94075-94516_10-19-1932_12-22-19329�l lull 6�[ BZ•lllll o�z'l '-a T•i 9�\ on%k �� a , 4111 O ti 5 SERIAL 110. OF ROLL �L o/f DEPARTMENT ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP L/ PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED I Lmte LIMITED RETENTION DATE MICROFILKEB,,7PQ. /3 CONTENTS NY- 2 n F S _ NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUFEMT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUI®ER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILMED SICKED y�•0 OperaYOr `� _ -- -'1 JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supero sor 94075 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of—onde ening_and_Saklng--as tnt-io-thhe,land-ruse sar-y_.for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 7,•Ruth Livingston Second Addition and Block 2, Ruth Livingston Addition, from Dunlap Street to Griggs.Street, ipuJ10,i o n �i,mstier�lpl» Be�ily( ua :. tar rivyu. ehu seReR%� vnivst o .naY HravB rRu��a o1Wnv.tvu QmOttl e , ... 3ir.,eor1_Bpa et. aapo. ea �w+T.., under Preliminary Order ---- B90W approved ---- May5> 1O;1--------------- IntermediaryOrder_------__-B9514 , approved ---- ,Luae__19 n-IQ31-------------- , Final Order ---------------- 89736------------- approved-----Aug.-10,_1932 ____ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation m set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. -=xwllaLciuclnioa --ee;� 3 Cdr asckx�ttn Adopted by the Council __t_T_�_� $�'�------------------ 19, ^^ ------------ City C ark. Approved__________ __________ 19____ - _-Yet _ 1Hayor. cu d, Councilmar�~oma / Cunciln��„n1A ama Councilm�i. Councilmas'�•"' I : x Councilmar�Ydd� .Geneeihnat�iyi� wsa..rr Mayor`s /m.lu'.cy REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS A!�D .�SSI;SSJII,NT OF 13rNCFIT5 In the matter of__ cnndemning_and._taking_aa_asaemant_iaS.he_lsnd-nates eery for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 7, Ruth Livingston Second Addition and Block 2, Ruth Livingston Addition, from Duals' Street to Griggs Street, under Preliminary Order___ 895230____, approved ------ ti'y_5-._L43------------------ t_______ intermediary Order________ 09514_____, approved_____ Jur'-AQ-19q! _______________________ _____ Final Ord er--------------- 823fi----- -Pproved------ Aug._10r19�52_______________________ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he hes fixed and determined the value of the land lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom each awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to Property, from the making of a cost there' es of, and that hereto attached is m asss roll entitled as shove and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Z Commissioner of Finance. 94076 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES, AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of _`= A mring and_i king_an_nasementin-Lhe_land_ndaea5ei3_ for slopes, cats and fill- I. the gf•ading of Alley in Block 12, Stinson'e Boulevard Addition from Griggs St. to Syndicate Als., �r�, xa. for r �fiQw °fes. � a w �•s+v°aw d�,� under Preliminary order -------- 9253$ --------- approved_-_ Mit1_2f1,_XU Intermediary Order ------------- 93031_--------- approved___ Jyly_ 12,_ 19139 _____, Final Order -------------------- 93292--------. approved____ Aug_9._19_3$_____------------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation ofolhe lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owner. of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respect. ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. S.•a•�_4�e ••� � }aRHfer•awl aaeasmrn}vre aaizit" .i,e.d.erdYmMwahtp:yg]}9pJa�IQ _i knvRffik�xsa.�o. }.'�nEimi Adopted by the (:ouncil ___ ---_-.----------------19 --• � r- �% Approved__________ _____________. 19____ My Clerk. _ ____ ____ ___ o. Councilman'�nroy CC, n uman Venonald ,:,... �r�' Co J REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE SON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS In the matter of__--rdemning._and_ Laking_an_ eassmeat_Sn_the_land. naneaeary for slopes, olafs,.yod fill. in the gradl.ng of Alley In Block 12, Stinson'. Boulevard Addition from Griggs St. to Syndicate Ave., under Prgliminag, Order_______92.53fi._, approved --------- Mag_2fi._192____________________ Intermediacy Order ----------- 93031_, approved_________ ____________________ Final Order _----------------- 9M92_, approved --------- Augr__9y_]932______-_ TO THE COUNaL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: .That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- piiated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the pereons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---------------- Commissioner of Finance. 94077 RESOLUTION `RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__nondemuing_and_ takingan_ aeaement_ 1n_She_-land _ ae"O'Soxy__ for slopes, cutsand fills in the grading of Alley in Block 6, Twin City View and Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, Ide.,l Home Cites from Schaffer Street to Bartford Avenue, n,oDe4:wO lob LLL' ea�o� wr �4 1 He under Preliminary Ord er___----_ _92BB1______- approved ------ Iune_2a,_1932______________ Intermediary Order --------------- 93246_------- approved___-- Ava.__ 2_1932 ------------- Final Order --------------------- 93504-------- a pproved------ !�1]$i 39.123 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the amm,me,t of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation m set forth in said assessment all, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be: submitted to the District Court for confirmation. xttiamci . � �--"�1e.N_�nw"v"ii..._fertst,eaekxlYvmke5cleldJdRanokNkfbamin Adopted by the Council 7. - __ ------ 19�-�-,. City Clerk. -pt, I l„nsld /Mayor. council �' -ploy / Councilme P, arca Conncilm�— t.Vena 1 =�4F�A 4 C.aMlmel> C.unrilmu Mayor Mehovey j "r'-- q'7¢H REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BL:NEFITS In the matter of ---- cnndemning-and-_taking- aD- ""LA"Lent_ Sn_ the land_neoeseery for slopes, cuts and fill. in the grading of Alley in Block 6, Twin City View and Lots 1 to 6, Inclusive, Ideal Home Sites from Scheffe, Street to Hartford Avenue, under Preliminary Order______ 826B1__, aPProved____ Auna-2A._1432________________________ Intermediary Order__________ Q32Afl__, aPProved____AU&�__2,_1432_________________________ FAi Order________________ 9.35Q4__. approved ---- Aug— _3Q.-7.@32______ TO TAE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finence hereby reports: That he has fixed and deterfmnedothe value of the land, lands or easements therein taken andapp— priated for the above improvement and the am ... te of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persona to whom such awards are payable; that he has also feed and determined the amount of benefit, to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled ae above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. _Z _�_ —�______________ -�__Q_Commissioner of Finance. 94078 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR "9u%�o epees{.M: In the matter of___openi_ng,_wiAaning_—d extending an_slloy__20ft�._in_wldth in Highland Park Additi n by taking and condemninv a stria of land 20 ft. in widhland Park '.ddition, the northerly line of the th in Block 7, Hi to be the sout rely line of lots 2 to 7, inclusive, and the easterly lineof the alley to be the easterly line of Lot 7, and in addition thereto.. a tri anular piece -'of Land in the southwesterly corner of Lot 6 measured 5 ft. in each direction from the southwest corner of said Lot 6, under Preliminary Ord er___-_-_-94815--------- -PProved---- AW,11-a,_19352 , Intermediary Ord er-------------95273---_____, approved_-__ May 15,_ 193Si_________--___, Final Order -------------------- 95fl37___.__,-Pproved..... June_ 10_1930 ______________ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the move improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part her 1, and Ile awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. $ak tatibc.sclerelgods9®topdk>W�tFag9kCc j(xzzrxzxzzxAlmixicxkARHtatxi�c9�ici9c�skscx9i�dfta�cflsmtm�zMut�c Adopted by the Council __4_ _____________ - City Clerk. Approved '------- _---------------- 19____Me CouncilmCome a Councilma ergasoa_ ,.erre _ _ / % Counctta X�� � Y A167dSE�D� � !/ Mayor® / Mahoney -/ .93�J REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS ANll ASSESSMENT OF 11ENEFL'ltd In the matter o[�ening._widaning _and_extEnding _an_a11sy_2Q_Lt._1n_nldth in Highland Park Addition by taking and condemn'ng a strip of land 20 ft.' inwidth in Block 7,Highland Park Addition, the northerly line of the alley to be the southerly line of lots 2 to 7, inclusive, and the easterly 11ne of the alley to be the easterly line of Lot,7, and in addition thereto a triangular dace of land In the southwestsrly}dorner of Lot 6 measured 5 ft. in each direc t on from the southwest cornu of said Lot 6, under Preliminary Order______ B4H1S__, approved_____ Apr11_8,_1930.__________________ Intermediary Order__________ 8x273__, approved_____ May __].5.,_19311_____ Final Order_________________ 85637 __, approved ------ Iuwt-3Q,-J.@$9___________________ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE COPY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appre- printed for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persona to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled nae above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. JC-p_a_a _._�.v_-------------- Commissioner of Finance. C—il File No.. By CITY OF ST. 1,111L Resolution Ratifying Assessment 94079 In the m,tt,, of thc asseesmenf of benefits, costs and expenses fur curbing both aid.. of Wast Congress St. from Bidwell St. to Bellows St-, ,ad,, PIIH-in-U OrdezS.9.144 I.t—di.,y Ord— F'a"' Order. approved....__ B-Pt—.29....... . ... 19 ZI A public hearing h,,ig be,, bed IPII the assessment for the above improvement, sed said assessment bee, further eowidemd by the C—lil, ad having been considered finally setifaet,U, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said --.t be and the —e is hereby im -U -pee. ratified, and the .—I ie h d b b itted t. the Dietritt Court f the C.—tI of Re,—I for hereby e"d BE That the said eseemment be and it i. hereby determined t. be ,y.bk i-Odlme.te. Adopted by the Co-eil. 19 City Clerk. App—ed 19 VMLIS j& CITY OF ST. PAUI, OFFICE OF THE COSIMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment c In the matter of the amesemmt of benefits, costs and expenses for rhex curbing both sides of West Congress St, from Bidwell St. to Bellows St„ under Preliminary Order ..... ...........89724..... , Intermediary Order.___.9D31fl _-- Final Order.... . 90530.. approved... SBPt .. 29........ 17. 31 To the Council of the City of Sl. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the ezpen. ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve. ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . M'25 ......... Cost of publishing notice . . . $.........3.,.d.$............ s Cost of postal cards $.......�.Q.1.6.V ............. Inspection fees . $-..._LQ..t24............ Amount of court costs for confirmation $ ............ Ui,Pfdira Construction Eng ng r$ 60,06 Totalsendles --- •-•----------- Said Commissioner u r repor si al he hes assessed and levied the 589,48 total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $_5e9.A .................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the bene8tsson. ferrel thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as maybe considered proper. ...._......_'....".`.::.`.:.9 .... . ................. . Form B. e. 17 Commissioner of Fhlamc Conneil File No........__......__......_._.. By CITY OF 6T. 1A11 Resolution Ratifying Assessment 94080 In the matter of the sesessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructinv curbing on both sides of Fairmount Ave. from Finn Ave. to Cretin Ave., -- m .Na o4oso.-I['' be ML oW pggj! pa-� tr�pnpa;:ptubluat .a a f I... on p oel� Otd1r 11T 00r 1:'* � f '*:91611 o •m.ae fp�a>e f under Preliminary Order..._..69.i].1_...., Intermediary Order....... 9.0.324......., Final Order .......... fld559_.. approved........ ........ 0 -c -t ..1..............19... 31 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the lbove improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FXfE*" R RESOLVED, That the said. assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable iu......_..... J........_....equsl installments. Adopted by the Council ....................... .............. ... _...... .._._........_._......19._.._.. .._ ............................... City Clerk. Approved._ .......... .._........._.......____..._......19.._.... i Mayor. .'1tRI,1sHED CITY OF 8T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE C0111H.I... OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Aelt. 20- 19_32. 1. the —tt, of tho aesessmcvt of benefits, costs and experts es for 3tKx constructing curbing on bothsaldes of Fairmount Ave. from Finn Ave. to Cretin Ave.. i oodn Preliminary OrderB9711' �, l,t,,,,di,,y Order - 90324___— - Final Order__ . 9056.9..__.__ PP .... d 931 To th, C—lil of the City If St. Poul: Th, Coo,00b,si.., If Finance h—by reports to the C—eil the following as , statement of the expen- ditures necessarily i—rred and to b, i.,,r,,d f,, end i, convection with the making of the above it,pro— so-t, 'i, kl§.�35 Cost If construction $__. ............... Cost of publishing notice $__......3 75......_-. 3 -75, -- Cost of ,,sW -d, Cost $-_......075.___. I� I—Po,two f— lCL.Zfi-- $—.-1Q.35.......... Amo—t of court costs III 1-ofil—i-_3-7 Amount . 5 Cons truction Engineering 76.37 Total expenditures $ 613_.33 I31A3 Said C.—mi.­ Nftbor reports th.1 h, h.. ..,,,.td and 1-b,d the total .—t Is above —,W -d, In -ail: the ... of $ Ela..33 each sod every 1.1, part ., parcel of I..d deemed bo.Ifiltd by the said improvement, end to the —, of each lot, p—'or parcel of band i. —,rd...e with the lo,,,fits cam f—,d th—..; that the said —,-- has b,,,, completed, sod that hereto .1ts,h,d, identified by'the sig, ,,t,,, of the said Commissioner, and mud, I p— hereof, is the said ss—m-t as I—pb,tsd by hits, and whish is herewith submitted to the Council f- such .,ti,, th,—I a, ms, b, c ... id—d pt,p— C...i.i.— of Finance. 94081 Coil File No By____........._.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment 7, the matter of the asaesament of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing both aides of East Nebraska Ave, fr.. Payne Ave. to 'Walsh Ave., and frog 'Weide Ave. to Arcade St.,inaj'T.raa.Avnt saa !„ ta va..mo.avaa.-w.. Yoe 'm:°ms �:Iu ae..xae ts� ea4 ane — +rue �� nnaar Preliminary Order.._ea7.16 _..., lntermrdiary 0rder__.@98.6.9........_, Final oraer___.....8Q21;i., approved_.._.A1I9..25..__........._ ..19.31.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said asseeameat having been farther. considered by the Comril, and having been considered finally aetiafartory, be it therefore RESOLVED, Th the said -.s sao-t be and the same H hereby in all respects ratified, and the same I. hereby ordered o be submitted to the District Court of the Comfy of Ramsey for eottfirmatioa. BE IT FU HER RESOLVED, That the said ---t be and it u hereby determined to be payable in__...._.__....s..:t_.._.e9ael installments. OCT 1 V 19?'? Adopted by the C -6L........_._.__..._.......___ .......... 19...... . ' ....... .......... City Clerk. Approved_........___........_.......___....._ .19.__... !TT' e t � P54 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COIMSS1011ER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment _Sapt.ember.20._., 1932.. In the m.ttar of the aasesament of benefits, costs and expenses for mt— curbing,both sides of East Nebraska Ave. from,Payne Ave. to 'Walsh Ave. and from ',Iside Ave. to Arcade St„ under Preliminary Order ....... .......88716......... Intermedtarl Order ..........88864 Fi..l Order... 90215... nppro. ed..... Aug.__._25 _._.. 19..31 To th. Council of the City of St. Pall: The Commissioner of F I.—, hereby report. to the Council the following ee a statement of the -pen- diture. necessarily i .... red and to be iniurrcd for .ml is connection with the making of the above improve meat, viz; Cost of constrecllon 8...1115.70_ Cost of publishing notice .................. Cast of postsl cards 8.,,,,,,,,,1.6b Inspection fees 8........22.31 Amount of court costs for confirmation 8_. _ _ 8.26_ Construction Engineering 86.34 Total expenditures . . . E.. 1242..50...._... Said Commissioner further reports that he hes ....seed end levied the total amount es above--i-d, to -wit: the sum of 81242.50______.... upon each end every lot, part or parcel of Is.d deemed benefited by the ..id improvement, .nd in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the bassets eon famed thereon; that the said ......meat hes been completed, and that hereto .—had, identified by the eig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment .s completed by him, end which is herexith submitted to the Council for such cation tthher�e...s may be cormidered proper. Commissioner of Finaneg. 94082 Comeil File No...____........___....__ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for construe ting curbing on Sherman St., west side, from Smith Ave. to Pleasant Ava., ft� °4ranVa¢ 1plPret��ar~ under Preliminary Order- ..._9D999....., Intermediary Order__......91fl5.5..., Final Order __.._. 91863_... approved..__..._.'._8...... __._...__ 19._32. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Comcil, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby is all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered tmitted tm o the Diatriet Court of the County of Ramsey for confrmatiol. BE IT FU ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable is equal asb.__...._................ inslallmcnte. Adopted by the ComciL.._.._. ...19.. ._._.._. City Clerk. .,yy�� ._..___....._. �/... .... _.. . Approved __.. _..._........_....._ 19...__. /!_ ��k ..... ............ ...... ayor. CITY OF ST. PAUI, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment �_ 20 19&2 I. the —ter If the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses fw,xy'x constructing Curbing on Sherman St., west side, from Smith Ave. to Pleasant Ave., under Order....... 90399Itt—edi-y O,d,l 916515 Final Otdet ... 91653 , .1,"o—d __.._.Mer. 8 19 32 To the Council of the City If St PIII: The CommissiorWt of FiI.... hereby reports to the Cooc,fl the following a, I t,t,,,.t of the ­1)­ ditate, I— .... it, incurred ..d I. be m- ­d for -I i . ......tion with the making of the b-, imp.... meat, vie: Cost If construction $ 173-00, C- of publishing -ti- $._...... Cost of P..".1 cardsh 1I.,P"tioo fee. A.011t If 11—t costs III 1­filllti0. $ Engi "cering Construction31 :92 Total expenditures$ 2 Q9. 68, Said Commissioner further reports that he has ¢reseed and levied the total amount as b ... ...... t.i­d, to -wit: the 11. of $_209 .68 ,­ e,eh and ..... bol, part or p .... 11 of lend d,,.,d benefited b� the s,id improvement, end i. the ass. of r.eh lot, 1—t or p .... I of lend in .....dance with the b ... fits e.n. f .... d there I � th.t the �.id .­��t has be,. completed, and thot hereto hit -W, id,,,tir,,d b3 the sig "t"' Ifthe b :�d co'­i'i ..... .. d "'d, I [,,it hereof, i, the acid .........I as co pbeteol by h- -d whish i, heee-11, submitted to the, C -o(,1 f,, such .,ti,, there.. 1, may be considered pe,p­ 11 �_C.rtiammer If Finance. oeylo.rmav O.rt CITY OF ST. PAUL ,� NO._._..__ 94083 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1. UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ` Com RESOLVED , that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with Clifford Jarvis, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $13.20 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Departiaent of public Works on the 30th day of Se_ ember 932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Clifford Jarvis the sum of $88.40 out of the Workmenls Compen- sation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including October 14th, 1932. COUNCILMEN Y_ Nays Flay �"Mv Donald Pearce :. _._In favor /Rosen Againel aR a.R /lM,. ®P—ident Mahoney Adopted by the Council.. _OU i..LAW-- 193.. _. �A1/p,.-d,,___ ......193.__. Mayor pya■ crt GITV OF ST. PAUL muxc. No. 94084 OFFICE.0 HE CITY NC R DLII 1 N ERAL FORM ` PR EN ev OEM RESOLVE. WHEREAS. The Commissioner of Education has sported to the 53, of the City Cocil in accordance with Section un •hich rendered Charter the existence of the employment an emergency of certain employes of his necessary department For movee then the+r Itsual hours of employ. mend; thesfnr, RESOLVED, That the Lh per followingfnamede to are —ploys" hereby s thorized pay for employment for ex ra rat 6time hereinafter fixed fortextra TITLE I TIME RATE TOTAL NAME Jan. Eng. 4 hours 65W $2.15 Joseph E1mgnlat • • 9.78 18 ■ Elias Tebr • ■ 1.88 S • 80g _ Oscar Nalgren • gpg 8.45 • • Oharlee Neeaerlond 4 • 19 • 60% 6.08 Lester Eoljere 5.04 ■ • 8 • 801 John Hombres 6.08 • • 10 • 804 John Nelson • • � • 804 2.75 Bert Seidler 4.88 • • g • wt Eduard Thomas • 794 6.79 0. Gregory Soh. Eng. 8 Stat.aireman 9Tho�eonr 18 • 68 7.77 4* 8 ��.73 Jan. Eng. Janitor E 17 J.T. Oobe11 rTX. COUNCILMEN Yeea NnY / Adopted by the Council_ McDonald 1t� . 9 •+ Wit, 1�\r Approved... ... 100.._. Pc rce � Tris: ._ _.......AHalvet VUBLISHv/Y Mir. P� jdevt Mshoney FORM N0. 1 n 4^mer l� 793E 1932. An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of cer— tain employes of that department for more than eight hour. per day, in doing the following work: C This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: J(eoes.grX to keep school buildings open on This report -is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. FORM Ho. 2 ` Rnbjeoi: C-11 Fila I.. 940M Data pre emted 1932 Reeolred, URRRM. the Comisaimar of Public, Utilities ban reported ion moardame with Rection 53 of the City Cbarter, the existence of an margeney which rendered menaesary the mplcyaemt of cartala mploysl� of his dsperto�nt for mora than Hght boars per day andoaa.dunday, said mployamt baimE mo}e t nana.1 hours of mp}geant, tb x*fon, b it Resolved, That tb proper city cffioer. — breby authorised to pay the following sand .aryloyss,at tb rata pthsrodaa fixed for extra omploy.es for the asks tfr bnitiatte! sat forths.... . FAR T1rfE BMMAT REGULAR RATA Aortia 1-0 w Utility— Prank Ylealn6. 5I� .ferry Oas 4mbi11e4 Lbarer yloyd WAGurankler Utility. - 16 .5W3/4 Herb. C4 spsilaay 16 -511-5A dams J. Flumbarte helper 1 .59-3 Yawl Ral�i Utilitymam 3 544^.33 Thrau yahey feo�. blper; - 3, "• .99-3A Rs Ramallt '- - '3i 59-3A xy; - Jams Sapertto • $ fat Rob.rte Us.ihilled laborer John P. Reach �Yt '�y. i 5 %aeF �')tt '2 " e a /4 Septi ) Jet, P. Erase Um.kiU d laborer 3 .4 `(1tii�tyaan 2 s ;w fiohml Ycltarm. ds. (.bort last } Rept.) 10 • .55 Aye. Zyemoilarm Ray. / a oc aid Nay . posse Raw (� �/ Adopted by tq._,gCT �_193R - Approred �ccff 1932-, fr. Pre.idsmt fabomay/ / �,y�'"t�i�7lh3•---- w& P. sMTT, / dx FORM In. I onto- ]B, 1932 In rrgenoy hu aria.. in the D.Parteent of publie Dtildti.a, Bnreau of Rater, rendering neneeeary the-Ployme.t of pertain ..Ploy.. of that d.part...t for no,e than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work, -- -- *land and fi s 1 Part Pumping gtatione.* Repair ..-1- meati 291 E. 7th stl Chsug. temporary mai. orer to nee 6e main pouring concrete, boiler-rom, Y Carron Stati—ff _ This emergency arose by raaeon of the follo.ing hots and oirousetamee: .good. Leat in auoneotio.. ..Had to shut off water. ad to finleh Job, CCUIMSI0HBB OF FUBLI •( I— orieD• ��....A�,....�� rwiHTew �.INCILD RESOLUTION couwcic rile ND.. 9411Rf • - rov, K:Zi;t£aF?k°.4:.. _ QCt.. 13� _�s�. 2 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s_�2Qvvasc..4�, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_. TO- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COyMyPTROLLER. ADOPTED aY THE COUNCIL 14 � y_,v1—_ cou"c�Ms� eon oF. cE OF,rvE"coMOTRo EA No. ill}�fl- ✓ M,. �J COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS Cc t. 16, 32 1'' a=v 320&P. ..oM...o� ' i �„.... "”" 955 "�."....... rvu"e.n IN FAVOR OF„�cns c„.cns ev e."K eeo "..o"w"eo 7`p500 00 306 475 90 95599 Charles stewart 32 0011 960o Harry 8aplan 124 50 9601 Barrie Brothers Plumbing Co. 2 6940 9602 A. C. Horne Ca. 187 75, 9603 Bee J. Grattan 10 00, 9604 Hilton Rosen, Gom. of Finance 13,456 61 921 56' 9606 " 25 201 141 9607483 38. 9608 34 074 83 96o9 025 9610 1 3 631 87' 9611 10 987 80 9612 23 00 3 6 964 871 4 977 62' 16 28 5 z 7334 93, 96" " 3 864 25 9618 , 9617 ” 4 195 11 ” " 9619 C. H. Roseor ane Electric Oo. 18 111 50 9620 Milton Rosen, Co.. of Fioano4. 2 659 14, 9621 Wm. Perry 32 00' 9622 Fielding & Shepley In 37 400 00. 9623 • " " 2 411 00' 9624 Chas. E. O'Connor 48 o0. 9625 Thornton Bros. Co. 10 021 87 9626 Feyen Construction Co. 12 218 75' 9627 Oriel & Mariana Ino. 310 00, 9628 Clement F. Sculley Equip. Co. 906 &4, 9629 Seven Corners Elea. Co. 14o 25 9630 Garrett Burne 107 6o'. 9631 Jahn Geary 107 10 9632 Gerhard Speaker 1 00. 963} J. C. Sweet 73 30 9634 Capital Envelope Co. 5 X92 51 9635 standard 011 Co. ll 00 9636 Frank Dielke 33 9637 Martin O'Connor 455 20 62 9638 St. Paul White Lead & oil Co. 4 26 96}9 Ramsey One slot Station 94 OF 9640 Northwestern Stamp works Inc. 9641 Minnesota Chemical Co. Inc. 19 20 8642 Cleveland Ave. Meat Market 40 80' 8643 W. Anderson 4 o 9644 rs. Catherine M. Claughe rty 40 17 228 9645 MAnna Schneider 9646 Mrs. Etta Flaherty28 28 9647 state Of Minnesota 1 311 93, 9649 Board of Public Welfare 5 481 85 9649 Milton Rosen, Co.. of Finance 1110 558 75 "EE.,or,��aew"ao 7 500 00627 13d 33 i j i 94087 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING -EQEON AND FIXING T1.flE OF 11EAF.:':5 A',D OF DAMAGES In the matter of__49AS191W1Dg_pZld _L.&K14�%n nasement_in tha land_neaes sa_ry_for slope sem__ outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Blook 3, Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane St., under Preliminary Order_--_ 21244-------------- app roved__4AI1 27,_1932 ----__- Intermediary Order --------- 93542-------------- approved__A F•- 31,_1932_-----------_ Final Order -----------------93809 -------------- approved__ Oct.__ '_ 1932 -------------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, Thata public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the swards of damagea made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessm ant of benefit,; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- _______lilth---- day of ------ -------- 130-1— ------ 1952_,atto. o'clockA.M.,andthat the Com- o r of Finance be and he is hereby directed tc give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter¢ Adopted by the Council___ 8 ----------------- -------------- City Clerk. Approved_________ 1}____._______ _. Empunt>® M<Ilonnldy -g ., M y'�y/ Councilman �>vR —�i li Councilman Councilman Counci�y�helmer /ti law�nay `�'—�.—"---- Mayor _� 94088 D Mattee al i. ""a -a - o UN u COUNCILFILENO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matte, ,,f— -f— -CrJzg.- at—tL -to - Synd Im"Q -AMUP - ---- ------------------------------------------- - -- --------------- -- -- - -- --------- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---- - ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ----- -- under P,,Ii.i..0 Order__________ 13710 ----------------- a,,.—d ___See 2t-mb— 211932 The Council f the City of P-1 having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .b.- improvement, and having considered said report, hereby —.1-5: 1. That the said report and the —, is hereby pp,—d and adopted, ..d the said improvement is hereby ordered d t. be proceeded with. 2. That the —.re,the improvement which the C .. cil ---ds is ---- with n, alternatives, and that the estimated —t thereof i, $822 oa -------- R—Ned Farther, That , public hearing be had .. said imp --.t on the ---- 15taL ----------- day of N—hzx-- 1 -la ---------- Am-- at the h— f 10 o'clock A. M., i. the Council Ch..b,t f the C... H.— ..d City Hall Building i. the City of St. P—L That the Commissioner of Finance give —fie, of ,aid —ting t, the P11—a and . the ml.— provided by he �h�,�� ... ...ting 1, time and place f h—i.g' the --e f the i.p.,.,,t ,d the t.t. thereof ...led. Adopted by the C ... 61 ---- 192---- - ---- --------- - App,—d --------- '----192 --- --- -- -----City Clerk. C .. C... 61m.e�MeD Council. .ePl9&dgv—sa111-- C..e C", Mayos F.— B. S. A 86 A 94089 ear: —%. I dl— asatae as COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By O --------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter tlus-.9r-JJ=-f ------- ata _Avenue, ... ...... .. ------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------ ---- -- - --- ------ -- ------------------- 1932 and,, Preliminary O,d ----------- 9a772 -------------------- ppr—d ------------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the 'epm-t of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and theam, is hereby approved ml adopted. and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council --ends is_g_WdgPW epd take an att-o�hed-and meds _, yswt hereof, _th- nd_j�t2,had�d 2,?F�cjn. r� the fill., F�tohed-ggrtloas_ehovri.g the -- ... sh�,� _ ---_ .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-ZM-Q -------- Re,,I,,d Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 15th__________ ---------- day of N. -.b—, -l= ----------- 192=-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court H... s and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pa.]. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the F .... m, and m the mn,,r provided by the Charter, rating the time and place of hearing, the nature o the map ... ement and,he total —1 thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Cmmcil9f`+44-4`9� --------- 192---- 11 1 Cmmcilmsm note, Clunci, dbwv�,lay Conn. . 46Z'� ".acl C-ulli l:l "21"� Councilman/frau: C.um.il—@NvWW� 4voosssasi M.ym,� / M.h,m— For. B. S. A. 86 94090 M. COUNCIL FILE NO. By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -- ----- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- ------------ ---- - --------------------------- -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order____ 93637 ----------------------- aPPro-d §LPRteplller-!-0-1932 ------------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the a —impm,emem, and having considered aid report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the s— i, hereby approved and adopted, and the =aid improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the C—.61 recommends is --- —tt—t-ff—MT--cZa -------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i. $--Ael-9!t2E--- Resolved Further. That . public hearing be had on said inup—,mc,t onhe -------- latb -------- day of ---------- _I.- --, at the how of 10 o 'd,,k A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House .. 9 City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of 11, and in the m ... , provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of said meeting to the F—e hearing, the ,omr, , the improvement a,d the total —t thereof as estimated. rT-1-9_?W Adopted by the Council --- - ...... .. Ztt�, ed -------------------------- 192--- App— -- ------ - - 7Z CiC]-k. C ... cifinum DlcUonald Councilman I., Council— .. — C-,n,i ma, lhft—R,11,1 C..nd:m— f�/T-n. Council.- WAVAN&waaaaa M1u.JS}TED i) Mayor 3910� Mnhnnd Form B. S. A. 86 94091 COUNCIL FILE NO By--------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I, the Matter of___ ------- St—f—l- A ---..d- J? --1_A---- ----------------------- - --------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------ :1 ----------- ------------------------------------------------- ---- ------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —d- Preliminary Order_____ R1927 ----------------______approved 1932___________ The Council I the City of Paul having received the report of the C..,oi-i.— of Finance upon the .b—,imp—emeet, .d having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report and the moo, i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z Th., the --e of the improvemrnt which the Council recommends is__epnaxruot sidewalk__ -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with ., alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $-11,9Q --------- Res,l,,d Further, That a public hearing be had o, said imp—m— o, the___ ILth ------------ d,y of ---------- W=--, at the boo, of 10 o 'clock A. M., i, the Council Ch—be, of the Court House .,d City 11,11 Building i. ithe City ofSt 1,, That :1CommissionerCCommissionerof Finance give —ice of said —ung to the e -9 .d n he .. 'r provided by 1,. Ch—, stating the time —d place of he-i.g. the --e . rthe improvement ..d the t-1 —t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C—ncil --- 4-.,.L4-!-PL4W ------ 192---- ---- -- App—ed ---------- — ------- — ------------ 192--- ty Clerk. Councilman ed..t}k9— Ivl'imald ...cil—ed..&G— C ... cilo,... C Coc C.. Councilman ... -pxdKWaaaPer.,l TIT ISFIED Council F.— B. S. A. 8-6 I I 94092 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ :; n....e'n .. .:..... By O--------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___ 8113_ y "PaAr knLl - jd�qrO -nt!S!es a ary, -thB - _S ldey¢aDm _aL - ibe_ _fD11QwjaL; - IQC_Akt IQD,* ------------------------------------------- Is.h.3- -at. -510M11-St—ti,9111 ee­t --ad- th, -at—, ---- IIQ-ft — ------------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------- _jsshQL-S-t. _31cle, bq&11111 111F ­q t State_ St._,_ thence- wast _50 under Preliminary y Ords --------- 9Z927 ------------_---- app ... ed ---- The Council I the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report. hereby —.1—: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby pp .... d and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby -d red to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council _I..bq1S --------------- _to_soRth t 70 ft-, _jk48--_�@eIMP __at 110 -.ft -1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _sine,_ _ng _at '--- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_1K7_55 Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on th --------- A5!L ----- day of _RQy_Wh()r_19A2------ 4P2&Z,-, at the hour of 10 O'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of S, Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice I said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total -t thereof as estimated. Q Adopted by the Council_________ -_ _ 192____ __________________ Approved ------------ ZI --------------- 192--- C Clerk. Councilman Councilman Councilman WD.. Councilman Councilman Wmaw.="T' Councilman ...cilman wm---__mwww May., NNW" 'Aw­"' , Form B. S. A. 86 " M ! "t_, , Cl F_ 94093 C, F. No. 01011— In the flatter ofl�ttoj onetrudlln,, Ing and ragpawhere of II the eldewalka followlldone:railveeddde, beghleeel frenarls Ill., !"f. COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- eeglnnmg 61 n. r;' � eael t la n. 'I. tPi 1• „ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Mattel ot__srconsSrncLine.-sal.ayinC and_SeAa1Slllg._ere_ necessary, rn r+_sidawalk_e_t_S11a_i_@ll@r9.1[18_14c at lona__-------------------- --------------------- ft._eest from-Vic ___ylaenca_aast_52 Sha_s3i;7.nniu8-h4_ft_e_Perth or_eas l_thenca_east 16 ft., %gnt_BLr@at}_ BC_3.d@ bag 1_r>n_in.�.at_ Ashland_ave.t t----- north to Alley, ______________ 381@h&LC_Ayenue,_ south side_beg_inning_at OxSord St-, thence ,net 80 ft., u_ under Preliminary Order --------- 93926 ------------------ approved ------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the Improvement which the Council recommends is__XaronatrneL,_relay -¢rs�_Sogeur-�=�,-@-���s�y_e� th w _gi�w�]c_aC_ �.he _following_ 1 o c at 1 ons Carroll Avenue, south side, beginning 120 £t. east from Victoria St., _______beginnShg _64 ft.- i _ thence east 52 it., ar�her east:-; 9nee7in 9-t ., 3Can.L_SLrsaL,_�est_aidA._h@glA'ilyg at. Ashlanli_i+oe eJ_ _thence northortht-o A Alley, _Igles;axt¢7 enuey_south _s ide a_beginning at Oxfrod St., __thence ___ west _80 ft., ___________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_111.6,_6SL_____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --------- 5tp------ day of Mosembex.,_-1.232------- 7Dml___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and Gity Hall Building ' the City aE St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance givenotice of said smeeting io the pe -9, pe-9,and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__#{ij_kqL-----, 192____ Approved________--.L._d Y _ _____192___ ayor. CouncilmanzOON89A' —�/rlc nOnnld cnnncilmanr�wPgfGoM1"`� '1n• 7 VJ, Council—uncill— 1Frfti63z,%,l` Councilmant MON V44 Councilman i Plabney Mayor'a1M.lddffs Form B. S. A." / FMLISHED i 94094 �—. Is. COUNCIL FILE NO.________- ----- 1 or .1. By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the matter _th,st-sidn sAlks—L -the- I Q1LQV1IlZ,-3-QGAt I-QDA; ----------------------------------------- ft. _—s_t_of_ 88 ft. 24 ft a st of Jackson St.�__thence ShdrLeenieast 10 ft. a 0 ft -Tb-tr�Le --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- code, Preliminary Code, ----- 9=2 ------------------------ p—ed ------ The Council of the City !f Paul having,c,i,,d the 1p,n of the Commission,, of Finance upon the above improvement, and h-mgconsidered said report, hereby I , That the said rep— and . - the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends i ------ fo11R,!Lng_ -locations: Gen gEelA".., north side, beginning 22 ft. east of Ric. St., thence east -t, - Thirteenth St. 84 -ft.- ear£ of—Saclfsbli-StT�-thence —t-lo—ft- - ----------- _--dalt—loo ft.irteenth St., south nW106 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--1a4-53 ------ Re,,I,,d Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement no th -------- lfitA ------- day of _KQy_Qa&Qr_j9A2 ------ 199UM4, at the how of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the Fete— and in the numns, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of heating, the nature 0 the impro-nnew and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C .... if ---- 192 ---- Appro-d ----------- -- ------------- 112--- Council— Councilman fldg�i1_ Councilman Idanodd­% I o Council p—­4� man ffod Councilman C ... cil;;;;,:� Mayor For. B. S. A. 8-6 X14095 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ :.�'e�i �iep „.';�aaa�e.- By O--------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER J, the Matter re Sr In,,,,_ wherej?—s�y, ----------------------------------------- f -t— nopth_oLfMiAnehah, St.,thMc9 .0T th -7,5--Ct._ ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- 'qP - - ---------------_r_____ ------------------------------------ 1932 —d- Preliminary O,d ---------- a3.q2El ------------------_approved ...... The Council of the City of Paul having —wed the re port If he Commissioner of Finance p.. the ,b—, improvement, -d having considered said report, " " -.1—: 1. That the said report and the — i, hereby approved ..d adopted, and the said i.p—,.— ie hereby ordered on be proceeded with. 2. That the -- of the oopo--t which the C.I-il —.—.d. is... trItQ14-Tfl.1a7 atli_r�pa7..z=,--wthar�=nalweSa&T3+-S119-�dewalks _at_ the _following_ I Z!_-a.t- -S -h e,;i=Jn& -lA ft- _DDY-thof_ MSnnehaha_St._ thence - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 240ft. _--t-f Forest - St. thence with no alternatives, ..d that the estimated cost thereof is $-.55_ 60 ------- Rc,ol-d Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on th ----- 111titt ---------- d,y of -NavambAr�1232 ------- IRLZK, at the bon, of 10 ',],,k A. M., in the Council Clunober of the Court House and City 11,11 Building in the City If SL Plot That the Commissioner of Finance &' —ti" 11 .id meeting to the-n, and in the m ... � provided by the Charter, stating the time ..d pl.- of hearing, the -- rthe iq4,A-",jand the —1 c— thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council________________________ 192---- - --------------- Appo—ed ------- 192 --- "y C"" C.-Citoom.61.00 `11, lo—ld Councilman dRsega—e-i—M Iy C .. cilonm Z6 C..neil.- M.Y., � /111alb y F— B. S. A. &S NOS I91099— In.tre llatler of [eadmhuc{Inq, I s end re dlrinq, gbaN'. sed. -Le�{.` blleRaev�C D1r41 Av>�amDdBl Ave., eh eeDL 111. 11111 Order The Counen or tae on, nt „ COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ �mns +d1 m. rennrt By______________________________________________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1, the Matter of__reLmeYruating,_rDlgylAg _enA Lepai[1Pg,_ whera_neoeeae_ya_the_slde- Mlk_Dll_11G5}l_fl1Sld@_4r 12r8Y9_ux _$treet_betneen Central_Avanua ani Fuller Avenue) ___________________ under Preliminary Order___ 93783 ------------------------ approved _September 21, ______ 1932 ___________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with:' ' 11 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___reoanat_tvet,_ rely_ 11 and_nlpel �xbeza_aeaasaeJy.._T.ha_§19.4a'@lk on_ both sides_of _Ita_v_oux St—et between_____ Cenkrel_�. nue_en d_Fuller Avenves______________________________________ ______________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ R_________________ _____________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost tbercof is $,'f 71________ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ lbth _ day of November_ 1952__________ 19,=_, at the hour of 10 0 clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p o and ' the provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the caro.. of the re—no, apd,tya total cost thereof as estimated. a U 1xf'! Adopted,by the Council_______________________, 192____ i Approved ----------- __----------------- 192___ / � ' y Clerk. Connoilman .a- plc"" Lt Coun tint iihk.U—M irtaa✓f�Iny / r Councilman gCD�iuWinsai,�Yrnrce / / '2;31d5HEll_�_t/ r`;J• Councilman �R-i+*� .R,,..n ✓ Councilman t =M y:taq>t�lal� — M.b"o' Mayor f� �Plnb„nep Form B. S. A. 86 h ti. 1 S'', ,1 L. U1 LFMa 94097 of Uahualb Ar �' COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ,+ebiin x.+,•' By______________________________________________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof_raaantitzuaf tnC.-lql?Y1.AC-end repairing, �rhere_ neoeekary,_ the________ sidavalkst_Sha_ftolloxing-ln-a®tisnt_________ __"_ _______ ______________________________ PnanalAvanus._seat_eitla,_begltutkfz_12..Ct,_Agrth_ of_Unigereity_dve_.a_ thenoe north S9 __tt.,_kayiwtiu�k&_fl�S_gryher_norpn� thenoe north P_Sts a_______________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and Preliminary Order__________ ______________ __ pprove er 93930 Se tembar 30. 1932 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___[g99AetrucA. eilay_avd ropairrmature_naveaseray-tha_sla�l]c8t_5hn_tnllaeing-lonatlona_______________________ PagaalAggiutq._beaC_sj dq,_begytWing_42 north of_Wmeets ity_Avthenve north 39 __,Aegjppingk¢_ft� ferthar_nort �, thenoe _north 8 -------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is_________ ,I Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ l6th--------- day of Bnzemhax,_].9fl2---------- 30=__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in' he City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p so and n the rt n— provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the timprovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. q�asI 4 tun', Adopted by the Council ____1�4[1_:__________. 192____ Approved____________ _______________192___ ity Clerk. Councilman c' -^%..-fig Councilman Esgpp­ Councilman V*PvwtW--� I•. ur.c Councilman fin__ parr,,:,: / Councilman Mayer llr® *Inh,mey Form B. S. A. 86 '" � i• Cl, C1?'t. C1FFLU K I �^ORDINANCEDUNDIL FILE NO. 94098 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, entitled — "An ordinance providing for all matters con- cerning, regalati'g or affecting the construction, ' slterat ion, regulation„repair, removal, maintenance, use and Snspecti on of, all buildings, dings, walla or etruc- tures erected or to be erected within the limits of the 01ty of 8t. Paul for the protection of property against fire, and for the purpose oY .sour Ing health- rr.a• ful, safe and Sanitary environment. for the oa cupeota of buildings used for human habitation or other', Be, to compel the owners of such buildings, walls or structures to alter, reconstruot or modify the same, or any part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of all ... buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire limlte, and prescribing the powers and duties of I the Commi esioter of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provielons; providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing all ordl- nanoes inconsistent herewith. This to an emergency Ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the pub, to peace, health and safety,% approved May 22, 1930. This to an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 9T. PAULDDOE8 ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7210, approved Yay 22, 1930, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out Paragraph (c) of Section 305, and by Inserting In lieu thereof the following: (c) The door of any cabinet containing a service switch must not be provided with e. look. Cabinets must not be installed in unfin- ,ehsd at ti bath rooms, Clothes closets, til-t e, bedrooms, or wash racks. Accessible main line fuse meter switches (Claes A) either of t:.. side or bottom hinged type, 61 to 100 ampere. jinolusive, shall be required. Cabinet boxes containing service switches in residenc Be moat not be so installed that the handle ofthe switch is more than seven (7) feet above the floor. 1, In alltnaw installations for parer and light, up to ani including 60 amperes, a meter test block and meter loop, to be furnished gratis by theNorthern States Power Oompany, shall be installed ahead of the service ewltoh Ycne Councilmen N.ye Pinned by theCouncil......................... ._..... . stay M,D... Id _ In Favor Pearce sees..—........... . Noeen Again%t Truax --- '- R'—d 3(r. President (1(aho11cy) ! Attc_I ire acorn _ . . . / i $ {� Lit, Clrrk CLEEa M.Y., ORDINANCE I COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO. (2) andbranch fusee. Such meter test blocks shell be stocked under arrangements made between li- censed electricians and the Northern States Poser Oompany as to a reasonable number. Service switches in all installations shall be of the external oper- ated type. In residences, all service switches and meters shall hereafter be installed in basements if there is a basement, or in the private garage accessory to such residences, except by special permission of the commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Build- ings." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinanoe, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yees Councilmen Vsye Nay PP,arced � carce e Tru Wenzel Mr. &ea,derft (Nnhoney) Attee6 / N0 ? t Y—1 1), the Council _.. In F•m ��� SCOTT, Again 7I- y7 y Adop[¢d by [h¢ Council._____ --______...193____ Y- Nay.. MAY %IcDONALD PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) �, w: �monr wrrw+ CITY C)F SAINT PAUL C.Pit.1 of DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 6ty H.II _ FRED M. TRUAX, C—iai— Ol"TO E. CONSTANS, D.P y C.m—l— �� 0 // Oct oban 1�, 1911. L- L. Anderson, Deportment o£ Law. Dear ;ir please find herewith et`_ached —':".f Code re-+V.n to the electrical aoct icn of t] -:e nui ing Code, `.'cig rac- omr:ended by I)-- lectrical Co�7e Ce+ -i:7 ttee. n:;l: tl-x�t yoi� drary this revision up in ordinance form. in order It' S may- —b—it it to the Ci -.y Council at an ear- ly data? Yovra truly, Commissioner. PEDPREVISION TO TILT ELECTRICAL C®E Soatioa 30-6 (a) She door of eabinet oontaining a asrvloe *-itch mast not be provided with a lock. Cabineta most not be In- stalled In Lzorl-lebed attics. bath roams, elothes closets. toilets* ber doomow cash rads. Aoosasible main line foss meter aritahaa (U.S.CA) elthor of the side or bottom hinged type. 61 to 100 amperes inelnaive. *hall bf> rayuired. Cabinet bones oontalning service sc,Itohes in resi- dences must not be so installed that the handle of the switch is more than seven (7) root above the floor. In all new for power —1 11;ht. up to cnd Including 60 emper.a. a meter test block .-I meter loop, tc be f +rni a?ea<: gratia by the Northern shite* Pow— Company, a1a11 be 2-1;.Iled ahead of the aervice *--itch and br.noh f uaos. Such mater t,t blocks shall be stocked un- der arrangamenta made betwvea 11cansed electricians and the Northern States Power Company as to a reasonable number. service avitebes in all installation* sha11 be of the exter- nal operated type. In residenoea. .11 aervice s.itch.. and haters .hall hareartar be iaatalled in basements if there is a bssament, or Sn the private garage accessory to ouch reai- dencea, except by speoi.l P--13.1.. or the Commissioner of Par -a, rlaygvounda and Public Bulldinga. Sm. d>.A. r Ci tidu.n� CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pial of Minnt.ol. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 CRy H.11 FRED M. TRUAX, Cwemfal-- OTTO E CONSTANS, D—tv Ce�m��tw.e tel. October 1^, 1 32 „on. Bred rasa Cormt c::ioner F: P. I L D . G Uear C1r: Gne of t*: amsrd—nts to the Electrical Code which is to be presented before Che CityCo un e•..'_ consists of a meter teat c1oclf mhich rAll be furnished :without charge by the ;. o'. the rn 3' ate. P o'•>or Company, and installed by s .,.aa�__ Electrlcisn. ?'. is the intention that over- 'tactor T..lectrician 13 to be applied :ri th Chess nets;r tea!: -loo"" so - o tee'.. •i�+ 1.-1 he cLused b: „he ': o:: orn Stags 1'o..:._-• C..-. "o. e ., -.sts _s- tl.n. -e10I _ .Tisch can -'.o - o:_. i _ _. �e Ye :7 ..1^be ..'Ing Of a r_nxi..,itel, .oJ' o e 1. .,_;.i�.a__on o. _. p oaent s.ai_ch cabinet and fns. box, to ,_-,party holders. 3-.0 ce t ^nst important reasons for installing these motor test bio c'<s f-eeof charge by the !:ortherr .^,tater Fomes Company is t*.at it prevents the stealing of c•u•rent on recount of being a to el, I bin.t, the '. o to bo in the poaao„s ior. of the ;tato. Power Company. r. m� eat imat ion it Is a won•'orf,il improvement over the present cabinet as no fuses are required. "uses havinG caused conaidereble c ub'_o h, b ni.nd oat rind or the present:stem. This is a ne•w piece of equip^iont ':+*'1 ch came on the r ..'11 t this ^ear, Ind hes been uppi o• 1 by the ;Jet ional 3o 2rd of F' -r. nd er Writs- 1 :Ir i.t or s. I rocmm�md that the amendment to the code be adopted. Q •tv Arc`.itect CA3:p . .t Dntob.r 26th, 1932. Bon. lr.A =� ?rvaz. Coower of Baildl .K - Dear Cosi --IL rr Your ordinance a dtng Paragraph o of Section305 of the Bndldlag Code .111 co— before the C --WA . unol City Col o October 26th for tbdrd reading and eppro.al of f*r Cp�i —1.­uq—goe.tnance ed that the ordi b. esnend.wA Oo Pro Jdi� tbat the Department of Public Dtilitte. .hall J'._ r Department—*— Y.Q to al —ter Dore.. Toon rery truly. City Clew. .91099 CITY OF 3T. PAUL NO.........._ . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE30LUNON-GENERAL FORM 1 WHEREAS, John Ravenscroft, Chlef Timekeeper, of the Department of Parke, Plsygrounda and Public Buildings of the City of Saint Paul, will be inoapa altated and unable to perform his latiea L 07` a period of at least 30 days from and ester the 16th day of October, 1932, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reoommendedthat John Ravenaeroft be granted a 30 day leave of absence Por disability, with pay, Prom and after the 16th day of October, 1932, saki leave being in compliance with r Paragaph E,. Section 41 of the Clvll Service Rules, therefore be 1t, RESOLVED, That the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence for John Ravenseroft for thirty (30) days from and after October 16, 1932, with full P-7. COUNCILMEN Y.— / May �..._Agei net �„ ._aa - Mr.^Prtieident hi hel+ey n• ,- %L Adopted by the Council __..ra(` T._..9!.1-1 WM 193._ Approved.. 'v ... _._. .....193_... NO._...._9141.00 CITY OF 9T. PAUL .Re _. Op/FJ�CE OFTHE CITY CLERK A'OIINfJLiREEOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1SIMEtS. the Sinking Ad Oomittee did on October 14, 1932 ask for bids to be s,bdttod at 2&30 P. M. October 19, 1932, on $670,000.00 Oity Of Saint Pml Dods, nw held Sn the Participating Osrtificat• Bsreem, sad IXEDLg. bids sere opened in the pooacil M -1 -re at 2230 P.M.. October 19, 1932. and the joint bid of Lahsan Bros., Ivan, s.ylor A oomweaegy and Pips. Jaffray • Bapeeed, of $690.770.00. ad coerced Snterut to data of dsltvary in. Dw Iork Oity, a the but bid resolved, ad 120MM. the SisklU And 0oandtteo has reoorndsd that the bands be awarded to Lebon Bros., Lean Taylor g Oagany and Piper. Jsffr&Y i Hopeood. for $690.770.00 and scorned inter.01 therefore, be it Jaw ESSUM. that the 4bid of Lobus Bros. Leen Taylor • Oosrpsmy sad Piper'. Jaffray d Mopeeod. be accepted and the Mayor. Oeeduloner of Pusses aced Oity 0oaptroller, be mod they are hereby anthorisod and directed to accept the bid of Lebanon Bros., Lean Taylor i Coop aey and Piper. Jeffr to the traraotion.�:.:: COUNCILMEN Y- COUNCILMEN �,�,�2 Adopted by the CouncibeT.i4-P.i.Y�.-._.....-193.. _. M.Y /// •. /M.]De—ld / ;1. /Pearce ./. ..In Inver Approved__...._.. _...-__.._._.... `.-._........193.....- fRo.en /Trunx -. `�..._Ageimt ........M.Yor .. i}V oml Mr. President M.boney WM. F. BCP1T� CITY CI.PVa l / mm u a m a mm 1610.000 sr, PAZM moo CNW'mw� aoH mu OpIcEH 19. 19'S2 affnaa a�'�alGO! O! s®ai /OQIOI 0te0a�a! volh.m 1 1670.000.00 120.TI0.00 ca a _ aiattmy A D.e ms -OVAI 01sT 000 mi.ap 1 670.000.00 9.996.33 ossssaal. :�lLilp..•Jd .==+ w.. ll.. zerh )) 670.000.00 1.5aT•00 zar * ?abet ♦ a..n r&voi.�1�./. sra..a C o.w, as.zaa i DnHWiR�w1s 00.. IISsm.ap.iL 71"t360—I 0e., ornn..�po11. rias asenrtciM 0eap.,st.ata4 October 19, 1932. A meeting of the Sinking Pend Committee was held this day at 2130 P. w in the Council Chamberel Present, A. b. Eggert, Secretary, representing the Mayor, E. P. Goodrich, Coaptroller, and Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Finsnce. This meeting was held for the purpose of receiving bids, in compliance with a letter sent out by the Sinking Fund Committee under date of October 14, 1932, on the attached list of bonds held in the Participating Certificate Bureau* motion was made by Comptroller B. F. Goodrich, seconded by Oommdssimer Milton flown and unanimously carried, that the committee accept the point bid of ieb mn Bros., %sea Taylor & Company and Piper. Jaffray b Hopwood. it being the higbast, and recommend same to the Council. The meeting thereupon corned. Mayor Approved 10 ea dept eeloner ofMoos k -off do Beorstary LIST OF BONDS TO BE SOLD BY TEM SIBEINO POND OONNITTEE OP THS OITY OP SAIM PAOL ON MMESDAY OCTOBER 19.1932, TOTAL HATE or DATE OF DATE of HIND OP PAH 4TI St.Paul School Honds 119.000.00 July 1, 192 July 1, 19 St.Paul Serer Bonds $ 27,000.00 44¢ Ju1Y 1, 1925 July 1, 1943 16,000.00 . e July 1, 1944 u u . 2,000.00 " u July 1. 1945 u n . 3,000.00 . s JulY 1, 1951 n n u 50,000.00 " " July 1, 1952 n n n 2.000.00 " " Auly 1, 1955 $100 St.Paul Sewer Bonds $ 41,000,00 46 Jan. 1, 1929 Jan. 1, 19511 s s n 38,000.00 n Jan. 1, 195 o n n 21,0D0,00 ° Jan. 1, 1954 0,000.00 $M10-0-01-00 St.Paul School Bonds $ 50.000.00 4 % Apr. 1, 1926 Apr, 1, 1956 St.Paul Permanent Imp. Revolving Fund Bonds $ 50.000.00 4j¢ Nov. 1, 1926 Nov. 1, 1946 St.Paul water Work. Bds.$ 6,Ooo.00 4=¢ may 1, 1924 Nay 1, 1944 20, 00.00 " Nay 1, 1924 May 1, 1945 n n n n 21,000.00 Nay 1, 1946 u . . 22,000.00 " " may 1, 1947 n n n n 23.000,00 . " may 1, 1946 24,000.00 n " may 1, 1949 n s n n 25,000.00 may 1, 1950 n 26,000,00 may 1, 1951 n . . . 27,000.00 ft 1, 1952 11 26,000.00 " ° Nay 1, 1953 . . . u 29.000.00 " • Nay 1, 1954 $251.000.00 GRAND TOTAL $67o.0000c - Opinions oau be furnished oa all of the above bonds, ewe 04OW 19. 1932• A malm of the Own i Tmd Oemd#W W MU Udl dp at 2830 P. Y. in 6he ko 'dl Ohmberq Prawt, A. 1. fit. HooOw' yoreeentw the tlyor, H. 1. Ooo&j* pomptroller. end Milton Heeea. Omdadomr of RMMe. Thio pmtlM ee hdd for the PUP" of reodtig bide, in o Wlieaoe with a letter teat out 11 the dinux loud Owdtteo =der date d October 14. 1932, aa'the attaehed lin of %colo bald in the PartlolPatbg Otrtlfloate 1Oren4 A Own w o 00 IV Olms eller H. 1. Ooodriah,, eeaonW I1 Oasleeloner Milton In= ewd lr worried. lbal the W*Up a aeoept the jdat bid of lrban 1¢oa.. Lem Tpler ♦ UQW ead Pifer. 4dhq d mod' it bAM Uw bi&t. and ropmoad sm to the CM - 11 -so Meting therdip- a410—• HNa' _ Ia.Olfloio Pleidetd saotfido HeoretU7 LIST OF BOMB TO BE SOLD BY TO SINUM FUND WMNITM OF TBE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ON WEDGY OCTOBER 19.19i2, St,Paul Permanent Imp. Revolving Fond Bonds $ 50,000,00 4}� Nov. 1, 1926 Nov, 1, 1946 St.Paul Water Works Bds.$ 6.000.00 4j% May 1, 1924 TOTAL RATE OF DATB�F of F v 22,000.00 " May 1, 1947 MATTE RITY 6t.Pau1 School Bonde 119.000. may 1, 1949 July 1, 192 July 1, 195 St.Paul Sewer Bonds $ 27,000.00 44% July 1, 1925 July 1, 1943 n n n 16,000.00 " ° July 1. 1944 n n 2,000.00 " " July 1, 1945 u n " 3,000.00 " ° July 1. 1951 „ 50,000,00 " July 1, 1952 n n " 2.000.00 " " July 1. 1955 $100.000.00 St.Paul Sewer Bonds $ 41,000.00 Jan. 1, 1929 Jan, 1, 1951 35,000.00 ° " Jan, 1, 1952 " 21.000.00 " Jan. 1, 1954 $100 00 St.Paul School Bonds $ 50.000.00 4 % Apr. 1, 1926 Apr, 1, 1956 St,Paul Permanent Imp. Revolving Fond Bonds $ 50,000,00 4}� Nov. 1, 1926 Nov, 1, 1946 St.Paul Water Works Bds.$ 6.000.00 4j% May 1, 1924 may 1, 1944 20,000.00 " May 1, 1924 May 1, 1945 21,000.00 ° Msy 1, 1946 22,000.00 " May 1, 1947 23.000.00 " ° Nay 1, 1948 o n n n 24,o00.00 " " may 1, 1949 25,000.00 " ° may 1, 1950 u n n n 26,000.00 " " May 1, 1951 n u n n 27,000.00 " " May 1, 1952 28,000.00 " " May 1, 1953 n n n n 29,000. " ° May 1, 1954 $2 1.000.00 GRAND TOTAL $67o,9,00 Opinions on be furnished on all of the above bonds. 4 a.wiad mmw u.d - 110 dlaeaea'No. 7/1F-1 -� ORDINANC ° to he-1-1.nl y4101 r.. IF _V oermluloa 'uaatr,.r� N' nd malnnr r;';'i �. oomeiaop�poamiroi°• �—yn• �.r.5 of lha+eoath roe et`�T IT nqr tee xew PREZTED BYZZ�E - E: .na the onWhhson An ordinance granting to the Davidson Company, a corporation, permission to construct, excavate and maintain a tunnel underneath Minnesota Street at a point approximately 41 feet south of the south line of Sixth Street, connecting the New York Building and the Oppenheim Building; this is an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary forthe preservation of the public peace, health end safety. THE COUfSCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Authority and permission are hereby granted to the Davidson Company, a corporation, to construct and maintain a tunnel in, thru and across Minnesota Street in the City of St. Paul, on a line approximately 41 feet south of the south line of Sixth Street, to connect the New York Building and the Oppenheim Building, and to use said tunnel for the pur- pose of placing heating pipes, wires and conduits therein; the electric current and steam heat to be conveyed thru said tunnel to be used by said grantee alone, Section 2, The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said Davidson Company, a cor- poration, for the construction, excavation and maintenance of said tunnel noon said Company" compliance with the following conditions; (1) The said licensee shall ;11e with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan and specifications of the proposed tunnel which plan and specifications shall be approved by said Commissioner before work is commenced. (*) Said tunnel shall be excavated and constructed in such a manner as will cause the least inconvenience to traffic upon said street, and the work shall be done under the supervision of and to the satisfaction of the Commis- sioner of Public Works of said City of onsl, in accord- ance with the approved plan and spcif i (3) Said licensee shallpay the cost of any alter- ations, reinforcement or replacement of existing sewers, water mains, or connections, or public utility conduits, mains, cables or other structures, together with the re- nlacement of street pavement should settlement be caused by or replacement be required on account of this work. (4) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of $5000.00 for the period of time N the tunnel is in use, conditioned to save the City harmless be infrom any and all b iy thedCorporatlonsaid bond shell Counsel and have form as may be approvedY y— C.—ilmca Nave fanned by thr ('ouncil - \Say M'Doneld la Fay.r Pea Rosea Apairet Tru Wenzel 11r. Prcaident (Mahoney) eA Anent: .... ... City Clerk _. 1loyor.... ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. such surety as may be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Finance, and be filed with the City Comptroller. (5) The tunnel shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council of the City of St. Paul shall so order, (6) Said licensee shall within ten (10) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Nov 910 Yeae t:auncihnen \ora Yasve�l by the l'oun cel ,HN.. -r ,yy+ Uav i�JJ�� )feDonold to Fo— i Paar Hosea J .1p—t Truax n')1. F. SCOV. wa l c TY CLERIC N0� y Vr. Prce 1 t (Nihoney) n. . ��._.....7 Attest: Mayor uty Clerk PUBLISM- ,« ,�n CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pael of Mies. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT, Cay Oh .,d Cueelde.a of R.FW �0 October 8th, 1932 Hon' 11. C. wanzel, Come` r of Pnbl lc Rork., Building. Dear Commlesioner: Ra attach herewith application of Davidson CompmW for parmi eedon to conetrnet a basting tunnel —rose Minnesota c nn St rest to M the New York Pn11ding and the Oppenheim Building. oThie matter se referred to your department, by the C-11 for Snv.atlg.t,.. �d report, The City Co_11 S.ormally approved the appllcatioa, subject to the approval of the City E gl...r. Yours vary truly, City Clerk_ �. 'IDS ON OMPANY J_LoL�� %, 19:: a vroom«. SAINTPAUL mit, t ::. ul lc .vid:r to ❑. ::c i�rs.,L nes Lic. .. ._ rciss Con L on=_tru t hu.ti tumor- -c ros_ i .esot� :street to .ucC 'ev. Y rN -ut L�irg and tiie O k, �ea!reim =�uticing. h Lt :-:-out ior: o' Lsc tunnel 1� to oe iort}'-or,c :eet :i o ;::>:tSt rect nrvpe rty Lint. Plan nave �o..er,de,�osit-,! v.itrt t:ie amity c_I it -ter :or ':ii„ —>rovel_ . oor co-��er_tion in mnlc i:.� it -,os_ible u� Lo 't:.rt t:i -r'. s. v - n -ible, taus u o ."rov e.cr i:_t ;. :e uic'.. marS'ns2 - ,ir,cerei;, DAVIF� 1:i C11 tr CITY OF SAINT PAUL L^VV DEPARTMENT October 14,1932. Mr. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public We=ke. Attention: Mr. George M. Shepard Chief Engineer. Dear Sir: I haveexamined your draft of ordinance per- mitting the Davidson Company to construct a tunnel under Minnesota Street at e.point approximately 41 feet south of the south llne oY Sizth Street. Iam o£ the opinion that your draft is proper in form except for the £ollowing change: You have a provision therein for surety to be satisfactory to the Mayor. The same should be changed So as to comply with Ordinance No. 7408 which provides that the Commissioner of Financeshall approve the sureties on all bonds filed with the City in connection with the issuance of licensee for whatever nurpose. In order that the ordinance may take effect mm iediately, I have added the necessary clause, making it an emergency ordinance. In addition thereto, I have added the word "corporation" following the worde "Davi deon Company". Inorder to e££ect these change e, I have re- written the ordinance and herewith submit same to you. Yours very truly, Ir -MS. A..i.tant col4oTationCounsel. .« cin of ST. PAUL 94102 NO... OFFICE OF THE Cln CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM e`TQ RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to eat am into an agreement with Thomas J. Ashton, provid- ing for t:Iia payment of compensation to him at the rate of $13.20 per week during such time as he shall be totally dis- abled by mason of injuries received by him while in the employ OF the Department of Public Work., on the 28th day of September 1932; be it FURTHER REgOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said •� 4A. Thomas J_ Ashton the .um oY t ,f 539.60 out of the Workmen#B Oompene.at i oa Account of the General Fund, In partial settle- ment oY hi s claim against the city, being for the period to and ine1uc31ng October 19th, 1932. COUNCILMEN Y.- / Nayn stay McDonald iPearce .......In favor /Rosen Against i Wenzel ar s -aa Mr. Presid—t T aT—Z ney Adopted by the Council _.:__:'.. 9 1- -193..... Approved........ .......__......... .-. _.. _-...193._.-. ay �' CITU F SAINT PAUL u:' No....... -.94103 APP-irc-2IOPRIATIONP RN FnERS—RESOLUTION FORM _ PER BECTION :oB PRea.NTap BY Onso CoMMisaioNe - ---- _._...... ....._. __..... DwTe.__.. har. 17. 1932.. __... • I RESOLVE_ THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLU=R. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET IMY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN T Ma M ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 31 P2 i.OaII �y�»aa 1.SOD�CO 31 :3W6 nd IInf.—s— 1.500.00 n 1-vee�ie'—•a m e.�oil... Wm��mp.� wY. euvrt ne w�, � 14m. geem . T. ip m t3.60 J v oe [ei4sil Sro� cede 3..a., FE Yl�welWeenee:eee 6m:eie........ FE T YEa ✓% GouNc ELMEN ✓� NAYS A-0 BY THE COUN—GG T--,��.. _...70JL.19 • �` M r- r APPROVE MCOor►s Alp V.. A—BT COUNTERSIGNED BY .......... ........... ................. MR. II ----NT V✓ �' c nn cor...occw. sasses NO.__....__9u4m CITY OF ST. PAUL \ "" • + OFFICE OF r F CITY CLERK RESO—ION—GENERAL FORM Y' ^ 9 F3� lliffiREA9, On Sept. bar 8, 1912, the CNrter CommisaSoa of the City Of Ht. Paul delivered to Msy or Ailliam le.honey three proposed oharter—Idmante, whioh proposed amendments xad the Charter f the City oa iB. Padby l, betituting new Itrlkln6 out Seabees 11, 12, 13, ]k, 15 �'l. 1 sad 15111 inserting a new ..tiona{a emenddrzg Se c1ione 326, 320, 347 1�j_A, emending 3e.kione 159. 171 action Tter 8eotioa 1�1, v1z.x Seotion•154 vis Secti— 175-A and and 172; inserting z -ie �r aaotlon1�e1�I�after Seo tion 175. of St. Paul, 175-B; and ameadixag S a otions �!�-1.1 and 445 of the Charter oY the City Mi_.ata; and Con-oi WH0YAB, Uadar �ac�>e Comtitution of the State of Minnesota, the City ,SC—cl Se required to au tsmi t aha said proposed amendments to the people, and the CounanI hes ordered said am�T'� ��^A nts to be submitted to the voters of the City of St. paul at a 'l—ill aleotloa .to be held on Tueeday, Nove ber 8, 1932: and WBEBEAS, In t2 -aa submission of said Bharter amendments to the votary of .aid City, it will ba zee nary for the City Clark to order the printing of the ballots, tally ��� Beta�aeummaz'y etatenents, envelop.. for the tally sheet., offloi.l ret— xzd_ iaaur other additional expense and, as there a not euffio lent ihrnds cava lab le in the Sleotion Exp.nse A000uat of the General Fuad tad T urrfore seen additional expense, therefore, be it for thla uaexpaa >v Ttast �Yaa proper olty officers are hereby authorized and direotad BEBOLYED, to tsfer fYom t2-ia t+i sca lleae eve reaand Dnfore seen Acoovnt of the General Fund to the Election r aaa Aocoant 31 El 5, the sum of '700.1 r W°""�°i � :mneepardti a veme, � as 9d 22 3... a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. - ... ....... ... ....._193..... Yes. /May McDonald /Pe.rcc - - - - - . - _In laver X11.— N r1. 1 ' El t` Truax Aga net Wenzel by ,Mr. P—ident M ey A ved _... 193_._. Mayo,- - YUBLISIIF.D�O —�Z � 2 Estimated Host of Spacial Election Nov. 8th, 1932 on proposea Charter Amendments : • Speclsl Election B=11Ots (Lavender -aper) 110.00 Tally Sheets (Snecial Elec£lon) 107.50 Sumcr.ary St tements (Speci-1 Election) 33.40 (Lavender paper) Envelopes for Tally and st:-tement. 32.00 Enve-open for unused ballots required by law 24.00 Snecicl Election Notices 28.50 Posting Above notices 16.00 Printing Special Election Fox - a 37.00 Sane (A,'ditional) 12.00 Newspsner Notices 93.00 '. [u ltigraphslbellot and nd ins tructinns ) / 22.00 Additlonl employment 30.00 Cost to prepare above Sign ture cuts from notices _nd b.-+llots 8.00 -YTF3.dff - Estimated Acditional 146.60 t'.1 tc. r� L o ae. mU. ti clTv OF ST. PAUL ,s No... _..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, Edward A. Thom has appealed to the aounail from the refusal of the Oommissloner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to permit him to build an addition to the one-story building on the northeast corner of Rague avenue and St. Albans street, which propewtW is zoned in 00" Residence District; and WHEREAS, the Council is of the opinion that said permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he to hereby authorized and directed to Issue to said Edward A. Thom a permit for said addition. G N iAl1 �7T{ed' 9y'- Wao AM M& lWaY Id- 9dN md%Ya 1fiYr1/uM1� � li9u L"r�i9M IDGwrl A'.' m"d .auw TE�oMea � � Comm L- r93L a':AD9ravbC OeaGL �a 19 COUNCILMEN Adopted by thC e ouncil...- 'Y-:. ...__. 193.. _. Y.— Neye _... _ _ ... May %1 T /' McDonald / � Yearec In favor Ad _._. _. 193.... /R.— T—.. osenTrnax _.... _.___Against . .., . Mayor Wenzel am a -aa Mr. President Mahoney r–, CITY OF SAINT PAUL C pRd a mu—mo,. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK MILLIAM F. SCOTT, pry Ciak rd Ce .w— d R- -Odj�o October 20, 1932 Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Bars The attached appeal of 8d.—d A. Thom for permit to build au addition too �aeondeg rye Ling n the northeast corner of 8agne the Council for the Street, .ae referred to you today by proper resolution grouting each appeal_ Tour. very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPAATMEN( OF PARKS, PL^yCiROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 CIH H.II FRED M. TRUAX, C--Wons, OTTO E CONSTANS, Dap.ty C Waea -moi 0 Ootober 20, 1952 To the Aoao table Mayor t>nd City Council, City or saint Paul. 0entlemaa pursuaat tb your inetmetiom, the Hui lding Dopartment hsa investigated the appeal of Bdasard A. Thoma 677 Hague Avenuebuilds, to build an additioa to hits one story building. granted, Department raDommeads that the app and pour atteation is oalled to the attached letter Prom the City Arohlteot gluing the reaeone tharePor_ Yo/ur-�-s very truly, µ co-nissione3,• µ� FMT/m CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.,It.1 of PAI .... ot. DFYARiMaT OF pP.RKS, pL/.YGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS _ 219 CRY H.11 FRED M. TRUAX, Cemmwiw w OTTO E COMSTAP�. D -p October 19, 1938 Hon. Fred M. 'rz� Commissioner or Y. r. & PB. g U I L D I N t3 Dear Sir: Referring to tTze aPPe sl of Hdvard A. Thom, 677 Hague Avemte to theth 1propertyi tom c -.o me within, threeyfestore lofnthenEaet lliin .aide of Thls building 1a is eC" residence district, but on account ohe f he bee ng t.r.- �2—,nd built d will be built In accord pprov-1 by tbj— ZoningBoardOn anrthis dt- anoe vcoda. with the iT By &Slowing Chia Permits employment for twelve men for a period of two months wri11 be provided. Thom on to I re COmmeadu -JP pias the I'e P�rty owneroFast aOf Mrr. Thom hese one story ia8 back ao ob jeotions to the addition is000rflancetwith thebuildingde. the East line' which will tI in youra�ver!g truly Cit ohitect CAB:p IV CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF C3TY CLERK pR.LRA F. SCOTT. Cp ct-k rd C� d RM�� =m October 19th, 1932 Non. Fred L. Tru—, Coma'r of P.P_ & P. Bldg.. , Building. Dear Cosi—ioa— Tha appeal of 8d—d A. Thom tee• referred to yon � o the City OJ-1 for report and was laid over one dap to October 20th. Yours vary truly, City Clerk. A P P B A L B O ARD OF ZZOHTH O-- October 13th, 1932. - Actiang Under Ordinenoe jLo. 6848 of August 220d. v o,1� and subsequent amendments- . - Date or Pet.l.tioam a October l0t,1932. Petitioner z gdward A. Shoe. Location a SE. Albans and Hague Ave. ' Zone a -Cw Residence District. - Appeal a Mnlarge his store building, a non- conforming use.. Date of Inspection. a October 12th, 1932. Date of Raarisag a October 13th, 1932. Appearanceis ror• Petitioners : mi. Selby, Contractor, for Yr. Thome. - Appearances ror Opposition a present Lg the holOderbof theme - - mortgage. Yr. J. C. Cunningham, Owner and .. Occupant of adjoining residence. tioaere s .Argument a The contractor stated that he hada to remodel and improve the old enthecontract banding, and it was not until this improvement had dpe bean completed as to the brick veneer wall on St. andha oyraaersSt decid decided that hewfront needed a agreaterAwidth that was in hopes of being permitted to build to his propert9 line on the East- Action o,f thg Board e - It is regrettable that a permit .. story, frame building was _ Yor remodeling this old one given. The cost of the improvement including the.. new front far e=eeded the limit given in the .ordinance. - the enlargement Of this - - y� St is�a concession to permit ban ding which might have been coupled with a demand that back to the building lice, The - t} 4B building -bet s.et this block should have received greater / kx6laes in consideration. Page ---2— a. v - In tbla.district the applicant cannot UUS_ a owe -ft to his- aide' llnei. he most keep S ft. from. 1t _ AjLa the owner of the residence immediately to the X&S b ema+d the holder.of the mortgage on this residence war& Mri -L -Ia that this eztenelon be made providing that 1% was not more than one story high and providing the b t- d s r a was kept 8 ft. away from this property line, the Board recommend that thea peal be granted -under PaLrm�aph ebe Section 20, whir* makes possible the �adaof non conforming buildings where the Cot>ac il BOARD OF ZONING. Isaac Summerfield G. 0. House Louis Beta C. A. Bassford unser acretary. THOM'S CAS} ---1 SND CARRY MEATS - G20CERIES FRUITS - �/EG E TiiBLES 1,77 ,T PAUL, MINN. 406 -4-.-,-. J � i O1 i\VM1cre a u.. ais e dlNdo_e log i ele n ' Octob� 19th, 1912 Fon.. >!'s'^ed u_ '+•�=. Coa�ar of P_P_ � P_ B1Ag�., Bui1R1mms Doer �- isaioaars The eppoel of Rdsard J. Thorp — Tsf to you -bW the City Comcil for report and was laid o ar oaa di y to Oot b.,20th. Tours very truly, City Clerk._ Tom RESOLUTION o.Nc�� F LE No. 94106 _ tn.er�. aQ w os)w. or a �o Cot 201 2 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE ORAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 32-9_13.5, -. COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 9650 TO_ -96 -_.IN L151VE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. I i i DUPLICATE TO CITY CORK CITY Of SAINT PAUL i�'y l�IV COUNCIL N0. . 1 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE - CoUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL ' MAY COUNCIL RESOLUTION �MCOONALO I'._....__.._IN FAVOR Oct,.7!l, 19 c' PEARCE AUDITED GLAIMS> ROSEN TIWAX._.....AGAINST RESOLVED, NAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, W[NZEL TO THE AGG ATE AM T OF 1 3L . r5 . COVERING r MR PR[B, MAHONEY GHEC K9 nVrM� EO,GN:1 O CLU9I1E. AS THE COUNCIL -_. PER CHeeKd `$11Ly, rHE rlcr_,6r rHe cyTv "ROLLER. AOO.rzO er _ . .. APPRO4 y_ } --- - TOT AL . ."ICK IN FAVOR OF Tc ecus I' c.ec�x r e. e.N. y ° BROUGHT FORWARD 7 500 00 627 138 33 • 34 00. 9650 George 8udeith 28 00' 9651 75 001 9652 Josephine Yeleeke et al 62 OOI 9653 Wm. Baumetster Const, Co. i 9654 Milton Rosen, Com. of Finanoe 1 416 501' 96655 H. W. Kingston Co. 40 00 6 Yre, J. Y. Morgenthaler 00 9657 Marguerite Powers I 9656 Milton Rosen, Com. of rinanos 11 954 98 9659 Milton Rosen, Com. of Finanoe 94`� 00 9660 Capitol City Transfer Co. 42 00 9661 R. Chrieteneon1 42 00 9662 R. Goodwill 26 20' 966} w, w, Koepke i 24 00 964 A. Runk 11 46 00, 665 Bate Tankenoff 26 40 9666 Clifford Jarvis oe 3 841 931 9667 Milton Rosen, Com, of FSn an 10 394 }6 9668 " " " " 26 40 9669 Charles wurst 163 64. 9670 L. I. Peden, Aesipee h 140 36 971 6 " " " A 3 30 9672 J. H. 8ohmaus, Agt. 33 0 9673 Pat Kelly 20 4 9674 Farwell O=un Kirk 6 Co. 6 20 9675 Mies Ruth Turnquist 64 87 9676 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Co. 9677 David Bashefkin 2 454 10 8678 Fuel Eoonomy Engineering CO. i SHEET TDTAL—FORv,ARD 7 non oo b 6c9 7�1 OdOni l m CIV CIwkreil.eei- • 1(dc alpotto• .. > CITY OF 9T. PAUL '' No .......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CL@dr &� COUNCIL RE90LurION�--(�,NEFtrl�li en A.I.1 � / _ rte' !I �.. A n. WMMIUION6R 1,— - -.-°•.. ` —i-- ^t.J all Ad�T n.'r C 0 er r '� ler a�•r,Y da Ones, additions and deductions vhiob might Aron to be necessary on the improvement described s the Paving of Sinth it from Cedar to Robert at., q; Ramon d Okes, Oantractor, ban been provided for in the specifications and unit prices q therefor have been stipulated in the contrast, and Where", it bag heed found necessary to cake addition. and dedu.tiods, Table -, 1 shoring edditi....nd deduction. —dw in scdorag..e with unit prices ae stipulated in the (Intraot and Table 21 Showing additions and deduction° made on a force account basis u provided in the contract. TABLE 1 ADDITLORB t9 Linift. Stpdard radius curb 6 ' 15 0 1.50 15 8" A 18' Radius Curb 0 .65 .0 _ 3 eq. You. 3" asphalt on q" Concrete Bas .990 6.11 " 3' sheet asphalt on q' base High Surly 8tr. 0 3,49 21.32 2 g 7 3" Sheet asphalt surfacing 3 .4 " -25 33-75 rt. 4* monolithic sidewalk 0 1 .20 14.06 6" * " (driveway) 0 .25 22.10 RSDhOTI0N8 126.13 36.4 1". ft. Ora°its curb dot reset 88.4 9q. Pt. Cemeut sidewalk olocke (relay) 0 -35 0 .10 12-74 8.84 21.58 Net AddStian Table 1 104.59 ITA } Catcb login rebuilt 71 deep 3 " 135.00 40.00 T041 Nit 4dwo, 11�9eJ9 Andf Aerial, the nit addition i4 X119.59 not therefor, be it Resolved, that the City Council hereby approve aforesaid work done under the supervision of the Conniesioner of Public works and in accordance with the specifications therefor the net addition due to same not to exceed the sum of 4179.59, to be added to the lump an consideration named in the con- tract known as comptrollers $ontract L. 3735 for the making of the aforesaid improvement fort he reasons hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated therein. The Department of Public works has agreed with the Contractor, Hanlon d Okes, that the sum of $179.59 is the reasonable net addition to be made to t he s aid ...tract. Cor eeion of Publ r Count e , Zoe -,Eoutrt,c vv COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays CT 21 '�"" Adopted by the CaunciL..........._193..... Y f.n.eatd ` 1. .__In favor Approved..... 193_.. /Rosen An 'A y F. BffT'r ' Wenzel 1 Mr. President Mahoney 4M 6 Jl 1 I iIt r Ll U111 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Jgj�/� C.Pft.I of Mlen.sor. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C. WENZ Co.a......... GFO�GF M SHFD/JD. O+A F.....~..' CtAttO4 L d S.dr.u.. E. CMQi. n.\. Cbie E.w. rd - M 5. GmB/+. Gnaw [.r...• G. M. F¢aCID. Olin. ra Car Mr. FwMry October eJ, 1932. Hon. Herman C. Wenzel. Commissioner - public Rorke Dear Sir: This by way of axplana tlon of Stems of changes which more made in conjunction with the paving of Ninth St. from Cedar St. to Robert St. The eddition-al items for :3 tlnlard radius curb , the three (3) sq. Yds. of three (3") inch Asphal- tic surfacing on a 7w concrete base together with de- duction item of curb not reset involved change. in driveways upon request of property owners. The additional item of 8"x18" curb; three (3•) sheet -asphalt surfacing on 7o concrete lase using "Hi - Early -Strength" concrete and four (4") inch monolithic sidewalk involved changes made in widening the s. uthwest corner of Ninth & Robert Streets. Tt,e additional item for 6" monolithic driveway and the deduction item for cement -blocks net relaid invol- ved changes in driveway upon property owner's request. The two addition items for catch -basins rebuilt were for repairing existing basins found to be in need of repairs. Re3J•-- submitted C-CAMw,S R. CA?tROLL;' Supt. JEC-jw Construction & R@pair. �411� orw.dmCity cl,rt04''r`a No...._......_....... CITY OF ST. PAUL ;t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEF , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAju�t. � l�a' NYEOBv '/ G""-" _ ed 'Netober epi 19j2 NEIONER ..... ... f DAi 'b�U'leL .....-. t.__........ Ihereas, additions ad deduetione which might pro" toba asoeesary o0 the ispnvaent disoribed as the Paring of University Iva., from kundsl to Jay and Ualtier gt., 8oalley gquipment do., Oontraeter, hen been provided for in the speoifioaties and snit prices therefor ban been stipulated in the ocatraot, and shereas, it has been found aeeeesary to make additions and d e ons, 1014 1 showing additions and deductions made in accordaaa with alit prided as stipulated ¢ in the contract and Table 2, showing additions and deductions made es a forceaeeomt basis as provided in the contract. TABIA 1. R== 125 Lia Jt. 12' T.C.P. storm amr drain 0 1.25 4156.25 23.5 ' e 8'118' nod. Curb with special reinforcing 0 1.50 35.25 2 21 Catch Basins with Frame 'N' and Crate 'F' 0 23.00 46.00 231.50 RUCTIONS 4 Lin.rt. 12' T.C.P. C.B.to inlet 0 1.25 5.00 18.35 Sq.Yds. 4d Concrete Pavement a 1.19 21.83 26.83 Not addition Table 1. 210.67 TABL1 2 ADDITIONS c 25 LLn.rt. 12' V.C.P. deepened 6' average • .12 3.00 2 12' 1 12' oyes a 2.80 5.60 8.60 MMUCTIONS 28 Lin lt. 12' i.C.Pipe eto>m sear under Tracks a 4.50 126.00 Net Deduction Table 2 117.40 Total Net 4eaitiun 1 i 93.27 and whereas, the net addition ie #,93.27 nor therefor, be it Nesolred, that the City Counail hereby approve aforesald vork &ne under the ceperviaton of the Commiaeioner of Public forte and in a...rdanu with the ¢pacification. therefor the net addition due to same not to exased the sum of {93.27, to be added to the lump era omeideretion named in the oan- ttaet k."'as domptrallers Oontract L. 3707 for the making of the aforesaid improvement for the reasons hareinbefore Mt forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated therein. The Deeppartment of Public • rke has agreed with She Coutreator, 8an11e) tquipamt so., that the sum of {93.27 iathe rsasovabla net addition to be made to the said contract. Comtersi� �� " irol ar•. F CCIIN ILMEN> -" Teen Nage /J Adopted by the CounaiL.... ._.. -193..... Y 1�eDoaald wit U' �,/ /x. Pearce .. _In favor Approved .... - 193.-... _Again¢[ ti'M, P -OTT' May _ �Weneel .r Mr. President Diahoney C TY c ERE by --......., PUBus[i@Ui� a9 - u CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gou.l of Mlw..e DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HEIMAN c. WEN— c oc tob er ly, ]'i 32. Hon. Herman C. "i--cl, Commissioner - Public dor— Dear Sir: TY:is ty w of e ..lavation of items of ck:anwea which were made in eo _unction v..ith t- in, of TTniversity "ve• from Arun:3e1 St. to Jay "'id Gaultier Str< ts, Contract . _ne a lditi coal iter t_ etc rm seers —d lowerint -. lrtrified Clay moire ..rain t".T����r wi tit deduction _tem £er a £•ewer .train i.n lc-_ the ;:trtFt hilway Cnr_.,any's trach- was nide —cc --"y l}' rTav ins tc avoid certain conduits E_nd ears-malrl ly re-1cc2t1n6 the line of this Gn ctlon. The auditional item for 6"x16" radius curb had already teen deducted from TTniversity ve. unier contract "A" from Dale to Arundel Stre,ts. and rs now crediten to this contract. The additional items for catchi�sins and 12" x 12' Wye£ involves a change made necessary in catch- tasin connections because of the location of tr.e 3 foot diemeter lie ht -,,os ts' Lases. Hon. Herman C. Wenzel - 2 October ly, 19,32. The deduction item for 4}w concrete pavement is due to the laying by the Street Railway Company at the it own expense, a $/8" expansion -joint along the rail abutting the safety -isles. Hoping this conveys further information in d --tail of the items in the attached rasclution, I remain Very rule you re, AMES E. CARROTS.; 3u` p , Construction 8: Repair. J W/ ew. maoa. nA� U9 CITY OF 3T. PAUL .m.,""`� No._.......�k..._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIom—GENERAL FORM w�i�io°°wuv--�1�6.eeL,.��9-'^w.. �. .✓ owOctnhwr 30.�_..1H32 RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the contract Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing all labor and material for the erection, construction and completion of the addition and alterations to the Palace Playground Building, on the southeast corner of View and Jefferson streets, less mechanical equipment, under Item A-1, to RYDEEN-DENBOER, INC., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of `3,300.00, less $132.00 for omitting all sanding and refinishing of present wood floors, under Alternate No. 3, making the total amount of the contract $3,168.00, in accordance with plane and specifications on file in the office of the Purohasing Agent, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Architect's Estimate $3,492.00. P.B. No. 8892. COUNCILMEN Y.. Nays /May r McDonald Pea— R... arcaR sen T-aax _ __.Agsiuet W-0 M, President Mahoney Adopted A _._.. ...193..... M onYW may CITY OF Sr. PAUL °u NO.94110 .... .. OFFICE OF THE CYrY CLERK COUNCIL RE90LUTION—i EHERAL FORM •aocHr[o eT a�L. y/�e�1�jQ__.—_ o�,[__nes➢r2LI_an-r-._79.'sa....._._ RJEO That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for the complete Heating and plumbing installation in the addition and alteration- to the Palace Playground Building on the southeast corner of View and Jefferson-treets, under Item A-4, to HARRIS BROS. PLUMBING CO., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the Bum of $196.00, in accordance with plana and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in-tru.ted to draw up the proper form Of con- tract therefor. Architect's Estimate $625.00. F.B. H.08 CO I°F 1df atialseYryP � i yr i W4Im�grI�1t•�i $e l _. `u e'v�!Dt�.,I pa.vaT""M s Rnmm„ a..l roA�M�eNN: �yoKv2I0 �; / steep vva tee CPFDviitivv; ��v«v� .nw t bT W I aPp ht RP� see Mp ii�P. cafl.'lPau�l'::. CO CILMEN t' Pau Nays Adopted by the Council ................ `_.: ._193...._ pieDnna a A,rovea _._.. ............193.... ��Roeen i � Truax .._....__. Against MaYor Wevsel f:1Tr t,uu;PtY PB 4 P Mr. President Mahoney No. 9UU CITY OF ST. PAUL .... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION�EN ERAL FORM RESOLVE- That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for the complete Electrical installation under Item A-5, in the addition and alterations to the Palace Playground Building on the southeast corner of View and Jefferson streets, to the COMMONWEALTH ELECTRIC CO., they being the lowest responaible bidders, for the sum of $133.00, in accordance with plana and specifications on file ky In the office of the Purchasing Agent, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Architect's Estimate $160.00. F.B. #8893. COUNCILMEN Yeah Neya May McDonald Pcsrce Roecn Truax _._.../.___Against ��n/ Weasel Ir I u Mr. P,.idant Mahoney Adopted by the C ... cd._..ii',_�.-j.. iy.11..--193.- ti-1. Approved_ ..... _ .._......193_.... LCI C-v...1G.G. ^— —'.�j7 1 L Ma or v QTY CL3i I¢Y 750 - COUNCIL RESOLUTION ...�....�.z�r.or. a. ,w.r.eovirwwrRwaecrs • Resolved#F�That the Council hereby concure in the reoommendation of • the 0ontraot Committee and awards the contraot for grading and paving alley is Block 9, Holcombe's Addition from Dale Street to St. Albans Street, in accordance with plans and specifloations hereto attaohed, to the FEYEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $1800.00, and the Oorporation Counsel ie hereby inetructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. .o.,....,o... saes ..................,..zaav.oo .1 T.. �...o,....wr 1880.00 180.00 --N— R GGA 2f 1932 .....� 752 COUNCIL 12ESOLUTION ,.ur..owrz,.rro.r or ..00,.� ,r•,rr.ovwrwr.r.wo,ecre • - v - Resolved, That the 0ou c 11. hereby concurs in the recommendation of • the Contract Committee and awards the oontract for paving alley in Block _6' Plum orohard. from Fairview Avenue to Fredericka Avenue, in accordance with plane and specifioations hereto attached, to the I0. F. 80ULLEY EQU1PffiE17T CO. , they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $1720_00, and the Corporation 00nneel is hereby in- etruoted to draw up the proper form of oontract therefor. a�aooav�ay.T�inS 4+�.eco°Oi�Pr.���nlr• rl4�MB41 M4W .tWOoTY.{! (pF�y 1 'Poem. P x4 soN4 a�".mE rnwLLl .........�. �.. 6891 ..............., 2126.00 . .0 ..�._ w.. al:do!ro._ '7 J COIiNCfL RESOLUTION �" -. _ wvr,aon,zwnoN o. � „+.noven,oxrwo�ecrs Oo +• Resolved, That the CouPcil hereby' conours in the recommendation of ' • the Contract Committee and award. the contraot for paving alley in Block 4, Br1ghtwood Park from Snelling Avenue to Fry Street, in soccrda.nce with plane and spe0ifi0atione hereto attached, to the C. F. SCULLEY EQUIPMENT CO., they bebng the lowest re sponsiblo bidders, For the sum of $1460.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contr"t therefor. c mss• tt�+¢�a., a, c lvee .._.a- s.rmwa..ow vnno .A+t Con �t Ce MIM em km amu,.>.nmeB'weo1 . a ne:i comer .o....w� ..o .,e. 8890 ...nn...,.. ur�awrs s 1797.00 ... ..>R �... o . 'o ro .. ,..�......s.....o.r o....,. �....�., , 1460.00 ~ - - .,sro 00 CITY OF g{, PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL FtESOLLMON ;GENERAL FORM oct. 13, 1932 RESOLVED That the grade of Alley in Block 2, Sohn Gaarden Addition from Fredericka Avanue to Fairview Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. COUNCILMEN Y— /Mey Nays�� / McDonald In favor / Rosen / Truax _.. ---.Againrt Wenael Mr. President Mahoney pT°..a.. an In.;'T'erm,�r•ee. ,Ta: "�f veeve0 Oct eB� 6Da) - a Adopted i,y the Council ...__'..--�.-1:L7'--- 193.. - ray" d _._...193...._ ci r <�zzsxr Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER - G.88 Cpuncil Pile Nn.___.:_ 94110... The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vis.: Grading Alley. _in.Bloak 2�. John Gaarden Addition _ _ ......... _ _.. ..... - --- - --------- ..._._____..__..._ from.Fr edericka_.Asenne:..to._FairxleW ..Avenue -_.--.....___---_ ......... _.- --......... -.. - ----.... 13th Oct er, 1932 Datedthie............... .........dey o(.__....._..._.__....._._........._..._ .._ ._.._...._.- ._...........------------- .-...-___---------- ..-.._.--"--._._.� >enso k PRELIMINARY ORDER- WHEREAS, RDERWHEREAS, A written pmpaea for the -sling of the following improvement, via.: Grading _Alley-ia_Block .2, Tohn Gaarden Addition .___.... ..... _..... .............._._..__.. ..._..___.... __......_from_F.redericka-A.v_enns__ta._Fairod: ew ..--....__.._---.._.-_- having been prevented to the Council of the city of St Paul --------- - ------------------------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered and d..orad: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of amid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, ..tent and eatimated cost of said improvement, and the told cost thereof. /J- g. To furnish a plao, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is naked for on tho petition of three or more owners b. To report upon all of the foregoing mttere to the Commieeio— of Finance. Adopted by the Council..__ ---------- - Yass N— Comcilmm-- . ..'••'-. Approved_....____---___.__ �. RAI-; dp�Yya— h4a. Pa�mmvx racanlrrrioao CITY (;CISH% by 4— Cooself File No�7 01. 1rXk0pOSAjL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned he -by pr_j­a the ­kig of the f,nowig public improvement by the city of St. Paul, vi.: land necessary____-__. the_9TAd1P9--99 Allay _Block_2a__Jolzn fKmlfredericka Avenue-_- --- ----------- --- -- - ------ - - -------- - - - -- - ------- ............ .. -- --- ----- - - - -------- D.tcd thi- - .-12%t;b ----- ---------- a Qtab - ex ....... -- — ------------- T- PRALIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written Proposal for the mAjdug of }.he fono"n imp""""t"b': Condeu�:Lrxo ant 1n the land necessary ------- - -------- ................. - - - -- - ------------- ------- - - he Alley -- ---------- ----- --- ------- ------- - --- ------- .... . ...... Fairvi Av --------------- - __._to - ---------------------------------- .......... having been presented to the of the City of St. Paul...___....._......._..__ ............. ---------- - -- - --- thersure. be it RESOLVF-D, That t].. C`_—jcuo— of Public Work. be and . hereby ordered sud directed: 1. To i-estigsta the aecesaity for, or desirability of, the malting of said improvement. 2. To i.,eetigt. the _,b, _tent and -ti—td ..A of said improvement, end the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Ptan. Pr -fila or sketch of mid improvement. 4 To etate whcthar improvement is asked for .n the petiti.. of three or more --re 5'Zrtl�mtj To report upon all of t-1- f -ego' _r to the C­ido,er of Fluance. Adopted by the Council____ --_-_ _ Ysas —L----------- Y— X --- MAY 1-w Councilman Approved-....._.._......._------._...__.._..._..._...__.___- M m.y e, Ma P-- -7. G. SS Petitson ✓ p Comm? Me No..........�it� R PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT euad PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereugned hmeby proposes the mmkmg of the fofiowmg public improvement by the (Sty of SL Pall, via: * _.W"-d19kR4__P.4 mk.. rr.911_441.4_k171.ia----------------- - --- Street__to Sant_8treeS-"------- —--- -.-...__..._.-_'------- -------- —____....--.._...... -___.--- -- Dated tbie...._1(dth_---__day oC.._ Octobers-- 1932_ ...., 19. _.._. - PRELIMINARY ORDER. rs mr •'�^••"'e WHEREAS, A ,itw. proposal for the malting of the following improvement, via.: '^ -r-4414--A"Park...frflm..M .Mutein._._._...--------- - _.__....----- .__..._.._SS=as.�._tn_Kt=at..�_trgat�__.._---- ---------------- '-----_---- -_'--- r --- -------- ----------- -------- -_. --- ----- ---- ___._._.._....__....._____._-__.____..__._-__------ --- ____...--- ----- _..... __....__.....__...._\------------- _ having bean Pre+'ented to the Councl of the City of St. Paul.___....._-_.... -. _.... -.......... _--------- _— --- _._..____ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commiasinner of Public Worse be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the ma.ldng of said improvement. 2. To investigate the —Lure, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the Ectal cost thereof. g. To famish a pin, profile or sketch of mid imP---t. f/ S. To elite whether or not said improvement is _sited for on the petitica of throe or more owners a 5. To report upon aR of the foregoing matters W the Cammiss.oner of Finn-' Adopted by the C—IL____-_ 1 -_ ------ _------ _ Y— N— Counedman Approved __..__..._._._....Ee_.:..-f_.:__!:..__......_.-..___ Ma Paasioaas: - - ..._ Ma PUBLISHED iv -99- 32 '---u Council Pile No.—__. Q19 PROPOSAL. FOR IMPROVEMENT' fud PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undermgned hereby proposes the meld g of the following public impmvemeot by the City of St. Paul, vie.: eaa.@R.ent_ in.. - the .. land_necessar-v for.______._.. slopes, cuts -and fills in the .grading-oey f All_in Block _5, .Woodland Park from Yackubin Doted thio 18th____day of .__._._ October, 193 PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written pmpoed for the making of the following improvement, vis.: ' `��• Condemning and._taking aq easement in the land necessary__for _ -.___slopes�__cuts._and_fills�_ n_the_gra41ngofAl _.ley_ia_Block._@,__...__.,___., _w94dlat;d P.arlc PrRm._Ma4k6tAxx1._ Street _tQ._Keat_S.traet. _..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. PaW......__......_..._...._...._.__......___.._..._..__.._........._. therefore, be it RESOI,VED, Tbat the Commieeionm of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveetigate the neceaeity for, or deeimbSity of, the making of said improvement. 2. To ioveetigete the retme, extent end estimated coat of avid improvement, end the told eoet thereof. 3. To fumieh a Plan, profile or eketch of sefd improvement. i To state whether or not said improvement ie eeked for on the petition of three or mom owvere ✓0= b. To report upon all of the foregoing mstten to the Commiesioner of Fi—m- Adopted by the Council- .............__..._..� �..2.I.3 �_.----- ..---- _ Y— N—s Co dma n one MAV Approved- ------- ..._.._.._...___...._...___..........__.._. N M.F.fcCy, ,j, t' Pl.IDL1sHED�n-Or`-4'� rac•rr nu cern Cy Ig{c BEIM I Laid over to �I 3rd. & app. Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays \lay \lap McDonald .AIcDonaW Pearce 1'ea ce n Rosen k,,,,,1 0 Tru e'u, lr, Res'. \lahoncy ..\Ir. fres. hhhone, -IMNM V -` ORDIN PRESENTED BY NO. An ordinance reducing the time of employment for the remain- der of the year 1932 of all officers and employee of the city of St. Paul in the classified and unclassified service, whose salaries are not fixed by the Charter or state law, and a corresponding re- duction in their salaries for the same period of time. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. WHEA118, beoause of the unpreoedented and unforeseen shrink- age in the payment of taxes for the year 1932, due to the present depressed economic conditions, it has become necessary that there be a curtailment in the services rendered by all officers and em- ployee salariesfarethe notCity fixedthe by Charterclassified or state law; therefornd unclassified evice, whose THE OODNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. ?An DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That all officers and employee in the classified and compensationfare not fixed ied service fbyhthe icharter ty Of torpstate wlaw, shall, for the remainder of the year 1932, be employed not to exceed five -sixths of their present working schedule, and all ealarlee now fixed by ordinance or ordina ces f r said officers and employee, whether com- puted upon an hourl r monthly basis, shall be and hereby are re- duced corresponding Section 2. The executive heads of all departments shall be and hereby are authorised to determine the meaner in which such re- duction in the time of employment shall be made for each such officer and employe in their respective departments. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective for the remain- der of the year 1932 only. Section 4. That if it shall develop that the tax delinquency for the year 1932 is not as great as anticipated, the Council may by resolution suspend the operation of this ordinance. Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- genoy ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Ye. Councilmen Naye Passed be the Council NOV _1.0.10 May McDonald In Favor /j Pearce .. _... Tree' Tru�'M. F. SCOTT. ..Against U clIYenoel y LRRA McpPr"ideuWahoncy) iy__.attest.: J('ityC rIl ao eaa I Laid over )o --- 3rd. &app-lI�A�op�ed I - Yeas N/ �'eas Nays Mar \icDonald ' Alc Donalai Pearce /1 Pcarcc Rosen I / Rosen \Fenzel zcl \Ir. Pres. \lahoncy t-. r. Pers nAf ahoncl l Adopter Yea,. Nay,. -'NIAY /—IcDONALD �PEARCE ROSEN i TRUAX . WENZEL //MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Hovm.+ber 2nd, 1932 Hen. K. F. Goodrich, City Comptroller, Building. Dear A r, of In coymont andrrl t� the Salarieanofccity employee, theeCity Council h Council has ragcea ted that you Drapers ti,gsre• ahoaiag hos comh you piopoae to cut the budget of each depart- -t and b,asex the belanoe of the year. Tae ordinance .ill prouably be beforo t'.qa Council for final adoption on Thoradgy, November 10th. Sonne very truly, City Clerk. ORDINANCE 94120 COUNCIL FILE NO.— )g�:t2 ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY An ordinance reducing the time of employment for the re- mainderof the year 1932 of all officers and employes of the City of et. Paul Sn the classified and unclassified service, whose salariesot fixed by the their salarieshforethersamete law, period of time. This snd- is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. WHEREAS, Because of the unprecedented and unforeseen shrink- age in the payment of taxes for the year 1932, due to the present depressed economic conditions, it has become necessary that there be a curtailment in the services rendered by all officers and em- ployes salariesfarethe notCity fixedthe by Charterclassified or stateunclassified thereforeservice, whose THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That from and after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance, all officers and employee in the Classified unclassified of St. Paul, ose salariesand comp nsationareenotatfixed Ohahe rter or state law, shall, for the remainder of the year 1932, be employed not to ex- ceed five -sixths of their present working schedule, and all salaries now fixed by ordinance or ordinances for said officers and employee, whether computed upon an hourly or monthly basis, shall be and hereby are reduced correspondingly. Section 2. The executive beads of all departments shall be and hereby are authorised to determine the manner in which such re- duction in the time of employment is to be made for each such officer and employe in their respective departments. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective for the remain- der of the year 1932 only. Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the (' public peace, health and safety. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. ynoa Councilmen Saye Paced by the Council May M'Donald h F-, Pearce Rosen A&'t Truax Nel-I Mr, President (:Mahoney) ,gppro"& - - -- itttst: \I a� C,ty t'Ierk kC WI oRniRaACR Presented by Mawr Mahoney Council rile No. 94120 Milton Rosen In ordinance reducing the time of mPloyment for the remainder of the year, 1932 of all officers and employee of the City of St. Paul in the classified and mlassified service, whose salaries are not fixed by the Charter or state law, and a corresponding reduction in their salaries for the same period of time. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THMS, Because of the unprecedented and unforeseen shrinkage in the payment of taxes for the year 1932, due to the present depressed economic conditions, it has become necessary that there be a curtailment in the services rendered by all officers and employee of the City in the classified and unclassified service, whose salaries are not fixed by Charter or state law; therefore, THE COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That from and after the passage, approval and pub- lication of this ordinance, all officers and employee in the classified and unclassified service of the City of St. Paul, whose salaries and Coqueation are not filed by Charter or state law, shall, for the remainder of the year 1912, be employed not to orifi flveeslxtho of thoVprolont working schedule, and all salaries now fixed by ordinance or ordinances for said officers and employee, whether computed upon an hourly or monthly basis, shall be and hereby are reduced correspondingly. Section 2. The executive heads of all departments shall be and hereby are authorised to determine the manner in which such reduction in the time of employment is to be made for each such officer and employe in their respective departments. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective for the remainder of the year 1932 only. Section 4. This ordinance is herety declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. fllitq of mint Vaul wv� e E—fib, Vcpa .—t October 19, 1932 To the City Council: TheCity Council has before it the proplem of arrang- ing the finances for the current year. Newspaper publicity has been giving a false impression of the actual situation which is calculated to cause public alarm. The finances of the city are in good condition and i* the course followed for many years in dealing with a ,Smiler situation will be continued there will be no occasion for disarrangement of govarnmen tal services. Following payment of the first installment of the t.... the City Comptrollor estimated that the budget allow- ances would exceed the tax income by approzlma tely $400,000.00 and auggea t ed that the Departments undertake a retrenchment process. The City Council instructed the departmental accountants, together with the Comptroller's Office, to make s searching examine t1on end submit a revised estimate of the possible deficit at the and of the year. This group reduced the Comptroller's estimate of $422,000.00 to $181,000.00.This relatively small amount compared with former years a at ease the feelings of anxiety aroused by the figures first presented by the Comptroller. It may be noted that from December, 1924 until Decem- ber, 1929, ,n%,0.lve, there has been a deficit varying from $43,000.00 in 1929 to $605,000.00 in 19?6. These deficits were met in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter whicY authorized the borrowing of money to meet shortages in tax collections. The Charter provides that such loan, must be made payable by December 31st, but Cor- poration Counsel Anderson has ruled that this money may be borrowed, but moat not neces.. rlly be rape id by December Slat. Former Corporation Counsel. have ruled likewise. In former years when a deficit has occurred the Comptroller hes either borrowed money or drawn on bond funds in the City Tresaury. Comptroller Goodrich has declared that he will not borrow money to provide for the anticipated deficit which the city departmental accountants estimate will be $181,000.00. He urge, that the doper tme nts curtail their expenditures to make up for this amount. I believe his attitude is unwarranted by the facts and by the city or- dinances. Ctv of ` ttinf aul .e�w Tx ... fib, �ilrparfmw.d _2_ Just how far the tax income will fall short of the budget allowances for 1932 is a matter of speculation. The first installment of tax payments showed a decided drop from that of previous years a:.d by the same comparison would show a proportionate increase by the end of the year. There arecertain influences operating which may possibly change the outcome. The reduction In the penalty on the delinquency for the first half of the year and the doubling of the penalty at the end of the year will undoubtedly influence ax tpayments. Improvement sin industrial conditions likewise will operate to augment payment of taxes. It will not be possible to know a curately what will be the effect of these influences until after November first. Newspapers have kept up aconstant demanor d fretmenchxment in city e - penditures and I have been a used of blocking this tour,,. I have not favored curtailment of city activities unless the situation makes such tours imperative. I have, however, favored a nomles rI toever it has been found possible and have reduced the eI .... ofcmy office Ito a minimum. Other de- partments find their funds depleted and cannot reduce expenses without r_ suiting im the impairment of essential public service. It is easy for irresponsible newspapers to seeime the role o£ dictators J. the matter of public affairs. Public official. have the responsibility of determining their own c se in the discharge of their duties and the present A —tioa does not constitute such an emergency ae to impose paralysis on the operation of governmental functions. If the Oomptroller refuses to carry out his duties as prescribed by precedent and by legal opinion, then upon hie shoulders must rest the re- sponsibility for the crippling of public service. While I would naturally urge that every Commissioner employ every r eoa- able economy to reduce expenditures I am not in favor of adopting drastic measures until the situation makes each course unavoidable and if the Oomp- troller insists that he will not borrow money in accordance with long established practise I would r end that all city service be put on a five day basis and that all city employees work a full eight hours for five days each week, taking Saturdays off without pay until the first of the year. y 1 (iTUP of 'Saint vaul '{ Kwtibe S�.a.�at -5- This would amount to a lb'x cut in a't'ria. and sarvlces. I believe that this drastic step will have to be taken to meet the condition laid down by the Comptroller. Placing city cervica oa a five day basis will sot disarrangge the operation of government and will be simply limiting the L of public earvice rendered. Some special arrangements will have to be made in the public safety and acbool department., but this can be worked out so these department. can bear their pro—rata of the reduction. Very truly yours, Mayor. Ctv of *aint Alaul THIRD AND FOURTH WARDS TAX DELINQUcNCIES Barrett & Barrett Aug. ark Aug. ack Philip Greenberg Geo. Goulet The Aisconsin Corp. Tri-State Lend Co. Phoenix Mutual Life Dunn & Stringer Frank Conley Tho.. MCT'gue Bowlln Realty John Wan' Anthony Freeburg Gotzian Land Co. Ste.. B. T. Drake Sophie J. Badger W. W. Price Oppenheim Realty L. J. Dobner Yoley Bros, Bldg. Co. Hackett -Walther Gates W. H, Heating. Mas.. Mutual Life David Pouliot Ryan Hotel Co. A.J. Brackner Julie G. Boyle W.F. Normandy & E. L. Miller Salvation Army A.H. Che rmis & Morrie Feldstein Paul Steenberg Const. Co. Carolina Ma.ki.tt Ben N. Schneider Robt. H. Downing Hy. Gilbink Cypress Realty W.H.Hill et al Trustee Chas. w. Mahler L. L, Siebe cker InezK. Bool Realty Investment & Securities Corp. Davidson Co. Home Securities ldi#� of �4xin# �aul T, - d 3rd & 4th Ward Tes Delinqueaciaa (Continued) Caroline W- Moore Paul Steenberg Caro11ne % fBoardman Henry 0 Katz investment Co. Isaac Summerfield & Mchts -Trust Co. A. G. Johnson Max George Carleton Corp. Joe. A. Whitcomb Jacob Litt Healty Co. Lou1a Rosenstein Rata Devany at sl W.. LlndekeLd. Co. Oppenheim Realty N. W. Trust Co. at al Minnie Constans 7, C.Kelly, Trustee John ,Kelly, Mitchell, 'l ruatea Sibley Holding El., , Davldaon coSecurities Julia A. Ra nny et sl Bertha W. Davidson David C. Shepard Finch Van Slyck & McConville Jennie B. Gunther General Investment Co. Tom Yeyne Co. Nathan Lends The House & Home Realty Co. Max Goodman Merritt J. Osborne Adele Hagenah Isadore Strauss J. P. McEiver eat J. Sweeney, Lessor Bee. is E. Watson W. N. Schroeder Helen E1.inger Chas. Skooglun Robert St. Realty Moorman Investment Co. FredC. Norlander X" g. ret s:. Ford Cha:. Y. Heugan et el Greater St. Paul Leasehold Thlyd Ward Da11nquency- $113,676.52 Yaurtlz Ward Delinquency - 283,507,00 CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.ptt.l of Minne.or. DEPART►v4ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS .��,... ....�.,e.. ccs a-.... u,..... October 21, 1932 To the Honorable Mayor a 1 City Council Of the City Of Saint Paul Gentlement A. ins,tructed by your honorable body, we have met to with the City Co mat roller and Corporation Counsel to discuss the ways and mean. by which the expenditures of the City could be curtailed for it bklanca of this year so as to stay within the amount collected from t exes. According to the s.timatea of the City Comptroller it is claimed that the cash deficit will be between $200,000.00 and $300,000.7) or four to six per cent of the total amount appropriated this year for salaries and wages. Many of the city's activities are of a seasonal na- ture and the funds --oori at s for such are already expended fully 95% and in some instances even i -a re making it now im- nossible to recover trip needed fund. to provide for the pro- nortionate .hare o£ cut.. The account�ta from the various departments have not the power or authority to compell other departmeate to make any kind of re t renchments_ and inasmuch as they didn't come to the meeting vested with e uthority to make larger contributions to- ward the anticipated deficit than already made by the various commissioners, it was decided to report to your honorable body only some of the findings that were made, namely, that all city employee. - cle rFcs, tea. the rs, firemen, policemen, inclu- ding elective and avpo int ive officers would have to be laid off, for not less than 143 days, between now and the end of this year if the deficit s,houla be over $200,000.00. Rul inga o£ the £o rmer corporation c uneels lle ssre. O'Neill and Stewart were read relative to theo cash de £kite of peat ye era and were given to the present Corporation Counsel, Mr. Anderson for study. It was a3 -.o pointed out that financing of 1933 budget provide. only £or uncollectable t area of 192'7 Tax Levy but does not provide for the delinquencies on the subsecuent tau levies for five years amounting to not leas than $1,250,000.00. Respectfully, .&:.. ,, x hcPOk. OF THE EMPLOYEES ApvISORY COMMIlTa n,the Honorable Mayor and Montero of the City Council: Gentleman: Thn nrepo sed amondmont to Ordinance 3250' pertaining to the order Df lay-off and roinstatrment was submitted to the Committee ,^or con- sideration and re„crt by the Commissioner of Civil Service. However, +t- as necessary that t'.•.e Committco examine and discuss the terms 1n - to a corporat=dIn tandprop slario sflanddvsiage snor into rdorgto erriv uati acon- on the worhing period elusion. The Committee at a r,Oeting held on Octo'oer 27, 1932,,discussed fully and completely the various phases of the financial condition of the City of St. Paul and its probable effect on the employees. It might be wo 11 to noto at this time that the class if led employ- ees are operating under the so -called -cost -of -living ordinance, as amended on A,iril 21, 1932. By virtue of this amendment the classified employeoa incurred a reduction in salaries and wages on June 1, 1930, 33. and will incur a more substantial reduction will January lroximatelhe amount of the reduction for the year 1932 will total app It $65 1 contention 0 ofdis, in many of thetemployeesi andon to otherstthati the costiofthe 'living ordinance is a contract between the city and the employees on - played thorn under. Further, that it is the duty of the City to execute its obligation in respect to the terms of this ordinance by supplying a sufficiency of funds to enable the continuous employment bof elief thatl then proposed amendmentb relativeh et o Casreductionr io ftheth hen, working period and salaries and wages is in direct violation of the terms of the cost -of -living ordinance and at no time during the moot Ing was there an expression of approval of the method of procedure the same - to contemplated ave nlaccordance with 1practice now lar method e Inieffecthall employeesrwholarc employed month to month are considered as being employed on a 30 day month basis. Therefore, if such employ,is absent from service, a m reduction in rouncration equal to 1/30 i the ronthly salary, is in- curred, for each day absent. If th-, purpose of the proposal is to incur a loss of ono day each waak for a period of seven woks, it i would appear that, In regard to such employees, the reduction would be one seventh of the working period and one ac venth of the nlnrics or wages. The proposal designates a reduction of one sixth n cacri case. It :•ias the opinion of the committee that the proposals aro un- necesensuosthroughothecusehofrthelpresentmope,rattingThe systemeofesult would Civil Ser- vice procedure and thus eliminate the proposed legislation. The rsc by each department of Civil Service Form AB 31 would offect the result. A sample copy of the form is attached horeto and as you will note is us 0 the delinquencyyI- The essp thane estimated wouldd ciannot be necessartinuing the y ifothe f Form A3 31 were used. The Employees are of the opinien that the full share of the. estimated delinquency should not be barn, by them, and that economies elsewhere, could probably be effected by diliZent offort on the part of those in charge of departments and bureaus. A systematic control of the expenditure of the various funds would probably oliminsto to ,rndi'-tt -•tP _ .,nt at this time. In closing, beg to recommend that if it becomes necessary during the period covering the last seven weeks of the year to r•otrench duo to a deficiency of funds to employ theregular employees on a full time basis, the present procedure, entailing the use of Form A B 31 be continued. G„ Icr lespc ctfully yours, REP. NO._ CITY OF ST. PAUL BURE<S.0 OF CIVIL SERVICE LEAVE OF ABSENCE liaverlher-dQ. 1". a. TO THE ('IVIL SERVI('E BUREAU I h—by n•POR the f.11—mg level-, of nl--, f"". th, D,," -"—t „f _ Pul)lic_ All�ilo fees 11 Stec on _t�_i -Q- of _t!_Ss_ f � 1 i Den rtment- � -- ct;ac'_s is covered by granted. 1e_--,Ves o£ a1jaence-_iit-h—tpity on 1'ov- OT Tj5=��3r' l �2113i2 - Ing I ,nd_a2s_a_- �or i a cen f•,,. .appro.,-d: ppv"" : REPORT OF THE EMPLOYEES ADVISOR COb'�TTTEE To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: Gentlemen: Tho proposed amendment to Ordinance 3250 pertaining to the order of lay-off and rcinstatoment was submitted to the committee for con- sideration and report by the Commissioner of Civil Service. However, it was necessary that the Corcrittee examine and discuss the, terms in- corporated in the proposed amendment portaininr, to a redpction in the working ?oriod and salaries and wages in ord,r to arrive at a con- clusion. The Committee at a meeting held on Ceto'oer 27, 1932,discussed fully and completely the various phases of the financial condition o" the City of St. Paul and its probable rffect on the employees. It might be well to note at this time that the classified omploy- ces are operating under the so-called-cost-of-livinf, ordinance, as amended on April 21, 1932. By virtue of this amendment the class if ic9 employees incurred a reduction in salaries and wages on Jane 1, 1932, and will incur a more substantial reduction on January 1, 1933. The amount of the reduction for the year 1932 will total approxinutely $65,000.00 and is, in fact, a contribution to the City. It is the contention of many of the employees and others that the cost -of - living ordinance is a contract between the city and the employees em- ployed there under. Further, that it is the duty of the City to execute its obligation in respect to the terms of this orlinance, by supplying a sufficiency of funds to enable the continuous employment of the regular employees. The members of the Committee were of the belief that the proposed amendment relative to a reduction in the working period and salaries and wages is in direct violation of the terms of the cost -of -living ordinance and at no time during the a-icct- ing was there an expression of approval of the method of procedure contemplated or any similar method tending to have the same result. In accordance with practice now in effect ail employees who a - employed month to month arc considered as being employed on a 30 Jay month basis. Therefore, if such employee is absent from service, a reduction in—muncration equal to 1/30 of the monthly salary, ^_s in - rode e each day absent. IP the purpose of th, proposal 1s to incur loss of on-, day each w_ek for a period of seven w_c , it e wld appear that, in regard to such employ—s, thereduction would be one so enth of the working period and one seventh of the salaries or wages. The proposal dcslgpatcs a reduction of one sixth in -h case.. It was the opinion of the corm ittec that th:: proposals are u - ncgcssary to offact the result contemplate c. The sar,:c result woa"�d ensue through the use of the present opo patine sys tcm of Civil Ser- Icd procedure and thus=liminate the proposed legislation. Die by each department of Civil Service Form AB 31 would effect the result. A sample copy of the form 1s attachod hereto and as you will .cote is self-explanatory. The proposed clause discontinuing thereduction if the delinquency is less than estimated would no' be necessary if the Form AB 31 were used. The Employees aro of the opinion that the full share of thy. estimated delinquency should not be borne by them, and that economies elsewhere, could probably be effected by diliJent effort on the part of those in charge of departments and bureaus. A systematic control of the expenditure of the various funds would probably a11r:inatc to some extent the cause of a condition such as confronts the city c". 'lil- c-ont at this time. In closing, bog to recommend that if it becomes necessary ir'.nc the period covering the last seven weeks of the year to retrench diva to a deficiency of funds to employ the regular employees on a full time basis, the present procedure, entailing the use of Fore.;. ? 31 be continued. REP. NO._ CITY OF ST. PAUL BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE LEAVE OF ABSENCE Ns omb - -6a, 1332.— TO THE CIVIL SERVICE MIRE.AL: I hereby report the fnll—mg lenvex of nheenee Gane the Department aL _E-1 lc. or ks _. "FI'1'L4: LLAVF: li RANTED NAME F—,T,. nr tnd ios r— r ti n r 9 ^vie t h.n1 DePu rtm ent W.lh is covered by chaL'-Q'_7.8221325.,_in�7 =r e_ eo- 1 t it I ml E�.,nted 1 ve3. of b�en.Q_ Vh,ut F 16 7 17 1...:'. -h rer W.th W; w��n rwy Wla, i-_— _ I ni i n_ ant � hay l oy i I Witnont Pn� sm r,. tt�nna pas I 11=1B .k, October �'Sth, 1932. Yr. L. L, amdereon. Corporetlo:: Counsel. Balldine. Bear SI - Th. attached ordinemas was referred to you tF the Cboccll vith the request that you prepare an aeandeect to it a1og the 11— suggested by Cusmdseiocer Pmaros end yoorsilf, vIs; to provide that in the event the dalioy ngodn1. tax colleotione 1s cot as large as s»soted, t?mt the ordinence mey be made ln-operative at amy givee time that the Coomil sup by "so- lntlon deteruins. The ordinaries is scheduled for third reading end approval of form tomorros. We also attach s copy of Oonocil rile 94121. being an amendment to the civil service rales. Mr. J. B. Probst ham prepared a sobstitute salft" esabstitute". The Council mgmoted you to obeck this proposed substitute end advise them. This to also mbbedaled for approval of fora t ---- To— —7 truly. Cit„ Clerk. Adop[cd by the C;o _il ..__.___._..193__.... Yeas _ Nays. � MAY ' NIcDONALD PEARCE / ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL /MR_ ]P.]F, DENT (M At10N EY) / l� CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT October 28th, 1932. To the Council. Gentlemen; I am enclosing herewith a proposed amend- ment to Council File No. 94120, which will exempt the Law Department from the operation of said ordi- nance. You requested my opinion as to the effect of the proposed substitute for Council File No. 94121 submitted to your body by the Comptroller, as Civil Service Commissioner. It is my opinion that the purpose of said proposed substitute is to provide that the effectiveness of Council File No. 94121 be only for the balance of the year 1932. That in my opinion Is the only difference between the one which was originally Introduced and the proposed substitute. Yours very truly, Corporation Counsel. LLA -U (To be added to Be ct i ori 1 ) "Provided, however . that this section shall not apply to the Law Department "`�w°iw, ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE N0. nw ORDINANCE N0. PRESENTED BY An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No, 3250, passed August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570 and subsequent amendments, entitled °An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations _ therefor.a '' f1„�w ra, Y�enpjs-Mnion THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. .,•.•��., / That the said Crdinence No. 3250p, approved August 20, 1914, amanded, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to the and of Rule VI of said ordinance the following sub -division: (k) From and after the passage of this amendment and continuing until December 31, 1932, the order of lay off and reinstatement as provided for in Sections 44 and 45 hereof shall not apply in the case of any general reduction of the working time if such reduction applies uniformly to all the officers and employee in the entire city service excepting those whose compensation is rixsd by charter or state law, and provided that such reduction in working time is made to offset any estimated tax shrinkage. Section II• This ordinance shall take effect and be Sn force from and after its passage and approval. I hereby recommend for paeeage by the Council the shove -mentioned amendment to the Civil Service Aulae. Civil Service Commissioner NOV 10 JW Yeas Councilmen Says Passed by thr Council - May McDonald In Pncur Prarcc Rosen / !A>1. F. t trfT, Ag:iinA Truax - '11, JJ11. Rh ti ,r1 1•, Nt � F dent (V� ,) by i� .Attest:_ x city Clerk 'r �{ Laid over 3rd. & app. Yea, - Nays Yces Ns,, May N�aY )Do McDonaldN aid Pearce Rosenoscn �arcr ;1 Truax l4'cnzcl Nle Pres. Nlahoney lV<nzcl ,�Ir. Pres. NW— ,- "`�w°iw, ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE N0. nw ORDINANCE N0. PRESENTED BY An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No, 3250, passed August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570 and subsequent amendments, entitled °An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations _ therefor.a '' f1„�w ra, Y�enpjs-Mnion THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. .,•.•��., / That the said Crdinence No. 3250p, approved August 20, 1914, amanded, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to the and of Rule VI of said ordinance the following sub -division: (k) From and after the passage of this amendment and continuing until December 31, 1932, the order of lay off and reinstatement as provided for in Sections 44 and 45 hereof shall not apply in the case of any general reduction of the working time if such reduction applies uniformly to all the officers and employee in the entire city service excepting those whose compensation is rixsd by charter or state law, and provided that such reduction in working time is made to offset any estimated tax shrinkage. Section II• This ordinance shall take effect and be Sn force from and after its passage and approval. I hereby recommend for paeeage by the Council the shove -mentioned amendment to the Civil Service Aulae. Civil Service Commissioner NOV 10 JW Yeas Councilmen Says Passed by thr Council - May McDonald In Pncur Prarcc Rosen / !A>1. F. t trfT, Ag:iinA Truax - '11, JJ11. Rh ti ,r1 1•, Nt � F dent (V� ,) by i� .Attest:_ x city Clerk 'r �{ Adopted by the Council___.. __....._.....193_ Veae. Naye. - /fAY \icUONALU PEARCE / ROSEN /TRDAX WX,P4 EL /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Ootoher 31et. 1932 Kon. rL Y. Goodrich, =mtrol]er, Building. Door Sir - She atte.hed ordinance sad Cha recon of the AMI.yee ,Wrieory Cohmittes r.letive nand ploy*a oela� d. •ere referred to the sinlciUK ail .ith the _q_.t tj_t the, Committee adri ee the Co.hcil .hat the differeme .onld be is ands'. and .ante if the ordinm.s .ore emended to mead ecloc-sevenths of their p—ent eoflk-I-F schedu]ee Sae read of "five-olsthe•. The ordinance .ea laid over to �daes dap. For®her Pad. Tour. very truly. City Clem. Adopted by the Co—cli _..__......._.__...193_...... Yea.. Nay.. MAY MCDONALD PEARCh; ROSEN r TRUAX W ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) ORDINANCE COUNCIL 4411 FILE NO. PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO. An erdlsanoe emending Ordinance To. 3260 passed August 14, 1920, as amended by Ordinanos No. 3 70 and sub- sequent amendments, entitled: "Aa administrative ordinance adopting rules and regulations for the classified servioe, and approving rules and regulations therefor.' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. that the said Ordinance No. 3360}, as amended, ^Mew. 1 be hereby further mended by adding to the end of Rule TI of said ordinance the following sub-diviBisn: (k) The order of lay-off and re -instatement as provided for in Sections 44 and 45 hereof shall not apply in ages of any general reduotion of the working till if enoh reduction applies uniformly to all or a substantial portion of the officer$ and employee in the ��servioe. / Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in ` f c force from and after its passage and approval. I hereby recommend for adoption by the Council the above mentioned amendment to the Civil BOTTIOS erdlnanoe. Yea. C ...ilinen N-, AI.y M'Do..ld eo­ T.... R'nzrl \Ir. Prexident (M.honey) Attest: City Clerk .......... Civil Service Oommieeioasr. P—d be the Council In F.- Apliro"'d \furor. ON D I I I N C I Presented by Mayor Mahoney Council File No. 94121 Milton Rosen 1n ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3254, passed k9ust 14, 1920, as emended by Ordinance NO. 3510 and subsequent amendments, entitled: .On administrative ordinance adopting rules and regulations for the classified service, and approving rales and regulations therefor." THE COOHCIL OF THE CITF OF ST. PAUL DOES Onn' Section 1, That the said Ordim we. 32504, s. emended, be end the same hereby is f-ther amended by adding to the end of Rule vI of said ordinance the following sub -division: (k) The order of IV -off and re -instatement as provided for in Sections 44 and 45 hereof shall not apply in case of any general reduction of the working time if each re- duction applies uniformly to all or a substantial portion of the officers and employee in the city service, Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6p1m1 of MI—Sots OFFICE OF CITY CLERK wllu.vd F. SCOTT, Cih Clak ^ d C. -W— -F R.SM,^Uon ®. October 28th, 1932. Nr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached ordinance w referred to you by the Coon"' with the recueet that you prepare _ amendment to it along the line suggested by Commleaioaer Pearce sad youre8lf, viz; to provide that in the event the delln.oaAacy in. t— toll ec tloae Se not as largo a "P"ted, that the or"A . msy be made in -operative at --wgiven time that the Council —y by reso- lution dets—in.s. The ordinance in scheduled for third anal approval of form tomorrow. 6e also attach a copy of Council Bila 94121, being an amendment to the civil eerviea rules. Lr. J. B . Probst hoe prepared a eubetitute mark:sd ^sobetitute^. The Council recuested you check this proposed substitute Eomo: ruse tom- This Se also scheduled for approvalo fom Yours vary tr¢ly, City Clerk. L COUNCILRESOLUTION�D, me Na—_J412� ..:.:.ew ov e���i rnvwovewewr vwwern V Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the reoommendstion of the Contract Committee and award. the contract for grading and peeing Lafayette Road from Ninth street to Grove street, in accordance with plan. and specifioations hereto attached, to the FEYEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $5936.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of oontract therefor. c. s:waw:egi— I..a..e i ow°'mmi D.. im yyEof ef6; f u ..E��aaD.DaaColb? f �m�� a>mr. i[m E.ilm u 1 lf.OU. 1v- 9.rove , °l DI Ove fl. liil.l ' � I� I .... L mo he. 8893 .wee. ....-- 7110.00 .. ,.w....o..�.,�..� ..o..�.�....... �w �o�.� �............ _ _ _ we. 31—E1 . 5936.00 _ _ 15936.00 II.. �... r� ,...... .. V ..... a ..,. OCT P I lc — m October 21, 1532 / T THE H'Ad C:.A5LZ I AYOR AND THE: COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT &AUL. Gentlemen: The Contract Committee hereby recommends that the, follnwi— c-t—ts be .warded: F.B. #3-93: G—dinc and n vines Lafayette Road from Ninth street to Orova street TO FEYE}7 C:NSTRUCTIOS COMrANY For the sum o£ $5936_ 00 Encineer's Estimate $7110.00 F.B. #8d94: Gradin¢ alley in Bloc. 00, Anna E. R.msey's Addition from Dunlap street to Grizes street TO WILLIAM EBEHTZ For the sum of 593.60 EnWineer's Estimate $665.00 F.B. #989E: Gradin¢ alley in Block o Twin City View and Lote 1 to 6 inclus iv Ideal Home 91t ea from Sc rieffer street to Hartford avenue To"' EBERTZ For the sus o£ 673. 00 E^.Pineer's Estimate $7E3.00 3=en =c t£,il lv aubml*.ted, THE CO ' i�Z TT -.E �,s irm 7 .�/CC UNCIL RESOLUTIOQN " No - • wv �/! �/ A � z M----�-�w � M S R� ..�nSulLex 3L i spa. Resolved, That the Council hereby conciII`e in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and award. the contract for grading alley in • Block 20, Anna E. R ameey�e Addition from Dunlap street to Griggs street, in acoordanea with plane end specifications hereto attached, to WILLIAM EBERTZ, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $593.60, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to drgw up the proper form of contract therefor. �e.A Ye nGaln.n frvonvv- w�tDp�L..vi'Wn:ei mm-.. ggIDIDx-.. moi- N..gv.IgleRDl.Eer..lar IRI ve�`-aaIk 71.181—.. ea' Ot etl. �BIi. � • o...... .�0 8894 .......:.......w,.,665.00 e�.....a ..,..o ro ................o.. �o� o. r.... �....o�..... w..o«o.. ........ ........ ... .......o.. -..o ..o..,... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . .593.60 co ...^.�o.. ..o.. _ - - - - ... �......,.�...,.......... _ _ .593.60 • �. ..... / ..tOCT .. �'. si . -,.� .. r....... -._ 21 wv.. COUNCIL, RESOLUTION Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of • the Contract Committee and award. the contract for grading alley in B1ocK 6, Twin City View and Lots 1 to 6 Inclusive, Ideal Home Sites from 8cheffer street to Hartford avenue, in accordance with plans and ` specifications beteto attached, to WILLIAM EBERTZ, he being the lowest a responsible bidder, for the sum of $673.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. "T. -Ora oi. M c vi�t eCuom t iiia •t ie-H1ebfY4,4 Twin q��a14A mta. h' ..fie p AT. %aiie rnWc.le N�6160�. n ID �� {t{fa0 No• mv' esM. W' � .ow_ .,o ~o. 8885 ....,�.,..,.. 758.00 I......=��.�..,.�.�..�.���.wo,,........-..,..... Ae;�.o o'..,�.-o.'.,.�. �w..w... , 873.00 673.00 _ 94125 C. F. N°. Y/us--t enwrma ue mdel t 01F MPtg1 ° POtldlvldon sod yyt all lP'' hD D'J I&Irep H PlR t HI- Ilotrl�xa ID�oCrea`Avmoe�COP•i t or to ltie red nae oo the Dtodle'. �y ��,}� hereto Pttueed, Cod meds Daft COUNCIL FILE N0. �> hereof, me ;. mweat a Pgneb.'. Thorpe gog 16oem 6y a blue oleo dlai the D. grade aubdly eloa.Pnd the By. - t roe coley leo. Nareoa. •t art t° the Drt MIX In the Matter of_-ehanzirl theggr�ade- of Alley in Thorp' s Subdivision and Cyrus Brook's Homestead rom 'Elliott Place o McLean Avenue to edniorm--to the_r—Q1.11ne on the profile. hereto attached and _made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also ggrading a11eg_in Thorp's Su7divZsion and the westerly 20 feetthethe alley_in Cyrus Brook's Homestead to the proposed red line when established, _ _.... under Preliminary Order_ .93484. _ . approved August 24, 1932 _......... IntermediaryOrder ......................... .._....-----...._---- ipproved....... ..... .... ........ ..................................... -. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, th it ,/, ,4 RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that , prov ent to be made by th aid C ty is..._5118.D&d _t Q_ r.�d@...o11 All§y...... Thorp! s-5ub- divi on and Cyrus B ok's Homestead f m Elliott Place t McLean Avenue to confo--to—tha-sed.l _on--the--prAfilah ata..attnchad e� Daz.t hereof, the present es blished ggrade be g shown by a blue ins thereon, also -gra e_tha-alley.1n_ horp'_s.Suhdivi.ai ..ansL.tlte.-we�torj 20 feet of the alley n Cyrus Brook Homestead to th proposed red line when estab- 1 fished--, ..... -. - — ------ ....--------- --- ---------- — — — --- -r 111 i®e 6edq candied, annulled, sed re�tdplll10 d -- 'l��b-riA metier-htdiecc^:^.:•at. --- ------ - - -- --- ... -- — ahq the Council hereby or re smd improvement be made. SOLVED FURTHER, at the Commieeiore directs to prepare plane and ecificatione of Public Works be add is heinetruc d and for said i rovement, and submi same to the Coun ' for approval; t upon said approve the proper city offi ' are hereby authorized and directed to coed with t making of said imp vement iu accordance t with. Adopted by the Council N(e;4. 11-'n��..._. , 192 Approved -...16!1:- 1 ,+li� , 192 or. Councilman ,-,-a •I. ,:,,,:.. rUt11.IS1iEU// Councilman dL?Suson:...:,:..,. councilman -° ConncnmanrM��� „ councilman ,arm 1. u°x Councilmany,� MaYorellaeesnn Ma6„vc� - WM. F. SCOTT, Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITyY/ GLEHH �EPARTM ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER CA% ' In the matter of ohengiag the grade of Alley is Thorp' a Subd' Bion and Cypreee HrooY • a Home atend Yrom Elliott Pleo. to Yo Lean Ave. to oon form to the red line on the profile hereto attaoh- ed end made n pert hereof. the present established grade being eh— by a blue line there - ' leo grading the alley in 7ho1psa Subd ivle ion and the westerly 20 ft. o£ ttre alley in Cyrus Brooks. Homestead to the proposed red ins when eetabllshed. under Preliminary Order approved August 24. 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows. of the r for rhe above rmprovc mcnt sa The total -61-I'damount assts men - - - 5_ 7os_46_ _— frt The estimated co t per�oot (or rhe above smprove menr sa - - b< assessed ben <fi is for Huth tmprovcmc nd rhe asaeseed valuers.. of each lot or The lou r par cclss of land that ay parcel as last reported by he Assessor, arc as fotlowa: osscnivnos+ noonsory IED dna �u A-BOId g. 1 Thorpse Sub. St. Paul.Yinn. 1050 2700 2 do 925 1600 lot. 3 and 4 do 1650 4600 do 1625 5600 lot. 5 end 6 7 do 675 1750 Thet pert of lying Nly of a line beginnlreg at the eouthwa st of said lot. then.. to a Point on the Ely ooraer line thereof 4 ft. from the eouthoa et oornar 6 do 700 2650 9 do 700 2560 10 do 775 2350 ra rwuL OF"'. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .l ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ....elDoT —oce woorrlon 1 Cyrus Brooke Homestead 1000 3160 2 do 960 226o 3 do 1100 1900 4 do 776 2360 Lot 6 do 676 3600 ale. that pert of lot 7 of Thorpe Sub. St. Paul, flim. lying Sly of a line drawn Prom the SR o of said lot 7 to a pt. on the Ely line thereof 4 ft. from the SE oorner 6 do 660 2360 7 do 660 2000 6 do 660 9 do 376 900 14926 42600 x The Commis,i , of Fimance forth,, reports that b, has rove -ige-,d all of the f.,,..id mat- , and hereby submit, the foregoing ae hie report th,reon to th, Council, together wnh th, report mad, m him in refereo— to ,aid ma -ter 1, the Commissmner of Public Works. I Dated_? n 19 t v.rm a. e. sa Commissioner of Finance. I# 9 - e. z z 11 kW. 77.- c��ww, .,off '\ \<� < \�\ McLEAN A✓� •!i 0 W it 6 6! . In THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL UITEH-OFFICE COMMUMCATIOM (Date) September 6, 1932 Hon. Herman C -Wenzel , Commissioner of Public works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the changing of grade of Alley in 'rll-p's Subdivision and Cyrus Brook's Homestead from Elliott Place to McLean Avenue, also grading the alley in Thorp's Subdivision and the westerly 20 feet of the alley in Cyrus Brook's Homestead, under Preliminary Order C. F. 93484, approved August 24, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - -- - $796.38 Cost per front foot - - - - - 0.90 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 15.62 Engineering - - - - - - - - 150.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 888.22 ft. Yours truly, 1 /74 / Geo e M . Shepard,/ 1 Chi £ F-ngineer. Approved for transmission to the ,C minis Sion of Finance. german C. Wenzel ."" Commissioner of Public 4orks. St Paul, Minn._.._..._.____......_192..... , To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade and olnder alley, Thorpe Sub & �yrm Brooks Homestead St. Ave. from VaLaan St. Ave. to zlliptt.. Place _... St. Ave. Offie Nk the Commissioner of Public, W@*QF ANAKE Report to Commissioner of Finance - ----- -- -- SEP 10 1832 Sept. 8,1 932 I93 To the Commiau-- of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under --,id,--i— the preliminary order of rhe Council, known as Council File No. 925484 approved August 24, 1932 193 ,relative w changing Liae grade of alley in Thorp•s Subdivision and Cyrus Brook's Homestead from E111ott Place to McLean Avenue, also grading the alley in Thorpt and ti-te westerly 20 feet of the alley in Cyrus Brook's Homestead. end having investigated the matters and things referred Lo therein, hereby rcporte: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 90 cents 2. The estimated cost thereof i. E. 796 _ 38 _1 the total coat thereof ie 8 Inspection 5;15.62 Frontage 888.21 ft. Engineering 8150.00 end the. nature and extent of said improvement s ae follow.: 3. A plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pert h—f. 4. 5. Said improvement is a.ked for upon petition of three or more ownere of property, eubject to e.sessment for said improvement. . - Co caner ofP-orke. October 25th, 1932. Hon. Kilt= aoaea. C0.4 eeioner of Ft.—. Bnllding. Dear Co—i.. loner: TI_ aL taChed pet? tioD of raaeo— fir." •trenee areinet t:F�a rdar hw.�ol ru the of el l,p Sn Throp'e BDbdivi alon e•nZ Cyr s Broo =' a Ro teed from Elliott Ploee to VaLBHn ivanna. also rredin P. the alley iv harp's labdi vi Dion, etc. —dL— Pa-a11M D...y Order" 91484 vee referred to you by the Cauncll today for report. The Final Order ooverigq thi. i- preveDeDt eras laid oval ­ asalr to W ­ .b— let, 1932. Tours very truly, City Clerk. W—.b., 1st, 1912 Hon. 1LSltoo Bo—. cosaalsslo..r of 7tne . Bo11d1 n r Drr Cenmieeloan 7e attach here.ith petition If r—oostre—e In the matter of chm,^inv the ^rade If 111ey to ?k—p'a Sub. and Cyrve 9roo:�'a Aomeetead from ::111ott ?lace to kcLaan Avenue. Th. fi ml order 1. thf a matter sae laid over to =—ber 9th by the Cooncil today end the petition van referred to you to recheck - To— very truly. City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.gl.l d Mirtewae ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 117 Court Howe MILTON0.05E N, Cenwir ria..r November 7, 1932. To n the GOuCil, city of 8t. Paul. Gentlemen: I have rechecked the attached petition of remonstrance, filed in the matter of: Changing the grade of Alley in Thorp's Bub. and Cyrus Brook's Homestead from Elliott place to MoLeen Ave., els. grading the alley Sn Thorp'e Bub. & the Westerly 20 ft. of the alley in Cyrus Brook's Homestead, under Pre- liminary Order #93494, approved August 24th, 1932• and find that same is sufficient. Thisimprovement is scheduled to come before the Council for postponed hearing on the let day of November, 1932 Very truly YOu')rrss`,, COMMISSIONER OF FIRANC CITY OF SAINT PAUL GPs.I d mi.... DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE m Cw How MILTON ROSE N, Ce..i..ie•.v v[or+nvn c SF.v.'Fv. v.i.... M n........ w.... October 27, 1932. Tothe Council, City of St. Paul. Centless - I have checked the attached petition of remonstrance, filed in the matter of. Changing the grade of Alley in Th -'P'- Sub - and and Cyrus Brooke Homestead from Elliott Place to McLean Ave., also grading the alley in Thorp's Sub. & the Westerly 20 ft. of the alley in Cyrus Brook's Homestead, under Preliminary Order #93484, approved August 24th, 1932, and find that same is insufficient. This improvement 1s scheduled to come before the Council for postponed hearing on the 1st day of November, 1932. Very truly yours, Commiesioner of Finance. TO THF. HONORABLE. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL.MINNESOTA. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, Property owners of real estate slion the line of the improvement c Augueta24� 932r hereby�remen- Orders 93484 and 93485, strate against said improvement in accordance with Section 243 of the City Charter, ena deinana that no further action taken therein, and the proceedings theretofore had annulled, all as provided for by .aid action. We state on information ani belief that we con - etltute not less epieeenOt ingrnetnI. e thanr 50ipert eseteof Of such property, o lineal frontage of the line of such improvement. W� 44, Ro - _- sTATE OF YINNEBOTA- _ County of Ramsey. John G. Babler, being first duly sworn, -- on oath states that 5e ie one -of -the petitionei•e-named in the _foreg_o ing_petition� that he has read _the foregoln_g-.petition'and — -- - knows the contents thereof, that theSamele true -of hie - own knowledge.-' Subs 24 h dao nda,O fito}o.110 3 Me thi- at erine A. Newton._ _ Aoary gublic, Ramsey County,. Minnesota. - - -- My Commission Expires Dec. let, 1932. t „ / No—ber 9th, 1932 Ron. FL C. 7s-sel, Coms.r of Atlic Tnin, Building. De -r CO.,ni eeionet, At the meting hold thin =Ming the final order in the m-ttor of ohaz,gin,: the grade of -1107 1- Thor 0 Subdivision end Cyrus Brooke Romeste-d from Rliiott Place to "IL. -Avenue, etc. �� — ,over one .eek to Rovember 1Gth end referred to you W det--inn if this iWrovement ie a palio neceeei ty. 7onre very truly, City Clem. 94126 In the matter ofm __ condenind_ and taking d an _easement in the lann_e_cessary _ - __- _'_ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of A11 ey -in Thorpts Subdivision and the westerly 20 feet of the Alley in Cyrus Brook's Homestead from illiott Place to McLean Avenue . under Preliminary Order___95485------------- approved ---- ---Au�'--24, -----1332 -----------------• Intermediary Order_______ 93840-_ approved _____-_dept.-29,_ 1932___________ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th^.t con mninga and Laki an ers event the land nec ry for slopes, is and fills the ing Alley in Thor Subdivision and e westerly `LC et ofJ the Alle Cyrus Broo omestead from Ell tt Place to Ae n Avenue bond M. ® ie hmvba and rcaf.Aed Mw .6 ewaeedb" 1. =id matte be dia-,,a— d the Council hereby orde said improvement to�_d de. ESOLVED FARTHER, at the following Is d,ds or eas encs th be and the seme reby ordered to be taken, appropriated anded for the purpose of making the said impro menta, viz.: For lopes, cutsfills in the gra ing of Alley 1 Thorp's Subdi vlsi n and the waste ly 20 feet of L Alley in Cyrus Brook's Homestead rom haliott P1 to McLean Ave e, to yhe a ant shown upon th plan of the uo Sssion er of Pub c Works att ch ed hereto which an is hereby ref erred to and ma e a part her of. RESOLVED URTHER, That the Cim i loner f Public V ks be nd is her ' tructed and directed to pr plans and specification sfor said improveme nd the proper city odic Is are hereby authorized a d directed to proceed with t making of said i vement in accordance here with. Adopted by the Council____________________________________ 19____ M ------------- Approved / Approved___ ----- -------- 19— ----- if _ ConncilmanIMwe� ` YIiBLLSHED /c—/Y—.ice Councilman PerEueea ^ Councilman McDonald - Councilman Pearce L/ /Councilman PAii.wd N Councilman SuCaalc Wr •. , r / Mayor C7 a ledi<oles C- 4� - I.dlcers Fill. Tvp;cel Ne�erien 'ie C....cs 41, Iine�l,ew Cul o. Fill ea pope y lin.. Fy..rw bele.. I;ne spew dden<. le wl.iel, nlep sAe•d bgond properly line Lec. Book Ne.7476 X -See. B4 Ne -2476 ALLEY-THORP5 5U6&)VE5TERLYZOOFALLEYCYRU5BROOKS HOME5TEAD- E//iotl P/ M=LEA/Y At�E �4TE'3, .'I✓6. 9co%: / 40' l ' OMESTE�O T/'10.YPJ .9�/e Q� GYRt/.f 'PAP C Yo r,- of E d S v F !i:•i g; o � -. "Ja e.. a r 11T "�� ^n'•i :M r� vi.i 71: Nr a� ry hF �I� az y i Gem � • V 6o iV sG r Q I �' NOR ? .?[/ a � C,YRv�g �ROOK.�^a /y0if/E,sTEAO .aouirh sr CITY OF DEPARTMENTST. OFPAUL FINANCE REPORT OF COIVIIV!IrRS CNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) N-09 I—ha:dt,;,,.f.,o:d=ing and taking — .—rt 1n the lend ....eery for slope-, —t- 1 1 in Thorp'. 3.bdi1i:j- end the —.t.rly 20 ft. of the Alley in Cyrus Brook .... t,ad Prom Elliott Pl IS to Mol— Ave., end,, p,,Ii.j­y Order approved nuNat 24. 1932 To the C-111 If the City If St. P-1: Th, C..,mi--f Finance hereby -p,— .1 follows. 11 $ 120-0-0 ted -j ­,d --t of I ... —o— for the bI,, "ne ntiu,—d c— Pe,f—t for the Abu— itup—s—t i- - - - - - - - $ - Th, 1.t, 11 p.-1, of I..d that may be ---d benefit. for each,and the —,—d ­ju.ti.. If each let or ,-1 as 1— p .... d by the A,--, — A, f.11.— DES—IFTION LOT 1111TION ASSISSED i.n—A—B-1,1g. I Thorp'- ::uh. I- Poul.Minr- 1050 2700 2 do 925 lno() let. 3 end 4 do 1660 4600 1w ,nd 6 do 1825 5600 7bult I.Tt of 7 d 676 1760 ly lino b j;in,111C t t he nutl_ st !fly I ti I point , o the F'l y r of 7 1t A t. ""a to lineot,—Sof 4 rt. CF., the llul�h—t rIFT-1 a do 700 2650 9 do 700 2650 10 do To'-. 775 2360 CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CQMMISStONr.R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) 1 2 3 4 Lot 6 ,leo that .It of lot 7 of Thorpe Sub. St. Paul, uinn. lyln.- ::ly of a line drarm fro, the bl; a omor of ::n Lei lot 7 to a pt. on the flyllne thereof 4 ft. fro, the :;F: oo rnor 6 7 8 9 Cyrus P—::. ti--teel 1000 3160 do 950 2260 do 1100 1900 do 775 2360 do 676 3600 do 660 2360 do 650 2000 do 650 do 376 900 14926 42500 The Com mi—r of Finance further reports that he has m—6,—d all of the aforesaid matt . and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him m ref<rrn cc tosai//d matter by the Commissioner of Public \N—ks. Dated .Lt X _ �t 193 Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public WO&®F FINax P Report to Commissioner of Finance ( SEP 10 1932 Sept. t3, 1932 03 To the of Iinnnee of the Oty of St. I'aol. The ('omni„iunor of Public Work,, having had under con,irferation the preliminary order of the Council, knoxm a, R.nncd File N. 93485 npp'—d Aug. 24, 1932 193. , rehdve to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Thorp's Subdi- vision and the westerly 20 feet of the Alley in Cyrus Brook's Homestead from Elliott Place to McLean Avenue. and having is—tigated the matter, end thing, referred to thcroin, hereby roporte: 1. Said improvement i, 'I"'.—y and (or) d—irnble. 2. The e,timated coat thereof m E. xxxx , and the total coat thereof i, S xxx and the nature and extent of ,aid improvement is e, follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made o part h—of. 4. 5. Said improvement i, „ked for upon petition of three nr more owner, of property, ,abject w as,ceament for ,aid improvement. r� 94127 t tL%>fn°:oe COUNCIL FILE NO..^�` By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_...changing_ the .grade-o£_Allay .in_Block 1,- Br. ant--'-.s_Addition fro Victoria Street to Avon Street to confo m t the red line o tie prod le -hereto_. attached and _made a.�art her sorf,- tie present estab is ed trade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading and paving said 11ey_bepween the aforesaid_ limit,-, under Preliminary Order.-. 93614 -- --__-__-,approved September 7,-_1932 Intermediary Order -______. -..._._____— ___ _ _approved _ _ ____ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- y rovement to be made by the said City is-__ehsnge__tkLe_gz'AdA._OS._Al].Qg..12LB19.ek_1}._ IBryyant'� Addition from Victoria Street to Avon Street, to conform to the ' rad.11ne_on_the_profiia.11eratn..attaahad_and_mada a_Aart_k6ere0Y,_the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grad6 and pave said _e11ay._between _the- Afnraeaid...limits-,_-__.-yatardel--akalLna �. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - reed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council %�1j` '.. _�'..__..... _.., 192...___ - 1 ! -_ -._ __.. ._._..._. .. .n t Clerk. Approved -... _...',-,,.. , 192 Councilmar�l�®vim/rl�n,�l,l Y— yor. Co uncilmar�rguaart—a�e1sY - CouncilmaorAf¢HonaldH'� / CouncilmanzhloGlagacl Councilmanl6vtlhOAYW9 Councilman n, <cl MBYa[�h MSI„�„ey / Form B. S. A, 8-7 October 31, 1932 The City Connell Cart cease 'a't Paul, tAlnne Acte Gentleman: D;e to ey absenoe Pram the eity "' inability to atte i in person, I beg to "cl est that year cyte iderat ion be given to the matter cf a Petition to pave the alley 1 9ryant's additlan, boarded by Ashland, VlCtoria, I,surel aryl A— y_ attention is called to the continued one anitary eonditim of the alley Sue to the mato' hclea and irregularities, also that the alley Se so high Sn the Center oY the blocs, t*at during the spring ey moist period of the nyear, .rater Arai- to the proRerty a,rilning the alley, case Sx�g a unhealthful and rest disagreeable ooniitlon. 90veral Patlticna `cave been Circulated and aignad favorably ty the .e'rity of the propsrty h::l3era in this bl-k to -Y icn0:rle3ge, malorlty and it is obv ioue that it is their desire ae the pfl L` property ora that L'. is -11ey eh a�13 be pav . ead =n1 -ie t sanitarl ccnditicn , omer-ar'atttly dlepoe. d of• Yours vary truly, r , � . GYC D Gerald 0. Cannon - 823 Arty ehlard venae ..-I ENT, OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In thematter of ohenging the grade of Alley 1n Blook 1, Bryent's Addition from Victoria St. to ,Avon St., to conform to the red line on the profile hereto ettaohed end Bade a pest hero ran of, the ,[ t e.tablished grade being ehe,en by a blue line thereon, also grad Jog end paving ..id e11ey between the aforesaid limit., under Preliminary Order approved September 7, 1932 To the Council of th, City of St. Paul: The Commumoner of Finance hereby reports ve follows. The total ertima[eda of he ase. sem en[ for the above mprovc mcnt ie - - - b."—n 00 - fW. The —i—ted coat pe,/ootfor the above mprovement k - - - - - - - 3- _ 2.10. The lou or p .... h of land tha[ may be ae sees ed benefiu for each improvemen[, and the avacesed valuation of each lot or parcel ae las[ reported by the Assessor, arc av follows: oeeeniPnon s-oT -- AooinoN ED Iea�n�ESIdg Lot 1 end East of 2 1 Bryent'. Addition to St.Peul 1976 4950 lot 3 end W.et of 2 1 do 1875 3750 4 1 do 1250 1250 1600 Lot 6 and Feet of 5 7 1 1 do do 1875 3850 4950 Lot 8 and Ne.t of 7 9 1 1 do do 1875 1260 10 11 1 1 do do 1250 1250 8100 4050 12 1 do 1250 3350 DEPA RTMENT 6OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASIIIIED LOT VALUATION 13 1 B y,,t'. Addition to St.Paol 1150 4300 lot. 15 and 14 1 do 2650 35000 16 1 do 1260 2950 17 1 do 1100 3600 18 1 do 1150 3200 19 1 do 1200 4300 20 1 do 1200 5660 21 1 do 1200 2450 22 1 do 1200 3150 23 1 do 1200 3600 24 1 do 1200 3950 25 1 do 1200 4200 26 1 do 1200 9000 27 1 do 1200 2700 28 1 do 1200 4060 29 1 do 1200 4000 30 1 do 1300 38900 130700 The Commissioner of Finance funhcr r,,poris that he has mvestigatcd all of the aforesaid maty , and hereby sub mita the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him i. rsferenec t,..id matter by the Commissio.cr of Public �W.,ks. n r� —r — - - Com miss�oner of Finance. Sc. Paul, Minn. ....... ...�9Y1-° To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _St. Ave (romti< St. Awe! to _ r St. Ate. St. Paul, Minn. _. *Wat 30 . 19232. To The Honorable, The Council, c9 City of St. Paul, Minn. a; Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Ilonorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Pie..11q 1n. Bl—k' 1. 3r7=t-...A _ _. St. Ave. from I". St- .4+e. to _ _. 7lotorla St. ""' Z& .5 Yz, NE A JEG 2 T 28-2-.Z3. ----------- 110ex y A CITY OF SAINT PAUL UPIWI of Mieea DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C. WENZEL. C'. w..inaion[x .m® Nws c. c.veou. ^^. o�.i c,.,..^' sw. w c°^'""^"^ September 15, 1932 Ron. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the changing of grade, grading and paving Allay in Block 1, Bryant's Addition, fromVricct rl4 Street to Avon Street, under Preliminary O C. F. 93614, approved September 7, 1932. Length 612 ft. Width of Roadway 20 ft. Frontage 1200 ft. " of Street 20 ft. PAVING eu CONCRETB Total Sq. Yd. $ 1.90 Property Share 2,520.00 T. o t a 1 2,520.00 (a) Front Foot 2.10 This estimate includes $252.00 for inspection and engineering. Yoouurr�s`s very truly, ' /) V lI7. eor EL. Shepard, / 1 Ch1 Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance .erman C. Wenze-1, Commissioner of Public Wo . Office of the Commissioner of Public WoOFFIIUAN 0Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 21 19M Sept. 20, 1932 193 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Poul: The Commissioner of Publie Works, hoeing had under eoaideratin, the preliminary order of the Council, known a Conned Fde No.. .93614 approvedSept. 7, 1932 ,relative to Sept. .193. changing the grade, grading and paving Of Alley in Block 1, --Bryantts Addition from Victoria Street to Avon Street. ....... .. ....._...... sad having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is-eeaeary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is S. _, and the total coat thereof is 8 _......... ....___., sad the nature and extent of said improvement is m follows:..... __ ..._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .._. _........ ....._.... ___..___....... 5. Said improvement ie.... _aked for upon petition of three or more mmere of property, eubiset to seeeesment for said improvement. Commissioner of Pubha . 94128 COUNCIL Fl[E N0. _________ 1, BY---- _____�____________ FINAL ORDER IN PROCEEDINGS U the matte of____condemning and takin an easement in the land necessary_ for s�opes, cuts and 3`1lls, in t e grading and paving of Alley In Block 1, Bryant's Addition from Victoria Street to Avon Strut emar. oan. _............. pas•�g9!1.7— order Preliminary Order__ a.. 93615 approved__________ intermediary Order ________Se�ember _7__1932___, ________ 93842 , approved__________Seoptember_28,_1932 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council be having heard all persona, bjection and recommendation relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, I RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise =lure, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 1, Bryant's Addition from Victoria Street to Avon Street. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lends -is thereln be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, vis.. For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 1, Bryant's Addition from Victoria Street to Avon Street, to the extent shown upon the plan of the commissioner of Public,Works attached hereto which plan 1s hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmisaioner f Public Works dbe the d is herebyt a�scaz d directed to prepare pleas and specifications for said improvement, an proper city o hereby authorized and dmscted to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. yN Adopted by the Council --- -------------- 1 rz -''Clerk. Approved__________________________, 19____ . Oone.ii—Q—W k Y PUBLISHED(L n Conncdmn McD ld R ` ' e T /� / ll ... Councilman Pearce Councilman Helimd Ta u n __ CAanCflnl".-..—.....n._".—� N i F L Alk — JnJ;— Fill. C, 66lin. chew . L— &A Ne MC X-5- Bk N6.2416 Al-l-rY,01—If 16/7YA1Y7-A ADD. A— -5XI 4101"Ity" . . 0,.- //,, 237 W W If 0 Y A /Y T B D D 14 C co, C— C- all- ab, ZZ C- 25 7E R Y A /Y -r :F A T 0 45WA.AIYD AWf 4101"Ity" . . 0,.- //,, 237 W W If 0 C- or S1. PAUL DEPAFIVAENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMISSIONER OF PRELIFINANCE MINARY ORDER (A) ' In the matter of oondemming and taking An a ement I. the land neoeeeery for elopee, outs emd fills in the grading and paving of A11ey in Blook 1, Bryant'e Addition from Yletaria St. to Avon St., under Preliminary 01611 approved September 7. 