231510 _ �� � OR!41NAL TO CITY CLERK 23���.0 y � 'f � CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCi� N0, °' - i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — � NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY � �` COMMISSIONE � DATE qt _; ; _� � : RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, ; that Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint •' Pau1, Minnesota, having determined that the thereby proposed ` Redevelopment Pro�ect should be undertaken, on the 9th day of ` January, �g67, filed with the City Clerk c�' the' City of Saint : Paul and presented to this Council with its application for said Council's approval of the same, i�s Redevelopment Plan ' for that certain area within the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, commonly designated as ' Redevelopment Plan for� Concord Terrace, Pro�ect Minn. R-37, � dated November 28, 1g66, �he boundary line description of � said Redevelopment Plan for Concord Terra�.e Minn. R-37 being as follows : r _ t ' t � � FOR flPP VE � �- . q . Corporation Couns� , r � COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson . ' - Dalglish Approved 19._ - Holland � Tn Favor ' Meredith Peterson Mayor ' Tedesco Aga�gt '� 1 [� Mr. President, Byrne , �22 f � `, ',_�.•`_• I ' • , -. , • '• - • • `• ` , .. _ • � . '� 4 �', ��_ « ., • I ,` _ • ' _ ' _ • ' �' • +" ' '. ' %`�.,i♦ ;- ., �. ; . . . .- . �.. : . � -�315� 7� ��s - �� � - � ` � - � Page 2. - - . .�a � , � .;� ,. ' . _ � ' - -, �,''r� . _ ', . /. ,_ � ' _ " � . - %T !- ' s,,'''� � . - ,:' �� - ' ^ ' --'% .r.'. '. :i�...T� —'- _.,._...»- ' . .__.i:zL' ' T �.. : .. ` �`:: .r��.�....__ , ,�.�. �, . f� � . . . 3 . �� ' .f;' . .fl�, r Mpr,4i`� � � ; . Beginnin� aC the point of inLCroection with thc northern ' . 4i::� :`�;- ��'•'`�'` g',�k� - S ; _ ' � right-of-way linQ of Wood Streot with th� eastern right» • ���� - _`�� ;�`�; ` � � ', • , � .;. �_� f - _ of-way line of Starkey Strcct, then eaatcrly along anid '1:°�*; "'`• ,-t,-,�'s,�.f�,���t '` ,�. . • lina of Wood Street to Che poin� of intersection with the -� ;�'.',F„ �t-`':.{;t °� ,;��� j��, � '- eastern right-of-way line of RoberC Stree�� wtti.ch i� also • .,� � '. ; �, ' ',�� f��. " _ � �the southern right-of-wny line of tha Chzca�o� Great West� r ` ` � . . '- •; �^`:�. � ''� , , ern Ruilway, than southerly ulon� suid line of thQ Rail- - �, . ` `�••�? � _ way right-of-way to the point o[ interaection with the . _�� ' � . . � ; ; �� ' northern right=of-way line of Colorado Strccr, t hen east• � . • ; -�' ;' _ � ' erly along said line to the point of intersection with � , " � ;fi ; � � the eastern ri�ht-of-wny line oi Greenwood Avenue, then . � • ; ► ;{ ; '` southerly �long said linQ to the point o� inreraection � . • . _ _ k� �� � with a lot line 108 feet north of the northexn ri�ht-of-• . ' '- � !' way lina of Delos Street, Chen southeasterly along said � . ` � i = line to the point of intersection with a lot line 100 feeC � � �� east of the castern ri�ht-of-way line of Greenwood Streat, � �- ! .��-�- � then southerly alonb said l�ne ro tt�e poi.nt of interser ' � t { tion with the northern •ri�ltt-of-way line of 17elos Street, , � '= `� then eastc:ly alon� sa�d Iine to the point of intersection � ." �, F with ttie eastern ri�h�-of-caay line of Sta�e Street, then - ' • so.utherly along said 7.ine ,to �;�e point- of iatersection f _ �� , wiCh the northerr. right-of-way line of Isabcl Street (pro• . . � ti�: - '� � jected) , wnich �s also the souL-hern r-j.