� mawnao f 18 4&9 90_184 95 17 o�.��ra �MEH ao�� cnu o«me o, TIDE �o mo.ao��Ea .,�E No _ _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION May 12 v X,34 g�+7.46 15 1134o..7S2 �.r.o,. k�7 – Tont 175 736 71. 1738 L.L. Anderson, Corp. Counsel 7 50 599 80 3739 174n WIr1e M. Booth H, C. Bo yeson Compony 5 70 1741 Geo. J.Crant Cone, Comoany 52 50 450 00 1742 .m. V. Grubbs 116 00 7743 3744 "am Hsetiaga L. Rartin Olson 25 00 3745 Tri–State Tel. & Te1g.Comp any 1 91 3746 Kenneth M. Tright 4tudios 46 50 1747 C.H. Young 500 00 174g Barry L. Kremer 41 67 7749 Mrs, J.M. Ayd, Guardian 40 On 40 7750 7751 Yrs. ^.. M. Clougherty, :"u-11an )j;, t;, Flaherty 00 28 28 3752 Mre, Anne Schneider 17 28 3751 urs, Agnes 'Reis. 31 86 7754 .^,slrncrose ?ire & Battery Co. any 98 00 3755 Mil— y Ice Cresco Comcany 220 54 3756 Midwey Ice Creem Comoany 314 57 1757 Boord of 'vete, Com:ra. 385 56 1758 Board of Tater Com gra.202 7 3759 Bonrd of water Com lrs. 1 039 68 1760 1761 Board of later Co.:', John H. McDonald, C.P.Safety 1498 4 31 00 3762 Clyde R. May, C, of P.Qti 11 ti ee 19 36 3763 Irving C.Pearoe, C, of Kduoatlon 82 428 64. 11 1764 3765 Fred M. Truax, C. Parka, eta. Fred M. Truax, C, Parke, ata, 2 125 88. 7766 R.I. Ten ze 1, C. of P. Torke 6 376 11 3767 H.C.Tenzel, C. of P.Worka 271 26 1768 H. C.Tenzsl, C. of P.To,ks 1 751 38 1769 H.C.Tenzel, C. of P,vorks 525 40 377n H.C.Tenzel, C. o'' P.Torks 1 103 99 3771 H.(.v>nzsl, C. of P.TOrka 831 70 7772 B. C.Tenzel, C, of P.TOrks 299 71 7771 H.C.Tenzel, C, of P.Tork. 331 66 3774 H.C.Tenzel. C. of P.Torka 1 797 73 3775 H.C.Tenzel, C of P.Torke 297 83 1776 H.C.1enze1, C. of P.Torks Comoany 266 4-17*6 40 41 4,8 3777 Central Cash Grocery Kirk & Comoany 600 36 • 3778 )779 3780 Farwell, ozmun, Feyen Construction Company John Geary 167 78 48 00 3781 General Chemical Company 930 01 3782 Great Northern Hailey Comrany 195 31 3781 Mre, J.T. Jennings 33 ?5 3784 Midwest %I Coma-ny,Inc. 114 62 7785 Northern Coal & Dock Comoeny 7 253 53 3786 E.M. Parish 102 00 3787 Ramsey County Ins.6,zency,Inc. 90 73 3788 Star Photo Company 25 50 1789 '1111aum- Box & Lumber Comnany 118 78 s�lrr- -�,n� mawnao f 18 4&9 90_184 95 17 CITY OF S . PAUL NO. �- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ROLU—C—C.I IERAL FORM Pre ESE VTEo By _ onTE RESOLVEO WHERIMS, the following named have mane applications for eon sale^ liquor licensee at the addr.e.es indicated, end ITHEREASI the Corm cil has not granted .aid epplie ti..., end saki appllcente have regaeeted withdrawal of a end a refund of their license fee. end return of their bond., therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officer. be end they ere hereby antborized to refund to the said applleaat. the llcsn,e ,fees hereto- fore deposited by them and the City Cleric is authorized to return their respective bonds to them and cancel their applications: Audrey Gordon $inth 4 Mabasba Ste. 16, CO 1'V('11. N KS A r1.PLed by Aha ('..unci MAY 15 1934 L. 19:3..__ Mevnr CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK -LU.M v. scorr Giy Glerk aid Commivioner of Regi:o-rio� —ice CITY OF ST. PAUL N. . % % L�;7.1L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM eommoNera onTe F2E—Lv EO WEZI" S, the followi,r named peraone have heretofore filed app11– atlon. for ^off .ale" liquor llceaeae, and have depo el ted with such application, the lice's, fee therefor. viz: Carbone Dxo e. 369 E. 7th St.� A. A. Johnson 795 Rice St. And, Whereas, said apolicants have withdrawn thelr applications and have requested the retnrn of the amomt deposited, together with all paper. filed with the said applicati...; therefore, he It H.esolved, That the proper city officer. be and they ere hereby authorized and directed to return to the above named peraone the not of the "off sale^ 1lcenae fee heretofore deooel tad by them with their application, and the C1ty Clerk le dlrected to advi ee the State Liavor Control Co®iseioner of the fact that —,,-4p li– eations have been withdraw', Yana N.- --1 s -v--1 Ag-- .m 6_.¢ `lT' 1��wfJrr,t ]lahor�e�y _ _.• 1/ Adapted 1- I,_ c;iM AY 1_5_13 4_ _ 193 AlI CARBONE BR OS. WHOLESALE AN. RETAIL FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PRODUCE ,_", EAST SEVENTH STREET PHONECEOAR20 2 ST- PAUL, l o-=-�Y- JAI, ,� , :��� fes` �`�"���'��� '.1 i M'2- aw•.�,., NO.. CITY OF ST. PAUL ,a+ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM .reYep. 15., 1954 eaasaereo ar o. WHEREAS, Edris L. Windingsted desires to withdr— application 167$ for a Resteorent license at 732 Selby Avenue{ therefore, he it RFSO .' that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Edris L. Rindingstad the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. cuc s<v..ns i�es sey� /rnrrl• Infnvnr /Itu.,n Al" Ncc.i,lrnl v M'J'. , IT1 ,'I.kHK ie Aal ,,d by 1h, c„,�-A1_Ay_15 1934 ..103.. .4„yruced _. 198. Mev., �- d Tylia applicatim"Yo. 167: Lnrludeo Resolution dated April 5 snprwed by -- _ — - deps'--t- Withheld h=r^ase of dolinn•ian!. t—e. tiH2 CITY OF ST. PAUL r.a.: ------------- - ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERA, FORM M0.Y la. 1934. cora �...�ssioNEa �-�_ � t - �. =i •_f---`-`-_. _ _ 7fHHEt.EhS, Edria L. Windingatad desires to xithdraw application 1675 for a Restaurant license at 732 Selby AVenuej therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city of£ioere be and they era hereby authorized to rP£imd to F.drie L. Windingetad the fee of $10.00 and to cental said application for lican sa. 1`,a rr. .. n'I>mr .> ,ra�CeY iso. ssa• I �1 cwusc•j r,hira elf AJl1$_1934 Pena lay/� oicd 1), tlu (. rune _. .193 V uY v a aM c_v / Ti r. 1're�idurit \l ahoncy �' .'LtiRR o•�•�•�_ CIT OF ST. PAUL r�r NO_ f � OFF E OF CITY CLERK c.om issoLU NCI ESOLUTIONGENERAI_FORM i Whereas, The 0oo.ncil by Resolution No. 97654, approved April 11, 1934. anthorlsed the ie ei sacs and sale of $200,000.00 3a1.t Paul General improvement Bonds, and Whereas, the proper city officer., pursuant to said r ..1-11 n encs the laws of the State of Minnesota, have hilly ca d the —Id bmde to to d"'deed £or sole dad said advertisement rego_tred b da to be submitted an May 15, 1934, and Who Blda w sabmitted and ware opened, B xamined end tabulated by the 11. bet thel highesthan� st na—tag ones Abid&for said Hal ndIe§¢� therefore, beny aitfound to Resolved, That the said joint bid be sad the same is hereby aC,ept,d and .old bond. a ardad to said bidders at the price named, namely, per and accrued interest with ea interest rate of Three and Slaty Ruadreth percent (3.60%) per annum and a premium of $1,100.00. Fuzz they r solved, that the Council heri"ly ratifies and approves the action o£ the Sinking Bund Committee in fixing the --be—, denominatloas, date, place of payment and form of said bonds, and also the notice to bidder. thereon, and also ratifies and approves each and every other act of said Sinking rand Committee in connection wlth the offer,sale and Issue of said bonds before or after the adoption of this resolution. Y— N Adop,d 1,> , C--1 MAY 15 1934 ie na— fay.. Ap,—d �v r m ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ISonJ-. u. lie he exrhnntted f��r It�e�rrn'�1 Itun�le, hntli �. 1 I'el nn�f lu«ro.L nt n.a.t ��! it W Ikr Ilc%�n�rrivl l�,i��l. I n i'ualyln. lu Ronde ere P>Yeble In leeiul mooeY nr the Fuitnd5L,- of A�,ence, nt Ore nmee nI me c.,n��n�.,nrs nr ehnnr, In aye at. . i�nnm�i the Fiscal of the CItY of hew York.Ik, Buude ern --Pt Imm wxnUnv. The C , nl 9t. 1'.ul wm l� ryvreteJ M.r 1 J, 1 vl. POPULATION 1990 c.—I n cnt Cc. _ 271,606 1I P 1 M F. I it 1 1 M r d( W I (1 1 I I I t I^ I al Bo d. 'n full, I , Imran. Iv lnl wh 1lr u�r � Ilonll .1 r �nlu fir. lu.l tt.r.� 1 f 1 1 1 Irr dl l T l... . 1 II Lend 1 .ul � l hone I..,d I.—Im 1 I V�� . t nivlu Y City of Saint Paul, Minnesota $200,000.00 General Improvement Boada Not Exceeding 4.1 2% TO BE SOLD AT 10:00 A. M. May 15, 1934 OH16.1 Advertisement NOTICE OF BOND SALE ' . a .Iwf r -i❑ a i r.l rhe ofTi r h gin, os4. nd I 11Iv't>,xI INIrPn ` n I ........ ^ 0—I-11 I',,..r.r."e.'- I I r f l t U., lh- II \Il�ll.ld h. (.r .rrll��Llc!iII. ( ��..� r�.•.�_r.�... II.•��I=n fini�.l...1 _ 11" C.11.r— City of Sulnt Puul BALEN(:E SIIEET <:eneml-(:v pllul and Lua�ul Im Druva.ment Fn ndx Ae mbcr 3 933 t. `1'ruu' Awvr'm N- -- E ]'=0,77]:30 and �Ixr,ul Fund. $914.040.20 j00 I,ua�rd In1na>`�c1n .ntx .t IUU.5.50.I'4.5 ;ut.axt a .nA Ie,v.�uluau+-ivtrawle I•n•I I I � � - t I2u,Iulnuncnlw _ 1 \a luul 1:x1.=n.r - IS 1.-vr_.ry c. ->W (,�uur�•I ...n Iu3 1 uul i_..AM1 Ix1 1x11.�i:n,iurl�t\'l wxun Itav-eivnl.lr E SU3.rw1-t� ii.r,-I.u.l.lr 1hJin.lul�nl .4.w:u.rnunt. 7_' !',I ..I lli. 1_ i 211 I�1xl.0 A wer.. 711 1'4.1 uut - .•tt 1,'_ ,.5 it11':\ Iv t'1 II.I 1'11_x: r 1.1 - In1i._t.13.,.1 ,.].I 1. Ilr , I.I 3 fi u.l 1 11.1 r. .i_ 11 1 i„l.. tr..t 7I, I.....•I I 111. 1i.'�nu u1 It..,l_ S -. t1 .1x x1.1 r1 l r11.l�xnul 1. 1.I rum :11.8 `d Mx11u1 ruT A I. L I :l i" T"T IFA S37.71-71.5 7:3 e lati lz sty LLa a�-n vrlu•Lrs L, o, rrl 1 IGrI-rn,r. 1.. 11.11n I; I 1.4 4 "1 4 5 "rrr.l. Hewn urrw ..n .i ull.l �. F.ixl....>•111 TI)'1':\I. I.I AIt I1.ITIF_U, lir_ 1:It\ F_� A_\'rl �I'li 1'1.1'Y SSA,ii.30,�19.f I of .tivint Pvul lA1NT 1'AfIL, hII�IN ESOTA Oulo tion A. tiTAh 31. Eh'T (e a 1930 Alnr�lr 4, 1854 Ae ut .MvrcM1 3t, 1934 31,406 l:lt(1�5 ❑ll\111.1) UF:pT� �nun.l Ik.nd.�A Ix�l,t. i29.ibU,(1fX1.0() Irlh,lrla v Imuruvrl.ua.1 Itf�vulv.nat Fna.f I�r,1. f,.0 �w. IleuT-. � E-i3.:ir'.ri.txNl iU IJI!111'Ci IfINv- ' 1uk,all r11nd (('uwh 1.ud F ruritir.t E 9 ),Tr 4 tN yu rr('.i Y Ila,ly.� Ik.u,ly- ruJ IMiurl It.1 .fur }'e _ 1',-aavv..vt luil•a»untn.�it IL.-ul v:i•kU.4 t,ad -"U•(xxl lxl 7. :r vnlueul \,t Ilund..l •. .t%x).[N1 'If.a 4. I)11„i ?-rinv�- Itr.,u..tlu lii r..fNMl.fxlO.l Ml E-. ]) 'I'�n•I. r Itu.utu Ilrwr. _ 11.5.] II E'-'.:3.'zb'2,2^_5.51 Nr ,i nur:J lull,..„usual It,uul..0 lll.... lu.. ,.1 a. S \ll•rRu� fur !alum I�nu�l wul liuru.vl,.1n x -xIt -.11 ,.r111f..1e. IIu1�.ltA ., w.I 10,u•t„n 1 2 t.1 -,21l ,I I1v, \ 1,, .., rul Itunderl Il.-I.t ,.! l t.. � � � lNv2b4U i rui \vlu, In. Ili _ n. rvl ILu..l v.11)..t,t ,1l ,t1. [li.111_N I 111 1 11 Ko p F R'I l k t':,\I 1 'I: 11: 0.13 \'I•I .......... . 1 ,vtl bill , Ina E1i.rili,ltxl v. 2,77 . 1 ."lull .nlu,. r11ni 3�rt)1rv1 \I11\1:\� A\'111'It 1:11I'1'u- 11 ,.f i ill! l,.l. r• , .2111 J-) 1.1 1 \x 9:13t 1 . 14 .1..11.11 A Ai.r .A 1'1(1.. Ix1 ,1 S 1.115 ( lit. 1,2 :('22.11[I \11.1-A'1'ION 17 ., FIr::1.5-1,11.-��111 _S_.1 In On o•1 . 1 Ii�.�.I . roes T.,. II.- :"I in ;loN.ii� Allo , l In Jnn. �1 13. f- -7,17111 1 i 1 nh .............. Ih •1,1111 Itlu- ............. ti., ul llxl„1 14": .\n,..�1nt BIDS IQ:mvn 0a 1200.000.00. 05, IIfPB0VMMT Boy- oFFBeeO FOR BELS 'ffi OISR of SAIaT - 0 Y.t7 15.191 . AY BA-"- p H •tills t+n 6 00. 200 OW.00 3,60¢ 1.100.00 gedss"9iSt-9tnert & Oo. 2. 1.11—Di-IM CamP•n7 phelpe.Fem 6 omcpaoy . 3.75% 2. Soo.00 'ms Yilnanlus CempanF) 3. she First aatioml Bank 3-T5% 2.541.50 of Chios€o 4. u's city oampa-y of asR) To* Ina.. ) , 3.75% 1.176.00 u man d CmsPWW ) 3•T9% TTS.Oo 5. Jnetne F. Loss Co. 1 F. S. CoaeleF 6 Co. ) •64eceseinl Bidder. 971 t;'e:m.ee . Boa:°�a ,oa .°°. ! Ku eaehereio'e Ilnee oraal tt°tbea Council Filc No........... .m .°ice "euvrmae: eamet:nv°wn °er ixa, t7..i orad. saaea, evv.o.ea �a' 19necrina n..�.e been vt Yaetbe vbo.e Im- CITY OF ST, PAUL, Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, ooeta and expenses far ohenging the grade of the west side of Sibley Strost from Th'.rd Street to Second Street, toconform to the red lines on the profile hereto attoohed and made a part hereof, the pr a"at established grades being shown by blue lines t'nerson, under Preliminary Order._. 94.57__, Intermediary Ord,r 93126_.,_ Final Order 933601,..._ approved ...._4&!J6.-..—- 1932 A public hearing haling been had upon the assessment for the about improrcmcnt, olid said assn mcnl hating been furibr considered by the Council, and bauing bash considered finll,v salisfaetorY, be it Illudorc RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is herebp in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. 6E IT �URTHER WOLCED, That the said assessment be and it is herehy determined to be payable M /_._... equel io,tall-ats. MAY 17 193 4 Adopted by the Co -1 __. _._ ___- _ __.19. - Y City Clrra. ApprotalAAY 1 ig31 . N'1- 1` `t' 1*i, b:Ha IT) 1)1' S'I PAI 1, oldli E of '1111: ( PEMISSIONF]i OF PISANI E Report of Completion of Assessment April 18 1 , 34 1!, benefits, damages, costs and expenses f"r lbox changing the grade of the wast side of Sibley Street from Third Street to Second Street, to conform to the red lines on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grades being shoym by blue lines thereon, 92857 93360 11 Aug. 16 32 1110111( Jth,i 1h 4 SI Pau I 11 1 Ih, f •I 'Q9 At'u t of rmvt ,-I, foram; nr.u:i"n _ .45 Damages 13.00 MT,afits 3.00 Toted "[ ,B 1.64 fi"th'I v"t th 1.54 1 1111m111t nl L!,W ,11 r' I 'I 1 1., Int. part nr parrc,I of Lund d] , 11"d b; 11"11T, lin 'aid it, sud in 1i" 'f h I, f r,, I th, n "n th;'t :1, ,, p- I of lat"I inn ! � , "'th th, L•.n •Il' phl , I' a, I tl:at h, I!, m I" I hl tAl'd I'� Ior ng 'r; d th, 1,1111 ( 11111w1111A 11 ad, 1 I h" In ii1, fl, I I,1, ""f' "Id It :I rv,, ,r thrrron u. inn, h, red In the o. 9it., f the ee of t000mu; a-aHHe ea :ve.eca far chaaalna the grate oI Choteworth Council File No _.._.. so6ro�m Dine reaii6�or,'m:a St. to Drente tuned ued mese a lablt<< h �- >� the blue Ila e o orehi rr order I{�. ry Order 96106. ' . -ove0 )ley 9, CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, coots and expenses for changing the grade of Chatsworth Street from Thomas Street to Word Street, to conform to.the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present estab- lished grade being shown by the blue line theroon, under Preliminary Order __.8.9122___ _, Intennediur}' Order _$5106_ � Final Order 95335_.,__. . approved, ,.._..kay_8.... _._ .._ _ 19 33., A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment hating Veen further eonsidered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore rtLSOLVED, That the said aw .—nt he a,d th, semi is her, by i , all respects -ifl,d, avd the dame is horn by ordered to he aobmi tied to the District Court of the t'ountr of namaey for eoefirmation. BE IT RTI{ER. RBS6 'Eil, I a- M id be and ie va hurebr doteer inert to be —.bb ry _.—_ rquel i.—H.-o, ndehled h6 tn. couaeil_ MAY -1 601A- C,Iy cirri. �pY 1? 193A Appro...d _.....__..__ _ In It. SCOTT, rlt� 11.4RE ,I F II[ P A 11, Q 11, I' illI U: i W1 OF PINAN, F Report of Completion of Assessment April 18 11 34 I, the ,o I� , f Ili, it benefits, damages, ooats and expenses f,r 3bIx ohanging the grade of Chatsworth Street from Thomas Street to Lafond Street, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present estab- lished grade being shown by the blue line thereon, 94722 J :l: 1 95106 may 9 Th, I k I l, li of I Bel $4.00 $4.00 1.72 I ,it th .,lt .12 1 1 , I I I III t I o I II III I CeII r of I .,ase— �il"GKt. .n,i e:mie:aem.v waaTtaa 1'nun,il Nile N. n..aam un. o, tot e m mo n..e- „ ' a ar.a. x.mr�.nowa CITY OF ST. PAUI, Resolution Ratifying Assessment h, th, matt,, of th, f b ... fit., damage., coata and exp .... a f°r changing the grade of Alley in Block 11, fling and Chute's Addition Prate the south line of lot 8 to the north line of lot 4, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade beim shorn by a blue line thereon, audit Prellmt.., Order..___ 84021.. _-, Int,rtn,diary Ord,, __.94362 , Final O,d,r 94422_.__... }proDec.20 32 ved_._..., - - 19.. . A public hen ing hr,iog been hod opo. th, rases meat far th, and said ar,ssm,nt I,o,'i.g bean farther considered by the Conned, a.d having bre, —,id—,j fi.ally satis[ectory. be it therefore RESOI,\ ED, That the said au -- be and the sem, is hereby in all respects ratif cd, and rhe same ie hereh_v ord... d to ba—looitt,d to the I)istriet Co.,, of the Io o,, of 1t .—y for confirmation. EE it FII*IIF.R REt;o Ey EU, Tfls6 the said ....¢ ,ot be a.d is is hereby d,termined to b. I.nynhl, in..... �rrfnrl 4astallm,nts. MAY 17 L934 City Clerk. CITY OF 5T. 1,111, Resolution Ratifying Assessment In th, muttrr of the 11',--,nt or b...fit,, damages, ooats and ezpeneea r'' .hanging the grade of Alley in Bl.ok 11, Mag and Chute'. Addition frnn the south line of lot 8 t,. the north line of lot 4, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto atta.hed and made a pert hereof, the present eetablihod grade beim; eh.- by a blue line thereon, under Preliminary Onler...__B4024lutrrmedlury Ordcr. __94469 , Final Ordrr 9,4492.......... approved_.............DB0t.ZQ......._._._1,9 aZ_. 1 public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment hating been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfaetorv, be it therefore RESOVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is herebe ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the C0un1v of Ibamsey for confirmation. 1lJ�lHER IMNOb}'ED, That the said assessment be mud it is hereby determined to he pavahlr is equallnstallments. MAY 171934 ddupled hp the Council ___ _ __ 19 i ICY 17'�'' Cit}' Clerk. dpprmed. __ _ _.. 19 !� ✓f�,4r:,5:.._. __.. _._ lfavor I�rna II 18 r C Cll i C--il Fn, Ne liy CITY OF 5T. 1,111, Resolution Ratifying Assessment In th, muttrr of the 11',--,nt or b...fit,, damages, ooats and ezpeneea r'' .hanging the grade of Alley in Bl.ok 11, Mag and Chute'. Addition frnn the south line of lot 8 t,. the north line of lot 4, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto atta.hed and made a pert hereof, the present eetablihod grade beim; eh.- by a blue line thereon, under Preliminary Onler...__B4024lutrrmedlury Ordcr. __94469 , Final Ordrr 9,4492.......... approved_.............DB0t.ZQ......._._._1,9 aZ_. 