1932 To the Council of the City Of St. Paal: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports ae follows: The total esumatcd amount of the assessment for the above mprovcmcnt ie - _ ' F 50-00 The esumated cost per foot for the above mpro t-1 a be assessed benefits and the sed far such improvem< aasee too valva n Of tach lot o The lou or parcels of land clot may parcel as last reported by the Aeeesso , c as follows. LOT .1oc. A --N xAl I'Mg. oest�iPnorr T Addition to 9t.Paol 1975 4960 LOt 1 and wast a of 2 1 Bryant'. 1875 3750 Lot 3 and 'ieet ] Of 2 1 do 1250 1600 4 1 do 1260 3861( 5 1 do 1875 4950 Lot u and 1—t w of 7 1 do 7 1 do 1175 Lot 9 and Beet of 9 1 do 1260 1260 8100 30 1 do 1260 4060 11 1 do 12.0 5360 1:: 1 do P ST, PAID DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ORDER OF FINANCE ON P (W IESCRIPT10N LOT --K Aoo:TioN 1ALUA,,. t+ 13 1 ➢ryrattt'e Addition to 1160 4300 2650 36000 lots lo arta lh 1 do 1'50 2960 Iv 1 do 1100 3600 17 1 do 1150 3200 1B 1 da 1200 4300 19 1 do 1200 6660 20 1 do 1200 2460 21 1 do 1200 3160 22 1 do 1:00 3600 a 1 do 24 1 do 1200 3950 1200 4200 26 1 do 1200 Woo 2u 1 do 1200 2700 27 1 do 1200 h060 20 1 do 1.= 4000 29 1 do - 30 1 da 1300 36900 130700 e further repor that he has m_e.tigated all of the afore. aid matt n, and Th, Commt°aioner of Financ t° o him :n M1 ereby subm:u the foregoing as bis report thereon to oun the Ccil, together ith the report made t reference t, .aid matter by the Commi-.bm er of Public \Vorks. /n Dated __3#'-- Z1i Com minsioncr of Fi na ncc. Office of the Commissioner of Public w'UM'��FINANUt Report to Commissioner of Finance ° is _ W 21 1932 Sept. 20, 1932 lea "Fc the Commissioner of Pineace of the City of St. pool The Commissioner of public Works, having had under .00sid,,oti.o the preliminary order of the llouncil, known m council File Na.93615 approved Sept' 7 _1932.. , retati,o to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 1, Bryant's Addition from Victoria Street to Avon Street. and having investigated the matters -it things "farad to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said impwvcmcnt ie oec ., nod (or) desirable. x and the total wet thereof is f X= 2. The rstimeted coat thereof is 3. E-� and the nature and extent of said improvement ie 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement m hereto attached nod made o pert h.' -f. 4. 5. Said improvemen t is .asked for upon petition of three or mom owners of property, subject to aseeesmanl for mid rmprovemeat. ^ 1— C mission F Pub' orka. 94129 COUNCIL FILE N9 BY ___________f --_ FINAL ORDER IN I* PROCEEDINGS In the matter of__ condemning_ and_ taking- an- ea sgment_for_ slo7es, cuts and fills in the grading and p-ving of Fuller Ave. fr ,soar.ewa- 40 ft. west of ot. Peter St. to a line 50 ft. east -0 ea ,,, ahem°wF°:mrk- Peter ot., and grading temporary approaches from the ° . in Block 11, awing and Chute's Addition to the end of ��L;°g°;�aP pavement and from the pavement to .Park Ave. °tat A°e�l°r 93429 August 10, 1932 under Preliminary Order________________________ approved_._______. ------ Intermediary Order _____ 93838________________, approved________ Sept._ 28,_ 1932__________ _______ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard .11 persons, bjectione and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- .red the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement fo. slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Fuller Ave. from a line 40 ft, west of St. Peter It. to a line 50 ft. east of It. Peter St., and grading temporary approaches from the alley in Block 11, -Ewing and Chute's Addition to the end of the pavement and from the pavement to Park Ave, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein he and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Fuller Ave, from a line 40 ft. west of St, Peter St. toaline 50 ft. east of St. Peter St., and grading temporary approaches the alley in Block 11, Ewing and Chutels Addition to the end of the pavement and from the pavement to Park Ave., to the extent shown of the hereby referredotorand madeiS a part hereto RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed d directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improve nt, and the proper city official, are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of sad improvement in accordance there- with. ------------ Adopted by the Council_________________------- ----_------ _. d9_ -- City Clerk. Approved --------------------------- 19____ Councilman Gshmy- CouncilmanSaa�aaaa Council xx It, Councilman Pearce Councilman liolJead / U9—fr - Councilman 9udhaimen Mayor C., Z:21 Fi[14* T,,..l N. i.. Fi ..... 6 ... I;.. b., Cut ., Fill .1 papery li... Fig.— 6.1— li— dtatvnce . -h;.h .1 J 6.y..J p,.P-,tY 11— ..:. Beek N..1275 X.S...Bk.N..I275 FULL— I—K O' W, 1-e 3L.—R, HOZ77 niWW06�- i E ui M I N 0 S E T A STATE OFFICE E3 L E) G > -1 L ---- - ------- ZI < EWING LU CL 10 CH U T E S A D D. n U) niWW06�- i E CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) ts In the mumrthe grading aandapavl ng of Fullean r Avenuement ofromoaelineu40 ft. festa ofnSt. Peter Street to a line 50 feet east of St. Peter Ewing StreetandnChuted's� temporary approaches from the alley in Block 11, Addition to the end of the pavement and from the pavement to Park node, P,,J,.iaary Order approved August 18, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commueioner Of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the asec,e ment far the above mprovcment is— The _i_ed coat per foot for the above mprovcment I, -- 'rhe Iota or parcel, of land that may be as,es,ed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or Parcel a, last reported by the Assessor, arc a, follow,: v D[SCRIPTION wT,I.o« ADDITION La adw�—dg Lots 1 to 6 10 Ewing & Chute's Add to St. 56800 60000 Lots 23 to 28 10 Paul Lot, 23 to 28 11 also vac. 6t. Pater St. adj. said lots, also vacated alley add. said lots in Block 10 2500 B 10 do 21 10 do 3600 1950 21 11 do 2500 65400 61950 The C—mioner of Finance further rep—a that he has Investigated all of the aforevsid m, t ,, and herb submt a the foregoing as his re Por thereon to the Council, together with the report made to ,him In reference toaid m er by the Commnsloner of Public \Yorks. a att Dated Ynrr,.,.,/.r . ?193.2_ Commiaaioncr of Financ<. Idi-ka CJ. Fill. C.f Fill e P,—Ay h— Fi,-- W.. 6 l.- . .kith J.P.. bey. P'.p, lt� .. L.O.A M�. 1275X—Bk.N.. 1275 Af /Y 1Ye S 0 7"A o .?TATE TIF; 6Pf.6, .1- 21 C Office of the Commissioner of Public %V MIQF FINANCE 0 Report to Commissioner of Finance - _ AUG X1932 sy August 24, 1932 193 To the 0,ouoi..ioner of Finance of the CitY of St. 1'anl: The Comml..ioner of Puhhe Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known . Connoil File No. 93429 approved Aug. 18, 1932 .193relative to condemning. and taking an easement for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and paving of Fuller Avenue from a line 40 feet west of �t. Peter St. to a line 50 ft. east of -St. PaterSt, and grading temporary approaches - - from the alley in Block 11, Ewing and Chute's Addition to the and of the pavement and from the pavement to Park Ave. and having investigated the matter, and thinge referred W therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ce.e.aary and (or) desirable. xxxx xxxx 2. The estimated coat thereof ie f. ,and the total coat thereof is E , and the nature and extent of said improvement ie - follow.: 3. A plan, profile or ek,t,h of .aid improvement i. hereto attached and made o part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie ..ked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to e.eeeement for avid improvement. Comm eeioner of c Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL r�ic NO._ 94130 FFICE OF CITY CLERK RES GENERAL FORM RESOLVED WAS, Louis C. Bernard, Chief Clerk of the Water Department of the City of Saint Paul, will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of at least thirty day. (30) from and after the 28th day of October, 1932, and WHERRAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has recommended that Louis C. Barnard be granted a thirty day leave of absence for disability with pay, from and after the 28th day of October, 1932, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph H, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore be it RRSOLVED, That the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence for Louis C. Barnard for thirty (30) day. from and after October 28, 1932, with fall pay. C-. cve.::a'ety c oUNCI1nEN Yeas Na In favor ed,esn.id Pearce / .0 Ag..i— Roue W -21 M, Pre..id— Mahoney Adop,ed by the C..—I �IYJe 19 Approved 19 WI-3. NM. C FC(�TT, CI7'}' CI i H %) Or,YsY ,s un a•ra CITY OF ST. PAUL „u `~ NO. 94131 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK R LUTION—GENERAL FORM `� _ ow*c Octob e_T 25, 1932 Nrc RrsOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and be Se hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comotroller, one 6. Nersey compound water meter, for the Water Department, at a coat not to exceed $468.00, without asking for competitive bide, se this Se n patented article and no advantage could 'oe pained thereby. Charge Water Department. ern c. w�. No.��nTvf a�rfe ap .sem es.; or�eK.eb sea wf e e eappp°rlm}a},,�OeL f0. 1fiL C P� 0^4o��nsaafeftBtfl COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ . 'f{�f,,. 19:1 Yeas Ney li e May Approved_..._... Pearce _ _.I Is—� ov Me— Truax _... Aeobet MmF srnrr Wenael .-I- �. 'Mr. Prnaidcnt b1ahoney No. ___ :7.4132 CI OP ST. PAVL .ire OFFIC O THE CITY CLERK c. p. xo.iit�t��Io�o Awn— COUNCIL LUT, FORM rywee ini^[ x.11uro4�swa eoe1°a.�,,) y of wr. :i4"usio�7io WWaa tee t� wrA ewaeax+ao a _. _._ _ o. • [ne C1iy o[ ac c. tY FZf81t8, me Clty of 8t. Peal did well to the Bret ZeE Soml the tBeak ofwerb. elua of St. Pml, four registered bond.. mmbered 868.869.872 end S73. I- f 4402,000. under en ption whereby the City of et. Penlese to Ds pefedttafl to re- Of oa or before July 1. 1932. $200.000 of e.Sd bond° for the price paid ce the Bank end was to be permitted, under cold option, to rapmrchwse on or before Decembeoved 1932. 4202.000 of a aid bonds on the same DseiTow� leD.dllbeloZ 1932,msmd�°� and p� by the Caaocil by 0._.il Hle No. 91669, app ZBZBZAB, the City haw alreedY exercised it. Option sod paTcbe°rooedaJuae 2C6,�, being 2e8• Bond. Zoe. 868 and 972, under antharity of C. F. f9 861 pP 1932. end WMYA8, the Sinking Fund 0onmltteb of e.i®bondw.t�sit R.S.t the tB n6e 1— Ste option to the p-tieip.iing Cert`ffiieata Fund, now therefore be it 869 end 973 22OIM. that the City of St. Pent exeroieedit. h pOptionto Porroper Oity ooh"a� d two Donde .t the price paid the OitY by ..id basic, en sre hereby authorised and directed to coaea®ate such trehwaction. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay. ,Iny #4eAm atd 1'—e / R -e. in favor - Truax �....ARalnet /Wenzel /Mr. President Mahoney SZ Adopted LY the Council..._ _.. _ _. . _.. 193.._ Approved .. ...103..... i FU811:I1Gu in —S9 -3a oowbmr 2% 1932. ♦ meeting of to 6lyddmg land Oandttes eu Lela this day. Prmeamt. Fillies, MLonaP, Myer. IdItom Hoes,. coseds imer of rimnw and H. P. Goodrich. Oomptroller. ♦ mtiem w mMe by Wilton ewsn. Ocmlealoner of 1144cw. asconasd by H. P. Goegriab. OmWtrmllsr dad mmlmanely a:rded, that the City exercise it. option with the First Fatloml Houk of 6t. Peul. am met forth in eseelntiom /93669. approved Feb. no 1932. and rspormmee to $202.000 City of at. Pant Bonds, being Beg. Hoods Hoe. 669 and 873, for the PartloipatIM Owtiflmte Pond, and re—coW acme to the ow— ail-The meeting tbereopom adjourned. Wyor APP'owed aomIDoffialo President d.e Dads at riam�oe Odptroller IM.Offfolo 6ear9tw7 mtin�*� m 94133 - CITY OF Sr. PAUL ... NO .... - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IcTrvas—ISI Qf nw�: -7rR liw A GvmtliJ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F IL �.� Cwm Ir Ni 6e��f4o e�>' +a �evieJr tE b "f�{E C6ur�l� 6o�M al)t �G IATE iter .. WHEREAS, as provided by Council Pile No. 93816, approved Septem- ber 27, 1932, the Council did, on the 21st day of October, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain frame house located on Lots 14, 15 and 16, St. Paul Central Lots, also known as the southeast corner of Spruce and Sibley streets, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Oouncil that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should bewreoked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be It FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commlesionerof Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeee Nsye / Adopted ly "I Council _._ 193..... Pearce .. In favor APP d.-- -.. -. 193_.... Rosen /2 /Truax _ .Agi,,t W'-1 LYJS r •. Mayor Mr. President Mah... y CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capaal I Mean o OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 1FRIJAM F. SCOTT, Ory O aL rd C—W.. d R-* ba `a October 21Rt, 1932 Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: At the Council meeting held today the condemnation m order of that certata frame house located on Luta 14, 15 and 16, St. pawl Central To Ls, sl so konso as the aoeotaned theomattermer frgferied to you 1� Streets • - for the proper resolution. We attach herewith Council pile No. 93816. Tour- very truly, City Clerk. c1Tv uL .� an CLERK No. Ir34 UTION—GENERAL FOR /�.y a47CE - RESOLvens that the prover city officer. be and they are hereby author- ised to enter into an agreement with Edward 1. Lackeys prodding for the payment of eompenmation to him at the rate of $20,00 per week during such tine ae he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Education on the 30th day of September 1932; be it yDRTHER RESOLYEEI, that in accordance with said agreements the proper city offieere are hereby authorised to pay to said Edward W. LW3b*y the num of $60.00 out of the iorkeense Compensation Account of the General Tundt in partial settlement of his claim V,against the city, b eing for the period to and Including October 21ets 1932. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co it 93_ Yeas ... / Naye May /_.... IC.—u /P—e, _.-....In savor Approved ..193..._ Rosen i Tnie>; -... �.-._Again.[ R'�+f I /S= Msynr _. .. •w .., /1f r. President Mahoney 1•,�/ - CITY OF ST. PAUL NO......... J4r ~OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO YrGENERAL FORM vwEvervlEo Col. once RESOLVED That, the Commissioner of Public Works, be and he is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement With the Thornton Bros. Co. whereby they are to use the City's Austin �leetern GasolineBoller for a period of e approximately four day: and pay a rental of $15.00 per day, for the use of .aid roller from thtime it Is delivered to them until the time it is returned to the City, said money to be credited to the fund known as •Paving Plant 11-B'. Said gasoline roller shall be r stunned to the City in as good a physical condition a: when taken out and any repairs made necessary through its use by said Thornton Bros. Co. shall be paid for by that firm. The Thornton Bros. Co. is to hire at their own expense our roller operator during the time the roller is used by tgem. COUNCILMEN Y_ Nnys / / Msy XbzD wid Pearce in favor /Boson Tn�ax �...Agein=t � Wcoxel �Mr. P—idem Mahoney t ?� Adopted by the Council __. ._ . ... _.__._.193..... Approved..... 1• _ _..193..... "M � _. ._... __ ..._..... Cl. ....,s Mayor �c�ni�merr# �EiQrt�x[ ��reemen# T 1924, 'b>L Th. —1—l�e..erd C.nt.an,.. o) A,.H— Inc. � 4is AgreeI[ ml, nl a.le the �'"7 � rl.ny��( �'^�✓ 'T i m the year Ni---, Hundred and 3.:�y �J ^by -'d I.twce�i �.,r ✓ hereinafter called the Lessee. —1 V a ......... ..(... called ,l@ihtenadh, '1 -hat the Lcssre anal the I.cssr Cor the ee�zz sideratinns hcrci neper named .Fele as follows: Clnder the General Conditions of Lease printed < the side of this sheet. the I.essnr hereby leases to the Lessee all 1 pment .1 and 1 Cd h f 13 t g 1 f L l p fo t such I on. a� suchrental— znd fo pprotcyn ly - 1, he 5 rb dll suclt_eq pTen� ....... ........ with - n F�od ope —dit- ith all n cry tools Fze e-zzliar�tn the equilin eut anal not st anrlard, but n xra rahle� she..,ts,1h,lts or small eparts. the Lr-- ,d the I r fo them—l—the,- - utors, adm�mrc�ru _ and a s'Fns hereby afire , the full prrfnrmvnce of the covenants herein ec�zztatneel. t ,'i�7itness ,'�herevf, They pace cured thi, At;re-rzz-te-nt the .la, aryl. `first s ril1en Witness. Lessee. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF LEASE �D­ —h"'- A9l--"D�',",,,,"' rhea va a< aide of enc. e Or h< rhe__d . _ '_ HE D .. ......... . .... CITY OF ST PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - W e1 COUNCIL RF30LUTION-GENERA FOR •e coM MleelaNlw_._. '..' f�' �P ri� -- Whereas, additions and deductions which might prove to be neeeeeary on e 1 rovement deecribed as the Paving of Marshall Ave. from Bmtllne,Ave. to Pascal Ave., Feyen Construction Co., Contractor, have been provided for is the specifications and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the con- tract, and Whereas, it has been found necessary to make additions and de- ductions, Table 1 showing additions and deductions made in accordance with unit prices as stipulated in the contract and Table 2 showing additions end de - due tione made an a force account basis as ,provided in the contract. ADDITIONS. TABLE 1 36 Sq. Yde. 8" re inf. Concrete paving Hi Early strength cement ® 2.31 83.16 4.8 • sheet ae shalt on 64 cone. base ® 2.47 11.86 53.1a • •• concrete (driveway) ® 1.417 75.28 25 Lin.Ft. 8^x18" curb trench dug and forme set only ® •35 8•J5 19.8 ba! reinforcement ® .55 10.89. 24 " • straight curb trench excavated and refilled a .15 3.60 12 • ^ radius curb trench excavated and re- filled ® .20 2.40 $195.94 DEDUCTIONS.. 22.4 Sq. Yds. Monolithic sidewalk in place including subgrade ® 1.67 37.40 134.4 ^ Ft. of ti le relaid 0 .10 13.44 6.5 Lin. Ft. 8•x18• curbing exclusive of bar reinforcement ® .95 6.17 24 " Standard Curb straight ® 5 13.20 12 " • Bad. Standard Curb ® 5 7.80 78.01 Net addition Table 1. $117.93 ADDITIONSt - TABLR-2- i1 36 Sq. Yde. reinforced concrete pavement removed to permit flushing and filling of .ewer trench 56.04 1 day rental of comoreesor and hammer 19.00 33 Hrs. Common Labor ® .45 14.85 2;¢ Hre. Cement finisher a 1.00 2.50 50Sq. Yde. 55# mesh 247 lbs. m •05 12.35 9¢ Cu. Yde. 1112132 concrete ® 9.50 90.25 194.99 DEDUCTIOHt 133.25 Bbls. Cement ® 1.92 255.84 Total Net Additions $ 57.08 And, Whereas, the net addition is $57.08 now therefor, be it Resolved, that the City Council hereby approve aforesaid work done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the specificationa therefor the net addition due to same not to exceed the m a of $57.08, to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the con- tract known as Comptroller's Contract L. 3727 for the making of the aforesaid improvement for the reasons hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to the .g aforesaid apecifications and unit prices stipulated therein. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor, Feyen Construction Co., that the sum of $57.08 is the r easonable net addition to be made to the said contract. Commissioner of Public Works - Countersigned C1W1I1lss -- COUNCILMEN Mese Nate Adopted h3'the Council _._-._...��'r3. .. _._.193._ ......Ill favor A raved_._ ll 193. _Agsir,k �Wenzal h! aM e n Air. Pride^ Mahoney '94" CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pi.l of Mi.— DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ..E.�...�..ti c. w -NZ -o co >1o" aKKo.cl, .1Mss T K October la, 1932a, -0.E...., Hon. Herman C. 17—el C.—iesioner Public Work. Dear Sir+ This by way of explanation of items of changes which were made in conjunction with paving of Marshall Avenue from Pascal to Hemline. The additional item for 8" reinforced concrete and tho removal o£ reinforced concrete pavement inclu- ded all work necessary in repairing pavement settlement "o Id over/ seer trencri on the east aide of Hamline Avenue at Marshall Avenue. The additional items for 3" sheet asphalt pave- ment. 8"x18" curb, bar reinforcement, and deduction item of 6.5 lineal i'eet of 8"x18" curb were made necessary by changes in radius curb at the northwest corner of Ham - line and Mar srial 1. These changes were made at the in- stance and request of the owner of the abutting property. The additional items for straight and radius curb where trendies were excavated and then re -filled to- gether with the deduction items for straight and radius curb were made n�essary by changes in driveway curbing abutting lot 3, A. J. Seiter's Addition which change WEB :{n n. He�T,a�, C. aenrel - 2 octoter 1d, 14,2. also requested t. ...c ,e rty ox mer. The lelueticn ite ie 1c: 6" —olit-c sIdtw- ? and the sidewaik relsid —re —dr lecause the e -i, rty owns at—ed to the matching of the present sidewalkgr sue. The additional item ler replacing the concrete pavement on Tracy's Oil Station site includes work done at Ar. Seamer's (Valuation Eneinee r) request, the ecst of which is to be l:orne by the City in lieu of damages caused bg change of grade. The additional item for 60 concrete (driveway) includes all work necessary in construction of said driveway at Marshall Auto Laundry - Lot 26, Plock 4, Maceleeter View 4dditi on. The deduction item for "HS -Early -Strength Concrete" is due to the fact that we did not use the quantity of cement as originally called for. Hoping this conveys further detailed information of the items in the reeclution attached, 7 remain YPPPs land spectfully submitted, C�YA1E� E. CARRDLi; Sup'L., Construction & Repair. TEC -j. n__ aa�m�i'ieip� oc` ss. tei�. C.F. 94137, 94118, 94139, 98140, 94141. RESOLVED, that checks be dram on the City Treasury, to the egpregate amount of $o4,492.92, covering check. numbered 9679 to 9939 Sncln,tve, ae per check, nn file to the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Oct. 25, 1912 Approved Oct. 252 1U2 ^- L♦ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE 0' - - COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL MAY . COUNCIL RESOLUTION '`C "`""° AUDITED CLAIMS - Oct. u,- A 3` .OSE. TRUAX �.. AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAW ON THECTY TREASURY, WENZEL TO TME AGGREGATE A 0r Tp Of , I I ..SO COVER NG MR. PRES. ANON" YJ7 TO �� CLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUMB E ADOPTED BY THA COUNCIL_. 1.1 PER CHECKS N HE FF FTH CIT � OMPTROLLER. i APPRO [I pLLE. �' "� L - - - - - - TOTAL DATE -TCHECKF­_ HU...FR IN FAVOR OF cH.c.s cnFc.s sv -KK J BROUC Hr FowwARo 7 509 .00;659 651- ad - . 636 28' • 9679 x=I- Co. 83 60, 9640 Board of Water Commlaeionere 501 8611 9681 " 9682 207 99G 962 . " 168 52' " " x 1 197 26 996685 John H. MODOnald,O.Of P. sN 4 � 0�' 86 " " B B x 9687 Clyde R. May, C. of Pub. Utl. 44 307 968a Milton Rosen, Com. of FinanO6 54 60 9689 Milton Rosen, Custodian 412 281 9690 e . 1 208 081 9691 Fred M. Truax, C. of P. PLEB, 1 011 62 9692 " A A 1 N A A 210 41 9693 K, C. Wenzel, C. of Pub. Wks. 3 969 23 9694 N N N N N M N 2 123 30I 7 1980 la N 969 M A A A I N 116 33 9691 " 1 A I A I 2 423 06 1 N A F p M N 808 62x1 968 699 " " 570 59'', 9700 " 790 6211 9701 " • " x 190 60 9702 " 1 441 67 872 61 k 97� 399 72 9 70 655 04; 9706 142 67 9707 ' x 2 526 58 1 l 9708 Mc Clain a Hedman co. 24 43 10 961 9709 Me Fadden Lambert Co. 9710 Ye Gill Warner Co. 60 90I 9711Mo Graw-Hill-Book Co. 2 25 9712 me EesBon-St. Paul Drug CO. 128 78' 14 6 9713 Maak International Mtr. Trunk. Corp. 44 631 9714 Yaendlu.r Brush Co. 55 16. 9715 Mel on Motor oo. 1 162 681 9716 Marrinan Medical BuPtly Co. Inc. 13 9717 John Yaurue • 9718 Mayer Battery & Ignition seise service 407 721 9719 YeladY Paper co. b�0 9720 Merrill -Greer 8 Chapman Co. 11 5 9721 Midway Creamery Co. �7 40 9722 Midwest 011 Co. BO 8 1 60 9723 Mille r -Bryant -PS erne Co. 12 55 9724 Minnesota Envelope Co. 2 2 9725 kinneaotR Fence Works 3 00 9726 Minnesota Historical Society 132 90 9727 Minnesota News Co. 4 50 9728 Minnesota Pyro11 Co. P 16 80 9729 Mitauh 8 Beck Co. �J 65 9730 Yodel Laundry J 95 0� 9731 E. A. Moeller & Co. 97J2 Monroe Cal cul. tl ng Mach. Co. .Inc. 18 0$ 9733 Irl Maree 643 2 9734 Northern states Power Co. 9735 " " " 570 8 E TOTAL -FORWARD 3; 3h4 91'662 _75 77j1 li ' i I I I i i ,rT u NO. cou"c�u.,e"-Ro COUNCIL REbOLUT10N AUDITED CLAIMS -- Oct. -21 32 ROG.� -- - - - - _ - TOTAL cors "uMecR IN FAVOR OF IAISIER c ccR Ks er e,R� BROUGHT roRwARo 9662 275 77 _ 38354.917 _ - — . 9736 John Brave Milton Rosen, Com, of Finance j, 3 95 10 111 9737 Laundry Co. 73 �I 9738 Mothers Friend Co. 3005 9739 Motor Power Equipment PapeT Box Co. 12 97440 Mullery Murphy Motor Frght. Lines Inc, g4 9741 j79 37932 9742 Nassau Paper Co. 60 974 National Battery Co» 16 62 914 lati0na1 Bushing & Parts Co. 9M wil bf aranol of Juvenile 610' 9146 9ational Equipment O01p" 1 �5 9747 National Yater Co, 9748 Thomas Nelson & Sone 00 8 94 9749 New York Tea Co. Nicole Dean & Cragg 136 12 9750 " " 4 11416. 9751 9753 Noble & Noble 11 50 9154 nish Co. North akutorNleotrio Co. 65 21' Northern 9755 Northern Sates Power Co. 286 65' 97567 183 33 " 58 50 975e N M N 1 l4C o3' 970 " » N » " 116111 9761 Northwestern Copper & Braes Northwestern Fuel Co. 3g 30 9762 9163 Northwestern School Suoply Co. Stamp ^forks 98 044447 2 9 4 Northwestern 425 5 9765 A. J. Nystrom & Co. 4 44 9766 I & M Ottenheimer 51 88 976677 Owens Motor Salve Inc. 56 24 9 30 60 9769 Oxidite Battery Co. 20 DD 9770 A. N. Palmer Co. 235 47 9771 Paper Calmeneon & Co. 156 27 9772 Park Machine Co. 34 20 977443 97755 Paramount Piee M. F. Patterson Dental Sup. Co. 110 54. 60. 9776 Co. 22 4 68 W. J, Phillipe • 9777 ' 97l Isaac Pitman & sone P ate Glass Co. 7 9 91 Pittsburgh 195 92 9779 R. L. Polk & CO. 97K The Postage Meter Co. 13 00 9781 Presto menuiac tur ing Co. 26 73 9782 9783 Price Electric Co. Public School Publishing Co, Utilities Reports Inc. 12 50 7 50 9784 9785 Public PuTe Oil Co, 2 00 55 00 9786 W. F. Quarrie & Co. 23 75 9787 The Pyramid Co. 51 9788 Quick service Battery Co. ik 60 9789 E. J. Radlein 14 00 9790 Ramaley Printing Co. 18 27 9791 Railway Express Agency 1 44 9792 Ramsey Motor Service Inc. s"EErrOr,�_FORw,RO 36 354 91 e' `6�186 95 p ,. R *o CITY CLE11."T c,u oFFice of TNSAcomvTsouEN .� " N0. �!` COUNcLIEN • -sou % COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS O t A 3` no..N ...Nus........ " e .5,2 9-8c 9793 - 9 n e " r.esn l IN FAVOR OF TOTAL cns rz "erc 38 354 91 678 la6 95 • Thomas J. Aehotn 39 60 979j 9794 Raymer Rerdware Co. 29 51, 9795 Red Wing Union stoneware Co. 16 00 . 7 751 9796 A. J. Aelaer 302 93 9797 Remington Rand Ino. 26 91 9798 9799 D. J. Riley Co. Clement V. Ritter 9 9800 Robinson Cary Sande Co. 65 24 12 9941 801 ,& Roe James Glees Co. 7 00 9802 Royal Typewriter Co. 9803 9804 Bt. Paul Arcade Co. St. Paul Book & Statiannry Co. 10 60 9805 no 1� 9806 1611 72 980716 9808 St. Paul Bottling Co. e2 3 �, 9809 9810 St. Paul Broom Mfg. Co St. Paul Electr is Plsting Works. 25 9811 St. Paul Foundry Co. 149 40 21 10 9612 St. Paul Goodwill Industries 4U 11 9813 St. Paul Milk Co. 20 00. 9814 St. Paul Milling Co. 2 17 9815 St. Paul Overall Laundry Co. 9816 St. Paul Builders Material Co. 02 9817 St. Paul Stamp Wks. 127 20 25 9818 St. Paul Stamp Works. 4 14 95 9819 St. Paul vocational School 3 66 9820 Russell Sage Foundation 19 00 9821 Sanborn Map 00. 15 93 93 9822 Soheffer & Rosaum Co. 1 3 50 9823 Sohelen Automotive Co. 8 50 9624 Fred A. Soblete & Co. 10 0 9825 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Co. Schoch Grocery Co. 322 26 9826 Andrew 61 07 9827 Andrew Schoch Grocery Co. 9828 School Music1 00 473 13 9829 J. L. Sbiely Co. 228 65 9830 , M N N N N8150 257 82 9831 N DN N, 9hot�ell CoN 91)� qj3 9f Fo Products Co, Oorporation 12 �� 910 983 Signel Service 16 70 9835 H. J. Slawik Inc. Tyne. Inc. 6 45 983 L. C. Smith & Corona 116 O6 9837 The Speekes co. 63 52 9838 Speedogeter 3erv. & Aec. Co. 245 83 45 6)9 919 9640 Sperry Office Furniture Co. J. Springer 66 P. 11 28 9841 Standard Brands Inc. 42 00 9642 9843 H. 1:. Stahl Co. Standard Stone Co. 350 7cj 9844 Standard Unite Parts Corp. 96 5 25 98 9845 G. &. Stechert & Co. a s"ccr 354 jl 6L3 4�9 dl T1, UU1111 K DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OP SAINT PAUL COLI CIL N0. ��/� ��� _.. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER PILE . COUNCILMEN—pOLL COUNCIL RESOLUTION U 11 e os11` N AUDITED CLAIMS Oct. 1 3` RESOLVED OTWAT . CNsc—C-eF oaAwv o n Tv CIT. TaEA: ar. EN pL MR AGAINsi HE AO D� .aIN ]03 2 C —I NBRA D 9545 To 9d 6 N -S O IRC ILII I " 111-o� CIT. COM.TIO O TNI --L ---- A„PE ..... _ ✓vim' w TOTAL r+UM ecR IN FAVOR OF c.., Rc s cRccws er u.R. -—T I.—A.. 36 354891683 426 81` Com, of Finance. 63 66 9846 Milton Rosen, Co. 20 98438 7 Specialty Printing 21 40 9848 9849 A. Stenographic Bureau S. U. Mallas 150 001, 1 12 9850 9851 Bellis Broe. Capitol Stationery & Mfg. Co. 71 031 9852 J. Mark Dalglisb 45570 00'. 9g5 Fuel E.oaomy Engr. Co. 40 67 985 Graton 8 %nl ght 9855 Eoehler & Hinri one Co. 44 6771 9856 9t. Paul Class Co. 28 46 9857 St. Paul " Itional School 104 051 9858 St. Paul Wh1 to Lead & 011 Co. 14 501. 9859 Sanitary Bottling Co. 64 58' 9860 9penc er Lena Co. 204 001 9861 Stegmelr Tire Co. 19 11�, 9862 Pyramid Co. 40 13 9863 PrlDe Eleotr lc Co. 25 00 9864 L. Paul 96 00' 9865 John Fitzpatriok 15 OS 9866 P. D. Sullivan 8 45 9867 Teachers Dollege 1 5i8 9868 Transit Supply Co- 44 9869 Traver: Ink Co. 3 9870 Travers Indemnity 00. 83 40 9871 Tri. State Tel. & Telgr. Co. 137 W 9g72 A 357 101 9872 987 ' Trussbilt Steel Door$ Inc. 88 00 ?j3 00 9875 Twin City Saw—Duet Co. galea Co. 9876 9877 7ypewrlter Underwood Elliott Fisher Co. 43 1�C 50 24, 9878 Union Library Ae:'Cn 32 96 9879 Union Water Meter Co. 12 00 9880 University of Minn, Press. 214 48' 9881 J. C. Vander Bie Oo. Ina. 336 O8; 9882 Van Paper Supply Co. 116 90' 9883 VSllaume Bo= & Lumber Co. Waldorf Bindery Co. 144 70 988844 9885 Washin ton Foundry Co. 145 60 6 �i 9886 • 9887 W. L. Weber R. E. Wedeletaedt Co. 116 3( 9888 w. LL. Welch Mfg. Co. 204 6 25 50 9689 Wst End Ice Co. 31 20' 9890 Be. Weeternan Co. 7 75 9891 Western Auto 3up ply Co. 10 00 9892 '&astern Tea & Coffee Co. 1 50 9893 Oe Co. Wheel & Rlm 3eTO e 70 96 9894 R. B. Whiteore & Ca. 23 41 9895 The White Co. 00 50 9896 Amberet H. Wilder Charities 55 9897 Williams & 'wilkins Co. 53 65 9898 Worthington Pump & Maoh. Corp. SH—TOTAL—FORWAaD 3f 354 91 e 6 9 135 ° OUPuu.TE TO CITY CER. CITY or s111T P.ULCOUICI L No. ;)( 141 COUNCILMEN OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER LLCALL FILE MAV / COUNCIL RESOLUTION F -Y" AUDITED CLAIMS opt. 25, 9 32 JsT RESOLVED, TH.T CHEcns a[ �Fl, :a� " TOT"'­­:E'.TE�Mo « ,R a HT OF i 9x99 z6 9539 CHC«. FR CHFCH, o«THE D r y =R -TC. aY HC C -- - ....... - IN FAVOR OF crec.s TOTAL o.Tc TOTAL crams Bye... .38 354 91(669 135 05` . 8trane 50 4oi .9699 Ford 3 0o 9900 Davie—Lagerman, Agen7B 5o 40 9901 Pat Kelly 92 60 9902 Generator specialty Co. 161 57' 9903 Art. E. Eromeahroeder John D. Anderson 34 07 9904 Road Mach. Co. 134 39 9905 Austin Western 28 50 9906 J. H. Bonbright Co. 2 00 9907 Brom & Day Ino. 1 0 9908 The Business Educator 143 8' 9909 Commonwealth Electric Co. 423 55 9910 Commercial Ga co. 101 93 9911 Consumers Milk Co. Crescent Creamery Co. 101 90 9912 9913 Dainty Products Co. P. M. Farioy 3 4 9914 9915 Leonard Frank Co. 44 10 1 85 14 9916 The Frigidaire9alea Corp. 00 9917 Chester W. Gaskell 22 32 9918 M. A. Gedney Co. 62 10 9919 Griggs Cooper & Co. 64 685 324 9920 Herechler Candy Co. Inc. 6 9921 H. W. Janssen & Bon 15 95 9922 Johnson's Market House May Inc. 330 79 992'/ 9924 Midway Creamery co. 4 260 9 99 Midwest oil CO. Milk Co.45 122 07 9920 Minnesota CO. 12 9927 9t. Paul Builders Xat'1 9t. Paul Milk Co. 210 79 9926 9929 Sanborn Map Co. 18 62 154 9930 Sanitary Farm Dsiris. Ino. 00 9931 Sohuneman & Manheimers 153 50 9932 Sanitary Food Mfg. co. 81 18. 993 ch Grocery Co. Andrew 9o Bie Co. Inc. 3 40 63 993 9932 J. C. Vander W. L. Weber Meat Co. 6 61 18 31 9930 Westlund 281 73 9937 R. B. Whitacre CO. Co. 71 66 99939 Y erggumi Br Cndl Meat 106 31 • 0/ I sHEETTOT.L�DRwARo �. 354 91 ,:693 2-9 K9„ i COUNCIL RESOLUTION October 92y94 • Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs n the recommendation of • the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving and widening the northwest corner of West Winifred street and South Webasha street, in accordance withplans and specifications hereto attached, to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, they being `he lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $559.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to drew up the proper form of contract therefor. Iqa Q.MS iaa �- ' c�au+° cemW u°rw:ma u� �Nm• "` w � wm.wa e°i rya �`pae'°ia0N e1�.A'. u�n.vvb ''OLP��� FfAND�.dSONH a.mr mR a.em .e�. masa. , w• b iae.aeoy uo.' a Y! J1 8874 ....�.......T�M.T.. 665.00 :.:o:.eM�".:�;.�°:;���:..o..M "` ea ......o.....°..o. a .� ....°.......-�..,....°...°.° ...o -.p°. . . :559.00 .559 00 .T... I L.T..... a. ........° -...— to FInT` J4143 cnnnee File Nn_._ t PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hemby proposes the mslmg of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via: Reconstruct, relay and rep it the sidew—s ..t the following locations t On the south side of Iglehart Te. beginning 40 ft. r.st of Asbury ^ve. thence west 36 ft. beginning 100 ft. farther west thence .gest 23 ft. Un the north side of Iglehart Ave. �eglnning nstmry .-.ve. thence e.st 33 ft. beginning 134 ft, farther e-st thence e:-st " ft. On the soath side of Iglehart Ave. to;inning 40B ft, west of Pascal Ave., thence west z6 ft, ceginning 151, ft. farther nest, thence west 26 ft. beginning at Asbury "ve. thence east 67 ft. (, G 1 i93 Adopted by the Council..._..__...__...... _...._...__.._..._...__... _.._. Y.- Nere Councilman ( ntnv """" Approved . - �.,.maza'yq //vn 11C�e8tlm�sYu.. ..'. . Boe6a➢anna Ma Pasemswr Mep/f .w o.,,t.r�o-.n n.W thi—._2LIfh._..aay ot........___...Qatobez-------- --- .....__..._._. q " - •._tiQ eiiWa ------------- PRELIMMARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written PMPOW for the makios of the fosowi.i imPro—t, sia.- Reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalks at the following locations : on the south side of Iglehartwe. beginning 40 ft. west of Asbury ave. thence west 36 ft, beginning 100 ft. farther west thence west 23 ft. On the north side of Iglehart Ave. 'beginning at Asbury Ave. thence east 33 ft. beginning 134 ft. farther east thence east 22 ft. 0n the south side of Iglehart Ave. beginning 406 ft. west of Pascal Ave., thence west 26 ft, beginning 155 ft. farther west, thence west 26 ft. beginning at Asbury ^ve. thence east 67 ft. ^ T U K ;.i 1. f ... .... ...... having been J—t,ad W the C -1111-f the city of St. Paul thcrefor., b- i*- REIBADIJI-IVIE-D, That the Commissioner Of Pd,di. W.H. be sad ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To i vestigate the ne—aity for, or desirability of. the making of said improvement. 2, To illto the nature, rte,t and estimated cost of mid improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. -r-. plan, profileor sketch of eeid improvement.4. Towhether or not said improvement is eaked for on the petition of three or more .—ars 5. To report upon foregoing .11 of the .ragimg on.ttore W the Conomad .. r of nnaece. Adopted bYtheC—�—ocil ---- ------- Y.— N— Approved_ INAL — F, g='az= J4144 Co®ea F51e No. ------- PROPOSAL FOR 1MPROYEMEMf. t.e ue es oe u„`eue:�e� meO`I and ttt PRELIMINARY ORDER The undaa�gnad h.—Io, p_poeee the making of the following public improvement by the 'City� A- Psul, vi..: Construct driveways at the following loci: '.Sons 1 South sine of Iglehart ave. Ceginning 85 1't. west - of Pascal Ave. thence west 10 ft. beginning 38 ft-. farther ,..,-t tY nce west 8 ft. leginning 193 ft. farther west thence .._=t B ft. North slue of Iglehart —. Leginning 33 ft. east .,of t.st­ry —e_ thence east 8 ft. beginning 55 ft. f.:x t—' etist t -Hence ea-st e ft. i Reconstruct, relay and repair the brick alley crosI ng on the south side of Larroll eve. '-ete•een Snelling Ave. i a a Asbury Ave. t east thence east 8 ft. Reconstruct, relay and repair the brick alley crossing on the south side of Carroll -vs. tetween Snelling Ave. and Asbury Ave. Dated this.20th .._..day of vril PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the maki.g of the following impmvement, via.: Construct driveways at the following locations : South side of Iglehart Ave. beginning 95 ft. west of Pascal Ave. thence west 10 ft. beginning 36 ft. farther west thence west 8 ft. beginning 193 ft. farther west thence west 8 ft. Borth side of Iglehart Ave, beginning 33 ft. east of Asbury Ave, thence east 8 ft. beginning 55 ft, farther east thence east B ft. Reconstruct, relay and repair the brick alley crossing on the south side of Carroll I've.-^etween Snelling Ave. and Asbury Ave. — Cr,!r <��' R.. LG'` 'T: .« LlC -,T6?. GI..,. 3e i.c• -r �ov-�r�.ner yr -r.,. s•�.R-�a Qr r.rs L�rro„rue rooms roma ...___-_-.__-. __.____..-_ __ ...__...._. _._ _..._ _ .__... _...__-. having been presented to the Council of the City of 9t. Peu-.......... therefore, be it REBOLVFA3, That the Commieai ner of Public Works be .d is hereby ordered end directed: Eor, or desirability of, the mcldng of mid improvement. 1. To investigate the ntu", Y t d the told wet thereof. 2. To investigate the naature, extent and estimated cost of evd improvement, m 3. To furnish a plan, prefile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not avid improvement ie .ked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To :sport upon all of the Eomgoing matters to the Commieaio— of b5mnw- Adopted by the Council_. --------- .----- Y— C... ....YueCuncApproved_.._._,.: - S'E. 8�a Ms Ma P'aaean— roam ,,.PUBLISHED,'o-29 '3'-`" l or Req. of Mrs. A. Anderson, 1315 DeSoto St. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT to, —6 PRELIMINARY OP -DER. C .... il File NO 9!M5 W;z The undersigned hereby proposes the making Of the following public improvement by the City Of St. Paul, viz-: Reconstruct_ i� cons truct trig. relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the nor - th__ ---side-o£ Sims-Streetbeginning at r.e�� er Avenue, ._._.._thence—at 130, fa -t - Dated thm 25th -A.y of 0.1�.be,, 1932 .... ... .. alman PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the -.1d.9 Of the f -11—i-9 improvement, i': "constructing relaying -and sidewalk on the north -- beginningat reenbrieb Avenue, ____._.thence._az t IZO fe.t-- ....------ ..... ........ I . .. .... . ...... ---------- ------- ............. having been Presse ted to the Council of the City of St. Paul . ....... ............. .... --- - ------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the C--i--lo--r Of Public W-1- be and is hereby Ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the rualdg of said irepre-ma-t- 2. To investigate the nature, co tent and estimated most Of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Plan, profile, or sketch of said improvement. 4. To elate whether or net said irepro-ceent in asked for on the Petition of three or more -cers 5. To report Pon an of the foregoing tonttere te, the Commissioner of FlIence. n (7 q5 IM Adopted by the Co,,Ml-- -- ------ ...... ------ ----- - ----- Y-. Na - Council— Csy it — App—d ---- - ------------ ---- ----- --- - --- --- --- -- -- Ms. Pass— 94146 , RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A11fb FIXING TIME OF HEARING ZF .RING TLKE OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DA,MAG . In the matter of__Dy9ILL4¢.-w1.daALA¢,_91ctf3AdirW sIId_P-1ViQ4tSl+�tJie allgye_ _-block_ bounded by Pleasant Ave., Chatsworth St., Randolph St. and Juno St., by condemning and taking the fallowing lands[ the south 30 ft. of Lot 1 and Lot 8, Block 1, Buckhout'a Be. of Moore's Addition, and in addition thereto two triangular pieces of property measuring 10 m feet west and 10 feet south fronortheast corner of Lot 22, Block 1, Cole's 3e. of Blocks 1 and 2, and Sub, and Enlargement of Block 3, and 10 ft. ..at ami 10 ft. south from the northwest corner of Lot 7, Block 1, ifatson's 2nd Addition, app80°�r cixo'ru®°�i '�usa�0ma A rsr ew.+an oe gsuam. ta: of onrms, wm..� under Preliminary Order ----- 9327N_____________, approved_A'+Sust_4, 1952___ ____ Intermediary Order ---------- 9301-------------- a pproved_Sapteabsr_ 14,_1932_ -----__----_- Final Order _________________94002 -------------- approved_ Oct Ober 11,_1932___________ -___- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the__-- ------ 2$rd ------ day of ------------- No-v-er*er------, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council______ ------ _------ ._-_-_--__----- 19____ _.may 1 � I / City Clcrk. Approved-- ----- -. 19__._ J � Come.. , r Councilman 1. ,. Councilman dam° Councilman �9RlI!lfAlt'a `c„ ..a Mayors D4147 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING -TIME OF HEARING 31M :LSD FIVNG TIME Of Q[A"P"G Ww Ti:. ,{y p A ,D OF DAMAf,Cf In the matter oi___eswd.ardcin�RncL _taiclnR _an eaxameut_Sor__thfl_nuruQSQ_ of _mistrust- ing and maintaining, a Public s w , under and across the rcrtherly 8 feet If Lot 9, Block 3, De snorer Park, from Glendale Ave, to the alley '.n the rear of said lot, also condemning a -.d taking a temporary easement for construction porous.. only on a strlr of land 5 ft. in dth on the south side a; the sbove easement in Lot 9 and on the southerly 5 ft. �f Lot 8 in said Block 3, Des—ler Park, under Preliminary Order______93201 ---------- ve approd____ July_27r 1932-------------- Intermediary Order ----------- 9"3543----------- app roved____ -A -._31.r 1932 Final Order------------------ 8361Q----------- approved_____ Qct _.__A,_1932__ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the___- __ 23rd -------- day of___ _ _ Nq-v-ember........... _. 1932, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missions, of Finance be and he is hereby directed to Rive notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. -- Adopted by the Council ______________-_-._________. ---- 19__/__Approved-- 19-- City Clerk. ,, yor. Councilman Onray, CCooununccilmilmanan Wald _ C�^,Ll51iCD Councilman e Councilman Councilman �9afiBlR t'`'^= -el Mayor 94148 COUNCIL FILE N0.___......__ .......... By____ .........._........._._....__.._........_....... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefit., ,at. and .zp ee for grading alleys in Block 9, Mattock lark from. Schaffer St. to Bayard Ave., and from north and south alloy to Maoeleat.r Ave., a maA re a-silne s0er� IouHlack ai from aeheRer P. eertr under preliminary Order...... 90460 ..........1 1.., Intermediary Order_.._.9Il677_..._ -., Final Order. .90882 _. ., .pp .,,,] ...... _Dec. 16 ...__.. _._..... _.__......., 19ny The e,sea sment offar and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, sad the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, th... forc, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessmevt he and the same is hereby in all respect, approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said esseasment oa the.._._...ySSrd-- -day of November____.___ __. _..__.. 19..32, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City hall Building, in the City of Sr Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give entice of ,aid meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount sssesed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is di ... led. Adopted by the Council nr _—_ __, 19._._X1 x..........19 City Clerk. Approred _ � Mayor. Co...ilmsv95F> `I `�• Yl!Li.,,,,.i:iJ. --�l-. l Comed.an9RetPon 1d Ccunailman�%Ed'- _ CouncilmanItPr U,. .STT iel MeY �s 3 ^I.it„o 31 94149 �t C �,Nw 1111F— of Inv E�mitter of; Wa+weumant Mtl tw eosU•ud-hspaaN/-for w(- COUNCIL FILE NO.— By O..._E CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the metier of the —'—let of benefits, costs and expenses for widening the existing roadway on Snelling Avenue from Grand Ave. to Summit Ave., and paving the widened portions, also repaving the present roadway by removing the wood blocks and ...urfaci.g the exiting base with ...halt mixture, a ..pt where asphalt urfa.e in good oondition n exists, %iso includin(: curbing andxpaving alley ane drive- way approaohea, making a art, water and gas connections from street mi— to property lines where not already tend., an all other work neoes...y and inoidental to said improvement, 56 foot roadtmy andnextra 10 feet:ridth .n the east side of Snelling Ave. between G and Ave. and the .1ley north of Grand Ave., r urfaci no the ezistint•, roadway with asphalt ... paving the wide-. d portion with .sphalteon concrete base, under Prehmmary Order_..... ..90814.... Intermediary Order.9ll4S........_ Final Order... 913&7.._....._ _......l eP,ro,,d _... ._Jxn._5__.--- _. ._. _. _......... __. 1932.. rfitaa _cot d ex ,_,,...... _ _....._.for and in ......tiov with 7'hc esseasmenl of b . _. .. _.Pa .. the above impm,,,,,nt having been submitted to the C-11, and the Co..cil having considered same and found the said msessmcnt satisfactory-, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said aavices.ent be and the same is hereby is all respects ppr—ed. RESOLVED FURTHER, Test s puelic hearing be had on said aeseamev[ on the......... 23rd........ day of Inbar_..,,_ , 19...32, at the hoar of 10 o',loek A. 3t., i. the Cauneil Chamber of the Court House and City Holl Building, io the City of SI. 1'eol; that the Ca.miseiover of Fin.... gine notice of said meetings, a, required by the Charter. It.tiog io said notice the time and pias, of h ... i.g, the valor, of the improvement, th, tenni sort thereof. and the a. ount named against the lot or lots of the particular I— t. whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council 1 ^ City i[ C Y Jerk. Approsed 19. 1 Co.neilm.. sera Moi P1WLISIIED �� -,➢7 3 Council... MDAomld-� I','nnv I — council... IMWJW — L,- .. Co..iDe Councilman WYIAIiiG13c'sa Mayor yl:hu.ey 94150 COUNCIL FILE NO...__........_.._.....__......_.. By---- '._....._....................._............_... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costa and expenses for changing the grade of Van Dyke Ave. from Hyacinth St. to Autumn St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and rade a part hereof, the precept establish- ed grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also rradinr. Van Dyke Ave, from Hyacinth St. to Autumn St. to the proposed red line when established, and grading alley in Block 1, Hazel Park Division 110. 5 from Hazel Ave. to Van Dyke Ave., C. F. No. a1160— ]pbmadtm. a m f the U Nam a -m- for rduelyr t4vaerae, v[ vtay a. eon(ve�mvteot the BeE ho. yt� I 04 a aerate • uvkea y.ra eeeL taownrob F vv under Preliminary Order_._.. 90273........ _._..._., Intermediary Orde _. 4.Q.ff25....._ _.__._......., Final Order .. _ 2091 ...._._., app... ed 119?..19_51 The _,.meet .1 benefit., damage e, coats and espeneee_ _ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Ceuucil having cousldered same end found the said sese'esment satisfactory, therefore„bo it RESOLVED, That the said aaseasment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assesement on the...... 23rd...__..... day of Aoaember. ,___........_........... , 1952, at the hour of to o'clock A. At, in the Council Chamber of the Conn Hoose end City hall Building, in the City of St. Poul; that the Commissioner of Fivaves give notice of said meetings, ae required by the Charter, stating in .acid notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof. and the =lost asseased against the lot or Iota of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _.__ ..__._.. _._....� _.... r .._._.. .... _ ..... City Clerk. Approved —. _ ...__.. _. Mayor. Ccuneilman&grguaou PtibLi.Il1:U L Councilman �CaUnoattY= l`"-'” Councilmen dtnhPmd-- Canoed— dhavz0hp.0— Councilman 29VAv1 ..W l\.izel Mayor M.81Ml blhoev 94151 COUNCIL FILE NO_._......__...._._.._.......__ By..__ ............. _.......... ....... ..... _............ ........ .... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the saeeament of benafite, costa and —pensee for planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Carroll Ave. betvreen Aldine St. and Wheeler Aver _ C.rilel— i he taa matterf the easement of banea4, aa,ti ..df ezoeaee for' an both side, of oC-011 An btect P, etweer fldinmgt.'end Wbeeler Ave., on, 1hllminery order 86110, W- �' Order 87071 Final Or' ed Feb, 1i, 1181. Lemont of boned �.ones for in above Imn' under Preliminary Order___. eS494_.__ _._._.., Intermediary order_...b.79.71__.. ...._._.__....., Stinal Order ...8822,6 __..._ ____._, approved _._....._ Fah. ..17.__._ _. .....__........_, 1931_. The assessment of, _benePika,-.coats..and_. pensea............ _ ................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satiafaetnry, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........... 23 rd_ ..,,day of N -calla r,_....___.____. _. _., 19.32., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Rouse and City Ball Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount aasessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. f , Adopted by the Council. TAy ' City Clerk. Apprumd �� f�/•(�� Mayor. Ceuncilm erion,goson— / ConnCllman �C'I10naId ' � ~ Councilman%liland Councilmanihftitet'� �— t.l Councilman Mud„ ey Mayor VMW — B. B. 17 j 11'cn ze � \Ir. fres_ \Iahon� O RDI NANO Fw p,. ,,, 94152 t b czb a c No. r VB gf t a av , — PRESENTED BY. -`'S: •3'--Yy%yyyI h� �i spy -E NO. �4i➢lit� ��� ' .ppa ! DWIn ➢" t 1 An ordinance appropriating and setting aside Six Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Three and 46/100 Dollars ($6,723.46) from the City's Share of Local Improvement Fund, Code 31-E1, to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, for the purpose of paying part of the cost of the following improvements: i' L 3645 - Sewer, from Point Douglas Road to Fish Hatcheries - - - - $ 967.93 L 3647 - Pave intersection of Cleveland and St. Clair St. _ - - - 1665.97 ± L 3651 - Pave intersection of Annapolis Street and Alley - - - - - 95.52 L 3673 - Pave Snelling Ave. from Grand Ave. to Summit Ave. - - - - - - 3774.04 The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain. Section 1. That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from the City Share of Local Improvement Fund, Code 31-E1, and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, the sum of Six Thousand Seven Rundred Twenty Three and 46/100 Dollars ($6,723.46) for the purpose of paying part of the cost of the above listed improvements. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. 1'ea, Councilmen Ways 1'a5scd by .he Council _ _. C Truax / I McDonald ) _ In Favor . I Pearce WM. F. SCOTT, RosenCITY CLERK Against �rlser �r Wenzel Mr. President i fttUCd Mahoney ar 1f17� � ,i n CIcr0. Vuor l POST " D NOTICE! Behss�—^o> �IMISSIONER OF FINANCE PFFICF OF THE: A' St. Pool. Minn...... Potsnent to Seetion 5of the euildina Zone Otdi—ee ht -y notified Council of the City of St. Poul. July I&, "' You e chat the aPPlicntion ofJoeeph Bernstein PYRODert nd to all ofillio n o oa the B•A• o. r.. Central CsaEa+1--N.60' f S;toYoBlk.7. Ea.. of B11ca.6k7, Pack Add. 26th day wall come op foe c na:dcranon bcloce the Council .n :he Council Chamber I. the C:tr '1.11Oot, nd C-11 2' ag l U o� do�k At M. of M1' T .. Comm:satoner of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL co�wcc No. .................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1%MVnsV= WHEREASJoseph Bernstein haw petitioned the Council for i permission to nstall and maintain a drive-in filling station at the southwest corner of Robert street and Central avenue; and AfDwREA6, field Jos eph Bernstein has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out , with driveways, curb returns, pump boar tion, sidewalks, ato. for the information of the Oouncll; and - WHEREAS, A hear Ing has been held In accordance with Par 17] graph F. Seotion 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RE80LVED, That permission and authority are hereby given 1 to Joseph Bernstein to install and maintain said station in accord - =as with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pampa shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the' direction and t o the eatisfaotion of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plana and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parke, sidewalks, and Pub Jo Buildings; end any ohanges in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvan ante within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the esti sfaot ion of the oommis- revooatlon bypublic the Coi ol.3_ whenjB everi theshall CouncilfoTeva shallr det ermines t to that the maintenance of eaid station constitutes a fire or traff,!jj Lazard. COUNCILMEN Yees Nay. y I�eDonald/ Rosen as s.n Wenzel Mr. President Mahoney✓/ i Adopted by the Council......_- _......---_-. -_....-.-.193...-.. Approved...... _ -.__.. ........... . .........193..... Mnyor ....... -' POS.T ,C);An NOTICE! )OF_FICIF OF THE C0,4MISS10t,46R OF FINANCE Aug....I '922... Poraaant to Section 5 of the Building Z— Ordinance adopttd by the Council of the City of St. Paul. J.,ly 7th. 1922, you are hereby notified cher ihPpli—ti-- of and i.—Ilt,the R.60' -of. E.z of blk. 7. Ret of Bllcs. batt 7, ..centrale Pn rlc Ad 1,--S.;7.00r, of Robert k Central r - will come up for considers tion before the Co oencil in tai Ctouncil Chamber, n the City Hell and Coort m—mi BuildinBthe day of . Auguet. I S@20 1 O o'clock A. M. _. .asroner of Finance. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pl.l of Mioo DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C. WENZEL Connissl➢rven s�0 .­ August 18, 1938 We. T. Scott, City Clerk Dear Birt Ret Drive -In Filling Station, 8W corner Robert and Cen- tral, Northerly 80 ft. of Westerly 1/2 of Block 7 Re of Blocks 8 and 7, Central Park Addition. Joseph Bernstein, Applicant The above proposed station is located in a district zoned for commercial purposes and the erec- tion of a gasoline filling station Sa permissible un- der the zoning ordinance subject to a hearing before the Council. eS.aj,.a r+*,w Remr -t Attention is called to the heavy traffic character of Robert Street which, along with the fact that all of the grades are In ex- cess of 8% and that Central Ave. is a one-way at this point, produces a serious traffic hazard. Expansion Joints should be installed by the builder as indicated in yellow pencil an blue paints attached. - The applicant has indicated the removal of two traffic signs and has not made provision for their replacement. Bader this plan the applicant proposes to move or lower two existing catch basins, it is doubtful if such lowering or moving can be satisfactorily ac- oomplishad at this point. Hearing Yours very truly Y. Shepard I^7.01 Jz4fEngineer onw Wm. F. Scott City Clark THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA I,4 COUNT HOUSE August 19, 1938 Dear Sirt In the tatter of the appl3mation of Mr. Jos. Bernstein for Drive-in Filling Station at the south- west corner of Central Avenue and Robert Street. Mr. Roisner of the DeLoop Parking Garage ap- peared for Mr. Bernstein. There are five filling stations between 8th Street and Central Avenue on the west side of the street and two on the east side of the street, making seven stations within six blocks. The enclosed pen- cilled sketch shows the relation of this site to the Mechanic Arts High School; the two direction driveway on Central Avenne, the St. Paul Hospital, the school grounds of the vocational School and the apartment house in the rear, of. the Bite. here does not appear to be a public or neighborhood necessity for this service station, but it is the view of the Board that If there is no objection on the part of Mechanic Arts High School, Industrial School, the representatives of the hospital, or the owners of the apartment build- ing, all of whom will receive notice to the hearing, that they would recommend isening the permit. very truly yours, GEMS GSORGS R. HE=LD Sagineer-Secretary 04 �Jv rt CED,\?. ST,Al -- 1 u V •_E,GEI�I�AL_R.AAK�L� __ 71 1 I r, t Ilii I 'I fl I I 1 I I' 0 of �0 -- -------------- CF! � L Avg. 6.49 Oeu.y o c Z- ♦wl �w� I� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • � ==aww • o..ica. Sao �a .wa ���� Application For License AUTOMOBIL9 FILLING STATION , / 1 i TO THE HONORABLE, THE G QTY fAUNC�L OF SF. PAUL. M t N N «^TA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made CIV �A I FILED •�....�,. o. ....�<.... �z 111, ILI" o_TE -' ` ` =Wit=-._ �• 3-i IF CITY OF SAINT PAUL CaP71.1 Mm� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SArETY Teeth .ed MI—oo See- IOHN H. KAZONnLD, Cawwssioi+Y jugn.t d, M2 i�+owes c. oc �' JD—Ca..11-1 Mr. Vinic. F. scott, Citi clerk, Saint Psol, Yinnesot. Dear Sir, Returned heresith is the appli.stl- of Joseph Rarostein for penUsioh to instal a drire-ls gasoline filling station on the aouthse.t ooaner of Central and Robert Street, and report. of impaction by the Rareans of Mrs Prevention and Traffic. Very truly your., Co®Seeioner of Public Safe THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY , CITY CW SAINT PAUL Aug. 4, 193$ Mr. John H. McDonald, Co®Sesioner of Publdc Sefaty_ Dear 151 - With reference to application made by Joseph Bernstein for permission to Stell a drlve-in monoline fill'- station on the southwest corner of Central and Hobert Street, also dsecrlbed an South of Central and West of Hobert, rear of Block 7, Ceat rel Part addltl- Ln Inspection of this location - made by me on August 4,19 32, and I do not find that the proposed si at ion 8111 interfere with or tonstltnte, a traffic hazard. 7onra Lru1y, ryWfettergren. Supt. f Traffic. do.... CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minneeob DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Te th ...d INAI— to Streeb JOHN H- McDON/�LD, Corvussiorae August 4th 1932• Hon.John H. MOD -r Xcl Commissioner of A.ib11a Safety, Bt.raul.Mlnn. Dear Bir: In regsrQ to the application of Joseph Bernstein for permission to i-et;ma1 a drive-in gasoline filling sta- tion on the eoutkx r&mt corner of Robert and Central, south of Central, weet oS Robert, rear of Block 7, Central Park Addition. We nave irivest igat ed theforegoing and report that such an installation at the desired looation would not in- crease the fire 1 azard to the extent that it would warrant rejection. Soouuurrjss RespecccttffuulllY Chief Inspector. Fire prevention Bureau. CITY OF Sr. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM o e Public and ' wHERLAS, The Cosi eeioner of Parke, Plnygr tm Buildings has reported to the Council that the'tire-esoe\Pe)On the building looated on Lot 10, Block 5, Bt. Paul Proper -,-111'e0 known as 65 E. Sixth street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition e.e to warrant its being condemned and tom down; therefore, be it RICSOLV=, That a public hearing shall be had upon the advis- `vI ability and necessity of wrecking said fire -escape,. on the 23rd' day of November, 1932, at ten o-olook A. M. in the Council Ohambsr / in the Court House, in the Oity of at. Paul, Minnesota; be 1 ` 7'URTH.ER RESOLVLO, That not lees than ten days Prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the 00mmieeloner of Parks, Playgrounds and Publlo Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of Dodd property, at hie last known address, or to the agent of said property or the occupant thereof, a notice stating the time, plata and nature or purpose of said bearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such is axing to be given by one publication in the Official newspaper of said Oity, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hewing% Y—COUNCILMEN Nuys Adopted by the Council..193._ ... Mey _ 'LaaD _.193_..-. Pearce -- _. .In favor Approved_. --- ��� Rosen T --Against Mayor Wenzel Mr. President Mahoney 'yUbLLSIiF.D �� ` okyr�mavm CITY OF ar. PAUL • '' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK •^ eA41rq� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GFNERAL w'c kr _ T— • *fin x ■HCRLAS, The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Cauncil that that certain frame shack located on Lot 1, Block 3, Maokubin 6 Marshall's Addition, also known as No. 500 W. University avenue, is in such a dilapidated and danger- ous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; there- fore, be it R1SOLfZD, That a public bearing shall be had upon -the advl s- 1 ability and necessity of wreoking said building, on the 22nd day of \ lovember, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the "'• Court House, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it yURTHSR RSSOLVID, That not lose than ten day- prior to the _ time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mall to the last known record Owner of said property, at hie last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or i --- pose of said hearing, and he shall also cause s notice of such hear- ing to be given by One publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not lege than five days prior to the date of said bearing. ` O \/ COUNCILMEN^ .....193.. ... Y— Nays Adopted by the CouvciL. UC� ..... �ar earce - _._[n favor App—p,]193.. ... _ .._ _ R—. / Tn,>: j Wev..I k=1. F. sco" ,w wr /Mr. President Mahoney Ct«r +h _ STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER In !fie matter of the eendemffbyoner of Parke,Playgrounds ud Pubhe 4old to be owned by ; ORDER / ���k(gypPl WHEREAS, The Comminianeef��/'G a9Trounde and Public Huildineh hall po" the Iwpection of Ne mown and dou. aq ovd dtwtad upon above property hu fvuM cod determined that: by reaaov of Ne above foot• Wd la vnufe and dangrow NOW, THEREPORE, by virtue of the authority coWerred upon Ne Wd Cammlea/inner of Puts, Playgrounds ud Pub"e BW1dNge, pureaut N Ne laws of d,e State of alNneaota end 61 Chvrter ud Otdi— of d,1 City of Saint Paul, and perHeWuly ONinence No. 1310, enHHed "M Ordiunce providing for ell where cone+ ., relating to, or efecting Ne corutmction, Wtenti-1 top removal and mointenance a[ ell bWldinga or etmelurce or porta of bvildivge or etmetybl -erected within the City of Stant Pa— Ei V hereby condemned and it l �oaHo lu Nat it b< mabaFnb-taken uawn-removed) and Ne meteriele therefrom rtmoved from d,e premien .......... lo,. from ill,date of Ne oervia of tbia order avit I.E. upon d,e — oceupant oimf. 1. Ne event of d,e failure of the owner or occupeat to comply aid, the to. of this order witldv Ne Hme of—td, the Wd Commilllc r of Puke, Playgrounds end Public Bvildinge Nall num this order to be compBed with. and the elpewea thereof charged to and made a Ben agaiwt d,e prcperty above described. W WITNESS WHEREOF, d,e foregoin: order is meds and signed by d,e Comejlar If Porks, Playgmuvye ud Pvbl ie BWlffl-^ at St Paul, bfiuu"o thio._....._. _..._....._..—_.._...day of...... ._.._ ................... ..1e3_..... u required by law. _ _"-"— ga Coluner lof Pub, Playgrowda and Public BWIdLr G� NOTICE Pleau take noNm tht Ne fotlgoing order ved by d,e Cool, -I �% of Pub. Playgrowde and Public IladNga on d,e._...__..................._.......day of......_ .... ................._........10,1_7.:, avd you arc hereby directed N comply Nesm ith, Hut N Ne event that you foil w to do or Nat you do not file any answer, objxtion or appal, u regWred by fly Chacter and Otdi-- of Ne City of SL Paul, wld,irt....... ___ days from Ne wee of ucvlco of this ordu andncE. upon you, Ne Wd Commiaoioner of Pork, V—and Public Buildings lm proceed to e"force Wd order and Wd property will be chorged with the -e thereof and Ne penaldee prescribed by law. e Commissmwr of Parin. Playground. and Public Buildlnga ®E C'TY OF ST. PAUL OFF'CE OF THE C'TY CLERK GOUNCIL RES0LLMON_-43ptE3:tAL FORM C V 1, 8ssoi ��-8 .lbs of Parke. Pla9 grpV°de and Public Oommiseioner Buildings has reported to the oounoil that tbnt certain two-story rame -cone loo at ed on Lot 1, Block h a dilapidated end dangerous 7, Terry's Addition' oleo known f r me 1118 $- geoenth street, Se in suc as o ondlti On as to Warrant its being oendemned and torn down; therefore, be it RSSOLQ$n > That a public hearinthe g g shall be bad upon the a.O \ % said building, on2-aday- h. ability aria of wreoking asoeaeity J \8ovember> 1932, at ten o'clock ♦. U. in the Oounoil chamber is the Oourt Svasae > is the OitY of at. Paul. Yintat ; and be St gQRTFlER p,Z8OLVED. e than ten days PV'DT todo That not lasthe said hearing. the Oommiealonex of Parke, Playgroup to the last known record owner of time Yi sad Yor and Pub11c Buildings -hall mail dress, or to t -e agent or ocoupant r op erty> at hie last known ad or P°T- eaid p the time, place and nature of said pr op erty> a notice stating a notice of such bearing aring, and he shall also cause the city pose oY said he official new PeT of ven publication in the to Ce by oT10 Bi to 1 published not lee. than five daY- oi 8t _ Paul + said notice prior to tale date of said -"'ring- nJ lel fit' tea.._ _ Adoa14 ren e coua�a._ COUNCILMEN Nays - Yeae M -Y ti in favor Mayor... -Agai-e N t c� V _ ♦, !'11i311SHL /!> Wenzel b9.� -. Mr_ Yreside:nt Mahoney Fred M. Truax �MatrLo ar�,oxre STATE OF MINNESOTA cITY 01 tT. PAVL DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER COURT MOU.g ST. PAtlt. MINNttOTA In the matter of the condemnation by the Commissioner of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Buildings, of a house ,aid to be owned by Robert J. Graham and located upon the following desc bed real estate, to -wit: Lot 1, Block 7, Terryts Addition. ORDER WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, has upon the inspection of the house known and described as, 1118 E. Seventh Street and situated upon above described properly has found and determined that; This is an old two story frame house. In badly dilapidated condition. Wide openp plumbing gone. Plaster falling, A fire hazard and beyond reasonable repair. by reason of the above facts said house is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. 746 NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority conferred upon the said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota and the Charts. and Ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, and particularly Ordinance No. 7310, entitled "An Ordinance providing for all matters concerning, relating to, or affecting the corounction, alteration, repair, removal end maintenance of all buildings or etructure, or parte oI buildings or structures erected or to be erected within the City of Saint Paul." _.— ts hereby condemned and it is oH—d that it be uown—removed) and the materiels therefrom re od mve from the premise. wilhim........ __...30._... _........days from Ne ditto of the service of this order and notice upon the owner ocup..t thereof. In the event of the failure of the owner or occupant to comply with the term. of thus order within tho time aforesaid, the esid Commissioner of Parks, Pl.ygrounde end Public Building. shall ... We Her to bs complied with, and the c.ce— thereof charged to end made a lien sg t the property above described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the foregone Her is m d od signed by the Commies one, of Pork.. Playg_..d and Poblic Buildings, at St. Paul, alio—ota, th—I 2,31 dey of $ejyt g]Ilber .. 1-32 as reauirM by low. ' � Commin4 o [ �rke,... ,*6u� n Public BWldings NOTICE To ....__. ._Robert_ J. Grohala. fCnAtrao.ti Portland,__ oreff'= _.__...._.. Owns, end to__. ._Non@........ _....... _. _ _. ._.. _. .._.._..... oecupant. Please take notice that the roregning order se is w cued by the Commissioner of Perks, P9laygrounds cud "", a Buildings on the ___ 23_ . day of .. septenDer _....19 32., and you are hereby directed to —pi, therewith, that to Ne event that you fail ss to do or that you do not file any answer, objection or appeal, as required by the Charter and Ordinances of the City of St. Peal, within............b_m o_______.:_.. days frothe date of service of this order and notice upon you, the said Commissioner of Parks -f—, Playgrounds and Public Building, will proceed to f— said order and said property will be charged with the c.pen.e thereof and the enaItiee prescribed by law. �. � Commissi er of Parks, Pleygroum s enol Public Buildings. rr 'j{ •■ .... e��,®� i�� �� �� �� �t �I Ili C!()U N C' I LM FN Y— /, - N.'. May / / Pearce _ In favor IZ ose n Agarnnt � Wec�zc-1 .r ♦- / M— ]President Mahoney C. F. Nof.iD. very Ir Itie�BaDd11 )).: W..,um 1466. f.D�(� R. AD9aT «et'�L Na'Dalal Adopted by We ('ouneil �CT. k 1 19V .195 Ap Iruvrle/�_ -... I93.. c.uay. ee ov oma{.�d No..__.....JLJ7 CITY OF 5"r. PAUL r^� OFFICE OF THE CITU CLERK COUNCIL RES UT10N—GENERAL FORM tZ RESOLVED , '-r18 t there ba and hereby is appropriated out of the Forestry Revolving F1an.d (1005), the sum of $4.55 - payable to J. R.Schmidt, 429 No. Dale Street, 8t_ Paul, Ell __ota, for the purpose of reimbursing him Por an assessment Por tree trimming work against Smoot 30, and except t2ze Wast 10 ft. of Lot 29, Block 1, Butterfield Syndicate No. 1, as the assessment was 1evl ed Sn error, and the property owner having paid this amount as represented by the tax receipt. C!()U N C' I LM FN Y— /, - N.'. May / / Pearce _ In favor IZ ose n Agarnnt � Wec�zc-1 .r ♦- / M— ]President Mahoney C. F. Nof.iD. very Ir Itie�BaDd11 )).: W..,um 1466. f.D�(� R. AD9aT «et'�L Na'Dalal Adopted by We ('ouneil �CT. k 1 19V .195 Ap Iruvrle/�_ -... I93.. m •« No._ __ J41b8 CITY OF P •,� -� OF E CLERK -/ N IONGENERAL FORM -- q� a/ RESOLVED That the -Be o2 the 8t. Paul Auditorium be and the same is he 6t. Paul 41v10 Music Aasociatlon for the h -hereby grantedevenings o2 October 24th and Poeember 22nd, 1932, January 5th, Febr-Ba Y 21st end March 218t, of 1933, upon the condition that the actual coet of, heating, lighting and attendants occasioned .by such use sha11 be paid by said Ht. Paul Civic music Association. Pucc�- oiveb edt as vee o[ �9ip Aa) uGf a_umo p �n�e��iti4r sus ' foi. ren�iiet� u o M oa mte ve a➢eliw oY)d�f f�. wD9rove6 �Oete fa-SBi1)oet Cou NCI LM I1:1q Yees Nays May / Pearce In favor Rosen /Truax Against / Wcnzal aM ty / Mr_ Presid,.t Mahoney Adopted by the C.-61 ..... �.... ,. . _. 193..... d Mayor w,a�'l e•ov oak CITY OF ST- RAUL .uuwcc NO. -._.94159 ` OFFICE OF TME CITY CLERK { COUNCIL RESOLUTIONEN U FORM vwEserar>=o ev �/-�. ���� o.re Getober 2b, 1952 WHEREAS, appal catj_ 51an ma 85 bee bede for Restaurant license t a 42 Weet College A-- by George Weber, and WHERpyg, said George Weber has withdrawn said application for Reatuarant license. therefore, be It authorized RESOLpED, that the proper city officean r- be d they a ra hereby sad to cancel 5aidappllcation 5188 to refund to George Reber the fie oP $10.00 for Restaurant license. Tr�r— ,o.e�.'ioo a'•e.-e'ae� �`�'a<.se�ia'sw o'w$ Wa -ease) i C I)UNCII.MEN Adopt'd Icy till ('o't"I Yvan Nn_ / e rc� n In favor Apprjovapl�' 'ter 19:1. Aga net Wer zea President Mahonry NO. _ _ 94160 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c""o 100—wcw FYI. �/f^"1i^G .AT. October ffir. 19M RE LYEO Shat Iiom.es for which eppliceticne be,. been mad. by per— meed on attached list be and the same ere hereby granted and the City Clerk ie ia.tmcted -to ieece such Iicen.ee upoe the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. .alli.e. m.ei n C� �Crla��ek 1� nit a^rM rr 1 a�lle� IV ANMM p�lr�u;ile0el fe, lfn l ACNa�M SOerf t Till COUNCILMEN Yana '-aye / AAopted by the Carnril Ifl3 /May 6 T//.4nah1 , /1'cane In (nvor A 193. /Truux ✓ ARoinet -- - \f a}or iW—d 5. /\ir. President Mahoney J. A. Brosek Buehler Bros Joseph-Demenl Al Dehm Israel Backner Harry Jansen J. W. Yaleslq North Amerioan Seat Co. H. Sandberg Tittle Bros. PaoklnB Co. Paul Turner OcioDar 25, 1952 999 Hantiiagn A - 577 wabanba 587 E. 7tk. 581 w_ 7tk. 2.080 F.ar1 st- 1555 Itaadolpb 1088 Grand 25 w- 7th 814 whit- 25-- A &S 5- - 445 w-bankfa 146 State 07" Z. Berdt Hilbow Awes rot Co- Boblmd & Elis E. T. Burks J. J. Canby City not- Happ17 C-- Philip Cournoyer J. F. Courtney R. J. Davina Reuben Dsokler H. L. DeTAno William Delastrada S. R. Eioblager Wen..1 Ritter-' Farcy Farmer, Ino. Wallace Pri. dman H. Fadmberg Andrew Gangl Anthony Gsdia Edward Head Jobs Hireab A. L. Jobnean p. Johnem Yre. William Eiaine. Eregel & Rimchln Wm. J. Larson E. J. Moala Leo Yarfrinenn H. ult. National Ten Co - Joseph Newell Gr Grady & Roth Pentelovich & Yoak.-Its, A. G. S.hr edam- Yary Sheeran Sigurd Sosnee Thos. Skweras L. E.Sorenees Harry J. Sp -ter Edwin F. 5 -neon 552B:- wiaiSrad 4 L2-* Raba -]-- 856 IrMADOF 521 k.,- 552 Rice 490 S3'a1i79 486 B-aiaerd 1596 Edd 1560 Uwl. - -s Ltw 547 M:L. +snot - 110 St-te 3.857 E- 1H sbaba 676 Cl-- 2--- 416 Pi -a '2a 576 'Frio - 422 wale...3 - 274 G_ .-- 554 E- T---. 605 U. 'mem- 655 Orinaas 505 Comes A-- 556 Rice 579 Concord 1058 HaatiaBa 995 Arcade 623 Una-arait4v, 661 Uai�ernit� 779 w. c ®-It 1 124 States 520 Yianinaigpi 2258 Coco �v- 472 8_ Hobart 145 S- Cbata�oatb 722 H - $mel l i. -e 980 white Bear 1215 Raadolpb 274 Y(apin 475 wabaaksa 787 Se1kr1 1457 W- cae—m - n a 7.199 wkvite Saar Betch.r Grocery Confectionery Grocery Confectionary Grocery Confectionery Grocery Bakery Grocery Bakery Coef.ationery Grocery Bakery Grocery Bak.ry Confeotios.ry Grocery Confectionery Grocery Confectionery Grocery Confectionery Grocery Confectionery Grocery -2_ R. 1. Tibbling 3.008 N!�---ESIL- Grocery Nick Torok854 Ce Cesfeotionery Wallraff Broe & Fiero 492 8- Geo. Allen 816 7P'7.>Lit.e Bear Ave. Restaurant Harold Axtell 669 E- S 3 n H. N. Baraedala 952 Aroa�3 e Bertram Ross & Floyd Nagel 259 IIa3v city Wm. BSdme11 572 P3ica Mrs. T. J. Boucher 494 S William Brandt 1190 Bice Brown & Bigelow 1510 Bx:i—amity Dominlck B. Cardelli 650 Z.afa�e'Eta Km Jolie Carou 490 IN - Sa-7L-3+n.g J. P. Courtney 1580 1Ja3_ o aity Prank B. De Bete 443- 41Rag- Rag-Rvenean 792 E- -a- V. J. Garvey V. 755 W- T t � Th a Golden Role 95 E- �ts� J. A. Herold 1181 E T �L Rttam Joyal 3.04L13- Robert Paul L. Nebita 42 a- Sema_ �� + g Paul L. Babitz 245 3- John J. Hohn 468 waw sba Martha R. Magnuson 154 Theodore Nick- 164 Vic Psgl 274 Rice Pmtelovioh & Noekovita 722 IN _ --x+^g gra. Elizabeth Lee 1559 Selma 8Jerven 1764 r�� �eraity Bee Bard Ban. 588 Seeema� w Anton Seenakoulis 510 IM-3- iChase ChaseService 585 S— �.� Gasoline Sta.ion S pope S city rotor Supply Co. 440 sii' � �a� - S V. Due 1501 3m - 7th S Pkchange Service station 49 ga�� ve 4 Fre's Gasoline Station eman 1528 ��+ to Bear A- S Kerwin rotor Co. 1906 Ste- �� mater Rd 2 Michaud Service 921 7r t)b • 9 Nontgemery Ward Co.1400 ��_ �az'sit7 ' 1 .9.t- pump George Nelsen ].185 S — NAtian.ahnha Va. J. O'Rourke 4 Petroleum Bervioe Go. 591 4 Raeheler Bros. 1 251 Yry - D-gl.ae Road g B. P. Ry- 3190 8—��dolph N A, N. Bobmitt 226 RQ a amara A- No. S Geo. Schneider 621 L matte S Security Leaschold Co. 428 8 _ 3T,<--.Yi+n St. Shall Petroleua Corp. 545 n S eg Skelly 011 Co. 205 6c.ea ooz'd S Standard Oi1Co. 1191 ^dolph n 4 Standard 011 Co. 485 S _ �a,l.limg n S C. P. Wellmerlig 7th Sc met Ste. _5- Bilbo- Co. 406 ■inaseota St. 8 bowling alleys Bilbo.a I►aaaaa -*_ Co. 441} llabaeha 10 pool tables A. GrigstrT 560 St. Anthony' 6 pool tables Tboe. -T- 28 W. 7th 16 bowling alloys Gates Cige.r Co 597 St. Peter 8 pool tablet Ra. J- I.ni'_ 661 0nivereity 6 Leo Kertin 124 State St. 2 Joseph Sawa11 472 S. Robert 4 Pbil ReilZ.y _ 188 R. Snelling 9 Phil Rei17y 186 B. Snelling 18 Thos. Skwsraa 475 Rabaeba - 6 W-12-arr Bross .6e Fiero 492 S. --14.. 8 bewliag•elloys B.2l•+rr Boves do Fiero 492 S. Ba.1 ..e A- 8 pool tables Coseaopo2-1-taia F`t ooe, Co. 25 E. 6th Chattel Loan Raz Gi'1g-3-1 509} Janke- St. Key- S- I.erritt 21.0-14 Yinnesotfi Bldg. Geo. F. OYra a 3e Sheo E. Jnckai 2108 R. Snelling 1v. Dance Hall Hiverriers 8-gym-+. F-ll `eeocioation 464 Onega I-3-1 8: It--_ em 165 R. Coro Hotal - 41 rooas H. C. X- � 2� 788 B. 7th Oil B-- T-, 0•1sa11a� 106 Concord Yotioo picture R. E. O. ch-1-3k­ - 16 W- 7th Henry 184 E. 7th tad hand dealer J. Ginabarg 410 Cedar Pawnbroker o.�=��•. ro r�.r .. c.. CITY OF ST. PAUL .1 NO._ —vl OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G ERAL FORM sE�siorvEw_ , owr __Ooteber 19-1932 RESOLVED >•.'acMi WgYe Mw~ C'RwhcNpo�S�Ooup. �M[.sk ���,y_ yc�iwrwR�� M1 YM l� ��. am SrY� VEev�C � w1�i�Y•.. M W etl �C, tle'lll0 tLM Lil l That, the Northern Statue Poser Oospany be given permission to install one 40 Soot pole on the southeast corner of 9th and Jacieon Ste. with necessary guys, wires, auohore, and Telephone Oospany wires. Nnnicipal esti-ate f171". I courvci Lrwery Ycas Nays � Adopmd by hc Cooacil 2 6 May t In Eavor APPcovcd 19 —5adl.ei�r 'i✓c Ude r % Mr. Presidrnc d 1..4 y CITY OF ST. PAUL sirs NO. _ JY,l.U4 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coEr.I�X'i ss;orveR �. �'- __ - _ owrE. COtnb er_ 1 1932 _.RESOLVED r rA N� rmw�oa o lu n a e[ r we°'r,re nre :rcem"' rx.erui. e��i, e�sa. seas. wvvrow �e�� i u That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-35 foot pole in the alley west of Dale Street, north of Nebraska Avenue, with necessary guys, wires, anchors, and Telephone Company wires. bstimate #17172. Yeas cc�ut-�ci urn Ery Nay9 ' Cvn.q T a n May / P-- R.- -,.,6— M, earceRmcnMr. Prc,idcnr Bswr3kic- f OrT2&32 Adop,cd by rh, Council 19 A pro d 19 _. MAYOR 91163 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ..d PRELIMINARY ORDER. The­demigrd hereby posee the making of the following public by the City of St- P-1, It'-: 4he sidewalk Ototh. side rel.aYUA4 and- reP-qL;L-rj--Pg :wlle! ..Reqes.a� lins Street -- ---- ------- �25th y of D.t.d this u PRELIMINARY ORDER_ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imPrethe —ment- v'z': - - ----------------- -- ... ... -------- ---- ...... -- ------------- ...... ... ..... ------- --------- ------- .... ... . having been presented to the Council Of the City Of St- P--1 th.-f—, bait RESOLVED, That the Commi-ioner of public work. be and im hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveffagste the necceity for, — desirability Of, the "" of said improvement. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost Of said impro,conat. and the total —t thereof. 2. To furs a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether m net amid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To -p.A u,.. .11 of the f. -9-i-9 _ttere to the C.—i-i— Of F""-' Adopted by the Cu..iL ---- --- ----- 0.2 Y— NA" C""c""" Co ­'T Approved..__.._ ---- --- ------- --- ---------------- M_ M- P -94164 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT- andand PRELIMINARY ORDER. The und,raigned hereby pm, the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. P --I, vi— , relay' ..jand _.11!?�gonStruqtinj9 - wh!are ,a:LcLewa.lk- an tile. n. -At. )ae,_tnnjnZ at east .to.ji.p0lat _150 Glendale Avenue. Dated this d1Y Of QjqtQt?ftr- 19 - -- ---- ------ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHIDIELF-AS, A written proposal for the making of the following buPro—t, v"-: re where necessary, the ayj�a% pz� repr 1 :Lng, - - ---------- sidewalk on the north side of Otis A,enue, beginning at ---- ------ ...... _ Somerville Avenuer thence east to - ------------ --------------------- pqj t 150 ft. east of_Glen clale ........ - ----------- - ------- ---- - - ---- - ------ -------------- having been p—ted W the Council If the City If St' P..I ---- -- - -- --- - therefore, be it RE;SOI.VF.D, That the Commiseiover of Public Work- be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inve-Ligate the vane -airy for, or deeirebility of, We —"'ig If "id improvement.2, -r, i_tigs,e the net, e�tent and estimated coat of said improvement,and the tot.] Iet thereof. , To furnish a pian, profile or sketch of acid improvement. 4. To elate whether or not eeld improvement i, asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon sU of the foregoing cu0tare W the of - - , -/- 6 V*a Adopted by the Council ... ... ... Y— N— Coun,anutu. Co�� M,—;V Ma Paramsaar :,y Petition J PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. G. 51(] Councif File No. 94L -1{13-y5 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Changing the "g-r_ade of Bowdoin Street_ from..Butterput-Av_enu e_ -i9....._- ------------ "SEewart Avenue to conform to the red line on the profile hereto ---aLLached..and---mad¢.-a -Par*` her+ f-, the... Pgaserat...esLabl-is]aeci--g3`a+3-e-------------- being shown by the blue line thereon, also grading Bowdoin ---3trest--Trym int'tar'ftuC--"AveritT2--toSte'eVaYt"-"AV"atiuA"tb--th"e" r�fl--"13ne -- wrien es tablishsd .--. _ -- - - -- ----------- -- —Dated thie-__25th___dsy of _. October 1932_ _. 19 _-_� Vs �e.tracc PRELIMINARY ORDER. - - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the -.king of the following improvement, Q}yang.ing._Ahrade.. of _Bd wdoin.-Street- rom. fHutternut-.AY esus---ta---...-----------" Stewart Avenue to conform to the red line on the profile hereto the m the Cougcil of the City of St. Paul__..._._...__ ____..--__________ -------- --._..___...-_.-_-____"..._ having been Presgntgi --...- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the mekiag of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a pian, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement u asked for on the petition of three or more owner.' 5. To report upon ell of the foregoing matte- to the Commie®oner of Finance. OCT 261W_____ Adopted by the Council_......_ ........ ........______.... _- - _ Ycas NwT Councilman OC117 $b Approved_....__...______..__... ---- .-_-_---- .------------------ ._._— \Y NtK*A J '.. 'ill .... .�.c..r.-w� .✓�._ –_ ____ Mayo Ma Pa—.— r� c • v raw .oau 1' 1:., , .. !O �_.�.�-z�% � X17, 49---y, , r—odJE& No.166 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and .� •• s'�n�o.e PRELIMINARY ORDER. The und,migned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Peal, via.: Condemning and taking an easement.. in the,.,l.apd_naFe.@,yarY ,fps_.,,. _ t slopes, cuts and fills, in he ......._.t3uttarnui..Aranue-.-to--�-fewer-t--Agenaiading of Bowdoin Street from Dated We 25th___ day of.,, _ 4ctob_as-r 19.32 /._._. 19 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propo,el for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: Condentuing and _taking_an-and the_laBg_.n8, A.955arX. for ................... slopes cuffs and fills, in the grading of Bowdoin Street from __..._.Butternut .-Aeenua-to_8teara�t---A�eaue-. _. _...._ _. _._..._.... ....___.._... _.._.. having been pre,ented W the Council of the City of St. Peul............ __.... _...... .........__..._...........___._.._.-......._.__---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Comeni-i ser of Public Work, be and u hereby ordered zed directed: 1. To investigate the vecemity (or, or desirability of, the making of mid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent end estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of acid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon ell of the foregoing matters W the Commissioner of Pimmee. 1\ Adopted by the CouveiL_.--_..__........__. v_ 6_ _........___._ Yee, NAv, Coaneilman cbteaorta MAYQ� �/j/� Approved__ ___. _ _ __. _. _ ... .......... Me. Paasmzvrr M _. ..e c. n orr ,esu Adopted by by the Council_____..............._193___.___ Yeas. Nays_ _ MAY McDONALD PEARCE ROSEN 1 - TRUAX �zr! WENZEL // MR. PRESIDENT (NIAHONFY'f lec.l '✓ 2nd. // /-I-.---T/3 7' Laid over w 3rd. & -PP ' i'�- Adoi-rc.l II ,1 Yees \ays Ycas N, afar ,% \Ial' 11cDonaW �" \IclJonald P-- R.— T, <arceRosenTr'I'rnax r'V I�I \\'cnzcl \Ir. Pres. \la hmcy \Ir. Pres.,�lahoncy✓Iw a� ordlnanee:tiYia►B then prlau that the iorthwl�n S�atH Pow.r GmP. 9my charge' fml' eleetrie znimi.ea ehr airy of,�t. Paul.end 1t. inhabiturta: ds nope a+4+aa�} rul+ih,and rr, ee�gn1atlaw is e0paeetl� Mi ab7Yprldli dmdq.mamtln},'billing9 to she p d rope g two obrtain �ioeslr rats �rhe=0oVnoil df the Oity of. Bt. Peal dose Ordain. Beoti� 1. mit the, pylae. wbUh mal be ohagBB0.0.d D, tke. 3ortYiebn _,ts4 Prot G � �ikx of 8t. Poll inhatitEiat9 for all •leatrio ., rg, the ie ti1I194 on e�1 .iter ➢�eUVW7 1, 1946 aball not a*d4ed,; folly wwitt .4� R t �4'� saw rant ylzr k p kllokatt bra per;,noa per mo. • 9g per kllpwatt-bry Uai llf f 3 10patt-bre W'row Rqr mo,, pfr k3lpMatt-hr). lNi i to . *ktt»hr1..*,rids P1r tid. i 0� An' ldlopattrhr► 16it IT, SFG a .O5 B ds �r or 11.00 pati per Heber -per ronth, T. TV R ti t i b1fxtl eaitar PeFoi;bnt n6 �tootifor a *m��,:.+1, Berd.60 4bit.gel 45� net Per room yoi,month sanam Per kilaeatt¢�bows 1ua lbit•* prpmpt t DLiOounL, 6f on, &clra7 cn1,. ltinim,mgbi .The uxvicb char, Dur in no .rant lees than h.: �1.06 gFo�a�, c� f <i!P aet,p6r, emt9r par .aonth. "Is- mi. --ma of determlaina,the abode rat9aa_a roan 4ha11 be.. Aetr+A'.aaew�uko:e ;....,,y, ...,.,..�.. , - . . , &use"- ►iih * ndo►)1 ball ioomaj bidroemar lmeRt'roomi #r lWaft roomRf'i room) dre9aing roeegF ilalahed attloe{ D��_y�poaao�,ene,or kitoheaettee� 1fbl�jirle9't--23ringameto j re,Os�t an room9{ as4iag rom9),,ius poroh (e5( #1s. witIt for beat); garage (cdrsd.Soa "or \, �.k.Dan _Fvired tm: 7fA or. 1 g'or aPh to-b`e 000a$ed lime an ia.rlRSMu(ie:.1` - 6. _oo�ecier. �e�tt�¢e First t0 ki]aeatits: p9r mo. a 9e per kiloratt.:Drj 1499 lllk ei 1e:t 100 kilen.: tt..brs. p,4lvme.:;9 .69 pp' kilowatt i less M�6A��JjJ� seat 360 kilse t . as 6 4gI paarr kkiilowatt 14% 4"as kilowatt-hre. PA=nt Discount, 6{ 1 - ,. 6hargo, {1.06 gross or $1.00 net per meter per month. f I i o. MPEM L Poaitt Nirst 50 hrs:-.vs•.Z' ao. ofldloratt-hr►.las. i Nutt: 150 hres-um per,. m:' of am>w.-duauatd'+ :si-kfia:owatt-hrl, los■ ilfeesa bra. .use Per -ee: o1: tAWw A B 1.0� per kilowatt-hrl, less Qaantit7 ➢1la.ante; coneeontive eftqr the preceding: as $trot jd0i00`'of gross mPthly biX7. 1 N.=t a➢ o➢ oS gross mohtbly bill 1 1 Bost'.. gOtOO.=of grotie awathl7 1 i11 Out Gest 60 00 of uj[`eg'iatjrly bi'1I - an Excess 60.00`of groass`montbl�y bill - S5 0j..• a. �.n yZ 7q4 I[p1wBi1�'t ' aa'fl+on iatea eeyastty of connected 1badY sa'fol3uetat . Brat 11414*.•lspor $1.00 at�p�gts e.psaK P9a'.fpj less 16�i Nest >s9' �'-per` ` , •75 Y4111DDbe'PaseiiY"y�n`iool lass 3.6%; Sssoe7s ._sh3'}oa-jteaar .d0 tjet Par hsrsq^Da7ur,per m� lose 15%, V. NCB'. 88ASIBQ'i usi per ksh - Maur pnbllah- .onditi.ma of avallabilit7, limitations, oto., lase 16�: Pfrc®pt PA7mwt 08 . 1Di05 t Yininw E4 1 $1.05 X1.gross or $1.00 net per meter per month: a. 9�g��a�y�►' elm aBa�aat $ire ^$O� kah-par:. month 0 41f per kohl ase 16 1 N.C.. kwh Dar meath @ 59 per Nn1i1 loss 15% Pne*t :pal kect Blue t t 8� 1BnimsBe Qhargbt 8?, net per s�ontbrper 8R of connected load, but not doss-tluajg.00!per monthper. malar. :':.l, 6LSSgNAT1TE 7S0HlSB6 Alm PONNNI Demapd Charge: ret -10 Eft of demand 6 :g0 per 101 per month$ leas 1gf1 Nst1t "40 EN of desuam @ ,E.60 per E! per etoathf lw 135�1 Itaxt 160 EN of Admand @ 9.00 per EB per momths.loee 1b-1 S=sees EB' et demand @ 1.76 per EW per sinthl leu 1g(. lltralytlgratt-hours per month`8 IiY per Euh for Direct or Altarnating Currentl less .I" 1tt - ur -:600 jzyaaw!ot-hos per montp -0 3.71, per kwh for 'Direct or iiteraatittg Carrpntl is Ig�1 } Next kVOD-kU*Wptt�e@a per masth @ 9.�jsf per kwh for Direct or •Altwrnating Carlbntl, Lase 101, NdYY 18:600 kilowatt-hours per month '@ l.a per kwh for Direct or AUorcatiag Current) lops 4511)'/yxt.:EQ,00q..1et14wott-hour. per month @ 1.gjf per kwh for Direct Current, .,pp jtjW per. kwh for Alt erastl Ctrrentj.,joss lii$1 Nest 60,000 ]dlosa�tt Sown Par month @ 1. s per kcli..fau Dire.! Current, Ib. r or 1yVj. per kw4 for Altornat nt$ leas l6f$ 403Lt. 100:, 000 kilowatt-haOra'per, mat) @ 1.1 per Mr of Current, pe or 0.9or r kwh.fm�-.Alterna.LiM Cnrrsat; lee fi Jlsuess kileeatt curs Per lionth @ }:V Per kwh for Direct Current,_ or 0.8� per Indx`for AltOrli ting Current; less 15%. ifs Fred#d&�d, how=' that thr aah upq @hall be all¢red a dieoomt Qt bx'traa how=' bill ffopbr rirvser:a+tii.xT t�rwtssg omn+.nt A' rpitaaBgae, +uta preVidad' tl(at iH! oenee� twi @mantle It -farther al-Mal(aypliaa do--ottitely) In�e case- ot:five-7oar contracts wt a nistmok downd of 60 xv. or 2%... Prompt. Payment DiSA-Mot, .4% applLed after the last mattioned ddl�aeauta have- been taken. 8lnlmam aharprs She daDan¢ !nE¢'6e� a: 2fInUHlslaL .PO) (Qombined On Peak and Off Peak Service)$ Du0a0d Otraig&t. (per —tt! Pirat loo M qff, qui ® ierj,6:iper fw for "an .Peak" servicer or i1�6a s Bw for aft -Peak services Yea._ W; last 100 SK„ ® il•D IDi for, Cn, Peak" eervioe, or 01.56 - �. #fora " aet'vi�et'. lee@ 16i/ Saone AI, @ i; IN for an tbaf". sscwiee. or 01.10 ' pat JW for Peat services lees l6 • . ft"iged, ttat' it current ie taken at priWCT V thea Ow" shall be a:Daamad ga'lil:s000nt of 1-50 per Ew " =w Shit NO SR of damaad cad ]Cf, per III for the Ame s Mr. of datum". plea llait�A0aa00'1d11�.Ytt hhocuT,.}a per- Month 01.4 per 0j� per k0k lees i.6.��jf 6415 Next _y ,000 k3%e�tb-hfiou i'Peerr'pmoonnth ®O.Og ir kohl loss IS *est. ► tG i G het SiE th u: 1 Excess : Yal So era Peak" pirioda are Wised an #el�owat O� (�fbue 19th) y 8160 Py ftvu 6i0p.�I: To 7t Pal.: I� CO4e-P.Y. to 7100 PA. � . P.V. to 7100 P'1ti 60SO.P K. 7100 Pn71c 5" do {Pim to10o p y y; Ty asloda"are da#ined� y all other tinct-ieiiodr. Prompt Pytyrreennt 91$oowrtI d� . 18aimma phar/ri':ha demand charge.for not ions.than e-0 E1. H: POMBB0ption#1)� �1 !}t A of ffi111ng Desand ®. 1.90 yM RYA y!r sICnth) less .}6 1i%L 100 Efd"of Biliing: nd ® 1.so per EPA Per mdfibhf 16113 As "sr EPA of Billing Demands 1.66 per EVA per moayh) laea W. olS"dq that if oarraut in taken at Primary Yeltagey th" OM'tha11 a 1Jrmamd Charge D aoohnt of 169 Par EPA tb* tL!rt 100'EPA ofi b de(w ,,amd, 4l per "A on the.;@xoea$ 1r+�i it pillit)g. dal". (4ha '411ing Demand"'(VA) $hall be the,andma# de� in kilantts 'divided by the-poathlg average pews' fact,* J- b] - ,eras yowar fh�'oter" is donned to be the quotient obtaiaot by divld the ilarati lanaadxdurSng the month by the sgaere �ppct of `be am of �1ie aq w oi'* kilowatt hours —ad and the lagging reactive )dlevolt- am s-ha,'11pplied daring the -- parlad� anT leading tiiotolt- a jupplled dlli g the period will net b. con. idered in the average Power factor.) � 1 1 Hl4q•,pulp kstj 31 itt_h.- lot p�wx•t 1Q kllftsatE(hma• p I ". Per anF t a l6 1j"s sol S,2,0*stt-ham �'t 'm„hf'`iurr'1 Bs,,t;- 50+bIp0.kilo att.:hoari •� m b 9� PPs+' hRhf Sass - taDdoari qer >wn h o.�d ter imn los. P, Air t ® .3oar) per } r_. ba"d on riot less than 6o fai incltaa Demand•' - } 8 ®i Y6�y'Pda 00 PO* 8X t�at �t�ytiqhhoaory• PpSiF :.. a m @ �� lhi 3N� mor• `. - pa t tt���. 1•�yhQge for =x u0s,**M p•wapd phar6•+ _ al'Rti'. 2e Al ut $ 3 e. 11 AO OCW Per i * - ■e `P'm� a 11.12 Per v Per Pl*s t�+o tssrotrRea >x + Pea —th a vz � ter �f ti:.$ fps ►� Pot VIA the f .1lf.. p — . .7.*•s.. f 6d { P Xext f1,000 ldldsAttloof'o per mppsgh g$� k hf.;a 16f. Excess Itiffnratt Per mnbh ®1R.ar i for act 3AYi than 6 SW . +rte t hears Per aonth 9 jU{ yor lq]yf' lua 16 1X ',Sitle�iiEt home mouth & 6t Per f sou 1d •of any enetoaer W ,rovl d, a'hst aU sign llghtina oonaaswtia+u be oo idLd for'b1}11n6 Pprposea+ PrSsimp �te.� DSss9°*+t* t er motor Per month. , »+ti -as7l�' yi67, utxema tatween-the oemPani ana the PLAT, fisbdiot,ta imnaul 6 it annaal seeps;i°aksoaaIOAi' ��,rtsDar6d LYfh° 2'watl, +4 of .bt• panl to gait. "'o�fe� A u� re" fa a Tari I per. *OU ]ptaPs, dxatrihntxoa Plr,- of..l,+imPe+ a; mbaLh27 ohu'ges for Other spot 'feeEEort, th• ^at1�.�,1npWl r1�w}rlaal'gnirg�'`dellverrd to thd`a►ty�tnaar. eL tdi/' om 95aetp� Sotitr ,Hull not exee.a a US ehaAW rt Dares whara.'dha tY of BC; Das and rot to a=�af lear ��et . hear'ih. the,(a,, er chars thr a tllne the dtl'bl'i Dbien +7'�a�. lt. �s t r�xae� axr+ orate no s"wr. is%4 MI srt + Wetri al tul7firlaa to Um"ii1b" 4, ,, b1o.+eeye %ra, aptirltr a citY3f St PRg1� resat 11 ted ALi7l3 xair't eYo :tL9 tea' 7�t't�lr to dh. inr aaitba iii o! sit wK #�aSlr� - w�►ir �l�d� 3a aaat �#clne A' iib E ib'(n►��aid horr�g4a'�Y�tbro �L�7hd�rtb7Y rLrre � A ae Y it thr yitgd S asaL ltiY4 e�tLyYaaDbti��"as pwi�,tHrtogp:-slaglb ra�era;�ena:�Or_rreh. o9Gie1� 3t es�iei., - $. rata.sahednles aet,'�` iarned bT � orr9tipt7•,ar yy�i� a dorrerDa tooNrai" r.rP.et to • a ar- #s>: ¢ tm+a of, Axlw ratb�, !-Yt'�Ftad in ,reTldehl °le+Ir r r •mY smh..dlgar[etarLltie f�a p� tbk!' �e►� ferd 1'eans rateat rhir�l .63� aflaet tp=,�aeli '7rn ld��; sat�10 vttr" k°�q�_A"kers" sfieotrti)alt.. oo� ggoh ai "�grntit�'-ntott" 11t Rata p, °lrfrarY Rei•tk dherge0 of Rata @,:$ eta ',.�aAdese-Jaejanb° ae' ' '��� am tbs _ y k or a b}11. befers iba � rree�t layrint DirdolStt• is eeetiva S). she ; .coli within thSrtY Utz tbeF, ae7ag�'. of..thir eiaiaaaae,val., tlle rich p]u?Qo�riarer of tri1 a xj 8ttAAW �aerl�s er'9193" _ds ore ss� ift; effeati�.;aLta° t�,fd�ly�. Pies of ¢:va ar or rariud-artaK"r� rA�1 "NY fSI A' with tgs.cossixtsojisr of ftbuo 03,tltieyi, am a aaYd ti, a '' va sy ter► ¢tlmeil 4A r.�g On of 'tlte'Q jelpasYh,aet dittpPARIsd af'thlba tl}daaa e7',1!e•�s ti$r, t A Q1d 'e�.rrtt°` prem®. nitiire at the ena raid tanraar +"=1i'tt4 a9 u:abawenlati of e %yiiari, is , } ,,pq-enbn�+sat ti6a .11 or re¢lfY,anoh'sawiiba Y establish suo3'ot. rduahribla raWana... aryq�atlatitms is daal�b�Twi't3i ��pp +egFligm priaH. pr�eariiWd in 8rbtf:o'n 1 ,Y 6r tIIiw ordiaemos, a ere dqt Sarbiniakent with thi prbrleSof tg ibis autidi�ianna� maL ie o3arsifinatianr at i'ervira-awallagiiihT of ibp roger, rolia. fox the'daii��s� sod of rdonthY7 billfag derrnd; .leant dwe113ng rgra t�osr sea-#�fi�mlatiear tb* tore.. edd roc the aglprt.sat er oronaf ratfr. iias tte�r P 1i, i�d S ar B.PakJ.on 1 ot.tL�} ardiaaadar tT oD1. Or•aQwJFs - .. r� _� __�.+_, ... ,f .... a.: `t... •n,..t ht:ui.rr_ o 1'Er ($OE) ybr r31y7,ien�a ='o-au. f *0 it aai+ _. . grria4+ �j► ime oan+iav rer trAtiatlone of ao:oanta CR) naa ►eco r >sp.l�itln 8 C■,, D eb baji aa# t6 ezeeea iwe1 »tiY`4 omsA �d11 (.A$ 1111) t Dbr who3a. eaett of rash ab ' bu ' •gest ps'r ' R.t.n. • Bbfr'rR'}J�R?1!1�°`!eam yhe0ere ef .fit to ,tA• r XeetdotP' faetIre thi oosp MAO Oeledrai6ii�r or rati3.in ytl;l3ties of the' ei - or ai ani; het lei*' -" dsyrt b�661'apanQs tsa..Pisa .or'epeh.ps'oDate "ruu- aid resdlatiY •s the;.dptmeiI opw reeomandhtida. of 00 potsds�jft r of. Bdb34e i i i i 1 � � 1 _' w, Y0 lRzf�t Of <ittf Paul �Ez.nitioe fflq-t..nt November 3, 1982 To the Members of the City Council. Gentlemen: Referring to rate ordinance now before the Council for third reading, and referred to the Co®Lttee on Public Utilities for consideration and recommendation, the committee recom@ende that further action by the Council be postponed until the engineers who era to make the valuation have - had m opportunity to make a survey and advise the committee in the prmisea. Vary truly yours, COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC UTILITIES CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pi�l of Mlnnnov OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT, Ory Cid •nd Commlmlenv d R•sse•een moo October 26th, 1932 Hon. william Mahoney, Chas nano, Committee on Public Utilities, Building. Deer Sir: The attached ordinance of Comieeioner May and coamunicatlon of the Electric, Gas and St sem Ccn—.,a League, together with a proposed ordinance sub- mitted by said Lesgue, ell relative to public utility rates, w referred to your omsl tt ea by the City Connell for consideration. The ordinance e1@ped by Co®Seslo nor May e gl van a first reading, and is scheduled for second reading on Ho vember 2nd. Yours vary truly, / � 7 7 City Clerk. An Crdinar." fixing the maximal. prices that the Northern States Power Company may clarge for electric energy furnished the City of St Paul and its inhabitants; defir,inp some necessary rules and regulations in ccrr.ectior. with such maximum prices and the monthly tillirgs to the consumer therefor; and renealing two certain former rate ordinances. ,the Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain Section 1. That the maximus prices which may be charged by the Nrthern States Power Cosnany to the City of St. Paul and its Snhabl- otents for all electric energy that is biill. edon and after February 1, 1933, shall not exceed the following„ to A. RESIDENTIAL LIGHTING: Standard Residential Lighting: First 3 kilowatt-hrs. per room per mo. @ 3� per kwh; less Next 3 kilowatt-hrs. per room Der mo. @ 7.5� per kwh; less eas 15 . Excess kilowatt-hrs. Der room per no. @ 3Q per kwh; Prompt Payment Disc,:ur.t: 5% minimum Charge: ti.05 gross or fi1.00 net car meter per mc. or, ti onal Residential -1EEhtingg: Ava a e to mire, eer.�Eial customers, with permission to charge from Standard to "rtlonel, or vice versa, at any time, but not oftener than once every n months.) Service Charge: SQ net ner room per north plus Energv Charge: 3d ner kilowatt-hour; -ass 15'x. Prompt Payment Dlsoount; b� on Energy only. Minimum Charge: The service charge, bub in no event less than. 41.05 ["css or Q,1.00 net ner meter ner month. (For the nnroose of deterelning the above rates, a room shall be coos`_rued tc mean all finished rooms, whether e - taining lights or e:ot, and shall include among others bell following: finished storerooms; alcoves (with window); dlnin rooms; bedrooms; amusement rooms; breakfast rooms; dens; g rooms; dressing rooms; finished attics; finished basement rooms; kitchens or kitchenettes; libraries; '-living rooms; music rooms; parlors: race ption rooms; sewing rooms; sun porch e (equipped for heat); sleeping porch (equipped for heat); garage (wired for light or power); barn (wired for light or cower); workshop (wired for light or power); chicken coop (wired for 11 ght or Faxes); 11v1np, quarters in garage or barn to be counted same as in residence.) B. COMMERCIAL LIGHTING: First 50 kilowatt-hrs. car mo. @ 9:l per kwh; lees 15�; Next 100 kilowatt-hrs. Der mo. @ 7.5� per kwh; less 15%; - Next 350 kil awett-h re. ner mo. C c4 ner kwh; less 15$; l Exe,ess kilowatt-hrs. ser me. 0 4F ver kwh: less 15. 1 Promvt ?ncaea* Di s.ou r': 5'k I Mi:dmu^n"'har-^: -ross ,:r '1.Or uIt car meter ner m.. C. GENERAL POWER: First 50 hrs. use ner mo. of max. demand @ 6¢ perof pe r kwh;less 15, Next 150 hrs. use per mo of max. demand @ 1.8¢ per kwh;less 151 Excess hrs. us r mo. quantity Discounts, consecutive after the preceding: on First $50.00 of gross monthly bill - 04; On Next 50.00 of gross monthly bill - 104; On Next 50.00 of gross monthly bill - 204; On Next 50.00 of gross monthly bill - 304; On Next 50.00 of gross monthly bill - 404; On Excess of gross monthly bill - 254. Prompt Payment Discount: 54 Minimum Net Monthly Bill: Based on rated capacity of connected load, as follows: First 1 horse -power or less- $1.00 net per h.p. per mo; leas 154, Next 29 horse -power - .75 net Der h.p. per mo; lees 154; Excess horse -power - .50 net per h.D. per mo; less 1596. D. RESIDENCE WATER HEATING: 1.5V per kwh -unerpublished condi.ti.D. of aveilsbility, limitations, Prompt Payment Discount: 54 Minimum Charge: $1.05 groes or $1.00 net per meter per mo. E. COMMERCIAL COOKING AND HEATING: First 200 kWh Per month @ 4¢ per kwh; lass 154; Excess kwh Der month C 3¢ oar kwh; leas 154. Prompt Payment Discount: 54 Minimum Charge: 50¢ net per month per Kw of connected load, but not less than $3.00 per month per meter. F. ALTERNATIVE LIGHTING AND POWER: Demand Charge: First 10 KW of demand @ $3.50 per KW per month; leas 154; Next 40 NW of demand @ 2.50 per Kw per month; less 154; ExcPer KH per month; Is essNe t 150 of demand @ l.00 per ILR9 Per month; leas 154. plus Energy Charge: First 400 kilowatt-hours par mo. @ 4.8¢ per kwh for Direct or Alternating Current; less 154; Next 600 kilowatt-hours per mo. @ 3.75¢ per kwh for Direct or Alternating Current; less 154; Next 3,000 kilowAlternatinhCurrent� leas¢15!;kwh kwh for Direct Next 16,nn(` kilowatt-houra ner mo. @ 1.5¢ Dekwh for Direct or Alternating Current; less 154; Next 30,000 kilowatt-hours ner mo. @ 1.5¢ per kwh for Direct Current, or 1.0¢ per kwh for Alter. Cur.; .as 154; Next 50,000 kilowatt-hours Der mo. @ 1.25¢ per kwh for Direct or 1.0¢ Per kwh for Alternating Current; less 154; Next 100,000 kilDwatt-hours ner m . n 1.1¢ per kwh for Direct or 0.9¢ Per kwh for Alternating Current; less 154; Excess koro0.(B¢ Perrkwh foroAlternatingrCurrent;� less 154. Provided, however, that the ccnesre_ 'hall Je al'o-,ed a d1s:o�r. of 5% from the gross b1.11 f sell entLrely ha ^-nr. ting Current at Primary Voltage, a :r.�-1^c that shall be entitled to a further dinep mt (a-mlio���r e - velp in the case of five year contracts with a m1.ni:n:;.-r d=:,c,n� of 50 KW, of 2%. Prompt Payment Discount: 519 applied after the last mentioned discounts have been taken. Minimum Charge: The demand charge. G. INDUSTRIAL POWER (Combined On Peak and Off Peak Service): Demand Charge: (per month) First 100 KW ofdemand @ $2.15 per KW for "On Peak" service, or $1.50 per KW for "Off Peak" service; less 15%; Next 100 KW ofdemand @ $1.85 per KW for "On Peak" servlc e, or $1.35 per KW for "Off Peak" service; less 15%; Excess KW ofdemand @ $1.60 per KW for "On Peak" service, or $1.10 per KW for "Off Peak" service; less 15%. Provided, that if current is taken at Primary Voltage, then there shall be a Demand Charge Discount of 15d per KW on the first 100 KW of demand and 10� per KW for the excess KW of demand. plus Energy Charge: First 20,000 kilowatt-hours per me. @1.5V per kwh; less 15%; Next 30,000 kilowatt-hours per me. @ 1.OQ per kwh; less 15%; Next 50,000 kilowatt-hours per me. @ 0.9d per kwh; less 15%; Next 100,000 kilowatt-hours per me. @ 0.8d per kwh; less 15%; Excess kilowatt-hours per me. @ 0.7d per kwh; less 1519. The "On Peak" periods are defined as follows: October (after 10th) 5:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. November 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. December 4:30 P.M. to 7:00 P. M. January 4:45 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. February 5:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. March 6:00 P.K. to 7:00 P.M. The "Off Pear" periods are defined as all other time periods. Prompt Fryment Discount: 5% Minimum Charge: The demand charge for not less than 50 KW. H. INDUSTRIAL PCR'ER (Optional): Demand Charge: First 100 KVA of 91111ng Demand Ca $1.90 per KVA per me; less 15%; Next 100 KVA of 31111nv. Demand @ 1.60 per KVA ner me; less 15%; Excess KVA o£ 3illlnn Demand @ 1.35 o r KVA per m ; less 15%. Pr ovl3ed, that if jurrent is taken at Primary Veltage, then there shall be a Uc me nd Ch sr Pe Discount of 15Q per KVA on the first -00 K'/A o£ b!. -.ling demand, and lOQ per KVA on the excess KVA ," bi.ling pima no. ;Thi '3xlling Demand" (KVA) shall bo the maximum demand in c_lc""ta dividetl ty the monthly average power factor; the =11 011E=111�11mml "average power fnetor" is definedto be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt hours used d•iring Y the square root of the sum of the "q__ of the kilowett hears used and the lagging reactive k:..e.¢ h-2mne'e-hours saociiod during the same period; any lead!-,r,d.c-am�e:c-a �: re supplied dur Sng the Period will iot be considered in deter- mining the average power factor.) plus Energy Charge: First 10,000 kilowatt-hours per me. @ 1.4� per kwh; lees 15t; Next 10,000 kilowatt-hours per mo.@ 1.2d per kWh; less 15%; Next 30,000 kilowatt-hours per mo.@ 1.Od per kwh; lees 15%; Next 50,000 kilowatt-hours per mo.@ 0.9Q per kwh; less 15'6; Next 100,000 kilowatt-hours per me.@ 0.86 per kwh; less 151; Excess kilowatt-hours Der me. @ 0.7d per kwh; lose 15$. Prompt Payment Discount: 5'6 Minimum Charge: The Demand Charge, based on not less than 50 KW Maximum Demand. I. INDUSTRIAL POWER (Short Term): Demand Charge: First 100 KW of Demand @ $2.50 per KW per month; less 15%; Excess of KW of Demand @ 2.00 per KW per month; less 151$. plus Energy Charge: First 10,000 kilowatt-hours per mc.F 2.OQ Per kwh; less 15%; Excess kilowatt-hours per me. (' 1.0d oar kwh; less 15%. Prompt Payment Discount: 5% Minimum Charge: The Domnnd Charge for not less than 75 KW. S. LIGHT AND POWER FOR DAILY NEWSPAPERS: Demand CharPa: First 10 KW of yaximum Demand C' $1.95 per KW Per me; less 15%; Next 40 KW of Maximum Demand C' 1.40 Per MY Per me;less 15`Z; Excess KW of Paximum Demand P. 1.12 Per KY' o" mo; less 15'x. plus Energy Char Fc: First 400 kilowatt-hours Per mo. e 5.0V Per kwh; less 15%; Next 600 kilowatt-hours nor me. p 3.9Q per kwh; less 15�; Next 3,000 kilowatt per no. (' 2.0 per kwh; less 15'x; Excess kilowatt-hours ner mo. " 1.66 per kwh; less 15�. Pronpt P^.ymcnt Discount: 10$ Minimum Chcrg^: Tha Demand Charge for not less than 5 KW. K. WI{OiSSALE DISPLA}_LI U TING: First 1,000 kiwatt ilowatt hours por mo. n 16Q per kwh; less 156. Fr:vieed, tj_t X11 si Fn lighting consumntions of any customer -y be ^. bined fP billing Pure --s. pros -t Pa}event Discount; 51� L,-,, r. Charge: $1.00 nit Per meter per month. MUNICIPAL SHEET LIGHTING: Subject to annual negotiations between the company and the City of St. Paul in connection with annual specifications pre- pared by the Lighting Department of the City of St. Paul to suit h its requirements for various street lamps, and which may result in a variety of rates per lamp unit depending upon capacity of lamps, burning hours per annum, investment in or ownership of lamas, fixtures and distribution system and upon any other proper factors, the monthly charges for electrical energy de- livered to the entrances of the distribution eye tam unite shall not exceed a be s to charge of 1.7¢ less 15$ por kilowatt hour in those case. where the City of St. Paul owns the distribution systems and not to exceed 2.5Q less 15% per kilowatt hour in those cases where the company owns the distribution systema. MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER OTHER THAN STREET LIGHTING: The net rates for electrical energy furnished to the various departments, bureaus and abtivities of the City of St. Paul, street lighting excepted, shall not exceed the net rates charged to the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul for similar services as defined in this section, Stems A to R inclusive, provided however, that the monthly bill' for the resnective cl. sses of reet be combined assifdalle the tenergy forhan eachtof the gesoecgtiveall classes paased through si tgle meters, one for each class of service. Section 2. The rate schedules actually issued by the company, as well as the corresponding monthly bills to customers, in respect to a characteristic form of this ordinance in which maximum rates are stated in money values "less 15�", may take such characteristic form, or they map take the form of redu cad rates that shall give effect to such "less 15'.B" characteristics without a snecific recltatl on and separate calculation thereof. This characteristic "less 15%" in effect shall precede any other sort of discount such as "Quantity Discount" in Rate B, "Primary Voltage Discount on Demand Charges of Rate G, H, etc. "Groes Amount" or "Gross Bill" means the amount of e bill before the 5% Prompt Payment Discount is taken. Section 3. The company shall within thirty days after the passage, ofpYub licaUt i11t1espublication thefCitythis ofr St ordinance, ul,file ton copieshoy alli oner the ctrirate then in a anyd?ne thefCity l ofsSt le Paulc ands c and ten effect tendaysbco— thereaftery the before any Proposed effective date,ten similar conies of schedules of revised rate. or changed rates, shall be filed with the Co—J.si oner of Public Utilities, and if when said ten daps have expired the Council on recom- mondatlon of the Commissionor has not disapproved of such ch,nges or revised rates, theft such changes or revised rates not incons '.stent with the provisions of this ordinance shall automatically become:f Fe cove .tthe end of said ten day neriod, provided, however, that t? Jouncil on recovanenda t i on ofthe c edssiorerrates amachat any subsequent t..ne nallify or modify such Section 4. The company may establish such other reasonable rules and regulations in connection with the maximum prices prescribed in Section 1 of this ordinance, a aro not incona Sstent with the P rov i- siona of this ordinance, such as classifications of service-avail- ab111ty of the rates, rules for the determinati on of monthly bi 111ng demand, vacant dwelling reservations and regulations, time to, a, and for the adjustment of energy rates, vo or down, in items F, G, and H of the 1 of this ordi mace, Sf reas mable, through contract pro- visions usually known as 'COal clauses". In reseect to Cosl clauses" the maximum prices prescribed in items F, G and H of Section 1 of this a coal c st of twenty cents (200) per million ordinance, aro based upon British thermal units; however, adjustments may be mnde by the company monthly for variations of two cents (20) or more per mi1lien B.t.u* of coal coat but not to exceed twenty-two ono -hundredths of one mill (.22 mill) net per kWh Der whole cent of variation in coal cost from the 200 base coat per million B.t.u. Before the rules and regulations referred to in this section shall become effective the company shall file with the Commissioner of Public Utilities of the City of St. Paul, not leas than ten days beforehand, ten copies of such proposed rules and regulations; and, unless the Council upon recommendation such filed ed the Commissioner of Public Utilit lea shall disapprove of such filed rules and regulations (including rules and regulations in the nature of .to "riders") they shall become automatically affective ten days after filing, subject however to subsequent nullification or modifica- tion orders through Council resolutions as the Council lshall Pass upon recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Utilities. Section 5. Each customer -consumer of electricity whose premises are at one location, or if such Premises are separated by no more than s public street or alley or by no more than a railroad right-of-way width, and not otherwise, shall be entitled to have the monthly readings of two or more meters of the resoective cls sees of service, if more than one meter of n class, combined as if all the energy for each of the respective classes ease ed through single meters, one for each class; providing fthowaever,Mthat Sthe Provisions efordinance. tl on shall not apply nd on I of Section 6. The words "Prompt Payment Discount" apPeering Sn the shall tovartimet period ofc tenn(10)fdaysthis after theordinancadeta ofr the efermonthly billin 11 • Section -7. The company may divide the city into "distrle ts" for the purpose of distributing the billing dates and collection periods over the calendar months; thla connotes n similar economical dlstribu- ti di The companyh the shallefiledw lth the sCommissioner of meter a ofnPubli cbUtiliii asoofa the City of St. Paul ten copies of schedules describing these standard city "districts" and likewise ten conies of notices of changes, if any, in such district descriptions. Section S. The meaning of certain abbreviations appearing in this ordinance, are stated as follows: H.P. means "Horse -Power", a standard engineering unit; one H.P. represents the energy that would raise 550 pounds one foot in one second. KW means Kilowatt" or 1000 Watts, a standard electric nl unit; one KW represents the energy that would raise 737 pounds one foot in one second, or, one KW equals 1.34 H_ P. Ka wh mens "Kilowatt -.hour or or standard electrical unit combining th,3 element of time awith the preceding, thus establishing a rate of consumption Done energy; one kwh denotes the use of one 'W of energy hour, or one kwh equals 1.34 H.P. hours. KVA means "kilovolt - amperes", a standard electrical unit; one KVA is the product of 1000 times volts times amperes; in direct current this is the same as KW, but not so for alternating current. The word company" means The Northern States Parer Co.". The word "Net" means the rates or results of rates after all discounts have been deducted including the Prompt Payment Discount. B.t.u. means "British Thermal Units", a standard engineering unit of heat; one B.t.u. represents the heat energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water at maximum density one degree Fahrenheit. In mechani- cal energy this is equal to 778 foot pounds, or to .000293 kwh. d means "cents" or hundredths of one dollar. Mille means tenths of one cent or thousandths of one dollar. Section 9. The rate regulating provisions of this ordinance are de- clared to be in pursuance to the provisions of the city charter, and inter alfa, the provisions of section 14 of ordinance number 2424 ap- proved January 21, 1904 and of section 9 of ordinance number 2645 ap- proved December 26, 1906 and subsequently reiterated In the terms of Council resolution (Aly File No. 12911) apnroved May 23, 1911, and of ordinance No. 6586 approved November 27, 1925. Section 10. Ordinance No. 3119 entitled "An ordinance fixing the maximum prices............ for electric energy.........' aporoved April 7, 1913, and ordinance No. 6590 entitled "An ordinance fixing the maximum prices for electric energy...... furnished to residences..." approved December 2, 1925, are hereby repealed. Section 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after Its passage, aporoval and publication; provided, however, that the maximum rates herein prescribed shall apDly to all bills rendered by the company to its customers on and after the first day of February 1933. 0.` y , pee��ieq+r i4llPeu�i $ r oe'�w • N � �• taeR :..., i�},h�;y'ibreenttge:bnkne�ni;,�- i•' a, k ' 3 - '..,E WPI rix f s .. z F AWs ? y p.. 'K.lWh � ins D ��� vast • • bts figr ddlirgi+o� -�. .1Ana � ��an the ■b4iM `4 �nb�ttat • •Lne wait-�tea�y;=1�d-thr���.:� �, �'.- , - 'a66 leas +ams azaA.:.rt � +• ao. 4.� �. t .: -��s---� _ e � , - ti �� of � : '�y�QiM, s��siE'��`f��, 1 Ta pk zt�t' ,., �+..x'•Y"' a a.> -i rnr3 'v {. AS. t `y Y �'�-^ s rte„ yM 0' 2 the 10.1KS�i� tc De oHu'Sed b7 ldr•. 8 bat t OOrP lAlr. tlie uo?A 6�and d tq qty ,ag * .p4�ui the me of sash _ a x +„ fir' _ f 91k,1R o4 7®a1ts0� 3 4t4a gFt =F fis d W t1N0 # r Y' y.8 Pelu�'Q� !'or �+�lt7e to. �hi�itp:_,ot 8i4�P�1 r11' R W�3'�6 !T si�gbs3aiLY t* 01* 8tr P+i61 �`.aot r� piye ! �df x� {SP.'ka9DeY' 1701�pa r, Aw .1'�einiw,cn4id I' T71 SAW M M� Par a. 6!l y4iP'14� i'h kk t.. ` !`. be fbfi 1b141t7k .get• !ad- ata�a,.a3]. fAtl �'�,:Oi"apttt±.' fliC � tlf � �t i�a11.Dt �i3tltl`� QAR..#; *otsln:�tdr � adf�vaiiq' .ib�s� �+ aaoz�.�sXrt. a " met �?`� q�b►'„ `�I�W�E y�rs�yatd ���.J� �i4 Vis` s z 4 t 9 •t .k �...w .. \ •' to M..iiY ca. _. v ati.�'+s.. .� t +.tis r__ ■ CI'Y OF ST. PAUL .�� No. ......_... 94168 .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7 r COUNCIL RESOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM I � DATE Oct. 26 193w.d°r_ co NI,>s�oN R____ RESOLVED �n ie WN t°[°xiorw:. Whereas, the Department of Public Works requires mini eek a relocation and extension of railroad track serving '.: n�w�e°�. el°'• the Dale Street Service Yard; and r `?eue wori: Whereas, through negotiations already conducted m � with the Great Northern Railway Company, said company •��1.'„ so..' has agreed to improve and relocate the existing track on its right of way and furnish certain labor and materials for the extension of said track for a dis- tance of approximately 1000 feet, providing the Depart- ment of Public Works will furnish the grading, ballast, cross ties, 1160 feet of rail and 68 angle bars, and providing that the Department of Public Works will perform all labor and furnish all materials not specifically agreed upon to be furnished by the Great Northern Railway Company to be under contract dated Ocxbb'er 27.1932 and that the Depart- ment of Public Workswill defray the expense of extending said tracks; therefore, be it 1 Resolved, That the Mayor,Commissioner of Public Works and the City Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with said Great Northern Railway Company for the extension of the commercial trackage at the Dale Street Service Yard; provided, however, that said agreement shall not obligate the Department of Public Works to expend any greater sum than $3800.00 for the completion of said trackage, actual costs of said trackage to be paid for from the Sprinkling Fund, Code 1004-C151. l:OUNCILM I;:: 0 l:l G I Y_- \eYs AdapleJ I�� thr f'��ii uiil / pp i MaY ®CI %+r 1�2 / McD.n Id .pti.p —1 h fn.ur /Truax A&-' l WmzrF UrYUf.SH� 1 .N . �Ai■hu+�eT g■'T p[Q!\14HFn/C '�5=3� o.uyY�av O�fv CITY OF ST. PAUL w No...._.wIi1W OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION�EH L FOPe "imx°^`• b"I� • inn a eudlou.l FOP. n""m et a. to PRESS z commissio- Whereas, additions and deductions which might prove to be ties - improvement described as thePaving of Hastings Avenue from Pt. Douglas to Hudson Road, Fielding and Shepley, Contractor, have been provided for in the specifications and unit pri see therefor have been stipulated in the contract, and Whereas, it has been found necessary to make additions and de- ductions, Table 1 showing additions and deductions made in accordance with unit prices as stipulated in the contract and Table 2, showing addi- tions and deductions made on a force account basis as provided in the con- tract, Table 1 Additions: 2.53 Sq. We 7" rein. concrete ® $2.06 55 21 4, Bituminous macadam ® 1.80 664 13.85 Deductionst i. 12.84 Sq. Yds. 3" Brick on 6" base ® 3,66 46.99 120 " 7" concrete Class "A" ® 1.8472 221.66 615 Lbs. reinforcing steel ®.04 24.60 45 Lin. ft. of 5"x11" integral curb ® ,24 io.8 104.0 Net deduction Table 1 290,20 Table 2 Additions 1 catchbasin to rebuild at 1152 Hastings Ave. 18.86 Total Net Deductions $251.34 And, thereas, the net deduction is $251.34 now therefor, be it Resolvedthat the City Council hereby approve a£o resaid work done under the supervision of the Co-missioner of Public Works and in accor- dance with the snecificati0 ne therefor the net deduction due to same not to exceed the sum of $251.34, to be deducted from the lump sum considera- tion named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L. 3717 for the making of the aforesaid improvement for the reasons hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipu- lated therein. TheDepartment of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor, Fielding & Shepley, that the sum of $251.34 is the reasonable net deduction to be made from the said contract. Commissioner of Public s Countersigns COUNCILMEN Q Yens / Nye Adopted by the Council...... •..._..._..1;7.0......_.193..... l Msy a McDonald ^c In favor A rov/ _._ ..193..... /amen 0 True, _ _._.Against OTT __ _-_ Meyor I 10.11msey '' NI:ULIStiF.U/ It i mt, I tI `;e THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS r��1G9 OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Oct. 24, 1932 Ron. H. C. Wenzel Commissioner J Dear Sir' The following is eu itted in explanation of additions and deductions a own on the attached resolution. The additional items of 7" reinforced concrete and bituminous macadam end the deduction item of 3" brick on 6" concrete bees involving a net deduction represents the difference between the original plane and the final survey. The deduction item of 9" concrete pavement, reinforcing steel, and integral curb involves deduc- tions necessary for work called for in plane but found unnecessary to be done at this time. The additional item for replacing catch- baain involves work necessary in changing its loca- tion. The catEh-basin in auestion was so close to traffic it was deemed necessary to move it in order to safeguard vehicular traffic. Trusting that this gives YOU sufficient ex- planation of additions and deductions, I am Ve truly yours, J. E. CARROLL Supt, of Const. and Repair JLC t log. H. 0. Wenzel Commissioner Dear Sirl The following is submitted in explanation of additions and deductions ghown on the•attached repolntton. The additional items of ?►; reinfoided oonorats and bituminous -macadam sad the deduction item e1.3• brisk on 6" aonorat♦♦ base involving a net'.dsduation represents the diffsrenos'bstwaen the original plans and the final survey. The deduction item of ys concrete pavementp' reinforcing steels and intogral-curb involves deduc $ion# pabeesaty for work rcalled for in plane but found Yanecose9rr to be done at. this tiros, The additional item for replacing catch- U41a involves work necessary in changing its loea- tjaw, .The oatdh-basin in question van so 01646 to traffic. it van deemed necessary to move It In order to safeguard vehiaular traffic. ;Trusting that this given you sufficient px. planation of additions and. deductions, I am Very truly your$# J. H. OARROM Supt, of Const. and Repair JbOiS o.,ermlman a+t CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.._.......:�`j�I-O /J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK iS/////-...- //COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FC1'R nww t e tllmn aP w t i`a ca°u in.: t s ... co�M�gg o - Rwe4 Oe ly 1 WHEREAS, on the 28th day of September, 1932, the Council passed a resolution vacating certain portione of Eighth street between W.basha and Cedar streets, which resolution is known as 00=011 File No, 93831; and WHEREAS, by the terms of said resolution, Friedman Brothers Holding Company, a corporation, to required to perform certain oon- ditione, more particularly get forth therein, one of which conditions ie to pay the sum of $7,500 1 cash to the Oity of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, by virtue of the vacation prooeeding, the title to the portion of the street vacated reverts to the abutting property owners, the Tooker Realty Company and the Pfeifer Realty Company, but Bald Friedman Brothers Holding Company desires that the City formally release and quitclaim any interest therein to said abutting owners for the purpose of making a better record title; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute quitclaim deeds, quitclaiming and releasing to said Tooker Realty Company and the Pfeifer Realty Company that portion of Eighth street which is vacated by said Council File No. 93831, and which abuts upon their respective properties, said quit- claim deeds to be in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel; x Pro vi ded, however, that said deeds shall not be delivered until the City Clerk has certified that all the terms and conditions of said resolution have been complied with. COUNCILMEN Yam Neye McDonald ibcrce �.... In favor /7'ruaz 1 .l..�'..Ageirret ii4wed etl .00 Mr. e.oa F.cc Z Adopted by the Council_... _.. iQ ....._193.. ... A rove� .... 193.11.. 1IY cl.b� Mayor I oriuv.i e. cin a-.. CITY OF ST. PAUL e�uaV"`` NO......_. .7YJ.y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK c. pa YeaTl—e> a. a anpon.t0—I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM•.w- .r y. p. ep.l.• m e hA maw —E Eo e. R✓�— WHEREAS, William 0. OOaway, an ample of the Department of Public Safety, was injured on Harsh 15th, 1933, while in the course of hie employment, and as the result of such injury received a permanent lose of use of both his right foot and hie left foot, to -wit, a 33 1/3 per cent permanent lose of use of the right foot and a tea per cent permanent lose of use of his left foot, and WHEREAS, the Workmen's Compensation Act provides that an employa�`Iall receive compensation for forty-one and two-thirds weeks for a 33 1/3 per cent lose of use of a foot, and twelve and one-half weeks for a 10 per cent lose of use of a foot, and WHERZAS, the compensation rate for the said William 0. Conway is $20.00 per week, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby anthorlsed and directed to pay the said William 0. Conway the sum of $20.00 per week for a period of fifty-four and one-sixth weeks, said compensation to begin on August 17th, 19320 and to continue until such time as the full sum of $1083.34 has been paid, such sum tobe payable out of the Workmen's Compensation Aaoo\mt sof the General Toad. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nate A uncIj�r'G lit Donald Adapted by the Coil.. _. ...... ._ _. 193 / Mc .._ Y ,A— --. I Inver ..d Rosen .Against \i. Mayor iYeveel VLWL1SI1ED /V oml=.I .mu m...•°^ No. _ ,,.'31.1 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. a. ww ��t1s-ai eMpu�v. T. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR. m`a>f4 �d CamirePl.' A�ur- ewmENreC wv owr i' �oMM�wsowE� � 7GI_� �RYKa WHEREAS, By Council File No. 93940, approved October 4, 1932, the Oounoll determined that the house and garage located on Lot 1, Ramsey's iddition, also known as No. 76 Iglehart avenue, are unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and aN oining property and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, Due notice has been given as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said buildings have not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Oommissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and be Is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structures, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and ad- joining property. _ COUNCILMEN Ado ted b the Council. . 193.... Ycos No3's P Y ...... .. .... .. ��.y / ZW D—ld Yrmae " 1 favor Pruved .. ... 193.... ARoeen /1'ninx !- 1 .. Ag Inst I I STT ."' CITY OF SAINT PAUL GpIW of Mi..nole OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT. CIM Cjv ..d Connlvlonn d R.Sne.a.e e.ewai:ad^' We tw"" `"• `°,mss October 26th, 1932 ce­" Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: We attach harevith notice from Co®Sasioner T— that no appeal has been taken from the order condemning that certain building located at 76 lglehert Avenue. This matter was referred to rout department for the proper resolution (third) authorising the Department of Parke, Playground. and Public Buildings to .neck said building. Sours very truly, City Clerk. sea, w. �vscu w� Inde CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Plt.l of M1..... t. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City H.II FRED M. TRUAX, Commivl... OTTO E. CONSTANS, D.. Commlwane October 25, 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: On October 4, Resolution 93940 was passed by your Honorable Body confirming the condenmutlon on the part of this Depart- ment of the building at 76 Iglehart Avenue. The last para- graph of the resolution provides that if, within ten day.af- ter the mailing of the copy thereof to the property caner, agent, or occupant, no appeal hes been taken from this order, the 0_issioner of Parks, 11n7grounds And Public Buildings shall report said fact back tc tie Conned. Conned. I am hereby ---ting t'.^.�,t t, notice ` s been nailed and no appeal h.s been ta'een. fherofore, I ask author- ization to proceed wit! -. t::e r cking of the building. Yours truly, Cons.l ssloner. auiv� ro un a<. CITY OF Sr. PAU'_ u . No. 94173 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTION—.G ENERAL FORM C.M., . R60LVED In the matter of the extension of the railroad tracks serving the Dale Street Service Yards, under Resolution C. F. 92429, approved May 18, 1932. Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. �P. Na H. i•4n�ean o 6 . ? .v.=e°b.Po ii �isl, o Ln�au. COUNCILMEN Y'.Nn,� Arinlilcrl by thr ('uunril _.. I _IaJ. i May /WD—Id /d'rus«x- J In f... 4 ""1 _. " 191 /'1'r �nx � ,. ARniiint i;"""1 OF CLERK _94174 \ b araar= WHEREAS, the Minnesota Educational Association will hold its annual convention in St. Paul on October 217th, 28th and 29th of this year, and is desirous of obtaining the use of the St. Paul Auditorium for such purpose; and WHEREAS, the proposed use of the Auditorium on said dates by said Association is strictly for public purposes and no admittance Pee is to be charged to the public; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Minnesota Educational Association be and it is hereby granted the use of said Auditorium, cleaned, heated and lighted, for the conduct of its convention and exercises pertaining thereto, on October 27th, 28th and 29th of this year, without charge, Yeas COUNCILMEN ✓!M Y Nays ��4eDonnld Penne _.. In favor Rosen /Tninx /� /J ".Agnir,et / Nenzel Mr. President Mahoney Adopted by the Council...'. . _. *!.%. 102 .... 193.... r, P" ro v c��. _. ....... 193..... N Mayor pv„gwa..a, No J4175 - CITY OF ST. PAUL -,- d FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CR ss�o°°.k'a___�oA October 2B, 1932_.. _... RESOLVED That whereas on May 2B, 1929, unier C. F. No. 80812 and C. F. No. 80813, the Council approved the action of the Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of Saint Paul for the purchase of that real estate known as Late 14 and 15, Block 4, and Lot 15, Block 5, Hazel Park Division No. 4, an addition to the City of Saint Paul, from the owner thereof, for the sum of $650.00 for Lots 14 and 15, Block 4, and $300.00 for Lot 15, Block 5, and WHEREAS, it now appears that the City is unable to secure said reel estate as the record owner cannot furnish the City with a clear title to the property, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the action of the Committee on Lands recommending that condemnation proceedings be instituted under the provisions of the Charter of the City to secure said real estate, be approved, payment to be made from the Playground Bond Issue Fund No. 461. awao�u+xom e na-er arq�pc ae:e c � �oAml°ne N eW'�ef�We U �Y •ot'6 H[rM1HYa YWve �1 COUNCILMEN ' 1*2 Y.. Nays ///nJ Adopted by the Cooncil _.___ __._ ......193..... McDonald / P,.,. ....._.....In favor Approved '_.. __ _.....193..... Roeeo Truax .... i,.,. .... Against t� Wenzel / Mr Presd nt Mahoney ,.-1a.....,_. r CITY OF SAINT PAUL CW W d MI—w DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 112 Cour H.- -61— October oax-®October 28, 1932 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO TFE HONORABa COUNCIL: Under date of May 28, 1929 under C. F. No. 80812 and C. F. 80813 the Council concurred in the recommendation of the Committee on Lands for the purchase of that real estate known as Lots 14 and 15, Block 4 and Lot 15, Block 5, Hazel Park Divieion No. 4, from the owner thereof for the a— of $650.00 for Lots 14 and 15, Block 4, and $300.00 for Lot 15, Block 5. However, it now -appears that the City has been unable to obtain the said real estate as the record owner is unable to furnish the City with a clear title to the property, and the Committee therefore recommends that condemnation proceedings be instituted under the provisions of the Charter of the City to secure the said real estate, same to be paid from Play round Bond Issue Fund No. 461. COW TTEE ON LANDS uay or ` Comr.P rke, Playgr anile & Pub.Bldee, chasing A_eent '.;::�a..: • •=ITY OF SAINT PAUL eou.u_ NO. ..9.41761 moi, `A�FS7�l3PRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM ' PER Cr-rw RTER SECTION 20B PRESENTED Br COMMISSIONER. ..._ _-__.- -.--.---. ...- - DATE Oototer AS, 19b2 RESOLVED. THAT THE FO LLOIAIING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO GOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM W H IGH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. .,li eu �tEe t�az �•wmi Due •.• B epi ole ieo•, 7 A S P:11ca Awa_ EgatpsmtSCC CC 7 A 4 39—p—st. �P weo;ao I SCC CC 7 C 5a ---.1 Polico-- 1918—U— a 500 CC 7 C 4 Auto gainteumce S 000 00 7 D 1DaEacEiva, 1400 00 7 E 1 8ad3o XkJ- — 8a3...+ee E 000 00 7 E Y Light, St0. S00 00 7 E 4 Hepaire S400 00 7 F 1 Po11aa Stat3-oa 8-3e^+ee 1 500 00 7 F 4Feeding Pri-- 1 200:u00 7 F 5 Be00 peire S 00 7 0 1 Hnraaa oS Records — Salaries 900 00 e C E I FYra T+'+�a>cs=mss: — Sirees Tnbee 250 00 S C 8 9liecellmeom 500 00 .S C 7 250 00 Es(J)C:ouNu�,wEN (d) NwYs ADOrrEOsr THE CV -1— H ....... ouNCa_..H..GBON-------------------__eN Fwv MCOONwt_o SU DH EIMER Y•••• _:.............. ...As�.E.r NST W.— Cou NTERBISNEo BY MR. PRESIDENT o.. oo.n•ou.. CITY OF SAINT' PAUL `�- NO. �,..�•. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 206 PRESENTED BT COMMIBSIOrvER ___.. G7^_...�✓` _...... _....... DATE.. O.tober 28, 1932_ _.. • RE THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE E COMPTROLLE DDI OIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY S NSFERS AMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONE HE ITEMS FROM WHICH THETRANS_R. _F d 7 B A4 II r° Folia. •_Ala•_m `Telephone_ I20°0x 0_0 - 20•0N 0R 0TBd Ds ° I A E Health Aloin. Auto Rgwwe 1100 Bb 9 8 E Quarantine- Auto Raiateoanoe1 250 00 E E 9 F 4 • Supplies Tnbas`oulo.i0 - C -t-1 EOB i3 330 OC ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- ...... 19'.._...... 9 9 R llorkhouse Ho.pit.1-Board of Prisoners 100 00 9 H 2 Lnboreto7 EuPPliee 50 00 MCOONALD� StleHeNAmRTAUA,I....._19 9 H E Rq-0a 100 00 j�'H. B- SCO" t' air= CLaktF' 9 I 1 Harriet 1.!-d - Salaries .o.. BOE 04^ 9 I Y Light & Bater 93 82 I E supplies 293 00 I 6 Repair. 125 00 I 8 Kisoelleneoam 278 68 K 1 Bog Li.w. baforoement-Snlariee 177 40 b 2 Auto Naintenanm 19 88. b 3 • • • Supplies 42 98 OCT 2lS VEs �� COUNCILMEN I �� NAVE ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- ...... 19'.._...... APPRov OCT `L �N I`OSFN ............Iry FAVOR MCOONALD� StleHeNAmRTAUA,I....._19 A -ET W.— MR. j�'H. B- SCO" t' air= CLaktF' COUNTERswneD ET .r.e..o� ------ .o.. • CITY OF ST. PAUL ,W NO ............. 94177 ... . .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the application of S. P. Harbek for permission to install one additional pump and 550 -gallon tank at his filling station at the northeast corner of Rice and Geranium streets, be and the same is hereby granted, said tank and pump to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the 0ity of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Y!ee Neye /ay Ar,Donald jPearse �� raYor /xaaea Tn,ox �. ..... Ag,mst Weasel Mr. President Mahoney b. m of af...ee optWop�,�n��pe e°�k�une�ulne oiefvi4 d11eE�o Ici`v° °a aileja�..a assn m. wee t fly! 1p0"� Adopted by the Council.. __ _. _.... -. ... .. 193_ ... proved .... 193.... ... MayYor., _ OFFICE OF THE CITY O -K Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION .ATC 0,a /3 TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION is Hereby Made /11-� -�o -Y ON 1 = FILE. e�a0wKo. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gplul of Mtaenob DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tamh .ad Ml ---u Sb -b JOHN H. McDONN D, Cowwui — 11 r aoC . D— C-11— October 17, 1952 .moo Hr. Tilliem F. Scott, City Clerk, Seim Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of S. P. Rarbek for permi.eim to lnetal one additi—1 pump and 550 gallon gaeoliae teek at his f""'g station et Rice end Ger-iue Street., and report of iner,ectlon by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Very truly Ycnra. Commiaelmer of Public w,�s [ DnHxi, CITY OF SAINT PAUL C-71.1 Mi—.. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T..1h ..d Mi....W S.m JOHN H. M DONALD, Co -- T.1 - or vuwoiu[e October 15,1932 Ron.J.L.MoDonald Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Hinn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of 88TQHarbekfor permission to install one additional pump 550 Ba llon gasolinetank at hie filling station located at Rice and Geranium Streets. Re have investigated the forgoing and report that this additional storage at the desired location would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant refection. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. Fire Prevention Bureau. THE CITY PLANNING BOARD SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 214 COURT HOLM COMM -- October 27, 1932 Win. F. Scott City Clerk TST Nares Rovnxo Des, Sir, Ret Anplication of A. P. Harbek Minn. Oil & Refining Co. for nawpumpat existing filling ..... station, NE corner Rice and Geranium .. . . ........ The -installation of this additional pump will, in no way, affect establishedpub- P-1 ... u ... lic relations or increase traffic hazard. . No new drives " e contemplated. Inasmuch as the station i . an existing one it is not nee_ P-1-11-11-111 ... 11-11—%Ssary that it come before the Board of Zoning. It is in a commercial district. Yours very truly R -A.— 5-- & HI.- N--.1 AGS Secretary CIL RESOLUTION ===ry=,�F,�E rvo. 94178 PwirvTew '� ' Iv? id iv+r - 9FS._ cL. ... 2 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF iszi. 4 . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_9940L TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. A--.. eY THe o�a�.rE ro"•• oFFice or r"eco„vrs... . No. lolIC11111-ROLL..LI AUDITED CLAIMS- 0't. ` 991,0 -- - ”- . _ ....TOTAL r.u"eew IN FAVOR OF c.Eces 4 . < s �•' _ wwo "r oww>wo 38 354 91N693 . 269.69: — 9940 R. JohnR. E. Pullen 40 00 9941 betoher 27 00 9942 Hanlon & Ckes to 419 59 9943 Fifty Below Co. 60 (0 9944 Edward W. Laokay 9945 specialty Printing Co. 7 75 9946 Delis Brown 28 28 9999478 Milton Rosen, Com. .f Finance^,115 977 12 " �'.1P9 518 14 9949 21 699 41 9950 Carl Fisher �7 00 9952 John Lennon Sly Christy 40 00 995j3 Anna Wagner Peltsoh 40 00 9954 Yrs. Hannah Peterson 24 92 9952 John E. Fahey 12 67 9956 Elfrida Soderberg 28 850 9957 home Metal Spinning Co. 72 N 9958 The Addreesograpb Co.' 16 56 9959 Ahlb. rg Bearing Co. 16 64 9960 Alr Reduo tion sales Co. 9961 American AseIn of University Bomen 2 00 50 9962 American City Magazine 9963 American Insurance Aga10 00 35 05 9964 Amerlosn Concrete Inetltute 66 21 9965 American Linen Supply Co. 20 24 9066 Am srioan Linen Supply Co. zb 64 9967 " 26 00 9968 Armour & Co. 2 91 9969 G. A. Ashton co. 94 11 9970 Atlas Cas & 011 Cn. �6 70 9971 The Auto Engine Works Inc. g0 31 9972 Automotive Service Co. 6 0o 9973 Aviation 9974 Bakers supply & Equipment 157 '4+3 9975 Barrett Battery Co. 50 9976 W. Sidney Beane 6 58 9977 Beck Du-11cator Co. 186 60 9978 S. Berglund Lumber Cc. 74 23 9979 Borchert Ingersoll Inc. 6 65 9980 Brookings Institution 6 67 899968g1 Stewart R. Brownaaal1Mf Co. i0 y_v_ 9623 Carl A.oBundy1 Qu111A&f Press. 65 1 9984 Burroughs Adding Machlno Co. 1 9 9985 Capitol Auto Top Co. 3 29 25 9986 Capital City Lime & Cement Co. 11 40 9987 Capitol 'welding & Mfg. C'. 37 75 9968 Carburetor, Brake & Eleo. Co. 3 00 9989 Cedar Rapids Engineering Co. 7 17 9990 Central Garage Ino. I 58 42 9991 Central Soap Co. Y 12 381 9992 Champion Animal F,od Co. 41�. 9993 Chicago Apparatus Co. �I,; 43 9994 Chicago, St. Paul, Mp1e. & Oman. Ry. Co.a 1 93 9995 citizens Ioe & Fuel Co. I. 33 59 36 53 9996 Cooh ran sargent Co. s"ser TOTA�_Foaw.wo o r�L 91 ,577 -S9 a0. 1 i i f o�a�.rE ro"•• oFFice or r"eco„vrs... . No. lolIC11111-ROLL..LI AUDITED CLAIMS- 0't. ` 991,0 -- - ”- . _ ....TOTAL r.u"eew IN FAVOR OF c.Eces 4 . < s �•' _ wwo "r oww>wo 38 354 91N693 . 269.69: — 9940 R. JohnR. E. Pullen 40 00 9941 betoher 27 00 9942 Hanlon & Ckes to 419 59 9943 Fifty Below Co. 60 (0 9944 Edward W. Laokay 9945 specialty Printing Co. 7 75 9946 Delis Brown 28 28 9999478 Milton Rosen, Com. .f Finance^,115 977 12 " �'.1P9 518 14 9949 21 699 41 9950 Carl Fisher �7 00 9952 John Lennon Sly Christy 40 00 995j3 Anna Wagner Peltsoh 40 00 9954 Yrs. Hannah Peterson 24 92 9952 John E. Fahey 12 67 9956 Elfrida Soderberg 28 850 9957 home Metal Spinning Co. 72 N 9958 The Addreesograpb Co.' 16 56 9959 Ahlb. rg Bearing Co. 16 64 9960 Alr Reduo tion sales Co. 9961 American AseIn of University Bomen 2 00 50 9962 American City Magazine 9963 American Insurance Aga10 00 35 05 9964 Amerlosn Concrete Inetltute 66 21 9965 American Linen Supply Co. 20 24 9066 Am srioan Linen Supply Co. zb 64 9967 " 26 00 9968 Armour & Co. 2 91 9969 G. A. Ashton co. 94 11 9970 Atlas Cas & 011 Cn. �6 70 9971 The Auto Engine Works Inc. g0 31 9972 Automotive Service Co. 6 0o 9973 Aviation 9974 Bakers supply & Equipment 157 '4+3 9975 Barrett Battery Co. 50 9976 W. Sidney Beane 6 58 9977 Beck Du-11cator Co. 186 60 9978 S. Berglund Lumber Cc. 74 23 9979 Borchert Ingersoll Inc. 6 65 9980 Brookings Institution 6 67 899968g1 Stewart R. Brownaaal1Mf Co. i0 y_v_ 9623 Carl A.oBundy1 Qu111A&f Press. 65 1 9984 Burroughs Adding Machlno Co. 1 9 9985 Capitol Auto Top Co. 3 29 25 9986 Capital City Lime & Cement Co. 11 40 9987 Capitol 'welding & Mfg. C'. 37 75 9968 Carburetor, Brake & Eleo. Co. 3 00 9989 Cedar Rapids Engineering Co. 7 17 9990 Central Garage Ino. I 58 42 9991 Central Soap Co. Y 12 381 9992 Champion Animal F,od Co. 41�. 9993 Chicago Apparatus Co. �I,; 43 9994 Chicago, St. Paul, Mp1e. & Oman. Ry. Co.a 1 93 9995 citizens Ioe & Fuel Co. I. 33 59 36 53 9996 Cooh ran sargent Co. s"ser TOTA�_Foaw.wo o r�L 91 ,577 -S9 a0. 1 i FI ITY CLERK — O OLUTI — E ER FORM PRE9ENTEo er /� on1[ RESOLVED That Stem Hall in the Municipal Auditorium be and it is hereby let to the International Institute for a pageant to be given on _ Sunday afternoon, November 13th, without cost to said International Institute, said Auditorium to be open to the public and no admittance fee to be charged. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the cost of opening and operating said Hall be paid to the Auditorium Fund out of the Contingent Fund' not to ezoeed $100.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nnys May McD... Id 1'enrce In favor R sen Againot R .noel -vl-t Mahoney C m`-- tis». c.aitiov n9�n.°-i s ne..ee— mw�:rte net°aro oHr"%9: e�:i� n,ee. N ie e: a'"'riie°tn,°°a uia'ty °r o e:°:we 8 .11, . n°v.e.e IKov rs AJop6eJ by the Council_ '�1 1 . �..2. �_... -._.. 193..... l" App ved _._ _....._ .. 193..... IN 21. �iLaCPR-a��rR _.._.. h1 ayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6plul ul MineaoU OFFICE OF CITY CLERK F. WILLIAM . SCOTT, AM / CIM Clerk u,d iaew d 0.eyW.eon ®m October 28th, 1932 Hon. I. CPearce, Comer of 8dacatdon, City of St. peel. Dear Commlaeloner: Ne encic.e herewith co®Imication from idre. Slekele, Secre Lary, International Institute reoaeet io' the use of Stem E-11 1. the 1udltari+m for e pageant to be glven Sunday afternoon, November 13th. The Council tods, referred this matter to the Auditorium Committee for recommendation. Yonne very truly, City Clerk. \ Staff A—, L --q—, S.--, E.—,— K— ... — C.--, Italian Nu —Iny S --U. E ---S-.., G—. N.fi.-1,y Secretary. M—. K..--., z,,h N.A—.1ay G,—, N.-, Office S --y. L-- E. H—, S.p—n., f C— Work. � --, C-6, Russian, Serbian, Rouman- -d 'h, "—p—, on call. M.. A— A. G.—A., Ch.--, C...,,— of M.,g"m, of the 1—man ... I 1""t— M-. SA.—M—the, P—id— f � Y. W. C. A. M,. L-,. G F..., General Secretary Y. W. C A TELEPH— CEDAR 2113 S.pp-.d b, rbr C—.i,, Cb,,,. International Institute ,,3 W. Fftb Stoat —T PAUL THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE of ST. PAUL What it is? An all n onaloics c\\ hen rhe h,rcign horn pers,m needs a f—,d, ,he o rhe hen she will lied ane o(nhcr own na[ionahra- There arc Sv such c [he Unfired Stares- The one in .[. Paul ....a organ ncd h.�[nc� 1'. \l'. C. A- Tho Ad...ury ( —1-1 i1 made up of rcpresu,uuce ina, auJ sa Dina. of he Jdlum[ nanon al gangs in S[. Paul. The .c of rhe lo[mr.anun al Institute rcu,gn,us oo lines nI na iaoal iry, tact, c..ucar,un, rchg,an, cc.,n,,,n,c .[oras, cul[urc, age ,r a<x- What is its purpose? To Proma[c nndcn[.md,ng and fr icndsh,p hc[wccn nu,.c and foreign ham people. Tu cul�.aare v, appreciuinn oC rhe cultures of rhe many Pcnples .v 1, d. enrich aur nariaoal life. Tn help he foreign horn adapt ffi-,,dEes [u America and u, share ,ts growth and dl—lop—,T,, <oopera[c with all o[hcrsocizl agencies rn make fl---... ..ai lahle for foreign horn people and their famil- What does it do? Earn lshc, mrcrpm¢n. Transla«s Icr[cr. and dncnmcnrs. Teaches English [o foreign people. Idelpa [hem ohrain [heir eir—'hip Papers. Spans , s (.,r [he new ci[,nn. ,. 1, rhe c,uperauon of ,[her sne,al group.. Exf�lain. .............. n uraliaarion and Jcparra[,un law:. I1cf"rc a I+[mg chars[., aa[hcns who ha.c been in [hc Uni[cd S[a[c. Ic:s than h"c ecus arc urged [o cn..... [hc In¢rnarinnal 1--a' l'isi[s new .--I, fra,m ahroad W,nkcd [„ S[. Paul. �lain[ains na[ onaliry ..,,,kers who deal —h --1 prohlems where [hoe is [he added handicap of"(„,,;gone.. " P" -d , c1uh, for foreign People and childrrn ,fforei g., Parenragc. Interests es[abluhd people of for<ign h,lh in hcl P,ng rhes, I... [ur[una[c coun[ryn,cn- Arrvrg,s .farmul group, in hand craft, language, choral singing, dnmat,c ul+ress,o [. Conperarcs wi[h [hce5chuhca (:I r,ha nake Piano, .iulin and Deal Iesmns aaai la hl e far children m underpn.,legnl f,—p famil,cs Prumo[cs inmrna[ional frirnJah iP through nariooaiir, programs, pageann, folk festivals, and handicraft cxhihos. A 3Jor l--, Sprnkrr,,[ P,glrr. An Adan,.,, rn Inrrrn,rc,onal E.rr„d,lop OF ST. PAUL ,m""C6 No.._...J`ilL1V CE OF THECITY CLERK(r44c. RESOLUTION�aENERAL FORM 04/1 J RE LVED That the exhibition hall in the new Auditorium and the theatrical 11 hted, heated and cleaned section of the old Auditorium be and they are hereby let to the 4—R Club for November 2nd, without coat. COUNCILMEN yeee Nay. M.D... Id P -- T,,,.. cc1 x ._.Apinet We..6 Mr. Prceident Mahaney .^ Adopted by the Council.... .0i_ '__....._. _._......193... _ 'yF� _ Mayer OF ST.NO. , 6338 CLER 0 N -ERA Fol" PR D Ry A IIR TEII FNMM=KMII WHERZAS,St Paul Junior Association of Commerce has requested the free use of the main floorarena of the St.Paul Municipal Auditor- ium udito -lum Building, for the coull..t of a banquet for the members of the 4-H Clubs of Minnesota oil November 8th, 1933, and WHMEAS, such use would be for a strictly public purpose, andno admittance fee will be charged, and the oommittr ;e oomp" sed of the Mayor, Commissioner of Education, Commissioner of inance and Comptroller, has recommended the granting of moh use, without charge, and in the opinion of the Council it is in the public interest that such use of said portion of said building be granted, without charge, therefore be it Y BOLVED, that St. Paul Junior Association of Commerce be and it i hereby granted the use of the main floor arena of said Auditorium Building fox the evening of November 8th, 1933, opened, heated, lighted and cleaned, without charge, and that there shall be set up in the budget for the ensuing year in Auditorium rund No. 17 a sum of money e qual to the established and f Ixed cost of Operating, heating, lighting andclseeing said portion of said build- ing for the period of such granted use. Y— COUNCILMEN N'Y' Adopted by the C.-61... """193 /Myy ll A1,D ... Id h, f.— Approved.._......_______........_._....193..... T,—. AgainstM.Yo' SV. NI'. President Mahoney 6TY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mienesola OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM i. IC -11 City Cleh end Commissioner of Regisirei�on September 6th, 1933. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, aelaiug. Deer Mr. Anderson: The City Connoil today requested you to drams a resolution granting the free me of the main floor are— at the St. Paul Yunloipal Auditori— for e. ban"t to be given the 4-H Clubs of Yinneeotki a Ho be bar 6th; the en t-1 t ofopening ening and operating perati paid from an appropriate Te are enclosing a letter faom the St. Paul Tmior Assoc SaLion of Co®arce relative to the above banquet. Yours very truly, City Clerk. L It SAINT PAUL JUNIOR A S S OC IATION OF COMM FRC F. SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA September 8, 1933 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Saint Paul Centlen— The annual Junior live Stock Sbo. is to be at South Saint Paul on 1400 youth:, through their.countyt4-Hh Club., will ter their to prise. at the Shote. county enter The Saint Paul Junior Association of Coerce again has taken the raeponelbility of entertaining thee. boy. and girl. to our oity on Novmber S at a bmquet an .... red by the Saint Paul Association of Co®ecce. In 1532 the ba:mmt of the Auditorium sas euccee.- fully n.ad for this purpose, and it ses the intention of all those corrected with this civic undertaking to again use the basement. od ion the F Ho Nav mbare8,o� fiodcth at the ntl� At>Uable op... sill beotheld mein floor —.a. o s ly theSincJunior live StockeShoseatbBoutheSaintee to all Paul, and is tP rely:set civic undertaking, inof bringieg'his theoeiyouthe and their and r rnmteetohe y pose the city of Saint Paul, .o the Saint Paul Junior Assoc intim of of permie.imrtouuse the aboest of the ve ymenor ti ... dt epecenatlthe Audit.riuom ons the evening of November B, 1933. Respectfully submitted, THE SAINT PAUL JUNIOR ASSOCIATION OFCCOIO�RCE R➢Klein and EJmesen Junior ISve 8toA�Sb.---it-tee u ,L No 94181 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK + COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM e"U NTE, e. —T. OsSohar. 31.1 1232 RESOLVED That upon the recommendation of the Department of Public Safety the Purchasing !gent be, and he Se hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Type 75 Luv erne Fire Truck Chassis for the Fire Department at a cost not to eaceed $2,300.00, without advertisemetot, as the Purchasing Department has had Informal bide from the Pe oral, LaFreaoe-Republio, Mack, Stougbton and Dodge dealers, and after comparing specifications, concurs in the recommendation of the department for whom this purchase is made that this truck beet meets the requirements for the use for which it Le Intended and as it is a patented article and no advantage could be gained by advertising for formal bide. Charge Fire Fund a- C -S New Equipment. COUNCILMEN OCT 1 Yeas / Naye� AdoPied by tn. C ncd _..._ .. ay McDonald I J)r�re� I favor AP ro ea. _02 ....193.. /Truax _..✓...AgeineL .SMI Ar, - - - � Meyur N / Wenzel ;.tTY CLAVA / Mr. Prceid-t Mahoacy BY—, 1% THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL I f .111 SCC ^iit .1 y nl o.mW mew v.. .a No. -.94182 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WMIAS, by Council file }93831, approved September 381h, 1933, certain portions of &Sghth Street were vacated on petition by a majority of the owners of property along the line of the street vacated, and WHEREAS, the said vacation was subjeot to various conditions, and VKWAS, some of the conditions cannot be performed within the period therein set forth for performance,now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the time within which to perform the conditions of said Council File }93831 be and the same is extended for a period of fifty days fromandafter sAd-peB3.toat;�+a.-n�thlc.seaol4t4s: Oayr7+�f %/ �/ 9 3'� 1 pt -s, mamu c' op.°nv°. h. %u W ,i peeve el,.pt� pwtml pp�pRta 1pi WG apvvtlpv wu evp• rva�r ).cwt 6 p oe vpvr `lnpve. valil vp "•• ed prrt - pe voE o Iva0.Ntvl Alm, lm, :aLlep v xovs 1u IE Cowes 1 �vaW tar [tperlI IVEItY � from toWvplpR IB.f. I �.AqD lepe4 `e•p WtvllOVRe1. t9lf. as Sv if::Ut Y.. COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Cauocil_ ay McDonald Q i "._. In favor A proved .....193..... /T,.. W � enael ... Agninet .,. .. .._._.. F. �COTl', Mayor -' II' LISI;a w 4u M, President Mahoney 94183 COUNCIL FILE NO. BY l *aena.emtgw�mi...... • m In the Matter of constructing.. a. aim- foot. sidewalk on tha-. asst-. aYQ"�`ZIS:t Le.xing-ton Avenue, beginning. at-Lamhard Avenue, thence.. southto the bridge over..the -.Chicago, Y.11—skeo-,. St.._ca and Pacific Railwag,-except.. where. q,.coi and sufficient sid--Lk. under Preliminary Order.. 93500 -.----...-.._approved Aug, 26, 1932. Intermedi! Order -.___-. . - - -_ ____approved A public hearing having been had upon the above. improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully the same; therefore, be ib RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that `- ---he - p -\-:t to be made by the C ty is. _c -tract.. -fnot "It-��++\\ the_ east iexingkoa--Ave-Leginning. at..L b d_Av --thane � th-Lo the. br dge over the_Chi ca o...?dilwaxilce_e, St--_Ps_1_ d_Ps-c1£i H w� excegt.. w- re-..good-snd..su#'f1_ en..t_sidcwslks_now_e gp�________ a the Council hereby o d improvement to be ode. 'RESOLVED FURTHER, t the Commiseiorer of blit Works be and is hereby ':,,t ructed and direc o prepare plana and spa .fixations for said iof ro t, and submit same to te 1 for approval; at upov`eaid approval, t proper city afficiele arse eawere�by authorized and directed nci p— teed with th eking of said improv ent in accordance there �ht Adopted by the Council 92 »i� Ei{Y-67aWt' Approved . 192 or. Councilman Dim o-,natrl r` '1'1 -5 - Councilman surgeaoa:,w,t cnannnman 11PoaoeWd-� t•,.°„e / A{/ � ounc;mM1, an 001ps C until an NEM— Councilman Councilman ll6weel X i L Mayoren V / Form B. S. A. 8- t REPORT OFLCOMMIS51 ON PRELIMINAR � (o) In the matin of nstruct inp, a six foot sl dewalk on the east side of Lexington Avenue, beu,lnning at Lombe^d Avenue, thence south to the bridge over the Chicago , Milwaukee, ,t, Paul and Pacific Railway, under Preliminary Order approved Auvust 26, 14,52 1'. rhe CI -161 of the Cty of Sr. 1,_1: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: i -- The total estimated amount of the assessment (or the above improvcmenf S p,BS per rt Pt. 'rhe estim —d con per foot for the above im prov<ment is - - the d 'he Jets or pa reds of land that may be assessed bench is (or such improvement, and assesse I valuation of each lot or parcel ns lase sported by tl'e A--"' ore as follows- osscairnon X01 ecoc. �oo�l ion LanL-T�o Bldg. i ,scent Court vac. Slayton's Add. to 1400 c N -'- 7 2 Ridgewootod P rk lot 6 adj.— . 450 2 3 do South I of Crescent i;ourt. 3 do 150 Vflc. between blocks 2 and , V.c. :.11ev south of sod adJ 3 do 100 A stein of land 1.,0 ft. wide belft. oe n eitthero,saeof l ots elocatethe center line of said ra_lway, a© Stbdivisicnarof Ayd'a Fsrm 7u00 7 and 100 Acs., 1-11- of 11,T.28, R. 23 9600 The Com miasioner of Finance further reports that he has invenigated all of the aforesaid mat s, and hereby submits the foregoing ae hie report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to rhim .n reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public \forks. Dated �-� � - 193 a C_jssioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public .]WWW t Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 10 1932 September 6, 1932 I93 To the Commla wio ,, of Fi.ante of the City of St. Poul: The Commissioner of Pnbiic Works, having hsd under—.,idcretion the preliminary order of the Cnoncil, known . Cnoncit File \a. 93500 approved August 26, 1932 -I93 , relative to constructing a six foot sidewalk on the east side of Lexington avenue, beginning at Lombard Avenue, thence south to the bridge over the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway. __.. _ _.. and haviog investigated the matters and thing referred to therein, heroby ,p- 1. Said hope tot is mete ary and (or) dcsrrnbfe. cst.vGoat 85 cents per front foot. E. The -i—nd —t thereof Is f- ,and the total sost theroof is i -. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or eketah of said improvement m hereto attached end made a part hereof. 9. 5. Said imfo-- sot ie asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to sreesement for said rmprovament Cnmmi�inaar 94184 COUNCIL FILE NO. By In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the following, sidewalk: Finn Avenue, east side, beginning at St.Cleir St., thence north 142.7 ft., ,ad,, Preliminary Order 93534 approved Aug. 31, 1932 Intermediary Order _._.. _ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it —,Z —W ' a./e-.<— RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that t , p t to be made by the 44a\\id City is re con s t__ uct, relay and repel x'� h _ neces— ry,nthe. fnlloadng dsdew.11- 'd. alin _ \\\\p Finn Ava ue,. east sides inning et.St. G ir_St., theSlC@ n4 th 142 ft., bo 103 the Lane are : .. .... rxinAee r LL Cll�eleAlaRe ia-atd r• the Council hereby orde�d"pro vement fn be mSOLVED FURTHERthe Commissiorer of Pub' N'orks be and is hereby ins ted end dlrecteo prepare plane ans tions fvem t, end submita atoheCoc[orappthe oper city officials are he by authorized and directed proeed th the eking of sairocemen 'n ccordance therewit Adopted by the Council .. .110._ , 192 _.. Approved , 192 Councilmen �C4anay rs s1, �: id Councilm a rFerguson �1„ ^ C.... ilmaan.A,Gll sld-.a Councilm n uMcGl gen-..ea Councilman c9ddhein— -I:,:,,x Council l\,uzel Mayor WORM" ylabmev Form B. S. A. 8-7 _ pEPARTMENTe.1 FINNNCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) Inthe matin of reconstructing, relaying and repairing, --e necessary, the roll oaring side—lk. ,;t. Clair St. th. !.. 142,7 ft., Finn Ave., east side, beginaing a. under Prchmina ry Order al�l'rovca Aug,. 31, 1932 Ta the Council of the City of St. rain: 'Che Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as I��Ilnw's: $ 114.3 Tic total esti mated amount of the assessment for Clic above insproscment is - _ 8 The es'1m—d con per foot for the above improcunutt- 'fhc lots ,, parcels of land that may be as...... ben eh is (or such inn pn,aemen t, and'he essosed "l—ion of each lot or parcel as Ian reported bs. the Assrssor, arc as follows: 10, A-11— IALUATION B 3 Oak Knoll, st.Pnul,Minn. 1500 3750 Crossing for alley in said block 3 do No Vnluatlon 1500 3750 The Commissioner of Finance fsnher reports than he has invealigaled all of th< aforesaid mat n, and hereby _i—!"the foregoing as his retort thereon to the Co—,d, togethu with the report made to him m rr(erencc to said matter by the Commissioner of [ ubli, SS orks. Commissioner of F'Inance. Office of the COTuiiissioner of Public 1'�69PHNANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance l \G a SEP 14 1832 Septemb— 14, 1932 193 "I'o I.hr ('onnniaaiunrr of Finam r of the Gty of St. 11ao1. Thr ('nnnaise-- of 1'vhlir Works, having had u, d&, ronsidrration the I.M,,m6wry order 4 the C'unnri1, known - Counril F& No. 93534 approved Aug. 31, 1962 193 , relativo to reconstructing, relaying and —pairing, where necessary, the following sidewalk: East side Finn Avenue, beginning at St. Clair 5t., thence north 148.7 ft. end I—mg mvrstignted the meuers and things ,farad to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said imprwrment is xvary and (or) desirable. est. Cost Lot B, block 3, Oak Krn11 $78.53 2. The estimated cont t Allfei, f-- City en • xnd the total coat thnf of d the man t,— d —tent of void improvement ie oe follows _ /Jbb U 3 /1 Y• r 3. A plan, profile or Ak dW of said improvement is hereto attached and made a port hereof. 4. 