�lit-o£-way line of ; - ' �'"!'' ' � ' ' the Chica�o, G�.eaC k'este�n Rai?o�Ay, then southeasterly ' ' ' � 'k„ . • � al.on� said Railway ri�ht-of-way line, crosoin� Bancroft, _ , , �t�� Brcwn,' A�drew and Kan�as Avenues in a line parallel to _ ' ft� • the railroad tracks, �o the noint of intersection witn � _ . � - ' �'� the southensterly right-oi-�aay linc (pcojec�ed) of the . , ,� al2ey bet�aeen Kansas and Trlitlz�rn Avenues, then southwest- ; ' � �� � �rly a2on� said liae to �I:e �oint of intersection with . . . - the eastern right-oz-way iine of Kansas Avenue, then • � ; '�I - southerly alon� said l�r�c to the point o� intersection = ;+ s� �ai�a the sou�hern rigfit-of-wa� line (projec�ed) of the ' .. ''•'r� ;,, � alley betwecn I�forton and Pa;;e Stree�ss tl�ert wes�erly along • ;� said line to the point of inL•ersecCion taith the lot line ' � � t� , , ?20 feet east of the ea��ern =i�;ht�of-way line of Brown F ' ` •'�� • ', Street, �hca soutAerly alon� swid i•s.ne to ti�e point ot .'�� _ ��.ntersection with the nor�hc;:n right�ct-way line of East ` - � s ��� • �agc Street, then westeri� �ion� said �linc to the point, ii{ ,-� •�of i:�ter�ection with the wectcrn ri�h�-of-way line of '� '� t ;� ; Brown �,ver.ue, then northerl� along eaid line to the point ►:{ � • � uf ir.tercection wi�h the �outlzern ,:i�nt-of-�vay line of 3_t' . Prescot� Street, then norL-h���este�:ly a3on� aaid line to � k ' t'�e point of intersection with thc wes�ern ri�ht-of-way ����,� ' line of Eancroft Avenue (orojected) , L-hen norCheasterly �;, � .. �• • ,r. . . 'r __ " " � . , r:�.�i+ . � � �T • ' , t � 1 _ 1 ..1 ' � _. .. _.._ � � �.�_.._ _�_.._�_�..�,_..�.,__ _,.. ...... _-.�c..._.-...., �..--... . .•-.. .�..,.., • - T -.r:.�.n..�� ��- , �- ' `r � I _. � . ' ,' - - _ � • �' �i . , . ' . . .. . - ' �� - ` ,��� ,� �n _ •��. . - - Page 3. -- _ _ - . . ` _-i • • 'J� _ ' ~i • •( for 203 Leet ulon� �eiid line to the point o£ intersection ' - � �° � witli u lo� line, then �•re��;:rly along anid line for 700 . . � fecC tu the point of in��L�cction wlth a lot line, then _ - " . , � northensterly ulu�lg said 1;[ne �or 75 L•cet , plus or minus, - '� ' � �- "I to the point of intcrscction with a Zot line, el�en south� � . .y caesterly 97.5 fcet alon�; alid linc to the point of inter- � ' :j �� ,,, section with n loC linc, tticn oouthwcs�crly nlon� suid i f� line ror 25 £cet, plus or mi:�ucs, to thc poiut ox interaec- � �; ' `•,, tion with u lot Iii�c, tilen norChwectcrly alon� said line . �'$ for 143.25 f�ct �o the po�nt o'f inter,ection with a lot • � - ' �� • Iina, thcn SOU�t1CJCISCLYI}� alon�; nuid Ylnr� tor $3.79 frsnt -� � " t: to the poinC of intcracction wiCh a loC line, then west- `# . erly alon� said linc to thc• point of intersection wiCh the � , ' � �,; southcastern right-of-way linc of State Street, then north- � - '� easterly dlon� said line to thQ po�nt of ineersection with ' a point 202 feet, plus or minus, souch of tne aouthern - �' _� ,� right-of-way line of Concord Street, then westerly ut ri�ht � _, �, r • ; . ran�les to the �oint��of inte,�section with the northern right- ?�' of-way line of the allcy betwcen �. Geor�e nnd �. Stevens ` ' T -� St.eet3, �hen we�te�ly�� alon, said line to the point of ; ' ' ' inters�ction �aiCh a lo� line �•�hich is 150 feet east of , �, Maurice St:eet, thca northcr�y a2on; said line to the i � ; point o,-", inter�ec�ion cai�h �'.:e no��hcrn ri�ht-of-way line ' � � .� . , ofiE. George Stree�, then essterly for 70 feet, glus or , . _ minus, �long sai.d line to L-ze point cf intersectzon with � . _, � �` a �o� Iine, then northiae;.�eri� fo•r 250 feet along said ��� � � � _ s � line to tne point oE inter�cction witt� u lot line, then � � r.ortherly aloaU said line :.or 71 �cce to the point of in- . -� ; �ersection with the southcrn ri�ht-of-cvay line of E. Robie � ; . .t � : S�ree�, then wes�erly alon� said line 96 feet, plus or = ' �� . � �;inus, to the noint of i�zte:;sec'�ion with a lot line (pro- - � jected) , then :.o=�t-.erly Eloa� said line �oz 110 fcet to , �: '7 th� point or intersection with a lot line, then westerly ' • `' i� � along said line 30 feet, plu� or mir.us, to �r,e point of . ,,; ,.