1 public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment hating been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfaetorv, be it therefore RESOVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is herebe ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the C0un1v of Ibamsey for confirmation. 1lJ�lHER IMNOb}'ED, That the said assessment be mud it is hereby determined to he pavahlr is equallnstallments. MAY 171934 ddupled hp the Council ___ _ __ 19 i ICY 17'�'' Cit}' Clerk. dpprmed. __ _ _.. 19 !� ✓f�,4r:,5:.._. __.. _._ lfavor I�rna II 18 r C Cll i I I I1 ItI 9'I IIAC11 ,,I 1�1, 1: i,1'IIIb: , WIPIIS�11)'Flt 111' 1 IN,�\( E Report of Completion of Assessment April 18 IP 34 benefits, damages, coats and expenses f,) r ida ohiAging the grade of Alley in Blook 11, bring and Chute's Addition from the south line of lot 8 to the north line of lot 4, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto Itt&ohed and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, '',I : 94024 . ! r 94359 94492 DOq. ZO 32 1h, i1, P."I .......... . dkt--, _ ii f't 'I"', 1.20 .24 ,f f, 1.20 ggr 2.64 2.64 f. 1h, I Ih ' ORDINANCE ' COUNCIL FILE NO. t.0-/csK PRESENTED BY __.� -( " ORDINANCE NO. / An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, entitled "An ordinance providing for all matters con- cerning, regulating or affecting the const—action, alteration, regulation, repar, removal, maint en a. cera use and in spect ton of ali l buldings, walla or stntc- tures erected or to be erected within the limit. of the City of St. Paul far the protection of property - awain.t fire, and for 'ha purpose of securing health ful, safe and sanitary environments for the occunants , of buildinea used for human habitation or otherwise, to compel the owners of such buildings, walls or structure. to alter, reconstruct or o,9lfy the same, or any part thereof, for the purposemaforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of all buildings, wall. or at ruct ur es; establishing fire Jim its, and prescribing the powers and 'ut les of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions; providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repF-.ling all ordi- nances inconsistent herewith. This 1s an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, healti: and safety," approved May 22, 1930, by emending Section 26-7 and Section 16-18, and adding a new section to be known as Section 28-12, relating to plumbing. This is an emer¢ency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, 1—Ith and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance 'lo. 721^, approved May 22, 1930, be and the same is hereby amended by adding to Section 26-7, at the and thereof, the fo11—t— "The State of Minnesota Plumbing Code pre- pared by the State Hoard of Health =hall be con- sidered a a part of this code or ordinance, and shall be referred to ae a minimum requir ane nt, should this C ode not cover all points in ouestion." Section 2. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further emended by striking out 'he last sentence of Section 18-18, and by Snsertina in lieu thereof the following: "Application for the plumbinc permit will only be recognized when bearing the si mature o£ a duly authorized master plumber who has com- I plied with the provisions of the State of Minne- J 1 .A- Iota Plumbing Code and is licensed by :he State Bo and of Healtb." yeas Councilmen .Paye Peered by the Couptii..:. :Hay DLCDoneld In Favor Pee Rosene Truax - _... Against Wenzel blr. President (Meh.—) Appro.'ed: Attest: �. _ City Clerk. _ M.Yor orlrinl to city Cork ORDINANCE l / COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.—.— (2) Section ?. That said Ordinance No. 7210 be and the same is hereby further emended by adding a new section, known as Section 28-12, which shall read as follows: "Section 28-12. Should a master plumber fail to takeout a permit before starting a plumbing Inst al l atlon or within twenty-four Lours there- after (not includine Sundays or holidays), he shall be required to pay double the plumbing per- mit fee required by this Code. If such plumber fails to take out such permit as above set forth, more than twice, he shall be considered guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of at least Ten Dollars ($19.00). Afte: five such viomtione of the provisions of this Code, the license cover - tag such plumber in his pluxbin- activities shall be revoked." Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5. Thie ordl`nance shall take effect and be in force from and after Its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays May /i McDonald Pearce Rosen I Truax Wenzel Mr. Presidept (Mahoney) Attest: City erk Pa ... d be the Council JUN 4 1434 In Facar Against �,� JUN � 1934 N Pl SLI584:0 /i� t Now-MIN", A. ORDINANCE /� COUNCIL FILE NO. PAFSENTED BY-.Gi."!'_ ..._. ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, entitled `o ases- "An ordinance providing for all matters con- oma"e".",.a. cerning, regulating or affecting the, construction, alteration, regulation, repair, removal, maintenance, Vn use and inspection of all buildings, wells or struc- tures erected or to be erected within the limits of the Oity of st. Paul for the protection of property against fire, and for the purpose of securing health- ful, safe and sanitary environments for the occupants of buildings used for human habitation or otherwise, to compel the owners of such buildings, walla or " structures to alter, reconstruct or modify the same, or say part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of all buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Oharter provisions; providing a penalty forthe violation thereof, and repealing all ordi- nances in nconsistent herewith. This is aemergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved May 22, 19?0, by amending Paragraph (c) of Section 3-3 and Section 28-1, relating to gas fittings and appliances. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the pre..rvation of the public peace, health and safety. TETE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance Ne■ 7210, approved May 22„ 1930, be and the same is hereby amended by yestriking out Paragraph (c) of Section 3-3 thereof, and by lnsertin� in lieu thereof the following: "(c) For each domestic gas appliance in- stallation a fee charge of Twenty-five Cents (25,1) .hall be made." Section 2. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking Out the second and third paragraphs of section 28-1, and by substitut Sag in lieu thereof the following: "No person, firm, or corporation shall in- stall any gas piping oa gas appliances in any building or at ructure without first having ob- tained a permit as provided in this Code. "The following special provisions shall apply to the installation only of gas ranges and gas fitting accessories thereto. G Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council _ IZ May H'��— cDonald In Favor Peace Rosen Truax Against Wenzel Nr. President (Mahoney)., P P T -Attest: City Clerk Mayor ORDINANCE f COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY__. _ ORDINANCE NO _ (2) "No such license shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation unless such person, firm or corporation is covered in such activity by a surety bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), which bond shall be approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance. The bond shall be conditioned that the principal or his agents or employes shall install such gas ranges and accessories in accordance with this ordinance, andeaaily damage to person or property resultt%- from failure to conform to the re- quirements of this ordinance in such installation. "The annual license fee for the above license forgas range installers shall be Five Dollars ($5.00), and said license shall expire on the last day of the year of issue. This license shall be issued to such persona only as are qualified both as to ability and experience in the opinion of the Board of Examiners for Plumbers, provided for in Section 16-5 of this Code. "In the case of a firm or corporation employ- ing individual gas range installers, each such in- staller shall be licensed as above provided, but only one bond shall be necessary, which bond shall be taken -Out _by,such a;A oF, corporation .1 "In any case the Deadt necessary to cover the installation of Ruch gas ranges shall be taken out by the Person, firm or corporation maintaining the bond. Such Permit shall be taken out and the fee paid as hereinbefore recuired within forty-eight (hP) hours after the incte.11a- tion has beer. made, .--""RLCP9"4Y70"��Luenmbaa,.},F_• ..r. o..-.-�yeM� '; ! a i to' are used in this section, they shall+ applonl}k to such gas piping connected to gas ranges as are 51-011 or less in length." Section 9. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council JM May McDonald In Favor Pearce Rosen 77uex Against Wenzel pptpplI Mr. President (,Mahoney) q�pe 934 A or d;. Attest: City Clerk McYor 11.Joao /'UBLiSHLD 3. (a) 'No such license shall be Issued to any person, firm or corporation unless such person, firm or corporation is covered In such activity by a surety bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). which bond shall be approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance. The bond shall be conditioned %bat the principal or his agents or employes shall Install such gas raannggee• and accessories In accordance with this ordlneaoe, and any damage to person or property resulting from failure to conforn to the re- quirements of this ordinance in such Installation. "The armual license fee for the above license forgas range Installers shall be Five Dollars ($6.00), and said license shall expire on the last day of the year of issue. This license shall be issued to such persons only as are qualified both as to ability and experience in the opinion of Us Hoard Of Zzoidnens for Pltnebers, provided for in 8eotiou 16.5 of this Code. eta the ease of a firm our oorporation employ- ing individual gas range installers, eaob suoh tow Steller shall be ltoonsed so above provided, but only one bond shall be neoeesary, 01oh bond shall be tsYen ddt br.1n011_'f1rAI 4t oor�oretlon,P 'In any case the permit necessary to cover the installation of such gee rangee shall be taken out by the perssnn fire or cortoration maintaining the bond, Such perutt shall be taken oat and the fee Dotd as heretabefore required within fortyeieht (W heure after the Installa. tion hie been made, "wore 3ns•wao4 Vie. _...�... a ._�.__ too are used in this notion, they shall appij-69y to such gas pt tag comrseted to gas ranges as ars 51-01 or less In lengtb.' Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Seotion 4. This ordinance shall take offset and be in force from and after rte passage and publication. (a) -Ho snob license shall be issued to any Person, fico or corporation unless snob person, firm or corpozation to covered In such activity by a surety bond in the sun of Cue Thousand Dollars (6151=z ora aannd�eieoniaa by theboorpo *tion Oedn„lto mad as to surety by the Commissioner of finance. The bond shall be conditioned that the principal or bis agents or employes shall install stub gas r • and enoaseories in accordance with this ordinance, and any daasge to person or Property Ming from rsilure to confers to the re- quiresepts or this ordinenoe in snob installation. •The annual license fee for the above license forgas range installers shall be nae Dollars (is.00), and said license *ball expire on the last day of the year of Issue. This ltoease *ball be issued to snob Persons only as are qualified both as to ability and experience in the opinion Of the Board of zRaminers for plusbers, provided for In Section 16-6 of Ole Code. sin the case of a firm or concretion employ- ing individual gas range installers, each such in - eller *ball be licensed as above pab►ided.but oKe bond shall be necessary.. v1dob bond *ball out by snob firm or corporation. ft any oas�the Pa !t nsoasee}y to coo vt laLion snob range: all be 4 tb person, ire or orad saiutaini Md. _ 1060 . -where the words 'gas fitSing accessory there - used In y this eection, tbay shall apply only '� l6�-ssuch gleieitnength nlconnected d to gas ranges ae are Section 3. This ordinance to hereby declared to be an eaargenoy ordinanoe rendered ae0e960ry for the preservation of the public peace, bealtb and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall tate effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. C ornortion .,__orn iiuY:.e usr -ou to dra-i ur: in :•:lit_.,. add it'_ona ::d rovisions to ver i.n. sac`ions of tli© `tui t inr code: Crinin; -o �ic,i n .5_3 (c, to ch ;;t i.c nli-tnce"Son '.t £©© e c... of 25 cents s.x _:__ of ._t,..o_ tr i:ce out t?�o s nd d _. ,rd - a of nnu auUsti race intalieu tt._ c reo. tle Colloing -cording: "I!o .n so _ or corn r -:tion s':all instr:ll n;T , pining or s 1:��:1lnnceso in 'ny bu!ld'r r= or stru th_Chou'. .test !.�v _nr- obt,ti ned a e -11t i ded tin s colo. of .; -.e in - No fi o co `i ran-esEll 3 ' �u11 e gage irx%1at— nos f i�s 11 , gjs x, �,3�7­ f;11 o o. ob ti n 1 li- - 3oJ ao to 7o by h n Cori .. .ioe oC Put�li' 3ui 1, iC 070 ouch li a` 11 b t -,T person, f'rm or �•��Son n.1.. uc. : o fir o cor noraL ion Sa cov �n�-j-.-�`t ix".. -moi enf-.. _�.1 l C Y s re 7 Y u.1 li. e fee o£or nli license-P�"a-V L - II be sn siiall x l�z Sr O tt+e 1 da f the ue of -L e] -o rxe^ s� t li d 2p�'���\Ij` u^ 1117 r7 _once I., tri 'b ti±-tio of 3o-r�i i ., Po_ 7'l usll rs nr ov_id e� Cor inctionx of� rco .,ora t.i —i yi- i in ij.�id bc 1 h uc"x:11 _ hn17. cor od t,vovP rry i,l eel but o and 1-11 bb nee- �c Y - c1: oond :ll. rt en c.�.� cor0. ', is ece:; - t , the firn i: tion I tel re s1 -1l o t - i out b L1.e^on, cor, ..ti i ,7 t?- U d. ^'1 "..h t1:e de 'I , c es or tt,si et o tion h " used secte;{ " a}" 11 -1y 1y c onx.e ct o.l to „ rm s n, a, e 5'-G" or le ss cli.n� length. 9_v0_�___ Inca �t -, ..­ suction ?mo:;n is Z—tion 2912, to re:+d ns fnl- Iti i i'nhir� sl 1 i:�1'-r cable Ir -ib i ........ i t .t t _ nbc f ortn _. _ h e�L of srl <�m=,norj —b. ,joa� .i acne of ��: le�ia t•, 'Pen.Joll"rs ( ). ,.ft• fvo s tol•.t ions of of ti� code, the License c erino _nl ir,9 ern in ._s _.-1,'nahnll be ^.- vo ,^,dd to '�ec'1_n ?[:-7, the words: t�Jc to o1 ' L:in 71tun l:,:. ';ode .-_;. by '. tot�,o- t}iis colo c _ ._ noo n1'. hr rofeel L Ch -:e it, ' +.;t se-�t once �„er n 1:-1d to follows: 1 c, -ion _ ti.e +tin ed "Mian be .ri n -.. t.mo t} of 1 1'l++r.l-' -od . tii_ .....�� ,o .� _-- . r1i. to ._en ino �C?.eero �. ncil Cor cons is ,�. on. C o�v'�7 s�i neer ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY �� _CC� /.'. l�-`_ ORDINANCE NO.— An O. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, entitled "An ordinance providing for all matters con- oemiag, regulating or affecting the construction, .1terat ion, regulation, repair, removal, maintenance, use and inspection of all buildings, walls or atruo- tures erected or to be erected wl thin the limit. of the City of St. Paul for the protection of property agalnet fire, and for the purpose of securing health- ful, safe and sanitary environments for the occupants of buildings need for human habitation or otherwise, _ to compel the owners of such buildings walls or at'etnres to alter, reconstruct or modify the same, or any part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and ` to prohibit unlawful nlawful use or occupancy of all buildings, walla or structures; establishing fire limits, and pre soribi ng the powers and duties of the Comml.eloner of Public Building. in conformity with the Charter provisione; providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing all ordi- nances lnoonslstent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neceseary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved May 22, 1930. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and e afety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930, be and the same 1s hereby amended by striking out the fourth para- graph of Section 25-1, sad by inserting in lieu thereof the follow- ings "Nothing in this code shall be oon- strued to apply to gas piping installed by the gas utility company upon or in connection with its own properties or to gas service pipes, gas meters, and immedi- ate connections thereto." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. a� fl JUN 4 Yeas Councilmen Noy, Passed by the Council 1934 May McDonald In Facar Pearce Rosen Truax Against Wenzel Mr. President (Mahoney) N�JIM 1I11^^nn/I Attest:A—d ity Clerk la,, 'a"n "•,e CITY OF ST. PAUL N- 0 O. `y ALJ Jil ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE L-LJT` ON—GENERAL FORM S S. No. Hti�G HEga m ed4 M e sEorvEYn Ile�etg Rs or m "on ev]e'• Il�au I Bo teen unGV 6furn v VHERX" Clyde Zgen has made application for an eon sale - liquor license :a dct has paid the requiqui red fee and furnished the proper bond; and RHERMAG, the License Oommittee has reooaccended that snob •on sale' liquor license be Zranted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby author— ized and directed to issue such license to ■aid applicant for the premises described in the application; be it rSRSR=R RE80LVSD, Shat the bond of said applicant, in the stn of $3,000.00, shish has been approved as to fora and execution by the Oorporation Oounsel, be and the same to hereby approved, and the City Clerk le instructed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller. COLIN"ILMes Adul,teJ by the C',--il_AA nv__ 1_7_1h�$_ 193._ _ In ravor l��ea MAY 1 7 ly3a_ ls3_ �j ilrY CJ_FXN ` V• / o.ia,, •� un v�. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUN :IL RESOLUTiotr IS"ERAL FORM h RESOLVED ..•. purchase, with toe MAY 17 'P'2d Adopted by O,e cln,nca_ 193. - vAy 19 1934 193 Y- ter— w,,ael VIr. Presld—t \b•honey �.. MAY 17 'P'2d Adopted by O,e cln,nca_ 193. - vAy 19 1934 193 u.ie��.l .o u.. u..• CITY OF ST. PAUL .�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM oMM �s o�ER ���G l/e oAT u }. 1 __ RESOLVED ':::: - .. _ N.Y, /--1 Aal,pt,d by u,, ( ,,-a_MAY 17_j934 sa_ i 1'rura' - ]n favor �pruved _.. 193. . P-°. w.•����I Agoi-t al aur em a.n JS r. I'rr.eid.i�t Jlnhoncy �- CITY OF ST. PAUL r�. " NO. :.i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU tt RESOLUTION— GENERALRM FO PeE=ENTEo� �� "�-� Whereas, James W. Jordan, Engineering Clerk of the Department of Public Work■ o1 the City of St. Paul, will be incapacitated and unable to perform hie duties for a period of from May 22nd to Jun. 21at' 1934, inclusive, and Whereas, The Commissioner of Public Works has recommended that James i Jordan be and is hereby granted a leave of abs enc. for disability with pay from May 22nd to June 21st, inclusive, said leave being in compliance with paragraph S. Section Al of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper City authorities be and hereby are authorized 4o grant a leave of absence for James W. Jordan from May 22nd to Sune 21st, 1934, Sn elusive, with full pay. I "1'rilna - A-i—t �I Ad,,,—i 1, w, C---, MAY ] 7_. ua k„pruved 114Y 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. !'8804 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Mrnisi a L. _..W ✓ DATE RESOLVED That the application Of the Triangle 011 Company for permission to maintain a bulk g -s 011ne station on Lots 1 to 5, Block 1, Hillis V-itton, -1s0 known as o. 7a9 Mendota street, be and t^.e same is hereby granted, the tanks and pump to be installed Sr. accordance with the ordinances Of the City of 9t. P-,ul, '-.-� under t.e airectior -.n. to the s'tisf=eti- Of tY.a Coni -i Oner of :utlic 3.fety. I'HUN( '.I L.%f [:N r,vu> Ag,, -t .M .» Al,. rr,,"d,,.1 AI„1,„���y A,1(,p d I,p w,: 0,,,-1 MAY 7.7 Ink m:i Ad. n�oy,� Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE "- "OF ABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL - ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA AYPLI<:P TION Is Hereby Made /9/k Kay 9th, 19?4. The Tri,nele 011 Co, -any desire, to 1n,t,ll a b,1, --line fillinc ,t,,tion �t 759 !,rdote Stru=t, 1., ted on lot,, 1 to .lock 1, Dille Addition, on lend 1,—ed from the Smit-,ry Pnrm Teiries, Inc. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.piu,l of mi—— DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth end Min-- Sa— �� � McDO��A�D, Cc�runissic>we May 12, 19.',4 Mr. Willirw F. Scott, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Herewith is report of inspection by t.'e Bureau of Fire Prelention an the npplJoeti— of the Triangle oil Co. far Fexmlesion to instal e bulk gasoline at.tion on Lots 1 to 5, Block 1, Hills Addition, also knom as 709 Msndota Street. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepltel of Minne,om DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth end Mi--- S-- UIiN Mayl2th.1934 A oa.John A-3So Do Wald O omni as ion er of public Safety. St-Pau1e]Sian- Dear Sir: Ya regard to the application of the Triangle Oil Oo. Por perms Baion to install a bulk gasoline station on Lots 1 to 5 131-1c 1, H111s Addition., also known ae 799 MAndcta Street. There wri11 be 1 pump and 2 tanks of 17100 gallons capacity each and these tanks will be buried. we have investigated the foregoing and report that au 11 as inatallation at the desired location wodld not increase the Pi=e hazard to the extent that it would warrant refection. Respectfully yoprs, chief Inspector.' Fire Department. THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA COURT HOUSE May 14th, 1934• Mr. 'Nm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir In the matter of application Of the Triangle 011 Company for a bulk filling station Thi at s89 sMend to St. Plans and layout are attached. side of Mendota St. on Omaha trackage, north of west Fauquier St. This property 1s zoned for Heavy Industry. Mendota St. is a stub -end street ending at the Omaha tracks. The capacity of the proposed two tanks is 17,100 gallons each. They are to be submerged tanks covered with earth. The plans comply w itb Underwriters' Su Specif Industrial Districtch rwhen c mply- missible in a Heavy Ing with the Underwriters' Specifications if itdoes not interfere with any industrial use previously established stabth liyheachnusee prey ouslvicIn y established,a it the theot ip ermitre should be granted. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engine er 9ecretary- gh-rh i ! _. - - � 4FA�L'Y �-��I -- ' - - - - _ _ .. - � _ � :', � Q _ .� - �. °_ � � _�Tio ^c __� �� E c - o -tom: I .. � J A. , . -. - -'. - Fi{�'E tiVDRh NT���9 _ - - -- I I i - --— _ i �I —� ---------------- ---- �� _ i - - i - ,_ � - -,-- r i ------ ! ! � - I \ � � '\, 1 - ( - - I - 1 5-r o �Y ^� T r v c�K 5 J ., r -. _ i � _ 1 ' ' � _ _ Si_, CF- �t,I ALLS—Fit Ai1E �'_�OF i - I '. _ i� I 1 I I I I - I __ .f i I —__—_.___—__—_—_. --_—_.______-____._.___—..____.—______ � i I: _ I I Q � 1 �_ I ( A I I I ' L �� � - MEW FENGE Li1iE ��_ --- — - ---- IY�-- � -0 - I Gr�NGI;=TE _ - - ' -_. .. -. - o.u�eel .v cin a..k CITY OF ST. PAUL ,ire N. :l/ti�krJ- /I ��j�N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V ✓ _ CIL RFSO ION -GENERAL FORM com rrv0-1 e� F . 9ieo6—ns iL c. weneel c Re"olve. TFoten iDe •14` �teie ieiT+ -- RESOLVED mmol R o' n t a iovlvt That Permieeion be aad ie hereby granted to the Tri -e tt. tion. Telephone L Te le greph Co. to mak. the exo ley underground conduit with --y"......=12 end leeteral pipe, --eating the int eraeativg atreete sad alley' a the followi`g named etreetet On Maryland Street from Iii„iaeippi to Forest St. Work to bo done under the di—ti” sad to the ,ati,f.otion of the "Commia.ioner of Publio Worbe°O1the Tal P tioa� to pay the -.t of iaepeotioae eng ing m publion Approved•of lSghting eau �j / / Approvadt 9L� �- !C/i Mata �/ ��/�T up .o � g• / Approvadt Co7»Sae//ioa--erof Parka & Playground, Approved!/ D"te Code�amr of io COt WILME NI 1 t'e,s -hfnv ��4ndd lljf/ �nin.� ARnin?t /'Ir Frt nIr tt \tab inry C .,;.I: . ant •v Adopted b) tl (<ivecil. _ 1934 __.. 199 _ i I MAY t,^ W 2 199 OLUTION .o...�.r��e Payer usi-io°emo� 4i,C as1 ,o, 4 May th 5 - RESOLVED, THATI TREASURI�,T THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $-2 ,6-5.76 Tj INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS EOVERING CHECKS NIIMREREO .3740 TO $ ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. MAY 171934 / — �— AooPT�o Na. cAL� COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS May 15th 34 30 AM 17 1934 EAS.�740o T°E 4!SC o pcV E' yt A�TOTAL N°MeE" IN FAVOR OF SHEET TOTAL-FORw 18 499 00 214 339 351 r 18 489 001; 184 095 17- 4 9533 • 7780 Fd, J. 9auerweln Sam Al esso 5 00 65 8� 3791 3792 Lee–Hoff Mfg, Company 760 7, 3793 W,F,SmithUBattery Company 67 15 3794 Generator specialty company 3795 Tisa M. Obst, county Treasurer i3 434 9T Ram eey County, 9t.Pau1, Yiaa. 3796 Lawrence A. soler. Cashier 44 44 Water Department � 3797 The Van Hoven Company,Inc. 104 o, 1798 Milton Rosen, 0, of Finance (13 89 3799 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 1 697 10 3800 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 2 600 89 3801 Milton Rosen, 0, of Finance 55 OOi 3802 Milton Rosen, C. Of Finance 681 06 3803 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 2 151 281' 3804 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 41 67 3805 Johnson-9obeffer Drug COMPF47 123 00', 3806 Victory Printing Company 2500 3807 Dr. Adolpb H. Abrens 65 00 lgng Dr. Frank H. Alexander 17 73 3809 Anothecary Sbop 298 15 3810 Bethesda Hoeoital 3 3811 Brown and Day 24 00 3812 3913 Dr. Edward I. Brown Drs, Cbatterton & Von der Geyer 28 00 164 00 3814 Dr, A, Christiansen 17 50 3815 Diagnostic X -Ray Laboratory 18 00 3816 IT. George A. Geist 16 00' 3817 1)r.J.T. Holcomb 8.00 3918 nr. 4.W. Ida 44 GO 3819 Dr, George F. Kelley 2 25 'x820 Wm. A. Rohnke 16 00 x821 4ugust F. Kroll Chatles T. Mill-rphy Hospital, Inc. 125 60 5 00 38232 "5824 The Ohio Chrmioel & Mfy Company 25 00 z5 00 3825 Dr, 4rthur A. Pedersen 31 On 3826 Dr. A.J. Pr endergaet 15 no 3827 or. George R. Rubberg 19 50 • 3828 3829 Drs, Ryan and Ryan 9t.Lukel8 Hospital Or, Ed+ard 9ohone 24 50 15 00 3930 3831 Dr. Harvey Ogden skinner 28 00' 0n 3832 Dr. George W, Snyder D0 3833 Drs, F.G. & 0.9. sterner 16 00 3634 Dr.F.C, Swanson 97 00 3835 Dr. F.L. Webber 7 00 3836 Dr. Frank TbitmOre 19 00 3837 Arthur Williams '- 27 00' 3938 Dr.R.C, Wold _._ 4 00 1939 Pre. 2lmmerman & Hullsiek 13 50, '. 3840 Cudehy Packing Company 120 91 7841 Roughton–Mifflin & Company 1 00 3842 Illuminating Engineering Society 12 691 3843 Inter City Paper Company 36 81', 3844 YORP.sPon–St.Peul Erug Company 3945 The Macmillan Company 24 3011 SHEET TOTAL-FORw 18 499 00 214 339 351 r � i I ou rL icAre ro circ ci.c IOUICIIIEN ROLL RK cin c o. s......�.. C- of THE �o 1RO­R ricE N0. r COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS May 15 1134 t1AY 17 1934 9��,...nE.s°". s "°rn eEn TOTAL IN FAVOR OF r /I xv sank BROUGHT FORWARD 18 4g9«100 p 214n339`35. S 3846 Al. T. Pennlg, Supt. 10 00 3847 J.George Smith lP8 77 3848 Lang= & Johnson 15 00 40 3849 Lamprey Products Company 1 !' 3850 Cha=. 'I. Doane ''Fhite 10 7276 00 09 h 3851 3853 Blue & Cab Company Alex 74o 90 3854 M, Dickson2 Fl lx !!. D Milton Rosen, C, of Finance Finance 11 563 7 887 71 03 3855 3856 Milton Rosen, C. of Milton Rosen, C. of Finance Finsnce 231 2 353 39 72 3857 3858 Milton Roe en, C, of Milton Roa en, C, of Finance 1 207 2 65 75 90 ,2 9 M11ton Rosen, C. of Finance Chemlcxl Seise & 9af.ty Company 23 41 3860 H. Mitch 243 55 861 Mrs. Bank 41 09 2862 First national 43 20 3863 3864 Harry Kaplan Milton Rosen, C, of Flnsnce 4 249 31 3865 rdria L. wlndingetad Comnany 10 89 Od 94 3866 3867 Fuel 011 & Gaa DSspstoh-Pioneer Press Comnany 11 31 3868 Ludwig Metzger 250 00 ! 3869 L=nders-Morrison-Christensen Co. 222 6 91 3870 F.N. Amundsen 18 3871 G. Baglio 94 54 3872 Blombergls Grocery 91 J.B. Bonbright Comoany 1 4 403873 3874 9,C. Boyeeon Company 56 3875 Bucka Brothers 11 97 3876 Burroughs Adding 1laohlne Company 11 75' 1811 Camera Shop 15 00 1878 J.W. Coakley 11 84 3879 Commonwealth °leetric Comnany 33 38 3880 Co-op. Lsundry Company 36 51 3881 Dainty Products Comoany 6T 3882 ounnvR Fairway Market 8 90. 3881 ?ast side Grocery Comnany 8 87 25 4o, 3884 el eotrio Blue Print company Farwell, o=un, %irk & company 136 66� 3885 Mercantile Co. 3886 3887 Hancock—Nelson Griggs, Cooper & Company 13 95. 38884. 3889 3890 P. Hersohler Factory R,w, Rruby Johnson Printing Come Rny 74 10 196 26 59: 50�, 3891 F.H. KI eln 7 65' 1892 R.J, Ll lly Comnany 10 71 7893 MCF ad den -Lembert Comnany 516 79 3894 Malloy Grocery 3 29'. 3695 M,M, Meto 'if 11 05 3696 Morelli Brothers 3 21 3897 Michaud Brothers,Inc, 51 85 a sHFeT19 489 00 250 596 9 NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS may 16 34 AMY 17 ,c,4 3x98 9 oM - TO7AL ' "u.oca IN FAVOR OF c..rc Ks c"e�ws 18 489 Doi, 250 f 586 96 ® 3898 Audrey Gordon 916 67 250 00 3894 3900 Nathan A. Johnson Carbons Brothers 250 00 3901 Bay Davenport 18 00' 3902 Peilen & Peilen 57 72' 3903 J.T. Psisert 9 151 3904 3905 Pioneer Electric Company The Printshop 330 3906 Pure Oil Company 438 22'� 3-07 O.w. Rohl and Company 1 92'. 3908 9t.Pau1 Book & Stationery Co, 366 q8 421 3909 3910 9t Paul Book & Stationery Co. 9t.Paul Machine Works 286 17 50, 3911 3912 Andrew 9ohooh Grocery Company Andrew 9ohooh Grocery Company 69 90 5 3913 9ohula Grocery 14 �j 3914 Tzi—State Tel. & Tel g. Company 231 14 '915 Tri—State Tel. & Te19. Company 157 36', 3916 TwSn Cl ty 9 frlgerntion Rpr.B. 20 53 1 3917 yondra�e Grocery 20 26 91 88 3918 3919 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance Hilton Rosen,C, of Finance 27 594 784 70 ;920 Geo. Lasarcff 10 00 x921 L.D. MCHunn 20 00 3922 Ch arl as Jellnsk 10 00 3923 Ed. Schwartz 28 35' 1i 3924 George 9ndeith 28 oo� 3925 Northern state: Power Comp en Compan� 35 16 b72 24 3925 3927 "ort9t :tea Power Northern States Power Company 1 043 28 928 Air Reduction Sales Company 6j3 1929 Ahlberg BearSng Company 9 7b 1930 Mlle—Ohalmere Mfg, Company 8 15 1931 The American Boy 8 ' 3932 American Gas Accumulator Co. 78 00 3933 Amerioan Law Book Company 7 50 3934 Amkniga Corporation 2 50 3935 Art Digest 5 on 3936 Asbestos Products Corporation 179 90 3937 Auto Engine Works 12 90 3938 3939 Automatic Electric M1g.Company Badger Meter Mfg.Company 31 62 305 11 • 3940 Beok Duplicator Sales Agency 10 21 3941 The Belmont Corporation 20 30 3942 9. Berglund Lumber Company 102 35 �r 1943 Blackie & Son 15 58 8 38 1944 3945 Bloch Publishing Company Horco1 LRboratorles 40 00 3946 9. Brand Coal Company 234 55 3947 R.J. Brings & Company 64 30. 3948 Campbell & Leunig. Inc. 1 3 90 - 3949 Capital Ioe & Fuel Company 15 00 3950 Oapitol Trunk & Bag Company 4 90 3951 Alan Cary Company 21 35 3952 J.I. Daae Company r.. 6 00 3953 Ceder Rapids Tng. Company 1 06 3954 Certified Ioe Company a 15 00 SHEET rorAL-FORwARn 19 40 00 305 700 93 � =�wu�mci.r CITY OF ST. PAUL " N. OFFICE OF THE CITY C COUNCIL RESOLUTION xo BxflB� H; 8 Wnerem.-wM1ie-� eM1 RESOLVED _ _ ;• _ -.-- Whereas, addition. which might prove to be necessary in the im- provement de.cribed a. the curbing of BriThall Street from 7efferson St., to Palace St., Standard Stone Co., contractor, have been provided for I. the specifications, and unit price. therefor have been stipulated in the contract, and ditloat- Whereas, it has been Sound necessary to make the following ad- 7.9 lin. ft. of Standard Straight concrete curb ® .45 $3.55, and Whereas, the total addition 1. $3.55, now therefore be it Resolved, that the City Council hereby approve. the aforesaid work done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in socordanee with the specifications therefor, the net addition due to same not to eaceed the sum of $3.55, to be added to the lump sum consid- eratio¢ named is the contract known me Comptroller-. Contract y.3815 for the making of the aforesaid improvement for the reasons hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stip- ulated in said contract. The department of Public Work. has agreed with the contractor, Standard Stone Co. that the sum of $3.55 is the reasonabl total addi- tion to be made to the said contract. on rac or of Pu e CounterBigned Comptroller Yee.=�a3"-� / A.I.T t d 1, t - >� chc C'uu��cil_ ��.-��.— linr- �,,, �A$,y /1'rem� �. In Cnvcr A,)....... I �fioarn ^1 7, /R'en rrl Tlaynr .r a-v 1(I r. 1'r�.rvi�l�•nt \7al�unr>' CITY Cl_gHK l CITY OF ST. PAUL No, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENEF2AL FORM '__Teo er May 17, 1934 RESOLVED In the matter of constructing Monolithic Concrete Sidewalks on West Seventh Street from Smith Avenue to St. Clair Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 97014, approved December 21, 1933, and Final Order C. F. 97225, approved February 6, 1934• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner O£ Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. ka VB o MAY I"( 1934 CODS1 ll.)LI:N y— 1n.. Ad,,I—d l,3' the C:——!fl.._ __._. __ ___- 193___ i mak^ / / a ��+� L �� Aq34 Iii f��v it 11i i�ru vcd. I93 'AKn i�+t Mn�. uuwl.�cll CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GE RAL FORM e o or � owT EAaY 11, 1934 co H� May ----- RESOLVED In the matter of moving Ornamental Light Standards on West Seventh Street from Smith Avenue to St. Clair Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 97014, approved December 21, 1933, and Final Order C. F. 97225, approved February 6, 1934• Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are 'hereby approved. ., �a wvu ave I h. 19111. vp i� ('()ll\['fl.\11:1 l rax Nn) / �* In Llvnr �2oeen n �7'nldr /l ,\Knins't /1Yrnzcl °r °_v /\I r. Prrsdrnt �I nLunr�. 7 Adopted by the CnunoiLMAY A .- - 193 — MAY fid Appmvcli _ ___ 193.._ M ny nr COUNCIL RESOLUTION as—�L_i�s_ A=sold *. the Col:nc _' b-; the ht_ -It C—ittee er 2 jds the Vc �,- t c �yfor r,av r '!lest ,c c_ .ni+`i nE ,e1e t- Cls3 nr he—tc r� O,ntrec' in accori__;c= ,A.i..z r�� r_3 Pio tto e to the of ,h`.>a, ca.'�.rl -, r.,. the _—e_ for- _. �ntr-ct ther-f — V1\ e I to ��'C�wxsx vcrxoxi� ' wooro...a az`.>•r`ri xa-x safe .r xi. x a4. E"M.rE�r �....,o..E E". ..r✓tilr � No .o eiM..,.+..o .o.. �o.r o. r..�s �...."or...ErT .9 wo�..o..a. i:zee.sMS+.e.,.rE .o E"opo �s�..E coos .. 58.340.70 Federal Aid E:_t. $21,000_^O 38.040.00 MAY 17 t934 _ h CITY CL&RH Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT sr wnAar ovnev.. end .• rooeut r• ne tall ve rmr', PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' The uvder.igned h, -by propose. the making e[thafolluw-iug publicimprovement by the City of Sninl P.ul, vin.: Constructing a sewer in the alley adjacent to lots 16 to 22, inclusive, in Block 1, Ufton Grove Plat 1, from California Avenue to a. point 25 feet south of Larpenteur Avenue. feted this 15th der of may, .1934 i,men. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the foilowing improvement, via.: Constructing a sewer in the alley adjacent to lots 16 to 22, incluaive.,.. in_ Block. 1, Ufton Grove Plat. 1, from California _.Avenue to _a .point.. 25 feet south of Larpenteur Avenue. hewing been presented to the Council of the City of Sn-ot 1'.ul therefore, be it RESOLVF,D, That the Commissioner of Public Works be end ie hereby ordered nod di—ted: 1. To investigate the vece..ity for, or desirability of, the making of .aid improvement. 