5, Said tmnrnvemont i,. osktd for upon petition of three or more ax neva of property, evbjmt t,, m,seaemrnt for said improvorvovl. Commissioner of Public or 94185 is vaaeA�Nl�ml�_Or• COUNCIL FILE NO. w' o �ro•;ye �°Yp By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructln.,, drivemsy at the follmaing-.-1—tinrr_: _ Mendota.. Street, most side, beginning 74.5 feet south of SlAth St. thenpe south 8 feet, under Preliminary Order 83532 .._approved Aug. 31, 1932 -- Intermediary Order ___.. - ___ approved A public hearing having beenhad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objection' and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same: Sperefoee, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _.- construct_drivaaey_ at.. the following locst ion: Melldoto Street, west.. side,l,n bQgnSnB 74.5_ fest_soilth.. of _S13th 5t, thence south 8 feet, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said ii pr verp M accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council o s 192 City Clcrk. Approved vny C ,i i'!"' _ Mayo Councilmart�Nney-= Councilman rgseon'"� '{'s 3; Councilm-chWi onald CouncilreansbirnIMhad—%,` Councilman 6mlhellRirl� �. MayCouncilmanaaswil .I n "rlry Mayor iimpm Form B. S. A. 8-7 %V ��. F. 5CICTA cLRU 0.0. ST. PAUL CEPARTMFAT OF Fln.`.VCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ✓��^ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In tb<m,u<r ( oonstr—ting. driveway at the following location: at side 14endota St., beginn'ng,, 7.1.5 ft. south of Sixth St. thence south 6 ft. �ndcr Pr<limin�r. O.J<r alp; ro. cd Auv. 31, 1932 To ih<Coun1d of th<Oly of Si. Paul: Tb, of Finance h...by r<rons as Iollowa: Thi tota� est,�nat ed amoaiii of W<usewmen<(oc the ubo�e m�ro. �ineny.n $— 'Ibe <sti nia ted coat �cr foot (or the above inn Frnvement �e - - - - - - $ 'fhe lois or Murals of land thvt d b<n<ftts fo, such —d the a�sused vul�ation of each log or la,. t«......! by 6,,i<o, lolh„t. oescatPnoN DoT -- Aooraory Land 11T "N 13 97 Grubs's Subdivision of 550 3500 Bloc lc 97 Lyman ilevton'e Add. to St. 1au1 550 3500 Tbc Comm'issionu of h"mance (unh<r re[`�"ts <Irsi t _ """t" '3 all of the atoresuid malt s, end I, b, submits the foregoing us Lie recon chu<on co the Council, ioy1th<r with the reyort made to him ��� rc(cr�ncc toavid mint �r by th< Commiesiuv<r of Publi<�-1, D— 0 e-1�4-� Y 193 �- pay Q�Cr F-v�/ comm„aion« of F --. Office of the Commissioner of Public lk#Wlp I Report to Commissioner of Finance - - - - SEP 14 1932 10— 14_ 1932 193 Tr. the Cumn,iseioner of Fivanre of We City of St. I'eul_ The Commissioner of public Works, having had under consid,rattoo to, preliminary order of the Coo-1,known n, Council File No. 9553L appmvod Aug. 61, L96L .193 relative to constructing a driveway at the following location: West side Mendota Street, begins inY, 74.5 feet south of Sixth Street, thence south 9 feet. r.s t. Cost - Lot 16, H. W. Grube', Subdivision $1b.46 anI having investigatnl the matters sod things referred to therein, hereby report,: 1. Said i oprervemcnt �s mev. r sod (or) desirable. p, The estimated rost thereof is f , and the total eost thereof is E and the nstur, and extent of said improvement is m follows. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached end mode n pert 1--f- 4. o. Said improvement is .asked for upon petition of three or mor, owners of property, subjeet to ass,ssment for said improvement. - Commisa ser sf Works. IIovamber let, 1932 Bon. W C. Wenzel, G- Cs �f M110 work.. Boildla . Dear O—isetommrf At the Cornell ceasing held today the Hurl Order in the matter of aoaatsaottng drivewq on Mendota Street, west aide, beglmmivg 714.5ft. Wath of girth Street thence south eight feet van laid over to November 9th sod your department "gmstad to aback as to wbether the sidewalk at tM • loo -tion 1a broken. 2oure very truly, City Clark. 94186 a';a'r Mtn.°ts eug: COUNCIL FILE NO.. ° rc;� puha pruw°.°r By.. rim -Am 109 In the Matter of constructin,. a, drivewa7. at the following location: S,s1hy Avenue, rth side, be8lnn.ipg 75 ft° east of Saratoga Avenue, thence east 8 feet, nobeginning 228.5 feet farther east, thence east 8 feet, under Preliminary Order 93528 approved Aug. 31. 1932 _. _.. Intermediary Order __....__ _ _ _ -- -approved A public hearing having been had upon the hove improvement upon due notice,and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that - p to be made by t e said City is ._moons- r drl"—y.-s -the -£n 110 ng_]3oa t10n Snth Avennorth s e.,._beglnnln8 7 4._�ASS_.Of...Sart.. e._Avenue..__- encs 8 feet, begins 228.5 feat P er east, thence t B feet, M!0 _be19ES tanrlled.annulled,-and-�q*7w a iia 6 a matter be ax,_; --r:. th C 1 h by re sa,d improvement to' d OLVED FURTHER at the Commissioner o bl W 1n b d h b t t d aad d ted 'p pl d e 'ficationa for said impr t and b t t th ,I for app 1 th po d pproval, t roper city officials by authonzed and duecte pro- Geed w,th the ,�. ng of sa,d improv tin eccoraance there_, e Adopted by the Council NOV 0 Approved , 192 o or r. Councilman CLeaya yrs Y.. L„aala- !/ Councilman &rguson i— 1'Lu1.w—, Coi an NaDo®la--, t'•.e Counc_ilman �taftsgan_a � 1 Councilman Councilman 10041" a t'� —1 Mayor 1611 Mnhnaev Form B. S. A. 8-7 tt urs rr IARK xvr C--". ST PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE e%"•� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER y�^ (D) 1nshe mai serol constructing! driveway at the following location: North side Selby Ave. beg. 75 ft. ". of Saratovtt Ave, th. I.. B ft., beg, 226.5 ft farther th, t:. 8 ft ., under Ptclimin. , Ocdc. .I proved Aug. :''=1, 1932 To the Council of the Ci,y of St. Puol: The by ..sorts as l�Ilorss 'fhe «�t�l esn mat cd emou nc of the assess m ant for the above inn pra sc mentis - - s 37.00 'fhe ........ cd cost pec foot lot the above - The lots or pntc.ls of land that mny b. assessed buiefi is fnr such inn p roar mcnt and the a: sesst-d ralu.tioo of each lot or parcel as Inst tcpon cd by the Assessor, arc ns bllows ALLAT 'N (Faze. Selb7Ave.) the S. 70 ft. of lots 7 and 3 5 Benlevari Add. 1250 R550 (xxcepl. dalbAve.) 9 5 do 700 2500 �.seot Selby Ave.) part of 145 do 575 1900 1in P, S line 75 ft S from a d os rallel with the original south R//,V' of tihlcago, Milwaukee & St. Paul ny. 2.525 12950 The &— ,mm— M Fi--, fnrth et ..Potts that be has insestig -d ed .II of the .(oresn id matt• , and hereby submiu the foregoing .s his report th,'— .o the Council, togeth.c with the report made to him in reference tosaid matte. by thh, Com mission rr of Public \\.,k, Oared -0/ i/ _ 7g Com missi no cr of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public \VWM.*41AANCt Report to Commissioner of Finance a 3 SEP 14 IM2 September 14, 1939 193 To thycommi —I, of Pinenre of the cite of st. Pnul The Commiavmner of P"bh, R'orks, having hnd —der co-id... uIo the pmliminery order of the Co—il, kn—, a. C'ouneil File No 935 8 approved Aug. Sl, 1932 193 , relativs to constructinga driveway at the following location: North side Selby Ava. beginning 75 ft. east of Saratoga Ave., thence east d ft., beginnin,; 9:8.5 ft. farther east, thence east 8 f't. nod having in vcstignted u,e mutters and things r,f,-,,d to thorein, hcmby reports: 1. Said improvement isefes —y nu ] (or) dirable. Est. Cost. - Lot 8, Block 5, Boulevard Add. 59.56 2. The cetimeted cont thereof is S n 5' and the total coat thereof ie F44 " 14, " 5, " " 91.00 (Cut curb) end the nature end extent of said improvement ie m follows: -37 3. A plan, profile or sketch of --id improvmnent ie hereto att,,h,d end made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement m ."eked for upon potitioo of threw or more ,,on of property, suhjsct to eesessment for -id improvement / Commissioner of Public 94187 %x,, COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sidewalk on the west side of. Pascal Avenue, beginning at Blair Street, thence. south to the south side of the allley, except where good and sufficient, sidewalks now exlet, under Preliminary Order 93488.. _. approved Aug. £4, 1932 Intermediary Order _._. ___.. __ -approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice and the Council having heard all persons, objection, andrecommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _construct. s. sidewalk_ on. the ..at side_ of Pascal. Avenua beginning _.At.. -Blair .-Street, _ tlhencesouth to tale _south, side of the .Alley, except where_3ood_a,Id ..eufflcient sidewalks_ now_exist. and the Council hereby order, said improcament to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specification, for said ;mprovement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city official, are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. n Adopted by the Council -��. ---- 192 CIty �lerk. Approved 192 (s Ma Councilman iFicDnnalrl Councilman Councilman ilman Councan '//J 1'tiilLlalll:D I/ �'' Councilm Councilman Mayor v14Nnnevr Form B. S. A. 8-7 - t try �.... ._..._ OEPARTM 101 FINANCE 'REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .�. In the mater of eonstructlnP, a sidevla lk on tha west side of Pesc�l Ave. "'Inn Ing at Gle1r 6t, thane south to the south side of the Alley, ander Preliminary Order approved August 24, 1932 To she Conncl of the COY of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby r<po— as (11Iloas Tl,c total estimatad amount of the assessment far Clic ab— '1 1 he lots or parcels of land chat —y be assessed benefits (or such im ..conn.. rt, and iia asser��d valuation of cath lot or parcel as last rrpor,,d by the Assessor, arc .v follow+: esCIIPnoN nor e.ac+ --ON LandssunrwBBldg. 1 1 Lindemann Plsoe 725 6100 i,roe slnK for sllep in Id. 1 do No V�;luation 725 6100 The Commissioner of h'inance farther reports that he bas investigated all of the aforesaid met dc s, and m atarh im hereby sabmi s The foregoing as hie report thereon to rile Council, toRelber with tnc re I -on �^ ref, I—, to said matter by tb< Commissioner of Public \Yorks. L m `f 19 3 a V✓ — �lO. . d C—._ Dated S1�e�n�-si Commissioner of Finance. Im e V-i q i . C O P Y P E T- I T I O d .• August 19, 1838" Constructing a 91dewalk and curbingon .. - " Paacal Avenue from the Alley to Glair.. Street.' Her4e Lot Hloek Addition Conrad Holmgren; 1 1 Lindeman Place ' c pit 6F FINANCE SEo 2 1932 ' Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Sept. 1, 1932 193 T. the Comm'mnion,, If F,,.—,e If the City of St Paul: Th, Coaunieaimier If 'I"" W"k" `_,ng h, under coneidemti„n the preliminary order of the Council, k-- . CI—il File S' 93488 approved Aug. 24, 1932 193 M.ti,I to constructing a sidewalk on the west side of Pascal Avenue, beginning at Blair Street, thence south to the south side of the Alley. and h—I, 11—Ail-t” the —t— and things rrferrcd in thcreiq hereby reports: 1. Said m,r.—IlIt i- niccasaryand (,i-) desirable. 850 per front foot 2, Th, ,ti.,gad —t thl—f is $ ,and the total coat thereof is E - and the -t,- and 1xtlllt of said "P ---t is ea follows'. 3. A plan, profile or sketch If said i,,p,­.,.t je hu— attached and made . part h --f. 4. 5. Said Mip—c—It is asked for upon petition of three or -I If property, for OIM SEP 2 1932 94188 COUNCIL FILE NO. X.1- a. om moi°....I� By. e FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing sidewalk extension on the north side of Central Avenue at the east side of fast Central Park Place pr,,ducedf under Preliminary Order 93528 approved Sept. 9, 1932 Intermediary Order -_._... _._ -approved _ A public heanng having been had pan the above improvement open due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- proccment to be made by the said City is construct sidewalk extension en the north side. of Central Avenue.. atthe east side of .East Central _.Park Place produced, and the Council hereby order, said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed end directed to prepare plans and apacificat{ona for said improvement, and submit some to the Council fur app, :al; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvementtip accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council lsa �f lo �� ' JCity" Clerk. Approved 192 y��r. Councilm n �y.� �y�,,,r,eld LW .,ua" Councilman g'ergaBuq, �t„v Councilman MDanald- y,jt�,.,�r,-e Councilman'MCGI garr_n� C"Councilman Badh0lmBr 't =an �, r.et Pl}gt,lSlil'A� Mayor ffadgaac Nl 1,..,,.v Form B. S. A. 8-7 REPORT OF COIsi ER OF FINANCE k ON PRELIMINARY ORDER " In 'I'.""I ' a." strutting, sidewalk j — — on he north side �1 -t1 A... .t. the -at aide of �—.st Contra, Par, '1cs. produced, ..d,, P,,I—i— 0,d, approved Sept. 9, 1932 111. [¢ C--.] of 0, City of S, P-1: Th, C,—mi—,, of F-- hereby ,p.,,, as MI -1: Th, t,,t.; ---d amount of the ---,t f., the A— improve meat is - - $ 8.00 rhe estimated —, per f—, for the above improvement is - S The 1— - past is of 1—d that may b, assessed -,f- f,, such improvemenr, and the ....... d -1-6— of —1� !.t or parcel as 1— ,p.,,,d by the Assessor, arc as f.11.- 1-CRIPTION 1— ecocx nooiT— ^A 1.1.1TE1 Land Bldg. Sidewalk extension on the north side of Central A-. at the No Valuation E. S. of h. Central Park Pl. produced The Commissioner of Finance f.,,h,, reports that he has i--ig—d all of the f ... s.idman—d hereby s.bmiu the foregoing as1u. report thereon to the Council, together 1, with , re, t ..d, t. 1,i. in ,,f--, to said —... by he C—mi—, of Public lN .,k,, Fa, -a—,, Commissioner of Fm—, i ;�ej rte} C VA -Office of the Commissioner of Public W41mFiNANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance 20 1932 Sept. 16, 1932 loll III the Conuniaeiouer of F,I.1- of the City If St, Paul- Th, Ca—ii--- If P.Wnc Work,, having had under cun,idrrntinn th, preliminary .,d,, of th,' ,mane, known . C.I..1 File Nn93626 approved Sept. 9, 1932 113 , relative t - constructing sidewalk extension on the north side of Central Avenue and an the east side of Fast Central Park Place produced. and having in ,atigat,d the anatI, and thing, referred to therein, hereby 1. Said improvement i, ...weary and (,,) d,,ai,,ld, 2. The -ian—d -It thereof 11 S 8* oo , and the t,A,) coat thane( ie S and the nature and extent If ,aid illn"11—It i- as f111111 3. A plan 1—fil, or ek,t,h If said improvement ft i, h—t, attached and made , part hereof. 4. 5. Said ian,,--t i. aaknd f., n,a,. petition If three or more ownere If fa-0fa,'tY, ­nt f., said improvement. C.aanniaai.aw at is Work,. 94189 o. 9t i ryof I<tonEcorad Puea1 A rr.nmmarr om.r ease . COUNCIL FILE N0. By _.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing.. s sidewal)c. extension.. on the northwest corner of Lsfnnd Street and Pascal Avenue, under Preliminary Order 93490_ approved Aug, 24, 1932 Intermediary Order __ _._ __ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and havipg fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ...__construct_ a_._sidewalk_ extension on the nonahxest corner.. nf_ lafond_ SSrect_and.,Pa@cal _Avenue,, . - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissim r of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to p—pare plane and unacifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 't�,rryy� Adopted by the Council 1__.__ �,1r__.._ 192. .__ /�\ ' Clcrk. Approved _ _ _ 192 , Councilman �Pt� �'^^•a �'t Councilman 4'erv—n—s/hL,r Councilman rlSaUo R1dh-.o Co..dir n 9waSIbg65F Councilman �dtlRtlSrneA jt""" councflman''SVCweeP`• Mayor WORN" Form B. S. A. S-7 f' , or ST. PAUL '., DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRE MOF FINANCE PRELIMINARY ORDER V to nc� totter of const—Sta sidenalk extension on nor th'vest corner of Lal and the Stand pascal Ave., under Preliminary Order approved Au —t 24, 1y32 To rbc Co.mcil of nc, C'iry of Sr. Paul: nce hfollows: S 14.00 The Cnmm�ss,oner of Finaereby as rcl�ons c _ _ The to[al esrima�ed amount of, asscssmewc for the abov improv. me nr is $ the .s�i roared cost Peroo ft for rhe above improv.ment ie and.--jthe a.--jvaluation of each lot or The Iota or parcels of land that may be assessed beneG�s (or such improvem enc, ed by rhe Assese< a as follows. parcel as last report Aoo1rIoN valu riot+ oesc11PT10N Lor scot. Lan dEA Bldg Sidewalk extension on the northwest corner of Lafond 'tet. and No Vcrluatlon Pascal Ave. The Commissioner of Finance further reports Phar he. has inresriga red all of nc, aforesaid marc s, and hercbY submits ,he (orc6oins as his report thereon ro nc� C��u ncd, ro6erher with the report made rorhim in e Com A Public i\'orks. reference ro said matter by rL miss Doer f7 1 oared'"` _.19 "�' '_1 eommission.r of rinance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 61, 1932 193 F,, the Cmnmixsi,ner ,f F",-ee of the Cd, of St- 1'..I Th, Commia.ioner of P,fldi, Works, having had under .-id-.ti— the pccliminery order J the Council, k..-, a9 council Fil, N.. 93490ePprovcd August i4, 1932 M 1 ").fi— to constructing a sidewalk extension on the northwest corner of Lafond Street and Pascal Avenue. —d h -mg i—,,,Aig,d,d the mutters ..d thing. referred W th ... i,, hereby L S,id improvement i, --uy ..d (") d-i,.bl, 2 Th, ,(,mated cost thereof i. 3 14.00 , and Ih, I.W coat there,[ is S ..d the nature and extant of said n.1 ---t i, as follow.. 3. A plan, p-iid, o, sketch of said improvement i. hereto tt,,h,d and .,& , pert hereof. rN 5 Said mp---d i. ked f., upon petition of three or more owners of property, ­hj,t . —-0 f., ..id unp,.--nd. ;OM.UI HNANU't SEP 2 94190 attej"r 'tt—notracting. nlay. 60 1.- 'oma. .... ...... COUNCIL FILE NO. "ft. 11 .b . the Cin ' By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing,_relaying- and repairing, the. oidewalk on the south side of Edmund Street, beginning 50 feet west of Arundel Street, the.ne went 200 last, under Preliminary Order. 93592 approved Sept, 1932 Intermediary Order. - _____.._____approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the name; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. provernesitto be made by the said City is . rQc_ort.4trz.-t., reIRY 4114 _repair the sidewalk .on the south side of EdIalInd. 5t,,et, j10&jWjrj& 5Q_ feet westofkmnd-el .5t'roet, tb&Ae� west 200 f"tx - ----- ---------- and ---------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro• Geed with the making of said improvem*,n accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 192 A — -- iy itY Clerk. b. Approved 192 Yor. Councilman GwW.- A - Councilman Ferguson -ffv' io v Councilman cMaDonald e Councilman 616GIogan � /V --o Councilman QuIthelmern3, 'I "ax Councilman Wsvftli- Mayor ffW1%0 Form B. S. A. 8.7 OEPAft� �N.' ,OFRFINANCE- REPORT OIMFINANCE N PREMARY ORDER (o) C� In the naticr of rec on st ru:-t'nr, re laying, and reps ,Ing tl-te sidewalk an the south side of `_.d—,I Street, beg, inns ng 50 feet west of Arundel St.thencr• xrest 100 ft. ander Prclioiinary Order aprrov^ 1 Sent. 2, 1932 Ta the Council of the City of Sc. Paul- The Commissioner of F'mance hereby report. as follows of thea t for t1,, abose mpmvemen[ is - - - $ 127.4Q- The total ___a amount ssessmen —. -- The —1m-11,- per foot lar the vbos'e insprovcment is- 'fhe lots 11 parcels of land that moy be ass<ssed b<nehts for such improvem<nt, and the assessai vela a[ion of each bt or parcel as leer rcponed by the Assessor, ere ar (ollams. oeseRiR — 10T —11 Aoolnon __Ton Land HlC.g. 4 Geo. H.Shlekler[s Add. to the 500 1400 OSty of St.Paul, Rsmsey Co. - 5 Minn. 500 1800 6 do 500 1300 500 1800 7 do 500 2200 B do 25 10 Smith's Subdivision of 750 2100 3t nson's DS vision of the ,�0 - 28 10 t: .'�f.`, of Sec. 36, T. 29,R. 2450 23 3950 13050 Finanee further reports that he has int estiga�ed all of the aforesaid mat s, rhim and The Commissioner of Council, together with 11, report made [o in hereby submit. the foregoing as his report thereon [o [hc reference to .aid matter by the C—n,mioner of Public Works. 193a D—d—Olt�t�-i...Y Commisioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public ,,301MA10 Report to Commissioner of Finance e a -- --- SEP 20192 Sept. 16, 1932 193 1'a the Commissioner of Finmce of the City of 6t. Paul The Commissioner d Fubhc Works, having hal under aonsidcration the pmlimioary order n( tha Council, known m Council File N.95592 approved Sept. 2, 1932 .193. , rclativn to reconstructing, relaying and repairing the widewalk on the south side of Edmund Street, beginning 50 feet west of Arundel Street. thence west 200 feet. - =i, L -4 .I 7, .kl_r '_ .. ti �.. '1 eubj,d to oseesemcnt for said imp ---t. C ewouer of lic Works, 94191 • + c. v. ao Wsr— ryle a leQtN yiJrlvt. waarennw �. Ne tob�iva .tee �te�e'aeelveiv afe tlemiine h of ��sCeme ��� ONer�eUe wary d Ava. COUNCIL FILE N0. pao°:�mv °i :e„eros ti By � re.em a e. c<uen e. vs FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconatructing,._—a yingand renairing,- where necessary, the ,a�fnllnxing.sidewalk: flamline Ave., east skis, beginning 276 Pt.north of Lake Como and Phalen Ave. thence north 10 ft., under Preliminary Order _.. .93533__ .___.approved Aug. 31, 1932 - Interm"haryOrder __._ _. _._._. _ _....._ ___...._approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully cousidered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___reconstruct:_. relay _and-rapair-:where.a c,assary, ,thee.Soliawingetdewalk _.__ _._ --_— - iiamllne Ave., east slideft, beginning 276 ft north of Lake Como and Phalen Av north_10_,} - --- - — thence and the Council hereby orders said improvepnfnt to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications fog said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 11932 Adopted by the Council Nn -- -... 182 j l , - dA Approved.192 i Councilman h CouncilmanrDnnald Councilman 3"— Councilman �Si' _' y`,ern „%��e�•'`- Councilman ��t `� Council r^'"x P1i111d �D Mayor Mudge" Form B. S. A. 8-7 ''yy�l ct nn EAui -1—TMEUT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) h, the -p,, of reconstruct Sng, relaying and repai,jwwhere necessary, the 1 -11 -Ave., beginning 276 it northf ng,where , Coma and ihal— Ave. �re'.'drefnorth h 10 ft., under Prcli mien ry 01,111 Ang. :1, 1932 C --d of the Gly of St P-1: Th, Finance h ... by,,p.," — fiffl—s: 8.68 The total estimated amount of 161 assessmentfor the the nb— 'Chclon or parcels of Innd that may be assessed benefits (01 tach im Pro�em<nt, —d the aaess�E -h-- of each lot or parcel a= !—,,,-,,d by the A--, arc as (ollowa. A ...... 'Es"'ITION AD11TION _—T— Land Bldg. 23 12 Chelsea he1g,ts 600 600 TheC.— Fm—, further r11`—' '—"`9"'d all of the x[o,—id —n—, —d hereby , ob—s hc foregoing �, hi� ,p— thereon t. t" Council,Cosj, , 11 together �in, ,report made to him in re . ,id — by h, Commissioner of Public%N-k, D—d 19 C­j,,jo— of Fi-- Office of the Commissioner of Public Works ("UM, or t LAW Report to Commissioner of Finance 9 a SEP 14 1932 wept. 14, 1932 193 'Ib the C'ommiminm•r of Finanrr of the City of St. Peal- The Camrnomi-er of Pnblw Nark,, having hod undera.n....I—lion the 1—kotinery order 4 the C—ort), known ea C.o.61 File no. 93533 o,pr—, Aug. 31, 1932 193 , relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the following sidewalk: East side of Hemline Ave., beginning X78 ft. north of Lake Como and Phalen ave., thence north 10 ft. end having invretigated the mato,- ,.d thiogw referred to therein, hereby report.: I. Said improvement m n«e,,,ry ,rd (or) drainable. 63t. Cost Lot 23, Block 12, Chelsea Heights $8.68 2. The ratimeted wet thereof ie E. , ood the total coat thereof is $ and the ..tare and extent of said improvement ie ee folloxre: 3. A plan, profile or .ketch of said ieprovnm.nt i, hereto ,(t,,hed and made , part hereof. 4. 5. Said impr rr—t ie. .waked for .poo petition of three or more ow.ere of property, ,object to ,,,e„ment for word improvement. Iof P.blic 4,. 94192 Am -FRO. m t' C1 awlla'�_ ` i Ont m+a e� ,wrei< ; a We 0.V: Avw COUNCIL FILE N0. By_. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing,_ n.layi.ng and re -pairing --She.. sidewalk an , the north side of Hastings Ave -,-beginning. at F--t_St., _thence west BO ft - and anori the west side.. of Forest. St-.,baginning at .Hastings Ava.,-..thence .north to the under Preliminary Order 93632 __approved September 9, 1932 _. Intermediary Order _-__. _._....__—_____.approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement.upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is._.-.racnnetract-,. relay and. -repair. the sidewalk on the north side _of -Hastings- Aye_ beginniag at Forest_St., thence- west SO ft. _and-.on_the - wasi_slda-o£..Forest_St,., _h.ginning_at_Haet1. gs_Ast_ thence north tn..the_Allag.,._..-.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public instructed Works be and is hereby and directed to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit name to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the ConnciPOV 1 1932 192 city "e Approved. 19? _ Vol' Councilman QJ%VAV_/Jll wneid Councilman Fftraa9eg-a Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman I f�J.—t,, ,,«I Mayor F108W, Form B. S. A. 8-7 , c- opPAU`­ DEPARTMENTaOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS!: ,ONER OF FINANCE 1"- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER E/9b (D) VV In the eut«r of reconstructing, releying andrepalrinq the sidewalk on the north and 11 the wene t s1 dHa elFore ste St beb1 Gl nnSngt ato1.st inq st Ave., thane e0nor th to the alley, under Prclirninary Order apprwcd „epte:nb�r 9, 1932 Ta the Council of the Cty of St. I -Il The COmmissinner of Fisasce hereby reports as follows: pros meat is - - - fi The total ­--d--11O[ the assessment for the above im 8 'Che estimated cost per foot (or the improvcmenc is - - ThelotsOr parcels of land chat may be assessed benefits for ouch impro.ement, and the assessed .alo anon O( each lot or reel as Inst reposed by the Assessor, arc as fOH-1: ocscairnoN nor awe. AoortiorvuArio�l� lots 23 sn:7 22 69 Greenleaf Gl:lrk'a Suh. 1900 5100 of lk. 69, Lvman Da"ton'a Add. to Saint Paul 1900 5100 'Fhe Commi,ioner Of Finance further reports that he has in t'es6,,a d all Of the afomsaid matt o, and hereby sobmits the (oreRoinH as his repos thereon to the Council, toycther with tr mpon made to rl�im in rtference to acid matter by the Commisswser of Publie`liorks. Uatcd —�l/ y 19 Commi f Fisancc. CON. OF FINAMX .Office of the Commissioner of Public �a Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 20 1932 Sept. 16, 1932 193 Tu for Cninmiwvi"ner of Finanrr u( the City of tit. 1'sal_ The Cnmmiaeioner of Poblic Work,,, heving had ondrr ronsiderstion thr preliminary order A the Council, known ae Council File ,,9x652 approved Sept. 9, 1932 .tea. ,relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the north side of Hastings Ave., beginning at Forest St., thence west 80 ft., and on the west side of Forest St., begin ing at Hastings Ave., thence north to the alley refrrred w therein, hereby reports: end heving invrstigated the matters sad things 1. Said improvement ie ne,rm.,y and (or) drsirsble. Est. Cost - Lots 22 and 23, 0reenld h tUot.nk'sh S-ort.PO. $113.75 2. The catlmstod coat thereof is £ cos is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as folloam 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvrment is hereto stiached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvemen L iseared for upon petition of three or more owae:e of property, sobjcrt to sssassment for said improvement. Commissioner o blit Works. 94193 COUNCIL FILE NO. By. �. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing,relaying and repairing.,. Thor a necessary, the. following sidewalk: Fiowell.Ave., east side, beginning 94 ft, south of Carroll avenue, thence south 56 ft., under Preliminary Order 93536 approved Aug. 31, 1932 Intermediary Order _ .._._.__approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice; and the Council �. having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is reconstruct, relay .and. rapair-, .inhere nacebe the following sidewalk: _..._.... - __. Howell Ave.,. eastside., beginning 94ft.. south of 9srroll_Avanue,_ thence south 56 ft., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissiorer of Public Works he and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city official, a e hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council v, :._ z i -_.. 192 CiIY. C}erk. App rovod 'ftp.. , 192 r� Councilmans„;gac;C_m Councilman .Fergusop. cpuncilmanrMcvanaw councilman �fCGlO$an -e/y , < Councilman 6udheimer-, Councilma Mayor lam' Form B. S. A. 8-7 1 94193 ..,atiii4lg: E4 pa W W�e fl ft COUNCIL FILE NO.. ' By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing,. relaying and repairing., where necessary, the following sidewalk: Howell Ave' east side, beginning 94 ft, south of Carroll. Avenue, thence south 56 ft., under Preliminary Order 93536 __.approved Aug. 31, 1932 .. Intermediary Order _ _ .._..._____approved A public hearibg having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice; and the Council . having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to he made by the said City is reconstrunt, relay and rapair,-where_nacessary, the following. sidewalk: Howell Ave., east... side., beginning. 94_ ft-.. south of. 9.srroll_ Avenue,_ thence south 56 ft., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be ,it is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - reed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 11 192 y� J Approved ' � ,192 QL M Councilman, 'a-up.� Councilman ,�'`eFguspp Couacilman,2j,Danald Councilman tMeGlogan .e/,. Councilman.6udlglmer.:. Councilman- - --- _ 't� •,,..d Mayor men' Form B. S. A. 8-7 un o ,,TME OF FINANCE "-J REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of reconstructing, relaying and reoairing, where necessary, the follow- ing sidewalk: East sire of Howell Ave., beginning 94 ft. south of Carroll Ave., thence south 56 ft., under Preliminary Order approved Aug. 31, 1932 To the Council of the City of Sc. Paul: Thr of Finance hereby reports as tonou s. «d amount of the t for the abo.c mprovement is - - i-- 'I'hc total cauma ass.samcn - llte estimated cost p<r foot for the above itn d rite assessed valuation of each lot or The luta or parcels of land drat may be assessed ben.fits for such improvem<nt, an parcel es last reported by the A--" ore a. follows: oesCaiPnory Lor ,.oeK nooinoN Landwnrto Bldg. 13 22 IAerrlam Ck,Hamssy t;o.,Minn 1156 3700 1150 3700 The Commissioner of Finance forth,, reports that he has investigated all of the afor.saiJ marten, and hereby su bmita the foregoing as hie report thereon to rhe Council, t,,0- wah the report made e, him m ,,!..antet said mart.. by rhe Commustonc. of Public \i'orks. o n � Commi.b.-r of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public NwipthiAO Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 _ -- -- SEP 14 1932 ,eptember 14, 1932 193 To the Cnnuniasiuner of Finance of the city of St. Paul- The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under r—lelluumo the preliminary order of the 93536 August 31, 1932 193 ,relative W Council, known oa Council Vile �o. approves Heconstruc ting, relaying e repalrint;, where necess�.ry, the following sidan e^ :alk: Enst side of Howell < _ beginning 94 rt- south of Carroll f:ve..,. thence south 56 ft. and having-.tigwted the mat.. and things referred to therein, hereby report-: I. Said improvement ieneem-nry and (or) d,eirable. _ 3,3.60 Est. Cost – Lot 13, block hkeeudam till t t 1 coat thereof bra S 2. The estimated coat thereof is f- and the nature end extent of said improvement ie ae follow-. 3, A plan, profile or sketch of eaid improvement ie hmcto attached and mad, a pmt hereof. 4. t is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, 5. Said improvemen - subject W ae-eeemenl for ..id �- Comm�eeiover of Publi orks. _ 94194 eoe 14 WMai nowJur tWewelr b u �eieme�R,p Y`uec COUNCIL FILE N0. eau By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. reconetruot_1.Ilg,slaying and. repairing,_ whara_nPGOsOary, the_£nl1 owing sidawalk:. _.. South side Janes St., beginning. at Pleasant Ave.. .thence_ east lO0 ft., under Preliminary Order..... 93539_ _.__.__.__-- approved Aug. 31, 1932 Intermediary Order-.____.. --__. ___—_ __-approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provementtobe made bythe said City is __-reconstruct,_ relay_and_repair, _where_neces- _sarg,_the -following.. sidawalk____._ South aid. Jamas. St_ -beginni4g-at-Pleasant.Ava—,--thence--east-1A0_SL., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- teed with the making of mid improvement in accordance therewith. NOV Adopted by the Council __� I— --- - -. .192 Apo— 1 192 l Councilm---/�t.'fMneld , Councilma y Counc ilxmapSeBoneld=,'t"exrro Councilman a' Ghsg ° Councilmanmas' C—rile—rsliI®e6—s MaYordb.] a Form B. S. A. 8-7 ' DEPARTMENT OFPFINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY I ORD R SSIONER OF FINANCE (o)V In the matter of roconstructiny, relaying and reoalrinq, w,iere necessary, the follow— ing-sidewalks: South side Sarnes St., b,,.ginninq It P1 easant Ave, thea, ce east 100 ft., under Preliminary Order approved Aug. 31, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. P-1 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total catimatcd amount of ,he assessment for the above improvement is 'I h, estimated cost per foo, for the ab- improvement is The 1,- or pvree1, of land t1 a may be assessed benefits for such improv<mei�t, and tl.e assessed valuation of each lot or parceI as last nyor«d by the Asseuor, arc as follows- oescaivnoH nor avo�. Aooirior+ Lan�t,.119Tdg. 14 13 hf'chel k Ronertson's Add. 225 1000 15 13 do 250 1900 16 13 do 100 575 2900 The Commissioner of Finance farther reports that he has in,estigeted all of the f- ­id matr, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the r,pun made e, him in reference r, s//aid matter by he Commissioner of Public \forks. Dated _S�.�e-Cr�. ti• I _ 19.3 a, li�i�r—� Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works CUM, ur r 1 iANQ Report to Commissioner of Finance e a a SEP 14 1932 opt. 14, 1931 193 'fo the of Fi-- of the City of St. P-1 The Conumaem— of Pnhlic Work, having had u., -,I ration the preliminary order ,f the C,,a-il, known oa Conseil Filr \o. 93539 approved "gust 31, 1961 193. , relative to reconstructing,relaying —I repairing, where necessary, the following Sld ewelk: oouth side of James St., beginning at Pleas nt Av=_., to mce east 100 ft. end having invmtigated tho -t— and things ',famed w therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie oec—ry and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof ie f. , and lh, weal coat thereof ie S end the nature and extent of said improvement ie oe fohowa. est. Cost - Lot , block 13, Eichel & Robertson's Add S 2.56 " 15, 13, ' " ' 22. R0 u 16, tt 13, n u n 31.64. _.. 3. A plan, prof le or sketch of said improvement ie hemto nitached and mnde a part hrJ�rrf� S "I' 4. 5. Snid improvement ie ........naked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, euhjecl W eeeesament for said improvement Co tuner o[� c Worka. _ 94195 -. Y�v8rt4yo[ e1� dn'otwvoe� n�i6 �. aYnve s tt ttvlart�er vor16 COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstruc-ting,-_relaying and repairing,.. whereneaesaary, the..follnwing sidewalk: - - - Ms.dota St., east side, beginning 43 ft. north of Fifth St. thence north B ft., beginning 14 ft. farther north, thenca..north a.ft_,. under Preliminary Order 93538 ...approved Aug. 31, 1932 Intermediary Order _-- __.._.-..___--. ...-.pprovad- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendation¢ relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- p-vement to be made by the said City is _ -.- constr ct,.. relay ---d-repair, where_neces- _sary-r- t1je_.fo11owing_s1de-1kz Mendota St„ east side, beginning 43 ft.north of Fifth St, thence north 8..ft..,_.beginning 14..ft.--Par-char-- north, -thence-aor-th-8 f-tl— and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Worke be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plana and specification, for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .... -} -_-_ 192 -.. Cit Approved .. ..... :.. ..... , 192 Ei M Councilman 1"""'�'� Councilmana8ergusom- �" Council man dd-Don.Z' C ... ri.man aMc61og9n-V� "" t'tiliLltiVt1'-D CouncilmanR�4U1m4P=c/"'�"" 10 Councilman l.— Mayorf(M /`IvlLor.� Form B. S. A. 8-7 - Hy � �- DEPARTM�NTa0F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE J, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In th<�nan<r of reconstructln-, relaying and repair:nr, where necessary, the follow - Ing sidewalk: Fast aid e Mendota St., beginninv, 43 ft. north of 111th St. thencenorth 8 ft., beginnl ng 14 Ct. fertner north, thence north 8 ft., under Prclimm.,y O,Jcr approved August 31, 1932 To the Cooncl of the City of Sr. P-1 The Commissioner of Finance h... by reports as follows. 'ihc total ---d amount of the assessment for the ab.- impro.cmcnt .s - f 13.00 'lite cs�ime; cd cost per foot for the ab— im prorement is - - - - - - - $ _.. The lou or parcels of land that may be z ...... d benefiu for such improv anent, and the assessed —1—i— of each !ol or pared as last rrpon<J b, the Asecsnoq arc as follows: osscalvnoN con Land oprBldg. . Dans and Hama's Sub. of 600 the west half of block 98 Lyman Dayton's Add. to St. Paul 600 The Commissioner of Finance f.rther reports that he has in.estigated all of the aforesaid mattr, and herebl, -bmiu t1,, foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him m reference tos.idd ma,�tternby the Commissioner of Public NN Ar , Dated --6 Q., -.n1 i y _ 193 a- �p_ Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public vrc9 Fin"°N 0Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 14 1832 September 14, 1932 193 '1'o the Cnnm i.uiunrr of Fiurr a of the City of tit. Paul Tho Conuno,oroer of Pn Ho Work,, having had under coolon .tion tho preliminary onler of too Council, known . Cnuueil File No. 93538 approved August 31, 1932 .19'3 relntivo to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the following sidewalk: East side Mendota Street, beginning 43 ft. north o£ Fifth S.t.,. thence north 8 ft., beginning 14 ft. farther north, thence north 8 ft. _ - gst. cost - Lot 2, Dana & Humes Subdivision -- $13.00 and having investigated the matters and thing. referred to therein, hcrehy reporle: 1. Said improvement iu n«e...ry and (or) dneirnhle. 2. The .unmated coat thareuf ie S-._ , and We total rout thereof ie S .rd the nature and ..tent of u.id improvement i. au fullowe'. -- 3. A plan, prefile or .ketch of .aid improvement i. hereto attached nod made a pmt hereof. 4. u. Said improvement iu .eked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, .uhjcat W e.ueu. ,ent for .aid improvement. Commiu.ioner of P Works. 94196 -R COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, ralaying and repairing the sidewalk on the south side of Sixth St. beginning at John Street__thouce. west 72 _feet, under Preliminary Order 93633 --......approved September 9., 1932 Intermediary Order _. .-- _ _ _._._____-.approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon duepotice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _reD.onstruct.,relay, and repair_ the,.,sidewalk on- the _.south aide.of_Siath_St—.beginnin6..at_Sphn. Street_ thence _west 72 feet and the Council h by orders said improvement to bs made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - reed with the making of said improvement yin accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council --- `.t;2,L __ _ , 192 - e�� ,y�y{ Cit �lerk. Approved _ , 192 z ' o 1f/,, ncil Councdman•CietsSy ''-� /I „n„Id McYor. Councilmae-Fereusoti-� , Councilm—MCDomdd ' """ q 1 PL-BLISHEDJ(y�ifi� CouncilmancMe(Mogan '' , Couman�iidBFfiner/L 11�xel / Cou cilman ® Mayor4Sl9[8BA Form B. S. A. 8-7 By DEPARTN�ENTeOFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE JJ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) IV reconstructing, relaying ng ar(I repairing the 1111 11 the south �'t. , thence IIt 1-111 of Sixth St., b-,Irn' g t J�1- t 72 under Prcli miaaty Old" a111111111d �e It. 9, 1432 T, the C-1161 of the City of St 1' -1 - Th, Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as f111-11 $ b7 .60 Th, amount of the assessment f- the ab— iwl-11111�t is 1"he —d —I p,, foot f., the b— m,p---1 is - - - . $ — 'fhelots ",... is of land than may he —'—d b—fil, f., such d valuation of each lot of a, 1,,n spored by the A ......... ..e a f.11.. Land Bldg. lots 1, 2and 3 42 Kitt—',I lid. to A.!'-1 11115 south11 11) 26H75 Th, C—i,i—, of Finance furtherell f the Ifo... aid .--, —d I ... ,by submits the !.,,going �hie "P-11 thereon to the C-111, together with III, -d,, I. hi. in ,,f-- t,, said -- by the C—Imm— of Pubh, D—d 19 Commissioner f Fm.nce. Office of the Commissioner of Public VZgrjgp FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 20 1932 Sept. 16, 1932 193 To the Commir+eioner of Fi—,— of the City of St. Poul: The Commissioner of Pubhe Works, having hwl u,ol- consideration tho prsliminary order of the Council, known . C.—il File No. 93633 approved Sept. 9, 1932 .193. , relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, the sidewalk on. the. south side of Sixth Street, beginning at John Street, thence west 72 feet. and having i"ventigated the matters and thin, r,f,—d to therein, hereby revorte: " 1. Said improvement is ve—ry and (or) desirable. Est. Cost Lot 1 Block 42, Kittson'a ldt�, tt40.0,0 2. The estimated cosi thoreof is f- o t e total coat t oreof " 2, 42, " 17.60 and the nature sod extent of said improvoment ie ee follows: —.- 67. 6 m 3. A plan, pr.filo or ekecch of said improvemeot is hereto attached and mads n part horoof. 4. 5. Said improvement is. asked fur upon petition of three or more owners of property, .object to —sament for said improvement. `7 Co issioner of Pu r orke. 94197 COUNCIL FILE NO.. r w.7 >» •' BY FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofreconstructing,relaying and repairing,. where .necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: Mil£nrd_St-., north aide , beginning 40 ft. east of Gaultler_St.,_thanc c. east to east aide .1 alley, Marion -St.,w t side, beginning. 113.s £t. north of Milford.. St. .thence. north "f t., Marion --St.,. east aide-, beginning at -Milford St.. _thence .north. 138.5. ft. Jessamine St., north side, beginning 94 ft, of Cortland St. thence east under Preliminary Order _. 93445. _.. __. _..approved Aug. 19, 1932 Intermediary Ord -... -_-- _-_-approved -.-_. _--..-.... ...-_... - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is -_reconstruct,.relay and repair_... whare..necessarg the sidewalks at the following locations: east Milford.St.,--north aide, begianing..40-.ft. . seat -.of. -Gaultier -SS., --thence. to east aide of alley Marion..St-,-w•eat-. aideriaeginril.r+g--113.S..SL...nor-th..of-1611fard-SY-.-ib, north 25 ft. Marina..5{_-- _at --aide,--baginning-- at- -MSlford..St-.-thanes-.r-or-th_138-5_St. Jessamine St., north side, beginning 94 ft. east of Cortland St. thence east 24 ft,, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorined and directed to pro- ceed will. the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 1 is32_ - , 792 ---- v fes. Ci6'' perk... w, I) Approved ,'' ,192 Councilmen Councilman Councilman Councilman ulfoWozwL,, Counpilman ®pb /l Mayor Onip.- /vI Form B. S. A. 8-7 -11 o e .1—TMENTOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �J Io ih. matter of Ht ther truct, relay oc rep,.ir, where necese..ay, the si.. ew.:Lks onst North s llt CoEt eg lfrC .e of glley g 4) ft. East of Gtultler ot. thence E rest ills of N rloa -.t. begin Int; =- 5.5 ft. North of YS .fo ru :: t. t!:enco Nortl: :15 ft - 'r. east side of Marion ct, begil-ing ,.t Y1lfart Lt. thence North 138.5 ft. North side of Jessamine St. begln.dn., 39 ft. E.:et of Cort1 nd c i6�o St. thence E..: t • 4 ft. report.. by the Asscsro,, are a. follows. oaa�w e, ow 10T Lana up' eN Bldg. 16 14 Lewis (2nd)Add. to St.Paul 500 3400 Minn. Crossing Po Alley in said Blk. 14 do No Valuation 11 14 do 350 1500 Park in Blk. 11 do 3700 East 45 ft of lots 6 and 7 3 Hanson'a Ald to St.Paul 300 1150 8 3 do 300 5150 6050 The Commirrioner of Finance further repots that he oar inte5tigated all M the arorea.id maty ., and he..by -1,—, th, (.,,going as hi. «por I thereon to the Council, together lith the report made to Lim m ,fer.nc, t. said matt.. by the Com missioncr or Public W -k, ` Cb .a alio e - ommi � ,orrmana. m ondr Preliminary Order ap,—d Awust ;50s 1932 To rhe Council of the City of St. Paul: The Co,Nn ssw— of Finance her. by reports as follows. The rota) esumatcd amoanr of the assessment (or the above improve meat is - - $ 192.42-- -- -- The es rimmed co sr per foot for the above improv<ment is - - - - - - $ l'he ion or parcels of land nh may be assessed bene(n (or such Improvement, and the vssessed valuation of each lot or parcel as Iasi sported by the Assessor, arc as follows: oas a P, oa o.. oe. noonio Land uanon Bldg. 16 14 Lewis (2nd)Add. to St.Paul 500 3400 Minn. Crossing, fo Alley in said Blk. 14 do No Valuation 11 14 do - 350 1500 Park in Blk. 11 do 3700 East 45 ft of lots 6 and 7 3 Ransomta Add to St.Paul 300 1150 a 3 do 300 5150 6050 The Gmmissioner of Finance further reports that he has int estigated all of the aforesaid marlr, and hertby submits the foregoing as his report thereon m the Council, together with the report made to him M referenceto said matrterby the Commissroner of Public Works. Dated_0 d -41 e 19 3 01, -t 7 �C—m - ante Commi of Fin Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Sept. 1, 1932 193 1110 thv (;ommi.xioarr of Finance of the City of St. P.W: The C.—mi-1— of Public Work., having had ander—.Iideratian the preliminary order of tho Council, known a. Co.—dl File No. 93445 app—td Aug. 30, 1932 .193 , relnt- c�'to Reonstruct, relay and rOD. where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locatiovsf North side of Milford St. beginning 40 ft. East of Gaultier St. thence Bast to East side of alley Lot 18, Block 14, Lewlst 2nd Addition -r ----------- 452.85 City — ------- --_-------------- 35.00 West side of Marlon 8t. beginning 113.5 ft. Borth of Milford St. thence North 25 ft. Lot 11, Block 14, Lewlst Sod Addition -------------- 15.95 East side of Marlon 8t. beginning at Milford St. thence North 158.5 ft. Parks in Block 11, Lewist 2nd Addition ------------ 85.00 Borth side of Jessamine 8t. beginning 94 ft East of Cortland 8t. thence Fast 24 ft. East 45 ft, of Lots 8 and 7, Block 3, Ranson's Addn.--- $10.13 Lot 8, Block 3, Ransom's Addition D/W--- -------------- 15.89 SF n m , r ______--- 72 as poF B' B7ocK ?' Seu aomra y997C7o0 DU&_________ gest d2 LF. °L rota g `rug �' BT-CK ?' Byuaomra y44u•-"- $TO'73 gf' L Uwca V' CsZ31 Lf*e 2F' peR7u-TUE 8d LF HazC OL C.,,-q PotFp a74e oZ 1 hRtRa 7u R2 91-11 TT' P—Tzt ;,u9 Y94i C7 ou ------------ 0'J i 3B'e LC' t u Zf. cGSv,,I7 g IC fl7TZou9 2F' Cpcucb AoLPp gvzt a79e oL fl^ 7" K Sd' ie�7ar 44'g ':997 LT ou 73'82 pw Sy' B1°C ?f' CF buts BotFp 52 Lf* eH7uu 7uH 172'2 Lf' N°LfP °L fl7TZ°t'� 11eaf a74e of fist lou 22'00 C7 Ol __ _____________..____ 25'82 COF T8' PToGW Sd' Ce"7ar 5u9 "4(j7 F7°u m emm�e sn.ar co asap ais!_93_aZIaa _. _ _._.Y� and lo, ; g o—tig—d the matw, and things r,f,- d to therein, herohy reports: 1. Said hnprovement is necu+ssry sod (or) desirable. 2. The estimated wet thereof ie $ , and the total coat tharcof ie F sad the nature sad sat,ot of en id improvement is m follows- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of soid improvement is lo,— slushed end sonde a part hereof. .................... . 9. Said improvement le_ _mknd far opoo petition of three or more owners of property, UI4 OF F'NM abjont tq eement for said improvement. inner of Pu c ark),. . 94198 COUNCIL FILE NO.. - �v • �'1ev!� e ae By ia Imv..•m�o 'rem. ceu.•n __ eaet•e FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing,.-rslaying. and repairing,.. where necessary, the following sidewalk: Aver, south side, .beginning 272 ft. West of St. Albans St. _thence bleat 40 feet, under Preliminary Order._... 93535 _-approved Aug. 31, 1932 Intermediary Order -___....__ _ ..___ _ __ ._-_--approved _ _. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objection. and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ._ --_r c,nnstr=t, r.elay_and..nepair,_.whs;_e_napes- .ser-yr-_ihe..fnlloWing..sldawalkt ...... Smmnit Ava, south side,beglnning 272 ft. West of St Albano St. thence _asst AD_ £t.,_ -__.__—_— and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said im provement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council NC` `-.12 .-__ , 192 Clcrk. Approved 192 1c��� an Councilmaroo i"^°�^' eusw2" Ma Councilman o Councllman Councilman Councilman®jEv, ti.rizei MayorlIIa}1yp Mahnne. Form B. S. A. 8-7 SCOTT. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER %, 19 (D) . I kD In the matter S re.—t-oting, relaying and repalri.&,jhZ�oo, B. -0t . theme .eery. t 40 fo llowing eldeaniket Soot aide of 3,..Jt Ave. b.gimi,g 272 ft. -6t Or S -d- 0,,I,, apprw<d August 31, 1932 To the C,-Ilil of 1111 C11Y of S1 P-11 Th, Commissioner of Finance hereby ,p,,,, as f-11— The ,A -i—,d __,, ,f the assessment f., the ab— imp--- is p,, f-, the ab— improvement is - Thr lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits [or such improvement, and the —111d _j­j­ of each lot Or parcel as last ,-d by the Assessor, arc es follows: IESIRIPTION ,or ecoc. nooiTioN=TE 'N Ladd Bldg. 7 6 S—it Park Add to St. P--1 6000 18800 ,. Ramsey County, Ili ---t- . idol.d.. lot 6 lot. 8 -d 9 6 60CIO 11260 1200 30050 The C-1111-1 Of Fi-- further reports that he has i—lfll-d all Of the aforesaid ---, and hereby _b.i,s h, foregoing as his report 611— t,, the Council, together wi,h h, .-de to hi- 1- ,f-- toaid ­-, by the Commissioner of Pobli, %% rk, Dated -0 e�- _.193 3 C..,Omi—, of Fm-ce. Office of the Commissioner of Public FinANCt Report to Commissioner of Finance �a SEP 14 1932 September 14, 193Qg3 To the of Finance of We City of St. Paul Thr Cummi.i—, of Public Work., having had ander consideration the preliminary order of tha Council, known m G,-61 File Ta. 95535 approved Aug. 31, 1932 193. , relative t. reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necess —y, the following sidewalk: South side of SumgaitAve. beginning 272 ft. west of St. Albans St., thence west 40 feet. and having m—tigatcd the matters and things rrf,—,d to them., hereby reports: 1. Said imvrmen prnt ie n e,,..,y and (or) dmirahlc. Est. Cost Lot 7, Block 6, Summit Park 9 7.62 2. The estimated 4 2h,&f ie S. 6' ,and tEe total curet th,— -306 and the ..lure and extent of said improvement ie m follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement m hereto attached and made a part hereol. 4. S. Said improvement ie asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject t. emesemcnt for said improvement./1--? Comm—t bGo Works. 94199 * (ragP. e:•ed•s COUNCIL FILE NO. t ° ,:•$e°i FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofralaying and .repairing--the-..sidewalk- atthe_ following. locations:... - -- - E. Third St., north side, beginning 355 ft, east of Earl St. thence east l - Fsuquier St., south side, beginning at Seventh St., thence vrest 98 ft., under Preliminary Order 93446 _... _._ ._.approved Aug. 19, . 1932__- - IntermediaryOrder. -..--_-- ----- -__.__.approved .....-.__ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pereoas, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is -._.recon -tract,- re]ay-and-xenalc_the ..sidewalk. at.- the .-following -.1can-ti- ns__-._ _ -- E...Third._St..,.-north_aida,._beginning.$5-5_ft— east_ot_Ear1_5t _Lhonca-_east 12 ft. Fauquier.. St.,_south-side,_-hegfnnf l& at_Sevanth-St.,—thance..xraaL99_£t_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and 19 hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council — --:._-- , 192 'Cy y lerk. Approved _ _ _. _ , 192 _ May on Councilman Clancy-r'i��lt YWt�•�D 1 Councilman Fergusr Councilman -McDonald ' Councilman iftip A;.z.i Council man MRVP'!t I1, ,nay Mayor KORM Form B. S. A. 8-7 B7—+f"�.:. s D EPARTM ENT�+JANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In rhe* r of reconstruct Sna„ rel ::r y Ing and repa4ring the sidewalks at the follow- ing locations: North side f F 355 Ct. east of ..Third St., beginning :.arl St. thence east 1ft., South2 side of N'nuiul,r St. beginning at Seventh St. thence west 98 ft-, under Preliminary Order ap F.rmed August 19, 1932 Te rbc Council of rhe Cry of Sc Paul: The Com missioncr of Finance bcrc $ 74:30 TI e 1 es i.a d .m 111 of the assessment for ,he abosc mproscm enr is - _ i — provcmcnris - $ - -- The esti maned cosi per (oocfot rhe above m - ' "fhe tots or parcels of land chat may be assessed -fill for I'll, improve...... and rhe assessed .alu anon oL each !ot or pa re el as lase ,p ­ ,d by rbc Asscswr, arc as lollow a: OEsceie 10, ,roc. ADOirioa Land AT1Bldg. 4000 375000 Tell St. vacated, adj. and A. Gotiian's 11 -of Sigel': east 0f blk. 24, vacated alley Add. in blk. 24 and 1-s 1 to 16 24 1 19 Terry's Add. the City of 850 2900 St. Paul, County of Fh"say, 675 1850 East 23 ft of 2 19 and Ste to of :dlnne sora. Nast 27 ft of 2 19 do 850 3600 6375 587:,350 The Commissioner of Finance forth <r reports rh at be has investigated all of the aforesaid marts .. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with chs repos made orhim ' ...... ee _id by rbc Commimia ser of Public 1l'a rks. ,� /I Dated _&- 79 3 a� Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September 1, 1932 198 To the Commissioner of Fi—n, of the City of St. Pool The Commissioner of Poblir Works, having had -&-, wneidcration the prrliminary order ,f the Connell, known as Conned File no. 93446 approved Aug. 19, 1932 193 , relntivc to Reeon�true t, rel .y _n re, Al the t rite fol owing loc tlmst :forth :-i�c of ; ThS.c t. begio- ing 65. ft. F, ,t u' r Cost -------------------------- $9.08 South 31ce of l -u uier r'>. begin ing r -.t r ventb thence aeat 9B ft, ` Lot 1, Block 19, Terry's Addltlon------------- $48.00 East 23 ft. of Lot 2 Blk 19 Terry's Addn. ----- 15.22 West 27 ft. of Lot 2 Blk 19 " ^ ----- 2.00 I\A,'S� 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvomont ie hereto attached e.nd mado a p6't hereat. 4. 5. Said improvement is.. ..._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to eeaeeement ( saidem qt. �IW U�t3IivAf�! C C�-teaioner of P�uboOrks./..ty Ni SF 2 • 94200 �e°O awre �;�a ee�rri:iimian' �r'q.e assays,vu a n COUNCII. FILE NO. w tm eueoemr a By °° .va ei.m�vu".vHmwva•r FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, --relaying and repairing the aideaalk. On. the _sonth. side of East Third Street, beginning )_10,5 ft... east of9Sbley Street,-. thence. ..at 25 £tom,. :.. _ _.... __.... under Preliminary Order.. 93831_.._. ..__approved September_ 9, 1932 _ Intermediary Order __..._...._.__ __ ._..__- - _ ....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the more; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _rac.onstrnct,..relay_ and repair_ the_.s.ideocalk on.- the .south- side _of_East_Thud-treet.,_beginning _]1f1.5_.Y.t._ east..a£_Slbley Street.. thence.. .—t-25 -ft.,-- ._._._-___.- - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - end with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council h01(..-.i-,pOtl .-.-- -. 192 iJJa t� Clerk.. Approved _ R�k , 192 Councilman,Qeggy„,_�, Councirman.Ferguson,. �y(.i .,.o:.m ej;,RLSHED_�_+�"' Counrilmenetilr,Dong1d / ,e CouncilmanaopGlpgac� I Councilmanei�e Councilmaa�r ugp — ttr�„zeI MayorINNINsm /,ynhnney j- Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY 01 B PAUL DEPARTMENT OFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) 1. the mal to of reconstructlnq, relaying and repairing the slriewalk on the south sl de of East Third St „ beginning 110,5 ft teat of Sibley St. thence east 25 ft., —der P,di.m.ry Order.I,p roved Sept, 9, 1932 To the C --d of the Cily of St- Paid: The Commis i.— of Finance hereby repo rte as fill s: The total —,.—d ...alit of the assess m eat for the above improvement is - - $ 24.44 - The esn.ated cost per foot for the ab..e - - - - - - S -- '1'bc lore or parcels .f land that may be ......ed for such improvement, and she asseucd valuation of each lots parcel an last r,p.,I,d by the A--, are at follows: Beg. at the aTIE acorner of Blk.4 llopkln's Add.th.N.Oa1,—,, the E. Land un, Bldg. I of said b11 4 nroduc ed, 2 ft. th. '_il parallel with the S �i-5,000,000 line of 3rd St, to 'W. line of Viaccuta St, th.N, to a at. 7,50 ft X210,000,000 from the t,L corner of Blk 29, City of :;t.eaul,th.S.ily to a nt, on the F.,llnep oft Sibley.S] 7,37 ft N. from thr N,{ corner of said b1Y. 29, t8.5. 10°41 W¢•42,43 th.Nh ,52o ¢ 36' E, 419.75 Pt t8, t.. 62° 50' E.30.25 ft th.Nd 34 3!12W , A 79 St t N 6 47' . 75 ft. th.N. 69 S7' k:, 120.24 ft. th.Ai. 62 47' S 07,27 ppty th. n 5° uryee to the left 135 ft.th.N; 56° 2' E. 618.40 ft. th.N. �3°12' ` 12..33 ft. th. S6° 02 E, 5k14.89 ft. th.N. 63°12' .545 ft, th.on a 6 02' cur; to the right 356.50 ft to a pt. on N, and S. a Sec. line of Sec. - , T. 29, R.22, th.N,on said Sec line to the i1. line of !rook `t, th.N, along id W. line 258.83 ft. th.�`, 22056' W. 128 ft. to the center of 3rd St. th.S. 550 52' N. along said center line 84,63 ft. th. on a curve to the right, radius 622,44 ft. 337.1"ft b Ing in a S'Nly direction along t:1te R/'N of G.N. Ny th. a curve to the Sght radius 39P,B6 ft 261.40 ft th. 5. 550 40' 'W'. 348.92 ft th. on a curve to the right raa.l us 946.3" ft 118.09 ft th. S, 620 49' '.Y. 379.76 ft th. S. 690 59' 'N. 480.15 ft th. S. 771 08' W. 284.66 ft to the L. line of Broadway th.N 34° 05' long said11E, line to qqa pt. due 7E�7, of9 pt. of 44 begsanning,ffthii. in5 begTnnlnf*., S1n11cludbbinpp part andb4kopki n737 A9d.'an57 e118!a3d b1 k829,5Ciy ofoStKPeul�nt oR ether wl th alllvac3 .lie's and sts .adjacent said bl Oaks, also including vacated alleys within block 2B and (Exc. part ta'sen for 3rd St.) Blk 28 City of St,P aul y$5,0001000$10,000,00i The C—i,,i—, of Finance further reports that he has mscstigaled all of the aforesaid man end hereby s.bmi s the foregoing .s hie report tht. the Council, together with the report made to Lim . r<Icre ace t. satid matter by the C...mi—, of Public \t'orks. Dated—Q-C�? _ y% -.19:8 C...iesm— of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public` Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 20 1832 Sept. 16, 1932 193 To the Commimiaocr of Finnoeu of the City of St. Paul_ The Commieaioner of Public Work,, having had under consideration the preliminary ,or, of the Council, known . Coun il File No. 93831 approved Sept. 9, 1932 .193. , remtivo to reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the south side of East Third Street, beginning 110.5 ft. east of Sibley St., thence east 25 ft. and having inve,Ligatod the matters and thing, referred W therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie oecmeary and (or) deeirabls. 2. The estimated cost thereof i, E 24.00 ,and the total coat thereof is E and the nature and extent of ,aid inprovement i, as follow,: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of ,aid improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ..asked for upon petition of three or more ownere of property, eubject to a,ee„mcnt for said improvement Co aeiouer of Pu Warks. 94201 COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconatructing,.,olaying. and repairing thealley crossing and.sidewalk onthe north side of. Fifth Street beginning 110 ft. east of Jackeon.5tr.et, thence east 10 ft.., under Preliminary Order_. - 93499._.__ _.-__approved Aug. 26, 1932 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is __-_s "c truct,--relay-aroi repalx Lha -allay nrcasing and- _aid ... I k-^r, -.the..nor-th-.side._of Fifth .Street- heginning_] In- ft. east- of_Jaakeon_ Straet,_ the=e east _1Q. ft.,_--__-- ------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro. ceed with the making of said improvement inn accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council v _ ��`''— _ _ , 192 .... y I,rk. Approved - _. _ 192 Councilman ^Lag::,a.���.,,tMneld 11L0—..1--'�'' Councilman IEVjalsgym, Councilmanpspld,�m Councilman ee ogq* /1�„„,.,, Counci�aljNgjlRec3p .,,,;,x 7 Councilma-We-eal. „yam Mayor ftdsYpa Farm B. S. A. 8-7 r ^T. DEPA RTMEhT6oFPAe' FINANCE REPORT OF com^sibNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER of econst ,,tl g and repairin,, the 'd e t g inn i In the matter Fl. the north llallf,ltl I., Olill.kson St.the n east " f e t., ..d- Pali min, ry Order approved Au—st 26, 1932 Ta the C"n."d of the cis, of S, P.—I. Th, C...mi—, of Finance hereby reports as follows: 11—_1 __d amount of the assess -n, h... -p.... n—, is $ rb—,6n,—d,.,1 p, f.., for above improvement 11 - - S The I,- , .. 11, of ]and d., may be assessed benefit, for such anp--nn-, and the assessed -1-6111-f—l�!-- parcel a, 1— ,p.,,,d by the A--, a,, as f -H-11 Crossing. or alley in Block 9 11hitney and Smith's Add. tO N. V,luatl.. ,t. Paul The C.nuni,i— of Fi,,a,,,, further repots that h, h., i --gated all of the aku—idmat and herebysubmit, the foregoing as his report thereon t. the Council, ,,he, with the report uad, tto chin, in reference to matter by the C.,nndmi-111 of PnInIx W -k, Dat,d—(O-",- (Pa— C.mnaiasi—, of Fin.. Office of the Commissioner of Public W FINANCt Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 10 1932 6eptemh.r 6, 1932 193 To the Commiesinoer of Finnnrr of die City of St. Poul: Thr Commissioner of Public works, heving had under--iderstion the -hula—, order of the Council, known m Cbund) File Nn. 93499 approved August 26, 1932 193 , relnGve to reconstructing, relaying and repairing the alley crossing and sidewalk on the north side of kifth Street, beginning 110 ft. east of Jackson -Street, thence east 10 feet. and heving ....kigated the mntkrs and things referred to )herein, hereby reports: 1. snid improvemrnt is ... —my and (or) deeirnble. 2. The rsti—wd cost thereof 9 3 .20.24 , and the tote) cost thereof is F and the nature sed extent of said improvementfs ss follows: 3. A pine, profile or sketch of a.id improvement is horeto attached and mode s purl hereof. 4. 5. said improvement is asked far upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjset to assessment for said improvement. / � Co ioaer of Pub' orka. ... e Ijr N � 942 I a �t t ro t uY t ray. is oa:. pw.a COUNCIL FILE NO.a � mieo�ae. ° v By i iu s; oo r FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_ reconatructing,.. relaging_a 1 repairingthe_Eide.ealk_....._ extensions_ on the northeast. corner of Maria Avenue and _Short Street, under Preliminary Order...... 93482._._. _ ...___approved Aug,. 24, 1932. Intermediary Order -_-__.. -_-. _._..._.._ _--_approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City ie._.reconstruct,..re.lag-and _rapair_the...aidewaik exte—J.—_on- the, _-nor.thea.t-corner.-of _2Lacia- Avenue. . and.-ShortStreEt,_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit some to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -.._ _ _..... _. 192 \ ,;,'Z � Approved _ .. l.. , 192 Councilman.,G{a.y.��a���� ayor. _ conacilma-Ferguearva v:�, pl�xl, at117L -? Councn man c2faDatmidcs- CouncilmanaafeHlogaa..'cs Councilman.R.dkildm 1:1'0x Councilman0XW*0"�/o, ael May-4009M"l xbi,nry Form B. S. A. 8-7 - DEPARTMENTa.1 FINANCE REPORT OF ON PRELIM SIGNNARY R OF FINANCE J��`` (D) In on ofor so -net of otinR r Mariangvan repairing.ttle sidewalks extensions tria under Preliminary order approved Aug. 24, 1932 T"', Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows. y 9.50 The total es6ma1cd amount of the assessment for the above improve meat is - 'I'hc estimated cost per foot for the above improvement - 8 The Iota or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits (or such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last rrported by the Assessor, arc as follows: oesCaiPTIor+ wT e�o�a nooinor+ Land unr Bldg. Sidewalk extensions on the northeast corner of Marla Ave. No Valuation and Short St. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of she aforesaid marc s, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Gnncil, toRcther wisL the report made to rhim in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public \\'orks. \ Dated 1L=�+tZr�-�— y- - 19 3- 2 v Commissioner of Finance. -Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 31, 1932 193 'to the C.ano-ions of Finance of the City of tit. Plot The Commlade—, of Public Works, hoeing had ander coneideratior the po-hearary order of the Conrail, k—a m Co,o,4 File No 93489 approved Aug. 24, 1932 193 , "Int—, W reconstructing, relaying and repairing, the sidewalk extensions on the northeast corner of Maria Avenue and Short Street. and Laving inveatignt,d the ad things r.f,,,d to therein, le—hy repute: 1. Said intaanent ie micvenry and for) denirnblc. 2. The eatno,t,d cost thereof ie i. 9.50 , and the total mat thereof ie S and the nature and extent of said improvement is m follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto ntta,hed and ..do a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ...naked for upon petition of three or or, owners of property, eubj"t to assessment for ir""t /1 Alyn conere. loner of Pubf rks.��"/ i t 1 — SEP a 1931 94203 C. ee anbe Kw'fitt- 1n ter'aLSeon�rveuni oar pv vainiwo�t t�4'r� vtE trI PyroaY' M1 t! rr0�ry��p6f11erR m l.:mt'iNalvi't0e., COUNCIL FILF. NO. ° m ci By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing. driseway on the vest. slde_. at_Pewe-y Avenue beginning 90 feet south o£ Feronia Avenue, the ace south. 24. teat., _ under Preliminary Order 93531..._._ _.approved Aug. 31, 1932 _ Intermediary Order _.__._ _ ___.._ _ _ _ .approv d A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is construct. driveway_ffi- the _�est..eld-eaf.... Dewey..Azenue.-b glnning__30.teat_south .o£_F.ernnL. _1 —us,_ thencs._snuth._24 feet.,.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement#Wcordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _ _. - _ 192 s: 'r5 {City Clerk. Approved , 192 M� Councilman.gb"ey.+•� •`II. ,,., i,i J q Councilman 4hrgusen� `I"� �('Itll`Ifl'D ll_ s_dot Councilman INH416nnld-=' Councilmanibk6ksn�a I' Councilman Cauncilm�an MaYar nuuguou yl:�ly n ey Form B. S. A. 8-7 ''y) DE PA RTM ENT gR'^ F'1►ANCE REPORT OF ON PRELIMISN RY LONER OF FINANCE (D) In the n:ancr of Constructing drivew¢y o the w st side e, Dewey Ave ft south of Fronin -". the,, ee sout, 4 ft.e, under Prcli urinary Order approve) Aus[ • 31, 1932 7'o the Gmncil of the City of St. Paul: Jvo- 149 Uerinning 90 The Cum—sioner of Fivanee hereby reports as follows: Thc total csuma«d amount of the assessment E for the abteo,mpr �cmcnt is 8 'I'hc estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is d the nacssed valuation of cacl, lot or The lou or parcels of land that may be assessed benchts for such impmvcment, an Ia reel ns last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Descr+iPTiory DoT e�o�K AooiTiory LnnduATio Bldg. T HinkeltsecondAmeenndmeo R 1150 3000 to Un1 on tsrk, Y 1150 3000 The Commissioner of Finance farther reports that he has investigated all of the aloresaid mattrs, and he«by submits the foregoing as his report thereon io the Council, together with the retort... de to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public \Works. Dated�— �- _ 19 3 3 h`�'�' c— ,n, of Finance. ��+r-�s^-� - om Office of the Commissioner of Public WWW FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance - - - - - SEP 14 1932 wept. 14, 1952 198 Tn the Cnnnni,wi„ner of Finance of the City of St. Pnul_ Thr Carnmia,ioner of Puhh, Work,, having had under con,ideration the preliminary order of thn Council, known a, C-,u,,l File Fo. 93551 approved august Sl, 1932-193 relative [o constructing driveway on the west side of Dewey Av=nue, beginning, 90 ft. south of F -ronin Avenue, thence south 29 it. and having n—,tig,ted the maltere `aft'd thing, referred to therein, hereby reporla: 1. Snid improve,a— ieerwwary and (or) desirable. i,st. Cost - Lot T,nHinkel's 2nd Amendment $45.69 2. The estimated wet thereof is f. ,and the total coat thereof is S and the notate and extant of mid improvement i, m follow,: - - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvoment i, hereto atw,h,d and made a part hereof. 4. ,r. Said improvemwt is caked for upon potition of three or more owner, of property, subject w e,eeeemenl for void improvement. -- - -- C ie,ioner of Pu orkn. 94204 __ au.e �°�oi°Ca�ifro-ie.•°•• COUNCIAILE NO. BY. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing driveaay on the south side of Fuller Avenue beginning 58' west of Cathedral Place thence west 10 ft., under Preliminary Order 93684. approved September 14, 1932 , Intermedmry order _.. _ __. ._.___ ppro,,d A public hearing having been had open the hove improvement nor, due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _conatruot dr'__vewey on the_. south side of Fuller. Avenues, beginn'n9._58.. ft- --at of Cathedral Place.. the e _nest._10 ft., and the Council hereby order,d improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in areardance therewith. Adopted by the Council .. Vis`";.. -. 192 1 Approved _ 192 Councilman �. Councilman guson Councilmen Donaht_ i Councilman �URglof; `� PL'I3LISFiI:D / —�—�pZ Councilman�ydl_yu�c_ '1',..:... Councilman `*'�^^^'�® �y'r�.�ri Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 cin o DEPARTMENT jI Fa FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t% V construc— 1"d11 thenceone ttelOofthid se of Fuller Ave. I bagSnninF _d,, 11rtliminuty Ord„ app --d s Dta —, lh, 1932 To th, Caun,il of th, C.1y of Sc P-1 Th, Commission,, of Finan„ h,,,by ,<ports - follows: The total ---d amount of the �ss,sxment for the above iml ,o.,mcnt is - S 19,25 _ _ _ _ 1'nc cstimutnl mst p„loot fo, th, abo.e 'fh, I�u or purc,ls of land 0- may h, ose,s.,d bcn,fics (or such imy,o�cmcnt, end th, asuvc,d raluution of tach lot or parceI as laa„cponcd by th, Assessor, arc �e (olluws. ID oes<aianoN Lor e.o,. nooi.iory wnr I LandBldg. (Except 5. 58 ft)l and 2 flthak�afa StYPauldd.to 675 3600 City 875 3600 The Commissioner of Pi nancc lu rthcr reports that he has int esi igated all of the afortsaid marl ,and hereby submits ib, Coreg. ,g at hie report thereon to the Council, tog,th,, wltb the „port mad, to thlm m ,d-- to sid matt,. by the /�aCommienioner of Public \\'orks. D—d Cnmmistion„ of Fm—,. Office of the Commissioner of Public WANlUbp FINAMM Report to Commissioner of Finance EP 24 1932 Sept. 23, 1932 193 'Ib the C—'m"— f I'm-". of the City of St. V.111 The C im'issi-" of public W.,k., having had under ....... i&t,twn the j­,j,mmary onler of the 936134 Sept. 14, 1932 193 " , "Ist, - k-- ssFile N.. approved Constructing driveway on the south side of Fuller Avenue, beginning 58 ft. west of Cathedral Place, thence west 10 feet. and _i,iK ii,­tigsted the mat" and things refrrred t, ths­., hereby reports: 1. Chid Miplo—e- is , ... _,ysad (.,) &sirsble. 2, The estimated test Ih,,,.f is S 19.25 ,sad the tots) —t thereof �.f is S and the i"t'le sad --t of slid imp'ova—'t is M follows - 3, .11'" 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said t Is hereto st—bed -d made a part hereof. 4, 5, S,id impr---it is ked f., apes petition of three ar .,.,e ­.ers of property, subject W assessment for esid Improvement. /� cte..isis.— fb Work.. S- 94205 ' • y -h,- JOIN COUNCIL FILE N0. By muo� ..•,u.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of coastructing.-a. rLrivewag at the .following 1004tl4n; Hamline.we., east side, bc&Jur.ing 112 ft. north of Lake Como & Phalen Ave. thence north 8 ft., under Preliminary Order. 83527 _ _approved Aug. 31, 1932 Intermediary Order -.-. - approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improveffic.t upon due notice, and the Coudhil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.__Q=H_t '-Uct. a.. driveway- at _the -.fo11ow1n&_location _Hamline Ave. -,_ —at _sida, .beginning. 112. ft... north -Of_LAka_Como &__Phalen Ave. thence north 8 ft., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -... -.__ 192 Clerk. Approved - _ -- , 192 II ) M Councilman.AlaveY..� Comicil.—Ferguson - CouncilmaneC6eDonatd Councilman to ii �1 _, .• ^ �,, Councilmanc Councilmanf 1'�'� Mayor7ppriNA y1 al,:.•�ev Form R. S. A. 8-7 �t :t / C11Y 01 DEPARTMEtv 51 OF11UL FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the �i of 1 , Ave,ruct b �g J."'n 1 2 � northt the i.n' flocation: & 1-11n Ave. thence nr�th 8 ft., —d, Pllh-in-Y 0,d', approved A— 31, 1932 To Cr,u-61 ,f the c', of S'. Paul: Th, Com mission,, of Fm—, I .... by ,,ports as HH.— 'n, coral -n—,d .--t of the as for the ab— improvement is s 15.4 - esti --i con per I— for the s —I—f 1-d that may b, assessed benefits f., —1, imp....meat, and the assessed valuation of -d. lot or parcel - 1— reported byflh, A--, — a. fi,H- -1—TI.. L.T sae. ... IT— A ...... L—d B 'AL—ON ldg. 19 12 Chelsea heights 115 ) 5700 in.. lot 16 1150 5700 The C—k,i—, of F-- that h, h., ins estiga ted all of the aforesaid matter ..d h—b, -b.,:, h, foregoing ashie p— h---—fl­ th, C., ,h- .. h� report .,.d, I. hi. m reference I id ...... by the Commissioner of Public 11.,k, Dated 6,4— 19 31 Commissioner A Fi—ce. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works_ ,;UM.'if HNAKU 4 Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 14 i9a oeptember 14, 1932 I93 the d F,,,—, A tLe ('ity of St. h,nA The C nim...... er ,f P,J,hr \fork=, Loving Led the prrlitninery onler rd the t'nun(•iI, known as Council File \u. 935::7 approved August 31, 1932 193 rrL.tira to constructing a driveway at the following location: E;st side of Hamline Ave., beginning 112 ft. north of Lake Como & Phalen Ave., thence north B ft. and having in ee.tignlerl the mattrrs end things nierted to therein, hereby reports: I. Heid improvement is mese _ and (or) desirable. 2. '11, -h-t c�coet thereof ie E9' block 12, e d CPe1�S e�anHeht� � � $15.46 and the nature and extent of e,id improvement ie ee lollowe. 3. A plan, 1-111, or sketch of avid improvement i. hereto attached end made a pert hereof. 4. o. Said imprrivemeut is uked fnr ,p- petition d threa or more —t— of property, subject to aesemment fnr said improvement. Commissioner of Pu 'c 'arks. 94206 r COUNCIL FILL NO.By . ye FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing -a.. driveway at tha_fnllmaing location., Dakland. &venue,north side, heginning 52 ft. east of.. Lawton 5t..,thence east B ft., under Preliminary Order 93529 -.-. _-_—.approved Aug. 31, 1932 Intermediary Order__... -- approved _... __._.. _ ....__...__. A public hearing having ben had upon the above improvement upondue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City is. _..-c,onstruch_a..dr-i was_ai_the- tollnwine._loce _..Oakland--Avenue,-aor--th- aide, - beginning..52..ft— Eest_of_LawY.on_at_ thenoe and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council NO% - 192 Z / /�� /' •/ /~ Cit)Clcrk. I Approved . 192... 4 - 5J = 3 Councilman YYrneF Counlman �hh'ee, a _ "' /�% PCO _ ci Councilman W-Doaalfi Councilman Maf.Ngaa-`A Councilman �r.vs N'rnzel Councilman Mayor Hd@§WW Form B. S. A. 8-7 a .,a 4— DEPARTMENT 0 FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ✓9� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �1 (D) I;bl;, In t1., rn„ttcr of constructing a driveway.at thefollowing, 1--tion:I.orth side Oa�cland Avenue beginning, S2 ft. ,yet of Lawton St., thence cast 8 ft under Preliminary Order app .... d Aug. 31, 1932 Ta the C --d nl the Gly of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance b—by reports as follows The total —,,—,,d amount n( rhe assessment for the abo.c improv anent is - - $21,00 ) cut curb ) The es,iis - - - - - - - S The lot, or parcels of Iend that may be assessed b—f- for such im pro.<mcnt, and ,lie ..... ed valuation of ...1, lot or porccl a, last repor,ed by the Assessor, — - follows_ liintipTl��l dg. Vac, alley ad,. and Fart lying N, of Oakland Ave, of 15 12 Terrace lark Add to the 1400 6250 end the .vest 10 ft. of 14 1L Ci Of 5t.laul, Ramey Co, State of 'Ainnes,ta. 1400 6250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has in—egated all of the aforesaid matr, and hereby the e foregoing - his report thereon to the Council, together with the reor pt made to bim in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public 1t'ork,. 19 A-� 0atcd �a.�-tQru -� �1.. �'i � a-- Vt— Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works I;OM. Ur r I.,hIVCE Report to Commissioner of Finance V-1 SEP 14 1932 Sept. 14, 1932 103 To the Cononiavione, of Phones of the City of St. Pnul The C.onani .ner of Public Work,, hs,ing had under oo,,ideratian the preliminary role, of the Council, known ,a Coursed bile No. 93529 npp""d Aug. 31, 193E _193 , relative to constructing a driveway at the following location: North side Oakland Ave. beginning 52 ft. east of Lawton St., thence east a ft. and having investigated the matter, and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie neceean,y and (or) desirable. 2. The e,foab,d wet theroof ie S.. ,and the total cost thereof is t and the nature and extent of said improvement ie e, follow,. _ Est. t,ost Lot 14, Block 1z, Terrace Park $21.00 (Cut curb) 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto attached and made n part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is - - - - eeked for upon petition of three or more owner, of property, sabjecl to eeae„mcat for sold rmpr-orn-t. C inner of P b orke. 94207 .n,.ta, trona.: COUNCII. FILE NO. ii. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing. driveway at the following location: Tilton Street, north aide, beginning 92 feet east of St. Peter Street, thence east 12 feet, under Preliminary Order. 93530 approved Aug. 31, 1932 _ Intermediary Order ___.. _..__ -approved _... _. A public hearing ha,mg been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objection, and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the preci,e nature, extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City is .._.construct driveway. atthe fgllo_wing locatdon: Til ton. St—et north side, beginning 92 feet east of St.. .Peter Street, thenc east 12 feet, and the Council hereby ordersd improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro. ceed with the making of said improvement ipp accordance therewith. "14Z o Adopted by the Council ---..- .192 - City . Approved 192 or CouncilmaRJQ:a=Y— W� I""'�''��I Councilma-fergusou :^�" ° PUBLISI IPD / 1� 5 Councilman Krinald I� "' ^ Councilm> McDGijt ricgan.`s Counciimar,�od6atm6r=-� Councilmari�e�.a�/vi MayordJ.d1— Irl nti.nev Form B. S. A. 8-7 / .,.....a' _4 DEPARTMENTeOFP FINANCE 9,� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In rhe mat„'of construe ti nr; drivewayg 2t ft. the Efolofowin,.?,ter tion: th. E. 12 ft., North side Tilton St., beg. ander Preliminary Order approved Aug. To the Council of the Ci, of St. Pani: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as h,llows: The total estimated amount of rhe assessment (or she above improve mcnr is - $ 23.16__ Thcsdmamd cost per foot for the ab— imvrocemanc u - - - 'I he lots or parcels of land h., may be asses,ed ben ed is for sock improvement, enJ the —11-d valnauon of each lot or parcel as last reported by rhe Assessor, a e as follows: South 1 of 16 Landp SunT�oBldg. Simpson's Add to the City 1500 6400 of St. daul In the 'ounty of Ramsey sn,i Territory of ifinne sots. 1500 6400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports than he has invntigared all of the a .1—id matt rs, and herebysubmits the ',going as hie report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the /Commissioner of P.bh, %%.A, D...d � - t1 - - 19" a, �~�*x� V d���iss o cr of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public \V(W�NStj.iANCk �9 L Report to Commissioner of Finance e -- SEP 14 1932 dept. 14, 1932 193 '1'o the Commisemner of Fm.s-1 of th, City of :St. P-1, The C.mnien-- of Public Works, having hod ander ,unsideration the preliminary order J the Council, known es Council Fil, N. 93530 approved ugust 31, 1932.193 0.6 , to constructingdriveway at the followin,; location: North side Tilton Street,beginning 92 feet east of 5t. Pets Street, thence east 1� feet. and having investigated the matters sad things rrfrrrcd to Wercin, h,rehy reports: 1. said Improvrme.t ie necessary and (ar) desirable. bat. Cost - Lot 16, Simpson's Addition $2.5.16 2. The estimated ..t th,roof ie E ,and the total coat thereof is E and the .store and extent .f said improvement ie ae f.11owe: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of avid irnpr—,-t is hereto ettach,d sod road, a psrt hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement i., ..eked for opo. petition of three or more owners of property, subject to seeeeament far said improvement. --- -. Commireioncr of P.ba Works. onu•m 1. .11' add OR I E 3 / COUNCIL �^ nl u l I I '/ ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED B ------An ordinance permitting the Council, under certain cir- ras- cumstances, to let the Auditorium or any part thereof, without charge, and repealing inconsistent ordinances or parte thereof. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: r or ec e.IR Section 1. The Council may, upon the recommendation of a committee composed -Of the Mayor, the Commissionerof Education, °°F17 •a� aw m uu i.ca the Commissioner of Finance and the City Comptroller, when in the. -l.1 µ',',•bb ii opinion of the Council it is in the public interest so to do, and where no admittance fee is to be charged, let the Auditorium or any part thereof without charge to the lessee; provided, however, that in the event the Auditorium or any part thereof is so let, there shall be set up in the budget for the ensuing year a sum of money in the Auditorium Fund No. 17, equal to the established and fixed cost of operating, beating, lighting and cleaning said Audit orlum or part thereof. Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances incon- sistent herewith are hereby repealed. / Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Nm . vea, Coua.II.— va • Pa, I I c Ma, -M'Doasld / _In Fxvar F anv H.a l A,in Truax Poen I W'If F _ c C'(17"P wry 11 Preeid , (Nlahoae��) ,iTY ,.i l ,I NOV T _ /J A11 (;URLISHLP o ae. p dv L . nice ' �a nese m seM1 No. 9.420 • CITY OF 3T. PAUL ,roes •o ea eew..� re. ---"' • OFFICE OF THE CITY Ai wv.m sewam,'- COUNCIL LUTION — E.n tY.eem gr°um� rn��io° °aYrs ee. �� nes ,e October 28, 1932. _ du— RESOLVED Yhereas, additions and deductions which might proveto ben eery on the improvement described as the Paving of Summit Ave. from Bamli.e A's to Snelling Ave., yielding A 1h ley, Contractor, have bee. provided far i. the specification. and u.1t price. therefor have bee. stipulated in the contract, and 86ereae, it has been found neceosary to make additions and deductions, Table 1 eh- g addition, and l.d..ti— made in accordance eitb unit prices .tipplated io the .oatraet and 'i'eble 2 shoving addition, and deductions made on a force account basis ae provided in the contract. TABLE 1 ADDITIONS• 19.2 lin, ft. Radius curb 0 .50 9.601 3 Sq. yds. 6e Sont—te Paving 0 1.417 4.2$ 11.99 rove Sind- co0 4.75 56.95 ' I 77211.. Ft. StandardCoaerete Cnrb o .45 34.74 ' 10$•$4 DNDUCTIONSt 1 3 Sq. yds 6" Concrete Paving o 1.417 4.2$- 20.8 Concrete Bea. (Removed) 0 1.00 20.80- 58.4 ^ Ne. 6^ Co..r.t• Be.. 0 1.45 84.68 109.73 ' Net Deductions Table 1. 4.19 TABU 2 ADDMONS, Relocation of lighting emblem around the radii on corners 43.96 DEDUCTIONSt 351 Sq, Yd.. Seeleoat h chip, 0 .055 19.30 Net Addition Table 2 24.66 Total net Addition 20.47 \ And, 'ohereae, the net addition is $20.47 no. therefor, be it Re,olved, that the City Council hereby approve aScreeaid work tlone antler the supervision of the uysmi,eioner of Public Nork. end in a co... . Mth the apeeif lection, therefor the net addition due to mem. votcto exceed the of $20.47, to be added to the lump a sideration o mad in the e tract knovn as Comptroller's Contreset L. 3731nfor the making of the afa ressid improv.m.,t for the r one he re inbetare set forth and pursuant to the .fore.aid ep aeifieations and unit prices etip.l,t.d thorei.. Tha D9partment of Public J.rk, h.s agreed vi th the Contractor, Fielding I Shepley, thnt the a of 420.47 is the res ..able net additic. to be vada to the said contrect.� T Cormi,nioner of Public .0r 'n / ^,on yam / �r� Aa�at C07,1C07,11,34EN Neys a Y ///��iggqcDon.ld /�/ Feerce Ooon In faror /.�. / _ASainrt .� ..,r � yo-. I•re„�a„ I �h,n�ee• ,- — /, Adopted by the C ... HL- ..,... .L.I,.TM1...... 193... qq.� •.q rovei___A.iV.V.. 193.. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CITY OF ST. PAUL '��' INTM-OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Oct. 31, 1932 Hon. A.C. "Ienzel Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sirt I" sh wish to submit the following, explanation of additions and deducts one as shown on the attached resolu- tion. The additional items of radius curb and concrete pavement and the deduction item for due to additional driveways requestedbyproperty owners. The additional item for asphalt binder is due to the varying th is knew of binder course on the entire street. The additional item of concrete curb was made necessary by the finding of more defective curb than orig- inally anticipated. The deduction items for concrete base to be re- moved and new 6e concrete base were made necessary by over- estimating the amount necessary to take out and to be re- placed in the original estimate. he additional Stem for relocation of lighting cables/male ecessary by the change in the radii on various corners. The deduction item of seal coat and chips was made necessary by the fact that it was deemed unnecessary to put a seal coat on the asphalt surface at Snelling Ave. Trusting that the above explanations are satis- facto-y, I nm Very truly yours, AOS SA6;3S E. CARROLL Supt. Const. and Repair Oct. 31, 193? Hon. H. C. ' .noel Con^in ioncre of :ubllc "'elke Deter 31r: I 'ch to sub^lt the followlnr exel,nation o' nddltto tons ^ndd it Sonnlotteme oforedius curbtt ndh concrete u tion. The n on ve-.ant nns the dei: uc tlon Steri for concrete pave^:ent are due to nd'Ltlenat 'rlvevrnys re uested by property owners. is teeth Scknesn o^ibind er'couree onb th eeI it sue to the varying street. The ndditlon"I Ste,•. of concrete curb w:s •_.,de necessary by the finding o. ^sere defsctly curb than erig- in:a ly enttci;�nted. Thn �'.edurtion St e'ae for co creta base to be re- estiatinrnth cr^^ ntrnoces,^9rY� to stnY.es out nnd^to be by rest nl lced in t'�"e o-1�l nal set' _'t- . wa�v by he ndditlonnl Ste- far rsloc:•tion of llfhting c.... bles/ma e re cessnrthe cf,,Gc in the rndil on v-rloue co'eenecese rYdbdu th eofnctIts, th^t St,l codeae:ed unnece�esery to,nut seal cont o^ the e�-alt eu rfsce ^t 3relling Ove. Traettng Ch -t t`c rbove -plan -,ti- re entts- f,etory, I ;ars Ver: truly yours, 4G ; J �•.',� TROLL Sunt. Const. and nepnlr CITY OF ST, PAUL ,,,s ` NO. 94110 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- ENERAL FORM coa in �(�. onTc RESOLVED Whereas, under the authority of C. F. 93757 -_Prov d S nt. 25, 1x32, relative to the wid eni nr and - inft of 'Nest Seventh Street from Franklin Street to MaBoal Street the aco.., iseioner cf Public Woks is in- structed and lirectedto prepare -lans ­!ecifications for said im- prove:oent s, be it hereby Resolved that t'•ie Co—sSioner of Public Works i authorized and directed t) Proceed 'xith Making such _plans anri so ecifications inci- dent to saving and i.c ov inv Nest S enth Street from Franklin Street to Smith 'venue at o cost not to e _sd $' 4'7C."C, same tc be ad:'. ed to the total cost of making,, said imnrovemant and tinanced accordir,''ly. \in}' MI.])Id i kr,w•ii N'rnxel a�im.rmc,n a.rt CITY OF ST. PAUL mwai NO......... 041.21.0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM P—Ei oN@A RESOLVED Whereas, under the authority of C. F. 93757 approved Sept. 20, 1932, relative to the widening and paving of West Seventh Street from Franklin Street to Mc Boal Street the Commissioner of Public Work. is in- structed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said im- provements, be it hereby Resolved that the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized and directed to proceed with making such plane and specifications inci- dent to paving and improving West Seventh Street from Franklin Street to Smith Avenue at a coat not to exceed $8,400.00, same to be added to the total cost of making said improvement and financed accordingly. Anorov,eO�oE C"��11 V. 1, i9il INov. 6 ilil)ao , Adapted.... �:.'^K. .__. L6,y e ('nonoil 19:1 _,... _ 11nyo COUNCILMEN Yeav Nnye /Mc Donnld %Xtoeen �'runx _ Agwn>t /Wenerl Mr. Yreeident NNhoney Anorov,eO�oE C"��11 V. 1, i9il INov. 6 ilil)ao , Adapted.... �:.'^K. .__. L6,y e ('nonoil 19:1 _,... _ 11nyo CITY OF ST. PAUL 91211 rwzNO..... ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM /p r 1r PRsasNTEo ar Y v�V m�Te 0 tober 28, 1952 RESOLVED ;m.reae, the city " until by 11 solution, Council rile #93921 approved September 30, 1932, authorized and directed the U of rublio "orke to c setruct with city Corceo a1x a aectione in adv¢ of p,vving onodroadmny Street frov Seventh tawCrovenat as estimated coetnof 4341.00 and +Caress, at the Liae this work m anticl,�ated and authorised St not poeelbls to est Smate the ex^.ctsnumbor of conn.c tions to be installed and a7—s-, in the prosection of the work outlined In Paragraph 1 ezt pro aeding, the apparent n sedty of addlti onal a rviees became evident thereby increasing the number ultimately to r.leva. sever conneotis.. and .7heraas, the above mentioned condition a entered in the work has increased the actual cost of Snetallationnto n ant approai- matsly #320.00 over the original estimate, now tharefor, be it he solved, th.vt the City Uouncil hereby approve the cast of $320.00 for construction of the five additlanal a ection�, .aid nest to be added to the original est Last ed eoat raeoprovided 1, Comet roller's Contract L. 3739, 'which entire cost of ever connections is to be aeeasead against the property benefited. .oe =e i Y In 'FDm� o.Hn° mei aG.aven m tinLe o"�e rO % Adopted by the ('.nnueil .. __..... _ .....193 rar ApPravrd --j_.� ..._....._IDES_ r ��ayer COUNCILNII•:N Y_ Nay May X"bicl)��nal�l /I'rarrc In Inver B.— Truax - r P MPrr.idenv Mr.. Mnhnncy .oe =e i Y In 'FDm� o.Hn° mei aG.aven m tinLe o"�e rO % Adopted by the ('.nnueil .. __..... _ .....193 rar ApPravrd --j_.� ..._....._IDES_ r ��ayer g�,.e - 94212 94213 „F oT�:L6a! ,r.,..eei:�.! OUNCILoRESOLUTION courvci� Qct- 2$.,-.--- - RESOLVED,THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 1141,is s_ TTT COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED9997L_.TO— INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. Aoorrco ev TrvE coCrvci L. A—R—Eo—_ I i I I � I i 1 • t 1 _ X14%12 OF r�E^coMPreo��Ee .��E No. COUNCIL RESOLUTION M AUDITED CLAI$'A o`t' `�' IN FAVOR OF c cc.s ...-.s w .... c..cc.s .Ao°`""oww^eo 38 354 911972 6o9 4o_ _. --• - 9997 Dictaphone sales Corporation E. Glass 1 622 8526 60' 9998 9999 James Chief Dl ebureing Clerk 21 268 60 10000 Water Dept. 100 00 10001 Fir at National Bank,, 920 53 10002 Atl as Gas & Oil C'69 69 10003 10004 " 66 70 1 693 16 10005 ° ' " Coal Co. 1 500 00 10006 10007 PStt eburgh Ludmllla Ratzer, Administrator 1 196 o0 200 co 10006 10009 W1111 am 0. Conway Convention & Exposition Yagazlne 3 00 2 40. 10010 Correct Car care 9arvloe 171 66 10011 10012 Crane Co. DSepatoh-Ploneez Press Co. 7 60 5 00 10013 Dia➢lay Pub11"Ing Co. Ditto Ino. 12 00 2 10014 10015 Do wore Seating Service 50 50 36 10016 x. J. Dyer & Bros. 6 00 10017 10018 0. R. Eck,arat Co. Els atr to Blue Pr int Co. 53 5' 7] (b 10019 Electrical Installation Co, lµ 70 10020 Elk Cleaners & Dyers Supply Co. 72 05 10021 1D022 Elvgren Pal nt 18 0 The EmPoriu17 50 Engel Welding & Mfg. vks 14 10023 10024 Tho singe Eeelinger & Co. 11 9 63 10025 H. L. Ettmen Sponge Co. 1 93 I. Fal T;aIrn Art. r. 48 19 10027 Farwell Ozmun Kirk & Cn. 158 30 10028 Far+ell Ozmun Kirk h Co. 22 36 10029 16 62 'C"', Faxon Co. 11 10� 10031 Feist Blanchard Co. 00 10032 Fidelity Pencil Co.9u➢Hiles H. W. Fl 'her Photo 15 02 2 00. 10033 10034 F. N. Fletcher 65 00 10035 Froac-Haus cn. Eng• Co•4 49 00 00 10036 10037 Fuel Economy Gsx rt can Co. 10 58 52 10C38 • GaYl ora aro e. General Biological Bupoly House 2 10' 12 76 10039 10040 General Electric 9unnly co. 1 60 10041 10042 uartln Gieae➢ gtor. The Golden Aule Dept. 240 39 16 90 10043 R. L. Gould & Co. 8 38, 10044 Or dee ells Chemical Co. 35 20 10045 "Rto & Enight 24 10046 Cray, ar Eleo trio Co. Inc. Oo. 2235 10047 10046 The Grinnell Griswold 91gna1 Co. Houses 547 0 'Y 2 00 / 10049 The Gr noery Trade Pub. 34 70- lOCSD Shen. Hamm Bre+l ng Co- 28 51 10051 10052 Fred W. Hanka Heating PS ping & Air Conditloring 4 50 87 75 10,153 Heger Produote Co. sREEr roTA�-Fosw.eo 91 563 ^9' 9',,M. I i I 0 w sNccr rornu_Foaw.ee yli1113735 801. o .. ,. cN yaouNu� oee. E or r,+e�coMerae�Lca c riLc ` NO. couNc,L.,ne s,.r I COUNCIL R[EOLUTION .o.ea e.•ype AUDITED CLAIMSOct. 10107 - - IN FAVOR OF TOTaaPL r.u... d n aaou��r.oaw,ao 38 354 91'x"983 693 94_ -.- 10054 The Henkel Co. 117 00 4 go 546 1005�j`� Hersey Mfg. Co. '. 1005u Highland Spring Co. q8 4 98 7'. 10057 F. T. Hildred &O 1 00' 10058 Home study Circle 14 40 10059 Howard Farwell Co. 179 42. 10060 H. R. Hunting Co. Co. i. 199 64 10061 Inter City Paper Reoord. Co. 4 10062 10063 International Time Jewish Publication Soo. Of .Amer. 1 2 5 1 10064 C. I. Johnson Mfg. Co. 56 40 4 10065 Johnson-Jac kaon & Corning000 Co. Me Comb Trus. 25 07 SII 10066 E. H. Kemper 32 00 10067 Charles Stewart 15 d0' 10068 specialty Pr inting Co. ' 07 10069 Chemical sales CO. Finance. O5 �l16 10070 Milton Rosen, Com. of 60W 10071 Thornton Bros. Co. I. Peilan Assignee y 111 3d 10072 1007' L. A. I. Stenogra^hio Bureau 34 19 10074 Farwell Otmun Kirk & Co. 112 26 6i 10075 F1cat-Nous Co. 861 119 77 10076 Hersahler Candy Co. Inc. 26 95 10077 A. 0. Horn & Cc. 305 76 10078 Price Electric Co. Co. 62 21 10079 Tri. State Tel. & Telgr. Co. 26 7 70080 Tri. State Tel. & Telgt. 226 71 70082 10081 • ' " 31 89' 10083 Keller Broady & Chapin Atty-. 125 00 ��I 26 401 10084 10085 Clifford Jarvis Armour & Co. 8 00'. 1' 72 10086 American Electric Co. 324 00 10087 Blue & white Cab Co. "tett' Co. 80 45 10089 C—itol & Mfg. 11 '36 29 10089 Central Scientific Co. 7 50, 10090 Citer-DigeatCo. 2 55 10091 Dainty Products CO. Co. 10092 Generator Specialty 37 041 10093 110099S4 Gnodrlch 911vertnwn A. P. Hereohler Factory 15 15� 4 • 1596 0 hH.TYace &1H0.l Inc. �0 8' 10097 Minnesota Paper & Cordage Co. 3 jl 5l. 10098 10099 C. A. Pear eon Inc. Remington Rand Buelnees 911,11-1 Inc. 136 291 10100 9t. Pani Builders Mat anal Coy 115 0 76 95 10101 3t. Paul White Lead & 011 Co. 32 69. 10102 Sharp & Dohme Co. 170 10 1010] J. J. Smith 16 81 101Oµ 10105 G. 9�mmere + Cc. sterling Printing Co. 13 45 10106 D. S. Rubber Co. 72 71 10107 Victory Printing Co. 142 17 0 w sNccr rornu_Foaw.ee yli1113735 801. o.. .,�� - — No._._4 - "..a..` COUNCIL RESOLUTION '"` .,u —aov P"Jacs October • •Resolved, That the Council hereby con urs in the recommendation of t • the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading alley in Block 1, Kin¢Ia Arcade Park from Walsh Avenue to North and South Alley and from Denny street to Wheelock Parkway, also constructing a sewer in the North and South Alley from a point 20 feet North of the North Line of Denny street to connect with the sewer in Denny street, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to EDWARD ANDERSON, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $695.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. M5: 4k.. 1. � m weueao.k v.� .. 8897 ytC o ...,..., ...... ..�..,....�....V....�„o.o....�.,.�.....w<'w.,.695. 00 Ci .... o..�.,m ,.�.... .,..M .,....�. ... ... ,695.00 7tbeoontraot ...�. �. No---942M- Onto o _--942M- y /+COUNCIL,RESOLUTION yi�n Ootobex28 __�.>�e Oouncil hereby cdhoure ommendatlon of mittee and award. the contract for grading alley in Block 7, Ruth Livingston Second Addition, and Black 2, Ruth Livingston Addition from Dunlap street to Grigg. street, in accordance with plana and specifications hereto attached, to MIL FREISEIS, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $473.00, and the Oorporation ocurael Se hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of ,contract therefor. .n.r' Eoumq , ne Y�:.o�vysoe.w on,m {S`e eo°i awi e. • n ... .... b vC... °ENO' IE'A Nov. Ii :)N EE 524.00 r r .,,...... �„ „ovE.EVT ..vo<v ,.o . No To —I473.00 67 4 � ...•..o..i.no . axMioc+. .,.wo .•.r.rs—u.... .. •o • eo.o ise°.—coos , ..,... -. i -- L `1 Coancil File No... M PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The unden!gned hereby propoeee the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Poul, vie.: Condemning and taking en easement :br tue purpose of constructing and maintaining a P11 t-, ie se -:ser on, under and across that p2rtR-ae mleCellaneous tract _n the SLa of the NWa of 'ection J lying between t'ne east :ie�e of Bl ...... , nrunson'� Additt 'In and c"y an paid arallelt line thdreto,oallo ly ingctdhbetweenalin eels 1't.csouthtoff andd parallel to the northdlin line 40ef eat soutth� offanduparalletion l to the Town 29, Range , �osc north line f the sal'.' St; of NW; of —stlon '.52, Tom e9, Ranp, public s ew er tal on, underh::ndu cross "at partct fn North �treetn1taining a oc cupl ed by the right of way of the Northern Plcif is Railway Company between Bradley dtreet and Phalen Creek Co6demning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a puof a bllc sewer on+ under and aofo ectlon 3E,e that tRange 22, miscellaneous tract in the SBE of the NW} of lying misbetcellaneous the ..at line of Block 1, Brunson�s et east and 30 said east line produced northb etweend ea lin eels ftee southtoffand d poral-lel theireto, also lying of Section 32, parallel to the north line of the SB} of NW2to Town 211 Range 22, and a line 40ifeetgectl on 82,and Townpare. 29,eRanget 22, north lYne of the said 00} of NFa of and maintaining a also an easement Por the purpoee of oonstruating public sewer on, under and across that part of North Street rn occupiedbythe right Bradleof 9we' nndth aPhalenNorthaCreekclPic Railway Company Adopted by the CouncO..._:.._...__.._... �, Y -e Neve 47' '..�p Counglmaa -y .. . < �t.ivry ntL PP ...... �'1 AIttF c►A21fi T.,, I � i,i T F n ,c ( T. IT Dated this _ 25th_..._d,y of __ „____ October, 19 2 l PRELIMINARY ORDER � WHEREAS, A written propoW for the mahina of the feEowing improvement, Yu, 1e Coadamningand taking 11 easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across that part of a miscellaneous tract in the BEa of the NW} of oectlon 32, Range 22, lying between the east line of Block 1, Brunson's Addition and said east line produced northerly and a line 30 feet east of and para.1.1 thdr-to, also lying between a line 15 ft. south of and parallel to the north line of the SE} of NWj of Section 32, S Town 29, Range 22, and a line 40 feet south of and parallel to the north line of the said SO of NW} of ection 32, Town 29, Range 22, also an easement for the purpose of constructing and malntainin;, a public sewer on, under and across that part of North Street occupied by the right of way of the Northern Pacific Railway Company between Bradley Street ,nd Phalen Creek 1 Mme_ N Adopted by the Council.....:...___....__._...___.. ✓ Ysns N— C—a— ereCoun — MAY M.IviV 4LL Me" rwcAIs— A, M CounoJ File No....._. 94217 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undemigned hereby propoeee the malting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Grading, paving,constructing new cement sidewalks, or recon- struct_ng existing aid ewxlks, constructing or reconstructing ornamental lights, on the following streets as orened, widened or extended by C. P'. 91640, approved February 9, IJ32: ' Braadle�St. from Seventh St. to North St., Bedford Wit. '-r— North — Bt. to Decatur St., Decatur St. frog Bedford St. to Payne Ave., P. Ave. from Decatur St. to Reaney St., North St. from west line of Bradley St. to Bedford dt., —d Preble St. from Decatur St. to Beaumont St. All of the above work to incluse curbing and paving alley and driveway aper constructin8norrreconstructin sewero, approaches, where necessary, and gas coections from street mains chang asoinrwaterylines where mains, sewers necessary)— making all necessary and appurtenances, laying cendu?t for traffic signals and all other work necessary to said improvement. Also Sncludinp construction of a s er on North St. from linointe o£ Block 1�Brunson1.1y 5 �s Addition,t. west of �lce easterlythe oneast easement to be obtained in the southeast e of the northwest of Section 32, Town 29, Range 22 to Phalen Creek Also gradimg the area between the proposed pavement and theright of way of the Northern Pacific Railway Company from the north line of lot 7, Grevets Rearrangement to the southwest line of lot 5, Block 6, Irvine's Second Addition. Also changing the grade of the east side of Payne Ave. from Reaney St. to 98 ft. south, and of the south side of Heaney 3t. from 53 ft. west of Payne Ave. to 27 ft, east of Payne Ave., and of Preble tit. from Beaumont St. to 140 ft. north, and of the Alley in Block 3, Irvinets Second Addition from 127 ft. north of Beaumont St. to 9:: ft. south of Minnehaha re St. to conform to the d lines on the profiles herato attached and made a part hereof, also grasin. and re- constructing sidewalks on above described alley andstreets within aforesaid limits to said red lines whan established. f �s�wam the proposed pavement and the•Y4'fer'ne� or the Northern Pacific Railway Company from the north line of lot 7, Grevets Rearrangement to the southwest line of lot Ii, Block 6, Irvin eta Second Addition. Also changing the grade of the east aide of Pavne Ave. from Reaney St, to 90 ft. south, and of the south side of Reaney St. from 53 ft. west of Payne -ve. to 27 ft. east of Payne Ave., and of Preble it. from 2esumant 8t.:to'140 ft. fqr tt.,, 3 of the Alley in Block 3, Irvine'; soe;na-e.tsl rom 127 ft. north of Beaumont St. to 31: ft, south of Minn ehaha St. to conform to the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a Dart hereof: also eraain, and. re- eAe+p cr.7Ps9 s7 on'F eFTo,:r q� _ L,,. .'LTT "oLFu su v E h slu s :fug o hP7sLz ussnsa F Lz ?. F' �O b n- F' 6 L I,. LL°m est as LF. �, rP .r 9y FP - l I is a �c r a a?TF ou -_ rt�a 7zoa _ f "I T11 TllTa 71 1 „a LFr T.. - a • - CL:. .. .. o:,Fu F• sol n f --6qI f .. Dated thu.__ 341h __.A.y of_ .... October, ...1952 .,.._ /.... le PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the melting of the following improvement, ti' -e Grading, paving, constructing new cement sidewalks, or recon- structing existing sidewalks, constructing or reconstructing ornamental lights, on the following streets as opened, widened or extended by C. F. 91640, approved February 9, 1932: Bradley St. Prom Seventh St, to North St., Bedford St, from North St,. to 'Decatur St., VOCatur St, from Bedford St. to Payee Ave., Payne Ave. from Decatur St. to Reaney St., North St. Prom west line of Bradley St, to bedford St.-, and PreDle 8t. from Decatth- St. to Beaumont St. All of_tha above work to include curbing and pavin; allay and dr1vBy approarhea, reeonstru¢ting sidewalk' approaches, wh eranec 9sary cons tructjng or reconstructing sewer, water and gas ednnett#ons from street mains to propgrty lines where necessa'j, making all nee es9'Niy changes in water mains, sewers N” apl,urt ananpea, l`riug conduit for trafYic signals and all other work necessary to said impr t. Also Snclud lnj construct'O If., steer on North St. from apoiat apjaozimately 5 ft. west of Bradley St. to L'ne e -at line. of Block 1, Bruoson's Addition, thence easterly o easement to be obtained in the southeast -, of the northwet ; of Section 39, Town 29, Range 22 to Phalen Creek Also grading the area between the proposed pavement and the right of woo of the Northern Pacific Railway Company from the north line of lot 7, Greve's Rearrangement to the southwest line of lot 5. Block 6, Irvine's Second Addition. Also changing the grade of the se at side of Payne Ave. from Reaney St, to 9B ft. south, and of the south side of Re—ey St. from 53 ft. west of Payne Eve. to 27 ft. east of Payne Ave., and of Preble 6t. from �aawa t St. :to•140 ft. : tt-.� a oS me 611ey in Block 3, Irvine's soe.—a _4+ .t - from 127 ft. north of Beaumont St. to 3< ft. south of Hinnehaha St. to conform to the rad lines —the profiles hereto attached and made a Dart hereof: also e—i in and re_ 11'��@I+�Ii�iY'��� ilk �'(iil Council File No..........'W18 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby peopoeee the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vie.: Condemning and taking an easement in the 1'ndvingeend ry Por stl lopes, cuts and fllls in the grading, p construction of sidewalk on the foil owing stree roved opened, widened or extended by C. F. 91640, ap, February 9, 138E 5radley St. frieceturn St., 0ecaturrui .Sfrom Red ora from North St. to ecatur tet. to Reaney St., 3t. to Payne Ave., Paine ave. from a Ave. south side of Heaney St. from 53 ft. west of toa140 ft. north, to Payna F+v e., Prsble Wit. Prom i�eaumont d. end alley in B1ockJ3. i7vlaefC 6e eoih OddyiginnehahemSt27 ft . north of Beeumant s gone emning and taking aneasement in the 1 slopes, cuts znv fi L'.s in the constructiono£ sidewalk on the following opened, 'widened or extended by C. F. 91640, February 9, 1932 - Bradley St. from :ave. th St. to North from North tet. to uecatur St., L`ecatur !_ St. to Payne P.ve., Payne Ave. from�9ecatur south aide of Heaney St. from 53 ft. wast to Payne ;we., Preble tet. from Beaumont .,t and alley in Block 3, Irvine's Second Aldi north of Beaumont St. to 9E ft. so+.tth of N, —P.. oY cne woncu..___.. _..._.. _..nu.:....__.. _._.......__...._......_ . Y— Navo Coumnil.ae � MAY MIRM h DONA1L Approved_....__....__.......__...__. _..._........._._........__ FARCF. RoiiK Ma. Pamtoear.y ,seC � u nY tOan � nY �'-• w Dated thu... 30th day of October,. 193 f a.nrovam o4I PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fo0owing improvement, 'i— - Condemning and taking; an easement in the L -d necessary for slopes, cut9 d fi Lis in the g—Jing, )_ving and construction of sid ewa?k on the £o11o[rins streets as opened, widened or extended by 0. F. 91640, approved February 9, 133< - Bradlev ot. from Seventh St. to North 3t., Bedford ot. from North tet. to D—tur St., Decatur St, from Bedford St. to Payne Ave., Payne Ave. from ,•9. St. to Heaney St., south side of Heaney St. from 53 ft. west of Payne Ave. U Payne j''ve., Preble tet. from �eaumant Wit. to 140 ft. north, and alley in Black 3, Irvine's Second Addition fro;a 127 ft. north of Beaumont St. to 92 ft. smith of N.lnn eh.—, 6t. —p— oy sne a. wncu.................- rise-...... ........... .................... _. YDes Nays Couneilman c� MAY McWNe.r Approved_.............._........................................... _...... Ai��f4� 1'ETRCF �� RDeut f I LTJ .Tn• Yrsarsr.-a__ _ _� :6 et� Ifi)illpiiY'fielil4�B ane -. . Dated thie._...._30th_..d•y of .......... __..... Octobert 1932.. havl.g bee. prme.ted to the C ... eil of the City of 9t. Paul_ tb... f,m, be it RESOLVED, That the Commieei...r of Public Work. be nod ie hereby ordered a.d direeted: 1. To ivvmtigate the .o—Aty for, or deeimbility of, the meld., of amid improvement. 2. To invvetig.te the ..tore, eete.t avd eeti—ted coat of mid improvement, -d the total eoet thereof. 3. To fur.iah . pl.., profile or .ketch of e.id improvement. 4. To state whether or .ot said impmwme.t is uked for ov the petitio, of throe or more owners 5. To report upon .11 of the foregoi.g mattere to the Commi®ioner of moa... Adopted by the CoundL...__....._............Zi.��.....1 .._.............._. Yue N— C .. 61M.. AreCouvnilma. C� MAY y + M.O AM Approved_.....___......_���' . ........... _ I rARrr M. 89DH6 ' T1 .>atnswr -'. .,�.,r•.. )__�=�ory „r_�"(. 94219 COUNCIL FILE NO...._.__....___..._. _......._.. By_..._....__....._..........._....._._......__...._...... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment la the matter of the assessment of ban -fits, coats and e _ ..es far grading Alley in Block 2, ailbart'a �ra-nway Court, from Syndicate Ave. to Hamlin- Ave., under Preliminary Order.__.11 9➢ 76_..... Intermediary Order _....91421.._ M aril Order... .... 91613 ., approved...__ 01 9 ._...__- 19..32. The assessment of_...._.....banatita,...emta_md_ezaeatiea. __......._....___.. far ead in connection with the above improae nt having been submitted to the Council, ead the Council having c nsidercd same and fossil the said ---at satisfnrtory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is heroby is Ill respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a publil hearing be had on said asaesement on tba.._..%9Sh._......._. day of 19_..3.2• at th, hour of 10 o'clock A. At, in the Cmmeil Chamber of the Conrt Rouan and City hall Building, to the City of SL I'sul; that the Commissioner of Finaaee give notice of s -ill meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the mproveme tae total rout thereof, an.i the n..,ount «mowed ag et the lot ae Iota of the particular oxner to whom the nntinr is directed. q7'c' Adopted by the Connell Appmaed _... .. _.... 19 Counetlmen¢(j{�f-�-® •I I - Couvcilmav�brgm�---- / ICouncilman �icllonnl�m I'.�i,_e Councilman �uhtmd._7 It+..�" / cnnncilman�dh�® t=":'= Councilman a�5®ot. yi er.xrl 3; #-� City Clerk. tr 94220 111161am COUNCIL FI14jiNO ............. .... -Ar A.F—M. :4f .. VE& ---------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment I. the matter of the sammom., of b ­fit., ..at. and expenses for —,Southgrad 'cost Ind Went Alloys I. lots 18 t, 47, in,l­ill, �-111 Jay, di- "­t� Banes, .... mori­ st'.It to 5­1till street and f,.. carbon Street to E-t all West under Preliminary Order 111. - —, lialmodbiry Order Most Order.approved. .— Z-5--_ - .. .1 ­­­ , 1932, The anamannorit of -t. _d- ­4nan.a.....— .....for and in connection with the nbe,, improvement haling been submitted to the Council, and the C.rloril having I ... Mired mine and found the said saimearal-t 1-tisfillbillY. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the sold .......cot be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That . politic 1,c.,i.g In, had .n said mal.al., .. the - day of N­o1a.— . I , 19.._3$ at the hillc If 10 ',I,,k A Al,, in the Council Chinalber of the C.o,t boas, and City 11,11 building, in the City If St Pool; that the Commissioner of Mll-11 gill intill If said meetings, so required by the Ch.-, voting in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nah,re of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the ilio -lint assessed against the let or lot, of the particular 1-11 to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the C,,,.,il City Milk collicilee. WNWIF — M I" Councilman o .. i:.-:. eml=old 0 ..i Councilman mum Conned— 11li , I,'"'n C.nicil... MON.Raiw­ C.Ureilam. qv.WA— M.,.r ......... CITY OF ST. PAUL �� • OFFICE OF TNE� CITY CLERK '' � °• eaa�-.EI C °°u� aa°urte. COUNCIL RF30LUTION�ENERAL FOi�e1 ° Ho BlMMEM WHEREAS, se provided by Council Tile Ho. 90422, approved september 11, 1931, the Council did, on the Stb day of October 1931, at ten o1olook A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court Howe, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wreoking that certain two story and basement frame barn, located on Lots 8 and 9, Block 19, Ashton A Sherburne's Addition, also known as 188 Valley Street, follow- ing due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance Wo. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it to the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore be it , RESOLVED, that said building be wreoked and removed, and that s copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure, by the Oommiesioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Psrks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings Shall report Said fact to the Council. COUNCII,MEN Adopted by the Council._.__.NOV 9.1193._.. Yeas v°Y� M'Y 919 / McDonald �'"1v [o favor APPravedA..... _.. _._.. _...__._ _._. _123..._ Rosen /J MeYor ltuax _...__._.gamatSCOTT, - i W—el l'1ST CLrRK .r ` Mr. President Mahavey P,-4, P9BGIa,TIE6' aJ CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDSaAN D• PUBLIC BUILDINGS October 2, 1931. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: On September 11, Coaocll Re1 utlon 11422 as passed, set- ting the date for public hear inZ cn the ca ndemnition of the barn at128 Valley Street, at the 5th day of October. We are now in receipt of a communication from '.Y, J. Schind- ler, 703 Lincoln Avenue, a copy of which is herewith attach ed. You will not that Mr. Schindler guarantees to wreck the building by at least November 1, 1932, if your Honorable Body will postpone the execution of the condemnation to that data. He also assures this office, verbally, that he will carry out minor repairs so that the building will last that long. We believe that the request is reasonable, and therefore ask that the condemnation be postponed to November 1, 1932 and if the building is still in place at that time we will pro- ... d ro- ceed with be condemnation. �t Y��.1Y,,L//J Co. Sssioner. September 22, '_931. Hon. Clyde R. May, Commissioner of P. P. B., 219 City Hall, St. Paul, I,inneso�a. D.ar ^ir. I have at hand your condemnation of my barn at 128 Valley Street. I realize that this building has been allowed to depreciate to a considerable extent, which is the cause Of this condemnation. However, may I respectfully inform you that it has been my _ intention to di scontlnue the use of this property not lat - er than November 1, 1932, which is slightly in excess of one year from the, date. May I, therefore, request th t you postpone execution of this condemnation to November 1, 1932, and immediately af- ter that date I hereby g—rantee to cause the wrecking of the building and the removal of the material from the site, It has been personally inspected by your Mr. Bronson and Ms. Bassford. Yours truly, Sc. n a" 703 Lincoln Ave. CA MOAT KAUFMAN —111 w. IONNSON ...d ' Cry kBASSF?RD CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capitol of Micaes oia DEPARTMENT OF ' PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner OTTO E. CON5TANS, D.PUry Commi —., August 4, 1933 Mr. Wm. 1. Scott, City Clerk DearSlr: Theattech.d report by the City Architect I. regard to livery be rn at 128 Valley Street, owned by Wm. Schindler, is respectfully referred to the Council for Its consideration. Yours truly, Commisaloner t I' 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Pi..I of Mio...... DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City H.II FRED M. TRUAX, Commi..ioo.. OTTO E. CON9ANS, D. t, C—i-1o.. August 3, 1933. Hon. Fred M. Truax, Commissioner. Deer Sir: City cil far of inspectingust 3, la made iverytrip barnwath128e Valley street,f ownedeby Wm. Schindler. This building is located in a Light Industry District. I would be willing to give Mr. Schindler an extension on this . condemnation one year from date, providing Mr. Schindler will take cera of foundation wells on the east side of building, which have been damaged by water from roof, patch up all openings, paint exterior wo.d ,vork two coats of naint, and brace walls as directed. My reason for this extension }s because many of the men employed by Mr. Schindler in this location live in the 1—sdiete nei bo:- hood and if the barn Ss condemned at this time it will throw these men out of employment. It must be further agreed that Schindler will grade a street on Bellevue Street, which is unP n- iched, from Los 16 and 17, Block 22, Ashton & Sherburne's Addl- t tion, run neat along the south bank of playgrounds and north n and along west bank of playgroundsto nee inter sY Valley Street e. The only grading w111obeectinoonwthe e south end of playgrounds for a distance of approximately 100 feet, which will have to be done by team, plow, and scraper. CAB..0 YO ruly, 'chit act. X -NO. --y4 22 • CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM // Mmmtmm WHEREAS, the Tact Finding Committee and the Finance and Progress Committee of the City Council and the County Board have reoommended that the sum of J30,489.00 from the balance of Project No. 9, being University Avenue, be used for the payment N of the present lighting contract on University Avenin, now . therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council approves said reoommen– ation and said amount is hereby appropriated and astepart for said purpose. COUNCILMEN Ye.. N.Y. //MAY / McDonald /Pearce / Rosen /ZT .x ze1 ...1. f.vor ./�...._......Apin.t °u j1 Mr. Prc.idcnt bf.honey •f)'1 Adopted by the Couvcil__.....!_.___.__ _..__-. 183..... aal•.1 p nn a..Bmm.e> No...._. 94223 CITY OF ST. PAUL •wi $ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENE"L FORM WMMZAS, the Tact Finding 0pmmittee and the Finance and Progress Co,cittes have reoon®ended that $900.00 necessary for Lhe payment of the antra on the present lighting contract on University Avenue be appropriated from the present balance on Project Ho. 9, being University Avenue, not therefore, be it RISOLFID, that the City Council hereby approves said reoommendatlon and appropriates said sum for said purpoee. C F N 9 tt—gg81 NO e mgRy�pb'K1.n trae�:. t>ew usn n tY s��ue,. fiaw uei eC.e t4utt c", COUNCILMEN Ceusel n:opHate Q i m �wuArovq�e�,ie.�ceeie u. N.v ot. n BB ,Nov.6-}B�tl 1 w COUNCILMEN Y—/M'y NQye J Dovuld / Pearce __.._._...I. I_, �Aoeen /T"a' _... .._...Aguivet suns Ba .-n r. President MQhovey Adopted by the Couneil..!__....__.___..._._....193...... ::ice'` ••�:_. K App ed....___. ... .. 193..... • �wn,r a.n CITY OF ST. PAUL „�. ` NO.04224. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1—GENERAL FORM cotM Eisseoo a ✓ , d„�.�.__y�-r,_ti_...,�.e..i ATa Bov tuber 2, 1952 RESOLEIBH wHERgAS, Raymad H. Renee under the name of the Midway Blue Line Cab, has petitioned the City Council for permission to apply for license to operate four (4) taxi0ebs in the City of Saint Paul, and WSIU AS, the Bureau of Police recommends the approval of permitting the licensing mid four taxicabs for the propose of nerving public convenience and necessity; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permieaiou is hereby granted Reymond H. H,mse -der the name of Midway Blue Line Cab to apply for license to operate four (4) taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul. oud Nese Hg ev rd,. cti. mu 4:uno°e.nt*e weowrmoe:iog t m�tn:'c�tr .e gyp aeu. baa mM Pueiltl tvw °l•�oow M� to �Voltj ee-o. 'van w eP�KaWter. ath°nfo[T ie It ImAile oca P�Peqq pe t fee u 'rrobr i� f tlaa .�:Mp't�e ott•lGeat leil. cedu erten! na eltn_at ADO lea blr theeeuautl Nir. mef. CU UNCILMEN Mess Nays adopted by,l l'llrovmluncil _ 195 D/laq /�Sr.Donald / // can n In fnvor _ .195_ /Assert //� / 'hoax Against Muvar A.—I .m ` j Mr. President Mahonev .� �' 94294 MARTIN AUTO LIVERY Thee To1Q1Og (BLUE CAB LINE) S—p shopping Al—ye Open Always Ready wedding. RENT A CAR W,h,g AND DRIVE IT YOURSELF WHEN N-- TowCarS— Ambulaocv CARS POA ALL OCCASIONS Arpainng Hearxe and Ixwme roe anm Punml Cat. GARAGE a1)SS MAIN AVENUE Cedar 0555 IN. Oct. 28, 1932 The Council of the City of stn Poul, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen. - I deei,e to enter Into the T -1C buein.ea In the CIty of St. Pnul eith headquarter. located in the n eo-call ad Yid vay Diet rict. gill operate under the name of t he Midway Blue Line Cab. I intend to operate at least #, cab. at the pra,ent time. My mein headquarter, Bill be at 469 Snelling Ave. N. I hnva btained the c ,ant of Real Nilliama, oProp., 0 Dragon Cafe, 469 Snelling Ave, N., to one hie street frontage fon an parking stand. I propose to have L" elation at 4$3 Mai- A—, and have obtalned the a eat of the Ya rtin Auto Livery to uee their street frontage for parking stand. I trust tint you rill give thin your immediate attention for the reason that Ideal ra to get my telephone number regiete red Sn the Telephone Directoty and I an informed that the listing, close on Nov. 3rd for the nezt lane. Your, truly, ,81 Jf , CITY OF SAINT PAUL CaPlul of Ml—u OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT, Cny Cim4 end Comnlmionm d Ryb 6 - October 31st, 1932 Hoa. J. H. McDonald, Cd®,,,lonerof Public Well, City oY 3sin, Paul. Dear Commleeioner: Loathed plea,e find application of Raymond H. Henee for pexmieeioa to operate at least YourZb,, under the nam- of the Midway Blue Lina Cab. Thi, appllcatlon was granted by the Council, aubJeet Lo the app myel of the Polio, Department. Yours very CrulYr W mt� City Clerk.-� �� THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL 11TI-01"C' C11-11-101 Tov. 1, 1832. Hr John H. HaDonald, Comaissionar of public Safety. Dear Biri— Shia Se in reference to eppllnation me" by Haywood H. Hone., for yernlsslon to start a cab line, end salting that he be permitted to establish a cab stood for 2 cab. at 468 Io. 8-111-9 AT -ons, else a stand for two nab. at 463 Main pemrte. It is se established rale that *her .... r a new cab stead is designated that all the Cab Compania. are permitted the caw of inch .tend. In other words, it has not been the custom to give nap one Oompwny esolosive nae of the public streets. She Traffio Divisioe would bove no obj..ti.. to de.Ignate as usb stands the places regoested by Mr. Hawse, with the nol.-tending tlat other Dabs could petit In such steads If they to desired. Trusting this will meet with your approval, I d T tralj,Q( l Harry i .tterBr� Dept. Traffic. (� No.........42 25 CITY OF ST. PAUL -""---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENMAL FORM P—ENTED 8Y COMM ioNER—.. -'�' --- RESOLVED That the application of R. G. Bieblghauser for permission to alter a building for a public garage on Lot 11, Block 1, Yayallls Subdivision, located at No. 180.182 East Eighth street, IS hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. me�4.elEe. �enMannGti C'.rtn. W u Ee a n r H�IiE�.ep EYrslp'p r�" 01 – e INtlile [ Oii oorov w�>r tje�t (Nor 6 ) a COjjjJJJNCIL EN yew / Neye //ptAy /ieDomld /L'enree . _._..In favor /B.— Tru- _ ...Against � Wenzel � Mr. Preeideet Mahaney Adopted by the C-61, , , ...' 4493 CITY OF SAINT PAUL G,1.1.f We— OFFICE OF CITY CLERK wwnn/ c. scop, Ciry CImY and Ca,mldenm d R�ebtNan ®oo October 28th, 1932 Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation C -el, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of B. O. Biebighaueer for perede.ion to alter a building for a public garage o. Lot 11, Block 1, Ygall-e SGbdivl alon, located at 180-182 East Eighth Street •a. referred to you by the Council for the proper resolution. Your. vary truly, I Oity Clerk, l TICTICE OF LFFLICATION FOR PERMIT IO M. P�GAGRhGL•'. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of "aSn¢t Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on ./ � 1911: to the City o 1 of the C of Saint Paul, Minnesota, y for perm Sas on o �o'b ublic garage on the following descrlb- ed real estate, situated in Ramsey COuncy, Minnesota, to wit: Lot Block Addition, Saint P nnesota. On the side of S Ave., Bet,,.an St. Lws. and ^t five. Number. St.A— Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1,5F� — 1`J3_•� crafE0M#fxPs TA' C.mty of Ramo. r r '......:. J... netnmew➢ and v mot Is nd durin8 vll he ,s hereinafter boned lux beau Jerk o! the publisher or prin<er in charge of he St Pvol DGpa[nh, 6L�8W-Womac bl ri Ary®, v daily n wepvprr, p nerd and published in Ne rite of SL Pavl, In mid Ram- eey Covatr, SGte of Minnesota. Thyvt he h. k --Ig, of the end knows pe vll/y'���p/pmt me Printed.... cG . moo... Q. pa�eea beam attadl,d. — f- thy-�pi�m�s f I mwspaper, was muerte , .pa Iq pvbliehed in avq tout Hof sots PvbumtloW were mod, In the Y:nghsh InnRavgv. Thvt mid noticeway B(retry�in�ser(t�r/rd-, -d published on ... ............. pDy,i—d ,i me..... /�,� oi... .. `�......-... _ _ _.... 198.Yend wm Pr—d and Pvb- Ilehed in Baldnews p r mermfter on }!.'_'-../ .. .. .... .. e me.. "n t during nil ohr eimre xrorrr.,in. aid newen nr, wx.. nPxnnea m n edmm ir.A by ser[iom 8 nd 4 f cM1eDter deo, gZ .f uMd.t end'r 1 publl—i— — ern 0.n Lews of Minnesota, 1921, and [nvl i[ has romPlird with all LFe requiremevte clot onstitute a legal n pvper ns Jet n,J in mid er s 8 vnd 4, to -wit: thvt for more we lnst�A+t train Ne dote of the fest publi<vtion of enid..... .......... than one year .......................... »on Tp ro i ri'r . ...... ........... .... ... ............... i1) P t d fl— h ! h' h t rG to be issued In Ne Elirt- n to t least eiRRght v , v{m°' G lish IBnIn1aF . nd n rain n vnA el. s [ fo 1 t eParc with eight rnlumns to Ne over. eprh tw,ntY ey rtiveenfor I bilm- m myrar��rwg iuxw 66�.ve pagan, bli bed In h (2) issued daily from n known oRirr, rs[n e p the necevmry mntmrlvl Sor prcWnng evd ~ o® tion and equipped with ek illyd wnrkemnn and printing the sn miecellan➢. SLYe 'wYSi-vu �s marhym�? r�!R•.•. ,ryai 8G'eiAnm'„7!�' reel and Inrvl n ant end (SV Mvde vp tv cont �e made vP f P, -U. a d of rntirelr �e v�it1-nev°:e M1et not canon. dapuratlne am otnrr punr<ntion. plata matter and ndvrrtisem,nG, or nnr or r�N,r of mem. thbecdbem of ea lth-t (d) Cirrvintrd in epics nrepnlorlyladili. re ed to peying m yytNG,ty34 two fiundred and tarty < prior m mn op bl'vtion of avid --""' " . he pnblisnrr nr prinb.r in rhvrge nt enid news aper M1avl f Rvmm state me ince, fled in n, -lire of lh, ountY vu,lid lomtionid -f-idn wsWPer and me of MinnceoG, v aRidvvit showinF the enquired newspaper uxliflentivns ve a legvls m exletence of <ond from con t� in ds f Src: ion Lawx of MinnemN, ]921. set forth in .tion 3 ottchvpter JFJ, from A m g end Thvt the inllorvinF is rine .1 rnpY of the Ivwcr rme wphebeI In he composition, printing end pub both Inclvslvn, at the sive vnd kind of type mad Iimtivn of enid lesvl vdvertisem-:�� h,r w�nto attached, .' z. Further olivae eni[h nol savert hatrt tY i, de pursuant w a Hon 4 of chapter 484, Session Lnwx Tfinnes`ha, 1921, 'adrnte� any the h (or publication in said ne p.p- o e men)-� Sabwribvd vnd vuorn to befaryme thin......./v..., f / 198... $yV.'/. k. Y.'........... ' .... NONry1'ublic; Ramse Covvty, Mlnnmofa. Yarm est. Mr ...... SPATE Of MINNEWrA, - camtro ai Ramao. �(!/. 6e1ng duly ewom, depar _ and uye tha� now�du.in� nlr�r.,s nerrlmtter mentioned nax been clerk of the publiahrr, or prinb•r in charge of the gQI'ez�D' pe4b, SL Pevl Plonem Prem, a daily newspaper, pri-d and Publi-d �n the city of 8L Peul, in uid liam- eey County, State of DlinneeoL. That he has knowledge of the�fncG`/�nI know�e prrsonell t tinted.... hereto attached, cu from the ralaJmns ofsovid nrr%Jwae Ineerted, printed d ape . publlehrd In sofa newt r .....-'-`^i[imee, end that ell of mid piil,. atlone were made in the Enclish longuvge. That said notice was firer i. -d, pp'r/ipn�tpe�dt�vnJ published an..'1't'...... ayof_._.....'.."......Issawuprfntedmapab- the...../`' Ilshed in anid therreitrr � 7 ) �., Oy n9ew�t�e^p/4�per on�..� .��J ... o-. the......./?,,,dn.. Thrin at dug all the timrs ,f— .id, .snil newspaper wm ganlifled u a medium of official and legal pnblirntions n. rrnuir•d by srrtienn 9 and 4 of chopter 484, 8e n Lawe of M.— —, 1921, and that it Fns ro 1wd with elf the requlxmenta that at- --� tltufe e I 1 paper n J fi d o sniA t 8 end 4, t t that fm mox h n one Yee I ti the fir p blixtlon of aid ........ s 3 _t _.th I. F'ch i.. ie—evn n he b—H-- I.f f babe I h l ngueg d lama d o t corm q 1 t hi space to [least. eight ^` i:.au, m.o,fue ar ts�issy, peg., with fi,ht I v to Ih p- b twe d oneugperter Inches ions5. (2) reseed rom daily fn known office, —1,11-d In s h ploce for publlu- tion and equipped with AMM workmen -,l the n esmry materiel tm preparing evd printing the sn (e) Made to contain gemrvl and laeal n c mme t mid miuellevy, up not wholly duplicoting n other pvM1licotion, end nate ontirely made vp of patent,, plat¢ matter end adverti.emrnG, or any o eithrr of them, (4) Circulated in and nem its plan of pablicetien to the anent of et lust two hundred end forty copies r ,ilmly delivered m paying ii—tibem, evd that prior to the date of thee nhr ion f cafe ................................ he publisher or printer in charge of anid m�wsup�r f bavin I" of-f knowledge of Nn feet, flied 'n the " the co "" ¢. of mid a —ty oRamsey, creta of Dlinncsata, nn offidavit showing the nam and Iomtion of aid newspaper and We enetenre of conditions eons fi ht t its qu, S-itions m o legal n w , 19 1. required and eat fortF in n 8 1 t chaptrr 48[, B if Lows of Min 1p b,, 1921. That the tollol��ing is nIli-l' rd d copy of !M1c lower ease alphehet from A to b- boN inclusive, of the size anJ kind of type used in tM1r eompositian, printlng and pab liution oL said legal advcrtisemrnt hereunto ntm<hed, v z. yu, FLrther nii-t snilh oat ,e tlmt this anid t Is made purevent b "bin' .f chapter 484, th—ivn laws Dtinnre ta, 1921, ten pony 6W for publiea[ipn in said arwspaper of ue re aid rgalre ald��men Bubxdbed and sworn to beton me this...... /. % q( ./ .198. !r- NO Wry Public, Rn/�rycy/County, Minvemta- Pa.w est. My Cnmmisalon explree .. T.,, ........... 1' 94226 • ^_ g. PAG .I rii. NO..... IRVINC 19-'PEP—RCE er"�fn:"am; mn:r,,".%"_.NOV. 21{D-1932, RESOLVED YTHEHEAS, in the construction of the. Chelsea Heights School, it wes found ne.e. ry to furnish and install two thresholds with Von Duprin strikes for the main entrance doors at Eleven ($11.00) Dollars each making a total of Twenty -Two (422.00) Dollars, and, WHEREAS, this additional work ws net provided for In the original plane ar:d specifications, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that upotl the recommendation of the Commissioner Of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings and the City Architect, and concurred in by the Commissioner of Education, the plans end ape cifications as well as the cortrset. of J. S. 9we..zr. and Son be so amended es *.o provide for this ad<+.itin•ial work and the contract price increased in the amount of awenty-Two Dollars to cover the cost thereof. COUNCILMEN ay MCDOn6111 �Pcerir hi fn�ar / ltaaen �Tr , �. Agni pat / Wenzrl /Mr. Preaideat Mahoney `t 593` Adlpt,d by the C—nril 19:1 PUBLISHED— /%�� J, 3 zweitzer & Con. 70l Builders'xcb. City of Saint Paul Department of ADDITIONAL WORK ORDER Date 0�5 o_; e_r_24.� 1932_ C -tact No. G-2616 C ntnctor T swai t "Ir , on Job Che]. sea He Sghtsschool From_--- To Under the vtnvuiom ae rmtained in Semon 95 If the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Co mioner of gd uc t' On _he divested chat the following dexribcd additional work be done node, the pmvao n• of the pum and •pwifi—ion•, and tue agreed with the morn that the price• as given below are the reaernuble core (or the doing of rhe •aid work and the supplying of the materau required ct be_• `3 — 1932- t 1932 - comms n<,a Coon—igned Cltq Arch • Description, Location, Quantities, Terms and Prices for Additional Work: ing ani ! -_. -. Scr. c: trro th:esholda %,ith von�Duprin strifes forntt.:e ,.air. entrarco doors ® $11.00 each $22.00 0 rn NreRyyR(�^1){i"tss•f°)...oh pu°.. cir F•m. rAui CpONO FILE NO. (,)42 NCIL RESOLUTION (WhOct. 31,)s.2 h cy.. a. -tMVaR �IVaC �t q 0 uNe C�ria'noll Nev. a; 199f: -- — — - - 1 RWOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 10106 10142 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS f��467. 23 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO OAoovrFILE eo eIN T THE OFFICE OF THE -CITY COMPTROLLER. -[dil /' I o..... F H ONO. _._. COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS •""." �.E�ns "� 101.06 II142 TOTAL. _ l u""s" IN FAVOR OF c.scns c"cons ' s� o 36 354 91 _1113735 80 • 10108 Wm. Perry 3- 00 10109 Feyen Construction Co. 4 117 08 10110 L. I. Pei l en Assignee 799 00. 10111 Henry O'Brien 735 2 001 10112 Fuel Economy Engineering Co. 11 110 05 10113 Electric Blue Print Co. 40 00' 10114 Catherine Y. Claugherty, id. 17 281 10115 Yre, Anna Schneider, 28 28 10116 urs. Etta Flaberty 356 65 10117 Yrs. H. YS tab 2 296 00 10118 Feyen Co ne truction Co. 10119 Pilton Rosen, Oom, of Finmoe 14 56838 10120 95, 81 10121 ' ' " 25 620 99 10122 35152 90 10123 " " 2 086 25' 10124 4 154 01 10125 " 9 104 66 10126 E 696 46 1n127 12 15 10128 2 719 16 10129 " 3 868 90 10130 • 14 14 10131 Bo Srd of Public Welfare 30 655 65 10132 Pilton Rosen, Com. of Flnanoe 1 4g0 00 1013 O'Ne3 95 il d Preetan Inc. 4 185 97 1013 Y11ton Rosen, Com. of Flnanoe 13 378 05 10135 Elea Y• 0bat, County Treae. 10136 Pilton Roaen, Com. of Finance 18 3162 080 10137 Revie, Publishing Co. 10138 Pilton Rosen, Com. of Finance 10 4574' 10139 Alfred Bonn 98 y 83 3 10140 Else Y. Ob -t, Treue. R. C. 18 10 05 10141 10142 The American Nat'l Bank of St. Paul 283 85 ii to s"ser TOTAL�oewweo _ oy1 7,1` ^T 1 i ;I ,Jni4ul .°an amlf" CITY OF ST. PAUL >.mUN.. No._.....�/.,FA7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RZ22bu uc WHEREAS, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Oommiseion, at its meeting held October 27th, 1932, approved the contract with the General Outdoor Advertising Company for lettering and signs for the new Court House and City Hall, and also approved the Tidellty & Deposit Company of Maryland as surety on the bond posted with said contract; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves and concur. in the action of said Commission. COUNCILMEN Yew N.Yj I'4'Y /MeD... Id /Poaroe -- .."...__.In favor Rearm TrHnx ___' :.Again9t {Yaa.eL %Mr. President Mahoney I o: 9191 we 11°y°r H.noney— da.°ry wm'» Ie. W. p° °iia Hna°Au.eVn'I°.ie com`o°may m> 't.°I°c .=d .10 1n °.. °° 9 ec ooa comms .°.iee.° i°° :ei°a°emeo°.°fin w° rH°..'a-$1991 AdoPwd by the Council_.:_:_'_._._.!CW :._...._193..... 193 Appppp,—d.._.."___.... _.._.__ ._......._ 41/-1 11— 7-4-1 . C Mayo, CIT]' LI Ir+ Saint Paul =.17 Bureau of Municipal Research A,hlccc Club Building •'^•"^^^^��'•'• November 1, 19?2. To the Clty Council, City o£ Saint Peal, I(Snneeotr. �ntlemen. At it. meetlnP on October 27 the Ldvi.ory Court House and City Hall Birt ldi og C omnia Fdon ,r nrovea the contract ri th the 6enerel Outdoor ,ldvertislnp• Company for lettering ® eigIIs as to form, and the FideI ty and Dep o elt Co;paay " Neryland as surety. This matter is refsrre^ to you for y action. Very truly your., Secretary, -vlsory Crum House end CSty Hnll Hui lding Commie.!on. CPH: SH onun.r �o on©., =— No. 9.4229 • . '� CITY OF ST. PAUL •v - -- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7 COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM R WHEREAS, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission has approved the contract with the Commonwealth Electric Company for transformers and transformer vault for the new Court House and City Hall, and has also approved the Maryland Casualty Company as surety on the bond posted with said contract; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves and concurs in the action of said Commission. COUNCILMEN / Yea. N.y. Jay ` h(cDonald PoBrcc ......_..I. favor ZRo- Trww- Wee.et .-.. .Agai— Mr. Prvaidaat Mahoney c. No_ 9,: •' i.s e..or weoNn.s— �� n nwllE Ti n tLe�M1e ee w Iri 1 W. vot4a KN .n epro�� =911.1.21 Ci nel9 Nnv. o ni99l.I Nova-1Y�91 Adopted by the Council_..._..._.._...._. r*, 103 App r ved .... .193.... `P�'~M Mayor Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research A,hle,k Chub Building •w.m."=�a�•"•�.d e n oeea "� 1C d- 1'.10 �. •. ••••^•••••"�'�••••,�• Nov=c-.ber 1, 19:2 "o the City C—Cil, City of Saint Peal, !;i ueeeot:.. ,antlemeo: At it, meetiov on October 27 the Advisory Curt House and Ctty :all Bul ling Coy 1.11'n ved the c,ntract with the CCaraonwealth Slectric CYany £ar transfc�mers and traneformer vault as to £o , and the Maryland Caeual ty Company „e surety. This matter is referred to you for y,,ur action. o y t„tly your., ary, .,dvi s�ry C—t v and City Hall D,ilding CCmr.:lesi on. C°H:SP. o „ I,oa��.,. • ,< � CITY OF ST. PAUL „L. NO...... _. 94230 -. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK sssarrrr v.m COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 7 [a a I 0tl _ — BmemLwn WHEREAS, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission, at its meeting held October 12tb, approved the follow- ing extra and credit: General Contract with Foley Brothers, Inc., extra for changes in the painting and decorating, $3,175.80 Oredit, in the sum of 10,000.00 AND WHEREAS, the general contract contained an allowance of $10,000 for special painting and decorating, and the Commission recommends that a credit in the amount of $10,000 be taken and the actual cost of the painting and decorating necessary, being $3,175.80, be considered as a part of the $10,000 credit for the allowance; and WHEREAS, the general contractor has agreed to allow this extra without adding the customary 1096 for overhead; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City Council hereby approves and oonours in the action of said Commission, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to add the City's proportionate share of the above extra to the contract sum, and deduct the City's share of the credit. CODNCILMCN Ye.. j Nay. / Adopted by the C .... iL_.' nY lY7eDonnld ``Pearce -S_.._I favor Ap a� 193.... Ag,in.t 1) S� ayer Mr. I're.ident Mahoney -PUBL4� ' au a -aa aY 7 -" Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research Athlecc Clab Bnildins •w,,, m"••,•�•e•,,•. 'P'd c-, 1- N .... bar iiaNovember 1, 1932. Tothe City C-11, Ct t of Saint Paul, Kinnesota. �:entlevcn: At its neeti g on October 12 the Ad,itory Court House end City Hall Building Cosi eelon approved an entre to the Oner- al contract of $3,175.80 for changes in the painting and decora- ting. In the general Contract there Ss en allowance oP $10,000 for special painting and decorating. It wa aeclded to take a relit of $10,000 Sn the general contract for thia It... The extra mentioned above oan be considered a a part of the m ,at Heide for the all. The generalacontractor he, agreed to a11ow these extras without adding the customary ten Her cent for overhead. Thi, mutter le referred to you for your action. Very t—ly you rs, 5ecratory, Advisory Court House and City Hall Bu11d1 n Colada eton. CHP.: SH .m n.""• •• 759 COUNCIL• RESOLUTION 0 0 0 Resolved, That the Counoil hereby ooncnrs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading alley in Block 13, Stinson's Boulevard Addition from Griggs street to Syndicate avenue (the alley to be surfaced with concrete 16 feet wide from Griggs street to a point 160 feet west of Griggs street, in accordance with plana and specifications hereto attached, to the F6YXY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of 8836.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of oontraot therefor. j .... ......... ...1407.00 1 'z_ ' (' „",„.....o ... „........... ^ .........."................"�."....."o.. ,.938.00 ro „.... � C •. oas-Go • "... .. ...... 1.1 C.....- — a� �... OF ST. PAUL .� `6 NO........ OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL- 'U'..—GENERAL FORM ,a�EaCR __ RESOLVED Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue and draw a warrant in favor of D. W. 0. Ruff in the sum of $150.00, Den.L. Lane 1n the enm of $300.00, and Joseph F. Reimbold in the stmt Of $300.00 for expert services and testimony rendered and given in the matter of the Idaho Avenue Dufresne litigationt and charge to the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Item of the General Fund. "6- nunsru: a iu�#m: � ci:°ueoaeum+vi ieuo.Po°o r'e n.ra'�oe u�o .e °moi i moi, ....:.e`iamm°aa�."• ..ra�iu.>. COUNCILMI•;N Y.- Nsys N�Donald //Pgsgperce I favor / Truae ...-lgni.. President Mahoney �� A ^o Adopted by the Council.____..._..__.... _......... 193_... Pp ved _..... _.... .. 193_ _. CITY OF ST. PAUL 94233 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / OW'CIL�R60LUTION—GENERAL FORM C0111-01.1- 0 .. .. _....._ .. ___.. - iummm RESOLVED, That the application of the Rex Oil Company for permission to install a 15,000 gasoline storage tank at its plant at Como avenue and Lafond street, be and the same is hereby granted, said tank to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. i ,�:59i c°me.°T,ea,• o.rovwo°-m m- . Os.:i°a`mo w..e�° ea rreaa `a.do.aaw °i uw COUNCILMEN Yeea/ Nays / cDonn d �arcc _......__. In favor esu Truax.:.._ Against aw s a /Mr. P—M,nt Mahoney Adopted by thn Council_...__';�'i__.3-IM2193_. - Approved ♦ ....,5 ,� 193 _... .7 OFFICE -OF THECI*Y CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION -TL TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made -AT- 1. .1 L -AT- .. L.T -- app. iro Pr a -s 4LAT.'- P IF? .1 -1. TA., 1ro --.z -W- --. -, -K ATE UK /C .y CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gal -I of Minnnou DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.ndr .ad Mina.wti Straw JOHN H. M ONALD, ConvvsvoNu rNor.,.s c. oc . cin',— October 31, 1952 ,I>®. Mr. William F. Scott, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of the Rex 011 Company for permission to instal a 15,000 gallon storage tank at their present plant at Como and Lefood Streets, and report of Inspection of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Very truly yours, ( Com` -- Commissioner —Commissioner of Public Safety 4% CITY OF SAINT PAUL dock"�r'I^LA Owed of Mi—a DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth end Ml..—U Stns. JOHN H. h NN , Conu ussa+re THorvs 1000: D—c...i.,w�., October 31,1932/ Ron.John R. McDonald Comm ieeioner of Public Safety, 8 t.Paul,Mlnn. Dear Sir; Inregard to the application of the Rex 011 Company for permias Ion to install a 15000 gallon storage tank at their present plant at Como and Lafond Ste. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant rejection. Respectfully yours, '4�-r_ Cbi:f Inepector. FirPrevention Bureau. No 9. W4 CITY OF Sr. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCL R LUTI.NIENERAL FORM j m�WU1Ti� com1s Iasi ]lMm WHEREAS, A. Morin bee petitioned the Council for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the northeast corner of University avenue and Kent street, and has eubmltted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, Pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said A. Morin to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the build- ing plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Com- missioner of Perks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; abd any ohanges in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever said Council shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic bazard. COUNCILMEN Ada ted b the Council-.. NOv 3 10 Yaes / Neye / P Y �`._. .193...... Donald pybs U P rce In favor A//`� 193.._ /guecn / Truce Ageimt -, 0'CT. _ M - _).,1.Ei:K Mayor -- N M. President Mahoney r�- pUu7y;tu:.0/J�S_� 5� " IF 11 I'll onlolruL OFFICE" OF HE ", _EP. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made 17' TA— FILED f)g,7 —Y .1 THo a D H ol— CITY OF SAINT PAUL of" �iiA4^ C.piYl of ml....ote DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T..th .ad Mm.aot: St..t. JOHN H. WDONA ,Cowuz— :Ho'nns c. o D--..November .". 1967 :� ew,., Mr. William F. Scott, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Si': Returned herewith is the application of A. Morin for n rmission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northeast corner of University and Kent Street, and reports of inspection by the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. Very t—Jy yours, Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY or CITY OF SAINT PAUL -FIC' wrMUN—OH IF.,. 2, 1932. Br. John R. KeD.nald, 0o®1s.ioa.r of pabll. Baf.tJ. Deer Siri for With refers... to appliutio. md14by 1111� st.ti.. on W. is,, 17, pernlnioa to iaetel a drive -1. gee 111o.t 1, Yi.h.l Boh of sti.soa M, eu. d.s.rihsd u aorthsut oormr of Dalrereitl and 8..t7 1 lar. todp made ea iwp..tio. of this loutioa, end do not find that the proposed eteti.. sill—t.r1e117 int.rf.rs with treffio. Ionre tr-lj, Boperint , lreffie � _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gplu d Mlle DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tend, end Mi—b 5.x JOHN H. M DONALD, Co—c— ieorx�s o. oco.9wLD.wn �.•i„p.., Octdber 31,1932. Ron.John H. NoDonald. Commiesloner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Hlnn. Pear Sir; In regard to the application of l.Norin for nermieeion to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the N.E.Cor. of University and Hent Ste. we have investigated the foregoingand report that such an installation at the desired location would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant rejection. Respectfully yours, Ohlef Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau. «=•or THE BOARD OF ZONING 49 � FwNkw bOdin., No. sea n.rx ep. sues SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 414 COURT HOUSE ' October 31, 1932 Mr. Wm. B. Scott City Clerk City of Saint Paul Dear Sir In ret Drive-in filling ostation Lots 16 & 17. n Michel Sub of B.14, Stin- son,. Division. - NE cor- ner University and Kent The above proposed station is to be Snduetryed Th ie issht permi,sible under ithe zoning ordinance without a hearing before the council. From the standpoint of the present no reason nwhy nthis station this o shouldwnot be of permitted to go in. Yours truly, AGS Secretary CITY OF SAINT PAUL C." of W - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HE—AN C. WEIZEL C....s�oa.a L ovember 3, 1952 ^^ s. Gene.... e,d,, i.,,M., •�� . F, Scott, City Clerk, Building. Be: Drive-in filling station Gots 16 and 17, Block 1, Dear Sir: Michel Sub. of Block 14, Stinson's Division - NE corner University & Kent The above proposed station is to be located in a district zoned for light industry. This is nermissible under the zoning ordinance without a hearing before the council. engineering report: Concrete apron should oe installed on university Avenue -:s indicated in red. Yours very truly, EO c M. SH EPA.H.D, Chief Engineer. Apnrwed: HERMAN C. ViEN7EL, 0, Commissioner of Public Yorks. ■ V_ r w Fi,,�r�1J Subject: +" Covnoil•-F 11e No. 94= Data pr .... ted 1932 Resolved, wREREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported is aCcordaace with Section 63 o' Lha Oity„Charter, the existence of an - emergency which rendered n..a easi•y the. employment of ...ta-n employea' of hi Department for more than 211h,., hour. per day and on Sunda7, said .;employment being me-. than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it - .Resolved, Mt the proper city oPfi care are hereby authorized to pay the foSiowing named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- .. 'ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: - .NAYS TITLE SIINDAY REGUTAR... RATE- MAlbertDuren Utili„yman. .640 Amos E. TOM64 - 4 5440$ Frank Fleming Unskilled laborel!•-; 3} firs. .45 . Olean n.-'Olanby IItiletymea 8 VA Joe. Obermaiar�, - 5418 Ludwig Zwiraer 8 6 Irvin Y. Haley ° .45 Harr Oae - Unskilled laborer 8 - . >R1o9 W: Schranitl.er utility.. 24 .Herb C. S,pellacy " ° -Henry M.inke.. - s 12 4} " �' -Ole Nvnaop Foreman ;Sam Raaelli - Yech.helper 6 -" :Leonard Munson Utiliitymaa 7•} ° §544�'�' James Tigbe „ 8 Rudolph FLringer ° .45 '>r -Aug, gurkd-dki " `Unskilled laborer 7 ..Andrew Vino'ell'1 9g " lg 590 4uminel'W Yeoh.helper s F. R6geH:' IItilitymen 3} .540. c. -w Ayes C cilmen .°..Naysb*{. / OURIAE „ NOV $1�i2 ae Adopted by the _ 1932TT�' osen J ,�: z'�n: • 1 / a}s6Li� Approved 1932. president Ney - /' Cartl ed correct A)I d rinteAdeat - Fnnw u,_ , November 2, 1J32 An emergency has arisen in the department of Public Ut111ties, Bureau of Viater, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Operating Highland and HazelPark pumping stations.* Repairing hydrant at South St. Paul.# Cutting off service connection at 323 Minnesota St.* Repair service connection at 34 E. 7th St.## --------- -- This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: *Sundays. rnr P/Leake in connections. _ �arvzs31. r.I CC :T_ 'lss jtId Superintendent Truax Rcnzcl J 1\cnz=I Mr. Prcs. blahonav \Ir. Pres. Mahoney ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO.— PRESENTED SY =j:1tII7-- ORDINANCE NO. / An ordinance emending Adminletr ive Ordinance No. 32$01, Passed August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3$70 and subsequent amendment', entitled •An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul,appcoving and adopting rule. and regulations th erefor.- THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES CHDAIN: Section I. That Ordinance No. 32504, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the name Se hereby further amended by striking out the standard height and weight schedule in Section 23 of said ordinance, and inserting Sr-1,an thereof the followin Pao alo.a=• xw xfax— xa..u=aW 6aw..m .wee �e dw..ew e. .. Edi=..: = wd ivumiiiu 'ml°ya wamml.t.F � e . w...a waio"oa•, vaw, s�=wa waw, :�e•wo•o, or. ei. eN m.. �.o Po�•Ht1 •wa Aamin�• meitiw ♦ocum. mn'e..emcud a ma..ase, aa. oo� .w o� m.= mS awa .,> �Rm Section II• This ordinance shall take effect and be in force fron and after it. passage and approval. I hereby recommend for passage by the Council the 'bow -mentioned '�"dc* to the Civil Servi oe Rules. Civil Service Commi'.ion.r Ycss (:uuncihnen Vin}:= 11—d 1, T hr ('ounril�^, 'J:{ -i( M ]fuDon¢Id � � In 1�¢cor - /12osnn ... _. yyl�,m l /W—d 2t \! N don, f�f lonci) lite.,. f Very truly your a, chief Examiner Approved: 1 Clvil Service Commissioner JBP-B CITY OF.... ST. PAUL .Y�4 CIVIL BEHVICE BUpEAU November 1, 1932 Non. 7. B. MODonald, Commiselonar of Public Safety, C I T Y Deer Mr. McDonald: The latest reprint of the civil service rules is ne of February, 1927• On ....at of the .umaroue amendment. that have been made since that time, an reprint will be lamed with all amendments up to date. The copy for this reprint is already in the hands of a printer. I am informed that the standard height and weight schedule in 9ectlon 23 of the present rules does not conform to the latest statistics. The civil service medical em.1 , tells me that the standard weight$ shown on the mcompanying amendment are currently approved as proper normal weights. Under the olroumetanoas I bell ave It would be edvleebi. to make this change In the rules before they v reprinted. If you have no objection to the accompanying amendment, will you kindly 11troduce it, A copy of the present height nod weight standard, asemteload to to rules, Se attached hereto. Very truly your a, chief Examiner Approved: 1 Clvil Service Commissioner JBP-B CILCOUNWHEREAS, there has beenin the District Court of Ra"OY County, Idanesote, three separlitsactions at law f r the recovery of money d~G for allto real a state by re "Bon of change of grade and remov lateralsupport in come 0 tion with the improvement of University Avenuefrom Park Avenue to Dsle Street, andISEREAS, the Plaintiffs in said action respect Ively areZlizabe th p. Lewis, Thomas F. Maloney and lathertns X. Maloney,. .bar t P. Lewis, the owner 0 of the real astute alleged to havebe. injured us aforesaid, andWHEREASv by reason of the work in the prosecution of saidI sprovement three OPP&Mte buildings upon three 9,0,p&r:t9 P&rOs1GI—A involved by said actions have been left P eitioneto render the street adjacent thereto in On unWM conditionand to Unduly jeopardize the life. " and property Of Personstravel , Ing along said street adj .. nt to such landep andWHEREAS, it has been proposed that said actions and allol.1, involved thereby be OOMPTOMiBed, settled and satisfied andthat eard actions be dismissed upon the payment b� City of St. Paulto said plaintiffs Of the following 8=0 of money to said ElizabethPorter Lewif the sum of Four Hvb&td DOl1&x8 ($400 00) to galaThomas y. jUoney and Katherine N. XMIQUOY the Z;70f �hrssHundred Fifty Dollars ($350.004, and to Wd Robert P. tOwiB, thssum of Three Hundred Dollars ( 00.00), andAS, the Corporation Oounsel has recommended that saidproposed settlement be affected upon the condition that eLid plain- tiffs in each case shall, by the depression of said buildings or bythe erection of suitable retaining Wells, or both, at theirtoWnaeparate Cost =1 expenses gmug& their separate properties o beplaced in such a condition to the satisfaction of the ChiefEngineer, " shall reasoMly provide against the danger aforen—ld,therefore be it ,RESOLVED that the Corporation Counsel be and he hereby isauthorized to ;Iipulate for the settlement and dismissal Of said&Otians "a* jhgrterms proposed, upon the condition that by the "~ "="�=" "~ ~ " ,.~ ~�� App—M. 193.. �.. '— °~�~~-- ---------- a~~�- ~. ---- ~~ 1 A CITE OF ST. Paul v No. OFFICE OF THECITU CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IR -11111 1Y depression of said buildings, the erection of retaining walla, or bosh, at the Separate cost and expanse of said plaintiffs and to the satisfaction of the Chief Sagineer the said proper— ties shall be placed in such condition as to reasonably pro— vide against the aforesaid danger and that thereupon the proper city officers be and they hereby are authorised to disburse from the fund described as Bond Issue, Project No. B, the several sums of money in accordance with said proposed settlement upon the of that said plaintiffs shall in each case, file in the office of the City Comptroller duly authenticated copies of contract. providing for the wort atoresald, at their separate coat and expense, within a period of twenty (30) day. from and after the publication of this resolution, Such contracts to be approved by the Corporation Conneel. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay. �onnld Truax _ .. _.... Ag.inst u r Mr. President M,boncy Adopted by the Council _. ...... ix?�._. 193._.... AyRPraved .._793._... 2_. CITU OF ST. PAULmu vLL NO... 94" OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK u on �] A COU�N7CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n P—ENTED By ov. r_ xT INC v0 • WHEREAS, the Advisory CourtHouse and City Hall Building Commission, since the date of its 1set report, has approved the following extras: OEI:ERAL CONTRACT - FOLEY BROS. Inc. Extra Work Order No. 69, authorizing revising all intermediate elevator hall lanterns, $365.00 Extra Work Order No. 70, authorizing terrazzine treatment and polishing of the marble floor. on 545.00 the first three floors, Extra Work Order No. 71, authorizing plastering around mail chutes on the unfinished floors, 50.25 Extra Work Order No. 72, authorizing a cased open- ing between Rooms 3-05 and 3-H7 146.05 ELECTRIC CONTRACT - OOMMONWEALTH ELECTRIC CO. Extra Work Order No. 19 authorizing installation of additional Push buttons, buzzers, and tBlepbone 863.00 outlets, Extra Work Order No. 20, authorizing lowering of switohee and changing location of outlets, 209.11 METAL FURNITURE - ART METAL CCNSTRUCTION CO. ExtraWork Order No. 1, authorizing two new cases for the Regie ter of Deed. office as well as r�nishing 660.66 certain old qae as, MISCELLM013S FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS - SPERRY OFFICE FURNITURE CO. ��TktraWork Order No. 1, Providing additional equip- ment in connection with the flag Poles to be mounted 39 15 on the parapet, WHEREAS, the extras authorized herein total $2,898.22, and the extrasauthorized since the building was started total $107,055.45; therefore, be it RE80LPED, That the Council approves and concurs in the action of said Commie sion, and the proper city officers are author- ized to add the City's proportionate share of the above extras to COUNCILMEN the reQQQpppective contract sum.. Yeas /{.-� Nays / Adopted by the Council_.........................193...... a (_...In favor A d 193 __. _. ...... PC rce p{�roy /•Cruex •J-_�Agn not .rLZ�""•c . ..... _.. / Mr. Preeidevt Mahoney ti_I.I:Ai"aD u• Saint Paul =Prw Bureau of Municipal Research Arhler c Mh Buildink •"w"^°""'^1ei" s* gad.. 42 It �.r-W ••,••*•^•^^"•••,•• lrovember � 19:+9. To the City C—011, ^tty e. .r l:'.t Pan'., 11i::r-1-1. (;e ntl.,'n: Since its Leet report the Adj.ory House end City Hal? Building Com- v'selon certified the f011oning extra': OE'*"vanr CON^.RACT -- FGLEY BRCS. eUINC. ri zne all !ntcm,ediate e'Setra Wort Order No. 69 thorevs ei tY: $ 385.00 elevator hall lanterns . Extra Wort Cruel yo. 70 authorises terrnselne treatvent and �` ^D polishing of the marble floors on the first three floore . Extra Work (Irder No. 71 authorises plaeterinr around m'.1 50.25 chutes on the Snlehed2tloo tho rl ease cased openly, let— , to Werk Order Pe, au 146.05 Room. 3-05 and 3-E7 . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ELECTRIC C:�N:AAGT — COM1=0i1WNALT9 ELECTRIC CO. tetra Work Order No. 19 authorizes the Snstai Latton of nd.di- 863,00 Lionel push buttons, buzeereand teleph'rne outlets. . 3tre Wo rl: Crder No. 11 authorlee. lone rl nF, of salt cher and` changing location of ontle to . . . . 209.11 1a_•TAy "P HI1M1RtE -ART t'ETAL C)NSTFUCTICN CC. a for the T tra Wort Order No. 1 anthOrt ase tso nen nes.. HR91P0ter of Dred.: office ae -11 ea ref Snishing certain old 660.66 HISCELLA!E HURNITQRE AND FURNISHINGS -- SPERRY OFFICE FURNITURE CO. Eztra Work Order provide¢ adait!onal equiegPnin con- 59.15 nection with the flag poles to be amounted on the t . .. ertif The extras antha rl aped herein $107,058.45, $75,632.61. the credits totalled since the bui Id' IV, ^as started Y8 ge a $ $75,632.61. Very troulyy your., Sec Advl er ry Court House Coand Hall Building mi—Ion. CFH:SH e�aev,na '. T" CITY OF ST. PAUL .¢�." NO.... 9W 9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �Jp��11] eY ' / IL R WITIIOpNG�E�NERyAL�FORM REsoLVEo, that in order to clear the files in his office for additional reoordel the City Comptroller in hereby authorized to destroy the old records and files described as follows: (1) All 9o. 5 copies of City of Bt. Paul purchase orders for the years 1917 to 1925 inclusive. (2) Comptroller'. audit copies of City Bank checks for 1925 and prior years. (3) Assessment contracts dated prior to 1917. (4) Paid or cancelled bonds and coupons to the year 1930. (5) Delinquent local improvement sheets (pink copies) for the year 1927 and prior years. COUNCILMEN N., Adopted by the C .... ._ �l�.._.a(...