� fntersectfon ��i�h a lot linc, then north��esterly aiong said , , ;� iine, parallel with �nd 80 ieet south of the southern righC- ` #'� o=-*.:ay Iine oc Concord Strec�, to the point of in�erseceion ' ` � • wi�h t;e c�s�er� ri�l�i:-of-wsy lir.c of S. Robert Street, � ; ' . thc^ norrlterly along said Iiae to the point o£ intersection 'i ; wi;.h zhe Eouthern ri�h�-oi-w�y line oL C�ncord Street, �1ien ; ' ' r.ar�hwes4erly aLon�, said l�ne 340 feet , plus or minus, to ' "��` t `�` t'r,e point of intersection �a��h a lot li.^.e, then southerly ' , .�:o:� said line I20 feet, �o a poi:zt, Lhen �•�esterly 50 feet + ' �o �he point of intersectio;� wiCh a "tot iine, then north- e.i� along JYl� line 55 fcet to ti�e poit�t of intersection �',- c:�th a 1ir.c, then we��erly L-a tihe poiat of intersection ' � w'_t^ the we�ter:t Li&h�-or-wr.y linc of Livin�ston Avenue, ' ' � t:�en aorthcrly alon� said linc to the point of intersection � ±. � � wi_; �'r.e southern ri�l.t-o�-::a;r line of �;, Con�ress Street, , • .� tL�e:► wcsterly t�lon� �aid linc to thc point of intersection with the ea��ern ri�izt-of-�aw� line (�rojected) ot the a11ey � : ,� , hr-twecn S. 4Taba�ha Strec4 a:�d Ha12. Avenue, then northerly � ' alon� caid line to the point of inCersection with the north- _� �� ern ri�ht-of-way line of t�leat Isabel Strcet, then easterly � � alon� said line to thQ poin� of intcrEection with the eastcrn � � . , .. __ _ � .�_._ . _ ..- - , . . T ,. t � �.� ': . . `� . . - ' � � ' � - ' - _ ' . � "_ - , � , . _ ..� � - � • : 4: . ' • . -- :- - " • ' ,r�� �}�1.� , , . _ : _ . . • page �. : . ' ' , ti�_a,�. �, �- �� _ . - - �� � r.l �. . ,,,r. ... . ..�.,�� .�...,� � .._ t' •- .i: ..Yi.' ..w�.t•���..{.r- t'«� ..�.-�.. ..' . . . . "` . J x Mr� � � . � . • - I . ' • • ' ' • ' 1 `� - • ; 1l y - . � y ' - 1 .. ' • - . F; , s' ,, boundary linc of Tcrracn Purlc, then northedeterly along � ' ; - ' ;,, ,#r . � � - • Bnid line to thc point oi intcraection with the northern - � . 9 � ! � �� � rigltt-of-�vny line of We3t Deloa Strect, then westerly � �' � . a � - " t�long said line for 140 feet, plun or minu3, to tha point : .- =,� . � � of intersection with a lot line, tl�en northcrly dlong '. � - ' � ; � said lot line 309.36 feet, plue or ninuE, Co the poinC � � ; of intersection with a lot lina, ctien eaotcrly 26.9 feet -� _ . , �, F � , • to the point of inte:vectio.l with a lot linc, then north� _ � � i ' - ' eLly 68 feat along said Iinc to the Point of intersectioa � _ t ' � ► `_ ' _, , with a lot line, then northeaaterly alon� auid line to . � � _' ; � � . the point of interaect3.on with the ea3tern ri�ht-of-way ' � - -F � line of Starkey StzceC, 100 feet south of ehe aouthern _ • i °� ' • ' � right-of-way line of Wood Street� then northarly along . . _ , ' �� ` : , , , ' . � suid Staricey Streat to the noint of intersection with _.. : " the northern right-of-wny 3ine of Wood StrQat. which ie � � - � the point o f beginning. . � ' � �,_ _,� ; � ._..�.... . - t � � - � � i � , . � , � � 1 _ � , �_ � , ` • � _ � - ' ` f ; . . � ; -��.^,. „ - _ " _ .. _ - : . . } .�. � �i . . - . ' 1 _ . ,t i �`- � _ . � + - . � l i � t ' " ' �.3' ' � } i � • � . I � . � _ � } ii � �.I . � i � ' I � • •,4 I . } { l . `{ t ' j T ' I I _ ' • I / ` - I ` ., � �I �I , ` �;�'! � � '4 . F. � � �;� � Page 5. ` { ' f ' .,� , ; �# , said Redevelopment Plan being designated "Redevelopment Plan � for Concord Terrace, Minn. R-37" dated November 28, 1g66, : � � together with a statement of the method proposed for the .