2. To investigate the v,t,r,, extent end anti mated coat of said improvement, and the tote] coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To .tate whether or not said improvement is -ked for on the petition of three or more ownere 5. To report upon .11 of the foregoii.g��yymvttere W the Commissioner of Fin.nce. Adopted by the Council_... pRt...1.7.. -93d Yens NAY. Cou ncilmav �.4F• Yewece Ros 1'ecex Ma Psaerveerr .Approved.... _A -M I'p..s-43;t.. .... M.yor. C until File No. ,�.��/1_f• PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT iouo:m°s` Pmm Jormr eoe, end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uuden.ig-1 hereby prop... a the making of the following pu blit Im provcmeet by the City of Saint Paul, vi— end end tsklnd 'n e�sem ant for the purpose If constructing enri maintaining a public e•n er �n, ender .and .,crass p•aperty of the `Annes.�tr Tr>:nsfer i-ailnay tsmny. 'Cite said a cement sn;,11 V a strip of I u t—ty (CC) feet in vidth,e the center lln� of .vhlch sl.„li t. 460 feat act of r=n1 pa palls! t� the west li:,a Prior ^v^nae from Univ 'r sl ty !venue to a ,, ,, on e .ine 5'J feet northeasterly of :n'- p"rallel to the northeasterly Lane �f the Chicago, Milv:eukee, :t. Paul and Psci'is Psil— y 'o'ou•.ny right of ay, thence sou theesterly en,'. re.11el to the northeasterly Line of the C!:lcego, t111zeukec,e F. PLLL1 _r•- c'-Y1c h. r.LL-ry right of v.ry to Frior 'v f, n-emn Lng ,,,I taking an et,sement for the r u;d— �,f c ust—u ting end maintaini :g a public sevrer on,Iner rad across property of the Minnesota. 'rrensfe- ;.ny. rhe s easement shall be -,tri; of I�nto-ty (2D) feet in width, the center iia-rt.hich - _ 46J feet west o and oerallel to the westlln- rr1nue from University 1—nue to e point I in 501' feet north-''t— r'y o" and parallel to the northeasterly line of the 'hScago, siilwau— .t. rain end ic nellway Gom ;�e.ny right of •-y, thence southeasterly and _,a ro11e1 to the north e:este:�y lime of the Chi^_zoo, s11'_'^c uk e=, F,. Paul ^nd pacific F.'ilxay right or —y to Prior „venue. v Adopted by the Council_ _ MAY_ I? 1934 Yene N— Councilmen-Ntrr' A pproved.......'16'.... i..wwp.......... ... _. PeAnos x Per— m P art Datedthie 1st _day o[ _ oAarcn_, 19 j4 y9a-� p PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written prupoaal fur the making of the following improvement, vie.: '�on�'emn ingnd taking sn easement for the purpose of constructing ani ain tr'ining a public seer on and=_r �.nd e cr>ss ;,roper ty of the Mlnnesot.. 'L'ran s_'e: ..a 11 nHy-gym suy• ,he sai3 asentent shall ' _ , strip of 1, n' tw.e^ty(2C) feet it widths the center lin- �£ ahi cY, wast of snd eral lel t� the west Lin= University F.v nue to oint �n a tin eo 50 feet north =tar.Y a` and parallel to the northeasterly line of the Chicogo, :uilwau Keep Wit. i'oul snd ra ci tYc n�i Lway Com ��eny right of "Y, !h=nce soutri eQ s ter ly Ind ".ralleIto the north es ste:.y li^e of Che Chi ca ��, M11-TruiceeI St. P2u1 an? Ps cific r.�1 ;,':y ri?ht of 'sy to Prior—1-nue. v - Adopted by the Council___.. MAY 1-7 1934 Y.— Nwra Councilman'-M'Ic'Q- Rom pxaEN NY Ma_ Pn.seinsxr Approved. ,}01 �..'.. _..... _....__ i C..<-.. .. _... _...._....... _... ._... - Mayor .S /'7 - d -/ having been preeented to the Council of the City of Sni-t Panl therefore, be it I2FSOI.V N:D, uhlic \\'orks be and is hereby ordered and directs That the Commissioner of P 1. To investigate the necessity fur, or cl—irnhility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for en the Petiti f Fins—,on o[ three or more owners. 5. To report upon s11 of the foregoing _,[Cera to the Commissioner o f/ Adopted by the Council....AY..lq..14...... Y.— N— Councilman-M'xT' ,�................ .... �- APproved,j .......pv Pmm RosaxE � •e.�c. is rza Ma Pasarnaxrr (,M � / 7 �� .� Co—il Fil, ,,,, r3 � i Ji 15 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT .a _ h �etmrn t Pmn set. end e o PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby propose the making of the following public improvement by the City of'St. Paul, vtz_. _.. ._Reconstruct with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the West side of Minnesota St, beginning 52 ft. North of Ninth _St., thence 43 ft. .North to. building including driveway, further 100 ft_._ North, thence 25 ft, North to driveway, 10 _ft, wide. Dated this 15th day of May 1� Co 'Iman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of Rte following improvement, i,,: Reconstruct with_monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the West side of Minnesota St. beginning 52 ft. North of Ninth St., thence )Q ft. North to buildingincluding driveway., further 100 ft. North, thence 25 ft. North -to -driveway, 10 ft, wide. having been 1--d to the (-d] of the ('ity of St_ Paul therefore, be it RE<()L. Er), That the (-om tvb,ner of Public Works IM and is hereby orclerevl and directed, I. To ins stigzte the necessity for, or desirability d, the making of said imymvernent. 2. To Im sugars the net tent and estimated mst of said impro,em ,and the total cost thereof - 3_ To furnish a plan, prnhle or sketch of said improvemem. 4. 7'o state h,the, or not said improvement Is askul fnr e -n th ton of or re nu ners o petit' three more 5. To relwrt upon III of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. :\dnpted by the Council MAY 17 Yens Councilman i6ui.— IfAy qq ApprnveA A I 1q34 � rt:naca __--- Roaex / ala. ranat�a�T tdaye.. "�ni mpl. n. MC(,.-. crFv c �,i i�. vnerm..eea.es�wwre. nems. . �: `vma., COUNCIL FILE N0.__. _........ ........._..._.. .. By..._.._._._._..._..._..__..... ._....__.... _..... _._... CITY OF ST PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assssment Of benefits, damages, coats and expenses for gradin,-, paving, oonetruoting n ant aid -walks, or re onetructing existin,. side- on.on walks, codne den d�,orr extend ad bytCngF 91640,aapproved, Feb.t9e, 193E ug streets Openfros, North St. from Seventh St. to North St., Bedford St. ve- from Ueoatu rt5ttotoeReaneyS , Decatur St. from. Bedford St. to Payne Ave., Paye St., North St. from neat line all of be,- workto in Blude curb blandSt. pe.ving from Decatur St. to Beaumont St., wo appr... allay and driveway approaches, reooustructing sidewalk hes, where pea es sary, m t at maine oonstructior or reoanst—tin sewer, water end gas couneatioee inowatermains, sewers, to property linea where n oeesary, making all necessary Bhang and appurtnnanoes, layingconduitfor traffic signals, and all other work neoessery to said improvement, -1 a. includiry_ construction of a Bower on North St. from a point opproximstely B ft wset of Bradley Ste to the east in tineof s out Beast 1 of theca's Addition, than.- easterly on ansae the area northwest } of Section J2, Town 29, Range 22 to Phalen Creek, also grading between the proposed pavement and the right of way of the Northern PaciCi. Railway Company from the north line of lot 7, Oreve'e Rea•rangement to the southwest line If oftP51 block -.from Rennes St to 96 ft.oeboth and changing s.uthradehe as e 0' ReannytStide from 5S ft. West of Payne Ave. to 27 ft. at of Payne Ave., and of Preble St. from Beatrmont St. to 140 ft. north, end of the Alley in Block 3, Irvine's Soon- Addition to ,ad ml Sae1 27s oa thetproPil profile. h of �er et Ont tattaohed audsm-da afpart he�rheof;talso gradin p, and to she reconstructing sidewalks on desahebad alley and widtstrehandtofwroadwthina oshalldrre aete to said rod linea when established; Bedford Bt. and Deoetur St. from E. follower A roadway 56 ft. wide on Bradley St., Seventh St. to Payne Ave., the canter line f which is the center line of Bradley St. e widened under Final Order C. F. 91640, a rowed Feb. 9, 1882, from Savemh St, to a point 75.8 feet south of the center line of pkin. St. than.. on s curve to the right of 640 ft. radius tangent to last described line for a distance oP 175.96 tt an ne on e curve to th ri:J,t of 403.56 ft. radius tan;;-nt to last described curve for a distance of 61.05 ft., tineas on a tan:; ant to last ...orlbed curve a distance of 53:.96 ft., thence ons urve to the riq'nt of 540 ft. radius tangent to last des- ribad line fore distance of 431.01 rt to a point on the Beater line of Joantur St- ft widened ender aforesaid Cddn.Il file, thence an the said center line of Decatur St. to Payne Avo.P also a 27 Pt. roadway on Bradley St. extending from the above dos.ribed o adway tc tin crasser north orb lire of North St. and bounded on the west by aline 12 ft. east of and parallel to rho west line of Bradley St -I also a roadway on North rth by tha t north from2the vest line of Bradleycobbled n5tr et oothB aforesalin id 66nft. rr oadneyb the elaandN lying nth St. between these 27 ft. roadways and the 56 ft roadway previously described herein to be curbed. graded and parked{ also the aforesaid 56 ft ,-curb line 12 ft 011 Bout he aeterly t'no ar.:1, xeaterly curb line on Bedford St. and s naw o of and parallel to the northwesterly line of Decatur St., ,aid widening; of roadway t� extend southerly from Decatur St. to the intaeeectu b Pio ronnB edfordt5tly line Of the eforee aid 56 ft roadway and the pro: w c r p-_'. approximately 74 ft. eruth �f Col line St .; also the roadway oa Prabla St. Pram �ac,tur St, to Baewm Jnr 3 all �2 ft. also the randwey an Payne Ave. be- wide;rrsc. Mehar.a sc. shall be ■',fib e.: - .aa.n.n. n reedw:.va �m eCtp.�ac �{aatt3Swdtorh lying n-FRYIIe ( I` 91 'bt UQ r 0 lep. 'g & V� w4a'* 4 M h 011V `:'Paq T10!Dc;r#w, Peh, under Preliminari, Order 84217 Intermediary Order____... 94666 Final Order appro'd 19 rh, ,sdamages.,oostp end_ oxpnses- N, end it, nnne,t— ,,ith the Ilb— Ih C'In'—!, -] CII -d fimn I the 'al'i ---lt therefor.. b, I RE,ll)INED, That Ol, said ... I, b, and the same is in all reepects appro,cd. REti01.,VED FURTHER, Tt,,,t z, p,,bhhearing b, had on said ---nt on the lath da, f J-. 19_3., III i lI, hour of 10 1,', 1,,,k A Nf, It, the Conneil Cb—bll of the Puler I'n'i it) If.11 Budding, in b, I ,y of S, foul; the the C.—mill-I :f Pi—Ill gill IIII1111 of said -,mg, ns r,,n—d by the CI l,1 notice the time and p]... of hearing, the W-, of the 1111"I'll" n.. the 'It.1 the --.—d ,g.h of the pa tirnlnr on ler ,h—, the nntiee i, It .... t,A Alkpl,d by lh, C')nn—1 VAY 17 o- C,ty Clerh A%I I Put" Roil COUNCIL FILE NO - By....... ...... .. CITY OF ST. PAUT, Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the mattes of the —.ol of benefits, ooet, el —1—afor - rep—ing S,—it Al- from the Ui-i,,ippi Rile, B-1—rd to Wheeler Ave. and Beldwin St. by ie,ll the or-ont ,rf,o, and —-foolng the exiting ...... to b-9 with asphalt it— —pt h... good —il or brick —rf— — i.ts, also curbing P—itt alley and driveway approaches, ,—, avatar and g— -nbo,ti— ,, street .,I,. to property linea where —t Ill =d,, ,d including all wk .....eery II incidental to the ..id 1,IIII—etoebt, 0,,I,, .... III— Fi-I OI -d,, '95953__Aug. I 1933 .0, or.._b ..fit., amts. el —p.-- fl, -d i, connection ith the all—, ll—t, I-. snhmittcd to it C'IlIll"ll, and the Council hash, —,,id,—d -,- and found the It th--fnrc, b, tt RESOLVED, Th.t the. -ld — -I-t 1,1 and the ..., i. il—,b, in .11 —,1- liltBOLVED P URTI[Fil, That t, public. hI -m, he had on said arsesxmcnt an the ..74th. d., of juxt. 1 1914__ nl the h-, IJ 111 i',l k A. M., in the ('--il , of the 0,,- Ilous"'I Pity 11.1i 13"lldi'l, it, the ('it. 4 St Pa,ll, that the C....isinner of Fitt,— gi,, notice if said he lh, ( h,l,tt -, stn ing in.aid I.fi,, the I—, and place of h—m, It, -t—, of the -p .... the —1 eu=t there J, "I'd th, amount a ,&-t the 1,,I it, 1- of the p. ocular "—'r to 'h". the I, ':rested. ."ly 12 IJJ9 A,I,,t,-d It, the MAY I G W'Do'll'ld el C,It J.— "I -d Co..,1—t-1 11atIW6— Councilman 204-"l Qty -SCOTT Mayou by MP'R. CITY OF ST. PAUL .i..i � NJ1•JIii 1(1 OFFICE OF THE —TV CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM J IR—NTE av LIAL % V � nTE COMrn X55 En RESOLVE. 1IFiL AEAS. the herelna£ter nainad 1lc an saes have for — Bald hent ld been granted o -sale liquor llc en sea and deposited license £ae annamo not 1n a o£ thatac,+t red by Ordinance So. 7537, apn roved January z18 B079��+: aadr Rf4:REAS. pursuant to the Bald o"', inch li cansaes entitled to "f—ds in the an»iwts sat oppo si t, their names, there£ore, be St RESOLVED. That the proper city of £ic ers be and they a hereby authorized to raPtand to said lic an seas th¢ sums se teoppo ei to their name . to- aitI Same o£ Licensee A --t, o£ Radiad Clyde °. Egan $-166-67 cvWN<III.ME, MAY 181934 Ns)."/ AdoF.ta.l l,y the C,uu nci L. _ __- --.. -At-F Penni. h, f.", Mnyor NI,. I'rvviie��t hlnhn���•1. �_I.�S. CLTiBH CITY OF — PAUL „u NO. ICE OF THE CITY C� corw,n issioHea ✓ COU RESOLUTION --GEr l ,c PAesEvr[o Fail WHEREAS, in the matter of widening University Avenue, from Dale street to Park Avenue, the Oouncil, by resolution (Oouncil F11e Wo. 90641), approved November 2nd, 1931, confirmed the con- demnatlon and taking for the Purpone of said improvement, among other parcels, the north twenty (30) feet of Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (13), Beck -e Addition to the Oster, of Saint Paul, and the award of damages to the then owner of Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) oaaJ--a-tea"�' --, by reason of 'aid condemnation in the sum of 1088.78; and WHEREAS, the owner of said property being dissatisfied with said award of damages appealed therefrom to the District Oourt, which appeal le now pending; and WHEREAS It has been proposed thatthe matters involved in said appeal be finally settled andostised by increasing said m oo r net award of damages by the suof .`00 eo that the ease shall be $1.483.78; and WHEREAS, the Oorporation Counsel end the Assessment and Value ion ion Engineer have recommended that said matter be oompromised and settled in a000rdsaoe with. said proposal, and the 0ouncil deems said disposition to be for the best interests of the City; tnere- fore be It RESOLVED, that the net award of damages as confirmed by said council File Io. 90661 for the taking by condemnst ion of the above decor ibed portion of said Lots 11 sad 12, in the was of `1,083.76, be and the m same is hereby increased so as to be the suof $1 483.76, and the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorise& and directed to disburse from the fund appropriated therefor, to the person entitled to such award, the said must of 11,483.78 ch account thereof; all upon the condition that said appeal shall be dismissed, andthat the appellant. Andrew Eoebmon, shall establleh to the eat i sfmotion of the corporation Qounsel that he has a clear right, as owner of said Lots 11 end 12, to reoelve said award of dosages ae the ease has been hereby Increased. coo NtMAY 1 A 1934 Y'— Nn�. / Ad,,p-d L}tb, C'ouiiud. - Ia ,+tAY 1 143 AVDro—d ,\Kni—t «'.-A 1 i,V77. 817 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 11 --1 eby c z3 --n- f,r zT 1,t t t —ef— .... ...... • MAY 18 10,34 MAY I R iqm soon, -/ k - -- MEN FW& Ho. 2 amoee Subjeoti council File No. C" In uc ,lty the Ch Date presented 1934 e , WHSREAB, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in eocordanoe with ':notion 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employee of his department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hour" of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: SAME TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATS Julian J. Duren Filter Plant Lab. 8 hre. .461 Orvald F.Ryberg " " " 16 bre. 10 " .4g Frank Fleming Unskilled lab. 3 " .48 Ludwig 2wirner " " 8 " .45 Olenn A. Babcock Steamfitter 121 " 10 " 1.00 Ole Munson Foreman 1 " .75f Leonard Munson Utilityman 3 " ° .66 Ed. Fordell Mesh. Helper 3 5 Jame" Tighe Emer.Repairman 3 " .{ Joe Bruno Ditch digger 3 " .65 Ralph Mulroy Repairman 3 " .+1516 Harvey Donahue Utilityman 16 " 16 " .85 Oust A. Johnson " 7 " .55} Angelo M. Fiorito Ditch digger 16 " .55 joeeph Fiorito " " 16 " .55 Sam Popara " " 1 " .56 Joseph Rulli " " 1 " .55 Pasquale Tartero " " 1 " .55 William D, Carlson Filter Plant Lab. 5 " 4 Michael Mulkern,:r. " " " 8 " .4 Stanley C.Rasmussen " " " 8 " 5 " Joe DiMartino Ditch diger 2 " .56 Tommaso Mazzola " 255 Rosario Hicolletti " " 1 " .55 Ayes C99�unoilmen Rays �lanonald Te.-xl csn�)Adopted by the BAY 191 1934 / Approved , 1934 /Mr. President Maho6a T % t-7 Certif correct Leon N. Thompso / 0eneral Superintendent WM. F. SCOTT, r'IT1' uLM F.RM No. 1 May 17, 1934 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities, Bureau of pater rendering necessary the employment of oertain employee of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Insulation work on boiler.* Change•$" meter, 1693 Selby .# Repair hydrant on Summit and Viotoria Nin Taking men to — from Vadnais-Suoker Canal.## POnring and finishing oonorete." This emergenoy arose by reason of the following feats and cireumstances; *part of line shut flown, had to finish Job. Neater shut off. ##Driving truck —gad to finish Job Cert led oorraot he Leonard A. Thompson General Superintendent r I � LM oFFrcc roF ,rE comPP,AaLLEa COU-` No. ... ' i i..,. --sr COUNCIL RESOLUTION May 17 34 rn... rs AdJDITED CLAIMS 1J.. u�3 � K w TOTAL - OF c..c�ns � c„cc Fs -. ennK �r1oa naa 18 L89 al 305 700 93 1955 Jon, M. Lowenthal Rosen C. Fin. 7 500 0X1 15 00 3956 3957 Milton of Geo. J.Pies, County Auditor 4 16 67 3958 David Basbefkin 32 00 15 00 3959 3960 Richer, J. Erickson Lamprey Products Company 33 81 p 3961 Mr e. Anna Redlaok v 50 39632 Aorthern States Power Company 375 92 443 75 i99663 4 Northern state: Power Compenq Power Company 283 4�. Northern state: Company 45 10' 3965 3966 Capitol Laundry Central States Freight service 82 lg 3967 Chase Brass 6 Copper Company 0.., R@ , 3968 Chicago, Burlington 6 Q.Ry.00. 1 22. 