�0�. _._.193...... ...Id I ,wry /Pa¢rce.._ I favorA d _. ..... �]� .......193..... AReeen /TZ. Against .... _._. 71lnsel .,, �I I�:RK M¢Yor r /Mr. President Mahoney cl:U' - CITY OF ST. PA NO....94240 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR. �lsaa Teo 4 4, 1882 a - — RESOLVED That lice.... for ehich applications have been made by persons named on the atta.hed list be and the same . . ber.by granted and the City Clark is instructed to issue such 11—sea up- the pV.-t into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN M'D -ld AKIInit Ad,I)t,d Ly thr C.un I[ N'IV 193 06� App,—,d 193 q(•.May.",/ Novmber 4, 1952 Joe. Big., -179 N. Western A- Butcher E. F. Broom 1684 Grand g. F. Brom 219 Cbarlee " - W. E. Gerona 516 Selby " R. R. Nawar 559 Carroll " S. Roemblum 687 Selby " Harry J. Speeter 1437 N. Cleveland n Nick Torek 854 Cmc Blvd Niak & Herbert Abraes 191 S. Web --ba Confectionary C. G. Aderman 1076 Maryland H. Alda° 618 Rondo OonfeGrocectlonery Yre. Albert Alpert 1061 Front Grocery Chao. Berneteo 1577 FdgeKt'Oon " A. Braverman 2046 St. 81e1r " A. Chalik 749 Tatum " C. Chriatmeen 1567 University Confectionery Yre. J. Chrietaneen 567 Prior " J. W. Egan 1051 Grand " Emil Fedeli 91 S. Robert Perris 120 S. Wabasha Confectionery Y. rleberg M. Frii 282 St. Anthony G rocery Ban Friehberg 676 S. Smith " Chao. F. Gandesbary 1202 N. Dole German -American Club 444 Rice Confectionery Wm. Cheer 203 W. 7th Bakery I Goodman 2073 St. Cllr Grocery P. —1, 580 Wabeeha 580 Wabaeha Grocery We, .11-g244 S. Albert Bakery J. A. Ilk 601 N. Dole Confectionery Rudolph Jatake 1078 E. 7tb Grocery N. A. Johoeon 595 Ric° " Otto Johnem 1124 Payne Bakery Tom Khoury 140 S. Webasba Confectionery - Irein J. King 242 S. Cleveland " A. Ki -ten 145 Robertmn Groeery W. C. Krege1 2180 Yarhall Confectionery Y. B. Lager 515 Wabe°he Crocery H. Margolis Neely Drugs 932 W. 7th 1189 R. Snelling " Cmfectionery-drug Neiecer Bros. 48-56 E. 7th Confectionery Yre. Lena Parasol 179 N. Western Grocery 0. E. sent- 720 N. Hemline Barth° Schmidt 512 Rice Confectionery Jeeeie Singer 541 Ohio Grocery Harry N. Store 1516 Grand Confectionary Tittle Brce. PaTn Co. 445 Wabaeha Fruit -Vegetable store Robert Y. Welch & Chae J. Wetal-691 E. 5rd Co9fectionery -Bart Ellie 226 Rondo Grocery Nov. 4, 1952 Alverdes Restaurant,Ino. ter Restaurant S. M. Calkins" 465 University579St.P Mr. Charles Casa d. 456 Minnesota dw� " is C—p--n 75 iin C. Christenson 0. Ch 1567 University Vito Chirac 514 Minnesota " Geo. C. Criss 846 White Hear " R. R. Culbertson 726 Armstrong " Jos Doty 201 E. 4th " Ida C. Johnson 1459-41 N. Cleveland " CriepiMassone 456 Wabash. " Mimeeots Mining Co. " Paolo Palmitesea 219 W. 7th 219 " Mrs. E. Parker 489 Como Av. ° Viola Smith 485 5. Tabash, " Norman Strinden 188 W. 7th Fred 7sahen 191 N. Snelling White Cab AA.-190 N. Smith ups Gasoline station 6 p" Blue end p, H. Christiane 455 S. Robert n " 5 " e " Fire; Parking Garage let National Hank Bldg 5 " Raymond L. Linn, 456 Broadway " 5 " Phillipa Petroleum Co 1025 Payne 6 " Standard 011 Co. 477S5 LClevelend " " 5 " Standard 011 Co. ° " 5 " Henry C. Saner 850 S. Robert Nick & Harbert Abraes 191 S. Aabaeha Pool room s 4 pool tables 2 Shigorl Ferris 120 S. Wabash. a bowling alleys German -American Club 444 Rice MntverElty pool room Midway Y. M.C.A. 1965 1965 University 49b alleys Midway Y. M.C.A 691 E. 5rd 5 pool tables Robert M. Welch & Chee J. Aat al Barrett & Zlaas n 1941 University Auctioneer Rotel (Windsor) 57 rooms Robert Boland 455-57 St. Pater Uance Hall Maple Camp 5456 M.W.Bf A. 1002 Payne 011 Bonner J_ee Conroy 246 5. Prior 94241 nro� a, COUNCIL FILE NO. a.mm°s By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of changing the .grade. of Alley in Block 15 Merri am_Park Th Srd Addition Erle hereto vttaeto hed en flrmado aupart hereof,o on mthe, present line on_ Pr e ___ established grade being shown by a blue ilia thereon, also grading said alley.. to the proposed red line when. on abl Sahed, 93685 -. approved Septe aber 14, 1932 _ under Preliminary Order.. - _ _... _ approved - _.. _ . __._. Intermediary Order - -- -- had a improvement upond of c d the Council A public hearing having been had upo the above having heard all persons, objections and recommendations r I t e thereto,and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _chango. the. grade of Alley in Bppl ock 10 to Moore Avenue, Merriam Perk Th1r�Addletlo,9Sile�haretC AttacPrior t? -d blue 7iheflthareoueP allro� to. the ned_11n-a the present establ Sshed grade being shown by establ Sshedr d line when .__ __ grade sald_e11eY Lo_.khe_P-roposed_re , and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTIIER, That the Commissioner of Public Worksdbsubmit eamehereby to theinstructed Council for directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, an approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvyyement in accordance therewith. *0V 91817 Adopted by the Council - -------- ®AK Approved N0Y - , 192 � Councilman glaaoy _ .� I.,,,:dd-•r;:{'-,.^J-11=��: Councilman,Ferguson � ,I:� Councilman -McDonald e Councilman dAcGlogan � 1` Councilman i8udheimer.x / lJ Councilman 3Veszel"''''`t Mayor fkkl6sss N,I-ovy Form B. S. A. 8-7 9VICl. F. 311 CITY CLRF9LF.RR "MW,47, FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER V In th—E—of changing the grade or Alley in Blk.15, bberri a., Park Third Add. from C On . - the profile hereto attach– ed t tech– Prioi Ave. to Moore Ave., t ' ' r' t' the �`red line on art hereof, the pres,,pt grade being shown 11 a 11— ed and pa of re line when I tablished, 1 1 ne thereon, Rl so grading —1d .1117 to till C . .ad,, p,,,a,,,.,y o,d,, approved September 14, 1932 To the Council of the 011 of S1 P --I: Th, C.mmj,,Ii.,,I,, of Finance hereby ,p.,n, -1 f-110— - - $554.CZ Th, total esu mated --,t, of the 1111-t (or fl:,, above ia,P-11— - fr The esu mated -t f,, the above imP1111-- The 1— or 1-11ds of 1-d that ..y bI, .--d b—fil, for such pro, ­t, .,d the at,me,d .11-6-e of —1, lot or ,_1 .. I- r,portcd by the A-11-1, — as follows. DESCRIPTION IOT .1— 101ITION ISSESSEO La M-AT "bldg. 5 ft Of 2 15 Mterrithe amCFarI Thirt-dpadd. 1900 4950 Let 1 and W. t yk. f Sul (FxC. the W. 5 ft ) 2 15 do 1450 5650 and except the N.. 30 ft) 3 15 3 15 do 1625 5060 East 30 ft Of and west 20 ft of 4 15 (EXC.the . 20 ft) 4 15 ;1 do 1625 6250 Exc . the E. 10 ft) 5 15 (Exc. Lot 6 and East 1C ft Of 5 15 do 1625 8200 7 15 do 1725 5800 Lot 8 and East � Of 9 15 do 4500 9450 Aug � DEPARTM PPIINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) 'vYe st of 9 15 Merriam Pk, T:ird Add. to 4500 1:5400 ' Lot 1C and E. 15 it of 11 15 tno City of St.Paul (Exc. the E. 15 ft ) 11 15, do 4500 16200 Lot 12 end (lac, the 'N.30ft) 13 1S) do Lot 14 and v, 30 ft of 13 15 do 5100 18450 26,550 95,400 The Com mesio n<r of Finance further reports that he has m.eetigated all of the aforesaid man , and hereby aobmns the foregoing as hie report thereon to the Council, together witl, rhe re Fon made m him m reference to �/iid matter by he Commissioner of Public 15'orks. —19.3 commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn/�/ ✓t-�-, - 113 2.r To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hcreby petition your Honorable Body- to cause the following improvement to be made: '9 from_... /�: �L.._. _. -Ave. to N.,ea, 2.0, N.R.a la,o, !z o. I _St. Ave. ,4-THI- ANO 00�oo�i I F SUMMIT .4 affimm;== 4im== ��WW060-! 1 :.I , TAE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dale) Sept. 20, 1932 Hon. Berman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade and grading the Alley in Block 15, Merriam Park Third Addition from Prior Avenue to Moore Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 93685, approved September 14, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - $554.06 Cost per front foot - - 0.90 Inspection - - - - - - 10.86 Engineering - - - - - 125.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - 600 ft. Yours truly, eo e 9.Shapra, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the CCssioIner of Finance. Harman C. el, Commissioner of Public s. -Office of the Commissioner of Public W00 qF FINAWF O Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 241932 September 23, 1932 193 Fo th,, Oom,oi­­,, of Fm-,, of the Cit, of St. Paul. The Co,000.io­ of Polii, Work, having had under coiiniderntion the I Ii,oi ... y -d- of the C,00,l, k.,,, . C.11o,il Fill No. 93685 approved Sept. 14, 1932 193 , ,A.ti­ to changing the grade and grading the Alley in Block 15, Merriam Park Third Addition from Prior Avenue to Moore avenue. ..d lo-iog i.,,,tig,t,,l the -t- and things referred o, ffito,n, h ... hy p-: 1. Said improvement ie ­—, and (.,) &.i,,thl, Cost per front foot 900 2. Th, t,ti,.,,Ud —t thereof ie S 554.06 ,end the total ... t thu­f i. S Inspection pection $10.86 Engineering $125.00 Frontage 600 ft. ..d the —t— and t.t,.t of said improvement i, w f,1111- 3. A plan, 1—fil, or sketch of said nop,--ot i, hereto attached ..d ..d, a ,,rt hereof. 4. 5. Said mq­­,.t is. naked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, ­hjtd . --a—t for mid io,p—t—ot. �41�2 COUNCIL FI ENO. _________ BY _ __- FIN. ORDER IN��OJ* PROCEEDINGS In the matter o[c_apd@m_n_Sng an�i-takl ng en easement Sn the lend _______ ______ iai ai°�'a°e ua necessary for slo. , cuts and fills, .n the grad_ of Alley in Block 15, Merriam P.:rk Third !,dditicn from Prior Avenue to Moore Avenue. 93680 -- 1332 under Preliminary Order__________________ Sept'approved__________________-_-_____---________. Intermediary Order _---__-94065-------------- a pproved----- October_ 12 _1952----_____-_ A public hearing having been had pon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully mmsid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thlt the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the Lmd necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Al_ey in Block 15, Merriam Park Third Addition t_.,. Prior Avenue to Moore Avenue. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands � a ants therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.. For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block It, Merriam Park Third Addition from Prior Avenue to Moore Avenue, to the extent shocm u,on the ?tan -,f the Commissioner of Public jiorks attached h_—to :Mich plan is t,rr by ff dd t,o Waci made a Dart hereof. r1�E�`l�T�ED h'U1t'1'HER, That the Cimmissioner of Public 1Vorks be And is hereby structed d directed to prepare plans and specifications for snid improvement,and the proper city ocials are effi hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improv.et m .—mi -re there- with. .met2 Adopted by the Council•___ Nov 902 ------ ____. ,__,1 --- Approved_-__ 19---- C�_________ City Clerk. l 4M- Ma� Councilman Q- Councilman McDonald Councilman McDonalal d Council man Pearce K'It. F. 510TT' Councilmalt�,- l"1 I�Ha Council £ndhelmer Mayor '� C .d�..ir. Cd..d'��.r.r FII.N.r.r;.. '— bo+cl�.e+1 will .I p..pe.r/I;— brl.r lig. A- h which .leper -.d pr.perly lin..k N..2927 X -`S— 5i N..2?27 A/ky��klSM mom ,q,,,s• 77 � Aee. S/o, or. 2YYA 273 ALLEYdLK/S MERR/F.N P.ORK 7`!/Ro A00 P ror /!vn Moores Ave. Aa4lr4.4/YO AVC. W /A MERRM w / PA K THIRD J 4 '' 6, ADD. I s.' 66 _ ry i5 � se I Sa' 4 %3 MERR�AM 2 /O 9 PARK TN/ D e AO D. JUMM/T A✓E. C- or ST. PAUL DEPAR1rMENT%ZF Q.NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDE (A) In thematter of condemninR and takinR an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in B1k .15, Merriam Perk th Srd Add, from Prior Ave. to Moore Ave., under Preliminary Order approved 3—to-ibor 14, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Comms l—, of Finance hereby ,porta as follows. The (Heal esu meted amount of the asseu ment for the above mprovcmcnt k - - - $50.-00 - The caumatcd met perfoot for the above mprovcmcnt M - - - - - - 1i - - - - 'rhe lore or pare cls of land thatmay be ae....ed benefils for each im proveme , and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Aeeu a a, follows. oescsivnoN DoT .roc. noolrioN ISSIai�1nno731d6. Lot 1 nod IV. 5 ft of 2 15 hlarrinm Pork, Third !add. 1900 4950 to t!,.o Clty of ��. Pnul 1460 5650 (Fxcc the+. Si ft ) 2 15 do nd xoont t�.r 3n ft) 3 lb 3 lb do 1625 5050 host na•'0 ft of 15 end �x�st 20 ft of 4 4 15 do 1625 0'250 (Isao.tho 20 ft) 5 15 (:.xc. the '-�.. 10 ft) Lot u nnfl East 1'% ft of b lb do 1025 8200 7 16 do 1725 5600 Lot }• and F'.—t a of 9 15 do 4500 9450 > IIEPARTMENT6o FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRF_LIMINARY ORDER (c) 9 15 Idorriam ik, T 'rd Add, to 4500 17400 Lot 1(, '.^d aet of t. 15 ft of 11 16 t'ao City of (lac. the :.. 1- ft ) 11 151 do 4500 16000 Lot 12 'm.'. (-xe. tho .;..%Oft) 13 15 do Lot 15 'O t of 1' 15 do 5100 1845C 28,550 95,400 The Commi.sioocr of Financc further reports that he has snvea tigated all of the af.rc id matt , and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to bim in reference to said matter by the Commi,sso— of Public Wcu,kk, Dated "'e�-- / 4 -_ —19 3 -Z Co.m1$9ion Cr of Financc. Office of the Commissioner of Public WVA§INANCE a Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 24 1932 September 23, 1932 1.93 To the Commissioner of phm.ce of the City of St. Pool_ The Commissioner of Public Worke, h.viog had under oo.....J etioo the preliminary order of the Council, known se C000cil File No. 93686 .,proved. Sept. 14, 1932 193 relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 15, Merriam Park Third Addition from Prior Avenue to Moore Avenue. ..d having investigated the matter. and things r,h--d to therein, hereby reporte: 1. Said io,— eme.t ie ....easy and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is f ] x sod the total ...t thereof ie S XXX ..d the .start .nd extent of said improvement ie as f.H.- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement m hereto ett.ched and made . part hereof. 4. 5. S.id improvement ie..... ........asked for upon petition of three .r more owners of property, euUjecL to eseeaement for said improvemenl. Co ee'io..r of Worke.- _A0 94243 ..n�a.. r.�y. COUNCIL FILE NO. By-, FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstrunting, relaying and repairing,where neve seary, the. .sidewalk at the following.. location:. Annapolis St.., north side, beginning at 'Noodbury Street,. -thence east 92 ft., under Preliminary Order 93767_-_. _ _.approved Sept. 21, 1932 Intermediary Order _._..-___.._. ___ approved __... _._ _.. ......... .... A public hearing having been had open the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pnul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _. racenstruct,._ rale—Y and repair,_.whera_ sce sary,_-the sidewalk at.. the_ following- locstlon:__._-.--..--------- - Anna.colia St.,---north_side,-.beginning at-.Aoodbury_ atree.t,_. th ce_.eeat_92 ft, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public {Yorks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council NOV.. Q.._.. 192 V, City Clerk. Approved - --..nU./$ . 192 Councllmagp(��Us.11""nl�l Oouncilma Councilman rmce ^ xnSPf.I.�FiED Councilmar��'`i,°"' /I Councilm... w�i' nz°I C..ccilman�/Meh�oey Mayor MWIPM Form B. S. A. 8-7 IMF �C'U CF:Xa _ ❑EPARTMENTaOFP FINANCE •REPORT OF COMMISSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER j In thematter of reconstructing, relays na, and r na 1,1,g, ',vhe re necessary, the sidewalk at the 'o I' logia tion: Annapolis St., north side, beginninv, at-4001bury Street, thence east 92 ft., nnd„ Preliminary Order approved Septemher 21, 1932 'r ­ he Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby ,,ports as follows: "Che total cstima,cd amount of the assess me n, for the above impro.ement is - - - $-- The es6­d cost per foo, for tb, abo.. is - - - - - - S - - I he lots or parcels of lend that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot o, parcel as last repo—d by the Asx— , arc as follow,. oesceirTioa nor nooirioN LandA�UA Bldg. 22 :;tuarts He-ar. of blk 68 100 ofk,r -i nd Ttekson'a Add. 23 to +.est �a_n�, Paul,Minn. 150 24 do 250 1150 500 1150 The Commissoner of Finance further reports that he has mac Ligated all of the af,r .iJ matt , and hereby rub.i s the foregoing as his report thereon , the Council, stoge,her with the report made to ,him m t t reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public ".,ks. ...... Dated O -o- tA.— --1=L - 19-- Comf Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Gw$Wbol"a Report to Commissioner of Finance Sept. 28, 1932 193 To the C,nn.o,iourr of Finaoec of the City of St I' -'I: The Coa,aaaa..,, of rIldi, Wa,k., having had under consideration the jn,1nIi­Y order of the C.00,efl, known . Conseil bile NI. 93767 approved Sept. 21, 1932 193 , 'Mi- to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the side- walk at the following location: North side Annapolis 6t., beginning at Woodbury Street, thence .4.t 92 ft. .ad having investigated the natthen, and tN,p ,f,r,,d to thl"il, hereby reports: Est. Cost Lot 22, Stuartts Rearrangement $ 8.73 1. said naP,.,q.,.t ie I From., and (or) daeirable. I n 23, Stuarts Rearrangement 28.33 The ?theoeof is 3 ad the tot.] A thereof I� S 2. rhl etun—I �w 4 "28 and the natar, sad e.nat If said i.p,.,,I.ett ie na f.11.- 3. A plan, profile ., sketch If said hapo­.tat is fa,- attached and ..do . part hereof. 4. 5. said improvement i, asked f,, upon petition If three or more Iwall If PlIpoltY, subject to mam,nne.t In, mid unproventent. Co inner If 4 94244 COUNCIL FILE 10. oaiiet:v rm. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of recpnstruc ting,.relaying and repairing, where necessary, the Sidewalk on the south aids of Nest Congress St., beginning- 2DO feet I -of .Bidwell St. thence. west 50. ft., beginning 50 ft... farther west, . west 50 ft., under Preliminary Order .93766.... .approved September 21, 1932 Intermediary Order _._... _ ...-_____.....__..__approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City is _rec=struct, .relay -and_ rega7.r,. where nece s- sary,_the ..sidewalk _on the.. a—th_aide of_ just _9pngresa.St.,..heglnning . 200 feet _ge-st o£ .131 11 St._t ileacs west 5D ft_,. hep,7.nning_ SD Yt -farther west,thance wast_-� -------- ,ad the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit some to the Council for approval; that upon said appreval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement[ in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council NOY.. _9.198..___ 192 j c city cleri. Approved - _ _ . 192 Mayor. CouncilmeAg6y.oa I. t Councilma Councilma. e - Councilma Meyol,�i� �Nahoney F. SCOTT IJK" Form B. S. A. 8-7 cltY CIJK" n ors PAuL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' Y REPORT OF COMMIS51Oi4ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) V In rhe matter of reconstructing, releylnq end repalrSnF., whore nece:::,sry, the sSdewalk cn the south slde of •Jest Congra ss St „ baclnninq 200 feet west of fildwell 3t., thence west 50 ft., beni nnlnq 50 ft. far thcr west, thence west 50 ft., under Pr,liminary order approved September 21, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Peel: Tbc Commissioner of Finance hcrcby reports as follows: The total est --d amount of the assessment for the abosc improvement is - - $ 'fh...tin a ted cost per foot for the above improve mens is - - - - - - - $ — 'I'he lou or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: oescaienol for ago AoorrioR Land�cArro Bldg. 4 156 Robertson's Add, to 'Nest 750 5600 Sa 1nt Paul 6 156 do 750 3750 1500 $9350 Th, Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid —b'—,and hcrcby sub ni s the foregoing as his report thereon o the Council, together with the report mad, to him in ,,berme, aid —.... by the Commjssjoner of Public \Yorks. to s I0 Dated !___ _19�'.. Yr., DXt-.__-``'-v->✓ _._. ___. _ Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public WoWk§F FINAM c a Report to Commissioner of Finance - SEP 29 1937, Sept. 28, 1932 193 'ra the Cmnnussinner of Plnenee of We city of St. Peat_ The Cun,miavioner of 11uL11c Works, having had under e—Ade l—, Che preliminary order of the Cnonrid, knmvn tia C -,-I Pile No. 83766 approved Sept. 21, 1932 -193 ,relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk on the south side of W. Congress St., beginning 200 ft. west of Bidwell St., thence west 50 ft., beginning 50 ft. farther west, thence west 50 ft. anrd having investigated the metw, and thing, referred t, thersiq hereby i,p—: 1. Said improvement is scary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost Loi 4, Elk. 156 - Robinson's Add. $30 2. The ,,tu.Jd —, 7her.f 5n ani tan total ,eat meraof iWo and the nature and extent of said improvement is m follows_ 3. A p1-, profile or sksteh of said improvement is hereto attaoned and mach a part hereof. 4. a. Slid improve"—t is ._asked far upon petition of three or more owners of property, mi,jeet to assessment for said improvement. -- C loner of P is orke. .4. _ 94245 COUNCIL FILE NO. iiiuied By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reaanetruating, _jay - and repairing, where mme.6ary. tha sidemelk..on the ..at side of I.ipingston Ave., beginning '.t- ft. north of Augusta Street, thenne north 30 ft., under Preliminary Order. 93765 approved Septa bar 21, 1932 Intermediary Order _._... _...-.____ ._._approved -_- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objection. and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent end kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is--reeomtruot,-relay_anal repair,_ where_ aeocaeary._ the aidenallc oa the.. east aida of I yjS etoa_Ave.. DggineAng. 101 ft. oorth__of Augusts Street, tharm. north -30.1`t.. and the Council hereby order aid impr.. ent to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commimmue, of Public Work. be and ie hereby instructed end directed to prepare plans and .pacification. for .aid improvement, and .ubmit ..me [o the Council for .plumt; that No said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - Geed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Cnenril ROY $1_. 192 /� , `pity Clerk. q�� Approved 49V /_ ■ . 192 j Councilman Glwao - 11 ll —All Councilman �i er¢rY�as /d�aay Councilman Councilman db fti07- sd ovsv /T1... j IMMN C...ei m.n � /C en Councilman r� Frenzel j Mayor 41181M /Meb—nz.- Form B. S. A. 8-7 1�+f F. Sl U1'r, G1TY L'LbHC "REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OR.113 to ,,e matter ............. ,ay,ng and sna1,l,g,h,,1 "' the sidewalk .. the east side of Liv ."st.nns. beginning 1,: f, "". AT.. ,a Street ths,,.s north 30 ft., —d- p,,j­i.-y 0,,],, approved S—'—,ber 21, 1932 To the C..—I of the City of St. Paul: Th, Co,.mim-, of Fmt— hereby ,p,tt, as f-111-1 Th, .t.1 t,tl,.t,d __, of the assessment f., the A— imprmement ie – 'rhe estimated -t per I— for the aborti imlrorement Is - - - $ -- The Its or parcels ,f 1—d that may be assessed b ... F— for such and the —1—d —1-6— of each I., or ",,,I a, last .... -,d by the A—,,- are as follows. 11SCR—IN LIT IN L.nd ATIBldg. Nest 50 ft of lots 1, 2 and 3 125 Town of nest Saint Paul 275 275 The C—mio— of Fm—, further reports that he h., irate all of the aforesaid --, ,and hereby _b—, he foregoing as hie ,polt thereonto the 0 1, t.,,h- ,i,h h, ,p.,t made to hi. in reference totid by he Commissioner of Public W -U. D—d6�12 - 19 32 C...mi.— of Fm-ce. Office of the Commissioner of Public WA)IEPF FiNnNOt Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 29 1932 Sept. 28,1932 193 '1'o thr f Fin.m- of thr City J St. Paul. The Commisxioner of Public Warks, having had under c. -id -,ti— thr pmlimi.ary order of tha c .....1, known as On.m-0 Fd, No. 93765 approved Sept. 21, 1932 193 , rel.ti" 1. reconstructing, relaying and repairing, Where necessary, the sidewalk onthe east side of Livingston Ave., beginnin 101 ft. north of Augusta St., thence north 30 ft. and haying in ,.tig.ted the matter. end thing referred W therein, hereby reporter 1. Said impmvrnirnt is nerr..ary and (or) dc.ir.blc. Est. Cost - Lot 3, Block 125, West St. Paul Proper $23.44 2. Thr estimated c..l thereof is $ ,and the total coat thereof i. F and the n.t.re and extent of .aid improvement is as follow.' 3. A plan, profile or .kct.h of said improvement i. h ... to attached end made a pert 1--f. 4. 5. Said improvement i. _eak,d for upon p.titio. of thmo or more ow.era of property, subject Lo e.eessmenl (or -id improvame.t C � J\_ C toner of li Worka. : Frellmtiae . ONar COUNCIL FILE NO. -..___ __,_..__ ,._._... By FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofraoopstructinF. relaying, and r°pairing, whore neaeeeary.. the. aldaealk as the -west side of Mandate Street, beginning at F- Seventh Street, the -nae south. to alley.• under Preliminary Order 93764....-. -approved September 21, 1932 Intermediary Order -- ----approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objettlen. and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is raaanetmat.-relay. and _rapelr._xhera_❑eae Geary, -,the sidam_lk. °a the .west.. side of- Mendota. Street._b9eliutlag at. E. Seventh.St..--thence, _s ouch to alley. and the Council hereby orders d provement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - Geed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adapted by the Could] ROV. 9'0 __ , 192 - Z141 �L` " `City Clerk. Approved Nn�. 11 W .192 Councilman MalJo—M Councilman N -n Councilman F„er's C.ancilman 1•1B"° Coancilman,,°:" Councilman we6YtlmN� Mayor RNIMM Mxbnney Form B. S. A. 8-7 j WM. F. SCCYCT ury CLERX - _ Mayo. a— WNT.sTrAu1 F�REPORTSIONER OF FINANCE ✓.�//� NARY ORDER L In themattcrof reconstructing, relaying and --iring, where na cessary,the sidewalk on the wast s13e of Mendota Street, beginniv:v, st w, Seventh :;t. thence south to alley, under Pre1iminary0rder approved Santember 21, 1932 To the C --d of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as (allows: The total es timatcd amount of the assessment for the above improvement ie - - $ 155 2.4 _ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - S The lou or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: oEscaianoN t.oT auo« noortloN Lsnd AT o Bldg. (LXC. 7th St.) lots to and 17 112 Johnstone's Subdivision 2400 2500 of hlk.112 of Lyman Dav�onls Add., to St. Paul 2400 2500 The Cmissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid met d hereby suombmis the foregoing as his report thereon o the Council, together wi en tb the report made to rhim m reference to sa id� mpa ttepr by the Commissioner of Public SVorks. Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commiss ioner of Public %QQWWINANCt Report to Commissioner of Finance --__ - - SEP 29 1932 Sept. 20, 1932 193 "fe Ihrt'ummi niuurr of I'innnr, of the City of St. I'nul. The Cninini..ioner of Public Workn, having had under a,n.idrrntion the preliminary order „f the Coonril, known n. Cnnnril bill' \o. 93764 approved Sept. 21, 1932 .193 , relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk on the west side of Mendota St., beginning at E. Seventh Street, thence south to alley. and having investigated the matter. and things r,f­ d to therein, hereby reports: 1. Snid improvement is n ce.s and (or)hdesirable. Est. Cost Lots 16 and ell err Johnson's Subdivision $135.24 2. The .adulated coat thereof i, IF and the wtnl coat thereof i. S and the nature nu I extent of said improvement is ee fellow.' 3. A plan, profile or sketch of .aid improvement ie hereto etm,h,d and made n pert hereof. 4. a. Snid improvement i. s.ktd for upon petition of three or more owner. of property, .nbjerl to ......meal for .aid improvement. C r.eroner of P orke. 94247 r - Y ' gyuaeroE'reaambuautic n�W-` �:�.e'.xaa t'aunie'Rt,w eesrrm COUNCIL FILE NO. I e elf �e'3.peO Wes v^ By.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of... r..pABtrtl.tlAg. relaying and r.palri.r, where Aaoeseary, pid—lk E the f.1.1.ni= I ... tionx - Smith Ave., ,at side, beginning at Willa. Ste, thence sovt� tc Wyotsing St.. under Preliminary Order 93966. _._._ approved Sept. 21, 1832 Intermediary Order ..____. ._.._..____.___.,proved A public hearing having been had upon the abovc improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, obi-tio,re and recommendation. relative thereto, end having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, eaten[ and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is - r..—truut,.. r.lay._9nd_. rApe1L_whare pe nary,___ aj,d—lkatth.. f.11mrine Smith Ave .a.t aide. at Winona St., then.. south to Ylyoming St x and the Council hereby orders aid improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvementinaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council NOY 919 , 192 '" , City Clerk. Approved oxxv. -Si- , 192 cp.neld Mayor. , CO..cilmBrFbIN�R� soy Cnanrilmapc C...cilm.rr Cp... !ln an r.ax O...clman %µ eneel Councilman Mehney Mayor 1R Form B. S. A. 8-7 F. SCOTT, city CLRYE uy 4__._..er a DEPARTMENT OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMM16Sb:1NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER to the n�a tt,r of reconstructtn,,n relaying, and repairl nr, where necessary, side xalk at the foll owlrw, location: East side of Smith Ave. bepinninR at Nino— St. thence south to '�Vy �minF St., under Preliminary Ord" approved Seot—ber 21, 1932 To the Council of the Cily of 51. Paol: Th, Commissioner of Finance herby ,,ports as fofl— The total eztimat,d amount of 1h, --m— for 0— 1,... impro1ement is - - $ The cstimatcd cost per foot for the above mp--m— u - - - - - - - $ — -- '1 -he Ic is o, parcels d land chat may be xsse.sed benefit. for such improvement, and th, --Id valuation of evch lot or parceI az last reported by the A,,—... arc a. follows: oEseRIPTioN uoT ..oeR AoolT ioN dna Bldg. 9 52 Lawton Bros.Add, to the 1050 4900 City of St. Paul 11 52 do 700 3500 12 52 do 700 2950 13 52 do 700 2450 14 52 do 700 2350 15 52 do 700 2050 16 52 do 775 2400 $5325 $20600 The Commissioner A Finance fn,,hct reports that he ha, m.... gated all of the aforesaid ma and hereby .ubm, . the foregoing a. hie repo,, thereon ,the Council, together with the report made tto him in reference to.aid �matter by the Commissioner of Public \Volk.. �f) Dated TCrO4— l P- _ 19' 2 - �— Comml.sione, of Finance. -Office of the Commissioner of Public WARks wvmct Report to Commissioner of Finance -- - SEP 29 1932 Sept. 28, 1932 193 111a the Commimionrr n[ Finance n[ the City u[ 8t. Paul. The Commimianer of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order nt tha Cormril, krw»n m Coanril File no. 93768 approved. Sept. 21, 1932 193 , velaevo w Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following location: East side of Smith Ave. beginning at Winona St., thence _ south to Wyoming St. .atfu>k�vl ..aaC ,0.76 L.`., 4.31 aubjret to eaeemmcnt [or ea,d rmprovemont. ....... _..... .__- C ,m,o of Pub ' ke. ti Office of the Commissioner of Public WNk$ FMANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 29 1932 Sept. 28, 1952 193 .nu.issi.— Of Finnan of the CRY Of St. Ped: — -1— having had under consideration the preliminary order of the I. I's'd improvement is n�...... y snd ?.r) de.T,abT, 2, 'I -he Isti-nut"I e-11 thereof is $ , and the total —t the—f is S and the nature and extent of said uOPI-111"t is se fol"" 3. A plan profile or sketch of said unpr—t—t is hereto ettadhed and ne,& , part hereof. 4. 5 Ssid improvement is asked for upon petition of three Or ones owners of property, subject to —senunt for said i.p—so,ent. commissioner of PW"�l.. �Vlr. Pr°.. �lahonec �lw✓`Pr�,_ Hahn°�. ti aWw,°`. _ ORDINANCE (� n ,,/ COUNCIL FILE NO. 94M 1` /1% ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY x(//11 An administrative ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7034 entitled "An administrative ordinance fixing and authorizing the payment of compensation for certain employee in the unolas alfied service connected with the public schools of the city. This Se aI emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety,* approved January 2, 1929. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservatlon of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance NO. 7034, approved January 2, 1929, be and the same is hereby amended by inserting after the first paragraph of Section 1 thereof the following: "Provided, however, that because of the reduced amOUctB made available for salaries _ in the Department of Education by the budget "°• adopted for the year 1933, the compensation echedul e' hereinafter set out shall, for Bald +•aa••Iy"I year 1933, be ten ps cent. lees.. The--6e�Yw�,d""2' _•°� .� —^- m Wim:° w# a "Provided further, that nothing herein ` ooatainad shall impair said compensation schedule for 1934 -11 eubseauent year', but that said schedules shall stand as provided in Subdivlel one III, Iv and VI of said Ordinance No. 7034, and shall r maintained and continue the same ae though this amending ordinance had not been passed.• Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance Bhall take effect and be in force from and after its pace age and publication. Yeas Cou.1'"Y" P-1 by thr Council DEC o- -.- - May ✓McDonald 7n Favor wee:� u y res x tG 9 j S[r Prc"id— (M honey) 1 77ff I - City �rorx�a�. ��' � ORDINANCE P � "—Y COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Anadministrative ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7034, entitled "An administrative ordinance fixing and authorizing the P_ t of eompeneation fOr Certain employee in the unclassified service Connected with the public schools of the city. This Se an emargenoy ordinance rendered necessary for the preeervation of the public peace, health and safety,' approved January 2, 1939. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7034, approved January 2, 1939, be and the same is hereby amended by Inserting after the firet paragraph of Section 1 thereof the following: "Provided, however, that if the Council shall by resolution determine that there will not be sufficient moneys available - forthe year 1932 to pay the salaries - hereinafter set out, and shall by Bald resolution determine that the available funds for the salaries hereinafter pre- scribed will fall a given percentage below the amount required to pay said - salaries for the balanoe.of the year 1932, Bald commie sinner' of Education shall reduce the number of school days remaining to be taught for said year 1932, and the salaries hereinafter fixed shall for the persons paid on a ten-month basis be reduced 1/200 of the annual salary eo fixed,for each day so reduced, and he shall reduce the salaries of those persons paid oh an eleven- or twelve-month basis pro rata; provided further, however, that beeauee of the reduced amounte made avail- able for salaries in 'tie Department of Eduoat i on by the budget adopted for the year 1933, the Compensati ,eobedul ee here- inafter set out shall, Yor said year 1933, be ten per Cent. lees. The Do®ie eioner of Education may make the neoeeeary deductione to meet said budget requirements by reduo- tion of the number of days of school for the year 1933.1 Section 2. That said Ordinance No. 7034 be and the same is hereby further amended by striking Out of Subdivision I of Section 1, the following: wl Adm! nietra>IvRtearcb Stattistician at a salary eed $3,210 Perannum, payabmonthly Snstallmente.w Yeea Councilmen \ars Paced by the Conned May McDonald In Favor Pearce Rosen .....against Truax ..... Wnnxel Al r. President (Mahoney) ,App—ed:.. -- - -- - Attest: . _.. .... City Clerk _ Mnyor Adopted by the Couucll___.. _ ..______.193__.... Yeas. Nay.. MAY / MCDONALD PEARCE / ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) -qabl I I Adopted bythe C mdl.—.. _...___193__.. Yee.. Neye. MAY ZMcDONALD PEARCE /ROSEN \ /TRUAX WENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) ,.kwI � - / Adopted by the Couucll__ .._..._193___.. Yea.. Neye. MAY i MCDONALD PEARCE ROSEN J TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY! ORDINANCE COl1NCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (2) And by inserting in lieu thereof the following: •1 Regie,h d Ixoontive •ssistant at e salary to exceed $3,210 Per annum, payable 1 ntbly installmentB.• Section 3. That said ordinance be and the Same Is hereby further amended by striking out of 'Section 1, Subdivision I, the following: •1 ►eei etas Dir for of &duo at oral Research at clary not to ezoeed =2,800 per payable in 10 monthly 1 slime s." Bectioa 4. That said ordinance S80tbecala the a ei is heIIrebe further by amended by striking o following: •1 Oseletan Dire or of Yaonal and Vocational ing at a salary not to axe a ad =2 er month, payable in 11 monthly eta meats." and •S Assletant eore at a salary not to ezoeed 250 per annum, Pay- able Sn 10 m hl Snstallmeats.• Sao ion 5. That ea or ace lhand the same is here'cy further amended by eSrlkin o of the thirdsparagraphneertingul.n division III of Section 1 th" f e!{35,• lieu thereof the figure Section 6. That said ordinance be and the same Is hereby furtber amended by striking out paragraph 3, Subdivision V of Sec- tion 1, which reads as follows: '3. Bot to eX Oritio Teaoh- ere at sto ezoeed $2050 pehe foregoing salariesschools, junior high or te eohoole and Taohere',chool are pay- able Sn netailmentslssoro ded.• Section 7. That Bald ordinance be and the same Se hereby further amended by striking out of Subdivi ei on VI oY section 1 yrs. Councilmen Nays Pw­l by the Council - \lay M, Don"Id In I'nvot Pe• It.... _ AR"in"t Tru Wen cl Sf r. P—idnnt (\l"honoy) .A Attcat: ...... City Clerk Nfnyor ORDINANCE - COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. MR ENTED BY (3) the following:�VV eupervial rin sl PrLi�aipal having direction of nge or p rt able build- ings in four or a locations may rea elve a salary of n le than $3,100 and not to exceed And by inserting in lien thereof the following: "8upervl sing notpa aving direoti on four o able buildings in Sour or more loc no may receive a aalary of not ea t ,000 and not to exceed 6 50.• 8eotion 8. That said ordinance be and the Same is hereby further amended by adding to the paragraph in Subdivision PI oY Section 1, which reads as follows- -In oompnt in" numbs of teachers per buil di g ellowan may be made for part -t teac rs so to rules approved a Oomml seioner o2 8du- oatlon, pro the nudoe: notbe f eeachers xceedcredited a bu ng one to ac r to :soh arty -Sive (35) pupils rolled.• the following: •Provided fu bar, t teachers of :tate aid claesee 1 enrollment 1lfited by state regnlatlo y be counted Sor build- ing allowance e h time.• Section 9. That said ordl mace be and the same is hereby further melded by That king out of Bubdlvieion VI of Section 1 the following: 'Principals having mora one building as separat grounds reo sive in addi- tion to the orego g salaries for build- ings of not m e an 4 rooms, not to exoeed 635.00 month; Sor buildings having more t come, not to exceed 635.00 per th.• And by inserting In lieu thereof the ollowiug Paragraph: -Principals having one or more buildings Yens ('ouuciln�en \Wyss Pn:sal 1,y the 0til. Mnv !11cl7onnld In Fnv,r Pea Rosen Agni nst Tru W, -0 el �Ir. President (Mnhooey) approved; _ Attest: _.. .. _ Mayor City (;Icrk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. - (4) OD 9 —ate group may re ve in addition to the Soregoing ea is , for in of not more than four ro not to exceed $20.00 per month; f bui having more than Sour rooms, t to exceed 00 per month.' Section 10. That said ordinance be Bad the same is hereby further amended by That the last sentence of the third paragraph under Schedule 3, Subdivision YI of Section 1, so as to read ae follows; '(Under availab e, this provision stops at a maxi 1,900 for new appointee s).° Section 11. Tha said ordinance be and the same is bexeby further amended by striking out of Subdivision 91 the following: 'Supply Teache ""um $120 per month, Maximum 0 per month.• And by inserting In lieu ereof a following: "Supply Teachers imum $110. per month, maxi 0 month.• Section 12. K said ordinance be d the same is hereby further amended by sng from Subdly on VI of 8ectl on 1 the follm,.ng: Substitute achers who be employed from time to time may receive is igh school for grade manual Training and Home &conomics nss than .00 per day Bud not more than $7.50 per day. For e Be ole not lees than $4.50per day and not more than $5er a Substitute teacher! employed oontinuonely for oneh o ore may be Included under the pay- roll olasei Slcation ei a substitutes. In the high schools and junior high schoin t home economics Bad manual train- ing divisions such "d substi tee may be paid a monthl rate not to exceed the morate for a ly teachers, namely, 1150.00 per month. In gradeses, the rate 1 notexceed $125.00 per month." And by subsing in lieu the of the following: -Substitute teachers who be employed from ti to time may oeive in the high and Inn, high ech a or for grade manual training o home a omios not lees than $5.00 per da not more than $7.00 per day; for the schools, not lees than $4.00 per do d more than $5.50 per day. Subs me teac re employed continu- ously for ne month or a may be inoluded under th payroll 'LX tion of assigned Ycav Cauncilnicn Nn 1'e. ,] I,, the Council 'I'y Nil .. Id Pearce In In�nr ]ice Tram AKsinet Wenzel Nit. President (Dlahoncy) ApPrnved: __. _....._. Ane°t, Cloy Clerk mayor ORDINANCE COUNCIL. FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED aY— — — - (5) substitutes. In the 'schools end junior h1g choole din the home eaonomloe u training dlvl eione, encb assigned eubetit may be paid a monthly rate not to eats d onthly rate for supply teacher , namely, 150.00 per month. In grade clae s, the rate shall not exceed =120.00 per onth.s Section 13. hiadarednaeoee aaryeforytheopreeervatlon of emergency ordlasnee, r the public peace, hea. ltb and safety. Beet ion 14. Sh1s or di nanoe aba11 take effect end be 1n force from and after Ste psa�age and publication. Yea.. Councilmen �eyn Slav MCD. -Id Pearce Ros Tru WY . l Mr. President (Mahoney) \hest: City Clerk In h'a.°r a ,QRDINANC 94249 �t y Q3'eb No. % f 3D PR6ENTm BY t .. .-. An ordinance regulating the schools of the City of St. , Paul, and repealing Ordinance No. 3288, entitled 'An ordinance regulating the eohoole of the City of St. Paul,' approved October 14th, 1914. Thi. Se an emergenoy of nnance readeredoafene essary for the preservation of the public peace, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOZE ORDAIN: Section 1. The public eohoole of the City of Rt. Paul shall be classified as• (s) Llementsry b Secondary 0 special. (a) The elementary schools shall include kindergartens, primary eohoole, intermediate schools, Upper grammar schools (grade. 7 and 8). (b) Secondary schools shall include junior high schools, four-year high schools, vocational schools, senior high schools. (o) Special schools shall Include school for crippled chil eaoigaffinlaedeforoams Other eolal gr0apsotor whomols and 0etata aid isthat sreceived e Or (at present subnarmal c.plasses, classes for the blind, deaf and hard of bearing, end speech classes). sea ,ron 2. Children will be eligible to attend kinder- garten: tf (e rho will be five years of age before or during the bereli gib the edffiseionf he siwthe k ndester and rngart and providedears ithat in l dividnale, who are not mentally or physically of five-year grade or development may be excluded by the Director of Attendance or the Superintendent of Schools. (b)Pupils ase four and one-half years of age within the first two months of any semester may be admitted to kindergarten If appropriate tests show tbat they have the physical development and mental capacity of five-year Olde. (0) Such other pupils below the age of six and one-half with profit e the work ofests not to be the first grade, shallnbeyeligiblle to ad - miss mission in the kindergarten. Section 3. Primary schools shall consist of Grades 1, 2 and 3. Section 4. Intermediate schools shall oon.iat of Grades 4, b and 8. Y_ Councilmen nays Peeled by the Council May McDonald or Pearce --" -- Rosen Truax Wenael Mr. President (M1ho Y) -_ Approved' sees. Attest: -- - 1'I1, Clerk MsYn ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED RS ORDINANCE NO. Section 5. Upper grammar grades shall consist of Gredee !, 7 and 8 not accommodated In junior blah schools. Section 6. Junior bigh school. shall coneiet of Grade. 7, 1 6 and 9 when so accommodated in .peel al buildings. Section 7. The Vocational School may consist of members of Oradtlmeeof8enrollmenta 1Enrollmentfaboveen year.ei eight gradegeballmore firsthe accommodated. Section B. Senior high schools shall consist of Gredeb 10, 11 and 12. Section 9. Any child who lives with a parent or guardian in St. Paul is a resident of St. Paul for the purpose of admission to the public school.. Section 10. For the school year. of 1932 and 1933, the fees ci tyfor aschoolsssionshall be of rcontinuedtas establishedo the various din OrdinancefNo. 3285. On End a er the opening Of the fall term in September, 1933, the fee for ate grades of the spublic schools ion of non-- i ofnthe t. t0lty ofrSt. auldshallrbedi- grade.m theer $.nm0ofp$2y00 peznye arfor aFees.ornadml..I.n,.fto the rnon-reel- dents to grades nine to twelve inclusive shall be $70.00 per year. For grades up to and Sncludl ng the elxhth, one-balf of said admi-- elon fee or tuition shall be payable within the first six week- of each semester. Aecelpte Yor said fees from the Commissioner of Education or hie representative shall be presented to the principal of the school by October 15th in the first semester, or Mer ch 15th in the second semester. These provisions shall also apply for non - ate. residents in hi¢h school for whom tuition is not paid by the State. Non-residents coming under the aforesaid pro' iexcl who do not present such rbe ec eipte by tEhe ti m� returni to school Only x afterpermit from school by the principal, the business office of the Bureau of Schools. Section 11. The school year -hall consist of thirty-eight (38) weeks subject to tion reduction by the Commisaloner of Educ ashal to meet budget ectrectOements. F'TL Commisal oner of Education .hall iT have the power by order to set and ofsthel school ish Year ye ar ,yal sothe the dates for the opening and closing occur within the limits length and dates of such vacations as may of tbthececOl Year aruehall alwanot ys to to State ate bewless than E tdhirtyever, (1).weeke. 1914Section 12. That Ordinance No. 3285, approved October 14, , except as the fees therein fixedare continued for the school 'Y_ Counaf,nen \aye Passed by the Council - Pcxrce - Rosen Truax __. .. .ARx, net \1 r. President ��lahort ,- Approved ..... . ... ....:.-.�..,._ Attest: `- _...._. ;Mayor _...... _.___.. Ci ty Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED aY- ORDINANCE NO. year o£ 1932-33, and all other ordinanceL Or parts of Ordinances i inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 13. This ordinance Se hereby declared to be a emergency ordlnance rendered necessary for the preservatin on of the public peace, health and as fety. Section 14. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yens Conadhnrn any= Pnwrd by the DEC 219" Mev \lcbon Id in Favor Pearce Roenn ARn1119t F wni P1 Prcad t (\7ahoney)\\tt R SCOTT' proved C !'W� C ty Clerk � Hinyor Adopted by the Council___... Yeee. �Neye. MAY ✓ /NfDONALD /PEARCE � ROSEN /TRUAX / �WENZEL t� MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) 1 Adopted by the Council___ 193 -- Yee.. Ney.. MAY McDONALD PEARCE / ROSEN / TRUAX / WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY))/ -,wt / ;� v r", " /// / ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (2) Section 5. Upper grammar grades :hall conai.t of Grade. 7 and 6 not accommodated In junior high schools. Rection 6. Junior high schools :hall consist of Grades 7, 8 and 9 when no accommodated in aneoi al buildings. Section 7,ssih The Vocational spool may consist of members of grades 8, 9, 10 and 11 who are fourteen years of age or mors at the time of enrollment. Y olloent above eighth seed; shall .e £fret acco.odated. so en Ir 19h echoole shall consist of Grade. lb, 11 and 13. Section 9. Any child who lives with a parent or guardian In St. Paul Se a resident of St. Paul for the Purpose of admission to the public schools. Section 10, in For the school year o4 1932 and b3, the fees for edurlealou se of n -::ad aidents to he various departure ate of Lhe city erh oo� teefall°texmt inu5 apt ®bar�1933�the Ordinance $3285. Oa and after the opening o d Sn te_adiate grades of the fee for ad, alov of non-resldmats to the primary av d far aubl is erhoale of Lhe City�rStt. P"I :halewe of $25he .00 of - P°Beer admission admlee ion to Ehe upper gr par year. I? or of n n -resident° to grade, nine to twelve 1�1 of s bell admleeio, fee or tultlon grad a. up to and in lading the eighth, one- o nester. 2ece1 t° for sold shall be to within the first .Sr weeks of eerh.... P preset fees from the Commissioner of Education or hie re tativa shall be tad bar 5 in the t .ad dthe Peberl Th se pray sial. shall aleot.lapply orfnontresldante inrhigpsschool nfar e whom tuition Se not paid by the state. ;Ion -residents coming under the afaraeaid Orovieion who do not present each receipts by the time specified, shall beexcluded from school Dy the prl neipal, end maV return to school only after pa bueineae office of the bureau of school e. theyopenlag std closing of the school year; alsohe Llength and dates of such vacatlone as may occur within the limdta of the school year, subject to the State laws, and subject to a minimum school year of thirty weeks and a maximum of forty weeks. Section 12. That Ordinance No. 3255, approved October 14, 191,. Md all other ordinances or parte of ordinaneeB inconsistent bar ewltb are hereby repealed. Section 13. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peen e, heal tb and safety. Section 14. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its paseage and publication. Yens Councilmen \ace Passed by the- Mav M,Dorald In Pn.o� Pea Rnsen Against Truax .... 1Ven sol Nr. Pc idem (M.honey) Approved: ..... - Atte,t: ..... City Clerk .. _...... M.Yor �4iiea �6 �.Dpprr','�geamer glades eh6�- oene144,, ei 6rad e St.- Paul- shall be the - of the upper gramme= grades he a of $ per year. The fee for admission of non-residents to ads. 9 to 12 inclusive shall be $70.00 per year. For grade to and including the eighth, one- . half of said admission fee ulti on shell be payable within the 1✓ first mMtb of each semester receipts for said fees from the Commissioner of Education o e representative shall be presented to the principal of the se of October 15th in the first semester, Or March 15th in the sec sem ter; similar receipts shall be required for non -reel den Sn hi school for whom tuition 1e not paid by the State. Pon esidents coming under the aforesaid pro- vision who do not pre t such reo ipts by the time specified, shall be excluded from soh by the prin ipal, affi may return to school only after permit m the business ffice of the Bureau of Schools. Section 11. The Commissioner of Education shall have the power, by order, to set and establish year by year the dates for the opening and closing of the school year; also thelength and dates of such vacations as may occur within the limit. of the school year, subject to the state law., and subject to a minimum scbcol year of thirty week. and a maximum of forty weeks. Section 12. That Ordinance No. 3285, approved October 14, 1914,,A and all other ordinances or parte of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 13. This ordinance is hereby declared to be en emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 14. Tbie ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. - Yeos Gone cihnen \e- P-1 by th,. C--] MsY McDonald Pearce Iii Fncur lice Truax :1 Rxi net We 'I Mr. Prraident (\fah ... y) Attest: ...... .. GitY Clerk Mayor. . CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT November 32nd, 1932. To the Council. Oentlemeni I attsob hereto a communication of superin- tendent S. 0. Hartwell, addressed to 00mmissioner Pearoe, relative to an ordinance to be considered by you, by the terms of which the Ooamissloner of Lduoation is to be per- mitted to fix the school year within limitations of thirty- five and thirty-eight weeks. Dr. Hartwell calls the Oom- miseiener's attention to the fact %hat the State Departssa% of Nducatlon in determining State aid has fixed a minimo#.ef nine months schooling of four weeks each. I would therefore recommend that the minimum fixed in the ordinance be changed to thirty-six weeks, prior to its approval as to form. It is possible that if that is not done, the Oity may Jeopardize its receiving a substantial sum of money from the state. Yours very truly, Oorporation Oounsel. LL4-0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL UPW of Mi"—w DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (P`1 av'WL ,C. .ncJoa� R�CEuGowwiceio ^cn BU o. o. ,nu¢anr zo.�i •.e.m^ 111nnnVVV\\\"i"i"`YYYyyy �. IJ' ®*• couuiuio a" Y November 1932 Co,¢�lesi user Irvi.>€; C. Pearce Department of Fducatian St. Peal, Mi- -t - Dear ..r. Pearce. Referring to the question of length of term required under state laws. Sectionof the Law. of Li beat. relating to the public school system, compilation D04 of 1931, save: "The schools shall be maintained not lee. thane anth..o a than ten manthR, but Vie provi Rion shall at apply to nighteachaole orrkind.rgartana. Tha school month R, 11 con. iet of four weeks • . That is the general provision covering all aablic schools in the state. Section 260, nage 69, of the same co,:,pilation, read, in part as follows: State Aid to Assist in Establishing Mint= Standards. (I)Sar each graded elementary school of eight school years with a school year of at least nine months, the state shall pqv a school district $500.00 annually. ( 6idce eimi lar provision for graded elementary school of six years with a nine months term. (IV) Provides state aid of $900.00 for each four year high school. "" Varying emonnta for high school department. with varied number of I-1— . / (VI)s1mil oviei on for ,iunior high schools, ;400.00. (VII) Sunil provision for senior high school., $600.00. The amount tate aid under these specific items has varied in the last few years from about $18,000 to $22,000. I have not found this specific requirement in regard to other factor, of state aid. I. C. P. /2 But section 256 (page 67) gives the State Board of Mutation -power to fix reasonable requirements for receiving and sharing in the state aid ' • •,• It is giite passible that the nine months requirement from State Board regulations may affect state aid on several other items. I em bringing this to your attention as a direct bearing on the length of the school year. Yours very truly, SOH:J Superint mdentF • �„��� 94250 < � - CITY OF 4r. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK�'eRet UNCIL 111TION� ERAL FORM }}yI X91 °xm Hgr RESOLVED whereas, additions which might n_rove tott� improvement described as the Construction of the on the Third Sterneand Garrick, from 71actors,thaveBuilding,the sp"ificatJona and unit price, thereforhave the contract, and Whereas it has been found necessary to make additions as fol- lows 1 Brick box 8" square inside with cast iron frame and cover and a 3/4" bib on the end of the pipe line $3.50 12.5 Cubic yards of rock excavation ® $3.00 17.50 Net Total $41.00 And, Whereas, the net addition is $41.00, now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the City Council hereby approve the aforeeai rk- work done under the supervision of the Commissioner he Public hire and in accordance with the -pacific at Sone therefor the net addition due to ,ams not to exceed the sum of $41.00 to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptrollerra Con- tracf-t 3726 for the making of the aforesaid improvement for the re aeons hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to the aforesaid speci- fications and unit price stipulated therein. The Department of Public ";orke has agreed with the tor, ition an beamadekto that the . emthe said contractof 1.00 is the reasonable Countersigned A..._. C(1 'CILMFN City Comptr4STer Yeas Nays �Mci)onsld Pearse _. -._.__In favor Reece C I ssi of 1p is To ks Cc rac "NM 9IM3 Adopted by the C_111 it .._ ... NO`; 91932 ,.....,.,,tea _. _._.. _....._. ma... 4l'>1. F. acoTr. Wenzel ,ITV CLS" ,t 2 .r ,.. Mr. Prexidmd Mshon"y l+y �•+' k'l1BLISi[ED /� �.L _d �" ' J THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DO OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (D.W Cor: 1v..r nr, r - P0I". .lean Sir: T:,+- toil ow ink - Fa e for aaait- lunal e%x ueP i, ron,]uuctll.n wllnll,eta LPLlOn OI the "B rrl n4l�nF system" in the Thl rd Et. N;s;,la nane area, fy Garrick an,l Pussmsn, Contrec-Iv: First, tate "2 n ck-lax" witn j/411 Lib s fauna r .8oary t, I,sts11 to prrteat tl,e drain- llna and sai'epuara al,aiuet 1 n hthe plyve; also deemed a "Idea yreaaut-n anaeen be consid- ered a cheep insurance tar irever,tinga the i.iye from tursting. Second, In the matter ai' Lhe ex tre _ fr. c:rv�_tl�n, to a Ivi sra thatAna iCn, ra 1 PY.c vatlon iur:e ,. � red, wnacn it tr,ec trr-:n�rt +.he rit�c'ntl�n9ni dill Cil lE La t,, ct, 1,. a yeT li ssat lr cn�r:_t= 3t'31:'ist the „ol The summation at ' ­1i,r t„.s :tr ms ,r„s , -i.i .— :,, till 111111-1 T:;C-„v; _ _noel r"n r.: on t< tte Naar. rt as/att. • • CITU OF SAINT PAUL.',,--:°.:"`' No.........::...".�."� �AF"OPRIATION T}iApL,gFERS— LUTION FORM C---' PecN Ree oe 1/M PRE.8NTjD BY COMMr-ER �... ....... DATE 1....Y..: ` V\.... RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS, MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. To Tszes -,W-,743.84 16 -BB 16-R Ce sh Receipts 10,628.84 16-B7 Repairs & Renewals 400,00 16-A1 Library ser. - Salaries 2,373.68 16-B6 Bldg. Meint. - Supplies 400.00 lb u°w'iim. dei°e.�•: nlatl.e w.owl 4 ]lv1e• Nov f�'1NL RR Q� YEE COUNCILMEN NAY. AD -D BY THE COUNCIIJOy.......9.i932..... 19 _..... . GI.R.eY My� 91 -GERGYCYK I AE< NOV APP/ _......._..._.19 46R �MM e. ?,...... _....IN FAVOR MCDOHALD ............ .... ig a h X ^ ................. ....:u�.a.......... ........_..ADAINBT WENaL COUNTERBIONHD BY _...._. _. MR. JR. --«•'t• m. w"ma�vw t 2m K - _ CITY OF ST. PAULm�mcR ___ .9A 52 v No. c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' Iz1- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rimmiam 11 WHEREAS, At its meeting held on NOvelober 4, 1932, the Advisory OOurt House and City Hall Building Commission accepted Alternate No. 6 In the bid of the Art Metal construction company for metal furniture and equipment, said alternate covering Eardex visible Index system, at a coat of $12,769.46; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Oounell approves and concurs in the action of said Commission. I COUNCILMEN Y— co /sy � /I�cDonnld /� ee•o _. In tnvor Agninet /W—d °u • ° Mr. President Mahoney n:le°esYio- • •• .alNf. Fe• a C°v°t aN aw awYe°I• Vim_ na"nga • ° �. .ut.•°° . rl'' m e n?�i -a, ersa°.ro •aNm a I, 1.1.1.... .r.. •• •r we°pa»om A° rrsee ,Hod. v Adopted by the Council_... NGV— 9 1 _....793 NOV Q IJor PProved ........183.. a - F. SCOTT•May., -I I , TY CL84a Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research A,hlcdt Club Buildi .I-- ..ovember 1932. To the City Council, City of Sni nt IPaul, ri nneeo t_ Gen' l ere n. At Sts m~ee ing Yesterday the advisory Court P.--, end City Hall Building Cowl—ion accepted Alternate Number 6 in the bid of the Art Lietal Construeton Company £ metal furniture and equipment. This altarmte covers the Sardex visible index system, particularly for the Department of Education, at r. cost oP $12,'169.46. 1.e action of the Com- mSseion wee tei:sn after r mmendatlone fr:n the Department of Education and a apo tial sub-committeeoof the C—teeton nprninte' to investigate the setter had been received. a,te mntter Se referred to you for your action. vary truly your,, rrrcary, Advieon,, Court E.-uee end City Hall Fu".diuP O—Ser n. e.o....o =.+=.�_. CITY OF ST. PAUL vitt �t NO. t r - - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK FORM RESOLVED 07,et the proper city officers be and they art hereby authorized and directed to pay the city's proportionate share of the bill..obmitted by the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building C—i.siou ae eno— on Abstract of Claim. Number 31 f the Advisory Court Hcase and City Hall Building Commission, totaling ¢i�6}r�.54 f 63 3>b+l j gxea;cea,sa, the otcrl• .hare of amtG, i. b�r�7. and all a..ho.n upon the claima submitted by said C—i.eton. Ice. Ne.=N! Ni Maeogp--� EeliapG. ThaBtEe o„$oy d4��oII4 aiaa�ta e[ Ws.�18N�uDm daav pp�f ap�eul al%'CeatmmlWwv;u aiowt6G'en Nvma e'x ♦ava c O rt Hevo_ on Half 1e�if6. tf a ItY Wtel�xiva'imf0la,.,. ovreved INov� la-apx vv. B, to x., eour+eit MSN NOV 91937 Yea. Na/y,�// Adopted by the Coundl 19 c y May WD—Id 1. N— 9 1� 19 Pearce '//� %AAppppr/ovta �Y� Rossn As—% Ag /GG V — s.dbdieaa r+., ... _ F. RCOTT� CLERK Mc. Prc,idrnt lI ,s Is , r _ a., fr CITY OF ST. PAUL rice � NO. OFPICE OF CITY CLERK / CO N, yJ CIL RESOLUTION—GE RAL FORM —1 -NT MN ` . —_^ _._o TE._B09oIDh�I-3,_1W RESOLVED - �p[F'. No, BIfN—Hv A Dee EDS Hes ol9eb et 9 NDMem'mala otasTenx.Ai LtreD Weq to I�W.W f�se_,L Dole N �e ➢r a YCe wllE nCeAD�9 HIL6 ee�tlBi�ue�g4ie�lf�DBus w4 i nUtloe Drovpy e9�f�f 1 Nov. 9. If1L eO NNm. If�19e That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-45 St, pole on the north side of Levee Road at Northern States Power Company High Bridge Station with neoessary guys, wires, anchors, and Telephone Company wires. Estimate 417269. Yea: courveic MEry N�4 6wtwY- � May WD—Id 1. f-- P carcc cD iva Rosen Agat 9vdMeier N, •, r � � Mc. P,—d— 13—ft '11 twv NOY 91932 Adopted by the Council 19 Nnv q +^92 Approved _ 19 N X F. 5COTT'MAYOR CITY C'SWA o.�.,..o c.,. �. .. CITY OF ST. PAUL r��e NO— 9425x) OFFICE OF CITY CLERK — C U CIL R—LUTION— ENERAL FORM PRESE-0 By 1 -- — — E Ceteber27_1932-- RESOLVED That the Northern States power Company be given permission to excavate for branch tunnel from present tunnel on West Third Street, starting at a point 100 feet west of Wabasba Street, thence north to a point under the transformer vault at the new Court House. Netlmate #17097. ipavot�eE� gl3ete h$ N"mheri Bt.tu t nom °...- uu`"A"o of '� Trelne. 81i of n`i�``ie°: i.teev°°DJ o.t a u iea" �: cea.e soyy.±9vro.m.. It .i a.. "'c' ydaa Nay.yl Adopted by the C...61 NOV 9 1yM49.___ May Fi r`t e,tttmlr MA—Ad In favor pproved 19 Pcarcc Rossn // Againe N�' .. c1TY CLSC7� rtnvo A. Mr. Prcaidc"t CITY OF ST. PAUL (1A .� - �J1 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK iiliYY NO._ ON—GENERAL FORM PVE=E�,Eo a 9 �Y RESAT OLVED That the Council Of the City Of Saint Paul hereby authorize the laying of water mains on the following streets in the City of Saint Paul: ildins Street, from Lafond Street to Thomas Street. XaOknbin Street, from Front Street to Lawson Street, w/es—a>cbas R.u,.>� Ow'ewwOve; aa.. ee. :ami re.sa -.1. wIl I. �vwe e•e., roar. 5e -:sea Adopvd by chc Cou.cil a(;u 9 ]7JG 19 / McDonald / In fay.r Approved NOV q Parc` 19 /. R.— /J� CIF � Z�C�I—�—Z4. MAYOR M, P—id— Ds,",YahOney y' ate _ 4 7 `�yo av a� CITY OF ST. PAUL .iu NO9x .... L- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co .O.Ronev November 9, 1982 RMEM WHEREAS, The Blue and White Cab Association has petitioned the City Council for permission for two of their members, namely, David L. Vadnais and Adolph Lindstrom, to apply for one (1) additional taxicab license, each, and WHEREAS, the Bureau of Police recommends the approval of permitting the licensing of said two additional taxicabs for the purpose of serving public convenience and necessity{ therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Devil L. Vadnais and to Adolpl Lindstrom of the Blue sod White Cab Aesociatipato each to apply for license to operate one additional taxicab upon the streets of the city of St. Paul. _ a a asnwb-:i c °m wf T - "d ��ta.�b a e'or awe `win 4 i:, w�a.len�nuaw�e°m�c r��tas� te°% �%DIIL ooti! b 1M Ce COMA LM R-1' Yeoa Neve Adopted by Ihr Cnuneil �nyr. - 193. 14�ay % /�y<uenaM �� h ; v 9193Y fn ox ✓. AAeinst �Nenxel ,; .I F. SCOTT Mayne ' ITY 't , Mr. President Nish oery November 4th, 1932 Hon. J. H. McDonald, Comair of Public Safety, City of Saint Paul. Dear Commissioner: We attach herewith application for two additionallicensee by Djavid L. Yadmis and Adolph Lindstrom, m®bare of the Blue and White Cab Association to operate Lan -cabs in St. Paul. These applications • re approved by the City Council today, subject to the approval of the Police Department. Yc very truly, City Clerk. \ r CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.PB.I of MI -1w - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOU, City Cik ..d Cvwwmienw d R., -- .,--®. .6b. . November 4th, 1932 Hon. J. H. McDonald, Comair of Public Safety, City of Saint Paul. Dear Commissioner: We attach herewith application for two additionallicensee by Djavid L. Yadmis and Adolph Lindstrom, m®bare of the Blue and White Cab Association to operate Lan -cabs in St. Paul. These applications • re approved by the City Council today, subject to the approval of the Police Department. Yc very truly, City Clerk. \ CEDAR 4000. BLUE & WHITE CAB LINE Sr. Pearl 0HO-I Sedan Tari Seevim 190 NO. SMITH AVE. -op— ST. PAUL. MINN., _.ov, h, 1932. To '.he City Council, City o£ dt. Paul St. i'uul, . inn. Gentlemen: The undersigned members in good etanding in the 31ue and -itsCab Association, do hereby respectfully petition your body to grant en h an addition,.' ta,i-cab license, Sn aceordnnce rith ordinance nor: in e!-fect. Pith the coiiii:e of the winter u.onths the demand for taxi -cab service very often exceeds our ability to surely, and in order to maintain a high degree of service to the public, we request that you favorably consider these tiro requestsfor ndd 1 ti anal licensee. .iespectfully yo.iAArAAAA}}e,� BLl1Z ALD :H 'SCC Id Ti C➢ By A:PLIC.liI^C aT_: LICiU3_13: St.Paul, Minnesota, November 7th, 1932. City Council and License Committee, Court Houee, St.Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: - We hereby apply for eight (8) Taxi Cab licenses as we need that many more cabs to take care of nor present business. During this last year we have been giving away an average of 180 calls per mouth to other companies. We area locally -owned concern, giving employment to St. =1 people and We have complied With roles and regulations of the Department of Public Safety. We trust that the Coanoil and License Committee Will allow these licenses as we are operating but two oabe at this time and need at least ten to render adequate service to our patrons. We remain, Th ing you for your past co-operation, You" truly, YELLOW CAB OF ST.PADL. L1 Address: 138 East 8th street. ,u p11 No.__..._ 3448 CE O onUw.e an o..k CITV F OF 9 OFFITHE CPAUL ITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 11 a\ i✓AMMYm WHEggpg, the OSty of St. Paul is the owner of Lots 17 to 21, Blozk 1, Rifle Park Addition to the Olty of St. Saul, wblob sside of Hancock street, wset of Terry lots abut on the outherly street; and half of WHEREAS, it is neoessarY to vaoate the southerly esid Hancock street in order to grade the Herding High School property; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the COmmissionsr of Educat Son be and he Se ign a petition On behalf of the hereby authorized and directed to s Oity of St. Paul, directed to the Oity Council, asking for the vacation of said portion Of Hancock street. al�u• y V'1 0� B4 plefc LSM ➢ to(x� melu s -e{k a,. rear➢-{ 3rW AI'. u➢. ey�zK"n�.{`➢in: c mm,e.I��pka�{E a bJw Sa tlE to le Eea ➢)fleon'➢e iw➢ma-arwea {o v a toe➢e rm a e I. ung➢ COUNCII.MI;N Neye / Adopted by the Cuuvcil..+ Yeas 1`�l�� 9 151 'May NOV .198. McDonald _....-. Pearce _ -.Iv tavar RvsenMayor .. i _-...Apinet F, SCOTT Tr— CIWM. TY CLBR� Wenzel�r„� Mr. President Mab—y B7 - • n OF ST. PAUL w�"c't NO.. t _... .... 9425 t CE OF THE CITY CLERK Illy/^J CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 Q co`%._ -TED Han , IRVZRO 0e. PEAROE nAT. OCTOBER 31ST -19-12. RESOLVED WHEREAS, in the construction of the Chelsea Heights School, it was found necessary to do some additional work a on the ventilating eyetem in the building, and , WHEREAS, this additional work was not provided for in the original plans and specifications, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that upon the reco=endation of the Cons9lssioner of P„rks, P1 --,round- and Publio Building3and the City Architect, and concurred in by the Co>®issioner of Education, the plans and spcciflcations as well as the contract of the Donaldson Sheet metal Works be so amended as to provide for this additional work and the contract price increased in the amount of Twenty -Five ($25.00) Dollar. to cover the cost thereof, lib.l3�Ei—ar i'd.Psne- ce°c d ti bew°Iai,: r%k eutPG 4 4e •. _.✓ f We `e°�o `Oe7m iw °dm dMFr e.,� welA umA x.eotw-0 u.... Icat E W OCItf�ArahlMe4 W � Or W., CemmlWe•ee ta-semr.ri e me uoh,e444 ��oeF mw We b •ev-0Jt pmvl0e . Wle WEI- <i 6.00l X41 ein�1°" 1'w� V oet Mo'tM:e r�•WeoCe' 1'Nov_ B.3Bi9. COUNCILMEN Y— Nnye q .4doptud by Lhe 193 / May /mianeaald 'C�%{/�pj� w�OV 919' /Pvarcr In raver e/'\ vcd Is3 / k",a % T11— k12 AgieA / WenzN µ-�I P. 9COTTr Mayor- Mr. P—ukat Mel, ... y (;1$Y CI.� Nr � -�-1,I -1 (¢1ty of 61. fl -a1 Department of fb.&H-m Oct. 31st, 1032. Han. Fred M. Truax, C orsniesloner, Dept., of Parke, Playground- - & Public Buildings, 219City Ball, St. Paul, Minnesota. Attention: Mr. Chas. A. Bessford, City Architect. Dear Sir: We are etta eh ing h<..a c of Resolution as per your reco—dation of Oct. '. th, directing that some additional work on the ventilating system be done by the Donaldson Sheet Metal Works at an additional cost of 525.00. Very truly yyooccurs, 007—L Deputy Copmissloner. XRVUG o. Pwi= a0lom U8962M. pups. Ln eb, em.ts wum or tbs atslses, HoldM soba*,. Lt v feetd neessar7 to ds soma addltloa.l m %*. ..anulus gabs in the balIMMs Wd . cwons. tells addm omnia West wa. nat PWWLG" raw In tew a:» Dlaas and .vm=rld"tsms. IMMWM an " a "wo. that Wpm the reeemonatLas e! tew dawlsoloner of P.T+k.. Pl-Townue. and Pdblle sand pond the oltt �rehlteat, and .ommW d In b! tho Cesdo.Lom•r at pdyeattm. Use Dl-.- -4 sp.aLteoatlms as well u Nr oautssat at tb. Den "em slret Yetal Wetdn be me onendod as to Proelds fm ffiL addltLonal wort ad Use eeatsset >p"o Lnarwwed Ln ttw =mum% at lwesttt.Ttwo (1".da) Dollars to .oeer the east th.root. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pit.l of Minn mate DWARTMEN1 OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 Gey H.II FRED M. TRUAX, C -1 -ion - OHO E. COWANS, D. C... W— C oyy der. I:. _. Cco9.icr, C?ty Cc�pr o'.lcr. October 24, 1952. $on. Drving 0. Pearce c—lesioner of Hdaoaion. Fsediaott Suildingo St. Paul. Minnesota. BHt CHUM& HEIGHTS SCHOOL. Dear Siri Mr. Samuel A. Oballaau/ Direstar. Division of Suildiage, has directed this DODavt=Ut to place a vent dust In the toilet room In the ktadergarten section. Thio room Is plan- ned on the outside wall with an outside window and we thought it would not be neoessary to place a vent duct in this room as the Horace Mean School was planned in the some manner, but Mr. Oballmam has Insisted that a duct go Into this room and be connected up with the main van 118t - Ing system. it mesas it hits to come up in the corner of that room and gc over and hook UP with the maim-101Ilat- Ing system, whish amounts to an extra from the Donaldson Sheet Metal Works of $25.00- I have had Mr. Jones check this up and he finds the price for this extra •ark very reasonable.. I recommend its as - ""Once. Yours�Irly. CAS..D Approved by City Aroblteot. Qotmiaaio a..e 94200 oeme•I,e ao -- - m; °' No........ CITY OF ST. PAUL -- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL s. RESOLUTION—GENERA FOI wt ��q py�{jpd„yR �Yvml -1 W O___Age 1 tl Iv{ vvW coM oocnen.._._ `K a /Mr, President Mahoney r^oe..1 7 WHEREAS, the Phillipe Petroleum Company has petitioned the Council for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station on the northeast corner of Fairview avenue and Randolph street; and WHEREAS, Bald Phillipe Petroleum Company has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, ourb ,returne, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the Information of the Council; and WHEREAS, shearing has been held In accordance with Para- graph F, Section 5 of Ordin encs No. 5840; therefore, bs it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said Phillipe Petroleum Company to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be in at ailed in accordance with the ordinances of the City 02 St. Paul, under the diraotion of the Commissioner of Publio Safety; the building plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Pohl Buildings; and any changes in ourbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street linea shall be made under the direction and to the satlsfac tion of the Commissioner of Public Works. This permit shall Is forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever said Council shall determine that the mainten- ance of said stat l on constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. C00,>I&MEN Yee. Nays . Donald }toecn O___Age /Truax �lY _d I `K a /Mr, President Mahoney Adopted by the Council..-____NQV__ 9_`.....193..... NOV 9 A. d _._.. _......193...._ F. SCOTT �i mL11F4:'.7� REVISIONS PHILLIPS PETROLEUM CO. CH%KD,IlV REMARKS BARTLESVILLE, OKLA. of 0 7 RA-. BY: 5 e TRACED BY: CHECKED BY:r APPROVED %a,;Af� JI - C, 7 ry 'j REVISIONS PHILLIPS PETROLEUM CO. CH%KD,IlV REMARKS BARTLESVILLE, OKLA. of 0 7 RA-. BY: 5 e TRACED BY: CHECKED BY:r APPROVED %a,;Af� JI - PHILLIPS PETROLEUM CO. BARTLESVILLE, OKLA. 7 N D -737. DA L C"ECKED 13�� APPROVED cl L 7, 7 7 Fp ...... .... . �L. PHILLIPS PETROLEUM CO. BARTLESVILLE, OKLA. 7 N D -737. DRAWN BY: TRACED BY: C"ECKED 13�� APPROVED f , ^. r v � •.��_J n 1 ° 1. II. . 1 - Ii1-.(I L ( 'A7 OFFICE CF THE CITY CLERK . ..... Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA CA,TII�N Is Hereby Made -ATE. �� .00, ,�so oE.�A am ,�� � � � ......... ... FILED 7:1 Z�.' / 1-7 �ZY 1-11 ........ .... .... THa.n�n oak. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gp1o101 Mmeno� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.nth .ad Ml—.& So- -b JOHN H. NkDONALD, Como.— October 26, 1932 ­ e. Mr. Willie® F. Scott, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of the Phillipe Petroleum Company for permission to "atal a drive-in gasoline fllling station on the northeast corner of Fairview and Randolph Street, and reports of inspection by the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. very truly your., Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1^, John H. lcDonnld, Co—tssion- of Fubllc Srfety, Dear Stra— '11thto application � reference de by the Fh1111ps i,t-levet Co T%%, for pe^Seaton to !natal c drive -1n gasoline filling. station on Lot. 16 and 17, 31ock F, ldacaleeter �idltton, also de -rib ed as the north -net --roY Fafrviex and Randolph Streets: r. above date I made the aevel investigation and Is not find tt t the proposed statim x111 in err_ "t, traffic. T.— truly, carry x ttereren, Shpt. o Tratf lc, CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Pmi d Mtoe u DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Teeth .ed Minnnoa S. - JOHN H. McDONALD, CO -1 IHOMIS V. oCO� orwr.Cwi..io.r. October 24,1932• Hon -John R. voDonald 0ommlesioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Mlnn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the *p113ipa�P etroleum Co. for permission to install a dtive in gasoline filling station on the N.E.Corner of Fairview and Randdlph Streets. we have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant refection. Respectfully yours, Chief Inso6cto.rr Fire Prevention Bureau. �!+*°• THE BOARD OF ZONING B 1; SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 'i 411 CO. HOUSE n�� November 9th, 1932. Yr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir Re : Application of the Phillips Petroleum Company for drive-in filling station on Lots 18 and 17, Block 2, Nacalester Addition (NE corner of Fairview and Randolph). This filling station is a re-application for a permit which was granted by the Council on Oct. 30th, 1930 - C. F. 87193. There were at that time no objections from the Zoning Board nor the Department of Public Works to the issuance of this permit. The conditions at the present date are substantially identical to those in October 1930. Yo® very,tru y, v/ 60RGE //�`H//VV.//RERROLD, -e Secretary. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpu.l of Mm�.,or DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS -Aa I. ­­ 1o.,.1­o,.Ea November 3, 1952 M s. owi­. e,a.. �.....,.,..�. :r.r. I" . F'. Scott, City Clerk, oullding. ate: A—licotlon of Phillips Petroleum Company for drive-in Dear Sir: filling station, lots 16 and 17, Block 2, Macalester Addition NE corner Fairview and Handolch St. The proposed station is to be located in a district z oned for Commercial use. A filling station is nermisslble under the zoning ordinance subject to a hearing before the City Council. From an engineering, standooint the dimensions and location of driveways should is changed as shown on blue :arint in red. T,,;re should be at least six feet between walk and drive to avoid moving city utilities. Yours truly, G,0,GE M. SHL:PA.HD, Chief ung inner. Approved: H EHMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner of Public Works. p.ly.N .o an a•.e CITV OF ST. PAUL uu No— .9.4261 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK u COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORT eY.0 ue0 qe s1` )� f �W tr11 e6. Ne, //$ esioacn.. E vlefn4 a gun. a 'ZI uv�prtuwt .o[. uve r _ WHEREAS, the Standard 011 Company (Ind.) has petitioned the Oouncil for permission to Install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the southeast corner of Dale street and University avenue; and whereas, said Company has submitted a blue-print of the proposed lay-out, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said Standard Oil Company (Ind.) to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the OSty of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Sofety; the building plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. This permit shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever said Council shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. Yeas COUNCILMEN 91932 /N,y, Adopted by the C... 61._..N �`..._. _... __...193..... / /�q'y weld 'j ^.V I AP roved Deco / Truax �_Ag inat ;v.i. g. 9C0 <�[ Wearel etZ cLEaa /Mr. Preeidcnt Mahonoy y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION .ATE__- - Z' - - 1. TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST PAUL MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made A FILED ..nn ........ ... Y ... - - 0 �7 ITY - 2 IUILI. .-TY THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAULMINNESOTA (40) 214 COUR7 HOUSE November 4, 1932 1[r. Wm. F. Scott City Clerk City of Saint Paul Dear Sir Rel Drive-in Filling Station - SR corner University and Dale St. Standard 011 Co. of Indiana, applicant. The above proposed station is to be 10- cated in a district zoned for light Industry. This Sspermissible under the zoning ordinance without a hearing before the council. From the standpoint of the present de- velopment in this neighborhood we know of no reason why this station should not be permitted to go 1n. Your. truly, AGS scretary /�C � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gm d W— DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T—h .ed Mmano� Swee. JOHN H. M ONALD, C—So—El T.— c, o c — cNovember 4, 1912 qw. M n1111am K Scott, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Ylnnesota Dear Sir: Returned herenith is the application of the Standard 011 Company for permission to instal a gasoline filling station on the southeast career of Dale end University Avenues, and reports of inspection by the Bureaus of fire Prevention and Traffic. very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL IT -111E C11-11—ON love 2, 1932, Yr, John L Ma m.1d, Coomiseioner of public Safety, Dear Birt_ With reference to application made by the Standard Cil Company of Indiana,Indiafor permission to icatall a gasoline fill Lag station on Lot. 14 and 15, Block 1, Beck's Addition, also described as the Southeast warner of Dal. and University Demes, I have today made an inspection of this location, and do not find that the proposed station will materially interfere with Traffie. S�ooaar`s. tray, Rimy 1, i tergreq lnperint dent of Traffic, CITY OF SAINT PAUL r� a`1 of Mlnnw4 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Temh and Mlenaob So -,ft JOHN H. Mr ONAID, C ­w November '0932 Hon.John H. !ac Donald Oomleeloner of Public Safety St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of-.tha Standard 011 Oo. for permission to istall a drive-in gasoline filling station on the S.E.Oorner of Dale and University Avenue. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an Sne tall atlon at the desired location would not increase the fire hazard to the extant that it would warrant rejection. Respectfully yours, ------------------- Chief Inspector. Fire Prevention Bureau. IFFICE IF THE CITY CL11K Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made e. 7� —roMoe E FILL, s,..,o .o aE I—ATE. o Lor FILED J/ ' .io... `..lo( .•C.Nrr �I. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pirel of Mi" Z DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Hearnn� c. w�e co M November 7, 1932 ... r. W. F. Scott, City Comptroller, Building. He; Drive -1n Filling Station SE corner of University & Dale Standard 011 CompanY of Dear Sir: Indiana, Applicant. The above proposed station is to be located in a district son,d for light industry. This Ss permissible under the zoning ordinance without. a hearing before the council. mngineering Report: t:pahs7.on Join t.s and concrete al:runs should be installed as shovm in yell— on the attached blue prints. It will 'oe necessary to rebuild ,ne side 'nlet on the D.le Street side as indicated in red. Attention is called to the 6 i0" dimension shown in red, this is necesr ry to provide —em for lair.Ppoosts, signs, nydrsmts etc. Yours truly, SRLPARD, 'hi of C:ngineer. 1,pproved: HRNAN \ Commissioner f Pu'el c orks. QdlW.k-jnr�. n :1.. mdo 94zs2 - CITY OF ST. PAUL No .............. .......... OFFICE OF THE CITU CLERK CO''UNCCrl A RESOLUTION ENERL FORM PRa.nRafg . l_�Sr-L n E xoTamna x, 1932. RESOLVED Ilhlrl,,, the City Connell by Ra..In' ion C. F. 93677 authorized and dire et ed the C_isei.nar of Publle W.rho to vide. the Sauth Went c of Lnrpenteur and Dnla as per approved plena and spa cif icationn and to pave the mid erred portio. at an eat Smatad .oat of $1,050.00, and Whereas, Haid aetimete contained an item of $50.0. for the moving of a mater hydrnnt at Bald corn , and Jhereae, the Department of Pablic Utilltlae in re -locating said hydrant found it n ary aco.rdS.9 to proper c natruction methods to expend an am unt x$159.13 1... of the amount pro- vided in the and ..timate, Hoc therefor, be it 11-1-d, that the City uouneil n.tharie. and npprove the .ppropriatio. of $159.13 from the City. ah.r..r Lo.al Improve- ment Fund Cada 31 -El to th. P. I. R. Fund Code 3C01 -L. 3724 to saver the above additional coat. d'Au'r v COUNCILMEN Yeas j Nay t�aY //�cn..ald /p/ �a _.I favor / Rnsen O Trnax _.. _. Against Weare) R Mr. I're.ident Mahoney Ad.pc.d by ohs C..-il" _9 __ ms 91 A M .. ._ _. .. IDS_.. Mayor_.. CITY CLrWA By -4-- C p CITY OF SAINT PAUL P Y WATER DEPARTMENT October 5th, 1932. Mr. George M. Shepard, City °ngineer, City of Saint Paul. Dear Sir Under date of Septembers 24,28. and 27, this Department installed, at your request on I. D. #1574, a new hydrant at the intersection of Dale and Larpenteur Avenue, occasioned by the widening of Larpenteur Avenue. In explanation of the amount of the ex- pense involved which is approximately three times what would be the normal expenditure in the re -location of a water hydrant, I wish to call your attention to the fact that it was necessary to move the hydrant quite a considerable distance from its original position; so far infect, that it was deemed impossible or certUnly. poor con- struction to extend the �ydrant lead by the use of several bends. It, therefore, became necessary to extend an entirely new hydrant lead from the main, which in this case became an expensive procedure, due to the 'tact ttat the hydrant is tapped on one of the 30P feeder mains on Dale Street, which necessitated the use of one 30x8" Smith patent sleeve and gate. You will note from the itemized bill that the expense of materials is practically all made up in the expense of this gate and sleeve and the necessary lead required to run it. Materials alone amounted to $125.35. Yours very truly, Leonard N. Thompson, General Superintendent. -. CITY OF ST. PAUL ND- , 94103 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GEJI RAL FORM PamRRreo v .�r,____-o,rE aCt..22a �oMNlnaloN€a _ _ RESOLVED That the grade of Alley in Bluff Addition from Duluth Avenue to Margaret Street, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public 'Yorks, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. cr a n L— cw .1- -59% 4" fe i°on°et0,r"Oii4d�lxoe a e Adopted Ly Ihr c'nunril NOV 91I'M- NnV Q OV AP r e0� _ _'� ulan... N cite � r COUNCILMEN yeas Nn'y/ems/ / /Mas nnnnnm / /Trues /J... . AReinst / Wenzel M, President Mahoney cr a n L— cw .1- -59% 4" fe i°on°et0,r"Oii4d�lxoe a e Adopted Ly Ihr c'nunril NOV 91I'M- NnV Q OV AP r e0� _ _'� ulan... N cite � r ro �"94M CITY OF ST. PAUL �� �"'' NO. , 40FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1" COUNCIL RESOLUTION- ENERAL FORM PRmO1T¢o Nov. 7,.1932 OµyEO d tiv lei a a aoar 1' Whereas, the trunk sewer on Wheeler Street from Gibbs Avenue approximately 100 feet westerly, constructed of segmental block in 1915, is in imminent danger of collapsing thereby bringing about an emergency since its condition is such that it 1s deemed to be impractical to repair it, and Whereas, the Commissioner of Public Works has submitted plans and specifications for the reconstruc- tion of said server with reinforced concrete sidewalls and top. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to reconstruct said sewer by force account in accordance with said plans and specifications at an estimated cost not to exceed $1375.00, to be charged to the fund for Paving and Sewer Aid, Code 31-E1. -1- COUNCILMEN - COUNCILMEN Ycaa / Naye / McilonalJ Itawnn �Tn1aS Ageinat /Wenzel p SCOTT. .r v/Mr. Provident Mahoney iltY CL$u BY Adapted by th, C,,a 6[HDV 91932 _ma_ _ NOV 91982 Mny7nzq� PIJ9L 1tiED p city .1 BL Pevl INDEX ebl w`etef Dr41B92 8E 108 1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS -h Headiv[ 1 Delvltion of Tarmk................................................. 1 Docamevb Imluded N General Cov[nct .. ...., 1 8vbheadln[e ...: .............. Plw and Spem6cetione Obteived.................................... 2 QQmvtlttee................................................... Water ....................................... FamWecity wllb Proposed Werk ..................................... F— ....... ...... 2 Y W ............................................ Uvd,r¢r and 8trueree FemWerlty wIN Laws ............................................ I Covtm4 of PmPoW Forms ....................................... .. 2 � 81[mtme on PropoeW............................................. 4 I lie Cem«tloPmdln[......................................... 8 1 Gupeumit9 to All— peny ProPoW..................................... 8 B DW ue116rat uv a/dHidden ......................... .............. 8 A T BSemrW BemPlee.......................................... 8 "lilt to Ralect Propoeele.......................................... ... ... e B Execvtlan o Cont.vcL............................................. 1 trsetof Cov............................................. e . Ike 2 8etvry of Pnpokg ...................... e 8 8 bj.t or Aeklgvins ovtrect............. . 9 M 8o➢elty Pees, Pamvte and Llceven.................................. t6 8mpe of Work ..................................................... to Permlte and Weenees................................................ 27 Gmtnrt D-- ani .............................................. pplament 1 1 1 AS Dnw�n tmo b Wort ....................................... ig S-Vt on Work 8wolremente................................... ............. :...... 80 8peeIet 81 Altentlone of Pleve or Work ................................ ..... 4 a U.de WohW......................................... 88 Dv work ... .......................... ............. d ......... ..... 1 41..6ef l 81 Dec4lov of Ev[Iveer Flnel.-f W-....... 86 8vpervblon and rk... tlon of Wart .......................... 88 Ghaneter of Wortmen evd Equipm enL.............................. ' ...... L-6 6 6 88 GO ef Covtrsetor.......................................... 88 Contne—teector'e Al1[tto Aequeet Chan[e° 6 8B B—tty[ Gnmde ................................ .11 Hmliery erotee............................................ Al Pnbllc Cmv and Safe[y....................................... 6 6 6 AE Harrindee and Dmger Biline ........................................ 4 De i.Y Prnerntlm o! P+opert➢. etc ........................................ g g 1.11 8eemmlblllt Dame ... 1bIM1� for Work """""" e Re ................................. 1.16 Cantnetote Heepf 1.18 Fleld 8tnctvree of Pablle UWitiee.................. ................. g 1.18 8t of( Mkmrlelk........................................... .. .. 8 m 1.18 Llne md.S ede 9tekes........................... ................... L4B VnanNoiiff ed Werk ........................................... 8 1.60 AutM1orPy end Dut{ee of Iv4xmre................................... Work . e 1.61 Ivepectlm of 8leterlelk end .................................... 1.62 Detaettve Neterlsle and Wort ....................................... e 188 CmWletlov of ContruL............................................ 8 1.64 TWe of ComPletlav............................................... 1.66 F.zte - of T— '.68 Cleanly[ UP ....................................................... e lbe EetWeW .. ............. ................ 1.68 FWa] inePeeHon................................................... .......... 8 e 1.68 Psymevt........................................................... 1.61 Cvanntee ...................................... 1.61 8epeln Vnder Gmnntee........ _.................'.. e ................ B 1.82 Gverantea Hund ............................ 1.88 Reserve ........................................... .... B ........ t1-]1-12 0. l........ led W-ee 9eate Ordlnence ............................ 1.e6 Excavation Ordlnenee ...... .................. ....... ...... ..... Plme and epmifluti.m for the Improvement may be seen v Ne oMre o[ Ne Purob_M. Agent or In Ne o....f C.mm4eloner v[ Public W.rke. Additivml copim IAt Plain end of the pima and epmiButl.m may be obtained Loin Na Commie.l.nec of Public Warlu BperlBatlom Ob -e deposit of________________________ _ _Dollar, se ����r ty for tum o[ Plein. Ups.. t of the Plane wiNM two (2) wreke from the date Ne blde Dined o1 the amours deposited will be returned. The entim depmit far the plain wild be-half [orteited H Ne plain ere vot returned w W. Ne a UlM Nme. Fmm —i—m. of the site of Ne prmmed Improvement, the plane and epmifi- t.00 Ne qumtlHeeed labor,mmat4erid,/.tools and Ner ware-, Ne Co.—= ehdI d. Ne mmp avvt ne i`=ss1r➢y m a p --t wiN the plum d epmiflmtiove; and he aha Wee Q—did. hie bid up.v -tdin iom It b mutually agreed Nat the planimeter shell be comidered m m imtmment of IAB preel.l.. adopted for Ne mevure— of 4r I. mea. far estimating qumtitim and em Iw ea mad Iv Nie c.n- Pledme4r The bidden eha examine N hi. ss4dactlon the site of Ne PP**.p—d work and ehdl mUdy himeeU m to Ne qumtf4m of work N be dine, malloN to ba mad and dI I 1.07 Femininity WILL Nee .ditlove pttteinI.. N ib work. P= W k tuobtu, eovduiG�.rL�under emwetem 1.08 aim, We.Mc NgroVmed eR°true etmctmem s� h m vewYYe W. p �Iev, ar�volved eh pie swill DB4mbmad b. TRI City not rmelkva Ne cov4eet.r of any aeNel locetime be other Nm are shown by Ne C., or should he loutione of each under- gmmd —.vat be Nowa by Ne pima The Biddtt 4 ed N Leve made hb—d[ famdim Ith aE Btete laws d 1.09 M to OrO�dbk, m th mvt!NXi oreegWpmmt ueId M or up- a. Impel ..z omprl.�ed way a - the c.ndg-nt of the work and vo plm of misa.d--dh,g will be eomllidered Fa WIN t) W we, Etc P.W Ne an bW ffi N deemed N be and of .rdinanuea of midiCityhspp etre at pert o[ Naw epeeifluHom and Ne mv4mtor wM be bound by Ne provielom th— BpeeLl attention N diceefed N Ne Lean. o[ Cfty OrdMmee N. 09ii mP d Derombtt Ee, 19PT, being m .rdManre providing 6aL Ne emDloym ov Ne wort shall be re.idmG o! Ne Clty o[ BG PeW; dw City O divavre No. 0120, ePPcoved ]Wyw 10, lb. "nca ' 'l IBIS, being ev that eight (e) houm ehdl —d.. • dsye o k done Ne City 8t Pad; No. 0900 y wart by .f and aim appended wage .rdlvmm t and nt Nerefm 1 Th. ]k d r h -i to be Pmted undtt Cidty Ordi.mm N.. 7- 4 M additlov N Na ordinary metres[ bond. If Ne Bidder or Cm4act.r ehWI di.rover any proviel.ee M Ne plena, epmiflu [Ione ,r rov4aet wbieh le em — t. .r_,. ,i-. rregvletfm, he shill f.rih ith report It W the EngMmr In wrlNng. Upon a0PlluHov the bfdder Tl W fnmfehed with the following by the Purcba.ing Agent: Bleat propped form, Information m N Nme, date and pl.. Net bid must be 1.10 C.v4nla of Ned; Ne emomt of guarmtu M the farm of a certified chink that mint mcompmY bid; bond requlremmh [fist Ne sucemdW bidden mwt comply with; and my and ell Pr.poml Forme .Ntt Ivformetlm pertelnM¢ to Ne makMg of s bid !or the work m will m the find cov4act Nat Ne rveceeetW bidder mmL inter Mto. AB bide e1W1 ba made on the pp pveeform fumlehed by the Pum d g Agen[— bid. ha vnlem abated In "edvertleement.l The Hidden eheB algn Lin prop.ed correctly. If Ne p=. i, 1.11 tW, 6b veme and int oMu add—. shill be given. If maWd p firm pry artnerllM1 D, he mine and .Mee add— of each member the firm be Big rt of m partnership sheds .hewn. If maby a urparation, it "VI be signed by Ne proper .MciN wb. N.B I on Ppeeale how Ne veme of the BNte ender the Iaw of whish the C.m.n win chartered and Ne Imam, tid, end bueineee eddr—. of the Prmident, Bettdary end Troasuroc, and Wo the eddrem of the Corporeti.n. All bide from Co--U..s Ndl been Ne oMcW sed of Ne (:.rpomHov. PP—I. may he rejected If they chow my omission, alteratim of form; additions 1.12 not -nail for, emdtt-. or a-- bide, or imegvleritiee of rvy Nnd whicb may 1- 1- b, N make Ne --W 1ndefinl4 .r ambiguous m La Its meanlvg. Propom6 The attention of bidders o^ paving projects u celled [o the fact Nat there ¢e LIS dnd orders for We makingao[ ¢war, uch rordve may the pend— bdare the eCouvcd. Berviw Bred by the pev,vg stele but Ne P—i- ^°^' p—tw The said maim or eerv�ce'eonvmt one Y may v tractor eh.R not pave °4edt they andlhvotrbe laidfe or convm4om Mve beev Vid or the Couce hm decoded the of 1.14 h` -,P, -P- rsd wiH be comidered unlem eceo ponied by "propoW guarent�' Govant> t the ud emouvt ivdicded u Ne propovl form, made payable t the Ct[y of Acrompev> Pa W, tell--. Propoul St 1.16 PropoWe wiR Le opened publicly and read at tM1e time d the dote eat t the Cpe1.15 o! "Adver[memen[ for Proposer" or "Notice to Contnetn" a duigmted Plein iv sold Propeea I City of 8L Paul. Hiddere or tM1e'v authorized agents are invited t be Pruut 1,16 Any ar ell pF pale will be rejectd if there u remon for bnlli,�;' QifbeL�ou ocnd Dfngvaliflutlos xrt among the°Bidders d and eU participant it e c f Hldden beyond removable doubt, will not be Covnd—d i. f 11 repaCWtesd.f°N oeonl neete wkl Propoed0 in which price° obv�°vslY un 8eble for the be awarded incept to rmpomtblI bidders. TFa bidder shell furnuh a coin tete ett- mt of hie conatrvebon ¢perleoca, deo ^tut at hie equipment eva med work, avd ars a a-pOr t ehowivg hie finevciai suet end liabilities, eerdfled By a P blit Acrouv m4 R u requu ed by We Comm uion¢. 1.17 Hdore any coo net r awarded, LM1e biddy may be regdred to [nmuh a complet ttatriel ettmut o[ the r g' compositiav end t—tb ctun at any or dlh eh eampl a cosy ba ttmplee in the mmtruction of the improvement togetM1v with °empl cwt Rtneea to° tFe evbjectad to whatver tut are requ'med t determine their q y work. de and t wefve dd¢t l.tB The CovneB ruervee the right to reject any or dl propos mop R°�tft er LechniWitim, ee It may deem beet for Ne Intreet of We city. I.I. The ,—fid bfdd¢ will be required t evtr foto a writtn contract witF the ExemRu City !or the loinqq !the work or furnishing the mat 1 hereinV vpaecd, and shell f 10 of a bud within ten (1p) den after beinT notified by the Corpoution Cauneel Cov4act lheL [M1e e(oreuid bidders the ky submitted woitM1 [Ae Pt'°P ael will be returned to Ne bidder. The contract shell fib° ontract delivered t Ee Covent au b°ev signed by the Comptroller evd a copy ° Tho Council mekm the award of all mntrada. The award d the rontract t the Award lowmt fol bWderdFuoelg�ned endedelfvered [socontreR cord bud. Tn uee ofs8unt or Of sir -d beu awarded the ro ,Zd, t u¢ute the cu4act avd Contnd dewiN nh th etimew pee�fled, the City ". et it oPtlsn, rd the mntred t another biddy. A notice by melt by the C°rpontion Cuue°I t° Ih° C°^tra°t°r a eddcees ee given in hie proDoed will ba a u[flcknt noce oder thine epmiflmtione that the contmet end bond an reedy for exeution. eu(nl bidd¢ wW be retuned lit All "Propoul Cmrmtiee" cept fhetOf t the cov[rect WFen Ne awarpd fy, de�nrred Return of promptly following [M1e ewerd end making o ¢d.iOShodd a1111 Propual for a Pe rlod of It those o! the three 0 laawutfbidden wit begremue Cmnnl> guamn ,u ucep - -.ti be refected eR gammon wR be returned. IM Fail— t Comply `^ib any of the [eq iremente Of three ePmIflt.th21 , IM1e regnire- Fellvre bd t of submitting bide ^red the trine °lathe morn°; u w, . d• it 1.—dentodvby Exemt torvtbe enn°I.- of the award, or of the cavtrad U exdecvted, the eontrae; that the Contrmt the bidder, in the .—Yt at LM1e annvlmut of tM1e w the City aetllgoidatMtdameCogee. d with the propoul °Fell b< retroed and poeeeued DY TM1e Gontrmtor et ell not .able; Bell, transfer, cosign, or otherwise dispose °[ the 1.Lt f the work provided !or therein, or of hie rnne4uUU° 8vbletllne or rontnct m any Dorno` thereof, oro tion, witbout the wnttm t of pmi8ning of intrest eFerer t any Devon, firm or corpora Cmtnd the Commivfu¢. ISB If the cov4act regaf� 6Or tb, 9 lettnoOtr—r P Lent ore"PyriBh; he shall t.id Pdevt Fees, metrie4 or yrocte cove Ro>�IRn u by evit^ble 1 1 e m t with the petnte ar own¢ ud t remade ¢Ned u d hell be 91ad with tb, Commiufoner. If no emh egreemen Licemea voted, tb. Contnetr and LM1e Burety °hell Inde Of me of any eneh petevted dnigv. �y �"d ell °laime for Intringement by reuon o ayrlq detin) t ba Perlorpinedennder tFe contra¢; endrehell indht 1 ltY the City t�>th� emµ Pxpeneu any deme�ee wM1leF it may be obliged t peY. bymreaeon o} an9 uch infringe- ; al an line nog the Proeeution or eftr Ne rompletlon of the work. 3 The Ce—elor shell do ell of the wok pp o iced fee the tot and Ne — o mpanyM¢ Pi.m ud epeciflutions, remove ellrab.—Ilb,- from wINL Ne lines of lir Nei pr.vemevt, avd .hell do ouch addib..o extra eed inCiduLh work u may be of I veidene.—Y L...PI.L the improvement accordh,g te Yleve end epaiflntiou Work o vubeLnHel and acuP ble —el. He ba funleh, unlace ethe_ provided in Ne "Epaiel Prov4lou' of the V p el and M the covtrve4 W Implemu4, m.chM- e y, equipment, [004, material sad labor nreevery le the proveeutiw of Na work. 1 The C.ntncl.r eb.11 procure 11 r—be and Ilcensee, pe ell chargee and fee., ".1. avd and glue ell notices vaeeeay end ie let le Ne due and lawful proarution of work. Wteuu The Several NareMer� erten[, end deLfle of the work to be done are shown ov the 121 drewMge, All drawivm 'gra d by the proper e,tY oMeie1 or have other oAeW U ntr vurke of identiflution vvdenid drawmee ane part of Nue epeci0utlone. It, the intevt el the e.n[net —,el a t. chew dl the work which 4 to be done 128 der N4 rontree[ avd the work eM1all be c.mtrvcted in eecordvvice wiN these drew- Drea lug. N mg., but Ne contra[ drvwin¢¢e lee, he euppiemenled or added t. from time t. time by Rupplemev[ detailed working —Wlle the [ua[ion of eehieb eheD be to ezplain oe meke eleerer Dnwinp the contrat dr—in- The contractor .,.h he keep v copy of the drvwinge end Lhese epaiflcation., In goad l28 order, ov the eiN of the work Iv v tui ble plea, prorated from weather, where the' Drewinu avd sYY ba romulted deeired. Ally ehongu in comtruc ion or devign, additions be Kept omieeiove ehdl be clearly voted !hereon. to be 1 Werk Blle er Work Should any em,etnetiov or condition which he not covered by the standard .peei0- utiom Ee anticipated qv any pro ooaed work, "epaLl provielom for each work will be l.gp e ted on —elm to the PnV sal form or L [hue ep-ifiee.p,, and .ball be e— Rpail Work .idend • per[ of tpher 7 epeciOntP m the e.me ae though ronLMed fully M1erein. Should Requtrement. .y .,,h "fiel Pravielom�'oehallr¢o�vera menti eonflicl with these eLndvrd epri&etmn. TTe Engineer ery the rigbt te make eueh reeeonable ehe.ga, addiliele," ell dedueNane m the plane and epeelflc tions u may be neeerery meet rleeneiee .t Alten[iom of partleWer eltuetlove when, in Ne opini., of bee Engineer, eueh hangu are naeeevy P4va or deeinble. Iv which eau or caeca, if eee eheej6e. -tell en vddit- expense upov CTeneler of Ne uvtractor, en elle,eeele wlll be meds therefor, red If -.eh change or chaen Werk reduce Ne amvuvt of work, Iebee v ateriel hilh .therwia w Wd be necee ry dr Ne e.nlrat, a urreepondi.g dedueti- will be le d, from !fie entree[ prlea. TT< ellowenea or deducLlan in either un shall be determined by the Cpmm4elovr .t Public Works and hie determi—hee Hereon .hall be final. 9aeh determiuLign ehsll. however, u Iu ve praLiuble be bored upon the unit prices given be Ne al, A.). of Vrices for the esme ar similar work iv thine epeelflceli.ne. No eilowenu will be made for avbcip..d profile. TTe C.vtnetr, ebee --I, authorized It, writing by the Engineer, shell per- 122 form eueh urn work and turnieh eueh eztre material ee may be ed deemele—rY for Exthe ra pttpifleitlone Nerd., end where no[ epalfled the eworkbell behvll be done ind.neathe beet eed Work most workmanlike roamer. Ne .Lim far eztre labor ee eeteriei will be ell—ed by the Council eel— the cost Hereof bee been full, greed upon bythe(: eeleelever and a memorandum of acid ter.igned by him Pri., . the fumlehive o[ eueh ex[tno4bor erl 81 umet 'el. and All ort called for by the .paiflee[ione, but not .hewn en the plvu, or ehuwn lty n ebe plena end net celled for by the epeciflcaeion., .bell be em.ldered ee P.A .f the Und—ified improvemut covered by the tract AnTT k ",I h—u. 10ea or Bled for Werk pai0eally m the plane, bot which mm Lh1Y bee implied or elde..t W be Lemde,i I. the Improvement shall h eo included by the contrecmr witheet extra charge. Any such aqulreme., ehdl be edjueted by acing the beat thee. of work endler materials. IL ie agreed. In order to prevent dlp lee end Htige,i e, thle ttmm determloeellthe Dal -11. of VI teen make all the MLrprebtions a( the p ane an'In u L, gmlil , and aceplabillty .f the work and meteride whie{� ere to be paid EvRiveer f.r Mer We covtnet, a d render ell dri.i.m relative te the competency of the work- Pival perform the work allotted N them, and each Iraterprefntime, delermimtlom, end dao v .hail be e_pted by LM1e Contactor u final and binding. Tee ez of the work will be undr the peaoml u 4ion of the Engineer. I2g Tree8mar may mImo to time, aired the order in wn4h. area the pamb .[ whim Eaper.lelan Fe work _ e be ee�t-vy ezra a eueh general control our th undue[ of end Ne work ee eM1all h reopnonN eafeguerd Ne Interest .f the CHy, bee[ Prw thenRFereIhell bemuueh a Lkimf ronLrol of the work f theby Lhe City u N alleector .[ any o[ hlt oblig.tione or llebiliLlee under Wvrk thio cm[nct Nor .hall the En¢Innr in any wayy be nmmlled b mt r. Na emxity f WUng Evginnr b Ne G.n=,T he En¢mnr shall love the righ[ ebanga the point of operation of Ne C..u[fl[ m M1e dame vaceaaary, it beim provided [hat where each changes entail addi[iovsl coal b the contracbr, nmmu•tim i. .hdl be mode in the name mmver u [or extra work. The k .hW be proeauled uch manner m ie nneee.ry b Imure i. empty wlNw Ne time set forty N Ne propoeW. Should [be provec.tion of wmk for mY remov be dixmtinued by [tw Cov- 4•cbr, with the eomenl .t the Enginnr, he shell n.tify the Engineer e[ Ime[ [wenty- four (.U) hours before •g i, rwuming Kper•Uom. The con4 i— tol f...Nr .cd ee.ipm io m u necema fo_ they ren of the work m ep.ble e ti.[ecbry rate of progg kmipment used on my portion o[ Ne work .hag b sueM1 the[ no m1urY b the •dl`menl Proper[Y will reeW[ from IG use. Idfi The Contractor eb.0 ..,Vt.y attceH—de.., brawn and workmen who are rare- Chencbr.t [W avd competent. and the Evg' m demand Ne di.miwo .f shall be fneolmpe- Workmen b9 the Cantrncbr upov New k wh�-r hot m;ecanduct 61meeH, or 1 4 or retmm nd tent -r negligent iv Ne ave a.d` pr- rform..ce of ni. duty or nee ec Epvipmenl [o comply wiN rv: W ctlone given by the EnRrn r or n. representative. Such o `; do lull be dbm,.md by the C- tractor avd shall not ba employed again on Ne work witb- ovt [he written <-..en[ of the Engivnr. 9nould Ne Contrmbr conHn ve to emplaYrah e eylay each Pa n or penom, [he Engineer may hhodi of timate:, w i ` an or m become due, or may empevd the work, .nUl mch -rden me nmplled with. "I Ti, Con4 —.bol give the work hie combat obntiov b bcilli" the progrew Co-oper•Uov of them(. He eh•11 co-operate wi[h [he Engineer in :erring and pruervin8 elakee, bee=n C.vtrmbr m•rke, and b .n o ,n.%Ninge that an necmmry to complete Ne work ..dots. ltnolred contemPl•.d. Tha said contactor enol have et all times • comcebnl cod rel.ble preenbtive an Ne work, •uth.rired b receive orders avd m act for him. On mn- .5200,000.00 'u, r ver lh�Cory4.<br hol. It the regmat of Ne Engmen, fun.h and equip . eui.ble, 4m geld olgw [.r the ezelneiva me of Ne in:pnbr or anginnr. Im If Ne C-n4ecbr shot dixover prl.r to or during co trnction mytnivqq b Ne Cony br'• plane or peciflmti-n. or I. eepplemen y dirntiom by Ne En¢ivnr hich the Right b o iniov of the Contractor aFPean b ba fealty engineering -r dmi_, h. slug torNwiN Repent advise Ne Eneinnr w ng of the particulars and .tete whet edy 6e prop.... Cnangn biwd`brltheeCovv�mbrounderntbelt m ander. t Ntr u��eaepgn�Ne Conlr.cbrrwiove: `ny 'ght b contest the provui-mpo[ M1u guarentn oder tame .peciflc.Uom m the bmie of f..ty mgmenm¢ .r dnigv. 1]9 The Cit9 re.ine [he right t. appoint and pay each o®can ottne law m ey ba PalleinR nereee•ry for the proper p-hcing o! the grounds and the enforcing o[ order in end about Goi .de the w.rke u .conducive b the bent in -d o of h community, and the Conenebr and h. empinre. enol •ld and •wi.[ •nr and of uch -Igcen Iv Ne per[ormm<e -t their dune• 9ucn p -(icing .nen not releew the Conn •b� `row Nat of inr Pabll. m o[ lh..< .pnwntion. rela4ve to ni. own ea(ety .. Y or Ltp The Contncbr enol provide and ain.in m •neat ..a .—I., =..dill -.le fh 9mibn modoi-n. for Ne nee of Fie empl.yee. u m•o be neceaeery b romPlr wit Pr-viel.m hewers. and re WUone of the State Ho.N t Heoth, of oNer bodice r o,Mi ieleenn`up ihie c.mp`eitenb the eeetufectiov of tthe lEl�glneerce. Th. Con- t -el Vm The C-.4mbr •t all timm eh.11 onducl Ne work In ouch manner ee to (mare the P.M. I_-b_tiov to tngie pncUnble. TTe convenience oI Ne g tt,d poAm .nd of C.mnlnn Ne re.1aeW song end •ai•=ne b Ne improremmt .n.0 he teemed for i. m aae- end sabb paeb ens e•Uefectory manner. Me.riele e[ored -n the nigRw.y :natl be pt.<�n_ u W nme m Immo .betractlon b the trrvelling pp cry TT neUrc enol provide end maintain in p1v:nble -td ti.. —h benpponry by -pause and bridgue u m r be none y b •cco od.. Ne loco traMc dl --d from . .d- _d <-netrveti-n nd hot Provide and meinbm ins .efe <-ndillon temp-r.r9 eppr.nchee bend crowing of lnbnnting .tree.. 1,12 The C-nlracbr shot tuni.h, erect and mnioop ail nenaury bani�mdenl number Ramada, d .ughient waminNg and danger elgnal:, 11gM1. end sign.; pr-ar u Denn�{er d of webhmm and bks •11 ne<e:vey premutione I. Ne safety of the public and the Wenivg Bigm pntnllon -t the work. l of hell be plmed an of berrindn end .betrocti.ne •t fight and88all -th lights enol be kept burning from .meet wlil e—H.. eonlnc I .b peratia.l. until �� �oble debur�o rbr -Pp pe i. Ipr.vided 69etbe city end edequaVly marked with Mgrs . 6 The Can[reebr ehaLL Prefect from Injury ell property that m y ne m with in I— nmying on the work and m ren any Properly becomes damaged i[ efiW immediately Pfeasnation be restored b its former it. by Ne antracbr. and EeeNnUon 3[rnt name algae, tralHc igen or Fere ee[ eigve r ,ken re veil or da- of Properly Pomea br Na Cantrm[or ehW abs rnlored [ their or 1 emdiUon a[ tb ori¢ind M omenta, tby new locations m elWl be deeignated by Ne Engineer. Etat Eigm, `e TTe Contactor shall not It my menu annaur stakes fyudtrturbed 'in' 'f t Ek improvement n[il ordered by tn< Engineer, an eft f ,qty Hve{26.011) DoEen ante when directed by the Engineer. A pen y o tlevfucted t oma`dm➢r Y due ar to bac me`duef Bothe ContrectorNe moue[ shall Fe on 44 The Cnntnebr ehaLL Ivde U and ave hanvlt. the City h Ali f Its office d e� Damhage� eBmN and mployee from elle [lana pr claims o[ Y c name a deecripti°v brought far, or ov e¢ovvt of mY injuries or dama¢ee received or em[ained Claims, Etc. by an� person, perevne, or property by or from the said, Conhtha r aur by or ttepbble ( any m b,i, in ea! q¢uakrd `eby or m`eccoum at en➢ ac[ oraomue an, neglect mater: on in cmutruc[mg tb. duct o! said Contractor, 'rt , on account of any claim Srnm moy j r vov- ered[tor my infrlagement o[ patent, ails rk C Lew; mr any oNer u' g or rem ,ni under the "Workmevb Compenee ne In. by-law, .,dames, order or dnree[avd eo mhall obetconeidered due the -id, - tractor under and by virtue of hie ^ act• ab Y or nape in CommUsianer, may be rotained flb or the me of the Cit In ease °laimpnpy le'mne, for Surety ahvll be Feld until eucM1 eu suite. ac[ act ne c o e fnluriee or damage, ae e[orceaid, enWrfi°ve been eetUed and saitabla evmmre b [F.t effect fumieM1ed b the Comminimer. (or any Pur- TTe uneuthorired vee by Ne Con[dnme oft. Ne proper[ybiitta pt.pt pose may be comidered m Injury ar Be ue Until ac pNnee of Na work, it ehW be under Ne charge nd m of the Con- 1.15 tractor, end fie NW take every reaeomble premvUon a¢aIn.t mjoh or damage b the Coetncbr'a rk or b mY Pan thereof by Ne action of the elemen[e or f! any oNer roues. Itrepomibflltr The Cantraebr shill rebuild, repair, reetoro and make good, at hie own ezpeme, W tar Wor4 Wit— or damages b mY I- of Ne imprvvemevt ocemioned by any cause before ib eompletiov and aenptmn. Eetora beginning work vv any impiovemmt Ne Contracbr ehaH mti[y iv writing lAg Ne owvere or mthontin having control ov Verfl-14�etructurn of public utLLitiea: the Field PZ',nn of which may interfere wlth Ne tiov oL fila euntrcct A copy d Pvbllci.rili. of b noUH_It. °bell be furnished to the Engineer. bile unlit in Heir 1Te CanlnceNddltri ne ort they daMg of my repovetructiov work on public utility makhr¢ rapdn, Held etm<mree. The Contractor shall P Net and Prevent ivivey N Ne B I of ell Pub c Ulitlee by Ne scope °t Ne Imprpvement In esao any o! the BM1eed etrNe3:n�ere damaged by Ne Covtreetor Nrovgh failure preP 1Y e Pro a or Nromgh esreleenen W earryivg on fib work; the`dam ga hW ci repaired by tha of Ne slrvc[ure nil Ne puree o[ each rope:, hall be dedmted lrom the p nt due the covtraclor. I[ eucF damages oar atter the final eatimete hes Bain meld or E Ne amount of Ne damage hes not ban dedllbnI therefrom sprier N paY' int oL aid estimate, the Covtnctor end sureties on lite band ehW v erlheh, be rnponsible end Sable for eucF damagro. Materiel, Anil be stored so m is Insure the ppr a Uon of their quality and fit 1.1y ne for Ne work. When wneidered neeenary Hey shall be placed on wooden plat- Storage of foam, or other hard, Glenn sur(ecro end not 1 the ground, °nil °hall be placed ander Materisla when directed. Sbred -bele °Fall be lomted so m b fsciF[ate prompt lmpection. The Engineer wLLl [anisb and set away etakn for the cent. Iina, grade, stile o[ 1.18 slopes, and other vnesesry pointe wiN proper notes Hereon and eceompmied b1 mY bine, Grade sail tnti eery detaHed inelrvetiom. The Controelpr eFWI fvmisM1 !rn o! cberga, W °ddb Menuremeet Uonal eNkn, and oNer materials necnmrY !or making nb meivtelninB Po1vN end Elakn Ilan glum. The Contractor shall be held rnpomible !or the prenemtlon oI ell etekn d marks and U fn Ne aginlon of Ne Ev¢inm,, any of Ne evreeye, sNkee ar marks have bean "d "' Iy or wUlully destroyed m dletdrbed byl tie din irh the paY- Ne Clty of replacing them slWl be charged him end s t for Ne weak. Fn I�eon Neer pp*owWl pVm• andl rnnform with ilia Knee evil �TTe Contrecbreehall keep the Engineer inti) informed in edvan" of ilia time and pun in which he intends to d' wrken fm " to de [h`d ineairnnteIpdee may be given d the necnear➢ eeeurcmen recur en est Wprk done wlNovt Jinn and gredn being ¢iven, work done bermd the Uvee m� tde 8redm shown on Ne Dlam or ugrven, ¢coapt u hereiv previded, or my [n wor UmWmk a0 'Noor written suNonty wiU W <ooeiaered u mavth Clty. and k Ne .. ! tha Conlrutor ud d not ba meaeered or paid for b� Ne GIY. Work eo dme may be ordned removed and replaced at Ne Gn[racbte peas. tbd Aothority avd Dalin of Impeclon Ibl The Contncbr aWll fn jn h the Engineer every reuonnble facility !or uurmin- Impeadlov g whether or not the work m performed le in eccordanu wiN LiM1neiregnerCmtne[mar of Materia4 intent of Na epecigcaUona and control. It Ne Evgivnr requn and Work y Uma WI— acceptance o[ Ne work, e1m11 remove an u�^ ear �chahv�� ixewre the finished work u may W directed. After exeminatlonU,iet a flntiom 9hodd the uldkpimei�ofaeldhe work w asp ebnderdpGq'e �eeuncmenvH. or mi —ive and Ne VVluing of Ne eory v8 0 ` nkinv`6o a ret bbNe path removed, shall benpeid ived fProu 'IlvUwified Extra Work;' by [ehovld Ne work esDoaed or ev eptable, Ne meoverine or removing. end Ne repleelni of the covering or makivg goad oI the pert removed shell be vt the GntractoJe a puce. Ibg All material¢ not covtormivg b the r<qu4emmte of New epniflce[iona ¢Fell W DerecDve idered m detective end dl emh mobrlelT, whether iv place or not, a 1 f the CILWy Meterla4 c d shell be removed immealebly from the Imprev<ment and the mdefe<te of which and Work deo oNerwiee permlttad. No M1v� hal W ub. ap royal mabnn glum. All work have bem coxeeted or removed, e p which hm Wm raja¢ �d or condemned ¢lull be remedied or 1[ vexeury removed and glued In m ap bla mmner by the Gvtrecbr et hV own ezp<me. The City hall Fave authority b take over evd vee de[ntive work withwt compmmUon b Ne Contrutor when Ne Contractor fella or refuen b rebvad mN Sevlt k. lbb GnnllsUon of Cmtnct TM1e mt've improvement required by New Vi u and sfW C Ume ehW be HP.M1ed o! Ne Commuvuver of Public 'Pim° °f and completed m Ne evtva uUdmcon and mwp[mtt Cvmpldbv of Ne dte of mmtr+elQveNre ttemv°eh I^c°mplere[edmdlb,un0viehedptlerm DartNe NeM1er m-pml9ed, Dir •nY Neraof ue -bon mmco.ed Ne F %--r •hWi y the City Ne cum of f---------------- the IiquWated dbmege-, over end •bore the dollen per day, which u hereby Hied u Nowv av Ne uwummt roR for Ne work, w61ch dembRe would be euHered Na work withu e unL d emtsuea by Ne City by remov of fWma and delay m cbempNetin¢ m bdditim Neto Na met o[ evgm and impecti.n, and 4me blit Ne Gme epwNed, and hu expired, W expeme- newebrily Inmrted e�ler Na cadre limited oNer Ne Contnetor m submlt[ha¢ hu propoet or bid •RreG- NeM1N Commmianer ofhPub.. ��¢¢nm et o! evQivwrW¢ and ireVV con when certiBM byte peeome due him. fmm the Bml mtimete due ar Nat may Wares, e1W1 be deductN I! Ne work N be dme coesutn ofR•dk'g pevinQ, mrbiug, Um Dlf.0 eoddin8 16N deY of Ne !Wowing April ceding, Ne Gme between November 16N and the dull u dead tme and wiH not be Ntuded In reckonm¢ Ne time used be mvbIde.d by Ne eovtrector m proemncvQ hu mntrect. Upon receipt o[ writtev voGtt from Ne CovhecWr o[ Ne ezlstmce of nmee over 1 t6 th-Rxf M1uh •bid Covtnetor, h-hue ducreemeend wIN Ne mmmd �hxh [ of the B odic¢ Compevy ohs Commiselonm may s H..tY mmnd Ne dere -p IfiW far Ne mmplecav of mid work. r Na dl.— will be made to Ne fmtrwtvr for Ne eNPPe6e odueub No feWttot rk by Ne Cvmmib•ianm but G bleb etopm8pvttee P v or empension will be Gme correepoonddiv¢ Ne Cit,. Nm extem,jm of •Mowed for Ne eompletim of Ne went 00letim t Ne work beta. ec entence e.d Mel Fp•yment shell be cfrom he b11 s m: eN•eent Im CI Q made�Ne Cmtreemr soW tem d remo s�wNtr ppoo d ducmded metmiele, trYONr°°' W Up t ell mlm prop- proper Y Nre e.d .Pls� m e euiteble mercer [a Ne wtletmUop o! Ne F3Q�nem U n dtN. uwalrk and eh Wt lee th- elle inn neat mdrpreemteble candilian.Proeeeu U W the .&I.- of the tSginttr the epntrmter pedorme vie work 1=f—I Giy, the vtue of the k dreedY dove 131 blimete Ne Ergg v er ut pnp•re, mtlmatee monthly vI of Nu rontnct, rewrvivg Ne-r fl[tav (IQ) t o[ Ne fn Na ender the provleiom amount o tat suN mtimete, and N_.pm Ne Contactor eMll be enticed m®elevt money epplimbie W Ne peymebt o{ suet, mtrmete, len evebYdedatiuorny when f .11 wd uetln. wte ecompleti°nmiod eccepGveeeot tl, oe by Na City1until the Hml Ne wart by Ne Cammledmm. be Jloved by Ne CammWloner o[ Public Works Edore •vy Het mtfinete ehdl Ne ContrecNr eb.R be I.t. Qn a ro..tIIIof Dort dove memmt i W [urnuM1ed wa voter uuime Wt rho City ft o bwouv ^der [nr rontrmc m W aaecemPeed Cov4de[nr emo�L of wink dove Leh 11 be byltn ee fl^tnrluein After the clemivg vp of the work, premum, etreeee, dleys, mmbolm, ntrh amine. Ne t the eon- lbs Fut Ner brew or etnctune in mY wsy connected with pedarmmce [rx4 -bel be fvepm.d by Ne Evginttr and my-workmenebip or Immctivv the work m s whole eterW. tamd not m ting the ul.menm f the deperi�f�� A•Ilkmm... Ne tnemr and ¢oodtr b, -rt Ne ezpmw o[ or demege upon my pot a [be tend mb-tiNted Nerefor. All settlement, dd ff work ehW be remedied eM made good by Ne Contnetar. 159 AG peYmmtb m de work d.ring ib pmgrYYe -, on •ecovvt of mnlneL ar on Peyme^t t of extrs wmk, or the tact ths[ t Nneey of Ne vrvvrk yr dol, butetQ Coed ehdl Iv no rs-e'i col.toed w en bcttp be Iieble vndm sR the mnditiom of Nme-peeifltttfon- and contnet aril !odor -heli f- made, it dev�elap°eth t mY Imbteridorvwork d[er Na Hnsl ertimbte and ettepteett required ecmrdiv¢ to rontnet, plena ..d -pmiflcetioeu hu bee^ found deteetive, Imre -hall not axe Ne Contractor milted ar no[ properly exemted, mld Q.W m apt IlsbRity N repuee m exemte said work In ettordentt wiN c tact, Plem and tom All monaybe Improvement Revolving Fund twhenithere eh4flmtime St. Paul psy^D eoleivl out of the Permmymt hdl be mvneye in aid fund eppliceble b said purpose. The Go.trmNr will be _—d N guarantee Nat the materiel used and Nit `Yrk 1.60M1out All m. rtala Nall be of M1e 4 et eymd Na C.mmtee manabi e s1m11 b° L tit. tow PnuM1ed, imPec[°dt an herepadaaa . ret N ConNacmr Nail mai bri t P veummentancThe Covtx"mryehail ms ntdni �Bval bnN imete for f„g on .R cbriekePivemmta fora Period °[ ftve years from date u the wmk. p" Ne Go.trectpr. ehdl m §e all reyein and rmewd. Duri.q Ne guarantee Peri be necp—P v_amevunin [ [omwm shall that mal. m Ne om.lon¢ of Neh� ¢meivtenmx o1 ° t mrin"Neria A aewac not includo ita cl tot n r m errant by nLilfFpb ^VavienY D� o yortion of on 'room t ° i. [h° P°v teync9 m bo tfie uwm or U— ill be xm dared b vee" of repai^ or main w er it ts"e, ac .hove aigm Na[ f.LLux re Probable; Pt then tree[ and uta. ditmvhB uel N el anew. aettlemevt; oc whe. Ne ondiNov o an ted. A Pavemev[ will be comidered in c vtracmr did no[ ruNro Na etreeL or any Bf ar portion .fiawe .ny af¢ntof dia [hue "P"l he[ b id aewerhevever m}r y breaking. At he need of repeir,or msintenmcahoviveP °• gpar ettlement, rho Con[racwr in ¢cod ^velure, buckllnied [ne fm�rovem! 4 §'half°be lett by n of Ne guara.tx �inarY wear avd ten: Pted. eo dition avd reD•ir. °i ,,,ary under the eonditiou of thia guar - gm end contin- 161 The Con..daW shall make sll xp.ix nee d notice Ne Rm•l^ mtae whin voti8ed iv writhe b9 Ne &lgineer. if h< an.R [ail to benermt ahe�l be Uvder ly pcveecuk Ne said npafn wiNfv �n�Ib010 meden` d theel4° its ,...e of N" Gvmmtu En¢inur Nall uuee the necuasry reps ai id deducted from my m.veya dve or N b Ne Contraetor'e brand fart Na °�PBp°e Hien psvemmta ttcovne wiR be had Pov pairs. •fns bb inror eh.11 be Ne judge m n [he yortion of Ne impravemev w needs raPa've ander Na above epxifted wvditiov.. tee tar brick paxmmN For Na Pvrpou f enf.rd.. the ronditiom of the gumm e" bond Gv11-62 ra.lu Le^inb°fo^ "^ bed tl'e G°ntractor shall be regerred pmt itn Nirt9-flve (861) Revd wiN some PProved sure y e p form °ft°N H brit, ur[.c%� shall pot cent o[ Ne contract prim of Ne ps artn flnit eq d °®• t a[ the Prix of Ne brick P p want b s combimtivv of brie, eYe jnBb%) Pm sen �unntea bond r oRiplying be for m amomt m.ivalmt N [hirtY h i fiell be de 1 t� bri ickypavammt ea ( t rovNived in Ne b Ne pr ee Par mw�a Yard for corny a tae bond M1etoNl brick yardage 9 romputed from Ne eehedule of pricx attached N thfe <antr.ct 8.i eu.rm for s brick yavement dull ba far a term of ftve (6) yux from the date of Na Bnal <atlmeN tin Ne aeric 1 qy Fm Ne yvrpom of evfoxine Ne provietom of dl guarentees hemi -before dumbed Ruane - _ Do1Ln rind of ane froh�NdeN of the W he CmlrmNr tlmea any Ne City eheR wiNfiold from Ne find utimaN the sum o - -- ------ ¢ne [ora pe yea ° releseed it t of Nie ve yam period the id arm a rate eayended by N. CIry for Na m.intena.ro m ^pair at the work. the releua of Ne tturve shall act u a 9ns1 xIeme °f the Contractor from NL covtr°ct Clly of EL 1'aW Department of Public Worts 1¢Jx WAGE SCALE ORDINANCE F. emavlct2ppS--x:i6ivu Ne we¢u8 wnBh hal be pad for ekiUW and vukilled labor An WageE la ord' upon pablb w.rka �y cov4actor. when perlarmiv¢ suet work for Ne City of OrN 9L Pa W. The Coancil of Na City of BC PaW dou ocdaw: SECTION L .kD c Vada hnea[Vr entered ivm !or Ne purpose o[ performing uyr ork [cr Ne Clty of SL Paul, Involving khv yew eoneVuetiov k or ­rwok ov avy Wade, brld¢u, seven, streets, alley., P.rke, pukweye, bu0ding., o y other public involvivg Ins imp anent at Public enall be made upon Ne buie Nat rk property, Ne wage peld to ee m skilled and u .kdled labor shall not be lus Neo Ne following: sksled Lobar Per Haur Briekluer ........ .............. .. ....._ .........'1.10 1.22% Bricklayer Foreman... ................ .... Bmki­.. Tender avd Myer ............................... ........1. .06 CvPenter.................1.1.1.......................... C.p...r F—.n .. .66 .st% �. t Fl..her............'.............................. Foremen t.00 1.12% El—i Fin4her ................................. EleeWelan .. ... ......................... Electricivv's Helper.............................. .. .. 1.00 c.. snayel Engmeer...................................... aoietn Enginev....................................... l.lo .g0 Inv Worker (ErvtNg) ... ........................... W IWorker(HelN................ ron 1.26 ....... .80 ........... Iroo Worker Foreman.................................... IaNer.................................................. I.b0 1.00 Marble Setter............................................ MVer Ev¢iveer.......................................... 1. 0 Painter..................................... Peivty Foremav........................................ .... ........ .90 1.00 t36 pieeterer................................................ pl........... ........ L8'IK PT -- . Tmder .......................... I. ........... .86 1.12% Plumber.......................................... Plumber's Re1Pm ..................... .. Roller E,gl,eer......................................... Roofer.................................................. .BO .'!6 Raofv Foremen .............................. Roofer's HWpW ... ................. ........{..... ... .. .63 to .OS% sheet Metal vomer...................................... sheet Metal 1.00 .02% ......e . ................. I................. SVsm0lter ... ......................... 8tumflttv's Heifer...................................... ......... 1.12% 62% Steam Shovel E,giveer................................... 1.10 L2fi Salve Mason .......................................... TanHnektlled Labac ....................................Per Hovr Common Labo..........................................so.0 A.pM1elt Laborer........................................ --. and Cub Laborer..................... Gude, Ubarer ...... ............................... I.......... .� Hot A.phalt HM1oveler (Repair )........................... Malntevnce ........ .� ................................ Sewer Laborer.................................. . Tree Laborer I........ .60 .60 ............................................ HrldB8ee Laborer.......................................... Hvllding Lborer......................................... .66 .68 Dl.h DlgBg8ee............................................ Hot Asphalt Shoveler (new work) ......................... .b6 Temper (repair.)........................................ .80 Raffle Firman.......................................... Peyer........... .................................. Bvb,tlt ek ...................................... .82% .82% Rake (rcpain).................................. .86 Paving li SECTION 2 Ne A prioUd copy ut UV ordinmee ehdl be etUcned to and made a pert o[ ececi OnVoro (or Ne dou[ pf my work u set forth In 8ectivv ova berwt, end eh.8 con - of Ne Nrma(of thecovtrut (or ib- w Vul^r ordeubcmtraetor forKmY evcM1 work sr Uelr agent. or employee, U emplo➢ or P.Y each lobar et leve thm Ne wage provided far huelm SECTION B. In rme my cpntrecNr mtuin[ Into a contract with Ne City for Ne doing at eny e fi work ehJl violate Ne pp o Move of tnu ordiv°^ce, or cermit violations Uemaf by sub<ovtrm[pn or Nen. the Cvuveil .y Vrmimte the wvtrut and take aver Ne k and complete Ue same. eiNer by bion¢ the nxenary labor d ppurcneeing Ue needed meNKda Iv the open market, or by re -latrine Ne wnVeK foNtnronoruktto [hwe u lower; div D Iowa[ ruPvmible bidder, whichever meUad Ne work andl be cnar¢ed tv end paid out terminated, the cud end expense of flnleM1ing d in cess wid of Ne mpneY. duo ^r N bene Cltayebell base etnritled ro •acover trod above lMe contrwt eufSctentN eddl bnd wet and expense aver en Na swat➢ an Fie bund, Y Prlee. SECTION a. The yreWei.ro of Nla prdlrunn NaB not epp1Y to" flx a minimum sale of wagn t°c ppee o ompl°Yed by mc6 contruWnnmmtar`eertik otldrinkingcweteP ^arm Don eOlaly °upp h areevot �ertvJlY preen[ end working et Ne Bile pt ca e c other emD'O➢ee w SECTION S. Thts vrdinenee NeB not epDlY tp entng cpvtrnor N cues where bide M1eu Ween rereived zUe eontree[ awarded bu.t a formal n cotract not Yet executed' SECTION I. All contr.cta for the d°ivg of uY work for the City of 9t. PaW mmtlopned In 9ea- ne fierevf shell be evbto Ue eondlDor tfie -it' eKIv char¢elo[`tbeawork, n.pectpr pv lbs work, and the commue�one n th ertlgcate. td"'nH tM1° .[ Ne time Ne wart undo the c ntrect to etartedl r(ormed by the closes J and ddreew otos d the kiW�e orame�re`�astnPa rtiflntion Ne[ ell eucM1 emDl.Ye. wfiow wa¢ee a axed by employee are reeelvi°66 gee t leve Nan the scale previded foi FerThe eav 4ectpr snap elw (vrn1eM1 Ne Inepxtur m the job wiN a elmllarl �flc-d Jw wnkly r addiU..a MPI OYn stdtb� Ii additinn.l cemploYaanto Ithe eommWl.ner mentioned. The certiflntee N <M1v¢e of above certiflcelee .hall be made upon blanks furnished by the depertmm[ the work. SECTION 7. Thle ardironna the minimum wage ale pr mibed herein eM1.11 exp re are yeas from the date pf Ne paenea of this ordinance,ee SECTION 8. h dle- Before enp contact shell be termirotad u provided in Sec[ion 8 hereof, t e ofaB., on Nnbge selected uD fullowa One Imam er to be aplpointedeby he commeu stover In charge of Ue work, subject to Ne -I"- �ttedelo ieVP^otn[ ai1i1ird dldnter- .i be ep inted by Ne contnclor, and Ina Iwo e° eppo n h tractor or Ne Covn<S ested . .tor. Dammd !or vbitretlon may be made byte con by eerrin¢ a ittm votice apo Ne cir. In rase ^( Ne L tVr owri[t-." ori' u ep�N[N bitralon Provided for herein, t[hiv tm don Eb a prvvtded, or in ease vt the fellvre of Ne two w wlecttehd�op��y[ a tnlr� i enol` wlNln five days Jter notice of Neir pPotn[menl, a for the epP i ape eny Jadge of Ne D'utrlct Court of Rem.ey �Iving• fine^� U'notbw N RI Inteneled rbltretor o arbltnUn hereunder by e pyuria. pf Ne time and place for Ue beulvg at each app lotion. t R bold e The utd board of arbltntlon .naB, within floe days drat IV appam men M1eeri^[, and ahJl ems the Iptere.ted pertiu et le.°t Nree Ne pevtiee of such hearin mm mtePnetea. s.fi d eb.11 wneider at men M1uring the end1— "Band 6Y hI�M1 hdl be board h°u Fave dower N r= lFall :Ill- d o a ttat4e Nc M.Nm neYYuro theewiN .hell Le P which record 61 be 81ed�Uee Venecribed upon _pletl"n pf the M1euln �� the Clty Connell. Tlie (ee4 and abJl be he dttl.lon of the board ^! arbltntion, wi 0nd —1-falvJve upm �hel1paKinmtvpo 9vntions of l.K°[ion o All ivtere.thd p.rtfeawhether a ies to the wnttac[ or not eh WI have the right to be heard beton ezid bused of mbttretiov, and I,— each evidence u may be Mt- vmt to the mntroveny. The expenses of old bond of mbitratiov, Includ the coat o[ taking the tentl- mmy and t—lbiw Ne oma ehW be .hared equdly by the mvtnebr and Ne Clty. SECTION I. The Iletin¢ heath of cerNin ek0led or mekiBed labor does not require the employ- t of my o re of said cleaei8atians o ..id city jobs, but Hoch qu H .e shell amain within the jw4dictim of the contactor. - SECTION 10. A.y peaov violating my at the provision. of Nie ordUmro shall be gu8te o! misdemeanor, end upon vonvic4on Nereo[ tb I be p INed by a floe xc .ding One {lundr d Dallarn, or by imprieonmen[ for not eaceedine ty day.. e SECTION it. This ordinmm ­11 Nke effect and be in force thirty days after ile p.Mge and publirotfom Pae.ed byNe Ca November l 1928. Yee.--Covmilmen Clancy, Aohlzn�, Sudheimer, Wenzel, Mr. Vice Pre.. (Fergu- Ap November 1, 192& L. C. HODGSON, Mayor. Attest: D. W. BIRDSALL. City Clerk. C. F. No. 86961-0rdlvmee Ns. 122o—By Clyde R. M.y Will— Roeev— M ordiemee providing for the pasting f oylee of tie wage .cele, ..:den end eight hourRoNinmces of the City pt 81 Pa 1, Ina vn pieuoue piece on aB _11, Ini ther�eo/oma IedemeanoUreA d pavid ne CI[�­It,ea Paul, deolvfne N. therefor. The Comefl of the City of SC PaW don ordain: SEMON t. of 8L PeW fy Ne paha) p of pertorming�anyr y knfm mW Cltynilavolvfneeithn mtrvction work or repaU work on my olds, bridges, .p , -ltd , Wleya, t.r perk., parkway., bvlldinn or other pvbiU workC' calving the improwmen[ of public ®ce�eople.evt the following ordimnroe cif Ne City of Stat'tbl P¢vI—- of aid improve- ONfn.nro Na. 6120, eppaved JWy Di, 1919; Ordinmce No. 8803, apPpPaaed December, 28, 1921; b Ini lg the _ ned eight b_Jday oMinenlm -Idem. requirement ordinance, end wage seW< otdinanro, reepeetively. SEMON t The City Clerk of theClt of SL P.W I. hereby authorized end directed N Issue w Pik�N be .perlormed [or lh CltyUof SC PaoL the signing o[ my contract for City o SECTION S.pri.V epecift-ti. a (ar the doinEE�ofanya wort for the City oaf SL Pnul and shell mnetit.. e of Ne terms and condNans thereof, and it a Wl be a v,obtAoe of the terms of Ne contractor or evb<ontrvetor for my each work, or their .gevta, to teff [n observe Ne terms of this ot, i—t . SECTION 1. All pencearm er corpantion violating the ­W­ of thU ardinmee .h.8 be �� c ed4OneeAmdred Dollanp IS100.00H.. tb_f,onment ivpthath�rkhoueflnfor at period not to exceed ninety (90) dna. or cap a SEMON 6. T"' ordinance .h.B it. effect and be In force thhty (30) dale atter i4 P-1 d V bllutlon. Peeled by the M. Council July 1980. Y<m—Co®eBmm Covroy, Mey, Pearce, Rosen, Mr. President (Hundlie)-6. Al— Approved JWy Ig, 1990. GERHARD BUNDLIF., Mayo, Attest: D. W. BIRDSALL. City Clerk. C. F. No. 91836- OHinence No. TB86- By Milton Roam— A. ordinance v din^ Ordlvence No. 8138, amProvad Me 21, 1918, entitled "An 1.66 ordinance r -di. g exna—d - w etreele d other public ground[." Thie L m OrNvnee denvy ordinance rendered n«nmry tvr [he promrvetion of the Dublic peace. heel[h end safety. The Council of the City of Raiet Paul dose oM..: SECTION I That Beetlon Id 01 b...- No. 3133, approved May 21, 1913, be end the more t- hereby amended .o m w provide .e follows: "Rection 1. No pereov, firm or v re ion, or ppY city department other then LM1io D o art yep^t f Pubbalever� in or unde.- D'l TIM he etreeteh Wlerye�I eeey pp blit grounds of the City of Sain[ P.W, or remove or d'uturb -nyy thereof, witiloul fln[ having obtained a permit from the Commlesiontt o[ Publle We[ke:' SECTION 2 The[ Rection 2 of e.id ordivevm No. 3133 ie hereby emended m m W provide u ows: ^Section 2. All a 1imtione for permit[ meet be ede in ili. e d ti rompenied by a mrety bond Iv tke mm of Fne Thoueevd Dollen (36,909.99', pProved u to farm by the Corporetlon Counsel and e- to eureLy dybe mMcondi. Said bond -ball be filed witb the Commi dor which thelmeWo'tkie desired hell ba tioved MaI each k or improvement P performed In .ccoNence with We rWee, regulatipm end eooditime Prescribed ve the Commlmioner o[ Public Work[, end further vdltioved to protect mpemee M1.rmlese the City of Saint Peul from any end WlcltabBRy, demegee end ex which mid Ciby maYy ostein by ree-on pf the granting of each permi[ or the mak- ing or doing W eucM1 improvement or wort. "No bond [hall be required where mid work tr to be performed by • Wty department or bye PubRe eerviw eorpontiov holding a Irmchlm iv the etrmte Lt,the Cnty. If such work tr to be performed t -r the City pf Saint Paul muter rontkec[, and the contract pcice le 56,000 or tem, the contractor eh posh surety qn fired by [hie section; if Ne contract price u in exceee of i6, band sed not be pooled." SECTION S. 6a fort tr ordtna lionI. -fethe pdblierpesee M1ealtM1me d eafetykil. a rendered nereemry preserve •^ SECTION d. This ordinance eM1Wl fake [Rett end be in I— from and after IG p—p and publlealiov. Pm -W by the Council Febnary 2, 1982. Yeas—Councilmen Cavroy, M.y. -D—ld, Penne, Rosen, Rudheimer, Mr. Pemt- dent (Bund^.)—'1. Nays -B. Approved Febnary 2, 1992. GERHARD BIINDLIE, Mayor. Attest: MIKE J. GIBBONS, CItY Clerk. (Feb. B, 1982) crv�l_s ioii°` INDEX Public Worbf --ON 2 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS —-ph HevlinRe P.ge am 2.m A.pMlt Filler.___. Prick, Paving....... ... 1-2 2. M6. 2: 5 Calcium Chlundc... �.. 2 200 Cm mge, Imn ... ..... 21 2.111 2 OB Cement, 1—d 1 2.m 2.10 1>;elom.cmue Fath. 4 4 •6 Jant M—m Pl—l- Owen.. 2.11 Juine hfnterinl Yrtma1JN, P penman Jpmu ... 4 2.11 Joint Muriel fo. Aewue. 5sph.ltie.................................... t Mew... s 2.15 ala I.I.t YSdee, ._.. ._._... _..__. '1.1] 2- Yi1k. Con.rtu....... .... 5 2.10 Rask. Clvxa ,.d.. Cenereu ...... ...... ...... 6 2.20 Pock, Faund.li CI.® "P" .nd"C" Coocrtte ........................... a 2.21 Ro,h, Qwl. end Pid<welk Cunene ........................ 1 C 2.22 2.21 P.ml, nerete. .... .... 9enA, Mortar........ ..... i 2.24 ..d, —hi.. ..... 225 2.2a —1, R1,W—ing.. __._. _ _ _.. _.. _.. 2 W.ter ___. _. __ _ __ 1 i 4 Nola B-luu by ebm•Wv d sorb ind;viduW brick, not more d- A.- mAmeriCity St. l Depar[men[ of cityor Pau Public Worts ing M�terieln, u,ml duipetion, C ] v VI•u 1 Inepectlon-TTa bbrck shell M bintN w mbuqumt b do - brick SECTION 2 1g91 / (e) liveq� t the of uu,�riar w evd Juri°g layin o Ner W cWl Dolor W reject the brick fiN.e (ollowmg u mtiWumry bock the be MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS rplem which a nam the mm .pm :uIIM out or minted: T.61 It u the 1, bot of them rut Bperifiuliou vblain larieu euitebla for use ov (1) All brit whitl aro torten [hmuugg6 or chiPpM iv each ° mmmr lNt inl^c[ General [rv<tinv woh Jove by er it, the Depertmevt of Public Workn. mBefore sitter wu' eurfese romaine Oelanl,elly lower tinriug mr(„n u redumJ '" ares more [hmhvveeighth (7he 1L my m weNN, the bidder may be regWrM fumuh ° mmplWe :,att "lmpuiUan or mmufacture of my or all malerieu b ba ueM in mutrvcl;on, [he or (21 All bricks which ° cmckN b a Jey[h Rrenter tbev oneeigM1th ('S) mmt of tl,e o Cher wnh cuc{� wmylu u may be requi,d by lha EnRive°r. Samples shell be subject h, of m inch ov °., e.- or which °re crukN ov the wearing eur(n<e. that 2.a1 meh torte u mu. be reymml a dcWrmine the gmity and fibs. of the matmml for tho work. (e) General Requlremen[°-Toa halt filler Ire fumuhed uvder thus epacifi- (37 Al Lriok wNch are iuMpal,. Int, lw' tM, ar 4;Iv mkM n U,ey will vat form a Vmpar eurfue ar xhR° pmlwrlY wnM1 other bock•. Arpbvl[ eM1ell ne IigM1LIY hloxm and shell mese the followivH requ t t Lioit the ores isuente eM1all be in homo- Aemmmpai'tiocti (4) All bris4e whist ere obviuudY (t m,l lm wwrly viMfiN W ev abnormally LiRh a ,r pt nn. FIIIer stall I,e ( (rn a1 J mdueb, lutinv, showing vo yy g n IL ehWl he et lust ninalyeiRht (O6) par rent eolunnle ;o mrbon WL,mMoridn. Jura -t w xr or which chow (I1 Sample: and Ratea[e -Tl,e Gmlrerwr eM1:ll lurniab au,M1 w,n ,Ire vl brirk ax Ila Engp., er Iron: the mirk IL shell Mve a meltimt pom4 of mL Inc Lluv one hundred nod turd, ((140) degree F. vor m My ono hued -i cod uvmly (170) degree E (Bell and Ringp a hM). _ o 6 F.nsimr'r may require. In Rmeml ten 1101 h -k will 11, - rt l I,Y Ibe which would ba xrreptkl m ,hr vieul inarulion xnA .f thry 1x,1 w rxm ll,r epemfi¢etiuve, ane way will be "h'-. If rrlral a roto trvl nnJ made TM1e penatmbnn e(I nty-- (]i) daRren F. IA. S. T. M. 100 Rm. sec.) eL.all vot be lam then 11y.tY-five (351 oat mare than fi[ty{v¢ (661. r¢Lexl ,.n tee mare bar Laken in the ume xnd b:tM1 omm�al mu:plu and retul lull t° pus tl,e mltler tor,, Ilm G,xlnvtor atoll pxy w the ne ten tf ln_W: d,:0nrn rix ort of the rest Tne d.Wisly eL hirtl-t- 1321 degrem F. shell va4 be lex tAm th,m (3) u mime the o[ ovequarter (y¢) Mm i q."1 Tm(Ingrelxbarntury of St. 1'eul cum of k for Tee -1 ides brirk a re mine briquette a (11 egos centimWer em�ucllov pWIM el orb (ff) a Y- e nt The ducNitY n n yes (77) de�uuM1ell°t beom°r° I.hentte ¢of e,ed r" li R Y oared (ro-luireJ „vfxldma nu%iJ v^ regular war''mR home iii oda Crovidwl th tl,erCuvtmc ,vy 1A. i1 Mun -r"I Int rxl ha 'rn a( f°c kMRrvnthxtdte;( Tbex nc4rt�tN fm a rayie mete me¢f l) •qux nu ti n, P.IIM f fiven(6) Iminute� re l �IYIfiv :f5.W1 d�ll r Inc a met r Iwry the ram 11 roque te,l lie (hr En in . (he Canlp m"Mr nbWhan a fifty 1601 ¢ram -.pi. u h-- flue fS) houn et thrcv hundred evd twenty-five el all :uminh he Ivnu ossa W[°pen .1 all lra,uimrt brirk mn,plee n d Mumemnl Tntmg Isbnrnwrv. (976) JeRren F., it shell not lox mare - three (3) per avt by weight. .11 not be Ira thin four M1uvdreJ (1W) depxs F., Opm eu ,. The TA{ (n) CIaulBcarlon-Two clmws of brisk vrc irl l -d u the.: erecifimtiov: Namely, Brick "Medium WM1ere the word• er ,nek" a,e a°- timh pn,it a TM1e -ml -ll not hro eeWly -th"" who° a Pima et mveatyeeven (�]) daRreu F. "Cion A Vltm- Brisk" W BrirJr-" bout other Joripp at,_ ;n o nor Oity o! at. Paul Pleu en,l Hpecifimtivve, it shell Sewers nuk a:MT blow. j. R'pM1vrelfimils sero epmifiM lM1a mewriW u f_m td eMll meet curb tryu'vemente within no-( wi j,n unJamWM that the ">1Mium BrirJ," here,v epesifiM u ivWodN. a "Stmdeni S tM1 shoe° limit u the Engineer may ,myee. the filler offered for ave :toll be •ubmilh,d b the (b) OuaR[y-The brick fnmi•M1N MII Ire m,device with he -i. Brick;' A. 9, T. M. Serial C -3T-24, for the cl.uifeeliov luted. (67 Semple `A Tiample of Engivur for int. filler eMll Ix mad un Yl i( hu tae" app - ficetion• for Cin, Sewer biJdare ie invitM the "AtmT'on" m nla .'o (°) Clvuiflmrlon-All brirk m b° f-iahM under thne ifimtiane :JWI b° •trictiy Lnvd hu bean chemo •�' (c) Ab ry m -The ellevtian of of the A. H.'C. M'm°rificvtione cilul. The nbnrpli°n tori( for "Clem A 1,- atoll I® (or a mu" M five ,est. For' :NM;um" brick the xburption bmi[ 2.83 Bre'k number ane iwvam rotor ezprexly for peAt, purpoen evd of a which for TneY eMll be °f the t pe comm roily i'-.- l,r tnrce 131 Per ant ur l,c ten (101 W fi(tmn (Ib) Iwr cent foramen" "f five tort w;[h nv ,ndividuW mnvmum by ezparienm w 1 m,lshle peeing Purpoem. known u"Vertiml Fiore Brick."nrn."Venirx F:n.el.ugfi ick:'TM10 brink eMll La of eueeknowv el.nll u(aeventm; ((>I per amt. E"ginnr. Paring u "Twp end one-Mlf 12451 inch," "Three (3) inch" ar "Four (4) i-," u mvy he epecifiM. (b) Gene,al Ouallry-All bricks shall be von IM thoroughly, ugh J durable, 1,11 H mple•-Sumpin eMll ba h,r h,4 u re,luireJ by [he pe or five evough 2.03 :a1 Porro -Calcium chloride snail Le in the form u( Imes, dry lam flekn, Calcium ler in evd shape, end evenly humN. Whev bmkm they eMli show denx •mono- uv Oee form lame, keds, enc W, or merkM I°mivetiov° W diaeulve ,endily iv water. Chloride 1 M w 100 c. f lwilingg likebody, form in rotor meida, which would lend W woken the eWeWre. All briskrn�l be mb'ecl W n thorough in:porno" 00 Cn¢mlcel Composi[lon--Ten Rmm: of the meterui'hu c. I 1 1 LI 'd N 1 0 f vonnnl Izfore and utter uy,ng end mlltnR. and all mvterul vot acceptedWI be removM immMmWly from the street by and nt the cepen f the Contrecwr. the bock eM1,JI Ire four (11 mehn end the length ei,bt and oar- wv a ehxll chow .0 pa �th e i 11 :toll ha -p -1 rM h ikW y of h fit g M1 I The ebem,ml wmWet( M0 1 M1 f II °H reg 7 0 m (el Slrze-TM1e wiJtL of M1d( (g5�) inchn; the depth of the reel,mnve uue e1Wl M two end ovo-ha11 (2551 hree (3) and budt M ll n(eMym bxn lea. the _ _ f 14, h ,mpmnxely Their d mene,nne eM1nll Ire : I I,plyivg W L�,e of the 1 k I I of lu¢n or beveled code 4 5 to width V f m the Wmra almenem,m coxa oat mcedl M1tnm.h) of nn g 1 0 n( mo O(CI n M h 0 her ,organ 'fhe f I' hl J hWl he d ul Led ( h pe doge ( 1 ,um ,n f b dap h re ban an N (hl of av meh I gtb f 1 h rose of bock dal I thvv l o(e I e J ,^each bock I e IKrcentsg t(ou filtr n� ve o m Wier mekmg a dWucnon for the BO -4 which e1Wl Ire eeeumN I.0 br en `heli ire v w,trh not n leer tM1.v to lLi ty nnAr mo, v rears ernr () mr be hm CaeOi. mot bop ; rti¢nt ma obeli pro' ea39) t °! n nrh form the rid¢ of Bra L ick, xh 11 n +d ri ar m lug m u 1 et the Wpor 1 tela kage[e-TTa sole; nM1l°'de shell be dalive,M id RI 1 W IM. uch, W Ught :reel d moor " most n( [M1e IUR Imo. a ter h e (17 incl,. v v Be IN enA brick el�nll"1 laubl¢-bra sled not more. than unr-eighth (!G) °f a rich o r ark.aPlfhe �meMlY (bxn 3!A Ibe� each. va ! he m vu(artumr, th 10, bermtne a1,Prodmxle by the meoulestumr ."ll be encn('�J.Tea[s-Rrprue mpin "f the brick shall meet Lhe Inllowing ,a9 cafe runt, and lha ,R+,taRu of edu°m cIJ°riJa gun,av(eaJ �IWnly merkdl o° uch m hti_. 3.06 and m,i W the mttlervtm(m: I (al PurpoerThe rest i n deeeribal in thio epecifimtion ahxll be ueN' the mxnu- h other Cauivye, wM1m l ist m V Fl- Ilrick to B Ao2Unh tore M me -Hale nn menhola mvnre, e h bolo vera. let porta and m :ire N-bM mveriaq a other ruuo- Imo nu -- -� - ,n v ba roqui,ed, unlmv °trier perifimti°n• `an bore. Ceelinp wyhall be msMe a cl ,Imre Z'b I -...a eM1awn ° ha pl... - 24 u 2U pn In mode fm Rawl ¢red O1.f', ufidry(p,g,i- -1- g In) Ou -The Form Wv (10) In Lw Tb)) per mnL 4 2L T6'� eryl,nlll with fimt uxblY, store, p. ba �alhern ,x, but nn in(en r meal mvy be Z. Cee mnY, hart k erticnl Pihreol.ug Br1¢t A Nole B fiord 4uxlitY steel error peamnce, e'rcngl stall 1,e [roe from imtwrfxuone ar def -hi civil danrl ldv�11nair V h lha tnL rah °n a mmp1y ort Jive Note 2 t4 -- - _ R "77 nr ux[vinrm The out iron •hell h° laug gr°m gm'" puce nelow n 1 curing A u aM1nwn 9urlevm Letwnv Mmhole -d-B or C' 0 2g�h 2g is TI 20 5. I lel Tho Be°nnRs un Plvn . 195011 el,Wl lir much nM w true rime •ur(nrn. Nu Note A-AvervRe Ino by nbrmdan, not more tMn. ........... ................. 2 Th— , 1-1 "1 bon ena de IaJ 1Jm 1 -22'."- mmb�mv eu enJ m mWll n IuJ moeid en nth a of c .Ire fnr'b ar a mal p1 —1 mviJed tit M Pleoeo( the elntemmr u equeLmittal 1 net dif lb terWly I m lAee4nJeN P4m, J pmv JM furtMr� tl ul the ymLt enmJ nb het nlmthe J e mud b� eq bto a 0f theme 8tmdre.N 9peo- ifimu M. p ¢lull I;exePp 11 Evgio Laf thry I un the ,.mmt. Id) Tette—Thp ulphur amtent v! tM cen[inR mvW ^hell vvt mreeJ onnlenth of one OTmt�ieo hnll�m rn` l.um the ¢tel Jay a m tM r end et Lhe m Atrlwt tw he eMII Ire umduwi I, rneh ruvml emtinRe m,l f mmeL 6m u! mrrrltrun. u M1ell Le in ail M1er of Ju lnll0winq eiWev: One 11)inch Ly me111 ivrl l.y thirwrn ll3� ivrJ�m otrlcne III i.rh LY two (?I i.ch® Lv LwennY'eiW IRA) Inchm. E.eh taut Lnr eh.11 he cmt inbgmlly with n noting m which it ¢holt rem xtbrheJ unLl Lroken oR by the Inn xrl..r. 1\'hen cone tmmverslY, Il,r Fort ¢holt mxl the reynlremen�e given below. TLe tocol e��nll Lr. pplird enA Jemima mn�.uml uv lha rcnbr of the Lvr. Alinimum Erenk- Deflmti0n nt Siva of Ear it I.omle. P...de Minimum Drexk- Ing I.ovJe, IneLm xIW13 .n. a n 12 -inch gun.. _ _ ?A6d 0.12 zgro A.36 Trcts wJl M nnWmtal hat the full r�i li um 1 m king local required .1, ii for nt lam lbm nne minute. 9huv111 any wt Ler fail w meet the epa�6mbom, thmethe entire Ivt of cmtivga Inc which the Ilmativfmbry her in the mmple, whWl be rejeebl. '1'— ¢bell Le mWe Ly the Mumnl,.l Tmti.R Ielmmbry. 3.09 (v) Mvterlvl—Cxu:h bean tory .nd Ill,­eMII M (umiehaJ v( K-1, iti a 9enJ- -lb —b. eb.e or alml, or .f __d cement mmreb TOP¢ end DrlPmnee (L) Dlmenelnne�nbh Lad^ tela end Jri,_ -11ne male to dimemi.ne in ¢tract emoNmce with St. Poul a !hiM pl Inc thm vrtirle,i ( )mCnnc a -The .tet .vdtw car �ueJ in the Of m mLphcn emd Jn, �rmlull motor a grey irom b fm mt0mtt rete nith aficxhon Tuero� hell have Rthajen �rjp'1 tMnar went tigb h n�mtl r�glp po ode per neG. Ca prau a IR hx[m illvr.e m wilht u J N of be Amen m 8veiely farr Tml�i �R le thluterm( mnkidr and a rn�la�. R �I(dl --litr I-_' ­,"'n -p-111-1" InwrernI N1 p m lb pu oto Jrim nm ¢nen he c, ertifi int em con Inc LlieheJ m n n.Juc high r. b. a[ lam) Mnlrh o-Ml(1(�) inch th ck the blob, cover elulhl Mve ib Wp done lam finuM.l n L t gmf whoa ^h u y m ell cont Inlq with cot of the Llmk. Tho wrinrc nl the y g� to fiulen ^hull fro snmthnm1t e,t, ¢hell eM1.w no free cement nr alba Jisolomnon and ehnn Freer t (D glm v —TM1e EnTe�x hu repreee iv ehmll hev ve nuleo0 Inking p ^N rah vyb.d oinvn vnJehocdrip.,­ __. rt iotnevfP t m el oared lb n er a M1evujgment nl tle Engineer reW've mrth ewmhJity or the finuhml Iwluct MII Le fiunl. ].OB (e) Ceneml Requbremem�gTe mmenL eMII Ica etende Pmtlevd Cement r v Comet II -known b A veL he 1' th req 0f P rrlenJ Narifi a &n�J Jpm .n 9 n. anmemm�l t r pd d— ell mrlmgvent dme.. vnd v d Yum tAeeieto Wo t piety fo tinge MnM iota. i 1 P Y mid Society. `bl T �Iv eddili t. vM x� —hi. greriUmti the he. undreexael rmnillti rev whi'L �olr �hvrmte of lti adv nllw Ithev m fico: xy Lely Ahnt ewndenl I,.i rehvll lmhe ornuM e[ thr to t31 JnY �i")U1 WvvJ a nch� lu 4tL f e Ireut W,. L vdml tlm. co- het Lan nengrlh m i ce m tref n w II kn. a Lm �I wliirh reRUNnrll for ux mpthe work up°m°n JeN n e `)` dv�Y d tweet fight (2S) der testa m M ePl vol n luau R th h a(3) J.y Cmnant toilingq m cet the v (]I day requi t y Le hvwu eld id.g tM1e remlt of the wevty'aieht (�) day trm Lvforc LnnR re rtr'mm 3.09 R'ne^ elcrifi I for cove herein ^red xe m y be iweJ Emdn retrad for ev m vtrel.lncrc imd.....pal re a ¢hull Fe e412d' mnc con _ mixN tvpx Go c e rnl plm vnd MLln1 In thm vl phot nrk in mk vl np�mltrvn um rem p Ppoo nminl nt v eentrnI Jnn and ix a de In PP rz <meke. Delo, A 100 6'i andY mize muerte u Muted w tM work the Muuge wrYe e1W1 be.ppmvM Ly Ne E.givxr. Nmdy 'rel m.rnt0 ¢hall corer ell of the oy.iremmte at fo.th in the epaifimtwm for mvcrcb erupt the requimme.t Chet the mvareb M razed vv the vb of the improvemm[. IWore my reW mvcrcb -1L M mW on the cot covered by lbh spa. Lmue ifimli0 the plm a which tM concrete u b M mixed and [Le method by whirl the mvcreb TIPU. m heeLrmaporbd eM1.11 M mprovN b,i fR by the Evginxr. Bach a .p eMII W iv cRat for ova (1) ymr fmm the dale 0l1 vnitm mrMr wnhdmwn by the Evgi Plem -,-,..,..,f..- rWe and mixing ehWI be fumuhed by the City. Euh load o1 reeJy mire y th. Lett m cal b Qtv ork nnnll vnth it vcket s aJ b the e'�ec h pl 1Y' Mt the c the Innd hiu hnJ p nepecY Such 1:j 1 ckeb eMII be deliverwl to the mpeeuu ou the wah Mfare the morsue IecW. ¢the (e) Ouvuty—The di—ii.m myth nr einm furni;W Will meet following ro q omenta: Dba[omeceou• 1.10 Not more thou i% by weigLt of the mnwrinl ¢nett M -i ­.v o 30 meth are.v. Horth ve on .200 meek arcev. Nat more then 16% by waRht W the cont .l xhell Le —M Seining bele with wat eb duu11N er0 cot me of Lha Imwriel re .u,, tlmn m 0 I m ^on n we ma.hell f W a La m awmq cab ehNl avow .m mare tin 'JR'/0 r Ime then llA oomm novo The it—rul ¢boll vot mvmin moo the. lA^o by car gbt of mnuturc. A moutum fete ..pl. of Lha _ml ¢hell not show a I0m m iRnivinv e[ IgOo de F. of more thm 7%. An ignited mmple ¢hell ..t- et Imet iti% of ufim and vot over 5% d elumiva vel for ronJ „r .Iley vurferinR .boll be mm .! !r a of I.nnl dureLlO rock of loll crerel M1iRl,l:rx'xmv m ¢Loom, end mod bRevher with elnv .r uvhar LindinR mntcriN. it ¢boll Ica Ire¢ (mm thin 0r elan orad p and shell ba well grMdl Irom mere¢ w fine. Surfvclnp \Vnere the Rmvel J<poeit mnmim ¢loom mea,livR one incM1 in diemawr, the Rrevvl shell m res Only mmry nr ¢Laker sreem tt. t� ciroWer omNmW not larger IMn ena inch v ¢aero r r rev nin oab Mn three-querlere�vch will Ire mnnlltnl. ern ueeeof a gm��ar gd:rJy n%xoapin not iK corm ea. Cmvel, when tretM. hywmeene of I.b.retorY arcene by ..hmg, ­11cox[ the Ldlowing minhnum requlmmenb on Ary weight bmie: P. nch (1" 1 ¢orae.— of Ica then I—, tom R u can (No. 16) eieve—vo t M.06 J, nor 1. then 35'r. 'the total Ibr rens of mod and alt Iwainq a numinr fifty (N.. 60) sieve ¢hell cot exrenl tw ly-five per rout ) of the pert p- the .umbar lm (No. 10) meve. I.oalinR fmm para ¢hell M md.rme i. umb n mnnner and by eveh methOde thnt a uniform re le of m nal xill M deliveml o one coed. N nrth sod or nN ther Imo tel le ems of my 1 or clay, ehNl Le allowed iv he q vel d wi Ica tnk ehnt Rm olio n ez al h vel. Any toed¢ bkev m the work mora R Wuch W 1 t nnalde mxuride wJl Mzrelo rod J 1 Prmolde joint mvterinl for awrr ni hell be of ev m battle or tar mm mm! p, position of Wry lily. It Ile delivered i 'pe TLe Joln[ provwl ahWl of pmifie wNth and tluckvme. joint be .f such eM1emc[er that it will of ba deformed by ordi.ery Mvdlinq Jur1nR hleterlel, Sewer, Lrulgehnll ot brother nor become h.N or brittle i. rola brother. vrem.lded The Dit.minom Pm 111 11oint far pevinR eMII be of the dimeo®om ennw. o. the plum. 113 'I'M1r j„int mewriil eh.11 Le of euel. eMmcter Ihet it will not be defonnN bl ow.ary Mndling Joln[ dunnp not weather nor Mmme Lrittle in cold brother. The Imdy of the jmvt metenel Wnell 4 eterl.b PEre-molded m Wee fee I I le fib a fill¢ ted with mph.lt or broom of asphalt im- nrrennte fihrouel Eller nod ¢nett yvam eR.f ruLher Aiet bard tlwilghout tlhe jmnt Innterinl- a neion J�alnte nnl ^lull Ix mlm�l L. "P.Ivletite” ar mevulmtumd by The Philip Cxrey Cn ,and eMII bo eppimvxl Ly he Enq r Mf o the - Th bb Lody f the j.izt not eMII Le imPremv[al wild . Wtthle fill filler end thio ¢trim of fabric NRenrr 'll Ire nllnwW, for it,, I—— of hi—j, the etnmtuml e.bilily 0,the j.int iv extrelnm of wn�mrnwrm. SnmVlm of joint metari.l, Leto^ 1»Ivg ePOroved, ena^ be ¢objected b [Web far ebwrptlon, 1.14 L�itllanme and Jumrtiov, vnd each other web m may Lo oq.irwl by the Evgiveer. Joln[ Mumrlal LY tlhide E,rc n� cer cold ah.11rbo mpmvwl Lef re bcog ave Ki- Wucn [cob m meY Le regWrN RAtPhalwer.a 2 1 MINI Witt plxtm for P I.— °hull Le of the deformed type- Tne> shall be of not Im Joint Pletm Neu dxtxv (16) gauge ml, u fir elellm avd h, mde m hit h,h on the Ims. Tne Maml plow shell Ire one hdl (y§) ivch I«e io wMth then We lhickou of the pevement slsb. Lovgi- tudivd joint plot« eMll Le fumhhhi I, vol I- then lm (lo) fwt IBrmIM Tmmverm joint ple[ee ehafl be furvaI ix lengths b wnform to the yevem.t width and ehdl be wt m the 1 t wv of the pmam.t. Allow.. xM1efl be mode for m and laV ov ell evctmm cal metal pletex 3.16 inn Wmmht imn ar el«I atePn, .van<h[Ltlm I i5� inrhee in Aiamner, dlell ase fumieh°J. They Alen M1ole N 11 be formal m tM1e .I.m a Nv n R. P I e ee" W pl demlve or nvhole leya Ste : Wm _ of e. v w x gth m r Ire iuJ eubj he"xPpm 1 of lase Incer. 2AI pueSty,- rower pipe . 1 ie tLe .na(ructinn of .won conn«tions° brmch., - pip. 'a(e ., shall be of the WN and spigot style, xf first qquality, muvJ, tllorouRMy enJ Ired«tly \'I[rleeJ M, with,sit a M1lhrc make yr lh perlech and —1 l full x d thl ml4 10ra1N er hero �v b�nm enJ u4r a rfeo-q cept twat M1 shales f tLe huL®cnd he p mG °oq"feral m aodut.nce vgxm two-thirJ (h) or be depth yr the bell° On°x�l ua erml°�r ixv. of the plhe. tM1e glerinz ehxll .ver eomPlxmly end Irvin ao ix- rgrel portal the pipe body. If penal, the inmJe of Ne bell enJ the uumide of the q,igot ennll Le wmrM in three l31 peMlel linea e"tevJinR w�npletely em_d the vircumrem"oa. All pipe ehbl bet 1 malar I.- end[ form V fu`I qty, whether mi M1t rveJ, and Ilreyrof the ifiM J'w rims of unilor hirkn BeIW ehnll be with I��re bo TI -ppee shall Mnm" Ivct rdl e m table yeret uqn� v orhl which, Plhev broke eMli snow a denmlai d . d b,xly witno"ut detrimental crrn<ke r IemimJooe. It eMll be or inch mwhvu that i[ encu he cut with a trisect and hemmer enJ when etmek with a hemmer shell pve a el.r. 1x11 -like sound Gch bell nr maker °Lel{ be of cimt diameter N re.ive m iM loll deyth the epignt enJ of II. vert lollowivg r epxial witM1m! chipping °! eiNer enJ elm to leave n wpn« °! ample wiJth ell ereuv� 1 ° king un lM1e jvlv4 Ihpm rind ePnaale which ca ,t Ire hue Ireely final nln inch o M1Pr ^IRmll«bJ It x Allrk�Ve shell Ix m61eK b neyec Inn and eypmvvl by lLe EnMneer Lef°re (n) Leegthe-The ipe a be iv trio (2), two and no M1nll (254) o three (gl foo[ Imuru""t timh a( 4L on Its udder m o e PI vas w o uml e° e e Cantmelor, anter oN«wise iritis ° �ch pit» ehvll here denrlY ImplemeJ v Irfxc the r J k.r inemnwl.°trirer. (e) Thie4neae of Shell -The lnilnrving A. S. T. bl. menJeMe for mmlmum Nicknem shell Le requir aril-nthere am. xpxifi«I: Internal Diweter Thicknu Inlvrnnl Diameter TLieknem men® maria, mdw lame, R y 6 n R': 2!4 NOTE: All °Pier dimension. -1 be i" eewlJnnce with Nn 1x 1 A. S. T. M. dmdanle /nr vilrifi «war P., (J) Abemptio-n. mrb th vitrifiM atria pipe ehvll not niimore en ei ht (9) n( water when t.lsl i Mince with Ib S daM Slwcifirnlione of the Aineriren Snriely fm tt T.Jvg Mvteriele, Serial Desighx CI - I, load Teel -Shell be in m ., with the x da eyerifiv sit of thr A, .4 T. \I. :krivl Dedgnntion CI3-21. (!) Wye Branch., Slants d Ju.b Jo e-Juvctione for wunxtiena ' d.11 wmlel of 'Y'=r burned nn the pipe m m mtegml Mn th.mf. 5lente (orewn- brick or wherein mwem chest wn.iet of pipe having the epignt enJ nevelal xmle of fxny-five (46) degre., except tbal on « �en of over lour (i) (cet iv dixmeter the built' may have etmyht spigot endo. All mrvi. mon«lions °hoe W A. (o) ivch. p ah°.e�:mle. anerwme ePxNM. (g) Stoppere-\'itrifiM Nppen eMll be of the mine mvleriel end qudity ee ape ifiM for n[rifiM Plpe. Smppem e1 be at Islet ann inch thick, flxt, urtul°r in form and chest be of Pm diameter N _A Iv the MII .d of pipe yr bmnen. b clam the opening. (M1) Approval -All pipe and epxule shell Ire eubj«t to inep«tion enJ npprovvl Ly the h Maniac!ITmtinry mMmmhe woh Y Th�Contmcbr Nell lumhh and deliver lar t.t to t Df ry cue pipe or ep«mh, m me Enpnxr they quire. PIPs, 2.18 Conttete the Cly °I St. Peu1. AI.Mivn I& /°r °reli h,11"mfnrrelr� under Nue J"rd apxificeliova d Pine. vola olh.dw ry,xifiM. 0• •s il& Ie) Il h the intent of Or epedfimYom w e the 1? b of merx T 1.19 for ave xulm I.—d Cement Conerem Yevemmte or Cl. "A" Ponlmd Cement (;anere � Rg�¢ck, G it T=.. A Pertly"vdm The madmwv size end RreJing xl ceuu aggregem for vee in Clore "A" PnNmd Cemevt C ncrcte wJl N modifwd by the Evgincer m mcet epeml work lequilemmte each u the plc tivg CemevL .I «.rem by mew of ".nerctegun or Iv rmNar.d wncrete eeeleone mvteiving closely Conmem pmaJ etml. Pevemepn or Clam A &f"m my modiW ai a or g-livm ere .-I, the written epP 1 of Ne Etgu, r shell Concrete Le oblainM. (b) Source of Mamrlvl-The mama of the m kl ewne or gmvd ehpl Ire eppm byired m ofsr N'tY egad b tthat e t IivJ� thePl"rlghl here" Le cup lied iv the qumht kind al rcgm.from eu plmt whmPBthe chemcmr of the me1Ydm°rW our LLermvdehof oce Jun In each plant u inch m b make Improbable the flwi A of the regviral loud of eggregnm. Vic) C �dlonl(-- h(.aeu epRr°gwwth mwll'ly d='14=2 h11 atone yr gravel. 1[ eLJI e ic4a flet mJ elongated p bl«. vege.ble matter r other Jeletenevlw mf°[ter1Oi t ehJl rovlorua I, the fallowing m«Mvid umlyde. Pelting 1rvN sieve ................................... ..Ido% Peeing 114 .sieve ................................ ........ R5% Prosily !finch sieve.. .... ... 26 to 05% Pam y{dvch ng me ..... IO I% ve. 1'emlvg �f-meh mlvavtmore then.... _... _. _. 