� financing of such Redevelopment Pro�ect and the written i opinion thereon and approval of the same by the Planning Board E �� of said City o� Saint Paul and other pertinent data, said Rede- ; ,� velopment Plan and maps, charts an�i other details of the same �� E being on file in the office of said City Cler� and in the office : � ' of said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint ; . Pa 1, Minnesota, sub�ect to inspection during regular business ho rs; the�,same, by reference, hereby are incorporated herein and made a part and parcel hereof wit h the same intent, purpose and effect ; � as if said documents, and all of the same, were f ullY set forth ; herein; that pursuant to Section 462.521, Minnesota 'Statutes t Annotated, this Council hereby determines and provides that it sh llr# hold a public hearing on said proposed Redevelopment Plan and � said proposed Redevelopment Pro�ect for said Concord Terrace, � Minn. R-37, presented by said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of ; the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, as aforesaid, and that said ; public hearing thereon sha7,1 be held before this Council in the Colncil Chambers in the Court House at the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, ?� � on the 27� day of Januar y, 1967, at 10:00 o 'clock A.M. ; that '� upon said public hearing and definitive of the purpose of the { � � ___same this;��o.uncil..:shall�.c.ons.ide:T�.s.aid ._Redevelopment Plan for ��:�.c� .._�1 � • ���°��oncord---�e-rrace�°Minn:: R=37 and'��aid Re�evelopment Pro,�ect thereby ` � ' �• proposed and; among other things, determine whether or not this ; � Cou�cil' s resolution � ereat to be considered shall be adopted ap- ' � proving said Redevelopment Plan and said Rede`velopment Pro�ect and ` � permitting said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of ;�the City � � of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to undertake an urban renewal pro�ect � + under State and local law with Federal Financed assistance under i Title I of the Flousing Act of 1949, as amended; to acquire land in � the pro�ect area; to demoliah or remove buildin�s and improvements; • + to install, c�nstruct or reconstruct streets, utilities, parks, i � playgrounds and other pro�ect improvements, to undertake a pro�ram of rehabilitation of residential structures, and to make land 1 '�� available for development or redevelopment by �arivate enterprise . -� or public or non-profit agencies as authorized by law; and, � ' among other• things, in connection with said Resolutiori to be conside ed�� at said meeting, thia Council will deterrm�:ne and make findings � `1 accordingly upon the questions whether or not ( 1) the financial ; ` aid to be provided in the contract is neceasary to enable the � pro�ect to be undertaken in accordance with the Redevelopment ; � Plan; . (2) th'� Redevelopment Plan will afford maximum opportunity, ' � consistent with the sound needs of the Locality as a whole, for �1 the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the urban renewal area by private enterprise; (3) the Redevelopment Plan conforms to a general ', .� . � i i � ORF�iNA�L�TO CITY GLERK w��� �� � � ,' • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa = ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. �. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF KI � : r Pag e 6. � � t � _ ��± plan for the development of the locality as a whole; and (�) the ; ;;� Redevelopment Plan gives due consideration .to the provision of k adequate park and recreational areas and facilities, as may be ` desirable for neighborhood .improvement, with special consideration for the health, safety, and welfare of children residing in the . general vicinity of the site covered by the Plan; RESOLVED FIIRTHER, That not less than 10 days prior to the . date of said public hearing the Ci�y Clerk shall cause published ; notice of the s�ee to be �ivenl�in a newspaper of general circula- tion in said Citg of Saint Paul at least once not less than 10 days - prior to the date of said hearing. > - • ., + ; � . ��N 1 1196,� . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ig_ - � Yeas Nays ��� 1 1 1��'�7 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith � Favor , . Peterson v � Mayor Tedesco A ga�t • Mr. President, Byrne � �� �� '��� �B�:IS�FiE� �� . � �� i O,UADRUrLICATE TO DErARTMENT � �{�� � �, } -=-.--- " ° CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ' 1i� � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' ' � ' � PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONER DATF s ��4 `r i � i � � RESOT�'V�, By the �ouna�Z r�� the C�,�y c�� �int Paul; � th�.� ��t��1.ng �nd RedeVe3.�pme�t Authp�lty o�' the City o� ��i�#� �,� Pauls 1��.�n��o'�n, �av�.ng detex�ined ��� th� �Yter�by p�4gQe�ed �adeve�.o��en� Pr��ea� �Mou�.d be unde��ake�, �z� �he �th ctay o�' � ► �'ar�u.�rY, i96�, �'i�ed �tth th�s Cit� ��.�rk � �he �i�y o�` ���.nt � ! Paul a�a.d pr���nt�d �a thi�� ��t�Qi7. w�th ��� �pp'�3.aati�n, t�r f � sa�d �oun���.�.� app�r��taY �P th� ��me, i�a �R�dsy+�lv�ment P�.�n � E �'or that Qe�t�in �a��a �+ithin �k�e f3i�y �� S��t�►t Paul, C�u,ri�3r �� , � t R��sy� arid �ts��: bt Ml�tt���t�, �ain�nl�,y' dea�igna�ed �a� ' ' � R�dew�l��ra��� p1� fbr �t�ncor�l �erraae� Pra���t Mixtc�+ Rw�7, ' - j da�ed �t��rem��r 2�, 1g66� th� bvunc��r,� �3n� c�e�saript3.or� �f � �a�.�1 R,�deve7.opme�� �'lart fc�r �on�ord T�x�r�n� �f�.nn. R+37 bei�g � A� f�i11�t�a g j , '.. -' . � ;��� ''� { � -� -� �' , i . ' -'., 'j�4 � � �i � . .' .�t Y, � , .... ,` � � i r .. � L , � � f', '' � � f . `` � . � , � � I � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved .19_ � Holland � ' Tn Favor Meredith ' Peterson Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �2z � _ t • , ' ' �� T- - ' ' � _ '-. ' ' ,. � . - - _ - . - - . - - - . � �- _= � : .- - 23����� ' .� _ - ,• _ - `� _ . " _.. _ � 3� � . - - �'E�tgl� '2, - - - - - - -- ,-, .r • _ � . . � - - _- _ '�� �. • , . - - . . . .- _ � v......� _ _ -. _ . - , . . . _ - �.� , Besinnin� ut the point ot inecrnection with rhe northern . . .'� >`.`; ' . risht-of-way line of Woocl Strent with the eastern ri�ht- . � - -� ; of-cvny line of Starkey StreeC, ehen eaarcrly alon� said - - r -�` ' � 2ina of Wood Strcet to tha �oi.n� of intcrsection with Che _ � " ' " �, � eastern right-of-way line oi I'.obert Street, wt�ich is also ' '�� � ' � ' thc southern ri�ht-of-�aay lxnc of thQ Chz.ca�o� Great Weat- � rt. ,�� ern Failway, then southerly aJ.ong eai.d lino of tha Rail- . ' � � ;��� way right-of-way to the point ot intcrECCtion with the . � _ • ` �� ' northern right-o£-wsy linQ of Colorado Street, rhen eust• , ° � � � , erly along said line to tlsa Qoitit of interaection with - , � � ,Y thc easCern right-of-�c�ay line o� Greenwood Avenue, then i , ` southerly along said line to the poin� of interseceion � , � `i ��� with a lot line 108 feet north o£ the northern ri�ht-of-• � - F -= F . way lina of Dclos Street, tt�en southcasterly along said ' line to thc point of intersection wi.th a lot line 100 feet ' _ � - east of the castern ri�ht-o�-way line of Grcenwood Street� �4 I -� �hen southerly along said line ro the point of i.ntersec- _ ' { ' . [ r tion with thc no�Cher� 'L'�Z;Ilt-oi-way line of Delos Street, � then casterl� along s�ic lzr.e to the point of intersection ' ' ' � with �hc easte::n ri�,h�-of-�a�� line of State Strcet, then „ � - �'� . southerly �long said Iine �o the poinL o� interoection ;: ' wfth the northern rigl;t-of-�aay line of Isabel Street (pro• �''� ��ected) , which is also the southern right-of-way line of , _ _�';!� the Chica�o, Great sr?estern RailwAy, then southeasterly � :� aZon� said Railwuy ri�,ht:-of-way J.ir.e, cros�in� Bancrof�, ' ` t B:own, Andrew and Kansas Av�nues i�i a lir.e paraZlel to � � the railroad� tracks, to the poinC of intersection witn •�i '` �he sosttrcasterly ri�h�-o�-�•Ja� iine (pro}ec�ed) of the �4• ailey bet�aecn Kansas and With�;n Avenues, tnen southwest- • erly alon� said Iine to t'r.e point o� intersection with , the eastern ri�h�-oz-way iine of Kansas Avenue, then � southcrly alon� said ifr�e to the point ox intersection ' ��it:� th� sou�hern ri�ht-o;:-caay line (projec�ed) of the � f alley oetween2dorton and Pa�e Strec�s, �hen wes�erly along � �� ` aaid line to the poir.t oL intcrsection �•�ith the lot line - � .