3969 The Clter–Digest Company 5 2 0 3970 Citizens Ice h Fuel Company 986 60 3971 Clark University Press 7 19 397P Cleveland Avenue Meat Ylarket 244 7 a 3973 Ooon Cola Bottling Company 3974 Cochrsn-Sargent Company 76 86 3975 Colby–Ramm 6 Company 7 80' 3976 Columbia Tool Steel Company 12 16 3977 The Commonwealth Fund Div, of Pub. 2 5 7978 Consolidated Electric Oompsnq 23 3979 Corning -Donohue, Ino. 29 CC' 3980 Carol Cox Book Oompeny 24 92 3981 The Crane Company 132 89'' f 1982 Curtis 1000, Ino, 1 2�' 1981 Cutler -Hammer Company 5 0 3984 Daily Hews Pub, Company 46 68' 3985 J. Mark Dalglish 6 10 1986 On Decker Hardware Companp 169 80 3981 Detroit hrt Institute 90 3986 Dixie Business Book Shop 1 3989 John Doeren Ciggar Company,Ino, 42 j 01 3990 Driver -Harris Company I 6 13 3991 O.R. 5okhardt Company 20 256 3992 Elk Lsundry Company 29 78',, 3093 Tlvgren Paint Supply Company 49 7211 3994 T891inger A Company 6 410Ni 3995 H.L. Ettman Sponge Company 5 64� 3 40 • 3996 3997 rverseal Mfg.Company,Ino- Martin Falk Paper Company 69 78'1 3gg8 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk h Company 45 82. 3999 Farwell, 0 -un, Kirk a Company !, 2351 66j 4x00 4(X11 n. 7. FLum ; Foote Lumber a Ca al Company 10 Q5• lu 6 4002 Foreign Affairs 2 50ii 4003 *N Leonard Frank Company 48 6oj 10 O0 i 4004-' a henob, 8ogk,,,C1ub, Ino. hnnF vrost–Haus Company 2 501 nn6 F„ei sc,onomy Fng.Cpmp-,1py 336 13+ Onr)7 Fuller Brush Company 20 00 4008 H -B. filllar Comnany 117 25 25 449 310 ldj 14 _,e"4 Ad,j—d 1- tl,,, ( ---1 MAY 1 ci iaw ........ ... 1 9.^2 M4 even-] 1,M, F. I IT J. cl Tycl i.12F COUNC11, FILE No .n Rc r FINAL ORDER In the }tatter of changing the grade of Alley in Block B, Woodland Perk Addition Prom Maokubin Street to Kent Street to conform to the red line on the profile hereto at- tached and meds a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading and paving Alley in Block B, Noodlend Park Addition frc. Maokubin Street to Kent Street to the proposed red line when established, tinder Preliminary Order 97023 upprot-crl Me -oh 22, 1934 Intermediary Order _ ._approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City is change, the grade of. Alley-. in. Block. B, Yioodlend Park Addition from Maokubin Street to Kpnt Street to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a. parthereof, the .present establishedgradebeing. -shown by a blue line thereon, also grade and pave Alley in Block B, Woodland Park Addition Prom Mackubin Street to. lent. Streettothe proposed red line when eatabli ahedr..-_ _.__.... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. REWLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Weiks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are herehy authorized .and directed to pro- reed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. .adapted b} the Conneil MAY192 98 199d �' city cl,rk. apprnf,ed *q'I J'ca i) DJC 4 2� ZZ,�tawd9"a`'"'° 1Lo Mayor. ( ouncdman �L n,.n �d s Councilman PeY$eeemuu gym,. ce,mcilmun '"fo$alsr c. Councilman w'� Farni 11. S_ A N 7 1. tl"!1 lLli Hli ' OEPA RTMEtu T..'FPFINA NCE REPORT OF COMh11SSQ)NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER d- of ohengi,j; the grade Of Alley in Blook B, Woodland Perk Add -tion from MP o1cvblri Street to Kent Street to "'for, to the red line on the profile hereto mt taetsad ad meds a part hereof, the pras ant eeta11 iehed grade balm; shown by a t,l-.ea 11na ther aoa t OsKe gtaStvreat to Pthe, Alley in Bl�ok B, Woodland Park Addition Prom Mac kub is Street proposed rad line whoa .t b' iehed, —dtr I'0"j" .:; 11� ' Naroh 22, 1934 rhe C.') of Sr. P'-] of F,:—n hereby reports as i.�!I�. e5�i,.:a:eJ.`.. the.s.rss:e�.:r fthe ab�,.e in1•r �, �::��:ic :s - - - } 2200.. QQ 1_s4 „i T -e ..d v.u��.4Tro Bldg (Exo. N. 100 ft) lot. 1 end 2 8 Woodland Park Add. to the 1400 S -,of N. 100 it of E.30 ft of 1 B City �f St. Paul 22500 3 8 4 B 5 B 6 8 7 8 B 8 9 8 N. 50 ft of S. 89.73 ft of lot. 10 ane ll..nd E.12' of S. 39.73 ft of 30 8 do 1500 1 2500 do 1500 5600 do :L i00 37 50 do 1500 3700 do 1500 5600 do 1600 7000 do 1500 4000 do To+4 �. 1300 3-0-50 DEPARTMENT Sl P OFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 5. 39.73 £t o£ ri. 3:: ft of 10 8 Woodland Park Add. to the City $ 950 $1200 and 11 8 0£ St. Paul 12 8 do 2250 3500 13 8 do 1700 400 14 6 do 1700 4800 15 a do 1700 3950 16 8 do 1700 11000 17 8 do 1700 4050 18 8 do 1700 900 19 8 do 1700 1700 20 8 do 1700 2650 21 8 do 1700 800 22 8 do 2,350 4700 $ 34,050 $110,250 'file f F—,.i< tai r�hcr cl. ris that 1.< has in�c� '�K_� c.. all ..f the --,- J h. rib. s..1--, :h- s .e ..... � —f--, --id X% ... k- N.RO. R .O. N -RA, R.O. R_0. R.O. f R.O. R.O. St. Paul, Minn./ To The Honorable, The Council, City ,f Sc. Paul, Minn. G—d—.: We, the undersigned property — -, h—by petition your honorable Body to It1u, follnwin impo.—u—, to be ad S, 4— from -fro St. A— to St. A— IN A MI ve.NASI P. I LUT 6IACK A-ItON 217 i� J� ord wn�Y of F -e, OrdAUG o� T Public: wor4.-- ,.sus-f3o i- so 249 N./z, NW-% Scc_1__ T.28-2.Z9. MAR5-0,- i }i C DAYTON J LAU2E1 Z o Z V a ASHLAND A VE L THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTEROFFICECOMMUNICATION March 28, 1934 Icon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Alley in Block 8, Woodland Park Addition from Mackubin Street to Kent Street, also grading and paving Alley in Block 8, Woodland Park Additionfrom Mackubin Street to Kent Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 97523, approved March 22, 1954• Length 568 feet Width of Roadway 15 feet Frontage 1135 feet " " Street 15 feet Estimated Cost Paving 6" Concrete Total Sq. Yd. $ 2.25 Property Share 2200.00 (a) Front Foot 1.94 Estimate includes $196.00 for engineering and inspection. Yours truly, SHEPAi2D, Chief t%ngineer. Approved for transmission to the Co issioner .of Finance. �L Commissioner of Public N'o s. Office of the Commissioner of Public \VwjspFINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance e. a API. 4 1834 ,:ril 4, 1934 u.a 'I , lh� t l ..f 1=—.„ , ..f Ih, 1 ..f . 1. P:.. I 9759' .11.1.1 ..d March changing the grade of Alley in Block 6, Woodland Park Addition from Mackubin S treet to Kent :street, al=o grading and paving Alley in Block 8, Woodland Park Addition from Mackubin Street to Kent : treet. >..�.I h— -g ..... ti ...1 111,, llll.t t,— ,.1..1 ttlil.f;. :.,f..r—1 1.. 11— 1.-1, ..1,.,—. t_ I—d ..1.1,1 ..., . 11. 11 t ., 1....-.,1. 1,1 1.,r..1.-..:0 1�._ (See estimate attached) tl..11..[ 1, ..1..1 11., 1...1.111 ..1..1 . II. 1.1 ..f .nlll 1 111,1 ,...... 1.1 I1� f..11.. 11� :I 1 1, Ila �.. 1, r.,fil1 1,r +k..I, I1 1.f 1 ., I,r 4. sul.jr 1 t1, n�K1 ��lll. 111 f..r --i ............ 1 a.nnu.aunl r ni Pu L1Iu�� 00 CA 9 /Z - F1 N A L ZFINAL ORDER' IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS condemning and taking an easement in fne land _ necessary for slopes, cuts and fill= in the and oving of Alley in BiocK c, 'Hoot land Perk 'ocaav�.ae. Addition from Mackabin Street tr 3=_nt ztreet — nn:n 9714 Marct. , :9', Ia¢n,.rb:;n nL 9^752 i I rte L1. t A condemning End tatting an easement ir, the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills _n the grar.ing and paving of Alley in Biock 3, hoodiano Park Additicn from Mackubin street to fent itre�t For e_ es, cuts and fill; in th-_ gre�ir.E and paving of dliey in Block 3, 'Woodland ParK hddition from Mackutin :-treet to gent Ltre_t, to `he extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Put'ic 7lorks attacha6 h_:—,to ,hizn p:an i_ nerecy referred to end made a Dart hereof. MAY P? 1914 SAY 2' 1934 �ti�', `4. Councilmen ❑EPARTMENTSOFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMI.)IISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) �} ..f oond emni nt and tak inr an a an ---t i,i the ld n.....a fv for 1 to Kel opae. cur. and' fills the ,—dim, nd pavinf:. ofeAll.y in Bl—k B, WcodlandYar:. Addition fron.9 U.cl.vbin 3treatant �travt. I .h 22. 1934 1.. 1 50.00 i lia is c f —"i c . "', 1" . .""Il ' ..s f ........ r,aSCRiaTioN DoT ... — —11"N I.—dvn��AT�o Bldg. (Eco. H. 100 ft) lots 1 end 2 9 Woodland Park Add. to tha 0 1400 2260 IS of N. 10 £t of R.30 ft of 1 8 City f St. P ,,l 3 4 5 7 3 9 Y. 50 ft o.S. if9.73 ft of lot. 10 anal ll.and F,.12- of S. 39.73 f`t o£ 10 8 do 1500 12500 8 do 1500 6600 8 do 1500 3750 8 do 1500 3700 B do lboo 5600 7500 7000 e do 1500 4000 h do 1300 1950 DEPARTM—ENTOFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIsSICINER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) 8. EP.7S ft oP r.'. 3. £t of 10 8 Woodland Park Add. to tha City $ 980 $120o sad 8. 69.73 £t11 11 8 of st. Ps l 12 8 do 2280 3800 13 B do 1700 400 14 a do 1700 4800 15 8 do 1700 3980 16 a d� 1700 11000 17 8 do 1700 4080 18 8 do 1700 900 18 B do 1700 1700 20 8 do 1700 2680 21 B do 1700 BOO 22 8 do 235o 4700 $34.050 $110.250 f—,f — ..c ...1 ��I�dic.tu Fill ALLEY BLK. g \A/000 LAND PARK ADD. �AI• - Tvpic.l Noutient MACKU91N ST. I(CNT�Fi-b.. C.t a Fill .t ",..y lin.. - - .,a.nd bey..d "P" lin.. - !. Lx Beck Ne2433 XS.e. Bk NyZ?3 - LAUREL AVE - \oiii, W O O Di L A N D P; • 'd 66, II I Iso, 2 St. Fr. Gw Fr 1 e k FrZst OrWiy- � t F. Bry F. G. Z _ L� --- 11 Ai 13 14 so - I5 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 y V w W O I O D L A N D P1 A R K A ID D ASH LAND AVE. _ Office of the Commissioner of Public Www FINAMM .y ..%.. ,1 =3 Report to Commissiortcrr cif Firma ice 9e; 6 APt, 4 1934 Apr11 4, 1914 ma t-1-1 rig N,, 97524 �.Pfot�,. vd �Garcri 1934 ioa �,.i,v �.,• o. condemning and taking an easement in trie land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of Alley in Block B, Woodlsnd Park Addition from MacKubin street to and hn.li 9Rt,. tit le��Ilie �i�ul�err nn.l t1.i.� r.�f.�rr.�.i cc. cti.•r..i r,, t,�-r.-1.�- L 0— erinnnt"d th f Is R xxxxx , ..,,.1 , ho --1 ".,ti[ th. reof .., s —A the onium and ""fent "f ""d Im pn.vruu - i, " f-11" z :i. 1 .Inn. I,r.,Gl�� nr hketch <�f .ui.l i�����r�..�.�i �,.���t �. 1,.-r.�t.> atta.�hr<i xvnai �„�ide n �x�rt her�•of. 4. 5 S I ini....... a. ,f t},-- ..r ���..ri uw nern of pro�rrty, e�lijerl t�. 2w"vni"nl for Enid inifiri�ve�,���it. !' Commfaefoner of Pu Llic � as ('OUSCH, FILE S0, R, FINAL ORDER M In the Matter of grading Cypress Street from Lawson Street to Cook Street, under Preliminary Order 87621 approved March 22, 1934 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, Ey the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said Cit} is grade Cypress Street from Lawson Street to Cook Street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are herehy authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adapted by the Council ItY 99 1q34 , 7„192 MAY 9RV4 City Clerk. Approved 1.92 y CGG�i Ma,. Councilman VIVErv;--ae 6, lPU BL1a116-D founcilman 1"sen,.� �l 7 - � �p�,'' Councilman MOOM I t'"++ Councilman ilfe0tems.s U Cou ncilman BMNeStYP?fr�/t'"" 1� Councilman wf'� )lacor RRFf.46ff Form 13. S. A. S -i Pay 7.^nn, 1014, Aon. !I. C. 9ansel, 0-0r of Public 4or1:e, Aon, 111lton Aoeen, Looe r of rtoenoa. Pen, Sir. At the Co,mcil oaatinl; held today, t`le fl` l order end ftral nMer to cn Hatton tr. the n[tar of ,-redtw Cypress 9troet ft lassoe 9treot to Cont: 9troet, •ceder FrolimiWry orders X7571 end 9752 sere ndop ted, m. vb J.I to tide. Y",re vary truly, �tb Cter'x. �1 REPORT orcom~"/ss^omERorFINANCE ON ,°"L=N^=` ORDER � .. I'll ~.`,-. `^ "~. .=~, ~."t .~^~. I—~. "`. t.=^"~~°' ~^~ ,-``..~.', '^~.^,'_^ "~h 22' `°° �.�,.^..`"^.^.``.,^~,~` ''50 ....~,`..�^.~,~~~.^�.'^�^~^.~~^~^�.. .-.~.' ~~~~ °-d Bldg. ` ` ~~~,t^,l~^=it^~`^S`.~11 *25 $=° 30 " d~ °° 3000 is , ^.=`.. Addit°~ ~ "` �^ 375 340 = " d. °= =° ^1675 ^10'750 ^".^`°.~."�..~`.� -0, 'i, R.O. R. 0. R,01- D, 1933 00 Jlz NW % Se, ,Z8--29 lr22 aMAONOL/A 9T. =e a ✓L-lvh-s sT CASE ST THE DEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION 48 e' March 28, 1934 Ron. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Worr.e, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Cypress Street from Lawson Street to Cook Jtreet, under Preliminary Order C. F. 97521, approved March 22, 1934• Estimated Cost $1299.15 Cost per front foot 2.60 Inspection 24.30 s Engineering 60.00 Frontage 500 ft. Yours truly, r ROIL M. SHEPARD, 'Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance.. /L-c—l/V MERMAN C. W Z 00 w Commissioner of b 0 ZYS Office of the Commissioner of Public kFgFINANLA qg• � ,33 d Report to Commissioner of Finance �..,a,.. APE 4 1834 April 4, 1934 1111 'I'.. ,h. ('. •,..n..n.,,,n.. ,d I i,.n,.., ,f th, t _ .,f ,_ 1'11„1 h.a. n h:..l .,,.. I," ,.,, ide,.,t..,.. th. „.In,,,n _ ..rd, 4 97521 ,y,1., ....,1 M—h 22, 1934 143 the grading of Cypress Street from Lawson Street to Cook Street. „nd h",—, in.,. -,,-..l the „„„t, r. >.,„1 thi,.I;. r..f..rr. .l tr, th. rein, I.,'. I, r. "t.s 1299`1 Cost per front it. $2.60 5",C .d the otnl .,..t thert�o[ i. Inspection $24.30 Engineering $60.00 +Frontage 500 eft. and .he _-- —d extent r.t ""id i,,,i,,,�nt i. — tolloa�,: 3, .A I,Inn, pr„hle ,, -k, trh ,.t ,.t i. h,"t" nttnr he I xnd n,nde a ry.rt hcmr.t. 4, 3. n,d iugm,eonw,n, i. .,ko,l f— a ,,- petition 4 th.... ,.. more oen. , of 1-1)—tY, h„ -,.gid h„n....e.,,ent. FINAL ORDER IN CONDFMNjATION PROCEEDINGS D condemning and taking an easement in ti.e land necessary for slope=_, cuts and fill= �e the grading of Cypress etre=_t from Larson Street to Cook .`.trset condemnin€and taxing en easement in the land necessary for slopes, cut and fills 1r. ti-�o grading of Cypress Street from Larson Street t - Cook 1treet H I(Y SLA I[n I'1'IaIIP I. I I i G I _ . i L Bor slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Cypress Street from Larson -treat to Cook Street, tothe extent shone upon the plan of the Commissioner of public;,arks attached hereto xhich plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. MAY 92 1934 . KAY 22 1534 - AppnnoJ Co?yyrr 1— PUBLISHED_ l�- D+Irdicuee G+t. �- I C Y P R E S 3 � T- i .� — I�dinbe Pill Tyv ul Notee en � I _ I LA WS ON S T- .COOK Fe baewl,Mekew - Sca/e /"=�Fo. t<nd bar==d vrovenr Ian LL Bmk Nc 3o(XoJ _ A D D. II A F O R E T EDA' L IE I � V 9 Z A i . - - 1 5'h F-Y. --- 20" � 0 w a.. w�yy - �X•'/r.y�ro/cr Coa.s _ _ - -- IYy Sf-Fe- Nallew'Tlc J I 17 I 14 � S A D D. D O UG L A Cypress Sf. � _ .Z--Sf.toceok St. - - - - - S/QZ N'339 — _. -SIR: �� + - _ DEPARTMENT OFFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) f oond-ing and taking a a eeent iv the land n eary for elopesc�tn and fill., in the _—dl-, o£ Cy-pr...Streot from L..— Street to Cook Street,, under P -h min.— 0,,I,, al,l _-_1 Marsh 22, 1934 c,f Sc. P—'I "flee «Lal e��.�nacc-d a�ne>u.�1 -f Lhe �s�c ss �nenc fe,r she nl�.�.e i�nl rn.�inenl i� $ 60.00 - nl�r it ,.en... n�i . nil.«.. � I»rccl ns Ins l+''—d b, H— :\sa,-c s��r, :+�c .�s f"11"', mor ..�o�x nooiriory I—dn��nTi Bldg. 1 2 Foreetdale Addition to St.Paul $425 $23.00 50 2 do 426 30 -DO 15 2 Douglas Addition to St. Paul 375 5400 16 2 do 450 2250 $1.75 $10750 TILL ".,1-1111 11 111 -f 1� i-- f ­,h— "r1, 111a, he hos i.--, c'. nll of she aforesaid mal�er —3 c1 ""I" 'I"..tea his "p-1 ll ---c,, th, e C—d, K 1— '—h IIIc rc �n�uc Ln I`i m m reIc rrfl-- 1,—id �n��ccr I— �Lhc C'..�n �����s�.�ncr i,f Pnhhc %%.,k�. � r�,m e_.. .._,_s o C.�m missioner of Finance. OMce of the Commissioner of Public ANL'H •. z Report to Commissioner of Finance 9Es a ems.,• APR 4 1934 April 4, 1934 111:1 'f he t'uni nii.�ri��ner it 1'nl�lir lt'irk�, hn V�nx land under e..n.n leniti�.n I.hr• preli miner.- t,nler .,f the. I Dile ..\i. 97522 nppr.... March 22, 1934 19:5 nlati.r In condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Cypress Street from Lawson Street to Cook 'treat. null I».. inC i.�.tiNuted the rout ter. and thing, IL—"" 1—,I, repor6v 1. �ni�l inil�r<.. enient i. m .... tn�l (irl �Iesi Ohl, _. "1'lu r•. tinintrd ri.t Lheceif is F xxxx null the titnd dint Ihemi( i:, g nn�l Ute nutun unJ exteuc of mid ...,... incur in tw follnx :3. A jd—, profile ..r ak-h if said m, i.v hemli ntlnrhrd and mule n pert herein. 4. Mked N, upin petition of three nr mr... ox nor s u( property, .ul.jert ti n..nt nnnu 0 fir "'d iniprn.-enirnt. U/'y (�ntnmiHeianer o! Y is Worlcs.� 00 71 zotl COUNCIL FILE S0. -ss. By FINAL ORDER In the \fatter of reoonetrueting with monolithic conorete the sidewalk on the south aide of Tenth St. ( full width) beginning 100 ft. west of St. Peter St., thenoe 115 ft. West including 10 ft. driveway. under Preliminary Order 97569 - approved March 27, 1934 Intermediary Order approved - - - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Couneil having heard ell persons, objections and rimer -rd -ons relative thereto, and ha, ing fully considered 1 the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, eatent and kind of im- pr... meet to be made by the said City is reconstruct With monolithic --r the sidas-1k on the south side of Twath St. (f,11 width). beginning 100 ft. West of. St. Peter St.. thenoe 116 ft. neat ineludlag 10 ft. driveway.. - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED Fl?RTHER, That the Commissioner of Publi: Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hercbv .authorized and direct¢kto pro teed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adapted lir the Cam"il x141' 09 1934 . 192 Cit,' Clrrk. MAY n� toae .lpprm'ed Mn>< Cuuncilman �woy_-r-� M, lu n..M Councilman&-OLaWaer '9av Councilman dfeDgnald-, I,.— Councilman AlcGhtE - Ccuneilman dudheim-- T.,m: ('ouncilma dy... - tc-�zet ltay or WAINM6 'm d np Form B. S. A. 8-7 nE:roe-ForCOMMISSIONER orFINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ...°.~.."f '~~..`'..~ ~~°"". "~~t�°~.`~—°~"~ ~t^ ^^ , �.,�"��°^^^)^.=`~~`."^��.~~^���~^.',`,�..�``�=.��.��'~���"^ -'-~' - ~^~~^~_.,`^"~ ..,.~'^ M-..^ 27' `*° ,°^_~~^..~.' ,�.~._.~~^.~......'.^.^~~~~..',.^^~..~,~�~.^ ' ,=.°° ,'^.. ^'...~^^...~~~,~~.. ` "."..-'^.'...'~.`^`-.~.,°.~~~"~.'.�`~~~~^`^.".