3% Mda b 91.nJaTh.""NsimeNod�&rihll DmgmJm F41-241(tmome" openillml.9oeielY of Tasting It u further reyw 1 that the mince eggreyete .hell Ire the uviform product of the Phvt pralucing it eM mnmvng of all the vmioue vw of mxtermh withiv the , ivg ape fimliom rock g)m Cru ti mtmene -ith Mr °erode ° whh,h eMl°IJmeel Lha lo111. low 'i'i, Bumble trip P.tege of wcer ebrew to ,not mare tbev .... .....5 t Tnughn«a out lu then ....... ..... g Tha pemenlege v( wmr inti NugMu ehWl be demmlivM by Ne Abuion Tnt for rock, Amerism gaiety Ivr Tenting Materhle emndeM IveNod Da20, and To" _ of puck, Amedmv mdely Ivr T«Jng lfaleri.le. waa.rd meNm, dale, r«Pee4vdr. The stave .M1eti musiet of the product of the eruehar belw«v the limiI, of d.e shove ep«i- fMinti =1 Le free form Jwt or coating inti eha8 not have m exam of Sat ar elvnRniM Vixen Cwhed ebne eMfl be of wQorm cMmcmr quarried form etm4 of epprozimem agent WwMnu, end the right ie rehhh th br the Commieeio in b fnhiJ Ne Icing of c h, stave of tl eswve n th. b-1it,,,o e made of opomti°n' blmtinR bJ 6evdMgg or the n6ef thi- lar. avd g= clmhM stave P°r"mII u such m m make impmLeble the Iwnhhing v[ uoi- eggregem, (me from chY, eJt or loom. .twle) emvd-tCgvnveJ N°II be .mpoeed or cls Yw, heM, durehle .moa well 6redM iv sim mJ 1 ooe-hJ((°M) ve orcntV°f date mdfeher. ° d eh.11 0 6 otyn shell hes fvmihm[ more .d The gmvd e r C° how mare then inn (101 per ceol Ivor whey t.ted for abrmivv, A. 8. T. M. emnJeM teeL 9eriJ Deeigvetian D2-20. Guerin eptrepele for i'orWnd .meat mnerem ham Che° Clem "C" Covnrete ennll 2.20 wmplr mN ell vl [M1e regWrcmante f 'Coelm Amggge71, far Ponlmd Cement Concrete," Rock, Cname Clem A", mmpt euhM crane eh�l� veGnval shell Mvenr of notmore than eight (gl. vnJ Aggregere for eperifio regwremen[ m m roue pemmlaga of wwr of hat snore Portland then ten (10) when teeth (or ebradmiv on nor wnmore tluv [hu (3) per cent of dam or .bele. Cement Concrete Bvm When IWW atone oQered fur vee hen a percenlege of w.r of mo. than five (5), ouch or Clem e. ar a m e6d1 fimt be epPmvM ny the Evpncer. Tne Contmelor droll fumieh mM m theyy be Cleu C BIM for by the Enmn . The pareenlvge of w.r eW] be determined by the Al- T.t Concrete (or mak, American goci«ery far T«[ivg Mnimmla emnd...elhM IM -Z0. ].yl (.) Gredl.$ Coeur e8p U for embe or ..-litLx morn eidewvlke ehdl mvform R«k, Corm b ell of the regmrem— ep I, C mea AUM.W for Par[Imd Cemme Covcnte. Clore Aggro is - cnrg'..d Monolithic A, mrope that ie'm a gX; m (o0aws: Peavg 1 ch si ..... ...100 m Covtxte Sidewdk Pe®ug yy5�-mmchs .. .... x..10%b 30 Pemmg N-mch move, not mon th.v .... .... ........ fi% Z.13 (') Ou'llty—Five eq[regaU yr rovcreU mod eM1 Il W s n.tea mod, ..h,hdvg pr Svnd, Pine Aggregvte ticlm of durable roeh It eh'll he elm withiv the OmiU hmein prescribed and free h— - out fmmv lumps, Iny and other deleUriow mbebnroe. Concrete Svvd Bend shell ba toted for Org.vic impuritin iv emoWvvro with BtmdeN Teel of the A. 6. S. T. M., Beriel IMwRv 'on C40.2]. RatmnW elutionon tmtW eamplm shell have a "color value" lower then z60 perU pvr mufion iv term. of t—d. mid. Burd giving dmkv mmtivve wiu Le reimtW. shell malt the follow hour mane [' fine, sod wheo tnbd b (6) Gf d 1. ­­-,d y mm. o mg regdremmu: Peeve -inch nave ... ... ... ... L00% I'seuv8 Niveh save vo I hm ... m%Pmmg IOmeeh sieve, of po paesug N h 1 hm Pe®vg 20 -mesh save, of pe® 5' h Peary[ 60.mmh eieva of Po P g h hm ... _. ]0%S mch save. vvt more thm 9"/e Peavg 100.mmh si—: of pornov pemng =— Meteriele, BbvdaN Me hodA�IL�� a Ian. rda Oil_2iL(I-m P-v�Bceie[y far Tntivg Nat mon hen Lhrea (3) pm mot by weight sheplle ba M"" by the elutriation Uet. armgrmel The mv�ehvllWmOnW M1ev ouo-quertarn f(N)f41ch ehaBtmeaI riga mluireame G f. W ht)ol ®oL°wtna develop�Unmla'tremett(6)at maim: we tnMt°ad .gnu Imes egnlt U etrev. h(B)l e. mmpoead of the more norm[ sod SeavdaW OtUwa emd, whey Ua4d a Lhe age of v m ev (]) and tweet—wht (2g) day'. id7 Semple'—Prelimivery mceptmn mm Im .Il Ire mM1jmt b both moan (]) and beeei hereon. Bnmpin toted during Lhe ev Ysighl (28) days Ueb evJ ecce'p pngr® of work ell be ecmpnd m Lha beeie of the mean (]) day tut. Svvd3lor mor fbe)foP bnekleYwt mdr uvVellr��uilable for uee in the meki� of Portlmd omen[ •, Murnr, Mortar Svnd (b) Ovalltyy end GredlnQ—Mortar mod shall fulfill ell of he rcquiremmle M1emim befvn specified (or "Five AggregaU fur Portlmd Cement ConereU;' exnpt [het it shell W RrsIW m loliowe: Pam°' U0 20m— neve .... ...100%y b ]6 /a T..I e ...46 TOW p -n. No. W wave, oat more lhao.. ....................... W 0% fa) Puryyna—The emd funiehW sW be rod— for a cushion order a brick or block S.nd,�C-I.. pavemme mrlm'vg. far Brlc4 Prremevt. (6) Ovvllty- The mod hMI M, m M, elnn d sharp, free form ell foreign or do- le[eriow mWtmcm. It ewI Le wdl grndW; one hvnd—I (1007 per amt shell pem the ono- gwrbr (N) iveh mnh eerem and not over sixty (001 par cevt .hell Pure a twm[y (-) mash nevefc)H' mused lfor w�M1 Doll be dry and evtirelY free fns mY Hees sou ore �emd ene'i not be 1.1fi Steel (el General Requirements—lieiofoning etsl shell be fumuhW iv elmtriWly weldW steel febris or iv ben: pWv, delormW, or old LwuUd m e6own ov [M1e plain. Toe ben shell Relnlorcinp be re11W form naw bBlete Na ren11W me[erW will ba amVtd. The areal shall a made by Bememeror Opan Rsrh Ban MeH a ivUrmWuU '[eel tither or both he p Of grWe and:,A",--' the epaeifintione of the AZ= Souety for Turing Ma oats, ""d Heol 614 for bille[ areal aNareament ban rove g Lhe inbr-WuU Rode. We1dW W "Cold Dnwv 9tm1 Wire for CanereU llmnfar 5 eerordevro (.brio 'hal mode of e'th the epenfimtiom o! the American Sudety for TaetinR MaUrule, S`W Dametiov —7. Penpal members of the abet Iebria shell h.epced not les thm four (4) vor mare thm twelve (127 ivchn No member eMll have nn eHmtive w of les tbev tweotyeiaht t6ouemde (.048) , f a muen :vah and no (.brie eh.B Le umd which weigh' les t6m foray -vine and 6vo-tmtW (48.6) pounds per hmdred OW) pure fore. m the Piequ Evgi. may t for — Bta shell vor ba umd until [I6ee heendpprovedmd ].]6 The water -d'Wl beclmvl alnr and fru form H. W. M"b er.r A. matter. Webr Water fns the maim of the B[. Peel Qty Wabr Dep.rtmmt u'ppmvW. 7 Clry e, Bt. Pnvl INDEX �wrlmewr e, BePt., 19]2 bile Wnrke B6CPION Il GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL SEWERS Par ph Il mW p­ epe12VL 12. 12.03 Oenerel Condiliom... 1 12.05 Bmkfillive........ ... 2 12 OT Meivtevenee of Trevah®..... 2 12.08 Beware iv Porke..... .. 3 12.08 Aepevwe epd Rm 6-ivg....... ........... ... 3 12.10 flidewalke, G1rbe evd Miemllmmm 86vewrae.. ... ... ....... 3 • 12.11 Bahedule of Prise far B4cet Rapaire.... ........ 34 12.12 APpredmela Icvgthe...... .. ......... .. 4 .q .1 1.. I Pub—llc W 'k f R6Cy,pfl, gy GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL SEWERS 1103 Tome Ppeeifim4ane rover the funiehiuq of ne�'e�v�y add and tb mmtmNoo of DualDtlov • mwr or sewer eyelnv m dwwv av the ecrumptvpvq q IJ.03 The materiels uaJ io the mmtmetion of [he mover ehJl .—b. r regniremmU of th.Jr M.terWb reaped{ve kivde mJ clomzw m gives m Bt°nd°rd Materiel 9 'firtiam a( the Ctitof Bt.P.4P° �Yi,o ° :roti nr`4e i�mienea of nmikwdiir Dora ®i�aom°aryfiw�ie e��men� in tM mnta;J rpeJ- usJ (.) Exl.Hnp sewer strprtnree CoodlHa When muting sewer nmcturee are mmunl—i m lM work, the Gvlrmtar shell !ar Proper dminnRe of mch exisunR Jmct.— Pmvida (b) Lf— and Cowden ¢,W �-1lAuaee method epyroved bYllhneelR�mEvJRivem !or treoderrivw. ng Iantl En�nnnmperetnel�ne end bob evd gads pole. > a ttiu meihod °nvill"be°�ummd nmevuc pfncuievgrgrWe hmNe, plums (e) Hous GnnaHoru 'thio thegli U olitienmvtnetty�t�y time d,vioR tM mmtmetiov of any b a brnaed Iiwmeed mntren+nr. U doom! permit W • VmpertY awmr, =1b; nlieviPp perlY from mm IetinR hu mntrmt � tidivR br mtbout w mY mmna vg 18e Con- ova Tha imi•um of e b tM amen pluis •vd epaifimuom permit Y Y to rep m9 pert of a ®over ®brmal Wilkin lM HmiU o! this mvtnot eM1ell in vo dram vpenU u ev eecaptmm of my pert d the work. (d) Wye Amoeba. $lm[e end Junction. Jmetiom for wnvectiam W vitrified cloy pipe saware e1Wl meat of Wye brmchn burned J v tM pipe u m W I pert therm! SImU for mvvation W brick, mnereU or swan of Nm mneuuedov atoll mv®et of qpe ti°.wx e�iRot ®d bweled et m evgl f lortyAve (f6) de8reu, y M epeeified otherwise. All atiom shell M six (0) ivebn in dlem- eter unlsa other[riee epmi9ed. Wye bmveMa ebvll M butt in to Lhe sewer el ivtervJe of twevty (31) rent on uah ode a( the ewer el�eg the OmpertY fronlyp `entero otherwise rolled for av thepWs. Such other mnvaliam s yba veo®rylor woven ng 6Unl aware, wUhbeeim, or for other purPoa, e1Wl be built et meh h 1,U evd mgln u rosy M specified. The guest and of dl Bawer mvvatlom e6a°isll be at Hush wi 6 the rover surface of the ewer. The deed rode of ell xwen and sewer mnnatiom exmp hour m^vadpm eh.n M dead with ri1 6l y h , Lriek or ether eppmvd mvteriele. TM Jmd end of borne mvaetiom shell be clwed 't1, t fieri clay elopcen st N mortis. (el R.—I of Shade V. end —9d The Coverutor SII Dot disturb or demure any .hada tree ar formal hdgm exspt by neem! trim of the Engineer. TM eeldi a, and merklog o1 eUka emu vat be murdered eh orris. 0 is Erteveliov e6J1 mluda Her ry elmrivg or removin8g ! obelmetian. from the One d the ewer, the mekivR o! ry exmvtion or ®broken mJ the cerinimeuce or �WreodtMr work vec®ery la permit rho mm tete ewer to M mmtmeteJ U the epaified Ime and a ttodb�Redermprovided. 1'he ImRt6 0l trench opmM eh.11 b°eh°Imlbfect et W unmdl Yen iheeep must o! Ithe pipe 8mhtfill ehdl bap eced16yltbC vtreclor�Bot«me oltnvchsehJl MehepeJ srerullY to conform a tM shape of the lower part of pipe swan 1 l (b) Horlmntel Clearance Tnani iarn ar omen mr were eMn M .non m W rr n tint[ �' n de m I 1 armee nl g �r r, endati�oim °T�me�m apm�fiulmehM1>H(gb) 0cheeu�newnvrnine L .den« g neral. 111 M shown ne pb.ne, e Plem ehnll (c) blta[In8 °rad Hmclvp u t mY Imnbilit Th. Grntrector °bJl y r t1l Mtwm end ®du of th. t-11 gy uaul Wr(ere hctoet lot mg of vel a over sped eel. 9M1cetivR vent b,nnncl slid iv the whbh mer m nemm reit i e treael for thi. p ^poa rand 4Ae me r nut 1, it el ell extend \Vhere the hat m of the trenr6 u uuenble mJ shalinR e hrlow°tha ee er rc All eM1 �g driven bel w the h^c ehJl,,e loft in pin Sha g eR vee tmM1e an.R linen Y^Mnwitb n n IReueh ry vJ apart Lendo^e Jut— the bmkfilLv en un may b dove u nY e m he Gotten , deom (d) go([ pvuvdv<Ivne Wnevof to t to I the mnteri o rawtrb m t nch tonna W M n utinrto ii ° eL dwnu r rho awe v^d wlch uvmrfilnc trot uvdnt; tM1 atho Carvin tlmrxM1ellfimnkevth^[oundnt 1ntuvh�nw'y Y. shell CI ll 1 -d t re fiIIM with .ueL concrete. 1, cha hnbt�re .111 lea I'd. (.) blemoa All trenrLm shell M Lerkfilldl u wwv u Vrncticable without risk of iryury la the ewer 13.05 rand sewer etmcu[ree. Selatal vumrUl fee from ,rack ar lumlw eLJI Le bmkfilltd mwergm'''Le H^rkBlling namn. --1 .^d aver the mwor W e dePW, al ane 1I) trot raver the W p v pmt .gads, of rb bmkfill .ben b HmhM or puddlal with venter in enMdmt ymnntY to am and a^mlidxte. tlmmuugghly Ue Mek611 mamnxl Vhere xwere ere vot mare tMv (Durran (Idi tat in dopth thr tren<ha shell be Huehal with water when the nnokfill lou Lan plead W x depth of five (5) (at •Iwvc rho top of the sewer rand eRJv wLen Lha L...... Lu beau bromht nutnin two (11 (al of 4M1e grouvd nvdme Wh, the xwen vre m re hon fouruen Idl fort Jap, the bnekfilli' .1,x11 M PImM on Ieyrra o((we (g) fat i^ deVth. ^rad mch five Ifi) tat Ixyer ennll La flmhed nr puddled w,lM1 venter. In every rove the nd Hushing ehnll lis duvv wM1ry ne trench hen Tree^ 6eokfillal b m Wn two (21 (at o[ the ground �rM\n»IiJnted (urtb^r y oval, a lel or nrvd u f, ar mon W 1 pnv�, the Lee l'lulin through Y�efv 'I'. n t mctM L the E q, Trench nMre I a e mpinR r mlHn� u Ji v r. m este F binR y ehvll be bncYfillN enJ Omh,d in be mens moons, m tre p,tkw.r t o e nar.,hal win oat Ire rarviral n,Jrae r1,me is e n.drnai:�o,�n e.e 1, n bed (HWI!cute Whhreflw1,iuR ie mmvted,roam tM1U pronem^, romping x"IIb rcywred. ib) Top surlvclvR A[tr [I,e material in the urcnch 1,m Lan am neral m epmifid. rhe loV Biz (0) i^J,m of the nch¢ 9 br filial with n good Rr°de 1 mW ®rnvel m eV law in 1'n 11 of 9t 1'no-1 ti'.nvdxrJ, wcih e a a 'n the f t .nth v L uTc to em pe Yv pp u who n1 ex b M co t octal will iv orae 131 0^ 1 .(ter lha t f n ckhllin p Umem. \4 hues Wp Is 1 ¢nvJ u rmuimdriv drench, the Ravel ehJl M mmVec[N LhomughlY nne I,r sndme enen La bladed m tb Rr^enl mn War of tna etrmt. Th., wp ux (m mrnn m borate e nhnll be fillyd with Llnrk Lame vrM1le for tM1e Brow,^R of Rrn®end the loam ehnll ba am- tal Hnd eurlvval W the Rn,eml mnwur nl tM1e vlleant Rmund. Trearhn cut throuRM1 pnvr s enen n xved. Tre ch t M1mueh ailed e U ehnll be remdmel ' n oiled R vel ^t • I rib n! (our (1) lnchm Tho rax (R) Inoh WF a r!e for r veh mtnm h pn o v e�ell li of t1, um rHl found in ube [�1, v e] i cram l the u^Juuurlicd gn,.vvd 'rl the nc�eo \tet mm ei>rol oved o 1 n 1 I meymb Aoulevenlen awl o[ mubl 9vell4y m het o�cN atoll 1 �pUcN. n civ iro vert or n All nurplue mnlrriel ehvll be romweJ nod dinpoaal of by t1,^ Gotmstor, and the A—, alley n,n5m rinll.h ,then �^u n ondlu ooJmhefore work wen mmmenc 1. AnY Sur lue or nJdi�io rale nv Le ental in ymvide tl,e naeunry rover m epaified a, t1,^ plena De9clency to fin lbs trmrhm.w1. 1,n vn aulemm,U, or la pmlwdy reewre the ongmJ aJitim of lha o[ elleye p L I,mpertr .non be mmiebnl by me Q,ntraetnr Imm anrcee an�siJng nmtedel e euileble cLmrof mnt1. Tb, Gntreetor ehvll meinnin in n goal enJ arviaehle audition [nr a poria! o! oro (Il 13.0] year nitrr Axte of Ibr, find mtimnU, ell of tl,e nrcx� whirM1 hove bcen exravvtN or alLerwix binln[envnce ,I,nturlwd ray Lim \\he^ever it beams nerme^ry W Plnre udJiriennl fin in ewer mnevnrinm of Trenches whmh Lvve attlal, rLe atllemtnU e05119u1 m(1ttl enJ anJitionN in tM1e mmner shave ePeoifiod under "linrkfilli^R: I'nrnRnp, 13 2 11.08 v Hrfore d ) k C' P k P Dt °vwx°I anl4'orke Per Lin. Ft. � l, Seven In Per a or Per W the Cumm I I k J of acme to 11 c Cvm over of PuLI py Bsvdetcae curb. doh red rear 4.Oo O curb, dM reJ et t - eYs Gvtru i. n f h er Msll lake eeper el care not to ielun or gettlne - Marg 6. W damwlshee - nuv W ti h h , I - I k pp��yartY Nu we ar Iwrtmn of a tree eMII ho M ( 1 ral'imunm of Parke. AnY injured , ., t i. gmi h. Hales cut Iv gram L h... _ 4.W ... - -_ �� dunngal AMM Le repleml icon al'ntely Lythe Cavtrector mth new five tren of Me nine venmy Holn cut u emdhd-n mrb, enh. -- en.l Rmwth, end the Contin nr hall pm xrly re fvr vn cem eu®h. n � ct a mnvdv ndil on hn Leen d Itich I Pavements Comp et e YJ. ... -.. un'1 reserve un contact Iw d.1 Trers aLuttinR ver trench ugvi w Jirt may be pled shit Le pratmted by a plonk covering Par 0q. 6nnt asphalt, IFuch ben, 3 -inch eePbtlL.... ... H.}b Tmnches far nwrre iv Park pm .rty Mail Le bsekpillal m neretofpre dumtLal in Mrngrnph 'hlha 3 -inch u heft. Aephaltie eonere . &ive6 bus. p ... 6.fA Bnck, i. It ben Bri 120.5 euLU -ut unto Wlma level o�edlecenl Rra J J 6ntv�J vn Wp Immal�etaly _hull alter the rench Iwo been ekfilled, cam. h h' 'n mMway or polo th rfvre of fill }, }5 Woe.. .075 the new end all J�elurtkA gmm�J M°IPLM adN with a te-= fadrnq (( pe awl roe true �uiuN ane (111wun 1 n! Beal W tw, hundred vnd fifty 1"501 aluare fuel r earl . _ Creoev1. block, 355- h I h ben Cre . block, relaid vv ne 0 -'nth Len ..... 3.}6 fat Vi 1 eel of the work will m, w mode a of Park r Parkway de c1 tr Th pap U I M fell n glow v plane e m U Alter of a `A e mThe length juvc m drepehelU vr%he -n the G nes bran -red u unditi.rn mtielnc ry the Cvmmwvvnar of Parka a J the Cotmntwaner of Public l5'l.- nl bol v'de of rcduc meter yr °App-- - f- he le Rt of nw ve All nw ipe fifUe (161 inenee n Jure matter Appro m to r1�JN sl 111 It.fied clay ipe unlen otnerwin eperifal. Lengtlw 1.v During then riW of reserve mmifiaI in tau cmLmct, the Conl , ehMl refill all nulr- 9ewern ml erycified yr ehvwv vv the plane tv Ire vl a definite type of mmtnetivv may La In sen (oa i81 inch- ae thev occur, and nl Me end of We lwriml v! ren 11, the Ir shall be earnvetarl to a AepM vl alae 10} inrL® nml tlren ehNl be f IIW �n with Jerk Ivnm Iv reetvre v( any ane of the fullnwing types'. tfie Kr -d W 1U b vel 1-1. t'i Wi5a1 piM !vr Jiemeten of lwevtY-fam 124) inch- or Im Alter trencL Iw Leen fillet will: Innm. tl:e wlu.le aurfnm Jietur-al, invluding n� 1'! Hmnforced mneroU piM for ii -Q. vl eighteen (18) inches yr over. where tLe gram M1tir bttn ivjuml IC' rearxm of the work shall 1reavalal with n mixtum ¢ u.3 need rnnthininq IVO"o -y weight u! Emtncky ItIlt a®, -i by weight v[ Ith-,, and 5^', I.y M1lvvolvinie rnnrreU reinlorvW [vr Jiemeur v( 1-Y4.f381 inMn or over. ignt Perenronl 'M the neeJ W Ire —1 in, -g ova (I) Mu ,t o! ne:l tv twa hun:lml enJ fifty (250) alunre fret. nches yr aver. prick far diameter of thirty I-) -hl- 12.09 Rep 0 When 'red, v. ailN reeurfnc n reJ Le Cvn Wr chaff nvtity the Engin fled trencL M Leen further Earn M,eh.il M umrdnn with Me de 'I�J.n fvr lh, fv of m rtr ' used, n J lneeeNpcti y ton p wr pan g epecliW fi njulna pplr ,, vnd when0[he u pvrtN m tont v ttlbm will cu n gm n conte ILrr:t-tLi r City enrlln orlon enJ the Cnn e oof m t veb.rduhev en1 vtner work for wluchNpnnn `have Leen v t of mmWCYon W the n nmenhvl atoll Iw made (�vm v e Resurfecing etul'Il pvy thAe h,coca repnv urlee Pn my nil urfnr`r�g v n h�r 1 rnv cit. f n np et show 'n 1hKhlftpyr ve for F tre d yr v chs- ype unlem v coved br the En®are PI JeUil t`pe n� ra'mtph( h 1 of etieMpder'tfirnt The Coat rv`Ir chat —1.t"'.neiLllrrefvrwthea m v rthr;ty • . WI v type of r i 1 Me nc n envw v the rlthe F.ngthat M used wn lu �n pec -I n eMII be ePnireJ A n often m �le rtquimlannJ tae• rumlufs a nV n u'u uN Ivrr a mal R ndoenM1e�l rytbe n�orena anent f�undabu �e each k cote end peon mp�war Malllti ti m. -Y the (Antrnrtar. ennetmctmne .n Vailn r 1 d h CO eMII k a m n nr '. rmLle ru 1' 11. µ a� n If I 1'v n sur fur re u rnnrvirad l -and vneeCnnlrvrW City -hal hive 1 RI , mnkv ouch immalwtn �mwr . F,e. Y _.. }1,10 The Contractor shall repair, relay nr mpum ell udewalke, carne nr vMur surer nn�cturce - Sldewalke, C.urbe JieplM ur demµal I,y rauvn of the work door. under Mnu a mrifienlivne. All work of Mia Mnll M done in City _ - end Other Structures accordance with the rtnvJnr:l apmi�ntiom gOvering the Mrlirnlur work involved. •_ -- smedwe a} .--___- Prlcu fvr Hepvlre sneer eapnl rre.e only_ __.. 31w Amtic m eurf lY bd15 - - - _- HrickJelivred Hrirk lnY�n .m _... t --- Creoente Lhck In) wK vow block 0 Crmml0 block, craning and relaying old LnMk.. 2 W - ----- - - - - - -- -- - -� Hnndetnne aleck JeLvered an eLroet N --- _,_ MndatOne -luck, Granite black AcliverN- Crnnite `�-..• Conerete,M emmtrvinlvrml .......... ..............3.25 —__ - _— ___ --__. Tarvia, maaulnm Mvement. ....... ............... 3.00 +' Oil grecrtdle rock rceuAming, four 141 inches iv depth ......................... 1.50 tailing anveld or mm nR in dace of uWrtl gn�ecl surface .. .. ... .}5-- -- • M of 8t. P-1 INDEX �'°ii wars uat SECTION 18. r SPECIFICATIONS for MONOLITHIC CONCRETE SEWERS Peg Paragraph HvedlnR 16.01 General ... ... .......... ...... ... ] 16.02 Moteriale ........ ... ............... .............. ... . .. .. .... ... .. .... .. .. ..... 1 I G.oG Concrete Miztu re .......... .......... .. ... ... .... 18.04 E9uiPment Aeeniremenle .... '....... ..... ... 1-2 ...... .... 18.06 Meeeuring of Materials ................................. ....... 16.00 DellverY o[ A88regatee............... ................... .. .. ....... 2 18.09 MIxInB Conditinne ............. ....... .. .. .. ....... .. ... .......... '2 • 18.08 Concreting m Freezing Weather .......... ... ... .......... ............. 8 l6,09 ConeieteneY 10.10 Me[hod of Mixing ..................... ... . ...... ... ..... ... ... ... .. 0 18.11 Setting Forme ................................................. ... 3 18.12 Aeintorcin8 Steel ..... ..... .......... .. .. .. ....... .. .. .. .. .... .... D J 18.1] Placing Concrete 4 18.14 Removal of Forme ' 18.16 Coro[ruction ]ointe .................. .... .................. .. ....... 13.16 Protection of Concrcce................. ..... ... ... ... . .. .. ....... ... 4 16.11 Cali -9 o[ Concrete .................... .... ... .... .. ..... .... ... ..... city ut et. Paul Daiartmmt of 1931 Public W.I. 3-10N 16 SPECIFICATIONS for MONOLITHIC CONCRETE SEWERS 16.01 Thu apalflnlion shall r Ue anelr-lo. of of mo IfUic ane G f.mer.l netrve . .nal such sew r at —ton. . i may ba .-.Iw of m .lithic ea =rete. The cave. end Ue sewer slruetvrea ce11W tar shall be of the kind aM .mtrvetW G the dim -M— shown on the plain. 18.ox I,--, either pl.iv or reinforced, u shown on the plan, shall be uud Iv the 61.teri.le svlrvmon of the sewer end the sewer etruaturee. 18.03 lel Co— used shell bo either Clue A or Cho. C. E.6 wW be need where f' .,rete eFown on [he plane. In general, Clue C --to shall be uvad in the eovtry I" of Ilatare .salt. end tstinge, for baking in tunnels and far beery mea etrvmureu Cleve A ante shell be used i all work containing rainforolvg •tat and fur JI other con. ere a work where Cleo C co —a le oat a ilial or shown on Ue plan. t (b) Clem Aggeasacrata ahall be .mpa.W of ono (1) rt Portland aaant troo fin Ibd ePPrexigma�tely t6reePpl3)f pare shell De)<wtee .ggregaG ebaeedvpogv d rMdd volumetric memurement A able yard of Clms A set svrek iv Dlue a1W�anGly not lam then one sad fifty -even bundredtho (1.69) benele of anal per sble yard. (e) Clam C .cafe shell ho romposW of om (1) part P.r ..d anent to tw¢6elrva (12) lo.- of eggregata, epproximataly four td) p.rta of whmb ehu be Hm r,MdeC uvolumelrie memmurementgbtA(g utile ycrd of vet anaab in plan shell contain not leu than eight -teethe (0.8) b—a of cement per cubic yard. (d) The o tv1 amount of ce t wed—, lb,I edapaiBW shove shall not vary more the, two ppee** t (2h) for • rvv of one (1) hour shall it vary more tlmn la. (2 �) Mr cent (or s rvn of ano-haV 1 X 1 day. For .,run of one 11) day or more the amount of c ut per sbfe yard of at sn.eta in ph— shall not be leu then the amount a epniflW. lAo4All auipment u hereln a 4ad =ball be - the alto W hap—a.., before any bvitpemal. ork la done. fqO » Where raadyp.i.V concrete 'a permitted der the ewifleatiau d W n the work, the aufpment naeuary for Ue mixing a( Ue sucrate fe not f.cIMM I. Ula (a) ,Concrete Mixer An approval berth mixer shall ba need. The menut.eturon MW npWlty of Ue null be interpreted e. follow.: on the bast. of • I:E:4 mix, a Ig -E -Gar .hall be cued of a than a three (8) bag beWh; 21-E Ixer IU not m or. U.n flue (9) bog batch; 29-E or with sat mow Uan a six (w6) bag beth. CaPeeity of ether mise. shell be etbjat W the vyeroval o! Ue F1' Uae of f�Ulo-1 eah of amen! ie prohibit W. Th, mixer eh II be equip F1'— en epprovW timing devlre in working Wer. TM1e timing device e1WI ba W wh6e o.-.- end ell adjuet- ceyshall bemale in the pp nee a( Ue Ines. if the device geG out of order ond the co trot at Ue Con-reMr, the E err y allow Ue ork W v -late wiUat [Fe timing tleWec for s ceriW [longer Lha twenty-four (2tj horn, wo ding the Contractor shall glare immWGG1v beton the mlxa opaatar a clerk w atch hevivg a second hand by evhi,h each beth shall ho a.mataly timW. The mixer =ball be uhppW with an .atnta end euWmalic aystam of avatar ae- [roo, t o! water meeeurM andntliaohargedRGeu�ibla gtou memortmaeto IMl 6. shell reed In gallon. gee or o (h) W.Ier Supply Equipment The wetcrapply auipmen[ .hall be of evch apedey eM -tore .e lo Weare .l all time en ample etpply and equ adate pram.- for .11 the —I.. uta of the —L (e) Foran Tha Contractor ehv11 f . h all forme, tamp.tee, cenGrin d other device nerea- e.ry to shape the secrete W the form eM dimeviom rau�red. Forma m.y be W • • sal or metal, rigidly built and truly eh.pW W the req Ira dlnmvlons. TFe foe oI to—!or the ieterlor of seven or aver a .tarn .1 hall , ad1 (d) Th. [Conmkbrvahall funl.h . suitable plutorm sale to W used by the E-lvar (or ehakin[ the mn.uremul of aggregate. (e) Xobtuv Datermioa— Fgvipmenl The Contractor 'hall famish each auhpment u man —.i- b, thv E-inar mr daterminio, readily in the flald lh. m--r.conte t abe t th. aggrcg.tm u wad. a) rump. Th. Conlnenr eh.I lunch .11 peingPld pGumping equipment naeeeery to keep Ue work dew.lerW wM1ile concrete le bued. g) Covaro When bulk cement le used,u Contrectar ,en.11 (.,shah etilable canvee covere ler overi- belch box. on trucks used Gr travportiag balohu snGlning bulk ..tent. The methal of manuring Gris4 for the roncrete, Including water, hall be IH.00 e whleh will inure ee;.r•le ad uniform nr�ortiom o[ eah of [he metarlala al all Ve•earlef I I,— . The Cmtrector ball (.shah and : e ll an approved a hal oc .tuna for M.terl1 uretely am pentely weighinHH he correct proportlov of the flm aggregato d ggre8ek. Correetie- a.11 be made In the field for veriatiom Ue W - orvI,- -.4 ulk of egere Ge due to the moleture <onlenL Tho ContreeWr ehali provWa th• ry la r (err making such mma[ure denrmina[ione ere the Engin., dame necemary. Every ell- shall be made be the Contractor to fuI.hh egfUregaidelyfdiver,m moletvrc ootant The f e ce N. loads f ¢¢re4stn + m leWro --to is prohiblted. Iv caa of doubt the Ev 000r hall slaw up the work auZootly to permit the choking of the aoi.-o content in each IoM. Etlher bulk or sacked cement may be used. A Back of cement shall W eaau— to weigh ninety -taw (04) Pou,de net. at Bulk cement, it used, shall be proportioned by weight oo ea appproval -ale, which, Il !ince, Uall be kept elan aM sverW with an ➢Proved ehelGr. If v platform sale G tad, Uero eh.11 be at lent o th— IX) look clean.. betwan the le ylaUorm aM Ue OG[lorm open which the sale — The b.m of the e<ale hall na u8lci .1 number of Pavi A W allow the spill nm n W pees through. The methal al ohand-9g lrteh or bat=h box. lh`h bulk ..tent shell boevch that no osv weak n due W spleahing of the ream.!. All trucka, can or bean used for haulim a 7,,aW..hall M1eva euReivnt npuhty 16.06 M shall be canatrvctW s a W prevent the Ise of tarGlz in tnneportivg or In D......lf dgmply, at the miter. VebiWn mrryl- Ma or more baWhn, .n.11 be equiPpW vllh 0..la deeqq G pertitisv, W eepereta ompletaly the batch. a all than end of uHklevt b".h[ and tigh[nn. W prevent the spilling of one batch holo the oNer when dumping. SackW cement, when used, shall ho delivered to the mixer in the Brig -1 Daeka�ee Tha uckW cement eholl be h.u1M o the batah1m ch r a• or .hall ba piled .Ion, Ue alto of the work. huh shell be pceoW and alumpW Imr. Empty eah I.. cub day's run -ball be collected veer the miser, Ppawrly bola aM VVIIM W fuill- ta oust Ly the Inspector. EacM1 day's aatmuletion (each hall be re ova daily from the job. If .ackW renes! le hauled on wet aggregate, or V he weather h rainy, entnteor t hall make setch provlelon ee may be ecnaery t prevent Ue the C remevl in =mks iron beromfng vel in !.sell. During aW wether, eonereto may be pGeW when Ue na.rel .Ir Gmce'ature rhe abode u 36 degree F., and risiv. Comma shall not be pla-I when the .Just Miain, it tempo... iv the shade is U degree F., and falling. In no cue .hall anere[e C-dltiom be deceafted upon • troll aubgr.de. Ch—kaL shall not be WdW W lower the Irea- inH Point ezcap{ with the rlttev pa u. n f Ue Engineer. k1.Griele 41ni- fast or lump. m crusta of hardened manierula shall nv! be teal. If anerat aLu haus PIs- in aHanre with the above provisions .M Ue Gmareture dopa W lhiny- (wo (92) de[ren F., Ue concrete ehnll be covered with loon earth W a depth of one (I) um or older protective mem ra ntisfactar - Lbe Engin=e hell be liken. The the Ev of Ue concrtta rauiring Pmteetion foe[ frenlv8 shell be do—'.al by C—reta .eau be mixW only i such q lily G r o oI for im Wi.to v Rete.ce og or remixing eo —to which hoe otl.ined its initial set is prohibit W. .Db" urmg from -I. we. -her or in vinic,, covcrtta ma be Placed only when W G 18.08 Before an[re i. DaerWPrie (reninanereW from frevaing be/ore aegahrin8 IG !atlas! Coemetle.In that heating atipmen[ aM other pr¢otectiveeme.vere an We wolr4 to aft®clenEama- Weathn to prevent the euncnto Moth be[oro it 4 set. 2 In frnxin her H --i.- for he .trete, including the ler, eheil ba wTbe • p^evut the materiel the (unmade. from mi 6g ith the tonere n n nye ttaedwby [-1 this w hot when mixed. Evgincer eheii apnify the kmperetum at wbieh Ne rmteriale vert Th, amount of crushed ruck or gravel unean purpose, the E m en extra to the contrut, .hs`I be provided end Fend I for ehvll be mired The forme shell be clan, free from eno d red shell be well After Na Iv It by kept t ngineer ecludinR r nevem ry x jade., at lM1a price crated �n he n heJule of p for dditlane emM just before the concrete V plaud. nmrete placed, shW ecce temperature of not lens than cave y (TD) degree F. for e[ Iwt vty-two deductions in<tbe contract. 16.09 hour end m forme shall be removed from the evcrete during Nie per1M. An --end automatic ey.[em of water nvtrol .hMI N -W. The inflow of No extra shall be paid, if tbn Contractor hoe failed tv take proper precaution m prevent the f ... a.tion from beinK unne<eeaerily vef[ened ar dleturbed. l'unsixteny ' ter N the tank, the -H, of Ne amount for each batch and the discharge of Lracu be until the concrete hon attained a eufiicienl 18.11 the nater shell be ec[uatea aM mntroliM automatically. 'll Forme end shell not remaveJ cut witbemnd without '.jury the operation of remov 1. Acer rnncr k ar <'ne k Eemonl of Forme The amount f wet r sed .hall be such produce Na delved c kvcy. the 1 rfece [ound m be defective .fret remov 1 0[ forms shell have each defects co reefed suttee. but in no cmc ehdl more [hes Biz and one-hd( (ey) gallon of water, mcludivg wn er m the aggregates, and admixture, if any, be used per ark of cement t nmedistely. The newer interior shall be left with a smeo[h and uniform The ave of a diemma<eous eilicn admixture [o improve kability ie permitlM Comtru<tion jain4 eM1.11, :I not chow. on the plan, be located end made in . Mill p Lut only in quality and quantity u may by approved by the Engfnnr. manner uti -I—y w the Enginrer. C.natru<ti.n jo,nb eb.li be keyed. C.nlrv<li.n dm- Ifi.10 m.aw Concrete .hall be mixed to dulguted mneiskncy and until the eemavl k vniformlY distributed vd the co crate homogeneaue a d u iform rn lot. Each belch hell The Contractor shell pr txt concrete in plan from inj r until it hu been ac 18.18 Pratedion of Nlxivg in in the minor at Iwet one (1) inure. The time for miring shall be figured from rhe cepted. Wheeling I— overoRrren concrete especially ,e prohibited. of Courete ltime when all Ne meteriale ere in Ne drum of Ne mixer until N. begl Ing of Ne diechh. of Ne rovcttle from Ne mixer. The mixer eholl be operated at Ne rated Concrete .hall be earth cured. At least six (0) inches of earth shall be glued over 16.11 speed ended by Nagqmanufectutte, avbject [o the approval of It Enginnr, but the xwer and the earth .hell be kept set fur n period at one 111 wok after removal -f —h.' then eigh[eeWlt a ml l% d' perminute.,t,d 91 lean than fourtren (ld) rep greeter forme. 16.11 Forms m ep ilh,l shall be net where required. They hall W joined veeldy and Whitt The forme HettivR Forms 'I"'yy red ehdl be vet eccureWy at Ne correct elevation aM cot shell be held in place by wMkver menu Nat may ba necmury to pment -1l—a ,- freatfrom wnorms or Ne cavcrele wben the concrete is being pleeeJ. Forma shall be Neir rpe, aktortlou ar other defect which might impair aHectiva ave. The fuse of ell forme shall be clean and hen wall led before con<rek 1. placed a cot Nem. Ml2 The .teal reinforcement used aWl 1K def.— bee and of lbs egective o d Itelnf.rei.R Hlcel .pacing .howt ov the plain. Here shell be beet N Ne ehnpu ah.0 on Lha plena end in n/ormi[y lh approved temylales. When ban c t red bent on thew k. [he 'Ito Contractor .hell ploy c Wien[ ve cod shell p vide aH n p lienees I— Ne I`— All ben shall he a ton66 m n be coed mnvenievtly, accurately bent, • • „lued, epu.d and jointed an ahowv or tlrre W, and shall W held aceurely In position hu been a—ItI them. Arch iwhinqQ P ed dee1YH5<c -u ,til [he concrete plead el ehnll be held n Weitlgnvrigidly by mean of chain or other dank.. of an --,,l YY . The chair. or devices -b-Il be placed to support .red anchor In place the steel at Ne ch. They be et internale long theecrown d at [he qurtere o[ shell ph"' the anis of Ne .ewer not to exceed flue iii feet. LaPpM ban shell be lapped not leas dhinal banyehvll (be staggered. and lbs lap eholl be wired eceurely. Hplicu o[ longitu- In the di.tribution of steel elon8 the work or Ne storage of —I before distribu- it VU be pla so Net i[ will be protected tram being bent, lwi.tdi or covered trnhnA, dirt, gnus or other avbetann which might injure its bond wiN Ne eovcrete. Ordy elan s_I shall be permitted iv the forms. The Contractor .hall provide meau un Ne work for proWr1Y cleaning the .lcel pf any eating wbkh tend. to ptt— Ile WM with the wncrete. 18.ta ConereI shell be placed in dean form. with oiled taco. If N. wnuek is rdn- Fkdng forced, the creel shell be futened in plus u +Wei@ed before concrete Is poured. Com t on<nle trete for inverts shall be poured oNy when the condition of Ne bottom of Na trench I'each Nat Ne concrete can be placed wifout mining it w{N dirty water d, silt �e y other deleteriov. ma4dai. Courate. alter being poured, +hell apMed. tamped Nat it will flH Ne forme rnmph,Wly eM leave vo voids n the rMded end ro fen of Ne courete. If u<wveo .mond of Ne forma, Ne face a( the rnneret0 chows voLla, the Contnetor bW bt 1 edie[ely the amount of e t beteg n ed ar shell bath, le which a well vdd an aVyproved Mmixtun, 91 until a concrete produced ebowe rpmpaeteE, —th, fes with— void.. Concrek shell be pbmM i. h."'Mit l Inyan. Old concrete shall be daanM from leitconcrete ance or other foreign matter and shell be wmhW with water beton new cpnettte i piued upon ' Concrete .hell sol be plaeeJ Mer water cep[ by Wrmfukv of & mean of the Englnr. When Wrmit[d, shell be de itd under water by en eppZ tremie ar vimil- device When Ire weer or aft foundation i.unterM at the bo— of . trench, the Covtrutor ehW take nprefel preuutione tgeprevant Ne fouMalion of th� the Bawer from Eng neer anflrmrfoundet beem,ot b. obit wthi<fi Is uiNble forbPlulnHg of [thee urusbed thereon, the E,,i,-, cony r moire Ne Cmtrutor N excavate and replan with ruck or g +vel nu�den[ a Dunt of the soft loundetion W obNin a firm bee. end a •« t City o! 8[. Poul Oepar[menl of !S!3 Publk Worka .� SP.(.TION 21 SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR SEWERS IN OPEN CUT Faith exwvaYon, le a depW.1121m{, per cubic YaN... Earth lmlow hpv bm N. excavation, a IM.t ft, rcuyaN Solid mek -M. a 121mt depth, hich mvvvt ba removed mthout -mg s,.! 1.10 blmhnR Plug end further ppee cubm Ymd ..d rock, bebw a 12Imt depth (otherwise came m eLova), ppee a Lie YW...... (NOTE: Boulders whose cubical mnmvte exeeN one-half (5k) a ben yaN wig be meeeured m — mek.) '.(p .00 Bne4lmemvrY�mwer brek) pe cubic yaN.. . Aim Brick mamnry ( brick), per cubic yaN....................... Gvemte, Clem "A" ioeluduB met of form4 per orbic YeN....... .............. Gncrete, Cum "B" inaludlZ evet of form4 per cubm ya,a..................... 11.00 IO.Oo Covcrete, Clave "C" including mat of forme, per cubm yaN Timber (b he tett in including Irolb, 8.60 work Place), nmle, etc., par 1000 ft. B. M....... steel reidvrwmmt, --peen iv pl.,,, per poo d.. .. .. 46.00 .M ViWfieJ clay pipe nereta pipe lad avd foivteil(eadueiveofrswva' The current mahat prim deLvered on the -d plea one (1) cent per ivch of dur of Vipa for IeyivR. Pilm drivenmeteavd cut oB, for portiov below vul-aR, per fmwl foot. Mav6ale .76 No. 1-12 fat duP m ivvert (per[ial exmvaYoo), emh... Manhole No 2 12 fort dcep l� covert Ipertml eawvv[1vn) h ]b.00 00.00 Mavhole No, 3-10 1mt &%1� cev o1 mwor ( x vaboo), h ... �. Mmhole d.k 10 it aeeP to toP of mLd mek (ivcludin¢ a ion) b..... ]0.00 ]5.00 Manhole, of a depth greater or leu than depth elatml vbore. Thu Orim to be added or deducted b or from (u the ecce may be), prices quvtdl f the veriow men - halm The prices luted aw for mmh beamvudo. excavbut xlud- mmPv Cgcphipmddl holmd drift mti bnein No. 1-A or No. 1-B, meh....... b5.00 Gkh buin No. 2A or No. 2B, emh....... ....... Gk6 bmiv No. 3-A or No, e -B, each....... 22.00 42.00 Cakb burly No. 4A or No. 4B, each ................... Cakh bed. No. 6-A or No. 6-B, weh............ 30.00 22.00 Gtch be®v No. b -A or No. 0.B, rash..... Catch bmiv Na,'A or Na. ]-B, meh....... 26.00 78.0(1 Catch buiv Na. 8-A ar Ne. 8-B, each... 12" pe mmmNon to 'n m r ry lu n,for catch lrenn No. 1-A, pi mei A, c dm f at�o N A 11vm1 i 63.00 . 3-�No No 8-Aper t I2" ppipe m m0] -wand ov to vuiv m eludivg mmvatiov, for catcM1 burin No. 2A, 1.36 Na. 4-A, N. 6-A and No. 6-A, per linml foot........ C}rmhad Itmk or ewvel cub -Mea material, including exmvating, dewatering ate. Pereu. yd. 1.26 3.60 NOTE: The above mhN ofprism include hwkhll of trench ar eawvatN portion of the work, .. .-Mio! --materials, the aro or ah—g and each timber work (vol bo left a m u n—, b Lha work. to Place) p_,y Perform Trevch width droll be ..W to ba two feet wider than Lho ineiJe diameter of pipe iv the vam of pipe sewer avd ova fort wider than the aulade width of the mover if covetmeted v( mverete or Lriek t The treveh shell be wb—W w being al uniform 'dtn m given s1,— b the depth or the rvrmg One of the mover ereh, and below thu the width requirod by the plme. Iv We mee.nI treveb. mon then Ix rxt aeePthe trench eMR M mnmaeml uve GI rwt remeirdng daPpvY ®®boos I., a depth equal to R, total &pfl, lam twelve (Ix) Icer, and the T NY vet�v(o Ve lI atm to d Jlawivg ® nt width force .bbg f ewo- �mEwvetiv�vumeda in wcem of ebava regn1mmm4 or erten mmvsYvv wb-I by will vvt be mtmurad, uvlm mens hen been oMd in wdung byy the Evgivmr. The mmvetion for mnnele and eM1elte (not m be IivM) ehnll be red b 1Be h— and dimansuw shownv the lens yr dmribed iv the a ifiwtivw hmem ettechM. mn All work tMuh i�e� p�J f�m�b�t�ev46ie� enebllonellm� red far il, ectuJ cubical IN SANDROCK TUNNELS Futh eemvetian, per cubic YeM . ... ...... g_— Sevdrock evwvetiov, per cubic YeM...... -- .SvnJmck mover tnnnol, 9ectiov A, wmPlem, per tivml foot........ --a sewer t.d, Sretian B, wmple4�pai IidnWne or Llmwg ur I S reek, which wvvot be removMM pug and (¢ether, per cubic yynM.... (NOTE: Solid enleinwvneubiq fcet 1�� b be mck in place whom eubicul Boulders, loose rock yr tumble mak .1— cubical —bb, do mt ee d two cubic Imt. Per cubic yeM............. Rubble mecenry. Per cubic YnM......... ... Bria meeovry (mover brick), per cubic YvJ... ......... Brick muvnry ( bock), y cubic ymd.................. Cavere4 Clem "A" including cwt of forme, per cubic YeM................ Co.em4, Cleve "B" Incluain8 cwt of forme, cer cubic Yard ........... Concrete Clem "C" per cubic Ymd .:..................................... Timber work, 4 belent B. M a Pte. mcludrvg veil., bvl4 ate., IIpB M.. . . ... DM bole, &T ch for w4h bemn (b be mamumd wen lwtmm at bomv to tap of drift), pe rwt depth.... ... Wrought k pipa ENnB far drill Halm, iv plvee,. Per loot depth Brick work and stone et bottom ar mndmek mtcb bveim, �veluding three X31 lined SEE NOTE ATTACHED TO PRECEDING SCHEDULE ,,, � .; L ,, � , � �/ � - -, ' �, .� B ,.»e 7.9 ..� s ppb �s �Sz � 3�> ���Sm � `� � J' ti _ _ i ..:� 3 9 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICEOF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL AE:SOLUTION ERAL FORM cow"m ew 1 —TE _ IiOY.._s,_193z RESOLVED In the matter of constructing sewers on Sherburne Avenue from the terminus of the exist- ing 71-10" sewer near the west line of Fry Street to Asbury Avenue, and on Asbury Avenue from Sherburne Avenue to the south side of University Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 75612, approved April 19, 1928, and Final Order C. F. 76855, approved September 5, 1928. RESOLVED, That plans and specifications for the above named improvement entitled "Kittsondale Sewer System, Western Branch, Contract D" as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved. I. F At_p 1i,S�d'=s> COUNCILMEN Yen Nays /M"ly /MeIDmnld Pearce In favor Bonen Against W—d .m a.u/Mr. President Mahoney Adopted by the Council _..N0)j._-a-Il.>`193_ . J NaV 9199 ..193/. � WM. F. SCOTT, Meyer CITY CL MK Petition u.u. Council File N 9426 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT "°kms / and ,i �+a•�9^'$F PRELIMINARY ORDER. 3• The mdereieoed hereb proposer the making of the following ubec impro"-..',b1.1enhe ��yyt�yy f �t. P W vie.: Changing the grade of Alley in H1k.4,Hoyt'searrang f Hoyi s Dodo Ovtlote-fre, 1.66.$1- north -of Nebraska -Ave. to Hoy"t-Aua.ko...conform_.tn.-.Lhe.---- red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof the present es ta'BTisF"ed"�'graT6-UBdrig stiotivn"'by"-til"g "vTve'""Brie""theraerf;HIs. """grading--al"ley" in $1k..4.,Hoyt A..HaarrHn$am9nt._oS.. H.Qyt,!.s Q..A.W.A._QIXU.Q59._t"r"pfil Nebra9kaAve_."._to Hoyt Ave. to the proposed red line when established, and constructing a 5 �werrom- e'-alleyy._to-..64mpson...Aae:._ia...the...eayemeetj...tw-be-obtaitied...on_Lhe N ly 8 f �t 2, Hlkd yui"Hoyt'. Rearrangement o omo Outlots. Deed ...._:.:..._...__.__......._............__.__.__....._............._...., le.__._. 7th November, 1..9 �[ PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A writtev proo�oeesalI for the makivg of the following improvement, vu.: Changing the grade Qf AIley in B1k.4,Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Coma 0udate,...fpem_.11i6.b1-forth of-Nebraska-dwe. to.-Hoyt..Ave.te--eeafera}...to...the-_._ red'11ne on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof,the present estSC2}�IieH"-"grafi'e"l5�"ing-SEowii "6y -'tilu"e'-ITh-6-"till"eyed11;a--s"bgy1 frig'"&1,-67- ln",plkyh•E4Y"�!-e...liearSeng�IDeat._of l.�.%oIDn...QntSot3_Prom..N.e11L85iSa...9.Y.E.e...to Hpgt Ave. to the proposed red line when established, and constructing a =-seweg�frttm-titsl4-ll-Bimpaoa-Ave:_ia..tfir--easame�t..to._be.. f lotobtralned-net-tits Nrlyh Br ,7 �nb ttbe�y e���ment of .omo Ovtlots. vmg up— therefore, preuen._..__...____...___.___....__...._._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be end'm hereby ordered and directed: I. To ivveetigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated tout of mid improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To fumbde a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement u °eked for on the Petition of three or more owners b. To report upon aS of the foregoing matter° to the Commissioner of Finence. Adopted by the CoanaH__......................�y......�_L'hE_.._...___.._ Yas° Neve Cemcum.n @.— rre Nov 91?{7 MerAPpruved_'_"_......_._................ ........__ P.1— u Pae'aaa Roemer Baae+anwa WFN2E :--=i5=..:.t.�f... .._.._.._............ _ Me. Paralvawr M° r..c•umt,oan l ".,lvtti_..,-F�.=1y>n�� w +t. P. SCOLIZI t ITV ai Council Fib No........gjffi7 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEllt9Z and nib lild'tµf h a PRELIMINARY ORDRR. The underaigoed hereby proposed the melting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: -CondemginA& and takiM._an.._easement in the land necessary for slopesr cuts, and fills 1n the grading _of alley in Block 4, _........ _ _._......._..... .. _ . ..__.._...... .._.......B.oyS �s..Baarrsngemant...o.£_gay.t!s...Qofao._Qut.1.4to fr9W._N@braak......... _..... .._.. .._........ Aoenue.._tg_HpY.t-e Avenue..._...............................__......_.................-..........-_-_..._.._.........-_........... Dated thia......_.Tth._...day of .......... ......... :............. ................. ........ .--.......... _--- _..--- ..-.._..._ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: Condemning._and.taking en _easement in.the land necessary Tor ..__._._alopes, and ..filla_in_the.__grading_of_ alley. in_Block 4z ._�.P.Y.t�B..$..eBST-.@m gelaellt._oP_g4Ytr S...Como Outlets from Nebraska ............. ............. A_v„anus....tg_FioY.t._Aqe.........___.........._____.......... _......... _._.._.._........ .... ....... ._......... .................. .:- having been Presented to the Council of the City of St. PaW......_......:......_._.._......._...._.___.._..__.._........-.....__ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Coremieeiemer of Public Work, be and', hereby ordered and dimeted: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the mating of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or mora owners �__5 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. , Adopted by the Cenral. ............ ......_.._....__. Yeas Neva Connoamam ei.— - -A n r 0V 91� MerApproved- .......... _-------- _-------------- ..._............. MPDPndLn Paasca , Ma. Paasmmrt ....._.... )) / _ M _ / O —CA uear rose R'>l. F. SCOTT,I"If" Cit CLERA PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT .0 PRELIMINARY ORDERL, Couvc3 Eti7e N � t The undereieoed hereby prepesee the maksvg of the following public improvement by the City of St. Petri, Condemning and taking en easement for the purpose of constructing and main- tain#xt3--a--pub1#s-sewer-ink _under -and--through...'he..N.�.3y...Bt....of..-tot-1'P�.......__._._.. Block 4, Hoyb1s Rearrangement of Hoytls Como Outlots� and.extendin from __ Simpson"'"BVeYitYE-Eo-t'Fie "alley 3ntFie rear ofsaidla£� also condemn ng ani taklDg...a._5.ampnr-arY--e�ament..Ynx...nonstxucilnn--.purposes..only."oa-a.-str-lp-of--... land 51 in Width on the south side of the above easement and on the S lY-bt._eg._lotr-l2-ia-avid-B3oclr-9.,._lioptos--iiearrangement_or.-Hayt't.s...Comv_.__.... Outlots f .... ........_, te._... . Doted thia......._2th--.-.dsY of......__..._NovembeP. -...} ._- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propomk far the making of the following improvement, vie.: Condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and main- tainlng..a...public aender--grid-Lheough._tl ..p}.tiY_.gt..of-lot._}.C.,...._..__..._ BainIn Hoytls Rearrangement of Hoytls Como Outlots, and extending from Simps�-'Ave: 'ta"" tMaaST'eqYfi`Lri8'-"Va'Er' "of saT3"'2bir -iiZ3o cdridemnfnB an'd mg a temporary„_sasses@pt<..:OL_S<RDSST3i9.xi0n..pur-pnsas-.oil].X-_on...a..stxip�£...land_5! -in width on the south side of the above easement end on the filly 51 of lot 11 in saSd-zlook-4y-Hog..tis-R.earrsegemetib--of--.Hoytls- omo--Outlatn:____._.____._._. having been presented to the Comm? of the City of 9t. Pool ....._........... ._..... therefore, be it+. RESOLVED, Tb,the Commied— of Public Works be and is hereby ordered end directed 1. To investigate the necessity for, or d AmbditY of, the making of mid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, eetevt and estimated cost of said imp,ovm eent, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eketah of said improvement• 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition at three or mon owners 5. To report upon ell of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finer. adopted b, the ComeR_......._....__........._...... ..._91..... Yeea Nare OV 1R 9asap Coondkmsn f:.W.a* T F pes• �' MerApproved_.._._....__....._.______..._.__._.__..__.— McDow- Paeem Rose:x- 8WWWWW,sa Yfs" Ma Pe,x,nmrr 0 r�.caum,wn // 111 -d / C. BC01T, 1'}Y CLERK Petition P.34 Connex Flls N .......... 24969 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Q, F �yWti ss A,jwr`�'°�'of and fu�ai4 Ani,.• PRELIMINARY ORDER. voorot„ The uodmaigued hereby proposes the making ofthe following public impmvement 6Y the City of st. Pent, ,ri- Changing the grade of Alley in Block 10, Holcombe'a Addition from St. -Albans 3t:-is-Orottd..St. .-.to'_confo7m._to-the- red line an-ths..-proftla— hQret:g_""_gytaGh.gd__9Ad_tgada B.dS.t_..h.@.r9Qf the being being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading and paving Alley i.n -Bleak 101-9oleambe'"s Addltlon" betxeea the elwve...staL lies}.6g. to -the -- proposed red line when established, end constructioA a sewer in the alley r]R6 a'""point"IDO"""rt wast"" -or ""8t.-AIbaris St""to tfid s w�'i"3 -St. AYSAns St. Dated this.._.....d L._. ". 7th..... day o _ ....._.......... .._......_Nope/��'l//�U lg.__... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the maL'ng of the fosowisg improvemant, ria.; Changing the grade of Alley in Block 10, Holcombe': Addition from St. Albayxs-Btr-�to�grotto-Btr-to-eoaform-t10,H-redmbets...Addition frCut St. to attached sad _made a part hereof: the present_established grade being siioiin-by'-a-'bIue Ldne't ereon. also grad3'ng iaff iii- ig"Alley iu "BIo¢k "10, .Hnlcomhais..Addition_betaeanyha..abnve...statedI t i r ...to__L..prnpnsad._.._ red line when established, and construction of a serer in the alley from `a--potnt-100 ft.-Westcvp-'&t-'A3'baits.'St.._to..the-sewer-in-St:the alley f having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ............... _........ ...._._ therafore, he it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publio Werk. be and is hereby ordered and directed; 1. To iavmtigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said impmvement. 2. To investigate the not—, orient and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. S. To famish a plan, profile or sketch of said impmvement. t 4. To state whether or not said improvement t. Baked for cn the petition of three or mom ownen 5. To report upon an of the foregoing matterAty�jg Com einioser of Fieaom. Adopted by the Couuml NQV i �W�' Yese N— Couocdman 6ewaev'rno, y M- ❑ Paasca Approved__ ...... ..... 1YY.....9 . Ronax U 4i WFN>F L Ma. Paaarnarm _. ....._ ...... _.. .. Maya _ ra.o.xmrioso it, samr tUBLSFVD/I-1 ��a 'ITV CLEU Hy _� Conned File No.._...__9270 I PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ane'AY G'ue'"'jd r °fit V n`tIk aa,:.T a PRELIMINARY ORDER. P�,:rwfc„xNsw'�°pµ The unde®ped hereby propoesa the making of the following public improvement by the City of at. Paul, vie.: __.___ondamning_and._takiPg__an__easement. in _the_ land pecessary_ for .._elo�esa cuts.. agd_fllls., J,n the grading _and Paying __of Alley in Block 10, _Holcombe_s._Addltion-between St., Albans Street and Dated wia.....__..7.th....day or..._.__...M o.Y.emAez,..19.b.Z_. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written pmposl for the making of the following improvement, via.: Condemning end taking an easement in the land necessary fofi. _...___....._._......__...__..._............._........._....._._._.._.._-_-_.....__........._..__ ...................._........""--__...._._..__ .... _ ...__.............sJ.4R9S.....CRL.&...and ...f.1..UA.-111.. Cheand_P.aving_ of .4A!?y _AT! .,,_..._..._gck_1.Q,a._Ei_olcomt}e! s_Add1tlpA_between._St._-Albans. Street_..apd having been p—ted to the Council of the City of St. Paw- ...... ...... ...._.. ......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commiaxoner of Public Work, be and is hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the m -He g of avid improvement. 2. To invedigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of mid improvement, end the total oset thereof. 3. To furnish a plate, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not acid improvement ie naked for on the petition of three or more ownem 'j45. To report upon ell of the foregoingmattersto the Commiesionar of Finance. Adopted by the CounaL__...._..___........._.AtRa.__9- _........_ Yue NAY. Connell—eawas. Trt a Ix Nov 9AW MAY Approved_...._..._...._..______._._....__ ........ ._— E PIA acctte , \ PuU ga�aeema wFk1r L _ _ .. _ Me. PRESIDENT Mayor J1. F, scare. Petition ry/ Council Fite No......._9 .�" :l PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ,irlys,traso ter and mc:t�kmre PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uvdersigoed hemby prcf, . the matting of the following public improvement by the aty of St. Paul, vi- . . ................. . ia.:__.__._........_ Avenue from c,qgertqp .street to Payne 19 Dated tbia_71h11 ._.....day of...__.__._NovglPb_ECo-._}.J$&. _. __........ ___.. �_.._.._...._..- uv linen• PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written ProPceat for the -ddvg of the following improvemant, vu.: Constructing a. sidewalk. on the_north.side- of Cal ifornia.___.._.._......_ .Avenue from__Edgerton- StF@E.Yi._t9 PaY.lAe—A.veRUB..___.__.. _. _...._.._.. _. _.... ._._.._ having been Presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul _.._______...___.._..__._.._.._..._. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work. be and is hemby f said tiered and directed: 1. To inveetigate the necessity for, or de®rebility of, the malting Provem.vt, end the total coat thereof. 2. To iuvestig.te the nature, extent and estimated wet o f said 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvemant y. To stat, whether or not said improvemwt is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the for of Finance. �y 9 .._ _----- Adopted by the Council......._.._.._...._.._..lay- Ys.s 910 Mer ADPro ._......._......_..... McDowmn Pecans Ro.0 __. gayenana WFN Meym. Me_Peasmmr'r r.e.c. utrw roan _„rt4 Yt71iLISfTEO t. F• 9IV�"�-� �uoe l FEe Na. W,2 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the follawiog public improvement by the city of et. Paul, via.: _._._.._Qoaetruct _5" yoaelithic _Sidewalk. on _ the south _ side _ of Fifth St. from Broadway to Rosabel St. and on the east side of ....... _ ...__..._......._._....._.._____...............____..........._............_...._._...........__._......__ _................ .... _........ beglxn g._et._Fifth_St.__thence_south_47. Pt.................. Doted this_.__.d_...dayof_.____Aovember._.... __._ 1932.. ......_._..._......__....._.............................. _....... _.__.......... ._ Counmlmao. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propmal for the making of the following imprommmy is.: ..................ki$t>b...S.t.._f>'.A.14..$F4.a49BY_.t?._R4.kabel.._St...._and _an 14e__eaet__side. of St._._beglaning_at_Fifth.__st. __thence_ .eouth,_47_., ft_ ______...... ____...... having been prevented to the Council of the City of St. Poul...___.....______...__.....___.__.._..._._...__.._..._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, ThattheCommissioner of Pubgo'Wetim be end is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the oeeemity for, or dmimbility of, the meting of said improvement. 2. To iaveatigste the mtme, extent and estimated coat of mid improvement, end the total cont thereof. 3. To furnish A plan, pmfde or ke. of mid improvement. 4. To elite whether or not mid improvement is mired for on the petition of three or more owuum b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commiesioner of Fineum. Adopted by the CommiL_ 01..._=.0- Yue NAm Councilman MAY McDWAU MUM M. Pn:emsmrd'3.Ge8wif' M 91992 I Mayp J WM. iz. ecoT'q cat cLERk Ily� N 94273 �r l PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT IIv° e 8 Pw apd�Tobet:"ai1��,1 leve. PRELIMINARY ORDER- " ;^{:e4,t '; y. The and oaigned hereby P-Poeea th maidng of the foEowing Pobhc improvement by the CitY of t. Peui, v6•: ._._..._._........._ GQnstiy�t_dxlveasY_.on...the_Mox.th._slde._oY_.St._.AnthonX_6Va..._..._-- 92.. 4 L._.RflsL_of _.Corinnfl..6L.._.thenefl_ResL..B._LL._._._.__..._..__.. ..... _ _._.___........... ...... _. is Z2 a Dated thi.__.2nd......daY ot._._._._..._.. ._..__...... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written ProPoed for the eoWdog of the foEowia6 imPmvemeny vu.: _ConstrncL_.dxisearsy--on._1:he..Roxth.. side...oL...6L....An-tbony._97.fl.._ _ _..._._.._ba8l-1 OR.. ft, ...➢Pest_nL._Coxinnfl..6L.....thBIIca ... __......... ....... - ...._.._.._.. having'lo— Prevented to the COYnvii v[ the City of StPaul...__......... ._._._..._ th- ore, be rtf Pubho Work- be -I j. hereby ordered and dbeet-d: RESOLVED, That the Commi-eiover, o of the _wive of mid imPruvement 1. To investigate Ne oeeeesity for, or derirabiEtY t d the total coat thereof. 2. _Lure, valent end aaboazted root To inveatieata the of emd imProvemev , m g. To furnish - Plan' Profile ar for en the o three or sketch of said imProvemeot S, To "t- whether or not said improvement i, eakod u more ownen B. To sport upon ',Ifof the foregoing mattes to th __restos Adopted by the Co_m'L_..__._._.._.__.._...N�V.-_-.......____......_. Ya -s Nen NOv lYv` Counnilmau Yea' �y _....._._..__...._.._..._.._._— i YCDonald Approved_..__._..._.._...._. i R S Rosen mm f Rosen I � � Trust ✓ Mayor. AlmomW®tel Ma. Perim_ Ny�l Co eii IMe N 94274 -; r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I dsi:•' and �,1� rev Nu PRELIMINARY ORDER.eaviva`' The under igeed hereby proposes the making of the following publio improvement by the City of St.+Paul, . _._-..__......_...._........— .._._........_.......... _.... . relay_en_d repalr_the sideealk on the North side t beglnning._g2 ft .West of Senses 6t. thence West .50 ft. cf_P.l;e ..S_r._. _... Dated this- ._.._2nd_....dey ot_..._........_. .......... _.._..._.__.. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the foEowing improvement, via: 1 and re air the sidewalk on the North side .............s_...._....__._._..._...._............_ _.._..._.._.._..est ........ ... - - — of.Pa�e_St. _beginn_ing_82_ft._West Of Senses St. thence West 5 6svieg bean presented to the Council of the City of St' _...__._.__.__...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commimiooer of Pu Workn be sod is hereby ordered and directd: e , To investigate the weresity for, or desimbilitY of, the ma{deg of said improvemeet. 2. To mve3tigate the esturs, e t rd sed estimated test. of e.id improvemeet, and the total coat thereof. 3. To fureish s pin, profile or sketch of said improvemeet. S. To elate whether or sot said improvement is esked for oe the petitioe of three or more owsero b. To report upon ell of the foregoing welters W the Commissioner of Fiemee. p�lll 9193 ............._ Adopted 6y the Couecs_....._...._............ .d4Y......___ Y— Nave COuedh— MUMX May ANN McDonald Approved................_....-- �./4 gPearce .� -Ej Rosea >� Truaa XMISMAIriewenzel .-..... Ma Pamremrr r�e. n nrr,a�n PfJP1.I5f�7� F. SCOTT, a, CLSRK f� --- r....n File No_._.....M275 .,4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1141 t%a and w PRELIMINARY ORDER. The underaiped hereby pmpoeee the making of the foNowiag public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalks at the following locations f South side of Thomas bt, l;eginning at Avon St. thence Bast au ft, East sice of Lexington Ave. beginning 170 ft. North of Grand Ave, thence North 124 ft. South side of Thomas St, beginning at Avon St. thence East 311 ft. East side of Lexington Ave. beginning 170 ft. North of Grand Ave. thence North 124 ft. '. �y 9 02 -CauamlmanM- a YeDonald Approved_.__ In!--..__..._......._...._._____.__.— IPearce �/ i� Rosen xe� Truaz A. ? llwe rWenzel ... _.... .... ...... Me, /e.2 -3'i MaPesemymr I�sCa v pe �Wn I .. irr COMM mi by ^rr tr' Dated thie.W._.......day If - __November. .---- .___.,le'U- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the melting of the following improvement, vi— Reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalks at the following locations : South side of Thomas St, beginning at Avon St. thence East 311 ft. East side of Lexington Ave. beginning 170 ft. North of Grand Ave. thence North 124 ft. Coendlmea CromerMay � V4 rove McDonald Appd_..__............_.....___......__..._.._...— M>d�Pearce dq/ eeawar Rosen Maws Truax .D. L h Wenzel..............._...- /d- 2.3 — Ma Prremmar _. .. r.. c u nv roan y. SOOTT. P!fi[.L9fII77_�%/ x ct8u . oy !n TT .t c- RS�hfLo,gt+a o 's6rw-.ri' - .... ....___ _.__.._ _._ ........_ ____......... ..__...__._.. _. ___......___.................... ................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Warks be and is hereby ordered and directed: i'To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, estmt and estimated tout of sold improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said imro pvemmt. 4. To state whether or not mid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners S. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Flumes. Adopted by the NOVcannea......_.._......._._91a Yesa Nan - 'sem.. s��tssttts�yrl� -Coumi leen e— My evy , IOsI• M— NeDonald Approved _...... ...... ......... __.............. >Pearce B— Rosen F° TruWenzel ax /s. 2 3'L M. Pa ..— M• r..ca 11 end r 0 p. scare rtmr cows File No. 94276 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tha ad.oiizad hereby P -P— the ..ki., of the f.11..mg public improvement by the City of St. P., Reconstruct, relay and repair the sidew, lk at the following locations I North aide of Tilton St. beginning of Wabasha St. thence West So ft. Wtaaha St. beginning 152 ft. South of Tilton St. t an ce Sout� 1 2 f test si'e of il' South a Idaof Fourth St. �eginning 49 ft, East of Franklin St. thence East 13.5 ft. Redonstruct, relay and repair the sidew, lk at the following locations North o r th side of Tilton 6t, teginning t Wabash- St. thence West 60 ft. West side of Wabasha St. beginning 152 ft. South of Tilton St. trance South 12 ft. South side of Fourth St. leginning 49 ft. East of Franklin St. thence East 13.5 ft. .. . ....... Y— N,ra 46— M.Lald Appmved . ..... ........... ........ tjdbs Pearce Rosen TrUBJC quongme. Wenzel mw'i� ,V,4. F. SCOTT.- " A `) 7Fi PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propose] for the making of the foHowiog improvement, vi— ReOonstructr relay and repair the sidewalk at the following locations North side of Tilton St, teginning gt Wabasha St. thence West 60 ft. West side of Wabasha St. beginning 152 ft. South of Tilton St. tcence South 12 ft. South side of Fourth St. teginning 48 ft. East of Franklin St. thence East lb.5 ft. .Adopted by the ComciL_............._....._!�.ur �.�� Ym Nare c Y— }-h oo�neimenw.e� ra� y 9 Yonald APProved_..__......1!Dy._._..� ._— ,,ff UeBes.am Pearce O =4aRosen Truaz 4Wmm r Wenzel .... .. .. / 0' Z Ma Paeetpmsr ...__ Mayor. r..C�um,osn k'Ur�_f5tf�1 -lam-�� (:o al File N PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT01 _��t W s and rPc.dN t PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uadendgned hereby prepeees the meld g of the Ul—ing public improvement by the City of St. Paul. vis.: Reconstruct) relay and repair the sidewalk ,_t the following locations I North side of Jenks St. leginning :.t Payne —e. thence Eaat 20 ft. West side of ^rcade St. beglnning .-£ Sime St. thence South 12 ft. West side of Arcade St. -ginning 235 ft. South of Wells St. thence South 30 ft. North side of Hyacinth St. beginning at Weide St. thence Test 16 ft. West side of "rcade St. beginning at Sims St. thence South 12 ft. West side of Arcade St. beginning 235 ft. South of Wells St. thence South 30 ft. Northside of Hyacinth St. beginning at Weide St. thence West 16 ft. yR. Hosen DO=Truetz U �Wwze lw�er Wenzel /e•> --3z _ M.M. 4-4' —11 P TR!1A=— ...c nyml p1T. xx Cts "y ......... __..._.._-'--- _..... _.... _ _. .. - .... Dated th $td ...day L— .._ - HOYemher. _ 19 669. PRELIMINARY ORDBR. WHEREAS, A written propose] for the re -W, of the following improvement, via.: Reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk at the following locations : Northside of Jenks St, beginning at Payne -ve. thence East 20 ft. West side of "rcade St• beginning at Sims St. thence South 12 ft. West side of Arcade St. beginning 235 ft, South of Wells St. thence South 30 ft. Horth Side of Hyacinth St. beginning at Weide St. thence West 16 ft. ONNEMM Peace"e Rosen Jewml�r Tena V Wenzel Ma P>_a Msym. ifY 1A..9 0x4e oL _, TY .. �r,u�` 2p• tsgxyfc�.xu8+*Eb� --- .. _...._...... , tz• SLl' _ ff OL' FV .I ._n ,>T_ �Eitx:: ric• . having been p,a,,oted to the Council of the City of St. I av _...._. ....__....._..._......_.... _....___...... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the mekh, of said ,mpro 2. To iaveetiPW the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To turnkh a plan, profile or sketch of said impmvemmt. f. To state whether m not said improvemant is asked for m the petition of thea or more owners g. To report upon all of the foregoing mag the Comonnee car of Finance. NOV __..._.. Adopted by the CouveiL...._......_....._..._........_......_._...._._..... Ysus N— s.ss�tyepq Coerced.- 7 Ma�Donald ADDroved_..._......�NO�V _9700___....__........_ d 1•ff� Pearce // —"— �t lrp Rosen U Trues •weir Wenzel / Msyor. /e • z - 3-a— Ma Pr•i J J!1- � �� '' Isa1u1W ,W,1 N „y Council F*"?? .7YCf_78 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and iw PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby prnpoem the making of the following public improvement by the (sty of St. Paul, ria.: ......._.._._..Habaaha._St.._ beginning.. at-Bnmmit..Ava._..thence...Horth-52...Y..t_-..aD9.......... ._._.........._oa...tA-@_ Ngs th_pide.-oil.._81M1_tAve .,,_beginning__at. Wabaetia._6t.___thence Dated tbie._._2Dd._.._...dayof_..__..N.o.Y.eWkat;_............... ............_......, to 52, PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvenecut, via.: __-.._.._............. _..RRA,9SPRC.te._�A4114.Lha,9._5.1�.9ga�..1.5._on-_tk§.. We5ty. Tilde. oP....._._—. _ ................... o>ztt R.cath_.e7,da.:o[_.kaxuglnt..Ave,....bull.m.t9E_at._wahBBha_str._..---....... having been pmeented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ___.............. __..._.._......... ............ _........ ____-.___._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the toomsity for, or desirability of, the —Li, g of said improvement. 2. To invmtigam the nature, extent and -estimated oost of said improvement, and the tow cost thereof. S. To furnish a plan, profile or aketch'of slid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is agced for an the petition of three or more aweem b. To report upon all of the foregoing'9 the Commimi-ar of Finance. Adopted by the Council :._......... _._�......___....._............... Yue Nero wane loran yar Nov f lm �[ta McDonald Approved__.................._.._....__.__....._..--..._...._.._ MRearce umm /I xRoaen (J Truax DA _ Ma Parammrr Mayor r..cauar roan WtOi�.fF.�XM PUn_dS(i^np_{-+=1 X279 Y:{ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT P e4 s P and 4d�p�.y deoi4ioii. a 4 c.[�r.'re➢W:�et°:N�nrra+wa PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the meting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, is.: ...._....._.........._CfmatTtia4...S."_..Noil4#,lthlc 6ldewalk..Bn_Lhe_Reat..side .. °f ..............._._.__ - -_Minnesota St,...beginning_5b ft south of Ninth St _thence south ea_a ft Also construct 27 ft. curb. -__ - ____— Dated thie.._...2nd...._day of...._..__..NoyamheS_._......_..__.... _....__.... 19.3.2.-. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposel for the meting of the following improvement, vis.: a o.olithic Sidewalk on the west side of .. Yinnesote .9t.-beginninB_55 _ft, south of Ni_.nth St thence south _....__..._48..5..S.i..—..AL9n._conatnut...91—ft, cu;rl?n..._._.._. .. having been presented to the Couocd of the City of St. Paul..._._......_......__._........._.........._.._.........._.__.__._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desimbility of, themaking of e.id improvement. 2. To investigate the mature, extent ead estimeted cost of said improvement, and the total -t thereof. 2. To furnish a per, prefile or sketeh of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is solved for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mag the Commissioner of Finsnce. Adopted by the Council. .._.............. ..-._....�___•......... ........ _ Yaae Neva MAYCoendmm gas= -, ',r AID Approved_..__.`In!y.._ ........... How e,e -�-� Me. Peasmswv >Moyer. ...ca urrss roan W�� ft -4— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Nano-, -d.PRELIMINARY ORDER.. The und,,dgned hereby propoeee the meldog of the roll—ing public improvemeut by the City of 8t. Peul, via.: Reconstruct, relay and repair the side-lk at the following locations t North side of Carroll Ave. beginning 353 ft. West of We Ave., thence West 44 ft. South side of Holly Ave. begi=ing at Kent St. thence West 70 ft. North sic. of West Seventh St. heginning 185 It. Nest of Albion St., thence West 8 ft. North side of Carroll Ave. beginning 353 ft. West of Western Ave., thence West 44 ft. South side of Holly Ave. beginning at Kent St, thence West 70 ft. /. = - North side of West S.e[entht 8't. beginning 185 ft. West of Albion St., thence West`8 ft. r-- MCYeruPearca.�_.-._�.• Aosen. Wenze ((( �}egaWenzel ............ – - Ma. Pazemnrt Mayor. ...ceume Joao WM. F.'W' ' ........ ..... . Dated this .2nd..... nay of Nay.emb-or 19 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written pmosd for the —Id -9 at the (-Sowing "Pmwm=t' vis' Reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk at the following locations North side of Carr6llAve beginning 355 ft. West of Western Ave., thence West 44 ft. South side of ]jolly Ave. beginning at lent St. thence West 70 ft. Forth site of West ae7entb-.8t. beginning 185 ft. West Of Albion St., thence West'8 ft. FAEM Rose. U gwsm Truax MoolmmWenzel Ms panmser 7 Mayor. A 11 ou loan Wm. it. 9COTT' CLSM Dated thia__.End___.day of._....... XavewbeL ................ .._...... fe..--� ,. N Qo"Fp ,1'c o; No f;� nr. . c�,-l��7! •: {eu !' Vit' .'p6uc5 Meare— Vee•' tpeuce \1820 dd LF' -_g Tz6�4e't3.F�SL�.,GFaignYo<gn!.i:.F€rsR,r�e therefore, Ib it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be sed is hereby ordered sed dimsted: 1. To inveetigete the necessity for, or desirability of, the melting of mid improvement. a. To investigate the enture, ertmt and estfineted soak of mid improvement, cod the total cost thereof. 3. To fureish a phm, profile or Artois of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for em the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattern toa Ijifamiesh eer of Fli Adopted by the CoumeL._....................._...._........_..._.._-...._s..._........ Yens Neve Councilmen IS— may MW McDonald Approved_....._..N0v......9 ....................... MgW ig Rose./- ia=w.. u/ M. P—.— Mayor. r..ccumroan WM Petition for Grading. Couneti Pde Ne........ —c$)WI PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The underugued hereby proposes the making of the following publio Improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: east .._._....._Gpen,_sidan-and..eat..end.ext..a3,lgy._from._Hester..St., . to__._............_......_ _..... _...&lo.Gk.. 3._$SP%�g.Addition._between._YcLean. Ave._and .Suburban .Ave., by.taking-and.__condeffit1aQ__the South 10 ft, of the East .strip - ........... _of_YCLeadsReservatlon.r..._.._.__.........____......_..............._ ...__...........____........ Dated thio ?Ad ------ d.y f __ _november _ ...... ,.''1932. mss' v PRELIMINARY ORDER. th fou went, vis • WHEREAS, A written Proposal for the reeling of e o ow,-- p t?an._eqd...@atend__an__slley_from _Hester._st. east -to_..._-_-___---_-__--_ _____Block 3, 1CSng� s,„ Addition beteeea McLean Ave. and Suburb® Ave., by taking and. comdemming the South 10 Pt. of the $est Strip — _.._ ..._..........nLVeLeadSH"ar3ation—._._.....___.......... ....... _... _... ........._.......... --- —--- -------- —----- —'— bnving been presented to the Comma of the city of St. PauL_..._............ .....___......... ____....__...... ----_-._..�_ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pubtie Works be and is hereby ordered and dimd d: L To investigate the neceenty for, or desirability of, the mating of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, ast—t and estimated met of said improvemeut, and the total soot thereof. g. To furnish a plan, pro.. or eketeh of acid improvemev6 4. To state whether or not said improvemwt is inked for on the petition of three or more oweera b. To report upon an of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of FSnsues. Adopted by the Couuml___........... Yn•s Nero Councilman-Crseev May McDonald yMpos- Pearce Peleee Rosen U Hama Truax Esse®.► Wenzel .....c.clAE............._ _ Ma Pararoaar Mayor. r..c•urorro+o �e�r.�r�.•� YIMI r¢REn� � a+ ��q�Q.seo Nov g at Petition G. 90 Council File N ........... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the maldog of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vis.: to Margaret Street. _.. __ _........._-_ _. _._..... _- __.......__. _..____...._.......___.....____..._....__.._.. _....... Dated this 27thdaY f Otober19/3/2 ��c�� 19_ I i.LYI/ ....__.. PRELIMINARY ORDER- WHEREAS, RDERWHEREAS, A written proposal for the mddng of the following imProvemanE, .__Gr@d&ng Aljgy.. ia_Blu%5....Ads11Si.Qn ..xSRW .Z) Ilk. ........--_CR...1.Iazgaxet..S.tr.efa_t,. _................ _...__.......... .. _....___ tberefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invastigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the netme, extent and eetimnted cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid impmvemmt. {. To elate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners S. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the CommMoner of Finance. as .. Adopted by the CamcO_._...._.........._.f19.z.__fl..79[.........._...._.. Yaws Nara Comeilman C&N-3 Fav 9_ ++n.' ✓aaL:. Approved_......_.......__..__...._.. ........ ry Ma Pararomrrdly Mayen. r..c•nau ran P, PUSLIST�D / 3 -- Council File No !92M PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby pmpoeea the meddng of the f aowiug public improvement by the City of St. Peel, vie.: Condemning._and___taking._e3i...easement_._in _the land. necessary....._.._._.... _ for glopes� cuts _end fills�__in the grading oY-Alley ........ In b1ufP Addl tion from Duluth Avenue to Eargaret Street._- _ _..._ ...._.... _..... ..... ._. _. 27th_October,. Dated thio... Y ° 1932 .. .... ............... PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'n`i:°le��!„eTSurn o WHEREAS, A written Propo-s' for the making d the following improvement, vie.: ..._....__..._-._�QKdemning-_end_: talcin.B.._—easemeat.._7n-_the land necessa_ ... _ ......... for slo es cuts and fills,. in the grading of Alley d on f om Dulu __ Avenue to Yar arch Street. _..........__.._�........_.._...._..._...__....._g..._...._....._.... .... ..._. having been Pyre°°ted to the Council of the City o - therdom,,be it RESOLVRD, That the Commreaoner of Public Works be end h, hereby ordered end directed: I. To investigate the noceemty, for, or dedrebility of, the melting of esid improvement. 2. To ioveatigetn the nature, anent cod eetioreted coat of veld improvement, sed the toted cost thereof. g. To fumfeb a plan, progb or sketch of Wald improvement. 4. To etch, whether or not said improvement ie asked for othree or the petition of thor more ownere b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commieeioeer of Finance. Nov 910 Adopted by the CounciL.__..._-_..._.._..._..............." Yue NAve Councau cn wA� ..liONAL 7 i cnr�� � RUa M% P—vezvrr cvfd. f• BCOT—F pUE .ISHED_Cl—y=am off' w '"m Nnv 910 COUNCIL FILE NO. By 94284 In the Matter of reconst—oting, -inlaying and the ---sidewalk. at the following location: Stanford Avenue, both sides, between Mount Cu .....Avenue, under Preliminary Order_._.._._. - _93762....._.___. approved September. 21, .1932 - -_ Intermediary Order A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it . // fes, -,W, —4, --f— RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that ha -p ! ! ! d k' d €' ement W be made b he d C ty is _- aons un t eta g. rid nae an the sidaw k t_the f 1lowinS atinn 3tenf d Avenue hoth ea, between Mo t -e B ul void d C tin _. _r.ewe.l'lJ�h.,..erou..•,a„,dk8:-.ndrlRlmld-t-af...------ _>witiedfei.ma....er be d:ec�--- d th Co til h by d said provem to d SOLVED FURTHER, Th the Coomm�s corer of� W ks b d hereby t d and d t d pa pl d apecifl s for said impr t end _bmit t the Co for app 1, tha d pproval, the p cdy o[flciels h by authorized and directed top - ceed with the mak of said improvement r cordance thetemth. Adopted by the Council._ -NOV-- 910 , 192 NOV 4� '.ecFrsles_ Approved _. , 192 / i(�� _._._ May .-- Councilmare6Ysy� MclMvald councilmaunwav- 4- May t ConncilmarFdSaiMuetP• Peerc°--/--a .� Councilme R—U QtJBI•ISFiED �I d Councilman 'frnaz l/ CouncilmaW—ed Mayor;iiifi h Mehvney Form B. S. A. 8-7 ci�r-'x))cLIW[ 1 -- cin or � • � DEPA RThNiIT F PA FINANCE J REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (OJ In the matterof reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the a tdewQlk at the following location: Stanford Avenue, both sides, between !dount Curve Boulevard and Cretin Avenue, nnder Preliminary Order approved September 21, 1932 Ta the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total est --d amount of the aescesment for [he above mprovemen[ k - - $.117 Al- _ - 'I'he esp mated cost per loot lar the above mpro�em ent e - - - - 8 _- - 'rhe lore or parcels of land that may be aescesed benefits for eu cl, im pm v<m cn [, and the assessed valuation of each lo[ or parcel as laet rtported by the Assessor, arc as follow.: osseRlPnoa on .coe. A—u— Land wATIBldg. Lot 10 and W. 29 ft of 11 4 Louden Park 1775 8450 Lot 12 and Fast 13 ft of 11 4 do 1375 6600 Lots 13 and 14 4 do 2300 6350 1 9 do 1250 5100 2 9 do 1050 4950 3 9 do 1050 4800 4 9 do 1050 4250 5 9 do 1150 4650 $11000 $45150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has mtestigatcd all of the af.—ud o saomm mattr, and hereby eubmiu the foregoing as hie r,por thereon to the Council, together withfCLc report made to I�im m reference id mat cr by tC-46—, of Public Works. t [ Dateds�- ma-_- _ 19 3 -Z- Commiaeioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public ' ftlgf Report to Commissioner of Finance — - SEP 89 104 Sept. 26, 1932 19 To the Comn,imioner of Firems of the City of St. Pool: The Commimioner of Puhlia Works, hoeing had under consideration the preliminary order of the Councd, known as C unci) File No. 93762 approved Sept. 21, 1932 193 _., reloti- to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk - at the following locations: - Both sides Stanford Avenue between Ho—t Cur— Boulevard and Cretin Ave. - 'I $49.15 ,f Lat 11, ' 4, 4 Loud=n Perk - _ - 74. E6 _ _ _ 3. �•�n P" -k 311.5757 29.70 29.70 e.� uvue n pea oereot. tie ..asked for upon petition of three or more two'" of property, 5. Sid improvereen -- ----- subject to easeaement for void Improvement.— ---- - --- - Commi®r rot Pu o orka. t cR No..._.... OF CR ORM co�M�mio.Ew_....____. ,k nwrE_._._ RESOLVED That Council File No. 42446, effective Nov. 1, 1922, as amended, be and the same is further amended by striking out, where it occurs, the following title and ratet Garbage Collector, $1.05 per hour, or $168,00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof the following, Garbage Collector, $0,95 per hour, or $168,00 per month The change in rate as above specified shall take effect and be in force from and after paseageand publication of this resolution. as T nbrar f,'o ° EVE aR: c u m tws v4 babetlN�69p3�%p `"�hxel�(ps�er� COUNCILMEN Yeas j Nnys Adopted by tho Cowicil _aoy_1 O y / .._198_ �neanm p res I rarerlot* /Truax X/_,_ Agninxt Wenzel :ilnyor Mr. president Mahoney Wpf, F. SC07T, C" 'CLSBE ny f✓/ °^� a4 J428G CITY OF 3T. PAUL CO1Xm NO.. _.__... ............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU�RESOL�IONL FORM wNov._. 10, 1932.. R60LYED Whereas, bark W. Woodruff, Chief Engineering Clerk, Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of at least thirty (30) days from and after Novembgr 1, 1932, and Whereas, the Commissioner of Public Works has recommended that Mark W. Woodruff be and is hereby granted a thirty (30) day leave of absence for disability with pay, from and after the 1st day of November, 1932, said leave beingin compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41, Civil Service Rules; therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence for Mark W. Woodruff for thirty (30) days from, on and after November 1, 1932, with full pay. II .a ��'t� •,I ��4 tnN t� W... {K a df ♦t y ��lnl 1 // wt Ya 4e rw di m a y on ar;m COUN ILMEN Yo. Adopted by the C.—I. _.,MQV1.._.......(� . ... _.._. _193.... Mevy 'aree _.. In favor p roved .... ...___193..... / R aea /._Again[ �wo-1 /WMMeyor . F. BCO'fT, Mr. Preeideat Mahovey 0P. tl' au ur i � CITY OF ST. PAUL ru No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL REsCLUTION—GENERAL FORM MoLvED, That there be and hereby is appropriated out of the Forestry Revolving Fund (1005), the Sum of $2.34 payable to C. C. Goodson, 716 Pinehurst Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of reimbursing him for an overcharge on an 1 assessment for grass cutting levied against property described as East-} of Lot 5 and all of Lot 4, Block 8, Lane's highland Park Addition, as the assessment vas levied in error and the property owner having paid this amount as represented by the tax receipt. CGUN ILMEN Y— Nays r onnnam /P... /(i nen N T Graz _ .Agoinxt We—I M,. President Mahoney 6r� auL impuM I Hl 4 q - R his IhR lull, lTW �ies�ei ` yM� AkN if- fl Adopted by the C-61._ hp�i 1 D 1� PP� dd-- 193.... o~� 94288 CITY OF Sr. PAUL .� `a NO.....__. .._ ._....... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, the fees on Building Permits No. 18309 and No. 18310, were incorrectly figured and the permits so made out, and permit. erroneously figured can not be voided, making it necessary that fees be paid for accounting purposes, and WHEREAS, such fees in the amount of 14.00 covering the above permits were paid by Fred Wright, acting clerk, of the Building Bureau, and new permits were issued with fees correctly figured and paid by parties receiving same, therefore,be it, RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to issue a warrant in the sum of $4.00 payable to Fred Wrights aid sum to be payable out of the Refunds and Repayments Item of the General Fund. COUNCILMEN Yem Nays, �Mnnnaam / P -- arce/H... /H ... /We ... I WM. F. SCOTT, M,. P,,id,nt Mahoney CITY W.5RK a .. BY Adeplad by we C...61..... Nov. �. ..1s3_ Nm 1010 App,—d- ...... ,.. .. ...... 193_... rX . Mayor ORDINANCE 94289 --� COUNCIL FILORDINANCE NO. NO. PRESENTED BY 1n ordinance granting permission to the United States of America to construct and maintain a tunnel under Sibley ■trees, and repealing Ordinance No. 7401, approved May 17, 1938. This is an emergency or III rendered necessary for the preservation of the pnblio peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Permission and authority are hereby granted to the United States of America to construct and maintain a tunnel 'ander Sibley $treat, connecting the new Post Off' sn sitefolwith the property of the St. Paul Union Depot Company, location: Beginning at a point on the west line of Sibley street 83.87 feet south of the intersection of the south line of Eh$t Third street with the west line of Sibley street; running thence east- erly at right angles across Sibley etre et 85 feet, 6 inches to a point inm"`.. r a the land of the St. Paul Union Depot-- Coarymy; then.. .oath 17.5 feet to a point, thence west 85 feet, 6 inch.. to the west line of Siblp street, ,,.. • theaoe north 17.5 feet to the point of beginning. Section 2. The privilege herein granted is eobject to the. following oondition.i (1) Said tunnel shall be constructed according to plans and specifications approved by the Commissioner of Public works. (2) The permission hereby granted shall build- ing irrevocable seusseedbby thelUnited StatePost Goverrnmence t for post office purposes. (3) The cost of altering and replacement of sewers, water pipes and conduits of public ut ofthis tunnel, shall beiepaid by thenUnitedSun States Government. (4) The City of St. Paul shall have access to this tunnel at an reasonable times for the purpose of making inspection of the same relative to the security of travel on the public street over said tunnel. Yess Councilmen .Ways Paused by the Council... _ May McDonald _. _ In Favor Pea ce R— wen I Mr. Pres d at ("on,y _ Approved:_. . Attest: City Clerk \ Meyod \ PRESENTED B\• ORDINANCE OUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO.�� (2) said (5) 11l costs of IDnithen9nitedf8ate" tunnel shell be defrayed by o1 ,merioR. approved In, 17, 1932, Section 3. ,hat Ordinance ersiasion� to the United States granting Permission tso tunnels under entitled °An ordinance ns a roved Wil Peetel DePartmant to Depetrnot and Hc. B582, 4P Sibley street'and TOPe "Of d the same to Ordinance repealed. 21, 1921, ae Se hereby declared to be 6n me ordinance the Preservation of "nee rendered neaee Section 4•sary for emergency ordinan be th and safety• the j blio PeaOe, Section 5.his az+ his ordinoe shall take effect and m n force from and after its Passage and Pnblioation. N'N' 2 1 Psssed by the C-61 N.V1 m n..,., Yews Council.nen _ \tev �IaDnnshl � y ARninsc F. SCOTT, . d *i � pM,s.de t (\I ne hoy) V y/ M yo, .. U Y Clerk pIJBI19Fi$D, 1 c�- ' N'N' 2 1 Psssed by the C-61 N.V1 m n..,., Yews Council.nen _ \tev �IaDnnshl � y ARninsc F. SCOTT, . d *i � pM,s.de t (\I ne hoy) V y/ M yo, .. U Y Clerk pIJBI19Fi$D, ST. PAUL, tdZ'4'\., P.O. (New) In replying quote: SA -L TREASURY DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON November 4, 1932. City of St. Paul, Law Department, St. Paul, tdlnnesota. Attention: tdr. Edwin Murphy. Gentlemen: Reference is mace o your letter of September 28, 1952, relative to the new Post Office site at St. Paul, VAnessota, enc os ingsion to the op of proposed ordI nance granting pe. ain tunnel undersSibleyn.treet andStreet fromm that nev Pos tdoffieeal site to lond of the St. Paul Union Terminal Company• The proposed form of ordinance is satis- factory to thie Department and it is requested that when the ordinance has been passed that a certified copy thereof be forwarded here promptly. Aesoectfully, Assi�ant cre' ryt- Treasury. I Deomber 5th, 1932. rr, T. a. aeatb, lssistoot Sscrstery of the Treeeory. 4ieemt7 Depart—t, sasbington, D. 0. Dear Sir, Be, 91-1. _ (See, P.O. -94. Pahl, Yimn) is are enolosing bomeith a certified oopy of Ordinenos Bo. T428 relative to the oewtrmtion of on additinml tmcel under Sibley Street from the nee, Poet Office Site to lend of Lbs St. Peal Inion Samuel OOMPaRy, as regretted in your letter of November 44b to the L► Dopmrtment of thio Otty. To-. very trmly, city clerk. TREASURY DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON � v Norecher s, 1. ... 01ty of Bt. Psul, Law Depertme ns, St. Paul, :fluxeeota. •tt—tion: UT. Sdeln MSrphy. gate me cn 1n macs o your letter of ' BapSac Oer "8 lv3 z, rale tl ve co ths. ¢ee Post Cfftce of is et Et. Paul, Minneeota, on lo a Ing a oopy of propoaed orc1n. a grentitg permle al o¢ to t",^ cite: States to a'natruct end maintain an aur.; tl onel turn al urger ihley St T eat from the nee Poat Ofti oe site tc land of the Et. Pay1 1Tn io¢ Terminal Company. She prop.eed form of ordl¢e¢oe la aetis- faotory to tl. Ia Department anditSa requested ,hat rr e¢ t-ordl nnne• 'nae Deen pee" thio a o., t, rtl fled - oopy the. sof be foreerded here prompsly. Reepeatfully, 'e aeelatent $feretarp of the Trea—". CITU OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK v. R.cni .IT .-GENERAL FORM Nozzwou �—, She C-11 of the City of et. Paul, Ramsey County, mi—t., has duly .—..ad the returns of the vote. ... t at the Special City 91- -ti -held is the City of St. Paul, Ramsay County, 91nne.ota, m the 8th day of M— ember, 1932, upon the ratification or rejeotion of the proposed Charter Ame.A- sent No. 1- OEleotioa Amendments --of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, Saar say Conety, yinneaota, submitted to the sleoters of said City for ratification or rejeotion, sm 118BREA8, It appear. from .aid returns and the os.vaee thereof that one -Hundred Three Thousand, Five Hundred Seventy Five (103,575) elector. lawfully voted at —id .1—tion, and Thirty 61. 'Thou. od, — Hundred Taenty Thr.e.(30,223) voted for the ratification of said Charter Amendment No. 1 and that Forty Tbousanj Two Hundred Eight, (40,208) voted against the rotifieatim of said amand- mart, and that three -fifth. of those lawfully voting at said •l.otlm failed to vote in favor of said amndment, therefore, be it RSSOLYRR, That the saidproposed Charter Amndmamt No. 1 of the City of St. Pw1 is hereby declared dot to hew bee. ratified and adopted by the alee- tors of said City, as regnirfd by the Charter of the City of St. Paul and by the Isom of the State of Rinsesota. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays , - Adopted by thn CouncH_.N.GV._1.b.io.._183...... cD.eld (`lib low APP I93_... -- - - Mayor Peace Rosen .- __I favor q�— _ __ Against A/w—1 /M,. President Mahoney eneui,a av vv,a U� CITY OF Sr. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLFAK \�\t�X, /V CO NLI ESOLUTIO ENERAL 1� MMRUS, The CaoIo" of the City of et. Paul, Bamesy -i-1 City 21 oto, W duly oanraseed the retort' of the votes east at the epeoLl CSEy &Conon j held is the City of St. Paul, Basuey C—ty, ylweeota, w the 8th day of and- mbar, 1932, npw the ratifieatiw or'aJ..tia of the proposed Charter Amad- went 70. t --Alder Bonds 9eendn°nCa"of the Charter of the CSty of 8t. Pani. , iia Belay Cowry, yisaeseta, eubeittad to the eleotora of Bald CSty for r+tlfiea- , tiw or re�eotiw, and Iro. BIffiIBAB, IS appears frog saki returns and Che oaaTass kharsof that „rwp; 66r61 PodJnr a�nared Y--.:ee 71, -+•soar sive aur,drea serercr-eioe (tD3�575) eUdors Ldhlly voted at said •LotSos, a,.-dred T.enty-eight (3;.428) votad for the retifioation of said Charter A. -ft -t Ho. 2 and that Thirty-t:,xee 311-881'1 Eight aurAred Seventeen (33.F17) vetsd agdeat the retlfdustion of said .-d- sent, and that three-fifths of those lsdully Toting at said eleetiaa failed to vob do fevor of said aaoodseot, tberafare• be it BBBOIBzD. That the said proposed Charter A,_aeant Bo. 2 of the City of St. Pool Se hereby deolared not to he— been ratified and adopted by the alao- tore of said City, as required by the Charter of the City of St. Pae1 sad by the Ln of the state Of yinnesda. COUNCILMEN Neys Adopted by the CuunciL__ Yeas / ay �1eJ MODor�sld �//�9d[ 1 (I 1M" "Ib— / .y Ma Ageinet Y President Mahoney CITY OF 57. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FORM 3 7/CQOOURCILAR-_0EH L —�— V yiaoesota, 10,RW, fha Council of the City of Bt. Paul, R ---y Cooatyr Be. duly a sead the sturne of the Thea ash e4 the BpseLl City 11 -tion held in the City of Bt. Paul, Bamay County. yianssote, on the 8th day of 9or- euber. 1932, upon the ratlflostlon or rejestien of the proposed Charter Arnd- ,tent go. 3--eprenohie0' lmondianta--of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, man, Cw ty, yimsaots, submitted to the •leotore of said City for 1-tM a - tion or rejeetioa. end t�BBAB, It sVpaa,a from said returns and the oanrase thereof that One Hundred Three Thousanal'Five Hundred Thirty Eights Thouband575) electors I&vftlly ootid at said eleetioa, and Thirty B 38,150) meted for the retlfiaatian of said One Hundre� 21fty l ee Hundred charter Aamndmeat 11- 3 sud that Thirty One Thousand, Thr ,30Q1 voted age.iaat the ratifiestioe, of said asaad- gout (31 Four e -fifths of those Ldolly vetb, at said •leotioa failed to and ,30 thre ,ote is f, of said amendmento therefore, be SC USOL,,C. That the said proposed Charter Amendment Bo. 3 of the City of Bt. Paul Ss harsby da-- not to — been ratified sud adopted by the elso- tore of said City. as required by the Charter of the City of 84. Paul and by the laes of the State of Ylnnseots. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.__... 1 ik jW.- , 193- Y- Neye/ /Me McDonald d.NOV 1G� _ ... 193 .... p coe._- — /77 _. Agoinet Meyur r. Preeidenc Mahoney z 94293 yam.7s, w COUNCIL FILE NO. By y In the Matter of reoonatruotinl- _IayjD, and repairing, where neo eary, the elde- -1k_ - both .aide. of gavoux St -at between Central A--. and Idler Avenue. under Preliminary Order. 96763 ......_.approved September 21, 1932 Intermediary Order ___ -- - - - aPprov d ......... ......___ _.._-.___._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and � g fu naidere�, the same; therefore, be it y(�p.t,(( '1� 1 >.e.�""'a- RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that pro a ent to be made b the said City is tru.t. _r.]I Y sn3.tnpair_. 5�\ t\rai` \ the on.both. aides_of.. gavouz.St�et..beteean Cea Avatwa.and_firller A4v=u ...... he and the mme are hesabr _^_'clyd0d aid tll he canoe I n nraera .ata imps m be m a SOLVED FURT R, That the Com f P bl Works d hereby tied and d este o prep pl a spectficahon fset,�p o t, and Bm(t t the CouBet�for approval; at upon sat, app- 1, the proper mty offtctal�are hereby thonied ens dtrerted to pio- ceed with th making of aaid im o ement in accordance t2ee ewith. Adopted by the Council BEG. 22. ton-_._... , 192 _... 9 l Approved __. 192 i Councilmana� M,ii,:::Jd Councilman `i::. ` Councilmans��n..td— 1•, Cmm ii::..e Cm.c;lman man Mayor4WIM M:.1.....,•v Form B. S. A. 8-7 M. F. SCOTT, C- OF PAUL DEPARTMENT eOF rINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOkER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the mxt�,r of r oonat rvati ngr relaying and ra pa Stings where neo seary, the sidewalk on both sides of Rrtvoux Street between Central Avenue and Atlle reAvanues under Prcli urinary Order approve) September 21, 1932 To the Cwncil of the Cily of St. 1' -Il The Commissioner of Finance hereby ,,ports as follows. 327.79 The tool estim at,d amount of the assessment (or the shote mpro.e men, is _ S _. 'Clic cs�imer al cost per foot (or the abo.e im prove mcnt is - - - R "1'h, Iols or pa reels of land that may be assessed b—cf- for such improvement, and rl�c ass used valuation of tach lot o, pa rc cl as last ,,pore n'. by rhe All" so...rc as follows, oescwiPrior+ toT ecxc. AooiTiory end pT1OHldg. 16 5 A. 0. Feil lot's Add. to St.l%ul 7160 400 800 700 16 5 do 800 2000 17 5 do 800 1200 18 5 do 950 2800 9 6 do 675 3350 10 6 do 675 2860 11 6 do 675 2600 12 6 do 960 2600 13 fi do 7475 16400 ' 1` Finance further repo s that he has in ves riga ted all of rhe a(oresa id matt s, and The Com eission cr of n the Coa ell, r w r made to togethe ith the repot him iir eOr i hereby sub m't the foregoing ae his report the. o reference to said mart.. by the Commissioner of Public \4'orks. Dared 0,:-1—p -- 193_i. Cosn miaeioner of Fi nonce. Office of the Commissioner of Public 1IN41INANCk Pa Report to Commissioner of Finance -- - �stxt2 Sept. 28, 1932 193 'Po the l'oninii..inorr of Pinancr of the City of St. Paoli Thr Cmnmi,vriuner of I'nblic Works, hiving had undrr conxiil...tion thv I liminnry ordrr of the Com,dl, km—Commil File So. 93763 approved Sept. 21, 1932 I93. relntivo to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk on both sides of Aavoux Street between Central Avenue and culler Avenue ... .-rte'. .44 ti .r — 91.JJ .object to assessment far "'d improvement / C toner of he Work.. 9 4 Bov-bar 15th, 1932 Bon. B. C. weneel, Commiasloner of Pablio Boris, Building. Dear Commieeio¢ert The final order in the matter of reco¢etruotiw„ relaying and repairing the sidewalk o¢ Do U, ei dee of Bayou: Street between Central and fuller avenues was laid over one week to November 22nd by the Cecil today, and the matter referred w your department for report on the condition of the etdewalk. Tours very truly, City Clerk. Cotober 12, 1933, Hon. Wilton Hohn, Cama,taalonar o. :tni�ce, It. real, ),inneaotn. My dear Co—deet—art ,he llnal Order !n the matter of re-oon- ett ting, nlgylnP ane r ualring, when neoaeeery, the et deenlY n oo t:. airea �1 Heron: etnet, between central -d—rd•- ^5763, 'ill c e befon•�t:' Cau�wil�apaln for l,eart•y; on „vember 22nd. -ttcoe to tn. oro der ty�a.rt.e ra. Very truly y—, City Clerk. November 22nd, 1933 Non. B C. Fenzel. Comelr of %blip Worker Sanding. Deer 91ri 'itis final ora, In the matter of raoon- etrueting, relaying end repairing the eid.eelk on both eia. of Uvow Street beteeen Central Ave," end fuller Ivenae eu laid over to Den tuber 22nd by the Ceamil todgo end ve. referred to your depertmwt for report L. to .betb.r tbi. eork Se sbwlutely neoo.zery. Your6 racy traly. City Clerk. _ 94294 COUNCIL FILE NO.rs e(o�.bom nactew-- 60 , 1 ulvEer Pre4mtyarr O— By In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing, her. ne ems eery, the -.sidewalks at the following .locations: -. Forest. St., west side, beginning 14 ft. north of Minnehaha St., thence Orth76 ft., dasaeta'a St., Lh side, beginning 240 ft. ..at of Forest St., thence east 14 ft., under Preliminary Order 93128- _.approved September 30, 1932 Intermediary Order -... _-._-.- _...-_approved -_.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard ell persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it —t-/ .r, d "W --22077 RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that pro ement to be made by the id City ie-..rsconatr. t, relay and. rapsneces- s -the si-dawalks at the-.fnll.owlrt�-.lot\ft 6nres-St.,sida_h., ingl4St,_Idinnehat?rth76 ft.,.orej.od40st of--�' - _r__ -_---- ea t 14 ft., _. _.... _. _.------._.-ba -ad tie®e:n hare'-::--�•I `.- <tnddS-w tll __._-_-_------qftdeAhte 1_ mid Matta be ar. s the Council hereby orders id improvement to be m OLVED FURTHER. That Commissioner of Pubb Works be and is hereby h ted and directed t pare plane and specifics ' e for said improveme and eubm [same to the I for approval; the said approval, the pro ity official. are her authorized and directs ``ot pro- reed with the me of said improvement in ,do.- therewith. Adopted by the Council NO,' 2". "'11 -_. , 182 . BelJ'F.ler*- A Pnroved 192 M Councilman Councilmar Councilmat�lARXCRa I—- Ma)miibnu ldr.Vice Pras. Wenzel Form B. S. A. 8-7 J DEPARTMENTaOFF FINANCE Y� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER tI (D) *n V la the matter of reconstructing, releyin� and repalrl n�, who— noces sary, the sldew:.lks et the .."olio•;ng loc att. nils: Forest St., «nst s: to, bet;lnnln,; 14 ft. north of 1,11onot,aha "t., th-co north 76 ^t., Jessamine 3t., soith , to, beginn'ntL 240 ft. east of forest ,t. tho ce .ast 14 ft., under 1'reliurinary Order.1,1 —d ',�ptembor 30, 1932 'Fo ale Connell of ❑m Cay of St. P-1: The Commisrioncr of Finance hcrcby repos as b,11. ­ Tl,, total ---d d amount of the assessment for the b ­ improvement ie - f 55.60 '11 e ...'.mated cost per foot for the above .m prow..... ie - '1'hc lots or parcels of land alar may be u­ssed butefits for such improvement, and the assessed vela...... of each lot or parcel as last nport cd by the Assessor, arc os follows_ oascRirnoN nor a�e�. AootTtoN lnnVi LaArio"Bldg. (E, oept N. 40,50 ft )21 and 22 4 c.ht. lln;cubin's Ad 1. to 1•.525 5400 St. Paul N. 49.St ft oP lots '—'1 .nd 22 4 o 550 12(0 9 14 Eastville Heights 400 1800 2275 8400 The Commissioner of Finance further re Forts that he has in.eetigated all of the aforesaid matt. , and hcrcby submits the foregoing as his repo,, thereon to the Council, together with the reFort made tohim m F.—e. s`e`es noes to said matter by the Commissioner of Public 11' ,ks. atc Dd� �__�c�__. 191 Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public 'WOW BF FINANCt Report to Commissioner of Finance Ey a OCT 6 1902 Oct. 4, 1932 193 'I'o the Cnmmi.siourr of Pit--, of the City of St. Poul. The Comml.sioner of Public Works, hoeing hod under consideration the preliminary order o[ the Council, known m Council Pile No. 93928 .approved Sept. 30, 1932 fsll relative w .�ocon struc tin„—1,,yl;0 and re_ Cris,;, w.,ara nece seer;/ Lr.a 1a�yyideanik�, ,t the Toll.-rin., loon ti on st S:aek side +'oras! St., —9 In n � 14 ft, sor^.h .f ui•:c eh S , I—C,, n.rtn 73 ft. "t. Cost - Lot 22, Blk. 4, c. N. Nackubin's add. $45.10 o.,u th side of Je--ins J... Ge;;lnnl n,; ;.•;0 ft. e.sc f i'.—t , Gst. most - Lot'9, Blk.-- acbif. 10.50 Jli .na cne nature nna extent or -It ;mprosemenr. I. 3, A plan, profile or .k,ttb of .aid improvement ie hereto .tt.th,d and made a part hereof. 4. 5. S.id improvement is _ _eakcd for upon p.tition If thrth-, oar I—I, —I— of property, .object to ..acaemcut [or said improvement. � /i ✓ v✓ Commi..foner of Pubfi ork.. 94295 FA COUNCIL FILE NO,By In the Matter of oonatructi g a —1 on CSarewe Street from a point 150 feet north of Pacifio Street to a point 30 feet south of )yakefield Ave.. and on Hastings Ave. from Clarenoe St. to the Balt Line aevrar approximately 230 ft. ..at of Etna St-, under Preliminary Order 93637 -approved Se, temper 10, 193' Intermediary Order -. _..-. _aPproved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it Ns�y..-.r. p fy_•,� a,�H, RESOLVED, By the Cuun1cil of the City of St. Paul that - p ant to be ads by the a� a City ie onns.Nit, Streef worth t Ymifto \ eat to.a pt atJ, Y7akefla dtSeAll.f m Clare 1'St.to the S r appr irately 2 It. east of _ _d OS Ne all w 117 m>xallyd. amnlled, and r'eS�� r1...... - OMskip-baid.aAt--he-diewn•.-_zd_ _.---.- a th Co cd h by r d p t b d ESOLVED FURTHE Th t theC P bl W ks b d h eby -n ted and d d t prep pl f t ns t W t and -bruit tot el for app th t D d ppro 1 th p pe city off I h eby authonzed end the to pro - teed apt the making of smd amen[ t accordance th with. Adopted by the Council NM I.5 IM— , 192 APProvcvi , 192 ayor. @e."jj— r Ilfii ^s l4ei..walr— Councilman Councilman Akp4$t15- F.ra...� Council.."0'". 1,,,..r.,� Councilman t--"---- Tr.�az Councilman Jjj Mayor iiia +lawmn c oTT' Form B. S. A. &7 Clt' Hy� �� ..TM. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the mat,cr of natruotin�• ..... ot.on m pt. lbO ft. north If Pojfj It to .. south of "o, .. end I� ln— Clarence A— fcl&,,. St. to th: Balt Liu. Sewer approximately 230 ft. "It If Et,u, St., -d,, P,d.u,m-y O,d,, approved Sept. 10, 1932 "r. th, C-61 of the Ci,y 4 St. P-1 "I'be Commissioner IF Finance hereby ,,pores b,11—1 The total —i—,d amount of the assessment f., the ab... improvement i, $4193.QQ mat .. Ibn f—h—b— improvement it 2.39 The Ints or p—,]—f land lh.-- b, --d benefits for each d -1-6,n of each lot or parcel as last ,span ed by ,he Assessor, arc ae follows: ... IT— 'S ..... --T— L—d South 47 ft of the East 109 of 1 18 Auditor's Subdivision No.62, 150 3750 St. Pan 1,MSrsn. (EXI. S. 47 ft of th, East 109 ft) 1 18 do 650 2000 Bl..k 19 do 1000 3 20 do 150 121 do 150 1 6 do 100 2 26 do 150 1000 3 26 do 150 1250 4 26 do 150 5 21do 400 500 1 27do 150 4101 2 27 do 125 4000 3 27 do 126 3750 3450 20750 Th,Commissioneri.f Finance fl -h,, that h, h- h, —t—, -d hereby submits It, foregoing as his repo.t to 111, C--61, —h the made. hi. in ,,benne,, —id —t— by the Cl—mm— of Public %%,,k,, Dated0. r,4 19 t ­ o Co..mim— of Fmtt.ce. �� rY � �1F 4�?"'� �� S�'h-moi T �� � �:s�i�i• Yom,.$ # '� R... F' '� �.J..t 4 •f e f. ^i6./ � G' .�aL �. 6 � � � - tS 7' }� 'ti`�. rr �. ,q♦ fes, T ` # 3 � '�.�: �� s '�''4 �` t }r x 4 ry any pit tic. fit TOE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Oct. 4, 1932 Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Clarence Street from a point 150 ft. north of Pacific St. to a point 30 ft. south of Wakefield Ave., and on Hastings Ave. from Clarence St. to the Belt Line sewer, approximately 230 ft. east of Etna St., under Preliminary order C. F. 93637, approved September 10, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - $4193.00 Cost per front foot - - - - 2.39 Inspection & engineering - - 381.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 1759 ft. Yours truly, eor eta. Shepard, Chief Engineer. / •�` ��"� Approved for transmission to the Comm ssioner of Finance"^" fl C. WEN; 'uVl.r /J�'/Q \ 1 Commissioner f ENZC Y'or 4 Office of the Commissioner of Public INANCE Report to .Commissioner of Finance ocI 7 W Oct. 5, 1932 193 'to the Commiwvoner of nuuu• of the city of St. Paul The Cnnuniueianer of 1'ublie Works, hoeing had undo, coneidoratino the pmliminary order 4 the 93637 Sept. 10, 1932 193 relatiec to Council, known ey council Vile No. approved the constructlong of a sewer on Clarence Street from a point 150 feet north of of St• toga pofrom 0 ft. South ce S •of Wakefl old Ave., and on Hastings to the Belt Line sewer, approximately 230 ft. east of Etna St. and having inveetigated the matt,, and thingg referred to ntereio, hereby reports: 1. Slid improvement ie -—my aad (m) desirable. ost per front foot 42.39 2. 4193.00 and the total coat theraf ie 4 n ec ionated coat thereof ie i Frontage 1769 ft. Inspection & Engineering $381.00 end the nature and oalcnt of said irnprovenieat ie le follows - 3, A plat, prefile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto attached nod made a part hereof. 4 5. Said improvemen t ie ask,,d for upon petition of three or more -l— of property, eubjeet to aseeasment for lard improvement. G ^ - -- Co ieeio er of V� In the Matter of grading Alley in. Stock 24, Anm E. ,lamsey's Addition, Enlargement of. from Griggs Street to Syndioate Avenue, under Preliminary Order. 93770 _-approved September 21, 1932 Intermediary Order _.._.._. -.-_- approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all person..,, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it �L� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that prJl merit to be ma by the said City t .sem b-d.F.. Al u Blue _24� !crus E,�Bam ey' a Addition, Enlarg nt f, from .. ggs.StreeG.tn care. A_ Mas !M ®e we haflS...,.^�'.1�. •. -'.�+- rind rexteAes r/ �! -nieNes6M� i■ ic;dmatf- n. 'T-",'— Chun ria,. a the o c c I n ny a p a SOLVED FURTHE Th t th C m bl Works b d h t t d and d t pra pl d rf t f d p t d submit ' t C it for app 1 t p d pp he prop ty officials ereby authorized and dire,to pro- ceed with the akmg of sni crit cordanre therew J Adopted by the Council.�— _ E3itctlCl'Y Approved Councilman JFersu­ Ms' Councilman It�Denal�. t 11nzr D 4UHLt�'�.�-/-C Councilman Councilmanidl»» 2� Cmmrilmfln diYwwY® Rr^zel Mayor NNdpw Men—" Form B. S. A. 8-7 ,. w t �1 94296 °sne.:r�cO°°e°..amot_r. v tmorer.m" r�'- COUNCIL FILE NO. .ea uw as:By te—, In the Matter of grading Alley in. Stock 24, Anm E. ,lamsey's Addition, Enlargement of. from Griggs Street to Syndioate Avenue, under Preliminary Order. 93770 _-approved September 21, 1932 Intermediary Order _.._.._. -.-_- approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all person..,, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it �L� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that prJl merit to be ma by the said City t .sem b-d.F.. Al u Blue _24� !crus E,�Bam ey' a Addition, Enlarg nt f, from .. ggs.StreeG.tn care. A_ Mas !M ®e we haflS...,.^�'.1�. •. -'.�+- rind rexteAes r/ �! -nieNes6M� i■ ic;dmatf- n. 'T-",'— Chun ria,. a the o c c I n ny a p a SOLVED FURTHE Th t th C m bl Works b d h t t d and d t pra pl d rf t f d p t d submit ' t C it for app 1 t p d pp he prop ty officials ereby authorized and dire,to pro- ceed with the akmg of sni crit cordanre therew J Adopted by the Council.�— _ E3itctlCl'Y Approved Councilman JFersu­ Ms' Councilman It�Denal�. t 11nzr D 4UHLt�'�.�-/-C Councilman Councilmanidl»» 2� Cmmrilmfln diYwwY® Rr^zel Mayor NNdpw Men—" Form B. S. A. 8-7 ,. w t �1 JJof 9 �EPARTRENT PFIN ANCE � REPORT OINARY ORDER FINANCE N PRELIMINARY In rhe (atter of ,;r edin.; :tllep in I31oek 24,VAnna E.Ham sap's Addition, Enlargement of, from Griggs "t"et to under Preliminary Order approved Sop'.ember 21, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commiaeioner of Finance hereby report. vv follows: The tool eet�matcd a mo�t of the —111—t for the above mprovcment is - frt The ce rimated cost P"/..t for the vboce improvement is - - The Iota or Parcell of land the, may be vueaeed benefits for loch improvement, and the -tamed valuation of each lot or parcel a, last rpor«d by the Aaaeaaor, are as follows: oescaIPnoN Lor .wc. AooirloN LVA�u TION Bldg. 1 24 Anna ::, b_­yls ;tdd. , 1900 6000 Enlargement of, to St.Paul, 120(, 3600 2 24 3ainn. 1100 2100 3 24 do 1200 180c 4 24 do 1200 5 24 do 1100 3350 5 24 do 1200 2800 7 24 do 1175 2900 6 24 do 1150 320(. 9 24 do m STAIiDL DEPARTMJT O INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER MMI SIO ORDER FINANCE ON SIEISED (c)ossaniPTtoN DoT ..o« A—T— VALUATION 10 24 Anna rysmseyo't s Add., 1100 3400 P—- nt f, o 1 St., N1il arge;to 1050 2250 11 24 IAinn. Lot 12 unl '� 10 ft o. 13 24 do 1250 300 15e st 3( 't, of 13 1675 and ,r_c ort - ,ft 1, -k 0 !lest 45 t't Of 14 24 do 1175 SOOT 9 15 24 do 00 3400 16 24 do 0t 3150 17 24 do 750 340[ 16 24 do 800 2450 19 24 do 625 3300 20 24 do 675 5000 9 21 24 do 00 5000 2L 24 do 900 4300 23 24 do 900 24 24 do 900 900 3350 25 24 do 26 24 do 900 900 3600 27 24 do 28 24 do 1750 4500 89975 80150 c funhcr repn, s that he has investigated all of the aforesaid marl s, and The Commissioner of Fina�c t made ro rhim .n as hie rcpor then to the Council, toactb,, n'ith the report hereby submits she (nreHoinB t on reference to said matter by she Commissioner of Public R'orks. Damdi s��is-- '4_ __19 ),.•L�! —' Commmsioncr of Flnancc S%2 OF N.E.%OF SEC. 3 T 28 R23. � cy SUMMIT e 1N N E Q J J �. AVE. Zo low Z W o O J n AVE. X00(404J i. 266. IAr N C-8. m St. Paul, Minn.`.. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable — Body%to cause the following improvement to be made: q � g-. r�Fu�+-Qp, Ave. from. 5t. Ave. L S�aL�Ga.�L, St. Ave. YY i TBE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) September 28, 1932 Bon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading the Alley in Block 24, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition. Enlargement of, from Griggs Street to Syndicate Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 93770, approved September 21, 1932. astlmated Cost - - - - - - 1822.00 Cost per front foot - - - - 0.69 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 16.13 Engineering - - - - - - - - 150.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 1198.2 ft. Yours truly, e e M, Shepard, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Co1 ner of Finance R rm C W zel, Commissioner of Public 4orkw. Office of the Commissioner of Public NI/4.& FINANU Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 OCT & 1932 Sept. 30, 1932 193 TIT thy. ('.mmiaai.uer of fi nonce of the City .f St. h"d Thr C,,, mssiuuer of Public Work,, having had under eonsidrrntiun the preliminary order of the emmeil, know,. a, (I Fl, yo- 93770 approved Sept. 21, 1932 IN "Inti - grading the Alley in block 24, Anna S. Ramsey's Addition. enlargement of, from Griggs Street to Syndicate Avenue. and having i.-.,tignted the mutters and thing, marred to Chard., hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i, mrts - and (.r) de,irahle. Cost per front foot 690 2. Yhe-tu-1,A —I thereof i, S 622.00 and the total cost there.( is S Inspection $16.13 engineering $150.00 Frontage 1198.2 ft. and the nature mid extent of said improvement i, m fo)l.we: J. A plan, profile or sketch of -id imp--,.nt ie hereto, et Cached m,d made a part h .... f. 4. u. Said improvement i, ._caked for upon petition of three or mor—, owner, of property, subject to a„e„ment for said improvement. _ f�/— �V v �� Commi,eioner of Publi orka. Fr c ^ too..-. ry .'.L. moo.•: _ 5'"AT �' ^F MIIiNBSO?L )� 5° '_�. County of Ramsey ) ill. Charles Edi shek, betne, flrst duly N.c ll -,..a *' oath states thr.t he iso of the netltion- Li.;, y ere naned in the forepoi W, petition; that he one read y the foreCol+ Petition and ;mows the contents thereof, j -".",end that the sane Ss tnte o S n knowlgie; �.P. °--n RJB ToFul Sibectibad and a n to ba 1 15th day �ia 1l -�� votary blit, Raneey ty, IAlnn. • �'"'.-1" My Conml selon —iree Oet. 2t, 1�z5. St.Paul, 11nn. Nov.5, 1932 To the City Council Ur. billion Rosen Commleeioner of Fiance City of St.Paul, Minn. Grading of alley In B1k.24, Anna Ramsey cnlg. of alley from Griggs to Syndicate. Preliminary Oruer 95770 Ap,roved Sent.._1'5: 95771 We the undersl„ned, priperty owners, affected by the or --d as:. eesmentg do hereby o -test against the nrorgeed 1v,no1s,snt. y° r 94297 COiiAi I FILE NO. _________ R T �l� �.. ) 'Yl YnUI.Lm--Yf ' pY u�gGtrt°uy�nee°mom �� .eti�nser WC In the matter f ___ -_ ----- r' 1-11 Y —nt under Preliminary Order____i5771 I approved__- ---- +----�'--` Intermediary Order ______,L..%:1:i________________ a pproced----- _----- Jf t__— ±,___J A public hearing having been had upon the shove improvement upon due notice, and the Couil having heard all peons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, annc d having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, Ry the Council of the City of St. Paul that t once °5� t, t t t b� Ed the ate ere �,-r,..,- .-.--. ..:!;:.1. and tesdow Ed NI .dgp i. said '-t— „ d the Council hereb\ers,,id improv ent to be madSOLVEDFURthe followi land, land cots therein eyend the sah eby odered toppropriated a condemned fffLLLrrr the purpose of Making the said improvecote r fi . 1 kh m ey a71tt rn1 f rit t° r c to v e t t -t ti,n1 r- t° —t h_t RESOLVED FUR ER, That the Ci sio r of Public \ ks be and is her�eby i a1—fi.0 d directed to prepare and speciflcatio �sfornsaid improvemengh, d the proper 64 officials ar hereby authorized and lir ted to proceed x -I1 making of said im�or'ement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council__--_ ----- - �---- ----- ----- 19---- --------------- Ma Councilman Cexeey- ✓ _ Councilman FMerngase* R o s c FURlyY7 Councilman Pearce Councilman Be hlertd- TY v i K Councilman g dheimer W—r' ..f,..___.... Mayor 0+ Indiana Cut. Indi— F,11 Trvic•I Nolerion �� Fiy��.a.h... lin• ehon Cur o. Fill N pe1•�y lin.. Rg— 64— 1;m .hew d,—' whrzh .1- -4 pavnry line Lae. O. No Z4 3, Bk. Ne. 143! -BLK.24A1V1vA E.RAMSEY'.SAOII ENL gWV&Vr Gri996 _St 8yndicote Ave. LAUREL AVE. A N N A e or /2 // /O y '.S 9 B 7 A 6 F � 3 4 E 3 /V /5 �6 O F a A N A h -BLK.24A1V1vA E.RAMSEY'.SAOII ENL gWV&Vr Gri996 _St 8yndicote Ave. LAUREL AVE. /2 // /O y '.S 9 B 7 A 6 D D. 5 4 E 3 /V L. i' O F Gor ;4— Gnr. <���: Gam Cae+..-1 f0 a Y � • R :... Z'Q'' ?2 M S E y 'S 23 A ZC D D. 25 24 E /Y Gor 27 L. Ger ?H o f y ASHLAND AVE Q1 CITY or sT. FAUL 17 DEPARTMENT, OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS!;IOOER OF FINANCE (A) 19- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER to the matterof condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Bldck 24, Anna E. Ramsey'. Addition, Enlarg-ment of, from Griggs Street to Syndicate Avenue, under Preliminary Order approved 3'w e.a11er 21, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commimioner of Finance hereby report. as foil.— Th. rota) estimated amount of the ... n..ment for the above improvcment i. - - - $ 25.00 The estimated so.t per foo[ for the above improvement ie - - - - - - - $ The lore or parcel. of land that may be ane..ed benefits for —1, improvcment, and the ...eased valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the A.m.—, are es follow.: oESCSIPTION LOT awca AOOITION A. --..D LUATION Ls:.- BLig. 1 24 Anna :s. hussy's r,dd., 1900 8000 "nlarz—nt of, to 3t.Pau1, 2 24Minn.finn 1200 3600 3 24 do 1200 2100 4 24 do 1200 1801: 5 24 do 1200 6 24. do 1200 3350 7 24 do 1200 2800 - 8 24 do 1175 2904 9 24 10 1150 3201, cITY or -PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1ISSI FINANCE REPORT OFORDER ON PRELIMINARY ,(e), LOT elocK ADDITION AesEsseD VALUATION OEBCPIPTION 24 n.,mseyt e nrl4.t.P 10 Eole Go..Iont of. to . 1100 et, 5400 2250 11 24 filler, 1050 1260 300 Lot 12 um'.. . 10 "t of 13 24 do Neat 3C ,t of 13 ' 1. o 1G76 snd ezC urT -�� t 1176 5001 45 ft Of 14 24 do :gest 15 24 do 800 p 01 3400 3151 18 24 do 750 34010 17 24 do 500 2450 lti 24 do 4 825 3500 19 24 do 875 5000 20 '24 do 900 5000 21 24 do 900 430(,' 2: 24 do 900 23 24 do 000 24 24 do 900 3350 26 '24 do 900 26 24 do 500 3600 27 24 do 1750 4500 25 24 do 29975 80150 The Commissioner of Finance further report, that he has invegeted all of the aforesaid matter,, end hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to th. Council, together with th, report made to him i. refer.... to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work.. Commsesloner of Finance. Deted� Office of the Commissioner of Public WOU4 FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance 10 9cT s 1932 Sept.... 30r. 193$ .._..._.193_._... To the Commissioner of FSna... of the City of lit. Paul: The C—ocieaioner of Public WorkB, having had under coneideretion the preliminary order of the Council, known m Council File No. 93771_ _ ,ptne,c,._ Sept. 21, 1932 lea...__-, relative to condemning..and ..taking ._an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 24, Anna E. Ramsayts Addition. Enlargement of, from Griggs btreet to Syndicate Avenue. end having inveatigeted the raettere and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie ..................._...necrosary end (or) desirable. 2. The 'mated coat thereof is 3..-_ ...._._._...., and the total coat thereof ie 3 xExxu and the nature and extent of mid improvement is ex follows ..... ............ _-._.. __.__......... 3. A plan, profile or .ketch of mid improvement i. hereto attached eod made a part hereof. 4. - .. .... __. _.. ............. __........___ ......._.. __.... _ _: .___..._....... 5. Said improvement is .inked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to aaacea uent for mid improvement ......_..._..._.._..._�/ �.._.. ..... . Commimlo¢8r of Public 94298 . <.- �.� A COUNCIL FILE NO. mai° m BY .. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. onastruatiogsidemmlk axtenaicne at the _aauthaast aarner._nf_. _. Stanfcrd. Avenue and. Pascal -- der Preliminary Order._.. 93827 approved _ September 27, 1932 _ Intermediary Order -- — approved A public hearing having been„ had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council havjng heard all persons, objectiopg and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is __. conatruct._.1tim e.IX vx-3renal one_ at _the_ecothweat . .—r or Stanford. Avenue.. andBanal.Avantw. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therva ith. NnV 15 1'q2 Adopted by the Council _ ...___ _. , 192 i City Clerk. NOV 1 1 192 Approved._ Ma Councilman^l.,y ar CouncilmanYlnBe� 1'rxrrc PUBLISfIF71// �9 3 COancRmanM 11—'— Councilman l'run: CouncilmanafPbheel� Mayor�89h 21:,h„uey Form B. S. A. 8-7 n ��nwne�emanen .B.I.ElK OF FINANCE •REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the -u, Ifco,st,,,,ti,r, sidewalk extensions at the 11uthNest co—, of Stanford Avenue And Fa—1 Avenue, ..d,, Prcli urinary Order .,,o -d S.pt..b.r 27, 1932 To the C.—di If the GlY If St P-1; Th, C..Iomio— If Finance h ... by reports -1 follows: The —A —i—,d --t If the --o-ol f., the above i,op—,.— i, s l!,DO The —,mated cost p,, f— f., the above i,op,01-1-t is . - - . $ Th, 1— ., parcels If I..d that IT, be —,—d b—fit, for such improvement, and the —,—d valuation If each lot or parcel as 1— reported by the A--, — -I f-11-1: 11SCRI—IN LOT stock ADDITION V SLSUE S A E D A ATION LaOd Bldg. Sid,walk,xt,,slons at tho ... th­t .m,, of Stanford Ave. and P—Al A— No Valuation Th, Commissioner of Finance further reports that he h., i—Itig—d all If the aforruidma,d hereby -Ibr,m the foregoing A, his repo, thereon to the Council, togetherwith the ,,p— .,d, to hi, i. ,,f-- to ,id To.—, by the C.—i-Ii—I of Public W -k, Dated 19 3 Office of the Commissioner of Public WO*QF fINANCt a 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT 8 1932 Oct. 4, 1932 .193 To the Commi°em— of Finance of the City of St. Pnvl: The Commissioner of Public Work,, hoeing had under connideretion the I limi—y order of the Council, known ee Cooncd File No. 93827 approved. Sept. 27, 1932 193. , refative to constructing sidewalk extension at the southwest corner of Stanford Avenue and Pascal Avenue. end having investigated the mottt. and things refcrrcd to therein, hereby reports: 1. Sold improvement is. --my and (or) de,ir,ble. L 2. The esti sated c.tots ere it 100... and the tote) cont thereof is 3 ood the mit— ood extent of said impm-0000t i, ee follows: _........ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of raid improvement ie hereto attached ood made s port hereof. 4. _. __...._._... _.... 5. Said improvement ie._........ _........ asked for upon ,otitiom of three or more owvem of property, evbjecl to assessment for raid improvement. ...... _... Commimmmer of s Work,. 94299 b. t w� m r. COUNCIL FILE NO. By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. reconstructlno,. _.ralayln,; and repairing, where necessary, the...sidawa-k at the followin,;_locations:.. CarrollAvenue, south side, -_beginning 120 ft. east from Victoria St., thence east 52ft.., beginning 94 ft- farther east, thence east 16 ft., Kant Street, east- side,egionin3.at Ashland Ave.., thence north to Alley, Iglehart_ Avenue,.. south side._ beZinning_ at Oxford St., thence west 80 -ft„ under Preliminary Order.____. 93926...-. ....__approvedSeptember.. 30,_ 1932- Intermediary Order __..._- - _..._____.______....__- aPProved -_ _ ----- - ____---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provementtobemade bythe said City is..___.reconstruct,relay_ and repair,- where neces- _aary.,. the cid—lk_.at. the follew1119. jo. ati._._s:_-._-- Carroll_Ave.nue.south_ side, -_beginning.120 ft. east from Victoria St., .theme .-east_52-- -ft .-,._b atnr,+ne_54_.ft._ fertnnr_ east,__th_ence-east_16 ft., Kent_Strsat,. cast_ sider.haglnn'-ng_at__ Ashland- Ave., -thence north to_ Alloy, .lglehart.:.v s' anuth ,1.1,hatr.Ussling at Oxford St ---thence est So ft., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ie hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. �} Adopted by the Council' �..:�_"1JL -- __. 192 --.. City Clerk. Approved �n�J 1.;5 rJJG .192 Z May Councz a cp, Councilma�A6ad7oas-1d�ar ` �B1Y`+tl>3�-f--/-�+-�' Councilmania Councilman �W,-11 Zet Mayor 411011"Wil Ple6nuey / Form B. S. A. 6-7 WN. B. SCOTT, CITY CCLERK Cn o -PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE eJ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �.9 (D) Inthc mattcrofrecoastructin„ relaying and repa_ring, where necessary, the side- xall at the foll —Ind locations: 0 be6115Ave.,4 ft far therjiostbthlnc eneastt l6tf E. fro..; Victoria `.t. th. 52 ft., Kent St., east side, be,;innin3 at ., shlanI ;,v�., the— north to allay Iglehart .a , south s:,is, beCinn'_r._; at Oxford St., thence .vest 80 ft., under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of Sr, P-1: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of he atscas m car for the above mprovemenr u - - Tne ­i—ed cost per toot for the above mprovemenr �e - - eased valuation of ca<L lot or The lou or parcels of land [hat may be assessed benehte It, such improvement, and the ass parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: O CRIPTION IOT noorTION Lanitu o Bldg. 4 3 Edwin Dean's Sub. of part 650 1800 of Smith and Lottrs Out Lots 5 3 to thn City o" St. Paul, 650 1800 3amsay 60_1,linn. 650 3350 6 :5 do 7 3 do 650 2350 12 8 Woodland Parlc Adl, to the 2250 3500 City of St. Paul N of lots 1 ant 2 2 A. B. W11gus Add. to the 1000 9000 City of St. Paul 5850 21800 of Fin c further reports that he has mvesrigared all of the aforesaid mat s, and The Com mss sioncr a"c with the t made to rhim i. hereby sub m� a the foregoing as his report thereon ro the Council, together repot reference to said matter by the Commiaeioner of Public Works. 11---19 - �� t,or"mresioner of Fi... ee. Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo s �, OF FtagN( Report to Commissioner of Finance ° a OCT 5 1938 Oct. 4, 1932 193 To the Commieeioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commie,ioner of Public Work,, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Connell, known ae Couneil Nile No. 93926. approved..... Sept. 30, 1932... _193. , relative to I:oconstructing, relaying and repairin.;, wh-re necessary, the sidewalk At the follo:-ing locational JOeth side Carroll AV, hoginning 1;J ft.�from Victoria .. thence" 5. ft., beginning 54 ft, farther east, thence east 16 ft. Est. Cost - Lot 4, Blk., 6, Edwin Desnra Ped-Aefd. $ 5.93 " 5r 5, u n 15.40 " 6, ' Sr " 28.00 " 7, " 5,. ^ n v u 3.13 dpst side Rant St., bagin Sng r.t AshlsW AV.,, Grenoe vor'h `.o Alley Est. Cost - Lot 12, Blk. 15, Woodland Park Add. $ 86.48 South side Iglehart f.Ve., bogin .ln.� ;t Oxford 5t., %cacs went 30 1'*. Est. Cost - Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 2, A. B. Wilgus Add. 67.6e 1cG.(O _ 4. 5. Said improvement is ........................._.._asked for upon petition of tbree or more owvare of property, subject to sseeesment for ,cid improvement. over f Worka. A# ,( 94306 �a COUNCIL FILE N0.- ".lr mBy ae . FINAL ORDER In the Matter of... reconstructing,.-r-els9ing and repairing, . wb...nace .71 _the. sid,.—lka at .the £ollnwing.location- central ave., north side,_ beginning. 22 ft. east Qf..Bice.. St..,_ thanCe_ east Thirteenth St.,. .south aide,_ beginning 24 ft. east of Jackson .St.- ,thence asst R ft Thirteenth St south side, beginning at Tamper ante St., thence east 100 f under Preliminary Order_. -. 93929 ---- - -.approved September 30, 1432 -... . Intermediary Order approved -..------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore -be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _--renonatruct,. relay. -and repair. -aliere..neese- sary,--the s-Lcc..1ks_at-the-fo3.1oring--lncatioaa:--_------- Central_6 e.-,-nor-th--sida,..beglnning. 22ft,--. —t rf_131ce_-St--..thencs_a .t 88 ft. -Thirteen 1t1hpp-pptt,.,_.aDoth-aid.,-begin-Ing-2A..ft-- ast_of.I--"-n_St.T_Lhan" ThiiteenLh_3t.' south_alda-,...hoalnninD_ at._T-slaperence_-,9-t.,-.. thence _east -100 f and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement ..,�iiyn�sppaccordance therewith. /7 Adopted by the Council _'-13i7L.._ --., 1922_(-:���i/// ' 4)� Approved NOV 151�':j2 , I92 City Clerk. Councilman Fei' aD9'f'a` /I ,ti. a lORf15F�1L 1 /�� 'oL Councilman'M _ Councilman nj; h oraee Councilmen ud go til.r„ul Centel r /Meboae9 Mayor gson Form R. S. A. 8-7 WM. F. SCOTT, : �'I,SYK e9 _..W.Ly�J cin OF -PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 19 A REPORT OCOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE N Air ER (D) to the mercer of econstructino, relay in_ and ^ayairi n.,, ..',er., r.eo escarp, the sido— Thirteenth walks at the y,,^ollowin� loc a'clona: e Central •:vrs., ".orth site, be,;lnnrn� 22 ft. east of Alce St., St. t east 88 Thirteenth � - , south side, be,;io n ink at Ttmperanc of St.c thenceteast 100 to•.t••' „oder Preliminary Order approved Soptenloor 30, 1932 To the C-111 of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby rep°rts as follows: f -134.5i_—_ -- Th, total esumatcd amount of the asecssm<nr (or the above mproscmcnt �s - $ The estimated cosy perfoot for the above improvement is - Th,1,u or parcels M land than may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assosed valuation of each lot or orted by the Assse , a as follows. pa cel as last repe oescaiPnoN DoT ago.. AooinoN Lana unTioN Bldg. ist 2L ft of 13 , 14 11 ,,C, x Chute's .,it. to 1375 soo 5t. Paul '!lase 2—'rt -,f 44 ft of 14 11 do 375 1150 13 nd 3100 3500 77. 44 ft of i. 88t o' 13 _14 11 do 12 %avanaugh's Add. to St. 2200* Paul, Minn. inc. lot 11 id. 1600 2850 Weet 10CC ft of N. 50 ft of 1 1 Joel Whitney's n, to the Town of St. Paul 9650 8400 e further rep°ns that he has investigated all of the alor<said matt s, and The Comm,ssion<r of Financ n<il, together with the reporc made torhim ,n eubm the foregoing as hie report thereon o the Vo, "f_ ' ° of Public 1Vorks. re(c`Dated Commi19ionc� n a h m ee,ona of Finance. 1 ()$'ice of the Commissioner of Public W�eddff FINANCfc Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 OCT b 194 Oct. 4, 1932. 193 To the Commis ioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: order of the The Commissioner of Public Work,, having hod under ­Bid—two the preliminary ae Council Ftile No. 93929 approved Sept. 30, 1932 193__ relative to Council, known Reconstructing , relaying r-A�� Opairingr rrherO -0009sarl, the side'.alks at the following locationst North side of Central Ave., baginning ft. east of Nice St., thence east 6S ft. Est. Lost - East 22 ft. of Lots 13 f 1t.4, Blk. 11, Ewing &Chutes $16.17 14 Vlest `L2 ft. of East 44Block ll,o Ewing k Chutes 16.17 Bast 44 ft. of West 86 Pt. of Lots 13&14, do 32.00 South { aide of Thirteenth r bl^ginr:ln;, M ft. 9 "' of J.d,c son St., thence Oast 10 It. tavatlkk Add Est. Cost -mom-(9�� Booth side of Thirteenth St. begixrSn.3 I: Tompermcc � � -Igoe east 130 f"1 Ahitney's Add. 9364.94 Est. lost - Lot 1, Elk. 1> 1 4- 3, p plan, profile or eketcb of said improvement r, screw e.w'••. 4. ...... esked for upon Petition of three or are owners of property, 5. Said improvement ie aubject W ssemonent for said improvement. omm ner of Pubha rke. C COUNCIL FILE NO.. By. - _.... FINAL ORDER 94301 01�,nMvmn.wa , In the Matter of.. rsconatructing.-. r9.?:sying. and repairing, _where necessary, the_sidewalke at._the _£ollnwin3_.lacations.: _.. -... _.. _Isabel_St., south._sids,_ beginning at Bidwell. St— thane-e_east 70ft.,. ___syd.-the .east-side-o_-Bidwell.-St_�. beginning at. Ssabal_8t..,_ th---south vin ft., _xRaUel-_5t.,., north _slde _beginning-at_State _ Sit- thence west 50 P't— under Preliminary Order ...__ 0221 ..._40Rt.emb8r _.3Oa_].4$$._ Intermediary Order _ ._....._ —approved __ _...._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all person& objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it -,:- RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the preciee nature, eztout and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City ie._-xaon trust_, .r.alag_and.,-epalr.---where_ nesea- sar�r_the--sidavalks..at_the_P�1lnwi Isabal.St.,.. ezuth__aidfl....beulniLiag-at BSdwell_St.-i_thenca_east 70 Pty sad_the_s�at._sid�..oP_Rl dwalj-_S>v_.-.be8laRing.-@L._Z s-@->3t�.�_thenae south Iaabal_.SL...--nortA _3da�—b_B��lr'B_at__State.9ti thence seat 50 Pty and the Council hereby orders said improvement m be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said g rciement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.,.Il.''111111.VV.. 5, :._-, 192..__• �' Approved.... _. NO�V 15.1.. .192 Councilmen Wf¢6d0 acs, Pearce Councilmen Falde® Rnwn Coilman qftWgfi �� p.no: Councilman W ffi"idi€1='r tt,e Councilman AlahmiA Mayor HRM Form B. S. A. 8-7 M. F. SCOTT, CITY CLERK By. --Z City Clerk. Mp,96r. TY11 1T. PAUL R DEPARTMENT Li FINANCE r EPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the ma.... of reconstruct in , relaying -1 repalri:, 7, where necessary, the side - ..,,,a the "o1lowIn,, locat'ons: Isabel .:t., south ',Ido, be 1nnln;' at Bidwell St., tl nee east 70 ft., and the east side of Bidwell St., beginning at Isabel St., thence south 110 Pt. Isabel 3t., north *ido, be,-lnnln,_ at Stat^ 7t., thence west 50 ft., under Preliminary 0rdcr approved :eptember 30, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total —loo cd amount of the aescsement far rhe above mprovement ie - - - $167 555 __-.— The ­ima[cd m t per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $-- -- -- - The lots or parcels of Iand that may be assessed benefits for mch improvemint, ane [be assessed valuation of each !ot or pafcel as last reported by the Assessor, are ar follows: ..est 1/3 of lots 1 and 2 58 Toon of West Saint Paul 675 2050 'best j of .sst L/3 of 1 & 2 58 do 625 3750 3 58 do 800 1750 East. ast 50 ft of lots 6 and 7 39". 600 3850 and east 50 ft of S of 8 39 2700 11400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports riot he has inveetiga ted all of the aforesaid mat ,and hereby eubm� s [he foregoing as hie report thereon o the Council, together with the report made to rhim in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public \forks. Commieeioner of Finance Office of the Commissioner of Public NKFFiNANU a Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT 5 1932 Oct. 4, 1932 .193. To the Co nimeemer, of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Cournamioner of Puhlie Work., having had under con.ideration the preliminary order of the Council, known ne Council File No. 93927 approved Sept. 30, 1932 .193. , relative to releling an :,Deans truoting d repairinr;, at+ere necessary, ^.he sidewalks re tol lowing LocatY+nst Scutt: side of I-bal Gt., b'91.11ln; nt �ldwall .: t., L�dnce east 70 IL.� and a:e east side of Bidwell , baglnnln3 -nt Issoof '.h.•nca south 110 ft. $30.11 ,Estr. Cost.West 50 ft. of Lots 1 11 L Lo Y,s 1 12.525 East 20 ft. of West JE70 ft. of & 2 77.21 & 2 _ _ _ North side :a. ba�1n:.1n- ut State 6t.r •once +rost 5J ft. Est. Cost - West 50 ft. of Lot 6, 61k. 39, West St. Paul Proper 940725 S nature and extent of .nid improvement in ne, follow': _.... _..._.. 3. A plan, profile or 'ketch of said improvement in hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _. 5. Said improvement ie...... _......._naked for upon petition of three or more menere of property, .ubject to neeeanment for said improvement. / / C mmreero r of Pub ' orka. 94312 COUNCIL FILE NO. •;�b'P° a rymw �irre By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of aoaetruoting, relaying and rapairiag, whom ne ea cry, the sideatlit. at. the.. following laoatioat.. - - Panasl.Avenue, wont side, beginning. 42. ft.. north of University Ave.,. thence north. 39 ft., beginning fib ft. farther north, thenoe north 8 ft., under Preliminary Order._ 93930....... _ ..approved September 30, 1932 Intermediary Order __-Bpp—d A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is r99-1ruat,.. relay. and repair,_where_ veoesae_y,- the sidewalk- atthe.. following--looaiicaa Pascal -Avenue, -went -.aid. _b.ginnlag-42_ft._north_af ..Univa�aityAva,,.-thepae north 89 ft.,. beginning-66.ft.-farther-- north, -thenoe-north.--t...._.____—_......__-__-_.__....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the council ROV 15 193'L-- _ _ , lsz_ City Clerk. Approved L.5 , 192 Councilman p Tasob' y"v 1'rarcc i Councilman-Im"aid`-� - Councilman �vfe`$"eii-'J Can., '' tc i Councilman Wftlti Diet e. Mayor Ff�6R Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY orST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 19 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lathe T.l.yi.g And repairing. Ph., . ........ Y, the sidewalk At the f611—t.g 1 ... ti— P-1 Ave., —t side, begimin- 42feet north of University A—, th ... e north 39 ft., beginning 56 ft. farther north, th.... myth 8 feet. —&, Preliminary Order approved Sept. 30, 1932 T. the Council of in, City of S1. P--1: Th, C,nnnnmi.— of Finance hereby report, as Th, t—) --inn cd amount of the arscarmant f., the ab— innp--- i. $13.23 The —inn—d .... per f— for the above innp--- i. - - - s Th, I— or p-1, of I.,d that .,y be --i,d benefits fio, each innp--in-, and the as valuation of each lot or p.—I as but reported by the Aseeeeor, arc ar fi.11—: 11SCII—ION tone... ID -10N L—d Bldg. 1 6 Ly— D. B.i,d'. Add. 650 4200 lots 24 and 25 6 d. 6000 11000 5650 15200 The Commissioner of Fin—, fn,,h,, rcporta that h, h., investigated all of the aforesaid --, ,and hereby -bnnit. the foregoing ., hie,p.,t thereon b, the C-61, t,g,,h,, with the i,p— ..d, t, hin, in reference t. raid ­— by the Commissioner of PAIm W.,k,. li—d —Lqtvd1 11 193of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public W o8bMof FjryAj f Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT 8 1282 nor_ a_ 1932 193 the Commisefnner of Finance of the City of St P --I: The Commissioner of Public Work, having hod coderc-1111rntian the prelimnary e iorder of th 93930 d Sept. 30, 1932 .193. ..relative to C,-61, known as Council File N.."ppf°40 the reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, sidewalk at the following location: West aid, Pascal A— beginning 42 fL. north of University A -- thence north 39 fthenncece t., beginning 56 ft. farther north, north.. B. Pt. end having inveatipwd the mattere and things r,fft,,,,d W therein, hereby repo— 37.82 1. Said ImP"Eott � Block e,eiyman e�(o`� a�.ri ,e, 3,d. & ppll �AI,,,d Y— N N.ye M, M.D...Id McDonald N.— p... R.—R.—' T ... Tru Wenzel Wenzel M,. P,— Ni.h.-y NI, P—. M.h.-Y -a- 2 Q 3 the City )f fiP That -dl-- 'N, 3 W" li-t 10 n t _n Ica Connec :Sono . . . . . . . to t,tion . . . . . . . . . dent or 31, .t i for 7 :�:lntt:, attar . . . . . . . lo ... t8 Plock Inepe'tol . . . . 9 Flushing " 7 4 1, ten — ..... . . . . . . . . I V aria. . . . . . Llb—; io — pit, Ab r— . . . . . . . ibl r�, 9 L b y sI 'y —1 . . . . . . . d alof py Lib , i,,b ry C., nl a. rvl-or of I. .. . . bl—Y I� rrinc lr,,1 t; ry . . . . . . . _ ... _.... I 14 ,gln ng I n eating ,lephnit Chomi et ':n�i mMng i'.rlage Designi" Lngineor . - Lnl;ineu ri n� cne inepon,or . . 3 ;,ngi„ecr int Beoorder 1 Englnotring cement xeeter .. y t'ire Fira I_ur shel y Cl or Sc31 Bon, Csehler 1 t.ic allnnoous ' anger - 16 1'l cc e11—Ouc 'Elik;nglneer 4un1 nl PrC,enl et• ' r sS stmt ::tnf'., _lectr:rl �.n rvtrc n; 111 u'.� Lnii . ;,<l LSDor rrinc lr,,1 t; ry . . . . . . . _ ... _.... I Md the said Crdinonc. No. 3250§. as amanded, I, hereby further uv.nded by atrlking out tl,. title of ^Curring. Caller^ IN— 1t oCc urs In eubdivlelon (b, of ,eclel :lvpl Cymanta in -tion 7 of acid—dina.oe, and :..-ting 1. 11eu thereof the title ^Stcvter^; e•:d by changing Sn Grade 6 of the t':alntenunoe 3-1.. to ;;nct]on 6 of the v>_d the title 'Filter lttohft nt- to road 'Flltor DForet1r .;nd tha said _rdirit, c i;o. 32501• ae emended, 1. ..—by further .-ended by 5.. tj n: t.,>nq to in .aa_d ..action a t!:. :,.n...: `.;...,..Incy .. ,; al - 4..,. vr• 61 lil c...',. i1 .',:-':•. nt,1, ;l . . 4,d...•r«„�arael ur was ?C ., ...1R•r-:hal r...,,i a- `Tara jh,6'.,6m -d b': .. ,. ,1 ...0 5 .:f the r.__n..e ... ,cn -vi :a in -id fiction 6 the lin.: �tor sop ,L -n 1, 1, 4n 7'” =nd t, nddlno •o .rar.,, of the .1. .:Sd —ti- itl•. .r1 line; 7b... 3—i- School and ty adding to -,rado 8 .r the !'eintenance re—l" In .,id ;:action c the f.11—ing title ,u,. lino: Ou...=.anior Cho.1 tnglnenr 7b,7;.: 9f , 9k, 91 - Md the said Crdinonc. No. 3250§. as amanded, I, hereby further uv.nded by atrlking out tl,. title of ^Curring. Caller^ IN— 1t oCc urs In eubdivlelon (b, of ,eclel :lvpl Cymanta in -tion 7 of acid—dina.oe, and :..-ting 1. 11eu thereof the title ^Stcvter^; e•:d by changing Sn Grade 6 of the t':alntenunoe 3-1.. to ;;nct]on 6 of the v>_d the title 'Filter lttohft nt- to road 'Flltor DForet1r .;nd tha said _rdirit, c i;o. 32501• ae emended, 1. ..—by further .-ended by 1 —,1- 7 0. o -,Id _tn u , t:u: old ssbdivlslan_ !c„ lr bur tltl- v De :.Ades to tns lin 1p aded6!,or- by solo tl�ni not jet.t, hn:ievnre Lo tits provi pion in p. sJ tions .0 oL.�os�. .� mnlonr.e nt. --b,', furtltr.r :�..�....�r. fo]lay.ln' sl'itinnni Is c1'�11 _�ry cl nal Y lcatlon,•::h1o:t„alrsll rye s_ vllf^d'finr a ciu� sr ti,cne v s fo11np1nC tna�a Al c:taL,.Y e1111bio a ',instatement tit l�:rt+Sni nl, to :u.ch Litl ., i�.y bs Moll ohnd by •e'itt,n c ivl] ssloner, :rdsro:totb:l In '..1i 1119 ui o City c,_ n i z_ _ _t c otiell pat 1 1 sctl b `ths ll pohl ishoklot nl' St:f orr^..ion X11 ink .mp;u; ar 1>rlonn ty-s -t1.os z3E15 and ottle:' inYormatlon Sn reg':r] to Its rin.Llan 'co k and .1111 eervlce pr ... 1—o. Spada. II. This ordinance atoll taka offsot and be in force from and oftor its passage and approval. ",j yano Way. Adsptsd by the Counoil VCD.nald ❑ay 20 erce Rosen Tro-Approved 1.r. in .idem mayor Ih.reby "0* and for passage by the COnaoll the above—mentioned mendmente to the Civil Servloa Rules. Servioe Co®S.eloner . ecul.lsncu� l 1 /`X. 1/s 1 // / % l / � / /,� % '7C� !'/� -�_ FRISIE `,. _ .� i w': i :. �. tie► w prleelas ilel d tt 1�ie 4etblet w rr' i .� t d w wrr�R{ M aet —not qr tien�A� 1i. *eis rote retlMM et -ow �'►W�!!�ee eft wows" b » p M net •VpNrd flit► pee pen to eMM �e eeit =""a* I" t Sed" 5. *Aft qc; a �I orlift VMS t�a►u" .R rRa* y. - posy MIMtd '',y, a�� � Metel w ora °'..�r! 0,0,gMMA . nnow o..eta Suppl amental Reeort of the Enplo yeas Advisory Conmmlttae. To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: At a meeting of the Employee. Advisory Committee, Nov. 29, 1932, the Committee, in the matter of the abolition of certain titles, in their entirety; abolition of other title-, except as to present incumbents, and the creation of other title., which matter is before your honorable body at the present time, officially went on record against the abolition of any title —lee. .uch title remains unfilled for a period of three years after the expiration of the eligible and reinstatementlist pertaining to such title. Attention of the Committee has been directed to the proposal to amend the original form of the ordinancepacifying that it will be further necessary that the recommendation of the Civ 11 Service Conmmiee ion.. be obtained and such official so report to the Council upon 30 days notice. The Committee has no objection to this additional clause except that it shall not operate retroactively. The Committee has assumed a very determined attitude in this matter and sincerely hope- that Ste recommendation, which is, Sn fact, the recommendation of each and every individual employee, the persons moat vitally affected and concerned, will be granted consideration and have weight in the final determination of your contemplated action. The .re atlon of the Employee. Advisory Committee was authorized by your Hon o rabla body upon recomsmendation of the Civil Service Commissioner. In order that the Committee .hall and may function in the proper manner and for the beet interests of the City of St. Paul and the employees in the various services,ecessary that the voice of the employee- speaking through the medium n it Se of the C.—ittse be heeded. In the matter of the five day week plan, the reco—endetion of the Commmit tee was cast aside and there was only an insignificant amount of con- sideration given to it by your honorable body. Each and every employee of the City of St. Paul in the classified service 1. duly represented on the Committee, and in the future as in the matter before your body, will take s very determined stand In every instance which my arise and by which acquired rights are affected. We are of the opinion that while the Civil Service System mey, primarily have been ins tltuted and created for the bansflt of the general public by improving the competency of the employees serving thereunder, we are also of the opinion that such a condition can exist only during such periods of strict enforcement of the rules enacted by your honorable body in the opera- tion of the system and the affording of proper protection to such employees. CHAIRMAN I , f REPORT OF EMPLOYEES ADVISORY COIa1ITTEE To The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council At a meeting of the Employees Advisory Committee held Nov. 29, 1932, the following action was taken relative to the proposed abolition of certain titles, in their entirety; abolition of other titles, except as to present incumbents, and the creation of other titles; 1. The committee was of the opinion that no titles should be abolished unless such titles remain unfilled for a period of three years after the expiration date of the eligible and re- irstatement lint pertaining to such positions. 2. In the matter of the creation. of titles, the committee was of the opinion that present incumbents occupying parallel or similar titles and performing similar duties should, after the proposed titles are created, be granted the right to trans- fer to the newly created titles, unon request. An example of which is to be found in the proposed creation of the title, er !'Senior Behool n�ineer` and the proposed vacation of the title, School Lngine. EMPLOYEES ADVISORY COMMITTEE By 4 / / Chairman SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF THE LIBRARY GROUP The representative of the library service reported to the cortsmittes that certain positions in the library service which ere to be abolished are now being filled by employees in lower grades who perform the work of the higher position but clo not receive the higher salary. heeember lots 1"R tlr. prod Y. anew. Bi os, Interdepartmental ocmeltive. .. peer ttrl .. , Su mWelnd ormmoe ebolimipg a sombor of etril oorrlp nun mad oroatlas artola saw Sides together with the attached repast of the iylyro MNemry Wortttes was reforres to your iatn depeedeetd oemittoo to scafor with gr. 'J: 1. p»Det relative to the aMeabilily at passing or awwding the ormceore. The ordirmoe curse before the poamail for pprmrd of form as Member 22n& gill you Mnar return it to no before that datol Tome TW7 troys oil ole*. St *pnj ber2 �3� 932ta. 8ovem To the Honorable ygyor and Umbers of the City Cooncilt Ceatlement I beve been instructed by the g ployaee Advisory Comoittes to respectfully request tbat your hcnorble body Postpone the third reading and approvb of the me .endnt pertaining to the bolitioa of titles, etc., for a period of tau sae'n, ea the proper coasideratioa and report of the employees andthe nIttee sill require tbat length of time, /"Bnay'`sl�p'^'ectfully. / Wainm� 8oraeftar 831d. 1932 - UP. d. D. 8Y►Lat. Dor Birt At 00 tatt>e� ld bd1bthe a hltdu- ordtaama (padadll RL We. 94303) po itm of rrrlew tttlar- �d the addlWIL'Ot OOSAU et3tr eswr se 9tdtlow 41 W. 9. 7 tad B. was 24d ~,So Dtomsor-88ad,tor --,-,Volae8 tam VA OMMU ro4dtttM���oouu M offmr an UWIAWr Vn@.%er lot to fortUr oWTU the Isamu for 06 ordlosam. tem�a earl tra77s as as*. . 5 4 L . .t , .orator 23rd. 1932• 6. On. A. tonboas amin n, ttclo7ot ldrinor7 Cnmittoot a.dldlad. Poa 1121 AS the 0oaooii wWt bold todgt ibo,ordloando (06"011 pilo Na. 91") ollm"atiat verinoo mus and mains cart"" now tlt%" — lad ora to pow'.W ma for aonva of toru .it nu duo rems"d that a r,"S Utin 0! tbt . I, AM1027 Ooteitta tad -Mr. P.bt orot4rilb *0 06vm11 OR Wit aatta en P-4mbor lot. Town "W truly. city 0101k. December 20th. 1932 Mr. J. H. ?"bet. Chief YTPmiaer� 01r11 Service Barenu. Dear Uri An ordinenoe emending snrioae Otril urviae ordinances ly ebollahing a number of titles and creating ass title. sill beo of _ �e Ci uncil �r third reading end eppTo bur 22nd The Council directed me to "quest you end IOT 't that ics And ftrtbW plainrthe pnrpo" endit intent Of ttheorrdinsnc*- �- Ycc" -.7 tray, City Clerk. IleretY 21Mi� 19� un J. D. Muss c, oMof I"otpns civil Lrrl �or000. - am Sri . . !ao "ObMes Dred*[ twun a;vll IL*u 4a • spaw of oorrloo, orOtaoeeN To, tl{loa W ne►lst aM 14" nr 13 er 6 eros �P riUwd41 '' tBoth for ow eodW W 0 Of 6MI'tr h0 city omwil toML wo for % plesmt at was /Lr: Som@ T' %tsar* city cleft PI D..Mr 22ad. .1938 '.D.1.0wn W4 AV 0,W1.01191, solla+ac• sw rin ..elns svleui e!.►t g"'s j1* ►r a we "Good" b y 'Rlyj g% d tT.t tla.. loan tv7 %rave . Dly vitt. ... �s.� -. Y ,+:ii$z 7AMI �`�� ;t A. Stan, ea'rd5� � � '�• Dwwbor 319%, 1932 aon.'D. a _ 8ntild/oS. ' Dns eorinleent 1n orAinnmo Dai" b.s.re the 0►t� Damil vwpew., san6 olmr, wd"Is to NMI .sl.tw awl sadim Gran- tis deice 1h. P'"I"' •tMe tltl. 1. Boit .boll" me" n toInot.bPNS nU• OUr web of the r0116doe Ntln to the . wa n.."en as eboont.. Gras arrlo. Prindlmd a- 9 trt Mn e Donerew 7 *.M 9 WlnS.n®oo � lnLd Yedhnl0 ane Jmitdr 5 Wtnq� DlNrlot Yeter sm"Int.neent 7 . Dolrt Invowtor Wboor nn }u,.wy.meo 3 tiu oonoll ntM@ted Shan dwrt. mnt h"d, to .tmy thew tttla ead =oDort to lbe Domed .betb.r tbW DarotSwtln t. sbolt*Am,W 4 No .stat tb lr davnrtnnt..e w to J.OW7 4tb for eprmbel of fofi1 o.er rm. Tat+ Teri truly, Dltl pL!!c. CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6clul nl MI.—u OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT, Oh Clmk ..d Commbeenm d R..bs.— .4w0 December 29tb, 1932 Hon. H. P. Goodrich, city Comptroller, Banding. Deer Sir: The attached ordlnance relative to Civil Service titles was referred to you by the City Council with the regneet tbat it be re -drafted so as to ..it the'bolitiom of any titles contained therein, ez- cept those noted in the ordimace after whicb the phrase . Tbie title is hereby abolished —Pt ae to present Sm - "'bents" eppeare. The ordimnce wee laid over until tomorrow. Sours very truly, City Clerk. silo CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gehl of MI—ow CITY COMPTROLLER -mo November ly, 1932 TO THE CITY COUNCIL: I am submitting herewith an amendment to the Civil Servloe Rule.. The affect of this amendment will be to areata ten new title ---three of them re:Iuested by the Com- mie -j— of Education, one by the Comnleaionsr of Parke, and six by the Commi-stoner of Publio Utilltlea. In addltlw, this amendment will abolish aixty-two of the present titles, and the reason for abolishing U:e ea is that they have not been I, use for a number of year. or have never been used since they were established. I an informed &leo that the ebollahl"g of moat of these sixty-two titles 1s agreeable to the appoint - Ing officers concerned. Reepactfulll/y, /u � Comptroller and Civil 9ervlo. C._I.slorwr .m .��w.... CITY OF ST. PAU CIVIL BEBVICETBUBEA December U. 1932 TO THE CITY COONOILt The s000mpanying amendment 10 offered as n wabetitate — for the one now before the Coeaoll. The a000mpamying amendment differs from the one now before the Cosnoll only in regard to— the ohangee approved by the Interdepartmental Advisory Com- mittee with the cols emeptiws of subdivision (b) of the nem B.otio. ¢ shows ws the last page of the amendment. I took— the liberty of adding this subdlvialan eo a - to get 1t into the revised rclec which are sow J. the hand. of the printer. This ssbdivialon merely saplelns what the 'to" preotioe is at the present time. Bsepwtfnl an Chief Bwnminer y Appr—dl Civil Beraloe 0-1--lonsr O JBP-B , • n n P I 1 , Adopted by the Council_...__ __.._...._.193_.... Yeas. Noy.. MAY McDONALD PEARCE ROSEN V TRUAX WENZEL ' MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) I 1 Adopted by the Council...._._. _____._.193__.... Yeah Nay.. MAY �'McDONALD YY -''-401 PEARCE / ROSEN He t`t / TRUAX t' WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Council. . ............193_...... Yeas. N.Y.. MAY 1---/'McDONALD PEARCE ""'ROSEN /i TRUAX WENZEL NR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Council__ _ __....__.._193__.... Yea.. Nays. MAY McDONALD PEARCE /ROSEN /TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) 0 ,.( I A®' CITY OF ST. PAUL CW, SERV CE BUREAU peoember 29. 1992 TO TBE CITY CWKCIL+ dment Lo ths• On November Ly I Presentee m omen Civil .rm Bioe or'8leeeo° ebollehSag n comber of t1tUv end W.ating erosrtnln other SStieb On bsoember 16.' follomSng seval m.etingn math th. Interdep.rsm�eetae 1dvl wry Co®lttae. ea emend.& eo4W.d s cons pr se a e¢bstitute for the one latroda°ed on November 14• Ie oonformlty, elth the mishse of she Coher.Dy neesprsaed ret yssLereey'• o.oil msetlag. 1 oomber 16 reoomm.ne eevernl farther ohsmgen !n thle ps ®sedmens and m more speolfloelh�rs o!n'1a the oorreoN&- oopy of that yoee&eent ntteohed Very truly yoere. C.mptrollsr m& Olvil gerv1. Oo®Seeioner pe,oJ may a..b CITY OF ST. PAUL re'i r" No. ......._913% OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENITAL FORM RESOLVED That the form of contract between the Suras b McDonnell =nglnsering Company, of Eansas City, Missouri, and the Oitynof at. Paul, for the valuation of the Northern States Power Oompanyts properties, is hereby approved, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. OUNC)iMI.N 7u--- Yom � Neye , Mny /�usen Apinet ®_ sel ,e 4 / Mr. President Mshoney �861; 1 A'�y'manb b w^. clg4a�.XEy Qi r L �[ei MU!N "b fiinL� I p �.9d w r ep lezw Ne.. is ism Adopted by the Coun,il..#O�y.. 3-s ..' F. SCOTT, Clf';/ ^LEGS Approved.... h�d CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT November 14th, 1932. To the Council. Gentlemen) As directed by you, I have redrafted the proposed contract submitted to you by the Burne & McDonnell Engineer- ing Company, of Kansas City, Missouri. The changes made therein from the original as submitted are the changes which I was directed by you to make. I have attempted to explain the meaning of the several seat lone to you wnioh I nave read to you verbatim. At the same time that I read to you and attempted to explain the several sections, Mr. McDonnell, of the firm of engineers, was there to explain what he intended by each section of the proposed contract. I called your attention to Section 12 and advised you that I was unable to determine exactly what the engineers proposed to furnish under that section, and I at this time make no interpretation of St. Mr. Mo Donnell explained it to you and I a. eume that you gentlemen are in complete underetand- ing with him as to what his firm proposes to furnish for the City under the term. of that section. You are, of course,familiar with the provisions of Section 7 which provides that the valuation of the land be at the expense of the City. You are also familiar with the pro- visions of Section 8, which are to the effect that the City is to furnish certain employee for a certain number of working days without cost to the engineers, for the purpose of making an inventory of the physical properties of the Northern States Power Company. You are also familiar with the provision of the Section which spec Sficall y provides that the City is to furnish, without expense to the engineers, a complete inventory of all building. and etructures of the Northern States Power Company in the City of St. Paul. Inaddition to the information which the engineers propose to obtain for the City under the terms of the accom- panying contract, it to my opinion that the City should fortify itself with certain additional information. I believe that the City should have made a complete examination of the books and records of the Northern States Power Company and its pre - de0ae.or companies for the purpose of determining the actual or CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT 00uncil-2 11-14-32 pany ow historical tout of all of Ltbe Cityrties Of that with electric energy,n gas used and use in eeraing and steam. In addition to that1na, I am of the opinion that e hl the City aeshhould have an ormcompenlaeaforde othehpu pose of deOka of e Company in termining the actual experience of the Comp property. Iybelieve athat t On o the depreciation of its tang l additional negotl at Sonsinformation thelNorthernessential Stfor Power l company aor in its any subsequent litigation if any should arise. 90 that there may be no mieundaretandingjaaam�c, yI desire to state el here that hlring the hexperts, .8 the CI doinotf consideri tf St. within my Provinoe, se a Member of the Utility the oCommittee, to vote upon the oueetlon of who should be hired. Yours very truly, Corporation Counsel. LLA -U a :� THE ENGINEERS SOCIETY s—T sor< November 15, IaK ro the ......able Mayor and City council 'a May., Saint Paul,Minn. Gentlemen: The Engineers' Society of Saint Paul at its regular seting held on November 14th, discussed the proposed valuation of the Northern States Yower Company's property and the selec- tion of valuation engineers for this project; and adopted the following resolution: "SP. IT "i OLVED, That the Engineers" Society of St. Paul heartily endorses the action of its governing board in its c unicstlon to the Hono..ble Mayor Fm. Mahoney, pointing out that there ... local engineers who are capableand qualified to carry out this projec� and recommend tb at they be employed for this work. Furthermore, ilthe City Counil deem it advisable to employ a - sident engineering talent, this should be done in collaboration with St.Paul engineers The Society further wishes to point out that lapel all as other c". ideations make it advisable to confine your selection to engineers whose interests lie wholly in the bysulticg field and whose testimony would not be jeopardized conflicting interests Which would make it difficult for them to render unbiased decisions. Respec Vice CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gplul of MI—or. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WWAM F. SCOTT, Ott Cl.d ..d Cees .. d R. -- ®m October 22nd, 1932 Hon. N113iam kaboney, Chairman, Public Utilities Committee. City of Seiat Paul. Deer Sir: Ne attach here.lth copy cf a resolution adopted by the Central Council of District Clnbl urging that preference be given St. Paul engineering firma in the valuation of the Northern State. Poser Company,. properties. This communloetion vee referred to the Committee of Public Utilities by the Cannon. Yours very truly, City Clerk. S. PBW iarlud'mR COYaIrc° of trete lerriwry, hw a polrulaliax of over 4'ive Mdlinn. I��e of FarmI id.124,814,281. do I VJue of evd Ib �en`le tI8i,441,4R1. Centrcl Cauncd of D�tnrt Clolm etmda �udY to P.J. Livestock P y1.d- wi%,isi,see nm luwlaJ m saint y u �.EIItiFI,I i�:IIliltitl II� �ISfZILt (T 11I�I8 �FaJeroud Civic Clubs of RsmseY Coun1Y7 DIIIECIORb'. OFFICERS: OrRsnia«I fur Civir, Jndwtrul soJ Cammercml Devclupment Mw. E. t'. l.mosrvx Geo. L. eraaa4 MEECS THIRD THIIRDDAY OF MONTH J. D, Dev�xa Prot Cmnd Jury Room J. J. Coxxoeer P. M. (,leex.n, Vice P m dcnc Coup llouee J. F. Euue Sd:rcrs k:. -4 a91enforJ Ave. rY t,ur. A. 1'ooxa M. A. L—, Treasurer Tel. Emersuo ]FYG O. F Raseeo, Hworory President NonarnrY P�dent Ems; Aq "h ora ere e lerr{e Hamner of Ad e�1st peoole in the City of St .PauOf to l end County f Rnmsey xo >. 1, v lua"ion or enorais at of Pned ere '.veli e4u7 'v edur; etion nd erpe ••i in rho dote^.l work o 'nc 7nd,latry 1n tha C -t of ;t. Ps,l, t'r.e '-1 ec tric Ll aht r Po:, end n "iHP•,R"A9, fie ron^e r'lso sovernl r,orpstent .� expe rioncad loo al ooni gltina khr,iP rticnlePrma t'}ncts re ++e11 r1itR11 t'i ed :o nes - �° n end el for .-:}1�R°.A3, Uhe money set nsido in thea uda. t`:Ss rnrruosIi of tine afore s�-id vsluet!on or —r lis el and Hort is come out of money rel sod s'ihlei int theso' LSmes re o s nos 40d would 'oe expended ss rnJoh n Of distress within 1.ho S, City• cYt, the ;entrel TH',,w FORK, 3F. I C R?