# I 120 feet east of the eastern �i�;ht-of-way line of Brown � �_� ' Street, then soutnerly alcn� said Izne to the point of , � �,� iatersec�ion 471.tE'1 the no•rtI-,e�n ri�h�-of-c•�ay line of East ' zf� • �age Street, then westerly e�.on� said linc to the point : � . of inte:�ection with the we�tcin ri�;ht-of-wa� line of ' �,; • Brawn Aven�.e, then norL-herLq alon� said Iine to the point �.t� of iateracction with thc Eouthcrn LiLh�-of-way line o� - ��' Presco�t StreeC, then north�acaterly aZon� aaid Zine to s �'Il t�e point of intersection with the western ri�ht-of-way = line af Eancroft Avenue (projected) , then northe.asterly 1,Y . ... � ., -; � ; .. + ,. � . .. - _ : � - - . . . . , ' � -- �.. '.. .a..._......._. _ „_. __,_,.. .._ . . _ _. ...--. _. _ .. .. :. _ .__�.,_. �._... ., �........�_�.. .- - , "`�'L.� � - . - _ , � � - � : �3 p��.� i. . � ��� �. - - . � . . . . :� : . , - for 203 teeC aloi�g said l�.ne� to the point o£ interaection - - _� caith a lot line, then GTCS�er1y alon�; said line for 700 ` � r �,� ,fceC to tite noint ot in�ei-:ccti.on critli a lot line, than : northcasterly �lun�; s�tid linc f•oc 7S fceL• , plu� or minus, to tha poinC o� intcrsectioci caiti� a �Iot Zine, then south- - � , � westerly 97.5 fcet �?on� s�i<i linc to the puint of inter- . a�ction wfth a lot linc, ti�..n soutllwc:;Lerly nlan� anid . - k �_ line tor 25 �ece, plus or m1:i�cB, to ct�c po���t ok interoec- ' tion with a lot lii�c, then nortt-�wcstcrly alon; r�af.d liae ± �i for 143.25 tecC to tne poxnt of inter.section with r� lot � ��+ � line, thcn sou�hca.:�ec1ly u�oc1� nuici lln� �or $3.%9 f��r .;� • to the poinC ot intc�;�ection G�ith a lot line, thc:n west- • � - , � erly alon� said linc to the poinz of intersection with thc - . . southeastern right-of-�aay line of State S'�rcet, rhen north- - " � ' easterly :lon� said linc to �ha point of inecrsection with � � � a point 202 �eet, plus or ninus, soutn of the southern :� right-of-wsy line of Coizcord Strect, then Caesterly at ri�ht - ` . • anbles to the �oint of inter�ection with the northern ri�ht- ` - of-w�y line of the allcy betwcen i:, Gcor�e and i:. Stevens � � � Street3, th�n westerly �lon,�, said liae to L-he point of � intersecrion ���iCn w lo� line cahich iE 150 €eet east of ', ' 2��auricc Strect, �hen nor�herly alon� s:�id line to the point of iater�ectio:� with tl-:e nor�hern ri�ht-of-way line . � of E. Gcor�e Stree4, then easterly tor 70 fecC, plus or �.inus, along said l�r.e to tne point of intersection with : a lo� line, thea nori::�cesteri� Lor 2S0 fe�t along said ' lir.e to thc point of inter�cc�.ion with a IaC line, then ` ' �� ao:taerly aion; said liae for 71 fec� L-o the point of in- ' terse��io� �ait:� the southcrn ci�h�-of-wa� line of �. Robie ' - . , S�reet, the:x wcste�ly alo.g said line 96 feet, plus or ' . g�inus, to the point of in��e�:section with a lot line (pro- . ' jected) , then no:�herly ulono said line toc 110 feet to ' �he poiat o� intersec�ion with a lot line, then westerly ' � along s�id line 30 fcet, nlus or Ninus, to �he point of in�ersection �91ih a Iot line, then northc•iesterly along said ' 1=ne, parallel with cnd 30 ieet soutn o� the southern ri�ht- , . of-Taay linc of Concord S:.rec�, to the point of in�ersection ' witih t:C Ct3.�SLt�LLT ri,�,nt-cr-��:�y lin� o� S. Robe�� Street, ` ' j then northecly alo:�� sai� 1:.nc to the poa.nt of intersection = �;- �� F .z f with �he southern riuc�-o�-�a�y line oi Conco�d Street, then ' northwestcriy aLon� said line 340 feet , �lus or rainus, �o r ;� tf�e point of inte�sec�ion �Tith a Iot line, then southerly � alor.