° ^.~~.~....^.^�.^^~.' ~,~^^~^.^~~~� "="' " ^ B-i`^"lt^~to *587 ^18=0 ° ^ ", 5875 8300 °" " ~" E. "" ," ~jr " ^ ^ =°" 7500 $21150 $44500 Th, =~~_~.'°~....,^.^~~`.~^.^~-^...~.�.�."~.°^°..^d ~.^ C.~, "~^~ ~.^ .° 19ar F: V1 I- Oriental & Derr Laundries 3970 rn.�.po,a«d LAP: n�>ex�Rs - C�env gas / "ORIENTAL SERVICE IS BETTER" CEDAR Q23 0774 1108 1. "1 W"I Te1- 5....r SAINT PAIL, M�_�Nesorn March 14, 1934. Department of Public Works, Court House, St Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: -- We beg to report two hezardoue conditions Of Sidewalk in front of our place of business. We have reported the matter to the land- lord pareonally buthe has refueed and failed to correct the conddt1one. In fawe we have reported the matter to him on several 000aslona. Will you kindly have your inspector drop in and talk to the undersigned relative to same? C CM/mm Very truly yours, Oriental & Kerr Laundries, Inoo_. B or a eltnor Secretary. V CAD 0 Office of the Commissioner 5'Public oricst it �SReport to Commissioner of Finance b"' API, 13 1834 April 1;, 1934 Ina fm.0„, f tlu I ..f .I, ruin �,f P•0fi. \1'urkr, Iul. ing hrvl find, .d. -1.11i, Ulii� rahi 4 0, t'ollnnl. kio�wn ,I- t -1 PibN,,97559 I March 7, 1934 Ina n�lut— I'. reconstructing with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the south side of Tenth Street (full width) beginning 100 feet west of St. Peter St., thence 115 ft. west, Including 10 ft. driveway. nnl hn�ink iii. �mtiRnlr �l the innn�m nn�l IhinKx "f. -d 1�� ih--, h.nI” i. In,rl.s 'I h� tI f 1 ("tnl c .1 . ",j i. £ 111 Amur Id � � xtt .d .n 1 i Est. Cost — Lot 3, Block 4,�Bazil & Guerin's Add. $85.00 5: 78255:070 8. A pinn, I,nifth ovu=k,trh pit anid IinP�^, .���.n Ir hi n to i�ilmaud wul mule n �nrC Kemnf, a. �. uid -k,d 4 thn. —bj- t" lu.l wnii nt fi r Emil iinllru�elnenl. ' �hlic Work.. In the Matter of changing the grade of.lawson Street from. Gaultier Street to Matilda Avenue to oonform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon, also grad- ing Lawson Street from Gaultier Street to Farrington Avenue, under Preliminary Order 97526 approved March 22, 1934 Intermediary Order --approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefm'e, be it 'a t -a; y„ 2tL RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that In r 'ement to be made by t said City is Chang the grade of L �trfttSfry ultior Street to tilde Avenue to co orn to the..red-.1 on- the profiato attached -made a par tof, the present established grade ing shows t bloc line there ,also grade eoa Street from Ga tier -Street- to Far Yoa Avenue, - - ---- --- ------ be and ti,, r ,e-, I, I�.1. and r-ecIrtW $A 6L "_Md°ngs in d the Council hereby ders said improvein\it,,RESOLVED FURTBE ThattheCommicbe ankis hereby instucted and dire, d to prepareplans and : e""cations foent,andsubmitOrme to the Couiteil for approve 'thatuponsid epprova eproper chere',, Hattori...IMd directed to p�q ceed with e making of said imprhmentinrewith. Adopted by we C( !"it MAY 99 '934 192 . NAY nib otman g 4 1 r. C Councnnciilman &r8tlr'IZ, geaoo.--u �..� I LLI`I iPn �=�•, � �m� Councilman X.Run ltd— I' _ N / Cm ouncilman Ffeotogaw "' Icy +,,, I / C'ouncilman 6od#re11neP':e l nr Councilman Mayor I1P Alahnaey V '� �� Form B. S. A. 8.7 fa�Qaultle) 00. arm � 9r e�tpl. W ulnar elegy .. home lar COUNCIL FILE NO. �inu P'I'i. ,a Ry RPU In the Matter of changing the grade of.lawson Street from. Gaultier Street to Matilda Avenue to oonform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon, also grad- ing Lawson Street from Gaultier Street to Farrington Avenue, under Preliminary Order 97526 approved March 22, 1934 Intermediary Order --approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefm'e, be it 'a t -a; y„ 2tL RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that In r 'ement to be made by t said City is Chang the grade of L �trfttSfry ultior Street to tilde Avenue to co orn to the..red-.1 on- the profiato attached -made a par tof, the present established grade ing shows t bloc line there ,also grade eoa Street from Ga tier -Street- to Far Yoa Avenue, - - ---- --- ------ be and ti,, r ,e-, I, I�.1. and r-ecIrtW $A 6L "_Md°ngs in d the Council hereby ders said improvein\it,,RESOLVED FURTBE ThattheCommicbe ankis hereby instucted and dire, d to prepareplans and : e""cations foent,andsubmitOrme to the Couiteil for approve 'thatuponsid epprova eproper chere',, Hattori...IMd directed to p�q ceed with e making of said imprhmentinrewith. Adopted by we C( !"it MAY 99 '934 192 . NAY nib otman g 4 1 r. C Councnnciilman &r8tlr'IZ, geaoo.--u �..� I LLI`I iPn �=�•, � �m� Councilman X.Run ltd— I' _ N / Cm ouncilman Ffeotogaw "' Icy +,,, I / C'ouncilman 6od#re11neP':e l nr Councilman Mayor I1P Alahnaey V '� �� Form B. S. A. 8.7 O EPA RSM ENT SO FP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .._ (D) In rbc near. -r �,f oha:rging the grade of Lawson St. from Gaultier St. t., M,'Alda A— to onnform to the rad lice oo the profile hereto att—h,d and made a part here.£, the present establlsh- dd grade being shown by the blue line th.erer,n, also grading Lawson Street from Gaultier St. t•• Farrington A- -d" ndcr (n Jer Maroh 22, 1934 "I'hr Cn�n �n issi••.�cr .�( I�,nancc n<rr L. � res as ,l nc� . The �.,�.,, �,r��„a.•.. a -1-hr-rs. r. -FIs •�( �J rl „c �� i�_ .- l In—,f- --1 1, • , -11„ rbc As<<r: — — fl,11-1. 9 31 Auarbaoh& Hand's Addition to the City of St. Paul 10 31 do 9 32 do 10 32 do 1 37 do 14 37 do 1 38 do 14 36 do Lan�unTioH Bldg. $ 500 $ 2250 500 200 500 3500 450 575 900 600 1400 550 460 575 3860 $4250 $12550 The C".nn.�ssi••.icr �,f F"i..a.rc f�i�i.�rr �I �c. char I,c has �.,. cs I, c.l all .f clic afor�sa �J mac<< nJ hrrcl•} .i�bnets rbc fo _ n�,., s Isis ci�>rr rn, n.n c, clic C�,unail, c I, �hcr ,.irh cnc r rr maJc c<•rhim n� rcicrc�icr ro said n�arrc rGhy the C -n n.,.�issinn,r of ['u blit \\orks_ ,�J IJarcd-�(�( 1� •2 1931. '�-c.- --cam ✓i-> -sL Com mrssioncr of k'inancc. =ftw G. I? Sc. 3.pt—bol 7 197 3 'y 3radi,�g of "qultiar Sc.am— F—ringt.. a. Arc. )141 Vl I �J,21 00 Grp 1933 { n p .--i�E•7Tfey,— —. NANO Ave. _ L c� �1 MAMoa. N � GAYaIEz, s r. J7 rT _ AcdE.rnr�K.«. J'r.F7 _Ij�QD THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION .*W eL March 28, 1934 Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissionerof Public City of St. Pau,, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost far changing the grade of Lawson Street from Gaultier Street to Matilda Av,nueI also grading Lawson Street from Gaultl er Street to Farrington Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 87525, approved March 27, 1934 - Estimated Co=t 1391.09 Cost per front foot 1.85 Inspection 24.83 Engineering 125.00 Front<,ge 1032.82 ft. Yours truly, - 06 . M. STEEPARD, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Co iioner of Ni nonce H EP,MAN C. WENZEL, C orunission er of Public Office of the Commissioner of Public W,(OM4FINANU ,z Report to Commissioner of Finance 9c :tel AN 4 1934 npri1 4, 19 r.the r,�����.,,,,,., ,r r�,.,�,�.� ..i the r;n .r a_ I•�,��i h,,.,, had ,...d., ,�,�..�d. ,�n�.�,m,. , 97525 Iq,__j EEarch , 1971 changing the grade of Lawson Street from Faultier street to Matilda Avenue, also grading Lawson Street from Gaultier Street to Farrington „venue. the ioiii i,i .aiJ ihii r.f�i i..d ,ili,.­ th.. ,.d << 1h. „f F 1391.D9 I°�t per front foot $1.?5 1hi inl of Inspection $24.83 Engineering $125.00 Frontage 1)2.82 ft. i,ii�l 11,0 ox, o„ ,n,I ..It, i,( .,f -"I ti., .i, i. ., fol] -- :t. pinn, pnA 1, „r ,k, 1,h of -,d iin l,r�,.i „�i o, i, li�.ri l„ i,1 tn, h� J n,..i iiiu.l�• n part hor, cif. nioi. o.. n. iir„1v 0 ,aY 15, 1554. .,e the ur.erai. nntl Froparty owners Fet ltivr. tln Sty .,ouncil, wa obj«, - to thl- —di" of .awe�n .treat froth �.aultl er t:; nrrin�'Con. .igned 1 �� a N11, F1 I condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading aIing of Lawson Street from. Saultl-r .2et t- Farrington Avenue 9756 Ipp, March 19,14 ;, im - I n_, 9775? .11 [ tApril 25, 1934 a� 'Ic 1 e! i ". , � , I I BI 01 , condemning d takin an easement ,,�in t�,, Ira i tine cessary for Is,, cuts d fill-, \a., of to 'treet to rin't', w"'n Street fro aulti , I t' F,en, be and the sarne are hL-9bv ,-!4V inci:red. and :r!dndtd wd aq Lx discon:": for slo s, cuts and ills int e gracing -f Lawson Street from Gaultie Street t Farrington Avenue,to the extent shown up,,n the an of the ommissioner o Public Works attached h reto hi2h p an is hereby r f rred to an' made a Pa t hereof. sr `-y 9?1934 MAY 29 Ili �7 C -.61—n )TI Indicates Cut. - .- -indieme F11I __ - -. - Tyo csl Nota<ien ��c I, L A W S O N AVE, Fig.—be.. line show Cute. Fill at y.epryline: G A U L T I ER Fit— FARRINOTON AYE. Firbalsw Ism ahew - - - d�sbnca ro which slopes - - - •tend bercnd v^ y line -I - - ;'Beek N11434. XS—. Bk. Scale 1'•40' i I - I, > * A U E R B A C H & b > o ff A —A 8D D. o F s Q 19 I 31 I 32 --- - ; - -- - 66' fFr -� y� 66 �_. ----- - _ o _ 2s 8,;' O to. G.-� - 13z' �r He.l liz _-, yJ N o? ryty��^J�t N;I ��nl _I 37A It�t�ys 't,m n Nlo_ sIpdd.- ' 1 H. --J Gai IGa� _ �- ISi.��I - I'Sf. Fr. Zo z —J az 9F eco .az' al' H 1 —� 14 - I 151 Fr. Ho. Q _ Ho._ _ 14 - . W F 317 - Q A U E R D A N & F I H A N D 5 A D 0- L,- 51.1'. .L,-51pe Dz N9311 ~~~~~~ DEPARTMENT QF FINANCE REPORT orcoMw/��/owcnorp/m^mcc w ON ~"""��'°^",�"" ...^~���^~~ ~~�~``."~�d~~.. "~ .1.p,~`. ~^ .—__�~L­­.`.~_=ti,,".`."~^ngt..=' ~'^^-^"~^ "~°,".n34 ^~",^".`^. ~^..~._^�~~^'�_ '.°~.~~ ^,.°A).'~,~.~~^ , 50'= ,-.^.~�.~,~^~_~.^_~,~,~~`^ » .-~.~~'~~`~`..'.~~~^ ^~~,~~^. ill _ " " ^~�_A H~..�°~�.". ~ * = *2260~~ " "",�,`. �� 10= � °= 20" " 32 d. 500 3500 10 ", d. ~°" ` = ". ",° =° ° 37 ~ 50= 14007- I se ^. 550 - 46" ° 38 ° =~ 3860 "^""" *,°^" ".,".~..^~.'^.,~.~''....^,-~`"~^'^^."~~.^~^^".^...'^^.''_^~~..`^.^ ~.^'".~^.�."~—^.", ~,.. ~~.. ~ ^_~ ^ ^_..^~. . `~.~..~.^°~~~ -OfEce -of the Commissioner of Public W FtNAly(;� Report to Commissioner of Finance AF 4 1934 April 4, 1934 193 "r h. 'A P'd' i'NN r " hn.­ -.d , -b o i.,.. th. 1.'.1.�... r ..f the k...,.- I'iI, 5... 97526 n1,r-...I March 2, 19'54 194 condemning and taking an easement. In the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Lawson Street from Gaultier Street to Farrington ,+venue. .....I I.u.--i..K i... .,:�Li F:.t��1 the �..u1 t. �n �.i�.l thi�.K^ rr f. rr..l t., th. r.•i.�, h..�,.1,� nT".rt=_ _. '1-h, ..1--1-1 th.t 'J i.S xxxxx ..1 0.. r..t th.­...f i. a xxx "-1 the t.e.t.t... .d ­­' „f nr 1 ii1 i. ..., f"11"..' :i. A ph—, k,1,1, ..fl h--' nit..iI.d I "-d, 4. 5 uid i .tt•............ �t i, -k-1 1 f- V,. hti..n ..f 1h—, .... ........rn u( �mft. rte f— "'id i t.........rt������t_ O CITY OF ST. PAUL No. f "( OFFICE `THE CITY CLERK UNCIL R OL ION GENERAL FORM v ...TEo > — J MT—W oATE RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Oommissloners be and it is hereby authorized to enter into an STaement With Leo V. Ounnien, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16,43 per Week during Such time as he Shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him While in the employ of the Water Department, on the 29th day of Apr11 1934; be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance With Said agreement, the Board of Water Commissioners IS hereby authorized to pay to said Leo V. Ounnien the sum of $32.86 out of the Water Department Fund in partial Battlement of his claim against the Board of Water Commissioners, being for the period to and Including May 20th 1934. 1u1 ]111.1 r:] MAY )-'I. 1934 YIc. .Auy+ ..-0daptrd by ihr 1'uuml _ _ 193 _ ptrn""'fid )APPLY 4,Y: 193 Pc:vo In ❑„nr A,,pn,na 193. 'r„���. \R����i•t /<-c� l< <-..tet.. tf-c� ens a-is MITI' IIF. Aye CITY OF Sr. - —No ..L. OFFICE OF THE CI'':i-L':LERK J CO`UNCI�//f��/ESOLUTION- r-+ jERAL FARM rE.+sm s NEra �s�ra»mvc WHEREAS, on January 19, 1907, the District Court of Ramasy County vacated a street des1.- ated at that time as Toronto avenue, lyinc between Lot 1 in c1cck , and Lot 7 in 51oc'.t 1, of the Re- arr;+n,.: e;ner.t of Hi,,hland Pmrk Addition; and :`WHEREAS, 1n the order vacating the c—e, the Court decreed that the City of St. Paul should have an easement in said street 12 feet wide For the purpose of maintaining water and sewer anuip- ment; and ","HEREAS, slid water main now crosses over the east side of the lot known — Lot 9, West Croc— Hill "H," ot:-.erwiae described as 654 Fairmount avenue; and WHERE -AS, the owner of _> _ lot desires to extend a portion of his house, conslstl— of a sun-por n , over a portion of the Property upon which the City has an easem t; and whereas, Bald owner is willlnz to a.-ree that any expense •thich may be ca•Ised the City Or the Water Department by the extension of s=id home over —id easement will be borne by him, and he a—a— _:.at _;-lid easement may be so at—ded oc to contain —ch a provision, which. mill ''^e hindinc upon his grantaaa� therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby C'rWNCII-NI EN \r+,-" Adopted by I.hr C'�+CIL \1nv -.. -.. 193...- APpn,vod -.. -. - 19:3 Agi— P—dent NI..h„r,,..' �' r[4 ,t�u+•4 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM authorized —d �irected to —t— Sntn —ch an --Tent with L—y Smith, t`ne 0— of aril .—Ti.— Yen9 \ n Z,Tnv Ad., -a b, Ih„ c—I,�il_._ _MAY 1C_ .r. 2 - Vii. s vNy 28 t93� lu favor Approved ----._.._ 193 h1 e} CITY OF ST PAUL NO. '��'121 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ' G N IL X50 ' tGENERAL FORM RESOLVED Whereas, the City Council, under data of March 27, 1931, at the request of a delegation of citizens, and because of the low stage of water in Lake Phalen, agreed that the City Council should request the Water Department to supply raw water to the Lake, and Whereas, at the request of the Commissioner of Parks, the Water Board has agreed to supply water to the Lake in so far as they have a surplus of water, and Whereas, the Water Board has agreed to defer the payment for same until 1935; therefore, be it Resolved by this Council that the 1935 budget should and shall include an Stem to reimburse the Water Board for approximately 300,000,000 gallons of water at a rate of $8,00 per million g.13--- . .. I Yeas cCTP11e]C `h N.— AdnF«d I,, 1— (_,-,-1 MAY n� 141419 Af`d 19 nonl W:t. 1. �COTI / by _ No °=LVE". °~ ""^`."" x� "~'' '~~ ..^~ Wtnoxr"' .= -- r�. • , �'a1n.. /// ST. ''''''''CITY OF PAUL / �CE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM c-4 / l-,. C–.l.tihC. PAESErvTEo a COMr-�issiorve � � DATE RESOLVED, 12 i_c.��_...r.. i. �. .I �; �. �-1 �,� c: '� �.� .. ..sr �.. ... ��... �l� .-•. � � ret I Irl NI n,�H:N MAY 22 19"14 N„_.-, na„Ix�•dl,.�u,�,c����,���a ha�•�•� ��r ci..� CITY OF ST. PAUL CLERK WUCOI �FIRESOLUT ONOI GENERAL FORM Iom ­­NTED 7,7 RESOLVED _.c 1�"n .-arc ..r �_ _ .r+c-r 111-i— r... .o held r.. .ads„nod h, o„• MAY `2 ,334 jos At, I I'd - ',I SAY 22 'U927 CITY OF ST, PAUL NO �'•`C ^ RK FFICE OF THE CITY CLEiLe ' I�/O/IL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM lLf� ✓ .•�� •• oAre RESOLVED, rorsl A.i„I,1,.,I I„, u,t` �',t����•a MAY 22 1934 wa '9RY 2% 1998 nrs ,)1 r. 14nld� nt Jl uhon�y wta��•�.••t.i�, �:�.�/ �C [f FICE OF OTHE ITVUCLERK NO. `.D d'92t� / ,j} CO IL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM RESOIy EO N— M,, ^Is. Y :\�lr.l.t ��.1 ! _ 0—t „,t ���il Mp w4y 22 1 34 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --COUNCIL FZFSgLUTION GENERAL FORM ly F WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul made application several months ago for assistance in extending the City Market, under the leasing provisions of the P. B. A. and AREAS, such application was held, Pending the passage of legislation at the Special Session of the Legislature, In 1934, Which wolil.d authorize the issuance of bonds for such protect, and WHEREAS, the Legielature paased an act authorizing the Oity of St. Paul to issue general obligation bonds to cover such project, now therefore be It RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to amend the original application fox assistance in so far an the finance section in concerned, applying for such assistance under the general obligation bond ---- I I 1-1STI 111ICS N�— ,�d„hl�,d I��� �hI• I�,II„�❑ ACHY 2$ VI ngm � FEDERAL EMERGENCX ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE ADVISORY BOARD C StateEngineer. P. W. A.. _ 429 Poet Office Bldg., St. Paul, minn., March 6. 1934. ml. Clyde H. May, Commissioner of Public Utilitlaa, Court House. St. Paul, Minneeota. He; Docket No. 3979 My dear Commissioner The mppllcation of the City of St. Paul for additions and betterment, to its Is=ipally owned market wee forwarded, as you lmow. to Waahington some time ago. We we a unable to approve the application at that time because the aecurlty offered wa not sufficient to aecnre the loan. Since then, however. the State of MSmeeo to has passed legl elation whioh permit, Che City of St. Pau.1 to is ane general obilgotion bond, to r that pro,7act, and you Lava 1nd1cated to ua by letter that the City is wi111ng to do a This inf—tion has been tranemitted to Washington with the raeommandation that the ovlginal application be restudied in the limit of the new security offered. I— s commnnicatloa today from the Chief of ti - 71—.. Section to the effect that the original application did not furnish the fimncisl information re qulrad Lan the --i ty offered was genet sl obll gation bonds. It will ba n ary to furnish this lnf.r=tlon a ealled for on Circular f2, P. i.cAgg copies of Bich you have on file. Will you please, therefore, aubmit in quadrapl lc ate, and supported by ti— p""" r solution by the City Council, an amendment to your original ppllca­ tion, ,oaf ar as tha 111—ee Section is c reed, basad on the application being made on a general obligation bond basis, Very truly yours, N. CARRY � C/% STATE ENGINEER, P. W. A. } A / FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE ADVISORY BOARD State Hngineerla Offlce 429 Poet orrice Bldg., St. Pail, Minnesota March 30, 1934 Mr.Clyde H. M -y, Cocmar. P Dl ie Utilities, City Hall, St. Paul. Mina. He: Docket No. 111: St. Peal Dlty .et Dear Sir: We bave been re quos ted to pply the Washington office with definite information eB to the ate. n :r the above pro Ject. Under date o£ March 6 ve advieed you o£ the requirements to be met in the a ent that the city de ci dee to pry ceed with this pin Jeot with financing by the issuance o£ general obllgat:on bonds. Will yua please Snform ne wbat action the city ]ass taken in thin matter in order that ne mryy advise Washington of the de£inite statue of Lhle proJect. S Dura AlyCAH77 � STATI; F.NGINBME, F.W.A. HH.J/gd FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE ADVISORY BOARD Mr. H. J. Flynn, Assistant Corporation Counsel, Court House. St. Paul. Minn. State Engineer. P. W. A.. Post Office Bldg., St. Paul, Minn.. April 12. 