•'.SOLVISD, Snc, rite C oun r,il of j)1. strict Cl.uts voes on record rnryuest ontr voc cs let T'-ro this ;ouncil no s e in 9ny r ,it1^ens f St.1'nu'- r,it^ tnT, e t rcferonce 'o yen nurrose that ' ord Nemsav County• RFSP°�(;TFULI,' SU`31'I'P CF.U, C�RAL ODU/J�C[I L�UY 1)1LS'r RRlC'I�C LU'i3 By \ n t e .M�® BUILDERS EXCHANGE SAINT PAUL `°•^ ^`""" Nov.8,1932. — To the Honorable City Council of St.Psul. Gentlemen - The members of the Builders Exchange at meeting held today considered the fuesion of BttPaul fto orhthe evaluatione contractnof thea entered into by the City c property of the Northern States Power Company So connection with the renewal of the franchise of that company with the City of St.Paul and I was directed to convey to you thtte henoontraot In sentiment of the members oY the Sxchsng question be awarded to oiti tens of at -Paul. The members of the Exchange appreciate that me there are competent engineering firms from other cities seeking doeknowk thatetherei are alsowhom mans innot the engineering pro ee ionbut Our bere residents of Stopaul who are egsally qualified in every particular to do the work. The ability of St.Yaul engineers has been nof ethenixed by the award of many contracts to thea in various parts to Northwest. The award of the contract reow cognition under considendors erati meat St Paul engineers would be a fitting oo 6a ide on only me" would ebe Ofifarygrhatsrwandfit ir ich dmore lasting to them to themand nnbto what s City, would be the fact that St.Paul could may to everyone in thiave men in the communities of the Northwest) oulerhto ogre for eyourengineering able and oompetent in every p problems. we could cite many oo®un iti ee in the Nor not at who are contemplating work involving on ngineeringzskill. Bt�Yau1 le us close the doors of opportunity successfully compete for that work, as would be the case SY their home city falls to recognize them at this time, e We therefore ask you in the name of the members of the St.Peul Builders Exchange to give this ntracti tl On the e engineers of St.Paul in the award entitled the endworthys of question, to which w e believe they are every way. very sincerely On behalf of the BVderµ Exohange of St -Paul President. eitgt n£ "Raint Paul 1-11,11m 1111o'Ey Bovamber S, 1952 6:.nd:o.. p�spsrtmmt To the Members of the City Council. Gentlement parmuset to instructions of the City Council your Committee of on Public Utilities has a@e toue p rvin ithesinventory andgation 0 �i- neere and engineering - appraisal of the Northern State. Poorer Company's eleotric, gee and steam heat properties and to do other murk in connection there - the vlth. PropoealI licante for thetationa trachavedblettereeheve been Committee by the app con m received from their respective clients. The member. of the C.-cLl have bean given copies oP the proposals submitted and have been present at the hearing-. Your Committee has given due consideration to the magnitude and importance of the murk to be done and the qualifications Of the engineers offering their services and has Coo to the Kms City, agreement that the Durno YoDonnell Engineering Pa47, o meets the requirements of the case in the highest measure. The Committee, therefore, reocmmeneolutit the Con.il authorize cs with the the Corporation Cm n al to drav up are a findings of this committee authorizing the selection of the Durno YuDocnell Engineering Company. Very truly yours, COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC UTILITIES �7 THE ENGINEERS SOCIETY November 5th, 1932 Honorable N111iam Mahoney, Mayor of Saint Paul, Maivt P.ul, Minn. Dent Sir: sO In connection with the Proposed valuation oC the Northern States Poxer Company's properties in Ste Paul, .rel local engineering firma have offered their s wit's tovthe city council. The St. Peel dally papers for November 3rd —rri.d statements to the effect that your Honor does not f thea. firms ..Pahl. of carrying on this .aider any o xork. The Governing Board of HenEngineor in eri'' Society Of Saint Paul cnvnot agree with yon, .commend We behove that loeal englneerexork.are caIfbthall �city Council that they be employed for this h firm may be selected a believes it advisable, d outside will give the City e well a, onsultants. This pro.. u ience the outside the local firm the benefit of any* kein eovnectiov with firm may have gained through its r other volostia. projects. Respect s y Vice P i t Master Builders Association of St. Paul Buildni E-hmg, Building NOV. 7, 1933. To the Honorable 00uncil of the City of at. Paul , Gentlemen: The daily papers last week informed the public that the employment of an engineering firm from outside of 9t .Paul for they valuation and was recommended edsal fbyhth eoValuations rthern tas Power Company P P Oommittee of the Oity Counall. This matter was brought to the attention of the its ¢oon.ulThasYaet erMater ilders Builders efindt itndifficultetolrecoaolleMeetingtheie committee's recommendations with the avowed and Practicedhml employment of St.paul for the of Bt.Paul labor Onpall oivast loeprojeotb{ namely Bt.Paul engineering firms are recognized throughout the Aortbwest, and throughout the nation for the high quality of their is thereforeability not conal Sten* wobes of t'hthehinterests (S tenineeringheowelfare- of thelydvocitizempet ns for t 0 0'for the taekr Inent of our Oity not to recognize hand. The Master Builders thveedueeooneider at ion to ectfully BtePaul that the Honorable OSty O0unoll gi engineers and the proposallthat they have submitted for this valuation work. Respectfully, St.Paul Master 4ulld re Association 1 n�id ent retery. IV OF $pINC PAU Skis 9�µaT .nx¢eorw-MME." �••���, •••" Horember 7, 1932 Hmorable Yayor of hint Paa1 end Counoil, Court House. Heist Penl. Yinoe.ote. 8eatleaea: nt- Tye Heist Pe.1 ►ssocistip 1 A Uiottepeal ly taken the position that Where"' pe e , ter...b.old be farared eltb loud bm1m.. botb pub lie a.d Prirate. htald serail 1e bell-- this Polity . So the employment of persons to ask. the Prop°'°d .Ilmtloa Of the Horthen .tate. power CampsaP• oe belies. there are a Norer. 1a Helot Pawl who Ire mpable of doper that in employing tbem the oity gSwem prop's this eork! recogolon to 8alnt Pant tooter.. and .hat Ss of egad orta.ce Ebe.e drys. tbs money P'id for the seryl j.pkept 1n .iscalatioa in gaint P.-i- j. roa 1e urge that -rill1e in mnneo i n with to the employment mploynt of "i peoP this aPPreisel. very traly Yoore, president 01C�t11 November 7th, 1932. Honorable Wm. Mahoney, Mayor, at. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Bir: Please be advised that our proposal dated October 18th, 1932, covering the making of an appraisal and certain other work for the Oity of St. Paul in the amount of 635,000.00 has never been withdrawn. This osal en Into consideration by yourshould bk self andthe01tyCouncil in making the award for this work as it 1s the lowest proposal which has been submitted. we note that certain St. Paul engineers are being beard in regard to this matter and would ra speotfully request that we be given a like opportunity to be beard in the matter. yours very truly, TOLTZ, FIND AND DAY, Inc. WNF:q, , '"o .l`j I(-] VA . 040 (COPD September 13th, 1932• Sb the Ncnorable City Counc11, -Saint Pahl, Hina. Centlwmens - .. For many seeks your Coamlttu on publicUtilities es has be nbeat ooaeidering. the Pb�_t of franchises for gen, servids. The; Oommltbss'LasLHd bbfai'e 1}'reports pertaining to Tiriase pbaf`es of tDb_,enbjeat mntEbr'aa¢ bae_liea,d'tks views of a pert. end eng1— users: The oatarial gatlisrid from these: sources bas Lem disonseed'frcoo every angle in order Ebe.G7 ilia Cotmdites is'ight be able to meld to'tom HondsaDle 1b Liaetsor'tlO^sad utas 3oa1"reLrososadatioasf ° The City of Saint Peal is now helag served by the Horthara Sthtee Power Company with gas, electricity, and steam beat ander permits shich eapirs of the end of this year. Prior to reselling the penaits, the Poser Compsey operated -ander fred'hises which expired. end In Us absence -of-' rvnewai.: the peaits-weie g,.htod: It -till be-nseeesery, thorefore, to- enter 'Into franchise contracts or grant now Permits if the Northern States. Poser Conpany is to continue to serve the City of Saint Pant. ghe'mmpbersof the co®ittee' feel that the setvlee rates charged ' the; SorElfera--StaEee:.,,dr.PoaeCoo �ny; are- ezeesetwo, end have agreed that cot tre$chiee sbauld'be granhich does not coatata-prdvisioae whiob will "bfs'the C14 to saslutsih fair7rato. thropsh regalatioa'st regulation cost, pibd}oa.Led ti➢en a true base vsJfd witpiuper s¢Dseovent regulaSC�ittas and with eeoaomical operatiob. This "ootolasion Lae been re*ehe tO '.. _ atter-suns 96 side of all Lha trete involves. in order to woleadfalr ser lce rates, controversy and 11 t1gatlm, the franebises altoald be strictly dram and should provide definite raga- latign. of Lase ialue, rate' of -return -on Snvsetment', control of operating g4psassi,, sea svpervlelbn of all elpamslonsr dedmtione end depreciation In tbe;prop.rties f tba Cem@apy, tangible said Intangible. -With 'Ehese pro- vleloas'fixed In the fraacplees, the_ rate. for service can' be''errieed at witho;t -diwpnt.or litfgatioa. The Cs_Itt.e tells attention to the fact that at the expiration of the prsdmt pbrmits,: the contract "let,_. with the Power Company are _cpletely severed, Uavi-g, the City free to ranee the contrast with the Horthem States Fawwr CompW or'amy. other public. utility corporation, which will meet'"the'franchiee regdlremsnte demanded b}`tSre'City; et"ths Cit? .d istablish its oro pleat end servif. Pclearaul field Igtbe paarseni t to the Cit' council- end ibe"peonle of will beet Protect the public Interest-- Your occes ttee reccgni.ee the fact that the Norther State. Power Compaoy has extensive invhatmente In Saint Paul sad i• entitled to ea oppor- tasity to continue rendering ••spa to cert Cl o if it Will do so S, afbasis of fairness. The Power company Hortheeat stabs with plant• situated at different pointe end laterUcked. The question of the value of the investment in saint Pool Tthe .1—tion. atotih°t particularly concerns the City. The Power Compal eppro:imate]y Forty-eight Million Dollars. The Comaittee believes that this valuation Ss ezoessivs. Rea Cc®Sttee proposes a Leo -fold course which will enable the City lme accurately the base vel shdlageh �a basiuld s died in the fram- gptletlag franchi us to uterachive, had will fortify the City Dy P in self service. The Committee, with other utility corporations or by engaging therefore, retommeadsr EM -11 MU111112111FOIKIIIHATHREMI m no ,It" At Irk bbnm,= 11fTi SWAY0,16 s' at 111 iaw at go swu st M� 14 -bwdw~ rat.otra to PWW of im ww" xera—~- slow kwUN perAqw-ft Oda$ Fmdlj�O" 41V 18 004-PI&MM *0 stlw or a on"$ ad M so" glib 068pow, ad muzo, am "W ded." tb oqpp Oft owsm-g ONLP&tw Sw tae VW#w at 4bUlaft M Imbar "a Y!! -d24 at 4" sm 4xLs%m% fm&vmokt• frons, far gl� aralrw tt wo 0 *6 got. of mw 06 vwpow or owsba-S 80,1"11*9 so "4-6 00 owwwavii- lifflovillull III I. maos" 'a -Amd- a* U"'ep "*"go NA SA.46dom of bMW owurm 1w *a 4ilir Sw so" ravoo" 40Sd". I* Q. soM poeSed PMS-% Mi am=# vw osapay.b a uWd 1.44 m 4"emmas wift vat4 an =4 are bmrpnto4 "d as Tea SH-W Aww"Ift 0► xasmso. O-U4 be* *r 90 OiIW Of blat ftO4 U—"4 iM the $Upetae of ob"Iml- An VMS* "d &,,&sumps, #4 &sepal*" SMAN-as An wo all ti Is-V"t4x" ad r4ior4 ad WON, We wr ad tu F"" am— b— Wo "r epaeipi..d owjtatjw, 1, .Um r j&. gwwmbg b*4 at Wo ad geeaul L aaardreaeVw '."uwa4jjf tm LM of me Idws an "M V*gW 1. IM aid 4V br -M AU16 rd Wa ebet'ier a[ mal" to rates into we OPOW-A 'ilk an ..idwaum at it, 1, g,"d by 00 PIVWAO hwwftl bV 0—d—# *07 "U"'Wo ""48' WW as jwa&W"tL= add gapOt OR 90 ;3110"' ft aaorjp ol M, sum WOPWM usaw Idws We aiv at alm** vod6 Mh bw..UgwUw md ."m SIOU "M We hUMAM 60VAPLUUM Grz. Ifftwy as ww sAwn oft"AL- ..3ft W* . Awa am availablo A nprs"GUm w2t Imm aNWOLOa m W. ymp"41" based m We Pm-" 1-4 Of prieaa I A dmm���� 000"tim of "M A z peeeoeata wet a WO-l"' 3'" --" i Image at Mo— or is amelyeft of 10 arm at as Oman so -Is ytea appow" aia momag a" doda,popift "i A& raw awl" losom VWWM ag OU,,Mb ,vaii qpjdw b to In lwmwkms obst dwv3A Wallow" 44 a ftSv ar A. gau..U.'d. go uta Noun 40 *a swortment for t"auotrs Par b."d as The "latus pasta, -bows ." alith as "a' of weld" bw to onow, am a div #A `tea aagpb ftrM., op.0 tw VA" 80'"NOWUP" ad raF" *"aglloa- amu PRO MO follsow UM qM&M" 1*4WASNUM and MW 1.'.".umm or cam gas Isdoda- Sb* *f 1 1. &tw at tato ""I"WAS ammobsoAft of #Uwb a- sommatealmomma, as ata AWSR" WwOe-vals =614-.. on iolt-wp ttw bud^ weaftalbs of a mOR d4U0"w systag of agrtsaraii b mummu of Goo at women so mww a"- N -Uv ON aw"W"I" an-dw lrtdtAdT aliaar tla aaarwa or %Is asrommms -6 7aara H` taro "UNVOW a On Sadg" gg"i.'Lu aaaata gat law for six iii aria{ - 7 - �au�'idw taidrdR w d.te .c eaattm of riL OPWONOU of to s t� .. halls PPa'rldd ter, w eanPaq apwa N laaaa'a.aM its !'lisp at sapomoww s" spro in ft - its iaaaMgsWm L a .dttm a piatat 20M Odd MAP"" L 00 aeml ataty d bw P6 grat.eet d. Smore r anal L w e.aaltiaa aagiaeadag petedea lith .eiaeew to L.wMgaim d rowu or Mon" P MULL d aos+lw. tm wnporr r.rthar •dta•P wt ata r"m WM be is sash ftm w to be aaaaaPMbs aL ewUmatim as L lara4er7 lith a dw r a�idadM a. non to w stir w lds !Yr a p rftd iosabrr a ow be "OOT td tYa Moa q liar. go *ON~ spew to Mee a r! at w saopsr poomt Ns a'oPw► !a Peva a tw P. P.Ir a.aig ad om las d t. milia L aowi to the paD.1i aaw.•t t otfidda w t.hOatimo. sty omedadma d awwadaMwa throat, d to Sim ill Lr{w uY t. yeses pabhL tis p.W w d alit nPort br the ppdr A-Mmatd alridaL Is ra I to a.Q spmottm of apaamta to M wAvvd at DNaaa w dtr d we two osww, art WA laalodss st not F"W-2 1yr oom Udp$w SatUsell.. m M P•sam d ad o olatd dttla a saausIU& PDVW Of Mae atter aatodadaa e! w r•s•rt d.ia w ea.sa set h -w, !!wd tiirlF [7d) 4"% is rider wt w aop4tatteas hN.am ea oily d tL /sear aaopar .rr be pt7•d7 log MUL tae .wpg1 KrMo to S&Ls dta, trafa d aaPKVI" sad aagdawn, a"Utaau d woamwto as ow be awipated by w "WIM w beery d peatiml ayidU-111 Of rala.Mm K Goble adlltl04 iiOLYtlag dented tea at Swat eight (t) adawo. -ebtgb d .w....■A�tl' d11 b. .adpol by ta. db. a !L erPmw, ter w Mea a'etatr"'s e.ip i a a tmot, L .ort mdw tw du%atim of w amp.q is ewrriag w d.t.il.a m a et oepolim of immuriw, w aaewwrr **~ug s tsd of tae ndew pnprWo. ,„,,T,-r,�� 4 — ur 11110 site ft~ w4mal imm"t sonomw mul AOU Of MW bdmglft In tM Z@rlbam Peal" P"W Gomm ead maks amsa as 41r ant" of as ClAw of so.ms vwA$un*Nrl4 ShiGh vubotLow doll be pmpmnd at as wepon at Alas qUir at ft-wion" by go to its "Post. is owwwasum for the pervLems berstarwe mtua94 lllmstfo me mir 61 fm par go sewar 6,014 ant at twAr-to UP -0 Viva, 2.4.4 (it ,00AP) maisrs, mom* - usbalmosm - td3-- 044" "a t6ano do =A jerow Uma GOW404W we tm 2m dw At, jawairra, w:va dw or as smwarow, =Lu bomma it iiwe lo as ea 0. w Of a..% M -mw 71900 allau bow= on Md immue, to Alm 00n4 M mo Im Aw"t Palls A.D. IM 7,30*M Jaen beano d"r^te Alar- mopw as time Im dw 90 Jio 7,90111.00 sh" b"2M.00!k Wall tba @MWW VVM W sibmissism at no - by the SOMPURY In us pmp=27 "84pstt wwflad- t. ae sespew far lea adz law moa evw and so O"rawlat im or aw fmai* for a& ea beano d- 4-1 VOPM- b* no -""W WAW the to"' at tUp Pa..% bee bon say goo W US OLVJ, np OddING1011 bF fAM OWUf4d OW Of the Wuw at a gem let bW Of eat no" pars at tug ON '"W. As. MA tftb 00 4W than" "S papa stoners LO 01111104ad 1* 000 "at' Me nanot" mop mp*=mk4 as to swunad wswsfjop slogio. Or . ==toot at vo svismin bey Of the OILIF . "Wd"A JoMb` Sea Me" & part br"f 1, IS ftrWor anperst"d WA 10 met 00 IWMUAL'r iuqpuiw at may cu.". P-4 Or V-U.*f WdS egreameat sb.0 mot vitisille l tee bl-UM affeat Of ass -U— -a— , pert ado pert. at thla .fit bat Ilbst thi- _t."s 1. all it& thal tern'bel'bellbe- 'e.n las A' el" fag ma attest " if sub laml" Or illeva dL=lao, part P••'••am—alo �� te.�. . -- n uum muni ir. CLIV of h"t ftdo um*wuo b" ."d wa's P.Mu #A be dpw tw md In SU bwmaf Is Im DMW a" 17 In, drA StWOW IW Vo MM—ts 04 04d bwo(o w m pager M"n tux"t " the UPI rs"WoufAL— Wat of CLIP of ftlat ftd6 vbmwt4 m ftu mi emoau ma"ir to dp fw a .0 -, - " 'r ., us �w am$ P"mb Mbe MP04 ad I'm —v—to -a I* bo Steal" k.0 wbw ju 9. , o*M aft asuorust thwoftro. " "m ftLft"t ma, '" 'm M" 0* me" *M*w ana w U= PASO Jaw mum"ou SwAdva 0-7w&u— V. art, v ;.- Gopwau ilrare m Emu CMAX, li lil - 6 - o.w.apan v...n ._..._-. :......_ CITU OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM officers be and they are hero y RESOLVED: that the proper city anthoriaed to enter into an agreement with Albert Y. SOhOw, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $17.80 per week during such time ae he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parke, playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the let day of September 1933; be it SDRTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay to said Albert E. Sahow the atm of $70.40 out of the workmenle Oompen— aation A000uat of the General Sand, in final settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and Including September 39th, 1932- 6, K 935. 6�,K , f.1w , CouNCLLMLN Yeea May Nay — ._ / / ._ I. favor Rosev �C)_ j Trues W I Agaivet .... Mr. President Mahoney Adopted by the CovveiLN.Q I._�_•1..L`1J.L..._.193.__ ISM Approved......_ __..._ ......__._......._...193..... `ti M. k. crt"i •. ...... ... Ma Y,;IL�: +ctt�nr "�---- �— No. �a43u� orU�eN+°av a.n OF UL �� / ) TY TION—GENERAL FOR ^n ftcmm 1-1 WSEREAS, Bond Fund (Code No. 513) was under -estimated, and it is necessary to perform certain work at the Horace Mann School; therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the sum of rive Hundred Sixty and 65/100 Dollars ($560.65) be deducted from the Equipment and Unforeseen Necessitles (Oode 514), and said sum be added to Bond Fond No. 513. Y_COUNCILMEN Nsye /m, �rcn 'pruax _.._..__.....Against Wenzel Z. president Mehovey ape n afcoa.r5 ttta. Wpe1�^r ,t°t W64 i'im N � H �e tlf� v43 �,y C 1 ,1 dv 14 lYll� t fe Adopted by the Counell.—.0V 1 .5. lq:"O '93 tw A tffs ...193... - Mayne 1Uy1 �I Fkn (4itu of 6t. $sol Equammt of Fto[atton ,.,.,.....•.•••••- Nov. 9th, 193E. Ron. 1pvis L. Anderson, Corporation 00no"l, City of St. Paul, EES Court House, St. Paul, Rlnnesota. Dear Sir= This Department to desirous of making a transfer of Funds in the Bohool Improvement Bond fiord to provide for oertain work done at the Horses Mann Sehool, under Bond Fund ode #515, which was underestimated at the time C. F. Ro. 92660 was introduoed, deduoting 49,000.00 C from this Fund. It Sneoessary at this t� to deduot $560.66 e from the fund set up as Rquipm ut orseen Heoessities, Code 614, and the sum of 4660.65 be added to the fund set up for the Ford Dietriot School, Code 615, known as the Horses Hann Sohool. Inasmuch, a.Ae fund Code 513 is not being expended over the original estimated emount,Ctthi Department would like to have Corporation ouaael'e ounoll Resolution introduoed by t Offics in a000rdanoe with Charter Provision. Very truly yoursn. H8 -L COMRISSIOR$R OF hTMATIOH. 94307 prlU..lmaw ark' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I �C U{�E50LUTION—r+EN L FORM li?/'Lr^�'�r✓�NLe/'1L Y Novemoer lA_°..1932__ RESOLVED That the Western Union Telegraph Company be given permission to construct an underground lateral conduit and to set a thirty foot pole on John street between Waverly Place and Woodward Avenue. T� r.v�� T °x°v b /eik�r abve�-L4I M'P't0I� . t v�t *vttly o. d;ettfi°lo�n etrtsnttbatwu� SOM ew aw.m s.•nna• P upnot.e n�Qtn. aamwtr... ta. tau. COUNCILMEN Yee° N°y / May �� �eon 'huax _�—._Against wants[ i Mr. Preeide.t Mahoney Adopted by the Council . - 193.... App—ed _ .. 193..... ' Mayer IK UY --� I___ P • rrmm oopp THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY COMMYe1GTON mmnRrw•..•. aih'L'LaPWu. M,t,y Minneapolis Minn--.Il-IO-j2 Subjedt; CITY PLANT - Underground - Permit - St.peul Minn.- Mr.H.O.Wenzel Commi a sioner of Public Work. f Court House St.Paul Minn. Dear Sir; The Western Union Telegraph Co. are deIIrous of constructing an underground lateral oondult and setting a thirty foot pole on John St. between Waverly Place and Woodward 96. as shown on the attached prints. a� Permission 1s hereby respectively requested to make the above addition to the Telegraph oo'e. plant •in the City of St.Paul. Yours truly, Western Union T``e1.Co. Hy, . '/.'.e-rww Me n mance yoreman. Minneapolis Minn. 2tr + I WAVERLY N. PARrR/D6;C Col7c RSEr ST 121 WooDWARD LU Id o ri GROVE �q"rrel on Jelin dla AldKIII sr 1 ailowmmt.! I i m�.,L No, CITY OF ST. PAUL ..+ .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the application of the Bray Ioe and Tue1 Company to move its station now located at Snelling avenue and Randolph street to the southwest corner of Brlmhall avenue and Randolph street, is hereby granted. Re:.iwe°a nu cne ooi o:iioo as u. . suac na eiti" w•m sail... , °owa ei n ai: a r.e:°n+Noa° snmv. COU CII.MlN Yese NOV 15 1`JJs 193 Nsys / Adopted by th Council_ May ^— 4- 9 _._I favor v Ap/ R—. Truax -, ) Apinet 11 �I 1. -.i l)1'P. _. MaYer... Wenzel Mr. President M.b.-y uy ----_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pitd .f Minoan. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT, Oh Cl.h ..d Cam..—. d R., -- ®O November 10th, 19e2, Yr. L. L. IInderean, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of the Bret' Ice and Fuel Campagy £or pe Lml eeion to move their Sce station non located at Snelling and Randolph Street to the southneet co of Brlmhall sad Randolph, beiog 1. t.1, block 2, %oe.ig's Addition, • referred to you today, by the Council for the .roper regio lutlon granting such permission. Tours very truly, City Clerk. t CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pu•I of Mlnnuol. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 CIH H.II FRED M. TRUAX, C -1-1o••+ OTTO E. CON ANS, Dn. Cowmlolmr .,Hw. October 26, 1932. Aon. '7m. F. Scott, City Clerk, 221 Court HDuse. nenr Sir: to 'Tith ray Too to ycfOml,nterakingc theP Cit•r,Cinucil'sdper- the Bray Ice n. - Y e G m'_esion to moved he Sr Sce 'tattoo t locatedoa ;ne 11 ing an•..land olph Street to the scuth:+est ccrner o 3r imha 11 un.,, Randolph, 'oe_nC lot 1, block 2, .Koenig's .,d,iition, we have inve st Sgated and clis h to report that this is located I n a commercial district and as Sar ss this Department is concerned, vie can sea no objection. Yours truly, Cormslssioner. � n CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT, Ory CI.h .nd Cenmlolenu d Rnbu.um .® o October 25th, 1912. Bon. F. N. Tr—, Comer of P.P. & P. Bldge., Building. Dear Commieeioner: We ancloe. herewith r.V..t of the Bray Ice and Fuel Compsay for parmleeloa to mve their Ice eettion a BneBrll d R-dolphPh rStreet-, eet to oenibeing Lot It B1or12'j�, "11g'e LddS tion. Tela eppllcetlon we- referred ep to your dartment, by the Council for Saveetigatlon and report. Yours very truly, City Clerk. �` CI.EFi n PURE CORL 110E JglnT F4UIL,menn.,' L� 3 suo UNIVERSITY AVENUE /L� �4, oryiw rotln a.n CITY OF ST. PAUL ,u. No. 94309 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �C�OUN�CIL RE90L TION—GENERAL FORM o r `-�✓`� oATe Nov. 7, 1932 P=oaR _.. 0 \\hereas, the of Public WelTare nes requested the Council of the City f St. Paul to take steps to build a spur track to � a u ,ed for the unloading of coal at Ancker Ho.soital, and Whereas, said matter has been referred to the Department of Pub l'_c Works for report and necessary action, be it hesolved, That the commissioner of Yut11c �rorks be and he is hereby directed to prepare plans and speci- fications for the aforesaid spur track and for the necessary conveyor to connect said spur track with the hospital power plant, and be it Resolved Further, That the Department �f Public Works confer with the City Architect and the Department of Parks, Play -:rounds and Public Buildings in such mat tersin co -n n- ectinwith said conveyor as affects the hospital build- ngs proper, and be it Resolved Further, That the expense incurred in doing this work be billed against the Board of Public Welfare. /r - COUNCILMEN 1'cm / pepre` In [e�ur �Tnmx � Agninnl / W—o P—idcut Muhoncy /'M,. r a. Adn�lAonrovea iKv.. o.i N . i¢,iiia. .Iiia ao t tii!'1 ov F. scow, :r c Lexi Na. __ CITY OF ST. PAUL 94310 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �,pUNCIL RET,aOLUT N—GENERAL FORM Whe reae, Contract for the construction of monolithic sidewalks for the year 1932, John Sandquist, duringcthe y am le32,e ontra¢4 No. and L.3660 covered all work ns or deredWhereas, certain construction orders were given to the Conwork trac- tor at such a date that it was impossible for him to complete the within tb� time. specified in the contract,now, therefore, be it Resolved that the time specified for the completion of the above contract be and the same is hereby extended to November 15 1932, n and the proper City Officiale are hereby authorized and dire cpeovid execute aamedment to said contract in accordance herewith, Sed nun - how however, that t'nle resolution shall not have any force and effect un- less the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file the Clty Comptrol Le r. such consent in writing with Adol,ted by lhr ('11u11r11 Ja V , 1q'1� 193 mw A .r,�i� 193.... R. SCOTT, Mayur / city CLERK ('U11.1'('I LM F:N Y,.,. / NxyT Rosen �Tnax `..AR innt Weneel /Mr. President Mshowey Adol,ted by lhr ('11u11r11 Ja V , 1q'1� 193 mw A .r,�i� 193.... R. SCOTT, Mayur / city CLERK - _ NY__in, - 93i RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 2 .20 10143 s . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TOP= TO- 1()P5( INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. wooPTeo — T---1 L__.—)M� ! .Q"C _ iso. — u, N0. x4311__. councilin COUNCIL RESOLUTION — _- — — -- a.... AUDITED CLAIMS1'3 TOTAL •uw�, IN FAVOR OF • 10143 Pilton Rosea, 0. of Finance 239 00 10144 Martin O.00naor L 67 1ol45 Milton Rosen, a m. of Finance 5250 00 10146 Mr a. Esther 0. Ax sea 200 10147 society for the Prev. of Cruelty 00 10148 Helen Sullivan, Widow 30 00 10149 Ann F. Campion, Widow 30 00 10150 Clara Aamola, Widow 30 00 10151 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 133 67 10152 26 4o 1015 Charles Wurst 1015 George W. rransmeier 2 250 00 10155 Julia H. Bruess 70 22 56 10156 . Mrs. J. T. Jennings, LShrn. 10157 Art. E. Eromechroeder 56 54 10158 Hersobler Gandy Do. Inc. 73 52 10159 St. Paul Vocational Soh. 108 22 10160 western onion Telegraph Co. 81 38 10161 York Willis Agency 1o4 GO 10162 Muton Rosen, OOm. of Finance 2 56554 51 01 10163 " 232 00 States 101 Trea G, At 150 1016655 MOrthern Hull ibvelope Co. 10166 Ri111em A.. Hull" d I. Hull 1 278 88 10167 David Bashefkin 32 00 10168 George Sudelth 36 04 10169 William D. Carlson 26 40 10170 Thomas J. Ashton 10171 Alfred Bonn 767 10172 Milton Rosen, 0� of Finance 19 0447 585 73 , 10174 ■ 1 29360 101''ff�� • ' ' ' 400 00 1017St • ' 1 022 55 10177777777 Mike Cullen 35 E0 109 O1 10178 Milton Rosen, Com. of Finano 10179 Marguerite Powers 35 00 10180 Hilton Rosen, Com. of Finance 4 16 27 - 10181 Acme Construction 00. 5 275 00 10182 L. P. Gerischer 2 202 OS 10183 Milton Rosen, GOO. of Finan 50 00 O 10184 Anna Leafs 00 / 1018 Dr. A. W. Thomas 17a 10186 ' T. P. Lowe A Co. 2 985 62 10187 Standard Ston Co. 10188 Milton Rosen, Gom, of Finance 309 ]5 10189 Bellis Papers CO. wwoo 10190 Chrysler Motor Co. 52E 13 Z 00 10191 John Doeren Cigar Co. 62 80 10192 A. P. Hersohler Factory 8 85 101; George Sadek 10194 Edward W. Lackey 2204 40 10195 Eagle Laundry Co. 3 10196 J. E. Hurley 55 00 5q 10197 Reeves Ocal 1,Dock 00, 1 632 74' 10198 S. Brand, Assignee, Reeve e. oal Co. 16 76 10199 Deoker Hardware Co. uu g COTT, 132 73 10200 Eighth St. Har kat u LsaE sn�rr L–Foww,eo 51.7-7 _ .1 i7.7.1 W �nroaR �Rw IF rww • orF�ce r coMRTRO—,, �"O1 NO.....-.__ L ' wunclLl ;Ru couNe1L RmLuTloN - --- u - "°�°� AUDITED CLAIMS —--HnY�1n •-..-32 ..,Ra Rte. 11 v 15 19.32 _ a TAL _ - Rurwa s IN FAVOR .wouG Or rowwnw0 /"�..ca. _-I O_c -eco ,_ •r ewww • 10201 John Geary 42 00 4 004 84 10202 Northern States Power Co. 42 GO 10203 Gerhard Speaker 600 00 10204 Thornton Bros. Co. 10205 Milton Rosen, Com. of rinanool 139 28 10206 Martin 0•oonnor40 87 3.140 10207 O'Neil a Preston Inc. 00 10208 John E. Mullen 450 10209 J. E. Hurley 40 00 10210 Meta Lay Adamson Co. 58 01 10211 9t. Paul Blue Print 10212 onpitol Auto Top 00.25 10213 Great Northern Railway Co. 19 46 9 13 10214 Fielding 6 Shepley Inc. 124 13 .10215 Joe. Pavlloek 36 70 10216 The Veterans Company 1 311 10217 State of Minnesota 10218 Milton Aosen, cam. of Tin" 0 1 833 00 10219 Dr. E. H. Whitcomb 10220 Board of Public Welfare Finan" 22 781 31 6 10221 Milton Rosen, Com. of 9398 iW 10222 A. L. Kromschroeder 10223 Milton Rosen, Com. of Finance 10 7706 25 Lamprey Products 00. 1022 10225 Duivereity Auto Radiator 00. 25 25 10226 'Oil Burner Service 00. Inc. 18 25 10227 Interstate Contracting Oo. 510 10228 "Gen. Weber 00 10229 Charles Stewart 32 00 187 50 10230 Season Eiectrlc Co. 28 80 10231 James N. Glass 10232 The First MEtlanaI Bank Ino 0403 10233 Capitol Staty Mfg. 00. 94 10236 Anthony Andert 13 50 11 81 96 9 1023 Stew a Davis Foruiture Co. 61 121 94 1023 Foley Bros. Inc. 10237 Continental Casualty Co. Assignee00 10238 rayon Construction 00. 0 10 00 10239 Emil Frelsei. 300 00 10240 Hanlon a Oke. 10241 John Sandquist 20 00 10242 Clement F. 8=11111 Equip. Co. 14 44 18 10243 " " " " • Wolff 2 020 00 00 10244 DoGraff Co. 60 15 10245 S. Berglund Lumber 27 69 10246 Adam Decker Hardware 10247 Farwell Osmun Kirk 8 Co. 159 13 159 401 56 10246 Goodyear Service Ino. 10249 'Price Electric 00. 09 0 10250 St. Paul Builders Material Oo ',n 279 O2 City Brick oa. 10251 42 65 10252 U. S. Bedding Co. Cox Boot Co. 30 1 10253 Carol Com. of Finenoel 602 4 10254 Milton Rosen, 10255 Quaker City Rubber Co. 3 0308 M� 4 10256 William 0. Conway -�•.•r, i .Nem ,or .oww.Ro 209 299. 2 Council Mae No. .......... W13 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1; Ir and . PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby prol,nece the melting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, a six 'i— Co..tructin_& x foot cement sidewalk on the east side of Lexingtn kvenue Prom -Lombard Avenue to jullim Street, ex"Pt bri,4z. the ChicagoJ411maukee, St., Patlj .�.L.nd PaClUclWAway Company, also constructing a six foot plank sidewalk on the east 5jqgf the, "'t dge —r -the -Uhi—go, Mil—keey St. ?--I —d Plgzfic Railway Company• - ..— ............ Dated thio. .....Ilth dey,f- November,_ _1936% . .............. ... IQ, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Con5tYUCtjg a i:, foot cement sidewalk on the east side of Lexi ngto ...... n venue ,rom LohffEiV1 -AV=M!4 tO Td3witit; Stl`gsl;7; q=elyt an bridga-- th- Chicago'..Milwauk.._.B.t.. Paul. Company, also constructing a six foot plank sidewalk on the east sider*Df-the bridge ovar-the 'Dhi-90p mil—kee, St, peal. —4 PagjLf�jq_,Aailway.. _CL qRp.an _- --- . .................. bwri.g been presented to the Council of the City of St. P.&- --- --- - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commies' ver of Public Work, be And i, hereby ordered end directed: 1. To investigate the neemity for, or desirability of, the melting of said improvement. 2. To invoctigata the nature, ecte,t And Actimeted cost of -id improvement, end the WW cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4' . To state whether or not said improvement is .W for on the petition of three or more owners 5To report upon ell of the foregoing m,tWgW the Commiani ... r of Fluence. w 15 !0 `J g, by the Council Y— NAYS C .. od— C.. Y MAY Approved._.......... .. . ...... . . . . . ........... P.A"' Ron— Bunnim... Ma: P.ce— sync. 1—c—ou" F,scoTT CITY CLERK j e r�amR -'- Al 4 Pdy�ama' ° 11 9 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSEN-�--ANT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THFMEON .1ND fL G TINE 0_ P ft.tr. G 0 TBI ,IWABD OF DARM ------------------------------------- --- m the mati,r ° ------------------------------------- widening ------ ---- ------------ _ Ramsay andd80 fast• fronm2am°eyth rStreet to WOB-1 Street andto . Idth of 86 fast rr<idf—l.9th- intersection of all the- . V -,.et Srnp. th 3tr°et with Fourth Street and Eagle Street, by Wit, trlthef Wo Seventh Serene of block. 6 and 14, Wine and Irvine's Addition, lying y and lying southerly of . line which Se 68 teat northwesterly from the presont amber line of W. Saventh Street and parallel thereto, also by adding ttut6pe �P e Fifth Street rly 10 feet of lot 1, block 14, Rise and Irvine'. Addition, lying and thenortherly line of W. Seventh Street eidened as above described. also by adding Rio. and tnohe rtherly ofythe present northaerly line 10 fact of that prt of oof7FourthkStrest bates nl"in �Btrestl. itainoa8��ng Street widened to the line described above, If also by adding a triangular piece of land in the °ourhelterfyi.oSevnth Smer of trreetrtsaid I ot 9, block 14, Rise and Irvine's Addltl oa lying southerly ° Crl.ngolr pica. of load measuring 10 feet on the southeasterly line of W. Seventh Street and 30 feet on the northerly line of Fourtlandh Street. BSal ceo nd Iralin triangular aid triangularipiece f land ymeasuringcomer f15.faet lot 4, ;lath the 6, southerly line of Fourth Street and 15 feet on the northeasterly line of Third Street, also by adding '.hereto all those parts of blocks 26,27 and 28, Bio, and Irvine's Addition and block, 28 and 29, Dayton and Irvine's Addition, lying northerly of a line which is 63 feet eoutheaeterly from the present cnter lin 2B, Wise Seventh and Street and dipara,lbouaded el thereto, also by adding that part o c by a line described as follows' Beginning at point on the .anthwa.terly line of Eagle Street which is 53 feet mouth- eaeterly oP the presont anter line of A. Seventh Street ter 1lnemeasured oftlf.right evnthl85 Stra,tre- to, thnos southwesterly and parallel to the present ° a ;let—. of 27 feet, thence northeasterly to a point on the southma terly line of Eagle Street 15 feet southes.sterly of the point of beginning, thence northwesterly on the southwesterly line of Eagle Street to the point of beginning, also by adding than, parts of blanks 1, 2, 4 and 6, Leeoh'e 1ddStioa, lots 3 and 4, Ewing i 0hute's SnbdiwiaSon of lots 8 7, block 1. L...W a Addition and limn'. Fer- rwgan�t cf pre of block 6, lssoh'a ti= . lying a-therly of the present outer line of W. Seventh Street and lying north rly of .line which 1s 47 feet eoutheaeterly from the present outer line of W. Seventh Street and parallel thereto, also by adding threto that part oftlot 4,1W ng A Chute'o' a Subdivision ntof lot. 6 and 7, block 1, L...M a Addition , lying —at ee of n perp® which eis soatheasterly line of W. Seventh Street widened as herein proposed at n point 6 feat aorth...trly of its intarse.tin with the south line of said lot 4, also by addtion, lying that part oinleot 10, perpendicular tol. rrangeseat of part of and i� reacting the block 5, ukLa•.tar- lyLeech's Addition, lying res o ed at int which is 6efeet narth- ly line of W. 38veath Street ndned as herein propos a point easterly of its later...tion with the south line of Beed lot 10, also by adding thereto that part of lot 7, block 2, Lesch'. addition, as vias mrtha�y side of W. 3"anth Street lying west of a line perpendicular to and later ... tinj the 1 northwesterly line of W. Seventh Street at a point which is 5 feet northeasterly of St° iatreection wjQ the westerly line of .aid lot 7, .Ls by adding thereto that partf lot , 0•L.°adioiul.r t and inter., tmervauLawalt 1 rthe block 4. Leech'. Addition, lying of line • perp weherly line son' W. Brnth Street at •point which is 5 feet southwesterly of its inter- seation tdth tNs tertherly line of said lot 1, under Preliminary Order_.--93202-------------- approved- _J'ay_ 2Z, _1232 Intermediary Order ----------93821______________ approved__A.u6ttflC_li,_}=3Z______________.__. Final Order ________________93251_____ __. .pproved--- eot :Mar_ 20,_1932 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the faking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner ,f Finance, and els, upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- --14t4 ---------day of----- Denemher---- .._--------- 1932_,atto. o'clock A.M.,and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. 15 Adopted by the Council____`1_'-/ _______________ % ------ - —----------- Approved_.. ____________________, 19____ City Clerk. RJ�rJm _____________ ________ ffeUar{4 __ ' on � rlar M Councilmanilu"IM.WUM"M �puoanaid r Councilmanmir Counmlmanxf6.�..,_mr iruaz - 1` SCOTT Councilmen weaael' �ik8l[ Mayor ii® Mah—q RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING TUMN AND MIXG TME OF BEAR'':, -, T3F AWARD OF DAMAM. In the matter of__anadn:a¢inyatu::a_invnn_sasaoanY_in rLe_lanci:laC955WJ'_ f2r _slg_ssy_ cuts and fills In the 3radinA o," ti...I Alley in Bi..k '_, acal3tt r Vi—and Bloc__ 3, Adam's Addition f— Pascal A— tc Asbury Av , under Preliminary Ord er______Q3322___________I approved__AA-._1Q,_),a---------------- Intermediary Ord er___________9$699_------------ approved__ 1:,_ 1932______________.__.. Final Order ------------------ 9=00i------------ approved --- Oct—_11._ID3----------------- ._ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_ _.- _15th__________day of ------ mo®bar______-------- 1932_,atteno'clock A.M.,and that the Com- er of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council____NdV IJ_F�.i�---. 1/9 _ l'4/--cam•-�-`-`�-- ____.._._. City Clerk. Approved____.___--- ____, 19____ -� 2, GG-c.i--_z-.�_�-G-4 __________ Cc cilam. cA M +a— nta Councilman Mak. Mey - C 'd Councilman Pam hnaev tn'l. cti n Councilman R euncilman S Wevael M y- �e W316 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING WFERM EMMUMMM THERE05 AND i LI Nc TIME OF HAR! � ^' TS ,IPr':IRD OF DAMAGE: In the matter af__n[uuia�aDln; ani takir�an_eaeeoent_ lot slopes cut1 -11 -1i 11s_in_ths_ grading and pavin, of dill ar Ave. froi-. a line 40 ft. w St. Pat ar St. to a line 50 ft. eget of St. Peter St., and gradin,, ta.porary approaa^s fro.1ha s11,y in Block 11, .'.lei ng and Chute's Addition to the and of the p --t, and fro. the p a.ent to Park A,,., Im a - 1 All �m oP P m� mao under Preliminary Order ------- 93324----------- approved ---- Au _13w JZU-____-__--_- Intermediary Order ------------ 8SH31------------ approved ----- a,pt.-Evr 1932_________________ Final Order ------------------- 941.73.----------- approved ----- OCL_ 25,_1932 ---__-_..-.----- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded far the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his sesessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_--- __------Uth---- day of___ Gnc ,b— ---------------- 19.32,atteno'clock A.M.,and that the Com - r of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council --- _----- _________________ 19____ ' �- - - - City -Clerk. Approved_-.___-------- --------- ------- 19_- �Ysy Councilm Councilman Councilman Councilman Rokuwl-, �:-a tr��:,x 1. �. Councilman Mayor 94317 f COUNCIL FILE NO..._...____-. By------ ...__._...... ..._ _ ......... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefit., coats ani .aces far con.tr..tin; a Sawa on Se effer St. I— S-111.7,Ave. to-.ri.holl ..der Prdilli—y Order........ 52>.04........ _., Intermediary Order .2h23....__.. Final Order_... 53Od6__._.... nppro. ed .._...____...,tulY..19 _....___ 19..&E. The sesem-1 If__henofits,_—ts_e-t..—P:..-:ss......_._.........._____._..fel end in connection with the above impra.'ement havlug been submitted to the Comcil, a.d the C--1 having considered same and found the said auessment sItisfaetory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thet the said assessment be end the same is hereby in ell respeets approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had I. .aid assesament on the........ _.15th....... A.y of Oeae:ab.r . _ _ _- ,_„ ___.__. 19-P, at the hour of 10 o'clock A- M., in the Council Chamber of the Court H—, and City Hall Building, i. the City of St Pnsl; that the Commissioner of b5nanee girl notice of slid el-ti.gs, es rce.ired by the Charter, stating i. said notice the time end place of hearing, th, nature of the mpeovement, the ttal coat thereof, and the .mount --ld against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notica Is directed - 1j Adopted by the Conned_ -- - - - - 1' ,. -. _., City Clerk. nY!df ! ♦M9 Apprared "�tll Council... May % Cc.—t= C ... eilma. 1.... U AI. F. SCOTT, C ... lit a,tel® W...4 qtr" r, FRA Myer ��� Mab.ne, u✓. 94318 COUNCIL FILE NO...__.........___.......___..._ ism et. ..pawR'-et°`Yo .oaa.m ..t.0 c - wnrwmu.v tn,ef::u� m nw i wr><..rt ee a B CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of brnefi ts, ...to ,,.na xpanses for nstructing a n Arkwright Bt. from a pout 8011. north of G um St. to Roso St. to connactrwith ezistin; sewer ap^ rosi::.ately five (5) feeteeest of Ark�nright St., under Prellml--,Y Order....._ 89984..__. _. Intermediary Orde Final Order.... 90x64...... apt .ed ...__Oct j ____._ _...__ 19_31 b efite. ."ota..=d. dxpeAaea. ......for and in correction with The assessment of .... a ��----- ' - _ the above imp ....... t having been submitted to the C-u-eil, end the Co-ncil having c -id e..d same and found the s,id avtssment satisfactory, therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the said sasessme-t be end the lame is hereby in ell respects epProved- RESOLVED FURTHER, Tbat a public hmriog be had on said assessment an the..__....... 15th........ day of D ._ember„ _..., 19...32, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Dt., in the Cooneil Chamber of the Cnnrt house end City Flail ISuilding, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance gill --lice of said meetings, es reg -fired by the Charter, -6.g in said notice the limo and place of h ... mg, the nelnre of the improvement, the total east thereof, ami the ammmt --ed against the lot -r lots of the particular owner m whom the n-tiee ie duelled. Adopted by the C-u.ed 10 A_p ...d ._.. _._ __...19.. , C-mmlmeaaEE5itt6� pay Couumlmen M£Ilnnal / _� _ Co-ncilmary 8ohlaaNi..1L/_ J(4� Coun6lman._$udheimcc� T.naz Conncilma�-ygnt- Nenzd McYa�eyp pehooey r_11 94319 eta a t .at.r . ....a..m.nt . COUNCIL FILE NO. 'a � to Oeotto By ___ ...... .__._......_...__........_...___......... arNecN CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, dan.egas, costs an.1 expensees for chnnrinC the 3rnde of 1.11ey in 111 1. 7,-_ol_cribe's Addition fron- St. Al'ane St. to Grotto St., to c^ern to to rad 1i n the n "ile hereto att,.cl,ed cn:'. -.e.de e. art eof, theoprnsont es tetli sbedng nshavm by n b]ue lino t'�.ereon, nl eo 'radi nfrthe Alley i mock 7, E?olcaabe'soAddi tion from. St. hl -Dans St. to ;rottc St. to ti,e n sed redn'_ v:ben oetablis!od, end c. nstructing a r n the alley from int 200 ft. vrost ofeSt. Albans St. to t..., ..ever en St. Alb— St., 51761 Int.—ediar Order ._91992 under Prehminary Order...... _...... Y -- ----�- Final Order.... ....92.211........ _... npprornl .__5.....__. _.........__.., 19.32 The aseeesment of benef ts, dem_ega. t ,and e.,es_ for and it, eorumetion with the above improvement having been submitted to th, C-61, end the Council having considered same —I found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thet tb, eaid essessmeut be end the same ie hereby in s11 respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, Thnt n public hearing be had on e,id aas,semenl - the ___.. IW' _.._.,_„day of pacembBC ..... , 19...32, et the hour of 10 o'eiock A. ht., in the Couneil Chamber of the Court Hone, old City hell Building, in the City of St Peul; that the Commissioner of Finene. give notice of said meetings, n rewired by the C'h-ter, et ntiog in -id notice the lime end place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total eost thereof and the amount rvssessed against the lot or lots of the pnrti—hir owner to whom the noble is directed. Apprneet1 b Lb Co—it -_ 0 1Q'^ 19_ NOV A p y 11 Cita' ('lark. \1-1111. Councilmaxi Mny PLBLIAIhD / _ / 3- / / Cou cilm neHdltmd&- 1`es.m Cot cilm n$phlmd.-'-� !:.•n�.n '✓ Councilmandi¢dhen— fruin Councilmen ��•^'' — tt'enu.! Meyor�� P'ah��rr, 94320 ...� a .t COUNCIL FILE NO..._...........__.._........_.,- �.r:.. By .___....__.........._.........._._._.........___......... :P°,ni. .mxaet�i°.n°:a ° .mrmee: CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the ...essment of benefits, d—oges, costs and -P11111 for ctwnging the e ads of All , in Block 11, L .twills !lei ;hts, Crom Cy�resa St. to Forest St., to conform to the red line on the pro."ile hereto attached and made e part !'.e aof, the present -to lis'ned 7rode bsi.,C sho byhs, blue line t'neroon, also gradinertha sai_ .11ey Rom Cypress St. to nor est '.:t. tr .h.; sed rad line when established, under Preli—i— Order..... 83736..._._. .. Intermediary Order QM7tl __._.. _.............. Final Order.... 90374_..... appe... d .___._5 The assessment ofbenefits, setts yes costs exnsns ss____,_,___ fur and in conneetion with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Couneil having considered same and found the said ­sment satisfactory. therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thal the said nssesement be and the same is horeby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That . publie hearing be had on said assessment on the..... 3.SEb _...... day ni ➢nceMen._.._.............. _...., 19..32, at the haul of 10 o'clock A. At, to the Council Chamber of the Conn R ... e end City 11.11 Building, in the City of St. P.ol; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, Is required by the Charter, stating m slid unties the time and place of hearing, the unto.. of the improvement, the total cost thereof, -1 the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Counul RD 1 ,��^ .,_ 19 .., .., Approred 19.. Cnnnmlman M.y I Councilman61,D—"--;,,u p ­_m C.. ciln 8-hi—Ii-, Ross._ t.T (:ovncilman ddb-- '1nz Cou"- — ncilman Wenael Mayors Mnhunay ✓ya't. _. 94321 Pc'We vweeun Ren Bi. COUNCIL FILE NO...___._......__ ......... ___ cram rem gt. m w..e ee.ta •w. na: i°s°Lmio�e�m°1 re ee.mey;�cue r<a n.e ea see R y ..___....___.....__.._. ease i.as�lei+%° a to CITY OF ST. PAUL o Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, do—gel, costs and a ees far ehonging the grede of 'red St. m Bedford — n int 260 feat yr et of the nest kine of Bodrord St. Co c o tiro rod line onothe � ofile heroto attac'ned d made ¢ Pa: -t heron,, the pr sent restablis`.od grade beinf shmni * a blue line thereon, also I;rad'nf s¢1:red �t.o from 'ed Cord St. to tnu ..est r:�. of�lot 1, .rvine's Addition of Ontlots, s radinf, sa_ '. ;;t. r n. the crest ling+ of lot 15, Zrvi•^.e's Add`.M— reflIf vutlote, to paint 50 t. o_ „na crest lino of Badfa�d St., to -.i _ sod !I— w,— astcblisiisd, under Prelimmery- Orde,..... 91064__.,... Intermediary Order '1550_____._ ....., Final Order. 91740__.. ..... .""."d b. _23_..... _.. to 12. The assess nt of Lan -P t da_>•_u��e_ „ is end „'se s.__._ __ _ _,__for end io connection with the ub.— improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having coneid ered same —I found the said assessment .atis,W tory, therefore, be it RF.SOI.CEII, That the .aid s.vesement be and the same ibi hereby in ell respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a puhlie hearing be had o¢ said assessment nn the.. .... 1�th.._.. .— of Deaemhar____............ . 1932. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Coact house and City hull Redding, in the City of St- Paul; that the Commissioner of Finsnee give notice of said meetings, as re6uir 1 by the Charter -ting m said notice the time and place If hearing, the nature of the improroment, the total root thereof, end the amount assessed against the lot or Iota of the particular owner to whom the notice is directtd. Adopted by the Cou¢cil Nov 19 City Clerk- Approrttl lee 'I 1A�1` Covvcilmud Mey CouneilmatFMl-fTmt -- I?".. ' CouncilmaeFd6"FTeea-� l"'.ns Cou rilmat T'ruux Councilmur wenuf T. Mayot�!lBISh Maho." - — e. s. it 94322 COUNCIL FILE NO.— By O.._ f10i6. W,•' t o� EaaNta ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the ae —bbi It of bane_ its, ousts Ind ospensoo fO` , radinr Alley in 31ook o, ".=1J'.vilw jl,.-. itian from Fairview Al-- to 'ia:vell Avenue, ceder Preliminary Order...... 90874.......... _.., Intermediary Order Fiml Order... 91685 __.... _. nPPro: rd. _._... F b. 16 _....._ 1932... The assessment of_... liana:its.... casts.. and. a4ban5as_._....__ _ ....for and in connectiav with the above impro:emcot having been submitted to the Council, and the C°uncil having r ..idered some and found the avid assessmtot setisfntWry, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the amid nsscsameot b, nod the evme ie hereby io all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That n public hearing be had on said assessment on the..._.... I'Wl . do, of 1—tol ar.._._........._..........., 19.82_, at the hour of 10 o',I,,k A. M. i, tho Co-il Chamber of the Coort House vnd City 11,11 Building, in the City of S, foul; that the Commi®iontr of Fbi—, give notice of said meetings, ax required by the Cbvrter, stating in said notice the time and plot, of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total coat thereof, nod the vmount awessed egaiost the lot or lots of the Particular ox ner to whom the notice is directed. Nov 1 ; C. Adopted by the Council t aryl � ISL........ Apprnmd 19 Canneilman11'May Co..cilmm W.Dtinald— Yenrce i� Councilman t�q'fihla=—� ly„eco Councilmen BaxwiTeL'— '1'. uoz C.—ii.. Meyar�� llahumy ' ur�— 943`2_3 COUNCIL FILE NO.--- By O.._By___..__..............___..._.__......._.___........_ .awnet a%uva`.r Pi:umlvaw oras: 1t0Ane::' oeiitro`a wse >n CITY OF ST. PAUL _ Resolution of Council Approving Assessment Ia the matter of the assessment of benefits, oovto and expenses (or grading alley in Blook'1, ci lledale, from ihtluth Ave. to Fra,d: ,'t., alao grsding Dnluth Ave. from Janke St, to Lawson St., under Preliminary Order..... 90110 . , Intermediary Order 90445 Final Order.._. 90653 ved A L at_„1,3_.. ........_ 19._31. The aeeessment of., benufit1_1,o5t5. d."Pt—sa...._.._........__..._...__.far and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same mol found the said assusment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the wane is hereby in all rmpt,ta approved. RESObVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had an said assessment on the...... 151,11_. day of Daoembar......_...._.........._1 1932..., at the hour of 10 ',1-k A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Con” Hovsc and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Peal; that the Cammissivner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as r,nit,d by the Charter, stating in acid notice the time and place of hewing, the ata of the improvement, the total coat thereof, and the am Dunt assessed against the lot nr lots of the particulsr owner to whom tine notice is directed. Adopted by the Canneil NOV 11. _ 99 1'.iJa- ✓r/jy -'� P�cf/�-........., City Clerk. App ro,ed .... 19..... Councilman'gcggl�fyataq, May C 1 II f:onneilman 1idl'ndf>� Pearse Cmmcilman $per= Fnsan _ 111111 Councilman i tbzW �y Tnioz Cooncilman MI—k— W—aal F' Sf DTT, MayMahoney-�•, .. Lt'ka CITY OF ST. PAUL I 94.324 ywu� OFFICE OF THE CITY C�prn4rtf 99 T$ p AW CO NCIL R UTION E � . j ye t 0 v. - a �. soeq u I. xe�5�!pp cpm T`o°rvew... a 'gra? rrr.`9ola u °6"8� Whereas, additions and deductions which might prove to be necessary n he improvement �'eecribed as the Paving of. Johnson Parkway from Mary- land Street to Stillwater Avenue, Thornton Bros. Comnany, Contractors, h.'�ve been Prov Sded fo- in the specifications and unit p^ices therefor have been stipulated in the contract, and Whereas, it has been found necessary to make the following addi- tione and deduc time. ADDITIONS: 5.2 Lin. at. of radius curb ® .50 $2.60 DEDUCTIONS: 26 Lin. Ft. of strairlat curb ® .45 11.70 Total deductions $9.10, and Whereas, the net deduction is $9.10, now, therefore, be it Resolved that theCity Council hereby approve the aforesaid work done under the supe rviefon of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the specifications therefor the net deduction due to e—e not to exceed the sum of $9.10 to be deducted from the lump sum opnsideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L. 3745 for the mkking of the aforesaid improvement for the reasons hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated in the contract. The Department of Public Woke has greed with the Contractor, Thornton Bros. Comnany,that the sum of $9110 is the reasonable net deduction to be made to the said contract. Coubtersigned: COUNCILMEN Y_ NAye /Moy //11,D.. /rearee h razor /aarea Against �Wenzcl .1 �1. 1, "IT, ary e.v �A1r' President Mahoecy Commissioner of PubrV Works. Contractor. tri Adopted by the Council_ _. N�}.... � 1g�_ t93 i iI PVJ/ Ai�R ... ._.193._... Mayor o.. Yo ay ClWi CITY OF ST. PAULvwt tWP l eF OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEF PYJ K'Te BIOMm, uB S COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER i WWI Y„S' "1q(Couoc P-C dl - ___ -... a n.r a«. •., rWhereas, additions which might prove to be necessaryon the im- provement described as the Improving of the area south of Third Street from Wabasha to Farwell 0zmun & Kirk Building, Feyen Construction Co., Contractors, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the contract, and Whereas, it has been found necessary to make additions as followst TABLE 1 4 catchbesins ® $25.00 $100.00 28 Lin. Ft. 12- V.C.Pipe ® 1,50 42.00 10 12- V.C.Pipe ® 1.25 12. o $154.50 TABLE 2 16.5 Cu.Yda. of red mortar' ® 1.50 24.75 9 Cu.Ft. concrete base re- ved and replaced 5.UU 1.55 S-.;de. brick removed and replaced5.00 75 Cu.Yd s. binder ® 8,00 6,00 221 Brick ® 60.00 1 26 120.'73 Sq.Ft.Asph. Walk ® .15 18.11 2.12 Total $226.62 And, whereas, the net addition is $226.62, now, therefore, be it Resolved, .hat the City Council hereby approve the aforesaid work done u 1'er the s the of the Commissioner of Public wo-ks and in accordance with thr".^seci ficatione there,`or the net addition due to same not to exceed the su�,'o`$226.62 to be dded to the lump sum c tion named in the contract known as Com t row-C's Contract L. 3729 for th- makin.- of the aforesaid i oveme n o the rsesons 'ne reir. before set for 4 and ��u uant to tnc :fors—id s_ecifications and uni' rices stipu- lated therein, Th' �e a-ti n f PuClic Woks h^_s - with th, r,nt- p n .r"th. Construction Ce., ` t she s 3"26.E2 is t.._ ._.s �n .._ to be made to th' said e_n.-act.^ > Co—issioner of Publ�_Ix .lo rks �Jj�yyC�ounts re o—troller actor a rursr nv r. .,syn un> d /McDonetd / ire ' Pearce _ _ In favor APDroved ........ 103.. / n /M President Me oney C I �r i ! ................ ........................................................................................ `f4326 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR anin he land In the matter of --- 99nde- ing_and_ taking__ eaeement_ t_ naceaea_�- for elope e, outs and fill. in the grading of Alley in Block 3, D.snoyer Park from Beverly Reed to Doane St., under Preliminary Order___9N_QQ------------- approved___. J_u_1_; 27,_1932_____ Intermediary Order --- -.--- 93542 ----------- ---- app roved ---- Att6.- 31,_1932 ---------- -------, Final Order ------'--------93809--------------- approved____ Got. --4.- 1832 --- - ____________ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefit, therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the an ,,,d msment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council -------------------------------- City Clerk. Approved ------------------------- 19____ M,11—rld Councilmagaxxw� .ler Councilma Councilma Cuncilm-- CouncilmanllMlFeil+feF� Maycr�® Pliti,.,,. -------------------- ------- I Mayor. /Y�so% �' y'r' �� ~ - �f�' - - �� � � i� � / _ .. - - �_ 7 - ���- �� %,�- � , <� �� _ .. J � i... � _ _ �I /� >�/i: / (/ Lei �F > _-�-��. 191. ahe Coupci\.. .. _"NsYe. pdopaed by Yom.. / MNl i µc,37U,ALD P _ NRCU ROSES TRO PX 1WENZE" MR. eRES/DEBT (M p\{OS@Yl n w, Adopted by the Couucll_.. ___._.....193_..._ Yee.. Nate. MAY MCDONALU PEARCE ROSEN / TRUAX WENZEL SMR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) a.f8. t I 19gOd� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS -NU-1SSESS3Tr--VT T OF BENEFITS In the matter of_nondenmir+g-end_Yakin�_an_eaSAma¢L_ln the_land_ neaeseary_ for elope s, cut e and fill, in tha gre,dinr of Alley in Knox 3, Desnoyer Park Cram Beverly Bond to Doane St., under PreliminwY Order --- 93200 Plum"d--------- July 27y 1932_______________________ 54 A . 31, 1932 Intermediary Order________9_3___2 ______ aPProved_________un°___________________ Final Order______________ 93809______, approved________ 0#!-- 3, 1932_________ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. __-____________ Commissioner of Finance. IN THE MATTER OF CONDEMNING AND TAKING an easement in the land necess-_ry for elopes, cuts and f111s in the grading of A1_ey in Block 3, Des—yer Park froin Beverly Road to Doane St., under Preliminary Order 93200, aooroved July 27, 1932, Intermediary 0 rder 93542, approvedAugust 31, 1932, Final Order 93809, apjn owed October 4, 1932. OBJECTION TO A`AARD OF D—ges and Assessment of Benefits. To TheHonorable, -:,e City Council of the City of St. Paul: Please take Notice that the _naersign,d, property swneT, hereb objects to the award of damages for the tkking of the following paoperty, as well as the assessment of benefits against said property in the above entitled proceeding: 27 Cut for slope on the west side of Lots/28, 29, and 30, Block 3 Desnoyer Park, according to the plat iiiereof on file and of reco_d in the office of the Register of Deeds i:: and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. Said objecti..n is made for ti.e reason that said award is inadequate and less than t:a damage t:; the --rty of the undersigned objedtors, and said property ..ewer has had n.. n..tice of aid award, and ,.at there is n, va_ic final order for such im,rovement. And said assessment .,_ ben fits is objected to u -n the following eroands: 1. That there is n., valid finial order for such improvement. 2. That the assessment is fraudulent and made upon a demonstrable mistake of 'act, and up- an illegal and��� erroneous principle of law.//� �y✓ Dated November 15, 1932, ry John L. Ha el and Selma Ha -el S H Sandberg Joirn I.Levin, Attorney, 811 Coerce Building, St. Paul, Mi.:nes�t a. MEMBIMI, ME 8orombar 16th. 19j2 gCa. �t to ernF riaennar gntldiog• Deer Com+S.+1Cn.rt 1 tho matter of oondsoalog and tatd-9 an ea.omont to the land ..... .ry for elope.. ,at, and fills to the gradlag of alley in Block 3. Cemoyer P.1'11 fro' ^overly Road to mane St. Tha matter of the abode ttprooetent weg before the Coomtl tod.y for heertor Bad wa. 1.1d doer two —1111 Comber }Cth, 1932 with the ",,..taemt tbat yoor depart' to & tent mend aw mtine+ to Property owaen for hamring oa th. flee! order• .doi.Cbtliof twmnsidariog Lha ty !oars Cary truly. City Clark. IN THE MATTER OF CONDEMNING AND TAKING an easement in the land necessary for elopes, cute and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 3, Desnoyer Park from B verly Road to Doane St., under Preliminary Order 83200, approved July 27, 1932, Intermediary 0 rder 93542, approved August 318 1932, Final Order 93809, approved October 4, 1932. OBJECTION TO AWARD OF Damages and Assessment of Benefits. To The Honorable, The City Council of the City of St. Pauli Please take Notice that the undersigned, property owner, hereb objects to the award of damages for the tkking of the following property, as well as the assessment of benefits against said property in the above entitled proosedimgl 29 Cut for slope on the west side of Lote/28, 29, and 30, Block 3 Desnoyer Perk, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. Said objection is made for the reason that said award is Inadequate and less than the damage to the 7roperty of the undersigned objedtors, and said property owner has had no nitios of said award, and that there is no valid final order for such improvement. And said assessment or ben -fits is objected to upon the following grounder 1. That there is no valid final order for such improvement. 2. That the assessment is fraudulent and made upon a demonstrable mistake of fact, and upon an illegal and erroneous principle of law. Dated November 15, 1932. J hn e eIMA Bagel man B H 8 ndbera John I. Levin, Attorney, 811 commerce Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. ysosat»r 30th. 1932• Mo. Milton Hoon. comb of Tion•. Ho11". Dw 00Mmtsetoaert Im .souttove vette tm ua,sent, rtraing ooagasastmas_ and pard, or t for 210", tbeteyor to the atter Of aoaMag"g 3. Domsr Putp d g *to. to twgrsotog of cls, to as M ,� 8=020am to 11 M. of Oona.-- as - Hit at lot 8. Hart of lot 9. - 3. D8011' are laid over to J.noary l3tb. ft. 0oototl aw r„one:dommod 0 „m•st. Passage or final 'tears Hos. 93808. 93809�� or a d MIN8 ad yo" to oat, mtlasslto 6bs annyh.-M-Mllty of this to b. bila on Jsnow 3. 1933 1n➢tnv®sat. Tu 0ono,t1 am regosstad ym to prs- yera • .t•taoMt .holding tbo mmont of 0b. doltm'nsaoy In tans and pes,meats lerled against al of the yreper6r In this block. Servs very tray. city Clark. MILTON ROSEN c...us. -V Ell FRED E. LOVELY CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.p1.I of mi—Ow DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . ­HAID oH.o.�cb. Janu.ry 4, 1952. yr, 7gR, F. Scott, City Clerk, St. Aul. Yip.• Dear SirF the 30th Referring to your letter of od ...ds tion end oontittherefor titter resolution. ratifying is the and aeeeeemate the gmdl g .ward. of da geo etc., Sa of condo®D, as ....moat for elope., tye natter Deenoyer Park and .l.o in lot 9, of a11.y 1. bloat E, f of .-d.—i-9 an easement for .ewer of 8, Fh h matter tion Park and Part f lot 8, block S, D..myer laid over to ao—ry 1Sth. I u .tt_h-g herewith memorandum etatthst the amount ie will note taxa.. t—. im thio matter and You t which doe. not innlade the 193R or Darren Drought before the $1,960,14 will you plass see that thi. matter Se the hearingT Ceunoil on the date of of thie hearing W. have cent actio.. to the proP.'ty O°n�rs per the Couaoil'e re400st. Yours truly. �o®i-ionor of Fineao� l�l V 1 RETURN THIS StTATEMENT WHEN YOU REMIT Mnke Checks Payable to Treakurer, Remeey County, Minn. All Checks must be Certified Statement Me orandum Statement of Delinquent Taxes Auditor's Office, Ramsey County, Minn.__ dsdiuwe&ty n.we or euaCt�.,asa orwatrTOv o. 'E.a. .� vw,.,, ini ny .�-��?V fR lie' etiv4 TOT^ a /�e.3. 37,14, off% _ /7iti 33;7611 _ S.3. G .3 . ./93/. rns;99-- �, a. / / 7, . t u Aza .. fnrereet Njt red to— �- t73 ., t CEO. I. RIES, County Auditor RETURN THIS STATEMENT WHEN YOU REMIT Make Checks Payable to Trealsma,, Ramsey County, Minn. Ali Checks must be Certified Statement Meltorandum Statement of Delinquent Taxes Auditor's Office, Ramsey County, Minn.. delivered to ---- -- --- 2 ewe a. nracn aax aesca.moa s m -Tr Tnx . .i�s,nny�n. l�a�-if. 20:3. ./9,2G_ - - S i� zY; 3.1, Y2 52: f/;zip 7 '•30. yb.oz_ J7%/. 63. o.f zv. s.3/_ .7372. .Zf9.,. 9z/s.: 30, / 1/ 3z,. 53. d7. /1.%: 4o 27. - 3/. N.6. k3- / . 3 .33.. .. U:%.. S2o .: 33ozo X1.3 /9zG. _ 3zsa. s�9 s/.xl. 27.. _ �. .. X.: sr-Ps ' z. 3 . .ITAZ .17. z9.. y6,0 k,. 37�k .. 63. a5.. ..73.72. Sz.o9•, Interest f3itirsd to_—-19`3_ " GEO. J. RIES, County Auditor � 3 _ THIS STATEMENT WHEN Mrandum Statement of Delinquent Taxes ----- RETURN YOU REMITAuditor's . _. - -- - --- -- Office, AameeY County, Minn..___.193--- Mabe Checks Payable to — Tredaurer, Ramsey County, Minn• Statement o-- delivered to--- All Checks can't be Certified Ali ae..e.. , vn„e: .oei o u v "� a.wa ov n,arusss o'scumoa �� �t °”' T*•, �—, /% Yio.� o.. t �n /i. V i✓�6t . _ 23.3. ./Yao.. l3,%. ; , .. 3'g' ;Vo, 31 5733.. /37. _. ✓930_ B ll8 _ri - i '— _ � ,27.9 —.. .d8.3 J93l. . .. .. 1.v7�39 .. U9, .lsxao;, ' Ga`b z, _ .. 11 9. � 56.19•• .. �- s.... 3o 3 -. 1 imireit Figured to .. _ ___ GEO. J. RIES, County Auditor A_ - CHECK DESCRIPTION CAREFULLY BEFORE MAKING PAYMENT MILTON R0SFN,------ KINDLY NOTIFY DEPARTMENT OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS 611J--ETURN' THIS 6TATEMENT WHEN YOU REMIT OFFICE OF4M`Ml`S`Sl'0N'E-R OF Fl -NCE ASSESSMENT STATEMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RATIFIED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY ST. PAUL MINNESOTA. AND CONFIRMED BY THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR RAMSEY COUNTY -1. 11F --1111111- z ✓ z- 33 1A /,4 91 3 -3 iH ;�J -3 i.7 /f 3- --15� 1 .13 3 J 0 )'S" ,zv,1) 3 A_ - CHECK DESCRIPTION CAREFULLY BEFORE MAKING PAYMENT MILTON R0SFN,------ KINDLY NOTIFY DEPARTMENT OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS 943 1 34328 Tea y r a4 - .�N council File no. ro • Itf�'Ra ��g :m Cei'•Zn4� _- 1ibY�__15. —iss.� AooiovaE Nov te' 19! ��a�' INov. B - RESOLVED, hiAT CHECKS BEI DRAWN-VRTHE1--JRY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 16 f COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 1;?57 TO—IOIZQ_— INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. �o n� flOV i R w1+ A—TE. — THE _____ • o. r... co.......�... NO. `M owwV COPpef I - AUDITED CLAIMS ED CLAIMS �°•-14--'°32- `°"M f3i 'ffl 16 AL an �" ne.v"exo " ra IN FAVOR OF r..m .w..w 10257 J. N. Hurley 15032 32 00 10258 William Perry 52 50 10P�2?5bCg0O A;y1% Plum 7 9 302e1 '. Spoc alty YslvSing oo. so ko 10262 Clifford Jarvis 7 00 10263 k. T. Pennig 10264 The Inti. Assn. of Compt.& AD01t. Off$. 305 00 10265 National Municipal League Kirk & 00. 174 0 10266 Tazwell Osaun iolnco Inc. 109 76 '102 eO oGumperear service 10268 B. & 011 Co. 11 5a 10269 Bt. Pml Nh1te Lead 42 10 102 0 0. Somers & Do. 28 80 10 Elfride, Boderbergg Lally Ohrlsty 10 2 Yrs. Mary 447 0000 10273 0ath"Ins M. Cl ugberty, 28 28 10 4 .Mrs. Stte, O1abeTty 40 00 102 John Lannon ;30Delia Brown 10 7 Irma iegner Peitsoh 428 0 00 24 92 102 8 'Mrs. Hnmsh Peterson 17 28 10279 ,We. Lona Schneider 8 00 10280 ".0. 0. Robinson 10 : John Y. Doyle Jus, of Peace 90 10Eromechroeder,0asb. 28 8 31 102 d8tlefel Prodnote Oo. Ino. jl 00 10 Ulm Grodinsky 10285 Bdrtis Bros. Probing CO. 1 g51 50 10286 Hutson, of Municipal Research 5� X. 00 10287 0,&rl P. Herbert 10288 •..Nllerbe & Oo.& Holabird & Roo Xo 1 1 39 160 10289 Rayaosd P. Pavlecka 00 5000 '10291 10290 Joseph F. Reinhold Review Publishing 00. Cd. 22 45 11 110292 ;0Metal Construction Heating 00. 6 316 .10293 Healy Plumbing & Co. 12 .10294 Postal Telegraph Oable 'The 500 00 :.10295 Peoples Nleotrio 00. 118 40 10296 Better Bake Shop 4 53 10291 Frank Beyonka 3�5 10298 .Blue & llbits Cab Co. 20 10299 John Brans Co. 25 84 10300 .. Capitol Staty Mfg. Co. 443 10301 'Central Scientific 46 26 10302 Central Soap Co. 88 08 1030j Davis Lagerman 12 00 lo3O4 Mr. Arthur J. Fellows 7 79 10305 George J. Fly= 00. 188 36 10306 Fuel Noonday Engineering 10307 M. A. Gedney Co. 79 _ 10308 great Northern Railway 00. 2 00 3 846 10309 Great Lakes Coal & Dock 00. 10310 Griggs Cooper & Co ,; I Sof 10311 Haskins Bros. & Oo. sneer rorwL-vorsww.,o ",L Dlp �-k n u c)4328 wu"c�L.M oLL GLL o.n�cE OF res COMe.aou�a „�"`" No. _...._ ....._.._____. ..wr COUNCIL 1111OLUT10N AUDITED CLAIMS Rov. 15, 32 nu".wn IN FAVOR OF - eeouO"r Foawwao 254 012 54 • 10312 John P. Hennessey 30313 I'. J. R. •ikon 13 50 5 80 10314 Janney-9eeple-Hill & Oo. 1 250 31 10312 Maurice D. Kahnly _ w9ner O. War— & Go. 22 1 32 32 10316 32250 10317 00 10318 'Carl or z3 00 10319 Klsa Y. -bet Treas. 18 64 1 164 88 10320 10321 J. J. Gillen 40 00 59336 69 10322 Helen Fidelis Draper 10323 Gladys K. Grant Margaret Ma 10324 ry Reilly 268 3b 1 341 74 103 Francis J. Otis 1032 van Hoven Co. Inc. 32 10327 The Stanohfield Co. 2 554 78 10328 Aome Construction 00. 20 OD 10329 .0-11 rreiseia 2 41 10330-raybar Eleotri0 Co. 10331 Yrs. J. T. Jennings Librn. 124 6 00 10332 H. v Kingston Co. 1 219 98 21 103333 Price Electric Co. A Co. 79 10334 F. J. Brings 10333 A. P. He9sohler Factory Pr luting Co. 52 104 15 10330 Johaeon Kaufman Supt. of P s. 10337 F. La Mont Arms Co. 109 10 10338 Kennedy Hroe. 9 00 100339 Leonard Leigh 40 Milton Roeen, Com. of FSnww 13 3786 31 448 51 10341 Milton Rosen, Com. of rinenoe 2 OB6 25 10342 ' 10343 10344 3 612 2 z 625 414 1 0345 239 00 6 939 97 10346 ^1034 7 1 003 eo '.10348 2 816 11 10349 3 939 39 10350 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Co. 91 4 28 4 55 10351 Michael Kirchm&ier 97 86 10352 Kremer Auto Spring Co. 1035 League of Minn. Yunl o1pa11t1e -11 Co. 160 60 30354 Lee Hoff g. 41 65 .10355 The Lewis Institute 10356 Librarian -Library of Oongreea 87 32 .10357 The Linde Air ProdLOts Co. 188 15 12 00 1-358 John a. Mo Lein 10359 mo redden Lambert Co. 117 33 752 ,10360 Mies Louise Yarkert 143 65 10361 Mpis.st.Paul & Bault ste. mar Le Ry. 94 10362 K. A. Moeller Co. 19 10363 Mother's Friend Laundry 20 28 10364 Donald D. Murrery Supt. 10365 Rational Carloading Corp. 10366 H. A. Bell Telephone Co. 2p i0 5 99 10367 Joa. Pavlloek -.0 190 70, lo368 H. Feltz & son t 52 10369 Poetnl Tele r '�h So: 10370 9t. Paul Foundiy ��'-- 576 ' r� I 1325,33 .3ol E minim® MI MIN,1®1 " CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FERSIDNRESOLUTION 1 H� PRUE-1.0 BY DATB COMMIEEIONER RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS RK PROVIDED BY THE MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WO MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. Comr. of Public Works Pnd Z'400.00_ 10-32 I 2,000.00 10-B3 10-04 2,550.00 1�y7�a,r,��CNv,,. 19,214.42 10-R {m lie °t Sa. 23,614.42 - „ POnllewO,><. pIM� 1,800.00 - M.000.00, " 10-C1 s,u.n I<le. 50.00 10-05 X00.00 10-c6 - ---- Street ---- - Const. & Repair 1,332.38 11-9 232.38 11-A2 % 500.00 11-A3. 11-A5 600.00 '•!. I- ^n '_"""' �� COUNCILMEN � � NAYS ADOPTED BY THE CAUNCII .......... CLAN r�gg ♦ p {� " • FERGU80N ED.._. .........._:{31V..1.V..`. .:.:..........19. NODOHON _..... _...........IN FAVOR _..... MODONALD BUDHEIMBR .............ADA_ CODNTER8IONHD BY _.._....._................ WeNa u...o....o. . PRe81D8NT w:xu- No. �J4329 CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPROPRIATIONT RANTERSE—ON FORM PREe .— BY DATH. COMMIBBIONER _ ..... • E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE THE COMPTROLLER. A G A ABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE _..Y SAID T RS WITHOUT HAMP ORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY EMB FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. ooe wvvoxTioxeo •eN —. o o" 12-A2 I 1 Sewer Conet. and Repair 400.00 556.67 12-A3 1.300.00 12-A4 977.29 12 -R I 3,183.96 12-A1 1 50.00 12-A6 --- --- - - - ---- 200.00 14-A2 IRridgee 400.00 14-A3 1.,558.63 14-R 2,o58.63 14-u 100.00 14-A4 I II (�) . COUNCILMEN (�) NAve Cu ADOPTED BY THE RovEO..... Co UNC I......_..19''-"' _.. .._.. -- .. 19... _.... FERaU-- HooaeoN ...iN Fwvo MODONALD _..._ ._ ...... _. xw.ea' WEN . PREHIDENT COUNTEReIGNED BY. .... .....................nn eounwe.e -wCITY OF SAINT PAUL .o. NO. .. 94329 _. APPROPRIATION THRANCHARreFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PREEENTBD BY ...... DATE COMMISSIONER ...... ......... .... .... • LVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MAGE ON THE THE COM PTROL O OOING A E DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAV SE MET SY AID 5 MPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MON ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS AR 13_A1 Street and Sewer Cleani�7r 13-"2 13-A3 13-B2 13-B4 500.00 . 13-A 616o.2z i 13-111 13-B3 �3-B5 13-n1 13-01 13-12 .3-c1 444.501 13-C3 6 1 19 II J ADOPTED BY THE COU—MV .... -- VHS \ �� COUNCILMEN 1 � NAYB ' NOV 161932 �7 ISN AA .L......_f....IN FAVDR py ............. ... MODONAL WHNZHL rp—WERSIGNEO BY _...._.........._.......__........................ wr1. B. ac�r �............. MR. PRBBIDeNT C1TYyCi'BRh T,... VAW ..'.rnyflmMa.., �••m�.,.,...,„yyR �, CRY OF SA -PAU4 "TrA APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM, Y fR B NreO / PReeE/T/.C- COMMIE E. By. ...... _.... .... JLDATE-" ��.r•yP'rliY'tS)19Rf•4'!M•�Ni�'. RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSaom�i. �OM OF THE • C0 �y�y a •N arily,yrlR,�AIN ITEMS COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNA Rig6tpr'.Q °',°p1°.� f MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT tu'�FOVIOED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRItr.. - AMOUNT rRom 3111 PoreD. ftt. (6alasln) 125.00 31L0 ' ' (Rspen.•) 125.00 3182 yon. 00—t (7or7 Rsp.n.e) 35D.00 31R_a (Rept.) 1.532.00 3181 • ' (Sal•s1•.) 1:2.00 3183 ' • (yspeE..) to0.00.--. 3101 Aetmst. „(6alasla•) WMAD ` 3102 • (L36ht.Reat 6 Pons) Wq.00 3172 Loan !span. 9,700.00 3m Vorkm.n• 0GE"uwtlon 7.000•00 3176 yi.e. 6 Dn7orE.een 1.700.00 181M ' C ��� 19_ YEe (�) COUNCILMEN NAY. AOOPTeD BY ND,LNOV • 9.M.Br r7 A Y AnotI NOV 181 APPROVED-- ....._ ........ 18 ..._.. �„amN'Pe tireeeeN ftase�, ........_...... IN FAVOR r MCDONALn .. ... .......... ..... WE— COUNTEREIGNED � • 5C"o= BY _................... O1P MR. PRESIDENT CLrER I'1"'S1,i�J�L:rl�s✓oma ..wu.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �..�a. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RE LUTION FORM BaCTION IM PER PRESENTED BY DATE _...... _......... • RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. ' 18 C 1 sale rise In 18C 2 Equipment Mntoe. co. 18 C 3 supplies 18 C 4 Repairs 10 C b Mieol. 18 D 1 Said"Oenaerte 18 D 2 supplies 18 E 1 salaries 18 E 2 Motorcycle allonenae 16 E 3 Mis ol. 18 F 1 salaries 18 F 2 Light, Rest, Power 18 F 3Supplles 18 G 1 8elariee 18 G 2 Eleotri-ity 18 G 3 Supplies is G 4 Repairs t 18 I 1 Salaries 18 I 3 Merchandise 18I 4 Laundry 18 I 5 Ice 8 I 6 Supplies 18 I 7 Repairs 18 I 8 Miscl. 18 I 9 Equipment 18 R Reoeipts 18I R 70 0.00 i 42.30 p�m� 1000.001 .mI°�:�ie1l 500.00, 200 .00, 40.00, .., 17.50, -. 59.46 49.08/ 34.38/ 4141.74, 700.00/ 260.00/ 12.54/ 522.02 / 115.03/ 126 71/ 4100.00/ 6000.00/ 125.00/ j 175.00/ 675.Q0 25 / . 675.00/ 151.20" 5913.211, _. YHe OILMEN � �� NwYe ADDPTEO BY THE COUNCIL_.._. _...........a ..._.. FHRDUBON HODDBON ..IN FAVOR } _n ........ _.. ....._..... MCDONALD BUDNEI.- .... I.A.A. WEN=, COUNTHRBIGNHDHY___..........._...... an cern+.�w-. MR. PRHe1D CITY CLF".IIP 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO. 9433. D� �.0 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER .E a PRESENTED By f J, DATE CoMMle.lonea... RE VES. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE O THE COMPTROLLER. SO DOING AN UN E DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS G THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MAY BE MET BY SAID TRA- MONEY IN TH B FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. um I Axar neo rxoN w •w xT�oncP i.aN - - w.-" cx. _ _ hi Solari— – k60.00 I 75.00 19 B 1 19 C 3 8upplie. 175.00 x 19 C 4 R.pa ir. 90.00 19 R 4 Receipt. d 107.72 F Bond Lm 441 � 11464 680.59/ 4654fi6 581.34 j R n I SII j�JA/ s M? VES COUNCILMEN �) NAT. ADOPTED SY THE CoU NCIL... RyCnq:.9 APPROVED..... ........ 19.. 7,IN FAVOR McDONALo�� •-'-- / UADA- CouNTERaIGNED By ..... ...- WENSL MR. PRESIDENT PUBLISHCD a'^o NO (A332 CITY O� SAINT PAUL APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTE iiLeY-y 9r 1932. CO -1 TED By . i DATE COMMIBBI. ONER._. RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. FBI. A..30.00 dministration Teeting I.aboratoriee 100.00 6,064.40 Marksts 6,022.75 •300.00 R 41.65 • 500.00 _ 937.93 El PR Airpo„t a Irr:alsan°—. r)o '200.00 21 F3 • T ISw�'h� 'u r •°m • (�: 500.00 a n t°,,,,,I a 1,580.53 21 F6 121 .s�'tal� 5 1° n 2.500.00 x,ml nWos`i6i,,'1 ie . 667.40 2a a o 1 F 241.61 gh„g n"ppoo 000 22 k3 91. e t cu �t s 1022 Al r�r 22 Bl .11" 29726..199 P -11t D 22 R .° 0 *" A' • ,000.00 a m.°bod 0°,a p{s 3,776.91 22 B2 • =L . , a a. ` 300 � 22 B4 I n.�° i8ew ui:Yi�sn 300.00 22 60000 22 B6 ' 133.87 . 22 B7 �so8.o� i� o°,Ia.;as ss,WeeP„s� M..7 NOV 161934 '.. YEs COUNCILMEN (�J NAYB ADOPTED By THE COUNCIL. 19...... m0701M APPae B �11.ADBEII...�_..._IN FAVOR PaerpB IBJ - GAIN DOBNTERBIGNED BT _............. ___........__. _... .. W...' WM. F. SCOTT. ��"��'•'•• CIpppY Ct.Egg .pnY.oMR PRESIDENT By �n —_ 94333 .. CITY OF ST. PAUL No. .... .. ............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ,.LUTION--GFNERA, FORM RESOLVED , That an extension of six months be and the same is hereby given Adolph C. Krahmer On the permit granted to him on may 19th, 1933, to erect a filling station on Lot Twelve (12), alook Eight (9), 9runsonls Addition to 9t. Paul, Minnesota. 4 COUNCILMEN Yeea /: Ym' Nays I / McDonald /pearce ...._...:........In la— 'u /Truax Wenzel President Maboncy ,A. N. F,S,IIr, ct'L ctl`t` sten u. ea i,,I r ,"I Adopted by the Council.__„�ti�.l_}_�. .193..... Appproved. _.._..___iK'L'...`i......_..`..193..... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL GPM of ml—u OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOn. Ory Clap .vd CanmWlnna d R.�bb.non ®oo November 15th, 1912. L, . L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: Tne atter had application of Adolph G. %""" for extension pf time on permit granted him to erect a filling stetson on Lot 12, Block g, B ceON, e19, Addition, under Council File No. 92433, approve 1932 m referred to you to dqv by the Council for reso- lution granting said extension. Yours vary tMly, City Clerk. IN THE SCATTER OF THE PciLIT GRANTED TO ADOLPH G. KRAHMER, UNDER FILE NO. 924:33 ON MAY 19, 1932, TO ERECT A FILLING STATION ON LOT NO.12, IN BLOCK 8, BRUNSON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA. r/ � APFLI CATION _F O}i_P'.R_TENSION_OF TIME_ As the permit was tyrant ed me on May 19, 1902, to erect an oil filling station on Lot known as No. 12, Block 8, Brunson's Addition to St.Paul, Mlnneeota, and as the six -the allowed in which to build the said station, after the granting of the Permit will expire on November 19, 1932, I hereby make application for an extension of six months time In which to erect said filling station from and after November 19, 1932. The reason for my not having erected said station was owing to the fact that the improvement of widening Bradley Street has not as yet been started and the proposed lesees of amid proposed station was not reedy and will not be ready to sign the necessary papers before January 1, 1933. I tope your Honorable body will see fit to grant me the extension of time above applied for. Attorney for applicant. '• a f-- Oval r,:.+.r_` 94334 CITY OF 1 Alrport�e! .isonf�.aWY. a„ OFFICE OF THEN4n, onaVFcH__.,,. a.a�fr� ARSOMW WHEREAS, a sudden and unexpected emergency has &risen, reg1iiring the immediate erection on the St. Paul Municipal Air- port of six flood lights, fifty boundary obstruction and approach lights and the moving of one 10 k. w, and two 3 k. W. flood lights, said installation being made necessary by an order of the Department of Commerce of the United States Government, decreeing that unless such work be done the St. Paul Municipal Airport will be closed by the said Government as a licensed airport, thereby popardlsing an investment in said Airport of a sum in excess of $1,000,000, and WHEREAS, there are no funds available for the doing of said work, therefore be It RESOLVED, that in the opinion of this 0ounoll an emergency exists w2hin the meaning of Section SOS of the Oharter, and the Mayor and the Comptroller are hereby authorised and directed to borrow the sum of $7,000.00, and execute the note of the City therefor, to cover the cost of this work, at en interest rate not to exceed six per pent - COUNCILMEN Yeea Nay. NON l 111'r Adopted by the C I ._... ___.193...... h�eDoneId e _..,.. .....Iv favor )Zyev President Mahoney WM. F. SC01"C, Cl�i ita do''� __._ _......193..... �M� PUhLISHGD / /� /'7 �� •� 17 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AERONAUTICS BRANCH -.—T.. N—mber 1 , ldi2. J.:r. ;lyd, — 1:aY, ®Sse toner of Indio btiil"-, -t. in-. ',:y d.- 1,or. ,le—d t. Inclose e—Py ort by r' J. t! is office,covedt" studies h, -de on Ort 't 1,1- li 12, Itl. the ,TdeiPnl �� f your oirport .1t.. continued goof 'nt shese for tY,e success proj,Ct, Blne Dir-- --u-n --l- In'lo—, i ,". rt!�.-V SFJ i u u 4A . ,.P �•le � DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AERONAUTICS BRANCH —.1N.TON I;o—ber 10, 1432. Honoracle 'Millin. :,:.honey, E'eyor of JL. F•+�5, Wit. Paul, l,:Sna. L, dear Y. -.y.r. Inclosed in a oPy of —,"t "t by :.s. .. ..+ccenzle, of tnls office, eo—rine, the studies he made on I+ovember 1 and 2, 1132, In connection with the miniclpal Irport at ::t. Faul. „e trust that ti.ls report Will +.e of a oietance t� yon cnd .I.. yo, success 1. the dov lopaont of ) oir;+ort. il.r loo, :)Tractor ofor. utic D.valopment. I nclo su w " NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL F"c • OFFI OF CITY CLERK YN—GENERAL FORM PAESEHTEo sy � - oA*E Houembensa-, - out of the General Fund RESOLVED That $7,000.00 be appropriated to cover poste of Snstalling siz flood lights. 55 bovndarpp obstruction and approach 11 ghts and the moving of one 10 A. w., and two 3 K. 'N. flood lights on the Municipal Airport, the work to be done under the a pervlelon of the Co»sdssloner of Public W Yc+: N." Mry WD ... Id In favor P ... - W;6. A,.,.,, �IpTf%l��emt Bundbc Adopted by the Co—d 9 Approved 9 Jtd. 8 app.—TI l"ear. �iays Yens Wan ��� nald �N�E$Do aid /prarcP / o[cc AosC( rear a�n,�l Pres. �lahoncl. )Ir. Pres. �lal�nna, ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE No. 1A'� ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED By An ordin- emending Administrative Ordinance No. 32501. passed August 20, 1914, amended by Ordinance No. 3570 and subsequent se,endments, entitled -An Adelniatrative Ordlnanoa relatlne to the Civil Service Buren, of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor.• THS COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAOL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. That Ordinance No. 32501, approved August 20, 1914, se, amended, be and the same is hereby further emended by adding to the Semi -skilled Labor Service in subdivision (c) of Section 7 the titletof -Street S ,perj and -Sever Maintenance Laborer. - Section II. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage end approval. g Mi i an `--- ^megv�:vua °manna i°o°r`r`i� ass �vr I hereby recommend for passage by the Council the above- mentioned amepdment to the Civil sarvioe Civil Service Commission Br DU 61932 Yess Councilmen \nye Payed by the Coln d a[ey / 3cDonnld / l _ In F.-, Roe `� Agun=t f',A< w5ar..F 'tw' Nil. P I it (1tg1 nay) \pp Attcet: No, mo4�, 94336 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— • ENERAL FORM Nov. 16, 1932 RESOLVED Whereas, John J. Galvin, Rodman of the Department of Public Works the City of St. Paul, will be incapacitated of and unable to perform his duties for a period oi' from- Nov rom November lst to Nov�,m'oer 29th, 1932, inclusive, and Whereas, The Commissioner of Public Works J. Galvin he d Is has recommended that John hereby granted a leave of absence for di ansabillty with pay from November 1st to November `20th, d le, P Rules; therefore, be aragraphin�lusive�Fsai ec tione4le ofs the Civpli ervlceth it Resolved, That the proper City authorities he and are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence for John J. Galvin from November 1st to November Loth, L932, inclusive, with full pay- t. COU CILMCN Yom ny hicDonnld n. In favor /Trl18Z _ '/ AHninet wen:el iMr. President Mnboney Adopted by the Council.... __.. _. _. _.....__ 193.-. StIv A W Approved... .... ....193 _. \Y Vit. Ir. SCS=� C1�� cLsss CITY OF ST. PAUL rv".a " No.-.....-. 9037. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -.E -11-^— LV WHEREAS the Central Region of the United States suffers great commercial dis- advantages due to its remoteness frog and inaccessibility to the —board, and WEERM The Mississippi River and its tributaries under proper engineering treatment would overcome the isolation of the affected states, and MORRAB extended efforts havebesn made to interest adequate federal support for the deepening of the Mississippi Waterways and the present political and industrial situation offers met favorable conditions for the attainnents of this desired and, and WHEREAS a conference of representatives fres cities and states interested in this great undertaking will be held at Saint Louie November Plat and 22nd at which a definite program will be adopted and means provided to carry it out, and WHEREAS the consumation of this undertaking will provide employment for a wast nusber of workers and create a demand for a wide range of supplies and co®oditiee and will free the interior section of the United States from its present land -locked condition BE IT RMLVED That the Saint Paul City Council send representatives to this conference and asfhorise the Mayor to urge by telegram the attendance of Governor Olson and the Governore-elect of Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois. I _ COUNCILMEN Yesa Nay. May ZMcD... Id ._. ...... ..I, Iavor �am //Truax �..-_Agaia.t esael r r /Mr. Pre.ideat Mahovey Ad Pted bq'F5 CaunotLN� �� 8 .._.1'83...... NOV 18 W ......_- Mayor 9COTTi cizy =sox nr —YFI �m 911338 94339 R Nre i CIL RESOLUTION To P A � �n mr utt . Nov. 171_ so_ P allo. b 1 i RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF E z o4 1 371 f .COVERING CHECKS:NUMBERED-ATO4 INCLVSIVE, ¢Q PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. I // NOV 16189! eo ev Tx "iwL -- IN FAVOR OF e o�cwr rowwwwo L— -„ e 10371 orrice or rHs cowrrwouew „,,.""` NO...._ ....... %94335__ COYMCIL aafOWTIOm H ' - 9 AUDITED CLAIM ----- - 17--° _32 co„R +•w.� Mew-wou �r.0 1037 A. P. Keller 1037 John Anti oa, _ r<• -1 - — " ,� NGV_ i__�a "iwL -- IN FAVOR OF e o�cwr rowwwwo L— -„ e 10371 Milton Rosen. Com. of yinanoe 10372 " 1037 A. P. Keller 1037 John Anti 10375 H, R. Johnson 10372 0. F. Johnson 10377 H. Rinke 10378 J. 5. sweltzer & eon Ino. 10379 YSlton Rosen, Con. of FSnmoa 10380 ' 10381 Dr. V. 0. Rutherford 10382 Lamprey Products Co. 1038}j 0. 0. Boyum 1032 Milton Rosen, Dom. of Finance 1038 George Sudeith 10386 Albert K. Schow 10387 Drewry & Sone Co. 10388 Charles Worst .10399 Yre. R. Mitch 10390 Victory Printing % 10391 St. Paul sporting Goode 00. .10392 'Milton Rosen, Com, of Finanoe '1039'!, central Garage Inc. 1039+ Duro Test corp. 10399 Farwell ozoun Kirk & co. i 10396 Graybar Electric CO. 10397 A. 0. Horn Co. -10395 He Kesson-St. Paul Drug Co. 10 99 Mple.8t.Pau1 & 4ult Ste. Mai 1 '.Paper Oalmenson & Co. '.10401 St. Paul Vooatlonal school .10402 Andrew Schoch Grocery Co. 10403 sharp & Dohme 10404 Terminal Motor Bus. Co. 1040E Thompeon,s Restaurant 10406 Kies Ruth Turnquist 10407 United State. Rubber Co. 10408 E. Y. & H. F. Were .. 10409 F. R. Amundsen :.10410 BlombergPe Grocery -:1041 1 Brothers 10412 J. H. Coakley J. B. H • 1o413 L. Eisenmenger Meat co. 10414 Dunn Ip Fairway Market 10415 East side Grocery Co. 10416,Y. Y. Metcalf 10417 --q Yiohaud Bros. Ina. 10418 'John T. Peieert 10419Carl •. Schuls '10420 West End Bakery 104'1t End Bakery 10422 Am. wondra rym Ry. 507 ao 4 189 21 800 844 GO 107 50 84 00 9 59650 10 243 22 34 667 19 111 00 12 25 25 19 o 28 00 70 40 26 401 233 35, 2242 50 663 20 79 2646 1016 ,32 30 00 51 87 18D tl4 64 1933845g 12539 00 89 36 125 00 9sic 1 12 23 489 95 1672 23 6 43 9 98 103 15 346 89 413,651.49 • MwrCOUNCIL EN nGL ce COUNCIL WEAOLYTIOM " AUDITED CLAIM, wn�. ro rn. ,aa Ir IN FAVII IF Stegmeir TireCo. Charles H. Smith W, J. Shin, Anthony Andext Milton Rosen. On of Tinto a Y St. Paul Teachers Retirement and "Ademe Products Inc. American City Magasiue r. American Gas Accumulator Co. American Insurance Agency AN. La Trance a Fomite Ind. American Law Book Go. American Linen Supply Co. Amexioan Linen Supply Co. American 011 Burner Assn American Steep Yorke American Techinal Society American Type Founder@ Co. G. A. Ashton Company Associated Shorthand Reporter L0000iation Pre as Atlas Gas 6 011 Co. Austin Western Road Mach. 0o. Auto Angina Works Inc. Automotive Servioe 00. B. A M. Siren Yfg. Co. Badger Meter Oo. W.' H. Barber Co. Barrett A Simmerman Beebe Laboratories Inc. S. Berglund Lumber Co. Alfred M. Best Go. C. 0. Birohaxd A Co. Albert Bonnier Pub. House BOxhoext-Ingereoll Inc. Bowen A Sons S. F. Bowser a 00. Inc. H. C. Boy on 00. Braunig a Sona Baking British Library of Informatio The Oalhon Company Capitol Envelope Co. Capitol Laundry Go. Certified Ice 0o. Chicago Appartus Co. N Obi o.Yllw.St.Pau1 A Pao. Ry/ 0ltiee Service 011 Oo. Cochran Sargent Co. Commexow Gas Go. Commonwealth Electric Co. Co-operative Laundry Co. CarolCox Book Co. The dr one Co. 32 X13 651 49 210 OS 26 40 10 00 76 5o 5500 29 26 leo 42255 01oo 350 00 1 00 45 401�027,5 23 7$ 215203 5 ?2gg 32 40 1 3 19 21 6 0o P7 00 4 25 122p555 99 26 7554 s6 94 330 67 3 00 207 10 5 00 187 50 5 24 22 03 5 45 6 SE 14 37 1 00 40,40 12 04 24 00 113 87 911 07 192 Pl 3a 10 25 115 50 36 56 16 151 58 7� 1462 699 34[ b FORM No. 1 November 17, 1932 4 An emergency has arisen in the Department of public Utilities Bureau of Nater rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight lioure per day in the doing of the following work: Operating Hazel and Highland Park pumping stati ones Cutting off oonaeotion at 323 Minnesota St. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and oircumetanoes: a on Sundays #Leak in oonnection.. f led correct: peeol oimenda .en nt N � CITY OF ST. PAUL N 9041 O.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,� COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM IoM ,s oNER j�c X12 c_— j_ oA WHEREAS, at ameeting of the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission held on October 11th, the Commiesion awarded the contract for the flag pole to L. H. Sault, the low bidder, for the sum of $4,738.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council hereby approves and concurs in the action Of said Commission; and the Corporation Counsel is directed to draw a proper contract therefor. COUNCILMEN yeas � YD _ ysi /. /// MconaId GITY,CLT NK / Truax Weasel _._J..._AgainaL or w / Mr. President Mehaoey e.r`mr ala IF�9.�u, of F° ":Pe°Lro w.dioeao:6a lu: ��ro ae Oae re neeQaun°la1 Nov. IB, rRi. Aoo.ored jNay. le lfiil - Adopted by the Council— N(?V 18 W. 193.... GITY,CLT NK Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research Affleck Club Building Horoebor 16, 1932. To the City Covaoll, City of Bit Peal, m i-ta. Uentle`eai At its seetiag on C*tober 11 the Advisory Coot Rates and City Hall Building Cosmisslon asarded the centreot for the flog polo to L. H. ,..It, the los bidder, for the sea of i4s738• %is setter is referred to ysu for year `*tion. 9ery ttaly 7oare, gecretary, Advisory Coart H �"d iCity Hall 3a11d1n9 CPH:BH CITY OF ST. PAUL 'v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCII, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 110' WHEREAS, in the general contract for the new Court louse , and City Hall, a lump aum. of $5,500 was allowed to cover the coat of stone carving in the new building; and WHEREAS, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission has advised the Council that it has decided to enter into a contract for the atone carving direct with the stone car- ver; and in a oredit of $5,500 on the general WHEREAS, this results contract; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves and concure in the action of seld Commiselod, and the proper City officers are directed to deduct the City's proportionate share of said $5,500 from the contract sum in the general contract with Foley Brothers, Inc. COUNCILMEN /// Y_Neys 'y /MeD—Id Iv favor _��.... Against /Wencel Preaid-t Mahaney Adoptee N M. F. SCOTT, CITY ILEB 14 - 193.._. ® Saint Paul '= Bureau of Municipal Research A,hlrnc Club Building '°"' m•^"^ '"^ goreaber 16, 1952. To the City 0o 11, Oity of Saint Peal, Minnesota. 0eatI-1 1t its seting on Ootober 11 the Adrisory Court Sonee and Cittions for y Hall Bnllding Coasisslon approsed the Plans and spe stone oarring in the se building and referred the matter to your body for itm s -ties. b alloeanoe of $5,500 1• contained 1h�the general non, treat to corer this sod. It —a felt, boeerer, that SL aid be prefer- able torets a Want ---Smut sith the stone newer instead of going thren6 the general oontractor. '&e Adm �iaory Ouireton therefore decided to tab a aredlt of $5,500 1n the general contract. Very truly years, Secretary, ldrlwry Court sones and City Hall Building Coeaiadon. CPE: 9H r J4 13 CITY OF ST. PAUL .v ` NO..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM soMr;Rsais�alJF� ----' 1 __ on,E 1b=kY.= WHEREAS, the owner oat the ��}}yyrtherly 150 feet of the easterly 100 feet of the northerly h�� o Block 6, Stine on, Brown & Ramsey's Addition to the City of St. Paul, in Ramsey County, has made appli- cation for relief to the County Board and County Auditor of Ramsey County and to the Minnesota Tax Commis .'on in relation to the pay- ment of accumulated taxes and local improvement assessments certified to the County Auditor mf collection with the real estate taxes, in- cluding the 1931 real estate tax, in the sum of $2,890.35, including penalties, interest and cost., and has prayed for the order of said Commission for reduction .o as to permit the acceptance by the proper public offici ale of the sum of $1500 in full and complete eatis- faction of said aocumulated taxes, assessments, penalties, interest and costs, of which sum approximately $125.00 representing general real estate taxes, penalties, interest and Coate which have accrued thereon% will be first payable out of said sum and the remainder applied on account of such local improvement as see aments levied by the City of St. Paul; and WHEREASthe beet interests of the City of St. Paul require that the Council approve said proposed settlement and the granting of the relief prayed for as aforesaid; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Oouncilhereby approves said application (County Auditor's No. 37823),. end. the granting of the relief by the Minnesota Tax 0emission prayed for therein. atuaa.soiaa— Gwi'ar�u� Wa uwv.e a t43 rth. W e..u4rW i9oi�o:oe ego er`bo�e:w succi .b..e..ec.ga�tcox e: 9n'yvwa e,owo s y��..�•� m �Uav to t CIW e[ 64Avy' Iv Il.m.es, 4. u vLLdga���.�yu��libaou�( VVHa.4�. ibemths uuW Couutf. .tie [aat6. lllnoe. ams Oo�mlxlo�u �t�tw-tM1'eer.tlon to��a j,a0 s4 tgat~N�� v,o,�ude t! C; emli4e�fo.' -e to Rie1.4 y� CQUNCILMLN Nay, Adop d by the C ... 6L-K0V- .8..� / WD—ld e}'I .�ae� /Pearce _.� _I fovor /%L S 1 a I��c .. I93._._ /Ro,ea /Truax 4 _...Ag inet ... sr a n Wea,el M,Yor / PK'M. F. SCOTT, Mr. re,ideat Mahoney uTY /{{ILExK sidewalk, for the year 1932, Standard Stone C , Contractor, C.Mptrollsr Contract N.. L. 3665 covered nll ,ork no 'dere during the ya r 1932, and Aho real, certain construction orders n e given to -.he Contractor at such a data thIt '_t m s impessibl aof ar him to com- plete the work within the time ,pacified in the contract, n , therefore, be it aecolved th:�t the the specified for the co.Pletlon of the contract be .ind the s e is horeby oxtendud to ::o Vaeber 15th, 1932, and -LI,I ;. r CSt yaUfflciuls a e'oy authorized and role directed to a cute a endment to c,id contract i c ordance horemith, providod 1,*-vh::t er, tthio r sclution ohall v not h. e "Yy Lorca n affoot unle::s the s reties on the c oat ractor's bond a entcthe reto and f11e such c.neent in writing with the City Comptroller. CUUNCIhMEN Y_ Nny, �Iv�oro::ea�rNov. ie3uiiKov. so. un. NOV EE 102 _ma Adnpled by a,a canna__ _ ��enonnld k., 02 ms__ earn _I favor '—_ it /Tn, Agauwt ._..Mayo,.. iVeesel t5'lj. 1. v' -('TT, (:1TY CL}:FK V'ir�n or^^ Weal �q-- 94344 CITY CITY OF ST. PAUL .¢i `~ NO ................... .._. OFFICE OF THE CITU CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL RM .ova b 19, 1932 PRME COMM, O .. Rk�JObQFQ Ghereae Contract for the c netruction of c cute fila sidewalk, for the year 1932, Standard Stone C , Contractor, C.Mptrollsr Contract N.. L. 3665 covered nll ,ork no 'dere during the ya r 1932, and Aho real, certain construction orders n e given to -.he Contractor at such a data thIt '_t m s impessibl aof ar him to com- plete the work within the time ,pacified in the contract, n , therefore, be it aecolved th:�t the the specified for the co.Pletlon of the contract be .ind the s e is horeby oxtendud to ::o Vaeber 15th, 1932, and -LI,I ;. r CSt yaUfflciuls a e'oy authorized and role directed to a cute a endment to c,id contract i c ordance horemith, providod 1,*-vh::t er, tthio r sclution ohall v not h. e "Yy Lorca n affoot unle::s the s reties on the c oat ractor's bond a entcthe reto and f11e such c.neent in writing with the City Comptroller. CUUNCIhMEN Y_ Nny, �Iv�oro::ea�rNov. ie3uiiKov. so. un. NOV EE 102 _ma Adnpled by a,a canna__ _ ��enonnld k., 02 ms__ earn _I favor '—_ it /Tn, Agauwt ._..Mayo,.. iVeesel t5'lj. 1. v' -('TT, (:1TY CL}:FK V'ir�n or^^ Weal �q-- A No. _ {J4345 It, CITY OF 5T. FAU r t OFFICE OF TH C RK COUNCIL ORM ewae.+so av I..O.THAHQY AT. ND7BMBEB 18, 196E• loll RESOLVED + WHEREAS. The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Nlo +cr<°mmt ,n 53, of the City Council in accordance with Section an emergency which rendered Charter the exlstenc, of nets ssnrq the emn7.ogment oheoirta,inl of of..Ploy- `n°re�°mir =! department cur more than hour, t itsua,n.w°�. to%r•u� t .ent; theret'nr, he it, i.,�wu'6'nuon . RESOLVLD, That the proper city to the following officers are herebytathe nsmed employes, a ,.woc:+poor. •�� �• pay tate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra rate time hereinafter set forth: TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL " NAME 5 ` E.71 John O'Brian Jagitor S hours g 1.8E Fred Bamlgart J�n. Eng. E .17 Gillian Benton ■ • 1S 68 7.60 5.38 Frdaak Chapman • • JOBa9h • 10 63 4 g 2.45 %:uist elbreteon • Charls4 ffig ■ ■ 18 6 10x94 Bllas Fahr ■ 4 6 2.45 5.04 Oesar Halgren • Charles gamaerlamd ■ a 8 6 11 6 6.68 Frank Hedlamd • 4 6 2.45 Joffi A Heine • ■ E0* 8 12.46 2 Joaeyh Enetnlaki ■ e 4 6 g,47 91ueePPi Lnsia • ■ 9 g Thomas Ltmser ■ 4 2.45 S•68 -*.rd L. lca ■ ■ g} 66 Gillian yamtel 8 1S 6.61 1.6E Patriot Murnen g 3.81 aleon • JahO 301118 8 114ter OS00=011 9 gg g E.45 Jamas F. Petersen a 8 g 3.04 Id 5.94 otEo SahneyPmaeller n g f•75 Oaoar 8molenak7 COONCILMEN NeYa Ad.,.d by the Council.. _ ...._ _. _..... -_.._193.... y� ,y M1 D ... Id __--- _ aeaaa '1'mex .... aine[ - B Wenzel I;ITY 5(_'ITT, t'L};RK Mr. President Mahoacy 94345 OFFICE CITY OF ST. PAUL .�u O'--"""--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co`o°Rea S.O.RMA10H _ oATe H07HIt 18, 195£. RESOLVED � WHEREAS./toP-Y mniss oner of Education has rep ted to the Counciintor nes with SectSon 53, cftVCitChartexl ante of Anemergencynecesmo7.oymentofcertainempofdepare than the+r usual hof e P107- ment;nrr,n�a it, RESOhorDpay t the ihepfollow ingtnamer employes,b ata the rateea fixed for extra a oyment forextra time er set forthtt E RATE TOTAL TIME NAME TITLE 1.6E Li, B stamen Jan. Hos• S hra, 6 1.66 Hermsn A. B.endeen n 10 6.08 Hdard Tbom6e • • 6 6 3.66 4.86 Burl • • 7} 6 .61{ W1111" am vl Vievering • • 1 6 Carl Warodell • • 16 6 9.78 laxWerner9.17 �H11ma Malmquist Janitren 3 6 1.98 Limn Jan. Mag. 6 1.99 L 0. Larson Janitor 18.76 Je�ffi ;.rg -stat Fireoma 21 6 S 4E Joffi BeoYetram Jin. Hn9. 3 6. 1.99 Oeorgs Oral 6 1.8E =8.d Peterson • lU 61 6.1$ Bari Boater n . 6•' Iaaao W. Thompson • • is �'� 6 6 1.88 Iease Burlingame Janitor S 1.6E Louie Zamansky Jan. orB. 3� 6 E. S victor La.renee 34 64 1.90 Jolm Wil.ert Janitor 6 6 5.65 Hugh 01Doanell Jan. 9-9• N OV 2 2 193'1 yew COUNCILMEN Adopted by th C'11161 _ ... _. 193.... Nays �.rrppp )o >nY / N�CDonsld /u �enrce I f vor A� _.. 193..._ .I'OTT. MeS or Weasel en i 'k. YU 6IISFIED� •» '-» Mr. v;ce F -=s FARM NO, 1 '9v, A h IR 1932, An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of cer- tain employee of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the,following work: Cle n1a8 school. end flring _ This emergency srose by reason of the following facts and circumstsncee: Aeoeeeer7 Eo keep eohool bnildlnae odea beoeue-9— This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter, �aea.. �a. a 94346 CITY OF ST. PAUL „u NO............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Poo�ew_.. A. _ .re Bovembar 22, 1952..... Rte@ WIICRF,AS, James West has applied (application 3439) for Soft drink license at 340 Main Avenue,and WHERMS, Sanies West has aithdrerrn said apoll-tion for Soft drink license: therefore, be it RESOL7FD, that the proper to officers be and they are hereby authorized said application 3439 to ref=d to Jamas We et the fee of $10.00 and to cancel for Soft drink license. ama.le— cwn°v:: I m� eonainii. Ilr 101h1 it�E allh� IE;^� Pr ee ' elk nn E�iM •e �t�yy���it{heiehYl'av0m- Ib r aoom••aaa Iq. u,.ow p ttn. ii�lvho lawee: , I;IA L m. t ,v. a. nn COUNCILMEN 29 1"" A&I—I ,y tie C—u d - nov 193 9 `l 10" I�fsvpr Approved T,,—�. _.Against N.vi. 1'. r lll'T. !% May,, we"''m —l' L,.l•h MI. --, _ a��mOa�.. mrt NO. _—yg47 CITY OF ST. PAUL •v i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM '�,,. November 22, 1932 v _ RESOLVED That licenses for mhlch eoplicetione have been made by persons named on one attached list be and the same era hereby granted end the city clerk is instructed to Jesus such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNClbnil,N Yens Na /yc�an�da /penrre I favor µassn �TR18x AWufai. �....ARninet Mr. Vise Pres. Wenzel Re. B oi1 ll�wfl fx�°lu W Mx t x�6eva"'� ehia is p� Voa W fr No jf; 1ffL Mei v8 �iN vRieiiitfl �`; `' Ad,—1 by the Council NnV-2" 198. WM. F. `;— Mnvur QTY CL}.hh November 22, 19152 A& M. Market 578 Rice St. Butcher J. W. Anderson, 159 E. 7th St. ^ F. W. Barnick, 612 N. Griggs, N. J. Godfrey 1112 Arcade A.Gottfried & Bon, 942 Raymond " R. B. "_a.- 924 Selby `. ^ Arnold Johnson 655 S. Snelling\ ^ National Tea Co. 644 S. Smith ^ A. Hoe -field 296 Pleasant Her y Ward 1216 Randolph " Sam Ward 176 W. 7th ^ Superior Packing Co. 2125 Wabash Slaughter House H. B. Anderaon 458 S. Robert Confectionery Felice Baooigalupo 425 Fry Grocywy F. W. Bernick 612 N. Griggs A. Bl ..ibaoh 99 N. Dale " Bohlend & Ali: 2158 Randolph Confectionery Capitol Drug Co. 481 Rice Carbone Bro.. 369 E. 7th Grocery Geo. W. Chrest 1076 Payne Confectionery Dudobitz & Halper 1688 Grand Grocery H. T. Edlund 1200 Forest ^ Earl Erickson 549 Decatur ^Fen}ea-Maes. Fenlon Bros 1559 Hewitt Av. Grocery A. Grigsby 560 St. Anthony Confectionery W. L. Heck 1950 Hyacinth Grocery Bernard Helper 264 N. Fairview James Johnson 451 Mendota ^ Eemb & Lied 1505 N. Ramline ^ J. IO.—"'. 559 Rice H. Kos oy 1218 Randolph ^ H. A. Larson 824 Aldine SamuelLehrman 627 Candda ^ Those. .1.oy 1559 University " Leo Marahak 500 Sherburne ^ National Tea Co 1082 Thomas Yvonne Neeea Z., 1585 Selby Cohfactionery M. Og 205-7 E. Mth Grocery Alfred W. Olean 655 S. Snelling J. W. Painter 1578 W. Como Helen A Perry 1818 W. Minnehaha ^ Job. Porte 562 S. Snelling ^ Ted Rata' 759 Ili a:iesippi ^ H. E. Howitz (Ivan Hotel) 404 Robert Confectionery E. A. Schmidt & Son 329 Concord Grocery San Segal 212 W. 4th St. " Wm. Segal 559 Robert " Elisabeth Sime 726 Armstrong Jobs C*Stiff 159 E. 4th Confectionery A. Stolz & M. Gundlach 385 University Bakery ♦.. T. E. Sundry Sara Tankanoff Sam Testa Henry TBChida C. S. Warner T. Westberg George Bauneaker Harold Bukovita Capitol Drug Co. Jessie Coleman Mrs. Kat» Engel Mrs. Dors Holm W. C. Kregel Anthony Kulvich Wm. MCC- r - ick F. M. McElhinny J. A. Nlea® Carroll Palmer A. Peterson 0. T. Peterson Mrs. Minnie Pierce E. Potts Ance M. Pryor Maude Randall Joe. Rogoweki Rick Sauro Gus Sind - Frank J. Slattery Louie Speliopoulos Gust Swenson -2_ November 22, 1932 288 Rice Confectionery 248 E. Fairfield Soft drink 751 Payne Grocery 1116 Rice St. Bakery 189 N. Snelling Frit-Yegateble store 1903 Stillwater Road Bakery 250 Eront It. 235 E. Fairfield 481 Rice 564 N. D-1- 578 Robedt 100 R lith 2180 Marshall 142 Concord 40 W. 4th 1558 St. Clair 155 E. 6th 1661 Gmnd 117 W. 7th C. N. Bldg. 1561 Grand 515 Ronde 152 E. 5th 1036 W. 7th 151 S. Wabash. 222 Chestnut 538 Rice 1575 Grand 626 Selby 2327 Charles Crescent 011 Co. 582 Front George H. Gustafson 618 Como A - Minnesota 011 & Refining Co. 477 S. Soelling Rex 011 Co. 207 Camo Skelly 011 Co 1158 Payne Av Minnesota Mortgage Loan Cc 317 Pioneer Bldg " n n 817 Pioneer Bldg. Goldman Auto Parte 22 On'ty -'entirel Geo J. Rosen 1 83W. S. Ruskin 494 Rio se Hubbard 011 Burner AV Mple B. F. Felton S01418 Cadaruette Rick Seuro & Mike Saurc Chestnut 341 University Hell Cnivereity St. Paul Recreation Co 28 W. 7th W. E. Sandere 267 W. 7th Grandstar Amusement Ino 1645 University Restaurant Gasoline Station 3 pompe " 4 " n n 5 " n 5 n Chatteltm Loan Salary Loan 2nd hand auto carte 011 burning device Dance hall D - d. hall Iia 58 pool tables 4 pool tables Motion picture theatre onew .o a., ani CITY OF 9T. PAUL r-���� .l eT'i�11tp4 A0. ^ OFFICE OF THE CITU CLERK b LE.b 15b E W r COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENEM,4 1&4 Y4k°,y�6E 4m COMrn" RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby author— ized and directed to destroy the following described documents and records; Pay roll checks and time checks, prior to Dec. let, 1928. Duplioate daily receipts from various departments and bureaus, prior to Dec. let, 1926. Duplicate daily records from Municipal Court, Prior to December let, 1926. Duplioate daily bank deposit books and old bank pass books, prior to Dec. let, 1926. Bank reconcilement sheets, prior to Dec. let, 1926. Reoord of paid warrants returned to Comptroller, prior to Dao. let, 1926. Commissioner of Finance duplicate miscellaneous receipts, prior to Deo. I. 1928. Liquor license receipts and water Board receipts prior to Deoember let, 1926. Duplicate audited claim records, prior to Dec, let, 1926. Cash book records, prior to 1920. Duplicate special assessment receipts prior to 1921. Duplicate sewer connection receipts, prior to Dec. let, 1926. Old customers' ledgers, 1913 to 1922. All oertificates recorded therein redeemed prior to 1922. Cancelled checks used for redemption of participating oertifi— oates, purchase of inveetmenta, etc. 1913 to Dec. 1, 1926. COUNCILMEN e S�s_ Neye Adopted by the Council ........._.193._... McDoae Rosen Truax Mayor Wearel M,: Preeident Maho.ey 94348 CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF TME CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ­GE ERAL FORM Vouchers supporting said checks, prior to Dec. 1st, 1936. Canoelled interest check. and stub. of interest oheoke, 1913 to Dec. is 1936. Signature cards for bonds redeemed, 1913 to Deo. let, 1936. Duplicate daily deposit slips, bank pass books and bank state- ments, 1913 to Dec. 1, 1936. Duplicates of old participating certificates, $51601 to 700 to=Oi �this data destroyed bto y Co93rile6. ($89505r)01 d 1Yloatee prior 9 COUNCILMEN Yeas Neye �onald ` Truax -Yh®eF .. n..-Asninet /Mr. vi.. P"" Adopwd by the Caun6L__..HQV 22 19.il. 193... ti 22 _ App cued - -. -_.. 193.. CITY OF ST. PA L�: C''};4"'SC ..-__. _......._. OFFICE OF THE CITY WsenWcv ` e,ie. X ! -0, 1- nirgnLCwommlw on. dWeb i i• \. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN! Obe3W Wi 'iet ....... . •. �`-6o`m° `omea_ _. o * Hnvember 22md,1932. RESOLVED Oscar Claussen, formerly Commissioner of Public Works and City Engineer of the City of St. PaulA died at his home 469 Laurel Ave., Wednesday morning, October, 26th, 1932. He was active on the streets of 6t. Paul to the last day even to attending a social function on the evening before his desth. He was born at Terre Haute, Indiana, December 2nd, 1660, and received his engineering education at Zurich, Switzerland. Mr.Claussen was one of the outstanding Engineers of this Northwest region. His skill is reflected in many engineering works for which he was the designer and cons tauctor. He built electric light and power plants and electric street ♦ailway lines all over the North, at He was Consulting Engineer for the Mississippi River ridge at Hastings, Minnesota and designed the-spiral approac to that structure, a simple old effective solution of a grade problem when horse drawn vehicles were used. OAs Commissioner of Public 'corks and as Chief Engineer of the ('ity of St. Paul through a period of years, he established standards of engineering construction nww displayed in the pby sical development of the city• He had a wide acquaintance and was loved by his Friends and associates. His character was sympathic and continuous in its loyalty. Whereas, Mr. Oscar Claussen has served the City of St. Paul diligently and faithfully as a public official, we wish to here record our esteem of his character, ability and accomplishments. We grieve because of his passing and express to the members % of his family our sympathy in their bereavement. Resolved By the Council of the City of St. Paul, that this statement be spread upon the official ., records of the Council and an engrossed copy thereof be sent to his widow and daughters. i OUNCILMEN NQS 1 �� log•) Yeas Nay Adopted by the Co—il..._ Wray McDonald Y 2 Q Pearce n_.. _... In favor Approved_...._....................._._.-..._.193._._ It.— ✓ �A Truaa .........._....._Against w-1 au ,.n Mr. President Mahoney CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT To the Council. Gentlemen: November 21st, 1932. The atteohed resolution relative to the death of Osoar Claussen, former City Engineer, was prepared by Mr. George Herold who was a life -time aesoeiate of Mr. Claueeen. Yours very truly, HJF-MS. Assistant Corporation Counsel. o.in..o...r.. CITY F ST. PAUL ripe NO. 14350 OFFI OF CITY CLERK sio a_. CIL R O UTION—GENERAL FORM IREI is Nov. 2}st _1932.. RESOLVED Whereas, Mrs. P. E. °laherty, is the owner of City of St. Paul Participating Certificate # 185779 for the amount of Eighty Dollar.; Whereas, Said certificate has been lost and said owner has madeapplication for a duplicate to be issued in lieu thereof; and whereas, the said Mrs. P.E. Flaherty has fl led a bond in the sum of One Hundred Sixty D.1lars, or double the amount of said cert if i cats, indemnifying and saving harmless the City of St. Paul from any lose or damage growing out of said lost certificate or the issuance of a new one, and Whereas, Said bond has been approved as to form end execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to surety by Judge Richard D. 0' Brien, of the Listrict Court all Minn sotatfore 1927; thereforehbe iteral Statutes of Resolved, That the proper city officers are author- ized to i.sue to the said Mrs. P. E. Flaherty a duplicate cartif Scats in lieu of the said certificate # 185779 which has been loot or destroyed. --- -- -;7 Lbnald i Pearce Rosen 'yTyru��ax;; Yc REV N' �rroy l X �' Ag�inn M• P—idmr W. 2 H W2 _ Approvcd19 . CITU OF ST. PAUL No.!Aa51 \\ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FORM ... —GENERAL COIJNCIF RE90LlIT10N J RESOLVEo; That the claim of Obarlee A. Bruns, in the a m of $5.25, against the Oity of St. Paul, on account of injury to his automobile, Be a result of falling tree limbs, 000asioned by tree trimming work on the north side of Hamlin Avenue, between Sargent Avenue and Osceola Avenue, on September 210t, 1932, be allowed, and that the proper city officer. are authorised and directed to disburse from the Forestry Revolv- ing Fund of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and public Buildings, the aum of $5.25 to said-lalment, in satisfaction of the said Claim, upon the execution and delivery by said ol.imant to the city of St. Paul of a good and sufficient release in writing, of said claim, the form of such release to be .—loved by the corporation counsel. COUNCILMLN Neys / Y_ t/( /f� onald /Pearce .. -In favor /R.. jT— ._..1.._J _.Against /Mr. " .,. a.n VI., ". nav 2. r,,- J93_ .. Adopted by the Council_. � �-�� Ap ved .. 193..... RV �--y W dl. t. S(( i .. l Ty Cr.}NF ns�. 94352 CITY OF ST. PAUL vu `a NO [/��/J� FILE OF THE CITY CLERK IOU L R60LUTION—ORM xk w WHEREAS, the Retail Department of the Association of Dom— meroe, during the year 1931, conducted a contest, the object of which was to secure an appropriate flag of the city of St. Paul, emblematic of the Oityls numerous advantages, its hibtory and its progressive spirit, and WHEREAS, the winning flag was submitted to the City Plan- ning Hoard, by the organisation conducting the contest, with the reoommendation that the came be adopted by the City, and WHEREAS, the City Planning Board hap reported that the choice •seems to be most eroellent and appropriate•, end the Planning Board further ezpree sed its belief that ea official flaghas an advertising value for the City and that the partio- .ar flag submitted would be very effective, now therefore be It RESOLVED, that the aocompeaying flag be and the same Se hereby adopted and approved ae the official flag oY the 01ty of Rt. Paul, end the City Clerk Se Saetruoted to retain the original, together with the attached correspondence, setting forth the symbolical meaning of the various colors and figures on said flag. i COUNCILMEN Y.. /NAye Donald) /I' arcs .._._la favor /$seen Agoinet Fenaei- _ en �i: ee�ie7 tust.m amntm- ase . .aloe tae the mb no rsleifnular Ara runmlttea o IEn Ee tven .rtenN�e. van tnaro[nro Mol 9tB°smti� • Ee�CM� t ac a�F�nvto �°m oaial�n uta nln•sit �a„eaortM1v a nm o flNAp —d �roo. SLv1013 Nev.lii. LeS. (Nov. Se-19ii1 Adopted by t A proved _. _._.163..... .. Mayor o 4353F 9Ho4_ r� COUNCIL RESOLUTION IR i ITER ]SPpIY. MI��Ay(�p ryH No¢• 21. ➢tlpe�ty�"� y1 FI RM�eI qi �1tY ]MeYb"6b�� 1 89IF RI. RESOLN . I ? �N.xIN ON THE CITY dT�iRaEASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF g a >e '° IQ�--;0601COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. All—o R. THE CNOV 2J 1932 orrice or TNr corARrwou.ew .�,. NO...._ .............._.___--. Dul¢Iunw—wou CA" COUNCIL edOLVTION AUDITED CLAIMS ---- 107. 2 2 1012 ADOR�.r,wamOw��� — --- i wuRw IN FAVOR OF TOTAL ar uxa c�acwa 1ROUG111ORWARD cwacio 482 658 34 • 10478. David Bashefkin 32 00 36 10 10479 9. J. Hack Co. 94 10480 '.m. P. Thsll 69994 94 warcrescent orey 00. 4 30 0422 ' ores oant oil Go. . 1p Publishing 00. 'IJbsYarklDalgls 08 1 84 eh 65 26 ,10485 .,Adam Decker Hardware 32 10486 Demoo Library Supplies 30 1 ,Devoe & Reynolds 00. Ino. 10 00 10488 A. H. Dick 00. 10489 District State Boller ICON 10490 Ditto Inc. �5 08 10491 Dlt Laundry Co. 10492'. Zlv&Ten Paint Supply oo. 93!05 1043 Farwell oamun Kirk & 00. 153 79 374 10494 ,Tarvell onsun Kirk & Co. 10492g H. W. Fisher 00. O1 of J. Fitzgerald 4I 10498 J. 20 00 ^ 1050 497 Flasher So -too 60. 10498 J., 0. Frank A gone Publishers 200 10499 Chas. Friend & Son Inc. 41 40 '90 X10500 H. L Fuller Co. 21 7 39 10501 Cason pater 00. 65 10502 Garland Luggage Shop 3050 farlodt Paoksag Co. 2 O1 1050 L, Geiger 3 57 71 41050p55 General Electric supply Corp. 1050b General Tractor & Yquipment 0 „ 10507 Generator Specialty Cc. 245 64 64 3 10508 ,Gering supply Co. 1Cj09 J. J. Gillen Abstract Clerk 2 555000 10510 Globe Ticket Co. 1 14 60 10511 .Berman Goldberger Agency 14 27 10512 '�Ggodrlah bilvertoen Inc. 10513 Gopher Carriage &Toy Aorta j 50 'Gopher Stamp & Die 00. .10514 & Co. as 52 1 R. L. Gould 10516 Chemical 00. 98 �Graseeul blsohsng Co. 61 96 10517 arggg 110518 Grtm}oll CO. I04 09 55665 •.10519 'Griswold Signal Co. 10520 Grossman Instrument works. 4 1 21 Gruber Auto Fleotrio 00. ",10522 Haag Roofing Co. 41 176 3 3 Jos. e. J. Hees Mfg. Oo. 70 196 1052]3 130524 (Quincy A. Real 0 0 146 10525 ';Rarcourt Brace & Co. 9g 10526 P. R. L. Hardenbergb Co. 4 7g �0 10527 ,Haughton tasvator & mach. CO. 10528 'Hermann & Hummel Inc. Co. ',10529, Highland Spring !10530 !!Highway Trailer Co. 26';40 °10531 F. T. Hildred Co. 12 25 1 55 10532 Holt motor 00. II 1 P ,wee.ro,A— RWARD 48s 787 96 k • ourScu_ ew�.ou u ' 1—o. Tae coNm+oLL.s NO. CO.m01L II..OLYx10M AUDITED CLAIMS ----- Nov. I%-- "Ji 0V 22 10q� — TOTAL ..w 7 IN FAVOR OF cwKws ma^" wvw i cw.cw ._� —U— 4855 787 961 1053 Milton Rosen, Oom. of Tinanoe _, • 9 3a6 6o 1 3s a2 . . . 1053 1053 1D. S. Orl.piao 356 u 90 674 05 10537 '!L. P. 0eri.ober 04 10538 <E.gle Leandry 00. z6 40 i�39 Thomne J. Ashton 'Lloyd 2 4400 Peterson 10541 Milton Rosen. Com. of Tina oe 1 120 9E 638 01 10542 3 .1054 50–H–Lo. Go. 1054 Milton Rosen, Oom. of Finenoe 155 W 14 0940 6- 105';Thornton eros, Oo. 75 1054 H.rzis Brothers Plbgg. 0o. Welfare 6 679 l'BoarT. of Pubfenni gio 1 -.105748 216 29 .10549 ;Hersohlsr 0.nd7 Go. Ino. 9 I --T— .—AR. 153L 657 714� m 0 E. T. Boughton 90 Houghton Mifflin Oo. R. X Hulme 00. jlluminatipg„ffiglaeeriag Boo. Il fndependeat 4as Co. Japanese Palace Junior Literary Guild Inc. Joy Brothers Motor Oar 00. Iaradio Corporation lee Lo= Mfg CO. %euffel A laser Om. Lliae �e Hey Bhop Laapland Lumber Co. Leda Institute Liggett Myers Tobawo 00. R. J. Lilly Co. Loose Hiles Bleoult.00. Los Angeles Public Library r Milton Rosen. Com. of Tinaaa Board of water Oommmiseioaeri R. T. Coodrioh Comptroller John H. Mo Donald, 0om. P.B. Clyde R. May, C. of Pub. Dtl, Irving C. Pearoe, 0. Iduos. s Milton Rosea, Custodian Trod M. TruaR.C.Pke. Ply -P -B ■easel. 0. of Pub. I'll Milton Rosen, Cos. Of Tinanl 12 6 108 32 9 36 1 54 12 86 22 5 2 i 500 11853 ooI49 4185, 28 49'51 240 771 1991 2 Doe 36 53 19 4 00199 28 934 68 3 3083 60 4 40055 36 3 2 7 44320' 14 2 44a 69 16s.85 4H5 12 361, 7i 919'65 1 7112 18l80 al 7199 4E 1g9 9'. 345.1E i 913 4e 13 622 oc 5, 053 o1 1635 199 �4f mrm w n __NO_. COUNCIL 10111OWT10N AUDITED CLAIMS 22 1"1" IN FAVOR OF TOTAL o.n E. T. Boughton 90 Houghton Mifflin Oo. R. X Hulme 00. jlluminatipg„ffiglaeeriag Boo. Il fndependeat 4as Co. Japanese Palace Junior Literary Guild Inc. Joy Brothers Motor Oar 00. Iaradio Corporation lee Lo= Mfg CO. %euffel A laser Om. Lliae �e Hey Bhop Laapland Lumber Co. Leda Institute Liggett Myers Tobawo 00. R. J. Lilly Co. Loose Hiles Bleoult.00. Los Angeles Public Library r Milton Rosen. Com. of Tinaaa Board of water Oommmiseioaeri R. T. Coodrioh Comptroller John H. Mo Donald, 0om. P.B. Clyde R. May, C. of Pub. Dtl, Irving C. Pearoe, 0. Iduos. s Milton Rosea, Custodian Trod M. TruaR.C.Pke. Ply -P -B ■easel. 0. of Pub. I'll Milton Rosen, Cos. Of Tinanl 12 6 108 32 9 36 1 54 12 86 22 5 2 i 500 11853 ooI49 4185, 28 49'51 240 771 1991 2 Doe 36 53 19 4 00199 28 934 68 3 3083 60 4 40055 36 3 2 7 44320' 14 2 44a 69 16s.85 4H5 12 361, 7i 919'65 1 7112 18l80 al 7199 4E 1g9 9'. 345.1E i 913 4e 13 622 oc 5, 053 o1 1635 199 �4f to �S File N1 .........._.9.435 7 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uvdarsigued hereby propeaee the making of thafo8owiug public improvement by the City of 8t. Paul, via.: cong�xucSinE e_sew..er.._ea Clamwc..e_stT.e.Bt_f%om_P;clflc . ..__....__..__. _._6tgeet to _s_.point 3Q.._feeG 9puth_of. W¢kefi eld Avenue. _........... ...._..... ... ......._...._._.. . Dated this ..day of ei Pmo"� m•$� PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written propoml for the making of the following improvement, vu.: Constructing_..e _sewer on Clarence Street from Pacific_ ._S.Lxeat_to._a.&aiaG_3Q_.Yaat..soath oS_Plakafleld..nvemRa _ __._._._.___.... having bee. preee.ted to the Council of the City of 8t. Paul .___.._....___....___.......... ... _.._............................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Com.dssiover of Public Works ba and is hereby ordered aed directed: I. To i.vastigate the vecemity for, or desirability of, the m.king of said improvement. 2. To inveetipte the eature, """t sod estimated coat me of aid improvement, -d the total eoet thereof. 3. To t.rvieh aPlev, profile or aketuh of said improvement 4. To state whether orno, said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or niers owveu y�'',',,q', 5. To report upon all of the f'—',g nutters to the Commissioner of Fina... ✓" Adopted by the Council. Yale Nen uarrg�e► CouncilmaTl".. t'.a_RyJs• MCDowana Peeace Rasax P'- wsnzal //�/ �� r.� v a u— MmardVi" 1-' llflLI:Ng 943)5_1 a -- COUNCIL FILE NO._ of ---------------------------------------------- 1�d 111-1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ---If that -2n't Of - lot -lo ---- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order___________ 9M9b ------------------ pp ... ed ... Q,_t,_7.__j232 ................ The CmucH of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ,b..e improvement, and having considered mid report, hereby rv,olves: 1.That the said report and the same,jil hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is heathy ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends said - — ----------------------------------------------------- ,ith no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ------- Resolved Further, That , public besting be had on said improvement on the ----- Mth ---------- day of IhLQ ` IL'IK.-L90 ------------ vw-_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court H= and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pan!. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the F—o- and in the c-nne, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature o the imp .... ment and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- ------ 192---- _t ------------ Approved ----------- - -- ___192___ �Ik .w6r. �Councilmare� Al, n.1d PTTI'TqirPn �C uncilmanSUCEW-W2 P,—, I iCOuttalremseffatiffututf—s C..neih­vs.Gdftdn Form 14 B. S. A78.6 94358 COUNCIL FILE NO__ -a. By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I, the Matt, of -- St. ------------------------------------------------- ---- -- --- ---- - --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------ ----- ,mde, Preliminary Order______________ 2AO5 --------------- pp—ed October_ 13-1 32---__________ The ? ------------- The Council of the City If Paul d having r received the cpmt of the Commissioner If Finance upon the ,b..e improvement, and having considered report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby approved and adopted. ..d the -,id improvement i. hereby .,dI,Id to be proceeded with. Z That the nature of the improvement which the Council --meml. 93ttmd width of_ 33 feat from I—d'I-St._ -- to the ---- It lien, --------------------- lin, of- ym i.h -1—PL-11al-i-th - -A -312.2 th -f— -2jj. Strqq�t, with no Atemati,es, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $54.0(1_________ R 524L--------- R ... I,cd Further, That , public hearing be had em said improvement on th ------ 2alL --------- day of D. t'-102, T -Q ---------- = — at the hour of 10 'clock A. M., in the Council CCourtbe, of the C,, and City Hall Building in th City of St. Paul. That te C.meniuigivec, of Finance give notice of said meeting to the r,,ns and in the ma,.,, provided by the Ch—, stating the time and piece of hearing, the ,mr, Fth, improvement and the total —t thereof ae estimated. Adopted by the Cmmcil ...... ICLV-M2-40 ----- 192____ / ��� � �/ �.., rrQ� ///��}///_______ _..F, _"'_cif=c_2 92---- -- _.r____________ Approved ------------- App—ed ------------____"_ _2_"_____792___Clerk. Councilman gjag6,t$, Cmmei manFLw,i-,f-n C.... M71 Vice Pre. 8 For. B. S. A. -6 F 94359 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ .... . By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matte, ---- ct— -th— —Lh. -1 i— _nf- 3nt ---- ---------- --------------- ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Pt,lhni—y Otder --- — ------ Ug2± -------------- — -- ppt--d---------------- The Council of the Ci L.ilngP.� W - received �id the p,� Commissioner theCommissCommissioneri, I Finance upon the above improvement, and naid—avid ,d herebyresolve.: 1. That the a.id=,d d the ..., I, he "c ,y pp— - d and d,ptd, and the id improvement to hereby ordered t, be with. 2. That the .—, of the imp—,.— which the Council ---& il - — -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,ith no altemativea, and that the estimated coat thereof i, $-,IL --------- R—I-d Further, The', public hearing b, had on said improvement.. the ----- -----____day f fb,—b--I9ZZ ------- 02—, at the h— of 10 .',hxk A. M., in the C-61 Cb..b,t of the C... H... and City Hall Building in the Ci%.*fS.l provided -1. That be CCommissioner'Commissioner'Commissioner'I Finance give .ti,, f said meeting to the "., provided by the Chstating the time and plate f hearing, the —te pe ons — m,,m,,t and the total cost thereof as estimated. NOV?? Adopted by the Council___________192---- z4 App .... d -------------- 11�6tClerk. C ... tilmanwm---Vr mlMantd C man C .. Form B. S. 94360 r , �mm.n omsr atue, n COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- In By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY _________________________________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__rrflAla;_Al1eY_in_B7Jt9k_2�_1v_hn_v�rdeg_Ad _iti p_fros_Frederinka___ Av_Jlua_o _Pal ryiew Avanu_--------------------- ---- ____ _ under Preliminary Order__ ---- 9311b___________________approved ----- The ___ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having wmidered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby'mdered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends _in______ 87oo1�2r-Jdrn_Csardaxc AddlSSan.lnardys..edaricka_Acomts to ------ ------------- --- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $749th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be bad on said improvement on the_____ Z�h---------- day of Deo gLtber,_LU2__________,'PV_� __, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of SL Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of id meeting to the p so and in themourner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the natwe of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_MV $$_______, 192____ ,. ---------------- Approved--------'4---- 192 --- City Clerk. Y— cnmraman�.» _ Cnnndlm i1W&msldr. i,Si.1511Lu- Conneilmand6wlpm.aiast l,•-..ne Councils an .11NOWo¢-sa 1, Mr. v7ce Prop. N_.. Form B. S. A. M COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By O--------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter -------- - ------ ----- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- midii, Pi-slion—ty Order --------- 9A -U7 -------------------approved --- ----------- The C .... if of the City of Peol having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .b— improvement, and having ,considered said report, hereby reiml-ii; 1 That the said . report and the s,me is hereby approved and adopted, ..d the said map—'aneii, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the mitine of the improvement which the Council ramend, ------------------------ _prjnt f -t. rtt—hed s________________ with to ii1tri-rati—, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-UQQ --------- Reimlved Farther, That a public hearing be had an said improvement on the ------ 20111 --------- day of -ne—aib--1932 -------- 19&a=, at the hour of 10 ',i -k A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Covet If— and City Hall B,ildig in the City of St. Pan]. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of �aid meeting to the persons and in the nommi, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, he mature of the improvement d the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___ - q2M-a= ------ 192---- App—ed ---------- -- - -- ----ity Clerk. --- --- Yor. Councilman v' i I?UBLISHED-Jj --'—L C.—ilinanqW406dM" 5� CounarestaRvap"� Counci man Mr. Bvi.s P... Form . S. A. 8.6 94362 P. COUNCIL FILE NO.__ *r. •nr .•.-�� By O---By ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDLARY ORDER In the Mat— If --- - — --------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,,d,r Preliminary Order4 ---- 2A112L ----------- — --------- pp—cd ' .-;raZ -------------- The Council of the City of Paul having reccived the report of the Commission,, of Finance upon the .b—c imp—eneq, and having comid ... d aid Wort, hereby resolves: 1. That the said r"— and the -cce i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the --c of the improvement which the Council ---& ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ----------------------------------------------------- 0 ---------------------------------- wilh .o alternatives, and that the —i—ed cost thereof is $--6L2.12 Resolved F.nh,,, That , public hearing ing be had on said improvement on tb ------- zQt ----------- day of ------- 92t�_ at the h— of 10 .'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to he reta ... and improvementand he in he manner pm,.�Jed by the Ch,,t,,, stating the time and place of he—g, the -- I the improvement 1.1.1 cost thereof .. —i—ed. Adopted by the Co... —22-1 =- ------ 192---- - -------------- App—ed ------- ----- 192 ......ily Clerk. .. ......... . ....... .... M.Ordr. Councilmania Council C .. camanfjloftwjme k__ Mr. Vic mr— F— B. S. A. 9-6 W363 COUNCIL FILE NO__ aware nvvrov.e at, u, aur. ------------ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__­cLmaoini;-­,L --- ---------------------- --- -- -------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ ------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- order Preliminary Orde ---- ----2jjl�k9 --------------------- ppr—ed --- 9LL2tf�n-2;-1°32____________ The 32----------- The Council of the City of Paul b,,ig received the report of the Commissioner f Finance pm, the ,bo- imp—ept, and havig considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ?. That the nature of the improvement which the Council ecommends is --- the _'ills_____________________________________ _________________________ _________ _________ ___t}a cuts and the shad ad portions shori zy t::a with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is -------- Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- 20th. ---------- day of mnb�,ISZ2 ------ w at the hoof 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the C.— ii.�:'and City Hall Building in the City of St P-1. That the Commission,, of Finance give notice of said'acting to the persons ad in the ... , provided by the Charter, rating the time and place of hearing, the nature of ge nsp- .— and ' total cost thereof as estimated. WOVre 2 2 In? Adopted by the Council_______________________, 192---- ------------ 57 Appn—d ----------- ---..... �tyClerk 2 - -- C ... cilommfiWpjjL_ 6---" C.u.�. C.0 cii 94364 ..... .F.- .e.. .e..n o<a.r ..a a.var,r� u . r.,e� er.e COUNCIL FILE NO _____ ''^°°jve° t uvuu m• •+ -'-'-'-- - Pr ee Tnenee INTERMEDIARY ORDER rn the Matter of__ s sewer on Butternut Avenue fror, Bm Street to a .pninLlOS_Scat_scutlntantnYly_ot9eY-HtLH_i.______ ----- ________ under Preliminary Order _____@Mfi----------------------- approved ___ September 21— 193E The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the aboveimprovement, and having considered said report. hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the millf is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. - 2. That the nature o{ the improvement which the Council recommends is__49n4t11L �.%_ sevrer_ on ,..... t - AUtSASA11iAY9ALl9_CSN¢_@aY__SSSeet_t9 a_point 307 _feet _southr_reaterly of_Hfl�-Street ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-=A3 ?J1______ - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on mid improvement on the______2gh ________day of HQogmber. 1,932 --_------ *Mx--, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the'Commimioner of Finance give notice of mid meeting to the p o and in the r provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the rimprnvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- 192____ Approved --------- !�,��_{yJl.---- 192--- 'ty Clerk. M VW Councilman JXMJVpOa Mrlhmeld Connell nwmqAVP*.%lA� Conndinrsn*WAP839%y Rq — _! CoundlmanIMIMI&MOM Tn --+fwl -- Mr. Viue Prea '4 ,-. Form B. S. A. M \i':a. F. by :3Y LLlhli 94365 COUNCIL FILE NO._------------- By---------------------------------------------- a INTERMEDIARY ORDER I. the Matter — ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- ------------------------------------------- -- ----- ------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ -------- -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ..&, O,d ---------- MUI --------------------- ppt—d --- 1932______________ The Council 11 11, City of Paul having received the reportf the C,mmis,i,— f Finance upon the above i.improimprovement,t.and b-mv, --d—d —dreport, hereby —.1—: -1.-"That tS, said, , pot -t and td�s— i, hereby approved. and adopted, and the said i.In—m— i. hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the n,t,,, of the improvement which the Council t,t.mm,,d, i—.. S -.veth-Strcet-ll- --l" _trent, ---------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof i, it - Resolved Further, That , public b,.H.g b, had on aid improvement .. the_____ 2=h ------ --day of DB ab_1932_____-4 W ----- at the h— of 10 0 clock A. M., in the Council Chamber oR the C... Home and City Hall Building in the City f St P-1. That the C,m.i.,i,., f Finance give —i- I said meeting to the p—n, and . the , man— provided by the Charter, —ting the time and pi— i hearing, the am,, . the improvement and the total —t thereof as estimated. Ad.pted by the %L ------ 192__-- Appm-d ---------- WM-2,2 1w2[___192___ — --rty Clerk. ---------- or. Councilman 9201JWP� M,D—ld Councilman SMUMIMM Councilman JVJjLlWl= Councilman11111§111111pM T - Form B. S. A. 86 94366 COUNCIL FILTNO -------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I. the M,tt,, — ----- - ------- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ----- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- ---- I ------- ----------------------------- ,md, Preliminary Order_____ °SM ------------------------- p,.—d ------------ Th, Council of the City of P—1 having received the -p— of the C—millillt, of Finance upon the .b— improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby pp .... d ..d adopted. and the said improvement i, h—by,d ... d to be proceeded with. Z That the nature of the improvement which the Council m—d, ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- with It —ti—, and that the estimated cost thereof i, Rt..] -d Further, That , public hearing be had on said io,p—tm— on th,----20211 ----------- d.y of ------ Ifig—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., i, the C ... 61 Chamber of the C— H.— and City 11,11 Building i. the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Fm,— give —i- of said meeting to the m, ,d in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time d place of hearing, the nature of ..pro,,m,.t and the total —t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C .... il ....... MOV_2219-V-. 192-- 11!" ---------- App—d-------------1W' I---- ------- r. -------- C... 61—show'— C Countilmav�Isrdsessy '1..,Vic F.— B. S. A. 84 94367 AV esu o COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- '� ""n°iiPu vvvrvv.a occ ,,..: .....vr ei. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___iacorstru ti salge_ne. sa�_:_3, nir e._iueraa:cnsssry �'.:>_�ide- ___lmlkan_thc.AarSheast_siAa. _o S_IlGi6_:.e:Due� Lg�i02i.n:: _65_ Some_rv_ill __nv_muc,_th __ce ___�ast_ta_6_RaiD.t 15Q_J`t._tast_pS ul �ndal=_i Yenua------ _________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Prelimirmry Order_________9AL64___________________approved --- Aat._2d._1:a2_______________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the aboveimprovement, and having a nsidered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__rac trucl:._r:1ny__ ___8IId_:811911Lrv._v11CLC_II.'.L966&p'._}jLfl_6J.tLflYB1]C_Q0.S}lfl_1lpLtil9R,it_6J_de_gf _Qi35_i�vanu g.__ ___begir{=i n.�e_ Sonarpille _._v_anuay thanca_asst_to s_po _nt_ 150_ ft. enat of Gl ondale ____________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ with no altematives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__5E2aQ5_______ Resolved Further, That a public bearing be had on said improvement on the_______ppth-------- day of ___ D9cngbery 19$2 ------ n9m_ at the hour of 10 .'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p c and in the n r pro ided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the timpoovemeot ead the total cost thereof m estimated. Adopted by the CounciLJUy 2.�,.= ���_______, 192____ Approved______________ 7 Z "____192___ �} k_ ____ I City Clerk. ayor. Councilman '• �Im Mcp.,nald Couveif— Councilman 11allow.W K„s ,v Coundlmav _�� Truu< FlliruSitLll IJ_rl ".�a. _ Mt. 'lice Pra= - Form B. S. A. M 94368 COUNCIL FILE NO.__.__.._........._.__....._... By...._..__....._._...___._..........._ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benafits, coat.. _..r. 'xpens es for urbin Thorn Strout, both sides, from. '::erl Strea- to _c. nsterl; terminus oP ?tern Stree', at l.o�nds Per}„ ® I c. o.ne v. nmv*•• t �v rti vh^wl -der Preliminary Order_..__ 91700 _._._. Intermediary Orde .. _919.97......_. _..._._....., Final Order__. __...92200__. — app,.,,d 1932. The assessment of. ban S tsa cost end aspens _ end in ...action with the above mpro,ement having bee. submitted to the Council, end the Co—cil having c ..Meted same and found the said e.seasment eatie[actory, therefor,, be it RESOLVED, Th.t the said assessment be and the same is hereby io all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTIIER, Th.t a public hearing be had o. said assessment - the --23,t _. day of _Ilecec.bet'__.... _...._......., 19.32_, et the hour of 10 o'clock A. NL, i. the Ge—eil Chamber of the Court Il.... end City Yell B.ildi.g, i. the City of St. P-1; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, .s —,r ired by the Ch.,—, stating in slid notice the time s.d place of hearing, the nature of th, improvement, the tot.l coat thereof, end the amount nssemed against the lot or lots of the p.rt -1- owner to whom the notme N dweetd Adopted by the Co- it NOV 221932 j9._. '1 s07 _ 19_. connmlman a'�e UUU Cwae;tmnn yl` I"1e�' Councilman I+""' -u WM. F. Ceeaei�an T— CITY; L! .1 e..� Mr. vice t 94369 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FILING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of__ c:,ndsaui:r_:_o!ax: ,.. �i�2sir_�t_._;_---=aur_^.erossar:_r�r_slep�er outs a Pills, in tn.: _ of Alloy in -loci. lb, C_rru_ Pert; :edr� 4cdit'. on fr --- Irian,,_. t _oar A ., under Preliminary Order ------- °SG9G---------- , a pp roved___ Intermediary Order -------------5 035 ----------- approved --- 0-1119r_12 _1°32-------------- Flml Order ------------------- 16242 ---------- , approved---: ________________ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter m to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said arse went of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ------ 21st ----- day of -------- puce;_bor------------ 19_3=_,atteno'clockA.AL, and that the Com - re on r of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Coual` _______Ili `J •y_ 1992__.______ - City Clerk. Approved______ -__________---- _------ 19__ - ?I.1�„nald yor. Counh" m^ Councilman Hpp°a C1I\Y '11 i• `-`--c+fir+ Councilman sy d7 Cweeihen """"YYY'JJJ 'Y"Mr. Vice Pr, 94370 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING �! THEREON AND FIXING VINE OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAM In the matter of____ c _ad^r._-I---n! - �4to an' fills, '_. i. a<_ ..1 from Victoria 8t. tc t' c000.,mlpr n o v � ei,%vr4��9lHMc under Preliminary Order______ 8" 1b_---_____--_,approved____eRt-,�4it— �_1i32________________ Intermediary Order ----------- 93852 , approved_- S•,, ,c:.u'_ 2B_1932 Final Order -------- ------- 94128_------------ approved --- No_-_.-b-;_r-1,-�5—U---------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easement, therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit, to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same i, hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damage, made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the- __ 21st _ day of ..... Deca_n_ bar ---- ----------- 1932-_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- m„smn r of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of ,aid hearing as prescribed by the Charter. a� Adopted by the Council ------------------------------- __, 18/_/__ ICity Clerk. Approved__.__..___ --------- _____ __ 19---- AraYar.- Councilman�y.-.ate -------------------- 1L_-28.,L- 3 2 Cnoneaman Councilman .. Mr. Vice PrV,7r;7°i ._ 94371 Council File No.-...._...-.___.. By....______.....____...__..__. _....__ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the asses -1 of benoflts, costs end o"ensee for grading alleys Sn Block 9, 1ottock park from Schaffer St. to ➢s; —d Ave., end from north nod south alley to liacaleater Ave., na af111 a � _ 90460._.._.._ Intermedia Order._90677_._,_._-__.. Plnal Order....._.90g89 under Preliminary Order___...._ ry epproved_._Dec.... 10.__......... _......_1931.... A public hearing having been had up— the --It for the above improvement, end eeid assessment holing been further eo-idered by the Council, and having been con.idered fi—lly eetisfaclory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the acid assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same ie hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the ..id assessment be and it u hereby determined to be payable iaequsl installments. NOV Adopted by the Comcil.... NQ�2_...__.__.........__.__....___....19____. _..._.........�'✓I1"i_'`ar—._._ City Clcrk. Approved. m Jg��B CITY OF ST. PATH, OFFICE OF THE COMAIISSIO.NER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment 0—b—, 25 _, 19.3z. In the mutter o[ the esse..meot of benefits,an coats d azpen_ea [or .imt gradi,C alleys in Blo.Y. 9, 1l.tt.ek Perk from Schaffer St. t Bq erd Ave., art^ from north end south alley tc Yacalaster Ave., under P1eli--11 Order 90460,.......... Intermed+arr Order 90677. Finvl Order... 90889 ..pp.....I Dec. 10......... 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Foul: The Cmnm+se+oner of Fit,.... hereby report. 1. the C .... il the following .s a sintement of the —1— ditures necessarily incurred vnd to be incurred for nml in ......tion with the making of the above improve- ment, viz. Cast of Cost of publishing notice E._.._4.2O............... Cost of posing —,b, E..._. o.6A._.____.. T—poctioo Eels _ _ R—_9_.9_Q______ A of enact costs for r.nlir+nation $... _4,20 C.astrvctiun EngSne.'1ng 100.00 Total a ,nditures $f+.}4.14_ Said Commissioner further report. 01,11 he h- assessed .nd levied the total amo..t ve above vscenniaed. to -wit: the snm of $...614.14._... ++pon each and every lot, p— or parcel of land deemed benefited by tb. said imDrov.mevt, and in the ens, of ...h lot, pert or parcel of ls.d in .....d.nc. with the b—flte con- ferred thereon; the the said---hvs been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig nvture of the said Commissioner, end mmlc n part be... f, is the said ....—ant ss completed by blm, end whish is herewith ,ob.i-d to the Cannell far sarh v.tion tthhereon aqs may be e/,nn,id... d proper 4-a.u�✓ ........ r...... v. i. Commissioner of f E'inen.r. 94372 Council File No._..._..__.___..._._..__ --� .tS.r By _.__....... _............ .� ray .rn° uve CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, darn gas, costa and expenses for changing the grade of Van Dyke Ave. from l_,th St. to Autumn St, to Dont rm to the .I.. on the profile hereto attached and made a pert hereof, the present establish- ed trade being shown by a blue line thereon, alsc gradinF Van Dyke Ave. from ljyacinth St, to Autumn St. to the n o osed red line when established, and grading alley in Ii look 1, ilasel Park Division No.ro 5f—re I.nael Ave. to Van Dyke Ave., under Preliminary Order. 90V3., Intermediary Order.._. 90075__.... Final Order..99591 ,pp roved.-XQY.a J -Q. ....___---____19 51 A pabllc hearing having been had open the saga --rent for the above improvement, and said assesers— having been further -rendered by the C.—III, end havivg been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesament be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be e,b.itt,d to the District Court of the County of Bass,, for confirmation_ BE IT FU3R ER RESOLVED, That the said eseesement be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..__.......__..�/.(f_._e4ve1 installments. Adopted by the Comcil..____....._r ft Q : 1M_ ____. __._.19. City Clerk. yyY. Approved_ —...19 / CTzL T rt t ls0 CITY OF IT. PAIL OFFICE OF 171E CO "'ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment 9ntob-' 25 . 19.32 in the matter of the -,ons, of benefits, damnges, costs and expenses for 0. chmging the grade of Vsn Dyke Ave.Prom Hyacinth :;t. to Autunm It. to —of— to the I'd line an the profile heroto attached an.. mstle a part hereof, the present establish- ed grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading Von Dyke Ave. from Ilyacinth St. to Autumn St. to the uroposed red line rrh no established, -no grad!ng olley 1n Stook 1. Hazel Park Division ]Io. 5 from 1level Ave. to Ven Dyke Ave., v under P,eh-1.1y Order.... 90273.... _.. Lt[ermed�nq Order 90675. _.. ... Final Order... 24.891..... epprnr rd ........Nov, 10...._.... ]9.31.. To the Co ... il of the City of SL Pan]: The Commissioner of Fhoon hereby reports to the C .... il the following ss a statement of the 11Pen- ditures necessarily into ... d and to be inrurred for and in conn., tion with the making of the above improve meet, viz. Cost of constrnctino _ _ $.L,1.7E.00_____ Cost of publishing notice $-. _._._4,00._„_,,,,,, Cost of postal cards $..........0,•96____.... Inspection fees _ - $_;2Z,52— Am ... t . 23.52Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 4.80 Construction F.t?gineeriag 220.36 TotalExpenditure,- - %1432.4=_._........ Snid Cissior fosse rther reports thnt he has assessed mol lied the tolnl amount ommneea above aseertnined. to -writ: the anm of $.143$,44_ _,_,,....upon —h end every lot, ,.It or paml of Iaad deemed benefited by the said improvement, and is the ease of ...h lot, pari or parcel of land in accordance with the benefit, con. f .... d thereon; that the said assessment has Leen completed, and that hereto stt.,h,d, identified by the sig mture of the said Commissioner, end mad, a part hereof, is the a,id assessment as completed by him, and which hen with submitted to the Pon ... I for xueh -non�thereonnnss..y be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. 91373 Council File No.... . caet.hieitne�O•iQ� e> � By ��uon.�".tio rew�t ^ e wlaeo CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the. -seesaw cf 1e fi+s, osts end expenses for widening the existing roadway In Snallinr Avenue from G 3—it Ava. to Sit Ave., and paving the widened portions, also repaving the prosent roadway by removing the wood blocks an:' resurfncing the s +stint buss with esoYmlt vSzture, except where asphalt urface in good oondltic, exists, also including ourbing end paving allay and drlve- wey approe.aho s, making s , water and tae o nneoticns from street nein- to pro^arty lines where net already made, and nil other work nee ary and Snoidental to said improvement, H foot roadway and est ra 10 £sot width oa the east side of Snelling Ava. between Grand Ave. and the e11ey north of -­d A re ur£acing the existing r¢adway with asphalt and paving the widend portionrw!th nsphsltson concrete base, under Preliminary Ordor.....SOH14.___..., Intermediary Order.. _. 9114fi___...., Final Order.....9.134I.____.. approved__ S.n?!.e_ 5...... . . ....... . ....19.32... A public hewing having been hod upon the aesosament for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, avd having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be end the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. RE IT FU//RT�H ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it u hereby determined to be payable iv.___..___.L/.....egval installments. NOV Adopted by the C—til.. _ __.. __. _ .19 _ City Clerk. Approved .._... _. .... _..... 19........ _ - Jggg9 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ontnbaL..2fi._._......, 10.2... In the matter of the assessment of benefit., ooet. a.d ..pensee for Thor widening the existing roadway on Snelling Avenue from Grana Ave. to S -1t Ave., and paving the widened portions, also repevin,,, th. present roadway by removinP, the wood blocks and r .rfaoing the e istin� base with acuhalt mixt uta, ....Pt where saphalt urfaoe in good condition n ..Sete, also including —bill nndxpnving alley end drlve- my epproaohen, ma};ing s e water and gee ooartacticnn from street mains to property linea where not already made, and ell other work �.. ear, end incidental to eald improvement, 56 foot roadvmy and extra 10 feat width on tho .sat side of Snelling Ave. between Grand Ave. and the alley north of Grand Ave., ra urfacing the existing r.adrvay with asphalt and v.ving tl.e v,ide—d pariian With ae phelteon eoncreto base, ender Frelimil—y Order........90614........... .Intermediary Order ...91146... Final Order..... 91347 .... ...,prated. San. 5......... 16..32. To the Caunvil of the City of St Fanl: The Commissioner of Finance hereby report. to the Council the following as a statement of the -pen- ditures necessarily Ina erred and to be inch rred far and in conn—it. with the making of the above improve went, viz: Cost o[ conetnict ion _ _ $.61.$37.9O— _... Cost of publishing notice $.,........1.80____._ Coat of posts) cards $__._ 0.36 Curbing 256.65 Inspection fees $__134 74 onstruction EnglneerinR 356.89 C Amount of court costs for confirmation 1.00_ Leealt E" pendltures 7,266.24 illed to Street Rallwny Co. 66 Lae a smn Cdd, '31 'E 1) $3, .......... Said Commiss,oveipurt�craeports that he hes ....seed and levied the t6ta1 .'mount ea .bore ..,art —I, to -wit: [he sum of $ 7.2M.24 apo. e.,h and every lot, part or parcel of I=d deemed benefited by the said improvement, end iu the — of ...h lot, pert or penal of land in .....dense with the benefit, con- ferred thereon; th.t the said vssessment hes been completed, —I that hereto attt,h,d, identified by th, sig- nature of the said Cii—ission.r, sod mad, . ,.it hereof, is the -id assessment .. completed by him, end which is herewith submitted to the t'.—M fur .0 rh tenon thereon ss may be --id,red proper Commissioner o[ Fin.uce. Council File No- By CITY OF ST. 111J, Resolution Ratifying Assessment 94374 In the matter If the I—aree., If benefit', costs and expenses for planting androt"tior, shade trees on both sides of Carroll Ave. between Aldine St- and Wheeler Ave., under Preliminary Order 8a8f), , Intermediary Order.... 8.79.71 Final Older HiAl. A imbfis hearing having been had upon the sessesse,t for the share improvement, and said Iseleament haling be,, further e,maider,d by the Council, and hiving been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the rime is hereby in III repeet, ratified, and the .—I i, hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court If the County If Remaly for I-Iffineltimi. BE IT FURTHER RBSOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined t, be Payable is eq..1 installments Adopted by the Calmed_....._jNGV 23 1-q21 19 City Clerk. 62 App—ed.. CIT}- OF ST, PAUL, OFFICE OF TOF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Ootober...26...... 39..3 2. in the matter of the easessment of benefits, ooets and expenses for 0. planting and protecting shade trees on both aides of Carroll Ave, betmeon Aldine St. and flheeler Ave., under Pnhm'peq Onh•r 4&584..._... Intermediary Order 1 §7971 Final Otder1 8.8226. . al pro, ed .__.Feb, 17 ....... ._._._ 19 31. To the Coancll of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Finance herr by report, to the Coencil the following ss a statement of the —I", diteres ---fly incurred and to be incurred for amt in --tion with the making of the shore improvr- mens, viz: Cost of Cost of publishing notirr E_._.2.55.. .. ... Coat of postal card' $.._.0.51......__..._. Inspection fees $.._._Q.Q.Q...__._.__ Amount of mart costs for confirmation $_..-2.55._...._....._ Total-prnditurcs $.244.41........___.. Said Commissioner farther reports that h, bas assessed and levied the totsl amount ae above sscertained. to -wit: the sum of $204t§l...._._.... ,p- each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and im the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in a,,,tdanee with the benefits ean- famed thereon; that the said as"smnrnt has been c mplotcd, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig nature of the said Commissioner, and made n pat hereof, is the said assessment as c mpletod by him, and which is herewith ,.b.itt,d to the Coanril far sneh cerin thereon as � my be considered proper_ Commissioner of Finance. T 94375 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_ viEes+.tne,_visieninK.-sxtandiag _anlamneatt _rhe_nlla,—blo—ded by Pleasant Ave., Chatsworth St., Randolph St. and Juna St., b� �ondenming and taking the following lands, the south 30 ft. of Int 1 and Let H, Block 1, Bucl:hout'e Re. of Moore's Addition, and addition thereto two trianl;ulcer pieces et' propo rty ma .ring 10 feat west and 10 feet south from northosat a of Lot 22, Blook 1, Cole's sate, of Blooka 1 and 2, and Sub. and F.nlargenent of Bloak 3, and 10 It. ..at anc 10 It. south from the northwest corner of Lot 7, St.., 1, 'd.tsae's 2nd Addition, ocxwa oV'a®��ni under Preliminary Ord er___2i2TN--------------- -PProved---- Augvst_4-1332 ----------------, Intermediary Order_--- ---- 93607--------------- approved__-- S_pter,ber_1.4.1932 ----- ------- Final Order -------- -...... _9.4002 ---- .---- -_--- , approved ---_ October 11,_1932 -------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and —damnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefit, therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed ase ent roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said sam. ant roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. il>� 11Zm1»Qc]3mIs3Se 'i am�meat�ncnadrihssdmQYC dw`rrw,vned i,..m�ahtrz Adopted by the Council ____ ti C_c 22102 -------------- /9, Councilmarorm4g;n Councily� PD cPnnramat�jcneP�la �- Conncil—AMana: Couneilmans ..e1 Mayors J0Ig6 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS , -ND ASSESSMENT OU iii" Ll'ITS In the matterof_op�ning,_vrid LnF, _ex+e„�+!��_amL Lonna_t_ng S}m alley -in hloclt S+lunded by Pleasant Ave., Chatsworth St., 4andolPh St. an Juno St., by conde^ping and taking the following land,, the south 30 ft. of Lot 1 and Lot 8, Bl:ck 1, Buckhout's ;t,. of Moore'spi a ,addition, nd in addition treto hetw1 triangular pi— of property --i or 1C feet west and 10 Is of south Pnortheast o of Lot 22, 111111 1, Cole's3e. of Blocks 1 and 2, s u Sub. and F.nlargeme It of Blockn3, and 10 ft, oast an'. 10 It. south from the northwest oorner of Lot 7, Block 1, 'rlatson', Loi Addition, under Prelimi—Y Order___ 93278 ------- -PProved------ 4u0uet_ !i 1932_________________________ Intermediary Order _______33607------- approved_____ Saptenb-14,_3922-------------------- Flood _____ ___Final Order .............. 94002______, approved_____ October llc 1932 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports' That he has rued and determined the value of the land lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefit, to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commieaioner of Finance. z3 3� il� 37� e�F9 to � n; widen aaIL eztead and connect the allays in block bounded Dy P1 Av0 Chaa0Oofth 9traat.. Randolph 8tseet a� J�ugqat,, et�,yat iq Aegis the, r4 lands Tues aonth s0 teiR'eS let 1. . ask 1, leosbhoaa�� $sarr,sgemaat of 7toosa�• A¢sSd��sio0 ad ihsyvto two triaattullr pi0oes of prypperty ,m0taarl, 10..ts0t test south $rem noith I corner silo$ at-• ash.. del0rs ...'4 at blacks 1,-and a d t{tiydl'v;sion anIL ameat•e, last east:g id1e�eet sOVSA from'thS . at:,eosaer 1._*ateaa[.ib"Saadaa+AA44�en ad; �oyn An .bina pa'!at an oDiaCst B To Awk= ,Aao ASSEgglaea'f. gow cones Pradc Gorda as Dart owner on behalf OY himNlf and his wive as cones, of the above ILasOrSbed real estate sad object to the Pras414141 iggs ae abOv0 entitled and all thereof. SAIL the failure 110 award any deragas •e set forth Sa the report of the (1—desioner of yinanes to' the the gain Coanail, and to oppose the assessment Of 64001115 a! b "LA nit forth. and he claims on behalf of himself and hie wife that their prop0rty wgi be damede4 in an amount firOa619-in, ORW of W4'tens6te iwov4 )y such :improvement, aid states the following reasons and grounds for thei74: objections 1. "at th• Council of the city of St. paul`ww-t a :04e016floa in thaestter. and that said prooesungs have not been, ypoPerly Asad legally oon4aot0d� X. That the valw of said property as roported and d01e101004 in $bass Prossadinas Is unfair and unjust, apd t4l to tste,ths said pre- pa"y,.ander the alleged oondemaatioa proseediage for 16i talaati'on5 so reported walk be 0nlawfal and amatitute a taYine tb�ef w10hoat Oom- pstgetion, tnd in vie]Atrlon of AGO wovisio0e of the tloastitation. am! *",of the ftifjod Suits, a4„" of aw—P O, / >R. Seat the -to 'aUw 40, d~4 at rspoy11A herHaf 15 not fair and lapartiale'bar 411'Ch1 Oappseps U taking WOVO tJ:.that has a reeaonable market value, viftwat allowing an7thind therefor. e. That the proviaion5 of the charter of the City of St. Peel relating to the taking of property for public use, under whlah pro- vieions these proceedings are instituted, violate the yourteenth pandment to the Constitution at the paned States and the preel@dilP herein are null and told In that the Bald City is attempting to deprive the owner of his property without ens process of law. b. met the prooeedlage herelh are =11 and Vold in that the said City proposes to use the owner's property forpurposes other than as set forth in the order for oonde®lation. 6. That the owners thereof refcse to abide by said proceedings because of the failure to award any damages for their said property. and to require x%1& owners to oonamt to moh improvement without proper award for damges would 1mpww upon them a heavy sacrifice and lose of. money and. pro Party 7. ms following Is a description of the property owned by the vnd9rsigmed Objector and proposed to be taken by the City In said pro- osedings. Dot ii. Block 1, 001e's Bearraigement of Blocks 1 and k and Subdivision and Snlargemont of Block DatAd Bat. 16. 1988. In tr^ matter of: 0 a len, when ani extend ani eonnec`. the alleys in block bounie3 by ?lessant ive nue, ".hats^rorth. ;treat, 2anio 1ph 'treat ani 'uno street by oondemning ant %king r.e folio^ing land: m_he south 30 feet of lot 1, and lot E, block 1, 7ockhout's 2earrer 7enent of Meore's lIlition ani Sn adii tion thereto t••ro tries snslar pieces oP property mesanring 10 feet ^est ani 10 feet south from northeast oerner cf lot 22, block 1, 7o 1.'s 2earrar;:.emont of bloe'.:s 1 a i n a^: "'-i vision 3n; ?nlar.je^ nt of block 3, ani 10 feet east and 10 at so utF. Cro^ t;. northwest aornnr of lot 7, block 1^ '9a tso' 's Sec 1 All i ti on as si own or. blue ,mint on file 11 :he nit;' .lark's of^ice. OR n::^.IOTTS 10-k:T%'ZD i7n AS3F.SS1'FHl'. '?ow cones Frank Cerga as part owner on behalf of himself ani his wife es owner of the above desoribed real estate and object to the proceed- ings as above entitled ani all thereof, ani the failure to award any I=ages as set forth in the report of the Oommissioner of _rinance to the the said --cil, ani to oppose t::e assessc..nt of benefits as 1.-rein at forth, an,, he claims on be:.ilf of himself ani his wife ttat t`.eir property -mill be iamat;ei in an amount greatly in excess of the benefits derived by such improvement, a", states 1h' folloill� reason.' -1 grounds for their objections: 1. ^`,i Con-,ail of t,,, ;it 7 of 3t. 