� said line 120 Leet, to a point, then toesterly 50 feet r to t::e point of in�ersectiion caith a lot line, then north- � er1� alon�, �sid ].ire 5� feeC to the point of intersection w�th a i:.ne, theiz weste�Iy to the poin� of intersection j t '� wira tnc we�tern �igh�-oi-t�.u� llne of Livin�ston Avenue, ' � } :i t:�er. :oreh�rly a2on� s�id line to the point of intersection � � .� '� , • wit�: �ne southern ri�i:t-of-����� line of- E, Con�ress Strect, t�.ea cae�Lerly a1o:��; �:��d lir.c to thc point of intersection oa ' , .�:.�n t'r�c ca�tern ri�ht-oi-wuy line (pro jected) of the allcy • 4� ; , �,etwecr. S. 4laba:.ha Strcc� snd Hall Avenue, thea northerly ��o:,� caid 12nc to the noiat of inL-erscction with thc north- ' � e�n ri�hC-of-wa� line of G1est Zsa'�el Street, then easterly ; � al�n� said line to the point of intcrsection �aith the eaatern ; � • - y� . � ` � t - -• �- ..� � � .: . , - ' _ = -• . n - _ _ . ' ' ' •��' r f � i' �f � .. �. . . ' - ' C� ' � � _ ' � . ' ,, _ F-.�����'L� , i - ` - ^ • - ' . ' - �. } Y.'.....�.._ .,...r++' ' " ..._.-... :....i .. • � . . t-� a��� ��+�.Cr•L�..ir- � '�....,i• � .�... - .-�...�L�..—� _+ • � -�-� - . � . _ ' ' �. . _ . • . � ' ' �; • ' . • , , , . ' ' • . • : •� - ' ' � • - - , -� - ' _ ' ' . '�. , 3� j.• _ '_�I � , , . _ • 't : � � boundAry line of Terrnce Parlc, Chen northeasterly along � - " � . . -��� 4 �_ ' " � . aaid line to Cha �O�.l1C of intnraection with the northern . ; ', ; � - ' , right-of-�ony line oL• 41e3t Deloa Strect, then wesCerly � " - '� f • � along said line for 140 fcet, pluo or minus, to tha point � -; � ' ' of intersection with a lot linc, ehen nortl�erly along '. . � `� � ��A ; - suid lot line 309.36 fcc�, plua or mi.nus, to the poinC � ` j . ' � of inter�cction with a lot lino, thcn caaeerly 26.9 feet . ._ �"� '` ' � • to the point of intcrnectioa with a lot linc, then north- " , ; � ' "� ' erly b8 feet alon� said linc to the point of intersectioa $ : . � ' � , with a lot linc, then noxtheasterly ulong ouid line Co : �" _ ' • � the point of interaection �•�ith �hc eustern right-of-way ' � � .-, , ' ; line of Sturkey StzceC, 100 feeC aouth of thQ southern • � 3 ; ° � right-of-way lincs of tdood Strcet, �hen norChnrly along = ; - � said Starkey Street to the point of intersoction with - . f � � � the northern right-of-way lina of Wood StrQat, which �is _. . = ' .: � the point of be�inning. - _ - . . - , ' _ � r . - . i . , • . � _ j � � } . i , - � ' t � . * � i I . - 7 _i . - i ' . _ ' „ � t � � � !i • . � ' � i f i � t . � � . � � � � � ` �i � 1 . . . i � _ ,G � , � • i - , : a _ . � ` • � , - . : . � . � ' e ' � . - i \ � . - �� ` " f • , r ' ' i i � -• � j , � ' � _ r . � _ . M - ' .. . . _ . .� � � . S ` � . . � . � ' • ,f � � _ • "f •� ,f� � . . _ ` , � ' � � � � " 23�5���, �' - � � �� � ► _ Page 5. � . � � _+ 4 . - � . . � � � � t - - f ' � � , .- , .. ,� � said Redevelopment Plan being designated "Redevelopment Plan _; �� �s for Concord Terrace, Minn. R-37" dated November 28, 1966, -'i; ' ' ' - together with a statement of the method proposed for the - - -;;_ financing of such Redevelopment Pro�ect and the written - � � � _ opinion ther�on and approval of the same by the Planning Board � : C of said City of Saint Paul and other pertinent data, said Rede- = � vel.opment Plan and maps, charts an� other details of the same � - � b��.