1934. Be: Docket No. 3579. St. Paul City Market. Dear Mr_ Flynn: We acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 11th, stating that the City will shortly proceed to pass ordinances authorizing the issuance of bolds for the City Market Project. and that after this has been done you will submit the financial data requested in our letter of March 30th_ We are Lranmsitting copies of your letter to the Washington office where this informati® will —cel ve consideration in connection with the application of the City of St. Paul for PWA aeeistance in the construc- tion of this market project. Yours very truly, 'IIM. N. C ARNY HHJ/k STATE ENCI-MER. P. W. A. CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT May 14, 1934. Mr. Clyde A. May, Commissioner of Public Utilities. Dear Sir: On March 8th, You forwarded to this office, a letter from William W. Oarey, relative to the applloation of the City of 8t. Paul for additions and betterments to the Mar Yet. He stated that they were unable to approve the application because the se ourity offered was not sufficient. gine then the Legis- lature has authorised us to issue bonds, and an ordinance pro- viding for the issuance of same has been pawed by the Council. Mr, oarey stated that the information relative to the proposed passage of such an ordinance had been transmitted to Washington, with the suggestion that the original application be re -studied in the light of the new security offered. The Chief Of the Finance Section in Washington wrote Mr. Carey requesting that financial information be furnished, showing the detail required by P. W. A. Olroular No. 8, when the security offered was general obligation bonds. Mr. Garay has requested un to furnish this financial Hata, and also, to support the amended application with a resolution by the City oounoil. I am handing you herewith a resolution covering the master, which I suggest that you introduce In the Council soon, and I am sending a copy of tnis letter to the Comptroller with the request that the financial data required by Circular No. 2 be provided by them, to be handed to your Department to send to Mr. Carey at the earliest possible time. Apparently iashingtoa Is considering the application favorably since they want this additional information. Your. vary truly '� MB' A. tan ration DOnnsel. CITY OF ST. PAUL .� ty0_ •.r r f . �! it i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --q ENERAL FORM vREscrvTEo aY coresMiss�orve.a -2, s( it.�, �ti� _ once Nip 15, 1934 RESOLVED That the proper City officer. be end they are hereby —tho laed to refmnd to the following Hamad pareona the fees indicated deposited on applications f— dance he= lice nsas. .titch licenses have previously been denied: L. A. Biorn 671 Dn.iver.ity Ave. Dance Heft $15.00 Appl. 6047 C. F. Dinger 641 S. Smith Av. 15.00 n 6207 :stay McDonahl �ius� er ,'I'rua< � - ,1 Raiirnc Wer�zr l M a_ Ief r. I'risi�lr�rit \LuhonCy A.1 -1 h. a„. I �,����� d Y 22 1`_i�.1 Ills App --d .'''` '1.. -.- t'!3 \Iii r SPS C. F. 9. 710 d—yi— e11 d,—, hs11 lice— in con—ti.n 'ailh C 3r_not _r Tly with n1—Hing r �.0 iremene.s o,f R—lth Bureau CITY OF ST. PAUL ..s �� NO. i.J;�r)SI OFFICE — THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL FZ p TION -GENERAL FORM 0 on-ra Mqy 18, 1934 R®ot>t� -- --. - WRE.REAS, Samuel Foster a—iras to aithdrea application 3007 for On Sale Malt Beverage license, applt cation 3009 for Off Sale Malt Beverage license, and apj,li- cation 3010 for Reeta.n-ant li can se at 620 Rondo Street. therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Samnel Foster the Pea o£ $50.00, the fee of $5.00 and the fee of $10.00 and to cancel applications of on and 0£Y Sale Malt Beverage and Restaurant licensee, respect- ively. .I os Ne �R1ay i1lcDnnnId �I'Pnrec lei lava, Tree. _ Ag—ee e aM av MI P—Iid—t %lnh—ey +d�eln�aI�> H��.I .��,��.❑ LjAV 22 1934 ws ale. , .1 No.,G CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RZ-UTIOI$--GENERAL FORM .. oATe KRY 2" 2,954 gFg7igpg, the Grandvien Theatre Corp. deairas to nithdraw application 3533 £or motion Picture Theatre at 2048 Marshall Avenue) therefore, be it FLSOL_,VFM, that the proper city officers be and tl.ey are hereby authorized to refund to the Grandvien Theatre Corp. the fee of $100.00 and to cancel said anTillcation for theatre license. 1'(IITSc'l '�IAY 22 1934 '�tnY �pp� /QTc IJ.. e�nld MAY ,4'�nrcr In fn���r :\ppr.�..�1 I'—vi.l.-t \Inhoucy �.I¢Iw,.o c • r.k CITY OF ST. PAUL � NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY C i COUNCIL RESOLUTION— G- ■ WHEREAS, the following applioations have been made to the Council for permission to erect cash and carry Soo stations at the premises named: certified Ice & Auel Company, -on the north side of St. Clair Street, third lot east of Snelling, being Lot 17, Block B, Den E. Lane's Homesites Plat 1• Certified Ica & ruel Company,-oa the east side of Snelling Avenue, between Breda Street and Como Avenue, being Lot 13, Block B, Lake Park Third Addition; William J. Logue, Jr.,- on east side of victoria Street, between Selby and Dayton Avenues, at the rear of Lot 10, Block 4, Hininger 6 Donnelly -8 Addition; Lophom Realty Company, -at $779 West Central Avenue, being Lot 18, Blook 8, Butterfield Syndidate No. 1 Anguat £rant Ne tnwest corner of White Bear and Yinnehabw , being Lot 30, Block 4, Suhl's Second Addition; and AREAS, proper notloe has bees given, pursuant to Paragraph T of Section 5 of ordinance No. 6840, and the Council is of the opinl on that auoh permits should be granted; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorisad cad directed to issue to said parties named above, permits Sor the er sot ion and mei atenanoe of oasn and oarry loo stations on the premi ees set forth herein, said buildings to be constructed in acoordance with the Building Code; said peraits ara granted subject to the provision that the same vay be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. I I,I .I a -Nn:N,o to34 SucA&,,)11(1 hyu," c.,,,,- u,VIAY ._ - _ lea p �.a L�.,. In (u♦-ur dppnrooJ lea X `/ �Iuy CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of --- OFFICE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK w ILLIAM i SI -IT Lny 11th, 1914, Ldr. Corporation Corm sel, Bnildiag_ Dear Sir: Tiiea h tted applications for ice etatior ne apnro by ilea CC—Cil an —Cil todd re.e.red to you .or theroper reeolvtions: Certified Ica & Fv 1 Co_ N. side of St. CIa1r St. :rd lot c iSnelling ILot 17, ren E. L- , e Eoma st tee Plat 1) Ceti filed ICs . F-1 Co. Lot 1+, E1'c. ;, Le::e'erk lyd Adc., Z. aide a: Snelling bet. Breda & Como 'Ai 1.l i— S. L—, Ja_ E. side Victoria bet. Selby & Peyton, r of Lot 10, Elk. 4, N1niver & ronnelly's Add. lt—k— Realty Co_ 779 4. Central Ave. - Lot 1?, Elk. 9. Bi:ter.`teld %,d. N1 At>�ist Franz North -et c r Rntte Ear & Ninnehaha be in, Lot 7O, Elk. 4, K.,hl'e 2nd Add, Tours very truly, City Clerk, POST CARD NOTICE! -1'111: ( \L." �U I 'lay 4 .. "r .1 i,1 'i li. i!1>'. �, , :,r,.Ii- r , ." ,.srtillad ,I— el _ St e it St. 3 I .. .'lisu A_ n1A rd lot"s �of' Isnellu viz. lot 1� Hamoal} e. ,1 f' IL,❑ I oil 1 t Lun �,r i II , ,., )i, iI 1- Ili lfith I�cl:.-1-\I- - 7820 \ALTO\ ROSE\, C-,-iaa'ioncr of I inns,ic. Mr. Pim. F. Scutt, City Clerk. Dear Sir . THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA c oUa* HoUsE May 15th, 1934. In the matter of the application of the Certified Ice & Fuel Company to locate — ice house on the north site of St. Cl, it St. and the third lot e—t of Snelling Ave. This is a commercial zone. The lot is ous w ed for parking cars and is in the rear o£ store building facing Sne111ng Ave. There is 0 objection to this site, and the board recommends that the permit be grant�i. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HEHiiO 11>, Engineer Secre tt.ry_ gh-rh C1TV OF SAINT PAUL- oe Rn arm ENr or r-A Ks. Lrvc aoury os wrvo rues eVfLoiMes —VISI— — BUILDING INSPECTIONC —.«` ILI APPLICATION FOR PERMIT To. BuiLo M marc cs ❑ 1 lilL MovL Warcrc H .jC > ? E] F—] ❑U El❑ E] .........­F �aE��E�As rvEws1.. OWNER \ Fh�. / C� /CC Y- / 4 / l ADDRESSd6--'r.•lnZ w•_Q �PI 4l _ CONTRACTOR. �A 1� C�Q/ice s,c�E a wH o5s raEtTs � ��oi rn 3n//of •EoJf cf (JtiP��i-may 9ve. w wrap i Lor /I I _ /T_--__ /t�-. _:— nooirio awcr •OP/1 E. �4nPI /�GH']PJi'f�J �/q �" / _— ,c SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE nils oR Remnrz ns SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE ro er .r Lc,.s= to r -r room ow eLLia GARAGES r.a Ta eL nr Lrs r 20 r To eE rcnsr 30 rr a m raoNr srra - etT room s,oE srrxEEr oCONSTRUCTION r=Er L_,vE LINE .. LF ss DDDR UY(f/ !R L�[x!_P.f 1-S (YLQL d St-P _T. {/lRILEI'6 hard.. fir ON VACANT L I AP-1-1— NO 'IRMIT ISSUED UNDERL THIS ovra v LUMe ROHI ITEO RGo w iis Rrf lai. `n P..I,.lin.xraa.. ,.,,rJ.,ia.r 'i_ —d r.l a h R 1:11, �KrF.�/ J C a b f � UAr��n �✓_STREET --- L PERMIT NUMBER APPLICATION FOR r PEP'AIT I L �[ra,l/P J,4,At r f � UA<�� n A✓� _STREE T �wf L PERMIT NUMBER APPLICATION FOR PERMIT r A e J,i'-, a c TO THE HONORABLE,THE CITY COUNCIL, Saint Psul,Minnesota. Gentlemen: We,the undersigned property owners and residents, adjacent to or in the immeadiate vicinity of the property affected,hereby petition your Honorable oody to grant The .- Certified Ice and Fuel Co. permission to maintain a Cash and Carry ice store an Lot 19,Block 2,Den. E.Lane's Home- --^� i sites Plat 1._---_�_�_�_ y J� li.! tia �Z3 zw mP -jam LAX Adopted by the Guu ncil 1'13 Na. - 1'ca+. /E.1It CL'- ROSEN FFRUA\ A%l:N"!. I%1. /112. PIi F.SIUGv"I' MAIIONI�:l PO& CARD NOTICE! i, OFF 1('F (IF -1 HE (`O\IM ISSIO\I:R OF I IN 1\('1: rt. pu,ii. Minn., J&mY �`a —lo:14 1'i�rco:...t t.. pnrn�.rn l.h 1�, , �� io��n�l.•.I. ,�( Itoil.li��ti "/.����. �r.l'innn�i, .),�h 7th, 1922 �,r certfri-a`�ioa mei_^ . 1c II Co. lot 13 b1. L 2.9K5 Yar]c TThird f.r Ik�E side4 Sn I-inr bet. 9fv9on-1E. - - - B_reds_h Como.__ __ tl. 16th MeY_ I9:54 ,:�t lU ���. 1-1, A M. \11LTON ROSEN, 7819 Comniission.:r c.[ 1' insnie. THC BOARD Or' ZONING ' SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �i COURT HOUSE esay 15th, 1'x34• Mr.;;F. Scott, Ci ty Clerk. De.r Sir : In the matter of the applicutlon of the C er ti£i ed Ice & Fuel Company to install and carry ice house on the east site of Su elling Ave.e G between Breda .end Como Ave. in the rear of the store building facing Como Ave. This is commercial z n7ng. The vacant pert o£ the lot is now used for lumber storage. There Is no objection to this site, and the Board T -h- c ommendst ha t the permit be granted. gh-,h Yours very truly, GEORGE i:. Engineer Secretary CITY OF SAINT PAUL 5 ..�. ... .,_,.❑IV. _ISION. _..OFF.. ' BU�...ILDING............INSPECTIOONN.....- ro... ... �o�..�.�u .....�.......� LI APPLICATION FOR PERMIT To: Bohn A. A—, Rcrnm IN— Hwvc OWNER lel f/T ce !cam I'-.l:.�l. `�r ADDRESS. CONTRACTOR _ �j .•-,_ ADDREBB CJ , - waao nor T.- or on rr,ncr �� i %h:'�,;/ --- SEPARATEPERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES Tams naks wr Ll IT 20 BEET cR owc �_iv v noro�rvirvc cors ro a nr rcnsr 30 r su m —1.1 —11 Eirvr B f EtT FRowt —E —11-r L1v1 —111 mo oCONSTRUCTION I�r m:�l.cs nP1ic� (ur a Jo ON CAN LOT PROHIBITED,,,rJnn...�11,.�II,�rJi��n��..x„f NO PERMITCI SSUEDs UN CER OTH IS APPLICATICON P� M ��. E�E�rR�Ca�. P�AST.R�N� oA wnAM w,A �rvto (�rr,f,t: �I�RrcvinCflli��ntIII,�I, .linnr.��ln. /�•� i.,�/ i / _ J A —r PERMIT NUMBER APPLICATION FOR PERMIT w<rs c -ire vuH i POST CARD NOTICE! "'l-l( 1: 11 '1`'^"=°"°'"`""","'`^`'« °~­1 =.. May 5— "^ .^-~..... .`~~~^ ' ^~^ ^ ~~~~^ Willi- ha"� "^«^~'"~^ "~—»'""''~.. ^. Iw^ .03^ ~."—^.k^" ".^,"""OS",, "a, ,~,_~^~°^~~ THE BOARD Of ZONING -- SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .. .. .. May I5ti, l? -1. Nr. Nm. r. Scute, City Clerk. Deur Sir In the matter of appilca tion of Nm. J• Logue, Jr. to erect an ice station on the east s 1.'.e of Victoria St. between Selby and Dayton in the reor of the Standard 011 Company's service station at the southeast corner of Selby and Victor ie. This house will face Victoria St. There 1s no objection. The zoning Ss co The hoard recommend= that the permit be granted. gh-rh Yours very truiy, GF;ORGE S. k:EPP,DLD, Engineer Sec ret.iry. _.�. ]F - IN AUL APPLICATION FOR PERMIT { SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE r� ^_ <'��^'•'^' SPECIFICATIONS FOR P E v RAGES y! FE FSM ��„.aE�.o1,NE... r.„. 1` I .. T„ �F zT e. ER F.,o�.soESTr,rET�rvE ('G UCTION ON VACANT LOT r\\%)�1 I... �..�I.r. NOuvERMLurn15HCEDL UNDEROTHI srtalPrvcCATIOn r..Wwirr i•.rv.rr7(li "W vk.. •, .M POST CARD NOTICE! OFFRE (tl 1'11E ('0MMISSIONIAC ()I- I 1.\A'N( 1, , Pf-1, Mil- AP - 28--193 4 I f B,ildi­ Z 11)22, —.1 all -1-1, 1, n-1 0 --[ h t, �,h- I�p � P.,lty Co, 4 t,,i] i— tatm� �7angel! , B 9- W;Id 12-b k. field Sy, f -j_ --o E. ..... . ........ 119.134 t 10 1., k A I MILTON R0,EN, 7812 Commissioner of Fin... Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir . THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA COURT HOUSE Eloy 15th, 1934. Your letter o£ April 11th in the matter of application of the LaphRealty Company to install a cash and carry Jr.chouse at 779 W. Central :eve. - this being the Northea_t corner of Avon. This is a 'B^ Residence Dist' is t. The lot is occupied by a one story frame grocery and ice cream store about 20 ft, by 40 ft. Thi=_ would come under paragraph ^b^ of Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance, 'I ck. permits the extension of a non -conforming use upon a lot o cupied by such use. Trie Roard recommends that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, �--ter---' --ti GEORGE H. REP.ROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Pit.1 of Mi—'— M w HT oP PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, C.—a;--1 CARL E SPEAKES. DI -1 Co^^�••��"•• -fes AI'll 19, 1 ;54 Hon. Fred Y- Truax C onm:f ssi o'er Derr Sir: T am returning to you herevdth ¢ letter mitf toms uii ldC1n91ce Cler;c's office and petition for n per toume fol be nvest ie at icn/ nd repoCant "Ill Avenue, referred Our Inspector strates th::t there is no ice s:atlor. ,vit ha' several blocks of this site and it ill be located on a lot ad ,Joining a non -conforming building in ¢ "9" Residence District. In view f ices fact station, at so I recnr's^andethat thio permit be desire an granted. Yours truly, Sty chitect J—T.... v 1 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL --T—T 11 n .V —N— ro..�.eE�o�.r�.cu DIVISIONROF BUILDING INS PECTIONe A ov o:LgRON'A «`� LI APPLICATION FORm PERMIT To: Irvs.— Ano.R— Move Ha r.+nR ov X Rcs ❑ ❑ ❑R ❑ � �K DATE I sig cosi.. OWNER _ _ ADDRESS CONTRACTOR -. ADDRESS - p. NV e�R s�rsccr slot ''. ecTw r�nT srracc s wA D cor ococrc no rioN ora RncT SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE oe rni�_s ora Remnra �.s SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES o a :T1 T cFA sr 20 Fl— F11"DwE rvc ary noi'crvirvc cors T10 E Ar rn i 30 F11 ra m rraory sTwcrr irve _ _ fi rEcr fRom sioE srra�cr i-irve uNCEss DDDR - TO aE AT censT - s 0 CONSTRUCT IO ON VACANT11PROHIBITED Rm r_ r rry I SR f J `I onRn s NO PERMIT6155U ED UNDER THIS A —ATION 1L oraN cRc woRK. t'.crR cnt PcnsTc /n.aM CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Min nesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK W ILIIAM G. SCOTT Cily C,." and Commioiter of April 11th, 1934, Hon.Brad M. Trona, Cometr o£ P.P. & P. Bldg e.. ding. Dear Sir: The attached application o£ the Lapham Realty Company for permi eeioa to build an Sca station o Los 12, Block 8, Bnttarfleld'e syndicate $1, located at 779 W. Central Avenue wa referred to your department, by the Cooncll, for r port.e Toore very truly, City Clerk. page 1. March 22,1934. To the Honorable cnuncil, city of St pawl, Gentlemen: of St Paul, We, the undersigned,citizens oto f the allthe ow Hereby petition the H°ofrabcash andi�arryaiceWstoreeoncthe ion and ma intainence to which North east corner of Centra a d.Ayon Streets, location we aLe close net ADDRESS RAO � � 5 . yt/ , , --------------- ition for ice station on Central & Avon Ste NAME ADDRESS Page 2. _ low- Petition ow , Petition for ice station on Central & Avon Sts. Page 5. -% ME ADDRESS linlldt-,�.. N:,r Sir: Y. '•1' .1�neer 9ulldfnr Cor oa xv�lt to Sns toll a. lce,-tn Linn at 'I�' Mast Central Avan�e, uein=nt 17, �lnc 9,.it to rf lol d�3 �ndt cote en1i strtlon t^ co lncetad nn east s1Ao ,. -tore. ' 111 -i- ly s ^{ .�aaTlnr on t -:,l- appllcntion x -n. no tl iy t int ere -ted noerty ono.. re Yo +. c -r truly, City Clem. Mny t,. , "I'. Grntic.��'.: T—r n 11cnt1nn ' enAB810n to ins trll - iia _Minn ut 77'- `—t Centrnl Avenue v, ed lui r! o :to lc. th — v -ated to nr _ `t -".a _ ,_ c'�..c Olt, a rz}etr v'a mo thea tnya�..ra fle11L �.n I£._.