'sal has no Jori s-i_ctI)n in ti matter, ani that sail 7roceeii :�.� `^.ve not been p_ ,erlr .d legally coni—ted. 2. .hat t_- r3..- of sail _)­oty as _=.:)o:tei an, letermined in 1 .'�1 a. . ar.j.ast,an t. -o ta'., t... said o- >_. u _ter t.. :11 e•t co^.iemnatio-: —cee3_n:-s -or ti e ra_.ations so r rte! _I._. __ .._a a.-...­tit .e i .=dn. :I.: neo_ -'.:t -o_.- ns,.ion, and in violation of t:.e provisi—a o_'tLe Constitution ani Laws of 'nited States, and the 3ta;e of T'innesota- 3. T`at the failure to allow any lamages as reported herein is not Pair an', impartial, but on c ntrary is takln,; property that has a reasonable .^n_:_t value zith—t all—ing anyti_ing therefor. 4. _._t . I,. ,,h c,. a_.cr ,_ _ 7i t. If ,.. _ad P. rel�ti ,o .. .a: i•�., �= pro _>e_ for 1•:blic ise, ander which pro– vi ,ions Y,.a se iro aeedinas sre instituted, violate t, '—rteenth Amendmant to the Constitution Jf ti.a 'Initad ;tales and the proceedings herein are null ani void in t..ac the sail :_ty is atts:gting to leprive the olvner of hie 'Cue ;_obese o= law. 5. That the >roceedin,;s herein are null a :'. voil in timet the saii City proposes to use t..a o•vner's property 'or pnrposes other then as set forth in the orter for conde.mation. o. 'hat the owners thereof refuse to abide by s,11, ?rozeedings because o' t::e failare to O—rd any images "or th�lr sail property, ani to relnire said owners to —n—rt to s.ah improv—ant -e th—t proper ar rd for tanagea -+ooll icpose upon ther a 1.eavy sacrifice an_ loss of money ani property. 7. The .011 o•^in is a la striation o' tt.a property a -,ed b;; the uiriersi,^ad �., ,. eo for and p_u _­ei to be, ,. __c by t:I ;ity in said pro- ceeding, Lot 22, 91o3'r 1, 'ole's-:eerra ve�.sr.t of '{looks 1 and E, an'. S:ibiivision ant nl-gement o: -4Icck 3. Dated "ov. lo, 1532. '' ^ .94376 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__rondemaing_and_Ysking_an-�eaeruent_fnr__t11e__v�p9�.e_sxf_ C.QU,9truct- ing and maintaining a -blic sewer on, under and across the northerly B feet of Lot 9, Block 3, De snoyer Park, fro, Glendale Ave. to the alley in the rear of said lot, also condemning and taking a temporary ea ent for construction purno ses only on a strip of land 5 ft, in tidth on theso,side of the above ent in Lot 9 and on the so utirerly 5 ft. of Lot 8 in said Block 3, De snoyer Parkin under Preliminary Ord er-----_--93201--------- approved ------- Sv1q_2Z t-1332------------- Intermediary Order ------------- 93593 -------- approved__---_ Auv,._ 19U Final Order -------- -------- .___33810 -------- ,approved_______ Qoi_...4_l932---_-_------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the land, or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damage, therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Comeil having duly considered the ,ams, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said sam—ent roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all re,poets ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. i Ado ted by the Council --------------------------------. ---------------------------------------------- City Clerk. Approved ------------------------- 19---- --------------- nrh y Mayon-- Co 1 D ❑ Id Co d n err!- co il anamm.tw — councilman w o—el Mayor® MahnoeY REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of__oondnami.➢g_BDiL teJclne_an_eesament_ for ths_nurpose of_cons _rooting and maintaining a public s iuuler and as ro s the northerly d feet of Lpt 9, Blook 3, Deenoyer, Park, I—GlendaleAve. to thealley in the rear of said In', also o.demning and takinf; a temporary a ant for constrictl purposes only o .strip of lana 5 ft. in width ontho so nth side of the above nn nt in Lot 9 a.d onat::e eoutherly 5 ft. of Lot 0 in said Block 3 , e Dsnoyer Parks, under Preliminary Order_ 93201 --------- approved___ July_27_ 1932___ ______________ Intermediary Order_____ 93543________, approved___ -6-31'1 131 _____ Final Order____________ 93810________, approved___ uct.__4,_ 1932____________________________ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land land, or eesements therein taken and appro- printed for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the east there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. �Atsoner of ---------- (q PETITLa .._.. ,. a. _.,....c. In thettar it g.edin,_; alley in Block ..ween Beverly Ave an' Ds ne St. The undeasigned recddent own rs and r-ents of rsident owner. of ro;erty fronting on t..e a'_1ey in Block 3, Desnoyer Parc, 7,t-,,een Beverly Ave., cn.'.Doene St., c. oris _ng ei>ty oer cent of such reai::ent owners and%.;-ents of -,nn r: and more t -n fifty ner cent of ti -e lineal front. ce on the line of ::oe ^roposed i, Tovement of grading said elley, do respectful -_y cetitisc t— City Council of the City of St. Paul and remonstrate against s it improve ent as provided in Section 243 of the City C:..-rter. The gun- ersigned hrve n., objection to the first plan of i nnrov4ng a, id eiley. This objec.ion is to the sec -ft 'an now ;;en-ing. Name Besi'ence Deccri^tion of Lirea.l Pr-certy feet of J3e3f�*ntage '�d CZ,. 40 3 a /-3_�3-3 s•zr-'.all .. . ST;. TE CF YI::.ESOTA 00' INTY OF B A1:3EY 33 ' B--rttn Eberhard bein first ' v s}eo rn :n^oe es and says that he is ore of t -a persons who signed the foreE of petiton of r •,c - trance and he does hereby' cerci,, "y that erid _�e tl :i or. nae elso si.nedoy the _e rsona '.,ti—se names Pone r th reon. Martin Eberhr.rd 9uhscrib and ewo b dry me tris Join I.�L�C�oS1/✓�^ vco �r. ex A -e, `lny la, 19; 9. .. __ o.u� �^ate ••�` CITY OF ST. PAUL No. q4377 •O1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORMM PR EN oje— �—� afso>® WHEREAS, the AdvisorY City Ball and Court House Building Commission has approved plans and specifications for atone carving in the new building, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council approves of and concurs in the action of the Advisory Commission. Ad n...u.fx. we.lg couel anw• aw�t c.mw.l.w i.... 1Oeo :"-m' in9 o<ieef.i Rn: we � m. coven ra... ff. vhf. a.uf LL 'v woo...ee (N.v. fY-IO�f1 p �L. Adopted by the Couocil.__.....U.--193..... COUNCILMAN Naye Ye. J�{aYApplo"pp r 1rv�^ McDonald �/pearce _I f vor /Truuf .__. _.._...Against j Wenzel Mr. President Mahoney ctlY CITY OF ST. PAUL m", No.......W78 OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION�ENERAL FORM v RESOLVED: that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Guiseppe Masucci, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.40 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the 3rd day of November 1932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agree- ment, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Guiseppe Masuoci the sum of $28.80 out of the Workments Compensation Aoeouat of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including November 17th, 1932. COUNCILMEN Yens Nnye /Mny Ro... / Truox //.._...... Agninet W—d Mr. Preeidmt Meho �I ney OILY ui�ews'd°diciry�em- - addue> Q'i o: ur�°.��r°;°vo�aim e'migebra I 1p��Ye r°i°.i8°i wseurn°wen�wn� I ::oe• i r°wwa° - r°errolne r° ni' Ironr6 Icr or meneu.n•,eor °t i`'"nw°.y� eneama.r er Ne. `wYbR Wd'Ou' a reEr evt ytm er o��eo. oa(o ge werrm:n:°ce°m- d,P u•:et'-- 1 rtw `Non fea.mw.pFSi No::n+e:. °° e' n°v°a ae mao.:at reo... rr, rf�e. Adopted by the C-neil- NOV App�ropved'_ ..___....__ ... __..1�9�3_//g. ". U M ��1 ST. PAUL CLin,:v.. _•. �� HHZHL►S, The oomlltee created b! Ordinance Ho. 7348, approved lovember 19, 1932, coeeist ing of the Hayoi, the Comds- sioner of 2dmoation, the Oomleeioner of rinenoe end th;.0' ty pomptroller, boring r;:*;,-Qed tbat the Areae of the peal yoniaippaal1 Auditor en to the Zor's Committee for the dedioatien of the nee 01ty Hall end Ooart Hones for the evening of December 19, 1932; thst the nee of the Arena be granted to the same Ooesmittee for a hockey Game duxin6 the evening of Deoem- ber 20th; that Stem Hall da Seid An ditorim bs givan to the Same Oo®Sttee for a deuce OII the evening of December 20th; and thea the me of the theater section be grsa*ad to the same oo®ittee tae s oonoezt d+a1 the evening of Decembes 26Yh, wiabove eL cost to beiopen to thejpablic ffrreeof ionsocharge eetardtheito time t Out*. WHEHyAS, the Oe,mall is of the pinion that it is in the pablio interest that the Avdltoilem be so let; therefore, be it =gp;,Tn' that Shoes pests of the Auditorium hereinbefore got Out be or the times set out,, wites+ to the said oommittes fi hoct cost, the Auditorium p so let to be entoethee public without charge. He it yWMM H=SOLM, tbst the 0osolssioaer of ldaoatlon certify to the Oity 00aptroller Tome time prior to July 1, 1933, the cost Of opening, operating, beating, lighting eand cleaninre set Anti- torim for the tines and for the perp prey further that the Comptroller set try in the budget to sent to the 0ooncil in the year 1933, for the year 1934, a em equal to the sum so certified to bin by the Commissioner of Since - tion. Adopted hY the Council...... _ _....._._... _........193..._ App-. . .. ..... ......................193.... M�By�orr�l ted' NOV 2s IQz, COUNCILMEN Nay Yeas May �MeDone d /P .. .._ _._I, In- rce n ... _' Against .0 Wen el .v `. /Me. President Mahoney ......yyyyyy PU11L1Sl SLD Adopted hY the Council...... _ _....._._... _........193..._ App-. . .. ..... ......................193.... M�By�orr�l ted' C—i..i... r. Rneaal Please rote haler, OW of latter fns C.N. Caty, Casual Caalum-a of tbo ealttas as the Asalentlea of is w City Hall and cost Booms. L salmb requeat to mach Tor free ams of tau Audlterls. lC1W udvtee sm as to your tote m sola natter. QR,�2.C21 ($yam C G P I.,' CITY C! HAIR! PAW. WILLIAM MARDIMM YAYCR November 190 1952. Oomissloner 1. C. Foams. Beyartseot or adatim, Saint Paul. Rlonerts. My dear 40suddeionerl At a sseting held yesterd,-y or the Hzeeutive Committee of the Mayor's G twee on the dedim- t1on of the now City Hall and Court goose, • tentative pro- gram ser ndcvtad and the antes of pesssber 19th and 2Cth were selected for the eelebwnttan. Thi- !evolves thn use Of the Aualto- TIM ae follcvsc Monday owning, Decamber 19th, Hu00 P. X. amus for the Iwrsal dedication Snelu6ing a general o ter. taieaent pros. Snadaya Duass�tsr = 2 P. M -e BcoWy sus in the arses- D�11s damleg �n Bus Hall and a concert 1n the theater ssstlon. All of these events are of COUP0e open to the general public and no aasicaion is to be alarged. As this Is distinctly a civic hawtlm and an owea-Son which offers mescal opportunity to bring to saint Paul a mtlm wide recognitlm and the benefits amnesics therelzas, It Is urged that your ocmdttes reoonsand to the 1 that the anditorl;m for the awes -1001 above rationed be made available tmaur the provisions of a re- cently-doptoa ordlmmo whernbd the coat of opening can be mot frem a city appropriation. Will you please give thin your atten- tion and advise ae -eon •n convenient so tbat our comittees am proceed In the aompletion of all arrangernts !or the celebration ae lOMrstand the dates ars available at the bn11ding but, of course, our Plane are slwll a t on approval by the City Cosnotl of the ma of build for this purpose srwi-...tlna *he cont thereof a- provided by the erdtnaeee. Very truly ym". (SSgned) C. W. Cummins. General chairman cwc/"* its Gmmdtta on Dedication ' cin of sr. FAuI OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEnK C UNCIL RESOLUTION —GEN FOM cob DHFR_ *o%'-TE1 Y RESOLVED , that the application of Superior Real Estate Company for Permission to erect and maintain a public garage on Lots Seven (7) and Eight (S), Block Nine (9), Whitney & Smlthts Addition, located on the north aide of Fifth Street between Jackson and Sibley, in hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby author- Szed and instructed to issue a permit therefor, COUNCIJIMEN Y— Nays ZMay ZMaDonald /p __.In favor Rosen Against noel Mr. President Mahoney F. SCOTT, I'fY CSCOT wwe4'" 3� ad a'Im lua �, e ale w,e 1' enr a Pd Adapted by the 0—Iil._._.MDx.. ",... '�... ... 193..... 193_... Mayo, CITY OF SAINT PAUL r"Jul of Mlnna.ou OFFICE OF CIT/ CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT. CI1y Cje ..d C.. -;M1 ..0 d P.9aa•u.n ®o 17overoder 23rd, 19'2. Nr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Bulldih4. Dear Sir: l'na attached _11cotloo of tho ylmerior Real Sstate Compaq}' for permisalon to or -t a public gareF.e on Lots 7 end S, Block f 9, Whitney & Sor Addition s w referred to you today by the Council, for the p roperresolution. Your. very tNly, City Clerk. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on November 23, 1932.1 to the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by unerlor Real Estate Company for permission to erect a public garage on the following describ- ed real estate, situated in Ramsey Councy, Minnesota, to �vit: Lot qand Fiaht (7 & 81 Block Nine (9) Whitney a Smith's Addition, Saint Paul, Minnesota. On the North side of Fifth St. Awa., Between Tcrlreon St. Aue. and Sibley St. 'v- Number St.Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, November 2. 193_j. SPA t.9 & MINNFs07H. aura. bas been . ::d's:r: ince ne ie ::,i'auN,.R':li Ne matter mennmea Ne or printer iv cFergr of the 9t. Paul DlepatcM1, 9�Pt Jerk of publieh'4 gvq a daily --paper, printed and published iv Ne city of St. Paul, to add Rin+ eey County, State or Minn"saw. That he nm knowledgenno( Ne [vggcta vnd knows pe/r� nallyQNat Ne privtedf.. n 10, //'e' /.yO w vP... A—d m hereto etiacheJ, cut troll the �mna y said ne aper, wee Inverted, D published in aeiA newsnnprr.... .. .... tures, end that dl or mid pabBratlaw were made in Ne English Innauvge. TFet said notice was flM inverted. printed and published on .............. . rt� h� e i, 19H and wee Printed av d Pv6- /(1. Ne.... .dvy of.... _ _.... li.hea in sold newsPmer thereafter on .. .... 7........... / �.... Ne... any or ..... ......... Purer wee "f t1ed m e medium d"r "a vh Ne tlt:: viarreeia. rein news ma lean) pobli<vtions ns mnuirrd Fy ee<tions a nd 4 of , 404, Bar tbrt of oRieiel _ on Lawe of MinneaoN, 1921, and that it hue complied with all Ne requirements i It d S end d to -wit tx for mare solute 1 Pme d fi Jin fh d Le f th R t p bl f eatd' the ne y L D t ....... • hu been 'Re .veld pa i N i r n n I orte ton d i Ne Etig rib, iu `J,�B•v+^ •�`v�(r 'r (11 P tram lien le"avvge, red column vna sbrct form n relent m mace to t lee.t W. to the pnae, each cwentY-one and one -q A 1 blira- I .E 1 °"fie 1ev, Dagee, —1, e:ant columnv t0fe"fore (2) Ienued ,icily from n kaon n a ,ict esfabllshed in p pa workmen vnd the necessary mate*ial fm Prepmini nvd �vt^t„p1r `meq 1 kTu 1 tion and —I—d with skilled he Land mi.eeilwF, r` •> •s I__ .r Printing < rwa 19) =d', un to canNin itw-" and andel of entirelm made uP of Damnte, r n t wholly duplicvtina any o nrr nand<atiu". any or either of them. itlmt plate matter nail advertisrmrnte, or (4) Girculnted in n"d arae Inrlyl dcliveredbltoapayi g eub..ibe t-emtmd twe hundred and forty copes r prior [o Ne dntes(tl�flret Publication ...................... publisher or printer in charge of void nrwepmoer haul g k --sledge o[ .�e ..the Nr tecta, filed in he vRice of the ounnm aan�d lorntivni ofeeeid ,twspaper and Ne then Ired of Minnceotn, vn nRidavit shawinit Der m re ezts[enee of conditions constit"t,na its FnnIS snionnlvweao[ MlnneeoN, 1921. 9a 2, and set forty n ertipn 3 or chapter 1 copy of the lower Iphabet from A m Thittth" rnllovina is a pante din the compodllen, pdnNng and pub both Inclusive, of the size and kind or lypr use Iicatian of avid legal vdvcrtiscmcn� here,�nlo nthrched, viz: -b- nrtia"t with n w- 111-t N ^nRidevit is made Paraumt to set obi Minncaoln, 1921, " mended to Cmpany [ enaplcr d04, Session I,nwa (or Dubtication in said newspvPer of Ne nforcani Li ad 8ubecribed vnd sworn to bcfme me this... / Ne clic, eY County, mhw.om. y..m telt. 5`' ............ My Co ezpi Not _ ' our. b+y coo crate ox MINNE6QTW- G (! �!1.( befne dd9 mom. dNo.0 ' ' I 11 the tim M1ercir,vfter mentioned hex beev s e d says Nvt ha naa le end Jvnng a gt Pavl Plenear lark of Ne publisher or printer h. Preu, a daily newspaper, pnnte -dpublished in Ne cid t¢aul, iv dd Eam- e➢ Cvonly, state or Minna - PdRe f the fv d pvl. rf'6:`:f.Qttn.:4a"l.yTh((u ..... hereto ottvehrd, [tram the <rlum,n/s o! sold newspaper, was Inserted, �(/.AD times, end that ell ofd Ilmtlou publieM1ed In void newanvnrr.....' were mode In Ne Enelleh language. J t-1 That said notice was fire,y pnnted —d published on............ �inserte�d, printed avd pvb- Ilenea m area neweparer Nemarnr ... Ne.. ....dsy vf.. ..... p.Pm wu quvllfled u e medium That dunnR all the times nrorr.vid, svid news 9 d 4 of ehepter 48d, ger of o81cie1 and IrRvl publirnlirne n, r�quirrd FY sec ,ono Net Ne requl elon Lowe of MinneuN, 1921, vnd that it hoe complied withnall ° tfm Irgvl new,ppper ns defined in seiJ sections 9 nd 4, trwlt: Not fm mom an Wd c sUtute a than one year Inst t from lh date of the P t p bl cation of ....... °xTiiyTFo ^+� °L 4 Id new Po r hoe beev PP In En Ne J f m th I i rN N br reeved gg-- d h f h h g p L 1 Paee N t lent Ight 1°nR. olum rl p F ry d onequarter Inches Ib ld-Iy knvxn ort,c bl abed In End t Iwved tram a NUS Pre nB tion and rgvipped with akillrJ workmen enl,e neceeury ma i:;at pM lam' e t �d mieealLny. privtine 9,v Mvde un to <onGln Rrblirniti�osnd 1°anl ,¢entirely made uP of Wtente, t '&`sax u m •�e." S.vr w""•, •. n. n t wooly aaMiev any mhrr w aim or e aaverti.rmrnm, or oeaNnt of "y "I 1eA.t piste m(4Nr and d Cir<vtnted in vnA near 'ts 1pl dellvcredhto yeym6 .b—lb—m tee° yr y two hundred end forty copies poor N the ante et n° noni■or sold .... ...................... ........................ ........... ...................... ........._thr Publlshrr or Printer in cb ergs odiiurdo( efa ➢or ty o! g'o^w°By °Nt° end Ne pr the sun Y °anJ Ne f9Me, film in he ort,<e location o[ add newxpvper ar MlnnceoN, vn eaiaavit xhowinR toe na 1'@cations u ti. leRel newapePer u mqumed tszt. <pn.1 rxmNnre pf <nnauirn, hm pt and vet !oM m errtion 3 v! chaptmd copy of thr bier evMsepnlphabet [ram A N Z, i, a end pub- Thnt the tollwvinR ,'tints ypr uvM in the comppei[lon, Printing Incluelve, of the sloe and kmd of t boN IlcvUan o[ avid legd advertiscm,nMt her Annto attached, vrz: -- uv vectlov 4 evv¢ that aRi Ne bill Further ortivnt with not l�ldrZ9 dvietintended n➢ of �heyyter 484, Session Lows Minnuolr, ore d Iegol adve emen6 }or Publiulion in snid nrvsPv 1P / �: Y N 9ubeerlbed and sworn to before mr this .... _. .....NONq `... c F ...9 Wlyr MlnveeoK C. i RRlCiT, MS commidar`xplrea . L .�'.....: ^''lam' ro tet ---- _ 941381 RY�n��Rr�." �rrra.Yw...YL omu or Twc coMrtwoucw CO1MCL NO. COYMCILM� .ru 41 ........ --- ..- ------ COUNCIL RteLYTICN AUDITED CLAIM� 23 1-42 rw.r Rs.o D scw� waL ,--- .R,.,m.r,w.�rw� m.Ma .n'.e'olm�lc tip egiiW S '.10602 �Oharles K. Mulliken 10603 "0. L. Stoffel .10604 'Hilton Rosen, Com. of Tine 10605 Edward R. Lackey 110606 'Yrs. Nary Rielly Christy : '0607 ' Catherine N. Claugherty, G 6 Joas 10609 DeliaLennon Brown 30610 Ann Wagner PeiteOh 10611 .;Mrs. Hannah Peter eon 10612 'John H. Fahey '!1061] Zlfrida Soderberg 10614 Highland Park Community at 10615 °John S. Mullen 10616 Standard 011 00. 10617 Creat Northern Rallway 00. 10618abe Realty Co. J0619 H. O. Yo Cali 10620 H. Kreta Realty 00. 10621 {Davis-Lagerman Agents :106222332 :Westinghouse Kleotric Sup. '10 24 Milton Rosen, 0.m. of Fine 1i10625 ' 1062 ' : 10627 10628 110629 Board of Water Commiseione .,,:10630 SanitaryFdStenographic, Bureau 10632 'I Farwell am= Kirk 8 On. lo633 Grinnell 00. Ino. 10634 ,Elsa Y. Obat no 10635 S. 0. Ringwald 10636 white Eagle011 Corp. 10637 NOOrsw Hill Book 00. 10636 .,McKesson -8t. Paul Drug8 Co. 10639 iXaok Injerntl. Truck Corp. 10640 Rax 1. Maisel 10643; Malmon Motor Do. • 10642 Marchant Calculating Yaoh1 10643 John Nauru@ 10644 'Malady Paper On. 10645 -8 D. Yeuing X46 Midwest Ohaaioal Co. Ino. '10647 Midway Supply 00. 1064a Ypl e.St.Psul,Saulte Ste. 1 110649 :Hinneeots News Do. P10650 E. A. Moeller 00- ;20651 Monroe Calculating NaOh. 1 10652 Motor Power K4uipment 00. 10654 5 6653 'Hall. Battery Broadoastini 4 National Biscuit 00. 10655 National Bushing a Part. 10656 National Lead Co. 10657 Northern state. Power co. TOTAL 65 653 01 535 195 24 10 00 7 00 Ice 103 06 40 00 2700 1, 40 00 40 DO 28 28 40 00 24 92 12 67 2880 tro a 00 40 0770 660 6 1 9455 00 136 11 2784 00 002 569 2 Co Asgn. 22750 toe 7 93a 92 10 149 93 9�i356 192 5 re 95 01 11 83 80 42 19 1 08 05 262 40 350 00 1 091 30 45 10, '.99 4 '00 62 78 as o. #A is A 183CIO 35 1 '10 3 50 ari By. �71 86 26 00 0. 12 00 32 10 Oo 5 00 42 04 o. no. 22 36 135 82 237 39 1 66o 95 76 330 54 662 572 05, r oma IF re. NO....... .941382--. CLAIMS �mw,�oLl ,' COUNCIL amf I — .VwY AUDITED GLAIMS11fil - �0-='' =�-•-- '--� .. m.. a. 2 5 lm9 "1",..:.a... .:..6 330,1662 572 05 • 10659 en, Track Hartman 8 Ticen0s Milton Rosen. o, 61 61 8.00 1 9 0 7 1066 " 3098 48 00 Co.Co.•or '10662 National meter" National safe Protector co. 18 .10663 '.10(6�54 National Sob .01 Equipment Oo. 6.Os. 00001 134162 10666 Nicole Dean Grefg 5 10667Northern Auto Electric Co. 42 311� 10668 Northern Jobbing 00. 429 66 } 10669 '!Northern States Power Go. 10670 5Z4 '16 10671 1067332 ' " 187 74 ; 10674 1 221 bO 268 32 i55 ' • 219 43 Wt 3 o0667b 10677 'Nortbwestr�irways Ino. 3 50 1550 `.10678 N. w, copper A Brass Wks. 10679 Northwestern Stamp Works Inc. 10 30 10680 Emil 0. Novotny 1 00 ..10681 N. S. Qleon 10682 Osisntel Laundry 00, 17 93 4 10683 Owens motor 8alee Ino. 13 50 10684 P. Q. Products Co. 16 13 10685 A. I. Palmer Co. 22 50 610686 (Paramount Pies 53 61 +10687 Park machine 00. 10688 m. T. Patterson Dental Sup. j7 2 36 10689 j Peerless Northern Co. 17 59 10690 Goo. F. Peglow, 98 ib 10691 Peilen A Pellsa 2 00 10692 Penguin Press 10693 Perfection Type co. Inc. 102 00 10694 Peters sausage 0o. 1 50 88 92 10695 'IPioneer Electric Go, 1 59 10696 Pioneer Ribbon A Carbon 00. 39 168'95 10697 Pioneer Rim A Wheel 00. 10698 Pioneer Typewriter 00. G 2 a 10699 Pittsburgh Equitable meter 12 0 10700 'Pitlaburgb Plate Glass 00. 10701 R. L. Polk A Oo. • 5 00 55 59 }Q -j02 � priae Electric Co. 105 42 0707 Pure Oil Co. 1070944 Quality Park Envelope Co. 93 Quick service Battery Co. Railway Express Agency 6P 10705 66.725 10706 r Rand mo Nally A 00. 3047 10707 8 10708 Raymer Hardware Oo, 10709 Red wing union Stoneware co. 14108 36 10710 Remington Rand Inc, 29 18 59 10711 Rex Linen Supply co. 112 15 10712 N. 0. Robinson 468 14 10717 Robinson Gary A Sands Co. 35 04 10714 Roe James Glnae 0o. A Co. �coT �r.`aH 65 70 10715 Tborman W. Hosholt 11 00 10716 M. L. Rothschild Co. 10717 Royal Typewriter Go. 4„_�_, 85 05 swe� ror..��oaw.Ro t 76 33r) 54 1 81c e91 6c wylvrnclR ars •i 1 CITY OF S!. PAUL w�xcti NO_.,.__94333 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM "comMlsa�loHsa °"%`-vl. _ Dere November 22. 1832 R WEEMS, Harry H. Hawkins, president of the Radio American Cab Association has petithoned the City Copped for permission to apply for license for three (3) additional taxicabs, and WHEREAS, the Bureau of Police recommends approval of permitting the licensing of said three additional taxicabs for the purpose of serving public convenience and necessity: therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permieaion is hereby granted to the Radio American Cab Association to apply for licensee to operate three additional taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeas / NaY/ Y ///pp�ia Donald /J Wenzel Mr, President Mahoney Iron ONR OQt)N� a4 f 16�'s44 xY �tmwN'W4 ma; ' Rwolveq'thrt. a j I 1 �yy°mry�d+Cav E W 1' LW 10�tL� <reL Y I Adopted by me C--il..NOV _25.10 les NOV 2 51g" [ Invor mveJ .193_... AR inxt MnYar t1IY 1.1.LNK � • Ceder 7007 Garfield 3543 Am CAN A55'N 436 North Smith Avenue ST. PAUL, MINN. ..c. oma.,.. rJvNo......_.. ll 1 • ST. PAUL OFFICECITY OFOF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM November 22, 1952 maxamm may, The Yellow Cab of St. Paul bee Petitioned the City Council for Permleeico to apply for licensee for eight (8) additional taxicabs, and WFEtW, the Bureau of Police recommends approval of Permitting the licenaing of said eight additional tai cabs for the purpose of serving public convenience and necessity; therefore, be it REMLVED, that Permiesiom le hereby granted to The Yellow Cab of St Paul to apply for licenses to operate eight additional taxicabs upon the etreets of the City of St. Paul. COUNCILMEN N, ,^ Yeea �oneld �� „ In favor /pruax .Against / Wensel °w • v /Mr. Preeidenl Mahoney 77 7-7777 r..si �aroeorti to IWa lu A v�lila4 `ahl. I s ronw one ei;d ver ne ac°ivei eY.c an6ii X°. +�Staei pO'O'aaii NOV ? 5 In- 193 AdoPled by the (w,uncil. _. .....193..... Mayor U W A. S CITY 'LhRxIikK yr_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpl•I sI Mmm omw OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT, OW CIeY •nd Conmlwlonw f pnbb•man ®o November 16th, 1932 Hon. J. H. McDonald, License Committee) Comer of Public Safety, (CYsitman, Building. Dear Commiseloner: We enclose herewith epplicat ion of the Yellow Cab of St. Paul £or permit to operate eight additional tail -cabs in the City of St. Paul., The Council today referred this matter to the License Coomlttee for r _ort. Yours verytruly, 1 City Clerk. at. Paul,Ninneeota. November 4th, 1939. City Counail It Lioense 00smittee. Court Hoose, St. Paul, Minnesota. ' Gentlemeni 1 would ate to apply for eight (9) Taxi Cub lioenses as we need sore Gabs bo. take Gam of our business. During this lash year we be" been•giving away ;lout an averageof 160 Gallo Per montb,to other Hops that the gpunoil and the Lioenss possitte4 wi11 all" us mose.7lg9Ann�}es As we are q 11 oppatgpgll Qsbe at 4l P%eedyy list (ind ae abed Sen 1o"be'abis to give goog ibiwig6� Thanking you for your Pact oo-oPsrabiono ,somt!gin. Yours truly. Imam OAA OF 9T. PAUL, - eeeregn•. 139 N. sixth 9t.. , C9� THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL inrsaorvice coMMuniurion Hoa, 23, 1932. Yr. John IL lleD7pmld, 0ooreissioeer of Public 9-fety. Deer 91ri— by tbg Cab This is inreference oyppl soeiationn, ffooreparni--ioa oe-Ad-'gbt�S also Lhe Had10 lmerlcan Cab end tbree (3) additional cabs. The Traffic Division baa no objection to ,ranting their ragaest. Soars tmly, parry N. •ettergren, 3npt, of Traffic. .-all 94385 r Council File N..__......_-__...._.__..... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, caste Ind —0—see for gr sd'ne North Ind South and East and West A111ye in lots It. 47, inclusive, '—den Boma e, from MI,ion street to 3-dtier Street and from carbon Street to East In'' 'Hest Alley._i--- 1 u afar i under Prelimiasry Order___. 90803.... Intemnedisry Order.... 41144.. __...., Final Order_....9134i._... approved....... den...5.....................19...32 A pnbBe bearing having been had np— the —cement for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally eatiafaclon', be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same I. hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the Connly of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT�(I,jURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it L hereby determined to be payable in....__._�J..._..._. e9ua1 imstallmeots. NOV 291994 Adoptedby the Comcil..._.___.......... _.... ...... ..__._.......____.._.___......19.. City Clerk. Approved ....... ____....19__.._ CITY OF ST. PAIL OFFICE OF TIIE COi" ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment liana.>s??,a.r..,1.............-, 19 32. In the matter of the euesemevt of bane Lits, oats and expenses fare . grading Korth and South and East and '.Test Alleys n lots lr to 49, inclusive, warden Aomes. Crom !clarion Streat to daintier Streat and Cram carbon St -eat to East and .Test Alley, under Prehmi ry Order..._ _9.0803_..... . lntermedtar. Order Final Order... _91344....... sppro..d 1dn._.6....... _... .... 19..32. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Comtviseioner of Fimevice hereby report. io the Council the following as a statement of the expen dilutes nesessarily inenrred and to be incurred for a..I in connection with the making of the above imprevc- went, v v. 1 Cnst of construction 8...54...00........... Cost of publishing notice E-..... 4_Ja..... Cost of postal cards $...... 0.SL.. Ivapeetion fees $...10.96.__....... dmount of court costa for ronfinvation $.__..s.,a�__. _.____ Jft.k.xp.V Construction FStgi.nearin, $.120.130 . Total Expenditures - $ 689.99 Said Commissioner further reports that he has --d _d levied the total amount ae above ascerc—d. [o -wit: the sum of $. .6d.9.87........_.. ..upon eerh and every lot, part or parcel of iaud deemed benefited by the said improvement, end in the rase of each Int, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits cen- fcrred thereon; that the s.id assessment hes been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig nature of the said Commissm , nvd made n part hereof, i the said assessment as c .pl,t,d by him, and which is herewith svbmi-d to the Council for sue h :coon thereon ee y be constiddered proper. Commissioner of Fivevee_ Co—il File No.._.....___._._.___.._.. By o. —. By CITY OF K. 1,kUl Resolution Ratifying Assessment 94386 I. the matter If the assessment If b—Ofite, ­Itt, and ..p.—. for Ajog Alley in Block 2, Gilbert's Green—y Court, from Syn,l!cate Ave. to Hemline Ave., —der Preliminary Order—.. 9.091.6-- Intermediary Order.. ...9.1421 FhOd Ordee- ,ppr—d 19 A public hearing having been had Open the teeees—t f., the above improvement, and said eseesemevt having been further -Oeid—d by the C—Oil, and having been considered fi..11, mttif.et-y, be it therefore RESOLVED, Th.t the ..id —e—..t be —d the — is hereby In .11 re.pee. ratified, and the ...I i, hereby ordered t, be submitted t, the Dietritt Court If the CIrmly Of R.—Y for BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said --te-t be and it i. hereby determined to be payable i. NOH 2 4 'cQ') Adopted by the C—iL . . .... City Clerk. Approved ..... ..... 19 F t TT J�V49 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Noyemb_er1_.,, , 19...32 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs an..11PI ase fur de- grading Alley in Bloc`s 2, Gil'oort-a Greenvmy Court, from Syndi c ats A— to H,onlins Ave., under Prehm'i an Order...... 90976 Intennediar. Order .....91421.......... Final Order.... _._91543.Fab. 9........... _ 19.32 To the Council of the Cit, of St. Fall: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Cotmcil the following as a statement of the expen- ditures neeessarily incurred and to be inenrred for earl in e—eetion with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $._.44Z.110 ............. Cast of publishing notice $. _. _.. 3.6f1_........... Cost of postal cards $.........0.72............ Inspeetion fees $.......6.34......... Amount of court cosLv for confirmation $ _......3.50...__._._. Conetructi�n subinaering 81.96 Total expenditures $__545.82...._....... Said Commissiocer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amonat ae above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $_5.45...62._ ............... npnn cath and every lot, Net or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel of land in accardenee with the benefit, cnn- farred thereon; that the said assessment hes be,, completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the eig nature of the said Connnissioner, and made s Imrt hereof, is the aaid assessment as completed by him, and which is horewith submitted to the Couneil for —n h s,tian t`heeaeon a,m'ay be eonaid,r,d proper. ro,n a a. .1 Commissioner of Finance. o.o....o c.•. c.... CITY OF 5T. PAUL rig. .. NO. f, 3 - ILOICE FF/CIyTY–CLE RK /i/i/R?k�� /!/IGENERAL FORM WMUCW, Louis C. Barnard, Chief Clerk of the Water Department of the City of Saint pant, v111 be inoapacltated and unable to perform hie duties for a period of at least thirty days (30) from and after the 27th day of November, 1932, and WORDS, the Commissioner of public Utilities has recommended that Louie 0. Barnard granted a thirty day leave of absence for disability vlth Pay, from and after the 27th day be of November, 1932, said leave being in compliance with paragraph R, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore be it RESOLVRD, That the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorised to grant a leave of absence for Louie C. Barnard for thirty (30) days from and after November 27, 1932, .1th full Pay• cou�cly - Adopud by thc Council _.........'.. 19. y— NaY.���Jjj q� A,,Iov.d 19 /M.D... Id - I. I-- Pnca Ag.i— \. �I. 1•. CITY CLK /f i M.. P•nid— Beaftl Vahoney lv"4_. _.y/}, C1,, OF ST. PAUL =0, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ae� RESOLVED, That the anze of light Hundred ($800.00) Dollars be and the —6 is hereby appropriated Out Of nod- 31-1-8 Of theYisnollaneom and unfor.a.- ites, of the General Tund. to be used for the purpose of paying the coat of printing and distributing invitations and programs for the official opening and dadics- Purchasing t"' of CDa authorised "' "'y Hell and 0"'t that the Agent is hereby authorized and dAreoted to maim the necessary purchases on duly requisitions. COUNCILM ",; Ye. M -Y / --/ /M,D ... Id .,._......Against 7M7 P�,-sde.l M-1-1 EX T Iz T T -h— Adopud by the Council_"I')q 2 193 , App—ed- _...193..... E I onr— 94390 c7c%L s'ielZem AUDITED CLAIMS — .--°x^-ov; " .mr�.'r$.i i`�'mi �"•,o-•v, " . .� 10718 r; lick, SohHleaa 76 330 54 AL 810 a91.60 .. �.� 8 00 10719 !!James I. Glass 12 j00 .10720 !A. Rungs " 10721 Ym Isnevslq 8,00 e®6;� .10722 Milton ROsea, Com. of Finance 1072Z Irving 0. Pearce Ackland .1072 Robert 710 25 " 107255 John Broom 1072b „ Caotal City Liss a Cement Co 112 82 10727 Capitol ststy YSg. Co. Griggs Cooper a Oo. 9 9 10728 10729 Lamprey Products Co. 10730 Yathisson Alkali Work 1 280 -01 10731 Tri. State Tela Tal 0�. 98 21 471 43 10732 ' ' 502 35 62 1073 ' • • 120;87 10735 28 80 10736 Guiseppe Yasucol" 1073 ` Anna Ieefe Z 0 00 °-.10738 ',Chsrlss Stewart 102 74 10739 lhel oil a Gas Co. 10740 A.'IL Iromsohroodor. Cashier 156 07 26 4o ;l3oQ7)41 olifford Jarvis 21111em�0. Oof�a7 300 0 r ss 107444444444444 wm. Perry 10 it ianloa a Okea 70000 420'.98 . 10746 white Eagle 011 Corporation 12 00 ' 10747 Murphy Laboratories 28 28 lana 17,28 10749 'Yrs. 8obnsider 10750 Yeyen oonetruotlon Co. 11 107:62 1 203 10751 ', Jmes o. Moors 1 00 reyen Construction Do. '�� ,10752 075 Yielding a Shepley Inc. 5 '00 073 Northern states Contracting Co. 0755 Clement T. Sculley Equip. 1 01'00 0756 Standard stone o0. 1)078'75 0757 :Barry Goodwill 96 25 • 0758Theo. J. Iaeip 0759 , Theo. J-Eorrisoa-0hi'Ltensoa 0760 S. St. Paul Vocational School R 10762 D o. . 725 ,34 Wk. .i G. Sommers a,Co. 471 '; Trap Rook oo. x076 ^ Board of Water commissioners 1 245 74 x"10764 RighlandPark Electric 0o. 314% '62 u407�, The Speakes Do. like Cullen 36 20 X10766 0767 'Helen R. Yillette 2 00 16127 0766 Tri. state Tel. a Telgr. Co. 224 71 t 69 10770 " • • • • " 376 20 ar -- -1111Tror„,..11—D 77 576 28 64o 196 34 Ki wi o.yre.rma.,aca CITY OF ST. PAUL No. •v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FORM ` L COUNCIµ RESOLUTION—r+���` wamwWIEREpS, the Council, by 0ouno1l Elle $94237, duly adopted �d approved Novembar 4th, 1932, end duly Pthreehed November 12th, 1932, provided for the BettlemecYt Skf Paul arising out vof notions instituted against the City Elizabeth P. Lewis, the University Avenue Improvement, by d Robert P. Lewis, Thomas University sityMabney and Retherine U. Maloney, an byaealdfplelnsilYYatw ithine..pecified tiperforman meap and conditions , none of RREREO, by reason Ofa san and theft meifixed therefor said conditions has been Performs 1. about to _pre, and said plaint if tension have requested an ex- tension of such time, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the time for the performance of Bald oon- dltlone by said plaintiffs in eaocase provided, be and the same Se hereby extended for the pheriod of fifteen days Yrom and after the publicationof this resolution. COU`7CII,MEE hey. Yesa May McDonald Pearce _ I favor / 11—n T— A, -et / Wenzel Mr. President Mahoney ,r 4n Adopted by the Comcil__.._...-no- 1- mn A d Mayor...._ �tc� �LE1cn o eo., , ► Sf43y2 , CITY OF ST. PAUL .� No. ........... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL "LU"" ERAL FORM COMM ,,W - - oATE RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to destroy the following files and records pertaining to his Department: (1) Journals and ledgers pertaining to coat of sewers, sidewalks and paving, prior to 1910. (2) Lettere addressed to the Department of Public Works prior to the year 1925. 7" �oHa I l NO` �Mi ;b.. G�i�°i��r�gcry uipr woo,�.e Iw.> ro.exi, COUNCILMEN yeasNaya Adopted by the C ... ciL_f]«.......�_ 7'?:'�!:..._ 1e3..__ /aY /M,Donald /i Pearce .._._.-la favor Approved -Ihm Agsimt .. .. _. � Wenzel MaYor eu 4n � Mr. President Mahoney t J CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT November 30, 1932. Mr. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: We are enclosing resolution re— quested by you on November 28th, 1932. Yours very truly, HJF—US. Aseie ant Corp ation Counsel. onUul ,a an eek CITY OF ST. PAUL . NO..._.,4393 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, J. IJ. Nolan filed a claim with the Police and Aire Alarm Department, for damages spetained by reason of a Police and Aire Alarm oar, driven by 0. Croaquist, striking his oar while same was parked, on October 19th, 1932, and WHMZAS, it appears that the claimant was without fault in said matter, the facts appearing that olaimantls oar was properly parked when the Polios and Fire Alarm oar struck same, and WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Minnesota, in the year 1929, enacted Chapter 81, which authoriLea the govern - Ing body of any municipality to settle any claims against the driver of any police or fire apparatus, and WHEREAS, said J. J. Nolan has presented as itemised statement for the neoessaxy repairs to his oar, in the a— of $32.70, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to draw a warrant in favor of said J. J. Nolan in the sum of $32.70, upon the execution by said olsimant of a release, approved by the Corporation Counsel, said amount to be paid out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeee Ney/e� Adop /MeY /�[eDoneld � �Roeen /� 1 'CorI. W,li P.IIYNH CITY Mr. President Mahoney CITY OF ST. PAUL No. ...94394 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUN UTION--GENERAL FORM PREsE n ByCOMM WHEREAS, Cornelius 9. Crowley, assistant secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul, has fur- nished a surety bond in the sum of $2000.00, to said City, the surety thereon being the Standard Surety & Casualty Company of Bexl York, and the same having been approved by the Corporation Covneel as to form and execution, therefore be it RESOLVED that the said bond be and the same is hereby approved and acoepted by the Counoil of the City of St. Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeee Naye / may �blcDnnnld /// � Pearce ._'.._._In I—, R- -T6— ____....Against j Wenzel au a j Mr. President Mahoney Adopted by the Council....._1.._.. _. ._ __.__...193_.... tm - Mayor SCOTT. ii!}1��11+M5 W a �o. _43J5 O O T i1.Y a K �.. CO L O QIERAL FORM eR / WHEREAS, Joseph Chester Yeres0, /requisition clerk of the u Department of Education of the City of St. Paul, has furnished a surety bond in the sum of $2000.00, wherein said City is obligee, surety thereon being the Firemente Fund Indemnity Company, a corporation Of the State of California, and the same having been approved by the Corporation Counsel as to form and execution, therefore be it RESOLVED that said bond be and the same Se hereby approved and accepted by the Council of the City of St. Paul. COUNCILMEN Yews Ns /MaY ZNI,Donsld Pnsres ._. Io favor Wenxel su `n j Mr. President Msheney er c Ys aSVb NK 4 K6 Cn trot nue��ytto��q,°a'���Mgl� tqm e VI lCsp Y Cf�1eiT AWR��WaNi 1pa r - Adopted by the Council. _ .._..._..__........_.193_.._ App ved. NS�� eu.uu.x roan o..nn o.v w wr.r R i u opFCCCmCIL mmleLC = AUDITED CLAIMS — xo_v;. 30. —L2 1 n r__zi32_..- � TOTAL wee I nr �nwe «uhe�o. IN FAVOR OF Tw. oiw Mmr wnn • • 20771 Tri. State Tel. A Telgr. a- 38 69 L 10772 10773 W-Bosaenmeier - McQuillan Broe. 12 88 - 15 72 10774 All Steel Equipment "is....°k..w 369 30 l 10775 Us Grinnell Co .� m p2 10776 P+atal Telegraph Co a 11 10777 Sharpe 6 Dohme [no. .o °..w 49 'b3 10778 TwA City Brick Co. _ _ -- 8 .10779 'w. J. Callahan 900 10780 M. 0. Hastings 50 10781 'Standard atone CO. 6 148 so 10782 0. H. Rosecrans Elea. ao. 27 30 152 10 844 'Minnesota U?11on Advocate Ill R�een, C�. o' rinenae p it V06 24 1072 Ston 1 668 96 10786 10787 10788 358 82 4 1 55 8 454 49 10789 10790 191 20 10791 " 2 237 01 3 132 89 .10792 1079 Review Publishing Co. 954 93 :.10798 .Milton Rosen, oom. of rinanoe 1 O02 00 5 697 47 10795 10796 ' 2 403 50 10797 ' ' 3 3536 10798 00 110799 "..10800 0. Gorton George J. Ries, County Aud. 9 209 00 110801 Milton Rosen, Com. of rinanoe' 7 930 00 '.10802 Sale. Sullivan. 00 lo803 `Ann r. Campion 30 00 10804 10805 alarm Aamold for the Prev, of Grua ty 200 '00 10806 10807 ;Society .'John P. Hennessey ',Board of Pub" welfare 36 OO 11 083 28 10908 David Bashefkin 'w. 32 0605 '10809 lo810 w. Eoepke Milton Rosen, Com. of rinanoe 25 215 49 W CITY °HFA T°T" "wa 77 576 29 1047957 20 0 orWmlmmV Ona � �y pVINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO.. ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY -4 An ordinance settling of Elizabeth the claim A. yarzolf against the City of et. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, to Elizabeth A. Marzolf, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) in full settlement of her claim against the City, arising from injuries suatained by her by reason of having fallen on a defective sidewalk on Central Avenue near St. Peter Street, in the City of St. Paul, on April 19th, 1932. Section 2. Said sum of money shall be paid to the said claimant upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by her in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take ef,lpot and be in force thirty days after its passage end.publioation. Laid 3rd. sarl [.i3. CCC Yeas /'\"' 111y,D Bald \IJ�onoll T- n \1 cr�ri \l'e nvcl t DEC 2 01932 _. ,,. •. Peeeed by the Council. _... _.. .. _. _..In Favor Peazce r Roam 1 ......... _ .. / ....._......... Agaimt Truer we -j DEC 2 01932 it Pme,dent (Mahoney) 1A P/ryved — fIY ':rE1tY i?N7�.. City Clerk s NO.— An 2cg -� �M1 •• ` CITY OF Si. PAUL • �: '' OFFI E OF CITY CLERK CO 'L R OLUTION� GEV ERAL FORM O L MOMMEMM Imm m. piper. Jeffrey i Hopwood of ML3Lmpoll•, 1Cna. Lae offered the SlnHag load Committee of the My of Belot Paul M following City of St. pool 40 Bonds on a 4.10 basis $1,000 Sewer Bond. d.. July 1, 1844 tY.� l 2■000 • • : Jmly 1, 1945 i wcoa Iw' yL, lei 3.� J1,17 1, 1951 ynv as p�Je h,e... 2,000 • I• hly 1. 1955 3000 water work. Bond. dee may 1.194 .: •.,'� .� ■ . . ■ 1, 19; 2 000 • • ■ ■ MAY 1. 1954 • • 1,, 1951 1:000 a�■ ■ t Jam. If 1951 1 .000 end Imus, the S1ak Ing lead comoflttee eemmended Lhe uthaet a of the offer of pips, Jaffrey 6 Hopwood. end the Oona of `hie �Salonbffistt the of these will be for the Deet interest of the city of Baiat i , BesoyTSB, that the Yeyor. Commieeloaer o� riaenee and City Comptroller be and they are hereby emthorised acd directed to accept the Offer of Piper, Jaffrey A Hopwood and oomsamete the tren... tion. CoUICILMEN Y_ Naye /nay /WD ... la - - In ..... %4 raLanwy Mr Proidcn[ wJ�CR nC 9 1 Adop[cd by [hc Council.... . _.19.... Approved 19..... Cl'IY�/G�I.SHK .j D"06eD 2. Im A aeettst of wm 81*4 t Dood Omit"" sas LOU LMs dpi 'rw� b e 00484Y w llllbn 8W® ®L *Avtr*11! a.met Y. OauS yK�, At "M hold f- 1Lo Daepose of oewldevlot the loll tff4 mu d"K *" now - mot jllftw f RODaoo6 of ttaoaypiu. am. $14000 at$? of U. Daol 40 soedo dfr ae falloep $000 1- ao°i d:e 3,00D o -, 1. 1 1944 40Ma • o my 1. I. 3,000 am. toorm • Xv 2,000 uw MW 11..0 00 + i o • 1. • • Oao, 1,1991 m a 4.10 bae1i A =%I= tote mads IW QSM"dMW 41164 n Doeee. oaaoMed QE1°D•7011er t. D. Oe -- am —04 sh" ow Y•the use to �� a7n♦leW apal 11Ne for and 13» muting th"', fttered OamltaldMr o mome malfleit e" ler . e°votpt7" millwalls1II-.00,01 11 --ORDIN PRESENTED 8 G C2 :A& jer�w--w­aapproving the project of I... U. estate acquiring the real as Lots 13, 14, 15 and 18, St. Paul Central Lots, an an addition to the Present rr--kllu School site, ordering the acquisition of ease by purchase or condensation, and providing funds therefor. This I: an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservationf the public peace, health end safety. 793 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOZE ORDAIN: SootIon 1. The Commissioner of Education having reported to the 00anoll that the real estate knows an Late 13, 14, 15 and 16, St .. Pau, Central Lots, Is required for public school purposes, =a that the estimated value thereof In the 8012 Of TwactY-five Hundred "011a" (OO.00), and the Comptroller having certified that there I. 010"T available In the treasury of the City for the acquisition Of said lots, the Council hereby the same fo r school purposeapproves the project of acquiring and hereby orders and directs,that the name be acquired for said parpos:8 by Purchase by the Committee On Lands, consisting in this case of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent Sx&ltbLO 00mmIssiOner of Education, the same can be so procured A rO98Ou"l& price, and In case it Committee cannot procure e a reasonable price and shall so report to the 0 11, land at oww and in that event the 00unoll hereby orders and directs that OOndOJU1&tIOn Proceedings be Instituted under the provisions of the Charter of the City to Secure said lots, and that the cost and ex- pense of acquiring same, whether by purchase.o; condemnation, be and the same to hereby ordered to be paid for out of the School Real Estate Fund (1009), and 90 each Of said funds as say be neces- sary in hereby appropriated and set apart for said purpose. Section 2. This ordinance Is bereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. 6OtIO%L S. This ordinance shall take effect and be In . d after its passage and publication. L Peeved 1,y the C-,61 ^Fc 91 P. mF.... Roe n T - W.—I -c(,,TT Ag,i— Mr. P—id-t (Mahoney) Attest A 7)"d 9 Aitly trry CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpml d Mlnnao� DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION c c. P s,cow.1cno�,s amuua wac swoas °•o..,,. ,.�o ®�,. �o.•�..��•. Dec. 6th, 1932, Hon. Lewis L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, City of St. Paul, Court House, St. Paul, Minneeotn. My dear Mr. And arson: Will you kindly draw up the necessary Resolution to Inaugurate the purchase of the following property: Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 - St. Paul Central Lots. The.e lots. -r- are located on the Franklin School site, and are in very poor condition, Their purchase is deemed absolutely necessary at this time, inorder to complete proceedings before the first of the year. 17111 you please have this resolution Inform so it can be presented to the Council at the g reular session on Tuesday mording4 ITI*ing you for your co-operet_on, T am Very truly your., ISI, JW3-L Commissioner of E ucst �n, L/ Owner of the Lots: Mr. E. H. Coen, 2017 Carroll Ave, Wool CITY OR SAINT PAUL R°OUYMO6 NO (��q`.7`liWl APPROPRIATION 'TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CNARTER SECYION foe _ �- PRe$ENT60 BY �+ COMMIaeN6gm � __.... _.. ......_. D4........ ,........ • RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE. ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY, IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BEAIET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THG MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 2 A 2 Mayor,a Office (Autosobile Account) 800.00 2 A 4 Meyorla Office (Office X p-- 800.00 . •'� � a q � tO'Ib � Toco , L^'" ✓ I °. i..t�l°i .'�'�S� �� Yee (✓) COUNCRL RN (✓) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.OEC.......8; _.1D_......... Mir DEC s vM _ FeRaYYON P LG/ APPROVE .......... ._..... ... • HeeoeeN II G�.......RV.-IN FAVOR MCDONALO DBSNaD1aRTAu.Y..,,,..U._„AowINET . URTEREIBNED BY ...........__ ... ...........�._._......... .......�.;�` wM. F. EEN lC.'O a.. �R.e..a MR. PREEIDHMT CITY CLbEK PUBLISIiED - .w. ;j... No. o"",1-- CITY OF ST. PAUL • I Ogj OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI LUTION—GENERAL FORN� �omcwoa �S, piper, Jeffrey 8 Hopwood of Hinneapolie, Minn. lure offered the Siniti-9 pnad Co=dttee of the City of Saint P-11 1 City of St. Pent 4$ See'terad Bond f273 for 021500* 00 dee Sept. 30, 1940 at 98.50 and �t►S, the 5Sn1dnB Puad Co®ittee Lae raeoeamnded the aocePkost°e of the offer of Pipar. Jeffry 6 Hopwood, and the ponncil Se of the opiaim that the pa— abase will be for the beet interest of the City of Saint Peolt therefore, be it HpsonTAD, tbot the 1wi 0.—issioaar of piaoece end City Comptroller be piper, Jaffrey and they are hereby mthorised and directed to "Mt the offer of A Hnoeood and conao®ate the transection. - COUNCILMEN Yeas j ay Nay /{,.Donald �pencca __-( ..In favor /Trnex _._._ ......_.Agaioet .N 4u rea'dent Mahoney Adopted by the CoonciL._ .._.. _. �. _: __._193. _. r'-�`'^ _ Moyer N---bsr 23. 1932. ♦ m..Uft of the slnidnA 7bm 00m46te. e.. add this Amt P""", OoeodeHon.e Ullton B.— and OoM.91lr a a. GwdAdft, ret. m"Ine was h.lA for the v.ssOss Of eon.uWsnc the folle.lns offs 7rA.lr.A frm piper. a.9ftW A 2oP000d of ltd --Poll.. 16m.. 1 olty of . po 'J�tt1910 .t 4,gp-A 8e. 2B fes 12.900.00 ♦ notion — s W by Oo®ledon.r MUM BOOM n.eonAed br Oo.Pb011ax 8. 9. Oeodrub and tn.d7n AY Aszled, that the con lites eee"Dt "do ?ter om ree.e..nd the een. to the doonoil. h. neeti.8 t�+rmooa .A�mrmd. t AiiPrwed tv..olrlolo sew teq oNue.,nav a..x CITY OF ST. PAUL ru `d NO.. 94402 OFFICE OF THE CITY CL - ye COUNCIL RESOLUTIONCiEN El WBLBEAB, since the last report to the Oomoil, the Advisory Court Rome and City Hail Building Commission has authorised the following extras and credits to contractors on the new buildingt GENERAL CONTRACT - rOLEY BROS. INC. Extra Rork Order No. 73 authorises furnishing and installing braces for court room rails, $58.08 Extra Work Order No. 74 authorises obanges in the painting and decorating (this extra was author- ised by resolution of the Comoil), 3,175.80 Ertxa Work Order No. 78 authorizes putting a door and frame In the well between the passage and the room in the office, of Commissioner of Public Safety, 881.90 H=ATING AND VENTILAYINO CONTRACT - MEALY PLDMBINO AND !;LATINO COMPANY. Ixtra Work Order No. 10 authorizes furnish- ing and installing complete Lux fire extinguishers in lien of those specified, 388.00 ILECTRIC CONTRACT - OOMMOIIWNALTH ELEOTRIC COMPANY IIxtra Work Order No. 31 authorises lower- ing certain switches and changing location of outlets, a 240.88 METAL IMITCBI AND yCBNISHIEO8 CONTRACT - ART MITAL COW- STRDOTION OOMPANY. Ixtra Work Order 10. 2 authorizes changing the ooan- ter in the Sheriffs• offioe, 245.00 Ixtra Work Order No. 3 authorises counter worsens for the Welfare Department, 840100 Extra Work Order No. 4 authorizes adopting Alternate No. 8 covering the Eardex Visible System as approved by the Oomoil, 12,789.48 LSOHTINO rIITDR6 CONTRACT - WALTER O. WARREN COMPANY Extra Work Order 10. 1 authorises revis- ION the reflectors in certain fixture*, 50.00 COUNCILMEN Yeas Na,. Adopted by the C.-61....... ....._ _ ............_193.... May McDonald ----- _ —�-- P-- .__ Ia favor -��_— Approved _ .........193- Against �-....., Wen awl htayOf Mr. Resident Mahoney No..._...._....___.... CITY OF ST. PAUL . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM MWR 009TRAOT - WH. TOWOBAM d 8098 =itra Work order Io. 4 authorises two additional `x1.14 chairs, Credits. GUXU1 OOWTRACT - 10732 EROS- IWC. Credit No. 8obutsohrei`em prioedof which it from hs are on a cost plus 781.80 {1,501, Oredit Wo. 7 authorises taking credit for the allowance the aOthorinedtfor by the special uncilgintlnH and 10,000.00 decoratingas Credit fo. 8 authorises taring credit for the iw allsnoe in the oeatraet for stone carving se 84500.00 authorised by Your body, YI8m L =1I0 B 1TAWD 7=I8HI108 - OmmT orrim Credit NO. 1 authorises credit for the omission 485.50 of an amdioseter. WB3, the extras authorised since the building was started p18 total 118,748.30, while the credits received total $98,380.91; therefore, be it Ht80LVH5, That the Council aPDreves and concurs 1n the action of said Commission, and the Tropez oTtiousts srhare ofs are bthebaboveauthorized eand xtras rto the respective ected to add the Scontraoott sass, and to deduct the City's share of the credits. CO CILMEN om � Y Ay ,,,MMMVvD.Id / i epee _.....,.....Iu raver //go,eo /Truax ..____0_..Against u n D1r. President Mvhoney Adopted by the ce.oed....._DEC .— B ".193._.. A rovea.._.._.....�yEl._._Ii.S_ 193.. _.. 944(),) _ Saint Paul` " Bureau of Municipal Research" p,hlctic Club Buildi„¢ m. `•. a"„"••ne Di•••,�• Horenber 30, 193x. To the City ponm11.Y1nnewf►. City of Ujot Peal. Oentleeeal since its last report the ldriwry C -art Haase and City Hall 9oildiag Co®Seeton bay osrtdfied the follodng eitrae and °rrodite to the wnLraoton on the nee b dIdingt zmwor WAT&--T POLE BHOB .IHS. Sora Work Order Ho. 73 mthoriees fnrnlehl% end 1. . ` 68.06 etallin6 breoee for oonrt room ra11e • � Sa the• Hstm fork Order NO. 74 mthoriese ayngee paiatdng and ""orating. W. eitn we anthorlfeQ by regio- 3,176.80 lotion of your body.. • Srtm task Order No. 76 antborieee pnttirowa door frena Lo the call beteeen tha paeeage and Lbe 361.90 Cowledoaor of Poblia Batety'. office . rta ert6 LD t!®TILSIA6 COATa-OT HA►Li PL01®IA6 1AH AP►'�'IAO WYP S[Lra hrk O -r eo. mtborias tnrniehing ana ling complete Loi fire a tingaiahe • in. Sea of tboae eP'. 368.00 fied. . . ........ . . . m NNW rT 00109Aq�C - rtain _ '. ce �rk Otder,A9. 31 mtbo i ew.86 °„Arab aad ahenglag location of oatlete T as WASTHOCT IOH CO�� yc. vr71ffit � IVBHIBHIHO c � rder Ho. 8 mmo ed8.00 is the eberiff'e office. . . . . . . . . . . gctrr tory Order No. 3 mthorieee "comer •orsene for. he 640.00 Welfare Departs t. . . . . . . . . . . . Sttra fork Order m. 4 mthorieee adoPting. L1NrmG No. 8 tog the yerdei 7leible Indei 6y°t . ae approred b7 y?°S 1769.46 body... LI08TIH0 7IISUHH r^°�h' 111r..a"°A 0 111 ny d COYPIHi r 10. t a i the refleo- 60.00 Hztra brk Orde . . . . . . . . � Lore Sn oertdn fiitarss . . To the Oit7 Caanoil —2. Wo—bor 30, 1938. CHUB 00 TBE! 1111fC1U1JID 6 BOAB 21 14 A.t» Aork Order 80. 4 snthoripa tw .dditioo►1 ohedra, C�.d„Sta zona COg�n+' — yOLEf H80B .IAC. Ctro61t Ao. 8 ea thori a.a ► a»dit f»a Lhe a$1,501. . ► Soh n. Nt at {1,601. . 761.80 cost plan SOD, the Loy prld of Cradlt Yo. 7 euthorl»a takia6 aradlt for the allownoe Sn the oontraot for .y.oi.l pelating and deoo»ting N —thorlted . 10,000.00 by NUT .. r . .. body. ;1;.. to C»dit the Ao. B eathorlass taking o»Qit for body. r, 500.00 the aoatreat for ato- o►rriog ►. Nthori..d by your MIN ALLUMOR TOBA1=I IAD yORAIeHIA08 — BPABHS OyfICA y08AIRMI COAPlA7 or.dlt far the odnion of u• Credit Ao. 1 amLh= andion.ter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 486.60 Sha .rtrN ►atbori and he»ia totol {17,730.82, zhiletatrtsd»ditg ►ggre6►tg~ g►te {16,748:30. SLa ertm. c.rtified.ine$ba11d1ng -,@a {124,788.67, ahil. the arodit..gg»6►t. {8' . 91. fiery truly your-, 6eeret►ry, ydriwry Court Baca. and City 3.11 Building COMI.alon. CPB: SR FORM H0. 1 December 2, 1832 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities, Bureau of Water rendering necessary the employment of certain employee of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Operating pumping stations at Hazel and Highland Parks.* This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and cir—tancea: w On Sundays Certified correct. e ar o peon G neral Superintendent CITY OF ST PAUL F pneM1• OF CE OF CITY CLERK CO NCI SOLUTI —GENERAL FORM 0 lOt7 RESOLVED al, �eb':Tm2 a �euWvt `�p�ja�,l "°ypwler�atlhhee,YYY��• Tem^� �4 TIt1 , ` �ooie�e v 'tve Oe9 null Dea:6. UaL, a Niue ial That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install one 35 foot eto. on Cohaneey Bt., south of Idaho Bt. vlth neoeeeary guys. vires, nnohor e, and lephone Company vires. Eetima a #1737x• DF courvciLmery Adopc<d by d.c Council...... _.. 9 - Yne Nay, May WDveald �.Ia favoa e d__. 19 A prov- o,<n Aerinn R.— R (:11Y 'I.I..:K Mr. Pm,idmh 8.16._r o.o....o .•. u... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RAOLUTION — ..9ENERAL FORM RESOLVED 91st tbo proper eit7 offieoro he .ffi they 0,0 hereby "thorieed oad di" -t -d to pq Ws chyle proportiosoto Obese of the bills pb itt.4 b7 tbo ldrieorf Co—b Hoagie end 0117 B.4 Bnlldia` 0oeoleeiea .e eh.— oa lb.treot of cla!> Im"r J32 of the AATIWr7 court I YY, J6.f/ Hoose d city W1 Baildin6 cod. -IO., totaling We olt7le sLre of shleh en // q, , ,. 7 is *UT#9B.096lead sll u show epos the eLLe .oh.ltHd n7 "Id Ooswioeioa Ycae COUIC11MEN Nayr May McDonald In favor Para Roscn A'�ain.1 -...1+i+.eet ry.... Y .ne �1°ried r�n3 u b�+� p mppOKa on.. .Aqv c,pople1t of a lata kn �� ao tYLLIb :W�lofw4��l . eo;ar:aa bl.,. a a,u`'Ob1,eOiabn,`. Adaprcd by nc� CnMndl..DEC --6 IT!? 19 Ok" 61932 MAYOR a y�1 f 9440 6. E 440Tf 94408. RESOLU CIL TION cou cry iu December—'_..._— 2 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 10811 llg�pC f COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO._109G5 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. DECA-1 IY YHR C01-1— cou..c�.,.c .tea o.r�ccor,"cco..rrnousR WN""` NO - AUDITED CLAIMS"�- r�u"� IN FAVOR OF . 10811.1 Charles Worst 10812 I L.I. Fallen, Assignee Buessm and Garrick 10813 Chester W. Gaskell 10814 Ines Johnson 10815George Sudeith 10816 i Hanlon 6 Okes 10817 ' Cashman Murseriee,Ino. 10818 Thomas J. Ashton 10819 Fred 0. Albrecht, Director 10820 Milton Rosen. Can't. of Tina 10821 1 Milton Rosen. Can't. of Fine 10822i Mpla. 6 St, m Louis R.R.Company 2'S 1081Milton Hosea. O'r. of Tina 108 1, Milton Rosen. Oom'r. of Tina 10829 Clement T. Sculley Equipment 10826 Blue 6 White Cab Company 16827 Julia Y. Bruess 108P8 Farwell, Oman, Kirk & Compa 10829 W.W, Koepke 10830 T.O. Lemli Paper Ompeny 10831 IMotesson-St.Peul Drug Ompen 10832 Mayts Ice Orem Company, Inc 1083] ': Malady Pape Company g 10834 ;Price 5- anspany 10835 The Reevsa M d Dook Cmpa 11063 SIT. Products Company 110837 Vicry Cpan 10838 S Villlaame Boxt6nLumbbeer Compact i.10 I Oharlee H. Smith 10840 .Joseph H. Rezak. Attorney in '!for Frances Moravec and John �Yoravex, bar husband ,10841 11Peter Blackbird 110842 'e Guiseppe Yasucoi !.1084 Ch Iasi Sales 6 Safety coup 1110 j T. K. Amundsen 4[IBlombergts Grocery 1084 'Book& Brothers 10847 1J. H. Coakley • 10844 Dunn to Market 10849'East Side Grocery Company 10850 ''Linwood Grocery 10851 YR, 0, Mallory ;108§0 Michand Brothers, Inc. �!3, GYiokelsente Grocery �10 C. 1. Miller Company +.30855 :I10,W. Rohland Company 110856 !Carl W. Schulz 10857''Westlond'e Market ,10858 ,.Wm. Wondra .=I .Daily Mews Publishing Compan 10860 '.Dispatch 8 Pioneer Press Cox .'10861 A.E. Kromschroeder, Cashier Water Department 10862 W.J. Dyer 8 Brother H – --A i r 26 4o 436175 72100 65 2600 400, 00 1 61265 26,40 464'00 20 5p43'62 28 40 26 00 7 10 00 00 T20'00 70 1ba 2 ; 256 20 23 366 94 170 50 15 29 251 51 3462 55 4q00 132'21 53 72 28 lw 4 120 164 4 3931 16 40 1 47 6j 20 N 1 Be 1 09 3 D7 8 27 2 18 79 40 114 52 214 14 31 50 0 I o. rwe ooN.,aoLLea �".K,� No. _. _--. oFFloe wuncl�reN-nou uu .,.� "nr COUNCIL awfeLDT10M AUDITED CLAIMS—IP - I or IN FAVOR OF rorAt, • 10866August Anderson 0, lin, 57 120879 08 Milton Rosen, of 10861 10865 'f Milton Rosen, C• of lin. 1 10866 it Milton Rosen, 0, of lin. 1 235 5 10867 MSiIRon Rosen, 0, of Tin. 110 0 10868 Milton Ros n, C. of lin. $gency 586 7 10869 d. W.T. Eoop 28 2 95 10870 Landon -Bauer Insurance Agenol 10871 ; A. L. Law Ageboy. Ina. ION; League of YiInsect Yonioip itiea 71 5 10 ' 1087733 II H.w. Bell Telpbone company Company 8 85 456 4 10874 Btegmeir Tire 1087755 University Auto Radiator Company 30 5 41 1087b western OAlon Telegrpp Company 93 10877 '1 whltman Publishing Company 3 80 10678 John Bran• 9 50 10879 B• Brand. Assignee Reeves Coal 8 Dock Cmpany 2 3364 91 10880 Reeves Coel A Dook Company550 8 90 10881 O. Donald Brown 2 41 •, 10882 M.A. Gedney Company company 22 41 10883 ' Origgea Cooper 6 ' Company, Inc. 246.59 10888888545 HAA,,ersohler Candy P. 1088b YinnesotaoNews 0 mpany 2317 9 10887 Atlas One A Oil Company 1 364018 38 10888 Atlas Gas A Oil Company 10889 Milton Rosen, C. of lin, 1 292 .29 10890 ° Milton Rosen, 0.of lin. 9 52 10091 Milton Rosen, 0, of lin. 1 5 ',59 10892 Milton Rosen. 0. of lin. B 146 20 14 00 10093 Dr. P.H. Bennion 10894 d Bethesda Hospital 5 00 1G895 Dr. O.H. Botflend 10896 Dr. J.P. Caldwell 35 00 10897 Drs. Obatterton A von Der we &r 16 0 0 10898 Dr, A.R. Oclwin 1089Comfort Artificial Limb Omp 9 y 12 00 10900 Dr. O.D. Crossette X -Ray Laboratory 11 00 32 10902 onngYoytlOhent 0000 • p. 10903 `, Dr. wait Coats 8agsenn 12 50 10904 1 Dr. welter O. �� 8 00 10905 Dr. Leo A. Hilger 10 Dr. B. Lemby 35 00 10907 Dr. AM. Hundholm 10908 Dr. J. J. McCarthy 4 Ool 36 00 10909 Martin Auto Livery3 00 15 00 10910 Mayo Clinic 5 00 10911 Midway Hospital H.Mogilner 35 00 10912 Or. R. 126 71 10913 st•Paul Machine works orrice or THE wNrTnoucn .�� ` NO. _. couaclun ou uu �� ..coo Imo' AUDaeaMal!ED ImeelarlOM c ITCLAIMS---Debeet�b---'3e- .0 wo-v IN FAVOR OF 10914 Van Hoven Company, Ina 10915 Levis L. Anderson, Oorp.001 10916 The Alpha Creamery 10917 Wm. G. Alvin 10918 American Dye Works 10919., Reuben L. Anderson 10920 ' Chas. W. Arend 10921 Mrs. Edna Bailey 10922: crank M. Bertha 1092} Herman Bell 10924 M. Berg 10925 Trustese. Bethlehem Luther 10926 ,: George Bettendor! 10927 Geo. A. Boggs 10928 Tony Boost 10929 crank W. Bartle 10930 I, Dr. J.A. Cameron 10931 10932 Capitol Supply Company A.O. Carlson Drug Store 109 Track Caruso I 1093! %v. M. J. away 10935 A OheleY 10936 10937 odam Park Church 1, Orispus Attuake Rome, Sea. ` 10938 cypress at. Church 10939 Sven V. Dmstedt 10940 Day 8 Night Garage 10941 W.T. Drs s 10942 Mrs. D.J. Dunnigem 1094j Julius Dsi Yievics 10944 East Side Motor Soles 001111p 0945 John W. Egan 1 py46 Tlenk Eno. 10947 I'' Charles Essenbolm 10948 Trustees. Fairmount Ave -M, 10949. J. Fenlon 10950 ' A.M. rink 10951 J. rink 10952 Allen R. #tsoher 1095) Michael J. Foley _4 Trustees* T.Lodge #18& I.0 10955 rrigidairs Sales Oorporati I099,6 r: Chas A. Oo dbont 100x§7 1 58 ':f cood'irill I=111tries W.Sy. Grubbs ' 10959- Ragelin Brothers 10960 Hemline Hotel 10961 E;J. Henloa lo 62 Mrs. John Hanson 1096j Highvood Commercial Glob 10964 Hunn Brothers 10965 Geo. D. Hutchins 0huroh r. 325 Oo 50 00 a 00 8 00 7 50 50 a 00 a 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 6 00 8 50 6 00 00 e 00 8 0000 a 00 6 DD 00 8 00 tl 00 a 00 8 a DO 8 DO 8 DO 7 50 106 DO 6 DDD a a 00 6 Do 7 50 a 00 106 00 50 6 50 779 00 7 50 b � 8 00 7 50 �a'�• SC UI i C12 CL}Fn W r-owwwno � c .. In File No 9"09 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the mWdlg If the following public bo,onnea by the City If St. P-1, vi- Z7I - QpeniA"_Adqnin&-and - extending An ell9y iP Rlggx � ville A4dj:tIgIl 'f'7go� Y!Alout qtreet _and.,.condemning.. the 6, .71 9.AdditJor- Dated lhi.- --Sth &Y PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written Peop .. I f., the .-long If therovemoo !7" ()p,,Aug__.Ejdenin&..and ext.anding-all -alle-y Street to Ch.a.stn.ut-.Street_,......... .. Rice.& Irvine!_s Addition from Walnut b_y_tWag awl a9uilmuluz- tlap ' 'OutrArly. FSce--K,17 els ... ... ... - -------- --- -------------- ha,ing been peneented to the Council of the City Of St- P-1- .... ....... ....... ...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pblin Week. be -d in hereby nod -d end dire -ted; 1. To ineetipte the neeeegity for, or de.6-bilitY If, the making of said improvement. 2. Toinvoetipto the netIre, ..te.tand ..U -td .t of said improvement, and the total cmtthlmf. 3. To furnish5 plan, Profile or eleetch of said impe­emenL 4. To elate whether or net mid improvement is eared for on the petition of three or more ownem 5. To.PortuPOnaU of .. foregoing oned. to the commisslo-, of Finsonee. Adopted by the CounCiL.- Y— Nave .11 Gaw�a- TR' C.U. nun M- Approved-. - )JL - MID" t'n I-- Ro— M. Pm-- �L NO. -1.14410 . o. o CITY OF ST. PAUL r�rr O ICE OF CITY CLERK CO NCI ESOLU ON—GENERAL FORM P—ENTE RESOLVED That the Northern states Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the south aide of Michigan, between Nest seventh and Niob- mond; with necessary Me, wires, anohore, and Telephone oompany wires. C.e BNod Pli 9S' ao1W wli- Estimate }17075. d aau;axF �� 'i umet$o� w�...n'aml_e..eo I oM'btlmatbe �o. IPl6saa I`` a'tae b sal y IYa6l J i F r e' Yca. COUNCILMEN Na� Adop,cd by 1h,,C... 61. 19 G-1-. y MaY J Appr—d _..... 19 I 1. car rLr:I;n - MAvoR -- koem Agai�,r \y/ Mr. Prnidcar o.�Ue.�n G.r awk .CITY OF ST. PAUL .v cd NO...... ICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU R60LUTION—GENERAL FORM A owTe RESOLVED, that the proper city oYYlcere ba end they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with John Strum, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of X13.20 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the 19th day of November 1932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said John Strum the sum of $26.40 out of the Workmen's Oompensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including aeeember 3rd, r 1932. COUNCILMEN ye. �- Ne lbEc9enald /Pearce /Rosen C /Truax _(...i....._Azai-t W.- M,. Mr. President Mahoney Ut.0 — Adopted by the Council....._.. __....... _._._...193. _.. Is o°cc PRinTER � .finA Aoo�eC I W 0 uifl .,N RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF {S 5 a 30 ._ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED1 6_ 6 TO__3,112(INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. A10"R. aT THE 111—IL ___ DEC 1111mil 11111111111 Ulm I oFFIIE or THE coN.rsouEa „L. NO......_.. --- S COUNCIL ersOLUT1ON AUDITED CLAIMS-----Twvsbaz-6----1--.--"-32 „oma .... EC '/ 1932 . ..77 �..o." IFC "_]�- __.... _ _. Nv.a IN FAVOR OF TOTAL . 10966 Edward w. Lackey 40 00 7O 40 10967 Mite Cu11en ' 1096tl Lexington Tire 6 Battery 00. l30 10960 John Ante 1 0 Y.H. Indent _ 10971 w.J. x o oomPeny 10 '. 30972 Adolph ohnsonish 16 ;0 1097+, Azel A. JOhneoa 1097 Azel Johnson 10975 ". O.J. Johnson 00 10976 Bxe. Anna Zaler 10977 Eells Drug Store 6 50 10978 Yra. H.Z. Zspe 10979 Kemper Chevrolet CompanY.InG a 00 ". 10980 H.C. Zirby a 8 DO 10981 IIinkerfust Brothers 7 O 10982 C.M. Zion 7 109aj W.A. Noble 0 109 Frank Mohout a 1096a� Zdward A. Zrser 6 50 10986 J. Kris 10987 Trustees of Lake Perk Beptis church a 00 109tl8 F. Lsonoweky 10989 Long Brothers Motor CGmPacy 0500 10990 Yr e. J. J. Luby 668 10991 Yrs. O.Y. Lundeted OD 10992 Freak J. YoDoaough 6 5o V 1099] �! H.Z. Y"Xis ' 1099» Macalester upholstery shop a p0 10995 J. J. Beset .7 5C a 10996 '? Belson Motor CSPany 555�00 s v 10997 Mouths 8 Biller Auto Livery a b0 ;I 10998 Trustees, Masonic Temple 7 00 10999 L. Mass 9 00 1100° M Ino. 13001 W.G.w. a. Ye11Is 0 a 00 11002 Mrs. Sophie Michel tl 00 11003 Alfred Miller Minn. Sawdust a Shsvlage Oo. 1 00 11 'I 11005 Mre. John H. Mitchell a 50 7 0050 • 11006 Mrs. Jennie Moore 11007 Murray Body speny 5° 11008 Albert B. Myers 7 11009 Neighborhood House 5000 11010. Andrew Nelson 6 11011 J.H. Belgian 13012 'I Horth central Comaeroisl Cl d 00 7 50 11013 !, Robert A. Horth 800 ' 11014 Hortbern Motor osPany ITY FN% sHerr r ..-ronwwno ' e » , 944D - , OFFICE OF 'HE COM -0— ,s No. couNCILMgN–aoLL CwLL, ..._..____......______. Mwr � COUNCIL RteeLUT10N •—'"'""°" AUDITED CLAIMS ------Do...bar-6th---'32- Ma 01 x0Z — t pe - - -- -- r...WR IN FAVOR OF T eao�cNr FoaWwao • 11015 Rydeen–Denboer - -- / TOTAL c"vcav -- c"vc"c 97 018 02 —A— 1 906 55 2 �5 11016 Mre. Ed. H. lobar 124 50 11017 A.P. Teller 120 00 11016 ^ O.Y. Johnson 123 00 11019. H. Rinke 11020 seven Corners Electric Corp y 306 00 11021 Dr. B.J..Binger 63 49 11022 Milton Rosen, 0, of Yia. FSU. 55 00 11023 Milton Rosen, 0. of 11024 Milton Rosen, 0. of Fin. 55 00 11025 Dennis Hayes, Assigoea 84 97 Harold Sughrca 11026 Fred Myer. 96 11027 Ruben OustafeoU 470 11026 Arthur ?spin 756 �? 11029 .Henry Ruth +� 95 11030 Carl Gastineau 14 03 31031 Walter Bruce 31032 Clifford Oor. Aseigaee 77 55 Harvey Heesergroa 13 110; Frank Hefner 11034 Walter 6alinger 25 11035 J.H. Cullen. Assignee 36 00 B.J. Perry Moo 99 11036 John bQQEaE 11037 Emil Gianseni ` 1103E August Tion 12 65 11039 , A3 Bonn 31040 +. "alt Colbert 11041 August Fischer 14 33 11042 + Dennis Galvin 7 �5 .1103 Arthur Adams b 60 6 11044 M.L MoYnight 11045 L.J. Wikre 22 00 ,11046 E.B. Zrickson 14 �5 11047 - A.W. elseger Dick Henghl 65 is 11048 11049 Howard JoShaneoa wa 11050 - Ed. Erickson, Jr. 4444 28 10 45 11051 Don Erickson 19 3 - 11052 Wm. . rguaTdAnacker 1105 ante. Aatoker 6 1305 Peter Dorsad • 6 o 44 00 11055 Allred Iemsk6 1 65 11056 Henry LeMay Dever 7 40 11057 Wm. yaU 3 '� 11058 W. Moore 11059 F.R. At—rd20 11060 Ed. 7abedi 90 11061 Mike yilano 17 88 11062 Harry Leiser 3 30 11063 Henry Durant 25 03 31064 Frank Mark. 110 A. Brindomour 27 33 26 11 John O'Connor ' 60 11 Thos. ekrove 110 Louie Hyatt gpi J8 50 11069 L. E. Henson cs� 2 63- ..00820 IN FAVOR OF 414l o:p NO. COUNCIL RE 8LU—N AUDITED CLAIMS Dom —her . ...... T 1-- IN FAVOR OF TOTAL ...... T 1-- loom 44 • 11070 L.A.odd Sitorski 19 75 X3 11071 Walter ;07 00 11072 C.P. Herbert 1107 Bureau of Municipal Research X0 00 �,.P Raymond P. Pavleoka 11074. Z 11075 Mrs. H. Mitch 15 00 11076 Fred Dixon 50 11077 rrances O'Brien 00 11078 Y. O'Connor 10 00 11079 Oakwiew improvement Company a 00 11080 John Olson a 50 11081 Olson -Bowman Company a 00 11082 Park Garage a 00 11083 O.S. Parkin 1101% Alfred Perlt 700 00 11095 Peterson -Greenan Company a 00 11086 Ray Pollard Motor Company a 00 110$7 rrank L. & Roland V. Powers 7 50 110" quick ServiceBattery Co.Ino 7 50 11089 John J. Riley 7 50 11090 Mrs. Helen Robert 00 1 00 11091 B.T. Roger: 6 5o 11092 Aug. A. Rolf 7 50 11093 P Rotaenberger a 00 J. Rothstein a 00 11095 S%Andr Andrews School 1109 St.Bern:;dIs Hall 40a0 00 00 11097 John X. Mullen a 00 11098 S% Paul Y.S. Church a 00 11099 St*Psul Plumbing a Heating 0 mpang 11100 St.MllipOs Oburch a 00 11201 Soared Heart School S 00 11102 A.M. Schmidt a 00 a 00 11103 Joseph Sohnabl 7 50 11104 R.M. Schnell 7 50 11105 John T. Scott a 00 12106 Sel-Dale Motors 11107 Service Sheet Metal Mfg.Oo. 7 50 11108 G80. SIM& a 00 9 00 11109 W.A. Slipp 9 00 11110 Jose Soman 11111 R. & R. Specialty Printers 80550 • 11112 Nicholas Steinmetz 7 11113 Anton Stoll 10 a 00 11114 Richard G. Strickland 11115 Joe. Tessner a 00 OC 11116 B.C. ToenJ so 11117 Chas. Trayblatofska 50 11118 Mrs. Leo Treanor 11119 Kra. John Turney 6 0500 11120 James W. VaAOk a 00 11121 Vence Brothers 7 50 7 50 11122 D.M. Vogelgeseng 11123Warren-Given, Inc, a 00 I 1124 J.O.Weaver WN, 10 00 11225 Henry J. Velma, Adm, C ITY a 50 11226 Welcome Hall By 4- a GO 102 001 aluul .o an ger CITY OF ST. PAUL vu ` No. 94415 TTT OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI�ON--GM�L FORM _— onrE.__DC.ff89b ES T.,_. SO.I7+.. RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one New Ildosller with case and impeller rinpe for De Laval 20" 900 R.P.M. Centrifugal Pump at the Miseiesippl River Station of the '4ster Department, as per specifications, at a cost not to eaceed $646.00 f.o.b. factory, Trenton, N.T. without advertisement, ea this is a patented article ant no advantage could be geined thereby. Charge ',t'a'er Department Fund. COUNCILMEN / yeeeNnye /ay P/agree /Roach � -Weeze! Mr. President Mahovey Me Y K�--�}e`m ttMYBp Wc*r�u� I' wWleely I�SUver Bw ov. axtha iC�.Deov4ene`,4 yGBev.ev0W:�[GeBeea1ov4se lLlr`4W�npetNedee[e caE cr3fAe iAenO . ;I�,iexa:�Wi ex r� 1M� mA[pev�voeE v � B ]ien T. 3{f{. ebn>`-11 {o tq Adopted by the Council... A.E C.._.. .. ...193.. _ a�M2 App d _._ -. 193.. Mayor ;T., COUNCIL FILE N0. ...._.- By....__...._.........____.__............__........_.....__. ....esfau u.v...*. 94416 �t w)Ml� S:amlwZ.e.°a? CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the—essmeut If .,t .^its, ,. a- _ sae for At'.ot}. under Prchmm..y Order.._..._ ..90221........ _..__, Intermediary Order_...aOfili`C�.... Final Order__ ,j HOM7 __.._ _. .PP d _'14i: 10 __. _....._. _......_... Is. 31.. The . —reent o[..aen.:fits... nas.s...-11 eapuns.ae...__ _._...........___._......fur and in connection with the above imprroveme„t having been submitted t„ the Council, end the Council having considered cam„ aml found the mid •a.essment sa tisfantory, th... fore, be a RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same i. hereby in n11 respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, Thnt a p Wic hearing be bad on said-=aessment on the_... Bth... ........day of __ZtAUpIy... 19.33It the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, i. the City of St_ Pnul; that the Commissioner of Finnnce gimme notice of .aid re—h­ I. rr9uired by the Charter, stating in said notice the time .nd place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof. . -I the omnunt assessed ag.inet the lot or lets of the pnrticvlar owner to whom the notice is direct,d. Adopted b the Coun,. d... DEr 109^ .... ]9 y City Clerk. Approved_ _ _ 19___ Coanndmen T§a�reea;a +t„y C.il Coun..ecilmman fth Hale Pr„res / % an _Sd5 hi.en KTLISHED Mayor z,, .z 94417 rn the matNr pt We..�n1 or eeaeaa caN abs ea ea`R toe ea4frbR r. !' tcN,r s..aa.s y COUNCIL FILE NO...__..._........_._........._BY ._.. ear bertlooti ate�o ,. ..............._._......_..........__........ -""' ,..awe " CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of"its, gatsn.. ., s_tar ,rid e y hell z. .. t rn F. i aol ny - p,ly - the ^nt ray r .. 1Ko,it- •nit fists, el _. 11 y P - inoarty I nll u - snry of . sot ondrny s'y 1 7 -t uii _ wide 'o nr14i—Ihohe d- end 'sol �. ane 5u wi astween Canr.ol ,. and i o f. ... :: r 1 d t n -aY _�I:..It i t b _ r pn m e rt =rly o _r t it of e..r;. -e .uys shall b :odes:ed -t:. bri_k p-11, on _ nnrot3 bane, under Preliminary Order........ 90815___.__ _.,..._,__ Intermediary Oder __........... .91412 _........ ..... Final Order.... 910.8.9 _. .. app d °eb 1' ...... --- .......... , 19 32 The assessment oE._._'-:`n.�Citst, :o sts _n.^.d e.x-:e�c=s __ . for and in cormeetioa with the above improremeat having been submitted to the Couneil, and the Conned baring eonsilered same amt found the said asersmcnt satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the nail assessment be and the same is hereby in all respeets approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said eaeeeament on the__-Atb.......... _._. day of ,lanunry_ _ _ _ _ __________ _ 19 33 et the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Co anvil Chamber of the Court House end City 11,11 Building, in the City of SL foul; that the Commissioner of Finanee give notiee of said meetings, as —1,ued by the Charter, stating in said notiee the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount xmewed against the lot or lots of the particnlsr owner to whom the notiee ie direet d. �C 7 Adopted by the Comeil_6 _____ _._ ._.. \19,1' Approved_ 19...... .^.X1.6.1:.�<tt� "-�..C-T '.•s..., Mayor. Cou eilmenpgosrJ Dtu� onnoeitman Cunneilman " Councilman � MeyorAtah„ues FF"� a,r oat �' CITY OF ST. PAUL =n rr0._.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK p NwatA.t1� n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—�+ENERAL FOR�na C Z;r��.' IN >D wgQRl8, the City of stoertai Polhas i°°°Sand In alarm : st with the Ceelewell oompau7 nal Systeme installed in this oit7; and wyQBtl9, at the tine otI f the 'execution of for the system Lhe nsbd it was determined that the current eonroe wesbatteries6tions requiring Said battsrissi 8anndenritere aPPr°•e6 lSof the VMM, subsequent to the date °t bsetteriestibad ben in - contract, and after the equiP'LI exoeP stalled, it was determined that the epeoifioariod be advantageiOu e rectifiers in Place of one set of batteries would r advantageous to the City in that there would be no neoessit7 for revent all within a faw years much as would be onceesar7 in Sha event all batteries were need; and X18, the lational Board f.tof y that underwriters has are viand the Commissioner of Public "carrent Chet and th°a`L their 1 etall- Of the sources adrisawill not unfavorably affsotftbberating of the '"tau; nom ation thsrs[dra, hm it contract between the Camewell Company Si801,YtD. That the i- and the City of Bt. Paul he and the name is hereb7 am: dfQan' "ter, oifiostioas; Pr ovel of sf tmit the installation for Of in the saiders tifiers in Place de one oe ryA Bnderwriters and the Commissioner of Of batteriesonsl and installation shall met the nP Of Public Safety of the City of Bt. Paul. 193_.... COUNCILMCsN Adapted by the Council - Yeas Nnye / /',v[cDondd A Proved ...._ �-. 193..... -Peasea- _..._.-In favor T_ ...ABainet ley MIDLISFIRDii President Mahoney a^p^ oxcoV CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT V' December 2nd. 19 Nr. Jobn g. McDonald, Co®Sesioner of Public gaiety. Dear girt your letter of November 7th, addressed to r' Nr. Anderson, relative to the 0emesell compeny contract, bas been banded to me for reply• you inquire moat action sbould nos be taken by you to Complete the negotiations for the substitution of rectifiers in Place of batteries. I believe the proper procedure mom6 be to introduce a resolution at some meat - ,ng of the 0onnoll, autborising snob substitution. por your convenisnoe, I am enclosing a resolution Covering the matter. /your* very truly, less1t7 Oorporation Oconee,. UJI-D o.�ama .o oo a..� wed✓ii+• CITU OF ST. PAUL .0 NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITU CLERK f COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ndii� iiB�klti4 .4kb...... . WHEM►8, under an agreement with the Tri-State Telephone ! Tel egrapb 00mpan', which has been in force for the last few years, and under the Provisions of Council rile lo. 917491 the Commission- er of Public Safety, the Xeyor and that City Comptroller were author- ised to enter into an agreement with the Telephone Company for the furnishing by :aid Company of tis -linea end ducts, 4unna1, vault and riser space for the Police and fire Alarm erohangej and WA{AS1 the agreement provides that the rental for the year 1933 shell be ,8,692.50; therefore, be it neOLVLD, That the Commissioner of Public Safety, the Mayor and the City Oomptrollsr be and tbey are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the Tri-State Telephone 8 Telegraph Company under the term of which the City @hall request .aid Ccmpemy to fnisb snob service for the calendar year of 1833; rn provided, however, that said agreement shall contain a provision the in the City is entitled t a court rthef competent above service free, the Teleurisdiction phonesCt�t paay shall reimburse the City for the mount erpended; be it TORTHE2 FZSOLV=D, that the proper city officers be and they 6are Telegraph Company thauthorized end directed said Ocu oft$8 592`80 in eo said qual monthlylephone etallments duriyg the year 1833 for said service. COUNCILMEN Yeo@ / ey nieDnnala Ney4' Peace �Roaen _-_..In favor (� T,uax ....._..'..Against VV— //lM,. President Mahoney Adopted by the Council, ... .8.]0._ 193...... ,•: A%gyp/pro�ved.._.��" -.".......193_.. Moyor COUN 94420 94421 . - DSL FIDE No. 1 RRINTEB I1 map>w-pPau Deoember 8 _2 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF E 801.26 111 $ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED�TO 11228 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOVTED — THE COVNCIL__ t—_.— APHR-E- DEC emit..—Alid !9& e4e a .. ;4420 _. u root COUNCIL e0•eeWT10N 16 0' AUDITED CLAIMS C a too o. a-1xsr��N•'"a"' .,�.r.a tea. rwr..w IN FAVOR OF Oheslosl sales a safety Oo. 111P! Board". Vof Publio0 Welfare Fla. 11Rosen.MIJUn 130 j� 0ple llijs� Oagulf oban Bratbere I.J. sieseman Ret. Frank 5oubet Job. Fitapatriot Dr. Joel L.B. Peterson Sttao eph eeHoepaaal B.Pmle,Clfnfo t tal Dr. _, p�gene soott Dr. 0. 0.��� g17te Dr. Ohne. Dr. Oharlee W. Weae Dr. 00011 A. Wssrea Dr. T.L.Webber H.W. Me ton Stanley 011PSn0asPan7 Dr. _gg,, J. prendergaat 111131 me MaboneyMayor. Clyde R. May td. Bouquet Louise Dill Quality Part Investment Cos . August P. Robledez I r, lira. Oatherins Uranus Den B. Lane nW... Oh F. Reimbold L ax. H.Clayton ltterton I F.D. Faraioe M. Ooautta ± WO. Torele7 blo an g A 1 ateno. 'r Atlas Osezh 011 Company as aapsn B Atlas one 1 011 Oaspsa7 g Atlas ons t Cil Oaa7 �0 B, Berglund IApbOr ampany Z s. Brand Company IP 0oa0 are Baseatob. louelppam7 n�} oe-ODarative Leand77 14 P.M. FSTICY 15 Farwell. Olean. risk Oemyan7 (6 The Frederic Rotel bo e Ani Sap bach orOOM 6"Wen i9star Photo Ooapsa7 Bp Tbyompson.s ReetaaraRt�etez t_fiAntog j� c-..dTA O1mV aceiu� eer cora 13' 6E 33 171 51� 31& of 7,5< e' at X96 0 240 9 33, I TTS 0 40'C 60i 56 29 37 9' 7s TZ 300' 150 10 10 IR 561 � �gP Nj. 1 102 s' PP'I 30 M 33 -1-- o «x �" — o..w,»r "w� 94421 o—, or 11, coNF.aO—R No. xwv COUNCIL m..OLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS a—..Eo OTAL x�x.sw IN FAVOR OF . 11183 O'Neil 6 Preston, Inc. Inc. 11184 11185; ,O'Neil 6 preeton. Albert E. Peterson 11186 1 Commonwealth Electric Compan7 .11187 R.E. Hulme Company X11188 St.paul Blue Print Company 11189 Cue Schmidt 11190 7 Robert McBride and Company 11191 McClain 8 Redman Company 11192 McGill -Warner Company .11193 Holeeeon-St.Pml Drug Compan'. 11194 - S.J. Mack Company 11119q5 Mack Int. Motor Truck Corp. 11196 The Macmillan Company 11197 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company 11198 Marrinan Medical Supply Comp, 11199 C. 8 E. Marshall Company 11200 Phil A. Maynard 11201 Merrill -Greer and Chapman Co, 11202 Meyer Engraving Company 11203 Mica Insulator Company 11204 Midwest Oil Company 11205 Miller and Holmes 11206 Mining Auger A Tool Work. .11207 — xinneapoli. Directory Compeer; 11208 Mpls. St.Paul 8 Sault Ste.Ma. 11209 Minnesota Chemical Company 11210 Minnesota Produce Company 11211 John W, Mitchell 11212 Model Laundry Company 11213 E.A. Moeller Company 11214 Motor Power Equipment Compare. 11215 National Ammonia Company 11216 National Biscuit Company 11217 Rational Lead Company 11218 ..11219 National Map Company a1ooJ:. D.em a Gregg Company 11220 Worthero States Power Compare 11221 Northern States Power Coupon `.11222 Northern Staten Power Compeer. 11223 Northern State: Power Compan Oompan 112244 • '.11225 '112 Northam Staten Power 1. W. Copper 8 Brass Works Truck Company .11227 Hutting Oriental Laundry Company .11228 Orloff Leather Company Ry. Co. 5 226 95 400 25 13 81 34 19 229 4 33 20 3 22 6 4 282 3 42 32 25 12 5 3 38 16 369 68 6 51 870 455 191 1 06 180 11 13 151_so2. on1 G'rP"` J CITY OF ST. PAUL No, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r'���u �.IL RREEESOL1UCT,oN-.—.,GE✓NE+RAAL FORM �/-`//'rJ/�� / m., _ 'p°cember 5, 1952 RFSDLVEDicaticne Mry Mire been cede by persons need That licensee f= mtSch eppl an the attached list be and the same are hereby grunted and the city clerk is isetructed to issue auch licensee upon the payment into the city treasury oY the required for. COUNCILM FN N,e pl - iliosml iTnlax '._l. J .Against /Wenzel ,.1 • er /Mr. president Mahoney eeglo 0 b ggFwAe uN -. ��p we t X6.5 �.elme 9. 1 Lt C I:WA 1y:4. Adopted Ly the t'--il "... Approved W :3. F. SCnT'1� C�Y CLgpR December 8, 1932 ��ti� 1520 payee Ave. nrocery M. L. Burg, C. P. Bimgh® 1675 Selby Ave. confectionery Maude BoruP Candy Co. 20 T. 5th Grocery Carbone Bros. 680 E. 7th Henry Chases 532 gmtucky 365 Robert Cwfecti�nery L. B. Boyd C. Davis 24M Myrtle Ave. Grocery s YI'B. David --720 Joseph Faiad Western Ave. 767 T. 7tb s Soft drink Mayme Flynn 452 Tabe-- 76 W. Fairfield Grocery Y. C-orge Joe. C."echoid pacific 681 Edmund St Tea Co. 169 NA Bt. s s Gt. Atlantic & Dale 1868 Selby Uevld Greenberg 981 Arcade St. Confectionery C=noe Gruber 140 W. Summit Ave. Grocery Y. R. Nagenmiller 450 S. Robert s Elsie Hones 219 Bates Confectionery Carl Johnson 581 Stryker Grocery giech Bros. St elle goeeak 879 Arcade s s A. F. Lee 1074 Haetinge ConYectlonery C. Longeaisch 8T8 Rice 114 S. Robert Grocery K . M. Lurie 923 Arced- T. R. Melmstroa 618 Selby Confectionery P. F. Yea•voulle Midasy Y. M. C. A., 1963 University Grocery National Tea Go. 63 A. Tinifred 252 S. Cleveland s North Central Commercial Club 113 University Confectionary Steve paderski 992 Arcade 652 Farrington Grocery Barry Pearlman 1817 Ashland Av. s Dorothy Pooley Wm. Prime- 149 State s s Homer L. Sanders 259 E-imd s F. J. Sandow* M. Simon 177 State 721 N. Snelling v ° W. B. Soukup 154 E. Fairfield Louie Smith Stein Grocery & Meats 506 N. Prior n %regal Q Leska 380 Selby Restaurant James F. Yparakos 191 N. M elling " J. E. Porta, 1043 nd s Alex Turk 976 Arcade s White Castle System gas 70 St -pArcadeter s E. T. Williams December 6, 1932 Nathan Neff 418 Sackaon Hot al (junior) 59 room- " (Cladeto-e) 20 rooms Jobn Sandvin 24 A. Exchange Public N.W. Theatres Inc. 1560 St. Clair Motion Picture Theatre Steve Paderski 992 Arcade 5 pool tables Merrill -Greer & Chapman Co. 397-411 Sibley St. Miscellaneous sale A. Houghton 57 S.akland Grotto Gasoline station 3 PCPs n pakland Oil Co. 425 O " 3 " „ 1 PnmP Halter & Peul Rhoads 50 E. 12th St. „ 3 pumps " Shell Petroleim Co. 302 E. 6th St. 34423 CITY OF Sr. PAULNO........... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coiMsa`o°Or+ew - onre December 6, 1952 >li WHERFAS, applications for licensee have been made as fellows Besser & Berman 685 University Ave. Butcher license application 3857 961 Lewis Markus 602 Ifebaeta St. :eetaurant " e 5880 Jos. Sandhofer, 852 Aice St. WHKRR6.B, said applicants have withdrawn said applications for licenses; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city Officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Beeser & Bergman the fee of $25.00 and to cancel anplicatien 3961 for Butcher license; to refund to Lewis Markus, the fee of $10.00doto cancethe 1 applicatim 5657 for Restaurant liceaae, and to refund to Joe. fee of $10.00 and cancel application 5880 for Restaurant license. COUNCILMEN Yeas A Y I.,. � IARf Inst Wenud •R n_ss / Mr. President Mahoney Adopted by the 01u1-il 193. A p 193_.. CITY OF ST. PAUL v " NO. 94424 OFFICE O THE CITY CLERK —COUNCIL R TION—GENERAL FORM REsoLYEo That normal Hid No. 9899 of the Review Publishing Company for printing and publishing during the year 1933, in the St. Paul Review, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the tuglish language In the City of St. Paul, qualified under the laws of the State of Minnesota to publish legal advertisements, all ordinances, resolutions and other proceedings and matters re— quired under the obarter or by ordinance or resolution of the Council to be published in a public newspaper, for the sum of Thirty—six Cents (38e) per inch for the first Insertion, and Hgbteen Cents (18#) per inch for each subsequent insertion, be and the same is hereby accepted, said Review Publishing Com- pany being the lowest responsible bidder; and the St. Paul Review is hereby designated as the official paper in the City of St. Paul for the year beginning January 1, 1933, and until its successor sball be designated, in which all such publications for the year 1933 shall be made. ; - ---- nh RSB �ab0,!..btl01 � leg�lu� �eroel • _iliY, Ie.W. eC.riNr°'iAe� i n �gW�ll��rl 8MW .. COUNCILMEN �` of C p 1()"? Y_Ney//e,✓�� -� Adopted by the C—cil._.. _:_._-_........193...... D4eBaadd- x,iY' 9']J� ike,ce _.. ..___..._ Iutevor Approved_......-.. ... ...... ...._.. ...........t93._... ZE.— n 6?X1 — - /'fir ......'_..._..Against 11A. F.%""�^T". ._..__...MeYor. .. We—I /Mr. President Mehoeey • 1 425 oFricc or THa corrrwou�e �"`" N0. COUNCIL ARSOLUTIO. AUDITED CLAIM Deoember 9 __._„•� _ted!' / - -- - -'r TOTAL yy OR OF q.�'�W°� ewT vowwwwo Fran iton James E. Glass Elfrida Soderberg Hilton Rosen, 0. of Finance 11.1. Palmer Company Panama carbon Ribbon Company Paper, Calmeneon Company H.}. Patterson Dental Supply Co. C.A. Pearson, Inc. R. Peltz a Son Perfection Type Company w, J. Phillipe Oompany Pioneer Typewriter Company The Polarls Concrete Prodctl Co. Price E1Botiro Company Purington Paving Brick Company Quick 9eTwice Battery Company Railway Express Agency Rand Masally ecapany Frank A. Reed Company Joseph A. Rogers Agency. Inc.. 9t.Pau1Abstract Company St.Panl Arcade Company St.Paul Book 8 Stationery Company Bt.Pau1 Boot A Stationery C 'pany St.Paul Book b Stationery 0 pany 9t.Pau1Book ! Btationery O pany S t.Paul Brass Foundry Coupan I.. St.Paul Brom Mfg, Company 9t.Paul Builders Material Company 9t.Paul Chapter American RedGross St.Paul Corrugating Company Bt.Pau1 Electric Loop compan St.Paul Foundry company 9t.Paul Good will Industries St.Paul Hydraulic Hoist Comp y St.Paul Letter Company st.Paul Milk company S%Paul Office Equipment Com any St.Paul Glass Company St4Pau1 Overall Laundry et.paul Stomp works ” St.Pml Terminal warehouse C" peat' St.Paul welding 8 Mfg. Comp y St.Paul White Lead a Oil Com any Sanitary Bottling Company E.R. 9argebt Company Sobel an Auto Electric Compan T.A. Sobletz Jacob Scheldt Brewing Compan AndrewBohooh Grocery Compan Andrew 8obooh Grocery Compan 25 29 29 6 099 32 22 29 4 314'5 11 342 32 292 105 10 57 12 6. 67 271. S14' 213 15 10 32 14 29' 177' 29 13' 23 126.7 2 57 2 91. 20' 12 2' 6 2507 345 162 o14 — ` No.._._....9.14 6 I CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK1dd, - COUNCIL RM9LUTIONGENERA -R:%=6t !, , j—� eE 4 h bIW 9 be i CO®MImONE ,eoateddt. •�o O 'Whereas, additions and dedva ti one which might prole ato 'beae ce e - Wary on the improvement described as the Paving of Broadway from 7th. Street to Grove Street, Clement 7. Sculley Equipment Company, contractors, bave been provided for in the Specifications and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the contract, and Whereas, it has been found necessary to make additions and de- ductions Table 1 showing additions made in accordance with unit prices stipulated in the contract and Table 2 showing additions and deductions made on a force account basis ae provided in the contract TABLE 1 Additions e 121 12" V.C.P - CB to Sewer O 1:50 $18.00 - 11.5t 12. " . ® 1.50 17:25 i 101 12• • • • CB ® 1.25 12.50- 7# 2.50 7' 12" " 1 Side inlet 1 6A CB without castings 13.50— I.,�j Bad. Granite curb reset m g 8.0 straight g its curb reset m5 35 2.eo5: 54.46 .Cu«.Yds, clles B. Concrete ®e6 - .. ._. __ �_ t �e.5q 42.91 _ _ . 5538.76 TABLE 2 Additioget Rebuilt CB 21 deep 10.00 — Deductionst 7,851 Standard straight curb 0 .65 5.10 — 57 3" sheetasphalt on 7" base 54.46 Cp. yde.3Class B. HS Early 1.77- strength concrete® $10.50 571.84- 578.70 Net deduction Table 2 6 0 Total net deduction $29.94, and Whereas, the net deduction is $29.94, now, therefore, be it Resolved that the City Council hereby approve the aforesaid work done under the sup: rvision of the Commissioner of Public work. and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the net deduction due to same not to exceed the sum of $29.94 to be deductsd from the lump sum Co. e, deration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract 1..3741 for the making of the aforesaid improvement for the reason. here Qnbefore set forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated therein. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Clement P. Sculley Equipment Company that the a= of $29.94 is the reasonable net deduction to be made from the contract. ommire....er of "oil. ! of e Contractor � .. ..i Ceigned h of r !N Y ✓yq COUNCILMEN DEC A 1q" Yeas Nets Adopted by the Council ......_183___ May I/McDonald `LPearce .. 1. favor A P i lC (' .. //Hasan ...._......183.. /Truax .._Against SCO i 4­Mdel T, 'f"� ...Mayer am , ar /Mr. Preai dent Mahoney - CITY CLFt" ,.�.. 1.14- 1114 1 444 �.��Jb ;t THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �g_U OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dale) December 2, 1932. Ron. Berman C. Wenzel, Commissioner - Pub. Works Dear sir: This by way of explanation of the items for "additions and deductions" outlined in the attached resolution in conjunotion with the paving of BROADWAY from E. 7th. to Grove Streets. e is to over he ofe elowering andadditionel replacing tem for 2brokenPconnectionc Pipes tfound t in this condition when uncovered. The additional item for a "side -inlet" was madensoeseery by having to replace it, it being in a defective condition. et granitemcurbrre aetradiutogethere curb with t es deductionritossi Por standard straight curb and because changeesheetln plane for asphalt on 7a da base were made necessary at the alley in block 4, %itteon'a Addition. Deductions "Hi early strength con, toe notwneed flee for curb The additional items for a 6A-catehbaein (castings omitted) and for the rebuilding of a catchbasin two -Peet were made neceeeary by finding that their defective condition necess- itated some repairs. Thereforeas a result of a change iR the plane calling for lees "Hi -early strength concrete together with some reairs ephave aonettdeductionand on thea contract of $29.94. etc., Ree at lly submitted, JAMES E. CARROLL; Sssp't•. r Constuction & Repair. SEC -j- . No. _ J44 7. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM / � .t�_ onre_December. 9thvlg_-- RESOLVEd That the plat of Reitz' Subdivision, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public 'Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. aw n. w. Put .1O.lome:°o�rnntP wolr..ee..m sm. eoeeroer woeow. oen a �e. ng,ou .eo. a��e<s,eile IX1UNCILMIiN N.ye Y_ In In�'ur ��Cran. O_ __nN�dna /W-6 er , r �M11r. President M.h—Y Adopted LY the l"uncil DEC e 1+1a 1" 103- Apprurrd__.. Wal. F. SCOTT. CITY � LEUK yyip / C _ / ORRDINANC COUNCILFILE NO. : C.F. Dos. 94!29, 94430, 94+31. 94+32 gg80LPED, that checks be draws oa the City Treasury, to the aggregate —oat of $104,061.30, cuvaring checks a®bared 11281 to 11463 inclusive, as per checks on file In the office of the City De"troller. ♦12dapted by the Cooncil e 69 Lppro vad • _ o.viee or r"e cor.rso , "No. _ COUNCIL 215OWT10N AUDITED] CLAIMS ---December to .�. ^11281 Milton Rosen. Com'r. of Fin. 111282 Milton Rosen. Castor. of Fin. 11283 Rereohler Oandy Oompen'.Im. 11284 H.M. Eingaton Company 11285 Northern States Power Compos 111286 C.A. Pearson. Inc. 11287 Western Stamping ! Mfg.COmpa X11288 " Fred writ, Bldg. Inspector %11289 Charles tewart "11290 H.O.Boyeson Company '11291 William 0. Conway .31292 Milton Rosen, 0, of Finance 294 •ll;93 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 11Commonwealth Electric Compan 11295 Delia Brown 11296 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 111297 Catherine M. Clougherty, Gua 111298 J Mrs. Etta Flaherty i1299 John Lennon !11300 Ii Anna Wagner Peitsoh X11301 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 11302 Mrs. Anaa Schneider 11303 John Strom 11304 Ssmual Lipsohultz, Attorney for Rose Helen Harper ¢3305 S Mre, J.T. Jennings, Libraria 13o6 Donald D. Murray. Ngr. ,1130r—j�st.Raul VOO. School Revl.Fun '111308 O.C. Goodson 81309 J.R. Schmidt '1310 Capitol Stationery Mfg. 00. 1311 L. Sisenmenger Meat Company 1312 Fuel Economy Engineering Oou 331]3 Kenny Boiler Mfg. Company 1314 Northern States Power Coupon 1315 Northern States Power Dampen 1316 B.W. Blahgas Company 0.8 Ramsey OPrather neyStopssta tion Company 131n1319 J.L. Shiel Company 3320' Victory Printing Company 811321 Villaums Box ! Lumber Compan x,1322 West End Bakery Company 113] '.West End Bakery Company X11324 The Science Press 313 School Arte Magazine 113 The Seagrave Corporation 11327 Seestedt Company 11328 J.L. Shiely Company 11329 D.B. Shot -ell Company 11330 SodCompany 11331 Silver. Burdetteeomany 11332-.H.J. Slawik. Ino. 11333 C.J. Smith 8 company X1334 w.F.Smith Tire S Battery Com 11335 G. Sommers and Company 7 500 an >i r. scozr� 900! 84 4 o6 33959: 13 949 495' 55 7 353. 28 440 28 40 2244 1 231 5- 4 438 1 516' 92',1 125�j 1 l PI 61i 54: 217' 50 2 g: 39 167 90 12 29 12 1 212 39 7 50a 00 1 lg4 ';09 9 • ilij,,11.1 111111 -111 1, .` o.,.,M.. nc, a.U. couwe,�MeN-wo�� c,.0 oFFice or rNa eoMrrwo�.Ea ,,,. NO...._........_ COUNCIL amYOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS----Deaembex la ---"-32 .rurew IN FAVOR OF 11336 Geo.J. Grant OOn6t=Otl On On 500 #Ji33a John P. �' Hennessey 6 .11349 John White "11 36 w00 John Antl, sr. 36 `11341Oscar Johnson Anthony P. %eller 36 .11342. 11343 Henzy Rinke 11344 Pete eorenson 36 113 °� Aegust Anderson 2 19 1134 A. Andert 21 11347 John Hennessey 10 11348 Narl O. 8ayaez 11349 J.T. Gullen, Assignee 24 H.J. Perry 24 350 James Perry 16, 51 A.W. Plum 26, '.1 352 Oli mord Jarvis 11353 J.J. Nolan and Gaieeley. Gol - stein 6 Levitt, Attye. 32 11354 Tillism 49 499 ..1135 01ey Broth.,In.. 210'. 1135 Harris Brothers Plumbing oom any E - - wec-r r osw�wo -•-_=- -`--- .. --_— -- - -- -7- `�- ' � 44.920 .... ,.... - - n .. ,J443i cmww� I F1 COUNCIL 11[feLUT10N AUDITED CLAIMSMRI M Beeemaer—l2----'°-3� 1232 TO, •.. IN FAVOR OF e�.ena �eneena .v uwn e.....T .onwwao 7 FOO 00 244 920.9 • 11357 State of Minnesota, Com. 1 311:7 11358 metropolitan Drainage Milton Rosen, C, of yin. 1 120, 622 11359 Milton Rosen, C. of Fin. 1130600 South Dakota Dept. of Histor Company 6, ,11361 South Park Foundry l4',o .11362 A.G. Spalding A Brothers Company 34,6 11363 Spencer Lens Furniture Comp 11364 Sperry Office Y 66 5 11365 11366 H.K. Stahl Company Stanchfield company 21 11367 M Standard Oil Company 1 031, 3 11368 Standard Register Company 4 k7 11369 Standard Stone Company 30 5 11370 " Standard Unit Parte Corporst on 88 30 11371 Sta-Tite Products Company 3 00 '11372 The ata -Mie Company 199 50 11373 sterling Siren Fire Alarm 00"no. OO 11374 E.J. Stilwell Paper Company iW 11375 Frederick A. Stokes Company 14 80 11376 Straw Products Company 11377 Swift and Company 10'75 11378 Terminal Motor Bus Company 12 50 11379 John N. Theiseen 1 55 1 ,1,11380 Transit Supply Company Company 215 60 11381 11382 Trap Hook Travers Ink Company 1 00 36 143 1383 Tri-State Tel. A Telg. Comp Telg. Comp 7633 1384 Tri-State Tel. A Trnsabilt Steel Doors.Ino. 5g OO 11385 11386 Twin City Exterminating Comp y !11387 'i Mn City Hardwood Lumber OOmD.Y 37 '11388 Twin City Saw Oust Company 10 00 65 11389 11390 Twin City Show Card Company Twin City Textile Mills 3 29 18 63 1391 11392 Typewriter Sales Company Mabel Ulrioh(s Book A ?Tint S2op 33 21 39 11393 Underwood -Elliott -Fisher Oom y 11 50 11394 U.S. Radiator Corporation 199 2 67 11395 11396 United Typothetae of America Universal Oarloading A Dist.0). 3 23 11397 Universal Library Service - 35 17 • 11398 University of Chicago Press 15 92 116 1"mander Valley Iron Works Inc. 12 11401 VBies. Van Paper Supply Company 121 59 11402 'Velvet Manufacturing Company 3 85 Eenus Manufacturing Company 00 Waldorf 11403 1404 Hindery Company 45508 11405 Wallace A Tiernan Company 236 65 X1406 Wardle Natural Science Estsbl sbmeat 7 90 11407 GOO. Warner and Company 11 05 114o8 Warren -Given, Inc. 17 39 11409 Washington rodndry Company F scc!T� 197 13 11410 waterous Engine Works :.-�...�un 147 35 11411 Y.N. Weber Signs> 5 50 11412 H.E. wedeletaedt Company i� I 149 32 �T eawwao 00_00. _ 1q6 68 .,W�a� _ COUNCIL p[EOWTION LI QGL AUDITED CLAIM w- - IN FAVOR 0, _wnao r LJ i Milton Rosen, C.P.R.F. Braunig & Sone Baking Compri, Capitol Cn; ity Transfer Compa Goodyear service, Ino. ,ramer Auto spring Company National Map company V.I. Walah W, Y. Welch Mfg. Company West End Ice & Fuel Company B, Westerman Company Western Sign Company Westinghouse Electric Supply W.J. Westphal West Philadelphia High 30hoo: West Publishing Company E.B. Wheaton & company Wheeling Corrugating Company R.B. Whitaore and Oompany,In, The White Company S.S, ibite Dental Mfg, Compal i; White SeWing Machine Company Amherst H. Wilder Charities John whey & Sone Inc. - James 0, Willson company H.A. Wilson Company John C. Winston Company Wolters Brothers Arthur R.WOmrath, Inc. '. Wm, Eberts Wlod Insert Brake Lining Oom nuamaster Baking Company John D. Anderson Oaoltol Laundry Oompeny Citizens Ice & Fuel Company Consumers Milk Company .Crescent Creamery Company L, Eisenmenger Meat Company Elk Laundry Company Leonard Frank Company H.W. Jaaseen Midway Creamery Company Minnesota Milk Company St,Paul Milk Company Sanitary Farm Dairles,InO. Andrew Sdhooh Grocery Compan J.C. Yonder His Company, Ino. West End Bakery Company bleat End Bakery Company Westlund Meat Company Woodburn and Brandl Yoerg Milk Company =c' No. 9141 ------- -December- -1-3-- � •-32. 660 r®I SH -1 I..-Foswneo t 16G 18 149 65 00 90 16 66 90 33 90 588 14 50 6 15 747 40 1 00 54 00 Doo 16 14 138 731 63 33' 1 00 100 00 9 40 t4 00 65 40 51 7555 82 6o 2973 5525 24 40 36 22 26 26 11855 28 336 16 34 10 79 5n 338 142 43 2og59 68 124 63 404 04 72 55 19 28 21 08 84 14 116 63 920 I NO.. oeWW wOvra^" CITY OF ST. PAUL/, ' • F IC ITV RK C LUTIO GENERAL FORM / Y oAT. - PaasEaTaD RESOLVED Cooncll File FO. 42448, na emended, be flsther that reaolutionr amended by atriklmg therefrom the lime $1.25 per boor" "plumber • • • ' and SneertSng in 11en tbereof the line $1,C0 par houss`a Io accordance .Stw "Plumbor redncing their ages: action of the Jonrneym em Yl>mb hat said r� �t� take effect andel be So force oa BE IT FDHTI�B RBBOLY»' and after December 1, 1982. weva"L u'c av m ww coram `t e 6 be [artbee, tbu"h ml , =etaraw a"br•. m M _ wwa •oi m`n "� IDaa ii�rUU COUNCILMEN Year .24Y Na " / �Donbld Pearce In favor D scn iitne Aeemat �Wenael Mr. president Mahoney AJupted by the Council 1.:1 93 DEC 1 • _193 Approval - by CLtiRS CITY OF SAINT PAUL GPM of Mieeoou OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ' LL1. score, oro a.h ..a e•..i.ioe., d 0.•ebe.aan .moo December 6th, 1932 Ban -'. H. McDonald, Comer of Public Safety - Chairman of Lege Scale Committee, City of Saint Paul. Dear Cammiseioner: •e attach """ith three letters from the United /ssociation of Journeyman PI®Dere and Steen Fitter. relative to the following volo.tary temporary re- d.tione: Steamfitters from $1.25 per hour to $1.00 per hour ers Help.627 • • • 50 Plumbers to $1.00 per hour. "'a above letters sere referred to the Rage Scale Co®ittee for investigation and report. Tour. very truly, City Clerk. Local Union No. 34 United Association of Journeymen Plumbers and Stem Fitters ,oHN oom�.n, o� Pmid� of the Ugited State, ad Censds K@INPDY, Adt Bwmet Plum. H..im °f �Osecil WPI P1umm�8tum�.9R �k���Piven Hd�pendR.o.Wwww.�r•' .yam wiu.sl.WwWee.da.o...l� •• M1�i.d..r�t�b.. ca.ea. _-i' OEN�tAi•ORID� ��� H o¢o. raAe pmin�R� m, WILLIAv LSNN WA N & A tu�9 eR HlwRni, p�u,�g • i� v'. s•� .vM in vlervnac tw�O�cBOARD Ram."i�u v� .. Xt�m',�^;""it yd esu. x... 8.0 e�.�.�..uV.�rac o n� d�p N.D�G�11• id..t�.vWao.l nba 00NHMLOPFlCE6-H LldmeulWla.Nloth ud Lf000tV<mw.WA3fiD10'[V St. Paul 1932_ St. Paul City 0ouncil, Dear Sire: This is to notify your bonorable body that the Plumbers Local Union Ho. 34 have voluntarily ta- ken a temporary reduction in wages. on and after De- cember /nt1933. the Unica Plumbers Minimum Basle of wages in St. Paul will be one' dollar, ( �1.�) p82 _ hoar. Aesnectfully yours. /1 Plumbers Looal Union . 34.CG�Z�// Mn. Seo. Local Union No. 34.. 9,1434 CITY CITY OF ST. PAUL .,u No., .......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FO- -se ORM co®miee__ sem- a mora e RESOLVED that resolutiun, Council File/Ho. 42448, as emended, be farther emended by striking therefrom the linea: ^Steemfitter . . . . . . . $1.25 per hour" ^Stemmfitter Helper . . . . . .62} per hour" and inserting in lieu thereof the linea eSteamfitter . . . . . . . $1.00 per hour" ^Steamfittess Helper 50 per hour" In accordance itb action of the yonrmeyme¢ P1onDere and 9Leam Mttera Onion in voluntarily reducing their aagee; HH IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said rate will take effect rd be in force on — erre.. —1— 1- 1952 COUNCILMEN Y ay N, McDonald raar�a agar It... True. ,.) Ag.i-t Wcn.el Mr. Prc idem Mahnnry Adop4'd by th, Cu,ln61 _ UFC 1 :i 5n ,?193_ App,,-- ...._.. 193.... 99434 Local Union No. 455 United Association of Journeymen Plumbers and Steam Fitters )oHN co, ­,o. Pmidme of,p. V� state. and Ca" "AW I. KENNEDY. A.te Beo.a*1 YIYen. aJlmd P1um.11aeiue - p°tj�jm�n�„�,Oem�il RPI �P4m..8oum.ePr1^kke�d N"�^°P�m,. N�ve^•°d AVP�� wy�} •®.W ..h Am+m.• MwmwdLb. B.ud1n, d1.b..�OI� D.Wrr. �� o� l.�r OgiEBAL OBOANRPBB w �i�Y eHs¢ & wi.mON oN s H:Y¢�I'¢ +` .�[ ,EC Yes o. ataawe �� B)�OO1lYe BOARD e Y ^^,�ywP .ee i. ••:/� Y. i1w �.irEv „w�'n �iee ce er nu wm�s u.. is Pra.• nm uu ruwl�ie.e'�se a.�.a eOo e`L^�1°�^wetry'°'°°•• P Dlomsmnn x,�,u'WASt GTON.D.0 x.Ye�.•xum..IGM p@l611AL OPPiCee—Llvbld,u BueNea.Nlulh.sd P.m,dmm. U.SA Bt. Pau1-1s-1D�eot_�D�e_mbSr 1193— St. Paul Oity Council, Dear Sire: is is to notify you that on and after this date December 1, 1932, the rate for Bteamfittere Is hour, we having voluntarily ta– one dollar 31-00 Per aten a temporary reduction from one dollar and twenty five cents (61.25) Per hour. Yours truly, J. J. Foley Bus. Rep. Steamfitters Local Union No Of 418 Franklin St. I i St. Paul, Minnesota. t St. Paul City council Dear Biro: This is to notify you that on and after this date, December 1, 1932, the rate for Steamfitters hel- pers is fifty cents (+.50) per hour, we having volun- tarily taken a temporary reduction from sixty-two and s half cents (4.821) per hour:. Very truly yours, J. J. Foley Bus. Rep., Steamfitters Local Union 455 418 Franklin Street St. Paul, Minnesota. Local Union No. 455 United Association of Journeymen Plumbers and Steam Fitters IONN COHPIRLD, oenad redam[ Of the tJ •" ,States and Cas.da TNOMA9 a DDa1(B.Omml &l,•T,e.,. YRANK J• �'iN®Y. n✓t em�n Ou piton, Bww Fluor, epdelJex Flue+,, Ad4od fleet. MWm `�^ ��.m��po�,,d� PWmbm,��plroam PIem,9oe.m,eRtekte•,�ndlf.dva P4te. Hdpm.vd App.eetlm ..��', a�IAL Dp� HNtx®o p�w�tA o¢o, aDen BrAxR • "000.. JwYae a Htaame car6 wxexc .Pd « G NERAL Kx"CLTN HOARD e1 ..� rtFl�p4 v Ni iln6ou R.me.t ew, O@IBRAL OITICCe—M.riW�bRued�^y Nlne6.ed•�-A/amt Vemoe.WABHQIQI'ON. D. C. St. Pam, vjnnaocA, n—mbe93AL St. Paul City council Dear Biro: This is to notify you that on and after this date, December 1, 1932, the rate for Steamfitters hel- pers is fifty cents (+.50) per hour, we having volun- tarily taken a temporary reduction from sixty-two and s half cents (4.821) per hour:. Very truly yours, J. J. Foley Bus. Rep., Steamfitters Local Union 455 418 Franklin Street St. Paul, Minnesota. en9mUmav m.rt CITY OF ST. PAULC6 NO........_/� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ? Te er -ATa ..—__ IYH,REAS, in the ins tallation of the plumbing and heating work Sn connection with the remodeling of the Pale ce Playground Building 1n deraContract unt of G-28 $596.00,weeveralrchangesis hand ers Plumbing Company, were found desirable, and es the items have been carefully Investigated by the City Architect who has recommended said changes, therefore, be It, RESOLVED, that the contract with thews Sd Harris brothers Plumbing Company, be so amended as to provide for these extras in the amount indicated below: Additional heating specialties, .teas. to ted because of the use of a second hand boiler and minor -changes $64.84 in the original plans - - - - - - ,,.moving three closets and one corner lave torp in girls' toilet room and replace acme wth all necessary soil pipe, fittings, vent lines and valve. 153.00 I. room adjoining present boys' toilet room - $217.84 Total for additions and extras - - - - - - _ - - - .'. lailal ka. and Faatl'v °i Mm m. .wmL95iee u:.. � o ie remu, m.9.9Y COUNCILMENDFS lif Iss_._ Nar. AdopteJ by Lh. Y_ M,D-ald A .193.. _.. I favor A J_.._.. .. _Ageism `,�,� p. :. 'COT'C, Mayor Mr. Prvlidt Mahoney FliBW�V II:U en .w aa, / aue.Im DV Dat 1 F�C' m^"a NO.........._ JYY3 OF O ENCIL UTI \ v RESOLVED, That th�e-rp`c1 atlons for Coal Handling Equipment for the Mechanic Arts High School, and four coal stokers (two for the Merchanlc Arts High School and two for Central High School), as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. n. i J�WA T NW P S 1 �$I �:+aa m o •. "m a ade7 Pw Axnoa. Wane ^Rae,b. Bnl�e-I e ieltlif a. t. ge' ln. Inw m D, u. Des. II pFC 13 ^a�^ 1'Ne COUNCILMEN Adu" t d by the C--1,11uC--1,11_ 193_.. ru. /Y/n P /1/NPpt�onnld e - A I /1/ruax A&o" ,' Mayor /Wenzel -_ /h1,. P—ident Mnh... y __ onUoU ie air ©..t CITY OF !FT. PAUL NO..... .9.443/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ Dgaember 12 1932 REsoLVEe That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to Purchase, with the consent of the Mayor end the Comptr 1 one tank oar of 64-56 gasoline, approxlmately 9000 -122 El from the H. K. Stahl Company, at a price of $ .0985 per gallon, including stets tax and st-Ste inspection (but net including federal excise tax( to be spotted on Munlcipsl Equipment enar track at Dais St., cn informs! competitive bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act prsnptly would work a hardship to the beet interest. of the City. Charge %herel Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 COUNCILMEN Yens N., //M�Donnld I� ' Rosen ^` W-6 r r Mr. Prceident Mnhonny qi k t0 9'oqq ��nBn�no lee(pp nyW�.a ��Iaw Oel ogre. O°uiin 9a, vaa. rr« n va Adopted by the CouncIII ._..... i ._...__...... _. ......193_.._ C{.. r A ro/� .....793_... C17 of sT. PAUL � " No.:4438 .. OFFICE OF TME CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM swrseNTep wv�,(_hy ./ December 12,_1332 coMN sa o.ew n� _ RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the 16ayor and the Comptroller, one tank car of 69-66 high test gasoline, approximately 6000 gallons, from the H. K. Stahl Company, at a price of $ .0985 per gallon, including state tax and state inspection, (but not including federal excise tax)f.o.b. Hamline & Carroll Storeyard, on informal competitive bide, as an emergency exists where failure to not promptly would work a hardship to the beet interests of the City. Charge Water Department. COUNCILMEN Yeee y/gyp-. Naye� � McDonald /\//J1 /Rosen Truax _.�.....Againat / W.—I President Mahoney c x e a x a4wua+l,,. r ooro.K Ip.r_ert wzl `', n wn i Adopted by the Council._.__.DE C.�..�..,nor,193...... "K!• 1 S 9fl?i APP ed _._. 193 �. _ u rsa -nt ayor 94 CITY OF ST. PAUL No - 0 O ........ ....... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER COUNCIL RESOLUTION ` raewearEo BY - RESOLVED That Counoil File Ho. 42446, effective Ho v. 1, 1922, ae amended bY Council File 84709, be and the same is further amended by striking out, where it occurs, the following title. and rateat Team Owner Driver, $1.05 per hour Truck Owner Driver q Ton, $1.00 per hour Truck Owner Driver 1 Ton, $1.25 per hour Truck Owner Driver 1)( Ton, $1.50 per hour r. °xja.,rec-arca. c: Truck Owner Driver 2-23e to. $2.00 per hour Truck Owner Driver 3 T,n, $2.50 per hour Truck Owner Driver 5 Ton, $3.25 per hour ,w y r4" ,i,.an iLeF and inserting In lieu thereof the following, k.�one.n ° .. pDelvl Y Tor k Owvera Team Owner Driver, $1.1f per hour ., Truck Owner Driver M Ton, 1.95 per hour Truck Owner Driver 1 Ton, 1.10 per hour Truck Owner Driver 1;( Ton, $1.35 per hour - Truck Owner Driver 2-23j Ton, $1.90 per hour Truck Owner Driver 3 Ton, $2.30 per hour Truck Owner Driver 5 Ton, $3.00 per hour the following rates established to govern rates on Snow Removal Truck Owner Driver 3 ton, $2.00 per hour Truck Owner Driver 5 Ton, $2.70 per hour The change in rate as above specified shall take effect and be in force from and after passage and publication of this resolution. COUNCILME'N' Yee. Nay/s Adopted by the Co -,-ii DEC ..13_ICA? _.193_ /}�P�oeree I fsvor Ap roved....193... j:w"arel M 4 / Mr. President Atnhoney n>—�-/ Wlit.1.v11LUL�� z �/ That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to excavate for and build a transformer vault under the sidewalk on the south aide of rest Seventh Street, approximately one hundred seventy- five (175) feet east of the east line of Jackson Street, abutting the north line of Lot twelve (12), Block eight (g), 11bitney Smith's Addition to the City of St. Paul. 1-y Ycas �• v+�nsvFTl X M,D...Id, a _ In favor P-— Rosen ./ Ag-i— y; R—`YN � 1 L Mc. P—id— �4ic Adap,,d by she C ... aDEC 1519111, I , mh App—'d '9 '^"I sty /" .s ...o.....o c... c. c,. CITY OF ST PAUL site NO. I OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE#L siTY oR __ f 1 __ FORM ��s�.s _ _oa QQ99lbQI' _2932. RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to excavate for and build a transformer vault under the sidewalk on the south aide of rest Seventh Street, approximately one hundred seventy- five (175) feet east of the east line of Jackson Street, abutting the north line of Lot twelve (12), Block eight (g), 11bitney Smith's Addition to the City of St. Paul. 1-y Ycas �• v+�nsvFTl X M,D...Id, a _ In favor P-— Rosen ./ Ag-i— y; R—`YN � 1 L Mc. P—id— �4ic Adap,,d by she C ... aDEC 1519111, I , mh App—'d '9 '^"I sty /" }f � v r F a., ��' racrY ,•?�l�ri 'aMs..a xs.n.� c�.'"�"�i.5"G�t�T�.rY�t.:�r`c,��iiis'fi6i.."t �`en,'iba•i1ht�1 ai-;Jr i6a �1►� Q '�"� ME .f i POW,�O� pa "� � >r aaa ap0asl#tlLLO pa;�L4"pa11 ums�sfo a� z bNlsr�Ou Xftivii ;AiiAi004vt 11i0�1t/OOrt a'a *10 'liar-as009�:0U1 WK ►'4LYa'ar I�A 40 �' ,, ''�,*z' r�... ".+ ' y, RSR 4`•�ti" r �� Q�T K,�r OT �Mw atf1�pq���gpp F t4 S. � 1 2 � r; at k "NAT r. I rl 10 F. _DT_\/f-hlH ST. J AIBLOCYi G_ � a ST PqJ'� p'�OhEi� i I ,--} 0 'moo} 12 G. 57 Petition Council File No.. -- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The-d,,69-.d hereby proposes the ."Lilg of the following publie imp,o,,me.t by the City Of St. P-1, viz.: noauglg nte vo. f grIVadY e Sotf Ptoe's"QcUo j�foOtrm- toy it.APa h.-BaI rarleand-erl.dnf.Ae voetnh. that he t P,file-hereto attac6d' andmade&blurtlineebthere.n,PhG-§e� a t establiShed grade being shown by e also grading m65oto St:fromBrainerd Ave -.td the nottTTme Cr IYj. 5t_tutheprapcaIa I-b,(L 'then established - - .... ...... 1932 19 Dated thi . .. ... .. d.y Of - I fta t NOW, o-, On PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the M.1d., of the f.11 -i-9 irepro-ons"t, six.: r.de of DeSoto St. from Brainerd Av.fl- .to the Chaolnf.fith.8 grade ..... the red 1-iiie on the north 1. or Iq St. 0 conform -ttachad-andzade a- Pa"t hereof, the.-Pmesent- b, b a ;lue line thereon, al-- e,t�bli8nMrade being a srn Y - north-li� at.-frornjBrainerd A_ -totther -------- . . _of-...__....._..... .... having been presented to the Poona Of the City of St' therefore, b'i' t,b. .1 Public W.,f, rz he end is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, bility ofthe mating of said improvementi. To investigate the serssity for, or deg" coat of .id imp. ---t, and the t -W onst thereof. 2. TO i'vwt' 'Pte the ont, extent end estimated3. To furnish & plan, profits or aketeh of said ineproverenot- 4. To gnt, whether or not said irep-1—t is uked for on the Petition Of three Or more ""e" matters w the ConordindOner Of ph""" 5. To report upon aft of the foregoing Adopted by the Council- - - - Y- N- CouncilmanOW,& Truax ryC Approv1&..-- P.- M -Dc. 6 2 Rolan Wenzel Sm"O""' Ms Ft.,— Council File No, 9.44 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The and—igned hereby pl.P— the --king or the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, If..: ..Q.0nd—i ng -And takimg;..,an..aasemex,t_in- the -A --'J nacA3Ba* for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of DeSoto St - from Brai-nerd Avsr- to the--rtb line of 1*3` Ste ...... ..... Dated this. _7th_ day of pepamber. 1932 19 On t.-142.�r- 4kl ei PRELIMINARY ORDER - WHEREAS, A written p_p_l for the making of the following aaaggpnt in the 1 necessary-..__ -- ---- -------- ------- - Condemr the grading ofDeSoto ting �.n.4.-ULUP9. an an� u for slopes, cuts and Sills, n 4 Ave._t'-ths...�th lina-t IVY St. . ......... . ... having been preauntod to the Council of the City 11 St. Paul - - -------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commimi..c, of public Work, be and i, hereby ordered and di—ted: 1. To i""'Up, the ne .. ulty for, or deimbilitY of, the nuking of aid i.p----t. 2. TO investigate the -lure, extent and efftboatud coat of .aid im,coun,t, and the total enct thereof - 3. for." . plan, profile or sketch of mid imPrOVOrneat• 4. To Mat, whether or not mid improvement i. eaked for .. the Petition of three or mare ownem 1. TO report up-- all Of the foregoing coattera W the Conoressioner of Fin. -ca. Adopted by the Council. .... ....... DEC 13 VM Y— N— Councibuta ao® Truax . ...... ------- ..... . . ......... ....... I= a,.. - Approve Pma an0. R.— am�c Wenzel ydr. M& Pa Hoecr C 1 1. r CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERll � , p,'y 11 e, I' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA 1ft�fYv WORRL8, a sudden and unexpected emergency has arisen due to the reomt mos -fall which has caused the streets to become impassable and congested, thereby resulting in danger to the lives and safety of the inhabitants of the City of $t, Paul; and FURCLS, there are insufficient funds available to properly clean the streets and other public property so es to relieve the condition aforesaid; therefore, be It Rt$OLvtD, That the Payor and Comptroller be and they are hereby authorised and directed to borrow the sum of ton Thousand Dollars (=10,000.00), and to execute and deliver to the party or pasties mating the loan a promissory note payable to snob party or parties, bearing interest at the rate of not exceeding five per cent, per annum; said note to be payable one year from the date of execution thereof. RfSOL4RD rURTRRR, That the funds so borrowed be credited to the tmergenoy $now and Ice Removal yund, Code 13 L, of the Department of Public torts, all of said funds to be expended only for the purpose of removal of mow and ice from streets and other public property. COUNCILMEN Yeas Naye May McDonald Pcarce _.._........In favor Rosen n Truax __ ...... Against W""l ,r 4n /Mr. P—idevt Mahoney ...�.:.q Adopted by the Council..... .._ cmc193...... Approved..... ._....__�, i.._.._ 193.. ... Mn r �lafusnrn`` �/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL .�.�.w APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RES- PER CHAR a rnoN zoe f��ri6dtw`� c IMS PResenT.0 By TIE poi RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE.' Ok THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 10-A1 `o General Administration. AMOUN � 310.00 ZO-B1 'Engineer. - 1320.00 10-C1 Workhouse 490.00 10-D 11932 Tax Collection Delinquency $2120.00 11-A1 I (Street Const. & Rep. $ 130.00 11-0 11932 Tax Collection Delinquency $ 130.00 12-A1 Sewer Repairs $ 115.00 12-11 1932 Tax Collection Delinquency $ 115.00 13-A1 l Admin. Bureau of Sanitation $ 135.00 13-B1 Street Cleaning 25500.00 13-E1 Colleotion of Garbage 3b0. 00 13-R1 Cleaning Sewers 245.00 13-11 Sewer Pomp Stations 105.00 13-$ 1932 Tax Collection Delinquency $1095.00 14-A1 Bridge Repairs 240.00 14-C 1932 Tax Collection Delinquency 240.00 YEE (J) CocNCNAYS AOCPWO BY THE COUNCIL..E.._ ...�?.} .._le...__.. APPBeYeo..... _....➢EC.1.9.19A2......... ae.... �`� /.s,"BBR Ka se>1­ J. FAVOR . / W.— WM' F. SCOT. Cou NT.Re N.o BY ........_................ ..................... CITY CL5Rx yl /MR. PREsloenT u, PUBLISHED � J 94450 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OFII "AMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREF as R^r ocean In the matter of_______________ _--- ---------------------------------.,q widening A. Seraeth Street to a .16th of 86 feet fro• rr.eklin Street to Saneq Street _ and 90 fast fron Ressey Street to MaBuel Street and wideningthe inters"Um or IIS Swodth Street with Fourth Street and Nagle Streets) by adding thereto all those parts of blocks 6 and 14. Rios end IrelnO. Addition, lying northerly of W. Saventh Street and lying southerly of a line which is 66 feet northwesterly free the present cooter lies of w. Seventh Street and parallel tharote, also by adding that part of the vast- arly 10 feet of let 1, block 14, Ries and Irvine'. Addition, lying between Fifth Stet add the northerly line of W. Seventh Street widened as above described, also by adding Cha .oath-ly fort of that part of let 7, block 14, Rios and Irrine's Addition, lying northerly o e presoot northerly line of Fourth Street bstww Main Stract a� Seventh Street sold to the line described above, also by ad • triangular piece of lend In the southwcorns of cornof that part of lot B, block 14, Rice and Irvincla Addition lying southerly of We Smooth Street, said triongnlm, pi of land --.rig 10 feet en the muthoasbady line OfNoSeventh St w t and 10 foot on the northerly line of Fourth Street, also by adding a triangular, piem of lend in the, netmly, ocrew of lot 4. block 18, Rise end Irvine9• Addition. said trlaagulcr piece of land measuring 20 test No the southef4y line of Fourth Street and 16 foot ON the northeasterly line of Third Street. also by adding thereto all those parte oftloeks 36,27 wad 28, Rise cad Irrins,a Addition and bloats SB cad tib, .Dayton and Irrlae�a Additions lying mrtberlf of a:11an..whiah6w SS feat m oontheatterly :ethe presaat cents, line of No Bergey. Btre" p�p,1y thereto, also by adding that part of let 1. bleak It. Rise and 1Mns,t fEidn."baemded by a line desorlbM ec follows, , BeSinning at w point on the southwesterly lime of :a91e Street which is BB feet aoabb• seeterly of the prevent onem, line of we Sersath Street we"wred at right ang1m,therb. .o, thanes southwesterly sad parallel to the pr" -t earn- lien of we Snweth Street a distanes of E7 fast, thanes mrthreterly to a point ne the southwesterly line of POuth Street 16 feet southeasterly of the point of beginning, thence nornhwesterly, oo the eoothmaterly line of B.gle street to the point of Degiming, sloe by adding those parts of blacks 1. S. 4 and S, Lee"' Addition, lata s wed 4, wing a Chubais Sabdivivia 1 6 'and Y. block 1, Losable Addition add Yannls Hear. rang of part of block 8.'�Eve on Addition. lying aceth-ly of the present maker It of w. Smeath Street and hying northerly f a lied which is 47 feet southeasterly Ont water it.. of No Sevednh et -.t end parallel thereto, alae thatssttop thet port of lot 4.�a�a�dag a Oboteee Babdivi. of lots 6 and 7, .loth es1. Leaches Addition. lying west of a Ilse perpendicular to and inters the scut.easterly line of w. Bevooth Street widened as heroin proposed at a point which is 6 feet northeasterly of its intersection with the south line of said lot 4, Leeoh,by adding therethat pt of lot 10. Mano Is Rearrangwaset er pwZ4,ef block 6s dditioa. to ar lying wet of a line perpendicular to and int -acting the son,,newt-, ly line of.r- Bevsath Street widened as herein proposed at point which is 6 feat north- easterly ef'tta intereoatien with the south line of said let 30. side of Nodi.[ thereto pari of let 7. block 2. mid Addition. on the nsrbh.IW side of we Y UA41 F oust of aline perpendicular to end Lntermett g the mrbInwsterly liatti!"ie Smooth Street at a point which is S feat northeaatarly of its ;at4ssNotioowlth t9ly .tetany line of said let 7. "No hK�ehaNid diti�� �t part of let 1. C.L. Laieas Rearnngeaooar t of pb of block Addition. east of a line perpendicular to and SMerceating the north. ly It.. of w, S Street at a point which IN e fact soothermterly of it. Sntsr- with the north ly lin•, or -id lot 1, r +t" ePProved__.i 22,-]9.32_"__________________ under Preliminary Ord er__"----_932512_--"-"-- aPproved_-AAVst-17'- 1_932---------------- 93921_________, Intermediary Order ___---- -- d 3antembsr 20•_1932-------------- 93T57____"_-___, aPProve - Final Order __"---------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the aseessment therein, therefore be it of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, no ass¢sement Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed and the roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a Part hereof, awards of damages to the owners of such land, for said ratified and confirmedon as set forth in said asses ment roll, be and the same is hereby in a n all respects Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby i ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it ie hereby dretermined to be payable in _-111_equal installments as to each parcel of land described there; JAri - 1 ------- - --------, 19,_ Adopted by the Council __---- - --------_ ------------ -. _ ____(5tY Clerk. or �PicDon>•ld Councilman �peerM Councilman _ �/{ Councilman �° �a un lcuFD Councilman�iPru� cnannRmanwaa� ✓ connoRman sY�yir�/ poh ..I e �Z Mayor 00"'m REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND !'BEFITS In the matter of_________ __________________ lid 11-11 W. S eat «i dth of 86 feet frau Fraaklin Streot to say S rent and b. Peet _^ m Ram, Street to H,,Bosl Stra et end ideeiafth, intersection o£ W, cath Street with Fourth Street and -ogle Street, by addict.- thereto all those ..arta of block. d d 1:, R Irvi se's Addition, lying northerly of '!i. S ..nth Street d lying; s .erly of'L1 line which is 5d feat nerti,wasterly from the ?re,fit eer to r lin-- of Yi Str�.t a_ rallel t,.ereto, also by adding tract oelt of th east- erly 10 feet e of lot 1, '.1 ck 14, Rice a s Ad -tion, ly'_n; between FifthStr.et and the northerly line of .l. Seventh Stroetrwi Jebel a e descri-.ed, slsc by adding t..e .utl:.rly 30 fort of in.t part of lot 7, block 14, Rio, — Irvin a's Addition, lying ortheriy of tri, e oat north erly 1 f Fourth St, it 'otw_a „-...,_n Sraei tan_ Seventh Street w_ nod to f e lit^ d.... ioed abooe, also by a - a tri an- 'gar ¢ o£ lend i the southwesterly c of tnat nett of lot 5, blo ck rl5, R and Irvin a'ca Addition lyinE ecu the rly of W. oS 'S treot, said trian;;ular piece o'clend m 10 feet on the st.t'ha _ ', 1 n _. .i. �...anth S teat and 10 f. -t o the northerlys lin c Fourth Street, also by adding a trian;ular o ofl and in the westerly c of lot 4, block 15, 3i.e a d Irvine's Addit ion, s g..lar o of lana m 15 feet en the outharly line of Fru rtr. Stra;tJs r�lc "sot .thea n astflelyl nine of Third Strpat, ealso by a,idieg ret.. ell thosen It. of block. 20,27 wand 28, Rice end Irviaa's Addition ha sad blocks 28 and 29, Obit -n ane Irvin, o Ad-; ti �¢, lying noI harly o e line wt.i_ i 53 Peat snp tl-.easterly from the p ent canter lip- .1 7/. Sav-r. �l; Stroat sa rallel s t:;ret., also :,y adding thet cert ee:lot 1, :lick 26, Rice an_ .rv.e s A'ditton, bounded by a line described a 'ollowe: Begiunin_ at e int e¢ the eouthwest.rly 1 of erl: Stre t a _ 53 fe-t s - ast,rly of the ppresent canter ling o enth 6t rsat ^. �-ad s -`.:t u,, 10 othnge- athouse aou'l_.terly and o rallel�to the p �„ .,Iter�liae . Save¢th S _at distance of 2% °set, thonee n. rti asterly tore the southwesterly : sof :nag to Stre-.t 15 feat southeasterly of the r int el b ing, theece northwesterly on t'aa outhwesterly line o, aglo qtr oat to the point o - ing, salso t_y add_.:-, those parts c blacks 1, 2, 4 so Leech's Addition, lrts 3 end 1, i & Chute's Subdivision of lots o d 7, clock, 1, Lcech's Addition n d bbrod I. - Leech's Additicn, lyin southt erly o: the p ant cart r line of W.o3 .nth Streat�aud lying northerly of . line which is 47 'setsoutheasterly m the p —ter 1:¢•; o .nth Street sa rallel t ret., fro res en . ;� ; o _ .e sl.. by addiu7 thereto that o_aIt ofalot 4, wr_ag Chute's So, oP lots 6 and 7, 'I ck 1, Lea 's Addi!-­rl lyin. est c a lin; p,rp en.i culsru�.o d'i actin,', the .out heaet=-1y line of N. Sevent1 Street widened as sed s ..i.ich - 5 "e t no,_e as'.r ly o it. intarsacti— vritr, t. _th1linaoo lots_ also by adding t:�. retc :het psrt o t 10, t'.an^.'so3. - clock 5, L.ech's F.dditinn, lyin, w of a It— p r .. __ - acG inf ytoa senth_ter- ly line of W. Seventh Stro,t :, d=end n.. - sed at n __ .,hiei. -s ., nest oorth- ast=rly of i - cuth'li nor.. lot 10,` also by addinr. thereto. thetnr.rt pVL lot 7, -1 eek 2, L_r.l s Aciiti e¢, on the nortlorly aide of W. enth Street lyin a lin: . perp. d'cu'e _rtarsectin;; the northwesterly lin - �s::t. ..... c.. .., .=et'^crt::aastar'_i its ot ersact iry vv. Faof W. th=. west erly alinert t also by addi nl«t herete lost pert o:' local, .;. Lai n's R rf ^art c: block L 4, ...h's Addition, lying east o Iih, =.nd'_cv'_er t ¢ intersecting the north- esterly line of ..th Streit at int on..icl. .s 5 tootso�.i.w .sem-r1 o. its intar- saction with. the line o. ..s_1 lot 1, under Preliminary Order____ 93202_____, approved__Jul--V-1932 _____________________________ Intermediary Order --------- 34 21----_, approved--Lu&—t.l7,_1932 _______________ Final Orde----------------- 3.757_____, approved- _5 pl--harmZD--JJU2________________________ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the eigoature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. IA�l i �� � _ __ � v ��; � � _ �� `� ,�_ �_�� + -_ - , ,_ r"` � �.,.,�,� J �� _' � � � � , ,C ��.�-., J �; � �^-. 4 LIWIMILMAWAMEM MANSMwIll mmoul Itullml= Jmn r Wthe 1933 Hasertou Loup ! skertes. attonve. n. rrood..HHistio"t HUs.. .. a.aneaeal Me hatter of the mtifi0atiea of the crams of amosm a" tue &moment of baeetito for the wie wias of feat lorecth ft"at. will be bKma the 000011 oh lanAw. Aanar7 17th at 10 O'clock A. H. In on Own- ed mumbars. to M. 11 will be pleas" to hoar fo° at that than m behalf of the 0e-*#wati(e U mlrf Oempsw. !ears rep 1f1L•iis city oink. I 1 2nd.„/�... Laid ov<x w'✓Adop�ed— 1 3y J 30. a aP,._::: P.� Nays Yas � Nays N1 Jy .\tay \�t7� nal.l IRDINANCEDUNCIL FILE NO.` ORDINANCE NO.- -: �xa An ordineace emending Ordlnanoe Ho. 7210, entitled pnAa�"4�y. xo. -An ordinanoe providing for all matters oerni-A regulating or affecting the aonetrnetion, coming, regulation, rePalr, removal, maintenance. nae ante'sd inspection of all buildings, walla or etrua- tares erected or to he erected within tDe limits of Ildl the OStT of Bt. Pent for the protection of property against fire, and for the purpose of securing heeltb- tnl, safe end esaitnrp environments for the occnpeat: of buil, g. used for hymen bgDltation or otherwise, Ex to compel tDe ownore of :nob buildings, wa11e or struotuzes to alter, reconetmot or modify the :and any part thereof, foi the purpose aforesaid, end to prohibit the unlawful use or oecnpaaoy of all 1bl�mitan�andwpre:-Mbing the poweratandi dutiesOf the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity1)alt wltb the Charter provi stone; provldlag a pet ord for the vi olntlon thereof, end repealing all ordi- nances Inconei@tent herewl tD. Tb1e Se an emergency ordinance rendered necessary andrethe etP :servation of the public peace, ce approved May 22, 1930. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preeervat ion of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL 0p THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DO=S ORDAIN: section I. That Ordinance Ho. 7210, approved May 22,C1930, be and the same is hereby amended by 21 approved out PazagraPb (o) of section 14-7 of said ordinance, and by inserting Sn lien tDereof the following” •(c) An applicant or operator @ball make applioation for a 1l censlft upoae Commissioner of public Buildings. examination the applSoant ebo@eknosIle&enfficient tor assenger safety, be ore Of e she eshall bergranted ol and p11 license. safety, Said license shall expire on the thirty-first day of December in the year it Se issued- A fee of One Dollar (51.00) shall be Paid by thhe e e�iknowledgeafter toeber entitled too such ved tlicen license. - This 2. This ordimmnoe is hereby declared to be an emergeti y ordinanchealtheand eafetygry for the preservation of the public u lic peace, Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication - W. ('anucilm�n Nues I'n��adt...un... \Inv V cUonalJ I.. I� ac<ir - xnaen r c It zeI U I .dem 1AI 1 nney) IPV��� - aite,t: �. /71 CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Plt.1 of mi...­. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 479 CIH H.II FRED M. TRUAX, Commmtoe., OTTO E. CONSTANS, DmM C.,.n We Off' December 9, 1932. Hon. L. L. Anderson, Department of Law. Dear Sir: Will you kindly prepare a resolution which will amend Sec- tion 14-7 (c) of the building code with reference to ele- vator operator applications for licenses? "Section 14-7 (c) An applicant or operator shall make application for a license to the Commissioner of Public Bufldi"". If upon examination the app11- cant shows sufficient knowledge of elevator control and passenger safety, he or she shall be granted a license. Said license shall expire the thirty-first day of December in the year it Is issued. A fee of $1.00 shall be paid by the applicant after he or she has proved the necessary knowledge to be entitled to such license." Yours truly, '�j ht, Commissioner. 94452 CITY OF Sr. PAUL 2r.1 NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PMENs`o°NEa__ RESOLVED That the Purchssin- Arent be, and -e is hereby authorlfed to purchess, with the consent of the Cpm?troller, one Naterous Patent Type C 750 gallon rotary fire pump, complete in all details and to be mounted on chassis as ;,-r epeeifioations of the Fire Department, at a cont not to exceed $950.00, with- out advertisement or competitive 'bids, as this is a patented article and no adventawe could be ¢eioed thereby. C�—Fe Fire Fund 9- 0-9 New Ecul -ent. COUNCILMEN Yea. Nay. onald r� /ltoecn /Trunx Weed `tl r Mr. President _.....__.. Against Mah... y a ir6naaaa—�' a�zom " 1 t lqv Adopted by the Council.____ _._..__._.._y..�._ 193. Ap r� Ifl3.. CtSY t -ate Mayor o ,ue pada.. a _f.9�53 CITY OF ST. PAUL rua ND... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM RESOLVED �Iha�eas, the fluter Deport:cant hoe requ eetod t"t they be reimbursed in tha an.^ant of $2,1..00 for aspen dituree in connection tl. vith crsn .gint; e inter :-.1 along :dgcu:.ibe Roud south of tion trawl Avenue saitl ch on ge boinfi sit at ed by the eeneclidetion of ti.e double roadway into a s�gle`ro oie:y from L. tr sal Avenue evuih ane around the curve to a yoint opposite '1001sey even , and .Yi:ereas, the Co:mai ssionor of Public -4i isand the Chief oar are o. tt,e oy inion t1, t thio c_.itm should be allowed, end ';lharens, tl:e Cory oration " i has ,^,Sven us his opinion, under date of August 8, 19?2, that said c 1A im a propar charge against the City's her. of Looel Im!;r ovemant Fund Code jl-E 1, n v, tltare fore, be it Ro eo lved t:h"t the I,ro;.er city officials be ind they reby authorized end directed to pay s';1d claim in the amount of $2,100.00 f m the permanont im;:rovemant Revolving Fund, said fund to be raimbureed from the Oity's shere of Loonl Improvement s'und. V/w.�A as , COUNCIL MEN Y_ Nays Adopted by the Coanr9_... ..7EP 1 .i. VTr-193.. rL11 _ ., d _._ .. 193... � Mayor /M 1)anald I I f vor /,e�arco /Mr. In Wi t Mahaney Adopted by the Coanr9_... ..7EP 1 .i. VTr-193.. rL11 _ ., d _._ .. 193... � Mayor o,ww.�ao a.a cIn of sr. PAUL ,=— No........:]�4i�Y • OFFICE OF THE CITU CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM _ /] _ �— Uacemb r 13thy_19 )2• RESOLVEDis hopink1in0 r i ut thnra be and reby ai.Yropriat., c ;C 'che 5 ite_yinl; F -d (1004) the e n or :`santy-two do:i. u and .,"iffy two cants (322.$2) Yayabla to rry 5chnitx , 963 Berry cve `, St. Feul, 1>z eo l.r-k- i. burs in''� © for u a for tre t spr_nY.- tha Furpoca of re- nvt .�.i prop described is for yaare 1930 and 1931 a"ai oetis,nnd; Block 2, duetie "ad sntl at v Gated b stwean blks 2 a 3' r, arth o a line drann from o Foist on parte>f 31oc. 3r dustle,yddd =Ytn1 rt.j,jr.m the south eoot cor er of s id est 11ne of xerry ,id i51oc'r, loe' Werth �fran the sloe e to a pcintofne tied uloert 3naaafthee a o s:s c .e levied in error -at, 'est cc ne u3, this �untsaearePraeantad by �.nd tl,s Ptopar'tyr"nor .,-+j!, , Receipt 1930 101077 1931 1 105603 COUNCILMEN nsyc /rytrponald �/. /1'carce I, favor /71usx Aeoinnt �; Weneel hi r. President Mahaney Serial 0ver- lhnobar 77643 8.81 74131 1j.71 -I. 1.t x_193_.. AdoPtad by th, I rex CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6RiW of M]""o" DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C. W NZEL. Conrni„iorve, ®O M. 9c- 1s onsr of Public 'dark,. Jo..r Sir. In expinnut ion of the alt,chad r solution, Berry St reported s oiled from resrl to i,.P. Trecke in both 1^30 ,nd 1911.a Thi, year, ! =y Schnitzer, 963 ❑arry —c. oft- p�yi n;; h s texas in f,11 r iet... d s onpl:.int t ut ink t''^utstreet is not open to travel -!'. t e. building of , e dascr i;:t'_on 1, locntod in t street st t..e Faint ':theme me c1ui,, to *._,e dono the oiling. r•Johnston ! since i e,t int ed i ' ho riteof 'w nitzn is c vil�int s��d finds the condi- t:cns d by him to be true 'no c ect nd t. r"”'a r ec,.cndsth!,t ti.e --nt o. ...e ay..rchrr ora ref waded. Y-rs tru'_y nt �_erk. or�wwm o � z������x� � �- •xY�Yi2J -OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �C• NdJ, � OUNGIL RE60LUTION—ENERAL FCS "t", ; 1 co o°x Ilk -- RESOLVED WH EAS There was heretof a presented to the Council thepetition of the Tooker Realty Company and others, being a majority of the owners of property along the line of the street hereinafter described, praying for the vacation of all that por- tion of Eighth Street lying between the east line of Wabasha Street and the west line of Cedar Street, and south of the south line of Eighth Street as opened and improved in 1930, and north of the south line of Eighth Street as it now exists, more particula described as follows, to -wit:-- - % Commencing at the northwesterly corner of Lot One Haller re'ar7ro°a �tti (1), Pfeifer's Place Plat 2, the same being the eta k,1 intersection of the southerly line of Eighth Street as it now exists, and the easterly line of Wabasha'^^ street; thence northwesterly along the easterly line !U• I Wabasha Street 69.32 feet to a point; thence north- sterly at an angle to the right of 50 degrees a dis- tance of 15.42 feet, more or less, to a point on a line which is 43 feet southerly of and parallel to,. reverse curve of 456 feet radii, more or less, beginning on the westerly line of Cedar street extended across Eighth street at a point 43 feet northerly of the southwest- erly corner of Eighth and Cedar street' and ending on the westerly line of Wabasha street extended across Ninth street, tangent to the center line of Ninth street, at a point 43 feet southerly of the northwest- erly corner of Ninth and Wabasha streets• thence J easterly along a line parallel to the said reverse curve of 456 feet radii, more or less, and 43 feet distant therefrom measured along a radial line for i V• a chord distance of 111.38 feet to the point of re- �,( verse;thence continuing easterly along a line paral- lel to the said reverse curve of 456 I feet radii more or less, and 43 feet distant therefrom measured along yj I� a radial line a distance of 217.18 feet to a point 'I of tangency with the south line of Eighth street as /y it now exists; thence westerly along the southerly rL line of Eighth street as it now exists to the point of (, commencement, the same being all that property lying northerly of the southerly line of Eighth street as it now Y �� COUNCILMEN Yend Nate Adopted by the CouvciL_._........... .._......193..._ Ma1'- McDovvld Pearce __.... _....._..Iv favor Approved. -..___....._._..._.._____..._..193..... Rosen Truvx Agninat ".,., I.TT, ._ ____ _.._... `N im Mr. President Mvhovey-- CITY OF T'.•PAJL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,=11TEo sv _.... _ _.--.. COMMISSIONER... --- RESOLVED exists and south of the southerly line Of ce eighty-six (86) foot street, of which the center line is a reverse curve of 456 feet rads 1, more or less, beginning on the westerly line Of Cedar nor weste3 feet rlyt Is corner ofEighth and tCedar Streetsherly of the ,oute and ending On the westerly line of Ylaba sha street at a point 43 feet southerly of the northwesterly corner of Ninth and Vrabasha of street beln gs; the erly the line of said eighty-six (86) northerly line of Eighth street sas ofpthe easterly 30, and now improved, also lyl ng line rly of l"labasha street and west of the wthe ish attached line of Cedar street as theears on Engineer, except hereto, and approved by that triangular piece of Lot 6, Block 12, Bazil & Guerin's Addition to St. Paul, show1h in red upon the attached blue-print; which said petit ion is duly verified as required by law, and sets forth the facts and reasons for such vacation, and WBEP.EAS the Council deemed it expedient that the matter therein referred to should be bluePrt in to to bell edd o frr ecords in the petition and accompagy ng pto byfpublicathe Ciny thea offrk icial air paper Clerk in i the manner and for the tine required by law, that said petition and the sub- ject matter thereof would be heard by the Council at a meeting thereof x1932 be at tend in o'clock Ao Court which saidOn noticehwasyof dulyDeCeM pub - a and given, therefore, �e it RESOLVED that the above described portionnd of Eighth street,p8 eted andwdi scontinuedbaso ap publico streethosubJ act ex- hereby pressly to the following conditions and reservations, v z: (1). All the conditions, rase rust 594 End enttitledis An ordinance contained in Ordinance No. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council._..._....._...._...... Yee' Neys NI Y McDonald . _lo favor APPruved.......... .... Rosen Truax _...Against Mayor... Wea'cl \ ' Dir. President Ntahovey CITY OFIST.'PAUL mea NO ......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM \ RESOLVED regulating the procedure, and prescribing the conditions for the vacation of public grounds, streets, alleys and highways in the City of St. Paul," approved March 16th, 1915. (2). The bond provided for 1n said ordinance, to be filed by said petitioners, is hereby fixed at the stilt of Ten thousand dollars, (¢10,000.00). (3). The several objections made and filed by and on behalf of Friedman Bros. Holding Company, a cor- poration, to the assessment of benefits arising from the widening of Sibley street from Seventh Street to Eighth Street, Eighth Street from Sibley Street to Wabasha Street, and changing cer- tain grades under Preliminary Order No. 86345, approved August p., 8th, 1930, /Sntermedlary Order No. 86765, approved September 22, f\ 1930, and subsequent proceedings of the Council, shall be with- dr ith- drawn, and stipulations shall be filed in the District Court of Ramsey County, providing for the entry of judgment by said Court in each case, confirming in all respects the assessment of benefits as approved and rat ifled by the Council. (4). The petitioners, Tooker Realty Company and Pfeifer Realty Company, shall procure and file in the of- fice of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County all deeds and other documents necessary to vest in thgm the fee simple title CPQ' to the portions of the real estate described in the petition, ad- joining their respective parcels of land abutting along the line of the street sought to be vacated !. (5). Friedman Bros. Holding Company, lessee of the land owned by the Tooker Realty Company and the Pfeifer Realty Company abutting upon the south line of the section of street sought to be vacated, shall enter into a contract in wri- ting with a competent and reliable building contractor, providing for the erection of a fire -proof building at a cost of not less than 400 000 upon the land described in said petition and land seen ere , which contract shall be approved as to farm and / execution by the Corporation Counsel, shall be, as to the faitb- ful performance of the terms and conditions thereof by the contrac- tor, secured by a satisfactory bond, which bond shall be approved COUNCILMEN Y.- Nay" Adopted by May MCD.. a d Approved......__....... ... ..._............. _.193..... Roeen Truax Weaael - i Mayor Mr. Pree&.t Mahoney No_.. _ r CITY OPST.•PAUL ra................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IR -1-1 ly RESOLVEO as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and duly authenticated copies Of said contract and bond shall be filed in the office Of the City Clerk. (S) SaithedcityiofOners Saintshall Pay into Paul the sum Of Seven treasury Seventhousand Five hundred dollars, ($7,500.00),together with the costs Of this vacation proceeding. (7). The land embraced within the said section of street hereby provided to be vacated, and all improvements thereon, shall always be subject to the ad valorem tax, general t real estate axes and assessments for local improvements, and in the event that the same shall be sold, assigned or leased to any person, firm or corporation now or hereafter exempt under the laws of the State of Minnesota from the ad valorem tax,gen - eral real estate taxes, or assessments for local improvements, respecting this property, the said land and all such improvements shall he ad valorem tax, general erealh continue estatetaxesand be Object to t assessments forlocal improvements. COUNCILMEN yeas Nay. )AyieDonsld 6 //yuax -._..Against azel w ti» Mr. P,e.ident Mahoney Adopted by the Council_..... DEC 1 1 ^.193_.... F4' jAApp/pp ved ..._ .. .... 193_... u. F� 99-Ye•Le•.0 M> sre—tl' Ae•1 M uk Promovoo � - Phnee: Cede 8906 Joseph Friedman I 476 Wabaeha Street 6T. PAUL. MINN, l� July Eighths 1932. TO: y Honorable William Ma Saint Paul Mayor of the City AND TO: The Common Council of the City of St.Paul. ' Gentlemen:-- 6upplementing my letter to you of June 31nth, I agree, that for and Sn consideration of the City of Saint peal vacating that part of Eighth Streestatt immediately adjacent to properbeing ad striphofP landfapproximately eighty (80)ker Rfeety Company, Cedar on Wabaeha Street, and running to a point at Eighth and Streets, to the following conditions: -- 1, To dlsmisa the appeal whiChoeyno, frome theng in the assessment DS strict Court of Ramsey whi widen ga alev nd ied improvement of ESghthrty Street;e described for the 2, To enter Snto an agreement that the assessment in the sum of Thirty thousand ($30P000.00)Dollars, - which was heretofore levied agalnat the be increasedcribfromr aid for the above described improvement may for of: f Thirty thousand dollars, to the aim of Thior "rty-the,even thoSumu'Countseldivlesethatdthe asse9sme t500 Ocannotrbe legallysincreased,ito the pay the proposed Sncreasa 500.00)Dollars.the t in cash,sum of 6even thousand, five hundred ($7, B. To construct upon the prepebuildingvt�aoo s� not less on the adjoining property, 1 than Four hundred thousand (a400,000.00)Dollars. Construction of thin building to be instituted within ninety (90) days after the date of the passcompletedeasth ir final astpossible ion ting said property,and to be 4. To obtain the necessary deeds or documents io order to properly perfect the title % the owners of the ad- jacent propertyy, and to place said deeds or documents in escrow with the Corporation Counsel until such time as a contract has 99.Ye,r Isnn Mr SP'W'y 0. J N ure P -M. _ Ph...: Gd,r 8906 Joseph Friedman 936 Web,,b. Sven ST. PAUL. MINN. Page 2w Mayor Mahoney--- contd. been entered into for the construction of said building. Said deeds or documents to be returned to me upon presentation to the Corporation Counsel of a copildi.gy of the contract duly executed for the construction of y the uaranteeingetheecompletion ofand a ty�// bond furnished by g the building. 5 I further agree that the land so vacated but in always be subject to the advalorem taz, but in the eent that the said property shall be sold or leased to any prson, firm or corporation exempt under the laws of the State of (Propertysshallrom said continueato beorem sub�ect, toethetsamess, the 6. I further agreqq to provide a bond in the sum of Five thousand 1$5,000.00)Dollars, or in such am as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel protecting the city against any claim for damages which may arse as a result of said vacation. 7. I further agree that the City of St.Paul shall have the right to continue to use the said vacated property forany sewers, water mains gas mains, or other public utility use which are now existent in said street. Kespectfully submitted, PfLILIRS RAQ PLATS I,1. LOTS 1116 DLOCN 12 BAZILLL-'WRIN ADDN. -� 1 •• a '_ ......: _ _ _. A CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6ped of Mln—a OFFICE OF CITY CLERK IMLUAM F. SCOTT. Ory Oa4 ,nd Cosabbna d R.M — ® august 25th, 1932 Ur. L. L. Anderson, Corporatloa Counsel, Building. D.- Sirs The attached file relatlre to tlu petition of property oecers for the vacation of a triangular piece of property at the interecation of Eighth and labasba Streets was referred to you by the City Council eith the request tbat 7,nre istigate the matter contained in the comoalcatioa of Leonard Sesamr, which Se al. attached. Behring hae been at for September 28th. your. rery truly, City Clerk. �, a IHTNA - DEPARTMENTAL COLMONICATIOH August 24, 1932. To the Honorable Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Finance From Leonard 0. Seamer, Valuation and Assessment Engineer Subject - Re: Vacation of Eighth and Wabasha Streets I have read the petition seeking the vacation of the intersection of Eighth and ''sideration sideha Streets and find it Year leaseholder contains no reference to the consider at ion as tentatively .'.,end Paul, and before final agreed upon between Joseph Friedman, 9 Y and the Coc.ocil of the City ro ex taction is t aken o the Corporation Counsel eforrthe preparationbofrproper roper consideration. ct£ul,y submitted, an Ase ment Eng er. 0 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpirl of M1nn.mt. OFFICE OF CITY QLERK WnLJA F. SCOTT, Ory CIaY and C-..- d R..bbeen .ffl�O A¢gust 22nd, 1932 Hoa.Milton Hosea, C.—ieei... r of Pinexe, Haildiag. Dear Co®issioaer: to et tech herewith petition in the matter of veeating part of Eighth Street between the East lice of iebesba Street sad the ..at line of Cedar Street. The hearing oa this vacation will be held before the City Council on September 28th, 1932. Tows very truly, City Clan. St. Paul Minnesota ' July' 1932 i TO: THE HONORABLE TR.E MAYOR AND TRE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL We to "to of undersigned hereby Petition your Honorable body portion. of Eighth Street 1 Sn S ' of Eighth Street se now opened sad 1 y g South of the line building t the plane of JOeeph Frledm�pano yed, for the purpose of ng thereon. in ooastruoting a he as be a substantial tad Ubstantoo the pdowntownbdietrict iof the City of Bt. Paul dman will �; located in eaidddietriotantlal addition on to the taxable property Respeotfully, I L � G r St, Paw�House fu/jrnishingco, Inc. �� �Q * ........,...... CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT p•,yE;, 15, 15� To the Council. 6entle�u^.n: analty The enclosed �etiti n of Tooker j i,th others for the--tio:: oz lhne of Naoast of na� Street r and the lying cetvieen the eesterl:: ,i,�xth westerl'1 11ne of Cedt,r Street dei roveh in 1930,o", line of Ei,ht Street as open^d an of the s,uth tine of Ei�htiStreet as it nov: exists, is lie" oeen i"-sd by a ��_ in -pro ger force and zccorcln� to the csrtific,te of t e abstract olexk of Rrrnaey County 30 1", of the ov�'.zexs of the real to bee vacatedthe line of the se ctl n o£ the :street sough y rs very truly, LPS-B T0: THE HONORABLE THE MAYOR, and ., THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL:-- _ WE, the undersigned, constituting a majority of the owners of the property abutting on that part of Eighth Street, lying between the Easterly line of Wabasha Street, and the Westerly line of Cedar Street, all of said Streets being in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, hereby petition your Honorable Body to vacate all that portion of Eighth Street lying between the East line of Wabasha Street, and the West line of Cedar Street, and South of the South line of Eighth Street as opened and improved in 1930, and North of the South line of Eighth Street as it now exists, more particularly described as follows, to -wit: -- Commencing at the Northwesterly corner of Lot One (1), Pfeifer's Place Plat 2, the same being the intersection of the Southerly line of Eighth 6treet as St now exists, end the Easterly line of Wabasha Street;tbence Northwesterly along the Easterly line of Wabasha Street 69.32 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly at an angle to the rightof 50 degrees a distance of 15.42 feet more or less to a point on a line which is 43 feet southerly of ,and parallel to a reverse curve of 456 feet radii, more or less, beginning on the Westerly line of Cedar Street extended across Eighth Street at a point 43 feet Northerly of the Southwesterly corner of Eighth and Cedar Streets and ending on the Westerly line of Wabasha Street extended across Ninth Street, tangent to the centre line of Ninth Street, at a point 43 feet Southerly of the Northwesterly corner of Ninth and Wabasha Streets; thence Easterly along -a line parallel to ,T�e said re- verse curve of -4,56. feet radf�',an 43 feet dis- tant therefrom measured along a radial line for a chord distance of 111.38 feet to the point of reverse; thence continuing Easterly along a line parallel to the said reverse curve of 456 feet radii more or less, and 43 feet distant therefrom measured alonga radial line a distance of 217.18 feet to a ppoint of tangency with the South line of Eighth �`treet as it now exists;thence Westerly along the Southerly line of Eighth Street as it now exists to the point of commencement, the same being ll that property lying Northerly of the Southerly ill of Eighth Street as it now exists and South of the Southerly line of an eighty-siz 86) foot t t of which the center lrine is a ravea curve oiT r4��` feet radii, more or less,beginning on the Westerly line of Cedar Street at a port 43 feet northerly of the -1- Southwesterly corner of Eighth and Cedar Streets, and ending on the Westerly line of Wabasha Street at a point 43 feet Southerly of the Northwesterly corner of Ninth and Wabasha Streets; the northerly line of said eighty-six (86) foot street being the Northerly line of Eighth Street as opened in 1930, and now improved, also lying East of the Easterly line of Wabasha Street and West of the Westerly line of Cedar Street as appears on the plat attached hereto, and approved by the City En angular piece of Lot Six (6&&ineer, except that tri- angular Twelve (12), Bazil & Guerin Is Addition to Bt.Paul, shown in red upon the attached plat, all 0f the Streets and plats hereinbefore referred to being in accordance with the plats on file and of record in the office of the Regis- ter of Deeds in and for said Ramsey County and State. of Minnesota, within which County and State said property issituated; The facts and reasons for said vacation are as fol- lows: -- The portion of Eighth Street above described, which your petitioners pray to have vacated, is no longer of any service or use to the City of Saint Paul, due to the widening of Eighth and Ninth Streets adjacent thereto, as practically all of the traffic is now carried upon the newly widened street. II. The maintenance of that portion of Eighth Street, which your petitioners pray to have vacated, would merely require ad- ditional expense, and would be of no benefit to the inhabitants of the City of Saint Paul, as the newly widened Eighth and Ninth Streets are sufficient to take care of all of the traffic in that vicinity. III. The strip of Eighth Street above described is merely a "dead end" street. IV. The said strip of Eighth Street constitutes a traffic hazard due to the distance that pedestrians are required to Tavel on Wabasha Street between the Northerly and Southerly curb lines of Eighth and Ninth Streets. -2- V. That the property lying along the South line of Eighth Street between Wabasha and Cedar Stre-ts has been seriously damaged as all traffic moving on the newly widened Eighth and Ninth Streets, uses the new roadway, and the said property no longer abuts upon the main highway. Respectfully submitted TOORER V" r�BY: (Owner of Lots One (1) and Two (2) Pfeifer's Place Plat One (1). PFEIFER REALTY COMPANY EY: (/ — (Owner of Lot One (1) Pfeifer's Place Plat \2). \d+�-1-7 - c (Owner of Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Ea erly seven-tenths (Ely.7/10) of Lot Four (4),lock Twelve (12) Basil & Guerin's Addition to St.Paui). STATE OF MINNESOTA SS. �//�7j �n Mjt(6�e�U�-(i COUNTY OF RAMSEY /l�l�LG4 Guc.P came before me personally, and b ins duly sworn, doth say that the/QAethe ��gtacu.� a�-F 7i Yy of the Pfeifer Realty Company, one of the peti- e foregoing petition; that the said petition is true ofjid�d own knowledge, acept as to matters therein stated on in- formation and belief, and as to tho��atters-fheYb e it to be true. vuiNe Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota Expires �� My Commission r.uNec w,alaFFElq Ray Oornq, n°" ,rOT Ri uuic me Vy Ouwml...u.< 1l Fak It 1W -3- CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ ..„ ...... LAW DEPARTMENT-�' Aovember 3rdrd, 19\ To the 0ouncll. 08ntlemen; The accompanying petition of the Tooker Realty Company and others for the vacation of that portion Of Eighth street lying between the east line of Wabasha street and the west line of Cedar street and south of the south line of Eighth street as opened and improved in 1930, and north of the south line of Eighth street as it now exists, is in proper form and has been signed by a majority of the owners of real estate abutting upon the section of the street sought to be vacated, accord- ing to 'the certificate of the Abstract Clerk on file in the office of the City Clerk. Yours truly, (A."tent dorporatlon 0ounsel. h 1 �: � _......SCE//�L!/T �. _u•. P� K' R 2 I ' i0 pp ----� v P $ I ; i I I ----- - -------------- -=-- I i ---- � I I� �V I ---------- --------!'n \----tea 10� 7L L Y ��i.'✓Pfe> OM. ----------------------- Y � hof / I I .... ... ..... /47.2/ -.... ......... I ,E. 'Z 41--A17-11 ST. /of /3 Q 0 V r - ' / 1 i s 1 ' 0 i 0 V �II � I'I 0.\gAh •- ��. i2 •7i ' 111 p ' :4 ;r P.i.7G e \ ----'�----- � Gbave. •�i),, PO �d=96O o. Se ---1�=-a•• il.9Xa3.9.. ..-.-.-...o% _ --.-C.o_../.--'7::-...-.