�g on �'ile �.n bh� a�'�'�.ce c��' �aid C�.tiy CXexl� and in the office = '' ,of said Housing and Redevelopment, Authority of the City of Saint ' : - Paul, Minnesota, sub�ect to inspection during regular business .hours�, thesame, by reference, hereby are incorporated herein and made • _ � ' � part and parcel hereof wit h the same intent, purpose and effect ` ' - as if said documents, and all of the same, were full set forth ' ��� herein; that �,ursuant to Section 462,521, Minnesota Statutes : � Annotated, this Council hereby determines and provides that - it shallF � hold a public hearing on saic� proposed Redevelopment Plan and � i ' said proposed Redevelopment Pro,ject for said Conc.ord Terrace, � Minn. R-37, presented by said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of�.. the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, as aforesaid, and that said . - � public hearing thereon shall be held before this Council in the Council � ' - . Chambers in the Court House at the City of Saint Paul, RRinnesot� � � . on the 27th day of Januar y, 1967, at 10:00 o 'clock A.M. ; that } , -' � upon said public hearing and definitive of the purpose of the - � � � same this Council shall consider said Redevelopment Plan for : � � . _ � , - Concord Terrace, Minn: R-37 and said Redevelopment Pro,�ect thereby, .° � � ' � . proposed and, among other things, determine whether or not this - � -. Council's resolution tizereat to be considered shall be adopted apN �, �� � _ - proving said Redevelopment Plan and said Redevelopment Pro�ect and � � permitting said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of �the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to undertake an urban renewal pro�ect '� ' under State and local law with Federal Financed assistance under �� � - Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended; to acquire land in�' u= " the pro�ect area; to demolish or remove buildings and improvements�; ; ; to install, canstruct or reconstruct . streets, utilities, parks, ; � playgrounds and other pro�ect improvements, to undertake a program �' of rehabilitation of residential structures, and to make land =� - available for development or redevelopment by �rivate enterprise or public or non-pr,ofit agencies as authorized by law; and, ' among other things, in connection with said Resolution to be consid'er.ed at said meeting, this Council will deter,m3:ne and make findings = _ accordingly upon the questions whether or not ( 1) the financial - . aid to be provided in the contract is necessary to enable the ' pro�ect to be undertaken in_accordance with the Redevelopment - ` � � • Plan; (2) the Redevelopment Plan will afford maximum opportunity, ' � consistent vaith the sound needs di the Locality as a whole, for . •µ I the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the urban renewal area by ` � private enterprise; (3) the Redevelopment Plan conforms to a genera+l ' . � i s � `� _ ; � �. ; -� � 4 � � _�..�-.,.�„�.._.. _--__ . - _. __--- - - �.� --v - --.�.___, _ , _.___._.__,_..__:__�_�..._ - - �� f pUADRUrLIC�TE TO DErARTMENT � `' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. ��-,�;��L �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY � � COMMISSIONER DATF '� F II I � � F�E �. � � ` � � 3 p��n �"or the ��lv�lop��� +�� th� 1o�eli�y a� a r�hola�� and (�.� �he� , R�d�v�lt�pm�+nt P1� giv�� �ue +�Q�eidrt��icz� �� �h� p�oui�i�►n o�' 1 + ad�eqit��e paz*k �r�l i*ear�►atiori�l areae �d f��iliti��, �ee may bb pi ; ' d��i�N8ble PP��k' A��pF1��AZ��00d ���C'�Pe�1bl�ti �i�t� �D�eQi�t1 t�ol��id�l'a��.0 � � �`+o� �h� hselt� ��i+a�y, �z�d� �tlt'�� af ahi�c�ren �es�.d�g le� the � ; ��e�l Vic3��.�y �' �kte� i�ite �ovex�Md ba► �h� P1�A� r �T��LD ��, �laa� ��� 1ef�� �ta�n i�} day� �rior� �o � � ; ` d�tQ C�F e��t�.d p��lfcs h����.�i$ ��to �,i�y �#1tlr�� �h�l� �auae pt��l�.�hed � a�+a��.a� o� the �� �o b� giV�'�.n e r�eNe�a�aer o� g+��ers�. a�,�s�ule4 I ��ox� � �ai� �3Z��r o� ���� P�t��, �t ld�e�� �r�c�� nott le��s �'�n 3,Q d� a � p�ia� tc� t�ie �at� o�' e��,d h���it�g. � , � i I f � . � � , � . � . � _ � � � . � JAN 11196] � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ j Yeas Nays JAN 111967 � Carlson Dalglish Approved 19� � Holland � Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Mayor' � A gainst ' „, � Tedesco '�i Mr. President, Byrne �22 � �