� "t t t"u Y-- —r- tray, St, P -,I, Ali-, l Ott ri I�v POST CARD NOTICE! 11LI [I E X1F HIE (' IMMISS10M:H i1I 11\ IM 1: �I. P: 1, \lion.,__—mSY 6• 193.4 1. ","i 5, Ifuililiok Z. ,,, ilnlinuon=, ��I�lini��•�1 Iold 71h, 11122. Brie l�I� n�,tilie�l ill:it tLr. ulilili- fi1r 1r1niiivii,o ii nt i� nlinui n tail ii o I.�r lld P.W.o r. _oY Wllt5_z3 Viri s. k ml—hehSL_: _1 �h ac. _Llkc 4, Ruhl'.2nd Add. i t th, r - Iloll a���l t ��ort Il�,oa, Iinil�lin����i Ilii 16th —ilv1- 1 M -Y - 1l13 4 , vt 10—1 ick A Nl. MILTON ROSL\, M.1 Comnufl.9— f 1 inuuce. 1 � 1 .AJc>Pteal by the Cnuniil 193 PLARCE �OSEti -NIR. PliEJIUE\-I CITY OF SAINT PAUL of an RTr.nVILorNGs .o..r rEc couEcrto DIVISION OF BUILDINGOINSPECTION I : L'_ D "v LnoAON; E� U APPLICATION FOR PERMIT To. t ' m Ara B'tiOX Res D EA REPAIa EA ❑R El El❑. AL'crc H Nc OnrE _193 — F-1_ �. . NEw sic . - OWNER _ - _ _ ADDRESS_- CONTRACTOR_- '._ NUNeER _ ADDRESS—_.- -- -_._ SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES r e- Ar E I 10 FE FOR PRIVATE c N Ar. T c wT L—T 20 FEE FraoM ow ELLiN N noJoivirvc Lo.s of ro. - H Tie nia r<s r ec A LE 30 FEET Fnor.� eR rvr s r�ccr �irvE Ecr Fcxo r.. sloe sTaEEr LINE —RInJ.rniCrreJ o CONSTRUCTION ON ACANT LOT PROHIBITED N cI '"IJi��R ��iifiil xirh I raM1y nll "�rJ lov m:.ke. vvlica�i�n for o do T.�rQrcainti u,k 11 n. ix .r hr- t. of faint 1 vul, .Iinnewrnr. NO UEDs UNDER THIS LIGATION wi:: -£Yx w 5m n ii ov -� - CITY OF SAINT PAUL ISIONR OF BDILDI IN OI NSPECTION utkolv�s W; JLORON. E U APPLICATION FORM PERMIT To. A—— REPAIRK Hwrvo Dnre / —193 L/ r..wia ev OX sxes I ❑L ❑ ❑ El El ❑❑ ADDRESS - CONTRACTOR _ ' ..-*L _. .ADDRESS — --- SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE oer oR rser_rgR ns. SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES ro ee qr L 10 FF .... o- ­ v swne ro ee qr LE r 20 Fe FPoi.. ows=���v v >o�oirvivc Lors ro se wr LE nn sr 30 Feer �rzorn rrx rvr r eEr LivE 11 LIAll B Feuer I— slD TR LIVE uv ­ss WOR oder (or mie do OCONSTR UCTION ON sT CVAAvorNToLOT PROHIBITED Ink 1 fl mr'fled. agreelAk o do e11 wo of tier ..i.rJn n.. allh ��II orJ�uau... u(< Y �d lnln[ ul,r morn. r AragGe 000rss rw..rev i_Lev ' -- -' e Clr r ' ll NO PeR FLTMIS N U E DLUCN DERL TP SrE PLICAµONrvT wAIRlei-f-/-r1L. Fu Ac won 1 `; w. s.v�vi v. �, �� Rr+Esr w �oNNsoN o CHAS A ASSFOeD CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of mi--. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commuaione. CARL E SPEAKES. O ­ Co...... �.•:o. -F18- '$ April 27, 1, 4 Hon. fired Id. Truax cc !v-si ssi o LL Dcar ]Lr: May i raspect£u11y as:- you to reconsider our r •port- in con- neotion -:ith the anpl icat Son of ;august Franz for s permit to orect a cast. and r ice at,. at 1773 East ..1�2nehahn >'.root, which r+ns reforrod to me for investi_,-aticn and report on 6r about A— it 12. At that tine our inspector's report st:.te:7 that t}�e property is zonod for cor�ne;•clal pLupo ses anti that there :,n ice station acr o,s tpe sty eat in the same bi—if. I.'ay �1 advise that this station is under the some n •shin and ; Frc,iiz Drlcs to discontinue the Sce station 'across the street )rozid- ad ,D—issi:n is granted fo;• one at 177; East l.11nnehah:+ 3-rect. The onino 130 .rd ^eco=lends t?v,t t; is pormit be pored. Yours truly, City nrchi-.ect /I _ _.._... N EsI W JOHNSON Ln5 v� of P..L. 1-1 o BnSSFOa U C:ryAA•c1.,re�r CITY OF SAINT PAUL C e p i f f DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 C11y Hall FRED M. TRUAX. Commi-ioee. —'- Ce......:++:e...• --- - -. _ CARL E. SPEAKES. D.R.', April 12, 1`x:54 - - �— Sion. Fred I.. TI—1 -------- �--- �� - C—i as inner D-- S11: - I am returning to you he,--ith a letter fro- the CSty C1o1•1< --- -- -- nd application of �.ugust Franz for permit to install n ice station at 1773 East Minn. haha Street, "hi c}: ••as refer- _ -- - ---"" - rad to xD. £or inve st l r;a t ion and report. Cur inspector advises that this property is zoned for '"'-- - — a mar cial purposes an[t that there 1s nt— an ice station one half block .11, _. ----`- -�- ruly, POST CARD NOTICE! 1\ Al chit. ct - "^-'- - `•' �ih'I II'I: Ul THE COMMISSIONER Or I IN ANf'L- �_-._ St. Puul. ,lin,,._ A_pr•-1�--ID3 4 1 1 h+ "'._ rl'i, f fu goat-F _ -- ntr•�1t N W_ ons. i Y lShit B Br. k Hl 1.t 30 bl$ 4 Kuhl's .2nd Add. + - t ..... 1 1- tl�r t it (1 ri Irri. 2_6tl't- II.,+c. liuil�lii ti �. 1 ApriLI^'14 ,:, IO u'itl„r kA M MILTON' ROSEN, ---'^�+---- 7809 Commisaiu Uer u( Y"inBncc. T CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capnal of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK W 11AM F SCOTT C." Clerk ap111 lOtb, 1914. Hon. Fred M_ Troaz, Comer of P -P. & P. Bldg — Bnildlag. Dear 31— The attached appl Scatloa of ingnat Franz for permit to Sastall ea ice station at 1773 Nast Mianehaha Street was referred to your de- partmaat, by tin CoTtacll, forSaveetlgatlon and report. Tonne very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL 11 5 o[vw ATn [DIVISIONROF 1UILOING OINSPECTIONc uii.Dirvcs „ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT o',N, ,`� ❑ To: Move' - mwv n�soX v[s � 1 ❑L ❑ ❑ LJ Hwrvc DATE ITvuCrlir+E ustD as .._. OWNER - – ADONESS _ CONTRACTOR. ADDRESS _- vVmo[.v � s+ncrr slot ' ann��i. v -- TnncT war+o coT aco��c SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE o�rwi�s ��n+[mwrs ns SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES To 11wr T 10 F Faom w �Lry r sam i. r �Lrvc ry wo�oi rvirvc dors - TI 11 ATT 20 F sr m o e r r 30 F ry m Fnc T 1— 1-- B Fcrr FAom 1—si —T Lrvc ung[» ruo To o[ ar LE^LLE I, 1 1 .Iv oCONSTRUCTION ON VACANT IDT 110111 TEO NO PERMITO ISSUED UNDERTIAIS APPLICATION wn� ov v[um nc. [�[crvicwL, cost Eairvc ov wnam niv icrvtn — �-- arvw wov �7 E'.11 ton iio gin: Dor.r Sir: Ap-�llcn!Snn tine wCe by "''.-:nt �1„ i ,..t e-z:�ts 9lnn to tulld «tea � erty nk. eret it, cle ". THE BOARD OF ZONING 4"—' SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a�s+' COURT HOUSE - r ... Mr. F. ..c >�t, CiL]' C 1 erK- eu it - riL LJtt 1n Lne m L er .r ti O tui �t 1773 E 51 n } tri - t, ink t 7�, L1oCK Kvh1 'nd d 1'-t on. Tk.is 1 the NPI 2h enc isrL -?f Mtn :.ha Wit- n.i 'J}"_ite i -.ear —1— for e :Here L�L�-use .rid oecupie9 St ,_ _ t 9 - aI: rh w�ala.�. c • CITV OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ ' COUNCIL RESOLUTI F{,ENERAL FORM rReseHreo ev �__.. onre_ Y 22, 1954. That the various licensee applied for by the following, —ed persons for they hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed the addresees indicated be and era to iseue such licenses IP 01 the payment into the city t_eenry of the required fees: Harry Pappas 693 No. Dale St. Berber Luciano Gangi 525 Broadway Confectionery 5251 Stanley gids. 1984 Stillwater Rd. ^ 1530 St. Hotel (Lowry) 297 rooms 3456 Stats Hotel Corp. 339 Wabash. Grand A— Off Sale Malt Beverage 3348 L. Aberwald 1820 J. E. Bertrand 563 Van Buren St. ^ n " n 3254 F. A. Garlson 1596 Selby A— • " " v 2904 L. A. Gallagher 1340 W. Go— A— n " n 3500 M. George & Son 50 W. Fairfield A— ^ " " n 5430 J. Getsug 319 W. Central Av, e 3511 C. Ghi+_^i 1192 N_ Dale St, n ^ v a 3306 Albert J. Jobnson 2515 Fr..klin Ave. e n n n 3493 Thos. Khoury 140 S. Webasha St. ^ " 1979 Louie Michaud & Son, 1826 Grand A— " " ^ " 3497 Gertrude Mueller 1459 Jefferson ' " ^ " 5419 Wiin F. Norcross 1959 St. Anthony A— n n n n 3551 Louie P. R.111-y 1848 W. Seventh St. ^ v n n 3461 (;OV N I.11.1] E Adi�yted by th� 19:4 Y—tinl-y hlay .1fcD��n nld ' Prnrce In (nv��r / APpr��vcd - IO:i_ L /�/ -- T-- Agninet - -- L %l'y"' Wenzel sN `_ nor. President Mahoney J - ^,.,•,� •" �� �•" CjT of sr. vnuc No OFFICE of TF1E clry c�ERK C:OU NCIL RE•' LUTION GEN ERAS FORM owre H.T REso�l/aD -2- �. Stank -ss & Fill, 560 St- Antm.Y AV. S445 Jeri. E. St --t I 255o E. 7th St. .. 3521 T. R. Sandr7 265 Hice St. " ` 5310 1199 Fey— Ave. Henry Scan san " • • 542D BOO H -i.. St. • Sd Tills-sn Chs.. H- Sagne- 756 O kdsls Ac. E. 3. Eohig & Co. 244 S_ Cleveland Av. ` ' ' 5397 1596 Selby Av. on Sale Malt Seoerege 2905 F. A. C—lsm C- (•.na •,oai 1192 H. Th le St. Soso 1091 Rice SL. . . ' Lbc Holly • 1491 Hobart— A. Sohv.on ar 686 N_ Sia ii=n: AV. 1978 14o S. Esbs.h- St. . Thos. Kb.—Y 5444 SebmeY & Eill _a s'is 560 St_ Anthony Av. 2550 H. 7th St. Jaass Staat _-n 1199 nayne Ave. Henry S>raxa Geo- E Sn—t-1 560 Eabasha St. " Gleams G. TMiset 251 W. 6th St. Aestauraat �^� saos 1192 P_ isle St. • sosl D.. Rally 1091 Pi -e St. ' Aa., If,.Ih-"--I Imo; \Ind \[rIh nnl.i Y— In fs. nr aPPmc..l. tom: R—n R �aad P—SE111, 11 RESOLVED Geo. James Thos. Khoury Salhow Bros. R. Schwartzwold Henry S,-",J—W. Stout 0. P. Babe— & Co. Luviseo Ga 91 t YJl NCII.NIVV 1".ae \n� 1`enrce In (n��ur Rosi �� Tninr ,.i .\Kni��nt eer i_n A[r. I'residc ut �r A�Ir�irt rel b. thi t riunrl JUL q ic),),! M 1- "l--1// I e:�Ii CITY OF ST. PAUL „u ` NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM onrt may 22. 1954 1030 H.stinge Av. Reetaurvnt 3245 1977 140 S. Wabash. St. " 3290 1255 Payne Av, 3200 601 Wabash. St. ° ° 3309 1199 Payne Ave. 2009 2550 W. 7th St. " 521 No. Snelling Ave. 011 Burner 55o6 525 Broadway 7 pool tables 3250 t YJl NCII.NIVV 1".ae \n� 1`enrce In (n��ur Rosi �� Tninr ,.i .\Kni��nt eer i_n A[r. I'residc ut �r A�Ir�irt rel b. thi t riunrl JUL q ic),),! M 1- "l--1// • Loule H.6 — qb 11 C.r'. NO. 97934 -1- il i S�, ELL A*! r0[JS 1416 Hazel Ave. (Off Sale 1931 -No A.F. 59.58 Malt B—) 1932 -No A.F. 106.44 A ,,, C.F.#97934 1. MISCELLANEOUS NOT DELINQUENT Harry Pappas 693 N. Dale St. Barber 3476 Luciano Gangi 525 Broadway Confectionery 3251 Stanley Kielsa 1984 Stillwater Rd. " 1530 State Hotel Corp. 339 Wabaeha St. Hotel -Lowry 3456 297 rms. L. Aberwald 1820 Grand Ave. Off Sale Malt Bev, 3348 J. E. Bertrand 563 van Buren St. " 3254 F. A. Carlson 1596 Selby Ave. ^ 2904 L. A. Gallagher 1340 W. Como Ave, ^ 3300 M. George & Son 50 W. Fairfield Ave. ^ 3430 J. Geteug 319 W. Central Ave. " 3311 C. Ghizoni 1192 N. Dale St. ^ 3306 Albert J. Johnson 2515 Franklin Ave. " 3493 Thos. Khoury 140 S. Wabaeha St, ° 1979 Louie Michaud & Son 1826 Grand Ave. " 3497 Gertrude Mueller 1459 Jefferson Ave, " 3419 Winn F. Norcross 1959 St. Anthony Ave. " 3331 Louie P. Reilly 1848 W. 7th St, " 3461 8chuk & Williams 560 St. Anthony Ave. " 3445 James W. Stout 2550 R. 7th St. " 2011 T. E. Sundry 283 Rice St, " 3321 Henry Swanson 1199 Payne Ave, ^ 3310 Ed Tilleman 800 Raymond Ave. " 3420 Chas. B. Wagner 736 Oakdale Ave. ^ 3361 E. E. Woblg & Co, 244 S. Cleveland Ave. " 339" F. A. Carlson 1596 Selby Ave. On Sale Malt Bev, 2903 C. Ghizoni 1192 N. Dale St. ^ 3307 Doc Holly 1091 Rice St, " 3030 Robert A. Johnson 686 N. Snelling Ave, ° 3491 Thos. Khoury 140 8. Wabaeha St. " 1978 Schuck & Williams 560 St, Anthony Ave. ^ 3444 James Stout 2550 W, 7th St. " 2010 Henry Swanson 1199 Payne Ave. " 3308 Geo, Weinzatl 560 Wabaeha St. 3475 Gladys G. Dueek 251 W. 6th St. Restaurant 3499 97934 -2- MISCELLANEOUS NOT DELINQUENT C. Ghizoni 1192 N. Dale St. Restaurant 3305 Dae Holly 1091 Rice St. " 3031 Geo. James 1030 Hastings Ave. " 3245 'hoe. Khoury 140 S. Wabasha St. " 1977 Salhow-Bros. 1255 Payne Ave. Gas. Pump 3290 R. Schwartzwold 601 Wabaet- St. Restaurant 3260 Henry Swanson 1199 Payne Ave. " 3309 James W. Stout 2550 W. 7th St. " 2009 0. P. Bahneman & Co. 521 N. Snelling Ave. 011 Burner 3303 Luviano Gangl 525 Broadway 2 pool tables 3250 May 19 RESOLVED, THAT HEASURY.(�TTO'HE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ frl�j . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. noOrTEo -v 25 989 00, 348 550 04 s 111— of T"E corn>TRO-1 ...E No. COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS gay 19 34 TZ. -"."T 3643 5.92.n. " r. A :E�� IN FAVOR OF TOTAL --T HT ro 1- 25 969 00. 310 164 14 ® 40r)9 4010 Tugene R, Pfeiffer 10 00 10 00 4011 L.B. Guttereen Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 104 oo 4012 Stationers Tngr6ving Company 15 o0 4013 Lillian Powell 58 n1 4014 St.Paul Voc. School Revl.Fund 60 00 4015 Lapland Lumber Company 401 34 4016 Northern States Power Company 3 07 4017 Northern State' Power Comoany 3650 6T Velvet Mfg, Company 4428 4018 4019 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 5 421 00 4020 Milton Rosen C. of Finance 11 661 42 4021 Harry R. Lieberman 250 00 4022 Mrs. Delia Brown 28 28 4pP Mrs, Mary Emily Christy 27 00 402 Mrs. Anne R. Foley 190 4025 John Lennon 430 0 4026 Mrs. Elizabeth Literski 40 00 4027 Mrs, Hannah Peterson 24 92 4028 Mrs, Tlfrida Soderberg 28 80 4029 The 9neakes Company 417 33 4030 Clyde F, Tgan 166 67 4031 Milton Rosen, C, of Finance 117 56 4032 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 9 975 79 4033 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 3 022 27 4034 0. Thompson 2 00 4035 Capitol Stationery Vfg.Company 64 20 4036 Gopher Stamp & Die Company 39 20 4037 Tautges, Eichelzer & Tautges, Attys. for Viola C, Davie 100 00 4038 Tautges, Eiohelzer & Tautges, Attys. and Emma Gregory 100 00 4039 Tautges, Eichelzer & Tautges, At t78. and Ed,L.Gregory 100 00 4040 Allen Ackland 17 00 4041 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 1 406 37 25 989 00, 348 550 04 - ZOUICILIEN ROLLROLLCILL OFFICE OF THE Coma.eoLLER ' No. COUNCIL RESOLUTION IN I—. AUDITED CLAIMS Mu' 21 34 A„ -0 22 1c3P. El 14,684 39 r i TOTAL Horn eco IN FAVOR OF eaoucl FoaN nap 25 989 00- 348 550 06 • 404? Northern States Power Company 636 43 4o43 Northern States Power Comoany 10 852 58 4044 lane Brothers & Lne,Ine, 5 51 4045 Gangl & company 89 20 4046 Genersl Electric Supply Corp, 129 60 4047 German Book Importing Company 12 44 404g Ginn and Company 21 28 4049 Goodrich-Silvertown,Inc, 218 25 4050 The Gopher. 4 00 4051 Gopher Plumbin, Specialty Co. 9 00 4052 Gopher Stamp & Die Company 25 00 4053 Gopher Stele Products Company 6 00 4054 Governmental Research Association 10 00 4055 Grace -Lee Products Comnany,Inc, 45 56 4056 Graybar Electric Company 56 12 11057 Grinnell Company 17 09 4058 Griswold Signal Company 851 30 4059 Grossmann Instrument lorke 16 75 4060 Jog. Haag Hoofing & cornice Co. 15 72 4061 HR11 Electric Company ] 53 4062 Hall & McCreary Company 24 00 4061 Theo. Hammnrewing Comnany 97 50 4064 Fred q, Hanks Company 175 5 4065 Harcourt, Brace & Oompany,Ino. 27 41 4966 Haughton Flevator & Macb.Co. 2 25 4067 Healy Plumbin; & Heating Company 110 25 4068 Hedman Mfg. Company 1 10 4069 7.9, Herrmann 10 50 4070 Hermann & Hummel, Inc. 22 50 4071 J,J.Hill Reference Library ?8 4072 Hoeft Eleotrio Company 1 5o 4077 M.B. Hubbard Grocery Company 22 95 4074 J.R. Hulme Company 6 10 4075 Herman Ibe Mfg.Company 1 4n 4076 Ina, of Social & Rel. Research 10 00 4011 Inter City Paper Company 90 15 4078 Jacks Mfg. Company 27 50 4079 Joeating & 9chi111ng Company 7 70 4080 Johns Hopkins Press 8 47 4081 %I. Johnson Mfg, Company 3 RO 40829.0. 4083 Johnson & Son Joy Brothers Motor Car Company 21 81 171 10 4084 Judy Publishing Comnany l "' 4085 Jurgens Comp any, Inc. n - 10 03. 4086 kaplen Paper Box Company 4087 Tm. %line 45 00 4083 4089 The Lawyera,.Oo+Olu- Pub. Com--ov F.O. Leei'f� Paper Com -^r 97 85 40 4og0 LSbz rl rui Llbr+fv -"`^ rte' �o a rr1 �� 81. ' 42 OO Ln91 �.o� iitrr..ry 1 Lyon SlHrothPrT 90 75 Lyon Yatai P—Auote Company 90 01 I I I ' i I t I u "aa-er+ a-� c o. ncc of rNe com�craouea „"s No COUNCIL RESOLUTION IN 1— AUDITED CLAIMS May 22 9 34 11 I-V 11 FSE----1-1e18i4�y3F IN 111 19 ...Ao EA TOTAL ., 1 nen ser+ IN FAVOR OF eeoucHl roen<ao 25 989 00 363 234 45- 4094 Midwsy Ice Cream Company 287 413 40 11095 Midway Ioe Cream Company 04 4096 Disnatch-Pioneer Press Company 31 05 4097 J.J.Fitzgerald, Reg, of Deeds 12 50 4098 E.A. Moaller Company 103 00 4099 Pittsburgh Coal Company 336 73 4100 '.F.9mitb Tire & Battery Oompany 287 57 4101 McClain & Hedman Company 692 8S 4102 McGill-Tarner Company 191 4 4103 Maok International Motor Truok Co. 138 Fl 4104 Maendler Brush Company 110 67 4105 0. & T. Mareball Company 15 70 4106 Marvin Law Book Company 15 00 4107 The Mechanical Service CCmpany 3 12 4108 Meredith Pub. Comrany 60 4109 Gus 0. Messing 3 80 4110 Minneapolis School Supply Com -any 2 50 4111 Minnesota Envelope Com -any 40 00 4112 Minnesota onion Advocate 62 20 4117 Mitsoh & Reck Company 47 15 4114 Monroe Calculating Company,Ino. 18 00 4115 Music Teaoters National Aseoo. 2 00 4116 Nat. Bureau o; Economic Resesroh 1 00 4117 National Cash Register Comrany 3 00 4118 National Mater Company 79 50 4119 National Mower Company 33 26 4120 National Regulator Comnany 8 15 4121 New York Graoohie 9ociety,Tno. 3036 4122 NPw York State College o1 Ag1iCUkture p 4123 Rev York Tea Company 2 346 4124 Nicole, Dean & Gregg 216 63 4125 John EaslinzeT, Inc. 25 00 4126 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 53 09 4177 9t.Paul Abstract Company, Sgent 17 D3 4128 R. Birnberg 1 50 4129 Joseph Hentgea 1 00 4110 Frances O'Brien 1 50 7171 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comnany 81 59 4132 The Frederic Hotel, 21 00 413j R.L. Gould & Company 114 00 ® 4134 4135 4136 T.T. Koepke MacMillan company Northern Staten Power Company 6 4 777 30 86 14 4137 Northern States Power Compenya e 15 77 4138 Rex Linen Supply Company 1 5 iu 4179 St. Paul Times Printing GOIDDany 210 00 4140 M.H. Sime Deoorat119 Comrany 328 77 !,4141 Tri-9tidte Tel. & Telg. '"ny c— 234 05 4142 ?ri —^tete tel. s Te1�. 9hoP 127 24' h]0 1,144 rhe Tyre K. neth m. ""l.:ht ".uil0e 12 50. �oaH�ao 25 989 00 371 907 ',!:l 11L !... DEPART:6 4T (J, r.✓ n �P L,� IDF.::Ti FICATIOt' ` L' ^F.FNANIE'!T DATE 'I'O RE DESTROYED —If—T7 -m-17 e LI t!I TF.D RE TT:.':T 1 O'J DATC I C P FI I.[D`���, / 9 / n G, COLI TDITO �- , / /-�-n c -. d l;,� -s NUFIBER OR VAI -IE OF FI:' -,T DOCU=;T OF Pi:C,ULAP Co:!TF.I!TS .`I U: 03ER OR MA.:lE OF I.AST DCCU=IT :'ICPI II.:IED a 02 - nT` r cor ,-I CITY C01II171 BY 9 � Illi =�=� !IIII 5 Z -t VIII H z - VIII d � O