-l. s'��.fQlai/c/ .9l 63./e Fri7cNrH✓T. roc-s%-a�.:.. -6�*'s:•:::::: --•- .... fri- -r.3•_zT � s e � 0 Q 1 � m IV 1t I 0 V cC4 2. x4 �rce�itt�uu. lv •f,E.t pct' M� le�✓ ;r /7/ All v � , 1 �• 1 1 U 11 - 1 r.. 111 ' J 11 - aT. ------------------- CITY OF SAINT PAUL OpB.I of MI -mu OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILSIAM F. SCOTT, OM Ow4 .nd Cnnnivlanu d R.,—o-- ® . .,—o-n®O govemher 7th, 1932. Hoa. NSlton Ib ,en, Commaeeioner o£ PYnance, Building. Dear Co®Sssioner: We enclose herewith papers in the mat tar of the petition atlonhefToarpoitlon alty Cf ZmPaAY ip and other, for the vacation o 0 street on, betvreena the east line of WabashafeL ,south and the wast line of Cedar street and Sou s line of Eighth street as opened and improved in 1930, and north of the south line of Eighth street as 1t now exists. This petition will co a before the City Co—cil for hearing on December 14th, 1932. Yours very truly, Z). --7: Q City Clerk. C7' n r PP NTE woe n 'it°no 4%]�' a CIL. RESOLUTION - P b+ ef'0eva Deoember 14 —p JBO �A {Ee >nle: u.ue� RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f --1,J , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 1146h -TO _1151y- INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. /J// A PTE. BY THE.....IL ofC t I I. _ — '/J� APPROVE.-- - PXJ#YJU orrice or THe coMvr"o�uEn .,.r NO...._..._... .. ....._ _... - cOuacl�w"e -"ouu c.LL COUNCIL pFSOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS -- .o.o eo..GwT H...Ee.."oH. - °.1.x30-llfi--_. n jT. --- TOTAL IN FAVOR OF o.rz "�"� S 11464 Aome Construction Company Company 72 8 11465 Air Reduction Bales American Geographical 9001st 13 5 - 11466, 11467 American Insurance Company is 67 1 11468 American Linen Supply Compare 43 35 11469 American Linen Sueply COmpan 32 0 11470 American Linen Supply Compan 11471 American Stamp Works, Inc. 8 11472 Anchor Insurance Agency 32 6 11473 11474 G.A. Ashton Company Austin -Western machinery co. 246 55 11475 11476 Edward Anderson Badger meter mfg. Company 109 9 11477 W.E. Bahnoman Sales Company - 2 11478 ...be LabOTatOriea.IC 1 11479 11480 Billboard Pub. Company §Orobert-Ingersoll Company.I o. 113 25 11481 R R. Bowker 17 1 11482 11483 B.O. Boyeson Company Brainerd Manufacturing Compw Brings and Company 17 2 36 3 11484 T.J. Inc. 52 5 11465 Brown and Day, Brown and Fenney 56 5 11486 Company 17 O1 11487 Buffalo Meter Burns 5 11488 Fitzhugh A Robert Com 9 2 11489 Burroughs Adding Machine 0 any 11490 Cairnoross Tire 6 Battery any 11491 The Calbon Company 2 55 11492 Campbell and Leunig 10 11493 Capital Envelope company Capitol Welding S Mfg. Comp y 10 7 11494 11495 Chicago Apparatus OOmpany 55 62 64 11496 Chicago. St, Paul, mple, a 0. Citer-Digest Company y.Co. 005 11497 11498 cities Service 011 Company 154 45 11499 Citizens Ioa 6 Fuel Company 3 y 104 00 11500 Cochran -Sargent Company 4 11501 Collosus Packing Company Compan 89 11502 Commonwealth Electric 16 22 11503 C.R. Congdon Company The Crane Company 29 73 • 11504 115052 J.Y. De Adam Deckercker Hardware Company 41 99 1150 Education 2 5 11507 The Department of Company 12 00 11508 11509 Deteotive Publishing Diotsphone Sales Corporation 58 10 11510 Diebold Safe A Look Company 21 Si 11511 ElectTio Blue Print Company 88 7 11512 Electric Blue Print Company 7 50 11513 Electrical Installation Company 00. DO 11514 Tbos. J. Engel Welding A Mfg 22 95 11515 11516 Esalinger & Company E.J. Ettman Sponge Company 85 5 i _.. 8 16o 1a pZ59 750 86 .� .a 760 ­1or-- — "' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ° .�. No.__ ._ 11—T]owor LOCAL irerwo1a...aTrRWE-8 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of • the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction Of saware on 3herburne Ave. from the terminus of the existing 71-10" sewer near the west line of Fry 8t. to Asbury Ave., and on Asbury Ave. from Sherburne Ave. to the south Side of University Ave., being the Kittsondale Sewer System, Western Branch, Contract "D", in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to W. W. 24AGEE, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $27,744.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. ° r1sr w:�wa..wu. i• eA. ` --r—--128,310.50 •rM...�..o ....., ... rt... .... — To•...�„oo...o .o. oo.T o..��. - - ,13,070.91 .. ,..o..�.,•...o., .�,...�... o..00,� �..o.•..•.,.- . w.. 31-E1 ...E 785.20 • •�^^••�•*•^—Kitteondale Sewer •��� ••.•-m.• 2306 •13,887.89 . ,27,744.00 To • u• .. .,.. �, �i�' DEC 14.7932 — — J_ T,' P- %1,t] I 0 RDIN AN PRESENTED BYI�A6 � '� An ordinance appropriating the balance t however, in Budge Funds I to 31 Inclusive r, Budget Foods 18, 17, t 23, aS and 27, at the end of the Year 1932 after all oblige Inns and purposes for which said foods were appropriated have been provided for. This to an emergency ordinance rendered asoeeenry for the pre::TVt Ion of the public peace, health and safety. TEEM COOS L OF THE CITY OT ST. PAUL DOSS ORDAIN: Section 1. That the unsnounbered bal-0-n-t the *I-- o the year 1932 remaining in Budget Funds I to 31 .1"1" (excepting, bMGTer, Budget rund 18, Public Libra" Fund; Budget 11und 17, Audi- torium Fund; Budget I'and 23, Water Department JUnd; Budget rund 25, roud�.t '—d 21F -AiTlt 2 k City Hall and Court House Tend; and Budget Sinking " are hereby appropriated and set aside in the General rand for the year 1933 for the specific purpose Of financing the tax delinquency as and If it occurs in the year 1933. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after its passage and publication. P-111 I,, till DEC 3 01932 McDonald _ In furor P,, .... Ag.ittt / Rouen GJ Cru 'i, DF( At.-wjq. F sc,r. Cit, f']�lk ORDINANCEaDNDIL FILE NO 9458 lyy�l `�, /.-�✓L ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED An ordinance appropriating the balances remaining In Budget Funds 1 to 31 inclusive, ezceptiug, however, Budget Fundj25, at the end of the year 1933 after all obligations and purposes for;whlch said funds were appropriated have been provided for. This to an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation Of the public peace, health and safety. THE OOOSOIL OF TBE OITf OF ST. PAUL DOSS ORDAIN: Section 1. That the balances remaining in Budget Funds 1 to 31 inclusive (excepting Budget Fund525') are hereby appropriated and net aside in the General Fund for the year 1933 for the purpose of financing the tax delinquency as and if it ocours in the year 1933, assignable to each of said funds. -�, Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinanoe rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in 1 force from and after its passage and publication. Yue, U --ilium N'-, P""'I b, thr ('ounri V ay N! D. Id Pearcc 11 Tru We d SIr. P—id-t In P:i�in fan i.t ORDINAi oo R �°:ay 459 ED eY• ��IA/~ An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in Bndget rand 25 at the end of the year 1933 after ell obligations and P= - Poses for which said fund was appropriated have been Provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for�tbe Preserva- tion of the public Peace, be alth and safety. Tgg cOONOIL Of THE OVY 07 ST. PAUL DOSS ORDAIN: Section 1. That the balance remaining in Budget 7und 25 is hereby appropriated and set aside in the General rand for the year 1933 for the PurpOee of employing labor for the maintenance of the new Court House and Oity Hall' declared to be an Section 2. This Ordinance is hereby emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the Preservation, of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall tate effectd,fend'be'Sn ores frog and after its passage and Publication. Y �I C-an,dlin,•,� \evs rn=snl I,y'thr C-1-1iY— R r �� eI T I' , _ 94466 By .u. CITY OF 6T. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the ..It,, of the assessment of benefits, d—g.., costs and ..... es for ohanginF the 7—de o _rod ,it. f....:;bdford st. to a ;104 11 29C I'll vrest of the —,t,1/ne of bed Ccr�i St. t Inform to the red line on t:h,e -file i:eretc att—lod and Wade n part horoof, the present ectnbllshed r,r e bei - sh.orrn by a blue line therzon, .l.so redin2 said ':r -d St.^ m Lied Crrd St. to t! est line cC lot 15, Irvine's Additie� of lotlots, sn re...d-,m; sni :'red St. from the west line oC lot 15, Irvine's Addition of -clot ,oto nt 25Uo ft. vast of the west line o- +ev,orc :,t, t- the —posed live whe,: established, P. uvder Preliminary Old" ...__910Rg___.,,, Iu[ermediury Order.....:i1650_ Final Order.__ 31140.......... approved �......F_eb... z3 ......... . ..... . . .19.72_ . A public heerivg having been had npov the assessment for the .bove improvement, e.d said asse.sment havivg been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said asaessmevt be and the same is hereby iv all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confinn.O" BE IT FU7nER RESOLVED, That the e,id assessment be s.d it is hereby determined to he payable iv_..__.... ......ego.1 inatsllmenta. Adopted by the Council_ .... ____ .._...._ 19.._..... �- --, City Clerk. Approsed. _ .. ......19 ... a CITY OF ST PAUI, OFFICE OF TIIE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment 1. the "Ot, If the assessment of "—fit, —1—Ills for its 'h . I , t!"� "I 11d, " C " St. f,.,. Bedford Ct. t. 11 C—t I'll It If the crestI in:�Tlill df, I st. t, l­f­ to t1l,l —d 1:1,l 11 t!� 11 1" �"'Itl 'tt" ." , —d. p , 1,111,1f, tIll present —t.1,14,hlld g—d, bllll-,r, '1—m D", l, Ll"e line t-, , t 3, 1, ,1 nir� f— df to he "..t 11— f ll -l' 15, Irvine's I. I. ...... �t�l —' k diti— eC rIrrIUil d �t. the '�—�t —,ld'ti— Ir_t vaso. t t'. , ttsae li_�e nd ,tilts, t, , poin, le P Th— established, under Pr,IuIinllly Ol-,Ill lll--dwy Ord- 5155(1 Fi.ld O'll',.. '31'740 F.- 23 32 T. the Council If the Cit, If S1, P-llI Th, Commissioner of Fill—, hereby reports t,, the C-—) the following 11 1 1-1.11t If the expec Sit,— necease lily inenrred and I. b, ineurred for Ind ib co —tio,l with the making If the above —p—, .,.t, C— If $ Cost If p.1b1lhi.r .-tic, $ Coat of F11-1 "ll" $ Q,27 Inspection f,', $ !i -CA 1. Al -It If 1-tt 1-1 for confi rmntiun $ �'� .35, C—tr-ticn 7rinn—t,, "'^C Total expenditure, $ 200.01 Said Commissioner further -I—t, tb.t he I— I,,.,d and 1,,i,d the total amount as .1— t. it: the ". If $ 300.01 "1". "'ll "'I ..... "" ""t orP .... 1 If 1--dd--d benefited b, the said improvement, -d m the —, If ... h lot, I, I I It I..d .. ...... 1— with the b—flIll -I f ... ed thereon; that the said nssesmncnt h., been -llphtt,d, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig l,all- ,f the ..id C.I—i,ai—,and —d, . 1—, hereof, is the -id assessment as completed by Ill., end which is ll—,itli the 1 --ll f- ,soh . till th ... �,, I., Il., be considered p,.p,, 94461 Cannell File fqa. •e By _. n soca vases CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment Iv the matter of the aaseasment of banafits, c 'stn on.. sos for gravir� Allay In 51-k t, ._yhvi— Addition from Fai-i— A—o :O F—oll A -11e, under P-Hraina Order _ .80974. Intermedi,ry Order. -91117z ......., Final Order.__ b1f R5... ry , approved....._F,e i:.._16_......___....- 19 ...,72. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said ,ssessmevt having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally aatisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said aaa—ro-t be sad the same A hereby in all respect, ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Coart of the County Of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUR�'H,ER B.ESOLV ED, That the said asseasmeut be and it i, hereby determined to be p,yable iv_._..__...___.... //..equal installments. Adopted by the Council....___........-•-. �. t9 ....._.__...__._......19__..._ ._.......__....��_>..l..L`.d.�>-... _, City Clerk. Approved_ .___._19_.__ / 7 yam- .e-�-_u_�.�.. bfaYor. t� Oxy, CITY OF ST, PALL OFFICE OF TIIE COMMISSIONER OP FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment :Io—bar_1b.. 19.32. In the metier sf the aesessmrnt of banoflts, oats end expense far Ykt greding Alley in Blook 6, fiifhvlew Addition from eeirvla Avenue to H-11 Avanue, under Yreliminury Order ...30974 Intermediary Order 91475. Final Order 91685... , aPl ro. e,l FaU. 16 1932 'fo th, Council of the City of St. Pant. Thr Commissioner of Finance hereby report, to the Council the following ae a stntement of th, exPe� dit¢ree necessarily incurred and to be for -,,d for an 1 in ,ilh the making of the aho.e imPrsve- went, viz: Cost of construction _ _ _ - $. 647.0()._ Cost of publishing nntirc - - $_ ,..6.75_._. Cost f1 cards _ _ _ _ - $ 1.35 posts ----.. InsPec tin" fees $....12.94_........... Amount of court ,nits for confirmation $ 6.15 Constntatian Enr+.nearingF 6.G3 - Total ex pandit,-, $760.82 - Snid Comtnisaionrr further rePnrLs that he hoe as+eseed end Ievicd the total amount es above eseenained. to -wit: the sum of $_760.82 it Pen ,sett and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed bc¢efited by the saidimProvrment, and in the eve of Incht, part loor pare cl of land in .—M.- with the benefits enn- f....d thereon. that the acid a.... --t has been cont Vleted. and thnt hereto attached, identified by the sig nature of the said Commissioner, end made a part hereof, is the sold assessment as com Plated by him, and whish is herewith s0—it-1 to thy tme th--, n, mny be considered pro Per r...A n r. C.oinmi.rii.r ,l Y'inni. ..t 94462 Council File No._._._..........__._......._ �. v.'w.. ogees— ma'.. e. aut.am. mm w;.: iAm", ow CITY OF IT, £AOL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the easessment of benefits, costs enveses for gradi.r, Alley in llloak 7, ililledale, Tran D1:luth Ave. toa?rslti St., also rrvdi.P Duluth Ava. Cron Ja 1, St. to Iawat4, St., under Preliminary Order_._ 90110_....,., lntermediary 0 d _. OC&4o ......., Mast 0,d,, 90053 approved_...d.4E45i..U_ . _.... _ 19_. al. A public heariag having been had upon the aselleaeat for the above improvement, and laid aasesame.t having been further e ... idered by the Council, and having bee. considered 63 11y estilf.et_ be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said aascasme.t be end the some is bereby i. all reapevta ratified, and the se,ve I. hereby o,det,d to be submitted to the District Court of the Cou.ty of R.msay for aovfirmetiov. RE IT PFG�THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined Is be payable is ........... erlual inatallme.ta. Adopted by the Cou.eiL..-....._:._ _ _ ....... _ _ _ ..19.. . City Clerk. Approved. ....... ... 19........ 1 / ro... s n. ie / ✓"-y"'L:.�-r_"`-[c.l..., hfaYor. i CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF TIIE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ,7pvenbor„ 1Z. 19... 32 In the matter of the assessment of bonofits, coats and e _ se, forWl- radinf alleyin Plock 7, Hillsdale, f n D.tluth Ave. to Fran', It., o1— radfnr, Du1•.tth Ave. fro, J -1-a 5t. to —eon St., under Prelim ery Ord�•r _. 90110... [--di— Ord„ 90445 Final Order_- 9Cti53.._.. _. _. _. apprond13 1131 A must To the Council of the City of St Paul- The l;ommtssioner of Fm,-- hereby ,•ports in th, Council the following ea a elatcmeot of the expo dilures nec,a,arily —.—d and to hr incurred fur and in --t— with the making of the above ioilunrc- meat, viz. Cult o[ C— of p ibli,hi, nmirr - $..__--.4.65______ Cost ,f postal '.eels - $9.°3. Inspection fees - $__-_0�2ti Amount of court cont, for ronfinoali$___4. �5... ..__ nstntation F;r.[;ineorinC 15:i. Fs yo Total rxp,ndit ares $_17itn, 53..__,... Said Cummtsstonrr forth,, reports that he has a..t,sed and levied the total amount ns above asetrt --d. to wit: the snm a $1.709,53__.._.___.. upon raeh an•1 every lot, part or parcel of land deemed bn,fitrd It, the said imprat emmtt, and M th, cont of each It, port or parcel of land in oecordnn,e with the benefits eon 0•rrad th creon; that the said ass,s,ment has Urea r<eu plated. and that hereto attached, identifsrd by the sig nature of the .said Commiaslo n... and mud, a port hereof, is the said assessment ns c -plated by him, and which is here... th submitted to ihr Council for sac h tuition`the , as �m any I cora id j—d� proper. ro,v , x i. Commissioner of Finaner. 94463 C...ril File N.— I n Tr H! 6i`8 , *- k By 2MU. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the —t- of the assessment of be—fit, de—gor, 311sto end e.pe—e. for :.aetvillc chang tl cypress St -t' est S to conform to tho red line o the p �ttehod —d part h th- ant ortbblish,d _,,dl beim: rl—byblueIine t her son, also ellsY fl -I St' - .—et t. to t:�, p,,p,,,d red lino —dee Prdi.iri.0 Ord,.._L9738 I l,t,.,di.0 Order.__9aQ71 Fire] Ord,,, .pp,.r,d. __...Sept... 6 ...............1931... A .. I 19zl.— A public hearing b—mg been bed upon the --- for the -b-re MP -1—t, o'd said assessment h.6,ig been further considered by the Conned, orid having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefor, RESOLVED, That the said asseesmevt be and the — ie hereby i. all respects ratified, ..d the —ite ie hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Co— of the County of Ramsey for BE IT FU"R RESOLVED, That the i,,,id ­—roer, be and it i. hereby determined to be p.y.ble installments. Adopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved 19 .. . . .... UITP OF ST_ PAUL, OFFICE OF 7'IIE CO)I\1ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment 15_...... , 11.32 In the matter of the saseseme.t of b.aefits, damngss, casts and s p..,.s for ttex changing the _ of alley in Block 11, :¢stville ::e ts, fr cm Cyprees St. to St., toe t. �s t. rad 1 the p _tla i.eroto attac.-3d d art :o C, theca t b1isF. d de 'o _ wn by o blu. lice also radin;l ti:e s i. allyPfrom Cypr=ss St. t ?or est St� to th•_ pro;�os ed r=d 'tn. noon¢ establishedra under Onlcr 09138.. Intermediary Ord, r.... 9007-1 I incl Order To the Coonan .f the Cit} of St. Panl: The Commissioner of Fiannre hereby report, to the Cmlm11 the following es a statement .f the ditnres necessarily i .... re1 and to be incurred for vnd in -.-ti- with the making of the sb., meat, vii: Cost of $..y7,.56...__.._... Cost of p.Nl thing ¢oriel. $...... 4.2C, .......- Cost .[ postal card. £.-. •::4...... I.,,, tion fees _ $_ 13.F1 Amolmt u[ court costs [or .onfirmation $ 5.20 _ ___ _ Constructi 1876 C5� 177.74 _no �se�2 1' AtAi7x6ER 3 tt,re Gemaaos 0..001 1487 05 _... Said Comm i.... f-1,11 rrportsstl u he WI --d end levied the total ¢mount ne ¢bore nsc,rw;ned, to -wit: the sum of $_. 9.7.605_______. ap­ each and eery lot, part or panel of Iand deemed bene litod b.' the said impr... ment, end i. the ease. of ...h lot, part or pnrecl of Iand in accordance with the benefits eon - £erred there..; th.t the .cid assessment hes h..n completed, and that heroto ett.,h,d, identified bs the sig nvmrc of the said Cou;n;issio..r, s.d made n port hereof, is the said axcesment as completed by hint. sn�l w,hieh is here,,ith submitted to the Council for ,n, be considered arnper. ,e,p ;; s. i. Commissioner .t Finanrc. 91464 Council File No, ...... f By CITY OF ST. PA"" Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the --Iro— of --_r 1, 'do"',", —'s --..es for on'n—tt, t �f�f .-— t' I I ,Jl.y :ro o or. ollo, -d 9, , --o 1 f, t p—,,t ,,toLliI J, d —de bs -o A3dlein till i"11 St I b_ d 31 7 t t— --d 116 Ii rtoll ad, —t-lti19 I e— dothe allay o -int 200 ft. .—t 'f Albans St. j- St. Alb -o 5t- ..&, P -Ii -i --U Or& 91781__ Intermediary Order n,at Order..._12211 .ppro-d 16AY-5 — 19 A public hearing having been had upon the ---t for the A— improvement, -d said assessment bii,iiig b... further —idered by the C-61, and having been considered finally aatmf,ewry, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said —mroe.t be and the — i, hereby i, all r,,p,,t, ratified, ..d the same i, hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of R,,,,y for confirmation BE IT FUWHER RESOLVED, That the said --roe., be and it is hereby determined to be payable equal i—,Ilroe— Adopted by the Cloolil -19- City Chrk. Approved. 19 CITY OF SC PAPI, OFFICE OF IHE IOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment I. the mutter of the assessment of t.en.: 1 tn, Itr and a .,.a for ¢ cIb _!.r: Lta /11ey i "look 7 alcct�bo's ? n fro, St. Albnne St. to o St., toan - o tl.�, rod line r tic pro"il� 1 ett—I'ec o port Vha—f, the pr� ent est—lisFed - e he'_n- s tm byeee'.,lue 1 e hero........ grodin� t o Alley in Block Z, Eole�trba'svhddit'. �n fror_ St. hlbans St. to lrotto St. to Cho sed red line x ,stabli si-ed, e :istruc`„in n t:: -o Gila] t'r— . pont 200 ft. was. o_ rt. Albsns St. to tho a.war to St.aAl,, Ct., ondt.. Preltmitary Order..._. .1761... [--di— Ord.r 91992.._.. Final Order_.. 92&11_ _. _. . ."proved _ a_ _..._ 32 To the Council of the City of St Paul: Thr Commissi.....f Fir—, t. the C..neil the following ase statement of the e�lrn- dit—e necessarily incurred and to be io...red for amt i. ..... eti.n .rith the making of the above impr.vc- meat, viz: Cost of construction $_ 519.46 Cost of puhh.,hing notw, $....4.35-__.-__-_.__ Cost of postal cordo _ $-_. I.F,7 To"",Iioo fee. _ _ _ $. _1a.3c Amount .f r ­rt costs for cu nfi.mation $- . 35 onsn,» n - C '. r, , i— = a ,. 123. C'1 T.t.l c.,p,rditonw . . . $lv'i.P..,. Said Commissioner further reports that he has .......d end levied the total amount as aIo— ns.e rt. -M, to wit: the sum of $127.5 Aa... _. _... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of la.d deemed h ... fited by the said improvement, and in the rase of earh lot, pert or parcel of land in —Ord—, with the benefits eoo- [erred thereon; that th,. said assts.mrot has been a nt plated. and that hereto attached, idcotified by thv sig nature of the said Cotnmiavio and made a part hereof, is the said ess,ssm nut as co mplcted by him, nod ,0-1, is herewith submitted to the Coo—d for such sett. .th,reon o— be c—id—d proper. r,,,,. a n. i. �- Commissioner of F'inaner. )4465 Council File No......... _............._... .... By CITY OF IT. 1111 Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the meter of the assessment of ben. -i s, _ _., a... _ s for netnac'..nn hrk nri ;^.t St. Cr�r- a c int cp t't. n�rt an Wit. t� h of i, Rose St. o connaot'wit F. ezistin.- s.,wer approz�mi.tely five (5) feat eastro�f Arkrrri ght St., under Preliminary Order.... _8998.A_ Intermediary Ord- _VOUS - F5ns1 Ord approved...._... ...a) k1..J.... ........... 19. 33.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above impruvemevt, and said assessment having been further considered by the Carmen, and having beau considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, Tbst the said assessment be avd the same is hereby iv ell respeote ratified, avd the same ie herobyord—�dd to be enbmitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation RE IT F11RTHER ILMOLVED, That the said assessment be and it L hereby &termi—1 to be payable ti iv Adapted by the Comcil.. .._..19... _.. .............�..`f...-1r-�d-_r.. City Clerk. Approved - ._.. `Y. ...19 Pl,'ISLIStIEU 61 F cli: . CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF 'HIE CO\1)IISSIO\ER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment _Fi—ber. In the matter of thc.rsessmunt of bonefits, costs s,d e -b.— ......... _ ses for tAEx nstruct ink a w on htln+ri�:^t St. from a point 80 ft, o th of St. to Rose St. to con-lnetnwith esistinr, sappro.cisa.ely five (5) feet aos,, o:�Ark'+ ight St., under Yreliniinnry Order 69984 latermediary Order 90326 Final Order.... J0564........... npproved. Oct. 1 To the C.... it of the City of St_ P.ul: The f Finance hereby reports to the Connell the following es s xtntement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to he m, urred for .mI in connection with the oking of the .hove -prove- meat, vix: Cost of construction _I $_504.00_____._. Cost of publishing null,. $_._.1.20,,,, ..... Cost of Postnl ... 1, g.._.. 0.24___.___..__. _ I .,p"n— fees _ _ _ $_ 11_28_ .Amount of court ensu for conHrmntiun E_ 61.20. ons Ctruction Enr,in� g ..ring 101.54 Total expenditures - $.,0"+9.46, Said Commissioner further reports that he has .seessed and Icvied the total amount ns above .....ti ned, t. wit: the sum of $_6'!3.46...... __...up., each and every It, part or parcel of I.nd deemed benefited by the saki imp ...... nt, ..d in the ei-. of vaeh lot part or parcel of land in .....dance .with the benefits eon Ierred thereon; that the said asussment has been cpm yle[ed, and tb.t hereto attached, identified by the slg —0— ,f the said f'ommicsioner, end —d, a part hereof, is the said assessment .s completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the C—,,I for such ­tiou tthh—.. as'mny be considered prper. r..,� . n ,t Commissioner of Fin.nve. 94466 Comeil File No .. _._......... _.__.... By__...._.....__._.... ..... CITY OF IT. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and _ v,ea for c onstructi,, a s_m .r ry Sc effer St. fru... onellin_. Ave. to :;rindIll Ave., '�� a Harter under Prelimira Order 94.1o4 Itaternedisry Order— 2282Z___. Final Order... SS0: approved.._.. JuIY_14_...____._....._ 1932.... A pnblie hearing having been had upon the aeaessment for the above improvement, and said emeaarr-t having been further t—idered by the Cnunelt, and having been oovsidered finally Ittisf-ary, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said —movant be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, sad the same is herahy ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it u hereby determined to be payable in...___..._.__......,__ equal in.-Ilar-tta.. .. 1 Adopted by the Council. _..... _- _ ._...... ___.._..... __...__19City f/. Cluk. Appro\ed. _...............19 f / 7 PUBLI'-!TI:p_�� 1 / J N �1 Jg�17 CTl OF ST_ PAUL OFFICE OF TILE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment tlov :-:btr lc 1J32 In the m.tter of the uesreament of b—f—, oasts ung e.c _..s as for FW -—St ., s — .n ..c..,ff— St. 'ror. S ­ 11j. :.z.. .o _1.1-11 All., ander Osler °"q o4...... Intcrmidian Order 2, 3._....._ Final Ordtrnppr,r.l _. __ Jul:/..15 _....... 1'1.32. Tv the Council of the City of St P.ul: The Co, mik., o... of Finnucr here b, reyortn to the Cvuacil the folloxiug es . -t—., of the expen. dituren t ...... til, incurred and to be incurred for .,,.I iu connection with the .eking of the above i.provc mast, viz. Cust of construction _ _ _ $_4 C- of publiAmg uoace - $--1.o0-._-____. cont .f post.l cards - _ _ $_— r�• mnpt�tinn 6s - - - - - $ --_ A.— t of court east., for confi rmatiun $_ ,, retructi on = _c,or •'85 Tatnl expenditvrec _ $ 1co.89 Said Commissioner farther reports 11.1 he I,- .—ssed end levied the total ..oast .s above .eecrt.io I 1. wit: the ... of $..456.87 _ upon e.eh —1 every lot, part or parcel of Imd deemed beneflted by the said improvement, and in the c.ne of ..ch It, I — or p.rvel of Iend in eccordanec with the benefits ... famed thereon; that the said sese.vmeut has Leen e ,ripi-d, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig n.t.re of the said and made � pn t hereof, r the e.id aese-- ns by him, an.l which N hoax ith submitted to th, for .sue 1. i. aria. there....s may b, e—id—d proper_ r.,ry v . i. Commiesio.er a[ Finmce. 1461 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of___cond etw-�;, en;i._aan-x aa_eas_.ment _. or. stapes c_its aa,:_:llls _in_ShQ_ grading and p—in of Fulls, Ave. from a line 40 :t. v. ist o. St. P:tr St. to a line 50 ft. east of S— Peter -t., s - enporery a on the alley i :flock 11, n_ Chute's Additisn to th^ lnd of t' -.e 111-1t, �: nd froie. the Pavenent to Park Ave.. under Preliminary Order- .---- �1b4X8.-.--------- approved__ Au—. -_1_i 1@32_------------------- Intermediary Order -------- _--S,38S'l--------- approved__lsot._ 2De 1932------------------ Final Order ------ ------ -- -._9124 ---- .., approved --- _O -c -t.-25-19-3-2................... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the amrsement of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for aid taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the eaid assessment of benefit,, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Distriet Court for eo,ii mation. .thz <t a� .,.uxl.ms(yljmgt�r ibz Adopted by the Council --- ---------- -------------- 19,__ _ A _ Approved_____ __ City Clerk._________________, 19___. Mayor. ouneilronMsDomald �Counmlma xy i PURL'::f:'D-L. � / / REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND In the matter of___nnndecnil-�anl taking az mo tSar_slnpaa._cuts_aru: ti lls_in t'r.e grading and pavinr, of 1111,1 Ave. from a 'Ill11ft. ,est o.^ St. P=ter 3t. a line 50 ft. ^.aat of St. Pet, t., a c grading teaPorn a,,Proar':. es fr-r. 31111,-;y ' 31oc 11, Ewing and Chute•, Addition to th, mel of the pavvnent, an.. frmr. the p em.n. .o Park Ave., under Preliminary Order ----- 93429-----, aPProved--A1�--ln,_1�12_____________ ----- , Intermediary Order_________9363II ______ aPProved___: ".t._2o21___9__32 ______ ____________ Final Order --------------- °'1129_---_,-PProved__Oct x-25,_1932-----------_ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the paraons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. :3� 4Gn RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of___cna;:%aning_un..=.nLin,T as Aa.. smaru_in t___land secessarf ac_slnp.- cuts and fills t`., - f th All, in 31ock .a.:�I st r Vier. an: Blocq 3, :.dam's Additi an frac. PriceI Ave. t Asbury A—_ under Preliminary Order --------- 53322 ---------- approved.- Au-:. 10,_193'_------------------- Intermediary Order ------------- 93690 ---------- ape ... ed--- Sep_t_._ .1932 ----------- -— Final Order -------- ----- -_.- 2'i004____ ---, app ... ed --- llct.__1L 1932--_-_-------_-__-_ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed aseevsment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lends for said taking end condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same Is hereby in all respects ratified aad confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be eubmitted to the District Court for confirmation. �ecrtcfnzWia',cBaaL dXttutd�`".>t�nL.;.+, :hft�n(kika>.xde�edxSmhat��ile tmcz::rrrr....�+�+�. iadnit�otaxax t¢xse3tzpt�etbfslnadcdesr�i6e3r1daua+. Adopted by the Council ________________________ _______________ City Clerk. Approved_______________ ____, / -L`-CSR=•_-c�-G-EL_ _____ _______ ae!+r�s.: ,® Dirf+,+nntT /1 � hlaYor. Councilman M I18�i lff -'�' 7'•'�:,, �- i Councilman Rohbutd=,— 'I'r,ia. ___ SudjjMj&. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS .\P ... SE"___ X5 IiF ..7;L-FTT9 In the matter of__condemn:.'ig_an,:_zakS.ng_e�nasnmant_in_Sha_laBd_nacassaiy_S�r__slop9s, cuts and Pills, Sn tFe �redi�- of t�',, Allsy in Bloc`; 4, ltaoalset �r View and Blook 3, Adnm'a Additi,n fror .._a, Ave. to ..sbury Ave., under Preliminary Ord er____93322------ approved---- AW_ 10,_1832 Intermediary Order -------- 93_dflQ------ approved ----S t.,1--:.-1932___________________________ Final Order --------------- 9AQQ4------ -Pproved---- Ort.. 11._1932_-_--_----_--_-_-----__-_-_ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has feed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amoonte of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. c Commissioner of Finance. w —� /OOR�DINANCF a t 94469 PRESENTED BY // nr^n uo aoert^�A ry An ordinance granting to Northwestern Fuel Company, a corporation, permission to erect and maintain a raised wood an platform and steps with an overhead steam pipe on the easterly side of John Street in front of lot 5, Block 41, gittsonrs Addition. This is en emargenoy ordlneao. rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Northwestern Fuel Company, a corporation, to erect and maintain a raised wooden platform with steps not exceeding 4 feet in height to be located between the curb and property line on the east side of John Street beginning 85.5 feet north of the north line of Fifth Street and terminating 8 feet north of the point of beginning, the platform to be placed so as toleave a clearance of 1 foot between the platform and face of curb and 8 feet between the platform and the east line of John Street, also to erect and maintain an over head steam pipe and hose connection supported by the aforesaid platform and extending from the east line of John Street to the roadway side of the platform at the southerly and of the said platform and at a height of approximately 9 feet above the grade of John Street for the purpose of in jecting live steam into loaded wagons or trucks standing in front of said platform. Section 2. The Commissioner ofPublic Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee Por the construction of said wooden platform and overhead steam pipe upon said licensees compliance with the fallowing conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a blue print of said platform and steam pipe which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. -Tffe said platform and steam pipe shall be erected and constructed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner and as approved by him. (3) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of $5000.00 for the period Of time the plat- form and steam pipe is in place, conditioned to save the City harmless from any and all liability, and said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel and have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Finance, and be filed with the City Comptroller. 1'eaa Councilmen \'a }-s I'a s sed b, rhe Council C..'.' 1 Nay McDonald - avor PearIn F ce Ros � �'- 'JLir- i Arr- __..Cky Clcrk- \lal'or ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BV_. _ ORDINANCE NO. (4) The platform and steam pipe shall be removed by hsaid licensee whenever the Council of the City of St. Paul shall so order. (5) Said licensee shall within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. 'a`y P OF 2 leas Councilmen \al. Passed b. 1,, Council Conroy May McDonald I In Favor / P -J Rocarcc sch adh'i Ag- ­ 'i7 \Ir_ Presieni If andliei DIY Clerk CITY CTI CIT09F SAINT PAUL C.pIW of Minnno,. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ,^•,,�,.^ December 5, 1932 Mr. Lewis L. Anderson, corporation CounsAl, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: I am attaching hereto suggested draft of ordinance granting the North Western Fuel Company permission to erect and maintain a raised wooden platform on the easterly side of John St. in front of Lot 5, Block 41, Klttson's Addition. This request was made on November 9, 1932, and the matter referred to this department by the Council. I believe that tthe request isone which can be properly g the city's interest is properly proteve cted by the attached ordinance. Will you kindly examine the ordinance and return with your approval or suggested cor- rections. Very truly yours, G --f SNEPARD, ile glnear. gms-mh p /`� � No- - Ia AT/-N'V BAN �c 111, Na Ml'.1NY Sr. ('Al'L. fftN N. November 9, 1932 To the Council, City of It Pau 1, St. Paul, Yino-eo to „entlamen� Y!a a nc to Bing n blueprint of general- be drawing 8-2654 which .how. a prop -sed 4Temea platfot, located o sidewalk apace -n John rd rpt a Indic at ad•ThN e n the seat 'id' f John St teat prr. party ie located °yaet Fifth Street. There ie no ideael Y. 1'•P• Spur tre�• end vory little pe de etrlan wrter1lineThie n thle pr opo Y action vrith a a and platform ie to be used in pelnin trucks or wagon. along the �,¢¢m line for dempnning line Se to be .levet ad a d the plat"" urb. The pSpe tar to -poen the nn ary valva PQ a nt c . for toho opera n ac geerpLli aC fmp ly abmee to ceted n the we et nice f On- snot yoPith in ea h. wh ecffleia nt height to be c t of the way and from the ground• tly A Loiler outlined in thio drawing ie int terrof placed and arawn .imp lc oe ¢ wor Y.Sng detail. Ae s �eidewalk. eco d, St 's located n.iderable di et ante from the will appreciate it if you will put thio %plain v.n line for proper action and the writer will be glad to e p any detail. which my not appear cloar on the drawing. ycure very truly, 6 RN MEL COAPANY ' Fr -r aeing Agent 6' ct}c/e; J yr-and�llons-fse/e end SArpmen/. Orders ecce d —j— o / IL 42r CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6s,ml d Minn.w� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. XOR, Ory Cl.d, ..d Comml,.lonm d R.aan`Uen November 10th, 1912. Hon. q. C. Wenzel, Cos, of Public Works, Buildinr,. ]Iesr Co®S..ione r: We attach herewith request of the Northweetern Fuel Company for permleslon to Johns street s. e platform to be located on sidenalk apace on between the N. F. Spur tracks and Saet Fifth street. This matter ws referre6to your department by the Council for i_o,irstion d report. Yours very truly, City Clerk. k dftp City Council Jel-ber 30th, 1932; same being an order grult".1 to the North deet— Foal C-.P..y permission to erect and maintain . raised, wend nn platform -- -"P- with an overhead steam pipe on the eas tarly side of jot Ar -t, 1,t 5, Block 41, Utt—'s addition to the City of Suint Pont. North A,t— F,,l �c:pa,y, Yice Ir ..d.nt To the City of -jet peol, The North Western jool Co,cpan,y, a corporation, d..e ho -1, b-,,, all the tor—, P.Ii-ch. and conditions an ,.,id.d covering Ordinance 743d, Fle C.Y. 94469, approved by the City Council Jel-ber 30th, 1932; same being an order grult".1 to the North deet— Foal C-.P..y permission to erect and maintain . raised, wend nn platform -- -"P- with an overhead steam pipe on the eas tarly side of jot Ar -t, 1,t 5, Block 41, Utt—'s addition to the City of Suint Pont. North A,t— F,,l �c:pa,y, Yice Ir ..d.nt Se - — - 7r t`%, � ;--- 3" St. a'-!, -ll_ ­,l. ear 31 This 1,ltol J1, 7 Ci`.: 71— tside I1.1, letter .1— Bn.T.h, 3,-1 Kitt... it term oC the t he -i,e 31 2 Two bi— + moo'ed t o he y-,. t -l— R�' mer Jancary 3rd, 1933. worthwastera P"I Oompatyr S12o3 xret Rattonel saox 81dgs.r as. yaola mm.ncw dead moral 9 we aro anclaWing hawdth a dopy of Ordinance We. 7439, 9-11" you pelotseton to ereof e wooden Platform and steps on tba eutsrly side of John Street. Will yon kindly note the prowiWioas of p&M MCh 5 of Ssotten 2 of Me ordinance and comply With sans at the esrllest possible "tat __ ' tears wly fratyr Olty 0101c. ona�v. ,v av a.rt CITY OF ST. PAUL No. 04470 i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COy IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cA—December_ 15, 1932 RESOLVED aThat the Pirchea Sng Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Burroughs Style 6-17-00 Adding and Subtracting Machine, twelve inch. non- tabulsting carriage, electrically operated, at a price of $950.00, less allowance on old machine of $60.00, less 2% discount, making a net total of $872.20; and one Burroughs Style 9-10-53 Desk Adding and Subtracting machine with motor bar, narrow carriage, brown enamel finish, at a price of $230.00, less 2% discount, making a net total of $225.40; without advertisement or compoti- tive bide, ae this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Flnanc^ Commissioner- Office Fxporse - 6A3. �o.a�Tp; m'e YPa:�ewtiLne ee•^t ue awl d,w����{ k1°.YsvMne o`1n: °^„a avuDnLiivs mnt 1e veep: lio o0�v['S6� roan o{W.m s4� � vf3to�v niit6: Ov �cl Fv verve e'e ev r�rtlener t vel PPPP �^o ep�`ac ^v �l➢eet +exl a �fD a It i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the C1u61 __..._.___.=. "rF#3M-51-- Yens Vaye/ - _/ DE` M.D.— �Peurco .—I [ovor %Truax �.._Ag inat R'mxuL Vire CITY OF ST. PAUL .�� "` N. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO[[[y/y/y/—GENERAL FORM opr Dec. 14, 1932 RESOLVED !� / Ir. n the matter of o?enin.;, ldenir7 Ind extending an alley in Block 27, Rice and Irvine's Addition from R'alnut Street to Chestnut Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 94409, approved December 19, 1932. Resolved, Tnat all orders in the above matter, be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all oro ceadings in such matter dis- continued. u�ai°�r �Y°3iX f=IBi�.S{� .; Adopted by l6e CouociL'It i ....._.... i l 191a, A I i M a} or 'TT' 3 COUYCII.M GN Yeoe T;ey�e 4hp- N /Penrcc _.. _ In favor /izese° Again=t Mr. u�ai°�r �Y°3iX f=IBi�.S{� .; Adopted by l6e CouociL'It i ....._.... i l 191a, A I i M a} or 'TT' 3 Council File No.__... 94472 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1w and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigved hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St Paul, vi..: OPeni.ig widening and extending an alley in Block 27, Rice and -- Trvnef s Addi£on from -Walnut Street to -Chestnut Street, by ------- __..taking..and-.condemning_ the --thews terly..liS ..f.e.et.. of.. lots...l,__5.....5,.__.._.. 7, 8 and 9, Block 27, Rice and Irvine's Addition, also the Torthwesterly-9--feetof-the--southeasterly-25 feet -of --the --- - ---- ,northeasterly 12 feet of lot Sin said Block 27. Doted thio 15 th_do, of .December, 19 1 32. 19 s /J A. m"4'a♦�.,,d PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propoeed for the ..king of the following improvemerta,v ro 02ening_ widening andextending an alley in Block 27, h a _ Irvine's Addition from is nut Street toChest ut Street, by ,. ..._... .,....5.,.-h,..____ ---taking...and..condemnin3.._thesoutheas.terly..16_See t._of._lats..1 7, 8 and 9, Block 27, Rice and Irvirets Addition, also the -- -'northwesterly 9 -Peet -of' the southeasterly -25 -feet -of -the------------- serly._12t _fee _ of lot 8 1n said Block 27 northeat having been presented to the Council of the City of_St2aul. _._.. therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Commimiooer of Public Work, be and is hereby ordered end directed: 1. To inveatig,te the necessity for, or dmimbifity of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, eAte.t and eed—ted coat of said improvement, sod the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skewb of ,aid improvement. 4. To state whether or not Raid improvement is Raked for on the petition of three or more ownere 5. To report upon 11 of the foregpjpgggo ;Q the Co ism.o of I! ... ee. I Adopted by the Council _._.._ ...._.._. _ _. YEAR NArs �Councilmao 6a++eaw �^ " ALI— Approved.. Me•'•'^ PEARCE Roa ASr�'eselllEt'r __ 71- --. .. __._... i J CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF TME CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM P—ENTED CIMM L — 31That" e' RE!3OLVED Tthe t It i, t- c n, crt of t- C—trc lo.,one e Bn.k .:­r0e C2J­'atlr L. A. 160 8t I coat of ltCb LX,ee,,, ��70.—, "lt—t 10p, —kips' th a c t, 7�9–A4 COUNCILMEN Ye. N,ye -m-r I/ MeD ... Id P—e 1. favor Re— 'p— Ag,i,llt Wenzel M,. P,eeid­t Mahoney Adopted by the C-61, 193. CITY OF ST. PAUL .�, �d No..._. 9.4474 Ox�/E OF THE CI—GENERAL CLERK ,�( ^--'� V LUTIONENERAL FORMGl�.✓V • e /OSS 193 1� Co�tEi ssiorren _. ��,�� - - �ffiIQQ WHEREAS, Russell 0. Gunderson, bookkeeper in the Department of Education of the City of St. Paul, has posted a bond in the sum of $2,000, wherein said City to the obligee, and the Great American Indemnity Company is surety, said bond having been approved as to *rm and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said bond be and the same is hereby approved '4", and accepted. ...... . ..... . . opF ani COUNCILMEN Yeas Na, Adopted by the Conncil_..... ......__�._.... :..9.93... _ �MeDonald t.e i Pearce Approved .193..... j 2oeen �/ We1 I'KK Meynr i Nl,. President Mahoney - - -- 4475 Council File No._....... 0 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby pmpoeee the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via: constructing.- six, foot_ldonollthin..sldewalk.. on_ the east___side of Dale beginning at University_ Ave.s thence south to alley .. _.. _.... _....... _.................... _...... ....__... _....___ - Doted thio 144h.._day of December, 1932 , 19 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vie.: _con.struc.ting_s1x._R.ggt ldpnoj,lth�.�h s_j,.dewalk_On_the pale ._at. ....beginning .at_Rn7ser sl tY AYe.., th¢n4p_. south to_alleY _...___...__.._.._.__....._..... __....... __...._... having been pmsented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..._._....._......_ ___..___...___._....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commimi er of Public Work' he and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveeticess gste the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To iuveetigate the "torn, extent and estimated coat of eaid improvement, and the total coat thereof. g, To furnish a plan, Profile or sketch of aaid improvement. 4. To state bother or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owuere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere W t mmiwi...r of Finance. pd4 ' Sri Adopted by the Council.__.....__... _......._.....__...__...__..._...._.__... YEAR Neve Councilman O®aomt m--__ 'A- MCD--_r} __...._...._.__........___ MCDowaw Peeace Rosea —7 - SARI� Wenzel ...._....__ Mayor Ma Pa..,.— r.•can�ru ,oan _i t: •, Citi. / _ i/�� f4tRir.�tlk:U / Conned File No. -94476 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uodemigned hereby pmpoeee the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vi— Constructing a six foot Monolithic sidewalk and concrete curb on the west side of Dale St. beginning at University Ave., thence South to Alley. ..._...____.. ... _._..... ...__...... _........_._._..... D.teawia_ 4th......aarar December ...4i2,��/ lam c 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. - ., WHEREAS, A written prepoml for the making of the following improvement, vi - on -1 ia.:onthe west_side_of Deje_Str beginning at OniVersiSy_AVe­- tfta.Pe- south to Alley. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.______...._.__.__... _..........._....__............... .......... _... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the C-amebeiouer of Public Work. be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the .eeamity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 1 To furnish n plan, prefile, or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To State whether or not mid improvement is naked for on the petition of three or more ownere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commimioner of Finance. DEC 16 iqr. Adopted by the Connell _._._..... __.....______......___._._.__...._..__.... Ysae Nar a CmmeilmmAr 610 ;i— Approved__. ...... ____......... ...... __..__........_....... — ,.-..,_a,. MuDOxano Rosen IM APnwnxa. w M. Pa.amrarr Mayor. rocA ur.0 ,oan /7 YUDI,ISHCD �� �9 / Canned File No..... 4477 ♦ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT snd PRELIMINARY ORDER. The end e..igved hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Peel, is.: Plaak._gnd_.Drata.¢6. shade.. treas...na..bathsidea...of_ sontmae...SBae_..__._....__.._... .....froom-Randolph..Street—tu.-I4—SPesd_an-,_.emcapt-Where...good-.and--____.___ ...sufflcieat._traea_.eals t........_....._._... ......_._. _. ..___ ro Dated this_. _..._____.day of _..__ .o b d P.-__.._.._...._ - .. 9.. ennnedm.n. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the foEowivg improvement, vie.: ...PJ..ent_And..Rra.tac.t._ehada_ tra.0.2 n._bath._gidaa_oP_Monkrasa_Iana._____._._..__ .__fnom-Randolph-..Streat....to-..Rar_tford. Ave.-, a—Spt--wham...gand.-and,_............. .._eaSflcl.eat._trasa._exiak......... .. __..__. _. _._. _ ____...._..... _. ..._._... bavivg been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_........_._..._ .............___._._..._....._.... ...._.....____.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work. be end is hereby ordered sod directed: 1. To ivveetigets the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of mid improvemmt. 2. To investigate the nature, ertent and estimated coat of mid imprevemevt, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a pion, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To shote whether or not mid improvement is seized for on the petition of term or more none, 5. To report upon ell of the foregoing matte, to the Commissioner of Ficenee. Adopted by the Conned_._._._ _ ._._9f Yue N.- Couod— Omer Uss Approved...___._..............�..____. ` McDox .ra — Puaca Roasx Ma Pacer— r• man i J PUBLIsxF:D�/ ✓ i� cnyr cu.F!c uy .'!_. ORDINANCE 94478 ^� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BV 1 1 1 �' r 1 /��\ ` / /\ ORDINANCE NO. f � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5180, entitled "An "sae, alar""d ordinance prohibiting the establielment and malnteaance of the business oIF undertaking and of mortuary chapels and v—It, forAxz .VSs the reception or deposit Of the dead in re.ldence district. of the City of St. Paul. This Sean mergency ordinance rendered ;t.", necessary for the pre.enation Of the public peace, health and °°°"eL •s safety," approved October 18, 1919. This ordinance is an mer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the Public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES OHDLIN: Section 1. That Ordinance Ho. 5180, approved October 18th, 1919, be and the .ane is hereby amended by adding at the end of Section 2 thereof the follprring: "Provided that no restriction, cleuee, provision or portion of thio ordinance shall apply to any property classified as Conners igl District property by Ord1- nance Ho. SS (Zoning Ordinance), approv- ed July 7, 1)22, as mended." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declaredto be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section j. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. -aN 95 Yeas C..acih,— Nays Passed by the C--11_in Mav IPar - In F"cor ( ! Roae.Against Truax Wen el M, Prmdeat (M.h—) ,Approved:. Alt t �Clk w CITY Adopted by the Council Yeas. Nay.. MAY /McDONALD PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX W ENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Council 193___. Yea.. j Nays. MAY Mc//DONALD --PEARCE /ROSEN ,TRUAX /WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Yr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. DearSir : Your letter of January 11th enclosing a copy of proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 5180 relative to mortuary chapels in residence districts and the letter from Assistant Corporation Counsel Sheehan explanatory of the amendment was duly present- ed to the Board of Zoning. With this further explanation by the Assistant Corporation Counsel,that the amendment proposed excepts from the restrictive clause of the older ordinance property now zoned as commercial, and that the definition of a residencedistrict in the older ordinance where inconsistent with the present zoning ordinance pis repealed to that extent by implication, the Board now recommend that Ordinance No. 5180 be amended as proposed by C. F. 94478. The Board believe that at some future time further study should be made of old ordinances now inconsistent with the zoning ordinance, with a view to having them annulled. 01 Yours very truly, GEORGE R. BEBBOLD, Secretary -Engineer. gh-rh THE BOARD OF ZONING MtreirwNo-sewMswW..WPSAINT 0(* PAULMINNESOTA .14 COURT HOUSE January 16th, 1933. Yr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. DearSir : Your letter of January 11th enclosing a copy of proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 5180 relative to mortuary chapels in residence districts and the letter from Assistant Corporation Counsel Sheehan explanatory of the amendment was duly present- ed to the Board of Zoning. With this further explanation by the Assistant Corporation Counsel,that the amendment proposed excepts from the restrictive clause of the older ordinance property now zoned as commercial, and that the definition of a residencedistrict in the older ordinance where inconsistent with the present zoning ordinance pis repealed to that extent by implication, the Board now recommend that Ordinance No. 5180 be amended as proposed by C. F. 94478. The Board believe that at some future time further study should be made of old ordinances now inconsistent with the zoning ordinance, with a view to having them annulled. 01 Yours very truly, GEORGE R. BEBBOLD, Secretary -Engineer. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT January 10th, 1933. To the Oouncil. Gentlemen: This is In response to your request addressed to the Oorporation Counsel as to the advisability of re- pealIng Ordinance No. 5180 in lieu of amending the same as proposed by Oouncil File 94478. The definition Of "residential district' con- tained in Ordinance 5180 is limited to the purpose of the Ordinance, the exclusion of undertaking establlsh- ments� residential districts. If this definition be A deemed repugnant to or inconsistent with the definition of residential districts as contained in Ordinance No. 5840, the same would be repealed to that extent bj implication. The purpose of Council File 94478 is to expressly except from the operation of the restrictive clauses contained in Ordinance No. 5180 property classed as Commercial District property by Ordinance No. 5840 as amended. It is our recommendation that Ordinance No. 5180 be merely amended as proposed, and not repealed. Yours very truly, vw,a yp8_D istant Oorporation Counsel. C 0 P Y 234 Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. December 29,1932 Dear Sir: Your letter of December 19th relative to an ordinance regulating the establishment and maintenance of undertaking and mortuary chapels. This matter came before the Board of Zoning at -their meeting December 22nd, C o 'They have no objection°to amending Or- dinance No. 5180 of October 18th, 1919 in the way proposed. It was their belief, however, that the zoning ordinance supersedes this earlier ordin- ance, and it ml ght prevent any future confusion if Ord no. Ho. 5180 was annulled. It appears to have no place on the statute books at present. It gives con a iderable apace to defining a resi- dence district which does not mean anything today under the zoning ordinance. Thezoning ordinance determines resi- dence districts and mortuary or undertaking ee- tablishments are permitted in districts zoned for business. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROI.D, Secretary. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL Opinl of Mleaaol OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. XOR. Ory CId end C_,.. d R.ehb.non .®O isauary 11, 1933. Yr. 0. H. Hermid, Secretary, Zoning Hoard, Building. Dear Sir: we attach herewith copy of ordineace, lative Conncil Bile 94418. amending Ordinance Hreo. 51Ho, to the maintenance of oadertsking parlors and mortuary chapels in resident districts. A 1.tterfran uthereto P. Sheehan, Assistant Corporation Counsel, relative is also attechad. T s Council today referred the matter back to the Zoning Board for further reco®eadetion. Youre very truly, -�"��.f7 City Clerk. `. \Ir. Pres. M., ORDINANCE Jaaia COUNCIL FILE NO. MESENTEO BY N �r! � _ OftnINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5180, entitled sAn ordinance prohibiting the establishment and maintenance of the business of undertaking and of mortuary chapels and vaults for the 4 caption or deposit of tbslit dead In residence districts of the Otty of at. Paul. This is an cmergenoy ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and eafetp,s approved October 18, 1919. This ordinance is an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5180, approved October 18th, 1919, be and the acme is hereby amended by adding at the end of Section 1 thereof the following: 'Provided that no restriction, clause, provision or portion of this ordinance shall apply to any property classified as Commercial District property by Ordi- nance No. 5840 (Zoning Ordinance), approv- ed July 7, 1922, as amended. - Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to bel an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. J r� Yeas Councilmen Nn Paa '] by the P('uiureil V av 1.nnld m...ae In Fu"m oe Truax Altai n..t }Teazel Nr. President (\iah... y) 3ttes6: ; roem--'_ar 19tb, 19V ur. o. s, aerrola, Dear Sir, Tte tt-Ad appy of en ordironce (Co—cil Bile a�. 94479), rerulatlr the eetahlisheent and aainternnce of underta`ciW —d chapels, etc. referred to your Hoard for rsoc--dation. Th- . rdlnance will a=s before the Council for approval as to form on Deoaeber M th, 1932. rill you please report before that ttne or notify us if you desist more time. tours very truly, city Clar1-. THE BOARD Of ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 4TXCOURT HOUSE 454 December z7th, 1952. Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Lear Sir : Your letter of .-ecember 11th relative to an ordinance regulating the establishment and maintenance of unaer to king and mortuary chapels. This matter came before the Board of Zoning :_t their meet- ing Lecember 12.nd. They have no objection to amending Ordinance No. 5180 of October 18th,1119 in the way proposed. It was their belief, however, that the zoning ordinance supersedes this earlier ordinance, and it might prevent anfuture confusion if Ordinance No. 5180 was annulled. Iyt ap„earz to have no place on the statute books at Present. It gives considerable space to defining a residence district which does not mean anything today under the zoning ordinance. The zoning ordinance determines residence districts and mortuary or unuertaking establishments are permitted in districts zoned for business. Yours very truly, GEORGEH. HEHHOLD, Secretary. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL Opad of MI—ts OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F, K07, Ciry CIuL and C—.., nn W Rggetr.Ron December 28th, 1932 t I L. Gndsreon, Co iporation Counsel, Hulldirg. Dear Sir: The attached ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5180 relatire to the malatenanoe of undertaking business and also theat'acbad letter of G eo. H. Harrold relative to said ordinance acre r - ferred to you by the City Council for your recommends - tion to thm based on the euMe,tlons contained in Yr. Herroldle letter. The ordinance nae laid over to Tuseday, aanmary 3, 1933, Toure very truly, City Clark. E �vdl, ORDINANCE y449 COUNCIL FILE NO. [[,,��11 PRESENTED ORDINANCE NO. 2 17.1. An ordinance amending Ordinance No, 7310, entitled alp. 'An ordinance providing for all matters oon- cerning, regulating or affecting the construotlon, •,,,•umg alteration, regulation, repair, removal, maintenance, '•'u�°°" ul eWl use and Inspection of all buildings, walls or struo- tureserected or to be ereot ed Crithln the limits of ..two the 01 ty of at. Paul for the protection of property - agalnat fire, and for the purpose of securing healtb- .•�+Li° ful, safe and sanitary environments for the occupants of buildings used for human habitation or otherwise, to compel the owners of each buildings, walls or . structures to alter, reconstruct or modify the same, or any part tbereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of all buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions; providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing all ordi- nances inoonsietent herewith. This is an emer- gency ordinanoe rendered necessary for the preser- vation of the public peace, health end safety,• approved May 22, 1930. This is mn emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health end safety, THE COUNCIL OP -THE OITI OF 9T. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Beotion 1That Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930, i be and the same s hereby amended by adding at the and of Section 30-10 (a) the following. 'Minor alterations or extensions to exist- ing systema in single family dwellings and duplexes only may be carried out using the same type of con- struction as is now in plane in such systema with the exception of alterations or extensions to sys- tems using wood moulding, and each minor alterations or extensions shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the National Sleotric Code.' Section 2. This ordinance to hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered neoessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and afterits passage and publication. Y'. co°t °a°,°„ Nn Po "A 1 'I" C.-61 JAN 6 1333 \fey _Pe.... aid P / % In Fxcur Hoven Wen el .Ag,m,t /\Ir. Pres rlrnt !\I�h inr�7 _ till/Y/ i .ltteat: CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pll.l of Mlnn..ol• DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 419 Cay H.11 FRED M. TRUAX, Commiulonn OTTO E. CONSTANS, D.. C.... ma U 60 December 13, 1932. Hon. L. L. Anderson, Department of Law. Dear Sir: May I ask yoi to draw up in ordinance form, an addition to Section 30-10 (a) of the Electrical Section of the building code, which will read as followsT "Minor alterations or extensions to existing systema in single family dwellings and duplexes only may be carried out using the same type of construction a is now In place in such systems with the exception of alterations or extensions to systems using wood moulding, and such minor alterations or extensions shall be oarried out in accordance with the provi- sions of the National Electric Code." This revision hes been recomrended by the electrical code committee and es soon as you have complied :vith this re- quest, I will introduce it In the Council in the regular way. Yours very truly, Commissioner. CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6pu.l of Minn..o1. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 419 Uq H.II FRED M. TRUAX, Commmlom. OTTO E. CONSFANS, D.P Cw.vivio.v ..a - .)e cc '­ . D, _332. lion. Fred Y. Truax, Comml ssionar, Of. ScD. Dear Sir: on I7ecembor S, 1932, the electrical code co—ittee met in rY office and passed an amendment to the electric code to the extent that all buildings that have an electric system, ax- cept wood moulding, are allowedminor extensions of the same type of wiring as already installed in the building. This amendment was made to save the house o er unnecessary expense for suchalterations from which no particular benefit or protection is secured in view of the fact th:et the mayor portion of the installation remains of the other °arm of ,Ir- ing. s truly, y chairman, Elect, cal Code JJ Committee. ` CITY OF ST. PAUL r2. c" NO.... UU.JOV OFF,'�E OF THE CITY CLERK 7COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM oAT. MMRELB, Wells–Dickey Company of St. Peul, Minn., hes offered the Sinking Hand Committee of the City Of Saint Paul, par and accrued interest for $6,000 lsmti County School District {4.5b% Bonds, due Jan, 1, 1935 ao>r held by the Sinking Hand Committee= and, WEB, the Sinking land Committee has recommended the acceptance of the proposal offgMs–Dickey Company, and the Council is of the opinion that the sale •111 be for the beet Interests of the City of Saint Pauli therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the Mayor. Cosmieeioner of Finance and City Comptroller be and they are hereby mthor12ed and directed to accept the offer of Wells–Dickey Company and to eonsusmsts the transaction. COUNCILMEN Yem Nnye �Mny ✓ McDonald ///1'nninx 1�J. _Agninrt �� Wrnzel r /,I,. President \lnh... y Adopted by the Counc1....94 i._1.N. _193 i Approved .... 193..... r.�TT. -uZ Mayor .t1 "LI�.sK Do—bor 16. 197x. A seting of the alm4ne Tend Comdtta as hold Olds dWI Pleaeabt mt, pr William Hslmnq. Homs aures of ilhanoe Hilton Hoes and Ooeptrolly >w y. OowmAb. 2ds seting rue bold for the purpose of causl4alm Use follesing offer an 'Gonda bald LD the datda¢ !Cede of tbo Cltr of et. PN11 swells. Didw f.. gt. Paul., Lam. Ur. Harald 0oodrLW4 Dec. 14. 1932. MAY Ooautrollar. at. PNl. amm. Dani yr. comar1Yb1 OMddy m4/eot. so m bid Imn 1O0 and maxed labored for l6.CCD 1sNti Canty emool Dioriot A-0 bonds. doe 1939 iamUjag ion for your, evly atba tUn In Md. sttai and ssaitifm Your pleasure, a resin Yoere very eraly. meueaer. 84. Foal Offioi amw ♦ stl= as made by Oemdesionst Dean. seaondM t0 ODRA-!ler Ooodrish and auatmeaal.y mated. that the eftor of He1194D1daey Oo4msy be sooepiad and femessed tis same to the Oomoil. 2w messing tharespaa adjourned. MWW Approved ID*mMaio PrM:Ast Oa odssioner of Rnmon Om4tmlls mp omado gearolory orY�u� man o.a CITY OF SF. PAUL r"x NO....... 94.481 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM CoMalily RESOLVED, m.._ . t'.�e re oe.:.0 1_ �eby is _ .ed oil'. of yrol orestry is, vo. vi, -s'�ntl lloob), t?-s s.u:, pnybie to 1'inehur8t Ave�:ue, �,.Sn:�-soto, for t,� surl.ose of rsi,...,urs a ',i t:,st i.ot e4 e L: e .lest ­e–h,lf of Lot [t, ..1,x.1 tl Fe rk tY '.s se ent v 1 -sis t by try rec(lll,t. 1`I)Il CILMEN y,./ Nayn �J May / Mdlooald I" �Itoaen � i'piai Dit�&ofxiarr�rwrn�n! ra44r1 re,.�y e6e'v."nRmzni°S Adopted by m, (',aril . _ . DEC 1 9 "Truax ARainrt. -• N'ruacl _ Prexident Mail—, 1pP iil � 193_... .v CIT PRINTER I°, daT;,,.,eOaI..ESOLUTION �o»N� 944.2 X34483 °*...a <<,o ua,xm.l..,..; ,, December 16 t c9i>°e..w .. ,. m. om°. °x RESOLVED, THAI°_..°.a ° a ----- - ... .... CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S -- . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 1 1161 TO-�-_INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. A—D — THE onN L—.ir'—,_ s 1932 :I I li I o E o�� c.c orricE of .HE coMo.ao��Ee .�E N0. - COUNCIL RESOLUTION CLAIMS AUDITEDDecember AEso..Eo 'L. <-N--LII . .o.l.. •%l`�'"u'in`...4 NNOFAVVOR OF t T'OTAL I I aeo­. Foaww"o ° 8160 18 -259 750 84 < 11517 HsrrisBrothere Plumbing Co. 2 635 OOI 11518 Hea;y Plwpblag & Heating Co.. 3 987 00 11519 Hilton Rosen, Tress. Police 792 71, Pension Fund -54 10 5Q 11520 The Dugout Company 7 5(X 11521 11522 Vltons Chemical Art Metal Conatruotion Company 67 733 65j. 11523 General outdoor Adverts sing Oo. The Rule `, 6 69417 85' 11524 11525 Golden Hauenstein & Burmei et er 6 750 00 �., 11526 �Talter 0. 'Warren and Company 25 2 7 0 1 080 001 11527 w1111 am Yungbauer & gone 'Silliam gone 1: 27 01' 11528 Yungbauer & Transfer CO. 128 i�. !' 11529 Ballard Storage & Research, 113 00I 11530 Bureau of Municipal Power Company 1 566 07' 11531 Northern States Company 5 4000000'''"' 11532 Review Publishing Company 51 45'. 11533 11534 Adam Decker Hardware Farwell, oasun, Kirk Company' 36 201 11535 RJB. Puller company 76 62;. 11536 A.P. Hereohler Factory 6 161 280 391 11537 MoFe.dden–Lembert Company Bu t. 13 6o1 11538 Al. T. Pennlg, . 4 11539 Albert E. Peterson Mores & Company 3 63 11540 Fairbanks, Kirk Company' ! 38 16 11541 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Company 186 05I 11542 11543 Farwell, O=un, Feist–Blanchard Company Company 5 5111 25 O� 11544 11545 Fisher Roasting H. w. Fl cher Flasher 9ervloe 40 551 00 11546 Frlidelre Sal ee Corp, 4 2 O 11547 11548 Fro t–N..e Comoeny 31 25!. 1540German 19 Book Importing company 16 74491,1 1155 11551 Generator Specialty company Gordon & Fergueoa, Ino. 12 75 11552 Gray milling Company 3 751. 5754 I9D4I 1155} 11554 Griswold Signal Company Gruber Auto Electric Company I�, 11555 v.J. Haas mfg. Company 40 45 4 78 11556 11557 Hemet Brewing Company Theo. G. Nelle & Company 15., 11558 Bertha Herrmann 31 501 11559 Hertlcoal company 180 991; 11560 Independent Ice Company 8 001111561 Inter City Paper company 51 50'' 11562 11563 Internatloaal Harvester Company International Time Recording 'C o. 161 00 11564 1. Keseell and Company 13 50' 11565 'Tet. Kline Company 3 75. 140 00 11566 11567 - Klinker fuse Brothers Edward A. Kramer, Inc. 7 02I 60 1156 5 Lew1e Bolt and Nut Company 107 143 33 11569 11570 Linde Air Produote Co.Inc. Lin—: Broom mfg. Company 21 00 40 11571 C.B. Lyon & Company 50 „EEr rorAl_FoawARo !a 16o is *3 602 55 :I u SHEETTOTAL_10-1 9 160 18 !774 191 g6p o . a.F E'o: T E" oMPrAollEe No. 9448;3 wwr COUNCIL RESOLUTION December 16 AUDITED CLAIMS "22 �„yo . . tM TOTAL wuwasw IN FAVOR OF 11572 11573 BR�UG f FOA J.E. Coureolle Chexlee wuret wAo P 3 160 18 0463 602 55� 9 , j. 26 4a1 11574 Henry J. Crepe—, GuS,11 n for Children of A. Duchene 174 24 11575 4•E, Kromechroeder, Cashier, 11576 11577 tater Department Milton Roeen, Com'r. Milton RoBen , Com'r. of of Fin. Fin. 164 79. 12 007 291 373 76 11578 11579 11580 11581 11582 11583 Milton Roeen, Com 'r. Milton Rosen, Com 'r, Milton Roeen, Co. 'r. Milton Roeen, Com 'r, Milton Rosen. Com'r, Milton Roeen, Com'r. of of of of of of Fin. Fin, Fin. Fin. Fin. Fi a. 1 738 51. 427 351! 1 3 008 321 8 319 66' 633 61. 199 181 11584 11585 11586 11587 11588 11589 11590 11591 Milton Rosen, Com 'r. Milton Roeen, Comlr. Milton Roeen, Com'r, Milton Rosen, Com'r. Milton Rosen, Com -r. Milton Roeen, Com'r. Milton Rosen, Com 'r. Thomas J. Ashton of of of of of of of Fin, Fin. Fin. Fin. Fin. F1 n. Fin. 2 283 421. 5 758 56,. 2 451 50; 3 250 22' 237 00,, 650 001 ' 3 530 49 26 40. 11592 Globe Realty Company 136 11'1, 11593 115D 11595 11596 11597 11598 11599 11600 11601 11602 11603 11604 11605 David Baeheftia B.W, Kingston Company Azel Patterson Milton Roeen, Com lx. of Milton Rosen. Com 'r, of YSlton Rosen, Com'r. of Milton Rosea, Com 'r, of Milton Rosen, Com'r, of Milton Roeen, Com 'r. of Milton Roeen, Com'r, of Milton Aaeen, Com'r. of Milton Roeen, Com lx, of Emil Freiseis Fin. FSn, FS a. Fin. Fin. Fin. Fin. Fin. Fin. 32 001 52 00, 15 00 2 871 DD 5 776 C0 93 241 00 '.103 514-13, 640 51, '1 852 261 1 21 252 701 28 858 51, 1 7 516 691 239 501 • 11606 11607 11608 11609 11610 11611 11612 11613 11614 11615 11616 11617 Delia Brown Mrs. Mary Emily Christy27 John Lennon Yrs. Hannah Peterson Elfrida Soderberg. Dr. GeoD. Crossette Earl Clinic Drs. Hammes & Kamman Dr, H,J, Prendargaet 9t. John's Hospital Dr. V.L. 9atterlund Dr. G.w. Snyder I� 28 281, 001 40 0011 24 92� 28 g0 10 Dol 45 Opp 28 00 43 75' 14 00 28 50. u SHEETTOTAL_10-1 9 160 18 !774 191 g6p . ,. 944f4 CITY OF ST. PAUL „u NO... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM — co�ieM.aEON w A7 _ -- � r December 15-1932— WHEREAS. aonlicati­s for 11c= ess have been made ns follows: Adam Ball, 604 Broadway Reatxurent - e-mlication 3080 Thomas W. Bernard 40 W. College Ave. ^ 3665 Frank E. Slipka, 408 VI—St. Confectionery o 8742 D. A. Pfaff, 1226 Selby Ave. Grocery 5865 Chao. Maahon 1179 E. 7th St. Restaurant " 5762 '-."AS, aoolications: 8080 Cor Restaurant license, 5665 for Restaurant license, 3742 for Confectionery license, and 5865 for Grocery license have been withdrawn iry said applicants, end, whereas, Restaurant license, apnlicati— 3762 at 1179 E. 7th St. Se hereby denied upon recow°endation of the Bureau of Police; therefore, be It RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Adam Rall the fee of $10.00 and to c cel pul'. cation 3080 I", Restaurant licenee; to refund to Thomas W. Barnard the fee of $10.00 end to cel aoolication 3665 for Restaurant license; to refund to Frank E. Slick - the fee of $10.00 end to cancel a plication 3742 for Confectionary licenee, to reflmd to D. A. Pfaff the fee of $10.00 and to cancel apoliratian 3885 for Grocery license; and to refund to Chas. McMahon the fee of $10.00 and to cancel apollcatfon 3762 for Resteu—t license. x^�u ^°iolo COUNCILMAN r� Veen - Nuye .4JepteJ by thr ('euneil 4�.4�..1 4 iq.:A93. /�Aiay / Mrponnll /,DFnne App revel .1._... _.. _.....195... In fnvnr /Reecn /Trnnx J Agninnt 1 C, �--=++-ter r Alnyer /wrn,.el -. •- �� .w ., /Mr. Prr"idrnt Afnheary j%rt----- 1'Ub1,tJLhD - %�-�L .`ear 'i1r: 'Sty .let`., n'. its —Ai- ula�..o�lta,t inn ±. }7'.i7 :or e- t ll a-ne at 1177'. _ t 1th 4t ra t a .scv...ond.,t1±; of t',e Suae, 'f 2ol ice. nn tl:ie eatton by the ^ ,y�c Sl, +¢ -n,a baso of retrad to no tl!y Yon to dl econtinue yo.,r bualneee et t1,9 above ochres., on receipt of thle notice. Y.— very trcI'- City '1er_-. a w�w�ea. �u.n. NO_ _94485 CITY OF ST. PAUL .iu - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IR 11-1 ev ���� gLy�fi�r o.re U c tuber 15 19'2 RESOLVED That licences for Which ... li-tioneve been -do by the e ams nerved on the attached list be and the same are he eby &ranted and the City Clerk ie instructed to issue such 11rens?s anon the noyment into the city tree—Y of the r ­i -d fee. �... .. . ...al n I COUNCILMEN �.I l•ca9 N,,, Sdoytnl Ly We 4 M2 193 �cllnnnlil ©�'` � �Pexrre In lavur r\Illywed_ - I9:1 _. / 'I'nmx ✓ ,\Kninat n �Lxvor .v ..r+ Air. Pm+idrnt bLxhx ni.y Y�--` December 15, 1932 W. H. Bishop 1029 Kilburn Grocery D. F, Black -ay 1819 Selby " Peter Blanchette 15 W. 9th Confectionery Fannie Blizinel� 1626 Selby Grocery J. M. Borgen 421 Mackubin " Mr.. E. H. Briggs 799 Lafond " W. E. Burke 608 S. Smith Confectionery Arthur J. Burkhart 1670 Marshall Grocery Theo Busch 554 Stryker Bakery R, E. Carson 1587 Selby Confectionery Santi Champion 227 W. 7th Grocery Frank Cirhan 1052 Randolph " A. Cohen 454 Robert " m. Dietrich 1560 Randolph " S. T. Dietz 1039 Grand Confectionery M. ➢omSnick 18b Crove Grocery F, J. Dori. 416 Jackson Confectionery The Emporium 159 E. 7th Grocery E. 4avillo 751 Wabesha Confectionery M. L. Frankel 217 Mt Airy Grocery Josephine Frederick 241 W. 7th " M. L. Glischinaki 1060 Hand " M. Goldberg 671 Oakdale " Grand Silver Store 67 E. 7th Confectionery E. L. Haglund 452 Case Grocery Mas Halpern 981 Iglehart " K. Jensen 1406 White Bear " George H. Jolmeen 886 Payne Ave. Confectionery Alex Klopka 1296 W. 7th Grocery Wm. J. Knowlan 680 Selby " Kregal and Leaks 580 Selby Confectionery SS, Areage Cc 57 E. 7th " Ke Leese 307 E. 13th Grocery Lindstrom Food Market 655 Ivy 0. Lofroth 1195 Payne Bakery Den Harty 164 Iglehart Grocery Roy B. MCLeran 35 E. George " Helen W.Milne 1530 White Bear Confectionery J. W. Milner 743 E. 3rd Grocery James Morelli 565 Bradley Geo. H. Morgan 938 York Mrs. G. Mueller 1459 Jeff are- " R. Paul Narr 956 Payne Confectionery Harry Nelson 935 University Bakery J. H. Niemann 496 St. Pater Grocery North and Langer 200 Concord Confectionery Andy Olson 858 Payne Soft drink S.Palermo 316 Rice Grocery Pewter. & La Br -he t27University Confectionery Abe Poliesky 627 Canada Grocery D. J. Reed 1595 University Confectionery B. Rei amen 527 Anita Grocery Mre. L. N. Scott 96 E. 6th Confectionery M. Seneneky 802 University Grocery M3 -2- Seven Comers Drug Co. 175 W. 7th Confectionery John Star.icki 1110 Forest " A. Stoll 1041 Thomas Grocery John Stut 2162 University Confectionery Ams11 Tet Lobs- 238 Fairfield Grocery Sam Ward 176 W. 7th " 0. E. Weinstein 451 W. 7th " J. J. Waatgard 1026 W. 7th " Wob1g & schliep 244 S. Cleveland " F.W. Woolworth & Co 55-61 E 7th Confectionery J. C. Zaleaky 661 N. Western Bakery Sam Ad'—. $70 Selby Restaurant The.W. Barnard 154 E. 4th ^ Sam Bernetein 683 Robert " Bubbles Cafe 459St. Peter " Selma Decker 136 E. 4th " R. V. Carlson 1045 Hastings ^ Napoleon De Roma 1555 University " Geo Jame. 1050 Hastings " M. Klose & J. Volloti. 194 K. 7th " Olaf Lok ... gasrd 480 Wabash, " Geo Mattainl 90 S. Robert Wm. Myer. 151 W. 6th " R. Paul Norr 956 Payne " Dan Nick- 19 W. 9th " Wm. Nikituk 514 St. Peter Arthur W. Peterson 1082 E 7th Confectionary Yrs. F. Silver 2177 University Restaurant W H Simms 556 Rondo " Norman Strinden 620 Front Alexk Tabolich 216 E. 7th " Gust Vanaes & Neil Shea 509 Selby " Paul Jarvis 1895 Hudson Rd Gasoline station 5 pimps Phillipe Petroleum Co 704 Plum ^ " 3 " Pure 011 Co. 393 N. Dale ^ 3 " Heed Kmechke 717 N. Snelling " 5 " Fred Seebeck 62 W. Winifred " ° 3 " H. M. Smart 1825 Grand " " 3 Snelling Hervice ^Wta. 441 N. Snelling " " 3 " Standard 011 Co. 1061 Basting. " 3 " Wallerick & Gardner 498 Selby " " 3 " Public N. W. Theatre Inc 1063 Grand Motion Pictura theatre ^ " 458 Webaehe Torodor & Zuclman 10Y9 Beatings W. A, Jan.- 445 Wacouta Hotel -Bethel" F, J. Doris 416 Jackson 4 pool table. Geo fl. Johnson 888 Payne 2 pool tables Carl D. Sieberne 404 Oppenheim Bldg Salary Loan State Loan Co 214 Hamm Bldg Chattel Mortgage Loan T. A. Donabue 183 S. Chabeworth tracery o.o,...o <.. c.... CITY OF ST. PAUL sic NO.__ 94466 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That tbs proper city officers be and tbay are hereby authorized and directed to pay the city's proportionate be. of the bill. submitted by the Ad- visory Canrt House and Oity Hall Building Covmieeion as shosm on Abstract of Claims Humber 33 of f;Advleory Court House and City Hall Building Co®issinq totaling $7,"15.61, the city's share of hioh is {3,722.90, and all ae ahc- upon the claims eW itt.d by said Oozmiseioc. yec�s� courvuunery n.a�� Yca, Nays Ad,,md by �hc C ... al Rk T, 11.1�Y'.19. Conroy M'y j McDonald In f..or APP ... ed P-- R-' Rosen L Again.,-��-�'--a'r Mr. Pre.idee. Bondlie �/ �_ r 944K COUNCIL FILE NO. SHE ausis seByLr°°°un t row.at'mi°eaw4 au° FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing a .>....avm1'c on the Nast side of j:anna.d Street fr— �as,. �_cnth Street to Brand. Street, —,t 'xhere goad and.. s ufficiont. sidanalks noa-.._cist, -.. under Preliminary Order-. 93951-. -..approved Cctcbet 4, 1932 Intermediary Order __. ____.-.__.-- pp—od-.....-. _.-.-._.-..-..--..- A public hearing having been had upo thebove improvement upondue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objccti- and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is co: struct :_ si:i—IL--- -� w==it. �de. of 7(-1 Straat-fr=, est-S—tl'.:ii xaet to l:x. Str"t',.—ant-u:-,:r-e..;and-cnd.--M- ..1 at. M- exist.-...-..-...-...-..- ...._- and the Council hereby order, d improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of ,aid improvement inac a-dane, therewith. ax Adopted by the Council l`Yli Cit) Clerk. Approved IYJL 192 Councilman-tgc[Mne Id Councilman Councilman/Y Couneilman Councilman Councilman Mayor ab.6 Form B. S. A. 8-7 - ` ❑E.,..weOFF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS!'IONE.R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) 1—helhc matter of nstruct'. davml -.t nest � rnndo� , under Preliminary Order approved 'It. '-, 1-32 To the C-61 of the City of St Paul: The Finance hereby reports ae follows: The total est�matcd a o! the aeacsament !or the above mprovcment is - - - f-- - -- e�foott - _ _ - 8 0•_-_ . rt _ The esumated cost p for the abo.e mprovcment �s - - 'Che lots or parcels of land that may be assessed ben6to for such improv a me 1, and the asaeased valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the A-- 1, e as f-11- a. osscniFnoN t.oT ewes AoosT-N ASSESSED 1 . 1 1 Albri; f.t i.dd-.tion 20, 2 1 do 150 1000 1 ..0 l5o 100 _ 1 do 1.0 Sol 1 do 150 6 1 do 150 7 1 do 150 8 1 do 20 2.00 1 2 do 225 2 2 0 225 5o DEPARTMENT OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER- OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) TE' DESIRIPTION LOT — ... ...Iran =N 225 coo 20 225 1/3 1 6 2 do 650 17Vj hil, in 31-k v 3076 5050 The C­k,i.— of Finance f.,,h,, reports that he h,, —1169—d all of the aforesaid matt ,and hereby submit. the f -119-i-9 ., his report th—.n t. the Council, together with the report —de to him i. reference t, said matter by the Commlaaioner of Nbli, W,,k.. Dated a 19 Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner St. Paul, Minn. September 12, 1932.. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Side -3),, on we et. Bide of Kennard Streer. from.. _84e1, Seventh St. M/.. to B—d St./iJ(l�p! N Ssptember 86th, i-2- 1'r. :cyton, Dept. of Sidewalks, City Ball, St. Pt:u1, 1�.1nrt. uee:r Mr. G� yton, cnoloeed find petition for sidewalk on the west siva o£ }: _,d Street £rom L eat Seventh to 3rand Street algnee by fourteen pro .arty swears that would like to have this improvement mtde. :his Ss necesst.ry as there i:: only. nly a path from Seventh to Brand on t:.ia aide of the street a:.d no path or sidewalk on the other aide of Xennt,rd. Yhis street is used by a great many r, people. Fur the re, eutomo biles are often perk- �1 on this path —din the spring and fall it is �{� ✓i impossible to walk here because of the it Crusting that you will do all you can to Qw. h:.Ve this sidewalk put in this fall, I em, Very truly, ours, OMP O$'ice of the Commissioner of Public W(M"F FINANCt ,g s Report to Commissioner of Finance ----..—_. -- OCT 1932 Oct. 13, 1932 193 Ta the Canimiasianer of P--, of the City of St. 1'nul: The Cummieeionar of Public Works, having had under eonsidmntion the preliminary order of the Couneil, known ee Cormeil File no. 93951 ,ppr—d Oct. 4, 1932 .193 ,Mini - constructing a sidewalk on the west side of Kennard Street from mast Seventh street to Brand otreet. end having mveetigated tho matw, and things referred to therein, hereby reports: I. Said improvement ie and (ar) desirab)e. 850 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is f- ,and the total cost thereof is $ , and the -tura and extent of acid improvement is oe fallow-: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pert hereof. 9. .... 5. Said improvcmcnt ie. .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to ossa-ment for -aid improvement Co ramoner fPublic rks. By ----- FI FINAL ORDER I-iJ)BMVyAfY+0gVYP EEJ)4 'GS In the matter of__xidm±Do_She_int �t sec ti on_�f_Ni_n th �t._ and �bT�rt St. under Preliminary 3495 ------------- aPProved__Oct�*rr 7th, 143-'.. � nary Order____@ Intermediary Order --------- 44357_------------- approved___ tmye'Aher_Pprd_]P3'l,_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, bjecthma and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, ib, madethe by tthe ieaiod C the ty0isy tn5 a Paund ethee ine?'seo$5'on: F and kind of imp rovemen x" Yin th and Robert Streets. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands rem ents therein be d the sa hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said Improvements, viz.. A triangular piece oP land in the northerly corner of that part of Lot 1, Block 14, Roberts & Randalls Addition, lying Southwest of the press -t Southwesterly line of R. -.,t St. and me surfing 6 feet on the present Southwesterly 11ne of RobertaSt. and 5.0a Peet on the Southeasterly line of Ninth St. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner f Public R'orks be and is hereby i structed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and detected to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council- ___' r �_--------• , -~�� ' Cit Clerk. Approved --- -.n McD Ma Cnuncila�an 9ew*wy Co uncilman McDuu r�uLi`.1rvT_ 7�/ Councilman onald v Councilman Penrce Councilman Rehisnd % Councilman SudWimerer Mayor DEPARTMENT SOFw F 14NCE . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the --.f widening the Interseoti -:m of Ninth St. —11 Robe -t St.by xd,!—, t ereto r a trinngul xr niece of ]nod 1n the northerly come of thxt part of Lot 1, block 14, Robu trrto nnA F•�nAxl1's Addition, lyine s thstso o thnes of the present terly line of Robert St., said t- nngul.r 111111 ofnl andwem..... n erinyo ft. on the o ent south- westerly I!ne of Rabert St. xnn 5.!11 It. on t, south.. a sterly line -fr Ninth St., ander P"I—inery Order ap,—d October 7, 1932 To the Council of the Cly of St. Poul: The Commissioner of Finance hcrcby reports as follows: The total esomated amount of the assess mens for the above mprovcmcnt is - - $ 199-.50 - '1'hc est..—,d cost per toot for the about improvcmcnt ie - - - - - - - $ 'rhe lots or —I—f land that may be nsscsaed benefits for sath improvcmcnt, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last nponcd by the A—"." are as follows: oescwivnory LOT xroc. A111Tiory Lsndvn�uATt Bldg. 1 and 2 lA Roberts ad Rnndell'.s Add. to 90000 1150 St. Paul 90000 1150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has in test igeted all of the aforesaid matr• and hcrcby submi s the fo,,going as his report thereon o the Council, together with the report made to him in rclerenee to said matter by the Commissioner of PAA Ni Nf--ks. n1 ,p .Da cd � 2 ;2-- 19 3 -�-a-d-tti/ Commissioner of Finance. ROBERT5 a RANDALL5 ADD L,t I Block 14 Ninth Sia Robert St. OPENING - t5u�e0 cif12r'1932Mr� $tale l' 40 5T 75 K Office of the Commissioner of Public WM?ti€iNANet Report to Commissioner of Finance .0 r - - _ OCT 26 1931 Oct. ab, 1932 193 "1 the Commissioner of Fic—, of the City of St. Paul_ The Commissioner of I'ublic Works, hiving hod under eonsideretion the yrch. ioo,y nater of the Council, knnwn m Coo—) Nile No. 93995 opprnved Oct. 7, 193 103. 'd.tiw to ,,idening the intersection of Ninth St. and Robert tet. by adding thereto a tri angular piece of land in the northerly corner of that part of lot 1, Block 14, Roberts and Randall's Addition, lying south- west of the present southwesterly line of Robert St., salt triangu- lar piece of land me-as!ring B ft. on the present southwesterly line of Robert tet. and 5.98 ft. on the southeasterly line of Ninth ot. and having investigated the mettcra aad things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Sid improvement ie o ... — y and (or) desirable. xx 2. The estlo—d cost thereof ie b , and the total cost thereof is E and the nature sad extent of mid improvement is ee follawe- 3. A plop, profit, or sketch of said improvement is hereto ,tt,,h,d nod made a port hereof. 4. u. Said improvement is ..asked for upon petition of three o00, ... ownere of property, .object to .ssessm.nt for mid improvement. v �• Commissioner of Poblia 94489 COUNCIL FILE NO. BY ---------------1- FINAL ORDER In the matter of_ openingr widening and extending Hawthorne 6t. to a width of 33 ft, from Flandrau St. to the east line of Lot 19, Gerardine's Garden Lots, atom 94055 approved__ October 13th 1932. ---------- under Preliminary Order________________, Intermediary Order ___-____a4,3@6-------------- approved___ ------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th+.t the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is to extend the street Easterly. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, land ements therein bussed the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned fo 89the purpose of making the said improvements, vi.z.: Astrip of land 33 ft. in width extending from Flandrau St. to the Bast line of Lot 19, Gerardlne's Garden Lots, the center line of said strip being 312.2 feet North of and parallel to the north line of Maryl—d St. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cim jeeioner f Public Works be nd ie hereby str,-ted d directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. Df'., Adopted by the Council----------- ----------------------- Approved_______l___, 19 - - ---- ..�.�� 4 CitClerk.-- k G_ Councilman F,...y �. z Councilman M r. CouncilmanM,Dnal Id Councilman Pearce '.l i) T^ �� Councilman Rd --d cs; Cnuncaman 9ndhrim— rkl - Mayor y b I ORANGE ST. MARYLAND ST. :4(64#u61, HAWTHORNE ST. FI ondra U 5h•E.Iinclnh I9 Gerardineg Gar. Lots OPENING ORANGE 5T. Bu—uofFngin"rs 5ep.15 1932 Scale 1'• 100 IL �Ir > a HAWTHORNE ST. aI W CID 2 3 G6 Ic a cx 0 z Q J tL 60 � MAWTNORM[9T. FL�NOPKNIN w�iM 11 P[NINO MARYLAND ST. :4(64#u61, HAWTHORNE ST. FI ondra U 5h•E.Iinclnh I9 Gerardineg Gar. Lots OPENING ORANGE 5T. Bu—uofFngin"rs 5ep.15 1932 Scale 1'• 100 IL �Ir > a HAWTHORNE ST. aI W CID 2 3 G6 Ic ~~~~~~ °PART~=°OF"'~~^ nsPOmror or p/w^mcs ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,^~^_~ ° "�°�° = "= ~th~^ ==" dc ^^ N-tt, S," 21 N-= ^, = pl�fl 10150 J[^d"^�^ _,___ St. Paul, Minn. Aura. 29, 1932 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gcndemen: We, the undersigned property —ners, hereby petition your 11--ahlc B«ly to cause the following in-p—ro,'nt to be made: Opening to a width of 60 f eet, ILUITRORIT& Si. tmr from Flandrau St. )z. to ,East line. of Lot 19, G—ardiner. Garden Lot.. kXAM .. Yr. Shepard t a/]Qw . Re Hawthorne Street. `"�tt//�� Atter discussing this with the Finance Department, dth At seems advisable to reduce this to a lens t to rt. in wau in order rowlsevthe project coues an Out ldinot be carried out. St„ a G. H. H. Office of the Commissioner of Public Wore COM•Of Report to Commissioner of Finance n �1 OV Sl low Oct. 11, 1931 193 To the Commieeioner of Fioaore of the City of St. Pend The Coommieeioncr of Public Work,, having had under consideration the preliminsry order of the Council, known m Council File No. 94055 approved. Oct. 13, 1932 193_ _, relative to Opening, widening and extending Hawthorne dtreet to a width of 3;5.. feet from. Flandrmu St,. to the east line of Lot 19, Gerardine's Garden Lots, end having inveetigeted the mnttcre oad things referred to therein, hereby reporte: 1. Said improvement i. necessary and (or) dc.n.ble. 2. The mthe,ted coat thereof H g.....xxxx and the total coat thereof ie S sxxx end the ...tura and extent of said improvement ie ne follow.: 3. A pinn, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto attached nod made a pert hereof. 4. S. Said improvement H..... _.. ......eked for upon petition of three or mere owners of property, subject to umenneent for said improvement. ..._ _. _......... _......_.. _. Commissioner of Public Works. p � ,� s ���'/ '�� b! c,�Z.0 � l i �' ��./� /�L ,�-_ �% �i/,) JG�%'� �,���, 1 �� C_�y _ ,��`��V .. 94490 r m y 8U1Ntz../dp.. IF, �Al � ' ?l spt�6ve�et tLp181� COUNCIL FILE NO. %toa°°`m` BY FINAL ORDER I In the Matter of... grading Alley.. in --Block 5, Woodland Park -Prom 1lacicobis Stroet to _ Kent_Street, under Preliminary Order ___'7'94&..._....roved . pp __..Octobor 21, .1532. Intermediary Ord -...--. -r-aPProved A public aealiSg 7mvusg - j* r"e above improvement upondu notice, and the Council tiaving-hs eB pe'4aems iij�ctlon's and mmendationsrelative thereto and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul1that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is . _grada-Alloy- in_Blook3, Foodlmd--E rk_i'rom aa�binstraa o Kant-atr8 t- — — -- --- — ---------- - ...._. — —-- --- -- ---- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commiseiorer of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said imprbtt ptel ordance therewith. ` Adopted by the Council _._- ___ -____ .... , 192 -2�CitY Clerk. - Approved , 192 Councilman/�}}�'rDnn' aYor. Councilmag� Councilm �ldu /' Councilmait""" ��� �>d 1U�4ilil:D Councilma>lixlllwosba / ••` Mayo I Form B. S. A. 8A un o OEPARTMEI�'j,• Qf. FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE J (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • 1 In thcmattcrof gredir Alliy ':n loci_ r, 'Knoll end Psr'._ m. _nc. �utn ,,. ...n. 11 under Prelimi vary Order approved 0_tn'.,ar 21, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby ,,ports a, follows: The total esumame ad a of th---t for the above improvement i, m!o rt. The estimated cost pe /tootfor the above improvement is - - - - - - - $..57 The lots or parcels of land that may be. --d benefit, for eoch improvement, and the ....seed valuation of each lot or parcel a, 1— reported by the A -- r, c as follow,. 30. 97.37 :'t of lots 1, 2 5 10T ewcc wooiTiory in%u 5111 Bldg. 3 5 Woodland Perk Add. to tl•a 3500 Cit, or St. Poul 4 5 do 2125 6500 5 S do 212.1 9000 6 5 do 2125 9500 7 5 do 2000 500 3 5 do 212:5 s N !1500 11 5 do 2500 5050 12 5 do 2200 2700 to`' .0 16.50 4500 14 5 do 1660 4600 an or e DEPA RTMEN�•gp SINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIMION LOT ..Deg ADDITION VALLITION 15 0 o'l nn Pn:k hdd tc '.I.o 31ty 13,0 4500 of Wit. Puu'. 16 5 do 1.x:•0 4050 1" o ,o 1:.s0 3L50 15 5 ,.0 1;51 51-0 19 5 16.io .3400 Lnt. 20, 21 +ad 22 5 0 5500 ,,350 73,350 The Com-i,I-i er of Finance further reports that he has i.—tigatad all of the aforesaid mattr, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the,— made to him m rclerence to said —t- by the Com mise ion er of Public Works. {� Dated / 19 o.m . a. „ Commi„inner o1 Pinance. N. %z, NW'/4, — P_. Z 3. 41 DAYTON f.3ELBY AV - z W ci ASHLAND AVE wil w G Re . St. Paul, Minn. _.._ 192. _ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: To grade end all the e13ey ranning between Selby, Larval, neokabin, and Hent 9t—t... . _.St. Ave. from St. Ave. to St. Ave. NO CC nrnr0V �= THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Oct.: 9, 1Jgt: Bon. Hermsn C. Wenael, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith prelimin--ry estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 5, Woodland Park from Mackubin Street to Kent Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 94118, approved October zl, 1932 Estimated Cost - - - - - - $652.19 Cost per front foot - - - 0.57 Inspection - - - - - - - 12.79 Frontage - - - - - - - - 1138.36, bngineering - - - - - - - 145.00 Yours truly, C�p H, EOH M. neer.HD, Chief N%ngineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissionerof Finance. OL/�J o f LiILTON ROSIN �Uiw. , L`i�7 Commissioner of eublic Its. �3 3 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Nov. 1, IJ32 193 To the C—imi.-, of Mon.- of the City of St. Pool Th, C—iisu,— of Public Work,, hoeing hod under tuound—ti.n thin preliminary order of the Council, known - Council File N.. 94,118 approved Oct. 21, 1932 193 , 'd.ti— to to the grading of Alley in Block 5, Woodland Park from Mackubin Street to Kent otrest. ,,d braving iu—tig,lod the unh— and thinp referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said mp---t i. --y and (,,) desirable. Cost per front foot 570 2.Tb' estimated d ... thereof 9S 652 t .19 , and the total ... thereof is 3 Inspection $12.79 Frontage 1138.36 ft. Engineering $125.00 end the tuit.t. ..d -tent of said iinfn—unnt m . (allows: 3. A plan, profile or uk,t,h of said htpto—,ut i, hereto ttuohed and —d, , fout hereof. 4. 5. Suitt nop—ounuit i. mk,d for upon petition of three or to..e o—, of property, ..bjt.t, tqjwmu� for Vid inup—no-t. 91 A C 94491 COUNCIL,FIILEE NO. --------- FINAL ORDER I PROCEEDINGS in the matter of ---- uflBLL9IDnlaS anli_Sak;ng_an_easement _in the__1_and___..... ___ necessary for slop=s, cuts and fills, In the grading of Alley 1n Block 5, Woodland Pa*k fr'A Ma in St. to Kent St. , taSTbsi'nr m �bblb^ Tealnl(11A, �. L r.. Oct. 21, 1932 under Preliminary Order____ 94119_____________ approved__--_.---____________________. Intermediary Order ---------- 94363 , approved ---------- gov.__ 22i_ 1932__________ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due d having fulland y �un'd- having heard all Persons, bjections and recommendations relative thereto, an y const eyed the same etherefore, be It RESOLVED, By the Council ofd the City of St. Paul th,t the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the eaiCity is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block c,, Woodland Park from Mackubin St. to Kent St. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the wine are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of makbzg the said improvements, viz.. For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 5, Woodland Park from Mackubin St. to Kent °t., to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner o Public Works attached he to which plan is hereby referred to and made a part here RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmisei—, of Public Works be and is hereby instructed d directed to prepare plane and epecifirations for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. DEC 2 n AdoP�d by the Council ---- ____.-- ---- - C' Clerk. Approved ___------------------------ 19____ L"�----�_ _____ _____ _ M Councilman Qafi 4 May r Councilman Fwz® Truax Councilman McDonaldPUBLISHED Councilman 11—xgoxen Councils. Roh�dxx Pearce Councilman *M4J6yer Wenzel nor x FAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOINER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) V In the matter of --- I ,^^. -t:1 ^,•ca iris• under Preliminary Order approved Ootober 21. 1962 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows. is - - 3—=5'CC --- - The total esumated amount of the assessment for the above mprovement - The est,mated cost per foot (or the above mprovemrnt as - - - - - - 8 - --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits far such j.,- - t, and the ¢caused valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: oescniFnoN t.oT .coca AoomoN ASIESSID l=AT11N Bldg. So. 97.57 ft of lots 1. B A 6 5 Woonood Pork Add. to the 8600 01ty of Bt. Pool 4 5 do 8196 6600 8 8 do212fi 9000 6 6 do 9186 9600 7 8 do 8000 500 a 6 do 8126 9600 So. 60 ft of lot. 9. 10 and 11 6 do 8400 5050 12 6 do 2200 2700 1S 6 do 1660 4500 14 6 do 1660 4800 T. DEPARTMENTeOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) ossckirnoN DoT .ao.. ...11 N vnwAT,oN 116 6 woodlmd Perk Add to the City 1860 4400 of St. peal 1660 4860 16 5 do 17 5 do 1660 5060 16 5 do 1680 61"0 18 5 do -law 5400 Lots 80. E1 end tt 5 do 5800 73,360 The Commmioner of Finance f.nher repo is that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matt r , and herey b submit, the foregoing as hie report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Pablie 11(7V�ork�,. of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Nov. 1, 1932 103 'Ib the Commissioner of Finonec of the City of St. 1'eol The Commissioner of Public Works, having had od, consideration the preliminory order of the Covvdl, known m Coomea File S1.94119 approved. Oct. `Ll, 1952 .103 relative to condemning and taking, an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts amd fills in the grading of alley in block 5, 'i+oodland Park from Mackubin Street to Kent btreet. .rd having irvestigslod the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is r,,,,ary sod (or) desirable. 2. The retimsted cost thereof m 5 ¢Xxxx and the total cost thereof is 4 sod the roture and os evt of said improvement is ss follower 3. A plso, profile or sketch of n,id improvsmcnt is hereto stteshed end mode s part hereof. 4. 5. Ssid improvement is... asked for upon petition of three or more —r- of property, subject to esseesmeruifT amd improvemWat. S� l� 94492 AIR, 1111= 11% 1"" COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of changing the =,,dp of h11w� ��jook 11, L,j�an�o`e's L— Ution from the south line of lot & to tl- north line of lot 4, to ­,fe— to thp +d lila on t1,, profile !-oto attoebed — made e _,,rt he, -f, the p ant astebli sl ed ae boL,, she— by a bl,e I!— th—om. under Preliminary Order 91,024_approved Oct. 11, 1932 Intermediary Order ppr-ed A public hearing having been had upon the b... improvement upon do, notice, and the C-61 having heard all persons, objections and recommendation, relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pool that the precise nature, -tent and kind of im- provement to be mad, by the said City i, 1 — - _1L. grade. —1 Alloy inBl.ek 11,.. -::vitae up, Chute's Add; ti.. from the moth li— —' IOt 8 to tto -rth 1xpj of. lot 4� to —fo— to the red li— .1 the, pr..fiJ-e La—te-tt-ltlell -e n -`p aPe't her —tobli,hod g— h,jm& ahoum by_a b-lua line -they -n.__._. and the Council hereby order, said Improvement to be mado. a.ba emklv�hbwbyafil§tTtl8094'SRd ,Tb— —ckn d —6d-ft.11, &MAhffw f6 Adopted by the C111111 DEC ? 0 14'i2 192 iqr City Clerk. Approved 192 C ... dm.� Councilmelf C.— c Coanoflmer True Council -wpft I• M.Y.r.RWOM Far. B. S. A. 8-7 DEPARTMENT OF REPORT OF COMMISIMONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I, the matter of than. ins, the orad, of Allay in Mock 11, -1d fr— d Ji t,, th� ,,n, t'.' 't t brrth Ict to J� 1,r't t1r--'b —d , dc .ort gado b,i,71;l— by s, 1— order p,eliceina,, Order approved Cot. 11, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. P-1: The Commissioner of Fit..- hereby report- 11 follows: The total estimated of the assessment for the above implo"ment I - $JL -DD -- The estimated cost perfoot, for the above imp -11"t is The lot, or parcels of 1-d that may be assessed benefits for such ho,prb"ne-t, .,d the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last rtp.,ted by the As—.mr, are as f-11--: DESCRIPTION LOT atoca ADDITION ASSESSEDN LVALUATIO_ , B ld... and 4 ',h,tal, Add. t, 9500 60000 5 fit. aul 3200 1700 6 11 do 3600 47.50 7 11 do No vo—t;— S 11 do 3600 2000 21 11 do 2500 22 11 db N' 1-1—tio, Lots 1 to 6,:,, to 21 11 do 56800 60000 All Pet ar St. v Gated ,r A A— to I nd 1 23 to 26 11 do 79.200 1-7,'50 Finance further reports that he has jr,­i,—d .11 of the aforesaid maty s, and The cmemmi—, of to the Council, together with the report made to him i - hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon reference t,,,id matter by the Commissioner of Public W.,k,. Dated ITe�� 19 A of t mance. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CFfY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) October 25, 1932 Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: In the matter of changing the grade of alley in Block 11, Ewing and Chute's Addition from the south line of lot B to the north line of lot 4, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, under Pre- liminary Order C. F. 94024, approved October 11, 1932. The necessity for this change of grade is brought about by the establishing of the new State Fllerfice ding on Avenue.lts preTheent alleyite has already been the openingg of ofu partially graded with the consent of abutting owners as shownon the profile, with no expense to the City. No work is required to be done under this preliminary Order. Yours very truly, ORG SHEPARD, Chief Engineer. §.s/.h Approved,for transmission to Commissioneroff}, Fiin'rce. HERMAN C.•vWfcNZh L, (/ Commissioner of Public Ylorks. Office of the Commissioner of Public Ww- Report to Commissioner of Finance Oct. 26, 1932 193 To the (7,0000.i.-, If Finance of the City of S1- P-111: Th, Commissioner If Pohli, Works, ha,i.g had -6, o-Ilid"Iti— the preliminary -1,, of the C.—d, known al Council if Fil, No, 94024 approvedOct. 11, 1932 193 , od.b- to changing the grade of Alley in Block 11, awing And ChutelS Addition fr.m the en,ath line of lot 8 to the north line of lot 4. and having investigated the o,att,, and thmp referred to 01111a, lo"I"Y reports: 1. Said improvement ie I --y and (.,) desirable. 2. Th, estimated —t th—f is $ . . . ,and the total cost thereof is S and the nature and -t-d If 'lid illn-11-111t il al ""na 3. A plan, profile or Ad6 If laid i.p­,—.t i, h, -to attached and made , put hereof. 4. 5. Said uop---d ie.asked f,, upon petition of three or mor, owoem of property, subject W _oannoot f., said ionp—Ionond. c.rover f Pub' arks. - 1� 94493 COUNCIL FILE NO.. By In the Matter of grading Alley. in. Block 21 dobn Cmarden Addition. Pram Fredericks Avenue. Lo. Fairview !.venue, Ir. tiave�aioa— �"aW10i%enuk ei.�1°ea�e . .. er.nii i°ar3r.° •: under Preliminary Order94116 _-.approved Octob— 21, 1932 ... -- -__'_ - - approved Intermediary Order - -- --- - - - -- - - Apublilic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice and ytco� until having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, anhaving fully ered the same; therefore, be it ,en.� -r,.. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that provei$ent to be made the d City is - grntLa- Alley 7,n`>�loak_2 �v}an_�idai'-aen AddiC gn_.. rrom Yre Sole-Avenue-Eaitsiavr--Aso - -.-... bo ad me ®e n'e hereny � � - 1'J.I'C7e17'�0-Jm.sB - — - _- ---al'MMdhlp'tr'KiYd-iriiiKr' be d theCouncil hereby orders id improvement b°e. ESOLVED FURTHER, hat the Commisaiorer o hiic Worka be and is hereby instructed and directeto prepare plena and cifications for said improbe`ment, and submit same to the ibR ncil for approval; at upon said approval, the proper city officials are Ilereby authorized and directed �o pro - Geed with th eking of said improMeprent in accordance therewtth. Adopted by the Council DEC Q -- 192 Hitt-61erk.- C Approved .192 Councilman �.e,s M, l�.+ Od councilman iw&T Ww „— / J 1 Cooncd"' F.. /) Cou oilman Spey h,,,_„ V councilm.O.— ;t4. l—, Connean" WI—el hlaynrINNOM M--' Form B. S. A. 8 7 lay. CITY PeT PAUL DEPARTMENTA FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS101,(!R OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In rhe matter o[ Elly 1n loci ^, Jnhn 'norl e-: ..'-.n�!i r5-- ^ro. r.. Fti under Preliminary Order approved ^ct0l— ".l, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby rcporu as (ollowe: The total esumatcd am�,yt of the as—1—t for the above .pr --t is - - - $_. 7117.1, The atlmaled cost pe�loor (or the above mprovement Is - - - - - - $ ➢.64- — The lou or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improveme , and the sussed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Axes a as (,11.— DESCRIPTION LOT ewcx ADDITION Lcq ASSESSED SS D . 1 1 2 2 2 do 300 3 2 1. 3pn 0 300 6 2 do p 7 20 30, B 2 0 30l, 9 2 d,, 10 2 0 30� OEPARTMENTAOF+;NRNCE REPORT OF COMMISsi6NEf: OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) DESCRIPTION LOT ewe. ADDITION .. VALUATION ASSESSED 11 2 Jchn e o.irdon f.:IL". ion 300 12 13 2 a ase 575 do .7.1 17 2 ,lo 175 18 2 do 171, 11 .. to 475 .,j 2 do �175 22 2 o 17': 2,1 2 a 25 2 375 L,t 2., c... .10' oC 25 2 -o 375 Bo00 1'X00 8000 The Commissioner of Finance further report, that he has investigated All of the aforesaid marl and hereby submits the foregoing ae hie report thereon m the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said mattenr by the Commlo,ioncr of Public lVorke. Dated3.mWIA...___. Commissio173 2 L'g"dl ner of Finance. yi0. A G 86 St. Paul, Minn.... July' 7'... 1912_. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Gllding of >119Y. Fredricks to Fai^view _ St. A— in block L, Jahr, Gaarden, Addition. from h St. Ave. to St. Ave. TBE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST: PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dale) October 29, 1932 Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: In the matter of grading Alley in Block 2, John Gaarden Addition from Fredericka Avenue to Fairview Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 94116, approved October 21, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - $749.48 Cost per front foot 0.64 Inspection - - - - - 14.70 Frontage - - - - - - 1170.88' Engineering - - - - - 125.00 Yours truly, U -E GE aE I. sxEPAxD, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission CU.`, to the Co ism ssloner of Financ . Halo C. ENZEL, ` Commissioner of Publ Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Nov. 1, 1932 103 To the Co nmimioner of Finance of the City of St "no'- The Commimi... r of Public Works, having had under co nsideratinn the preliminary order of los Council, known a. Council Fac No. 94116 appmv.d. Oct. 21, 1932 .193. , rdotive to to grading Alley in Block 2, John Gaarden Addition from Fredericka Avenue to Fairview Avenue. end having investigoted the mortem and thing. referred to thoreio, hereby rcparla: 1. Said improvement is m.re—y and (or) de.irablc. Cost per front foot 640 74948 and the total cost thereof m $ 2. The cctithereo[ ie f_ Frontes e 1170.98' Inspection on $11 470• Fatglneering $125.00 g end the ontum and extent of said improvement is m follows: 3. A plan, profile or ek,t,h of said improvement is hereto attached and mnde a pert hereof. 4. 5. Said improvemen L is... .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to — ant for emd improvement. _ -t/i1"'- i ,, - Commies ilei of Pub' orka. ij `5\ 94494 COUNCIL FILE N0.-j---�--- BY' ----______/-Q I Al �G S In the matter of___C9RdEP1r31ng_a ,d_ taking an- easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in t�,at ogirkafg o Alley in Block 2, John Gaardan Addition from Fre to Fairview Ave. - 9q1- - Oct. 21, 1932 under Preliminary Order____________________ approved____________________________________. Nov. 22, 1932 Intermediary Order____________94361 ---------- approved______________________ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council Laving heard ell persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of SC Paul th,t fkrp condeami�L and taking easement in th land n essary for slopd's„ cuts end fil in the gradin f Alley in ck 2, John G.srl4en Addition fro Fredericka Ave to Fai ew Ave. ho #N Me ®e we herobv I -nd resetudod r �tla in and nutter be ds.., d the Council hereb\bn said improvemen to be made. RESOLVED FURThat the following and, lands or easements th be and the same hereby ordered to, appropriated an condemned for the purpose f making the said menta, viz.. For , cuts and fill in the grading of A leyBlock 2, Jaarden Addlti oa rom Fredericka Ave.o Fa rview Avehe extent shown upon the plan of theCoissinner lie Works attach d hereto which planis ereby reto and made a pa t hereof. RESO VED FURTha the Cimmissioner f blit Works be d is hereby 'nstructed d direct to preparnd ifications for said imp o� ent, and the proper city oialc are hereby auth ized and to p eed with the making o said improvement in accordant there- with. f. Adopted by the Council______ ��___________10" --- ____---- __..___. 19---- ----------------------- App—ed ----------------------- - 19---- ye Councilman Csmmx Truax c Councilman L May PUBLISHED // Councilman McDonald ) Councilman Pearce Councilman RAMI -d Rosen Councilman Suilll-einplx 'Wenzel Mayor V + I^d�uve C- � — I�Jiue. Fill. Tvr'.J Nal R�✓e. y... IIR .he. Cut w FIII Fop. • b. Jw ... I..h.,h�a.,. Lx. Bmb N..f-, % 5— Bb N.94ZY.. iii yeic.a.r n., Ciaen/�n A.JJ sio�.a2Noz7s y� ALLEY - BLK.Z JOHN 4AARDEN ADD. ` FraEsrick,z A✓d. Foirview H✓s- W Q 60' In, FII ;—. T_p jN......'- C.t e. Fill r M-11 1— . ..0.Z_ n.h.. dN.nu In .bah .lapis uhrrJ bgsnJ pmp.Mp h".. Ia, bnob Ne19l, X San Bb No191Y. ALLEY-BLK.2JOHN 4AARDEN ADD. Fredeeichic Aye. rairviewRy'a- q�/wy6/.i.7.Tobn Gwerrlwn AsL .S/o/+ 41 No17J ikiaF.ko;--7R C- OF ST PAUL DEPARtIAkRT'CF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS91ONE-IR OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter �i— j ­T n­,,­ 'im in r �,ll 1 1, 1 tn 7It—1 - under Preliminary Order approved Catober 21. 1932 T, the Council 1 the City If S, P-1: Th, C...mi..—f Finance hereby reports f,11—: Th, total estimated amount of the I -- for the i.p—,.— is - - - '11e —i,—d cast p,, fIot f., the lb— i.p,--t is - - - - - - - The 1— or p.—I, If 1—d that may be —,—d lb—f- f., such improvement, and the assessed valuation If each 1-t 11 ,­] as 1— reported by the A.... I. a as follows. 1111RIPTION or All-Ol ASSIIIED 1. d6. John Giimudom Addition 450 Boo d". 300 4 2 do Boo 6 t do Boo 6 a do Boo 7 2 do am 3w d". Boo to I do 300 DEPARTMENT IFP FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) OESIRIP—N Lor .Lock A-1— ywLUATION 11 2 John G—rdM Addition 300 12 ® do No 13 2 do 600 14 2 do 680 15 2 do 575 16 2 doe 476 17 2 do 478 18 8 do 476 12 8 do 475 20 2 do 476 21 2 do 475 22 2 do 475 25 2 do 475 24 2 do 476 (EX.. E. 30 ft) 85 2 do b76 Lot 26 .d E.10' of 88 2 do 678 8000 10400 E000 Theof Fin a Commissioner ane fu nher repor is that he hes iv.,ig ated all of the aforesaid matt s, and ' hereby submits the forcgoinR as hie «port thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him m rt ferrnce tosaid matter by the Commissioner of Public \\orks. D ated� �' "'� jq-7 i—Com�of Fina nee. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Nov. 1, 193r 193 To th, Com,ni.Soorr of Phmnrr of the Oty of St. Paul The Commimioner of IU,hc Works, having W ander—o,,iderntiun the prrhminary Dole, of the Counrll, knoan na C--il Pile No.94117 approved Oct. el, 193e .193 relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in clock Y, John Gaarden Addition from Fredericka Avenue to F'alrvievl Avenue. and having m—tignted the nmttcm and thing, ,,tarred to Weroin, hereby reports: 1. Said mquovemenl i, necc. _ and (or) dr�irable. 2. The csl.iinated cost thereof ie S XUX , nd the total coat thereof is S nod the -- sod extent of eai,l im provcmcnt is a, follow,: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and mode s part hereof. 4. o. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more ow Dere of property, ,abject to a„c„rmmt for ,aid improvement. Commis,loner of Public W 94495 ar�ar COUNCIL FILE NO. m By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .-atr-tinz s. -o- ft. ..sid-1k on the north side. of St. ,;_e1 _... fro -.Briggs St. to Syndic,[, -k—, —opt viner, ,.o,d-and suffioieat Bid-1ks nox_-ez}at, under Preliminary Order Sdot6.-_.-. __approved Oc:obar 13, 1932 - - IntermediaryOrder _...__ ._.. ___—__....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City is m-strnat. s.6 -Y- -Idog.mL.an--�..�t]l.lid, _af_- -. 3t._Clair. St. frau 12iggs_St. ta. Synd'_cate. Ave.,-_e-=apt-.rber-,. tondand_a•,iffini"'t sideralks. ^.nvc-exist, __.-.. -. -_-- -- ---- --- --- a d the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pre, read with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 1934 Adopted by the Counci]MAY _2 _ - 192 _ JCC Approved MAY 2 M4 �)C..it3' Clerk.... / F Councilman Ferguson L, Councilman McDonald Councilman Mefilkgsn f.....,� Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 Aul DEPARTA{?.T�PFINANCE 9 REPORT ON OM MISSIO ORDOF ER FINANCE (D) VV In the to 3yr�! under 1'relim1ne11 Order apl•roved 113' To the C,—lil of the City of St. Paul. , Thr Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimateda�t of the assessment for the above mprosement is - S - __ --- -- /p "j,estima�ed cost pe/(oo far the above improvement ie - - - - - - S 0."5 - - 'Fhe lots 0', rcels of land chat may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as Iasi reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: , oese RiPriort LOT ewe. AOOITiot+ i Lvnn�u nTl o. 1� 13 1000 31.09 17 13 ..0 550 Ili 13 64 19 13 .0 500 ;000 20 13 do 475 3700 21 11 .0 450 22 13 dO 450 4400 23 13 0 450 24 13 do 450 200 25 13 do 150 3450 (C) IT' qt 9IWXut. DEPARTMENT oh FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT ADDITION A11111 - 2d 13 �t'_�..�t _ .rt. ._i.. loo 2; 1; .0 5pr 13 0 7350 22150 The f Finance further reports that he has mvestigated all of the aforesaid mater , and hereby mbmita the foregoing as hie report thereon m the Council, together .ith the report made to him m reference to said matter by the C—iwioner of Public Worka. Dated Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn. 1_ 1925. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: LAXITY OF A SMZ-NAIL St. Ave. from _pIH7 R St. Ave. to B=IDOX . ON HOME HDI O7 St. Ave. • 0 01 ice of the Commissioner of Public 'A"gINANQ - — -- f'a� a Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT W 19M Oct. 24, 1931 193 'I'o do. co-oo sinner of Finance of the City of St. Paul. The Commissioner of Public Works, having had ander consideration the prdapiauy order of the Coaxed, known da named ban No 94056 appr.ved Oct. 13, 1932 193 , "I.Ii- to constructing a 6 foot sidewalk on the north side of St. Clair Street from Griggs Street to Syndicate Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things inferred to thorcin, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ and (or) desirable. 85Q per front footnn 2. The estimated coat thereof ie i ,sod the total coot therud is S - and the nature and extent of acid improvement ie ae folloas. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement i. hereto attached aad made a part hereof. 4. o. Said improvement is .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject Wase ..,at for said tmprovomeot oncr of c Work.. 944W COUNCIL FILE N0. By. In the Matter ofrenstructing, r=layin e..c _,nir'_ng, where n.ca ary, the sidewalk on_the _t':.easts;de of Gt1c A_.:, rville Avenue,. thence enst nssocusaosa to -s po'-nt 154 ft. east of Gle :dnls Avenue, mw- -_ eapvW :ie ,;s o• under Preliminary Order.. 94164._.. --- approved 9 t.. 26, I= Intermediary Order pproved A public hearing having been had upon the bo p e t upon due notice,and the Council having heard all perbe ,objections and recommendations relative t n having fully considered the same; therefore,re, be it .v,c RESOLVED, By By the Council of the City of St. Paul that ---- aAd-k+e�o�'tt�t' proent to b made by the d C ty ie r - �na5ru- 1-X aP P h - -- satyr yr tha dewalk on -the. i Ctib AYe - d. e'SzW,xA6' At 11 Avenue, then.a. to. -e paint -150 L e S nt-Gleadalc I've �e--, ----- --- - - be cd- theaame.oy-hrr b7 -ncd 1dd .-=ulb0.- old -reselfdW-f"_._......_ mfaedmgs in said =I- be &--mead. h Copnc l h by order 'd impro t m b ad OLVED FURTHER, Th t the Com 1 orer of bl ceWwks h d h d and repare plane and sp ications tar said impro nt, enil-euhmrt same tot ncd for app ; th upon said approval, t proper city officials are ereby authorized and di torte u o pro- ceed wi the king of said im�apuuro��v rl(.j0accordence there h. Adopted b)' the Council 'v„� 3 "l - 192 glia t30 fa Approved - 192.. -CouncilmarGreglesf Mclrnn. ✓ ��/!!!///(((///� 6 i Counciima> M+. YUY11S11F-D Councilma>d4aEemnf ComrcllmaseftOklf>� R""•": �-C—cilmaamr� Mr. Vice Pres. Wenzel Wte, g, SCh, Form B. S. A. 8-7 - CrTp CjS1PK - 7_ L C— 01 DEPARTMENTST, OFPAUL FINANCE REPORT OF COIVIMIS`a(ONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In than f I .,d, P,th.i.-y Order -PPI-Itd ". I, I -, the Council of the City of St Paul: Th, C.—mi..—f Finance hereby ,,ports as f -11--m The t-1 -ti.—d amount of the --.— for th—b ..e i.p-111-t is The —i.—d,-, p,,f.t for the i, - - - - - - - T1,, lot,,, p.,,tl, of land that ..y be assessed benefits f.,.ull, and the —,—d —1—ti— of each lot or p.—I as I..t reported by the A—s—, are -- f-11-1: L- 9 in '_2 1/3 1, 2';.25 't) 1 20 2 20 5 70 20 to 7 20 0o C 10 21 do 11 L_YLUAT�n 90C lbo 23,0 975 4100 1000 ,_.J 12:jo 5400 1250 5600 OEPRRTMENTeOFF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIGS10NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) L— 12 — 21.25 I't LOT ADDITION =111ol. 1 0 681x) ... 2,- 110' li 20 1100 b950 11 " ,i700 ]h 20 do 1; 20 do 1100 17 20 do r 1" 1 29 0 1200 2 29 0 ., 20 10 1100 ?9 do ..o ill iuti on 21400 47900 The C—mmner of Finance further reports that he hae investigated all of the afornaid matt and heryb submits the foregoing ae hie report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hire m e reference to said matter, by the Commissioner of Public Works. Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Nov. 1, 1932 .193 To the Commission", of Pinanc" of the City of 6t. Paul: The Commissions, of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the C' -IM, ksnwn e_s Cooncll Pilc NO. 94164 approved Oct. 26, 1932 193. , relative w reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk on the northwest side of Otis Avenue, beginning at Somerville Avenue, thence east to a point 150 ft. east of Glendale Avenue. end having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, herehy reports: Lot 1, Block 20, Desuoyer Park Q27.50 1 2 20, 27.50 3, 12 27.50 4, 1 12, 27.50 5 12 27.50 6, 12, 26.04 7 12, 11, 19.26 n 8, " 12, " " 27.14 9, and Nest 12-1/8' of lot 10, block '20, Desnoyer P.,rk 46.97 East 36-3/6' of lot 10, and west '24.'- of lot 11, block z0, Desnoyer P,rk 3.30 East 24.25' of lot 11 and lot 12, clock 20, " " 47.35 Lot 13, block 20, Desnoyer Park 26.85 Lot 14, block 20, 26.85 Lot 15, 20, ' 24.53 Lot 16, 20, 29.20 Lot 17, " 201 " " 24.53 Glendale Ave. 8.16 Lot 1, block 29, Desnoyer P.rk 26.e5 Lot 2, 29, x$•50 �apof Lot 3, " 29, " " 2 Y, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Nov, 1. 1932 toe C T: ..r is .., . —T e estimates coat t6erebtia F. 2. h ._-.. _.. , ana the utas coat merear rs � ., . and the rotors and extort of said improveamnt is os folloare: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached aad made a pert hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie asked fur upon petition of three or more owners of property, auLject to eaeeaemenl for said improvement. C 'Doer of PubW r".. ,hme end, 197~. Ron. Milton Ronan, Comml..ioner of yinance, Roilding. Dear Mr. R.MI At the Connoil meeting held today, the final order in the natter of Reconattaoting, "laying and repairtng, the atde..lk on the nortbsaat aide of Otte Averse, beginning at Somerville Avenue, vhenne ..at to A point 150 ft. eaot of O1®dA1e Arecae, .a. laid mer tan .eek. to Joe 16th end your department rognsetad to .and nottae. of .aid bearing. Your. very truly, City Clerk. June 16th, 1933. Aon. Milton Rosen, Coc,tosi�nnr of iirsnoe, �lvtlding. Dear Mr. R—i Yue Council to dZ laid over an order fur re;eir nldeval._, where aenesear7, n t'es nu - rthet side of Nis A— from Somerville east toga point 150 feet east of of eadale A.— to June 30th and referred tau matter to you and Co�iseioner Wenrel to att.Vt to Work out as equitable —y of fin—tnp this ,Job aW it sae stated that the Putlto Works Depart:+ent is eVerimenting, due to the mature f the (;round. Yours very truly, City Cleft. .Tum 35th, 1911. Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Cooe'r of Pablto Wor'<e, Nalding. Year `!r. Weaaali T'. Cause tl latd over an order for repetrinr, sideral'.: 94497 COUNCIL FILE NO. BY In the Matter of constructia„ e. s.oscr...on 6.utt»rnut hv_nue _ran _ay Street to a _. point_.307 foct soot`nester r. o..Hq/-Street,. - - under Preliminary Order. _93769 _ -_-__approved S'-et,,ber 21,. 1'_:32 _ Intermediary Order _. _._ -. ----_-.... spproved ... _----.-.- -----_----- A public hearing having been had noun the above improvement upon d e notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ./� , --W, RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that Q, p ' prove t to be made by the City is _ �truct _� J tternu`. 61ren rn E.,, Straot t Point 3CZ.feat_ hnesYcrl;� n_y b .id matt he do - the...... a Counc 1 1,",,.b rdare eaid improv nt to m de. SOLVED THod Commissiorer o blic Works be and is hereby i traded and directe, to prepare plans aona for said improve ent, and submit same to the ncil for approval; atupid aproper city officials eby authorized and directedd w th th eking of eggtq, ordone. therewitAdopted by the Council _..-.-___-�../.. 192 _._.. ��>a>_. Approved 192 Mdyo CouncilmarY.EleR¢""A ,iIl^ael.l Counciima.>gYnyaeop'-* /t CouncilmarROMHnneFf= i"''=f;" �J Councilmar I Councilmar/49iI1M1 I MBYoh Form B. S. A. 8-7 fjTT Os ST. PA UL • DEPARTMI NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE J ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Y V to them rof -­ n 'utr,arno F. kl—,. -��. 3tro �t to o - int 3 f.stc'7 soul hneat �-l�� of r_, , under Prclimioary Order approved 6:+pt s bor "1, 1933 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commse'i—, of Finance hcrcby reports as follows. The total nnmatcd a tof the assessment for the above mprovcment is - - - $ 1334.2(1 'n, esucos mated t pcifootfor the about mprotemrnt is - - - - - - - $- — x'09 The lots or parcel' of land that may be asst,,d benefiu for such improve—t, and the assessed va1—i- of each lot or parcel v last reported by the Asses a a' follow'. LOT ewes —.1— DES—PTION L-1 o. 27 2 Riv^_r 5 i 1. ndd:ti I to 275 600 28 2 do 300 650 Snuthwast z of 29 2 do 150 800 ,.ortof 29 2 do 150 450 30 2 dr, 300 1300 31 2 Flo 300 1400 32 2 do 300 1100 33 2 do 300 34 2 0 325 1 3 do 325 Hors DEPARTA Ir OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI§SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) Descnl. LOT ewcK ADDITION vwLuwTioN er 3ido Add. to S..PAu'_, 300 900 3 3 .0 300 950 4 3 .0 300 800 0 300 500 0 300 7 3 do 3 o 25 4275 9450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he hoe i--igated all of the aforesaid matt ,and hereby submit, the foregoing ae hie report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him In reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Nblic�\t'orks. 193_L- _.-"" `_"''-"r.2�-A_"ner Commissio of Finance. �t 4 1'.. Ii THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) October 14, 1932 Hon. Herman C -Wenzel , Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the constructing of a sewer on Butternut St. from Bay St. to a point 307 ft. southwesterly of Bay St., under Preliminary Order C. F. 93769, approved Sept. 21 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - $1334.20 Frontage - - - - - - - 640 lin. ft. Cost per front foot 2.09 This estimate includes for Inspection - - - - 24.20 ^ Engineering 100.00 There is no petition from abutting owners for the building of this sewer, but it is rendered necessary for the purpose of draining a low point in the street in order to prevent a serious condition resulting from the present lack of a proper provision for taking care of this drainage from this low point. The estimate has been set at a very low figure and unless this sewer can be built during the ensuing winter, the opportunity to construct it at so small a cost is not likely to occur again. Yours ruly, o M hepa i Chi -ngineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Fin ce Herman C. Wenza Commissioner. Off ee of the Commissioner of Public W8$�l� fiNaNCt P Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT 19 1932 Oct. 17, 1932 193 To the Commieeioner of Ft..... of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Counoil File No. 93769.. a pp roved..... Sept. 21, 1932 193........, relative to the construction of a sewer on Butternut street from Bay St. to a point 307 ft. southwesterly of Bay St. and having investigated the matters sad things referred to therein, hereby reporte: 1. Said improvement ii,. nee—ry and (or) desirable. Cost per front ft. $2.09 2. 4%eetimated coat themof is g...... 1334.20. , end the total coat thereof ie E.... �9 Frontage 640 lin. ft. Inspection $24.20 Engineering $100.00 ank& nature and extent of said improvement ie ae follow,: _ .. ...._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. S. Said improvement i,._..._ .................... asked for upon petition of three or more ..vers of property, subject to eeeesement for said impmomment. mraBover lin Works. .D a~v l m a� sr. L • N.....94498 OF CITY CLERK r I O LOTION—GENERAL FORM rw®ewTwv a December 19, 1932 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Aaent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, testing material for the Division of Research, at a total coat phut to exceed $438.45, f.o.b. St. Paul, from the Public School Publishing Co., without advertisement or competitive bids, as this material is copyrighted, and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public Schools- Edu.Acimin.-Office Expense 15-B-4 �m�i.n..�ei •:° ai.°9.i°sn°. me"ti no.i ` ezeetla swt. e b F•a f m 9i xm°.rtan.eo°i'w°'wml4c . n e°iel I. copyilx�4 a. vu. w� Knee .I 19w1 ii 'i COUNCILMEN .BEC 2 n Yeas Na{i Adopted by the Council....... _._....__........:._193.... _ May McD... Id Pearce Rosen Truax...... Agaivet __.. ... Weasel �'.+t. 1, Mayor Mr. Preeideat Mahuvey Ctl_x N y CI .0 9T. PAUL y NO......� 449..9 OmOF THE CITY CLERK ---- C 60LUTION—GENERAL FORM rws�eNrso eq�Dec ember 20 1532_-.. Puroha sing Agent be, and he Se hereby authorized to RESOLVED the purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Remington Accounting machine, double cross footer, electric model, at a net cost of $534.38, lees an allowance of $33.00 on old machine; 2 ,Jo. 30 Cross Footers, star Proof Clearance for $180.00; factory exchange of 4 old totalizers for 4 new ones at a total cost of $160.00, and )ne steel stand for $25.00, making the total cost• of this equipment not to exceed $864.36, without advertisement - or competitive bide, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be seined thereby. Charge Public Schools - Equipment 15-% `�stei:$o 11 C °' 11 000:°ri of ......... oa 1' COUNCILMEN Ado ted by the Couvcil_FC.,2.Q..Wx.-_..193...._ yew Nays P /'z' Pearce .I f vory A AR Truax / ....____...... Agei." Mayor �WPI. F. 5(:OTI Wevxel, Cl Y.Ll+.kx `N s ✓Mr. Preeidevt Me6ovey _ _ CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. _ 94500 OFF CE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCI RESOLUTI i—GENERAL FORM PRMre� Dow..December 19,-1932 RESOLVED ThatthePurchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorised to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Burroughs Special Style 76-06-02, double carrla�e 18" total length, to have automatic numbering feature and date; special punctuation for numbers, etc. per specifications, at a cost of $1,880.00, lees allowance for old machines, of $275.00, ani lees 2% ten days discount, making the net coat not to exceed $1,572.90, without advertisement or competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Comptroller's Office- Equipment 30A4 COUNCILMEN Y_ May �- Nays / /MeDoneld ` �Peorce ..........`�.....In favor eev �Trua< _.............Apivet Mr. Preeident Mahovey DEC 2 n ,DQ9 Adopted by the Council._ ..................... _........193...... 3 I� Ap oved............. _... ..._ ....__......193_... ..._._Mayor_ F. 2.L;VTTi r�tTY CCrLGF[IL ,'y ..._!.�—__ FORM No. 2 Subject: Council File No. Date presented 1932 �l Mrd, ','f}?F.R1:.A5, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported In accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emerges c;; w?1 ch rendered necassar;; the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday,said employment being more than usual :^. ours of employment, therefore, be it 17 lved, That the proper city of'fie re are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate ethe1111se fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE SUNDAY RE61: LAR RATE Floyd W. Schrankler Utilitymah 13 hrs. .54q Herb. C. Spellacy ° 13 " .54g Henry Melnke " 9 " .549 Ayes Councilmen Nays McDonald Mag P Pearce Rosen Truax Wanael 11r. President Mahoney - Certified corr , 7 Adopted by the ft 1, 91!,.,iW 1932 Approved _ f 1932 Supers FORK No. 1 December 19, 1£32 ,0v An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public ':ti].Sti^s Bureau of "later rerderin�, necessary the employment of certain employ- of that dopsrtment for more them eight hou-s mer day in the doing of the following work: 4p,rating Highland end Hazel Park Pumping Ststions.c ;his emergency erose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: -Sundays OP I t IL'Ti F:S S Ce r"—,ulptio f d eo General Sup er'ntendent omaea_. �.ti 94552.. an of 5T. Paul .°. No.-. OFF'tc TH E OF E CITY ER CLK COUNCII��rESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM ,OUMEQ..NER.- •/ -W 5 �H/ mwre xmummw y fd 7fSgL8, the Bane Northwest Company of Saint Paul, Hinneeota, has offered Ab Q' the Sinking load Committee of the City of Saint Pawl, {5,000 cite of go, 1949 ons Waterworks 10 ba is Dude and THEM", the Siddng Sand Committee has recommended the accepteace of the offer of the Hanclorthweet Company of Saint Paul, and the Council is of the opinion that A 1 the purchaes will be for the beet interest of the City, of Saint Pauli therefore, be it RMLtID, that the Hgyor. Commissioner of Finance end City Comptroller be and they are hereby wthorised affi directed to accept the offer of the Haaclorthweet Company aad consummate the tranaaction I COUNCILMEN Yeas /May / McDonald i Penne - _ Io favor �gosen /{y axes / Mr. Nmsilent Mahoney Adopted by the Council..__ DEC.. 2. 0. 1.193.. ., A pSn -ed ... _. 193..... .... nceye ,y .. . Sy,.o , Deoambur 7D, 1 A meeting of tho 31N1ng rood Coodttae vow held this day In the U,—.a office of 9130 A. U. Prsamt. mgar wllliam u bmw, Ooeedwelo+mr Miltm IWeon. Oo:,troller H. 1. Oo drtdh mid L. L. Amdaraon. CotIg—tiro Coaeel. Oovda.it— Milton Rosen —do a motion, meonded by Camperollor H. P. Ooodrich and unaml ndy m tied. tint the f olloni g offer of the BenoRorL,wOst CMVW of st. Paul be ecoupted and reaDmanded to the Outcill OHm08orthnaet Cma. sup salty rml Dcoember 19. 1932. shining Nmd G—Atteo. cit;of saint Pini. saint ?—I. Mimsnotu. Oantleneml I bwoby offer eabJect to confirmtim $5,000 V of Urt Pml 11 A:.iterm m Bondw dne Hov.i, 1949 At a 4.10 Uslo. These bonds m believe van „ort of a0 18000 which the City old without 0 lapel opl: tin+. ToAW Derry tba eialdng fnad st.W m the beck of the bend. hmting I ley icor fevorobly from yon. 1 romdn T— To 7 tr01y. Richard G. Egan Hama Sut Paul Offices Comieelunar Roe® e." a mtiory smoond.1 ty Om4: roller Goodrich end vnmtseet p orriee, that the Getytrallerls office mid m Imentigatim of the feete regarding the defmltlog of 1ntwea of aatai0 omnty bonds *mod in the QSNdne Nude of the City of Saint pini, and report back to the Bintlne Nmd Comdttoe for further actlan. The Binllllg Amd Omadttw reoolved a :attar fro-= DVIke-Jonew GO., Of trixmmpollee Him.. regrading the prop owed aathoriaotim for the eppolnt- meet of ccs M1 L. Ailllame aL the repreesmtntivo of the Icldan' of the Olty of @dte Beer Becer warms.. A motim v..a mad0 tip OtmlwwiOn Rosinl a—ded by Oocptmller Goodrich end unanimously carried, that the repreesatatiwe of Sxak.40nes Company be notified to meet with the Sinking Fuad Committee end the Corporation Counsel at as early date. There being no further business, the meeting there upon ad,)—d. HeNr ipprowad o2 CosF3- f21clo President 00-00—I.A.—er 711mnca G..Ptroller Er -officio Secretary p S503 I FST. PAUL •u" NO ............. . . OF THE CITY CLERK < C CIL RESOLUTION—{GENERAL FORM C00®nNZOORew nAre _ RE LVED That the Oity Comptroller be and he is hereby authorised and directed to transfer the sum of Two 'Thousand, One Hundred Fifty -sir end 58/100 Dollars ({3,158.58) from Obarter rand 15-t to Charter T nd 15-X, as by so doing an unavoidable deficiency in Obarter rand 15-X may be met without hampering the purposes for which the said 6nm was provided in Obarter Tmd 15-t. COUNCILMEN Yens Nsys Msy McDomld / Penne Rosen Truax _......._— Against Wenzel au a n Mr. President Mahoney a.a e: H�e eh.c I ase IS 1 •iu+�eiop'i gp A16F8 ne eo Po, tv e2 Adopted by the Council -.'1.E C.2. 002_._ 193. - Approved ___.. ......_._.._193_ _- \121. F.:41 11,1.Mayor CISY K ny �� _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.,I.I cf Mlnn.wl. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Dec. 19th, 1932. Aon.Lewis L, Anderson, k corporation Counea1, �(.�,,,,,�. 7z�fdi� 8 City of St. Paul, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Council File No. 91160 - Ordinance 7376 adopted by the Council Dee. 24th, 1931, appropriated and setting aside for the purpose of purchasing new equipment and extraordinary expenses in 1932, the balance remaining in the charter fund No. 15 Public Schools at the end of 1931. The balances were appropriated in the 15-R equipment fund and 16-W - 1931 unpaid contracts fund. Inasmuch, as there is a balance of $2,166.68 In the 16-w fund, we would like to have you introduce an ordinance transferring the $2,166.68 to the 15-H Equipment fund, and oblige Yours truly, HMH-L Conor, slon of kduoation e.,v�baga..... J9U4 • CITY OF 9T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL F an. PneEr+r • e RESOLVED WHEREAS the Honorable Frank B.%ellogg,-pica6et' nesident of the City of Bt.Paul, eminent attorney and counselor' at law, past president of American Bar Aesoeiatlon and member of The Permanent Court of int araattonal Justice has been accorded, internationally, merited public esteem and honor, end WHEREAS, the Honorable Frank B. Kellogg served with credit and distinction as United Statee Senator in Ceagree e, UalofdBtateStateand Ambassador to Ore at Britain, United Statee Secretary United States Delegate to The Fifth Pan–American Congress at Santiago, Chile, and se a framer of The WHEREAS, the Honorable Frank B.Kellogg, Pact of Paris, the international treaty outlawing xar, rendered invaluable and effective service in the interests of Peace and Humanity and thereby earned the gratitude of the world and pos– terity and has received the 1930 Nobel Peace Prize and The Oar – dinal NewmanMe dal In recognition of his distinguished service in the interests of the security and perpetuation of World Peace, and WI]REAS, it Is the desire of the citizens of the city of St. Paul that the memory of the Honorable Frank..B.%ellOgg end his good works be preserved and perpetuated, therefore be it RESOLVED by the Council of the City of St.Paul that in recogn. nition of the estimable oheracter, extraordinary learning and distinguished public service of the Honorable Frank B.Kellogg, and to the end that the memory of him and hie good works shall be pre– served and perpetuated, the names of each of the following Awpw� sections of public etreet8 Sa the City of St.Paul,towit: We at Fourth Street from Summit Avenue to West Seventh Street end Third Street from West Seventh Btreet to Mounds Boulevard, shall be and the same hereby are changed eo ae to be KELLOGG BOULEVARD, and that the Esplanade Area, exolueive of second Street, contiguous to and South of said Third Street, from 8t.Peter Street to Jackson Street shall bear the name KELLOGG BOULEVARD. COUNCILMEN yses Y. V'Aiey I.Mc.—N Pearce fi Rosen L Truax ._�.. Against SCOTT, Vwen.d WM PCITY C Y.31S VM,. Preeideat Mahoney }� ea a•u lsY ......._I__._. DEC 20 M? Adopted by the Council__..___.._.._.._ __.__...193.. _- Approv d .._-_.. _.... 193.. .. PLIISLISID:D��Jt1 G P R O C L A M A T I O N In response to a general public desire to honor a distinguished fellow -citizen, I am pleased to announce that the Saint Paul City Council in regular session assembled has this day changed the name of what heretofore has been known as Third Street, to Kellogg Boulevard, and I here and now officially proclaim Kellogg Boulevard as the name of the new and improved thoroughfare known as Third Street. NI Mayer. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota December 20, 1932. 945U5 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__rmedani:i�xn�__nk_�m_eesec��c_iL L1anc_n4�aa slcpns,_ x.11,, i _ , .11 1 1, fr_.. ii....—ic " ev a under Preliminary Order_-_ 93y15_ approved___...,':, -5 2._1x32_______________ Intermediary Order ________ 035 2__ . approved___ —t,G _2r 2f _1932------------- Final Order -------- ----- 1126--------------- approved ---- J9_!_r_SErl -1932--------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of_ithe lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards ofIdamages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a pert hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for .mid taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ,� a:midc:aaaeati ioc aaasaarsr.�9nK. . LSE' Adopted by the Council _________________________________ 19,_ - / r_ 1 c ____x_-7' City Clerk. APProved_________________, 19____ __ i Couneilma �O Councilman /P em P1i131.L ULD Conncnmen Connnilm 'x.,.a„e 7,, Councitme,20000010w it as .I Con it as�liNkYr Wenzel cII; M Yor— Mehouey / bye r�—�” I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF P.GNHFITS Inthe matter of____conderin; np _e+nd $__pG nn__gs e- t j'a_Y:�l_lr,:.d _an fl95an.CY °or_____ slopes, outs e r. fills, in the grading sn_ _ - _f 1,11sy in °lock 1, 3ryant'e Add _'i" fror Vi�toris -.. .a ,:von :t.. under Preliminary Order______`1S&lb____, approved_:iY_r_ucr_iw1'3i.________ ----- Intermediary Order_________ 93942approved_-"p_t2::_5vr_^i 19$2_______ Final Order________________ 251EP____, apProved_::99e.:;t¢c__1w L32 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has filed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are Payabie: that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commiaeioner of Fivance. 94506 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter af---- c__dar. ��i �_: end_ta;:ir..o-.r__nt__t'. SnnL_n2 o_ ossar __'or slc"ns1 cuts end f+lChe d ng of Alley in el 15, :..err P F'C F. E_dLit: on _r:- Prio. to ..cor- n ry no..e:s�at tfFuv'ktri�:adluL� � .. r B%eea vi �� under Preliminary Order ---------- _3&P6--------- approved_= 22t_r_oer_ 1_1. 1932 _______________ Intermediary Order ---- ---------- _435--------- approved_ 1GGs_.,__ l:;a-1932_------------- Final Order ------- -- ----------- ^+% 42--------, approved__._ye---r--9'_1X32................ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and thr awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said se—ement roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Athalab��4BEa99aih6�{6'>fd'TeT >ffixzrxssryxs:4vtb..ins6e!}mints-.w.�dw�kad,:ies¢ibed:khm.� 7T Adopted by the Council ___--_--_ Approved________________________, 19_--- .-MUNINOM 10h D-1,1 CouncilmanuikVMV�. May Connell— Councilma Cnnnnaman n sax cnuneuman�ee®a��n.��ul � ) Mayordmw� Mahoney 'r- City Clerk._ MSyer. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS :GFA AB6£SSJI£NT OF 13£NGFITR In the matter of___conaor_ ;; :..__ rs�LcC_cn__gs �nS_i.1 _t).e_lt»zd--uesary_ta=_ 1 , P.vd r'lls, i :.11-y in--loc:c 1-, '-erri— =—r .jird Addit' r. Pram Prior P.ve. to '.:oar A,,., under Preliminary Order_____ 93n95 ----- a ________________________ Intermediary Order - _______-q-=5____--PProved_ Cs,-rb_:r__1_._1:32 ______________ Final Order________________ q4,12— aPProved_ ::pY:n:hac °._1932__________________________ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fined and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he hes also rued and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled se above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 0 Commiesi ner of Finance. 94507 Council File No. _.. By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the usesement of oenet:te, enl. _ ..,s for -biorn ..m ng ThStreet, ^ t- st ,._,., it r. orl .r� t to tl ees.,orly tem-- o. T'�: Strout of :ends Pvrk,e��® a.I' n oel under Preliminary Ordez_..._.._91.)Q.p.._, Intermediary Order...91........___., Final Order__2224.Q.......... approved19...3.2. A p.blin hearing having been hid upon the mssessment For the above improve...[, ami said assemment having been further e.mid ... d by the Council, and having been c idered finally astisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said sees o— be end the gimme is hereby in sU respect. ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be ..b—itted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for 110- -tion -BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the mid aseesemevt be and it i. hereby determined to be payable ia_.....__�_.......e9na1 inatallmevts. Adopted by the Cooncil............ _-__ ........ ....— 19.... / i City Clerk. Approved _ L_ .. ...... _.19 'r, JV''46N CITY OF ST. PAU1 OFFICE OF THE CO".ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment .,n___:.._:.r._._ 22._..., 1932.. In the matter of the assessment of bin sea for 411F' Thorn Street, �­, frnr -or] S.r _c _ erly t—in.. -f _.... rnnStraot at }'mounds Park_, under Preliati ary Order___. 91700._.... _. _ Intermediary Order '1" 7 Final Order_.. 92200 _ _....., ........ A-11 1 26__. _. .. .. 1932 To the Council of the City of St P.ul: The Commissioner of Finast hereto, reports to the Corncil the following es a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily in—ed and to be incurred for am] in ......tion with the making of the above improvc- me.t, viz: Coat of .,net ructio. _ - g_ _-.o _ _C C0....,.. Coat of athlmhing roti,. 6__... 1•SC Cost of post.] cards _ _ _ $--- — •5(,1. _.._.... I.spectio. fees ...................... Amount of cost cost. for confirmation $,,,_,._„ 1.5G .................... ^o :: -in^� ;n^ ., natruc. ti cn _.r_ 9`•99 Total expenditnrea Said Coremmmo.,r f.rther reports shot he has .. em,d end levied the total .mount ae.to.vr aseeM d. to -wit: the sum of $_.11E..8I.......... ........ ap.n e.,h ami ...0 lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said imp.... treat, and i. the case of cash lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits oon- f,rr,d there..; that the said assessment hes bee. a ..pitted, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part brreof, is the said assessment as a repleted by him, and whieh is he—ith submitted to the C ... eil for such cetio. the`re,,. sa -y be c,,aiifd... d proper. ...........l ✓ ��.-.....-. Commissioner of Finauce. /Wand Wenzel Air t,fes. Nteho eY Mr. Pres. M.h.n y / /^ INAe9� 94 !. 1i.Aun Ad.CIL FILE NO.ev- PRESENTED BY «,"ORDINANCE NO.— dd. 1 O.—dinietrntive Ordlaanoe No. 325U}. ..seed August 20, 1914, m amended by Ordinance No. 3$70 and subsequent ameadmenta. entitled •An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor .• THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. ':AUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. That Ordinance No. 32$01. approved August 20, 1914. am remanded, be and the same is hereby further emended by adding to Grade 6 of the Maintenance Service in Section 6 of said ordinance the following title and 11ne: LINE OF PROMOTION 6o... Indoor Rink Caretaker . . . . . . None i None Section II. This ordicanoe shall take effect and be to force from and atter its paesaga and approval. I hereby recommend for passage by the Council the above- mentioned amendment to the Civil Service Rules,J . CSv11 Service Commissioner aN Yeas Coaneilnlcn N,- Passed by the Council. �-- lay McDonald In Favor Pearce -- Rosen ...Against T as W nzel Mr. Pr,eident (Mahoney) Appr CITY fl00X : t Clerk ,,. I !'ISI.ISIi[D�_-[L r cnp­1-- CITY OF ST. PAUL u C°' NO.......�J IlUJ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R60LUTION—GENERAL FORM gni WEMRZko, at its meeting held on December 17th, 1933, the Advisory Court Hoagie and City Hall Building 00mm188i0n approved as to form the contract with L. H. Sault for the flag -pole, and the General Indemnity Corporation of America as surety; therefore, be it RSSOLRD, That the Council hereby approves and 00nonrm in the motion of maid Commission. r s o Io" o0 0., a`r iil�e s,. urz.Ill DE 0M?,193.. COUNCILMEN2 Ye.Nays Ye Adopted by the CouvciL____...__.. _.. May / McDonald �Yonree _ _. _.. A. favor Provcd_... .._193..... � � /Roeen �Trunx � Wenzal Mr. P—edovt Mahaney _ ..- Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research N, A,hkdc Club Building '"^"'"""""'�•"�` x, Ced„ 1110 ��°•`•"�""`"••�• December 19, 1932. To the City Council, City of Wnt Pent, yinmeota. Oeotlemeni vigory Court At it. coding, Goocnlceiou approved rovedtas to f.— the c� tract E --- and CL. Sault It for pang with L. L. Sen1t Yor the flog pole, and the General Indemnity Corp- oration of America ae anrety, eabjeot to the appr,-1 of the City and County Attormye. Ws matter Se referred to you for your action. Very truly Yours, Secretary, Adviwry Court Honee and City Hell Building Comml edon. CPE: SE CITY OF ST. PAUL ..0 No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IsMs s; oREw flz� u o.rE WHEAYib, Wells -Dickey Company of St. Peal, Minn., hoe offered the BSN1ng Ttnd 1 _ 1 Cosmdttee of the City Of Bai-t Peal, Minmeota the folloeingi 1 e°.• ,o et 11 cI t 125,000 city of at. p""g% �� Bo d,, $20.000 doe J�. 1, 1947 �', . , « •'r�• 5,000 y . 1, 1949 at a price to yield 4.10% ^ / and WMMM, the BiWdng Pond Cosmdttes has recoemeaded the acneptanne of the above offer, and the DO ,, is of the opinion Chor et the pch,,, of the above hood, .ill be for the beat lnter eW of the City of Biot Paul the,efore, be it BEBOLPYD, that the Mayor, Commissioner of,Fi_ceand City Comptroller be and they we hereby authorised and directed to aocept the offer of A. 11. -Dickey Doopany and to con,oso to the traneactiot, Ycee COUNCILMEN /y Y,ye .9 _-jq 193_ .. Adopted by the COOOcit_. n r . �MCDOasId /Pearce TO favor Ap,7—d _. .. .._..._..193_... /Rose. / 'I,-.. n Agaiuet - WO0.1 Mr. Presidcst e..r Mshoacy PIiI3LISHED � uy ♦ oW.Ung of OA dlidn/ savi apodites nee held thio " Yt66emt. ■ w Alllee xa mv. Smed6.loo= Nation so.an and Qnptrollt H. s. S6ed'SOD. Ilds meeting nN held tot the yuryeso of madderIM 6he fellminy offs of t.11MDidcq •VLS9.a1®0: OD. I.iWErl�• c- Dec. W. 1,M tldcLm sand Oweitte6 ppl1P of St. . tum. sml bt. ra61 pentlammU• se Det to -MW for 7mv soneidsfa610'4 62%WD Olt? a at. 2=2 56 Qy - 0.070 • d.m. 1. i947 %DDD - Jam. 1. 1 e6 a Orlon to 71.16 .........4.10} SPIN fht. afro' oDJeot to lmWlate eOOW6emte. sith emy dens'. to Do of ..wino. aro roman Tow, very 6ro2y. d*_Novo . St. Paml aft, !u m.tiae ther mV- aM.OSDed. ..aleae 7'e6ldent japow 6demv at RnoLma dmN— er sm.ofrsele Bowel -or 9 _- _ TION December 20 32 „7; QLAIMS NEso�vcv. .. ,,,� �..��a.�._....o,,.,. o. 254 73 3ib..awr�E. .� MSE.... 8 to 11668 - ...... - - IN FAVOR OF ' T. -L Ks p crccrcs �: ar e... .. aeo�or. FoewAao c..c G a 16o 18774 P 191 86 - 11E18 ',,g. Anderson 46 5d, 30 OO, 11619 Paul Butehoff Go 11620Anderson 11621 Brothe— A. Anger 18 .01 11622 C.H. Antoneen 16�� 11623 7,0. Bron 43 Sq' 11624 John H,nne esey 19 Sol 11625 Earl Keyser " 16 Od 11626 11627 Ted KneipI'. Ed. mei hofs' 45 oo 11628 J.F.Cullen, As=lgnee B.J. Per 9 j6 __I - 70pQ�'' 11629 James A. Perry ` 11630 A.W. Plum 18 0 11631 Arthur Runge 12 Oq, Ip 16 oa 11632 Peter Sorenson 36 0o 11633 John White,. y 16 On - 11634 11635 L.G. Wright Ballard Storage & Trnefr.Co. 1 745 21 1 909 61'. 11636 Ellerbe & Co. & Holabird & Rdot a z64a 11637 Ellerbe & Co. & Holabird & Root 63 5 11638 11639 Concrete steel Company Gold Coin Chemical 'corks 50 11640 multiplex Yig. Companyli 46 96 11641 National Lead Company Company 53 900 0 11642 Acme Construotl on Clement F. Soulley Equipment Co. 20 528 06I; 11643 11644 van Paper supply Company 11645 John Braoe 10 4901 29 801, 11646 Geo. Sudeith 181 26 11647 Fuel 011 & Gas Company 3 562 631, 11648 11649 Hoard of Public Welfare Milton Rosen, C. of Fin. 175 000 00 241 191, 11650 Louie F. Dow Company 40 OOI 11651 Edward W. Lackey Fin. •� 1 476 991, 11652 Milton Rosen, C, of 7 231 11653 E.M. & R.F. Ware Paper Company 11654 Melady Fin. 00, 2p OOi - 11655 Milton Rosen, C. of Fin. a 1E20 63 341 11656 Milton Rosen, C. of Sal ea Company 30 15� • 11657 11 658 11659 Air Reduction Adam Rall '" 10 00' Morthern States Po-'er Company) 16 641 61 11660 Jos. Pavllcek 57 33 11661 Milton Rosen, C. of Fin. 4 757 40� 11662 Milton Rosen, C. of Fin. 6 723 46 123 70t 11663 G. So—era and Company Ruth Turnquist i 11 20, 11664 Mise 20 DOI 11665 Twin City Br ok Company Fin.' 1 431 90' 11666 11667 Milton Rosen, C, of Milton Rosen, C. of Fin. 109 73 1 695 88' 11668 Malady Paper company /r III a�EET 10111– oewARc 1194 641 o4 s42 444 11 I 9 • '1194 641 o4 �49 973 59 6 No. LM � a�!SOLUTION � .E..a - r -_ „• _. 9 CLAIMS49 IN FAV OR OF - — -� - e'e•.. ru Meew c�cea eao�eer Foaw.ec 194641 o4 cwccas f 842 444 11, • 11664 11670 H.'T, fSngeton Company 41. Yarkua 10, 10 O 11671 11672 John _. Yullen 3t—Davie Furniture Compsny 40 6 943 9 11673 Eagle L::undry C^mpany, Inc. 17 11674 nennle xsys., 0eeignee Harold 9ugnrue q8 03'. 125 11675 116 6 7 Hubin Gustafson Geo. D. Heywood e 11677 11678 L.J. vlkre Hruoe 8 8 do 11674 L. Bonn h 4i 53� 11680 11681 Fred Yeyers Carl Gastineau 43 1& 11682 K. 3leobte'As signee 46 46� " Arthur Pepin 'h 11683 Bernard Fuohe. Assignee 03 11684 Harry Auth A. B8 rindomour fll 61 05' 11685 John O'Connor 61 Oj 52 801 11686 Louis Hyatt 1 65' 11687 C.I. Teeter PetaT Durand 3 65 116s8 I I CC • '1194 641 o4 �49 973 59 6 -gym J4l3 - - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFlC£ OF THE Cf CLERK OOIMCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM �� ar �1!�p¢�n �� December 2E, 1952 RlQOC7� VEs3A5, Ch=rlcs L. D Anra.is om of Carica , License No. S hen �etStimed to the Comet f— vezaisaim to transfer said is i..a from the Radio Amerieam ■ e..tmt_m to the Air Vay Cab association, sod VRP1i_GAS, Cb, B— of Pollee does not find thmid id transfer of said to i -b 7111 imt: fe 'mith soy othsr cab company to operation at the sreaent time; therefore, be it p-,0,,vn, that --is s'_m is hereby given to Charles L. DM mis to transfer bin terirab, L_c-_se Is. -, from the Radio American Association to the Air Vey Cab -e—Utt COUNCILME-N Y— �a xa. J M,Doaahi -'Penna In h.v R— n T— R'eaxel m w ]ix. P.,&—, ?la6amxy wioo.e- ,. uaxi a>_ uas_ idapt,d by the Cooaoil .')Ep � 1 � 193 Appm—i Cit 9 � 193. STT. \laror f St. Paul,Minnesota De—ber 17, 1932 To the City Council of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I make ke aoolication to change my Taxicab #3 from the Radio American Association to the Air Ray Cab which does not conflict with any other cab c pony in operation at present. Thanking you in advance. Yours truly, „tine_.. ND. y4>14 CITU OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM .NicD_.@i"'LtGCO�. � Te.'.�� w.7 Le�,.�e%, ice.'-- o�xE•_ ._ - RESOLVED That the proper city Officers be and they we hereby authoris- ed to enter into an agreement with Nrnset Hemmer, providing for the payment of compensation to his at the rate of 013.20 per west during snob time as he sball be totally disabled by reason of In- juries received by his while in the employ of the Department of Parker playgrounds and Public Buildings on November 14th, 1932; be it TDRTHNR RN8MM, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper OAty officers are hereby authorised to Pay to said Ernest Hammer the gum of $82.80 out of the Turkmen', Compeas ation A000tmt of the General Tmd, in partial settlement Of his Plus against the City, being for the period to and including December ` lath, 1932. ry,o — — . rr. Asa.. COUNCILMEN �F, f_ 2 1>HY Yeas Neta Adopted by the CaunciL.. �_- _ .........._..........193..._. �MeY favor ov d _.... '''...193.... ` r Agam,t r" � Roeen /W—d .x n j Mr. President Mahoney j� ` pis O,Y�•tlm G9•�+• CI of ,na NO....... FIC O CI RK oG 1 UT 1 GENERAL FORM PenENra 8Y IRVIN SARC coNN�sv NEe __. __ o.rE _DHC. 21.193P.. -- RESOLVED WHEREAS, The CO-1991oner of Education has reported to the Council Sn accordance with Section 5, of the Clty Charter the existence of an emergency of certain which rendered employes of his necessary the emploVment department Por mare then their usual hours of employ- ' ment; thPrefar, *e it, the thepfollower ingfnemeds RESOhorDze employe seb ata the dhto pay rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TINE 9 h"re. RATE TOTAL 80 hr. X6.47 George Allen men. Eng. 4 B Q hr, 2.4E George Barrett 6 " 6 d hr. 3.66 , Fred Bamsgart 3 " 60 ¢ hr. 1.82 A1berT. Beecroft 3 ° 6 j hr. 1.82 Peter Behrens Irven B. Beason 6 " 46 Ig. hr. 2.33 Wm. Benton " ^ 3 " 3 8 hr. 1.Be 6 a hr, 1.82 Bohn Buhl " 4 8 d hr. 2.4E Riohard Bvlana Fred Bure Inger " Oreete Ciampi " 4 ^ 3 60�S.� hr. 2.43 hr, 1.76 Herbert R. Baton 4 46 hr. 1.84 46 Joseph 811eneon 4 ^ 9 ^ 58 hr, 2'34 86 �• 5'� Joseph Zlgaiet 5 " 6 hr, 3.04 Charley Engelbrete0n ° 33 ^ 6 br, 20.06 Sliea Fahr " 4 " 6 hr. 2.43 Gabriel Gagliardi "" 6 hr. 4.26 George Gunther 24 4 6 d hr. 14.50 Oe0ar Aslgren Bii 6 d hr. 6,16 Oeorge Heyes " 6 hr. 6.47 ed lund Frank Hedlund " 4 4 " 6 d hr, 2.43 0 n Reins n 6" B d hr. 3.04 . Otto Hees. 8 " 48a¢'• 3.90.1��q Adopted by the Council_ _. _�_�' Z 1���...-193.... Y—COUNCILMEN j„ M.Y .._r..._e a Pearce Is favor Approved_.._... .. _-193...... Roecn -Grrras- _ _..A6 Inst 11 ..el 1'ubusIIEDff 1L 37--- `" ` Mr. President M.b.. y �. -• - 'OVERTIMB FOR JA9ITOIL CONT -D, NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Werner Re -0 Jan. Eng• " 4 hr. 8 8 d hr, 6 hr, 2.43 4.86 Patrick Hickey " 6 n 6 V �• 3.04 Elmer Hintz 2 " 8 ¢ hr. 1.22 George P. Hodge 4 ° 4 hr. 1.88 Anton 8, Johnson 'vet Rahler 8 " 8 ¢ hr. 4.88 Hamilton Ranny Leonard M. Birchen 4 " 4 " 8 y�i hr. 48 hr. 2.43 1.86 Andrew A. Roletad 6 " 53�� hr. 3.25 Jo Rnetal.kl 4 " 60y-� hr, 2.43 eeph Nele Landberg " 8 " 60'� hr. hr. 4.86 4.86 Ova Linde Peter Linn u 4 " 4 ° 6� hr, 6 hr. 2.43 2.43 G.orge Loomle ° ° hr. 2.43 Giueeppi Lvc10 4 8., Thomas Lunzar 4 n 60hr, 2.43 Jobn Lynch James R, Lynn n 15 n hr. 9.11 Rmil Mahler " ° 4 4 ° 6 8 hr: 6 d hr. 2.43 2.43 Edward L, Maneka 2 " 68 hr. 1.17 William Manuel Leslie M. Miller ° 4 " 48 hr. 1.95 Lester Moller- ° S ° 6 " 6 6hr. 1.82 3.04 John Mombrae John Munkelwitz 4 °_ 66 hr. 2.24 Patrick Murnan 10 ° w 6 hr. 6 hrhr. 6.08 3.04 John Nelson Sylveat.r O'Connell ° 6 ° 5 . 6 ¢ 3.04 Wm. Oliphant ° ° 8 ° 4 ° 6 hr, 8 d hr. 3.86 2.43 Nels Paulson Robert P.armon ° 4 ° 110 ¢ hr. 2.43 Leo Peet ° 4 " 48 je hr. 1.86 Avguet Pet arson " " 4 " 5 " b hr. 88 hr. 2.15 2.96 Waldemar Richter 8 " 48 hr. 3.70 Frank Ritohet Henry Bohneider B ya hr. hr, 2.45 2.43 Otto gobneppNtreller Bert Seidler Wilbur SimoneRR Oscar Smoleneky - n 4 n q80 y,y: 60 hr. 1.95 2.43 Lloyd Spetzman _ a 14 ° 8000'x& hr. a G.61 7.29 alue Staffs Arthur Story " ° 12 4 7 b8 hr, 48 hr. 2.34 3.26 Herman A, Svendeen Christopher Tarte 4 n 4 6 Qhr. 80¢ hr. 2.43 2.43 Edward Thomas F45 rank O. Turnquist 4 n hr, 2.43 Sari Verby 6� Wm. Vie 1.8 4 " 60- hr. 2.43 3.04 Carl Warodell Jame" Watson n 5 n 849, hr� 20 ° 6 hr. 12.16 Max Werner Olbert Wood. u - 19 ^ 58 hr. 11.12 John A. Gahean Stat.Flreman 4 -8 2.43 Nio Berlin Jan. 2 °- b4 _hr. 1.09 Cl.arance Gregory Sch. Eng. 25 ° 72a hr. 18,19 • -3 OVERTIME FOR JANI�IRS CONT'D, NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL George- Lautner Stat.Fireman 14 hrs. 12 68 hr. 6 d hr. 8.19 7.29 Frank Linn Dewey Mlohele Jan. Eng Stwt. Fireman 4 ° 48 hr. 1.88 John Blomberg yen. Rng. 4 " 4 " .48 hr, 6 hr. 1,88 2.43 John Dip al " 4 " 8 hr, E.43 Erneet Wetss in Iph F. Goh.11 Jan. 2 " �� 54 d hr, 1.09 Thomaa R. Mulcahy stat. Fireman 6 " 6 " 604 hr. 72-d hr, 3.86 4,37 Henry 9prieet...bach Sch. Eng. R. Beck. trom Stat. Fireman 5 ° BOd hr. 3.04 Andrew Engstrom Hd. Jan. 6 e 64 Q hr, 4.34 Lyman G. Larson John Moberg Jan. 8tat.Fireman 12 Alfred Christ.neen 4 ° 48 hr, 1.96 Pierce Murphy 10 " 6 hr• 6.08 Henry Bauer Jan. Eng. 7}" 48 d hr. 3.66 Walter V, Lee 7} ° 61 hr. 3.8: ..amts M%.rmott Jan. Eng. 5 ° 7 ° 64 hr. 6 d hr. 1 9 4.68 Nicholas Stadtfeld Ja'. 4 6 d hr. 2.43 John Beokstrom 2b 68 a hr, 14,83 Gunn Johnson C erl Miller ° 4 ° bl 2.04 Joseph Fedlmeier " Stat.Fireman 6 : 4 80 hr, 6 hr. 3.8b 2.43 Maurloe Keefe David 0 -Regan Jan. Eng• - 5hr. 3 ° 6 hr, 3,04 1,82 George Gray Alfred Peterson " 11 ° 6 C hr. 6.68 Earl Foster ° 9 " 51 hr. 4,61 Issao W. Thompson ° 9 " 6 hr. 5,47 Is... Burlingame R ° 6 hr, 3.65 Albert H. Fuller 6 48 hr. 2.95 Wm. La -Chapelle 4 6 hr. 2.43 Victor L.wrenoe 12 ¢ hr. 7.29 Cherlee Stars 6} 58 hr. 5 3.80 Andrew Erinke on High 0-Donnell4 4 56 hr. 60°x¢ hr. 2.24 2.43 Joseph Sender " 4 60`� hr • 2.43 Zugust 0. Yaeger lith. Eng, 4 - 70 hr. 2.82 TOTAL - $455.91 FORM N0. 1 Dec. 1?1. 1932. 1932. An emergency has arisen Sn the Department of hduestion, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of cer- tain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: S b tituting Por janitor ho a- 111 and cleaningend thing at ahool buildinae This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and eircumetencee: Janitors Illness and special aetibittss at school b,11djamein khg evenings, This report is in accordance wit eti on 53 of the Charter. I�ity o[ SI. Dani ilepa[tment of �DU[atlan Mr. Irving C. Pearce, Commissioner of Education 0—tSouse, 8t. Paul, Minn. „Dear Mr. Pearce: December 22, 1972. An explanation of the large amount of overtime accompanying the December pay -roll of the Custodial division is as follows: 1. About 50% of this overtime 1s for special nlght activities which in prior years has been paid direct to the employees- now all fees for use of buildings are paid to the department and we assume the overtime paymen. E. About 30,4, is for Sunday firing due to the extreme cold weather. 3. Balance 20$ is for overtime because of sickness of regular employees during the recent flu epidemic in the schools. Yours very truly, i i Supervisor 9 SERIAL 110. OF ROLL DEPARTITNT�- ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP V-' PERMANENT RE TEIITI ON DATE TO BE DESTROYED 77-7-1-t-77, LIMITED RETENTION DATE IIICROFILVES, I)E ¢a / CONTENTS -j NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUM¢IT OF REGULAR CONTENTS C O NUMBER OR NAIE OF LAST DOCUI6NT FQCROFILIIED S Eel i Qi SICCIED Opera .or J OITIT CITY COUIITY MICROFILM BY Super, sor s i����� 6�i 4Z•lllll s i ���� � i • i VIII ,= 0.1 2 4 X o k 104 f F O�j rj